new Techniques for Measuring the Inferential Strength of Forgetting Policies

Authors: Patrick Doherty, Andrzej Szalas

Abstract: The technique of forgetting in knowledge representation has been shown to be a powerful and useful knowledge engineering tool with widespread application. Yet, very little research has been done on how different policies of forgetting, or use of different forgetting operators, affects the inferential strength of the original theory. The goal of this paper is to define loss functions for measuring changes in inferential strength based on intuitions from model counting and probability theory. Properties of such loss measures are studied and a pragmatic knowledge engineering tool is proposed for computing loss measures using Problog. The paper includes a working methodology for studying and determining the strength of different forgetting policies, in addition to concrete examples showing how to apply the theoretical results using Problog. Although the focus is on forgetting, the results are much more general and should have wider application to other areas.

new Learning Generalized Policies for Fully Observable Non-Deterministic Planning Domains

Authors: Till Hofmann, Hector Geffner

Abstract: General policies represent reactive strategies for solving large families of planning problems like the infinite collection of solvable instances from a given domain. Methods for learning such policies from a collection of small training instances have been developed successfully for classical domains. In this work, we extend the formulations and the resulting combinatorial methods for learning general policies over fully observable, non-deterministic (FOND) domains. We also evaluate the resulting approach experimentally over a number of benchmark domains in FOND planning, present the general policies that result in some of these domains, and prove their correctness. The method for learning general policies for FOND planning can actually be seen as an alternative FOND planning method that searches for solutions, not in the given state space but in an abstract space defined by features that must be learned as well.

new Learn to Disguise: Avoid Refusal Responses in LLM's Defense via a Multi-agent Attacker-Disguiser Game

Authors: Qianqiao Xu, Zhiliang Tian, Hongyan Wu, Zhen Huang, Yiping Song, Feng Liu, Dongsheng Li

Abstract: With the enhanced performance of large models on natural language processing tasks, potential moral and ethical issues of large models arise. There exist malicious attackers who induce large models to jailbreak and generate information containing illegal, privacy-invasive information through techniques such as prompt engineering. As a result, large models counter malicious attackers' attacks using techniques such as safety alignment. However, the strong defense mechanism of the large model through rejection replies is easily identified by attackers and used to strengthen attackers' capabilities. In this paper, we propose a multi-agent attacker-disguiser game approach to achieve a weak defense mechanism that allows the large model to both safely reply to the attacker and hide the defense intent. First, we construct a multi-agent framework to simulate attack and defense scenarios, playing different roles to be responsible for attack, disguise, safety evaluation, and disguise evaluation tasks. After that, we design attack and disguise game algorithms to optimize the game strategies of the attacker and the disguiser and use the curriculum learning process to strengthen the capabilities of the agents. The experiments verify that the method in this paper is more effective in strengthening the model's ability to disguise the defense intent compared with other methods. Moreover, our approach can adapt any black-box large model to assist the model in defense and does not suffer from model version iterations.

new Learning Alternative Ways of Performing a Task

Authors: David Nieves, Mar\'ia Jos\'e Ram\'irez-Quintana, Carlos Monserrat, C\'esar Ferri, Jos\'e Hern\'andez-Orallo

Abstract: A common way of learning to perform a task is to observe how it is carried out by experts. However, it is well known that for most tasks there is no unique way to perform them. This is especially noticeable the more complex the task is because factors such as the skill or the know-how of the expert may well affect the way she solves the task. In addition, learning from experts also suffers of having a small set of training examples generally coming from several experts (since experts are usually a limited and expensive resource), being all of them positive examples (i.e. examples that represent successful executions of the task). Traditional machine learning techniques are not useful in such scenarios, as they require extensive training data. Starting from very few executions of the task presented as activity sequences, we introduce a novel inductive approach for learning multiple models, with each one representing an alternative strategy of performing a task. By an iterative process based on generalisation and specialisation, we learn the underlying patterns that capture the different styles of performing a task exhibited by the examples. We illustrate our approach on two common activity recognition tasks: a surgical skills training task and a cooking domain. We evaluate the inferred models with respect to two metrics that measure how well the models represent the examples and capture the different forms of executing a task showed by the examples. We compare our results with the traditional process mining approach and show that a small set of meaningful examples is enough to obtain patterns that capture the different strategies that are followed to solve the tasks.

new SHIELD: A regularization technique for eXplainable Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Iv\'an Sevillano-Garc\'ia, Juli\'an Luengo, Francisco Herrera

Abstract: As Artificial Intelligence systems become integral across domains, the demand for explainability grows. While the effort by the scientific community is focused on obtaining a better explanation for the model, it is important not to ignore the potential of this explanation process to improve training as well. While existing efforts primarily focus on generating and evaluating explanations for black-box models, there remains a critical gap in directly enhancing models through these evaluations. This paper introduces SHIELD (Selective Hidden Input Evaluation for Learning Dynamics), a regularization technique for explainable artificial intelligence designed to improve model quality by concealing portions of input data and assessing the resulting discrepancy in predictions. In contrast to conventional approaches, SHIELD regularization seamlessly integrates into the objective function, enhancing model explainability while also improving performance. Experimental validation on benchmark datasets underscores SHIELD's effectiveness in improving Artificial Intelligence model explainability and overall performance. This establishes SHIELD regularization as a promising pathway for developing transparent and reliable Artificial Intelligence regularization techniques.

new Empowering Biomedical Discovery with AI Agents

Authors: Shanghua Gao, Ada Fang, Yepeng Huang, Valentina Giunchiglia, Ayush Noori, Jonathan Richard Schwarz, Yasha Ektefaie, Jovana Kondic, Marinka Zitnik

Abstract: We envision 'AI scientists' as systems capable of skeptical learning and reasoning that empower biomedical research through collaborative agents that integrate machine learning tools with experimental platforms. Rather than taking humans out of the discovery process, biomedical AI agents combine human creativity and expertise with AI's ability to analyze large datasets, navigate hypothesis spaces, and execute repetitive tasks. AI agents are proficient in a variety of tasks, including self-assessment and planning of discovery workflows. These agents use large language models and generative models to feature structured memory for continual learning and use machine learning tools to incorporate scientific knowledge, biological principles, and theories. AI agents can impact areas ranging from hybrid cell simulation, programmable control of phenotypes, and the design of cellular circuits to the development of new therapies.

new I-Design: Personalized LLM Interior Designer

Authors: Ata \c{C}elen, Guo Han, Konrad Schindler, Luc Van Gool, Iro Armeni, Anton Obukhov, Xi Wang

Abstract: Interior design allows us to be who we are and live how we want - each design is as unique as our distinct personality. However, it is not trivial for non-professionals to express and materialize this since it requires aligning functional and visual expectations with the constraints of physical space; this renders interior design a luxury. To make it more accessible, we present I-Design, a personalized interior designer that allows users to generate and visualize their design goals through natural language communication. I-Design starts with a team of large language model agents that engage in dialogues and logical reasoning with one another, transforming textual user input into feasible scene graph designs with relative object relationships. Subsequently, an effective placement algorithm determines optimal locations for each object within the scene. The final design is then constructed in 3D by retrieving and integrating assets from an existing object database. Additionally, we propose a new evaluation protocol that utilizes a vision-language model and complements the design pipeline. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments show that I-Design outperforms existing methods in delivering high-quality 3D design solutions and aligning with abstract concepts that match user input, showcasing its advantages across detailed 3D arrangement and conceptual fidelity.

new Integrating Explanations in Learning LTL Specifications from Demonstrations

Authors: Ashutosh Gupta, John Komp, Abhay Singh Rajput, Krishna Shankaranarayanan, Ashutosh Trivedi, Namrita Varshney

Abstract: This paper investigates whether recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) can assist in translating human explanations into a format that can robustly support learning Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) from demonstrations. Both LLMs and optimization-based methods can extract LTL specifications from demonstrations; however, they have distinct limitations. LLMs can quickly generate solutions and incorporate human explanations, but their lack of consistency and reliability hampers their applicability in safety-critical domains. On the other hand, optimization-based methods do provide formal guarantees but cannot process natural language explanations and face scalability challenges. We present a principled approach to combining LLMs and optimization-based methods to faithfully translate human explanations and demonstrations into LTL specifications. We have implemented a tool called Janaka based on our approach. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of combining explanations with demonstrations in learning LTL specifications through several case studies.

cross Bounds of Block Rewards in Honest PinFi Systems

Authors: Qi He, Yunwei Mao, Ju Li

Abstract: PinFi is a class of novel protocols for decentralized pricing of dissipative assets, whose value naturally declines over time. Central to the protocol's functionality and its market efficiency is the role of liquidity providers (LPs). This study addresses critical stability and sustainability challenges within the protocol, namely: the propensity of LPs to prefer selling in external markets over participation in the protocol; a similar inclination towards selling within the PinFi system rather than contributing as LPs; and a scenario where LPs are disinclined to sell within the protocol. Employing a game-theoretic approach, we explore PinFi's mechanisms and its broader ramifications. Our findings reveal that, under a variety of common conditions and with an assumption of participant integrity, PinFi is capable of fostering a dynamic equilibrium among LPs, sellers, and buyers. This balance is maintained through a carefully calibrated range of block rewards for LPs, ensuring the protocol's long-term stability and utility.

cross Versatile Navigation under Partial Observability via Value-guided Diffusion Policy

Authors: Gengyu Zhang, Hao Tang, Yan Yan

Abstract: Route planning for navigation under partial observability plays a crucial role in modern robotics and autonomous driving. Existing route planning approaches can be categorized into two main classes: traditional autoregressive and diffusion-based methods. The former often fails due to its myopic nature, while the latter either assumes full observability or struggles to adapt to unfamiliar scenarios, due to strong couplings with behavior cloning from experts. To address these deficiencies, we propose a versatile diffusion-based approach for both 2D and 3D route planning under partial observability. Specifically, our value-guided diffusion policy first generates plans to predict actions across various timesteps, providing ample foresight to the planning. It then employs a differentiable planner with state estimations to derive a value function, directing the agent's exploration and goal-seeking behaviors without seeking experts while explicitly addressing partial observability. During inference, our policy is further enhanced by a best-plan-selection strategy, substantially boosting the planning success rate. Moreover, we propose projecting point clouds, derived from RGB-D inputs, onto 2D grid-based bird-eye-view maps via semantic segmentation, generalizing to 3D environments. This simple yet effective adaption enables zero-shot transfer from 2D-trained policy to 3D, cutting across the laborious training for 3D policy, and thus certifying our versatility. Experimental results demonstrate our superior performance, particularly in navigating situations beyond expert demonstrations, surpassing state-of-the-art autoregressive and diffusion-based baselines for both 2D and 3D scenarios.

cross Distributed and Rate-Adaptive Feature Compression

Authors: Aditya Deshmukh, Venugopal V. Veeravalli, Gunjan Verma

Abstract: We study the problem of distributed and rate-adaptive feature compression for linear regression. A set of distributed sensors collect disjoint features of regressor data. A fusion center is assumed to contain a pretrained linear regression model, trained on a dataset of the entire uncompressed data. At inference time, the sensors compress their observations and send them to the fusion center through communication-constrained channels, whose rates can change with time. Our goal is to design a feature compression {scheme} that can adapt to the varying communication constraints, while maximizing the inference performance at the fusion center. We first obtain the form of optimal quantizers assuming knowledge of underlying regressor data distribution. Under a practically reasonable approximation, we then propose a distributed compression scheme which works by quantizing a one-dimensional projection of the sensor data. We also propose a simple adaptive scheme for handling changes in communication constraints. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the distributed adaptive compression scheme through simulated experiments.

cross Remote sensing framework for geological mapping via stacked autoencoders and clustering

Authors: Sandeep Nagar, Ehsan Farahbakhsh, Joseph Awange, Rohitash Chandra

Abstract: Supervised learning methods for geological mapping via remote sensing face limitations due to the scarcity of accurately labelled training data. In contrast, unsupervised learning methods, such as dimensionality reduction and clustering have the ability to uncover patterns and structures in remote sensing data without relying on predefined labels. Dimensionality reduction methods have the potential to play a crucial role in improving the accuracy of geological maps. Although conventional dimensionality reduction methods may struggle with nonlinear data, unsupervised deep learning models such as autoencoders have the ability to model nonlinear relationship in data. Stacked autoencoders feature multiple interconnected layers to capture hierarchical data representations that can be useful for remote sensing data. In this study, we present an unsupervised machine learning framework for processing remote sensing data by utilizing stacked autoencoders for dimensionality reduction and k-means clustering for mapping geological units. We use the Landsat-8, ASTER, and Sentinel-2 datasets of the Mutawintji region in Western New South Wales, Australia to evaluate the framework for geological mapping. We also provide a comparison of stacked autoencoders with principal component analysis and canonical autoencoders. Our results reveal that the framework produces accurate and interpretable geological maps, efficiently discriminating rock units. We find that the stacked autoencoders provide better accuracy when compared to the counterparts. We also find that the generated maps align with prior geological knowledge of the study area while providing novel insights into geological structures.

cross Leveraging Machine Learning for Early Autism Detection via INDT-ASD Indian Database

Authors: Trapti Shrivastava, Harshal Chaudhari, Vrijendra Singh

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) has advanced quickly, particularly throughout the area of health care. The diagnosis of neurodevelopment problems using ML is a very important area of healthcare. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the developmental disorders that is growing the fastest globally. The clinical screening tests used to identify autistic symptoms are expensive and time-consuming. But now that ML has been advanced, it's feasible to identify autism early on. Previously, many different techniques have been used in investigations. Still, none of them have produced the anticipated outcomes when it comes to the capacity to predict autistic features utilizing a clinically validated Indian ASD database. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a simple, quick, and inexpensive technique for identifying ASD by using ML. Various machine learning classifiers, including Adaboost (AB), Gradient Boost (GB), Decision Tree (DT), Logistic Regression (LR), Random Forest (RF), Gaussian Naive Bayes (GNB), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (QDA), K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM), were used to develop the autism prediction model. The proposed method was tested with records from the AIIMS Modified INDT-ASD (AMI) database, which were collected through an application developed by AIIMS in Delhi, India. Feature engineering has been applied to make the proposed solution easier than already available solutions. Using the proposed model, we succeeded in predicting ASD using a minimized set of 20 questions rather than the 28 questions presented in AMI with promising accuracy. In a comparative evaluation, SVM emerged as the superior model among others, with 100 $\pm$ 0.05\% accuracy, higher recall by 5.34\%, and improved accuracy by 2.22\%-6.67\% over RF. We have also introduced a web-based solution supporting both Hindi and English.

cross Self-Organized Agents: A LLM Multi-Agent Framework toward Ultra Large-Scale Code Generation and Optimization

Authors: Yoichi Ishibashi, Yoshimasa Nishimura

Abstract: Recent advancements in automatic code generation using large language model (LLM) agent have brought us closer to the future of automated software development. However, existing single-agent approaches face limitations in generating and improving large-scale, complex codebases due to constraints in context length. To tackle this challenge, we propose Self-Organized multi-Agent framework (SoA), a novel multi-agent framework that enables the scalable and efficient generation and optimization of large-scale code. In SoA, self-organized agents operate independently to generate and modify code components while seamlessly collaborating to construct the overall codebase. A key feature of our framework is the automatic multiplication of agents based on problem complexity, allowing for dynamic scalability. This enables the overall code volume to be increased indefinitely according to the number of agents, while the amount of code managed by each agent remains constant. We evaluate SoA on the HumanEval benchmark and demonstrate that, compared to a single-agent system, each agent in SoA handles significantly less code, yet the overall generated code is substantially greater. Moreover, SoA surpasses the powerful single-agent baseline by 5% in terms of Pass@1 accuracy.

cross A Generative Deep Learning Approach for Crash Severity Modeling with Imbalanced Data

Authors: Junlan Chen, Ziyuan Pu, Nan Zheng, Xiao Wen, Hongliang Ding, Xiucheng Guo

Abstract: Crash data is often greatly imbalanced, with the majority of crashes being non-fatal crashes, and only a small number being fatal crashes due to their rarity. Such data imbalance issue poses a challenge for crash severity modeling since it struggles to fit and interpret fatal crash outcomes with very limited samples. Usually, such data imbalance issues are addressed by data resampling methods, such as under-sampling and over-sampling techniques. However, most traditional and deep learning-based data resampling methods, such as synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) and generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) are designed dedicated to processing continuous variables. Though some resampling methods have improved to handle both continuous and discrete variables, they may have difficulties in dealing with the collapse issue associated with sparse discrete risk factors. Moreover, there is a lack of comprehensive studies that compare the performance of various resampling methods in crash severity modeling. To address the aforementioned issues, the current study proposes a crash data generation method based on the Conditional Tabular GAN. After data balancing, a crash severity model is employed to estimate the performance of classification and interpretation. A comparative study is conducted to assess classification accuracy and distribution consistency of the proposed generation method using a 4-year imbalanced crash dataset collected in Washington State, U.S. Additionally, Monte Carlo simulation is employed to estimate the performance of parameter and probability estimation in both two- and three-class imbalance scenarios. The results indicate that using synthetic data generated by CTGAN-RU for crash severity modeling outperforms using original data or synthetic data generated by other resampling methods.

cross Insights from the Use of Previously Unseen Neural Architecture Search Datasets

Authors: Rob Geada, David Towers, Matthew Forshaw, Amir Atapour-Abarghouei, A. Stephen McGough

Abstract: The boundless possibility of neural networks which can be used to solve a problem -- each with different performance -- leads to a situation where a Deep Learning expert is required to identify the best neural network. This goes against the hope of removing the need for experts. Neural Architecture Search (NAS) offers a solution to this by automatically identifying the best architecture. However, to date, NAS work has focused on a small set of datasets which we argue are not representative of real-world problems. We introduce eight new datasets created for a series of NAS Challenges: AddNIST, Language, MultNIST, CIFARTile, Gutenberg, Isabella, GeoClassing, and Chesseract. These datasets and challenges are developed to direct attention to issues in NAS development and to encourage authors to consider how their models will perform on datasets unknown to them at development time. We present experimentation using standard Deep Learning methods as well as the best results from challenge participants.

cross A Holistic Indicator of Polarization to Measure Online Sexism

Authors: Vahid Ghafouri, Jose Such, Guillermo Suarez-Tangil

Abstract: The online trend of the manosphere and feminist discourse on social networks requires a holistic measure of the level of sexism in an online community. This indicator is important for policymakers and moderators of online communities (e.g., subreddits) and computational social scientists, either to revise moderation strategies based on the degree of sexism or to match and compare the temporal sexism across different platforms and communities with real-time events and infer social scientific insights. In this paper, we build a model that can provide a comparable holistic indicator of toxicity targeted toward male and female identity and male and female individuals. Despite previous supervised NLP methods that require annotation of toxic comments at the target level (e.g. annotating comments that are specifically toxic toward women) to detect targeted toxic comments, our indicator uses supervised NLP to detect the presence of toxicity and unsupervised word embedding association test to detect the target automatically. We apply our model to gender discourse communities (e.g., r/TheRedPill, r/MGTOW, r/FemaleDatingStrategy) to detect the level of toxicity toward genders (i.e., sexism). Our results show that our framework accurately and consistently (93% correlation) measures the level of sexism in a community. We finally discuss how our framework can be generalized in the future to measure qualities other than toxicity (e.g. sentiment, humor) toward general-purpose targets and turn into an indicator of different sorts of polarizations.

cross Exploring How Multiple Levels of GPT-Generated Programming Hints Support or Disappoint Novices

Authors: Ruiwei Xiao, Xinying Hou, John Stamper

Abstract: Recent studies have integrated large language models (LLMs) into diverse educational contexts, including providing adaptive programming hints, a type of feedback focuses on helping students move forward during problem-solving. However, most existing LLM-based hint systems are limited to one single hint type. To investigate whether and how different levels of hints can support students' problem-solving and learning, we conducted a think-aloud study with 12 novices using the LLM Hint Factory, a system providing four levels of hints from general natural language guidance to concrete code assistance, varying in format and granularity. We discovered that high-level natural language hints alone can be helpless or even misleading, especially when addressing next-step or syntax-related help requests. Adding lower-level hints, like code examples with in-line comments, can better support students. The findings open up future work on customizing help responses from content, format, and granularity levels to accurately identify and meet students' learning needs.

cross CHOSEN: Contrastive Hypothesis Selection for Multi-View Depth Refinement

Authors: Di Qiu, Yinda Zhang, Thabo Beeler, Vladimir Tankovich, Christian H\"ane, Sean Fanello, Christoph Rhemann, Sergio Orts Escolano

Abstract: We propose CHOSEN, a simple yet flexible, robust and effective multi-view depth refinement framework. It can be employed in any existing multi-view stereo pipeline, with straightforward generalization capability for different multi-view capture systems such as camera relative positioning and lenses. Given an initial depth estimation, CHOSEN iteratively re-samples and selects the best hypotheses, and automatically adapts to different metric or intrinsic scales determined by the capture system. The key to our approach is the application of contrastive learning in an appropriate solution space and a carefully designed hypothesis feature, based on which positive and negative hypotheses can be effectively distinguished. Integrated in a simple baseline multi-view stereo pipeline, CHOSEN delivers impressive quality in terms of depth and normal accuracy compared to many current deep learning based multi-view stereo pipelines.

cross OOSTraj: Out-of-Sight Trajectory Prediction With Vision-Positioning Denoising

Authors: Haichao Zhang, Yi Xu, Hongsheng Lu, Takayuki Shimizu, Yun Fu

Abstract: Trajectory prediction is fundamental in computer vision and autonomous driving, particularly for understanding pedestrian behavior and enabling proactive decision-making. Existing approaches in this field often assume precise and complete observational data, neglecting the challenges associated with out-of-view objects and the noise inherent in sensor data due to limited camera range, physical obstructions, and the absence of ground truth for denoised sensor data. Such oversights are critical safety concerns, as they can result in missing essential, non-visible objects. To bridge this gap, we present a novel method for out-of-sight trajectory prediction that leverages a vision-positioning technique. Our approach denoises noisy sensor observations in an unsupervised manner and precisely maps sensor-based trajectories of out-of-sight objects into visual trajectories. This method has demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in out-of-sight noisy sensor trajectory denoising and prediction on the Vi-Fi and JRDB datasets. By enhancing trajectory prediction accuracy and addressing the challenges of out-of-sight objects, our work significantly contributes to improving the safety and reliability of autonomous driving in complex environments. Our work represents the first initiative towards Out-Of-Sight Trajectory prediction (OOSTraj), setting a new benchmark for future research. The code is available at \url{}.


cross Is Exploration All You Need? Effective Exploration Characteristics for Transfer in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jonathan C. Balloch, Rishav Bhagat, Geigh Zollicoffer, Ruoran Jia, Julia Kim, Mark O. Riedl

Abstract: In deep reinforcement learning (RL) research, there has been a concerted effort to design more efficient and productive exploration methods while solving sparse-reward problems. These exploration methods often share common principles (e.g., improving diversity) and implementation details (e.g., intrinsic reward). Prior work found that non-stationary Markov decision processes (MDPs) require exploration to efficiently adapt to changes in the environment with online transfer learning. However, the relationship between specific exploration characteristics and effective transfer learning in deep RL has not been characterized. In this work, we seek to understand the relationships between salient exploration characteristics and improved performance and efficiency in transfer learning. We test eleven popular exploration algorithms on a variety of transfer types -- or ``novelties'' -- to identify the characteristics that positively affect online transfer learning. Our analysis shows that some characteristics correlate with improved performance and efficiency across a wide range of transfer tasks, while others only improve transfer performance with respect to specific environment changes. From our analysis, make recommendations about which exploration algorithm characteristics are best suited to specific transfer situations.

cross RAT: Retrieval-Augmented Transformer for Click-Through Rate Prediction

Authors: Yushen Li, Jinpeng Wang, Tao Dai, Jieming Zhu, Jun Yuan, Rui Zhang, Shu-Tao Xia

Abstract: Predicting click-through rates (CTR) is a fundamental task for Web applications, where a key issue is to devise effective models for feature interactions. Current methodologies predominantly concentrate on modeling feature interactions within an individual sample, while overlooking the potential cross-sample relationships that can serve as a reference context to enhance the prediction. To make up for such deficiency, this paper develops a Retrieval-Augmented Transformer (RAT), aiming to acquire fine-grained feature interactions within and across samples. By retrieving similar samples, we construct augmented input for each target sample. We then build Transformer layers with cascaded attention to capture both intra- and cross-sample feature interactions, facilitating comprehensive reasoning for improved CTR prediction while retaining efficiency. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets substantiate the effectiveness of RAT and suggest its advantage in long-tail scenarios. The code has been open-sourced at \url{}.


cross $\texttt{LM}^\texttt{2}$: A Simple Society of Language Models Solves Complex Reasoning

Authors: Gurusha Juneja, Subhabrata Dutta, Tanmoy Chakraborty

Abstract: Despite demonstrating emergent reasoning abilities, Large Language Models (LLMS) often lose track of complex, multi-step reasoning. Existing studies show that providing guidance via decomposing the original question into multiple subproblems elicits more robustness in LLM reasoning -- a decomposer generates the subproblems, and a solver solves each of these subproblems. However, these techniques fail to accommodate coordination between the decomposer and the solver modules (either in a single model or different specialized ones) -- the decomposer does not keep track of the ability of the solver to follow the decomposed reasoning. In this paper, we propose LM2 to address these challenges. LM2 modularizes the decomposition, solution, and verification into three different language models. The decomposer module identifies the key concepts necessary to solve the problem and generates step-by-step subquestions according to the reasoning requirement. The solver model generates the solution to the subproblems that are then checked by the verifier module; depending upon the feedback from the verifier, the reasoning context is constructed using the subproblems and the solutions. These models are trained to coordinate using policy learning. Exhaustive experimentation suggests the superiority of LM2 over existing methods on in- and out-domain reasoning problems, outperforming the best baselines by $8.1\%$ on MATH, $7.71\%$ on JEEBench, and $9.7\%$ on MedQA problems (code available at


cross LLMs in the Loop: Leveraging Large Language Model Annotations for Active Learning in Low-Resource Languages

Authors: Nataliia Kholodna, Sahib Julka, Mohammad Khodadadi, Muhammed Nurullah Gumus, Michael Granitzer

Abstract: Low-resource languages face significant barriers in AI development due to limited linguistic resources and expertise for data labeling, rendering them rare and costly. The scarcity of data and the absence of preexisting tools exacerbate these challenges, especially since these languages may not be adequately represented in various NLP datasets. To address this gap, we propose leveraging the potential of LLMs in the active learning loop for data annotation. Initially, we conduct evaluations to assess inter-annotator agreement and consistency, facilitating the selection of a suitable LLM annotator. The chosen annotator is then integrated into a training loop for a classifier using an active learning paradigm, minimizing the amount of queried data required. Empirical evaluations, notably employing GPT-4-Turbo, demonstrate near-state-of-the-art performance with significantly reduced data requirements, as indicated by estimated potential cost savings of at least 42.45 times compared to human annotation. Our proposed solution shows promising potential to substantially reduce both the monetary and computational costs associated with automation in low-resource settings. By bridging the gap between low-resource languages and AI, this approach fosters broader inclusion and shows the potential to enable automation across diverse linguistic landscapes.

