new Data-Driven Goal Recognition Design for General Behavioral Agents

Authors: Robert Kasumba, Guanghui Yu, Chien-Ju Ho, Sarah Keren, William Yeoh

Abstract: Goal recognition design aims to make limited modifications to decision-making environments with the goal of making it easier to infer the goals of agents acting within those environments. Although various research efforts have been made in goal recognition design, existing approaches are computationally demanding and often assume that agents are (near-)optimal in their decision-making. To address these limitations, we introduce a data-driven approach to goal recognition design that can account for agents with general behavioral models. Following existing literature, we use worst-case distinctiveness ($\textit{wcd}$) as a measure of the difficulty in inferring the goal of an agent in a decision-making environment. Our approach begins by training a machine learning model to predict the $\textit{wcd}$ for a given environment and the agent behavior model. We then propose a gradient-based optimization framework that accommodates various constraints to optimize decision-making environments for enhanced goal recognition. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methods in reducing $\textit{wcd}$ and enhancing runtime efficiency in conventional setups, and it also adapts to scenarios not previously covered in the literature, such as those involving flexible budget constraints, more complex environments, and suboptimal agent behavior. Moreover, we have conducted human-subject experiments which confirm that our method can create environments that facilitate efficient goal recognition from real-world human decision-makers.

new Benchmarking ChatGPT on Algorithmic Reasoning

Authors: Sean McLeish, Avi Schwarzschild, Tom Goldstein

Abstract: We evaluate ChatGPT's ability to solve algorithm problems from the CLRS benchmark suite that is designed for GNNs. The benchmark requires the use of a specified classical algorithm to solve a given problem. We find that ChatGPT outperforms specialist GNN models, using Python to successfully solve these problems. This raises new points in the discussion about learning algorithms with neural networks.

new Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs: A survey

Authors: Simon Schramm, Christoph Wehner, Ute Schmid

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence applications gradually move outside the safe walls of research labs and invade our daily lives. This is also true for Machine Learning methods on Knowledge Graphs, which has led to a steady increase in their application since the beginning of the 21st century. However, in many applications, users require an explanation of the Artificial Intelligences decision. This led to increased demand for Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence. Knowledge Graphs epitomize fertile soil for Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence, due to their ability to display connected data, i.e. knowledge, in a human- as well as machine-readable way. This survey gives a short history to Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs. Furthermore, we contribute by arguing that the concept Explainable Artificial Intelligence is overloaded and overlapping with Interpretable Machine Learning. By introducing the parent concept Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence, we provide a clear-cut distinction of both concepts while accounting for their similarities. Thus, we provide in this survey a case for Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs consisting of Interpretable Machine Learning on Knowledge Graphs and Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs. This leads to the introduction of a novel taxonomy for Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs. In addition, a comprehensive overview of the research on Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs is presented and put into the context of the taxonomy. Finally, research gaps in the field of Comprehensible Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Graphs are identified for future research.

new AI and the Problem of Knowledge Collapse

Authors: Andrew J. Peterson

Abstract: While artificial intelligence has the potential to process vast amounts of data, generate new insights, and unlock greater productivity, its widespread adoption may entail unforeseen consequences. We identify conditions under which AI, by reducing the cost of access to certain modes of knowledge, can paradoxically harm public understanding. While large language models are trained on vast amounts of diverse data, they naturally generate output towards the 'center' of the distribution. This is generally useful, but widespread reliance on recursive AI systems could lead to a process we define as "knowledge collapse", and argue this could harm innovation and the richness of human understanding and culture. However, unlike AI models that cannot choose what data they are trained on, humans may strategically seek out diverse forms of knowledge if they perceive them to be worthwhile. To investigate this, we provide a simple model in which a community of learners or innovators choose to use traditional methods or to rely on a discounted AI-assisted process and identify conditions under which knowledge collapse occurs. In our default model, a 20% discount on AI-generated content generates public beliefs 2.3 times further from the truth than when there is no discount. Finally, based on the results, we consider further research directions to counteract such outcomes.

new Standardizing Knowledge Engineering Practices with a Reference Architecture

Authors: Bradley P. Allen, Filip Ilievski

Abstract: Knowledge engineering is the process of creating and maintaining knowledge-producing systems. Throughout the history of computer science and AI, knowledge engineering workflows have been widely used given the importance of high-quality knowledge for reliable intelligent agents. Meanwhile, the scope of knowledge engineering, as apparent from its target tasks and use cases, has been shifting, together with its paradigms such as expert systems, semantic web, and language modeling. The intended use cases and supported user requirements between these paradigms have not been analyzed globally, as new paradigms often satisfy prior pain points while possibly introducing new ones. The recent abstraction of systemic patterns into a boxology provides an opening for aligning the requirements and use cases of knowledge engineering with the systems, components, and software that can satisfy them best. This paper proposes a vision of harmonizing the best practices in the field of knowledge engineering by leveraging the software engineering methodology of creating reference architectures. We describe how a reference architecture can be iteratively designed and implemented to associate user needs with recurring systemic patterns, building on top of existing knowledge engineering workflows and boxologies. We provide a six-step roadmap that can enable the development of such an architecture, providing an initial design and outcome of the definition of architectural scope, selection of information sources, and analysis. We expect that following through on this vision will lead to well-grounded reference architectures for knowledge engineering, will advance the ongoing initiatives of organizing the neurosymbolic knowledge engineering space, and will build new links to the software architectures and data science communities.

cross On Stronger Computational Separations Between Multimodal and Unimodal Machine Learning

Authors: Ari Karchmer

Abstract: In multimodal machine learning, multiple modalities of data (e.g., text and images) are combined to facilitate the learning of a better machine learning model, which remains applicable to a corresponding unimodal task (e.g., text generation). Recently, multimodal machine learning has enjoyed huge empirical success (e.g. GPT-4). Motivated to develop theoretical justification for this empirical success, Lu (NeurIPS '23, ALT '24) introduces a theory of multimodal learning, and considers possible separations between theoretical models of multimodal and unimodal learning. In particular, Lu (ALT '24) shows a computational separation, which is relevant to worst-case instances of the learning task. In this paper, we give a stronger average-case computational separation, where for "typical" instances of the learning task, unimodal learning is computationally hard, but multimodal learning is easy. We then question how "organic" the average-case separation is. Would it be encountered in practice? To this end, we prove that under natural conditions, any given computational separation between average-case unimodal and multimodal learning tasks implies a corresponding cryptographic key agreement protocol. We suggest to interpret this as evidence that very strong computational advantages of multimodal learning may arise infrequently in practice, since they exist only for the "pathological" case of inherently cryptographic distributions. However, this does not apply to possible (super-polynomial) statistical advantages.

cross Probabilistic Generating Circuits -- Demystified

Authors: Sanyam Agarwal, Markus Bl\"aser

Abstract: Zhang et al. (ICML 2021, PLMR 139, pp. 12447-1245) introduced probabilistic generating circuits (PGCs) as a probabilistic model to unify probabilistic circuits (PCs) and determinantal point processes (DPPs). At a first glance, PGCs store a distribution in a very different way, they compute the probability generating polynomial instead of the probability mass function and it seems that this is the main reason why PGCs are more powerful than PCs or DPPs. However, PGCs also allow for negative weights, whereas classical PCs assume that all weights are nonnegative. One of the main insights of our paper is that the negative weights are responsible for the power of PGCs and not the different representation. PGCs are PCs in disguise, in particular, we show how to transform any PGC into a PC with negative weights with only polynomial blowup. PGCs were defined by Zhang et al. only for binary random variables. As our second main result, we show that there is a good reason for this: we prove that PGCs for categorial variables with larger image size do not support tractable marginalization unless NP = P. On the other hand, we show that we can model categorial variables with larger image size as PC with negative weights computing set-multilinear polynomials. These allow for tractable marginalization. In this sense, PCs with negative weights strictly subsume PGCs.

cross An Unsupervised Adversarial Autoencoder for Cyber Attack Detection in Power Distribution Grids

Authors: Mehdi Jabbari Zideh, Mohammad Reza Khalghani, Sarika Khushalani Solanki

Abstract: Detection of cyber attacks in smart power distribution grids with unbalanced configurations poses challenges due to the inherent nonlinear nature of these uncertain and stochastic systems. It originates from the intermittent characteristics of the distributed energy resources (DERs) generation and load variations. Moreover, the unknown behavior of cyber attacks, especially false data injection attacks (FDIAs) in the distribution grids with complex temporal correlations and the limited amount of labeled data increases the vulnerability of the grids and imposes a high risk in the secure and reliable operation of the grids. To address these challenges, this paper proposes an unsupervised adversarial autoencoder (AAE) model to detect FDIAs in unbalanced power distribution grids integrated with DERs, i.e., PV systems and wind generation. The proposed method utilizes long short-term memory (LSTM) in the structure of the autoencoder to capture the temporal dependencies in the time-series measurements and leverages the power of generative adversarial networks (GANs) for better reconstruction of the input data. The advantage of the proposed data-driven model is that it can detect anomalous points for the system operation without reliance on abstract models or mathematical representations. To evaluate the efficacy of the approach, it is tested on IEEE 13-bus and 123-bus systems with historical meteorological data (wind speed, ambient temperature, and solar irradiance) as well as historical real-world load data under three types of data falsification functions. The comparison of the detection results of the proposed model with other unsupervised learning methods verifies its superior performance in detecting cyber attacks in unbalanced power distribution grids.

cross Jailbreaking Prompt Attack: A Controllable Adversarial Attack against Diffusion Models

Authors: Jiachen Ma, Anda Cao, Zhiqing Xiao, Jie Zhang, Chao Ye, Junbo Zhao

Abstract: The fast advance of the image generation community has attracted attention worldwide. The safety issue needs to be further scrutinized and studied. There have been a few works around this area mostly achieving a post-processing design, model-specific, or yielding suboptimal image quality generation. Despite that, in this article, we discover a black-box attack method that enjoys three merits. It enables (i)-attacks both directed and semantic-driven that theoretically and practically pose a hazard to this vast user community, (ii)-surprisingly surpasses the white-box attack in a black-box manner and (iii)-without requiring any post-processing effort. Core to our approach is inspired by the concept guidance intriguing property of Classifier-Free guidance (CFG) in T2I models, and we discover that conducting frustratingly simple guidance in the CLIP embedding space, coupled with the semantic loss and an additionally sensitive word list works very well. Moreover, our results expose and highlight the vulnerabilities in existing defense mechanisms.

cross Using Large Language Models to Understand Telecom Standards

Authors: Athanasios Karapantelakis, Mukesh Shakur, Alexandros Nikou, Farnaz Moradi, Christian Orlog, Fitsum Gaim, Henrik Holm, Doumitrou Daniil Nimara, Vincent Huang

Abstract: The Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) has successfully introduced standards for global mobility. However, the volume and complexity of these standards has increased over time, thus complicating access to relevant information for vendors and service providers. Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and in particular Large Language Models (LLMs), may provide faster access to relevant information. In this paper, we evaluate the capability of state-of-art LLMs to be used as Question Answering (QA) assistants for 3GPP document reference. Our contribution is threefold. First, we provide a benchmark and measuring methods for evaluating performance of LLMs. Second, we do data preprocessing and fine-tuning for one of these LLMs and provide guidelines to increase accuracy of the responses that apply to all LLMs. Third, we provide a model of our own, TeleRoBERTa, that performs on-par with foundation LLMs but with an order of magnitude less number of parameters. Results show that LLMs can be used as a credible reference tool on telecom technical documents, and thus have potential for a number of different applications from troubleshooting and maintenance, to network operations and software product development.

cross READ: Improving Relation Extraction from an ADversarial Perspective

Authors: Dawei Li, William Hogan, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Recent works in relation extraction (RE) have achieved promising benchmark accuracy; however, our adversarial attack experiments show that these works excessively rely on entities, making their generalization capability questionable. To address this issue, we propose an adversarial training method specifically designed for RE. Our approach introduces both sequence- and token-level perturbations to the sample and uses a separate perturbation vocabulary to improve the search for entity and context perturbations. Furthermore, we introduce a probabilistic strategy for leaving clean tokens in the context during adversarial training. This strategy enables a larger attack budget for entities and coaxes the model to leverage relational patterns embedded in the context. Extensive experiments show that compared to various adversarial training methods, our method significantly improves both the accuracy and robustness of the model. Additionally, experiments on different data availability settings highlight the effectiveness of our method in low-resource scenarios. We also perform in-depth analyses of our proposed method and provide further hints. We will release our code at


cross NL2KQL: From Natural Language to Kusto Query

Authors: Amir H. Abdi, Xinye Tang, Jeremias Eichelbaum, Mahan Das, Alex Klein, Nihal Irmak Pakis, William Blum, Daniel L Mace, Tanvi Raja, Namrata Padmanabhan, Ye Xing

Abstract: Data is growing rapidly in volume and complexity. Proficiency in database query languages is pivotal for crafting effective queries. As coding assistants become more prevalent, there is significant opportunity to enhance database query languages. The Kusto Query Language (KQL) is a widely used query language for large semi-structured data such as logs, telemetries, and time-series for big data analytics platforms. This paper introduces NL2KQL an innovative framework that uses large language models (LLMs) to convert natural language queries (NLQs) to KQL queries. The proposed NL2KQL framework includes several key components: Schema Refiner which narrows down the schema to its most pertinent elements; the Few-shot Selector which dynamically selects relevant examples from a few-shot dataset; and the Query Refiner which repairs syntactic and semantic errors in KQL queries. Additionally, this study outlines a method for generating large datasets of synthetic NLQ-KQL pairs which are valid within a specific database contexts. To validate NL2KQL's performance, we utilize an array of online (based on query execution) and offline (based on query parsing) metrics. Through ablation studies, the significance of each framework component is examined, and the datasets used for benchmarking are made publicly available. This work is the first of its kind and is compared with available baselines to demonstrate its effectiveness.

cross GreedLlama: Performance of Financial Value-Aligned Large Language Models in Moral Reasoning

Authors: Jeffy Yu, Maximilian Huber, Kevin Tang

Abstract: This paper investigates the ethical implications of aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with financial optimization, through the case study of GreedLlama, a model fine-tuned to prioritize economically beneficial outcomes. By comparing GreedLlama's performance in moral reasoning tasks to a base Llama2 model, our results highlight a concerning trend: GreedLlama demonstrates a marked preference for profit over ethical considerations, making morally appropriate decisions at significantly lower rates than the base model in scenarios of both low and high moral ambiguity. In low ambiguity situations, GreedLlama's ethical decisions decreased to 54.4%, compared to the base model's 86.9%, while in high ambiguity contexts, the rate was 47.4% against the base model's 65.1%. These findings emphasize the risks of single-dimensional value alignment in LLMs, underscoring the need for integrating broader ethical values into AI development to ensure decisions are not solely driven by financial incentives. The study calls for a balanced approach to LLM deployment, advocating for the incorporation of ethical considerations in models intended for business applications, particularly in light of the absence of regulatory oversight.

cross KnowHalu: Hallucination Detection via Multi-Form Knowledge Based Factual Checking

Authors: Jiawei Zhang, Chejian Xu, Yu Gai, Freddy Lecue, Dawn Song, Bo Li

Abstract: This paper introduces KnowHalu, a novel approach for detecting hallucinations in text generated by large language models (LLMs), utilizing step-wise reasoning, multi-formulation query, multi-form knowledge for factual checking, and fusion-based detection mechanism. As LLMs are increasingly applied across various domains, ensuring that their outputs are not hallucinated is critical. Recognizing the limitations of existing approaches that either rely on the self-consistency check of LLMs or perform post-hoc fact-checking without considering the complexity of queries or the form of knowledge, KnowHalu proposes a two-phase process for hallucination detection. In the first phase, it identifies non-fabrication hallucinations--responses that, while factually correct, are irrelevant or non-specific to the query. The second phase, multi-form based factual checking, contains five key steps: reasoning and query decomposition, knowledge retrieval, knowledge optimization, judgment generation, and judgment aggregation. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate that KnowHalu significantly outperforms SOTA baselines in detecting hallucinations across diverse tasks, e.g., improving by 15.65% in QA tasks and 5.50% in summarization tasks, highlighting its effectiveness and versatility in detecting hallucinations in LLM-generated content.

cross Explainable Traffic Flow Prediction with Large Language Models

Authors: Xusen Guo (Frank), Qiming Zhang (Frank), Mingxing Peng (Frank), Meixin Zhua (Frank), Hao (Frank), Yang

Abstract: Traffic flow prediction provides essential future views in the intelligent transportation system. Explainable predictions offer valuable insights into the factors influencing traffic patterns, which help urban planners, traffic engineers, and policymakers make informed decisions about infrastructure development, traffic management strategies, and public transportation planning. Despite their widespread popularity and commendable accuracy, prediction methods grounded in deep learning frequently disappoint in terms of transparency and interpretability. Recently, the availability of large-scale spatio-temporal data and the development of large language models (LLMs) have opened up new opportunities for urban traffic prediction. With the popularity of LLMs, people witnessed the potential reasoning and generating ability of foundation models in various tasks. Considering text as input and output, LLMs have advantages in generating more intuitive and interpretable predictions. Hence, this work introduces TP-LLM, an explainable foundation-model-based method for traffic prediction, aiming at more direct and reasonable forecasting. TP-LLM presents a framework to unify multi-modality factors as language-based inputs, TP-LLM avoids complex spatial-temporal data programming and outperforms state-of-art baselines merely under fine-tuning foundation models. Also, TP-LLM can generate input-dependency explanations for more confident prediction and can be easily generalized to different city dynamics for zero-shot prediction with a similar framework. These findings demonstrate the potential of LLMs for explainable traffic prediction.

cross Decision Predicate Graphs: Enhancing Interpretability in Tree Ensembles

Authors: Leonardo Arrighi, Luca Pennella, Gabriel Marques Tavares, Sylvio Barbon Junior

Abstract: Understanding the decisions of tree-based ensembles and their relationships is pivotal for machine learning model interpretation. Recent attempts to mitigate the human-in-the-loop interpretation challenge have explored the extraction of the decision structure underlying the model taking advantage of graph simplification and path emphasis. However, while these efforts enhance the visualisation experience, they may either result in a visually complex representation or compromise the interpretability of the original ensemble model. In addressing this challenge, especially in complex scenarios, we introduce the Decision Predicate Graph (DPG) as a model-agnostic tool to provide a global interpretation of the model. DPG is a graph structure that captures the tree-based ensemble model and learned dataset details, preserving the relations among features, logical decisions, and predictions towards emphasising insightful points. Leveraging well-known graph theory concepts, such as the notions of centrality and community, DPG offers additional quantitative insights into the model, complementing visualisation techniques, expanding the problem space descriptions, and offering diverse possibilities for extensions. Empirical experiments demonstrate the potential of DPG in addressing traditional benchmarks and complex classification scenarios.

cross Learning in Convolutional Neural Networks Accelerated by Transfer Entropy

Authors: Adrian Moldovan, Angel Ca\c{t}aron, R\u{a}zvan Andonie

Abstract: Recently, there is a growing interest in applying Transfer Entropy (TE) in quantifying the effective connectivity between artificial neurons. In a feedforward network, the TE can be used to quantify the relationships between neuron output pairs located in different layers. Our focus is on how to include the TE in the learning mechanisms of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture. We introduce a novel training mechanism for CNN architectures which integrates the TE feedback connections. Adding the TE feedback parameter accelerates the training process, as fewer epochs are needed. On the flip side, it adds computational overhead to each epoch. According to our experiments on CNN classifiers, to achieve a reasonable computational overhead--accuracy trade-off, it is efficient to consider only the inter-neural information transfer of a random subset of the neuron pairs from the last two fully connected layers. The TE acts as a smoothing factor, generating stability and becoming active only periodically, not after processing each input sample. Therefore, we can consider the TE is in our model a slowly changing meta-parameter.

cross Foundation Models for Structural Health Monitoring

Authors: Luca Benfenati, Daniele Jahier Pagliari, Luca Zanatta, Yhorman Alexander Bedoya Velez, Andrea Acquaviva, Massimo Poncino, Enrico Macii, Luca Benini, Alessio Burrello

Abstract: Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a critical task for ensuring the safety and reliability of civil infrastructures, typically realized on bridges and viaducts by means of vibration monitoring. In this paper, we propose for the first time the use of Transformer neural networks, with a Masked Auto-Encoder architecture, as Foundation Models for SHM. We demonstrate the ability of these models to learn generalizable representations from multiple large datasets through self-supervised pre-training, which, coupled with task-specific fine-tuning, allows them to outperform state-of-the-art traditional methods on diverse tasks, including Anomaly Detection (AD) and Traffic Load Estimation (TLE). We then extensively explore model size versus accuracy trade-offs and experiment with Knowledge Distillation (KD) to improve the performance of smaller Transformers, enabling their embedding directly into the SHM edge nodes. We showcase the effectiveness of our foundation models using data from three operational viaducts. For AD, we achieve a near-perfect 99.9% accuracy with a monitoring time span of just 15 windows. In contrast, a state-of-the-art method based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA) obtains its first good result (95.03% accuracy) only considering 120 windows. On two different TLE tasks, our models obtain state-of-the-art performance on multiple evaluation metrics (R$^2$ score, MAE% and MSE%). On the first benchmark, we achieve an R$^2$ score of 0.97 and 0.85 for light and heavy vehicle traffic, respectively, while the best previous approach stops at 0.91 and 0.84. On the second one, we achieve an R$^2$ score of 0.54 versus the 0.10 of the best existing method.

cross Optimizing the Deployment of Tiny Transformers on Low-Power MCUs

Authors: Victor J. B. Jung, Alessio Burrello, Moritz Scherer, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini

Abstract: Transformer networks are rapidly becoming SotA in many fields, such as NLP and CV. Similarly to CNN, there is a strong push for deploying Transformer models at the extreme edge, ultimately fitting the tiny power budget and memory footprint of MCUs. However, the early approaches in this direction are mostly ad-hoc, platform, and model-specific. This work aims to enable and optimize the flexible, multi-platform deployment of encoder Tiny Transformers on commercial MCUs. We propose a complete framework to perform end-to-end deployment of Transformer models onto single and multi-core MCUs. Our framework provides an optimized library of kernels to maximize data reuse and avoid unnecessary data marshaling operations into the crucial attention block. A novel MHSA inference schedule, named Fused-Weight Self-Attention, is introduced, fusing the linear projection weights offline to further reduce the number of operations and parameters. Furthermore, to mitigate the memory peak reached by the computation of the attention map, we present a Depth-First Tiling scheme for MHSA. We evaluate our framework on three different MCU classes exploiting ARM and RISC-V ISA, namely the STM32H7, the STM32L4, and GAP9 (RV32IMC-XpulpV2). We reach an average of 4.79x and 2.0x lower latency compared to SotA libraries CMSIS-NN (ARM) and PULP-NN (RISC-V), respectively. Moreover, we show that our MHSA depth-first tiling scheme reduces the memory peak by up to 6.19x, while the fused-weight attention can reduce the runtime by 1.53x, and number of parameters by 25%. We report significant improvements across several Tiny Transformers: for instance, when executing a transformer block for the task of radar-based hand-gesture recognition on GAP9, we achieve a latency of 0.14ms and energy consumption of 4.92 micro-joules, 2.32x lower than the SotA PULP-NN library on the same platform.

cross DNN Memory Footprint Reduction via Post-Training Intra-Layer Multi-Precision Quantization

Authors: Behnam Ghavami, Amin Kamjoo, Lesley Shannon, Steve Wilton

Abstract: The imperative to deploy Deep Neural Network (DNN) models on resource-constrained edge devices, spurred by privacy concerns, has become increasingly apparent. To facilitate the transition from cloud to edge computing, this paper introduces a technique that effectively reduces the memory footprint of DNNs, accommodating the limitations of resource-constrained edge devices while preserving model accuracy. Our proposed technique, named Post-Training Intra-Layer Multi-Precision Quantization (PTILMPQ), employs a post-training quantization approach, eliminating the need for extensive training data. By estimating the importance of layers and channels within the network, the proposed method enables precise bit allocation throughout the quantization process. Experimental results demonstrate that PTILMPQ offers a promising solution for deploying DNNs on edge devices with restricted memory resources. For instance, in the case of ResNet50, it achieves an accuracy of 74.57\% with a memory footprint of 9.5 MB, representing a 25.49\% reduction compared to previous similar methods, with only a minor 1.08\% decrease in accuracy.

cross PiSSA: Principal Singular Values and Singular Vectors Adaptation of Large Language Models

Authors: Fanxu Meng, Zhaohui Wang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: As the parameters of LLMs expand, the computational cost of fine-tuning the entire model becomes prohibitive. To address this challenge, we introduce a PEFT method, Principal Singular values and Singular vectors Adaptation (PiSSA), which optimizes a significantly reduced parameter space while achieving or surpassing the performance of full-parameter fine-tuning. PiSSA is inspired by Intrinsic SAID, which suggests that pre-trained, over-parametrized models inhabit a space of low intrinsic dimension. Consequently, PiSSA represents a matrix W within the model by the product of two trainable matrices A and B, plus a residual matrix $W^{res}$ for error correction. SVD is employed to factorize W, and the principal singular values and vectors of W are utilized to initialize A and B. The residual singular values and vectors initialize the residual matrix $W^{res}$, which keeps frozen during fine-tuning. Notably, PiSSA shares the same architecture with LoRA. However, LoRA approximates Delta W through the product of two matrices, A, initialized with Gaussian noise, and B, initialized with zeros, while PiSSA initializes A and B with principal singular values and vectors of the original matrix W. PiSSA can better approximate the outcomes of full-parameter fine-tuning at the beginning by changing the essential parts while freezing the "noisy" parts. In comparison, LoRA freezes the original matrix and updates the "noise". This distinction enables PiSSA to convergence much faster than LoRA and also achieve better performance in the end. Due to the same architecture, PiSSA inherits many of LoRA's advantages, such as parameter efficiency and compatibility with quantization. Leveraging a fast SVD method, the initialization of PiSSA takes only a few seconds, inducing negligible cost of switching LoRA to PiSSA.

cross The SaTML '24 CNN Interpretability Competition: New Innovations for Concept-Level Interpretability

Authors: Stephen Casper, Jieun Yun, Joonhyuk Baek, Yeseong Jung, Minhwan Kim, Kiwan Kwon, Saerom Park, Hayden Moore, David Shriver, Marissa Connor, Keltin Grimes, Angus Nicolson, Arush Tagade, Jessica Rumbelow, Hieu Minh Nguyen, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

Abstract: Interpretability techniques are valuable for helping humans understand and oversee AI systems. The SaTML 2024 CNN Interpretability Competition solicited novel methods for studying convolutional neural networks (CNNs) at the ImageNet scale. The objective of the competition was to help human crowd-workers identify trojans in CNNs. This report showcases the methods and results of four featured competition entries. It remains challenging to help humans reliably diagnose trojans via interpretability tools. However, the competition's entries have contributed new techniques and set a new record on the benchmark from Casper et al., 2023.

cross Deep Generative Models through the Lens of the Manifold Hypothesis: A Survey and New Connections

Authors: Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem, Brendan Leigh Ross, Rasa Hosseinzadeh, Anthony L. Caterini, Jesse C. Cresswell

Abstract: In recent years there has been increased interest in understanding the interplay between deep generative models (DGMs) and the manifold hypothesis. Research in this area focuses on understanding the reasons why commonly-used DGMs succeed or fail at learning distributions supported on unknown low-dimensional manifolds, as well as developing new models explicitly designed to account for manifold-supported data. This manifold lens provides both clarity as to why some DGMs (e.g. diffusion models and some generative adversarial networks) empirically surpass others (e.g. likelihood-based models such as variational autoencoders, normalizing flows, or energy-based models) at sample generation, and guidance for devising more performant DGMs. We carry out the first survey of DGMs viewed through this lens, making two novel contributions along the way. First, we formally establish that numerical instability of high-dimensional likelihoods is unavoidable when modelling low-dimensional data. We then show that DGMs on learned representations of autoencoders can be interpreted as approximately minimizing Wasserstein distance: this result, which applies to latent diffusion models, helps justify their outstanding empirical results. The manifold lens provides a rich perspective from which to understand DGMs, which we aim to make more accessible and widespread.

cross ASAP: Interpretable Analysis and Summarization of AI-generated Image Patterns at Scale

Authors: Jinbin Huang, Chen Chen, Aditi Mishra, Bum Chul Kwon, Zhicheng Liu, Chris Bryan

Abstract: Generative image models have emerged as a promising technology to produce realistic images. Despite potential benefits, concerns grow about its misuse, particularly in generating deceptive images that could raise significant ethical, legal, and societal issues. Consequently, there is growing demand to empower users to effectively discern and comprehend patterns of AI-generated images. To this end, we developed ASAP, an interactive visualization system that automatically extracts distinct patterns of AI-generated images and allows users to interactively explore them via various views. To uncover fake patterns, ASAP introduces a novel image encoder, adapted from CLIP, which transforms images into compact "distilled" representations, enriched with information for differentiating authentic and fake images. These representations generate gradients that propagate back to the attention maps of CLIP's transformer block. This process quantifies the relative importance of each pixel to image authenticity or fakeness, exposing key deceptive patterns. ASAP enables the at scale interactive analysis of these patterns through multiple, coordinated visualizations. This includes a representation overview with innovative cell glyphs to aid in the exploration and qualitative evaluation of fake patterns across a vast array of images, as well as a pattern view that displays authenticity-indicating patterns in images and quantifies their impact. ASAP supports the analysis of cutting-edge generative models with the latest architectures, including GAN-based models like proGAN and diffusion models like the latent diffusion model. We demonstrate ASAP's usefulness through two usage scenarios using multiple fake image detection benchmark datasets, revealing its ability to identify and understand hidden patterns in AI-generated images, especially in detecting fake human faces produced by diffusion-based techniques.

cross Transfer learning applications for anomaly detection in wind turbines

Authors: Cyriana M. A. Roelofs, Christian G\"uck, Stefan Faulstich

Abstract: Anomaly detection in wind turbines typically involves using normal behaviour models to detect faults early. However, training autoencoder models for each turbine is time-consuming and resource intensive. Thus, transfer learning becomes essential for wind turbines with limited data or applications with limited computational resources. This study examines how cross-turbine transfer learning can be applied to autoencoder-based anomaly detection. Here, autoencoders are combined with constant thresholds for the reconstruction error to determine if input data contains an anomaly. The models are initially trained on one year's worth of data from one or more source wind turbines. They are then fine-tuned using smaller amounts of data from another turbine. Three methods for fine-tuning are investigated: adjusting the entire autoencoder, only the decoder, or only the threshold of the model. The performance of the transfer learning models is compared to baseline models that were trained on one year's worth of data from the target wind turbine. The results of the tests conducted in this study indicate that models trained on data of multiple wind turbines do not improve the anomaly detection capability compared to models trained on data of one source wind turbine. In addition, modifying the model's threshold can lead to comparable or even superior performance compared to the baseline, whereas fine-tuning the decoder or autoencoder further enhances the models' performance.

cross Blessing or curse? A survey on the Impact of Generative AI on Fake News

Authors: Alexander Loth, Martin Kappes, Marc-Oliver Pahl

Abstract: Fake news significantly influence our society. They impact consumers, voters, and many other societal groups. While Fake News exist for a centuries, Generative AI brings fake news on a new level. It is now possible to automate the creation of masses of high-quality individually targeted Fake News. On the other end, Generative AI can also help detecting Fake News. Both fields are young but developing fast. This survey provides a comprehensive examination of the research and practical use of Generative AI for Fake News detection and creation in 2024. Following the Structured Literature Survey approach, the paper synthesizes current results in the following topic clusters 1) enabling technologies, 2) creation of Fake News, 3) case study social media as most relevant distribution channel, 4) detection of Fake News, and 5) deepfakes as upcoming technology. The article also identifies current challenges and open issues.

cross Toward Safe Evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Conversational Agents to Support Adolescent Mental and Sexual Health Knowledge Discovery

Authors: Jinkyung Park, Vivek Singh, Pamela Wisniewski

Abstract: Following the recent release of various Artificial Intelligence (AI) based Conversation Agents (CAs), adolescents are increasingly using CAs for interactive knowledge discovery on sensitive topics, including mental and sexual health topics. Exploring such sensitive topics through online search has been an essential part of adolescent development, and CAs can support their knowledge discovery on such topics through human-like dialogues. Yet, unintended risks have been documented with adolescents' interactions with AI-based CAs, such as being exposed to inappropriate content, false information, and/or being given advice that is detrimental to their mental and physical well-being (e.g., to self-harm). In this position paper, we discuss the current landscape and opportunities for CAs to support adolescents' mental and sexual health knowledge discovery. We also discuss some of the challenges related to ensuring the safety of adolescents when interacting with CAs regarding sexual and mental health topics. We call for a discourse on how to set guardrails for the safe evolution of AI-based CAs for adolescents.

cross JailBreakV-28K: A Benchmark for Assessing the Robustness of MultiModal Large Language Models against Jailbreak Attacks

Authors: Weidi Luo, Siyuan Ma, Xiaogeng Liu, Xiaoyu Guo, Chaowei Xiao

Abstract: With the rapid advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), securing these models against malicious inputs while aligning them with human values has emerged as a critical challenge. In this paper, we investigate an important and unexplored question of whether techniques that successfully jailbreak Large Language Models (LLMs) can be equally effective in jailbreaking MLLMs. To explore this issue, we introduce JailBreakV-28K, a pioneering benchmark designed to assess the transferability of LLM jailbreak techniques to MLLMs, thereby evaluating the robustness of MLLMs against diverse jailbreak attacks. Utilizing a dataset of 2, 000 malicious queries that is also proposed in this paper, we generate 20, 000 text-based jailbreak prompts using advanced jailbreak attacks on LLMs, alongside 8, 000 image-based jailbreak inputs from recent MLLMs jailbreak attacks, our comprehensive dataset includes 28, 000 test cases across a spectrum of adversarial scenarios. Our evaluation of 10 open-source MLLMs reveals a notably high Attack Success Rate (ASR) for attacks transferred from LLMs, highlighting a critical vulnerability in MLLMs that stems from their text-processing capabilities. Our findings underscore the urgent need for future research to address alignment vulnerabilities in MLLMs from both textual and visual inputs.

cross Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Parameterized Action Spaces

Authors: Renhao Zhang, Haotian Fu, Yilin Miao, George Konidaris

Abstract: We propose a novel model-based reinforcement learning algorithm -- Dynamics Learning and predictive control with Parameterized Actions (DLPA) -- for Parameterized Action Markov Decision Processes (PAMDPs). The agent learns a parameterized-action-conditioned dynamics model and plans with a modified Model Predictive Path Integral control. We theoretically quantify the difference between the generated trajectory and the optimal trajectory during planning in terms of the value they achieved through the lens of Lipschitz Continuity. Our empirical results on several standard benchmarks show that our algorithm achieves superior sample efficiency and asymptotic performance than state-of-the-art PAMDP methods.

cross The Artificial Intelligence Ontology: LLM-assisted construction of AI concept hierarchies

Authors: Marcin P. Joachimiak, Mark A. Miller, J. Harry Caufield, Ryan Ly, Nomi L. Harris, Andrew Tritt, Christopher J. Mungall, Kristofer E. Bouchard

Abstract: The Artificial Intelligence Ontology (AIO) is a systematization of artificial intelligence (AI) concepts, methodologies, and their interrelations. Developed via manual curation, with the additional assistance of large language models (LLMs), AIO aims to address the rapidly evolving landscape of AI by providing a comprehensive framework that encompasses both technical and ethical aspects of AI technologies. The primary audience for AIO includes AI researchers, developers, and educators seeking standardized terminology and concepts within the AI domain. The ontology is structured around six top-level branches: Networks, Layers, Functions, LLMs, Preprocessing, and Bias, each designed to support the modular composition of AI methods and facilitate a deeper understanding of deep learning architectures and ethical considerations in AI. AIO's development utilized the Ontology Development Kit (ODK) for its creation and maintenance, with its content being dynamically updated through AI-driven curation support. This approach not only ensures the ontology's relevance amidst the fast-paced advancements in AI but also significantly enhances its utility for researchers, developers, and educators by simplifying the integration of new AI concepts and methodologies. The ontology's utility is demonstrated through the annotation of AI methods data in a catalog of AI research publications and the integration into the BioPortal ontology resource, highlighting its potential for cross-disciplinary research. The AIO ontology is open source and is available on GitHub ( and BioPortal (


cross Automatic Extraction of Linguistic Description from Fuzzy Rule Base

Authors: Krzysztof Siminski, Konrad Wnuk

Abstract: Neuro-fuzzy systems are a technique of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). They elaborate knowledge models as a set of fuzzy rules. Fuzzy sets are crucial components of fuzzy rules. They are used to model linguistic terms. In this paper, we present an automatic extraction of fuzzy rules in the natural English language. Full implementation is available free from a public repository.

cross Construction of Functional Materials Knowledge Graph in Multidisciplinary Materials Science via Large Language Model

Authors: Yanpeng Ye, Jie Ren, Shaozhou Wang, Yuwei Wan, Imran Razzak, Tong Xie, Wenjie Zhang

Abstract: The convergence of materials science and artificial intelligence has unlocked new opportunities for gathering, analyzing, and generating novel materials sourced from extensive scientific literature. Despite the potential benefits, persistent challenges such as manual annotation, precise extraction, and traceability issues remain. Large language models have emerged as promising solutions to address these obstacles. This paper introduces Functional Materials Knowledge Graph (FMKG), a multidisciplinary materials science knowledge graph. Through the utilization of advanced natural language processing techniques, extracting millions of entities to form triples from a corpus comprising all high-quality research papers published in the last decade. It organizes unstructured information into nine distinct labels, covering Name, Formula, Acronym, Structure/Phase, Properties, Descriptor, Synthesis, Characterization Method, Application, and Domain, seamlessly integrating papers' Digital Object Identifiers. As the latest structured database for functional materials, FMKG acts as a powerful catalyst for expediting the development of functional materials and a fundation for building a more comprehensive material knowledge graph using full paper text. Furthermore, our research lays the groundwork for practical text-mining-based knowledge management systems, not only in intricate materials systems but also applicable to other specialized domains.

cross Rethinking Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning through the Cooperative Mechanics of Experience

Authors: Manfred Diaz, Liam Paull, Andrea Tacchetti

Abstract: Teacher-Student Curriculum Learning (TSCL) is a curriculum learning framework that draws inspiration from human cultural transmission and learning. It involves a teacher algorithm shaping the learning process of a learner algorithm by exposing it to controlled experiences. Despite its success, understanding the conditions under which TSCL is effective remains challenging. In this paper, we propose a data-centric perspective to analyze the underlying mechanics of the teacher-student interactions in TSCL. We leverage cooperative game theory to describe how the composition of the set of experiences presented by the teacher to the learner, as well as their order, influences the performance of the curriculum that is found by TSCL approaches. To do so, we demonstrate that for every TSCL problem, there exists an equivalent cooperative game, and several key components of the TSCL framework can be reinterpreted using game-theoretic principles. Through experiments covering supervised learning, reinforcement learning, and classical games, we estimate the cooperative values of experiences and use value-proportional curriculum mechanisms to construct curricula, even in cases where TSCL struggles. The framework and experimental setup we present in this work represent a novel foundation for a deeper exploration of TSCL, shedding light on its underlying mechanisms and providing insights into its broader applicability in machine learning.

cross Talaria: Interactively Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Efficient Inference

Authors: Fred Hohman, Chaoqun Wang, Jinmook Lee, Jochen G\"ortler, Dominik Moritz, Jeffrey P Bigham, Zhile Ren, Cecile Foret, Qi Shan, Xiaoyi Zhang

Abstract: On-device machine learning (ML) moves computation from the cloud to personal devices, protecting user privacy and enabling intelligent user experiences. However, fitting models on devices with limited resources presents a major technical challenge: practitioners need to optimize models and balance hardware metrics such as model size, latency, and power. To help practitioners create efficient ML models, we designed and developed Talaria: a model visualization and optimization system. Talaria enables practitioners to compile models to hardware, interactively visualize model statistics, and simulate optimizations to test the impact on inference metrics. Since its internal deployment two years ago, we have evaluated Talaria using three methodologies: (1) a log analysis highlighting its growth of 800+ practitioners submitting 3,600+ models; (2) a usability survey with 26 users assessing the utility of 20 Talaria features; and (3) a qualitative interview with the 7 most active users about their experience using Talaria.

cross Robust Federated Learning for Wireless Networks: A Demonstration with Channel Estimation

Authors: Zexin Fang, Bin Han, Hans D. Schotten

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) offers a privacy-preserving collaborative approach for training models in wireless networks, with channel estimation emerging as a promising application. Despite extensive studies on FL-empowered channel estimation, the security concerns associated with FL require meticulous attention. In a scenario where small base stations (SBSs) serve as local models trained on cached data, and a macro base station (MBS) functions as the global model setting, an attacker can exploit the vulnerability of FL, launching attacks with various adversarial attacks or deployment tactics. In this paper, we analyze such vulnerabilities, corresponding solutions were brought forth, and validated through simulation.

cross Exploring the Trade-off Between Model Performance and Explanation Plausibility of Text Classifiers Using Human Rationales

Authors: Lucas E. Resck, Marcos M. Raimundo, Jorge Poco

Abstract: Saliency post-hoc explainability methods are important tools for understanding increasingly complex NLP models. While these methods can reflect the model's reasoning, they may not align with human intuition, making the explanations not plausible. In this work, we present a methodology for incorporating rationales, which are text annotations explaining human decisions, into text classification models. This incorporation enhances the plausibility of post-hoc explanations while preserving their faithfulness. Our approach is agnostic to model architectures and explainability methods. We introduce the rationales during model training by augmenting the standard cross-entropy loss with a novel loss function inspired by contrastive learning. By leveraging a multi-objective optimization algorithm, we explore the trade-off between the two loss functions and generate a Pareto-optimal frontier of models that balance performance and plausibility. Through extensive experiments involving diverse models, datasets, and explainability methods, we demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances the quality of model explanations without causing substantial (sometimes negligible) degradation in the original model's performance.

cross Composite Bayesian Optimization In Function Spaces Using NEON -- Neural Epistemic Operator Networks

Authors: Leonardo Ferreira Guilhoto, Paris Perdikaris

Abstract: Operator learning is a rising field of scientific computing where inputs or outputs of a machine learning model are functions defined in infinite-dimensional spaces. In this paper, we introduce NEON (Neural Epistemic Operator Networks), an architecture for generating predictions with uncertainty using a single operator network backbone, which presents orders of magnitude less trainable parameters than deep ensembles of comparable performance. We showcase the utility of this method for sequential decision-making by examining the problem of composite Bayesian Optimization (BO), where we aim to optimize a function $f=g\circ h$, where $h:X\to C(\mathcal{Y},\mathbb{R}^{d_s})$ is an unknown map which outputs elements of a function space, and $g: C(\mathcal{Y},\mathbb{R}^{d_s})\to \mathbb{R}$ is a known and cheap-to-compute functional. By comparing our approach to other state-of-the-art methods on toy and real world scenarios, we demonstrate that NEON achieves state-of-the-art performance while requiring orders of magnitude less trainable parameters.

