new NeuroPrune: A Neuro-inspired Topological Sparse Training Algorithm for Large Language Models

Authors: Amit Dhurandhar, Tejaswini Pedapati, Ronny Luss, Soham Dan, Aurelie Lozano, Payel Das, Georgios Kollias

Abstract: Transformer-based Language Models have become ubiquitous in Natural Language Processing (NLP) due to their impressive performance on various tasks. However, expensive training as well as inference remains a significant impediment to their widespread applicability. While enforcing sparsity at various levels of the model architecture has found promise in addressing scaling and efficiency issues, there remains a disconnect between how sparsity affects network topology. Inspired by brain neuronal networks, we explore sparsity approaches through the lens of network topology. Specifically, we exploit mechanisms seen in biological networks, such as preferential attachment and redundant synapse pruning, and show that principled, model-agnostic sparsity approaches are performant and efficient across diverse NLP tasks, spanning both classification (such as natural language inference) and generation (summarization, machine translation), despite our sole objective not being optimizing performance. NeuroPrune is competitive with (or sometimes superior to) baselines on performance and can be up to $10$x faster in terms of training time for a given level of sparsity, simultaneously exhibiting measurable improvements in inference time in many cases.

new Generative AI for Architectural Design: A Literature Review

Authors: Chengyuan Li, Tianyu Zhang, Xusheng Du, Ye Zhang, Haoran Xie

Abstract: Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has pioneered new methodological paradigms in architectural design, significantly expanding the innovative potential and efficiency of the design process. This paper explores the extensive applications of generative AI technologies in architectural design, a trend that has benefited from the rapid development of deep generative models. This article provides a comprehensive review of the basic principles of generative AI and large-scale models and highlights the applications in the generation of 2D images, videos, and 3D models. In addition, by reviewing the latest literature from 2020, this paper scrutinizes the impact of generative AI technologies at different stages of architectural design, from generating initial architectural 3D forms to producing final architectural imagery. The marked trend of research growth indicates an increasing inclination within the architectural design community towards embracing generative AI, thereby catalyzing a shared enthusiasm for research. These research cases and methodologies have not only proven to enhance efficiency and innovation significantly but have also posed challenges to the conventional boundaries of architectural creativity. Finally, we point out new directions for design innovation and articulate fresh trajectories for applying generative AI in the architectural domain. This article provides the first comprehensive literature review about generative AI for architectural design, and we believe this work can facilitate more research work on this significant topic in architecture.

new From Similarity to Superiority: Channel Clustering for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jialin Chen, Jan Eric Lenssen, Aosong Feng, Weihua Hu, Matthias Fey, Leandros Tassiulas, Jure Leskovec, Rex Ying

Abstract: Time series forecasting has attracted significant attention in recent decades. Previous studies have demonstrated that the Channel-Independent (CI) strategy improves forecasting performance by treating different channels individually, while it leads to poor generalization on unseen instances and ignores potentially necessary interactions between channels. Conversely, the Channel-Dependent (CD) strategy mixes all channels with even irrelevant and indiscriminate information, which, however, results in oversmoothing issues and limits forecasting accuracy. There is a lack of channel strategy that effectively balances individual channel treatment for improved forecasting performance without overlooking essential interactions between channels. Motivated by our observation of a correlation between the time series model's performance boost against channel mixing and the intrinsic similarity on a pair of channels, we developed a novel and adaptable Channel Clustering Module (CCM). CCM dynamically groups channels characterized by intrinsic similarities and leverages cluster identity instead of channel identity, combining the best of CD and CI worlds. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate that CCM can (1) boost the performance of CI and CD models by an average margin of 2.4% and 7.2% on long-term and short-term forecasting, respectively; (2) enable zero-shot forecasting with mainstream time series forecasting models; (3) uncover intrinsic time series patterns among channels and improve interpretability of complex time series models.

new Block-Diagonal Guided DBSCAN Clustering

Authors: Zheng Xing, Weibing Zhao

Abstract: Cluster analysis plays a crucial role in database mining, and one of the most widely used algorithms in this field is DBSCAN. However, DBSCAN has several limitations, such as difficulty in handling high-dimensional large-scale data, sensitivity to input parameters, and lack of robustness in producing clustering results. This paper introduces an improved version of DBSCAN that leverages the block-diagonal property of the similarity graph to guide the clustering procedure of DBSCAN. The key idea is to construct a graph that measures the similarity between high-dimensional large-scale data points and has the potential to be transformed into a block-diagonal form through an unknown permutation, followed by a cluster-ordering procedure to generate the desired permutation. The clustering structure can be easily determined by identifying the diagonal blocks in the permuted graph. We propose a gradient descent-based method to solve the proposed problem. Additionally, we develop a DBSCAN-based points traversal algorithm that identifies clusters with high densities in the graph and generates an augmented ordering of clusters. The block-diagonal structure of the graph is then achieved through permutation based on the traversal order, providing a flexible foundation for both automatic and interactive cluster analysis. We introduce a split-and-refine algorithm to automatically search for all diagonal blocks in the permuted graph with theoretically optimal guarantees under specific cases. We extensively evaluate our proposed approach on twelve challenging real-world benchmark clustering datasets and demonstrate its superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art clustering method on every dataset.

new AETTA: Label-Free Accuracy Estimation for Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Taeckyung Lee, Sorn Chottananurak, Taesik Gong, Sung-Ju Lee

Abstract: Test-time adaptation (TTA) has emerged as a viable solution to adapt pre-trained models to domain shifts using unlabeled test data. However, TTA faces challenges of adaptation failures due to its reliance on blind adaptation to unknown test samples in dynamic scenarios. Traditional methods for out-of-distribution performance estimation are limited by unrealistic assumptions in the TTA context, such as requiring labeled data or re-training models. To address this issue, we propose AETTA, a label-free accuracy estimation algorithm for TTA. We propose the prediction disagreement as the accuracy estimate, calculated by comparing the target model prediction with dropout inferences. We then improve the prediction disagreement to extend the applicability of AETTA under adaptation failures. Our extensive evaluation with four baselines and six TTA methods demonstrates that AETTA shows an average of 19.8%p more accurate estimation compared with the baselines. We further demonstrate the effectiveness of accuracy estimation with a model recovery case study, showcasing the practicality of our model recovery based on accuracy estimation. The source code is available at


new Efficiently Distilling LLMs for Edge Applications

Authors: Achintya Kundu, Fabian Lim, Aaron Chew, Laura Wynter, Penny Chong, Rhui Dih Lee

Abstract: Supernet training of LLMs is of great interest in industrial applications as it confers the ability to produce a palette of smaller models at constant cost, regardless of the number of models (of different size / latency) produced. We propose a new method called Multistage Low-rank Fine-tuning of Super-transformers (MLFS) for parameter-efficient supernet training. We show that it is possible to obtain high-quality encoder models that are suitable for commercial edge applications, and that while decoder-only models are resistant to a comparable degree of compression, decoders can be effectively sliced for a significant reduction in training time.

new The Double-Edged Sword of Input Perturbations to Robust Accurate Fairness

Authors: Xuran Li, Peng Wu, Yanting Chen, Xingjun Ma, Zhen Zhang, Kaixiang Dong

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are known to be sensitive to adversarial input perturbations, leading to a reduction in either prediction accuracy or individual fairness. To jointly characterize the susceptibility of prediction accuracy and individual fairness to adversarial perturbations, we introduce a novel robustness definition termed robust accurate fairness. Informally, robust accurate fairness requires that predictions for an instance and its similar counterparts consistently align with the ground truth when subjected to input perturbations. We propose an adversarial attack approach dubbed RAFair to expose false or biased adversarial defects in DNN, which either deceive accuracy or compromise individual fairness. Then, we show that such adversarial instances can be effectively addressed by carefully designed benign perturbations, correcting their predictions to be accurate and fair. Our work explores the double-edged sword of input perturbations to robust accurate fairness in DNN and the potential of using benign perturbations to correct adversarial instances.

new Information Plane Analysis Visualization in Deep Learning via Transfer Entropy

Authors: Adrian Moldovan, Angel Cataron, Razvan Andonie

Abstract: In a feedforward network, Transfer Entropy (TE) can be used to measure the influence that one layer has on another by quantifying the information transfer between them during training. According to the Information Bottleneck principle, a neural model's internal representation should compress the input data as much as possible while still retaining sufficient information about the output. Information Plane analysis is a visualization technique used to understand the trade-off between compression and information preservation in the context of the Information Bottleneck method by plotting the amount of information in the input data against the compressed representation. The claim that there is a causal link between information-theoretic compression and generalization, measured by mutual information, is plausible, but results from different studies are conflicting. In contrast to mutual information, TE can capture temporal relationships between variables. To explore such links, in our novel approach we use TE to quantify information transfer between neural layers and perform Information Plane analysis. We obtained encouraging experimental results, opening the possibility for further investigations.

new Prompt-prompted Mixture of Experts for Efficient LLM Generation

Authors: Harry Dong, Beidi Chen, Yuejie Chi

Abstract: With the development of transformer-based large language models (LLMs), they have been applied to many fields due to their remarkable utility, but this comes at a considerable computational cost at deployment. Fortunately, some methods such as pruning or constructing a mixture of experts (MoE) aim at exploiting sparsity in transformer feedforward (FF) blocks to gain boosts in speed and reduction in memory requirements. However, these techniques can be very costly and inflexible in practice, as they often require training or are restricted to specific types of architectures. To address this, we introduce GRIFFIN, a novel training-free MoE that selects unique FF experts at the sequence level for efficient generation across a plethora of LLMs with different non-ReLU activation functions. This is possible due to a critical observation that many trained LLMs naturally produce highly structured FF activation patterns within a sequence, which we call flocking. Despite our method's simplicity, we show with 50\% of the FF parameters, GRIFFIN maintains the original model's performance with little to no degradation on a variety of classification and generation tasks, all while improving latency (e.g. 1.25$\times$ speed-up in Llama 2 13B on an NVIDIA L40). Code will be available at


new Is Model Collapse Inevitable? Breaking the Curse of Recursion by Accumulating Real and Synthetic Data

Authors: Matthias Gerstgrasser, Rylan Schaeffer, Apratim Dey, Rafael Rafailov, Henry Sleight, John Hughes, Tomasz Korbak, Rajashree Agrawal, Dhruv Pai, Andrey Gromov, Daniel A. Roberts, Diyi Yang, David L. Donoho, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: The proliferation of generative models, combined with pretraining on web-scale data, raises a timely question: what happens when these models are trained on their own generated outputs? Recent investigations into model-data feedback loops discovered that such loops can lead to model collapse, a phenomenon where performance progressively degrades with each model-fitting iteration until the latest model becomes useless. However, several recent papers studying model collapse assumed that new data replace old data over time rather than assuming data accumulate over time. In this paper, we compare these two settings and show that accumulating data prevents model collapse. We begin by studying an analytically tractable setup in which a sequence of linear models are fit to the previous models' predictions. Previous work showed if data are replaced, the test error increases linearly with the number of model-fitting iterations; we extend this result by proving that if data instead accumulate, the test error has a finite upper bound independent of the number of iterations. We next empirically test whether accumulating data similarly prevents model collapse by pretraining sequences of language models on text corpora. We confirm that replacing data does indeed cause model collapse, then demonstrate that accumulating data prevents model collapse; these results hold across a range of model sizes, architectures and hyperparameters. We further show that similar results hold for other deep generative models on real data: diffusion models for molecule generation and variational autoencoders for image generation. Our work provides consistent theoretical and empirical evidence that data accumulation mitigates model collapse.

new OpenChemIE: An Information Extraction Toolkit For Chemistry Literature

Authors: Vincent Fan, Yujie Qian, Alex Wang, Amber Wang, Connor W. Coley, Regina Barzilay

Abstract: Information extraction from chemistry literature is vital for constructing up-to-date reaction databases for data-driven chemistry. Complete extraction requires combining information across text, tables, and figures, whereas prior work has mainly investigated extracting reactions from single modalities. In this paper, we present OpenChemIE to address this complex challenge and enable the extraction of reaction data at the document level. OpenChemIE approaches the problem in two steps: extracting relevant information from individual modalities and then integrating the results to obtain a final list of reactions. For the first step, we employ specialized neural models that each address a specific task for chemistry information extraction, such as parsing molecules or reactions from text or figures. We then integrate the information from these modules using chemistry-informed algorithms, allowing for the extraction of fine-grained reaction data from reaction condition and substrate scope investigations. Our machine learning models attain state-of-the-art performance when evaluated individually, and we meticulously annotate a challenging dataset of reaction schemes with R-groups to evaluate our pipeline as a whole, achieving an F1 score of 69.5%. Additionally, the reaction extraction results of \ours attain an accuracy score of 64.3% when directly compared against the Reaxys chemical database. We provide OpenChemIE freely to the public as an open-source package, as well as through a web interface.

new TS-CausalNN: Learning Temporal Causal Relations from Non-linear Non-stationary Time Series Data

Authors: Omar Faruque, Sahara Ali, Xue Zheng, Jianwu Wang

Abstract: The growing availability and importance of time series data across various domains, including environmental science, epidemiology, and economics, has led to an increasing need for time-series causal discovery methods that can identify the intricate relationships in the non-stationary, non-linear, and often noisy real world data. However, the majority of current time series causal discovery methods assume stationarity and linear relations in data, making them infeasible for the task. Further, the recent deep learning-based methods rely on the traditional causal structure learning approaches making them computationally expensive. In this paper, we propose a Time-Series Causal Neural Network (TS-CausalNN) - a deep learning technique to discover contemporaneous and lagged causal relations simultaneously. Our proposed architecture comprises (i) convolutional blocks comprising parallel custom causal layers, (ii) acyclicity constraint, and (iii) optimization techniques using the augmented Lagrangian approach. In addition to the simple parallel design, an advantage of the proposed model is that it naturally handles the non-stationarity and non-linearity of the data. Through experiments on multiple synthetic and real world datasets, we demonstrate the empirical proficiency of our proposed approach as compared to several state-of-the-art methods. The inferred graphs for the real world dataset are in good agreement with the domain understanding.

new Are large language models superhuman chemists?

Authors: Adrian Mirza, Nawaf Alampara, Sreekanth Kunchapu, Benedict Emoekabu, Aswanth Krishnan, Mara Wilhelmi, Macjonathan Okereke, Juliane Eberhardt, Amir Mohammad Elahi, Maximilian Greiner, Caroline T. Holick, Tanya Gupta, Mehrdad Asgari, Christina Glaubitz, Lea C. Klepsch, Yannik K\"oster, Jakob Meyer, Santiago Miret, Tim Hoffmann, Fabian Alexander Kreth, Michael Ringleb, Nicole Roesner, Ulrich S. Schubert, Leanne M. Stafast, Dinga Wonanke, Michael Pieler, Philippe Schwaller, Kevin Maik Jablonka

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have gained widespread interest due to their ability to process human language and perform tasks on which they have not been explicitly trained. This is relevant for the chemical sciences, which face the problem of small and diverse datasets that are frequently in the form of text. LLMs have shown promise in addressing these issues and are increasingly being harnessed to predict chemical properties, optimize reactions, and even design and conduct experiments autonomously. However, we still have only a very limited systematic understanding of the chemical reasoning capabilities of LLMs, which would be required to improve models and mitigate potential harms. Here, we introduce "ChemBench," an automated framework designed to rigorously evaluate the chemical knowledge and reasoning abilities of state-of-the-art LLMs against the expertise of human chemists. We curated more than 7,000 question-answer pairs for a wide array of subfields of the chemical sciences, evaluated leading open and closed-source LLMs, and found that the best models outperformed the best human chemists in our study on average. The models, however, struggle with some chemical reasoning tasks that are easy for human experts and provide overconfident, misleading predictions, such as about chemicals' safety profiles. These findings underscore the dual reality that, although LLMs demonstrate remarkable proficiency in chemical tasks, further research is critical to enhancing their safety and utility in chemical sciences. Our findings also indicate a need for adaptations to chemistry curricula and highlight the importance of continuing to develop evaluation frameworks to improve safe and useful LLMs.

new Explainable AI Integrated Feature Engineering for Wildfire Prediction

Authors: Di Fan, Ayan Biswas, James Paul Ahrens

Abstract: Wildfires present intricate challenges for prediction, necessitating the use of sophisticated machine learning techniques for effective modeling\cite{jain2020review}. In our research, we conducted a thorough assessment of various machine learning algorithms for both classification and regression tasks relevant to predicting wildfires. We found that for classifying different types or stages of wildfires, the XGBoost model outperformed others in terms of accuracy and robustness. Meanwhile, the Random Forest regression model showed superior results in predicting the extent of wildfire-affected areas, excelling in both prediction error and explained variance. Additionally, we developed a hybrid neural network model that integrates numerical data and image information for simultaneous classification and regression. To gain deeper insights into the decision-making processes of these models and identify key contributing features, we utilized eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques, including TreeSHAP, LIME, Partial Dependence Plots (PDP), and Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM). These interpretability tools shed light on the significance and interplay of various features, highlighting the complex factors influencing wildfire predictions. Our study not only demonstrates the effectiveness of specific machine learning models in wildfire-related tasks but also underscores the critical role of model transparency and interpretability in environmental science applications.

new Addressing Heterogeneity in Federated Load Forecasting with Personalization Layers

Authors: Shourya Bose, Yu Zhang, Kibaek Kim

Abstract: The advent of smart meters has enabled pervasive collection of energy consumption data for training short-term load forecasting models. In response to privacy concerns, federated learning (FL) has been proposed as a privacy-preserving approach for training, but the quality of trained models degrades as client data becomes heterogeneous. In this paper we propose the use of personalization layers for load forecasting in a general framework called PL-FL. We show that PL-FL outperforms FL and purely local training, while requiring lower communication bandwidth than FL. This is done through extensive simulations on three different datasets from the NREL ComStock repository.

new Predicting the Performance of Foundation Models via Agreement-on-the-Line

Authors: Aman Mehra, Rahul Saxena, Taeyoun Kim, Christina Baek, Zico Kolter, Aditi Raghunathan

Abstract: Estimating the out-of-distribution performance in regimes where labels are scarce is critical to safely deploy foundation models. Recently, it was shown that ensembles of neural networks observe the phenomena ``agreement-on-the-line'', which can be leveraged to reliably predict OOD performance without labels. However, in contrast to classical neural networks that are trained on in-distribution data from scratch for numerous epochs, foundation models undergo minimal finetuning from heavily pretrained weights, which may reduce the ensemble diversity needed to observe agreement-on-the-line. In our work, we demonstrate that when lightly finetuning multiple runs from a $\textit{single}$ foundation model, the choice of randomness during training (linear head initialization, data ordering, and data subsetting) can lead to drastically different levels of agreement-on-the-line in the resulting ensemble. Surprisingly, only random head initialization is able to reliably induce agreement-on-the-line in finetuned foundation models across vision and language benchmarks. Second, we demonstrate that ensembles of $\textit{multiple}$ foundation models pretrained on different datasets but finetuned on the same task can also show agreement-on-the-line. In total, by careful construction of a diverse ensemble, we can utilize agreement-on-the-line-based methods to predict the OOD performance of foundation models with high precision.

new GLEMOS: Benchmark for Instantaneous Graph Learning Model Selection

Authors: Namyong Park, Ryan Rossi, Xing Wang, Antoine Simoulin, Nesreen Ahmed, Christos Faloutsos

Abstract: The choice of a graph learning (GL) model (i.e., a GL algorithm and its hyperparameter settings) has a significant impact on the performance of downstream tasks. However, selecting the right GL model becomes increasingly difficult and time consuming as more and more GL models are developed. Accordingly, it is of great significance and practical value to equip users of GL with the ability to perform a near-instantaneous selection of an effective GL model without manual intervention. Despite the recent attempts to tackle this important problem, there has been no comprehensive benchmark environment to evaluate the performance of GL model selection methods. To bridge this gap, we present GLEMOS in this work, a comprehensive benchmark for instantaneous GL model selection that makes the following contributions. (i) GLEMOS provides extensive benchmark data for fundamental GL tasks, i.e., link prediction and node classification, including the performances of 366 models on 457 graphs on these tasks. (ii) GLEMOS designs multiple evaluation settings, and assesses how effectively representative model selection techniques perform in these different settings. (iii) GLEMOS is designed to be easily extended with new models, new graphs, and new performance records. (iv) Based on the experimental results, we discuss the limitations of existing approaches and highlight future research directions. To promote research on this significant problem, we make the benchmark data and code publicly available at


new Propensity Score Alignment of Unpaired Multimodal Data

Authors: Johnny Xi, Jason Hartford

Abstract: Multimodal representation learning techniques typically rely on paired samples to learn common representations, but paired samples are challenging to collect in fields such as biology where measurement devices often destroy the samples. This paper presents an approach to address the challenge of aligning unpaired samples across disparate modalities in multimodal representation learning. We draw an analogy between potential outcomes in causal inference and potential views in multimodal observations, which allows us to use Rubin's framework to estimate a common space in which to match samples. Our approach assumes we collect samples that are experimentally perturbed by treatments, and uses this to estimate a propensity score from each modality, which encapsulates all shared information between a latent state and treatment and can be used to define a distance between samples. We experiment with two alignment techniques that leverage this distance -- shared nearest neighbours (SNN) and optimal transport (OT) matching -- and find that OT matching results in significant improvements over state-of-the-art alignment approaches in both a synthetic multi-modal setting and in real-world data from NeurIPS Multimodal Single-Cell Integration Challenge.

new Extremum-Seeking Action Selection for Accelerating Policy Optimization

Authors: Ya-Chien Chang, Sicun Gao

Abstract: Reinforcement learning for control over continuous spaces typically uses high-entropy stochastic policies, such as Gaussian distributions, for local exploration and estimating policy gradient to optimize performance. Many robotic control problems deal with complex unstable dynamics, where applying actions that are off the feasible control manifolds can quickly lead to undesirable divergence. In such cases, most samples taken from the ambient action space generate low-value trajectories that hardly contribute to policy improvement, resulting in slow or failed learning. We propose to improve action selection in this model-free RL setting by introducing additional adaptive control steps based on Extremum-Seeking Control (ESC). On each action sampled from stochastic policies, we apply sinusoidal perturbations and query for estimated Q-values as the response signal. Based on ESC, we then dynamically improve the sampled actions to be closer to nearby optima before applying them to the environment. Our methods can be easily added in standard policy optimization to improve learning efficiency, which we demonstrate in various control learning environments.

new What Can Transformer Learn with Varying Depth? Case Studies on Sequence Learning Tasks

Authors: Xingwu Chen, Difan Zou

Abstract: We study the capabilities of the transformer architecture with varying depth. Specifically, we designed a novel set of sequence learning tasks to systematically evaluate and comprehend how the depth of transformer affects its ability to perform memorization, reasoning, generalization, and contextual generalization. We show a transformer with only one attention layer can excel in memorization but falls short in other tasks. Then, we show that exhibiting reasoning and generalization ability requires the transformer to have at least two attention layers, while context generalization ability may necessitate three attention layers. Additionally, we identify a class of simple operations that a single attention layer can execute, and show that the complex tasks can be approached as the combinations of these simple operations and thus can be resolved by stacking multiple attention layers. This sheds light on studying more practical and complex tasks beyond our design. Numerical experiments corroborate our theoretical findings.

new Audio Simulation for Sound Source Localization in Virtual Evironment

Authors: Yi Di Yuan, Swee Liang Wong, Jonathan Pan

Abstract: Non-line-of-sight localization in signal-deprived environments is a challenging yet pertinent problem. Acoustic methods in such predominantly indoor scenarios encounter difficulty due to the reverberant nature. In this study, we aim to locate sound sources to specific locations within a virtual environment by leveraging physically grounded sound propagation simulations and machine learning methods. This process attempts to overcome the issue of data insufficiency to localize sound sources to their location of occurrence especially in post-event localization. We achieve 0.786+/- 0.0136 F1-score using an audio transformer spectrogram approach.

new Enhancing Functional Safety in Automotive AMS Circuits through Unsupervised Machine Learning

Authors: Ayush Arunachalam, Ian Kintz, Suvadeep Banerjee, Arnab Raha, Xiankun Jin, Fei Su, Viswanathan Pillai Prasanth, Rubin A. Parekhji, Suriyaprakash Natarajan, Kanad Basu

Abstract: Given the widespread use of safety-critical applications in the automotive field, it is crucial to ensure the Functional Safety (FuSa) of circuits and components within automotive systems. The Analog and Mixed-Signal (AMS) circuits prevalent in these systems are more vulnerable to faults induced by parametric perturbations, noise, environmental stress, and other factors, in comparison to their digital counterparts. However, their continuous signal characteristics present an opportunity for early anomaly detection, enabling the implementation of safety mechanisms to prevent system failure. To address this need, we propose a novel framework based on unsupervised machine learning for early anomaly detection in AMS circuits. The proposed approach involves injecting anomalies at various circuit locations and individual components to create a diverse and comprehensive anomaly dataset, followed by the extraction of features from the observed circuit signals. Subsequently, we employ clustering algorithms to facilitate anomaly detection. Finally, we propose a time series framework to enhance and expedite anomaly detection performance. Our approach encompasses a systematic analysis of anomaly abstraction at multiple levels pertaining to the automotive domain, from hardware- to block-level, where anomalies are injected to create diverse fault scenarios. By monitoring the system behavior under these anomalous conditions, we capture the propagation of anomalies and their effects at different abstraction levels, thereby potentially paving the way for the implementation of reliable safety mechanisms to ensure the FuSa of automotive SoCs. Our experimental findings indicate that our approach achieves 100% anomaly detection accuracy and significantly optimizes the associated latency by 5X, underscoring the effectiveness of our devised solution.

new ADVREPAIR:Provable Repair of Adversarial Attack

Authors: Zhiming Chi, Jianan Ma, Pengfei Yang, Cheng-Chao Huang, Renjue Li, Xiaowei Huang, Lijun Zhang

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are increasingly deployed in safety-critical domains, but their vulnerability to adversarial attacks poses serious safety risks. Existing neuron-level methods using limited data lack efficacy in fixing adversaries due to the inherent complexity of adversarial attack mechanisms, while adversarial training, leveraging a large number of adversarial samples to enhance robustness, lacks provability. In this paper, we propose ADVREPAIR, a novel approach for provable repair of adversarial attacks using limited data. By utilizing formal verification, ADVREPAIR constructs patch modules that, when integrated with the original network, deliver provable and specialized repairs within the robustness neighborhood. Additionally, our approach incorporates a heuristic mechanism for assigning patch modules, allowing this defense against adversarial attacks to generalize to other inputs. ADVREPAIR demonstrates superior efficiency, scalability and repair success rate. Different from existing DNN repair methods, our repair can generalize to general inputs, thereby improving the robustness of the neural network globally, which indicates a significant breakthrough in the generalization capability of ADVREPAIR.

new Transformer meets wcDTW to improve real-time battery bids: A new approach to scenario selection

Authors: Sujal Bhavsar, Vera Zaychik Moffitt, Justin Appleby

Abstract: Stochastic battery bidding in real-time energy markets is a nuanced process, with its efficacy depending on the accuracy of forecasts and the representative scenarios chosen for optimization. In this paper, we introduce a pioneering methodology that amalgamates Transformer-based forecasting with weighted constrained Dynamic Time Warping (wcDTW) to refine scenario selection. Our approach harnesses the predictive capabilities of Transformers to foresee Energy prices, while wcDTW ensures the selection of pertinent historical scenarios by maintaining the coherence between multiple uncertain products. Through extensive simulations in the PJM market for July 2023, our method exhibited a 10% increase in revenue compared to the conventional method, highlighting its potential to revolutionize battery bidding strategies in real-time markets.

new Test-Time Model Adaptation with Only Forward Passes

Authors: Shuaicheng Niu, Chunyan Miao, Guohao Chen, Pengcheng Wu, Peilin Zhao

Abstract: Test-time adaptation has proven effective in adapting a given trained model to unseen test samples with potential distribution shifts. However, in real-world scenarios, models are usually deployed on resource-limited devices, e.g., FPGAs, and are often quantized and hard-coded with non-modifiable parameters for acceleration. In light of this, existing methods are often infeasible since they heavily depend on computation-intensive backpropagation for model updating that may be not supported. To address this, we propose a test-time Forward-Only Adaptation (FOA) method. In FOA, we seek to solely learn a newly added prompt (as model's input) via a derivative-free covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy. To make this strategy work stably under our online unsupervised setting, we devise a novel fitness function by measuring test-training statistic discrepancy and model prediction entropy. Moreover, we design an activation shifting scheme that directly tunes the model activations for shifted test samples, making them align with the source training domain, thereby further enhancing adaptation performance. Without using any backpropagation and altering model weights, FOA runs on quantized 8-bit ViT outperforms gradient-based TENT on full-precision 32-bit ViT, while achieving an up to 24-fold memory reduction on ImageNet-C. The source code will be released.

new Incentives in Private Collaborative Machine Learning

Authors: Rachael Hwee Ling Sim, Yehong Zhang, Trong Nghia Hoang, Xinyi Xu, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low, Patrick Jaillet

Abstract: Collaborative machine learning involves training models on data from multiple parties but must incentivize their participation. Existing data valuation methods fairly value and reward each party based on shared data or model parameters but neglect the privacy risks involved. To address this, we introduce differential privacy (DP) as an incentive. Each party can select its required DP guarantee and perturb its sufficient statistic (SS) accordingly. The mediator values the perturbed SS by the Bayesian surprise it elicits about the model parameters. As our valuation function enforces a privacy-valuation trade-off, parties are deterred from selecting excessive DP guarantees that reduce the utility of the grand coalition's model. Finally, the mediator rewards each party with different posterior samples of the model parameters. Such rewards still satisfy existing incentives like fairness but additionally preserve DP and a high similarity to the grand coalition's posterior. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of our approach on synthetic and real-world datasets.

new HeMeNet: Heterogeneous Multichannel Equivariant Network for Protein Multitask Learning

Authors: Rong Han, Wenbing Huang, Lingxiao Luo, Xinyan Han, Jiaming Shen, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jun Zhou, Ting Chen

Abstract: Understanding and leveraging the 3D structures of proteins is central to a variety of biological and drug discovery tasks. While deep learning has been applied successfully for structure-based protein function prediction tasks, current methods usually employ distinct training for each task. However, each of the tasks is of small size, and such a single-task strategy hinders the models' performance and generalization ability. As some labeled 3D protein datasets are biologically related, combining multi-source datasets for larger-scale multi-task learning is one way to overcome this problem. In this paper, we propose a neural network model to address multiple tasks jointly upon the input of 3D protein structures. In particular, we first construct a standard structure-based multi-task benchmark called Protein-MT, consisting of 6 biologically relevant tasks, including affinity prediction and property prediction, integrated from 4 public datasets. Then, we develop a novel graph neural network for multi-task learning, dubbed Heterogeneous Multichannel Equivariant Network (HeMeNet), which is E(3) equivariant and able to capture heterogeneous relationships between different atoms. Besides, HeMeNet can achieve task-specific learning via the task-aware readout mechanism. Extensive evaluations on our benchmark verify the effectiveness of multi-task learning, and our model generally surpasses state-of-the-art models.

new Selective Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Authors: Zhongni Hou, Xiaolong Jin, Zixuan Li, Long Bai, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG), which characterizes temporally evolving facts in the form of (subject, relation, object, timestamp), has attracted much attention recently. TKG reasoning aims to predict future facts based on given historical ones. However, existing TKG reasoning models are unable to abstain from predictions they are uncertain, which will inevitably bring risks in real-world applications. Thus, in this paper, we propose an abstention mechanism for TKG reasoning, which helps the existing models make selective, instead of indiscriminate, predictions. Specifically, we develop a confidence estimator, called Confidence Estimator with History (CEHis), to enable the existing TKG reasoning models to first estimate their confidence in making predictions, and then abstain from those with low confidence. To do so, CEHis takes two kinds of information into consideration, namely, the certainty of the current prediction and the accuracy of historical predictions. Experiments with representative TKG reasoning models on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CEHis.