cross OFMPNet: Deep End-to-End Model for Occupancy and Flow Prediction in Urban Environment

Authors: Youshaa Murhij, Dmitry Yudin

Abstract: The task of motion prediction is pivotal for autonomous driving systems, providing crucial data to choose a vehicle behavior strategy within its surroundings. Existing motion prediction techniques primarily focus on predicting the future trajectory of each agent in the scene individually, utilizing its past trajectory data. In this paper, we introduce an end-to-end neural network methodology designed to predict the future behaviors of all dynamic objects in the environment. This approach leverages the occupancy map and the scene's motion flow. We are investigatin various alternatives for constructing a deep encoder-decoder model called OFMPNet. This model uses a sequence of bird's-eye-view road images, occupancy grid, and prior motion flow as input data. The encoder of the model can incorporate transformer, attention-based, or convolutional units. The decoder considers the use of both convolutional modules and recurrent blocks. Additionally, we propose a novel time-weighted motion flow loss, whose application has shown a substantial decrease in end-point error. Our approach has achieved state-of-the-art results on the Waymo Occupancy and Flow Prediction benchmark, with a Soft IoU of 52.1% and an AUC of 76.75% on Flow-Grounded Occupancy.

cross Extracting Norms from Contracts Via ChatGPT: Opportunities and Challenges

Authors: Amanul Haque, Munindar P. Singh

Abstract: We investigate the effectiveness of ChatGPT in extracting norms from contracts. Norms provide a natural way to engineer multiagent systems by capturing how to govern the interactions between two or more autonomous parties. We extract norms of commitment, prohibition, authorization, and power, along with associated norm elements (the parties involved, antecedents, and consequents) from contracts. Our investigation reveals ChatGPT's effectiveness and limitations in norm extraction from contracts. ChatGPT demonstrates promising performance in norm extraction without requiring training or fine-tuning, thus obviating the need for annotated data, which is not generally available in this domain. However, we found some limitations of ChatGPT in extracting these norms that lead to incorrect norm extractions. The limitations include oversight of crucial details, hallucination, incorrect parsing of conjunctions, and empty norm elements. Enhanced norm extraction from contracts can foster the development of more transparent and trustworthy formal agent interaction specifications, thereby contributing to the improvement of multiagent systems.

cross One Noise to Rule Them All: Multi-View Adversarial Attacks with Universal Perturbation

Authors: Mehmet Ergezer, Phat Duong, Christian Green, Tommy Nguyen, Abdurrahman Zeybey

Abstract: This paper presents a novel universal perturbation method for generating robust multi-view adversarial examples in 3D object recognition. Unlike conventional attacks limited to single views, our approach operates on multiple 2D images, offering a practical and scalable solution for enhancing model scalability and robustness. This generalizable method bridges the gap between 2D perturbations and 3D-like attack capabilities, making it suitable for real-world applications. Existing adversarial attacks may become ineffective when images undergo transformations like changes in lighting, camera position, or natural deformations. We address this challenge by crafting a single universal noise perturbation applicable to various object views. Experiments on diverse rendered 3D objects demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. The universal perturbation successfully identified a single adversarial noise for each given set of 3D object renders from multiple poses and viewpoints. Compared to single-view attacks, our universal attacks lower classification confidence across multiple viewing angles, especially at low noise levels. A sample implementation is made available at


cross Virtual Sensor for Real-Time Bearing Load Prediction Using Heterogeneous Temporal Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Mengjie Zhao, Cees Taal, Stephan Baggerohr, Olga Fink

Abstract: Accurate bearing load monitoring is essential for their Prognostics and Health Management (PHM), enabling damage assessment, wear prediction, and proactive maintenance. While bearing sensors are typically placed on the bearing housing, direct load monitoring requires sensors inside the bearing itself. Recently introduced sensor rollers enable direct bearing load monitoring but are constrained by their battery life. Data-driven virtual sensors can learn from sensor roller data collected during a batterys lifetime to map operating conditions to bearing loads. Although spatially distributed bearing sensors offer insights into load distribution (e.g., correlating temperature with load), traditional machine learning algorithms struggle to fully exploit these spatial-temporal dependencies. To address this gap, we introduce a graph-based virtual sensor that leverages Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to analyze spatial-temporal dependencies among sensor signals, mapping existing measurements (temperature, vibration) to bearing loads. Since temperature and vibration signals exhibit vastly different dynamics, we propose Heterogeneous Temporal Graph Neural Networks (HTGNN), which explicitly models these signal types and their interactions for effective load prediction. Our results demonstrate that HTGNN outperforms Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which struggle to capture both spatial and heterogeneous signal characteristics. These findings highlight the importance of capturing the complex spatial interactions between temperature, vibration, and load.

cross Collapse of Self-trained Language Models

Authors: David Herel, Tomas Mikolov

Abstract: In various fields of knowledge creation, including science, new ideas often build on pre-existing information. In this work, we explore this concept within the context of language models. Specifically, we explore the potential of self-training models on their own outputs, akin to how humans learn and build on their previous thoughts and actions. While this approach is intuitively appealing, our research reveals its practical limitations. We find that extended self-training of the GPT-2 model leads to a significant degradation in performance, resulting in repetitive and collapsed token output.

cross Is Meta-training Really Necessary for Molecular Few-Shot Learning ?

Authors: Philippe Formont, Hugo Jeannin, Pablo Piantanida, Ismail Ben Ayed

Abstract: Few-shot learning has recently attracted significant interest in drug discovery, with a recent, fast-growing literature mostly involving convoluted meta-learning strategies. We revisit the more straightforward fine-tuning approach for molecular data, and propose a regularized quadratic-probe loss based on the the Mahalanobis distance. We design a dedicated block-coordinate descent optimizer, which avoid the degenerate solutions of our loss. Interestingly, our simple fine-tuning approach achieves highly competitive performances in comparison to state-of-the-art methods, while being applicable to black-box settings and removing the need for specific episodic pre-training strategies. Furthermore, we introduce a new benchmark to assess the robustness of the competing methods to domain shifts. In this setting, our fine-tuning baseline obtains consistently better results than meta-learning methods.

cross Prompts As Programs: A Structure-Aware Approach to Efficient Compile-Time Prompt Optimization

Authors: Tobias Schnabel, Jennifer Neville

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can now handle longer and more complex inputs, which facilitate the use of more elaborate prompts. However, prompts often require some tuning to improve performance for deployment. Recent work has proposed automatic prompt optimization methods, but as prompt complexity and LLM strength increase, many prompt optimization techniques are no longer sufficient and a new approach is needed to optimize {\em meta prompt programs}. To address this, we introduce SAMMO, a framework for {\em compile-time} optimizations of metaprompt programs, which represent prompts as structured objects that allows for a rich set of transformations that can be searched over during optimization. We show that SAMMO generalizes previous methods and improves the performance of complex prompts on (1) instruction tuning, (2) RAG pipeline tuning, and (3) prompt compression, across several different LLMs. We make all code available open-source at .


cross Comparative Study of Domain Driven Terms Extraction Using Large Language Models

Authors: Sandeep Chataut, Tuyen Do, Bichar Dip Shrestha Gurung, Shiva Aryal, Anup Khanal, Carol Lushbough, Etienne Gnimpieba

Abstract: Keywords play a crucial role in bridging the gap between human understanding and machine processing of textual data. They are essential to data enrichment because they form the basis for detailed annotations that provide a more insightful and in-depth view of the underlying data. Keyword/domain driven term extraction is a pivotal task in natural language processing, facilitating information retrieval, document summarization, and content categorization. This review focuses on keyword extraction methods, emphasizing the use of three major Large Language Models(LLMs): Llama2-7B, GPT-3.5, and Falcon-7B. We employed a custom Python package to interface with these LLMs, simplifying keyword extraction. Our study, utilizing the Inspec and PubMed datasets, evaluates the performance of these models. The Jaccard similarity index was used for assessment, yielding scores of 0.64 (Inspec) and 0.21 (PubMed) for GPT-3.5, 0.40 and 0.17 for Llama2-7B, and 0.23 and 0.12 for Falcon-7B. This paper underlines the role of prompt engineering in LLMs for better keyword extraction and discusses the impact of hallucination in LLMs on result evaluation. It also sheds light on the challenges in using LLMs for keyword extraction, including model complexity, resource demands, and optimization techniques.

cross Multi-BERT: Leveraging Adapters and Prompt Tuning for Low-Resource Multi-Domain Adaptation

Authors: Parham Abed Azad, Hamid Beigy

Abstract: The rapid expansion of texts' volume and diversity presents formidable challenges in multi-domain settings. These challenges are also visible in the Persian name entity recognition (NER) settings. Traditional approaches, either employing a unified model for multiple domains or individual models for each domain, frequently pose significant limitations. Single models often struggle to capture the nuances of diverse domains, while utilizing multiple large models can lead to resource constraints, rendering the training of a model for each domain virtually impractical. Therefore, this paper introduces a novel approach composed of one core model with multiple sets of domain-specific parameters. We utilize techniques such as prompt tuning and adapters, combined with the incorporation of additional layers, to add parameters that we can train for the specific domains. This enables the model to perform comparably to individual models for each domain. Experimental results on different formal and informal datasets show that by employing these added parameters, the proposed model significantly surpasses existing practical models in performance. Remarkably, the proposed model requires only one instance for training and storage, yet achieves outstanding results across all domains, even surpassing the state-of-the-art in some. Moreover, we analyze each adaptation strategy, delineating its strengths, weaknesses, and optimal hyper-parameters for the Persian NER settings. Finally, we introduce a document-based domain detection pipeline tailored for scenarios with unknown text domains, enhancing the adaptability and practicality of this paper in real-world applications.

cross Semantic Augmentation in Images using Language

Authors: Sahiti Yerramilli, Jayant Sravan Tamarapalli, Tanmay Girish Kulkarni, Jonathan Francis, Eric Nyberg

Abstract: Deep Learning models are incredibly data-hungry and require very large labeled datasets for supervised learning. As a consequence, these models often suffer from overfitting, limiting their ability to generalize to real-world examples. Recent advancements in diffusion models have enabled the generation of photorealistic images based on textual inputs. Leveraging the substantial datasets used to train these diffusion models, we propose a technique to utilize generated images to augment existing datasets. This paper explores various strategies for effective data augmentation to improve the out-of-domain generalization capabilities of deep learning models.

cross EnergAIze: Multi Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient for Vehicle to Grid Energy Management

Authors: Tiago Fonseca, Luis Ferreira, Bernardo Cabral, Ricardo Severino, Isabel Praca

Abstract: This paper investigates the increasing roles of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Electric Vehicles (EVs). While indicating a new era of sustainable energy, these also introduce complex challenges, including the need to balance supply and demand and smooth peak consumptions amidst rising EV adoption rates. Addressing these challenges requires innovative solutions such as Demand Response (DR), energy flexibility management, Renewable Energy Communities (RECs), and more specifically for EVs, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G). However, existing V2G approaches often fall short in real-world adaptability, global REC optimization with other flexible assets, scalability, and user engagement. To bridge this gap, this paper introduces EnergAIze, a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) energy management framework, leveraging the Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) algorithm. EnergAIze enables user-centric and multi-objective energy management by allowing each prosumer to select from a range of personal management objectives, thus encouraging engagement. Additionally, it architects' data protection and ownership through decentralized computing, where each prosumer can situate an energy management optimization node directly at their own dwelling. The local node not only manages local energy assets but also fosters REC wide optimization. The efficacy of EnergAIze was evaluated through case studies employing the CityLearn simulation framework. These simulations were instrumental in demonstrating EnergAIze's adeptness at implementing V2G technology within a REC and other energy assets. The results show reduction in peak loads, ramping, carbon emissions, and electricity costs at the REC level while optimizing for individual prosumers objectives.

cross Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction in Chest X-ray Analysis using Vision and Language Model with Eye Gaze Patterns

Authors: Yunsoo Kim, Jinge Wu, Yusuf Abdulle, Yue Gao, Honghan Wu

Abstract: Recent advancements in Computer Assisted Diagnosis have shown promising performance in medical imaging tasks, particularly in chest X-ray analysis. However, the interaction between these models and radiologists has been primarily limited to input images. This work proposes a novel approach to enhance human-computer interaction in chest X-ray analysis using Vision-Language Models (VLMs) enhanced with radiologists' attention by incorporating eye gaze data alongside textual prompts. Our approach leverages heatmaps generated from eye gaze data, overlaying them onto medical images to highlight areas of intense radiologist's focus during chest X-ray evaluation. We evaluate this methodology in tasks such as visual question answering, chest X-ray report automation, error detection, and differential diagnosis. Our results demonstrate the inclusion of eye gaze information significantly enhances the accuracy of chest X-ray analysis. Also, the impact of eye gaze on fine-tuning was confirmed as it outperformed other medical VLMs in all tasks except visual question answering. This work marks the potential of leveraging both the VLM's capabilities and the radiologist's domain knowledge to improve the capabilities of AI models in medical imaging, paving a novel way for Computer Assisted Diagnosis with a human-centred AI.

cross On Linearizing Structured Data in Encoder-Decoder Language Models: Insights from Text-to-SQL

Authors: Yutong Shao, Ndapa Nakashole

Abstract: Structured data, prevalent in tables, databases, and knowledge graphs, poses a significant challenge in its representation. With the advent of large language models (LLMs), there has been a shift towards linearization-based methods, which process structured data as sequential token streams, diverging from approaches that explicitly model structure, often as a graph. Crucially, there remains a gap in our understanding of how these linearization-based methods handle structured data, which is inherently non-linear. This work investigates the linear handling of structured data in encoder-decoder language models, specifically T5. Our findings reveal the model's ability to mimic human-designed processes such as schema linking and syntax prediction, indicating a deep, meaningful learning of structure beyond simple token sequencing. We also uncover insights into the model's internal mechanisms, including the ego-centric nature of structure node encodings and the potential for model compression due to modality fusion redundancy. Overall, this work sheds light on the inner workings of linearization-based methods and could potentially provide guidance for future research.

cross Token Trails: Navigating Contextual Depths in Conversational AI with ChatLLM

Authors: Md. Kowsher, Ritesh Panditi, Nusrat Jahan Prottasha, Prakash Bhat, Anupam Kumar Bairagi, Mohammad Shamsul Arefin

Abstract: Conversational modeling using Large Language Models (LLMs) requires a nuanced understanding of context to generate coherent and contextually relevant responses. In this paper, we present Token Trails, a novel approach that leverages token-type embeddings to navigate the intricate contextual nuances within conversations. Our framework utilizes token-type embeddings to distinguish between user utterances and bot responses, facilitating the generation of context-aware replies. Through comprehensive experimentation and evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of Token Trails in improving conversational understanding and response generation, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Our results highlight the significance of contextual modeling in conversational AI and underscore the promising potential of Token Trails to advance the field, paving the way for more sophisticated and contextually aware chatbot interactions.

cross Exploring Backdoor Vulnerabilities of Chat Models

Authors: Yunzhuo Hao, Wenkai Yang, Yankai Lin

Abstract: Recent researches have shown that Large Language Models (LLMs) are susceptible to a security threat known as Backdoor Attack. The backdoored model will behave well in normal cases but exhibit malicious behaviours on inputs inserted with a specific backdoor trigger. Current backdoor studies on LLMs predominantly focus on instruction-tuned LLMs, while neglecting another realistic scenario where LLMs are fine-tuned on multi-turn conversational data to be chat models. Chat models are extensively adopted across various real-world scenarios, thus the security of chat models deserves increasing attention. Unfortunately, we point out that the flexible multi-turn interaction format instead increases the flexibility of trigger designs and amplifies the vulnerability of chat models to backdoor attacks. In this work, we reveal and achieve a novel backdoor attacking method on chat models by distributing multiple trigger scenarios across user inputs in different rounds, and making the backdoor be triggered only when all trigger scenarios have appeared in the historical conversations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can achieve high attack success rates (e.g., over 90% ASR on Vicuna-7B) while successfully maintaining the normal capabilities of chat models on providing helpful responses to benign user requests. Also, the backdoor can not be easily removed by the downstream re-alignment, highlighting the importance of continued research and attention to the security concerns of chat models. Warning: This paper may contain toxic content.

cross Decision Transformer as a Foundation Model for Partially Observable Continuous Control

Authors: Xiangyuan Zhang, Weichao Mao, Haoran Qiu, Tamer Ba\c{s}ar

Abstract: Closed-loop control of nonlinear dynamical systems with partial-state observability demands expert knowledge of a diverse, less standardized set of theoretical tools. Moreover, it requires a delicate integration of controller and estimator designs to achieve the desired system behavior. To establish a general controller synthesis framework, we explore the Decision Transformer (DT) architecture. Specifically, we first frame the control task as predicting the current optimal action based on past observations, actions, and rewards, eliminating the need for a separate estimator design. Then, we leverage the pre-trained language models, i.e., the Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) series, to initialize DT and subsequently train it for control tasks using low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Our comprehensive experiments across five distinct control tasks, ranging from maneuvering aerospace systems to controlling partial differential equations (PDEs), demonstrate DT's capability to capture the parameter-agnostic structures intrinsic to control tasks. DT exhibits remarkable zero-shot generalization abilities for completely new tasks and rapidly surpasses expert performance levels with a minimal amount of demonstration data. These findings highlight the potential of DT as a foundational controller for general control applications.

cross Auxiliary task demands mask the capabilities of smaller language models

Authors: Jennifer Hu, Michael C. Frank

Abstract: Developmental psychologists have argued about when cognitive capacities such as language understanding or theory of mind emerge. These debates often hinge on the concept of "task demands" -- the auxiliary challenges associated with performing a particular evaluation -- that may mask the child's underlying ability. The same issues arise when measuring the capacities of language models (LMs): performance on a task is a function of the model's underlying competence, combined with the model's ability to interpret and perform the task given its available resources. Here, we show that for analogical reasoning, reflective reasoning, word prediction, and grammaticality judgments, evaluation methods with greater task demands yield lower performance than evaluations with reduced demands. This "demand gap" is most pronounced for models with fewer parameters and less training data. Our results illustrate that LM performance should not be interpreted as a direct indication of intelligence (or lack thereof), but as a reflection of capacities seen through the lens of researchers' design choices.

cross AD4RL: Autonomous Driving Benchmarks for Offline Reinforcement Learning with Value-based Dataset

Authors: Dongsu Lee, Chanin Eom, Minhae Kwon

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning has emerged as a promising technology by enhancing its practicality through the use of pre-collected large datasets. Despite its practical benefits, most algorithm development research in offline reinforcement learning still relies on game tasks with synthetic datasets. To address such limitations, this paper provides autonomous driving datasets and benchmarks for offline reinforcement learning research. We provide 19 datasets, including real-world human driver's datasets, and seven popular offline reinforcement learning algorithms in three realistic driving scenarios. We also provide a unified decision-making process model that can operate effectively across different scenarios, serving as a reference framework in algorithm design. Our research lays the groundwork for further collaborations in the community to explore practical aspects of existing reinforcement learning methods. Dataset and codes can be found in


cross The Promises and Pitfalls of Using Language Models to Measure Instruction Quality in Education

Authors: Paiheng Xu, Jing Liu, Nathan Jones, Julie Cohen, Wei Ai

Abstract: Assessing instruction quality is a fundamental component of any improvement efforts in the education system. However, traditional manual assessments are expensive, subjective, and heavily dependent on observers' expertise and idiosyncratic factors, preventing teachers from getting timely and frequent feedback. Different from prior research that mostly focuses on low-inference instructional practices on a singular basis, this paper presents the first study that leverages Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to assess multiple high-inference instructional practices in two distinct educational settings: in-person K-12 classrooms and simulated performance tasks for pre-service teachers. This is also the first study that applies NLP to measure a teaching practice that is widely acknowledged to be particularly effective for students with special needs. We confront two challenges inherent in NLP-based instructional analysis, including noisy and long input data and highly skewed distributions of human ratings. Our results suggest that pretrained Language Models (PLMs) demonstrate performances comparable to the agreement level of human raters for variables that are more discrete and require lower inference, but their efficacy diminishes with more complex teaching practices. Interestingly, using only teachers' utterances as input yields strong results for student-centered variables, alleviating common concerns over the difficulty of collecting and transcribing high-quality student speech data in in-person teaching settings. Our findings highlight both the potential and the limitations of current NLP techniques in the education domain, opening avenues for further exploration.

cross A Novel Approach to Breast Cancer Histopathological Image Classification Using Cross-Colour Space Feature Fusion and Quantum-Classical Stack Ensemble Method

Authors: Sambit Mallick, Snigdha Paul, Anindya Sen

Abstract: Breast cancer classification stands as a pivotal pillar in ensuring timely diagnosis and effective treatment. This study with histopathological images underscores the profound significance of harnessing the synergistic capabilities of colour space ensembling and quantum-classical stacking to elevate the precision of breast cancer classification. By delving into the distinct colour spaces of RGB, HSV and CIE L*u*v, the authors initiated a comprehensive investigation guided by advanced methodologies. Employing the DenseNet121 architecture for feature extraction the authors have capitalized on the robustness of Random Forest, SVM, QSVC, and VQC classifiers. This research encompasses a unique feature fusion technique within the colour space ensemble. This approach not only deepens our comprehension of breast cancer classification but also marks a milestone in personalized medical assessment. The amalgamation of quantum and classical classifiers through stacking emerges as a potent catalyst, effectively mitigating the inherent constraints of individual classifiers, paving a robust path towards more dependable and refined breast cancer identification. Through rigorous experimentation and meticulous analysis, fusion of colour spaces like RGB with HSV and RGB with CIE L*u*v, presents an classification accuracy, nearing the value of unity. This underscores the transformative potential of our approach, where the fusion of diverse colour spaces and the synergy of quantum and classical realms converge to establish a new horizon in medical diagnostics. Thus the implications of this research extend across medical disciplines, offering promising avenues for advancing diagnostic accuracy and treatment efficacy.

cross Electric Vehicle Routing Problem for Emergency Power Supply: Towards Telecom Base Station Relief

Authors: Daisuke Kikuta, Hiroki Ikeuchi, Kengo Tajiri, Yuta Toyama, Yuusuke Nakano

Abstract: As a telecom provider, our company has a critical mission to maintain telecom services even during power outages. To accomplish the mission, it is essential to maintain the power of the telecom base stations. Here we consider a solution where electric vehicles (EVs) directly supply power to base stations by traveling to their locations. The goal is to find EV routes that minimize both the total travel distance of all EVs and the number of downed base stations. In this paper, we formulate this routing problem as a new variant of the Electric Vehicle Routing Problem (EVRP) and propose a solver that combines a rule-based vehicle selector and a reinforcement learning (RL)-based node selector. The rule of the vehicle selector ensures the exact environmental states when the selected EV starts to move. In addition, the node selection by the RL model enables fast route generation, which is critical in emergencies. We evaluate our solver on both synthetic datasets and real datasets. The results show that our solver outperforms baselines in terms of the objective value and computation time. Moreover, we analyze the generalization and scalability of our solver, demonstrating the capability toward unseen settings and large-scale problems. Check also our project page:


cross Task Agnostic Architecture for Algorithm Induction via Implicit Composition

Authors: Sahil J. Sindhi, Ignas Budvytis

Abstract: Different fields in applied machine learning such as computer vision, speech or natural language processing have been building domain-specialised solutions. Currently, we are witnessing an opposing trend towards developing more generalist architectures, driven by Large Language Models and multi-modal foundational models. These architectures are designed to tackle a variety of tasks, including those previously unseen and using inputs across multiple modalities. Taking this trend of generalization to the extreme suggests the possibility of a single deep network architecture capable of solving all tasks. This position paper aims to explore developing such a unified architecture and proposes a theoretical framework of how it could be constructed. Our proposal is based on the following assumptions. Firstly, tasks are solved by following a sequence of instructions, typically implemented in code for conventional computing hardware, which inherently operates sequentially. Second, recent Generative AI, especially Transformer-based models, demonstrate potential as an architecture capable of constructing algorithms for a wide range of domains. For example, GPT-4 shows exceptional capability at in-context learning of novel tasks which is hard to explain in any other way than the ability to compose novel solutions from fragments on previously learnt algorithms. Third, the observation that the main missing component in developing a truly generalised network is an efficient approach for self-consistent input of previously learnt sub-steps of an algorithm and their (implicit) composition during the network's internal forward pass. Our exploration delves into current capabilities and limitations of Transformer-based and other methods in efficient and correct algorithm composition and proposes a Transformer-like architecture as well as a discrete learning framework to overcome these limitations.

cross PhonologyBench: Evaluating Phonological Skills of Large Language Models

Authors: Ashima Suvarna, Harshita Khandelwal, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Phonology, the study of speech's structure and pronunciation rules, is a critical yet often overlooked component in Large Language Model (LLM) research. LLMs are widely used in various downstream applications that leverage phonology such as educational tools and poetry generation. Moreover, LLMs can potentially learn imperfect associations between orthographic and phonological forms from the training data. Thus, it is imperative to benchmark the phonological skills of LLMs. To this end, we present PhonologyBench, a novel benchmark consisting of three diagnostic tasks designed to explicitly test the phonological skills of LLMs in English: grapheme-to-phoneme conversion, syllable counting, and rhyme word generation. Despite having no access to speech data, LLMs showcased notable performance on the PhonologyBench tasks. However, we observe a significant gap of 17% and 45% on Rhyme Word Generation and Syllable counting, respectively, when compared to humans. Our findings underscore the importance of studying LLM performance on phonological tasks that inadvertently impact real-world applications. Furthermore, we encourage researchers to choose LLMs that perform well on the phonological task that is closely related to the downstream application since we find that no single model consistently outperforms the others on all the tasks.

cross TSNet:A Two-stage Network for Image Dehazing with Multi-scale Fusion and Adaptive Learning

Authors: Xiaolin Gong, Zehan Zheng, Heyuan Du

Abstract: Image dehazing has been a popular topic of research for a long time. Previous deep learning-based image dehazing methods have failed to achieve satisfactory dehazing effects on both synthetic datasets and real-world datasets, exhibiting poor generalization. Moreover, single-stage networks often result in many regions with artifacts and color distortion in output images. To address these issues, this paper proposes a two-stage image dehazing network called TSNet, mainly consisting of the multi-scale fusion module (MSFM) and the adaptive learning module (ALM). Specifically, MSFM and ALM enhance the generalization of TSNet. The MSFM can obtain large receptive fields at multiple scales and integrate features at different frequencies to reduce the differences between inputs and learning objectives. The ALM can actively learn of regions of interest in images and restore texture details more effectively. Additionally, TSNet is designed as a two-stage network, where the first-stage network performs image dehazing, and the second-stage network is employed to improve issues such as artifacts and color distortion present in the results of the first-stage network. We also change the learning objective from ground truth images to opposite fog maps, which improves the learning efficiency of TSNet. Extensive experiments demonstrate that TSNet exhibits superior dehazing performance on both synthetic and real-world datasets compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.

cross Prompting for Numerical Sequences: A Case Study on Market Comment Generation

Authors: Masayuki Kawarada, Tatsuya Ishigaki, Hiroya Takamura

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have been applied to a wide range of data-to-text generation tasks, including tables, graphs, and time-series numerical data-to-text settings. While research on generating prompts for structured data such as tables and graphs is gaining momentum, in-depth investigations into prompting for time-series numerical data are lacking. Therefore, this study explores various input representations, including sequences of tokens and structured formats such as HTML, LaTeX, and Python-style codes. In our experiments, we focus on the task of Market Comment Generation, which involves taking a numerical sequence of stock prices as input and generating a corresponding market comment. Contrary to our expectations, the results show that prompts resembling programming languages yield better outcomes, whereas those similar to natural languages and longer formats, such as HTML and LaTeX, are less effective. Our findings offer insights into creating effective prompts for tasks that generate text from numerical sequences.

cross uTeBC-NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: Can LLMs be Lateral Thinkers?

