new A Novel BERT-based Classifier to Detect Political Leaning of YouTube Videos based on their Titles

Authors: Nouar AlDahoul, Talal Rahwan, Yasir Zaki

Abstract: A quarter of US adults regularly get their news from YouTube. Yet, despite the massive political content available on the platform, to date no classifier has been proposed to identify the political leaning of YouTube videos. To fill this gap, we propose a novel classifier based on Bert -- a language model from Google -- to classify YouTube videos merely based on their titles into six categories, namely: Far Left, Left, Center, Anti-Woke, Right, and Far Right. We used a public dataset of 10 million YouTube video titles (under various categories) to train and validate the proposed classifier. We compare the classifier against several alternatives that we trained on the same dataset, revealing that our classifier achieves the highest accuracy (75%) and the highest F1 score (77%). To further validate the classification performance, we collect videos from YouTube channels of numerous prominent news agencies, such as Fox News and New York Times, which have widely known political leanings, and apply our classifier to their video titles. For the vast majority of cases, the predicted political leaning matches that of the news agency.

new When Abel Kills Cain: What Machine Translation Cannot Capture

Authors: Aur\'elien B\'enel (Tech-CICO), Joris Falip (Tech-CICO), Philippe Lacour (UnB)

Abstract: The article aims at identifying what, from a structural point of view, AI based automatic translators cannot fully capture. It focuses on the machine's mistakes, in order to try to explain its causes. The biblical story of Ca\"in and Abel has been chosen because of its rich interpretive and critical tradition, but also because of its semantic difficulty. The investigation begins with the observation, for the translation of this text, of the language pairs and interfaces offered by the best known machine translation services (Google Translate, DeepL). A typology of the most frequent translation errors is then established. Finally, contemporary translations are compared, in order to underline the unique contribution of each. In conclusion, the article suggests a revision of translation theory and, corArtificial Intelligence, Translation, Limitations, Interpretation, Comparison, Unicityelatively, a reformulation of its technology concerning cultural texts.

new Similar Data Points Identification with LLM: A Human-in-the-loop Strategy Using Summarization and Hidden State Insights

Authors: Xianlong Zeng, Fanghao Song, Ang Liu

Abstract: This study introduces a simple yet effective method for identifying similar data points across non-free text domains, such as tabular and image data, using Large Language Models (LLMs). Our two-step approach involves data point summarization and hidden state extraction. Initially, data is condensed via summarization using an LLM, reducing complexity and highlighting essential information in sentences. Subsequently, the summarization sentences are fed through another LLM to extract hidden states, serving as compact, feature-rich representations. This approach leverages the advanced comprehension and generative capabilities of LLMs, offering a scalable and efficient strategy for similarity identification across diverse datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in identifying similar data points on multiple datasets. Additionally, our approach enables non-technical domain experts, such as fraud investigators or marketing operators, to quickly identify similar data points tailored to specific scenarios, demonstrating its utility in practical applications. In general, our results open new avenues for leveraging LLMs in data analysis across various domains.

new Assessing ML Classification Algorithms and NLP Techniques for Depression Detection: An Experimental Case Study

Authors: Giuliano Lorenzoni, Cristina Tavares, Nathalia Nascimento, Paulo Alencar, Donald Cowan

Abstract: Depression has affected millions of people worldwide and has become one of the most common mental disorders. Early mental disorder detection can reduce costs for public health agencies and prevent other major comorbidities. Additionally, the shortage of specialized personnel is very concerning since Depression diagnosis is highly dependent on expert professionals and is time-consuming. Recent research has evidenced that machine learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools and techniques have significantly bene ted the diagnosis of depression. However, there are still several challenges in the assessment of depression detection approaches in which other conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are present. These challenges include assessing alternatives in terms of data cleaning and pre-processing techniques, feature selection, and appropriate ML classification algorithms. This paper tackels such an assessment based on a case study that compares different ML classifiers, specifically in terms of data cleaning and pre-processing, feature selection, parameter setting, and model choices. The case study is based on the Distress Analysis Interview Corpus - Wizard-of-Oz (DAIC-WOZ) dataset, which is designed to support the diagnosis of mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Besides the assessment of alternative techniques, we were able to build models with accuracy levels around 84% with Random Forest and XGBoost models, which is significantly higher than the results from the comparable literature which presented the level of accuracy of 72% from the SVM model.

new MIMIR: A Streamlined Platform for Personalized Agent Tuning in Domain Expertise

Authors: Chunyuan Deng, Xiangru Tang, Yilun Zhao, Hanming Wang, Haoran Wang, Wangchunshu Zhou, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) have evolved into interactive agents, proficient in planning, tool use, and task execution across a wide variety of tasks. However, without specific agent tuning, open-source models like LLaMA currently struggle to match the efficiency of GPT- 4, particularly given the scarcity of agent-tuning datasets for fine-tuning. In response, we introduce \textsc{Mimir}: a streamlined platform offering a customizable pipeline that enables users to leverage both private knowledge and publicly available, legally compliant datasets at scale for \textbf{personalized agent tuning}. Additionally, \textsc{Mimir} supports the generation of general instruction-tuning datasets from the same input. This dual capability ensures that language agents developed through the platform possess both specific agent abilities and general competencies. \textsc{Mimir} integrates these features into a cohesive end-to-end platform, facilitating everything from the uploading of personalized files to one-click agent fine-tuning.

new Language Model Evolution: An Iterated Learning Perspective

Authors: Yi Ren, Shangmin Guo, Linlu Qiu, Bailin Wang, Danica J. Sutherland

Abstract: With the widespread adoption of Large Language Models (LLMs), the prevalence of iterative interactions among these models is anticipated to increase. Notably, recent advancements in multi-round self-improving methods allow LLMs to generate new examples for training subsequent models. At the same time, multi-agent LLM systems, involving automated interactions among agents, are also increasing in prominence. Thus, in both short and long terms, LLMs may actively engage in an evolutionary process. We draw parallels between the behavior of LLMs and the evolution of human culture, as the latter has been extensively studied by cognitive scientists for decades. Our approach involves leveraging Iterated Learning (IL), a Bayesian framework that elucidates how subtle biases are magnified during human cultural evolution, to explain some behaviors of LLMs. This paper outlines key characteristics of agents' behavior in the Bayesian-IL framework, including predictions that are supported by experimental verification with various LLMs. This theoretical framework could help to more effectively predict and guide the evolution of LLMs in desired directions.

new CONFLARE: CONFormal LArge language model REtrieval

Authors: Pouria Rouzrokh, Shahriar Faghani, Cooper U. Gamble, Moein Shariatnia, Bradley J. Erickson

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) frameworks enable large language models (LLMs) to retrieve relevant information from a knowledge base and incorporate it into the context for generating responses. This mitigates hallucinations and allows for the updating of knowledge without retraining the LLM. However, RAG does not guarantee valid responses if retrieval fails to identify the necessary information as the context for response generation. Also, if there is contradictory content, the RAG response will likely reflect only one of the two possible responses. Therefore, quantifying uncertainty in the retrieval process is crucial for ensuring RAG trustworthiness. In this report, we introduce a four-step framework for applying conformal prediction to quantify retrieval uncertainty in RAG frameworks. First, a calibration set of questions answerable from the knowledge base is constructed. Each question's embedding is compared against document embeddings to identify the most relevant document chunks containing the answer and record their similarity scores. Given a user-specified error rate ({\alpha}), these similarity scores are then analyzed to determine a similarity score cutoff threshold. During inference, all chunks with similarity exceeding this threshold are retrieved to provide context to the LLM, ensuring the true answer is captured in the context with a (1-{\alpha}) confidence level. We provide a Python package that enables users to implement the entire workflow proposed in our work, only using LLMs and without human intervention.

new Conversational Disease Diagnosis via External Planner-Controlled Large Language Models

Authors: Zhoujian Sun, Cheng Luo, Zhengxing Huang

Abstract: The advancement of medical artificial intelligence (AI) has set the stage for the realization of conversational diagnosis, where AI systems mimic human doctors by engaging in dialogue with patients to deduce diagnoses. This study introduces an innovative approach using external planners augmented with large language models (LLMs) to develop a medical task-oriented dialogue system. This system comprises a policy module for information gathering, a LLM based module for natural language understanding and generation, addressing the limitations of previous AI systems in these areas. By emulating the two-phase decision-making process of doctors disease screening and differential diagnosis. we designed two distinct planners. The first focuses on collecting patient symptoms to identify potential diseases, while the second delves into specific inquiries to confirm or exclude these diseases. Utilizing reinforcement learning and active learning with LLMs, we trained these planners to navigate medical dialogues effectively. Our evaluation on the MIMIC-IV dataset demonstrated the system's capability to outperform existing models, indicating a significant step towards achieving automated conversational disease diagnostics and enhancing the precision and accessibility of medical diagnoses.

new Reason from Fallacy: Enhancing Large Language Models' Logical Reasoning through Logical Fallacy Understanding

Authors: Yanda Li, Dixuan Wang, Jiaqing Liang, Guochao Jiang, Qianyu He, Yanghua Xiao, Deqing Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated good performance in many reasoning tasks, but they still struggle with some complicated reasoning tasks including logical reasoning. One non-negligible reason for LLMs' suboptimal performance on logical reasoning is their overlooking of understanding logical fallacies correctly. To evaluate LLMs' capability of logical fallacy understanding (LFU), we propose five concrete tasks from three cognitive dimensions of WHAT, WHY, and HOW in this paper. Towards these LFU tasks, we have successfully constructed a new dataset LFUD based on GPT-4 accompanied by a little human effort. Our extensive experiments justify that our LFUD can be used not only to evaluate LLMs' LFU capability, but also to fine-tune LLMs to obtain significantly enhanced performance on logical reasoning.

new Transducers with Pronunciation-aware Embeddings for Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors: Hainan Xu, Zhehuai Chen, Fei Jia, Boris Ginsburg

Abstract: This paper proposes Transducers with Pronunciation-aware Embeddings (PET). Unlike conventional Transducers where the decoder embeddings for different tokens are trained independently, the PET model's decoder embedding incorporates shared components for text tokens with the same or similar pronunciations. With experiments conducted in multiple datasets in Mandarin Chinese and Korean, we show that PET models consistently improve speech recognition accuracy compared to conventional Transducers. Our investigation also uncovers a phenomenon that we call error chain reactions. Instead of recognition errors being evenly spread throughout an utterance, they tend to group together, with subsequent errors often following earlier ones. Our analysis shows that PET models effectively mitigate this issue by substantially reducing the likelihood of the model generating additional errors following a prior one. Our implementation will be open-sourced with the NeMo toolkit.

new CBR-RAG: Case-Based Reasoning for Retrieval Augmented Generation in LLMs for Legal Question Answering

Authors: Nirmalie Wiratunga, Ramitha Abeyratne, Lasal Jayawardena, Kyle Martin, Stewart Massie, Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji, Ruvan Weerasinghe, Anne Liret, Bruno Fleisch

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) enhances Large Language Model (LLM) output by providing prior knowledge as context to input. This is beneficial for knowledge-intensive and expert reliant tasks, including legal question-answering, which require evidence to validate generated text outputs. We highlight that Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) presents key opportunities to structure retrieval as part of the RAG process in an LLM. We introduce CBR-RAG, where CBR cycle's initial retrieval stage, its indexing vocabulary, and similarity knowledge containers are used to enhance LLM queries with contextually relevant cases. This integration augments the original LLM query, providing a richer prompt. We present an evaluation of CBR-RAG, and examine different representations (i.e. general and domain-specific embeddings) and methods of comparison (i.e. inter, intra and hybrid similarity) on the task of legal question-answering. Our results indicate that the context provided by CBR's case reuse enforces similarity between relevant components of the questions and the evidence base leading to significant improvements in the quality of generated answers.

new Scope Ambiguities in Large Language Models

Authors: Gaurav Kamath, Sebastian Schuster, Sowmya Vajjala, Siva Reddy

Abstract: Sentences containing multiple semantic operators with overlapping scope often create ambiguities in interpretation, known as scope ambiguities. These ambiguities offer rich insights into the interaction between semantic structure and world knowledge in language processing. Despite this, there has been little research into how modern large language models treat them. In this paper, we investigate how different versions of certain autoregressive language models -- GPT-2, GPT-3/3.5, Llama 2 and GPT-4 -- treat scope ambiguous sentences, and compare this with human judgments. We introduce novel datasets that contain a joint total of almost 1,000 unique scope-ambiguous sentences, containing interactions between a range of semantic operators, and annotated for human judgments. Using these datasets, we find evidence that several models (i) are sensitive to the meaning ambiguity in these sentences, in a way that patterns well with human judgments, and (ii) can successfully identify human-preferred readings at a high level of accuracy (over 90% in some cases).

new Assisting humans in complex comparisons: automated information comparison at scale

Authors: Truman Yuen, Graham A. Watt, Yuri Lawryshyn

Abstract: Generative Large Language Models enable efficient analytics across knowledge domains, rivalling human experts in information comparisons. However, the applications of LLMs for information comparisons face scalability challenges due to the difficulties in maintaining information across large contexts and overcoming model token limitations. To address these challenges, we developed the novel Abstractive Summarization \& Criteria-driven Comparison Endpoint (ASC$^2$End) system to automate information comparison at scale. Our system employs Semantic Text Similarity comparisons for generating evidence-supported analyses. We utilize proven data-handling strategies such as abstractive summarization and retrieval augmented generation to overcome token limitations and retain relevant information during model inference. Prompts were designed using zero-shot strategies to contextualize information for improved model reasoning. We evaluated abstractive summarization using ROUGE scoring and assessed the generated comparison quality using survey responses. Models evaluated on the ASC$^2$End system show desirable results providing insights on the expected performance of the system. ASC$^2$End is a novel system and tool that enables accurate, automated information comparison at scale across knowledge domains, overcoming limitations in context length and retrieval.

new Deciphering Political Entity Sentiment in News with Large Language Models: Zero-Shot and Few-Shot Strategies

Authors: Alapan Kuila, Sudeshna Sarkar

Abstract: Sentiment analysis plays a pivotal role in understanding public opinion, particularly in the political domain where the portrayal of entities in news articles influences public perception. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of Large Language Models (LLMs) in predicting entity-specific sentiment from political news articles. Leveraging zero-shot and few-shot strategies, we explore the capability of LLMs to discern sentiment towards political entities in news content. Employing a chain-of-thought (COT) approach augmented with rationale in few-shot in-context learning, we assess whether this method enhances sentiment prediction accuracy. Our evaluation on sentiment-labeled datasets demonstrates that LLMs, outperform fine-tuned BERT models in capturing entity-specific sentiment. We find that learning in-context significantly improves model performance, while the self-consistency mechanism enhances consistency in sentiment prediction. Despite the promising results, we observe inconsistencies in the effectiveness of the COT prompting method. Overall, our findings underscore the potential of LLMs in entity-centric sentiment analysis within the political news domain and highlight the importance of suitable prompting strategies and model architectures.

new Towards Realistic Few-Shot Relation Extraction: A New Meta Dataset and Evaluation

Authors: Fahmida Alam, Md Asiful Islam, Robert Vacareanu, Mihai Surdeanu

Abstract: We introduce a meta dataset for few-shot relation extraction, which includes two datasets derived from existing supervised relation extraction datasets NYT29 (Takanobu et al., 2019; Nayak and Ng, 2020) and WIKIDATA (Sorokin and Gurevych, 2017) as well as a few-shot form of the TACRED dataset (Sabo et al., 2021). Importantly, all these few-shot datasets were generated under realistic assumptions such as: the test relations are different from any relations a model might have seen before, limited training data, and a preponderance of candidate relation mentions that do not correspond to any of the relations of interest. Using this large resource, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of six recent few-shot relation extraction methods, and observe that no method comes out as a clear winner. Further, the overall performance on this task is low, indicating substantial need for future research. We release all versions of the data, i.e., both supervised and few-shot, for future research.

new KazQAD: Kazakh Open-Domain Question Answering Dataset

Authors: Rustem Yeshpanov, Pavel Efimov, Leonid Boytsov, Ardak Shalkarbayuli, Pavel Braslavski

Abstract: We introduce KazQAD -- a Kazakh open-domain question answering (ODQA) dataset -- that can be used in both reading comprehension and full ODQA settings, as well as for information retrieval experiments. KazQAD contains just under 6,000 unique questions with extracted short answers and nearly 12,000 passage-level relevance judgements. We use a combination of machine translation, Wikipedia search, and in-house manual annotation to ensure annotation efficiency and data quality. The questions come from two sources: translated items from the Natural Questions (NQ) dataset (only for training) and the original Kazakh Unified National Testing (UNT) exam (for development and testing). The accompanying text corpus contains more than 800,000 passages from the Kazakh Wikipedia. As a supplementary dataset, we release around 61,000 question-passage-answer triples from the NQ dataset that have been machine-translated into Kazakh. We develop baseline retrievers and readers that achieve reasonable scores in retrieval (NDCG@10 = 0.389 MRR = 0.382), reading comprehension (EM = 38.5 F1 = 54.2), and full ODQA (EM = 17.8 F1 = 28.7) settings. Nevertheless, these results are substantially lower than state-of-the-art results for English QA collections, and we think that there should still be ample room for improvement. We also show that the current OpenAI's ChatGPTv3.5 is not able to answer KazQAD test questions in the closed-book setting with acceptable quality. The dataset is freely available under the Creative Commons licence (CC BY-SA) at


new IITK at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Exploring the Capabilities of LLMs for Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials

Authors: Shreyasi Mandal, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Large Language models (LLMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks across multiple domains, yet they are prone to shortcut learning and factual inconsistencies. This research investigates LLMs' robustness, consistency, and faithful reasoning when performing Natural Language Inference (NLI) on breast cancer Clinical Trial Reports (CTRs) in the context of SemEval 2024 Task 2: Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials. We examine the reasoning capabilities of LLMs and their adeptness at logical problem-solving. A comparative analysis is conducted on pre-trained language models (PLMs), GPT-3.5, and Gemini Pro under zero-shot settings using Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework, integrating various reasoning chains. The evaluation yields an F1 score of 0.69, consistency of 0.71, and a faithfulness score of 0.90 on the test dataset.

new IITK at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Contrastive Learning and Autoencoders for Semantic Textual Relatedness in Multilingual Texts

Authors: Udvas Basak, Rajarshi Dutta, Shivam Pandey, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: This paper describes our system developed for the SemEval-2024 Task 1: Semantic Textual Relatedness. The challenge is focused on automatically detecting the degree of relatedness between pairs of sentences for 14 languages including both high and low-resource Asian and African languages. Our team participated in two subtasks consisting of Track A: supervised and Track B: unsupervised. This paper focuses on a BERT-based contrastive learning and similarity metric based approach primarily for the supervised track while exploring autoencoders for the unsupervised track. It also aims on the creation of a bigram relatedness corpus using negative sampling strategy, thereby producing refined word embeddings.

new Joint Visual and Text Prompting for Improved Object-Centric Perception with Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Songtao Jiang, Yan Zhang, Chenyi Zhou, Yeying Jin, Yang Feng, Jian Wu, Zuozhu Liu

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) such as GPT-4V and Gemini Pro face challenges in achieving human-level perception in Visual Question Answering (VQA), particularly in object-oriented perception tasks which demand fine-grained understanding of object identities, locations or attributes, as indicated by empirical findings. This is mainly due to their limited capability to effectively integrate complex visual cues with textual information and potential object hallucinations. In this paper, we present a novel approach, Joint Visual and Text Prompting (VTPrompt), that employs fine-grained visual information to enhance the capability of MLLMs in VQA, especially for object-oriented perception. VTPrompt merges visual and text prompts to extract key concepts from textual questions and employs a detection model to highlight relevant objects as visual prompts in images. The processed images alongside text prompts are subsequently fed into MLLMs to produce more accurate answers. Our experiments with GPT-4V and Gemini Pro, on three benchmarks, i.e., MME , MMB and POPE, demonstrate significant improvements. Particularly, our method led to a score improvement of up to 183.5 for GPT-4V on MME and enhanced MMB performance by 8.17\% for GPT-4V and 15.69\% for Gemini Pro.

new IITK at SemEval-2024 Task 4: Hierarchical Embeddings for Detection of Persuasion Techniques in Memes

Authors: Shreenaga Chikoti, Shrey Mehta, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Memes are one of the most popular types of content used in an online disinformation campaign. They are primarily effective on social media platforms since they can easily reach many users. Memes in a disinformation campaign achieve their goal of influencing the users through several rhetorical and psychological techniques, such as causal oversimplification, name-calling, and smear. The SemEval 2024 Task 4 \textit{Multilingual Detection of Persuasion Technique in Memes} on identifying such techniques in the memes is divided across three sub-tasks: ($\mathbf{1}$) Hierarchical multi-label classification using only textual content of the meme, ($\mathbf{2}$) Hierarchical multi-label classification using both, textual and visual content of the meme and ($\mathbf{3}$) Binary classification of whether the meme contains a persuasion technique or not using it's textual and visual content. This paper proposes an ensemble of Class Definition Prediction (CDP) and hyperbolic embeddings-based approaches for this task. We enhance meme classification accuracy and comprehensiveness by integrating HypEmo's hierarchical label embeddings (Chen et al., 2023) and a multi-task learning framework for emotion prediction. We achieve a hierarchical F1-score of 0.60, 0.67, and 0.48 on the respective sub-tasks.

new Q-PEFT: Query-dependent Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning for Text Reranking with Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiyuan Peng, Xuyang Wu, Qifan Wang, Sravanthi Rajanala, Yi Fang

Abstract: Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods have been extensively utilized in Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the down-streaming tasks without the cost of fine-tuing the whole LLMs. Recent studies have shown how to effectively use PEFT for fine-tuning LLMs in ranking tasks with convincing performance; there are some limitations, including the learned prompt being fixed for different documents, overfitting to specific tasks, and low adaptation ability. In this paper, we introduce a query-dependent parameter efficient fine-tuning (Q-PEFT) approach for text reranking to leak the information of the true queries to LLMs and then make the generation of true queries from input documents much easier. Specifically, we utilize the query to extract the top-$k$ tokens from concatenated documents, serving as contextual clues. We further augment Q-PEFT by substituting the retrieval mechanism with a multi-head attention layer to achieve end-to-end training and cover all the tokens in the documents, guiding the LLMs to generate more document-specific synthetic queries, thereby further improving the reranking performance. Extensive experiments are conducted on four public datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed approach.

new IITK at SemEval-2024 Task 10: Who is the speaker? Improving Emotion Recognition and Flip Reasoning in Conversations via Speaker Embeddings

Authors: Shubham Patel, Divyaksh Shukla, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: This paper presents our approach for the SemEval-2024 Task 10: Emotion Discovery and Reasoning its Flip in Conversations. For the Emotion Recognition in Conversations (ERC) task, we utilize a masked-memory network along with speaker participation. We propose a transformer-based speaker-centric model for the Emotion Flip Reasoning (EFR) task. We also introduce Probable Trigger Zone, a region of the conversation that is more likely to contain the utterances causing the emotion to flip. For sub-task 3, the proposed approach achieves a 5.9 (F1 score) improvement over the task baseline. The ablation study results highlight the significance of various design choices in the proposed method.

new A Morphology-Based Investigation of Positional Encodings

Authors: Poulami Ghosh, Shikhar Vashishth, Raj Dabre, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: How does the importance of positional encoding in pre-trained language models (PLMs) vary across languages with different morphological complexity? In this paper, we offer the first study addressing this question, encompassing 23 morphologically diverse languages and 5 different downstream tasks. We choose two categories of tasks: syntactic tasks (part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, dependency parsing) and semantic tasks (natural language inference, paraphrasing). We consider language-specific BERT models trained on monolingual corpus for our investigation. The main experiment consists of nullifying the effect of positional encoding during fine-tuning and investigating its impact across various tasks and languages. Our findings demonstrate that the significance of positional encoding diminishes as the morphological complexity of a language increases. Across all experiments, we observe clustering of languages according to their morphological typology - with analytic languages at one end and synthetic languages at the opposite end.

new Towards Analyzing and Understanding the Limitations of DPO: A Theoretical Perspective

Authors: Duanyu Feng, Bowen Qin, Chen Huang, Zheng Zhang, Wenqiang Lei

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), which derives reward signals directly from pairwise preference data, has shown its effectiveness on aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with human preferences. Despite its widespread use across various tasks, DPO has been criticized for its sensitivity to the SFT's effectiveness and its hindrance to the learning capacity towards human-preferred responses, leading to less satisfactory performance. To overcome those limitations, the theoretical understanding of DPO are indispensable but still lacking. To this end, we take a step towards theoretically analyzing and understanding the limitations of DPO. Specifically, we provide an analytical framework using the field theory to analyze the optimization process of DPO. By analyzing the gradient vector field of the DPO loss function, we find that the DPO loss function decreases the probability of producing human dispreferred data at a faster rate than it increases the probability of producing preferred data. This provides theoretical insights for understanding the limitations of DPO discovered in the related research experiments, thereby setting the foundation for its improvement.

new On the Limitations of Large Language Models (LLMs): False Attribution

Authors: Tosin Adewumi, Nudrat Habib, Lama Alkhaled, Elisa Barney

Abstract: In this work, we provide insight into one important limitation of large language models (LLMs), i.e. false attribution, and introduce a new hallucination metric - Simple Hallucination Index (SHI). The task of automatic author attribution for relatively small chunks of text is an important NLP task but can be challenging. We empirically evaluate the power of 3 open SotA LLMs in zero-shot setting (LLaMA-2-13B, Mixtral 8x7B, and Gemma-7B), especially as human annotation can be costly. We collected the top 10 most popular books, according to Project Gutenberg, divided each one into equal chunks of 400 words, and asked each LLM to predict the author. We then randomly sampled 162 chunks for human evaluation from each of the annotated books, based on the error margin of 7% and a confidence level of 95% for the book with the most chunks (Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, having 922 chunks). The average results show that Mixtral 8x7B has the highest prediction accuracy, the lowest SHI, and a Pearson's correlation (r) of 0.737, 0.249, and -0.9996, respectively, followed by LLaMA-2-13B and Gemma-7B. However, Mixtral 8x7B suffers from high hallucinations for 3 books, rising as high as an SHI of 0.87 (in the range 0-1, where 1 is the worst). The strong negative correlation of accuracy and SHI, given by r, demonstrates the fidelity of the new hallucination metric, which is generalizable to other tasks. We publicly release the annotated chunks of data and our codes to aid the reproducibility and evaluation of other models.

new Context versus Prior Knowledge in Language Models

Authors: Kevin Du, V\'esteinn Sn{\ae}bjarnarson, Niklas Stoehr, Jennifer C. White, Aaron Schein, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: To answer a question, language models often need to integrate prior knowledge learned during pretraining and new information presented in context. We hypothesize that models perform this integration in a predictable way across different questions and contexts: models will rely more on prior knowledge for questions about entities (e.g., persons, places, etc.) that they are more familiar with due to higher exposure in the training corpus, and be more easily persuaded by some contexts than others. To formalize this problem, we propose two mutual information-based metrics to measure a model's dependency on a context and on its prior about an entity: first, the persuasion score of a given context represents how much a model depends on the context in its decision, and second, the susceptibility score of a given entity represents how much the model can be swayed away from its original answer distribution about an entity. Following well-established measurement modeling methods, we empirically test for the validity and reliability of these metrics. Finally, we explore and find a relationship between the scores and the model's expected familiarity with an entity, and provide two use cases to illustrate their benefits.

new HyperTTS: Parameter Efficient Adaptation in Text to Speech using Hypernetworks

Authors: Yingting Li, Rishabh Bhardwaj, Ambuj Mehrish, Bo Cheng, Soujanya Poria

Abstract: Neural speech synthesis, or text-to-speech (TTS), aims to transform a signal from the text domain to the speech domain. While developing TTS architectures that train and test on the same set of speakers has seen significant improvements, out-of-domain speaker performance still faces enormous limitations. Domain adaptation on a new set of speakers can be achieved by fine-tuning the whole model for each new domain, thus making it parameter-inefficient. This problem can be solved by Adapters that provide a parameter-efficient alternative to domain adaptation. Although famous in NLP, speech synthesis has not seen much improvement from Adapters. In this work, we present HyperTTS, which comprises a small learnable network, "hypernetwork", that generates parameters of the Adapter blocks, allowing us to condition Adapters on speaker representations and making them dynamic. Extensive evaluations of two domain adaptation settings demonstrate its effectiveness in achieving state-of-the-art performance in the parameter-efficient regime. We also compare different variants of HyperTTS, comparing them with baselines in different studies. Promising results on the dynamic adaptation of adapter parameters using hypernetworks open up new avenues for domain-generic multi-speaker TTS systems. The audio samples and code are available at


new Multilingual Pretraining and Instruction Tuning Improve Cross-Lingual Knowledge Alignment, But Only Shallowly

Authors: Changjiang Gao, Hongda Hu, Peng Hu, Jiajun Chen, Jixing Li, Shujian Huang

Abstract: Despite their strong ability to retrieve knowledge in English, current large language models show imbalance abilities in different languages. Two approaches are proposed to address this, i.e., multilingual pretraining and multilingual instruction tuning. However, whether and how do such methods contribute to the cross-lingual knowledge alignment inside the models is unknown. In this paper, we propose CLiKA, a systematic framework to assess the cross-lingual knowledge alignment of LLMs in the Performance, Consistency and Conductivity levels, and explored the effect of multilingual pretraining and instruction tuning on the degree of alignment. Results show that: while both multilingual pretraining and instruction tuning are beneficial for cross-lingual knowledge alignment, the training strategy needs to be carefully designed. Namely, continued pretraining improves the alignment of the target language at the cost of other languages, while mixed pretraining affect other languages less. Also, the overall cross-lingual knowledge alignment, especially in the conductivity level, is unsatisfactory for all tested LLMs, and neither multilingual pretraining nor instruction tuning can substantially improve the cross-lingual knowledge conductivity.