cross Testing the Effect of Code Documentation on Large Language Model Code Understanding

Authors: William Macke, Michael Doyle

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive abilities in recent years with regards to code generation and understanding. However, little work has investigated how documentation and other code properties affect an LLM's ability to understand and generate code or documentation. We present an empirical analysis of how underlying properties of code or documentation can affect an LLM's capabilities. We show that providing an LLM with "incorrect" documentation can greatly hinder code understanding, while incomplete or missing documentation does not seem to significantly affect an LLM's ability to understand code.

cross A Framework for Guided Motion Planning

Authors: Amnon Attali, Stav Ashur, Isaac Burton Love, Courtney McBeth, James Motes, Marco Morales, Nancy M. Amato

Abstract: Randomized sampling based algorithms are widely used in robot motion planning due to the problem's intractability, and are experimentally effective on a wide range of problem instances. Most variants bias their sampling using various heuristics related to the known underlying structure of the search space. In this work, we formalize the intuitive notion of guided search by defining the concept of a guiding space. This new language encapsulates many seemingly distinct prior methods under the same framework, and allows us to reason about guidance, a previously obscured core contribution of different algorithms. We suggest an information theoretic method to evaluate guidance, which experimentally matches intuition when tested on known algorithms in a variety of environments. The language and evaluation of guidance suggests improvements to existing methods, and allows for simple hybrid algorithms that combine guidance from multiple sources.

cross Eigenpruning

Authors: Tom\'as Vergara-Browne, \'Alvaro Soto, Akiko Aizawa

Abstract: We introduce eigenpruning, a method that removes singular values from weight matrices in an LLM to improve its performance in a particular task. This method is inspired by interpretability methods designed to automatically find subnetworks of a model which solve a specific task. In our tests, the pruned model outperforms the original model by a large margin, while only requiring minimal computation to prune the weight matrices. In the case of a small synthetic task in integer multiplication, the Phi-2 model can improve its accuracy in the test set from 13.75% to 97.50%. Interestingly, these results seem to indicate the existence of a computation path that can solve the task very effectively, but it was not being used by the original model. Finally, we plan to open-source our implementation in the camera-ready version of our work.

cross NLP at UC Santa Cruz at SemEval-2024 Task 5: Legal Answer Validation using Few-Shot Multi-Choice QA

Authors: Anish Pahilajani, Samyak Rajesh Jain, Devasha Trivedi

Abstract: This paper presents our submission to the SemEval 2024 Task 5: The Legal Argument Reasoning Task in Civil Procedure. We present two approaches to solving the task of legal answer validation, given an introduction to the case, a question and an answer candidate. Firstly, we fine-tuned pre-trained BERT-based models and found that models trained on domain knowledge perform better. Secondly, we performed few-shot prompting on GPT models and found that reformulating the answer validation task to be a multiple-choice QA task remarkably improves the performance of the model. Our best submission is a BERT-based model that achieved the 7th place out of 20.

cross Uncertainty in Language Models: Assessment through Rank-Calibration

Authors: Xinmeng Huang, Shuo Li, Mengxin Yu, Matteo Sesia, Hamed Hassani, Insup Lee, Osbert Bastani, Edgar Dobriban

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) have shown promising performance in natural language generation. However, as LMs often generate incorrect or hallucinated responses, it is crucial to correctly quantify their uncertainty in responding to given inputs. In addition to verbalized confidence elicited via prompting, many uncertainty measures ($e.g.$, semantic entropy and affinity-graph-based measures) have been proposed. However, these measures can differ greatly, and it is unclear how to compare them, partly because they take values over different ranges ($e.g.$, $[0,\infty)$ or $[0,1]$). In this work, we address this issue by developing a novel and practical framework, termed $Rank$-$Calibration$, to assess uncertainty and confidence measures for LMs. Our key tenet is that higher uncertainty (or lower confidence) should imply lower generation quality, on average. Rank-calibration quantifies deviations from this ideal relationship in a principled manner, without requiring ad hoc binary thresholding of the correctness score ($e.g.$, ROUGE or METEOR). The broad applicability and the granular interpretability of our methods are demonstrated empirically.

cross Does Knowledge Graph Really Matter for Recommender Systems?

Authors: Haonan Zhang, Dongxia Wang, Zhu Sun, Yanhui Li, Youcheng Sun, Huizhi Liang, Wenhai Wang

Abstract: Recommender systems (RSs) are designed to provide personalized recommendations to users. Recently, knowledge graphs (KGs) have been widely introduced in RSs to improve recommendation accuracy. In this study, however, we demonstrate that RSs do not necessarily perform worse even if the KG is downgraded to the user-item interaction graph only (or removed). We propose an evaluation framework KG4RecEval to systematically evaluate how much a KG contributes to the recommendation accuracy of a KG-based RS, using our defined metric KGER (KG utilization efficiency in recommendation). We consider the scenarios where knowledge in a KG gets completely removed, randomly distorted and decreased, and also where recommendations are for cold-start users. Our extensive experiments on four commonly used datasets and a number of state-of-the-art KG-based RSs reveal that: to remove, randomly distort or decrease knowledge does not necessarily decrease recommendation accuracy, even for cold-start users. These findings inspire us to rethink how to better utilize knowledge from existing KGs, whereby we discuss and provide insights into what characteristics of datasets and KG-based RSs may help improve KG utilization efficiency.

cross The Death of Feature Engineering? BERT with Linguistic Features on SQuAD 2.0

Authors: Jiawei Li, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Machine reading comprehension is an essential natural language processing task, which takes into a pair of context and query and predicts the corresponding answer to query. In this project, we developed an end-to-end question answering model incorporating BERT and additional linguistic features. We conclude that the BERT base model will be improved by incorporating the features. The EM score and F1 score are improved 2.17 and 2.14 compared with BERT(base). Our best single model reaches EM score 76.55 and F1 score 79.97 in the hidden test set. Our error analysis also shows that the linguistic architecture can help model understand the context better in that it can locate answers that BERT only model predicted "No Answer" wrongly.

cross The Probabilities Also Matter: A More Faithful Metric for Faithfulness of Free-Text Explanations in Large Language Models

Authors: Noah Y. Siegel, Oana-Maria Camburu, Nicolas Heess, Maria Perez-Ortiz

Abstract: In order to oversee advanced AI systems, it is important to understand their underlying decision-making process. When prompted, large language models (LLMs) can provide natural language explanations or reasoning traces that sound plausible and receive high ratings from human annotators. However, it is unclear to what extent these explanations are faithful, i.e., truly capture the factors responsible for the model's predictions. In this work, we introduce Correlational Explanatory Faithfulness (CEF), a metric that can be used in faithfulness tests based on input interventions. Previous metrics used in such tests take into account only binary changes in the predictions. Our metric accounts for the total shift in the model's predicted label distribution, more accurately reflecting the explanations' faithfulness. We then introduce the Correlational Counterfactual Test (CCT) by instantiating CEF on the Counterfactual Test (CT) from Atanasova et al. (2023). We evaluate the faithfulness of free-text explanations generated by few-shot-prompted LLMs from the Llama2 family on three NLP tasks. We find that our metric measures aspects of faithfulness which the CT misses.

cross Adaptive Discrete Disparity Volume for Self-supervised Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Jianwei Ren

Abstract: In self-supervised monocular depth estimation tasks, discrete disparity prediction has been proven to attain higher quality depth maps than common continuous methods. However, current discretization strategies often divide depth ranges of scenes into bins in a handcrafted and rigid manner, limiting model performance. In this paper, we propose a learnable module, Adaptive Discrete Disparity Volume (ADDV), which is capable of dynamically sensing depth distributions in different RGB images and generating adaptive bins for them. Without any extra supervision, this module can be integrated into existing CNN architectures, allowing networks to produce representative values for bins and a probability volume over them. Furthermore, we introduce novel training strategies - uniformizing and sharpening - through a loss term and temperature parameter, respectively, to provide regularizations under self-supervised conditions, preventing model degradation or collapse. Empirical results demonstrate that ADDV effectively processes global information, generating appropriate bins for various scenes and producing higher quality depth maps compared to handcrafted methods.

cross RALL-E: Robust Codec Language Modeling with Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Authors: Detai Xin, Xu Tan, Kai Shen, Zeqian Ju, Dongchao Yang, Yuancheng Wang, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Shujie Liu, Jinyu Li, Sheng Zhao

Abstract: We present RALL-E, a robust language modeling method for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. While previous work based on large language models (LLMs) shows impressive performance on zero-shot TTS, such methods often suffer from poor robustness, such as unstable prosody (weird pitch and rhythm/duration) and a high word error rate (WER), due to the autoregressive prediction style of language models. The core idea behind RALL-E is chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, which decomposes the task into simpler steps to enhance the robustness of LLM-based TTS. To accomplish this idea, RALL-E first predicts prosody features (pitch and duration) of the input text and uses them as intermediate conditions to predict speech tokens in a CoT style. Second, RALL-E utilizes the predicted duration prompt to guide the computing of self-attention weights in Transformer to enforce the model to focus on the corresponding phonemes and prosody features when predicting speech tokens. Results of comprehensive objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate that, compared to a powerful baseline method VALL-E, RALL-E significantly improves the WER of zero-shot TTS from $6.3\%$ (without reranking) and $2.1\%$ (with reranking) to $2.8\%$ and $1.0\%$, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RALL-E correctly synthesizes sentences that are hard for VALL-E and reduces the error rate from $68\%$ to $4\%$.

cross Exploring Emotions in Multi-componential Space using Interactive VR Games

Authors: Rukshani Somarathna, Gelareh Mohammadi

Abstract: Emotion understanding is a complex process that involves multiple components. The ability to recognise emotions not only leads to new context awareness methods but also enhances system interaction's effectiveness by perceiving and expressing emotions. Despite the attention to discrete and dimensional models, neuroscientific evidence supports those emotions as being complex and multi-faceted. One framework that resonated well with such findings is the Component Process Model (CPM), a theory that considers the complexity of emotions with five interconnected components: appraisal, expression, motivation, physiology and feeling. However, the relationship between CPM and discrete emotions has not yet been fully explored. Therefore, to better understand emotions underlying processes, we operationalised a data-driven approach using interactive Virtual Reality (VR) games and collected multimodal measures (self-reports, physiological and facial signals) from 39 participants. We used Machine Learning (ML) methods to identify the unique contributions of each component to emotion differentiation. Our results showed the role of different components in emotion differentiation, with the model including all components demonstrating the most significant contribution. Moreover, we found that at least five dimensions are needed to represent the variation of emotions in our dataset. These findings also have implications for using VR environments in emotion research and highlight the role of physiological signals in emotion recognition within such environments.

cross A dataset of primary nasopharyngeal carcinoma MRI with multi-modalities segmentation

Authors: Yin Li, Qi Chen, Kai Wang, Meige Li, Liping Si, Yingwei Guo, Yu Xiong, Qixing Wang, Yang Qin, Ling Xu, Patrick van der Smagt, Jun Tang, Nutan Chen

Abstract: Multi-modality magnetic resonance imaging data with various sequences facilitate the early diagnosis, tumor segmentation, and disease staging in the management of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). The lack of publicly available, comprehensive datasets limits advancements in diagnosis, treatment planning, and the development of machine learning algorithms for NPC. Addressing this critical need, we introduce the first comprehensive NPC MRI dataset, encompassing MR axial imaging of 277 primary NPC patients. This dataset includes T1-weighted, T2-weighted, and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted sequences, totaling 831 scans. In addition to the corresponding clinical data, manually annotated and labeled segmentations by experienced radiologists offer high-quality data resources from untreated primary NPC.

cross Enhancing the Performance of Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Systems

Authors: Chen Li, Jinli Zhang, Huidong Tang, Peng Ju, Debo Cheng, Yasuhiko Morimoto

Abstract: Aspect-based sentiment analysis aims to predict sentiment polarity with fine granularity. While Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are widely utilized for sentimental feature extraction, their naive application for syntactic feature extraction can compromise information preservation. This study introduces an innovative edge-enhanced GCN, named SentiSys, to navigate the syntactic graph while preserving intact feature information, leading to enhanced performance. Specifically,we first integrate a bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM) network and a self-attention-based transformer. This combination facilitates effective text encoding, preventing the loss of information and predicting long dependency text. A bidirectional GCN (Bi-GCN) with message passing is then employed to encode relationships between entities. Additionally, unnecessary information is filtered out using an aspect-specific masking technique. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conduct extensive evaluation experiments and ablation studies on four benchmark datasets. The results consistently demonstrate improved performance in aspect-based sentiment analysis when employing SentiSys. This approach successfully addresses the challenges associated with syntactic feature extraction, highlighting its potential for advancing sentiment analysis methodologies.

cross On the Surprising Efficacy of Distillation as an Alternative to Pre-Training Small Models

Authors: Sean Farhat, Deming Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we propose that small models may not need to absorb the cost of pre-training to reap its benefits. Instead, they can capitalize on the astonishing results achieved by modern, enormous models to a surprising degree. We observe that, when distilled on a task from a pre-trained teacher model, a small model can achieve or surpass the performance it would achieve if it was pre-trained then finetuned on that task. To allow this phenomenon to be easily leveraged, we establish a connection reducing knowledge distillation to modern contrastive learning, opening two doors: (1) vastly different model architecture pairings can work for the distillation, and (2) most contrastive learning algorithms rooted in the theory of Noise Contrastive Estimation can be easily applied and used. We demonstrate this paradigm using pre-trained teacher models from open-source model hubs, Transformer and convolution based model combinations, and a novel distillation algorithm that massages the Alignment/Uniformity perspective of contrastive learning by Wang & Isola (2020) into a distillation objective. We choose this flavor of contrastive learning due to its low computational cost, an overarching theme of this work. We also observe that this phenomenon tends not to occur if the task is data-limited. However, this can be alleviated by leveraging yet another scale-inspired development: large, pre-trained generative models for dataset augmentation. Again, we use an open-source model, and our rudimentary prompts are sufficient to boost the small model`s performance. Thus, we highlight a training method for small models that is up to 94% faster than the standard pre-training paradigm without sacrificing performance. For practitioners discouraged from fully utilizing modern foundation datasets for their small models due to the prohibitive scale, we believe our work keeps that door open.

cross Foundation Model for Advancing Healthcare: Challenges, Opportunities, and Future Directions

Authors: Yuting He, Fuxiang Huang, Xinrui Jiang, Yuxiang Nie, Minghao Wang, Jiguang Wang, Hao Chen

Abstract: Foundation model, which is pre-trained on broad data and is able to adapt to a wide range of tasks, is advancing healthcare. It promotes the development of healthcare artificial intelligence (AI) models, breaking the contradiction between limited AI models and diverse healthcare practices. Much more widespread healthcare scenarios will benefit from the development of a healthcare foundation model (HFM), improving their advanced intelligent healthcare services. Despite the impending widespread deployment of HFMs, there is currently a lack of clear understanding about how they work in the healthcare field, their current challenges, and where they are headed in the future. To answer these questions, a comprehensive and deep survey of the challenges, opportunities, and future directions of HFMs is presented in this survey. It first conducted a comprehensive overview of the HFM including the methods, data, and applications for a quick grasp of the current progress. Then, it made an in-depth exploration of the challenges present in data, algorithms, and computing infrastructures for constructing and widespread application of foundation models in healthcare. This survey also identifies emerging and promising directions in this field for future development. We believe that this survey will enhance the community's comprehension of the current progress of HFM and serve as a valuable source of guidance for future development in this field. The latest HFM papers and related resources are maintained on our website:


cross DELTA: Decomposed Efficient Long-Term Robot Task Planning using Large Language Models

Authors: Yuchen Liu, Luigi Palmieri, Sebastian Koch, Ilche Georgievski, Marco Aiello

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked a revolution across various research fields. In particular, the integration of common-sense knowledge from LLMs into robot task and motion planning has been proven to be a game-changer, elevating performance in terms of explainability and downstream task efficiency to unprecedented heights. However, managing the vast knowledge encapsulated within these large models has posed challenges, often resulting in infeasible plans generated by LLM-based planning systems due to hallucinations or missing domain information. To overcome these challenges and obtain even greater planning feasibility and computational efficiency, we propose a novel LLM-driven task planning approach called DELTA. For achieving better grounding from environmental topology into actionable knowledge, DELTA leverages the power of scene graphs as environment representations within LLMs, enabling the fast generation of precise planning problem descriptions. For obtaining higher planning performance, we use LLMs to decompose the long-term task goals into an autoregressive sequence of sub-goals for an automated task planner to solve. Our contribution enables a more efficient and fully automatic task planning pipeline, achieving higher planning success rates and significantly shorter planning times compared to the state of the art.

cross A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Security-Aware Service Acquisition in IoT

Authors: Marco Arazzi, Serena Nicolazzo, Antonino Nocera

Abstract: The novel Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm is composed of a growing number of heterogeneous smart objects and services that are transforming architectures and applications, increasing systems' complexity, and the need for reliability and autonomy. In this context, both smart objects and services are often provided by third parties which do not give full transparency regarding the security and privacy of the features offered. Although machine-based Service Level Agreements (SLA) have been recently leveraged to establish and share policies in Cloud-based scenarios, and also in the IoT context, the issue of making end users aware of the overall system security levels and the fulfillment of their privacy requirements through the provision of the requested service remains a challenging task. To tackle this problem, we propose a complete framework that defines suitable levels of privacy and security requirements in the acquisition of services in IoT, according to the user needs. Through the use of a Reinforcement Learning based solution, a user agent, inside the environment, is trained to choose the best smart objects granting access to the target services. Moreover, the solution is designed to guarantee deadline requirements and user security and privacy needs. Finally, to evaluate the correctness and the performance of the proposed approach we illustrate an extensive experimental analysis.

cross Concept -- An Evaluation Protocol on Conversation Recommender Systems with System- and User-centric Factors

Authors: Chen Huang, Peixin Qin, Yang Deng, Wenqiang Lei, Jiancheng Lv, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: The conversational recommendation system (CRS) has been criticized regarding its user experience in real-world scenarios, despite recent significant progress achieved in academia. Existing evaluation protocols for CRS may prioritize system-centric factors such as effectiveness and fluency in conversation while neglecting user-centric aspects. Thus, we propose a new and inclusive evaluation protocol, Concept, which integrates both system- and user-centric factors. We conceptualise three key characteristics in representing such factors and further divide them into six primary abilities. To implement Concept, we adopt a LLM-based user simulator and evaluator with scoring rubrics that are tailored for each primary ability. Our protocol, Concept, serves a dual purpose. First, it provides an overview of the pros and cons in current CRS models. Second, it pinpoints the problem of low usability in the "omnipotent" ChatGPT and offers a comprehensive reference guide for evaluating CRS, thereby setting the foundation for CRS improvement.

cross Sparse Concept Bottleneck Models: Gumbel Tricks in Contrastive Learning

Authors: Andrei Semenov, Vladimir Ivanov, Aleksandr Beznosikov, Alexander Gasnikov

Abstract: We propose a novel architecture and method of explainable classification with Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs). While SOTA approaches to Image Classification task work as a black box, there is a growing demand for models that would provide interpreted results. Such a models often learn to predict the distribution over class labels using additional description of this target instances, called concepts. However, existing Bottleneck methods have a number of limitations: their accuracy is lower than that of a standard model and CBMs require an additional set of concepts to leverage. We provide a framework for creating Concept Bottleneck Model from pre-trained multi-modal encoder and new CLIP-like architectures. By introducing a new type of layers known as Concept Bottleneck Layers, we outline three methods for training them: with $\ell_1$-loss, contrastive loss and loss function based on Gumbel-Softmax distribution (Sparse-CBM), while final FC layer is still trained with Cross-Entropy. We show a significant increase in accuracy using sparse hidden layers in CLIP-based bottleneck models. Which means that sparse representation of concepts activation vector is meaningful in Concept Bottleneck Models. Moreover, with our Concept Matrix Search algorithm we can improve CLIP predictions on complex datasets without any additional training or fine-tuning. The code is available at:


cross Embodied Neuromorphic Artificial Intelligence for Robotics: Perspectives, Challenges, and Research Development Stack

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Alberto Marchisio, Fakhreddine Zayer, Jorge Dias, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Robotic technologies have been an indispensable part for improving human productivity since they have been helping humans in completing diverse, complex, and intensive tasks in a fast yet accurate and efficient way. Therefore, robotic technologies have been deployed in a wide range of applications, ranging from personal to industrial use-cases. However, current robotic technologies and their computing paradigm still lack embodied intelligence to efficiently interact with operational environments, respond with correct/expected actions, and adapt to changes in the environments. Toward this, recent advances in neuromorphic computing with Spiking Neural Networks (SNN) have demonstrated the potential to enable the embodied intelligence for robotics through bio-plausible computing paradigm that mimics how the biological brain works, known as "neuromorphic artificial intelligence (AI)". However, the field of neuromorphic AI-based robotics is still at an early stage, therefore its development and deployment for solving real-world problems expose new challenges in different design aspects, such as accuracy, adaptability, efficiency, reliability, and security. To address these challenges, this paper will discuss how we can enable embodied neuromorphic AI for robotic systems through our perspectives: (P1) Embodied intelligence based on effective learning rule, training mechanism, and adaptability; (P2) Cross-layer optimizations for energy-efficient neuromorphic computing; (P3) Representative and fair benchmarks; (P4) Low-cost reliability and safety enhancements; (P5) Security and privacy for neuromorphic computing; and (P6) A synergistic development for energy-efficient and robust neuromorphic-based robotics. Furthermore, this paper identifies research challenges and opportunities, as well as elaborates our vision for future research development toward embodied neuromorphic AI for robotics.

