new DVIS-DAQ: Improving Video Segmentation via Dynamic Anchor Queries

Authors: Yikang Zhou, Tao Zhang, Shunping JI, Shuicheng Yan, Xiangtai Li

Abstract: Modern video segmentation methods adopt object queries to perform inter-frame association and demonstrate satisfactory performance in tracking continuously appearing objects despite large-scale motion and transient occlusion. However, they all underperform on newly emerging and disappearing objects that are common in the real world because they attempt to model object emergence and disappearance through feature transitions between background and foreground queries that have significant feature gaps. We introduce Dynamic Anchor Queries (DAQ) to shorten the transition gap between the anchor and target queries by dynamically generating anchor queries based on the features of potential candidates. Furthermore, we introduce a query-level object Emergence and Disappearance Simulation (EDS) strategy, which unleashes DAQ's potential without any additional cost. Finally, we combine our proposed DAQ and EDS with DVIS~\cite{zhang2023dvis} to obtain DVIS-DAQ. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DVIS-DAQ achieves a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on five mainstream video segmentation benchmarks. Code and models are available at \url{}.


new GDA: Generalized Diffusion for Robust Test-time Adaptation

Authors: Yun-Yun Tsai, Fu-Chen Chen, Albert Y. C. Chen, Junfeng Yang, Che-Chun Su, Min Sun, Cheng-Hao Kuo

Abstract: Machine learning models struggle with generalization when encountering out-of-distribution (OOD) samples with unexpected distribution shifts. For vision tasks, recent studies have shown that test-time adaptation employing diffusion models can achieve state-of-the-art accuracy improvements on OOD samples by generating new samples that align with the model's domain without the need to modify the model's weights. Unfortunately, those studies have primarily focused on pixel-level corruptions, thereby lacking the generalization to adapt to a broader range of OOD types. We introduce Generalized Diffusion Adaptation (GDA), a novel diffusion-based test-time adaptation method robust against diverse OOD types. Specifically, GDA iteratively guides the diffusion by applying a marginal entropy loss derived from the model, in conjunction with style and content preservation losses during the reverse sampling process. In other words, GDA considers the model's output behavior with the semantic information of the samples as a whole, which can reduce ambiguity in downstream tasks during the generation process. Evaluation across various popular model architectures and OOD benchmarks shows that GDA consistently outperforms prior work on diffusion-driven adaptation. Notably, it achieves the highest classification accuracy improvements, ranging from 4.4\% to 5.02\% on ImageNet-C and 2.5\% to 7.4\% on Rendition, Sketch, and Stylized benchmarks. This performance highlights GDA's generalization to a broader range of OOD benchmarks.

new Sparse Views, Near Light: A Practical Paradigm for Uncalibrated Point-light Photometric Stereo

Authors: Mohammed Brahimi, Bjoern Haefner, Zhenzhang Ye, Bastian Goldluecke, Daniel Cremers

Abstract: Neural approaches have shown a significant progress on camera-based reconstruction. But they require either a fairly dense sampling of the viewing sphere, or pre-training on an existing dataset, thereby limiting their generalizability. In contrast, photometric stereo (PS) approaches have shown great potential for achieving high-quality reconstruction under sparse viewpoints. Yet, they are impractical because they typically require tedious laboratory conditions, are restricted to dark rooms, and often multi-staged, making them subject to accumulated errors. To address these shortcomings, we propose an end-to-end uncalibrated multi-view PS framework for reconstructing high-resolution shapes acquired from sparse viewpoints in a real-world environment. We relax the dark room assumption, and allow a combination of static ambient lighting and dynamic near LED lighting, thereby enabling easy data capture outside the lab. Experimental validation confirms that it outperforms existing baseline approaches in the regime of sparse viewpoints by a large margin. This allows to bring high-accuracy 3D reconstruction from the dark room to the real world, while maintaining a reasonable data capture complexity.

new Robust Ensemble Person Re-Identification via Orthogonal Fusion with Occlusion Handling

Authors: Syeda Nyma Ferdous, Xin Li

Abstract: Occlusion remains one of the major challenges in person reidentification (ReID) as a result of the diversity of poses and the variation of appearances. Developing novel architectures to improve the robustness of occlusion-aware person Re-ID requires new insights, especially on low-resolution edge cameras. We propose a deep ensemble model that harnesses both CNN and Transformer architectures to generate robust feature representations. To achieve robust Re-ID without the need to manually label occluded regions, we propose to take an ensemble learning-based approach derived from the analogy between arbitrarily shaped occluded regions and robust feature representation. Using the orthogonality principle, our developed deep CNN model makes use of masked autoencoder (MAE) and global-local feature fusion for robust person identification. Furthermore, we present a part occlusion-aware transformer capable of learning feature space that is robust to occluded regions. Experimental results are reported on several Re-ID datasets to show the effectiveness of our developed ensemble model named orthogonal fusion with occlusion handling (OFOH). Compared to competing methods, the proposed OFOH approach has achieved competent rank-1 and mAP performance.

new Deepfake Sentry: Harnessing Ensemble Intelligence for Resilient Detection and Generalisation

Authors: Liviu-Daniel \c{S}tefan (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania), Dan-Cristian Stanciu (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania), Mihai Dogariu (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania), Mihai Gabriel Constantin (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania), Andrei Cosmin Jitaru (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania), Bogdan Ionescu (University "Politehnica" of Bucharest, Romania)

Abstract: Recent advancements in Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have enabled photorealistic image generation with high quality. However, the malicious use of such generated media has raised concerns regarding visual misinformation. Although deepfake detection research has demonstrated high accuracy, it is vulnerable to advances in generation techniques and adversarial iterations on detection countermeasures. To address this, we propose a proactive and sustainable deepfake training augmentation solution that introduces artificial fingerprints into models. We achieve this by employing an ensemble learning approach that incorporates a pool of autoencoders that mimic the effect of the artefacts introduced by the deepfake generator models. Experiments on three datasets reveal that our proposed ensemble autoencoder-based data augmentation learning approach offers improvements in terms of generalisation, resistance against basic data perturbations such as noise, blurring, sharpness enhancement, and affine transforms, resilience to commonly used lossy compression algorithms such as JPEG, and enhanced resistance against adversarial attacks.

new AgileFormer: Spatially Agile Transformer UNet for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Peijie Qiu, Jin Yang, Sayantan Kumar, Soumyendu Sekhar Ghosh, Aristeidis Sotiras

Abstract: In the past decades, deep neural networks, particularly convolutional neural networks, have achieved state-of-the-art performance in a variety of medical image segmentation tasks. Recently, the introduction of the vision transformer (ViT) has significantly altered the landscape of deep segmentation models. There has been a growing focus on ViTs, driven by their excellent performance and scalability. However, we argue that the current design of the vision transformer-based UNet (ViT-UNet) segmentation models may not effectively handle the heterogeneous appearance (e.g., varying shapes and sizes) of objects of interest in medical image segmentation tasks. To tackle this challenge, we present a structured approach to introduce spatially dynamic components to the ViT-UNet. This adaptation enables the model to effectively capture features of target objects with diverse appearances. This is achieved by three main components: \textbf{(i)} deformable patch embedding; \textbf{(ii)} spatially dynamic multi-head attention; \textbf{(iii)} deformable positional encoding. These components were integrated into a novel architecture, termed AgileFormer. AgileFormer is a spatially agile ViT-UNet designed for medical image segmentation. Experiments in three segmentation tasks using publicly available datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. The code is available at \href{}{}.


new FISBe: A real-world benchmark dataset for instance segmentation of long-range thin filamentous structures

Authors: Lisa Mais, Peter Hirsch, Claire Managan, Ramya Kandarpa, Josef Lorenz Rumberger, Annika Reinke, Lena Maier-Hein, Gudrun Ihrke, Dagmar Kainmueller

Abstract: Instance segmentation of neurons in volumetric light microscopy images of nervous systems enables groundbreaking research in neuroscience by facilitating joint functional and morphological analyses of neural circuits at cellular resolution. Yet said multi-neuron light microscopy data exhibits extremely challenging properties for the task of instance segmentation: Individual neurons have long-ranging, thin filamentous and widely branching morphologies, multiple neurons are tightly inter-weaved, and partial volume effects, uneven illumination and noise inherent to light microscopy severely impede local disentangling as well as long-range tracing of individual neurons. These properties reflect a current key challenge in machine learning research, namely to effectively capture long-range dependencies in the data. While respective methodological research is buzzing, to date methods are typically benchmarked on synthetic datasets. To address this gap, we release the FlyLight Instance Segmentation Benchmark (FISBe) dataset, the first publicly available multi-neuron light microscopy dataset with pixel-wise annotations. In addition, we define a set of instance segmentation metrics for benchmarking that we designed to be meaningful with regard to downstream analyses. Lastly, we provide three baselines to kick off a competition that we envision to both advance the field of machine learning regarding methodology for capturing long-range data dependencies, and facilitate scientific discovery in basic neuroscience.

new Fast OMP for Exact Recovery and Sparse Approximation

Authors: Huiyuan Yu, Jia He, Maggie Cheng

Abstract: Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) has been a powerful method in sparse signal recovery and approximation. However OMP suffers computational issue when the signal has large number of non-zeros. This paper advances OMP in two fronts: it offers a fast algorithm for the orthogonal projection of the input signal at each iteration, and a new selection criterion for making the greedy choice, which reduces the number of iterations it takes to recover the signal. The proposed modifications to OMP directly reduce the computational complexity. Experiment results show significant improvement over the classical OMP in computation time. The paper also provided a sufficient condition for exact recovery under the new greedy choice criterion. For general signals that may not have sparse representations, the paper provides a bound for the approximation error. The approximation error is at the same order as OMP but is obtained within fewer iterations and less time.

new VSRD: Instance-Aware Volumetric Silhouette Rendering for Weakly Supervised 3D Object Detection

Authors: Zihua Liu, Hiroki Sakuma, Masatoshi Okutomi

Abstract: Monocular 3D object detection poses a significant challenge in 3D scene understanding due to its inherently ill-posed nature in monocular depth estimation. Existing methods heavily rely on supervised learning using abundant 3D labels, typically obtained through expensive and labor-intensive annotation on LiDAR point clouds. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel weakly supervised 3D object detection framework named VSRD (Volumetric Silhouette Rendering for Detection) to train 3D object detectors without any 3D supervision but only weak 2D supervision. VSRD consists of multi-view 3D auto-labeling and subsequent training of monocular 3D object detectors using the pseudo labels generated in the auto-labeling stage. In the auto-labeling stage, we represent the surface of each instance as a signed distance field (SDF) and render its silhouette as an instance mask through our proposed instance-aware volumetric silhouette rendering. To directly optimize the 3D bounding boxes through rendering, we decompose the SDF of each instance into the SDF of a cuboid and the residual distance field (RDF) that represents the residual from the cuboid. This mechanism enables us to optimize the 3D bounding boxes in an end-to-end manner by comparing the rendered instance masks with the ground truth instance masks. The optimized 3D bounding boxes serve as effective training data for 3D object detection. We conduct extensive experiments on the KITTI-360 dataset, demonstrating that our method outperforms the existing weakly supervised 3D object detection methods. The code is available at


new CT respiratory motion synthesis using joint supervised and adversarial learning

Authors: Yi-Heng Cao, Vincent Bourbonne, Fran\c{c}ois Lucia, Ulrike Schick, Julien Bert, Vincent Jaouen, Dimitris Visvikis

Abstract: Objective: Four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) imaging consists in reconstructing a CT acquisition into multiple phases to track internal organ and tumor motion. It is commonly used in radiotherapy treatment planning to establish planning target volumes. However, 4DCT increases protocol complexity, may not align with patient breathing during treatment, and lead to higher radiation delivery. Approach: In this study, we propose a deep synthesis method to generate pseudo respiratory CT phases from static images for motion-aware treatment planning. The model produces patient-specific deformation vector fields (DVFs) by conditioning synthesis on external patient surface-based estimation, mimicking respiratory monitoring devices. A key methodological contribution is to encourage DVF realism through supervised DVF training while using an adversarial term jointly not only on the warped image but also on the magnitude of the DVF itself. This way, we avoid excessive smoothness typically obtained through deep unsupervised learning, and encourage correlations with the respiratory amplitude. Main results: Performance is evaluated using real 4DCT acquisitions with smaller tumor volumes than previously reported. Results demonstrate for the first time that the generated pseudo-respiratory CT phases can capture organ and tumor motion with similar accuracy to repeated 4DCT scans of the same patient. Mean inter-scans tumor center-of-mass distances and Dice similarity coefficients were $1.97$mm and $0.63$, respectively, for real 4DCT phases and $2.35$mm and $0.71$ for synthetic phases, and compares favorably to a state-of-the-art technique (RMSim).

new Uncovering Bias in Large Vision-Language Models with Counterfactuals

Authors: Phillip Howard, Anahita Bhiwandiwalla, Kathleen C. Fraser, Svetlana Kiritchenko

Abstract: With the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) possessing increasingly impressive capabilities, a number of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have been proposed to augment LLMs with visual inputs. Such models condition generated text on both an input image and a text prompt, enabling a variety of use cases such as visual question answering and multimodal chat. While prior studies have examined the social biases contained in text generated by LLMs, this topic has been relatively unexplored in LVLMs. Examining social biases in LVLMs is particularly challenging due to the confounding contributions of bias induced by information contained across the text and visual modalities. To address this challenging problem, we conduct a large-scale study of text generated by different LVLMs under counterfactual changes to input images. Specifically, we present LVLMs with identical open-ended text prompts while conditioning on images from different counterfactual sets, where each set contains images which are largely identical in their depiction of a common subject (e.g., a doctor), but vary only in terms of intersectional social attributes (e.g., race and gender). We comprehensively evaluate the text produced by different LVLMs under this counterfactual generation setting and find that social attributes such as race, gender, and physical characteristics depicted in input images can significantly influence toxicity and the generation of competency-associated words.

new Multi-Level Neural Scene Graphs for Dynamic Urban Environments

Authors: Tobias Fischer, Lorenzo Porzi, Samuel Rota Bul\`o, Marc Pollefeys, Peter Kontschieder

Abstract: We estimate the radiance field of large-scale dynamic areas from multiple vehicle captures under varying environmental conditions. Previous works in this domain are either restricted to static environments, do not scale to more than a single short video, or struggle to separately represent dynamic object instances. To this end, we present a novel, decomposable radiance field approach for dynamic urban environments. We propose a multi-level neural scene graph representation that scales to thousands of images from dozens of sequences with hundreds of fast-moving objects. To enable efficient training and rendering of our representation, we develop a fast composite ray sampling and rendering scheme. To test our approach in urban driving scenarios, we introduce a new, novel view synthesis benchmark. We show that our approach outperforms prior art by a significant margin on both established and our proposed benchmark while being faster in training and rendering.

new Universal Bovine Identification via Depth Data and Deep Metric Learning

Authors: Asheesh Sharma, Lucy Randewich, William Andrew, Sion Hannuna, Neill Campbell, Siobhan Mullan, Andrew W. Dowsey, Melvyn Smith, Mark Hansen, Tilo Burghardt

Abstract: This paper proposes and evaluates, for the first time, a top-down (dorsal view), depth-only deep learning system for accurately identifying individual cattle and provides associated code, datasets, and training weights for immediate reproducibility. An increase in herd size skews the cow-to-human ratio at the farm and makes the manual monitoring of individuals more challenging. Therefore, real-time cattle identification is essential for the farms and a crucial step towards precision livestock farming. Underpinned by our previous work, this paper introduces a deep-metric learning method for cattle identification using depth data from an off-the-shelf 3D camera. The method relies on CNN and MLP backbones that learn well-generalised embedding spaces from the body shape to differentiate individuals -- requiring neither species-specific coat patterns nor close-up muzzle prints for operation. The network embeddings are clustered using a simple algorithm such as $k$-NN for highly accurate identification, thus eliminating the need to retrain the network for enrolling new individuals. We evaluate two backbone architectures, ResNet, as previously used to identify Holstein Friesians using RGB images, and PointNet, which is specialised to operate on 3D point clouds. We also present CowDepth2023, a new dataset containing 21,490 synchronised colour-depth image pairs of 99 cows, to evaluate the backbones. Both ResNet and PointNet architectures, which consume depth maps and point clouds, respectively, led to high accuracy that is on par with the coat pattern-based backbone.

new Multi-Region Transfer Learning for Segmentation of Crop Field Boundaries in Satellite Images with Limited Labels

Authors: Hannah Kerner, Saketh Sundar, Mathan Satish

Abstract: The goal of field boundary delineation is to predict the polygonal boundaries and interiors of individual crop fields in overhead remotely sensed images (e.g., from satellites or drones). Automatic delineation of field boundaries is a necessary task for many real-world use cases in agriculture, such as estimating cultivated area in a region or predicting end-of-season yield in a field. Field boundary delineation can be framed as an instance segmentation problem, but presents unique research challenges compared to traditional computer vision datasets used for instance segmentation. The practical applicability of previous work is also limited by the assumption that a sufficiently-large labeled dataset is available where field boundary delineation models will be applied, which is not the reality for most regions (especially under-resourced regions such as Sub-Saharan Africa). We present an approach for segmentation of crop field boundaries in satellite images in regions lacking labeled data that uses multi-region transfer learning to adapt model weights for the target region. We show that our approach outperforms existing methods and that multi-region transfer learning substantially boosts performance for multiple model architectures. Our implementation and datasets are publicly available to enable use of the approach by end-users and serve as a benchmark for future work.

new On Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Active Vision Systems

Authors: Amitangshu Mukherjee, Timur Ibrayev, Kaushik Roy

Abstract: Current Deep Neural Networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which alter their predictions by adding carefully crafted noise. Since human eyes are robust to such inputs, it is possible that the vulnerability stems from the standard way of processing inputs in one shot by processing every pixel with the same importance. In contrast, neuroscience suggests that the human vision system can differentiate salient features by (1) switching between multiple fixation points (saccades) and (2) processing the surrounding with a non-uniform external resolution (foveation). In this work, we advocate that the integration of such active vision mechanisms into current deep learning systems can offer robustness benefits. Specifically, we empirically demonstrate the inherent robustness of two active vision methods - GFNet and FALcon - under a black box threat model. By learning and inferencing based on downsampled glimpses obtained from multiple distinct fixation points within an input, we show that these active methods achieve (2-3) times greater robustness compared to a standard passive convolutional network under state-of-the-art adversarial attacks. More importantly, we provide illustrative and interpretable visualization analysis that demonstrates how performing inference from distinct fixation points makes active vision methods less vulnerable to malicious inputs.

new Optimal Blackjack Strategy Recommender: A Comprehensive Study on Computer Vision Integration for Enhanced Gameplay

Authors: Krishnanshu Gupta, Devon Bolt, Ben Hinchliff

Abstract: This research project investigates the application of several computer vision techniques for playing card detection and recognition in the context of the popular casino game, blackjack. The primary objective is to develop a robust system that is capable of detecting and accurately classifying playing cards in real-time, and displaying the optimal move recommendation based on the given image of the current game. The proposed methodology involves using K-Means for image segmentation, card reprojection and feature extraction, training of the KNN classifier using a labeled dataset, and integration of the detection system into a Blackjack Basic Strategy recommendation algorithm. Further, the study aims to observe the effectiveness of this approach in detecting various card designs under different lighting conditions and occlusions. Overall, the project examines the potential benefits of incorporating computer vision techniques, with a specific focus on card detection, into commonly played games aiming to enhance player decision-making and optimize strategic outcomes. The results obtained from our experimental evaluations with models developed under considerable time constraints, highlight the potential for practical implementation in real-world casino environments and across other similarly structured games.

new Design as Desired: Utilizing Visual Question Answering for Multimodal Pre-training

Authors: Tongkun Su, Jun Li, Xi Zhang, Haibo Jin, Hao Chen, Qiong Wang, Faqin Lv, Baoliang Zhao, Yin Hu

Abstract: Multimodal pre-training demonstrates its potential in the medical domain, which learns medical visual representations from paired medical reports. However, many pre-training tasks require extra annotations from clinicians, and most of them fail to explicitly guide the model to learn the desired features of different pathologies. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to utilize Visual Question Answering (VQA) for multimodal pre-training to guide the framework focusing on targeted pathological features. In this work, we leverage descriptions in medical reports to design multi-granular question-answer pairs associated with different diseases, which assist the framework in pre-training without requiring extra annotations from experts. We also propose a novel pre-training framework with a quasi-textual feature transformer, a module designed to transform visual features into a quasi-textual space closer to the textual domain via a contrastive learning strategy. This narrows the vision-language gap and facilitates modality alignment. Our framework is applied to four downstream tasks: report generation, classification, segmentation, and detection across five datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be released upon acceptance.

new Latent Watermark: Inject and Detect Watermarks in Latent Diffusion Space

Authors: Zheling Meng, Bo Peng, Jing Dong

Abstract: Watermarking is a tool for actively identifying and attributing the images generated by latent diffusion models. Existing methods face the dilemma of watermark robustness and image quality. The reason for this dilemma is that watermark detection is performed in pixel space, implying an intrinsic link between image quality and watermark robustness. In this paper, we highlight that an effective solution to the problem is to both inject and detect watermarks in latent space, and propose Latent Watermark (LW) with a progressive training strategy. Experiments show that compared to the recently proposed methods such as StegaStamp, StableSignature, RoSteALS and TreeRing, LW not only surpasses them in terms of robustness but also offers superior image quality. When we inject 64-bit messages, LW can achieve an identification performance close to 100% and an attribution performance above 97% under 9 single-attack scenarios and one all-attack scenario. Our code will be available on GitHub.

new Attention-based Shape-Deformation Networks for Artifact-Free Geometry Reconstruction of Lumbar Spine from MR Images

Authors: Linchen Qian, Jiasong Chen, Linhai Ma, Timur Urakov, Weiyong Gu, Liang Liang

Abstract: Lumbar disc degeneration, a progressive structural wear and tear of lumbar intervertebral disc, is regarded as an essential role on low back pain, a significant global health concern. Automated lumbar spine geometry reconstruction from MR images will enable fast measurement of medical parameters to evaluate the lumbar status, in order to determine a suitable treatment. Existing image segmentation-based techniques often generate erroneous segments or unstructured point clouds, unsuitable for medical parameter measurement. In this work, we present TransDeformer: a novel attention-based deep learning approach that reconstructs the contours of the lumbar spine with high spatial accuracy and mesh correspondence across patients, and we also present a variant of TransDeformer for error estimation. Specially, we devise new attention modules with a new attention formula, which integrates image features and tokenized contour features to predict the displacements of the points on a shape template without the need for image segmentation. The deformed template reveals the lumbar spine geometry in the input image. We develop a multi-stage training strategy to enhance model robustness with respect to template initialization. Experiment results show that our TransDeformer generates artifact-free geometry outputs, and its variant predicts the error of a reconstructed geometry. Our code is available at


new Grid Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation

Authors: Taegyeong Lee, Soyeong Kwon, Taehwan Kim

Abstract: Recent advances in the diffusion models have significantly improved text-to-image generation. However, generating videos from text is a more challenging task than generating images from text, due to the much larger dataset and higher computational cost required. Most existing video generation methods use either a 3D U-Net architecture that considers the temporal dimension or autoregressive generation. These methods require large datasets and are limited in terms of computational costs compared to text-to-image generation. To tackle these challenges, we propose a simple but effective novel grid diffusion for text-to-video generation without temporal dimension in architecture and a large text-video paired dataset. We can generate a high-quality video using a fixed amount of GPU memory regardless of the number of frames by representing the video as a grid image. Additionally, since our method reduces the dimensions of the video to the dimensions of the image, various image-based methods can be applied to videos, such as text-guided video manipulation from image manipulation. Our proposed method outperforms the existing methods in both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, demonstrating the suitability of our model for real-world video generation.

new YOLOOC: YOLO-based Open-Class Incremental Object Detection with Novel Class Discovery

Authors: Qian Wan, Xiang Xiang, Qinhao Zhou

Abstract: Because of its use in practice, open-world object detection (OWOD) has gotten a lot of attention recently. The challenge is how can a model detect novel classes and then incrementally learn them without forgetting previously known classes. Previous approaches hinge on strongly-supervised or weakly-supervised novel-class data for novel-class detection, which may not apply to real applications. We construct a new benchmark that novel classes are only encountered at the inference stage. And we propose a new OWOD detector YOLOOC, based on the YOLO architecture yet for the Open-Class setup. We introduce label smoothing to prevent the detector from over-confidently mapping novel classes to known classes and to discover novel classes. Extensive experiments conducted on our more realistic setup demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for discovering novel classes in our new benchmark.

new Exploiting Self-Supervised Constraints in Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Gang Wu, Junjun Jiang, Kui Jiang, Xianming Liu

Abstract: Recent advances in self-supervised learning, predominantly studied in high-level visual tasks, have been explored in low-level image processing. This paper introduces a novel self-supervised constraint for single image super-resolution, termed SSC-SR. SSC-SR uniquely addresses the divergence in image complexity by employing a dual asymmetric paradigm and a target model updated via exponential moving average to enhance stability. The proposed SSC-SR framework works as a plug-and-play paradigm and can be easily applied to existing SR models. Empirical evaluations reveal that our SSC-SR framework delivers substantial enhancements on a variety of benchmark datasets, achieving an average increase of 0.1 dB over EDSR and 0.06 dB over SwinIR. In addition, extensive ablation studies corroborate the effectiveness of each constituent in our SSC-SR framework. Codes are available at


new Image-to-Image Matching via Foundation Models: A New Perspective for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Yuan Wang, Rui Sun, Naisong Luo, Yuwen Pan, Tianzhu Zhang

Abstract: Open-vocabulary semantic segmentation (OVS) aims to segment images of arbitrary categories specified by class labels or captions. However, most previous best-performing methods, whether pixel grouping methods or region recognition methods, suffer from false matches between image features and category labels. We attribute this to the natural gap between the textual features and visual features. In this work, we rethink how to mitigate false matches from the perspective of image-to-image matching and propose a novel relation-aware intra-modal matching (RIM) framework for OVS based on visual foundation models. RIM achieves robust region classification by firstly constructing diverse image-modal reference features and then matching them with region features based on relation-aware ranking distribution. The proposed RIM enjoys several merits. First, the intra-modal reference features are better aligned, circumventing potential ambiguities that may arise in cross-modal matching. Second, the ranking-based matching process harnesses the structure information implicit in the inter-class relationships, making it more robust than comparing individually. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate that RIM outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by large margins, obtaining a lead of more than 10% in mIoU on PASCAL VOC benchmark.

new IPoD: Implicit Field Learning with Point Diffusion for Generalizable 3D Object Reconstruction from Single RGB-D Images

Authors: Yushuang Wu, Luyue Shi, Junhao Cai, Weihao Yuan, Lingteng Qiu, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Shuguang Cui, Xiaoguang Han

Abstract: Generalizable 3D object reconstruction from single-view RGB-D images remains a challenging task, particularly with real-world data. Current state-of-the-art methods develop Transformer-based implicit field learning, necessitating an intensive learning paradigm that requires dense query-supervision uniformly sampled throughout the entire space. We propose a novel approach, IPoD, which harmonizes implicit field learning with point diffusion. This approach treats the query points for implicit field learning as a noisy point cloud for iterative denoising, allowing for their dynamic adaptation to the target object shape. Such adaptive query points harness diffusion learning's capability for coarse shape recovery and also enhances the implicit representation's ability to delineate finer details. Besides, an additional self-conditioning mechanism is designed to use implicit predictions as the guidance of diffusion learning, leading to a cooperative system. Experiments conducted on the CO3D-v2 dataset affirm the superiority of IPoD, achieving 7.8% improvement in F-score and 28.6% in Chamfer distance over existing methods. The generalizability of IPoD is also demonstrated on the MVImgNet dataset. Our project page is at


new HSIMamba: Hyperpsectral Imaging Efficient Feature Learning with Bidirectional State Space for Classification

Authors: Judy X Yang, Jun Zhou, Jing Wang, Hui Tian, Alan Wee Chung Liew

Abstract: Classifying hyperspectral images is a difficult task in remote sensing, due to their complex high-dimensional data. To address this challenge, we propose HSIMamba, a novel framework that uses bidirectional reversed convolutional neural network pathways to extract spectral features more efficiently. Additionally, it incorporates a specialized block for spatial analysis. Our approach combines the operational efficiency of CNNs with the dynamic feature extraction capability of attention mechanisms found in Transformers. However, it avoids the associated high computational demands. HSIMamba is designed to process data bidirectionally, significantly enhancing the extraction of spectral features and integrating them with spatial information for comprehensive analysis. This approach improves classification accuracy beyond current benchmarks and addresses computational inefficiencies encountered with advanced models like Transformers. HSIMamba were tested against three widely recognized datasets Houston 2013, Indian Pines, and Pavia University and demonstrated exceptional performance, surpassing existing state-of-the-art models in HSI classification. This method highlights the methodological innovation of HSIMamba and its practical implications, which are particularly valuable in contexts where computational resources are limited. HSIMamba redefines the standards of efficiency and accuracy in HSI classification, thereby enhancing the capabilities of remote sensing applications. Hyperspectral imaging has become a crucial tool for environmental surveillance, agriculture, and other critical areas that require detailed analysis of the Earth surface. Please see our code in HSIMamba for more details.

new Look-Around Before You Leap: High-Frequency Injected Transformer for Image Restoration

Authors: Shihao Zhou, Duosheng Chen, Jinshan Pan, Jufeng Yang

Abstract: Transformer-based approaches have achieved superior performance in image restoration, since they can model long-term dependencies well. However, the limitation in capturing local information restricts their capacity to remove degradations. While existing approaches attempt to mitigate this issue by incorporating convolutional operations, the core component in Transformer, i.e., self-attention, which serves as a low-pass filter, could unintentionally dilute or even eliminate the acquired local patterns. In this paper, we propose HIT, a simple yet effective High-frequency Injected Transformer for image restoration. Specifically, we design a window-wise injection module (WIM), which incorporates abundant high-frequency details into the feature map, to provide reliable references for restoring high-quality images. We also develop a bidirectional interaction module (BIM) to aggregate features at different scales using a mutually reinforced paradigm, resulting in spatially and contextually improved representations. In addition, we introduce a spatial enhancement unit (SEU) to preserve essential spatial relationships that may be lost due to the computations carried out across channel dimensions in the BIM. Extensive experiments on 9 tasks (real noise, real rain streak, raindrop, motion blur, moir\'e, shadow, snow, haze, and low-light condition) demonstrate that HIT with linear computational complexity performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods. The source code and pre-trained models will be available at


new Long-Tailed Recognition on Binary Networks by Calibrating A Pre-trained Model

Authors: Jihun Kim, Dahyun Kim, Hyungrok Jung, Taeil Oh, Jonghyun Choi

Abstract: Deploying deep models in real-world scenarios entails a number of challenges, including computational efficiency and real-world (e.g., long-tailed) data distributions. We address the combined challenge of learning long-tailed distributions using highly resource-efficient binary neural networks as backbones. Specifically, we propose a calibrate-and-distill framework that uses off-the-shelf pretrained full-precision models trained on balanced datasets to use as teachers for distillation when learning binary networks on long-tailed datasets. To better generalize to various datasets, we further propose a novel adversarial balancing among the terms in the objective function and an efficient multiresolution learning scheme. We conducted the largest empirical study in the literature using 15 datasets, including newly derived long-tailed datasets from existing balanced datasets, and show that our proposed method outperforms prior art by large margins (>14.33% on average).

new Seeing the Unseen: A Frequency Prompt Guided Transformer for Image Restoration

Authors: Shihao Zhou, Jinshan Pan, Jinglei Shi, Duosheng Chen, Lishen Qu, Jufeng Yang

Abstract: How to explore useful features from images as prompts to guide the deep image restoration models is an effective way to solve image restoration. In contrast to mining spatial relations within images as prompt, which leads to characteristics of different frequencies being neglected and further remaining subtle or undetectable artifacts in the restored image, we develop a Frequency Prompting image restoration method, dubbed FPro, which can effectively provide prompt components from a frequency perspective to guild the restoration model address these differences. Specifically, we first decompose input features into separate frequency parts via dynamically learned filters, where we introduce a gating mechanism for suppressing the less informative elements within the kernels. To propagate useful frequency information as prompt, we then propose a dual prompt block, consisting of a low-frequency prompt modulator (LPM) and a high-frequency prompt modulator (HPM), to handle signals from different bands respectively. Each modulator contains a generation process to incorporate prompting components into the extracted frequency maps, and a modulation part that modifies the prompt feature with the guidance of the decoder features. Experimental results on commonly used benchmarks have demonstrated the favorable performance of our pipeline against SOTA methods on 5 image restoration tasks, including deraining, deraindrop, demoir\'eing, deblurring, and dehazing. The source code and pre-trained models will be available at


new LAKE-RED: Camouflaged Images Generation by Latent Background Knowledge Retrieval-Augmented Diffusion

Authors: Pancheng Zhao, Peng Xu, Pengda Qin, Deng-Ping Fan, Zhicheng Zhang, Guoli Jia, Bowen Zhou, Jufeng Yang

Abstract: Camouflaged vision perception is an important vision task with numerous practical applications. Due to the expensive collection and labeling costs, this community struggles with a major bottleneck that the species category of its datasets is limited to a small number of object species. However, the existing camouflaged generation methods require specifying the background manually, thus failing to extend the camouflaged sample diversity in a low-cost manner. In this paper, we propose a Latent Background Knowledge Retrieval-Augmented Diffusion (LAKE-RED) for camouflaged image generation. To our knowledge, our contributions mainly include: (1) For the first time, we propose a camouflaged generation paradigm that does not need to receive any background inputs. (2) Our LAKE-RED is the first knowledge retrieval-augmented method with interpretability for camouflaged generation, in which we propose an idea that knowledge retrieval and reasoning enhancement are separated explicitly, to alleviate the task-specific challenges. Moreover, our method is not restricted to specific foreground targets or backgrounds, offering a potential for extending camouflaged vision perception to more diverse domains. (3) Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing approaches, generating more realistic camouflage images.

new HOI-M3:Capture Multiple Humans and Objects Interaction within Contextual Environment

Authors: Juze Zhang, Jingyan Zhang, Zining Song, Zhanhe Shi, Chengfeng Zhao, Ye Shi, Jingyi Yu, Lan Xu, Jingya Wang

Abstract: Humans naturally interact with both others and the surrounding multiple objects, engaging in various social activities. However, recent advances in modeling human-object interactions mostly focus on perceiving isolated individuals and objects, due to fundamental data scarcity. In this paper, we introduce HOI-M3, a novel large-scale dataset for modeling the interactions of Multiple huMans and Multiple objects. Notably, it provides accurate 3D tracking for both humans and objects from dense RGB and object-mounted IMU inputs, covering 199 sequences and 181M frames of diverse humans and objects under rich activities. With the unique HOI-M3 dataset, we introduce two novel data-driven tasks with companion strong baselines: monocular capture and unstructured generation of multiple human-object interactions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our dataset is challenging and worthy of further research about multiple human-object interactions and behavior analysis. Our HOI-M3 dataset, corresponding codes, and pre-trained models will be disseminated to the community for future research.

new Monocular Identity-Conditioned Facial Reflectance Reconstruction

Authors: Xingyu Ren, Jiankang Deng, Yuhao Cheng, Jia Guo, Chao Ma, Yichao Yan, Wenhan Zhu, Xiaokang Yang

Abstract: Recent 3D face reconstruction methods have made remarkable advancements, yet there remain huge challenges in monocular high-quality facial reflectance reconstruction. Existing methods rely on a large amount of light-stage captured data to learn facial reflectance models. However, the lack of subject diversity poses challenges in achieving good generalization and widespread applicability. In this paper, we learn the reflectance prior in image space rather than UV space and present a framework named ID2Reflectance. Our framework can directly estimate the reflectance maps of a single image while using limited reflectance data for training. Our key insight is that reflectance data shares facial structures with RGB faces, which enables obtaining expressive facial prior from inexpensive RGB data thus reducing the dependency on reflectance data. We first learn a high-quality prior for facial reflectance. Specifically, we pretrain multi-domain facial feature codebooks and design a codebook fusion method to align the reflectance and RGB domains. Then, we propose an identity-conditioned swapping module that injects facial identity from the target image into the pre-trained autoencoder to modify the identity of the source reflectance image. Finally, we stitch multi-view swapped reflectance images to obtain renderable assets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method exhibits excellent generalization capability and achieves state-of-the-art facial reflectance reconstruction results for in-the-wild faces. Our project page is


new ST-LLM: Large Language Models Are Effective Temporal Learners

Authors: Ruyang Liu, Chen Li, Haoran Tang, Yixiao Ge, Ying Shan, Ge Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased impressive capabilities in text comprehension and generation, prompting research efforts towards video LLMs to facilitate human-AI interaction at the video level. However, how to effectively encode and understand videos in video-based dialogue systems remains to be solved. In this paper, we investigate a straightforward yet unexplored question: Can we feed all spatial-temporal tokens into the LLM, thus delegating the task of video sequence modeling to the LLMs? Surprisingly, this simple approach yields significant improvements in video understanding. Based upon this, we propose ST-LLM, an effective video-LLM baseline with Spatial-Temporal sequence modeling inside LLM. Furthermore, to address the overhead and stability issues introduced by uncompressed video tokens within LLMs, we develop a dynamic masking strategy with tailor-made training objectives. For particularly long videos, we have also designed a global-local input module to balance efficiency and effectiveness. Consequently, we harness LLM for proficient spatial-temporal modeling, while upholding efficiency and stability. Extensive experimental results attest to the effectiveness of our method. Through a more concise model and training pipeline, ST-LLM establishes a new state-of-the-art result on VideoChatGPT-Bench and MVBench. Codes have been available at


new Bayesian Exploration of Pre-trained Models for Low-shot Image Classification

Authors: Yibo Miao, Yu Lei, Feng Zhou, Zhijie Deng

Abstract: Low-shot image classification is a fundamental task in computer vision, and the emergence of large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP has greatly advanced the forefront of research in this field. However, most existing CLIP-based methods lack the flexibility to effectively incorporate other pre-trained models that encompass knowledge distinct from CLIP. To bridge the gap, this work proposes a simple and effective probabilistic model ensemble framework based on Gaussian processes, which have previously demonstrated remarkable efficacy in processing small data. We achieve the integration of prior knowledge by specifying the mean function with CLIP and the kernel function with an ensemble of deep kernels built upon various pre-trained models. By regressing the classification label directly, our framework enables analytical inference, straightforward uncertainty quantification, and principled hyper-parameter tuning. Through extensive experiments on standard benchmarks, we demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms competitive ensemble baselines regarding predictive performance. Additionally, we assess the robustness of our method and the quality of the yielded uncertainty estimates on out-of-distribution datasets. We also illustrate that our method, despite relying on label regression, still enjoys superior model calibration compared to most deterministic baselines.

new Harmonizing Light and Darkness: A Symphony of Prior-guided Data Synthesis and Adaptive Focus for Nighttime Flare Removal

Authors: Lishen Qu, Shihao Zhou, Jinshan Pan, Jinglei Shi, Duosheng Chen, Jufeng Yang

Abstract: Intense light sources often produce flares in captured images at night, which deteriorates the visual quality and negatively affects downstream applications. In order to train an effective flare removal network, a reliable dataset is essential. The mainstream flare removal datasets are semi-synthetic to reduce human labour, but these datasets do not cover typical scenarios involving multiple scattering flares. To tackle this issue, we synthesize a prior-guided dataset named Flare7K*, which contains multi-flare images where the brightness of flares adheres to the laws of illumination. Besides, flares tend to occupy localized regions of the image but existing networks perform flare removal on the entire image and sometimes modify clean areas incorrectly. Therefore, we propose a plug-and-play Adaptive Focus Module (AFM) that can adaptively mask the clean background areas and assist models in focusing on the regions severely affected by flares. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our data synthesis method can better simulate real-world scenes and several models equipped with AFM achieve state-of-the-art performance on the real-world test dataset.

new Instrument-tissue Interaction Detection Framework for Surgical Video Understanding

Authors: Wenjun Lin, Yan Hu, Huazhu Fu, Mingming Yang, Chin-Boon Chng, Ryo Kawasaki, Cheekong Chui, Jiang Liu

Abstract: Instrument-tissue interaction detection task, which helps understand surgical activities, is vital for constructing computer-assisted surgery systems but with many challenges. Firstly, most models represent instrument-tissue interaction in a coarse-grained way which only focuses on classification and lacks the ability to automatically detect instruments and tissues. Secondly, existing works do not fully consider relations between intra- and inter-frame of instruments and tissues. In the paper, we propose to represent instrument-tissue interaction as quintuple and present an Instrument-Tissue Interaction Detection Network (ITIDNet) to detect the quintuple for surgery videos understanding. Specifically, we propose a Snippet Consecutive Feature (SCF) Layer to enhance features by modeling relationships of proposals in the current frame using global context information in the video snippet. We also propose a Spatial Corresponding Attention (SCA) Layer to incorporate features of proposals between adjacent frames through spatial encoding. To reason relationships between instruments and tissues, a Temporal Graph (TG) Layer is proposed with intra-frame connections to exploit relationships between instruments and tissues in the same frame and inter-frame connections to model the temporal information for the same instance. For evaluation, we build a cataract surgery video (PhacoQ) dataset and a cholecystectomy surgery video (CholecQ) dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the promising performance of our model, which outperforms other state-of-the-art models on both datasets.

new CLIP-driven Outliers Synthesis for few-shot OOD detection

Authors: Hao Sun, Rundong He, Zhongyi Han, Zhicong Lin, Yongshun Gong, Yilong Yin

Abstract: Few-shot OOD detection focuses on recognizing out-of-distribution (OOD) images that belong to classes unseen during training, with the use of only a small number of labeled in-distribution (ID) images. Up to now, a mainstream strategy is based on large-scale vision-language models, such as CLIP. However, these methods overlook a crucial issue: the lack of reliable OOD supervision information, which can lead to biased boundaries between in-distribution (ID) and OOD. To tackle this problem, we propose CLIP-driven Outliers Synthesis~(CLIP-OS). Firstly, CLIP-OS enhances patch-level features' perception by newly proposed patch uniform convolution, and adaptively obtains the proportion of ID-relevant information by employing CLIP-surgery-discrepancy, thus achieving separation between ID-relevant and ID-irrelevant. Next, CLIP-OS synthesizes reliable OOD data by mixing up ID-relevant features from different classes to provide OOD supervision information. Afterward, CLIP-OS leverages synthetic OOD samples by unknown-aware prompt learning to enhance the separability of ID and OOD. Extensive experiments across multiple benchmarks demonstrate that CLIP-OS achieves superior few-shot OOD detection capability.

new Memory-Scalable and Simplified Functional Map Learning

Authors: Robin Magnet, Maks Ovsjanikov

Abstract: Deep functional maps have emerged in recent years as a prominent learning-based framework for non-rigid shape matching problems. While early methods in this domain only focused on learning in the functional domain, the latest techniques have demonstrated that by promoting consistency between functional and pointwise maps leads to significant improvements in accuracy. Unfortunately, existing approaches rely heavily on the computation of large dense matrices arising from soft pointwise maps, which compromises their efficiency and scalability. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel memory-scalable and efficient functional map learning pipeline. By leveraging the specific structure of functional maps, we offer the possibility to achieve identical results without ever storing the pointwise map in memory. Furthermore, based on the same approach, we present a differentiable map refinement layer adapted from an existing axiomatic refinement algorithm. Unlike many functional map learning methods, which use this algorithm at a post-processing step, ours can be easily used at train time, enabling to enforce consistency between the refined and initial versions of the map. Our resulting approach is both simpler, more efficient and more numerically stable, by avoiding differentiation through a linear system, while achieving close to state-of-the-art results in challenging scenarios.

new Learing Trimaps via Clicks for Image Matting

Authors: Chenyi Zhang, Yihan Hu, Henghui Ding, Humphrey Shi, Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei

Abstract: Despite significant advancements in image matting, existing models heavily depend on manually-drawn trimaps for accurate results in natural image scenarios. However, the process of obtaining trimaps is time-consuming, lacking user-friendliness and device compatibility. This reliance greatly limits the practical application of all trimap-based matting methods. To address this issue, we introduce Click2Trimap, an interactive model capable of predicting high-quality trimaps and alpha mattes with minimal user click inputs. Through analyzing real users' behavioral logic and characteristics of trimaps, we successfully propose a powerful iterative three-class training strategy and a dedicated simulation function, making Click2Trimap exhibit versatility across various scenarios. Quantitative and qualitative assessments on synthetic and real-world matting datasets demonstrate Click2Trimap's superior performance compared to all existing trimap-free matting methods. Especially, in the user study, Click2Trimap achieves high-quality trimap and matting predictions in just an average of 5 seconds per image, demonstrating its substantial practical value in real-world applications.

new MaGRITTe: Manipulative and Generative 3D Realization from Image, Topview and Text

Authors: Takayuki Hara, Tatsuya Harada

Abstract: The generation of 3D scenes from user-specified conditions offers a promising avenue for alleviating the production burden in 3D applications. Previous studies required significant effort to realize the desired scene, owing to limited control conditions. We propose a method for controlling and generating 3D scenes under multimodal conditions using partial images, layout information represented in the top view, and text prompts. Combining these conditions to generate a 3D scene involves the following significant difficulties: (1) the creation of large datasets, (2) reflection on the interaction of multimodal conditions, and (3) domain dependence of the layout conditions. We decompose the process of 3D scene generation into 2D image generation from the given conditions and 3D scene generation from 2D images. 2D image generation is achieved by fine-tuning a pretrained text-to-image model with a small artificial dataset of partial images and layouts, and 3D scene generation is achieved by layout-conditioned depth estimation and neural radiance fields (NeRF), thereby avoiding the creation of large datasets. The use of a common representation of spatial information using 360-degree images allows for the consideration of multimodal condition interactions and reduces the domain dependence of the layout control. The experimental results qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrated that the proposed method can generate 3D scenes in diverse domains, from indoor to outdoor, according to multimodal conditions.

new SGDFormer: One-stage Transformer-based Architecture for Cross-Spectral Stereo Image Guided Denoising

Authors: Runmin Zhang, Zhu Yu, Zehua Sheng, Jiacheng Ying, Si-Yuan Cao, Shu-Jie Chen, Bailin Yang, Junwei Li, Hui-Liang Shen

Abstract: Cross-spectral image guided denoising has shown its great potential in recovering clean images with rich details, such as using the near-infrared image to guide the denoising process of the visible one. To obtain such image pairs, a feasible and economical way is to employ a stereo system, which is widely used on mobile devices. Current works attempt to generate an aligned guidance image to handle the disparity between two images. However, due to occlusion, spectral differences and noise degradation, the aligned guidance image generally exists ghosting and artifacts, leading to an unsatisfactory denoised result. To address this issue, we propose a one-stage transformer-based architecture, named SGDFormer, for cross-spectral Stereo image Guided Denoising. The architecture integrates the correspondence modeling and feature fusion of stereo images into a unified network. Our transformer block contains a noise-robust cross-attention (NRCA) module and a spatially variant feature fusion (SVFF) module. The NRCA module captures the long-range correspondence of two images in a coarse-to-fine manner to alleviate the interference of noise. The SVFF module further enhances salient structures and suppresses harmful artifacts through dynamically selecting useful information. Thanks to the above design, our SGDFormer can restore artifact-free images with fine structures, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on various datasets. Additionally, our SGDFormer can be extended to handle other unaligned cross-model guided restoration tasks such as guided depth super-resolution.

new Rethinking Attention-Based Multiple Instance Learning for Whole-Slide Pathological Image Classification: An Instance Attribute Viewpoint

Authors: Linghan Cai, Shenjin Huang, Ye Zhang, Jinpeng Lu, Yongbing Zhang

Abstract: Multiple instance learning (MIL) is a robust paradigm for whole-slide pathological image (WSI) analysis, processing gigapixel-resolution images with slide-level labels. As pioneering efforts, attention-based MIL (ABMIL) and its variants are increasingly becoming popular due to the characteristics of simultaneously handling clinical diagnosis and tumor localization. However, the attention mechanism exhibits limitations in discriminating between instances, which often misclassifies tissues and potentially impairs MIL performance. This paper proposes an Attribute-Driven MIL (AttriMIL) framework to address these issues. Concretely, we dissect the calculation process of ABMIL and present an attribute scoring mechanism that measures the contribution of each instance to bag prediction effectively, quantifying instance attributes. Based on attribute quantification, we develop a spatial attribute constraint and an attribute ranking constraint to model instance correlations within and across slides, respectively. These constraints encourage the network to capture the spatial correlation and semantic similarity of instances, improving the ability of AttriMIL to distinguish tissue types and identify challenging instances. Additionally, AttriMIL employs a histopathology adaptive backbone that maximizes the pre-trained model's feature extraction capability for collecting pathological features. Extensive experiments on three public benchmarks demonstrate that our AttriMIL outperforms existing state-of-the-art frameworks across multiple evaluation metrics. The implementation code is available at


new Spread Your Wings: A Radial Strip Transformer for Image Deblurring

Authors: Duosheng Chen, Shihao Zhou, Jinshan Pan, Jinglei Shi, Lishen Qu, Jufeng Yang

Abstract: Exploring motion information is important for the motion deblurring task. Recent the window-based transformer approaches have achieved decent performance in image deblurring. Note that the motion causing blurry results is usually composed of translation and rotation movements and the window-shift operation in the Cartesian coordinate system by the window-based transformer approaches only directly explores translation motion in orthogonal directions. Thus, these methods have the limitation of modeling the rotation part. To alleviate this problem, we introduce the polar coordinate-based transformer, which has the angles and distance to explore rotation motion and translation information together. In this paper, we propose a Radial Strip Transformer (RST), which is a transformer-based architecture that restores the blur images in a polar coordinate system instead of a Cartesian one. RST contains a dynamic radial embedding module (DRE) to extract the shallow feature by a radial deformable convolution. We design a polar mask layer to generate the offsets for the deformable convolution, which can reshape the convolution kernel along the radius to better capture the rotation motion information. Furthermore, we proposed a radial strip attention solver (RSAS) as deep feature extraction, where the relationship of windows is organized by azimuth and radius. This attention module contains radial strip windows to reweight image features in the polar coordinate, which preserves more useful information in rotation and translation motion together for better recovering the sharp images. Experimental results on six synthesis and real-world datasets prove that our method performs favorably against other SOTA methods for the image deblurring task.

new Reusable Architecture Growth for Continual Stereo Matching

Authors: Chenghao Zhang, Gaofeng Meng, Bin Fan, Kun Tian, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan

Abstract: The remarkable performance of recent stereo depth estimation models benefits from the successful use of convolutional neural networks to regress dense disparity. Akin to most tasks, this needs gathering training data that covers a number of heterogeneous scenes at deployment time. However, training samples are typically acquired continuously in practical applications, making the capability to learn new scenes continually even more crucial. For this purpose, we propose to perform continual stereo matching where a model is tasked to 1) continually learn new scenes, 2) overcome forgetting previously learned scenes, and 3) continuously predict disparities at inference. We achieve this goal by introducing a Reusable Architecture Growth (RAG) framework. RAG leverages task-specific neural unit search and architecture growth to learn new scenes continually in both supervised and self-supervised manners. It can maintain high reusability during growth by reusing previous units while obtaining good performance. Additionally, we present a Scene Router module to adaptively select the scene-specific architecture path at inference. Comprehensive experiments on numerous datasets show that our framework performs impressively in various weather, road, and city circumstances and surpasses the state-of-the-art methods in more challenging cross-dataset settings. Further experiments also demonstrate the adaptability of our method to unseen scenes, which can facilitate end-to-end stereo architecture learning and practical deployment.

new STBA: Towards Evaluating the Robustness of DNNs for Query-Limited Black-box Scenario

Authors: Renyang Liu, Kwok-Yan Lam, Wei Zhou, Sixing Wu, Jun Zhao, Dongting Hu, Mingming Gong

Abstract: Many attack techniques have been proposed to explore the vulnerability of DNNs and further help to improve their robustness. Despite the significant progress made recently, existing black-box attack methods still suffer from unsatisfactory performance due to the vast number of queries needed to optimize desired perturbations. Besides, the other critical challenge is that adversarial examples built in a noise-adding manner are abnormal and struggle to successfully attack robust models, whose robustness is enhanced by adversarial training against small perturbations. There is no doubt that these two issues mentioned above will significantly increase the risk of exposure and result in a failure to dig deeply into the vulnerability of DNNs. Hence, it is necessary to evaluate DNNs' fragility sufficiently under query-limited settings in a non-additional way. In this paper, we propose the Spatial Transform Black-box Attack (STBA), a novel framework to craft formidable adversarial examples in the query-limited scenario. Specifically, STBA introduces a flow field to the high-frequency part of clean images to generate adversarial examples and adopts the following two processes to enhance their naturalness and significantly improve the query efficiency: a) we apply an estimated flow field to the high-frequency part of clean images to generate adversarial examples instead of introducing external noise to the benign image, and b) we leverage an efficient gradient estimation method based on a batch of samples to optimize such an ideal flow field under query-limited settings. Compared to existing score-based black-box baselines, extensive experiments indicated that STBA could effectively improve the imperceptibility of the adversarial examples and remarkably boost the attack success rate under query-limited settings.

new Efficient Multi-branch Segmentation Network for Situation Awareness in Autonomous Navigation

Authors: Guan-Cheng Zhou, Chen Chengb, Yan-zhou Chena

Abstract: Real-time and high-precision situational awareness technology is critical for autonomous navigation of unmanned surface vehicles (USVs). In particular, robust and fast obstacle semantic segmentation methods are essential. However, distinguishing between the sea and the sky is challenging due to the differences between port and maritime environments. In this study, we built a dataset that captured perspectives from USVs and unmanned aerial vehicles in a maritime port environment and analysed the data features. Statistical analysis revealed a high correlation between the distribution of the sea and sky and row positional information. Based on this finding, a three-branch semantic segmentation network with a row position encoding module (RPEM) was proposed to improve the prediction accuracy between the sea and the sky. The proposed RPEM highlights the effect of row coordinates on feature extraction. Compared to the baseline, the three-branch network with RPEM significantly improved the ability to distinguish between the sea and the sky without significantly reducing the computational speed.

new Towards Variable and Coordinated Holistic Co-Speech Motion Generation

Authors: Yifei Liu, Qiong Cao, Yandong Wen, Huaiguang Jiang, Changxing Ding

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of generating lifelike holistic co-speech motions for 3D avatars, focusing on two key aspects: variability and coordination. Variability allows the avatar to exhibit a wide range of motions even with similar speech content, while coordination ensures a harmonious alignment among facial expressions, hand gestures, and body poses. We aim to achieve both with ProbTalk, a unified probabilistic framework designed to jointly model facial, hand, and body movements in speech. ProbTalk builds on the variational autoencoder (VAE) architecture and incorporates three core designs. First, we introduce product quantization (PQ) to the VAE, which enriches the representation of complex holistic motion. Second, we devise a novel non-autoregressive model that embeds 2D positional encoding into the product-quantized representation, thereby preserving essential structure information of the PQ codes. Last, we employ a secondary stage to refine the preliminary prediction, further sharpening the high-frequency details. Coupling these three designs enables ProbTalk to generate natural and diverse holistic co-speech motions, outperforming several state-of-the-art methods in qualitative and quantitative evaluations, particularly in terms of realism. Our code and model will be released for research purposes at


new The Devil is in the Edges: Monocular Depth Estimation with Edge-aware Consistency Fusion

Authors: Pengzhi Li, Yikang Ding, Haohan Wang, Chengshuai Tang, Zhiheng Li

Abstract: This paper presents a novel monocular depth estimation method, named ECFNet, for estimating high-quality monocular depth with clear edges and valid overall structure from a single RGB image. We make a thorough inquiry about the key factor that affects the edge depth estimation of the MDE networks, and come to a ratiocination that the edge information itself plays a critical role in predicting depth details. Driven by this analysis, we propose to explicitly employ the image edges as input for ECFNet and fuse the initial depths from different sources to produce the final depth. Specifically, ECFNet first uses a hybrid edge detection strategy to get the edge map and edge-highlighted image from the input image, and then leverages a pre-trained MDE network to infer the initial depths of the aforementioned three images. After that, ECFNet utilizes a layered fusion module (LFM) to fuse the initial depth, which will be further updated by a depth consistency module (DCM) to form the final estimation. Extensive experimental results on public datasets and ablation studies indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Project page:


new DHR: Dual Features-Driven Hierarchical Rebalancing in Inter- and Intra-Class Regions for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Sanghyun Jo, Fei Pan, In-Jae Yu, Kyungsu Kim

Abstract: Weakly-supervised semantic segmentation (WSS) ensures high-quality segmentation with limited data and excels when employed as input seed masks for large-scale vision models such as Segment Anything. However, WSS faces challenges related to minor classes since those are overlooked in images with adjacent multiple classes, a limitation originating from the overfitting of traditional expansion methods like Random Walk. We first address this by employing unsupervised and weakly-supervised feature maps instead of conventional methodologies, allowing for hierarchical mask enhancement. This method distinctly categorizes higher-level classes and subsequently separates their associated lower-level classes, ensuring all classes are correctly restored in the mask without losing minor ones. Our approach, validated through extensive experimentation, significantly improves WSS across five benchmarks (VOC: 79.8\%, COCO: 53.9\%, Context: 49.0\%, ADE: 32.9\%, Stuff: 37.4\%), reducing the gap with fully supervised methods by over 84\% on the VOC validation set. Code is available at


new TTD: Text-Tag Self-Distillation Enhancing Image-Text Alignment in CLIP to Alleviate Single Tag Bias

Authors: Sanghyun Jo, Soohyun Ryu, Sungyub Kim, Eunho Yang, Kyungsu Kim

Abstract: We identify a critical bias in contemporary CLIP-based models, which we denote as \textit{single tag bias}. This bias manifests as a disproportionate focus on a singular tag (word) while neglecting other pertinent tags, stemming from CLIP's text embeddings that prioritize one specific tag in image-text relationships. When deconstructing text into individual tags, only one tag tends to have high relevancy with CLIP's image embedding, leading to an imbalanced tag relevancy. This results in an uneven alignment among multiple tags present in the text. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a novel two-step fine-tuning approach. First, our method leverages the similarity between tags and their nearest pixels for scoring, enabling the extraction of image-relevant tags from the text. Second, we present a self-distillation strategy aimed at aligning the combined masks from extracted tags with the text-derived mask. This approach mitigates the single tag bias, thereby significantly improving the alignment of CLIP's model without necessitating additional data or supervision. Our technique demonstrates model-agnostic improvements in multi-tag classification and segmentation tasks, surpassing competing methods that rely on external resources. Code is available at


new Constrained Layout Generation with Factor Graphs

Authors: Mohammed Haroon Dupty, Yanfei Dong, Sicong Leng, Guoji Fu, Yong Liang Goh, Wei Lu, Wee Sun Lee

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of object-centric layout generation under spatial constraints, seen in multiple domains including floorplan design process. The design process typically involves specifying a set of spatial constraints that include object attributes like size and inter-object relations such as relative positioning. Existing works, which typically represent objects as single nodes, lack the granularity to accurately model complex interactions between objects. For instance, often only certain parts of an object, like a room's right wall, interact with adjacent objects. To address this gap, we introduce a factor graph based approach with four latent variable nodes for each room, and a factor node for each constraint. The factor nodes represent dependencies among the variables to which they are connected, effectively capturing constraints that are potentially of a higher order. We then develop message-passing on the bipartite graph, forming a factor graph neural network that is trained to produce a floorplan that aligns with the desired requirements. Our approach is simple and generates layouts faithful to the user requirements, demonstrated by a large improvement in IOU scores over existing methods. Additionally, our approach, being inferential and accurate, is well-suited to the practical human-in-the-loop design process where specifications evolve iteratively, offering a practical and powerful tool for AI-guided design.

new 3DGSR: Implicit Surface Reconstruction with 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Xiaoyang Lyu, Yang-Tian Sun, Yi-Hua Huang, Xiuzhe Wu, Ziyi Yang, Yilun Chen, Jiangmiao Pang, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: In this paper, we present an implicit surface reconstruction method with 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS), namely 3DGSR, that allows for accurate 3D reconstruction with intricate details while inheriting the high efficiency and rendering quality of 3DGS. The key insight is incorporating an implicit signed distance field (SDF) within 3D Gaussians to enable them to be aligned and jointly optimized. First, we introduce a differentiable SDF-to-opacity transformation function that converts SDF values into corresponding Gaussians' opacities. This function connects the SDF and 3D Gaussians, allowing for unified optimization and enforcing surface constraints on the 3D Gaussians. During learning, optimizing the 3D Gaussians provides supervisory signals for SDF learning, enabling the reconstruction of intricate details. However, this only provides sparse supervisory signals to the SDF at locations occupied by Gaussians, which is insufficient for learning a continuous SDF. Then, to address this limitation, we incorporate volumetric rendering and align the rendered geometric attributes (depth, normal) with those derived from 3D Gaussians. This consistency regularization introduces supervisory signals to locations not covered by discrete 3D Gaussians, effectively eliminating redundant surfaces outside the Gaussian sampling range. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that our 3DGSR method enables high-quality 3D surface reconstruction while preserving the efficiency and rendering quality of 3DGS. Besides, our method competes favorably with leading surface reconstruction techniques while offering a more efficient learning process and much better rendering qualities. The code will be available at


new SVGCraft: Beyond Single Object Text-to-SVG Synthesis with Comprehensive Canvas Layout

Authors: Ayan Banerjee, Nityanand Mathur, Josep Llad\'os, Umapada Pal, Anjan Dutta

Abstract: Generating VectorArt from text prompts is a challenging vision task, requiring diverse yet realistic depictions of the seen as well as unseen entities. However, existing research has been mostly limited to the generation of single objects, rather than comprehensive scenes comprising multiple elements. In response, this work introduces SVGCraft, a novel end-to-end framework for the creation of vector graphics depicting entire scenes from textual descriptions. Utilizing a pre-trained LLM for layout generation from text prompts, this framework introduces a technique for producing masked latents in specified bounding boxes for accurate object placement. It introduces a fusion mechanism for integrating attention maps and employs a diffusion U-Net for coherent composition, speeding up the drawing process. The resulting SVG is optimized using a pre-trained encoder and LPIPS loss with opacity modulation to maximize similarity. Additionally, this work explores the potential of primitive shapes in facilitating canvas completion in constrained environments. Through both qualitative and quantitative assessments, SVGCraft is demonstrated to surpass prior works in abstraction, recognizability, and detail, as evidenced by its performance metrics (CLIP-T: 0.4563, Cosine Similarity: 0.6342, Confusion: 0.66, Aesthetic: 6.7832). The code will be available at


new Do Vision-Language Models Understand Compound Nouns?

