new Learning to Solve Job Shop Scheduling under Uncertainty

Authors: Guillaume Infantes, St\'ephanie Roussel, Pierre Pereira, Antoine Jacquet, Emmanuel Benazera

Abstract: Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is a combinatorial optimization problem where tasks need to be scheduled on machines in order to minimize criteria such as makespan or delay. To address more realistic scenarios, we associate a probability distribution with the duration of each task. Our objective is to generate a robust schedule, i.e. that minimizes the average makespan. This paper introduces a new approach that leverages Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques to search for robust solutions, emphasizing JSSPs with uncertain durations. Key contributions of this research include: (1) advancements in DRL applications to JSSPs, enhancing generalization and scalability, (2) a novel method for addressing JSSPs with uncertain durations. The Wheatley approach, which integrates Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and DRL, is made publicly available for further research and applications.

new Some Orders Are Important: Partially Preserving Orders in Top-Quality Planning

Authors: Michael Katz, Junkyu Lee, Jungkoo Kang, Shirin Sohrabi

Abstract: The ability to generate multiple plans is central to using planning in real-life applications. Top-quality planners generate sets of such top-cost plans, allowing flexibility in determining equivalent ones. In terms of the order between actions in a plan, the literature only considers two extremes -- either all orders are important, making each plan unique, or all orders are unimportant, treating two plans differing only in the order of actions as equivalent. To allow flexibility in selecting important orders, we propose specifying a subset of actions the orders between which are important, interpolating between the top-quality and unordered top-quality planning problems. We explore the ways of adapting partial order reduction search pruning techniques to address this new computational problem and present experimental evaluations demonstrating the benefits of exploiting such techniques in this setting.

new Categorical semiotics: Foundations for Knowledge Integration

Authors: Carlos Leandro

Abstract: The integration of knowledge extracted from diverse models, whether described by domain experts or generated by machine learning algorithms, has historically been challenged by the absence of a suitable framework for specifying and integrating structures, learning processes, data transformations, and data models or rules. In this work, we extend algebraic specification methods to address these challenges within such a framework. In our work, we tackle the challenging task of developing a comprehensive framework for defining and analyzing deep learning architectures. We believe that previous efforts have fallen short by failing to establish a clear connection between the constraints a model must adhere to and its actual implementation. Our methodology employs graphical structures that resemble Ehresmann's sketches, interpreted within a universe of fuzzy sets. This approach offers a unified theory that elegantly encompasses both deterministic and non-deterministic neural network designs. Furthermore, we highlight how this theory naturally incorporates fundamental concepts from computer science and automata theory. Our extended algebraic specification framework, grounded in graphical structures akin to Ehresmann's sketches, offers a promising solution for integrating knowledge across disparate models and domains. By bridging the gap between domain-specific expertise and machine-generated insights, we pave the way for more comprehensive, collaborative, and effective approaches to knowledge integration and modeling.

new Towards Generalizable and Faithful Logic Reasoning over Natural Language via Resolution Refutation

Authors: Zhouhao Sun, Xiao Ding, Li Du, Bibo Cai, Jinglong Gao, Ting Liu, Qin Bing

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant performance in various natural language reasoning tasks. However, they still struggle with performing first-order logic reasoning over formal logical theories expressed in natural language. This is because the previous LLMs-based reasoning systems have the theoretical incompleteness issue. As a result, it can only address a limited set of simple reasoning problems, which significantly decreases their generalization ability. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework, named Generalizable and Faithful Reasoner (GFaiR), which introduces the paradigm of resolution refutation. Resolution refutation has the capability to solve all first-order logic reasoning problems by extending reasoning rules and employing the principle of proof by contradiction, so our system's completeness can be improved by introducing resolution refutation. Experimental results demonstrate that our system outperforms previous works by achieving state-of-the-art performances in complex scenarios while maintaining performances in simple scenarios. Besides, we observe that GFaiR is faithful to its reasoning process.

new Imitation Game: A Model-based and Imitation Learning Deep Reinforcement Learning Hybrid

Authors: Eric MSP Veith, Torben Logemann, Aleksandr Berezin, Arlena Well{\ss}ow, Stephan Balduin

Abstract: Autonomous and learning systems based on Deep Reinforcement Learning have firmly established themselves as a foundation for approaches to creating resilient and efficient Cyber-Physical Energy Systems. However, most current approaches suffer from two distinct problems: Modern model-free algorithms such as Soft Actor Critic need a high number of samples to learn a meaningful policy, as well as a fallback to ward against concept drifts (e. g., catastrophic forgetting). In this paper, we present the work in progress towards a hybrid agent architecture that combines model-based Deep Reinforcement Learning with imitation learning to overcome both problems.

new A Survey on Large Language Model-Based Game Agents

Authors: Sihao Hu, Tiansheng Huang, Fatih Ilhan, Selim Tekin, Gaowen Liu, Ramana Kompella, Ling Liu

Abstract: The development of game agents holds a critical role in advancing towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The progress of LLMs and their multimodal counterparts (MLLMs) offers an unprecedented opportunity to evolve and empower game agents with human-like decision-making capabilities in complex computer game environments. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of LLM-based game agents from a holistic viewpoint. First, we introduce the conceptual architecture of LLM-based game agents, centered around six essential functional components: perception, memory, thinking, role-playing, action, and learning. Second, we survey existing representative LLM-based game agents documented in the literature with respect to methodologies and adaptation agility across six genres of games, including adventure, communication, competition, cooperation, simulation, and crafting & exploration games. Finally, we present an outlook of future research and development directions in this burgeoning field. A curated list of relevant papers is maintained and made accessible at:


new Advancing LLM Reasoning Generalists with Preference Trees

Authors: Lifan Yuan, Ganqu Cui, Hanbin Wang, Ning Ding, Xingyao Wang, Jia Deng, Boji Shan, Huimin Chen, Ruobing Xie, Yankai Lin, Zhenghao Liu, Bowen Zhou, Hao Peng, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: We introduce Eurus, a suite of large language models (LLMs) optimized for reasoning. Finetuned from Mistral-7B and CodeLlama-70B, Eurus models achieve state-of-the-art results among open-source models on a diverse set of benchmarks covering mathematics, code generation, and logical reasoning problems. Notably, Eurus-70B beats GPT-3.5 Turbo in reasoning through a comprehensive benchmarking across 12 tests covering five tasks, and achieves a 33.3% pass@1 accuracy on LeetCode and 32.6% on TheoremQA, two challenging benchmarks, substantially outperforming existing open-source models by margins more than 13.3%. The strong performance of Eurus can be primarily attributed to UltraInteract, our newly-curated large-scale, high-quality alignment dataset specifically designed for complex reasoning tasks. UltraInteract can be used in both supervised fine-tuning and preference learning. For each instruction, it includes a preference tree consisting of (1) reasoning chains with diverse planning strategies in a unified format, (2) multi-turn interaction trajectories with the environment and the critique, and (3) pairwise data to facilitate preference learning. UltraInteract allows us to conduct an in-depth exploration of preference learning for reasoning tasks. Our investigation reveals that some well-established preference learning algorithms may be less suitable for reasoning tasks compared to their effectiveness in general conversations. Inspired by this, we derive a novel reward modeling objective which, together with UltraInteract, leads to a strong reward model.

cross Affective and Dynamic Beam Search for Story Generation

Authors: Tenghao Huang, Ehsan Qasemi, Bangzheng Li, He Wang, Faeze Brahman, Muhao Chen, Snigdha Chaturvedi

Abstract: Storytelling's captivating potential makes it a fascinating research area, with implications for entertainment, education, therapy, and cognitive studies. In this paper, we propose Affective Story Generator (AffGen) for generating interesting narratives. AffGen introduces "intriguing twists" in narratives by employing two novel techniques-Dynamic Beam Sizing and Affective Reranking. Dynamic Beam Sizing encourages less predictable, more captivating word choices using a contextual multi-arm bandit model. Affective Reranking prioritizes sentence candidates based on affect intensity. Our empirical evaluations, both automatic and human, demonstrate AffGen's superior performance over existing baselines in generating affectively charged and interesting narratives. Our ablation study and analysis provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of AffGen.

cross Planning and Editing What You Retrieve for Enhanced Tool Learning

Authors: Tenghao Huang, Dongwon Jung, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in integrating external tools with Large Language Models (LLMs) have opened new frontiers, with applications in mathematical reasoning, code generators, and smart assistants. However, existing methods, relying on simple one-time retrieval strategies, fall short on effectively and accurately shortlisting relevant tools. This paper introduces a novel \modelname (\modelmeaning) approach, encompassing ``Plan-and-Retrieve (P\&R)'' and ``Edit-and-Ground (E\&G)'' paradigms. The P\&R paradigm consists of a neural retrieval module for shortlisting relevant tools and an LLM-based query planner that decomposes complex queries into actionable tasks, enhancing the effectiveness of tool utilization. The E\&G paradigm utilizes LLMs to enrich tool descriptions based on user scenarios, bridging the gap between user queries and tool functionalities. Experiment results demonstrate that these paradigms significantly improve the recall and NDCG in tool retrieval tasks, significantly surpassing current state-of-the-art models.

cross Intelligent Learning Rate Distribution to reduce Catastrophic Forgetting in Transformers

Authors: Philip Kenneweg, Alexander Schulz, Sarah Schr\"oder, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Pretraining language models on large text corpora is a common practice in natural language processing. Fine-tuning of these models is then performed to achieve the best results on a variety of tasks. In this paper, we investigate the problem of catastrophic forgetting in transformer neural networks and question the common practice of fine-tuning with a flat learning rate for the entire network in this context. We perform a hyperparameter optimization process to find learning rate distributions that are better than a flat learning rate. We combine the learning rate distributions thus found and show that they generalize to better performance with respect to the problem of catastrophic forgetting. We validate these learning rate distributions with a variety of NLP benchmarks from the GLUE dataset.

cross Information Cascade Prediction under Public Emergencies: A Survey

Authors: Qi Zhang, Guang Wang, Li Lin, Kaiwen Xia, Shuai Wang

Abstract: With the advent of the era of big data, massive information, expert experience, and high-accuracy models bring great opportunities to the information cascade prediction of public emergencies. However, the involvement of specialist knowledge from various disciplines has resulted in a primarily application-specific focus (e.g., earthquakes, floods, infectious diseases) for information cascade prediction of public emergencies. The lack of a unified prediction framework poses a challenge for classifying intersectional prediction methods across different application fields. This survey paper offers a systematic classification and summary of information cascade modeling, prediction, and application. We aim to help researchers identify cutting-edge research and comprehend models and methods of information cascade prediction under public emergencies. By summarizing open issues and outlining future directions in this field, this paper has the potential to be a valuable resource for researchers conducting further studies on predicting information cascades.

cross Graph-Based Optimisation of Network Expansion in a Dockless Bike Sharing System

Authors: Mark Roantree, Niamh Murphi, Dinh Viet Cuong, Vuong Minh Ngo

Abstract: Bike-sharing systems (BSSs) are deployed in over a thousand cities worldwide and play an important role in many urban transportation systems. BSSs alleviate congestion, reduce pollution and promote physical exercise. It is essential to explore the spatiotemporal patterns of bike-sharing demand, as well as the factors that influence these patterns, in order to optimise system operational efficiency. In this study, an optimised geo-temporal graph is constructed using trip data from Moby Bikes, a dockless BSS operator. The process of optimising the graph unveiled prime locations for erecting new stations during future expansions of the BSS. The Louvain algorithm, a community detection technique, is employed to uncover usage patterns at different levels of temporal granularity. The community detection results reveal largely self-contained sub-networks that exhibit similar usage patterns at their respective levels of temporal granularity. Overall, this study reinforces that BSSs are intrinsically spatiotemporal systems, with community presence driven by spatiotemporal dynamics. These findings may aid operators in improving redistribution efficiency.

cross A Review of Multi-Modal Large Language and Vision Models

Authors: Kilian Carolan, Laura Fennelly, Alan F. Smeaton

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently emerged as a focal point of research and application, driven by their unprecedented ability to understand and generate text with human-like quality. Even more recently, LLMs have been extended into multi-modal large language models (MM-LLMs) which extends their capabilities to deal with image, video and audio information, in addition to text. This opens up applications like text-to-video generation, image captioning, text-to-speech, and more and is achieved either by retro-fitting an LLM with multi-modal capabilities, or building a MM-LLM from scratch. This paper provides an extensive review of the current state of those LLMs with multi-modal capabilities as well as the very recent MM-LLMs. It covers the historical development of LLMs especially the advances enabled by transformer-based architectures like OpenAI's GPT series and Google's BERT, as well as the role of attention mechanisms in enhancing model performance. The paper includes coverage of the major and most important of the LLMs and MM-LLMs and also covers the techniques of model tuning, including fine-tuning and prompt engineering, which tailor pre-trained models to specific tasks or domains. Ethical considerations and challenges, such as data bias and model misuse, are also analysed to underscore the importance of responsible AI development and deployment. Finally, we discuss the implications of open-source versus proprietary models in AI research. Through this review, we provide insights into the transformative potential of MM-LLMs in various applications.

cross Entertainment chatbot for the digital inclusion of elderly people without abstraction capabilities

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Jos\'e A. Regueiro-Janeiro, Felipe Gil-Casti\~neira

Abstract: Current language processing technologies allow the creation of conversational chatbot platforms. Even though artificial intelligence is still too immature to support satisfactory user experience in many mass market domains, conversational interfaces have found their way into ad hoc applications such as call centres and online shopping assistants. However, they have not been applied so far to social inclusion of elderly people, who are particularly vulnerable to the digital divide. Many of them relieve their loneliness with traditional media such as TV and radio, which are known to create a feeling of companionship. In this paper we present the EBER chatbot, designed to reduce the digital gap for the elderly. EBER reads news in the background and adapts its responses to the user's mood. Its novelty lies in the concept of "intelligent radio", according to which, instead of simplifying a digital information system to make it accessible to the elderly, a traditional channel they find familiar -- background news -- is augmented with interactions via voice dialogues. We make it possible by combining Artificial Intelligence Modelling Language, automatic Natural Language Generation and Sentiment Analysis. The system allows accessing digital content of interest by combining words extracted from user answers to chatbot questions with keywords extracted from the news items. This approach permits defining metrics of the abstraction capabilities of the users depending on a spatial representation of the word space. To prove the suitability of the proposed solution we present results of real experiments conducted with elderly people that provided valuable insights. Our approach was considered satisfactory during the tests and improved the information search capabilities of the participants.

cross LLaVA-Gemma: Accelerating Multimodal Foundation Models with a Compact Language Model

Authors: Musashi Hinck, Matthew L. Olson, David Cobbley, Shao-Yen Tseng, Vasudev Lal

Abstract: We train a suite of multimodal foundation models (MMFM) using the popular LLaVA framework with the recently released Gemma family of large language models (LLMs). Of particular interest is the 2B parameter Gemma model, which provides opportunities to construct capable small-scale MMFMs. In line with findings from other papers in this space, we test the effect of ablating three design features: pretraining the connector, utilizing a more powerful image backbone, and increasing the size of the language backbone. The resulting models, which we call LLaVA-Gemma, exhibit moderate performance on an array of evaluations, but fail to improve past the current comparably sized SOTA models. Closer analysis of performance shows mixed effects; skipping pretraining tends to reduce performance, larger vision models sometimes improve performance, and increasing language model size has inconsistent effects. We publicly release training recipes, code and weights for our models for the LLaVA-Gemma models.

cross Wait, It's All Token Noise? Always Has Been: Interpreting LLM Behavior Using Shapley Value

Authors: Behnam Mohammadi

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has opened up exciting possibilities for simulating human behavior and cognitive processes, with potential applications in various domains, including marketing research and consumer behavior analysis. However, the validity of utilizing LLMs as stand-ins for human subjects remains uncertain due to glaring divergences that suggest fundamentally different underlying processes at play and the sensitivity of LLM responses to prompt variations. This paper presents a novel approach based on Shapley values from cooperative game theory to interpret LLM behavior and quantify the relative contribution of each prompt component to the model's output. Through two applications-a discrete choice experiment and an investigation of cognitive biases-we demonstrate how the Shapley value method can uncover what we term "token noise" effects, a phenomenon where LLM decisions are disproportionately influenced by tokens providing minimal informative content. This phenomenon raises concerns about the robustness and generalizability of insights obtained from LLMs in the context of human behavior simulation. Our model-agnostic approach extends its utility to proprietary LLMs, providing a valuable tool for marketers and researchers to strategically optimize prompts and mitigate apparent cognitive biases. Our findings underscore the need for a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving LLM responses before relying on them as substitutes for human subjects in research settings. We emphasize the importance of researchers reporting results conditioned on specific prompt templates and exercising caution when drawing parallels between human behavior and LLMs.

cross Generative AI for Architectural Design: A Literature Review

Authors: Chengyuan Li, Tianyu Zhang, Xusheng Du, Ye Zhang, Haoran Xie

Abstract: Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has pioneered new methodological paradigms in architectural design, significantly expanding the innovative potential and efficiency of the design process. This paper explores the extensive applications of generative AI technologies in architectural design, a trend that has benefited from the rapid development of deep generative models. This article provides a comprehensive review of the basic principles of generative AI and large-scale models and highlights the applications in the generation of 2D images, videos, and 3D models. In addition, by reviewing the latest literature from 2020, this paper scrutinizes the impact of generative AI technologies at different stages of architectural design, from generating initial architectural 3D forms to producing final architectural imagery. The marked trend of research growth indicates an increasing inclination within the architectural design community towards embracing generative AI, thereby catalyzing a shared enthusiasm for research. These research cases and methodologies have not only proven to enhance efficiency and innovation significantly but have also posed challenges to the conventional boundaries of architectural creativity. Finally, we point out new directions for design innovation and articulate fresh trajectories for applying generative AI in the architectural domain. This article provides the first comprehensive literature review about generative AI for architectural design, and we believe this work can facilitate more research work on this significant topic in architecture.

cross FineFake: A Knowledge-Enriched Dataset for Fine-Grained Multi-Domain Fake News Detecction

Authors: Ziyi Zhou, Xiaoming Zhang, Litian Zhang, Jiacheng Liu, Xi Zhang, Chaozhuo Li

Abstract: Existing benchmarks for fake news detection have significantly contributed to the advancement of models in assessing the authenticity of news content. However, these benchmarks typically focus solely on news pertaining to a single semantic topic or originating from a single platform, thereby failing to capture the diversity of multi-domain news in real scenarios. In order to understand fake news across various domains, the external knowledge and fine-grained annotations are indispensable to provide precise evidence and uncover the diverse underlying strategies for fabrication, which are also ignored by existing benchmarks. To address this gap, we introduce a novel multi-domain knowledge-enhanced benchmark with fine-grained annotations, named \textbf{FineFake}. FineFake encompasses 16,909 data samples spanning six semantic topics and eight platforms. Each news item is enriched with multi-modal content, potential social context, semi-manually verified common knowledge, and fine-grained annotations that surpass conventional binary labels. Furthermore, we formulate three challenging tasks based on FineFake and propose a knowledge-enhanced domain adaptation network. Extensive experiments are conducted on FineFake under various scenarios, providing accurate and reliable benchmarks for future endeavors. The entire FineFake project is publicly accessible as an open-source repository at \url{}.


cross Humane Speech Synthesis through Zero-Shot Emotion and Disfluency Generation

Authors: Rohan Chaudhury, Mihir Godbole, Aakash Garg, Jinsil Hwaryoung Seo

Abstract: Contemporary conversational systems often present a significant limitation: their responses lack the emotional depth and disfluent characteristic of human interactions. This absence becomes particularly noticeable when users seek more personalized and empathetic interactions. Consequently, this makes them seem mechanical and less relatable to human users. Recognizing this gap, we embarked on a journey to humanize machine communication, to ensure AI systems not only comprehend but also resonate. To address this shortcoming, we have designed an innovative speech synthesis pipeline. Within this framework, a cutting-edge language model introduces both human-like emotion and disfluencies in a zero-shot setting. These intricacies are seamlessly integrated into the generated text by the language model during text generation, allowing the system to mirror human speech patterns better, promoting more intuitive and natural user interactions. These generated elements are then adeptly transformed into corresponding speech patterns and emotive sounds using a rule-based approach during the text-to-speech phase. Based on our experiments, our novel system produces synthesized speech that's almost indistinguishable from genuine human communication, making each interaction feel more personal and authentic.

cross From Similarity to Superiority: Channel Clustering for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jialin Chen, Jan Eric Lenssen, Aosong Feng, Weihua Hu, Matthias Fey, Leandros Tassiulas, Jure Leskovec, Rex Ying

Abstract: Time series forecasting has attracted significant attention in recent decades. Previous studies have demonstrated that the Channel-Independent (CI) strategy improves forecasting performance by treating different channels individually, while it leads to poor generalization on unseen instances and ignores potentially necessary interactions between channels. Conversely, the Channel-Dependent (CD) strategy mixes all channels with even irrelevant and indiscriminate information, which, however, results in oversmoothing issues and limits forecasting accuracy. There is a lack of channel strategy that effectively balances individual channel treatment for improved forecasting performance without overlooking essential interactions between channels. Motivated by our observation of a correlation between the time series model's performance boost against channel mixing and the intrinsic similarity on a pair of channels, we developed a novel and adaptable Channel Clustering Module (CCM). CCM dynamically groups channels characterized by intrinsic similarities and leverages cluster identity instead of channel identity, combining the best of CD and CI worlds. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that CCM can (1) boost the performance of CI and CD models by an average margin of 2.4% and 7.2% on long-term and short-term forecasting, respectively; (2) enable zero-shot forecasting with mainstream time series forecasting models; (3) uncover intrinsic time series patterns among channels and improve interpretability of complex time series models.

cross Block-Diagonal Guided DBSCAN Clustering

Authors: Zheng Xing, Weibing Zhao

Abstract: Cluster analysis plays a crucial role in database mining, and one of the most widely used algorithms in this field is DBSCAN. However, DBSCAN has several limitations, such as difficulty in handling high-dimensional large-scale data, sensitivity to input parameters, and lack of robustness in producing clustering results. This paper introduces an improved version of DBSCAN that leverages the block-diagonal property of the similarity graph to guide the clustering procedure of DBSCAN. The key idea is to construct a graph that measures the similarity between high-dimensional large-scale data points and has the potential to be transformed into a block-diagonal form through an unknown permutation, followed by a cluster-ordering procedure to generate the desired permutation. The clustering structure can be easily determined by identifying the diagonal blocks in the permuted graph. We propose a gradient descent-based method to solve the proposed problem. Additionally, we develop a DBSCAN-based points traversal algorithm that identifies clusters with high densities in the graph and generates an augmented ordering of clusters. The block-diagonal structure of the graph is then achieved through permutation based on the traversal order, providing a flexible foundation for both automatic and interactive cluster analysis. We introduce a split-and-refine algorithm to automatically search for all diagonal blocks in the permuted graph with theoretically optimal guarantees under specific cases. We extensively evaluate our proposed approach on twelve challenging real-world benchmark clustering datasets and demonstrate its superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art clustering method on every dataset.

cross DiffAgent: Fast and Accurate Text-to-Image API Selection with Large Language Model

Authors: Lirui Zhao, Yue Yang, Kaipeng Zhang, Wenqi Shao, Yuxin Zhang, Yu Qiao, Ping Luo, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) generative models have attracted significant attention and found extensive applications within and beyond academic research. For example, the Civitai community, a platform for T2I innovation, currently hosts an impressive array of 74,492 distinct models. However, this diversity presents a formidable challenge in selecting the most appropriate model and parameters, a process that typically requires numerous trials. Drawing inspiration from the tool usage research of large language models (LLMs), we introduce DiffAgent, an LLM agent designed to screen the accurate selection in seconds via API calls. DiffAgent leverages a novel two-stage training framework, SFTA, enabling it to accurately align T2I API responses with user input in accordance with human preferences. To train and evaluate DiffAgent's capabilities, we present DABench, a comprehensive dataset encompassing an extensive range of T2I APIs from the community. Our evaluations reveal that DiffAgent not only excels in identifying the appropriate T2I API but also underscores the effectiveness of the SFTA training framework. Codes are available at


cross CHOPS: CHat with custOmer Profile Systems for Customer Service with LLMs

Authors: Jingzhe Shi, Jialuo Li, Qinwei Ma, Zaiwen Yang, Huan Ma, Lei Li

Abstract: Businesses and software platforms are increasingly turning to Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, GLM-3, and LLaMa-2 for chat assistance with file access or as reasoning agents for customer service. However, current LLM-based customer service models have limited integration with customer profiles and lack the operational capabilities necessary for effective service. Moreover, existing API integrations emphasize diversity over the precision and error avoidance essential in real-world customer service scenarios. To address these issues, we propose an LLM agent named CHOPS (CHat with custOmer Profile in existing System), designed to: (1) efficiently utilize existing databases or systems for accessing user information or interacting with these systems following existing guidelines; (2) provide accurate and reasonable responses or carry out required operations in the system while avoiding harmful operations; and (3) leverage a combination of small and large LLMs to achieve satisfying performance at a reasonable inference cost. We introduce a practical dataset, the CPHOS-dataset, which includes a database, guiding files, and QA pairs collected from CPHOS, an online platform that facilitates the organization of simulated Physics Olympiads for high school teachers and students. We have conducted extensive experiments to validate the performance of our proposed CHOPS architecture using the CPHOS-dataset, with the aim of demonstrating how LLMs can enhance or serve as alternatives to human customer service. Our code and dataset will be open-sourced soon.

cross Fairness in Large Language Models: A Taxonomic Survey

Authors: Zhibo Chu, Zichong Wang, Wenbin Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success across various domains. However, despite their promising performance in numerous real-world applications, most of these algorithms lack fairness considerations. Consequently, they may lead to discriminatory outcomes against certain communities, particularly marginalized populations, prompting extensive study in fair LLMs. On the other hand, fairness in LLMs, in contrast to fairness in traditional machine learning, entails exclusive backgrounds, taxonomies, and fulfillment techniques. To this end, this survey presents a comprehensive overview of recent advances in the existing literature concerning fair LLMs. Specifically, a brief introduction to LLMs is provided, followed by an analysis of factors contributing to bias in LLMs. Additionally, the concept of fairness in LLMs is discussed categorically, summarizing metrics for evaluating bias in LLMs and existing algorithms for promoting fairness. Furthermore, resources for evaluating bias in LLMs, including toolkits and datasets, are summarized. Finally, existing research challenges and open questions are discussed.

cross AETTA: Label-Free Accuracy Estimation for Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Taeckyung Lee, Sorn Chottananurak, Taesik Gong, Sung-Ju Lee

Abstract: Test-time adaptation (TTA) has emerged as a viable solution to adapt pre-trained models to domain shifts using unlabeled test data. However, TTA faces challenges of adaptation failures due to its reliance on blind adaptation to unknown test samples in dynamic scenarios. Traditional methods for out-of-distribution performance estimation are limited by unrealistic assumptions in the TTA context, such as requiring labeled data or re-training models. To address this issue, we propose AETTA, a label-free accuracy estimation algorithm for TTA. We propose the prediction disagreement as the accuracy estimate, calculated by comparing the target model prediction with dropout inferences. We then improve the prediction disagreement to extend the applicability of AETTA under adaptation failures. Our extensive evaluation with four baselines and six TTA methods demonstrates that AETTA shows an average of 19.8%p more accurate estimation compared with the baselines. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of accuracy estimation with a model recovery case study, showcasing the practicality of our model recovery based on accuracy estimation. The source code is available at


cross VortexViz: Finding Vortex Boundaries by Learning from Particle Trajectories

Authors: Akila de Silva, Nicholas Tee, Omkar Ghanekar, Fahim Hasan Khan, Gregory Dusek, James Davis, Alex Pang

Abstract: Vortices are studied in various scientific disciplines, offering insights into fluid flow behavior. Visualizing the boundary of vortices is crucial for understanding flow phenomena and detecting flow irregularities. This paper addresses the challenge of accurately extracting vortex boundaries using deep learning techniques. While existing methods primarily train on velocity components, we propose a novel approach incorporating particle trajectories (streamlines or pathlines) into the learning process. By leveraging the regional/local characteristics of the flow field captured by streamlines or pathlines, our methodology aims to enhance the accuracy of vortex boundary extraction.

cross Efficiently Distilling LLMs for Edge Applications

Authors: Achintya Kundu, Fabian Lim, Aaron Chew, Laura Wynter, Penny Chong, Rhui Dih Lee

Abstract: Supernet training of LLMs is of great interest in industrial applications as it confers the ability to produce a palette of smaller models at constant cost, regardless of the number of models (of different size / latency) produced. We propose a new method called Multistage Low-rank Fine-tuning of Super-transformers (MLFS) for parameter-efficient supernet training. We show that it is possible to obtain high-quality encoder models that are suitable for commercial edge applications, and that while decoder-only models are resistant to a comparable degree of compression, decoders can be effectively sliced for a significant reduction in training time.

cross The Double-Edged Sword of Input Perturbations to Robust Accurate Fairness

Authors: Xuran Li, Peng Wu, Yanting Chen, Xingjun Ma, Zhen Zhang, Kaixiang Dong

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to be sensitive to adversarial input perturbations, leading to a reduction in either prediction accuracy or individual fairness. To jointly characterize the susceptibility of prediction accuracy and individual fairness to adversarial perturbations, we introduce a novel robustness definition termed robust accurate fairness. Informally, robust accurate fairness requires that predictions for an instance and its similar counterparts consistently align with the ground truth when subjected to input perturbations. We propose an adversarial attack approach dubbed RAFair to expose false or biased adversarial defects in DNN, which either deceive accuracy or compromise individual fairness. Then, we show that such adversarial instances can be effectively addressed by carefully designed benign perturbations, correcting their predictions to be accurate and fair. Our work explores the double-edged sword of input perturbations to robust accurate fairness in DNN and the potential of using benign perturbations to correct adversarial instances.

cross Utilizing AI and Social Media Analytics to Discover Adverse Side Effects of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

Authors: Alon Bartal, Kathleen M. Jagodnik, Nava Pliskin, Abraham Seidmann

Abstract: Adverse side effects (ASEs) of drugs, revealed after FDA approval, pose a threat to patient safety. To promptly detect overlooked ASEs, we developed a digital health methodology capable of analyzing massive public data from social media, published clinical research, manufacturers' reports, and ChatGPT. We uncovered ASEs associated with the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RA), a market expected to grow exponentially to $133.5 billion USD by 2030. Using a Named Entity Recognition (NER) model, our method successfully detected 21 potential ASEs overlooked upon FDA approval, including irritability and numbness. Our data-analytic approach revolutionizes the detection of unreported ASEs associated with newly deployed drugs, leveraging cutting-edge AI-driven social media analytics. It can increase the safety of new drugs in the marketplace by unlocking the power of social media to support regulators and manufacturers in the rapid discovery of hidden ASE risks.

cross Parallel Proportional Fusion of Spiking Quantum Neural Network for Optimizing Image Classification

Authors: Zuyu Xu, Kang Shen, Pengnian Cai, Tao Yang, Yuanming Hu, Shixian Chen, Yunlai Zhu, Zuheng Wu, Yuehua Dai, Jun Wang, Fei Yang

Abstract: The recent emergence of the hybrid quantum-classical neural network (HQCNN) architecture has garnered considerable attention due to the potential advantages associated with integrating quantum principles to enhance various facets of machine learning algorithms and computations. However, the current investigated serial structure of HQCNN, wherein information sequentially passes from one network to another, often imposes limitations on the trainability and expressivity of the network. In this study, we introduce a novel architecture termed Parallel Proportional Fusion of Quantum and Spiking Neural Networks (PPF-QSNN). The dataset information is simultaneously fed into both the spiking neural network and the variational quantum circuits, with the outputs amalgamated in proportion to their individual contributions. We systematically assess the impact of diverse PPF-QSNN parameters on network performance for image classification, aiming to identify the optimal configuration. Numerical results on the MNIST dataset unequivocally illustrate that our proposed PPF-QSNN outperforms both the existing spiking neural network and the serial quantum neural network across metrics such as accuracy, loss, and robustness. This study introduces a novel and effective amalgamation approach for HQCNN, thereby laying the groundwork for the advancement and application of quantum advantage in artificial intelligent computations.