new Efficient Online Unlearning via Hessian-Free Recollection of Individual Data Statistics

Authors: Xinbao Qiao, Meng Zhang, Ming Tang, Ermin Wei

Abstract: Machine unlearning strives to uphold the data owners' right to be forgotten by enabling models to selectively forget specific data. Recent methods suggest that one approach of data forgetting is by precomputing and storing statistics carrying second-order information to improve computational and memory efficiency. However, they rely on restrictive assumptions and the computation/storage suffer from the curse of model parameter dimensionality, making it challenging to apply to most deep neural networks. In this work, we propose a Hessian-free online unlearning method. We propose to maintain a statistical vector for each data point, computed through affine stochastic recursion approximation of the difference between retrained and learned models. Our proposed algorithm achieves near-instantaneous online unlearning as it only requires a vector addition operation. Based on the strategy that recollecting statistics for forgetting data, the proposed method significantly reduces the unlearning runtime. Experimental studies demonstrate that the proposed scheme surpasses existing results by orders of magnitude in terms of time and memory costs, while also enhancing accuracy.

new Conjugate-Gradient-like Based Adaptive Moment Estimation Optimization Algorithm for Deep Learning

Authors: Jiawu Tian, Liwei Xu, Xiaowei Zhang, Yongqi Li

Abstract: Training deep neural networks is a challenging task. In order to speed up training and enhance the performance of deep neural networks, we rectify the vanilla conjugate gradient as conjugate-gradient-like and incorporate it into the generic Adam, and thus propose a new optimization algorithm named CG-like-Adam for deep learning. Specifically, both the first-order and the second-order moment estimation of generic Adam are replaced by the conjugate-gradient-like. Convergence analysis handles the cases where the exponential moving average coefficient of the first-order moment estimation is constant and the first-order moment estimation is unbiased. Numerical experiments show the superiority of the proposed algorithm based on the CIFAR10/100 dataset.

new Asymptotics of Language Model Alignment

Authors: Joy Qiping Yang, Salman Salamatian, Ziteng Sun, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Ahmad Beirami

Abstract: Let $p$ denote a generative language model. Let $r$ denote a reward model that returns a scalar that captures the degree at which a draw from $p$ is preferred. The goal of language model alignment is to alter $p$ to a new distribution $\phi$ that results in a higher expected reward while keeping $\phi$ close to $p.$ A popular alignment method is the KL-constrained reinforcement learning (RL), which chooses a distribution $\phi_\Delta$ that maximizes $E_{\phi_{\Delta}} r(y)$ subject to a relative entropy constraint $KL(\phi_\Delta || p) \leq \Delta.$ Another simple alignment method is best-of-$N$, where $N$ samples are drawn from $p$ and one with highest reward is selected. In this paper, we offer a closed-form characterization of the optimal KL-constrained RL solution. We demonstrate that any alignment method that achieves a comparable trade-off between KL divergence and reward must approximate the optimal KL-constrained RL solution in terms of relative entropy. To further analyze the properties of alignment methods, we introduce two simplifying assumptions: we let the language model be memoryless, and the reward model be linear. Although these assumptions may not reflect complex real-world scenarios, they enable a precise characterization of the asymptotic behavior of both the best-of-$N$ alignment, and the KL-constrained RL method, in terms of information-theoretic quantities. We prove that the reward of the optimal KL-constrained RL solution satisfies a large deviation principle, and we fully characterize its rate function. We also show that the rate of growth of the scaled cumulants of the reward is characterized by a proper Renyi cross entropy. Finally, we show that best-of-$N$ is asymptotically equivalent to KL-constrained RL solution by proving that their expected rewards are asymptotically equal, and concluding that the two distributions must be close in KL divergence.

new Global Mapping of Exposure and Physical Vulnerability Dynamics in Least Developed Countries using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning

Authors: Joshua Dimasaka, Christian Gei{\ss}, Emily So

Abstract: As the world marked the midterm of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, many countries are still struggling to monitor their climate and disaster risk because of the expensive large-scale survey of the distribution of exposure and physical vulnerability and, hence, are not on track in reducing risks amidst the intensifying effects of climate change. We present an ongoing effort in mapping this vital information using machine learning and time-series remote sensing from publicly available Sentinel-1 SAR GRD and Sentinel-2 Harmonized MSI. We introduce the development of "OpenSendaiBench" consisting of 47 countries wherein most are least developed (LDCs), trained ResNet-50 deep learning models, and demonstrated the region of Dhaka, Bangladesh by mapping the distribution of its informal constructions. As a pioneering effort in auditing global disaster risk over time, this paper aims to advance the area of large-scale risk quantification in informing our collective long-term efforts in reducing climate and disaster risk.

new Unifying Qualitative and Quantitative Safety Verification of DNN-Controlled Systems

Authors: Dapeng Zhi, Peixin Wang, Si Liu, Luke Ong, Min Zhang

Abstract: The rapid advance of deep reinforcement learning techniques enables the oversight of safety-critical systems through the utilization of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). This underscores the pressing need to promptly establish certified safety guarantees for such DNN-controlled systems. Most of the existing verification approaches rely on qualitative approaches, predominantly employing reachability analysis. However, qualitative verification proves inadequate for DNN-controlled systems as their behaviors exhibit stochastic tendencies when operating in open and adversarial environments. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for unifying both qualitative and quantitative safety verification problems of DNN-controlled systems. This is achieved by formulating the verification tasks as the synthesis of valid neural barrier certificates (NBCs). Initially, the framework seeks to establish almost-sure safety guarantees through qualitative verification. In cases where qualitative verification fails, our quantitative verification method is invoked, yielding precise lower and upper bounds on probabilistic safety across both infinite and finite time horizons. To facilitate the synthesis of NBCs, we introduce their $k$-inductive variants. We also devise a simulation-guided approach for training NBCs, aiming to achieve tightness in computing precise certified lower and upper bounds. We prototype our approach into a tool called $\textsf{UniQQ}$ and showcase its efficacy on four classic DNN-controlled systems.

new Neuromorphic Wireless Device-Edge Co-Inference via the Directed Information Bottleneck

Authors: Yuzhen Ke, Zoran Utkovski, Mehdi Heshmati, Osvaldo Simeone, Johannes Dommel, Slawomir Stanczak

Abstract: An important use case of next-generation wireless systems is device-edge co-inference, where a semantic task is partitioned between a device and an edge server. The device carries out data collection and partial processing of the data, while the remote server completes the given task based on information received from the device. It is often required that processing and communication be run as efficiently as possible at the device, while more computing resources are available at the edge. To address such scenarios, we introduce a new system solution, termed neuromorphic wireless device-edge co-inference. According to it, the device runs sensing, processing, and communication units using neuromorphic hardware, while the server employs conventional radio and computing technologies. The proposed system is designed using a transmitter-centric information-theoretic criterion that targets a reduction of the communication overhead, while retaining the most relevant information for the end-to-end semantic task of interest. Numerical results on standard data sets validate the proposed architecture, and a preliminary testbed realization is reported.

new Improved Text Emotion Prediction Using Combined Valence and Arousal Ordinal Classification

Authors: Michael Mitsios, Georgios Vamvoukakis, Georgia Maniati, Nikolaos Ellinas, Georgios Dimitriou, Konstantinos Markopoulos, Panos Kakoulidis, Alexandra Vioni, Myrsini Christidou, Junkwang Oh, Gunu Jho, Inchul Hwang, Georgios Vardaxoglou, Aimilios Chalamandaris, Pirros Tsiakoulis, Spyros Raptis

Abstract: Emotion detection in textual data has received growing interest in recent years, as it is pivotal for developing empathetic human-computer interaction systems. This paper introduces a method for categorizing emotions from text, which acknowledges and differentiates between the diversified similarities and distinctions of various emotions. Initially, we establish a baseline by training a transformer-based model for standard emotion classification, achieving state-of-the-art performance. We argue that not all misclassifications are of the same importance, as there are perceptual similarities among emotional classes. We thus redefine the emotion labeling problem by shifting it from a traditional classification model to an ordinal classification one, where discrete emotions are arranged in a sequential order according to their valence levels. Finally, we propose a method that performs ordinal classification in the two-dimensional emotion space, considering both valence and arousal scales. The results show that our approach not only preserves high accuracy in emotion prediction but also significantly reduces the magnitude of errors in cases of misclassification.

new A (More) Realistic Evaluation Setup for Generalisation of Community Models on Malicious Content Detection

Authors: Ivo Verhoeven, Pushkar Mishra, Rahel Beloch, Helen Yannakoudakis, Ekaterina Shutova

Abstract: Community models for malicious content detection, which take into account the context from a social graph alongside the content itself, have shown remarkable performance on benchmark datasets. Yet, misinformation and hate speech continue to propagate on social media networks. This mismatch can be partially attributed to the limitations of current evaluation setups that neglect the rapid evolution of online content and the underlying social graph. In this paper, we propose a novel evaluation setup for model generalisation based on our few-shot subgraph sampling approach. This setup tests for generalisation through few labelled examples in local explorations of a larger graph, emulating more realistic application settings. We show this to be a challenging inductive setup, wherein strong performance on the training graph is not indicative of performance on unseen tasks, domains, or graph structures. Lastly, we show that graph meta-learners trained with our proposed few-shot subgraph sampling outperform standard community models in the inductive setup. We make our code publicly available.

new Defense without Forgetting: Continual Adversarial Defense with Anisotropic & Isotropic Pseudo Replay

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Zhongyun Hua

Abstract: Deep neural networks have demonstrated susceptibility to adversarial attacks. Adversarial defense techniques often focus on one-shot setting to maintain robustness against attack. However, new attacks can emerge in sequences in real-world deployment scenarios. As a result, it is crucial for a defense model to constantly adapt to new attacks, but the adaptation process can lead to catastrophic forgetting of previously defended against attacks. In this paper, we discuss for the first time the concept of continual adversarial defense under a sequence of attacks, and propose a lifelong defense baseline called Anisotropic \& Isotropic Replay (AIR), which offers three advantages: (1) Isotropic replay ensures model consistency in the neighborhood distribution of new data, indirectly aligning the output preference between old and new tasks. (2) Anisotropic replay enables the model to learn a compromise data manifold with fresh mixed semantics for further replay constraints and potential future attacks. (3) A straightforward regularizer mitigates the 'plasticity-stability' trade-off by aligning model output between new and old tasks. Experiment results demonstrate that AIR can approximate or even exceed the empirical performance upper bounds achieved by Joint Training.

new Accelerating Transformer Pre-Training with 2:4 Sparsity

Authors: Yuezhou Hu, Kang Zhao, Weiyu Huang, Jianfei Chen, Jun Zhu

Abstract: Training large Transformers is slow, but recent innovations on GPU architecture gives us an advantage. NVIDIA Ampere GPUs can execute a fine-grained 2:4 sparse matrix multiplication twice as fast as its dense equivalent. In the light of this property, we comprehensively investigate the feasibility of accelerating feed-forward networks (FFNs) of Transformers in pre-training. First, we define a "flip rate" to monitor the stability of a 2:4 training process. Utilizing this metric, we suggest two techniques to preserve accuracy: to modify the sparse-refined straight-through estimator by applying the mask decay term on gradients, and to enhance the model's quality by a simple yet effective dense fine-tuning procedure near the end of pre-training. Besides, we devise two effective techniques to practically accelerate training: to calculate transposable 2:4 mask by convolution, and to accelerate gated activation functions by reducing GPU L2 cache miss. Experiments show that a combination of our methods reaches the best performance on multiple Transformers among different 2:4 training methods, while actual acceleration can be observed on different shapes of Transformer block.

new Pairwise Similarity Distribution Clustering for Noisy Label Learning

Authors: Sihan Bai

Abstract: Noisy label learning aims to train deep neural networks using a large amount of samples with noisy labels, whose main challenge comes from how to deal with the inaccurate supervision caused by wrong labels. Existing works either take the label correction or sample selection paradigm to involve more samples with accurate labels into the training process. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective sample selection algorithm, termed as Pairwise Similarity Distribution Clustering~(PSDC), to divide the training samples into one clean set and another noisy set, which can power any of the off-the-shelf semi-supervised learning regimes to further train networks for different downstream tasks. Specifically, we take the pairwise similarity between sample pairs to represent the sample structure, and the Gaussian Mixture Model~(GMM) to model the similarity distribution between sample pairs belonging to the same noisy cluster, therefore each sample can be confidently divided into the clean set or noisy set. Even under severe label noise rate, the resulting data partition mechanism has been proved to be more robust in judging the label confidence in both theory and practice. Experimental results on various benchmark datasets, such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and Clothing1M, demonstrate significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods.

new Detecting Gender Bias in Course Evaluations

Authors: Sarah Lindau, Linnea Nilsson

Abstract: An outtake from the findnings of a master thesis studying gender bias in course evaluations through the lense of machine learning and nlp. We use different methods to examine and explore the data and find differences in what students write about courses depending on gender of the examiner. Data from English and Swedish courses are evaluated and compared, in order to capture more nuance in the gender bias that might be found. Here we present the results from the work so far, but this is an ongoing project and there is more work to do.

new Confidence-aware Reward Optimization for Fine-tuning Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Kyuyoung Kim, Jongheon Jeong, Minyong An, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Jinwoo Shin, Kimin Lee

Abstract: Fine-tuning text-to-image models with reward functions trained on human feedback data has proven effective for aligning model behavior with human intent. However, excessive optimization with such reward models, which serve as mere proxy objectives, can compromise the performance of fine-tuned models, a phenomenon known as reward overoptimization. To investigate this issue in depth, we introduce the Text-Image Alignment Assessment (TIA2) benchmark, which comprises a diverse collection of text prompts, images, and human annotations. Our evaluation of several state-of-the-art reward models on this benchmark reveals their frequent misalignment with human assessment. We empirically demonstrate that overoptimization occurs notably when a poorly aligned reward model is used as the fine-tuning objective. To address this, we propose TextNorm, a simple method that enhances alignment based on a measure of reward model confidence estimated across a set of semantically contrastive text prompts. We demonstrate that incorporating the confidence-calibrated rewards in fine-tuning effectively reduces overoptimization, resulting in twice as many wins in human evaluation for text-image alignment compared against the baseline reward models.

new Fast and Adaptive Questionnaires for Voting Advice Applications

Authors: Fynn Bachmann, Cristina Sarasua, Abraham Bernstein

Abstract: The effectiveness of Voting Advice Applications (VAA) is often compromised by the length of their questionnaires. To address user fatigue and incomplete responses, some applications (such as the Swiss Smartvote) offer a condensed version of their questionnaire. However, these condensed versions can not ensure the accuracy of recommended parties or candidates, which we show to remain below 40%. To tackle these limitations, this work introduces an adaptive questionnaire approach that selects subsequent questions based on users' previous answers, aiming to enhance recommendation accuracy while reducing the number of questions posed to the voters. Our method uses an encoder and decoder module to predict missing values at any completion stage, leveraging a two-dimensional latent space reflective of political science's traditional methods for visualizing political orientations. Additionally, a selector module is proposed to determine the most informative subsequent question based on the voter's current position in the latent space and the remaining unanswered questions. We validated our approach using the Smartvote dataset from the Swiss Federal elections in 2019, testing various spatial models and selection methods to optimize the system's predictive accuracy. Our findings indicate that employing the IDEAL model both as encoder and decoder, combined with a PosteriorRMSE method for question selection, significantly improves the accuracy of recommendations, achieving 74% accuracy after asking the same number of questions as in the condensed version.

new Procedural Fairness in Machine Learning

Authors: Ziming Wang, Changwu Huang, Xin Yao

Abstract: Fairness in machine learning (ML) has received much attention. However, existing studies have mainly focused on the distributive fairness of ML models. The other dimension of fairness, i.e., procedural fairness, has been neglected. In this paper, we first define the procedural fairness of ML models, and then give formal definitions of individual and group procedural fairness. We propose a novel metric to evaluate the group procedural fairness of ML models, called $GPF_{FAE}$, which utilizes a widely used explainable artificial intelligence technique, namely feature attribution explanation (FAE), to capture the decision process of the ML models. We validate the effectiveness of $GPF_{FAE}$ on a synthetic dataset and eight real-world datasets. Our experiments reveal the relationship between procedural and distributive fairness of the ML model. Based on our analysis, we propose a method for identifying the features that lead to the procedural unfairness of the model and propose two methods to improve procedural fairness after identifying unfair features. Our experimental results demonstrate that we can accurately identify the features that lead to procedural unfairness in the ML model, and both of our proposed methods can significantly improve procedural fairness with a slight impact on model performance, while also improving distributive fairness.

new Adaptive Combinatorial Maximization: Beyond Approximate Greedy Policies

Authors: Shlomi Weitzman, Sivan Sabato

Abstract: We study adaptive combinatorial maximization, which is a core challenge in machine learning, with applications in active learning as well as many other domains. We study the Bayesian setting, and consider the objectives of maximization under a cardinality constraint and minimum cost coverage. We provide new comprehensive approximation guarantees that subsume previous results, as well as considerably strengthen them. Our approximation guarantees simultaneously support the maximal gain ratio as well as near-submodular utility functions, and include both maximization under a cardinality constraint and a minimum cost coverage guarantee. In addition, we provided an approximation guarantee for a modified prior, which is crucial for obtaining active learning guarantees that do not depend on the smallest probability in the prior. Moreover, we discover a new parameter of adaptive selection policies, which we term the "maximal gain ratio". We show that this parameter is strictly less restrictive than the greedy approximation parameter that has been used in previous approximation guarantees, and show that it can be used to provide stronger approximation guarantees than previous results. In particular, we show that the maximal gain ratio is never larger than the greedy approximation factor of a policy, and that it can be considerably smaller. This provides a new insight into the properties that make a policy useful for adaptive combinatorial maximization.

new Settling Time vs. Accuracy Tradeoffs for Clustering Big Data

Authors: Andrew Draganov, David Saulpic, Chris Schwiegelshohn

Abstract: We study the theoretical and practical runtime limits of k-means and k-median clustering on large datasets. Since effectively all clustering methods are slower than the time it takes to read the dataset, the fastest approach is to quickly compress the data and perform the clustering on the compressed representation. Unfortunately, there is no universal best choice for compressing the number of points - while random sampling runs in sublinear time and coresets provide theoretical guarantees, the former does not enforce accuracy while the latter is too slow as the numbers of points and clusters grow. Indeed, it has been conjectured that any sensitivity-based coreset construction requires super-linear time in the dataset size. We examine this relationship by first showing that there does exist an algorithm that obtains coresets via sensitivity sampling in effectively linear time - within log-factors of the time it takes to read the data. Any approach that significantly improves on this must then resort to practical heuristics, leading us to consider the spectrum of sampling strategies across both real and artificial datasets in the static and streaming settings. Through this, we show the conditions in which coresets are necessary for preserving cluster validity as well as the settings in which faster, cruder sampling strategies are sufficient. As a result, we provide a comprehensive theoretical and practical blueprint for effective clustering regardless of data size. Our code is publicly available and has scripts to recreate the experiments.

new MESEN: Exploit Multimodal Data to Design Unimodal Human Activity Recognition with Few Labels

Authors: Lilin Xu, Chaojie Gu, Rui Tan, Shibo He, Jiming Chen

Abstract: Human activity recognition (HAR) will be an essential function of various emerging applications. However, HAR typically encounters challenges related to modality limitations and label scarcity, leading to an application gap between current solutions and real-world requirements. In this work, we propose MESEN, a multimodal-empowered unimodal sensing framework, to utilize unlabeled multimodal data available during the HAR model design phase for unimodal HAR enhancement during the deployment phase. From a study on the impact of supervised multimodal fusion on unimodal feature extraction, MESEN is designed to feature a multi-task mechanism during the multimodal-aided pre-training stage. With the proposed mechanism integrating cross-modal feature contrastive learning and multimodal pseudo-classification aligning, MESEN exploits unlabeled multimodal data to extract effective unimodal features for each modality. Subsequently, MESEN can adapt to downstream unimodal HAR with only a few labeled samples. Extensive experiments on eight public multimodal datasets demonstrate that MESEN achieves significant performance improvements over state-of-the-art baselines in enhancing unimodal HAR by exploiting multimodal data.

new Towards Leveraging AutoML for Sustainable Deep Learning: A Multi-Objective HPO Approach on Deep Shift Neural Networks

Authors: Leona Hennig, Tanja Tornede, Marius Lindauer

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) has advanced various fields by extracting complex patterns from large datasets. However, the computational demands of DL models pose environmental and resource challenges. Deep shift neural networks (DSNNs) offer a solution by leveraging shift operations to reduce computational complexity at inference. Following the insights from standard DNNs, we are interested in leveraging the full potential of DSNNs by means of AutoML techniques. We study the impact of hyperparameter optimization (HPO) to maximize DSNN performance while minimizing resource consumption. Since this combines multi-objective (MO) optimization with accuracy and energy consumption as potentially complementary objectives, we propose to combine state-of-the-art multi-fidelity (MF) HPO with multi-objective optimization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, resulting in models with over 80\% in accuracy and low computational cost. Overall, our method accelerates efficient model development while enabling sustainable AI applications.

new DSGNN: A Dual-View Supergrid-Aware Graph Neural Network for Regional Air Quality Estimation

Authors: Xin Zhang, Ling Chen, Xing Tang, Hongyu Shi

Abstract: Air quality estimation can provide air quality for target regions without air quality stations, which is useful for the public. Existing air quality estimation methods divide the study area into disjointed grid regions, and apply 2D convolution to model the spatial dependencies of adjacent grid regions based on the first law of geography, failing to model the spatial dependencies of distant grid regions. To this end, we propose a Dual-view Supergrid-aware Graph Neural Network (DSGNN) for regional air quality estimation, which can model the spatial dependencies of distant grid regions from dual views (i.e., satellite-derived aerosol optical depth (AOD) and meteorology). Specifically, images are utilized to represent the regional data (i.e., AOD data and meteorology data). The dual-view supergrid learning module is introduced to generate supergrids in a parameterized way. Based on the dual-view supergrids, the dual-view implicit correlation encoding module is introduced to learn the correlations between pairwise supergrids. In addition, the dual-view message passing network is introduced to implement the information interaction on the supergrid graphs and images. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that DSGNN achieves the state-of-the-art performances on the air quality estimation task, outperforming the best baseline by an average of 19.64% in MAE.

new Zero-Shot Multi-Lingual Speaker Verification in Clinical Trials

Authors: Ali Akram, Marija Stanojevic, Malikeh Ehghaghi, Jekaterina Novikova

Abstract: Due to the substantial number of clinicians, patients, and data collection environments involved in clinical trials, gathering data of superior quality poses a significant challenge. In clinical trials, patients are assessed based on their speech data to detect and monitor cognitive and mental health disorders. We propose using these speech recordings to verify the identities of enrolled patients and identify and exclude the individuals who try to enroll multiple times in the same trial. Since clinical studies are often conducted across different countries, creating a system that can perform speaker verification in diverse languages without additional development effort is imperative. We evaluate pre-trained TitaNet, ECAPA-TDNN, and SpeakerNet models by enrolling and testing with speech-impaired patients speaking English, German, Danish, Spanish, and Arabic languages. Our results demonstrate that tested models can effectively generalize to clinical speakers, with less than 2.7% EER for European Languages and 8.26% EER for Arabic. This represents a significant step in developing more versatile and efficient speaker verification systems for cognitive and mental health clinical trials that can be used across a wide range of languages and dialects, substantially reducing the effort required to develop speaker verification systems for multiple languages. We also evaluate how speech tasks and number of speakers involved in the trial influence the performance and show that the type of speech tasks impacts the model performance.

new AUTODIFF: Autoregressive Diffusion Modeling for Structure-based Drug Design

Authors: Xinze Li, Penglei Wang, Tianfan Fu, Wenhao Gao, Chengtao Li, Leilei Shi, Junhong Liu

Abstract: Structure-based drug design (SBDD), which aims to generate molecules that can bind tightly to the target protein, is an essential problem in drug discovery, and previous approaches have achieved initial success. However, most existing methods still suffer from invalid local structure or unrealistic conformation issues, which are mainly due to the poor leaning of bond angles or torsional angles. To alleviate these problems, we propose AUTODIFF, a diffusion-based fragment-wise autoregressive generation model. Specifically, we design a novel molecule assembly strategy named conformal motif that preserves the conformation of local structures of molecules first, then we encode the interaction of the protein-ligand complex with an SE(3)-equivariant convolutional network and generate molecules motif-by-motif with diffusion modeling. In addition, we also improve the evaluation framework of SBDD by constraining the molecular weights of the generated molecules in the same range, together with some new metrics, which make the evaluation more fair and practical. Extensive experiments on CrossDocked2020 demonstrate that our approach outperforms the existing models in generating realistic molecules with valid structures and conformations while maintaining high binding affinity.

new Universal representations for financial transactional data: embracing local, global, and external contexts

Authors: Alexandra Bazarova, Maria Kovaleva, Ilya Kuleshov, Evgenia Romanenkova, Alexander Stepikin, Alexandr Yugay, Dzhambulat Mollaev, Ivan Kireev, Andrey Savchenko, Alexey Zaytsev

Abstract: Effective processing of financial transactions is essential for banking data analysis. However, in this domain, most methods focus on specialized solutions to stand-alone problems instead of constructing universal representations suitable for many problems. We present a representation learning framework that addresses diverse business challenges. We also suggest novel generative models that account for data specifics, and a way to integrate external information into a client's representation, leveraging insights from other customers' actions. Finally, we offer a benchmark, describing representation quality globally, concerning the entire transaction history; locally, reflecting the client's current state; and dynamically, capturing representation evolution over time. Our generative approach demonstrates superior performance in local tasks, with an increase in ROC-AUC of up to 14\% for the next MCC prediction task and up to 46\% for downstream tasks from existing contrastive baselines. Incorporating external information improves the scores by an additional 20\%.

new Noise Masking Attacks and Defenses for Pretrained Speech Models

Authors: Matthew Jagielski, Om Thakkar, Lun Wang

Abstract: Speech models are often trained on sensitive data in order to improve model performance, leading to potential privacy leakage. Our work considers noise masking attacks, introduced by Amid et al. 2022, which attack automatic speech recognition (ASR) models by requesting a transcript of an utterance which is partially replaced with noise. They show that when a record has been seen at training time, the model will transcribe the noisy record with its memorized sensitive transcript. In our work, we extend these attacks beyond ASR models, to attack pretrained speech encoders. Our method fine-tunes the encoder to produce an ASR model, and then performs noise masking on this model, which we find recovers private information from the pretraining data, despite the model never having seen transcripts at pretraining time! We show how to improve the precision of these attacks and investigate a number of countermeasures to our attacks.

new Generalizable, Fast, and Accurate DeepQSPR with fastprop Part 1: Framework and Benchmarks

Authors: Jackson Burns, William Green

Abstract: Quantitative Structure Property Relationship studies aim to define a mapping between molecular structure and arbitrary quantities of interest. This was historically accomplished via the development of descriptors which requires significant domain expertise and struggles to generalize. Thus the field has morphed into Molecular Property Prediction and been given over to learned representations which are highly generalizable. The paper introduces fastprop, a DeepQSPR framework which uses a cogent set of molecular level descriptors to meet and exceed the performance of learned representations on diverse datasets in dramatically less time. fastprop is freely available on github at

new Variance-Reduced Policy Gradient Approaches for Infinite Horizon Average Reward Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Swetha Ganesh, Washim Uddin Mondal, Vaneet Aggarwal

Abstract: We present two Policy Gradient-based methods with general parameterization in the context of infinite horizon average reward Markov Decision Processes. The first approach employs Implicit Gradient Transport for variance reduction, ensuring an expected regret of the order $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{3/5})$. The second approach, rooted in Hessian-based techniques, ensures an expected regret of the order $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$. These results significantly improve the state of the art of the problem, which achieves a regret of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{3/4})$.

new ImageNot: A contrast with ImageNet preserves model rankings

Authors: Olawale Salaudeen, Moritz Hardt

Abstract: We introduce ImageNot, a dataset designed to match the scale of ImageNet while differing drastically in other aspects. We show that key model architectures developed for ImageNet over the years rank identically when trained and evaluated on ImageNot to how they rank on ImageNet. This is true when training models from scratch or fine-tuning them. Moreover, the relative improvements of each model over earlier models strongly correlate in both datasets. We further give evidence that ImageNot has a similar utility as ImageNet for transfer learning purposes. Our work demonstrates a surprising degree of external validity in the relative performance of image classification models. This stands in contrast with absolute accuracy numbers that typically drop sharply even under small changes to a dataset.

new Tuning for the Unknown: Revisiting Evaluation Strategies for Lifelong RL

Authors: Golnaz Mesbahi, Olya Mastikhina, Parham Mohammad Panahi, Martha White, Adam White

Abstract: In continual or lifelong reinforcement learning access to the environment should be limited. If we aspire to design algorithms that can run for long-periods of time, continually adapting to new, unexpected situations then we must be willing to deploy our agents without tuning their hyperparameters over the agent's entire lifetime. The standard practice in deep RL -- and even continual RL -- is to assume unfettered access to deployment environment for the full lifetime of the agent. This paper explores the notion that progress in lifelong RL research has been held back by inappropriate empirical methodologies. In this paper we propose a new approach for tuning and evaluating lifelong RL agents where only one percent of the experiment data can be used for hyperparameter tuning. We then conduct an empirical study of DQN and Soft Actor Critic across a variety of continuing and non-stationary domains. We find both methods generally perform poorly when restricted to one-percent tuning, whereas several algorithmic mitigations designed to maintain network plasticity perform surprising well. In addition, we find that properties designed to measure the network's ability to learn continually indeed correlate with performance under one-percent tuning.

cross Affective and Dynamic Beam Search for Story Generation

Authors: Tenghao Huang, Ehsan Qasemi, Bangzheng Li, He Wang, Faeze Brahman, Muhao Chen, Snigdha Chaturvedi

Abstract: Storytelling's captivating potential makes it a fascinating research area, with implications for entertainment, education, therapy, and cognitive studies. In this paper, we propose Affective Story Generator (AffGen) for generating interesting narratives. AffGen introduces "intriguing twists" in narratives by employing two novel techniques-Dynamic Beam Sizing and Affective Reranking. Dynamic Beam Sizing encourages less predictable, more captivating word choices using a contextual multi-arm bandit model. Affective Reranking prioritizes sentence candidates based on affect intensity. Our empirical evaluations, both automatic and human, demonstrate AffGen's superior performance over existing baselines in generating affectively charged and interesting narratives. Our ablation study and analysis provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of AffGen.

cross Planning and Editing What You Retrieve for Enhanced Tool Learning

Authors: Tenghao Huang, Dongwon Jung, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in integrating external tools with Large Language Models (LLMs) have opened new frontiers, with applications in mathematical reasoning, code generators, and smart assistants. However, existing methods, relying on simple one-time retrieval strategies, fall short on effectively and accurately shortlisting relevant tools. This paper introduces a novel \modelname (\modelmeaning) approach, encompassing ``Plan-and-Retrieve (P\&R)'' and ``Edit-and-Ground (E\&G)'' paradigms. The P\&R paradigm consists of a neural retrieval module for shortlisting relevant tools and an LLM-based query planner that decomposes complex queries into actionable tasks, enhancing the effectiveness of tool utilization. The E\&G paradigm utilizes LLMs to enrich tool descriptions based on user scenarios, bridging the gap between user queries and tool functionalities. Experiment results demonstrate that these paradigms significantly improve the recall and NDCG in tool retrieval tasks, significantly surpassing current state-of-the-art models.

cross Learning to Solve Job Shop Scheduling under Uncertainty

Authors: Guillaume Infantes, St\'ephanie Roussel, Pierre Pereira, Antoine Jacquet, Emmanuel Benazera