Authors: Sonal Kumar, Sreyan Ghosh, S Sakshi, Utkarsh Tyagi, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Open-vocabulary vision-language models (VLMs) like CLIP, trained using contrastive loss, have emerged as a promising new paradigm for text-to-image retrieval. However, do VLMs understand compound nouns (CNs) (e.g., lab coat) as well as they understand nouns (e.g., lab)? We curate Compun, a novel benchmark with 400 unique and commonly used CNs, to evaluate the effectiveness of VLMs in interpreting CNs. The Compun benchmark challenges a VLM for text-to-image retrieval where, given a text prompt with a CN, the task is to select the correct image that shows the CN among a pair of distractor images that show the constituent nouns that make up the CN. Next, we perform an in-depth analysis to highlight CLIPs' limited understanding of certain types of CNs. Finally, we present an alternative framework that moves beyond hand-written templates for text prompts widely used by CLIP-like models. We employ a Large Language Model to generate multiple diverse captions that include the CN as an object in the scene described by the caption. Our proposed method improves CN understanding of CLIP by 8.25% on Compun. Code and benchmark are available at:


new Extracting Manifold Information from Point Clouds

Authors: Patrick Guidotti

Abstract: A kernel based method is proposed for the construction of signature (defining) functions of subsets of $\mathbb{R}^d$. The subsets can range from full dimensional manifolds (open subsets) to point clouds (a finite number of points) and include bounded smooth manifolds of any codimension. The interpolation and analysis of point clouds are the main application. Two extreme cases in terms of regularity are considered, where the data set is interpolated by an analytic surface, at the one extreme, and by a H\"older continuous surface, at the other. The signature function can be computed as a linear combination of translated kernels, the coefficients of which are the solution of a finite dimensional linear problem. Once it is obtained, it can be used to estimate the dimension as well as the normal and the curvatures of the interpolated surface. The method is global and does not require explicit knowledge of local neighborhoods or any other structure present in the data set. It admits a variational formulation with a natural ``regularized'' counterpart, that proves to be useful in dealing with data sets corrupted by numerical error or noise. The underlying analytical structure of the approach is presented in general before it is applied to the case of point clouds.

new Multiway Point Cloud Mosaicking with Diffusion and Global Optimization

Authors: Shengze Jin (Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland), Iro Armeni (Department of Civil,Environmental Engineering, Stanford University), Marc Pollefeys (Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland,Microsoft Mixed Reality,AI Lab, Zurich, Switzerland), Daniel Barath (Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Abstract: We introduce a novel framework for multiway point cloud mosaicking (named Wednesday), designed to co-align sets of partially overlapping point clouds -- typically obtained from 3D scanners or moving RGB-D cameras -- into a unified coordinate system. At the core of our approach is ODIN, a learned pairwise registration algorithm that iteratively identifies overlaps and refines attention scores, employing a diffusion-based process for denoising pairwise correlation matrices to enhance matching accuracy. Further steps include constructing a pose graph from all point clouds, performing rotation averaging, a novel robust algorithm for re-estimating translations optimally in terms of consensus maximization and translation optimization. Finally, the point cloud rotations and positions are optimized jointly by a diffusion-based approach. Tested on four diverse, large-scale datasets, our method achieves state-of-the-art pairwise and multiway registration results by a large margin on all benchmarks. Our code and models are available at


new SceneGraphLoc: Cross-Modal Coarse Visual Localization on 3D Scene Graphs

Authors: Yang Miao, Francis Engelmann, Olga Vysotska, Federico Tombari, Marc Pollefeys, D\'aniel B\'ela Bar\'ath

Abstract: We introduce a novel problem, i.e., the localization of an input image within a multi-modal reference map represented by a database of 3D scene graphs. These graphs comprise multiple modalities, including object-level point clouds, images, attributes, and relationships between objects, offering a lightweight and efficient alternative to conventional methods that rely on extensive image databases. Given the available modalities, the proposed method SceneGraphLoc learns a fixed-sized embedding for each node (i.e., representing an object instance) in the scene graph, enabling effective matching with the objects visible in the input query image. This strategy significantly outperforms other cross-modal methods, even without incorporating images into the map embeddings. When images are leveraged, SceneGraphLoc achieves performance close to that of state-of-the-art techniques depending on large image databases, while requiring three orders-of-magnitude less storage and operating orders-of-magnitude faster. The code will be made public.

new DiffHuman: Probabilistic Photorealistic 3D Reconstruction of Humans

Authors: Akash Sengupta, Thiemo Alldieck, Nikos Kolotouros, Enric Corona, Andrei Zanfir, Cristian Sminchisescu

Abstract: We present DiffHuman, a probabilistic method for photorealistic 3D human reconstruction from a single RGB image. Despite the ill-posed nature of this problem, most methods are deterministic and output a single solution, often resulting in a lack of geometric detail and blurriness in unseen or uncertain regions. In contrast, DiffHuman predicts a probability distribution over 3D reconstructions conditioned on an input 2D image, which allows us to sample multiple detailed 3D avatars that are consistent with the image. DiffHuman is implemented as a conditional diffusion model that denoises pixel-aligned 2D observations of an underlying 3D shape representation. During inference, we may sample 3D avatars by iteratively denoising 2D renders of the predicted 3D representation. Furthermore, we introduce a generator neural network that approximates rendering with considerably reduced runtime (55x speed up), resulting in a novel dual-branch diffusion framework. Our experiments show that DiffHuman can produce diverse and detailed reconstructions for the parts of the person that are unseen or uncertain in the input image, while remaining competitive with the state-of-the-art when reconstructing visible surfaces.

new Denoising Monte Carlo Renders With Diffusion Models

Authors: Vaibhav Vavilala, Rahul Vasanth, David Forsyth

Abstract: Physically-based renderings contain Monte-Carlo noise, with variance that increases as the number of rays per pixel decreases. This noise, while zero-mean for good modern renderers, can have heavy tails (most notably, for scenes containing specular or refractive objects). Learned methods for restoring low fidelity renders are highly developed, because suppressing render noise means one can save compute and use fast renders with few rays per pixel. We demonstrate that a diffusion model can denoise low fidelity renders successfully. Furthermore, our method can be conditioned on a variety of natural render information, and this conditioning helps performance. Quantitative experiments show that our method is competitive with SOTA across a range of sampling rates, but current metrics slightly favor competitor methods. Qualitative examination of the reconstructions suggests that the metrics themselves may not be reliable. The image prior applied by a diffusion method strongly favors reconstructions that are "like" real images -- so have straight shadow boundaries, curved specularities, no "fireflies" and the like -- and metrics do not account for this. We show numerous examples where methods preferred by current metrics produce qualitatively weaker reconstructions than ours.

new NYC-Indoor-VPR: A Long-Term Indoor Visual Place Recognition Dataset with Semi-Automatic Annotation

Authors: Diwei Sheng, Anbang Yang, John-Ross Rizzo, Chen Feng

Abstract: Visual Place Recognition (VPR) in indoor environments is beneficial to humans and robots for better localization and navigation. It is challenging due to appearance changes at various frequencies, and difficulties of obtaining ground truth metric trajectories for training and evaluation. This paper introduces the NYC-Indoor-VPR dataset, a unique and rich collection of over 36,000 images compiled from 13 distinct crowded scenes in New York City taken under varying lighting conditions with appearance changes. Each scene has multiple revisits across a year. To establish the ground truth for VPR, we propose a semiautomatic annotation approach that computes the positional information of each image. Our method specifically takes pairs of videos as input and yields matched pairs of images along with their estimated relative locations. The accuracy of this matching is refined by human annotators, who utilize our annotation software to correlate the selected keyframes. Finally, we present a benchmark evaluation of several state-of-the-art VPR algorithms using our annotated dataset, revealing its challenge and thus value for VPR research.

new Denoising Low-dose Images Using Deep Learning of Time Series Images

Authors: Yang Shao, Toshie Yaguchi, Toshiaki Tanigaki

Abstract: Digital image devices have been widely applied in many fields, including scientific imaging, recognition of individuals, and remote sensing. As the application of these imaging technologies to autonomous driving and measurement, image noise generated when observation cannot be performed with a sufficient dose has become a major problem. Machine learning denoise technology is expected to be the solver of this problem, but there are the following problems. Here we report, artifacts generated by machine learning denoise in ultra-low dose observation using an in-situ observation video of an electron microscope as an example. And as a method to solve this problem, we propose a method to decompose a time series image into a 2D image of the spatial axis and time to perform machine learning denoise. Our method opens new avenues accurate and stable reconstruction of continuous high-resolution images from low-dose imaging in science, industry, and life.

new Transformer based Pluralistic Image Completion with Reduced Information Loss

Authors: Qiankun Liu, Yuqi Jiang, Zhentao Tan, Dongdong Chen, Ying Fu, Qi Chu, Gang Hua, Nenghai Yu

Abstract: Transformer based methods have achieved great success in image inpainting recently. However, we find that these solutions regard each pixel as a token, thus suffering from an information loss issue from two aspects: 1) They downsample the input image into much lower resolutions for efficiency consideration. 2) They quantize $256^3$ RGB values to a small number (such as 512) of quantized color values. The indices of quantized pixels are used as tokens for the inputs and prediction targets of the transformer. To mitigate these issues, we propose a new transformer based framework called "PUT". Specifically, to avoid input downsampling while maintaining computation efficiency, we design a patch-based auto-encoder P-VQVAE. The encoder converts the masked image into non-overlapped patch tokens and the decoder recovers the masked regions from the inpainted tokens while keeping the unmasked regions unchanged. To eliminate the information loss caused by input quantization, an Un-quantized Transformer is applied. It directly takes features from the P-VQVAE encoder as input without any quantization and only regards the quantized tokens as prediction targets. Furthermore, to make the inpainting process more controllable, we introduce semantic and structural conditions as extra guidance. Extensive experiments show that our method greatly outperforms existing transformer based methods on image fidelity and achieves much higher diversity and better fidelity than state-of-the-art pluralistic inpainting methods on complex large-scale datasets (e.g., ImageNet). Codes are available at


new TexVocab: Texture Vocabulary-conditioned Human Avatars

Authors: Yuxiao Liu, Zhe Li, Yebin Liu, Haoqian Wang

Abstract: To adequately utilize the available image evidence in multi-view video-based avatar modeling, we propose TexVocab, a novel avatar representation that constructs a texture vocabulary and associates body poses with texture maps for animation. Given multi-view RGB videos, our method initially back-projects all the available images in the training videos to the posed SMPL surface, producing texture maps in the SMPL UV domain. Then we construct pairs of human poses and texture maps to establish a texture vocabulary for encoding dynamic human appearances under various poses. Unlike the commonly used joint-wise manner, we further design a body-part-wise encoding strategy to learn the structural effects of the kinematic chain. Given a driving pose, we query the pose feature hierarchically by decomposing the pose vector into several body parts and interpolating the texture features for synthesizing fine-grained human dynamics. Overall, our method is able to create animatable human avatars with detailed and dynamic appearances from RGB videos, and the experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. The project page can be found at


new LLMs are Good Action Recognizers

Authors: Haoxuan Qu, Yujun Cai, Jun Liu

Abstract: Skeleton-based action recognition has attracted lots of research attention. Recently, to build an accurate skeleton-based action recognizer, a variety of works have been proposed. Among them, some works use large model architectures as backbones of their recognizers to boost the skeleton data representation capability, while some other works pre-train their recognizers on external data to enrich the knowledge. In this work, we observe that large language models which have been extensively used in various natural language processing tasks generally hold both large model architectures and rich implicit knowledge. Motivated by this, we propose a novel LLM-AR framework, in which we investigate treating the Large Language Model as an Action Recognizer. In our framework, we propose a linguistic projection process to project each input action signal (i.e., each skeleton sequence) into its ``sentence format'' (i.e., an ``action sentence''). Moreover, we also incorporate our framework with several designs to further facilitate this linguistic projection process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed framework.

new Embodied Active Defense: Leveraging Recurrent Feedback to Counter Adversarial Patches

Authors: Lingxuan Wu, Xiao Yang, Yinpeng Dong, Liuwei Xie, Hang Su, Jun Zhu

Abstract: The vulnerability of deep neural networks to adversarial patches has motivated numerous defense strategies for boosting model robustness. However, the prevailing defenses depend on single observation or pre-established adversary information to counter adversarial patches, often failing to be confronted with unseen or adaptive adversarial attacks and easily exhibiting unsatisfying performance in dynamic 3D environments. Inspired by active human perception and recurrent feedback mechanisms, we develop Embodied Active Defense (EAD), a proactive defensive strategy that actively contextualizes environmental information to address misaligned adversarial patches in 3D real-world settings. To achieve this, EAD develops two central recurrent sub-modules, i.e., a perception module and a policy module, to implement two critical functions of active vision. These models recurrently process a series of beliefs and observations, facilitating progressive refinement of their comprehension of the target object and enabling the development of strategic actions to counter adversarial patches in 3D environments. To optimize learning efficiency, we incorporate a differentiable approximation of environmental dynamics and deploy patches that are agnostic to the adversary strategies. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EAD substantially enhances robustness against a variety of patches within just a few steps through its action policy in safety-critical tasks (e.g., face recognition and object detection), without compromising standard accuracy. Furthermore, due to the attack-agnostic characteristic, EAD facilitates excellent generalization to unseen attacks, diminishing the averaged attack success rate by 95 percent across a range of unseen adversarial attacks.

new Deep Extrinsic Manifold Representation for Vision Tasks

Authors: Tongtong Zhang, Xian Wei, Yuanxiang Li

Abstract: Non-Euclidean data is frequently encountered across different fields, yet there is limited literature that addresses the fundamental challenge of training neural networks with manifold representations as outputs. We introduce the trick named Deep Extrinsic Manifold Representation (DEMR) for visual tasks in this context. DEMR incorporates extrinsic manifold embedding into deep neural networks, which helps generate manifold representations. The DEMR approach does not directly optimize the complex geodesic loss. Instead, it focuses on optimizing the computation graph within the embedded Euclidean space, allowing for adaptability to various architectural requirements. We provide empirical evidence supporting the proposed concept on two types of manifolds, $SE(3)$ and its associated quotient manifolds. This evidence offers theoretical assurances regarding feasibility, asymptotic properties, and generalization capability. The experimental results show that DEMR effectively adapts to point cloud alignment, producing outputs in $ SE(3) $, as well as in illumination subspace learning with outputs on the Grassmann manifold.

new On the Estimation of Image-matching Uncertainty in Visual Place Recognition

Authors: Mubariz Zaffar, Liangliang Nan, Julian F. P. Kooij

Abstract: In Visual Place Recognition (VPR) the pose of a query image is estimated by comparing the image to a map of reference images with known reference poses. As is typical for image retrieval problems, a feature extractor maps the query and reference images to a feature space, where a nearest neighbor search is then performed. However, till recently little attention has been given to quantifying the confidence that a retrieved reference image is a correct match. Highly certain but incorrect retrieval can lead to catastrophic failure of VPR-based localization pipelines. This work compares for the first time the main approaches for estimating the image-matching uncertainty, including the traditional retrieval-based uncertainty estimation, more recent data-driven aleatoric uncertainty estimation, and the compute-intensive geometric verification. We further formulate a simple baseline method, ``SUE'', which unlike the other methods considers the freely-available poses of the reference images in the map. Our experiments reveal that a simple L2-distance between the query and reference descriptors is already a better estimate of image-matching uncertainty than current data-driven approaches. SUE outperforms the other efficient uncertainty estimation methods, and its uncertainty estimates complement the computationally expensive geometric verification approach. Future works for uncertainty estimation in VPR should consider the baselines discussed in this work.

new Denoising Distillation Makes Event-Frame Transformers as Accurate Gaze Trackers

Authors: Jiading Li, Zhiyu Zhu, Jinhui Hou, Junhui Hou, Jinjian Wu

Abstract: This paper tackles the problem of passive gaze estimation using both event and frame data. Considering inherently different physiological structures, it's intractable to accurately estimate purely based on a given state. Thus, we reformulate the gaze estimation as the quantification of state transitions from the current state to several prior registered anchor states. Technically, we propose a two-stage learning-based gaze estimation framework to divide the whole gaze estimation process into a coarse-to-fine process of anchor state selection and final gaze location. Moreover, to improve generalization ability, we align a group of local experts with a student network, where a novel denoising distillation algorithm is introduced to utilize denoising diffusion technique to iteratively remove inherent noise of event data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which greatly surpasses state-of-the-art methods by a large extent of 15$\%$. The code will be publicly available at


new Comparison of Methods in Human Skin Decomposition

Authors: Hao Gong, Michel Desvignes

Abstract: Decomposition of skin pigment plays an important role in medical fields. Human skin can be decomposed into two primitive components, hemoglobin and melanin. It is our goal to apply these results for diagnosis of skin cancer. In this paper, various methods for skin pigment decomposition are reviewed comparatively and the performance of each method is evaluated both theoretically and experimentally. In addition, isometric feature mapping (Isomap) is introduced in order to improve the dimensionality reduction performance in context of skin decomposition.

new Text2HOI: Text-guided 3D Motion Generation for Hand-Object Interaction

Authors: Junuk Cha, Jihyeon Kim, Jae Shin Yoon, Seungryul Baek

Abstract: This paper introduces the first text-guided work for generating the sequence of hand-object interaction in 3D. The main challenge arises from the lack of labeled data where existing ground-truth datasets are nowhere near generalizable in interaction type and object category, which inhibits the modeling of diverse 3D hand-object interaction with the correct physical implication (e.g., contacts and semantics) from text prompts. To address this challenge, we propose to decompose the interaction generation task into two subtasks: hand-object contact generation; and hand-object motion generation. For contact generation, a VAE-based network takes as input a text and an object mesh, and generates the probability of contacts between the surfaces of hands and the object during the interaction. The network learns a variety of local geometry structure of diverse objects that is independent of the objects' category, and thus, it is applicable to general objects. For motion generation, a Transformer-based diffusion model utilizes this 3D contact map as a strong prior for generating physically plausible hand-object motion as a function of text prompts by learning from the augmented labeled dataset; where we annotate text labels from many existing 3D hand and object motion data. Finally, we further introduce a hand refiner module that minimizes the distance between the object surface and hand joints to improve the temporal stability of the object-hand contacts and to suppress the penetration artifacts. In the experiments, we demonstrate that our method can generate more realistic and diverse interactions compared to other baseline methods. We also show that our method is applicable to unseen objects. We will release our model and newly labeled data as a strong foundation for future research. Codes and data are available in:


new Exploiting Inter-sample and Inter-feature Relations in Dataset Distillation

Authors: Wenxiao Deng, Wenbin Li, Tianyu Ding, Lei Wang, Hongguang Zhang, Kuihua Huang, Jing Huo, Yang Gao

Abstract: Dataset distillation has emerged as a promising approach in deep learning, enabling efficient training with small synthetic datasets derived from larger real ones. Particularly, distribution matching-based distillation methods attract attention thanks to its effectiveness and low computational cost. However, these methods face two primary limitations: the dispersed feature distribution within the same class in synthetic datasets, reducing class discrimination, and an exclusive focus on mean feature consistency, lacking precision and comprehensiveness. To address these challenges, we introduce two novel constraints: a class centralization constraint and a covariance matching constraint. The class centralization constraint aims to enhance class discrimination by more closely clustering samples within classes. The covariance matching constraint seeks to achieve more accurate feature distribution matching between real and synthetic datasets through local feature covariance matrices, particularly beneficial when sample sizes are much smaller than the number of features. Experiments demonstrate notable improvements with these constraints, yielding performance boosts of up to 6.6% on CIFAR10, 2.9% on SVHN, 2.5% on CIFAR100, and 2.5% on TinyImageNet, compared to the state-of-the-art relevant methods. In addition, our method maintains robust performance in cross-architecture settings, with a maximum performance drop of 1.7% on four architectures. Code is available at


new M3D: Advancing 3D Medical Image Analysis with Multi-Modal Large Language Models

Authors: Fan Bai, Yuxin Du, Tiejun Huang, Max Q. -H. Meng, Bo Zhao

Abstract: Medical image analysis is essential to clinical diagnosis and treatment, which is increasingly supported by multi-modal large language models (MLLMs). However, previous research has primarily focused on 2D medical images, leaving 3D images under-explored, despite their richer spatial information. This paper aims to advance 3D medical image analysis with MLLMs. To this end, we present a large-scale 3D multi-modal medical dataset, M3D-Data, comprising 120K image-text pairs and 662K instruction-response pairs specifically tailored for various 3D medical tasks, such as image-text retrieval, report generation, visual question answering, positioning, and segmentation. Additionally, we propose M3D-LaMed, a versatile multi-modal large language model for 3D medical image analysis. Furthermore, we introduce a new 3D multi-modal medical benchmark, M3D-Bench, which facilitates automatic evaluation across eight tasks. Through comprehensive evaluation, our method proves to be a robust model for 3D medical image analysis, outperforming existing solutions. All code, data, and models are publicly available at:


new Memory-based Cross-modal Semantic Alignment Network for Radiology Report Generation

Authors: Yitian Tao, Liyan Ma, Jing Yu, Han Zhang

Abstract: Generating radiology reports automatically reduces the workload of radiologists and helps the diagnoses of specific diseases. Many existing methods take this task as modality transfer process. However, since the key information related to disease accounts for a small proportion in both image and report, it is hard for the model to learn the latent relation between the radiology image and its report, thus failing to generate fluent and accurate radiology reports. To tackle this problem, we propose a memory-based cross-modal semantic alignment model (MCSAM) following an encoder-decoder paradigm. MCSAM includes a well initialized long-term clinical memory bank to learn disease-related representations as well as prior knowledge for different modalities to retrieve and use the retrieved memory to perform feature consolidation. To ensure the semantic consistency of the retrieved cross modal prior knowledge, a cross-modal semantic alignment module (SAM) is proposed. SAM is also able to generate semantic visual feature embeddings which can be added to the decoder and benefits report generation. More importantly, to memorize the state and additional information while generating reports with the decoder, we use learnable memory tokens which can be seen as prompts. Extensive experiments demonstrate the promising performance of our proposed method which generates state-of-the-art performance on the MIMIC-CXR dataset.

new LAESI: Leaf Area Estimation with Synthetic Imagery

Authors: Jacek Ka{\l}u\.zny, Yannik Schreckenberg, Karol Cyganik, Peter Annigh\"ofer, S\"oren Pirk, Dominik L. Michels, Mikolaj Cieslak, Farhah Assaad-Gerbert, Bedrich Benes, Wojciech Pa{\l}ubicki

Abstract: We introduce LAESI, a Synthetic Leaf Dataset of 100,000 synthetic leaf images on millimeter paper, each with semantic masks and surface area labels. This dataset provides a resource for leaf morphology analysis primarily aimed at beech and oak leaves. We evaluate the applicability of the dataset by training machine learning models for leaf surface area prediction and semantic segmentation, using real images for validation. Our validation shows that these models can be trained to predict leaf surface area with a relative error not greater than an average human annotator. LAESI also provides an efficient framework based on 3D procedural models and generative AI for the large-scale, controllable generation of data with potential further applications in agriculture and biology. We evaluate the inclusion of generative AI in our procedural data generation pipeline and show how data filtering based on annotation consistency results in datasets which allow training the highest performing vision models.

new Parameter and Data-Efficient Spectral StyleDCGAN

Authors: Aryan Garg

Abstract: We present a simple, highly parameter, and data-efficient adversarial network for unconditional face generation. Our method: Spectral Style-DCGAN or SSD utilizes only 6.574 million parameters and 4739 dog faces from the Animal Faces HQ (AFHQ) dataset as training samples while preserving fidelity at low resolutions up to 64x64. Code available at


new Weak Distribution Detectors Lead to Stronger Generalizability of Vision-Language Prompt Tuning

Authors: Kun Ding, Haojian Zhang, Qiang Yu, Ying Wang, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan

Abstract: We propose a generalized method for boosting the generalization ability of pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) while fine-tuning on downstream few-shot tasks. The idea is realized by exploiting out-of-distribution (OOD) detection to predict whether a sample belongs to a base distribution or a novel distribution and then using the score generated by a dedicated competition based scoring function to fuse the zero-shot and few-shot classifier. The fused classifier is dynamic, which will bias towards the zero-shot classifier if a sample is more likely from the distribution pre-trained on, leading to improved base-to-novel generalization ability. Our method is performed only in test stage, which is applicable to boost existing methods without time-consuming re-training. Extensive experiments show that even weak distribution detectors can still improve VLMs' generalization ability. Specifically, with the help of OOD detectors, the harmonic mean of CoOp and ProGrad increase by 2.6 and 1.5 percentage points over 11 recognition datasets in the base-to-novel setting.

new Object-level Copy-Move Forgery Image Detection based on Inconsistency Mining

Authors: Jingyu Wang, Niantai Jing, Ziyao Liu, Jie Nie, Yuxin Qi, Chi-Hung Chi, Kwok-Yan Lam

Abstract: In copy-move tampering operations, perpetrators often employ techniques, such as blurring, to conceal tampering traces, posing significant challenges to the detection of object-level targets with intact structures. Focus on these challenges, this paper proposes an Object-level Copy-Move Forgery Image Detection based on Inconsistency Mining (IMNet). To obtain complete object-level targets, we customize prototypes for both the source and tampered regions and dynamically update them. Additionally, we extract inconsistent regions between coarse similar regions obtained through self-correlation calculations and regions composed of prototypes. The detected inconsistent regions are used as supplements to coarse similar regions to refine pixel-level detection. We operate experiments on three public datasets which validate the effectiveness and the robustness of the proposed IMNet.

new Domain Generalizable Person Search Using Unreal Dataset

Authors: Minyoung Oh, Duhyun Kim, Jae-Young Sim

Abstract: Collecting and labeling real datasets to train the person search networks not only requires a lot of time and effort, but also accompanies privacy issues. The weakly-supervised and unsupervised domain adaptation methods have been proposed to alleviate the labeling burden for target datasets, however, their generalization capability is limited. We introduce a novel person search method based on the domain generalization framework, that uses an automatically labeled unreal dataset only for training but is applicable to arbitrary unseen real datasets. To alleviate the domain gaps when transferring the knowledge from the unreal source dataset to the real target datasets, we estimate the fidelity of person instances which is then used to train the end-to-end network adaptively. Moreover, we devise a domain-invariant feature learning scheme to encourage the network to suppress the domain-related features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method provides the competitive performance to existing person search methods even though it is applicable to arbitrary unseen datasets without any prior knowledge and re-training burdens.

new IPT-V2: Efficient Image Processing Transformer using Hierarchical Attentions

Authors: Zhijun Tu, Kunpeng Du, Hanting Chen, Hailing Wang, Wei Li, Jie Hu, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Recent advances have demonstrated the powerful capability of transformer architecture in image restoration. However, our analysis indicates that existing transformerbased methods can not establish both exact global and local dependencies simultaneously, which are much critical to restore the details and missing content of degraded images. To this end, we present an efficient image processing transformer architecture with hierarchical attentions, called IPTV2, adopting a focal context self-attention (FCSA) and a global grid self-attention (GGSA) to obtain adequate token interactions in local and global receptive fields. Specifically, FCSA applies the shifted window mechanism into the channel self-attention, helps capture the local context and mutual interaction across channels. And GGSA constructs long-range dependencies in the cross-window grid, aggregates global information in spatial dimension. Moreover, we introduce structural re-parameterization technique to feed-forward network to further improve the model capability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed IPT-V2 achieves state-of-the-art results on various image processing tasks, covering denoising, deblurring, deraining and obtains much better trade-off for performance and computational complexity than previous methods. Besides, we extend our method to image generation as latent diffusion backbone, and significantly outperforms DiTs.

new Learning to Generate Conditional Tri-plane for 3D-aware Expression Controllable Portrait Animation

Authors: Taekyung Ki, Dongchan Min, Gyeongsu Chae

Abstract: In this paper, we present Export3D, a one-shot 3D-aware portrait animation method that is able to control the facial expression and camera view of a given portrait image. To achieve this, we introduce a tri-plane generator that directly generates a tri-plane of 3D prior by transferring the expression parameter of 3DMM into the source image. The tri-plane is then decoded into the image of different view through a differentiable volume rendering. Existing portrait animation methods heavily rely on image warping to transfer the expression in the motion space, challenging on disentanglement of appearance and expression. In contrast, we propose a contrastive pre-training framework for appearance-free expression parameter, eliminating undesirable appearance swap when transferring a cross-identity expression. Extensive experiments show that our pre-training framework can learn the appearance-free expression representation hidden in 3DMM, and our model can generate 3D-aware expression controllable portrait image without appearance swap in the cross-identity manner.

new Attire-Based Anomaly Detection in Restricted Areas Using YOLOv8 for Enhanced CCTV Security

Authors: Abdul Aziz A. B, Aindri Bajpai

Abstract: This research introduces an innovative security enhancement approach, employing advanced image analysis and soft computing. The focus is on an intelligent surveillance system that detects unauthorized individuals in restricted areas by analyzing attire. Traditional security measures face challenges in monitoring unauthorized access. Leveraging YOLOv8, an advanced object detection algorithm, our system identifies authorized personnel based on their attire in CCTV footage. The methodology involves training the YOLOv8 model on a comprehensive dataset of uniform patterns, ensuring precise recognition in specific regions. Soft computing techniques enhance adaptability to dynamic environments and varying lighting conditions. This research contributes to image analysis and soft computing, providing a sophisticated security solution. Emphasizing uniform-based anomaly detection, it establishes a foundation for robust security systems in restricted areas. The outcomes highlight the potential of YOLOv8-based surveillance in ensuring safety in sensitive locations.

new SpiralMLP: A Lightweight Vision MLP Architecture

Authors: Haojie Mu, Burhan Ul Tayyab, Nicholas Chua

Abstract: We present SpiralMLP, a novel architecture that introduces a Spiral FC layer as a replacement for the conventional Token Mixing approach. Differing from several existing MLP-based models that primarily emphasize axes, our Spiral FC layer is designed as a deformable convolution layer with spiral-like offsets. We further adapt Spiral FC into two variants: Self-Spiral FC and Cross-Spiral FC, which enable both local and global feature integration seamlessly, eliminating the need for additional processing steps. To thoroughly investigate the effectiveness of the spiral-like offsets and validate our design, we conduct ablation studies and explore optimal configurations. In empirical tests, SpiralMLP reaches state-of-the-art performance, similar to Transformers, CNNs, and other MLPs, benchmarking on ImageNet-1k, COCO and ADE20K. SpiralMLP still maintains linear computational complexity O(HW) and is compatible with varying input image resolutions. Our study reveals that targeting the full receptive field is not essential for achieving high performance, instead, adopting a refined approach offers better results.

new Deep Instruction Tuning for Segment Anything Model

Authors: Xiaorui Huang, Gen Luo, Chaoyang Zhu, Bo Tong, Yiyi Zhou, Xiaoshuai Sun, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Segment Anything Model (SAM) exhibits powerful yet versatile capabilities on (un) conditional image segmentation tasks recently. Although SAM can support various segmentation prompts, we note that, compared to point- and box-guided segmentation, it performs much worse on text-instructed tasks. We argue that deep text instruction tuning is key to mitigate such shortcoming caused by the shallow fusion scheme in its default light-weight mask decoder. In this paper, two \emph{deep instruction tuning} (DIT) methods are proposed, one is end-to-end and the other is layer-wise. With these tuning methods, we can regard the image encoder of SAM as a stand-alone vision-language learner in contrast to building another deep fusion branch. Extensive experiments on three highly competitive benchmark datasets of referring image segmentation show that a simple end-to-end DIT improves SAM by a large margin, with layer-wise DIT further boosts the performance to state-of-the-art. Our code is anonymously released at:


new Dual DETRs for Multi-Label Temporal Action Detection

Authors: Yuhan Zhu, Guozhen Zhang, Jing Tan, Gangshan Wu, Limin Wang

Abstract: Temporal Action Detection (TAD) aims to identify the action boundaries and the corresponding category within untrimmed videos. Inspired by the success of DETR in object detection, several methods have adapted the query-based framework to the TAD task. However, these approaches primarily followed DETR to predict actions at the instance level (i.e., identify each action by its center point), leading to sub-optimal boundary localization. To address this issue, we propose a new Dual-level query-based TAD framework, namely DualDETR, to detect actions from both instance-level and boundary-level. Decoding at different levels requires semantics of different granularity, therefore we introduce a two-branch decoding structure. This structure builds distinctive decoding processes for different levels, facilitating explicit capture of temporal cues and semantics at each level. On top of the two-branch design, we present a joint query initialization strategy to align queries from both levels. Specifically, we leverage encoder proposals to match queries from each level in a one-to-one manner. Then, the matched queries are initialized using position and content prior from the matched action proposal. The aligned dual-level queries can refine the matched proposal with complementary cues during subsequent decoding. We evaluate DualDETR on three challenging multi-label TAD benchmarks. The experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of DualDETR to the existing state-of-the-art methods, achieving a substantial improvement under det-mAP and delivering impressive results under seg-mAP.

new KTPFormer: Kinematics and Trajectory Prior Knowledge-Enhanced Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation

Authors: Jihua Peng, Yanghong Zhou, P. Y. Mok

Abstract: This paper presents a novel Kinematics and Trajectory Prior Knowledge-Enhanced Transformer (KTPFormer), which overcomes the weakness in existing transformer-based methods for 3D human pose estimation that the derivation of Q, K, V vectors in their self-attention mechanisms are all based on simple linear mapping. We propose two prior attention modules, namely Kinematics Prior Attention (KPA) and Trajectory Prior Attention (TPA) to take advantage of the known anatomical structure of the human body and motion trajectory information, to facilitate effective learning of global dependencies and features in the multi-head self-attention. KPA models kinematic relationships in the human body by constructing a topology of kinematics, while TPA builds a trajectory topology to learn the information of joint motion trajectory across frames. Yielding Q, K, V vectors with prior knowledge, the two modules enable KTPFormer to model both spatial and temporal correlations simultaneously. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks (Human3.6M, MPI-INF-3DHP and HumanEva) show that KTPFormer achieves superior performance in comparison to state-of-the-art methods. More importantly, our KPA and TPA modules have lightweight plug-and-play designs and can be integrated into various transformer-based networks (i.e., diffusion-based) to improve the performance with only a very small increase in the computational overhead. The code is available at:


new DeeDSR: Towards Real-World Image Super-Resolution via Degradation-Aware Stable Diffusion

Authors: Chunyang Bi, Xin Luo, Sheng Shen, Mengxi Zhang, Huanjing Yue, Jingyu Yang

Abstract: Diffusion models, known for their powerful generative capabilities, play a crucial role in addressing real-world super-resolution challenges. However, these models often focus on improving local textures while neglecting the impacts of global degradation, which can significantly reduce semantic fidelity and lead to inaccurate reconstructions and suboptimal super-resolution performance. To address this issue, we introduce a novel two-stage, degradation-aware framework that enhances the diffusion model's ability to recognize content and degradation in low-resolution images. In the first stage, we employ unsupervised contrastive learning to obtain representations of image degradations. In the second stage, we integrate a degradation-aware module into a simplified ControlNet, enabling flexible adaptation to various degradations based on the learned representations. Furthermore, we decompose the degradation-aware features into global semantics and local details branches, which are then injected into the diffusion denoising module to modulate the target generation. Our method effectively recovers semantically precise and photorealistic details, particularly under significant degradation conditions, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance across various benchmarks. Codes will be released at


new Weakly-Supervised Cross-Domain Segmentation of Electron Microscopy with Sparse Point Annotation

Authors: Dafei Qiu, Shan Xiong, Jiajin Yi, Jialin Peng

Abstract: Accurate segmentation of organelle instances from electron microscopy (EM) images plays an essential role in many neuroscience researches. However, practical scenarios usually suffer from high annotation costs, label scarcity, and large domain diversity. While unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) that assumes no annotation effort on the target data is promising to alleviate these challenges, its performance on complicated segmentation tasks is still far from practical usage. To address these issues, we investigate a highly annotation-efficient weak supervision, which assumes only sparse center-points on a small subset of object instances in the target training images. To achieve accurate segmentation with partial point annotations, we introduce instance counting and center detection as auxiliary tasks and design a multitask learning framework to leverage correlations among the counting, detection, and segmentation, which are all tasks with partial or no supervision. Building upon the different domain-invariances of the three tasks, we enforce counting estimation with a novel soft consistency loss as a global prior for center detection, which further guides the per-pixel segmentation. To further compensate for annotation sparsity, we develop a cross-position cut-and-paste for label augmentation and an entropy-based pseudo-label selection. The experimental results highlight that, by simply using extremely weak annotation, e.g., 15\% sparse points, for model training, the proposed model is capable of significantly outperforming UDA methods and produces comparable performance as the supervised counterpart. The high robustness of our model shown in the validations and the low requirement of expert knowledge for sparse point annotation further improve the potential application value of our model.

new Statistical Analysis by Semiparametric Additive Regression and LSTM-FCN Based Hierarchical Classification for Computer Vision Quantification of Parkinsonian Bradykinesia

Authors: Youngseo Cho, In Hee Kwak, Dohyeon Kim, Jinhee Na, Hanjoo Sung, Jeongjae Lee, Young Eun Kim, Hyeo-il Ma

Abstract: Bradykinesia, characterized by involuntary slowing or decrement of movement, is a fundamental symptom of Parkinson's Disease (PD) and is vital for its clinical diagnosis. Despite various methodologies explored to quantify bradykinesia, computer vision-based approaches have shown promising results. However, these methods often fall short in adequately addressing key bradykinesia characteristics in repetitive limb movements: "occasional arrest" and "decrement in amplitude." This research advances vision-based quantification of bradykinesia by introducing nuanced numerical analysis to capture decrement in amplitudes and employing a simple deep learning technique, LSTM-FCN, for precise classification of occasional arrests. Our approach structures the classification process hierarchically, tailoring it to the unique dynamics of bradykinesia in PD. Statistical analysis of the extracted features, including those representing arrest and fatigue, has demonstrated their statistical significance in most cases. This finding underscores the importance of considering "occasional arrest" and "decrement in amplitude" in bradykinesia quantification of limb movement. Our enhanced diagnostic tool has been rigorously tested on an extensive dataset comprising 1396 motion videos from 310 PD patients, achieving an accuracy of 80.3%. The results confirm the robustness and reliability of our method.

new Knowledge NeRF: Few-shot Novel View Synthesis for Dynamic Articulated Objects

Authors: Wenxiao Cai, Xinyue Lei{\i}nst, Xinyu He, Junming Leo Chen, Yangang Wang

Abstract: We present Knowledge NeRF to synthesize novel views for dynamic scenes.Reconstructing dynamic 3D scenes from few sparse views and rendering them from arbitrary perspectives is a challenging problem with applications in various domains. Previous dynamic NeRF methods learn the deformation of articulated objects from monocular videos. However, qualities of their reconstructed scenes are limited.To clearly reconstruct dynamic scenes, we propose a new framework by considering two frames at a time.We pretrain a NeRF model for an articulated object.When articulated objects moves, Knowledge NeRF learns to generate novel views at the new state by incorporating past knowledge in the pretrained NeRF model with minimal observations in the present state. We propose a projection module to adapt NeRF for dynamic scenes, learning the correspondence between pretrained knowledge base and current states. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in reconstructing dynamic 3D scenes with 5 input images in one state. Knowledge NeRF is a new pipeline and promising solution for novel view synthesis in dynamic articulated objects. The data and implementation are publicly available at


new LLM meets Vision-Language Models for Zero-Shot One-Class Classification

Authors: Yassir Bendou, Giulia Lioi, Bastien Pasdeloup, Lukas Mauch, Ghouthi Boukli Hacene, Fabien Cardinaux, Vincent Gripon

Abstract: We consider the problem of zero-shot one-class visual classification. In this setting, only the label of the target class is available, and the goal is to discriminate between positive and negative query samples without requiring any validation example from the target task. We propose a two-step solution that first queries large language models for visually confusing objects and then relies on vision-language pre-trained models (e.g., CLIP) to perform classification. By adapting large-scale vision benchmarks, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform adapted off-the-shelf alternatives in this setting. Namely, we propose a realistic benchmark where negative query samples are drawn from the same original dataset as positive ones, including a granularity-controlled version of iNaturalist, where negative samples are at a fixed distance in the taxonomy tree from the positive ones. Our work shows that it is possible to discriminate between a single category and other semantically related ones using only its label

new OmniLocalRF: Omnidirectional Local Radiance Fields from Dynamic Videos

Authors: Dongyoung Choi, Hyeonjoong Jang, Min H. Kim

Abstract: Omnidirectional cameras are extensively used in various applications to provide a wide field of vision. However, they face a challenge in synthesizing novel views due to the inevitable presence of dynamic objects, including the photographer, in their wide field of view. In this paper, we introduce a new approach called Omnidirectional Local Radiance Fields (OmniLocalRF) that can render static-only scene views, removing and inpainting dynamic objects simultaneously. Our approach combines the principles of local radiance fields with the bidirectional optimization of omnidirectional rays. Our input is an omnidirectional video, and we evaluate the mutual observations of the entire angle between the previous and current frames. To reduce ghosting artifacts of dynamic objects and inpaint occlusions, we devise a multi-resolution motion mask prediction module. Unlike existing methods that primarily separate dynamic components through the temporal domain, our method uses multi-resolution neural feature planes for precise segmentation, which is more suitable for long 360-degree videos. Our experiments validate that OmniLocalRF outperforms existing methods in both qualitative and quantitative metrics, especially in scenarios with complex real-world scenes. In particular, our approach eliminates the need for manual interaction, such as drawing motion masks by hand and additional pose estimation, making it a highly effective and efficient solution.

new OmniSDF: Scene Reconstruction using Omnidirectional Signed Distance Functions and Adaptive Binoctrees

Authors: Hakyeong Kim, Andreas Meuleman, Hyeonjoong Jang, James Tompkin, Min H. Kim

Abstract: We present a method to reconstruct indoor and outdoor static scene geometry and appearance from an omnidirectional video moving in a small circular sweep. This setting is challenging because of the small baseline and large depth ranges, making it difficult to find ray crossings. To better constrain the optimization, we estimate geometry as a signed distance field within a spherical binoctree data structure and use a complementary efficient tree traversal strategy based on a breadth-first search for sampling. Unlike regular grids or trees, the shape of this structure well-matches the camera setting, creating a better memory-quality trade-off. From an initial depth estimate, the binoctree is adaptively subdivided throughout the optimization; previous methods use a fixed depth that leaves the scene undersampled. In comparison with three neural optimization methods and two non-neural methods, ours shows decreased geometry error on average, especially in a detailed scene, while significantly reducing the required number of voxels to represent such details.

new Weak-to-Strong 3D Object Detection with X-Ray Distillation

Authors: Alexander Gambashidze, Aleksandr Dadukin, Maksim Golyadkin, Maria Razzhivina, Ilya Makarov

Abstract: This paper addresses the critical challenges of sparsity and occlusion in LiDAR-based 3D object detection. Current methods often rely on supplementary modules or specific architectural designs, potentially limiting their applicability to new and evolving architectures. To our knowledge, we are the first to propose a versatile technique that seamlessly integrates into any existing framework for 3D Object Detection, marking the first instance of Weak-to-Strong generalization in 3D computer vision. We introduce a novel framework, X-Ray Distillation with Object-Complete Frames, suitable for both supervised and semi-supervised settings, that leverages the temporal aspect of point cloud sequences. This method extracts crucial information from both previous and subsequent LiDAR frames, creating Object-Complete frames that represent objects from multiple viewpoints, thus addressing occlusion and sparsity. Given the limitation of not being able to generate Object-Complete frames during online inference, we utilize Knowledge Distillation within a Teacher-Student framework. This technique encourages the strong Student model to emulate the behavior of the weaker Teacher, which processes simple and informative Object-Complete frames, effectively offering a comprehensive view of objects as if seen through X-ray vision. Our proposed methods surpass state-of-the-art in semi-supervised learning by 1-1.5 mAP and enhance the performance of five established supervised models by 1-2 mAP on standard autonomous driving datasets, even with default hyperparameters. Code for Object-Complete frames is available here:


new Learning to Rank Patches for Unbiased Image Redundancy Reduction

Authors: Yang Luo, Zhineng Chen, Peng Zhou, Zuxuan Wu, Xieping Gao, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Images suffer from heavy spatial redundancy because pixels in neighboring regions are spatially correlated. Existing approaches strive to overcome this limitation by reducing less meaningful image regions. However, current leading methods rely on supervisory signals. They may compel models to preserve content that aligns with labeled categories and discard content belonging to unlabeled categories. This categorical inductive bias makes these methods less effective in real-world scenarios. To address this issue, we propose a self-supervised framework for image redundancy reduction called Learning to Rank Patches (LTRP). We observe that image reconstruction of masked image modeling models is sensitive to the removal of visible patches when the masking ratio is high (e.g., 90\%). Building upon it, we implement LTRP via two steps: inferring the semantic density score of each patch by quantifying variation between reconstructions with and without this patch, and learning to rank the patches with the pseudo score. The entire process is self-supervised, thus getting out of the dilemma of categorical inductive bias. We design extensive experiments on different datasets and tasks. The results demonstrate that LTRP outperforms both supervised and other self-supervised methods due to the fair assessment of image content.

new DMSSN: Distilled Mixed Spectral-Spatial Network for Hyperspectral Salient Object Detection

Authors: Haolin Qin, Tingfa Xu, Peifu Liu, Jingxuan Xu, Jianan Li

Abstract: Hyperspectral salient object detection (HSOD) has exhibited remarkable promise across various applications, particularly in intricate scenarios where conventional RGB-based approaches fall short. Despite the considerable progress in HSOD method advancements, two critical challenges require immediate attention. Firstly, existing hyperspectral data dimension reduction techniques incur a loss of spectral information, which adversely affects detection accuracy. Secondly, previous methods insufficiently harness the inherent distinctive attributes of hyperspectral images (HSIs) during the feature extraction process. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach termed the Distilled Mixed Spectral-Spatial Network (DMSSN), comprising a Distilled Spectral Encoding process and a Mixed Spectral-Spatial Transformer (MSST) feature extraction network. The encoding process utilizes knowledge distillation to construct a lightweight autoencoder for dimension reduction, striking a balance between robust encoding capabilities and low computational costs. The MSST extracts spectral-spatial features through multiple attention head groups, collaboratively enhancing its resistance to intricate scenarios. Moreover, we have created a large-scale HSOD dataset, HSOD-BIT, to tackle the issue of data scarcity in this field and meet the fundamental data requirements of deep network training. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed DMSSN achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets. We will soon make the code and dataset publicly available on


new Training-Free Semantic Segmentation via LLM-Supervision

Authors: Wenfang Sun, Yingjun Du, Gaowen Liu, Ramana Kompella, Cees G. M. Snoek

Abstract: Recent advancements in open vocabulary models, like CLIP, have notably advanced zero-shot classification and segmentation by utilizing natural language for class-specific embeddings. However, most research has focused on improving model accuracy through prompt engineering, prompt learning, or fine-tuning with limited labeled data, thereby overlooking the importance of refining the class descriptors. This paper introduces a new approach to text-supervised semantic segmentation using supervision by a large language model (LLM) that does not require extra training. Our method starts from an LLM, like GPT-3, to generate a detailed set of subclasses for more accurate class representation. We then employ an advanced text-supervised semantic segmentation model to apply the generated subclasses as target labels, resulting in diverse segmentation results tailored to each subclass's unique characteristics. Additionally, we propose an assembly that merges the segmentation maps from the various subclass descriptors to ensure a more comprehensive representation of the different aspects in the test images. Through comprehensive experiments on three standard benchmarks, our method outperforms traditional text-supervised semantic segmentation methods by a marked margin.

new Unknown Prompt, the only Lacuna: Unveiling CLIP's Potential for Open Domain Generalization

Authors: Mainak Singha, Ankit Jha, Shirsha Bose, Ashwin Nair, Moloud Abdar, Biplab Banerjee

Abstract: We delve into Open Domain Generalization (ODG), marked by domain and category shifts between training's labeled source and testing's unlabeled target domains. Existing solutions to ODG face limitations due to constrained generalizations of traditional CNN backbones and errors in detecting target open samples in the absence of prior knowledge. Addressing these pitfalls, we introduce ODG-CLIP, harnessing the semantic prowess of the vision-language model, CLIP. Our framework brings forth three primary innovations: Firstly, distinct from prevailing paradigms, we conceptualize ODG as a multi-class classification challenge encompassing both known and novel categories. Central to our approach is modeling a unique prompt tailored for detecting unknown class samples, and to train this, we employ a readily accessible stable diffusion model, elegantly generating proxy images for the open class. Secondly, aiming for domain-tailored classification (prompt) weights while ensuring a balance of precision and simplicity, we devise a novel visual stylecentric prompt learning mechanism. Finally, we infuse images with class-discriminative knowledge derived from the prompt space to augment the fidelity of CLIP's visual embeddings. We introduce a novel objective to safeguard the continuity of this infused semantic intel across domains, especially for the shared classes. Through rigorous testing on diverse datasets, covering closed and open-set DG contexts, ODG-CLIP demonstrates clear supremacy, consistently outpacing peers with performance boosts between 8%-16%. Code will be available at


new Neural Radiance Field-based Visual Rendering: A Comprehensive Review

Authors: Mingyuan Yao, Yukang Huo, Yang Ran, Qingbin Tian, Ruifeng Wang, Haihua Wang

Abstract: In recent years, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has made remarkable progress in the field of computer vision and graphics, providing strong technical support for solving key tasks including 3D scene understanding, new perspective synthesis, human body reconstruction, robotics, and so on, the attention of academics to this research result is growing. As a revolutionary neural implicit field representation, NeRF has caused a continuous research boom in the academic community. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to provide an in-depth analysis of the research literature on NeRF within the past two years, to provide a comprehensive academic perspective for budding researchers. In this paper, the core architecture of NeRF is first elaborated in detail, followed by a discussion of various improvement strategies for NeRF, and case studies of NeRF in diverse application scenarios, demonstrating its practical utility in different domains. In terms of datasets and evaluation metrics, This paper details the key resources needed for NeRF model training. Finally, this paper provides a prospective discussion on the future development trends and potential challenges of NeRF, aiming to provide research inspiration for researchers in the field and to promote the further development of related technologies.

new DRCT: Saving Image Super-resolution away from Information Bottleneck

Authors: Chih-Chung Hsu, Chia-Ming Lee, Yi-Shiuan Chou

Abstract: In recent years, Vision Transformer-based applications to low-level vision tasks have achieved widespread success. Unlike CNN-based models, Transformers are more adept at capturing long-range dependencies, enabling the reconstruction of images utilizing information from non-local areas. In the domain of super-resolution, Swin-transformer-based approaches have become mainstream due to their capacity to capture global spatial information and their shifting-window attention mechanism that facilitates the interchange of information between different windows. Many researchers have enhanced image quality and network efficiency by expanding the receptive field or designing complex networks, yielding commendable results. However, we observed that spatial information tends to diminish during the forward propagation process due to increased depth, leading to a loss of spatial information and, consequently, limiting the model's potential. To address this, we propose the Dense-residual-connected Transformer (DRCT), aimed at mitigating the loss of spatial information through dense-residual connections between layers, thereby unleashing the model's potential and enhancing performance. Experiment results indicate that our approach is not only straightforward but also achieves remarkable efficiency, surpassing state-of-the-art methods and performing commendably at NTIRE2024.

new Absolute-Unified Multi-Class Anomaly Detection via Class-Agnostic Distribution Alignment

Authors: Jia Guo, Shuai Lu, Weihang Zhang, Huiqi Li

Abstract: Conventional unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) methods build separate models for each object category. Recent studies have proposed to train a unified model for multiple classes, namely model-unified UAD. However, such methods still implement the unified model separately on each class during inference with respective anomaly decision thresholds, which hinders their application when the image categories are entirely unavailable. In this work, we present a simple yet powerful method to address multi-class anomaly detection without any class information, namely \textit{absolute-unified} UAD. We target the crux of prior works in this challenging setting: different objects have mismatched anomaly score distributions. We propose Class-Agnostic Distribution Alignment (CADA) to align the mismatched score distribution of each implicit class without knowing class information, which enables unified anomaly detection for all classes and samples. The essence of CADA is to predict each class's score distribution of normal samples given any image, normal or anomalous, of this class. As a general component, CADA can activate the potential of nearly all UAD methods under absolute-unified setting. Our approach is extensively evaluated under the proposed setting on two popular UAD benchmark datasets, MVTec AD and VisA, where we exceed previous state-of-the-art by a large margin.

new Rethinking Interactive Image Segmentation with Low Latency, High Quality, and Diverse Prompts

Authors: Qin Liu, Jaemin Cho, Mohit Bansal, Marc Niethammer

Abstract: The goal of interactive image segmentation is to delineate specific regions within an image via visual or language prompts. Low-latency and high-quality interactive segmentation with diverse prompts remain challenging for existing specialist and generalist models. Specialist models, with their limited prompts and task-specific designs, experience high latency because the image must be recomputed every time the prompt is updated, due to the joint encoding of image and visual prompts. Generalist models, exemplified by the Segment Anything Model (SAM), have recently excelled in prompt diversity and efficiency, lifting image segmentation to the foundation model era. However, for high-quality segmentations, SAM still lags behind state-of-the-art specialist models despite SAM being trained with x100 more segmentation masks. In this work, we delve deep into the architectural differences between the two types of models. We observe that dense representation and fusion of visual prompts are the key design choices contributing to the high segmentation quality of specialist models. In light of this, we reintroduce this dense design into the generalist models, to facilitate the development of generalist models with high segmentation quality. To densely represent diverse visual prompts, we propose to use a dense map to capture five types: clicks, boxes, polygons, scribbles, and masks. Thus, we propose SegNext, a next-generation interactive segmentation approach offering low latency, high quality, and diverse prompt support. Our method outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on HQSeg-44K and DAVIS, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

new Adapting to Length Shift: FlexiLength Network for Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Yi Xu, Yun Fu

Abstract: Trajectory prediction plays an important role in various applications, including autonomous driving, robotics, and scene understanding. Existing approaches mainly focus on developing compact neural networks to increase prediction precision on public datasets, typically employing a standardized input duration. However, a notable issue arises when these models are evaluated with varying observation lengths, leading to a significant performance drop, a phenomenon we term the Observation Length Shift. To address this issue, we introduce a general and effective framework, the FlexiLength Network (FLN), to enhance the robustness of existing trajectory prediction techniques against varying observation periods. Specifically, FLN integrates trajectory data with diverse observation lengths, incorporates FlexiLength Calibration (FLC) to acquire temporal invariant representations, and employs FlexiLength Adaptation (FLA) to further refine these representations for more accurate future trajectory predictions. Comprehensive experiments on multiple datasets, ie, ETH/UCY, nuScenes, and Argoverse 1, demonstrate the effectiveness and flexibility of our proposed FLN framework.

new Privacy-preserving Optics for Enhancing Protection in Face De-identification

Authors: Jhon Lopez, Carlos Hinojosa, Henry Arguello, Bernard Ghanem

Abstract: The modern surge in camera usage alongside widespread computer vision technology applications poses significant privacy and security concerns. Current artificial intelligence (AI) technologies aid in recognizing relevant events and assisting in daily tasks in homes, offices, hospitals, etc. The need to access or process personal information for these purposes raises privacy concerns. While software-level solutions like face de-identification provide a good privacy/utility trade-off, they present vulnerabilities to sniffing attacks. In this paper, we propose a hardware-level face de-identification method to solve this vulnerability. Specifically, our approach first learns an optical encoder along with a regression model to obtain a face heatmap while hiding the face identity from the source image. We also propose an anonymization framework that generates a new face using the privacy-preserving image, face heatmap, and a reference face image from a public dataset as input. We validate our approach with extensive simulations and hardware experiments.

new Disentangling Hippocampal Shape Variations: A Study of Neurological Disorders Using Graph Variational Autoencoder with Contrastive Learning

Authors: Jakaria Rabbi, Johannes Kiechle, Christian Beaulieu, Nilanjan Ray, Dana Cobzas

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study focused on disentangling hippocampal shape variations from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) datasets within the context of neurological disorders. Leveraging a Graph Variational Autoencoder (VAE) enhanced with Supervised Contrastive Learning, our approach aims to improve interpretability by disentangling two distinct latent variables corresponding to age and the presence of diseases. In our ablation study, we investigate a range of VAE architectures and contrastive loss functions, showcasing the enhanced disentanglement capabilities of our approach. This evaluation uses synthetic 3D torus mesh data and real 3D hippocampal mesh datasets derived from the DTI hippocampal dataset. Our supervised disentanglement model outperforms several state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods like attribute and guided VAEs in terms of disentanglement scores. Our model distinguishes between age groups and disease status in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) using the hippocampus data. Our Graph VAE with Supervised Contrastive Learning shows the volume changes of the hippocampus of MS populations at different ages, and the result is consistent with the current neuroimaging literature. This research provides valuable insights into the relationship between neurological disorder and hippocampal shape changes in different age groups of MS populations using a Graph VAE with Supervised Contrastive loss.

new $R^2$-Tuning: Efficient Image-to-Video Transfer Learning for Video Temporal Grounding

Authors: Ye Liu, Jixuan He, Wanhua Li, Junsik Kim, Donglai Wei, Hanspeter Pfister, Chang Wen Chen

Abstract: Video temporal grounding (VTG) is a fine-grained video understanding problem that aims to ground relevant clips in untrimmed videos given natural language queries. Most existing VTG models are built upon frame-wise final-layer CLIP features, aided by additional temporal backbones (e.g., SlowFast) with sophisticated temporal reasoning mechanisms. In this work, we claim that CLIP itself already shows great potential for fine-grained spatial-temporal modeling, as each layer offers distinct yet useful information under different granularity levels. Motivated by this, we propose Reversed Recurrent Tuning ($R^2$-Tuning), a parameter- and memory-efficient transfer learning framework for video temporal grounding. Our method learns a lightweight $R^2$ Block containing only 1.5% of the total parameters to perform progressive spatial-temporal modeling. Starting from the last layer of CLIP, $R^2$ Block recurrently aggregates spatial features from earlier layers, then refines temporal correlation conditioning on the given query, resulting in a coarse-to-fine scheme. $R^2$-Tuning achieves state-of-the-art performance across three VTG tasks (i.e., moment retrieval, highlight detection, and video summarization) on six public benchmarks (i.e., QVHighlights, Charades-STA, Ego4D-NLQ, TACoS, YouTube Highlights, and TVSum) even without the additional backbone, demonstrating the significance and effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Our code is available at


new GAMA-IR: Global Additive Multidimensional Averaging for Fast Image Restoration

Authors: Youssef Mansour, Reinhard Heckel

Abstract: Deep learning-based methods have shown remarkable success for various image restoration tasks such as denoising and deblurring. The current state-of-the-art networks are relatively deep and utilize (variants of) self attention mechanisms. Those networks are significantly slower than shallow convolutional networks, which however perform worse. In this paper, we introduce an image restoration network that is both fast and yields excellent image quality. The network is designed to minimize the latency and memory consumption when executed on a standard GPU, while maintaining state-of-the-art performance. The network is a simple shallow network with an efficient block that implements global additive multidimensional averaging operations. This block can capture global information and enable a large receptive field even when used in shallow networks with minimal computational overhead. Through extensive experiments and evaluations on diverse tasks, we demonstrate that our network achieves comparable or even superior results to existing state-of-the-art image restoration networks with less latency. For instance, we exceed the state-of-the-art result on real-world SIDD denoising by 0.11dB, while being 2 to 10 times faster.

new Towards Realistic Scene Generation with LiDAR Diffusion Models

Authors: Haoxi Ran, Vitor Guizilini, Yue Wang

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) excel in photo-realistic image synthesis, but their adaptation to LiDAR scene generation poses a substantial hurdle. This is primarily because DMs operating in the point space struggle to preserve the curve-like patterns and 3D geometry of LiDAR scenes, which consumes much of their representation power. In this paper, we propose LiDAR Diffusion Models (LiDMs) to generate LiDAR-realistic scenes from a latent space tailored to capture the realism of LiDAR scenes by incorporating geometric priors into the learning pipeline. Our method targets three major desiderata: pattern realism, geometry realism, and object realism. Specifically, we introduce curve-wise compression to simulate real-world LiDAR patterns, point-wise coordinate supervision to learn scene geometry, and patch-wise encoding for a full 3D object context. With these three core designs, our method achieves competitive performance on unconditional LiDAR generation in 64-beam scenario and state of the art on conditional LiDAR generation, while maintaining high efficiency compared to point-based DMs (up to 107$\times$ faster). Furthermore, by compressing LiDAR scenes into a latent space, we enable the controllability of DMs with various conditions such as semantic maps, camera views, and text prompts. Our code and pretrained weights are available at


new Towards Robust Event-guided Low-Light Image Enhancement: A Large-Scale Real-World Event-Image Dataset and Novel Approach

Authors: Guoqiang Liang, Kanghao Chen, Hangyu Li, Yunfan Lu, Lin Wang

Abstract: Event camera has recently received much attention for low-light image enhancement (LIE) thanks to their distinct advantages, such as high dynamic range. However, current research is prohibitively restricted by the lack of large-scale, real-world, and spatial-temporally aligned event-image datasets. To this end, we propose a real-world (indoor and outdoor) dataset comprising over 30K pairs of images and events under both low and normal illumination conditions. To achieve this, we utilize a robotic arm that traces a consistent non-linear trajectory to curate the dataset with spatial alignment precision under 0.03mm. We then introduce a matching alignment strategy, rendering 90% of our dataset with errors less than 0.01s. Based on the dataset, we propose a novel event-guided LIE approach, called EvLight, towards robust performance in real-world low-light scenes. Specifically, we first design the multi-scale holistic fusion branch to extract holistic structural and textural information from both events and images. To ensure robustness against variations in the regional illumination and noise, we then introduce a Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR)-guided regional feature selection to selectively fuse features of images from regions with high SNR and enhance those with low SNR by extracting regional structure information from events. Extensive experiments on our dataset and the synthetic SDSD dataset demonstrate our EvLight significantly surpasses the frame-based methods. Code and datasets are available at


new 3MOS: Multi-sources, Multi-resolutions, and Multi-scenes dataset for Optical-SAR image matching

Authors: Yibin Ye, Xichao Teng, Shuo Chen, Yijie Bian, Tao Tan, Zhang Li

Abstract: Optical-SAR image matching is a fundamental task for image fusion and visual navigation. However, all large-scale open SAR dataset for methods development are collected from single platform, resulting in limited satellite types and spatial resolutions. Since images captured by different sensors vary significantly in both geometric and radiometric appearance, existing methods may fail to match corresponding regions containing the same content. Besides, most of existing datasets have not been categorized based on the characteristics of different scenes. To encourage the design of more general multi-modal image matching methods, we introduce a large-scale Multi-sources,Multi-resolutions, and Multi-scenes dataset for Optical-SAR image matching(3MOS). It consists of 155K optical-SAR image pairs, including SAR data from six commercial satellites, with resolutions ranging from 1.25m to 12.5m. The data has been classified into eight scenes including urban, rural, plains, hills, mountains, water, desert, and frozen earth. Extensively experiments show that none of state-of-the-art methods achieve consistently superior performance across different sources, resolutions and scenes. In addition, the distribution of data has a substantial impact on the matching capability of deep learning models, this proposes the domain adaptation challenge in optical-SAR image matching. Our data and code will be available at:


new An N-Point Linear Solver for Line and Motion Estimation with Event Cameras

Authors: Ling Gao, Daniel Gehrig, Hang Su, Davide Scaramuzza, Laurent Kneip

Abstract: Event cameras respond primarily to edges--formed by strong gradients--and are thus particularly well-suited for line-based motion estimation. Recent work has shown that events generated by a single line each satisfy a polynomial constraint which describes a manifold in the space-time volume. Multiple such constraints can be solved simultaneously to recover the partial linear velocity and line parameters. In this work, we show that, with a suitable line parametrization, this system of constraints is actually linear in the unknowns, which allows us to design a novel linear solver. Unlike existing solvers, our linear solver (i) is fast and numerically stable since it does not rely on expensive root finding, (ii) can solve both minimal and overdetermined systems with more than 5 events, and (iii) admits the characterization of all degenerate cases and multiple solutions. The found line parameters are singularity-free and have a fixed scale, which eliminates the need for auxiliary constraints typically encountered in previous work. To recover the full linear camera velocity we fuse observations from multiple lines with a novel velocity averaging scheme that relies on a geometrically-motivated residual, and thus solves the problem more efficiently than previous schemes which minimize an algebraic residual. Extensive experiments in synthetic and real-world settings demonstrate that our method surpasses the previous work in numerical stability, and operates over 600 times faster.

new Transfer Learning with Point Transformers

Authors: Kartik Gupta, Rahul Vippala, Sahima Srivastava

Abstract: Point Transformers are near state-of-the-art models for classification, segmentation, and detection tasks on Point Cloud data. They utilize a self attention based mechanism to model large range spatial dependencies between multiple point sets. In this project we explore two things: classification performance of these attention based networks on ModelNet10 dataset and then, we use the trained model to classify 3D MNIST dataset after finetuning. We also train the model from scratch on 3D MNIST dataset to compare the performance of finetuned and from-scratch model on the MNIST dataset. We observe that since the two datasets have a large difference in the degree of the distributions, transfer learned models do not outperform the from-scratch models in this case. Although we do expect transfer learned models to converge faster since they already know the lower level edges, corners, etc features from the ModelNet10 dataset.

new Collaborative Learning of Anomalies with Privacy (CLAP) for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection: A New Baseline

Authors: Anas Al-lahham, Muhammad Zaigham Zaheer, Nurbek Tastan, Karthik Nandakumar

Abstract: Unsupervised (US) video anomaly detection (VAD) in surveillance applications is gaining more popularity recently due to its practical real-world applications. As surveillance videos are privacy sensitive and the availability of large-scale video data may enable better US-VAD systems, collaborative learning can be highly rewarding in this setting. However, due to the extremely challenging nature of the US-VAD task, where learning is carried out without any annotations, privacy-preserving collaborative learning of US-VAD systems has not been studied yet. In this paper, we propose a new baseline for anomaly detection capable of localizing anomalous events in complex surveillance videos in a fully unsupervised fashion without any labels on a privacy-preserving participant-based distributed training configuration. Additionally, we propose three new evaluation protocols to benchmark anomaly detection approaches on various scenarios of collaborations and data availability. Based on these protocols, we modify existing VAD datasets to extensively evaluate our approach as well as existing US SOTA methods on two large-scale datasets including UCF-Crime and XD-Violence. All proposed evaluation protocols, dataset splits, and codes are available here:


new Generating Content for HDR Deghosting from Frequency View

Authors: Tao Hu, Qingsen Yan, Yuankai Qi, Yanning Zhang

Abstract: Recovering ghost-free High Dynamic Range (HDR) images from multiple Low Dynamic Range (LDR) images becomes challenging when the LDR images exhibit saturation and significant motion. Recent Diffusion Models (DMs) have been introduced in HDR imaging field, demonstrating promising performance, particularly in achieving visually perceptible results compared to previous DNN-based methods. However, DMs require extensive iterations with large models to estimate entire images, resulting in inefficiency that hinders their practical application. To address this challenge, we propose the Low-Frequency aware Diffusion (LF-Diff) model for ghost-free HDR imaging. The key idea of LF-Diff is implementing the DMs in a highly compacted latent space and integrating it into a regression-based model to enhance the details of reconstructed images. Specifically, as low-frequency information is closely related to human visual perception we propose to utilize DMs to create compact low-frequency priors for the reconstruction process. In addition, to take full advantage of the above low-frequency priors, the Dynamic HDR Reconstruction Network (DHRNet) is carried out in a regression-based manner to obtain final HDR images. Extensive experiments conducted on synthetic and real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate that our LF-Diff performs favorably against several state-of-the-art methods and is 10$\times$ faster than previous DM-based methods.

new Prompt Learning via Meta-Regularization

Authors: Jinyoung Park, Juyeon Ko, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Abstract: Pre-trained vision-language models have shown impressive success on various computer vision tasks with their zero-shot generalizability. Recently, prompt learning approaches have been explored to efficiently and effectively adapt the vision-language models to a variety of downstream tasks. However, most existing prompt learning methods suffer from task overfitting since the general knowledge of the pre-trained vision language models is forgotten while the prompts are finetuned on a small data set from a specific target task. To address this issue, we propose a Prompt Meta-Regularization (ProMetaR) to improve the generalizability of prompt learning for vision-language models. Specifically, ProMetaR meta-learns both the regularizer and the soft prompts to harness the task-specific knowledge from the downstream tasks and task-agnostic general knowledge from the vision-language models. Further, ProMetaR augments the task to generate multiple virtual tasks to alleviate the meta-overfitting. In addition, we provide the analysis to comprehend how ProMetaR improves the generalizability of prompt tuning in the perspective of the gradient alignment. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our ProMetaR improves the generalizability of conventional prompt learning methods under base-to-base/base-to-new and domain generalization settings. The code of ProMetaR is available at


new Ensemble Learning for Vietnamese Scene Text Spotting in Urban Environments

Authors: Hieu Nguyen, Cong-Hoang Ta, Phuong-Thuy Le-Nguyen, Minh-Triet Tran, Trung-Nghia Le