Authors: Pouya Sadeghi, Amirhossein Abaskohi, Yadollah Yaghoobzadeh

Abstract: Inspired by human cognition, Jiang et al.(2023c) create a benchmark for assessing LLMs' lateral thinking-thinking outside the box. Building upon this benchmark, we investigate how different prompting methods enhance LLMs' performance on this task to reveal their inherent power for outside-the-box thinking ability. Through participating in SemEval-2024, task 9, Sentence Puzzle sub-task, we explore prompt engineering methods: chain of thoughts (CoT) and direct prompting, enhancing with informative descriptions, and employing contextualizing prompts using a retrieval augmented generation (RAG) pipeline. Our experiments involve three LLMs including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Zephyr-7B-beta. We generate a dataset of thinking paths between riddles and options using GPT-4, validated by humans for quality. Findings indicate that compressed informative prompts enhance performance. Dynamic in-context learning enhances model performance significantly. Furthermore, fine-tuning Zephyr on our dataset enhances performance across other commonsense datasets, underscoring the value of innovative thinking.

cross Deep Reinforcement Learning for Traveling Purchaser Problems

Authors: Haofeng Yuan, Rongping Zhu, Wanlu Yang, Shiji Song, Keyou You, Yuli Zhang

Abstract: The traveling purchaser problem (TPP) is an important combinatorial optimization problem with broad applications. Due to the coupling between routing and purchasing, existing works on TPPs commonly address route construction and purchase planning simultaneously, which, however, leads to exact methods with high computational cost and heuristics with sophisticated design but limited performance. In sharp contrast, we propose a novel approach based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL), which addresses route construction and purchase planning separately, while evaluating and optimizing the solution from a global perspective. The key components of our approach include a bipartite graph representation for TPPs to capture the market-product relations, and a policy network that extracts information from the bipartite graph and uses it to sequentially construct the route. One significant benefit of our framework is that we can efficiently construct the route using the policy network, and once the route is determined, the associated purchasing plan can be easily derived through linear programming, while, leveraging DRL, we can train the policy network to optimize the global solution objective. Furthermore, by introducing a meta-learning strategy, the policy network can be trained stably on large-sized TPP instances, and generalize well across instances of varying sizes and distributions, even to much larger instances that are never seen during training. Experiments on various synthetic TPP instances and the TPPLIB benchmark demonstrate that our DRL-based approach can significantly outperform well-established TPP heuristics, reducing the optimality gap by 40%-90%, and also showing an advantage in runtime, especially on large-sized instances.

cross Enhancing Sum-Rate Performance in Constrained Multicell Networks: A Low-Information Exchange Approach

Authors: Youjin Kim, Jonggyu Jang, Hyun Jong Yang

Abstract: Despite the extensive research on massive MIMO systems for 5G telecommunications and beyond, the reality is that many deployed base stations are equipped with a limited number of antennas rather than supporting massive MIMO configurations. Furthermore, while the cell-less network concept, which eliminates cell boundaries, is under investigation, practical deployments often grapple with significantly limited backhaul connection capacities between base stations. This letter explores techniques to maximize the sum-rate performance within the constraints of these more realistically equipped multicell networks. We propose an innovative approach that dramatically reduces the need for information exchange between base stations to a mere few bits, in stark contrast to conventional methods that require the exchange of hundreds of bits. Our proposed method not only addresses the limitations imposed by current network infrastructure but also showcases significantly improved performance under these constrained conditions.

cross FedSelect: Personalized Federated Learning with Customized Selection of Parameters for Fine-Tuning

Authors: Rishub Tamirisa, Chulin Xie, Wenxuan Bao, Andy Zhou, Ron Arel, Aviv Shamsian

Abstract: Standard federated learning approaches suffer when client data distributions have sufficient heterogeneity. Recent methods addressed the client data heterogeneity issue via personalized federated learning (PFL) - a class of FL algorithms aiming to personalize learned global knowledge to better suit the clients' local data distributions. Existing PFL methods usually decouple global updates in deep neural networks by performing personalization on particular layers (i.e. classifier heads) and global aggregation for the rest of the network. However, preselecting network layers for personalization may result in suboptimal storage of global knowledge. In this work, we propose FedSelect, a novel PFL algorithm inspired by the iterative subnetwork discovery procedure used for the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis. FedSelect incrementally expands subnetworks to personalize client parameters, concurrently conducting global aggregations on the remaining parameters. This approach enables the personalization of both client parameters and subnetwork structure during the training process. Finally, we show that FedSelect outperforms recent state-of-the-art PFL algorithms under challenging client data heterogeneity settings and demonstrates robustness to various real-world distributional shifts. Our code is available at


cross New methods for drug synergy prediction

Authors: Fatemeh Abbasi, Juho Rousu

Abstract: In this mini-review, we explore the new prediction methods for drug combination synergy relying on high-throughput combinatorial screens. The fast progress of the field is witnessed in the more than thirty original machine learning methods published since 2021, a clear majority of them based on deep learning techniques. We aim to put these papers under a unifying lens by highlighting the core technologies, the data sources, the input data types and synergy scores used in the methods, as well as the prediction scenarios and evaluation protocols that the papers deal with. Our finding is that the best methods accurately solve the synergy prediction scenarios involving known drugs or cell lines while the scenarios involving new drugs or cell lines still fall short of an accurate prediction level.

cross Measuring Social Norms of Large Language Models

Authors: Ye Yuan, Kexin Tang, Jianhao Shen, Ming Zhang, Chenguang Wang

Abstract: We present a new challenge to examine whether large language models understand social norms. In contrast to existing datasets, our dataset requires a fundamental understanding of social norms to solve. Our dataset features the largest set of social norm skills, consisting of 402 skills and 12,383 questions covering a wide set of social norms ranging from opinions and arguments to culture and laws. We design our dataset according to the K-12 curriculum. This enables the direct comparison of the social understanding of large language models to humans, more specifically, elementary students. While prior work generates nearly random accuracy on our benchmark, recent large language models such as GPT3.5-Turbo and LLaMA2-Chat are able to improve the performance significantly, only slightly below human performance. We then propose a multi-agent framework based on large language models to improve the models' ability to understand social norms. This method further improves large language models to be on par with humans. Given the increasing adoption of large language models in real-world applications, our finding is particularly important and presents a unique direction for future improvements.

cross Dynamic Demonstration Retrieval and Cognitive Understanding for Emotional Support Conversation

Authors: Zhe Xu, Daoyuan Chen, Jiayi Kuang, Zihao Yi, Yaliang Li, Ying Shen

Abstract: Emotional Support Conversation (ESC) systems are pivotal in providing empathetic interactions, aiding users through negative emotional states by understanding and addressing their unique experiences. In this paper, we tackle two key challenges in ESC: enhancing contextually relevant and empathetic response generation through dynamic demonstration retrieval, and advancing cognitive understanding to grasp implicit mental states comprehensively. We introduce Dynamic Demonstration Retrieval and Cognitive-Aspect Situation Understanding (\ourwork), a novel approach that synergizes these elements to improve the quality of support provided in ESCs. By leveraging in-context learning and persona information, we introduce an innovative retrieval mechanism that selects informative and personalized demonstration pairs. We also propose a cognitive understanding module that utilizes four cognitive relationships from the ATOMIC knowledge source to deepen situational awareness of help-seekers' mental states. Our supportive decoder integrates information from diverse knowledge sources, underpinning response generation that is both empathetic and cognitively aware. The effectiveness of \ourwork is demonstrated through extensive automatic and human evaluations, revealing substantial improvements over numerous state-of-the-art models, with up to 13.79\% enhancement in overall performance of ten metrics. Our codes are available for public access to facilitate further research and development.

cross VIAssist: Adapting Multi-modal Large Language Models for Users with Visual Impairments

Authors: Bufang Yang, Lixing He, Kaiwei Liu, Zhenyu Yan

Abstract: Individuals with visual impairments, encompassing both partial and total difficulties in visual perception, are referred to as visually impaired (VI) people. An estimated 2.2 billion individuals worldwide are affected by visual impairments. Recent advancements in multi-modal large language models (MLLMs) have showcased their extraordinary capabilities across various domains. It is desirable to help VI individuals with MLLMs' great capabilities of visual understanding and reasoning. However, it is challenging for VI people to use MLLMs due to the difficulties in capturing the desirable images to fulfill their daily requests. For example, the target object is not fully or partially placed in the image. This paper explores how to leverage MLLMs for VI individuals to provide visual-question answers. VIAssist can identify undesired images and provide detailed actions. Finally, VIAssist can provide reliable answers to users' queries based on the images. Our results show that VIAssist provides +0.21 and +0.31 higher BERTScore and ROUGE scores than the baseline, respectively.

cross An Interpretable Client Decision Tree Aggregation process for Federated Learning

Authors: Alberto Argente-Garrido, Cristina Zuheros, M. Victoria Luz\'on, Francisco Herrera

Abstract: Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence solutions are essential in today's data-driven applications, prioritizing principles such as robustness, safety, transparency, explainability, and privacy among others. This has led to the emergence of Federated Learning as a solution for privacy and distributed machine learning. While decision trees, as self-explanatory models, are ideal for collaborative model training across multiple devices in resource-constrained environments such as federated learning environments for injecting interpretability in these models. Decision tree structure makes the aggregation in a federated learning environment not trivial. They require techniques that can merge their decision paths without introducing bias or overfitting while keeping the aggregated decision trees robust and generalizable. In this paper, we propose an Interpretable Client Decision Tree Aggregation process for Federated Learning scenarios that keeps the interpretability and the precision of the base decision trees used for the aggregation. This model is based on aggregating multiple decision paths of the decision trees and can be used on different decision tree types, such as ID3 and CART. We carry out the experiments within four datasets, and the analysis shows that the tree built with the model improves the local models, and outperforms the state-of-the-art.

cross Tightly-Coupled LiDAR-IMU-Wheel Odometry with Online Calibration of a Kinematic Model for Skid-Steering Robots

Authors: Taku Okawara, Kenji Koide, Shuji Oishi, Masashi Yokozuka, Atsuhiko Banno, Kentaro Uno, Kazuya Yoshida

Abstract: Tunnels and long corridors are challenging environments for mobile robots because a LiDAR point cloud should degenerate in these environments. To tackle point cloud degeneration, this study presents a tightly-coupled LiDAR-IMU-wheel odometry algorithm with an online calibration for skid-steering robots. We propose a full linear wheel odometry factor, which not only serves as a motion constraint but also performs the online calibration of kinematic models for skid-steering robots. Despite the dynamically changing kinematic model (e.g., wheel radii changes caused by tire pressures) and terrain conditions, our method can address the model error via online calibration. Moreover, our method enables an accurate localization in cases of degenerated environments, such as long and straight corridors, by calibration while the LiDAR-IMU fusion sufficiently operates. Furthermore, we estimate the uncertainty (i.e., covariance matrix) of the wheel odometry online for creating a reasonable constraint. The proposed method is validated through three experiments. The first indoor experiment shows that the proposed method is robust in severe degeneracy cases (long corridors) and changes in the wheel radii. The second outdoor experiment demonstrates that our method accurately estimates the sensor trajectory despite being in rough outdoor terrain owing to online uncertainty estimation of wheel odometry. The third experiment shows the proposed online calibration enables robust odometry estimation in changing terrains.

cross Text-driven Affordance Learning from Egocentric Vision

Authors: Tomoya Yoshida, Shuhei Kurita, Taichi Nishimura, Shinsuke Mori

Abstract: Visual affordance learning is a key component for robots to understand how to interact with objects. Conventional approaches in this field rely on pre-defined objects and actions, falling short of capturing diverse interactions in realworld scenarios. The key idea of our approach is employing textual instruction, targeting various affordances for a wide range of objects. This approach covers both hand-object and tool-object interactions. We introduce text-driven affordance learning, aiming to learn contact points and manipulation trajectories from an egocentric view following textual instruction. In our task, contact points are represented as heatmaps, and the manipulation trajectory as sequences of coordinates that incorporate both linear and rotational movements for various manipulations. However, when we gather data for this task, manual annotations of these diverse interactions are costly. To this end, we propose a pseudo dataset creation pipeline and build a large pseudo-training dataset: TextAFF80K, consisting of over 80K instances of the contact points, trajectories, images, and text tuples. We extend existing referring expression comprehension models for our task, and experimental results show that our approach robustly handles multiple affordances, serving as a new standard for affordance learning in real-world scenarios.

cross Severity Controlled Text-to-Image Generative Model Bias Manipulation

Authors: Jordan Vice, Naveed Akhtar, Richard Hartley, Ajmal Mian

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) generative models are gaining wide popularity, especially in public domains. However, their intrinsic bias and potential malicious manipulations remain under-explored. Charting the susceptibility of T2I models to such manipulation, we first expose the new possibility of a dynamic and computationally efficient exploitation of model bias by targeting the embedded language models. By leveraging mathematical foundations of vector algebra, our technique enables a scalable and convenient control over the severity of output manipulation through model bias. As a by-product, this control also allows a form of precise prompt engineering to generate images which are generally implausible with regular text prompts. We also demonstrate a constructive application of our manipulation for balancing the frequency of generated classes - as in model debiasing. Our technique does not require training and is also framed as a backdoor attack with severity control using semantically-null text triggers in the prompts. With extensive analysis, we present interesting qualitative and quantitative results to expose potential manipulation possibilities for T2I models. Key-words: Text-to-Image Models, Generative Models, Backdoor Attacks, Prompt Engineering, Bias

cross ANGOFA: Leveraging OFA Embedding Initialization and Synthetic Data for Angolan Language Model

Authors: Osvaldo Luamba Quinjica, David Ifeoluwa Adelani

Abstract: In recent years, the development of pre-trained language models (PLMs) has gained momentum, showcasing their capacity to transcend linguistic barriers and facilitate knowledge transfer across diverse languages. However, this progress has predominantly bypassed the inclusion of very-low resource languages, creating a notable void in the multilingual landscape. This paper addresses this gap by introducing four tailored PLMs specifically finetuned for Angolan languages, employing a Multilingual Adaptive Fine-tuning (MAFT) approach. In this paper, we survey the role of informed embedding initialization and synthetic data in enhancing the performance of MAFT models in downstream tasks. We improve baseline over SOTA AfroXLMR-base (developed through MAFT) and OFA (an effective embedding initialization) by 12.3 and 3.8 points respectively.

cross Unbiased Learning to Rank Meets Reality: Lessons from Baidu's Large-Scale Search Dataset

Authors: Philipp Hager, Romain Deffayet, Jean-Michel Renders, Onno Zoeter, Maarten de Rijke

Abstract: Unbiased learning-to-rank (ULTR) is a well-established framework for learning from user clicks, which are often biased by the ranker collecting the data. While theoretically justified and extensively tested in simulation, ULTR techniques lack empirical validation, especially on modern search engines. The dataset released for the WSDM Cup 2023, collected from Baidu's search engine, offers a rare opportunity to assess the real-world performance of prominent ULTR techniques. Despite multiple submissions during the WSDM Cup 2023 and the subsequent NTCIR ULTRE-2 task, it remains unclear whether the observed improvements stem from applying ULTR or other learning techniques. We revisit and extend the available experiments. We find that unbiased learning-to-rank techniques do not bring clear performance improvements, especially compared to the stark differences brought by the choice of ranking loss and query-document features. Our experiments reveal that ULTR robustly improves click prediction. However, these gains in click prediction do not translate to enhanced ranking performance on expert relevance annotations, implying that conclusions strongly depend on how success is measured in this benchmark.

cross Grid-Mapping Pseudo-Count Constraint for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yi Shen, Hanyan Huang, Shan Xie

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning learns from a static dataset without interacting with the environment, which ensures security and thus owns a good prospect of application. However, directly applying naive reinforcement learning methods usually fails in an offline environment due to function approximation errors caused by out-of-distribution(OOD) actions. To solve this problem, existing algorithms mainly penalize the Q-value of OOD actions, the quality of whose constraints also matter. Imprecise constraints may lead to suboptimal solutions, while precise constraints require significant computational costs. In this paper, we propose a novel count-based method for continuous domains, called Grid-Mapping Pseudo-Count method(GPC), to penalize the Q-value appropriately and reduce the computational cost. The proposed method maps the state and action space to discrete space and constrains their Q-values through the pseudo-count. It is theoretically proved that only a few conditions are needed to obtain accurate uncertainty constraints in the proposed method. Moreover, we develop a Grid-Mapping Pseudo-Count Soft Actor-Critic(GPC-SAC) algorithm using GPC under the Soft Actor-Critic(SAC) framework to demonstrate the effectiveness of GPC. The experimental results on D4RL benchmark datasets show that GPC-SAC has better performance and less computational cost compared to other algorithms.

cross AI-Tutoring in Software Engineering Education

Authors: Eduard Frankford, Clemens Sauerwein, Patrick Bassner, Stephan Krusche, Ruth Breu

Abstract: With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in various domains, the education sector is set for transformation. The potential of AI-driven tools in enhancing the learning experience, especially in programming, is immense. However, the scientific evaluation of Large Language Models (LLMs) used in Automated Programming Assessment Systems (APASs) as an AI-Tutor remains largely unexplored. Therefore, there is a need to understand how students interact with such AI-Tutors and to analyze their experiences. In this paper, we conducted an exploratory case study by integrating the GPT-3.5-Turbo model as an AI-Tutor within the APAS Artemis. Through a combination of empirical data collection and an exploratory survey, we identified different user types based on their interaction patterns with the AI-Tutor. Additionally, the findings highlight advantages, such as timely feedback and scalability. However, challenges like generic responses and students' concerns about a learning progress inhibition when using the AI-Tutor were also evident. This research adds to the discourse on AI's role in education.

cross Solar synthetic imaging: Introducing denoising diffusion probabilistic models on SDO/AIA data

Authors: Francesco P. Ramunno, S. Hackstein, V. Kinakh, M. Drozdova, G. Quetant, A. Csillaghy, S. Voloshynovskiy

Abstract: Given the rarity of significant solar flares compared to smaller ones, training effective machine learning models for solar activity forecasting is challenging due to insufficient data. This study proposes using generative deep learning models, specifically a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM), to create synthetic images of solar phenomena, including flares of varying intensities. By employing a dataset from the AIA instrument aboard the SDO spacecraft, focusing on the 171 {\AA} band that captures various solar activities, and classifying images with GOES X-ray measurements based on flare intensity, we aim to address the data scarcity issue. The DDPM's performance is evaluated using cluster metrics, Frechet Inception Distance (FID), and F1-score, showcasing promising results in generating realistic solar imagery. We conduct two experiments: one to train a supervised classifier for event identification and another for basic flare prediction, demonstrating the value of synthetic data in managing imbalanced datasets. This research underscores the potential of DDPMs in solar data analysis and forecasting, suggesting further exploration into their capabilities for solar flare prediction and application in other deep learning and physical tasks.

cross SliceIt! -- A Dual Simulator Framework for Learning Robot Food Slicing

Authors: Cristian C. Beltran-Hernandez, Nicolas Erbetti, Masashi Hamaya

Abstract: Cooking robots can enhance the home experience by reducing the burden of daily chores. However, these robots must perform their tasks dexterously and safely in shared human environments, especially when handling dangerous tools such as kitchen knives. This study focuses on enabling a robot to autonomously and safely learn food-cutting tasks. More specifically, our goal is to enable a collaborative robot or industrial robot arm to perform food-slicing tasks by adapting to varying material properties using compliance control. Our approach involves using Reinforcement Learning (RL) to train a robot to compliantly manipulate a knife, by reducing the contact forces exerted by the food items and by the cutting board. However, training the robot in the real world can be inefficient, and dangerous, and result in a lot of food waste. Therefore, we proposed SliceIt!, a framework for safely and efficiently learning robot food-slicing tasks in simulation. Following a real2sim2real approach, our framework consists of collecting a few real food slicing data, calibrating our dual simulation environment (a high-fidelity cutting simulator and a robotic simulator), learning compliant control policies on the calibrated simulation environment, and finally, deploying the policies on the real robot.

cross Active learning for efficient annotation in precision agriculture: a use-case on crop-weed semantic segmentation

Authors: Bart M. van Marrewijk, Charbel Dandjinou, Dan Jeric Arcega Rustia, Nicolas Franco Gonzalez, Boubacar Diallo, J\'er\^ome Dias, Paul Melki, Pieter M. Blok

Abstract: Optimizing deep learning models requires large amounts of annotated images, a process that is both time-intensive and costly. Especially for semantic segmentation models in which every pixel must be annotated. A potential strategy to mitigate annotation effort is active learning. Active learning facilitates the identification and selection of the most informative images from a large unlabelled pool. The underlying premise is that these selected images can improve the model's performance faster than random selection to reduce annotation effort. While active learning has demonstrated promising results on benchmark datasets like Cityscapes, its performance in the agricultural domain remains largely unexplored. This study addresses this research gap by conducting a comparative study of three active learning-based acquisition functions: Bayesian Active Learning by Disagreement (BALD), stochastic-based BALD (PowerBALD), and Random. The acquisition functions were tested on two agricultural datasets: Sugarbeet and Corn-Weed, both containing three semantic classes: background, crop and weed. Our results indicated that active learning, especially PowerBALD, yields a higher performance than Random sampling on both datasets. But due to the relatively large standard deviations, the differences observed were minimal; this was partly caused by high image redundancy and imbalanced classes. Specifically, more than 89\% of the pixels belonged to the background class on both datasets. The absence of significant results on both datasets indicates that further research is required for applying active learning on agricultural datasets, especially if they contain a high-class imbalance and redundant images. Recommendations and insights are provided in this paper to potentially resolve such issues.

cross The Surprising Effectiveness of Rankers Trained on Expanded Queries

Authors: Abhijit Anand, Venktesh V, Vinay Setty, Avishek Anand

Abstract: An important problem in text-ranking systems is handling the hard queries that form the tail end of the query distribution. The difficulty may arise due to the presence of uncommon, underspecified, or incomplete queries. In this work, we improve the ranking performance of hard or difficult queries without compromising the performance of other queries. Firstly, we do LLM based query enrichment for training queries using relevant documents. Next, a specialized ranker is fine-tuned only on the enriched hard queries instead of the original queries. We combine the relevance scores from the specialized ranker and the base ranker, along with a query performance score estimated for each query. Our approach departs from existing methods that usually employ a single ranker for all queries, which is biased towards easy queries, which form the majority of the query distribution. In our extensive experiments on the DL-Hard dataset, we find that a principled query performance based scoring method using base and specialized ranker offers a significant improvement of up to 25% on the passage ranking task and up to 48.4% on the document ranking task when compared to the baseline performance of using original queries, even outperforming SOTA model.

cross Affective-NLI: Towards Accurate and Interpretable Personality Recognition in Conversation

Authors: Zhiyuan Wen, Jiannong Cao, Yu Yang, Ruosong Yang, Shuaiqi Liu

Abstract: Personality Recognition in Conversation (PRC) aims to identify the personality traits of speakers through textual dialogue content. It is essential for providing personalized services in various applications of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), such as AI-based mental therapy and companion robots for the elderly. Most recent studies analyze the dialog content for personality classification yet overlook two major concerns that hinder their performance. First, crucial implicit factors contained in conversation, such as emotions that reflect the speakers' personalities are ignored. Second, only focusing on the input dialog content disregards the semantic understanding of personality itself, which reduces the interpretability of the results. In this paper, we propose Affective Natural Language Inference (Affective-NLI) for accurate and interpretable PRC. To utilize affectivity within dialog content for accurate personality recognition, we fine-tuned a pre-trained language model specifically for emotion recognition in conversations, facilitating real-time affective annotations for utterances. For interpretability of recognition results, we formulate personality recognition as an NLI problem by determining whether the textual description of personality labels is entailed by the dialog content. Extensive experiments on two daily conversation datasets suggest that Affective-NLI significantly outperforms (by 6%-7%) state-of-the-art approaches. Additionally, our Flow experiment demonstrates that Affective-NLI can accurately recognize the speaker's personality in the early stages of conversations by surpassing state-of-the-art methods with 22%-34%.

cross Diffexplainer: Towards Cross-modal Global Explanations with Diffusion Models

Authors: Matteo Pennisi, Giovanni Bellitto, Simone Palazzo, Mubarak Shah, Concetto Spampinato

Abstract: We present DiffExplainer, a novel framework that, leveraging language-vision models, enables multimodal global explainability. DiffExplainer employs diffusion models conditioned on optimized text prompts, synthesizing images that maximize class outputs and hidden features of a classifier, thus providing a visual tool for explaining decisions. Moreover, the analysis of generated visual descriptions allows for automatic identification of biases and spurious features, as opposed to traditional methods that often rely on manual intervention. The cross-modal transferability of language-vision models also enables the possibility to describe decisions in a more human-interpretable way, i.e., through text. We conduct comprehensive experiments, which include an extensive user study, demonstrating the effectiveness of DiffExplainer on 1) the generation of high-quality images explaining model decisions, surpassing existing activation maximization methods, and 2) the automated identification of biases and spurious features.

cross A Differentiable Integer Linear Programming Solver for Explanation-Based Natural Language Inference

Authors: Mokanarangan Thayaparan, Marco Valentino, Andr\'e Freitas

Abstract: Integer Linear Programming (ILP) has been proposed as a formalism for encoding precise structural and semantic constraints for Natural Language Inference (NLI). However, traditional ILP frameworks are non-differentiable, posing critical challenges for the integration of continuous language representations based on deep learning. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach, named Diff-Comb Explainer, a neuro-symbolic architecture for explanation-based NLI based on Differentiable BlackBox Combinatorial Solvers (DBCS). Differently from existing neuro-symbolic solvers, Diff-Comb Explainer does not necessitate a continuous relaxation of the semantic constraints, enabling a direct, more precise, and efficient incorporation of neural representations into the ILP formulation. Our experiments demonstrate that Diff-Comb Explainer achieves superior performance when compared to conventional ILP solvers, neuro-symbolic black-box solvers, and Transformer-based encoders. Moreover, a deeper analysis reveals that Diff-Comb Explainer can significantly improve the precision, consistency, and faithfulness of the constructed explanations, opening new opportunities for research on neuro-symbolic architectures for explainable and transparent NLI in complex domains.