Abstract: Job-Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is a combinatorial optimization problem where tasks need to be scheduled on machines in order to minimize criteria such as makespan or delay. To address more realistic scenarios, we associate a probability distribution with the duration of each task. Our objective is to generate a robust schedule, i.e. that minimizes the average makespan. This paper introduces a new approach that leverages Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) techniques to search for robust solutions, emphasizing JSSPs with uncertain durations. Key contributions of this research include: (1) advancements in DRL applications to JSSPs, enhancing generalization and scalability, (2) a novel method for addressing JSSPs with uncertain durations. The Wheatley approach, which integrates Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and DRL, is made publicly available for further research and applications.

cross Intelligent Learning Rate Distribution to reduce Catastrophic Forgetting in Transformers

Authors: Philip Kenneweg, Alexander Schulz, Sarah Schr\"oder, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Pretraining language models on large text corpora is a common practice in natural language processing. Fine-tuning of these models is then performed to achieve the best results on a variety of tasks. In this paper, we investigate the problem of catastrophic forgetting in transformer neural networks and question the common practice of fine-tuning with a flat learning rate for the entire network in this context. We perform a hyperparameter optimization process to find learning rate distributions that are better than a flat learning rate. We combine the learning rate distributions thus found and show that they generalize to better performance with respect to the problem of catastrophic forgetting. We validate these learning rate distributions with a variety of NLP benchmarks from the GLUE dataset.

cross JailbreakBench: An Open Robustness Benchmark for Jailbreaking Large Language Models

Authors: Patrick Chao, Edoardo Debenedetti, Alexander Robey, Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Vikash Sehwag, Edgar Dobriban, Nicolas Flammarion, George J. Pappas, Florian Tramer, Hamed Hassani, Eric Wong

Abstract: Jailbreak attacks cause large language models (LLMs) to generate harmful, unethical, or otherwise objectionable content. Evaluating these attacks presents a number of challenges, which the current collection of benchmarks and evaluation techniques do not adequately address. First, there is no clear standard of practice regarding jailbreaking evaluation. Second, existing works compute costs and success rates in incomparable ways. And third, numerous works are not reproducible, as they withhold adversarial prompts, involve closed-source code, or rely on evolving proprietary APIs. To address these challenges, we introduce JailbreakBench, an open-sourced benchmark with the following components: (1) a new jailbreaking dataset containing 100 unique behaviors, which we call JBB-Behaviors; (2) an evolving repository of state-of-the-art adversarial prompts, which we refer to as jailbreak artifacts; (3) a standardized evaluation framework that includes a clearly defined threat model, system prompts, chat templates, and scoring functions; and (4) a leaderboard that tracks the performance of attacks and defenses for various LLMs. We have carefully considered the potential ethical implications of releasing this benchmark, and believe that it will be a net positive for the community. Over time, we will expand and adapt the benchmark to reflect technical and methodological advances in the research community.

cross Entertainment chatbot for the digital inclusion of elderly people without abstraction capabilities

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Jos\'e A. Regueiro-Janeiro, Felipe Gil-Casti\~neira

Abstract: Current language processing technologies allow the creation of conversational chatbot platforms. Even though artificial intelligence is still too immature to support satisfactory user experience in many mass market domains, conversational interfaces have found their way into ad hoc applications such as call centres and online shopping assistants. However, they have not been applied so far to social inclusion of elderly people, who are particularly vulnerable to the digital divide. Many of them relieve their loneliness with traditional media such as TV and radio, which are known to create a feeling of companionship. In this paper we present the EBER chatbot, designed to reduce the digital gap for the elderly. EBER reads news in the background and adapts its responses to the user's mood. Its novelty lies in the concept of "intelligent radio", according to which, instead of simplifying a digital information system to make it accessible to the elderly, a traditional channel they find familiar -- background news -- is augmented with interactions via voice dialogues. We make it possible by combining Artificial Intelligence Modelling Language, automatic Natural Language Generation and Sentiment Analysis. The system allows accessing digital content of interest by combining words extracted from user answers to chatbot questions with keywords extracted from the news items. This approach permits defining metrics of the abstraction capabilities of the users depending on a spatial representation of the word space. To prove the suitability of the proposed solution we present results of real experiments conducted with elderly people that provided valuable insights. Our approach was considered satisfactory during the tests and improved the information search capabilities of the participants.

cross Holo-VQVAE: VQ-VAE for phase-only holograms

Authors: Joohyun Park, Hyeongyeop Kang

Abstract: Holography stands at the forefront of visual technology innovation, offering immersive, three-dimensional visualizations through the manipulation of light wave amplitude and phase. Contemporary research in hologram generation has predominantly focused on image-to-hologram conversion, producing holograms from existing images. These approaches, while effective, inherently limit the scope of innovation and creativity in hologram generation. In response to this limitation, we present Holo-VQVAE, a novel generative framework tailored for phase-only holograms (POHs). Holo-VQVAE leverages the architecture of Vector Quantized Variational AutoEncoders, enabling it to learn the complex distributions of POHs. Furthermore, it integrates the Angular Spectrum Method into the training process, facilitating learning in the image domain. This framework allows for the generation of unseen, diverse holographic content directly from its intricately learned latent space without requiring pre-existing images. This pioneering work paves the way for groundbreaking applications and methodologies in holographic content creation, opening a new era in the exploration of holographic content.

cross Wait, It's All Token Noise? Always Has Been: Interpreting LLM Behavior Using Shapley Value

Authors: Behnam Mohammadi

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has opened up exciting possibilities for simulating human behavior and cognitive processes, with potential applications in various domains, including marketing research and consumer behavior analysis. However, the validity of utilizing LLMs as stand-ins for human subjects remains uncertain due to glaring divergences that suggest fundamentally different underlying processes at play and the sensitivity of LLM responses to prompt variations. This paper presents a novel approach based on Shapley values from cooperative game theory to interpret LLM behavior and quantify the relative contribution of each prompt component to the model's output. Through two applications-a discrete choice experiment and an investigation of cognitive biases-we demonstrate how the Shapley value method can uncover what we term "token noise" effects, a phenomenon where LLM decisions are disproportionately influenced by tokens providing minimal informative content. This phenomenon raises concerns about the robustness and generalizability of insights obtained from LLMs in the context of human behavior simulation. Our model-agnostic approach extends its utility to proprietary LLMs, providing a valuable tool for marketers and researchers to strategically optimize prompts and mitigate apparent cognitive biases. Our findings underscore the need for a more nuanced understanding of the factors driving LLM responses before relying on them as substitutes for human subjects in research settings. We emphasize the importance of researchers reporting results conditioned on specific prompt templates and exercising caution when drawing parallels between human behavior and LLMs.

cross Augmenting NER Datasets with LLMs: Towards Automated and Refined Annotation

Authors: Yuji Naraki, Ryosuke Yamaki, Yoshikazu Ikeda, Takafumi Horie, Hiroki Naganuma

Abstract: In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), Named Entity Recognition (NER) is recognized as a critical technology, employed across a wide array of applications. Traditional methodologies for annotating datasets for NER models are challenged by high costs and variations in dataset quality. This research introduces a novel hybrid annotation approach that synergizes human effort with the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). This approach not only aims to ameliorate the noise inherent in manual annotations, such as omissions, thereby enhancing the performance of NER models, but also achieves this in a cost-effective manner. Additionally, by employing a label mixing strategy, it addresses the issue of class imbalance encountered in LLM-based annotations. Through an analysis across multiple datasets, this method has been consistently shown to provide superior performance compared to traditional annotation methods, even under constrained budget conditions. This study illuminates the potential of leveraging LLMs to improve dataset quality, introduces a novel technique to mitigate class imbalances, and demonstrates the feasibility of achieving high-performance NER in a cost-effective way.

cross Detection of Temporality at Discourse Level on Financial News by Combining Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Ana Barros-Vila, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no

Abstract: Finance-related news such as Bloomberg News, CNN Business and Forbes are valuable sources of real data for market screening systems. In news, an expert shares opinions beyond plain technical analyses that include context such as political, sociological and cultural factors. In the same text, the expert often discusses the performance of different assets. Some key statements are mere descriptions of past events while others are predictions. Therefore, understanding the temporality of the key statements in a text is essential to separate context information from valuable predictions. We propose a novel system to detect the temporality of finance-related news at discourse level that combines Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning techniques, and exploits sophisticated features such as syntactic and semantic dependencies. More specifically, we seek to extract the dominant tenses of the main statements, which may be either explicit or implicit. We have tested our system on a labelled dataset of finance-related news annotated by researchers with knowledge in the field. Experimental results reveal a high detection precision compared to an alternative rule-based baseline approach. Ultimately, this research contributes to the state-of-the-art of market screening by identifying predictive knowledge for financial decision making.

cross Automatic detection of relevant information, predictions and forecasts in financial news through topic modelling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Ana Barros-Vila, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Enrique Costa-Montenegro

Abstract: Financial news items are unstructured sources of information that can be mined to extract knowledge for market screening applications. Manual extraction of relevant information from the continuous stream of finance-related news is cumbersome and beyond the skills of many investors, who, at most, can follow a few sources and authors. Accordingly, we focus on the analysis of financial news to identify relevant text and, within that text, forecasts and predictions. We propose a novel Natural Language Processing (NLP) system to assist investors in the detection of relevant financial events in unstructured textual sources by considering both relevance and temporality at the discursive level. Firstly, we segment the text to group together closely related text. Secondly, we apply co-reference resolution to discover internal dependencies within segments. Finally, we perform relevant topic modelling with Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to separate relevant from less relevant text and then analyse the relevant text using a Machine Learning-oriented temporal approach to identify predictions and speculative statements. We created an experimental data set composed of 2,158 financial news items that were manually labelled by NLP researchers to evaluate our solution. The ROUGE-L values for the identification of relevant text and predictions/forecasts were 0.662 and 0.982, respectively. To our knowledge, this is the first work to jointly consider relevance and temporality at the discursive level. It contributes to the transfer of human associative discourse capabilities to expert systems through the combination of multi-paragraph topic segmentation and co-reference resolution to separate author expression patterns, topic modelling with LDA to detect relevant text, and discursive temporality analysis to identify forecasts and predictions within this text.

cross Enhancing Bangla Fake News Detection Using Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units and Deep Learning Techniques

Authors: Utsha Roy, Mst. Sazia Tahosin, Md. Mahedi Hassan, Taminul Islam, Fahim Imtiaz, Md Rezwane Sadik, Yassine Maleh, Rejwan Bin Sulaiman, Md. Simul Hasan Talukder

Abstract: The rise of fake news has made the need for effective detection methods, including in languages other than English, increasingly important. The study aims to address the challenges of Bangla which is considered a less important language. To this end, a complete dataset containing about 50,000 news items is proposed. Several deep learning models have been tested on this dataset, including the bidirectional gated recurrent unit (GRU), the long short-term memory (LSTM), the 1D convolutional neural network (CNN), and hybrid architectures. For this research, we assessed the efficacy of the model utilizing a range of useful measures, including recall, precision, F1 score, and accuracy. This was done by employing a big application. We carry out comprehensive trials to show the effectiveness of these models in identifying bogus news in Bangla, with the Bidirectional GRU model having a stunning accuracy of 99.16%. Our analysis highlights the importance of dataset balance and the need for continual improvement efforts to a substantial degree. This study makes a major contribution to the creation of Bangla fake news detecting systems with limited resources, thereby setting the stage for future improvements in the detection process.

cross Utilizing AI and Social Media Analytics to Discover Adverse Side Effects of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists

Authors: Alon Bartal, Kathleen M. Jagodnik, Nava Pliskin, Abraham Seidmann

Abstract: Adverse side effects (ASEs) of drugs, revealed after FDA approval, pose a threat to patient safety. To promptly detect overlooked ASEs, we developed a digital health methodology capable of analyzing massive public data from social media, published clinical research, manufacturers' reports, and ChatGPT. We uncovered ASEs associated with the glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonists (GLP-1 RA), a market expected to grow exponentially to $133.5 billion USD by 2030. Using a Named Entity Recognition (NER) model, our method successfully detected 21 potential ASEs overlooked upon FDA approval, including irritability and numbness. Our data-analytic approach revolutionizes the detection of unreported ASEs associated with newly deployed drugs, leveraging cutting-edge AI-driven social media analytics. It can increase the safety of new drugs in the marketplace by unlocking the power of social media to support regulators and manufacturers in the rapid discovery of hidden ASE risks.

cross Harnessing Data and Physics for Deep Learning Phase Recovery

Authors: Kaiqiang Wang, Edmund Y. Lam

Abstract: Phase recovery, calculating the phase of a light wave from its intensity measurements, is essential for various applications, such as coherent diffraction imaging, adaptive optics, and biomedical imaging. It enables the reconstruction of an object's refractive index distribution or topography as well as the correction of imaging system aberrations. In recent years, deep learning has been proven to be highly effective in addressing phase recovery problems. Two main deep learning phase recovery strategies are data-driven (DD) with supervised learning mode and physics-driven (PD) with self-supervised learning mode. DD and PD achieve the same goal in different ways and lack the necessary study to reveal similarities and differences. Therefore, in this paper, we comprehensively compare these two deep learning phase recovery strategies in terms of time consumption, accuracy, generalization ability, ill-posedness adaptability, and prior capacity. What's more, we propose a co-driven (CD) strategy of combining datasets and physics for the balance of high- and low-frequency information. The codes for DD, PD, and CD are publicly available at


cross LLM Attributor: Interactive Visual Attribution for LLM Generation

Authors: Seongmin Lee, Zijie J. Wang, Aishwarya Chakravarthy, Alec Helbling, ShengYun Peng, Mansi Phute, Duen Horng Chau, Minsuk Kahng

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capability to generate convincing text across diverse domains, concerns around its potential risks have highlighted the importance of understanding the rationale behind text generation. We present LLM Attributor, a Python library that provides interactive visualizations for training data attribution of an LLM's text generation. Our library offers a new way to quickly attribute an LLM's text generation to training data points to inspect model behaviors, enhance its trustworthiness, and compare model-generated text with user-provided text. We describe the visual and interactive design of our tool and highlight usage scenarios for LLaMA2 models fine-tuned with two different datasets: online articles about recent disasters and finance-related question-answer pairs. Thanks to LLM Attributor's broad support for computational notebooks, users can easily integrate it into their workflow to interactively visualize attributions of their models. For easier access and extensibility, we open-source LLM Attributor at LLM-Attribution. The video demo is available at


cross Bigger is not Always Better: Scaling Properties of Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Kangfu Mei, Zhengzhong Tu, Mauricio Delbracio, Hossein Talebi, Vishal M. Patel, Peyman Milanfar

Abstract: We study the scaling properties of latent diffusion models (LDMs) with an emphasis on their sampling efficiency. While improved network architecture and inference algorithms have shown to effectively boost sampling efficiency of diffusion models, the role of model size -- a critical determinant of sampling efficiency -- has not been thoroughly examined. Through empirical analysis of established text-to-image diffusion models, we conduct an in-depth investigation into how model size influences sampling efficiency across varying sampling steps. Our findings unveil a surprising trend: when operating under a given inference budget, smaller models frequently outperform their larger equivalents in generating high-quality results. Moreover, we extend our study to demonstrate the generalizability of the these findings by applying various diffusion samplers, exploring diverse downstream tasks, evaluating post-distilled models, as well as comparing performance relative to training compute. These findings open up new pathways for the development of LDM scaling strategies which can be employed to enhance generative capabilities within limited inference budgets.

cross Position-Aware Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning Approach for Reducing Positional Bias in LLMs

Authors: Zheng Zhang, Fan Yang, Ziyan Jiang, Zheng Chen, Zhengyang Zhao, Chengyuan Ma, Liang Zhao, Yang Liu

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have enhanced their ability to process long input contexts. This development is particularly crucial for tasks that involve retrieving knowledge from an external datastore, which can result in long inputs. However, recent studies show a positional bias in LLMs, demonstrating varying performance depending on the location of useful information within the input sequence. In this study, we conduct extensive experiments to investigate the root causes of positional bias. Our findings indicate that the primary contributor to LLM positional bias stems from the inherent positional preferences of different models. We demonstrate that merely employing prompt-based solutions is inadequate for overcoming the positional preferences. To address this positional bias issue of a pre-trained LLM, we developed a Position-Aware Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PAPEFT) approach which is composed of a data augmentation technique and a parameter efficient adapter, enhancing a uniform attention distribution across the input context. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach effectively reduces positional bias, improving LLMs' effectiveness in handling long context sequences for various tasks that require externally retrieved knowledge.

cross Convergence Guarantees for RMSProp and Adam in Generalized-smooth Non-convex Optimization with Affine Noise Variance

Authors: Qi Zhang, Yi Zhou, Shaofeng Zou

Abstract: This paper provides the first tight convergence analyses for RMSProp and Adam in non-convex optimization under the most relaxed assumptions of coordinate-wise generalized smoothness and affine noise variance. We first analyze RMSProp, which is a special case of Adam with adaptive learning rates but without first-order momentum. Specifically, to solve the challenges due to dependence among adaptive update, unbounded gradient estimate and Lipschitz constant, we demonstrate that the first-order term in the descent lemma converges and its denominator is upper bounded by a function of gradient norm. Based on this result, we show that RMSProp with proper hyperparameters converges to an $\epsilon$-stationary point with an iteration complexity of $\mathcal O(\epsilon^{-4})$. We then generalize our analysis to Adam, where the additional challenge is due to a mismatch between the gradient and first-order momentum. We develop a new upper bound on the first-order term in the descent lemma, which is also a function of the gradient norm. We show that Adam with proper hyperparameters converges to an $\epsilon$-stationary point with an iteration complexity of $\mathcal O(\epsilon^{-4})$. Our complexity results for both RMSProp and Adam match with the complexity lower bound established in \cite{arjevani2023lower}.

cross Creating emoji lexica from unsupervised sentiment analysis of their descriptions

Authors: Milagros Fern\'andez-Gavilanes, Jonathan Juncal-Mart\'inez, Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Enrique Costa-Montenegro, Francisco Javier Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no

Abstract: Online media, such as blogs and social networking sites, generate massive volumes of unstructured data of great interest to analyze the opinions and sentiments of individuals and organizations. Novel approaches beyond Natural Language Processing are necessary to quantify these opinions with polarity metrics. So far, the sentiment expressed by emojis has received little attention. The use of symbols, however, has boomed in the past four years. About twenty billion are typed in Twitter nowadays, and new emojis keep appearing in each new Unicode version, making them increasingly relevant to sentiment analysis tasks. This has motivated us to propose a novel approach to predict the sentiments expressed by emojis in online textual messages, such as tweets, that does not require human effort to manually annotate data and saves valuable time for other analysis tasks. For this purpose, we automatically constructed a novel emoji sentiment lexicon using an unsupervised sentiment analysis system based on the definitions given by emoji creators in Emojipedia. Additionally, we automatically created lexicon variants by also considering the sentiment distribution of the informal texts accompanying emojis. All these lexica are evaluated and compared regarding the improvement obtained by including them in sentiment analysis of the annotated datasets provided by Kralj Novak et al. (2015). The results confirm the competitiveness of our approach.

cross Prior Frequency Guided Diffusion Model for Limited Angle (LA)-CBCT Reconstruction

Authors: Jiacheng Xie, Hua-Chieh Shao, Yunxiang Li, You Zhang

Abstract: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) is widely used in image-guided radiotherapy. Reconstructing CBCTs from limited-angle acquisitions (LA-CBCT) is highly desired for improved imaging efficiency, dose reduction, and better mechanical clearance. LA-CBCT reconstruction, however, suffers from severe under-sampling artifacts, making it a highly ill-posed inverse problem. Diffusion models can generate data/images by reversing a data-noising process through learned data distributions; and can be incorporated as a denoiser/regularizer in LA-CBCT reconstruction. In this study, we developed a diffusion model-based framework, prior frequency-guided diffusion model (PFGDM), for robust and structure-preserving LA-CBCT reconstruction. PFGDM uses a conditioned diffusion model as a regularizer for LA-CBCT reconstruction, and the condition is based on high-frequency information extracted from patient-specific prior CT scans which provides a strong anatomical prior for LA-CBCT reconstruction. Specifically, we developed two variants of PFGDM (PFGDM-A and PFGDM-B) with different conditioning schemes. PFGDM-A applies the high-frequency CT information condition until a pre-optimized iteration step, and drops it afterwards to enable both similar and differing CT/CBCT anatomies to be reconstructed. PFGDM-B, on the other hand, continuously applies the prior CT information condition in every reconstruction step, while with a decaying mechanism, to gradually phase out the reconstruction guidance from the prior CT scans. The two variants of PFGDM were tested and compared with current available LA-CBCT reconstruction solutions, via metrics including PSNR and SSIM. PFGDM outperformed all traditional and diffusion model-based methods. PFGDM reconstructs high-quality LA-CBCTs under very-limited gantry angles, allowing faster and more flexible CBCT scans with dose reductions.

cross Game-Theoretic Deep Reinforcement Learning to Minimize Carbon Emissions and Energy Costs for AI Inference Workloads in Geo-Distributed Data Centers

Authors: Ninad Hogade, Sudeep Pasricha

Abstract: Data centers are increasingly using more energy due to the rise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) workloads, which negatively impacts the environment and raises operational costs. Reducing operating expenses and carbon emissions while maintaining performance in data centers is a challenging problem. This work introduces a unique approach combining Game Theory (GT) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for optimizing the distribution of AI inference workloads in geo-distributed data centers to reduce carbon emissions and cloud operating (energy + data transfer) costs. The proposed technique integrates the principles of non-cooperative Game Theory into a DRL framework, enabling data centers to make intelligent decisions regarding workload allocation while considering the heterogeneity of hardware resources, the dynamic nature of electricity prices, inter-data center data transfer costs, and carbon footprints. We conducted extensive experiments comparing our game-theoretic DRL (GT-DRL) approach with current DRL-based and other optimization techniques. The results demonstrate that our strategy outperforms the state-of-the-art in reducing carbon emissions and minimizing cloud operating costs without compromising computational performance. This work has significant implications for achieving sustainability and cost-efficiency in data centers handling AI inference workloads across diverse geographic locations.

cross Data-Efficient Unsupervised Interpolation Without Any Intermediate Frame for 4D Medical Images

Authors: JungEun Kim, Hangyul Yoon, Geondo Park, Kyungsu Kim, Eunho Yang

Abstract: 4D medical images, which represent 3D images with temporal information, are crucial in clinical practice for capturing dynamic changes and monitoring long-term disease progression. However, acquiring 4D medical images poses challenges due to factors such as radiation exposure and imaging duration, necessitating a balance between achieving high temporal resolution and minimizing adverse effects. Given these circumstances, not only is data acquisition challenging, but increasing the frame rate for each dataset also proves difficult. To address this challenge, this paper proposes a simple yet effective Unsupervised Volumetric Interpolation framework, UVI-Net. This framework facilitates temporal interpolation without the need for any intermediate frames, distinguishing it from the majority of other existing unsupervised methods. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate significant improvements across diverse evaluation metrics compared to unsupervised and supervised baselines. Remarkably, our approach achieves this superior performance even when trained with a dataset as small as one, highlighting its exceptional robustness and efficiency in scenarios with sparse supervision. This positions UVI-Net as a compelling alternative for 4D medical imaging, particularly in settings where data availability is limited. The source code is available at


cross TraveLER: A Multi-LMM Agent Framework for Video Question-Answering

Authors: Chuyi Shang, Amos You, Sanjay Subramanian, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig

Abstract: Recently, Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have made significant progress in video question-answering using a frame-wise approach by leveraging large-scale, image-based pretraining in a zero-shot manner. While image-based methods for videos have shown impressive performance, a current limitation is that they often overlook how key timestamps are selected and cannot adjust when incorrect timestamps are identified. Moreover, they are unable to extract details relevant to the question, instead providing general descriptions of the frame. To overcome this, we design a multi-LMM agent framework that travels along the video, iteratively collecting relevant information from keyframes through interactive question-asking until there is sufficient information to answer the question. Specifically, we propose TraveLER, a model that can create a plan to "Traverse" through the video, ask questions about individual frames to "Locate" and store key information, and then "Evaluate" if there is enough information to answer the question. Finally, if there is not enough information, our method is able to "Replan" based on its collected knowledge. Through extensive experiments, we find that the proposed TraveLER approach improves performance on several video question-answering benchmarks, such as NExT-QA, STAR, and Perception Test, without the need to fine-tune on specific datasets.

cross QuAD: Query-based Interpretable Neural Motion Planning for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Sourav Biswas, Sergio Casas, Quinlan Sykora, Ben Agro, Abbas Sadat, Raquel Urtasun

Abstract: A self-driving vehicle must understand its environment to determine the appropriate action. Traditional autonomy systems rely on object detection to find the agents in the scene. However, object detection assumes a discrete set of objects and loses information about uncertainty, so any errors compound when predicting the future behavior of those agents. Alternatively, dense occupancy grid maps have been utilized to understand free-space. However, predicting a grid for the entire scene is wasteful since only certain spatio-temporal regions are reachable and relevant to the self-driving vehicle. We present a unified, interpretable, and efficient autonomy framework that moves away from cascading modules that first perceive, then predict, and finally plan. Instead, we shift the paradigm to have the planner query occupancy at relevant spatio-temporal points, restricting the computation to those regions of interest. Exploiting this representation, we evaluate candidate trajectories around key factors such as collision avoidance, comfort, and progress for safety and interpretability. Our approach achieves better highway driving quality than the state-of-the-art in high-fidelity closed-loop simulations.

cross MosquitoFusion: A Multiclass Dataset for Real-Time Detection of Mosquitoes, Swarms, and Breeding Sites Using Deep Learning

Authors: Md. Faiyaz Abdullah Sayeedi, Fahim Hafiz, Md Ashiqur Rahman

Abstract: In this paper, we present an integrated approach to real-time mosquito detection using our multiclass dataset (MosquitoFusion) containing 1204 diverse images and leverage cutting-edge technologies, specifically computer vision, to automate the identification of Mosquitoes, Swarms, and Breeding Sites. The pre-trained YOLOv8 model, trained on this dataset, achieved a mean Average Precision (mAP@50) of 57.1%, with precision at 73.4% and recall at 50.5%. The integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) further enriches the depth of our analysis, providing valuable insights into spatial patterns. The dataset and code are available at


cross Can Biases in ImageNet Models Explain Generalization?

Authors: Paul Gavrikov, Janis Keuper

Abstract: The robust generalization of models to rare, in-distribution (ID) samples drawn from the long tail of the training distribution and to out-of-training-distribution (OOD) samples is one of the major challenges of current deep learning methods. For image classification, this manifests in the existence of adversarial attacks, the performance drops on distorted images, and a lack of generalization to concepts such as sketches. The current understanding of generalization in neural networks is very limited, but some biases that differentiate models from human vision have been identified and might be causing these limitations. Consequently, several attempts with varying success have been made to reduce these biases during training to improve generalization. We take a step back and sanity-check these attempts. Fixing the architecture to the well-established ResNet-50, we perform a large-scale study on 48 ImageNet models obtained via different training methods to understand how and if these biases - including shape bias, spectral biases, and critical bands - interact with generalization. Our extensive study results reveal that contrary to previous findings, these biases are insufficient to accurately predict the generalization of a model holistically. We provide access to all checkpoints and evaluation code at


cross Temporally Consistent Unbalanced Optimal Transport for Unsupervised Action Segmentation

Authors: Ming Xu, Stephen Gould

Abstract: We propose a novel approach to the action segmentation task for long, untrimmed videos, based on solving an optimal transport problem. By encoding a temporal consistency prior into a Gromov-Wasserstein problem, we are able to decode a temporally consistent segmentation from a noisy affinity/matching cost matrix between video frames and action classes. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not require knowing the action order for a video to attain temporal consistency. Furthermore, our resulting (fused) Gromov-Wasserstein problem can be efficiently solved on GPUs using a few iterations of projected mirror descent. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in an unsupervised learning setting, where our method is used to generate pseudo-labels for self-training. We evaluate our segmentation approach and unsupervised learning pipeline on the Breakfast, 50-Salads, YouTube Instructions and Desktop Assembly datasets, yielding state-of-the-art results for the unsupervised video action segmentation task.

cross Fair MP-BOOST: Fair and Interpretable Minipatch Boosting

Authors: Camille Olivia Little, Genevera I. Allen

Abstract: Ensemble methods, particularly boosting, have established themselves as highly effective and widely embraced machine learning techniques for tabular data. In this paper, we aim to leverage the robust predictive power of traditional boosting methods while enhancing fairness and interpretability. To achieve this, we develop Fair MP-Boost, a stochastic boosting scheme that balances fairness and accuracy by adaptively learning features and observations during training. Specifically, Fair MP-Boost sequentially samples small subsets of observations and features, termed minipatches (MP), according to adaptively learned feature and observation sampling probabilities. We devise these probabilities by combining loss functions, or by combining feature importance scores to address accuracy and fairness simultaneously. Hence, Fair MP-Boost prioritizes important and fair features along with challenging instances, to select the most relevant minipatches for learning. The learned probability distributions also yield intrinsic interpretations of feature importance and important observations in Fair MP-Boost. Through empirical evaluation of simulated and benchmark datasets, we showcase the interpretability, accuracy, and fairness of Fair MP-Boost.

cross ML KPI Prediction in 5G and B5G Networks

Authors: Nguyen Phuc Tran, Oscar Delgado, Brigitte Jaumard, Fadi Bishay

Abstract: Network operators are facing new challenges when meeting the needs of their customers. The challenges arise due to the rise of new services, such as HD video streaming, IoT, autonomous driving, etc., and the exponential growth of network traffic. In this context, 5G and B5G networks have been evolving to accommodate a wide range of applications and use cases. Additionally, this evolution brings new features, like the ability to create multiple end-to-end isolated virtual networks using network slicing. Nevertheless, to ensure the quality of service, operators must maintain and optimize their networks in accordance with the key performance indicators (KPIs) and the slice service-level agreements (SLAs). In this paper, we introduce a machine learning (ML) model used to estimate throughput in 5G and B5G networks with end-to-end (E2E) network slices. Then, we combine the predicted throughput with the current network state to derive an estimate of other network KPIs, which can be used to further improve service assurance. To assess the efficiency of our solution, a performance metric was proposed. Numerical evaluations demonstrate that our KPI prediction model outperforms those derived from other methods with the same or nearly the same computational time.

cross Laying Anchors: Semantically Priming Numerals in Language Modeling

Authors: Mandar Sharma, Rutuja Murlidhar Taware, Pravesh Koirala, Nikhil Muralidhar, Naren Ramakrishnan

Abstract: Off-the-shelf pre-trained language models have become the de facto standard in NLP pipelines for a multitude of downstream tasks. However, the inability of these models to properly encode numerals limits their performance on tasks requiring numeric comprehension. We introduce strategies to semantically prime numerals in any corpus by generating anchors governed by the distribution of numerals in said corpus, thereby enabling mathematically grounded representations of these numeral tokens. We establish the superiority of our proposed techniques through evaluation on a range of numeracy tasks for both in-domain (seen) and out-domain (unseen) numerals. Further, we expand our empirical evaluations to numerals ranging from 1 to 10 billion, a significantly broader range compared to previous studies of the same nature, and we demonstrate significant improvements in the mathematical grounding of our learned embeddings.

cross Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Control-Theoretic Safety Guarantees for Dynamic Network Bridging

Authors: Raffaele Galliera, Konstantinos Mitsopoulos, Niranjan Suri, Raffaele Romagnoli

Abstract: Addressing complex cooperative tasks in safety-critical environments poses significant challenges for Multi-Agent Systems, especially under conditions of partial observability. This work introduces a hybrid approach that integrates Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with control-theoretic methods to ensure safe and efficient distributed strategies. Our contributions include a novel setpoint update algorithm that dynamically adjusts agents' positions to preserve safety conditions without compromising the mission's objectives. Through experimental validation, we demonstrate significant advantages over conventional MARL strategies, achieving comparable task performance with zero safety violations. Our findings indicate that integrating safe control with learning approaches not only enhances safety compliance but also achieves good performance in mission objectives.