cross LLM Attributor: Interactive Visual Attribution for LLM Generation

Authors: Seongmin Lee, Zijie J. Wang, Aishwarya Chakravarthy, Alec Helbling, ShengYun Peng, Mansi Phute, Duen Horng Chau, Minsuk Kahng

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capability to generate convincing text across diverse domains, concerns around its potential risks have highlighted the importance of understanding the rationale behind text generation. We present LLM Attributor, a Python library that provides interactive visualizations for training data attribution of an LLM's text generation. Our library offers a new way to quickly attribute an LLM's text generation to training data points to inspect model behaviors, enhance its trustworthiness, and compare model-generated text with user-provided text. We describe the visual and interactive design of our tool and highlight usage scenarios for LLaMA2 models fine-tuned with two different datasets: online articles about recent disasters and finance-related question-answer pairs. Thanks to LLM Attributor's broad support for computational notebooks, users can easily integrate it into their workflow to interactively visualize attributions of their models. For easier access and extensibility, we open-source LLM Attributor at LLM-Attribution. The video demo is available at


cross AIOps Solutions for Incident Management: Technical Guidelines and A Comprehensive Literature Review

Authors: Youcef Remil, Anes Bendimerad, Romain Mathonat, Mehdi Kaytoue

Abstract: The management of modern IT systems poses unique challenges, necessitating scalability, reliability, and efficiency in handling extensive data streams. Traditional methods, reliant on manual tasks and rule-based approaches, prove inefficient for the substantial data volumes and alerts generated by IT systems. Artificial Intelligence for Operating Systems (AIOps) has emerged as a solution, leveraging advanced analytics like machine learning and big data to enhance incident management. AIOps detects and predicts incidents, identifies root causes, and automates healing actions, improving quality and reducing operational costs. However, despite its potential, the AIOps domain is still in its early stages, decentralized across multiple sectors, and lacking standardized conventions. Research and industrial contributions are distributed without consistent frameworks for data management, target problems, implementation details, requirements, and capabilities. This study proposes an AIOps terminology and taxonomy, establishing a structured incident management procedure and providing guidelines for constructing an AIOps framework. The research also categorizes contributions based on criteria such as incident management tasks, application areas, data sources, and technical approaches. The goal is to provide a comprehensive review of technical and research aspects in AIOps for incident management, aiming to structure knowledge, identify gaps, and establish a foundation for future developments in the field.

cross Information Plane Analysis Visualization in Deep Learning via Transfer Entropy

Authors: Adrian Moldovan, Angel Cataron, Razvan Andonie

Abstract: In a feedforward network, Transfer Entropy (TE) can be used to measure the influence that one layer has on another by quantifying the information transfer between them during training. According to the Information Bottleneck principle, a neural model's internal representation should compress the input data as much as possible while still retaining sufficient information about the output. Information Plane analysis is a visualization technique used to understand the trade-off between compression and information preservation in the context of the Information Bottleneck method by plotting the amount of information in the input data against the compressed representation. The claim that there is a causal link between information-theoretic compression and generalization, measured by mutual information, is plausible, but results from different studies are conflicting. In contrast to mutual information, TE can capture temporal relationships between variables. To explore such links, in our novel approach we use TE to quantify information transfer between neural layers and perform Information Plane analysis. We obtained encouraging experimental results, opening the possibility for further investigations.

cross Prompt-prompted Mixture of Experts for Efficient LLM Generation

Authors: Harry Dong, Beidi Chen, Yuejie Chi

Abstract: With the development of transformer-based large language models (LLMs), they have been applied to many fields due to their remarkable utility, but this comes at a considerable computational cost at deployment. Fortunately, some methods such as pruning or constructing a mixture of experts (MoE) aim at exploiting sparsity in transformer feedforward (FF) blocks to gain boosts in speed and reduction in memory requirements. However, these techniques can be very costly and inflexible in practice, as they often require training or are restricted to specific types of architectures. To address this, we introduce GRIFFIN, a novel training-free MoE that selects unique FF experts at the sequence level for efficient generation across a plethora of LLMs with different non-ReLU activation functions. This is possible due to a critical observation that many trained LLMs naturally produce highly structured FF activation patterns within a sequence, which we call flocking. Despite our method's simplicity, we show with 50\% of the FF parameters, GRIFFIN maintains the original model's performance with little to no degradation on a variety of classification and generation tasks, all while improving latency (e.g. 1.25$\times$ speed-up in Llama 2 13B on an NVIDIA L40). Code will be available at


cross Object-conditioned Bag of Instances for Few-Shot Personalized Instance Recognition

Authors: Umberto Michieli, Jijoong Moon, Daehyun Kim, Mete Ozay

Abstract: Nowadays, users demand for increased personalization of vision systems to localize and identify personal instances of objects (e.g., my dog rather than dog) from a few-shot dataset only. Despite outstanding results of deep networks on classical label-abundant benchmarks (e.g., those of the latest YOLOv8 model for standard object detection), they struggle to maintain within-class variability to represent different instances rather than object categories only. We construct an Object-conditioned Bag of Instances (OBoI) based on multi-order statistics of extracted features, where generic object detection models are extended to search and identify personal instances from the OBoI's metric space, without need for backpropagation. By relying on multi-order statistics, OBoI achieves consistent superior accuracy in distinguishing different instances. In the results, we achieve 77.1% personal object recognition accuracy in case of 18 personal instances, showing about 12% relative gain over the state of the art.

cross ContactHandover: Contact-Guided Robot-to-Human Object Handover

Authors: Zixi Wang, Zeyi Liu, Nicolas Ouporov, Shuran Song

Abstract: Robot-to-human object handover is an important step in many human robot collaboration tasks. A successful handover requires the robot to maintain a stable grasp on the object while making sure the human receives the object in a natural and easy-to-use manner. We propose ContactHandover, a robot to human handover system that consists of two phases: a contact-guided grasping phase and an object delivery phase. During the grasping phase, ContactHandover predicts both 6-DoF robot grasp poses and a 3D affordance map of human contact points on the object. The robot grasp poses are reranked by penalizing those that block human contact points, and the robot executes the highest ranking grasp. During the delivery phase, the robot end effector pose is computed by maximizing human contact points close to the human while minimizing the human arm joint torques and displacements. We evaluate our system on 27 diverse household objects and show that our system achieves better visibility and reachability of human contacts to the receiver compared to several baselines. More results can be found on


cross OVFoodSeg: Elevating Open-Vocabulary Food Image Segmentation via Image-Informed Textual Representation

Authors: Xiongwei Wu, Sicheng Yu, Ee-Peng Lim, Chong-Wah Ngo

Abstract: In the realm of food computing, segmenting ingredients from images poses substantial challenges due to the large intra-class variance among the same ingredients, the emergence of new ingredients, and the high annotation costs associated with large food segmentation datasets. Existing approaches primarily utilize a closed-vocabulary and static text embeddings setting. These methods often fall short in effectively handling the ingredients, particularly new and diverse ones. In response to these limitations, we introduce OVFoodSeg, a framework that adopts an open-vocabulary setting and enhances text embeddings with visual context. By integrating vision-language models (VLMs), our approach enriches text embedding with image-specific information through two innovative modules, eg, an image-to-text learner FoodLearner and an Image-Informed Text Encoder. The training process of OVFoodSeg is divided into two stages: the pre-training of FoodLearner and the subsequent learning phase for segmentation. The pre-training phase equips FoodLearner with the capability to align visual information with corresponding textual representations that are specifically related to food, while the second phase adapts both the FoodLearner and the Image-Informed Text Encoder for the segmentation task. By addressing the deficiencies of previous models, OVFoodSeg demonstrates a significant improvement, achieving an 4.9\% increase in mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) on the FoodSeg103 dataset, setting a new milestone for food image segmentation.

cross Is Model Collapse Inevitable? Breaking the Curse of Recursion by Accumulating Real and Synthetic Data

Authors: Matthias Gerstgrasser, Rylan Schaeffer, Apratim Dey, Rafael Rafailov, Henry Sleight, John Hughes, Tomasz Korbak, Rajashree Agrawal, Dhruv Pai, Andrey Gromov, Daniel A. Roberts, Diyi Yang, David L. Donoho, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: The proliferation of generative models, combined with pretraining on web-scale data, raises a timely question: what happens when these models are trained on their own generated outputs? Recent investigations into model-data feedback loops discovered that such loops can lead to model collapse, a phenomenon where performance progressively degrades with each model-fitting iteration until the latest model becomes useless. However, several recent papers studying model collapse assumed that new data replace old data over time rather than assuming data accumulate over time. In this paper, we compare these two settings and show that accumulating data prevents model collapse. We begin by studying an analytically tractable setup in which a sequence of linear models are fit to the previous models' predictions. Previous work showed if data are replaced, the test error increases linearly with the number of model-fitting iterations; we extend this result by proving that if data instead accumulate, the test error has a finite upper bound independent of the number of iterations. We next empirically test whether accumulating data similarly prevents model collapse by pretraining sequences of language models on text corpora. We confirm that replacing data does indeed cause model collapse, then demonstrate that accumulating data prevents model collapse; these results hold across a range of model sizes, architectures and hyperparameters. We further show that similar results hold for other deep generative models on real data: diffusion models for molecule generation and variational autoencoders for image generation. Our work provides consistent theoretical and empirical evidence that data accumulation mitigates model collapse.

cross Position-Aware Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning Approach for Reducing Positional Bias in LLMs

Authors: Zheng Zhang, Fan Yang, Ziyan Jiang, Zheng Chen, Zhengyang Zhao, Chengyuan Ma, Liang Zhao, Yang Liu

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have enhanced their ability to process long input contexts. This development is particularly crucial for tasks that involve retrieving knowledge from an external datastore, which can result in long inputs. However, recent studies show a positional bias in LLMs, demonstrating varying performance depending on the location of useful information within the input sequence. In this study, we conduct extensive experiments to investigate the root causes of positional bias. Our findings indicate that the primary contributor to LLM positional bias stems from the inherent positional preferences of different models. We demonstrate that merely employing prompt-based solutions is inadequate for overcoming the positional preferences. To address this positional bias issue of a pre-trained LLM, we developed a Position-Aware Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PAPEFT) approach which is composed of a data augmentation technique and a parameter efficient adapter, enhancing a uniform attention distribution across the input context. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach effectively reduces positional bias, improving LLMs' effectiveness in handling long context sequences for various tasks that require externally retrieved knowledge.

cross Generation and Detection of Sign Language Deepfakes - A Linguistic and Visual Analysis

Authors: Shahzeb Naeem, Muhammad Riyyan Khan, Usman Tariq, Abhinav Dhall, Carlos Ivan Colon, Hasan Al-Nashash

Abstract: A question in the realm of deepfakes is slowly emerging pertaining to whether we can go beyond facial deepfakes and whether it would be beneficial to society. Therefore, this research presents a positive application of deepfake technology in upper body generation, while performing sign-language for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHoH) community. The resulting videos are later vetted with a sign language expert. This is particularly helpful, given the intricate nature of sign language, a scarcity of sign language experts, and potential benefits for health and education. The objectives of this work encompass constructing a reliable deepfake dataset, evaluating its technical and visual credibility through computer vision and natural language processing models, and assessing the plausibility of the generated content. With over 1200 videos, featuring both previously seen and unseen individuals for the generation model, using the help of a sign language expert, we establish a deepfake dataset in sign language that can further be utilized to detect fake videos that may target certain people of determination.

cross Creating emoji lexica from unsupervised sentiment analysis of their descriptions

Authors: Milagros Fern\'andez-Gavilanes, Jonathan Juncal-Mart\'inez, Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Enrique Costa-Montenegro, Francisco Javier Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no

Abstract: Online media, such as blogs and social networking sites, generate massive volumes of unstructured data of great interest to analyze the opinions and sentiments of individuals and organizations. Novel approaches beyond Natural Language Processing are necessary to quantify these opinions with polarity metrics. So far, the sentiment expressed by emojis has received little attention. The use of symbols, however, has boomed in the past four years. About twenty billion are typed in Twitter nowadays, and new emojis keep appearing in each new Unicode version, making them increasingly relevant to sentiment analysis tasks. This has motivated us to propose a novel approach to predict the sentiments expressed by emojis in online textual messages, such as tweets, that does not require human effort to manually annotate data and saves valuable time for other analysis tasks. For this purpose, we automatically constructed a novel emoji sentiment lexicon using an unsupervised sentiment analysis system based on the definitions given by emoji creators in Emojipedia. Additionally, we automatically created lexicon variants by also considering the sentiment distribution of the informal texts accompanying emojis. All these lexica are evaluated and compared regarding the improvement obtained by including them in sentiment analysis of the annotated datasets provided by Kralj Novak et al. (2015). The results confirm the competitiveness of our approach.

cross Neural Implicit Representation for Building Digital Twins of Unknown Articulated Objects

Authors: Yijia Weng, Bowen Wen, Jonathan Tremblay, Valts Blukis, Dieter Fox, Leonidas Guibas, Stan Birchfield

Abstract: We address the problem of building digital twins of unknown articulated objects from two RGBD scans of the object at different articulation states. We decompose the problem into two stages, each addressing distinct aspects. Our method first reconstructs object-level shape at each state, then recovers the underlying articulation model including part segmentation and joint articulations that associate the two states. By explicitly modeling point-level correspondences and exploiting cues from images, 3D reconstructions, and kinematics, our method yields more accurate and stable results compared to prior work. It also handles more than one movable part and does not rely on any object shape or structure priors. Project page:


cross Finding Regions of Interest in Whole Slide Images Using Multiple Instance Learning

Authors: Martim Afonso, Praphulla M. S. Bhawsar, Monjoy Saha, Jonas S. Almeida, Arlindo L. Oliveira

Abstract: Whole Slide Images (WSI), obtained by high-resolution digital scanning of microscope slides at multiple scales, are the cornerstone of modern Digital Pathology. However, they represent a particular challenge to AI-based/AI-mediated analysis because pathology labeling is typically done at slide-level, instead of tile-level. It is not just that medical diagnostics is recorded at the specimen level, the detection of oncogene mutation is also experimentally obtained, and recorded by initiatives like The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA), at the slide level. This configures a dual challenge: a) accurately predicting the overall cancer phenotype and b) finding out what cellular morphologies are associated with it at the tile level. To address these challenges, a weakly supervised Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) approach was explored for two prevalent cancer types, Invasive Breast Carcinoma (TCGA-BRCA) and Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma (TCGA-LUSC). This approach was explored for tumor detection at low magnification levels and TP53 mutations at various levels. Our results show that a novel additive implementation of MIL matched the performance of reference implementation (AUC 0.96), and was only slightly outperformed by Attention MIL (AUC 0.97). More interestingly from the perspective of the molecular pathologist, these different AI architectures identify distinct sensitivities to morphological features (through the detection of Regions of Interest, RoI) at different amplification levels. Tellingly, TP53 mutation was most sensitive to features at the higher applications where cellular morphology is resolved.

cross Unveiling Divergent Inductive Biases of LLMs on Temporal Data

Authors: Sindhu Kishore, Hangfeng He

Abstract: Unraveling the intricate details of events in natural language necessitates a subtle understanding of temporal dynamics. Despite the adeptness of Large Language Models (LLMs) in discerning patterns and relationships from data, their inherent comprehension of temporal dynamics remains a formidable challenge. This research meticulously explores these intrinsic challenges within LLMs, with a specific emphasis on evaluating the performance of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models in the analysis of temporal data. Employing two distinct prompt types, namely Question Answering (QA) format and Textual Entailment (TE) format, our analysis probes into both implicit and explicit events. The findings underscore noteworthy trends, revealing disparities in the performance of GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. Notably, biases toward specific temporal relationships come to light, with GPT-3.5 demonstrating a preference for "AFTER'' in the QA format for both implicit and explicit events, while GPT-4 leans towards "BEFORE''. Furthermore, a consistent pattern surfaces wherein GPT-3.5 tends towards "TRUE'', and GPT-4 exhibits a preference for "FALSE'' in the TE format for both implicit and explicit events. This persistent discrepancy between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 in handling temporal data highlights the intricate nature of inductive bias in LLMs, suggesting that the evolution of these models may not merely mitigate bias but may introduce new layers of complexity.

cross Game-Theoretic Deep Reinforcement Learning to Minimize Carbon Emissions and Energy Costs for AI Inference Workloads in Geo-Distributed Data Centers

Authors: Ninad Hogade, Sudeep Pasricha

Abstract: Data centers are increasingly using more energy due to the rise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) workloads, which negatively impacts the environment and raises operational costs. Reducing operating expenses and carbon emissions while maintaining performance in data centers is a challenging problem. This work introduces a unique approach combining Game Theory (GT) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for optimizing the distribution of AI inference workloads in geo-distributed data centers to reduce carbon emissions and cloud operating (energy + data transfer) costs. The proposed technique integrates the principles of non-cooperative Game Theory into a DRL framework, enabling data centers to make intelligent decisions regarding workload allocation while considering the heterogeneity of hardware resources, the dynamic nature of electricity prices, inter-data center data transfer costs, and carbon footprints. We conducted extensive experiments comparing our game-theoretic DRL (GT-DRL) approach with current DRL-based and other optimization techniques. The results demonstrate that our strategy outperforms the state-of-the-art in reducing carbon emissions and minimizing cloud operating costs without compromising computational performance. This work has significant implications for achieving sustainability and cost-efficiency in data centers handling AI inference workloads across diverse geographic locations.

cross Data-Efficient Unsupervised Interpolation Without Any Intermediate Frame for 4D Medical Images

Authors: JungEun Kim, Hangyul Yoon, Geondo Park, Kyungsu Kim, Eunho Yang

Abstract: 4D medical images, which represent 3D images with temporal information, are crucial in clinical practice for capturing dynamic changes and monitoring long-term disease progression. However, acquiring 4D medical images poses challenges due to factors such as radiation exposure and imaging duration, necessitating a balance between achieving high temporal resolution and minimizing adverse effects. Given these circumstances, not only is data acquisition challenging, but increasing the frame rate for each dataset also proves difficult. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a simple yet effective Unsupervised Volumetric Interpolation framework, UVI-Net. This framework facilitates temporal interpolation without the need for any intermediate frames, distinguishing it from the majority of other existing unsupervised methods. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate significant improvements across diverse evaluation metrics compared to unsupervised and supervised baselines. Remarkably, our approach achieves this superior performance even when trained with a dataset as small as one, highlighting its exceptional robustness and efficiency in scenarios with sparse supervision. This positions UVI-Net as a compelling alternative for 4D medical imaging, particularly in settings where data availability is limited. The source code is available at


cross Are large language models superhuman chemists?

Authors: Adrian Mirza, Nawaf Alampara, Sreekanth Kunchapu, Benedict Emoekabu, Aswanth Krishnan, Mara Wilhelmi, Macjonathan Okereke, Juliane Eberhardt, Amir Mohammad Elahi, Maximilian Greiner, Caroline T. Holick, Tanya Gupta, Mehrdad Asgari, Christina Glaubitz, Lea C. Klepsch, Yannik K\"oster, Jakob Meyer, Santiago Miret, Tim Hoffmann, Fabian Alexander Kreth, Michael Ringleb, Nicole Roesner, Ulrich S. Schubert, Leanne M. Stafast, Dinga Wonanke, Michael Pieler, Philippe Schwaller, Kevin Maik Jablonka

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have gained widespread interest due to their ability to process human language and perform tasks on which they have not been explicitly trained. This is relevant for the chemical sciences, which face the problem of small and diverse datasets that are frequently in the form of text. LLMs have shown promise in addressing these issues and are increasingly being harnessed to predict chemical properties, optimize reactions, and even design and conduct experiments autonomously. However, we still have only a very limited systematic understanding of the chemical reasoning capabilities of LLMs, which would be required to improve models and mitigate potential harms. Here, we introduce "ChemBench," an automated framework designed to rigorously evaluate the chemical knowledge and reasoning abilities of state-of-the-art LLMs against the expertise of human chemists. We curated more than 7,000 question-answer pairs for a wide array of subfields of the chemical sciences, evaluated leading open and closed-source LLMs, and found that the best models outperformed the best human chemists in our study on average. The models, however, struggle with some chemical reasoning tasks that are easy for human experts and provide overconfident, misleading predictions, such as about chemicals' safety profiles. These findings underscore the dual reality that, although LLMs demonstrate remarkable proficiency in chemical tasks, further research is critical to enhancing their safety and utility in chemical sciences. Our findings also indicate a need for adaptations to chemistry curricula and highlight the importance of continuing to develop evaluation frameworks to improve safe and useful LLMs.

cross TraveLER: A Multi-LMM Agent Framework for Video Question-Answering

Authors: Chuyi Shang, Amos You, Sanjay Subramanian, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig

Abstract: Recently, Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have made significant progress in video question-answering using a frame-wise approach by leveraging large-scale, image-based pretraining in a zero-shot manner. While image-based methods for videos have shown impressive performance, a current limitation is that they often overlook how key timestamps are selected and cannot adjust when incorrect timestamps are identified. Moreover, they are unable to extract details relevant to the question, instead providing general descriptions of the frame. To overcome this, we design a multi-LMM agent framework that travels along the video, iteratively collecting relevant information from keyframes through interactive question-asking until there is sufficient information to answer the question. Specifically, we propose TraveLER, a model that can create a plan to "Traverse" through the video, ask questions about individual frames to "Locate" and store key information, and then "Evaluate" if there is enough information to answer the question. Finally, if there is not enough information, our method is able to "Replan" based on its collected knowledge. Through extensive experiments, we find that the proposed TraveLER approach improves performance on several video question-answering benchmarks, such as NExT-QA, STAR, and Perception Test, without the need to fine-tune on specific datasets.

cross QuAD: Query-based Interpretable Neural Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Sourav Biswas, Sergio Casas, Quinlan Sykora, Ben Agro, Abbas Sadat, Raquel Urtasun

Abstract: A self-driving vehicle must understand its environment to determine the appropriate action. Traditional autonomy systems rely on object detection to find the agents in the scene. However, object detection assumes a discrete set of objects and loses information about uncertainty, so any errors compound when predicting the future behavior of those agents. Alternatively, dense occupancy grid maps have been utilized to understand free-space. However, predicting a grid for the entire scene is wasteful since only certain spatio-temporal regions are reachable and relevant to the self-driving vehicle. We present a unified, interpretable, and efficient autonomy framework that moves away from cascading modules that first perceive, then predict, and finally plan. Instead, we shift the paradigm to have the planner query occupancy at relevant spatio-temporal points, restricting the computation to those regions of interest. Exploiting this representation, we evaluate candidate trajectories around key factors such as collision avoidance, comfort, and progress for safety and interpretability. Our approach achieves better highway driving quality than the state-of-the-art in high-fidelity closed-loop simulations.

cross Modality Translation for Object Detection Adaptation Without Forgetting Prior Knowledge

Authors: Heitor Rapela Medeiros, Masih Aminbeidokhti, Fidel Guerrero Pena, David Latortue, Eric Granger, Marco Pedersoli

Abstract: A common practice in deep learning consists of training large neural networks on massive datasets to perform accurately for different domains and tasks. While this methodology may work well in numerous application areas, it only applies across modalities due to a larger distribution shift in data captured using different sensors. This paper focuses on the problem of adapting a large object detection model to one or multiple modalities while being efficient. To do so, we propose ModTr as an alternative to the common approach of fine-tuning large models. ModTr consists of adapting the input with a small transformation network trained to minimize the detection loss directly. The original model can therefore work on the translated inputs without any further change or fine-tuning to its parameters. Experimental results on translating from IR to RGB images on two well-known datasets show that this simple ModTr approach provides detectors that can perform comparably or better than the standard fine-tuning without forgetting the original knowledge. This opens the doors to a more flexible and efficient service-based detection pipeline in which, instead of using a different detector for each modality, a unique and unaltered server is constantly running, where multiple modalities with the corresponding translations can query it. Code:


cross Can Biases in ImageNet Models Explain Generalization?

Authors: Paul Gavrikov, Janis Keuper

Abstract: The robust generalization of models to rare, in-distribution (ID) samples drawn from the long tail of the training distribution and to out-of-training-distribution (OOD) samples is one of the major challenges of current deep learning methods. For image classification, this manifests in the existence of adversarial attacks, the performance drops on distorted images, and a lack of generalization to concepts such as sketches. The current understanding of generalization in neural networks is very limited, but some biases that differentiate models from human vision have been identified and might be causing these limitations. Consequently, several attempts with varying success have been made to reduce these biases during training to improve generalization. We take a step back and sanity-check these attempts. Fixing the architecture to the well-established ResNet-50, we perform a large-scale study on 48 ImageNet models obtained via different training methods to understand how and if these biases - including shape bias, spectral biases, and critical bands - interact with generalization. Our extensive study results reveal that contrary to previous findings, these biases are insufficient to accurately predict the generalization of a model holistically. We provide access to all checkpoints and evaluation code at


cross On Train-Test Class Overlap and Detection for Image Retrieval

Authors: Chull Hwan Song, Jooyoung Yoon, Taebaek Hwang, Shunghyun Choi, Yeong Hyeon Gu, Yannis Avrithis

Abstract: How important is it for training and evaluation sets to not have class overlap in image retrieval? We revisit Google Landmarks v2 clean, the most popular training set, by identifying and removing class overlap with Revisited Oxford and Paris [34], the most popular evaluation set. By comparing the original and the new RGLDv2-clean on a benchmark of reproduced state-of-the-art methods, our findings are striking. Not only is there a dramatic drop in performance, but it is inconsistent across methods, changing the ranking.What does it take to focus on objects or interest and ignore background clutter when indexing? Do we need to train an object detector and the representation separately? Do we need location supervision? We introduce Single-stage Detect-to-Retrieve (CiDeR), an end-to-end, single-stage pipeline to detect objects of interest and extract a global image representation. We outperform previous state-of-the-art on both existing training sets and the new RGLDv2-clean. Our dataset is available at


cross Laying Anchors: Semantically Priming Numerals in Language Modeling

Authors: Mandar Sharma, Rutuja Murlidhar Taware, Pravesh Koirala, Nikhil Muralidhar, Naren Ramakrishnan

Abstract: Off-the-shelf pre-trained language models have become the de facto standard in NLP pipelines for a multitude of downstream tasks. However, the inability of these models to properly encode numerals limits their performance on tasks requiring numeric comprehension. We introduce strategies to semantically prime numerals in any corpus by generating anchors governed by the distribution of numerals in said corpus, thereby enabling mathematically grounded representations of these numeral tokens. We establish the superiority of our proposed techniques through evaluation on a range of numeracy tasks for both in-domain (seen) and out-domain (unseen) numerals. Further, we expand our empirical evaluations to numerals ranging from 1 to 10 billion, a significantly broader range compared to previous studies of the same nature, and we demonstrate significant improvements in the mathematical grounding of our learned embeddings.

cross mChartQA: A universal benchmark for multimodal Chart Question Answer based on Vision-Language Alignment and Reasoning

Authors: Jingxuan Wei, Nan Xu, Guiyong Chang, Yin Luo, BiHui Yu, Ruifeng Guo

Abstract: In the fields of computer vision and natural language processing, multimodal chart question-answering, especially involving color, structure, and textless charts, poses significant challenges. Traditional methods, which typically involve either direct multimodal processing or a table-to-text conversion followed by language model analysis, have limitations in effectively handling these complex scenarios. This paper introduces a novel multimodal chart question-answering model, specifically designed to address these intricate tasks. Our model integrates visual and linguistic processing, overcoming the constraints of existing methods. We adopt a dual-phase training approach: the initial phase focuses on aligning image and text representations, while the subsequent phase concentrates on optimizing the model's interpretative and analytical abilities in chart-related queries. This approach has demonstrated superior performance on multiple public datasets, particularly in handling color, structure, and textless chart questions, indicating its effectiveness in complex multimodal tasks.

cross Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Control-Theoretic Safety Guarantees for Dynamic Network Bridging

Authors: Raffaele Galliera, Konstantinos Mitsopoulos, Niranjan Suri, Raffaele Romagnoli

Abstract: Addressing complex cooperative tasks in safety-critical environments poses significant challenges for Multi-Agent Systems, especially under conditions of partial observability. This work introduces a hybrid approach that integrates Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with control-theoretic methods to ensure safe and efficient distributed strategies. Our contributions include a novel setpoint update algorithm that dynamically adjusts agents' positions to preserve safety conditions without compromising the mission's objectives. Through experimental validation, we demonstrate significant advantages over conventional MARL strategies, achieving comparable task performance with zero safety violations. Our findings indicate that integrating safe control with learning approaches not only enhances safety compliance but also achieves good performance in mission objectives.

cross Distributed Autonomous Swarm Formation for Dynamic Network Bridging

Authors: Raffaele Galliera, Thies M\"ohlenhof, Alessandro Amato, Daniel Duran, Kristen Brent Venable, Niranjan Suri

Abstract: Effective operation and seamless cooperation of robotic systems are a fundamental component of next-generation technologies and applications. In contexts such as disaster response, swarm operations require coordinated behavior and mobility control to be handled in a distributed manner, with the quality of the agents' actions heavily relying on the communication between them and the underlying network. In this paper, we formulate the problem of dynamic network bridging in a novel Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (Dec-POMDP), where a swarm of agents cooperates to form a link between two distant moving targets. Furthermore, we propose a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) approach for the problem based on Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning (DGN) which naturally applies to the networked, distributed nature of the task. The proposed method is evaluated in a simulated environment and compared to a centralized heuristic baseline showing promising results. Moreover, a further step in the direction of sim-to-real transfer is presented, by additionally evaluating the proposed approach in a near Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) UAV framework.

cross Automated User Story Generation with Test Case Specification Using Large Language Model

Authors: Tajmilur Rahman, Yuecai Zhu

Abstract: Modern Software Engineering era is moving fast with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI), especially Large Language Models (LLM). Researchers have already started automating many parts of the software development workflow. Requirements Engineering (RE) is a crucial phase that begins the software development cycle through multiple discussions on a proposed scope of work documented in different forms. RE phase ends with a list of user-stories for each unit task identified through discussions and usually these are created and tracked on a project management tool such as Jira, AzurDev etc. In this research we developed a tool "GeneUS" using GPT-4.0 to automatically create user stories from requirements document which is the outcome of the RE phase. The output is provided in JSON format leaving the possibilities open for downstream integration to the popular project management tools. Analyzing requirements documents takes significant effort and multiple meetings with stakeholders. We believe, automating this process will certainly reduce additional load off the software engineers, and increase the productivity since they will be able to utilize their time on other prioritized tasks.

cross Evaluating Large Language Models Using Contrast Sets: An Experimental Approach

Authors: Manish Sanwal

Abstract: In the domain of Natural Language Inference (NLI), especially in tasks involving the classification of multiple input texts, the Cross-Entropy Loss metric is widely employed as a standard for error measurement. However, this metric falls short in effectively evaluating a model's capacity to understand language entailments. In this study, we introduce an innovative technique for generating a contrast set for the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) dataset. Our strategy involves the automated substitution of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives with their synonyms to preserve the original meaning of sentences. This method aims to assess whether a model's performance is based on genuine language comprehension or simply on pattern recognition. We conducted our analysis using the ELECTRA-small model. The model achieved an accuracy of 89.9% on the conventional SNLI dataset but showed a reduced accuracy of 72.5% on our contrast set, indicating a substantial 17% decline. This outcome led us to conduct a detailed examination of the model's learning behaviors. Following this, we improved the model's resilience by fine-tuning it with a contrast-enhanced training dataset specifically designed for SNLI, which increased its accuracy to 85.5% on the contrast sets. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating diverse linguistic expressions into datasets for NLI tasks. We hope that our research will encourage the creation of more inclusive datasets, thereby contributing to the development of NLI models that are both more sophisticated and effective.