cross Vocabulary Attack to Hijack Large Language Model Applications

Authors: Patrick Levi, Christoph P. Neumann

Abstract: The fast advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) are driving an increasing number of applications. Together with the growing number of users, we also see an increasing number of attackers who try to outsmart these systems. They want the model to reveal confidential information, specific false information, or offensive behavior. To this end, they manipulate their instructions for the LLM by inserting separators or rephrasing them systematically until they reach their goal. Our approach is different. It inserts words from the model vocabulary. We find these words using an optimization procedure and embeddings from another LLM (attacker LLM). We prove our approach by goal hijacking two popular open-source LLMs from the Llama2 and the Flan-T5 families, respectively. We present two main findings. First, our approach creates inconspicuous instructions and therefore it is hard to detect. For many attack cases, we find that even a single word insertion is sufficient. Second, we demonstrate that we can conduct our attack using a different model than the target model to conduct our attack with.

cross A Universal Deep Neural Network for Signal Detection in Wireless Communication Systems

Authors: Khalid Albagami, Nguyen Van Huynh, Geoffrey Ye Li

Abstract: Recently, deep learning (DL) has been emerging as a promising approach for channel estimation and signal detection in wireless communications. The majority of the existing studies investigating the use of DL techniques in this domain focus on analysing channel impulse responses that are generated from only one channel distribution such as additive white Gaussian channel noise and Rayleigh channels. In practice, to cope with the dynamic nature of the wireless channel, DL methods must be re-trained on newly non-aged collected data which is costly, inefficient, and impractical. To tackle this challenge, this paper proposes a novel universal deep neural network (Uni-DNN) that can achieve high detection performance in various wireless environments without retraining the model. In particular, our proposed Uni-DNN model consists of a wireless channel classifier and a signal detector which are constructed by using DNNs. The wireless channel classifier enables the signal detector to generalise and perform optimally for multiple wireless channel distributions. In addition, to further improve the signal detection performance of the proposed model, convolutional neural network is employed. Extensive simulations using the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing scheme demonstrate that the bit error rate performance of our proposed solution can outperform conventional DL-based approaches as well as least square and minimum mean square error channel estimators in practical low pilot density scenarios.

cross Towards detecting unanticipated bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Anna Kruspe

Abstract: Over the last year, Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have become widely available and have exhibited fairness issues similar to those in previous machine learning systems. Current research is primarily focused on analyzing and quantifying these biases in training data and their impact on the decisions of these models, alongside developing mitigation strategies. This research largely targets well-known biases related to gender, race, ethnicity, and language. However, it is clear that LLMs are also affected by other, less obvious implicit biases. The complex and often opaque nature of these models makes detecting such biases challenging, yet this is crucial due to their potential negative impact in various applications. In this paper, we explore new avenues for detecting these unanticipated biases in LLMs, focusing specifically on Uncertainty Quantification and Explainable AI methods. These approaches aim to assess the certainty of model decisions and to make the internal decision-making processes of LLMs more transparent, thereby identifying and understanding biases that are not immediately apparent. Through this research, we aim to contribute to the development of fairer and more transparent AI systems.

cross Non-negative Subspace Feature Representation for Few-shot Learning in Medical Imaging

Authors: Keqiang Fan, Xiaohao Cai, Mahesan Niranjan

Abstract: Unlike typical visual scene recognition domains, in which massive datasets are accessible to deep neural networks, medical image interpretations are often obstructed by the paucity of data. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of data-based few-shot learning in medical imaging by exploring different data attribute representations in a low-dimensional space. We introduce different types of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) in few-shot learning, addressing the data scarcity issue in medical image classification. Extensive empirical studies are conducted in terms of validating the effectiveness of NMF, especially its supervised variants (e.g., discriminative NMF, and supervised and constrained NMF with sparseness), and the comparison with principal component analysis (PCA), i.e., the collaborative representation-based dimensionality reduction technique derived from eigenvectors. With 14 different datasets covering 11 distinct illness categories, thorough experimental results and comparison with related techniques demonstrate that NMF is a competitive alternative to PCA for few-shot learning in medical imaging, and the supervised NMF algorithms are more discriminative in the subspace with greater effectiveness. Furthermore, we show that the part-based representation of NMF, especially its supervised variants, is dramatically impactful in detecting lesion areas in medical imaging with limited samples.

cross Rethinking Kullback-Leibler Divergence in Knowledge Distillation for Large Language Models

Authors: Taiqiang Wu, Chaofan Tao, Jiahao Wang, Zhe Zhao, Ngai Wong

Abstract: Kullback-Leiber divergence has been widely used in Knowledge Distillation (KD) to compress Large Language Models (LLMs). Contrary to prior assertions that reverse Kullback-Leibler (RKL) divergence is mode-seeking and thus preferable over the mean-seeking forward Kullback-Leibler (FKL) divergence, this study empirically and theoretically demonstrates that neither mode-seeking nor mean-seeking properties manifest in KD for LLMs. Instead, RKL and FKL are found to share the same optimization objective and both converge after a sufficient number of epochs. However, due to practical constraints, LLMs are seldom trained for such an extensive number of epochs. Meanwhile, we further find that RKL focuses on the tail part of the distributions, while FKL focuses on the head part at the beginning epochs. Consequently, we propose a simple yet effective Adaptive Kullback-Leiber (AKL) divergence method, which adaptively allocates weights to combine FKL and RKL. Metric-based and GPT-4-based evaluations demonstrate that the proposed AKL outperforms the baselines across various tasks and improves the diversity and quality of generated responses.

cross Responsible Reporting for Frontier AI Development

Authors: Noam Kolt, Markus Anderljung, Joslyn Barnhart, Asher Brass, Kevin Esvelt, Gillian K. Hadfield, Lennart Heim, Mikel Rodriguez, Jonas B. Sandbrink, Thomas Woodside

Abstract: Mitigating the risks from frontier AI systems requires up-to-date and reliable information about those systems. Organizations that develop and deploy frontier systems have significant access to such information. By reporting safety-critical information to actors in government, industry, and civil society, these organizations could improve visibility into new and emerging risks posed by frontier systems. Equipped with this information, developers could make better informed decisions on risk management, while policymakers could design more targeted and robust regulatory infrastructure. We outline the key features of responsible reporting and propose mechanisms for implementing them in practice.

cross PejorativITy: Disambiguating Pejorative Epithets to Improve Misogyny Detection in Italian Tweets

Authors: Arianna Muti, Federico Ruggeri, Cagri Toraman, Lorenzo Musetti, Samuel Algherini, Silvia Ronchi, Gianmarco Saretto, Caterina Zapparoli, Alberto Barr\'on-Cede\~no

Abstract: Misogyny is often expressed through figurative language. Some neutral words can assume a negative connotation when functioning as pejorative epithets. Disambiguating the meaning of such terms might help the detection of misogyny. In order to address such task, we present PejorativITy, a novel corpus of 1,200 manually annotated Italian tweets for pejorative language at the word level and misogyny at the sentence level. We evaluate the impact of injecting information about disambiguated words into a model targeting misogyny detection. In particular, we explore two different approaches for injection: concatenation of pejorative information and substitution of ambiguous words with univocal terms. Our experimental results, both on our corpus and on two popular benchmarks on Italian tweets, show that both approaches lead to a major classification improvement, indicating that word sense disambiguation is a promising preliminary step for misogyny detection. Furthermore, we investigate LLMs' understanding of pejorative epithets by means of contextual word embeddings analysis and prompting.

cross Cross-Architecture Transfer Learning for Linear-Cost Inference Transformers

Authors: Sehyun Choi

Abstract: Recently, multiple architectures has been proposed to improve the efficiency of the Transformer Language Models through changing the design of the self-attention block to have a linear-cost inference (LCI). A notable approach in this realm is the State-Space Machines (SSMs) architecture, which showed on-par performance on language modeling tasks with the self-attention transformers. However, such an architectural change requires a full pretraining of the weights from scratch, which incurs a huge cost to researchers and practitioners who want to use the new architectures. In the more traditional linear attention works, it has been proposed to approximate full attention with linear attention by swap-and-finetune framework. Motivated by this approach, we propose Cross-Architecture Transfer Learning (XATL), in which the weights of the shared components between LCI and self-attention-based transformers, such as layernorms, MLPs, input/output embeddings, are directly transferred to the new architecture from already pre-trained model parameters. We experimented the efficacy of the method on varying sizes and alternative attention architectures and show that \methodabbr significantly reduces the training time up to 2.5x times and converges to a better minimum with up to 2.6% stronger model on the LM benchmarks within the same compute budget.

cross Attention is Naturally Sparse with Gaussian Distributed Input

Authors: Yichuan Deng, Zhao Song, Chiwun Yang

Abstract: The computational intensity of Large Language Models (LLMs) is a critical bottleneck, primarily due to the $O(n^2)$ complexity of the attention mechanism in transformer architectures. Addressing this, sparse attention emerges as a key innovation, aiming to reduce computational load while maintaining model performance. This study presents a rigorous theoretical analysis of the sparsity in attention scores within LLMs, particularly under the framework of Gaussian inputs. By establishing a set of foundational assumptions and employing a methodical theoretical approach, we unravel the intrinsic characteristics of attention score sparsity and its implications on computational efficiency. Our main contribution lies in providing a detailed theoretical examination of how sparsity manifests in attention mechanisms, offering insights into the potential trade-offs between computational savings and model effectiveness. This work not only advances our understanding of sparse attention but also provides a scaffold for future research in optimizing the computational frameworks of LLMs, paving the way for more scalable and efficient AI systems.

cross PromptCodec: High-Fidelity Neural Speech Codec using Disentangled Representation Learning based Adaptive Feature-aware Prompt Encoders

Authors: Yu Pan, Lei Ma, Jianjun Zhao

Abstract: Neural speech codec has recently gained widespread attention in generative speech modeling domains, like voice conversion, text-to-speech synthesis, etc. However, ensuring high-fidelity audio reconstruction of speech codecs under high compression rates remains an open and challenging issue. In this paper, we propose PromptCodec, a novel end-to-end neural speech codec model using disentangled representation learning based feature-aware prompt encoders. By incorporating additional feature representations from prompt encoders, PromptCodec can distribute the speech information requiring processing and enhance its capabilities. Moreover, a simple yet effective adaptive feature weighted fusion approach is introduced to integrate features of different encoders. Meanwhile, we propose a novel disentangled representation learning strategy based on cosine distance to optimize PromptCodec's encoders to ensure their efficiency, thereby further improving the performance of PromptCodec. Experiments on LibriTTS demonstrate that our proposed PromptCodec consistently outperforms state-of-the-art neural speech codec models under all different bitrate conditions while achieving impressive performance with low bitrates.

cross Can We Understand Plasticity Through Neural Collapse?

Authors: Guglielmo Bonifazi, Iason Chalas, Gian Hess, Jakub {\L}ucki

Abstract: This paper explores the connection between two recently identified phenomena in deep learning: plasticity loss and neural collapse. We analyze their correlation in different scenarios, revealing a significant association during the initial training phase on the first task. Additionally, we introduce a regularization approach to mitigate neural collapse, demonstrating its effectiveness in alleviating plasticity loss in this specific setting.

cross Unsupervised Learning of Effective Actions in Robotics

Authors: Marko Zaric, Jakob Hollenstein, Justus Piater, Erwan Renaudo

Abstract: Learning actions that are relevant to decision-making and can be executed effectively is a key problem in autonomous robotics. Current state-of-the-art action representations in robotics lack proper effect-driven learning of the robot's actions. Although successful in solving manipulation tasks, deep learning methods also lack this ability, in addition to their high cost in terms of memory or training data. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised algorithm to discretize a continuous motion space and generate "action prototypes", each producing different effects in the environment. After an exploration phase, the algorithm automatically builds a representation of the effects and groups motions into action prototypes, where motions more likely to produce an effect are represented more than those that lead to negligible changes. We evaluate our method on a simulated stair-climbing reinforcement learning task, and the preliminary results show that our effect driven discretization outperforms uniformly and randomly sampled discretizations in convergence speed and maximum reward.

cross Learning Sequence Attractors in Recurrent Networks with Hidden Neurons

Authors: Yao Lu, Si Wu

Abstract: The brain is targeted for processing temporal sequence information. It remains largely unclear how the brain learns to store and retrieve sequence memories. Here, we study how recurrent networks of binary neurons learn sequence attractors to store predefined pattern sequences and retrieve them robustly. We show that to store arbitrary pattern sequences, it is necessary for the network to include hidden neurons even though their role in displaying sequence memories is indirect. We develop a local learning algorithm to learn sequence attractors in the networks with hidden neurons. The algorithm is proven to converge and lead to sequence attractors. We demonstrate that the network model can store and retrieve sequences robustly on synthetic and real-world datasets. We hope that this study provides new insights in understanding sequence memory and temporal information processing in the brain.

cross DIBS: Enhancing Dense Video Captioning with Unlabeled Videos via Pseudo Boundary Enrichment and Online Refinement

Authors: Hao Wu, Huabin Liu, Yu Qiao, Xiao Sun

Abstract: We present Dive Into the BoundarieS (DIBS), a novel pretraining framework for dense video captioning (DVC), that elaborates on improving the quality of the generated event captions and their associated pseudo event boundaries from unlabeled videos. By leveraging the capabilities of diverse large language models (LLMs), we generate rich DVC-oriented caption candidates and optimize the corresponding pseudo boundaries under several meticulously designed objectives, considering diversity, event-centricity, temporal ordering, and coherence. Moreover, we further introduce a novel online boundary refinement strategy that iteratively improves the quality of pseudo boundaries during training. Comprehensive experiments have been conducted to examine the effectiveness of the proposed technique components. By leveraging a substantial amount of unlabeled video data, such as HowTo100M, we achieve a remarkable advancement on standard DVC datasets like YouCook2 and ActivityNet. We outperform the previous state-of-the-art Vid2Seq across a majority of metrics, achieving this with just 0.4% of the unlabeled video data used for pre-training by Vid2Seq.

cross Unsupervised Occupancy Learning from Sparse Point Cloud

Authors: Amine Ouasfi, Adnane Boukhayma

Abstract: Implicit Neural Representations have gained prominence as a powerful framework for capturing complex data modalities, encompassing a wide range from 3D shapes to images and audio. Within the realm of 3D shape representation, Neural Signed Distance Functions (SDF) have demonstrated remarkable potential in faithfully encoding intricate shape geometry. However, learning SDFs from 3D point clouds in the absence of ground truth supervision remains a very challenging task. In this paper, we propose a method to infer occupancy fields instead of SDFs as they are easier to learn from sparse inputs. We leverage a margin-based uncertainty measure to differentially sample from the decision boundary of the occupancy function and supervise the sampled boundary points using the input point cloud. We further stabilize the optimization process at the early stages of the training by biasing the occupancy function towards minimal entropy fields while maximizing its entropy at the input point cloud. Through extensive experiments and evaluations, we illustrate the efficacy of our proposed method, highlighting its capacity to improve implicit shape inference with respect to baselines and the state-of-the-art using synthetic and real data.

cross AQuA -- Combining Experts' and Non-Experts' Views To Assess Deliberation Quality in Online Discussions Using LLMs

Authors: Maike Behrendt, Stefan Sylvius Wagner, Marc Ziegele, Lena Wilms, Anke Stoll, Dominique Heinbach, Stefan Harmeling

Abstract: Measuring the quality of contributions in political online discussions is crucial in deliberation research and computer science. Research has identified various indicators to assess online discussion quality, and with deep learning advancements, automating these measures has become feasible. While some studies focus on analyzing specific quality indicators, a comprehensive quality score incorporating various deliberative aspects is often preferred. In this work, we introduce AQuA, an additive score that calculates a unified deliberative quality score from multiple indices for each discussion post. Unlike other singular scores, AQuA preserves information on the deliberative aspects present in comments, enhancing model transparency. We develop adapter models for 20 deliberative indices, and calculate correlation coefficients between experts' annotations and the perceived deliberativeness by non-experts to weigh the individual indices into a single deliberative score. We demonstrate that the AQuA score can be computed easily from pre-trained adapters and aligns well with annotations on other datasets that have not be seen during training. The analysis of experts' vs. non-experts' annotations confirms theoretical findings in the social science literature.

cross Domain Generalization through Meta-Learning: A Survey

Authors: Arsham Gholamzadeh Khoee, Yinan Yu, Robert Feldt

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) have revolutionized artificial intelligence but often lack performance when faced with out-of-distribution (OOD) data, a common scenario due to the inevitable domain shifts in real-world applications. This limitation stems from the common assumption that training and testing data share the same distribution-an assumption frequently violated in practice. Despite their effectiveness with large amounts of data and computational power, DNNs struggle with distributional shifts and limited labeled data, leading to overfitting and poor generalization across various tasks and domains. Meta-learning presents a promising approach by employing algorithms that acquire transferable knowledge across various tasks for fast adaptation, eliminating the need to learn each task from scratch. This survey paper delves into the realm of meta-learning with a focus on its contribution to domain generalization. We first clarify the concept of meta-learning for domain generalization and introduce a novel taxonomy based on the feature extraction strategy and the classifier learning methodology, offering a granular view of methodologies. Through an exhaustive review of existing methods and underlying theories, we map out the fundamentals of the field. Our survey provides practical insights and an informed discussion on promising research directions, paving the way for future innovation in meta-learning for domain generalization.

cross On Few-Shot Prompting for Controllable Question-Answer Generation in Narrative Comprehension

Authors: Bernardo Leite, Henrique Lopes Cardoso

Abstract: Question Generation aims to automatically generate questions based on a given input provided as context. A controllable question generation scheme focuses on generating questions with specific attributes, allowing better control. In this study, we propose a few-shot prompting strategy for controlling the generation of question-answer pairs from children's narrative texts. We aim to control two attributes: the question's explicitness and underlying narrative elements. With empirical evaluation, we show the effectiveness of controlling the generation process by employing few-shot prompting side by side with a reference model. Our experiments highlight instances where the few-shot strategy surpasses the reference model, particularly in scenarios such as semantic closeness evaluation and the diversity and coherency of question-answer pairs. However, these improvements are not always statistically significant. The code is publicly available at

cross The RealHumanEval: Evaluating Large Language Models' Abilities to Support Programmers

Authors: Hussein Mozannar, Valerie Chen, Mohammed Alsobay, Subhro Das, Sebastian Zhao, Dennis Wei, Manish Nagireddy, Prasanna Sattigeri, Ameet Talwalkar, David Sontag

Abstract: Evaluation of large language models (LLMs) for code has primarily relied on static benchmarks, including HumanEval (Chen et al., 2021), which measure the ability of LLMs to generate complete code that passes unit tests. As LLMs are increasingly used as programmer assistants, we study whether gains on existing benchmarks translate to gains in programmer productivity when coding with LLMs, including time spent coding. In addition to static benchmarks, we investigate the utility of preference metrics that might be used as proxies to measure LLM helpfulness, such as code acceptance or copy rates. To do so, we introduce RealHumanEval, a web interface to measure the ability of LLMs to assist programmers, through either autocomplete or chat support. We conducted a user study (N=213) using RealHumanEval in which users interacted with six LLMs of varying base model performance. Despite static benchmarks not incorporating humans-in-the-loop, we find that improvements in benchmark performance lead to increased programmer productivity; however gaps in benchmark versus human performance are not proportional -- a trend that holds across both forms of LLM support. In contrast, we find that programmer preferences do not correlate with their actual performance, motivating the need for better, human-centric proxy signals. We also open-source RealHumanEval to enable human-centric evaluation of new models and the study data to facilitate efforts to improve code models.

cross An Optimization Framework to Personalize Passive Cardiac Mechanics

Authors: Lei Shi, Ian Chen, Hiroo Takayama, Vijay Vedula

Abstract: Personalized cardiac mechanics modeling is a powerful tool for understanding the biomechanics of cardiac function in health and disease and assisting in treatment planning. However, current models are limited to using medical images acquired at a single cardiac phase, often limiting their applicability for processing dynamic image acquisitions. This study introduces an inverse finite element analysis (iFEA) framework to estimate the passive mechanical properties of cardiac tissue using time-dependent medical image data. The iFEA framework relies on a novel nested optimization scheme, in which the outer iterations utilize a traditional optimization method to best approximate material parameters that fit image data, while the inner iterations employ an augmented Sellier's algorithm to estimate the stress-free reference configuration. With a focus on characterizing the passive mechanical behavior, the framework employs structurally based anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive models and physiologically relevant boundary conditions to simulate myocardial mechanics. We use a stabilized variational multiscale formulation for solving the governing nonlinear elastodynamics equations, verified for cardiac mechanics applications. The framework is tested in myocardium models of biventricle and left atrium derived from cardiac phase-resolved computed tomographic (CT) images of a healthy subject and three patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM). The impact of the choice of optimization methods and other numerical settings, including fiber direction parameters, mesh size, initial parameters for optimization, and perturbations to optimal material parameters, is assessed using a rigorous sensitivity analysis. The performance of the current iFEA is compared against an assumed power-law-based pressure-volume relation, typically used for single-phase image acquisition.

cross A Survey of Optimization-based Task and Motion Planning: From Classical To Learning Approaches

Authors: Zhigen Zhao, Shuo Chen, Yan Ding, Ziyi Zhou, Shiqi Zhang, Danfei Xu, Ye Zhao

Abstract: Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) integrates high-level task planning and low-level motion planning to equip robots with the autonomy to effectively reason over long-horizon, dynamic tasks. Optimization-based TAMP focuses on hybrid optimization approaches that define goal conditions via objective functions and are capable of handling open-ended goals, robotic dynamics, and physical interaction between the robot and the environment. Therefore, optimization-based TAMP is particularly suited to solve highly complex, contact-rich locomotion and manipulation problems. This survey provides a comprehensive review on optimization-based TAMP, covering (i) planning domain representations, including action description languages and temporal logic, (ii) individual solution strategies for components of TAMP, including AI planning and trajectory optimization (TO), and (iii) the dynamic interplay between logic-based task planning and model-based TO. A particular focus of this survey is to highlight the algorithm structures to efficiently solve TAMP, especially hierarchical and distributed approaches. Additionally, the survey emphasizes the synergy between the classical methods and contemporary learning-based innovations such as large language models. Furthermore, the future research directions for TAMP is discussed in this survey, highlighting both algorithmic and application-specific challenges.

cross Conifer: Improving Complex Constrained Instruction-Following Ability of Large Language Models

Authors: Haoran Sun, Lixin Liu, Junjie Li, Fengyu Wang, Baohua Dong, Ran Lin, Ruohui Huang

Abstract: The ability of large language models (LLMs) to follow instructions is crucial to real-world applications. Despite recent advances, several studies have highlighted that LLMs struggle when faced with challenging instructions, especially those that include complex constraints, hindering their effectiveness in various tasks. To address this challenge, we introduce Conifer, a novel instruction tuning dataset, designed to enhance LLMs to follow multi-level instructions with complex constraints. Utilizing GPT-4, we curate the dataset by a series of LLM-driven refinement processes to ensure high quality. We also propose a progressive learning scheme that emphasizes an easy-to-hard progression, and learning from process feedback. Models trained with Conifer exhibit remarkable improvements in instruction-following abilities, especially for instructions with complex constraints. On several instruction-following benchmarks, our 7B model outperforms the state-of-the-art open-source 7B models, even exceeds the performance of models 10 times larger on certain metrics. All the code and Conifer dataset are available at


cross Enhancing Interpretability of Vertebrae Fracture Grading using Human-interpretable Prototypes

Authors: Poulami Sinhamahapatra, Suprosanna Shit, Anjany Sekuboyina, Malek Husseini, David Schinz, Nicolas Lenhart, Joern Menze, Jan Kirschke, Karsten Roscher, Stephan Guennemann

Abstract: Vertebral fracture grading classifies the severity of vertebral fractures, which is a challenging task in medical imaging and has recently attracted Deep Learning (DL) models. Only a few works attempted to make such models human-interpretable despite the need for transparency and trustworthiness in critical use cases like DL-assisted medical diagnosis. Moreover, such models either rely on post-hoc methods or additional annotations. In this work, we propose a novel interpretable-by-design method, ProtoVerse, to find relevant sub-parts of vertebral fractures (prototypes) that reliably explain the model's decision in a human-understandable way. Specifically, we introduce a novel diversity-promoting loss to mitigate prototype repetitions in small datasets with intricate semantics. We have experimented with the VerSe'19 dataset and outperformed the existing prototype-based method. Further, our model provides superior interpretability against the post-hoc method. Importantly, expert radiologists validated the visual interpretability of our results, showing clinical applicability.

cross Human Activity Recognition using Smartphones

Authors: Mayur Sonawane, Sahil Rajesh Dhayalkar, Siddesh Waje, Soyal Markhelkar, Akshay Wattamwar, Seema C. Shrawne

Abstract: Human Activity Recognition is a subject of great research today and has its applications in remote healthcare, activity tracking of the elderly or the disables, calories burnt tracking etc. In our project, we have created an Android application that recognizes the daily human activities and calculate the calories burnt in real time. We first captured labeled triaxial acceleration readings for different daily human activities from the smartphone's embedded accelerometer. These readings were preprocessed using a median filter. 42 features were extracted using various methods. We then tested various machine learning algorithms along with dimensionality reduction. Finally, in our Android application, we used the machine learning algorithm and a subset of features that provided maximum accuracy and minimum model building time. This is used for real-time activity recognition and calculation of calories burnt using a formula based on Metabolic Equivalent.

cross FlightScope: A Deep Comprehensive Assessment of Aircraft Detection Algorithms in Satellite Imagery

Authors: Safouane El Ghazouali, Arnaud Gucciardi, Nicola Venturi, Michael Rueegsegger, Umberto Michelucci

Abstract: Object detection in remotely sensed satellite pictures is fundamental in many fields such as biophysical, and environmental monitoring. While deep learning algorithms are constantly evolving, they have been mostly implemented and tested on popular ground-based taken photos. This paper critically evaluates and compares a suite of advanced object detection algorithms customized for the task of identifying aircraft within satellite imagery. Using the large HRPlanesV2 dataset, together with a rigorous validation with the GDIT dataset, this research encompasses an array of methodologies including YOLO versions 5 and 8, Faster RCNN, CenterNet, RetinaNet, RTMDet, and DETR, all trained from scratch. This exhaustive training and validation study reveal YOLOv5 as the preeminent model for the specific case of identifying airplanes from remote sensing data, showcasing high precision and adaptability across diverse imaging conditions. This research highlight the nuanced performance landscapes of these algorithms, with YOLOv5 emerging as a robust solution for aerial object detection, underlining its importance through superior mean average precision, Recall, and Intersection over Union scores. The findings described here underscore the fundamental role of algorithm selection aligned with the specific demands of satellite imagery analysis and extend a comprehensive framework to evaluate model efficacy. The benchmark toolkit and codes, available via, aims to further exploration and innovation in the realm of remote sensing object detection, paving the way for improved analytical methodologies in satellite imagery applications.


cross On the Scalability of Diffusion-based Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Hao Li, Yang Zou, Ying Wang, Orchid Majumder, Yusheng Xie, R. Manmatha, Ashwin Swaminathan, Zhuowen Tu, Stefano Ermon, Stefano Soatto