Abstract: This paper presents a simple yet efficient ensemble learning framework for Vietnamese scene text spotting. Leveraging the power of ensemble learning, which combines multiple models to yield more accurate predictions, our approach aims to significantly enhance the performance of scene text spotting in challenging urban settings. Through experimental evaluations on the VinText dataset, our proposed method achieves a significant improvement in accuracy compared to existing methods with an impressive accuracy of 5%. These results unequivocally demonstrate the efficacy of ensemble learning in the context of Vietnamese scene text spotting in urban environments, highlighting its potential for real world applications, such as text detection and recognition in urban signage, advertisements, and various text-rich urban scenes.

new TSOM: Small Object Motion Detection Neural Network Inspired by Avian Visual Circuit

Authors: Pignge Hu, Xiaoteng Zhang, Mengmeng Li, Yingjie Zhu, Li Shi

Abstract: Detecting small moving objects in complex backgrounds from an overhead perspective is a highly challenging task for machine vision systems. As an inspiration from nature, the avian visual system is capable of processing motion information in various complex aerial scenes, and its Retina-OT-Rt visual circuit is highly sensitive to capturing the motion information of small objects from high altitudes. However, more needs to be done on small object motion detection algorithms based on the avian visual system. In this paper, we conducted mathematical modeling based on extensive studies of the biological mechanisms of the Retina-OT-Rt visual circuit. Based on this, we proposed a novel tectum small object motion detection neural network (TSOM). The neural network includes the retina, SGC dendritic, SGC Soma, and Rt layers, each layer corresponding to neurons in the visual pathway. The Retina layer is responsible for accurately projecting input content, the SGC dendritic layer perceives and encodes spatial-temporal information, the SGC Soma layer computes complex motion information and extracts small objects, and the Rt layer integrates and decodes motion information from multiple directions to determine the position of small objects. Extensive experiments on pigeon neurophysiological experiments and image sequence data showed that the TSOM is biologically interpretable and effective in extracting reliable small object motion features from complex high-altitude backgrounds.

new Meta Episodic learning with Dynamic Task Sampling for CLIP-based Point Cloud Classification

Authors: Shuvozit Ghose, Yang Wang

Abstract: Point cloud classification refers to the process of assigning semantic labels or categories to individual points within a point cloud data structure. Recent works have explored the extension of pre-trained CLIP to 3D recognition. In this direction, CLIP-based point cloud models like PointCLIP, CLIP2Point have become state-of-the-art methods in the few-shot setup. Although these methods show promising performance for some classes like airplanes, desks, guitars, etc, the performance for some classes like the cup, flower pot, sink, nightstand, etc is still far from satisfactory. This is due to the fact that the adapter of CLIP-based models is trained using randomly sampled N-way K-shot data in the standard supervised learning setup. In this paper, we propose a novel meta-episodic learning framework for CLIP-based point cloud classification, addressing the challenges of limited training examples and sampling unknown classes. Additionally, we introduce dynamic task sampling within the episode based on performance memory. This sampling strategy effectively addresses the challenge of sampling unknown classes, ensuring that the model learns from a diverse range of classes and promotes the exploration of underrepresented categories. By dynamically updating the performance memory, we adaptively prioritize the sampling of classes based on their performance, enhancing the model's ability to handle challenging and real-world scenarios. Experiments show an average performance gain of 3-6\% on ModelNet40 and ScanobjectNN datasets in a few-shot setup.

new DiSR-NeRF: Diffusion-Guided View-Consistent Super-Resolution NeRF

Authors: Jie Long Lee, Chen Li, Gim Hee Lee

Abstract: We present DiSR-NeRF, a diffusion-guided framework for view-consistent super-resolution (SR) NeRF. Unlike prior works, we circumvent the requirement for high-resolution (HR) reference images by leveraging existing powerful 2D super-resolution models. Nonetheless, independent SR 2D images are often inconsistent across different views. We thus propose Iterative 3D Synchronization (I3DS) to mitigate the inconsistency problem via the inherent multi-view consistency property of NeRF. Specifically, our I3DS alternates between upscaling low-resolution (LR) rendered images with diffusion models, and updating the underlying 3D representation with standard NeRF training. We further introduce Renoised Score Distillation (RSD), a novel score-distillation objective for 2D image resolution. Our RSD combines features from ancestral sampling and Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) to generate sharp images that are also LR-consistent. Qualitative and quantitative results on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our DiSR-NeRF can achieve better results on NeRF super-resolution compared with existing works. Code and video results available at the project website.

new DPA-Net: Structured 3D Abstraction from Sparse Views via Differentiable Primitive Assembly

Authors: Fenggen Yu, Yimin Qian, Xu Zhang, Francisca Gil-Ureta, Brian Jackson, Eric Bennett, Hao Zhang

Abstract: We present a differentiable rendering framework to learn structured 3D abstractions in the form of primitive assemblies from sparse RGB images capturing a 3D object. By leveraging differentiable volume rendering, our method does not require 3D supervision. Architecturally, our network follows the general pipeline of an image-conditioned neural radiance field (NeRF) exemplified by pixelNeRF for color prediction. As our core contribution, we introduce differential primitive assembly (DPA) into NeRF to output a 3D occupancy field in place of density prediction, where the predicted occupancies serve as opacity values for volume rendering. Our network, coined DPA-Net, produces a union of convexes, each as an intersection of convex quadric primitives, to approximate the target 3D object, subject to an abstraction loss and a masking loss, both defined in the image space upon volume rendering. With test-time adaptation and additional sampling and loss designs aimed at improving the accuracy and compactness of the obtained assemblies, our method demonstrates superior performance over state-of-the-art alternatives for 3D primitive abstraction from sparse views.

new MGMap: Mask-Guided Learning for Online Vectorized HD Map Construction

Authors: Xiaolu Liu, Song Wang, Wentong Li, Ruizi Yang, Junbo Chen, Jianke Zhu

Abstract: Currently, high-definition (HD) map construction leans towards a lightweight online generation tendency, which aims to preserve timely and reliable road scene information. However, map elements contain strong shape priors. Subtle and sparse annotations make current detection-based frameworks ambiguous in locating relevant feature scopes and cause the loss of detailed structures in prediction. To alleviate these problems, we propose MGMap, a mask-guided approach that effectively highlights the informative regions and achieves precise map element localization by introducing the learned masks. Specifically, MGMap employs learned masks based on the enhanced multi-scale BEV features from two perspectives. At the instance level, we propose the Mask-activated instance (MAI) decoder, which incorporates global instance and structural information into instance queries by the activation of instance masks. At the point level, a novel position-guided mask patch refinement (PG-MPR) module is designed to refine point locations from a finer-grained perspective, enabling the extraction of point-specific patch information. Compared to the baselines, our proposed MGMap achieves a notable improvement of around 10 mAP for different input modalities. Extensive experiments also demonstrate that our approach showcases strong robustness and generalization capabilities. Our code can be found at


new TryOn-Adapter: Efficient Fine-Grained Clothing Identity Adaptation for High-Fidelity Virtual Try-On

Authors: Jiazheng Xing, Chao Xu, Yijie Qian, Yang Liu, Guang Dai, Baigui Sun, Yong Liu, Jingdong Wang

Abstract: Virtual try-on focuses on adjusting the given clothes to fit a specific person seamlessly while avoiding any distortion of the patterns and textures of the garment. However, the clothing identity uncontrollability and training inefficiency of existing diffusion-based methods, which struggle to maintain the identity even with full parameter training, are significant limitations that hinder the widespread applications. In this work, we propose an effective and efficient framework, termed TryOn-Adapter. Specifically, we first decouple clothing identity into fine-grained factors: style for color and category information, texture for high-frequency details, and structure for smooth spatial adaptive transformation. Our approach utilizes a pre-trained exemplar-based diffusion model as the fundamental network, whose parameters are frozen except for the attention layers. We then customize three lightweight modules (Style Preserving, Texture Highlighting, and Structure Adapting) incorporated with fine-tuning techniques to enable precise and efficient identity control. Meanwhile, we introduce the training-free T-RePaint strategy to further enhance clothing identity preservation while maintaining the realistic try-on effect during the inference. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on two widely-used benchmarks. Additionally, compared with recent full-tuning diffusion-based methods, we only use about half of their tunable parameters during training. The code will be made publicly available at


new Model-Agnostic Human Preference Inversion in Diffusion Models

Authors: Jeeyung Kim, Ze Wang, Qiang Qiu

Abstract: Efficient text-to-image generation remains a challenging task due to the high computational costs associated with the multi-step sampling in diffusion models. Although distillation of pre-trained diffusion models has been successful in reducing sampling steps, low-step image generation often falls short in terms of quality. In this study, we propose a novel sampling design to achieve high-quality one-step image generation aligning with human preferences, particularly focusing on exploring the impact of the prior noise distribution. Our approach, Prompt Adaptive Human Preference Inversion (PAHI), optimizes the noise distributions for each prompt based on human preferences without the need for fine-tuning diffusion models. Our experiments showcase that the tailored noise distributions significantly improve image quality with only a marginal increase in computational cost. Our findings underscore the importance of noise optimization and pave the way for efficient and high-quality text-to-image synthesis.

new Marrying NeRF with Feature Matching for One-step Pose Estimation

Authors: Ronghan Chen, Yang Cong, Yu Ren

Abstract: Given the image collection of an object, we aim at building a real-time image-based pose estimation method, which requires neither its CAD model nor hours of object-specific training. Recent NeRF-based methods provide a promising solution by directly optimizing the pose from pixel loss between rendered and target images. However, during inference, they require long converging time, and suffer from local minima, making them impractical for real-time robot applications. We aim at solving this problem by marrying image matching with NeRF. With 2D matches and depth rendered by NeRF, we directly solve the pose in one step by building 2D-3D correspondences between target and initial view, thus allowing for real-time prediction. Moreover, to improve the accuracy of 2D-3D correspondences, we propose a 3D consistent point mining strategy, which effectively discards unfaithful points reconstruted by NeRF. Moreover, current NeRF-based methods naively optimizing pixel loss fail at occluded images. Thus, we further propose a 2D matches based sampling strategy to preclude the occluded area. Experimental results on representative datasets prove that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods, and improves inference efficiency by 90x, achieving real-time prediction at 6 FPS.

new Slightly Shift New Classes to Remember Old Classes for Video Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Jian Jiao, Yu Dai, Hefei Mei, Heqian Qiu, Chuanyang Gong, Shiyuan Tang, Xinpeng Hao, Hongliang Li

Abstract: Recent video class-incremental learning usually excessively pursues the accuracy of the newly seen classes and relies on memory sets to mitigate catastrophic forgetting of the old classes. However, limited storage only allows storing a few representative videos. So we propose SNRO, which slightly shifts the features of new classes to remember old classes. Specifically, SNRO contains Examples Sparse(ES) and Early Break(EB). ES decimates at a lower sample rate to build memory sets and uses interpolation to align those sparse frames in the future. By this, SNRO stores more examples under the same memory consumption and forces the model to focus on low-semantic features which are harder to be forgotten. EB terminates the training at a small epoch, preventing the model from overstretching into the high-semantic space of the current task. Experiments on UCF101, HMDB51, and UESTC-MMEA-CL datasets show that SNRO performs better than other approaches while consuming the same memory consumption.

new From Pixels to Graphs: Open-Vocabulary Scene Graph Generation with Vision-Language Models

Authors: Rongjie Li, Songyang Zhang, Dahua Lin, Kai Chen, Xuming He

Abstract: Scene graph generation (SGG) aims to parse a visual scene into an intermediate graph representation for downstream reasoning tasks. Despite recent advancements, existing methods struggle to generate scene graphs with novel visual relation concepts. To address this challenge, we introduce a new open-vocabulary SGG framework based on sequence generation. Our framework leverages vision-language pre-trained models (VLM) by incorporating an image-to-graph generation paradigm. Specifically, we generate scene graph sequences via image-to-text generation with VLM and then construct scene graphs from these sequences. By doing so, we harness the strong capabilities of VLM for open-vocabulary SGG and seamlessly integrate explicit relational modeling for enhancing the VL tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that our design not only achieves superior performance with an open vocabulary but also enhances downstream vision-language task performance through explicit relation modeling knowledge.

new Learning by Correction: Efficient Tuning Task for Zero-Shot Generative Vision-Language Reasoning

Authors: Rongjie Li, Yu Wu, Xuming He

Abstract: Generative vision-language models (VLMs) have shown impressive performance in zero-shot vision-language tasks like image captioning and visual question answering. However, improving their zero-shot reasoning typically requires second-stage instruction tuning, which relies heavily on human-labeled or large language model-generated annotation, incurring high labeling costs. To tackle this challenge, we introduce Image-Conditioned Caption Correction (ICCC), a novel pre-training task designed to enhance VLMs' zero-shot performance without the need for labeled task-aware data. The ICCC task compels VLMs to rectify mismatches between visual and language concepts, thereby enhancing instruction following and text generation conditioned on visual inputs. Leveraging language structure and a lightweight dependency parser, we construct data samples of ICCC task from image-text datasets with low labeling and computation costs. Experimental results on BLIP-2 and InstructBLIP demonstrate significant improvements in zero-shot image-text generation-based VL tasks through ICCC instruction tuning.

new LLaMA-Excitor: General Instruction Tuning via Indirect Feature Interaction

Authors: Bo Zou, Chao Yang, Yu Qiao, Chengbin Quan, Youjian Zhao

Abstract: Existing methods to fine-tune LLMs, like Adapter, Prefix-tuning, and LoRA, which introduce extra modules or additional input sequences to inject new skills or knowledge, may compromise the innate abilities of LLMs. In this paper, we propose LLaMA-Excitor, a lightweight method that stimulates the LLMs' potential to better follow instructions by gradually paying more attention to worthwhile information. Specifically, the LLaMA-Excitor does not directly change the intermediate hidden state during the self-attention calculation of the transformer structure. We designed the Excitor block as a bypass module for the similarity score computation in LLMs' self-attention to reconstruct keys and change the importance of values by learnable prompts. LLaMA-Excitor ensures a self-adaptive allocation of additional attention to input instructions, thus effectively preserving LLMs' pre-trained knowledge when fine-tuning LLMs on low-quality instruction-following datasets. Furthermore, we unify the modeling of multi-modal tuning and language-only tuning, extending LLaMA-Excitor to a powerful visual instruction follower without the need for complex multi-modal alignment. Our proposed approach is evaluated in language-only and multi-modal tuning experimental scenarios. Notably, LLaMA-Excitor is the only method that maintains basic capabilities while achieving a significant improvement (+6%) on the MMLU benchmark. In the visual instruction tuning, we achieve a new state-of-the-art image captioning performance of 157.5 CIDEr on MSCOCO, and a comparable performance (88.39%) on ScienceQA to cutting-edge models with more parameters and extensive vision-language pertaining.

new Scalable 3D Registration via Truncated Entry-wise Absolute Residuals

Authors: Tianyu Huang, Liangzu Peng, Ren\'e Vidal, Yun-Hui Liu

Abstract: Given an input set of $3$D point pairs, the goal of outlier-robust $3$D registration is to compute some rotation and translation that align as many point pairs as possible. This is an important problem in computer vision, for which many highly accurate approaches have been recently proposed. Despite their impressive performance, these approaches lack scalability, often overflowing the $16$GB of memory of a standard laptop to handle roughly $30,000$ point pairs. In this paper, we propose a $3$D registration approach that can process more than ten million ($10^7$) point pairs with over $99\%$ random outliers. Moreover, our method is efficient, entails low memory costs, and maintains high accuracy at the same time. We call our method TEAR, as it involves minimizing an outlier-robust loss that computes Truncated Entry-wise Absolute Residuals. To minimize this loss, we decompose the original $6$-dimensional problem into two subproblems of dimensions $3$ and $2$, respectively, solved in succession to global optimality via a customized branch-and-bound method. While branch-and-bound is often slow and unscalable, this does not apply to TEAR as we propose novel bounding functions that are tight and computationally efficient. Experiments on various datasets are conducted to validate the scalability and efficiency of our method.

new Gyro-based Neural Single Image Deblurring

Authors: Heemin Yang, Jaesung Rim, Seung-Hwan Baek, Sunghyun Cho

Abstract: In this paper, we present GyroDeblurNet, a novel single image deblurring method that utilizes a gyro sensor to effectively resolve the ill-posedness of image deblurring. The gyro sensor provides valuable information about camera motion during exposure time that can significantly improve deblurring quality. However, effectively exploiting real-world gyro data is challenging due to significant errors from various sources including sensor noise, the disparity between the positions of a camera module and a gyro sensor, the absence of translational motion information, and moving objects whose motions cannot be captured by a gyro sensor. To handle gyro error, GyroDeblurNet is equipped with two novel neural network blocks: a gyro refinement block and a gyro deblurring block. The gyro refinement block refines the error-ridden gyro data using the blur information from the input image. On the other hand, the gyro deblurring block removes blur from the input image using the refined gyro data and further compensates for gyro error by leveraging the blur information from the input image. For training a neural network with erroneous gyro data, we propose a training strategy based on the curriculum learning. We also introduce a novel gyro data embedding scheme to represent real-world intricate camera shakes. Finally, we present a synthetic dataset and a real dataset for the training and evaluation of gyro-based single image deblurring. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art deblurring quality by effectively utilizing erroneous gyro data.

new Rethinking Saliency-Guided Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Beomyoung Kim, Donghyeon Kim, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: This paper presents a fresh perspective on the role of saliency maps in weakly-supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) and offers new insights and research directions based on our empirical findings. We conduct comprehensive experiments and observe that the quality of the saliency map is a critical factor in saliency-guided WSSS approaches. Nonetheless, we find that the saliency maps used in previous works are often arbitrarily chosen, despite their significant impact on WSSS. Additionally, we observe that the choice of the threshold, which has received less attention before, is non-trivial in WSSS. To facilitate more meaningful and rigorous research for saliency-guided WSSS, we introduce \texttt{WSSS-BED}, a standardized framework for conducting research under unified conditions. \texttt{WSSS-BED} provides various saliency maps and activation maps for seven WSSS methods, as well as saliency maps from unsupervised salient object detection models.

new Towards Label-Efficient Human Matting: A Simple Baseline for Weakly Semi-Supervised Trimap-Free Human Matting

Authors: Beomyoung Kim, Myeong Yeon Yi, Joonsang Yu, Young Joon Yoo, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: This paper presents a new practical training method for human matting, which demands delicate pixel-level human region identification and significantly laborious annotations. To reduce the annotation cost, most existing matting approaches often rely on image synthesis to augment the dataset. However, the unnaturalness of synthesized training images brings in a new domain generalization challenge for natural images. To address this challenge, we introduce a new learning paradigm, weakly semi-supervised human matting (WSSHM), which leverages a small amount of expensive matte labels and a large amount of budget-friendly segmentation labels, to save the annotation cost and resolve the domain generalization problem. To achieve the goal of WSSHM, we propose a simple and effective training method, named Matte Label Blending (MLB), that selectively guides only the beneficial knowledge of the segmentation and matte data to the matting model. Extensive experiments with our detailed analysis demonstrate our method can substantially improve the robustness of the matting model using a few matte data and numerous segmentation data. Our training method is also easily applicable to real-time models, achieving competitive accuracy with breakneck inference speed (328 FPS on NVIDIA V100 GPU). The implementation code is available at \url{}.


new Towards Memorization-Free Diffusion Models

Authors: Chen Chen, Daochang Liu, Chang Xu

Abstract: Pretrained diffusion models and their outputs are widely accessible due to their exceptional capacity for synthesizing high-quality images and their open-source nature. The users, however, may face litigation risks owing to the models' tendency to memorize and regurgitate training data during inference. To address this, we introduce Anti-Memorization Guidance (AMG), a novel framework employing three targeted guidance strategies for the main causes of memorization: image and caption duplication, and highly specific user prompts. Consequently, AMG ensures memorization-free outputs while maintaining high image quality and text alignment, leveraging the synergy of its guidance methods, each indispensable in its own right. AMG also features an innovative automatic detection system for potential memorization during each step of inference process, allows selective application of guidance strategies, minimally interfering with the original sampling process to preserve output utility. We applied AMG to pretrained Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) and Stable Diffusion across various generation tasks. The results demonstrate that AMG is the first approach to successfully eradicates all instances of memorization with no or marginal impacts on image quality and text-alignment, as evidenced by FID and CLIP scores.

new MM3DGS SLAM: Multi-modal 3D Gaussian Splatting for SLAM Using Vision, Depth, and Inertial Measurements

Authors: Lisong C. Sun, Neel P. Bhatt, Jonathan C. Liu, Zhiwen Fan, Zhangyang Wang, Todd E. Humphreys, Ufuk Topcu

Abstract: Simultaneous localization and mapping is essential for position tracking and scene understanding. 3D Gaussian-based map representations enable photorealistic reconstruction and real-time rendering of scenes using multiple posed cameras. We show for the first time that using 3D Gaussians for map representation with unposed camera images and inertial measurements can enable accurate SLAM. Our method, MM3DGS, addresses the limitations of prior neural radiance field-based representations by enabling faster rendering, scale awareness, and improved trajectory tracking. Our framework enables keyframe-based mapping and tracking utilizing loss functions that incorporate relative pose transformations from pre-integrated inertial measurements, depth estimates, and measures of photometric rendering quality. We also release a multi-modal dataset, UT-MM, collected from a mobile robot equipped with a camera and an inertial measurement unit. Experimental evaluation on several scenes from the dataset shows that MM3DGS achieves 3x improvement in tracking and 5% improvement in photometric rendering quality compared to the current 3DGS SLAM state-of-the-art, while allowing real-time rendering of a high-resolution dense 3D map. Project Webpage:


new BadPart: Unified Black-box Adversarial Patch Attacks against Pixel-wise Regression Tasks

Authors: Zhiyuan Cheng, Zhaoyi Liu, Tengda Guo, Shiwei Feng, Dongfang Liu, Mingjie Tang, Xiangyu Zhang

Abstract: Pixel-wise regression tasks (e.g., monocular depth estimation (MDE) and optical flow estimation (OFE)) have been widely involved in our daily life in applications like autonomous driving, augmented reality and video composition. Although certain applications are security-critical or bear societal significance, the adversarial robustness of such models are not sufficiently studied, especially in the black-box scenario. In this work, we introduce the first unified black-box adversarial patch attack framework against pixel-wise regression tasks, aiming to identify the vulnerabilities of these models under query-based black-box attacks. We propose a novel square-based adversarial patch optimization framework and employ probabilistic square sampling and score-based gradient estimation techniques to generate the patch effectively and efficiently, overcoming the scalability problem of previous black-box patch attacks. Our attack prototype, named BadPart, is evaluated on both MDE and OFE tasks, utilizing a total of 7 models. BadPart surpasses 3 baseline methods in terms of both attack performance and efficiency. We also apply BadPart on the Google online service for portrait depth estimation, causing 43.5% relative distance error with 50K queries. State-of-the-art (SOTA) countermeasures cannot defend our attack effectively.

new LLMs are Good Sign Language Translators

Authors: Jia Gong, Lin Geng Foo, Yixuan He, Hossein Rahmani, Jun Liu

Abstract: Sign Language Translation (SLT) is a challenging task that aims to translate sign videos into spoken language. Inspired by the strong translation capabilities of large language models (LLMs) that are trained on extensive multilingual text corpora, we aim to harness off-the-shelf LLMs to handle SLT. In this paper, we regularize the sign videos to embody linguistic characteristics of spoken language, and propose a novel SignLLM framework to transform sign videos into a language-like representation for improved readability by off-the-shelf LLMs. SignLLM comprises two key modules: (1) The Vector-Quantized Visual Sign module converts sign videos into a sequence of discrete character-level sign tokens, and (2) the Codebook Reconstruction and Alignment module converts these character-level tokens into word-level sign representations using an optimal transport formulation. A sign-text alignment loss further bridges the gap between sign and text tokens, enhancing semantic compatibility. We achieve state-of-the-art gloss-free results on two widely-used SLT benchmarks.

new Instance-Aware Group Quantization for Vision Transformers

Authors: Jaehyeon Moon, Dohyung Kim, Junyong Cheon, Bumsub Ham

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) is an efficient model compression technique that quantizes a pretrained full-precision model using only a small calibration set of unlabeled samples without retraining. PTQ methods for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) provide quantization results comparable to full-precision counterparts. Directly applying them to vision transformers (ViTs), however, incurs severe performance degradation, mainly due to the differences in architectures between CNNs and ViTs. In particular, the distribution of activations for each channel vary drastically according to input instances, making PTQ methods for CNNs inappropriate for ViTs. To address this, we introduce instance-aware group quantization for ViTs (IGQ-ViT). To this end, we propose to split the channels of activation maps into multiple groups dynamically for each input instance, such that activations within each group share similar statistical properties. We also extend our scheme to quantize softmax attentions across tokens. In addition, the number of groups for each layer is adjusted to minimize the discrepancies between predictions from quantized and full-precision models, under a bit-operation (BOP) constraint. We show extensive experimental results on image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation, with various transformer architectures, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

new GOV-NeSF: Generalizable Open-Vocabulary Neural Semantic Fields

Authors: Yunsong Wang, Hanlin Chen, Gim Hee Lee

Abstract: Recent advancements in vision-language foundation models have significantly enhanced open-vocabulary 3D scene understanding. However, the generalizability of existing methods is constrained due to their framework designs and their reliance on 3D data. We address this limitation by introducing Generalizable Open-Vocabulary Neural Semantic Fields (GOV-NeSF), a novel approach offering a generalizable implicit representation of 3D scenes with open-vocabulary semantics. We aggregate the geometry-aware features using a cost volume, and propose a Multi-view Joint Fusion module to aggregate multi-view features through a cross-view attention mechanism, which effectively predicts view-specific blending weights for both colors and open-vocabulary features. Remarkably, our GOV-NeSF exhibits state-of-the-art performance in both 2D and 3D open-vocabulary semantic segmentation, eliminating the need for ground truth semantic labels or depth priors, and effectively generalize across scenes and datasets without fine-tuning.

new A Comprehensive Review of Knowledge Distillation in Computer Vision

Authors: Sheikh Musa Kaleem (National Institute of Technology Srinagar), Tufail Rouf (National Institute of Technology Srinagar), Gousia Habib (Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and management Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi, India), Tausifa jan Saleem (Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and management Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi, India), Brejesh Lall (Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and management Indian Institute of Technology New Delhi, India)

Abstract: Deep learning techniques have been demonstrated to surpass preceding cutting-edge machine learning techniques in recent years, with computer vision being one of the most prominent examples. However, deep learning models suffer from significant drawbacks when deployed in resource-constrained environments due to their large model size and high complexity. Knowledge Distillation is one of the prominent solutions to overcome this challenge. This review paper examines the current state of research on knowledge distillation, a technique for compressing complex models into smaller and simpler ones. The paper provides an overview of the major principles and techniques associated with knowledge distillation and reviews the applications of knowledge distillation in the domain of computer vision. The review focuses on the benefits of knowledge distillation, as well as the problems that must be overcome to improve its effectiveness.

new Exploring the Efficacy of Group-Normalization in Deep Learning Models for Alzheimer's Disease Classification

Authors: Gousia Habib, Ishfaq Ahmed Malik, Jameel Ahmad, Imtiaz Ahmed, Shaima Qureshi

Abstract: Batch Normalization is an important approach to advancing deep learning since it allows multiple networks to train simultaneously. A problem arises when normalizing along the batch dimension because B.N.'s error increases significantly as batch size shrinks because batch statistics estimates are inaccurate. As a result, computer vision tasks like detection, segmentation, and video, which require tiny batches based on memory consumption, aren't suitable for using Batch Normalization for larger model training and feature transfer. Here, we explore Group Normalization as an easy alternative to using Batch Normalization A Group Normalization is a channel normalization method in which each group is divided into different channels, and the corresponding mean and variance are calculated for each group. Group Normalization computations are accurate across a wide range of batch sizes and are independent of batch size. When trained using a large ImageNet database on ResNet-50, GN achieves a very low error rate of 10.6% compared to Batch Normalization. when a smaller batch size of only 2 is used. For usual batch sizes, the performance of G.N. is comparable to that of Batch Normalization, but at the same time, it outperforms other normalization techniques. Implementing Group Normalization as a direct alternative to B.N to combat the serious challenges faced by the Batch Normalization in deep learning models with comparable or improved classification accuracy. Additionally, Group Normalization can be naturally transferred from the pre-training to the fine-tuning phase. .

new Harnessing The Power of Attention For Patch-Based Biomedical Image Classification

Authors: Gousia Habib, Shaima Qureshi, Malik ishfaq

Abstract: Biomedical image analysis can be facilitated by an innovative architecture rooted in self-attention mechanisms. The traditional convolutional neural network (CNN), characterized by fixed-sized windows, needs help capturing intricate spatial and temporal relations at the pixel level. The immutability of CNN filter weights post-training further restricts input fluctuations. Recognizing these limitations, we propose a new paradigm of attention-based models instead of convolutions. As an alternative to traditional CNNs, these models demonstrate robust modelling capabilities and the ability to grasp comprehensive long-range contextual information efficiently. Providing a solution to critical challenges faced by attention-based vision models such as inductive bias, weight sharing, receptive field limitations, and data handling in high resolution, our work combines non-overlapping (vanilla patching) with novel overlapped Shifted Patching Techniques (S.P.T.s) to induce local context that enhances model generalization. Moreover, we examine the novel Lancoz5 interpolation technique, which adapts variable image sizes to higher resolutions. Experimental evidence validates our model's generalization effectiveness, comparing favourably with existing approaches. Attention-based methods are particularly effective with ample data, especially when advanced data augmentation methodologies are integrated to strengthen their robustness.

new Equivariant Local Reference Frames for Unsupervised Non-rigid Point Cloud Shape Correspondence

Authors: Ling Wang, Runfa Chen, Yikai Wang, Fuchun Sun, Xinzhou Wang, Sun Kai, Guangyuan Fu, Jianwei Zhang, Wenbing Huang

Abstract: Unsupervised non-rigid point cloud shape correspondence underpins a multitude of 3D vision tasks, yet itself is non-trivial given the exponential complexity stemming from inter-point degree-of-freedom, i.e., pose transformations. Based on the assumption of local rigidity, one solution for reducing complexity is to decompose the overall shape into independent local regions using Local Reference Frames (LRFs) that are invariant to SE(3) transformations. However, the focus solely on local structure neglects global geometric contexts, resulting in less distinctive LRFs that lack crucial semantic information necessary for effective matching. Furthermore, such complexity introduces out-of-distribution geometric contexts during inference, thus complicating generalization. To this end, we introduce 1) EquiShape, a novel structure tailored to learn pair-wise LRFs with global structural cues for both spatial and semantic consistency, and 2) LRF-Refine, an optimization strategy generally applicable to LRF-based methods, aimed at addressing the generalization challenges. Specifically, for EquiShape, we employ cross-talk within separate equivariant graph neural networks (Cross-GVP) to build long-range dependencies to compensate for the lack of semantic information in local structure modeling, deducing pair-wise independent SE(3)-equivariant LRF vectors for each point. For LRF-Refine, the optimization adjusts LRFs within specific contexts and knowledge, enhancing the geometric and semantic generalizability of point features. Our overall framework surpasses the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin on three benchmarks. Code and models will be publicly available.

new S2RC-GCN: A Spatial-Spectral Reliable Contrastive Graph Convolutional Network for Complex Land Cover Classification Using Hyperspectral Images

Authors: Renxiang Guan, Zihao Li, Chujia Song, Guo Yu, Xianju Li, Ruyi Feng

Abstract: Spatial correlations between different ground objects are an important feature of mining land cover research. Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) can effectively capture such spatial feature representations and have demonstrated promising results in performing hyperspectral imagery (HSI) classification tasks of complex land. However, the existing GCN-based HSI classification methods are prone to interference from redundant information when extracting complex features. To classify complex scenes more effectively, this study proposes a novel spatial-spectral reliable contrastive graph convolutional classification framework named S2RC-GCN. Specifically, we fused the spectral and spatial features extracted by the 1D- and 2D-encoder, and the 2D-encoder includes an attention model to automatically extract important information. We then leveraged the fused high-level features to construct graphs and fed the resulting graphs into the GCNs to determine more effective graph representations. Furthermore, a novel reliable contrastive graph convolution was proposed for reliable contrastive learning to learn and fuse robust features. Finally, to test the performance of the model on complex object classification, we used imagery taken by Gaofen-5 in the Jiang Xia area to construct complex land cover datasets. The test results show that compared with other models, our model achieved the best results and effectively improved the classification performance of complex remote sensing imagery.

new VideoDistill: Language-aware Vision Distillation for Video Question Answering

Authors: Bo Zou, Chao Yang, Yu Qiao, Chengbin Quan, Youjian Zhao

Abstract: Significant advancements in video question answering (VideoQA) have been made thanks to thriving large image-language pretraining frameworks. Although these image-language models can efficiently represent both video and language branches, they typically employ a goal-free vision perception process and do not interact vision with language well during the answer generation, thus omitting crucial visual cues. In this paper, we are inspired by the human recognition and learning pattern and propose VideoDistill, a framework with language-aware (i.e., goal-driven) behavior in both vision perception and answer generation process. VideoDistill generates answers only from question-related visual embeddings and follows a thinking-observing-answering approach that closely resembles human behavior, distinguishing it from previous research. Specifically, we develop a language-aware gating mechanism to replace the standard cross-attention, avoiding language's direct fusion into visual representations. We incorporate this mechanism into two key components of the entire framework. The first component is a differentiable sparse sampling module, which selects frames containing the necessary dynamics and semantics relevant to the questions. The second component is a vision refinement module that merges existing spatial-temporal attention layers to ensure the extraction of multi-grained visual semantics associated with the questions. We conduct experimental evaluations on various challenging video question-answering benchmarks, and VideoDistill achieves state-of-the-art performance in both general and long-form VideoQA datasets. In Addition, we verify that VideoDistill can effectively alleviate the utilization of language shortcut solutions in the EgoTaskQA dataset.

new Improving Visual Recognition with Hyperbolical Visual Hierarchy Mapping

Authors: Hyeongjun Kwon, Jinhyun Jang, Jin Kim, Kwonyoung Kim, Kwanghoon Sohn

Abstract: Visual scenes are naturally organized in a hierarchy, where a coarse semantic is recursively comprised of several fine details. Exploring such a visual hierarchy is crucial to recognize the complex relations of visual elements, leading to a comprehensive scene understanding. In this paper, we propose a Visual Hierarchy Mapper (Hi-Mapper), a novel approach for enhancing the structured understanding of the pre-trained Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Hi-Mapper investigates the hierarchical organization of the visual scene by 1) pre-defining a hierarchy tree through the encapsulation of probability densities; and 2) learning the hierarchical relations in hyperbolic space with a novel hierarchical contrastive loss. The pre-defined hierarchy tree recursively interacts with the visual features of the pre-trained DNNs through hierarchy decomposition and encoding procedures, thereby effectively identifying the visual hierarchy and enhancing the recognition of an entire scene. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Hi-Mapper significantly enhances the representation capability of DNNs, leading to an improved performance on various tasks, including image classification and dense prediction tasks.

new PDF: A Probability-Driven Framework for Open World 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Jinfeng Xu, Siyuan Yang, Xianzhi Li, Yuan Tang, Yixue Hao, Long Hu, Min Chen

Abstract: Existing point cloud semantic segmentation networks cannot identify unknown classes and update their knowledge, due to a closed-set and static perspective of the real world, which would induce the intelligent agent to make bad decisions. To address this problem, we propose a Probability-Driven Framework (PDF) for open world semantic segmentation that includes (i) a lightweight U-decoder branch to identify unknown classes by estimating the uncertainties, (ii) a flexible pseudo-labeling scheme to supply geometry features along with probability distribution features of unknown classes by generating pseudo labels, and (iii) an incremental knowledge distillation strategy to incorporate novel classes into the existing knowledge base gradually. Our framework enables the model to behave like human beings, which could recognize unknown objects and incrementally learn them with the corresponding knowledge. Experimental results on the S3DIS and ScanNetv2 datasets demonstrate that the proposed PDF outperforms other methods by a large margin in both important tasks of open world semantic segmentation.

new CAMO: Correlation-Aware Mask Optimization with Modulated Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Xiaoxiao Liang, Haoyu Yang, Kang Liu, Bei Yu, Yuzhe Ma

Abstract: Optical proximity correction (OPC) is a vital step to ensure printability in modern VLSI manufacturing. Various OPC approaches based on machine learning have been proposed to pursue performance and efficiency, which are typically data-driven and hardly involve any particular considerations of the OPC problem, leading to potential performance or efficiency bottlenecks. In this paper, we propose CAMO, a reinforcement learning-based OPC system that specifically integrates important principles of the OPC problem. CAMO explicitly involves the spatial correlation among the movements of neighboring segments and an OPC-inspired modulation for movement action selection. Experiments are conducted on both via layer patterns and metal layer patterns. The results demonstrate that CAMO outperforms state-of-the-art OPC engines from both academia and industry.

new FlexiDreamer: Single Image-to-3D Generation with FlexiCubes

Authors: Ruowen Zhao, Zhengyi Wang, Yikai Wang, Zihan Zhou, Jun Zhu

Abstract: 3D content generation from text prompts or single images has made remarkable progress in quality and speed recently. One of its dominant paradigms involves generating consistent multi-view images followed by a sparse-view reconstruction. However, due to the challenge of directly deforming the mesh representation to approach the target topology, most methodologies learn an implicit representation (such as NeRF) during the sparse-view reconstruction and acquire the target mesh by a post-processing extraction. Although the implicit representation can effectively model rich 3D information, its training typically entails a long convergence time. In addition, the post-extraction operation from the implicit field also leads to undesirable visual artifacts. In this paper, we propose FlexiDreamer, a novel single image-to-3d generation framework that reconstructs the target mesh in an end-to-end manner. By leveraging a flexible gradient-based extraction known as FlexiCubes, our method circumvents the defects brought by the post-processing and facilitates a direct acquisition of the target mesh. Furthermore, we incorporate a multi-resolution hash grid encoding scheme that progressively activates the encoding levels into the implicit field in FlexiCubes to help capture geometric details for per-step optimization. Notably, FlexiDreamer recovers a dense 3D structure from a single-view image in approximately 1 minute on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU, outperforming previous methodologies by a large margin.

new 360+x: A Panoptic Multi-modal Scene Understanding Dataset

Authors: Hao Chen, Yuqi Hou, Chenyuan Qu, Irene Testini, Xiaohan Hong, Jianbo Jiao

Abstract: Human perception of the world is shaped by a multitude of viewpoints and modalities. While many existing datasets focus on scene understanding from a certain perspective (e.g. egocentric or third-person views), our dataset offers a panoptic perspective (i.e. multiple viewpoints with multiple data modalities). Specifically, we encapsulate third-person panoramic and front views, as well as egocentric monocular/binocular views with rich modalities including video, multi-channel audio, directional binaural delay, location data and textual scene descriptions within each scene captured, presenting comprehensive observation of the world. Figure 1 offers a glimpse of all 28 scene categories of our 360+x dataset. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first database that covers multiple viewpoints with multiple data modalities to mimic how daily information is accessed in the real world. Through our benchmark analysis, we presented 5 different scene understanding tasks on the proposed 360+x dataset to evaluate the impact and benefit of each data modality and perspective in panoptic scene understanding. We hope this unique dataset could broaden the scope of comprehensive scene understanding and encourage the community to approach these problems from more diverse perspectives.

new SGCNeRF: Few-Shot Neural Rendering via Sparse Geometric Consistency Guidance

Authors: Yuru Xiao, Xianming Liu, Deming Zhai, Kui Jiang, Junjun Jiang, Xiangyang Ji

Abstract: Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) technology has made significant strides in creating novel viewpoints. However, its effectiveness is hampered when working with sparsely available views, often leading to performance dips due to overfitting. FreeNeRF attempts to overcome this limitation by integrating implicit geometry regularization, which incrementally improves both geometry and textures. Nonetheless, an initial low positional encoding bandwidth results in the exclusion of high-frequency elements. The quest for a holistic approach that simultaneously addresses overfitting and the preservation of high-frequency details remains ongoing. This study introduces a novel feature matching based sparse geometry regularization module. This module excels in pinpointing high-frequency keypoints, thereby safeguarding the integrity of fine details. Through progressive refinement of geometry and textures across NeRF iterations, we unveil an effective few-shot neural rendering architecture, designated as SGCNeRF, for enhanced novel view synthesis. Our experiments demonstrate that SGCNeRF not only achieves superior geometry-consistent outcomes but also surpasses FreeNeRF, with improvements of 0.7 dB and 0.6 dB in PSNR on the LLFF and DTU datasets, respectively.

new AMOR: Ambiguous Authorship Order

Authors: Maximilian Weiherer, Andreea Dogaru, Shreya Kapoor, Hannah Schieber, Bernhard Egger

Abstract: As we all know, writing scientific papers together with our beloved colleagues is a truly remarkable experience (partially): endless discussions about the same useless paragraph over and over again, followed by long days and long nights -- both at the same time. What a wonderful ride it is! What a beautiful life we have. But wait, there's one tiny little problem that utterly shatters the peace, turning even renowned scientists into bloodthirsty monsters: author order. The reason is that, contrary to widespread opinion, it's not the font size that matters, but the way things are ordered. Of course, this is a fairly well-known fact among scientists all across the planet (and beyond) and explains clearly why we regularly have to read about yet another escalated paper submission in local police reports. In this paper, we take an important step backwards to tackle this issue by solving the so-called author ordering problem (AOP) once and for all. Specifically, we propose AMOR, a system that replaces silly constructs like co-first or co-middle authorship with a simple yet easy probabilistic approach based on random shuffling of the author list at viewing time. In addition to AOP, we also solve the ambiguous author ordering citation problem} (AAOCP) on the fly. Stop author violence, be human.

new PosterLlama: Bridging Design Ability of Langauge Model to Contents-Aware Layout Generation

Authors: Jaejung Seol, Seojun Kim, Jaejun Yoo

Abstract: Visual layout plays a critical role in graphic design fields such as advertising, posters, and web UI design. The recent trend towards content-aware layout generation through generative models has shown promise, yet it often overlooks the semantic intricacies of layout design by treating it as a simple numerical optimization. To bridge this gap, we introduce PosterLlama, a network designed for generating visually and textually coherent layouts by reformatting layout elements into HTML code and leveraging the rich design knowledge embedded within language models. Furthermore, we enhance the robustness of our model with a unique depth-based poster augmentation strategy. This ensures our generated layouts remain semantically rich but also visually appealing, even with limited data. Our extensive evaluations across several benchmarks demonstrate that PosterLlama outperforms existing methods in producing authentic and content-aware layouts. It supports an unparalleled range of conditions, including but not limited to unconditional layout generation, element conditional layout generation, layout completion, among others, serving as a highly versatile user manipulation tool.

new Teeth-SEG: An Efficient Instance Segmentation Framework for Orthodontic Treatment based on Anthropic Prior Knowledge

Authors: Bo Zou, Shaofeng Wang, Hao Liu, Gaoyue Sun, Yajie Wang, FeiFei Zuo, Chengbin Quan, Youjian Zhao

Abstract: Teeth localization, segmentation, and labeling in 2D images have great potential in modern dentistry to enhance dental diagnostics, treatment planning, and population-based studies on oral health. However, general instance segmentation frameworks are incompetent due to 1) the subtle differences between some teeth' shapes (e.g., maxillary first premolar and second premolar), 2) the teeth's position and shape variation across subjects, and 3) the presence of abnormalities in the dentition (e.g., caries and edentulism). To address these problems, we propose a ViT-based framework named TeethSEG, which consists of stacked Multi-Scale Aggregation (MSA) blocks and an Anthropic Prior Knowledge (APK) layer. Specifically, to compose the two modules, we design 1) a unique permutation-based upscaler to ensure high efficiency while establishing clear segmentation boundaries with 2) multi-head self/cross-gating layers to emphasize particular semantics meanwhile maintaining the divergence between token embeddings. Besides, we collect 3) the first open-sourced intraoral image dataset IO150K, which comprises over 150k intraoral photos, and all photos are annotated by orthodontists using a human-machine hybrid algorithm. Experiments on IO150K demonstrate that our TeethSEG outperforms the state-of-the-art segmentation models on dental image segmentation.

new Harnessing Large Language Models for Training-free Video Anomaly Detection

Authors: Luca Zanella, Willi Menapace, Massimiliano Mancini, Yiming Wang, Elisa Ricci

Abstract: Video anomaly detection (VAD) aims to temporally locate abnormal events in a video. Existing works mostly rely on training deep models to learn the distribution of normality with either video-level supervision, one-class supervision, or in an unsupervised setting. Training-based methods are prone to be domain-specific, thus being costly for practical deployment as any domain change will involve data collection and model training. In this paper, we radically depart from previous efforts and propose LAnguage-based VAD (LAVAD), a method tackling VAD in a novel, training-free paradigm, exploiting the capabilities of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) and existing vision-language models (VLMs). We leverage VLM-based captioning models to generate textual descriptions for each frame of any test video. With the textual scene description, we then devise a prompting mechanism to unlock the capability of LLMs in terms of temporal aggregation and anomaly score estimation, turning LLMs into an effective video anomaly detector. We further leverage modality-aligned VLMs and propose effective techniques based on cross-modal similarity for cleaning noisy captions and refining the LLM-based anomaly scores. We evaluate LAVAD on two large datasets featuring real-world surveillance scenarios (UCF-Crime and XD-Violence), showing that it outperforms both unsupervised and one-class methods without requiring any training or data collection.

new AIGCOIQA2024: Perceptual Quality Assessment of AI Generated Omnidirectional Images

Authors: Liu Yang, Huiyu Duan, Long Teng, Yucheng Zhu, Xiaohong Liu, Menghan Hu, Xiongkuo Min, Guangtao Zhai, Patrick Le Callet

Abstract: In recent years, the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) has attracted widespread attention. Among the AIGC, AI generated omnidirectional images hold significant potential for Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) applications, hence omnidirectional AIGC techniques have also been widely studied. AI-generated omnidirectional images exhibit unique distortions compared to natural omnidirectional images, however, there is no dedicated Image Quality Assessment (IQA) criteria for assessing them. This study addresses this gap by establishing a large-scale AI generated omnidirectional image IQA database named AIGCOIQA2024 and constructing a comprehensive benchmark. We first generate 300 omnidirectional images based on 5 AIGC models utilizing 25 text prompts. A subjective IQA experiment is conducted subsequently to assess human visual preferences from three perspectives including quality, comfortability, and correspondence. Finally, we conduct a benchmark experiment to evaluate the performance of state-of-the-art IQA models on our database. The database will be released to facilitate future research.

new Survey of Bias In Text-to-Image Generation: Definition, Evaluation, and Mitigation

Authors: Yixin Wan, Arjun Subramonian, Anaelia Ovalle, Zongyu Lin, Ashima Suvarna, Christina Chance, Hritik Bansal, Rebecca Pattichis, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: The recent advancement of large and powerful models with Text-to-Image (T2I) generation abilities -- such as OpenAI's DALLE-3 and Google's Gemini -- enables users to generate high-quality images from textual prompts. However, it has become increasingly evident that even simple prompts could cause T2I models to exhibit conspicuous social bias in generated images. Such bias might lead to both allocational and representational harms in society, further marginalizing minority groups. Noting this problem, a large body of recent works has been dedicated to investigating different dimensions of bias in T2I systems. However, an extensive review of these studies is lacking, hindering a systematic understanding of current progress and research gaps. We present the first extensive survey on bias in T2I generative models. In this survey, we review prior studies on dimensions of bias: Gender, Skintone, and Geo-Culture. Specifically, we discuss how these works define, evaluate, and mitigate different aspects of bias. We found that: (1) while gender and skintone biases are widely studied, geo-cultural bias remains under-explored; (2) most works on gender and skintone bias investigated occupational association, while other aspects are less frequently studied; (3) almost all gender bias works overlook non-binary identities in their studies; (4) evaluation datasets and metrics are scattered, with no unified framework for measuring biases; and (5) current mitigation methods fail to resolve biases comprehensively. Based on current limitations, we point out future research directions that contribute to human-centric definitions, evaluations, and mitigation of biases. We hope to highlight the importance of studying biases in T2I systems, as well as encourage future efforts to holistically understand and tackle biases, building fair and trustworthy T2I technologies for everyone.

new Drag Your Noise: Interactive Point-based Editing via Diffusion Semantic Propagation

Authors: Haofeng Liu, Chenshu Xu, Yifei Yang, Lihua Zeng, Shengfeng He

Abstract: Point-based interactive editing serves as an essential tool to complement the controllability of existing generative models. A concurrent work, DragDiffusion, updates the diffusion latent map in response to user inputs, causing global latent map alterations. This results in imprecise preservation of the original content and unsuccessful editing due to gradient vanishing. In contrast, we present DragNoise, offering robust and accelerated editing without retracing the latent map. The core rationale of DragNoise lies in utilizing the predicted noise output of each U-Net as a semantic editor. This approach is grounded in two critical observations: firstly, the bottleneck features of U-Net inherently possess semantically rich features ideal for interactive editing; secondly, high-level semantics, established early in the denoising process, show minimal variation in subsequent stages. Leveraging these insights, DragNoise edits diffusion semantics in a single denoising step and efficiently propagates these changes, ensuring stability and efficiency in diffusion editing. Comparative experiments reveal that DragNoise achieves superior control and semantic retention, reducing the optimization time by over 50% compared to DragDiffusion. Our codes are available at


new Action Detection via an Image Diffusion Process

Authors: Lin Geng Foo, Tianjiao Li, Hossein Rahmani, Jun Liu

Abstract: Action detection aims to localize the starting and ending points of action instances in untrimmed videos, and predict the classes of those instances. In this paper, we make the observation that the outputs of the action detection task can be formulated as images. Thus, from a novel perspective, we tackle action detection via a three-image generation process to generate starting point, ending point and action-class predictions as images via our proposed Action Detection Image Diffusion (ADI-Diff) framework. Furthermore, since our images differ from natural images and exhibit special properties, we further explore a Discrete Action-Detection Diffusion Process and a Row-Column Transformer design to better handle their processing. Our ADI-Diff framework achieves state-of-the-art results on two widely-used datasets.

new HAHA: Highly Articulated Gaussian Human Avatars with Textured Mesh Prior

Authors: David Svitov, Pietro Morerio, Lourdes Agapito, Alessio Del Bue

Abstract: We present HAHA - a novel approach for animatable human avatar generation from monocular input videos. The proposed method relies on learning the trade-off between the use of Gaussian splatting and a textured mesh for efficient and high fidelity rendering. We demonstrate its efficiency to animate and render full-body human avatars controlled via the SMPL-X parametric model. Our model learns to apply Gaussian splatting only in areas of the SMPL-X mesh where it is necessary, like hair and out-of-mesh clothing. This results in a minimal number of Gaussians being used to represent the full avatar, and reduced rendering artifacts. This allows us to handle the animation of small body parts such as fingers that are traditionally disregarded. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on two open datasets: SnapshotPeople and X-Humans. Our method demonstrates on par reconstruction quality to the state-of-the-art on SnapshotPeople, while using less than a third of Gaussians. HAHA outperforms previous state-of-the-art on novel poses from X-Humans both quantitatively and qualitatively.

new Roadside Monocular 3D Detection via 2D Detection Prompting

Authors: Yechi Ma, Shuoquan Wei, Churun Zhang, Wei Hua, Yanan Li, Shu Kong

Abstract: The problem of roadside monocular 3D detection requires detecting objects of interested classes in a 2D RGB frame and predicting their 3D information such as locations in bird's-eye-view (BEV). It has broad applications in traffic control, vehicle-vehicle communication, and vehicle-infrastructure cooperative perception. To approach this problem, we present a novel and simple method by prompting the 3D detector using 2D detections. Our method builds on a key insight that, compared with 3D detectors, a 2D detector is much easier to train and performs significantly better w.r.t detections on the 2D image plane. That said, one can exploit 2D detections of a well-trained 2D detector as prompts to a 3D detector, being trained in a way of inflating such 2D detections to 3D towards 3D detection. To construct better prompts using the 2D detector, we explore three techniques: (a) concatenating both 2D and 3D detectors' features, (b) attentively fusing 2D and 3D detectors' features, and (c) encoding predicted 2D boxes x, y, width, height, label and attentively fusing such with the 3D detector's features. Surprisingly, the third performs the best. Moreover, we present a yaw tuning tactic and a class-grouping strategy that merges classes based on their functionality; these techniques improve 3D detection performance further. Comprehensive ablation studies and extensive experiments demonstrate that our method resoundingly outperforms prior works, achieving the state-of-the-art on two large-scale roadside 3D detection benchmarks.

new T-Mamba: Frequency-Enhanced Gated Long-Range Dependency for Tooth 3D CBCT Segmentation

Authors: Jing Hao, Lei He, Kuo Feng Hung

Abstract: Efficient tooth segmentation in three-dimensional (3D) imaging, critical for orthodontic diagnosis, remains challenging due to noise, low contrast, and artifacts in CBCT images. Both convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and transformers have emerged as popular architectures for image segmentation. However, their efficacy in handling long-range dependencies is limited due to inherent locality or computational complexity. To address this issue, we propose T-Mamba, integrating shared positional encoding and frequency-based features into vision mamba, to address limitations in spatial position preservation and feature enhancement in frequency domain. Besides, we also design a gate selection unit to integrate two features in spatial domain and one feature in frequency domain adaptively. T-Mamba is the first work to introduce frequency-based features into vision mamba. Extensive experiments demonstrate that T-Mamba achieves new SOTA results on the public Tooth CBCT dataset and outperforms previous SOTA methods by a large margin, i.e., IoU + 3.63%, SO + 2.43%, DSC +2.30%, HD -4.39mm, and ASSD -0.37mm. The code and models are publicly available at


new Prompt Learning for Oriented Power Transmission Tower Detection in High-Resolution SAR Images

Authors: Tianyang Li, Chao Wang, Hong Zhang

Abstract: Detecting transmission towers from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images remains a challenging task due to the comparatively small size and side-looking geometry, with background clutter interference frequently hindering tower identification. A large number of interfering signals superimposes the return signal from the tower. We found that localizing or prompting positions of power transmission towers is beneficial to address this obstacle. Based on this revelation, this paper introduces prompt learning into the oriented object detector (P2Det) for multimodal information learning. P2Det contains the sparse prompt coding and cross-attention between the multimodal data. Specifically, the sparse prompt encoder (SPE) is proposed to represent point locations, converting prompts into sparse embeddings. The image embeddings are generated through the Transformer layers. Then a two-way fusion module (TWFM) is proposed to calculate the cross-attention of the two different embeddings. The interaction of image-level and prompt-level features is utilized to address the clutter interference. A shape-adaptive refinement module (SARM) is proposed to reduce the effect of aspect ratio. Extensive experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed model on high-resolution SAR images. P2Det provides a novel insight for multimodal object detection due to its competitive performance.

new Stale Diffusion: Hyper-realistic 5D Movie Generation Using Old-school Methods

Authors: Joao F. Henriques, Dylan Campbell, Tengda Han

Abstract: Two years ago, Stable Diffusion achieved super-human performance at generating images with super-human numbers of fingers. Following the steady decline of its technical novelty, we propose Stale Diffusion, a method that solidifies and ossifies Stable Diffusion in a maximum-entropy state. Stable Diffusion works analogously to a barn (the Stable) from which an infinite set of horses have escaped (the Diffusion). As the horses have long left the barn, our proposal may be seen as antiquated and irrelevant. Nevertheless, we vigorously defend our claim of novelty by identifying as early adopters of the Slow Science Movement, which will produce extremely important pearls of wisdom in the future. Our speed of contributions can also be seen as a quasi-static implementation of the recent call to pause AI experiments, which we wholeheartedly support. As a result of a careful archaeological expedition to 18-months-old Git commit histories, we found that naturally-accumulating errors have produced a novel entropy-maximising Stale Diffusion method, that can produce sleep-inducing hyper-realistic 5D video that is as good as one's imagination.

new Texture-Preserving Diffusion Models for High-Fidelity Virtual Try-On

Authors: Xu Yang, Changxing Ding, Zhibin Hong, Junhao Huang, Jin Tao, Xiangmin Xu

Abstract: Image-based virtual try-on is an increasingly important task for online shopping. It aims to synthesize images of a specific person wearing a specified garment. Diffusion model-based approaches have recently become popular, as they are excellent at image synthesis tasks. However, these approaches usually employ additional image encoders and rely on the cross-attention mechanism for texture transfer from the garment to the person image, which affects the try-on's efficiency and fidelity. To address these issues, we propose an Texture-Preserving Diffusion (TPD) model for virtual try-on, which enhances the fidelity of the results and introduces no additional image encoders. Accordingly, we make contributions from two aspects. First, we propose to concatenate the masked person and reference garment images along the spatial dimension and utilize the resulting image as the input for the diffusion model's denoising UNet. This enables the original self-attention layers contained in the diffusion model to achieve efficient and accurate texture transfer. Second, we propose a novel diffusion-based method that predicts a precise inpainting mask based on the person and reference garment images, further enhancing the reliability of the try-on results. In addition, we integrate mask prediction and image synthesis into a single compact model. The experimental results show that our approach can be applied to various try-on tasks, e.g., garment-to-person and person-to-person try-ons, and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on popular VITON, VITON-HD databases.

new HairFastGAN: Realistic and Robust Hair Transfer with a Fast Encoder-Based Approach

Authors: Maxim Nikolaev, Mikhail Kuznetsov, Dmitry Vetrov, Aibek Alanov

Abstract: Our paper addresses the complex task of transferring a hairstyle from a reference image to an input photo for virtual hair try-on. This task is challenging due to the need to adapt to various photo poses, the sensitivity of hairstyles, and the lack of objective metrics. The current state of the art hairstyle transfer methods use an optimization process for different parts of the approach, making them inexcusably slow. At the same time, faster encoder-based models are of very low quality because they either operate in StyleGAN's W+ space or use other low-dimensional image generators. Additionally, both approaches have a problem with hairstyle transfer when the source pose is very different from the target pose, because they either don't consider the pose at all or deal with it inefficiently. In our paper, we present the HairFast model, which uniquely solves these problems and achieves high resolution, near real-time performance, and superior reconstruction compared to optimization problem-based methods. Our solution includes a new architecture operating in the FS latent space of StyleGAN, an enhanced inpainting approach, and improved encoders for better alignment, color transfer, and a new encoder for post-processing. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on realism metrics after random hairstyle transfer and reconstruction when the original hairstyle is transferred. In the most difficult scenario of transferring both shape and color of a hairstyle from different images, our method performs in less than a second on the Nvidia V100. Our code is available at


new Few shot point cloud reconstruction and denoising via learned Guassian splats renderings and fine-tuned diffusion features

Authors: Pietro Bonazzi, Marie-Julie Rakatosaona, Marco Cannici, Federico Tombari, Davide Scaramuzza

Abstract: Existing deep learning methods for the reconstruction and denoising of point clouds rely on small datasets of 3D shapes. We circumvent the problem by leveraging deep learning methods trained on billions of images. We propose a method to reconstruct point clouds from few images and to denoise point clouds from their rendering by exploiting prior knowledge distilled from image-based deep learning models. To improve reconstruction in constraint settings, we regularize the training of a differentiable renderer with hybrid surface and appearance by introducing semantic consistency supervision. In addition, we propose a pipeline to finetune Stable Diffusion to denoise renderings of noisy point clouds and we demonstrate how these learned filters can be used to remove point cloud noise coming without 3D supervision. We compare our method with DSS and PointRadiance and achieved higher quality 3D reconstruction on the Sketchfab Testset and SCUT Dataset.

new Motion Blur Decomposition with Cross-shutter Guidance

Authors: Xiang Ji, Haiyang Jiang, Yinqiang Zheng

Abstract: Motion blur is a frequently observed image artifact, especially under insufficient illumination where exposure time has to be prolonged so as to collect more photons for a bright enough image. Rather than simply removing such blurring effects, recent researches have aimed at decomposing a blurry image into multiple sharp images with spatial and temporal coherence. Since motion blur decomposition itself is highly ambiguous, priors from neighbouring frames or human annotation are usually needed for motion disambiguation. In this paper, inspired by the complementary exposure characteristics of a global shutter (GS) camera and a rolling shutter (RS) camera, we propose to utilize the ordered scanline-wise delay in a rolling shutter image to robustify motion decomposition of a single blurry image. To evaluate this novel dual imaging setting, we construct a triaxial system to collect realistic data, as well as a deep network architecture that explicitly addresses temporal and contextual information through reciprocal branches for cross-shutter motion blur decomposition. Experiment results have verified the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm, as well as the validity of our dual imaging setting.

new CMT: Cross Modulation Transformer with Hybrid Loss for Pansharpening

Authors: Wen-Jie Shu, Hong-Xia Dou, Rui Wen, Xiao Wu, Liang-Jian Deng

Abstract: Pansharpening aims to enhance remote sensing image (RSI) quality by merging high-resolution panchromatic (PAN) with multispectral (MS) images. However, prior techniques struggled to optimally fuse PAN and MS images for enhanced spatial and spectral information, due to a lack of a systematic framework capable of effectively coordinating their individual strengths. In response, we present the Cross Modulation Transformer (CMT), a pioneering method that modifies the attention mechanism. This approach utilizes a robust modulation technique from signal processing, integrating it into the attention mechanism's calculations. It dynamically tunes the weights of the carrier's value (V) matrix according to the modulator's features, thus resolving historical challenges and achieving a seamless integration of spatial and spectral attributes. Furthermore, considering that RSI exhibits large-scale features and edge details along with local textures, we crafted a hybrid loss function that combines Fourier and wavelet transforms to effectively capture these characteristics, thereby enhancing both spatial and spectral accuracy in pansharpening. Extensive experiments demonstrate our framework's superior performance over existing state-of-the-art methods. The code will be publicly available to encourage further research.

new CLIPtone: Unsupervised Learning for Text-based Image Tone Adjustment

Authors: Hyeongmin Lee, Kyoungkook Kang, Jungseul Ok, Sunghyun Cho

Abstract: Recent image tone adjustment (or enhancement) approaches have predominantly adopted supervised learning for learning human-centric perceptual assessment. However, these approaches are constrained by intrinsic challenges of supervised learning. Primarily, the requirement for expertly-curated or retouched images escalates the data acquisition expenses. Moreover, their coverage of target style is confined to stylistic variants inferred from the training data. To surmount the above challenges, we propose an unsupervised learning-based approach for text-based image tone adjustment method, CLIPtone, that extends an existing image enhancement method to accommodate natural language descriptions. Specifically, we design a hyper-network to adaptively modulate the pretrained parameters of the backbone model based on text description. To assess whether the adjusted image aligns with the text description without ground truth image, we utilize CLIP, which is trained on a vast set of language-image pairs and thus encompasses knowledge of human perception. The major advantages of our approach are three fold: (i) minimal data collection expenses, (ii) support for a range of adjustments, and (iii) the ability to handle novel text descriptions unseen in training. Our approach's efficacy is demonstrated through comprehensive experiments, including a user study.

new Medical Visual Prompting (MVP): A Unified Framework for Versatile and High-Quality Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Yulin Chen, Guoheng Huang, Kai Huang, Zijin Lin, Guo Zhong, Shenghong Luo, Jie Deng, Jian Zhou

Abstract: Accurate segmentation of lesion regions is crucial for clinical diagnosis and treatment across various diseases. While deep convolutional networks have achieved satisfactory results in medical image segmentation, they face challenges such as loss of lesion shape information due to continuous convolution and downsampling, as well as the high cost of manually labeling lesions with varying shapes and sizes. To address these issues, we propose a novel medical visual prompting (MVP) framework that leverages pre-training and prompting concepts from natural language processing (NLP). The framework utilizes three key components: Super-Pixel Guided Prompting (SPGP) for superpixelating the input image, Image Embedding Guided Prompting (IEGP) for freezing patch embedding and merging with superpixels to provide visual prompts, and Adaptive Attention Mechanism Guided Prompting (AAGP) for pinpointing prompt content and efficiently adapting all layers. By integrating SPGP, IEGP, and AAGP, the MVP enables the segmentation network to better learn shape prompting information and facilitates mutual learning across different tasks. Extensive experiments conducted on five datasets demonstrate superior performance of this method in various challenging medical image tasks, while simplifying single-task medical segmentation models. This novel framework offers improved performance with fewer parameters and holds significant potential for accurate segmentation of lesion regions in various medical tasks, making it clinically valuable.

new CityGaussian: Real-time High-quality Large-Scale Scene Rendering with Gaussians