cross BERT-Enhanced Retrieval Tool for Homework Plagiarism Detection System

Authors: Jiarong Xian, Jibao Yuan, Peiwei Zheng, Dexian Chen

Abstract: Text plagiarism detection task is a common natural language processing task that aims to detect whether a given text contains plagiarism or copying from other texts. In existing research, detection of high level plagiarism is still a challenge due to the lack of high quality datasets. In this paper, we propose a plagiarized text data generation method based on GPT-3.5, which produces 32,927 pairs of text plagiarism detection datasets covering a wide range of plagiarism methods, bridging the gap in this part of research. Meanwhile, we propose a plagiarism identification method based on Faiss with BERT with high efficiency and high accuracy. Our experiments show that the performance of this model outperforms other models in several metrics, including 98.86\%, 98.90%, 98.86%, and 0.9888 for Accuracy, Precision, Recall, and F1 Score, respectively. At the end, we also provide a user-friendly demo platform that allows users to upload a text library and intuitively participate in the plagiarism analysis.

cross Hallucination Diversity-Aware Active Learning for Text Summarization

Authors: Yu Xia, Xu Liu, Tong Yu, Sungchul Kim, Ryan A. Rossi, Anup Rao, Tung Mai, Shuai Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown propensity to generate hallucinated outputs, i.e., texts that are factually incorrect or unsupported. Existing methods for alleviating hallucinations typically require costly human annotations to identify and correct hallucinations in LLM outputs. Moreover, most of these methods focus on a specific type of hallucination, e.g., entity or token errors, which limits their effectiveness in addressing various types of hallucinations exhibited in LLM outputs. To our best knowledge, in this paper we propose the first active learning framework to alleviate LLM hallucinations, reducing costly human annotations of hallucination needed. By measuring fine-grained hallucinations from errors in semantic frame, discourse and content verifiability in text summarization, we propose HAllucination Diversity-Aware Sampling (HADAS) to select diverse hallucinations for annotations in active learning for LLM finetuning. Extensive experiments on three datasets and different backbone models demonstrate advantages of our method in effectively and efficiently mitigating LLM hallucinations.

cross Classifying Cancer Stage with Open-Source Clinical Large Language Models

Authors: Chia-Hsuan Chang, Mary M. Lucas, Grace Lu-Yao, Christopher C. Yang

Abstract: Cancer stage classification is important for making treatment and care management plans for oncology patients. Information on staging is often included in unstructured form in clinical, pathology, radiology and other free-text reports in the electronic health record system, requiring extensive work to parse and obtain. To facilitate the extraction of this information, previous NLP approaches rely on labeled training datasets, which are labor-intensive to prepare. In this study, we demonstrate that without any labeled training data, open-source clinical large language models (LLMs) can extract pathologic tumor-node-metastasis (pTNM) staging information from real-world pathology reports. Our experiments compare LLMs and a BERT-based model fine-tuned using the labeled data. Our findings suggest that while LLMs still exhibit subpar performance in Tumor (T) classification, with the appropriate adoption of prompting strategies, they can achieve comparable performance on Metastasis (M) classification and improved performance on Node (N) classification.

cross PhysORD: A Neuro-Symbolic Approach for Physics-infused Motion Prediction in Off-road Driving

Authors: Zhipeng Zhao, Bowen Li, Yi Du, Taimeng Fu, Chen Wang

Abstract: Motion prediction is critical for autonomous off-road driving, however, it presents significantly more challenges than on-road driving because of the complex interaction between the vehicle and the terrain. Traditional physics-based approaches encounter difficulties in accurately modeling dynamic systems and external disturbance. In contrast, data-driven neural networks require extensive datasets and struggle with explicitly capturing the fundamental physical laws, which can easily lead to poor generalization. By merging the advantages of both methods, neuro-symbolic approaches present a promising direction. These methods embed physical laws into neural models, potentially significantly improving generalization capabilities. However, no prior works were evaluated in real-world settings for off-road driving. To bridge this gap, we present PhysORD, a neural-symbolic approach integrating the conservation law, i.e., the Euler-Lagrange equation, into data-driven neural models for motion prediction in off-road driving. Our experiments showed that PhysORD can accurately predict vehicle motion and tolerate external disturbance by modeling uncertainties. It outperforms existing methods both in accuracy and efficiency and demonstrates data-efficient learning and generalization ability in long-term prediction.

cross Extremum-Seeking Action Selection for Accelerating Policy Optimization

Authors: Ya-Chien Chang, Sicun Gao

Abstract: Reinforcement learning for control over continuous spaces typically uses high-entropy stochastic policies, such as Gaussian distributions, for local exploration and estimating policy gradient to optimize performance. Many robotic control problems deal with complex unstable dynamics, where applying actions that are off the feasible control manifolds can quickly lead to undesirable divergence. In such cases, most samples taken from the ambient action space generate low-value trajectories that hardly contribute to policy improvement, resulting in slow or failed learning. We propose to improve action selection in this model-free RL setting by introducing additional adaptive control steps based on Extremum-Seeking Control (ESC). On each action sampled from stochastic policies, we apply sinusoidal perturbations and query for estimated Q-values as the response signal. Based on ESC, we then dynamically improve the sampled actions to be closer to nearby optima before applying them to the environment. Our methods can be easily added in standard policy optimization to improve learning efficiency, which we demonstrate in various control learning environments.

cross Helmsman of the Masses? Evaluate the Opinion Leadership of Large Language Models in the Werewolf Game

Authors: Silin Du, Xiaowei Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited memorable strategic behaviors in social deductive games. However, the significance of opinion leadership exhibited by LLM-based agents has been overlooked, which is crucial for practical applications in multi-agent and human-AI interaction settings. Opinion leaders are individuals who have a noticeable impact on the beliefs and behaviors of others within a social group. In this work, we employ the Werewolf game as a simulation platform to assess the opinion leadership of LLMs. The game features the role of the Sheriff, tasked with summarizing arguments and recommending decision options, and therefore serves as a credible proxy for an opinion leader. We develop a framework integrating the Sheriff role and devise two novel metrics for evaluation based on the critical characteristics of opinion leaders. The first metric measures the reliability of the opinion leader, and the second assesses the influence of the opinion leader on other players' decisions. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate LLMs of different scales. In addition, we collect a Werewolf question-answering dataset (WWQA) to assess and enhance LLM's grasp of the game rules, and we also incorporate human participants for further analysis. The results suggest that the Werewolf game is a suitable test bed to evaluate the opinion leadership of LLMs and few LLMs possess the capacity for opinion leadership.

cross Voice EHR: Introducing Multimodal Audio Data for Health

Authors: James Anibal, Hannah Huth, Ming Li, Lindsey Hazen, Yen Minh Lam, Nguyen Thi Thu Hang, Michael Kleinman, Shelley Ost, Christopher Jackson, Laura Sprabery, Cheran Elangovan, Balaji Krishnaiah, Lee Akst, Ioan Lina, Iqbal Elyazar, Lenny Ekwati, Stefan Jansen, Richard Nduwayezu, Charisse Garcia, Jeffrey Plum, Jacqueline Brenner, Miranda Song, Emily Ricotta, David Clifton, C. Louise Thwaites, Yael Bensoussan, Bradford Wood

Abstract: Large AI models trained on audio data may have the potential to rapidly classify patients, enhancing medical decision-making and potentially improving outcomes through early detection. Existing technologies depend on limited datasets using expensive recording equipment in high-income, English-speaking countries. This challenges deployment in resource-constrained, high-volume settings where audio data may have a profound impact. This report introduces a novel data type and a corresponding collection system that captures health data through guided questions using only a mobile/web application. This application ultimately results in an audio electronic health record (voice EHR) which may contain complex biomarkers of health from conventional voice/respiratory features, speech patterns, and language with semantic meaning - compensating for the typical limitations of unimodal clinical datasets. This report introduces a consortium of partners for global work, presents the application used for data collection, and showcases the potential of informative voice EHR to advance the scalability and diversity of audio AI.

cross Gen4DS: Workshop on Data Storytelling in an Era of Generative AI

Authors: Xingyu Lan, Leni Yang, Zezhong Wang, Danqing Shi, Sheelagh Carpendale

Abstract: Storytelling is an ancient and precious human ability that has been rejuvenated in the digital age. Over the last decade, there has been a notable surge in the recognition and application of data storytelling, both in academia and industry. Recently, the rapid development of generative AI has brought new opportunities and challenges to this field, sparking numerous new questions. These questions may not necessarily be quickly transformed into papers, but we believe it is necessary to promptly discuss them to help the community better clarify important issues and research agendas for the future. We thus invite you to join our workshop (Gen4DS) to discuss questions such as: How can generative AI facilitate the creation of data stories? How might generative AI alter the workflow of data storytellers? What are the pitfalls and risks of incorporating AI in storytelling? We have designed both paper presentations and interactive activities (including hands-on creation, group discussion pods, and debates on controversial issues) for the workshop. We hope that participants will learn about the latest advances and pioneering work in data storytelling, engage in critical conversations with each other, and have an enjoyable, unforgettable, and meaningful experience at the event.

cross Learning Equi-angular Representations for Online Continual Learning

Authors: Minhyuk Seo, Hyunseo Koh, Wonje Jeung, Minjae Lee, San Kim, Hankook Lee, Sungjun Cho, Sungik Choi, Hyunwoo Kim, Jonghyun Choi

Abstract: Online continual learning suffers from an underfitted solution due to insufficient training for prompt model update (e.g., single-epoch training). To address the challenge, we propose an efficient online continual learning method using the neural collapse phenomenon. In particular, we induce neural collapse to form a simplex equiangular tight frame (ETF) structure in the representation space so that the continuously learned model with a single epoch can better fit to the streamed data by proposing preparatory data training and residual correction in the representation space. With an extensive set of empirical validations using CIFAR-10/100, TinyImageNet, ImageNet-200, and ImageNet-1K, we show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a noticeable margin in various online continual learning scenarios such as disjoint and Gaussian scheduled continuous (i.e., boundary-free) data setups.

cross Learning to Control Camera Exposure via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Kyunghyun Lee, Ukcheol Shin, Byeong-Uk Lee

Abstract: Adjusting camera exposure in arbitrary lighting conditions is the first step to ensure the functionality of computer vision applications. Poorly adjusted camera exposure often leads to critical failure and performance degradation. Traditional camera exposure control methods require multiple convergence steps and time-consuming processes, making them unsuitable for dynamic lighting conditions. In this paper, we propose a new camera exposure control framework that rapidly controls camera exposure while performing real-time processing by exploiting deep reinforcement learning. The proposed framework consists of four contributions: 1) a simplified training ground to simulate real-world's diverse and dynamic lighting changes, 2) flickering and image attribute-aware reward design, along with lightweight state design for real-time processing, 3) a static-to-dynamic lighting curriculum to gradually improve the agent's exposure-adjusting capability, and 4) domain randomization techniques to alleviate the limitation of the training ground and achieve seamless generalization in the wild.As a result, our proposed method rapidly reaches a desired exposure level within five steps with real-time processing (1 ms). Also, the acquired images are well-exposed and show superiority in various computer vision tasks, such as feature extraction and object detection.

cross A Closer Look at Spatial-Slice Features Learning for COVID-19 Detection

Authors: Chih-Chung Hsu, Chia-Ming Lee, Yang Fan Chiang, Yi-Shiuan Chou, Chih-Yu Jiang, Shen-Chieh Tai, Chi-Han Tsai

Abstract: Conventional Computed Tomography (CT) imaging recognition faces two significant challenges: (1) There is often considerable variability in the resolution and size of each CT scan, necessitating strict requirements for the input size and adaptability of models. (2) CT-scan contains large number of out-of-distribution (OOD) slices. The crucial features may only be present in specific spatial regions and slices of the entire CT scan. How can we effectively figure out where these are located? To deal with this, we introduce an enhanced Spatial-Slice Feature Learning (SSFL++) framework specifically designed for CT scan. It aim to filter out a OOD data within whole CT scan, enabling our to select crucial spatial-slice for analysis by reducing 70% redundancy totally. Meanwhile, we proposed Kernel-Density-based slice Sampling (KDS) method to improve the stability when training and inference stage, therefore speeding up the rate of convergence and boosting performance. As a result, the experiments demonstrate the promising performance of our model using a simple EfficientNet-2D (E2D) model, even with only 1% of the training data. The efficacy of our approach has been validated on the COVID-19-CT-DB datasets provided by the DEF-AI-MIA workshop, in conjunction with CVPR 2024. Our source code will be made available.

cross Towards Better Generalization in Open-Domain Question Answering by Mitigating Context Memorization

Authors: Zixuan Zhang, Revanth Gangi Reddy, Kevin Small, Tong Zhang, Heng Ji

Abstract: Open-domain Question Answering (OpenQA) aims at answering factual questions with an external large-scale knowledge corpus. However, real-world knowledge is not static; it updates and evolves continually. Such a dynamic characteristic of knowledge poses a vital challenge for these models, as the trained models need to constantly adapt to the latest information to make sure that the answers remain accurate. In addition, it is still unclear how well an OpenQA model can transfer to completely new knowledge domains. In this paper, we investigate the generalization performance of a retrieval-augmented QA model in two specific scenarios: 1) adapting to updated versions of the same knowledge corpus; 2) switching to completely different knowledge domains. We observe that the generalization challenges of OpenQA models stem from the reader's over-reliance on memorizing the knowledge from the external corpus, which hinders the model from generalizing to a new knowledge corpus. We introduce Corpus-Invariant Tuning (CIT), a simple but effective training strategy, to mitigate the knowledge over-memorization by controlling the likelihood of retrieved contexts during training. Extensive experimental results on multiple OpenQA benchmarks show that CIT achieves significantly better generalizability without compromising the model's performance in its original corpus and domain.

cross AI WALKUP: A Computer-Vision Approach to Quantifying MDS-UPDRS in Parkinson's Disease

Authors: Xiang Xiang, Zihan Zhang, Jing Ma, Yao Deng

Abstract: Parkinson's Disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder. The existing assessment method for PD is usually the Movement Disorder Society - Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (MDS-UPDRS) to assess the severity of various types of motor symptoms and disease progression. However, manual assessment suffers from high subjectivity, lack of consistency, and high cost and low efficiency of manual communication. We want to use a computer vision based solution to capture human pose images based on a camera, reconstruct and perform motion analysis using algorithms, and extract the features of the amount of motion through feature engineering. The proposed approach can be deployed on different smartphones, and the video recording and artificial intelligence analysis can be done quickly and easily through our APP.

cross Release of Pre-Trained Models for the Japanese Language

Authors: Kei Sawada, Tianyu Zhao, Makoto Shing, Kentaro Mitsui, Akio Kaga, Yukiya Hono, Toshiaki Wakatsuki, Koh Mitsuda

Abstract: AI democratization aims to create a world in which the average person can utilize AI techniques. To achieve this goal, numerous research institutes have attempted to make their results accessible to the public. In particular, large pre-trained models trained on large-scale data have shown unprecedented potential, and their release has had a significant impact. However, most of the released models specialize in the English language, and thus, AI democratization in non-English-speaking communities is lagging significantly. To reduce this gap in AI access, we released Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), Contrastive Language and Image Pre-training (CLIP), Stable Diffusion, and Hidden-unit Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (HuBERT) pre-trained in Japanese. By providing these models, users can freely interface with AI that aligns with Japanese cultural values and ensures the identity of Japanese culture, thus enhancing the democratization of AI. Additionally, experiments showed that pre-trained models specialized for Japanese can efficiently achieve high performance in Japanese tasks.

cross A Methodology for Improving Accuracy of Embedded Spiking Neural Networks through Kernel Size Scaling

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) can offer ultra low power/ energy consumption for machine learning-based applications due to their sparse spike-based operations. Currently, most of the SNN architectures need a significantly larger model size to achieve higher accuracy, which is not suitable for resource-constrained embedded applications. Therefore, developing SNNs that can achieve high accuracy with acceptable memory footprint is highly needed. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology that improves the accuracy of SNNs through kernel size scaling. Its key steps include investigating the impact of different kernel sizes on the accuracy, devising new sets of kernel sizes, generating SNN architectures based on the selected kernel sizes, and analyzing the accuracy-memory trade-offs for SNN model selection. The experimental results show that our methodology achieves higher accuracy than state-of-the-art (93.24% accuracy for CIFAR10 and 70.84% accuracy for CIFAR100) with less than 10M parameters and up to 3.45x speed-up of searching time, thereby making it suitable for embedded applications.

cross Upsample Guidance: Scale Up Diffusion Models without Training

Authors: Juno Hwang, Yong-Hyun Park, Junghyo Jo

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated superior performance across various generative tasks including images, videos, and audio. However, they encounter difficulties in directly generating high-resolution samples. Previously proposed solutions to this issue involve modifying the architecture, further training, or partitioning the sampling process into multiple stages. These methods have the limitation of not being able to directly utilize pre-trained models as-is, requiring additional work. In this paper, we introduce upsample guidance, a technique that adapts pretrained diffusion model (e.g., $512^2$) to generate higher-resolution images (e.g., $1536^2$) by adding only a single term in the sampling process. Remarkably, this technique does not necessitate any additional training or relying on external models. We demonstrate that upsample guidance can be applied to various models, such as pixel-space, latent space, and video diffusion models. We also observed that the proper selection of guidance scale can improve image quality, fidelity, and prompt alignment.

cross Efficient Online Unlearning via Hessian-Free Recollection of Individual Data Statistics

Authors: Xinbao Qiao, Meng Zhang, Ming Tang, Ermin Wei

Abstract: Machine unlearning strives to uphold the data owners' right to be forgotten by enabling models to selectively forget specific data. Recent methods suggest that one approach of data forgetting is by precomputing and storing statistics carrying second-order information to improve computational and memory efficiency. However, they rely on restrictive assumptions and the computation/storage suffer from the curse of model parameter dimensionality, making it challenging to apply to most deep neural networks. In this work, we propose a Hessian-free online unlearning method. We propose to maintain a statistical vector for each data point, computed through affine stochastic recursion approximation of the difference between retrained and learned models. Our proposed algorithm achieves near-instantaneous online unlearning as it only requires a vector addition operation. Based on the strategy that recollecting statistics for forgetting data, the proposed method significantly reduces the unlearning runtime. Experimental studies demonstrate that the proposed scheme surpasses existing results by orders of magnitude in terms of time and memory costs, while also enhancing accuracy.

cross Generative AI for Immersive Communication: The Next Frontier in Internet-of-Senses Through 6G

Authors: Nassim Sehad, Lina Bariah, Wassim Hamidouche, Hamed Hellaoui, Riku J\"antti, M\'erouane Debbah

Abstract: Over the past two decades, the Internet-of-Things (IoT) has been a transformative concept, and as we approach 2030, a new paradigm known as the Internet of Senses (IoS) is emerging. Unlike conventional Virtual Reality (VR), IoS seeks to provide multi-sensory experiences, acknowledging that in our physical reality, our perception extends far beyond just sight and sound; it encompasses a range of senses. This article explores existing technologies driving immersive multi-sensory media, delving into their capabilities and potential applications. This exploration includes a comparative analysis between conventional immersive media streaming and a proposed use case that lever- ages semantic communication empowered by generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). The focal point of this analysis is the substantial reduction in bandwidth consumption by 99.93% in the proposed scheme. Through this comparison, we aim to underscore the practical applications of generative AI for immersive media while addressing the challenges and outlining future trajectories.

cross Conjugate-Gradient-like Based Adaptive Moment Estimation Optimization Algorithm for Deep Learning

Authors: Jiawu Tian, Liwei Xu, Xiaowei Zhang, Yongqi Li

Abstract: Training deep neural networks is a challenging task. In order to speed up training and enhance the performance of deep neural networks, we rectify the vanilla conjugate gradient as conjugate-gradient-like and incorporate it into the generic Adam, and thus propose a new optimization algorithm named CG-like-Adam for deep learning. Specifically, both the first-order and the second-order moment estimation of generic Adam are replaced by the conjugate-gradient-like. Convergence analysis handles the cases where the exponential moving average coefficient of the first-order moment estimation is constant and the first-order moment estimation is unbiased. Numerical experiments show the superiority of the proposed algorithm based on the CIFAR10/100 dataset.

cross Effective internal language model training and fusion for factorized transducer model

Authors: Jinxi Guo, Niko Moritz, Yingyi Ma, Frank Seide, Chunyang Wu, Jay Mahadeokar, Ozlem Kalinli, Christian Fuegen, Mike Seltzer

Abstract: The internal language model (ILM) of the neural transducer has been widely studied. In most prior work, it is mainly used for estimating the ILM score and is subsequently subtracted during inference to facilitate improved integration with external language models. Recently, various of factorized transducer models have been proposed, which explicitly embrace a standalone internal language model for non-blank token prediction. However, even with the adoption of factorized transducer models, limited improvement has been observed compared to shallow fusion. In this paper, we propose a novel ILM training and decoding strategy for factorized transducer models, which effectively combines the blank, acoustic and ILM scores. Our experiments show a 17% relative improvement over the standard decoding method when utilizing a well-trained ILM and the proposed decoding strategy on LibriSpeech datasets. Furthermore, when compared to a strong RNN-T baseline enhanced with external LM fusion, the proposed model yields a 5.5% relative improvement on general-sets and an 8.9% WER reduction for rare words. The proposed model can achieve superior performance without relying on external language models, rendering it highly efficient for production use-cases. To further improve the performance, we propose a novel and memory-efficient ILM-fusion-aware minimum word error rate (MWER) training method which improves ILM integration significantly.

cross Weakly-supervised Audio Separation via Bi-modal Semantic Similarity

Authors: Tanvir Mahmud, Saeed Amizadeh, Kazuhito Koishida, Diana Marculescu

Abstract: Conditional sound separation in multi-source audio mixtures without having access to single source sound data during training is a long standing challenge. Existing mix-and-separate based methods suffer from significant performance drop with multi-source training mixtures due to the lack of supervision signal for single source separation cases during training. However, in the case of language-conditional audio separation, we do have access to corresponding text descriptions for each audio mixture in our training data, which can be seen as (rough) representations of the audio samples in the language modality. To this end, in this paper, we propose a generic bi-modal separation framework which can enhance the existing unsupervised frameworks to separate single-source signals in a target modality (i.e., audio) using the easily separable corresponding signals in the conditioning modality (i.e., language), without having access to single-source samples in the target modality during training. We empirically show that this is well within reach if we have access to a pretrained joint embedding model between the two modalities (i.e., CLAP). Furthermore, we propose to incorporate our framework into two fundamental scenarios to enhance separation performance. First, we show that our proposed methodology significantly improves the performance of purely unsupervised baselines by reducing the distribution shift between training and test samples. In particular, we show that our framework can achieve 71% boost in terms of Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR) over the baseline, reaching 97.5% of the supervised learning performance. Second, we show that we can further improve the performance of the supervised learning itself by 17% if we augment it by our proposed weakly-supervised framework, that enables a powerful semi-supervised framework for audio separation.

cross Intrusion Tolerance for Networked Systems through Two-Level Feedback Control

Authors: Kim Hammar, Rolf Stadler

Abstract: We formulate intrusion tolerance for a system with service replicas as a two-level optimal control problem. On the local level node controllers perform intrusion recovery, and on the global level a system controller manages the replication factor. The local and global control problems can be formulated as classical problems in operations research, namely, the machine replacement problem and the inventory replenishment problem. Based on this formulation, we design TOLERANCE, a novel control architecture for intrusion-tolerant systems. We prove that the optimal control strategies on both levels have threshold structure and design efficient algorithms for computing them. We implement and evaluate TOLERANCE in an emulation environment where we run 10 types of network intrusions. The results show that TOLERANCE can improve service availability and reduce operational cost compared with state-of-the-art intrusion-tolerant systems.

cross Unleash the Potential of CLIP for Video Highlight Detection

Authors: Donghoon Han, Seunghyeon Seo, Eunhwan Park, Seong-Uk Nam, Nojun Kwak

Abstract: Multimodal and large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the utilization of open-world knowledge, unlocking novel potentials across various tasks and applications. Among these domains, the video domain has notably benefited from their capabilities. In this paper, we present Highlight-CLIP (HL-CLIP), a method designed to excel in the video highlight detection task by leveraging the pre-trained knowledge embedded in multimodal models. By simply fine-tuning the multimodal encoder in combination with our innovative saliency pooling technique, we have achieved the state-of-the-art performance in the highlight detection task, the QVHighlight Benchmark, to the best of our knowledge.

cross Towards Scalable & Efficient Interaction-Aware Planning in Autonomous Vehicles using Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Piyush Gupta, David Isele, Sangjae Bae

Abstract: Real-world driving involves intricate interactions among vehicles navigating through dense traffic scenarios. Recent research focuses on enhancing the interaction awareness of autonomous vehicles to leverage these interactions in decision-making. These interaction-aware planners rely on neural-network-based prediction models to capture inter-vehicle interactions, aiming to integrate these predictions with traditional control techniques such as Model Predictive Control. However, this integration of deep learning-based models with traditional control paradigms often results in computationally demanding optimization problems, relying on heuristic methods. This study introduces a principled and efficient method for combining deep learning with constrained optimization, employing knowledge distillation to train smaller and more efficient networks, thereby mitigating complexity. We demonstrate that these refined networks maintain the problem-solving efficacy of larger models while significantly accelerating optimization. Specifically, in the domain of interaction-aware trajectory planning for autonomous vehicles, we illustrate that training a smaller prediction network using knowledge distillation speeds up optimization without sacrificing accuracy.

cross Safe Interval RRT* for Scalable Multi-Robot Path Planning in Continuous Space

Authors: Joonyeol Sim, Joonkyung Kim, Changjoo Nam

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of Multi-Robot Path Planning (MRPP) in continuous space to find conflict-free paths. The difficulty of the problem arises from two primary factors. First, the involvement of multiple robots leads to combinatorial decision-making, which escalates the search space exponentially. Second, the continuous space presents potentially infinite states and actions. For this problem, we propose a two-level approach where the low level is a sampling-based planner Safe Interval RRT* (SI-RRT*) that finds a collision-free trajectory for individual robots. The high level can use any method that can resolve inter-robot conflicts where we employ two representative methods that are Prioritized Planning (SI-CPP) and Conflict Based Search (SI-CCBS). Experimental results show that SI-RRT* can find a high-quality solution quickly with a small number of samples. SI-CPP exhibits improved scalability while SI-CCBS produces higher-quality solutions compared to the state-of-the-art planners for continuous space. Compared to the most scalable existing algorithm, SI-CPP achieves a success rate that is up to 94% higher with 100 robots while maintaining solution quality (i.e., flowtime, the sum of travel times of all robots) without significant compromise. SI-CPP also decreases the makespan up to 45%. SI-CCBS decreases the flowtime by 9% compared to the competitor, albeit exhibiting a 14% lower success rate.

cross Peer-aided Repairer: Empowering Large Language Models to Repair Advanced Student Assignments

Authors: Qianhui Zhao, Fang Liu, Li Zhang, Yang Liu, Zhen Yan, Zhenghao Chen, Yufei Zhou, Jing Jiang, Ge Li

Abstract: Automated generation of feedback on programming assignments holds significant benefits for programming education, especially when it comes to advanced assignments. Automated Program Repair techniques, especially Large Language Model based approaches, have gained notable recognition for their potential to fix introductory assignments. However, the programs used for evaluation are relatively simple. It remains unclear how existing approaches perform in repairing programs from higher-level programming courses. To address these limitations, we curate a new advanced student assignment dataset named Defects4DS from a higher-level programming course. Subsequently, we identify the challenges related to fixing bugs in advanced assignments. Based on the analysis, we develop a framework called PaR that is powered by the LLM. PaR works in three phases: Peer Solution Selection, Multi-Source Prompt Generation, and Program Repair. Peer Solution Selection identifies the closely related peer programs based on lexical, semantic, and syntactic criteria. Then Multi-Source Prompt Generation adeptly combines multiple sources of information to create a comprehensive and informative prompt for the last Program Repair stage. The evaluation on Defects4DS and another well-investigated ITSP dataset reveals that PaR achieves a new state-of-the-art performance, demonstrating impressive improvements of 19.94% and 15.2% in repair rate compared to prior state-of-the-art LLM- and symbolic-based approaches, respectively

cross Auditing Large Language Models for Enhanced Text-Based Stereotype Detection and Probing-Based Bias Evaluation

Authors: Zekun Wu, Sahan Bulathwela, Maria Perez-Ortiz, Adriano Soares Koshiyama

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly increased their presence in human-facing Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. However, LLMs could reproduce and even exacerbate stereotypical outputs from training data. This work introduces the Multi-Grain Stereotype (MGS) dataset, encompassing 51,867 instances across gender, race, profession, religion, and stereotypical text, collected by fusing multiple previously publicly available stereotype detection datasets. We explore different machine learning approaches aimed at establishing baselines for stereotype detection, and fine-tune several language models of various architectures and model sizes, presenting in this work a series of stereotypes classifier models for English text trained on MGS. To understand whether our stereotype detectors capture relevant features (aligning with human common sense) we utilise a variety of explanainable AI tools, including SHAP, LIME, and BertViz, and analyse a series of example cases discussing the results. Finally, we develop a series of stereotype elicitation prompts and evaluate the presence of stereotypes in text generation tasks with popular LLMs, using one of our best performing previously presented stereotypes detectors. Our experiments yielded several key findings: i) Training stereotype detectors in a multi-dimension setting yields better results than training multiple single-dimension classifiers.ii) The integrated MGS Dataset enhances both the in-dataset and cross-dataset generalisation ability of stereotype detectors compared to using the datasets separately. iii) There is a reduction in stereotypes in the content generated by GPT Family LLMs with newer versions.

cross A noisy elephant in the room: Is your out-of-distribution detector robust to label noise?