cross Knowledge Distillation-Based Model Extraction Attack using Private Counterfactual Explanations

Authors: Fatima Ezzeddine, Omran Ayoub, Silvia Giordano

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a notable increase in the deployment of machine learning (ML) models as services (MLaaS) across diverse production software applications. In parallel, explainable AI (XAI) continues to evolve, addressing the necessity for transparency and trustworthiness in ML models. XAI techniques aim to enhance the transparency of ML models by providing insights, in terms of the model's explanations, into their decision-making process. Simultaneously, some MLaaS platforms now offer explanations alongside the ML prediction outputs. This setup has elevated concerns regarding vulnerabilities in MLaaS, particularly in relation to privacy leakage attacks such as model extraction attacks (MEA). This is due to the fact that explanations can unveil insights about the inner workings of the model which could be exploited by malicious users. In this work, we focus on investigating how model explanations, particularly Generative adversarial networks (GANs)-based counterfactual explanations (CFs), can be exploited for performing MEA within the MLaaS platform. We also delve into assessing the effectiveness of incorporating differential privacy (DP) as a mitigation strategy. To this end, we first propose a novel MEA methodology based on Knowledge Distillation (KD) to enhance the efficiency of extracting a substitute model of a target model exploiting CFs. Then, we advise an approach for training CF generators incorporating DP to generate private CFs. We conduct thorough experimental evaluations on real-world datasets and demonstrate that our proposed KD-based MEA can yield a high-fidelity substitute model with reduced queries with respect to baseline approaches. Furthermore, our findings reveal that the inclusion of a privacy layer impacts the performance of the explainer, the quality of CFs, and results in a reduction in the MEA performance.

cross A Comprehensive Survey on Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation

Authors: Xubin Ren, Wei Wei, Lianghao Xia, Chao Huang

Abstract: Recommender systems play a crucial role in tackling the challenge of information overload by delivering personalized recommendations based on individual user preferences. Deep learning techniques, such as RNNs, GNNs, and Transformer architectures, have significantly propelled the advancement of recommender systems by enhancing their comprehension of user behaviors and preferences. However, supervised learning methods encounter challenges in real-life scenarios due to data sparsity, resulting in limitations in their ability to learn representations effectively. To address this, self-supervised learning (SSL) techniques have emerged as a solution, leveraging inherent data structures to generate supervision signals without relying solely on labeled data. By leveraging unlabeled data and extracting meaningful representations, recommender systems utilizing SSL can make accurate predictions and recommendations even when confronted with data sparsity. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of self-supervised learning frameworks designed for recommender systems, encompassing a thorough analysis of over 170 papers. We conduct an exploration of nine distinct scenarios, enabling a comprehensive understanding of SSL-enhanced recommenders in different contexts. For each domain, we elaborate on different self-supervised learning paradigms, namely contrastive learning, generative learning, and adversarial learning, so as to present technical details of how SSL enhances recommender systems in various contexts. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at


cross REACT: Revealing Evolutionary Action Consequence Trajectories for Interpretable Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Philipp Altmann, C\'eline Davignon, Maximilian Zorn, Fabian Ritz, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Thomas Gabor

Abstract: To enhance the interpretability of Reinforcement Learning (RL), we propose Revealing Evolutionary Action Consequence Trajectories (REACT). In contrast to the prevalent practice of validating RL models based on their optimal behavior learned during training, we posit that considering a range of edge-case trajectories provides a more comprehensive understanding of their inherent behavior. To induce such scenarios, we introduce a disturbance to the initial state, optimizing it through an evolutionary algorithm to generate a diverse population of demonstrations. To evaluate the fitness of trajectories, REACT incorporates a joint fitness function that encourages both local and global diversity in the encountered states and chosen actions. Through assessments with policies trained for varying durations in discrete and continuous environments, we demonstrate the descriptive power of REACT. Our results highlight its effectiveness in revealing nuanced aspects of RL models' behavior beyond optimal performance, thereby contributing to improved interpretability.

cross DIDA: Denoised Imitation Learning based on Domain Adaptation

Authors: Kaichen Huang, Hai-Hang Sun, Shenghua Wan, Minghao Shao, Shuai Feng, Le Gan, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: Imitating skills from low-quality datasets, such as sub-optimal demonstrations and observations with distractors, is common in real-world applications. In this work, we focus on the problem of Learning from Noisy Demonstrations (LND), where the imitator is required to learn from data with noise that often occurs during the processes of data collection or transmission. Previous IL methods improve the robustness of learned policies by injecting an adversarially learned Gaussian noise into pure expert data or utilizing additional ranking information, but they may fail in the LND setting. To alleviate the above problems, we propose Denoised Imitation learning based on Domain Adaptation (DIDA), which designs two discriminators to distinguish the noise level and expertise level of data, facilitating a feature encoder to learn task-related but domain-agnostic representations. Experiment results on MuJoCo demonstrate that DIDA can successfully handle challenging imitation tasks from demonstrations with various types of noise, outperforming most baseline methods.

cross SENSOR: Imitate Third-Person Expert's Behaviors via Active Sensoring

Authors: Kaichen Huang, Minghao Shao, Shenghua Wan, Hai-Hang Sun, Shuai Feng, Le Gan, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: In many real-world visual Imitation Learning (IL) scenarios, there is a misalignment between the agent's and the expert's perspectives, which might lead to the failure of imitation. Previous methods have generally solved this problem by domain alignment, which incurs extra computation and storage costs, and these methods fail to handle the \textit{hard cases} where the viewpoint gap is too large. To alleviate the above problems, we introduce active sensoring in the visual IL setting and propose a model-based SENSory imitatOR (SENSOR) to automatically change the agent's perspective to match the expert's. SENSOR jointly learns a world model to capture the dynamics of latent states, a sensor policy to control the camera, and a motor policy to control the agent. Experiments on visual locomotion tasks show that SENSOR can efficiently simulate the expert's perspective and strategy, and outperforms most baseline methods.

cross Can Small Language Models Help Large Language Models Reason Better?: LM-Guided Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Jooyoung Lee, Fan Yang, Thanh Tran, Qian Hu, Emre Barut, Kai-Wei Chang, Chengwei Su

Abstract: We introduce a novel framework, LM-Guided CoT, that leverages a lightweight (i.e., <1B) language model (LM) for guiding a black-box large (i.e., >10B) LM in reasoning tasks. Specifically, the lightweight LM first generates a rationale for each input instance. The Frozen large LM is then prompted to predict a task output based on the rationale generated by the lightweight LM. Our approach is resource-efficient in the sense that it only requires training the lightweight LM. We optimize the model through 1) knowledge distillation and 2) reinforcement learning from rationale-oriented and task-oriented reward signals. We assess our method with multi-hop extractive question answering (QA) benchmarks, HotpotQA, and 2WikiMultiHopQA. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms all baselines regarding answer prediction accuracy. We also find that reinforcement learning helps the model to produce higher-quality rationales with improved QA performance.

cross Permissible Knowledge Pooling

Authors: Huimin Dong

Abstract: Information pooling has been extensively formalised across various logical frameworks in distributed systems, characterized by diverse information-sharing patterns. These approaches generally adopt an intersection perspective, aggregating all possible information, regardless of whether it is known or unknown to the agents. In contrast, this work adopts a unique stance, emphasising that sharing knowledge means distributing what is known, rather than what remains uncertain. This paper introduces a dynamic logic for knowledge pooling or sharing and further discusses a potential framework for permissible knowledge pooling.

cross Integrating Hyperparameter Search into GramML

Authors: Hern\'an Ceferino V\'azquez, Jorge Sanchez, Rafael Carrascosa

Abstract: Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to reduce the amount of time and expertise required to design and develop machine learning systems. This is very important for the practice of machine learning, as it allows building strong baselines quickly, improving the efficiency of the data scientists, and reducing the time to production. However, despite the advantages of AutoML, it faces several challenges, such as defining the solutions space and exploring it efficiently. Recently, some approaches have been shown to be able to do it using tree-based search algorithms and context-free grammars. In particular, GramML presents a model-free reinforcement learning approach that leverages pipeline configuration grammars and operates using Monte Carlo tree search. However, one of the limitations of GramML is that it uses default hyperparameters, limiting the search problem to finding optimal pipeline structures for the available data preprocessors and models. In this work, we propose an extension to GramML that supports larger search spaces including hyperparameter search. We evaluated the approach using an OpenML benchmark and found significant improvements compared to other state-of-the-art techniques.

cross ChangeMamba: Remote Sensing Change Detection with Spatio-Temporal State Space Model

Authors: Hongruixuan Chen, Jian Song, Chengxi Han, Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya

Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Transformers have made impressive progress in the field of remote sensing change detection (CD). However, both architectures have their inherent shortcomings. Recently, the Mamba architecture, based on spatial state models, has shown remarkable performance in a series of natural language processing tasks, which can effectively compensate for the shortcomings of the above two architectures. In this paper, we explore for the first time the potential of the Mamba architecture for remote sensing change detection tasks. We tailor the corresponding frameworks, called MambaBCD, MambaSCD, and MambaBDA, for binary change detection (BCD), semantic change detection (SCD), and building damage assessment (BDA), respectively. All three frameworks adopt the cutting-edge visual Mamba architecture as the encoder, which allows full learning of global spatial contextual information from the input images. For the change decoder, which is available in all three architectures, we propose three spatio-temporal relationship modeling mechanisms, which can be naturally combined with the Mamba architecture and fully utilize its attribute to achieve spatio-temporal interaction of multi-temporal features and obtain accurate change information. On five benchmark datasets, our proposed frameworks outperform current CNN- and Transformer-based approaches without using any complex strategies or tricks, fully demonstrating the potential of the Mamba architecture. Specifically, we obtained 83.11%, 88.39% and 94.19% F1 scores on the three BCD datasets SYSU, LEVIR-CD+, and WHU-CD; on the SCD dataset SECOND, we obtained 24.04% SeK; and on the xBD dataset, we obtained 81.41% overall F1 score. The source code will be available in


cross Performance of computer vision algorithms for fine-grained classification using crowdsourced insect images

Authors: Rita Pucci, Vincent J. Kalkman, Dan Stowell

Abstract: With fine-grained classification, we identify unique characteristics to distinguish among classes of the same super-class. We are focusing on species recognition in Insecta, as they are critical for biodiversity monitoring and at the base of many ecosystems. With citizen science campaigns, billions of images are collected in the wild. Once these are labelled, experts can use them to create distribution maps. However, the labelling process is time-consuming, which is where computer vision comes in. The field of computer vision offers a wide range of algorithms, each with its strengths and weaknesses; how do we identify the algorithm that is in line with our application? To answer this question, we provide a full and detailed evaluation of nine algorithms among deep convolutional networks (CNN), vision transformers (ViT), and locality-based vision transformers (LBVT) on 4 different aspects: classification performance, embedding quality, computational cost, and gradient activity. We offer insights that we haven't yet had in this domain proving to which extent these algorithms solve the fine-grained tasks in Insecta. We found that the ViT performs the best on inference speed and computational cost while the LBVT outperforms the others on performance and embedding quality; the CNN provide a trade-off among the metrics.

cross A Cause-Effect Look at Alleviating Hallucination of Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Generation

Authors: Jifan Yu, Xiaohan Zhang, Yifan Xu, Xuanyu Lei, Zijun Yao, Jing Zhang, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li

Abstract: Empowered by the large-scale pretrained language models, existing dialogue systems have demonstrated impressive performance conducting fluent and natural-sounding conversations. However, they are still plagued by the hallucination problem, causing unpredictable factual errors in the generated responses. Recently, knowledge-grounded dialogue generation models, that intentionally invoke external knowledge resources to more informative responses, are also proven to be effective in reducing hallucination. Following the idea of getting high-quality knowledge, a few efforts have achieved pretty good performance on this issue. As some inevitable knowledge noises may also lead to hallucinations, it is emergent to investigate the reason and future directions for building noise-tolerant methods in KGD tasks. In this paper, we analyze the causal story behind this problem with counterfactual reasoning methods. Based on the causal effect analysis, we propose a possible solution for alleviating the hallucination in KGD by exploiting the dialogue-knowledge interaction. Experimental results of our example implementation show that this method can reduce hallucination without disrupting other dialogue performance, while keeping adaptive to different generation models. We hope our efforts can support and call for more attention to developing lightweight techniques towards robust and trusty dialogue systems.

cross A Methodology to Study the Impact of Spiking Neural Network Parameters considering Event-Based Automotive Data

Authors: Iqra Bano, Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Autonomous Driving (AD) systems are considered as the future of human mobility and transportation. Solving computer vision tasks such as image classification and object detection/segmentation, with high accuracy and low power/energy consumption, is highly needed to realize AD systems in real life. These requirements can potentially be satisfied by Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs). However, the state-of-the-art works in SNN-based AD systems still focus on proposing network models that can achieve high accuracy, and they have not systematically studied the roles of SNN parameters when used for learning event-based automotive data. Therefore, we still lack understanding of how to effectively develop SNN models for AD systems. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology to systematically study and analyze the impact of SNN parameters considering event-based automotive data, then leverage this analysis for enhancing SNN developments. To do this, we first explore different settings of SNN parameters that directly affect the learning mechanism (i.e., batch size, learning rate, neuron threshold potential, and weight decay), then analyze the accuracy results. Afterward, we propose techniques that jointly improve SNN accuracy and reduce training time. Experimental results show that our methodology can improve the SNN models for AD systems than the state-of-the-art, as it achieves higher accuracy (i.e., 86%) for the NCARS dataset, and it can also achieve iso-accuracy (i.e., ~85% with standard deviation less than 0.5%) while speeding up the training time by 1.9x. In this manner, our research work provides a set of guidelines for SNN parameter enhancements, thereby enabling the practical developments of SNN-based AD systems.

cross Learn When (not) to Trust Language Models: A Privacy-Centric Adaptive Model-Aware Approach

Authors: Chengkai Huang, Rui Wang, Kaige Xie, Tong Yu, Lina Yao

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented large language models (LLMs) have been remarkably competent in various NLP tasks. Despite their great success, the knowledge provided by the retrieval process is not always useful for improving the model prediction, since in some samples LLMs may already be quite knowledgeable and thus be able to answer the question correctly without retrieval. Aiming to save the cost of retrieval, previous work has proposed to determine when to do/skip the retrieval in a data-aware manner by analyzing the LLMs' pretraining data. However, these data-aware methods pose privacy risks and memory limitations, especially when requiring access to sensitive or extensive pretraining data. Moreover, these methods offer limited adaptability under fine-tuning or continual learning settings. We hypothesize that token embeddings are able to capture the model's intrinsic knowledge, which offers a safer and more straightforward way to judge the need for retrieval without the privacy risks associated with accessing pre-training data. Moreover, it alleviates the need to retain all the data utilized during model pre-training, necessitating only the upkeep of the token embeddings. Extensive experiments and in-depth analyses demonstrate the superiority of our model-aware approach.

cross CodeEditorBench: Evaluating Code Editing Capability of Large Language Models

Authors: Jiawei Guo, Ziming Li, Xueling Liu, Kaijing Ma, Tianyu Zheng, Zhouliang Yu, Ding Pan, Yizhi LI, Ruibo Liu, Yue Wang, Shuyue Guo, Xingwei Qu, Xiang Yue, Ge Zhang, Wenhu Chen, Jie Fu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) for code are rapidly evolving, with code editing emerging as a critical capability. We introduce CodeEditorBench, an evaluation framework designed to rigorously assess the performance of LLMs in code editing tasks, including debugging, translating, polishing, and requirement switching. Unlike existing benchmarks focusing solely on code generation, CodeEditorBench emphasizes real-world scenarios and practical aspects of software development. We curate diverse coding challenges and scenarios from five sources, covering various programming languages, complexity levels, and editing tasks. Evaluation of 19 LLMs reveals that closed-source models (particularly Gemini-Ultra and GPT-4), outperform open-source models in CodeEditorBench, highlighting differences in model performance based on problem types and prompt sensitivities. CodeEditorBench aims to catalyze advancements in LLMs by providing a robust platform for assessing code editing capabilities. We will release all prompts and datasets to enable the community to expand the dataset and benchmark emerging LLMs. By introducing CodeEditorBench, we contribute to the advancement of LLMs in code editing and provide a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners.

cross Alzheimer's disease detection in PSG signals

Authors: Lorena Gallego-Vi\~nar\'as (Bioengineering Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Juan Miguel Mira-Tom\'as (Bioengineering Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid), Anna Michela-Gaeta (Department of Pulmunology, Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa), Gerard Pinol-Ripoll (Hospital Universitari Santa Maria Lleida), Ferr\'an Barb\'e (Hospital Universitari Santa Maria Lleida, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova), Pablo M. Olmos (Instituto de Investigaci\'on Sanitaria Gregorio Mara\~n\'on, Signal Processing Group), Arrate Mu\~noz-Barrutia (Bioengineering Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Instituto de Investigaci\'on Sanitaria Gregorio Mara\~n\'on)

Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) and sleep disorders exhibit a close association, where disruptions in sleep patterns often precede the onset of Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and early-stage AD. This study delves into the potential of utilizing sleep-related electroencephalography (EEG) signals acquired through polysomnography (PSG) for the early detection of AD. Our primary focus is on exploring semi-supervised Deep Learning techniques for the classification of EEG signals due to the clinical scenario characterized by the limited data availability. The methodology entails testing and comparing the performance of semi-supervised SMATE and TapNet models, benchmarked against the supervised XCM model, and unsupervised Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). The study highlights the significance of spatial and temporal analysis capabilities, conducting independent analyses of each sleep stage. Results demonstrate the effectiveness of SMATE in leveraging limited labeled data, achieving stable metrics across all sleep stages, and reaching 90% accuracy in its supervised form. Comparative analyses reveal SMATE's superior performance over TapNet and HMM, while XCM excels in supervised scenarios with an accuracy range of 92 - 94%. These findings underscore the potential of semi-supervised models in early AD detection, particularly in overcoming the challenges associated with the scarcity of labeled data. Ablation tests affirm the critical role of spatio-temporal feature extraction in semi-supervised predictive performance, and t-SNE visualizations validate the model's proficiency in distinguishing AD patterns. Overall, this research contributes to the advancement of AD detection through innovative Deep Learning approaches, highlighting the crucial role of semi-supervised learning in addressing data limitations.

cross TinyVQA: Compact Multimodal Deep Neural Network for Visual Question Answering on Resource-Constrained Devices

Authors: Hasib-Al Rashid, Argho Sarkar, Aryya Gangopadhyay, Maryam Rahnemoonfar, Tinoosh Mohsenin

Abstract: Traditional machine learning models often require powerful hardware, making them unsuitable for deployment on resource-limited devices. Tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) has emerged as a promising approach for running machine learning models on these devices, but integrating multiple data modalities into tinyML models still remains a challenge due to increased complexity, latency, and power consumption. This paper proposes TinyVQA, a novel multimodal deep neural network for visual question answering tasks that can be deployed on resource-constrained tinyML hardware. TinyVQA leverages a supervised attention-based model to learn how to answer questions about images using both vision and language modalities. Distilled knowledge from the supervised attention-based VQA model trains the memory aware compact TinyVQA model and low bit-width quantization technique is employed to further compress the model for deployment on tinyML devices. The TinyVQA model was evaluated on the FloodNet dataset, which is used for post-disaster damage assessment. The compact model achieved an accuracy of 79.5%, demonstrating the effectiveness of TinyVQA for real-world applications. Additionally, the model was deployed on a Crazyflie 2.0 drone, equipped with an AI deck and GAP8 microprocessor. The TinyVQA model achieved low latencies of 56 ms and consumes 693 mW power while deployed on the tiny drone, showcasing its suitability for resource-constrained embedded systems.

cross Anticipate & Collab: Data-driven Task Anticipation and Knowledge-driven Planning for Human-robot Collaboration

Authors: Shivam Singh, Karthik Swaminathan, Raghav Arora, Ramandeep Singh, Ahana Datta, Dipanjan Das, Snehasis Banerjee, Mohan Sridharan, Madhava Krishna

Abstract: An agent assisting humans in daily living activities can collaborate more effectively by anticipating upcoming tasks. Data-driven methods represent the state of the art in task anticipation, planning, and related problems, but these methods are resource-hungry and opaque. Our prior work introduced a proof of concept framework that used an LLM to anticipate 3 high-level tasks that served as goals for a classical planning system that computed a sequence of low-level actions for the agent to achieve these goals. This paper describes DaTAPlan, our framework that significantly extends our prior work toward human-robot collaboration. Specifically, DaTAPlan planner computes actions for an agent and a human to collaboratively and jointly achieve the tasks anticipated by the LLM, and the agent automatically adapts to unexpected changes in human action outcomes and preferences. We evaluate DaTAPlan capabilities in a realistic simulation environment, demonstrating accurate task anticipation, effective human-robot collaboration, and the ability to adapt to unexpected changes. Project website:


cross SemGrasp: Semantic Grasp Generation via Language Aligned Discretization

Authors: Kailin Li, Jingbo Wang, Lixin Yang, Cewu Lu, Bo Dai

Abstract: Generating natural human grasps necessitates consideration of not just object geometry but also semantic information. Solely depending on object shape for grasp generation confines the applications of prior methods in downstream tasks. This paper presents a novel semantic-based grasp generation method, termed SemGrasp, which generates a static human grasp pose by incorporating semantic information into the grasp representation. We introduce a discrete representation that aligns the grasp space with semantic space, enabling the generation of grasp postures in accordance with language instructions. A Multimodal Large Language Model (MLLM) is subsequently fine-tuned, integrating object, grasp, and language within a unified semantic space. To facilitate the training of SemGrasp, we have compiled a large-scale, grasp-text-aligned dataset named CapGrasp, featuring about 260k detailed captions and 50k diverse grasps. Experimental findings demonstrate that SemGrasp efficiently generates natural human grasps in alignment with linguistic intentions. Our code, models, and dataset are available publicly at:


cross ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models

Authors: Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Zheng Wang, Atticus Geiger, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts

Abstract: Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods seek to adapt large models via updates to a small number of weights. However, much prior interpretability work has shown that representations encode rich semantic information, suggesting that editing representations might be a more powerful alternative. Here, we pursue this hypothesis by developing a family of $\textbf{Representation Finetuning (ReFT)}$ methods. ReFT methods operate on a frozen base model and learn task-specific interventions on hidden representations. We define a strong instance of the ReFT family, Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT (LoReFT). LoReFT is a drop-in replacement for existing PEFTs and learns interventions that are 10x-50x more parameter-efficient than prior state-of-the-art PEFTs. We showcase LoReFT on eight commonsense reasoning tasks, four arithmetic reasoning tasks, Alpaca-Eval v1.0, and GLUE. In all these evaluations, LoReFT delivers the best balance of efficiency and performance, and almost always outperforms state-of-the-art PEFTs. We release a generic ReFT training library publicly at


cross Laser Learning Environment: A new environment for coordination-critical multi-agent tasks

Authors: Yannick Molinghen, Rapha\"el Avalos, Mark Van Achter, Ann Now\'e, Tom Lenaerts

Abstract: We introduce the Laser Learning Environment (LLE), a collaborative multi-agent reinforcement learning environment in which coordination is central. In LLE, agents depend on each other to make progress (interdependence), must jointly take specific sequences of actions to succeed (perfect coordination), and accomplishing those joint actions does not yield any intermediate reward (zero-incentive dynamics). The challenge of such problems lies in the difficulty of escaping state space bottlenecks caused by interdependence steps since escaping those bottlenecks is not rewarded. We test multiple state-of-the-art value-based MARL algorithms against LLE and show that they consistently fail at the collaborative task because of their inability to escape state space bottlenecks, even though they successfully achieve perfect coordination. We show that Q-learning extensions such as prioritized experience replay and n-steps return hinder exploration in environments with zero-incentive dynamics, and find that intrinsic curiosity with random network distillation is not sufficient to escape those bottlenecks. We demonstrate the need for novel methods to solve this problem and the relevance of LLE as cooperative MARL benchmark.

cross Analyzing Musical Characteristics of National Anthems in Relation to Global Indices

Authors: S M Rakib Hasan, Aakar Dhakal, Ms. Ayesha Siddiqua, Mohammad Mominur Rahman, Md Maidul Islam, Mohammed Arfat Raihan Chowdhury, S M Masfequier Rahman Swapno, SM Nuruzzaman Nobel

Abstract: Music plays a huge part in shaping peoples' psychology and behavioral patterns. This paper investigates the connection between national anthems and different global indices with computational music analysis and statistical correlation analysis. We analyze national anthem musical data to determine whether certain musical characteristics are associated with peace, happiness, suicide rate, crime rate, etc. To achieve this, we collect national anthems from 169 countries and use computational music analysis techniques to extract pitch, tempo, beat, and other pertinent audio features. We then compare these musical characteristics with data on different global indices to ascertain whether a significant correlation exists. Our findings indicate that there may be a correlation between the musical characteristics of national anthems and the indices we investigated. The implications of our findings for music psychology and policymakers interested in promoting social well-being are discussed. This paper emphasizes the potential of musical data analysis in social research and offers a novel perspective on the relationship between music and social indices. The source code and data are made open-access for reproducibility and future research endeavors. It can be accessed at


cross Sailor: Open Language Models for South-East Asia

Authors: Longxu Dou, Qian Liu, Guangtao Zeng, Jia Guo, Jiahui Zhou, Wei Lu, Min Lin

Abstract: We present Sailor, a family of open language models ranging from 0.5B to 7B parameters, tailored for South-East Asian (SEA) languages. These models are continually pre-trained from Qwen1.5, a great language model for multilingual use cases. From Qwen1.5, Sailor models accept 200B to 400B tokens, primarily covering the languages of English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indonesian, Malay, and Lao. The training leverages several techniques, including BPE dropout for improving the model robustness, aggressive data cleaning and deduplication, and small proxy models to optimize data mixture. Experimental results on four typical tasks indicate that Sailor models demonstrate strong performance across different benchmarks, including commonsense reasoning, question answering, reading comprehension and examination. Embracing the open-source spirit, we share our insights through this report to spark a wider interest in developing large language models for multilingual use cases.

cross InsectMamba: Insect Pest Classification with State Space Model

Authors: Qianning Wang, Chenglin Wang, Zhixin Lai, Yucheng Zhou

Abstract: The classification of insect pests is a critical task in agricultural technology, vital for ensuring food security and environmental sustainability. However, the complexity of pest identification, due to factors like high camouflage and species diversity, poses significant obstacles. Existing methods struggle with the fine-grained feature extraction needed to distinguish between closely related pest species. Although recent advancements have utilized modified network structures and combined deep learning approaches to improve accuracy, challenges persist due to the similarity between pests and their surroundings. To address this problem, we introduce InsectMamba, a novel approach that integrates State Space Models (SSMs), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Multi-Head Self-Attention mechanism (MSA), and Multilayer Perceptrons (MLPs) within Mix-SSM blocks. This integration facilitates the extraction of comprehensive visual features by leveraging the strengths of each encoding strategy. A selective module is also proposed to adaptively aggregate these features, enhancing the model's ability to discern pest characteristics. InsectMamba was evaluated against strong competitors across five insect pest classification datasets. The results demonstrate its superior performance and verify the significance of each model component by an ablation study.

cross Unveiling LLMs: The Evolution of Latent Representations in a Temporal Knowledge Graph

Authors: Marco Bronzini, Carlo Nicolini, Bruno Lepri, Jacopo Staiano, Andrea Passerini

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate an impressive capacity to recall a vast range of common factual knowledge information. However, unravelling the underlying reasoning of LLMs and explaining their internal mechanisms of exploiting this factual knowledge remain active areas of investigation. Our work analyzes the factual knowledge encoded in the latent representation of LLMs when prompted to assess the truthfulness of factual claims. We propose an end-to-end framework that jointly decodes the factual knowledge embedded in the latent space of LLMs from a vector space to a set of ground predicates and represents its evolution across the layers using a temporal knowledge graph. Our framework relies on the technique of activation patching which intervenes in the inference computation of a model by dynamically altering its latent representations. Consequently, we neither rely on external models nor training processes. We showcase our framework with local and global interpretability analyses using two claim verification datasets: FEVER and CLIMATE-FEVER. The local interpretability analysis exposes different latent errors from representation to multi-hop reasoning errors. On the other hand, the global analysis uncovered patterns in the underlying evolution of the model's factual knowledge (e.g., store-and-seek factual information). By enabling graph-based analyses of the latent representations, this work represents a step towards the mechanistic interpretability of LLMs.

cross WorDepth: Variational Language Prior for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Ziyao Zeng, Daniel Wang, Fengyu Yang, Hyoungseob Park, Yangchao Wu, Stefano Soatto, Byung-Woo Hong, Dong Lao, Alex Wong

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from a single image is an ill-posed problem with inherent ambiguities, i.e. scale. Predicting a 3D scene from text description(s) is similarly ill-posed, i.e. spatial arrangements of objects described. We investigate the question of whether two inherently ambiguous modalities can be used in conjunction to produce metric-scaled reconstructions. To test this, we focus on monocular depth estimation, the problem of predicting a dense depth map from a single image, but with an additional text caption describing the scene. To this end, we begin by encoding the text caption as a mean and standard deviation; using a variational framework, we learn the distribution of the plausible metric reconstructions of 3D scenes corresponding to the text captions as a prior. To "select" a specific reconstruction or depth map, we encode the given image through a conditional sampler that samples from the latent space of the variational text encoder, which is then decoded to the output depth map. Our approach is trained alternatingly between the text and image branches: in one optimization step, we predict the mean and standard deviation from the text description and sample from a standard Gaussian, and in the other, we sample using a (image) conditional sampler. Once trained, we directly predict depth from the encoded text using the conditional sampler. We demonstrate our approach on indoor (NYUv2) and outdoor (KITTI) scenarios, where we show that language can consistently improve performance in both.

cross Capabilities of Large Language Models in Control Engineering: A Benchmark Study on GPT-4, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.0 Ultra

Authors: Darioush Kevian, Usman Syed, Xingang Guo, Aaron Havens, Geir Dullerud, Peter Seiler, Lianhui Qin, Bin Hu

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the capabilities of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini 1.0 Ultra in solving undergraduate-level control problems. Controls provides an interesting case study for LLM reasoning due to its combination of mathematical theory and engineering design. We introduce ControlBench, a benchmark dataset tailored to reflect the breadth, depth, and complexity of classical control design. We use this dataset to study and evaluate the problem-solving abilities of these LLMs in the context of control engineering. We present evaluations conducted by a panel of human experts, providing insights into the accuracy, reasoning, and explanatory prowess of LLMs in control engineering. Our analysis reveals the strengths and limitations of each LLM in the context of classical control, and our results imply that Claude 3 Opus has become the state-of-the-art LLM for solving undergraduate control problems. Our study serves as an initial step towards the broader goal of employing artificial general intelligence in control engineering.

cross CoMat: Aligning Text-to-Image Diffusion Model with Image-to-Text Concept Matching

Authors: Dongzhi Jiang, Guanglu Song, Xiaoshi Wu, Renrui Zhang, Dazhong Shen, Zhuofan Zong, Yu Liu, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated great success in the field of text-to-image generation. However, alleviating the misalignment between the text prompts and images is still challenging. The root reason behind the misalignment has not been extensively investigated. We observe that the misalignment is caused by inadequate token attention activation. We further attribute this phenomenon to the diffusion model's insufficient condition utilization, which is caused by its training paradigm. To address the issue, we propose CoMat, an end-to-end diffusion model fine-tuning strategy with an image-to-text concept matching mechanism. We leverage an image captioning model to measure image-to-text alignment and guide the diffusion model to revisit ignored tokens. A novel attribute concentration module is also proposed to address the attribute binding problem. Without any image or human preference data, we use only 20K text prompts to fine-tune SDXL to obtain CoMat-SDXL. Extensive experiments show that CoMat-SDXL significantly outperforms the baseline model SDXL in two text-to-image alignment benchmarks and achieves start-of-the-art performance.

cross OW-VISCap: Open-World Video Instance Segmentation and Captioning

Authors: Anwesa Choudhuri, Girish Chowdhary, Alexander G. Schwing

Abstract: Open-world video instance segmentation is an important video understanding task. Yet most methods either operate in a closed-world setting, require an additional user-input, or use classic region-based proposals to identify never before seen objects. Further, these methods only assign a one-word label to detected objects, and don't generate rich object-centric descriptions. They also often suffer from highly overlapping predictions. To address these issues, we propose Open-World Video Instance Segmentation and Captioning (OW-VISCap), an approach to jointly segment, track, and caption previously seen or unseen objects in a video. For this, we introduce open-world object queries to discover never before seen objects without additional user-input. We generate rich and descriptive object-centric captions for each detected object via a masked attention augmented LLM input. We introduce an inter-query contrastive loss to ensure that the object queries differ from one another. Our generalized approach matches or surpasses state-of-the-art on three tasks: open-world video instance segmentation on the BURST dataset, dense video object captioning on the VidSTG dataset, and closed-world video instance segmentation on the OVIS dataset.

replace Exploiting Contextual Structure to Generate Useful Auxiliary Tasks

Authors: Benedict Quartey, Ankit Shah, George Konidaris

Abstract: Reinforcement learning requires interaction with an environment, which is expensive for robots. This constraint necessitates approaches that work with limited environmental interaction by maximizing the reuse of previous experiences. We propose an approach that maximizes experience reuse while learning to solve a given task by generating and simultaneously learning useful auxiliary tasks. To generate these tasks, we construct an abstract temporal logic representation of the given task and leverage large language models to generate context-aware object embeddings that facilitate object replacements. Counterfactual reasoning and off-policy methods allow us to simultaneously learn these auxiliary tasks while solving the given target task. We combine these insights into a novel framework for multitask reinforcement learning and experimentally show that our generated auxiliary tasks share similar underlying exploration requirements as the given task, thereby maximizing the utility of directed exploration. Our approach allows agents to automatically learn additional useful policies without extra environment interaction.

replace Set-Type Belief Propagation with Applications to Poisson Multi-Bernoulli SLAM

Authors: Hyowon Kim, Angel F. Garc\'ia-Fern\'andez, Yu Ge, Yuxuan Xia, Lennart Svensson, Henk Wymeersch

Abstract: Belief propagation (BP) is a useful probabilistic inference algorithm for efficiently computing approximate marginal probability densities of random variables. However, in its standard form, BP is only applicable to the vector-type random variables with a fixed and known number of vector elements, while certain applications rely on RFSs with an unknown number of vector elements. In this paper, we develop BP rules for factor graphs defined on sequences of RFSs where each RFS has an unknown number of elements, with the intention of deriving novel inference methods for RFSs. Furthermore, we show that vector-type BP is a special case of set-type BP, where each RFS follows the Bernoulli process. To demonstrate the validity of developed set-type BP, we apply it to the PMB filter for SLAM, which naturally leads to new set-type BP-mapping, SLAM, multi-target tracking, and simultaneous localization and tracking filters. Finally, we explore the relationships between the vector-type BP and the proposed set-type BP PMB-SLAM implementations and show a performance gain of the proposed set-type BP PMB-SLAM filter in comparison with the vector-type BP-SLAM filter.

replace A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents

Authors: Lei Wang, Chen Ma, Xueyang Feng, Zeyu Zhang, Hao Yang, Jingsen Zhang, Zhiyuan Chen, Jiakai Tang, Xu Chen, Yankai Lin, Wayne Xin Zhao, Zhewei Wei, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Autonomous agents have long been a prominent research focus in both academic and industry communities. Previous research in this field often focuses on training agents with limited knowledge within isolated environments, which diverges significantly from human learning processes, and thus makes the agents hard to achieve human-like decisions. Recently, through the acquisition of vast amounts of web knowledge, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable potential in achieving human-level intelligence. This has sparked an upsurge in studies investigating LLM-based autonomous agents. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these studies, delivering a systematic review of the field of LLM-based autonomous agents from a holistic perspective. More specifically, we first discuss the construction of LLM-based autonomous agents, for which we propose a unified framework that encompasses a majority of the previous work. Then, we present a comprehensive overview of the diverse applications of LLM-based autonomous agents in the fields of social science, natural science, and engineering. Finally, we delve into the evaluation strategies commonly used for LLM-based autonomous agents. Based on the previous studies, we also present several challenges and future directions in this field. To keep track of this field and continuously update our survey, we maintain a repository of relevant references at


replace Bias of AI-Generated Content: An Examination of News Produced by Large Language Models

Authors: Xiao Fang, Shangkun Che, Minjia Mao, Hongzhe Zhang, Ming Zhao, Xiaohang Zhao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have the potential to transform our lives and work through the content they generate, known as AI-Generated Content (AIGC). To harness this transformation, we need to understand the limitations of LLMs. Here, we investigate the bias of AIGC produced by seven representative LLMs, including ChatGPT and LLaMA. We collect news articles from The New York Times and Reuters, both known for their dedication to provide unbiased news. We then apply each examined LLM to generate news content with headlines of these news articles as prompts, and evaluate the gender and racial biases of the AIGC produced by the LLM by comparing the AIGC and the original news articles. We further analyze the gender bias of each LLM under biased prompts by adding gender-biased messages to prompts constructed from these news headlines. Our study reveals that the AIGC produced by each examined LLM demonstrates substantial gender and racial biases. Moreover, the AIGC generated by each LLM exhibits notable discrimination against females and individuals of the Black race. Among the LLMs, the AIGC generated by ChatGPT demonstrates the lowest level of bias, and ChatGPT is the sole model capable of declining content generation when provided with biased prompts.

replace T-COL: Generating Counterfactual Explanations for General User Preferences on Variable Machine Learning Systems

Authors: Ming Wang, Daling Wang, Wenfang Wu, Shi Feng, Yifei Zhang

Abstract: To address the interpretability challenge in machine learning (ML) systems, counterfactual explanations (CEs) have emerged as a promising solution. CEs are unique as they provide workable suggestions to users, in addition to explaining why a certain outcome was predicted. The application of CEs encounters two main challenges: general user preferences and variable ML systems. User preferences tend to be general rather than specific, and CEs need to be adaptable to variable ML models while maintaining robustness even as these models change. Facing these challenges, we present a solution rooted in validated general user preferences, which are derived from thorough user research. We map these preferences to the properties of CEs. Additionally, we introduce a novel method, \uline{T}ree-based \uline{C}onditions \uline{O}ptional \uline{L}inks (T-COL), which incorporates two optional structures and multiple condition groups for generating CEs adaptable to general user preferences. Meanwhile, we employ T-COL to enhance the robustness of CEs with specific conditions, making them more valid even when the ML model is replaced. Our experimental comparisons under different user preferences show that T-COL outperforms all baselines, including Large Language Models which are shown to be able to generate counterfactuals.

replace Recording and Describing Poker Hands

Authors: Juho Kim

Abstract: This paper introduces the Poker Hand History (PHH) file format, designed to standardize the recording of poker hands across different game variants. Despite poker's widespread popularity in the mainstream culture as a mind sport and its prominence in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) research as a benchmark for imperfect information AI agents, it lacks a consistent format that humans can use to document poker hands across different variants that can also easily be parsed by machines. To address this gap in the literature, we propose the PHH format which provides a concise human-readable machine-friendly representation of hand history that comprehensively captures various details of the hand, ranging from initial game parameters and actions to contextual parameters including but not limited to the venue, players, and time control information. In the supplementary, we provide 10,088 hands covering 11 different variants in the PHH format. The source code of the parser is available on GitHub:


replace AgentGroupChat: An Interactive Group Chat Simulacra For Better Eliciting Emergent Behavior

Authors: Zhouhong Gu, Xiaoxuan Zhu, Haoran Guo, Lin Zhang, Yin Cai, Hao Shen, Jiangjie Chen, Zheyu Ye, Yifei Dai, Yan Gao, Yao Hu, Hongwei Feng, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Language significantly influences the formation and evolution of Human emergent behavior, which is crucial in understanding collective intelligence within human societies. Considering that the study of how language affects human behavior needs to put it into the dynamic scenarios in which it is used, we introduce AgentGroupChat in this paper, a simulation that delves into the complex role of language in shaping collective behavior through interactive debate scenarios. Central to this simulation are characters engaging in dynamic conversation interactions. To enable simulation, we introduce the Verbal Strategist Agent, utilizing large language models to enhance interaction strategies by incorporating elements of persona and action. We set four narrative scenarios based on AgentGroupChat to demonstrate the simulation's capacity to mimic complex language use in group dynamics. Evaluations focus on aligning agent behaviors with human expectations and the emergence of collective behaviors within the simulation. Results reveal that emergent behaviors materialize from a confluence of factors: a conducive environment for extensive information exchange, characters with diverse traits, high linguistic comprehension, and strategic adaptability. During discussions on ``the impact of AI on humanity'' in AgentGroupChat simulation, philosophers commonly agreed that ``AI could enhance societal welfare with judicious limitations'' and even come to a conclusion that ``the essence of true intelligence encompasses understanding the necessity to constrain self abilities''. Additionally, in the competitive domain of casting for primary roles in films in AgentGroupChat, certain actors were ready to reduce their remuneration or accept lesser roles, motivated by their deep-seated desire to contribute to the project.

replace-cross Deep Learning in Cardiology

Authors: Paschalis Bizopoulos, Dimitrios Koutsouris

Abstract: The medical field is creating large amount of data that physicians are unable to decipher and use efficiently. Moreover, rule-based expert systems are inefficient in solving complicated medical tasks or for creating insights using big data. Deep learning has emerged as a more accurate and effective technology in a wide range of medical problems such as diagnosis, prediction and intervention. Deep learning is a representation learning method that consists of layers that transform the data non-linearly, thus, revealing hierarchical relationships and structures. In this review we survey deep learning application papers that use structured data, signal and imaging modalities from cardiology. We discuss the advantages and limitations of applying deep learning in cardiology that also apply in medicine in general, while proposing certain directions as the most viable for clinical use.

replace-cross Distributed Representations of Entities in Open-World Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Lingbing Guo, Zhuo Chen, Jiaoyan Chen, Yichi Zhang, Zequn Sun, Zhongpo Bo, Yin Fang, Xiaoze Liu, Huajun Chen, Wen Zhang

Abstract: Graph neural network (GNN)-based methods have demonstrated remarkable performance in various knowledge graph (KG) tasks. However, most existing approaches rely on observing all entities during training, posing a challenge in real-world knowledge graphs where new entities emerge frequently. To address this limitation, we introduce Decentralized Attention Network (DAN). DAN leverages neighbor context as the query vector to score the neighbors of an entity, thereby distributing the entity semantics only among its neighbor embeddings. To effectively train a DAN, we introduce self-distillation, a technique that guides the network in generating desired representations. Theoretical analysis validates the effectiveness of our approach. We implement an end-to-end framework and conduct extensive experiments to evaluate our method, showcasing competitive performance on conventional entity alignment and entity prediction tasks. Furthermore, our method significantly outperforms existing methods in open-world settings.