Authors: Yang Liu, He Guan, Chuanchen Luo, Lue Fan, Junran Peng, Zhaoxiang Zhang

Abstract: The advancement of real-time 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis has been significantly propelled by 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). However, effectively training large-scale 3DGS and rendering it in real-time across various scales remains challenging. This paper introduces CityGaussian (CityGS), which employs a novel divide-and-conquer training approach and Level-of-Detail (LoD) strategy for efficient large-scale 3DGS training and rendering. Specifically, the global scene prior and adaptive training data selection enables efficient training and seamless fusion. Based on fused Gaussian primitives, we generate different detail levels through compression, and realize fast rendering across various scales through the proposed block-wise detail levels selection and aggregation strategy. Extensive experimental results on large-scale scenes demonstrate that our approach attains state-of-theart rendering quality, enabling consistent real-time rendering of largescale scenes across vastly different scales. Our project page is available at


new Structured Initialization for Attention in Vision Transformers

Authors: Jianqiao Zheng, Xueqian Li, Simon Lucey

Abstract: The training of vision transformer (ViT) networks on small-scale datasets poses a significant challenge. By contrast, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have an architectural inductive bias enabling them to perform well on such problems. In this paper, we argue that the architectural bias inherent to CNNs can be reinterpreted as an initialization bias within ViT. This insight is significant as it empowers ViTs to perform equally well on small-scale problems while maintaining their flexibility for large-scale applications. Our inspiration for this ``structured'' initialization stems from our empirical observation that random impulse filters can achieve comparable performance to learned filters within CNNs. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance for data-efficient ViT learning across numerous benchmarks including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN.

new Condition-Aware Neural Network for Controlled Image Generation

Authors: Han Cai, Muyang Li, Zhuoyang Zhang, Qinsheng Zhang, Ming-Yu Liu, Song Han

Abstract: We present Condition-Aware Neural Network (CAN), a new method for adding control to image generative models. In parallel to prior conditional control methods, CAN controls the image generation process by dynamically manipulating the weight of the neural network. This is achieved by introducing a condition-aware weight generation module that generates conditional weight for convolution/linear layers based on the input condition. We test CAN on class-conditional image generation on ImageNet and text-to-image generation on COCO. CAN consistently delivers significant improvements for diffusion transformer models, including DiT and UViT. In particular, CAN combined with EfficientViT (CaT) achieves 2.78 FID on ImageNet 512x512, surpassing DiT-XL/2 while requiring 52x fewer MACs per sampling step.

new Detect2Interact: Localizing Object Key Field in Visual Question Answering (VQA) with LLMs

Authors: Jialou Wang, Manli Zhu, Yulei Li, Honglei Li, Longzhi Yang, Wai Lok Woo

Abstract: Localization plays a crucial role in enhancing the practicality and precision of VQA systems. By enabling fine-grained identification and interaction with specific parts of an object, it significantly improves the system's ability to provide contextually relevant and spatially accurate responses, crucial for applications in dynamic environments like robotics and augmented reality. However, traditional systems face challenges in accurately mapping objects within images to generate nuanced and spatially aware responses. In this work, we introduce "Detect2Interact", which addresses these challenges by introducing an advanced approach for fine-grained object visual key field detection. First, we use the segment anything model (SAM) to generate detailed spatial maps of objects in images. Next, we use Vision Studio to extract semantic object descriptions. Third, we employ GPT-4's common sense knowledge, bridging the gap between an object's semantics and its spatial map. As a result, Detect2Interact achieves consistent qualitative results on object key field detection across extensive test cases and outperforms the existing VQA system with object detection by providing a more reasonable and finer visual representation.

new Uncovering the Text Embedding in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Hu Yu, Hao Luo, Fan Wang, Feng Zhao

Abstract: The correspondence between input text and the generated image exhibits opacity, wherein minor textual modifications can induce substantial deviations in the generated image. While, text embedding, as the pivotal intermediary between text and images, remains relatively underexplored. In this paper, we address this research gap by delving into the text embedding space, unleashing its capacity for controllable image editing and explicable semantic direction attributes within a learning-free framework. Specifically, we identify two critical insights regarding the importance of per-word embedding and their contextual correlations within text embedding, providing instructive principles for learning-free image editing. Additionally, we find that text embedding inherently possesses diverse semantic potentials, and further reveal this property through the lens of singular value decomposition (SVD). These uncovered properties offer practical utility for image editing and semantic discovery. More importantly, we expect the in-depth analyses and findings of the text embedding can enhance the understanding of text-to-image diffusion models.

new SyncMask: Synchronized Attentional Masking for Fashion-centric Vision-Language Pretraining

Authors: Chull Hwan Song, Taebaek Hwang, Jooyoung Yoon, Shunghyun Choi, Yeong Hyeon Gu

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs) have made significant strides in cross-modal understanding through large-scale paired datasets. However, in fashion domain, datasets often exhibit a disparity between the information conveyed in image and text. This issue stems from datasets containing multiple images of a single fashion item all paired with one text, leading to cases where some textual details are not visible in individual images. This mismatch, particularly when non-co-occurring elements are masked, undermines the training of conventional VLM objectives like Masked Language Modeling and Masked Image Modeling, thereby hindering the model's ability to accurately align fine-grained visual and textual features. Addressing this problem, we propose Synchronized attentional Masking (SyncMask), which generate masks that pinpoint the image patches and word tokens where the information co-occur in both image and text. This synchronization is accomplished by harnessing cross-attentional features obtained from a momentum model, ensuring a precise alignment between the two modalities. Additionally, we enhance grouped batch sampling with semi-hard negatives, effectively mitigating false negative issues in Image-Text Matching and Image-Text Contrastive learning objectives within fashion datasets. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, outperforming existing methods in three downstream tasks.

new Diagnosis of Skin Cancer Using VGG16 and VGG19 Based Transfer Learning Models

Authors: Amir Faghihi, Mohammadreza Fathollahi, Roozbeh Rajabi

Abstract: Today, skin cancer is considered as one of the most dangerous and common cancers in the world which demands special attention. Skin cancer may be developed in different types; including melanoma, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and Merkel cell carcinoma. Among them, melanoma is more unpredictable. Melanoma cancer can be diagnosed at early stages increasing the possibility of disease treatment. Automatic classification of skin lesions is a challenging task due to diverse forms and grades of the disease, demanding the requirement of novel methods implementation. Deep convolution neural networks (CNN) have shown an excellent potential for data and image classification. In this article, we inspect skin lesion classification problem using CNN techniques. Remarkably, we present that prominent classification accuracy of lesion detection can be obtained by proper designing and applying of transfer learning framework on pre-trained neural networks, without any requirement for data enlargement procedures i.e. merging VGG16 and VGG19 architectures pre-trained by a generic dataset with modified AlexNet network, and then, fine-tuned by a subject-specific dataset containing dermatology images. The convolution neural network was trained using 2541 images and, in particular, dropout was used to prevent the network from overfitting. Finally, the validity of the model was checked by applying the K-fold cross validation method. The proposed model increased classification accuracy by 3% (from 94.2% to 98.18%) in comparison with other methods.

new Mirror-3DGS: Incorporating Mirror Reflections into 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Jiarui Meng, Haijie Li, Yanmin Wu, Qiankun Gao, Shuzhou Yang, Jian Zhang, Siwei Ma

Abstract: 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has marked a significant breakthrough in the realm of 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis. However, 3DGS, much like its predecessor Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), struggles to accurately model physical reflections, particularly in mirrors that are ubiquitous in real-world scenes. This oversight mistakenly perceives reflections as separate entities that physically exist, resulting in inaccurate reconstructions and inconsistent reflective properties across varied viewpoints. To address this pivotal challenge, we introduce Mirror-3DGS, an innovative rendering framework devised to master the intricacies of mirror geometries and reflections, paving the way for the generation of realistically depicted mirror reflections. By ingeniously incorporating mirror attributes into the 3DGS and leveraging the principle of plane mirror imaging, Mirror-3DGS crafts a mirrored viewpoint to observe from behind the mirror, enriching the realism of scene renderings. Extensive assessments, spanning both synthetic and real-world scenes, showcase our method's ability to render novel views with enhanced fidelity in real-time, surpassing the state-of-the-art Mirror-NeRF specifically within the challenging mirror regions. Our code will be made publicly available for reproducible research.

new SpikeMba: Multi-Modal Spiking Saliency Mamba for Temporal Video Grounding

Authors: Wenrui Li, Xiaopeng Hong, Xiaopeng Fan

Abstract: Temporal video grounding (TVG) is a critical task in video content understanding. Despite significant advancements, existing methods often limit in capturing the fine-grained relationships between multimodal inputs and the high computational costs with processing long video sequences. To address these limitations, we introduce a novel SpikeMba: multi-modal spiking saliency mamba for temporal video grounding. In our work, we integrate the Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) and state space models (SSMs) to capture the fine-grained relationships of multimodal features effectively. Specifically, we introduce the relevant slots to enhance the model's memory capabilities, enabling a deeper contextual understanding of video sequences. The contextual moment reasoner leverages these slots to maintain a balance between contextual information preservation and semantic relevance exploration. Simultaneously, the spiking saliency detector capitalizes on the unique properties of SNNs to accurately locate salient proposals. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SpikeMba, which consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods across mainstream benchmarks.

new BEM: Balanced and Entropy-based Mix for Long-Tailed Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors: Hongwei Zheng, Linyuan Zhou, Han Li, Jinming Su, Xiaoming Wei, Xiaoming Xu

Abstract: Data mixing methods play a crucial role in semi-supervised learning (SSL), but their application is unexplored in long-tailed semi-supervised learning (LTSSL). The primary reason is that the in-batch mixing manner fails to address class imbalance. Furthermore, existing LTSSL methods mainly focus on re-balancing data quantity but ignore class-wise uncertainty, which is also vital for class balance. For instance, some classes with sufficient samples might still exhibit high uncertainty due to indistinguishable features. To this end, this paper introduces the Balanced and Entropy-based Mix (BEM), a pioneering mixing approach to re-balance the class distribution of both data quantity and uncertainty. Specifically, we first propose a class balanced mix bank to store data of each class for mixing. This bank samples data based on the estimated quantity distribution, thus re-balancing data quantity. Then, we present an entropy-based learning approach to re-balance class-wise uncertainty, including entropy-based sampling strategy, entropy-based selection module, and entropy-based class balanced loss. Our BEM first leverages data mixing for improving LTSSL, and it can also serve as a complement to the existing re-balancing methods. Experimental results show that BEM significantly enhances various LTSSL frameworks and achieves state-of-the-art performances across multiple benchmarks.

new MonoBox: Tightness-free Box-supervised Polyp 001 001 Segmentation using Monotonicity Constraint

Authors: Qiang Hu, Zhenyu Yi, Ying Zhou, Ting Li, Fan Huang, Mei Liu, Zhiwei Wang, Qiang Li

Abstract: We propose MonoBox, an innovative box-supervised segmentation method constrained by monotonicity to liberate its training from the user-unfriendly box-tightness assumption. In contrast to conventional box-supervised segmentation, where the box edges must precisely touch the target boundaries, MonoBox leverages imprecisely-annotated boxes to achieve robust pixel-wise segmentation. The 'linchpin' is that, within the noisy zones around box edges, MonoBox discards the traditional misguiding multiple-instance learning loss, and instead optimizes a carefully-designed objective, termed monotonicity constraint. Along directions transitioning from the foreground to background, this new constraint steers responses to adhere to a trend of monotonically decreasing values. Consequently, the originally unreliable learning within the noisy zones is transformed into a correct and effective monotonicity optimization. Moreover, an adaptive label correction is introduced, enabling MonoBox to enhance the tightness of box annotations using predicted masks from the previous epoch and dynamically shrink the noisy zones as training progresses. We verify MonoBox in the box-supervised segmentation task of polyps, where satisfying box-tightness is challenging due to the vague boundaries between the polyp and normal tissues. Experiments on both public synthetic and in-house real noisy datasets demonstrate that MonoBox exceeds other anti-noise state-of-the-arts by improving Dice by at least 5.5% and 3.3%, respectively. Codes are at


new Adaptive Query Prompting for Multi-Domain Landmark Detection

Authors: Qiusen Wei, Guoheng Huang, Xiaochen Yuan, Xuhang Chen, Guo Zhong, Jianwen Huang, Jiajie Huang

Abstract: Medical landmark detection is crucial in various medical imaging modalities and procedures. Although deep learning-based methods have achieve promising performance, they are mostly designed for specific anatomical regions or tasks. In this work, we propose a universal model for multi-domain landmark detection by leveraging transformer architecture and developing a prompting component, named as Adaptive Query Prompting (AQP). Instead of embedding additional modules in the backbone network, we design a separate module to generate prompts that can be effectively extended to any other transformer network. In our proposed AQP, prompts are learnable parameters maintained in a memory space called prompt pool. The central idea is to keep the backbone frozen and then optimize prompts to instruct the model inference process. Furthermore, we employ a lightweight decoder to decode landmarks from the extracted features, namely Light-MLD. Thanks to the lightweight nature of the decoder and AQP, we can handle multiple datasets by sharing the backbone encoder and then only perform partial parameter tuning without incurring much additional cost. It has the potential to be extended to more landmark detection tasks. We conduct experiments on three widely used X-ray datasets for different medical landmark detection tasks. Our proposed Light-MLD coupled with AQP achieves SOTA performance on many metrics even without the use of elaborate structural designs or complex frameworks.

new Getting it Right: Improving Spatial Consistency in Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Agneet Chatterjee, Gabriela Ben Melech Stan, Estelle Aflalo, Sayak Paul, Dhruba Ghosh, Tejas Gokhale, Ludwig Schmidt, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Vasudev Lal, Chitta Baral, Yezhou Yang

Abstract: One of the key shortcomings in current text-to-image (T2I) models is their inability to consistently generate images which faithfully follow the spatial relationships specified in the text prompt. In this paper, we offer a comprehensive investigation of this limitation, while also developing datasets and methods that achieve state-of-the-art performance. First, we find that current vision-language datasets do not represent spatial relationships well enough; to alleviate this bottleneck, we create SPRIGHT, the first spatially-focused, large scale dataset, by re-captioning 6 million images from 4 widely used vision datasets. Through a 3-fold evaluation and analysis pipeline, we find that SPRIGHT largely improves upon existing datasets in capturing spatial relationships. To demonstrate its efficacy, we leverage only ~0.25% of SPRIGHT and achieve a 22% improvement in generating spatially accurate images while also improving the FID and CMMD scores. Secondly, we find that training on images containing a large number of objects results in substantial improvements in spatial consistency. Notably, we attain state-of-the-art on T2I-CompBench with a spatial score of 0.2133, by fine-tuning on <500 images. Finally, through a set of controlled experiments and ablations, we document multiple findings that we believe will enhance the understanding of factors that affect spatial consistency in text-to-image models. We publicly release our dataset and model to foster further research in this area.

new Video Interpolation with Diffusion Models

Authors: Siddhant Jain, Daniel Watson, Eric Tabellion, Aleksander Ho{\l}y\'nski, Ben Poole, Janne Kontkanen

Abstract: We present VIDIM, a generative model for video interpolation, which creates short videos given a start and end frame. In order to achieve high fidelity and generate motions unseen in the input data, VIDIM uses cascaded diffusion models to first generate the target video at low resolution, and then generate the high-resolution video conditioned on the low-resolution generated video. We compare VIDIM to previous state-of-the-art methods on video interpolation, and demonstrate how such works fail in most settings where the underlying motion is complex, nonlinear, or ambiguous while VIDIM can easily handle such cases. We additionally demonstrate how classifier-free guidance on the start and end frame and conditioning the super-resolution model on the original high-resolution frames without additional parameters unlocks high-fidelity results. VIDIM is fast to sample from as it jointly denoises all the frames to be generated, requires less than a billion parameters per diffusion model to produce compelling results, and still enjoys scalability and improved quality at larger parameter counts.

new Vision-language models for decoding provider attention during neonatal resuscitation

Authors: Felipe Parodi, Jordan Matelsky, Alejandra Regla-Vargas, Elizabeth Foglia, Charis Lim, Danielle Weinberg, Konrad Kording, Heidi Herrick, Michael Platt

Abstract: Neonatal resuscitations demand an exceptional level of attentiveness from providers, who must process multiple streams of information simultaneously. Gaze strongly influences decision making; thus, understanding where a provider is looking during neonatal resuscitations could inform provider training, enhance real-time decision support, and improve the design of delivery rooms and neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Current approaches to quantifying neonatal providers' gaze rely on manual coding or simulations, which limit scalability and utility. Here, we introduce an automated, real-time, deep learning approach capable of decoding provider gaze into semantic classes directly from first-person point-of-view videos recorded during live resuscitations. Combining state-of-the-art, real-time segmentation with vision-language models (CLIP), our low-shot pipeline attains 91\% classification accuracy in identifying gaze targets without training. Upon fine-tuning, the performance of our gaze-guided vision transformer exceeds 98\% accuracy in gaze classification, approaching human-level precision. This system, capable of real-time inference, enables objective quantification of provider attention dynamics during live neonatal resuscitation. Our approach offers a scalable solution that seamlessly integrates with existing infrastructure for data-scarce gaze analysis, thereby offering new opportunities for understanding and refining clinical decision making.

new Feature Splatting: Language-Driven Physics-Based Scene Synthesis and Editing

Authors: Ri-Zhao Qiu, Ge Yang, Weijia Zeng, Xiaolong Wang

Abstract: Scene representations using 3D Gaussian primitives have produced excellent results in modeling the appearance of static and dynamic 3D scenes. Many graphics applications, however, demand the ability to manipulate both the appearance and the physical properties of objects. We introduce Feature Splatting, an approach that unifies physics-based dynamic scene synthesis with rich semantics from vision language foundation models that are grounded by natural language. Our first contribution is a way to distill high-quality, object-centric vision-language features into 3D Gaussians, that enables semi-automatic scene decomposition using text queries. Our second contribution is a way to synthesize physics-based dynamics from an otherwise static scene using a particle-based simulator, in which material properties are assigned automatically via text queries. We ablate key techniques used in this pipeline, to illustrate the challenge and opportunities in using feature-carrying 3D Gaussians as a unified format for appearance, geometry, material properties and semantics grounded on natural language. Project website:


new SurMo: Surface-based 4D Motion Modeling for Dynamic Human Rendering

Authors: Tao Hu, Fangzhou Hong, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: Dynamic human rendering from video sequences has achieved remarkable progress by formulating the rendering as a mapping from static poses to human images. However, existing methods focus on the human appearance reconstruction of every single frame while the temporal motion relations are not fully explored. In this paper, we propose a new 4D motion modeling paradigm, SurMo, that jointly models the temporal dynamics and human appearances in a unified framework with three key designs: 1) Surface-based motion encoding that models 4D human motions with an efficient compact surface-based triplane. It encodes both spatial and temporal motion relations on the dense surface manifold of a statistical body template, which inherits body topology priors for generalizable novel view synthesis with sparse training observations. 2) Physical motion decoding that is designed to encourage physical motion learning by decoding the motion triplane features at timestep t to predict both spatial derivatives and temporal derivatives at the next timestep t+1 in the training stage. 3) 4D appearance decoding that renders the motion triplanes into images by an efficient volumetric surface-conditioned renderer that focuses on the rendering of body surfaces with motion learning conditioning. Extensive experiments validate the state-of-the-art performance of our new paradigm and illustrate the expressiveness of surface-based motion triplanes for rendering high-fidelity view-consistent humans with fast motions and even motion-dependent shadows. Our project page is at:


new StructLDM: Structured Latent Diffusion for 3D Human Generation

Authors: Tao Hu, Fangzhou Hong, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: Recent 3D human generative models have achieved remarkable progress by learning 3D-aware GANs from 2D images. However, existing 3D human generative methods model humans in a compact 1D latent space, ignoring the articulated structure and semantics of human body topology. In this paper, we explore more expressive and higher-dimensional latent space for 3D human modeling and propose StructLDM, a diffusion-based unconditional 3D human generative model, which is learned from 2D images. StructLDM solves the challenges imposed due to the high-dimensional growth of latent space with three key designs: 1) A semantic structured latent space defined on the dense surface manifold of a statistical human body template. 2) A structured 3D-aware auto-decoder that factorizes the global latent space into several semantic body parts parameterized by a set of conditional structured local NeRFs anchored to the body template, which embeds the properties learned from the 2D training data and can be decoded to render view-consistent humans under different poses and clothing styles. 3) A structured latent diffusion model for generative human appearance sampling. Extensive experiments validate StructLDM's state-of-the-art generation performance and illustrate the expressiveness of the structured latent space over the well-adopted 1D latent space. Notably, StructLDM enables different levels of controllable 3D human generation and editing, including pose/view/shape control, and high-level tasks including compositional generations, part-aware clothing editing, 3D virtual try-on, etc. Our project page is at:


new A Unified and Interpretable Emotion Representation and Expression Generation

Authors: Reni Paskaleva, Mykyta Holubakha, Andela Ilic, Saman Motamed, Luc Van Gool, Danda Paudel

Abstract: Canonical emotions, such as happy, sad, and fearful, are easy to understand and annotate. However, emotions are often compound, e.g. happily surprised, and can be mapped to the action units (AUs) used for expressing emotions, and trivially to the canonical ones. Intuitively, emotions are continuous as represented by the arousal-valence (AV) model. An interpretable unification of these four modalities - namely, Canonical, Compound, AUs, and AV - is highly desirable, for a better representation and understanding of emotions. However, such unification remains to be unknown in the current literature. In this work, we propose an interpretable and unified emotion model, referred as C2A2. We also develop a method that leverages labels of the non-unified models to annotate the novel unified one. Finally, we modify the text-conditional diffusion models to understand continuous numbers, which are then used to generate continuous expressions using our unified emotion model. Through quantitative and qualitative experiments, we show that our generated images are rich and capture subtle expressions. Our work allows a fine-grained generation of expressions in conjunction with other textual inputs and offers a new label space for emotions at the same time.

new Scalable Scene Modeling from Perspective Imaging: Physics-based Appearance and Geometry Inference

Authors: Shuang Song

Abstract: 3D scene modeling techniques serve as the bedrocks in the geospatial engineering and computer science, which drives many applications ranging from automated driving, terrain mapping, navigation, virtual, augmented, mixed, and extended reality (for gaming and movie industry etc.). This dissertation presents a fraction of contributions that advances 3D scene modeling to its state of the art, in the aspects of both appearance and geometry modeling. In contrast to the prevailing deep learning methods, as a core contribution, this thesis aims to develop algorithms that follow first principles, where sophisticated physic-based models are introduced alongside with simpler learning and inference tasks. The outcomes of these algorithms yield processes that can consume much larger volume of data for highly accurate reconstructing 3D scenes at a scale without losing methodological generality, which are not possible by contemporary complex-model based deep learning methods. Specifically, the dissertation introduces three novel methodologies that address the challenges of inferring appearance and geometry through physics-based modeling. Overall, the research encapsulated in this dissertation marks a series of methodological triumphs in the processing of complex datasets. By navigating the confluence of deep learning, computational geometry, and photogrammetry, this work lays down a robust framework for future exploration and practical application in the rapidly evolving field of 3D scene reconstruction. The outcomes of these studies are evidenced through rigorous experiments and comparisons with existing state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating the efficacy and scalability of the proposed approaches.

new FireANTs: Adaptive Riemannian Optimization for Multi-Scale Diffeomorphic Registration

Authors: Rohit Jena, Pratik Chaudhari, James C. Gee

Abstract: Diffeomorphic Image Registration is a critical part of the analysis in various imaging modalities and downstream tasks like image translation, segmentation, and atlas building. Registration algorithms based on optimization have stood the test of time in terms of accuracy, reliability, and robustness across a wide spectrum of modalities and acquisition settings. However, these algorithms converge slowly, are prohibitively expensive to run, and their usage requires a steep learning curve, limiting their scalability to larger clinical and scientific studies. In this paper, we develop multi-scale Adaptive Riemannian Optimization algorithms for diffeomorphic image registration. We demonstrate compelling improvements on image registration across a spectrum of modalities and anatomies by measuring structural and landmark overlap of the registered image volumes. Our proposed framework leads to a consistent improvement in performance, and from 300x up to 2000x speedup over existing algorithms. Our modular library design makes it easy to use and allows customization via user-defined cost functions.

new Direct Preference Optimization of Video Large Multimodal Models from Language Model Reward

Authors: Ruohong Zhang, Liangke Gui, Zhiqing Sun, Yihao Feng, Keyang Xu, Yuanhan Zhang, Di Fu, Chunyuan Li, Alexander Hauptmann, Yonatan Bisk, Yiming Yang

Abstract: Preference modeling techniques, such as direct preference optimization (DPO), has shown effective in enhancing the generalization abilities of large language model (LLM). However, in tasks involving video instruction-following, providing informative feedback, especially for detecting hallucinations in generated responses, remains a significant challenge. Previous studies have explored using large large multimodal models (LMMs) as reward models to guide preference modeling, but their ability to accurately assess the factuality of generated responses compared to corresponding videos has not been conclusively established. This paper introduces a novel framework that utilizes detailed video captions as a proxy of video content, enabling language models to incorporate this information as supporting evidence for scoring video Question Answering (QA) predictions. Our approach demonstrates robust alignment with OpenAI GPT-4V model's reward mechanism, which directly takes video frames as input. Furthermore, we show that applying this tailored reward through DPO significantly improves the performance of video LMMs on video QA tasks.

new Bridging Remote Sensors with Multisensor Geospatial Foundation Models

Authors: Boran Han, Shuai Zhang, Xingjian Shi, Markus Reichstein

Abstract: In the realm of geospatial analysis, the diversity of remote sensors, encompassing both optical and microwave technologies, offers a wealth of distinct observational capabilities. Recognizing this, we present msGFM, a multisensor geospatial foundation model that effectively unifies data from four key sensor modalities. This integration spans an expansive dataset of two million multisensor images. msGFM is uniquely adept at handling both paired and unpaired sensor data. For data originating from identical geolocations, our model employs an innovative cross-sensor pretraining approach in masked image modeling, enabling the synthesis of joint representations from diverse sensors. msGFM, incorporating four remote sensors, upholds strong performance, forming a comprehensive model adaptable to various sensor types. msGFM has demonstrated enhanced proficiency in a range of both single-sensor and multisensor downstream tasks. These include scene classification, segmentation, cloud removal, and pan-sharpening. A key discovery of our research is that representations derived from natural images are not always compatible with the distinct characteristics of geospatial remote sensors, underscoring the limitations of existing representations in this field. Our work can serve as a guide for developing multisensor geospatial pretraining models, paving the way for more advanced geospatial capabilities.

new Language Guided Domain Generalized Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Shahina Kunhimon, Muzammal Naseer, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Abstract: Single source domain generalization (SDG) holds promise for more reliable and consistent image segmentation across real-world clinical settings particularly in the medical domain, where data privacy and acquisition cost constraints often limit the availability of diverse datasets. Depending solely on visual features hampers the model's capacity to adapt effectively to various domains, primarily because of the presence of spurious correlations and domain-specific characteristics embedded within the image features. Incorporating text features alongside visual features is a potential solution to enhance the model's understanding of the data, as it goes beyond pixel-level information to provide valuable context. Textual cues describing the anatomical structures, their appearances, and variations across various imaging modalities can guide the model in domain adaptation, ultimately contributing to more robust and consistent segmentation. In this paper, we propose an approach that explicitly leverages textual information by incorporating a contrastive learning mechanism guided by the text encoder features to learn a more robust feature representation. We assess the effectiveness of our text-guided contrastive feature alignment technique in various scenarios, including cross-modality, cross-sequence, and cross-site settings for different segmentation tasks. Our approach achieves favorable performance against existing methods in literature. Our code and model weights are available at


new BiPer: Binary Neural Networks using a Periodic Function

Authors: Edwin Vargas, Claudia Correa, Carlos Hinojosa, Henry Arguello

Abstract: Quantized neural networks employ reduced precision representations for both weights and activations. This quantization process significantly reduces the memory requirements and computational complexity of the network. Binary Neural Networks (BNNs) are the extreme quantization case, representing values with just one bit. Since the sign function is typically used to map real values to binary values, smooth approximations are introduced to mimic the gradients during error backpropagation. Thus, the mismatch between the forward and backward models corrupts the direction of the gradient, causing training inconsistency problems and performance degradation. In contrast to current BNN approaches, we propose to employ a binary periodic (BiPer) function during binarization. Specifically, we use a square wave for the forward pass to obtain the binary values and employ the trigonometric sine function with the same period of the square wave as a differentiable surrogate during the backward pass. We demonstrate that this approach can control the quantization error by using the frequency of the periodic function and improves network performance. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of BiPer in benchmark datasets and network architectures, with improvements of up to 1% and 0.69% with respect to state-of-the-art methods in the classification task over CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, respectively. Our code is publicly available at


new LoSA: Long-Short-range Adapter for Scaling End-to-End Temporal Action Localization

Authors: Akshita Gupta, Gaurav Mittal, Ahmed Magooda, Ye Yu, Graham W. Taylor, Mei Chen

Abstract: Temporal Action Localization (TAL) involves localizing and classifying action snippets in an untrimmed video. The emergence of large video foundation models has led RGB-only video backbones to outperform previous methods needing both RGB and optical flow modalities. Leveraging these large models is often limited to training only the TAL head due to the prohibitively large GPU memory required to adapt the video backbone for TAL. To overcome this limitation, we introduce LoSA, the first memory-and-parameter-efficient backbone adapter designed specifically for TAL to handle untrimmed videos. LoSA specializes for TAL by introducing Long-Short-range Adapters that adapt the intermediate layers of the video backbone over different temporal ranges. These adapters run parallel to the video backbone to significantly reduce memory footprint. LoSA also includes Long-Short-range Fusion that strategically combines the output of these adapters from the video backbone layers to enhance the video features provided to the TAL head. Experiments show that LoSA significantly outperforms all existing methods on standard TAL benchmarks, THUMOS-14 and ActivityNet-v1.3, by scaling end-to-end backbone adaptation to billion-parameter-plus models like VideoMAEv2~(ViT-g) and leveraging them beyond head-only transfer learning.

new Large Motion Model for Unified Multi-Modal Motion Generation

Authors: Mingyuan Zhang, Daisheng Jin, Chenyang Gu, Fangzhou Hong, Zhongang Cai, Jingfang Huang, Chongzhi Zhang, Xinying Guo, Lei Yang, Ying He, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: Human motion generation, a cornerstone technique in animation and video production, has widespread applications in various tasks like text-to-motion and music-to-dance. Previous works focus on developing specialist models tailored for each task without scalability. In this work, we present Large Motion Model (LMM), a motion-centric, multi-modal framework that unifies mainstream motion generation tasks into a generalist model. A unified motion model is appealing since it can leverage a wide range of motion data to achieve broad generalization beyond a single task. However, it is also challenging due to the heterogeneous nature of substantially different motion data and tasks. LMM tackles these challenges from three principled aspects: 1) Data: We consolidate datasets with different modalities, formats and tasks into a comprehensive yet unified motion generation dataset, MotionVerse, comprising 10 tasks, 16 datasets, a total of 320k sequences, and 100 million frames. 2) Architecture: We design an articulated attention mechanism ArtAttention that incorporates body part-aware modeling into Diffusion Transformer backbone. 3) Pre-Training: We propose a novel pre-training strategy for LMM, which employs variable frame rates and masking forms, to better exploit knowledge from diverse training data. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our generalist LMM achieves competitive performance across various standard motion generation tasks over state-of-the-art specialist models. Notably, LMM exhibits strong generalization capabilities and emerging properties across many unseen tasks. Additionally, our ablation studies reveal valuable insights about training and scaling up large motion models for future research.

new Evaluating Text-to-Visual Generation with Image-to-Text Generation

Authors: Zhiqiu Lin, Deepak Pathak, Baiqi Li, Jiayao Li, Xide Xia, Graham Neubig, Pengchuan Zhang, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: Despite significant progress in generative AI, comprehensive evaluation remains challenging because of the lack of effective metrics and standardized benchmarks. For instance, the widely-used CLIPScore measures the alignment between a (generated) image and text prompt, but it fails to produce reliable scores for complex prompts involving compositions of objects, attributes, and relations. One reason is that text encoders of CLIP can notoriously act as a "bag of words", conflating prompts such as "the horse is eating the grass" with "the grass is eating the horse". To address this, we introduce the VQAScore, which uses a visual-question-answering (VQA) model to produce an alignment score by computing the probability of a "Yes" answer to a simple "Does this figure show '{text}'?" question. Though simpler than prior art, VQAScore computed with off-the-shelf models produces state-of-the-art results across many (8) image-text alignment benchmarks. We also compute VQAScore with an in-house model that follows best practices in the literature. For example, we use a bidirectional image-question encoder that allows image embeddings to depend on the question being asked (and vice versa). Our in-house model, CLIP-FlanT5, outperforms even the strongest baselines that make use of the proprietary GPT-4V. Interestingly, although we train with only images, VQAScore can also align text with video and 3D models. VQAScore allows researchers to benchmark text-to-visual generation using complex texts that capture the compositional structure of real-world prompts. We introduce GenAI-Bench, a more challenging benchmark with 1,600 compositional text prompts that require parsing scenes, objects, attributes, relationships, and high-order reasoning like comparison and logic. GenAI-Bench also offers over 15,000 human ratings for leading image and video generation models such as Stable Diffusion, DALL-E 3, and Gen2.

new Measuring Style Similarity in Diffusion Models

Authors: Gowthami Somepalli, Anubhav Gupta, Kamal Gupta, Shramay Palta, Micah Goldblum, Jonas Geiping, Abhinav Shrivastava, Tom Goldstein

Abstract: Generative models are now widely used by graphic designers and artists. Prior works have shown that these models remember and often replicate content from their training data during generation. Hence as their proliferation increases, it has become important to perform a database search to determine whether the properties of the image are attributable to specific training data, every time before a generated image is used for professional purposes. Existing tools for this purpose focus on retrieving images of similar semantic content. Meanwhile, many artists are concerned with style replication in text-to-image models. We present a framework for understanding and extracting style descriptors from images. Our framework comprises a new dataset curated using the insight that style is a subjective property of an image that captures complex yet meaningful interactions of factors including but not limited to colors, textures, shapes, etc. We also propose a method to extract style descriptors that can be used to attribute style of a generated image to the images used in the training dataset of a text-to-image model. We showcase promising results in various style retrieval tasks. We also quantitatively and qualitatively analyze style attribution and matching in the Stable Diffusion model. Code and artifacts are available at


new CosmicMan: A Text-to-Image Foundation Model for Humans

Authors: Shikai Li, Jianglin Fu, Kaiyuan Liu, Wentao Wang, Kwan-Yee Lin, Wayne Wu

Abstract: We present CosmicMan, a text-to-image foundation model specialized for generating high-fidelity human images. Unlike current general-purpose foundation models that are stuck in the dilemma of inferior quality and text-image misalignment for humans, CosmicMan enables generating photo-realistic human images with meticulous appearance, reasonable structure, and precise text-image alignment with detailed dense descriptions. At the heart of CosmicMan's success are the new reflections and perspectives on data and models: (1) We found that data quality and a scalable data production flow are essential for the final results from trained models. Hence, we propose a new data production paradigm, Annotate Anyone, which serves as a perpetual data flywheel to produce high-quality data with accurate yet cost-effective annotations over time. Based on this, we constructed a large-scale dataset, CosmicMan-HQ 1.0, with 6 Million high-quality real-world human images in a mean resolution of 1488x1255, and attached with precise text annotations deriving from 115 Million attributes in diverse granularities. (2) We argue that a text-to-image foundation model specialized for humans must be pragmatic -- easy to integrate into down-streaming tasks while effective in producing high-quality human images. Hence, we propose to model the relationship between dense text descriptions and image pixels in a decomposed manner, and present Decomposed-Attention-Refocusing (Daring) training framework. It seamlessly decomposes the cross-attention features in existing text-to-image diffusion model, and enforces attention refocusing without adding extra modules. Through Daring, we show that explicitly discretizing continuous text space into several basic groups that align with human body structure is the key to tackling the misalignment problem in a breeze.

new MagicMirror: Fast and High-Quality Avatar Generation with a Constrained Search Space

Authors: Armand Comas-Massagu\'e, Di Qiu, Menglei Chai, Marcel B\"uhler, Amit Raj, Ruiqi Gao, Qiangeng Xu, Mark Matthews, Paulo Gotardo, Octavia Camps, Sergio Orts-Escolano, Thabo Beeler

Abstract: We introduce a novel framework for 3D human avatar generation and personalization, leveraging text prompts to enhance user engagement and customization. Central to our approach are key innovations aimed at overcoming the challenges in photo-realistic avatar synthesis. Firstly, we utilize a conditional Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) model, trained on a large-scale unannotated multi-view dataset, to create a versatile initial solution space that accelerates and diversifies avatar generation. Secondly, we develop a geometric prior, leveraging the capabilities of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models, to ensure superior view invariance and enable direct optimization of avatar geometry. These foundational ideas are complemented by our optimization pipeline built on Variational Score Distillation (VSD), which mitigates texture loss and over-saturation issues. As supported by our extensive experiments, these strategies collectively enable the creation of custom avatars with unparalleled visual quality and better adherence to input text prompts. You can find more results and videos in our website:


new Streaming Dense Video Captioning

Authors: Xingyi Zhou, Anurag Arnab, Shyamal Buch, Shen Yan, Austin Myers, Xuehan Xiong, Arsha Nagrani, Cordelia Schmid

Abstract: An ideal model for dense video captioning -- predicting captions localized temporally in a video -- should be able to handle long input videos, predict rich, detailed textual descriptions, and be able to produce outputs before processing the entire video. Current state-of-the-art models, however, process a fixed number of downsampled frames, and make a single full prediction after seeing the whole video. We propose a streaming dense video captioning model that consists of two novel components: First, we propose a new memory module, based on clustering incoming tokens, which can handle arbitrarily long videos as the memory is of a fixed size. Second, we develop a streaming decoding algorithm that enables our model to make predictions before the entire video has been processed. Our model achieves this streaming ability, and significantly improves the state-of-the-art on three dense video captioning benchmarks: ActivityNet, YouCook2 and ViTT. Our code is released at


new Noise2Image: Noise-Enabled Static Scene Recovery for Event Cameras

Authors: Ruiming Cao, Dekel Galor, Amit Kohli, Jacob L Yates, Laura Waller

Abstract: Event cameras capture changes of intensity over time as a stream of 'events' and generally cannot measure intensity itself; hence, they are only used for imaging dynamic scenes. However, fluctuations due to random photon arrival inevitably trigger noise events, even for static scenes. While previous efforts have been focused on filtering out these undesirable noise events to improve signal quality, we find that, in the photon-noise regime, these noise events are correlated with the static scene intensity. We analyze the noise event generation and model its relationship to illuminance. Based on this understanding, we propose a method, called Noise2Image, to leverage the illuminance-dependent noise characteristics to recover the static parts of a scene, which are otherwise invisible to event cameras. We experimentally collect a dataset of noise events on static scenes to train and validate Noise2Image. Our results show that Noise2Image can robustly recover intensity images solely from noise events, providing a novel approach for capturing static scenes in event cameras, without additional hardware.

new CausalChaos! Dataset for Comprehensive Causal Action Question Answering Over Longer Causal Chains Grounded in Dynamic Visual Scenes

Authors: Ting En Lam, Yuhan Chen, Elston Tan, Eric Peh, Ruirui Chen, Paritosh Parmar, Basura Fernando

Abstract: Causal video question answering (QA) has garnered increasing interest, yet existing datasets often lack depth in causal reasoning analysis. To address this gap, we capitalize on the unique properties of cartoons and construct CausalChaos!, a novel, challenging causal Why-QA dataset built upon the iconic "Tom and Jerry" cartoon series. With thoughtful questions and multi-level answers, our dataset contains much longer causal chains embedded in dynamic interactions and visuals, at the same time principles of animation allows animators to create well-defined, unambiguous causal relationships. These factors allow models to solve more challenging, yet well-defined causal relationships. We also introduce hard negative mining, including CausalConfusion version. While models perform well, there is much room for improvement, especially, on open-ended answers. We identify more advanced/explicit causal relationship modeling and joint modeling of vision and language as the immediate areas for future efforts to focus upon. Along with the other complementary datasets, our new challenging dataset will pave the way for these developments in the field. We will release our dataset, codes, and models to help future efforts in this domain.

new NeRF-MAE : Masked AutoEncoders for Self Supervised 3D representation Learning for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors: Muhammad Zubair Irshad, Sergey Zakahrov, Vitor Guizilini, Adrien Gaidon, Zsolt Kira, Rares Ambrus

Abstract: Neural fields excel in computer vision and robotics due to their ability to understand the 3D visual world such as inferring semantics, geometry, and dynamics. Given the capabilities of neural fields in densely representing a 3D scene from 2D images, we ask the question: Can we scale their self-supervised pretraining, specifically using masked autoencoders, to generate effective 3D representations from posed RGB images. Owing to the astounding success of extending transformers to novel data modalities, we employ standard 3D Vision Transformers to suit the unique formulation of NeRFs. We leverage NeRF's volumetric grid as a dense input to the transformer, contrasting it with other 3D representations such as pointclouds where the information density can be uneven, and the representation is irregular. Due to the difficulty of applying masked autoencoders to an implicit representation, such as NeRF, we opt for extracting an explicit representation that canonicalizes scenes across domains by employing the camera trajectory for sampling. Our goal is made possible by masking random patches from NeRF's radiance and density grid and employing a standard 3D Swin Transformer to reconstruct the masked patches. In doing so, the model can learn the semantic and spatial structure of complete scenes. We pretrain this representation at scale on our proposed curated posed-RGB data, totaling over 1.6 million images. Once pretrained, the encoder is used for effective 3D transfer learning. Our novel self-supervised pretraining for NeRFs, NeRF-MAE, scales remarkably well and improves performance on various challenging 3D tasks. Utilizing unlabeled posed 2D data for pretraining, NeRF-MAE significantly outperforms self-supervised 3D pretraining and NeRF scene understanding baselines on Front3D and ScanNet datasets with an absolute performance improvement of over 20% AP50 and 8% AP25 for 3D object detection.

cross WATonoBus: An All Weather Autonomous Shuttle

Authors: Neel P. Bhatt, Ruihe Zhang, Minghao Ning, Ahmad Reza Alghooneh, Joseph Sun, Pouya Panahandeh, Ehsan Mohammadbagher, Ted Ecclestone, Ben MacCallum, Ehsan Hashemi, Amir Khajepour

Abstract: Autonomous vehicle all-weather operation poses significant challenges, encompassing modules from perception and decision-making to path planning and control. The complexity arises from the need to address adverse weather conditions like rain, snow, and fog across the autonomy stack. Conventional model-based and single-module approaches often lack holistic integration with upstream or downstream tasks. We tackle this problem by proposing a multi-module and modular system architecture with considerations for adverse weather across the perception level, through features such as snow covered curb detection, to decision-making and safety monitoring. Through daily weekday service on the WATonoBus platform for almost a year, we demonstrate that our proposed approach is capable of addressing adverse weather conditions and provide valuable learning from edge cases observed during operation.

cross Deployment of Deep Learning Model in Real World Clinical Setting: A Case Study in Obstetric Ultrasound

Authors: Chun Kit Wong, Mary Ngo, Manxi Lin, Zahra Bashir, Amihai Heen, Morten Bo S{\o}ndergaard Svendsen, Martin Gr{\o}nneb{\ae}k Tolsgaard, Anders Nymark Christensen, Aasa Feragen

Abstract: Despite the rapid development of AI models in medical image analysis, their validation in real-world clinical settings remains limited. To address this, we introduce a generic framework designed for deploying image-based AI models in such settings. Using this framework, we deployed a trained model for fetal ultrasound standard plane detection, and evaluated it in real-time sessions with both novice and expert users. Feedback from these sessions revealed that while the model offers potential benefits to medical practitioners, the need for navigational guidance was identified as a key area for improvement. These findings underscore the importance of early deployment of AI models in real-world settings, leading to insights that can guide the refinement of the model and system based on actual user feedback.

cross Improve accessibility for Low Vision and Blind people using Machine Learning and Computer Vision

Authors: Jasur Shukurov

Abstract: With the ever-growing expansion of mobile technology worldwide, there is an increasing need for accommodation for those who are disabled. This project explores how machine learning and computer vision could be utilized to improve accessibility for people with visual impairments. There have been many attempts to develop various software that would improve accessibility in the day-to-day lives of blind people. However, applications on the market have low accuracy and only provide audio feedback. This project will concentrate on building a mobile application that helps blind people to orient in space by receiving audio and haptic feedback, e.g. vibrations, about their surroundings in real-time. The mobile application will have 3 main features. The initial feature is scanning text from the camera and reading it to a user. This feature can be used on paper with text, in the environment, and on road signs. The second feature is detecting objects around the user, and providing audio feedback about those objects. It also includes providing the description of the objects and their location, and giving haptic feedback if the user is too close to an object. The last feature is currency detection which provides a total amount of currency value to the user via the camera.

cross SLIMBRAIN: Augmented Reality Real-Time Acquisition and Processing System For Hyperspectral Classification Mapping with Depth Information for In-Vivo Surgical Procedures

Authors: Jaime Sancho, Manuel Villa, Miguel Chavarr\'ias, Eduardo Juarez, Alfonso Lagares, C\'esar Sanz

Abstract: Over the last two decades, augmented reality (AR) has led to the rapid development of new interfaces in various fields of social and technological application domains. One such domain is medicine, and to a higher extent surgery, where these visualization techniques help to improve the effectiveness of preoperative and intraoperative procedures. Following this trend, this paper presents SLIMBRAIN, a real-time acquisition and processing AR system suitable to classify and display brain tumor tissue from hyperspectral (HS) information. This system captures and processes HS images at 14 frames per second (FPS) during the course of a tumor resection operation to detect and delimit cancer tissue at the same time the neurosurgeon operates. The result is represented in an AR visualization where the classification results are overlapped with the RGB point cloud captured by a LiDAR camera. This representation allows natural navigation of the scene at the same time it is captured and processed, improving the visualization and hence effectiveness of the HS technology to delimit tumors. The whole system has been verified in real brain tumor resection operations.

cross PikeLPN: Mitigating Overlooked Inefficiencies of Low-Precision Neural Networks

Authors: Marina Neseem, Conor McCullough, Randy Hsin, Chas Leichner, Shan Li, In Suk Chong, Andrew G. Howard, Lukasz Lew, Sherief Reda, Ville-Mikko Rautio, Daniele Moro

Abstract: Low-precision quantization is recognized for its efficacy in neural network optimization. Our analysis reveals that non-quantized elementwise operations which are prevalent in layers such as parameterized activation functions, batch normalization, and quantization scaling dominate the inference cost of low-precision models. These non-quantized elementwise operations are commonly overlooked in SOTA efficiency metrics such as Arithmetic Computation Effort (ACE). In this paper, we propose ACEv2 - an extended version of ACE which offers a better alignment with the inference cost of quantized models and their energy consumption on ML hardware. Moreover, we introduce PikeLPN, a model that addresses these efficiency issues by applying quantization to both elementwise operations and multiply-accumulate operations. In particular, we present a novel quantization technique for batch normalization layers named QuantNorm which allows for quantizing the batch normalization parameters without compromising the model performance. Additionally, we propose applying Double Quantization where the quantization scaling parameters are quantized. Furthermore, we recognize and resolve the issue of distribution mismatch in Separable Convolution layers by introducing Distribution-Heterogeneous Quantization which enables quantizing them to low-precision. PikeLPN achieves Pareto-optimality in efficiency-accuracy trade-off with up to 3X efficiency improvement compared to SOTA low-precision models.

cross FetalDiffusion: Pose-Controllable 3D Fetal MRI Synthesis with Conditional Diffusion Model

Authors: Molin Zhang, Polina Golland, Patricia Ellen Grant, Elfar Adalsteinsson

Abstract: The quality of fetal MRI is significantly affected by unpredictable and substantial fetal motion, leading to the introduction of artifacts even when fast acquisition sequences are employed. The development of 3D real-time fetal pose estimation approaches on volumetric EPI fetal MRI opens up a promising avenue for fetal motion monitoring and prediction. Challenges arise in fetal pose estimation due to limited number of real scanned fetal MR training images, hindering model generalization when the acquired fetal MRI lacks adequate pose. In this study, we introduce FetalDiffusion, a novel approach utilizing a conditional diffusion model to generate 3D synthetic fetal MRI with controllable pose. Additionally, an auxiliary pose-level loss is adopted to enhance model performance. Our work demonstrates the success of this proposed model by producing high-quality synthetic fetal MRI images with accurate and recognizable fetal poses, comparing favorably with in-vivo real fetal MRI. Furthermore, we show that the integration of synthetic fetal MR images enhances the fetal pose estimation model's performance, particularly when the number of available real scanned data is limited resulting in 15.4% increase in PCK and 50.2% reduced in mean error. All experiments are done on a single 32GB V100 GPU. Our method holds promise for improving real-time tracking models, thereby addressing fetal motion issues more effectively.

cross An Interpretable Cross-Attentive Multi-modal MRI Fusion Framework for Schizophrenia Diagnosis

Authors: Ziyu Zhou, Anton Orlichenko, Gang Qu, Zening Fu, Vince D Calhoun, Zhengming Ding, Yu-Ping Wang

Abstract: Both functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI and sMRI) are widely used for the diagnosis of mental disorder. However, combining complementary information from these two modalities is challenging due to their heterogeneity. Many existing methods fall short of capturing the interaction between these modalities, frequently defaulting to a simple combination of latent features. In this paper, we propose a novel Cross-Attentive Multi-modal Fusion framework (CAMF), which aims to capture both intra-modal and inter-modal relationships between fMRI and sMRI, enhancing multi-modal data representation. Specifically, our CAMF framework employs self-attention modules to identify interactions within each modality while cross-attention modules identify interactions between modalities. Subsequently, our approach optimizes the integration of latent features from both modalities. This approach significantly improves classification accuracy, as demonstrated by our evaluations on two extensive multi-modal brain imaging datasets, where CAMF consistently outperforms existing methods. Furthermore, the gradient-guided Score-CAM is applied to interpret critical functional networks and brain regions involved in schizophrenia. The bio-markers identified by CAMF align with established research, potentially offering new insights into the diagnosis and pathological endophenotypes of schizophrenia.

cross InfLoRA: Interference-Free Low-Rank Adaptation for Continual Learning

Authors: Yan-Shuo Liang, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Continual learning requires the model to learn multiple tasks sequentially. In continual learning, the model should possess the ability to maintain its performance on old tasks (stability) and the ability to adapt to new tasks continuously (plasticity). Recently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), which involves freezing a pre-trained model and injecting a small number of learnable parameters to adapt to downstream tasks, has gained increasing popularity in continual learning. Although existing continual learning methods based on PEFT have demonstrated superior performance compared to those not based on PEFT, most of them do not consider how to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, which inhibits the model from making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. In this work, we propose a new PEFT method, called interference-free low-rank adaptation (InfLoRA), for continual learning. InfLoRA injects a small number of parameters to reparameterize the pre-trained weights and shows that fine-tuning these injected parameters is equivalent to fine-tuning the pre-trained weights within a subspace. Furthermore, InfLoRA designs this subspace to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. Experimental results show that InfLoRA outperforms existing state-of-the-art continual learning methods on multiple datasets.

cross Learned Scanpaths Aid Blind Panoramic Video Quality Assessment

Authors: Kanglong Fan, Wen Wen, Mu Li, Yifan Peng, Kede Ma

Abstract: Panoramic videos have the advantage of providing an immersive and interactive viewing experience. Nevertheless, their spherical nature gives rise to various and uncertain user viewing behaviors, which poses significant challenges for panoramic video quality assessment (PVQA). In this work, we propose an end-to-end optimized, blind PVQA method with explicit modeling of user viewing patterns through visual scanpaths. Our method consists of two modules: a scanpath generator and a quality assessor. The scanpath generator is initially trained to predict future scanpaths by minimizing their expected code length and then jointly optimized with the quality assessor for quality prediction. Our blind PVQA method enables direct quality assessment of panoramic images by treating them as videos composed of identical frames. Experiments on three public panoramic image and video quality datasets, encompassing both synthetic and authentic distortions, validate the superiority of our blind PVQA model over existing methods.

cross Exploring Unseen Environments with Robots using Large Language and Vision Models through a Procedurally Generated 3D Scene Representation

Authors: Arjun P S, Andrew Melnik, Gora Chand Nandi

Abstract: Recent advancements in Generative Artificial Intelligence, particularly in the realm of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs), have enabled the prospect of leveraging cognitive planners within robotic systems. This work focuses on solving the object goal navigation problem by mimicking human cognition to attend, perceive and store task specific information and generate plans with the same. We introduce a comprehensive framework capable of exploring an unfamiliar environment in search of an object by leveraging the capabilities of Large Language Models(LLMs) and Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) in understanding the underlying semantics of our world. A challenging task in using LLMs to generate high level sub-goals is to efficiently represent the environment around the robot. We propose to use a 3D scene modular representation, with semantically rich descriptions of the object, to provide the LLM with task relevant information. But providing the LLM with a mass of contextual information (rich 3D scene semantic representation), can lead to redundant and inefficient plans. We propose to use an LLM based pruner that leverages the capabilities of in-context learning to prune out irrelevant goal specific information.

cross YNetr: Dual-Encoder architecture on Plain Scan Liver Tumors (PSLT)

Authors: Wen Sheng, Zhong Zheng, Jiajun Liu, Han Lu, Hanyuan Zhang, Zhengyong Jiang, Zhihong Zhang, Daoping Zhu

Abstract: Background: Liver tumors are abnormal growths in the liver that can be either benign or malignant, with liver cancer being a significant health concern worldwide. However, there is no dataset for plain scan segmentation of liver tumors, nor any related algorithms. To fill this gap, we propose Plain Scan Liver Tumors(PSLT) and YNetr. Methods: A collection of 40 liver tumor plain scan segmentation datasets was assembled and annotated. Concurrently, we utilized Dice coefficient as the metric for assessing the segmentation outcomes produced by YNetr, having advantage of capturing different frequency information. Results: The YNetr model achieved a Dice coefficient of 62.63% on the PSLT dataset, surpassing the other publicly available model by an accuracy margin of 1.22%. Comparative evaluations were conducted against a range of models including UNet 3+, XNet, UNetr, Swin UNetr, Trans-BTS, COTr, nnUNetv2 (2D), nnUNetv2 (3D fullres), MedNext (2D) and MedNext(3D fullres). Conclusions: We not only proposed a dataset named PSLT(Plain Scan Liver Tumors), but also explored a structure called YNetr that utilizes wavelet transform to extract different frequency information, which having the SOTA in PSLT by experiments.

cross Orchestrate Latent Expertise: Advancing Online Continual Learning with Multi-Level Supervision and Reverse Self-Distillation

Authors: HongWei Yan, Liyuan Wang, Kaisheng Ma, Yi Zhong

Abstract: To accommodate real-world dynamics, artificial intelligence systems need to cope with sequentially arriving content in an online manner. Beyond regular Continual Learning (CL) attempting to address catastrophic forgetting with offline training of each task, Online Continual Learning (OCL) is a more challenging yet realistic setting that performs CL in a one-pass data stream. Current OCL methods primarily rely on memory replay of old training samples. However, a notable gap from CL to OCL stems from the additional overfitting-underfitting dilemma associated with the use of rehearsal buffers: the inadequate learning of new training samples (underfitting) and the repeated learning of a few old training samples (overfitting). To this end, we introduce a novel approach, Multi-level Online Sequential Experts (MOSE), which cultivates the model as stacked sub-experts, integrating multi-level supervision and reverse self-distillation. Supervision signals across multiple stages facilitate appropriate convergence of the new task while gathering various strengths from experts by knowledge distillation mitigates the performance decline of old tasks. MOSE demonstrates remarkable efficacy in learning new samples and preserving past knowledge through multi-level experts, thereby significantly advancing OCL performance over state-of-the-art baselines (e.g., up to 7.3% on Split CIFAR-100 and 6.1% on Split Tiny-ImageNet).

cross Continual Learning for Autonomous Robots: A Prototype-based Approach

Authors: Elvin Hajizada, Balachandran Swaminathan, Yulia Sandamirskaya

Abstract: Humans and animals learn throughout their lives from limited amounts of sensed data, both with and without supervision. Autonomous, intelligent robots of the future are often expected to do the same. The existing continual learning (CL) methods are usually not directly applicable to robotic settings: they typically require buffering and a balanced replay of training data. A few-shot online continual learning (FS-OCL) setting has been proposed to address more realistic scenarios where robots must learn from a non-repeated sparse data stream. To enable truly autonomous life-long learning, an additional challenge of detecting novelties and learning new items without supervision needs to be addressed. We address this challenge with our new prototype-based approach called Continually Learning Prototypes (CLP). In addition to being capable of FS-OCL learning, CLP also detects novel objects and learns them without supervision. To mitigate forgetting, CLP utilizes a novel metaplasticity mechanism that adapts the learning rate individually per prototype. CLP is rehearsal-free, hence does not require a memory buffer, and is compatible with neuromorphic hardware, characterized by ultra-low power consumption, real-time processing abilities, and on-chip learning. Indeed, we have open-sourced a simple version of CLP in the neuromorphic software framework Lava, targetting Intel's neuromorphic chip Loihi 2. We evaluate CLP on a robotic vision dataset, OpenLORIS. In a low-instance FS-OCL scenario, CLP shows state-of-the-art results. In the open world, CLP detects novelties with superior precision and recall and learns features of the detected novel classes without supervision, achieving a strong baseline of 99% base class and 65%/76% (5-shot/10-shot) novel class accuracy.

cross Score-Based Diffusion Models for Photoacoustic Tomography Image Reconstruction

Authors: Sreemanti Dey, Snigdha Saha, Berthy T. Feng, Manxiu Cui, Laure Delisle, Oscar Leong, Lihong V. Wang, Katherine L. Bouman

Abstract: Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) is a rapidly-evolving medical imaging modality that combines optical absorption contrast with ultrasound imaging depth. One challenge in PAT is image reconstruction with inadequate acoustic signals due to limited sensor coverage or due to the density of the transducer array. Such cases call for solving an ill-posed inverse reconstruction problem. In this work, we use score-based diffusion models to solve the inverse problem of reconstructing an image from limited PAT measurements. The proposed approach allows us to incorporate an expressive prior learned by a diffusion model on simulated vessel structures while still being robust to varying transducer sparsity conditions.

cross 94% on CIFAR-10 in 3.29 Seconds on a Single GPU

Authors: Keller Jordan

Abstract: CIFAR-10 is among the most widely used datasets in machine learning, facilitating thousands of research projects per year. To accelerate research and reduce the cost of experiments, we introduce training methods for CIFAR-10 which reach 94% accuracy in 3.29 seconds, 95% in 10.4 seconds, and 96% in 46.3 seconds, when run on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU. As one factor contributing to these training speeds, we propose a derandomized variant of horizontal flipping augmentation, which we show improves over the standard method in every case where flipping is beneficial over no flipping at all. Our code is released at


cross DailyMAE: Towards Pretraining Masked Autoencoders in One Day

Authors: Jiantao Wu, Shentong Mo, Sara Atito, Zhenhua Feng, Josef Kittler, Muhammad Awais

Abstract: Recently, masked image modeling (MIM), an important self-supervised learning (SSL) method, has drawn attention for its effectiveness in learning data representation from unlabeled data. Numerous studies underscore the advantages of MIM, highlighting how models pretrained on extensive datasets can enhance the performance of downstream tasks. However, the high computational demands of pretraining pose significant challenges, particularly within academic environments, thereby impeding the SSL research progress. In this study, we propose efficient training recipes for MIM based SSL that focuses on mitigating data loading bottlenecks and employing progressive training techniques and other tricks to closely maintain pretraining performance. Our library enables the training of a MAE-Base/16 model on the ImageNet 1K dataset for 800 epochs within just 18 hours, using a single machine equipped with 8 A100 GPUs. By achieving speed gains of up to 5.8 times, this work not only demonstrates the feasibility of conducting high-efficiency SSL training but also paves the way for broader accessibility and promotes advancement in SSL research particularly for prototyping and initial testing of SSL ideas. The code is available in


cross MIPS at SemEval-2024 Task 3: Multimodal Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations with Multimodal Language Models

Authors: Zebang Cheng, Fuqiang Niu, Yuxiang Lin, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Bowen Zhang, Xiaojiang Peng

Abstract: This paper presents our winning submission to Subtask 2 of SemEval 2024 Task 3 on multimodal emotion cause analysis in conversations. We propose a novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition and Multimodal Emotion Cause Extraction (MER-MCE) framework that integrates text, audio, and visual modalities using specialized emotion encoders. Our approach sets itself apart from top-performing teams by leveraging modality-specific features for enhanced emotion understanding and causality inference. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the advantages of our multimodal approach, with our submission achieving a competitive weighted F1 score of 0.3435, ranking third with a margin of only 0.0339 behind the 1st team and 0.0025 behind the 2nd team. Project:


cross CHAIN: Enhancing Generalization in Data-Efficient GANs via lipsCHitz continuity constrAIned Normalization

Authors: Yao Ni, Piotr Koniusz

Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) significantly advanced image generation but their performance heavily depends on abundant training data. In scenarios with limited data, GANs often struggle with discriminator overfitting and unstable training. Batch Normalization (BN), despite being known for enhancing generalization and training stability, has rarely been used in the discriminator of Data-Efficient GANs. Our work addresses this gap by identifying a critical flaw in BN: the tendency for gradient explosion during the centering and scaling steps. To tackle this issue, we present CHAIN (lipsCHitz continuity constrAIned Normalization), which replaces the conventional centering step with zero-mean regularization and integrates a Lipschitz continuity constraint in the scaling step. CHAIN further enhances GAN training by adaptively interpolating the normalized and unnormalized features, effectively avoiding discriminator overfitting. Our theoretical analyses firmly establishes CHAIN's effectiveness in reducing gradients in latent features and weights, improving stability and generalization in GAN training. Empirical evidence supports our theory. CHAIN achieves state-of-the-art results in data-limited scenarios on CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet, five low-shot and seven high-resolution few-shot image datasets.

cross Pneumonia App: a mobile application for efficient pediatric pneumonia diagnosis using explainable convolutional neural networks (CNN)

Authors: Jiaming Deng, Zhenglin Chen, Minjiang Chen, Lulu Xu, Jiaqi Yang, Zhendong Luo, Peiwu Qin

Abstract: Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) poses significant diagnostic challenges in pediatric healthcare, especially in regions like China where it's prevalent. We introduce PneumoniaAPP, a mobile application leveraging deep learning techniques for rapid MPP detection. Our approach capitalizes on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained on a comprehensive dataset comprising 3345 chest X-ray (CXR) images, which includes 833 CXR images revealing MPP and additionally augmented with samples from a public dataset. The CNN model achieved an accuracy of 88.20% and an AUROC of 0.9218 across all classes, with a specific accuracy of 97.64% for the mycoplasma class, as demonstrated on the testing dataset. Furthermore, we integrated explainability techniques into PneumoniaAPP to aid respiratory physicians in lung opacity localization. Our contribution extends beyond existing research by targeting pediatric MPP, emphasizing the age group of 0-12 years, and prioritizing deployment on mobile devices. This work signifies a significant advancement in pediatric pneumonia diagnosis, offering a reliable and accessible tool to alleviate diagnostic burdens in healthcare settings.

cross GAN with Skip Patch Discriminator for Biological Electron Microscopy Image Generation

Authors: Nishith Ranjon Roy, Nailah Rawnaq, Tulin Kaman

Abstract: Generating realistic electron microscopy (EM) images has been a challenging problem due to their complex global and local structures. Isola et al. proposed pix2pix, a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), for the general purpose of image-to-image translation; which fails to generate realistic EM images. We propose a new architecture for the discriminator in the GAN providing access to multiple patch sizes using skip patches and generating realistic EM images.

cross Automated Bi-Fold Weighted Ensemble Algorithms and its Application to Brain Tumor Detection and Classification

Authors: PoTsang B. Huang, Muhammad Rizwan, Mehboob Ali

Abstract: The uncontrolled and unstructured growth of brain cells is known as brain tumor, which has one of the highest mortality rates among diseases from all types of cancers. Due to limited diagnostic and treatment capabilities, they pose significant challenges, especially in third-world countries. Early diagnosis plays a vital role in effectively managing brain tumors and reducing mortality rates. However, the availability of diagnostic methods is hindered by various limitations, including high costs and lengthy result acquisition times, impeding early detection of the disease. In this study, we present two cutting-edge bi-fold weighted voting ensemble models that aim to boost the effectiveness of weighted ensemble methods. These two proposed methods combine the classification outcomes from multiple classifiers and determine the optimal result by selecting the one with the highest probability in the first approach, and the highest weighted prediction in the second technique. These approaches significantly improve the overall performance of weighted ensemble techniques. In the first proposed method, we improve the soft voting technique (SVT) by introducing a novel unsupervised weight calculating schema (UWCS) to enhance its weight assigning capability, known as the extended soft voting technique (ESVT). Secondly, we propose a novel weighted method (NWM) by using the proposed UWCS. Both of our approaches incorporate three distinct models: a custom-built CNN, VGG-16, and InceptionResNetV2 which has been trained on publicly available datasets. The effectiveness of our proposed systems is evaluated through blind testing, where exceptional results are achieved. We then establish a comparative analysis of the performance of our proposed methods with that of SVT to show their superiority and effectiveness.

cross A Multi-Branched Radial Basis Network Approach to Predicting Complex Chaotic Behaviours

Authors: Aarush Sinha

Abstract: In this study, we propose a multi branched network approach to predict the dynamics of a physics attractor characterized by intricate and chaotic behavior. We introduce a unique neural network architecture comprised of Radial Basis Function (RBF) layers combined with an attention mechanism designed to effectively capture nonlinear inter-dependencies inherent in the attractor's temporal evolution. Our results demonstrate successful prediction of the attractor's trajectory across 100 predictions made using a real-world dataset of 36,700 time-series observations encompassing approximately 28 minutes of activity. To further illustrate the performance of our proposed technique, we provide comprehensive visualizations depicting the attractor's original and predicted behaviors alongside quantitative measures comparing observed versus estimated outcomes. Overall, this work showcases the potential of advanced machine learning algorithms in elucidating hidden structures in complex physical systems while offering practical applications in various domains requiring accurate short-term forecasting capabilities.