Authors: Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund

Abstract: The ability to detect unfamiliar or unexpected images is essential for safe deployment of computer vision systems. In the context of classification, the task of detecting images outside of a model's training domain is known as out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. While there has been a growing research interest in developing post-hoc OOD detection methods, there has been comparably little discussion around how these methods perform when the underlying classifier is not trained on a clean, carefully curated dataset. In this work, we take a closer look at 20 state-of-the-art OOD detection methods in the (more realistic) scenario where the labels used to train the underlying classifier are unreliable (e.g. crowd-sourced or web-scraped labels). Extensive experiments across different datasets, noise types & levels, architectures and checkpointing strategies provide insights into the effect of class label noise on OOD detection, and show that poor separation between incorrectly classified ID samples vs. OOD samples is an overlooked yet important limitation of existing methods. Code:


cross Uncertainty-aware Active Learning of NeRF-based Object Models for Robot Manipulators using Visual and Re-orientation Actions

Authors: Saptarshi Dasgupta, Akshat Gupta, Shreshth Tuli, Rohan Paul

Abstract: Manipulating unseen objects is challenging without a 3D representation, as objects generally have occluded surfaces. This requires physical interaction with objects to build their internal representations. This paper presents an approach that enables a robot to rapidly learn the complete 3D model of a given object for manipulation in unfamiliar orientations. We use an ensemble of partially constructed NeRF models to quantify model uncertainty to determine the next action (a visual or re-orientation action) by optimizing informativeness and feasibility. Further, our approach determines when and how to grasp and re-orient an object given its partial NeRF model and re-estimates the object pose to rectify misalignments introduced during the interaction. Experiments with a simulated Franka Emika Robot Manipulator operating in a tabletop environment with benchmark objects demonstrate an improvement of (i) 14% in visual reconstruction quality (PSNR), (ii) 20% in the geometric/depth reconstruction of the object surface (F-score) and (iii) 71% in the task success rate of manipulating objects a-priori unseen orientations/stable configurations in the scene; over current methods. The project page can be found here:


cross Defense without Forgetting: Continual Adversarial Defense with Anisotropic & Isotropic Pseudo Replay

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Zhongyun Hua

Abstract: Deep neural networks have demonstrated susceptibility to adversarial attacks. Adversarial defense techniques often focus on one-shot setting to maintain robustness against attack. However, new attacks can emerge in sequences in real-world deployment scenarios. As a result, it is crucial for a defense model to constantly adapt to new attacks, but the adaptation process can lead to catastrophic forgetting of previously defended against attacks. In this paper, we discuss for the first time the concept of continual adversarial defense under a sequence of attacks, and propose a lifelong defense baseline called Anisotropic \& Isotropic Replay (AIR), which offers three advantages: (1) Isotropic replay ensures model consistency in the neighborhood distribution of new data, indirectly aligning the output preference between old and new tasks. (2) Anisotropic replay enables the model to learn a compromise data manifold with fresh mixed semantics for further replay constraints and potential future attacks. (3) A straightforward regularizer mitigates the 'plasticity-stability' trade-off by aligning model output between new and old tasks. Experiment results demonstrate that AIR can approximate or even exceed the empirical performance upper bounds achieved by Joint Training.

cross Great, Now Write an Article About That: The Crescendo Multi-Turn LLM Jailbreak Attack

Authors: Mark Russinovich, Ahmed Salem, Ronen Eldan

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have risen significantly in popularity and are increasingly being adopted across multiple applications. These LLMs are heavily aligned to resist engaging in illegal or unethical topics as a means to avoid contributing to responsible AI harms. However, a recent line of attacks, known as "jailbreaks", seek to overcome this alignment. Intuitively, jailbreak attacks aim to narrow the gap between what the model can do and what it is willing to do. In this paper, we introduce a novel jailbreak attack called Crescendo. Unlike existing jailbreak methods, Crescendo is a multi-turn jailbreak that interacts with the model in a seemingly benign manner. It begins with a general prompt or question about the task at hand and then gradually escalates the dialogue by referencing the model's replies, progressively leading to a successful jailbreak. We evaluate Crescendo on various public systems, including ChatGPT, Gemini Pro, Gemini-Ultra, LlaMA-2 70b Chat, and Anthropic Chat. Our results demonstrate the strong efficacy of Crescendo, with it achieving high attack success rates across all evaluated models and tasks. Furthermore, we introduce Crescendomation, a tool that automates the Crescendo attack, and our evaluation showcases its effectiveness against state-of-the-art models.

cross EV2Gym: A Flexible V2G Simulator for EV Smart Charging Research and Benchmarking

Authors: Stavros Orfanoudakis, Cesar Diaz-Londono, Yunus E. Y{\i}lmaz, Peter Palensky, Pedro P. Vergara

Abstract: As electric vehicle (EV) numbers rise, concerns about the capacity of current charging and power grid infrastructure grow, necessitating the development of smart charging solutions. While many smart charging simulators have been developed in recent years, only a few support the development of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms in the form of a Gym environment, and those that do usually lack depth in modeling Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) scenarios. To address the aforementioned issues, this paper introduces the EV2Gym, a realistic simulator platform for the development and assessment of small and large-scale smart charging algorithms within a standardized platform. The proposed simulator is populated with comprehensive EV, charging station, power transformer, and EV behavior models validated using real data. EV2Gym has a highly customizable interface empowering users to choose from pre-designed case studies or craft their own customized scenarios to suit their specific requirements. Moreover, it incorporates a diverse array of RL, mathematical programming, and heuristic algorithms to speed up the development and benchmarking of new solutions. By offering a unified and standardized platform, EV2Gym aims to provide researchers and practitioners with a robust environment for advancing and assessing smart charging algorithms.

cross Where to Move Next: Zero-shot Generalization of LLMs for Next POI Recommendation

Authors: Shanshan Feng, Haoming Lyu, Caishun Chen, Yew-Soon Ong

Abstract: Next Point-of-interest (POI) recommendation provides valuable suggestions for users to explore their surrounding environment. Existing studies rely on building recommendation models from large-scale users' check-in data, which is task-specific and needs extensive computational resources. Recently, the pretrained large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant advancements in various NLP tasks and have also been investigated for recommendation scenarios. However, the generalization abilities of LLMs still are unexplored to address the next POI recommendations, where users' geographical movement patterns should be extracted. Although there are studies that leverage LLMs for next-item recommendations, they fail to consider the geographical influence and sequential transitions. Hence, they cannot effectively solve the next POI recommendation task. To this end, we design novel prompting strategies and conduct empirical studies to assess the capability of LLMs, e.g., ChatGPT, for predicting a user's next check-in. Specifically, we consider several essential factors in human movement behaviors, including user geographical preference, spatial distance, and sequential transitions, and formulate the recommendation task as a ranking problem. Through extensive experiments on two widely used real-world datasets, we derive several key findings. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that LLMs have promising zero-shot recommendation abilities and can provide accurate and reasonable predictions. We also reveal that LLMs cannot accurately comprehend geographical context information and are sensitive to the order of presentation of candidate POIs, which shows the limitations of LLMs and necessitates further research on robust human mobility reasoning mechanisms.

cross Confidence-aware Reward Optimization for Fine-tuning Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Kyuyoung Kim, Jongheon Jeong, Minyong An, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Jinwoo Shin, Kimin Lee

Abstract: Fine-tuning text-to-image models with reward functions trained on human feedback data has proven effective for aligning model behavior with human intent. However, excessive optimization with such reward models, which serve as mere proxy objectives, can compromise the performance of fine-tuned models, a phenomenon known as reward overoptimization. To investigate this issue in depth, we introduce the Text-Image Alignment Assessment (TIA2) benchmark, which comprises a diverse collection of text prompts, images, and human annotations. Our evaluation of several state-of-the-art reward models on this benchmark reveals their frequent misalignment with human assessment. We empirically demonstrate that overoptimization occurs notably when a poorly aligned reward model is used as the fine-tuning objective. To address this, we propose TextNorm, a simple method that enhances alignment based on a measure of reward model confidence estimated across a set of semantically contrastive text prompts. We demonstrate that incorporating the confidence-calibrated rewards in fine-tuning effectively reduces overoptimization, resulting in twice as many wins in human evaluation for text-image alignment compared against the baseline reward models.

cross Beyond Accuracy: Evaluating the Reasoning Behavior of Large Language Models -- A Survey

Authors: Philipp Mondorf, Barbara Plank

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have recently shown impressive performance on tasks involving reasoning, leading to a lively debate on whether these models possess reasoning capabilities similar to humans. However, despite these successes, the depth of LLMs' reasoning abilities remains uncertain. This uncertainty partly stems from the predominant focus on task performance, measured through shallow accuracy metrics, rather than a thorough investigation of the models' reasoning behavior. This paper seeks to address this gap by providing a comprehensive review of studies that go beyond task accuracy, offering deeper insights into the models' reasoning processes. Furthermore, we survey prevalent methodologies to evaluate the reasoning behavior of LLMs, emphasizing current trends and efforts towards more nuanced reasoning analyses. Our review suggests that LLMs tend to rely on surface-level patterns and correlations in their training data, rather than on genuine reasoning abilities. Additionally, we identify the need for further research that delineates the key differences between human and LLM-based reasoning. Through this survey, we aim to shed light on the complex reasoning processes within LLMs.

cross Real, fake and synthetic faces - does the coin have three sides?

Authors: Shahzeb Naeem, Ramzi Al-Sharawi, Muhammad Riyyan Khan, Usman Tariq, Abhinav Dhall, Hasan Al-Nashash

Abstract: With the ever-growing power of generative artificial intelligence, deepfake and artificially generated (synthetic) media have continued to spread online, which creates various ethical and moral concerns regarding their usage. To tackle this, we thus present a novel exploration of the trends and patterns observed in real, deepfake and synthetic facial images. The proposed analysis is done in two parts: firstly, we incorporate eight deep learning models and analyze their performances in distinguishing between the three classes of images. Next, we look to further delve into the similarities and differences between these three sets of images by investigating their image properties both in the context of the entire image as well as in the context of specific regions within the image. ANOVA test was also performed and provided further clarity amongst the patterns associated between the images of the three classes. From our findings, we observe that the investigated deeplearning models found it easier to detect synthetic facial images, with the ViT Patch-16 model performing best on this task with a class-averaged sensitivity, specificity, precision, and accuracy of 97.37%, 98.69%, 97.48%, and 98.25%, respectively. This observation was supported by further analysis of various image properties. We saw noticeable differences across the three category of images. This analysis can help us build better algorithms for facial image generation, and also shows that synthetic, deepfake and real face images are indeed three different classes.

cross RAVE: Residual Vector Embedding for CLIP-Guided Backlit Image Enhancement

Authors: Tatiana Gaintseva, Marting Benning, Gregory Slabaugh

Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel modification of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) guidance for the task of unsupervised backlit image enhancement. Our work builds on the state-of-the-art CLIP-LIT approach, which learns a prompt pair by constraining the text-image similarity between a prompt (negative/positive sample) and a corresponding image (backlit image/well-lit image) in the CLIP embedding space. Learned prompts then guide an image enhancement network. Based on the CLIP-LIT framework, we propose two novel methods for CLIP guidance. First, we show that instead of tuning prompts in the space of text embeddings, it is possible to directly tune their embeddings in the latent space without any loss in quality. This accelerates training and potentially enables the use of additional encoders that do not have a text encoder. Second, we propose a novel approach that does not require any prompt tuning. Instead, based on CLIP embeddings of backlit and well-lit images from training data, we compute the residual vector in the embedding space as a simple difference between the mean embeddings of the well-lit and backlit images. This vector then guides the enhancement network during training, pushing a backlit image towards the space of well-lit images. This approach further dramatically reduces training time, stabilizes training and produces high quality enhanced images without artifacts, both in supervised and unsupervised training regimes. Additionally, we show that residual vectors can be interpreted, revealing biases in training data, and thereby enabling potential bias correction.

cross Continuous Spiking Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Nan Yin, Mengzhu Wan, Li Shen, Hitesh Laxmichand Patel, Baopu Li, Bin Gu, Huan Xiong

Abstract: Continuous graph neural networks (CGNNs) have garnered significant attention due to their ability to generalize existing discrete graph neural networks (GNNs) by introducing continuous dynamics. They typically draw inspiration from diffusion-based methods to introduce a novel propagation scheme, which is analyzed using ordinary differential equations (ODE). However, the implementation of CGNNs requires significant computational power, making them challenging to deploy on battery-powered devices. Inspired by recent spiking neural networks (SNNs), which emulate a biological inference process and provide an energy-efficient neural architecture, we incorporate the SNNs with CGNNs in a unified framework, named Continuous Spiking Graph Neural Networks (COS-GNN). We employ SNNs for graph node representation at each time step, which are further integrated into the ODE process along with time. To enhance information preservation and mitigate information loss in SNNs, we introduce the high-order structure of COS-GNN, which utilizes the second-order ODE for spiking representation and continuous propagation. Moreover, we provide the theoretical proof that COS-GNN effectively mitigates the issues of exploding and vanishing gradients, enabling us to capture long-range dependencies between nodes. Experimental results on graph-based learning tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed COS-GNN over competitive baselines.

cross SCANNER: Knowledge-Enhanced Approach for Robust Multi-modal Named Entity Recognition of Unseen Entities

Authors: Hyunjong Ok, Taeho Kil, Sukmin Seo, Jaeho Lee

Abstract: Recent advances in named entity recognition (NER) have pushed the boundary of the task to incorporate visual signals, leading to many variants, including multi-modal NER (MNER) or grounded MNER (GMNER). A key challenge to these tasks is that the model should be able to generalize to the entities unseen during the training, and should be able to handle the training samples with noisy annotations. To address this obstacle, we propose SCANNER (Span CANdidate detection and recognition for NER), a model capable of effectively handling all three NER variants. SCANNER is a two-stage structure; we extract entity candidates in the first stage and use it as a query to get knowledge, effectively pulling knowledge from various sources. We can boost our performance by utilizing this entity-centric extracted knowledge to address unseen entities. Furthermore, to tackle the challenges arising from noisy annotations in NER datasets, we introduce a novel self-distillation method, enhancing the robustness and accuracy of our model in processing training data with inherent uncertainties. Our approach demonstrates competitive performance on the NER benchmark and surpasses existing methods on both MNER and GMNER benchmarks. Further analysis shows that the proposed distillation and knowledge utilization methods improve the performance of our model on various benchmarks.

cross SGSH: Stimulate Large Language Models with Skeleton Heuristics for Knowledge Base Question Generation

Authors: Shasha Guo, Lizi Liao, Jing Zhang, Yanling Wang, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen

Abstract: Knowledge base question generation (KBQG) aims to generate natural language questions from a set of triplet facts extracted from KB. Existing methods have significantly boosted the performance of KBQG via pre-trained language models (PLMs) thanks to the richly endowed semantic knowledge. With the advance of pre-training techniques, large language models (LLMs) (e.g., GPT-3.5) undoubtedly possess much more semantic knowledge. Therefore, how to effectively organize and exploit the abundant knowledge for KBQG becomes the focus of our study. In this work, we propose SGSH--a simple and effective framework to Stimulate GPT-3.5 with Skeleton Heuristics to enhance KBQG. The framework incorporates "skeleton heuristics", which provides more fine-grained guidance associated with each input to stimulate LLMs to generate optimal questions, encompassing essential elements like the question phrase and the auxiliary verb.More specifically, we devise an automatic data construction strategy leveraging ChatGPT to construct a skeleton training dataset, based on which we employ a soft prompting approach to train a BART model dedicated to generating the skeleton associated with each input. Subsequently, skeleton heuristics are encoded into the prompt to incentivize GPT-3.5 to generate desired questions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SGSH derives the new state-of-the-art performance on the KBQG tasks.

cross Improving Bird's Eye View Semantic Segmentation by Task Decomposition

Authors: Tianhao Zhao, Yongcan Chen, Yu Wu, Tianyang Liu, Bo Du, Peilun Xiao, Shi Qiu, Hongda Yang, Guozhen Li, Yi Yang, Yutian Lin

Abstract: Semantic segmentation in bird's eye view (BEV) plays a crucial role in autonomous driving. Previous methods usually follow an end-to-end pipeline, directly predicting the BEV segmentation map from monocular RGB inputs. However, the challenge arises when the RGB inputs and BEV targets from distinct perspectives, making the direct point-to-point predicting hard to optimize. In this paper, we decompose the original BEV segmentation task into two stages, namely BEV map reconstruction and RGB-BEV feature alignment. In the first stage, we train a BEV autoencoder to reconstruct the BEV segmentation maps given corrupted noisy latent representation, which urges the decoder to learn fundamental knowledge of typical BEV patterns. The second stage involves mapping RGB input images into the BEV latent space of the first stage, directly optimizing the correlations between the two views at the feature level. Our approach simplifies the complexity of combining perception and generation into distinct steps, equipping the model to handle intricate and challenging scenes effectively. Besides, we propose to transform the BEV segmentation map from the Cartesian to the polar coordinate system to establish the column-wise correspondence between RGB images and BEV maps. Moreover, our method requires neither multi-scale features nor camera intrinsic parameters for depth estimation and saves computational overhead. Extensive experiments on nuScenes and Argoverse show the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. Code is available at


cross HyperCLOVA X Technical Report

Authors: Kang Min Yoo, Jaegeun Han, Sookyo In, Heewon Jeon, Jisu Jeong, Jaewook Kang, Hyunwook Kim, Kyung-Min Kim, Munhyong Kim, Sungju Kim, Donghyun Kwak, Hanock Kwak, Se Jung Kwon, Bado Lee, Dongsoo Lee, Gichang Lee, Jooho Lee, Baeseong Park, Seongjin Shin, Joonsang Yu, Seolki Baek, Sumin Byeon, Eungsup Cho, Dooseok Choe, Jeesung Han, Youngkyun Jin, Hyein Jun, Jaeseung Jung, Chanwoong Kim, Jinhong Kim, Jinuk Kim, Dokyeong Lee, Dongwook Park, Jeong Min Sohn, Sujung Han, Jiae Heo, Sungju Hong, Mina Jeon, Hyunhoon Jung, Jungeun Jung, Wangkyo Jung, Chungjoon Kim, Hyeri Kim, Jonghyun Kim, Min Young Kim, Soeun Lee, Joonhee Park, Jieun Shin, Sojin Yang, Jungsoon Yoon, Hwaran Lee, Sanghwan Bae, Jeehwan Cha, Donghoon Ham, Youngki Hong, Yunki Hong, Myunggeun Ji, Yeguk Jin, Chansong Jo, Shinyoung Joo, Seunghwan Jung, Hyomin Kim, Jungwhan Kim, Minkyoung Kim, Minseung Kim, Sungdong Kim, Yonghee Kim, Youngjun Kim, Donghyeon Ko, Dughyun Lee, Jaehong Lee, Jieun Lee, Jongjin Lee, Min Young Lee, Yehbin Lee, Taehong Min, Kiyoon Moon, Jaesun Park, Kyuyon Park, Seunghyun Seo, Gyubin Son, Wonjoon Yoo, Myungin You, Doheon Ahn, Homin Ahn, Joohee Ahn, Seongmin Ahn, Chanwoo An, Hyeryun An, Junho An, Sang-Min An, Boram Byun, Jongho Cha, Minji Chang, Seunggyu Chang, Haesong Cho, Youngdo Cho, Dalnim Choi, Daseul Choi, Hyoseok Choi, Minseong Choi, Sangho Choi, Seongjae Choi, Wooyong Choi, Sewhan Chun, Dong Young Go, Chiheon Ham, Danbi Han, Jaemin Han, Mihak Hong, Moonyoung Hong, Sung Bum Hong, Seongchan Hwang, Eunbin Hyun, Jinbae Im, Jaehyung Jang, Jaeni Jang, Sihyeon Jang, Sungwon Jang, Joonha Jeon, Yujin Jeon, Daun Jeong, Joonhyun Jeong, Kyeongseok Jeong, Mini Jeong, Yeji Jeong, Sol Jin, Hanbyeol Jo, Hanju Jo, Minjung Jo, Lee Jonghyun, Chaeyoon Jung, Hyungsik Jung, Jaeuk Jung, Ju Hwan Jung, Kwangsun Jung, Seungjae Jung, Soonwon Ka, Donghan Kang, Soyoung Kang, Taeho Kil, Areum Kim, Beomyoung Kim, Byeongwook Kim, Daehee Kim, Dong-Gyun Kim, Donggook Kim, Donghyun Kim, Euna Kim, Eunchul Kim, Geewook Kim, Gyu Ri Kim, Hanbyul Kim, Heesu Kim, Isaac Kim, Jeonghoon Kim, Jihye Kim, Joonghoon Kim, Minjae Kim, Minsub Kim, Pil Hwan Kim, Sammy Kim, Seokhun Kim, Seonghyeon Kim, Soojin Kim, Soong Kim, Soyoon Kim, Sunyoung Kim, Taeho Kim, Wonho Kim, Yoonsik Kim, You Jin Kim, Yuri Kim, Beomseok Kwon, Ohsung Kwon, Yoo-Hwan Kwon, Anna Lee, Byungwook Lee, Changho Lee, Daun Lee, Dongjae Lee, Ha-Ram Lee, Hodong Lee, Hwiyeong Lee, Hyunmi Lee, Injae Lee, Jaeung Lee, Jeongsang Lee, Jisoo Lee, Joongjae Lee, Juhan Lee, Jung Hyun Lee, Junghoon Lee, Junwoo Lee, Se Yun Lee, Sujin Lee, Sungjae Lee, Sungwoo Lee, Wonjae Lee, Zoo Hyun Lee, Jong Kun Lim, Kun Lim, Taemin Lim, Yuri Min, Nuri Na, Jeongyeon Nam, Kyeong-Min Nam, Yeonseog Noh, Biro Oh, Hyangnam Oh, Jung-Sik Oh, Solgil Oh, Yeontaek Oh, Boyoun Park, Cheonbok Park, Dongju Park, Hyeonjin Park, Hyun Tae Park, Hyunjung Park, Jihye Park, Jooseok Park, Junghwan Park, Jungsoo Park, Miru Park, Sang Hee Park, Seunghyun Park, Taerim Park, Wonkyeong Park, Hyunjoon Ryu, Jeonghun Ryu, Nahyeon Ryu, Soonshin Seo, Suk Min Seo, Yoonjeong Shim, Kyuyong Shin, Wonkwang Shin, Hyun Sim, Mihyun Sim, Woongseob Sim, Hyejin Soh, Bokyoung Son, Hyunjun Son, Seulah Son, Chi-Yun Song, Chiyoung Song, Ka Yeon Song, Minchul Song, Seungmin Song, Jisung Wang, Matt Yeo, Yonggoo Yeo, Myeong Yeon Yi, Moon Bin Yim, Taehwan Yoo, Youngjoon Yoo, Sungmin Yoon, Young Jin Yoon, Hangyeol Yu, Ui Seon Yu, Xingdong Zuo, Jeongin Bae, Joungeun Bae, Hyunsoo Cho, Seonghyun Cho, Yongjin Cho, Taekyoon Choi, Yera Choi, Jiwan Chung, Zhenghui Han, Byeongho Heo, Euisuk Hong, Taebaek Hwang, Seonyeol Im, Sumin Jegal, Sumin Jeon, Yelim Jeong, Yonghyun Jeong, Can Jiang, Juyong Jiang, Jiho Jin, Ara Jo, Younghyun Jo, Hoyoun Jung, Juyoung Jung, Dae Hee Kim, Ginam Kim, Hangyeol Kim, Heeseung Kim, Hyojin Kim, Hyojun Kim, Hyun-Ah Kim, Jeehye Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Jiseon Kim, Jonghak Kim, Jung Yoon Kim, Rak Yeong Kim, Seoyoon Kim, Sewon Kim, Sooyoung Kim, Sukyoung Kim, Taeyong Kim, Naeun Ko, Bonseung Koo, Heeyoung Kwak, Haena Kwon, Youngjin Kwon, Boram Lee, Bruce W. Lee, Dagyeong Lee, Erin Lee, Euijin Lee, Ha Gyeong Lee, Hyojin Lee, Hyunjeong Lee, Jeeyoon Lee, Jeonghyun Lee, Jongheok Lee, Joonhyung Lee, Junhyuk Lee, Mingu Lee, Nayeon Lee, Sangkyu Lee, Se Young Lee, Seulgi Lee, Seung Jin Lee, Suhyeon Lee, Yeonjae Lee, Yesol Lee, Youngbeom Lee, Yujin Lee, Shaodong Li, Tianyu Liu, Seong-Eun Moon, Taehong Moon, Max-Lasse Nihlenramstroem, Wonseok Oh, Yuri Oh, Hongbeen Park, Hyekyung Park, Nohil Park, Sangjin Park, Jiwon Ryu, Miru Ryu, Simo Ryu, Ahreum Seo, Hee Seo, Kangdeok Seo, Jamin Shin, Seungyoun Shin, Heetae Sin, Jiangping Wang, Lei Wang, Ning Xiang, Longxiang Xiao, Jing Xu, Seonyeong Yi, Haanju Yoo, Haneul Yoo, Hwanhee Yoo, Liang Yu, Youngjae Yu, Weijie Yuan, Bo Zeng, Qian Zhou, Kyunghyun Cho, Jung-Woo Ha, Joonsuk Park, Jihyun Hwang, Hyoung Jo Kwon, Soonyong Kwon, Jungyeon Lee, Seungho Lee, Seungho Choi, Sang-Woo Lee, Jung Hwa Lim, Nako Sung

Abstract: We introduce HyperCLOVA X, a family of large language models (LLMs) tailored to the Korean language and culture, along with competitive capabilities in English, math, and coding. HyperCLOVA X was trained on a balanced mix of Korean, English, and code data, followed by instruction-tuning with high-quality human-annotated datasets while abiding by strict safety guidelines reflecting our commitment to responsible AI. The model is evaluated across various benchmarks, including comprehensive reasoning, knowledge, commonsense, factuality, coding, math, chatting, instruction-following, and harmlessness, in both Korean and English. HyperCLOVA X exhibits strong reasoning capabilities in Korean backed by a deep understanding of the language and cultural nuances. Further analysis of the inherent bilingual nature and its extension to multilingualism highlights the model's cross-lingual proficiency and strong generalization ability to untargeted languages, including machine translation between several language pairs and cross-lingual inference tasks. We believe that HyperCLOVA X can provide helpful guidance for regions or countries in developing their sovereign LLMs.

cross Towards Leveraging AutoML for Sustainable Deep Learning: A Multi-Objective HPO Approach on Deep Shift Neural Networks

Authors: Leona Hennig, Tanja Tornede, Marius Lindauer

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) has advanced various fields by extracting complex patterns from large datasets. However, the computational demands of DL models pose environmental and resource challenges. Deep shift neural networks (DSNNs) offer a solution by leveraging shift operations to reduce computational complexity at inference. Following the insights from standard DNNs, we are interested in leveraging the full potential of DSNNs by means of AutoML techniques. We study the impact of hyperparameter optimization (HPO) to maximize DSNN performance while minimizing resource consumption. Since this combines multi-objective (MO) optimization with accuracy and energy consumption as potentially complementary objectives, we propose to combine state-of-the-art multi-fidelity (MF) HPO with multi-objective optimization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, resulting in models with over 80\% in accuracy and low computational cost. Overall, our method accelerates efficient model development while enabling sustainable AI applications.

cross Joint-Task Regularization for Partially Labeled Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Kento Nishi, Junsik Kim, Wanhua Li, Hanspeter Pfister

Abstract: Multi-task learning has become increasingly popular in the machine learning field, but its practicality is hindered by the need for large, labeled datasets. Most multi-task learning methods depend on fully labeled datasets wherein each input example is accompanied by ground-truth labels for all target tasks. Unfortunately, curating such datasets can be prohibitively expensive and impractical, especially for dense prediction tasks which require per-pixel labels for each image. With this in mind, we propose Joint-Task Regularization (JTR), an intuitive technique which leverages cross-task relations to simultaneously regularize all tasks in a single joint-task latent space to improve learning when data is not fully labeled for all tasks. JTR stands out from existing approaches in that it regularizes all tasks jointly rather than separately in pairs -- therefore, it achieves linear complexity relative to the number of tasks while previous methods scale quadratically. To demonstrate the validity of our approach, we extensively benchmark our method across a wide variety of partially labeled scenarios based on NYU-v2, Cityscapes, and Taskonomy.

cross Predicting the Intention to Interact with a Service Robot:the Role of Gaze Cues

Authors: Simone Arreghini, Gabriele Abbate, Alessandro Giusti, Antonio Paolillo

Abstract: For a service robot, it is crucial to perceive as early as possible that an approaching person intends to interact: in this case, it can proactively enact friendly behaviors that lead to an improved user experience. We solve this perception task with a sequence-to-sequence classifier of a potential user intention to interact, which can be trained in a self-supervised way. Our main contribution is a study of the benefit of features representing the person's gaze in this context. Extensive experiments on a novel dataset show that the inclusion of gaze cues significantly improves the classifier performance (AUROC increases from 84.5% to 91.2%); the distance at which an accurate classification can be achieved improves from 2.4 m to 3.2 m. We also quantify the system's ability to adapt to new environments without external supervision. Qualitative experiments show practical applications with a waiter robot.

cross Large Language Models for Orchestrating Bimanual Robots

Authors: Kun Chu, Xufeng Zhao, Cornelius Weber, Mengdi Li, Wenhao Lu, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: Although there has been rapid progress in endowing robots with the ability to solve complex manipulation tasks, generating control policies for bimanual robots to solve tasks involving two hands is still challenging because of the difficulties in effective temporal and spatial coordination. With emergent abilities in terms of step-by-step reasoning and in-context learning, Large Language Models (LLMs) have taken control of a variety of robotic tasks. However, the nature of language communication via a single sequence of discrete symbols makes LLM-based coordination in continuous space a particular challenge for bimanual tasks. To tackle this challenge for the first time by an LLM, we present LAnguage-model-based Bimanual ORchestration (LABOR), an agent utilizing an LLM to analyze task configurations and devise coordination control policies for addressing long-horizon bimanual tasks. In the simulated environment, the LABOR agent is evaluated through several everyday tasks on the NICOL humanoid robot. Reported success rates indicate that overall coordination efficiency is close to optimal performance, while the analysis of failure causes, classified into spatial and temporal coordination and skill selection, shows that these vary over tasks. The project website can be found at


cross MultiParaDetox: Extending Text Detoxification with Parallel Data to New Languages

Authors: Daryna Dementieva, Nikolay Babakov, Alexander Panchenko

Abstract: Text detoxification is a textual style transfer (TST) task where a text is paraphrased from a toxic surface form, e.g. featuring rude words, to the neutral register. Recently, text detoxification methods found their applications in various task such as detoxification of Large Language Models (LLMs) (Leong et al., 2023; He et al., 2024; Tang et al., 2023) and toxic speech combating in social networks (Deng et al., 2023; Mun et al., 2023; Agarwal et al., 2023). All these applications are extremely important to ensure safe communication in modern digital worlds. However, the previous approaches for parallel text detoxification corpora collection -- ParaDetox (Logacheva et al., 2022) and APPADIA (Atwell et al., 2022) -- were explored only in monolingual setup. In this work, we aim to extend ParaDetox pipeline to multiple languages presenting MultiParaDetox to automate parallel detoxification corpus collection for potentially any language. Then, we experiment with different text detoxification models -- from unsupervised baselines to LLMs and fine-tuned models on the presented parallel corpora -- showing the great benefit of parallel corpus presence to obtain state-of-the-art text detoxification models for any language.

cross Ukrainian Texts Classification: Exploration of Cross-lingual Knowledge Transfer Approaches

Authors: Daryna Dementieva, Valeriia Khylenko, Georg Groh

Abstract: Despite the extensive amount of labeled datasets in the NLP text classification field, the persistent imbalance in data availability across various languages remains evident. Ukrainian, in particular, stands as a language that still can benefit from the continued refinement of cross-lingual methodologies. Due to our knowledge, there is a tremendous lack of Ukrainian corpora for typical text classification tasks. In this work, we leverage the state-of-the-art advances in NLP, exploring cross-lingual knowledge transfer methods avoiding manual data curation: large multilingual encoders and translation systems, LLMs, and language adapters. We test the approaches on three text classification tasks -- toxicity classification, formality classification, and natural language inference -- providing the "recipe" for the optimal setups.

cross Universal representations for financial transactional data: embracing local, global, and external contexts

Authors: Alexandra Bazarova, Maria Kovaleva, Ilya Kuleshov, Evgenia Romanenkova, Alexander Stepikin, Alexandr Yugay, Dzhambulat Mollaev, Ivan Kireev, Andrey Savchenko, Alexey Zaytsev

Abstract: Effective processing of financial transactions is essential for banking data analysis. However, in this domain, most methods focus on specialized solutions to stand-alone problems instead of constructing universal representations suitable for many problems. We present a representation learning framework that addresses diverse business challenges. We also suggest novel generative models that account for data specifics, and a way to integrate external information into a client's representation, leveraging insights from other customers' actions. Finally, we offer a benchmark, describing representation quality globally, concerning the entire transaction history; locally, reflecting the client's current state; and dynamically, capturing representation evolution over time. Our generative approach demonstrates superior performance in local tasks, with an increase in ROC-AUC of up to 14\% for the next MCC prediction task and up to 46\% for downstream tasks from existing contrastive baselines. Incorporating external information improves the scores by an additional 20\%.

cross Long-context LLMs Struggle with Long In-context Learning

Authors: Tianle Li, Ge Zhang, Quy Duc Do, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant strides in handling long sequences exceeding 32K tokens. However, their performance evaluation has largely been confined to metrics like perplexity and synthetic tasks, which may not fully capture their abilities in more nuanced, real-world scenarios. This study introduces a specialized benchmark (LIConBench) focusing on long in-context learning within the realm of extreme-label classification. We meticulously selected six datasets with a label range spanning 28 to 174 classes covering different input (few-shot demonstration) length from 2K to 50K. Our benchmark requires LLMs to comprehend the entire input to recognize the massive label spaces to make correct prediction. We evaluate 13 long-context LLMs on our benchmarks. We find that the long-context LLMs perform relatively well under the token length of 20K and the performance benefits from utilizing the long context window. However, after the context window exceeds 20K, most LLMs except GPT-4 will dip dramatically. This suggests a notable gap in current LLM capabilities for processing and understanding long, context-rich sequences. Further analysis revealed a tendency among models to favor predictions for labels presented towards the end at the sequence. Their ability to reason over multiple pieces in the long sequence is yet to be improved. Our study reveals that long context understanding and reasoning is still a challenging task for the existing LLMs. We believe LIConBench could serve as a more realistic evaluation for the future long context LLMs.

cross Digital Forgetting in Large Language Models: A Survey of Unlearning Methods

Authors: Alberto Blanco-Justicia, Najeeb Jebreel, Benet Manzanares, David S\'anchez, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Guillem Collell, Kuan Eeik Tan