cross Distributed Autonomous Swarm Formation for Dynamic Network Bridging

Authors: Raffaele Galliera, Thies M\"ohlenhof, Alessandro Amato, Daniel Duran, Kristen Brent Venable, Niranjan Suri

Abstract: Effective operation and seamless cooperation of robotic systems are a fundamental component of next-generation technologies and applications. In contexts such as disaster response, swarm operations require coordinated behavior and mobility control to be handled in a distributed manner, with the quality of the agents' actions heavily relying on the communication between them and the underlying network. In this paper, we formulate the problem of dynamic network bridging in a novel Decentralized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (Dec-POMDP), where a swarm of agents cooperates to form a link between two distant moving targets. Furthermore, we propose a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) approach for the problem based on Graph Convolutional Reinforcement Learning (DGN) which naturally applies to the networked, distributed nature of the task. The proposed method is evaluated in a simulated environment and compared to a centralized heuristic baseline showing promising results. Moreover, a further step in the direction of sim-to-real transfer is presented, by additionally evaluating the proposed approach in a near Live Virtual Constructive (LVC) UAV framework.

cross Evaluating Large Language Models Using Contrast Sets: An Experimental Approach

Authors: Manish Sanwal

Abstract: In the domain of Natural Language Inference (NLI), especially in tasks involving the classification of multiple input texts, the Cross-Entropy Loss metric is widely employed as a standard for error measurement. However, this metric falls short in effectively evaluating a model's capacity to understand language entailments. In this study, we introduce an innovative technique for generating a contrast set for the Stanford Natural Language Inference (SNLI) dataset. Our strategy involves the automated substitution of verbs, adverbs, and adjectives with their synonyms to preserve the original meaning of sentences. This method aims to assess whether a model's performance is based on genuine language comprehension or simply on pattern recognition. We conducted our analysis using the ELECTRA-small model. The model achieved an accuracy of 89.9% on the conventional SNLI dataset but showed a reduced accuracy of 72.5% on our contrast set, indicating a substantial 17% decline. This outcome led us to conduct a detailed examination of the model's learning behaviors. Following this, we improved the model's resilience by fine-tuning it with a contrast-enhanced training dataset specifically designed for SNLI, which increased its accuracy to 85.5% on the contrast sets. Our findings highlight the importance of incorporating diverse linguistic expressions into datasets for NLI tasks. We hope that our research will encourage the creation of more inclusive datasets, thereby contributing to the development of NLI models that are both more sophisticated and effective.

cross Multi-granular Adversarial Attacks against Black-box Neural Ranking Models

Authors: Yu-An Liu, Ruqing Zhang, Jiafeng Guo, Maarten de Rijke, Yixing Fan, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Adversarial ranking attacks have gained increasing attention due to their success in probing vulnerabilities, and, hence, enhancing the robustness, of neural ranking models. Conventional attack methods employ perturbations at a single granularity, e.g., word-level or sentence-level, to a target document. However, limiting perturbations to a single level of granularity may reduce the flexibility of creating adversarial examples, thereby diminishing the potential threat of the attack. Therefore, we focus on generating high-quality adversarial examples by incorporating multi-granular perturbations. Achieving this objective involves tackling a combinatorial explosion problem, which requires identifying an optimal combination of perturbations across all possible levels of granularity, positions, and textual pieces. To address this challenge, we transform the multi-granular adversarial attack into a sequential decision-making process, where perturbations in the next attack step are influenced by the perturbed document in the current attack step. Since the attack process can only access the final state without direct intermediate signals, we use reinforcement learning to perform multi-granular attacks. During the reinforcement learning process, two agents work cooperatively to identify multi-granular vulnerabilities as attack targets and organize perturbation candidates into a final perturbation sequence. Experimental results show that our attack method surpasses prevailing baselines in both attack effectiveness and imperceptibility.

cross Hallucination Diversity-Aware Active Learning for Text Summarization

Authors: Yu Xia, Xu Liu, Tong Yu, Sungchul Kim, Ryan A. Rossi, Anup Rao, Tung Mai, Shuai Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown propensity to generate hallucinated outputs, i.e., texts that are factually incorrect or unsupported. Existing methods for alleviating hallucinations typically require costly human annotations to identify and correct hallucinations in LLM outputs. Moreover, most of these methods focus on a specific type of hallucination, e.g., entity or token errors, which limits their effectiveness in addressing various types of hallucinations exhibited in LLM outputs. To our best knowledge, in this paper we propose the first active learning framework to alleviate LLM hallucinations, reducing costly human annotations of hallucination needed. By measuring fine-grained hallucinations from errors in semantic frame, discourse and content verifiability in text summarization, we propose HAllucination Diversity-Aware Sampling (HADAS) to select diverse hallucinations for annotations in active learning for LLM finetuning. Extensive experiments on three datasets and different backbone models demonstrate advantages of our method in effectively and efficiently mitigating LLM hallucinations.

cross FAIRM: Learning invariant representations for algorithmic fairness and domain generalization with minimax optimality

Authors: Sai Li, Linjun Zhang

Abstract: Machine learning methods often assume that the test data have the same distribution as the training data. However, this assumption may not hold due to multiple levels of heterogeneity in applications, raising issues in algorithmic fairness and domain generalization. In this work, we address the problem of fair and generalizable machine learning by invariant principles. We propose a training environment-based oracle, FAIRM, which has desirable fairness and domain generalization properties under a diversity-type condition. We then provide an empirical FAIRM with finite-sample theoretical guarantees under weak distributional assumptions. We then develop efficient algorithms to realize FAIRM in linear models and demonstrate the nonasymptotic performance with minimax optimality. We evaluate our method in numerical experiments with synthetic data and MNIST data and show that it outperforms its counterparts.

cross LLM-ABR: Designing Adaptive Bitrate Algorithms via Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiyuan He, Aashish Gottipati, Lili Qiu, Francis Y. Yan, Xufang Luo, Kenuo Xu, Yuqing Yang

Abstract: We present LLM-ABR, the first system that utilizes the generative capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to autonomously design adaptive bitrate (ABR) algorithms tailored for diverse network characteristics. Operating within a reinforcement learning framework, LLM-ABR empowers LLMs to design key components such as states and neural network architectures. We evaluate LLM-ABR across diverse network settings, including broadband, satellite, 4G, and 5G. LLM-ABR consistently outperforms default ABR algorithms.

cross Learning Equi-angular Representations for Online Continual Learning

Authors: Minhyuk Seo, Hyunseo Koh, Wonje Jeung, Minjae Lee, San Kim, Hankook Lee, Sungjun Cho, Sungik Choi, Hyunwoo Kim, Jonghyun Choi

Abstract: Online continual learning suffers from an underfitted solution due to insufficient training for prompt model update (e.g., single-epoch training). To address the challenge, we propose an efficient online continual learning method using the neural collapse phenomenon. In particular, we induce neural collapse to form a simplex equiangular tight frame (ETF) structure in the representation space so that the continuously learned model with a single epoch can better fit to the streamed data by proposing preparatory data training and residual correction in the representation space. With an extensive set of empirical validations using CIFAR-10/100, TinyImageNet, ImageNet-200, and ImageNet-1K, we show that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by a noticeable margin in various online continual learning scenarios such as disjoint and Gaussian scheduled continuous (i.e., boundary-free) data setups.

cross Learning to Control Camera Exposure via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Kyunghyun Lee, Ukcheol Shin, Byeong-Uk Lee

Abstract: Adjusting camera exposure in arbitrary lighting conditions is the first step to ensure the functionality of computer vision applications. Poorly adjusted camera exposure often leads to critical failure and performance degradation. Traditional camera exposure control methods require multiple convergence steps and time-consuming processes, making them unsuitable for dynamic lighting conditions. In this paper, we propose a new camera exposure control framework that rapidly controls camera exposure while performing real-time processing by exploiting deep reinforcement learning. The proposed framework consists of four contributions: 1) a simplified training ground to simulate real-world's diverse and dynamic lighting changes, 2) flickering and image attribute-aware reward design, along with lightweight state design for real-time processing, 3) a static-to-dynamic lighting curriculum to gradually improve the agent's exposure-adjusting capability, and 4) domain randomization techniques to alleviate the limitation of the training ground and achieve seamless generalization in the wild.As a result, our proposed method rapidly reaches a desired exposure level within five steps with real-time processing (1 ms). Also, the acquired images are well-exposed and show superiority in various computer vision tasks, such as feature extraction and object detection.

cross ContrastCAD: Contrastive Learning-based Representation Learning for Computer-Aided Design Models

Authors: Minseop Jung, Minseong Kim, Jibum Kim

Abstract: The success of Transformer-based models has encouraged many researchers to learn CAD models using sequence-based approaches. However, learning CAD models is still a challenge, because they can be represented as complex shapes with long construction sequences. Furthermore, the same CAD model can be expressed using different CAD construction sequences. We propose a novel contrastive learning-based approach, named ContrastCAD, that effectively captures semantic information within the construction sequences of the CAD model. ContrastCAD generates augmented views using dropout techniques without altering the shape of the CAD model. We also propose a new CAD data augmentation method, called a Random Replace and Extrude (RRE) method, to enhance the learning performance of the model when training an imbalanced training CAD dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed RRE augmentation method significantly enhances the learning performance of Transformer-based autoencoders, even for complex CAD models having very long construction sequences. The proposed ContrastCAD model is shown to be robust to permutation changes of construction sequences and performs better representation learning by generating representation spaces where similar CAD models are more closely clustered. Our codes are available at


cross Release of Pre-Trained Models for the Japanese Language

Authors: Kei Sawada, Tianyu Zhao, Makoto Shing, Kentaro Mitsui, Akio Kaga, Yukiya Hono, Toshiaki Wakatsuki, Koh Mitsuda

Abstract: AI democratization aims to create a world in which the average person can utilize AI techniques. To achieve this goal, numerous research institutes have attempted to make their results accessible to the public. In particular, large pre-trained models trained on large-scale data have shown unprecedented potential, and their release has had a significant impact. However, most of the released models specialize in the English language, and thus, AI democratization in non-English-speaking communities is lagging significantly. To reduce this gap in AI access, we released Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), Contrastive Language and Image Pre-training (CLIP), Stable Diffusion, and Hidden-unit Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (HuBERT) pre-trained in Japanese. By providing these models, users can freely interface with AI that aligns with Japanese cultural values and ensures the identity of Japanese culture, thus enhancing the democratization of AI. Additionally, experiments showed that pre-trained models specialized for Japanese can efficiently achieve high performance in Japanese tasks.

cross How COVID-19 has Impacted the Anti-Vaccine Discourse: A Large-Scale Twitter Study Spanning Pre-COVID and Post-COVID Era

Authors: Soham Poddar, Rajdeep Mukherjee, Subhendu Khatuya, Niloy Ganguly, Saptarshi Ghosh

Abstract: The debate around vaccines has been going on for decades, but the COVID-19 pandemic showed how crucial it is to understand and mitigate anti-vaccine sentiments. While the pandemic may be over, it is still important to understand how the pandemic affected the anti-vaccine discourse, and whether the arguments against non-COVID vaccines (e.g., Flu, MMR, IPV, HPV vaccines) have also changed due to the pandemic. This study attempts to answer these questions through a large-scale study of anti-vaccine posts on Twitter. Almost all prior works that utilized social media to understand anti-vaccine opinions considered only the three broad stances of Anti-Vax, Pro-Vax, and Neutral. There has not been any effort to identify the specific reasons/concerns behind the anti-vax sentiments (e.g., side-effects, conspiracy theories, political reasons) on social media at scale. In this work, we propose two novel methods for classifying tweets into 11 different anti-vax concerns -- a discriminative approach (entailment-based) and a generative approach (based on instruction tuning of LLMs) -- which outperform several strong baselines. We then apply this classifier on anti-vaccine tweets posted over a 5-year period (Jan 2018 - Jan 2023) to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the anti-vaccine concerns among the masses. We find that the pandemic has made the anti-vaccine discourse far more complex than in the pre-COVID times, and increased the variety of concerns being voiced. Alarmingly, we find that concerns about COVID vaccines are now being projected onto the non-COVID vaccines, thus making more people hesitant in taking vaccines in the post-COVID era.

cross A Methodology for Improving Accuracy of Embedded Spiking Neural Networks through Kernel Size Scaling

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) can offer ultra low power/ energy consumption for machine learning-based applications due to their sparse spike-based operations. Currently, most of the SNN architectures need a significantly larger model size to achieve higher accuracy, which is not suitable for resource-constrained embedded applications. Therefore, developing SNNs that can achieve high accuracy with acceptable memory footprint is highly needed. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology that improves the accuracy of SNNs through kernel size scaling. Its key steps include investigating the impact of different kernel sizes on the accuracy, devising new sets of kernel sizes, generating SNN architectures based on the selected kernel sizes, and analyzing the accuracy-memory trade-offs for SNN model selection. The experimental results show that our methodology achieves higher accuracy than state-of-the-art (93.24% accuracy for CIFAR10 and 70.84% accuracy for CIFAR100) with less than 10M parameters and up to 3.45x speed-up of searching time, thereby making it suitable for embedded applications.

cross Preventing Model Collapse in Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models

Authors: Ying Li, Zhidi Lin, Feng Yin, Michael Minyi Zhang

Abstract: Gaussian process latent variable models (GPLVMs) are a versatile family of unsupervised learning models, commonly used for dimensionality reduction. However, common challenges in modeling data with GPLVMs include inadequate kernel flexibility and improper selection of the projection noise, which leads to a type of model collapse characterized primarily by vague latent representations that do not reflect the underlying structure of the data. This paper addresses these issues by, first, theoretically examining the impact of the projection variance on model collapse through the lens of a linear GPLVM. Second, we address the problem of model collapse due to inadequate kernel flexibility by integrating the spectral mixture (SM) kernel and a differentiable random Fourier feature (RFF) kernel approximation, which ensures computational scalability and efficiency through off-the-shelf automatic differentiation tools for learning the kernel hyperparameters, projection variance, and latent representations within the variational inference framework. The proposed GPLVM, named advisedRFLVM, is evaluated across diverse datasets and consistently outperforms various salient competing models, including state-of-the-art variational autoencoders (VAEs) and GPLVM variants, in terms of informative latent representations and missing data imputation.

cross Effective internal language model training and fusion for factorized transducer model

Authors: Jinxi Guo, Niko Moritz, Yingyi Ma, Frank Seide, Chunyang Wu, Jay Mahadeokar, Ozlem Kalinli, Christian Fuegen, Mike Seltzer

Abstract: The internal language model (ILM) of the neural transducer has been widely studied. In most prior work, it is mainly used for estimating the ILM score and is subsequently subtracted during inference to facilitate improved integration with external language models. Recently, various of factorized transducer models have been proposed, which explicitly embrace a standalone internal language model for non-blank token prediction. However, even with the adoption of factorized transducer models, limited improvement has been observed compared to shallow fusion. In this paper, we propose a novel ILM training and decoding strategy for factorized transducer models, which effectively combines the blank, acoustic and ILM scores. Our experiments show a 17% relative improvement over the standard decoding method when utilizing a well-trained ILM and the proposed decoding strategy on LibriSpeech datasets. Furthermore, when compared to a strong RNN-T baseline enhanced with external LM fusion, the proposed model yields a 5.5% relative improvement on general-sets and an 8.9% WER reduction for rare words. The proposed model can achieve superior performance without relying on external language models, rendering it highly efficient for production use-cases. To further improve the performance, we propose a novel and memory-efficient ILM-fusion-aware minimum word error rate (MWER) training method which improves ILM integration significantly.

cross Towards Scalable & Efficient Interaction-Aware Planning in Autonomous Vehicles using Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Piyush Gupta, David Isele, Sangjae Bae

Abstract: Real-world driving involves intricate interactions among vehicles navigating through dense traffic scenarios. Recent research focuses on enhancing the interaction awareness of autonomous vehicles to leverage these interactions in decision-making. These interaction-aware planners rely on neural-network-based prediction models to capture inter-vehicle interactions, aiming to integrate these predictions with traditional control techniques such as Model Predictive Control. However, this integration of deep learning-based models with traditional control paradigms often results in computationally demanding optimization problems, relying on heuristic methods. This study introduces a principled and efficient method for combining deep learning with constrained optimization, employing knowledge distillation to train smaller and more efficient networks, thereby mitigating complexity. We demonstrate that these refined networks maintain the problem-solving efficacy of larger models while significantly accelerating optimization. Specifically, in the domain of interaction-aware trajectory planning for autonomous vehicles, we illustrate that training a smaller prediction network using knowledge distillation speeds up optimization without sacrificing accuracy.

cross A noisy elephant in the room: Is your out-of-distribution detector robust to label noise?

Authors: Galadrielle Humblot-Renaux, Sergio Escalera, Thomas B. Moeslund

Abstract: The ability to detect unfamiliar or unexpected images is essential for safe deployment of computer vision systems. In the context of classification, the task of detecting images outside of a model's training domain is known as out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. While there has been a growing research interest in developing post-hoc OOD detection methods, there has been comparably little discussion around how these methods perform when the underlying classifier is not trained on a clean, carefully curated dataset. In this work, we take a closer look at 20 state-of-the-art OOD detection methods in the (more realistic) scenario where the labels used to train the underlying classifier are unreliable (e.g. crowd-sourced or web-scraped labels). Extensive experiments across different datasets, noise types & levels, architectures and checkpointing strategies provide insights into the effect of class label noise on OOD detection, and show that poor separation between incorrectly classified ID samples vs. OOD samples is an overlooked yet important limitation of existing methods. Code:


cross Super-Resolution Analysis for Landfill Waste Classification

Authors: Matias Molina, Rita P. Ribeiro, Bruno Veloso, Jo\~ao Gama

Abstract: Illegal landfills are a critical issue due to their environmental, economic, and public health impacts. This study leverages aerial imagery for environmental crime monitoring. While advances in artificial intelligence and computer vision hold promise, the challenge lies in training models with high-resolution literature datasets and adapting them to open-access low-resolution images. Considering the substantial quality differences and limited annotation, this research explores the adaptability of models across these domains. Motivated by the necessity for a comprehensive evaluation of waste detection algorithms, it advocates cross-domain classification and super-resolution enhancement to analyze the impact of different image resolutions on waste classification as an evaluation to combat the proliferation of illegal landfills. We observed performance improvements by enhancing image quality but noted an influence on model sensitivity, necessitating careful threshold fine-tuning.

cross A neural network-based approach to hybrid systems identification for control

Authors: Filippo Fabiani, Bartolomeo Stellato, Daniele Masti, Paul J. Goulart

Abstract: We consider the problem of designing a machine learning-based model of an unknown dynamical system from a finite number of (state-input)-successor state data points, such that the model obtained is also suitable for optimal control design. We propose a specific neural network (NN) architecture that yields a hybrid system with piecewise-affine dynamics that is differentiable with respect to the network's parameters, thereby enabling the use of derivative-based training procedures. We show that a careful choice of our NN's weights produces a hybrid system model with structural properties that are highly favourable when used as part of a finite horizon optimal control problem (OCP). Specifically, we show that optimal solutions with strong local optimality guarantees can be computed via nonlinear programming, in contrast to classical OCPs for general hybrid systems which typically require mixed-integer optimization. In addition to being well-suited for optimal control design, numerical simulations illustrate that our NN-based technique enjoys very similar performance to state-of-the-art system identification methodologies for hybrid systems and it is competitive on nonlinear benchmarks.

cross Doubly-Robust Off-Policy Evaluation with Estimated Logging Policy

Authors: Kyungbok Lee, Myunghee Cho Paik

Abstract: We introduce a novel doubly-robust (DR) off-policy evaluation (OPE) estimator for Markov decision processes, DRUnknown, designed for situations where both the logging policy and the value function are unknown. The proposed estimator initially estimates the logging policy and then estimates the value function model by minimizing the asymptotic variance of the estimator while considering the estimating effect of the logging policy. When the logging policy model is correctly specified, DRUnknown achieves the smallest asymptotic variance within the class containing existing OPE estimators. When the value function model is also correctly specified, DRUnknown is optimal as its asymptotic variance reaches the semiparametric lower bound. We present experimental results conducted in contextual bandits and reinforcement learning to compare the performance of DRUnknown with that of existing methods.

cross When does Subagging Work?

Authors: Christos Revelas, Otilia Boldea, Bas J. M. Werker

Abstract: We study the effectiveness of subagging, or subsample aggregating, on regression trees, a popular non-parametric method in machine learning. First, we give sufficient conditions for pointwise consistency of trees. We formalize that (i) the bias depends on the diameter of cells, hence trees with few splits tend to be biased, and (ii) the variance depends on the number of observations in cells, hence trees with many splits tend to have large variance. While these statements for bias and variance are known to hold globally in the covariate space, we show that, under some constraints, they are also true locally. Second, we compare the performance of subagging to that of trees across different numbers of splits. We find that (1) for any given number of splits, subagging improves upon a single tree, and (2) this improvement is larger for many splits than it is for few splits. However, (3) a single tree grown at optimal size can outperform subagging if the size of its individual trees is not optimally chosen. This last result goes against common practice of growing large randomized trees to eliminate bias and then averaging to reduce variance.

cross Active Exploration in Bayesian Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Robot Manipulation

Authors: Carlos Plou, Ana C. Murillo, Ruben Martinez-Cantin

Abstract: Efficiently tackling multiple tasks within complex environment, such as those found in robot manipulation, remains an ongoing challenge in robotics and an opportunity for data-driven solutions, such as reinforcement learning (RL). Model-based RL, by building a dynamic model of the robot, enables data reuse and transfer learning between tasks with the same robot and similar environment. Furthermore, data gathering in robotics is expensive and we must rely on data efficient approaches such as model-based RL, where policy learning is mostly conducted on cheaper simulations based on the learned model. Therefore, the quality of the model is fundamental for the performance of the posterior tasks. In this work, we focus on improving the quality of the model and maintaining the data efficiency by performing active learning of the dynamic model during a preliminary exploration phase based on maximize information gathering. We employ Bayesian neural network models to represent, in a probabilistic way, both the belief and information encoded in the dynamic model during exploration. With our presented strategies we manage to actively estimate the novelty of each transition, using this as the exploration reward. In this work, we compare several Bayesian inference methods for neural networks, some of which have never been used in a robotics context, and evaluate them in a realistic robot manipulation setup. Our experiments show the advantages of our Bayesian model-based RL approach, with similar quality in the results than relevant alternatives with much lower requirements regarding robot execution steps. Unlike related previous studies that focused the validation solely on toy problems, our research takes a step towards more realistic setups, tackling robotic arm end-tasks.

cross Satellite Federated Edge Learning: Architecture Design and Convergence Analysis

Authors: Yuanming Shi, Li Zeng, Jingyang Zhu, Yong Zhou, Chunxiao Jiang, Khaled B. Letaief

Abstract: The proliferation of low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellite networks leads to the generation of vast volumes of remote sensing data which is traditionally transferred to the ground server for centralized processing, raising privacy and bandwidth concerns. Federated edge learning (FEEL), as a distributed machine learning approach, has the potential to address these challenges by sharing only model parameters instead of raw data. Although promising, the dynamics of LEO networks, characterized by the high mobility of satellites and short ground-to-satellite link (GSL) duration, pose unique challenges for FEEL. Notably, frequent model transmission between the satellites and ground incurs prolonged waiting time and large transmission latency. This paper introduces a novel FEEL algorithm, named FEDMEGA, tailored to LEO mega-constellation networks. By integrating inter-satellite links (ISL) for intra-orbit model aggregation, the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the usage of low data rate and intermittent GSL. Our proposed method includes a ring all-reduce based intra-orbit aggregation mechanism, coupled with a network flow-based transmission scheme for global model aggregation, which enhances transmission efficiency. Theoretical convergence analysis is provided to characterize the algorithm performance. Extensive simulations show that our FEDMEGA algorithm outperforms existing satellite FEEL algorithms, exhibiting an approximate 30% improvement in convergence rate.

cross Adversarial Combinatorial Bandits with Switching Costs

Authors: Yanyan Dong, Vincent Y. F. Tan

Abstract: We study the problem of adversarial combinatorial bandit with a switching cost $\lambda$ for a switch of each selected arm in each round, considering both the bandit feedback and semi-bandit feedback settings. In the oblivious adversarial case with $K$ base arms and time horizon $T$, we derive lower bounds for the minimax regret and design algorithms to approach them. To prove these lower bounds, we design stochastic loss sequences for both feedback settings, building on an idea from previous work in Dekel et al. (2014). The lower bound for bandit feedback is $ \tilde{\Omega}\big( (\lambda K)^{\frac{1}{3}} (TI)^{\frac{2}{3}}\big)$ while that for semi-bandit feedback is $ \tilde{\Omega}\big( (\lambda K I)^{\frac{1}{3}} T^{\frac{2}{3}}\big)$ where $I$ is the number of base arms in the combinatorial arm played in each round. To approach these lower bounds, we design algorithms that operate in batches by dividing the time horizon into batches to restrict the number of switches between actions. For the bandit feedback setting, where only the total loss of the combinatorial arm is observed, we introduce the Batched-Exp2 algorithm which achieves a regret upper bound of $\tilde{O}\big((\lambda K)^{\frac{1}{3}}T^{\frac{2}{3}}I^{\frac{4}{3}}\big)$ as $T$ tends to infinity. In the semi-bandit feedback setting, where all losses for the combinatorial arm are observed, we propose the Batched-BROAD algorithm which achieves a regret upper bound of $\tilde{O}\big( (\lambda K)^{\frac{1}{3}} (TI)^{\frac{2}{3}}\big)$.

cross Continuous Spiking Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Nan Yin, Mengzhu Wan, Li Shen, Hitesh Laxmichand Patel, Baopu Li, Bin Gu, Huan Xiong

Abstract: Continuous graph neural networks (CGNNs) have garnered significant attention due to their ability to generalize existing discrete graph neural networks (GNNs) by introducing continuous dynamics. They typically draw inspiration from diffusion-based methods to introduce a novel propagation scheme, which is analyzed using ordinary differential equations (ODE). However, the implementation of CGNNs requires significant computational power, making them challenging to deploy on battery-powered devices. Inspired by recent spiking neural networks (SNNs), which emulate a biological inference process and provide an energy-efficient neural architecture, we incorporate the SNNs with CGNNs in a unified framework, named Continuous Spiking Graph Neural Networks (COS-GNN). We employ SNNs for graph node representation at each time step, which are further integrated into the ODE process along with time. To enhance information preservation and mitigate information loss in SNNs, we introduce the high-order structure of COS-GNN, which utilizes the second-order ODE for spiking representation and continuous propagation. Moreover, we provide the theoretical proof that COS-GNN effectively mitigates the issues of exploding and vanishing gradients, enabling us to capture long-range dependencies between nodes. Experimental results on graph-based learning tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed COS-GNN over competitive baselines.

cross Activation Steering for Robust Type Prediction in CodeLLMs

Authors: Francesca Lucchetti, Arjun Guha

Abstract: Contemporary LLMs pretrained on code are capable of succeeding at a wide variety of programming tasks. However, their performance is very sensitive to syntactic features, such as the names of variables and types, the structure of code, and presence of type hints. We contribute an inference-time technique to make CodeLLMs more robust to syntactic distractors that are semantically irrelevant. Our methodology relies on activation steering, which involves editing internal model activations to steer the model towards the correct prediction. We contribute a novel way to construct steering vectors by taking inspiration from mutation testing, which constructs minimal semantics-breaking code edits. In contrast, we construct steering vectors from semantics-preserving code edits. We apply our approach to the task of type prediction for the gradually typed languages Python and TypeScript. This approach corrects up to 90% of type mispredictions. Finally, we show that steering vectors calculated from Python activations reliably correct type mispredictions in TypeScript, and vice versa. This result suggests that LLMs may be learning to transfer knowledge of types across programming languages.

cross Humanizing Machine-Generated Content: Evading AI-Text Detection through Adversarial Attack

Authors: Ying Zhou, Ben He, Le Sun

Abstract: With the development of large language models (LLMs), detecting whether text is generated by a machine becomes increasingly challenging in the face of malicious use cases like the spread of false information, protection of intellectual property, and prevention of academic plagiarism. While well-trained text detectors have demonstrated promising performance on unseen test data, recent research suggests that these detectors have vulnerabilities when dealing with adversarial attacks such as paraphrasing. In this paper, we propose a framework for a broader class of adversarial attacks, designed to perform minor perturbations in machine-generated content to evade detection. We consider two attack settings: white-box and black-box, and employ adversarial learning in dynamic scenarios to assess the potential enhancement of the current detection model's robustness against such attacks. The empirical results reveal that the current detection models can be compromised in as little as 10 seconds, leading to the misclassification of machine-generated text as human-written content. Furthermore, we explore the prospect of improving the model's robustness over iterative adversarial learning. Although some improvements in model robustness are observed, practical applications still face significant challenges. These findings shed light on the future development of AI-text detectors, emphasizing the need for more accurate and robust detection methods.

cross Bridging Language, Vision and Action: Multimodal VAEs in Robotic Manipulation Tasks

Authors: Gabriela Sejnova, Michal Vavrecka, Karla Stepanova

Abstract: In this work, we focus on unsupervised vision-language-action mapping in the area of robotic manipulation. Recently, multiple approaches employing pre-trained large language and vision models have been proposed for this task. However, they are computationally demanding and require careful fine-tuning of the produced outputs. A more lightweight alternative would be the implementation of multimodal Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) which can extract the latent features of the data and integrate them into a joint representation, as has been demonstrated mostly on image-image or image-text data for the state-of-the-art models. Here we explore whether and how can multimodal VAEs be employed in unsupervised robotic manipulation tasks in a simulated environment. Based on the obtained results, we propose a model-invariant training alternative that improves the models' performance in a simulator by up to 55%. Moreover, we systematically evaluate the challenges raised by the individual tasks such as object or robot position variability, number of distractors or the task length. Our work thus also sheds light on the potential benefits and limitations of using the current multimodal VAEs for unsupervised learning of robotic motion trajectories based on vision and language.

cross Synthetic Data for Robust Stroke Segmentation

Authors: Liam Chalcroft, Ioannis Pappas, Cathy J. Price, John Ashburner

Abstract: Deep learning-based semantic segmentation in neuroimaging currently requires high-resolution scans and extensive annotated datasets, posing significant barriers to clinical applicability. We present a novel synthetic framework for the task of lesion segmentation, extending the capabilities of the established SynthSeg approach to accommodate large heterogeneous pathologies with lesion-specific augmentation strategies. Our method trains deep learning models, demonstrated here with the UNet architecture, using label maps derived from healthy and stroke datasets, facilitating the segmentation of both healthy tissue and pathological lesions without sequence-specific training data. Evaluated against in-domain and out-of-domain (OOD) datasets, our framework demonstrates robust performance, rivaling current methods within the training domain and significantly outperforming them on OOD data. This contribution holds promise for advancing medical imaging analysis in clinical settings, especially for stroke pathology, by enabling reliable segmentation across varied imaging sequences with reduced dependency on large annotated corpora. Code and weights available at


cross Bi-LORA: A Vision-Language Approach for Synthetic Image Detection

Authors: Mamadou Keita, Wassim Hamidouche, Hessen Bougueffa Eutamene, Abdenour Hadid, Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed

Abstract: Advancements in deep image synthesis techniques, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models (DMs), have ushered in an era of generating highly realistic images. While this technological progress has captured significant interest, it has also raised concerns about the potential difficulty in distinguishing real images from their synthetic counterparts. This paper takes inspiration from the potent convergence capabilities between vision and language, coupled with the zero-shot nature of vision-language models (VLMs). We introduce an innovative method called Bi-LORA that leverages VLMs, combined with low-rank adaptation (LORA) tuning techniques, to enhance the precision of synthetic image detection for unseen model-generated images. The pivotal conceptual shift in our methodology revolves around reframing binary classification as an image captioning task, leveraging the distinctive capabilities of cutting-edge VLM, notably bootstrapping language image pre-training (BLIP2). Rigorous and comprehensive experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, particularly in detecting unseen diffusion-generated images from unknown diffusion-based generative models during training, showcasing robustness to noise, and demonstrating generalization capabilities to GANs. The obtained results showcase an impressive average accuracy of 93.41% in synthetic image detection on unseen generation models. The code and models associated with this research can be publicly accessed at


cross CAM-Based Methods Can See through Walls

Authors: Magamed Taimeskhanov, Ronan Sicre, Damien Garreau

Abstract: CAM-based methods are widely-used post-hoc interpretability method that produce a saliency map to explain the decision of an image classification model. The saliency map highlights the important areas of the image relevant to the prediction. In this paper, we show that most of these methods can incorrectly attribute an important score to parts of the image that the model cannot see. We show that this phenomenon occurs both theoretically and experimentally. On the theory side, we analyze the behavior of GradCAM on a simple masked CNN model at initialization. Experimentally, we train a VGG-like model constrained to not use the lower part of the image and nevertheless observe positive scores in the unseen part of the image. This behavior is evaluated quantitatively on two new datasets. We believe that this is problematic, potentially leading to mis-interpretation of the model's behavior.

cross Joint-Task Regularization for Partially Labeled Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Kento Nishi, Junsik Kim, Wanhua Li, Hanspeter Pfister

Abstract: Multi-task learning has become increasingly popular in the machine learning field, but its practicality is hindered by the need for large, labeled datasets. Most multi-task learning methods depend on fully labeled datasets wherein each input example is accompanied by ground-truth labels for all target tasks. Unfortunately, curating such datasets can be prohibitively expensive and impractical, especially for dense prediction tasks which require per-pixel labels for each image. With this in mind, we propose Joint-Task Regularization (JTR), an intuitive technique which leverages cross-task relations to simultaneously regularize all tasks in a single joint-task latent space to improve learning when data is not fully labeled for all tasks. JTR stands out from existing approaches in that it regularizes all tasks jointly rather than separately in pairs -- therefore, it achieves linear complexity relative to the number of tasks while previous methods scale quadratically. To demonstrate the validity of our approach, we extensively benchmark our method across a wide variety of partially labeled scenarios based on NYU-v2, Cityscapes, and Taskonomy.

cross Predicting the Intention to Interact with a Service Robot:the Role of Gaze Cues

Authors: Simone Arreghini, Gabriele Abbate, Alessandro Giusti, Antonio Paolillo

Abstract: For a service robot, it is crucial to perceive as early as possible that an approaching person intends to interact: in this case, it can proactively enact friendly behaviors that lead to an improved user experience. We solve this perception task with a sequence-to-sequence classifier of a potential user intention to interact, which can be trained in a self-supervised way. Our main contribution is a study of the benefit of features representing the person's gaze in this context. Extensive experiments on a novel dataset show that the inclusion of gaze cues significantly improves the classifier performance (AUROC increases from 84.5% to 91.2%); the distance at which an accurate classification can be achieved improves from 2.4 m to 3.2 m. We also quantify the system's ability to adapt to new environments without external supervision. Qualitative experiments show practical applications with a waiter robot.

cross DELAN: Dual-Level Alignment for Vision-and-Language Navigation by Cross-Modal Contrastive Learning

Authors: Mengfei Du, Binhao Wu, Jiwen Zhang, Zhihao Fan, Zejun Li, Ruipu Luo, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: Vision-and-Language navigation (VLN) requires an agent to navigate in unseen environment by following natural language instruction. For task completion, the agent needs to align and integrate various navigation modalities, including instruction, observation and navigation history. Existing works primarily concentrate on cross-modal attention at the fusion stage to achieve this objective. Nevertheless, modality features generated by disparate uni-encoders reside in their own spaces, leading to a decline in the quality of cross-modal fusion and decision. To address this problem, we propose a Dual-levEL AligNment (DELAN) framework by cross-modal contrastive learning. This framework is designed to align various navigation-related modalities before fusion, thereby enhancing cross-modal interaction and action decision-making. Specifically, we divide the pre-fusion alignment into dual levels: instruction-history level and landmark-observation level according to their semantic correlations. We also reconstruct a dual-level instruction for adaptation to the dual-level alignment. As the training signals for pre-fusion alignment are extremely limited, self-supervised contrastive learning strategies are employed to enforce the matching between different modalities. Our approach seamlessly integrates with the majority of existing models, resulting in improved navigation performance on various VLN benchmarks, including R2R, R4R, RxR and CVDN.

cross Specularity Factorization for Low-Light Enhancement

Authors: Saurabh Saini, P J Narayanan

Abstract: We present a new additive image factorization technique that treats images to be composed of multiple latent specular components which can be simply estimated recursively by modulating the sparsity during decomposition. Our model-driven {\em RSFNet} estimates these factors by unrolling the optimization into network layers requiring only a few scalars to be learned. The resultant factors are interpretable by design and can be fused for different image enhancement tasks via a network or combined directly by the user in a controllable fashion. Based on RSFNet, we detail a zero-reference Low Light Enhancement (LLE) application trained without paired or unpaired supervision. Our system improves the state-of-the-art performance on standard benchmarks and achieves better generalization on multiple other datasets. We also integrate our factors with other task specific fusion networks for applications like deraining, deblurring and dehazing with negligible overhead thereby highlighting the multi-domain and multi-task generalizability of our proposed RSFNet. The code and data is released for reproducibility on the project homepage.

cross Emergence of Chemotactic Strategies with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Samuel Tovey, Christoph Lohrmann, Christian Holm

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a flexible and efficient method for programming micro-robots in complex environments. Here we investigate whether reinforcement learning can provide insights into biological systems when trained to perform chemotaxis. Namely, whether we can learn about how intelligent agents process given information in order to swim towards a target. We run simulations covering a range of agent shapes, sizes, and swim speeds to determine if the physical constraints on biological swimmers, namely Brownian motion, lead to regions where reinforcement learners' training fails. We find that the RL agents can perform chemotaxis as soon as it is physically possible and, in some cases, even before the active swimming overpowers the stochastic environment. We study the efficiency of the emergent policy and identify convergence in agent size and swim speeds. Finally, we study the strategy adopted by the reinforcement learning algorithm to explain how the agents perform their tasks. To this end, we identify three emerging dominant strategies and several rare approaches taken. These strategies, whilst producing almost identical trajectories in simulation, are distinct and give insight into the possible mechanisms behind which biological agents explore their environment and respond to changing conditions.

cross Africa-Centric Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Multilingual Speech Representation in a Sub-Saharan Context

Authors: Antoine Caubri\`ere, Elodie Gauthier

Abstract: We present the first self-supervised multilingual speech model trained exclusively on African speech. The model learned from nearly 60 000 hours of unlabeled speech segments in 21 languages and dialects spoken in sub-Saharan Africa. On the SSA subset of the FLEURS-102 dataset, our approach based on a HuBERT$_{base}$ (0.09B) architecture shows competitive results, for ASR downstream task, compared to the w2v-bert-51 (0.6B) pre-trained model proposed in the FLEURS benchmark, while being more efficient by using 7x less data and 6x less parameters. Furthermore, in the context of a LID downstream task, our approach outperforms FLEURS baselines accuracy by over 22\%.

cross Transformers as Transducers

Authors: Lena Strobl, Dana Angluin, David Chiang, Jonathan Rawski, Ashish Sabharwal

Abstract: We study the sequence-to-sequence mapping capacity of transformers by relating them to finite transducers, and find that they can express surprisingly large classes of transductions. We do so using variants of RASP, a programming language designed to help people "think like transformers," as an intermediate representation. We extend the existing Boolean variant B-RASP to sequence-to-sequence functions and show that it computes exactly the first-order rational functions (such as string rotation). Then, we introduce two new extensions. B-RASP[pos] enables calculations on positions (such as copying the first half of a string) and contains all first-order regular functions. S-RASP adds prefix sum, which enables additional arithmetic operations (such as squaring a string) and contains all first-order polyregular functions. Finally, we show that masked average-hard attention transformers can simulate S-RASP. A corollary of our results is a new proof that transformer decoders are Turing-complete.

cross Digital Forgetting in Large Language Models: A Survey of Unlearning Methods

Authors: Alberto Blanco-Justicia, Najeeb Jebreel, Benet Manzanares, David S\'anchez, Josep Domingo-Ferrer, Guillem Collell, Kuan Eeik Tan

Abstract: The objective of digital forgetting is, given a model with undesirable knowledge or behavior, obtain a new model where the detected issues are no longer present. The motivations for forgetting include privacy protection, copyright protection, elimination of biases and discrimination, and prevention of harmful content generation. Effective digital forgetting has to be effective (meaning how well the new model has forgotten the undesired knowledge/behavior), retain the performance of the original model on the desirable tasks, and be scalable (in particular forgetting has to be more efficient than retraining from scratch on just the tasks/data to be retained). This survey focuses on forgetting in large language models (LLMs). We first provide background on LLMs, including their components, the types of LLMs, and their usual training pipeline. Second, we describe the motivations, types, and desired properties of digital forgetting. Third, we introduce the approaches to digital forgetting in LLMs, among which unlearning methodologies stand out as the state of the art. Fourth, we provide a detailed taxonomy of machine unlearning methods for LLMs, and we survey and compare current approaches. Fifth, we detail datasets, models and metrics used for the evaluation of forgetting, retaining and runtime. Sixth, we discuss challenges in the area. Finally, we provide some concluding remarks.

cross Red-Teaming Segment Anything Model

Authors: Krzysztof Jankowski, Bartlomiej Sobieski, Mateusz Kwiatkowski, Jakub Szulc, Michal Janik, Hubert Baniecki, Przemyslaw Biecek

Abstract: Foundation models have emerged as pivotal tools, tackling many complex tasks through pre-training on vast datasets and subsequent fine-tuning for specific applications. The Segment Anything Model is one of the first and most well-known foundation models for computer vision segmentation tasks. This work presents a multi-faceted red-teaming analysis that tests the Segment Anything Model against challenging tasks: (1) We analyze the impact of style transfer on segmentation masks, demonstrating that applying adverse weather conditions and raindrops to dashboard images of city roads significantly distorts generated masks. (2) We focus on assessing whether the model can be used for attacks on privacy, such as recognizing celebrities' faces, and show that the model possesses some undesired knowledge in this task. (3) Finally, we check how robust the model is to adversarial attacks on segmentation masks under text prompts. We not only show the effectiveness of popular white-box attacks and resistance to black-box attacks but also introduce a novel approach - Focused Iterative Gradient Attack (FIGA) that combines white-box approaches to construct an efficient attack resulting in a smaller number of modified pixels. All of our testing methods and analyses indicate a need for enhanced safety measures in foundation models for image segmentation.

cross EGTR: Extracting Graph from Transformer for Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Jinbae Im, JeongYeon Nam, Nokyung Park, Hyungmin Lee, Seunghyun Park

Abstract: Scene Graph Generation (SGG) is a challenging task of detecting objects and predicting relationships between objects. After DETR was developed, one-stage SGG models based on a one-stage object detector have been actively studied. However, complex modeling is used to predict the relationship between objects, and the inherent relationship between object queries learned in the multi-head self-attention of the object detector has been neglected. We propose a lightweight one-stage SGG model that extracts the relation graph from the various relationships learned in the multi-head self-attention layers of the DETR decoder. By fully utilizing the self-attention by-products, the relation graph can be extracted effectively with a shallow relation extraction head. Considering the dependency of the relation extraction task on the object detection task, we propose a novel relation smoothing technique that adjusts the relation label adaptively according to the quality of the detected objects. By the relation smoothing, the model is trained according to the continuous curriculum that focuses on object detection task at the beginning of training and performs multi-task learning as the object detection performance gradually improves. Furthermore, we propose a connectivity prediction task that predicts whether a relation exists between object pairs as an auxiliary task of the relation extraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method for the Visual Genome and Open Image V6 datasets. Our code is publicly available at .


cross Advancing LLM Reasoning Generalists with Preference Trees

Authors: Lifan Yuan, Ganqu Cui, Hanbin Wang, Ning Ding, Xingyao Wang, Jia Deng, Boji Shan, Huimin Chen, Ruobing Xie, Yankai Lin, Zhenghao Liu, Bowen Zhou, Hao Peng, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: We introduce Eurus, a suite of large language models (LLMs) optimized for reasoning. Finetuned from Mistral-7B and CodeLlama-70B, Eurus models achieve state-of-the-art results among open-source models on a diverse set of benchmarks covering mathematics, code generation, and logical reasoning problems. Notably, Eurus-70B beats GPT-3.5 Turbo in reasoning through a comprehensive benchmarking across 12 tests covering five tasks, and achieves a 33.3% pass@1 accuracy on LeetCode and 32.6% on TheoremQA, two challenging benchmarks, substantially outperforming existing open-source models by margins more than 13.3%. The strong performance of Eurus can be primarily attributed to UltraInteract, our newly-curated large-scale, high-quality alignment dataset specifically designed for complex reasoning tasks. UltraInteract can be used in both supervised fine-tuning and preference learning. For each instruction, it includes a preference tree consisting of (1) reasoning chains with diverse planning strategies in a unified format, (2) multi-turn interaction trajectories with the environment and the critique, and (3) pairwise data to facilitate preference learning. UltraInteract allows us to conduct an in-depth exploration of preference learning for reasoning tasks. Our investigation reveals that some well-established preference learning algorithms may be less suitable for reasoning tasks compared to their effectiveness in general conversations. Inspired by this, we derive a novel reward modeling objective which, together with UltraInteract, leads to a strong reward model.

cross GINopic: Topic Modeling with Graph Isomorphism Network

Authors: Suman Adhya, Debarshi Kumar Sanyal

Abstract: Topic modeling is a widely used approach for analyzing and exploring large document collections. Recent research efforts have incorporated pre-trained contextualized language models, such as BERT embeddings, into topic modeling. However, they often neglect the intrinsic informational value conveyed by mutual dependencies between words. In this study, we introduce GINopic, a topic modeling framework based on graph isomorphism networks to capture the correlation between words. By conducting intrinsic (quantitative as well as qualitative) and extrinsic evaluations on diverse benchmark datasets, we demonstrate the effectiveness of GINopic compared to existing topic models and highlight its potential for advancing topic modeling.

cross FLawN-T5: An Empirical Examination of Effective Instruction-Tuning Data Mixtures for Legal Reasoning

Authors: Joel Niklaus, Lucia Zheng, Arya D. McCarthy, Christopher Hahn, Brian M. Rosen, Peter Henderson, Daniel E. Ho, Garrett Honke, Percy Liang, Christopher Manning

Abstract: Instruction tuning is an important step in making language models useful for direct user interaction. However, many legal tasks remain out of reach for most open LLMs and there do not yet exist any large scale instruction datasets for the domain. This critically limits research in this application area. In this work, we curate LawInstruct, a large legal instruction dataset, covering 17 jurisdictions, 24 languages and a total of 12M examples. We present evidence that domain-specific pretraining and instruction tuning improve performance on LegalBench, including improving Flan-T5 XL by 8 points or 16\% over the baseline. However, the effect does not generalize across all tasks, training regimes, model sizes, and other factors. LawInstruct is a resource for accelerating the development of models with stronger information processing and decision making capabilities in the legal domain.

cross Topic-based Watermarks for LLM-Generated Text

Authors: Alexander Nemecek, Yuzhou Jiang, Erman Ayday

Abstract: Recent advancements of large language models (LLMs) have resulted in indistinguishable text outputs comparable to human-generated text. Watermarking algorithms are potential tools that offer a way to differentiate between LLM- and human-generated text by embedding detectable signatures within LLM-generated output. However, current watermarking schemes lack robustness against known attacks against watermarking algorithms. In addition, they are impractical considering an LLM generates tens of thousands of text outputs per day and the watermarking algorithm needs to memorize each output it generates for the detection to work. In this work, focusing on the limitations of current watermarking schemes, we propose the concept of a "topic-based watermarking algorithm" for LLMs. The proposed algorithm determines how to generate tokens for the watermarked LLM output based on extracted topics of an input prompt or the output of a non-watermarked LLM. Inspired from previous work, we propose using a pair of lists (that are generated based on the specified extracted topic(s)) that specify certain tokens to be included or excluded while generating the watermarked output of the LLM. Using the proposed watermarking algorithm, we show the practicality of a watermark detection algorithm. Furthermore, we discuss a wide range of attacks that can emerge against watermarking algorithms for LLMs and the benefit of the proposed watermarking scheme for the feasibility of modeling a potential attacker considering its benefit vs. loss.

cross Robustly estimating heterogeneity in factorial data using Rashomon Partitions

Authors: Aparajithan Venkateswaran, Anirudh Sankar, Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Tyler H. McCormick

Abstract: Many statistical analyses, in both observational data and randomized control trials, ask: how does the outcome of interest vary with combinations of observable covariates? How do various drug combinations affect health outcomes, or how does technology adoption depend on incentives and demographics? Our goal is to partition this factorial space into ``pools'' of covariate combinations where the outcome differs across the pools (but not within a pool). Existing approaches (i) search for a single ``optimal'' partition under assumptions about the association between covariates or (ii) sample from the entire set of possible partitions. Both these approaches ignore the reality that, especially with correlation structure in covariates, many ways to partition the covariate space may be statistically indistinguishable, despite very different implications for policy or science. We develop an alternative perspective, called Rashomon Partition Sets (RPSs). Each item in the RPS partitions the space of covariates using a tree-like geometry. RPSs incorporate all partitions that have posterior values near the maximum a posteriori partition, even if they offer substantively different explanations, and do so using a prior that makes no assumptions about associations between covariates. This prior is the $\ell_0$ prior, which we show is minimax optimal. Given the RPS we calculate the posterior of any measurable function of the feature effects vector on outcomes, conditional on being in the RPS. We also characterize approximation error relative to the entire posterior and provide bounds on the size of the RPS. Simulations demonstrate this framework allows for robust conclusions relative to conventional regularization techniques. We apply our method to three empirical settings: price effects on charitable giving, chromosomal structure (telomere length), and the introduction of microfinance.

cross Jailbreaking Leading Safety-Aligned LLMs with Simple Adaptive Attacks

Authors: Maksym Andriushchenko, Francesco Croce, Nicolas Flammarion

Abstract: We show that even the most recent safety-aligned LLMs are not robust to simple adaptive jailbreaking attacks. First, we demonstrate how to successfully leverage access to logprobs for jailbreaking: we initially design an adversarial prompt template (sometimes adapted to the target LLM), and then we apply random search on a suffix to maximize the target logprob (e.g., of the token "Sure"), potentially with multiple restarts. In this way, we achieve nearly 100\% attack success rate -- according to GPT-4 as a judge -- on GPT-3.5/4, Llama-2-Chat-7B/13B/70B, Gemma-7B, and R2D2 from HarmBench that was adversarially trained against the GCG attack. We also show how to jailbreak all Claude models -- that do not expose logprobs -- via either a transfer or prefilling attack with 100\% success rate. In addition, we show how to use random search on a restricted set of tokens for finding trojan strings in poisoned models -- a task that shares many similarities with jailbreaking -- which is the algorithm that brought us the first place in the SaTML'24 Trojan Detection Competition. The common theme behind these attacks is that adaptivity is crucial: different models are vulnerable to different prompting templates (e.g., R2D2 is very sensitive to in-context learning prompts), some models have unique vulnerabilities based on their APIs (e.g., prefilling for Claude), and in some settings it is crucial to restrict the token search space based on prior knowledge (e.g., for trojan detection). We provide the code, prompts, and logs of the attacks at


replace Variational Dynamic for Self-Supervised Exploration in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chenjia Bai, Peng Liu, Kaiyu Liu, Lingxiao Wang, Yingnan Zhao, Lei Han

Abstract: Efficient exploration remains a challenging problem in reinforcement learning, especially for tasks where extrinsic rewards from environments are sparse or even totally disregarded. Significant advances based on intrinsic motivation show promising results in simple environments but often get stuck in environments with multimodal and stochastic dynamics. In this work, we propose a variational dynamic model based on the conditional variational inference to model the multimodality and stochasticity. We consider the environmental state-action transition as a conditional generative process by generating the next-state prediction under the condition of the current state, action, and latent variable, which provides a better understanding of the dynamics and leads a better performance in exploration. We derive an upper bound of the negative log-likelihood of the environmental transition and use such an upper bound as the intrinsic reward for exploration, which allows the agent to learn skills by self-supervised exploration without observing extrinsic rewards. We evaluate the proposed method on several image-based simulation tasks and a real robotic manipulating task. Our method outperforms several state-of-the-art environment model-based exploration approaches.

replace Distributional Drift Adaptation with Temporal Conditional Variational Autoencoder for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Hui He, Qi Zhang, Kun Yi, Kaize Shi, Zhendong Niu, Longbing Cao

Abstract: Due to the non-stationary nature, the distribution of real-world multivariate time series (MTS) changes over time, which is known as distribution drift. Most existing MTS forecasting models greatly suffer from distribution drift and degrade the forecasting performance over time. Existing methods address distribution drift via adapting to the latest arrived data or self-correcting per the meta knowledge derived from future data. Despite their great success in MTS forecasting, these methods hardly capture the intrinsic distribution changes, especially from a distributional perspective. Accordingly, we propose a novel framework temporal conditional variational autoencoder (TCVAE) to model the dynamic distributional dependencies over time between historical observations and future data in MTSs and infer the dependencies as a temporal conditional distribution to leverage latent variables. Specifically, a novel temporal Hawkes attention mechanism represents temporal factors subsequently fed into feed-forward networks to estimate the prior Gaussian distribution of latent variables. The representation of temporal factors further dynamically adjusts the structures of Transformer-based encoder and decoder to distribution changes by leveraging a gated attention mechanism. Moreover, we introduce conditional continuous normalization flow to transform the prior Gaussian to a complex and form-free distribution to facilitate flexible inference of the temporal conditional distribution. Extensive experiments conducted on six real-world MTS datasets demonstrate the TCVAE's superior robustness and effectiveness over the state-of-the-art MTS forecasting baselines. We further illustrate the TCVAE applicability through multifaceted case studies and visualization in real-world scenarios.

replace From algorithms to action: improving patient care requires causality

Authors: Wouter A. C. van Amsterdam, Pim A. de Jong, Joost J. C. Verhoeff, Tim Leiner, Rajesh Ranganath

Abstract: In cancer research there is much interest in building and validating outcome predicting outcomes to support treatment decisions. However, because most outcome prediction models are developed and validated without regard to the causal aspects of treatment decision making, many published outcome prediction models may cause harm when used for decision making, despite being found accurate in validation studies. Guidelines on prediction model validation and the checklist for risk model endorsement by the American Joint Committee on Cancer do not protect against prediction models that are accurate during development and validation but harmful when used for decision making. We explain why this is the case and how to build and validate models that are useful for decision making.

replace GIDN: A Lightweight Graph Inception Diffusion Network for High-efficient Link Prediction

Authors: Zixiao Wang, Yuluo Guo, Jin Zhao, Yu Zhang, Hui Yu, Xiaofei Liao, Biao Wang, Ting Yu

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a Graph Inception Diffusion Networks(GIDN) model. This model generalizes graph diffusion in different feature spaces, and uses the inception module to avoid the large amount of computations caused by complex network structures. We evaluate GIDN model on Open Graph Benchmark(OGB) datasets, reached an 11% higher performance than AGDN on ogbl-collab dataset.

replace Learning The Likelihood Test With One-Class Classifiers

Authors: Francesco Ardizzon, Stefano Tomasin

Abstract: Given an observation randomly generated from two alternative probability density functions (pdfs) P0 and P1, we consider the problem of deciding which pdf generated the observation. To design the decision technique we assume that we either know P0 or have a set of samples generated from it; the P1 pdf is instead completely unknown. Such a scenario arises, for example, in security contexts, where the attacker's behavior is completely unknown to the legitimate users. When the P0 pdf is known, we resort to the likelihood test (LT), while when a set of samples with its distribution is available, we resort to one-class classification (OCC). We focus on the problem of learning OCC models that operate as the LT. We show this occurs for the multilayer perceptron neural network (NN) and the one-class least-squares support vector machine (OCLSSVM) models properly trained as two-class classifiers using an artificial dataset for the negative class, obtained by generating samples uniformly distributed over the domain of the positive class dataset. The artificial dataset is used only for training, while the OCC is used on negative-class samples generated from a different pdf. We also derive a modified stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm that provides OCC operating as LT without the need for the artificial dataset. Furthermore, we show that the OCLSSVM with suitable kernels operates as the LT at convergence. Lastly, we prove that the widely used autoencoder (AE) classifier generally does not provide the LT.

replace MAgNET: A Graph U-Net Architecture for Mesh-Based Simulations

Authors: Saurabh Deshpande, St\'ephane P. A. Bordas, Jakub Lengiewicz

Abstract: In many cutting-edge applications, high-fidelity computational models prove to be too slow for practical use and are therefore replaced by much faster surrogate models. Recently, deep learning techniques have increasingly been utilized to accelerate such predictions. To enable learning on large-dimensional and complex data, specific neural network architectures have been developed, including convolutional and graph neural networks. In this work, we present a novel encoder-decoder geometric deep learning framework called MAgNET, which extends the well-known convolutional neural networks to accommodate arbitrary graph-structured data. MAgNET consists of innovative Multichannel Aggregation (MAg) layers and graph pooling/unpooling layers, forming a graph U-Net architecture that is analogous to convolutional U-Nets. We demonstrate the predictive capabilities of MAgNET in surrogate modeling for non-linear finite element simulations in the mechanics of solids.

replace Contrastive Credibility Propagation for Reliable Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors: Brody Kutt, Pralay Ramteke, Xavier Mignot, Pamela Toman, Nandini Ramanan, Sujit Rokka Chhetri, Shan Huang, Min Du, William Hewlett

Abstract: Producing labels for unlabeled data is error-prone, making semi-supervised learning (SSL) troublesome. Often, little is known about when and why an algorithm fails to outperform a supervised baseline. Using benchmark datasets, we craft five common real-world SSL data scenarios: few-label, open-set, noisy-label, and class distribution imbalance/misalignment in the labeled and unlabeled sets. We propose a novel algorithm called Contrastive Credibility Propagation (CCP) for deep SSL via iterative transductive pseudo-label refinement. CCP unifies semi-supervised learning and noisy label learning for the goal of reliably outperforming a supervised baseline in any data scenario. Compared to prior methods which focus on a subset of scenarios, CCP uniquely outperforms the supervised baseline in all scenarios, supporting practitioners when the qualities of labeled or unlabeled data are unknown.

replace Hierarchical Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning with Mid-level Input Generation for Autonomous Driving on Urban Environments

Authors: Gustavo Claudio Karl Couto, Eric Aislan Antonelo

Abstract: Deriving robust control policies for realistic urban navigation scenarios is not a trivial task. In an end-to-end approach, these policies must map high-dimensional images from the vehicle's cameras to low-level actions such as steering and throttle. While pure Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches are based exclusively on engineered rewards, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) agents learn from expert demonstrations while interacting with the environment, which favors GAIL on tasks for which a reward signal is difficult to derive, such as autonomous driving. However, training deep networks directly from raw images on RL tasks is known to be unstable and troublesome. To deal with that, this work proposes a hierarchical GAIL-based architecture (hGAIL) which decouples representation learning from the driving task to solve the autonomous navigation of a vehicle. The proposed architecture consists of two modules: a GAN (Generative Adversarial Net) which generates an abstract mid-level input representation, which is the Bird's-Eye View (BEV) from the surroundings of the vehicle; and the GAIL which learns to control the vehicle based on the BEV predictions from the GAN as input. hGAIL is able to learn both the policy and the mid-level representation simultaneously as the agent interacts with the environment. Our experiments made in the CARLA simulation environment have shown that GAIL exclusively from cameras without BEV) fails to even learn the task, while hGAIL, after training exclusively on one city, was able to autonomously navigate successfully in 98% of the intersections of a new city not used in training phase.

replace Low Rank Matrix Completion via Robust Alternating Minimization in Nearly Linear Time

Authors: Yuzhou Gu, Zhao Song, Junze Yin, Lichen Zhang

Abstract: Given a matrix $M\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times n}$, the low rank matrix completion problem asks us to find a rank-$k$ approximation of $M$ as $UV^\top$ for $U\in \mathbb{R}^{m\times k}$ and $V\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times k}$ by only observing a few entries specified by a set of entries $\Omega\subseteq [m]\times [n]$. In particular, we examine an approach that is widely used in practice -- the alternating minimization framework. Jain, Netrapalli, and Sanghavi [JNS13] showed that if $M$ has incoherent rows and columns, then alternating minimization provably recovers the matrix $M$ by observing a nearly linear in $n$ number of entries. While the sample complexity has been subsequently improved [GLZ17], alternating minimization steps are required to be computed exactly. This hinders the development of more efficient algorithms and fails to depict the practical implementation of alternating minimization, where the updates are usually performed approximately in favor of efficiency. In this paper, we take a major step towards a more efficient and error-robust alternating minimization framework. To this end, we develop an analytical framework for alternating minimization that can tolerate a moderate amount of errors caused by approximate updates. Moreover, our algorithm runs in time $\widetilde O(|\Omega| k)$, which is nearly linear in the time to verify the solution while preserving the sample complexity. This improves upon all prior known alternating minimization approaches which require $\widetilde O(|\Omega| k^2)$ time.

replace Robust One-Class Classification with Signed Distance Function using 1-Lipschitz Neural Networks

Authors: Louis Bethune, Paul Novello, Thibaut Boissin, Guillaume Coiffier, Mathieu Serrurier, Quentin Vincenot, Andres Troya-Galvis

Abstract: We propose a new method, dubbed One Class Signed Distance Function (OCSDF), to perform One Class Classification (OCC) by provably learning the Signed Distance Function (SDF) to the boundary of the support of any distribution. The distance to the support can be interpreted as a normality score, and its approximation using 1-Lipschitz neural networks provides robustness bounds against $l2$ adversarial attacks, an under-explored weakness of deep learning-based OCC algorithms. As a result, OCSDF comes with a new metric, certified AUROC, that can be computed at the same cost as any classical AUROC. We show that OCSDF is competitive against concurrent methods on tabular and image data while being way more robust to adversarial attacks, illustrating its theoretical properties. Finally, as exploratory research perspectives, we theoretically and empirically show how OCSDF connects OCC with image generation and implicit neural surface parametrization. Our code is available at


replace Traffic State Estimation from Vehicle Trajectories with Anisotropic Gaussian Processes

Authors: Fan Wu, Zhanhong Cheng, Huiyu Chen, Tony Z. Qiu, Lijun Sun

Abstract: Accurately monitoring road traffic state is crucial for various applications, including travel time prediction, traffic control, and traffic safety. However, the lack of sensors often results in incomplete traffic state data, making it challenging to obtain reliable information for decision-making. This paper proposes a novel method for imputing traffic state data using Gaussian processes (GP) to address this issue. We propose a kernel rotation re-parametrization scheme that transforms a standard isotropic GP kernel into an anisotropic kernel, which can better model the congestion propagation in traffic flow data. The model parameters can be estimated by statistical inference using data from sparse probe vehicles or loop detectors. Moreover, the rotated GP method provides statistical uncertainty quantification for the imputed traffic state, making it more reliable. We also extend our approach to a multi-output GP, which allows for simultaneously estimating the traffic state for multiple lanes. We evaluate our method using real-world traffic data from the Next Generation simulation (NGSIM) and HighD programs, along with simulated data representing a traffic bottleneck scenario. Considering current and future mixed traffic of connected vehicles (CVs) and human-driven vehicles (HVs), we experiment with the traffic state estimation (TSE) scheme from 5% to 50% available trajectories, mimicking different CV penetration rates in a mixed traffic environment. We also test the traffic state estimation when traffic flow information is obtained from loop detectors. The results demonstrate the adaptability of our TSE method across different CV penetration rates and types of detectors, achieving state-of-the-art accuracy in scenarios with sparse observation rates.

replace Lifelong Continual Learning for Anomaly Detection: New Challenges, Perspectives, and Insights