Abstract: Scaling up model and data size has been quite successful for the evolution of LLMs. However, the scaling law for the diffusion based text-to-image (T2I) models is not fully explored. It is also unclear how to efficiently scale the model for better performance at reduced cost. The different training settings and expensive training cost make a fair model comparison extremely difficult. In this work, we empirically study the scaling properties of diffusion based T2I models by performing extensive and rigours ablations on scaling both denoising backbones and training set, including training scaled UNet and Transformer variants ranging from 0.4B to 4B parameters on datasets upto 600M images. For model scaling, we find the location and amount of cross attention distinguishes the performance of existing UNet designs. And increasing the transformer blocks is more parameter-efficient for improving text-image alignment than increasing channel numbers. We then identify an efficient UNet variant, which is 45% smaller and 28% faster than SDXL's UNet. On the data scaling side, we show the quality and diversity of the training set matters more than simply dataset size. Increasing caption density and diversity improves text-image alignment performance and the learning efficiency. Finally, we provide scaling functions to predict the text-image alignment performance as functions of the scale of model size, compute and dataset size.

cross DeiT-LT Distillation Strikes Back for Vision Transformer Training on Long-Tailed Datasets

Authors: Harsh Rangwani, Pradipto Mondal, Mayank Mishra, Ashish Ramayee Asokan, R. Venkatesh Babu

Abstract: Vision Transformer (ViT) has emerged as a prominent architecture for various computer vision tasks. In ViT, we divide the input image into patch tokens and process them through a stack of self attention blocks. However, unlike Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), ViTs simple architecture has no informative inductive bias (e.g., locality,etc. ). Due to this, ViT requires a large amount of data for pre-training. Various data efficient approaches (DeiT) have been proposed to train ViT on balanced datasets effectively. However, limited literature discusses the use of ViT for datasets with long-tailed imbalances. In this work, we introduce DeiT-LT to tackle the problem of training ViTs from scratch on long-tailed datasets. In DeiT-LT, we introduce an efficient and effective way of distillation from CNN via distillation DIST token by using out-of-distribution images and re-weighting the distillation loss to enhance focus on tail classes. This leads to the learning of local CNN-like features in early ViT blocks, improving generalization for tail classes. Further, to mitigate overfitting, we propose distilling from a flat CNN teacher, which leads to learning low-rank generalizable features for DIST tokens across all ViT blocks. With the proposed DeiT-LT scheme, the distillation DIST token becomes an expert on the tail classes, and the classifier CLS token becomes an expert on the head classes. The experts help to effectively learn features corresponding to both the majority and minority classes using a distinct set of tokens within the same ViT architecture. We show the effectiveness of DeiT-LT for training ViT from scratch on datasets ranging from small-scale CIFAR-10 LT to large-scale iNaturalist-2018.

cross ALOHa: A New Measure for Hallucination in Captioning Models

Authors: Suzanne Petryk, David M. Chan, Anish Kachinthaya, Haodi Zou, John Canny, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Trevor Darrell

Abstract: Despite recent advances in multimodal pre-training for visual description, state-of-the-art models still produce captions containing errors, such as hallucinating objects not present in a scene. The existing prominent metric for object hallucination, CHAIR, is limited to a fixed set of MS COCO objects and synonyms. In this work, we propose a modernized open-vocabulary metric, ALOHa, which leverages large language models (LLMs) to measure object hallucinations. Specifically, we use an LLM to extract groundable objects from a candidate caption, measure their semantic similarity to reference objects from captions and object detections, and use Hungarian matching to produce a final hallucination score. We show that ALOHa correctly identifies 13.6% more hallucinated objects than CHAIR on HAT, a new gold-standard subset of MS COCO Captions annotated for hallucinations, and 30.8% more on nocaps, where objects extend beyond MS COCO categories. Our code is available at


cross Visual Autoregressive Modeling: Scalable Image Generation via Next-Scale Prediction

Authors: Keyu Tian, Yi Jiang, Zehuan Yuan, Bingyue Peng, Liwei Wang

Abstract: We present Visual AutoRegressive modeling (VAR), a new generation paradigm that redefines the autoregressive learning on images as coarse-to-fine "next-scale prediction" or "next-resolution prediction", diverging from the standard raster-scan "next-token prediction". This simple, intuitive methodology allows autoregressive (AR) transformers to learn visual distributions fast and generalize well: VAR, for the first time, makes AR models surpass diffusion transformers in image generation. On ImageNet 256x256 benchmark, VAR significantly improve AR baseline by improving Frechet inception distance (FID) from 18.65 to 1.80, inception score (IS) from 80.4 to 356.4, with around 20x faster inference speed. It is also empirically verified that VAR outperforms the Diffusion Transformer (DiT) in multiple dimensions including image quality, inference speed, data efficiency, and scalability. Scaling up VAR models exhibits clear power-law scaling laws similar to those observed in LLMs, with linear correlation coefficients near -0.998 as solid evidence. VAR further showcases zero-shot generalization ability in downstream tasks including image in-painting, out-painting, and editing. These results suggest VAR has initially emulated the two important properties of LLMs: Scaling Laws and zero-shot task generalization. We have released all models and codes to promote the exploration of AR/VAR models for visual generation and unified learning.

replace Subgoal Search For Complex Reasoning Tasks

Authors: Konrad Czechowski, Tomasz Odrzyg\'o\'zd\'z, Marek Zbysi\'nski, Micha{\l} Zawalski, Krzysztof Olejnik, Yuhuai Wu, {\L}ukasz Kuci\'nski, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s

Abstract: Humans excel in solving complex reasoning tasks through a mental process of moving from one idea to a related one. Inspired by this, we propose Subgoal Search (kSubS) method. Its key component is a learned subgoal generator that produces a diversity of subgoals that are both achievable and closer to the solution. Using subgoals reduces the search space and induces a high-level search graph suitable for efficient planning. In this paper, we implement kSubS using a transformer-based subgoal module coupled with the classical best-first search framework. We show that a simple approach of generating $k$-th step ahead subgoals is surprisingly efficient on three challenging domains: two popular puzzle games, Sokoban and the Rubik's Cube, and an inequality proving benchmark INT. kSubS achieves strong results including state-of-the-art on INT within a modest computational budget.

replace Probabilistic Dataset Reconstruction from Interpretable Models

Authors: Julien Ferry (LAAS-ROC), Ulrich A\"ivodji (ETS), S\'ebastien Gambs (UQAM), Marie-Jos\'e Huguet (LAAS-ROC), Mohamed Siala (LAAS-ROC)

Abstract: Interpretability is often pointed out as a key requirement for trustworthy machine learning. However, learning and releasing models that are inherently interpretable leaks information regarding the underlying training data. As such disclosure may directly conflict with privacy, a precise quantification of the privacy impact of such breach is a fundamental problem. For instance, previous work have shown that the structure of a decision tree can be leveraged to build a probabilistic reconstruction of its training dataset, with the uncertainty of the reconstruction being a relevant metric for the information leak. In this paper, we propose of a novel framework generalizing these probabilistic reconstructions in the sense that it can handle other forms of interpretable models and more generic types of knowledge. In addition, we demonstrate that under realistic assumptions regarding the interpretable models' structure, the uncertainty of the reconstruction can be computed efficiently. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of our approach on both decision trees and rule lists, by comparing the theoretical information leak associated to either exact or heuristic learning algorithms. Our results suggest that optimal interpretable models are often more compact and leak less information regarding their training data than greedily-built ones, for a given accuracy level.

replace Retro-fallback: retrosynthetic planning in an uncertain world

Authors: Austin Tripp, Krzysztof Maziarz, Sarah Lewis, Marwin Segler, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Retrosynthesis is the task of planning a series of chemical reactions to create a desired molecule from simpler, buyable molecules. While previous works have proposed algorithms to find optimal solutions for a range of metrics (e.g. shortest, lowest-cost), these works generally overlook the fact that we have imperfect knowledge of the space of possible reactions, meaning plans created by algorithms may not work in a laboratory. In this paper we propose a novel formulation of retrosynthesis in terms of stochastic processes to account for this uncertainty. We then propose a novel greedy algorithm called retro-fallback which maximizes the probability that at least one synthesis plan can be executed in the lab. Using in-silico benchmarks we demonstrate that retro-fallback generally produces better sets of synthesis plans than the popular MCTS and retro* algorithms.

replace BioImage.IO Chatbot: A Community-Driven AI Assistant for Advanced Bioimage Analysis and Tool Integration

Authors: Wanlu Lei, Caterina Fuster-Barcel\'o, Gabriel Reder, Arrate Mu\~noz-Barrutia, Wei Ouyang

Abstract: We introduce the BioImage$.$IO Chatbot, an AI assistant underpinned by Large Language Models and enriched by a community-driven knowledge base and tools. It facilitates customized interactions across a spectrum of user requirements via a flexible extension mechanism, from data retrieval to AI-enhanced analysis. Adhering to open-source values, the chatbot is in constant development with input from the bioimage community, improving its dependability and collaboratively tackling AI-related challenges. This tool streamlines the exploration of the complex bioimage analysis landscape, enabling life sciences to advance by harnessing the collective ingenuity of its community.

replace Towards Responsible Generative AI: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model based Agents

Authors: Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Xiwei Xu, Zhenchang Xing, Stefan Harrer, Jon Whittle

Abstract: Foundation models, such as large language models (LLMs), have been widely recognised as transformative AI technologies due to their capabilities to understand and generate content, including plans with reasoning capabilities. Foundation model based agents derive their autonomy from the capabilities of foundation models, which enable them to autonomously break down a given goal into a set of manageable tasks and orchestrate task execution to meet the goal. Despite the huge efforts put into building foundation model based agents, the architecture design of the agents has not yet been systematically explored. Also, while there are significant benefits of using agents for planning and execution, there are serious considerations regarding responsible AI related software quality attributes, such as security and accountability. Therefore, this paper presents a pattern-oriented reference architecture that serves as guidance when designing foundation model based agents. We evaluate the completeness and utility of the proposed reference architecture by mapping it to the architecture of two real-world agents.

replace Agent-OM: Leveraging LLM Agents for Ontology Matching

Authors: Zhangcheng Qiang, Weiqing Wang, Kerry Taylor

Abstract: Ontology matching (OM) enables semantic interoperability between different ontologies and resolves their conceptual heterogeneity by aligning related entities. OM systems currently have two prevailing design paradigms: conventional knowledge-based expert systems and newer machine learning-based predictive systems. While large language models (LLMs) and LLM agents have revolutionised data engineering and have been applied creatively in many domains, their potential for OM remains underexplored. This study introduces a novel agent-powered LLM-based design paradigm for OM systems. With consideration of several specific challenges in leveraging LLM agents for OM, we propose a generic framework, namely Agent-OM, consisting of two Siamese agents for retrieval and matching, with a set of simple prompt-based OM tools. Our framework is implemented in a proof-of-concept system. Evaluations of three Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI) tracks over state-of-the-art OM systems show that our system can achieve results very close to the long-standing best performance on simple OM tasks and can significantly improve the performance on complex and few-shot OM tasks.

replace Logical Specifications-guided Dynamic Task Sampling for Reinforcement Learning Agents

Authors: Yash Shukla, Tanushree Burman, Abhishek Kulkarni, Robert Wright, Alvaro Velasquez, Jivko Sinapov

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has made significant strides in enabling artificial agents to learn diverse behaviors. However, learning an effective policy often requires a large number of environment interactions. To mitigate sample complexity issues, recent approaches have used high-level task specifications, such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL$_f$) formulas or Reward Machines (RM), to guide the learning progress of the agent. In this work, we propose a novel approach, called Logical Specifications-guided Dynamic Task Sampling (LSTS), that learns a set of RL policies to guide an agent from an initial state to a goal state based on a high-level task specification, while minimizing the number of environmental interactions. Unlike previous work, LSTS does not assume information about the environment dynamics or the Reward Machine, and dynamically samples promising tasks that lead to successful goal policies. We evaluate LSTS on a gridworld and show that it achieves improved time-to-threshold performance on complex sequential decision-making problems compared to state-of-the-art RM and Automaton-guided RL baselines, such as Q-Learning for Reward Machines and Compositional RL from logical Specifications (DIRL). Moreover, we demonstrate that our method outperforms RM and Automaton-guided RL baselines in terms of sample-efficiency, both in a partially observable robotic task and in a continuous control robotic manipulation task.

replace An Experiment with the Use of ChatGPT for LCSH Subject Assignment on Electronic Theses and Dissertations

Authors: Eric H. C. Chow, TJ Kao, Xiaoli Li

Abstract: This study delves into the potential use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for generating Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH). The authors employed ChatGPT to generate subject headings for electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) based on their titles and summaries. The results revealed that although some generated subject headings were valid, there were issues regarding specificity and exhaustiveness. The study showcases that LLMs can serve as a strategic response to the backlog of items awaiting cataloging in academic libraries, while also offering a cost-effective approach for promptly generating LCSH. Nonetheless, human catalogers remain essential for verifying and enhancing the validity, exhaustiveness, and specificity of LCSH generated by LLMs.

replace Instruction-Driven Game Engines on Large Language Models

Authors: Hongqiu Wu, Y. Wang, Xingyuan Liu, Hai Zhao, Min Zhang

Abstract: The Instruction-Driven Game Engine (IDGE) project aims to democratize game development by enabling a large language model (LLM) to follow free-form game rules and autonomously generate game-play processes. The IDGE allows users to create games by issuing simple natural language instructions, which significantly lowers the barrier for game development. We approach the learning process for IDGEs as a Next State Prediction task, wherein the model autoregressively predicts in-game states given player actions. It is a challenging task because the computation of in-game states must be precise; otherwise, slight errors could disrupt the game-play. To address this, we train the IDGE in a curriculum manner that progressively increases the model's exposure to complex scenarios. Our initial progress lies in developing an IDGE for Poker, a universally cherished card game. The engine we've designed not only supports a wide range of poker variants but also allows for high customization of rules through natural language inputs. Furthermore, it also favors rapid prototyping of new games from minimal samples, proposing an innovative paradigm in game development that relies on minimal prompt and data engineering. This work lays the groundwork for future advancements in instruction-driven game creation, potentially transforming how games are designed and played.

replace Towards Generalizable and Faithful Logic Reasoning over Natural Language via Resolution Refutation

Authors: Zhouhao Sun, Xiao Ding, Li Du, Bibo Cai, Jinglong Gao, Ting Liu, Qin Bing

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant performance in various natural language reasoning tasks. However, they still struggle with performing first-order logic reasoning over formal logical theories expressed in natural language. This is because the previous LLMs-based reasoning systems have the theoretical incompleteness issue. As a result, it can only address a limited set of simple reasoning problems, which significantly decreases their generalization ability. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework, named Generalizable and Faithful Reasoner (GFaiR), which introduces the paradigm of resolution refutation. Resolution refutation has the capability to solve all first-order logic reasoning problems by extending reasoning rules and employing the principle of proof by contradiction, so our system's completeness can be improved by introducing resolution refutation. Experimental results demonstrate that our system outperforms previous works by achieving state-of-the-art performances in complex scenarios while maintaining performances in simple scenarios. Besides, we observe that GFaiR is faithful to its reasoning process.

replace-cross Simulation-based reinforcement learning for real-world autonomous driving

Authors: B{\l}a\.zej Osi\'nski, Adam Jakubowski, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s, Pawe{\l} Zi\k{e}cina, Christopher Galias, Silviu Homoceanu, Henryk Michalewski

Abstract: We use reinforcement learning in simulation to obtain a driving system controlling a full-size real-world vehicle. The driving policy takes RGB images from a single camera and their semantic segmentation as input. We use mostly synthetic data, with labelled real-world data appearing only in the training of the segmentation network. Using reinforcement learning in simulation and synthetic data is motivated by lowering costs and engineering effort. In real-world experiments we confirm that we achieved successful sim-to-real policy transfer. Based on the extensive evaluation, we analyze how design decisions about perception, control, and training impact the real-world performance.

replace-cross Combining Transformers with Natural Language Explanations

Authors: Federico Ruggeri, Marco Lippi, Paolo Torroni

Abstract: Many NLP applications require models to be interpretable. However, many successful neural architectures, including transformers, still lack effective interpretation methods. A possible solution could rely on building explanations from domain knowledge, which is often available as plain, natural language text. We thus propose an extension to transformer models that makes use of external memories to store natural language explanations and use them to explain classification outputs. We conduct an experimental evaluation on two domains, legal text analysis and argument mining, to show that our approach can produce relevant explanations while retaining or even improving classification performance.

replace-cross Catalytic Role Of Noise And Necessity Of Inductive Biases In The Emergence Of Compositional Communication

Authors: {\L}ukasz Kuci\'nski, Tomasz Korbak, Pawe{\l} Ko{\l}odziej, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s

Abstract: Communication is compositional if complex signals can be represented as a combination of simpler subparts. In this paper, we theoretically show that inductive biases on both the training framework and the data are needed to develop a compositional communication. Moreover, we prove that compositionality spontaneously arises in the signaling games, where agents communicate over a noisy channel. We experimentally confirm that a range of noise levels, which depends on the model and the data, indeed promotes compositionality. Finally, we provide a comprehensive study of this dependence and report results in terms of recently studied compositionality metrics: topographical similarity, conflict count, and context independence.

replace-cross Off-Policy Correction For Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Micha{\l} Zawalski, B{\l}a\.zej Osi\'nski, Henryk Michalewski, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s

Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) provides a framework for problems involving multiple interacting agents. Despite apparent similarity to the single-agent case, multi-agent problems are often harder to train and analyze theoretically. In this work, we propose MA-Trace, a new on-policy actor-critic algorithm, which extends V-Trace to the MARL setting. The key advantage of our algorithm is its high scalability in a multi-worker setting. To this end, MA-Trace utilizes importance sampling as an off-policy correction method, which allows distributing the computations with no impact on the quality of training. Furthermore, our algorithm is theoretically grounded - we prove a fixed-point theorem that guarantees convergence. We evaluate the algorithm extensively on the StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge, a standard benchmark for multi-agent algorithms. MA-Trace achieves high performance on all its tasks and exceeds state-of-the-art results on some of them.

replace-cross Unified Control Framework for Real-Time Interception and Obstacle Avoidance of Fast-Moving Objects with Diffusion Variational Autoencoder

Authors: Apan Dastider, Hao Fang, Mingjie Lin

Abstract: Real-time interception of fast-moving objects by robotic arms in dynamic environments poses a formidable challenge due to the need for rapid reaction times, often within milliseconds, amidst dynamic obstacles. This paper introduces a unified control framework to address the above challenge by simultaneously intercepting dynamic objects and avoiding moving obstacles. Central to our approach is using diffusion-based variational autoencoder for motion planning to perform both object interception and obstacle avoidance. We begin by encoding the high-dimensional temporal information from streaming events into a two-dimensional latent manifold, enabling the discrimination between safe and colliding trajectories, culminating in the construction of an offline densely connected trajectory graph. Subsequently, we employ an extended Kalman filter to achieve precise real-time tracking of the moving object. Leveraging a graph-traversing strategy on the established offline dense graph, we generate encoded robotic motor control commands. Finally, we decode these commands to enable real-time motion of robotic motors, ensuring effective obstacle avoidance and high interception accuracy of fast-moving objects. Experimental validation on both computer simulations and autonomous 7-DoF robotic arms demonstrates the efficacy of our proposed framework. Results indicate the capability of the robotic manipulator to navigate around multiple obstacles of varying sizes and shapes while successfully intercepting fast-moving objects thrown from different angles by hand. Complete video demonstrations of our experiments can be found in


replace-cross Online Control of Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search using Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Robbert Reijnen, Yingqian Zhang, Hoong Chuin Lau, Zaharah Bukhsh

Abstract: The Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search (ALNS) algorithm has shown considerable success in solving combinatorial optimization problems (COPs). Nonetheless, the performance of ALNS relies on the proper configuration of its selection and acceptance parameters, which is known to be a complex and resource-intensive task. To address this, we introduce a Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) based approach called DR-ALNS that selects operators, adjusts parameters, and controls the acceptance criterion throughout the search. The proposed method aims to learn, based on the state of the search, to configure ALNS for the next iteration to yield more effective solutions for the given optimization problem. We evaluate the proposed method on an orienteering problem with stochastic weights and time windows, as presented in an IJCAI competition. The results show that our approach outperforms vanilla ALNS, ALNS tuned with Bayesian optimization, and two state-of-the-art DRL approaches that were the winning methods of the competition, achieving this with significantly fewer training observations. Furthermore, we demonstrate several good properties of the proposed DR-ALNS method: it is easily adapted to solve different routing problems, its learned policies perform consistently well across various instance sizes, and these policies can be directly applied to different problem variants.

replace-cross Trust Your $\nabla$: Gradient-based Intervention Targeting for Causal Discovery

Authors: Mateusz Olko, Micha{\l} Zaj\k{a}c, Aleksandra Nowak, Nino Scherrer, Yashas Annadani, Stefan Bauer, {\L}ukasz Kuci\'nski, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s

Abstract: Inferring causal structure from data is a challenging task of fundamental importance in science. Observational data are often insufficient to identify a system's causal structure uniquely. While conducting interventions (i.e., experiments) can improve the identifiability, such samples are usually challenging and expensive to obtain. Hence, experimental design approaches for causal discovery aim to minimize the number of interventions by estimating the most informative intervention target. In this work, we propose a novel Gradient-based Intervention Targeting method, abbreviated GIT, that 'trusts' the gradient estimator of a gradient-based causal discovery framework to provide signals for the intervention acquisition function. We provide extensive experiments in simulated and real-world datasets and demonstrate that GIT performs on par with competitive baselines, surpassing them in the low-data regime.

replace-cross ARS-DETR: Aspect Ratio Sensitive Oriented Object Detection with Transformer

Authors: Ying Zeng, Xue Yang, Qingyun Li, Yushi Chen, Junchi Yan

Abstract: Existing oriented object detection methods commonly use metric AP$_{50}$ to measure the performance of the model. We argue that AP$_{50}$ is inherently unsuitable for oriented object detection due to its large tolerance in angle deviation. Therefore, we advocate using high-precision metric, e.g. AP$_{75}$, to measure the performance of models. In this paper, we propose an Aspect Ratio Sensitive Oriented Object Detector with Transformer, termed ARS-DETR, which exhibits a competitive performance in high-precision oriented object detection. Specifically, a new angle classification method, calling Aspect Ratio aware Circle Smooth Label (AR-CSL), is proposed to smooth the angle label in a more reasonable way and discard the hyperparameter that introduced by previous work (e.g. CSL). Then, a rotated deformable attention module is designed to rotate the sampling points with the corresponding angles and eliminate the misalignment between region features and sampling points. Moreover, a dynamic weight coefficient according to the aspect ratio is adopted to calculate the angle loss. Comprehensive experiments on several challenging datasets show that our method achieves competitive performance on the high-precision oriented object detection task.

replace-cross From Isolated Islands to Pangea: Unifying Semantic Space for Human Action Understanding

Authors: Yong-Lu Li, Xiaoqian Wu, Xinpeng Liu, Zehao Wang, Yiming Dou, Yikun Ji, Junyi Zhang, Yixing Li, Jingru Tan, Xudong Lu, Cewu Lu

Abstract: Action understanding has attracted long-term attention. It can be formed as the mapping from the physical space to the semantic space. Typically, researchers built datasets according to idiosyncratic choices to define classes and push the envelope of benchmarks respectively. Datasets are incompatible with each other like "Isolated Islands" due to semantic gaps and various class granularities, e.g., do housework in dataset A and wash plate in dataset B. We argue that we need a more principled semantic space to concentrate the community efforts and use all datasets together to pursue generalizable action learning. To this end, we design a structured action semantic space given verb taxonomy hierarchy and covering massive actions. By aligning the classes of previous datasets to our semantic space, we gather (image/video/skeleton/MoCap) datasets into a unified database in a unified label system, i.e., bridging "isolated islands" into a "Pangea". Accordingly, we propose a novel model mapping from the physical space to semantic space to fully use Pangea. In extensive experiments, our new system shows significant superiority, especially in transfer learning. Our code and data will be made public at


replace-cross Instructions as Backdoors: Backdoor Vulnerabilities of Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Jiashu Xu, Mingyu Derek Ma, Fei Wang, Chaowei Xiao, Muhao Chen

Abstract: We investigate security concerns of the emergent instruction tuning paradigm, that models are trained on crowdsourced datasets with task instructions to achieve superior performance. Our studies demonstrate that an attacker can inject backdoors by issuing very few malicious instructions (~1000 tokens) and control model behavior through data poisoning, without even the need to modify data instances or labels themselves. Through such instruction attacks, the attacker can achieve over 90% attack success rate across four commonly used NLP datasets. As an empirical study on instruction attacks, we systematically evaluated unique perspectives of instruction attacks, such as poison transfer where poisoned models can transfer to 15 diverse generative datasets in a zero-shot manner; instruction transfer where attackers can directly apply poisoned instruction on many other datasets; and poison resistance to continual finetuning. Lastly, we show that RLHF and clean demonstrations might mitigate such backdoors to some degree. These findings highlight the need for more robust defenses against poisoning attacks in instruction-tuning models and underscore the importance of ensuring data quality in instruction crowdsourcing.

replace-cross From Shortcuts to Triggers: Backdoor Defense with Denoised PoE

Authors: Qin Liu, Fei Wang, Chaowei Xiao, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Language models are often at risk of diverse backdoor attacks, especially data poisoning. Thus, it is important to investigate defense solutions for addressing them. Existing backdoor defense methods mainly focus on backdoor attacks with explicit triggers, leaving a universal defense against various backdoor attacks with diverse triggers largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end ensemble-based backdoor defense framework, DPoE (Denoised Product-of-Experts), which is inspired by the shortcut nature of backdoor attacks, to defend various backdoor attacks. DPoE consists of two models: a shallow model that captures the backdoor shortcuts and a main model that is prevented from learning the backdoor shortcuts. To address the label flip caused by backdoor attackers, DPoE incorporates a denoising design. Experiments on SST-2 dataset show that DPoE significantly improves the defense performance against various types of backdoor triggers including word-level, sentence-level, and syntactic triggers. Furthermore, DPoE is also effective under a more challenging but practical setting that mixes multiple types of trigger.

replace-cross CamemBERT-bio: Leveraging Continual Pre-training for Cost-Effective Models on French Biomedical Data

Authors: Rian Touchent, Laurent Romary, Eric de la Clergerie

Abstract: Clinical data in hospitals are increasingly accessible for research through clinical data warehouses. However these documents are unstructured and it is therefore necessary to extract information from medical reports to conduct clinical studies. Transfer learning with BERT-like models such as CamemBERT has allowed major advances for French, especially for named entity recognition. However, these models are trained for plain language and are less efficient on biomedical data. Addressing this gap, we introduce CamemBERT-bio, a dedicated French biomedical model derived from a new public French biomedical dataset. Through continual pre-training of the original CamemBERT, CamemBERT-bio achieves an improvement of 2.54 points of F1-score on average across various biomedical named entity recognition tasks, reinforcing the potential of continual pre-training as an equally proficient yet less computationally intensive alternative to training from scratch. Additionally, we highlight the importance of using a standard evaluation protocol that provides a clear view of the current state-of-the-art for French biomedical models.