cross A General and Efficient Training for Transformer via Token Expansion

Authors: Wenxuan Huang, Yunhang Shen, Jiao Xie, Baochang Zhang, Gaoqi He, Ke Li, Xing Sun, Shaohui Lin

Abstract: The remarkable performance of Vision Transformers (ViTs) typically requires an extremely large training cost. Existing methods have attempted to accelerate the training of ViTs, yet typically disregard method universality with accuracy dropping. Meanwhile, they break the training consistency of the original transformers, including the consistency of hyper-parameters, architecture, and strategy, which prevents them from being widely applied to different Transformer networks. In this paper, we propose a novel token growth scheme Token Expansion (termed ToE) to achieve consistent training acceleration for ViTs. We introduce an "initialization-expansion-merging" pipeline to maintain the integrity of the intermediate feature distribution of original transformers, preventing the loss of crucial learnable information in the training process. ToE can not only be seamlessly integrated into the training and fine-tuning process of transformers (e.g., DeiT and LV-ViT), but also effective for efficient training frameworks (e.g., EfficientTrain), without twisting the original training hyper-parameters, architecture, and introducing additional training strategies. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ToE achieves about 1.3x faster for the training of ViTs in a lossless manner, or even with performance gains over the full-token training baselines. Code is available at .


cross End-to-End Autonomous Driving through V2X Cooperation

Authors: Haibao Yu, Wenxian Yang, Jiaru Zhong, Zhenwei Yang, Siqi Fan, Ping Luo, Zaiqing Nie

Abstract: Cooperatively utilizing both ego-vehicle and infrastructure sensor data via V2X communication has emerged as a promising approach for advanced autonomous driving. However, current research mainly focuses on improving individual modules, rather than taking end-to-end learning to optimize final planning performance, resulting in underutilized data potential. In this paper, we introduce UniV2X, a pioneering cooperative autonomous driving framework that seamlessly integrates all key driving modules across diverse views into a unified network. We propose a sparse-dense hybrid data transmission and fusion mechanism for effective vehicle-infrastructure cooperation, offering three advantages: 1) Effective for simultaneously enhancing agent perception, online mapping, and occupancy prediction, ultimately improving planning performance. 2) Transmission-friendly for practical and limited communication conditions. 3) Reliable data fusion with interpretability of this hybrid data. We implement UniV2X, as well as reproducing several benchmark methods, on the challenging DAIR-V2X, the real-world cooperative driving dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of UniV2X in significantly enhancing planning performance, as well as all intermediate output performance. Code is at


cross MugenNet: A Novel Combined Convolution Neural Network and Transformer Network with its Application for Colonic Polyp Image Segmentation

Authors: Chen Peng, Zhiqin Qian, Kunyu Wang, Qi Luo, Zhuming Bi, Wenjun Zhang

Abstract: Biomedical image segmentation is a very important part in disease diagnosis. The term "colonic polyps" refers to polypoid lesions that occur on the surface of the colonic mucosa within the intestinal lumen. In clinical practice, early detection of polyps is conducted through colonoscopy examinations and biomedical image processing. Therefore, the accurate polyp image segmentation is of great significance in colonoscopy examinations. Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is a common automatic segmentation method, but its main disadvantage is the long training time. Transformer utilizes a self-attention mechanism, which essentially assigns different importance weights to each piece of information, thus achieving high computational efficiency during segmentation. However, a potential drawback is the risk of information loss. In the study reported in this paper, based on the well-known hybridization principle, we proposed a method to combine CNN and Transformer to retain the strengths of both, and we applied this method to build a system called MugenNet for colonic polyp image segmentation. We conducted a comprehensive experiment to compare MugenNet with other CNN models on five publicly available datasets. The ablation experiment on MugentNet was conducted as well. The experimental results show that MugenNet achieves significantly higher processing speed and accuracy compared with CNN alone. The generalized implication with our work is a method to optimally combine two complimentary methods of machine learning.

cross Intensity-based 3D motion correction for cardiac MR images

Authors: Nil Stolt-Ans\'o, Vasiliki Sideri-Lampretsa, Maik Dannecker, Daniel Rueckert

Abstract: Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) image acquisition requires subjects to hold their breath while 2D cine images are acquired. This process assumes that the heart remains in the same position across all slices. However, differences in breathhold positions or patient motion introduce 3D slice misalignments. In this work, we propose an algorithm that simultaneously aligns all SA and LA slices by maximizing the pair-wise intensity agreement between their intersections. Unlike previous works, our approach is formulated as a subject-specific optimization problem and requires no prior knowledge of the underlying anatomy. We quantitatively demonstrate that the proposed method is robust against a large range of rotations and translations by synthetically misaligning 10 motion-free datasets and aligning them back using the proposed method.

cross Automated HER2 Scoring in Breast Cancer Images Using Deep Learning and Pyramid Sampling

Authors: Sahan Yoruc Selcuk, Xilin Yang, Bijie Bai, Yijie Zhang, Yuzhu Li, Musa Aydin, Aras Firat Unal, Aditya Gomatam, Zhen Guo, Darrow Morgan Angus, Goren Kolodney, Karine Atlan, Tal Keidar Haran, Nir Pillar, Aydogan Ozcan

Abstract: Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a critical protein in cancer cell growth that signifies the aggressiveness of breast cancer (BC) and helps predict its prognosis. Accurate assessment of immunohistochemically (IHC) stained tissue slides for HER2 expression levels is essential for both treatment guidance and understanding of cancer mechanisms. Nevertheless, the traditional workflow of manual examination by board-certified pathologists encounters challenges, including inter- and intra-observer inconsistency and extended turnaround times. Here, we introduce a deep learning-based approach utilizing pyramid sampling for the automated classification of HER2 status in IHC-stained BC tissue images. Our approach analyzes morphological features at various spatial scales, efficiently managing the computational load and facilitating a detailed examination of cellular and larger-scale tissue-level details. This method addresses the tissue heterogeneity of HER2 expression by providing a comprehensive view, leading to a blind testing classification accuracy of 84.70%, on a dataset of 523 core images from tissue microarrays. Our automated system, proving reliable as an adjunct pathology tool, has the potential to enhance diagnostic precision and evaluation speed, and might significantly impact cancer treatment planning.

cross Lipsum-FT: Robust Fine-Tuning of Zero-Shot Models Using Random Text Guidance

Authors: Giung Nam, Byeongho Heo, Juho Lee

Abstract: Large-scale contrastive vision-language pre-trained models provide the zero-shot model achieving competitive performance across a range of image classification tasks without requiring training on downstream data. Recent works have confirmed that while additional fine-tuning of the zero-shot model on the reference data results in enhanced downstream performance, it compromises the model's robustness against distribution shifts. Our investigation begins by examining the conditions required to achieve the goals of robust fine-tuning, employing descriptions based on feature distortion theory and joint energy-based models. Subsequently, we propose a novel robust fine-tuning algorithm, Lipsum-FT, that effectively utilizes the language modeling aspect of the vision-language pre-trained models. Extensive experiments conducted on distribution shift scenarios in DomainNet and ImageNet confirm the superiority of our proposed Lipsum-FT approach over existing robust fine-tuning methods.

cross How Can Large Language Models Enable Better Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interaction: A Brief Survey

Authors: Zhonghao Shi, Ellen Landrum, Amy O' Connell, Mina Kian, Leticia Pinto-Alva, Kaleen Shrestha, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Maja J Matari\'c

Abstract: Socially assistive robots (SARs) have shown great success in providing personalized cognitive-affective support for user populations with special needs such as older adults, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and individuals with mental health challenges. The large body of work on SAR demonstrates its potential to provide at-home support that complements clinic-based interventions delivered by mental health professionals, making these interventions more effective and accessible. However, there are still several major technical challenges that hinder SAR-mediated interactions and interventions from reaching human-level social intelligence and efficacy. With the recent advances in large language models (LLMs), there is an increased potential for novel applications within the field of SAR that can significantly expand the current capabilities of SARs. However, incorporating LLMs introduces new risks and ethical concerns that have not yet been encountered, and must be carefully be addressed to safely deploy these more advanced systems. In this work, we aim to conduct a brief survey on the use of LLMs in SAR technologies, and discuss the potentials and risks of applying LLMs to the following three major technical challenges of SAR: 1) natural language dialog; 2) multimodal understanding; 3) LLMs as robot policies.

cross Make Continual Learning Stronger via C-Flat

Authors: Ang Bian, Wei Li, Hangjie Yuan, Chengrong Yu, Zixiang Zhao, Mang Wang, Aojun Lu, Tao Feng

Abstract: Model generalization ability upon incrementally acquiring dynamically updating knowledge from sequentially arriving tasks is crucial to tackle the sensitivity-stability dilemma in Continual Learning (CL). Weight loss landscape sharpness minimization seeking for flat minima lying in neighborhoods with uniform low loss or smooth gradient is proven to be a strong training regime improving model generalization compared with loss minimization based optimizer like SGD. Yet only a few works have discussed this training regime for CL, proving that dedicated designed zeroth-order sharpness optimizer can improve CL performance. In this work, we propose a Continual Flatness (C-Flat) method featuring a flatter loss landscape tailored for CL. C-Flat could be easily called with only one line of code and is plug-and-play to any CL methods. A general framework of C-Flat applied to all CL categories and a thorough comparison with loss minima optimizer and flat minima based CL approaches is presented in this paper, showing that our method can boost CL performance in almost all cases. Code will be publicly available upon publication.

cross Higher education assessment practice in the era of generative AI tools

Authors: Bayode Ogunleye, Kudirat Ibilola Zakariyyah, Oluwaseun Ajao, Olakunle Olayinka, Hemlata Sharma

Abstract: The higher education (HE) sector benefits every nation's economy and society at large. However, their contributions are challenged by advanced technologies like generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) tools. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive assessment of GenAI tools towards assessment and pedagogic practice and, subsequently, discuss the potential impacts. This study experimented using three assessment instruments from data science, data analytics, and construction management disciplines. Our findings are two-fold: first, the findings revealed that GenAI tools exhibit subject knowledge, problem-solving, analytical, critical thinking, and presentation skills and thus can limit learning when used unethically. Secondly, the design of the assessment of certain disciplines revealed the limitations of the GenAI tools. Based on our findings, we made recommendations on how AI tools can be utilised for teaching and learning in HE.

cross PhysReaction: Physically Plausible Real-Time Humanoid Reaction Synthesis via Forward Dynamics Guided 4D Imitation

Authors: Yunze Liu, Changxi Chen, Chenjing Ding, Li Yi

Abstract: Humanoid Reaction Synthesis is pivotal for creating highly interactive and empathetic robots that can seamlessly integrate into human environments, enhancing the way we live, work, and communicate. However, it is difficult to learn the diverse interaction patterns of multiple humans and generate physically plausible reactions. The kinematics-based approaches face challenges, including issues like floating feet, sliding, penetration, and other problems that defy physical plausibility. The existing physics-based method often relies on kinematics-based methods to generate reference states, which struggle with the challenges posed by kinematic noise during action execution. Constrained by their reliance on diffusion models, these methods are unable to achieve real-time inference. In this work, we propose a Forward Dynamics Guided 4D Imitation method to generate physically plausible human-like reactions. The learned policy is capable of generating physically plausible and human-like reactions in real-time, significantly improving the speed(x33) and quality of reactions compared with the existing method. Our experiments on the InterHuman and Chi3D datasets, along with ablation studies, demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

cross UFID: A Unified Framework for Input-level Backdoor Detection on Diffusion Models

Authors: Zihan Guan, Mengxuan Hu, Sheng Li, Anil Vullikanti

Abstract: Diffusion Models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where malicious attackers inject backdoors by poisoning some parts of the training samples during the training stage. This poses a serious threat to the downstream users, who query the diffusion models through the API or directly download them from the internet. To mitigate the threat of backdoor attacks, there have been a plethora of investigations on backdoor detections. However, none of them designed a specialized backdoor detection method for diffusion models, rendering the area much under-explored. Moreover, these prior methods mainly focus on the traditional neural networks in the classification task, which cannot be adapted to the backdoor detections on the generative task easily. Additionally, most of the prior methods require white-box access to model weights and architectures, or the probability logits as additional information, which are not always practical. In this paper, we propose a Unified Framework for Input-level backdoor Detection (UFID) on the diffusion models, which is motivated by observations in the diffusion models and further validated with a theoretical causality analysis. Extensive experiments across different datasets on both conditional and unconditional diffusion models show that our method achieves a superb performance on detection effectiveness and run-time efficiency. The code is available at


cross Diffusion based Zero-shot Medical Image-to-Image Translation for Cross Modality Segmentation

Authors: Zihao Wang, Yingyu Yang, Yuzhou Chen, Tingting Yuan, Maxime Sermesant, Herve Delingette

Abstract: Cross-modality image segmentation aims to segment the target modalities using a method designed in the source modality. Deep generative models can translate the target modality images into the source modality, thus enabling cross-modality segmentation. However, a vast body of existing cross-modality image translation methods relies on supervised learning. In this work, we aim to address the challenge of zero-shot learning-based image translation tasks (extreme scenarios in the target modality is unseen in the training phase). To leverage generative learning for zero-shot cross-modality image segmentation, we propose a novel unsupervised image translation method. The framework learns to translate the unseen source image to the target modality for image segmentation by leveraging the inherent statistical consistency between different modalities for diffusion guidance. Our framework captures identical cross-modality features in the statistical domain, offering diffusion guidance without relying on direct mappings between the source and target domains. This advantage allows our method to adapt to changing source domains without the need for retraining, making it highly practical when sufficient labeled source domain data is not available. The proposed framework is validated in zero-shot cross-modality image segmentation tasks through empirical comparisons with influential generative models, including adversarial-based and diffusion-based models.

cross iMD4GC: Incomplete Multimodal Data Integration to Advance Precise Treatment Response Prediction and Survival Analysis for Gastric Cancer

Authors: Fengtao Zhou, Yingxue Xu, Yanfen Cui, Shenyan Zhang, Yun Zhu, Weiyang He, Jiguang Wang, Xin Wang, Ronald Chan, Louis Ho Shing Lau, Chu Han, Dafu Zhang, Zhenhui Li, Hao Chen

Abstract: Gastric cancer (GC) is a prevalent malignancy worldwide, ranking as the fifth most common cancer with over 1 million new cases and 700 thousand deaths in 2020. Locally advanced gastric cancer (LAGC) accounts for approximately two-thirds of GC diagnoses, and neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) has emerged as the standard treatment for LAGC. However, the effectiveness of NACT varies significantly among patients, with a considerable subset displaying treatment resistance. Ineffective NACT not only leads to adverse effects but also misses the optimal therapeutic window, resulting in lower survival rate. However, existing multimodal learning methods assume the availability of all modalities for each patient, which does not align with the reality of clinical practice. The limited availability of modalities for each patient would cause information loss, adversely affecting predictive accuracy. In this study, we propose an incomplete multimodal data integration framework for GC (iMD4GC) to address the challenges posed by incomplete multimodal data, enabling precise response prediction and survival analysis. Specifically, iMD4GC incorporates unimodal attention layers for each modality to capture intra-modal information. Subsequently, the cross-modal interaction layers explore potential inter-modal interactions and capture complementary information across modalities, thereby enabling information compensation for missing modalities. To evaluate iMD4GC, we collected three multimodal datasets for GC study: GastricRes (698 cases) for response prediction, GastricSur (801 cases) for survival analysis, and TCGA-STAD (400 cases) for survival analysis. The scale of our datasets is significantly larger than previous studies. The iMD4GC achieved impressive performance with an 80.2% AUC on GastricRes, 71.4% C-index on GastricSur, and 66.1% C-index on TCGA-STAD, significantly surpassing other compared methods.

cross Entity-Centric Reinforcement Learning for Object Manipulation from Pixels

Authors: Dan Haramati, Tal Daniel, Aviv Tamar

Abstract: Manipulating objects is a hallmark of human intelligence, and an important task in domains such as robotics. In principle, Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers a general approach to learn object manipulation. In practice, however, domains with more than a few objects are difficult for RL agents due to the curse of dimensionality, especially when learning from raw image observations. In this work we propose a structured approach for visual RL that is suitable for representing multiple objects and their interaction, and use it to learn goal-conditioned manipulation of several objects. Key to our method is the ability to handle goals with dependencies between the objects (e.g., moving objects in a certain order). We further relate our architecture to the generalization capability of the trained agent, based on a theoretical result for compositional generalization, and demonstrate agents that learn with 3 objects but generalize to similar tasks with over 10 objects. Videos and code are available on the project website:


cross Open-Vocabulary Federated Learning with Multimodal Prototyping

Authors: Huimin Zeng, Zhenrui Yue, Dong Wang

Abstract: Existing federated learning (FL) studies usually assume the training label space and test label space are identical. However, in real-world applications, this assumption is too ideal to be true. A new user could come up with queries that involve data from unseen classes, and such open-vocabulary queries would directly defect such FL systems. Therefore, in this work, we explicitly focus on the under-explored open-vocabulary challenge in FL. That is, for a new user, the global server shall understand her/his query that involves arbitrary unknown classes. To address this problem, we leverage the pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs). In particular, we present a novel adaptation framework tailored for VLMs in the context of FL, named as Federated Multimodal Prototyping (Fed-MP). Fed-MP adaptively aggregates the local model weights based on light-weight client residuals, and makes predictions based on a novel multimodal prototyping mechanism. Fed-MP exploits the knowledge learned from the seen classes, and robustifies the adapted VLM to unseen categories. Our empirical evaluation on various datasets validates the effectiveness of Fed-MP.

cross AURORA: Navigating UI Tarpits via Automated Neural Screen Understanding

Authors: Safwat Ali Khan, Wenyu Wang, Yiran Ren, Bin Zhu, Jiangfan Shi, Alyssa McGowan, Wing Lam, Kevin Moran

Abstract: Nearly a decade of research in software engineering has focused on automating mobile app testing to help engineers in overcoming the unique challenges associated with the software platform. Much of this work has come in the form of Automated Input Generation tools (AIG tools) that dynamically explore app screens. However, such tools have repeatedly been demonstrated to achieve lower-than-expected code coverage - particularly on sophisticated proprietary apps. Prior work has illustrated that a primary cause of these coverage deficiencies is related to so-called tarpits, or complex screens that are difficult to navigate. In this paper, we take a critical step toward enabling AIG tools to effectively navigate tarpits during app exploration through a new form of automated semantic screen understanding. We introduce AURORA, a technique that learns from the visual and textual patterns that exist in mobile app UIs to automatically detect common screen designs and navigate them accordingly. The key idea of AURORA is that there are a finite number of mobile app screen designs, albeit with subtle variations, such that the general patterns of different categories of UI designs can be learned. As such, AURORA employs a multi-modal, neural screen classifier that is able to recognize the most common types of UI screen designs. After recognizing a given screen, it then applies a set of flexible and generalizable heuristics to properly navigate the screen. We evaluated AURORA both on a set of 12 apps with known tarpits from prior work, and on a new set of five of the most popular apps from the Google Play store. Our results indicate that AURORA is able to effectively navigate tarpit screens, outperforming prior approaches that avoid tarpits by 19.6% in terms of method coverage. The improvements can be attributed to AURORA's UI design classification and heuristic navigation techniques.

cross An image speaks a thousand words, but can everyone listen? On translating images for cultural relevance

Authors: Simran Khanuja, Sathyanarayanan Ramamoorthy, Yueqi Song, Graham Neubig

Abstract: Given the rise of multimedia content, human translators increasingly focus on culturally adapting not only words but also other modalities such as images to convey the same meaning. While several applications stand to benefit from this, machine translation systems remain confined to dealing with language in speech and text. In this work, we take a first step towards translating images to make them culturally relevant. First, we build three pipelines comprising state-of-the-art generative models to do the task. Next, we build a two-part evaluation dataset: i) concept: comprising 600 images that are cross-culturally coherent, focusing on a single concept per image, and ii) application: comprising 100 images curated from real-world applications. We conduct a multi-faceted human evaluation of translated images to assess for cultural relevance and meaning preservation. We find that as of today, image-editing models fail at this task, but can be improved by leveraging LLMs and retrievers in the loop. Best pipelines can only translate 5% of images for some countries in the easier concept dataset and no translation is successful for some countries in the application dataset, highlighting the challenging nature of the task. Our code and data is released here:


replace Deep Semantic Segmentation of Natural and Medical Images: A Review

Authors: Saeid Asgari Taghanaki, Kumar Abhishek, Joseph Paul Cohen, Julien Cohen-Adad, Ghassan Hamarneh

Abstract: The semantic image segmentation task consists of classifying each pixel of an image into an instance, where each instance corresponds to a class. This task is a part of the concept of scene understanding or better explaining the global context of an image. In the medical image analysis domain, image segmentation can be used for image-guided interventions, radiotherapy, or improved radiological diagnostics. In this review, we categorize the leading deep learning-based medical and non-medical image segmentation solutions into six main groups of deep architectural, data synthesis-based, loss function-based, sequenced models, weakly supervised, and multi-task methods and provide a comprehensive review of the contributions in each of these groups. Further, for each group, we analyze each variant of these groups and discuss the limitations of the current approaches and present potential future research directions for semantic image segmentation.

replace Video Self-Stitching Graph Network for Temporal Action Localization

Authors: Chen Zhao, Ali Thabet, Bernard Ghanem

Abstract: Temporal action localization (TAL) in videos is a challenging task, especially due to the large variation in action temporal scales. Short actions usually occupy a major proportion in the datasets, but tend to have the lowest performance. In this paper, we confront the challenge of short actions and propose a multi-level cross-scale solution dubbed as video self-stitching graph network (VSGN). We have two key components in VSGN: video self-stitching (VSS) and cross-scale graph pyramid network (xGPN). In VSS, we focus on a short period of a video and magnify it along the temporal dimension to obtain a larger scale. We stitch the original clip and its magnified counterpart in one input sequence to take advantage of the complementary properties of both scales. The xGPN component further exploits the cross-scale correlations by a pyramid of cross-scale graph networks, each containing a hybrid module to aggregate features from across scales as well as within the same scale. Our VSGN not only enhances the feature representations, but also generates more positive anchors for short actions and more short training samples. Experiments demonstrate that VSGN obviously improves the localization performance of short actions as well as achieving the state-of-the-art overall performance on THUMOS-14 and ActivityNet-v1.3.

replace Dense Supervision Propagation for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation on 3D Point Clouds

Authors: Jiacheng Wei, Guosheng Lin, Kim-Hui Yap, Fayao Liu, Tzu-Yi Hung

Abstract: Semantic segmentation on 3D point clouds is an important task for 3D scene understanding. While dense labeling on 3D data is expensive and time-consuming, only a few works address weakly supervised semantic point cloud segmentation methods to relieve the labeling cost by learning from simpler and cheaper labels. Meanwhile, there are still huge performance gaps between existing weakly supervised methods and state-of-the-art fully supervised methods. In this paper, we train a semantic point cloud segmentation network with only a small portion of points being labeled. We argue that we can better utilize the limited supervision information as we densely propagate the supervision signal from the labeled points to other points within and across the input samples. Specifically, we propose a cross-sample feature reallocating module to transfer similar features and therefore re-route the gradients across two samples with common classes and an intra-sample feature redistribution module to propagate supervision signals on unlabeled points across and within point cloud samples. We conduct extensive experiments on public datasets S3DIS and ScanNet. Our weakly supervised method with only 10% and 1% of labels can produce compatible results with the fully supervised counterpart.

replace StyleFool: Fooling Video Classification Systems via Style Transfer

Authors: Yuxin Cao, Xi Xiao, Ruoxi Sun, Derui Wang, Minhui Xue, Sheng Wen

Abstract: Video classification systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which can create severe security problems in video verification. Current black-box attacks need a large number of queries to succeed, resulting in high computational overhead in the process of attack. On the other hand, attacks with restricted perturbations are ineffective against defenses such as denoising or adversarial training. In this paper, we focus on unrestricted perturbations and propose StyleFool, a black-box video adversarial attack via style transfer to fool the video classification system. StyleFool first utilizes color theme proximity to select the best style image, which helps avoid unnatural details in the stylized videos. Meanwhile, the target class confidence is additionally considered in targeted attacks to influence the output distribution of the classifier by moving the stylized video closer to or even across the decision boundary. A gradient-free method is then employed to further optimize the adversarial perturbations. We carry out extensive experiments to evaluate StyleFool on two standard datasets, UCF-101 and HMDB-51. The experimental results demonstrate that StyleFool outperforms the state-of-the-art adversarial attacks in terms of both the number of queries and the robustness against existing defenses. Moreover, 50% of the stylized videos in untargeted attacks do not need any query since they can already fool the video classification model. Furthermore, we evaluate the indistinguishability through a user study to show that the adversarial samples of StyleFool look imperceptible to human eyes, despite unrestricted perturbations.

replace Supplementing Missing Visions via Dialog for Scene Graph Generations

Authors: Zhenghao Zhao, Ye Zhu, Xiaoguang Zhu, Yuzhang Shang, Yan Yan

Abstract: Most current AI systems rely on the premise that the input visual data are sufficient to achieve competitive performance in various computer vision tasks. However, the classic task setup rarely considers the challenging, yet common practical situations where the complete visual data may be inaccessible due to various reasons (e.g., restricted view range and occlusions). To this end, we investigate a computer vision task setting with incomplete visual input data. Specifically, we exploit the Scene Graph Generation (SGG) task with various levels of visual data missingness as input. While insufficient visual input intuitively leads to performance drop, we propose to supplement the missing visions via the natural language dialog interactions to better accomplish the task objective. We design a model-agnostic Supplementary Interactive Dialog (SI-Dial) framework that can be jointly learned with most existing models, endowing the current AI systems with the ability of question-answer interactions in natural language. We demonstrate the feasibility of such a task setting with missing visual input and the effectiveness of our proposed dialog module as the supplementary information source through extensive experiments and analysis, by achieving promising performance improvement over multiple baselines.

replace WaveMix: A Resource-efficient Neural Network for Image Analysis

Authors: Pranav Jeevan, Kavitha Viswanathan, Anandu A S, Amit Sethi

Abstract: We propose a novel neural architecture for computer vision -- WaveMix -- that is resource-efficient and yet generalizable and scalable. While using fewer trainable parameters, GPU RAM, and computations, WaveMix networks achieve comparable or better accuracy than the state-of-the-art convolutional neural networks, vision transformers, and token mixers for several tasks. This efficiency can translate to savings in time, cost, and energy. To achieve these gains we used multi-level two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (2D-DWT) in WaveMix blocks, which has the following advantages: (1) It reorganizes spatial information based on three strong image priors -- scale-invariance, shift-invariance, and sparseness of edges -- (2) in a lossless manner without adding parameters, (3) while also reducing the spatial sizes of feature maps, which reduces the memory and time required for forward and backward passes, and (4) expanding the receptive field faster than convolutions do. The whole architecture is a stack of self-similar and resolution-preserving WaveMix blocks, which allows architectural flexibility for various tasks and levels of resource availability. WaveMix establishes new benchmarks for segmentation on Cityscapes; and for classification on Galaxy 10 DECals, Places-365, five EMNIST datasets, and iNAT-mini and performs competitively on other benchmarks. Our code and trained models are publicly available.

replace Prompt Tuning with Soft Context Sharing for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Kun Ding, Ying Wang, Pengzhang Liu, Qiang Yu, Haojian Zhang, Shiming Xiang, Chunhong Pan

Abstract: Vision-language models have recently shown great potential on many tasks in computer vision. Meanwhile, prior work demonstrates prompt tuning designed for vision-language models could acquire superior performance on few-shot image recognition compared to linear probe, a strong baseline. In practice, many few-shot tasks are inherently correlated, particularly within specialized domains. However, such information is overlooked previously. Inspired by the fact that modeling task relationship by multi-task learning can usually boost performance, we propose a novel method SoftCPT (Soft Context Sharing for Prompt Tuning) to tune pre-trained vision-language models on multiple target few-shot tasks jointly. Specifically, we design a task-shared meta network to generate prompt context for each task using task name together with a learnable task context as input. The parameters of this meta network as well as the task context are tuned on the joint training set of all tasks. As such, the prompt context of all tasks will be shared in a soft manner. Extensive experiments across four multi-task few-shot datasets covering 44 tasks and 1593 categories demonstrate that SoftCPT significantly outperforms single-task prompt tuning methods, highlighting the effectiveness of multi-task learning for vision-language prompt tuning. Code is available at


replace Shape-Guided Diffusion with Inside-Outside Attention

Authors: Dong Huk Park, Grace Luo, Clayton Toste, Samaneh Azadi, Xihui Liu, Maka Karalashvili, Anna Rohrbach, Trevor Darrell

Abstract: We introduce precise object silhouette as a new form of user control in text-to-image diffusion models, which we dub Shape-Guided Diffusion. Our training-free method uses an Inside-Outside Attention mechanism during the inversion and generation process to apply a shape constraint to the cross- and self-attention maps. Our mechanism designates which spatial region is the object (inside) vs. background (outside) then associates edits to the correct region. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on the shape-guided editing task, where the model must replace an object according to a text prompt and object mask. We curate a new ShapePrompts benchmark derived from MS-COCO and achieve SOTA results in shape faithfulness without a degradation in text alignment or image realism according to both automatic metrics and annotator ratings. Our data and code will be made available at


replace LoCoNet: Long-Short Context Network for Active Speaker Detection

Authors: Xizi Wang, Feng Cheng, Gedas Bertasius, David Crandall

Abstract: Active Speaker Detection (ASD) aims to identify who is speaking in each frame of a video. ASD reasons from audio and visual information from two contexts: long-term intra-speaker context and short-term inter-speaker context. Long-term intra-speaker context models the temporal dependencies of the same speaker, while short-term inter-speaker context models the interactions of speakers in the same scene. These two contexts are complementary to each other and can help infer the active speaker. Motivated by these observations, we propose LoCoNet, a simple yet effective Long-Short Context Network that models the long-term intra-speaker context and short-term inter-speaker context. We use self-attention to model long-term intra-speaker context due to its effectiveness in modeling long-range dependencies, and convolutional blocks that capture local patterns to model short-term inter-speaker context. Extensive experiments show that LoCoNet achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets, achieving an mAP of 95.2%(+1.1%) on AVA-ActiveSpeaker, 68.1%(+22%) on Columbia dataset, 97.2%(+2.8%) on Talkies dataset and 59.7%(+8.0%) on Ego4D dataset. Moreover, in challenging cases where multiple speakers are present, or face of active speaker is much smaller than other faces in the same scene, LoCoNet outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by 3.4% on the AVA-ActiveSpeaker dataset. The code will be released at


replace HAL3D: Hierarchical Active Learning for Fine-Grained 3D Part Labeling

Authors: Fenggen Yu, Yiming Qian, Francisca Gil-Ureta, Brian Jackson, Eric Bennett, Hao Zhang

Abstract: We present the first active learning tool for fine-grained 3D part labeling, a problem which challenges even the most advanced deep learning (DL) methods due to the significant structural variations among the small and intricate parts. For the same reason, the necessary data annotation effort is tremendous, motivating approaches to minimize human involvement. Our labeling tool iteratively verifies or modifies part labels predicted by a deep neural network, with human feedback continually improving the network prediction. To effectively reduce human efforts, we develop two novel features in our tool, hierarchical and symmetry-aware active labeling. Our human-in-the-loop approach, coined HAL3D, achieves 100% accuracy (barring human errors) on any test set with pre-defined hierarchical part labels, with 80% time-saving over manual effort.

replace BRAIxDet: Learning to Detect Malignant Breast Lesion with Incomplete Annotations

Authors: Yuanhong Chen, Yuyuan Liu, Chong Wang, Michael Elliott, Chun Fung Kwok, Carlos Pena-Solorzano, Yu Tian, Fengbei Liu, Helen Frazer, Davis J. McCarthy, Gustavo Carneiro

Abstract: Methods to detect malignant lesions from screening mammograms are usually trained with fully annotated datasets, where images are labelled with the localisation and classification of cancerous lesions. However, real-world screening mammogram datasets commonly have a subset that is fully annotated and another subset that is weakly annotated with just the global classification (i.e., without lesion localisation). Given the large size of such datasets, researchers usually face a dilemma with the weakly annotated subset: to not use it or to fully annotate it. The first option will reduce detection accuracy because it does not use the whole dataset, and the second option is too expensive given that the annotation needs to be done by expert radiologists. In this paper, we propose a middle-ground solution for the dilemma, which is to formulate the training as a weakly- and semi-supervised learning problem that we refer to as malignant breast lesion detection with incomplete annotations. To address this problem, our new method comprises two stages, namely: 1) pre-training a multi-view mammogram classifier with weak supervision from the whole dataset, and 2) extending the trained classifier to become a multi-view detector that is trained with semi-supervised student-teacher learning, where the training set contains fully and weakly-annotated mammograms. We provide extensive detection results on two real-world screening mammogram datasets containing incomplete annotations, and show that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results in the detection of malignant breast lesions with incomplete annotations.

replace A Review of Predictive and Contrastive Self-supervised Learning for Medical Images

Authors: Wei-Chien Wang, Euijoon Ahn, Dagan Feng, Jinman Kim

Abstract: Over the last decade, supervised deep learning on manually annotated big data has been progressing significantly on computer vision tasks. But the application of deep learning in medical image analysis was limited by the scarcity of high-quality annotated medical imaging data. An emerging solution is self-supervised learning (SSL), among which contrastive SSL is the most successful approach to rivalling or outperforming supervised learning. This review investigates several state-of-the-art contrastive SSL algorithms originally on natural images as well as their adaptations for medical images, and concludes by discussing recent advances, current limitations, and future directions in applying contrastive SSL in the medical domain.

replace Towards Universal Fake Image Detectors that Generalize Across Generative Models

Authors: Utkarsh Ojha, Yuheng Li, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: With generative models proliferating at a rapid rate, there is a growing need for general purpose fake image detectors. In this work, we first show that the existing paradigm, which consists of training a deep network for real-vs-fake classification, fails to detect fake images from newer breeds of generative models when trained to detect GAN fake images. Upon analysis, we find that the resulting classifier is asymmetrically tuned to detect patterns that make an image fake. The real class becomes a sink class holding anything that is not fake, including generated images from models not accessible during training. Building upon this discovery, we propose to perform real-vs-fake classification without learning; i.e., using a feature space not explicitly trained to distinguish real from fake images. We use nearest neighbor and linear probing as instantiations of this idea. When given access to the feature space of a large pretrained vision-language model, the very simple baseline of nearest neighbor classification has surprisingly good generalization ability in detecting fake images from a wide variety of generative models; e.g., it improves upon the SoTA by +15.07 mAP and +25.90% acc when tested on unseen diffusion and autoregressive models.

replace Deep Convolutional Framelet Denoising for Panoramic by Mixed Wavelet Integration

Authors: Masoud Shahraki Mohammadi, Seyed Javad Seyed Mahdavi Chabok

Abstract: Enhancing quality and removing noise during preprocessing is one of the most critical steps in image processing. X-ray images are created by photons colliding with atoms and the variation in scattered noise absorption. This noise leads to a deterioration in the graph's medical quality and, at times, results in repetition, thereby increasing the patient's effective dose. One of the most critical challenges in this area has consistently been lowering the image noise. Techniques like BM3d, low-pass filters, and Autoencoder have taken this step. Owing to their structural design and high rate of repetition, neural networks employing diverse architectures have, over the past decade, achieved noise reduction with satisfactory outcomes, surpassing the traditional BM3D and low-pass filters. The combination of the Hankel matrix with neural networks represents one of these configurations. The Hankel matrix aims to identify a local circle by separating individual values into local and non-local components, utilizing a non-local matrix. A non-local matrix can be created using the wave or DCT. This paper suggests integrating the waveform with the Daubechies (D4) wavelet due to its higher energy concentration and employs the u-Net neural network architecture, which incorporates the waveform exclusively at each stage. The outcomes were evaluated using the PSNR and SSIM criteria, and the outcomes were verified by using various waves. The effectiveness of a one-wave network has increased from 0.5% to 1.2%, according to studies done on other datasets.

replace Traffic Scene Parsing through the TSP6K Dataset

Authors: Peng-Tao Jiang, Yuqi Yang, Yang Cao, Qibin Hou, Ming-Ming Cheng, Chunhua Shen

Abstract: Traffic scene perception in computer vision is a critically important task to achieve intelligent cities. To date, most existing datasets focus on autonomous driving scenes. We observe that the models trained on those driving datasets often yield unsatisfactory results on traffic monitoring scenes. However, little effort has been put into improving the traffic monitoring scene understanding, mainly due to the lack of specific datasets. To fill this gap, we introduce a specialized traffic monitoring dataset, termed TSP6K, containing images from the traffic monitoring scenario, with high-quality pixel-level and instance-level annotations. The TSP6K dataset captures more crowded traffic scenes with several times more traffic participants than the existing driving scenes. We perform a detailed analysis of the dataset and comprehensively evaluate previous popular scene parsing methods, instance segmentation methods and unsupervised domain adaption methods. Furthermore, considering the vast difference in instance sizes, we propose a detail refining decoder for scene parsing, which recovers the details of different semantic regions in traffic scenes owing to the proposed TSP6K dataset. Experiments show its effectiveness in parsing the traffic monitoring scenes. Code and dataset are available at


replace Multi-Channel Orthogonal Transform-Based Perceptron Layers for Efficient ResNets

Authors: Hongyi Pan, Emadeldeen Hamdan, Xin Zhu, Salih Atici, Ahmet Enis Cetin

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a set of transform-based neural network layers as an alternative to the $3\times3$ Conv2D layers in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The proposed layers can be implemented based on orthogonal transforms such as the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), Hadamard transform (HT), and biorthogonal Block Wavelet Transform (BWT). Furthermore, by taking advantage of the convolution theorems, convolutional filtering operations are performed in the transform domain using element-wise multiplications. Trainable soft-thresholding layers, that remove noise in the transform domain, bring nonlinearity to the transform domain layers. Compared to the Conv2D layer, which is spatial-agnostic and channel-specific, the proposed layers are location-specific and channel-specific. Moreover, these proposed layers reduce the number of parameters and multiplications significantly while improving the accuracy results of regular ResNets on the ImageNet-1K classification task. Furthermore, they can be inserted with a batch normalization layer before the global average pooling layer in the conventional ResNets as an additional layer to improve classification accuracy.

replace Guided Slot Attention for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation

Authors: Minhyeok Lee, Suhwan Cho, Dogyoon Lee, Chaewon Park, Jungho Lee, Sangyoun Lee

Abstract: Unsupervised video object segmentation aims to segment the most prominent object in a video sequence. However, the existence of complex backgrounds and multiple foreground objects make this task challenging. To address this issue, we propose a guided slot attention network to reinforce spatial structural information and obtain better foreground--background separation. The foreground and background slots, which are initialized with query guidance, are iteratively refined based on interactions with template information. Furthermore, to improve slot--template interaction and effectively fuse global and local features in the target and reference frames, K-nearest neighbors filtering and a feature aggregation transformer are introduced. The proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance on two popular datasets. Additionally, we demonstrate the robustness of the proposed model in challenging scenes through various comparative experiments.

replace MAPSeg: Unified Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Heterogeneous Medical Image Segmentation Based on 3D Masked Autoencoding and Pseudo-Labeling

Authors: Xuzhe Zhang, Yuhao Wu, Elsa Angelini, Ang Li, Jia Guo, Jerod M. Rasmussen, Thomas G. O'Connor, Pathik D. Wadhwa, Andrea Parolin Jackowski, Hai Li, Jonathan Posner, Andrew F. Laine, Yun Wang

Abstract: Robust segmentation is critical for deriving quantitative measures from large-scale, multi-center, and longitudinal medical scans. Manually annotating medical scans, however, is expensive and labor-intensive and may not always be available in every domain. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) is a well-studied technique that alleviates this label-scarcity problem by leveraging available labels from another domain. In this study, we introduce Masked Autoencoding and Pseudo-Labeling Segmentation (MAPSeg), a $\textbf{unified}$ UDA framework with great versatility and superior performance for heterogeneous and volumetric medical image segmentation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that systematically reviews and develops a framework to tackle four different domain shifts in medical image segmentation. More importantly, MAPSeg is the first framework that can be applied to $\textbf{centralized}$, $\textbf{federated}$, and $\textbf{test-time}$ UDA while maintaining comparable performance. We compare MAPSeg with previous state-of-the-art methods on a private infant brain MRI dataset and a public cardiac CT-MRI dataset, and MAPSeg outperforms others by a large margin (10.5 Dice improvement on the private MRI dataset and 5.7 on the public CT-MRI dataset). MAPSeg poses great practical value and can be applied to real-world problems. GitHub:


replace Unifying Top-down and Bottom-up Scanpath Prediction Using Transformers

Authors: Zhibo Yang, Sounak Mondal, Seoyoung Ahn, Ruoyu Xue, Gregory Zelinsky, Minh Hoai, Dimitris Samaras

Abstract: Most models of visual attention aim at predicting either top-down or bottom-up control, as studied using different visual search and free-viewing tasks. In this paper we propose the Human Attention Transformer (HAT), a single model that predicts both forms of attention control. HAT uses a novel transformer-based architecture and a simplified foveated retina that collectively create a spatio-temporal awareness akin to the dynamic visual working memory of humans. HAT not only establishes a new state-of-the-art in predicting the scanpath of fixations made during target-present and target-absent visual search and ``taskless'' free viewing, but also makes human gaze behavior interpretable. Unlike previous methods that rely on a coarse grid of fixation cells and experience information loss due to fixation discretization, HAT features a sequential dense prediction architecture and outputs a dense heatmap for each fixation, thus avoiding discretizing fixations. HAT sets a new standard in computational attention, which emphasizes effectiveness, generality, and interpretability. HAT's demonstrated scope and applicability will likely inspire the development of new attention models that can better predict human behavior in various attention-demanding scenarios. Code is available at


replace CAT-Seg: Cost Aggregation for Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Seokju Cho, Heeseong Shin, Sunghwan Hong, Anurag Arnab, Paul Hongsuck Seo, Seungryong Kim

Abstract: Open-vocabulary semantic segmentation presents the challenge of labeling each pixel within an image based on a wide range of text descriptions. In this work, we introduce a novel cost-based approach to adapt vision-language foundation models, notably CLIP, for the intricate task of semantic segmentation. Through aggregating the cosine similarity score, i.e., the cost volume between image and text embeddings, our method potently adapts CLIP for segmenting seen and unseen classes by fine-tuning its encoders, addressing the challenges faced by existing methods in handling unseen classes. Building upon this, we explore methods to effectively aggregate the cost volume considering its multi-modal nature of being established between image and text embeddings. Furthermore, we examine various methods for efficiently fine-tuning CLIP.

replace NOPE: Novel Object Pose Estimation from a Single Image

Authors: Van Nguyen Nguyen, Thibault Groueix, Yinlin Hu, Mathieu Salzmann, Vincent Lepetit

Abstract: The practicality of 3D object pose estimation remains limited for many applications due to the need for prior knowledge of a 3D model and a training period for new objects. To address this limitation, we propose an approach that takes a single image of a new object as input and predicts the relative pose of this object in new images without prior knowledge of the object's 3D model and without requiring training time for new objects and categories. We achieve this by training a model to directly predict discriminative embeddings for viewpoints surrounding the object. This prediction is done using a simple U-Net architecture with attention and conditioned on the desired pose, which yields extremely fast inference. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art methods and show it outperforms them both in terms of accuracy and robustness. Our source code is publicly available at


replace Improved Probabilistic Image-Text Representations

Authors: Sanghyuk Chun

Abstract: Image-Text Matching (ITM) task, a fundamental vision-language (VL) task, suffers from the inherent ambiguity arising from multiplicity and imperfect annotations. Deterministic functions are not sufficiently powerful to capture ambiguity, prompting the exploration of probabilistic embeddings to tackle the challenge. However, the existing probabilistic ITM approach encounters two key shortcomings; the burden of heavy computations due to the Monte Carlo approximation, and the loss saturation issue in the face of abundant false negatives. To overcome the issues, this paper presents an improved Probabilistic Cross-Modal Embeddings (named PCME++) by introducing a new probabilistic distance with a closed-form solution. In addition, two optimization techniques are proposed to enhance PCME++ further: first, the incorporation of pseudo-positives to prevent the negative effect under massive false negatives; second, mixed sample data augmentation for probabilistic matching. Experimental results on MS-COCO Caption and two extended benchmarks, CxC and ECCV Caption, demonstrate the effectiveness of PCME++ compared to state-of-the-art ITM methods. The robustness of PCME++ is also evaluated under noisy image-text correspondences. In addition, the potential applicability of PCME++ in automatic prompt-filtering for zero-shot classification is shown. The code is available at


replace Towards minimizing efforts for Morphing Attacks -- Deep embeddings for morphing pair selection and improved Morphing Attack Detection

Authors: Roman Kessler, Kiran Raja, Juan Tapia, Christoph Busch

Abstract: Face Morphing Attacks pose a threat to the security of identity documents, especially with respect to a subsequent access control process, because it enables both individuals involved to exploit the same document. In this study, face embeddings serve two purposes: pre-selecting images for large-scale Morphing Attack generation and detecting potential Morphing Attacks. We build upon previous embedding studies in both use cases using the MagFace model. For the first objective, we employ an pre-selection algorithm that pairs individuals based on face embedding similarity. We quantify the attack potential of differently morphed face images to compare the usability of pre-selection in automatically generating numerous successful Morphing Attacks. Regarding the second objective, we compare embeddings from two state-of-the-art face recognition systems in terms of their ability to detect Morphing Attacks. Our findings demonstrate that ArcFace and MagFace provide valuable face embeddings for image pre-selection. Both open-source and COTS face recognition systems are susceptible to generated attacks, particularly when pre-selection is based on embeddings rather than random pairing which was only constrained by soft biometrics. More accurate face recognition systems exhibit greater vulnerability to attacks, with COTS systems being the most susceptible. Additionally, MagFace embeddings serve as a robust alternative for detecting morphed face images compared to the previously used ArcFace embeddings. The results endorse the advantages of face embeddings in more effective image pre-selection for face morphing and accurate detection of morphed face images. This is supported by extensive analysis of various designed attacks. The MagFace model proves to be a powerful alternative to the commonly used ArcFace model for both objectives, pre-selection and attack detection.

replace Exploring Phonetic Context-Aware Lip-Sync For Talking Face Generation

Authors: Se Jin Park, Minsu Kim, Jeongsoo Choi, Yong Man Ro

Abstract: Talking face generation is the challenging task of synthesizing a natural and realistic face that requires accurate synchronization with a given audio. Due to co-articulation, where an isolated phone is influenced by the preceding or following phones, the articulation of a phone varies upon the phonetic context. Therefore, modeling lip motion with the phonetic context can generate more spatio-temporally aligned lip movement. In this respect, we investigate the phonetic context in generating lip motion for talking face generation. We propose Context-Aware Lip-Sync framework (CALS), which explicitly leverages phonetic context to generate lip movement of the target face. CALS is comprised of an Audio-to-Lip module and a Lip-to-Face module. The former is pretrained based on masked learning to map each phone to a contextualized lip motion unit. The contextualized lip motion unit then guides the latter in synthesizing a target identity with context-aware lip motion. From extensive experiments, we verify that simply exploiting the phonetic context in the proposed CALS framework effectively enhances spatio-temporal alignment. We also demonstrate the extent to which the phonetic context assists in lip synchronization and find the effective window size for lip generation to be approximately 1.2 seconds.

replace TextFormer: A Query-based End-to-End Text Spotter with Mixed Supervision

Authors: Yukun Zhai, Xiaoqiang Zhang, Xiameng Qin, Sanyuan Zhao, Xingping Dong, Jianbing Shen

Abstract: End-to-end text spotting is a vital computer vision task that aims to integrate scene text detection and recognition into a unified framework. Typical methods heavily rely on Region-of-Interest (RoI) operations to extract local features and complex post-processing steps to produce final predictions. To address these limitations, we propose TextFormer, a query-based end-to-end text spotter with Transformer architecture. Specifically, using query embedding per text instance, TextFormer builds upon an image encoder and a text decoder to learn a joint semantic understanding for multi-task modeling. It allows for mutual training and optimization of classification, segmentation, and recognition branches, resulting in deeper feature sharing without sacrificing flexibility or simplicity. Additionally, we design an Adaptive Global aGgregation (AGG) module to transfer global features into sequential features for reading arbitrarily-shaped texts, which overcomes the sub-optimization problem of RoI operations. Furthermore, potential corpus information is utilized from weak annotations to full labels through mixed supervision, further improving text detection and end-to-end text spotting results. Extensive experiments on various bilingual (i.e., English and Chinese) benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method. Especially on TDA-ReCTS dataset, TextFormer surpasses the state-of-the-art method in terms of 1-NED by 13.2%.

replace A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Shukang Yin, Chaoyou Fu, Sirui Zhao, Ke Li, Xing Sun, Tong Xu, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Recently, Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) represented by GPT-4V has been a new rising research hotspot, which uses powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) as a brain to perform multimodal tasks. The surprising emergent capabilities of MLLM, such as writing stories based on images and OCR-free math reasoning, are rare in traditional multimodal methods, suggesting a potential path to artificial general intelligence. To this end, both academia and industry have endeavored to develop MLLMs that can compete with or even better than GPT-4V, pushing the limit of research at a surprising speed. In this paper, we aim to trace and summarize the recent progress of MLLMs. First of all, we present the basic formulation of MLLM and delineate its related concepts, including architecture, training strategy and data, as well as evaluation. Then, we introduce research topics about how MLLMs can be extended to support more granularity, modalities, languages, and scenarios. We continue with multimodal hallucination and extended techniques, including Multimodal ICL (M-ICL), Multimodal CoT (M-CoT), and LLM-Aided Visual Reasoning (LAVR). To conclude the paper, we discuss existing challenges and point out promising research directions. In light of the fact that the era of MLLM has only just begun, we will keep updating this survey and hope it can inspire more research. An associated GitHub link collecting the latest papers is available at


replace Self-Adaptive Sampling for Efficient Video Question-Answering on Image--Text Models

Authors: Wei Han, Hui Chen, Min-Yen Kan, Soujanya Poria

Abstract: Video question-answering is a fundamental task in the field of video understanding. Although current vision--language models (VLMs) equipped with Video Transformers have enabled temporal modeling and yielded superior results, they are at the cost of huge computational power and thus too expensive to deploy in real-time application scenarios. An economical workaround only samples a small portion of frames to represent the main content of that video and tune an image--text model on these sampled frames. Recent video understanding models usually randomly sample a set of frames or clips, regardless of internal correlations between their visual contents, nor their relevance to the problem. We argue that such kinds of aimless sampling may omit the key frames from which the correct answer can be deduced, and the situation gets worse when the sampling sparsity increases, which always happens as the video lengths increase. To mitigate this issue, we propose two frame sampling strategies, namely the most domain frames (MDF) and most implied frames (MIF), to maximally preserve those frames that are most likely vital to the given questions. MDF passively minimizes the risk of key frame omission in a bootstrap manner, while MIS actively searches key frames customized for each video--question pair with the assistance of auxiliary models. The experimental results on three public datasets from three advanced VLMs (CLIP, GIT and All-in-one) demonstrate that our proposed strategies can boost the performance for image-text pretrained models. The source codes pertaining to the method proposed in this paper are publicly available at


replace Scale Alone Does not Improve Mechanistic Interpretability in Vision Models

Authors: Roland S. Zimmermann, Thomas Klein, Wieland Brendel

Abstract: In light of the recent widespread adoption of AI systems, understanding the internal information processing of neural networks has become increasingly critical. Most recently, machine vision has seen remarkable progress by scaling neural networks to unprecedented levels in dataset and model size. We here ask whether this extraordinary increase in scale also positively impacts the field of mechanistic interpretability. In other words, has our understanding of the inner workings of scaled neural networks improved as well? We use a psychophysical paradigm to quantify one form of mechanistic interpretability for a diverse suite of nine models and find no scaling effect for interpretability - neither for model nor dataset size. Specifically, none of the investigated state-of-the-art models are easier to interpret than the GoogLeNet model from almost a decade ago. Latest-generation vision models appear even less interpretable than older architectures, hinting at a regression rather than improvement, with modern models sacrificing interpretability for accuracy. These results highlight the need for models explicitly designed to be mechanistically interpretable and the need for more helpful interpretability methods to increase our understanding of networks at an atomic level. We release a dataset containing more than 130'000 human responses from our psychophysical evaluation of 767 units across nine models. This dataset facilitates research on automated instead of human-based interpretability evaluations, which can ultimately be leveraged to directly optimize the mechanistic interpretability of models.

replace Systematic comparison of semi-supervised and self-supervised learning for medical image classification

Authors: Zhe Huang, Ruijie Jiang, Shuchin Aeron, Michael C. Hughes

Abstract: In typical medical image classification problems, labeled data is scarce while unlabeled data is more available. Semi-supervised learning and self-supervised learning are two different research directions that can improve accuracy by learning from extra unlabeled data. Recent methods from both directions have reported significant gains on traditional benchmarks. Yet past benchmarks do not focus on medical tasks and rarely compare self- and semi- methods together on an equal footing. Furthermore, past benchmarks often handle hyperparameter tuning suboptimally. First, they may not tune hyperparameters at all, leading to underfitting. Second, when tuning does occur, it often unrealistically uses a labeled validation set that is much larger than the training set. Therefore currently published rankings might not always corroborate with their practical utility This study contributes a systematic evaluation of self- and semi- methods with a unified experimental protocol intended to guide a practitioner with scarce overall labeled data and a limited compute budget. We answer two key questions: Can hyperparameter tuning be effective with realistic-sized validation sets? If so, when all methods are tuned well, which self- or semi-supervised methods achieve the best accuracy? Our study compares 13 representative semi- and self-supervised methods to strong labeled-set-only baselines on 4 medical datasets. From 20000+ GPU hours of computation, we provide valuable best practices to resource-constrained practitioners: hyperparameter tuning is effective, and the semi-supervised method known as MixMatch delivers the most reliable gains across 4 datasets.

replace Latent Code Augmentation Based on Stable Diffusion for Data-free Substitute Attacks

Authors: Mingwen Shao, Lingzhuang Meng, Yuanjian Qiao, Lixu Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: Since the training data of the target model is not available in the black-box substitute attack, most recent schemes utilize GANs to generate data for training the substitute model. However, these GANs-based schemes suffer from low training efficiency as the generator needs to be retrained for each target model during the substitute training process, as well as low generation quality. To overcome these limitations, we consider utilizing the diffusion model to generate data, and propose a novel data-free substitute attack scheme based on the Stable Diffusion (SD) to improve the efficiency and accuracy of substitute training. Despite the data generated by the SD exhibiting high quality, it presents a different distribution of domains and a large variation of positive and negative samples for the target model. For this problem, we propose Latent Code Augmentation (LCA) to facilitate SD in generating data that aligns with the data distribution of the target model. Specifically, we augment the latent codes of the inferred member data with LCA and use them as guidance for SD. With the guidance of LCA, the data generated by the SD not only meets the discriminative criteria of the target model but also exhibits high diversity. By utilizing this data, it is possible to train the substitute model that closely resembles the target model more efficiently. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our LCA achieves higher attack success rates and requires fewer query budgets compared to GANs-based schemes for different target models. Our codes are available at \url{}.


replace AntGPT: Can Large Language Models Help Long-term Action Anticipation from Videos?

Authors: Qi Zhao, Shijie Wang, Ce Zhang, Changcheng Fu, Minh Quan Do, Nakul Agarwal, Kwonjoon Lee, Chen Sun

Abstract: Can we better anticipate an actor's future actions (e.g. mix eggs) by knowing what commonly happens after his/her current action (e.g. crack eggs)? What if we also know the longer-term goal of the actor (e.g. making egg fried rice)? The long-term action anticipation (LTA) task aims to predict an actor's future behavior from video observations in the form of verb and noun sequences, and it is crucial for human-machine interaction. We propose to formulate the LTA task from two perspectives: a bottom-up approach that predicts the next actions autoregressively by modeling temporal dynamics; and a top-down approach that infers the goal of the actor and plans the needed procedure to accomplish the goal. We hypothesize that large language models (LLMs), which have been pretrained on procedure text data (e.g. recipes, how-tos), have the potential to help LTA from both perspectives. It can help provide the prior knowledge on the possible next actions, and infer the goal given the observed part of a procedure, respectively. To leverage the LLMs, we propose a two-stage framework, AntGPT. It first recognizes the actions already performed in the observed videos and then asks an LLM to predict the future actions via conditioned generation, or to infer the goal and plan the whole procedure by chain-of-thought prompting. Empirical results on the Ego4D LTA v1 and v2 benchmarks, EPIC-Kitchens-55, as well as EGTEA GAZE+ demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. AntGPT achieves state-of-the-art performance on all above benchmarks, and can successfully infer the goal and thus perform goal-conditioned "counterfactual" prediction via qualitative analysis. Code and model will be released at


replace Deep Neural Networks Fused with Textures for Image Classification

Authors: Asish Bera, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, Mita Nasipuri

Abstract: Fine-grained image classification (FGIC) is a challenging task in computer vision for due to small visual differences among inter-subcategories, but, large intra-class variations. Deep learning methods have achieved remarkable success in solving FGIC. In this paper, we propose a fusion approach to address FGIC by combining global texture with local patch-based information. The first pipeline extracts deep features from various fixed-size non-overlapping patches and encodes features by sequential modelling using the long short-term memory (LSTM). Another path computes image-level textures at multiple scales using the local binary patterns (LBP). The advantages of both streams are integrated to represent an efficient feature vector for image classification. The method is tested on eight datasets representing the human faces, skin lesions, food dishes, marine lives, etc. using four standard backbone CNNs. Our method has attained better classification accuracy over existing methods with notable margins.

replace High-Fidelity Lake Extraction via Two-Stage Prompt Enhancement: Establishing a Novel Baseline and Benchmark

Authors: Ben Chen, Xuechao Zou, Kai Li, Yu Zhang, Junliang Xing, Pin Tao

Abstract: Lake extraction from remote sensing imagery is a complex challenge due to the varied lake shapes and data noise. Current methods rely on multispectral image datasets, making it challenging to learn lake features accurately from pixel arrangements. This, in turn, affects model learning and the creation of accurate segmentation masks. This paper introduces a prompt-based dataset construction approach that provides approximate lake locations using point, box, and mask prompts. We also propose a two-stage prompt enhancement framework, LEPrompter, with prompt-based and prompt-free stages during training. The prompt-based stage employs a prompt encoder to extract prior information, integrating prompt tokens and image embedding through self- and cross-attention in the prompt decoder. Prompts are deactivated to ensure independence during inference, enabling automated lake extraction without introducing additional parameters and GFlops. Extensive experiments showcase performance improvements of our proposed approach compared to the previous state-of-the-art method. The source code is available at


replace Multiscale and Multilayer Contrastive Learning for Domain Generalization

Authors: Aristotelis Ballas, Christos Diou

Abstract: During the past decade, deep neural networks have led to fast-paced progress and significant achievements in computer vision problems, for both academia and industry. Yet despite their success, state-of-the-art image classification approaches fail to generalize well in previously unseen visual contexts, as required by many real-world applications. In this paper, we focus on this domain generalization (DG) problem and argue that the generalization ability of deep convolutional neural networks can be improved by taking advantage of multi-layer and multi-scaled representations of the network. We introduce a framework that aims at improving domain generalization of image classifiers by combining both low-level and high-level features at multiple scales, enabling the network to implicitly disentangle representations in its latent space and learn domain-invariant attributes of the depicted objects. Additionally, to further facilitate robust representation learning, we propose a novel objective function, inspired by contrastive learning, which aims at constraining the extracted representations to remain invariant under distribution shifts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by evaluating on the domain generalization datasets of PACS, VLCS, Office-Home and NICO. Through extensive experimentation, we show that our model is able to surpass the performance of previous DG methods and consistently produce competitive and state-of-the-art results in all datasets

replace DiffBIR: Towards Blind Image Restoration with Generative Diffusion Prior

Authors: Xinqi Lin, Jingwen He, Ziyan Chen, Zhaoyang Lyu, Bo Dai, Fanghua Yu, Wanli Ouyang, Yu Qiao, Chao Dong

Abstract: We present DiffBIR, a general restoration pipeline that could handle different blind image restoration tasks in a unified framework. DiffBIR decouples blind image restoration problem into two stages: 1) degradation removal: removing image-independent content; 2) information regeneration: generating the lost image content. Each stage is developed independently but they work seamlessly in a cascaded manner. In the first stage, we use restoration modules to remove degradations and obtain high-fidelity restored results. For the second stage, we propose IRControlNet that leverages the generative ability of latent diffusion models to generate realistic details. Specifically, IRControlNet is trained based on specially produced condition images without distracting noisy content for stable generation performance. Moreover, we design a region-adaptive restoration guidance that can modify the denoising process during inference without model re-training, allowing users to balance realness and fidelity through a tunable guidance scale. Extensive experiments have demonstrated DiffBIR's superiority over state-of-the-art approaches for blind image super-resolution, blind face restoration and blind image denoising tasks on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The code is available at


replace CityDreamer: Compositional Generative Model of Unbounded 3D Cities

Authors: Haozhe Xie, Zhaoxi Chen, Fangzhou Hong, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: 3D city generation is a desirable yet challenging task, since humans are more sensitive to structural distortions in urban environments. Additionally, generating 3D cities is more complex than 3D natural scenes since buildings, as objects of the same class, exhibit a wider range of appearances compared to the relatively consistent appearance of objects like trees in natural scenes. To address these challenges, we propose \textbf{CityDreamer}, a compositional generative model designed specifically for unbounded 3D cities. Our key insight is that 3D city generation should be a composition of different types of neural fields: 1) various building instances, and 2) background stuff, such as roads and green lands. Specifically, we adopt the bird's eye view scene representation and employ a volumetric render for both instance-oriented and stuff-oriented neural fields. The generative hash grid and periodic positional embedding are tailored as scene parameterization to suit the distinct characteristics of building instances and background stuff. Furthermore, we contribute a suite of CityGen Datasets, including OSM and GoogleEarth, which comprises a vast amount of real-world city imagery to enhance the realism of the generated 3D cities both in their layouts and appearances. CityDreamer achieves state-of-the-art performance not only in generating realistic 3D cities but also in localized editing within the generated cities.

replace Can I Trust Your Answer? Visually Grounded Video Question Answering

Authors: Junbin Xiao, Angela Yao, Yicong Li, Tat Seng Chua

Abstract: We study visually grounded VideoQA in response to the emerging trends of utilizing pretraining techniques for video-language understanding. Specifically, by forcing vision-language models (VLMs) to answer questions and simultaneously provide visual evidence, we seek to ascertain the extent to which the predictions of such techniques are genuinely anchored in relevant video content, versus spurious correlations from language or irrelevant visual context. Towards this, we construct NExT-GQA -- an extension of NExT-QA with 10.5$K$ temporal grounding (or location) labels tied to the original QA pairs. With NExT-GQA, we scrutinize a series of state-of-the-art VLMs. Through post-hoc attention analysis, we find that these models are extremely weak in substantiating the answers despite their strong QA performance. This exposes the limitation of current VLMs in making reliable predictions. As a remedy, we further explore and propose a grounded-QA method via Gaussian mask optimization and cross-modal learning. Experiments with different backbones demonstrate that this grounding mechanism improves both grounding and QA. With these efforts, we aim to push towards trustworthy VLMs in VQA systems. Our dataset and code are available at


replace MoEController: Instruction-based Arbitrary Image Manipulation with Mixture-of-Expert Controllers

Authors: Sijia Li, Chen Chen, Haonan Lu

Abstract: Diffusion-model-based text-guided image generation has recently made astounding progress, producing fascinating results in open-domain image manipulation tasks. Few models, however, currently have complete zero-shot capabilities for both global and local image editing due to the complexity and diversity of image manipulation tasks. In this work, we propose a method with a mixture-of-expert (MOE) controllers to align the text-guided capacity of diffusion models with different kinds of human instructions, enabling our model to handle various open-domain image manipulation tasks with natural language instructions. First, we use large language models (ChatGPT) and conditional image synthesis models (ControlNet) to generate a large number of global image transfer dataset in addition to the instruction-based local image editing dataset. Then, using an MOE technique and task-specific adaptation training on a large-scale dataset, our conditional diffusion model can edit images globally and locally. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach performs surprisingly well on various image manipulation tasks when dealing with open-domain images and arbitrary human instructions. Please refer to our project page: []


replace Language-driven Object Fusion into Neural Radiance Fields with Pose-Conditioned Dataset Updates

Authors: Ka Chun Shum, Jaeyeon Kim, Binh-Son Hua, Duc Thanh Nguyen, Sai-Kit Yeung

Abstract: Neural radiance field is an emerging rendering method that generates high-quality multi-view consistent images from a neural scene representation and volume rendering. Although neural radiance field-based techniques are robust for scene reconstruction, their ability to add or remove objects remains limited. This paper proposes a new language-driven approach for object manipulation with neural radiance fields through dataset updates. Specifically, to insert a new foreground object represented by a set of multi-view images into a background radiance field, we use a text-to-image diffusion model to learn and generate combined images that fuse the object of interest into the given background across views. These combined images are then used for refining the background radiance field so that we can render view-consistent images containing both the object and the background. To ensure view consistency, we propose a dataset updates strategy that prioritizes radiance field training with camera views close to the already-trained views prior to propagating the training to remaining views. We show that under the same dataset updates strategy, we can easily adapt our method for object insertion using data from text-to-3D models as well as object removal. Experimental results show that our method generates photorealistic images of the edited scenes, and outperforms state-of-the-art methods in 3D reconstruction and neural radiance field blending.

replace NTO3D: Neural Target Object 3D Reconstruction with Segment Anything

Authors: Xiaobao Wei, Renrui Zhang, Jiarui Wu, Jiaming Liu, Ming Lu, Yandong Guo, Shanghang Zhang