Authors: Kamil Faber, Roberto Corizzo, Bartlomiej Sniezynski, Nathalie Japkowicz

Abstract: Anomaly detection is of paramount importance in many real-world domains, characterized by evolving behavior. Lifelong learning represents an emerging trend, answering the need for machine learning models that continuously adapt to new challenges in dynamic environments while retaining past knowledge. However, limited efforts are dedicated to building foundations for lifelong anomaly detection, which provides intrinsically different challenges compared to the more widely explored classification setting. In this paper, we face this issue by exploring, motivating, and discussing lifelong anomaly detection, trying to build foundations for its wider adoption. First, we explain why lifelong anomaly detection is relevant, defining challenges and opportunities to design anomaly detection methods that deal with lifelong learning complexities. Second, we characterize learning settings and a scenario generation procedure that enables researchers to experiment with lifelong anomaly detection using existing datasets. Third, we perform experiments with popular anomaly detection methods on proposed lifelong scenarios, emphasizing the gap in performance that could be gained with the adoption of lifelong learning. Overall, we conclude that the adoption of lifelong anomaly detection is important to design more robust models that provide a comprehensive view of the environment, as well as simultaneous adaptation and knowledge retention.

replace Solving Attention Kernel Regression Problem via Pre-conditioner

Authors: Zhao Song, Junze Yin, Lichen Zhang

Abstract: The attention mechanism is the key to large language models, and the attention matrix serves as an algorithmic and computational bottleneck for such a scheme. In this paper, we define two problems, motivated by designing fast algorithms for proxy of attention matrix and solving regressions against them. Given an input matrix $A\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times d}$ with $n\gg d$ and a response vector $b$, we first consider the matrix exponential of the matrix $A^\top A$ as a proxy, and we in turn design algorithms for two types of regression problems: $\min_{x\in \mathbb{R}^d}\|(A^\top A)^jx-b\|_2$ and $\min_{x\in \mathbb{R}^d}\|A(A^\top A)^jx-b\|_2$ for any positive integer $j$. Studying algorithms for these regressions is essential, as matrix exponential can be approximated term-by-term via these smaller problems. The second proxy is applying exponential entrywise to the Gram matrix, denoted by $\exp(AA^\top)$ and solving the regression $\min_{x\in \mathbb{R}^n}\|\exp(AA^\top)x-b \|_2$. We call this problem the attention kernel regression problem, as the matrix $\exp(AA^\top)$ could be viewed as a kernel function with respect to $A$. We design fast algorithms for these regression problems, based on sketching and preconditioning. We hope these efforts will provide an alternative perspective of studying efficient approximation of attention matrices.

replace The Rashomon Importance Distribution: Getting RID of Unstable, Single Model-based Variable Importance

Authors: Jon Donnelly, Srikar Katta, Cynthia Rudin, Edward P. Browne

Abstract: Quantifying variable importance is essential for answering high-stakes questions in fields like genetics, public policy, and medicine. Current methods generally calculate variable importance for a given model trained on a given dataset. However, for a given dataset, there may be many models that explain the target outcome equally well; without accounting for all possible explanations, different researchers may arrive at many conflicting yet equally valid conclusions given the same data. Additionally, even when accounting for all possible explanations for a given dataset, these insights may not generalize because not all good explanations are stable across reasonable data perturbations. We propose a new variable importance framework that quantifies the importance of a variable across the set of all good models and is stable across the data distribution. Our framework is extremely flexible and can be integrated with most existing model classes and global variable importance metrics. We demonstrate through experiments that our framework recovers variable importance rankings for complex simulation setups where other methods fail. Further, we show that our framework accurately estimates the true importance of a variable for the underlying data distribution. We provide theoretical guarantees on the consistency and finite sample error rates for our estimator. Finally, we demonstrate its utility with a real-world case study exploring which genes are important for predicting HIV load in persons with HIV, highlighting an important gene that has not previously been studied in connection with HIV. Code is available at


replace On the Stability of Iterative Retraining of Generative Models on their own Data

Authors: Quentin Bertrand, Avishek Joey Bose, Alexandre Duplessis, Marco Jiralerspong, Gauthier Gidel

Abstract: Deep generative models have made tremendous progress in modeling complex data, often exhibiting generation quality that surpasses a typical human's ability to discern the authenticity of samples. Undeniably, a key driver of this success is enabled by the massive amounts of web-scale data consumed by these models. Due to these models' striking performance and ease of availability, the web will inevitably be increasingly populated with synthetic content. Such a fact directly implies that future iterations of generative models will be trained on both clean and artificially generated data from past models. In this paper, we develop a framework to rigorously study the impact of training generative models on mixed datasets -- from classical training on real data to self-consuming generative models trained on purely synthetic data. We first prove the stability of iterative training under the condition that the initial generative models approximate the data distribution well enough and the proportion of clean training data (w.r.t. synthetic data) is large enough. We empirically validate our theory on both synthetic and natural images by iteratively training normalizing flows and state-of-the-art diffusion models on CIFAR10 and FFHQ.

replace TEMPO: Prompt-based Generative Pre-trained Transformer for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Defu Cao, Furong Jia, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister, Yixiang Zheng, Wen Ye, Yan Liu

Abstract: The past decade has witnessed significant advances in time series modeling with deep learning. While achieving state-of-the-art results, the best-performing architectures vary highly across applications and domains. Meanwhile, for natural language processing, the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) has demonstrated impressive performance via training one general-purpose model across various textual datasets. It is intriguing to explore whether GPT-type architectures can be effective for time series, capturing the intrinsic dynamic attributes and leading to significant accuracy improvements. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, TEMPO, that can effectively learn time series representations. We focus on utilizing two essential inductive biases of the time series task for pre-trained models: (i) decomposition of the complex interaction between trend, seasonal and residual components; and (ii) introducing the design of prompts to facilitate distribution adaptation in different types of time series. TEMPO expands the capability for dynamically modeling real-world temporal phenomena from data within diverse domains. Our experiments demonstrate the superior performance of TEMPO over state-of-the-art methods on zero shot setting for a number of time series benchmark datasets. This performance gain is observed not only in scenarios involving previously unseen datasets but also in scenarios with multi-modal inputs. This compelling finding highlights TEMPO's potential to constitute a foundational model-building framework.

replace Investigating the Ability of PINNs To Solve Burgers' PDE Near Finite-Time BlowUp

Authors: Dibyakanti Kumar, Anirbit Mukherjee

Abstract: Physics Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been achieving ever newer feats of solving complicated PDEs numerically while offering an attractive trade-off between accuracy and speed of inference. A particularly challenging aspect of PDEs is that there exist simple PDEs which can evolve into singular solutions in finite time starting from smooth initial conditions. In recent times some striking experiments have suggested that PINNs might be good at even detecting such finite-time blow-ups. In this work, we embark on a program to investigate this stability of PINNs from a rigorous theoretical viewpoint. Firstly, we derive generalization bounds for PINNs for Burgers' PDE, in arbitrary dimensions, under conditions that allow for a finite-time blow-up. Then we demonstrate via experiments that our bounds are significantly correlated to the $\ell_2$-distance of the neurally found surrogate from the true blow-up solution, when computed on sequences of PDEs that are getting increasingly close to a blow-up.

replace Is attention required for ICL? Exploring the Relationship Between Model Architecture and In-Context Learning Ability

Authors: Ivan Lee, Nan Jiang, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

Abstract: What is the relationship between model architecture and the ability to perform in-context learning? In this empirical study, we take the first steps toward answering this question. We evaluate thirteen model architectures capable of causal language modeling across a suite of synthetic in-context learning tasks. These selected architectures represent a broad range of paradigms, including recurrent and convolution-based neural networks, transformers, state space model inspired, and other emerging attention alternatives. We discover that all the considered architectures can perform in-context learning under a wider range of conditions than previously documented. Additionally, we observe stark differences in statistical efficiency and consistency by varying the number of in-context examples and task difficulty. We also measure each architecture's predisposition towards in-context learning when presented with the option to memorize rather than leverage in-context examples. Finally, and somewhat surprisingly, we find that several attention alternatives are sometimes competitive with or better in-context learners than transformers. However, no single architecture demonstrates consistency across all tasks, with performance either plateauing or declining when confronted with a significantly larger number of in-context examples than those encountered during gradient-based training.

replace FedSN: A Novel Federated Learning Framework over LEO Satellite Networks

Authors: Zheng Lin, Zhe Chen, Zihan Fang, Xianhao Chen, Xiong Wang, Yue Gao

Abstract: Recently, a large number of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have been launched and deployed successfully in space by commercial companies, such as SpaceX. Due to multimodal sensors equipped by the LEO satellites, they serve not only for communication but also for various machine learning applications, such as space modulation recognition, remote sensing image classification, etc. However, the ground station (GS) may be incapable of downloading such a large volume of raw sensing data for centralized model training due to the limited contact time with LEO satellites (e.g. 5 minutes). Therefore, federated learning (FL) has emerged as the promising solution to address this problem via on-device training. Unfortunately, to enable FL on LEO satellites, we still face three critical challenges that are i) heterogeneous computing and memory capabilities, ii) limited uplink rate, and iii) model staleness. To this end, we propose FedSN as a general FL framework to tackle the above challenges, and fully explore data diversity on LEO satellites. Specifically, we first present a novel sub-structure scheme to enable heterogeneous local model training considering different computing, memory, and communication constraints on LEO satellites. Additionally, we propose a pseudo-synchronous model aggregation strategy to dynamically schedule model aggregation for compensating model staleness. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the FedSN, we evaluate it using space modulation recognition and remote sensing image classification tasks by leveraging the data from real-world satellite networks. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that FedSN framework achieves higher accuracy, lower computing, and communication overhead than the state-of-the-art benchmarks and the effectiveness of each components in FedSN.

replace Low-Rank MDPs with Continuous Action Spaces

Authors: Andrew Bennett, Nathan Kallus, Miruna Oprescu

Abstract: Low-Rank Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) have recently emerged as a promising framework within the domain of reinforcement learning (RL), as they allow for provably approximately correct (PAC) learning guarantees while also incorporating ML algorithms for representation learning. However, current methods for low-rank MDPs are limited in that they only consider finite action spaces, and give vacuous bounds as $|\mathcal{A}| \to \infty$, which greatly limits their applicability. In this work, we study the problem of extending such methods to settings with continuous actions, and explore multiple concrete approaches for performing this extension. As a case study, we consider the seminal FLAMBE algorithm (Agarwal et al., 2020), which is a reward-agnostic method for PAC RL with low-rank MDPs. We show that, without any modifications to the algorithm, we obtain a similar PAC bound when actions are allowed to be continuous. Specifically, when the model for transition functions satisfies a H\"older smoothness condition w.r.t. actions, and either the policy class has a uniformly bounded minimum density or the reward function is also H\"older smooth, we obtain a polynomial PAC bound that depends on the order of smoothness.

replace Dichotomy of Early and Late Phase Implicit Biases Can Provably Induce Grokking

Authors: Kaifeng Lyu, Jikai Jin, Zhiyuan Li, Simon S. Du, Jason D. Lee, Wei Hu

Abstract: Recent work by Power et al. (2022) highlighted a surprising "grokking" phenomenon in learning arithmetic tasks: a neural net first "memorizes" the training set, resulting in perfect training accuracy but near-random test accuracy, and after training for sufficiently longer, it suddenly transitions to perfect test accuracy. This paper studies the grokking phenomenon in theoretical setups and shows that it can be induced by a dichotomy of early and late phase implicit biases. Specifically, when training homogeneous neural nets with large initialization and small weight decay on both classification and regression tasks, we prove that the training process gets trapped at a solution corresponding to a kernel predictor for a long time, and then a very sharp transition to min-norm/max-margin predictors occurs, leading to a dramatic change in test accuracy.

replace Online Uniform Risk Times Sampling: First Approximation Algorithms, Learning Augmentation with Full Confidence Interval Integration

Authors: Xueqing Liu, Kyra Gan, Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh, Susan Murphy

Abstract: In digital health, the strategy of allocating a limited treatment budget across risk times is crucial to reduce user fatigue. This strategy, however, encounters a significant obstacle due to the unknown actual number of risk times, a factor not adequately addressed by existing methods lacking theoretical guarantees. This paper introduces, for the first time, the online uniform risk times sampling problem within the approximation algorithm framework. We propose two online approximation algorithms for this problem, one with and one without learning augmentation, and provide rigorous theoretical performance guarantees for them using competitive ratio analysis. We assess the performance of our algorithms using both synthetic experiments and a real-world case study on HeartSteps mobile applications.

replace Temporal Cross-Attention for Dynamic Embedding and Tokenization of Multimodal Electronic Health Records

Authors: Yingbo Ma, Suraj Kolla, Dhruv Kaliraman, Victoria Nolan, Zhenhong Hu, Ziyuan Guan, Yuanfang Ren, Brooke Armfield, Tezcan Ozrazgat-Baslanti, Tyler J. Loftus, Parisa Rashidi, Azra Bihorac, Benjamin Shickel

Abstract: The breadth, scale, and temporal granularity of modern electronic health records (EHR) systems offers great potential for estimating personalized and contextual patient health trajectories using sequential deep learning. However, learning useful representations of EHR data is challenging due to its high dimensionality, sparsity, multimodality, irregular and variable-specific recording frequency, and timestamp duplication when multiple measurements are recorded simultaneously. Although recent efforts to fuse structured EHR and unstructured clinical notes suggest the potential for more accurate prediction of clinical outcomes, less focus has been placed on EHR embedding approaches that directly address temporal EHR challenges by learning time-aware representations from multimodal patient time series. In this paper, we introduce a dynamic embedding and tokenization framework for precise representation of multimodal clinical time series that combines novel methods for encoding time and sequential position with temporal cross-attention. Our embedding and tokenization framework, when integrated into a multitask transformer classifier with sliding window attention, outperformed baseline approaches on the exemplar task of predicting the occurrence of nine postoperative complications of more than 120,000 major inpatient surgeries using multimodal data from three hospitals and two academic health centers in the United States.

replace Constrained Optimal Fuel Consumption of HEV: A Constrained Reinforcement Learning Approach

Authors: Shuchang Yan

Abstract: Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) are becoming increasingly popular because they can better combine the working characteristics of internal combustion engines and electric motors. However, the minimum fuel consumption of an HEV for a battery electrical balance case under a specific assembly condition and a specific speed curve still needs to be clarified in academia and industry. Regarding this problem, this work provides the mathematical expression of constrained optimal fuel consumption (COFC) from the perspective of constrained reinforcement learning (CRL) for the first time globally. Also, two mainstream approaches of CRL, constrained variational policy optimization (CVPO) and Lagrangian-based approaches, are utilized for the first time to obtain the vehicle's minimum fuel consumption under the battery electrical balance condition. We conduct case studies on the well-known Prius TOYOTA hybrid system (THS) under the NEDC condition; we give vital steps to implement CRL approaches and compare the performance between the CVPO and Lagrangian-based approaches. Our case study found that CVPO and Lagrangian-based approaches can obtain the lowest fuel consumption while maintaining the SOC balance constraint. The CVPO approach converges stable, but the Lagrangian-based approach can obtain the lowest fuel consumption at 3.95 L/100km, though with more significant oscillations. This result verifies the effectiveness of our proposed CRL approaches to the COFC problem.

replace Twin Transformer using Gated Dynamic Learnable Attention mechanism for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in the Tennessee Eastman Process

Authors: Mohammad Ali Labbaf-Khaniki, Mohammad Manthouri, Hanieh Ajami

Abstract: Fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) is a crucial task for ensuring the safety and efficiency of industrial processes. We propose a novel FDD methodology for the Tennessee Eastman Process (TEP), a widely used benchmark for chemical process control. The model employs two separate Transformer branches, enabling independent processing of input data and potential extraction of diverse information. A novel attention mechanism, Gated Dynamic Learnable Attention (GDLAttention), is introduced which integrates a gating mechanism and dynamic learning capabilities. The gating mechanism modulates the attention weights, allowing the model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input. The dynamic learning approach adapts the attention strategy during training, potentially leading to improved performance. The attention mechanism uses a bilinear similarity function, providing greater flexibility in capturing complex relationships between query and key vectors. In order to assess the effectiveness of our approach, we tested it against 21 and 18 distinct fault scenarios in TEP, and compared its performance with several established FDD techniques. The outcomes indicate that the method outperforms others in terms of accuracy, false alarm rate, and misclassification rate. This underscores the robustness and efficacy of the approach for FDD in intricate industrial processes.

replace Is Mamba Effective for Time Series Forecasting?

Authors: Zihan Wang, Fanheng Kong, Shi Feng, Ming Wang, Han Zhao, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang

Abstract: In the realm of time series forecasting (TSF), it is imperative for models to adeptly discern and distill dependencies embedded within historical time series data. This encompasses the extraction of temporal dependencies and inter-variate correlations (VC), thereby empowering the models to forecast future states. Transformer-based models have exhibited formidable efficacy in TSF, primarily attributed to their distinct proficiency in apprehending both TD and VC. However, due to the inefficiencies, ongoing efforts to refine the Transformer persist. Recently, state space models (SSMs), e.g. Mamba, have gained traction due to their ability to process complex dependencies in sequences, similar to the Transformer, while maintaining near-linear complexity. This has piqued our interest in exploring SSM's potential in TSF tasks. Therefore, we propose a Mamba-based model named Simple-Mamba (S-Mamba) for TSF. Specifically, we tokenize the time points of each variate autonomously via a linear layer. Subsequently, a bidirectional Mamba layer is utilized to extract VC, followed by the generation of forecast outcomes through a composite structure of a Feed-Forward Network for TD and a mapping layer. Experiments on several datasets prove that S-Mamba maintains low computational overhead and achieves leading performance. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments to delve deeper into the potential of Mamba compared to the Transformer in the TSF. Our code is available at


replace Foundation Models for Time Series Analysis: A Tutorial and Survey

Authors: Yuxuan Liang, Haomin Wen, Yuqi Nie, Yushan Jiang, Ming Jin, Dongjin Song, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: Time series analysis stands as a focal point within the data mining community, serving as a cornerstone for extracting valuable insights crucial to a myriad of real-world applications. Recent advancements in Foundation Models (FMs) have fundamentally reshaped the paradigm of model design for time series analysis, boosting various downstream tasks in practice. These innovative approaches often leverage pre-trained or fine-tuned FMs to harness generalized knowledge tailored specifically for time series analysis. In this survey, we aim to furnish a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of FMs for time series analysis. While prior surveys have predominantly focused on either the application or the pipeline aspects of FMs in time series analysis, they have often lacked an in-depth understanding of the underlying mechanisms that elucidate why and how FMs benefit time series analysis. To address this gap, our survey adopts a model-centric classification, delineating various pivotal elements of time-series FMs, including model architectures, pre-training techniques, adaptation methods, and data modalities. Overall, this survey serves to consolidate the latest advancements in FMs pertinent to time series analysis, accentuating their theoretical underpinnings, recent strides in development, and avenues for future research exploration.

replace Deciphering the Interplay between Local Differential Privacy, Average Bayesian Privacy, and Maximum Bayesian Privacy

Authors: Xiaojin Zhang, Yulin Fei, Wei Chen

Abstract: The swift evolution of machine learning has led to emergence of various definitions of privacy due to the threats it poses to privacy, including the concept of local differential privacy (LDP). Although widely embraced and utilized across numerous domains, this conventional approach to measure privacy still exhibits certain limitations, spanning from failure to prevent inferential disclosure to lack of consideration for the adversary's background knowledge. In this comprehensive study, we introduce Bayesian privacy and delve into the intricate relationship between LDP and its Bayesian counterparts, unveiling novel insights into utility-privacy trade-offs. We introduce a framework that encapsulates both attack and defense strategies, highlighting their interplay and effectiveness. The relationship between LDP and Maximum Bayesian Privacy (MBP) is first revealed, demonstrating that under uniform prior distribution, a mechanism satisfying $\xi$-LDP will satisfy $\xi$-MBP and conversely $\xi$-MBP also confers 2$\xi$-LDP. Our next theoretical contribution are anchored in the rigorous definitions and relationships between Average Bayesian Privacy (ABP) and Maximum Bayesian Privacy (MBP), encapsulated by equations $\epsilon_{p,a} \leq \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\sqrt{(\epsilon_{p,m} + \epsilon)\cdot(e^{\epsilon_{p,m} + \epsilon} - 1)}$. These relationships fortify our understanding of the privacy guarantees provided by various mechanisms. Our work not only lays the groundwork for future empirical exploration but also promises to facilitate the design of privacy-preserving algorithms, thereby fostering the development of trustworthy machine learning solutions.

replace FLIGAN: Enhancing Federated Learning with Incomplete Data using GAN

Authors: Paul Joe Maliakel, Shashikant Ilager, Ivona Brandic

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) provides a privacy-preserving mechanism for distributed training of machine learning models on networked devices (e.g., mobile devices, IoT edge nodes). It enables Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the edge by creating models without sharing actual data across the network. Existing research typically focuses on generic aspects of non-IID data and heterogeneity in client's system characteristics, but they often neglect the issue of insufficient data for model development, which can arise from uneven class label distribution and highly variable data volumes across edge nodes. In this work, we propose FLIGAN, a novel approach to address the issue of data incompleteness in FL. First, we leverage Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to adeptly capture complex data distributions and generate synthetic data that closely resemble real-world data. Then, we use synthetic data to enhance the robustness and completeness of datasets across nodes. Our methodology adheres to FL's privacy requirements by generating synthetic data in a federated manner without sharing the actual data in the process. We incorporate techniques such as classwise sampling and node grouping, designed to improve the federated GAN's performance, enabling the creation of high-quality synthetic datasets and facilitating efficient FL training. Empirical results from our experiments demonstrate that FLIGAN significantly improves model accuracy, especially in scenarios with high class imbalances, achieving up to a 20% increase in model accuracy over traditional FL baselines.

replace PeersimGym: An Environment for Solving the Task Offloading Problem with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Frederico Metelo, Stevo Rackovi\'c, Pedro \'Akos Costa, Cl\'audia Soares

Abstract: Task offloading, crucial for balancing computational loads across devices in networks such as the Internet of Things, poses significant optimization challenges, including minimizing latency and energy usage under strict communication and storage constraints. While traditional optimization falls short in scalability; and heuristic approaches lack in achieving optimal outcomes, Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers a promising avenue by enabling the learning of optimal offloading strategies through iterative interactions. However, the efficacy of RL hinges on access to rich datasets and custom-tailored, realistic training environments. To address this, we introduce PeersimGym, an open-source, customizable simulation environment tailored for developing and optimizing task offloading strategies within computational networks. PeersimGym supports a wide range of network topologies and computational constraints and integrates a \textit{PettingZoo}-based interface for RL agent deployment in both solo and multi-agent setups. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of the environment through experiments with Deep Reinforcement Learning agents, showcasing the potential of RL-based approaches to significantly enhance offloading strategies in distributed computing settings. PeersimGym thus bridges the gap between theoretical RL models and their practical applications, paving the way for advancements in efficient task offloading methodologies.

replace Neural Embedding Compression For Efficient Multi-Task Earth Observation Modelling

Authors: Carlos Gomes, Thomas Brunschwiler

Abstract: As repositories of large scale data in earth observation (EO) have grown, so have transfer and storage costs for model training and inference, expending significant resources. We introduce Neural Embedding Compression (NEC), based on the transfer of compressed embeddings to data consumers instead of raw data. We adapt foundation models (FM) through learned neural compression to generate multi-task embeddings while navigating the tradeoff between compression rate and embedding utility. We update only a small fraction of the FM parameters (10%) for a short training period (1% of the iterations of pre-training). We evaluate NEC on two EO tasks: scene classification and semantic segmentation. Compared with applying traditional compression to the raw data, NEC achieves similar accuracy with a 75% to 90% reduction in data. Even at 99.7% compression, performance drops by only 5% on the scene classification task. Overall, NEC is a data-efficient yet performant approach for multi-task EO modelling.

replace Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models

Authors: Ravi Mangal, Nina Narodytska, Divya Gopinath, Boyue Caroline Hu, Anirban Roy, Susmit Jha, Corina Pasareanu

Abstract: The analysis of vision-based deep neural networks (DNNs) is highly desirable but it is very challenging due to the difficulty of expressing formal specifications for vision tasks and the lack of efficient verification procedures. In this paper, we propose to leverage emerging multimodal, vision-language, foundation models (VLMs) as a lens through which we can reason about vision models. VLMs have been trained on a large body of images accompanied by their textual description, and are thus implicitly aware of high-level, human-understandable concepts describing the images. We describe a logical specification language $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ designed to facilitate writing specifications in terms of these concepts. To define and formally check $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ specifications, we build a map between the internal representations of a given vision model and a VLM, leading to an efficient verification procedure of natural-language properties for vision models. We demonstrate our techniques on a ResNet-based classifier trained on the RIVAL-10 dataset using CLIP as the multimodal model.

replace InfLoRA: Interference-Free Low-Rank Adaptation for Continual Learning

Authors: Yan-Shuo Liang, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Continual learning requires the model to learn multiple tasks sequentially. In continual learning, the model should possess the ability to maintain its performance on old tasks (stability) and the ability to adapt to new tasks continuously (plasticity). Recently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), which involves freezing a pre-trained model and injecting a small number of learnable parameters to adapt to downstream tasks, has gained increasing popularity in continual learning. Although existing continual learning methods based on PEFT have demonstrated superior performance compared to those not based on PEFT, most of them do not consider how to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, which inhibits the model from making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. In this work, we propose a new PEFT method, called interference-free low-rank adaptation (InfLoRA), for continual learning. InfLoRA injects a small number of parameters to reparameterize the pre-trained weights and shows that fine-tuning these injected parameters is equivalent to fine-tuning the pre-trained weights within a subspace. Furthermore, InfLoRA designs this subspace to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. Experimental results show that InfLoRA outperforms existing state-of-the-art continual learning methods on multiple datasets.

replace Zero-shot Safety Prediction for Autonomous Robots with Foundation World Models

Authors: Zhenjiang Mao, Siqi Dai, Yuang Geng, Ivan Ruchkin

Abstract: A world model creates a surrogate world to train a controller and predict safety violations by learning the internal dynamic model of systems. However, the existing world models rely solely on statistical learning of how observations change in response to actions, lacking precise quantification of how accurate the surrogate dynamics are, which poses a significant challenge in safety-critical systems. To address this challenge, we propose foundation world models that embed observations into meaningful and causally latent representations. This enables the surrogate dynamics to directly predict causal future states by leveraging a training-free large language model. In two common benchmarks, this novel model outperforms standard world models in the safety prediction task and has a performance comparable to supervised learning despite not using any data. We evaluate its performance with a more specialized and system-relevant metric by comparing estimated states instead of aggregating observation-wide error.

replace CHAIN: Enhancing Generalization in Data-Efficient GANs via lipsCHitz continuity constrAIned Normalization

Authors: Yao Ni, Piotr Koniusz

Abstract: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) significantly advanced image generation but their performance heavily depends on abundant training data. In scenarios with limited data, GANs often struggle with discriminator overfitting and unstable training. Batch Normalization (BN), despite being known for enhancing generalization and training stability, has rarely been used in the discriminator of Data-Efficient GANs. Our work addresses this gap by identifying a critical flaw in BN: the tendency for gradient explosion during the centering and scaling steps. To tackle this issue, we present CHAIN (lipsCHitz continuity constrAIned Normalization), which replaces the conventional centering step with zero-mean regularization and integrates a Lipschitz continuity constraint in the scaling step. CHAIN further enhances GAN training by adaptively interpolating the normalized and unnormalized features, effectively avoiding discriminator overfitting. Our theoretical analyses firmly establishes CHAIN's effectiveness in reducing gradients in latent features and weights, improving stability and generalization in GAN training. Empirical evidence supports our theory. CHAIN achieves state-of-the-art results in data-limited scenarios on CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet, five low-shot and seven high-resolution few-shot image datasets.

replace Can LLMs get help from other LLMs without revealing private information?