Abstract: The objective of digital forgetting is, given a model with undesirable knowledge or behavior, obtain a new model where the detected issues are no longer present. The motivations for forgetting include privacy protection, copyright protection, elimination of biases and discrimination, and prevention of harmful content generation. Effective digital forgetting has to be effective (meaning how well the new model has forgotten the undesired knowledge/behavior), retain the performance of the original model on the desirable tasks, and be scalable (in particular forgetting has to be more efficient than retraining from scratch on just the tasks/data to be retained). This survey focuses on forgetting in large language models (LLMs). We first provide background on LLMs, including their components, the types of LLMs, and their usual training pipeline. Second, we describe the motivations, types, and desired properties of digital forgetting. Third, we introduce the approaches to digital forgetting in LLMs, among which unlearning methodologies stand out as the state of the art. Fourth, we provide a detailed taxonomy of machine unlearning methods for LLMs, and we survey and compare current approaches. Fifth, we detail datasets, models and metrics used for the evaluation of forgetting, retaining and runtime. Sixth, we discuss challenges in the area. Finally, we provide some concluding remarks.

cross SPMamba: State-space model is all you need in speech separation

Authors: Kai Li, Guo Chen

Abstract: In speech separation, both CNN- and Transformer-based models have demonstrated robust separation capabilities, garnering significant attention within the research community. However, CNN-based methods have limited modelling capability for long-sequence audio, leading to suboptimal separation performance. Conversely, Transformer-based methods are limited in practical applications due to their high computational complexity. Notably, within computer vision, Mamba-based methods have been celebrated for their formidable performance and reduced computational requirements. In this paper, we propose a network architecture for speech separation using a state-space model, namely SPMamba. We adopt the TF-GridNet model as the foundational framework and substitute its Transformer component with a bidirectional Mamba module, aiming to capture a broader range of contextual information. Our experimental results reveal an important role in the performance aspects of Mamba-based models. SPMamba demonstrates superior performance with a significant advantage over existing separation models in a dataset built on Librispeech. Notably, SPMamba achieves a substantial improvement in separation quality, with a 2.42 dB enhancement in SI-SNRi compared to the TF-GridNet. The source code for SPMamba is publicly accessible at .


cross Red-Teaming Segment Anything Model

Authors: Krzysztof Jankowski, Bartlomiej Sobieski, Mateusz Kwiatkowski, Jakub Szulc, Michal Janik, Hubert Baniecki, Przemyslaw Biecek

Abstract: Foundation models have emerged as pivotal tools, tackling many complex tasks through pre-training on vast datasets and subsequent fine-tuning for specific applications. The Segment Anything Model is one of the first and most well-known foundation models for computer vision segmentation tasks. This work presents a multi-faceted red-teaming analysis that tests the Segment Anything Model against challenging tasks: (1) We analyze the impact of style transfer on segmentation masks, demonstrating that applying adverse weather conditions and raindrops to dashboard images of city roads significantly distorts generated masks. (2) We focus on assessing whether the model can be used for attacks on privacy, such as recognizing celebrities' faces, and show that the model possesses some undesired knowledge in this task. (3) Finally, we check how robust the model is to adversarial attacks on segmentation masks under text prompts. We not only show the effectiveness of popular white-box attacks and resistance to black-box attacks but also introduce a novel approach - Focused Iterative Gradient Attack (FIGA) that combines white-box approaches to construct an efficient attack resulting in a smaller number of modified pixels. All of our testing methods and analyses indicate a need for enhanced safety measures in foundation models for image segmentation.

cross Already Moderate Population Sizes Provably Yield Strong Robustness to Noise

Authors: Denis Antipov, Benjamin Doerr, Alexandra Ivanova

Abstract: Experience shows that typical evolutionary algorithms can cope well with stochastic disturbances such as noisy function evaluations. In this first mathematical runtime analysis of the $(1+\lambda)$ and $(1,\lambda)$ evolutionary algorithms in the presence of prior bit-wise noise, we show that both algorithms can tolerate constant noise probabilities without increasing the asymptotic runtime on the OneMax benchmark. For this, a population size $\lambda$ suffices that is at least logarithmic in the problem size $n$. The only previous result in this direction regarded the less realistic one-bit noise model, required a population size super-linear in the problem size, and proved a runtime guarantee roughly cubic in the noiseless runtime for the OneMax benchmark. Our significantly stronger results are based on the novel proof argument that the noiseless offspring can be seen as a biased uniform crossover between the parent and the noisy offspring. We are optimistic that the technical lemmas resulting from this insight will find applications also in future mathematical runtime analyses of evolutionary algorithms.

cross FLawN-T5: An Empirical Examination of Effective Instruction-Tuning Data Mixtures for Legal Reasoning

Authors: Joel Niklaus, Lucia Zheng, Arya D. McCarthy, Christopher Hahn, Brian M. Rosen, Peter Henderson, Daniel E. Ho, Garrett Honke, Percy Liang, Christopher Manning

Abstract: Instruction tuning is an important step in making language models useful for direct user interaction. However, many legal tasks remain out of reach for most open LLMs and there do not yet exist any large scale instruction datasets for the domain. This critically limits research in this application area. In this work, we curate LawInstruct, a large legal instruction dataset, covering 17 jurisdictions, 24 languages and a total of 12M examples. We present evidence that domain-specific pretraining and instruction tuning improve performance on LegalBench, including improving Flan-T5 XL by 8 points or 16\% over the baseline. However, the effect does not generalize across all tasks, training regimes, model sizes, and other factors. LawInstruct is a resource for accelerating the development of models with stronger information processing and decision making capabilities in the legal domain.

cross Jailbreaking Leading Safety-Aligned LLMs with Simple Adaptive Attacks

Authors: Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Nicolas Flammarion

Abstract: We show that even the most recent safety-aligned LLMs are not robust to simple adaptive jailbreaking attacks. First, we demonstrate how to successfully leverage access to logprobs for jailbreaking: we initially design an adversarial prompt template (sometimes adapted to the target LLM), and then we apply random search on a suffix to maximize the target logprob (e.g., of the token "Sure"), potentially with multiple restarts. In this way, we achieve nearly 100\% attack success rate -- according to GPT-4 as a judge -- on GPT-3.5/4, Llama-2-Chat-7B/13B/70B, Gemma-7B, and R2D2 from HarmBench that was adversarially trained against the GCG attack. We also show how to jailbreak all Claude models -- that do not expose logprobs -- via either a transfer or prefilling attack with 100\% success rate. In addition, we show how to use random search on a restricted set of tokens for finding trojan strings in poisoned models -- a task that shares many similarities with jailbreaking -- which is the algorithm that brought us the first place in the SaTML'24 Trojan Detection Competition. The common theme behind these attacks is that adaptivity is crucial: different models are vulnerable to different prompting templates (e.g., R2D2 is very sensitive to in-context learning prompts), some models have unique vulnerabilities based on their APIs (e.g., prefilling for Claude), and in some settings it is crucial to restrict the token search space based on prior knowledge (e.g., for trojan detection). We provide the code, prompts, and logs of the attacks at


cross Segment Any 3D Object with Language

Authors: Seungjun Lee, Yuyang Zhao, Gim Hee Lee

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate Open-Vocabulary 3D Instance Segmentation (OV-3DIS) with free-form language instructions. Earlier works that rely on only annotated base categories for training suffer from limited generalization to unseen novel categories. Recent works mitigate poor generalizability to novel categories by generating class-agnostic masks or projecting generalized masks from 2D to 3D, but disregard semantic or geometry information, leading to sub-optimal performance. Instead, generating generalizable but semantic-related masks directly from 3D point clouds would result in superior outcomes. In this paper, we introduce Segment any 3D Object with LanguagE (SOLE), which is a semantic and geometric-aware visual-language learning framework with strong generalizability by generating semantic-related masks directly from 3D point clouds. Specifically, we propose a multimodal fusion network to incorporate multimodal semantics in both backbone and decoder. In addition, to align the 3D segmentation model with various language instructions and enhance the mask quality, we introduce three types of multimodal associations as supervision. Our SOLE outperforms previous methods by a large margin on ScanNetv2, ScanNet200, and Replica benchmarks, and the results are even close to the fully-supervised counterpart despite the absence of class annotations in the training. Furthermore, extensive qualitative results demonstrate the versatility of our SOLE to language instructions.

replace Few-shot Link Prediction on N-ary Facts

Authors: Jiyao Wei, Saiping Guan, Xiaolong Jin, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Hyper-relational facts, which consist of a primary triple (head entity, relation, tail entity) and auxiliary attribute-value pairs, are widely present in real-world Knowledge Graphs (KGs). Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts (LPHFs) is to predict a missing element in a hyper-relational fact, which helps populate and enrich KGs. However, existing LPHFs studies usually require an amount of high-quality data. They overlook few-shot relations, which have limited instances, yet are common in real-world scenarios. Thus, we introduce a new task, Few-Shot Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts (FSLPHFs). It aims to predict a missing entity in a hyper-relational fact with limited support instances. To tackle FSLPHFs, we propose MetaRH, a model that learns Meta Relational information in Hyper-relational facts. MetaRH comprises three modules: relation learning, support-specific adjustment, and query inference. By capturing meta relational information from limited support instances, MetaRH can accurately predict the missing entity in a query. As there is no existing dataset available for this new task, we construct three datasets to validate the effectiveness of MetaRH. Experimental results on these datasets demonstrate that MetaRH significantly outperforms existing representative models.

replace Saliency strikes back: How filtering out high frequencies improves white-box explanations

Authors: Sabine Muzellec, Thomas Fel, Victor Boutin, L\'eo and\'eol, Rufin VanRullen, Thomas Serre

Abstract: Attribution methods correspond to a class of explainability methods (XAI) that aim to assess how individual inputs contribute to a model's decision-making process. We have identified a significant limitation in one type of attribution methods, known as "white-box" methods. Although highly efficient, these methods rely on a gradient signal that is often contaminated by high-frequency noise. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a new approach called "FORGrad". This simple method effectively filters out noise artifacts by using optimal cut-off frequencies tailored to the unique characteristics of each model architecture. Our findings show that FORGrad consistently enhances the performance of already existing white-box methods, enabling them to compete effectively with more accurate yet computationally demanding "black-box" methods. We anticipate that our research will foster broader adoption of simpler and more efficient white-box methods for explainability, offering a better balance between faithfulness and computational efficiency.

replace Meta Prompting for AI Systems

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Yang Yuan, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Abstract: In this work, we present a comprehensive study of Meta Prompting (MP), an innovative technique reshaping the utilization of language models (LMs) and AI systems in problem-solving and data interaction. Grounded in type theory and category theory, Meta Prompting emphasizes the structure and syntax of information over traditional content-centric methods. The paper explores the formal definitions of Meta Prompting, sets it apart from few-shot prompting, and underlines its effectiveness in various AI applications. A key focus is applying Meta Prompting for complex reasoning tasks, showing how it effectively deconstructs intricate problems into simpler sub-problems, enhancing token efficiency, and enabling more equitable problem-solving comparisons, especially against few-shot prompting methods. Additionally, the paper introduces Meta Prompting for prompting tasks, allowing LLMs to self-generate new prompts in a recursive, metaprogramming-like manner. Empirical experiments, including using a Qwen-72B base language model equipped with meta prompt without instruction-tuning to solve MATH problems with accuracy at 46.3%, which surpass the supervised fine-tuned counterpart trained with extensive mathematical QA instruction pairs and even the initial version of GPT-4, solving GSM8K problems with 83.5% accuracy with zero-shot meta-prompted Qwen-72B base language model, and solving the Game of 24 tasks with a 100% success rate using GPT-4, demonstrate the meta prompting's efficacy in achieving high accuracy and efficiency, showcasing Meta Prompting's transformative impact on AI problem-solving. The code is available at


replace HALO: An Ontology for Representing and Categorizing Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Authors: Navapat Nananukul, Mayank Kejriwal

Abstract: Recent progress in generative AI, including large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, has opened up significant opportunities in fields ranging from natural language processing to knowledge discovery and data mining. However, there is also a growing awareness that the models can be prone to problems such as making information up or `hallucinations', and faulty reasoning on seemingly simple problems. Because of the popularity of models like ChatGPT, both academic scholars and citizen scientists have documented hallucinations of several different types and severity. Despite this body of work, a formal model for describing and representing these hallucinations (with relevant meta-data) at a fine-grained level, is still lacking. In this paper, we address this gap by presenting the Hallucination Ontology or HALO, a formal, extensible ontology written in OWL that currently offers support for six different types of hallucinations known to arise in LLMs, along with support for provenance and experimental metadata. We also collect and publish a dataset containing hallucinations that we inductively gathered across multiple independent Web sources, and show that HALO can be successfully used to model this dataset and answer competency questions.

replace Social, Legal, Ethical, Empathetic, and Cultural Rules: Compilation and Reasoning (Extended Version)

Authors: Nicolas Troquard, Martina De Sanctis, Paola Inverardi, Patrizio Pelliccione, Gian Luca Scoccia

Abstract: The rise of AI-based and autonomous systems is raising concerns and apprehension due to potential negative repercussions stemming from their behavior or decisions. These systems must be designed to comply with the human contexts in which they will operate. To this extent, Townsend et al. (2022) introduce the concept of SLEEC (social, legal, ethical, empathetic, or cultural) rules that aim to facilitate the formulation, verification, and enforcement of the rules AI-based and autonomous systems should obey. They lay out a methodology to elicit them and to let philosophers, lawyers, domain experts, and others to formulate them in natural language. To enable their effective use in AI systems, it is necessary to translate these rules systematically into a formal language that supports automated reasoning. In this study, we first conduct a linguistic analysis of the SLEEC rules pattern, which justifies the translation of SLEEC rules into classical logic. Then we investigate the computational complexity of reasoning about SLEEC rules and show how logical programming frameworks can be employed to implement SLEEC rules in practical scenarios. The result is a readily applicable strategy for implementing AI systems that conform to norms expressed as SLEEC rules.

replace i-Rebalance: Personalized Vehicle Repositioning for Supply Demand Balance

Authors: Haoyang Chen, Peiyan Sun, Qiyuan Song, Wanyuan Wang, Weiwei Wu, Wencan Zhang, Guanyu Gao, Yan Lyu

Abstract: Ride-hailing platforms have been facing the challenge of balancing demand and supply. Existing vehicle reposition techniques often treat drivers as homogeneous agents and relocate them deterministically, assuming compliance with the reposition. In this paper, we consider a more realistic and driver-centric scenario where drivers have unique cruising preferences and can decide whether to take the recommendation or not on their own. We propose i-Rebalance, a personalized vehicle reposition technique with deep reinforcement learning (DRL). i-Rebalance estimates drivers' decisions on accepting reposition recommendations through an on-field user study involving 99 real drivers. To optimize supply-demand balance and enhance preference satisfaction simultaneously, i-Rebalance has a sequential reposition strategy with dual DRL agents: Grid Agent to determine the reposition order of idle vehicles, and Vehicle Agent to provide personalized recommendations to each vehicle in the pre-defined order. This sequential learning strategy facilitates more effective policy training within a smaller action space compared to traditional joint-action methods. Evaluation of real-world trajectory data shows that i-Rebalance improves driver acceptance rate by 38.07% and total driver income by 9.97%.

replace PokeLLMon: A Human-Parity Agent for Pokemon Battles with Large Language Models

Authors: Sihao Hu, Tiansheng Huang, Ling Liu

Abstract: We introduce PokeLLMon, the first LLM-embodied agent that achieves human-parity performance in tactical battle games, as demonstrated in Pokemon battles. The design of PokeLLMon incorporates three key strategies: (i) In-context reinforcement learning that instantly consumes text-based feedback derived from battles to iteratively refine the policy; (ii) Knowledge-augmented generation that retrieves external knowledge to counteract hallucination and enables the agent to act timely and properly; (iii) Consistent action generation to mitigate the panic switching phenomenon when the agent faces a powerful opponent and wants to elude the battle. We show that online battles against human demonstrates PokeLLMon's human-like battle strategies and just-in-time decision making, achieving 49% of win rate in the Ladder competitions and 56% of win rate in the invited battles. Our implementation and playable battle logs are available at:


replace GraphInstruct: Empowering Large Language Models with Graph Understanding and Reasoning Capability

Authors: Zihan Luo, Xiran Song, Hong Huang, Jianxun Lian, Chenhao Zhang, Jinqi Jiang, Xing Xie

Abstract: Evaluating and enhancing the general capabilities of large language models (LLMs) has been an important research topic. Graph is a common data structure in the real world, and understanding graph data is a crucial part for advancing general intelligence. To evaluate and enhance the graph understanding abilities of LLMs, in this paper, we propose a benchmark named GraphInstruct, which comprehensively includes 21 classical graph reasoning tasks, providing diverse graph generation pipelines and detailed reasoning steps. Based on GraphInstruct, we further construct GraphLM through efficient instruction-tuning, which shows prominent graph understanding capability. In order to enhance the LLM with graph reasoning capability as well, we propose a step mask training strategy, and construct a model named GraphLM+. As one of the pioneering efforts to enhance the graph understanding and reasoning abilities of LLMs, extensive experiments have demonstrated the superiority of GraphLM and GraphLM+ over other LLMs. We look forward to more researchers exploring the potential of LLMs in the graph data mining domain through GraphInstruct. Our code for generating GraphInstruct is released publicly at:


replace Enhancing Formal Theorem Proving: A Comprehensive Dataset for Training AI Models on Coq Code

Authors: Andreas Florath

Abstract: In the realm of formal theorem proving, the Coq proof assistant stands out for its rigorous approach to verifying mathematical assertions and software correctness. Despite the advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning, the specialized nature of Coq syntax and semantics poses unique challenges for Large Language Models (LLMs). Addressing this gap, we present a comprehensive dataset specifically designed to enhance LLMs' proficiency in interpreting and generating Coq code. This dataset, derived from a collection of over 10,000 Coq source files, encompasses a wide array of propositions, proofs, and definitions, enriched with metadata including source references and licensing information. Our primary aim is to facilitate the development of LLMs capable of generating syntactically correct and semantically meaningful Coq constructs, thereby advancing the frontier of automated theorem proving. Initial experiments with this dataset have showcased its significant potential; models trained on this data exhibited enhanced accuracy in Coq code generation. Notably, a particular experiment revealed that a fine-tuned LLM was capable of generating 141 valid proofs for a basic lemma, highlighting the dataset's utility in facilitating the discovery of diverse and valid proof strategies. This paper discusses the dataset's composition, the methodology behind its creation, and the implications of our findings for the future of machine learning in formal verification. The dataset is accessible for further research and exploration:


replace Rumor Detection with a novel graph neural network approach

Authors: Tianrui Liu, Qi Cai, Changxin Xu, Bo Hong, Fanghao Ni, Yuxin Qiao, Tsungwei Yang

Abstract: The wide spread of rumors on social media has caused a negative impact on people's daily life, leading to potential panic, fear, and mental health problems for the public. How to debunk rumors as early as possible remains a challenging problem. Existing studies mainly leverage information propagation structure to detect rumors, while very few works focus on correlation among users that they may coordinate to spread rumors in order to gain large popularity. In this paper, we propose a new detection model, that jointly learns both the representations of user correlation and information propagation to detect rumors on social media. Specifically, we leverage graph neural networks to learn the representations of user correlation from a bipartite graph that describes the correlations between users and source tweets, and the representations of information propagation with a tree structure. Then we combine the learned representations from these two modules to classify the rumors. Since malicious users intend to subvert our model after deployment, we further develop a greedy attack scheme to analyze the cost of three adversarial attacks: graph attack, comment attack, and joint attack. Evaluation results on two public datasets illustrate that the proposed MODEL outperforms the state-of-the-art rumor detection models. We also demonstrate our method performs well for early rumor detection. Moreover, the proposed detection method is more robust to adversarial attacks compared to the best existing method. Importantly, we show that it requires a high cost for attackers to subvert user correlation pattern, demonstrating the importance of considering user correlation for rumor detection.

replace Artificial Neural Networks-based Real-time Classification of ENG Signals for Implanted Nerve Interfaces

Authors: Antonio Coviello, Francesco Linsalata, Umberto Spagnolini, Maurizio Magarini

Abstract: Neuropathies are gaining higher relevance in clinical settings, as they risk permanently jeopardizing a person's life. To support the recovery of patients, the use of fully implanted devices is emerging as one of the most promising solutions. However, these devices, even if becoming an integral part of a fully complex neural nanonetwork system, pose numerous challenges. In this article, we address one of them, which consists of the classification of motor/sensory stimuli. The task is performed by exploring four different types of artificial neural networks (ANNs) to extract various sensory stimuli from the electroneurographic (ENG) signal measured in the sciatic nerve of rats. Different sizes of the data sets are considered to analyze the feasibility of the investigated ANNs for real-time classification through a comparison of their performance in terms of accuracy, F1-score, and prediction time. The design of the ANNs takes advantage of the modelling of the ENG signal as a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system to describe the measures taken by state-of-the-art implanted nerve interfaces. These are based on the use of multi-contact cuff electrodes to achieve nanoscale spatial discrimination of the nerve activity. The MIMO ENG signal model is another contribution of this paper. Our results show that some ANNs are more suitable for real-time applications, being capable of achieving accuracies over $90\%$ for signal windows of $100$ and $200\,$ms with a low enough processing time to be effective for pathology recovery.

replace IsoBench: Benchmarking Multimodal Foundation Models on Isomorphic Representations

Authors: Deqing Fu, Ghazal Khalighinejad, Ollie Liu, Bhuwan Dhingra, Dani Yogatama, Robin Jia, Willie Neiswanger

Abstract: Current foundation models exhibit impressive capabilities when prompted either with text only or with both image and text inputs. But do their capabilities change depending on the input modality? In this work, we propose $\textbf{IsoBench}$, a benchmark dataset containing problems from four major areas: math, science, algorithms, and games. Each example is presented with multiple $\textbf{isomorphic representations}$ of inputs, such as visual, textual, and mathematical presentations. IsoBench provides fine-grained feedback to diagnose performance gaps caused by the form of the representation. Across various foundation models, we observe that on the same problem, models have a consistent preference towards textual representations. Most prominently, when evaluated on all IsoBench problems, Claude-3 Opus performs 28.7 points worse when provided with images instead of text; similarly, GPT-4 Turbo is 18.7 points worse and Gemini Pro is 14.9 points worse. Finally, we present two prompting techniques, $\textit{IsoCombination}$ and $\textit{IsoScratchPad}$, which improve model performance by considering combinations of, and translations between, different input representations.

replace-cross CP-PINNs: Data-Driven Changepoints Detection in PDEs Using Online Optimized Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Zhikang Dong, Pawel Polak

Abstract: We investigate the inverse problem for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in scenarios where the parameters of the given PDE dynamics may exhibit changepoints at random time. We employ Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) - universal approximators capable of estimating the solution of any physical law described by a system of PDEs, which serves as a regularization during neural network training, restricting the space of admissible solutions and enhancing function approximation accuracy. We demonstrate that when the system exhibits sudden changes in the PDE dynamics, this regularization is either insufficient to accurately estimate the true dynamics, or it may result in model miscalibration and failure. Consequently, we propose a PINNs extension using a Total-Variation penalty, which allows to accommodate multiple changepoints in the PDE dynamics and significantly improves function approximation. These changepoints can occur at random locations over time and are estimated concurrently with the solutions. Additionally, we introduce an online learning method for re-weighting loss function terms dynamically. Through empirical analysis using examples of various equations with parameter changes, we showcase the advantages of our proposed model. In the absence of changepoints, the model reverts to the original PINNs model. However, when changepoints are present, our approach yields superior parameter estimation, improved model fitting, and reduced training error compared to the original PINNs model.

replace-cross Estimating truncation effects of quantum bosonic systems using sampling algorithms

Authors: Masanori Hanada, Junyu Liu, Enrico Rinaldi, Masaki Tezuka

Abstract: To simulate bosons on a qubit- or qudit-based quantum computer, one has to regularize the theory by truncating infinite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces to finite dimensions. In the search for practical quantum applications, it is important to know how big the truncation errors can be. In general, it is not easy to estimate errors unless we have a good quantum computer. In this paper, we show that traditional sampling methods on classical devices, specifically Markov Chain Monte Carlo, can address this issue for a rather generic class of bosonic systems with a reasonable amount of computational resources available today. As a demonstration, we apply this idea to the scalar field theory on a two-dimensional lattice, with a size that goes beyond what is achievable using exact diagonalization methods. This method can be used to estimate the resources needed for realistic quantum simulations of bosonic theories, and also, to check the validity of the results of the corresponding quantum simulations.

replace-cross BRAIxDet: Learning to Detect Malignant Breast Lesion with Incomplete Annotations

Authors: Yuanhong Chen, Yuyuan Liu, Chong Wang, Michael Elliott, Chun Fung Kwok, Carlos Pena-Solorzano, Yu Tian, Fengbei Liu, Helen Frazer, Davis J. McCarthy, Gustavo Carneiro

Abstract: Methods to detect malignant lesions from screening mammograms are usually trained with fully annotated datasets, where images are labelled with the localisation and classification of cancerous lesions. However, real-world screening mammogram datasets commonly have a subset that is fully annotated and another subset that is weakly annotated with just the global classification (i.e., without lesion localisation). Given the large size of such datasets, researchers usually face a dilemma with the weakly annotated subset: to not use it or to fully annotate it. The first option will reduce detection accuracy because it does not use the whole dataset, and the second option is too expensive given that the annotation needs to be done by expert radiologists. In this paper, we propose a middle-ground solution for the dilemma, which is to formulate the training as a weakly- and semi-supervised learning problem that we refer to as malignant breast lesion detection with incomplete annotations. To address this problem, our new method comprises two stages, namely: 1) pre-training a multi-view mammogram classifier with weak supervision from the whole dataset, and 2) extending the trained classifier to become a multi-view detector that is trained with semi-supervised student-teacher learning, where the training set contains fully and weakly-annotated mammograms. We provide extensive detection results on two real-world screening mammogram datasets containing incomplete annotations, and show that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results in the detection of malignant breast lesions with incomplete annotations.

replace-cross Benchmarking Model Predictive Control Algorithms in Building Optimization Testing Framework (BOPTEST)

Authors: Saman Mostafavi, Chihyeon Song, Aayushman Sharma, Raman Goyal, Alejandro Brito

Abstract: We present a data-driven modeling and control framework for physics-based building emulators. Our approach consists of: (a) Offline training of differentiable surrogate models that accelerate model evaluations, provide cost-effective gradients, and maintain good predictive accuracy for the receding horizon in Model Predictive Control (MPC), and (b) Formulating and solving nonlinear building HVAC MPC problems. We extensively evaluate the modeling and control performance using multiple surrogate models and optimization frameworks across various test cases available in the Building Optimization Testing Framework (BOPTEST). Our framework is compatible with other modeling techniques and can be customized with different control formulations, making it adaptable and future-proof for test cases currently under development for BOPTEST. This modularity provides a path towards prototyping predictive controllers in large buildings, ensuring scalability and robustness in real-world applications.

replace-cross Hierarchical Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning with Mid-level Input Generation for Autonomous Driving on Urban Environments

Authors: Gustavo Claudio Karl Couto, Eric Aislan Antonelo

Abstract: Deriving robust control policies for realistic urban navigation scenarios is not a trivial task. In an end-to-end approach, these policies must map high-dimensional images from the vehicle's cameras to low-level actions such as steering and throttle. While pure Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches are based exclusively on engineered rewards, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) agents learn from expert demonstrations while interacting with the environment, which favors GAIL on tasks for which a reward signal is difficult to derive, such as autonomous driving. However, training deep networks directly from raw images on RL tasks is known to be unstable and troublesome. To deal with that, this work proposes a hierarchical GAIL-based architecture (hGAIL) which decouples representation learning from the driving task to solve the autonomous navigation of a vehicle. The proposed architecture consists of two modules: a GAN (Generative Adversarial Net) which generates an abstract mid-level input representation, which is the Bird's-Eye View (BEV) from the surroundings of the vehicle; and the GAIL which learns to control the vehicle based on the BEV predictions from the GAN as input. hGAIL is able to learn both the policy and the mid-level representation simultaneously as the agent interacts with the environment. Our experiments made in the CARLA simulation environment have shown that GAIL exclusively from cameras without BEV) fails to even learn the task, while hGAIL, after training exclusively on one city, was able to autonomously navigate successfully in 98% of the intersections of a new city not used in training phase.

replace-cross Generative AI in the Wild: Prospects, Challenges, and Strategies

Authors: Yuan Sun, Eunchae Jang, Fenglong Ma, Ting Wang

Abstract: Propelled by their remarkable capabilities to generate novel and engaging content, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) technologies are disrupting traditional workflows in many industries. While prior research has examined GenAI from a techno-centric perspective, there is still a lack of understanding about how users perceive and utilize GenAI in real-world scenarios. To bridge this gap, we conducted semi-structured interviews with (N=18) GenAI users increative industries, investigating the human-GenAI co-creation process within a holistic LUA (Learning, Using and Assessing)framework. Our study uncovered an intriguingly complex landscape: Prospects-GenAI greatly fosters the co-creation between human expertise and GenAI capabilities, profoundly transforming creative workflows; Challenges-Meanwhile, users face substantial uncertainties and complexities arising from resource availability, tool usability, and regulatory compliance; Strategies-In response, users actively devise various strategies to overcome many of such challenges. Our study reveals key implications for the design of future GenAI tools.

replace-cross Lifelong Continual Learning for Anomaly Detection: New Challenges, Perspectives, and Insights

Authors: Kamil Faber, Roberto Corizzo, Bartlomiej Sniezynski, Nathalie Japkowicz

Abstract: Anomaly detection is of paramount importance in many real-world domains, characterized by evolving behavior. Lifelong learning represents an emerging trend, answering the need for machine learning models that continuously adapt to new challenges in dynamic environments while retaining past knowledge. However, limited efforts are dedicated to building foundations for lifelong anomaly detection, which provides intrinsically different challenges compared to the more widely explored classification setting. In this paper, we face this issue by exploring, motivating, and discussing lifelong anomaly detection, trying to build foundations for its wider adoption. First, we explain why lifelong anomaly detection is relevant, defining challenges and opportunities to design anomaly detection methods that deal with lifelong learning complexities. Second, we characterize learning settings and a scenario generation procedure that enables researchers to experiment with lifelong anomaly detection using existing datasets. Third, we perform experiments with popular anomaly detection methods on proposed lifelong scenarios, emphasizing the gap in performance that could be gained with the adoption of lifelong learning. Overall, we conclude that the adoption of lifelong anomaly detection is important to design more robust models that provide a comprehensive view of the environment, as well as simultaneous adaptation and knowledge retention.

replace-cross Bayesian neural networks via MCMC: a Python-based tutorial

Authors: Rohitash Chandra, Royce Chen, Joshua Simmons

Abstract: Bayesian inference provides a methodology for parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification in machine learning and deep learning methods. Variational inference and Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods are used to implement Bayesian inference. In the past three decades, MCMC sampling methods have faced some challenges in being adapted to larger models (such as in deep learning) and big data problems. Advanced proposal distributions that incorporate gradients, such as a Langevin proposal distribution, provide a means to address some of the limitations of MCMC sampling for Bayesian neural networks. Furthermore, MCMC methods have typically been constrained to statisticians and currently not well-known among deep learning researchers. We present a tutorial for MCMC methods that covers simple Bayesian linear and logistic models, and Bayesian neural networks. The aim of this tutorial is to bridge the gap between theory and implementation via coding, given a general sparsity of libraries and tutorials to this end. This tutorial provides code in Python with data and instructions that enable their use and extension. We provide results for some benchmark problems showing the strengths and weaknesses of implementing the respective Bayesian models via MCMC. We highlight the challenges in sampling multi-modal posterior distributions for the case of Bayesian neural networks and the need for further improvement of convergence diagnosis methods.

replace-cross Deep transfer learning for intrusion detection in industrial control networks: A comprehensive review