replace-cross A Double Machine Learning Approach to Combining Experimental and Observational Data

Authors: Harsh Parikh, Marco Morucci, Vittorio Orlandi, Sudeepa Roy, Cynthia Rudin, Alexander Volfovsky

Abstract: Experimental and observational studies often lack validity due to untestable assumptions. We propose a double machine learning approach to combine experimental and observational studies, allowing practitioners to test for assumption violations and estimate treatment effects consistently. Our framework tests for violations of external validity and ignorability under milder assumptions. When only one of these assumptions is violated, we provide semiparametrically efficient treatment effect estimators. However, our no-free-lunch theorem highlights the necessity of accurately identifying the violated assumption for consistent treatment effect estimation. Through comparative analyses, we show our framework's superiority over existing data fusion methods. The practical utility of our approach is further exemplified by three real-world case studies, underscoring its potential for widespread application in empirical research.

replace-cross Ecosystem-level Analysis of Deployed Machine Learning Reveals Homogeneous Outcomes

Authors: Connor Toups, Rishi Bommasani, Kathleen A. Creel, Sarah H. Bana, Dan Jurafsky, Percy Liang

Abstract: Machine learning is traditionally studied at the model level: researchers measure and improve the accuracy, robustness, bias, efficiency, and other dimensions of specific models. In practice, the societal impact of machine learning is determined by the surrounding context of machine learning deployments. To capture this, we introduce ecosystem-level analysis: rather than analyzing a single model, we consider the collection of models that are deployed in a given context. For example, ecosystem-level analysis in hiring recognizes that a job candidate's outcomes are not only determined by a single hiring algorithm or firm but instead by the collective decisions of all the firms they applied to. Across three modalities (text, images, speech) and 11 datasets, we establish a clear trend: deployed machine learning is prone to systemic failure, meaning some users are exclusively misclassified by all models available. Even when individual models improve at the population level over time, we find these improvements rarely reduce the prevalence of systemic failure. Instead, the benefits of these improvements predominantly accrue to individuals who are already correctly classified by other models. In light of these trends, we consider medical imaging for dermatology where the costs of systemic failure are especially high. While traditional analyses reveal racial performance disparities for both models and humans, ecosystem-level analysis reveals new forms of racial disparity in model predictions that do not present in human predictions. These examples demonstrate ecosystem-level analysis has unique strengths for characterizing the societal impact of machine learning.

replace-cross Exploring Cross-Cultural Differences in English Hate Speech Annotations: From Dataset Construction to Analysis

Authors: Nayeon Lee, Chani Jung, Junho Myung, Jiho Jin, Jose Camacho-Collados, Juho Kim, Alice Oh

Abstract: Warning: this paper contains content that may be offensive or upsetting. Most hate speech datasets neglect the cultural diversity within a single language, resulting in a critical shortcoming in hate speech detection. To address this, we introduce CREHate, a CRoss-cultural English Hate speech dataset. To construct CREHate, we follow a two-step procedure: 1) cultural post collection and 2) cross-cultural annotation. We sample posts from the SBIC dataset, which predominantly represents North America, and collect posts from four geographically diverse English-speaking countries (Australia, United Kingdom, Singapore, and South Africa) using culturally hateful keywords we retrieve from our survey. Annotations are collected from the four countries plus the United States to establish representative labels for each country. Our analysis highlights statistically significant disparities across countries in hate speech annotations. Only 56.2% of the posts in CREHate achieve consensus among all countries, with the highest pairwise label difference rate of 26%. Qualitative analysis shows that label disagreement occurs mostly due to different interpretations of sarcasm and the personal bias of annotators on divisive topics. Lastly, we evaluate large language models (LLMs) under a zero-shot setting and show that current LLMs tend to show higher accuracies on Anglosphere country labels in CREHate. Our dataset and codes are available at:


replace-cross Automatic Pair Construction for Contrastive Post-training

Authors: Canwen Xu, Corby Rosset, Ethan C. Chau, Luciano Del Corro, Shweti Mahajan, Julian McAuley, Jennifer Neville, Ahmed Hassan Awadallah, Nikhil Rao

Abstract: Alignment serves as an important step to steer large language models (LLMs) towards human preferences. In this paper, we propose an automatic way to construct contrastive data for LLM, using preference pairs from multiple models of varying strengths (e.g., InstructGPT, ChatGPT and GPT-4). We compare the contrastive techniques of SLiC and DPO to SFT baselines and find that DPO provides a step-function improvement even after continuing SFT saturates. We also explore a data curriculum learning scheme for contrastive post-training, which starts by learning from "easier" pairs and transitioning to "harder" ones, which further improves alignment. Finally, we scale up our experiments to train with more data and larger models like Orca. Remarkably, our automatic contrastive post-training further improves the performance of Orca, already a state-of-the-art instruction learning model tuned with GPT-4 outputs, to outperform ChatGPT.

replace-cross Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is: Evaluating Strategic Planning and Execution of LLM Agents in an Auction Arena

Authors: Jiangjie Chen, Siyu Yuan, Rong Ye, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Kyle Richardson

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) showcase advanced reasoning, yet NLP evaluations often depend on static benchmarks. Evaluating this necessitates environments that test strategic reasoning in dynamic, competitive scenarios requiring long-term planning. We introduce AucArena, a novel evaluation suite that simulates auctions, a setting chosen for being highly unpredictable and involving many skills related to resource and risk management, while also being easy to evaluate. We conduct controlled experiments using state-of-the-art LLMs to power bidding agents to benchmark their planning and execution skills. Our research demonstrates that LLMs, such as GPT-4, possess key skills for auction participation, such as budget management and goal adherence, which improve with adaptive strategies. This highlights LLMs' potential in modeling complex social interactions in competitive contexts. However, variability in LLM performance and occasional outperformance by simpler methods indicate opportunities for further advancements in LLM design and the value of our simulation environment for ongoing testing and refinement.

replace-cross Proper Laplacian Representation Learning

Authors: Diego Gomez, Michael Bowling, Marlos C. Machado

Abstract: The ability to learn good representations of states is essential for solving large reinforcement learning problems, where exploration, generalization, and transfer are particularly challenging. The Laplacian representation is a promising approach to address these problems by inducing informative state encoding and intrinsic rewards for temporally-extended action discovery and reward shaping. To obtain the Laplacian representation one needs to compute the eigensystem of the graph Laplacian, which is often approximated through optimization objectives compatible with deep learning approaches. These approximations, however, depend on hyperparameters that are impossible to tune efficiently, converge to arbitrary rotations of the desired eigenvectors, and are unable to accurately recover the corresponding eigenvalues. In this paper we introduce a theoretically sound objective and corresponding optimization algorithm for approximating the Laplacian representation. Our approach naturally recovers both the true eigenvectors and eigenvalues while eliminating the hyperparameter dependence of previous approximations. We provide theoretical guarantees for our method and we show that those results translate empirically into robust learning across multiple environments.

replace-cross BatteryML:An Open-source platform for Machine Learning on Battery Degradation

Authors: Han Zhang, Xiaofan Gui, Shun Zheng, Ziheng Lu, Yuqi Li, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Battery degradation remains a pivotal concern in the energy storage domain, with machine learning emerging as a potent tool to drive forward insights and solutions. However, this intersection of electrochemical science and machine learning poses complex challenges. Machine learning experts often grapple with the intricacies of battery science, while battery researchers face hurdles in adapting intricate models tailored to specific datasets. Beyond this, a cohesive standard for battery degradation modeling, inclusive of data formats and evaluative benchmarks, is conspicuously absent. Recognizing these impediments, we present BatteryML - a one-step, all-encompass, and open-source platform designed to unify data preprocessing, feature extraction, and the implementation of both traditional and state-of-the-art models. This streamlined approach promises to enhance the practicality and efficiency of research applications. BatteryML seeks to fill this void, fostering an environment where experts from diverse specializations can collaboratively contribute, thus elevating the collective understanding and advancement of battery research.The code for our project is publicly available on GitHub at


replace-cross Leveraging Ensemble Diversity for Robust Self-Training in the Presence of Sample Selection Bias

Authors: Ambroise Odonnat, Vasilii Feofanov, Ievgen Redko

Abstract: Self-training is a well-known approach for semi-supervised learning. It consists of iteratively assigning pseudo-labels to unlabeled data for which the model is confident and treating them as labeled examples. For neural networks, softmax prediction probabilities are often used as a confidence measure, although they are known to be overconfident, even for wrong predictions. This phenomenon is particularly intensified in the presence of sample selection bias, i.e., when data labeling is subject to some constraint. To address this issue, we propose a novel confidence measure, called $\mathcal{T}$-similarity, built upon the prediction diversity of an ensemble of linear classifiers. We provide the theoretical analysis of our approach by studying stationary points and describing the relationship between the diversity of the individual members and their performance. We empirically demonstrate the benefit of our confidence measure for three different pseudo-labeling policies on classification datasets of various data modalities. The code is available at


replace-cross Multi-Operational Mathematical Derivations in Latent Space

Authors: Marco Valentino, Jordan Meadows, Lan Zhang, Andr\'e Freitas

Abstract: This paper investigates the possibility of approximating multiple mathematical operations in latent space for expression derivation. To this end, we introduce different multi-operational representation paradigms, modelling mathematical operations as explicit geometric transformations. By leveraging a symbolic engine, we construct a large-scale dataset comprising 1.7M derivation steps stemming from 61K premises and 6 operators, analysing the properties of each paradigm when instantiated with state-of-the-art neural encoders. Specifically, we investigate how different encoding mechanisms can approximate expression manipulation in latent space, exploring the trade-off between learning different operators and specialising within single operations, as well as the ability to support multi-step derivations and out-of-distribution generalisation. Our empirical analysis reveals that the multi-operational paradigm is crucial for disentangling different operators, while discriminating the conclusions for a single operation is achievable in the original expression encoder. Moreover, we show that architectural choices can heavily affect the training dynamics, structural organisation, and generalisation of the latent space, resulting in significant variations across paradigms and classes of encoders.

replace-cross Advancing the Search Frontier with AI Agents

Authors: Ryen W. White

Abstract: As many of us in the information retrieval (IR) research community know and appreciate, search is far from being a solved problem. Millions of people struggle with tasks on search engines every day. Often, their struggles relate to the intrinsic complexity of their task and the failure of search systems to fully understand the task and serve relevant results. The task motivates the search, creating the gap/problematic situation that searchers attempt to bridge/resolve and drives search behavior as they work through different task facets. Complex search tasks require more than support for rudimentary fact finding or re-finding. Research on methods to support complex tasks includes work on generating query and website suggestions, personalizing and contextualizing search, and developing new search experiences, including those that span time and space. The recent emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI) and the arrival of assistive agents, based on this technology, has the potential to offer further assistance to searchers, especially those engaged in complex tasks. There are profound implications from these advances for the design of intelligent systems and for the future of search itself. This article, based on a keynote by the author at the 2023 ACM SIGIR Conference, explores these issues and how AI agents are advancing the frontier of search system capabilities, with a special focus on information interaction and complex task completion.

replace-cross Psychometric Predictive Power of Large Language Models

Authors: Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Yohei Oseki, Timothy Baldwin

Abstract: Instruction tuning aligns the response of large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Despite such efforts in human--LLM alignment, we report that, interestingly, instruction tuning does not always make LLMs human-like from a cognitive modeling perspective. More specifically, next-word probabilities estimated by instruction-tuned LLMs are often worse at simulating human reading behavior than those estimated by base LLMs. In addition, we explore prompting methodologies in simulating human reading behavior with LLMs. Our results show that prompts reflecting a particular linguistic hypothesis improve PPP but are still inferior to PPP from small base models. These findings highlight that recent advancements in LLMs, i.e., instruction tuning and prompting, do not offer better estimates than direct probability measurements from base LLMs in cognitive modeling. In other words, our experiments highlight that pure next-word probability remains a strong predictor for human reading behavior, even in the age of LLMs.

replace-cross Anti-LM Decoding for Zero-shot In-context Machine Translation

Authors: Suzanna Sia, Alexandra DeLucia, Kevin Duh

Abstract: Zero-shot In-context learning is the phenomenon where models can perform the task simply given the instructions. However, pre-trained large language models are known to be poorly calibrated for this task. One of the most effective approaches to handling this bias is to adopt a contrastive decoding objective, which accounts for the prior probability of generating the next token by conditioning on some context. This work introduces an Anti-Language Model objective with a decay factor designed to address the weaknesses of In-context Machine Translation. We conduct our experiments across 3 model types and sizes, 3 language directions, and for both greedy decoding and beam search ($B=5$). The proposed method outperforms other state-of-art decoding objectives, with up to $20$ BLEU point improvement from the default objective observed in some settings.

replace-cross Think While You Write: Hypothesis Verification Promotes Faithful Knowledge-to-Text Generation

Authors: Yifu Qiu, Varun Embar, Shay B. Cohen, Benjamin Han

Abstract: Knowledge-to-text generators often struggle to faithfully generate descriptions for the input facts: they may produce hallucinations that contradict the input, or describe facts not present in the input. To reduce hallucinations, we propose a decoding-only method, TWEAK (Think While Effectively Articulating Knowledge), which can be integrated with any generator without retraining. TWEAK treats the generated sequences at each decoding step and its future sequences as hypotheses, and ranks each generation candidate based on the extent to which their hypotheses are supported by the input facts using a Hypothesis Verification Model (HVM). We first demonstrate the effectiveness of TWEAK by using a Natural Language Inference (NLI) model as the HVM and report improved faithfulness with a minimal impact on the quality. We then replace the NLI model with a task-specific HVM trained with a first-of-a-kind dataset, FATE (Fact-Aligned Textual Entailment), which pairs input facts with their original and perturbed descriptions. We test TWEAK with two generators, and the best TWEAK variants improve on average for the two models by 2.24/7.17 points in faithfulness (FactKB) in in/out-of-distribution evaluations, respectively, and with only a 0.14/0.32-point decline in quality (BERTScore).

replace-cross MetaCloak: Preventing Unauthorized Subject-driven Text-to-image Diffusion-based Synthesis via Meta-learning

Authors: Yixin Liu, Chenrui Fan, Yutong Dai, Xun Chen, Pan Zhou, Lichao Sun

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models allow seamless generation of personalized images from scant reference photos. Yet, these tools, in the wrong hands, can fabricate misleading or harmful content, endangering individuals. To address this problem, existing poisoning-based approaches perturb user images in an imperceptible way to render them "unlearnable" from malicious uses. We identify two limitations of these defending approaches: i) sub-optimal due to the hand-crafted heuristics for solving the intractable bilevel optimization and ii) lack of robustness against simple data transformations like Gaussian filtering. To solve these challenges, we propose MetaCloak, which solves the bi-level poisoning problem with a meta-learning framework with an additional transformation sampling process to craft transferable and robust perturbation. Specifically, we employ a pool of surrogate diffusion models to craft transferable and model-agnostic perturbation. Furthermore, by incorporating an additional transformation process, we design a simple denoising-error maximization loss that is sufficient for causing transformation-robust semantic distortion and degradation in a personalized generation. Extensive experiments on the VGGFace2 and CelebA-HQ datasets show that MetaCloak outperforms existing approaches. Notably, MetaCloak can successfully fool online training services like Replicate, in a black-box manner, demonstrating the effectiveness of MetaCloak in real-world scenarios. Our code is available at


replace-cross Text-Driven Image Editing via Learnable Regions

Authors: Yuanze Lin, Yi-Wen Chen, Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Lu Jiang, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Abstract: Language has emerged as a natural interface for image editing. In this paper, we introduce a method for region-based image editing driven by textual prompts, without the need for user-provided masks or sketches. Specifically, our approach leverages an existing pre-trained text-to-image model and introduces a bounding box generator to identify the editing regions that are aligned with the textual prompts. We show that this simple approach enables flexible editing that is compatible with current image generation models, and is able to handle complex prompts featuring multiple objects, complex sentences, or lengthy paragraphs. We conduct an extensive user study to compare our method against state-of-the-art methods. The experiments demonstrate the competitive performance of our method in manipulating images with high fidelity and realism that correspond to the provided language descriptions. Our project webpage can be found at:


replace-cross ReCoRe: Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning of World Model

Authors: Rudra P. K. Poudel, Harit Pandya, Stephan Liwicki, Roberto Cipolla

Abstract: While recent model-free Reinforcement Learning (RL) methods have demonstrated human-level effectiveness in gaming environments, their success in everyday tasks like visual navigation has been limited, particularly under significant appearance variations. This limitation arises from (i) poor sample efficiency and (ii) over-fitting to training scenarios. To address these challenges, we present a world model that learns invariant features using (i) contrastive unsupervised learning and (ii) an intervention-invariant regularizer. Learning an explicit representation of the world dynamics i.e. a world model, improves sample efficiency while contrastive learning implicitly enforces learning of invariant features, which improves generalization. However, the na\"ive integration of contrastive loss to world models is not good enough, as world-model-based RL methods independently optimize representation learning and agent policy. To overcome this issue, we propose an intervention-invariant regularizer in the form of an auxiliary task such as depth prediction, image denoising, image segmentation, etc., that explicitly enforces invariance to style interventions. Our method outperforms current state-of-the-art model-based and model-free RL methods and significantly improves on out-of-distribution point navigation tasks evaluated on the iGibson benchmark. With only visual observations, we further demonstrate that our approach outperforms recent language-guided foundation models for point navigation, which is essential for deployment on robots with limited computation capabilities. Finally, we demonstrate that our proposed model excels at the sim-to-real transfer of its perception module on the Gibson benchmark.