Authors: Florian Hartmann, Duc-Hieu Tran, Peter Kairouz, Victor C\u{a}rbune, Blaise Aguera y Arcas

Abstract: Cascades are a common type of machine learning systems in which a large, remote model can be queried if a local model is not able to accurately label a user's data by itself. Serving stacks for large language models (LLMs) increasingly use cascades due to their ability to preserve task performance while dramatically reducing inference costs. However, applying cascade systems in situations where the local model has access to sensitive data constitutes a significant privacy risk for users since such data could be forwarded to the remote model. In this work, we show the feasibility of applying cascade systems in such setups by equipping the local model with privacy-preserving techniques that reduce the risk of leaking private information when querying the remote model. To quantify information leakage in such setups, we introduce two privacy measures. We then propose a system that leverages the recently introduced social learning paradigm in which LLMs collaboratively learn from each other by exchanging natural language. Using this paradigm, we demonstrate on several datasets that our methods minimize the privacy loss while at the same time improving task performance compared to a non-cascade baseline.

replace-cross Local and global topological complexity measures OF ReLU neural network functions

Authors: J. Elisenda Grigsby, Kathryn Lindsey, Marissa Masden

Abstract: We apply a generalized piecewise-linear (PL) version of Morse theory due to Grunert-Kuhnel-Rote to define and study new local and global notions of topological complexity for fully-connected feedforward ReLU neural network functions, F: R^n -> R. Along the way, we show how to construct, for each such F, a canonical polytopal complex K(F) and a deformation retract of the domain onto K(F), yielding a convenient compact model for performing calculations. We also give a construction showing that local complexity can be arbitrarily high.

replace-cross Scalable Distributed Algorithms for Size-Constrained Submodular Maximization in the MapReduce and Adaptive Complexity Models

Authors: Tonmoy Dey, Yixin Chen, Alan Kuhnle

Abstract: Distributed maximization of a submodular function in the MapReduce (MR) model has received much attention, culminating in two frameworks that allow a centralized algorithm to be run in the MR setting without loss of approximation, as long as the centralized algorithm satisfies a certain consistency property - which had previously only been known to be satisfied by the standard greedy and continous greedy algorithms. A separate line of work has studied parallelizability of submodular maximization in the adaptive complexity model, where each thread may have access to the entire ground set. For the size-constrained maximization of a monotone and submodular function, we show that several sublinearly adaptive (highly parallelizable) algorithms satisfy the consistency property required to work in the MR setting, which yields practical, parallelizable and distributed algorithms. Separately, we develop the first distributed algorithm with linear query complexity for this problem. Finally, we provide a method to increase the maximum cardinality constraint for MR algorithms at the cost of additional MR rounds.

replace-cross CP-PINNs: Data-Driven Changepoints Detection in PDEs Using Online Optimized Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Zhikang Dong, Pawel Polak

Abstract: We investigate the inverse problem for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) in scenarios where the parameters of the given PDE dynamics may exhibit changepoints at random time. We employ Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) - universal approximators capable of estimating the solution of any physical law described by a system of PDEs, which serves as a regularization during neural network training, restricting the space of admissible solutions and enhancing function approximation accuracy. We demonstrate that when the system exhibits sudden changes in the PDE dynamics, this regularization is either insufficient to accurately estimate the true dynamics, or it may result in model miscalibration and failure. Consequently, we propose a PINNs extension using a Total-Variation penalty, which allows to accommodate multiple changepoints in the PDE dynamics and significantly improves function approximation. These changepoints can occur at random locations over time and are estimated concurrently with the solutions. Additionally, we introduce an online learning method for re-weighting loss function terms dynamically. Through empirical analysis using examples of various equations with parameter changes, we showcase the advantages of our proposed model. In the absence of changepoints, the model reverts to the original PINNs model. However, when changepoints are present, our approach yields superior parameter estimation, improved model fitting, and reduced training error compared to the original PINNs model.

replace-cross Bayesian Floor Field: Transferring people flow predictions across environments

Authors: Francesco Verdoja, Tomasz Piotr Kucner, Ville Kyrki

Abstract: Mapping people dynamics is a crucial skill for robots, because it enables them to coexist in human-inhabited environments. However, learning a model of people dynamics is a time consuming process which requires observation of large amount of people moving in an environment. Moreover, approaches for mapping dynamics are unable to transfer the learned models across environments: each model is only able to describe the dynamics of the environment it has been built in. However, the impact of architectural geometry on people's movement can be used to anticipate their patterns of dynamics, and recent work has looked into learning maps of dynamics from occupancy. So far however, approaches based on trajectories and those based on geometry have not been combined. In this work we propose a novel Bayesian approach to learn people dynamics able to combine knowledge about the environment geometry with observations from human trajectories. An occupancy-based deep prior is used to build an initial transition model without requiring any observations of pedestrian; the model is then updated when observations become available using Bayesian inference. We demonstrate the ability of our model to increase data efficiency and to generalize across real large-scale environments, which is unprecedented for maps of dynamics.

replace-cross Interpretable Dimensionality Reduction by Feature Preserving Manifold Approximation and Projection

Authors: Yang Yang, Hongjian Sun, Jialei Gong, Di Yu

Abstract: Nonlinear dimensionality reduction lacks interpretability due to the absence of source features in low-dimensional embedding space. We propose an interpretable method featMAP to preserve source features by tangent space embedding. The core of our proposal is to utilize local singular value decomposition (SVD) to approximate the tangent space which is embedded to low-dimensional space by maintaining the alignment. Based on the embedding tangent space, featMAP enables the interpretability by locally demonstrating the source features and feature importance. Furthermore, featMAP embeds the data points by anisotropic projection to preserve the local similarity and original density. We apply featMAP to interpreting digit classification, object detection and MNIST adversarial examples. FeatMAP uses source features to explicitly distinguish the digits and objects and to explain the misclassification of adversarial examples. We also compare featMAP with other state-of-the-art methods on local and global metrics.

replace-cross A 65nm 8b-Activation 8b-Weight SRAM-Based Charge-Domain Computing-in-Memory Macro Using A Fully-Parallel Analog Adder Network and A Single-ADC Interface

Authors: Guodong Yin, Mufeng Zhou, Yiming Chen, Wenjun Tang, Zekun Yang, Mingyen Lee, Xirui Du, Jinshan Yue, Jiaxin Liu, Huazhong Yang, Yongpan Liu, Xueqing Li

Abstract: Performing data-intensive tasks in the von Neumann architecture is challenging to achieve both high performance and power efficiency due to the memory wall bottleneck. Computing-in-memory (CiM) is a promising mitigation approach by enabling parallel in-situ multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations within the memory with support from the peripheral interface and datapath. SRAM-based charge-domain CiM (CD-CiM) has shown its potential of enhanced power efficiency and computing accuracy. However, existing SRAM-based CD-CiM faces scaling challenges to meet the throughput requirement of high-performance multi-bit-quantization applications. This paper presents an SRAM-based high-throughput ReLU-optimized CD-CiM macro. It is capable of completing MAC and ReLU of two signed 8b vectors in one CiM cycle with only one A/D conversion. Along with non-linearity compensation for the analog computing and A/D conversion interfaces, this work achieves 51.2GOPS throughput and 10.3TOPS/W energy efficiency, while showing 88.6% accuracy in the CIFAR-10 dataset.

replace-cross Estimating truncation effects of quantum bosonic systems using sampling algorithms

Authors: Masanori Hanada, Junyu Liu, Enrico Rinaldi, Masaki Tezuka

Abstract: To simulate bosons on a qubit- or qudit-based quantum computer, one has to regularize the theory by truncating infinite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces to finite dimensions. In the search for practical quantum applications, it is important to know how big the truncation errors can be. In general, it is not easy to estimate errors unless we have a good quantum computer. In this paper, we show that traditional sampling methods on classical devices, specifically Markov Chain Monte Carlo, can address this issue for a rather generic class of bosonic systems with a reasonable amount of computational resources available today. As a demonstration, we apply this idea to the scalar field theory on a two-dimensional lattice, with a size that goes beyond what is achievable using exact diagonalization methods. This method can be used to estimate the resources needed for realistic quantum simulations of bosonic theories, and also, to check the validity of the results of the corresponding quantum simulations.

replace-cross BRAIxDet: Learning to Detect Malignant Breast Lesion with Incomplete Annotations

Authors: Yuanhong Chen, Yuyuan Liu, Chong Wang, Michael Elliott, Chun Fung Kwok, Carlos Pena-Solorzano, Yu Tian, Fengbei Liu, Helen Frazer, Davis J. McCarthy, Gustavo Carneiro

Abstract: Methods to detect malignant lesions from screening mammograms are usually trained with fully annotated datasets, where images are labelled with the localisation and classification of cancerous lesions. However, real-world screening mammogram datasets commonly have a subset that is fully annotated and another subset that is weakly annotated with just the global classification (i.e., without lesion localisation). Given the large size of such datasets, researchers usually face a dilemma with the weakly annotated subset: to not use it or to fully annotate it. The first option will reduce detection accuracy because it does not use the whole dataset, and the second option is too expensive given that the annotation needs to be done by expert radiologists. In this paper, we propose a middle-ground solution for the dilemma, which is to formulate the training as a weakly- and semi-supervised learning problem that we refer to as malignant breast lesion detection with incomplete annotations. To address this problem, our new method comprises two stages, namely: 1) pre-training a multi-view mammogram classifier with weak supervision from the whole dataset, and 2) extending the trained classifier to become a multi-view detector that is trained with semi-supervised student-teacher learning, where the training set contains fully and weakly-annotated mammograms. We provide extensive detection results on two real-world screening mammogram datasets containing incomplete annotations, and show that our proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art results in the detection of malignant breast lesions with incomplete annotations.

replace-cross Benchmarking Model Predictive Control Algorithms in Building Optimization Testing Framework (BOPTEST)

Authors: Saman Mostafavi, Chihyeon Song, Aayushman Sharma, Raman Goyal, Alejandro Brito

Abstract: We present a data-driven modeling and control framework for physics-based building emulators. Our approach consists of: (a) Offline training of differentiable surrogate models that accelerate model evaluations, provide cost-effective gradients, and maintain good predictive accuracy for the receding horizon in Model Predictive Control (MPC), and (b) Formulating and solving nonlinear building HVAC MPC problems. We extensively evaluate the modeling and control performance using multiple surrogate models and optimization frameworks across various test cases available in the Building Optimization Testing Framework (BOPTEST). Our framework is compatible with other modeling techniques and can be customized with different control formulations, making it adaptable and future-proof for test cases currently under development for BOPTEST. This modularity provides a path towards prototyping predictive controllers in large buildings, ensuring scalability and robustness in real-world applications.

replace-cross Bayesian neural networks via MCMC: a Python-based tutorial

Authors: Rohitash Chandra, Royce Chen, Joshua Simmons

Abstract: Bayesian inference provides a methodology for parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification in machine learning and deep learning methods. Variational inference and Markov Chain Monte-Carlo (MCMC) sampling methods are used to implement Bayesian inference. In the past three decades, MCMC sampling methods have faced some challenges in being adapted to larger models (such as in deep learning) and big data problems. Advanced proposal distributions that incorporate gradients, such as a Langevin proposal distribution, provide a means to address some of the limitations of MCMC sampling for Bayesian neural networks. Furthermore, MCMC methods have typically been constrained to statisticians and currently not well-known among deep learning researchers. We present a tutorial for MCMC methods that covers simple Bayesian linear and logistic models, and Bayesian neural networks. The aim of this tutorial is to bridge the gap between theory and implementation via coding, given a general sparsity of libraries and tutorials to this end. This tutorial provides code in Python with data and instructions that enable their use and extension. We provide results for some benchmark problems showing the strengths and weaknesses of implementing the respective Bayesian models via MCMC. We highlight the challenges in sampling multi-modal posterior distributions for the case of Bayesian neural networks and the need for further improvement of convergence diagnosis methods.

replace-cross Deep transfer learning for intrusion detection in industrial control networks: A comprehensive review

Authors: Hamza Kheddar, Yassine Himeur, Ali Ismail Awad

Abstract: Globally, the external internet is increasingly being connected to industrial control systems. As a result, there is an immediate need to protect these networks from a variety of threats. The key infrastructure of industrial activity can be protected from harm using an intrusion detection system (IDS), a preventive mechanism that seeks to recognize new kinds of dangerous threats and hostile activities. This review examines the most recent artificial-intelligence techniques that are used to create IDSs in many kinds of industrial control networks, with a particular emphasis on IDS-based deep transfer learning (DTL). DTL can be seen as a type of information-fusion approach that merges and/or adapts knowledge from multiple domains to enhance the performance of a target task, particularly when labeled data in the target domain is scarce. Publications issued after 2015 were considered. These selected publications were divided into three categories: DTL-only and IDS-only works are examined in the introduction and background section, and DTL-based IDS papers are considered in the core section of this review. By reading this review paper, researchers will be able to gain a better grasp of the current state of DTL approaches used in IDSs in many different types of network. Other useful information, such as the datasets used, the type of DTL employed, the pre-trained network, IDS techniques, the evaluation metrics including accuracy/F-score and false-alarm rate, and the improvements gained, are also covered. The algorithms and methods used in several studies are presented, and the principles of DTL-based IDS subcategories are presented to the reader and illustrated deeply and clearly

replace-cross Few-shot Link Prediction on N-ary Facts

Authors: Jiyao Wei, Saiping Guan, Xiaolong Jin, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Hyper-relational facts, which consist of a primary triple (head entity, relation, tail entity) and auxiliary attribute-value pairs, are widely present in real-world Knowledge Graphs (KGs). Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts (LPHFs) is to predict a missing element in a hyper-relational fact, which helps populate and enrich KGs. However, existing LPHFs studies usually require an amount of high-quality data. They overlook few-shot relations, which have limited instances, yet are common in real-world scenarios. Thus, we introduce a new task, Few-Shot Link Prediction on Hyper-relational Facts (FSLPHFs). It aims to predict a missing entity in a hyper-relational fact with limited support instances. To tackle FSLPHFs, we propose MetaRH, a model that learns Meta Relational information in Hyper-relational facts. MetaRH comprises three modules: relation learning, support-specific adjustment, and query inference. By capturing meta relational information from limited support instances, MetaRH can accurately predict the missing entity in a query. As there is no existing dataset available for this new task, we construct three datasets to validate the effectiveness of MetaRH. Experimental results on these datasets demonstrate that MetaRH significantly outperforms existing representative models.

replace-cross FasterViT: Fast Vision Transformers with Hierarchical Attention

Authors: Ali Hatamizadeh, Greg Heinrich, Hongxu Yin, Andrew Tao, Jose M. Alvarez, Jan Kautz, Pavlo Molchanov

Abstract: We design a new family of hybrid CNN-ViT neural networks, named FasterViT, with a focus on high image throughput for computer vision (CV) applications. FasterViT combines the benefits of fast local representation learning in CNNs and global modeling properties in ViT. Our newly introduced Hierarchical Attention (HAT) approach decomposes global self-attention with quadratic complexity into a multi-level attention with reduced computational costs. We benefit from efficient window-based self-attention. Each window has access to dedicated carrier tokens that participate in local and global representation learning. At a high level, global self-attentions enable the efficient cross-window communication at lower costs. FasterViT achieves a SOTA Pareto-front in terms of accuracy and image throughput. We have extensively validated its effectiveness on various CV tasks including classification, object detection and segmentation. We also show that HAT can be used as a plug-and-play module for existing networks and enhance them. We further demonstrate significantly faster and more accurate performance than competitive counterparts for images with high resolution. Code is available at


replace-cross Samplet basis pursuit: Multiresolution scattered data approximation with sparsity constraints

Authors: Davide Baroli, Helmut Harbrecht, Michael Multerer

Abstract: We consider scattered data approximation in samplet coordinates with $\ell_1$-regularization. The application of an $\ell_1$-regularization term enforces sparsity of the coefficients with respect to the samplet basis. Samplets are wavelet-type signed measures, which are tailored to scattered data. Therefore, samplets enable the use of well-established multiresolution techniques on general scattered data sets. They provide similar properties as wavelets in terms of localization, multiresolution analysis, and data compression. By using the Riesz isometry, we embed samplets into reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces and discuss the properties of the resulting functions. We argue that the class of signals that are sparse with respect to the embedded samplet basis is considerably larger than the class of signals that are sparse with respect to the basis of kernel translates. Vice versa, every signal that is a linear combination of only a few kernel translates is sparse in samplet coordinates. We propose the rapid solution of the problem under consideration by combining soft-shrinkage with the semi-smooth Newton method. Leveraging on the sparse representation of kernel matrices in samplet coordinates, this approach converges faster than the fast iterative shrinkage thresholding algorithm and is feasible for large-scale data. Numerical benchmarks are presented and demonstrate the superiority of the multiresolution approach over the single-scale approach. As large-scale applications, the surface reconstruction from scattered data and the reconstruction of scattered temperature data using a dictionary of multiple kernels are considered.

replace-cross Learned Kernels for Sparse, Interpretable, and Efficient Medical Time Series Processing

Authors: Sully F. Chen, Zhicheng Guo, Cheng Ding, Xiao Hu, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: Background: Rapid, reliable, and accurate interpretation of medical signals is crucial for high-stakes clinical decision-making. The advent of deep learning allowed for an explosion of new models that offered unprecedented performance in medical time series processing but at a cost: deep learning models are often compute-intensive and lack interpretability. Methods: We propose Sparse Mixture of Learned Kernels (SMoLK), an interpretable architecture for medical time series processing. The method learns a set of lightweight flexible kernels to construct a single-layer neural network, providing not only interpretability, but also efficiency and robustness. We introduce novel parameter reduction techniques to further reduce the size of our network. We demonstrate the power of our architecture on two important tasks: photoplethysmography (PPG) artifact detection and atrial fibrillation detection from single-lead electrocardiograms (ECGs). Our approach has performance similar to the state-of-the-art deep neural networks with several orders of magnitude fewer parameters, allowing for deep neural network level performance with extremely low-power wearable devices. Results: Our interpretable method achieves greater than 99% of the performance of the state-of-the-art methods on the PPG artifact detection task, and even outperforms the state-of-the-art on a challenging out-of-distribution test set, while using dramatically fewer parameters (2% of the parameters of Segade, and about half of the parameters of Tiny-PPG). On single lead atrial fibrillation detection, our method matches the performance of a 1D-residual convolutional network, at less than 1% the parameter count, while exhibiting considerably better performance in the low-data regime, even when compared to a parameter-matched control deep network.

replace-cross Saliency strikes back: How filtering out high frequencies improves white-box explanations

Authors: Sabine Muzellec, Thomas Fel, Victor Boutin, L\'eo and\'eol, Rufin VanRullen, Thomas Serre

Abstract: Attribution methods correspond to a class of explainability methods (XAI) that aim to assess how individual inputs contribute to a model's decision-making process. We have identified a significant limitation in one type of attribution methods, known as "white-box" methods. Although highly efficient, these methods rely on a gradient signal that is often contaminated by high-frequency noise. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a new approach called "FORGrad". This simple method effectively filters out noise artifacts by using optimal cut-off frequencies tailored to the unique characteristics of each model architecture. Our findings show that FORGrad consistently enhances the performance of already existing white-box methods, enabling them to compete effectively with more accurate yet computationally demanding "black-box" methods. We anticipate that our research will foster broader adoption of simpler and more efficient white-box methods for explainability, offering a better balance between faithfulness and computational efficiency.

replace-cross Don't throw away your value model! Generating more preferable text with Value-Guided Monte-Carlo Tree Search decoding

Authors: Jiacheng Liu, Andrew Cohen, Ramakanth Pasunuru, Yejin Choi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Asli Celikyilmaz

Abstract: Inference-time search algorithms such as Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) may seem unnecessary when generating natural language text based on state-of-the-art reinforcement learning such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). In this paper, we demonstrate that it is possible to get extra mileage out of PPO by integrating MCTS on top. The key idea is not to throw out the value network, a byproduct of PPO training for evaluating partial output sequences, when decoding text out of the policy network. More concretely, we present a novel value-guided decoding algorithm called PPO-MCTS, which can integrate the value network from PPO to work closely with the policy network during inference-time generation. Compared to prior approaches based on MCTS for controlled text generation, the key strength of our approach is to reduce the fundamental mismatch of the scoring mechanisms of the partial outputs between training and test. Evaluation on four text generation tasks demonstrate that PPO-MCTS greatly improves the preferability of generated text compared to the standard practice of using only the PPO policy. Our results demonstrate the promise of search algorithms even on top of the aligned language models from PPO, and the under-explored benefit of the value network.

replace-cross Efficient tensor network simulation of IBM's largest quantum processors

Authors: Siddhartha Patra, Saeed S. Jahromi, Sukhbinder Singh, Roman Orus

Abstract: We show how quantum-inspired 2d tensor networks can be used to efficiently and accurately simulate the largest quantum processors from IBM, namely Eagle (127 qubits), Osprey (433 qubits) and Condor (1121 qubits). We simulate the dynamics of a complex quantum many-body system -specifically, the kicked Ising experiment considered recently by IBM in Nature 618, p. 500-505 (2023)- using graph-based Projected Entangled Pair States (gPEPS), which was proposed by some of us in PRB 99, 195105 (2019). Our results show that simple tensor updates are already sufficient to achieve very large unprecedented accuracy with remarkably low computational resources for this model. Apart from simulating the original experiment for 127 qubits, we also extend our results to 433 and 1121 qubits, and for evolution times around 8 times longer, thus setting a benchmark for the newest IBM quantum machines. We also report accurate simulations for infinitely-many qubits. Our results show that gPEPS are a natural tool to efficiently simulate quantum computers with an underlying lattice-based qubit connectivity, such as all quantum processors based on superconducting qubits.

replace-cross Rephrase, Augment, Reason: Visual Grounding of Questions for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Archiki Prasad, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: An increasing number of vision-language tasks can be handled with little to no training, i.e., in a zero and few-shot manner, by marrying large language models (LLMs) to vision encoders, resulting in large vision-language models (LVLMs). While this has huge upsides, such as not requiring training data or custom architectures, how an input is presented to an LVLM can have a major impact on zero-shot model performance. In particular, inputs phrased in an underspecified way can result in incorrect answers due to factors like missing visual information, complex implicit reasoning, or linguistic ambiguity. Therefore, adding visually-grounded information to the input as a preemptive clarification should improve model performance by reducing underspecification, e.g., by localizing objects and disambiguating references. Similarly, in the VQA setting, changing the way questions are framed can make them easier for models to answer. To this end, we present Rephrase, Augment and Reason (RepARe), a gradient-free framework that extracts salient details about the image using the underlying LVLM as a captioner and reasoner, in order to propose modifications to the original question. We then use the LVLM's confidence over a generated answer as an unsupervised scoring function to select the rephrased question most likely to improve zero-shot performance. Focusing on three visual question answering tasks, we show that RepARe can result in a 3.85% (absolute) increase in zero-shot accuracy on VQAv2, 6.41%, and 7.94% points increase on A-OKVQA, and VizWiz respectively. Additionally, we find that using gold answers for oracle question candidate selection achieves a substantial gain in VQA accuracy by up to 14.41%. Through extensive analysis, we demonstrate that outputs from RepARe increase syntactic complexity, and effectively utilize vision-language interaction and the frozen LLM.

replace-cross Hexa: Self-Improving for Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue System

Authors: Daejin Jo, Daniel Wontae Nam, Gunsoo Han, Kyoung-Woon On, Taehwan Kwon, Seungeun Rho, Sungwoong Kim

Abstract: A common practice in knowledge-grounded dialogue generation is to explicitly utilize intermediate steps (e.g., web-search, memory retrieval) with modular approaches. However, data for such steps are often inaccessible compared to those of dialogue responses as they are unobservable in an ordinary dialogue. To fill in the absence of these data, we develop a self-improving method to improve the generative performances of intermediate steps without the ground truth data. In particular, we propose a novel bootstrapping scheme with a guided prompt and a modified loss function to enhance the diversity of appropriate self-generated responses. Through experiments on various benchmark datasets, we empirically demonstrate that our method successfully leverages a self-improving mechanism in generating intermediate and final responses and improves the performances on the task of knowledge-grounded dialogue generation.

replace-cross Kiki or Bouba? Sound Symbolism in Vision-and-Language Models

Authors: Morris Alper, Hadar Averbuch-Elor

Abstract: Although the mapping between sound and meaning in human language is assumed to be largely arbitrary, research in cognitive science has shown that there are non-trivial correlations between particular sounds and meanings across languages and demographic groups, a phenomenon known as sound symbolism. Among the many dimensions of meaning, sound symbolism is particularly salient and well-demonstrated with regards to cross-modal associations between language and the visual domain. In this work, we address the question of whether sound symbolism is reflected in vision-and-language models such as CLIP and Stable Diffusion. Using zero-shot knowledge probing to investigate the inherent knowledge of these models, we find strong evidence that they do show this pattern, paralleling the well-known kiki-bouba effect in psycholinguistics. Our work provides a novel method for demonstrating sound symbolism and understanding its nature using computational tools. Our code will be made publicly available.

replace-cross The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Random Target Embeddings for Continuous-Output Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Evgeniia Tokarchuk, Vlad Niculae

Abstract: Continuous-output neural machine translation (CoNMT) replaces the discrete next-word prediction problem with an embedding prediction. The semantic structure of the target embedding space (i.e., closeness of related words) is intuitively believed to be crucial. We challenge this assumption and show that completely random output embeddings can outperform laboriously pretrained ones, especially on larger datasets. Further investigation shows this surprising effect is strongest for rare words, due to the geometry of their embeddings. We shed further light on this finding by designing a mixed strategy that combines random and pre-trained embeddings for different tokens.

replace-cross Separating and Learning Latent Confounders to Enhancing User Preferences Modeling

Authors: Hangtong Xu, Yuanbo Xu, Yongjian Yang

Abstract: Recommender models aim to capture user preferences from historical feedback and then predict user-specific feedback on candidate items. However, the presence of various unmeasured confounders causes deviations between the user preferences in the historical feedback and the true preferences, resulting in models not meeting their expected performance. Existing debias models either (1) specific to solving one particular bias or (2) directly obtain auxiliary information from user historical feedback, which cannot identify whether the learned preferences are true user preferences or mixed with unmeasured confounders. Moreover, we find that the former recommender system is not only a successor to unmeasured confounders but also acts as an unmeasured confounder affecting user preference modeling, which has always been neglected in previous studies. To this end, we incorporate the effect of the former recommender system and treat it as a proxy for all unmeasured confounders. We propose a novel framework, Separating and Learning Latent Confounders For Recommendation (SLFR), which obtains the representation of unmeasured confounders to identify the counterfactual feedback by disentangling user preferences and unmeasured confounders, then guides the target model to capture the true preferences of users. Extensive experiments in five real-world datasets validate the advantages of our method.

replace-cross Short vs. Long-term Coordination of Drones: When Distributed Optimization Meets Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chuhao Qin, Evangelos Pournaras

Abstract: Swarms of autonomous interactive drones, with the support of recharging technology, can provide compelling sensing capabilities in Smart Cities, such as traffic monitoring and disaster response. This paper aims to deliver a novel coordination solution for the cost-effective navigation, sensing, and recharging of drones. Existing approaches, such as deep reinforcement learning (DRL), offer long-term adaptability, but lack energy efficiency, resilience, and flexibility in dynamic environments. Therefore, this paper proposes a novel approach where each drone independently determines its flying direction and recharging place using DRL, while adapting navigation and sensing through distributed optimization, which improves energy-efficiency during sensing tasks. Furthermore, drones efficiently exchange information while retaining decision-making autonomy via a structured tree communication model. Extensive experimentation with datasets generated from realistic urban mobility underscores an outstanding performance of the proposed solution compared to state-of-the-art methods. Significant new insights show that long-term methods optimize scarce drone resource for traffic management, while the integration of short-term methods is crucial for advising on charging policies and maintaining battery safety.

replace-cross Discovering Effective Policies for Land-Use Planning with Neuroevolution

Authors: Risto Miikkulainen, Olivier Francon, Daniel Young, Elliot Meyerson, Clemens Schwingshackl, Jacob Bieker, Hugo Cunha, Babak Hodjat

Abstract: How areas of land are allocated for different uses, such as forests, urban areas, and agriculture, has a large effect on the terrestrial carbon balance, and therefore climate change. Based on available historical data on land-use changes and a simulation of the associated carbon emissions and removals, a surrogate model can be learned that makes it possible to evaluate the different options available to decision-makers efficiently. An evolutionary search process can then be used to discover effective land-use policies for specific locations. Such a system was built on the Project Resilience platform and evaluated with the Land-Use Harmonization dataset LUH2 and the bookkeeping model BLUE. It generates Pareto fronts that trade off carbon impact and amount of land-use change customized to different locations, thus providing a potentially useful tool for land-use planning.

replace-cross XLB: A differentiable massively parallel lattice Boltzmann library in Python

Authors: Mohammadmehdi Ataei, Hesam Salehipour

Abstract: The lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) has emerged as a prominent technique for solving fluid dynamics problems due to its algorithmic potential for computational scalability. We introduce XLB library, a Python-based differentiable LBM library based on the JAX platform. The architecture of XLB is predicated upon ensuring accessibility, extensibility, and computational performance, enabling scaling effectively across CPU, TPU, multi-GPU, and distributed multi-GPU or TPU systems. The library can be readily augmented with novel boundary conditions, collision models, or multi-physics simulation capabilities. XLB's differentiability and data structure is compatible with the extensive JAX-based machine learning ecosystem, enabling it to address physics-based machine learning, optimization, and inverse problems. XLB has been successfully scaled to handle simulations with billions of cells, achieving giga-scale lattice updates per second. XLB is released under the permissive Apache-2.0 license and is available on GitHub at


replace-cross DiffiT: Diffusion Vision Transformers for Image Generation

Authors: Ali Hatamizadeh, Jiaming Song, Guilin Liu, Jan Kautz, Arash Vahdat

Abstract: Diffusion models with their powerful expressivity and high sample quality have achieved State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) performance in the generative domain. The pioneering Vision Transformer (ViT) has also demonstrated strong modeling capabilities and scalability, especially for recognition tasks. In this paper, we study the effectiveness of ViTs in diffusion-based generative learning and propose a new model denoted as Diffusion Vision Transformers (DiffiT). Specifically, we propose a methodology for finegrained control of the denoising process and introduce the Time-dependant Multihead Self Attention (TMSA) mechanism. DiffiT is surprisingly effective in generating high-fidelity images with significantly better parameter efficiency. We also propose latent and image space DiffiT models and show SOTA performance on a variety of class-conditional and unconditional synthesis tasks at different resolutions. The Latent DiffiT model achieves a new SOTA FID score of 1.73 on ImageNet-256 dataset while having 19.85%, 16.88% less parameters than other Transformer-based diffusion models such as MDT and DiT, respectively. Code:


replace-cross Classification for everyone : Building geography agnostic models for fairer recognition

Authors: Akshat Jindal, Shreya Singh, Soham Gadgil

Abstract: In this paper, we analyze different methods to mitigate inherent geographical biases present in state of the art image classification models. We first quantitatively present this bias in two datasets - The Dollar Street Dataset and ImageNet, using images with location information. We then present different methods which can be employed to reduce this bias. Finally, we analyze the effectiveness of the different techniques on making these models more robust to geographical locations of the images.

replace-cross Large Language Models for Mathematicians

Authors: Simon Frieder, Julius Berner, Philipp Petersen, Thomas Lukasiewicz

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have received immense interest for their general-purpose language understanding and, in particular, their ability to generate high-quality text or computer code. For many professions, LLMs represent an invaluable tool that can speed up and improve the quality of work. In this note, we discuss to what extent they can aid professional mathematicians. We first provide a mathematical description of the transformer model used in all modern language models. Based on recent studies, we then outline best practices and potential issues and report on the mathematical abilities of language models. Finally, we shed light on the potential of LLMs to change how mathematicians work.

replace-cross Large Human Language Models: A Need and the Challenges

Authors: Nikita Soni, H. Andrew Schwartz, Jo\~ao Sedoc, Niranjan Balasubramanian

Abstract: As research in human-centered NLP advances, there is a growing recognition of the importance of incorporating human and social factors into NLP models. At the same time, our NLP systems have become heavily reliant on LLMs, most of which do not model authors. To build NLP systems that can truly understand human language, we must better integrate human contexts into LLMs. This brings to the fore a range of design considerations and challenges in terms of what human aspects to capture, how to represent them, and what modeling strategies to pursue. To address these, we advocate for three positions toward creating large human language models (LHLMs) using concepts from psychological and behavioral sciences: First, LM training should include the human context. Second, LHLMs should recognize that people are more than their group(s). Third, LHLMs should be able to account for the dynamic and temporally-dependent nature of the human context. We refer to relevant advances and present open challenges that need to be addressed and their possible solutions in realizing these goals.

replace-cross pixelSplat: 3D Gaussian Splats from Image Pairs for Scalable Generalizable 3D Reconstruction

Authors: David Charatan, Sizhe Li, Andrea Tagliasacchi, Vincent Sitzmann

Abstract: We introduce pixelSplat, a feed-forward model that learns to reconstruct 3D radiance fields parameterized by 3D Gaussian primitives from pairs of images. Our model features real-time and memory-efficient rendering for scalable training as well as fast 3D reconstruction at inference time. To overcome local minima inherent to sparse and locally supported representations, we predict a dense probability distribution over 3D and sample Gaussian means from that probability distribution. We make this sampling operation differentiable via a reparameterization trick, allowing us to back-propagate gradients through the Gaussian splatting representation. We benchmark our method on wide-baseline novel view synthesis on the real-world RealEstate10k and ACID datasets, where we outperform state-of-the-art light field transformers and accelerate rendering by 2.5 orders of magnitude while reconstructing an interpretable and editable 3D radiance field.

replace-cross DEM: A Method for Certifying Deep Neural Network Classifier Outputs in Aerospace

Authors: Guy Katz, Natan Levy, Idan Refaeli, Raz Yerushalmi

Abstract: Software development in the aerospace domain requires adhering to strict, high-quality standards. While there exist regulatory guidelines for commercial software in this domain (e.g., ARP-4754 and DO-178), these do not apply to software with deep neural network (DNN) components. Consequently, it is unclear how to allow aerospace systems to benefit from the deep learning revolution. Our work here seeks to address this challenge with a novel, output-centric approach for DNN certification. Our method employs statistical verification techniques, and has the key advantage of being able to flag specific inputs for which the DNN's output may be unreliable - so that they may be later inspected by a human expert. To achieve this, our method conducts a statistical analysis of the DNN's predictions for other, nearby inputs, in order to detect inconsistencies. This is in contrast to existing techniques, which typically attempt to certify the entire DNN, as opposed to individual outputs. Our method uses the DNN as a black-box, and makes no assumptions about its topology. We hope that this work constitutes another step towards integrating DNNs in safety-critical applications - especially in the aerospace domain, where high standards of quality and reliability are crucial.

replace-cross End-to-End Crystal Structure Prediction from Powder X-Ray Diffraction

Authors: Qingsi Lai, Lin Yao, Zhifeng Gao, Siyuan Liu, Hongshuai Wang, Shuqi Lu, Di He, Liwei Wang, Cheng Wang, Guolin Ke

Abstract: Crystal structure prediction (CSP) has made significant progress, but most methods focus on unconditional generations of inorganic crystal with limited atoms in the unit cell. This study introduces XtalNet, the first equivariant deep generative model for end-to-end CSP from Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD). Unlike previous methods that rely solely on composition, XtalNet leverages PXRD as an additional condition, eliminating ambiguity and enabling the generation of complex organic structures with up to 400 atoms in the unit cell. XtalNet comprises two modules: a Contrastive PXRD-Crystal Pretraining (CPCP) module that aligns PXRD space with crystal structure space, and a Conditional Crystal Structure Generation (CCSG) module that generates candidate crystal structures conditioned on PXRD patterns. Evaluation on two MOF datasets (hMOF-100 and hMOF-400) demonstrates XtalNet's effectiveness. XtalNet achieves a top-10 Match Rate of 90.2% and 79% for hMOF-100 and hMOF-400 datasets in conditional crystal structure prediction task, respectively. XtalNet represents a significant advance in CSP, enabling the prediction of complex structures from PXRD data without the need for external databases or manual intervention. It has the potential to revolutionize PXRD analysis. It enables the direct prediction of crystal structures from experimental measurements, eliminating the need for manual intervention and external databases. This opens up new possibilities for automated crystal structure determination and the accelerated discovery of novel materials.