new Inferring the Phylogeny of Large Language Models and Predicting their Performances in Benchmarks

Authors: Nicolas Yax, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer, Stefano Palminteri

Abstract: This paper introduces PhyloLM, a method applying phylogenetic algorithms to Large Language Models to explore their finetuning relationships, and predict their performance characteristics. By leveraging the phylogenetic distance metric, we construct dendrograms, which satisfactorily capture distinct LLM families (across a set of 77 open-source and 22 closed models). Furthermore, phylogenetic distance predicts performances in benchmarks (we test MMLU and ARC), thus enabling a time and cost-effective estimation of LLM capabilities. The approach translates genetic concepts to machine learning, offering tools to infer LLM development, relationships, and capabilities, even in the absence of transparent training information.

new Order-Based Pre-training Strategies for Procedural Text Understanding

Authors: Abhilash Nandy, Yash Kulkarni, Pawan Goyal, Niloy Ganguly

Abstract: In this paper, we propose sequence-based pretraining methods to enhance procedural understanding in natural language processing. Procedural text, containing sequential instructions to accomplish a task, is difficult to understand due to the changing attributes of entities in the context. We focus on recipes, which are commonly represented as ordered instructions, and use this order as a supervision signal. Our work is one of the first to compare several 'order as-supervision' transformer pre-training methods, including Permutation Classification, Embedding Regression, and Skip-Clip, and shows that these methods give improved results compared to the baselines and SoTA LLMs on two downstream Entity-Tracking datasets: NPN-Cooking dataset in recipe domain and ProPara dataset in open domain. Our proposed methods address the non-trivial Entity Tracking Task that requires prediction of entity states across procedure steps, which requires understanding the order of steps. These methods show an improvement over the best baseline by 1.6% and 7-9% on NPN-Cooking and ProPara Datasets respectively across metrics.

new PoLLMgraph: Unraveling Hallucinations in Large Language Models via State Transition Dynamics

Authors: Derui Zhu, Dingfan Chen, Qing Li, Zongxiong Chen, Lei Ma, Jens Grossklags, Mario Fritz

Abstract: Despite tremendous advancements in large language models (LLMs) over recent years, a notably urgent challenge for their practical deployment is the phenomenon of hallucination, where the model fabricates facts and produces non-factual statements. In response, we propose PoLLMgraph, a Polygraph for LLMs, as an effective model-based white-box detection and forecasting approach. PoLLMgraph distinctly differs from the large body of existing research that concentrates on addressing such challenges through black-box evaluations. In particular, we demonstrate that hallucination can be effectively detected by analyzing the LLM's internal state transition dynamics during generation via tractable probabilistic models. Experimental results on various open-source LLMs confirm the efficacy of PoLLMgraph, outperforming state-of-the-art methods by a considerable margin, evidenced by over 20% improvement in AUC-ROC on common benchmarking datasets like TruthfulQA. Our work paves a new way for model-based white-box analysis of LLMs, motivating the research community to further explore, understand, and refine the intricate dynamics of LLM behaviors.

new Navigating the Landscape of Hint Generation Research: From the Past to the Future

Authors: Anubhav Jangra, Jamshid Mozafari, Adam Jatowt, Smaranda Muresan

Abstract: Digital education has gained popularity in the last decade, especially after the COVID-19 pandemic. With the improving capabilities of large language models to reason and communicate with users, envisioning intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) that can facilitate self-learning is not very far-fetched. One integral component to fulfill this vision is the ability to give accurate and effective feedback via hints to scaffold the learning process. In this survey article, we present a comprehensive review of prior research on hint generation, aiming to bridge the gap between research in education and cognitive science, and research in AI and Natural Language Processing. Informed by our findings, we propose a formal definition of the hint generation task, and discuss the roadmap of building an effective hint generation system aligned with the formal definition, including open challenges, future directions and ethical considerations.

new Multilingual Brain Surgeon: Large Language Models Can be Compressed Leaving No Language Behind

Authors: Hongchuan Zeng, Hongshen Xu, Lu Chen, Kai Yu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have ushered in a new era in Natural Language Processing, but their massive size demands effective compression techniques for practicality. Although numerous model compression techniques have been investigated, they typically rely on a calibration set that overlooks the multilingual context and results in significant accuracy degradation for low-resource languages. This paper introduces Multilingual Brain Surgeon (MBS), a novel calibration data sampling method for multilingual LLMs compression. MBS overcomes the English-centric limitations of existing methods by sampling calibration data from various languages proportionally to the language distribution of the model training datasets. Our experiments, conducted on the BLOOM multilingual LLM, demonstrate that MBS improves the performance of existing English-centric compression methods, especially for low-resource languages. We also uncover the dynamics of language interaction during compression, revealing that the larger the proportion of a language in the training set and the more similar the language is to the calibration language, the better performance the language retains after compression. In conclusion, MBS presents an innovative approach to compressing multilingual LLMs, addressing the performance disparities and improving the language inclusivity of existing compression techniques.

new What Happens When Small Is Made Smaller? Exploring the Impact of Compression on Small Data Pretrained Language Models

Authors: Busayo Awobade, Mardiyyah Oduwole, Steven Kolawole

Abstract: Compression techniques have been crucial in advancing machine learning by enabling efficient training and deployment of large-scale language models. However, these techniques have received limited attention in the context of low-resource language models, which are trained on even smaller amounts of data and under computational constraints, a scenario known as the "low-resource double-bind." This paper investigates the effectiveness of pruning, knowledge distillation, and quantization on an exclusively low-resourced, small-data language model, AfriBERTa. Through a battery of experiments, we assess the effects of compression on performance across several metrics beyond accuracy. Our study provides evidence that compression techniques significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of small-data language models, confirming that the prevailing beliefs regarding the effects of compression on large, heavily parameterized models hold true for less-parameterized, small-data models.

new Generating Uncontextualized and Contextualized Questions for Document-Level Event Argument Extraction

Authors: Md Nayem Uddin, Enfa Rose George, Eduardo Blanco, Steven Corman

Abstract: This paper presents multiple question generation strategies for document-level event argument extraction. These strategies do not require human involvement and result in uncontextualized questions as well as contextualized questions grounded on the event and document of interest. Experimental results show that combining uncontextualized and contextualized questions is beneficial, especially when event triggers and arguments appear in different sentences. Our approach does not have corpus-specific components, in particular, the question generation strategies transfer across corpora. We also present a qualitative analysis of the most common errors made by our best model.

new Low-Resource Machine Translation through Retrieval-Augmented LLM Prompting: A Study on the Mambai Language

Authors: Rapha\"el Merx, Aso Mahmudi, Katrina Langford, Leo Alberto de Araujo, Ekaterina Vylomova

Abstract: This study explores the use of large language models (LLMs) for translating English into Mambai, a low-resource Austronesian language spoken in Timor-Leste, with approximately 200,000 native speakers. Leveraging a novel corpus derived from a Mambai language manual and additional sentences translated by a native speaker, we examine the efficacy of few-shot LLM prompting for machine translation (MT) in this low-resource context. Our methodology involves the strategic selection of parallel sentences and dictionary entries for prompting, aiming to enhance translation accuracy, using open-source and proprietary LLMs (LlaMa 2 70b, Mixtral 8x7B, GPT-4). We find that including dictionary entries in prompts and a mix of sentences retrieved through TF-IDF and semantic embeddings significantly improves translation quality. However, our findings reveal stark disparities in translation performance across test sets, with BLEU scores reaching as high as 21.2 on materials from the language manual, in contrast to a maximum of 4.4 on a test set provided by a native speaker. These results underscore the importance of diverse and representative corpora in assessing MT for low-resource languages. Our research provides insights into few-shot LLM prompting for low-resource MT, and makes available an initial corpus for the Mambai language.

new FRACTAL: Fine-Grained Scoring from Aggregate Text Labels

Authors: Yukti Makhija, Priyanka Agrawal, Rishi Saket, Aravindan Raghuveer

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are being increasingly tuned to power complex generation tasks such as writing, fact-seeking, querying and reasoning. Traditionally, human or model feedback for evaluating and further tuning LLM performance has been provided at the response level, enabling faster and more cost-effective assessments. However, recent works (Amplayo et al. [2022], Wu et al. [2023]) indicate that sentence-level labels may provide more accurate and interpretable feedback for LLM optimization. In this work, we introduce methods to disaggregate response-level labels into sentence-level (pseudo-)labels. Our approach leverages multiple instance learning (MIL) and learning from label proportions (LLP) techniques in conjunction with prior information (e.g., document-sentence cosine similarity) to train a specialized model for sentence-level scoring. We also employ techniques which use model predictions to pseudo-label the train-set at the sentence-level for model training to further improve performance. We conduct extensive evaluations of our methods across six datasets and four tasks: retrieval, question answering, summarization, and math reasoning. Our results demonstrate improved performance compared to multiple baselines across most of these tasks. Our work is the first to develop response-level feedback to sentence-level scoring techniques, leveraging sentence-level prior information, along with comprehensive evaluations on multiple tasks as well as end-to-end finetuning evaluation showing performance comparable to a model trained on fine-grained human annotated labels.

new Data Bias According to Bipol: Men are Naturally Right and It is the Role of Women to Follow Their Lead

Authors: Irene Pagliai, Goya van Boven, Tosin Adewumi, Lama Alkhaled, Namrata Gurung, Isabella S\"odergren, Elisa Barney

Abstract: We introduce new large labeled datasets on bias in 3 languages and show in experiments that bias exists in all 10 datasets of 5 languages evaluated, including benchmark datasets on the English GLUE/SuperGLUE leaderboards. The 3 new languages give a total of almost 6 million labeled samples and we benchmark on these datasets using SotA multilingual pretrained models: mT5 and mBERT. The challenge of social bias, based on prejudice, is ubiquitous, as recent events with AI and large language models (LLMs) have shown. Motivated by this challenge, we set out to estimate bias in multiple datasets. We compare some recent bias metrics and use bipol, which has explainability in the metric. We also confirm the unverified assumption that bias exists in toxic comments by randomly sampling 200 samples from a toxic dataset population using the confidence level of 95% and error margin of 7%. Thirty gold samples were randomly distributed in the 200 samples to secure the quality of the annotation. Our findings confirm that many of the datasets have male bias (prejudice against women), besides other types of bias. We publicly release our new datasets, lexica, models, and codes.

new SLPL SHROOM at SemEval\-2024 Task 06: A comprehensive study on models ability to detect hallucination

Authors: Pouya Fallah, Soroush Gooran, Mohammad Jafarinasab, Pouya Sadeghi, Reza Farnia, Amirreza Tarabkhah, Zainab Sadat Taghavi, Hossein Sameti

Abstract: Language models, particularly generative models, are susceptible to hallucinations, generating outputs that contradict factual knowledge or the source text. This study explores methods for detecting hallucinations in three SemEval-2024 Task 6 tasks: Machine Translation, Definition Modeling, and Paraphrase Generation. We evaluate two methods: semantic similarity between the generated text and factual references, and an ensemble of language models that judge each other's outputs. Our results show that semantic similarity achieves moderate accuracy and correlation scores in trial data, while the ensemble method offers insights into the complexities of hallucination detection but falls short of expectations. This work highlights the challenges of hallucination detection and underscores the need for further research in this critical area.

new F-MALLOC: Feed-forward Memory Allocation for Continual Learning in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Junhong Wu, Yuchen Liu, Chengqing Zong

Abstract: In the evolving landscape of Neural Machine Translation (NMT), the pretrain-then-finetune paradigm has yielded impressive results. However, the persistent challenge of Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) remains a hurdle. While previous work has introduced Continual Learning (CL) methods to address CF, these approaches grapple with the delicate balance between avoiding forgetting and maintaining system extensibility. To address this, we propose a CL method, named $\textbf{F-MALLOC}$ ($\textbf{F}$eed-forward $\textbf{M}$emory $\textbf{ALLOC}ation)$. F-MALLOC is inspired by recent insights highlighting that feed-forward layers emulate neural memories and encapsulate crucial translation knowledge. It decomposes feed-forward layers into discrete memory cells and allocates these memories to different tasks. By learning to allocate and safeguard these memories, our method effectively alleviates CF while ensuring robust extendability. Besides, we propose a comprehensive assessment protocol for multi-stage CL of NMT systems. Experiments conducted following this new protocol showcase the superior performance of F-MALLOC, evidenced by higher BLEU scores and almost zero forgetting.

new Lucky 52: How Many Languages Are Needed to Instruction Fine-Tune Large Language Models?

Authors: Shaoxiong Ji, Pinzhen Chen

Abstract: Fine-tuning large language models for multilingual downstream tasks requires a diverse set of languages to capture the nuances and structures of different linguistic contexts effectively. While the specific number varies depending on the desired scope and target languages, we argue that the number of languages, language exposure, and similarity that incorporate the selection of languages for fine-tuning are some important aspects to examine. By fine-tuning large multilingual models on 1 to 52 languages, this paper answers one question: How many languages are needed in instruction fine-tuning for multilingual tasks? We investigate how multilingual instruction fine-tuned models behave on multilingual benchmarks with an increasing number of languages and discuss our findings from the perspective of language exposure and similarity.

new Ethos and Pathos in Online Group Discussions: Corpora for Polarisation Issues in Social Media

Authors: Ewelina Gajewska, Katarzyna Budzynska, Barbara Konat, Marcin Koszowy, Konrad Kiljan, Maciej Uberna, He Zhang

Abstract: Growing polarisation in society caught the attention of the scientific community as well as news media, which devote special issues to this phenomenon. At the same time, digitalisation of social interactions requires to revise concepts from social science regarding establishment of trust, which is a key feature of all human interactions, and group polarisation, as well as new computational tools to process large quantities of available data. Existing methods seem insufficient to tackle the problem fully, thus, we propose to approach the problem by investigating rhetorical strategies employed by individuals in polarising discussions online. To this end, we develop multi-topic and multi-platform corpora with manual annotation of appeals to ethos and pathos, two modes of persuasion in Aristotelian rhetoric. It can be employed for training language models to advance the study of communication strategies online on a large scale. With the use of computational methods, our corpora allows an investigation of recurring patterns in polarising exchanges across topics of discussion and media platforms, and conduct both quantitative and qualitative analyses of language structures leading to and engaged in polarisation.

new Radial Networks: Dynamic Layer Routing for High-Performance Large Language Models

Authors: Jordan Dotzel, Yash Akhauri, Ahmed S. AbouElhamayed, Carly Jiang, Mohamed Abdelfattah, Zhiru Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often struggle with strict memory, latency, and power demands. To meet these demands, various forms of dynamic sparsity have been proposed that reduce compute on an input-by-input basis. These methods improve over static methods by exploiting the variance across individual inputs, which has steadily grown with the exponential increase in training data. Yet, the increasing depth within modern models, currently with hundreds of layers, has opened opportunities for dynamic layer sparsity, which skips the computation for entire layers. In this work, we explore the practicality of layer sparsity by profiling residual connections and establish the relationship between model depth and layer sparsity. For example, the residual blocks in the OPT-66B model have a median contribution of 5% to its output. We then take advantage of this dynamic sparsity and propose Radial Networks, which perform token-level routing between layers guided by a trained router module. These networks can be used in a post-training distillation from sequential networks or trained from scratch to co-learn the router and layer weights. They enable scaling to larger model sizes by decoupling the number of layers from the dynamic depth of the network, and their design allows for layer reuse. By varying the compute token by token, they reduce the overall resources needed for generating entire sequences. Overall, this leads to larger capacity networks with significantly lower compute and serving costs for large language models.

new Multilingual Large Language Model: A Survey of Resources, Taxonomy and Frontiers

Authors: Libo Qin, Qiguang Chen, Yuhang Zhou, Zhi Chen, Yinghui Li, Lizi Liao, Min Li, Wanxiang Che, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Multilingual Large Language Models are capable of using powerful Large Language Models to handle and respond to queries in multiple languages, which achieves remarkable success in multilingual natural language processing tasks. Despite these breakthroughs, there still remains a lack of a comprehensive survey to summarize existing approaches and recent developments in this field. To this end, in this paper, we present a thorough review and provide a unified perspective to summarize the recent progress as well as emerging trends in multilingual large language models (MLLMs) literature. The contributions of this paper can be summarized: (1) First survey: to our knowledge, we take the first step and present a thorough review in MLLMs research field according to multi-lingual alignment; (2) New taxonomy: we offer a new and unified perspective to summarize the current progress of MLLMs; (3) New frontiers: we highlight several emerging frontiers and discuss the corresponding challenges; (4) Abundant resources: we collect abundant open-source resources, including relevant papers, data corpora, and leaderboards. We hope our work can provide the community with quick access and spur breakthrough research in MLLMs.

new Towards Understanding the Influence of Reward Margin on Preference Model Performance

Authors: Bowen Qin, Duanyu Feng, Xi Yang

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a widely used framework for the training of language models. However, the process of using RLHF to develop a language model that is well-aligned presents challenges, especially when it comes to optimizing the reward model. Our research has found that existing reward models, when trained using the traditional ranking objective based on human preference data, often struggle to effectively distinguish between responses that are more or less favorable in real-world scenarios. To bridge this gap, our study introduces a novel method to estimate the preference differences without the need for detailed, exhaustive labels from human annotators. Our experimental results provide empirical evidence that incorporating margin values into the training process significantly improves the effectiveness of reward models. This comparative analysis not only demonstrates the superiority of our approach in terms of reward prediction accuracy but also highlights its effectiveness in practical applications.

new Prompting Large Language Models for Zero-shot Essay Scoring via Multi-trait Specialization

Authors: Sanwoo Lee, Yida Cai, Desong Meng, Ziyang Wang, Yunfang Wu

Abstract: Advances in automated essay scoring (AES) have traditionally relied on labeled essays, requiring tremendous cost and expertise for their acquisition. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have achieved great success in various tasks, but their potential is less explored in AES. In this paper, we propose Multi Trait Specialization (MTS), a zero-shot prompting framework to elicit essay scoring capabilities in LLMs. Specifically, we leverage ChatGPT to decompose writing proficiency into distinct traits and generate scoring criteria for each trait. Then, an LLM is prompted to extract trait scores from several conversational rounds, each round scoring one of the traits based on the scoring criteria. Finally, we derive the overall score via trait averaging and min-max scaling. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that MTS consistently outperforms straightforward prompting (Vanilla) in average QWK across all LLMs and datasets, with maximum gains of 0.437 on TOEFL11 and 0.355 on ASAP. Additionally, with the help of MTS, the small-sized Llama2-13b-chat substantially outperforms ChatGPT, facilitating an effective deployment in real applications.

new SilverSight: A Multi-Task Chinese Financial Large Language Model Based on Adaptive Semantic Space Learning

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Zeping Li, Siyu Tian, Yuchen Ni, Sen Liu, Guangnan Ye, Hongfeng Chai

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly being applied across various specialized fields, leveraging their extensive knowledge to empower a multitude of scenarios within these domains. However, each field encompasses a variety of specific tasks that require learning, and the diverse, heterogeneous data across these domains can lead to conflicts during model task transfer. In response to this challenge, our study introduces an Adaptive Semantic Space Learning (ASSL) framework, which utilizes the adaptive reorganization of data distributions within the semantic space to enhance the performance and selection efficacy of multi-expert models. Utilizing this framework, we trained a financial multi-task LLM named "SilverSight". Our research findings demonstrate that our framework can achieve results close to those obtained with full data training using only 10% of the data, while also exhibiting strong generalization capabilities.

new A Two Dimensional Feature Engineering Method for Relation Extraction

Authors: Hao Wang, Yanping Chen, Weizhe Yang, Yongbin Qin, Ruizhang Huang

Abstract: Transforming a sentence into a two-dimensional (2D) representation (e.g., the table filling) has the ability to unfold a semantic plane, where an element of the plane is a word-pair representation of a sentence which may denote a possible relation representation composed of two named entities. The 2D representation is effective in resolving overlapped relation instances. However, in related works, the representation is directly transformed from a raw input. It is weak to utilize prior knowledge, which is important to support the relation extraction task. In this paper, we propose a two-dimensional feature engineering method in the 2D sentence representation for relation extraction. Our proposed method is evaluated on three public datasets (ACE05 Chinese, ACE05 English, and SanWen) and achieves the state-of-the-art performance. The results indicate that two-dimensional feature engineering can take advantage of a two-dimensional sentence representation and make full use of prior knowledge in traditional feature engineering. Our code is publicly available at


new SemEval-2024 Task 2: Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials

Authors: Mael Jullien, Marco Valentino, Andr\'e Freitas

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are at the forefront of NLP achievements but fall short in dealing with shortcut learning, factual inconsistency, and vulnerability to adversarial inputs.These shortcomings are especially critical in medical contexts, where they can misrepresent actual model capabilities. Addressing this, we present SemEval-2024 Task 2: Safe Biomedical Natural Language Inference for ClinicalTrials. Our contributions include the refined NLI4CT-P dataset (i.e., Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials - Perturbed), designed to challenge LLMs with interventional and causal reasoning tasks, along with a comprehensive evaluation of methods and results for participant submissions. A total of 106 participants registered for the task contributing to over 1200 individual submissions and 25 system overview papers. This initiative aims to advance the robustness and applicability of NLI models in healthcare, ensuring safer and more dependable AI assistance in clinical decision-making. We anticipate that the dataset, models, and outcomes of this task can support future research in the field of biomedical NLI. The dataset, competition leaderboard, and website are publicly available.

new MLaKE: Multilingual Knowledge Editing Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Zihao Wei, Jingcheng Deng, Liang Pang, Hanxing Ding, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: The extensive utilization of large language models (LLMs) underscores the crucial necessity for precise and contemporary knowledge embedded within their intrinsic parameters. Existing research on knowledge editing primarily concentrates on monolingual scenarios, neglecting the complexities presented by multilingual contexts and multi-hop reasoning. To address these challenges, our study introduces MLaKE (Multilingual Language Knowledge Editing), a novel benchmark comprising 4072 multi-hop and 5360 single-hop questions designed to evaluate the adaptability of knowledge editing methods across five languages: English, Chinese, Japanese, French, and German. MLaKE aggregates fact chains from Wikipedia across languages and utilizes LLMs to generate questions in both free-form and multiple-choice. We evaluate the multilingual knowledge editing generalization capabilities of existing methods on MLaKE. Existing knowledge editing methods demonstrate higher success rates in English samples compared to other languages. However, their generalization capabilities are limited in multi-language experiments. Notably, existing knowledge editing methods often show relatively high generalization for languages within the same language family compared to languages from different language families. These results underscore the imperative need for advancements in multilingual knowledge editing and we hope MLaKE can serve as a valuable resource for benchmarking and solution development.

new How much reliable is ChatGPT's prediction on Information Extraction under Input Perturbations?

Authors: Ishani Mondal, Abhilasha Sancheti

Abstract: In this paper, we assess the robustness (reliability) of ChatGPT under input perturbations for one of the most fundamental tasks of Information Extraction (IE) i.e. Named Entity Recognition (NER). Despite the hype, the majority of the researchers have vouched for its language understanding and generation capabilities; a little attention has been paid to understand its robustness: How the input-perturbations affect 1) the predictions, 2) the confidence of predictions and 3) the quality of rationale behind its prediction. We perform a systematic analysis of ChatGPT's robustness (under both zero-shot and few-shot setup) on two NER datasets using both automatic and human evaluation. Based on automatic evaluation metrics, we find that 1) ChatGPT is more brittle on Drug or Disease replacements (rare entities) compared to the perturbations on widely known Person or Location entities, 2) the quality of explanations for the same entity considerably differ under different types of "Entity-Specific" and "Context-Specific" perturbations and the quality can be significantly improved using in-context learning, and 3) it is overconfident for majority of the incorrect predictions, and hence it could lead to misguidance of the end-users.

new SEER-MoE: Sparse Expert Efficiency through Regularization for Mixture-of-Experts

Authors: Alexandre Muzio, Alex Sun, Churan He

Abstract: The advancement of deep learning has led to the emergence of Mixture-of-Experts (MoEs) models, known for their dynamic allocation of computational resources based on input. Despite their promise, MoEs face challenges, particularly in terms of memory requirements. To address this, our work introduces SEER-MoE, a novel two-stage framework for reducing both the memory footprint and compute requirements of pre-trained MoE models. The first stage involves pruning the total number of experts using a heavy-hitters counting guidance, while the second stage employs a regularization-based fine-tuning strategy to recover accuracy loss and reduce the number of activated experts during inference. Our empirical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, resulting in a sparse MoEs model optimized for inference efficiency with minimal accuracy trade-offs.

new Advancing Geometric Problem Solving: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Multimodal Model Evaluation

Authors: Kai Sun, Yushi Bai, Nianyi Lin

Abstract: In this work, we present the MM-MATH dataset, a novel benchmark developed to rigorously evaluate the performance of advanced large language and multimodal models - including but not limited to GPT-4, GPT-4V, and Claude - within the domain of geometric computation. This dataset comprises 5,929 meticulously crafted geometric problems, each paired with a corresponding image, aimed at mirroring the complexity and requirements typical of ninth-grade mathematics. The motivation behind MM-MATH stems from the burgeoning interest and significant strides in multimodal technology, which necessitates a paradigm shift in assessment methodologies from mere outcome analysis to a more holistic evaluation encompassing reasoning and procedural correctness. Despite impressive gains in various benchmark performances, our analysis uncovers a persistent and notable deficiency in these models' ability to parse and interpret geometric information accurately from images, accounting for over 60% of observed errors. By deploying a dual-focused evaluation approach, examining both the end results and the underlying problem-solving processes, we unearthed a marked discrepancy between the capabilities of current multimodal models and human-level proficiency. The introduction of MM-MATH represents a tripartite contribution to the field: it not only serves as a comprehensive and challenging benchmark for assessing geometric problem-solving prowess but also illuminates critical gaps in textual and visual comprehension that current models exhibit. Through this endeavor, we aspire to catalyze further research and development aimed at bridging these gaps, thereby advancing the state of multimodal model capabilities to new heights.

new EcoVerse: An Annotated Twitter Dataset for Eco-Relevance Classification, Environmental Impact Analysis, and Stance Detection

Authors: Francesca Grasso, Stefano Locci, Giovanni Siragusa, Luigi Di Caro

Abstract: Anthropogenic ecological crisis constitutes a significant challenge that all within the academy must urgently face, including the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community. While recent years have seen increasing work revolving around climate-centric discourse, crucial environmental and ecological topics outside of climate change remain largely unaddressed, despite their prominent importance. Mainstream NLP tasks, such as sentiment analysis, dominate the scene, but there remains an untouched space in the literature involving the analysis of environmental impacts of certain events and practices. To address this gap, this paper presents EcoVerse, an annotated English Twitter dataset of 3,023 tweets spanning a wide spectrum of environmental topics. We propose a three-level annotation scheme designed for Eco-Relevance Classification, Stance Detection, and introducing an original approach for Environmental Impact Analysis. We detail the data collection, filtering, and labeling process that led to the creation of the dataset. Remarkable Inter-Annotator Agreement indicates that the annotation scheme produces consistent annotations of high quality. Subsequent classification experiments using BERT-based models, including ClimateBERT, are presented. These yield encouraging results, while also indicating room for a model specifically tailored for environmental texts. The dataset is made freely available to stimulate further research.

new Plug and Play with Prompts: A Prompt Tuning Approach for Controlling Text Generation

Authors: Rohan Deepak Ajwani, Zining Zhu, Jonathan Rose, Frank Rudzicz

Abstract: Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown exceptional language generation capabilities in response to text-based prompts. However, controlling the direction of generation via textual prompts has been challenging, especially with smaller models. In this work, we explore the use of Prompt Tuning to achieve controlled language generation. Generated text is steered using prompt embeddings, which are trained using a small language model, used as a discriminator. Moreover, we demonstrate that these prompt embeddings can be trained with a very small dataset, with as low as a few hundred training examples. Our method thus offers a data and parameter efficient solution towards controlling language model outputs. We carry out extensive evaluation on four datasets: SST-5 and Yelp (sentiment analysis), GYAFC (formality) and JIGSAW (toxic language). Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our method towards mitigating harmful, toxic, and biased text generated by language models.

new Enhancing Clinical Efficiency through LLM: Discharge Note Generation for Cardiac Patients

Authors: HyoJe Jung, Yunha Kim, Heejung Choi, Hyeram Seo, Minkyoung Kim, JiYe Han, Gaeun Kee, Seohyun Park, Soyoung Ko, Byeolhee Kim, Suyeon Kim, Tae Joon Jun, Young-Hak Kim

Abstract: Medical documentation, including discharge notes, is crucial for ensuring patient care quality, continuity, and effective medical communication. However, the manual creation of these documents is not only time-consuming but also prone to inconsistencies and potential errors. The automation of this documentation process using artificial intelligence (AI) represents a promising area of innovation in healthcare. This study directly addresses the inefficiencies and inaccuracies in creating discharge notes manually, particularly for cardiac patients, by employing AI techniques, specifically large language model (LLM). Utilizing a substantial dataset from a cardiology center, encompassing wide-ranging medical records and physician assessments, our research evaluates the capability of LLM to enhance the documentation process. Among the various models assessed, Mistral-7B distinguished itself by accurately generating discharge notes that significantly improve both documentation efficiency and the continuity of care for patients. These notes underwent rigorous qualitative evaluation by medical expert, receiving high marks for their clinical relevance, completeness, readability, and contribution to informed decision-making and care planning. Coupled with quantitative analyses, these results confirm Mistral-7B's efficacy in distilling complex medical information into concise, coherent summaries. Overall, our findings illuminate the considerable promise of specialized LLM, such as Mistral-7B, in refining healthcare documentation workflows and advancing patient care. This study lays the groundwork for further integrating advanced AI technologies in healthcare, demonstrating their potential to revolutionize patient documentation and support better care outcomes.