replace-cross Gemini: A Family of Highly Capable Multimodal Models

Authors: Gemini Team, Rohan Anil, Sebastian Borgeaud, Jean-Baptiste Alayrac, Jiahui Yu, Radu Soricut, Johan Schalkwyk, Andrew M. Dai, Anja Hauth, Katie Millican, David Silver, Melvin Johnson, Ioannis Antonoglou, Julian Schrittwieser, Amelia Glaese, Jilin Chen, Emily Pitler, Timothy Lillicrap, Angeliki Lazaridou, Orhan Firat, James Molloy, Michael Isard, Paul R. Barham, Tom Hennigan, Benjamin Lee, Fabio Viola, Malcolm Reynolds, Yuanzhong Xu, Ryan Doherty, Eli Collins, Clemens Meyer, Eliza Rutherford, Erica Moreira, Kareem Ayoub, Megha Goel, Jack Krawczyk, Cosmo Du, Ed Chi, Heng-Tze Cheng, Eric Ni, Purvi Shah, Patrick Kane, Betty Chan, Manaal Faruqui, Aliaksei Severyn, Hanzhao Lin, YaGuang Li, Yong Cheng, Abe Ittycheriah, Mahdis Mahdieh, Mia Chen, Pei Sun, Dustin Tran, Sumit Bagri, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Jeremiah Liu, Andras Orban, Fabian G\"ura, Hao Zhou, Xinying Song, Aurelien Boffy, Harish Ganapathy, Steven Zheng, HyunJeong Choe, \'Agoston Weisz, Tao Zhu, Yifeng Lu, Siddharth Gopal, Jarrod Kahn, Maciej Kula, Jeff Pitman, Rushin Shah, Emanuel Taropa, Majd Al Merey, Martin Baeuml, Zhifeng Chen, Laurent El Shafey, Yujing Zhang, Olcan Sercinoglu, George Tucker, Enrique Piqueras, Maxim Krikun, Iain Barr, Nikolay Savinov, Ivo Danihelka, Becca Roelofs, Ana\"is White, Anders Andreassen, Tamara von Glehn, Lakshman Yagati, Mehran Kazemi, Lucas Gonzalez, Misha Khalman, Jakub Sygnowski, Alexandre Frechette, Charlotte Smith, Laura Culp, Lev Proleev, Yi Luan, Xi Chen, James Lottes, Nathan Schucher, Federico Lebron, Alban Rrustemi, Natalie Clay, Phil Crone, Tomas Kocisky, Jeffrey Zhao, Bartek Perz, Dian Yu, Heidi Howard, Adam Bloniarz, Jack W. Rae, Han Lu, Laurent Sifre, Marcello Maggioni, Fred Alcober, Dan Garrette, Megan Barnes, Shantanu Thakoor, Jacob Austin, Gabriel Barth-Maron, William Wong, Rishabh Joshi, Rahma Chaabouni, Deeni Fatiha, Arun Ahuja, Gaurav Singh Tomar, Evan Senter, Martin Chadwick, Ilya Kornakov, Nithya Attaluri, I\~naki Iturrate, Ruibo Liu, Yunxuan Li, Sarah Cogan, Jeremy Chen, Chao Jia, Chenjie Gu, Qiao Zhang, Jordan Grimstad, Ale Jakse Hartman, Xavier Garcia, Thanumalayan Sankaranarayana Pillai, Jacob Devlin, Michael Laskin, Diego de Las Casas, Dasha Valter, Connie Tao, Lorenzo Blanco, Adri\`a Puigdom\`enech Badia, David Reitter, Mianna Chen, Jenny Brennan, Clara Rivera, Sergey Brin, Shariq Iqbal, Gabriela Surita, Jane Labanowski, Abhi Rao, Stephanie Winkler, Emilio Parisotto, Yiming Gu, Kate Olszewska, Ravi Addanki, Antoine Miech, Annie Louis, Denis Teplyashin, Geoff Brown, Elliot Catt, Jan Balaguer, Jackie Xiang, Pidong Wang, Zoe Ashwood, Anton Briukhov, Albert Webson, Sanjay Ganapathy, Smit Sanghavi, Ajay Kannan, Ming-Wei Chang, Axel Stjerngren, Josip Djolonga, Yuting Sun, Ankur Bapna, Matthew Aitchison, Pedram Pejman, Henryk Michalewski, Tianhe Yu, Cindy Wang, Juliette Love, Junwhan Ahn, Dawn Bloxwich, Kehang Han, Peter Humphreys, Thibault Sellam, James Bradbury, Varun Godbole, Sina Samangooei, Bogdan Damoc, Alex Kaskasoli, S\'ebastien M. R. Arnold, Vijay Vasudevan, Shubham Agrawal, Jason Riesa, Dmitry Lepikhin, Richard Tanburn, Srivatsan Srinivasan, Hyeontaek Lim, Sarah Hodkinson, Pranav Shyam, Johan Ferret, Steven Hand, Ankush Garg, Tom Le Paine, Jian Li, Yujia Li, Minh Giang, Alexander Neitz, Zaheer Abbas, Sarah York, Machel Reid, Elizabeth Cole, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Dipanjan Das, Dominika Rogozi\'nska, Vitaliy Nikolaev, Pablo Sprechmann, Zachary Nado, Lukas Zilka, Flavien Prost, Luheng He, Marianne Monteiro, Gaurav Mishra, Chris Welty, Josh Newlan, Dawei Jia, Miltiadis Allamanis, Clara Huiyi Hu, Raoul de Liedekerke, Justin Gilmer, Carl Saroufim, Shruti Rijhwani, Shaobo Hou, Disha Shrivastava, Anirudh Baddepudi, Alex Goldin, Adnan Ozturel, Albin Cassirer, Yunhan Xu, Daniel Sohn, Devendra Sachan, Reinald Kim Amplayo, Craig Swanson, Dessie Petrova, Shashi Narayan, Arthur Guez, Siddhartha Brahma, Jessica Landon, Miteyan Patel, Ruizhe Zhao, Kevin Villela, Luyu Wang, Wenhao Jia, Matthew Rahtz, Mai Gim\'enez, Legg Yeung, James Keeling, Petko Georgiev, Diana Mincu, Boxi Wu, Salem Haykal, Rachel Saputro, Kiran Vodrahalli, James Qin, Zeynep Cankara, Abhanshu Sharma, Nick Fernando, Will Hawkins, Behnam Neyshabur, Solomon Kim, Adrian Hutter, Priyanka Agrawal, Alex Castro-Ros, George van den Driessche, Tao Wang, Fan Yang, Shuo-yiin Chang, Paul Komarek, Ross McIlroy, Mario Lu\v{c}i\'c, Guodong Zhang, Wael Farhan, Michael Sharman, Paul Natsev, Paul Michel, Yamini Bansal, Siyuan Qiao, Kris Cao, Siamak Shakeri, Christina Butterfield, Justin Chung, Paul Kishan Rubenstein, Shivani Agrawal, Arthur Mensch, Kedar Soparkar, Karel Lenc, Timothy Chung, Aedan Pope, Loren Maggiore, Jackie Kay, Priya Jhakra, Shibo Wang, Joshua Maynez, Mary Phuong, Taylor Tobin, Andrea Tacchetti, Maja Trebacz, Kevin Robinson, Yash Katariya, Sebastian Riedel, Paige Bailey, Kefan Xiao, Nimesh Ghelani, Lora Aroyo, Ambrose Slone, Neil Houlsby, Xuehan Xiong, Zhen Yang, Elena Gribovskaya, Jonas Adler, Mateo Wirth, Lisa Lee, Music Li, Thais Kagohara, Jay Pavagadhi, Sophie Bridgers, Anna Bortsova, Sanjay Ghemawat, Zafarali Ahmed, Tianqi Liu, Richard Powell, Vijay Bolina, Mariko Iinuma, Polina Zablotskaia, James Besley, Da-Woon Chung, Timothy Dozat, Ramona Comanescu, Xiance Si, Jeremy Greer, Guolong Su, Martin Polacek, Rapha\"el Lopez Kaufman, Simon Tokumine, Hexiang Hu, Elena Buchatskaya, Yingjie Miao, Mohamed Elhawaty, Aditya Siddhant, Nenad Tomasev, Jinwei Xing, Christina Greer, Helen Miller, Shereen Ashraf, Aurko Roy, Zizhao Zhang, Ada Ma, Angelos Filos, Milos Besta, Rory Blevins, Ted Klimenko, Chih-Kuan Yeh, Soravit Changpinyo, Jiaqi Mu, Oscar Chang, Mantas Pajarskas, Carrie Muir, Vered Cohen, Charline Le Lan, Krishna Haridasan, Amit Marathe, Steven Hansen, Sholto Douglas, Rajkumar Samuel, Mingqiu Wang, Sophia Austin, Chang Lan, Jiepu Jiang, Justin Chiu, Jaime Alonso Lorenzo, Lars Lowe Sj\"osund, S\'ebastien Cevey, Zach Gleicher, Thi Avrahami, Anudhyan Boral, Hansa Srinivasan, Vittorio Selo, Rhys May, Konstantinos Aisopos, L\'eonard Hussenot, Livio Baldini Soares, Kate Baumli, Michael B. Chang, Adri\`a Recasens, Ben Caine, Alexander Pritzel, Filip Pavetic, Fabio Pardo, Anita Gergely, Justin Frye, Vinay Ramasesh, Dan Horgan, Kartikeya Badola, Nora Kassner, Subhrajit Roy, Ethan Dyer, V\'ictor Campos Campos, Alex Tomala, Yunhao Tang, Dalia El Badawy, Elspeth White, Basil Mustafa, Oran Lang, Abhishek Jindal, Sharad Vikram, Zhitao Gong, Sergi Caelles, Ross Hemsley, Gregory Thornton, Fangxiaoyu Feng, Wojciech Stokowiec, Ce Zheng, Phoebe Thacker, \c{C}a\u{g}lar \"Unl\"u, Zhishuai Zhang, Mohammad Saleh, James Svensson, Max Bileschi, Piyush Patil, Ankesh Anand, Roman Ring, Katerina Tsihlas, Arpi Vezer, Marco Selvi, Toby Shevlane, Mikel Rodriguez, Tom Kwiatkowski, Samira Daruki, Keran Rong, Allan Dafoe, Nicholas FitzGerald, Keren Gu-Lemberg, Mina Khan, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Marie Pellat, Vladimir Feinberg, James Cobon-Kerr, Tara Sainath, Maribeth Rauh, Sayed Hadi Hashemi, Richard Ives, Yana Hasson, Eric Noland, Yuan Cao, Nathan Byrd, Le Hou, Qingze Wang, Thibault Sottiaux, Michela Paganini, Jean-Baptiste Lespiau, Alexandre Moufarek, Samer Hassan, Kaushik Shivakumar, Joost van Amersfoort, Amol Mandhane, Pratik Joshi, Anirudh Goyal, Matthew Tung, Andrew Brock, Hannah Sheahan, Vedant Misra, Cheng Li, Nemanja Raki\'cevi\'c, Mostafa Dehghani, Fangyu Liu, Sid Mittal, Junhyuk Oh, Seb Noury, Eren Sezener, Fantine Huot, Matthew Lamm, Nicola De Cao, Charlie Chen, Sidharth Mudgal, Romina Stella, Kevin Brooks, Gautam Vasudevan, Chenxi Liu, Mainak Chain, Nivedita Melinkeri, Aaron Cohen, Venus Wang, Kristie Seymore, Sergey Zubkov, Rahul Goel, Summer Yue, Sai Krishnakumaran, Brian Albert, Nate Hurley, Motoki Sano, Anhad Mohananey, Jonah Joughin, Egor Filonov, Tomasz K\k{e}pa, Yomna Eldawy, Jiawern Lim, Rahul Rishi, Shirin Badiezadegan, Taylor Bos, Jerry Chang, Sanil Jain, Sri Gayatri Sundara Padmanabhan, Subha Puttagunta, Kalpesh Krishna, Leslie Baker, Norbert Kalb, Vamsi Bedapudi, Adam Kurzrok, Shuntong Lei, Anthony Yu, Oren Litvin, Xiang Zhou, Zhichun Wu, Sam Sobell, Andrea Siciliano, Alan Papir, Robby Neale, Jonas Bragagnolo, Tej Toor, Tina Chen, Valentin Anklin, Feiran Wang, Richie Feng, Milad Gholami, Kevin Ling, Lijuan Liu, Jules Walter, Hamid Moghaddam, Arun Kishore, Jakub Adamek, Tyler Mercado, Jonathan Mallinson, Siddhinita Wandekar, Stephen Cagle, Eran Ofek, Guillermo Garrido, Clemens Lombriser, Maksim Mukha, Botu Sun, Hafeezul Rahman Mohammad, Josip Matak, Yadi Qian, Vikas Peswani, Pawel Janus, Quan Yuan, Leif Schelin, Oana David, Ankur Garg, Yifan He, Oleksii Duzhyi, Anton \"Algmyr, Timoth\'ee Lottaz, Qi Li, Vikas Yadav, Luyao Xu, Alex Chinien, Rakesh Shivanna, Aleksandr Chuklin, Josie Li, Carrie Spadine, Travis Wolfe, Kareem Mohamed, Subhabrata Das, Zihang Dai, Kyle He, Daniel von Dincklage, Shyam Upadhyay, Akanksha Maurya, Luyan Chi, Sebastian Krause, Khalid Salama, Pam G Rabinovitch, Pavan Kumar Reddy M, Aarush Selvan, Mikhail Dektiarev, Golnaz Ghiasi, Erdem Guven, Himanshu Gupta, Boyi Liu, Deepak Sharma, Idan Heimlich Shtacher, Shachi Paul, Oscar Akerlund, Fran\c{c}ois-Xavier Aubet, Terry Huang, Chen Zhu, Eric Zhu, Elico Teixeira, Matthew Fritze, Francesco Bertolini, Liana-Eleonora Marinescu, Martin B\"olle, Dominik Paulus, Khyatti Gupta, Tejasi Latkar, Max Chang, Jason Sanders, Roopa Wilson, Xuewei Wu, Yi-Xuan Tan, Lam Nguyen Thiet, Tulsee Doshi, Sid Lall, Swaroop Mishra, Wanming Chen, Thang Luong, Seth Benjamin, Jasmine Lee, Ewa Andrejczuk, Dominik Rabiej, Vipul Ranjan, Krzysztof Styrc, Pengcheng Yin, Jon Simon, Malcolm Rose Harriott, Mudit Bansal, Alexei Robsky, Geoff Bacon, David Greene, Daniil Mirylenka, Chen Zhou, Obaid Sarvana, Abhimanyu Goyal, Samuel Andermatt, Patrick Siegler, Ben Horn, Assaf Israel, Francesco Pongetti, Chih-Wei "Louis" Chen, Marco Selvatici, Pedro Silva, Kathie Wang, Jackson Tolins, Kelvin Guu, Roey Yogev, Xiaochen Cai, Alessandro Agostini, Maulik Shah, Hung Nguyen, Noah \'O Donnaile, S\'ebastien Pereira, Linda Friso, Adam Stambler, Adam Kurzrok, Chenkai Kuang, Yan Romanikhin, Mark Geller, ZJ Yan, Kane Jang, Cheng-Chun Lee, Wojciech Fica, Eric Malmi, Qijun Tan, Dan Banica, Daniel Balle, Ryan Pham, Yanping Huang, Diana Avram, Hongzhi Shi, Jasjot Singh, Chris Hidey, Niharika Ahuja, Pranab Saxena, Dan Dooley, Srividya Pranavi Potharaju, Eileen O'Neill, Anand Gokulchandran, Ryan Foley, Kai Zhao, Mike Dusenberry, Yuan Liu, Pulkit Mehta, Ragha Kotikalapudi, Chalence Safranek-Shrader, Andrew Goodman, Joshua Kessinger, Eran Globen, Prateek Kolhar, Chris Gorgolewski, Ali Ibrahim, Yang Song, Ali Eichenbaum, Thomas Brovelli, Sahitya Potluri, Preethi Lahoti, Cip Baetu, Ali Ghorbani, Charles Chen, Andy Crawford, Shalini Pal, Mukund Sridhar, Petru Gurita, Asier Mujika, Igor Petrovski, Pierre-Louis Cedoz, Chenmei Li, Shiyuan Chen, Niccol\`o Dal Santo, Siddharth Goyal, Jitesh Punjabi, Karthik Kappaganthu, Chester Kwak, Pallavi LV, Sarmishta Velury, Himadri Choudhury, Jamie Hall, Premal Shah, Ricardo Figueira, Matt Thomas, Minjie Lu, Ting Zhou, Chintu Kumar, Thomas Jurdi, Sharat Chikkerur, Yenai Ma, Adams Yu, Soo Kwak, Victor \"Ahdel, Sujeevan Rajayogam, Travis Choma, Fei Liu, Aditya Barua, Colin Ji, Ji Ho Park, Vincent Hellendoorn, Alex Bailey, Taylan Bilal, Huanjie Zhou, Mehrdad Khatir, Charles Sutton, Wojciech Rzadkowski, Fiona Macintosh, Konstantin Shagin, Paul Medina, Chen Liang, Jinjing Zhou, Pararth Shah, Yingying Bi, Attila Dankovics, Shipra Banga, Sabine Lehmann, Marissa Bredesen, Zifan Lin, John Eric Hoffmann, Jonathan Lai, Raynald Chung, Kai Yang, Nihal Balani, Arthur Bra\v{z}inskas, Andrei Sozanschi, Matthew Hayes, H\'ector Fern\'andez Alcalde, Peter Makarov, Will Chen, Antonio Stella, Liselotte Snijders, Michael Mandl, Ante K\"arrman, Pawe{\l} Nowak, Xinyi Wu, Alex Dyck, Krishnan Vaidyanathan, Raghavender R, Jessica Mallet, Mitch Rudominer, Eric Johnston, Sushil Mittal, Akhil Udathu, Janara Christensen, Vishal Verma, Zach Irving, Andreas Santucci, Gamaleldin Elsayed, Elnaz Davoodi, Marin Georgiev, Ian Tenney, Nan Hua, Geoffrey Cideron, Edouard Leurent, Mahmoud Alnahlawi, Ionut Georgescu, Nan Wei, Ivy Zheng, Dylan Scandinaro, Heinrich Jiang, Jasper Snoek, Mukund Sundararajan, Xuezhi Wang, Zack Ontiveros, Itay Karo, Jeremy Cole, Vinu Rajashekhar, Lara Tumeh, Eyal Ben-David, Rishub Jain, Jonathan Uesato, Romina Datta, Oskar Bunyan, Shimu Wu, John Zhang, Piotr Stanczyk, Ye Zhang, David Steiner, Subhajit Naskar, Michael Azzam, Matthew Johnson, Adam Paszke, Chung-Cheng Chiu, Jaume Sanchez Elias, Afroz Mohiuddin, Faizan Muhammad, Jin Miao, Andrew Lee, Nino Vieillard, Jane Park, Jiageng Zhang, Jeff Stanway, Drew Garmon, Abhijit Karmarkar, Zhe Dong, Jong Lee, Aviral Kumar, Luowei Zhou, Jonathan Evens, William Isaac, Geoffrey Irving, Edward Loper, Michael Fink, Isha Arkatkar, Nanxin Chen, Izhak Shafran, Ivan Petrychenko, Zhe Chen, Johnson Jia, Anselm Levskaya, Zhenkai Zhu, Peter Grabowski, Yu Mao, Alberto Magni, Kaisheng Yao, Javier Snaider, Norman Casagrande, Evan Palmer, Paul Suganthan, Alfonso Casta\~no, Irene Giannoumis, Wooyeol Kim, Miko{\l}aj Rybi\'nski, Ashwin Sreevatsa, Jennifer Prendki, David Soergel, Adrian Goedeckemeyer, Willi Gierke, Mohsen Jafari, Meenu Gaba, Jeremy Wiesner, Diana Gage Wright, Yawen Wei, Harsha Vashisht, Yana Kulizhskaya, Jay Hoover, Maigo Le, Lu Li, Chimezie Iwuanyanwu, Lu Liu, Kevin Ramirez, Andrey Khorlin, Albert Cui, Tian LIN, Marcus Wu, Ricardo Aguilar, Keith Pallo, Abhishek Chakladar, Ginger Perng, Elena Allica Abellan, Mingyang Zhang, Ishita Dasgupta, Nate Kushman, Ivo Penchev, Alena Repina, Xihui Wu, Tom van der Weide, Priya Ponnapalli, Caroline Kaplan, Jiri Simsa, Shuangfeng Li, Olivier Dousse, Fan Yang, Jeff Piper, Nathan Ie, Rama Pasumarthi, Nathan Lintz, Anitha Vijayakumar, Daniel Andor, Pedro Valenzuela, Minnie Lui, Cosmin Paduraru, Daiyi Peng, Katherine Lee, Shuyuan Zhang, Somer Greene, Duc Dung Nguyen, Paula Kurylowicz, Cassidy Hardin, Lucas Dixon, Lili Janzer, Kiam Choo, Ziqiang Feng, Biao Zhang, Achintya Singhal, Dayou Du, Dan McKinnon, Natasha Antropova, Tolga Bolukbasi, Orgad Keller, David Reid, Daniel Finchelstein, Maria Abi Raad, Remi Crocker, Peter Hawkins, Robert Dadashi, Colin Gaffney, Ken Franko, Anna Bulanova, R\'emi Leblond, Shirley Chung, Harry Askham, Luis C. Cobo, Kelvin Xu, Felix Fischer, Jun Xu, Christina Sorokin, Chris Alberti, Chu-Cheng Lin, Colin Evans, Alek Dimitriev, Hannah Forbes, Dylan Banarse, Zora Tung, Mark Omernick, Colton Bishop, Rachel Sterneck, Rohan Jain, Jiawei Xia, Ehsan Amid, Francesco Piccinno, Xingyu Wang, Praseem Banzal, Daniel J. Mankowitz, Alex Polozov, Victoria Krakovna, Sasha Brown, MohammadHossein Bateni, Dennis Duan, Vlad Firoiu, Meghana Thotakuri, Tom Natan, Matthieu Geist, Ser tan Girgin, Hui Li, Jiayu Ye, Ofir Roval, Reiko Tojo, Michael Kwong, James Lee-Thorp, Christopher Yew, Danila Sinopalnikov, Sabela Ramos, John Mellor, Abhishek Sharma, Kathy Wu, David Miller, Nicolas Sonnerat, Denis Vnukov, Rory Greig, Jennifer Beattie, Emily Caveness, Libin Bai, Julian Eisenschlos, Alex Korchemniy, Tomy Tsai, Mimi Jasarevic, Weize Kong, Phuong Dao, Zeyu Zheng, Frederick Liu, Fan Yang, Rui Zhu, Tian Huey Teh, Jason Sanmiya, Evgeny Gladchenko, Nejc Trdin, Daniel Toyama, Evan Rosen, Sasan Tavakkol, Linting Xue, Chen Elkind, Oliver Woodman, John Carpenter, George Papamakarios, Rupert Kemp, Sushant Kafle, Tanya Grunina, Rishika Sinha, Alice Talbert, Diane Wu, Denese Owusu-Afriyie, Cosmo Du, Chloe Thornton, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Pradyumna Narayana, Jing Li, Saaber Fatehi, John Wieting, Omar Ajmeri, Benigno Uria, Yeongil Ko, Laura Knight, Am\'elie H\'eliou, Ning Niu, Shane Gu, Chenxi Pang, Yeqing Li, Nir Levine, Ariel Stolovich, Rebeca Santamaria-Fernandez, Sonam Goenka, Wenny Yustalim, Robin Strudel, Ali Elqursh, Charlie Deck, Hyo Lee, Zonglin Li, Kyle Levin, Raphael Hoffmann, Dan Holtmann-Rice, Olivier Bachem, Sho Arora, Christy Koh, Soheil Hassas Yeganeh, Siim P\~oder, Mukarram Tariq, Yanhua Sun, Lucian Ionita, Mojtaba Seyedhosseini, Pouya Tafti, Zhiyu Liu, Anmol Gulati, Jasmine Liu, Xinyu Ye, Bart Chrzaszcz, Lily Wang, Nikhil Sethi, Tianrun Li, Ben Brown, Shreya Singh, Wei Fan, Aaron Parisi, Joe Stanton, Vinod Koverkathu, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Yunjie Li, TJ Lu, Abe Ittycheriah, Prakash Shroff, Mani Varadarajan, Sanaz Bahargam, Rob Willoughby, David Gaddy, Guillaume Desjardins, Marco Cornero, Brona Robenek, Bhavishya Mittal, Ben Albrecht, Ashish Shenoy, Fedor Moiseev, Henrik Jacobsson, Alireza Ghaffarkhah, Morgane Rivi\`ere, Alanna Walton, Cl\'ement Crepy, Alicia Parrish, Zongwei Zhou, Clement Farabet, Carey Radebaugh, Praveen Srinivasan, Claudia van der Salm, Andreas Fidjeland, Salvatore Scellato, Eri Latorre-Chimoto, Hanna Klimczak-Pluci\'nska, David Bridson, Dario de Cesare, Tom Hudson, Piermaria Mendolicchio, Lexi Walker, Alex Morris, Matthew Mauger, Alexey Guseynov, Alison Reid, Seth Odoom, Lucia Loher, Victor Cotruta, Madhavi Yenugula, Dominik Grewe, Anastasia Petrushkina, Tom Duerig, Antonio Sanchez, Steve Yadlowsky, Amy Shen, Amir Globerson, Lynette Webb, Sahil Dua, Dong Li, Surya Bhupatiraju, Dan Hurt, Haroon Qureshi, Ananth Agarwal, Tomer Shani, Matan Eyal, Anuj Khare, Shreyas Rammohan Belle, Lei Wang, Chetan Tekur, Mihir Sanjay Kale, Jinliang Wei, Ruoxin Sang, Brennan Saeta, Tyler Liechty, Yi Sun, Yao Zhao, Stephan Lee, Pandu Nayak, Doug Fritz, Manish Reddy Vuyyuru, John Aslanides, Nidhi Vyas, Martin Wicke, Xiao Ma, Evgenii Eltyshev, Nina Martin, Hardie Cate, James Manyika, Keyvan Amiri, Yelin Kim, Xi Xiong, Kai Kang, Florian Luisier, Nilesh Tripuraneni, David Madras, Mandy Guo, Austin Waters, Oliver Wang, Joshua Ainslie, Jason Baldridge, Han Zhang, Garima Pruthi, Jakob Bauer, Feng Yang, Riham Mansour, Jason Gelman, Yang Xu, George Polovets, Ji Liu, Honglong Cai, Warren Chen, XiangHai Sheng, Emily Xue, Sherjil Ozair, Christof Angermueller, Xiaowei Li, Anoop Sinha, Weiren Wang, Julia Wiesinger, Emmanouil Koukoumidis, Yuan Tian, Anand Iyer, Madhu Gurumurthy, Mark Goldenson, Parashar Shah, MK Blake, Hongkun Yu, Anthony Urbanowicz, Jennimaria Palomaki, Chrisantha Fernando, Ken Durden, Harsh Mehta, Nikola Momchev, Elahe Rahimtoroghi, Maria Georgaki, Amit Raul, Sebastian Ruder, Morgan Redshaw, Jinhyuk Lee, Denny Zhou, Komal Jalan, Dinghua Li, Blake Hechtman, Parker Schuh, Milad Nasr, Kieran Milan, Vladimir Mikulik, Juliana Franco, Tim Green, Nam Nguyen, Joe Kelley, Aroma Mahendru, Andrea Hu, Joshua Howland, Ben Vargas, Jeffrey Hui, Kshitij Bansal, Vikram Rao, Rakesh Ghiya, Emma Wang, Ke Ye, Jean Michel Sarr, Melanie Moranski Preston, Madeleine Elish, Steve Li, Aakash Kaku, Jigar Gupta, Ice Pasupat, Da-Cheng Juan, Milan Someswar, Tejvi M., Xinyun Chen, Aida Amini, Alex Fabrikant, Eric Chu, Xuanyi Dong, Amruta Muthal, Senaka Buthpitiya, Sarthak Jauhari, Nan Hua, Urvashi Khandelwal, Ayal Hitron, Jie Ren, Larissa Rinaldi, Shahar Drath, Avigail Dabush, Nan-Jiang Jiang, Harshal Godhia, Uli Sachs, Anthony Chen, Yicheng Fan, Hagai Taitelbaum, Hila Noga, Zhuyun Dai, James Wang, Chen Liang, Jenny Hamer, Chun-Sung Ferng, Chenel Elkind, Aviel Atias, Paulina Lee, V\'it List\'ik, Mathias Carlen, Jan van de Kerkhof, Marcin Pikus, Krunoslav Zaher, Paul M\"uller, Sasha Zykova, Richard Stefanec, Vitaly Gatsko, Christoph Hirnschall, Ashwin Sethi, Xingyu Federico Xu, Chetan Ahuja, Beth Tsai, Anca Stefanoiu, Bo Feng, Keshav Dhandhania, Manish Katyal, Akshay Gupta, Atharva Parulekar, Divya Pitta, Jing Zhao, Vivaan Bhatia, Yashodha Bhavnani, Omar Alhadlaq, Xiaolin Li, Peter Danenberg, Dennis Tu, Alex Pine, Vera Filippova, Abhipso Ghosh, Ben Limonchik, Bhargava Urala, Chaitanya Krishna Lanka, Derik Clive, Yi Sun, Edward Li, Hao Wu, Kevin Hongtongsak, Ianna Li, Kalind Thakkar, Kuanysh Omarov, Kushal Majmundar, Michael Alverson, Michael Kucharski, Mohak Patel, Mudit Jain, Maksim Zabelin, Paolo Pelagatti, Rohan Kohli, Saurabh Kumar, Joseph Kim, Swetha Sankar, Vineet Shah, Lakshmi Ramachandruni, Xiangkai Zeng, Ben Bariach, Laura Weidinger, Amar Subramanya, Sissie Hsiao, Demis Hassabis, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Adam Sadovsky, Quoc Le, Trevor Strohman, Yonghui Wu, Slav Petrov, Jeffrey Dean, Oriol Vinyals

Abstract: This report introduces a new family of multimodal models, Gemini, that exhibit remarkable capabilities across image, audio, video, and text understanding. The Gemini family consists of Ultra, Pro, and Nano sizes, suitable for applications ranging from complex reasoning tasks to on-device memory-constrained use-cases. Evaluation on a broad range of benchmarks shows that our most-capable Gemini Ultra model advances the state of the art in 30 of 32 of these benchmarks - notably being the first model to achieve human-expert performance on the well-studied exam benchmark MMLU, and improving the state of the art in every one of the 20 multimodal benchmarks we examined. We believe that the new capabilities of the Gemini family in cross-modal reasoning and language understanding will enable a wide variety of use cases. We discuss our approach toward post-training and deploying Gemini models responsibly to users through services including Gemini, Gemini Advanced, Google AI Studio, and Cloud Vertex AI.

replace-cross TAO-Amodal: A Benchmark for Tracking Any Object Amodally

Authors: Cheng-Yen Hsieh, Kaihua Chen, Achal Dave, Tarasha Khurana, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: Amodal perception, the ability to comprehend complete object structures from partial visibility, is a fundamental skill, even for infants. Its significance extends to applications like autonomous driving, where a clear understanding of heavily occluded objects is essential. However, modern detection and tracking algorithms often overlook this critical capability, perhaps due to the prevalence of \textit{modal} annotations in most benchmarks. To address the scarcity of amodal benchmarks, we introduce TAO-Amodal, featuring 833 diverse categories in thousands of video sequences. Our dataset includes \textit{amodal} and modal bounding boxes for visible and partially or fully occluded objects, including those that are partially out of the camera frame. We investigate the current lay of the land in both amodal tracking and detection by benchmarking state-of-the-art modal trackers and amodal segmentation methods. We find that existing methods, even when adapted for amodal tracking, struggle to detect and track objects under heavy occlusion. To mitigate this, we explore simple finetuning schemes that can increase the amodal tracking and detection metrics of occluded objects by 2.1\% and 3.3\%.

replace-cross RadEdit: stress-testing biomedical vision models via diffusion image editing

Authors: Fernando P\'erez-Garc\'ia, Sam Bond-Taylor, Pedro P. Sanchez, Boris van Breugel, Daniel C. Castro, Harshita Sharma, Valentina Salvatelli, Maria T. A. Wetscherek, Hannah Richardson, Matthew P. Lungren, Aditya Nori, Javier Alvarez-Valle, Ozan Oktay, Maximilian Ilse

Abstract: Biomedical imaging datasets are often small and biased, meaning that real-world performance of predictive models can be substantially lower than expected from internal testing. This work proposes using generative image editing to simulate dataset shifts and diagnose failure modes of biomedical vision models; this can be used in advance of deployment to assess readiness, potentially reducing cost and patient harm. Existing editing methods can produce undesirable changes, with spurious correlations learned due to the co-occurrence of disease and treatment interventions, limiting practical applicability. To address this, we train a text-to-image diffusion model on multiple chest X-ray datasets and introduce a new editing method RadEdit that uses multiple masks, if present, to constrain changes and ensure consistency in the edited images. We consider three types of dataset shifts: acquisition shift, manifestation shift, and population shift, and demonstrate that our approach can diagnose failures and quantify model robustness without additional data collection, complementing more qualitative tools for explainable AI.

replace-cross Don't Believe Everything You Read: Enhancing Summarization Interpretability through Automatic Identification of Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Authors: Priyesh Vakharia, Devavrat Joshi, Meenal Chavan, Dhananjay Sonawane, Bhrigu Garg, Parsa Mazaheri

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are adept at text manipulation -- tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. However, these models can also be prone to hallucination, which can be detrimental to the faithfulness of any answers that the model provides. Recent works in combating hallucinations in LLMs deal with identifying hallucinated sentences and categorizing the different ways in which models hallucinate. This paper takes a deep dive into LLM behavior with respect to hallucinations, defines a token-level approach to identifying different kinds of hallucinations, and further utilizes this token-level tagging to improve the interpretability and faithfulness of LLMs in dialogue summarization tasks. Through this, the paper presents a new, enhanced dataset and a new training paradigm.

replace-cross Advancing Ante-Hoc Explainable Models through Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Tanmay Garg, Deepika Vemuri, Vineeth N Balasubramanian

Abstract: This paper presents a novel concept learning framework for enhancing model interpretability and performance in visual classification tasks. Our approach appends an unsupervised explanation generator to the primary classifier network and makes use of adversarial training. During training, the explanation module is optimized to extract visual concepts from the classifier's latent representations, while the GAN-based module aims to discriminate images generated from concepts, from true images. This joint training scheme enables the model to implicitly align its internally learned concepts with human-interpretable visual properties. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the robustness of our approach, while producing coherent concept activations. We analyse the learned concepts, showing their semantic concordance with object parts and visual attributes. We also study how perturbations in the adversarial training protocol impact both classification and concept acquisition. In summary, this work presents a significant step towards building inherently interpretable deep vision models with task-aligned concept representations - a key enabler for developing trustworthy AI for real-world perception tasks.

replace-cross Hallucination Benchmark in Medical Visual Question Answering

Authors: Jinge Wu, Yunsoo Kim, Honghan Wu

Abstract: The recent success of large language and vision models (LLVMs) on vision question answering (VQA), particularly their applications in medicine (Med-VQA), has shown a great potential of realizing effective visual assistants for healthcare. However, these models are not extensively tested on the hallucination phenomenon in clinical settings. Here, we created a hallucination benchmark of medical images paired with question-answer sets and conducted a comprehensive evaluation of the state-of-the-art models. The study provides an in-depth analysis of current models' limitations and reveals the effectiveness of various prompting strategies.

replace-cross Understanding Video Transformers via Universal Concept Discovery

Authors: Matthew Kowal, Achal Dave, Rares Ambrus, Adrien Gaidon, Konstantinos G. Derpanis, Pavel Tokmakov

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of concept-based interpretability of transformer representations for videos. Concretely, we seek to explain the decision-making process of video transformers based on high-level, spatiotemporal concepts that are automatically discovered. Prior research on concept-based interpretability has concentrated solely on image-level tasks. Comparatively, video models deal with the added temporal dimension, increasing complexity and posing challenges in identifying dynamic concepts over time. In this work, we systematically address these challenges by introducing the first Video Transformer Concept Discovery (VTCD) algorithm. To this end, we propose an efficient approach for unsupervised identification of units of video transformer representations - concepts, and ranking their importance to the output of a model. The resulting concepts are highly interpretable, revealing spatio-temporal reasoning mechanisms and object-centric representations in unstructured video models. Performing this analysis jointly over a diverse set of supervised and self-supervised representations, we discover that some of these mechanism are universal in video transformers. Finally, we show that VTCD can be used for fine-grained action recognition and video object segmentation.