replace-cross Vulnerabilities of Foundation Model Integrated Federated Learning Under Adversarial Threats

Authors: Chen Wu, Xi Li, Jiaqi Wang

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) addresses critical issues in machine learning related to data privacy and security, yet suffering from data insufficiency and imbalance under certain circumstances. The emergence of foundation models (FMs) offers potential solutions to the limitations of existing FL frameworks, e.g., by generating synthetic data for model initialization. However, due to the inherent safety concerns of FMs, integrating FMs into FL could introduce new risks, which remains largely unexplored. To address this gap, we conduct the first investigation on the vulnerability of FM integrated FL (FM-FL) under adversarial threats. Based on a unified framework of FM-FL, we introduce a novel attack strategy that exploits safety issues of FM to compromise FL client models. Through extensive experiments with well-known models and benchmark datasets in both image and text domains, we reveal the high susceptibility of the FM-FL to this new threat under various FL configurations. Furthermore, we find that existing FL defense strategies offer limited protection against this novel attack approach. This research highlights the critical need for enhanced security measures in FL in the era of FMs.

replace-cross VC dimension of Graph Neural Networks with Pfaffian activation functions

Authors: Giuseppe Alessio D'Inverno, Monica Bianchini, Franco Scarselli

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged in recent years as a powerful tool to learn tasks across a wide range of graph domains in a data-driven fashion; based on a message passing mechanism, GNNs have gained increasing popularity due to their intuitive formulation, closely linked with the Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) test for graph isomorphism, to which they have proven equivalent. From a theoretical point of view, GNNs have been shown to be universal approximators, and their generalization capability (namely, bounds on the Vapnik Chervonekis (VC) dimension) has recently been investigated for GNNs with piecewise polynomial activation functions. The aim of our work is to extend this analysis on the VC dimension of GNNs to other commonly used activation functions, such as sigmoid and hyperbolic tangent, using the framework of Pfaffian function theory. Bounds are provided with respect to architecture parameters (depth, number of neurons, input size) as well as with respect to the number of colors resulting from the 1-WL test applied on the graph domain. The theoretical analysis is supported by a preliminary experimental study.

replace-cross Learning Collective Variables with Synthetic Data Augmentation through Physics-inspired Geodesic Interpolation

Authors: Soojung Yang, Juno Nam, Johannes C. B. Dietschreit, Rafael G\'omez-Bombarelli

Abstract: In molecular dynamics simulations, rare events, such as protein folding, are typically studied using enhanced sampling techniques, most of which are based on the definition of a collective variable (CV) along which acceleration occurs. Obtaining an expressive CV is crucial, but often hindered by the lack of information about the particular event, e.g., the transition from unfolded to folded conformation. We propose a simulation-free data augmentation strategy using physics-inspired metrics to generate geodesic interpolations resembling protein folding transitions, thereby improving sampling efficiency without true transition state samples. Leveraging interpolation progress parameters, we introduce a regression-based learning scheme for CV models, which outperforms classifier-based methods when transition state data are limited and noisy.

replace-cross Pathspace Kalman Filters with Dynamic Process Uncertainty for Analyzing Time-course Data

Authors: Chaitra Agrahar, William Poole, Simone Bianco, Hana El-Samad

Abstract: Kalman Filter (KF) is an optimal linear state prediction algorithm, with applications in fields as diverse as engineering, economics, robotics, and space exploration. Here, we develop an extension of the KF, called a Pathspace Kalman Filter (PKF) which allows us to a) dynamically track the uncertainties associated with the underlying data and prior knowledge, and b) take as input an entire trajectory and an underlying mechanistic model, and using a Bayesian methodology quantify the different sources of uncertainty. An application of this algorithm is to automatically detect temporal windows where the internal mechanistic model deviates from the data in a time-dependent manner. First, we provide theorems characterizing the convergence of the PKF algorithm. Then, we numerically demonstrate that the PKF outperforms conventional KF methods on a synthetic dataset lowering the mean-squared-error by several orders of magnitude. Finally, we apply this method to biological time-course dataset involving over 1.8 million gene expression measurements.

replace-cross Autonomous Data Selection with Language Models for Mathematical Texts

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Yifan Luo, Yang Yuan, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Abstract: To improve language models' proficiency in mathematical reasoning via continual pretraining, we introduce a novel strategy that leverages base language models for autonomous data selection. Departing from conventional supervised fine-tuning or trained classifiers with human-annotated data, our approach Autonomous Data Selection (AutoDS) utilizes meta-prompted language models as zero-shot verifiers to evaluate and select high-quality mathematical content autonomously. To demonstrate the efficacy of our method, we continuously pretrained a 7B-parameter language model on our curated dataset, achieving substantial improvements in downstream performance on the MATH, GSM8K, and BIG-Bench Hard (BBH) tasks with a token amount reduced by orders of magnitude compared to previous continual pretraining works. Our method showcases a 2 times increase in pretraining token efficiency compared to state-of-the-art baselines, underscoring the potential of our approach in enhancing models' mathematical reasoning capabilities. The AutoMathText dataset is available at The code is available at


replace-cross Measuring and Controlling Instruction (In)Stability in Language Model Dialogs

Authors: Kenneth Li, Tianle Liu, Naomi Bashkansky, David Bau, Fernanda Vi\'egas, Hanspeter Pfister, Martin Wattenberg

Abstract: System-prompting is a standard tool for customizing language-model chatbots, enabling them to follow a specific instruction. An implicit assumption in the use of system prompts is that they will be stable, so the chatbot will continue to generate text according to the stipulated instructions for the duration of a conversation. We propose a quantitative benchmark to test this assumption, evaluating instruction stability via self-chats between two instructed chatbots. Testing popular models like LLaMA2-chat-70B and GPT-3.5, we reveal a significant instruction drift within eight rounds of conversations. An empirical and theoretical analysis of this phenomenon suggests the transformer attention mechanism plays a role, due to attention decay over long exchanges. To combat attention decay and instruction drift, we propose a lightweight method called split-softmax, which compares favorably against two strong baselines.

replace-cross Online Local False Discovery Rate Control: A Resource Allocation Approach

Authors: Ruicheng Ao, Hongyu Chen, David Simchi-Levi, Feng Zhu

Abstract: We consider the problem of sequentially conducting multiple experiments where each experiment corresponds to a hypothesis testing task. At each time point, the experimenter must make an irrevocable decision of whether to reject the null hypothesis (or equivalently claim a discovery) before the next experimental result arrives. The goal is to maximize the number of discoveries while maintaining a low error rate at all time points measured by local False Discovery Rate (FDR). We formulate the problem as an online knapsack problem with exogenous random budget replenishment. We start with general arrival distributions and show that a simple policy achieves a $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret. We complement the result by showing that such regret rate is in general not improvable. We then shift our focus to discrete arrival distributions. We find that many existing re-solving heuristics in the online resource allocation literature, albeit achieve bounded loss in canonical settings, may incur a $\Omega(\sqrt{T})$ or even a $\Omega(T)$ regret. With the observation that canonical policies tend to be too optimistic and over claim discoveries, we propose a novel policy that incorporates budget safety buffers. It turns out that a little more safety can greatly enhance efficiency -- small additional logarithmic buffers suffice to reduce the regret from $\Omega(\sqrt{T})$ or even $\Omega(T)$ to $O(\ln^2 T)$. From a practical perspective, we extend the policy to the scenario with continuous arrival distributions as well as time-dependent information structures. We conduct both synthetic experiments and empirical applications on a time series data from New York City taxi passengers to validate the performance of our proposed policies. Our results emphasize how effective policies should be designed in online resource allocation problems with exogenous budget replenishment.

replace-cross Learning Memory Kernels in Generalized Langevin Equations

Authors: Quanjun Lang, Jianfeng Lu

Abstract: We introduce a novel approach for learning memory kernels in Generalized Langevin Equations. This approach initially utilizes a regularized Prony method to estimate correlation functions from trajectory data, followed by regression over a Sobolev norm-based loss function with RKHS regularization. Our method guarantees improved performance within an exponentially weighted L^2 space, with the kernel estimation error controlled by the error in estimated correlation functions. We demonstrate the superiority of our estimator compared to other regression estimators that rely on L^2 loss functions and also an estimator derived from the inverse Laplace transform, using numerical examples that highlight its consistent advantage across various weight parameter selections. Additionally, we provide examples that include the application of force and drift terms in the equation.

replace-cross Reinforcement Learning with Elastic Time Steps

Authors: Dong Wang, Giovanni Beltrame

Abstract: Traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are usually applied in robotics to learn controllers that act with a fixed control rate. Given the discrete nature of RL algorithms, they are oblivious to the effects of the choice of control rate: finding the correct control rate can be difficult and mistakes often result in excessive use of computing resources or even lack of convergence. We propose Soft Elastic Actor-Critic (SEAC), a novel off-policy actor-critic algorithm to address this issue. SEAC implements elastic time steps, time steps with a known, variable duration, which allow the agent to change its control frequency to adapt to the situation. In practice, SEAC applies control only when necessary, minimizing computational resources and data usage. We evaluate SEAC's capabilities in simulation in a Newtonian kinematics maze navigation task and on a 3D racing video game, Trackmania. SEAC outperforms the SAC baseline in terms of energy efficiency and overall time management, and most importantly without the need to identify a control frequency for the learned controller. SEAC demonstrated faster and more stable training speeds than SAC, especially at control rates where SAC struggled to converge. We also compared SEAC with a similar approach, the Continuous-Time Continuous-Options (CTCO) model, and SEAC resulted in better task performance. These findings highlight the potential of SEAC for practical, real-world RL applications in robotics.

replace-cross Learning to Compress Prompt in Natural Language Formats

Authors: Yu-Neng Chuang, Tianwei Xing, Chia-Yuan Chang, Zirui Liu, Xun Chen, Xia Hu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are great at processing multiple natural language processing tasks, but their abilities are constrained by inferior performance with long context, slow inference speed, and the high cost of computing the results. Deploying LLMs with precise and informative context helps users process large-scale datasets more effectively and cost-efficiently. Existing works rely on compressing long prompt contexts into soft prompts. However, soft prompt compression encounters limitations in transferability across different LLMs, especially API-based LLMs. To this end, this work aims to compress lengthy prompts in the form of natural language with LLM transferability. This poses two challenges: (i) Natural Language (NL) prompts are incompatible with back-propagation, and (ii) NL prompts lack flexibility in imposing length constraints. In this work, we propose a Natural Language Prompt Encapsulation (Nano-Capsulator) framework compressing original prompts into NL formatted Capsule Prompt while maintaining the prompt utility and transferability. Specifically, to tackle the first challenge, the Nano-Capsulator is optimized by a reward function that interacts with the proposed semantics preserving loss. To address the second question, the Nano-Capsulator is optimized by a reward function featuring length constraints. Experimental results demonstrate that the Capsule Prompt can reduce 81.4% of the original length, decrease inference latency up to 4.5x, and save 80.1% of budget overheads while providing transferability across diverse LLMs and different datasets.

replace-cross Modeling Multimodal Social Interactions: New Challenges and Baselines with Densely Aligned Representations

Authors: Sangmin Lee, Bolin Lai, Fiona Ryan, Bikram Boote, James M. Rehg

Abstract: Understanding social interactions involving both verbal and non-verbal cues is essential for effectively interpreting social situations. However, most prior works on multimodal social cues focus predominantly on single-person behaviors or rely on holistic visual representations that are not aligned to utterances in multi-party environments. Consequently, they are limited in modeling the intricate dynamics of multi-party interactions. In this paper, we introduce three new challenging tasks to model the fine-grained dynamics between multiple people: speaking target identification, pronoun coreference resolution, and mentioned player prediction. We contribute extensive data annotations to curate these new challenges in social deduction game settings. Furthermore, we propose a novel multimodal baseline that leverages densely aligned language-visual representations by synchronizing visual features with their corresponding utterances. This facilitates concurrently capturing verbal and non-verbal cues pertinent to social reasoning. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with densely aligned multimodal representations in modeling fine-grained social interactions. Project website:


replace-cross MedMamba: Vision Mamba for Medical Image Classification

Authors: Yubiao Yue, Zhenzhang Li

Abstract: Medical image classification is a very fundamental and crucial task in the field of computer vision. These years, CNN-based and Transformer-based models have been widely used to classify various medical images. Unfortunately, The limitation of CNNs in long-range modeling capabilities prevents them from effectively extracting features in medical images, while Transformers are hampered by their quadratic computational complexity. Recent research has shown that the state space model (SSM) represented by Mamba can efficiently model long-range interactions while maintaining linear computational complexity. Inspired by this, we propose Vision Mamba for medical image classification (MedMamba). More specifically, we introduce a novel Conv-SSM module. Conv-SSM combines the local feature extraction ability of convolutional layers with the ability of SSM to capture long-range dependency, thereby modeling medical images with different modalities. To demonstrate the potential of MedMamba, we conducted extensive experiments using 14 publicly available medical datasets with different imaging techniques and two private datasets built by ourselves. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MedMamba performs well in detecting lesions in various medical images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Vision Mamba tailored for medical image classification. The purpose of this work is to establish a new baseline for medical image classification tasks and provide valuable insights for the future development of more efficient and effective SSM-based artificial intelligence algorithms and application systems in the medical. Source code has been available at


replace-cross 3D Diffusion Policy: Generalizable Visuomotor Policy Learning via Simple 3D Representations

Authors: Yanjie Ze, Gu Zhang, Kangning Zhang, Chenyuan Hu, Muhan Wang, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Imitation learning provides an efficient way to teach robots dexterous skills; however, learning complex skills robustly and generalizablely usually consumes large amounts of human demonstrations. To tackle this challenging problem, we present 3D Diffusion Policy (DP3), a novel visual imitation learning approach that incorporates the power of 3D visual representations into diffusion policies, a class of conditional action generative models. The core design of DP3 is the utilization of a compact 3D visual representation, extracted from sparse point clouds with an efficient point encoder. In our experiments involving 72 simulation tasks, DP3 successfully handles most tasks with just 10 demonstrations and surpasses baselines with a 24.2% relative improvement. In 4 real robot tasks, DP3 demonstrates precise control with a high success rate of 85%, given only 40 demonstrations of each task, and shows excellent generalization abilities in diverse aspects, including space, viewpoint, appearance, and instance. Interestingly, in real robot experiments, DP3 rarely violates safety requirements, in contrast to baseline methods which frequently do, necessitating human intervention. Our extensive evaluation highlights the critical importance of 3D representations in real-world robot learning. Videos, code, and data are available on .


replace-cross JMI at SemEval 2024 Task 3: Two-step approach for multimodal ECAC using in-context learning with GPT and instruction-tuned Llama models

Authors: Arefa, Mohammed Abbas Ansari, Chandni Saxena, Tanvir Ahmad

Abstract: This paper presents our system development for SemEval-2024 Task 3: "The Competition of Multimodal Emotion Cause Analysis in Conversations". Effectively capturing emotions in human conversations requires integrating multiple modalities such as text, audio, and video. However, the complexities of these diverse modalities pose challenges for developing an efficient multimodal emotion cause analysis (ECA) system. Our proposed approach addresses these challenges by a two-step framework. We adopt two different approaches in our implementation. In Approach 1, we employ instruction-tuning with two separate Llama 2 models for emotion and cause prediction. In Approach 2, we use GPT-4V for conversation-level video description and employ in-context learning with annotated conversation using GPT 3.5. Our system wins rank 4, and system ablation experiments demonstrate that our proposed solutions achieve significant performance gains. All the experimental codes are available on Github.

replace-cross Defending Against Unforeseen Failure Modes with Latent Adversarial Training

Authors: Stephen Casper, Lennart Schulze, Oam Patel, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

Abstract: Despite extensive diagnostics and debugging by developers, AI systems sometimes exhibit harmful unintended behaviors. Finding and fixing these is challenging because the attack surface is so large -- it is not tractable to exhaustively search for inputs that may elicit harmful behaviors. Red-teaming and adversarial training (AT) are commonly used to improve robustness, however, they empirically struggle to fix failure modes that differ from the attacks used during training. In this work, we utilize latent adversarial training (LAT) to defend against vulnerabilities without generating inputs that elicit them. LAT leverages the compressed, abstract, and structured latent representations of concepts that the network actually uses for prediction. We use it to remove trojans and defend against held-out classes of adversarial attacks. We show in image classification, text classification, and text generation tasks that LAT usually improves both robustness to novel attacks and performance on clean data relative to AT. This suggests that LAT can be a promising tool for defending against failure modes that are not explicitly identified by developers.

replace-cross Leveraging Prototypical Representations for Mitigating Social Bias without Demographic Information

Authors: Shadi Iskander, Kira Radinsky, Yonatan Belinkov

Abstract: Mitigating social biases typically requires identifying the social groups associated with each data sample. In this paper, we present DAFair, a novel approach to address social bias in language models. Unlike traditional methods that rely on explicit demographic labels, our approach does not require any such information. Instead, we leverage predefined prototypical demographic texts and incorporate a regularization term during the fine-tuning process to mitigate bias in the model's representations. Our empirical results across two tasks and two models demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to previous approaches that do not rely on labeled data. Moreover, with limited demographic-annotated data, our approach outperforms common debiasing approaches.

replace-cross Joint Multimodal Transformer for Emotion Recognition in the Wild

Authors: Paul Waligora, Haseeb Aslam, Osama Zeeshan, Soufiane Belharbi, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich, Marco Pedersoli, Simon Bacon, Eric Granger

Abstract: Systems for multimodal emotion recognition (MMER) can typically outperform unimodal systems by leveraging the inter- and intra-modal relationships between, e.g., visual, textual, physiological, and auditory modalities. In this paper, an MMER method is proposed that relies on a joint multimodal transformer for fusion with key-based cross-attention. This framework aims to exploit the diverse and complementary nature of different modalities to improve predictive accuracy. Separate backbones capture intra-modal spatiotemporal dependencies within each modality over video sequences. Subsequently, a joint multimodal transformer fusion architecture integrates the individual modality embeddings, allowing the model to capture inter-modal and intra-modal relationships effectively. Extensive experiments on two challenging expression recognition tasks: (1) dimensional emotion recognition on the Affwild2 dataset (with face and voice), and (2) pain estimation on the Biovid dataset (with face and biosensors), indicate that the proposed method can work effectively with different modalities. Empirical results show that MMER systems with our proposed fusion method allow us to outperform relevant baseline and state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross FeatUp: A Model-Agnostic Framework for Features at Any Resolution

Authors: Stephanie Fu, Mark Hamilton, Laura Brandt, Axel Feldman, Zhoutong Zhang, William T. Freeman

Abstract: Deep features are a cornerstone of computer vision research, capturing image semantics and enabling the community to solve downstream tasks even in the zero- or few-shot regime. However, these features often lack the spatial resolution to directly perform dense prediction tasks like segmentation and depth prediction because models aggressively pool information over large areas. In this work, we introduce FeatUp, a task- and model-agnostic framework to restore lost spatial information in deep features. We introduce two variants of FeatUp: one that guides features with high-resolution signal in a single forward pass, and one that fits an implicit model to a single image to reconstruct features at any resolution. Both approaches use a multi-view consistency loss with deep analogies to NeRFs. Our features retain their original semantics and can be swapped into existing applications to yield resolution and performance gains even without re-training. We show that FeatUp significantly outperforms other feature upsampling and image super-resolution approaches in class activation map generation, transfer learning for segmentation and depth prediction, and end-to-end training for semantic segmentation.

replace-cross Ignore Me But Don't Replace Me: Utilizing Non-Linguistic Elements for Pretraining on the Cybersecurity Domain

Authors: Eugene Jang, Jian Cui, Dayeon Yim, Youngjin Jin, Jin-Woo Chung, Seungwon Shin, Yongjae Lee

Abstract: Cybersecurity information is often technically complex and relayed through unstructured text, making automation of cyber threat intelligence highly challenging. For such text domains that involve high levels of expertise, pretraining on in-domain corpora has been a popular method for language models to obtain domain expertise. However, cybersecurity texts often contain non-linguistic elements (such as URLs and hash values) that could be unsuitable with the established pretraining methodologies. Previous work in other domains have removed or filtered such text as noise, but the effectiveness of these methods have not been investigated, especially in the cybersecurity domain. We propose different pretraining methodologies and evaluate their effectiveness through downstream tasks and probing tasks. Our proposed strategy (selective MLM and jointly training NLE token classification) outperforms the commonly taken approach of replacing non-linguistic elements (NLEs). We use our domain-customized methodology to train CyBERTuned, a cybersecurity domain language model that outperforms other cybersecurity PLMs on most tasks.

replace-cross CICLe: Conformal In-Context Learning for Largescale Multi-Class Food Risk Classification

Authors: Korbinian Randl, John Pavlopoulos, Aron Henriksson, Tony Lindgren

Abstract: Contaminated or adulterated food poses a substantial risk to human health. Given sets of labeled web texts for training, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing can be applied to automatically detect such risks. We publish a dataset of 7,546 short texts describing public food recall announcements. Each text is manually labeled, on two granularity levels (coarse and fine), for food products and hazards that the recall corresponds to. We describe the dataset and benchmark naive, traditional, and Transformer models. Based on our analysis, Logistic Regression based on a tf-idf representation outperforms RoBERTa and XLM-R on classes with low support. Finally, we discuss different prompting strategies and present an LLM-in-the-loop framework, based on Conformal Prediction, which boosts the performance of the base classifier while reducing energy consumption compared to normal prompting.

replace-cross FusionINN: Invertible Image Fusion for Brain Tumor Monitoring

Authors: Nishant Kumar, Ziyan Tao, Jaikirat Singh, Yang Li, Peiwen Sun, Binghui Zhao, Stefan Gumhold

Abstract: Image fusion typically employs non-invertible neural networks to merge multiple source images into a single fused image. However, for clinical experts, solely relying on fused images may be insufficient for making diagnostic decisions, as the fusion mechanism blends features from source images, thereby making it difficult to interpret the underlying tumor pathology. We introduce FusionINN, a novel invertible image fusion framework, capable of efficiently generating fused images and also decomposing them back to the source images by solving the inverse of the fusion process. FusionINN guarantees lossless one-to-one pixel mapping by integrating a normally distributed latent image alongside the fused image to facilitate the generative modeling of the decomposition process. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to investigate the decomposability of fused images, which is particularly crucial for life-sensitive applications such as medical image fusion compared to other tasks like multi-focus or multi-exposure image fusion. Our extensive experimentation validates FusionINN over existing discriminative and generative fusion methods, both subjectively and objectively. Moreover, compared to a recent denoising diffusion-based fusion model, our approach offers faster and qualitatively better fusion results. We also exhibit the clinical utility of our results in aiding disease prognosis.

replace-cross Transcribing Bengali Text with Regional Dialects to IPA using District Guided Tokens

Authors: S M Jishanul Islam, Sadia Ahmmed, Sahid Hossain Mustakim

Abstract: Accurate transcription of Bengali text to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a challenging task due to the complex phonology of the language and context-dependent sound changes. This challenge is even more for regional Bengali dialects due to unavailability of standardized spelling conventions for these dialects, presence of local and foreign words popular in those regions and phonological diversity across different regions. This paper presents an approach to this sequence-to-sequence problem by introducing the District Guided Tokens (DGT) technique on a new dataset spanning six districts of Bangladesh. The key idea is to provide the model with explicit information about the regional dialect or "district" of the input text before generating the IPA transcription. This is achieved by prepending a district token to the input sequence, effectively guiding the model to understand the unique phonetic patterns associated with each district. The DGT technique is applied to fine-tune several transformer-based models, on this new dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DGT, with the ByT5 model achieving superior performance over word-based models like mT5, BanglaT5, and umT5. This is attributed to ByT5's ability to handle a high percentage of out-of-vocabulary words in the test set. The proposed approach highlights the importance of incorporating regional dialect information into ubiquitous natural language processing systems for languages with diverse phonological variations. The following work was a result of the "Bhashamul" challenge, which is dedicated to solving the problem of Bengali text with regional dialects to IPA transcription The training and inference notebooks are available through the competition link.


replace-cross Long-form factuality in large language models

Authors: Jerry Wei, Chengrun Yang, Xinying Song, Yifeng Lu, Nathan Hu, Jie Huang, Dustin Tran, Daiyi Peng, Ruibo Liu, Da Huang, Cosmo Du, Quoc V. Le

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often generate content that contains factual errors when responding to fact-seeking prompts on open-ended topics. To benchmark a model's long-form factuality in open domains, we first use GPT-4 to generate LongFact, a prompt set comprising thousands of questions spanning 38 topics. We then propose that LLM agents can be used as automated evaluators for long-form factuality through a method which we call Search-Augmented Factuality Evaluator (SAFE). SAFE utilizes an LLM to break down a long-form response into a set of individual facts and to evaluate the accuracy of each fact using a multi-step reasoning process comprising sending search queries to Google Search and determining whether a fact is supported by the search results. Furthermore, we propose extending F1 score as an aggregated metric for long-form factuality. To do so, we balance the percentage of supported facts in a response (precision) with the percentage of provided facts relative to a hyperparameter representing a user's preferred response length (recall). Empirically, we demonstrate that LLM agents can outperform crowdsourced human annotators - on a set of ~16k individual facts, SAFE agrees with crowdsourced human annotators 72% of the time, and on a random subset of 100 disagreement cases, SAFE wins 76% of the time. At the same time, SAFE is more than 20 times cheaper than human annotators. We also benchmark thirteen language models on LongFact across four model families (Gemini, GPT, Claude, and PaLM-2), finding that larger language models generally achieve better long-form factuality. LongFact, SAFE, and all experimental code are available at


replace-cross ECoDepth: Effective Conditioning of Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Suraj Patni, Aradhye Agarwal, Chetan Arora

Abstract: In the absence of parallax cues, a learning-based single image depth estimation (SIDE) model relies heavily on shading and contextual cues in the image. While this simplicity is attractive, it is necessary to train such models on large and varied datasets, which are difficult to capture. It has been shown that using embeddings from pre-trained foundational models, such as CLIP, improves zero shot transfer in several applications. Taking inspiration from this, in our paper we explore the use of global image priors generated from a pre-trained ViT model to provide more detailed contextual information. We argue that the embedding vector from a ViT model, pre-trained on a large dataset, captures greater relevant information for SIDE than the usual route of generating pseudo image captions, followed by CLIP based text embeddings. Based on this idea, we propose a new SIDE model using a diffusion backbone which is conditioned on ViT embeddings. Our proposed design establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) for SIDE on NYUv2 dataset, achieving Abs Rel error of 0.059(14% improvement) compared to 0.069 by the current SOTA (VPD). And on KITTI dataset, achieving Sq Rel error of 0.139 (2% improvement) compared to 0.142 by the current SOTA (GEDepth). For zero-shot transfer with a model trained on NYUv2, we report mean relative improvement of (20%, 23%, 81%, 25%) over NeWCRFs on (Sun-RGBD, iBims1, DIODE, HyperSim) datasets, compared to (16%, 18%, 45%, 9%) by ZoeDepth. The project page is available at


replace-cross FairRAG: Fair Human Generation via Fair Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Robik Shrestha, Yang Zou, Qiuyu Chen, Zhiheng Li, Yusheng Xie, Siqi Deng

Abstract: Existing text-to-image generative models reflect or even amplify societal biases ingrained in their training data. This is especially concerning for human image generation where models are biased against certain demographic groups. Existing attempts to rectify this issue are hindered by the inherent limitations of the pre-trained models and fail to substantially improve demographic diversity. In this work, we introduce Fair Retrieval Augmented Generation (FairRAG), a novel framework that conditions pre-trained generative models on reference images retrieved from an external image database to improve fairness in human generation. FairRAG enables conditioning through a lightweight linear module that projects reference images into the textual space. To enhance fairness, FairRAG applies simple-yet-effective debiasing strategies, providing images from diverse demographic groups during the generative process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FairRAG outperforms existing methods in terms of demographic diversity, image-text alignment, and image fidelity while incurring minimal computational overhead during inference.

replace-cross Empowering Credit Scoring Systems with Quantum-Enhanced Machine Learning

Authors: Javier Mancilla, Andr\'e Sequeira, Iraitz Montalb\'an, Tomas Tagliani, Francisco Llaneza, Claudio Beiza

Abstract: Quantum Kernels are projected to provide early-stage usefulness for quantum machine learning. However, highly sophisticated classical models are hard to surpass without losing interpretability, particularly when vast datasets can be exploited. Nonetheless, classical models struggle once data is scarce and skewed. Quantum feature spaces are projected to find better links between data features and the target class to be predicted even in such challenging scenarios and most importantly, enhanced generalization capabilities. In this work, we propose a novel approach called Systemic Quantum Score (SQS) and provide preliminary results indicating potential advantage over purely classical models in a production grade use case for the Finance sector. SQS shows in our specific study an increased capacity to extract patterns out of fewer data points as well as improved performance over data-hungry algorithms such as XGBoost, providing advantage in a competitive market as it is the FinTech and Neobank regime.

replace-cross Ink and Individuality: Crafting a Personalised Narrative in the Age of LLMs

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Raima Islam, Mst Rafia Islam

Abstract: Individuality and personalization comprise the distinctive characteristics that make each writer unique and influence their words in order to effectively engage readers while conveying authenticity. However, our growing reliance on LLM-based writing assistants risks compromising our creativity and individuality over time. We often overlook the negative impacts of this trend on our creativity and uniqueness, despite the possible consequences. This study investigates these concerns by performing a brief survey to explore different perspectives and concepts, as well as trying to understand people's viewpoints, in conjunction with past studies in the area. Addressing these issues is essential for improving human-computer interaction systems and enhancing writing assistants for personalization and individuality.

replace-cross LLMs as Writing Assistants: Exploring Perspectives on Sense of Ownership and Reasoning

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Mst Rafia Islam, Raima Islam

Abstract: Sense of ownership in writing confines our investment of thoughts, time, and contribution, leading to attachment to the output. However, using writing assistants introduces a mental dilemma, as some content isn't directly our creation. For instance, we tend to credit Large Language Models (LLMs) more in creative tasks, even though all tasks are equal for them. Additionally, while we may not claim complete ownership of LLM-generated content, we freely claim authorship. We conduct a short survey to examine these issues and understand underlying cognitive processes in order to gain a better knowledge of human-computer interaction in writing and improve writing aid systems.

replace-cross Face It Yourselves: An LLM-Based Two-Stage Strategy to Localize Configuration Errors via Logs

Authors: Shiwen Shan, Yintong Huo, Yuxin Su, Yichen Li, Dan Li, Zibin Zheng

Abstract: Configurable software systems are prone to configuration errors, resulting in significant losses to companies. However, diagnosing these errors is challenging due to the vast and complex configuration space. These errors pose significant challenges for both experienced maintainers and new end-users, particularly those without access to the source code of the software systems. Given that logs are easily accessible to most end-users, we conduct a preliminary study to outline the challenges and opportunities of utilizing logs in localizing configuration errors. Based on the insights gained from the preliminary study, we propose an LLM-based two-stage strategy for end-users to localize the root-cause configuration properties based on logs. We further implement a tool, LogConfigLocalizer, aligned with the design of the aforementioned strategy, hoping to assist end-users in coping with configuration errors through log analysis. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to localize the root-cause configuration properties for end-users based on Large Language Models~(LLMs) and logs. We evaluate the proposed strategy on Hadoop by LogConfigLocalizer and prove its efficiency with an average accuracy as high as 99.91%. Additionally, we also demonstrate the effectiveness and necessity of different phases of the methodology by comparing it with two other variants and a baseline tool. Moreover, we validate the proposed methodology through a practical case study to demonstrate its effectiveness and feasibility.