new Semantic Stealth: Adversarial Text Attacks on NLP Using Several Methods

Authors: Roopkatha Dey, Aivy Debnath, Sayak Kumar Dutta, Kaustav Ghosh, Arijit Mitra, Arghya Roy Chowdhury, Jaydip Sen

Abstract: In various real-world applications such as machine translation, sentiment analysis, and question answering, a pivotal role is played by NLP models, facilitating efficient communication and decision-making processes in domains ranging from healthcare to finance. However, a significant challenge is posed to the robustness of these natural language processing models by text adversarial attacks. These attacks involve the deliberate manipulation of input text to mislead the predictions of the model while maintaining human interpretability. Despite the remarkable performance achieved by state-of-the-art models like BERT in various natural language processing tasks, they are found to remain vulnerable to adversarial perturbations in the input text. In addressing the vulnerability of text classifiers to adversarial attacks, three distinct attack mechanisms are explored in this paper using the victim model BERT: BERT-on-BERT attack, PWWS attack, and Fraud Bargain's Attack (FBA). Leveraging the IMDB, AG News, and SST2 datasets, a thorough comparative analysis is conducted to assess the effectiveness of these attacks on the BERT classifier model. It is revealed by the analysis that PWWS emerges as the most potent adversary, consistently outperforming other methods across multiple evaluation scenarios, thereby emphasizing its efficacy in generating adversarial examples for text classification. Through comprehensive experimentation, the performance of these attacks is assessed and the findings indicate that the PWWS attack outperforms others, demonstrating lower runtime, higher accuracy, and favorable semantic similarity scores. The key insight of this paper lies in the assessment of the relative performances of three prevalent state-of-the-art attack mechanisms.

new Linguistic Changes in Spontaneous Speech for Detecting Parkinsons Disease Using Large Language Models

Authors: Jonathan Crawford

Abstract: Parkinsons disease is the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disorder with over ten million active cases worldwide and one million new diagnoses per year. Detecting and subsequently diagnosing the disease is challenging because of symptom heterogeneity with respect to complexity, as well as the type and timing of phenotypic manifestations. Typically, language impairment can present in the prodromal phase and precede motor symptoms suggesting that a linguistic-based approach could serve as a diagnostic method for incipient Parkinsons disease. Additionally, improved linguistic models may enhance other approaches through ensemble techniques. The field of large language models is advancing rapidly, presenting the opportunity to explore the use of these new models for detecting Parkinsons disease and to improve on current linguistic approaches with high-dimensional representations of linguistics. We evaluate the application of state-of-the-art large language models to detect Parkinsons disease automatically from spontaneous speech with up to 73% accuracy.

new LLM Reasoners: New Evaluation, Library, and Analysis of Step-by-Step Reasoning with Large Language Models

Authors: Shibo Hao, Yi Gu, Haotian Luo, Tianyang Liu, Xiyan Shao, Xinyuan Wang, Shuhua Xie, Haodi Ma, Adithya Samavedhi, Qiyue Gao, Zhen Wang, Zhiting Hu

Abstract: Generating accurate step-by-step reasoning is essential for Large Language Models (LLMs) to address complex problems and enhance robustness and interpretability. Despite the flux of research on developing advanced reasoning approaches, systematically analyzing the diverse LLMs and reasoning strategies in generating reasoning chains remains a significant challenge. The difficulties stem from the lack of two key elements: (1) an automatic method for evaluating the generated reasoning chains on different tasks, and (2) a unified formalism and implementation of the diverse reasoning approaches for systematic comparison. This paper aims to close the gap: (1) We introduce AutoRace for fully automated reasoning chain evaluation. Existing metrics rely on expensive human annotations or pre-defined LLM prompts not adaptable to different tasks. In contrast, AutoRace automatically creates detailed evaluation criteria tailored for each task, and uses GPT-4 for accurate evaluation following the criteria. (2) We develop LLM Reasoners, a library for standardized modular implementation of existing and new reasoning algorithms, under a unified formulation of the search, reward, and world model components. With the new evaluation and library, (3) we conduct extensive study of different reasoning approaches (e.g., CoT, ToT, RAP). The analysis reveals interesting findings about different factors contributing to reasoning, including the reward-guidance, breadth-vs-depth in search, world model, and prompt formats, etc.

new Product Description and QA Assisted Self-Supervised Opinion Summarization

Authors: Tejpalsingh Siledar, Rupasai Rangaraju, Sankara Sri Raghava Ravindra Muddu, Suman Banerjee, Amey Patil, Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh, Muthusamy Chelliah, Nikesh Garera, Swaprava Nath, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: In e-commerce, opinion summarization is the process of summarizing the consensus opinions found in product reviews. However, the potential of additional sources such as product description and question-answers (QA) has been considered less often. Moreover, the absence of any supervised training data makes this task challenging. To address this, we propose a novel synthetic dataset creation (SDC) strategy that leverages information from reviews as well as additional sources for selecting one of the reviews as a pseudo-summary to enable supervised training. Our Multi-Encoder Decoder framework for Opinion Summarization (MEDOS) employs a separate encoder for each source, enabling effective selection of information while generating the summary. For evaluation, due to the unavailability of test sets with additional sources, we extend the Amazon, Oposum+, and Flipkart test sets and leverage ChatGPT to annotate summaries. Experiments across nine test sets demonstrate that the combination of our SDC approach and MEDOS model achieves on average a 14.5% improvement in ROUGE-1 F1 over the SOTA. Moreover, comparative analysis underlines the significance of incorporating additional sources for generating more informative summaries. Human evaluations further indicate that MEDOS scores relatively higher in coherence and fluency with 0.41 and 0.5 (-1 to 1) respectively, compared to existing models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to generate opinion summaries leveraging additional sources in a self-supervised setting.

new Supervised Gradual Machine Learning for Aspect Category Detection

Authors: Murtadha Ahmed, Qun Chen

Abstract: Aspect Category Detection (ACD) aims to identify implicit and explicit aspects in a given review sentence. The state-of-the-art approaches for ACD use Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to address the problem as a multi-label classification task. However, learning category-specific representations heavily rely on the amount of labeled examples, which may not readily available in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to tackle the ACD task by combining DNNs with Gradual Machine Learning (GML) in a supervised setting. we aim to leverage the strength of DNN in semantic relation modeling, which can facilitate effective knowledge transfer between labeled and unlabeled instances during the gradual inference of GML. To achieve this, we first analyze the learned latent space of the DNN to model the relations, i.e., similar or opposite, between instances. We then represent these relations as binary features in a factor graph to efficiently convey knowledge. Finally, we conduct a comparative study of our proposed solution on real benchmark datasets and demonstrate that the GML approach, in collaboration with DNNs for feature extraction, consistently outperforms pure DNN solutions.

new Interpreting Themes from Educational Stories

Authors: Yigeng Zhang, Fabio A. Gonz\'alez, Thamar Solorio

Abstract: Reading comprehension continues to be a crucial research focus in the NLP community. Recent advances in Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) have mostly centered on literal comprehension, referring to the surface-level understanding of content. In this work, we focus on the next level - interpretive comprehension, with a particular emphasis on inferring the themes of a narrative text. We introduce the first dataset specifically designed for interpretive comprehension of educational narratives, providing corresponding well-edited theme texts. The dataset spans a variety of genres and cultural origins and includes human-annotated theme keywords with varying levels of granularity. We further formulate NLP tasks under different abstractions of interpretive comprehension toward the main idea of a story. After conducting extensive experiments with state-of-the-art methods, we found the task to be both challenging and significant for NLP research. The dataset and source code have been made publicly available to the research community at


new Multi-Task Learning for Features Extraction in Financial Annual Reports

Authors: Syrielle Montariol, Matej Martinc, Andra\v{z} Pelicon, Senja Pollak, Boshko Koloski, Igor Lon\v{c}arski, Aljo\v{s}a Valentin\v{c}i\v{c}

Abstract: For assessing various performance indicators of companies, the focus is shifting from strictly financial (quantitative) publicly disclosed information to qualitative (textual) information. This textual data can provide valuable weak signals, for example through stylistic features, which can complement the quantitative data on financial performance or on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. In this work, we use various multi-task learning methods for financial text classification with the focus on financial sentiment, objectivity, forward-looking sentence prediction and ESG-content detection. We propose different methods to combine the information extracted from training jointly on different tasks; our best-performing method highlights the positive effect of explicitly adding auxiliary task predictions as features for the final target task during the multi-task training. Next, we use these classifiers to extract textual features from annual reports of FTSE350 companies and investigate the link between ESG quantitative scores and these features.

new PORTULAN ExtraGLUE Datasets and Models: Kick-starting a Benchmark for the Neural Processing of Portuguese

Authors: Tom\'as Os\'orio, Bernardo Leite, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Lu\'is Gomes, Jo\~ao Rodrigues, Rodrigo Santos, Ant\'onio Branco

Abstract: Leveraging research on the neural modelling of Portuguese, we contribute a collection of datasets for an array of language processing tasks and a corresponding collection of fine-tuned neural language models on these downstream tasks. To align with mainstream benchmarks in the literature, originally developed in English, and to kick start their Portuguese counterparts, the datasets were machine-translated from English with a state-of-the-art translation engine. The resulting PORTULAN ExtraGLUE benchmark is a basis for research on Portuguese whose improvement can be pursued in future work. Similarly, the respective fine-tuned neural language models, developed with a low-rank adaptation approach, are made available as baselines that can stimulate future work on the neural processing of Portuguese. All datasets and models have been developed and are made available for two variants of Portuguese: European and Brazilian.

new Towards Objectively Benchmarking Social Intelligence for Language Agents at Action Level

Authors: Chenxu Wang, Bin Dai, Huaping Liu, Baoyuan Wang

Abstract: Prominent large language models have exhibited human-level performance in many domains, even enabling the derived agents to simulate human and social interactions. While practical works have substantiated the practicability of grounding language agents in sandbox simulation or embodied simulators, current social intelligence benchmarks either stay at the language level or use subjective metrics. In pursuit of a more realistic and objective evaluation, we introduce the Social Tasks in Sandbox Simulation (STSS) benchmark, which assesses language agents \textbf{objectively} at the \textbf{action level} by scrutinizing the goal achievements within the multi-agent simulation. Additionally, we sample conversation scenarios to build a language-level benchmark to provide an economically prudent preliminary evaluation and align with prevailing benchmarks. To gauge the significance of agent architecture, we implement a target-driven planning (TDP) module as an adjunct to the existing agent. Our evaluative findings highlight that the STSS benchmark is challenging for state-of-the-art language agents. Furthermore, it effectively discriminates between distinct language agents, suggesting its usefulness as a benchmark for evaluating both language models and agent architectures.

new NLP Progress in Indigenous Latin American Languages

Authors: Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi, Sabur Butt, Olga Kolesnikova, Hector Ceballos, Alexander Gelbukh, Thamar Solorio

Abstract: The paper focuses on the marginalization of indigenous language communities in the face of rapid technological advancements. We highlight the cultural richness of these languages and the risk they face of being overlooked in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). We aim to bridge the gap between these communities and researchers, emphasizing the need for inclusive technological advancements that respect indigenous community perspectives. We show the NLP progress of indigenous Latin American languages and the survey that covers the status of indigenous languages in Latin America, their representation in NLP, and the challenges and innovations required for their preservation and development. The paper contributes to the current literature in understanding the need and progress of NLP for indigenous communities of Latin America, specifically low-resource and indigenous communities in general.

new SafetyPrompts: a Systematic Review of Open Datasets for Evaluating and Improving Large Language Model Safety

Authors: Paul R\"ottger, Fabio Pernisi, Bertie Vidgen, Dirk Hovy

Abstract: The last two years have seen a rapid growth in concerns around the safety of large language models (LLMs). Researchers and practitioners have met these concerns by introducing an abundance of new datasets for evaluating and improving LLM safety. However, much of this work has happened in parallel, and with very different goals in mind, ranging from the mitigation of near-term risks around bias and toxic content generation to the assessment of longer-term catastrophic risk potential. This makes it difficult for researchers and practitioners to find the most relevant datasets for a given use case, and to identify gaps in dataset coverage that future work may fill. To remedy these issues, we conduct a first systematic review of open datasets for evaluating and improving LLM safety. We review 102 datasets, which we identified through an iterative and community-driven process over the course of several months. We highlight patterns and trends, such as a a trend towards fully synthetic datasets, as well as gaps in dataset coverage, such as a clear lack of non-English datasets. We also examine how LLM safety datasets are used in practice -- in LLM release publications and popular LLM benchmarks -- finding that current evaluation practices are highly idiosyncratic and make use of only a small fraction of available datasets. Our contributions are based on, a living catalogue of open datasets for LLM safety, which we commit to updating continuously as the field of LLM safety develops.

new Physics of Language Models: Part 3.3, Knowledge Capacity Scaling Laws

Authors: Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Yuanzhi Li

Abstract: Scaling laws describe the relationship between the size of language models and their capabilities. Unlike prior studies that evaluate a model's capability via loss or benchmarks, we estimate the number of knowledge bits a model stores. We focus on factual knowledge represented as tuples, such as (USA, capital, Washington D.C.) from a Wikipedia page. Through multiple controlled datasets, we establish that language models can and only can store 2 bits of knowledge per parameter, even when quantized to int8, and such knowledge can be flexibly extracted for downstream applications. Consequently, a 7B model can store 14B bits of knowledge, surpassing the English Wikipedia and textbooks combined based on our estimation. More broadly, we present 12 results on how (1) training duration, (2) model architecture, (3) quantization, (4) sparsity constraints such as MoE, and (5) data signal-to-noise ratio affect a model's knowledge storage capacity. Notable insights include: * The GPT-2 architecture, with rotary embedding, matches or even surpasses LLaMA/Mistral architectures in knowledge storage, particularly over shorter training durations. This arises because LLaMA/Mistral uses GatedMLP, which is less stable and harder to train. * Prepending training data with domain names (e.g., significantly increases a model's knowledge capacity. Language models can autonomously identify and prioritize domains rich in knowledge, optimizing their storage capacity.

new PerkwE_COQA: enhance Persian Conversational Question Answering by combining contextual keyword extraction with Large Language Models

Authors: Pardis Moradbeiki, Nasser Ghadiri

Abstract: Smart cities need the involvement of their residents to enhance quality of life. Conversational query-answering is an emerging approach for user engagement. There is an increasing demand of an advanced conversational question-answering that goes beyond classic systems. Existing approaches have shown that LLMs offer promising capabilities for CQA, but may struggle to capture the nuances of conversational contexts. The new approach involves understanding the content and engaging in a multi-step conversation with the user to fulfill their needs. This paper presents a novel method to elevate the performance of Persian Conversational question-answering (CQA) systems. It combines the strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) with contextual keyword extraction. Our method extracts keywords specific to the conversational flow, providing the LLM with additional context to understand the user's intent and generate more relevant and coherent responses. We evaluated the effectiveness of this combined approach through various metrics, demonstrating significant improvements in CQA performance compared to an LLM-only baseline. The proposed method effectively handles implicit questions, delivers contextually relevant answers, and tackles complex questions that rely heavily on conversational context. The findings indicate that our method outperformed the evaluation benchmarks up to 8% higher than existing methods and the LLM-only baseline.

new Know When To Stop: A Study of Semantic Drift in Text Generation

Authors: Ava Spataru, Eric Hambro, Elena Voita, Nicola Cancedda

Abstract: In this work, we explicitly show that modern LLMs tend to generate correct facts first, then "drift away" and generate incorrect facts later: this was occasionally observed but never properly measured. We develop a semantic drift score that measures the degree of separation between correct and incorrect facts in generated texts and confirm our hypothesis when generating Wikipedia-style biographies. This correct-then-incorrect generation pattern suggests that factual accuracy can be improved by knowing when to stop generation. Therefore, we explore the trade-off between information quantity and factual accuracy for several early stopping methods and manage to improve factuality by a large margin. We further show that reranking with semantic similarity can further improve these results, both compared to the baseline and when combined with early stopping. Finally, we try calling external API to bring the model back to the right generation path, but do not get positive results. Overall, our methods generalize and can be applied to any long-form text generation to produce more reliable information, by balancing trade-offs between factual accuracy, information quantity and computational cost.

new Relation Extraction Using Large Language Models: A Case Study on Acupuncture Point Locations

Authors: Yiming Li, Xueqing Peng, Jianfu Li, Xu Zuo, Suyuan Peng, Donghong Pei, Cui Tao, Hua Xu, Na Hong

Abstract: In acupuncture therapy, the accurate location of acupoints is essential for its effectiveness. The advanced language understanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) present a significant opportunity for extracting relations related to acupoint locations from textual knowledge sources. This study aims to compare the performance of GPT with traditional deep learning models (Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text Mining (BioBERT)) in extracting acupoint-related location relations and assess the impact of pretraining and fine-tuning on GPT's performance. We utilized the World Health Organization Standard Acupuncture Point Locations in the Western Pacific Region (WHO Standard) as our corpus, which consists of descriptions of 361 acupoints. Five types of relations ('direction_of,' 'distance_of,' 'part_of,' 'near_acupoint,' and 'located_near') (n= 3,174) between acupoints were annotated. Five models were compared: BioBERT, LSTM, pre-trained GPT-3.5, and fine-tuned GPT-3.5, as well as pre-trained GPT-4. Performance metrics included micro-average exact match precision, recall, and F1 scores. Our results demonstrate that fine-tuned GPT-3.5 consistently outperformed other models in F1 scores across all relation types. Overall, it achieved the highest micro-average F1 score of 0.92. This study underscores the effectiveness of LLMs like GPT in extracting relations related to acupoint locations, with implications for accurately modeling acupuncture knowledge and promoting standard implementation in acupuncture training and practice. The findings also contribute to advancing informatics applications in traditional and complementary medicine, showcasing the potential of LLMs in natural language processing.

new Language Models on a Diet: Cost-Efficient Development of Encoders for Closely-Related Languages via Additional Pretraining

Authors: Nikola Ljube\v{s}i\'c, V\'it Suchomel, Peter Rupnik, Taja Kuzman, Rik van Noord

Abstract: The world of language models is going through turbulent times, better and ever larger models are coming out at an unprecedented speed. However, we argue that, especially for the scientific community, encoder models of up to 1 billion parameters are still very much needed, their primary usage being in enriching large collections of data with metadata necessary for downstream research. We investigate the best way to ensure the existence of such encoder models on the set of very closely related languages - Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin, by setting up a diverse benchmark for these languages, and comparing the trained-from-scratch models with the new models constructed via additional pretraining of existing multilingual models. We show that comparable performance to dedicated from-scratch models can be obtained by additionally pretraining available multilingual models even with a limited amount of computation. We also show that neighboring languages, in our case Slovenian, can be included in the additional pretraining with little to no loss in the performance of the final model.

new XL$^2$Bench: A Benchmark for Extremely Long Context Understanding with Long-range Dependencies

Authors: Xuanfan Ni, Hengyi Cai, Xiaochi Wei, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin, Piji Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across diverse tasks but are constrained by their small context window sizes. Various efforts have been proposed to expand the context window to accommodate even up to 200K input tokens. Meanwhile, building high-quality benchmarks with much longer text lengths and more demanding tasks to provide comprehensive evaluations is of immense practical interest to facilitate long context understanding research of LLMs. However, prior benchmarks create datasets that ostensibly cater to long-text comprehension by expanding the input of traditional tasks, which falls short to exhibit the unique characteristics of long-text understanding, including long dependency tasks and longer text length compatible with modern LLMs' context window size. In this paper, we introduce a benchmark for extremely long context understanding with long-range dependencies, XL$^2$Bench, which includes three scenarios: Fiction Reading, Paper Reading, and Law Reading, and four tasks of increasing complexity: Memory Retrieval, Detailed Understanding, Overall Understanding, and Open-ended Generation, covering 27 subtasks in English and Chinese. It has an average length of 100K+ words (English) and 200K+ characters (Chinese). Evaluating six leading LLMs on XL$^2$Bench, we find that their performance significantly lags behind human levels. Moreover, the observed decline in performance across both the original and enhanced datasets underscores the efficacy of our approach to mitigating data contamination.

new RoT: Enhancing Large Language Models with Reflection on Search Trees

Authors: Wenyang Hui, Yan Wang, Kewei Tu, Chengyue Jiang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability in reasoning and planning when integrated with tree-search-based prompting methods. However, since these methods ignore the previous search experiences, they often make the same mistakes in the search process. To address this issue, we introduce Reflection on search Trees (RoT), an LLM reflection framework designed to improve the performance of tree-search-based prompting methods. It uses a strong LLM to summarize guidelines from previous tree search experiences to enhance the ability of a weak LLM. The guidelines are instructions about solving this task through tree search which can prevent the weak LLMs from making similar mistakes in the past search process. In addition, we proposed a novel state selection method, which identifies the critical information from historical search processes to help RoT generate more specific and meaningful guidelines. In our extensive experiments, we find that RoT significantly improves the performance of LLMs in reasoning or planning tasks with various tree-search-based prompting methods (e.g., BFS and MCTS). Non-tree-search-based prompting methods such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) can also benefit from RoT guidelines since RoT can provide task-specific knowledge collected from the search experience.

new PetKaz at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Can Linguistics Capture the Specifics of LLM-generated Text?

Authors: Kseniia Petukhova, Roman Kazakov, Ekaterina Kochmar

Abstract: In this paper, we present our submission to the SemEval-2024 Task 8 "Multigenerator, Multidomain, and Multilingual Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection", focusing on the detection of machine-generated texts (MGTs) in English. Specifically, our approach relies on combining embeddings from the RoBERTa-base with diversity features and uses a resampled training set. We score 12th from 124 in the ranking for Subtask A (monolingual track), and our results show that our approach is generalizable across unseen models and domains, achieving an accuracy of 0.91.

new PetKaz at SemEval-2024 Task 3: Advancing Emotion Classification with an LLM for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations

Authors: Roman Kazakov, Kseniia Petukhova, Ekaterina Kochmar

Abstract: In this paper, we present our submission to the SemEval-2023 Task~3 "The Competition of Multimodal Emotion Cause Analysis in Conversations", focusing on extracting emotion-cause pairs from dialogs. Specifically, our approach relies on combining fine-tuned GPT-3.5 for emotion classification and a BiLSTM-based neural network to detect causes. We score 2nd in the ranking for Subtask 1, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach through one of the highest weighted-average proportional F1 scores recorded at 0.264.

new Best-of-Venom: Attacking RLHF by Injecting Poisoned Preference Data

Authors: Tim Baumg\"artner, Yang Gao, Dana Alon, Donald Metzler

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a popular method for aligning Language Models (LM) with human values and preferences. RLHF requires a large number of preference pairs as training data, which are often used in both the Supervised Fine-Tuning and Reward Model training, and therefore publicly available datasets are commonly used. In this work, we study to what extent a malicious actor can manipulate the LMs generations by poisoning the preferences, i.e., injecting poisonous preference pairs into these datasets and the RLHF training process. We propose strategies to build poisonous preference pairs and test their performance by poisoning two widely used preference datasets. Our results show that preference poisoning is highly effective: by injecting a small amount of poisonous data (1-5% of the original dataset), we can effectively manipulate the LM to generate a target entity in a target sentiment (positive or negative). The findings from our experiments also shed light on strategies to defend against the preference poisoning attack.

new OPSD: an Offensive Persian Social media Dataset and its baseline evaluations

Authors: Mehran Safayani, Amir Sartipi, Amir Hossein Ahmadi, Parniyan Jalali, Amir Hossein Mansouri, Mohammad Bisheh-Niasar, Zahra Pourbahman

Abstract: The proliferation of hate speech and offensive comments on social media has become increasingly prevalent due to user activities. Such comments can have detrimental effects on individuals' psychological well-being and social behavior. While numerous datasets in the English language exist in this domain, few equivalent resources are available for Persian language. To address this gap, this paper introduces two offensive datasets. The first dataset comprises annotations provided by domain experts, while the second consists of a large collection of unlabeled data obtained through web crawling for unsupervised learning purposes. To ensure the quality of the former dataset, a meticulous three-stage labeling process was conducted, and kappa measures were computed to assess inter-annotator agreement. Furthermore, experiments were performed on the dataset using state-of-the-art language models, both with and without employing masked language modeling techniques, as well as machine learning algorithms, in order to establish the baselines for the dataset using contemporary cutting-edge approaches. The obtained F1-scores for the three-class and two-class versions of the dataset were 76.9% and 89.9% for XLM-RoBERTa, respectively.

new Chinese Sequence Labeling with Semi-Supervised Boundary-Aware Language Model Pre-training

Authors: Longhui Zhang, Dingkun Long, Meishan Zhang, Yanzhao Zhang, Pengjun Xie, Min Zhang

Abstract: Chinese sequence labeling tasks are heavily reliant on accurate word boundary demarcation. Although current pre-trained language models (PLMs) have achieved substantial gains on these tasks, they rarely explicitly incorporate boundary information into the modeling process. An exception to this is BABERT, which incorporates unsupervised statistical boundary information into Chinese BERT's pre-training objectives. Building upon this approach, we input supervised high-quality boundary information to enhance BABERT's learning, developing a semi-supervised boundary-aware PLM. To assess PLMs' ability to encode boundaries, we introduce a novel ``Boundary Information Metric'' that is both simple and effective. This metric allows comparison of different PLMs without task-specific fine-tuning. Experimental results on Chinese sequence labeling datasets demonstrate that the improved BABERT variant outperforms the vanilla version, not only on these tasks but also more broadly across a range of Chinese natural language understanding tasks. Additionally, our proposed metric offers a convenient and accurate means of evaluating PLMs' boundary awareness.

new Enhancing Software Related Information Extraction with Generative Language Models through Single-Choice Question Answering

Authors: Wolfgang Otto, Sharmila Upadhyaya, Stefan Dietze

Abstract: This paper describes our participation in the Shared Task on Software Mentions Disambiguation (SOMD), with a focus on improving relation extraction in scholarly texts through Generative Language Models (GLMs) using single-choice question-answering. The methodology prioritises the use of in-context learning capabilities of GLMs to extract software-related entities and their descriptive attributes, such as distributive information. Our approach uses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques and GLMs for Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Attributive NER to identify relationships between extracted software entities, providing a structured solution for analysing software citations in academic literature. The paper provides a detailed description of our approach, demonstrating how using GLMs in a single-choice QA paradigm can greatly enhance IE methodologies. Our participation in the SOMD shared task highlights the importance of precise software citation practices and showcases our system's ability to overcome the challenges of disambiguating and extracting relationships between software mentions. This sets the groundwork for future research and development in this field.

new MedExpQA: Multilingual Benchmarking of Large Language Models for Medical Question Answering

Authors: I\~nigo Alonso, Maite Oronoz, Rodrigo Agerri

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential of facilitating the development of Artificial Intelligence technology to assist medical experts for interactive decision support, which has been demonstrated by their competitive performances in Medical QA. However, while impressive, the required quality bar for medical applications remains far from being achieved. Currently, LLMs remain challenged by outdated knowledge and by their tendency to generate hallucinated content. Furthermore, most benchmarks to assess medical knowledge lack reference gold explanations which means that it is not possible to evaluate the reasoning of LLMs predictions. Finally, the situation is particularly grim if we consider benchmarking LLMs for languages other than English which remains, as far as we know, a totally neglected topic. In order to address these shortcomings, in this paper we present MedExpQA, the first multilingual benchmark based on medical exams to evaluate LLMs in Medical Question Answering. To the best of our knowledge, MedExpQA includes for the first time reference gold explanations written by medical doctors which can be leveraged to establish various gold-based upper-bounds for comparison with LLMs performance. Comprehensive multilingual experimentation using both the gold reference explanations and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approaches show that performance of LLMs still has large room for improvement, especially for languages other than English. Furthermore, and despite using state-of-the-art RAG methods, our results also demonstrate the difficulty of obtaining and integrating readily available medical knowledge that may positively impact results on downstream evaluations for Medical Question Answering. So far the benchmark is available in four languages, but we hope that this work may encourage further development to other languages.

new SpeechAlign: Aligning Speech Generation to Human Preferences

Authors: Dong Zhang, Zhaowei Li, Shimin Li, Xin Zhang, Pengyu Wang, Yaqian Zhou, Xipeng Qiu

Abstract: Speech language models have significantly advanced in generating realistic speech, with neural codec language models standing out. However, the integration of human feedback to align speech outputs to human preferences is often neglected. This paper addresses this gap by first analyzing the distribution gap in codec language models, highlighting how it leads to discrepancies between the training and inference phases, which negatively affects performance. Then we explore leveraging learning from human feedback to bridge the distribution gap. We introduce SpeechAlign, an iterative self-improvement strategy that aligns speech language models to human preferences. SpeechAlign involves constructing a preference codec dataset contrasting golden codec tokens against synthetic tokens, followed by preference optimization to improve the codec language model. This cycle of improvement is carried out iteratively to steadily convert weak models to strong ones. Through both subjective and objective evaluations, we show that SpeechAlign can bridge the distribution gap and facilitating continuous self-improvement of the speech language model. Moreover, SpeechAlign exhibits robust generalization capabilities and works for smaller models. Code and models will be available at


new How to Evaluate Entity Resolution Systems: An Entity-Centric Framework with Application to Inventor Name Disambiguation

Authors: Olivier Binette, Youngsoo Baek, Siddharth Engineer, Christina Jones, Abel Dasylva, Jerome P. Reiter

Abstract: Entity resolution (record linkage, microclustering) systems are notoriously difficult to evaluate. Looking for a needle in a haystack, traditional evaluation methods use sophisticated, application-specific sampling schemes to find matching pairs of records among an immense number of non-matches. We propose an alternative that facilitates the creation of representative, reusable benchmark data sets without necessitating complex sampling schemes. These benchmark data sets can then be used for model training and a variety of evaluation tasks. Specifically, we propose an entity-centric data labeling methodology that integrates with a unified framework for monitoring summary statistics, estimating key performance metrics such as cluster and pairwise precision and recall, and analyzing root causes for errors. We validate the framework in an application to inventor name disambiguation and through simulation studies. Software:


new LTNER: Large Language Model Tagging for Named Entity Recognition with Contextualized Entity Marking