replace-cross Instructional Fingerprinting of Large Language Models

Authors: Jiashu Xu, Fei Wang, Mingyu Derek Ma, Pang Wei Koh, Chaowei Xiao, Muhao Chen

Abstract: The exorbitant cost of training Large language models (LLMs) from scratch makes it essential to fingerprint the models to protect intellectual property via ownership authentication and to ensure downstream users and developers comply with their license terms (e.g. restricting commercial use). In this study, we present a pilot study on LLM fingerprinting as a form of very lightweight instruction tuning. Model publisher specifies a confidential private key and implants it as an instruction backdoor that causes the LLM to generate specific text when the key is present. Results on 11 popularly-used LLMs showed that this approach is lightweight and does not affect the normal behavior of the model. It also prevents publisher overclaim, maintains robustness against fingerprint guessing and parameter-efficient training, and supports multi-stage fingerprinting akin to MIT License. Code is available in


replace-cross MLLMReID: Multimodal Large Language Model-based Person Re-identification

Authors: Shan Yang, Yongfei Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLM) have achieved satisfactory results in many tasks. However, their performance in the task of person re-identification (ReID) has not been explored to date. This paper will investigate how to adapt them for the task of ReID. An intuitive idea is to fine-tune MLLM with ReID image-text datasets, and then use their visual encoder as a backbone for ReID. However, there still exist two apparent issues: (1) Designing instructions for ReID, MLLMs may overfit specific instructions, and designing a variety of instructions will lead to higher costs. (2) Latent image feature vectors from LLMs are not involved in loss computation. Instructional learning, aligning image-text features, results in indirect optimization and a learning objective that inadequately utilizes features, limiting effectiveness in person feature learning. To address these problems, this paper proposes MLLMReID: Multimodal Large Language Model-based ReID. Firstly, we proposed Common Instruction, a simple approach that leverages the essence ability of LLMs to continue writing, avoiding complex and diverse instruction design. Secondly, we proposed DirectReID, which effectively employs the latent image feature vectors of images outputted by LLMs in ReID tasks. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method. We will open-source the code on GitHub.

replace-cross Improving Medical Reasoning through Retrieval and Self-Reflection with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Minbyul Jeong, Jiwoong Sohn, Mujeen Sung, Jaewoo Kang

Abstract: Recent proprietary large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have achieved a milestone in tackling diverse challenges in the biomedical domain, ranging from multiple-choice questions to long-form generations. To address challenges that still cannot be handled with the encoded knowledge of LLMs, various retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) methods have been developed by searching documents from the knowledge corpus and appending them unconditionally or selectively to the input of LLMs for generation. However, when applying existing methods to different domain-specific problems, poor generalization becomes apparent, leading to fetching incorrect documents or making inaccurate judgments. In this paper, we introduce Self-BioRAG, a framework reliable for biomedical text that specializes in generating explanations, retrieving domain-specific documents, and self-reflecting generated responses. We utilize 84k filtered biomedical instruction sets to train Self-BioRAG that can assess its generated explanations with customized reflective tokens. Our work proves that domain-specific components, such as a retriever, domain-related document corpus, and instruction sets are necessary for adhering to domain-related instructions. Using three major medical question-answering benchmark datasets, experimental results of Self-BioRAG demonstrate significant performance gains by achieving a 7.2% absolute improvement on average over the state-of-the-art open-foundation model with a parameter size of 7B or less. Overall, we analyze that Self-BioRAG finds the clues in the question, retrieves relevant documents if needed, and understands how to answer with information from retrieved documents and encoded knowledge as a medical expert does. We release our data and code for training our framework components and model weights (7B and 13B) to enhance capabilities in biomedical and clinical domains.

replace-cross Infini-gram: Scaling Unbounded n-gram Language Models to a Trillion Tokens

Authors: Jiacheng Liu, Sewon Min, Luke Zettlemoyer, Yejin Choi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Are $n$-gram language models still relevant in this era of neural large language models (LLMs)? Our answer is yes, and we showcase their values in both text analysis and improving neural LLMs. This was done by modernizing $n$-gram LMs in two aspects. First, we train them at the same data scale as neural LLMs -- 5 trillion tokens. This is the largest $n$-gram LM ever built. Second, existing $n$-gram LMs use small $n$ which hinders their performance; we instead allow $n$ to be arbitrarily large, by introducing a new $\infty$-gram LM with backoff. Instead of pre-computing $n$-gram count tables (which would be very expensive), we develop an engine named infini-gram -- powered by suffix arrays -- that can compute $\infty$-gram (as well as $n$-gram with arbitrary $n$) probabilities with millisecond-level latency. The $\infty$-gram framework and infini-gram engine enable us to conduct many novel and interesting analyses of human-written and machine-generated text: we find that the $\infty$-gram LM has fairly high accuracy for next-token prediction (47%), and can complement neural LLMs to greatly reduce their perplexity. When analyzing machine-generated text, we also observe irregularities in the machine--$\infty$-gram agreement level with respect to the suffix length, which indicates deficiencies in neural LLM pretraining and the positional embeddings of Transformers.

replace-cross Refining Myocardial Infarction Detection: A Novel Multi-Modal Composite Kernel Strategy in One-Class Classification

Authors: Muhammad Uzair Zahid, Aysen Degerli, Fahad Sohrab, Serkan Kiranyaz, Tahir Hamid, Rashid Mazhar, Moncef Gabbouj

Abstract: Early detection of myocardial infarction (MI), a critical condition arising from coronary artery disease (CAD), is vital to prevent further myocardial damage. This study introduces a novel method for early MI detection using a one-class classification (OCC) algorithm in echocardiography. Our study overcomes the challenge of limited echocardiography data availability by adopting a novel approach based on Multi-modal Subspace Support Vector Data Description. The proposed technique involves a specialized MI detection framework employing multi-view echocardiography incorporating a composite kernel in the non-linear projection trick, fusing Gaussian and Laplacian sigmoid functions. Additionally, we enhance the update strategy of the projection matrices by adapting maximization for both or one of the modalities in the optimization process. Our method boosts MI detection capability by efficiently transforming features extracted from echocardiography data into an optimized lower-dimensional subspace. The OCC model trained specifically on target class instances from the comprehensive HMC-QU dataset that includes multiple echocardiography views indicates a marked improvement in MI detection accuracy. Our findings reveal that our proposed multi-view approach achieves a geometric mean of 71.24%, signifying a substantial advancement in echocardiography-based MI diagnosis and offering more precise and efficient diagnostic tools.

replace-cross CodeMind: A Framework to Challenge Large Language Models for Code Reasoning

Authors: Changshu Liu, Shizhuo Dylan Zhang, Ali Reza Ibrahimzada, Reyhaneh Jabbarvand

Abstract: Solely relying on test passing to evaluate Large Language Models (LLMs) for code synthesis may result in unfair assessment or promoting models with data leakage. As an alternative, we introduce CodeMind, a framework designed to gauge the code reasoning abilities of LLMs. CodeMind currently supports three code reasoning tasks: Independent Execution Reasoning (IER), Dependent Execution Reasoning (DER), and Specification Reasoning (SR). The first two evaluate models to predict the execution output of an arbitrary code or code the model could correctly synthesize. The third one evaluates the extent to which LLMs implement the specified expected behavior. Our extensive evaluation of nine LLMs across five benchmarks in two different programming languages using CodeMind shows that LLMs fairly follow control flow constructs and, in general, explain how inputs evolve to output, specifically for simple programs and the ones they can correctly synthesize. However, their performance drops for code with higher complexity, non-trivial logical and arithmetic operators, non-primitive types, and API calls. Furthermore, we observe that, while correlated, specification reasoning (essential for code synthesis) does not imply execution reasoning (essential for broader programming tasks such as testing and debugging): ranking LLMs based on test passing can be different compared to code reasoning.

replace-cross Emulated Disalignment: Safety Alignment for Large Language Models May Backfire!

Authors: Zhanhui Zhou, Jie Liu, Zhichen Dong, Jiaheng Liu, Chao Yang, Wanli Ouyang, Yu Qiao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) need to undergo safety alignment to ensure safe conversations with humans. However, this paper introduces an inference-time attack method, demonstrating that safety alignment can be easily reversed to produce harmful language models without additional training. Specifically, this reversal is achieved by contrasting the output token distribution of a safety-aligned language model (e.g., Llama-2-chat) against its pre-trained version (e.g., Llama-2) so that the token predictions are shifted towards the opposite direction of alignment. We name this method emulated disalignment (ED) because it uses pure sampling to provably emulate (or "approximate") the result of fine-tuning the pre-trained model to minimize a safety reward. Our experiments with ED across three evaluation datasets and four model families (Llama-1, Llama-2, Mistral, and Alpaca) show that ED doubles the harmfulness of pre-trained models and outperforms strong baselines, achieving the highest harmful rate in 43 out of 48 evaluation subsets by a large margin. Eventually, given ED's need for language model output token distributions, which particularly compromises open-source models, our findings highlight the importance of reevaluating the practice of open-sourcing language models even after safety alignment.

replace-cross Towards Seamless Adaptation of Pre-trained Models for Visual Place Recognition

Authors: Feng Lu, Lijun Zhang, Xiangyuan Lan, Shuting Dong, Yaowei Wang, Chun Yuan

Abstract: Recent studies show that vision models pre-trained in generic visual learning tasks with large-scale data can provide useful feature representations for a wide range of visual perception problems. However, few attempts have been made to exploit pre-trained foundation models in visual place recognition (VPR). Due to the inherent difference in training objectives and data between the tasks of model pre-training and VPR, how to bridge the gap and fully unleash the capability of pre-trained models for VPR is still a key issue to address. To this end, we propose a novel method to realize seamless adaptation of pre-trained models for VPR. Specifically, to obtain both global and local features that focus on salient landmarks for discriminating places, we design a hybrid adaptation method to achieve both global and local adaptation efficiently, in which only lightweight adapters are tuned without adjusting the pre-trained model. Besides, to guide effective adaptation, we propose a mutual nearest neighbor local feature loss, which ensures proper dense local features are produced for local matching and avoids time-consuming spatial verification in re-ranking. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with less training data and training time, and uses about only 3% retrieval runtime of the two-stage VPR methods with RANSAC-based spatial verification. It ranks 1st on the MSLS challenge leaderboard (at the time of submission). The code is released at


replace-cross CFIR: Fast and Effective Long-Text To Image Retrieval for Large Corpora

Authors: Zijun Long, Xuri Ge, Richard Mccreadie, Joemon Jose

Abstract: Text-to-image retrieval aims to find the relevant images based on a text query, which is important in various use-cases, such as digital libraries, e-commerce, and multimedia databases. Although Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) demonstrate state-of-the-art performance, they exhibit limitations in handling large-scale, diverse, and ambiguous real-world needs of retrieval, due to the computation cost and the injective embeddings they produce. This paper presents a two-stage Coarse-to-Fine Index-shared Retrieval (CFIR) framework, designed for fast and effective large-scale long-text to image retrieval. The first stage, Entity-based Ranking (ER), adapts to long-text query ambiguity by employing a multiple-queries-to-multiple-targets paradigm, facilitating candidate filtering for the next stage. The second stage, Summary-based Re-ranking (SR), refines these rankings using summarized queries. We also propose a specialized Decoupling-BEiT-3 encoder, optimized for handling ambiguous user needs and both stages, which also enhances computational efficiency through vector-based similarity inference. Evaluation on the AToMiC dataset reveals that CFIR surpasses existing MLLMs by up to 11.06% in Recall@1000, while reducing training and retrieval times by 68.75% and 99.79%, respectively. We will release our code to facilitate future research at


replace-cross OSCaR: Object State Captioning and State Change Representation

Authors: Nguyen Nguyen, Jing Bi, Ali Vosoughi, Yapeng Tian, Pooyan Fazli, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: The capability of intelligent models to extrapolate and comprehend changes in object states is a crucial yet demanding aspect of AI research, particularly through the lens of human interaction in real-world settings. This task involves describing complex visual environments, identifying active objects, and interpreting their changes as conveyed through language. Traditional methods, which isolate object captioning and state change detection, offer a limited view of dynamic environments. Moreover, relying on a small set of symbolic words to represent changes has restricted the expressiveness of the language. To address these challenges, in this paper, we introduce the Object State Captioning and State Change Representation (OSCaR) dataset and benchmark. OSCaR consists of 14,084 annotated video segments with nearly 1,000 unique objects from various egocentric video collections. It sets a new testbed for evaluating multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that while MLLMs show some skill, they lack a full understanding of object state changes. The benchmark includes a fine-tuned model that, despite initial capabilities, requires significant improvements in accuracy and generalization ability for effective understanding of these changes. Our code and dataset are available at


replace-cross Global and Local Prompts Cooperation via Optimal Transport for Federated Learning

Authors: Hongxia Li, Wei Huang, Jingya Wang, Ye Shi

Abstract: Prompt learning in pretrained visual-language models has shown remarkable flexibility across various downstream tasks. Leveraging its inherent lightweight nature, recent research attempted to integrate the powerful pretrained models into federated learning frameworks to simultaneously reduce communication costs and promote local training on insufficient data. Despite these efforts, current federated prompt learning methods lack specialized designs to systematically address severe data heterogeneities, e.g., data distribution with both label and feature shifts involved. To address this challenge, we present Federated Prompts Cooperation via Optimal Transport (FedOTP), which introduces efficient collaborative prompt learning strategies to capture diverse category traits on a per-client basis. Specifically, for each client, we learn a global prompt to extract consensus knowledge among clients, and a local prompt to capture client-specific category characteristics. Unbalanced Optimal Transport is then employed to align local visual features with these prompts, striking a balance between global consensus and local personalization. By relaxing one of the equality constraints, FedOTP enables prompts to focus solely on the core regions of image patches. Extensive experiments on datasets with various types of heterogeneities have demonstrated that our FedOTP outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Privacy-Aware Semantic Cache for Large Language Models

Authors: Waris Gill (Virginia Tech, USA), Mohamed Elidrisi (Cisco, USA), Pallavi Kalapatapu (Cisco, USA), Ali Anwar (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA), Muhammad Ali Gulzar (Virginia Tech, USA)

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Llama2 have revolutionized natural language processing and search engine dynamics. However, these models incur exceptionally high computational costs. For instance, GPT-3 consists of 175 billion parameters where inference demands billions of floating-point operations. Caching is a natural solution to reduce LLM inference costs on repeated queries which constitute about 31% of the total queries. However, existing caching methods are incapable of finding semantic similarities among LLM queries, leading to unacceptable false hit-and-miss rates. This paper introduces MeanCache, a user-centric semantic cache for LLMs that identifies semantically similar queries to determine cache hit or miss. Using MeanCache, the response to a user's semantically similar query can be retrieved from a local cache rather than re-querying the LLM, thus reducing costs, service provider load, and environmental impact. Existing caching solutions for LLMs raise privacy and scalability concerns and perform wasteful query requests. MeanCache leverages Federated Learning (FL) to collaboratively train a query similarity model across LLM users without violating privacy. By placing a local cache in each user's device and using FL, MeanCache reduces the latency and costs and enhances model performance, resulting in lower false hit rates. MeanCache compresses the embedding dimensions to minimize cache storage and also finds the optimal cosine similarity threshold. Our experiments benchmarked against the state-of-the-art caching method, reveal that MeanCache attains an approximately 17% higher F-score and a 20% increase in precision during semantic cache hit-and-miss decisions. It also reduces the storage requirement by 83% and accelerates semantic cache hit-and-miss decisions by 11%.

replace-cross Long-term Frame-Event Visual Tracking: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline

Authors: Xiao Wang, Ju Huang, Shiao Wang, Chuanming Tang, Bo Jiang, Yonghong Tian, Jin Tang, Bin Luo

Abstract: Current event-/frame-event based trackers undergo evaluation on short-term tracking datasets, however, the tracking of real-world scenarios involves long-term tracking, and the performance of existing tracking algorithms in these scenarios remains unclear. In this paper, we first propose a new long-term and large-scale frame-event single object tracking dataset, termed FELT. It contains 742 videos and 1,594,474 RGB frames and event stream pairs and has become the largest frame-event tracking dataset to date. We re-train and evaluate 15 baseline trackers on our dataset for future works to compare. More importantly, we find that the RGB frames and event streams are naturally incomplete due to the influence of challenging factors and spatially sparse event flow. In response to this, we propose a novel associative memory Transformer network as a unified backbone by introducing modern Hopfield layers into multi-head self-attention blocks to fuse both RGB and event data. Extensive experiments on RGB-Event (FELT), RGB-Thermal (RGBT234, LasHeR), and RGB-Depth (DepthTrack) datasets fully validated the effectiveness of our model. The dataset and source code can be found at \url{}.


replace-cross StateFlow: Enhancing LLM Task-Solving through State-Driven Workflows

Authors: Yiran Wu, Tianwei Yue, Shaokun Zhang, Chi Wang, Qingyun Wu

Abstract: It is a notable trend to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to tackle complex tasks, e.g., tasks that require a sequence of actions and dynamic interaction with tools and external environments. In this paper, we propose StateFlow, a novel LLM-based task-solving paradigm that conceptualizes complex task-solving processes as state machines. In StateFlow, we distinguish between "process grounding" (via state and state transitions) and "sub-task solving" (through actions within a state), enhancing control and interpretability of the task-solving procedure. A state represents the status of a running process. The transitions between states are controlled by heuristic rules or decisions made by the LLM, allowing for a dynamic and adaptive progression. Upon entering a state, a series of actions is executed, involving not only calling LLMs guided by different prompts, but also the utilization of external tools as needed. Our results show that StateFlow significantly enhances LLMs' efficiency. For instance, StateFlow achieves 13% and 28% higher success rates compared to ReAct in InterCode SQL and ALFWorld benchmark, with 5x and 3x less cost respectively. We also show that StateFlow can be combined with iterative refining methods like Reflexion to further improve performance.

replace-cross Grey-informed neural network for time-series forecasting

Authors: Wanli Xie, Ruibin Zhao, Zhenguo Xu, Tingting Liang

Abstract: Neural network models have shown outstanding performance and successful resolutions to complex problems in various fields. However, the majority of these models are viewed as black-box, requiring a significant amount of data for development. Consequently, in situations with limited data, constructing appropriate models becomes challenging due to the lack of transparency and scarcity of data. To tackle these challenges, this study suggests the implementation of a grey-informed neural network (GINN). The GINN ensures that the output of the neural network follows the differential equation model of the grey system, improving interpretability. Moreover, incorporating prior knowledge from grey system theory enables traditional neural networks to effectively handle small data samples. Our proposed model has been observed to uncover underlying patterns in the real world and produce reliable forecasts based on empirical data.

replace-cross Evaluating GPT-4 with Vision on Detection of Radiological Findings on Chest Radiographs

Authors: Yiliang Zhou, Hanley Ong, Patrick Kennedy, Carol Wu, Jacob Kazam, Keith Hentel, Adam Flanders, George Shih, Yifan Peng

Abstract: The study examines the application of GPT-4V, a multi-modal large language model equipped with visual recognition, in detecting radiological findings from a set of 100 chest radiographs and suggests that GPT-4V is currently not ready for real-world diagnostic usage in interpreting chest radiographs.

replace-cross A Recommender System for NFT Collectibles with Item Feature

Authors: Minjoo Choi, Seonmi Kim, Yejin Kim, Youngbin Lee, Joohwan Hong, Yongjae Lee

Abstract: Recommender systems have been actively studied and applied in various domains to deal with information overload. Although there are numerous studies on recommender systems for movies, music, and e-commerce, comparatively less attention has been paid to the recommender system for NFTs despite the continuous growth of the NFT market. This paper presents a recommender system for NFTs that utilizes a variety of data sources, from NFT transaction records to external item features, to generate precise recommendations that cater to individual preferences. We develop a data-efficient graph-based recommender system to efficiently capture the complex relationship between each item and users and generate node(item) embeddings which incorporate both node feature information and graph structure. Furthermore, we exploit inputs beyond user-item interactions, such as image feature, text feature, and price feature. Numerical experiments verify the performance of the graph-based recommender system improves significantly after utilizing all types of item features as side information, thereby outperforming all other baselines.

replace-cross Understanding the Learning Dynamics of Alignment with Human Feedback

Authors: Shawn Im, Yixuan Li

Abstract: Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human intentions has become a critical task for safely deploying models in real-world systems. While existing alignment approaches have seen empirical success, theoretically understanding how these methods affect model behavior remains an open question. Our work provides an initial attempt to theoretically analyze the learning dynamics of human preference alignment. We formally show how the distribution of preference datasets influences the rate of model updates and provide rigorous guarantees on the training accuracy. Our theory also reveals an intricate phenomenon where the optimization is prone to prioritizing certain behaviors with higher preference distinguishability. We empirically validate our findings on contemporary LLMs and alignment tasks, reinforcing our theoretical insights and shedding light on considerations for future alignment approaches. Disclaimer: This paper contains potentially offensive text; reader discretion is advised.

replace-cross Gegenbauer Graph Neural Networks for Time-varying Signal Reconstruction

Authors: Jhon A. Castro-Correa, Jhony H. Giraldo, Mohsen Badiey, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros

Abstract: Reconstructing time-varying graph signals (or graph time-series imputation) is a critical problem in machine learning and signal processing with broad applications, ranging from missing data imputation in sensor networks to time-series forecasting. Accurately capturing the spatio-temporal information inherent in these signals is crucial for effectively addressing these tasks. However, existing approaches relying on smoothness assumptions of temporal differences and simple convex optimization techniques have inherent limitations. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach that incorporates a learning module to enhance the accuracy of the downstream task. To this end, we introduce the Gegenbauer-based graph convolutional (GegenConv) operator, which is a generalization of the conventional Chebyshev graph convolution by leveraging the theory of Gegenbauer polynomials. By deviating from traditional convex problems, we expand the complexity of the model and offer a more accurate solution for recovering time-varying graph signals. Building upon GegenConv, we design the Gegenbauer-based time Graph Neural Network (GegenGNN) architecture, which adopts an encoder-decoder structure. Likewise, our approach also utilizes a dedicated loss function that incorporates a mean squared error component alongside Sobolev smoothness regularization. This combination enables GegenGNN to capture both the fidelity to ground truth and the underlying smoothness properties of the signals, enhancing the reconstruction performance. We conduct extensive experiments on real datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. The experimental results demonstrate that GegenGNN outperforms state-of-the-art methods, showcasing its superior capability in recovering time-varying graph signals.

replace-cross Is Synthetic Image Useful for Transfer Learning? An Investigation into Data Generation, Volume, and Utilization

Authors: Yuhang Li, Xin Dong, Chen Chen, Jingtao Li, Yuxin Wen, Michael Spranger, Lingjuan Lyu

Abstract: Synthetic image data generation represents a promising avenue for training deep learning models, particularly in the realm of transfer learning, where obtaining real images within a specific domain can be prohibitively expensive due to privacy and intellectual property considerations. This work delves into the generation and utilization of synthetic images derived from text-to-image generative models in facilitating transfer learning paradigms. Despite the high visual fidelity of the generated images, we observe that their naive incorporation into existing real-image datasets does not consistently enhance model performance due to the inherent distribution gap between synthetic and real images. To address this issue, we introduce a novel two-stage framework called bridged transfer, which initially employs synthetic images for fine-tuning a pre-trained model to improve its transferability and subsequently uses real data for rapid adaptation. Alongside, We propose dataset style inversion strategy to improve the stylistic alignment between synthetic and real images. Our proposed methods are evaluated across 10 different datasets and 5 distinct models, demonstrating consistent improvements, with up to 30% accuracy increase on classification tasks. Intriguingly, we note that the enhancements were not yet saturated, indicating that the benefits may further increase with an expanded volume of synthetic data.

replace-cross Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models for Predictive Tabular Tasks in Data Science

Authors: Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Sankalok Sen, Lei Li, Qi Liu

Abstract: In the domain of data science, the predictive tasks of classification, regression, and imputation of missing values are commonly encountered challenges associated with tabular data. This research endeavors to apply Large Language Models (LLMs) towards addressing these predictive tasks. Despite their proficiency in comprehending natural language, LLMs fall short in dealing with structured tabular data. This limitation stems from their lacking exposure to the intricacies of tabular data during their foundational training. Our research aims to mitigate this gap by compiling a comprehensive corpus of tables annotated with instructions and executing large-scale training of Llama-2 on this enriched dataset. Furthermore, we investigate the practical application of applying the trained model to zero-shot prediction, few-shot prediction, and in-context learning scenarios. Through extensive experiments, our methodology has shown significant improvements over existing benchmarks. These advancements highlight the efficacy of tailoring LLM training to solve table-related problems in data science, thereby establishing a new benchmark in the utilization of LLMs for enhancing tabular intelligence.

replace-cross InfLoRA: Interference-Free Low-Rank Adaptation for Continual Learning

Authors: Yan-Shuo Liang, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Continual learning requires the model to learn multiple tasks sequentially. In continual learning, the model should possess the ability to maintain its performance on old tasks (stability) and the ability to adapt to new tasks continuously (plasticity). Recently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), which involves freezing a pre-trained model and injecting a small number of learnable parameters to adapt to downstream tasks, has gained increasing popularity in continual learning. Although existing continual learning methods based on PEFT have demonstrated superior performance compared to those not based on PEFT, most of them do not consider how to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, which inhibits the model from making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. In this work, we propose a new PEFT method, called interference-free low-rank adaptation (InfLoRA), for continual learning. InfLoRA injects a small number of parameters to reparameterize the pre-trained weights and shows that fine-tuning these injected parameters is equivalent to fine-tuning the pre-trained weights within a subspace. Furthermore, InfLoRA designs this subspace to eliminate the interference of the new task on the old tasks, making a good trade-off between stability and plasticity. Experimental results show that InfLoRA outperforms existing state-of-the-art continual learning methods on multiple datasets.

replace-cross RAVE: Residual Vector Embedding for CLIP-Guided Backlit Image Enhancement

Authors: Tatiana Gaintseva, Martin Benning, Gregory Slabaugh

Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel modification of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) guidance for the task of unsupervised backlit image enhancement. Our work builds on the state-of-the-art CLIP-LIT approach, which learns a prompt pair by constraining the text-image similarity between a prompt (negative/positive sample) and a corresponding image (backlit image/well-lit image) in the CLIP embedding space. Learned prompts then guide an image enhancement network. Based on the CLIP-LIT framework, we propose two novel methods for CLIP guidance. First, we show that instead of tuning prompts in the space of text embeddings, it is possible to directly tune their embeddings in the latent space without any loss in quality. This accelerates training and potentially enables the use of additional encoders that do not have a text encoder. Second, we propose a novel approach that does not require any prompt tuning. Instead, based on CLIP embeddings of backlit and well-lit images from training data, we compute the residual vector in the embedding space as a simple difference between the mean embeddings of the well-lit and backlit images. This vector then guides the enhancement network during training, pushing a backlit image towards the space of well-lit images. This approach further dramatically reduces training time, stabilizes training and produces high quality enhanced images without artifacts, both in supervised and unsupervised training regimes. Additionally, we show that residual vectors can be interpreted, revealing biases in training data, and thereby enabling potential bias correction.