Abstract: Neural 3D reconstruction from multi-view images has recently attracted increasing attention from the community. Existing methods normally learn a neural field for the whole scene, while it is still under-explored how to reconstruct a target object indicated by users. Considering the Segment Anything Model (SAM) has shown effectiveness in segmenting any 2D images, in this paper, we propose NTO3D, a novel high-quality Neural Target Object 3D (NTO3D) reconstruction method, which leverages the benefits of both neural field and SAM. We first propose a novel strategy to lift the multi-view 2D segmentation masks of SAM into a unified 3D occupancy field. The 3D occupancy field is then projected into 2D space and generates the new prompts for SAM. This process is iterative until convergence to separate the target object from the scene. After this, we then lift the 2D features of the SAM encoder into a 3D feature field in order to improve the reconstruction quality of the target object. NTO3D lifts the 2D masks and features of SAM into the 3D neural field for high-quality neural target object 3D reconstruction. We conduct detailed experiments on several benchmark datasets to demonstrate the advantages of our method. The code will be available at:


replace CLRmatchNet: Enhancing Curved Lane Detection with Deep Matching Process

Authors: Sapir Kontente, Roy Orfaig, Ben-Zion Bobrovsky

Abstract: Lane detection plays a crucial role in autonomous driving by providing vital data to ensure safe navigation. Modern algorithms rely on anchor-based detectors, which are then followed by a label-assignment process to categorize training detections as positive or negative instances based on learned geometric attributes. Accurate label assignment has great impact on the model performance, that is usually relying on a pre-defined classical cost function evaluating GT-prediction alignment. However, classical label assignment methods face limitations due to their reliance on predefined cost functions derived from low-dimensional models, potentially impacting their optimality. Our research introduces MatchNet, a deep learning submodule-based approach aimed at improving the label assignment process. Integrated into a state-of-the-art lane detection network such as the Cross Layer Refinement Network for Lane Detection (CLRNet), MatchNet replaces the conventional label assignment process with a submodule network. The integrated model, CLRmatchNet, surpasses CLRNet, showing substantial improvements in scenarios involving curved lanes, with remarkable improvement across all backbones of +2.8% for ResNet34, +2.3% for ResNet101, and +2.96% for DLA34. In addition, it maintains or even improves comparable results in other sections. Our method boosts the confidence level in lane detection, allowing an increase in the confidence threshold. Our code is available at:


replace VDC: Versatile Data Cleanser based on Visual-Linguistic Inconsistency by Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Zihao Zhu, Mingda Zhang, Shaokui Wei, Bingzhe Wu, Baoyuan Wu

Abstract: The role of data in building AI systems has recently been emphasized by the emerging concept of data-centric AI. Unfortunately, in the real-world, datasets may contain dirty samples, such as poisoned samples from backdoor attack, noisy labels in crowdsourcing, and even hybrids of them. The presence of such dirty samples makes the DNNs vunerable and unreliable.Hence, it is critical to detect dirty samples to improve the quality and realiability of dataset. Existing detectors only focus on detecting poisoned samples or noisy labels, that are often prone to weak generalization when dealing with dirty samples from other domains.In this paper, we find a commonality of various dirty samples is visual-linguistic inconsistency between images and associated labels. To capture the semantic inconsistency between modalities, we propose versatile data cleanser (VDC) leveraging the surpassing capabilities of multimodal large language models (MLLM) in cross-modal alignment and reasoning.It consists of three consecutive modules: the visual question generation module to generate insightful questions about the image; the visual question answering module to acquire the semantics of the visual content by answering the questions with MLLM; followed by the visual answer evaluation module to evaluate the inconsistency.Extensive experiments demonstrate its superior performance and generalization to various categories and types of dirty samples. The code is available at \url{}.


replace Text-image Alignment for Diffusion-based Perception

Authors: Neehar Kondapaneni, Markus Marks, Manuel Knott, Rogerio Guimaraes, Pietro Perona

Abstract: Diffusion models are generative models with impressive text-to-image synthesis capabilities and have spurred a new wave of creative methods for classical machine learning tasks. However, the best way to harness the perceptual knowledge of these generative models for visual tasks is still an open question. Specifically, it is unclear how to use the prompting interface when applying diffusion backbones to vision tasks. We find that automatically generated captions can improve text-image alignment and significantly enhance a model's cross-attention maps, leading to better perceptual performance. Our approach improves upon the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) in diffusion-based semantic segmentation on ADE20K and the current overall SOTA for depth estimation on NYUv2. Furthermore, our method generalizes to the cross-domain setting. We use model personalization and caption modifications to align our model to the target domain and find improvements over unaligned baselines. Our cross-domain object detection model, trained on Pascal VOC, achieves SOTA results on Watercolor2K. Our cross-domain segmentation method, trained on Cityscapes, achieves SOTA results on Dark Zurich-val and Nighttime Driving. Project page: Code:


replace DST-Det: Simple Dynamic Self-Training for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection

Authors: Shilin Xu, Xiangtai Li, Size Wu, Wenwei Zhang, Yunhai Tong, Chen Change Loy

Abstract: Open-vocabulary object detection (OVOD) aims to detect the objects beyond the set of classes observed during training. This work introduces a straightforward and efficient strategy that utilizes pre-trained vision-language models (VLM), like CLIP, to identify potential novel classes through zero-shot classification. Previous methods use a class-agnostic region proposal network to detect object proposals and consider the proposals that do not match the ground truth as background. Unlike these methods, our method will select a subset of proposals that will be considered as background during the training. Then, we treat them as novel classes during training. We refer to this approach as the self-training strategy, which enhances recall and accuracy for novel classes without requiring extra annotations, datasets, and re-training. Compared to previous pseudo methods, our approach does not require re-training and offline labeling processing, which is more efficient and effective in one-shot training. Empirical evaluations on three datasets, including LVIS, V3Det, and COCO, demonstrate significant improvements over the baseline performance without incurring additional parameters or computational costs during inference. In addition, we also apply our method to various baselines. In particular, compared with the previous method, F-VLM, our method achieves a 1.7% improvement on the LVIS dataset. Combined with the recent method CLIPSelf, our method also achieves 46.7 novel class AP on COCO without introducing extra data for pertaining. We also achieve over 6.5% improvement over the F-VLM baseline in the recent challenging V3Det dataset. We release our code and models at


replace LangNav: Language as a Perceptual Representation for Navigation

Authors: Bowen Pan, Rameswar Panda, SouYoung Jin, Rogerio Feris, Aude Oliva, Phillip Isola, Yoon Kim

Abstract: We explore the use of language as a perceptual representation for vision-and-language navigation (VLN), with a focus on low-data settings. Our approach uses off-the-shelf vision systems for image captioning and object detection to convert an agent's egocentric panoramic view at each time step into natural language descriptions. We then finetune a pretrained language model to select an action, based on the current view and the trajectory history, that would best fulfill the navigation instructions. In contrast to the standard setup which adapts a pretrained language model to work directly with continuous visual features from pretrained vision models, our approach instead uses (discrete) language as the perceptual representation. We explore several use cases of our language-based navigation (LangNav) approach on the R2R VLN benchmark: generating synthetic trajectories from a prompted language model (GPT-4) with which to finetune a smaller language model; domain transfer where we transfer a policy learned on one simulated environment (ALFRED) to another (more realistic) environment (R2R); and combining both vision- and language-based representations for VLN. Our approach is found to improve upon baselines that rely on visual features in settings where only a few expert trajectories (10-100) are available, demonstrating the potential of language as a perceptual representation for navigation.

replace TransPose: 6D Object Pose Estimation with Geometry-Aware Transformer

Authors: Xiao Lin, Deming Wang, Guangliang Zhou, Chengju Liu, Qijun Chen

Abstract: Estimating the 6D object pose is an essential task in many applications. Due to the lack of depth information, existing RGB-based methods are sensitive to occlusion and illumination changes. How to extract and utilize the geometry features in depth information is crucial to achieve accurate predictions. To this end, we propose TransPose, a novel 6D pose framework that exploits Transformer Encoder with geometry-aware module to develop better learning of point cloud feature representations. Specifically, we first uniformly sample point cloud and extract local geometry features with the designed local feature extractor base on graph convolution network. To improve robustness to occlusion, we adopt Transformer to perform the exchange of global information, making each local feature contains global information. Finally, we introduce geometry-aware module in Transformer Encoder, which to form an effective constrain for point cloud feature learning and makes the global information exchange more tightly coupled with point cloud tasks. Extensive experiments indicate the effectiveness of TransPose, our pose estimation pipeline achieves competitive results on three benchmark datasets.

replace Copilot4D: Learning Unsupervised World Models for Autonomous Driving via Discrete Diffusion

Authors: Lunjun Zhang, Yuwen Xiong, Ze Yang, Sergio Casas, Rui Hu, Raquel Urtasun

Abstract: Learning world models can teach an agent how the world works in an unsupervised manner. Even though it can be viewed as a special case of sequence modeling, progress for scaling world models on robotic applications such as autonomous driving has been somewhat less rapid than scaling language models with Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT). We identify two reasons as major bottlenecks: dealing with complex and unstructured observation space, and having a scalable generative model. Consequently, we propose Copilot4D, a novel world modeling approach that first tokenizes sensor observations with VQVAE, then predicts the future via discrete diffusion. To efficiently decode and denoise tokens in parallel, we recast Masked Generative Image Transformer as discrete diffusion and enhance it with a few simple changes, resulting in notable improvement. When applied to learning world models on point cloud observations, Copilot4D reduces prior SOTA Chamfer distance by more than 65% for 1s prediction, and more than 50% for 3s prediction, across NuScenes, KITTI Odometry, and Argoverse2 datasets. Our results demonstrate that discrete diffusion on tokenized agent experience can unlock the power of GPT-like unsupervised learning for robotics.

replace Asymmetric Masked Distillation for Pre-Training Small Foundation Models

Authors: Zhiyu Zhao, Bingkun Huang, Sen Xing, Gangshan Wu, Yu Qiao, Limin Wang

Abstract: Self-supervised foundation models have shown great potential in computer vision thanks to the pre-training paradigm of masked autoencoding. Scale is a primary factor influencing the performance of these foundation models. However, these large foundation models often result in high computational cost. This paper focuses on pre-training relatively small vision transformer models that could be efficiently adapted to downstream tasks. Specifically, taking inspiration from knowledge distillation in model compression, we propose a new asymmetric masked distillation (AMD) framework for pre-training relatively small models with autoencoding. The core of AMD is to devise an asymmetric masking strategy, where the teacher model is enabled to see more context information with a lower masking ratio, while the student model is still equipped with a high masking ratio. We design customized multi-layer feature alignment between the teacher encoder and student encoder to regularize the pre-training of student MAE. To demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of AMD, we apply it to both ImageMAE and VideoMAE for pre-training relatively small ViT models. AMD achieved 84.6% classification accuracy on IN1K using the ViT-B model. And AMD achieves 73.3% classification accuracy using the ViT-B model on the Something-in-Something V2 dataset, a 3.7% improvement over the original ViT-B model from VideoMAE. We also transfer AMD pre-trained models to downstream tasks and obtain consistent performance improvement over the original masked autoencoding. The code and models are available at


replace Correlation-guided Query-Dependency Calibration in Video Representation Learning for Temporal Grounding

Authors: WonJun Moon, Sangeek Hyun, SuBeen Lee, Jae-Pil Heo

Abstract: Video Temporal Grounding is to identify specific moments or highlights from a video corresponding to textual descriptions. Typical approaches in temporal grounding treat all video clips equally during the encoding process regardless of their semantic relevance with the text query. Therefore, we propose Correlation-Guided DEtection TRansformer(CG-DETR), exploring to provide clues for query-associated video clips within the cross-modal attention. First, we design an adaptive cross-attention with dummy tokens. Dummy tokens conditioned by text query take portions of the attention weights, preventing irrelevant video clips from being represented by the text query. Yet, not all words equally inherit the text query's correlation to video clips. Thus, we further guide the cross-attention map by inferring the fine-grained correlation between video clips and words. We enable this by learning a joint embedding space for high-level concepts, i.e., moment and sentence level, and inferring the clip-word correlation. Lastly, we exploit the moment-specific characteristics and combine them with the context of each video to form a moment-adaptive saliency detector. By exploiting the degrees of text engagement in each video clip, it precisely measures the highlightness of each clip. CG-DETR achieves state-of-the-art results on various benchmarks for temporal grounding.

replace Versatile Medical Image Segmentation Learned from Multi-Source Datasets via Model Self-Disambiguation

Authors: Xiaoyang Chen, Hao Zheng, Yuemeng Li, Yuncong Ma, Liang Ma, Hongming Li, Yong Fan

Abstract: A versatile medical image segmentation model applicable to images acquired with diverse equipment and protocols can facilitate model deployment and maintenance. However, building such a model typically demands a large, diverse, and fully annotated dataset, which is challenging to obtain due to the labor-intensive nature of data curation. To address this challenge, we propose a cost-effective alternative that harnesses multi-source data with only partial or sparse segmentation labels for training, substantially reducing the cost of developing a versatile model. We devise strategies for model self-disambiguation, prior knowledge incorporation, and imbalance mitigation to tackle challenges associated with inconsistently labeled multi-source data, including label ambiguity and modality, dataset, and class imbalances. Experimental results on a multi-modal dataset compiled from eight different sources for abdominal structure segmentation have demonstrated the effectiveness and superior performance of our method compared to state-of-the-art alternative approaches. We anticipate that its cost-saving features, which optimize the utilization of existing annotated data and reduce annotation efforts for new data, will have a significant impact in the field.

replace DiffAvatar: Simulation-Ready Garment Optimization with Differentiable Simulation

Authors: Yifei Li, Hsiao-yu Chen, Egor Larionov, Nikolaos Sarafianos, Wojciech Matusik, Tuur Stuyck

Abstract: The realism of digital avatars is crucial in enabling telepresence applications with self-expression and customization. While physical simulations can produce realistic motions for clothed humans, they require high-quality garment assets with associated physical parameters for cloth simulations. However, manually creating these assets and calibrating their parameters is labor-intensive and requires specialized expertise. Current methods focus on reconstructing geometry, but don't generate complete assets for physics-based applications. To address this gap, we propose \papername,~a novel approach that performs body and garment co-optimization using differentiable simulation. By integrating physical simulation into the optimization loop and accounting for the complex nonlinear behavior of cloth and its intricate interaction with the body, our framework recovers body and garment geometry and extracts important material parameters in a physically plausible way. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach generates realistic clothing and body shape suitable for downstream applications. We provide additional insights and results on our webpage:


replace HiPose: Hierarchical Binary Surface Encoding and Correspondence Pruning for RGB-D 6DoF Object Pose Estimation

Authors: Yongliang Lin, Yongzhi Su, Praveen Nathan, Sandeep Inuganti, Yan Di, Martin Sundermeyer, Fabian Manhardt, Didier Stricke, Jason Rambach, Yu Zhang

Abstract: In this work, we present a novel dense-correspondence method for 6DoF object pose estimation from a single RGB-D image. While many existing data-driven methods achieve impressive performance, they tend to be time-consuming due to their reliance on rendering-based refinement approaches. To circumvent this limitation, we present HiPose, which establishes 3D-3D correspondences in a coarse-to-fine manner with a hierarchical binary surface encoding. Unlike previous dense-correspondence methods, we estimate the correspondence surface by employing point-to-surface matching and iteratively constricting the surface until it becomes a correspondence point while gradually removing outliers. Extensive experiments on public benchmarks LM-O, YCB-V, and T-Less demonstrate that our method surpasses all refinement-free methods and is even on par with expensive refinement-based approaches. Crucially, our approach is computationally efficient and enables real-time critical applications with high accuracy requirements.

replace SD-NAE: Generating Natural Adversarial Examples with Stable Diffusion

Authors: Yueqian Lin, Jingyang Zhang, Yiran Chen, Hai Li

Abstract: Natural Adversarial Examples (NAEs), images arising naturally from the environment and capable of deceiving classifiers, are instrumental in robustly evaluating and identifying vulnerabilities in trained models. In this work, unlike prior works that passively collect NAEs from real images, we propose to actively synthesize NAEs using the state-of-the-art Stable Diffusion. Specifically, our method formulates a controlled optimization process, where we perturb the token embedding that corresponds to a specified class to generate NAEs. This generation process is guided by the gradient of loss from the target classifier, ensuring that the created image closely mimics the ground-truth class yet fools the classifier. Named SD-NAE (Stable Diffusion for Natural Adversarial Examples), our innovative method is effective in producing valid and useful NAEs, which is demonstrated through a meticulously designed experiment. Code is available at


replace DiverseNet: Decision Diversified Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation Networks for Remote Sensing Imagery

Authors: Wanli Ma, Oktay Karakus, Paul L. Rosin

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning aims to help reduce the cost of the manual labelling process by leveraging valuable features extracted from a substantial pool of unlabeled data alongside a limited set of labelled data during the training phase. Since pixel-level manual labelling in large-scale remote sensing imagery is expensive, semi-supervised learning becomes an appropriate solution to this. However, most of the existing consistency learning frameworks based on network perturbation are very bulky. There is still a lack of lightweight and efficient perturbation methods to promote the diversity of features and the precision of pseudo labels during training. In order to fill this gap, we propose DiverseNet which explores multi-head and multi-model semi-supervised learning algorithms by simultaneously enhancing precision and diversity during training. The two proposed methods in the DiverseNet family, namely DiverseHead and DiverseModel, both achieve the better semantic segmentation performance in four widely utilised remote sensing imagery data sets compared to state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning methods. Meanwhile, the proposed DiverseHead architecture is simple and relatively lightweight in terms of parameter space compared to the state-of-the-art methods whilst reaching high-performance results for all the tested data sets.

replace A New Benchmark and Model for Challenging Image Manipulation Detection

Authors: Zhenfei Zhang, Mingyang Li, Ming-Ching Chang

Abstract: The ability to detect manipulation in multimedia data is vital in digital forensics. Existing Image Manipulation Detection (IMD) methods are mainly based on detecting anomalous features arisen from image editing or double compression artifacts. All existing IMD techniques encounter challenges when it comes to detecting small tampered regions from a large image. Moreover, compression-based IMD approaches face difficulties in cases of double compression of identical quality factors. To investigate the State-of-The-Art (SoTA) IMD methods in those challenging conditions, we introduce a new Challenging Image Manipulation Detection (CIMD) benchmark dataset, which consists of two subsets, for evaluating editing-based and compression-based IMD methods, respectively. The dataset images were manually taken and tampered with high-quality annotations. In addition, we propose a new two-branch network model based on HRNet that can better detect both the image-editing and compression artifacts in those challenging conditions. Extensive experiments on the CIMD benchmark show that our model significantly outperforms SoTA IMD methods on CIMD.

replace VSCode: General Visual Salient and Camouflaged Object Detection with 2D Prompt Learning

Authors: Ziyang Luo, Nian Liu, Wangbo Zhao, Xuguang Yang, Dingwen Zhang, Deng-Ping Fan, Fahad Khan, Junwei Han

Abstract: Salient object detection (SOD) and camouflaged object detection (COD) are related yet distinct binary mapping tasks. These tasks involve multiple modalities, sharing commonalities and unique cues. Existing research often employs intricate task-specific specialist models, potentially leading to redundancy and suboptimal results. We introduce VSCode, a generalist model with novel 2D prompt learning, to jointly address four SOD tasks and three COD tasks. We utilize VST as the foundation model and introduce 2D prompts within the encoder-decoder architecture to learn domain and task-specific knowledge on two separate dimensions. A prompt discrimination loss helps disentangle peculiarities to benefit model optimization. VSCode outperforms state-of-the-art methods across six tasks on 26 datasets and exhibits zero-shot generalization to unseen tasks by combining 2D prompts, such as RGB-D COD. Source code has been available at


replace HAVE-FUN: Human Avatar Reconstruction from Few-Shot Unconstrained Images

Authors: Xihe Yang, Xingyu Chen, Daiheng Gao, Shaohui Wang, Xiaoguang Han, Baoyuan Wang

Abstract: As for human avatar reconstruction, contemporary techniques commonly necessitate the acquisition of costly data and struggle to achieve satisfactory results from a small number of casual images. In this paper, we investigate this task from a few-shot unconstrained photo album. The reconstruction of human avatars from such data sources is challenging because of limited data amount and dynamic articulated poses. For handling dynamic data, we integrate a skinning mechanism with deep marching tetrahedra (DMTet) to form a drivable tetrahedral representation, which drives arbitrary mesh topologies generated by the DMTet for the adaptation of unconstrained images. To effectively mine instructive information from few-shot data, we devise a two-phase optimization method with few-shot reference and few-shot guidance. The former focuses on aligning avatar identity with reference images, while the latter aims to generate plausible appearances for unseen regions. Overall, our framework, called HaveFun, can undertake avatar reconstruction, rendering, and animation. Extensive experiments on our developed benchmarks demonstrate that HaveFun exhibits substantially superior performance in reconstructing the human body and hand. Project website:


replace SiTH: Single-view Textured Human Reconstruction with Image-Conditioned Diffusion

Authors: Hsuan-I Ho, Jie Song, Otmar Hilliges

Abstract: A long-standing goal of 3D human reconstruction is to create lifelike and fully detailed 3D humans from single-view images. The main challenge lies in inferring unknown body shapes, appearances, and clothing details in areas not visible in the images. To address this, we propose SiTH, a novel pipeline that uniquely integrates an image-conditioned diffusion model into a 3D mesh reconstruction workflow. At the core of our method lies the decomposition of the challenging single-view reconstruction problem into generative hallucination and reconstruction subproblems. For the former, we employ a powerful generative diffusion model to hallucinate unseen back-view appearance based on the input images. For the latter, we leverage skinned body meshes as guidance to recover full-body texture meshes from the input and back-view images. SiTH requires as few as 500 3D human scans for training while maintaining its generality and robustness to diverse images. Extensive evaluations on two 3D human benchmarks, including our newly created one, highlighted our method's superior accuracy and perceptual quality in 3D textured human reconstruction. Our code and evaluation benchmark are available at


replace Animatable Gaussians: Learning Pose-dependent Gaussian Maps for High-fidelity Human Avatar Modeling

Authors: Zhe Li, Zerong Zheng, Lizhen Wang, Yebin Liu

Abstract: Modeling animatable human avatars from RGB videos is a long-standing and challenging problem. Recent works usually adopt MLP-based neural radiance fields (NeRF) to represent 3D humans, but it remains difficult for pure MLPs to regress pose-dependent garment details. To this end, we introduce Animatable Gaussians, a new avatar representation that leverages powerful 2D CNNs and 3D Gaussian splatting to create high-fidelity avatars. To associate 3D Gaussians with the animatable avatar, we learn a parametric template from the input videos, and then parameterize the template on two front \& back canonical Gaussian maps where each pixel represents a 3D Gaussian. The learned template is adaptive to the wearing garments for modeling looser clothes like dresses. Such template-guided 2D parameterization enables us to employ a powerful StyleGAN-based CNN to learn the pose-dependent Gaussian maps for modeling detailed dynamic appearances. Furthermore, we introduce a pose projection strategy for better generalization given novel poses. Overall, our method can create lifelike avatars with dynamic, realistic and generalized appearances. Experiments show that our method outperforms other state-of-the-art approaches. Code:


replace As-Plausible-As-Possible: Plausibility-Aware Mesh Deformation Using 2D Diffusion Priors

Authors: Seungwoo Yoo, Kunho Kim, Vladimir G. Kim, Minhyuk Sung

Abstract: We present As-Plausible-as-Possible (APAP) mesh deformation technique that leverages 2D diffusion priors to preserve the plausibility of a mesh under user-controlled deformation. Our framework uses per-face Jacobians to represent mesh deformations, where mesh vertex coordinates are computed via a differentiable Poisson Solve. The deformed mesh is rendered, and the resulting 2D image is used in the Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) process, which enables extracting meaningful plausibility priors from a pretrained 2D diffusion model. To better preserve the identity of the edited mesh, we fine-tune our 2D diffusion model with LoRA. Gradients extracted by SDS and a user-prescribed handle displacement are then backpropagated to the per-face Jacobians, and we use iterative gradient descent to compute the final deformation that balances between the user edit and the output plausibility. We evaluate our method with 2D and 3D meshes and demonstrate qualitative and quantitative improvements when using plausibility priors over geometry-preservation or distortion-minimization priors used by previous techniques. Our project page is at:


replace MobileCLIP: Fast Image-Text Models through Multi-Modal Reinforced Training

Authors: Pavan Kumar Anasosalu Vasu, Hadi Pouransari, Fartash Faghri, Raviteja Vemulapalli, Oncel Tuzel

Abstract: Contrastive pretraining of image-text foundation models, such as CLIP, demonstrated excellent zero-shot performance and improved robustness on a wide range of downstream tasks. However, these models utilize large transformer-based encoders with significant memory and latency overhead which pose challenges for deployment on mobile devices. In this work, we introduce MobileCLIP -- a new family of efficient image-text models optimized for runtime performance along with a novel and efficient training approach, namely multi-modal reinforced training. The proposed training approach leverages knowledge transfer from an image captioning model and an ensemble of strong CLIP encoders to improve the accuracy of efficient models. Our approach avoids train-time compute overhead by storing the additional knowledge in a reinforced dataset. MobileCLIP sets a new state-of-the-art latency-accuracy tradeoff for zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks on several datasets. Our MobileCLIP-S2 variant is 2.3$\times$ faster while more accurate compared to previous best CLIP model based on ViT-B/16. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of our multi-modal reinforced training by training a CLIP model based on ViT-B/16 image backbone and achieving +2.9% average performance improvement on 38 evaluation benchmarks compared to the previous best. Moreover, we show that the proposed approach achieves 10$\times$-1000$\times$ improved learning efficiency when compared with non-reinforced CLIP training. Code and models are available at .


replace Compositional Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Chancharik Mitra, Brandon Huang, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig

Abstract: The combination of strong visual backbones and Large Language Model (LLM) reasoning has led to Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) becoming the current standard for a wide range of vision and language (VL) tasks. However, recent research has shown that even the most advanced LMMs still struggle to capture aspects of compositional visual reasoning, such as attributes and relationships between objects. One solution is to utilize scene graphs (SGs)--a formalization of objects and their relations and attributes that has been extensively used as a bridge between the visual and textual domains. Yet, scene graph data requires scene graph annotations, which are expensive to collect and thus not easily scalable. Moreover, finetuning an LMM based on SG data can lead to catastrophic forgetting of the pretraining objective. To overcome this, inspired by chain-of-thought methods, we propose Compositional Chain-of-Thought (CCoT), a novel zero-shot Chain-of-Thought prompting method that utilizes SG representations in order to extract compositional knowledge from an LMM. Specifically, we first generate an SG using the LMM, and then use that SG in the prompt to produce a response. Through extensive experiments, we find that the proposed CCoT approach not only improves LMM performance on several vision and language VL compositional benchmarks but also improves the performance of several popular LMMs on general multimodal benchmarks, without the need for fine-tuning or annotated ground-truth SGs. Code:


replace Sketch Input Method Editor: A Comprehensive Dataset and Methodology for Systematic Input Recognition

Authors: Guangming Zhu, Siyuan Wang, Qing Cheng, Kelong Wu, Hao Li, Liang Zhang

Abstract: With the recent surge in the use of touchscreen devices, free-hand sketching has emerged as a promising modality for human-computer interaction. While previous research has focused on tasks such as recognition, retrieval, and generation of familiar everyday objects, this study aims to create a Sketch Input Method Editor (SketchIME) specifically designed for a professional C4I system. Within this system, sketches are utilized as low-fidelity prototypes for recommending standardized symbols in the creation of comprehensive situation maps. This paper also presents a systematic dataset comprising 374 specialized sketch types, and proposes a simultaneous recognition and segmentation architecture with multilevel supervision between recognition and segmentation to improve performance and enhance interpretability. By incorporating few-shot domain adaptation and class-incremental learning, the network's ability to adapt to new users and extend to new task-specific classes is significantly enhanced. Results from experiments conducted on both the proposed dataset and the SPG dataset illustrate the superior performance of the proposed architecture. Our dataset and code are publicly available at


replace Each Test Image Deserves A Specific Prompt: Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 2D Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Ziyang Chen, Yiwen Ye, Mengkang Lu, Yongsheng Pan, Yong Xia

Abstract: Distribution shift widely exists in medical images acquired from different medical centres and poses a significant obstacle to deploying the pre-trained semantic segmentation model in real-world applications. Test-time adaptation has proven its effectiveness in tackling the cross-domain distribution shift during inference. However, most existing methods achieve adaptation by updating the pre-trained models, rendering them susceptible to error accumulation and catastrophic forgetting when encountering a series of distribution shifts (i.e., under the continual test-time adaptation setup). To overcome these challenges caused by updating the models, in this paper, we freeze the pre-trained model and propose the Visual Prompt-based Test-Time Adaptation (VPTTA) method to train a specific prompt for each test image to align the statistics in the batch normalization layers. Specifically, we present the low-frequency prompt, which is lightweight with only a few parameters and can be effectively trained in a single iteration. To enhance prompt initialization, we equip VPTTA with a memory bank to benefit the current prompt from previous ones. Additionally, we design a warm-up mechanism, which mixes source and target statistics to construct warm-up statistics, thereby facilitating the training process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our VPTTA over other state-of-the-art methods on two medical image segmentation benchmark tasks. The code and weights of pre-trained source models are available at


replace Contrastive Denoising Score for Text-guided Latent Diffusion Image Editing

Authors: Hyelin Nam, Gihyun Kwon, Geon Yeong Park, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: With the remarkable advent of text-to-image diffusion models, image editing methods have become more diverse and continue to evolve. A promising recent approach in this realm is Delta Denoising Score (DDS) - an image editing technique based on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) framework that leverages the rich generative prior of text-to-image diffusion models. However, relying solely on the difference between scoring functions is insufficient for preserving specific structural elements from the original image, a crucial aspect of image editing. To address this, here we present an embarrassingly simple yet very powerful modification of DDS, called Contrastive Denoising Score (CDS), for latent diffusion models (LDM). Inspired by the similarities and differences between DDS and the contrastive learning for unpaired image-to-image translation(CUT), we introduce a straightforward approach using CUT loss within the DDS framework. Rather than employing auxiliary networks as in the original CUT approach, we leverage the intermediate features of LDM, specifically those from the self-attention layers, which possesses rich spatial information. Our approach enables zero-shot image-to-image translation and neural radiance field (NeRF) editing, achieving structural correspondence between the input and output while maintaining content controllability. Qualitative results and comparisons demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed method. Project page:


replace ElasticDiffusion: Training-free Arbitrary Size Image Generation through Global-Local Content Separation

Authors: Moayed Haji-Ali, Guha Balakrishnan, Vicente Ordonez

Abstract: Diffusion models have revolutionized image generation in recent years, yet they are still limited to a few sizes and aspect ratios. We propose ElasticDiffusion, a novel training-free decoding method that enables pretrained text-to-image diffusion models to generate images with various sizes. ElasticDiffusion attempts to decouple the generation trajectory of a pretrained model into local and global signals. The local signal controls low-level pixel information and can be estimated on local patches, while the global signal is used to maintain overall structural consistency and is estimated with a reference image. We test our method on CelebA-HQ (faces) and LAION-COCO (objects/indoor/outdoor scenes). Our experiments and qualitative results show superior image coherence quality across aspect ratios compared to MultiDiffusion and the standard decoding strategy of Stable Diffusion. Project page:


replace Synthesize, Diagnose, and Optimize: Towards Fine-Grained Vision-Language Understanding

Authors: Wujian Peng, Sicheng Xie, Zuyao You, Shiyi Lan, Zuxuan Wu

Abstract: Vision language models (VLM) have demonstrated remarkable performance across various downstream tasks. However, understanding fine-grained visual-linguistic concepts, such as attributes and inter-object relationships, remains a significant challenge. While several benchmarks aim to evaluate VLMs in finer granularity, their primary focus remains on the linguistic aspect, neglecting the visual dimension. Here, we highlight the importance of evaluating VLMs from both a textual and visual perspective. We introduce a progressive pipeline to synthesize images that vary in a specific attribute while ensuring consistency in all other aspects. Utilizing this data engine, we carefully design a benchmark, SPEC, to diagnose the comprehension of object size, position, existence, and count. Subsequently, we conduct a thorough evaluation of four leading VLMs on SPEC. Surprisingly, their performance is close to random guess, revealing significant limitations. With this in mind, we propose a simple yet effective approach to optimize VLMs in fine-grained understanding, achieving significant improvements on SPEC without compromising the zero-shot performance. Results on two additional fine-grained benchmarks also show consistent improvements, further validating the transferability of our approach. Code and data are available at


replace OpenStereo: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Stereo Matching and Strong Baseline

Authors: Xianda Guo, Juntao Lu, Chenming Zhang, Yiqi Wang, Yiqun Duan, Tian Yang, Zheng Zhu, Long Chen

Abstract: Stereo matching aims to estimate the disparity between matching pixels in a stereo image pair, which is of great importance to robotics, autonomous driving, and other computer vision tasks. Despite the development of numerous impressive methods in recent years, replicating their results and determining the most suitable architecture for practical application remains challenging. Addressing this gap, our paper introduces a comprehensive benchmark focusing on practical applicability rather than solely on performance enhancement. Specifically, we develop a flexible and efficient stereo matching codebase, called OpenStereo. OpenStereo includes training and inference codes of more than 10 network models, making it, to our knowledge, the most complete stereo matching toolbox available. Based on OpenStereo, we conducted experiments and have achieved or surpassed the performance metrics reported in the original paper. Additionally, we carry out an exhaustive analysis and deconstruction of recent developments in stereo matching through comprehensive ablative experiments. These investigations inspired the creation of StereoBase, a strong baseline model. Our StereoBase ranks 1st on SceneFlow, KITTI 2015, 2012 (Reflective) among published methods and achieves the best performance across all metrics. In addition, StereoBase has strong cross-dataset generalization.Code is available at \url{}.


replace Neural Parametric Gaussians for Monocular Non-Rigid Object Reconstruction

Authors: Devikalyan Das, Christopher Wewer, Raza Yunus, Eddy Ilg, Jan Eric Lenssen

Abstract: Reconstructing dynamic objects from monocular videos is a severely underconstrained and challenging problem, and recent work has approached it in various directions. However, owing to the ill-posed nature of this problem, there has been no solution that can provide consistent, high-quality novel views from camera positions that are significantly different from the training views. In this work, we introduce Neural Parametric Gaussians (NPGs) to take on this challenge by imposing a two-stage approach: first, we fit a low-rank neural deformation model, which then is used as regularization for non-rigid reconstruction in the second stage. The first stage learns the object's deformations such that it preserves consistency in novel views. The second stage obtains high reconstruction quality by optimizing 3D Gaussians that are driven by the coarse model. To this end, we introduce a local 3D Gaussian representation, where temporally shared Gaussians are anchored in and deformed by local oriented volumes. The resulting combined model can be rendered as radiance fields, resulting in high-quality photo-realistic reconstructions of the non-rigidly deforming objects. We demonstrate that NPGs achieve superior results compared to previous works, especially in challenging scenarios with few multi-view cues.

replace Brain Decodes Deep Nets

Authors: Huzheng Yang, James Gee, Jianbo Shi

Abstract: We developed a tool for visualizing and analyzing large pre-trained vision models by mapping them onto the brain, thus exposing their hidden inside. Our innovation arises from a surprising usage of brain encoding: predicting brain fMRI measurements in response to images. We report two findings. First, explicit mapping between the brain and deep-network features across dimensions of space, layers, scales, and channels is crucial. This mapping method, FactorTopy, is plug-and-play for any deep-network; with it, one can paint a picture of the network onto the brain (literally!). Second, our visualization shows how different training methods matter: they lead to remarkable differences in hierarchical organization and scaling behavior, growing with more data or network capacity. It also provides insight into fine-tuning: how pre-trained models change when adapting to small datasets. We found brain-like hierarchically organized network suffer less from catastrophic forgetting after fine-tuned.

replace SchurVINS: Schur Complement-Based Lightweight Visual Inertial Navigation System

Authors: Yunfei Fan, Tianyu Zhao, Guidong Wang

Abstract: Accuracy and computational efficiency are the most important metrics to Visual Inertial Navigation System (VINS). The existing VINS algorithms with either high accuracy or low computational complexity, are difficult to provide the high precision localization in resource-constrained devices. To this end, we propose a novel filter-based VINS framework named SchurVINS, which could guarantee both high accuracy by building a complete residual model and low computational complexity with Schur complement. Technically, we first formulate the full residual model where Gradient, Hessian and observation covariance are explicitly modeled. Then Schur complement is employed to decompose the full model into ego-motion residual model and landmark residual model. Finally, Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) update is implemented in these two models with high efficiency. Experiments on EuRoC and TUM-VI datasets show that our method notably outperforms state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in both accuracy and computational complexity. The experimental code of SchurVINS is available at


replace Language-only Efficient Training of Zero-shot Composed Image Retrieval

Authors: Geonmo Gu, Sanghyuk Chun, Wonjae Kim, Yoohoon Kang, Sangdoo Yun

Abstract: Composed image retrieval (CIR) task takes a composed query of image and text, aiming to search relative images for both conditions. Conventional CIR approaches need a training dataset composed of triplets of query image, query text, and target image, which is very expensive to collect. Several recent works have worked on the zero-shot (ZS) CIR paradigm to tackle the issue without using pre-collected triplets. However, the existing ZS-CIR methods show limited backbone scalability and generalizability due to the lack of diversity of the input texts during training. We propose a novel CIR framework, only using language for its training. Our LinCIR (Language-only training for CIR) can be trained only with text datasets by a novel self-supervision named self-masking projection (SMP). We project the text latent embedding to the token embedding space and construct a new text by replacing the keyword tokens of the original text. Then, we let the new and original texts have the same latent embedding vector. With this simple strategy, LinCIR is surprisingly efficient and highly effective; LinCIR with CLIP ViT-G backbone is trained in 48 minutes and shows the best ZS-CIR performances on four different CIR benchmarks, CIRCO, GeneCIS, FashionIQ, and CIRR, even outperforming supervised method on FashionIQ. Code is available at


replace Towards Learning a Generalist Model for Embodied Navigation

Authors: Duo Zheng, Shijia Huang, Lin Zhao, Yiwu Zhong, Liwei Wang

Abstract: Building a generalist agent that can interact with the world is the intriguing target of AI systems, thus spurring the research for embodied navigation, where an agent is required to navigate according to instructions or respond to queries. Despite the major progress attained, previous works primarily focus on task-specific agents and lack generalizability to unseen scenarios. Recently, LLMs have presented remarkable capabilities across various fields, and provided a promising opportunity for embodied navigation. Drawing on this, we propose the first generalist model for embodied navigation, NaviLLM. It adapts LLMs to embodied navigation by introducing schema-based instruction. The schema-based instruction flexibly casts various tasks into generation problems, thereby unifying a wide range of tasks. This approach allows us to integrate diverse data sources from various datasets into the training, equipping NaviLLM with a wide range of capabilities required by embodied navigation. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance and generalizability of our model. The experimental results demonstrate that our unified model achieves state-of-the-art performance on CVDN, SOON, and ScanQA. Specifically, it surpasses the previous stats-of-the-art method by a significant margin of 29% in goal progress on CVDN. Moreover, our model also demonstrates strong generalizability and presents impressive results on unseen tasks, e.g., embodied question answering and 3D captioning.

replace GaussianAvatar: Towards Realistic Human Avatar Modeling from a Single Video via Animatable 3D Gaussians

Authors: Liangxiao Hu, Hongwen Zhang, Yuxiang Zhang, Boyao Zhou, Boning Liu, Shengping Zhang, Liqiang Nie

Abstract: We present GaussianAvatar, an efficient approach to creating realistic human avatars with dynamic 3D appearances from a single video. We start by introducing animatable 3D Gaussians to explicitly represent humans in various poses and clothing styles. Such an explicit and animatable representation can fuse 3D appearances more efficiently and consistently from 2D observations. Our representation is further augmented with dynamic properties to support pose-dependent appearance modeling, where a dynamic appearance network along with an optimizable feature tensor is designed to learn the motion-to-appearance mapping. Moreover, by leveraging the differentiable motion condition, our method enables a joint optimization of motions and appearances during avatar modeling, which helps to tackle the long-standing issue of inaccurate motion estimation in monocular settings. The efficacy of GaussianAvatar is validated on both the public dataset and our collected dataset, demonstrating its superior performances in terms of appearance quality and rendering efficiency.

replace Object Recognition as Next Token Prediction

Authors: Kaiyu Yue, Bor-Chun Chen, Jonas Geiping, Hengduo Li, Tom Goldstein, Ser-Nam Lim

Abstract: We present an approach to pose object recognition as next token prediction. The idea is to apply a language decoder that auto-regressively predicts the text tokens from image embeddings to form labels. To ground this prediction process in auto-regression, we customize a non-causal attention mask for the decoder, incorporating two key features: modeling tokens from different labels to be independent, and treating image tokens as a prefix. This masking mechanism inspires an efficient method - one-shot sampling - to simultaneously sample tokens of multiple labels in parallel and rank generated labels by their probabilities during inference. To further enhance the efficiency, we propose a simple strategy to construct a compact decoder by simply discarding the intermediate blocks of a pretrained language model. This approach yields a decoder that matches the full model's performance while being notably more efficient. The code is available at


replace Tracing Hyperparameter Dependencies for Model Parsing via Learnable Graph Pooling Network

Authors: Xiao Guo, Vishal Asnani, Sijia Liu, Xiaoming Liu

Abstract: Model Parsing defines the research task of predicting hyperparameters of the generative model (GM), given a generated image as input. Since a diverse set of hyperparameters is jointly employed by the generative model, and dependencies often exist among them, it is crucial to learn these hyperparameter dependencies for the improved model parsing performance. To explore such important dependencies, we propose a novel model parsing method called Learnable Graph Pooling Network (LGPN). Specifically, we transform model parsing into a graph node classification task, using graph nodes and edges to represent hyperparameters and their dependencies, respectively. Furthermore, LGPN incorporates a learnable pooling-unpooling mechanism tailored to model parsing, which adaptively learns hyperparameter dependencies of GMs used to generate the input image. We also extend our proposed method to CNN-generated image detection and coordinate attacks detection. Empirically, we achieve state-of-the-art results in model parsing and its extended applications, showing the effectiveness of our method. Our source code are available.

replace Geometrically-driven Aggregation for Zero-shot 3D Point Cloud Understanding

Authors: Guofeng Mei, Luigi Riz, Yiming Wang, Fabio Poiesi

Abstract: Zero-shot 3D point cloud understanding can be achieved via 2D Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Existing strategies directly map Vision-Language Models from 2D pixels of rendered or captured views to 3D points, overlooking the inherent and expressible point cloud geometric structure. Geometrically similar or close regions can be exploited for bolstering point cloud understanding as they are likely to share semantic information. To this end, we introduce the first training-free aggregation technique that leverages the point cloud's 3D geometric structure to improve the quality of the transferred Vision-Language Models. Our approach operates iteratively, performing local-to-global aggregation based on geometric and semantic point-level reasoning. We benchmark our approach on three downstream tasks, including classification, part segmentation, and semantic segmentation, with a variety of datasets representing both synthetic/real-world, and indoor/outdoor scenarios. Our approach achieves new state-of-the-art results in all benchmarks. We will release the source code publicly.

replace Gaussian Head Avatar: Ultra High-fidelity Head Avatar via Dynamic Gaussians

Authors: Yuelang Xu, Benwang Chen, Zhe Li, Hongwen Zhang, Lizhen Wang, Zerong Zheng, Yebin Liu

Abstract: Creating high-fidelity 3D head avatars has always been a research hotspot, but there remains a great challenge under lightweight sparse view setups. In this paper, we propose Gaussian Head Avatar represented by controllable 3D Gaussians for high-fidelity head avatar modeling. We optimize the neutral 3D Gaussians and a fully learned MLP-based deformation field to capture complex expressions. The two parts benefit each other, thereby our method can model fine-grained dynamic details while ensuring expression accuracy. Furthermore, we devise a well-designed geometry-guided initialization strategy based on implicit SDF and Deep Marching Tetrahedra for the stability and convergence of the training procedure. Experiments show our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art sparse-view methods, achieving ultra high-fidelity rendering quality at 2K resolution even under exaggerated expressions.

replace AVID: Any-Length Video Inpainting with Diffusion Model

Authors: Zhixing Zhang, Bichen Wu, Xiaoyan Wang, Yaqiao Luo, Luxin Zhang, Yinan Zhao, Peter Vajda, Dimitris Metaxas, Licheng Yu

Abstract: Recent advances in diffusion models have successfully enabled text-guided image inpainting. While it seems straightforward to extend such editing capability into the video domain, there have been fewer works regarding text-guided video inpainting. Given a video, a masked region at its initial frame, and an editing prompt, it requires a model to do infilling at each frame following the editing guidance while keeping the out-of-mask region intact. There are three main challenges in text-guided video inpainting: ($i$) temporal consistency of the edited video, ($ii$) supporting different inpainting types at different structural fidelity levels, and ($iii$) dealing with variable video length. To address these challenges, we introduce Any-Length Video Inpainting with Diffusion Model, dubbed as AVID. At its core, our model is equipped with effective motion modules and adjustable structure guidance, for fixed-length video inpainting. Building on top of that, we propose a novel Temporal MultiDiffusion sampling pipeline with a middle-frame attention guidance mechanism, facilitating the generation of videos with any desired duration. Our comprehensive experiments show our model can robustly deal with various inpainting types at different video duration ranges, with high quality. More visualization results are made publicly available at .


replace Emotional Speech-driven 3D Body Animation via Disentangled Latent Diffusion

Authors: Kiran Chhatre, Radek Dan\v{e}\v{c}ek, Nikos Athanasiou, Giorgio Becherini, Christopher Peters, Michael J. Black, Timo Bolkart

Abstract: Existing methods for synthesizing 3D human gestures from speech have shown promising results, but they do not explicitly model the impact of emotions on the generated gestures. Instead, these methods directly output animations from speech without control over the expressed emotion. To address this limitation, we present AMUSE, an emotional speech-driven body animation model based on latent diffusion. Our observation is that content (i.e., gestures related to speech rhythm and word utterances), emotion, and personal style are separable. To account for this, AMUSE maps the driving audio to three disentangled latent vectors: one for content, one for emotion, and one for personal style. A latent diffusion model, trained to generate gesture motion sequences, is then conditioned on these latent vectors. Once trained, AMUSE synthesizes 3D human gestures directly from speech with control over the expressed emotions and style by combining the content from the driving speech with the emotion and style of another speech sequence. Randomly sampling the noise of the diffusion model further generates variations of the gesture with the same emotional expressivity. Qualitative, quantitative, and perceptual evaluations demonstrate that AMUSE outputs realistic gesture sequences. Compared to the state of the art, the generated gestures are better synchronized with the speech content, and better represent the emotion expressed by the input speech. Our code is available at

replace Free3D: Consistent Novel View Synthesis without 3D Representation

Authors: Chuanxia Zheng, Andrea Vedaldi

Abstract: We introduce Free3D, a simple accurate method for monocular open-set novel view synthesis (NVS). Similar to Zero-1-to-3, we start from a pre-trained 2D image generator for generalization, and fine-tune it for NVS. Compared to other works that took a similar approach, we obtain significant improvements without resorting to an explicit 3D representation, which is slow and memory-consuming, and without training an additional network for 3D reconstruction. Our key contribution is to improve the way the target camera pose is encoded in the network, which we do by introducing a new ray conditioning normalization (RCN) layer. The latter injects pose information in the underlying 2D image generator by telling each pixel its viewing direction. We further improve multi-view consistency by using light-weight multi-view attention layers and by sharing generation noise between the different views. We train Free3D on the Objaverse dataset and demonstrate excellent generalization to new categories in new datasets, including OmniObject3D and GSO. The project page is available at


replace SPIDeRS: Structured Polarization for Invisible Depth and Reflectance Sensing

Authors: Tomoki Ichikawa, Shohei Nobuhara, Ko Nishino

Abstract: Can we capture shape and reflectance in stealth? Such capability would be valuable for many application domains in vision, xR, robotics, and HCI. We introduce structured polarization for invisible depth and reflectance sensing (SPIDeRS), the first depth and reflectance sensing method using patterns of polarized light. The key idea is to modulate the angle of linear polarization (AoLP) of projected light at each pixel. The use of polarization makes it invisible and lets us recover not only depth but also directly surface normals and even reflectance. We implement SPIDeRS with a liquid crystal spatial light modulator (SLM) and a polarimetric camera. We derive a novel method for robustly extracting the projected structured polarization pattern from the polarimetric object appearance. We evaluate the effectiveness of SPIDeRS by applying it to a number of real-world objects. The results show that our method successfully reconstructs object shapes of various materials and is robust to diffuse reflection and ambient light. We also demonstrate relighting using recovered surface normals and reflectance. We believe SPIDeRS opens a new avenue of polarization use in visual sensing.

replace Initialization Matters for Adversarial Transfer Learning

Authors: Andong Hua, Jindong Gu, Zhiyu Xue, Nicholas Carlini, Eric Wong, Yao Qin

Abstract: With the prevalence of the Pretraining-Finetuning paradigm in transfer learning, the robustness of downstream tasks has become a critical concern. In this work, we delve into adversarial robustness in transfer learning and reveal the critical role of initialization, including both the pretrained model and the linear head. First, we discover the necessity of an adversarially robust pretrained model. Specifically, we reveal that with a standard pretrained model, Parameter-Efficient Finetuning (PEFT) methods either fail to be adversarially robust or continue to exhibit significantly degraded adversarial robustness on downstream tasks, even with adversarial training during finetuning. Leveraging a robust pretrained model, surprisingly, we observe that a simple linear probing can outperform full finetuning and other PEFT methods with random initialization on certain datasets. We further identify that linear probing excels in preserving robustness from the robust pretraining. Based on this, we propose Robust Linear Initialization (RoLI) for adversarial finetuning, which initializes the linear head with the weights obtained by adversarial linear probing to maximally inherit the robustness from pretraining. Across five different image classification datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of RoLI and achieve new state-of-the-art results. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace Invariant Representation via Decoupling Style and Spurious Features from Images

Authors: Ruimeng Li, Yuanhao Pu, Zhaoyi Li, Hong Xie, Defu Lian

Abstract: This paper considers the out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization problem under the setting that both style distribution shift and spurious features exist and domain labels are missing. This setting frequently arises in real-world applications and is underlooked because previous approaches mainly handle either of these two factors. The critical challenge is decoupling style and spurious features in the absence of domain labels. To address this challenge, we first propose a structural causal model (SCM) for the image generation process, which captures both style distribution shift and spurious features. The proposed SCM enables us to design a new framework called IRSS, which can gradually separate style distribution and spurious features from images by introducing adversarial neural networks and multi-environment optimization, thus achieving OOD generalization. Moreover, it does not require additional supervision (e.g., domain labels) other than the images and their corresponding labels. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that IRSS outperforms traditional OOD methods and solves the problem of Invariant risk minimization (IRM) degradation, enabling the extraction of invariant features under distribution shift.

replace Grounded Question-Answering in Long Egocentric Videos

Authors: Shangzhe Di, Weidi Xie

Abstract: Existing approaches to video understanding, mainly designed for short videos from a third-person perspective, are limited in their applicability in certain fields, such as robotics. In this paper, we delve into open-ended question-answering (QA) in long, egocentric videos, which allows individuals or robots to inquire about their own past visual experiences. This task presents unique challenges, including the complexity of temporally grounding queries within extensive video content, the high resource demands for precise data annotation, and the inherent difficulty of evaluating open-ended answers due to their ambiguous nature. Our proposed approach tackles these challenges by (i) integrating query grounding and answering within a unified model to reduce error propagation; (ii) employing large language models for efficient and scalable data synthesis; and (iii) introducing a close-ended QA task for evaluation, to manage answer ambiguity. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, which also achieves state-of-the-art performance on the QaEgo4D and Ego4D-NLQ benchmarks. Code, data, and models are available at


replace Honeybee: Locality-enhanced Projector for Multimodal LLM

Authors: Junbum Cha, Wooyoung Kang, Jonghwan Mun, Byungseok Roh

Abstract: In Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), a visual projector plays a crucial role in bridging pre-trained vision encoders with LLMs, enabling profound visual understanding while harnessing the LLMs' robust capabilities. Despite the importance of the visual projector, it has been relatively less explored. In this study, we first identify two essential projector properties: (i) flexibility in managing the number of visual tokens, crucial for MLLMs' overall efficiency, and (ii) preservation of local context from visual features, vital for spatial understanding. Based on these findings, we propose a novel projector design that is both flexible and locality-enhanced, effectively satisfying the two desirable properties. Additionally, we present comprehensive strategies to effectively utilize multiple and multifaceted instruction datasets. Through extensive experiments, we examine the impact of individual design choices. Finally, our proposed MLLM, Honeybee, remarkably outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods across various benchmarks, including MME, MMBench, SEED-Bench, and LLaVA-Bench, achieving significantly higher efficiency. Code and models are available at


replace NViST: In the Wild New View Synthesis from a Single Image with Transformers

Authors: Wonbong Jang, Lourdes Agapito

Abstract: We propose NViST, a transformer-based model for efficient and generalizable novel-view synthesis from a single image for real-world scenes. In contrast to many methods that are trained on synthetic data, object-centred scenarios, or in a category-specific manner, NViST is trained on MVImgNet, a large-scale dataset of casually-captured real-world videos of hundreds of object categories with diverse backgrounds. NViST transforms image inputs directly into a radiance field, conditioned on camera parameters via adaptive layer normalisation. In practice, NViST exploits fine-tuned masked autoencoder (MAE) features and translates them to 3D output tokens via cross-attention, while addressing occlusions with self-attention. To move away from object-centred datasets and enable full scene synthesis, NViST adopts a 6-DOF camera pose model and only requires relative pose, dropping the need for canonicalization of the training data, which removes a substantial barrier to it being used on casually captured datasets. We show results on unseen objects and categories from MVImgNet and even generalization to casual phone captures. We conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluations on MVImgNet and ShapeNet to show that our model represents a step forward towards enabling true in-the-wild generalizable novel-view synthesis from a single image. Project webpage:


replace SKDF: A Simple Knowledge Distillation Framework for Distilling Open-Vocabulary Knowledge to Open-world Object Detector

Authors: Shuailei Ma, Yuefeng Wang, Ying Wei, Jiaqi Fan, Enming Zhang, Xinyu Sun, Peihao Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we attempt to specialize the VLM model for OWOD tasks by distilling its open-world knowledge into a language-agnostic detector. Surprisingly, we observe that the combination of a simple \textbf{knowledge distillation} approach and the automatic pseudo-labeling mechanism in OWOD can achieve better performance for unknown object detection, even with a small amount of data. Unfortunately, knowledge distillation for unknown objects severely affects the learning of detectors with conventional structures for known objects, leading to catastrophic forgetting. To alleviate these problems, we propose the \textbf{down-weight loss function} for knowledge distillation from vision-language to single vision modality. Meanwhile, we propose the \textbf{cascade decouple decoding structure} that decouples the learning of localization and recognition to reduce the impact of category interactions of known and unknown objects on the localization learning process. Ablation experiments demonstrate that both of them are effective in mitigating the impact of open-world knowledge distillation on the learning of known objects. Additionally, to alleviate the current lack of comprehensive benchmarks for evaluating the ability of the open-world detector to detect unknown objects in the open world, we propose two benchmarks, which we name "\textbf{StandardSet}$\heartsuit$" and "\textbf{IntensiveSet}$\spadesuit$" respectively, based on the complexity of their testing scenarios. Comprehensive experiments performed on OWOD, MS-COCO, and our proposed benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods. The code and proposed dataset are available at \url{}.


replace I'M HOI: Inertia-aware Monocular Capture of 3D Human-Object Interactions

Authors: Chengfeng Zhao, Juze Zhang, Jiashen Du, Ziwei Shan, Junye Wang, Jingyi Yu, Jingya Wang, Lan Xu

Abstract: We are living in a world surrounded by diverse and "smart" devices with rich modalities of sensing ability. Conveniently capturing the interactions between us humans and these objects remains far-reaching. In this paper, we present I'm-HOI, a monocular scheme to faithfully capture the 3D motions of both the human and object in a novel setting: using a minimal amount of RGB camera and object-mounted Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). It combines general motion inference and category-aware refinement. For the former, we introduce a holistic human-object tracking method to fuse the IMU signals and the RGB stream and progressively recover the human motions and subsequently the companion object motions. For the latter, we tailor a category-aware motion diffusion model, which is conditioned on both the raw IMU observations and the results from the previous stage under over-parameterization representation. It significantly refines the initial results and generates vivid body, hand, and object motions. Moreover, we contribute a large dataset with ground truth human and object motions, dense RGB inputs, and rich object-mounted IMU measurements. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of I'm-HOI under a hybrid capture setting. Our dataset and code will be released to the community.

replace LEMON: Learning 3D Human-Object Interaction Relation from 2D Images

Authors: Yuhang Yang, Wei Zhai, Hongchen Luo, Yang Cao, Zheng-Jun Zha

Abstract: Learning 3D human-object interaction relation is pivotal to embodied AI and interaction modeling. Most existing methods approach the goal by learning to predict isolated interaction elements, e.g., human contact, object affordance, and human-object spatial relation, primarily from the perspective of either the human or the object. Which underexploit certain correlations between the interaction counterparts (human and object), and struggle to address the uncertainty in interactions. Actually, objects' functionalities potentially affect humans' interaction intentions, which reveals what the interaction is. Meanwhile, the interacting humans and objects exhibit matching geometric structures, which presents how to interact. In light of this, we propose harnessing these inherent correlations between interaction counterparts to mitigate the uncertainty and jointly anticipate the above interaction elements in 3D space. To achieve this, we present LEMON (LEarning 3D huMan-Object iNteraction relation), a unified model that mines interaction intentions of the counterparts and employs curvatures to guide the extraction of geometric correlations, combining them to anticipate the interaction elements. Besides, the 3D Interaction Relation dataset (3DIR) is collected to serve as the test bed for training and evaluation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of LEMON over methods estimating each element in isolation.

replace OccNeRF: Advancing 3D Occupancy Prediction in LiDAR-Free Environments

Authors: Chubin Zhang, Juncheng Yan, Yi Wei, Jiaxin Li, Li Liu, Yansong Tang, Yueqi Duan, Jiwen Lu

Abstract: As a fundamental task of vision-based perception, 3D occupancy prediction reconstructs 3D structures of surrounding environments. It provides detailed information for autonomous driving planning and navigation. However, most existing methods heavily rely on the LiDAR point clouds to generate occupancy ground truth, which is not available in the vision-based system. In this paper, we propose an OccNeRF method for training occupancy networks without 3D supervision. Different from previous works which consider a bounded scene, we parameterize the reconstructed occupancy fields and reorganize the sampling strategy to align with the cameras' infinite perceptive range. The neural rendering is adopted to convert occupancy fields to multi-camera depth maps, supervised by multi-frame photometric consistency. Moreover, for semantic occupancy prediction, we design several strategies to polish the prompts and filter the outputs of a pretrained open-vocabulary 2D segmentation model. Extensive experiments for both self-supervised depth estimation and 3D occupancy prediction tasks on nuScenes and SemanticKITTI datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

replace LatentEditor: Text Driven Local Editing of 3D Scenes

Authors: Umar Khalid, Hasan Iqbal, Nazmul Karim, Jing Hua, Chen Chen

Abstract: While neural fields have made significant strides in view synthesis and scene reconstruction, editing them poses a formidable challenge due to their implicit encoding of geometry and texture information from multi-view inputs. In this paper, we introduce \textsc{LatentEditor}, an innovative framework designed to empower users with the ability to perform precise and locally controlled editing of neural fields using text prompts. Leveraging denoising diffusion models, we successfully embed real-world scenes into the latent space, resulting in a faster and more adaptable NeRF backbone for editing compared to traditional methods. To enhance editing precision, we introduce a delta score to calculate the 2D mask in the latent space that serves as a guide for local modifications while preserving irrelevant regions. Our novel pixel-level scoring approach harnesses the power of InstructPix2Pix (IP2P) to discern the disparity between IP2P conditional and unconditional noise predictions in the latent space. The edited latents conditioned on the 2D masks are then iteratively updated in the training set to achieve 3D local editing. Our approach achieves faster editing speeds and superior output quality compared to existing 3D editing models, bridging the gap between textual instructions and high-quality 3D scene editing in latent space. We show the superiority of our approach on four benchmark 3D datasets, LLFF, IN2N, NeRFStudio and NeRF-Art.

replace Collaborating Foundation Models for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Yasser Benigmim, Subhankar Roy, Slim Essid, Vicky Kalogeiton, St\'ephane Lathuili\`ere

Abstract: Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation (DGSS) deals with training a model on a labeled source domain with the aim of generalizing to unseen domains during inference. Existing DGSS methods typically effectuate robust features by means of Domain Randomization (DR). Such an approach is often limited as it can only account for style diversification and not content. In this work, we take an orthogonal approach to DGSS and propose to use an assembly of CoLlaborative FOUndation models for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation (CLOUDS). In detail, CLOUDS is a framework that integrates FMs of various kinds: (i) CLIP backbone for its robust feature representation, (ii) generative models to diversify the content, thereby covering various modes of the possible target distribution, and (iii) Segment Anything Model (SAM) for iteratively refining the predictions of the segmentation model. Extensive experiments show that our CLOUDS excels in adapting from synthetic to real DGSS benchmarks and under varying weather conditions, notably outperforming prior methods by 5.6% and 6.7% on averaged miou, respectively. The code is available at :


replace LogoStyleFool: Vitiating Video Recognition Systems via Logo Style Transfer

Authors: Yuxin Cao, Ziyu Zhao, Xi Xiao, Derui Wang, Minhui Xue, Jin Lu

Abstract: Video recognition systems are vulnerable to adversarial examples. Recent studies show that style transfer-based and patch-based unrestricted perturbations can effectively improve attack efficiency. These attacks, however, face two main challenges: 1) Adding large stylized perturbations to all pixels reduces the naturalness of the video and such perturbations can be easily detected. 2) Patch-based video attacks are not extensible to targeted attacks due to the limited search space of reinforcement learning that has been widely used in video attacks recently. In this paper, we focus on the video black-box setting and propose a novel attack framework named LogoStyleFool by adding a stylized logo to the clean video. We separate the attack into three stages: style reference selection, reinforcement-learning-based logo style transfer, and perturbation optimization. We solve the first challenge by scaling down the perturbation range to a regional logo, while the second challenge is addressed by complementing an optimization stage after reinforcement learning. Experimental results substantiate the overall superiority of LogoStyleFool over three state-of-the-art patch-based attacks in terms of attack performance and semantic preservation. Meanwhile, LogoStyleFool still maintains its performance against two existing patch-based defense methods. We believe that our research is beneficial in increasing the attention of the security community to such subregional style transfer attacks.

replace Open3DIS: Open-Vocabulary 3D Instance Segmentation with 2D Mask Guidance

Authors: Phuc D. A. Nguyen, Tuan Duc Ngo, Chuang Gan, Evangelos Kalogerakis, Anh Tran, Cuong Pham, Khoi Nguyen

Abstract: We introduce Open3DIS, a novel solution designed to tackle the problem of Open-Vocabulary Instance Segmentation within 3D scenes. Objects within 3D environments exhibit diverse shapes, scales, and colors, making precise instance-level identification a challenging task. Recent advancements in Open-Vocabulary scene understanding have made significant strides in this area by employing class-agnostic 3D instance proposal networks for object localization and learning queryable features for each 3D mask. While these methods produce high-quality instance proposals, they struggle with identifying small-scale and geometrically ambiguous objects. The key idea of our method is a new module that aggregates 2D instance masks across frames and maps them to geometrically coherent point cloud regions as high-quality object proposals addressing the above limitations. These are then combined with 3D class-agnostic instance proposals to include a wide range of objects in the real world. To validate our approach, we conducted experiments on three prominent datasets, including ScanNet200, S3DIS, and Replica, demonstrating significant performance gains in segmenting objects with diverse categories over the state-of-the-art approaches.

replace Open Vocabulary Semantic Scene Sketch Understanding

Authors: Ahmed Bourouis, Judith Ellen Fan, Yulia Gryaditskaya

Abstract: We study the underexplored but fundamental vision problem of machine understanding of abstract freehand scene sketches. We introduce a sketch encoder that results in semantically-aware feature space, which we evaluate by testing its performance on a semantic sketch segmentation task. To train our model we rely only on the availability of bitmap sketches with their brief captions and do not require any pixel-level annotations. To obtain generalization to a large set of sketches and categories, we build on a vision transformer encoder pretrained with the CLIP model. We freeze the text encoder and perform visual-prompt tuning of the visual encoder branch while introducing a set of critical modifications. Firstly, we augment the classical key-query (k-q) self-attention blocks with value-value (v-v) self-attention blocks. Central to our model is a two-level hierarchical network design that enables efficient semantic disentanglement: The first level ensures holistic scene sketch encoding, and the second level focuses on individual categories. We, then, in the second level of the hierarchy, introduce a cross-attention between textual and visual branches. Our method outperforms zero-shot CLIP pixel accuracy of segmentation results by 37 points, reaching an accuracy of $85.5\%$ on the FS-COCO sketch dataset. Finally, we conduct a user study that allows us to identify further improvements needed over our method to reconcile machine and human understanding of scene sketches.