Authors: Faren Yan, Peng Yu, Xin Chen

Abstract: The use of LLMs for natural language processing has become a popular trend in the past two years, driven by their formidable capacity for context comprehension and learning, which has inspired a wave of research from academics and industry professionals. However, for certain NLP tasks, such as NER, the performance of LLMs still falls short when compared to supervised learning methods. In our research, we developed a NER processing framework called LTNER that incorporates a revolutionary Contextualized Entity Marking Gen Method. By leveraging the cost-effective GPT-3.5 coupled with context learning that does not require additional training, we significantly improved the accuracy of LLMs in handling NER tasks. The F1 score on the CoNLL03 dataset increased from the initial 85.9% to 91.9%, approaching the performance of supervised fine-tuning. This outcome has led to a deeper understanding of the potential of LLMs.

new Fighting crime with Transformers: Empirical analysis of address parsing methods in payment data

Authors: Haitham Hammami, Louis Baligand, Bojan Petrovski

Abstract: In the financial industry, identifying the location of parties involved in payments is a major challenge in the context of various regulatory requirements. For this purpose address parsing entails extracting fields such as street, postal code, or country from free text message attributes. While payment processing platforms are updating their standards with more structured formats such as SWIFT with ISO 20022, address parsing remains essential for a considerable volume of messages. With the emergence of Transformers and Generative Large Language Models (LLM), we explore the performance of state-of-the-art solutions given the constraint of processing a vast amount of daily data. This paper also aims to show the need for training robust models capable of dealing with real-world noisy transactional data. Our results suggest that a well fine-tuned Transformer model using early-stopping significantly outperforms other approaches. Nevertheless, generative LLMs demonstrate strong zero-shot performance and warrant further investigations.

new Causality Extraction from Nuclear Licensee Event Reports Using a Hybrid Framework

Authors: Sohag Rahman, Sai Zhang, Min Xian, Shoukun Sun, Fei Xu, Zhegang Ma

Abstract: Industry-wide nuclear power plant operating experience is a critical source of raw data for performing parameter estimations in reliability and risk models. Much operating experience information pertains to failure events and is stored as reports containing unstructured data, such as narratives. Event reports are essential for understanding how failures are initiated and propagated, including the numerous causal relations involved. Causal relation extraction using deep learning represents a significant frontier in the field of natural language processing (NLP), and is crucial since it enables the interpretation of intricate narratives and connections contained within vast amounts of written information. This paper proposed a hybrid framework for causality detection and extraction from nuclear licensee event reports. The main contributions include: (1) we compiled an LER corpus with 20,129 text samples for causality analysis, (2) developed an interactive tool for labeling cause effect pairs, (3) built a deep-learning-based approach for causal relation detection, and (4) developed a knowledge based cause-effect extraction approach.

new VietMed: A Dataset and Benchmark for Automatic Speech Recognition of Vietnamese in the Medical Domain

Authors: Khai Le-Duc

Abstract: Due to privacy restrictions, there's a shortage of publicly available speech recognition datasets in the medical domain. In this work, we present VietMed - a Vietnamese speech recognition dataset in the medical domain comprising 16h of labeled medical speech, 1000h of unlabeled medical speech and 1200h of unlabeled general-domain speech. To our best knowledge, VietMed is by far the world's largest public medical speech recognition dataset in 7 aspects: total duration, number of speakers, diseases, recording conditions, speaker roles, unique medical terms and accents. VietMed is also by far the largest public Vietnamese speech dataset in terms of total duration. Additionally, we are the first to present a medical ASR dataset covering all ICD-10 disease groups and all accents within a country. Moreover, we release the first public large-scale pre-trained models for Vietnamese ASR, w2v2-Viet and XLSR-53-Viet, along with the first public large-scale fine-tuned models for medical ASR. Even without any medical data in unsupervised pre-training, our best pre-trained model XLSR-53-Viet generalizes very well to the medical domain by outperforming state-of-the-art XLSR-53, from 51.8% to 29.6% WER on test set (a relative reduction of more than 40%). All code, data and models are made publicly available here:


new Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning Beyond Accuracy

Authors: Shijie Xia, Xuefeng Li, Yixin Liu, Tongshuang Wu, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: The leaderboard of Large Language Models (LLMs) in mathematical tasks has been continuously updated. However, the majority of evaluations focus solely on the final results, neglecting the quality of the intermediate steps. This oversight can mask underlying problems, such as logical errors or unnecessary steps in the reasoning process. To measure reasoning beyond final-answer accuracy, we introduce ReasonEval, a new methodology for evaluating the quality of reasoning steps. ReasonEval employs $\textit{validity}$ and $\textit{redundancy}$ to characterize the reasoning quality, as well as accompanying LLMs to assess them automatically. Instantiated by base models that possess strong mathematical knowledge and trained with high-quality labeled data, ReasonEval achieves state-of-the-art performance on human-labeled datasets and can accurately detect different types of errors generated by perturbation. When applied to evaluate LLMs specialized in math, we find that an increase in final-answer accuracy does not necessarily guarantee an improvement in the overall quality of the reasoning steps for challenging mathematical problems. Additionally, we observe that ReasonEval can play a significant role in data selection. We release the best-performing model, meta-evaluation script, and all evaluation results at


new Comprehensive Study on German Language Models for Clinical and Biomedical Text Understanding

Authors: Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir, Amin Dada, Henning Sch\"afer, Kamyar Arzideh, Giulia Baldini, Jan Trienes, Max Hasin, Jeanette Bewersdorff, Cynthia S. Schmidt, Marie Bauer, Kaleb E. Smith, Jiang Bian, Yonghui Wu, J\"org Schl\"otterer, Torsten Zesch, Peter A. Horn, Christin Seifert, Felix Nensa, Jens Kleesiek, Christoph M. Friedrich

Abstract: Recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) can be largely attributed to the advent of pre-trained language models such as BERT and RoBERTa. While these models demonstrate remarkable performance on general datasets, they can struggle in specialized domains such as medicine, where unique domain-specific terminologies, domain-specific abbreviations, and varying document structures are common. This paper explores strategies for adapting these models to domain-specific requirements, primarily through continuous pre-training on domain-specific data. We pre-trained several German medical language models on 2.4B tokens derived from translated public English medical data and 3B tokens of German clinical data. The resulting models were evaluated on various German downstream tasks, including named entity recognition (NER), multi-label classification, and extractive question answering. Our results suggest that models augmented by clinical and translation-based pre-training typically outperform general domain models in medical contexts. We conclude that continuous pre-training has demonstrated the ability to match or even exceed the performance of clinical models trained from scratch. Furthermore, pre-training on clinical data or leveraging translated texts have proven to be reliable methods for domain adaptation in medical NLP tasks.

new Language-Independent Representations Improve Zero-Shot Summarization

Authors: Vladimir Solovyev, Danni Liu, Jan Niehues

Abstract: Finetuning pretrained models on downstream generation tasks often leads to catastrophic forgetting in zero-shot conditions. In this work, we focus on summarization and tackle the problem through the lens of language-independent representations. After training on monolingual summarization, we perform zero-shot transfer to new languages or language pairs. We first show naively finetuned models are highly language-specific in both output behavior and internal representations, resulting in poor zero-shot performance. Next, we propose query-key (QK) finetuning to decouple task-specific knowledge from the pretrained language generation abilities. Then, after showing downsides of the standard adversarial language classifier, we propose a balanced variant that more directly enforces language-agnostic representations. Moreover, our qualitative analyses show removing source language identity correlates to zero-shot summarization performance. Our code is openly available.

cross Selecting Query-bag as Pseudo Relevance Feedback for Information-seeking Conversations

Authors: Xiaoqing Zhang, Xiuying Chen, Shen Gao, Shuqi Li, Xin Gao, Ji-Rong Wen, Rui Yan

Abstract: Information-seeking dialogue systems are widely used in e-commerce systems, with answers that must be tailored to fit the specific settings of the online system. Given the user query, the information-seeking dialogue systems first retrieve a subset of response candidates, then further select the best response from the candidate set through re-ranking. Current methods mainly retrieve response candidates based solely on the current query, however, incorporating similar questions could introduce more diverse content, potentially refining the representation and improving the matching process. Hence, in this paper, we proposed a Query-bag based Pseudo Relevance Feedback framework (QB-PRF), which constructs a query-bag with related queries to serve as pseudo signals to guide information-seeking conversations. Concretely, we first propose a Query-bag Selection module (QBS), which utilizes contrastive learning to train the selection of synonymous queries in an unsupervised manner by leveraging the representations learned from pre-trained VAE. Secondly, we come up with a Query-bag Fusion module (QBF) that fuses synonymous queries to enhance the semantic representation of the original query through multidimensional attention computation. We verify the effectiveness of the QB-PRF framework on two competitive pretrained backbone models, including BERT and GPT-2. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets show that our framework achieves superior performance over strong baselines.

cross SELF-[IN]CORRECT: LLMs Struggle with Refining Self-Generated Responses

Authors: Dongwei Jiang, Jingyu Zhang, Orion Weller, Nathaniel Weir, Benjamin Van Durme, Daniel Khashabi

Abstract: Can LLMs continually improve their previous outputs for better results? An affirmative answer would require LLMs to be better at discriminating among previously-generated alternatives, than generating initial responses. We explore the validity of this hypothesis in practice. We first introduce a unified framework that allows us to compare the generative and discriminative capability of any model on any task. Then, in our resulting experimental analysis of several LLMs, we do not observe the performance of those models on discrimination to be reliably better than generation. We hope these findings inform the growing literature on self-improvement AI systems.

cross AuditGPT: Auditing Smart Contracts with ChatGPT

Authors: Shihao Xia, Shuai Shao, Mengting He, Tingting Yu, Linhai Song, Yiying Zhang

Abstract: To govern smart contracts running on Ethereum, multiple Ethereum Request for Comment (ERC) standards have been developed, each containing a set of rules to guide the behaviors of smart contracts. Violating the ERC rules could cause serious security issues and financial loss, signifying the importance of verifying smart contracts follow ERCs. Today's practices of such verification are to either manually audit each single contract or use expert-developed, limited-scope program-analysis tools, both of which are far from being effective in identifying ERC rule violations. This paper presents a tool named AuditGPT that leverages large language models (LLMs) to automatically and comprehensively verify ERC rules against smart contracts. To build AuditGPT, we first conduct an empirical study on 222 ERC rules specified in four popular ERCs to understand their content, their security impacts, their specification in natural language, and their implementation in Solidity. Guided by the study, we construct AuditGPT by separating the large, complex auditing process into small, manageable tasks and design prompts specialized for each ERC rule type to enhance LLMs' auditing performance. In the evaluation, AuditGPT successfully pinpoints 418 ERC rule violations and only reports 18 false positives, showcasing its effectiveness and accuracy. Moreover, AuditGPT beats an auditing service provided by security experts in effectiveness, accuracy, and cost, demonstrating its advancement over state-of-the-art smart-contract auditing practices.

cross Parameter Efficient Quasi-Orthogonal Fine-Tuning via Givens Rotation

Authors: Xinyu Ma, Xu Chu, Zhibang Yang, Yang Lin, Xin Gao, Junfeng Zhao

Abstract: With the increasingly powerful performances and enormous scales of Pretrained Language Models (PLMs), promoting parameter efficiency in fine-tuning has become a crucial need for effective and efficient adaptation to various downstream tasks. One representative line of fine-tuning methods is Orthogonal Fine-tuning (OFT), which rigorously preserves the angular distances within the parameter space to preserve the pretrained knowledge. Despite the empirical effectiveness, OFT still suffers low parameter efficiency at $\mathcal{O}(d^2)$ and limited capability of downstream adaptation. Inspired by Givens rotation, in this paper, we proposed quasi-Givens Orthogonal Fine-Tuning (qGOFT) to address the problems. We first use $\mathcal{O}(d)$ Givens rotations to accomplish arbitrary orthogonal transformation in $SO(d)$ with provable equivalence, reducing parameter complexity from $\mathcal{O}(d^2)$ to $\mathcal{O}(d)$. Then we introduce flexible norm and relative angular adjustments under soft orthogonality regularization to enhance the adaptation capability of downstream semantic deviations. Extensive experiments on various tasks and PLMs validate the effectiveness of our methods.

cross Hypothesis Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Yangqiaoyu Zhou, Haokun Liu, Tejes Srivastava, Hongyuan Mei, Chenhao Tan

Abstract: Effective generation of novel hypotheses is instrumental to scientific progress. So far, researchers have been the main powerhouse behind hypothesis generation by painstaking data analysis and thinking (also known as the Eureka moment). In this paper, we examine the potential of large language models (LLMs) to generate hypotheses. We focus on hypothesis generation based on data (i.e., labeled examples). To enable LLMs to handle arbitrarily long contexts, we generate initial hypotheses from a small number of examples and then update them iteratively to improve the quality of hypotheses. Inspired by multi-armed bandits, we design a reward function to inform the exploitation-exploration tradeoff in the update process. Our algorithm is able to generate hypotheses that enable much better predictive performance than few-shot prompting in classification tasks, improving accuracy by 31.7% on a synthetic dataset and by 13.9%, 3.3% and, 24.9% on three real-world datasets. We also outperform supervised learning by 12.8% and 11.2% on two challenging real-world datasets. Furthermore, we find that the generated hypotheses not only corroborate human-verified theories but also uncover new insights for the tasks.

cross Prompt Public Large Language Models to Synthesize Data for Private On-device Applications

Authors: Shanshan Wu, Zheng Xu, Yanxiang Zhang, Yuanbo Zhang, Daniel Ramage

Abstract: Pre-training on public data is an effective method to improve the performance for federated learning (FL) with differential privacy (DP). This paper investigates how large language models (LLMs) trained on public data can improve the quality of pre-training data for the on-device language models trained with DP and FL. We carefully design LLM prompts to filter and transform existing public data, and generate new data to resemble the real user data distribution. The model pre-trained on our synthetic dataset achieves relative improvement of 19.0% and 22.8% in next word prediction accuracy compared to the baseline model pre-trained on a standard public dataset, when evaluated over the real user data in Gboard (Google Keyboard, a production mobile keyboard application). Furthermore, our method achieves evaluation accuracy better than or comparable to the baseline during the DP FL fine-tuning over millions of mobile devices, and our final model outperforms the baseline in production A/B testing. Our experiments demonstrate the strengths of LLMs in synthesizing data close to the private distribution even without accessing the private data, and also suggest future research directions to further reduce the distribution gap.

cross Counting Like Transformers: Compiling Temporal Counting Logic Into Softmax Transformers

Authors: Andy Yang, David Chiang

Abstract: Deriving formal bounds on the expressivity of transformers, as well as studying transformers that are constructed to implement known algorithms, are both effective methods for better understanding the computational power of transformers. Towards both ends, we introduce the temporal counting logic $\textbf{K}_\text{t}$[#] alongside the RASP variant $\textbf{C-RASP}$. We show they are equivalent to each other, and that together they are the best-known lower bound on the formal expressivity of future-masked soft attention transformers with unbounded input size. We prove this by showing all $\textbf{K}_\text{t}$[#] formulas can be compiled into these transformers. As a case study, we demonstrate on paper how to use $\textbf{C-RASP}$ to construct simple transformer language models that, using greedy decoding, can only generate sentences that have given properties formally specified in $\textbf{K}_\text{t}$[#].

cross Length-Controlled AlpacaEval: A Simple Way to Debias Automatic Evaluators

Authors: Yann Dubois, Bal\'azs Galambosi, Percy Liang, Tatsunori B. Hashimoto

Abstract: LLM-based auto-annotators have become a key component of the LLM development process due to their cost-effectiveness and scalability compared to human-based evaluation. However, these auto-annotators can introduce complex biases that are hard to remove. Even simple, known confounders such as preference for longer outputs remain in existing automated evaluation metrics. We propose a simple regression analysis approach for controlling biases in auto-evaluations. As a real case study, we focus on reducing the length bias of AlpacaEval, a fast and affordable benchmark for chat LLMs that uses LLMs to estimate response quality. Despite being highly correlated with human preferences, AlpacaEval is known to favor models that generate longer outputs. We introduce a length-controlled AlpacaEval that aims to answer the counterfactual question: "What would the preference be if the model's and baseline's output had the same length?". To achieve this, we first fit a generalized linear model to predict the biased output of interest (auto-annotator preferences) based on the mediators we want to control for (length difference) and other relevant features. We then obtain length-controlled preferences by predicting preferences while conditioning the GLM with a zero difference in lengths. Length-controlling not only improves the robustness of the metric to manipulations in model verbosity, we also find that it increases the Spearman correlation with LMSYS' Chatbot Arena from 0.94 to 0.98. We release the code and leaderboard at .


cross Language Models as Critical Thinking Tools: A Case Study of Philosophers

Authors: Andre Ye, Jared Moore, Rose Novick, Amy X. Zhang

Abstract: Current work in language models (LMs) helps us speed up or even skip thinking by accelerating and automating cognitive work. But can LMs help us with critical thinking -- thinking in deeper, more reflective ways which challenge assumptions, clarify ideas, and engineer new concepts? We treat philosophy as a case study in critical thinking, and interview 21 professional philosophers about how they engage in critical thinking and on their experiences with LMs. We find that philosophers do not find LMs to be useful because they lack a sense of selfhood (memory, beliefs, consistency) and initiative (curiosity, proactivity). We propose the selfhood-initiative model for critical thinking tools to characterize this gap. Using the model, we formulate three roles LMs could play as critical thinking tools: the Interlocutor, the Monitor, and the Respondent. We hope that our work inspires LM researchers to further develop LMs as critical thinking tools and philosophers and other 'critical thinkers' to imagine intellectually substantive uses of LMs.

cross TCAN: Text-oriented Cross Attention Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Ming Zhou, Weize Quan, Ziqi Zhou, Kai Wang, Tong Wang, Dong-Ming Yan

Abstract: Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA) endeavors to understand human sentiment by leveraging language, visual, and acoustic modalities. Despite the remarkable performance exhibited by previous MSA approaches, the presence of inherent multimodal heterogeneities poses a challenge, with the contribution of different modalities varying considerably. Past research predominantly focused on improving representation learning techniques and feature fusion strategies. However, many of these efforts overlooked the variation in semantic richness among different modalities, treating each modality uniformly. This approach may lead to underestimating the significance of strong modalities while overemphasizing the importance of weak ones. Motivated by these insights, we introduce a Text-oriented Cross-Attention Network (TCAN), emphasizing the predominant role of the text modality in MSA. Specifically, for each multimodal sample, by taking unaligned sequences of the three modalities as inputs, we initially allocate the extracted unimodal features into a visual-text and an acoustic-text pair. Subsequently, we implement self-attention on the text modality and apply text-queried cross-attention to the visual and acoustic modalities. To mitigate the influence of noise signals and redundant features, we incorporate a gated control mechanism into the framework. Additionally, we introduce unimodal joint learning to gain a deeper understanding of homogeneous emotional tendencies across diverse modalities through backpropagation. Experimental results demonstrate that TCAN consistently outperforms state-of-the-art MSA methods on two datasets (CMU-MOSI and CMU-MOSEI).

cross Binary Classifier Optimization for Large Language Model Alignment

Authors: Seungjae Jung, Gunsoo Han, Daniel Wontae Nam, Kyoung-Woon On

Abstract: Aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) to human preferences through preference optimization has been crucial but labor-intensive, necessitating for each prompt a comparison of both a chosen and a rejected text completion by evaluators. Recently, Kahneman-Tversky Optimization (KTO) has demonstrated that LLMs can be aligned using merely binary "thumbs-up" or "thumbs-down" signals on each prompt-completion pair. In this paper, we present theoretical foundations to explain the successful alignment achieved through these binary signals. Our analysis uncovers a new perspective: optimizing a binary classifier, whose logit is a reward, implicitly induces minimizing the Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) loss. In the process of this discovery, we identified two techniques for effective alignment: reward shift and underlying distribution matching. Consequently, we propose a new algorithm, \textit{Binary Classifier Optimization}, that integrates the techniques. We validate our methodology in two settings: first, on a paired preference dataset, where our method performs on par with DPO and KTO; and second, on binary signal datasets simulating real-world conditions with divergent underlying distributions between thumbs-up and thumbs-down data. Our model consistently demonstrates effective and robust alignment across two base LLMs and three different binary signal datasets, showcasing the strength of our approach to learning from binary feedback.

cross Elementary fractal geometry. 5. Weak separation is strong separation

Authors: Christoph Bandt, Michael F. Barnsley

Abstract: For self-similar sets, there are two important separation properties: the open set condition and the weak separation condition introduced by Zerner, which may be replaced by the formally stronger finite type property of Ngai and Wang. We show that any finite type self-similar set can be represented as a graph-directed construction obeying the open set condition. The proof is based on a combinatorial algorithm which performed well in computer experiments.

cross Adapting LLMs for Efficient Context Processing through Soft Prompt Compression

Authors: Cangqing Wang, Yutian Yang, Ruisi Li, Dan Sun, Ruicong Cai, Yuzhu Zhang, Chengqian Fu, Lillian Floyd

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has inaugurated a transformative epoch in natural language processing, fostering unprecedented proficiency in text generation, comprehension, and contextual scrutiny. Nevertheless, effectively handling extensive contexts, crucial for myriad applications, poses a formidable obstacle owing to the intrinsic constraints of the models' context window sizes and the computational burdens entailed by their operations. This investigation presents an innovative framework that strategically tailors LLMs for streamlined context processing by harnessing the synergies among natural language summarization, soft prompt compression, and augmented utility preservation mechanisms. Our methodology, dubbed SoftPromptComp, amalgamates natural language prompts extracted from summarization methodologies with dynamically generated soft prompts to forge a concise yet semantically robust depiction of protracted contexts. This depiction undergoes further refinement via a weighting mechanism optimizing information retention and utility for subsequent tasks. We substantiate that our framework markedly diminishes computational overhead and enhances LLMs' efficacy across various benchmarks, while upholding or even augmenting the caliber of the produced content. By amalgamating soft prompt compression with sophisticated summarization, SoftPromptComp confronts the dual challenges of managing lengthy contexts and ensuring model scalability. Our findings point towards a propitious trajectory for augmenting LLMs' applicability and efficiency, rendering them more versatile and pragmatic for real-world applications. This research enriches the ongoing discourse on optimizing language models, providing insights into the potency of soft prompts and summarization techniques as pivotal instruments for the forthcoming generation of NLP solutions.

cross Shortcut-connected Expert Parallelism for Accelerating Mixture-of-Experts

Authors: Weilin Cai, Juyong Jiang, Le Qin, Junwei Cui, Sunghun Kim, Jiayi Huang

Abstract: Expert parallelism has been introduced as a strategy to distribute the computational workload of sparsely-gated mixture-of-experts (MoE) models across multiple computing devices, facilitating the execution of these increasingly large-scale models. However, the All-to-All communication intrinsic to expert parallelism constitutes a significant overhead, diminishing the MoE models' efficiency. Current optimization approaches offer some relief, yet they are constrained by the sequential interdependence of communication and computation operations. To address this limitation, we present a novel shortcut-connected MoE architecture with overlapping parallel strategy, designated as ScMoE, which effectively decouples communication from its conventional sequence, allowing for a substantial overlap of 70% to 100% with computation. When compared with the prevalent top-2 MoE architecture, ScMoE demonstrates training speed improvements of 30% and 11%, and inference improvements of 40% and 15%, in our PCIe and NVLink hardware environments, respectively, where communication constitutes 60% and 15% of the total MoE time consumption. On the other hand, extensive experiments and theoretical analyses indicate that ScMoE not only achieves comparable but in some instances surpasses the model quality of existing approaches in vision and language tasks.

cross FGAIF: Aligning Large Vision-Language Models with Fine-grained AI Feedback

Authors: Liqiang Jing, Xinya Du

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have demonstrated proficiency in tackling a variety of visual-language tasks. However, current LVLMs suffer from misalignment between text and image modalities which causes three kinds of hallucination problems, i.e., object existence, object attribute, and object relationship. To tackle this issue, existing methods mainly utilize Reinforcement Learning (RL) to align modalities in LVLMs. However, they still suffer from three main limitations: (1) General feedback can not indicate the hallucination type contained in the response; (2) Sparse rewards only give the sequence-level reward for the whole response; and (3)Annotation cost is time-consuming and labor-intensive. To handle these limitations, we propose an innovative method to align modalities in LVLMs through Fine-Grained Artificial Intelligence Feedback (FGAIF), which mainly consists of three steps: AI-based Feedback Collection, Fine-grained Reward Model Training, and Reinforcement Learning with Fine-grained Reward. Specifically, We first utilize AI tools to predict the types of hallucination for each segment in the response and obtain a collection of fine-grained feedback. Then, based on the collected reward data, three specialized reward models are trained to produce dense rewards. Finally, a novel fine-grained feedback module is integrated into the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. Extensive experiments are conducted on hallucination and general benchmarks, demonstrating the superior performance of our proposed method. Notably, compared with previous models trained with the RL-based aligning method, our proposed method is effective even with fewer parameters.

cross QRscript: Embedding a Programming Language in QR codes to support Decision and Management

Authors: Stefano Scanzio, Gianluca Cena, Adriano Valenzano

Abstract: Embedding a programming language in a QR code is a new and extremely promising opportunity, as it makes devices and objects smarter without necessarily requiring an Internet connection. In this paper, all the steps needed to translate a program written in a high-level programming language to its binary representation encoded in a QR code, and the opposite process that, starting from the QR code, executes it by means of a virtual machine, have been carefully detailed. The proposed programming language was named QRscript, and can be easily extended so as to integrate new features. One of the main design goals was to produce a very compact target binary code. In particular, in this work we propose a specific sub-language (a dialect) that is aimed at encoding decision trees. Besides industrial scenarios, this is useful in many other application fields. The reported example, related to the configuration of an industrial networked device, highlights the potential of the proposed technology, and permits to better understand all the translation steps.

cross HaVTR: Improving Video-Text Retrieval Through Augmentation Using Large Foundation Models

Authors: Yimu Wang, Shuai Yuan, Xiangru Jian, Wei Pang, Mushi Wang, Ning Yu

Abstract: While recent progress in video-text retrieval has been driven by the exploration of powerful model architectures and training strategies, the representation learning ability of video-text retrieval models is still limited due to low-quality and scarce training data annotations. To address this issue, we present a novel video-text learning paradigm, HaVTR, which augments video and text data to learn more generalized features. Specifically, we first adopt a simple augmentation method, which generates self-similar data by randomly duplicating or dropping subwords and frames. In addition, inspired by the recent advancement in visual and language generative models, we propose a more powerful augmentation method through textual paraphrasing and video stylization using large language models (LLMs) and visual generative models (VGMs). Further, to bring richer information into video and text, we propose a hallucination-based augmentation method, where we use LLMs and VGMs to generate and add new relevant information to the original data. Benefiting from the enriched data, extensive experiments on several video-text retrieval benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of HaVTR over existing methods.

cross A Note on LoRA

Authors: Vlad Fomenko, Han Yu, Jongho Lee, Stanley Hsieh, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation) has emerged as a preferred method for efficiently adapting Large Language Models (LLMs) with remarkable simplicity and efficacy. This note extends the original LoRA paper by offering new perspectives that were not initially discussed and presents a series of insights for deploying LoRA at scale. Without introducing new experiments, we aim to improve the understanding and application of LoRA.

cross How Bad is Training on Synthetic Data? A Statistical Analysis of Language Model Collapse

Authors: Mohamed El Amine Seddik, Suei-Wen Chen, Soufiane Hayou, Pierre Youssef, Merouane Debbah

Abstract: The phenomenon of model collapse, introduced in (Shumailov et al., 2023), refers to the deterioration in performance that occurs when new models are trained on synthetic data generated from previously trained models. This recursive training loop makes the tails of the original distribution disappear, thereby making future-generation models forget about the initial (real) distribution. With the aim of rigorously understanding model collapse in language models, we consider in this paper a statistical model that allows us to characterize the impact of various recursive training scenarios. Specifically, we demonstrate that model collapse cannot be avoided when training solely on synthetic data. However, when mixing both real and synthetic data, we provide an estimate of a maximal amount of synthetic data below which model collapse can eventually be avoided. Our theoretical conclusions are further supported by empirical validations.

cross DLoRA: Distributed Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning Solution for Large Language Model

Authors: Chao Gao, Sai Qian Zhang

Abstract: To enhance the performance of large language models (LLM) on downstream tasks, one solution is to fine-tune certain LLM parameters and make it better align with the characteristics of the training dataset. This process is commonly known as parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). Due to the scale of LLM, PEFT operations are usually executed in the public environment (e.g., cloud server). This necessitates the sharing of sensitive user data across public environments, thereby raising potential privacy concerns. To tackle these challenges, we propose a distributed PEFT framework called DLoRA. DLoRA enables scalable PEFT operations to be performed collaboratively between the cloud and user devices. Coupled with the proposed Kill and Revive algorithm, the evaluation results demonstrate that DLoRA can significantly reduce the computation and communication workload over the user devices while achieving superior accuracy and privacy protection.

cross Have You Merged My Model? On The Robustness of Large Language Model IP Protection Methods Against Model Merging

Authors: Tianshuo Cong, Delong Ran, Zesen Liu, Xinlei He, Jinyuan Liu, Yichen Gong, Qi Li, Anyu Wang, Xiaoyun Wang

Abstract: Model merging is a promising lightweight model empowerment technique that does not rely on expensive computing devices (e.g., GPUs) or require the collection of specific training data. Instead, it involves editing different upstream model parameters to absorb their downstream task capabilities. However, uncertified model merging can infringe upon the Intellectual Property (IP) rights of the original upstream models. In this paper, we conduct the first study on the robustness of IP protection methods in model merging scenarios. We investigate two state-of-the-art IP protection techniques: Quantization Watermarking and Instructional Fingerprint, along with various advanced model merging technologies, such as Task Arithmetic, TIES-MERGING, and so on. Experimental results indicate that current Large Language Model (LLM) watermarking techniques cannot survive in the merged models, whereas model fingerprinting techniques can. Our research aims to highlight that model merging should be an indispensable consideration in the robustness assessment of model IP protection techniques, thereby promoting the healthy development of the open-source LLM community.