replace-cross AutoML in The Wild: Obstacles, Workarounds, and Expectations

Authors: Yuan Sun, Qiurong Song, Xinning Gui, Fenglong Ma, Ting Wang

Abstract: Automated machine learning (AutoML) is envisioned to make ML techniques accessible to ordinary users. Recent work has investigated the role of humans in enhancing AutoML functionality throughout a standard ML workflow. However, it is also critical to understand how users adopt existing AutoML solutions in complex, real-world settings from a holistic perspective. To fill this gap, this study conducted semi-structured interviews of AutoML users (N=19) focusing on understanding (1) the limitations of AutoML encountered by users in their real-world practices, (2) the strategies users adopt to cope with such limitations, and (3) how the limitations and workarounds impact their use of AutoML. Our findings reveal that users actively exercise user agency to overcome three major challenges arising from customizability, transparency, and privacy. Furthermore, users make cautious decisions about whether and how to apply AutoML on a case-by-case basis. Finally, we derive design implications for developing future AutoML solutions.

replace-cross CONSCENDI: A Contrastive and Scenario-Guided Distillation Approach to Guardrail Models for Virtual Assistants

Authors: Albert Yu Sun, Varun Nair, Elliot Schumacher, Anitha Kannan

Abstract: A wave of new task-based virtual assistants has been fueled by increasingly powerful large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023). A major challenge in deploying LLM-based virtual conversational assistants in real world settings is ensuring they operate within what is admissible for the task. To overcome this challenge, the designers of these virtual assistants rely on an independent guardrail system that verifies the virtual assistant's output aligns with the constraints required for the task. However, relying on commonly used, prompt-based guardrails can be difficult to engineer correctly and comprehensively. To address these challenges, we propose CONSCENDI. We use CONSCENDI to exhaustively generate training data with two key LLM-powered components: scenario-augmented generation and contrastive training examples. When generating conversational data, we generate a set of rule-breaking scenarios, which enumerate a diverse set of high-level ways a rule can be violated. This scenario-guided approach produces a diverse training set and provides chatbot designers greater control. To generate contrastive examples, we prompt the LLM to alter conversations with violations into acceptable conversations to enable fine-grained distinctions. We then use this data, generated by CONSCENDI, to train a smaller model. We find that CONSCENDI results in guardrail models that improve over baselines in multiple dialogue domains.

replace-cross Stable Anisotropic Regularization

Authors: William Rudman, Carsten Eickhoff

Abstract: Given the success of Large Language Models (LLMs), there has been considerable interest in studying the properties of model activations. The literature overwhelmingly agrees that LLM representations are dominated by a few "outlier dimensions" with exceedingly high variance and magnitude. Several studies in Natural Language Processing (NLP) have sought to mitigate the impact of such outlier dimensions and force LLMs to be isotropic (i.e., have uniform variance across all dimensions in embedding space). Isotropy is thought to be a desirable property for LLMs that improves model performance and more closely aligns textual representations with human intuition. However, many of the claims regarding isotropy in NLP have been based on the average cosine similarity of embeddings, which has recently been shown to be a flawed measure of isotropy. In this paper, we propose I-STAR: IsoScore*-based STable Anisotropic Regularization, a novel regularization method that can be used to increase or decrease levels of isotropy in embedding space during training. I-STAR uses IsoScore*, the first accurate measure of isotropy that is both differentiable and stable on mini-batch computations. In contrast to several previous works, we find that decreasing isotropy in contextualized embeddings improves performance on the majority of tasks and models considered in this paper.

replace-cross Truncated Affinity Maximization: One-class Homophily Modeling for Graph Anomaly Detection

Authors: Hezhe Qiao, Guansong Pang

Abstract: We reveal a one-class homophily phenomenon, which is one prevalent property we find empirically in real-world graph anomaly detection (GAD) datasets, i.e., normal nodes tend to have strong connection/affinity with each other, while the homophily in abnormal nodes is significantly weaker than normal nodes. However, this anomaly-discriminative property is ignored by existing GAD methods that are typically built using a conventional anomaly detection objective, such as data reconstruction. In this work, we explore this property to introduce a novel unsupervised anomaly scoring measure for GAD, local node affinity, that assigns a larger anomaly score to nodes that are less affiliated with their neighbors, with the affinity defined as similarity on node attributes/representations. We further propose Truncated Affinity Maximization (TAM) that learns tailored node representations for our anomaly measure by maximizing the local affinity of nodes to their neighbors. Optimizing on the original graph structure can be biased by nonhomophily edges (i.e., edges connecting normal and abnormal nodes). Thus, TAM is instead optimized on truncated graphs where non-homophily edges are removed iteratively to mitigate this bias. The learned representations result in significantly stronger local affinity for normal nodes than abnormal nodes. Extensive empirical results on 10 real-world GAD datasets show that TAM substantially outperforms seven competing models, achieving over 10% increase in AUROC/AUPRC compared to the best contenders on challenging datasets. Our code is available at


replace-cross DeepIPCv2: LiDAR-powered Robust Environmental Perception and Navigational Control for Autonomous Vehicle

Authors: Oskar Natan, Jun Miura

Abstract: We present DeepIPCv2, an autonomous driving model that perceives the environment using a LiDAR sensor for more robust drivability, especially when driving under poor illumination conditions where everything is not clearly visible. DeepIPCv2 takes a set of LiDAR point clouds as the main perception input. Since point clouds are not affected by illumination changes, they can provide a clear observation of the surroundings no matter what the condition is. This results in a better scene understanding and stable features provided by the perception module to support the controller module in estimating navigational control properly. To evaluate its performance, we conduct several tests by deploying the model to predict a set of driving records and perform real automated driving under three different conditions. We also conduct ablation and comparative studies with some recent models to justify its performance. Based on the experimental results, DeepIPCv2 shows a robust performance by achieving the best drivability in all driving scenarios. Furthermore, to support future research, we will upload the codes and data to


replace-cross Fairness Improvement with Multiple Protected Attributes: How Far Are We?

Authors: Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Mark Harman

Abstract: Existing research mostly improves the fairness of Machine Learning (ML) software regarding a single protected attribute at a time, but this is unrealistic given that many users have multiple protected attributes. This paper conducts an extensive study of fairness improvement regarding multiple protected attributes, covering 11 state-of-the-art fairness improvement methods. We analyze the effectiveness of these methods with different datasets, metrics, and ML models when considering multiple protected attributes. The results reveal that improving fairness for a single protected attribute can largely decrease fairness regarding unconsidered protected attributes. This decrease is observed in up to 88.3% of scenarios (57.5% on average). More surprisingly, we find little difference in accuracy loss when considering single and multiple protected attributes, indicating that accuracy can be maintained in the multiple-attribute paradigm. However, the effect on F1-score when handling two protected attributes is about twice that of a single attribute. This has important implications for future fairness research: reporting only accuracy as the ML performance metric, which is currently common in the literature, is inadequate.

replace-cross Incorporating Recklessness to Collaborative Filtering based Recommender Systems

Authors: Diego P\'erez-L\'opez, Fernando Ortega, \'Angel Gonz\'alez-Prieto, Jorge Due\~nas-Ler\'in

Abstract: Recommender systems are intrinsically tied to a reliability/coverage dilemma: The more reliable we desire the forecasts, the more conservative the decision will be and thus, the fewer items will be recommended. This leads to a significant drop in the novelty of these systems, since instead of recommending uncertain unusual items, they focus on predicting items with guaranteed success. In this paper, we propose the inclusion of a new term in the learning process of matrix factorization-based recommender systems, called recklessness, that takes into account the variance of the output probability distribution of the predicted ratings. In this way, gauging this recklessness measure we can force more spiky output distribution, enabling the control of the risk level desired when making decisions about the reliability of a prediction. Experimental results demonstrate that recklessness not only allows for risk regulation but also improves the quantity and quality of predictions provided by the recommender system.

replace-cross Crowdsourcing Fraud Detection over Heterogeneous Temporal MMMA Graph

Authors: Zequan Xu, Qihang Sun, Shaofeng Hu, Jieming Shi, Hui Li

Abstract: The rise of the click farm business using Multi-purpose Messaging Mobile Apps (MMMAs) tempts cybercriminals to perpetrate crowdsourcing frauds that cause financial losses to click farm workers. In this paper, we propose a novel contrastive multi-view learning method named CMT for crowdsourcing fraud detection over the heterogeneous temporal graph (HTG) of MMMA. CMT captures both heterogeneity and dynamics of HTG and generates high-quality representations for crowdsourcing fraud detection in a self-supervised manner. We deploy CMT to detect crowdsourcing frauds on an industry-size HTG of a representative MMMA WeChat and it significantly outperforms other methods. CMT also shows promising results for fraud detection on a large-scale public financial HTG, indicating that it can be applied in other graph anomaly detection tasks. We provide our implementation at


replace-cross Bias Behind the Wheel: Fairness Analysis of Autonomous Driving Systems

Authors: Xinyue Li, Zhenpeng Chen, Jie M. Zhang, Federica Sarro, Ying Zhang, Xuanzhe Liu

Abstract: This paper analyzes fairness in automated pedestrian detection, a crucial but under-explored issue in autonomous driving systems. We evaluate eight state-of-the-art deep learning-based pedestrian detectors across demographic groups on large-scale real-world datasets. To enable thorough fairness testing, we provide extensive annotations for the datasets, resulting in 8,311 images with 16,070 gender labels, 20,115 age labels, and 3,513 skin tone labels. Our findings reveal significant fairness issues, particularly related to age. The undetected proportions for children are 20.14% higher compared to adults. Furthermore, we explore how various driving scenarios affect the fairness of pedestrian detectors. We find that pedestrian detectors demonstrate significant gender biases during night time, potentially exacerbating the prevalent societal issue of female safety concerns during nighttime out. Moreover, we observe that pedestrian detectors can demonstrate both enhanced fairness and superior performance under specific driving conditions, which challenges the fairness-performance trade-off theory widely acknowledged in the fairness literature. We publicly release the code, data, and results to support future research on fairness in autonomous driving.

replace-cross CMB: A Comprehensive Medical Benchmark in Chinese

Authors: Xidong Wang, Guiming Hardy Chen, Dingjie Song, Zhiyi Zhang, Zhihong Chen, Qingying Xiao, Feng Jiang, Jianquan Li, Xiang Wan, Benyou Wang, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) provide a possibility to make a great breakthrough in medicine. The establishment of a standardized medical benchmark becomes a fundamental cornerstone to measure progression. However, medical environments in different regions have their local characteristics, e.g., the ubiquity and significance of traditional Chinese medicine within China. Therefore, merely translating English-based medical evaluation may result in \textit{contextual incongruities} to a local region. To solve the issue, we propose a localized medical benchmark called CMB, a Comprehensive Medical Benchmark in Chinese, designed and rooted entirely within the native Chinese linguistic and cultural framework. While traditional Chinese medicine is integral to this evaluation, it does not constitute its entirety. Using this benchmark, we have evaluated several prominent large-scale LLMs, including ChatGPT, GPT-4, dedicated Chinese LLMs, and LLMs specialized in the medical domain. We hope this benchmark provide first-hand experience in existing LLMs for medicine and also facilitate the widespread adoption and enhancement of medical LLMs within China. Our data and code are publicly available at


replace-cross Decoding Natural Images from EEG for Object Recognition

Authors: Yonghao Song, Bingchuan Liu, Xiang Li, Nanlin Shi, Yijun Wang, Xiaorong Gao

Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG) signals, known for convenient non-invasive acquisition but low signal-to-noise ratio, have recently gained substantial attention due to the potential to decode natural images. This paper presents a self-supervised framework to demonstrate the feasibility of learning image representations from EEG signals, particularly for object recognition. The framework utilizes image and EEG encoders to extract features from paired image stimuli and EEG responses. Contrastive learning aligns these two modalities by constraining their similarity. With the framework, we attain significantly above-chance results on a comprehensive EEG-image dataset, achieving a top-1 accuracy of 15.6% and a top-5 accuracy of 42.8% in challenging 200-way zero-shot tasks. Moreover, we perform extensive experiments to explore the biological plausibility by resolving the temporal, spatial, spectral, and semantic aspects of EEG signals. Besides, we introduce attention modules to capture spatial correlations, providing implicit evidence of the brain activity perceived from EEG data. These findings yield valuable insights for neural decoding and brain-computer interfaces in real-world scenarios. The code will be released on


replace-cross SayNav: Grounding Large Language Models for Dynamic Planning to Navigation in New Environments

Authors: Abhinav Rajvanshi, Karan Sikka, Xiao Lin, Bhoram Lee, Han-Pang Chiu, Alvaro Velasquez

Abstract: Semantic reasoning and dynamic planning capabilities are crucial for an autonomous agent to perform complex navigation tasks in unknown environments. It requires a large amount of common-sense knowledge, that humans possess, to succeed in these tasks. We present SayNav, a new approach that leverages human knowledge from Large Language Models (LLMs) for efficient generalization to complex navigation tasks in unknown large-scale environments. SayNav uses a novel grounding mechanism, that incrementally builds a 3D scene graph of the explored environment as inputs to LLMs, for generating feasible and contextually appropriate high-level plans for navigation. The LLM-generated plan is then executed by a pre-trained low-level planner, that treats each planned step as a short-distance point-goal navigation sub-task. SayNav dynamically generates step-by-step instructions during navigation and continuously refines future steps based on newly perceived information. We evaluate SayNav on multi-object navigation (MultiON) task, that requires the agent to utilize a massive amount of human knowledge to efficiently search multiple different objects in an unknown environment. We also introduce a benchmark dataset for MultiON task employing ProcTHOR framework that provides large photo-realistic indoor environments with variety of objects. SayNav achieves state-of-the-art results and even outperforms an oracle based baseline with strong ground-truth assumptions by more than 8% in terms of success rate, highlighting its ability to generate dynamic plans for successfully locating objects in large-scale new environments. The code, benchmark dataset and demonstration videos are accessible at


replace-cross Provably Robust and Plausible Counterfactual Explanations for Neural Networks via Robust Optimisation

Authors: Junqi Jiang, Jianglin Lan, Francesco Leofante, Antonio Rago, Francesca Toni

Abstract: Counterfactual Explanations (CEs) have received increasing interest as a major methodology for explaining neural network classifiers. Usually, CEs for an input-output pair are defined as data points with minimum distance to the input that are classified with a different label than the output. To tackle the established problem that CEs are easily invalidated when model parameters are updated (e.g. retrained), studies have proposed ways to certify the robustness of CEs under model parameter changes bounded by a norm ball. However, existing methods targeting this form of robustness are not sound or complete, and they may generate implausible CEs, i.e., outliers wrt the training dataset. In fact, no existing method simultaneously optimises for closeness and plausibility while preserving robustness guarantees. In this work, we propose Provably RObust and PLAusible Counterfactual Explanations (PROPLACE), a method leveraging on robust optimisation techniques to address the aforementioned limitations in the literature. We formulate an iterative algorithm to compute provably robust CEs and prove its convergence, soundness and completeness. Through a comparative experiment involving six baselines, five of which target robustness, we show that PROPLACE achieves state-of-the-art performances against metrics on three evaluation aspects.

replace-cross Data Upcycling Knowledge Distillation for Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Yun Zhang, Wei Li, Simiao Li, Hanting Chen, Zhijun Tu, Wenjia Wang, Bingyi Jing, Shaohui Lin, Jie Hu

Abstract: Knowledge distillation (KD) compresses deep neural networks by transferring task-related knowledge from cumbersome pre-trained teacher models to compact student models. However, current KD methods for super-resolution (SR) networks overlook the nature of SR task that the outputs of the teacher model are noisy approximations to the ground-truth distribution of high-quality images (GT), which shades the teacher model's knowledge to result in limited KD effects. To utilize the teacher model beyond the GT upper-bound, we present the Data Upcycling Knowledge Distillation (DUKD), to transfer the teacher model's knowledge to the student model through the upcycled in-domain data derived from training data. Besides, we impose label consistency regularization to KD for SR by the paired invertible augmentations to improve the student model's performance and robustness. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that the DUKD method significantly outperforms previous arts on several SR tasks.

replace-cross Learning Generalizable Tool-use Skills through Trajectory Generation

Authors: Carl Qi, Yilin Wu, Lifan Yu, Haoyue Liu, Bowen Jiang, Xingyu Lin, David Held

Abstract: Autonomous systems that efficiently utilize tools can assist humans in completing many common tasks such as cooking and cleaning. However, current systems fall short of matching human-level of intelligence in terms of adapting to novel tools. Prior works based on affordance often make strong assumptions about the environments and cannot scale to more complex, contact-rich tasks. In this work, we tackle this challenge and explore how agents can learn to use previously unseen tools to manipulate deformable objects. We propose to learn a generative model of the tool-use trajectories as a sequence of tool point clouds, which generalizes to different tool shapes. Given any novel tool, we first generate a tool-use trajectory and then optimize the sequence of tool poses to align with the generated trajectory. We train a single model on four different challenging deformable object manipulation tasks, using demonstration data from only one tool per task. The model generalizes to various novel tools, significantly outperforming baselines. We further test our trained policy in the real world with unseen tools, where it achieves the performance comparable to human. Additional materials can be found on our project website:


replace-cross From Language Modeling to Instruction Following: Understanding the Behavior Shift in LLMs after Instruction Tuning

Authors: Xuansheng Wu, Wenlin Yao, Jianshu Chen, Xiaoman Pan, Xiaoyang Wang, Ninghao Liu, Dong Yu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable success, where instruction tuning is the critical step in aligning LLMs with user intentions. In this work, we investigate how the instruction tuning adjusts pre-trained models with a focus on intrinsic changes. Specifically, we first develop several local and global explanation methods, including a gradient-based method for input-output attribution, and techniques for interpreting patterns and concepts in self-attention and feed-forward layers. The impact of instruction tuning is then studied by comparing the explanations derived from the pre-trained and instruction-tuned models. This approach provides an internal perspective of the model shifts on a human-comprehensible level. Our findings reveal three significant impacts of instruction tuning: 1) It empowers LLMs to recognize the instruction parts of user prompts, and promotes the response generation constantly conditioned on the instructions. 2) It encourages the self-attention heads to capture more word-word relationships about instruction verbs. 3) It encourages the feed-forward networks to rotate their pre-trained knowledge toward user-oriented tasks. These insights contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of instruction tuning and lay the groundwork for future work that aims at explaining and optimizing LLMs for various applications. Our code and data are publicly available at


replace-cross L2MAC: Large Language Model Automatic Computer for Extensive Code Generation

Authors: Samuel Holt, Max Ruiz Luyten, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) are constrained by the fixed context window of the underlying transformer architecture, hindering their ability to produce long and coherent outputs. Memory-augmented LLMs are a promising solution, but current approaches cannot handle long output generation tasks since they (1) only focus on reading memory and reduce its evolution to the concatenation of new memories or (2) use very specialized memories that cannot adapt to other domains. This paper presents L2MAC, the first practical LLM-based stored-program automatic computer (von Neumann architecture) framework, an LLM-based multi-agent system, for long and consistent output generation. Its memory has two components: the instruction registry, which is populated with a prompt program to solve the user-given task, and a file store, which will contain the final and intermediate outputs. Each instruction in turn is executed by a separate LLM agent, whose context is managed by a control unit capable of precise memory reading and writing to ensure effective interaction with the file store. These components enable L2MAC to generate extensive outputs, bypassing the constraints of the finite context window while producing outputs that fulfill a complex user-specified task. We empirically demonstrate that L2MAC achieves state-of-the-art performance in generating large codebases for system design tasks, significantly outperforming other coding methods in implementing the detailed user-specified task, and we provide valuable insights into the reasons for this performance gap.

replace-cross Model Compression in Practice: Lessons Learned from Practitioners Creating On-device Machine Learning Experiences

Authors: Fred Hohman, Mary Beth Kery, Donghao Ren, Dominik Moritz

Abstract: On-device machine learning (ML) promises to improve the privacy, responsiveness, and proliferation of new, intelligent user experiences by moving ML computation onto everyday personal devices. However, today's large ML models must be drastically compressed to run efficiently on-device, a hurtle that requires deep, yet currently niche expertise. To engage the broader human-centered ML community in on-device ML experiences, we present the results from an interview study with 30 experts at Apple that specialize in producing efficient models. We compile tacit knowledge that experts have developed through practical experience with model compression across different hardware platforms. Our findings offer pragmatic considerations missing from prior work, covering the design process, trade-offs, and technical strategies that go into creating efficient models. Finally, we distill design recommendations for tooling to help ease the difficulty of this work and bring on-device ML into to more widespread practice.

replace-cross SalUn: Empowering Machine Unlearning via Gradient-based Weight Saliency in Both Image Classification and Generation

Authors: Chongyu Fan, Jiancheng Liu, Yihua Zhang, Eric Wong, Dennis Wei, Sijia Liu