replace NICP: Neural ICP for 3D Human Registration at Scale

Authors: Riccardo Marin, Enric Corona, Gerard Pons-Moll

Abstract: Aligning a template to 3D human point clouds is a long-standing problem crucial for tasks like animation, reconstruction, and enabling supervised learning pipelines. Recent data-driven methods leverage predicted surface correspondences; however, they are not robust to varied poses, identities, or noise. In contrast, industrial solutions often rely on expensive manual annotations or multi-view capturing systems. Recently, neural fields have shown promising results. Still, their purely data-driven and extrinsic nature does not incorporate any guidance toward the target surface, often resulting in a trivial misalignment of the template registration. Currently, no method can be considered the standard for 3D Human registration, limiting the scalability of downstream applications. In this work, we propose NSR, a pipeline that, for the first time, generalizes and scales across thousands of shapes and more than ten different data sources. Our essential contribution is NICP, an ICP-style self-supervised task tailored to neural fields. NICP takes a few seconds, is self-supervised, and works out of the box on pre-trained neural fields. We combine it with a localized Neural Field trained on a large MoCap dataset. NSR achieves the state of the art over public benchmarks, and the release of its code and checkpoints will provide the community with a powerful tool useful for many downstream tasks like dataset alignments, cleaning, or asset animation.

replace UniHuman: A Unified Model for Editing Human Images in the Wild

Authors: Nannan Li, Qing Liu, Krishna Kumar Singh, Yilin Wang, Jianming Zhang, Bryan A. Plummer, Zhe Lin

Abstract: Human image editing includes tasks like changing a person's pose, their clothing, or editing the image according to a text prompt. However, prior work often tackles these tasks separately, overlooking the benefit of mutual reinforcement from learning them jointly. In this paper, we propose UniHuman, a unified model that addresses multiple facets of human image editing in real-world settings. To enhance the model's generation quality and generalization capacity, we leverage guidance from human visual encoders and introduce a lightweight pose-warping module that can exploit different pose representations, accommodating unseen textures and patterns. Furthermore, to bridge the disparity between existing human editing benchmarks with real-world data, we curated 400K high-quality human image-text pairs for training and collected 2K human images for out-of-domain testing, both encompassing diverse clothing styles, backgrounds, and age groups. Experiments on both in-domain and out-of-domain test sets demonstrate that UniHuman outperforms task-specific models by a significant margin. In user studies, UniHuman is preferred by the users in an average of 77% of cases. Our project is available at


replace PACE: A Large-Scale Dataset with Pose Annotations in Cluttered Environments

Authors: Yang You, Kai Xiong, Zhening Yang, Zhengxiang Huang, Junwei Zhou, Ruoxi Shi, Zhou Fang, Adam W. Harley, Leonidas Guibas, Cewu Lu

Abstract: Pose estimation is a crucial task in computer vision and robotics, enabling the tracking and manipulation of objects in images or videos. While several datasets exist for pose estimation, there is a lack of large-scale datasets specifically focusing on cluttered scenes with occlusions. We introduce PACE (Pose Annotations in Cluttered Environments), a large-scale benchmark designed to advance the development and evaluation of pose estimation methods in cluttered scenarios. PACE consists of 54,945 frames with 257,673 annotations across 300 videos, covering 576 objects from 44 categories and featuring a mix of rigid and articulated items in cluttered scenes. To annotate the real-world data efficiently, we developed an innovative annotation system utilizing a calibrated 3-camera setup. We test state-of-the-art algorithms in PACE along two tracks: pose estimation, and object pose tracking, revealing the benchmark's challenges and research opportunities. Our code and data is available on


replace LangSplat: 3D Language Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Minghan Qin, Wanhua Li, Jiawei Zhou, Haoqian Wang, Hanspeter Pfister

Abstract: Humans live in a 3D world and commonly use natural language to interact with a 3D scene. Modeling a 3D language field to support open-ended language queries in 3D has gained increasing attention recently. This paper introduces LangSplat, which constructs a 3D language field that enables precise and efficient open-vocabulary querying within 3D spaces. Unlike existing methods that ground CLIP language embeddings in a NeRF model, LangSplat advances the field by utilizing a collection of 3D Gaussians, each encoding language features distilled from CLIP, to represent the language field. By employing a tile-based splatting technique for rendering language features, we circumvent the costly rendering process inherent in NeRF. Instead of directly learning CLIP embeddings, LangSplat first trains a scene-wise language autoencoder and then learns language features on the scene-specific latent space, thereby alleviating substantial memory demands imposed by explicit modeling. Existing methods struggle with imprecise and vague 3D language fields, which fail to discern clear boundaries between objects. We delve into this issue and propose to learn hierarchical semantics using SAM, thereby eliminating the need for extensively querying the language field across various scales and the regularization of DINO features. Extensive experimental results show that LangSplat significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art method LERF by a large margin. Notably, LangSplat is extremely efficient, achieving a 199 $\times$ speedup compared to LERF at the resolution of 1440 $\times$ 1080. We strongly recommend readers to check out our video results at


replace City-on-Web: Real-time Neural Rendering of Large-scale Scenes on the Web

Authors: Kaiwen Song, Xiaoyi Zeng, Chenqu Ren, Juyong Zhang

Abstract: Existing neural radiance field-based methods can achieve real-time rendering of small scenes on the web platform. However, extending these methods to large-scale scenes still poses significant challenges due to limited resources in computation, memory, and bandwidth. In this paper, we propose City-on-Web, the first method for real-time rendering of large-scale scenes on the web. We propose a block-based volume rendering method to guarantee 3D consistency and correct occlusion between blocks, and introduce a Level-of-Detail strategy combined with dynamic loading/unloading of resources to significantly reduce memory demands. Our system achieves real-time rendering of large-scale scenes at approximately 32FPS with RTX 3060 GPU on the web and maintains rendering quality comparable to the current state-of-the-art novel view synthesis methods.

replace EMAGE: Towards Unified Holistic Co-Speech Gesture Generation via Expressive Masked Audio Gesture Modeling

Authors: Haiyang Liu, Zihao Zhu, Giorgio Becherini, Yichen Peng, Mingyang Su, You Zhou, Xuefei Zhe, Naoya Iwamoto, Bo Zheng, Michael J. Black

Abstract: We propose EMAGE, a framework to generate full-body human gestures from audio and masked gestures, encompassing facial, local body, hands, and global movements. To achieve this, we first introduce BEAT2 (BEAT-SMPLX-FLAME), a new mesh-level holistic co-speech dataset. BEAT2 combines a MoShed SMPL-X body with FLAME head parameters and further refines the modeling of head, neck, and finger movements, offering a community-standardized, high-quality 3D motion captured dataset. EMAGE leverages masked body gesture priors during training to boost inference performance. It involves a Masked Audio Gesture Transformer, facilitating joint training on audio-to-gesture generation and masked gesture reconstruction to effectively encode audio and body gesture hints. Encoded body hints from masked gestures are then separately employed to generate facial and body movements. Moreover, EMAGE adaptively merges speech features from the audio's rhythm and content and utilizes four compositional VQ-VAEs to enhance the results' fidelity and diversity. Experiments demonstrate that EMAGE generates holistic gestures with state-of-the-art performance and is flexible in accepting predefined spatial-temporal gesture inputs, generating complete, audio-synchronized results. Our code and dataset are available


replace SteinDreamer: Variance Reduction for Text-to-3D Score Distillation via Stein Identity

Authors: Peihao Wang, Zhiwen Fan, Dejia Xu, Dilin Wang, Sreyas Mohan, Forrest Iandola, Rakesh Ranjan, Yilei Li, Qiang Liu, Zhangyang Wang, Vikas Chandra

Abstract: Score distillation has emerged as one of the most prevalent approaches for text-to-3D asset synthesis. Essentially, score distillation updates 3D parameters by lifting and back-propagating scores averaged over different views. In this paper, we reveal that the gradient estimation in score distillation is inherent to high variance. Through the lens of variance reduction, the effectiveness of SDS and VSD can be interpreted as applications of various control variates to the Monte Carlo estimator of the distilled score. Motivated by this rethinking and based on Stein's identity, we propose a more general solution to reduce variance for score distillation, termed Stein Score Distillation (SSD). SSD incorporates control variates constructed by Stein identity, allowing for arbitrary baseline functions. This enables us to include flexible guidance priors and network architectures to explicitly optimize for variance reduction. In our experiments, the overall pipeline, dubbed SteinDreamer, is implemented by instantiating the control variate with a monocular depth estimator. The results suggest that SSD can effectively reduce the distillation variance and consistently improve visual quality for both object- and scene-level generation. Moreover, we demonstrate that SteinDreamer achieves faster convergence than existing methods due to more stable gradient updates.

replace Video-GroundingDINO: Towards Open-Vocabulary Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding

Authors: Syed Talal Wasim, Muzammal Naseer, Salman Khan, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Abstract: Video grounding aims to localize a spatio-temporal section in a video corresponding to an input text query. This paper addresses a critical limitation in current video grounding methodologies by introducing an Open-Vocabulary Spatio-Temporal Video Grounding task. Unlike prevalent closed-set approaches that struggle with open-vocabulary scenarios due to limited training data and predefined vocabularies, our model leverages pre-trained representations from foundational spatial grounding models. This empowers it to effectively bridge the semantic gap between natural language and diverse visual content, achieving strong performance in closed-set and open-vocabulary settings. Our contributions include a novel spatio-temporal video grounding model, surpassing state-of-the-art results in closed-set evaluations on multiple datasets and demonstrating superior performance in open-vocabulary scenarios. Notably, the proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods in closed-set settings on VidSTG (Declarative and Interrogative) and HC-STVG (V1 and V2) datasets. Furthermore, in open-vocabulary evaluations on HC-STVG V1 and YouCook-Interactions, our model surpasses the recent best-performing models by $4.88$ m_vIoU and $1.83\%$ accuracy, demonstrating its efficacy in handling diverse linguistic and visual concepts for improved video understanding. Our codes will be publicly released.

replace Taming Mode Collapse in Score Distillation for Text-to-3D Generation

Authors: Peihao Wang, Dejia Xu, Zhiwen Fan, Dilin Wang, Sreyas Mohan, Forrest Iandola, Rakesh Ranjan, Yilei Li, Qiang Liu, Zhangyang Wang, Vikas Chandra

Abstract: Despite the remarkable performance of score distillation in text-to-3D generation, such techniques notoriously suffer from view inconsistency issues, also known as "Janus" artifact, where the generated objects fake each view with multiple front faces. Although empirically effective methods have approached this problem via score debiasing or prompt engineering, a more rigorous perspective to explain and tackle this problem remains elusive. In this paper, we reveal that the existing score distillation-based text-to-3D generation frameworks degenerate to maximal likelihood seeking on each view independently and thus suffer from the mode collapse problem, manifesting as the Janus artifact in practice. To tame mode collapse, we improve score distillation by re-establishing the entropy term in the corresponding variational objective, which is applied to the distribution of rendered images. Maximizing the entropy encourages diversity among different views in generated 3D assets, thereby mitigating the Janus problem. Based on this new objective, we derive a new update rule for 3D score distillation, dubbed Entropic Score Distillation (ESD). We theoretically reveal that ESD can be simplified and implemented by just adopting the classifier-free guidance trick upon variational score distillation. Although embarrassingly straightforward, our extensive experiments successfully demonstrate that ESD can be an effective treatment for Janus artifacts in score distillation.

replace Incorporating Geo-Diverse Knowledge into Prompting for Increased Geographical Robustness in Object Recognition

Authors: Kyle Buettner, Sina Malakouti, Xiang Lorraine Li, Adriana Kovashka

Abstract: Existing object recognition models have been shown to lack robustness in diverse geographical scenarios due to domain shifts in design and context. Class representations need to be adapted to more accurately reflect an object concept under these shifts. In the absence of training data from target geographies, we hypothesize that geographically diverse descriptive knowledge of categories can enhance robustness. For this purpose, we explore the feasibility of probing a large language model for geography-based object knowledge, and we examine the effects of integrating knowledge into zero-shot and learnable soft prompting with CLIP. Within this exploration, we propose geography knowledge regularization to ensure that soft prompts trained on a source set of geographies generalize to an unseen target set. Accuracy gains over prompting baselines on DollarStreet while training only on Europe data are up to +2.8/1.2/1.6 on target data from Africa/Asia/Americas, and +4.6 overall on the hardest classes. Competitive performance is shown vs. few-shot target training, and analysis is provided to direct future study of geographical robustness.

replace Learning the 3D Fauna of the Web

Authors: Zizhang Li, Dor Litvak, Ruining Li, Yunzhi Zhang, Tomas Jakab, Christian Rupprecht, Shangzhe Wu, Andrea Vedaldi, Jiajun Wu

Abstract: Learning 3D models of all animals on the Earth requires massively scaling up existing solutions. With this ultimate goal in mind, we develop 3D-Fauna, an approach that learns a pan-category deformable 3D animal model for more than 100 animal species jointly. One crucial bottleneck of modeling animals is the limited availability of training data, which we overcome by simply learning from 2D Internet images. We show that prior category-specific attempts fail to generalize to rare species with limited training images. We address this challenge by introducing the Semantic Bank of Skinned Models (SBSM), which automatically discovers a small set of base animal shapes by combining geometric inductive priors with semantic knowledge implicitly captured by an off-the-shelf self-supervised feature extractor. To train such a model, we also contribute a new large-scale dataset of diverse animal species. At inference time, given a single image of any quadruped animal, our model reconstructs an articulated 3D mesh in a feed-forward fashion within seconds.

replace Fun with Flags: Robust Principal Directions via Flag Manifolds

Authors: Nathan Mankovich, Gustau Camps-Valls, Tolga Birdal

Abstract: Principal component analysis (PCA), along with its extensions to manifolds and outlier contaminated data, have been indispensable in computer vision and machine learning. In this work, we present a unifying formalism for PCA and its variants, and introduce a framework based on the flags of linear subspaces, ie a hierarchy of nested linear subspaces of increasing dimension, which not only allows for a common implementation but also yields novel variants, not explored previously. We begin by generalizing traditional PCA methods that either maximize variance or minimize reconstruction error. We expand these interpretations to develop a wide array of new dimensionality reduction algorithms by accounting for outliers and the data manifold. To devise a common computational approach, we recast robust and dual forms of PCA as optimization problems on flag manifolds. We then integrate tangent space approximations of principal geodesic analysis (tangent-PCA) into this flag-based framework, creating novel robust and dual geodesic PCA variations. The remarkable flexibility offered by the 'flagification' introduced here enables even more algorithmic variants identified by specific flag types. Last but not least, we propose an effective convergent solver for these flag-formulations employing the Stiefel manifold. Our empirical results on both real-world and synthetic scenarios, demonstrate the superiority of our novel algorithms, especially in terms of robustness to outliers on manifolds.

replace Dr$^2$Net: Dynamic Reversible Dual-Residual Networks for Memory-Efficient Finetuning

Authors: Chen Zhao, Shuming Liu, Karttikeya Mangalam, Guocheng Qian, Fatimah Zohra, Abdulmohsen Alghannam, Jitendra Malik, Bernard Ghanem

Abstract: Large pretrained models are increasingly crucial in modern computer vision tasks. These models are typically used in downstream tasks by end-to-end finetuning, which is highly memory-intensive for tasks with high-resolution data, e.g., video understanding, small object detection, and point cloud analysis. In this paper, we propose Dynamic Reversible Dual-Residual Networks, or Dr$^2$Net, a novel family of network architectures that acts as a surrogate network to finetune a pretrained model with substantially reduced memory consumption. Dr$^2$Net contains two types of residual connections, one maintaining the residual structure in the pretrained models, and the other making the network reversible. Due to its reversibility, intermediate activations, which can be reconstructed from output, are cleared from memory during training. We use two coefficients on either type of residual connections respectively, and introduce a dynamic training strategy that seamlessly transitions the pretrained model to a reversible network with much higher numerical precision. We evaluate Dr$^2$Net on various pretrained models and various tasks, and show that it can reach comparable performance to conventional finetuning but with significantly less memory usage.

replace HiCMAE: Hierarchical Contrastive Masked Autoencoder for Self-Supervised Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition

Authors: Licai Sun, Zheng Lian, Bin Liu, Jianhua Tao

Abstract: Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition (AVER) has garnered increasing attention in recent years for its critical role in creating emotion-ware intelligent machines. Previous efforts in this area are dominated by the supervised learning paradigm. Despite significant progress, supervised learning is meeting its bottleneck due to the longstanding data scarcity issue in AVER. Motivated by recent advances in self-supervised learning, we propose Hierarchical Contrastive Masked Autoencoder (HiCMAE), a novel self-supervised framework that leverages large-scale self-supervised pre-training on vast unlabeled audio-visual data to promote the advancement of AVER. Following prior arts in self-supervised audio-visual representation learning, HiCMAE adopts two primary forms of self-supervision for pre-training, namely masked data modeling and contrastive learning. Unlike them which focus exclusively on top-layer representations while neglecting explicit guidance of intermediate layers, HiCMAE develops a three-pronged strategy to foster hierarchical audio-visual feature learning and improve the overall quality of learned representations. To verify the effectiveness of HiCMAE, we conduct extensive experiments on 9 datasets covering both categorical and dimensional AVER tasks. Experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art supervised and self-supervised audio-visual methods, which indicates that HiCMAE is a powerful audio-visual emotion representation learner. Codes and models will be publicly available at


replace 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Multi-Person in Clothing from a Single Image

Authors: Junuk Cha, Hansol Lee, Jaewon Kim, Nhat Nguyen Bao Truong, Jae Shin Yoon, Seungryul Baek

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel pipeline to reconstruct the geometry of interacting multi-person in clothing on a globally coherent scene space from a single image. The main challenge arises from the occlusion: a part of a human body is not visible from a single view due to the occlusion by others or the self, which introduces missing geometry and physical implausibility (e.g., penetration). We overcome this challenge by utilizing two human priors for complete 3D geometry and surface contacts. For the geometry prior, an encoder learns to regress the image of a person with missing body parts to the latent vectors; a decoder decodes these vectors to produce 3D features of the associated geometry; and an implicit network combines these features with a surface normal map to reconstruct a complete and detailed 3D humans. For the contact prior, we develop an image-space contact detector that outputs a probability distribution of surface contacts between people in 3D. We use these priors to globally refine the body poses, enabling the penetration-free and accurate reconstruction of interacting multi-person in clothing on the scene space. The results demonstrate that our method is complete, globally coherent, and physically plausible compared to existing methods.

replace SHINOBI: Shape and Illumination using Neural Object Decomposition via BRDF Optimization In-the-wild

Authors: Andreas Engelhardt, Amit Raj, Mark Boss, Yunzhi Zhang, Abhishek Kar, Yuanzhen Li, Deqing Sun, Ricardo Martin Brualla, Jonathan T. Barron, Hendrik P. A. Lensch, Varun Jampani

Abstract: We present SHINOBI, an end-to-end framework for the reconstruction of shape, material, and illumination from object images captured with varying lighting, pose, and background. Inverse rendering of an object based on unconstrained image collections is a long-standing challenge in computer vision and graphics and requires a joint optimization over shape, radiance, and pose. We show that an implicit shape representation based on a multi-resolution hash encoding enables faster and robust shape reconstruction with joint camera alignment optimization that outperforms prior work. Further, to enable the editing of illumination and object reflectance (i.e. material) we jointly optimize BRDF and illumination together with the object's shape. Our method is class-agnostic and works on in-the-wild image collections of objects to produce relightable 3D assets for several use cases such as AR/VR, movies, games, etc. Project page: Video:


replace Sat2Scene: 3D Urban Scene Generation from Satellite Images with Diffusion

Authors: Zuoyue Li, Zhenqiang Li, Zhaopeng Cui, Marc Pollefeys, Martin R. Oswald

Abstract: Directly generating scenes from satellite imagery offers exciting possibilities for integration into applications like games and map services. However, challenges arise from significant view changes and scene scale. Previous efforts mainly focused on image or video generation, lacking exploration into the adaptability of scene generation for arbitrary views. Existing 3D generation works either operate at the object level or are difficult to utilize the geometry obtained from satellite imagery. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel architecture for direct 3D scene generation by introducing diffusion models into 3D sparse representations and combining them with neural rendering techniques. Specifically, our approach generates texture colors at the point level for a given geometry using a 3D diffusion model first, which is then transformed into a scene representation in a feed-forward manner. The representation can be utilized to render arbitrary views which would excel in both single-frame quality and inter-frame consistency. Experiments in two city-scale datasets show that our model demonstrates proficiency in generating photo-realistic street-view image sequences and cross-view urban scenes from satellite imagery.

replace An Extensible Framework for Open Heterogeneous Collaborative Perception

Authors: Yifan Lu, Yue Hu, Yiqi Zhong, Dequan Wang, Yanfeng Wang, Siheng Chen

Abstract: Collaborative perception aims to mitigate the limitations of single-agent perception, such as occlusions, by facilitating data exchange among multiple agents. However, most current works consider a homogeneous scenario where all agents use identity sensors and perception models. In reality, heterogeneous agent types may continually emerge and inevitably face a domain gap when collaborating with existing agents. In this paper, we introduce a new open heterogeneous problem: how to accommodate continually emerging new heterogeneous agent types into collaborative perception, while ensuring high perception performance and low integration cost? To address this problem, we propose HEterogeneous ALliance (HEAL), a novel extensible collaborative perception framework. HEAL first establishes a unified feature space with initial agents via a novel multi-scale foreground-aware Pyramid Fusion network. When heterogeneous new agents emerge with previously unseen modalities or models, we align them to the established unified space with an innovative backward alignment. This step only involves individual training on the new agent type, thus presenting extremely low training costs and high extensibility. To enrich agents' data heterogeneity, we bring OPV2V-H, a new large-scale dataset with more diverse sensor types. Extensive experiments on OPV2V-H and DAIR-V2X datasets show that HEAL surpasses SOTA methods in performance while reducing the training parameters by 91.5% when integrating 3 new agent types. We further implement a comprehensive codebase at:


replace Rapid post-disaster infrastructure damage characterisation enabled by remote sensing and deep learning technologies -- a tiered approach

Authors: Nadiia Kopiika, Andreas Karavias, Pavlos Krassakis, Zehao Ye, Jelena Ninic, Nataliya Shakhovska, Nikolaos Koukouzas, Sotirios Argyroudis, Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis

Abstract: Critical infrastructure are systematically targeted during wars and extensive natural disasters because critical infrastructure is vital for enabling connectivity and transportation of people and goods, and hence, underpins national and international economic growth. Mass destruction of transport assets, in conjunction with minimal or no accessibility in the wake of natural and anthropogenic disasters, prevents us from delivering rapid recovery and adaptation. A solution to this challenge is to use technology that enables stand-off observations. Nevertheless, no methods exist for the integrated characterisation of damage at multiple scales, i.e. regional, asset, and structural scales, while there is no systematic correlation between infrastructure damage assessments across these scales. We propose a methodology based on an integrated multi-scale tiered approach to fill this capability gap. In doing so, we demonstrate how damage characterisation can be enabled by fit-for-purpose digital technologies. Next, the methodology is applied and validated to a case study in Ukraine that includes 17 bridges all damages by human targeted interventions. From macro to micro, we deploy technology to integrate assessments at scale, using from Sentinel-1 SAR images, crowdsourced information, and high-resolution images to deep learning to characterise infrastructure damage. For the first time, the interferometric coherence difference and semantic segmentation of images were deployed to improve the reliability of damage characterisations at different scales, i.e. regional, infrastructure asset and component, with the aim of enhancing the damage characterisation accuracy. This integrated approach accelerates decision-making, and therefore, facilitates more efficient restoration and adaptation efforts, ultimately fostering resilience into our infrastructure.

replace AttackNet: Enhancing Biometric Security via Tailored Convolutional Neural Network Architectures for Liveness Detection

Authors: Oleksandr Kuznetsov, Dmytro Zakharov, Emanuele Frontoni, Andrea Maranesi

Abstract: Biometric security is the cornerstone of modern identity verification and authentication systems, where the integrity and reliability of biometric samples is of paramount importance. This paper introduces AttackNet, a bespoke Convolutional Neural Network architecture, meticulously designed to combat spoofing threats in biometric systems. Rooted in deep learning methodologies, this model offers a layered defense mechanism, seamlessly transitioning from low-level feature extraction to high-level pattern discernment. Three distinctive architectural phases form the crux of the model, each underpinned by judiciously chosen activation functions, normalization techniques, and dropout layers to ensure robustness and resilience against adversarial attacks. Benchmarking our model across diverse datasets affirms its prowess, showcasing superior performance metrics in comparison to contemporary models. Furthermore, a detailed comparative analysis accentuates the model's efficacy, drawing parallels with prevailing state-of-the-art methodologies. Through iterative refinement and an informed architectural strategy, AttackNet underscores the potential of deep learning in safeguarding the future of biometric security.

replace Dual-View Visual Contextualization for Web Navigation

Authors: Jihyung Kil, Chan Hee Song, Boyuan Zheng, Xiang Deng, Yu Su, Wei-Lun Chao

Abstract: Automatic web navigation aims to build a web agent that can follow language instructions to execute complex and diverse tasks on real-world websites. Existing work primarily takes HTML documents as input, which define the contents and action spaces (i.e., actionable elements and operations) of webpages. Nevertheless, HTML documents may not provide a clear task-related context for each element, making it hard to select the right (sequence of) actions. In this paper, we propose to contextualize HTML elements through their "dual views" in webpage screenshots: each HTML element has its corresponding bounding box and visual content in the screenshot. We build upon the insight -- web developers tend to arrange task-related elements nearby on webpages to enhance user experiences -- and propose to contextualize each element with its neighbor elements, using both textual and visual features. The resulting representations of HTML elements are more informative for the agent to take action. We validate our method on the recently released Mind2Web dataset, which features diverse navigation domains and tasks on real-world websites. Our method consistently outperforms the baseline in all the scenarios, including cross-task, cross-website, and cross-domain ones.

replace Adaptive Surface Normal Constraint for Geometric Estimation from Monocular Images

Authors: Xiaoxiao Long, Yuhang Zheng, Yupeng Zheng, Beiwen Tian, Cheng Lin, Lingjie Liu, Hao Zhao, Guyue Zhou, Wenping Wang

Abstract: We introduce a novel approach to learn geometries such as depth and surface normal from images while incorporating geometric context. The difficulty of reliably capturing geometric context in existing methods impedes their ability to accurately enforce the consistency between the different geometric properties, thereby leading to a bottleneck of geometric estimation quality. We therefore propose the Adaptive Surface Normal (ASN) constraint, a simple yet efficient method. Our approach extracts geometric context that encodes the geometric variations present in the input image and correlates depth estimation with geometric constraints. By dynamically determining reliable local geometry from randomly sampled candidates, we establish a surface normal constraint, where the validity of these candidates is evaluated using the geometric context. Furthermore, our normal estimation leverages the geometric context to prioritize regions that exhibit significant geometric variations, which makes the predicted normals accurately capture intricate and detailed geometric information. Through the integration of geometric context, our method unifies depth and surface normal estimations within a cohesive framework, which enables the generation of high-quality 3D geometry from images. We validate the superiority of our approach over state-of-the-art methods through extensive evaluations and comparisons on diverse indoor and outdoor datasets, showcasing its efficiency and robustness.

replace LLMs as Bridges: Reformulating Grounded Multimodal Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Jinyuan Li, Han Li, Di Sun, Jiahao Wang, Wenkun Zhang, Zan Wang, Gang Pan

Abstract: Grounded Multimodal Named Entity Recognition (GMNER) is a nascent multimodal task that aims to identify named entities, entity types and their corresponding visual regions. GMNER task exhibits two challenging properties: 1) The weak correlation between image-text pairs in social media results in a significant portion of named entities being ungroundable. 2) There exists a distinction between coarse-grained referring expressions commonly used in similar tasks (e.g., phrase localization, referring expression comprehension) and fine-grained named entities. In this paper, we propose RiVEG, a unified framework that reformulates GMNER into a joint MNER-VE-VG task by leveraging large language models (LLMs) as a connecting bridge. This reformulation brings two benefits: 1) It maintains the optimal MNER performance and eliminates the need for employing object detection methods to pre-extract regional features, thereby naturally addressing two major limitations of existing GMNER methods. 2) The introduction of entity expansion expression and Visual Entailment (VE) Module unifies Visual Grounding (VG) and Entity Grounding (EG). It enables RiVEG to effortlessly inherit the Visual Entailment and Visual Grounding capabilities of any current or prospective multimodal pretraining models. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RiVEG outperforms state-of-the-art methods on the existing GMNER dataset and achieves absolute leads of 10.65%, 6.21%, and 8.83% in all three subtasks.

replace Open3DSG: Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs from Point Clouds with Queryable Objects and Open-Set Relationships

Authors: Sebastian Koch, Narunas Vaskevicius, Mirco Colosi, Pedro Hermosilla, Timo Ropinski

Abstract: Current approaches for 3D scene graph prediction rely on labeled datasets to train models for a fixed set of known object classes and relationship categories. We present Open3DSG, an alternative approach to learn 3D scene graph prediction in an open world without requiring labeled scene graph data. We co-embed the features from a 3D scene graph prediction backbone with the feature space of powerful open world 2D vision language foundation models. This enables us to predict 3D scene graphs from 3D point clouds in a zero-shot manner by querying object classes from an open vocabulary and predicting the inter-object relationships from a grounded LLM with scene graph features and queried object classes as context. Open3DSG is the first 3D point cloud method to predict not only explicit open-vocabulary object classes, but also open-set relationships that are not limited to a predefined label set, making it possible to express rare as well as specific objects and relationships in the predicted 3D scene graph. Our experiments show that Open3DSG is effective at predicting arbitrary object classes as well as their complex inter-object relationships describing spatial, supportive, semantic and comparative relationships.

replace DriveVLM: The Convergence of Autonomous Driving and Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Xiaoyu Tian, Junru Gu, Bailin Li, Yicheng Liu, Chenxu Hu, Yang Wang, Kun Zhan, Peng Jia, Xianpeng Lang, Hang Zhao

Abstract: A primary hurdle of autonomous driving in urban environments is understanding complex and long-tail scenarios, such as challenging road conditions and delicate human behaviors. We introduce DriveVLM, an autonomous driving system leveraging Vision-Language Models (VLMs) for enhanced scene understanding and planning capabilities. DriveVLM integrates a unique combination of chain-of-thought (CoT) modules for scene description, scene analysis, and hierarchical planning. Furthermore, recognizing the limitations of VLMs in spatial reasoning and heavy computational requirements, we propose DriveVLM-Dual, a hybrid system that synergizes the strengths of DriveVLM with the traditional autonomous driving pipeline. DriveVLM-Dual achieves robust spatial understanding and real-time inference speed. Extensive experiments on both the nuScenes dataset and our SUP-AD dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of DriveVLM and the enhanced performance of DriveVLM-Dual, surpassing existing methods in complex and unpredictable driving conditions.

replace Object-level Geometric Structure Preserving for Natural Image Stitching

Authors: Wenxiao Cai, Wankou Yang

Abstract: The topic of stitching images with globally natural structures holds paramount significance. Current methodologies exhibit the ability to preserve local geometric structures, yet fall short in maintaining relationships between these geometric structures. In this paper, we endeavor to safeguard the overall, OBJect-level structures within images based on Global Similarity Prior, while concurrently mitigating distortion and ghosting artifacts with OBJ-GSP. Our approach leverages the Segment Anything Model to extract geometric structures with semantic information, enhancing the algorithm's ability to preserve objects in a manner that aligns more intuitively with human perception. We seek to identify spatial constraints that govern the relationships between various geometric boundaries. Recognizing that multiple geometric boundaries collectively define complete objects, we employ triangular meshes to safeguard not only individual geometric structures but also the overall shapes of objects within the images. Empirical evaluations across multiple image stitching datasets demonstrate that our method establishes a new state-of-the-art benchmark in image stitching. Our implementation and dataset is publicly available at .


replace Video-Based Autism Detection with Deep Learning

Authors: M. Serna-Aguilera, X. B. Nguyen, A. Singh, L. Rockers, S. Park, L. Neely, H. Seo, K. Luu

Abstract: Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) often experience challenges in health, communication, and sensory processing; therefore, early diagnosis is necessary for proper treatment and care. In this work, we consider the problem of detecting or classifying ASD children to aid medical professionals in early diagnosis. We develop a deep learning model that analyzes video clips of children reacting to sensory stimuli, with the intent of capturing key differences in reactions and behavior between ASD and non-ASD participants. Unlike many recent studies in ASD classification with MRI data, which require expensive specialized equipment, our method utilizes a powerful but relatively affordable GPU, a standard computer setup, and a video camera for inference. Results show that our model effectively generalizes and understands key differences in the distinct movements of the children. It is noteworthy that our model exhibits successful classification performance despite the limited amount of data for a deep learning problem and limited temporal information available for learning, even with the motion artifacts.

replace VRP-SAM: SAM with Visual Reference Prompt

Authors: Yanpeng Sun, Jiahui Chen, Shan Zhang, Xinyu Zhang, Qiang Chen, Gang Zhang, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang, Zechao Li

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel Visual Reference Prompt (VRP) encoder that empowers the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to utilize annotated reference images as prompts for segmentation, creating the VRP-SAM model. In essence, VRP-SAM can utilize annotated reference images to comprehend specific objects and perform segmentation of specific objects in target image. It is note that the VRP encoder can support a variety of annotation formats for reference images, including \textbf{point}, \textbf{box}, \textbf{scribble}, and \textbf{mask}. VRP-SAM achieves a breakthrough within the SAM framework by extending its versatility and applicability while preserving SAM's inherent strengths, thus enhancing user-friendliness. To enhance the generalization ability of VRP-SAM, the VRP encoder adopts a meta-learning strategy. To validate the effectiveness of VRP-SAM, we conducted extensive empirical studies on the Pascal and COCO datasets. Remarkably, VRP-SAM achieved state-of-the-art performance in visual reference segmentation with minimal learnable parameters. Furthermore, VRP-SAM demonstrates strong generalization capabilities, allowing it to perform segmentation of unseen objects and enabling cross-domain segmentation. The source code and models will be available at \url{}


replace Gradient Reweighting: Towards Imbalanced Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Jiangpeng He, Fengqing Zhu

Abstract: Class-Incremental Learning (CIL) trains a model to continually recognize new classes from non-stationary data while retaining learned knowledge. A major challenge of CIL arises when applying to real-world data characterized by non-uniform distribution, which introduces a dual imbalance problem involving (i) disparities between stored exemplars of old tasks and new class data (inter-phase imbalance), and (ii) severe class imbalances within each individual task (intra-phase imbalance). We show that this dual imbalance issue causes skewed gradient updates with biased weights in FC layers, thus inducing over/under-fitting and catastrophic forgetting in CIL. Our method addresses it by reweighting the gradients towards balanced optimization and unbiased classifier learning. Additionally, we observe imbalanced forgetting where paradoxically the instance-rich classes suffer higher performance degradation during CIL due to a larger amount of training data becoming unavailable in subsequent learning phases. To tackle this, we further introduce a distribution-aware knowledge distillation loss to mitigate forgetting by aligning output logits proportionally with the distribution of lost training data. We validate our method on CIFAR-100, ImageNetSubset, and Food101 across various evaluation protocols and demonstrate consistent improvements compared to existing works, showing great potential to apply CIL in real-world scenarios with enhanced robustness and effectiveness.

replace Modality-Agnostic Structural Image Representation Learning for Deformable Multi-Modality Medical Image Registration

Authors: Tony C. W. Mok, Zi Li, Yunhao Bai, Jianpeng Zhang, Wei Liu, Yan-Jie Zhou, Ke Yan, Dakai Jin, Yu Shi, Xiaoli Yin, Le Lu, Ling Zhang

Abstract: Establishing dense anatomical correspondence across distinct imaging modalities is a foundational yet challenging procedure for numerous medical image analysis studies and image-guided radiotherapy. Existing multi-modality image registration algorithms rely on statistical-based similarity measures or local structural image representations. However, the former is sensitive to locally varying noise, while the latter is not discriminative enough to cope with complex anatomical structures in multimodal scans, causing ambiguity in determining the anatomical correspondence across scans with different modalities. In this paper, we propose a modality-agnostic structural representation learning method, which leverages Deep Neighbourhood Self-similarity (DNS) and anatomy-aware contrastive learning to learn discriminative and contrast-invariance deep structural image representations (DSIR) without the need for anatomical delineations or pre-aligned training images. We evaluate our method on multiphase CT, abdomen MR-CT, and brain MR T1w-T2w registration. Comprehensive results demonstrate that our method is superior to the conventional local structural representation and statistical-based similarity measures in terms of discriminability and accuracy.

replace CricaVPR: Cross-image Correlation-aware Representation Learning for Visual Place Recognition

Authors: Feng Lu, Xiangyuan Lan, Lijun Zhang, Dongmei Jiang, Yaowei Wang, Chun Yuan

Abstract: Over the past decade, most methods in visual place recognition (VPR) have used neural networks to produce feature representations. These networks typically produce a global representation of a place image using only this image itself and neglect the cross-image variations (e.g. viewpoint and illumination), which limits their robustness in challenging scenes. In this paper, we propose a robust global representation method with cross-image correlation awareness for VPR, named CricaVPR. Our method uses the attention mechanism to correlate multiple images within a batch. These images can be taken in the same place with different conditions or viewpoints, or even captured from different places. Therefore, our method can utilize the cross-image variations as a cue to guide the representation learning, which ensures more robust features are produced. To further facilitate the robustness, we propose a multi-scale convolution-enhanced adaptation method to adapt pre-trained visual foundation models to the VPR task, which introduces the multi-scale local information to further enhance the cross-image correlation-aware representation. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a large margin with significantly less training time. The code is released at


replace Point Cloud Mamba: Point Cloud Learning via State Space Model

Authors: Tao Zhang, Xiangtai Li, Haobo Yuan, Shunping Ji, Shuicheng Yan

Abstract: In this work, for the first time, we demonstrate that Mamba-based point cloud methods can outperform point-based methods. Mamba exhibits strong global modeling capabilities and linear computational complexity, making it highly attractive for point cloud analysis. To enable more effective processing of 3-D point cloud data by Mamba, we propose a novel Consistent Traverse Serialization to convert point clouds into 1-D point sequences while ensuring that neighboring points in the sequence are also spatially adjacent. Consistent Traverse Serialization yields six variants by permuting the order of x, y, and z coordinates, and the synergistic use of these variants aids Mamba in comprehensively observing point cloud data. Furthermore, to assist Mamba in handling point sequences with different orders more effectively, we introduce point prompts to inform Mamba of the sequence's arrangement rules. Finally, we propose positional encoding based on spatial coordinate mapping to inject positional information into point cloud sequences better. Based on these improvements, we construct a point cloud network named Point Cloud Mamba, which combines local and global modeling. Point Cloud Mamba surpasses the SOTA point-based method PointNeXt and achieves new SOTA performance on the ScanObjectNN, ModelNet40, and ShapeNetPart datasets.

replace Unsigned Orthogonal Distance Fields: An Accurate Neural Implicit Representation for Diverse 3D Shapes

Authors: Yujie Lu, Long Wan, Nayu Ding, Yulong Wang, Shuhan Shen, Shen Cai, Lin Gao

Abstract: Neural implicit representation of geometric shapes has witnessed considerable advancements in recent years. However, common distance field based implicit representations, specifically signed distance field (SDF) for watertight shapes or unsigned distance field (UDF) for arbitrary shapes, routinely suffer from degradation of reconstruction accuracy when converting to explicit surface points and meshes. In this paper, we introduce a novel neural implicit representation based on unsigned orthogonal distance fields (UODFs). In UODFs, the minimal unsigned distance from any spatial point to the shape surface is defined solely in one orthogonal direction, contrasting with the multi-directional determination made by SDF and UDF. Consequently, every point in the 3D UODFs can directly access its closest surface points along three orthogonal directions. This distinctive feature leverages the accurate reconstruction of surface points without interpolation errors. We verify the effectiveness of UODFs through a range of reconstruction examples, extending from simple watertight or non-watertight shapes to complex shapes that include hollows, internal or assembling structures.

replace FaceChain-ImagineID: Freely Crafting High-Fidelity Diverse Talking Faces from Disentangled Audio

Authors: Chao Xu, Yang Liu, Jiazheng Xing, Weida Wang, Mingze Sun, Jun Dan, Tianxin Huang, Siyuan Li, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Ying Tai, Baigui Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we abstract the process of people hearing speech, extracting meaningful cues, and creating various dynamically audio-consistent talking faces, termed Listening and Imagining, into the task of high-fidelity diverse talking faces generation from a single audio. Specifically, it involves two critical challenges: one is to effectively decouple identity, content, and emotion from entangled audio, and the other is to maintain intra-video diversity and inter-video consistency. To tackle the issues, we first dig out the intricate relationships among facial factors and simplify the decoupling process, tailoring a Progressive Audio Disentanglement for accurate facial geometry and semantics learning, where each stage incorporates a customized training module responsible for a specific factor. Secondly, to achieve visually diverse and audio-synchronized animation solely from input audio within a single model, we introduce the Controllable Coherent Frame generation, which involves the flexible integration of three trainable adapters with frozen Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) to focus on maintaining facial geometry and semantics, as well as texture and temporal coherence between frames. In this way, we inherit high-quality diverse generation from LDMs while significantly improving their controllability at a low training cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate the flexibility and effectiveness of our method in handling this paradigm. The codes will be released at


replace Continual Segmentation with Disentangled Objectness Learning and Class Recognition

Authors: Yizheng Gong, Siyue Yu, Xiaoyang Wang, Jimin Xiao

Abstract: Most continual segmentation methods tackle the problem as a per-pixel classification task. However, such a paradigm is very challenging, and we find query-based segmenters with built-in objectness have inherent advantages compared with per-pixel ones, as objectness has strong transfer ability and forgetting resistance. Based on these findings, we propose CoMasTRe by disentangling continual segmentation into two stages: forgetting-resistant continual objectness learning and well-researched continual classification. CoMasTRe uses a two-stage segmenter learning class-agnostic mask proposals at the first stage and leaving recognition to the second stage. During continual learning, a simple but effective distillation is adopted to strengthen objectness. To further mitigate the forgetting of old classes, we design a multi-label class distillation strategy suited for segmentation. We assess the effectiveness of CoMasTRe on PASCAL VOC and ADE20K. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms per-pixel and query-based methods on both datasets. Code will be available at


replace Frequency-Adaptive Dilated Convolution for Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Linwei Chen, Lin Gu, Ying Fu

Abstract: Dilated convolution, which expands the receptive field by inserting gaps between its consecutive elements, is widely employed in computer vision. In this study, we propose three strategies to improve individual phases of dilated convolution from the view of spectrum analysis. Departing from the conventional practice of fixing a global dilation rate as a hyperparameter, we introduce Frequency-Adaptive Dilated Convolution (FADC), which dynamically adjusts dilation rates spatially based on local frequency components. Subsequently, we design two plug-in modules to directly enhance effective bandwidth and receptive field size. The Adaptive Kernel (AdaKern) module decomposes convolution weights into low-frequency and high-frequency components, dynamically adjusting the ratio between these components on a per-channel basis. By increasing the high-frequency part of convolution weights, AdaKern captures more high-frequency components, thereby improving effective bandwidth. The Frequency Selection (FreqSelect) module optimally balances high- and low-frequency components in feature representations through spatially variant reweighting. It suppresses high frequencies in the background to encourage FADC to learn a larger dilation, thereby increasing the receptive field for an expanded scope. Extensive experiments on segmentation and object detection consistently validate the efficacy of our approach. The code is publicly available at


replace Decomposing Disease Descriptions for Enhanced Pathology Detection: A Multi-Aspect Vision-Language Pre-training Framework

Authors: Vu Minh Hieu Phan, Yutong Xie, Yuankai Qi, Lingqiao Liu, Liyang Liu, Bowen Zhang, Zhibin Liao, Qi Wu, Minh-Son To, Johan W. Verjans

Abstract: Medical vision language pre-training (VLP) has emerged as a frontier of research, enabling zero-shot pathological recognition by comparing the query image with the textual descriptions for each disease. Due to the complex semantics of biomedical texts, current methods struggle to align medical images with key pathological findings in unstructured reports. This leads to the misalignment with the target disease's textual representation. In this paper, we introduce a novel VLP framework designed to dissect disease descriptions into their fundamental aspects, leveraging prior knowledge about the visual manifestations of pathologies. This is achieved by consulting a large language model and medical experts. Integrating a Transformer module, our approach aligns an input image with the diverse elements of a disease, generating aspect-centric image representations. By consolidating the matches from each aspect, we improve the compatibility between an image and its associated disease. Additionally, capitalizing on the aspect-oriented representations, we present a dual-head Transformer tailored to process known and unknown diseases, optimizing the comprehensive detection efficacy. Conducting experiments on seven downstream datasets, ours improves the accuracy of recent methods by up to 8.56% and 17.26% for seen and unseen categories, respectively. Our code is released at


replace StreamMultiDiffusion: Real-Time Interactive Generation with Region-Based Semantic Control

Authors: Jaerin Lee, Daniel Sungho Jung, Kanggeon Lee, Kyoung Mu Lee

Abstract: The enormous success of diffusion models in text-to-image synthesis has made them promising candidates for the next generation of end-user applications for image generation and editing. Previous works have focused on improving the usability of diffusion models by reducing the inference time or increasing user interactivity by allowing new, fine-grained controls such as region-based text prompts. However, we empirically find that integrating both branches of works is nontrivial, limiting the potential of diffusion models. To solve this incompatibility, we present StreamMultiDiffusion, the first real-time region-based text-to-image generation framework. By stabilizing fast inference techniques and restructuring the model into a newly proposed multi-prompt stream batch architecture, we achieve $\times 10$ faster panorama generation than existing solutions, and the generation speed of 1.57 FPS in region-based text-to-image synthesis on a single RTX 2080 Ti GPU. Our solution opens up a new paradigm for interactive image generation named semantic palette, where high-quality images are generated in real-time from given multiple hand-drawn regions, encoding prescribed semantic meanings (e.g., eagle, girl). Our code and demo application are available at


replace Multi-criteria Token Fusion with One-step-ahead Attention for Efficient Vision Transformers

Authors: Sanghyeok Lee, Joonmyung Choi, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Abstract: Vision Transformer (ViT) has emerged as a prominent backbone for computer vision. For more efficient ViTs, recent works lessen the quadratic cost of the self-attention layer by pruning or fusing the redundant tokens. However, these works faced the speed-accuracy trade-off caused by the loss of information. Here, we argue that token fusion needs to consider diverse relations between tokens to minimize information loss. In this paper, we propose a Multi-criteria Token Fusion (MCTF), that gradually fuses the tokens based on multi-criteria (e.g., similarity, informativeness, and size of fused tokens). Further, we utilize the one-step-ahead attention, which is the improved approach to capture the informativeness of the tokens. By training the model equipped with MCTF using a token reduction consistency, we achieve the best speed-accuracy trade-off in the image classification (ImageNet1K). Experimental results prove that MCTF consistently surpasses the previous reduction methods with and without training. Specifically, DeiT-T and DeiT-S with MCTF reduce FLOPs by about 44% while improving the performance (+0.5%, and +0.3%) over the base model, respectively. We also demonstrate the applicability of MCTF in various Vision Transformers (e.g., T2T-ViT, LV-ViT), achieving at least 31% speedup without performance degradation. Code is available at


replace RCooper: A Real-world Large-scale Dataset for Roadside Cooperative Perception

Authors: Ruiyang Hao, Siqi Fan, Yingru Dai, Zhenlin Zhang, Chenxi Li, Yuntian Wang, Haibao Yu, Wenxian Yang, Jirui Yuan, Zaiqing Nie

Abstract: The value of roadside perception, which could extend the boundaries of autonomous driving and traffic management, has gradually become more prominent and acknowledged in recent years. However, existing roadside perception approaches only focus on the single-infrastructure sensor system, which cannot realize a comprehensive understanding of a traffic area because of the limited sensing range and blind spots. Orienting high-quality roadside perception, we need Roadside Cooperative Perception (RCooper) to achieve practical area-coverage roadside perception for restricted traffic areas. Rcooper has its own domain-specific challenges, but further exploration is hindered due to the lack of datasets. We hence release the first real-world, large-scale RCooper dataset to bloom the research on practical roadside cooperative perception, including detection and tracking. The manually annotated dataset comprises 50k images and 30k point clouds, including two representative traffic scenes (i.e., intersection and corridor). The constructed benchmarks prove the effectiveness of roadside cooperation perception and demonstrate the direction of further research. Codes and dataset can be accessed at:


replace Boosting Flow-based Generative Super-Resolution Models via Learned Prior

Authors: Li-Yuan Tsao, Yi-Chen Lo, Chia-Che Chang, Hao-Wei Chen, Roy Tseng, Chien Feng, Chun-Yi Lee

Abstract: Flow-based super-resolution (SR) models have demonstrated astonishing capabilities in generating high-quality images. However, these methods encounter several challenges during image generation, such as grid artifacts, exploding inverses, and suboptimal results due to a fixed sampling temperature. To overcome these issues, this work introduces a conditional learned prior to the inference phase of a flow-based SR model. This prior is a latent code predicted by our proposed latent module conditioned on the low-resolution image, which is then transformed by the flow model into an SR image. Our framework is designed to seamlessly integrate with any contemporary flow-based SR model without modifying its architecture or pre-trained weights. We evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed framework through extensive experiments and ablation analyses. The proposed framework successfully addresses all the inherent issues in flow-based SR models and enhances their performance in various SR scenarios. Our code is available at:


replace Bilateral Propagation Network for Depth Completion

Authors: Jie Tang, Fei-Peng Tian, Boshi An, Jian Li, Ping Tan

Abstract: Depth completion aims to derive a dense depth map from sparse depth measurements with a synchronized color image. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods are predominantly propagation-based, which work as an iterative refinement on the initial estimated dense depth. However, the initial depth estimations mostly result from direct applications of convolutional layers on the sparse depth map. In this paper, we present a Bilateral Propagation Network (BP-Net), that propagates depth at the earliest stage to avoid directly convolving on sparse data. Specifically, our approach propagates the target depth from nearby depth measurements via a non-linear model, whose coefficients are generated through a multi-layer perceptron conditioned on both \emph{radiometric difference} and \emph{spatial distance}. By integrating bilateral propagation with multi-modal fusion and depth refinement in a multi-scale framework, our BP-Net demonstrates outstanding performance on both indoor and outdoor scenes. It achieves SOTA on the NYUv2 dataset and ranks 1st on the KITTI depth completion benchmark at the time of submission. Experimental results not only show the effectiveness of bilateral propagation but also emphasize the significance of early-stage propagation in contrast to the refinement stage. Our code and trained models will be available on the project page.

replace Evaluating Text-to-Image Synthesis: Survey and Taxonomy of Image Quality Metrics

Authors: Sebastian Hartwig, Dominik Engel, Leon Sick, Hannah Kniesel, Tristan Payer, Poonam Poonam, Michael Gl\"ockler, Alex B\"auerle, Timo Ropinski

Abstract: Recent advances in text-to-image synthesis enabled through a combination of language and vision foundation models have led to a proliferation of the tools available and an increased attention to the field. When conducting text-to-image synthesis, a central goal is to ensure that the content between text and image is aligned. As such, there exist numerous evaluation metrics that aim to mimic human judgement. However, it is often unclear which metric to use for evaluating text-to-image synthesis systems as their evaluation is highly nuanced. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of existing text-to-image evaluation metrics. Based on our findings, we propose a new taxonomy for categorizing these metrics. Our taxonomy is grounded in the assumption that there are two main quality criteria, namely compositionality and generality, which ideally map to human preferences. Ultimately, we derive guidelines for practitioners conducting text-to-image evaluation, discuss open challenges of evaluation mechanisms, and surface limitations of current metrics.

replace WaterVG: Waterway Visual Grounding based on Text-Guided Vision and mmWave Radar

Authors: Runwei Guan, Liye Jia, Fengyufan Yang, Shanliang Yao, Erick Purwanto, Xiaohui Zhu, Eng Gee Lim, Jeremy Smith, Ka Lok Man, Xuming Hu, Yutao Yue

Abstract: The perception of waterways based on human intent is significant for autonomous navigation and operations of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) in water environments. Inspired by visual grounding, we introduce WaterVG, the first visual grounding dataset designed for USV-based waterway perception based on human prompts. WaterVG encompasses prompts describing multiple targets, with annotations at the instance level including bounding boxes and masks. Notably, WaterVG includes 11,568 samples with 34,987 referred targets, whose prompts integrates both visual and radar characteristics. The pattern of text-guided two sensors equips a finer granularity of text prompts with visual and radar features of referred targets. Moreover, we propose a low-power visual grounding model, Potamoi, which is a multi-task model with a well-designed Phased Heterogeneous Modality Fusion (PHMF) mode, including Adaptive Radar Weighting (ARW) and Multi-Head Slim Cross Attention (MHSCA). Exactly, ARW extracts required radar features to fuse with vision for prompt alignment. MHSCA is an efficient fusion module with a remarkably small parameter count and FLOPs, elegantly fusing scenario context captured by two sensors with linguistic features, which performs expressively on visual grounding tasks. Comprehensive experiments and evaluations have been conducted on WaterVG, where our Potamoi archives state-of-the-art performances compared with counterparts.

replace vid-TLDR: Training Free Token merging for Light-weight Video Transformer

Authors: Joonmyung Choi, Sanghyeok Lee, Jaewon Chu, Minhyuk Choi, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Abstract: Video Transformers have become the prevalent solution for various video downstream tasks with superior expressive power and flexibility. However, these video transformers suffer from heavy computational costs induced by the massive number of tokens across the entire video frames, which has been the major barrier to training the model. Further, the patches irrelevant to the main contents, e.g., backgrounds, degrade the generalization performance of models. To tackle these issues, we propose training free token merging for lightweight video Transformer (vid-TLDR) that aims to enhance the efficiency of video Transformers by merging the background tokens without additional training. For vid-TLDR, we introduce a novel approach to capture the salient regions in videos only with the attention map. Further, we introduce the saliency-aware token merging strategy by dropping the background tokens and sharpening the object scores. Our experiments show that vid-TLDR significantly mitigates the computational complexity of video Transformers while achieving competitive performance compared to the base model without vid-TLDR. Code is available at


replace ReGround: Improving Textual and Spatial Grounding at No Cost

Authors: Yuseung Lee, Minhyuk Sung

Abstract: When an image generation process is guided by both a text prompt and spatial cues, such as a set of bounding boxes, do these elements work in harmony, or does one dominate the other? Our analysis of a pretrained image diffusion model that integrates gated self-attention into the U-Net reveals that spatial grounding often outweighs textual grounding due to the sequential flow from gated self-attention to cross-attention. We demonstrate that such bias can be significantly mitigated without sacrificing accuracy in either grounding by simply rewiring the network architecture, changing from sequential to parallel for gated self-attention and cross-attention. This surprisingly simple yet effective solution does not require any fine-tuning of the network but significantly reduces the trade-off between the two groundings. Our experiments demonstrate significant improvements from the original GLIGEN to the rewired version in the trade-off between textual grounding and spatial grounding.

replace Recursive Joint Cross-Modal Attention for Multimodal Fusion in Dimensional Emotion Recognition

Authors: R. Gnana Praveen, Jahangir Alam

Abstract: Though multimodal emotion recognition has achieved significant progress over recent years, the potential of rich synergic relationships across the modalities is not fully exploited. In this paper, we introduce Recursive Joint Cross-Modal Attention (RJCMA) to effectively capture both intra-and inter-modal relationships across audio, visual and text modalities for dimensional emotion recognition. In particular, we compute the attention weights based on cross-correlation between the joint audio-visual-text feature representations and the feature representations of individual modalities to simultaneously capture intra- and inter-modal relationships across the modalities. The attended features of the individual modalities are again fed as input to the fusion model in a recursive mechanism to obtain more refined feature representations. We have also explored Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs) to improve the temporal modeling of the feature representations of individual modalities. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed fusion model on the challenging Affwild2 dataset. By effectively capturing the synergic intra- and inter-modal relationships across audio, visual and text modalities, the proposed fusion model achieves a Concordance Correlation Coefficient (CCC) of 0.585 (0.542) and 0.659 (0.619) for valence and arousal respectively on the validation set (test set). This shows a significant improvement over the baseline of 0.24 (0.211) and 0.20 (0.191) for valence and arousal respectively on the validation set (test set) of the valence-arousal challenge of 6th Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-Wild (ABAW) competition.

replace ZigMa: A DiT-style Zigzag Mamba Diffusion Model

Authors: Vincent Tao Hu, Stefan Andreas Baumann, Ming Gui, Olga Grebenkova, Pingchuan Ma, Johannes Fischer, Bj\"orn Ommer

Abstract: The diffusion model has long been plagued by scalability and quadratic complexity issues, especially within transformer-based structures. In this study, we aim to leverage the long sequence modeling capability of a State-Space Model called Mamba to extend its applicability to visual data generation. Firstly, we identify a critical oversight in most current Mamba-based vision methods, namely the lack of consideration for spatial continuity in the scan scheme of Mamba. Secondly, building upon this insight, we introduce a simple, plug-and-play, zero-parameter method named Zigzag Mamba, which outperforms Mamba-based baselines and demonstrates improved speed and memory utilization compared to transformer-based baselines. Lastly, we integrate Zigzag Mamba with the Stochastic Interpolant framework to investigate the scalability of the model on large-resolution visual datasets, such as FacesHQ $1024\times 1024$ and UCF101, MultiModal-CelebA-HQ, and MS COCO $256\times 256$ . Code will be released at


replace C-TPT: Calibrated Test-Time Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models via Text Feature Dispersion

Authors: Hee Suk Yoon, Eunseop Yoon, Joshua Tian Jin Tee, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Yingzhen Li, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: In deep learning, test-time adaptation has gained attention as a method for model fine-tuning without the need for labeled data. A prime exemplification is the recently proposed test-time prompt tuning for large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP. Unfortunately, these prompts have been mainly developed to improve accuracy, overlooking the importance of calibration, which is a crucial aspect for quantifying prediction uncertainty. However, traditional calibration methods rely on substantial amounts of labeled data, making them impractical for test-time scenarios. To this end, this paper explores calibration during test-time prompt tuning by leveraging the inherent properties of CLIP. Through a series of observations, we find that the prompt choice significantly affects the calibration in CLIP, where the prompts leading to higher text feature dispersion result in better-calibrated predictions. Introducing the Average Text Feature Dispersion (ATFD), we establish its relationship with calibration error and present a novel method, Calibrated Test-time Prompt Tuning (C-TPT), for optimizing prompts during test-time with enhanced calibration. Through extensive experiments on different CLIP architectures and datasets, we show that C-TPT can effectively improve the calibration of test-time prompt tuning without needing labeled data. The code is publicly accessible at


replace LLaVA-PruMerge: Adaptive Token Reduction for Efficient Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Yuzhang Shang, Mu Cai, Bingxin Xu, Yong Jae Lee, Yan Yan

Abstract: Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have shown significant reasoning capabilities by connecting a visual encoder and a large language model. LMMs typically use a fixed amount of visual tokens, such as the penultimate layer features in the CLIP visual encoder, as the prefix content. Recent LMMs incorporate more complex visual inputs, such as high-resolution images and videos, which increase the number of visual tokens significantly. However, due to the design of the Transformer architecture, computational costs associated with these models tend to increase quadratically with the number of input tokens. To tackle this problem, we explore a token reduction mechanism and find, similar to prior work, that many visual tokens are spatially redundant. Based on this, we propose PruMerge, a novel adaptive visual token reduction approach, which largely reduces the number of visual tokens while maintaining comparable model performance. We first select the unpruned visual tokens based on their similarity to class tokens and spatial tokens. We then cluster the pruned tokens based on key similarity and merge the clustered tokens with the unpruned tokens to supplement their information. Empirically, when applied to LLaVA-1.5, our approach can compress the visual tokens by 18 times on average, and achieve comparable performance across diverse visual question-answering and reasoning tasks. Code and checkpoints are at


replace An Embarrassingly Simple Defense Against Backdoor Attacks On SSL

Authors: Aryan Satpathy, Nilaksh Nilaksh, Dhruva Rajwade

Abstract: Self Supervised Learning (SSL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm to tackle data landscapes with absence of human supervision. The ability to learn meaningful tasks without the use of labeled data makes SSL a popular method to manage large chunks of data in the absence of labels. However, recent work indicates SSL to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks, wherein models can be controlled, possibly maliciously, to suit an adversary's motives. Li et. al (2022) introduce a novel frequency-based backdoor attack: CTRL. They show that CTRL can be used to efficiently and stealthily gain control over a victim's model trained using SSL. In this work, we devise two defense strategies against frequency-based attacks in SSL: One applicable before model training and the second to be applied during model inference. Our first contribution utilizes the invariance property of the downstream task to defend against backdoor attacks in a generalizable fashion. We observe the ASR (Attack Success Rate) to reduce by over 60% across experiments. Our Inference-time defense relies on evasiveness of the attack and uses the luminance channel to defend against attacks. Using object classification as the downstream task for SSL, we demonstrate successful defense strategies that do not require re-training of the model. Code is available at


replace IllusionVQA: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models

Authors: Haz Sameen Shahgir, Khondker Salman Sayeed, Abhik Bhattacharjee, Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Yue Dong, Rifat Shahriyar

Abstract: The advent of Vision Language Models (VLM) has allowed researchers to investigate the visual understanding of a neural network using natural language. Beyond object classification and detection, VLMs are capable of visual comprehension and common-sense reasoning. This naturally led to the question: How do VLMs respond when the image itself is inherently unreasonable? To this end, we present IllusionVQA: a diverse dataset of challenging optical illusions and hard-to-interpret scenes to test the capability of VLMs in two distinct multiple-choice VQA tasks - comprehension and soft localization. GPT4V, the best-performing VLM, achieves 62.99% accuracy (4-shot) on the comprehension task and 49.7% on the localization task (4-shot and Chain-of-Thought). Human evaluation reveals that humans achieve 91.03% and 100% accuracy in comprehension and localization. We discover that In-Context Learning (ICL) and Chain-of-Thought reasoning substantially degrade the performance of GeminiPro on the localization task. Tangentially, we discover a potential weakness in the ICL capabilities of VLMs: they fail to locate optical illusions even when the correct answer is in the context window as a few-shot example.

replace Finding needles in a haystack: A Black-Box Approach to Invisible Watermark Detection

Authors: Minzhou Pan, Zhenting Wang, Xin Dong, Vikash Sehwag, Lingjuan Lyu, Xue Lin

Abstract: In this paper, we propose WaterMark Detection (WMD), the first invisible watermark detection method under a black-box and annotation-free setting. WMD is capable of detecting arbitrary watermarks within a given reference dataset using a clean non-watermarked dataset as a reference, without relying on specific decoding methods or prior knowledge of the watermarking techniques. We develop WMD using foundations of offset learning, where a clean non-watermarked dataset enables us to isolate the influence of only watermarked samples in the reference dataset. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of WMD, significantly outperforming naive detection methods, which only yield AUC scores around 0.5. In contrast, WMD consistently achieves impressive detection AUC scores, surpassing 0.9 in most single-watermark datasets and exceeding 0.7 in more challenging multi-watermark scenarios across diverse datasets and watermarking methods. As invisible watermarks become increasingly prevalent, while specific decoding techniques remain undisclosed, our approach provides a versatile solution and establishes a path toward increasing accountability, transparency, and trust in our digital visual content.

replace Segment Anything Model for Road Network Graph Extraction

Authors: Congrui Hetang, Haoru Xue, Cindy Le, Tianwei Yue, Wenping Wang, Yihui He

Abstract: We propose SAM-Road, an adaptation of the Segment Anything Model (SAM) for extracting large-scale, vectorized road network graphs from satellite imagery. To predict graph geometry, we formulate it as a dense semantic segmentation task, leveraging the inherent strengths of SAM. The image encoder of SAM is fine-tuned to produce probability masks for roads and intersections, from which the graph vertices are extracted via simple non-maximum suppression. To predict graph topology, we designed a lightweight transformer-based graph neural network, which leverages the SAM image embeddings to estimate the edge existence probabilities between vertices. Our approach directly predicts the graph vertices and edges for large regions without expensive and complex post-processing heuristics, and is capable of building complete road network graphs spanning multiple square kilometers in a matter of seconds. With its simple, straightforward, and minimalist design, SAM-Road achieves comparable accuracy with the state-of-the-art method RNGDet++, while being 40 times faster on the City-scale dataset. We thus demonstrate the power of a foundational vision model when applied to a graph learning task. The code is available at


replace Task2Box: Box Embeddings for Modeling Asymmetric Task Relationships

Authors: Rangel Daroya, Aaron Sun, Subhransu Maji

Abstract: Modeling and visualizing relationships between tasks or datasets is an important step towards solving various meta-tasks such as dataset discovery, multi-tasking, and transfer learning. However, many relationships, such as containment and transferability, are naturally asymmetric and current approaches for representation and visualization (e.g., t-SNE) do not readily support this. We propose Task2Box, an approach to represent tasks using box embeddings -- axis-aligned hyperrectangles in low dimensional spaces -- that can capture asymmetric relationships between them through volumetric overlaps. We show that Task2Box accurately predicts unseen hierarchical relationships between nodes in ImageNet and iNaturalist datasets, as well as transferability between tasks in the Taskonomy benchmark. We also show that box embeddings estimated from task representations (e.g., CLIP, Task2Vec, or attribute based) can be used to predict relationships between unseen tasks more accurately than classifiers trained on the same representations, as well as handcrafted asymmetric distances (e.g., KL divergence). This suggests that low-dimensional box embeddings can effectively capture these task relationships and have the added advantage of being interpretable. We use the approach to visualize relationships among publicly available image classification datasets on popular dataset hosting platform called Hugging Face.

replace MMVP: A Multimodal MoCap Dataset with Vision and Pressure Sensors

Authors: He Zhang, Shenghao Ren, Haolei Yuan, Jianhui Zhao, Fan Li, Shuangpeng Sun, Zhenghao Liang, Tao Yu, Qiu Shen, Xun Cao