Authors: Hamza Kheddar, Yassine Himeur, Ali Ismail Awad

Abstract: Globally, the external internet is increasingly being connected to industrial control systems. As a result, there is an immediate need to protect these networks from a variety of threats. The key infrastructure of industrial activity can be protected from harm using an intrusion detection system (IDS), a preventive mechanism that seeks to recognize new kinds of dangerous threats and hostile activities. This review examines the most recent artificial-intelligence techniques that are used to create IDSs in many kinds of industrial control networks, with a particular emphasis on IDS-based deep transfer learning (DTL). DTL can be seen as a type of information-fusion approach that merges and/or adapts knowledge from multiple domains to enhance the performance of a target task, particularly when labeled data in the target domain is scarce. Publications issued after 2015 were considered. These selected publications were divided into three categories: DTL-only and IDS-only works are examined in the introduction and background section, and DTL-based IDS papers are considered in the core section of this review. By reading this review paper, researchers will be able to gain a better grasp of the current state of DTL approaches used in IDSs in many different types of network. Other useful information, such as the datasets used, the type of DTL employed, the pre-trained network, IDS techniques, the evaluation metrics including accuracy/F-score and false-alarm rate, and the improvements gained, are also covered. The algorithms and methods used in several studies are presented, and the principles of DTL-based IDS subcategories are presented to the reader and illustrated deeply and clearly

replace-cross PersonaLLM: Investigating the Ability of Large Language Models to Express Personality Traits

Authors: Hang Jiang, Xiajie Zhang, Xubo Cao, Cynthia Breazeal, Deb Roy, Jad Kabbara

Abstract: Despite the many use cases for large language models (LLMs) in creating personalized chatbots, there has been limited research on evaluating the extent to which the behaviors of personalized LLMs accurately and consistently reflect specific personality traits. We consider studying the behavior of LLM-based agents which we refer to as LLM personas and present a case study with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to investigate whether LLMs can generate content that aligns with their assigned personality profiles. To this end, we simulate distinct LLM personas based on the Big Five personality model, have them complete the 44-item Big Five Inventory (BFI) personality test and a story writing task, and then assess their essays with automatic and human evaluations. Results show that LLM personas' self-reported BFI scores are consistent with their designated personality types, with large effect sizes observed across five traits. Additionally, LLM personas' writings have emerging representative linguistic patterns for personality traits when compared with a human writing corpus. Furthermore, human evaluation shows that humans can perceive some personality traits with an accuracy of up to 80%. Interestingly, the accuracy drops significantly when the annotators were informed of AI authorship.

replace-cross Vision-Language Models in Remote Sensing: Current Progress and Future Trends

Authors: Xiang Li, Congcong Wen, Yuan Hu, Zhenghang Yuan, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Abstract: The remarkable achievements of ChatGPT and GPT-4 have sparked a wave of interest and research in the field of large language models for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). These models provide intelligent solutions close to human thinking, enabling us to use general artificial intelligence to solve problems in various applications. However, in remote sensing (RS), the scientific literature on the implementation of AGI remains relatively scant. Existing AI-related research in remote sensing primarily focuses on visual understanding tasks while neglecting the semantic understanding of the objects and their relationships. This is where vision-language models excel, as they enable reasoning about images and their associated textual descriptions, allowing for a deeper understanding of the underlying semantics. Vision-language models can go beyond visual recognition of RS images, model semantic relationships, and generate natural language descriptions of the image. This makes them better suited for tasks requiring visual and textual understanding, such as image captioning, and visual question answering. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the research on vision-language models in remote sensing, summarizing the latest progress, highlighting challenges, and identifying potential research opportunities.

replace-cross How Effective Are Neural Networks for Fixing Security Vulnerabilities

Authors: Yi Wu, Nan Jiang, Hung Viet Pham, Thibaud Lutellier, Jordan Davis, Lin Tan, Petr Babkin, Sameena Shah

Abstract: Security vulnerability repair is a difficult task that is in dire need of automation. Two groups of techniques have shown promise: (1) large code language models (LLMs) that have been pre-trained on source code for tasks such as code completion, and (2) automated program repair (APR) techniques that use deep learning (DL) models to automatically fix software bugs. This paper is the first to study and compare Java vulnerability repair capabilities of LLMs and DL-based APR models. The contributions include that we (1) apply and evaluate five LLMs (Codex, CodeGen, CodeT5, PLBART and InCoder), four fine-tuned LLMs, and four DL-based APR techniques on two real-world Java vulnerability benchmarks (Vul4J and VJBench), (2) design code transformations to address the training and test data overlapping threat to Codex, (3) create a new Java vulnerability repair benchmark VJBench, and its transformed version VJBench-trans and (4) evaluate LLMs and APR techniques on the transformed vulnerabilities in VJBench-trans. Our findings include that (1) existing LLMs and APR models fix very few Java vulnerabilities. Codex fixes 10.2 (20.4%), the most number of vulnerabilities. (2) Fine-tuning with general APR data improves LLMs' vulnerability-fixing capabilities. (3) Our new VJBench reveals that LLMs and APR models fail to fix many Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) types, such as CWE-325 Missing cryptographic step and CWE-444 HTTP request smuggling. (4) Codex still fixes 8.3 transformed vulnerabilities, outperforming all the other LLMs and APR models on transformed vulnerabilities. The results call for innovations to enhance automated Java vulnerability repair such as creating larger vulnerability repair training data, tuning LLMs with such data, and applying code simplification transformation to facilitate vulnerability repair.

replace-cross Semantically-Prompted Language Models Improve Visual Descriptions

Authors: Michael Ogezi, Bradley Hauer, Grzegorz Kondrak

Abstract: Language-vision models like CLIP have made significant strides in vision tasks, such as zero-shot image classification (ZSIC). However, generating specific and expressive visual descriptions remains challenging; descriptions produced by current methods are often ambiguous and lacking in granularity. To tackle these issues, we propose V-GLOSS: Visual Glosses, a novel method built upon two key ideas. The first is Semantic Prompting, which conditions a language model on structured semantic knowledge. The second is a new contrastive algorithm that elicits fine-grained distinctions between similar concepts. With both ideas, we demonstrate that V-GLOSS improves visual descriptions and achieves strong results in the zero-shot setting on general and fine-grained image-classification datasets, including ImageNet, STL-10, FGVC Aircraft, and Flowers 102. Moreover, these descriptive capabilities contribute to enhancing image-generation performance. Finally, we introduce a quality-tested silver dataset with descriptions generated with V-GLOSS for all ImageNet classes.

replace-cross FasterViT: Fast Vision Transformers with Hierarchical Attention

Authors: Ali Hatamizadeh, Greg Heinrich, Hongxu Yin, Andrew Tao, Jose M. Alvarez, Jan Kautz, Pavlo Molchanov

Abstract: We design a new family of hybrid CNN-ViT neural networks, named FasterViT, with a focus on high image throughput for computer vision (CV) applications. FasterViT combines the benefits of fast local representation learning in CNNs and global modeling properties in ViT. Our newly introduced Hierarchical Attention (HAT) approach decomposes global self-attention with quadratic complexity into a multi-level attention with reduced computational costs. We benefit from efficient window-based self-attention. Each window has access to dedicated carrier tokens that participate in local and global representation learning. At a high level, global self-attentions enable the efficient cross-window communication at lower costs. FasterViT achieves a SOTA Pareto-front in terms of accuracy and image throughput. We have extensively validated its effectiveness on various CV tasks including classification, object detection and segmentation. We also show that HAT can be used as a plug-and-play module for existing networks and enhance them. We further demonstrate significantly faster and more accurate performance than competitive counterparts for images with high resolution. Code is available at


replace-cross Learned Kernels for Sparse, Interpretable, and Efficient Medical Time Series Processing

Authors: Sully F. Chen, Zhicheng Guo, Cheng Ding, Xiao Hu, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: Background: Rapid, reliable, and accurate interpretation of medical signals is crucial for high-stakes clinical decision-making. The advent of deep learning allowed for an explosion of new models that offered unprecedented performance in medical time series processing but at a cost: deep learning models are often compute-intensive and lack interpretability. Methods: We propose Sparse Mixture of Learned Kernels (SMoLK), an interpretable architecture for medical time series processing. The method learns a set of lightweight flexible kernels to construct a single-layer neural network, providing not only interpretability, but also efficiency and robustness. We introduce novel parameter reduction techniques to further reduce the size of our network. We demonstrate the power of our architecture on two important tasks: photoplethysmography (PPG) artifact detection and atrial fibrillation detection from single-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs). Our approach has performance similar to the state-of-the-art deep neural networks with several orders of magnitude fewer parameters, allowing for deep neural network level performance with extremely low-power wearable devices. Results: Our interpretable method achieves greater than 99% of the performance of the state-of-the-art methods on the PPG artifact detection task, and even outperforms the state-of-the-art on a challenging out-of-distribution test set, while using dramatically fewer parameters (2% of the parameters of Segade, and about half of the parameters of Tiny-PPG). On single lead atrial fibrillation detection, our method matches the performance of a 1D-residual convolutional network, at less than 1% the parameter count, while exhibiting considerably better performance in the low-data regime, even when compared to a parameter-matched control deep network.

replace-cross LLM-Rec: Personalized Recommendation via Prompting Large Language Models

Authors: Hanjia Lyu, Song Jiang, Hanqing Zeng, Yinglong Xia, Qifan Wang, Si Zhang, Ren Chen, Christopher Leung, Jiajie Tang, Jiebo Luo

Abstract: Text-based recommendation holds a wide range of practical applications due to its versatility, as textual descriptions can represent nearly any type of item. However, directly employing the original item descriptions may not yield optimal recommendation performance due to the lack of comprehensive information to align with user preferences. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have showcased their remarkable ability to harness commonsense knowledge and reasoning. In this study, we introduce a novel approach, coined LLM-Rec, which incorporates four distinct prompting strategies of text enrichment for improving personalized text-based recommendations. Our empirical experiments reveal that using LLM-augmented text significantly enhances recommendation quality. Even basic MLP (Multi-Layer Perceptron) models achieve comparable or even better results than complex content-based methods. Notably, the success of LLM-Rec lies in its prompting strategies, which effectively tap into the language model's comprehension of both general and specific item characteristics. This highlights the importance of employing diverse prompts and input augmentation techniques to boost the recommendation effectiveness of LLMs.

replace-cross Value Kaleidoscope: Engaging AI with Pluralistic Human Values, Rights, and Duties

Authors: Taylor Sorensen, Liwei Jiang, Jena Hwang, Sydney Levine, Valentina Pyatkin, Peter West, Nouha Dziri, Ximing Lu, Kavel Rao, Chandra Bhagavatula, Maarten Sap, John Tasioulas, Yejin Choi

Abstract: Human values are crucial to human decision-making. Value pluralism is the view that multiple correct values may be held in tension with one another (e.g., when considering lying to a friend to protect their feelings, how does one balance honesty with friendship?). As statistical learners, AI systems fit to averages by default, washing out these potentially irreducible value conflicts. To improve AI systems to better reflect value pluralism, the first-order challenge is to explore the extent to which AI systems can model pluralistic human values, rights, and duties as well as their interaction. We introduce ValuePrism, a large-scale dataset of 218k values, rights, and duties connected to 31k human-written situations. ValuePrism's contextualized values are generated by GPT-4 and deemed high-quality by human annotators 91% of the time. We conduct a large-scale study with annotators across diverse social and demographic backgrounds to try to understand whose values are represented. With ValuePrism, we build Kaleido, an open, light-weight, and structured language-based multi-task model that generates, explains, and assesses the relevance and valence (i.e., support or oppose) of human values, rights, and duties within a specific context. Humans prefer the sets of values output by our system over the teacher GPT-4, finding them more accurate and with broader coverage. In addition, we demonstrate that Kaleido can help explain variability in human decision-making by outputting contrasting values. Finally, we show that Kaleido's representations transfer to other philosophical frameworks and datasets, confirming the benefit of an explicit, modular, and interpretable approach to value pluralism. We hope that our work will serve as a step to making more explicit the implicit values behind human decision-making and to steering AI systems to make decisions that are more in accordance with them.

replace-cross Bridging the Projection Gap: Overcoming Projection Bias Through Parameterized Distance Learning

Authors: Chong Zhang, Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Haochen Xue, Shreyank N Gowda, Xiaobo Jin

Abstract: Generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL) aims to recognize samples from both seen and unseen classes using only seen class samples for training. However, GZSL methods are prone to bias towards seen classes during inference due to the projection function being learned from seen classes. Most methods focus on learning an accurate projection, but bias in the projection is inevitable. We address this projection bias by proposing to learn a parameterized Mahalanobis distance metric for robust inference. Our key insight is that the distance computation during inference is critical, even with a biased projection. We make two main contributions - (1) We extend the VAEGAN (Variational Autoencoder \& Generative Adversarial Networks) architecture with two branches to separately output the projection of samples from seen and unseen classes, enabling more robust distance learning. (2) We introduce a novel loss function to optimize the Mahalanobis distance representation and reduce projection bias. Extensive experiments on four datasets show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art GZSL techniques with improvements of up to 3.5 \% on the harmonic mean metric.

replace-cross ExpertQA: Expert-Curated Questions and Attributed Answers

Authors: Chaitanya Malaviya, Subin Lee, Sihao Chen, Elizabeth Sieber, Mark Yatskar, Dan Roth

Abstract: As language models are adopted by a more sophisticated and diverse set of users, the importance of guaranteeing that they provide factually correct information supported by verifiable sources is critical across fields of study. This is especially the case for high-stakes fields, such as medicine and law, where the risk of propagating false information is high and can lead to undesirable societal consequences. Previous work studying attribution and factuality has not focused on analyzing these characteristics of language model outputs in domain-specific scenarios. In this work, we conduct human evaluation of responses from a few representative systems along various axes of attribution and factuality, by bringing domain experts in the loop. Specifically, we collect expert-curated questions from 484 participants across 32 fields of study, and then ask the same experts to evaluate generated responses to their own questions. In addition, we ask experts to improve upon responses from language models. The output of our analysis is ExpertQA, a high-quality long-form QA dataset with 2177 questions spanning 32 fields, along with verified answers and attributions for claims in the answers.

replace-cross MusiLingo: Bridging Music and Text with Pre-trained Language Models for Music Captioning and Query Response

Authors: Zihao Deng, Yinghao Ma, Yudong Liu, Rongchen Guo, Ge Zhang, Wenhu Chen, Wenhao Huang, Emmanouil Benetos

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown immense potential in multimodal applications, yet the convergence of textual and musical domains remains not well-explored. To address this gap, we present MusiLingo, a novel system for music caption generation and music-related query responses. MusiLingo employs a single projection layer to align music representations from the pre-trained frozen music audio model MERT with a frozen LLM, bridging the gap between music audio and textual contexts. We train it on an extensive music caption dataset and fine-tune it with instructional data. Due to the scarcity of high-quality music Q&A datasets, we created the MusicInstruct (MI) dataset from captions in the MusicCaps datasets, tailored for open-ended music inquiries. Empirical evaluations demonstrate its competitive performance in generating music captions and composing music-related Q&A pairs. Our introduced dataset enables notable advancements beyond previous ones.

replace-cross SLIDE: Reference-free Evaluation for Machine Translation using a Sliding Document Window

Authors: Vikas Raunak, Tom Kocmi, Matt Post

Abstract: Reference-based metrics that operate at the sentence-level typically outperform quality estimation metrics, which have access only to the source and system output. This is unsurprising, since references resolve ambiguities that may be present in the source. In this paper, we investigate whether additional source context can effectively substitute for a reference. We present a metric named SLIDE (SLIding Document Evaluator), which operates on blocks of sentences. SLIDE leverages a moving window that slides over each document in the test set, feeding each chunk of sentences into an unmodified, off-the-shelf quality estimation model. We find that SLIDE obtains significantly higher pairwise system accuracy than its sentence-level baseline, in some cases even eliminating the gap with reference-base metrics. This suggests that source context may provide the same information as a human reference in disambiguating source ambiguities. This finding is especially pertinent for reference-free document-level evaluation, wherein SLIDE could provide higher-quality pairwise system assessments while only requiring document boundary annotations.

replace-cross "It's a Fair Game", or Is It? Examining How Users Navigate Disclosure Risks and Benefits When Using LLM-Based Conversational Agents

Authors: Zhiping Zhang, Michelle Jia, Hao-Ping Lee, Bingsheng Yao, Sauvik Das, Ada Lerner, Dakuo Wang, Tianshi Li

Abstract: The widespread use of Large Language Model (LLM)-based conversational agents (CAs), especially in high-stakes domains, raises many privacy concerns. Building ethical LLM-based CAs that respect user privacy requires an in-depth understanding of the privacy risks that concern users the most. However, existing research, primarily model-centered, does not provide insight into users' perspectives. To bridge this gap, we analyzed sensitive disclosures in real-world ChatGPT conversations and conducted semi-structured interviews with 19 LLM-based CA users. We found that users are constantly faced with trade-offs between privacy, utility, and convenience when using LLM-based CAs. However, users' erroneous mental models and the dark patterns in system design limited their awareness and comprehension of the privacy risks. Additionally, the human-like interactions encouraged more sensitive disclosures, which complicated users' ability to navigate the trade-offs. We discuss practical design guidelines and the needs for paradigm shifts to protect the privacy of LLM-based CA users.

replace-cross Don't throw away your value model! Generating more preferable text with Value-Guided Monte-Carlo Tree Search decoding

Authors: Jiacheng Liu, Andrew Cohen, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Yejin Choi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Asli Celikyilmaz

Abstract: Inference-time search algorithms such as Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) may seem unnecessary when generating natural language text based on state-of-the-art reinforcement learning such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to get extra mileage out of PPO by integrating MCTS on top. The key idea is not to throw out the value network, a byproduct of PPO training for evaluating partial output sequences, when decoding text out of the policy network. More concretely, we present a novel value-guided decoding algorithm called PPO-MCTS, which can integrate the value network from PPO to work closely with the policy network during inference-time generation. Compared to prior approaches based on MCTS for controlled text generation, the key strength of our approach is to reduce the fundamental mismatch of the scoring mechanisms of the partial outputs between training and test. Evaluation on four text generation tasks demonstrate that PPO-MCTS greatly improves the preferability of generated text compared to the standard practice of using only the PPO policy. Our results demonstrate the promise of search algorithms even on top of the aligned language models from PPO, and the under-explored benefit of the value network.

replace-cross Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Evaluating Strategic Planning and Execution of LLM Agents in an Auction Arena

Authors: Jiangjie Chen, Siyu Yuan, Rong Ye, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Kyle Richardson

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) showcase advanced reasoning, yet NLP evaluations often depend on static benchmarks. Evaluating this necessitates environments that test strategic reasoning in dynamic, competitive scenarios requiring long-term planning. We introduce AucArena, a novel evaluation suite that simulates auctions, a setting chosen for being highly unpredictable and involving many skills related to resource and risk management, while also being easy to evaluate. We conduct controlled experiments using state-of-the-art LLMs to power bidding agents to benchmark their planning and execution skills. Our research demonstrates that LLMs, such as GPT-4, possess key skills for auction participation, such as budget management and goal adherence, which improve with adaptive strategies. This highlights LLMs' potential in modeling complex social interactions in competitive contexts. However, variability in LLM performance and occasional outperformance by simpler methods indicate opportunities for further advancements in LLM design and the value of our simulation environment for ongoing testing and refinement.

replace-cross Rephrase, Augment, Reason: Visual Grounding of Questions for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Archiki Prasad, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: An increasing number of vision-language tasks can be handled with little to no training, i.e., in a zero and few-shot manner, by marrying large language models (LLMs) to vision encoders, resulting in large vision-language models (LVLMs). While this has huge upsides, such as not requiring training data or custom architectures, how an input is presented to an LVLM can have a major impact on zero-shot model performance. In particular, inputs phrased in an underspecified way can result in incorrect answers due to factors like missing visual information, complex implicit reasoning, or linguistic ambiguity. Therefore, adding visually-grounded information to the input as a preemptive clarification should improve model performance by reducing underspecification, e.g., by localizing objects and disambiguating references. Similarly, in the VQA setting, changing the way questions are framed can make them easier for models to answer. To this end, we present Rephrase, Augment and Reason (RepARe), a gradient-free framework that extracts salient details about the image using the underlying LVLM as a captioner and reasoner, in order to propose modifications to the original question. We then use the LVLM's confidence over a generated answer as an unsupervised scoring function to select the rephrased question most likely to improve zero-shot performance. Focusing on three visual question answering tasks, we show that RepARe can result in a 3.85% (absolute) increase in zero-shot accuracy on VQAv2, 6.41%, and 7.94% points increase on A-OKVQA, and VizWiz respectively. Additionally, we find that using gold answers for oracle question candidate selection achieves a substantial gain in VQA accuracy by up to 14.41%. Through extensive analysis, we demonstrate that outputs from RepARe increase syntactic complexity, and effectively utilize vision-language interaction and the frozen LLM.

replace-cross Hexa: Self-Improving for Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue System

Authors: Daejin Jo, Daniel Wontae Nam, Gunsoo Han, Kyoung-Woon On, Taehwan Kwon, Seungeun Rho, Sungwoong Kim

Abstract: A common practice in knowledge-grounded dialogue generation is to explicitly utilize intermediate steps (e.g., web-search, memory retrieval) with modular approaches. However, data for such steps are often inaccessible compared to those of dialogue responses as they are unobservable in an ordinary dialogue. To fill in the absence of these data, we develop a self-improving method to improve the generative performances of intermediate steps without the ground truth data. In particular, we propose a novel bootstrapping scheme with a guided prompt and a modified loss function to enhance the diversity of appropriate self-generated responses. Through experiments on various benchmark datasets, we empirically demonstrate that our method successfully leverages a self-improving mechanism in generating intermediate and final responses and improves the performances on the task of knowledge-grounded dialogue generation.

replace-cross Configuration Validation with Large Language Models

Authors: Xinyu Lian, Yinfang Chen, Runxiang Cheng, Jie Huang, Parth Thakkar, Minjia Zhang, Tianyin Xu

Abstract: Misconfigurations are major causes of software failures. Existing practices rely on developer-written rules or test cases to validate configurations, which are expensive. Machine learning (ML) for configuration validation is considered a promising direction, but has been facing challenges such as the need of large-scale field data and system-specific models. Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) show promise in addressing some of the long-lasting limitations of ML-based configuration validation. We present a first analysis on the feasibility and effectiveness of using LLMs for configuration validation. We empirically evaluate LLMs as configuration validators by developing a generic LLM-based configuration validation framework, named Ciri. Ciri employs effective prompt engineering with few-shot learning based on both valid configuration and misconfiguration data. Ciri checks outputs from LLMs when producing results, addressing hallucination and nondeterminism of LLMs. We evaluate Ciri's validation effectiveness on eight popular LLMs using configuration data of ten widely deployed open-source systems. Our analysis (1) confirms the potential of using LLMs for configuration validation, (2) explores design space of LLMbased validators like Ciri, and (3) reveals open challenges such as ineffectiveness in detecting certain types of misconfigurations and biases towards popular configuration parameters.

replace-cross Quantifying Self-diagnostic Atomic Knowledge in Chinese Medical Foundation Model: A Computational Analysis

Authors: Yaxin Fan, Feng Jiang, Benyou Wang, Peifeng Li, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Foundation Models (FMs) have the potential to revolutionize the way users self-diagnose through search engines by offering direct and efficient suggestions. Recent studies primarily focused on the quality of FMs evaluated by GPT-4 or their ability to pass medical exams, no studies have quantified the extent of self-diagnostic atomic knowledge stored in FMs' memory, which is the basis of foundation models to provide factual and reliable suggestions. In this paper, we first constructed a benchmark of Self-diagnostic Atomic Knowledge (SdAK), including the most common types of atomic knowledge involved in self-diagnostic queries, with 17 atomic types and a total of 14, 048 pieces of atomic knowledge. Then, we evaluated both generic and open-source Chinese medical FMs on the benchmark. The experimental results showcase that generic FMs perform better than medical FMs in terms of self-diagnostic atomic knowledge. Error analysis revealed that both generic and medical FMs are sycophantic, e.g., always catering to users' claims when it comes to unknown knowledge. We further explored different types of data commonly adopted for fine-tuning medical FMs, i.e., real-world, semi-distilled, and distilled data, and found that distilled data can benefit FMs most. The code and data are available at


replace-cross Learning quantum properties from short-range correlations using multi-task networks

Authors: Ya-Dong Wu, Yan Zhu, Yuexuan Wang, Giulio Chiribella

Abstract: Characterizing multipartite quantum systems is crucial for quantum computing and many-body physics. The problem, however, becomes challenging when the system size is large and the properties of interest involve correlations among a large number of particles. Here we introduce a neural network model that can predict various quantum properties of many-body quantum states with constant correlation length, using only measurement data from a small number of neighboring sites. The model is based on the technique of multi-task learning, which we show to offer several advantages over traditional single-task approaches. Through numerical experiments, we show that multi-task learning can be applied to sufficiently regular states to predict global properties, like string order parameters, from the observation of short-range correlations, and to distinguish between quantum phases that cannot be distinguished by single-task networks. Remarkably, our model appears to be able to transfer information learnt from lower dimensional quantum systems to higher dimensional ones, and to make accurate predictions for Hamiltonians that were not seen in the training.

replace-cross MCAD: Multi-teacher Cross-modal Alignment Distillation for efficient image-text retrieval

Authors: Youbo Lei, Feifei He, Chen Chen, Yingbin Mo, Si Jia Li, Defeng Xie, Haonan Lu

Abstract: Due to the success of large-scale visual-language pretraining (VLP) models and the widespread use of image-text retrieval in industry areas, it is now critically necessary to reduce the model size and streamline their mobile-device deployment. Single- and dual-stream model structures are commonly used in image-text retrieval with the goal of closing the semantic gap between textual and visual modalities. While single-stream models use deep feature fusion to achieve more accurate cross-model alignment, dual-stream models are better at offline indexing and fast inference.We propose a Multi-teacher Cross-modality Alignment Distillation (MCAD) technique to integrate the advantages of single- and dual-stream models. By incorporating the fused single-stream features into the image and text features of the dual-stream model, we formulate new modified teacher similarity distributions and features. Then, we conduct both distribution and feature distillation to boost the capability of the student dual-stream model, achieving high retrieval performance without increasing inference complexity.Extensive experiments demonstrate the remarkable performance and high efficiency of MCAD on image-text retrieval tasks. Furthermore, we implement a lightweight CLIP model on Snapdragon/Dimensity chips with only $\sim$100M running memory and $\sim$8.0ms search latency, achieving the mobile-device application of VLP models.

replace-cross FedSN: A Novel Federated Learning Framework over LEO Satellite Networks

Authors: Zheng Lin, Zhe Chen, Zihan Fang, Xianhao Chen, Xiong Wang, Yue Gao

Abstract: Recently, a large number of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have been launched and deployed successfully in space by commercial companies, such as SpaceX. Due to multimodal sensors equipped by the LEO satellites, they serve not only for communication but also for various machine learning applications, such as space modulation recognition, remote sensing image classification, etc. However, the ground station (GS) may be incapable of downloading such a large volume of raw sensing data for centralized model training due to the limited contact time with LEO satellites (e.g. 5 minutes). Therefore, federated learning (FL) has emerged as the promising solution to address this problem via on-device training. Unfortunately, to enable FL on LEO satellites, we still face three critical challenges that are i) heterogeneous computing and memory capabilities, ii) limited uplink rate, and iii) model staleness. To this end, we propose FedSN as a general FL framework to tackle the above challenges, and fully explore data diversity on LEO satellites. Specifically, we first present a novel sub-structure scheme to enable heterogeneous local model training considering different computing, memory, and communication constraints on LEO satellites. Additionally, we propose a pseudo-synchronous model aggregation strategy to dynamically schedule model aggregation for compensating model staleness. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the FedSN, we evaluate it using space modulation recognition and remote sensing image classification tasks by leveraging the data from real-world satellite networks. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that FedSN framework achieves higher accuracy, lower computing, and communication overhead than the state-of-the-art benchmarks and the effectiveness of each components in FedSN.

replace-cross Separating and Learning Latent Confounders to Enhancing User Preferences Modeling

Authors: Hangtong Xu, Yuanbo Xu, Yongjian Yang

Abstract: Recommender models aim to capture user preferences from historical feedback and then predict user-specific feedback on candidate items. However, the presence of various unmeasured confounders causes deviations between the user preferences in the historical feedback and the true preferences, resulting in models not meeting their expected performance. Existing debias models either (1) specific to solving one particular bias or (2) directly obtain auxiliary information from user historical feedback, which cannot identify whether the learned preferences are true user preferences or mixed with unmeasured confounders. Moreover, we find that the former recommender system is not only a successor to unmeasured confounders but also acts as an unmeasured confounder affecting user preference modeling, which has always been neglected in previous studies. To this end, we incorporate the effect of the former recommender system and treat it as a proxy for all unmeasured confounders. We propose a novel framework, Separating and Learning Latent Confounders For Recommendation (SLFR), which obtains the representation of unmeasured confounders to identify the counterfactual feedback by disentangling user preferences and unmeasured confounders, then guides the target model to capture the true preferences of users. Extensive experiments in five real-world datasets validate the advantages of our method.

replace-cross Low-Rank MDPs with Continuous Action Spaces

Authors: Andrew Bennett, Nathan Kallus, Miruna Oprescu

Abstract: Low-Rank Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) have recently emerged as a promising framework within the domain of reinforcement learning (RL), as they allow for provably approximately correct (PAC) learning guarantees while also incorporating ML algorithms for representation learning. However, current methods for low-rank MDPs are limited in that they only consider finite action spaces, and give vacuous bounds as $|\mathcal{A}| \to \infty$, which greatly limits their applicability. In this work, we study the problem of extending such methods to settings with continuous actions, and explore multiple concrete approaches for performing this extension. As a case study, we consider the seminal FLAMBE algorithm (Agarwal et al., 2020), which is a reward-agnostic method for PAC RL with low-rank MDPs. We show that, without any modifications to the algorithm, we obtain a similar PAC bound when actions are allowed to be continuous. Specifically, when the model for transition functions satisfies a H\"older smoothness condition w.r.t. actions, and either the policy class has a uniformly bounded minimum density or the reward function is also H\"older smooth, we obtain a polynomial PAC bound that depends on the order of smoothness.

replace-cross Flames: Benchmarking Value Alignment of LLMs in Chinese

Authors: Kexin Huang, Xiangyang Liu, Qianyu Guo, Tianxiang Sun, Jiawei Sun, Yaru Wang, Zeyang Zhou, Yixu Wang, Yan Teng, Xipeng Qiu, Yingchun Wang, Dahua Lin

Abstract: The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) across various regions underscores the urgent need to evaluate their alignment with human values. Current benchmarks, however, fall short of effectively uncovering safety vulnerabilities in LLMs. Despite numerous models achieving high scores and 'topping the chart' in these evaluations, there is still a significant gap in LLMs' deeper alignment with human values and achieving genuine harmlessness. To this end, this paper proposes a value alignment benchmark named Flames, which encompasses both common harmlessness principles and a unique morality dimension that integrates specific Chinese values such as harmony. Accordingly, we carefully design adversarial prompts that incorporate complex scenarios and jailbreaking methods, mostly with implicit malice. By prompting 17 mainstream LLMs, we obtain model responses and rigorously annotate them for detailed evaluation. Our findings indicate that all the evaluated LLMs demonstrate relatively poor performance on Flames, particularly in the safety and fairness dimensions. We also develop a lightweight specified scorer capable of scoring LLMs across multiple dimensions to efficiently evaluate new models on the benchmark. The complexity of Flames has far exceeded existing benchmarks, setting a new challenge for contemporary LLMs and highlighting the need for further alignment of LLMs. Our benchmark is publicly available at


replace-cross How Trustworthy are Open-Source LLMs? An Assessment under Malicious Demonstrations Shows their Vulnerabilities