Abstract: With evolving data regulations, machine unlearning (MU) has become an important tool for fostering trust and safety in today's AI models. However, existing MU methods focusing on data and/or weight perspectives often suffer limitations in unlearning accuracy, stability, and cross-domain applicability. To address these challenges, we introduce the concept of 'weight saliency' for MU, drawing parallels with input saliency in model explanation. This innovation directs MU's attention toward specific model weights rather than the entire model, improving effectiveness and efficiency. The resultant method that we call saliency unlearning (SalUn) narrows the performance gap with 'exact' unlearning (model retraining from scratch after removing the forgetting data points). To the best of our knowledge, SalUn is the first principled MU approach that can effectively erase the influence of forgetting data, classes, or concepts in both image classification and generation tasks. As highlighted below, For example, SalUn yields a stability advantage in high-variance random data forgetting, e.g., with a 0.2% gap compared to exact unlearning on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Moreover, in preventing conditional diffusion models from generating harmful images, SalUn achieves nearly 100% unlearning accuracy, outperforming current state-of-the-art baselines like Erased Stable Diffusion and Forget-Me-Not. Codes are available at (WARNING: This paper contains model outputs that may be offensive in nature.)


replace-cross AlpaCare:Instruction-tuned Large Language Models for Medical Application

Authors: Xinlu Zhang, Chenxin Tian, Xianjun Yang, Lichang Chen, Zekun Li, Linda Ruth Petzold

Abstract: Instruction-finetuning (IFT) has become crucial in aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with diverse human needs and has shown great potential in medical applications. However, previous studies mainly fine-tune LLMs on biomedical datasets with limited diversity, which often rely on benchmarks or narrow task scopes, and hence significantly limit the effectiveness on their medical instruction-following ability and generalizability. To bridge this gap, we propose creating a diverse, machine-generated medical IFT dataset, MedInstruct-52k, using GPT-4 and ChatGPT with a high-quality expert-curated seed set. We then fine-tune LLaMA-series models on the dataset to develop AlpaCare. Despite using a smaller domain-specific dataset than previous medical LLMs, AlpaCare not only demonstrates superior performance on medical applications, with up to 38.1% absolute gain over best baselines in medical free-form instruction evaluations, but also achieves 6.7% absolute gains averaged over multiple general domain benchmarks. Human evaluation further shows that AlpaCare consistently outperforms best baselines in terms of both correctness and helpfulness. We offer public access to our data, model, and codebase in


replace-cross REST: Retrieval-Based Speculative Decoding

Authors: Zhenyu He, Zexuan Zhong, Tianle Cai, Jason D. Lee, Di He

Abstract: We introduce Retrieval-Based Speculative Decoding (REST), a novel algorithm designed to speed up language model generation. The key insight driving the development of REST is the observation that the process of text generation often includes certain common phases and patterns. Unlike previous methods that rely on a draft language model for speculative decoding, REST harnesses the power of retrieval to generate draft tokens. This method draws from the reservoir of existing knowledge, retrieving and employing relevant tokens based on the current context. Its plug-and-play nature allows for seamless integration and acceleration of any language models, all without necessitating additional training. When benchmarked on 7B and 13B language models in a single-batch setting, REST achieves a significant speedup of 1.62X to 2.36X on code or text generation. The code of REST is available at


replace-cross Investigating Data Contamination in Modern Benchmarks for Large Language Models

Authors: Chunyuan Deng, Yilun Zhao, Xiangru Tang, Mark Gerstein, Arman Cohan

Abstract: Recent observations have underscored a disparity between the inflated benchmark scores and the actual performance of LLMs, raising concerns about potential contamination of evaluation benchmarks. This issue is especially critical for closed-source models and certain open-source models where training data transparency is lacking. In this paper we study data contamination by proposing two methods tailored for both open-source and proprietary LLMs. We first introduce a retrieval-based system to explore potential overlaps between evaluation benchmarks and pretraining corpora. We further present a novel investigation protocol named \textbf{T}estset \textbf{S}lot Guessing (\textit{TS-Guessing}), applicable to both open and proprietary models. This approach entails masking a wrong answer in a multiple-choice question and prompting the model to fill in the gap. Additionally, it involves obscuring an unlikely word in an evaluation example and asking the model to produce it. We find that certain commercial LLMs could surprisingly guess the missing option in various test sets. Specifically, in the TruthfulQA benchmark, we find that LLMs exhibit notable performance improvement when provided with additional metadata in the benchmark. Further, in the MMLU benchmark, ChatGPT and GPT-4 demonstrated an exact match rate of 52\% and 57\%, respectively, in guessing the missing options in benchmark test data. We hope these results underscore the need for more robust evaluation methodologies and benchmarks in the field.

replace-cross Chatbots as social companions: How people perceive consciousness, human likeness, and social health benefits in machines

Authors: Rose E. Guingrich, Michael S. A. Graziano

Abstract: As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more widespread, one question that arises is how human-AI interaction might impact human-human interaction. Chatbots, for example, are increasingly used as social companions, and while much is speculated, little is known empirically about how their use impacts human relationships. A common hypothesis is that relationships with companion chatbots are detrimental to social health by harming or replacing human interaction, but this hypothesis may be too simplistic, especially considering the social needs of users and the health of their preexisting human relationships. To understand how relationships with companion chatbots impact social health, we studied people who regularly used companion chatbots and people who did not use them. Contrary to expectations, companion chatbot users indicated that these relationships were beneficial to their social health, whereas non-users viewed them as harmful. Another common assumption is that people perceive conscious, humanlike AI as disturbing and threatening. Among both users and non-users, however, we found the opposite: perceiving companion chatbots as more conscious and humanlike correlated with more positive opinions and more pronounced social health benefits. Detailed accounts from users suggested that these humanlike chatbots may aid social health by supplying reliable and safe interactions, without necessarily harming human relationships, but this may depend on users' preexisting social needs and how they perceive both human likeness and mind in the chatbot.

replace-cross Chemist-X: Large Language Model-empowered Agent for Reaction Condition Recommendation in Chemical Synthesis

Authors: Kexin Chen, Junyou Li, Kunyi Wang, Yuyang Du, Jiahui Yu, Jiamin Lu, Lanqing Li, Jiezhong Qiu, Jianzhang Pan, Yi Huang, Qun Fang, Pheng Ann Heng, Guangyong Chen

Abstract: Recent AI research plots a promising future of automatic chemical reactions within the chemistry society. This study proposes Chemist-X, a transformative AI agent that automates the reaction condition recommendation (RCR) task in chemical synthesis with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) technology. To emulate expert chemists' strategies when solving RCR tasks, Chemist-X utilizes advanced RAG schemes to interrogate online molecular databases and distill critical data from the latest literature database. Further, the agent leverages state-of-the-art computer-aided design (CAD) tools with a large language model (LLM) supervised programming interface. With the ability to utilize updated chemical knowledge and CAD tools, our agent significantly outperforms conventional synthesis AIs confined to the fixed knowledge within its training data. Chemist-X considerably reduces chemists' workload and allows them to focus on more fundamental and creative problems, thereby bringing closer computational techniques and chemical research and making a remarkable leap toward harnessing AI's full capabilities in scientific discovery.

replace-cross Hessian Aware Low-Rank Weight Perturbation for Continual Learning

Authors: Jiaqi Li, Rui Wang, Yuanhao Lai, Changjian Shui, Sabyasachi Sahoo, Charles X. Ling, Shichun Yang, Boyu Wang, Christian Gagn\'e, Fan Zhou

Abstract: Continual learning aims to learn a series of tasks sequentially without forgetting the knowledge acquired from the previous ones. In this work, we propose the Hessian Aware Low-Rank Perturbation algorithm for continual learning. By modeling the parameter transitions along the sequential tasks with the weight matrix transformation, we propose to apply the low-rank approximation on the task-adaptive parameters in each layer of the neural networks. Specifically, we theoretically demonstrate the quantitative relationship between the Hessian and the proposed low-rank approximation. The approximation ranks are then globally determined according to the marginal increment of the empirical loss estimated by the layer-specific gradient and low-rank approximation error. Furthermore, we control the model capacity by pruning less important parameters to diminish the parameter growth. We conduct extensive experiments on various benchmarks, including a dataset with large-scale tasks, and compare our method against some recent state-of-the-art methods to demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our proposed method. Empirical results show that our method performs better on different benchmarks, especially in achieving task order robustness and handling the forgetting issue. The source code is at


replace-cross Algorithmic Persuasion Through Simulation

Authors: Keegan Harris, Nicole Immorlica, Brendan Lucier, Aleksandrs Slivkins

Abstract: We study a Bayesian persuasion problem where a sender wants to persuade a receiver to take a binary action, such as purchasing a product. The sender is informed about the (binary) state of the world, such as whether the quality of the product is high or low, but only has limited information about the receiver's beliefs and utilities. Motivated by customer surveys, user studies, and recent advances in generative AI, we allow the sender to learn more about the receiver by querying an oracle that simulates the receiver's behavior. After a fixed number of queries, the sender commits to a messaging policy and the receiver takes the action that maximizes her expected utility given the message she receives. We characterize the sender's optimal messaging policy given any distribution over receiver types. We then design a polynomial-time querying algorithm that optimizes the sender's expected utility in this Bayesian persuasion game. We also consider approximate oracles, more general query structures, and costly queries.

replace-cross Eliciting Latent Knowledge from Quirky Language Models

Authors: Alex Mallen, Madeline Brumley, Julia Kharchenko, Nora Belrose

Abstract: Eliciting Latent Knowledge (ELK) aims to find patterns in a capable neural network's activations that robustly track the true state of the world, especially in hard-to-verify cases where the model's output is untrusted. To further ELK research, we introduce 12 datasets and a corresponding suite of "quirky" language models (LMs) that are finetuned to make systematic errors when answering questions if and only if the keyword "Bob" is present in the prompt. We find that, especially in middle layers, linear probes usually report an LM's knowledge independently of what the LM outputs, enabling us to elicit the correct answer despite the model's untruthful output. The best probing method (logistic regression on contrast pairs) recovers 89% of the gap in AUROC between truthful and untruthful contexts, and 75% for questions harder than those used to train the probe. We also find that a mechanistic anomaly detection approach can flag untruthful behavior with 0.95 AUROC. Our results show promise for eliciting reliable knowledge from capable but untrusted models, and facilitates future research empirically investigating ELK methods.

replace-cross LaMPilot: An Open Benchmark Dataset for Autonomous Driving with Language Model Programs

Authors: Yunsheng Ma, Can Cui, Xu Cao, Wenqian Ye, Peiran Liu, Juanwu Lu, Amr Abdelraouf, Rohit Gupta, Kyungtae Han, Aniket Bera, James M. Rehg, Ziran Wang

Abstract: Autonomous driving (AD) has made significant strides in recent years. However, existing frameworks struggle to interpret and execute spontaneous user instructions, such as "overtake the car ahead." Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive reasoning capabilities showing potential to bridge this gap. In this paper, we present LaMPilot, a novel framework that integrates LLMs into AD systems, enabling them to follow user instructions by generating code that leverages established functional primitives. We also introduce LaMPilot-Bench, the first benchmark dataset specifically designed to quantitatively evaluate the efficacy of language model programs in AD. Adopting the LaMPilot framework, we conduct extensive experiments to assess the performance of off-the-shelf LLMs on LaMPilot-Bench. Our results demonstrate the potential of LLMs in handling diverse driving scenarios and following user instructions in driving. To facilitate further research in this area, we release our code and data at


replace-cross Short-term prediction of construction waste transport activities using AI-Truck

Authors: Meng Xu, Ke Han

Abstract: Construction waste hauling trucks (or `slag trucks') are among the most commonly seen heavy-duty diesel vehicles in urban streets, which not only produce significant carbon, NO$_{\textbf{x}}$ and PM$_{\textbf{2.5}}$ emissions but are also a major source of on-road and on-site fugitive dust. Slag trucks are subject to a series of spatial and temporal access restrictions by local traffic and environmental policies. This paper addresses the practical problem of predicting levels of slag truck activity at a city scale during heavy pollution episodes, such that environmental law enforcement units can take timely and proactive measures against localized truck aggregation. A deep ensemble learning framework (coined AI-Truck) is designed, which employs a soft vote integrator that utilizes Bi-LSTM, TCN, STGCN, and PDFormer as base classifiers. AI-Truck employs a combination of downsampling and weighted loss is employed to address sample imbalance, and utilizes truck trajectories to extract more accurate and effective geographic features. The framework was deployed for truck activity prediction at a resolution of 1km$\times$1km$\times$0.5h, in a 255 km$^{\textbf{2}}$ area in Chengdu, China. As a classifier, AI-Truck achieves a macro F1 of 0.747 in predicting levels of slag truck activity for 0.5-h prediction time length, and enables personnel to spot high-activity locations 1.5 hrs ahead with over 80\% accuracy.

replace-cross UINav: A Practical Approach to Train On-Device Automation Agents

Authors: Wei Li, Fu-Lin Hsu, Will Bishop, Folawiyo Campbell-Ajala, Max Lin, Oriana Riva

Abstract: Automation systems that can autonomously drive application user interfaces to complete user tasks are of great benefit, especially when users are situationally or permanently impaired. Prior automation systems do not produce generalizable models while AI-based automation agents work reliably only in simple, hand-crafted applications or incur high computation costs. We propose UINav, a demonstration-based approach to train automation agents that fit mobile devices, yet achieving high success rates with modest numbers of demonstrations. To reduce the demonstration overhead, UINav uses a referee model that provides users with immediate feedback on tasks where the agent fails, and automatically augments human demonstrations to increase diversity in training data. Our evaluation shows that with only 10 demonstrations UINav can achieve 70% accuracy, and that with enough demonstrations it can surpass 90% accuracy.

replace-cross SOLAR 10.7B: Scaling Large Language Models with Simple yet Effective Depth Up-Scaling

Authors: Dahyun Kim, Chanjun Park, Sanghoon Kim, Wonsung Lee, Wonho Song, Yunsu Kim, Hyeonwoo Kim, Yungi Kim, Hyeonju Lee, Jihoo Kim, Changbae Ahn, Seonghoon Yang, Sukyung Lee, Hyunbyung Park, Gyoungjin Gim, Mikyoung Cha, Hwalsuk Lee, Sunghun Kim

Abstract: We introduce SOLAR 10.7B, a large language model (LLM) with 10.7 billion parameters, demonstrating superior performance in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Inspired by recent efforts to efficiently up-scale LLMs, we present a method for scaling LLMs called depth up-scaling (DUS), which encompasses depthwise scaling and continued pretraining. In contrast to other LLM up-scaling methods that use mixture-of-experts, DUS does not require complex changes to train and inference efficiently. We show experimentally that DUS is simple yet effective in scaling up high-performance LLMs from small ones. Building on the DUS model, we additionally present SOLAR 10.7B-Instruct, a variant fine-tuned for instruction-following capabilities, surpassing Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct. SOLAR 10.7B is publicly available under the Apache 2.0 license, promoting broad access and application in the LLM field.

replace-cross Can Large Language Models Beat Wall Street? Unveiling the Potential of AI in Stock Selection

Authors: Georgios Fatouros, Konstantinos Metaxas, John Soldatos, Dimosthenis Kyriazis

Abstract: This paper introduces MarketSenseAI, an innovative framework leveraging GPT-4's advanced reasoning for selecting stocks in financial markets. By integrating Chain of Thought and In-Context Learning, MarketSenseAI analyzes diverse data sources, including market trends, news, fundamentals, and macroeconomic factors, to emulate expert investment decision-making. The development, implementation, and validation of the framework are elaborately discussed, underscoring its capability to generate actionable and interpretable investment signals. A notable feature of this work is employing GPT-4 both as a predictive mechanism and signal evaluator, revealing the significant impact of the AI-generated explanations on signal accuracy, reliability and acceptance. Through empirical testing on the competitive S&P 100 stocks over a 15-month period, MarketSenseAI demonstrated exceptional performance, delivering excess alpha of 10% to 30% and achieving a cumulative return of up to 72% over the period, while maintaining a risk profile comparable to the broader market. Our findings highlight the transformative potential of Large Language Models in financial decision-making, marking a significant leap in integrating generative AI into financial analytics and investment strategies.

replace-cross RoleCraft-GLM: Advancing Personalized Role-Playing in Large Language Models

Authors: Meiling Tao, Xuechen Liang, Tianyu Shi, Lei Yu, Yiting Xie

Abstract: This study presents RoleCraft-GLM, an innovative framework aimed at enhancing personalized role-playing with Large Language Models (LLMs). RoleCraft-GLM addresses the key issue of lacking personalized interactions in conversational AI, and offers a solution with detailed and emotionally nuanced character portrayals. We contribute a unique conversational dataset that shifts from conventional celebrity-centric characters to diverse, non-celebrity personas, thus enhancing the realism and complexity of language modeling interactions. Additionally, our approach includes meticulous character development, ensuring dialogues are both realistic and emotionally resonant. The effectiveness of RoleCraft-GLM is validated through various case studies, highlighting its versatility and skill in different scenarios. Our framework excels in generating dialogues that accurately reflect characters' personality traits and emotions, thereby boosting user engagement. In conclusion, RoleCraft-GLM marks a significant leap in personalized AI interactions, and paves the way for more authentic and immersive AI-assisted role-playing experiences by enabling more nuanced and emotionally rich dialogues

replace-cross TA-RNN: an Attention-based Time-aware Recurrent Neural Network Architecture for Electronic Health Records

Authors: Mohammad Al Olaimat (for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative), Serdar Bozdag (for the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative)

Abstract: Motivation: Electronic Health Records (EHR) represent a comprehensive resource of a patient's medical history. EHR are essential for utilizing advanced technologies such as deep learning (DL), enabling healthcare providers to analyze extensive data, extract valuable insights, and make precise and data-driven clinical decisions. DL methods such as Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) have been utilized to analyze EHR to model disease progression and predict diagnosis. However, these methods do not address some inherent irregularities in EHR data such as irregular time intervals between clinical visits. Furthermore, most DL models are not interpretable. In this study, we propose two interpretable DL architectures based on RNN, namely Time-Aware RNN (TA-RNN) and TA-RNN-Autoencoder (TA-RNN-AE) to predict patient's clinical outcome in EHR at next visit and multiple visits ahead, respectively. To mitigate the impact of irregular time intervals, we propose incorporating time embedding of the elapsed times between visits. For interpretability, we propose employing a dual-level attention mechanism that operates between visits and features within each visit. Results: The results of the experiments conducted on Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) and National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center (NACC) datasets indicated superior performance of proposed models for predicting Alzheimer's Disease (AD) compared to state-of-the-art and baseline approaches based on F2 and sensitivity. Additionally, TA-RNN showed superior performance on Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care (MIMIC-III) dataset for mortality prediction. In our ablation study, we observed enhanced predictive performance by incorporating time embedding and attention mechanisms. Finally, investigating attention weights helped identify influential visits and features in predictions.

replace-cross Baichuan2-Sum: Instruction Finetune Baichuan2-7B Model for Dialogue Summarization

Authors: Jianfei Xiao, Yancan Chen, Yimin Ou, Hanyi Yu, Kai Shu, Yiyong Xiao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) like Llama, Baichuan and Bloom models show remarkable ability with instruction fine-tuning in many natural language tasks. Nevertheless, for the dialogue summarization task, which aims to generate summaries for different roles in dialogue, most of the state-of-the-art methods conduct on small models (e.g Bart and Bert). Existing methods try to add task specified optimization on small models like adding global-local centrality score to models. In this paper, we propose an instruction fine-tuning model: Baichuan2-Sum, for role-oriented diaglouge summarization. By setting different instructions for different roles, the model can learn from the dialogue interactions and output the expected summaries. Furthermore, we applied NEFTune technique to add suitable noise during training to improve the results. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed model achieves the new state-of-the-art results on two public dialogue summarization datasets: CSDS and SAMSUM. We release our model and related codes to facilitate future studies on dialogue summarization task.

replace-cross Infini-gram: Scaling Unbounded n-gram Language Models to a Trillion Tokens

Authors: Jiacheng Liu, Sewon Min, Luke Zettlemoyer, Yejin Choi, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Are $n$-gram language models still relevant in this era of neural large language models (LLMs)? Our answer is yes, and we showcase their values in both text analysis and improving neural LLMs. This was done by modernizing $n$-gram LMs in two aspects. First, we train them at the same data scale as neural LLMs -- 5 trillion tokens. This is the largest $n$-gram LM ever built. Second, existing $n$-gram LMs use small $n$ which hinders their performance; we instead allow $n$ to be arbitrarily large, by introducing a new $\infty$-gram LM with backoff. Instead of pre-computing $n$-gram count tables (which would be very expensive), we develop an engine named infini-gram -- powered by suffix arrays -- that can compute $\infty$-gram (as well as $n$-gram with arbitrary $n$) probabilities with millisecond-level latency. The $\infty$-gram framework and infini-gram engine enable us to conduct many novel and interesting analyses of human-written and machine-generated text: we find that the $\infty$-gram LM has fairly high accuracy for next-token prediction (47%), and can complement neural LLMs to greatly reduce their perplexity. When analyzing machine-generated text, we also observe irregularities in the machine--$\infty$-gram agreement level with respect to the suffix length, which indicates deficiencies in neural LLM pretraining and the positional embeddings of Transformers.

replace-cross SpikeNAS: A Fast Memory-Aware Neural Architecture Search Framework for Spiking Neural Network-based Autonomous Agents