Abstract: Foot contact is an important cue for human motion capture, understanding, and generation. Existing datasets tend to annotate dense foot contact using visual matching with thresholding or incorporating pressure signals. However, these approaches either suffer from low accuracy or are only designed for small-range and slow motion. There is still a lack of a vision-pressure multimodal dataset with large-range and fast human motion, as well as accurate and dense foot-contact annotation. To fill this gap, we propose a Multimodal MoCap Dataset with Vision and Pressure sensors, named MMVP. MMVP provides accurate and dense plantar pressure signals synchronized with RGBD observations, which is especially useful for both plausible shape estimation, robust pose fitting without foot drifting, and accurate global translation tracking. To validate the dataset, we propose an RGBD-P SMPL fitting method and also a monocular-video-based baseline framework, VP-MoCap, for human motion capture. Experiments demonstrate that our RGBD-P SMPL Fitting results significantly outperform pure visual motion capture. Moreover, VP-MoCap outperforms SOTA methods in foot-contact and global translation estimation accuracy. We believe the configuration of the dataset and the baseline frameworks will stimulate the research in this direction and also provide a good reference for MoCap applications in various domains. Project page:


replace Towards 3D Vision with Low-Cost Single-Photon Cameras

Authors: Fangzhou Mu, Carter Sifferman, Sacha Jungerman, Yiquan Li, Mark Han, Michael Gleicher, Mohit Gupta, Yin Li

Abstract: We present a method for reconstructing 3D shape of arbitrary Lambertian objects based on measurements by miniature, energy-efficient, low-cost single-photon cameras. These cameras, operating as time resolved image sensors, illuminate the scene with a very fast pulse of diffuse light and record the shape of that pulse as it returns back from the scene at a high temporal resolution. We propose to model this image formation process, account for its non-idealities, and adapt neural rendering to reconstruct 3D geometry from a set of spatially distributed sensors with known poses. We show that our approach can successfully recover complex 3D shapes from simulated data. We further demonstrate 3D object reconstruction from real-world captures, utilizing measurements from a commodity proximity sensor. Our work draws a connection between image-based modeling and active range scanning and is a step towards 3D vision with single-photon cameras.

replace SplatFace: Gaussian Splat Face Reconstruction Leveraging an Optimizable Surface

Authors: Jiahao Luo, Jing Liu, James Davis

Abstract: We present SplatFace, a novel Gaussian splatting framework designed for 3D human face reconstruction without reliance on accurate pre-determined geometry. Our method is designed to simultaneously deliver both high-quality novel view rendering and accurate 3D mesh reconstructions. We incorporate a generic 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) to provide a surface geometric structure, making it possible to reconstruct faces with a limited set of input images. We introduce a joint optimization strategy that refines both the Gaussians and the morphable surface through a synergistic non-rigid alignment process. A novel distance metric, splat-to-surface, is proposed to improve alignment by considering both the Gaussian position and covariance. The surface information is also utilized to incorporate a world-space densification process, resulting in superior reconstruction quality. Our experimental analysis demonstrates that the proposed method is competitive with both other Gaussian splatting techniques in novel view synthesis and other 3D reconstruction methods in producing 3D face meshes with high geometric precision.

replace Cross-domain Fiber Cluster Shape Analysis for Language Performance Cognitive Score Prediction

Authors: Yui Lo, Yuqian Chen, Dongnan Liu, Wan Liu, Leo Zekelman, Fan Zhang, Yogesh Rathi, Nikos Makris, Alexandra J. Golby, Weidong Cai, Lauren J. O'Donnell

Abstract: Shape plays an important role in computer graphics, offering informative features to convey an object's morphology and functionality. Shape analysis in brain imaging can help interpret structural and functionality correlations of the human brain. In this work, we investigate the shape of the brain's 3D white matter connections and its potential predictive relationship to human cognitive function. We reconstruct brain connections as sequences of 3D points using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) tractography. To describe each connection, we extract 12 shape descriptors in addition to traditional dMRI connectivity and tissue microstructure features. We introduce a novel framework, Shape--fused Fiber Cluster Transformer (SFFormer), that leverages a multi-head cross-attention feature fusion module to predict subject-specific language performance based on dMRI tractography. We assess the performance of the method on a large dataset including 1065 healthy young adults. The results demonstrate that both the transformer-based SFFormer model and its inter/intra feature fusion with shape, microstructure, and connectivity are informative, and together, they improve the prediction of subject-specific language performance scores. Overall, our results indicate that the shape of the brain's connections is predictive of human language function.

replace Egocentric Scene-aware Human Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Weizhuo Wang, C. Karen Liu, Monroe Kennedy III

Abstract: Wearable collaborative robots stand to assist human wearers who need fall prevention assistance or wear exoskeletons. Such a robot needs to be able to predict the ego motion of the wearer based on egocentric vision and the surrounding scene. In this work, we leveraged body-mounted cameras and sensors to anticipate the trajectory of human wearers through complex surroundings. To facilitate research in ego-motion prediction, we have collected a comprehensive walking scene navigation dataset centered on the user's perspective. We present a method to predict human motion conditioning on the surrounding static scene. Our method leverages a diffusion model to produce a distribution of potential future trajectories, taking into account the user's observation of the environment. We introduce a compact representation to encode the user's visual memory of the surroundings, as well as an efficient sample-generating technique to speed up real-time inference of a diffusion model. We ablate our model and compare it to baselines, and results show that our model outperforms existing methods on key metrics of collision avoidance and trajectory mode coverage.

replace Total-Decom: Decomposed 3D Scene Reconstruction with Minimal Interaction

Authors: Xiaoyang Lyu, Chirui Chang, Peng Dai, Yang-Tian Sun, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Scene reconstruction from multi-view images is a fundamental problem in computer vision and graphics. Recent neural implicit surface reconstruction methods have achieved high-quality results; however, editing and manipulating the 3D geometry of reconstructed scenes remains challenging due to the absence of naturally decomposed object entities and complex object/background compositions. In this paper, we present Total-Decom, a novel method for decomposed 3D reconstruction with minimal human interaction. Our approach seamlessly integrates the Segment Anything Model (SAM) with hybrid implicit-explicit neural surface representations and a mesh-based region-growing technique for accurate 3D object decomposition. Total-Decom requires minimal human annotations while providing users with real-time control over the granularity and quality of decomposition. We extensively evaluate our method on benchmark datasets and demonstrate its potential for downstream applications, such as animation and scene editing. The code is available at


replace BAMM: Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model

Authors: Ekkasit Pinyoanuntapong, Muhammad Usama Saleem, Pu Wang, Minwoo Lee, Srijan Das, Chen Chen

Abstract: Generating human motion from text has been dominated by denoising motion models either through diffusion or generative masking process. However, these models face great limitations in usability by requiring prior knowledge of the motion length. Conversely, autoregressive motion models address this limitation by adaptively predicting motion endpoints, at the cost of degraded generation quality and editing capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose Bidirectional Autoregressive Motion Model (BAMM), a novel text-to-motion generation framework. BAMM consists of two key components: (1) a motion tokenizer that transforms 3D human motion into discrete tokens in latent space, and (2) a masked self-attention transformer that autoregressively predicts randomly masked tokens via a hybrid attention masking strategy. By unifying generative masked modeling and autoregressive modeling, BAMM captures rich and bidirectional dependencies among motion tokens, while learning the probabilistic mapping from textual inputs to motion outputs with dynamically-adjusted motion sequence length. This feature enables BAMM to simultaneously achieving high-quality motion generation with enhanced usability and built-in motion editability. Extensive experiments on HumanML3D and KIT-ML datasets demonstrate that BAMM surpasses current state-of-the-art methods in both qualitative and quantitative measures. Our project page is available at


replace Break-for-Make: Modular Low-Rank Adaptations for Composable Content-Style Customization

Authors: Yu Xu, Fan Tang, Juan Cao, Yuxin Zhang, Oliver Deussen, Weiming Dong, Jintao Li, Tong-Yee Lee

Abstract: Personalized generation paradigms empower designers to customize visual intellectual properties with the help of textual descriptions by tuning or adapting pre-trained text-to-image models on a few images. Recent works explore approaches for concurrently customizing both content and detailed visual style appearance. However, these existing approaches often generate images where the content and style are entangled. In this study, we reconsider the customization of content and style concepts from the perspective of parameter space construction. Unlike existing methods that utilize a shared parameter space for content and style, we propose a learning framework that separates the parameter space to facilitate individual learning of content and style, thereby enabling disentangled content and style. To achieve this goal, we introduce "partly learnable projection" (PLP) matrices to separate the original adapters into divided sub-parameter spaces. We propose "break-for-make" customization learning pipeline based on PLP, which is simple yet effective. We break the original adapters into "up projection" and "down projection", train content and style PLPs individually with the guidance of corresponding textual prompts in the separate adapters, and maintain generalization by employing a multi-correspondence projection learning strategy. Based on the adapters broken apart for separate training content and style, we then make the entity parameter space by reconstructing the content and style PLPs matrices, followed by fine-tuning the combined adapter to generate the target object with the desired appearance. Experiments on various styles, including textures, materials, and artistic style, show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art single/multiple concept learning pipelines in terms of content-style-prompt alignment.

replace GlORIE-SLAM: Globally Optimized RGB-only Implicit Encoding Point Cloud SLAM

Authors: Ganlin Zhang, Erik Sandstr\"om, Youmin Zhang, Manthan Patel, Luc Van Gool, Martin R. Oswald

Abstract: Recent advancements in RGB-only dense Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) have predominantly utilized grid-based neural implicit encodings and/or struggle to efficiently realize global map and pose consistency. To this end, we propose an efficient RGB-only dense SLAM system using a flexible neural point cloud scene representation that adapts to keyframe poses and depth updates, without needing costly backpropagation. Another critical challenge of RGB-only SLAM is the lack of geometric priors. To alleviate this issue, with the aid of a monocular depth estimator, we introduce a novel DSPO layer for bundle adjustment which optimizes the pose and depth of keyframes along with the scale of the monocular depth. Finally, our system benefits from loop closure and online global bundle adjustment and performs either better or competitive to existing dense neural RGB SLAM methods in tracking, mapping and rendering accuracy on the Replica, TUM-RGBD and ScanNet datasets. The source code will be made available.

replace Change-Agent: Towards Interactive Comprehensive Remote Sensing Change Interpretation and Analysis

Authors: Chenyang Liu, Keyan Chen, Haotian Zhang, Zipeng Qi, Zhengxia Zou, Zhenwei Shi

Abstract: Monitoring changes in the Earth's surface is crucial for understanding natural processes and human impacts, necessitating precise and comprehensive interpretation methodologies. Remote sensing satellite imagery offers a unique perspective for monitoring these changes, leading to the emergence of remote sensing image change interpretation (RSICI) as a significant research focus. Current RSICI technology encompasses change detection and change captioning, each with its limitations in providing comprehensive interpretation. To address this, we propose an interactive Change-Agent, which can follow user instructions to achieve comprehensive change interpretation and insightful analysis according to user instructions, such as change detection and change captioning, change object counting, change cause analysis, etc. The Change-Agent integrates a multi-level change interpretation (MCI) model as the eyes and a large language model (LLM) as the brain. The MCI model contains two branches of pixel-level change detection and semantic-level change captioning, in which multiple BI-temporal Iterative Interaction (BI3) layers utilize Local Perception Enhancement (LPE) and the Global Difference Fusion Attention (GDFA) modules to enhance the model's discriminative feature representation capabilities. To support the training of the MCI model, we build the LEVIR-MCI dataset with a large number of change masks and captions of changes. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MCI model and highlight the promising potential of our Change-Agent in facilitating comprehensive and intelligent interpretation of surface changes. To facilitate future research, we will make our dataset and codebase of the MCI model and Change-Agent publicly available at


replace Efficient 3D Instance Mapping and Localization with Neural Fields

Authors: George Tang, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Antonio Torralba

Abstract: We tackle the problem of learning an implicit scene representation for 3D instance segmentation from a sequence of posed RGB images. Towards this, we introduce 3DIML, a novel framework that efficiently learns a label field that may be rendered from novel viewpoints to produce view-consistent instance segmentation masks. 3DIML significantly improves upon training and inference runtimes of existing implicit scene representation based methods. Opposed to prior art that optimizes a neural field in a self-supervised manner, requiring complicated training procedures and loss function design, 3DIML leverages a two-phase process. The first phase, InstanceMap, takes as input 2D segmentation masks of the image sequence generated by a frontend instance segmentation model, and associates corresponding masks across images to 3D labels. These almost view-consistent pseudolabel masks are then used in the second phase, InstanceLift, to supervise the training of a neural label field, which interpolates regions missed by InstanceMap and resolves ambiguities. Additionally, we introduce InstanceLoc, which enables near realtime localization of instance masks given a trained label field and an off-the-shelf image segmentation model by fusing outputs from both. We evaluate 3DIML on sequences from the Replica and ScanNet datasets and demonstrate 3DIML's effectiveness under mild assumptions for the image sequences. We achieve a large practical speedup over existing implicit scene representation methods with comparable quality, showcasing its potential to facilitate faster and more effective 3D scene understanding.

replace Structure Matters: Tackling the Semantic Discrepancy in Diffusion Models for Image Inpainting

Authors: Haipeng Liu, Yang Wang, Biao Qian, Meng Wang, Yong Rui

Abstract: Denoising diffusion probabilistic models for image inpainting aim to add the noise to the texture of image during the forward process and recover masked regions with unmasked ones of the texture via the reverse denoising process. Despite the meaningful semantics generation, the existing arts suffer from the semantic discrepancy between masked and unmasked regions, since the semantically dense unmasked texture fails to be completely degraded while the masked regions turn to the pure noise in diffusion process, leading to the large discrepancy between them. In this paper, we aim to answer how unmasked semantics guide texture denoising process;together with how to tackle the semantic discrepancy, to facilitate the consistent and meaningful semantics generation. To this end, we propose a novel structure-guided diffusion model named StrDiffusion, to reformulate the conventional texture denoising process under structure guidance to derive a simplified denoising objective for image inpainting, while revealing: 1) the semantically sparse structure is beneficial to tackle semantic discrepancy in early stage, while dense texture generates reasonable semantics in late stage; 2) the semantics from unmasked regions essentially offer the time-dependent structure guidance for the texture denoising process, benefiting from the time-dependent sparsity of the structure semantics. For the denoising process, a structure-guided neural network is trained to estimate the simplified denoising objective by exploiting the consistency of the denoised structure between masked and unmasked regions. Besides, we devise an adaptive resampling strategy as a formal criterion as whether structure is competent to guide the texture denoising process, while regulate their semantic correlations. Extensive experiments validate the merits of StrDiffusion over the state-of-the-arts. Our code is available at


replace Video-Based Human Pose Regression via Decoupled Space-Time Aggregation

Authors: Jijie He, Wenwu Yang

Abstract: By leveraging temporal dependency in video sequences, multi-frame human pose estimation algorithms have demonstrated remarkable results in complicated situations, such as occlusion, motion blur, and video defocus. These algorithms are predominantly based on heatmaps, resulting in high computation and storage requirements per frame, which limits their flexibility and real-time application in video scenarios, particularly on edge devices. In this paper, we develop an efficient and effective video-based human pose regression method, which bypasses intermediate representations such as heatmaps and instead directly maps the input to the output joint coordinates. Despite the inherent spatial correlation among adjacent joints of the human pose, the temporal trajectory of each individual joint exhibits relative independence. In light of this, we propose a novel Decoupled Space-Time Aggregation network (DSTA) to separately capture the spatial contexts between adjacent joints and the temporal cues of each individual joint, thereby avoiding the conflation of spatiotemporal dimensions. Concretely, DSTA learns a dedicated feature token for each joint to facilitate the modeling of their spatiotemporal dependencies. With the proposed joint-wise local-awareness attention mechanism, our method is capable of efficiently and flexibly utilizing the spatial dependency of adjacent joints and the temporal dependency of each joint itself. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method. Compared to previous regression-based single-frame human pose estimation methods, DSTA significantly enhances performance, achieving an 8.9 mAP improvement on PoseTrack2017. Furthermore, our approach either surpasses or is on par with the state-of-the-art heatmap-based multi-frame human pose estimation methods. Project page:


replace Draw-and-Understand: Leveraging Visual Prompts to Enable MLLMs to Comprehend What You Want

Authors: Weifeng Lin, Xinyu Wei, Ruichuan An, Peng Gao, Bocheng Zou, Yulin Luo, Siyuan Huang, Shanghang Zhang, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: The interaction between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) is a crucial factor that reflects the effectiveness of multimodal large language models (MLLMs). However, current MLLMs primarily focus on image-level comprehension and limit interaction to textual instructions, thereby constraining their flexibility in usage and depth of response. In this paper, we introduce the Draw-and-Understand project: a new model, a multi-domain dataset, and a challenging benchmark for visual prompting. Specifically, we propose SPHINX-V, a new end-to-end trained Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) that connects a vision encoder, a visual prompt encoder and an LLM for various visual prompts (points, bounding boxes, and free-form shape) and language understanding. To advance visual prompting research for MLLMs, we introduce MDVP-Data and MDVP-Bench. MDVP-Data features a multi-domain dataset containing 1.6M unique image-visual prompt-text instruction-following samples, including natural images, document images, OCR images, mobile screenshots, web screenshots, and multi-panel images. Furthermore, we present MDVP-Bench, a comprehensive and challenging benchmark to assess a model's capability in understanding visual prompting instructions. Our experiments demonstrate SPHINX-V's impressive multimodal interaction capabilities through visual prompting, revealing significant improvements in detailed pixel-level description and question-answering abilities.

replace-cross Euclidean and Affine Curve Reconstruction

Authors: Jose Agudelo, Brooke Dippold, Ian Klein, Alex Kokot, Eric Geiger, Irina Kogan

Abstract: We consider practical aspects of reconstructing planar curves with prescribed Euclidean or affine curvatures. These curvatures are invariant under the special Euclidean group and the equi-affine groups, respectively, and play an important role in computer vision and shape analysis. We discuss and implement algorithms for such reconstruction, and give estimates on how close reconstructed curves are relative to the closeness of their curvatures in appropriate metrics. Several illustrative examples are provided.

replace-cross Multi-Label Classification of Thoracic Diseases using Dense Convolutional Network on Chest Radiographs

Authors: Dipkamal Bhusal, Sanjeeb Prasad Panday

Abstract: Traditional methods of identifying pathologies in X-ray images rely heavily on skilled human interpretation and are often time-consuming. The advent of deep learning techniques has enabled the development of automated disease diagnosis systems. Still, the performance of such systems is opaque to end-users and limited to detecting a single pathology. In this paper, we propose a multi-label disease prediction model that allows the detection of more than one pathology at a given test time. We use a dense convolutional neural network (DenseNet) for disease diagnosis. Our proposed model achieved the highest AUC score of 0.896 for the condition Cardiomegaly with an accuracy of 0.826, while the lowest AUC score was obtained for Nodule, at 0.655 with an accuracy of 0.66. To build trust in decision-making, we generated heatmaps on X-rays to visualize the regions where the model paid attention to make certain predictions. Our proposed automated disease prediction model obtained highly confident high-performance metrics in multi-label disease prediction tasks.

replace-cross Aligning Logits Generatively for Principled Black-Box Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Jing Ma, Xiang Xiang, Ke Wang, Yuchuan Wu, Yongbin Li

Abstract: Black-Box Knowledge Distillation (B2KD) is a formulated problem for cloud-to-edge model compression with invisible data and models hosted on the server. B2KD faces challenges such as limited Internet exchange and edge-cloud disparity of data distributions. In this paper, we formalize a two-step workflow consisting of deprivatization and distillation, and theoretically provide a new optimization direction from logits to cell boundary different from direct logits alignment. With its guidance, we propose a new method Mapping-Emulation KD (MEKD) that distills a black-box cumbersome model into a lightweight one. Our method does not differentiate between treating soft or hard responses, and consists of: 1) deprivatization: emulating the inverse mapping of the teacher function with a generator, and 2) distillation: aligning low-dimensional logits of the teacher and student models by reducing the distance of high-dimensional image points. For different teacher-student pairs, our method yields inspiring distillation performance on various benchmarks, and outperforms the previous state-of-the-art approaches.

replace-cross G-PECNet: Towards a Generalizable Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction System

Authors: Aryan Garg, Renu M. Rameshan

Abstract: Navigating dynamic physical environments without obstructing or damaging human assets is of quintessential importance for social robots. In this work, we solve autonomous drone navigation's sub-problem of predicting out-of-domain human and agent trajectories using a deep generative model. Our method: General-PECNet or G-PECNet observes an improvement of 9.5\% on the Final Displacement Error (FDE) on 2020's benchmark: PECNet through a combination of architectural improvements inspired by periodic activation functions and synthetic trajectory (data) augmentations using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). Additionally, we propose a simple geometry-inspired metric for trajectory non-linearity and outlier detection, helpful for the task. Code available at


replace-cross Task-Oriented Communication for Edge Video Analytics

Authors: Jiawei Shao, Xinjie Zhang, Jun Zhang

Abstract: With the development of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and the increasing popularity of camera-equipped devices, many edge video analytics applications are emerging, calling for the deployment of computation-intensive AI models at the network edge. Edge inference is a promising solution to move the computation-intensive workloads from low-end devices to a powerful edge server for video analytics, but the device-server communications will remain a bottleneck due to the limited bandwidth. This paper proposes a task-oriented communication framework for edge video analytics, where multiple devices collect the visual sensory data and transmit the informative features to an edge server for processing. To enable low-latency inference, this framework removes video redundancy in spatial and temporal domains and transmits minimal information that is essential for the downstream task, rather than reconstructing the videos at the edge server. Specifically, it extracts compact task-relevant features based on the deterministic information bottleneck (IB) principle, which characterizes a tradeoff between the informativeness of the features and the communication cost. As the features of consecutive frames are temporally correlated, we propose a temporal entropy model (TEM) to reduce the bitrate by taking the previous features as side information in feature encoding. To further improve the inference performance, we build a spatial-temporal fusion module at the server to integrate features of the current and previous frames for joint inference. Extensive experiments on video analytics tasks evidence that the proposed framework effectively encodes task-relevant information of video data and achieves a better rate-performance tradeoff than existing methods.

replace-cross CECT: Controllable Ensemble CNN and Transformer for COVID-19 Image Classification

Authors: Zhaoshan Liu, Lei Shen

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in hundreds of million cases and numerous deaths worldwide. Here, we develop a novel classification network CECT by controllable ensemble convolutional neural network and transformer to provide a timely and accurate COVID-19 diagnosis. The CECT is composed of a parallel convolutional encoder block, an aggregate transposed-convolutional decoder block, and a windowed attention classification block. Each block captures features at different scales from 28 $\times$ 28 to 224 $\times$ 224 from the input, composing enriched and comprehensive information. Different from existing methods, our CECT can capture features at both multi-local and global scales without any sophisticated module design. Moreover, the contribution of local features at different scales can be controlled with the proposed ensemble coefficients. We evaluate CECT on two public COVID-19 datasets and it reaches the highest accuracy of 98.1% in the intra-dataset evaluation, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods. Moreover, the developed CECT achieves an accuracy of 90.9% on the unseen dataset in the inter-dataset evaluation, showing extraordinary generalization ability. With remarkable feature capture ability and generalization ability, we believe CECT can be extended to other medical scenarios as a powerful diagnosis tool. Code is available at


replace-cross Segment Anything in Medical Images

Authors: Jun Ma, Yuting He, Feifei Li, Lin Han, Chenyu You, Bo Wang

Abstract: Medical image segmentation is a critical component in clinical practice, facilitating accurate diagnosis, treatment planning, and disease monitoring. However, existing methods, often tailored to specific modalities or disease types, lack generalizability across the diverse spectrum of medical image segmentation tasks. Here we present MedSAM, a foundation model designed for bridging this gap by enabling universal medical image segmentation. The model is developed on a large-scale medical image dataset with 1,570,263 image-mask pairs, covering 10 imaging modalities and over 30 cancer types. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation on 86 internal validation tasks and 60 external validation tasks, demonstrating better accuracy and robustness than modality-wise specialist models. By delivering accurate and efficient segmentation across a wide spectrum of tasks, MedSAM holds significant potential to expedite the evolution of diagnostic tools and the personalization of treatment plans.

replace-cross iMixer: hierarchical Hopfield network implies an invertible, implicit and iterative MLP-Mixer

Authors: Toshihiro Ota, Masato Taki

Abstract: In the last few years, the success of Transformers in computer vision has stimulated the discovery of many alternative models that compete with Transformers, such as the MLP-Mixer. Despite their weak inductive bias, these models have achieved performance comparable to well-studied convolutional neural networks. Recent studies on modern Hopfield networks suggest the correspondence between certain energy-based associative memory models and Transformers or MLP-Mixer, and shed some light on the theoretical background of the Transformer-type architectures design. In this paper, we generalize the correspondence to the recently introduced hierarchical Hopfield network, and find iMixer, a novel generalization of MLP-Mixer model. Unlike ordinary feedforward neural networks, iMixer involves MLP layers that propagate forward from the output side to the input side. We characterize the module as an example of invertible, implicit, and iterative mixing module. We evaluate the model performance with various datasets on image classification tasks, and find that iMixer, despite its unique architecture, exhibits stable learning capabilities and achieves performance comparable to or better than the baseline vanilla MLP-Mixer. The results imply that the correspondence between the Hopfield networks and the Mixer models serves as a principle for understanding a broader class of Transformer-like architecture designs.

replace-cross Solving Diffusion ODEs with Optimal Boundary Conditions for Better Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Yiyang Ma, Huan Yang, Wenhan Yang, Jianlong Fu, Jiaying Liu

Abstract: Diffusion models, as a kind of powerful generative model, have given impressive results on image super-resolution (SR) tasks. However, due to the randomness introduced in the reverse process of diffusion models, the performances of diffusion-based SR models are fluctuating at every time of sampling, especially for samplers with few resampled steps. This inherent randomness of diffusion models results in ineffectiveness and instability, making it challenging for users to guarantee the quality of SR results. However, our work takes this randomness as an opportunity: fully analyzing and leveraging it leads to the construction of an effective plug-and-play sampling method that owns the potential to benefit a series of diffusion-based SR methods. More in detail, we propose to steadily sample high-quality SR images from pre-trained diffusion-based SR models by solving diffusion ordinary differential equations (diffusion ODEs) with optimal boundary conditions (BCs) and analyze the characteristics between the choices of BCs and their corresponding SR results. Our analysis shows the route to obtain an approximately optimal BC via an efficient exploration in the whole space. The quality of SR results sampled by the proposed method with fewer steps outperforms the quality of results sampled by current methods with randomness from the same pre-trained diffusion-based SR model, which means that our sampling method "boosts" current diffusion-based SR models without any additional training.

replace-cross The Multi-modality Cell Segmentation Challenge: Towards Universal Solutions

Authors: Jun Ma, Ronald Xie, Shamini Ayyadhury, Cheng Ge, Anubha Gupta, Ritu Gupta, Song Gu, Yao Zhang, Gihun Lee, Joonkee Kim, Wei Lou, Haofeng Li, Eric Upschulte, Timo Dickscheid, Jos\'e Guilherme de Almeida, Yixin Wang, Lin Han, Xin Yang, Marco Labagnara, Vojislav Gligorovski, Maxime Scheder, Sahand Jamal Rahi, Carly Kempster, Alice Pollitt, Leon Espinosa, T\^am Mignot, Jan Moritz Middeke, Jan-Niklas Eckardt, Wangkai Li, Zhaoyang Li, Xiaochen Cai, Bizhe Bai, Noah F. Greenwald, David Van Valen, Erin Weisbart, Beth A. Cimini, Trevor Cheung, Oscar Br\"uck, Gary D. Bader, Bo Wang

Abstract: Cell segmentation is a critical step for quantitative single-cell analysis in microscopy images. Existing cell segmentation methods are often tailored to specific modalities or require manual interventions to specify hyper-parameters in different experimental settings. Here, we present a multi-modality cell segmentation benchmark, comprising over 1500 labeled images derived from more than 50 diverse biological experiments. The top participants developed a Transformer-based deep-learning algorithm that not only exceeds existing methods but can also be applied to diverse microscopy images across imaging platforms and tissue types without manual parameter adjustments. This benchmark and the improved algorithm offer promising avenues for more accurate and versatile cell analysis in microscopy imaging.

replace-cross An Examination of the Compositionality of Large Generative Vision-Language Models

Authors: Teli Ma, Rong Li, Junwei Liang

Abstract: With the success of Large Language Models (LLMs), many Generative Vision-Language Models (GVLMs) have been constructed via multimodal instruction tuning. However, the performance of GVLMs in multimodal compositional reasoning remains under-explored. In this paper, we examine both the evaluation metrics (VisualGPTScore, etc.) and current benchmarks for evaluating the compositionality of GVLMs. We identify the syntactical bias in current benchmarks, which is exploited by the linguistic capability of GVLMs. The bias renders VisualGPTScore an insufficient metric for assessing GVLMs. To combat this, we first introduce a SyntaxBias Score, leveraging LLMs to quantify such bias for mitigation. A challenging new task is subsequently added to evaluate the robustness of GVLMs against inherent inclination toward syntactical correctness. Using the bias-mitigated datasets and the new task, we propose a novel benchmark, namely SyntActically DE-biased benchmark (SADE). Our study provides an unbiased benchmark for the compositionality of GVLMs, facilitating future research in this direction (Code and dataset are available at


replace-cross Efficient Benchmarking of Language Models

Authors: Yotam Perlitz, Elron Bandel, Ariel Gera, Ofir Arviv, Liat Ein-Dor, Eyal Shnarch, Noam Slonim, Michal Shmueli-Scheuer, Leshem Choshen

Abstract: The increasing versatility of language models (LMs) has given rise to a new class of benchmarks that comprehensively assess a broad range of capabilities. Such benchmarks are associated with massive computational costs, extending to thousands of GPU hours per model. However, the efficiency aspect of these evaluation efforts had raised little discussion in the literature. In this work, we present the problem of Efficient Benchmarking, namely, intelligently reducing the computation costs of LM evaluation without compromising reliability. Using the HELM benchmark as a test case, we investigate how different benchmark design choices affect the computation-reliability trade-off. We propose to evaluate the reliability of such decisions, by using a new measure -- Decision Impact on Reliability, DIoR for short. We find, for example, that a benchmark leader may change by merely removing a low-ranked model from the benchmark, and observe that a correct benchmark ranking can be obtained by considering only a fraction of the evaluation examples. Based on our findings, we outline a set of concrete recommendations for efficient benchmark design and utilization practices. To take a step further, we use our findings to propose an evaluation algorithm, that, when applied to the HELM benchmark, leads to dramatic cost savings with minimal loss of benchmark reliability, often reducing computation by x100 or more.

replace-cross Consistency Trajectory Models: Learning Probability Flow ODE Trajectory of Diffusion

Authors: Dongjun Kim, Chieh-Hsin Lai, Wei-Hsiang Liao, Naoki Murata, Yuhta Takida, Toshimitsu Uesaka, Yutong He, Yuki Mitsufuji, Stefano Ermon

Abstract: Consistency Models (CM) (Song et al., 2023) accelerate score-based diffusion model sampling at the cost of sample quality but lack a natural way to trade-off quality for speed. To address this limitation, we propose Consistency Trajectory Model (CTM), a generalization encompassing CM and score-based models as special cases. CTM trains a single neural network that can -- in a single forward pass -- output scores (i.e., gradients of log-density) and enables unrestricted traversal between any initial and final time along the Probability Flow Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) in a diffusion process. CTM enables the efficient combination of adversarial training and denoising score matching loss to enhance performance and achieves new state-of-the-art FIDs for single-step diffusion model sampling on CIFAR-10 (FID 1.73) and ImageNet at 64x64 resolution (FID 1.92). CTM also enables a new family of sampling schemes, both deterministic and stochastic, involving long jumps along the ODE solution trajectories. It consistently improves sample quality as computational budgets increase, avoiding the degradation seen in CM. Furthermore, unlike CM, CTM's access to the score function can streamline the adoption of established controllable/conditional generation methods from the diffusion community. This access also enables the computation of likelihood. The code is available at


replace-cross Can Language Models Laugh at YouTube Short-form Videos?

Authors: Dayoon Ko, Sangho Lee, Gunhee Kim

Abstract: As short-form funny videos on social networks are gaining popularity, it becomes demanding for AI models to understand them for better communication with humans. Unfortunately, previous video humor datasets target specific domains, such as speeches or sitcoms, and mostly focus on verbal cues. We curate a user-generated dataset of 10K multimodal funny videos from YouTube, called ExFunTube. Using a video filtering pipeline with GPT-3.5, we verify both verbal and visual elements contributing to humor. After filtering, we annotate each video with timestamps and text explanations for funny moments. Our ExFunTube is unique over existing datasets in that our videos cover a wide range of domains with various types of humor that necessitate a multimodal understanding of the content. Also, we develop a zero-shot video-to-text prompting to maximize video humor understanding of large language models (LLMs). With three different evaluation methods using automatic scores, rationale quality experiments, and human evaluations, we show that our prompting significantly improves LLMs' ability for humor explanation.

replace-cross Volcano: Mitigating Multimodal Hallucination through Self-Feedback Guided Revision

Authors: Seongyun Lee, Sue Hyun Park, Yongrae Jo, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: Large multimodal models suffer from multimodal hallucination, where they provide incorrect responses misaligned with the given visual information. Recent works have conjectured that one of the reasons behind multimodal hallucination is due to the vision encoder failing to ground on the image properly. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel approach that leverages self-feedback as visual cues. Building on this approach, we introduce Volcano, a multimodal self-feedback guided revision model. Volcano generates natural language feedback to its initial response based on the provided visual information and utilizes this feedback to self-revise its initial response. Volcano effectively reduces multimodal hallucination and achieves state-of-the-art on MMHal-Bench, POPE, and GAVIE. It also improves on general multimodal abilities and outperforms previous models on MM-Vet and MMBench. Through qualitative analysis, we show that Volcano's feedback is properly grounded on the image than the initial response. This indicates that Volcano can provide itself with richer visual information through feedback generation, leading to self-correct hallucinations. We publicly release our model, data, and code at}{


replace-cross Multimodal Representation Learning by Alternating Unimodal Adaptation

Authors: Xiaohui Zhang, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: Multimodal learning, which integrates data from diverse sensory modes, plays a pivotal role in artificial intelligence. However, existing multimodal learning methods often struggle with challenges where some modalities appear more dominant than others during multimodal learning, resulting in suboptimal performance. To address this challenge, we propose MLA (Multimodal Learning with Alternating Unimodal Adaptation). MLA reframes the conventional joint multimodal learning process by transforming it into an alternating unimodal learning process, thereby minimizing interference between modalities. Simultaneously, it captures cross-modal interactions through a shared head, which undergoes continuous optimization across different modalities. This optimization process is controlled by a gradient modification mechanism to prevent the shared head from losing previously acquired information. During the inference phase, MLA utilizes a test-time uncertainty-based model fusion mechanism to integrate multimodal information. Extensive experiments are conducted on five diverse datasets, encompassing scenarios with complete modalities and scenarios with missing modalities. These experiments demonstrate the superiority of MLA over competing prior approaches. Our code is available at


replace-cross Handling The Non-Smooth Challenge in Tensor SVD: A Multi-Objective Tensor Recovery Framework

Authors: Jingjing Zheng, Wanglong Lu, Wenzhe Wang, Yankai Cao, Xiaoqin Zhang, Xianta Jiang

Abstract: Recently, numerous tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD)-based tensor recovery methods have shown promise in processing visual data, such as color images and videos. However, these methods often suffer from severe performance degradation when confronted with tensor data exhibiting non-smooth changes. It has been commonly observed in real-world scenarios but ignored by the traditional t-SVD-based methods. In this work, we introduce a novel tensor recovery model with a learnable tensor nuclear norm to address such a challenge. We develop a new optimization algorithm named the Alternating Proximal Multiplier Method (APMM) to iteratively solve the proposed tensor completion model. Theoretical analysis demonstrates the convergence of the proposed APMM to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of the optimization problem. In addition, we propose a multi-objective tensor recovery framework based on APMM to efficiently explore the correlations of tensor data across its various dimensions, providing a new perspective on extending the t-SVD-based method to higher-order tensor cases. Numerical experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in tensor completion.

replace-cross MMA-Diffusion: MultiModal Attack on Diffusion Models

Authors: Yijun Yang, Ruiyuan Gao, Xiaosen Wang, Tsung-Yi Ho, Nan Xu, Qiang Xu

Abstract: In recent years, Text-to-Image (T2I) models have seen remarkable advancements, gaining widespread adoption. However, this progress has inadvertently opened avenues for potential misuse, particularly in generating inappropriate or Not-Safe-For-Work (NSFW) content. Our work introduces MMA-Diffusion, a framework that presents a significant and realistic threat to the security of T2I models by effectively circumventing current defensive measures in both open-source models and commercial online services. Unlike previous approaches, MMA-Diffusion leverages both textual and visual modalities to bypass safeguards like prompt filters and post-hoc safety checkers, thus exposing and highlighting the vulnerabilities in existing defense mechanisms.

replace-cross U-Net v2: Rethinking the Skip Connections of U-Net for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Yaopeng Peng, Milan Sonka, Danny Z. Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce U-Net v2, a new robust and efficient U-Net variant for medical image segmentation. It aims to augment the infusion of semantic information into low-level features while simultaneously refining high-level features with finer details. For an input image, we begin by extracting multi-level features with a deep neural network encoder. Next, we enhance the feature map of each level by infusing semantic information from higher-level features and integrating finer details from lower-level features through Hadamard product. Our novel skip connections empower features of all the levels with enriched semantic characteristics and intricate details. The improved features are subsequently transmitted to the decoder for further processing and segmentation. Our method can be seamlessly integrated into any Encoder-Decoder network. We evaluate our method on several public medical image segmentation datasets for skin lesion segmentation and polyp segmentation, and the experimental results demonstrate the segmentation accuracy of our new method over state-of-the-art methods, while preserving memory and computational efficiency. Code is available at:


replace-cross SAGE: Bridging Semantic and Actionable Parts for GEneralizable Manipulation of Articulated Objects

Authors: Haoran Geng, Songlin Wei, Congyue Deng, Bokui Shen, He Wang, Leonidas Guibas

Abstract: To interact with daily-life articulated objects of diverse structures and functionalities, understanding the object parts plays a central role in both user instruction comprehension and task execution. However, the possible discordance between the semantic meaning and physics functionalities of the parts poses a challenge for designing a general system. To address this problem, we propose SAGE, a novel framework that bridges semantic and actionable parts of articulated objects to achieve generalizable manipulation under natural language instructions. More concretely, given an articulated object, we first observe all the semantic parts on it, conditioned on which an instruction interpreter proposes possible action programs that concretize the natural language instruction. Then, a part-grounding module maps the semantic parts into so-called Generalizable Actionable Parts (GAParts), which inherently carry information about part motion. End-effector trajectories are predicted on the GAParts, which, together with the action program, form an executable policy. Additionally, an interactive feedback module is incorporated to respond to failures, which closes the loop and increases the robustness of the overall framework. Key to the success of our framework is the joint proposal and knowledge fusion between a large vision-language model (VLM) and a small domain-specific model for both context comprehension and part perception, with the former providing general intuitions and the latter serving as expert facts. Both simulation and real-robot experiments show our effectiveness in handling a large variety of articulated objects with diverse language-instructed goals.

replace-cross OCTDL: Optical Coherence Tomography Dataset for Image-Based Deep Learning Methods

Authors: Mikhail Kulyabin, Aleksei Zhdanov, Anastasia Nikiforova, Andrey Stepichev, Anna Kuznetsova, Mikhail Ronkin, Vasilii Borisov, Alexander Bogachev, Sergey Korotkich, Paul A Constable, Andreas Maier

Abstract: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging technique with extensive clinical applications in ophthalmology. OCT enables the visualization of the retinal layers, playing a vital role in the early detection and monitoring of retinal diseases. OCT uses the principle of light wave interference to create detailed images of the retinal microstructures, making it a valuable tool for diagnosing ocular conditions. This work presents an open-access OCT dataset (OCTDL) comprising over 2000 OCT images labeled according to disease group and retinal pathology. The dataset consists of OCT records of patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), Epiretinal Membrane (ERM), Retinal Artery Occlusion (RAO), Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), and Vitreomacular Interface Disease (VID). The images were acquired with an Optovue Avanti RTVue XR using raster scanning protocols with dynamic scan length and image resolution. Each retinal b-scan was acquired by centering on the fovea and interpreted and cataloged by an experienced retinal specialist. In this work, we applied Deep Learning classification techniques to this new open-access dataset.

replace-cross Auto MC-Reward: Automated Dense Reward Design with Large Language Models for Minecraft

Authors: Hao Li, Xue Yang, Zhaokai Wang, Xizhou Zhu, Jie Zhou, Yu Qiao, Xiaogang Wang, Hongsheng Li, Lewei Lu, Jifeng Dai

Abstract: Many reinforcement learning environments (e.g., Minecraft) provide only sparse rewards that indicate task completion or failure with binary values. The challenge in exploration efficiency in such environments makes it difficult for reinforcement-learning-based agents to learn complex tasks. To address this, this paper introduces an advanced learning system, named Auto MC-Reward, that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to automatically design dense reward functions, thereby enhancing the learning efficiency. Auto MC-Reward consists of three important components: Reward Designer, Reward Critic, and Trajectory Analyzer. Given the environment information and task descriptions, the Reward Designer first design the reward function by coding an executable Python function with predefined observation inputs. Then, our Reward Critic will be responsible for verifying the code, checking whether the code is self-consistent and free of syntax and semantic errors. Further, the Trajectory Analyzer summarizes possible failure causes and provides refinement suggestions according to collected trajectories. In the next round, Reward Designer will further refine and iterate the dense reward function based on feedback. Experiments demonstrate a significant improvement in the success rate and learning efficiency of our agents in complex tasks in Minecraft, such as obtaining diamond with the efficient ability to avoid lava, and efficiently explore trees and animals that are sparse in the plains biome.

replace-cross QUAR-VLA: Vision-Language-Action Model for Quadruped Robots

Authors: Pengxiang Ding, Han Zhao, Zhitao Wang, Zhenyu Wei, Shangke Lyu, Donglin Wang

Abstract: The important manifestation of robot intelligence is the ability to naturally interact and autonomously make decisions. Traditional approaches to robot control often compartmentalize perception, planning, and decision-making, simplifying system design but limiting the synergy between different information streams. This compartmentalization poses challenges in achieving seamless autonomous reasoning, decision-making, and action execution. To address these limitations, a novel paradigm, named Vision-Language-Action tasks for QUAdruped Robots (QUAR-VLA), has been introduced in this paper. This approach tightly integrates visual information and instructions to generate executable actions, effectively merging perception, planning, and decision-making. The central idea is to elevate the overall intelligence of the robot. Within this framework, a notable challenge lies in aligning fine-grained instructions with visual perception information. This emphasizes the complexity involved in ensuring that the robot accurately interprets and acts upon detailed instructions in harmony with its visual observations. Consequently, we propose QUAdruped Robotic Transformer (QUART), a family of VLA models to integrate visual information and instructions from diverse modalities as input and generates executable actions for real-world robots and present QUAdruped Robot Dataset (QUARD), a large-scale multi-task dataset including navigation, complex terrain locomotion, and whole-body manipulation tasks for training QUART models. Our extensive evaluation (4000 evaluation trials) shows that our approach leads to performant robotic policies and enables QUART to obtain a range of emergent capabilities.

replace-cross UAV-Borne Mapping Algorithms for Low-Altitude and High-Speed Drone Applications

Authors: Jincheng Zhang, Artur Wolek, Andrew R. Willis

Abstract: This article presents an analysis of current state-of-the-art sensors and how these sensors work with several mapping algorithms for UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) applications, focusing on low-altitude and high-speed scenarios. A new experimental construct is created using highly realistic environments made possible by integrating the AirSim simulator with Google 3D maps models using the Cesium Tiles plugin. Experiments are conducted in this high-realism simulated environment to evaluate the performance of three distinct mapping algorithms: (1) Direct Sparse Odometry (DSO), (2) Stereo DSO (SDSO), and (3) DSO Lite (DSOL). Experimental results evaluate algorithms based on their measured geometric accuracy and computational speed. The results provide valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of each algorithm. Findings quantify compromises in UAV algorithm selection, allowing researchers to find the mapping solution best suited to their application, which often requires a compromise between computational performance and the density and accuracy of geometric map estimates. Results indicate that for UAVs with restrictive computing resources, DSOL is the best option. For systems with payload capacity and modest compute resources, SDSO is the best option. If only one camera is available, DSO is the option to choose for applications that require dense mapping results.

replace-cross Faster ISNet for Background Bias Mitigation on Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Pedro R. A. S. Bassi, Sergio Decherchi, Andrea Cavalli

Abstract: Bias or spurious correlations in image backgrounds can impact neural networks, causing shortcut learning (Clever Hans Effect) and hampering generalization to real-world data. ISNet, a recently introduced architecture, proposed the optimization of Layer-Wise Relevance Propagation (LRP, an explanation technique) heatmaps, to mitigate the influence of backgrounds on deep classifiers. However, ISNet's training time scales linearly with the number of classes in an application. Here, we propose reformulated architectures whose training time becomes independent from this number. Additionally, we introduce a concise and model-agnostic LRP implementation. We challenge the proposed architectures using synthetic background bias, and COVID-19 detection in chest X-rays, an application that commonly presents background bias. The networks hindered background attention and shortcut learning, surpassing multiple state-of-the-art models on out-of-distribution test datasets. Representing a potentially massive training speed improvement over ISNet, the proposed architectures introduce LRP optimization into a gamut of applications that the original model cannot feasibly handle.

replace-cross SymTC: A Symbiotic Transformer-CNN Net for Instance Segmentation of Lumbar Spine MRI

Authors: Jiasong Chen, Linchen Qian, Linhai Ma, Timur Urakov, Weiyong Gu, Liang Liang

Abstract: Intervertebral disc disease, a prevalent ailment, frequently leads to intermittent or persistent low back pain, and diagnosing and assessing of this disease rely on accurate measurement of vertebral bone and intervertebral disc geometries from lumbar MR images. Deep neural network (DNN) models may assist clinicians with more efficient image segmentation of individual instances (disks and vertebrae) of the lumbar spine in an automated way, which is termed as instance image segmentation. In this work, we proposed SymTC, an innovative lumbar spine MR image segmentation model that combines the strengths of Transformer and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN). Specifically, we designed a parallel dual-path architecture to merge CNN layers and Transformer layers, and we integrated a novel position embedding into the self-attention module of Transformer, enhancing the utilization of positional information for more accurate segmentation. To further improves model performance, we introduced a new data augmentation technique to create synthetic yet realistic MR image dataset, named SSMSpine, which is made publicly available. We evaluated our SymTC and the other 15 existing image segmentation models on our private in-house dataset and the public SSMSpine dataset, using two metrics, Dice Similarity Coefficient and 95% Hausdorff Distance. The results show that our SymTC has the best performance for segmenting vertebral bones and intervertebral discs in lumbar spine MR images. The SymTC code and SSMSpine dataset are available at


replace-cross Explaining latent representations of generative models with large multimodal models

Authors: Mengdan Zhu, Zhenke Liu, Bo Pan, Abhinav Angirekula, Liang Zhao

Abstract: Learning interpretable representations of data generative latent factors is an important topic for the development of artificial intelligence. With the rise of the large multimodal model, it can align images with text to generate answers. In this work, we propose a framework to comprehensively explain each latent variable in the generative models using a large multimodal model. We further measure the uncertainty of our generated explanations, quantitatively evaluate the performance of explanation generation among multiple large multimodal models, and qualitatively visualize the variations of each latent variable to learn the disentanglement effects of different generative models on explanations. Finally, we discuss the explanatory capabilities and limitations of state-of-the-art large multimodal models.

replace-cross Mamba-UNet: UNet-Like Pure Visual Mamba for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Ziyang Wang, Jian-Qing Zheng, Yichi Zhang, Ge Cui, Lei Li

Abstract: In recent advancements in medical image analysis, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Vision Transformers (ViT) have set significant benchmarks. While the former excels in capturing local features through its convolution operations, the latter achieves remarkable global context understanding by leveraging self-attention mechanisms. However, both architectures exhibit limitations in efficiently modeling long-range dependencies within medical images, which is a critical aspect for precise segmentation. Inspired by the Mamba architecture, known for its proficiency in handling long sequences and global contextual information with enhanced computational efficiency as a State Space Model (SSM), we propose Mamba-UNet, a novel architecture that synergizes the U-Net in medical image segmentation with Mamba's capability. Mamba-UNet adopts a pure Visual Mamba (VMamba)-based encoder-decoder structure, infused with skip connections to preserve spatial information across different scales of the network. This design facilitates a comprehensive feature learning process, capturing intricate details and broader semantic contexts within medical images. We introduce a novel integration mechanism within the VMamba blocks to ensure seamless connectivity and information flow between the encoder and decoder paths, enhancing the segmentation performance. We conducted experiments on publicly available ACDC MRI Cardiac segmentation dataset, and Synapse CT Abdomen segmentation dataset. The results show that Mamba-UNet outperforms several types of UNet in medical image segmentation under the same hyper-parameter setting. The source code and baseline implementations are available.

replace-cross Semi-Mamba-UNet: Pixel-Level Contrastive and Pixel-Level Cross-Supervised Visual Mamba-based UNet for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Chao Ma, Ziyang Wang

Abstract: Medical image segmentation is essential in diagnostics, treatment planning, and healthcare, with deep learning offering promising advancements. Notably, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) excel in capturing local image features, whereas Vision Transformer (ViT) adeptly model long-range dependencies through multi-head self-attention mechanisms. Despite their strengths, both CNN and ViT face challenges in efficiently processing long-range dependencies within medical images, often requiring substantial computational resources. This issue, combined with the high cost and limited availability of expert annotations, poses significant obstacles to achieving precise segmentation. To address these challenges, this paper introduces the Semi-Mamba-UNet, which integrates a visual mamba-based UNet architecture with a conventional UNet into a semi-supervised learning (SSL) framework. This innovative SSL approach leverages dual networks to jointly generate pseudo labels and cross supervise each other, drawing inspiration from consistency regularization techniques. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised pixel-level contrastive learning strategy, employing a projector pair to further enhance feature learning capabilities. Our comprehensive evaluation on a publicly available MRI cardiac segmentation dataset, comparing against various SSL frameworks with different UNet-based segmentation networks, highlights the superior performance of Semi-Mamba-UNet. The source code has been made publicly accessible.

replace-cross Optimizing Sparse Convolution on GPUs with CUDA for 3D Point Cloud Processing in Embedded Systems

Authors: Chester Luo, Kevin Lai

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the utilization of deep learning methods, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), which have emerged as the dominant approach in various domains that involve structured grid data, such as picture analysis and processing. Nevertheless, the exponential growth in the utilization of LiDAR and 3D sensors across many domains has resulted in an increased need for the analysis of 3D point clouds. The utilization of 3D point clouds is crucial in various applications, including object recognition and segmentation, as they offer a spatial depiction of things within a three-dimensional environment. In contrast to photos, point clouds exhibit sparsity and lack a regular grid, hence posing distinct processing and computational issues.

replace-cross RS-DPO: A Hybrid Rejection Sampling and Direct Preference Optimization Method for Alignment of Large Language Models

Authors: Saeed Khaki, JinJin Li, Lan Ma, Liu Yang, Prathap Ramachandra

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has been extensively employed to align large language models with user intent. However, proximal policy optimization (PPO) based RLHF is occasionally unstable requiring significant hyperparameter finetuning, and computationally expensive to maximize the estimated reward during alignment. Recently, direct preference optimization (DPO) is proposed to address those challenges. However, DPO relies on contrastive responses generated from human annotator and alternative LLM, instead of the policy model, limiting the effectiveness of the RLHF. In this paper, we addresses both challenges by systematically combining rejection sampling (RS) and DPO. Our proposed method, RS-DPO, initiates with the development of a supervised fine-tuned policy model (SFT). A varied set of k responses per prompt are sampled directly from the SFT model. RS-DPO identifies pairs of contrastive samples based on their reward distribution. Finally, we apply DPO with the contrastive samples to align the model to human preference. Our experiments indicate that our proposed method effectively fine-tunes LLMs with limited resource environments, leading to improved alignment with user intent. Furthermore, it outperforms existing methods, including RS, PPO, and DPO.

replace-cross Passive Snapshot Coded Aperture Dual-Pixel RGB-D Imaging

Authors: Bhargav Ghanekar, Salman Siddique Khan, Pranav Sharma, Shreyas Singh, Vivek Boominathan, Kaushik Mitra, Ashok Veeraraghavan

Abstract: Passive, compact, single-shot 3D sensing is useful in many application areas such as microscopy, medical imaging, surgical navigation, and autonomous driving where form factor, time, and power constraints can exist. Obtaining RGB-D scene information over a short imaging distance, in an ultra-compact form factor, and in a passive, snapshot manner is challenging. Dual-pixel (DP) sensors are a potential solution to achieve the same. DP sensors collect light rays from two different halves of the lens in two interleaved pixel arrays, thus capturing two slightly different views of the scene, like a stereo camera system. However, imaging with a DP sensor implies that the defocus blur size is directly proportional to the disparity seen between the views. This creates a trade-off between disparity estimation vs. deblurring accuracy. To improve this trade-off effect, we propose CADS (Coded Aperture Dual-Pixel Sensing), in which we use a coded aperture in the imaging lens along with a DP sensor. In our approach, we jointly learn an optimal coded pattern and the reconstruction algorithm in an end-to-end optimization setting. Our resulting CADS imaging system demonstrates improvement of >1.5dB PSNR in all-in-focus (AIF) estimates and 5-6% in depth estimation quality over naive DP sensing for a wide range of aperture settings. Furthermore, we build the proposed CADS prototypes for DSLR photography settings and in an endoscope and a dermoscope form factor. Our novel coded dual-pixel sensing approach demonstrates accurate RGB-D reconstruction results in simulations and real-world experiments in a passive, snapshot, and compact manner.

replace-cross Modular Blind Video Quality Assessment

Authors: Wen Wen, Mu Li, Yabin Zhang, Yiting Liao, Junlin Li, Li Zhang, Kede Ma

Abstract: Blind video quality assessment (BVQA) plays a pivotal role in evaluating and improving the viewing experience of end-users across a wide range of video-based platforms and services. Contemporary deep learning-based models primarily analyze video content in its aggressively subsampled format, while being blind to the impact of the actual spatial resolution and frame rate on video quality. In this paper, we propose a modular BVQA model and a method of training it to improve its modularity. Our model comprises a base quality predictor, a spatial rectifier, and a temporal rectifier, responding to the visual content and distortion, spatial resolution, and frame rate changes on video quality, respectively. During training, spatial and temporal rectifiers are dropped out with some probabilities to render the base quality predictor a standalone BVQA model, which should work better with the rectifiers. Extensive experiments on both professionally-generated content and user-generated content video databases show that our quality model achieves superior or comparable performance to current methods. Additionally, the modularity of our model offers an opportunity to analyze existing video quality databases in terms of their spatial and temporal complexity.

replace-cross SemGauss-SLAM: Dense Semantic Gaussian Splatting SLAM

Authors: Siting Zhu, Renjie Qin, Guangming Wang, Jiuming Liu, Hesheng Wang

Abstract: We propose SemGauss-SLAM, the first semantic SLAM system utilizing 3D Gaussian representation, that enables accurate 3D semantic mapping, robust camera tracking, and high-quality rendering in real-time. In this system, we incorporate semantic feature embedding into 3D Gaussian representation, which effectively encodes semantic information within the spatial layout of the environment for precise semantic scene representation. Furthermore, we propose feature-level loss for updating 3D Gaussian representation, enabling higher-level guidance for 3D Gaussian optimization. In addition, to reduce cumulative drift and improve reconstruction accuracy, we introduce semantic-informed bundle adjustment leveraging semantic associations for joint optimization of 3D Gaussian representation and camera poses, leading to more robust tracking and consistent mapping. Our SemGauss-SLAM method demonstrates superior performance over existing dense semantic SLAM methods in terms of mapping and tracking accuracy on Replica and ScanNet datasets, while also showing excellent capabilities in novel-view semantic synthesis and 3D semantic mapping.

replace-cross FocusMAE: Gallbladder Cancer Detection from Ultrasound Videos with Focused Masked Autoencoders

Authors: Soumen Basu, Mayuna Gupta, Chetan Madan, Pankaj Gupta, Chetan Arora

Abstract: In recent years, automated Gallbladder Cancer (GBC) detection has gained the attention of researchers. Current state-of-the-art (SOTA) methodologies relying on ultrasound sonography (US) images exhibit limited generalization, emphasizing the need for transformative approaches. We observe that individual US frames may lack sufficient information to capture disease manifestation. This study advocates for a paradigm shift towards video-based GBC detection, leveraging the inherent advantages of spatiotemporal representations. Employing the Masked Autoencoder (MAE) for representation learning, we address shortcomings in conventional image-based methods. We propose a novel design called FocusMAE to systematically bias the selection of masking tokens from high-information regions, fostering a more refined representation of malignancy. Additionally, we contribute the most extensive US video dataset for GBC detection. We also note that, this is the first study on US video-based GBC detection. We validate the proposed methods on the curated dataset, and report a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy of 96.4% for the GBC detection problem, against an accuracy of 84% by current Image-based SOTA - GBCNet, and RadFormer, and 94.7% by Video-based SOTA - AdaMAE. We further demonstrate the generality of the proposed FocusMAE on a public CT-based Covid detection dataset, reporting an improvement in accuracy by 3.3% over current baselines. The source code and pretrained models are available at:


replace-cross Introducing an ensemble method for the early detection of Alzheimer's disease through the analysis of PET scan images

Authors: Arezoo Borji, Taha-Hossein Hejazi, Abbas Seifi

Abstract: Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects cognitive functions such as memory, thinking, and behavior. In this disease, there is a critical phase, mild cognitive impairment, that is really important to be diagnosed early since some patients with progressive MCI will develop the disease. This study delves into the challenging task of classifying Alzheimer's disease into four distinct groups: control normal (CN), progressive mild cognitive impairment (pMCI), stable mild cognitive impairment (sMCI), and Alzheimer's disease (AD). This classification is based on a thorough examination of PET scan images obtained from the ADNI dataset, which provides a thorough understanding of the disease's progression. Several deep-learning and traditional machine-learning models have been used to detect Alzheimer's disease. In this paper, three deep-learning models, namely VGG16 and AlexNet, and a custom Convolutional neural network (CNN) with 8-fold cross-validation have been used for classification. Finally, an ensemble technique is used to improve the overall result of these models. The results show that using deep-learning models to tell the difference between MCI patients gives an overall average accuracy of 93.13% and an AUC of 94.4%.

replace-cross Augmented Reality Warnings in Roadway Work Zones: Evaluating the Effect of Modality on Worker Reaction Times

Authors: Sepehr Sabeti, Fatemeh Banani Ardecani, Omidreza Shoghli

Abstract: Given the aging highway infrastructure requiring extensive rebuilding and enhancements, and the consequent rise in the number of work zones, there is an urgent need to develop advanced safety systems to protect workers. While Augmented Reality (AR) holds significant potential for delivering warnings to workers, its integration into roadway work zones remains relatively unexplored. The primary objective of this study is to improve safety measures within roadway work zones by conducting an extensive analysis of how different combinations of multimodal AR warnings influence the reaction times of workers. This paper addresses this gap through a series of experiments that aim to replicate the distinctive conditions of roadway work zones, both in real-world and virtual reality environments. Our approach comprises three key components: an advanced AR system prototype, a VR simulation of AR functionality within the work zone environment, and the Wizard of Oz technique to synchronize user experiences across experiments. To assess reaction times, we leverage both the simple reaction time (SRT) technique and an innovative vision-based metric that utilizes real-time pose estimation. By conducting five experiments in controlled outdoor work zones and indoor VR settings, our study provides valuable information on how various multimodal AR warnings impact workers reaction times. Furthermore, our findings reveal the disparities in reaction times between VR simulations and real-world scenarios, thereby gauging VR's capability to mirror the dynamics of roadway work zones. Furthermore, our results substantiate the potential and reliability of vision-based reaction time measurements. These insights resonate well with those derived using the SRT technique, underscoring the viability of this approach for tangible real-world uses.

replace-cross High-Resolution Image Translation Model Based on Grayscale Redefinition

Authors: Xixian Wu, Dian Chao, Yang Yang

Abstract: Image-to-image translation is a technique that focuses on transferring images from one domain to another while maintaining the essential content representations. In recent years, image-to-image translation has gained significant attention and achieved remarkable advancements due to its diverse applications in computer vision and image processing tasks. In this work, we propose an innovative method for image translation between different domains. For high-resolution image translation tasks, we use a grayscale adjustment method to achieve pixel-level translation. For other tasks, we utilize the Pix2PixHD model with a coarse-to-fine generator, multi-scale discriminator, and improved loss to enhance the image translation performance. On the other hand, to tackle the issue of sparse training data, we adopt model weight initialization from other task to optimize the performance of the current task.

replace-cross Rotate to Scan: UNet-like Mamba with Triplet SSM Module for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Hao Tang, Lianglun Cheng, Guoheng Huang, Zhengguang Tan, Junhao Lu, Kaihong Wu

Abstract: Image segmentation holds a vital position in the realms of diagnosis and treatment within the medical domain. Traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformer models have made significant advancements in this realm, but they still encounter challenges because of limited receptive field or high computing complexity. Recently, State Space Models (SSMs), particularly Mamba and its variants, have demonstrated notable performance in the field of vision. However, their feature extraction methods may not be sufficiently effective and retain some redundant structures, leaving room for parameter reduction. Motivated by previous spatial and channel attention methods, we propose Triplet Mamba-UNet. The method leverages residual VSS Blocks to extract intensive contextual features, while Triplet SSM is employed to fuse features across spatial and channel dimensions. We conducted experiments on ISIC17, ISIC18, CVC-300, CVC-ClinicDB, Kvasir-SEG, CVC-ColonDB, and Kvasir-Instrument datasets, demonstrating the superior segmentation performance of our proposed TM-UNet. Additionally, compared to the previous VM-UNet, our model achieves a one-third reduction in parameters.

replace-cross Bidirectional Consistency Models

Authors: Liangchen Li, Jiajun He

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) are capable of generating remarkably high-quality samples by iteratively denoising a random vector, a process that corresponds to moving along the probability flow ordinary differential equation (PF ODE). Interestingly, DMs can also invert an input image to noise by moving backward along the PF ODE, a key operation for downstream tasks such as interpolation and image editing. However, the iterative nature of this process restricts its speed, hindering its broader application. Recently, Consistency Models (CMs) have emerged to address this challenge by approximating the integral of the PF ODE, largely reducing the number of iterations. Yet, the absence of an explicit ODE solver complicates the inversion process. To resolve this, we introduce the Bidirectional Consistency Model (BCM), which learns a single neural network that enables both forward and backward traversal along the PF ODE, efficiently unifying generation and inversion tasks within one framework. Notably, our proposed method enables one-step generation and inversion while also allowing the use of additional steps to enhance generation quality or reduce reconstruction error. Furthermore, by leveraging our model's bidirectional consistency, we introduce a sampling strategy that can enhance FID while preserving the generated image content. We further showcase our model's capabilities in several downstream tasks, such as interpolation and inpainting, and present demonstrations of potential applications, including blind restoration of compressed images and defending black-box adversarial attacks.

replace-cross Robust Active Speaker Detection in Noisy Environments

Authors: Siva Sai Nagender Vasireddy, Chenxu Zhang, Xiaohu Guo, Yapeng Tian

Abstract: This paper addresses the issue of active speaker detection (ASD) in noisy environments and formulates a robust active speaker detection (rASD) problem. Existing ASD approaches leverage both audio and visual modalities, but non-speech sounds in the surrounding environment can negatively impact performance. To overcome this, we propose a novel framework that utilizes audio-visual speech separation as guidance to learn noise-free audio features. These features are then utilized in an ASD model, and both tasks are jointly optimized in an end-to-end framework. Our proposed framework mitigates residual noise and audio quality reduction issues that can occur in a naive cascaded two-stage framework that directly uses separated speech for ASD, and enables the two tasks to be optimized simultaneously. To further enhance the robustness of the audio features and handle inherent speech noises, we propose a dynamic weighted loss approach to train the speech separator. We also collected a real-world noise audio dataset to facilitate investigations. Experiments demonstrate that non-speech audio noises significantly impact ASD models, and our proposed approach improves ASD performance in noisy environments. The framework is general and can be applied to different ASD approaches to improve their robustness. Our code, models, and data will be released.

replace-cross Tiny Machine Learning: Progress and Futures

Authors: Ji Lin, Ligeng Zhu, Wei-Ming Chen, Wei-Chen Wang, Song Han

Abstract: Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) is a new frontier of machine learning. By squeezing deep learning models into billions of IoT devices and microcontrollers (MCUs), we expand the scope of AI applications and enable ubiquitous intelligence. However, TinyML is challenging due to hardware constraints: the tiny memory resource makes it difficult to hold deep learning models designed for cloud and mobile platforms. There is also limited compiler and inference engine support for bare-metal devices. Therefore, we need to co-design the algorithm and system stack to enable TinyML. In this review, we will first discuss the definition, challenges, and applications of TinyML. We then survey the recent progress in TinyML and deep learning on MCUs. Next, we will introduce MCUNet, showing how we can achieve ImageNet-scale AI applications on IoT devices with system-algorithm co-design. We will further extend the solution from inference to training and introduce tiny on-device training techniques. Finally, we present future directions in this area. Today's large model might be tomorrow's tiny model. The scope of TinyML should evolve and adapt over time.