cross LayoutLLM: Layout Instruction Tuning with Large Language Models for Document Understanding

Authors: Chuwei Luo, Yufan Shen, Zhaoqing Zhu, Qi Zheng, Zhi Yu, Cong Yao

Abstract: Recently, leveraging large language models (LLMs) or multimodal large language models (MLLMs) for document understanding has been proven very promising. However, previous works that employ LLMs/MLLMs for document understanding have not fully explored and utilized the document layout information, which is vital for precise document understanding. In this paper, we propose LayoutLLM, an LLM/MLLM based method for document understanding. The core of LayoutLLM is a layout instruction tuning strategy, which is specially designed to enhance the comprehension and utilization of document layouts. The proposed layout instruction tuning strategy consists of two components: Layout-aware Pre-training and Layout-aware Supervised Fine-tuning. To capture the characteristics of document layout in Layout-aware Pre-training, three groups of pre-training tasks, corresponding to document-level, region-level and segment-level information, are introduced. Furthermore, a novel module called layout chain-of-thought (LayoutCoT) is devised to enable LayoutLLM to focus on regions relevant to the question and generate accurate answers. LayoutCoT is effective for boosting the performance of document understanding. Meanwhile, it brings a certain degree of interpretability, which could facilitate manual inspection and correction. Experiments on standard benchmarks show that the proposed LayoutLLM significantly outperforms existing methods that adopt open-source 7B LLMs/MLLMs for document understanding. The training data of the LayoutLLM is publicly available at


cross Synergy of Large Language Model and Model Driven Engineering for Automated Development of Centralized Vehicular Systems

Authors: Nenad Petrovic, Fengjunjie Pan, Krzysztof Lebioda, Vahid Zolfaghari, Sven Kirchner, Nils Purschke, Muhammad Aqib Khan, Viktor Vorobev, Alois Knoll

Abstract: We present a prototype of a tool leveraging the synergy of model driven engineering (MDE) and Large Language Models (LLM) for the purpose of software development process automation in the automotive industry. In this approach, the user-provided input is free form textual requirements, which are first translated to Ecore model instance representation using an LLM, which is afterwards checked for consistency using Object Constraint Language (OCL) rules. After successful consistency check, the model instance is fed as input to another LLM for the purpose of code generation. The generated code is evaluated in a simulated environment using CARLA simulator connected to an example centralized vehicle architecture, in an emergency brake scenario.

cross Evaluating Interventional Reasoning Capabilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Tejas Kasetty, Divyat Mahajan, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Alexandre Drouin, Dhanya Sridhar

Abstract: Numerous decision-making tasks require estimating causal effects under interventions on different parts of a system. As practitioners consider using large language models (LLMs) to automate decisions, studying their causal reasoning capabilities becomes crucial. A recent line of work evaluates LLMs ability to retrieve commonsense causal facts, but these evaluations do not sufficiently assess how LLMs reason about interventions. Motivated by the role that interventions play in causal inference, in this paper, we conduct empirical analyses to evaluate whether LLMs can accurately update their knowledge of a data-generating process in response to an intervention. We create benchmarks that span diverse causal graphs (e.g., confounding, mediation) and variable types, and enable a study of intervention-based reasoning. These benchmarks allow us to isolate the ability of LLMs to accurately predict changes resulting from their ability to memorize facts or find other shortcuts. Our analysis on four LLMs highlights that while GPT- 4 models show promising accuracy at predicting the intervention effects, they remain sensitive to distracting factors in the prompts.

cross Dense Training, Sparse Inference: Rethinking Training of Mixture-of-Experts Language Models

Authors: Bowen Pan, Yikang Shen, Haokun Liu, Mayank Mishra, Gaoyuan Zhang, Aude Oliva, Colin Raffel, Rameswar Panda

Abstract: Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language models can reduce computational costs by 2-4$\times$ compared to dense models without sacrificing performance, making them more efficient in computation-bounded scenarios. However, MoE models generally require 2-4$\times$ times more parameters to achieve comparable performance to a dense model, which incurs larger GPU memory requirements and makes MoE models less efficient in I/O-bounded scenarios like autoregressive generation. In this work, we propose a hybrid dense training and sparse inference framework for MoE models (DS-MoE) which achieves strong computation and parameter efficiency by employing dense computation across all experts during training and sparse computation during inference. Our experiments on training LLMs demonstrate that our DS-MoE models are more parameter-efficient than standard sparse MoEs and are on par with dense models in terms of total parameter size and performance while being computationally cheaper (activating 30-40% of the model's parameters). Performance tests using vLLM show that our DS-MoE-6B model runs up to $1.86\times$ faster than similar dense models like Mistral-7B, and between $1.50\times$ and $1.71\times$ faster than comparable MoEs, such as DeepSeekMoE-16B and Qwen1.5-MoE-A2.7B.

cross 360{\deg}REA: Towards A Reusable Experience Accumulation with 360{\deg} Assessment for Multi-Agent System

Authors: Shen Gao, Hao Li, Zhengliang Shi, Chengrui Huang, Quan Tu, Zhiliang Tian, Minlie Huang, Shuo Shang

Abstract: Large language model agents have demonstrated remarkable advancements across various complex tasks. Recent works focus on optimizing the agent team or employing self-reflection to iteratively solve complex tasks. Since these agents are all based on the same LLM, only conducting self-evaluation or removing underperforming agents does not substantively enhance the capability of the agents. We argue that a comprehensive evaluation and accumulating experience from evaluation feedback is an effective approach to improving system performance. In this paper, we propose Reusable Experience Accumulation with 360{\deg} Assessment (360{\deg}REA), a hierarchical multi-agent framework inspired by corporate organizational practices. The framework employs a novel 360{\deg} performance assessment method for multi-perspective performance evaluation with fine-grained assessment. To enhance the capability of agents in addressing complex tasks, we introduce dual-level experience pool for agents to accumulate experience through fine-grained assessment. Extensive experiments on complex task datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of 360{\deg}REA.

cross AnchorAL: Computationally Efficient Active Learning for Large and Imbalanced Datasets

Authors: Pietro Lesci, Andreas Vlachos

Abstract: Active learning for imbalanced classification tasks is challenging as the minority classes naturally occur rarely. Gathering a large pool of unlabelled data is thus essential to capture minority instances. Standard pool-based active learning is computationally expensive on large pools and often reaches low accuracy by overfitting the initial decision boundary, thus failing to explore the input space and find minority instances. To address these issues we propose AnchorAL. At each iteration, AnchorAL chooses class-specific instances from the labelled set, or anchors, and retrieves the most similar unlabelled instances from the pool. This resulting subpool is then used for active learning. Using a small, fixed-sized subpool AnchorAL allows scaling any active learning strategy to large pools. By dynamically selecting different anchors at each iteration it promotes class balance and prevents overfitting the initial decision boundary, thus promoting the discovery of new clusters of minority instances. Experiments across different classification tasks, active learning strategies, and model architectures AnchorAL is (i) faster, often reducing runtime from hours to minutes, (ii) trains more performant models, (iii) and returns more balanced datasets than competing methods.

cross Ferret-UI: Grounded Mobile UI Understanding with Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Keen You, Haotian Zhang, Eldon Schoop, Floris Weers, Amanda Swearngin, Jeffrey Nichols, Yinfei Yang, Zhe Gan

Abstract: Recent advancements in multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have been noteworthy, yet, these general-domain MLLMs often fall short in their ability to comprehend and interact effectively with user interface (UI) screens. In this paper, we present Ferret-UI, a new MLLM tailored for enhanced understanding of mobile UI screens, equipped with referring, grounding, and reasoning capabilities. Given that UI screens typically exhibit a more elongated aspect ratio and contain smaller objects of interest (e.g., icons, texts) than natural images, we incorporate "any resolution" on top of Ferret to magnify details and leverage enhanced visual features. Specifically, each screen is divided into 2 sub-images based on the original aspect ratio (i.e., horizontal division for portrait screens and vertical division for landscape screens). Both sub-images are encoded separately before being sent to LLMs. We meticulously gather training samples from an extensive range of elementary UI tasks, such as icon recognition, find text, and widget listing. These samples are formatted for instruction-following with region annotations to facilitate precise referring and grounding. To augment the model's reasoning ability, we further compile a dataset for advanced tasks, including detailed description, perception/interaction conversations, and function inference. After training on the curated datasets, Ferret-UI exhibits outstanding comprehension of UI screens and the capability to execute open-ended instructions. For model evaluation, we establish a comprehensive benchmark encompassing all the aforementioned tasks. Ferret-UI excels not only beyond most open-source UI MLLMs, but also surpasses GPT-4V on all the elementary UI tasks.

replace From Algebraic Word Problem to Program: A Formalized Approach

Authors: Adam Wiemerslage, Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a pipeline to convert grade school level algebraic word problem into program of a formal languageA-IMP. Using natural language processing tools, we break the problem into sentence fragments which can then be reduced to functions. The functions are categorized by the head verb of the sentence and its structure, as defined by (Hosseini et al., 2014). We define the function signature and extract its arguments from the text using dependency parsing. We have a working implementation of the entire pipeline which can be found on our github repository.

replace Within-Document Event Coreference with BERT-Based Contextualized Representations

Authors: Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, James H. Martin

Abstract: Event coreference continues to be a challenging problem in information extraction. With the absence of any external knowledge bases for events, coreference becomes a clustering task that relies on effective representations of the context in which event mentions appear. Recent advances in contextualized language representations have proven successful in many tasks, however, their use in event linking been limited. Here we present a three part approach that (1) uses representations derived from a pretrained BERT model to (2) train a neural classifier to (3) drive a simple clustering algorithm to create coreference chains. We achieve state of the art results with this model on two standard datasets for within-document event coreference task and establish a new standard on a third newer dataset.

replace A Survey in Mathematical Language Processing

Authors: Jordan Meadows, Andre Freitas

Abstract: Informal mathematical text underpins real-world quantitative reasoning and communication. Developing sophisticated methods of retrieval and abstraction from this dual modality is crucial in the pursuit of the vision of automating discovery in quantitative science and mathematics. We track the development of informal mathematical language processing approaches across five strategic sub-areas in recent years, highlighting the prevailing successful methodological elements along with existing limitations.

replace CARE: Causality Reasoning for Empathetic Responses by Conditional Graph Generation

Authors: Jiashuo Wang, Yi Cheng, Wenjie Li

Abstract: Recent approaches to empathetic response generation incorporate emotion causalities to enhance comprehension of both the user's feelings and experiences. However, these approaches suffer from two critical issues. First, they only consider causalities between the user's emotion and the user's experiences, and ignore those between the user's experiences. Second, they neglect interdependence among causalities and reason them independently. To solve the above problems, we expect to reason all plausible causalities interdependently and simultaneously, given the user's emotion, dialogue history, and future dialogue content. Then, we infuse these causalities into response generation for empathetic responses. Specifically, we design a new model, i.e., the Conditional Variational Graph Auto-Encoder (CVGAE), for the causality reasoning, and adopt a multi-source attention mechanism in the decoder for the causality infusion. We name the whole framework as CARE, abbreviated for CAusality Reasoning for Empathetic conversation. Experimental results indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.

replace Cross-lingual Argument Mining in the Medical Domain

Authors: Anar Yeginbergen, Rodrigo Agerri

Abstract: Nowadays the medical domain is receiving more and more attention in applications involving Artificial Intelligence as clinicians decision-making is increasingly dependent on dealing with enormous amounts of unstructured textual data. In this context, Argument Mining (AM) helps to meaningfully structure textual data by identifying the argumentative components in the text and classifying the relations between them. However, as it is the case for man tasks in Natural Language Processing in general and in medical text processing in particular, the large majority of the work on computational argumentation has been focusing only on the English language. In this paper, we investigate several strategies to perform AM in medical texts for a language such as Spanish, for which no annotated data is available. Our work shows that automatically translating and projecting annotations (data-transfer) from English to a given target language is an effective way to generate annotated data without costly manual intervention. Furthermore, and contrary to conclusions from previous work for other sequence labelling tasks, our experiments demonstrate that data-transfer outperforms methods based on the crosslingual transfer capabilities of multilingual pre-trained language models (model-transfer). Finally, we show how the automatically generated data in Spanish can also be used to improve results in the original English monolingual setting, providing thus a fully automatic data augmentation strategy.

replace nanoLM: an Affordable LLM Pre-training Benchmark via Accurate Loss Prediction across Scales

Authors: Yiqun Yao, Siqi fan, Xiusheng Huang, Xuezhi Fang, Xiang Li, Ziyi Ni, Xin Jiang, Xuying Meng, Peng Han, Shuo Shang, Kang Liu, Aixin Sun, Yequan Wang

Abstract: As language models scale up, it becomes increasingly expensive to verify research ideas because conclusions on small models do not trivially transfer to large ones. A possible solution is to establish a generic system that accurately predicts certain metrics for large models without training them. Existing scaling laws require hyperparameter search on the largest models, limiting their predicative capability. In this paper, we present an approach (namely {\mu}Scaling) to predict the pre-training loss, based on our observations that Maximal Update Parametrization ({\mu}P) enables accurate fitting of scaling laws close to common loss basins in hyperparameter space. With {\mu}Scaling, different model designs can be compared on large scales by training only their smaller counterparts. Further, we introduce nanoLM: an affordable LLM pre-training benchmark that facilitates this new research paradigm. With around 14% of the one-time pre-training cost, we can accurately forecast the loss for models up to 52B. Our goal with nanoLM is to empower researchers with limited resources to reach meaningful conclusions on large models. We also aspire for our benchmark to serve as a bridge between the academic community and the industry. Code for {\mu}Scaling is available at Code for nanoLLM will be available later.


replace Interpretable Detection of Out-of-Context Misinformation with Neural-Symbolic-Enhanced Large Multimodal Model

Authors: Yizhou Zhang, Loc Trinh, Defu Cao, Zijun Cui, Yan Liu

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the sustained evolution of misinformation that aims at manipulating public opinions. Unlike traditional rumors or fake news editors who mainly rely on generated and/or counterfeited images, text and videos, current misinformation creators now more tend to use out-of-context multimedia contents (e.g. mismatched images and captions) to deceive the public and fake news detection systems. This new type of misinformation increases the difficulty of not only detection but also clarification, because every individual modality is close enough to true information. To address this challenge, in this paper we explore how to achieve interpretable cross-modal de-contextualization detection that simultaneously identifies the mismatched pairs and the cross-modal contradictions, which is helpful for fact-check websites to document clarifications. The proposed model first symbolically disassembles the text-modality information to a set of fact queries based on the Abstract Meaning Representation of the caption and then forwards the query-image pairs into a pre-trained large vision-language model select the ``evidences" that are helpful for us to detect misinformation. Extensive experiments indicate that the proposed methodology can provide us with much more interpretable predictions while maintaining the accuracy same as the state-of-the-art model on this task.

replace Technical Report: Impact of Position Bias on Language Models in Token Classification

Authors: Mehdi Ben Amor, Michael Granitzer, Jelena Mitrovi\'c

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) have shown state-of-the-art performance in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Downstream tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) or Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging are known to suffer from data imbalance issues, particularly regarding the ratio of positive to negative examples and class disparities. This paper investigates an often-overlooked issue of encoder models, specifically the position bias of positive examples in token classification tasks. For completeness, we also include decoders in the evaluation. We evaluate the impact of position bias using different position embedding techniques, focusing on BERT with Absolute Position Embedding (APE), Relative Position Embedding (RPE), and Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE). Therefore, we conduct an in-depth evaluation of the impact of position bias on the performance of LMs when fine-tuned on token classification benchmarks. Our study includes CoNLL03 and OntoNote5.0 for NER, English Tree Bank UD\_en, and TweeBank for POS tagging. We propose an evaluation approach to investigate position bias in transformer models. We show that LMs can suffer from this bias with an average drop ranging from 3\% to 9\% in their performance. To mitigate this effect, we propose two methods: Random Position Shifting and Context Perturbation, that we apply on batches during the training process. The results show an improvement of $\approx$ 2\% in the performance of the model on CoNLL03, UD\_en, and TweeBank.

replace Masked Structural Growth for 2x Faster Language Model Pre-training

Authors: Yiqun Yao, Zheng Zhang, Jing Li, Yequan Wang

Abstract: Accelerating large language model pre-training is a critical issue in present research. In this paper, we focus on speeding up pre-training by progressively growing from a small Transformer structure to a large one. There are two main research problems associated with progressive growth: determining the optimal growth schedule, and designing efficient growth operators. In terms of growth schedule, the impact of each single dimension on a schedule's efficiency is under-explored by existing work. Regarding the growth operators, existing methods rely on the initialization of new weights to inherit knowledge, and achieve only non-strict function preservation, limiting further improvements on training dynamics. To address these issues, we propose Masked Structural Growth (MSG), including (i) growth schedules involving all possible dimensions and (ii) strictly function-preserving growth operators that is independent of the initialization of new weights. Experiments show that MSG is significantly faster than related work: we achieve up to 2.2x speedup in pre-training different types of language models while maintaining comparable or better downstream performances. Code is publicly available at


replace NeuroComparatives: Neuro-Symbolic Distillation of Comparative Knowledge

Authors: Phillip Howard, Junlin Wang, Vasudev Lal, Gadi Singer, Yejin Choi, Swabha Swayamdipta

Abstract: Comparative knowledge (e.g., steel is stronger and heavier than styrofoam) is an essential component of our world knowledge, yet understudied in prior literature. In this paper, we harvest the dramatic improvements in knowledge capabilities of language models into a large-scale comparative knowledge base. While the ease of acquisition of such comparative knowledge is much higher from extreme-scale models like GPT-4, compared to their considerably smaller and weaker counterparts such as GPT-2, not even the most powerful models are exempt from making errors. We thus ask: to what extent are models at different scales able to generate valid and diverse comparative knowledge? We introduce NeuroComparatives, a novel framework for comparative knowledge distillation overgenerated from language models such as GPT-variants and LLaMA, followed by stringent filtering of the generated knowledge. Our framework acquires comparative knowledge between everyday objects, producing a corpus of up to 8.8M comparisons over 1.74M entity pairs - 10X larger and 30% more diverse than existing resources. Moreover, human evaluations show that NeuroComparatives outperform existing resources in terms of validity (up to 32% absolute improvement). Our acquired NeuroComparatives leads to performance improvements on five downstream tasks. We find that neuro-symbolic manipulation of smaller models offers complementary benefits to the currently dominant practice of prompting extreme-scale language models for knowledge distillation.

replace AI-Augmented Surveys: Leveraging Large Language Models and Surveys for Opinion Prediction

Authors: Junsol Kim, Byungkyu Lee

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) that produce human-like responses have begun to revolutionize research practices in the social sciences. We develop a novel methodological framework that fine-tunes LLMs with repeated cross-sectional surveys to incorporate the meaning of survey questions, individual beliefs, and temporal contexts for opinion prediction. We introduce two new emerging applications of the AI-augmented survey: retrodiction (i.e., predict year-level missing responses) and unasked opinion prediction (i.e., predict entirely missing responses). Among 3,110 binarized opinions from 68,846 Americans in the General Social Survey from 1972 to 2021, our models based on Alpaca-7b excel in retrodiction (AUC = 0.86 for personal opinion prediction, $\rho$ = 0.98 for public opinion prediction). These remarkable prediction capabilities allow us to fill in missing trends with high confidence and pinpoint when public attitudes changed, such as the rising support for same-sex marriage. On the other hand, our fine-tuned Alpaca-7b models show modest success in unasked opinion prediction (AUC = 0.73, $\rho$ = 0.67). We discuss practical constraints and ethical concerns regarding individual autonomy and privacy when using LLMs for opinion prediction. Our study demonstrates that LLMs and surveys can mutually enhance each other's capabilities: LLMs can broaden survey potential, while surveys can improve the alignment of LLMs.

replace A Symbolic Framework for Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning and Generalisation with Transformers

Authors: Jordan Meadows, Marco Valentino, Damien Teney, Andre Freitas

Abstract: This paper proposes a methodology for generating and perturbing detailed derivations of equations at scale, aided by a symbolic engine, to evaluate the generalisability of Transformers to out-of-distribution mathematical reasoning problems. Instantiating the framework in the context of sequence classification tasks, we compare the capabilities of GPT-4, GPT-3.5, and a canon of fine-tuned BERT models, exploring the relationship between specific operators and generalisation failure via the perturbation of reasoning aspects such as symmetry and variable surface forms. Surprisingly, our empirical evaluation reveals that the average in-distribution performance of fine-tuned models surpasses GPT-3.5, and rivals GPT-4. However, perturbations to input reasoning can reduce their performance by up to 80 F1 points. Overall, the results suggest that the in-distribution performance of smaller open-source models may potentially rival GPT by incorporating appropriately structured derivation dependencies during training, and highlight a shared weakness between BERT and GPT involving a relative inability to decode indirect references to mathematical entities. We release the full codebase, constructed datasets, and fine-tuned models to encourage future progress in the field.

replace Getting Sick After Seeing a Doctor? Diagnosing and Mitigating Knowledge Conflicts in Event Temporal Reasoning

Authors: Tianqing Fang, Zhaowei Wang, Wenxuan Zhou, Hongming Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Event temporal reasoning aims at identifying the temporal relations between two or more events from narratives. However, knowledge conflicts arise when there is a mismatch between the actual temporal relations of events in the context and the prior knowledge or biases learned by the model. In this paper, we propose to detect knowledge-conflict examples in event temporal reasoning using bias indicators, which include event relation prior bias, tense bias, narrative bias, and dependency bias. We define conflict examples as those where event relations are opposite to biased or prior relations. To mitigate event-related knowledge conflicts, we introduce a Counterfactual Data Augmentation (CDA) based method that can be applied to both Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) either as additional training data or demonstrations for In-Context Learning. Experiments suggest both PLMs and LLMs suffer from knowledge conflicts in event temporal reasoning, and CDA has the potential for reducing hallucination and improving model performance.

replace Ghostbuster: Detecting Text Ghostwritten by Large Language Models

Authors: Vivek Verma, Eve Fleisig, Nicholas Tomlin, Dan Klein

Abstract: We introduce Ghostbuster, a state-of-the-art system for detecting AI-generated text. Our method works by passing documents through a series of weaker language models, running a structured search over possible combinations of their features, and then training a classifier on the selected features to predict whether documents are AI-generated. Crucially, Ghostbuster does not require access to token probabilities from the target model, making it useful for detecting text generated by black-box models or unknown model versions. In conjunction with our model, we release three new datasets of human- and AI-generated text as detection benchmarks in the domains of student essays, creative writing, and news articles. We compare Ghostbuster to a variety of existing detectors, including DetectGPT and GPTZero, as well as a new RoBERTa baseline. Ghostbuster achieves 99.0 F1 when evaluated across domains, which is 5.9 F1 higher than the best preexisting model. It also outperforms all previous approaches in generalization across writing domains (+7.5 F1), prompting strategies (+2.1 F1), and language models (+4.4 F1). We also analyze the robustness of our system to a variety of perturbations and paraphrasing attacks and evaluate its performance on documents written by non-native English speakers.

replace Impossible Distillation: from Low-Quality Model to High-Quality Dataset & Model for Summarization and Paraphrasing

Authors: Jaehun Jung, Peter West, Liwei Jiang, Faeze Brahman, Ximing Lu, Jillian Fisher, Taylor Sorensen, Yejin Choi

Abstract: We present Impossible Distillation, a novel framework for paraphrasing and sentence summarization, that distills a high-quality dataset and model from a low-quality teacher that itself cannot perform these tasks. Unlike prior works that rely on an extreme-scale teacher model (e.g., GPT3) or task-specific architecture, we hypothesize and verify the paraphrastic proximity intrinsic to pre-trained LMs (e.g., GPT2), where paraphrases occupy a proximal subspace in the LM distribution. By identifying and distilling generations from these subspaces, Impossible Distillation produces a high-quality dataset and model even from GPT2-scale LMs. We evaluate our method on multiple benchmarks spanning unconstrained / syntax-controlled paraphrase generation and sentence summarization. Our model with 770M parameters consistently outperforms strong baselines, including models distilled from ChatGPT, and sometimes, even ChatGPT itself. Also, we find that our distilled dataset from 1.5B LMs exhibits higher diversity and fidelity than up to 13 times larger datasets.

replace Unveiling Global Narratives: A Multilingual Twitter Dataset of News Media on the Russo-Ukrainian Conflict

Authors: Sherzod Hakimov, Gullal S. Cheema

Abstract: The ongoing Russo-Ukrainian conflict has been a subject of intense media coverage worldwide. Understanding the global narrative surrounding this topic is crucial for researchers that aim to gain insights into its multifaceted dimensions. In this paper, we present a novel multimedia dataset that focuses on this topic by collecting and processing tweets posted by news or media companies on social media across the globe. We collected tweets from February 2022 to May 2023 to acquire approximately 1.5 million tweets in 60 different languages along with their images. Each entry in the dataset is accompanied by processed tags, allowing for the identification of entities, stances, textual or visual concepts, and sentiment. The availability of this multimedia dataset serves as a valuable resource for researchers aiming to investigate the global narrative surrounding the ongoing conflict from various aspects such as who are the prominent entities involved, what stances are taken, where do these stances originate from, how are the different textual and visual concepts related to the event portrayed.

replace TRAQ: Trustworthy Retrieval Augmented Question Answering via Conformal Prediction

Authors: Shuo Li, Sangdon Park, Insup Lee, Osbert Bastani

Abstract: When applied to open-domain question answering, large language models (LLMs) frequently generate incorrect responses based on made-up facts, which are called $\textit{hallucinations}$. Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) is a promising strategy to avoid hallucinations, but it does not provide guarantees on its correctness. To address this challenge, we propose the Trustworthy Retrieval Augmented Question Answering, or $\textit{TRAQ}$, which provides the first end-to-end statistical correctness guarantee for RAG. TRAQ uses conformal prediction, a statistical technique for constructing prediction sets that are guaranteed to contain the semantically correct response with high probability. Additionally, TRAQ leverages Bayesian optimization to minimize the size of the constructed sets. In an extensive experimental evaluation, we demonstrate that TRAQ provides the desired correctness guarantee while reducing prediction set size by 16.2% on average compared to an ablation. The implementation is available at $\href{}{TRAQ}$.


replace Towards Generalising Neural Topical Representations

Authors: Xiaohao Yang, He Zhao, Dinh Phung, Lan Du

Abstract: Topic models have evolved from conventional Bayesian probabilistic models to recent Neural Topic Models (NTMs). Although NTMs have shown promising performance when trained and tested on a specific corpus, their generalisation ability across corpora has yet to be studied. In practice, we often expect that an NTM trained on a source corpus can still produce quality topical representation (i.e., latent distribution over topics) for the document from different target corpora. In this work, we aim to improve NTMs further so that their representation power for documents generalises reliably across corpora and tasks. To do so, we propose to enhance NTMs by narrowing the semantical distance between similar documents, with the underlying assumption that documents from different corpora may share similar semantics. Specifically, we obtain a similar document for each training document by text data augmentation. Then, we optimise NTMs further by minimising the semantical distance between each pair, measured by the Hierarchical Topic Transport Distance, which computes the Optimal Transport (OT) distance between their topical representations. Our framework can be readily applied to most NTMs as a plug-and-play module. Extensive experiments show that our framework significantly improves the generalisation ability regarding neural topical representation across corpora. Our code and datasets are available at:


replace WeaverBird: Empowering Financial Decision-Making with Large Language Model, Knowledge Base, and Search Engine

Authors: Siqiao Xue, Fan Zhou, Yi Xu, Ming Jin, Qingsong Wen, Hongyan Hao, Qingyang Dai, Caigao Jiang, Hongyu Zhao, Shuo Xie, Jianshan He, James Zhang, Hongyuan Mei

Abstract: We present WeaverBird, an intelligent dialogue system designed specifically for the finance domain. Our system harnesses a large language model of GPT architecture that has been tuned using extensive corpora of finance-related text. As a result, our system possesses the capability to understand complex financial queries, such as "How should I manage my investments during inflation?", and provide informed responses. Furthermore, our system incorporates a local knowledge base and a search engine to retrieve relevant information. The final responses are conditioned on the search results and include proper citations to the sources, thus enjoying an enhanced credibility. Through a range of finance-related questions, we have demonstrated the superior performance of our system compared to other models. To experience our system firsthand, users can interact with our live demo at, as well as watch our 2-min video illustration at


replace Comparison between parameter-efficient techniques and full fine-tuning: A case study on multilingual news article classification

Authors: Olesya Razuvayevskaya, Ben Wu, Joao A. Leite, Freddy Heppell, Ivan Srba, Carolina Scarton, Kalina Bontcheva, Xingyi Song

Abstract: Adapters and Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) are parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques designed to make the training of language models more efficient. Previous results demonstrated that these methods can even improve performance on some classification tasks. This paper complements the existing research by investigating how these techniques influence the classification performance and computation costs compared to full fine-tuning when applied to multilingual text classification tasks (genre, framing, and persuasion techniques detection; with different input lengths, number of predicted classes and classification difficulty), some of which have limited training data. In addition, we conduct in-depth analyses of their efficacy across different training scenarios (training on the original multilingual data; on the translations into English; and on a subset of English-only data) and different languages. Our findings provide valuable insights into the applicability of the parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques, particularly to complex multilingual and multilabel classification tasks.

replace From Quantity to Quality: Boosting LLM Performance with Self-Guided Data Selection for Instruction Tuning

Authors: Ming Li, Yong Zhang, Zhitao Li, Jiuhai Chen, Lichang Chen, Ning Cheng, Jianzong Wang, Tianyi Zhou, Jing Xiao