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Autonomous mobile agents (e.g., UAVs and UGVs) are typically expected to incur low power/energy consumption for solving machine learning tasks (such as object recognition), as these mobile agents are usually powered by portable batteries. These requirements can be fulfilled by Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), since their bio-inspired spike-based operations offer high accuracy and ultra low-power/energy computation. Currently, most of the SNN architectures are derived from Artificial Neural Networks whose neurons' architectures and operations are different from SNNs, or developed without considering memory budgets from the underlying processing hardware of autonomous mobile agents. These limitations hinder SNNs from reaching their full potential in accuracy and efficiency. Toward this, we propose SpikeNAS, a novel fast memory-aware neural architecture search (NAS) framework for SNNs that quickly finds an appropriate SNN architecture with high accuracy under the given memory budgets from autonomous mobile agents. To do this, our SpikeNAS employs several key steps: analyzing the impacts of network operations on the accuracy, enhancing the network architecture to improve the learning quality, and developing a fast memory-aware search algorithm. The experimental results show that our SpikeNAS improves the searching time and maintains high accuracy as compared to state-of-the-art while meeting the given memory budgets (e.g., 4.4x faster search with 1.3% accuracy improvement for CIFAR100, using an Nvidia RTX 6000 Ada GPU machine), thereby quickly providing the appropriate SNN architecture for the memory-constrained autonomous mobile agents.

replace-cross BIRCO: A Benchmark of Information Retrieval Tasks with Complex Objectives

Authors: Xiaoyue Wang, Jianyou Wang, Weili Cao, Kaicheng Wang, Ramamohan Paturi, Leon Bergen

Abstract: We present the Benchmark of Information Retrieval (IR) tasks with Complex Objectives (BIRCO). BIRCO evaluates the ability of IR systems to retrieve documents given multi-faceted user objectives. The benchmark's complexity and compact size make it suitable for evaluating large language model (LLM)-based information retrieval systems. We present a modular framework for investigating factors that may influence LLM performance on retrieval tasks, and identify a simple baseline model which matches or outperforms existing approaches and more complex alternatives. No approach achieves satisfactory performance on all benchmark tasks, suggesting that stronger models and new retrieval protocols are necessary to address complex user needs.

replace-cross Using construction waste hauling trucks' GPS data to classify earthwork-related locations: A Chengdu case study

Authors: Lei Yu, Ke Han

Abstract: Earthwork-related locations (ERLs), such as construction sites, earth dumping ground, and concrete mixing stations, are major sources of urban dust pollution (particulate matters). The effective management of ERLs is crucial and requires timely and efficient tracking of these locations throughout the city. This work aims to identify and classify urban ERLs using GPS trajectory data of over 16,000 construction waste hauling trucks (CWHTs), as well as 58 urban features encompassing geographic, land cover, POI and transport dimensions. We compare several machine learning models and examine the impact of various spatial-temporal features on classification performance using real-world data in Chengdu, China. The results demonstrate that 77.8% classification accuracy can be achieved with a limited number of features. This classification framework was implemented in the Alpha MAPS system in Chengdu, which has successfully identified 724 construction cites/earth dumping ground, 48 concrete mixing stations, and 80 truck parking locations in the city during December 2023, which has enabled local authority to effectively manage urban dust pollution at low personnel costs.

replace-cross API Is Enough: Conformal Prediction for Large Language Models Without Logit-Access

Authors: Jiayuan Su, Jing Luo, Hongwei Wang, Lu Cheng

Abstract: This study aims to address the pervasive challenge of quantifying uncertainty in large language models (LLMs) without logit-access. Conformal Prediction (CP), known for its model-agnostic and distribution-free features, is a desired approach for various LLMs and data distributions. However, existing CP methods for LLMs typically assume access to the logits, which are unavailable for some API-only LLMs. In addition, logits are known to be miscalibrated, potentially leading to degraded CP performance. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a novel CP method that (1) is tailored for API-only LLMs without logit-access; (2) minimizes the size of prediction sets; and (3) ensures a statistical guarantee of the user-defined coverage. The core idea of this approach is to formulate nonconformity measures using both coarse-grained (i.e., sample frequency) and fine-grained uncertainty notions (e.g., semantic similarity). Experimental results on both close-ended and open-ended Question Answering tasks show our approach can mostly outperform the logit-based CP baselines.

replace-cross APISR: Anime Production Inspired Real-World Anime Super-Resolution

Authors: Boyang Wang, Fengyu Yang, Xihang Yu, Chao Zhang, Hanbin Zhao

Abstract: While real-world anime super-resolution (SR) has gained increasing attention in the SR community, existing methods still adopt techniques from the photorealistic domain. In this paper, we analyze the anime production workflow and rethink how to use characteristics of it for the sake of the real-world anime SR. First, we argue that video networks and datasets are not necessary for anime SR due to the repetition use of hand-drawing frames. Instead, we propose an anime image collection pipeline by choosing the least compressed and the most informative frames from the video sources. Based on this pipeline, we introduce the Anime Production-oriented Image (API) dataset. In addition, we identify two anime-specific challenges of distorted and faint hand-drawn lines and unwanted color artifacts. We address the first issue by introducing a prediction-oriented compression module in the image degradation model and a pseudo-ground truth preparation with enhanced hand-drawn lines. In addition, we introduce the balanced twin perceptual loss combining both anime and photorealistic high-level features to mitigate unwanted color artifacts and increase visual clarity. We evaluate our method through extensive experiments on the public benchmark, showing our method outperforms state-of-the-art anime dataset-trained approaches.

replace-cross A General and Flexible Multi-concept Parsing Framework for Multilingual Semantic Matching

Authors: Dong Yao, Asaad Alghamdi, Qingrong Xia, Xiaoye Qu, Xinyu Duan, Zhefeng Wang, Yi Zheng, Baoxing Huai, Peilun Cheng, Zhou Zhao

Abstract: Sentence semantic matching is a research hotspot in natural language processing, which is considerably significant in various key scenarios, such as community question answering, searching, chatbot, and recommendation. Since most of the advanced models directly model the semantic relevance among words between two sentences while neglecting the \textit{keywords} and \textit{intents} concepts of them, DC-Match is proposed to disentangle keywords from intents and utilizes them to optimize the matching performance. Although DC-Match is a simple yet effective method for semantic matching, it highly depends on the external NER techniques to identify the keywords of sentences, which limits the performance of semantic matching for minor languages since satisfactory NER tools are usually hard to obtain. In this paper, we propose to generally and flexibly resolve the text into multi concepts for multilingual semantic matching to liberate the model from the reliance on NER models. To this end, we devise a \underline{M}ulti-\underline{C}oncept \underline{P}arsed \underline{S}emantic \underline{M}atching framework based on the pre-trained language models, abbreviated as \textbf{MCP-SM}, to extract various concepts and infuse them into the classification tokens. We conduct comprehensive experiments on English datasets QQP and MRPC, and Chinese dataset Medical-SM. Besides, we experiment on Arabic datasets MQ2Q and XNLI, the outstanding performance further prove MCP-SM's applicability in low-resource languages.

replace-cross Metric-aware LLM inference for regression and scoring

Authors: Michal Lukasik, Harikrishna Narasimhan, Aditya Krishna Menon, Felix Yu, Sanjiv Kumar

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong results on a range of NLP tasks. Typically, outputs are obtained via autoregressive sampling from the LLM's underlying distribution. Building on prior work on Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding, we show that this inference strategy can be suboptimal for a range of regression and scoring tasks, and associated evaluation metrics. As a remedy, we propose metric aware LLM inference: a decision theoretic approach optimizing for custom regression and scoring metrics at inference time. We report improvements over baselines on academic benchmarks and publicly available models.

replace-cross A Continued Pretrained LLM Approach for Automatic Medical Note Generation

Authors: Dong Yuan, Eti Rastogi, Gautam Naik, Sree Prasanna Rajagopal, Sagar Goyal, Fen Zhao, Bharath Chintagunta, Jeff Ward

Abstract: LLMs are revolutionizing NLP tasks. However, the use of the most advanced LLMs, such as GPT-4, is often prohibitively expensive for most specialized fields. We introduce HEAL, the first continuously trained 13B LLaMA2-based LLM that is purpose-built for medical conversations and measured on automated scribing. Our results demonstrate that HEAL outperforms GPT-4 and PMC-LLaMA in PubMedQA, with an accuracy of 78.4\%. It also achieves parity with GPT-4 in generating medical notes. Remarkably, HEAL surpasses GPT-4 and Med-PaLM 2 in identifying more correct medical concepts and exceeds the performance of human scribes and other comparable models in correctness and completeness.

replace-cross Trust in AI: Progress, Challenges, and Future Directions

Authors: Saleh Afroogh, Ali Akbari, Evan Malone, Mohammadali Kargar, Hananeh Alambeigi

Abstract: The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in our daily life through various applications, services, and products explains the significance of trust/distrust in AI from a user perspective. AI-driven systems (as opposed to other technologies) have ubiquitously diffused in our life not only as some beneficial tools to be used by human agents but also are going to be substitutive agents on our behalf, or manipulative minds that would influence human thought, decision, and agency. Trust/distrust in AI plays the role of a regulator and could significantly control the level of this diffusion, as trust can increase, and distrust may reduce the rate of adoption of AI. Recently, varieties of studies have paid attention to the variant dimension of trust/distrust in AI, and its relevant considerations. In this systematic literature review, after conceptualization of trust in the current AI literature review, we will investigate trust in different types of human-Machine interaction, and its impact on technology acceptance in different domains. In addition to that, we propose a taxonomy of technical (i.e., safety, accuracy, robustness) and non-technical axiological (i.e., ethical, legal, and mixed) trustworthiness metrics, and some trustworthy measurements. Moreover, we examine some major trust-breakers in AI (e.g., autonomy and dignity threat), and trust makers; and propose some future directions and probable solutions for the transition to a trustworthy AI.

replace-cross As Good As A Coin Toss: Human detection of AI-generated images, videos, audio, and audiovisual stimuli

Authors: Di Cooke, Abigail Edwards, Sophia Barkoff, Kathryn Kelly

Abstract: As synthetic media becomes progressively more realistic and barriers to using it continue to lower, the technology has been increasingly utilized for malicious purposes, from financial fraud to nonconsensual pornography. Today, the principal defense against being misled by synthetic media relies on the ability of the human observer to visually and auditorily discern between real and fake. However, it remains unclear just how vulnerable people actually are to deceptive synthetic media in the course of their day to day lives. We conducted a perceptual study with 1276 participants to assess how accurate people were at distinguishing synthetic images, audio only, video only, and audiovisual stimuli from authentic. To reflect the circumstances under which people would likely encounter synthetic media in the wild, testing conditions and stimuli emulated a typical online platform, while all synthetic media used in the survey was sourced from publicly accessible generative AI technology. We find that overall, participants struggled to meaningfully discern between synthetic and authentic content. We also find that detection performance worsens when the stimuli contains synthetic content as compared to authentic content, images featuring human faces as compared to non face objects, a single modality as compared to multimodal stimuli, mixed authenticity as compared to being fully synthetic for audiovisual stimuli, and features foreign languages as compared to languages the observer is fluent in. Finally, we also find that prior knowledge of synthetic media does not meaningfully impact their detection performance. Collectively, these results indicate that people are highly susceptible to being tricked by synthetic media in their daily lives and that human perceptual detection capabilities can no longer be relied upon as an effective counterdefense.

replace-cross Long-form factuality in large language models

Authors: Jerry Wei, Chengrun Yang, Xinying Song, Yifeng Lu, Nathan Hu, Jie Huang, Dustin Tran, Daiyi Peng, Ruibo Liu, Da Huang, Cosmo Du, Quoc V. Le

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often generate content that contains factual errors when responding to fact-seeking prompts on open-ended topics. To benchmark a model's long-form factuality in open domains, we first use GPT-4 to generate LongFact, a prompt set comprising thousands of questions spanning 38 topics. We then propose that LLM agents can be used as automated evaluators for long-form factuality through a method which we call Search-Augmented Factuality Evaluator (SAFE). SAFE utilizes an LLM to break down a long-form response into a set of individual facts and to evaluate the accuracy of each fact using a multi-step reasoning process comprising sending search queries to Google Search and determining whether a fact is supported by the search results. Furthermore, we propose extending F1 score as an aggregated metric for long-form factuality. To do so, we balance the percentage of supported facts in a response (precision) with the percentage of provided facts relative to a hyperparameter representing a user's preferred response length (recall). Empirically, we demonstrate that LLM agents can outperform crowdsourced human annotators - on a set of ~16k individual facts, SAFE agrees with crowdsourced human annotators 72% of the time, and on a random subset of 100 disagreement cases, SAFE wins 76% of the time. At the same time, SAFE is more than 20 times cheaper than human annotators. We also benchmark thirteen language models on LongFact across four model families (Gemini, GPT, Claude, and PaLM-2), finding that larger language models generally achieve better long-form factuality. LongFact, SAFE, and all experimental code are available at


replace-cross Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models for Predictive Tabular Tasks in Data Science

Authors: Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Sankalok Sen, Lei Li, Qi Liu

Abstract: In the domain of data science, the predictive tasks of classification, regression, and imputation of missing values are commonly encountered challenges associated with tabular data. This research endeavors to apply Large Language Models (LLMs) towards addressing these predictive tasks. Despite their proficiency in comprehending natural language, LLMs fall short in dealing with structured tabular data. This limitation stems from their lacking exposure to the intricacies of tabular data during their foundational training. Our research aims to mitigate this gap by compiling a comprehensive corpus of tables annotated with instructions and executing large-scale training of Llama-2 on this enriched dataset. Furthermore, we investigate the practical application of applying the trained model to zero-shot prediction, few-shot prediction, and in-context learning scenarios. Through extensive experiments, our methodology has shown significant improvements over existing benchmarks. These advancements highlight the efficacy of tailoring LLM training to solve table-related problems in data science, thereby establishing a new benchmark in the utilization of LLMs for enhancing tabular intelligence.

replace-cross Planning and Editing What You Retrieve for Enhanced Tool Learning

Authors: Tenghao Huang, Dongwon Jung, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in integrating external tools with Large Language Models (LLMs) have opened new frontiers, with applications in mathematical reasoning, code generators, and smart assistants. However, existing methods, relying on simple one-time retrieval strategies, fall short on effectively and accurately shortlisting relevant tools. This paper introduces a novel PLUTO (Planning, Learning, and Understanding for TOols) approach, encompassing `Plan-and-Retrieve (P&R)` and `Edit-and-Ground (E&G)` paradigms. The P&R paradigm consists of a neural retrieval module for shortlisting relevant tools and an LLM-based query planner that decomposes complex queries into actionable tasks, enhancing the effectiveness of tool utilization. The E&G paradigm utilizes LLMs to enrich tool descriptions based on user scenarios, bridging the gap between user queries and tool functionalities. Experiment results demonstrate that these paradigms significantly improve the recall and NDCG in tool retrieval tasks, significantly surpassing current state-of-the-art models.

replace-cross A Methodology for Improving Accuracy of Embedded Spiking Neural Networks through Kernel Size Scaling

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) can offer ultra low power/ energy consumption for machine learning-based applications due to their sparse spike-based operations. Currently, most of the SNN architectures need a significantly larger model size to achieve higher accuracy, which is not suitable for resource-constrained embedded applications. Therefore, developing SNNs that can achieve high accuracy with acceptable memory footprint is highly needed. Toward this, we propose a novel methodology that improves the accuracy of SNNs through kernel size scaling. Its key steps include investigating the impact of different kernel sizes on the accuracy, devising new sets of kernel sizes, generating SNN architectures based on the selected kernel sizes, and analyzing the accuracy-memory trade-offs for SNN model selection. The experimental results show that our methodology achieves higher accuracy than state-of-the-art (93.24% accuracy for CIFAR10 and 70.84% accuracy for CIFAR100) with less than 10M parameters and up to 3.45x speed-up of searching time, thereby making it suitable for embedded applications.

replace-cross Towards Leveraging AutoML for Sustainable Deep Learning: A Multi-Objective HPO Approach on Deep Shift Neural Networks

Authors: Leona Hennig, Tanja Tornede, Marius Lindauer

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) has advanced various fields by extracting complex patterns from large datasets. However, the computational demands of DL models pose environmental and resource challenges. Deep shift neural networks (DSNNs) offer a solution by leveraging shift operations to reduce computational complexity at inference. Following the insights from standard DNNs, we are interested in leveraging the full potential of DSNNs by means of AutoML techniques. We study the impact of hyperparameter optimization (HPO) to maximize DSNN performance while minimizing resource consumption. Since this combines multi-objective (MO) optimization with accuracy and energy consumption as potentially complementary objectives, we propose to combine state-of-the-art multi-fidelity (MF) HPO with multi-objective optimization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, resulting in models with over 80\% in accuracy and low computational cost. Overall, our method accelerates efficient model development while enabling sustainable AI applications.

replace-cross Long-context LLMs Struggle with Long In-context Learning

Authors: Tianle Li, Ge Zhang, Quy Duc Do, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant strides in handling long sequences exceeding 32K tokens. However, their performance evaluation has largely been confined to metrics like perplexity and synthetic tasks, which may not fully capture their abilities in more nuanced, real-world scenarios. This study introduces a specialized benchmark (LongICLBench) focusing on long in-context learning within the realm of extreme-label classification. We meticulously selected six datasets with a label range spanning 28 to 174 classes covering different input (few-shot demonstration) lengths from 2K to 50K tokens. Our benchmark requires LLMs to comprehend the entire input to recognize the massive label spaces to make correct predictions. We evaluate 13 long-context LLMs on our benchmarks. We find that the long-context LLMs perform relatively well on less challenging tasks with shorter demonstration lengths by effectively utilizing the long context window. However, on the most challenging task Discovery with 174 labels, all the LLMs struggle to understand the task definition, thus reaching a performance close to zero. This suggests a notable gap in current LLM capabilities for processing and understanding long, context-rich sequences. Further analysis revealed a tendency among models to favor predictions for labels presented toward the end of the sequence. Their ability to reason over multiple pieces in the long sequence is yet to be improved. Our study reveals that long context understanding and reasoning is still a challenging task for the existing LLMs. We believe LongICLBench could serve as a more realistic evaluation for the future long-context LLMs.

replace-cross Non-negative Subspace Feature Representation for Few-shot Learning in Medical Imaging

Authors: Keqiang Fan, Xiaohao Cai, Mahesan Niranjan

Abstract: Unlike typical visual scene recognition domains, in which massive datasets are accessible to deep neural networks, medical image interpretations are often obstructed by the paucity of data. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of data-based few-shot learning in medical imaging by exploring different data attribute representations in a low-dimensional space. We introduce different types of non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) in few-shot learning, addressing the data scarcity issue in medical image classification. Extensive empirical studies are conducted in terms of validating the effectiveness of NMF, especially its supervised variants (e.g., discriminative NMF, and supervised and constrained NMF with sparseness), and the comparison with principal component analysis (PCA), i.e., the collaborative representation-based dimensionality reduction technique derived from eigenvectors. With 14 different datasets covering 11 distinct illness categories, thorough experimental results and comparison with related techniques demonstrate that NMF is a competitive alternative to PCA for few-shot learning in medical imaging, and the supervised NMF algorithms are more discriminative in the subspace with greater effectiveness. Furthermore, we show that the part-based representation of NMF, especially its supervised variants, is dramatically impactful in detecting lesion areas in medical imaging with limited samples.

replace-cross AQuA -- Combining Experts' and Non-Experts' Views To Assess Deliberation Quality in Online Discussions Using LLMs

Authors: Maike Behrendt, Stefan Sylvius Wagner, Marc Ziegele, Lena Wilms, Anke Stoll, Dominique Heinbach, Stefan Harmeling

Abstract: Measuring the quality of contributions in political online discussions is crucial in deliberation research and computer science. Research has identified various indicators to assess online discussion quality, and with deep learning advancements, automating these measures has become feasible. While some studies focus on analyzing specific quality indicators, a comprehensive quality score incorporating various deliberative aspects is often preferred. In this work, we introduce AQuA, an additive score that calculates a unified deliberative quality score from multiple indices for each discussion post. Unlike other singular scores, AQuA preserves information on the deliberative aspects present in comments, enhancing model transparency. We develop adapter models for 20 deliberative indices, and calculate correlation coefficients between experts' annotations and the perceived deliberativeness by non-experts to weigh the individual indices into a single deliberative score. We demonstrate that the AQuA score can be computed easily from pre-trained adapters and aligns well with annotations on other datasets that have not be seen during training. The analysis of experts' vs. non-experts' annotations confirms theoretical findings in the social science literature.

replace-cross An Optimization Framework to Personalize Passive Cardiac Mechanics

Authors: Lei Shi, Ian Chen, Hiroo Takayama, Vijay Vedula

Abstract: Personalized cardiac mechanics modeling is a powerful tool for understanding the biomechanics of cardiac function in health and disease and assisting in treatment planning. However, current models are limited to using medical images acquired at a single cardiac phase, often limiting their applicability for processing dynamic image acquisitions. This study introduces an inverse finite element analysis (iFEA) framework to estimate the passive mechanical properties of cardiac tissue using time-dependent medical image data. The iFEA framework relies on a novel nested optimization scheme, in which the outer iterations utilize a traditional optimization method to best approximate material parameters that fit image data, while the inner iterations employ an augmented Sellier's algorithm to estimate the stress-free reference configuration. With a focus on characterizing the passive mechanical behavior, the framework employs structurally based anisotropic hyperelastic constitutive models and physiologically relevant boundary conditions to simulate myocardial mechanics. We use a stabilized variational multiscale formulation for solving the governing nonlinear elastodynamics equations, verified for cardiac mechanics applications. The framework is tested in myocardium models of biventricle and left atrium derived from cardiac phase-resolved computed tomographic (CT) images of a healthy subject and three patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM). The impact of the choice of optimization methods and other numerical settings, including fiber direction parameters, mesh size, initial parameters for optimization, and perturbations to optimal material parameters, is assessed using a rigorous sensitivity analysis. The performance of the current iFEA is compared against an assumed power-law-based pressure-volume relation, typically used for single-phase image acquisition.