Authors: Lingbo Mo, Boshi Wang, Muhao Chen, Huan Sun

Abstract: The rapid progress in open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) is significantly driving AI development forward. However, there is still a limited understanding of their trustworthiness. Deploying these models at scale without sufficient trustworthiness can pose significant risks, highlighting the need to uncover these issues promptly. In this work, we conduct an adversarial assessment of open-source LLMs on trustworthiness, scrutinizing them across eight different aspects including toxicity, stereotypes, ethics, hallucination, fairness, sycophancy, privacy, and robustness against adversarial demonstrations. We propose advCoU, an extended Chain of Utterances-based (CoU) prompting strategy by incorporating carefully crafted malicious demonstrations for trustworthiness attack. Our extensive experiments encompass recent and representative series of open-source LLMs, including Vicuna, MPT, Falcon, Mistral, and Llama 2. The empirical outcomes underscore the efficacy of our attack strategy across diverse aspects. More interestingly, our result analysis reveals that models with superior performance in general NLP tasks do not always have greater trustworthiness; in fact, larger models can be more vulnerable to attacks. Additionally, models that have undergone instruction tuning, focusing on instruction following, tend to be more susceptible, although fine-tuning LLMs for safety alignment proves effective in mitigating adversarial trustworthiness attacks.

replace-cross You don't need a personality test to know these models are unreliable: Assessing the Reliability of Large Language Models on Psychometric Instruments

Authors: Bangzhao Shu, Lechen Zhang, Minje Choi, Lavinia Dunagan, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Moontae Lee, Dallas Card, David Jurgens

Abstract: The versatility of Large Language Models (LLMs) on natural language understanding tasks has made them popular for research in social sciences. To properly understand the properties and innate personas of LLMs, researchers have performed studies that involve using prompts in the form of questions that ask LLMs about particular opinions. In this study, we take a cautionary step back and examine whether the current format of prompting LLMs elicits responses in a consistent and robust manner. We first construct a dataset that contains 693 questions encompassing 39 different instruments of persona measurement on 115 persona axes. Additionally, we design a set of prompts containing minor variations and examine LLMs' capabilities to generate answers, as well as prompt variations to examine their consistency with respect to content-level variations such as switching the order of response options or negating the statement. Our experiments on 17 different LLMs reveal that even simple perturbations significantly downgrade a model's question-answering ability, and that most LLMs have low negation consistency. Our results suggest that the currently widespread practice of prompting is insufficient to accurately and reliably capture model perceptions, and we therefore discuss potential alternatives to improve these issues.

replace-cross Discovering Effective Policies for Land-Use Planning with Neuroevolution

Authors: Risto Miikkulainen, Olivier Francon, Daniel Young, Elliot Meyerson, Clemens Schwingshackl, Jacob Bieker, Hugo Cunha, Babak Hodjat

Abstract: How areas of land are allocated for different uses, such as forests, urban areas, and agriculture, has a large effect on the terrestrial carbon balance, and therefore climate change. Based on available historical data on land-use changes and a simulation of the associated carbon emissions and removals, a surrogate model can be learned that makes it possible to evaluate the different options available to decision-makers efficiently. An evolutionary search process can then be used to discover effective land-use policies for specific locations. Such a system was built on the Project Resilience platform and evaluated with the Land-Use Harmonization dataset LUH2 and the bookkeeping model BLUE. It generates Pareto fronts that trade off carbon impact and amount of land-use change customized to different locations, thus providing a potentially useful tool for land-use planning.

replace-cross Corrupting Convolution-based Unlearnable Datasets with Pixel-based Image Transformations

Authors: Xianlong Wang, Shengshan Hu, Minghui Li, Zhifei Yu, Ziqi Zhou, Leo Yu Zhang

Abstract: Unlearnable datasets lead to a drastic drop in the generalization performance of models trained on them by introducing elaborate and imperceptible perturbations into clean training sets. Many existing defenses, e.g., JPEG compression and adversarial training, effectively counter UDs based on norm-constrained additive noise. However, a fire-new type of convolution-based UDs have been proposed and render existing defenses all ineffective, presenting a greater challenge to defenders. To address this, we express the convolution-based unlearnable sample as the result of multiplying a matrix by a clean sample in a simplified scenario, and formalize the intra-class matrix inconsistency as $\Theta_{imi}$, inter-class matrix consistency as $\Theta_{imc}$ to investigate the working mechanism of the convolution-based UDs. We conjecture that increasing both of these metrics will mitigate the unlearnability effect. Through validation experiments that commendably support our hypothesis, we further design a random matrix to boost both $\Theta_{imi}$ and $\Theta_{imc}$, achieving a notable degree of defense effect. Hence, by building upon and extending these facts, we first propose a brand-new image COrruption that employs randomly multiplicative transformation via INterpolation operation to successfully defend against convolution-based UDs. Our approach leverages global pixel random interpolations, effectively suppressing the impact of multiplicative noise in convolution-based UDs. Additionally, we have also designed two new forms of convolution-based UDs, and find that our defense is the most effective against them.

replace-cross Dichotomy of Early and Late Phase Implicit Biases Can Provably Induce Grokking

Authors: Kaifeng Lyu, Jikai Jin, Zhiyuan Li, Simon S. Du, Jason D. Lee, Wei Hu

Abstract: Recent work by Power et al. (2022) highlighted a surprising "grokking" phenomenon in learning arithmetic tasks: a neural net first "memorizes" the training set, resulting in perfect training accuracy but near-random test accuracy, and after training for sufficiently longer, it suddenly transitions to perfect test accuracy. This paper studies the grokking phenomenon in theoretical setups and shows that it can be induced by a dichotomy of early and late phase implicit biases. Specifically, when training homogeneous neural nets with large initialization and small weight decay on both classification and regression tasks, we prove that the training process gets trapped at a solution corresponding to a kernel predictor for a long time, and then a very sharp transition to min-norm/max-margin predictors occurs, leading to a dramatic change in test accuracy.

replace-cross VA3: Virtually Assured Amplification Attack on Probabilistic Copyright Protection for Text-to-Image Generative Models

Authors: Xiang Li, Qianli Shen, Kenji Kawaguchi

Abstract: The booming use of text-to-image generative models has raised concerns about their high risk of producing copyright-infringing content. While probabilistic copyright protection methods provide a probabilistic guarantee against such infringement, in this paper, we introduce Virtually Assured Amplification Attack (VA3), a novel online attack framework that exposes the vulnerabilities of these protection mechanisms. The proposed framework significantly amplifies the probability of generating infringing content on the sustained interactions with generative models and a non-trivial lower-bound on the success probability of each engagement. Our theoretical and experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach under various scenarios. These findings highlight the potential risk of implementing probabilistic copyright protection in practical applications of text-to-image generative models. Code is available at


replace-cross Modular Control Architecture for Safe Marine Navigation: Reinforcement Learning and Predictive Safety Filters

Authors: Aksel Vaaler, Svein Jostein Husa, Daniel Menges, Thomas Nakken Larsen, Adil Rasheed

Abstract: Many autonomous systems face safety challenges, requiring robust closed-loop control to handle physical limitations and safety constraints. Real-world systems, like autonomous ships, encounter nonlinear dynamics and environmental disturbances. Reinforcement learning is increasingly used to adapt to complex scenarios, but standard frameworks ensuring safety and stability are lacking. Predictive Safety Filters (PSF) offer a promising solution, ensuring constraint satisfaction in learning-based control without explicit constraint handling. This modular approach allows using arbitrary control policies, with the safety filter optimizing proposed actions to meet physical and safety constraints. We apply this approach to marine navigation, combining RL with PSF on a simulated Cybership II model. The RL agent is trained on path following and collision avpodance, while the PSF monitors and modifies control actions for safety. Results demonstrate the PSF's effectiveness in maintaining safety without hindering the RL agent's learning rate and performance, evaluated against a standard RL agent without PSF.

replace-cross DiffiT: Diffusion Vision Transformers for Image Generation

Authors: Ali Hatamizadeh, Jiaming Song, Guilin Liu, Jan Kautz, Arash Vahdat

Abstract: Diffusion models with their powerful expressivity and high sample quality have achieved State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) performance in the generative domain. The pioneering Vision Transformer (ViT) has also demonstrated strong modeling capabilities and scalability, especially for recognition tasks. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of ViTs in diffusion-based generative learning and propose a new model denoted as Diffusion Vision Transformers (DiffiT). Specifically, we propose a methodology for finegrained control of the denoising process and introduce the Time-dependant Multihead Self Attention (TMSA) mechanism. DiffiT is surprisingly effective in generating high-fidelity images with significantly better parameter efficiency. We also propose latent and image space DiffiT models and show SOTA performance on a variety of class-conditional and unconditional synthesis tasks at different resolutions. The Latent DiffiT model achieves a new SOTA FID score of 1.73 on ImageNet-256 dataset while having 19.85%, 16.88% less parameters than other Transformer-based diffusion models such as MDT and DiT, respectively. Code:


replace-cross Classification for everyone : Building geography agnostic models for fairer recognition

Authors: Akshat Jindal, Shreya Singh, Soham Gadgil

Abstract: In this paper, we analyze different methods to mitigate inherent geographical biases present in state of the art image classification models. We first quantitatively present this bias in two datasets - The Dollar Street Dataset and ImageNet, using images with location information. We then present different methods which can be employed to reduce this bias. Finally, we analyze the effectiveness of the different techniques on making these models more robust to geographical locations of the images.

replace-cross FRDiff : Feature Reuse for Universal Training-free Acceleration of Diffusion Models

Authors: Junhyuk So, Jungwon Lee, Eunhyeok Park

Abstract: The substantial computational costs of diffusion models, especially due to the repeated denoising steps necessary for high-quality image generation, present a major obstacle to their widespread adoption. While several studies have attempted to address this issue by reducing the number of score function evaluations (NFE) using advanced ODE solvers without fine-tuning, the decreased number of denoising iterations misses the opportunity to update fine details, resulting in noticeable quality degradation. In our work, we introduce an advanced acceleration technique that leverages the temporal redundancy inherent in diffusion models. Reusing feature maps with high temporal similarity opens up a new opportunity to save computation resources without compromising output quality. To realize the practical benefits of this intuition, we conduct an extensive analysis and propose a novel method, FRDiff. FRDiff is designed to harness the advantages of both reduced NFE and feature reuse, achieving a Pareto frontier that balances fidelity and latency trade-offs in various generative tasks.

replace-cross Large Language Models for Mathematicians

Authors: Simon Frieder, Julius Berner, Philipp Petersen, Thomas Lukasiewicz

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have received immense interest for their general-purpose language understanding and, in particular, their ability to generate high-quality text or computer code. For many professions, LLMs represent an invaluable tool that can speed up and improve the quality of work. In this note, we discuss to what extent they can aid professional mathematicians. We first provide a mathematical description of the transformer model used in all modern language models. Based on recent studies, we then outline best practices and potential issues and report on the mathematical abilities of language models. Finally, we shed light on the potential of LLMs to change how mathematicians work.

replace-cross Large Human Language Models: A Need and the Challenges

Authors: Nikita Soni, H. Andrew Schwartz, Jo\~ao Sedoc, Niranjan Balasubramanian

Abstract: As research in human-centered NLP advances, there is a growing recognition of the importance of incorporating human and social factors into NLP models. At the same time, our NLP systems have become heavily reliant on LLMs, most of which do not model authors. To build NLP systems that can truly understand human language, we must better integrate human contexts into LLMs. This brings to the fore a range of design considerations and challenges in terms of what human aspects to capture, how to represent them, and what modeling strategies to pursue. To address these, we advocate for three positions toward creating large human language models (LHLMs) using concepts from psychological and behavioral sciences: First, LM training should include the human context. Second, LHLMs should recognize that people are more than their group(s). Third, LHLMs should be able to account for the dynamic and temporally-dependent nature of the human context. We refer to relevant advances and present open challenges that need to be addressed and their possible solutions in realizing these goals.

replace-cross UINav: A Practical Approach to Train On-Device Automation Agents

Authors: Wei Li, Fu-Lin Hsu, Will Bishop, Folawiyo Campbell-Ajala, Max Lin, Oriana Riva

Abstract: Automation systems that can autonomously drive application user interfaces to complete user tasks are of great benefit, especially when users are situationally or permanently impaired. Prior automation systems do not produce generalizable models while AI-based automation agents work reliably only in simple, hand-crafted applications or incur high computation costs. We propose UINav, a demonstration-based approach to train automation agents that fit mobile devices, yet achieving high success rates with modest numbers of demonstrations. To reduce the demonstration overhead, UINav uses a referee model that provides users with immediate feedback on tasks where the agent fails, and automatically augments human demonstrations to increase diversity in training data. Our evaluation shows that with only 10 demonstrations UINav can achieve 70% accuracy, and that with enough demonstrations it can surpass 90% accuracy.

replace-cross YAYI-UIE: A Chat-Enhanced Instruction Tuning Framework for Universal Information Extraction

Authors: Xinglin Xiao, Yijie Wang, Nan Xu, Yuqi Wang, Hanxuan Yang, Minzheng Wang, Yin Luo, Lei Wang, Wenji Mao, Daniel Zeng

Abstract: The difficulty of the information extraction task lies in dealing with the task-specific label schemas and heterogeneous data structures. Recent work has proposed methods based on large language models to uniformly model different information extraction tasks. However, these existing methods are deficient in their information extraction capabilities for Chinese languages other than English. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end chat-enhanced instruction tuning framework for universal information extraction (YAYI-UIE), which supports both Chinese and English. Specifically, we utilize dialogue data and information extraction data to enhance the information extraction performance jointly. Experimental results show that our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on Chinese datasets while also achieving comparable performance on English datasets under both supervised settings and zero-shot settings.

replace-cross SVGDreamer: Text Guided SVG Generation with Diffusion Model

Authors: Ximing Xing, Haitao Zhou, Chuang Wang, Jing Zhang, Dong Xu, Qian Yu

Abstract: Recently, text-guided scalable vector graphics (SVGs) synthesis has shown promise in domains such as iconography and sketch. However, existing text-to-SVG generation methods lack editability and struggle with visual quality and result diversity. To address these limitations, we propose a novel text-guided vector graphics synthesis method called SVGDreamer. SVGDreamer incorporates a semantic-driven image vectorization (SIVE) process that enables the decomposition of synthesis into foreground objects and background, thereby enhancing editability. Specifically, the SIVE process introduces attention-based primitive control and an attention-mask loss function for effective control and manipulation of individual elements. Additionally, we propose a Vectorized Particle-based Score Distillation (VPSD) approach to address issues of shape over-smoothing, color over-saturation, limited diversity, and slow convergence of the existing text-to-SVG generation methods by modeling SVGs as distributions of control points and colors. Furthermore, VPSD leverages a reward model to re-weight vector particles, which improves aesthetic appeal and accelerates convergence. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of SVGDreamer, demonstrating its superiority over baseline methods in terms of editability, visual quality, and diversity. Project page: \href{}{}


replace-cross The Butterfly Effect of Altering Prompts: How Small Changes and Jailbreaks Affect Large Language Model Performance

Authors: Abel Salinas, Fred Morstatter

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are regularly being used to label data across many domains and for myriad tasks. By simply asking the LLM for an answer, or ``prompting,'' practitioners are able to use LLMs to quickly get a response for an arbitrary task. This prompting is done through a series of decisions by the practitioner, from simple wording of the prompt, to requesting the output in a certain data format, to jailbreaking in the case of prompts that address more sensitive topics. In this work, we ask: do variations in the way a prompt is constructed change the ultimate decision of the LLM? We answer this using a series of prompt variations across a variety of text classification tasks. We find that even the smallest of perturbations, such as adding a space at the end of a prompt, can cause the LLM to change its answer. Further, we find that requesting responses in XML and commonly used jailbreaks can have cataclysmic effects on the data labeled by LLMs.

replace-cross TeleChat Technical Report

Authors: Zhongjiang He, Zihan Wang, Xinzhang Liu, Shixuan Liu, Yitong Yao, Yuyao Huang, Xuelong Li, Yongxiang Li, Zhonghao Che, Zhaoxi Zhang, Yan Wang, Xin Wang, Luwen Pu, Huinan Xu, Ruiyu Fang, Yu Zhao, Jie Zhang, Xiaomeng Huang, Zhilong Lu, Jiaxin Peng, Wenjun Zheng, Shiquan Wang, Bingkai Yang, Xuewei he, Zhuoru Jiang, Qiyi Xie, Yanhan Zhang, Zhongqiu Li, Lingling Shi, Weiwei Fu, Yin Zhang, Zilu Huang, Sishi Xiong, Yuxiang Zhang, Chao Wang, Shuangyong Song

Abstract: In this technical report, we present TeleChat, a collection of large language models (LLMs) with parameters of 3 billion, 7 billion and 12 billion. It includes pretrained language models as well as fine-tuned chat models that is aligned with human preferences. TeleChat is initially pretrained on an extensive corpus containing a diverse collection of texts from both English and Chinese languages, including trillions of tokens. Subsequently, the model undergoes fine-tuning to align with human preferences, following a detailed methodology that we describe. We evaluate the performance of TeleChat on various tasks, including language understanding, mathematics, reasoning, code generation, and knowledge-based question answering. Our findings indicate that TeleChat achieves comparable performance to other open-source models of similar size across a wide range of public benchmarks. To support future research and applications utilizing LLMs, we release the fine-tuned model checkpoints of TeleChat's 7B and 12B variant, along with code and a portion of our pretraining data, to the public community.

replace-cross Morphable Diffusion: 3D-Consistent Diffusion for Single-image Avatar Creation

Authors: Xiyi Chen, Marko Mihajlovic, Shaofei Wang, Sergey Prokudin, Siyu Tang

Abstract: Recent advances in generative diffusion models have enabled the previously unfeasible capability of generating 3D assets from a single input image or a text prompt. In this work, we aim to enhance the quality and functionality of these models for the task of creating controllable, photorealistic human avatars. We achieve this by integrating a 3D morphable model into the state-of-the-art multi-view-consistent diffusion approach. We demonstrate that accurate conditioning of a generative pipeline on the articulated 3D model enhances the baseline model performance on the task of novel view synthesis from a single image. More importantly, this integration facilitates a seamless and accurate incorporation of facial expression and body pose control into the generation process. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed framework is the first diffusion model to enable the creation of fully 3D-consistent, animatable, and photorealistic human avatars from a single image of an unseen subject; extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the advantages of our approach over existing state-of-the-art avatar creation models on both novel view and novel expression synthesis tasks. The code for our project is publicly available.

replace-cross Deployable Reinforcement Learning with Variable Control Rate

Authors: Dong Wang, Giovanni Beltrame

Abstract: Deploying controllers trained with Reinforcement Learning (RL) on real robots can be challenging: RL relies on agents' policies being modeled as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs), which assume an inherently discrete passage of time. The use of MDPs results in that nearly all RL-based control systems employ a fixed-rate control strategy with a period (or time step) typically chosen based on the developer's experience or specific characteristics of the application environment. Unfortunately, the system should be controlled at the highest, worst-case frequency to ensure stability, which can demand significant computational and energy resources and hinder the deployability of the controller on onboard hardware. Adhering to the principles of reactive programming, we surmise that applying control actions only when necessary enables the use of simpler hardware and helps reduce energy consumption. We challenge the fixed frequency assumption by proposing a variant of RL with variable control rate. In this approach, the policy decides the action the agent should take as well as the duration of the time step associated with that action. In our new setting, we expand Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) to compute the optimal policy with a variable control rate, introducing the Soft Elastic Actor-Critic (SEAC) algorithm. We show the efficacy of SEAC through a proof-of-concept simulation driving an agent with Newtonian kinematics. Our experiments show higher average returns, shorter task completion times, and reduced computational resources when compared to fixed rate policies.

replace-cross SCAPE: Searching Conceptual Architecture Prompts using Evolution

Authors: Soo Ling Lim, Peter J Bentley, Fuyuki Ishikawa

Abstract: Conceptual architecture involves a highly creative exploration of novel ideas, often taken from other disciplines as architects consider radical new forms, materials, textures and colors for buildings. While today's generative AI systems can produce remarkable results, they lack the creativity demonstrated for decades by evolutionary algorithms. SCAPE, our proposed tool, combines evolutionary search with generative AI, enabling users to explore creative and good quality designs inspired by their initial input through a simple point and click interface. SCAPE injects randomness into generative AI, and enables memory, making use of the built-in language skills of GPT-4 to vary prompts via text-based mutation and crossover. We demonstrate that compared to DALL-E 3, SCAPE enables a 67% improvement in image novelty, plus improvements in quality and effectiveness of use; we show that in just three iterations SCAPE has a 24% image novelty increase enabling effective exploration, plus optimization of images by users. We use more than 20 independent architects to assess SCAPE, who provide markedly positive feedback.

replace-cross Autonomous Data Selection with Language Models for Mathematical Texts

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Yifan Luo, Yang Yuan, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Abstract: To improve language models' proficiency in mathematical reasoning via continual pretraining, we introduce a novel strategy that leverages base language models for autonomous data selection. Departing from conventional supervised fine-tuning or trained classifiers with human-annotated data, our approach Autonomous Data Selection (AutoDS) utilizes meta-prompted language models as zero-shot verifiers to evaluate and select high-quality mathematical content autonomously. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method, we continuously pretrained a 7B-parameter language model on our curated dataset, achieving substantial improvements in downstream performance on the MATH, GSM8K, and BIG-Bench Hard (BBH) tasks with a token amount reduced by orders of magnitude compared to previous continual pretraining works. Our method showcases a 2 times increase in pretraining token efficiency compared to state-of-the-art baselines, underscoring the potential of our approach in enhancing models' mathematical reasoning capabilities. The AutoMathText dataset is available at The code is available at


replace-cross MuChin: A Chinese Colloquial Description Benchmark for Evaluating Language Models in the Field of Music

Authors: Zihao Wang, Shuyu Li, Tao Zhang, Qi Wang, Pengfei Yu, Jinyang Luo, Yan Liu, Ming Xi, Kejun Zhang

Abstract: The rapidly evolving multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) urgently require new benchmarks to uniformly evaluate their performance on understanding and textually describing music. However, due to semantic gaps between Music Information Retrieval (MIR) algorithms and human understanding, discrepancies between professionals and the public, and low precision of annotations, existing music description datasets cannot serve as benchmarks. To this end, we present MuChin, the first open-source music description benchmark in Chinese colloquial language, designed to evaluate the performance of multimodal LLMs in understanding and describing music. We established the Caichong Music Annotation Platform (CaiMAP) that employs an innovative multi-person, multi-stage assurance method, and recruited both amateurs and professionals to ensure the precision of annotations and alignment with popular semantics. Utilizing this method, we built a dataset with multi-dimensional, high-precision music annotations, the Caichong Music Dataset (CaiMD), and carefully selected 1,000 high-quality entries to serve as the test set for MuChin. Based on MuChin, we analyzed the discrepancies between professionals and amateurs in terms of music description, and empirically demonstrated the effectiveness of annotated data for fine-tuning LLMs. Ultimately, we employed MuChin to evaluate existing music understanding models on their ability to provide colloquial descriptions of music. All data related to the benchmark and the code for scoring have been open-sourced.

replace-cross Measuring and Controlling Instruction (In)Stability in Language Model Dialogs

Authors: Kenneth Li, Tianle Liu, Naomi Bashkansky, David Bau, Fernanda Vi\'egas, Hanspeter Pfister, Martin Wattenberg

Abstract: System-prompting is a standard tool for customizing language-model chatbots, enabling them to follow a specific instruction. An implicit assumption in the use of system prompts is that they will be stable, so the chatbot will continue to generate text according to the stipulated instructions for the duration of a conversation. We propose a quantitative benchmark to test this assumption, evaluating instruction stability via self-chats between two instructed chatbots. Testing popular models like LLaMA2-chat-70B and GPT-3.5, we reveal a significant instruction drift within eight rounds of conversations. An empirical and theoretical analysis of this phenomenon suggests the transformer attention mechanism plays a role, due to attention decay over long exchanges. To combat attention decay and instruction drift, we propose a lightweight method called split-softmax, which compares favorably against two strong baselines.

replace-cross On Automating Video Game Regression Testing by Planning and Learning

Authors: Tom\'a\v{s} Balyo, G. Michael Youngblood, Filip Dvo\v{r}\'ak, Luk\'a\v{s} Chrpa, Roman Bart\'ak

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a method and workflow for automating regression testing of certain video game aspects using automated planning and incremental action model learning techniques. The basic idea is to use detailed game logs and incremental action model learning techniques to maintain a formal model in the planning domain description language (PDDL) of the gameplay mechanics. The workflow enables efficient cooperation of game developers without any experience with PDDL or other formal systems and a person experienced with PDDL modeling but no game development skills. We describe the method and workflow in general and then demonstrate it on a concrete proof-of-concept example -- a simple role-playing game provided as one of the tutorial projects in the popular game development engine Unity. This paper presents the first step towards minimizing or even eliminating the need for a modeling expert in the workflow, thus making automated planning accessible to a broader audience.

replace-cross Triad: A Framework Leveraging a Multi-Role LLM-based Agent to Solve Knowledge Base Question Answering

Authors: Chang Zong, Yuchen Yan, Weiming Lu, Eliot Huang, Jian Shao, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Recent progress with LLM-based agents has shown promising results across various tasks. However, their use in answering questions from knowledge bases remains largely unexplored. Implementing a KBQA system using traditional methods is challenging due to the shortage of task-specific training data and the complexity of creating task-focused model structures. In this paper, we present Triad, a unified framework that utilizes an LLM-based agent with three roles for KBQA tasks. The agent is assigned three roles to tackle different KBQA subtasks: agent as a generalist for mastering various subtasks, as a decision maker for the selection of candidates, and as an advisor for answering questions with knowledge. Our KBQA framework is executed in four phases, involving the collaboration of the agent's multiple roles. We evaluated the performance of our framework using three benchmark datasets, and the results show that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art systems on the LC-QuAD and YAGO-QA benchmarks, yielding F1 scores of 11.8% and 20.7%, respectively.

replace-cross Understanding the Dataset Practitioners Behind Large Language Model Development

Authors: Crystal Qian, Emily Reif, Minsuk Kahng

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become more advanced and impactful, it is increasingly important to scrutinize the data that they rely upon and produce. What is it to be a dataset practitioner doing this work? We approach this in two parts: first, we define the role of "dataset practitioners" by performing a retrospective analysis on the responsibilities of teams contributing to LLM development at a technology company, Google. Then, we conduct semi-structured interviews with a cross-section of these practitioners (N=10). We find that although data quality is a top priority, there is little consensus around what data quality is and how to evaluate it. Consequently, practitioners either rely on their own intuition or write custom code to evaluate their data. We discuss potential reasons for this phenomenon and opportunities for alignment.

replace-cross All in an Aggregated Image for In-Image Learning

Authors: Lei Wang, Wanyu Xu, Zhiqiang Hu, Yihuai Lan, Shan Dong, Hao Wang, Roy Ka-Wei Lee, Ee-Peng Lim

Abstract: This paper introduces a new in-context learning (ICL) mechanism called In-Image Learning (I$^2$L) that combines demonstration examples, visual cues, and chain-of-thought reasoning into an aggregated image to enhance the capabilities of Large Multimodal Models (e.g., GPT-4V) in multimodal reasoning tasks. Unlike previous approaches that rely on converting images to text or incorporating visual input into language models, I$^2$L consolidates all information into an aggregated image and leverages image processing, understanding, and reasoning abilities. This has several advantages: it reduces inaccurate textual descriptions of complex images, provides flexibility in positioning demonstration examples, and avoids multiple input images and lengthy prompts. We also introduce I$^2$L-Hybrid, a method that combines the strengths of I$^2$L with other ICL methods. Specifically, it uses an automatic strategy to select the most suitable method (I$^2$L or another certain ICL method) for a specific task instance. We conduct extensive experiments to assess the effectiveness of I$^2$L and I$^2$L-Hybrid on MathVista, which covers a variety of complex multimodal reasoning tasks. Additionally, we investigate the influence of image resolution, the number of demonstration examples in a single image, and the positions of these demonstrations in the aggregated image on the effectiveness of I$^2$L. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross Learning to Compress Prompt in Natural Language Formats

Authors: Yu-Neng Chuang, Tianwei Xing, Chia-Yuan Chang, Zirui Liu, Xun Chen, Xia Hu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are great at processing multiple natural language processing tasks, but their abilities are constrained by inferior performance with long context, slow inference speed, and the high cost of computing the results. Deploying LLMs with precise and informative context helps users process large-scale datasets more effectively and cost-efficiently. Existing works rely on compressing long prompt contexts into soft prompts. However, soft prompt compression encounters limitations in transferability across different LLMs, especially API-based LLMs. To this end, this work aims to compress lengthy prompts in the form of natural language with LLM transferability. This poses two challenges: (i) Natural Language (NL) prompts are incompatible with back-propagation, and (ii) NL prompts lack flexibility in imposing length constraints. In this work, we propose a Natural Language Prompt Encapsulation (Nano-Capsulator) framework compressing original prompts into NL formatted Capsule Prompt while maintaining the prompt utility and transferability. Specifically, to tackle the first challenge, the Nano-Capsulator is optimized by a reward function that interacts with the proposed semantics preserving loss. To address the second question, the Nano-Capsulator is optimized by a reward function featuring length constraints. Experimental results demonstrate that the Capsule Prompt can reduce 81.4% of the original length, decrease inference latency up to 4.5x, and save 80.1% of budget overheads while providing transferability across diverse LLMs and different datasets.

replace-cross Defending Against Unforeseen Failure Modes with Latent Adversarial Training

Authors: Stephen Casper, Lennart Schulze, Oam Patel, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

Abstract: Despite extensive diagnostics and debugging by developers, AI systems sometimes exhibit harmful unintended behaviors. Finding and fixing these is challenging because the attack surface is so large -- it is not tractable to exhaustively search for inputs that may elicit harmful behaviors. Red-teaming and adversarial training (AT) are commonly used to improve robustness, however, they empirically struggle to fix failure modes that differ from the attacks used during training. In this work, we utilize latent adversarial training (LAT) to defend against vulnerabilities without generating inputs that elicit them. LAT leverages the compressed, abstract, and structured latent representations of concepts that the network actually uses for prediction. We use it to remove trojans and defend against held-out classes of adversarial attacks. We show in image classification, text classification, and text generation tasks that LAT usually improves both robustness to novel attacks and performance on clean data relative to AT. This suggests that LAT can be a promising tool for defending against failure modes that are not explicitly identified by developers.

replace-cross SSM Meets Video Diffusion Models: Efficient Video Generation with Structured State Spaces

Authors: Yuta Oshima, Shohei Taniguchi, Masahiro Suzuki, Yutaka Matsuo

Abstract: Given the remarkable achievements in image generation through diffusion models, the research community has shown increasing interest in extending these models to video generation. Recent diffusion models for video generation have predominantly utilized attention layers to extract temporal features. However, attention layers are limited by their memory consumption, which increases quadratically with the length of the sequence. This limitation presents significant challenges when attempting to generate longer video sequences using diffusion models. To overcome this challenge, we propose leveraging state-space models (SSMs). SSMs have recently gained attention as viable alternatives due to their linear memory consumption relative to sequence length. In the experiments, we first evaluate our SSM-based model with UCF101, a standard benchmark of video generation. In addition, to investigate the potential of SSMs for longer video generation, we perform an experiment using the MineRL Navigate dataset, varying the number of frames to 64, 200, and 400. In these settings, our SSM-based model can considerably save memory consumption for longer sequences, while maintaining competitive FVD scores to the attention-based models. Our codes are available at


replace-cross Cross-modality debiasing: using language to mitigate sub-population shifts in imaging

Authors: Yijiang Pang, Bao Hoang, Jiayu Zhou

Abstract: Sub-population shift is a specific type of domain shift that highlights changes in data distribution within specific sub-groups or populations between training and testing. Sub-population shift accounts for a significant source of algorithmic bias and calls for distributional robustness. Recent studies found inherent distributional robustness in multi-modality foundation models, such as the vision-language model CLIP, yet this robustness is vulnerable through parameter fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose leveraging the connection of robustness among different modalities and reshaping the distributional robustness of one modality with another. Specifically, in the context of the distributional robustness of CLIP, we propose to leverage natural language inputs to debias the image feature representations, to improve worst-case performance on sub-populations. Our extensive empirical studies show that image representations debiased by natural language can achieve significant performance improvement and reduction of performance instability under sub-population shifts.

replace-cross A Continued Pretrained LLM Approach for Automatic Medical Note Generation

Authors: Dong Yuan, Eti Rastogi, Gautam Naik, Sree Prasanna Rajagopal, Sagar Goyal, Fen Zhao, Bharath Chintagunta, Jeff Ward

Abstract: LLMs are revolutionizing NLP tasks. However, the use of the most advanced LLMs, such as GPT-4, is often prohibitively expensive for most specialized fields. We introduce HEAL, the first continuously trained 13B LLaMA2-based LLM that is purpose-built for medical conversations and measured on automated scribing. Our results demonstrate that HEAL outperforms GPT-4 and PMC-LLaMA in PubMedQA, with an accuracy of 78.4\%. It also achieves parity with GPT-4 in generating medical notes. Remarkably, HEAL surpasses GPT-4 and Med-PaLM 2 in identifying more correct medical concepts and exceeds the performance of human scribes and other comparable models in correctness and completeness.

replace-cross FeatUp: A Model-Agnostic Framework for Features at Any Resolution

Authors: Stephanie Fu, Mark Hamilton, Laura Brandt, Axel Feldman, Zhoutong Zhang, William T. Freeman

Abstract: Deep features are a cornerstone of computer vision research, capturing image semantics and enabling the community to solve downstream tasks even in the zero- or few-shot regime. However, these features often lack the spatial resolution to directly perform dense prediction tasks like segmentation and depth prediction because models aggressively pool information over large areas. In this work, we introduce FeatUp, a task- and model-agnostic framework to restore lost spatial information in deep features. We introduce two variants of FeatUp: one that guides features with high-resolution signal in a single forward pass, and one that fits an implicit model to a single image to reconstruct features at any resolution. Both approaches use a multi-view consistency loss with deep analogies to NeRFs. Our features retain their original semantics and can be swapped into existing applications to yield resolution and performance gains even without re-training. We show that FeatUp significantly outperforms other feature upsampling and image super-resolution approaches in class activation map generation, transfer learning for segmentation and depth prediction, and end-to-end training for semantic segmentation.

replace-cross Twin Transformer using Gated Dynamic Learnable Attention mechanism for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in the Tennessee Eastman Process

Authors: Mohammad Ali Labbaf-Khaniki, Mohammad Manthouri, Hanieh Ajami

Abstract: Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) is a crucial task for ensuring the safety and efficiency of industrial processes. We propose a novel FDD methodology for the Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP), a widely used benchmark for chemical process control. The model employs two separate Transformer branches, enabling independent processing of input data and potential extraction of diverse information. A novel attention mechanism, Gated Dynamic Learnable Attention (GDLAttention), is introduced which integrates a gating mechanism and dynamic learning capabilities. The gating mechanism modulates the attention weights, allowing the model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input. The dynamic learning approach adapts the attention strategy during training, potentially leading to improved performance. The attention mechanism uses a bilinear similarity function, providing greater flexibility in capturing complex relationships between query and key vectors. In order to assess the effectiveness of our approach, we tested it against 21 and 18 distinct fault scenarios in TEP, and compared its performance with several established FDD techniques. The outcomes indicate that the method outperforms others in terms of accuracy, false alarm rate, and misclassification rate. This underscores the robustness and efficacy of the approach for FDD in intricate industrial processes.

replace-cross Can LLMs Generate Human-Like Wayfinding Instructions? Towards Platform-Agnostic Embodied Instruction Synthesis

Authors: Vishnu Sashank Dorbala, Sanjoy Chowdhury, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: We present a novel approach to automatically synthesize "wayfinding instructions" for an embodied robot agent. In contrast to prior approaches that are heavily reliant on human-annotated datasets designed exclusively for specific simulation platforms, our algorithm uses in-context learning to condition an LLM to generate instructions using just a few references. Using an LLM-based Visual Question Answering strategy, we gather detailed information about the environment which is used by the LLM for instruction synthesis. We implement our approach on multiple simulation platforms including Matterport3D, AI Habitat and ThreeDWorld, thereby demonstrating its platform-agnostic nature. We subjectively evaluate our approach via a user study and observe that 83.3% of users find the synthesized instructions accurately capture the details of the environment and show characteristics similar to those of human-generated instructions. Further, we conduct zero-shot navigation with multiple approaches on the REVERIE dataset using the generated instructions, and observe very close correlation with the baseline on standard success metrics (< 1% change in SR), quantifying the viability of generated instructions in replacing human-annotated data. We finally discuss the applicability of our approach in enabling a generalizable evaluation of embodied navigation policies. To the best of our knowledge, ours is the first LLM-driven approach capable of generating "human-like" instructions in a platform-agnostic manner, without training.

replace-cross AutoTRIZ: Artificial Ideation with TRIZ and Large Language Models

Authors: Shuo Jiang, Jianxi Luo

Abstract: Researchers and innovators have made enormous efforts in developing ideation methods, such as morphological analysis and design-by-analogy, to aid engineering design ideation for problem solving and innovation. Among these, TRIZ stands out as the most well-known approach, widely applied for systematic innovation. However, the complexity of TRIZ resources and concepts, coupled with its reliance on users' knowledge, experience, and reasoning capabilities, limits its practicability. This paper proposes AutoTRIZ, an artificial ideation tool that leverages large language models (LLMs) to automate and enhance the TRIZ methodology. By leveraging the broad knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities of LLMs, AutoTRIZ offers a novel approach to design automation and interpretable ideation with artificial intelligence. We demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of AutoTRIZ through consistency experiments in contradiction detection and comparative studies with cases collected from TRIZ textbooks. Moreover, the proposed LLM-based framework holds the potential for extension to automate other knowledge-based ideation methods, including SCAMPER, Design Heuristics, and Design-by-Analogy, paving the way for a new era of artificial ideation for design and innovation.

replace-cross FusionINN: Invertible Image Fusion for Brain Tumor Monitoring

Authors: Nishant Kumar, Ziyan Tao, Jaikirat Singh, Yang Li, Peiwen Sun, Binghui Zhao, Stefan Gumhold

Abstract: Image fusion typically employs non-invertible neural networks to merge multiple source images into a single fused image. However, for clinical experts, solely relying on fused images may be insufficient for making diagnostic decisions, as the fusion mechanism blends features from source images, thereby making it difficult to interpret the underlying tumor pathology. We introduce FusionINN, a novel invertible image fusion framework, capable of efficiently generating fused images and also decomposing them back to the source images by solving the inverse of the fusion process. FusionINN guarantees lossless one-to-one pixel mapping by integrating a normally distributed latent image alongside the fused image to facilitate the generative modeling of the decomposition process. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate the decomposability of fused images, which is particularly crucial for life-sensitive applications such as medical image fusion compared to other tasks like multi-focus or multi-exposure image fusion. Our extensive experimentation validates FusionINN over existing discriminative and generative fusion methods, both subjectively and objectively. Moreover, compared to a recent denoising diffusion-based fusion model, our approach offers faster and qualitatively better fusion results. We also exhibit the clinical utility of our results in aiding disease prognosis.

replace-cross Diverse Representation Embedding for Lifelong Person Re-Identification

Authors: Shiben Liu, Huijie Fan, Qiang Wang, Xiai Chen, Zhi Han, Yandong Tang

Abstract: Lifelong Person Re-Identification (LReID) aims to continuously learn from successive data streams, matching individuals across multiple cameras. The key challenge for LReID is how to effectively preserve old knowledge while incrementally learning new information, which is caused by task-level domain gaps and limited old task datasets. Existing methods based on CNN backbone are insufficient to explore the representation of each instance from different perspectives, limiting model performance on limited old task datasets and new task datasets. Unlike these methods, we propose a Diverse Representations Embedding (DRE) framework that first explores a pure transformer for LReID. The proposed DRE preserves old knowledge while adapting to new information based on instance-level and task-level layout. Concretely, an Adaptive Constraint Module (ACM) is proposed to implement integration and push away operations between multiple overlapping representations generated by transformer-based backbone, obtaining rich and discriminative representations for each instance to improve adaptive ability of LReID. Based on the processed diverse representations, we propose Knowledge Update (KU) and Knowledge Preservation (KP) strategies at the task-level layout by introducing the adjustment model and the learner model. KU strategy enhances the adaptive learning ability of learner models for new information under the adjustment model prior, and KP strategy preserves old knowledge operated by representation-level alignment and logit-level supervision in limited old task datasets while guaranteeing the adaptive learning information capacity of the LReID model. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, our method achieves significantly improved performance in holistic, large-scale, and occluded datasets.

replace-cross Image Captioning in news report scenario

Authors: Tianrui Liu, Qi Cai, Changxin Xu, Bo Hong, Jize Xiong, Yuxin Qiao, Tsungwei Yang

Abstract: Image captioning strives to generate pertinent captions for specified images, situating itself at the crossroads of Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This endeavor is of paramount importance with far-reaching applications in recommendation systems, news outlets, social media, and beyond. Particularly within the realm of news reporting, captions are expected to encompass detailed information, such as the identities of celebrities captured in the images. However, much of the existing body of work primarily centers around understanding scenes and actions. In this paper, we explore the realm of image captioning specifically tailored for celebrity photographs, illustrating its broad potential for enhancing news industry practices. This exploration aims to augment automated news content generation, thereby facilitating a more nuanced dissemination of information. Our endeavor shows a broader horizon, enriching the narrative in news reporting through a more intuitive image captioning framework.

replace-cross SegICL: A Universal In-context Learning Framework for Enhanced Segmentation in Medical Imaging

Authors: Lingdong Shen, Fangxin Shang, Yehui Yang, Xiaoshuang Huang, Shiming Xiang

Abstract: Medical image segmentation models adapting to new tasks in a training-free manner through in-context learning is an exciting advancement. Universal segmentation models aim to generalize across the diverse modality of medical images, yet their effectiveness often diminishes when applied to out-of-distribution (OOD) data modalities and tasks, requiring intricate fine-tuning of model for optimal performance. For addressing this challenge, we introduce SegICL, a novel approach leveraging In-Context Learning (ICL) for image segmentation. Unlike existing methods, SegICL has the capability to employ text-guided segmentation and conduct in-context learning with a small set of image-mask pairs, eliminating the need for training the model from scratch or fine-tuning for OOD tasks (including OOD modality and dataset). Extensive experimental validation of SegICL demonstrates a positive correlation between the number of prompt samples and segmentation performance on OOD modalities and tasks. This indicates that SegICL effectively address new segmentation tasks based on contextual information. Additionally, SegICL also exhibits comparable segmentation performance to mainstream models on OOD and in-distribution tasks. Our code will be released soon.

replace-cross Deciphering the Interplay between Local Differential Privacy, Average Bayesian Privacy, and Maximum Bayesian Privacy

Authors: Xiaojin Zhang, Yulin Fei, Wei Chen

Abstract: The swift evolution of machine learning has led to emergence of various definitions of privacy due to the threats it poses to privacy, including the concept of local differential privacy (LDP). Although widely embraced and utilized across numerous domains, this conventional approach to measure privacy still exhibits certain limitations, spanning from failure to prevent inferential disclosure to lack of consideration for the adversary's background knowledge. In this comprehensive study, we introduce Bayesian privacy and delve into the intricate relationship between LDP and its Bayesian counterparts, unveiling novel insights into utility-privacy trade-offs. We introduce a framework that encapsulates both attack and defense strategies, highlighting their interplay and effectiveness. The relationship between LDP and Maximum Bayesian Privacy (MBP) is first revealed, demonstrating that under uniform prior distribution, a mechanism satisfying $\xi$-LDP will satisfy $\xi$-MBP and conversely $\xi$-MBP also confers 2$\xi$-LDP. Our next theoretical contribution are anchored in the rigorous definitions and relationships between Average Bayesian Privacy (ABP) and Maximum Bayesian Privacy (MBP), encapsulated by equations $\epsilon_{p,a} \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sqrt{(\epsilon_{p,m} + \epsilon)\cdot(e^{\epsilon_{p,m} + \epsilon} - 1)}$. These relationships fortify our understanding of the privacy guarantees provided by various mechanisms. Our work not only lays the groundwork for future empirical exploration but also promises to facilitate the design of privacy-preserving algorithms, thereby fostering the development of trustworthy machine learning solutions.

replace-cross Evolution and Efficiency in Neural Architecture Search: Bridging the Gap Between Expert Design and Automated Optimization

Authors: Fanfei Meng, Chen-Ao Wang, Lele Zhang

Abstract: The paper provides a comprehensive overview of Neural Architecture Search (NAS), emphasizing its evolution from manual design to automated, computationally-driven approaches. It covers the inception and growth of NAS, highlighting its application across various domains, including medical imaging and natural language processing. The document details the shift from expert-driven design to algorithm-driven processes, exploring initial methodologies like reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms. It also discusses the challenges of computational demands and the emergence of efficient NAS methodologies, such as Differentiable Architecture Search and hardware-aware NAS. The paper further elaborates on NAS's application in computer vision, NLP, and beyond, demonstrating its versatility and potential for optimizing neural network architectures across different tasks. Future directions and challenges, including computational efficiency and the integration with emerging AI domains, are addressed, showcasing NAS's dynamic nature and its continued evolution towards more sophisticated and efficient architecture search methods.

replace-cross Transcribing Bengali Text with Regional Dialects to IPA using District Guided Tokens

Authors: S M Jishanul Islam, Sadia Ahmmed, Sahid Hossain Mustakim

Abstract: Accurate transcription of Bengali text to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a challenging task due to the complex phonology of the language and context-dependent sound changes. This challenge is even more for regional Bengali dialects due to unavailability of standardized spelling conventions for these dialects, presence of local and foreign words popular in those regions and phonological diversity across different regions. This paper presents an approach to this sequence-to-sequence problem by introducing the District Guided Tokens (DGT) technique on a new dataset spanning six districts of Bangladesh. The key idea is to provide the model with explicit information about the regional dialect or "district" of the input text before generating the IPA transcription. This is achieved by prepending a district token to the input sequence, effectively guiding the model to understand the unique phonetic patterns associated with each district. The DGT technique is applied to fine-tune several transformer-based models, on this new dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DGT, with the ByT5 model achieving superior performance over word-based models like mT5, BanglaT5, and umT5. This is attributed to ByT5's ability to handle a high percentage of out-of-vocabulary words in the test set. The proposed approach highlights the importance of incorporating regional dialect information into ubiquitous natural language processing systems for languages with diverse phonological variations. The following work was a result of the "Bhashamul" challenge, which is dedicated to solving the problem of Bengali text with regional dialects to IPA transcription The training and inference notebooks are available through the competition link.


replace-cross MapGuide: A Simple yet Effective Method to Reconstruct Continuous Language from Brain Activities

Authors: Xinpei Zhao, Jingyuan Sun, Shaonan Wang, Jing Ye, Xiaohan Zhang, Chengqing Zong

Abstract: Decoding continuous language from brain activity is a formidable yet promising field of research. It is particularly significant for aiding people with speech disabilities to communicate through brain signals. This field addresses the complex task of mapping brain signals to text. The previous best attempt reverse-engineered this process in an indirect way: it began by learning to encode brain activity from text and then guided text generation by aligning with predicted brain responses. In contrast, we propose a simple yet effective method that guides text reconstruction by directly comparing them with the predicted text embeddings mapped from brain activities. Comprehensive experiments reveal that our method significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art model, showing average improvements of 77% and 54% on BLEU and METEOR scores. We further validate the proposed modules through detailed ablation studies and case analyses and highlight a critical correlation: the more precisely we map brain activities to text embeddings, the better the text reconstruction results. Such insight can simplify the task of reconstructing language from brain activities for future work, emphasizing the importance of improving brain-to-text-embedding mapping techniques.

replace-cross PeersimGym: An Environment for Solving the Task Offloading Problem with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Frederico Metelo, Stevo Rackovi\'c, Pedro \'Akos Costa, Cl\'audia Soares

Abstract: Task offloading, crucial for balancing computational loads across devices in networks such as the Internet of Things, poses significant optimization challenges, including minimizing latency and energy usage under strict communication and storage constraints. While traditional optimization falls short in scalability; and heuristic approaches lack in achieving optimal outcomes, Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers a promising avenue by enabling the learning of optimal offloading strategies through iterative interactions. However, the efficacy of RL hinges on access to rich datasets and custom-tailored, realistic training environments. To address this, we introduce PeersimGym, an open-source, customizable simulation environment tailored for developing and optimizing task offloading strategies within computational networks. PeersimGym supports a wide range of network topologies and computational constraints and integrates a \textit{PettingZoo}-based interface for RL agent deployment in both solo and multi-agent setups. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of the environment through experiments with Deep Reinforcement Learning agents, showcasing the potential of RL-based approaches to significantly enhance offloading strategies in distributed computing settings. PeersimGym thus bridges the gap between theoretical RL models and their practical applications, paving the way for advancements in efficient task offloading methodologies.

replace-cross Large Language Models for Education: A Survey and Outlook

Authors: Shen Wang, Tianlong Xu, Hang Li, Chaoli Zhang, Joleen Liang, Jiliang Tang, Philip S. Yu, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought in a new era of possibilities in the realm of education. This survey paper summarizes the various technologies of LLMs in educational settings from multifaceted perspectives, encompassing student and teacher assistance, adaptive learning, and commercial tools. We systematically review the technological advancements in each perspective, organize related datasets and benchmarks, and identify the risks and challenges associated with deploying LLMs in education. Furthermore, we outline future research opportunities, highlighting the potential promising directions. Our survey aims to provide a comprehensive technological picture for educators, researchers, and policymakers to harness the power of LLMs to revolutionize educational practices and foster a more effective personalized learning environment.

replace-cross Long-form factuality in large language models

Authors: Jerry Wei, Chengrun Yang, Xinying Song, Yifeng Lu, Nathan Hu, Jie Huang, Dustin Tran, Daiyi Peng, Ruibo Liu, Da Huang, Cosmo Du, Quoc V. Le

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often generate content that contains factual errors when responding to fact-seeking prompts on open-ended topics. To benchmark a model's long-form factuality in open domains, we first use GPT-4 to generate LongFact, a prompt set comprising thousands of questions spanning 38 topics. We then propose that LLM agents can be used as automated evaluators for long-form factuality through a method which we call Search-Augmented Factuality Evaluator (SAFE). SAFE utilizes an LLM to break down a long-form response into a set of individual facts and to evaluate the accuracy of each fact using a multi-step reasoning process comprising sending search queries to Google Search and determining whether a fact is supported by the search results. Furthermore, we propose extending F1 score as an aggregated metric for long-form factuality. To do so, we balance the percentage of supported facts in a response (precision) with the percentage of provided facts relative to a hyperparameter representing a user's preferred response length (recall). Empirically, we demonstrate that LLM agents can outperform crowdsourced human annotators - on a set of ~16k individual facts, SAFE agrees with crowdsourced human annotators 72% of the time, and on a random subset of 100 disagreement cases, SAFE wins 76% of the time. At the same time, SAFE is more than 20 times cheaper than human annotators. We also benchmark thirteen language models on LongFact across four model families (Gemini, GPT, Claude, and PaLM-2), finding that larger language models generally achieve better long-form factuality. LongFact, SAFE, and all experimental code are available at


replace-cross ECoDepth: Effective Conditioning of Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Suraj Patni, Aradhye Agarwal, Chetan Arora

Abstract: In the absence of parallax cues, a learning-based single image depth estimation (SIDE) model relies heavily on shading and contextual cues in the image. While this simplicity is attractive, it is necessary to train such models on large and varied datasets, which are difficult to capture. It has been shown that using embeddings from pre-trained foundational models, such as CLIP, improves zero shot transfer in several applications. Taking inspiration from this, in our paper we explore the use of global image priors generated from a pre-trained ViT model to provide more detailed contextual information. We argue that the embedding vector from a ViT model, pre-trained on a large dataset, captures greater relevant information for SIDE than the usual route of generating pseudo image captions, followed by CLIP based text embeddings. Based on this idea, we propose a new SIDE model using a diffusion backbone which is conditioned on ViT embeddings. Our proposed design establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) for SIDE on NYUv2 dataset, achieving Abs Rel error of 0.059(14% improvement) compared to 0.069 by the current SOTA (VPD). And on KITTI dataset, achieving Sq Rel error of 0.139 (2% improvement) compared to 0.142 by the current SOTA (GEDepth). For zero-shot transfer with a model trained on NYUv2, we report mean relative improvement of (20%, 23%, 81%, 25%) over NeWCRFs on (Sun-RGBD, iBims1, DIODE, HyperSim) datasets, compared to (16%, 18%, 45%, 9%) by ZoeDepth. The project page is available at


replace-cross Knowledge Boundary and Persona Dynamic Shape A Better Social Media Agent

Authors: Junkai Zhou, Liang Pang, Ya Jing, Jia Gu, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Constructing personalized and anthropomorphic agents holds significant importance in the simulation of social networks. However, there are still two key problems in existing works: the agent possesses world knowledge that does not belong to its personas, and it cannot eliminate the interference of diverse persona information on current actions, which reduces the personalization and anthropomorphism of the agent. To solve the above problems, we construct the social media agent based on personalized knowledge and dynamic persona information. For personalized knowledge, we add external knowledge sources and match them with the persona information of agents, thereby giving the agent personalized world knowledge. For dynamic persona information, we use current action information to internally retrieve the persona information of the agent, thereby reducing the interference of diverse persona information on the current action. To make the agent suitable for social media, we design five basic modules for it: persona, planning, action, memory and reflection. To provide an interaction and verification environment for the agent, we build a social media simulation sandbox. In the experimental verification, automatic and human evaluations demonstrated the effectiveness of the agent we constructed.

replace-cross Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models

Authors: Ravi Mangal, Nina Narodytska, Divya Gopinath, Boyue Caroline Hu, Anirban Roy, Susmit Jha, Corina Pasareanu

Abstract: The analysis of vision-based deep neural networks (DNNs) is highly desirable but it is very challenging due to the difficulty of expressing formal specifications for vision tasks and the lack of efficient verification procedures. In this paper, we propose to leverage emerging multimodal, vision-language, foundation models (VLMs) as a lens through which we can reason about vision models. VLMs have been trained on a large body of images accompanied by their textual description, and are thus implicitly aware of high-level, human-understandable concepts describing the images. We describe a logical specification language $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ designed to facilitate writing specifications in terms of these concepts. To define and formally check $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ specifications, we build a map between the internal representations of a given vision model and a VLM, leading to an efficient verification procedure of natural-language properties for vision models. We demonstrate our techniques on a ResNet-based classifier trained on the RIVAL-10 dataset using CLIP as the multimodal model.

replace-cross Ink and Individuality: Crafting a Personalised Narrative in the Age of LLMs

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Raima Islam, Mst Rafia Islam

Abstract: Individuality and personalization comprise the distinctive characteristics that make each writer unique and influence their words in order to effectively engage readers while conveying authenticity. However, our growing reliance on LLM-based writing assistants risks compromising our creativity and individuality over time. We often overlook the negative impacts of this trend on our creativity and uniqueness, despite the possible consequences. This study investigates these concerns by performing a brief survey to explore different perspectives and concepts, as well as trying to understand people's viewpoints, in conjunction with past studies in the area. Addressing these issues is essential for improving human-computer interaction systems and enhancing writing assistants for personalization and individuality.

replace-cross LLMs as Writing Assistants: Exploring Perspectives on Sense of Ownership and Reasoning

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Mst Rafia Islam, Raima Islam

Abstract: Sense of ownership in writing confines our investment of thoughts, time, and contribution, leading to attachment to the output. However, using writing assistants introduces a mental dilemma, as some content isn't directly our creation. For instance, we tend to credit Large Language Models (LLMs) more in creative tasks, even though all tasks are equal for them. Additionally, while we may not claim complete ownership of LLM-generated content, we freely claim authorship. We conduct a short survey to examine these issues and understand underlying cognitive processes in order to gain a better knowledge of human-computer interaction in writing and improve writing aid systems.

replace-cross InfLoRA: Interference-Free Low-Rank Adaptation for Continual Learning

Authors: Yan-Shuo Liang, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Continual learning requires the model to learn multiple tasks sequentially. In continual learning, the model should possess the ability to maintain its performance on old tasks (stability) and the ability to adapt to new tasks continuously (plasticity). Recently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), which involves freezing a pre-trained model and injecting a small number of learnable parameters to adapt to downstream tasks, has gained increasing popularity in continual learning. Although existing continual learning methods based on PEFT have demonstrated superior performance compared to those not based on PEFT, most of them do not consider how to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, which inhibits the model from making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. In this work, we propose a new PEFT method, called interference-free low-rank adaptation (InfLoRA), for continual learning. InfLoRA injects a small number of parameters to reparameterize the pre-trained weights and shows that fine-tuning these injected parameters is equivalent to fine-tuning the pre-trained weights within a subspace. Furthermore, InfLoRA designs this subspace to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. Experimental results show that InfLoRA outperforms existing state-of-the-art continual learning methods on multiple datasets.

replace-cross AI Act and Large Language Models (LLMs): When critical issues and privacy impact require human and ethical oversight

Authors: Nicola Fabiano

Abstract: The imposing evolution of artificial intelligence systems and, specifically, of Large Language Models (LLM) makes it necessary to carry out assessments of their level of risk and the impact they may have in the area of privacy, personal data protection and at an ethical level, especially on the weakest and most vulnerable. This contribution addresses human oversight, ethical oversight, and privacy impact assessment.

replace-cross Learning to Generate Conditional Tri-plane for 3D-aware Expression Controllable Portrait Animation

Authors: Taekyung Ki, Dongchan Min, Gyeongsu Chae

Abstract: In this paper, we present Export3D, a one-shot 3D-aware portrait animation method that is able to control the facial expression and camera view of a given portrait image. To achieve this, we introduce a tri-plane generator that directly generates a tri-plane of 3D prior by transferring the expression parameter of 3DMM into the source image. The tri-plane is then decoded into the image of different view through a differentiable volume rendering. Existing portrait animation methods heavily rely on image warping to transfer the expression in the motion space, challenging on disentanglement of appearance and expression. In contrast, we propose a contrastive pre-training framework for appearance-free expression parameter, eliminating undesirable appearance swap when transferring a cross-identity expression. Extensive experiments show that our pre-training framework can learn the appearance-free expression representation hidden in 3DMM, and our model can generate 3D-aware expression controllable portrait image without appearance swap in the cross-identity manner.

replace-cross LLM meets Vision-Language Models for Zero-Shot One-Class Classification

Authors: Yassir Bendou, Giulia Lioi, Bastien Pasdeloup, Lukas Mauch, Ghouthi Boukli Hacene, Fabien Cardinaux, Vincent Gripon

Abstract: We consider the problem of zero-shot one-class visual classification. In this setting, only the label of the target class is available, and the goal is to discriminate between positive and negative query samples without requiring any validation example from the target task. We propose a two-step solution that first queries large language models for visually confusing objects and then relies on vision-language pre-trained models (e.g., CLIP) to perform classification. By adapting large-scale vision benchmarks, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed method to outperform adapted off-the-shelf alternatives in this setting. Namely, we propose a realistic benchmark where negative query samples are drawn from the same original dataset as positive ones, including a granularity-controlled version of iNaturalist, where negative samples are at a fixed distance in the taxonomy tree from the positive ones. Our work shows that it is possible to discriminate between a single category and other semantically related ones using only its label

replace-cross DRCT: Saving Image Super-resolution away from Information Bottleneck

Authors: Chih-Chung Hsu, Chia-Ming Lee, Yi-Shiuan Chou

Abstract: In recent years, Vision Transformer-based applications to low-level vision tasks have achieved widespread success. Unlike CNN-based models, Transformers are more adept at capturing long-range dependencies, enabling the reconstruction of images utilizing information from non-local areas. In the domain of super-resolution, Swin-transformer-based approaches have become mainstream due to their capacity to capture global spatial information and their shifting-window attention mechanism that facilitates the interchange of information between different windows. Many researchers have enhanced image quality and network efficiency by expanding the receptive field or designing complex networks, yielding commendable results. However, we observed that spatial information tends to diminish during the forward propagation process due to increased depth, leading to a loss of spatial information and, consequently, limiting the model's potential. To address this, we propose the Dense-residual-connected Transformer (DRCT), aimed at mitigating the loss of spatial information through dense-residual connections between layers, thereby unleashing the model's potential and enhancing performance. Experiment results indicate that our approach is not only straightforward but also achieves remarkable efficiency, surpassing state-of-the-art methods and performing commendably at NTIRE2024.

replace-cross Survey of Bias In Text-to-Image Generation: Definition, Evaluation, and Mitigation

Authors: Yixin Wan, Arjun Subramonian, Anaelia Ovalle, Zongyu Lin, Ashima Suvarna, Christina Chance, Hritik Bansal, Rebecca Pattichis, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: The recent advancement of large and powerful models with Text-to-Image (T2I) generation abilities -- such as OpenAI's DALLE-3 and Google's Gemini -- enables users to generate high-quality images from textual prompts. However, it has become increasingly evident that even simple prompts could cause T2I models to exhibit conspicuous social bias in generated images. Such bias might lead to both allocational and representational harms in society, further marginalizing minority groups. Noting this problem, a large body of recent works has been dedicated to investigating different dimensions of bias in T2I systems. However, an extensive review of these studies is lacking, hindering a systematic understanding of current progress and research gaps. We present the first extensive survey on bias in T2I generative models. In this survey, we review prior studies on dimensions of bias: Gender, Skintone, and Geo-Culture. Specifically, we discuss how these works define, evaluate, and mitigate different aspects of bias. We found that: (1) while gender and skintone biases are widely studied, geo-cultural bias remains under-explored; (2) most works on gender and skintone bias investigated occupational association, while other aspects are less frequently studied; (3) almost all gender bias works overlook non-binary identities in their studies; (4) evaluation datasets and metrics are scattered, with no unified framework for measuring biases; and (5) current mitigation methods fail to resolve biases comprehensively. Based on current limitations, we point out future research directions that contribute to human-centric definitions, evaluations, and mitigation of biases. We hope to highlight the importance of studying biases in T2I systems, as well as encourage future efforts to holistically understand and tackle biases, building fair and trustworthy T2I technologies for everyone.

replace-cross Can LLMs get help from other LLMs without revealing private information?

Authors: Florian Hartmann, Duc-Hieu Tran, Peter Kairouz, Victor C\u{a}rbune, Blaise Aguera y Arcas

Abstract: Cascades are a common type of machine learning systems in which a large, remote model can be queried if a local model is not able to accurately label a user's data by itself. Serving stacks for large language models (LLMs) increasingly use cascades due to their ability to preserve task performance while dramatically reducing inference costs. However, applying cascade systems in situations where the local model has access to sensitive data constitutes a significant privacy risk for users since such data could be forwarded to the remote model. In this work, we show the feasibility of applying cascade systems in such setups by equipping the local model with privacy-preserving techniques that reduce the risk of leaking private information when querying the remote model. To quantify information leakage in such setups, we introduce two privacy measures. We then propose a system that leverages the recently introduced social learning paradigm in which LLMs collaboratively learn from each other by exchanging natural language. Using this paradigm, we demonstrate on several datasets that our methods minimize the privacy loss while at the same time improving task performance compared to a non-cascade baseline.

replace-cross Direct Preference Optimization of Video Large Multimodal Models from Language Model Reward

Authors: Ruohong Zhang, Liangke Gui, Zhiqing Sun, Yihao Feng, Keyang Xu, Yuanhan Zhang, Di Fu, Chunyuan Li, Alexander Hauptmann, Yonatan Bisk, Yiming Yang

Abstract: Preference modeling techniques, such as direct preference optimization (DPO), has shown effective in enhancing the generalization abilities of large language model (LLM). However, in tasks involving video instruction-following, providing informative feedback, especially for detecting hallucinations in generated responses, remains a significant challenge. Previous studies have explored using large large multimodal models (LMMs) as reward models to guide preference modeling, but their ability to accurately assess the factuality of generated responses compared to corresponding videos has not been conclusively established. This paper introduces a novel framework that utilizes detailed video captions as a proxy of video content, enabling language models to incorporate this information as supporting evidence for scoring video Question Answering (QA) predictions. Our approach demonstrates robust alignment with OpenAI GPT-4V model's reward mechanism, which directly takes video frames as input. Furthermore, we show that applying this tailored reward through DPO significantly improves the performance of video LMMs on video QA tasks.