Abstract: In the realm of Large Language Models (LLMs), the balance between instruction data quality and quantity is a focal point. Recognizing this, we introduce a self-guided methodology for LLMs to autonomously discern and select cherry samples from open-source datasets, effectively minimizing manual curation and potential cost for instruction tuning an LLM. Our key innovation, the Instruction-Following Difficulty (IFD) metric, emerges as a pivotal metric to identify discrepancies between a model's expected responses and its intrinsic generation capability. Through the application of IFD, cherry samples can be pinpointed, leading to a marked uptick in model training efficiency. Empirical validations on datasets like Alpaca and WizardLM underpin our findings; with a mere $10\%$ of original data input, our strategy showcases improved results. This synthesis of self-guided cherry-picking and the IFD metric signifies a transformative leap in the instruction tuning of LLMs, promising both efficiency and resource-conscious advancements. Codes, data, and models are available:


replace Positive and Risky Message Assessment for Music Products

Authors: Yigeng Zhang, Mahsa Shafaei, Fabio A. Gonz\'alez, Thamar Solorio

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a pioneering research challenge: evaluating positive and potentially harmful messages within music products. We initiate by setting a multi-faceted, multi-task benchmark for music content assessment. Subsequently, we introduce an efficient multi-task predictive model fortified with ordinality-enforcement to address this challenge. Our findings reveal that the proposed method not only significantly outperforms robust task-specific alternatives but also possesses the capability to assess multiple aspects simultaneously. Furthermore, through detailed case studies, where we employed Large Language Models (LLMs) as surrogates for content assessment, we provide valuable insights to inform and guide future research on this topic. The code for dataset creation and model implementation is publicly available at


replace Nested Event Extraction upon Pivot Element Recogniton

Authors: Weicheng Ren, Zixuan Li, Xiaolong Jin, Long Bai, Miao Su, Yantao Liu, Saiping Guan, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Nested Event Extraction (NEE) aims to extract complex event structures where an event contains other events as its arguments recursively. Nested events involve a kind of Pivot Elements (PEs) that simultaneously act as arguments of outer-nest events and as triggers of inner-nest events, and thus connect them into nested structures. This special characteristic of PEs brings challenges to existing NEE methods, as they cannot well cope with the dual identities of PEs. Therefore, this paper proposes a new model, called PerNee, which extracts nested events mainly based on recognizing PEs. Specifically, PerNee first recognizes the triggers of both inner-nest and outer-nest events and further recognizes the PEs via classifying the relation type between trigger pairs. The model uses prompt learning to incorporate information from both event types and argument roles for better trigger and argument representations to improve NEE performance. Since existing NEE datasets (e.g., Genia11) are limited to specific domains and contain a narrow range of event types with nested structures, we systematically categorize nested events in the generic domain and construct a new NEE dataset, called ACE2005-Nest. Experimental results demonstrate that PerNee consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance on ACE2005-Nest, Genia11, and Genia13. The ACE2005-Nest dataset and the code of the PerNee model are available at


replace Efficient Streaming Language Models with Attention Sinks

Authors: Guangxuan Xiao, Yuandong Tian, Beidi Chen, Song Han, Mike Lewis

Abstract: Deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) in streaming applications such as multi-round dialogue, where long interactions are expected, is urgently needed but poses two major challenges. Firstly, during the decoding stage, caching previous tokens' Key and Value states (KV) consumes extensive memory. Secondly, popular LLMs cannot generalize to longer texts than the training sequence length. Window attention, where only the most recent KVs are cached, is a natural approach -- but we show that it fails when the text length surpasses the cache size. We observe an interesting phenomenon, namely attention sink, that keeping the KV of initial tokens will largely recover the performance of window attention. In this paper, we first demonstrate that the emergence of attention sink is due to the strong attention scores towards initial tokens as a "sink" even if they are not semantically important. Based on the above analysis, we introduce StreamingLLM, an efficient framework that enables LLMs trained with a finite length attention window to generalize to infinite sequence lengths without any fine-tuning. We show that StreamingLLM can enable Llama-2, MPT, Falcon, and Pythia to perform stable and efficient language modeling with up to 4 million tokens and more. In addition, we discover that adding a placeholder token as a dedicated attention sink during pre-training can further improve streaming deployment. In streaming settings, StreamingLLM outperforms the sliding window recomputation baseline by up to 22.2x speedup. Code and datasets are provided at


replace Red Teaming Game: A Game-Theoretic Framework for Red Teaming Language Models

Authors: Chengdong Ma, Ziran Yang, Minquan Gao, Hai Ci, Jun Gao, Xuehai Pan, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: Deployable Large Language Models (LLMs) must conform to the criterion of helpfulness and harmlessness, thereby achieving consistency between LLMs outputs and human values. Red-teaming techniques constitute a critical way towards this criterion. Existing work rely solely on manual red team designs and heuristic adversarial prompts for vulnerability detection and optimization. These approaches lack rigorous mathematical formulation, thus limiting the exploration of diverse attack strategy within quantifiable measure and optimization of LLMs under convergence guarantees. In this paper, we present Red-teaming Game (RTG), a general game-theoretic framework without manual annotation. RTG is designed for analyzing the multi-turn attack and defense interactions between Red-team language Models (RLMs) and Blue-team Language Model (BLM). Within the RTG, we propose Gamified Red-teaming Solver (GRTS) with diversity measure of the semantic space. GRTS is an automated red teaming technique to solve RTG towards Nash equilibrium through meta-game analysis, which corresponds to the theoretically guaranteed optimization direction of both RLMs and BLM. Empirical results in multi-turn attacks with RLMs show that GRTS autonomously discovered diverse attack strategies and effectively improved security of LLMs, outperforming existing heuristic red-team designs. Overall, RTG has established a foundational framework for red teaming tasks and constructed a new scalable oversight technique for alignment.

replace Editing Personality for Large Language Models

Authors: Shengyu Mao, Xiaohan Wang, Mengru Wang, Yong Jiang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Ningyu Zhang

Abstract: This paper introduces an innovative task focused on editing the personality traits of Large Language Models (LLMs). This task seeks to adjust the models' responses to opinion-related questions on specified topics since an individual's personality often manifests in the form of their expressed opinions, thereby showcasing different personality traits. Specifically, we construct a new benchmark dataset PersonalityEdit to address this task. Drawing on the theory in Social Psychology, we isolate three representative traits, namely Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Agreeableness, as the foundation for our benchmark. We then gather data using GPT-4, generating responses that not only align with a specified topic but also embody the targeted personality trait. We conduct comprehensive experiments involving various baselines and discuss the representation of personality behavior in LLMs. Our intriguing findings uncover potential challenges of the proposed task, illustrating several remaining issues. We anticipate that our work can provide the NLP community with insights. Code and datasets are available at


replace FakeGPT: Fake News Generation, Explanation and Detection of Large Language Models

Authors: Yue Huang, Lichao Sun

Abstract: The rampant spread of fake news has adversely affected society, resulting in extensive research on curbing its spread. As a notable milestone in large language models (LLMs), ChatGPT has gained significant attention due to its exceptional natural language processing capabilities. In this study, we present a thorough exploration of ChatGPT's proficiency in generating, explaining, and detecting fake news as follows. Generation -- We employ four prompt methods to generate fake news samples and prove the high quality of these samples through both self-assessment and human evaluation. Explanation -- We obtain nine features to characterize fake news based on ChatGPT's explanations and analyze the distribution of these factors across multiple public datasets. Detection -- We examine ChatGPT's capacity to identify fake news. We explore its detection consistency and then propose a reason-aware prompt method to improve its performance. Although our experiments demonstrate that ChatGPT shows commendable performance in detecting fake news, there is still room for its improvement. Consequently, we further probe into the potential extra information that could bolster its effectiveness in detecting fake news.

replace SWE-bench: Can Language Models Resolve Real-World GitHub Issues?

Authors: Carlos E. Jimenez, John Yang, Alexander Wettig, Shunyu Yao, Kexin Pei, Ofir Press, Karthik Narasimhan

Abstract: Language models have outpaced our ability to evaluate them effectively, but for their future development it is essential to study the frontier of their capabilities. We find real-world software engineering to be a rich, sustainable, and challenging testbed for evaluating the next generation of language models. To this end, we introduce SWE-bench, an evaluation framework consisting of $2,294$ software engineering problems drawn from real GitHub issues and corresponding pull requests across $12$ popular Python repositories. Given a codebase along with a description of an issue to be resolved, a language model is tasked with editing the codebase to address the issue. Resolving issues in SWE-bench frequently requires understanding and coordinating changes across multiple functions, classes, and even files simultaneously, calling for models to interact with execution environments, process extremely long contexts and perform complex reasoning that goes far beyond traditional code generation tasks. Our evaluations show that both state-of-the-art proprietary models and our fine-tuned model SWE-Llama can resolve only the simplest issues. The best-performing model, Claude 2, is able to solve a mere $1.96$% of the issues. Advances on SWE-bench represent steps towards LMs that are more practical, intelligent, and autonomous.

replace QLLM: Accurate and Efficient Low-Bitwidth Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Jing Liu, Ruihao Gong, Xiuying Wei, Zhiwei Dong, Jianfei Cai, Bohan Zhuang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) excel in NLP, but their demands hinder their widespread deployment. While Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) offers a solution, its extensive training costs make Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) a more practical approach for LLMs. In existing studies, activation outliers in particular channels are identified as the bottleneck to PTQ accuracy. They propose to transform the magnitudes from activations to weights, which however offers limited alleviation or suffers from unstable gradients, resulting in a severe performance drop at low-bitwidth. In this paper, we propose QLLM, an accurate and efficient low-bitwidth PTQ method designed for LLMs. QLLM introduces an adaptive channel reassembly technique that reallocates the magnitude of outliers to other channels, thereby mitigating their impact on the quantization range. This is achieved by channel disassembly and channel assembly, which first breaks down the outlier channels into several sub-channels to ensure a more balanced distribution of activation magnitudes. Then similar channels are merged to maintain the original channel number for efficiency. Additionally, an adaptive strategy is designed to autonomously determine the optimal number of sub-channels for channel disassembly. To further compensate for the performance loss caused by quantization, we propose an efficient tuning method that only learns a small number of low-rank weights while freezing the pre-trained quantized model. After training, these low-rank parameters can be fused into the frozen weights without affecting inference. Extensive experiments on LLaMA-1 and LLaMA-2 show that QLLM can obtain accurate quantized models efficiently. For example, QLLM quantizes the 4-bit LLaMA-2-70B within 10 hours on a single A100-80G GPU, outperforming the previous state-of-the-art method by 7.89% on the average accuracy across five zero-shot tasks.

replace Learning to Rank Context for Named Entity Recognition Using a Synthetic Dataset

Authors: Arthur Amalvy (LIA), Vincent Labatut (LIA), Richard Dufour (LS2N - \'equipe TALN)

Abstract: While recent pre-trained transformer-based models can perform named entity recognition (NER) with great accuracy, their limited range remains an issue when applied to long documents such as whole novels. To alleviate this issue, a solution is to retrieve relevant context at the document level. Unfortunately, the lack of supervision for such a task means one has to settle for unsupervised approaches. Instead, we propose to generate a synthetic context retrieval training dataset using Alpaca, an instructiontuned large language model (LLM). Using this dataset, we train a neural context retriever based on a BERT model that is able to find relevant context for NER. We show that our method outperforms several retrieval baselines for the NER task on an English literary dataset composed of the first chapter of 40 books.

replace Bridging the Novice-Expert Gap via Models of Decision-Making: A Case Study on Remediating Math Mistakes

Authors: Rose E. Wang, Qingyang Zhang, Carly Robinson, Susanna Loeb, Dorottya Demszky

Abstract: Scaling high-quality tutoring remains a major challenge in education. Due to growing demand, many platforms employ novice tutors who, unlike experienced educators, struggle to address student mistakes and thus fail to seize prime learning opportunities. Our work explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to close the novice-expert knowledge gap in remediating math mistakes. We contribute Bridge, a method that uses cognitive task analysis to translate an expert's latent thought process into a decision-making model for remediation. This involves an expert identifying (A) the student's error, (B) a remediation strategy, and (C) their intention before generating a response. We construct a dataset of 700 real tutoring conversations, annotated by experts with their decisions. We evaluate state-of-the-art LLMs on our dataset and find that the expert's decision-making model is critical for LLMs to close the gap: responses from GPT4 with expert decisions (e.g., "simplify the problem") are +76% more preferred than without. Additionally, context-sensitive decisions are critical to closing pedagogical gaps: random decisions decrease GPT4's response quality by -97% than expert decisions. Our work shows the potential of embedding expert thought processes in LLM generations to enhance their capability to bridge novice-expert knowledge gaps. Our dataset and code can be found at: \url{}.


replace On the Representational Capacity of Recurrent Neural Language Models

Authors: Franz Nowak, Anej Svete, Li Du, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: This work investigates the computational expressivity of language models (LMs) based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Siegelmann and Sontag (1992) famously showed that RNNs with rational weights and hidden states and unbounded computation time are Turing complete. However, LMs define weightings over strings in addition to just (unweighted) language membership and the analysis of the computational power of RNN LMs (RLMs) should reflect this. We extend the Turing completeness result to the probabilistic case, showing how a rationally weighted RLM with unbounded computation time can simulate any deterministic probabilistic Turing machine (PTM) with rationally weighted transitions. Since, in practice, RLMs work in real-time, processing a symbol at every time step, we treat the above result as an upper bound on the expressivity of RLMs. We also provide a lower bound by showing that under the restriction to real-time computation, such models can simulate deterministic real-time rational PTMs.

replace S3Eval: A Synthetic, Scalable, Systematic Evaluation Suite for Large Language Models

Authors: Fangyu Lei, Qian Liu, Yiming Huang, Shizhu He, Jun Zhao, Kang Liu

Abstract: The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to great strides in model capabilities like long-context understanding and reasoning. However, as LLMs are able to process longer contexts, it becomes more challenging to evaluate whether they have acquired certain capabilities, since the length of text (e.g., 200K tokens) they can process far exceeds what humans can reliably assess in a reasonable duration. In this paper, we propose using complex synthetic tasks as a proxy evaluation method, and present S3Eval, a Synthetic, Scalable, Systematic evaluation suite for LLMs evaluation. The synthetic nature of S3Eval provides users full control over the dataset, allowing them to systematically probe LLM capabilities by scaling text length and varying task difficulty across diverse scenarios. The strong correlation between S3Eval and real-world benchmarks demonstrates the soundness of using S3Eval for evaluation of LLMs. S3Eval provides a flexible and infinite long-context data generation method. We have generated a comprehensive dataset called S3Eval-Standard, and experimental results have shown that it poses significant challenges for all existing LLMs.

replace Faithful and Robust Local Interpretability for Textual Predictions

Authors: Gianluigi Lopardo, Frederic Precioso, Damien Garreau

Abstract: Interpretability is essential for machine learning models to be trusted and deployed in critical domains. However, existing methods for interpreting text models are often complex, lack mathematical foundations, and their performance is not guaranteed. In this paper, we propose FRED (Faithful and Robust Explainer for textual Documents), a novel method for interpreting predictions over text. FRED offers three key insights to explain a model prediction: (1) it identifies the minimal set of words in a document whose removal has the strongest influence on the prediction, (2) it assigns an importance score to each token, reflecting its influence on the model's output, and (3) it provides counterfactual explanations by generating examples similar to the original document, but leading to a different prediction. We establish the reliability of FRED through formal definitions and theoretical analyses on interpretable classifiers. Additionally, our empirical evaluation against state-of-the-art methods demonstrates the effectiveness of FRED in providing insights into text models.

replace Aspects of human memory and Large Language Models

Authors: Romuald A. Janik

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are huge artificial neural networks which primarily serve to generate text, but also provide a very sophisticated probabilistic model of language use. Since generating a semantically consistent text requires a form of effective memory, we investigate the memory properties of LLMs and find surprising similarities with key characteristics of human memory. We argue that the human-like memory properties of the Large Language Model do not follow automatically from the LLM architecture but are rather learned from the statistics of the training textual data. These results strongly suggest that the biological features of human memory leave an imprint on the way that we structure our textual narratives.

replace Removing RLHF Protections in GPT-4 via Fine-Tuning

Authors: Qiusi Zhan, Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Daniel Kang

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) have increased in their capabilities, so does their potential for dual use. To reduce harmful outputs, produces and vendors of LLMs have used reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF). In tandem, LLM vendors have been increasingly enabling fine-tuning of their most powerful models. However, concurrent work has shown that fine-tuning can remove RLHF protections. We may expect that the most powerful models currently available (GPT-4) are less susceptible to fine-tuning attacks. In this work, we show the contrary: fine-tuning allows attackers to remove RLHF protections with as few as 340 examples and a 95% success rate. These training examples can be automatically generated with weaker models. We further show that removing RLHF protections does not decrease usefulness on non-censored outputs, providing evidence that our fine-tuning strategy does not decrease usefulness despite using weaker models to generate training data. Our results show the need for further research on protections on LLMs.

replace Which One? Leveraging Context Between Objects and Multiple Views for Language Grounding

Authors: Chancharik Mitra, Abrar Anwar, Rodolfo Corona, Dan Klein, Trevor Darrell, Jesse Thomason

Abstract: When connecting objects and their language referents in an embodied 3D environment, it is important to note that: (1) an object can be better characterized by leveraging comparative information between itself and other objects, and (2) an object's appearance can vary with camera position. As such, we present the Multi-view Approach to Grounding in Context (MAGiC), which selects an object referent based on language that distinguishes between two similar objects. By pragmatically reasoning over both objects and across multiple views of those objects, MAGiC improves over the state-of-the-art model on the SNARE object reference task with a relative error reduction of 12.9\% (representing an absolute improvement of 2.7\%). Ablation studies show that reasoning jointly over object referent candidates and multiple views of each object both contribute to improved accuracy. Code:


replace To Tell The Truth: Language of Deception and Language Models

Authors: Sanchaita Hazra, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder

Abstract: Text-based misinformation permeates online discourses, yet evidence of people's ability to discern truth from such deceptive textual content is scarce. We analyze a novel TV game show data where conversations in a high-stake environment between individuals with conflicting objectives result in lies. We investigate the manifestation of potentially verifiable language cues of deception in the presence of objective truth, a distinguishing feature absent in previous text-based deception datasets. We show that there exists a class of detectors (algorithms) that have similar truth detection performance compared to human subjects, even when the former accesses only the language cues while the latter engages in conversations with complete access to all potential sources of cues (language and audio-visual). Our model, built on a large language model, employs a bottleneck framework to learn discernible cues to determine truth, an act of reasoning in which human subjects often perform poorly, even with incentives. Our model detects novel but accurate language cues in many cases where humans failed to detect deception, opening up the possibility of humans collaborating with algorithms and ameliorating their ability to detect the truth.

replace Learning Mutually Informed Representations for Characters and Subwords

Authors: Yilin Wang, Xinyi Hu, Matthew R. Gormley

Abstract: Most pretrained language models rely on subword tokenization, which processes text as a sequence of subword tokens. However, different granularities of text, such as characters, subwords, and words, can contain different kinds of information. Previous studies have shown that incorporating multiple input granularities improves model generalization, yet very few of them outputs useful representations for each granularity. In this paper, we introduce the entanglement model, aiming to combine character and subword language models. Inspired by vision-language models, our model treats characters and subwords as separate modalities, and it generates mutually informed representations for both granularities as output. We evaluate our model on text classification, named entity recognition, POS-tagging, and character-level sequence labeling (intraword code-switching). Notably, the entanglement model outperforms its backbone language models, particularly in the presence of noisy texts and low-resource languages. Furthermore, the entanglement model even outperforms larger pre-trained models on all English sequence labeling tasks and classification tasks. We make our code publically available.

replace A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Generalized Nested Jailbreak Prompts can Fool Large Language Models Easily

Authors: Peng Ding, Jun Kuang, Dan Ma, Xuezhi Cao, Yunsen Xian, Jiajun Chen, Shujian Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, are designed to provide useful and safe responses. However, adversarial prompts known as 'jailbreaks' can circumvent safeguards, leading LLMs to generate potentially harmful content. Exploring jailbreak prompts can help to better reveal the weaknesses of LLMs and further steer us to secure them. Unfortunately, existing jailbreak methods either suffer from intricate manual design or require optimization on other white-box models, which compromises either generalization or efficiency. In this paper, we generalize jailbreak prompt attacks into two aspects: (1) Prompt Rewriting and (2) Scenario Nesting. Based on this, we propose ReNeLLM, an automatic framework that leverages LLMs themselves to generate effective jailbreak prompts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ReNeLLM significantly improves the attack success rate while greatly reducing the time cost compared to existing baselines. Our study also reveals the inadequacy of current defense methods in safeguarding LLMs. Finally, we analyze the failure of LLMs defense from the perspective of prompt execution priority, and propose corresponding defense strategies. We hope that our research can catalyze both the academic community and LLMs developers towards the provision of safer and more regulated LLMs. The code is available at


replace Mind's Mirror: Distilling Self-Evaluation Capability and Comprehensive Thinking from Large Language Models

Authors: Weize Liu, Guocong Li, Kai Zhang, Bang Du, Qiyuan Chen, Xuming Hu, Hongxia Xu, Jintai Chen, Jian Wu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable advancements in natural language processing. However, the massive scale and computational demands of these models present formidable challenges when considering their practical deployment in resource-constrained environments. While techniques such as chain-of-thought (CoT) distillation have displayed promise in distilling LLMs into small language models (SLMs), there is a risk that distilled SLMs may still inherit flawed reasoning and hallucinations from LLMs. To address these issues, we propose a twofold methodology: First, we introduce a novel method for distilling the self-evaluation capability from LLMs into SLMs, aiming to mitigate the adverse effects of flawed reasoning and hallucinations inherited from LLMs. Second, we advocate for distilling more comprehensive thinking by incorporating multiple distinct CoTs and self-evaluation outputs, to ensure a more thorough and robust knowledge transfer into SLMs. Experiments on three NLP benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly improves the performance of distilled SLMs, offering a new perspective for developing more effective and efficient SLMs in resource-constrained environments.

replace Deceptive Semantic Shortcuts on Reasoning Chains: How Far Can Models Go without Hallucination?

Authors: Bangzheng Li, Ben Zhou, Fei Wang, Xingyu Fu, Dan Roth, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Despite the recent advancement in large language models (LLMs) and their high performances across numerous benchmarks, recent research has unveiled that LLMs suffer from hallucinations and unfaithful reasoning. This work studies a specific type of hallucination induced by semantic associations. Specifically, we investigate to what extent LLMs take shortcuts from certain keyword/entity biases in the prompt instead of following the correct reasoning path. To quantify this phenomenon, we propose a novel probing method and benchmark called EureQA. We start from questions that LLMs will answer correctly with utmost certainty, and mask the important entity with evidence sentence recursively, asking models to find masked entities according to a chain of evidence before answering the question. During the construction of the evidence, we purposefully replace semantic clues (entities) that may lead to the correct answer with distractor clues (evidence) that will not directly lead to the correct answer but require a chain-like reasoning process. We evaluate if models can follow the correct reasoning chain instead of short-cutting through distractor clues. We find that existing LLMs lack the necessary capabilities to follow correct reasoning paths and resist the attempt of greedy shortcuts. We show that the distractor semantic associations often lead to model hallucination, which is strong evidence that questions the validity of current LLM reasoning.

replace Automatic Restoration of Diacritics for Speech Data Sets

Authors: Sara Shatnawi, Sawsan Alqahtani, Hanan Aldarmaki

Abstract: Automatic text-based diacritic restoration models generally have high diacritic error rates when applied to speech transcripts as a result of domain and style shifts in spoken language. In this work, we explore the possibility of improving the performance of automatic diacritic restoration when applied to speech data by utilizing parallel spoken utterances. In particular, we use the pre-trained Whisper ASR model fine-tuned on relatively small amounts of diacritized Arabic speech data to produce rough diacritized transcripts for the speech utterances, which we then use as an additional input for diacritic restoration models. The proposed framework consistently improves diacritic restoration performance compared to text-only baselines. Our results highlight the inadequacy of current text-based diacritic restoration models for speech data sets and provide a new baseline for speech-based diacritic restoration.

replace PROMISE: A Framework for Developing Complex Conversational Interactions (Technical Report)

Authors: Wenyuan Wu, Jasmin Heierli, Max Meisterhans, Adrian Moser, Andri F\"arber, Mateusz Dolata, Elena Gavagnin, Alexandre de Spindler, Gerhard Schwabe

Abstract: The advent of increasingly powerful language models has raised expectations for language-based interactions. However, controlling these models is a challenge, emphasizing the need to be able to investigate the feasibility and value of their application. We present PROMISE, a framework that facilitates the development of complex language-based interactions with information systems. Its use of state machine modeling concepts enables model-driven, dynamic prompt orchestration across hierarchically nested states and transitions. This improves the control of the behavior of language models and thus enables their effective and efficient use. In this technical report we show the benefits of PROMISE in the context of application scenarios within health information systems and demonstrate its ability to handle complex interactions. We also include code examples and present default user interfaces available as part of PROMISE.

replace Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Microsoft Bing Chatbots for GRE Test

Authors: Mohammad Abu-Haifa, Bara'a Etawi, Huthaifa Alkhatatbeh, Ayman Ababneh

Abstract: This research paper presents an analysis of how well three artificial intelligence chatbots: Bing, ChatGPT, and GPT-4, perform when answering questions from standardized tests. The Graduate Record Examination is used in this paper as a case study. A total of 137 questions with different forms of quantitative reasoning and 157 questions with verbal categories were used to assess their capabilities. This paper presents the performance of each chatbot across various skills and styles tested in the exam. The proficiency of these chatbots in addressing image-based questions is also explored, and the uncertainty level of each chatbot is illustrated. The results show varying degrees of success across the chatbots, where GPT-4 served as the most proficient, especially in complex language understanding tasks and image-based questions. Results highlight the ability of these chatbots to pass the GRE with a high score, which encourages the use of these chatbots in test preparation. The results also show how important it is to ensure that, if the test is administered online, as it was during COVID, the test taker is segregated from these resources for a fair competition on higher education opportunities.

replace Measurement in the Age of LLMs: An Application to Ideological Scaling

Authors: Sean O'Hagan, Aaron Schein

Abstract: Much of social science is centered around terms like ``ideology'' or ``power'', which generally elude precise definition, and whose contextual meanings are trapped in surrounding language. This paper explores the use of large language models (LLMs) to flexibly navigate the conceptual clutter inherent to social scientific measurement tasks. We rely on LLMs' remarkable linguistic fluency to elicit ideological scales of both legislators and text, which accord closely to established methods and our own judgement. A key aspect of our approach is that we elicit such scores directly, instructing the LLM to furnish numeric scores itself. This approach affords a great deal of flexibility, which we showcase through a variety of different case studies. Our results suggest that LLMs can be used to characterize highly subtle and diffuse manifestations of political ideology in text.

replace Tokenization Matters: Navigating Data-Scarce Tokenization for Gender Inclusive Language Technologies

Authors: Anaelia Ovalle, Ninareh Mehrabi, Palash Goyal, Jwala Dhamala, Kai-Wei Chang, Richard Zemel, Aram Galstyan, Yuval Pinter, Rahul Gupta

Abstract: Gender-inclusive NLP research has documented the harmful limitations of gender binary-centric large language models (LLM), such as the inability to correctly use gender-diverse English neopronouns (e.g., xe, zir, fae). While data scarcity is a known culprit, the precise mechanisms through which scarcity affects this behavior remain underexplored. We discover LLM misgendering is significantly influenced by Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE) tokenization, the tokenizer powering many popular LLMs. Unlike binary pronouns, BPE overfragments neopronouns, a direct consequence of data scarcity during tokenizer training. This disparate tokenization mirrors tokenizer limitations observed in multilingual and low-resource NLP, unlocking new misgendering mitigation strategies. We propose two techniques: (1) pronoun tokenization parity, a method to enforce consistent tokenization across gendered pronouns, and (2) utilizing pre-existing LLM pronoun knowledge to improve neopronoun proficiency. Our proposed methods outperform finetuning with standard BPE, improving neopronoun accuracy from 14.1% to 58.4%. Our paper is the first to link LLM misgendering to tokenization and deficient neopronoun grammar, indicating that LLMs unable to correctly treat neopronouns as pronouns are more prone to misgender.

replace ConsistentEE: A Consistent and Hardness-Guided Early Exiting Method for Accelerating Language Models Inference

Authors: Ziqian Zeng, Yihuai Hong, Hongliang Dai, Huiping Zhuang, Cen Chen

Abstract: Early Exiting is one of the most popular methods to achieve efficient inference. Current early exiting methods adopt the (weighted) sum of the cross entropy loss of all internal classifiers during training, imposing all these classifiers to predict all instances correctly. However, during inference, as long as one internal classifier predicts an instance correctly, it can accelerate without losing accuracy. Thus, there is a notable gap between training and inference. We propose ConsistentEE, an early exiting method that is consistent in training and inference. ConsistentEE formulates the early exiting process as a reinforcement learning problem. A policy network is added to decide whether an instance should exit or continue. The training objective of ConsistentEE only require each instance to be predicted correctly by one internal classifier. Additionally, we introduce the concept Memorize Layer to measure the hardness of an instance. We incorporate memorized layer into reward function design, which allows "easy" instances to focus more on acceleration while "hard" instances to focus more on accuracy. Experimental results show that our method outperforms other baselines on various natural language understanding and generation tasks.

replace Evaluating Task-oriented Dialogue Systems: A Systematic Review of Measures, Constructs and their Operationalisations

Authors: Anouck Braggaar, Christine Liebrecht, Emiel van Miltenburg, Emiel Krahmer

Abstract: This review gives an extensive overview of evaluation methods for task-oriented dialogue systems, paying special attention to practical applications of dialogue systems, for example for customer service. The review (1) provides an overview of the used constructs and metrics in previous work, (2) discusses challenges in the context of dialogue system evaluation and (3) develops a research agenda for the future of dialogue system evaluation. We conducted a systematic review of four databases (ACL, ACM, IEEE and Web of Science), which after screening resulted in 122 studies. Those studies were carefully analysed for the constructs and methods they proposed for evaluation. We found a wide variety in both constructs and methods. Especially the operationalisation is not always clearly reported. Newer developments concerning large language models are discussed in two contexts: to power dialogue systems and to use in the evaluation process. We hope that future work will take a more critical approach to the operationalisation and specification of the used constructs. To work towards this aim, this review ends with recommendations for evaluation and suggestions for outstanding questions.

replace LLsM: Generative Linguistic Steganography with Large Language Model

Authors: Yihao Wang, Ruiqi Song, Ru Zhang, Jianyi Liu, Lingxiao Li

Abstract: Linguistic Steganography (LS) tasks aim to generate steganographic text (stego) based on secret information. Only authorized recipients can perceive the existence of the stegos and extract secrets, thereby preserving privacy. However, existing LS methods do not consider the controllable generation of stegos containing specific discourses such as style, genre, and theme. And they are difficult to simulate high-quality natural texts. As a result, the stegos are easily perceived and detectable, compromising covert communication. This paper proposes the LLsM, the first LS work with the Large Language Model (LLM). Regarding open-source LLMs, we reconstruct the token generator of LLM to the "stego generator" so that it can control the generation of stego based on the secret. In this "stego generator", the candidate pool is encoded by range coding, and the adjustment factor for the interval length is also given. The secret determines the interval, thereby determining the next token. This better simulates the distribution of natural texts and controls the adjustment of the embedding rate. In addition, we preliminarily built an LLsM-c architecture for closed-source LLMs. It encodes discourse to obtain high-quality prompts containing discourse based on secrets, and generates pure natural texts containing discourse. Experiments show that LLsM performs superior to prevalent LS and related-task baselines regarding various kinds of concealment and anti-steganalysis. LLsM's MAUVE surpasses baselines by 60%-80% and anti-steganalysis exceeds baselines by 20%-30%. Notably, LLsM can also generate longer stegos with high quality, showing its advantages in understanding and coherence.

replace On the Semantics of LM Latent Space: A Vocabulary-defined Approach

Authors: Jian Gu, Aldeida Aleti, Chunyang Chen, Hongyu Zhang

Abstract: Understanding the latent space of language models (LM) is crucial to refining their performance and interpretability. Existing analyses often fall short in providing disentangled (model-centric) insights into LM semantics, and neglect essential aspects of LM adaptation. In response, we introduce a pioneering method called vocabulary-defined semantics, which establishes a reference frame within the LM latent space, ensuring disentangled semantic analysis grounded in LM vocabulary. Our approach transcends prior entangled analysis, leveraging LM vocabulary for model-centric insights. Furthermore, we propose a novel technique to compute logits, emphasising differentiability and local isotropy, and introduce a neural clustering module for semantically calibrating data representations during LM adaptation. Through extensive experiments across diverse text understanding datasets, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods of retrieval-augmented generation and parameter-efficient finetuning, showcasing its efficacy and broad applicability. Our findings not only shed light on LM mechanics, but also offer practical solutions to enhance LM performance and interpretability.

replace Customizing Language Model Responses with Contrastive In-Context Learning

Authors: Xiang Gao, Kamalika Das

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly important for machine learning applications. However, it can be challenging to align LLMs with our intent, particularly when we want to generate content that is preferable over others or when we want the LLM to respond in a certain style or tone that is hard to describe. To address this challenge, we propose an approach that uses contrastive examples to better describe our intent. This involves providing positive examples that illustrate the true intent, along with negative examples that show what characteristics we want LLMs to avoid. The negative examples can be retrieved from labeled data, written by a human, or generated by the LLM itself. Before generating an answer, we ask the model to analyze the examples to teach itself what to avoid. This reasoning step provides the model with the appropriate articulation of the user's need and guides it towards generting a better answer. We tested our approach on both synthesized and real-world datasets, including StackExchange and Reddit, and found that it significantly improves performance compared to standard few-shot prompting

replace VlogQA: Task, Dataset, and Baseline Models for Vietnamese Spoken-Based Machine Reading Comprehension

Authors: Thinh Phuoc Ngo, Khoa Tran Anh Dang, Son T. Luu, Kiet Van Nguyen, Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen

Abstract: This paper presents the development process of a Vietnamese spoken language corpus for machine reading comprehension (MRC) tasks and provides insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with using real-world data for machine reading comprehension tasks. The existing MRC corpora in Vietnamese mainly focus on formal written documents such as Wikipedia articles, online newspapers, or textbooks. In contrast, the VlogQA consists of 10,076 question-answer pairs based on 1,230 transcript documents sourced from YouTube -- an extensive source of user-uploaded content, covering the topics of food and travel. By capturing the spoken language of native Vietnamese speakers in natural settings, an obscure corner overlooked in Vietnamese research, the corpus provides a valuable resource for future research in reading comprehension tasks for the Vietnamese language. Regarding performance evaluation, our deep-learning models achieved the highest F1 score of 75.34% on the test set, indicating significant progress in machine reading comprehension for Vietnamese spoken language data. In terms of EM, the highest score we accomplished is 53.97%, which reflects the challenge in processing spoken-based content and highlights the need for further improvement.

replace Zero-Shot Clinical Trial Patient Matching with LLMs

Authors: Michael Wornow, Alejandro Lozano, Dev Dash, Jenelle Jindal, Kenneth W. Mahaffey, Nigam H. Shah

Abstract: Matching patients to clinical trials is a key unsolved challenge in bringing new drugs to market. Today, identifying patients who meet a trial's eligibility criteria is highly manual, taking up to 1 hour per patient. Automated screening is challenging, however, as it requires understanding unstructured clinical text. Large language models (LLMs) offer a promising solution. In this work, we explore their application to trial matching. First, we design an LLM-based system which, given a patient's medical history as unstructured clinical text, evaluates whether that patient meets a set of inclusion criteria (also specified as free text). Our zero-shot system achieves state-of-the-art scores on the n2c2 2018 cohort selection benchmark. Second, we improve the data and cost efficiency of our method by identifying a prompting strategy which matches patients an order of magnitude faster and more cheaply than the status quo, and develop a two-stage retrieval pipeline that reduces the number of tokens processed by up to a third while retaining high performance. Third, we evaluate the interpretability of our system by having clinicians evaluate the natural language justifications generated by the LLM for each eligibility decision, and show that it can output coherent explanations for 97% of its correct decisions and 75% of its incorrect ones. Our results establish the feasibility of using LLMs to accelerate clinical trial operations.

replace OrderBkd: Textual backdoor attack through repositioning

Authors: Irina Alekseevskaia, Konstantin Arkhipenko

Abstract: The use of third-party datasets and pre-trained machine learning models poses a threat to NLP systems due to possibility of hidden backdoor attacks. Existing attacks involve poisoning the data samples such as insertion of tokens or sentence paraphrasing, which either alter the semantics of the original texts or can be detected. Our main difference from the previous work is that we use the reposition of a two words in a sentence as a trigger. By designing and applying specific part-of-speech (POS) based rules for selecting these tokens, we maintain high attack success rate on SST-2 and AG classification datasets while outperforming existing attacks in terms of perplexity and semantic similarity to the clean samples. In addition, we show the robustness of our attack to the ONION defense method. All the code and data for the paper can be obtained at


replace Assisting in Writing Wikipedia-like Articles From Scratch with Large Language Models

Authors: Yijia Shao, Yucheng Jiang, Theodore A. Kanell, Peter Xu, Omar Khattab, Monica S. Lam

Abstract: We study how to apply large language models to write grounded and organized long-form articles from scratch, with comparable breadth and depth to Wikipedia pages. This underexplored problem poses new challenges at the pre-writing stage, including how to research the topic and prepare an outline prior to writing. We propose STORM, a writing system for the Synthesis of Topic Outlines through Retrieval and Multi-perspective Question Asking. STORM models the pre-writing stage by (1) discovering diverse perspectives in researching the given topic, (2) simulating conversations where writers carrying different perspectives pose questions to a topic expert grounded on trusted Internet sources, (3) curating the collected information to create an outline. For evaluation, we curate FreshWiki, a dataset of recent high-quality Wikipedia articles, and formulate outline assessments to evaluate the pre-writing stage. We further gather feedback from experienced Wikipedia editors. Compared to articles generated by an outline-driven retrieval-augmented baseline, more of STORM's articles are deemed to be organized (by a 25% absolute increase) and broad in coverage (by 10%). The expert feedback also helps identify new challenges for generating grounded long articles, such as source bias transfer and over-association of unrelated facts.

replace IEPile: Unearthing Large-Scale Schema-Based Information Extraction Corpus

Authors: Honghao Gui, Lin Yuan, Hongbin Ye, Ningyu Zhang, Mengshu Sun, Lei Liang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable potential across various domains; however, they exhibit a significant performance gap in Information Extraction (IE). Note that high-quality instruction data is the vital key for enhancing the specific capabilities of LLMs, while current IE datasets tend to be small in scale, fragmented, and lack standardized schema. To this end, we introduce IEPile, a comprehensive bilingual (English and Chinese) IE instruction corpus, which contains approximately 0.32B tokens. We construct IEPile by collecting and cleaning 33 existing IE datasets, and introduce schema-based instruction generation to unearth a large-scale corpus. Experimental results on LLaMA, Baichuan and Qwen demonstrate that using IEPile can enhance the performance of LLMs for IE, especially the zero-shot generalization. We open-source the resource and pre-trained models, hoping to provide valuable support to the NLP community.

replace Dental Severity Assessment through Few-shot Learning and SBERT Fine-tuning

Authors: Mohammad Dehghani

Abstract: Dental diseases have a significant impact on a considerable portion of the population, leading to various health issues that can detrimentally affect individuals' overall well-being. The integration of automated systems in oral healthcare has become increasingly crucial. Machine learning approaches offer a viable solution to address challenges such as diagnostic difficulties, inefficiencies, and errors in oral disease diagnosis. These methods prove particularly useful when physicians struggle to predict or diagnose diseases at their early stages. In this study, thirteen different machine learning, deep learning, and large language models were employed to determine the severity level of oral health issues based on radiologists' reports. The results revealed that the Few-shot learning with SBERT and Multi-Layer Perceptron model outperformed all other models across various experiments, achieving an impressive accuracy of 94.1% as the best result. Consequently, this model exhibits promise as a reliable tool for evaluating the severity of oral diseases, enabling patients to receive more effective treatment and aiding healthcare professionals in making informed decisions regarding resource allocation and the management of high-risk patients.

replace Cross-domain Chinese Sentence Pattern Parsing

Authors: Jingsi Yu, Cunliang Kong, Liner Yang, Meishan Zhang, Lin Zhu, Yujie Wang, Haozhe Lin, Maosong Sun, Erhong Yang

Abstract: Sentence Pattern Structure (SPS) parsing is a syntactic analysis method primarily employed in language teaching.Existing SPS parsers rely heavily on textbook corpora for training, lacking cross-domain capability.To overcome this constraint, this paper proposes an innovative approach leveraging large language models (LLMs) within a self-training framework. Partial syntactic rules from a source domain are combined with target domain sentences to dynamically generate training data, enhancing the adaptability of the parser to diverse domains.Experiments conducted on textbook and news domains demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, outperforming rule-based baselines by 1.68 points on F1 metrics.

replace General2Specialized LLMs Translation for E-commerce

Authors: Kaidi Chen, Ben Chen, Dehong Gao, Huangyu Dai, Wen Jiang, Wei Ning, Shanqing Yu, Libin Yang, Xiaoyan Cai

Abstract: Existing Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models mainly handle translation in the general domain, while overlooking domains with special writing formulas, such as e-commerce and legal documents. Taking e-commerce as an example, the texts usually include amounts of domain-related words and have more grammar problems, which leads to inferior performances of current NMT methods. To address these problems, we collect two domain-related resources, including a set of term pairs (aligned Chinese-English bilingual terms) and a parallel corpus annotated for the e-commerce domain. Furthermore, we propose a two-step fine-tuning paradigm (named G2ST) with self-contrastive semantic enhancement to transfer one general NMT model to the specialized NMT model for e-commerce. The paradigm can be used for the NMT models based on Large language models (LLMs). Extensive evaluations on real e-commerce titles demonstrate the superior translation quality and robustness of our G2ST approach, as compared with state-of-the-art NMT models such as LLaMA, Qwen, GPT-3.5, and even GPT-4.

replace FaaF: Facts as a Function for the evaluation of generated text

Authors: Vasileios Katranidis, Gabor Barany

Abstract: The demand for accurate and efficient verification of information in texts generated by large language models (LMs) is at an all-time high, but remains unresolved. Recent efforts have focused on extracting and verifying atomic facts from these texts via prompting LM evaluators. However, we demonstrate that this method of prompting is unreliable when faced with incomplete or inaccurate reference information. We introduce Facts as a Function (FaaF), a new approach to the fact verification task that leverages the function-calling capabilities of LMs. FaaF significantly enhances the ability of LMs to identify unsupported facts in texts, while also improving efficiency and significantly lowering costs compared to prompt-based methods. Additionally, we propose a framework for evaluating factual recall in Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems, which we employ to compare prompt-based and FaaF methods using various LMs under challenging conditions.

replace Ever-Evolving Memory by Blending and Refining the Past

Authors: Seo Hyun Kim, Keummin Ka, Yohan Jo, Seung-won Hwang, Dongha Lee, Jinyoung Yeo

Abstract: For a human-like chatbot, constructing a long-term memory is crucial. However, current large language models often lack this capability, leading to instances of missing important user information or redundantly asking for the same information, thereby diminishing conversation quality. To effectively construct memory, it is crucial to seamlessly connect past and present information, while also possessing the ability to forget obstructive information. To address these challenges, we propose CREEM, a novel memory system for long-term conversation. Improving upon existing approaches that construct memory based solely on current sessions, CREEM blends past memories during memory formation. Additionally, we introduce a refining process to handle redundant or outdated information. Unlike traditional paradigms, we view responding and memory construction as inseparable tasks. The blending process, which creates new memories, also serves as a reasoning step for response generation by informing the connection between past and present. Through evaluation, we demonstrate that CREEM enhances both memory and response qualities in multi-session personalized dialogues.

replace Exploring Safety Generalization Challenges of Large Language Models via Code

Authors: Qibing Ren, Chang Gao, Jing Shao, Junchi Yan, Xin Tan, Yu Qiao, Wai Lam, Lizhuang Ma

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about remarkable generative capabilities but also raised concerns about their potential misuse. While strategies like supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback have enhanced their safety, these methods primarily focus on natural languages, which may not generalize to other domains. This paper introduces CodeAttack, a framework that transforms natural language inputs into code inputs, presenting a novel environment for testing the safety generalization of LLMs. Our comprehensive studies on state-of-the-art LLMs including GPT-4, Claude-2, and Llama-2 series reveal a common safety vulnerability of these models against code input: CodeAttack bypasses the safety guardrails of all models more than 80% of the time. We find that a larger distribution gap between CodeAttack and natural language leads to weaker safety generalization, such as encoding natural language input with data structures. Furthermore, we give two hypotheses about the success of CodeAttack: (1) the misaligned bias acquired by LLMs during code training, prioritizing code completion over avoiding the potential safety risk; (2) the limited self-evaluation capability regarding the safety of their code outputs. Finally, we analyze potential mitigation measures. These findings highlight new safety risks in the code domain and the need for more robust safety alignment algorithms to match the code capabilities of LLMs.

replace Leveraging Prototypical Representations for Mitigating Social Bias without Demographic Information

Authors: Shadi Iskander, Kira Radinsky, Yonatan Belinkov

Abstract: Mitigating social biases typically requires identifying the social groups associated with each data sample. In this paper, we present DAFair, a novel approach to address social bias in language models. Unlike traditional methods that rely on explicit demographic labels, our approach does not require any such information. Instead, we leverage predefined prototypical demographic texts and incorporate a regularization term during the fine-tuning process to mitigate bias in the model's representations. Our empirical results across two tasks and two models demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to previous approaches that do not rely on labeled data. Moreover, with limited demographic-annotated data, our approach outperforms common debiasing approaches.

replace Enhancing Readmission Prediction with Deep Learning: Extracting Biomedical Concepts from Clinical Texts

Authors: Rasoul Samani, Mohammad Dehghani, Fahime Shahrokh

Abstract: Hospital readmission, defined as patients being re-hospitalized shortly after discharge, is a critical concern as it impacts patient outcomes and healthcare costs. Identifying patients at risk of readmission allows for timely interventions, reducing re-hospitalization rates and overall treatment costs. This study focuses on predicting patient readmission within less than 30 days using text mining techniques applied to discharge report texts from electronic health records (EHR). Various machine learning and deep learning methods were employed to develop a classification model for this purpose. A novel aspect of this research involves leveraging the Bio-Discharge Summary Bert (BDSS) model along with principal component analysis (PCA) feature extraction to preprocess data for deep learning model input. Our analysis of the MIMIC-III dataset indicates that our approach, which combines the BDSS model with a multilayer perceptron (MLP), outperforms state-of-the-art methods. This model achieved a recall of 94% and an area under the curve (AUC) of 75%, showcasing its effectiveness in predicting patient readmissions. This study contributes to the advancement of predictive modeling in healthcare by integrating text mining techniques with deep learning algorithms to improve patient outcomes and optimize resource allocation.

replace Correcting misinformation on social media with a large language model

Authors: Xinyi Zhou, Ashish Sharma, Amy X. Zhang, Tim Althoff

Abstract: Real-world misinformation can be partially correct and even factual but misleading. It undermines public trust in science and democracy, particularly on social media, where it can spread rapidly. High-quality and timely correction of misinformation that identifies and explains its (in)accuracies has been shown to effectively reduce false beliefs. Despite the wide acceptance of manual correction, it is difficult to promptly correct newly created misinformation and to scale this approach, a concern as technologies like large language models (LLMs) make misinformation easier to produce. LLMs also have versatile capabilities that could accelerate misinformation correction--however, they struggle due to a lack of recent information, a tendency to produce false content, and limitations in addressing multimodal information. We propose MUSE, an LLM augmented with access to and credibility evaluation of up-to-date information. By retrieving evidence as refutations or contexts, MUSE identifies and explains (in)accuracies in a piece of content--not presupposed to be misinformation--with references. It also describes images and conducts multimodal searches to verify and correct multimodal content. Fact-checking experts evaluate responses to social media content that are not presupposed to be (non-)misinformation but broadly include incorrect, partially correct, and correct posts, that may or may not be misleading. We propose and evaluate 13 dimensions of misinformation correction quality, ranging from the accuracy of identifications and factuality of explanations to the relevance and credibility of references. The results demonstrate MUSE's ability to promptly write high-quality responses to potential misinformation on social media--overall, MUSE outperforms GPT-4 by 37% and even high-quality responses from laypeople by 29%.

replace MMIDR: Teaching Large Language Model to Interpret Multimodal Misinformation via Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Longzheng Wang, Xiaohan Xu, Lei Zhang, Jiarui Lu, Yongxiu Xu, Hongbo Xu, Minghao Tang, Chuang Zhang

Abstract: Automatic detection of multimodal misinformation has gained a widespread attention recently. However, the potential of powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) for multimodal misinformation detection remains underexplored. Besides, how to teach LLMs to interpret multimodal misinformation in cost-effective and accessible way is still an open question. To address that, we propose MMIDR, a framework designed to teach LLMs in providing fluent and high-quality textual explanations for their decision-making process of multimodal misinformation. To convert multimodal misinformation into an appropriate instruction-following format, we present a data augmentation perspective and pipeline. This pipeline consists of a visual information processing module and an evidence retrieval module. Subsequently, we prompt the proprietary LLMs with processed contents to extract rationales for interpreting the authenticity of multimodal misinformation. Furthermore, we design an efficient knowledge distillation approach to distill the capability of proprietary LLMs in explaining multimodal misinformation into open-source LLMs. To explore several research questions regarding the performance of LLMs in multimodal misinformation detection tasks, we construct an instruction-following multimodal misinformation dataset and conduct comprehensive experiments. The experimental findings reveal that our MMIDR exhibits sufficient detection performance and possesses the capacity to provide compelling rationales to support its assessments.

replace MasonTigers at SemEval-2024 Task 1: An Ensemble Approach for Semantic Textual Relatedness

Authors: Dhiman Goswami, Sadiya Sayara Chowdhury Puspo, Md Nishat Raihan, Al Nahian Bin Emran, Amrita Ganguly, Marcos Zampieri

Abstract: This paper presents the MasonTigers entry to the SemEval-2024 Task 1 - Semantic Textual Relatedness. The task encompasses supervised (Track A), unsupervised (Track B), and cross-lingual (Track C) approaches across 14 different languages. MasonTigers stands out as one of the two teams who participated in all languages across the three tracks. Our approaches achieved rankings ranging from 11th to 21st in Track A, from 1st to 8th in Track B, and from 5th to 12th in Track C. Adhering to the task-specific constraints, our best performing approaches utilize ensemble of statistical machine learning approaches combined with language-specific BERT based models and sentence transformers.

replace Rejection Improves Reliability: Training LLMs to Refuse Unknown Questions Using RL from Knowledge Feedback

Authors: Hongshen Xu, Zichen Zhu, Situo Zhang, Da Ma, Shuai Fan, Lu Chen, Kai Yu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) often generate erroneous outputs, known as hallucinations, due to their limitations in discerning questions beyond their knowledge scope. While addressing hallucination has been a focal point in research, previous efforts primarily concentrate on enhancing correctness without giving due consideration to the significance of rejection mechanisms. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the role of rejection, introducing the notion of model reliability along with corresponding metrics. These metrics measure the model's ability to provide accurate responses while adeptly rejecting questions exceeding its knowledge boundaries, thereby minimizing hallucinations. To improve the inherent reliability of LLMs, we present a novel alignment framework called Reinforcement Learning from Knowledge Feedback (RLKF). RLKF leverages knowledge feedback to dynamically determine the model's knowledge boundary and trains a reliable reward model to encourage the refusal of out-of-knowledge questions. Experimental results on mathematical questions affirm the substantial efficacy of RLKF in significantly enhancing LLM reliability.

replace Automatic Alignment of Discourse Relations of Different Discourse Annotation Frameworks

Authors: Yingxue Fu

Abstract: Existing discourse corpora are annotated based on different frameworks, which show significant dissimilarities in definitions of arguments and relations and structural constraints. Despite surface differences, these frameworks share basic understandings of discourse relations. The relationship between these frameworks has been an open research question, especially the correlation between relation inventories utilized in different frameworks. Better understanding of this question is helpful for integrating discourse theories and enabling interoperability of discourse corpora annotated under different frameworks. However, studies that explore correlations between discourse relation inventories are hindered by different criteria of discourse segmentation, and expert knowledge and manual examination are typically needed. Some semi-automatic methods have been proposed, but they rely on corpora annotated in multiple frameworks in parallel. In this paper, we introduce a fully automatic approach to address the challenges. Specifically, we extend the label-anchored contrastive learning method introduced by Zhang et al. (2022b) to learn label embeddings during a classification task. These embeddings are then utilized to map discourse relations from different frameworks. We show experimental results on RST-DT (Carlson et al., 2001) and PDTB 3.0 (Prasad et al., 2018).

replace Cross-lingual Named Entity Corpus for Slavic Languages

Authors: Jakub Piskorski, Micha{\l} Marci\'nczuk, Roman Yangarber

Abstract: This paper presents a corpus manually annotated with named entities for six Slavic languages - Bulgarian, Czech, Polish, Slovenian, Russian, and Ukrainian. This work is the result of a series of shared tasks, conducted in 2017-2023 as a part of the Workshops on Slavic Natural Language Processing. The corpus consists of 5 017 documents on seven topics. The documents are annotated with five classes of named entities. Each entity is described by a category, a lemma, and a unique cross-lingual identifier. We provide two train-tune dataset splits - single topic out and cross topics. For each split, we set benchmarks using a transformer-based neural network architecture with the pre-trained multilingual models - XLM-RoBERTa-large for named entity mention recognition and categorization, and mT5-large for named entity lemmatization and linking.

replace Structured Information Matters: Incorporating Abstract Meaning Representation into LLMs for Improved Open-Domain Dialogue Evaluation

Authors: Bohao Yang, Kun Zhao, Chen Tang, Liang Zhan, Chenghua Lin

Abstract: Automatic open-domain dialogue evaluation has attracted increasing attention. Trainable evaluation metrics are commonly trained with true positive and randomly selected negative responses, resulting in a tendency for them to assign a higher score to the responses that share higher content similarity with a given context. However, adversarial negative responses possess high content similarity with the contexts whilst being semantically different. Therefore, existing evaluation metrics are not robust enough to evaluate such responses, resulting in low correlations with human judgments. While recent studies have shown some efficacy in utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) for open-domain dialogue evaluation, they still encounter challenges in effectively handling adversarial negative examples. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework for open-domain dialogue evaluation, which combines domain-specific language models (SLMs) with LLMs. The SLMs can explicitly incorporate Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graph information of the dialogue through a gating mechanism for enhanced semantic representation learning. The evaluation result of SLMs and AMR graph information are plugged into the prompt of LLM, for the enhanced in-context learning performance. Experimental results on open-domain dialogue evaluation tasks demonstrate the superiority of our method compared to a wide range of state-of-the-art baselines, especially in discriminating adversarial negative responses. Our code is available at


replace Measuring Social Norms of Large Language Models

Authors: Ye Yuan, Kexin Tang, Jianhao Shen, Ming Zhang, Chenguang Wang

Abstract: We present a new challenge to examine whether large language models understand social norms. In contrast to existing datasets, our dataset requires a fundamental understanding of social norms to solve. Our dataset features the largest set of social norm skills, consisting of 402 skills and 12,383 questions covering a wide set of social norms ranging from opinions and arguments to culture and laws. We design our dataset according to the K-12 curriculum. This enables the direct comparison of the social understanding of large language models to humans, more specifically, elementary students. While prior work generates nearly random accuracy on our benchmark, recent large language models such as GPT3.5-Turbo and LLaMA2-Chat are able to improve the performance significantly, only slightly below human performance. We then propose a multi-agent framework based on large language models to improve the models' ability to understand social norms. This method further improves large language models to be on par with humans. Given the increasing adoption of large language models in real-world applications, our finding is particularly important and presents a unique direction for future improvements.

replace Concept -- An Evaluation Protocol on Conversation Recommender Systems with System-centric and User-centric Factors

Authors: Chen Huang, Peixin Qin, Yang Deng, Wenqiang Lei, Jiancheng Lv, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: The conversational recommendation system (CRS) has been criticized regarding its user experience in real-world scenarios, despite recent significant progress achieved in academia. Existing evaluation protocols for CRS may prioritize system-centric factors such as effectiveness and fluency in conversation while neglecting user-centric aspects. Thus, we propose a new and inclusive evaluation protocol, Concept, which integrates both system- and user-centric factors. We conceptualise three key characteristics in representing such factors and further divide them into six primary abilities. To implement Concept, we adopt a LLM-based user simulator and evaluator with scoring rubrics that are tailored for each primary ability. Our protocol, Concept, serves a dual purpose. First, it provides an overview of the pros and cons in current CRS models. Second, it pinpoints the problem of low usability in the "omnipotent" ChatGPT and offers a comprehensive reference guide for evaluating CRS, thereby setting the foundation for CRS improvement.

replace The Impact of Unstated Norms in Bias Analysis of Language Models

Authors: Farnaz Kohankhaki, Jacob-Junqi Tian, David Emerson, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari, Faiza Khan Khattak

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), trained on vast datasets, can carry biases that manifest in various forms, from overt discrimination to implicit stereotypes. One facet of bias is performance disparities in LLMs, often harming underprivileged groups, such as racial minorities. A common approach to quantifying bias is to use template-based bias probes, which explicitly state group membership (e.g. White) and evaluate if the outcome of a task, sentiment analysis for instance, is invariant to the change of group membership (e.g. change White race to Black). This approach is widely used in bias quantification. However, in this work, we find evidence of an unexpectedly overlooked consequence of using template-based probes for LLM bias quantification. We find that in doing so, text examples associated with White ethnicities appear to be classified as exhibiting negative sentiment at elevated rates. We hypothesize that the scenario arises artificially through a mismatch between the pre-training text of LLMs and the templates used to measure bias through reporting bias, unstated norms that imply group membership without explicit statement. Our finding highlights the potential misleading impact of varying group membership through explicit mention in bias quantification

replace ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models

Authors: Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Zheng Wang, Atticus Geiger, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts

Abstract: Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods seek to adapt large models via updates to a small number of weights. However, much prior interpretability work has shown that representations encode rich semantic information, suggesting that editing representations might be a more powerful alternative. Here, we pursue this hypothesis by developing a family of $\textbf{Representation Finetuning (ReFT)}$ methods. ReFT methods operate on a frozen base model and learn task-specific interventions on hidden representations. We define a strong instance of the ReFT family, Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT (LoReFT). LoReFT is a drop-in replacement for existing PEFTs and learns interventions that are 10x-50x more parameter-efficient than prior state-of-the-art PEFTs. We showcase LoReFT on eight commonsense reasoning tasks, four arithmetic reasoning tasks, Alpaca-Eval v1.0, and GLUE. In all these evaluations, LoReFT delivers the best balance of efficiency and performance, and almost always outperforms state-of-the-art PEFTs. We release a generic ReFT training library publicly at


replace SAAS: Solving Ability Amplification Strategy for Enhanced Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Hyeonwoo Kim, Gyoungjin Gim, Yungi Kim, Jihoo Kim, Byungju Kim, Wonseok Lee, Chanjun Park

Abstract: This study presents a novel learning approach designed to enhance both mathematical reasoning and problem-solving abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). We focus on integrating the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and the Program-of-Thought (PoT) learning, hypothesizing that prioritizing the learning of mathematical reasoning ability is helpful for the amplification of problem-solving ability. Thus, the initial learning with CoT is essential for solving challenging mathematical problems. To this end, we propose a sequential learning approach, named SAAS (Solving Ability Amplification Strategy), which strategically transitions from CoT learning to PoT learning. Our empirical study, involving an extensive performance comparison using several benchmarks, demonstrates that our SAAS achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. The results underscore the effectiveness of our sequential learning approach, marking a significant advancement in the field of mathematical reasoning in LLMs.

replace Chinese Tiny LLM: Pretraining a Chinese-Centric Large Language Model

Authors: Xinrun Du, Zhouliang Yu, Songyang Gao, Ding Pan, Yuyang Cheng, Ziyang Ma, Ruibin Yuan, Xingwei Qu, Jiaheng Liu, Tianyu Zheng, Xinchen Luo, Guorui Zhou, Binhang Yuan, Wenhu Chen, Jie Fu, Ge Zhang

Abstract: In this study, we introduce CT-LLM, a 2B large language model (LLM) that illustrates a pivotal shift towards prioritizing the Chinese language in developing LLMs. Uniquely initiated from scratch, CT-LLM diverges from the conventional methodology by primarily incorporating Chinese textual data, utilizing an extensive corpus of 1,200 billion tokens, including 800 billion Chinese tokens, 300 billion English tokens, and 100 billion code tokens. This strategic composition facilitates the model's exceptional proficiency in understanding and processing Chinese, a capability further enhanced through alignment techniques. Demonstrating remarkable performance on the CHC-Bench, CT-LLM excels in Chinese language tasks, and showcases its adeptness in English through SFT. This research challenges the prevailing paradigm of training LLMs predominantly on English corpora and then adapting them to other languages, broadening the horizons for LLM training methodologies. By open-sourcing the full process of training a Chinese LLM, including a detailed data processing procedure with the obtained Massive Appropriate Pretraining Chinese Corpus (MAP-CC), a well-chosen multidisciplinary Chinese Hard Case Benchmark (CHC-Bench), and the 2B-size Chinese Tiny LLM (CT-LLM), we aim to foster further exploration and innovation in both academia and industry, paving the way for more inclusive and versatile language models.

replace-cross Fact-Checking Generative AI: Ontology-Driven Biological Graphs for Disease-Gene Link Verification

Authors: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Byung Suk Lee, Alessandro Crimi, Magdalena M. Misiak

Abstract: Since the launch of various generative AI tools, scientists have been striving to evaluate their capabilities and contents, in the hope of establishing trust in their generative abilities. Regulations and guidelines are emerging to verify generated contents and identify novel uses. we aspire to demonstrate how ChatGPT claims are checked computationally using the rigor of network models. We aim to achieve fact-checking of the knowledge embedded in biological graphs that were contrived from ChatGPT contents at the aggregate level. We adopted a biological networks approach that enables the systematic interrogation of ChatGPT's linked entities. We designed an ontology-driven fact-checking algorithm that compares biological graphs constructed from approximately 200,000 PubMed abstracts with counterparts constructed from a dataset generated using the ChatGPT-3.5 Turbo model. In 10-samples of 250 randomly selected records a ChatGPT dataset of 1000 "simulated" articles , the fact-checking link accuracy ranged from 70% to 86%. This study demonstrated high accuracy of aggregate disease-gene links relationships found in ChatGPT-generated texts.

replace-cross Convoifilter: A case study of doing cocktail party speech recognition

Authors: Thai-Binh Nguyen, Alexander Waibel

Abstract: This paper presents an end-to-end model designed to improve automatic speech recognition (ASR) for a particular speaker in a crowded, noisy environment. The model utilizes a single-channel speech enhancement module that isolates the speaker's voice from background noise (ConVoiFilter) and an ASR module. The model can decrease ASR's word error rate (WER) from 80% to 26.4% through this approach. Typically, these two components are adjusted independently due to variations in data requirements. However, speech enhancement can create anomalies that decrease ASR efficiency. By implementing a joint fine-tuning strategy, the model can reduce the WER from 26.4% in separate tuning to 14.5% in joint tuning. We openly share our pre-trained model to foster further research

replace-cross Echotune: A Modular Extractor Leveraging the Variable-Length Nature of Speech in ASR Tasks

Authors: Sizhou Chen, Songyang Gao, Sen Fang

Abstract: The Transformer architecture has proven to be highly effective for Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) tasks, becoming a foundational component for a plethora of research in the domain. Historically, many approaches have leaned on fixed-length attention windows, which becomes problematic for varied speech samples in duration and complexity, leading to data over-smoothing and neglect of essential long-term connectivity. Addressing this limitation, we introduce Echo-MSA, a nimble module equipped with a variable-length attention mechanism that accommodates a range of speech sample complexities and durations. This module offers the flexibility to extract speech features across various granularities, spanning from frames and phonemes to words and discourse. The proposed design captures the variable length feature of speech and addresses the limitations of fixed-length attention. Our evaluation leverages a parallel attention architecture complemented by a dynamic gating mechanism that amalgamates traditional attention with the Echo-MSA module output. Empirical evidence from our study reveals that integrating Echo-MSA into the primary model's training regime significantly enhances the word error rate (WER) performance, all while preserving the intrinsic stability of the original model.

replace-cross Demystifying CLIP Data

Authors: Hu Xu, Saining Xie, Xiaoqing Ellen Tan, Po-Yao Huang, Russell Howes, Vasu Sharma, Shang-Wen Li, Gargi Ghosh, Luke Zettlemoyer, Christoph Feichtenhofer

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is an approach that has advanced research and applications in computer vision, fueling modern recognition systems and generative models. We believe that the main ingredient to the success of CLIP is its data and not the model architecture or pre-training objective. However, CLIP only provides very limited information about its data and how it has been collected, leading to works that aim to reproduce CLIP's data by filtering with its model parameters. In this work, we intend to reveal CLIP's data curation approach and in our pursuit of making it open to the community introduce Metadata-Curated Language-Image Pre-training (MetaCLIP). MetaCLIP takes a raw data pool and metadata (derived from CLIP's concepts) and yields a balanced subset over the metadata distribution. Our experimental study rigorously isolates the model and training settings, concentrating solely on data. MetaCLIP applied to CommonCrawl with 400M image-text data pairs outperforms CLIP's data on multiple standard benchmarks. In zero-shot ImageNet classification, MetaCLIP achieves 70.8% accuracy, surpassing CLIP's 68.3% on ViT-B models. Scaling to 1B data, while maintaining the same training budget, attains 72.4%. Our observations hold across various model sizes, exemplified by ViT-H achieving 80.5%, without any bells-and-whistles. Curation code and training data distribution on metadata is made available at


replace-cross Corex: Pushing the Boundaries of Complex Reasoning through Multi-Model Collaboration

Authors: Qiushi Sun, Zhangyue Yin, Xiang Li, Zhiyong Wu, Xipeng Qiu, Lingpeng Kong

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are evolving at an unprecedented pace and have exhibited considerable capability in the realm of natural language processing (NLP) with world knowledge. Benefiting from ultra-large-scale training corpora, a single LLM can manage typical NLP tasks competently. However, its performance in executing reasoning tasks is still confined by the limitations of its internal representations. To push this boundary further, we introduce Corex in this paper, a suite of novel general-purpose strategies that transform LLMs into autonomous agents pioneering multi-model collaborations for complex task-solving. Inspired by human behaviors, Corex is constituted by diverse collaboration paradigms including Debate, Review, and Retrieve modes, which collectively work towards enhancing the factuality, faithfulness, and reliability of the reasoning process. These paradigms foster task-agnostic approaches that enable LLMs to ''think outside the box,'' thereby overcoming hallucinations and providing better solutions. Through extensive experiments across four different types of reasoning tasks, we demonstrate that orchestrating multiple LLMs to work in concert yields substantially better performance compared to existing methods. Further results and in-depth analysis demonstrate the cost-effectiveness of our method, facilitating collaboration among different LLMs and promoting annotation efficiency.

replace-cross REMARK-LLM: A Robust and Efficient Watermarking Framework for Generative Large Language Models

Authors: Ruisi Zhang, Shehzeen Samarah Hussain, Paarth Neekhara, Farinaz Koushanfar

Abstract: We present REMARK-LLM, a novel efficient, and robust watermarking framework designed for texts generated by large language models (LLMs). Synthesizing human-like content using LLMs necessitates vast computational resources and extensive datasets, encapsulating critical intellectual property (IP). However, the generated content is prone to malicious exploitation, including spamming and plagiarism. To address the challenges, REMARK-LLM proposes three new components: (i) a learning-based message encoding module to infuse binary signatures into LLM-generated texts; (ii) a reparameterization module to transform the dense distributions from the message encoding to the sparse distribution of the watermarked textual tokens; (iii) a decoding module dedicated for signature extraction; Furthermore, we introduce an optimized beam search algorithm to guarantee the coherence and consistency of the generated content. REMARK-LLM is rigorously trained to encourage the preservation of semantic integrity in watermarked content, while ensuring effective watermark retrieval. Extensive evaluations on multiple unseen datasets highlight REMARK-LLM proficiency and transferability in inserting 2 times more signature bits into the same texts when compared to prior art, all while maintaining semantic integrity. Furthermore, REMARK-LLM exhibits better resilience against a spectrum of watermark detection and removal attacks.

replace-cross SALMONN: Towards Generic Hearing Abilities for Large Language Models

Authors: Changli Tang, Wenyi Yu, Guangzhi Sun, Xianzhao Chen, Tian Tan, Wei Li, Lu Lu, Zejun Ma, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Hearing is arguably an essential ability of artificial intelligence (AI) agents in the physical world, which refers to the perception and understanding of general auditory information consisting of at least three types of sounds: speech, audio events, and music. In this paper, we propose SALMONN, a speech audio language music open neural network, built by integrating a pre-trained text-based large language model (LLM) with speech and audio encoders into a single multimodal model. SALMONN enables the LLM to directly process and understand general audio inputs and achieve competitive performances on a number of speech and audio tasks used in training, such as automatic speech recognition and translation, auditory-information-based question answering, emotion recognition, speaker verification, and music and audio captioning etc. SALMONN also has a diverse set of emergent abilities unseen in the training, which includes but is not limited to speech translation to untrained languages, speech-based slot filling, spoken-query-based question answering, audio-based storytelling, and speech audio co-reasoning etc. The presence of cross-modal emergent abilities is studied, and a novel few-shot activation tuning approach is proposed to activate such abilities. To our knowledge, SALMONN is the first model of its type and can be regarded as a step towards AI with generic hearing abilities. The source code, model checkpoints and data are available at


replace-cross Understanding the Potential of FPGA-Based Spatial Acceleration for Large Language Model Inference

Authors: Hongzheng Chen, Jiahao Zhang, Yixiao Du, Shaojie Xiang, Zichao Yue, Niansong Zhang, Yaohui Cai, Zhiru Zhang

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) boasting billions of parameters have generated a significant demand for efficient deployment in inference workloads. The majority of existing approaches rely on temporal architectures that reuse hardware units for different network layers and operators. However, these methods often encounter challenges in achieving low latency due to considerable memory access overhead. This paper investigates the feasibility and potential of model-specific spatial acceleration for LLM inference on FPGAs. Our approach involves the specialization of distinct hardware units for specific operators or layers, facilitating direct communication between them through a dataflow architecture while minimizing off-chip memory accesses. We introduce a comprehensive analytical model for estimating the performance of a spatial LLM accelerator, taking into account the on-chip compute and memory resources available on an FPGA. Through our analysis, we can determine the scenarios in which FPGA-based spatial acceleration can outperform its GPU-based counterpart. To enable more productive implementations of an LLM model on FPGAs, we further provide a library of high-level synthesis (HLS) kernels that are composable and reusable. This library will be made available as open-source. To validate the effectiveness of both our analytical model and HLS library, we have implemented BERT and GPT2 on an AMD Alveo U280 FPGA device. Experimental results demonstrate our approach can achieve up to 13.4x speedup when compared to previous FPGA-based accelerators for the BERT model. For GPT generative inference, we attain a 2.2x speedup compared to DFX, an FPGA overlay, in the prefill stage, while achieving a 1.9x speedup and a 5.7x improvement in energy efficiency compared to the NVIDIA A100 GPU in the decode stage.

replace-cross Hierarchical Tree-structured Knowledge Graph For Academic Insight Survey

Authors: Jinghong Li, Huy Phan, Wen Gu, Koichi Ota, Shinobu Hasegawa

Abstract: Research surveys have always posed a challenge for beginner researchers who lack of research training. These researchers struggle to understand the directions within their research topic, and the discovery of new research findings within a short time. One way to provide intuitive assistance to beginner researchers is by offering relevant knowledge graphs(KG) and recommending related academic papers. However, existing navigation knowledge graphs primarily rely on keywords in the research field and often fail to present the logical hierarchy among multiple related papers clearly. Moreover, most recommendation systems for academic papers simply rely on high text similarity, which can leave researchers confused as to why a particular article is being recommended. They may lack of grasp important information about the insight connection between "Issue resolved" and "Issue finding" that they hope to obtain. To address these issues, this study aims to support research insight surveys for beginner researchers by establishing a hierarchical tree-structured knowledge graph that reflects the inheritance insight of research topics and the relevance insight among the academic papers.

replace-cross Prompting with Divide-and-Conquer Program Makes Large Language Models Discerning to Hallucination and Deception

Authors: Yizhou Zhang, Lun Du, Defu Cao, Qiang Fu, Yan Liu

Abstract: Foundation models, such as Large language Models (LLMs), have attracted significant amount of interest due to their large number of applications. Existing works show that appropriate prompt design, such as Chain-of-Thoughts, can unlock LLM's powerful capacity in diverse areas. However, when handling tasks involving repetitive sub-tasks and/or deceptive contents, such as arithmetic calculation and article-level fake news detection, existing prompting strategies either suffers from insufficient expressive power or intermediate errors triggered by hallucination. To make LLM more discerning to such intermediate errors, we propose to guide LLM with a Divide-and-Conquer program that simultaneously ensures superior expressive power and disentangles task decomposition, sub-task resolution, and resolution assembly process. Theoretic analysis reveals that our strategy can guide LLM to extend the expressive power of fixed-depth Transformer. Experiments indicate that our proposed method can achieve better performance than typical prompting strategies in tasks bothered by intermediate errors and deceptive contents, such as large integer multiplication, hallucination detection and misinformation detection.

replace-cross A Survey on Transformer Compression

Authors: Yehui Tang, Yunhe Wang, Jianyuan Guo, Zhijun Tu, Kai Han, Hailin Hu, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Transformer plays a vital role in the realms of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV), specially for constructing large language models (LLM) and large vision models (LVM). Model compression methods reduce the memory and computational cost of Transformer, which is a necessary step to implement large language/vision models on practical devices. Given the unique architecture of Transformer, featuring alternative attention and feedforward neural network (FFN) modules, specific compression techniques are usually required. The efficiency of these compression methods is also paramount, as retraining large models on the entire training dataset is usually impractical. This survey provides a comprehensive review of recent compression methods, with a specific focus on their application to Transformer-based models. The compression methods are primarily categorized into pruning, quantization, knowledge distillation, and efficient architecture design (Mamba, RetNet, RWKV, etc.). In each category, we discuss compression methods for both language and vision tasks, highlighting common underlying principles. Finally, we delve into the relation between various compression methods, and discuss further directions in this domain.

replace-cross Rethinking Information Structures in RLHF: Reward Generalization from a Graph Theory Perspective

Authors: Tianyi Qiu, Fanzhi Zeng, Jiaming Ji, Dong Yan, Kaile Wang, Jiayi Zhou, Yang Han, Josef Dai, Xuehai Pan, Yaodong Yang

Abstract: There is a trilemma in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF): the incompatibility between highly diverse contexts, low labeling cost, and reliable alignment performance. We mitigate such incompatibility through the design of dataset information structures during reward modeling, and introduce the Induced Bayesian Network (IBN), the first theory of reward generalization capable of generating substantial verified predictions on large language models (LLMs). Specifically, we first reexamine the RLHF process and propose a theoretical framework portraying it as an autoencoding process over text distributions. Our framework formalizes the RLHF objective of ensuring distributional consistency between human preference and LLM behavior. Then, based on this framework, we introduce the IBN to analyze generalization in the reward modeling stage of RLHF. Drawing from random graph theory and causal analysis, it enables empirically grounded derivation of generalization error bounds, a key improvement over classical theories of generalization. Finally, an insight from our analysis is the superiority of the tree-based information structure in reward modeling, compared to chain-based baselines in conventional RLHF methods. With IBN, we derive that in complex contexts with limited data, the tree-based reward model (RM), trained on a tree-structured preference dataset, induces up to $\Theta(\log n/\log\log n)$ times less variance than the baseline, where $n$ is the dataset size. As validation, we demonstrate that on three NLP tasks, the tree-based RM achieves 65% win rate on average against chain-based baselines. It shows that alignment performance can be gained for free via the design of dataset information structure, without the need for any other changes.

replace-cross IRCoder: Intermediate Representations Make Language Models Robust Multilingual Code Generators

Authors: Indraneil Paul, Goran Glava\v{s}, Iryna Gurevych

Abstract: Code understanding and generation have fast become some of the most popular applications of language models (LMs). Nonetheless, research on multilingual aspects of Code-LMs (i.e., LMs for code generation) such as cross-lingual transfer between different programming languages, language-specific data augmentation, and post-hoc LM adaptation, alongside exploitation of data sources other than the original textual content, has been much sparser than for their natural language counterparts. In particular, most mainstream Code-LMs have been pre-trained on source code files alone. In this work, we investigate the prospect of leveraging readily available compiler intermediate representations (IR) - shared across programming languages - to improve the multilingual capabilities of Code-LMs and facilitate cross-lingual transfer. To this end, we first compile SLTrans, a parallel dataset consisting of nearly 4M self-contained source code files coupled with respective intermediate representations. Next, starting from various base Code-LMs (ranging in size from 1.1B to 7.3B parameters), we carry out continued causal language modelling training on SLTrans, forcing the Code-LMs to (1) learn the IR language and (2) align the IR constructs with respective constructs of various programming languages. Our resulting models, dubbed IRCoder, display sizeable and consistent gains across a wide variety of code generation tasks and metrics, including prompt robustness, multilingual code completion, code understanding, and instruction following.

replace-cross PEEB: Part-based Image Classifiers with an Explainable and Editable Language Bottleneck

Authors: Thang M. Pham, Peijie Chen, Tin Nguyen, Seunghyun Yoon, Trung Bui, Anh Nguyen

Abstract: CLIP-based classifiers rely on the prompt containing a {class name} that is known to the text encoder. Therefore, they perform poorly on new classes or the classes whose names rarely appear on the Internet (e.g., scientific names of birds). For fine-grained classification, we propose PEEB - an explainable and editable classifier to (1) express the class name into a set of text descriptors that describe the visual parts of that class; and (2) match the embeddings of the detected parts to their textual descriptors in each class to compute a logit score for classification. In a zero-shot setting where the class names are unknown, PEEB outperforms CLIP by a huge margin (~10x in top-1 accuracy). Compared to part-based classifiers, PEEB is not only the state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the supervised-learning setting (88.80% and 92.20% accuracy on CUB-200 and Dogs-120, respectively) but also the first to enable users to edit the text descriptors to form a new classifier without any re-training. Compared to concept bottleneck models, PEEB is also the SOTA in both zero-shot and supervised-learning settings.

replace-cross Keyformer: KV Cache Reduction through Key Tokens Selection for Efficient Generative Inference

Authors: Muhammad Adnan, Akhil Arunkumar, Gaurav Jain, Prashant J. Nair, Ilya Soloveychik, Purushotham Kamath

Abstract: Transformers have emerged as the underpinning architecture for Large Language Models (LLMs). In generative language models, the inference process involves two primary phases: prompt processing and token generation. Token generation, which constitutes the majority of the computational workload, primarily entails vector-matrix multiplications and interactions with the Key-Value (KV) Cache. This phase is constrained by memory bandwidth due to the overhead of transferring weights and KV cache values from the memory system to the computing units. This memory bottleneck becomes particularly pronounced in applications that require long-context and extensive text generation, both of which are increasingly crucial for LLMs. This paper introduces "Keyformer", an innovative inference-time approach, to mitigate the challenges associated with KV cache size and memory bandwidth utilization. Keyformer leverages the observation that approximately 90% of the attention weight in generative inference focuses on a specific subset of tokens, referred to as "key" tokens. Keyformer retains only the key tokens in the KV cache by identifying these crucial tokens using a novel score function. This approach effectively reduces both the KV cache size and memory bandwidth usage without compromising model accuracy. We evaluate Keyformer's performance across three foundational models: GPT-J, Cerebras-GPT, and MPT, which employ various positional embedding algorithms. Our assessment encompasses a variety of tasks, with a particular emphasis on summarization and conversation tasks involving extended contexts. Keyformer's reduction of KV cache reduces inference latency by 2.1x and improves token generation throughput by 2.4x, while preserving the model's accuracy.

replace-cross Natural Language as Policies: Reasoning for Coordinate-Level Embodied Control with LLMs

Authors: Yusuke Mikami, Andrew Melnik, Jun Miura, Ville Hautam\"aki

Abstract: We demonstrate experimental results with LLMs that address robotics task planning problems. Recently, LLMs have been applied in robotics task planning, particularly using a code generation approach that converts complex high-level instructions into mid-level policy codes. In contrast, our approach acquires text descriptions of the task and scene objects, then formulates task planning through natural language reasoning, and outputs coordinate level control commands, thus reducing the necessity for intermediate representation code as policies with pre-defined APIs. Our approach is evaluated on a multi-modal prompt simulation benchmark, demonstrating that our prompt engineering experiments with natural language reasoning significantly enhance success rates compared to its absence. Furthermore, our approach illustrates the potential for natural language descriptions to transfer robotics skills from known tasks to previously unseen tasks. The project website:


replace-cross RankMamba: Benchmarking Mamba's Document Ranking Performance in the Era of Transformers

Authors: Zhichao Xu

Abstract: Transformer structure has achieved great success in multiple applied machine learning communities, such as natural language processing (NLP), computer vision (CV) and information retrieval (IR). Transformer architecture's core mechanism -- attention requires $O(n^2)$ time complexity in training and $O(n)$ time complexity in inference. Many works have been proposed to improve the attention mechanism's scalability, such as Flash Attention and Multi-query Attention. A different line of work aims to design new mechanisms to replace attention. Recently, a notable model structure -- Mamba, which is based on state space models, has achieved transformer-equivalent performance in multiple sequence modeling tasks. In this work, we examine \mamba's efficacy through the lens of a classical IR task -- document ranking. A reranker model takes a query and a document as input, and predicts a scalar relevance score. This task demands the language model's ability to comprehend lengthy contextual inputs and to capture the interaction between query and document tokens. We find that (1) Mamba models achieve competitive performance compared to transformer-based models with the same training recipe; (2) but also have a lower training throughput in comparison to efficient transformer implementations such as flash attention. We hope this study can serve as a starting point to explore Mamba models in other classical IR tasks. Our code implementation and trained checkpoints are made public to facilitate reproducibility (


replace-cross A Backdoor Approach with Inverted Labels Using Dirty Label-Flipping Attacks

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: Audio-based machine learning systems frequently use public or third-party data, which might be inaccurate. This exposes deep neural network (DNN) models trained on such data to potential data poisoning attacks. In this type of assault, attackers can train the DNN model using poisoned data, potentially degrading its performance. Another type of data poisoning attack that is extremely relevant to our investigation is label flipping, in which the attacker manipulates the labels for a subset of data. It has been demonstrated that these assaults may drastically reduce system performance, even for attackers with minimal abilities. In this study, we propose a backdoor attack named 'DirtyFlipping', which uses dirty label techniques, "label-on-label", to input triggers (clapping) in the selected data patterns associated with the target class, thereby enabling a stealthy backdoor.

replace-cross Design as Desired: Utilizing Visual Question Answering for Multimodal Pre-training

Authors: Tongkun Su, Jun Li, Xi Zhang, Haibo Jin, Hao Chen, Qiong Wang, Faqin Lv, Baoliang Zhao, Yin Hu

Abstract: Multimodal pre-training demonstrates its potential in the medical domain, which learns medical visual representations from paired medical reports. However, many pre-training tasks require extra annotations from clinicians, and most of them fail to explicitly guide the model to learn the desired features of different pathologies. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to utilize Visual Question Answering (VQA) for multimodal pre-training to guide the framework focusing on targeted pathological features. In this work, we leverage descriptions in medical reports to design multi-granular question-answer pairs associated with different diseases, which assist the framework in pre-training without requiring extra annotations from experts. We also propose a novel pre-training framework with a quasi-textual feature transformer, a module designed to transform visual features into a quasi-textual space closer to the textual domain via a contrastive learning strategy. This narrows the vision-language gap and facilitates modality alignment. Our framework is applied to four downstream tasks: report generation, classification, segmentation, and detection across five datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework compared to other state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be released upon acceptance.

replace-cross How Can Large Language Models Enable Better Socially Assistive Human-Robot Interaction: A Brief Survey

Authors: Zhonghao Shi, Ellen Landrum, Amy O' Connell, Mina Kian, Leticia Pinto-Alva, Kaleen Shrestha, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Maja J Matari\'c

Abstract: Socially assistive robots (SARs) have shown great success in providing personalized cognitive-affective support for user populations with special needs such as older adults, children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and individuals with mental health challenges. The large body of work on SAR demonstrates its potential to provide at-home support that complements clinic-based interventions delivered by mental health professionals, making these interventions more effective and accessible. However, there are still several major technical challenges that hinder SAR-mediated interactions and interventions from reaching human-level social intelligence and efficacy. With the recent advances in large language models (LLMs), there is an increased potential for novel applications within the field of SAR that can significantly expand the current capabilities of SARs. However, incorporating LLMs introduces new risks and ethical concerns that have not yet been encountered, and must be carefully be addressed to safely deploy these more advanced systems. In this work, we aim to conduct a brief survey on the use of LLMs in SAR technologies, and discuss the potentials and risks of applying LLMs to the following three major technical challenges of SAR: 1) natural language dialog; 2) multimodal understanding; 3) LLMs as robot policies.

replace-cross Sentiment Analysis of Citations in Scientific Articles Using ChatGPT: Identifying Potential Biases and Conflicts of Interest

Authors: Walid Hariri

Abstract: Scientific articles play a crucial role in advancing knowledge and informing research directions. One key aspect of evaluating scientific articles is the analysis of citations, which provides insights into the impact and reception of the cited works. This article introduces the innovative use of large language models, particularly ChatGPT, for comprehensive sentiment analysis of citations within scientific articles. By leveraging advanced natural language processing (NLP) techniques, ChatGPT can discern the nuanced positivity or negativity of citations, offering insights into the reception and impact of cited works. Furthermore, ChatGPT's capabilities extend to detecting potential biases and conflicts of interest in citations, enhancing the objectivity and reliability of scientific literature evaluation. This study showcases the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI)-powered tools in enhancing citation analysis and promoting integrity in scholarly research.

replace-cross RALL-E: Robust Codec Language Modeling with Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Authors: Detai Xin, Xu Tan, Kai Shen, Zeqian Ju, Dongchao Yang, Yuancheng Wang, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Shujie Liu, Jinyu Li, Sheng Zhao

Abstract: We present RALL-E, a robust language modeling method for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. While previous work based on large language models (LLMs) shows impressive performance on zero-shot TTS, such methods often suffer from poor robustness, such as unstable prosody (weird pitch and rhythm/duration) and a high word error rate (WER), due to the autoregressive prediction style of language models. The core idea behind RALL-E is chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, which decomposes the task into simpler steps to enhance the robustness of LLM-based TTS. To accomplish this idea, RALL-E first predicts prosody features (pitch and duration) of the input text and uses them as intermediate conditions to predict speech tokens in a CoT style. Second, RALL-E utilizes the predicted duration prompt to guide the computing of self-attention weights in Transformer to enforce the model to focus on the corresponding phonemes and prosody features when predicting speech tokens. Results of comprehensive objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate that, compared to a powerful baseline method VALL-E, RALL-E significantly improves the WER of zero-shot TTS from $6.3\%$ (without reranking) and $2.1\%$ (with reranking) to $2.8\%$ and $1.0\%$, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RALL-E correctly synthesizes sentences that are hard for VALL-E and reduces the error rate from $68\%$ to $4\%$.

replace-cross CodeEditorBench: Evaluating Code Editing Capability of Large Language Models

Authors: Jiawei Guo, Ziming Li, Xueling Liu, Kaijing Ma, Tianyu Zheng, Zhouliang Yu, Ding Pan, Yizhi LI, Ruibo Liu, Yue Wang, Shuyue Guo, Xingwei Qu, Xiang Yue, Ge Zhang, Wenhu Chen, Jie Fu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) for code are rapidly evolving, with code editing emerging as a critical capability. We introduce CodeEditorBench, an evaluation framework designed to rigorously assess the performance of LLMs in code editing tasks, including debugging, translating, polishing, and requirement switching. Unlike existing benchmarks focusing solely on code generation, CodeEditorBench emphasizes real-world scenarios and practical aspects of software development. We curate diverse coding challenges and scenarios from five sources, covering various programming languages, complexity levels, and editing tasks. Evaluation of 19 LLMs reveals that closed-source models (particularly Gemini-Ultra and GPT-4), outperform open-source models in CodeEditorBench, highlighting differences in model performance based on problem types and prompt sensitivities. CodeEditorBench aims to catalyze advancements in LLMs by providing a robust platform for assessing code editing capabilities. We will release all prompts and datasets to enable the community to expand the dataset and benchmark emerging LLMs. By introducing CodeEditorBench, we contribute to the advancement of LLMs in code editing and provide a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners.