new Personality-affected Emotion Generation in Dialog Systems

Authors: Zhiyuan Wen, Jiannong Cao, Jiaxing Shen, Ruosong Yang, Shuaiqi Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Generating appropriate emotions for responses is essential for dialog systems to provide human-like interaction in various application scenarios. Most previous dialog systems tried to achieve this goal by learning empathetic manners from anonymous conversational data. However, emotional responses generated by those methods may be inconsistent, which will decrease user engagement and service quality. Psychological findings suggest that the emotional expressions of humans are rooted in personality traits. Therefore, we propose a new task, Personality-affected Emotion Generation, to generate emotion based on the personality given to the dialog system and further investigate a solution through the personality-affected mood transition. Specifically, we first construct a daily dialog dataset, Personality EmotionLines Dataset (PELD), with emotion and personality annotations. Subsequently, we analyze the challenges in this task, i.e., (1) heterogeneously integrating personality and emotional factors and (2) extracting multi-granularity emotional information in the dialog context. Finally, we propose to model the personality as the transition weight by simulating the mood transition process in the dialog system and solve the challenges above. We conduct extensive experiments on PELD for evaluation. Results suggest that by adopting our method, the emotion generation performance is improved by 13% in macro-F1 and 5% in weighted-F1 from the BERT-base model.

new We're Calling an Intervention: Taking a Closer Look at Language Model Adaptation to Different Types of Linguistic Variation

Authors: Aarohi Srivastava, David Chiang

Abstract: We present a suite of interventions and experiments that allow us to understand language model adaptation to text with linguistic variation (e.g., nonstandard or dialectal text). Our interventions address several features of linguistic variation, resulting in character, subword, and word-level changes. Applying our interventions during language model adaptation with varying size and nature of training data, we gain important insights into what makes linguistic variation particularly difficult for language models to deal with. For instance, on text with character-level variation, performance improves with even a few training examples but approaches a plateau, suggesting that more data is not the solution. In contrast, on text with variation involving new words or meanings, far more data is needed, but it leads to a massive breakthrough in performance. Our findings inform future work on dialectal NLP and making language models more robust to linguistic variation overall. We make the code for our interventions, which can be applied to any English text data, publicly available.

new LLMs in Biomedicine: A study on clinical Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Masoud Monajatipoor, Jiaxin Yang, Joel Stremmel, Melika Emami, Fazlolah Mohaghegh, Mozhdeh Rouhsedaghat, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable versatility in various NLP tasks but encounter distinct challenges in biomedicine due to medical language complexities and data scarcity. This paper investigates the application of LLMs in the medical domain by exploring strategies to enhance their performance for the Named-Entity Recognition (NER) task. Specifically, our study reveals the importance of meticulously designed prompts in biomedicine. Strategic selection of in-context examples yields a notable improvement, showcasing ~15-20\% increase in F1 score across all benchmark datasets for few-shot clinical NER. Additionally, our findings suggest that integrating external resources through prompting strategies can bridge the gap between general-purpose LLM proficiency and the specialized demands of medical NER. Leveraging a medical knowledge base, our proposed method inspired by Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) can boost the F1 score of LLMs for zero-shot clinical NER. We will release the code upon publication.

new JetMoE: Reaching Llama2 Performance with 0.1M Dollars

Authors: Yikang Shen, Zhen Guo, Tianle Cai, Zengyi Qin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable results, but their increasing resource demand has become a major obstacle to the development of powerful and accessible super-human intelligence. This report introduces JetMoE-8B, a new LLM trained with less than $0.1 million, using 1.25T tokens from carefully mixed open-source corpora and 30,000 H100 GPU hours. Despite its low cost, the JetMoE-8B demonstrates impressive performance, with JetMoE-8B outperforming the Llama2-7B model and JetMoE-8B-Chat surpassing the Llama2-13B-Chat model. These results suggest that LLM training can be much more cost-effective than generally thought. JetMoE-8B is based on an efficient Sparsely-gated Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) architecture, composed of attention and feedforward experts. Both layers are sparsely activated, allowing JetMoE-8B to have 8B parameters while only activating 2B for each input token, reducing inference computation by about 70% compared to Llama2-7B. Moreover, JetMoE-8B is highly open and academia-friendly, using only public datasets and training code. All training parameters and data mixtures have been detailed in this report to facilitate future efforts in the development of open foundation models. This transparency aims to encourage collaboration and further advancements in the field of accessible and efficient LLMs. The model weights are publicly available at


new "Confidently Nonsensical?'': A Critical Survey on the Perspectives and Challenges of 'Hallucinations' in NLP

Authors: Pranav Narayanan Venkit, Tatiana Chakravorti, Vipul Gupta, Heidi Biggs, Mukund Srinath, Koustava Goswami, Sarah Rajtmajer, Shomir Wilson

Abstract: We investigate how hallucination in large language models (LLM) is characterized in peer-reviewed literature using a critical examination of 103 publications across NLP research. Through a comprehensive review of sociological and technological literature, we identify a lack of agreement with the term `hallucination.' Additionally, we conduct a survey with 171 practitioners from the field of NLP and AI to capture varying perspectives on hallucination. Our analysis underscores the necessity for explicit definitions and frameworks outlining hallucination within NLP, highlighting potential challenges, and our survey inputs provide a thematic understanding of the influence and ramifications of hallucination in society.

new Scalable Language Model with Generalized Continual Learning

Authors: Bohao Peng, Zhuotao Tian, Shu Liu, Mingchang Yang, Jiaya Jia

Abstract: Continual learning has gained increasing importance as it facilitates the acquisition and refinement of scalable knowledge and skills in language models. However, existing methods typically encounter strict limitations and challenges in real-world scenarios, such as reliance on experience replay, optimization constraints, and inference task-ID. In this study, we introduce the Scalable Language Model (SLM) to overcome these limitations within a more challenging and generalized setting, representing a significant advancement toward practical applications for continual learning. Specifically, we propose the Joint Adaptive Re-Parameterization (JARe), integrated with Dynamic Task-related Knowledge Retrieval (DTKR), to enable adaptive adjustment of language models based on specific downstream tasks. This approach leverages the task distribution within the vector space, aiming to achieve a smooth and effortless continual learning process. Our method demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on diverse backbones and benchmarks, achieving effective continual learning in both full-set and few-shot scenarios with minimal forgetting. Moreover, while prior research primarily focused on a single task type such as classification, our study goes beyond, with the large language model, i.e., LLaMA-2, to explore the effects across diverse domains and task types, such that a single language model can be decently scaled to broader applications.

new Laissez-Faire Harms: Algorithmic Biases in Generative Language Models

Authors: Evan Shieh, Faye-Marie Vassel, Cassidy Sugimoto, Thema Monroe-White

Abstract: The rapid deployment of generative language models (LMs) has raised concerns about social biases affecting the well-being of diverse consumers. The extant literature on generative LMs has primarily examined bias via explicit identity prompting. However, prior research on bias in earlier language-based technology platforms, including search engines, has shown that discrimination can occur even when identity terms are not specified explicitly. Studies of bias in LM responses to open-ended prompts (where identity classifications are left unspecified) are lacking and have not yet been grounded in end-consumer harms. Here, we advance studies of generative LM bias by considering a broader set of natural use cases via open-ended prompting. In this "laissez-faire" setting, we find that synthetically generated texts from five of the most pervasive LMs (ChatGPT3.5, ChatGPT4, Claude2.0, Llama2, and PaLM2) perpetuate harms of omission, subordination, and stereotyping for minoritized individuals with intersectional race, gender, and/or sexual orientation identities (AI/AN, Asian, Black, Latine, MENA, NH/PI, Female, Non-binary, Queer). We find widespread evidence of bias to an extent that such individuals are hundreds to thousands of times more likely to encounter LM-generated outputs that portray their identities in a subordinated manner compared to representative or empowering portrayals. We also document a prevalence of stereotypes (e.g. perpetual foreigner) in LM-generated outputs that are known to trigger psychological harms that disproportionately affect minoritized individuals. These include stereotype threat, which leads to impaired cognitive performance and increased negative self-perception. Our findings highlight the urgent need to protect consumers from discriminatory harms caused by language models and invest in critical AI education programs tailored towards empowering diverse consumers.

new Interactive Prompt Debugging with Sequence Salience

Authors: Ian Tenney, Ryan Mullins, Bin Du, Shree Pandya, Minsuk Kahng, Lucas Dixon

Abstract: We present Sequence Salience, a visual tool for interactive prompt debugging with input salience methods. Sequence Salience builds on widely used salience methods for text classification and single-token prediction, and extends this to a system tailored for debugging complex LLM prompts. Our system is well-suited for long texts, and expands on previous work by 1) providing controllable aggregation of token-level salience to the word, sentence, or paragraph level, making salience over long inputs tractable; and 2) supporting rapid iteration where practitioners can act on salience results, refine prompts, and run salience on the new output. We include case studies showing how Sequence Salience can help practitioners work with several complex prompting strategies, including few-shot, chain-of-thought, and constitutional principles. Sequence Salience is built on the Learning Interpretability Tool, an open-source platform for ML model visualizations, and code, notebooks, and tutorials are available at


new Leveraging Data Augmentation for Process Information Extraction

Authors: Julian Neuberger, Leonie Doll, Benedict Engelmann, Lars Ackermann, Stefan Jablonski

Abstract: Business Process Modeling projects often require formal process models as a central component. High costs associated with the creation of such formal process models motivated many different fields of research aimed at automated generation of process models from readily available data. These include process mining on event logs, and generating business process models from natural language texts. Research in the latter field is regularly faced with the problem of limited data availability, hindering both evaluation and development of new techniques, especially learning-based ones. To overcome this data scarcity issue, in this paper we investigate the application of data augmentation for natural language text data. Data augmentation methods are well established in machine learning for creating new, synthetic data without human assistance. We find that many of these methods are applicable to the task of business process information extraction, improving the accuracy of extraction. Our study shows, that data augmentation is an important component in enabling machine learning methods for the task of business process model generation from natural language text, where currently mostly rule-based systems are still state of the art. Simple data augmentation techniques improved the $F_1$ score of mention extraction by 2.9 percentage points, and the $F_1$ of relation extraction by $4.5$. To better understand how data augmentation alters human annotated texts, we analyze the resulting text, visualizing and discussing the properties of augmented textual data. We make all code and experiments results publicly available.

new Best Practices and Lessons Learned on Synthetic Data for Language Models

Authors: Ruibo Liu, Jerry Wei, Fangyu Liu, Chenglei Si, Yanzhe Zhang, Jinmeng Rao, Steven Zheng, Daiyi Peng, Diyi Yang, Denny Zhou, Andrew M. Dai

Abstract: The success of AI models relies on the availability of large, diverse, and high-quality datasets, which can be challenging to obtain due to data scarcity, privacy concerns, and high costs. Synthetic data has emerged as a promising solution by generating artificial data that mimics real-world patterns. This paper provides an overview of synthetic data research, discussing its applications, challenges, and future directions. We present empirical evidence from prior art to demonstrate its effectiveness and highlight the importance of ensuring its factuality, fidelity, and unbiasedness. We emphasize the need for responsible use of synthetic data to build more powerful, inclusive, and trustworthy language models.

new From Words to Numbers: Your Large Language Model Is Secretly A Capable Regressor When Given In-Context Examples

Authors: Robert Vacareanu, Vlad-Andrei Negru, Vasile Suciu, Mihai Surdeanu

Abstract: We analyze how well pre-trained large language models (e.g., Llama2, GPT-4, Claude 3, etc) can do linear and non-linear regression when given in-context examples, without any additional training or gradient updates. Our findings reveal that several large language models (e.g., GPT-4, Claude 3) are able to perform regression tasks with a performance rivaling (or even outperforming) that of traditional supervised methods such as Random Forest, Bagging, or Gradient Boosting. For example, on the challenging Friedman #2 regression dataset, Claude 3 outperforms many supervised methods such as AdaBoost, SVM, Random Forest, KNN, or Gradient Boosting. We then investigate how well the performance of large language models scales with the number of in-context exemplars. We borrow from the notion of regret from online learning and empirically show that LLMs are capable of obtaining a sub-linear regret.

new Decomposing Label Space, Format and Discrimination: Rethinking How LLMs Respond and Solve Tasks via In-Context Learning

Authors: Quanyu Long, Yin Wu, Wenya Wang, Sinno Jialin Pan

Abstract: In-context Learning (ICL) has emerged as a powerful capability alongside the development of scaled-up large language models (LLMs). By instructing LLMs using few-shot demonstrative examples, ICL enables them to perform a wide range of tasks without updating millions of parameters. However, the precise contributions of demonstrations towards improving end-task performance have not been thoroughly investigated in recent analytical studies. In this paper, we empirically decompose the overall performance of ICL into three dimensions, label space, format, and discrimination, and we evaluate four general-purpose LLMs across a diverse range of tasks. Counter-intuitively, we find that the demonstrations have a marginal impact on provoking discriminative knowledge of language models. However, ICL exhibits significant efficacy in regulating the label space and format which helps LLMs to respond in desired label words. We then demonstrate this ability functions similar to detailed instructions for LLMs to follow. We additionally provide an in-depth analysis of the mechanism of retrieval helping with ICL and find that retrieving the most semantically similar examples notably boosts model's discriminative capability.

new Comments as Natural Logic Pivots: Improve Code Generation via Comment Perspective

Authors: Yijie Chen, Yijin Liu, Fandong Meng, Yufeng Chen, Jinan Xu, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Code generation aims to understand the problem description and generate corresponding code snippets, where existing works generally decompose such complex tasks into intermediate steps by prompting strategies, such as Chain-of-Thought and its variants. While these studies have achieved some success, their effectiveness is highly dependent on the capabilities of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, particularly in terms of API calls, which significantly limits their practical applicability. Consequently, how to enhance the code generation capabilities of small and medium-scale code LLMs without significantly increasing training costs is an appealing challenge. In this paper, we suggest that code comments are the natural logic pivot between natural language and code language and propose using comments to boost the code generation ability of code LLMs. Concretely, we propose MANGO (comMents As Natural loGic pivOts), including a comment contrastive training strategy and a corresponding logical comment decoding strategy. Experiments are performed on HumanEval and MBPP, utilizing StarCoder and WizardCoder as backbone models, and encompassing model parameter sizes between 3B and 7B. The results indicate that MANGO significantly improves the code pass rate based on the strong baselines. Meanwhile, the robustness of the logical comment decoding strategy is notably higher than the Chain-of-thoughts prompting. The code is publicly available at \url{}.


new UltraEval: A Lightweight Platform for Flexible and Comprehensive Evaluation for LLMs

Authors: Chaoqun He, Renjie Luo, Shengding Hu, Yuanqian Zhao, Jie Zhou, Hanghao Wu, Jiajie Zhang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Evaluation is pivotal for honing Large Language Models (LLMs), pinpointing their capabilities and guiding enhancements. The rapid development of LLMs calls for a lightweight and easy-to-use framework for swift evaluation deployment. However, due to the various implementation details to consider, developing a comprehensive evaluation platform is never easy. Existing platforms are often complex and poorly modularized, hindering seamless incorporation into researcher's workflows. This paper introduces UltraEval, a user-friendly evaluation framework characterized by lightweight, comprehensiveness, modularity, and efficiency. We identify and reimplement three core components of model evaluation (models, data, and metrics). The resulting composability allows for the free combination of different models, tasks, prompts, and metrics within a unified evaluation workflow. Additionally, UltraEval supports diverse models owing to a unified HTTP service and provides sufficient inference acceleration. UltraEval is now available for researchers publicly~\footnote{Website is at \url{}}.


new NoticIA: A Clickbait Article Summarization Dataset in Spanish

Authors: Iker Garc\'ia-Ferrero, Bego\~na Altuna

Abstract: We present NoticIA, a dataset consisting of 850 Spanish news articles featuring prominent clickbait headlines, each paired with high-quality, single-sentence generative summarizations written by humans. This task demands advanced text understanding and summarization abilities, challenging the models' capacity to infer and connect diverse pieces of information to meet the user's informational needs generated by the clickbait headline. We evaluate the Spanish text comprehension capabilities of a wide range of state-of-the-art large language models. Additionally, we use the dataset to train ClickbaitFighter, a task-specific model that achieves near-human performance in this task.

new Medical mT5: An Open-Source Multilingual Text-to-Text LLM for The Medical Domain

Authors: Iker Garc\'ia-Ferrero, Rodrigo Agerri, Aitziber Atutxa Salazar, Elena Cabrio, Iker de la Iglesia, Alberto Lavelli, Bernardo Magnini, Benjamin Molinet, Johana Ramirez-Romero, German Rigau, Jose Maria Villa-Gonzalez, Serena Villata, Andrea Zaninello

Abstract: Research on language technology for the development of medical applications is currently a hot topic in Natural Language Understanding and Generation. Thus, a number of large language models (LLMs) have recently been adapted to the medical domain, so that they can be used as a tool for mediating in human-AI interaction. While these LLMs display competitive performance on automated medical texts benchmarks, they have been pre-trained and evaluated with a focus on a single language (English mostly). This is particularly true of text-to-text models, which typically require large amounts of domain-specific pre-training data, often not easily accessible for many languages. In this paper, we address these shortcomings by compiling, to the best of our knowledge, the largest multilingual corpus for the medical domain in four languages, namely English, French, Italian and Spanish. This new corpus has been used to train Medical mT5, the first open-source text-to-text multilingual model for the medical domain. Additionally, we present two new evaluation benchmarks for all four languages with the aim of facilitating multilingual research in this domain. A comprehensive evaluation shows that Medical mT5 outperforms both encoders and similarly sized text-to-text models for the Spanish, French, and Italian benchmarks, while being competitive with current state-of-the-art LLMs in English.

new Audio Dialogues: Dialogues dataset for audio and music understanding

Authors: Arushi Goel, Zhifeng Kong, Rafael Valle, Bryan Catanzaro

Abstract: Existing datasets for audio understanding primarily focus on single-turn interactions (i.e. audio captioning, audio question answering) for describing audio in natural language, thus limiting understanding audio via interactive dialogue. To address this gap, we introduce Audio Dialogues: a multi-turn dialogue dataset containing 163.8k samples for general audio sounds and music. In addition to dialogues, Audio Dialogues also has question-answer pairs to understand and compare multiple input audios together. Audio Dialogues leverages a prompting-based approach and caption annotations from existing datasets to generate multi-turn dialogues using a Large Language Model (LLM). We evaluate existing audio-augmented large language models on our proposed dataset to demonstrate the complexity and applicability of Audio Dialogues. Our code for generating the dataset will be made publicly available. Detailed prompts and generated dialogues can be found on the demo website


new Why do small language models underperform? Studying Language Model Saturation via the Softmax Bottleneck

Authors: Nathan Godey, \'Eric de la Clergerie, Beno\^it Sagot

Abstract: Recent advances in language modeling consist in pretraining highly parameterized neural networks on extremely large web-mined text corpora. Training and inference with such models can be costly in practice, which incentivizes the use of smaller counterparts. However, it has been observed that smaller models can suffer from saturation, characterized as a drop in performance at some advanced point in training followed by a plateau. In this paper, we find that such saturation can be explained by a mismatch between the hidden dimension of smaller models and the high rank of the target contextual probability distribution. This mismatch affects the performance of the linear prediction head used in such models through the well-known softmax bottleneck phenomenon. We measure the effect of the softmax bottleneck in various settings and find that models based on less than 1000 hidden dimensions tend to adopt degenerate latent representations in late pretraining, which leads to reduced evaluation performance.

new rollama: An R package for using generative large language models through Ollama

Authors: Johannes B. Gruber, Maximilian Weber

Abstract: rollama is an R package that wraps the Ollama API, which allows you to run different Generative Large Language Models (GLLM) locally. The package and learning material focus on making it easy to use Ollama for annotating textual or imagine data with open-source models as well as use these models for document embedding. But users can use or extend rollama to do essentially anything else that is possible through OpenAI's API, yet more private, reproducible and for free.

new Curated Datasets and Neural Models for Machine Translation of Informal Registers between Mayan and Spanish Vernaculars

Authors: Andr\'es Lou, Juan Antonio P\'erez-Ortiz, Felipe S\'anchez-Mart\'inez, V\'ictor M. S\'anchez-Cartagena

Abstract: The Mayan languages comprise a language family with an ancient history, millions of speakers, and immense cultural value, that, nevertheless, remains severely underrepresented in terms of resources and global exposure. In this paper we develop, curate, and publicly release a set of corpora in several Mayan languages spoken in Guatemala and Southern Mexico, which we call MayanV. The datasets are parallel with Spanish, the dominant language of the region, and are taken from official native sources focused on representing informal, day-to-day, and non-domain-specific language. As such, and according to our dialectometric analysis, they differ in register from most other available resources. Additionally, we present neural machine translation models, trained on as many resources and Mayan languages as possible, and evaluated exclusively on our datasets. We observe lexical divergences between the dialects of Spanish in our resources and the more widespread written standard of Spanish, and that resources other than the ones we present do not seem to improve translation performance, indicating that many such resources may not accurately capture common, real-life language usage. The MayanV dataset is available at


new ODA: Observation-Driven Agent for integrating LLMs and Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Lei Sun, Zhengwei Tao, Youdi Li, Hiroshi Arakawa

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) and knowledge graphs (KGs) has achieved remarkable success in various natural language processing tasks. However, existing methodologies that integrate LLMs and KGs often navigate the task-solving process solely based on the LLM's analysis of the question, overlooking the rich cognitive potential inherent in the vast knowledge encapsulated in KGs. To address this, we introduce Observation-Driven Agent (ODA), a novel AI agent framework tailored for tasks involving KGs. ODA incorporates KG reasoning abilities via global observation that enhances reasoning capabilities through a cyclical paradigm of observation, action, and reflection. Confronting the exponential explosion of knowledge during observation, we innovatively design a recursive observation mechanism. Subsequently, we integrate the observed knowledge into the action and reflection modules. Through extensive experiments, ODA demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on several datasets, notably achieving accuracy improvements of 12.87% and 8.9%.

new Automatic Generation and Evaluation of Reading Comprehension Test Items with Large Language Models

Authors: Andreas S\"auberli, Simon Clematide

Abstract: Reading comprehension tests are used in a variety of applications, reaching from education to assessing the comprehensibility of simplified texts. However, creating such tests manually and ensuring their quality is difficult and time-consuming. In this paper, we explore how large language models (LLMs) can be used to generate and evaluate multiple-choice reading comprehension items. To this end, we compiled a dataset of German reading comprehension items and developed a new protocol for human and automatic evaluation, including a metric we call text informativity, which is based on guessability and answerability. We then used this protocol and the dataset to evaluate the quality of items generated by Llama 2 and GPT-4. Our results suggest that both models are capable of generating items of acceptable quality in a zero-shot setting, but GPT-4 clearly outperforms Llama 2. We also show that LLMs can be used for automatic evaluation by eliciting item reponses from them. In this scenario, evaluation results with GPT-4 were the most similar to human annotators. Overall, zero-shot generation with LLMs is a promising approach for generating and evaluating reading comprehension test items, in particular for languages without large amounts of available data.

new ResearchAgent: Iterative Research Idea Generation over Scientific Literature with Large Language Models

Authors: Jinheon Baek, Sujay Kumar Jauhar, Silviu Cucerzan, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: Scientific Research, vital for improving human life, is hindered by its inherent complexity, slow pace, and the need for specialized experts. To enhance its productivity, we propose a ResearchAgent, a large language model-powered research idea writing agent, which automatically generates problems, methods, and experiment designs while iteratively refining them based on scientific literature. Specifically, starting with a core paper as the primary focus to generate ideas, our ResearchAgent is augmented not only with relevant publications through connecting information over an academic graph but also entities retrieved from an entity-centric knowledge store based on their underlying concepts, mined and shared across numerous papers. In addition, mirroring the human approach to iteratively improving ideas with peer discussions, we leverage multiple ReviewingAgents that provide reviews and feedback iteratively. Further, they are instantiated with human preference-aligned large language models whose criteria for evaluation are derived from actual human judgments. We experimentally validate our ResearchAgent on scientific publications across multiple disciplines, showcasing its effectiveness in generating novel, clear, and valid research ideas based on human and model-based evaluation results.

new AnnoCTR: A Dataset for Detecting and Linking Entities, Tactics, and Techniques in Cyber Threat Reports

Authors: Lukas Lange, Marc M\"uller, Ghazaleh Haratinezhad Torbati, Dragan Milchevski, Patrick Grau, Subhash Pujari, Annemarie Friedrich

Abstract: Monitoring the threat landscape to be aware of actual or potential attacks is of utmost importance to cybersecurity professionals. Information about cyber threats is typically distributed using natural language reports. Natural language processing can help with managing this large amount of unstructured information, yet to date, the topic has received little attention. With this paper, we present AnnoCTR, a new CC-BY-SA-licensed dataset of cyber threat reports. The reports have been annotated by a domain expert with named entities, temporal expressions, and cybersecurity-specific concepts including implicitly mentioned techniques and tactics. Entities and concepts are linked to Wikipedia and the MITRE ATT&CK knowledge base, the most widely-used taxonomy for classifying types of attacks. Prior datasets linking to MITRE ATT&CK either provide a single label per document or annotate sentences out-of-context; our dataset annotates entire documents in a much finer-grained way. In an experimental study, we model the annotations of our dataset using state-of-the-art neural models. In our few-shot scenario, we find that for identifying the MITRE ATT&CK concepts that are mentioned explicitly or implicitly in a text, concept descriptions from MITRE ATT&CK are an effective source for training data augmentation.

new Using Letter Positional Probabilities to Assess Word Complexity

Authors: Michael Dalvean

Abstract: Word complexity is defined in a number of different ways. Psycholinguistic, morphological and lexical proxies are often used. Human ratings are also used. The problem here is that these proxies do not measure complexity directly, and human ratings are subject to subjective bias. In this study we contend that some form of 'latent complexity' can be approximated by using samples of simple and complex words. We use a sample of 'simple' words from primary school picture books and a sample of 'complex' words from high school and academic settings. In order to analyse the differences between these classes, we look at the letter positional probabilities (LPPs). We find a strong statistical association between simple and complex words on the basis of LPPs. For example, simple words are significantly (p<.001) more likely to start with w, b, s, h, g,k, j,t y or f, while complex words are significantly (p<.001) more likely to start with i, a, e, r, v, u or d. We find similar strong associations for subsequent letter positions, with 84 letter-position variables in the first 6 positions being significant at the p<.001 level. We then use LPPs as variables in creating a classifier which can classify the two classes with an 83% accuracy. We test these findings using a second data set, with 66 LPPs significant (p<.001) in the first 6 positions common to both datasets. We use these 66 variables to create a classifier that is able to classify a third dataset with an accuracy of 70%. Finally, we create a fourth sample by combining the extreme high and low scoring words generated by three classifiers built on the first three separate datasets and use this sample to build a classifier which has an accuracy of 97%. We use this to score the four levels of English word groups from an ESL program.

new Discourse-Aware In-Context Learning for Temporal Expression Normalization

Authors: Akash Kumar Gautam, Lukas Lange, Jannik Str\"otgen

Abstract: Temporal expression (TE) normalization is a well-studied problem. However, the predominately used rule-based systems are highly restricted to specific settings, and upcoming machine learning approaches suffer from a lack of labeled data. In this work, we explore the feasibility of proprietary and open-source large language models (LLMs) for TE normalization using in-context learning to inject task, document, and example information into the model. We explore various sample selection strategies to retrieve the most relevant set of examples. By using a window-based prompt design approach, we can perform TE normalization across sentences, while leveraging the LLM knowledge without training the model. Our experiments show competitive results to models designed for this task. In particular, our method achieves large performance improvements for non-standard settings by dynamically including relevant examples during inference.

new Nostra Domina at EvaLatin 2024: Improving Latin Polarity Detection through Data Augmentation

Authors: Stephen Bothwell, Abigail Swenor, David Chiang

Abstract: This paper describes submissions from the team Nostra Domina to the EvaLatin 2024 shared task of emotion polarity detection. Given the low-resource environment of Latin and the complexity of sentiment in rhetorical genres like poetry, we augmented the available data through automatic polarity annotation. We present two methods for doing so on the basis of the $k$-means algorithm, and we employ a variety of Latin large language models (LLMs) in a neural architecture to better capture the underlying contextual sentiment representations. Our best approach achieved the second highest macro-averaged Macro-$F_1$ score on the shared task's test set.

new MultiLS-SP/CA: Lexical Complexity Prediction and Lexical Simplification Resources for Catalan and Spanish

Authors: Stefan Bott, Horacio Saggion, Nelson Per\'ez Rojas, Martin Solis Salazar, Saul Calderon Ramirez

Abstract: Automatic lexical simplification is a task to substitute lexical items that may be unfamiliar and difficult to understand with easier and more common words. This paper presents MultiLS-SP/CA, a novel dataset for lexical simplification in Spanish and Catalan. This dataset represents the first of its kind in Catalan and a substantial addition to the sparse data on automatic lexical simplification which is available for Spanish. Specifically, MultiLS-SP is the first dataset for Spanish which includes scalar ratings of the understanding difficulty of lexical items. In addition, we describe experiments with this dataset, which can serve as a baseline for future work on the same data.

new Question Generation in Knowledge-Driven Dialog: Explainability and Evaluation

Authors: Juliette Faille, Quentin Brabant, Gwenole Lecorve, Lina M. Rojas-Barahona, Claire Gardent

Abstract: We explore question generation in the context of knowledge-grounded dialogs focusing on explainability and evaluation. Inspired by previous work on planning-based summarisation, we present a model which instead of directly generating a question, sequentially predicts first a fact then a question. We evaluate our approach on 37k test dialogs adapted from the KGConv dataset and we show that, although more demanding in terms of inference, our approach performs on par with a standard model which solely generates a question while allowing for a detailed referenceless evaluation of the model behaviour in terms of relevance, factuality and pronominalisation.

new On Training Data Influence of GPT Models

Authors: Qingyi Liu, Yekun Chai, Shuohuan Wang, Yu Sun, Keze Wang, Hua Wu

Abstract: Amidst the rapid advancements in generative language models, the investigation of how training data shapes the performance of GPT models is still emerging. This paper presents GPTfluence, a novel approach that leverages a featurized simulation to assess the impact of training examples on the training dynamics of GPT models. Our approach not only traces the influence of individual training instances on performance trajectories, such as loss and other key metrics, on targeted test points but also enables a comprehensive comparison with existing methods across various training scenarios in GPT models, ranging from 14 million to 2.8 billion parameters, across a range of downstream tasks. Contrary to earlier methods that struggle with generalization to new data, GPTfluence introduces a parameterized simulation of training dynamics, demonstrating robust generalization capabilities to unseen training data. This adaptability is evident across both fine-tuning and instruction-tuning scenarios, spanning tasks in natural language understanding and generation. We will make our code and data publicly available.

new Guiding Large Language Models to Post-Edit Machine Translation with Error Annotations

Authors: Dayeon Ki, Marine Carpuat

Abstract: Machine Translation (MT) remains one of the last NLP tasks where large language models (LLMs) have not yet replaced dedicated supervised systems. This work exploits the complementary strengths of LLMs and supervised MT by guiding LLMs to automatically post-edit MT with external feedback on its quality, derived from Multidimensional Quality Metric (MQM) annotations. Working with LLaMA-2 models, we consider prompting strategies varying the nature of feedback provided and then fine-tune the LLM to improve its ability to exploit the provided guidance. Through experiments on Chinese-English, English-German, and English-Russian MQM data, we demonstrate that prompting LLMs to post-edit MT improves TER, BLEU and COMET scores, although the benefits of fine-grained feedback are not clear. Fine-tuning helps integrate fine-grained feedback more effectively and further improves translation quality based on both automatic and human evaluation.

new Analyzing Toxicity in Deep Conversations: A Reddit Case Study

Authors: Vigneshwaran Shankaran, Rajesh Sharma

Abstract: Online social media has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ease of access and ability to connect with others. One of social media's main draws is its anonymity, allowing users to share their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment or retribution. This anonymity has also made social media prone to harmful content, which requires moderation to ensure responsible and productive use. Several methods using artificial intelligence have been employed to detect harmful content. However, conversation and contextual analysis of hate speech are still understudied. Most promising works only analyze a single text at a time rather than the conversation supporting it. In this work, we employ a tree-based approach to understand how users behave concerning toxicity in public conversation settings. To this end, we collect both the posts and the comment sections of the top 100 posts from 8 Reddit communities that allow profanity, totaling over 1 million responses. We find that toxic comments increase the likelihood of subsequent toxic comments being produced in online conversations. Our analysis also shows that immediate context plays a vital role in shaping a response rather than the original post. We also study the effect of consensual profanity and observe overlapping similarities with non-consensual profanity in terms of user behavior and patterns.

new High-Dimension Human Value Representation in Large Language Models

Authors: Samuel Cahyawijaya, Delong Chen, Yejin Bang, Leila Khalatbari, Bryan Wilie, Ziwei Ji, Etsuko Ishii, Pascale Fung

Abstract: The widespread application of Large Language Models (LLMs) across various tasks and fields has necessitated the alignment of these models with human values and preferences. Given various approaches of human value alignment, ranging from Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), to constitutional learning, etc. there is an urgent need to understand the scope and nature of human values injected into these models before their release. There is also a need for model alignment without a costly large scale human annotation effort. We propose UniVaR, a high-dimensional representation of human value distributions in LLMs, orthogonal to model architecture and training data. Trained from the value-relevant output of eight multilingual LLMs and tested on the output from four multilingual LLMs, namely LlaMA2, ChatGPT, JAIS and Yi, we show that UniVaR is a powerful tool to compare the distribution of human values embedded in different LLMs with different langauge sources. Through UniVaR, we explore how different LLMs prioritize various values in different languages and cultures, shedding light on the complex interplay between human values and language modeling.

new HGRN2: Gated Linear RNNs with State Expansion

Authors: Zhen Qin, Songlin Yang, Weixuan Sun, Xuyang Shen, Dong Li, Weigao Sun, Yiran Zhong

Abstract: Hierarchically gated linear RNN (HGRN,Qin et al. 2023) has demonstrated competitive training speed and performance in language modeling, while offering efficient inference. However, the recurrent state size of HGRN remains relatively small, which limits its expressiveness.To address this issue, inspired by linear attention, we introduce a simple outer-product-based state expansion mechanism so that the recurrent state size can be significantly enlarged without introducing any additional parameters. The linear attention form also allows for hardware-efficient training.Our extensive experiments verify the advantage of HGRN2 over HGRN1 in language modeling, image classification, and Long Range Arena.Our largest 3B HGRN2 model slightly outperforms Mamba and LLaMa Architecture Transformer for language modeling in a controlled experiment setting; and performs competitively with many open-source 3B models in downstream evaluation while using much fewer total training tokens.

new AmpleGCG: Learning a Universal and Transferable Generative Model of Adversarial Suffixes for Jailbreaking Both Open and Closed LLMs

Authors: Zeyi Liao, Huan Sun

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly prevalent and integrated into autonomous systems, ensuring their safety is imperative. Despite significant strides toward safety alignment, recent work GCG~\citep{zou2023universal} proposes a discrete token optimization algorithm and selects the single suffix with the lowest loss to successfully jailbreak aligned LLMs. In this work, we first discuss the drawbacks of solely picking the suffix with the lowest loss during GCG optimization for jailbreaking and uncover the missed successful suffixes during the intermediate steps. Moreover, we utilize those successful suffixes as training data to learn a generative model, named AmpleGCG, which captures the distribution of adversarial suffixes given a harmful query and enables the rapid generation of hundreds of suffixes for any harmful queries in seconds. AmpleGCG achieves near 100\% attack success rate (ASR) on two aligned LLMs (Llama-2-7B-chat and Vicuna-7B), surpassing two strongest attack baselines. More interestingly, AmpleGCG also transfers seamlessly to attack different models, including closed-source LLMs, achieving a 99\% ASR on the latest GPT-3.5. To summarize, our work amplifies the impact of GCG by training a generative model of adversarial suffixes that is universal to any harmful queries and transferable from attacking open-source LLMs to closed-source LLMs. In addition, it can generate 200 adversarial suffixes for one harmful query in only 4 seconds, rendering it more challenging to defend.

new LaVy: Vietnamese Multimodal Large Language Model

Authors: Chi Tran, Huong Le Thanh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Large language models (MLLMs) have taken the world by storm with impressive abilities in complex reasoning and linguistic comprehension. Meanwhile there are plethora of works related to Vietnamese Large Language Models, the lack of high-quality resources in multimodality limits the progress of Vietnamese MLLMs. In this paper, we pioneer in address this by introducing LaVy, a state-of-the-art Vietnamese MLLM, and we also introduce LaVy-Bench benchmark designated for evaluating MLLMs's understanding on Vietnamese visual language tasks. All code and model weights are public at


new Rho-1: Not All Tokens Are What You Need

Authors: Zhenghao Lin, Zhibin Gou, Yeyun Gong, Xiao Liu, Yelong Shen, Ruochen Xu, Chen Lin, Yujiu Yang, Jian Jiao, Nan Duan, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Previous language model pre-training methods have uniformly applied a next-token prediction loss to all training tokens. Challenging this norm, we posit that "Not all tokens in a corpus are equally important for language model training". Our initial analysis delves into token-level training dynamics of language model, revealing distinct loss patterns for different tokens. Leveraging these insights, we introduce a new language model called Rho-1. Unlike traditional LMs that learn to predict every next token in a corpus, Rho-1 employs Selective Language Modeling (SLM), which selectively trains on useful tokens that aligned with the desired distribution. This approach involves scoring pretraining tokens using a reference model, and then training the language model with a focused loss on tokens with higher excess loss. When continual pretraining on 15B OpenWebMath corpus, Rho-1 yields an absolute improvement in few-shot accuracy of up to 30% in 9 math tasks. After fine-tuning, Rho-1-1B and 7B achieved state-of-the-art results of 40.6% and 51.8% on MATH dataset, respectively - matching DeepSeekMath with only 3% of the pretraining tokens. Furthermore, when pretraining on 80B general tokens, Rho-1 achieves 6.8% average enhancement across 15 diverse tasks, increasing both efficiency and performance of the language model pre-training.

new LLoCO: Learning Long Contexts Offline

Authors: Sijun Tan, Xiuyu Li, Shishir Patil, Ziyang Wu, Tianjun Zhang, Kurt Keutzer, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Raluca Ada Popa

Abstract: Processing long contexts remains a challenge for large language models (LLMs) due to the quadratic computational and memory overhead of the self-attention mechanism and the substantial KV cache sizes during generation. We propose a novel approach to address this problem by learning contexts offline through context compression and in-domain parameter-efficient finetuning. Our method enables an LLM to create a concise representation of the original context and efficiently retrieve relevant information to answer questions accurately. We introduce LLoCO, a technique that combines context compression, retrieval, and parameter-efficient finetuning using LoRA. Our approach extends the effective context window of a 4k token LLaMA2-7B model to handle up to 128k tokens. We evaluate our approach on several long-context question-answering datasets, demonstrating that LLoCO significantly outperforms in-context learning while using $30\times$ fewer tokens during inference. LLoCO achieves up to $7.62\times$ speed-up and substantially reduces the cost of long document question answering, making it a promising solution for efficient long context processing. Our code is publicly available at


new Language Imbalance Can Boost Cross-lingual Generalisation

Authors: Anton Sch\"afer, Shauli Ravfogel, Thomas Hofmann, Tiago Pimentel, Imanol Schlag

Abstract: Multilinguality is crucial for extending recent advancements in language modelling to diverse linguistic communities. To maintain high performance while representing multiple languages, multilingual models ideally align representations, allowing what is learned in one language to generalise to others. Prior research has emphasised the importance of parallel data and shared vocabulary elements as key factors for such alignment. In this study, we investigate an unintuitive novel driver of cross-lingual generalisation: language imbalance. In controlled experiments on perfectly equivalent cloned languages, we observe that the existence of a predominant language during training boosts the performance of less frequent languages and leads to stronger alignment of model representations across languages. Furthermore, we find that this trend is amplified with scale: with large enough models or long enough training, we observe that bilingual training data with a 90/10 language split yields better performance on both languages than a balanced 50/50 split. Building on these insights, we design training schemes that can improve performance in all cloned languages, even without altering the training data. As we extend our analysis to real languages, we find that infrequent languages still benefit from frequent ones, yet whether language imbalance causes cross-lingual generalisation there is not conclusive.

cross Exploring the Frontier of Vision-Language Models: A Survey of Current Methodologies and Future Directions

Authors: Akash Ghosh, Arkadeep Acharya, Sriparna Saha, Vinija Jain, Aman CHadha

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly reshaped the trajectory of the AI revolution. Nevertheless, these LLMs exhibit a notable limitation, as they are primarily adept at processing textual information. To address this constraint, researchers have endeavored to integrate visual capabilities with LLMs, resulting in the emergence of Vision-Language Models (VLMs). These advanced models are instrumental in tackling more intricate tasks such as image captioning and visual question answering. In our comprehensive survey paper, we delve into the key advancements within the realm of VLMs. Our classification organizes VLMs into three distinct categories: models dedicated to vision-language understanding, models that process multimodal inputs to generate unimodal (textual) outputs and models that both accept and produce multimodal inputs and outputs.This classification is based on their respective capabilities and functionalities in processing and generating various modalities of data.We meticulously dissect each model, offering an extensive analysis of its foundational architecture, training data sources, as well as its strengths and limitations wherever possible, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its essential components. We also analyzed the performance of VLMs in various benchmark datasets. By doing so, we aim to offer a nuanced understanding of the diverse landscape of VLMs. Additionally, we underscore potential avenues for future research in this dynamic domain, anticipating further breakthroughs and advancements.

cross Blended RAG: Improving RAG (Retriever-Augmented Generation) Accuracy with Semantic Search and Hybrid Query-Based Retrievers

Authors: Kunal Sawarkar, Abhilasha Mangal, Shivam Raj Solanki

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a prevalent approach to infuse a private knowledge base of documents with Large Language Models (LLM) to build Generative Q\&A (Question-Answering) systems. However, RAG accuracy becomes increasingly challenging as the corpus of documents scales up, with Retrievers playing an outsized role in the overall RAG accuracy by extracting the most relevant document from the corpus to provide context to the LLM. In this paper, we propose the 'Blended RAG' method of leveraging semantic search techniques, such as Dense Vector indexes and Sparse Encoder indexes, blended with hybrid query strategies. Our study achieves better retrieval results and sets new benchmarks for IR (Information Retrieval) datasets like NQ and TREC-COVID datasets. We further extend such a 'Blended Retriever' to the RAG system to demonstrate far superior results on Generative Q\&A datasets like SQUAD, even surpassing fine-tuning performance.

cross Improving Retrieval for RAG based Question Answering Models on Financial Documents

Authors: Spurthi Setty, Katherine Jijo, Eden Chung, Natan Vidra

Abstract: The effectiveness of Large Language Models (LLMs) in generating accurate responses relies heavily on the quality of input provided, particularly when employing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques. RAG enhances LLMs by sourcing the most relevant text chunk(s) to base queries upon. Despite the significant advancements in LLMs' response quality in recent years, users may still encounter inaccuracies or irrelevant answers; these issues often stem from suboptimal text chunk retrieval by RAG rather than the inherent capabilities of LLMs. To augment the efficacy of LLMs, it is crucial to refine the RAG process. This paper explores the existing constraints of RAG pipelines and introduces methodologies for enhancing text retrieval. It delves into strategies such as sophisticated chunking techniques, query expansion, the incorporation of metadata annotations, the application of re-ranking algorithms, and the fine-tuning of embedding algorithms. Implementing these approaches can substantially improve the retrieval quality, thereby elevating the overall performance and reliability of LLMs in processing and responding to queries.

cross Goal-guided Generative Prompt Injection Attack on Large Language Models

Authors: Chong Zhang, Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Chengzhi Liu, Haochen Xue, Xiaobo Jin

Abstract: Current large language models (LLMs) provide a strong foundation for large-scale user-oriented natural language tasks. A large number of users can easily inject adversarial text or instructions through the user interface, thus causing LLMs model security challenges. Although there is currently a large amount of research on prompt injection attacks, most of these black-box attacks use heuristic strategies. It is unclear how these heuristic strategies relate to the success rate of attacks and thus effectively improve model robustness. To solve this problem, we redefine the goal of the attack: to maximize the KL divergence between the conditional probabilities of the clean text and the adversarial text. Furthermore, we prove that maximizing the KL divergence is equivalent to maximizing the Mahalanobis distance between the embedded representation $x$ and $x'$ of the clean text and the adversarial text when the conditional probability is a Gaussian distribution and gives a quantitative relationship on $x$ and $x'$. Then we designed a simple and effective goal-guided generative prompt injection strategy (G2PIA) to find an injection text that satisfies specific constraints to achieve the optimal attack effect approximately. It is particularly noteworthy that our attack method is a query-free black-box attack method with low computational cost. Experimental results on seven LLM models and four datasets show the effectiveness of our attack method.

cross Sandwich attack: Multi-language Mixture Adaptive Attack on LLMs

Authors: Bibek Upadhayay, Vahid Behzadan

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly being developed and applied, but their widespread use faces challenges. These include aligning LLMs' responses with human values to prevent harmful outputs, which is addressed through safety training methods. Even so, bad actors and malicious users have succeeded in attempts to manipulate the LLMs to generate misaligned responses for harmful questions such as methods to create a bomb in school labs, recipes for harmful drugs, and ways to evade privacy rights. Another challenge is the multilingual capabilities of LLMs, which enable the model to understand and respond in multiple languages. Consequently, attackers exploit the unbalanced pre-training datasets of LLMs in different languages and the comparatively lower model performance in low-resource languages than high-resource ones. As a result, attackers use a low-resource languages to intentionally manipulate the model to create harmful responses. Many of the similar attack vectors have been patched by model providers, making the LLMs more robust against language-based manipulation. In this paper, we introduce a new black-box attack vector called the \emph{Sandwich attack}: a multi-language mixture attack, which manipulates state-of-the-art LLMs into generating harmful and misaligned responses. Our experiments with five different models, namely Google's Bard, Gemini Pro, LLaMA-2-70-B-Chat, GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-4, and Claude-3-OPUS, show that this attack vector can be used by adversaries to generate harmful responses and elicit misaligned responses from these models. By detailing both the mechanism and impact of the Sandwich attack, this paper aims to guide future research and development towards more secure and resilient LLMs, ensuring they serve the public good while minimizing potential for misuse.

cross Conformer-1: Robust ASR via Large-Scale Semisupervised Bootstrapping

Authors: Kevin Zhang, Luka Chkhetiani, Francis McCann Ramirez, Yash Khare, Andrea Vanzo, Michael Liang, Sergio Ramirez Martin, Gabriel Oexle, Ruben Bousbib, Taufiquzzaman Peyash, Michael Nguyen, Dillon Pulliam, Domenic Donato

Abstract: This paper presents Conformer-1, an end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model trained on an extensive dataset of 570k hours of speech audio data, 91% of which was acquired from publicly available sources. To achieve this, we perform Noisy Student Training after generating pseudo-labels for the unlabeled public data using a strong Conformer RNN-T baseline model. The addition of these pseudo-labeled data results in remarkable improvements in relative Word Error Rate (WER) by 11.5% and 24.3% for our asynchronous and realtime models, respectively. Additionally, the model is more robust to background noise owing to the addition of these data. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the incorporation of pseudo-labeled publicly available data is a highly effective strategy for improving ASR accuracy and noise robustness.

cross Deep Generative Sampling in the Dual Divergence Space: A Data-efficient & Interpretative Approach for Generative AI

Authors: Sahil Garg, Anderson Schneider, Anant Raj, Kashif Rasul, Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Sneihil Gopal, Amit Dhurandhar, Guillermo Cecchi, Irina Rish

Abstract: Building on the remarkable achievements in generative sampling of natural images, we propose an innovative challenge, potentially overly ambitious, which involves generating samples of entire multivariate time series that resemble images. However, the statistical challenge lies in the small sample size, sometimes consisting of a few hundred subjects. This issue is especially problematic for deep generative models that follow the conventional approach of generating samples from a canonical distribution and then decoding or denoising them to match the true data distribution. In contrast, our method is grounded in information theory and aims to implicitly characterize the distribution of images, particularly the (global and local) dependency structure between pixels. We achieve this by empirically estimating its KL-divergence in the dual form with respect to the respective marginal distribution. This enables us to perform generative sampling directly in the optimized 1-D dual divergence space. Specifically, in the dual space, training samples representing the data distribution are embedded in the form of various clusters between two end points. In theory, any sample embedded between those two end points is in-distribution w.r.t. the data distribution. Our key idea for generating novel samples of images is to interpolate between the clusters via a walk as per gradients of the dual function w.r.t. the data dimensions. In addition to the data efficiency gained from direct sampling, we propose an algorithm that offers a significant reduction in sample complexity for estimating the divergence of the data distribution with respect to the marginal distribution. We provide strong theoretical guarantees along with an extensive empirical evaluation using many real-world datasets from diverse domains, establishing the superiority of our approach w.r.t. state-of-the-art deep learning methods.

cross Behavior Trees Enable Structured Programming of Language Model Agents

Authors: Richard Kelley

Abstract: Language models trained on internet-scale data sets have shown an impressive ability to solve problems in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision. However, experience is showing that these models are frequently brittle in unexpected ways, and require significant scaffolding to ensure that they operate correctly in the larger systems that comprise "language-model agents." In this paper, we argue that behavior trees provide a unifying framework for combining language models with classical AI and traditional programming. We introduce Dendron, a Python library for programming language model agents using behavior trees. We demonstrate the approach embodied by Dendron in three case studies: building a chat agent, a camera-based infrastructure inspection agent for use on a mobile robot or vehicle, and an agent that has been built to satisfy safety constraints that it did not receive through instruction tuning or RLHF.

cross Transferable and Principled Efficiency for Open-Vocabulary Segmentation

Authors: Jingxuan Xu, Wuyang Chen, Yao Zhao, Yunchao Wei

Abstract: Recent success of pre-trained foundation vision-language models makes Open-Vocabulary Segmentation (OVS) possible. Despite the promising performance, this approach introduces heavy computational overheads for two challenges: 1) large model sizes of the backbone; 2) expensive costs during the fine-tuning. These challenges hinder this OVS strategy from being widely applicable and affordable in real-world scenarios. Although traditional methods such as model compression and efficient fine-tuning can address these challenges, they often rely on heuristics. This means that their solutions cannot be easily transferred and necessitate re-training on different models, which comes at a cost. In the context of efficient OVS, we target achieving performance that is comparable to or even better than prior OVS works based on large vision-language foundation models, by utilizing smaller models that incur lower training costs. The core strategy is to make our efficiency principled and thus seamlessly transferable from one OVS framework to others without further customization. Comprehensive experiments on diverse OVS benchmarks demonstrate our superior trade-off between segmentation accuracy and computation costs over previous works. Our code is available on


cross Structure-aware Fine-tuning for Code Pre-trained Models

Authors: Jiayi Wu, Renyu Zhu, Nuo Chen, Qiushi Sun, Xiang Li, Ming Gao

Abstract: Over the past few years, we have witnessed remarkable advancements in Code Pre-trained Models (CodePTMs). These models achieved excellent representation capabilities by designing structure-based pre-training tasks for code. However, how to enhance the absorption of structural knowledge when fine-tuning CodePTMs still remains a significant challenge. To fill this gap, in this paper, we present Structure-aware Fine-tuning (SAT), a novel structure-enhanced and plug-and-play fine-tuning method for CodePTMs. We first propose a structure loss to quantify the difference between the information learned by CodePTMs and the knowledge extracted from code structure. Specifically, we use the attention scores extracted from Transformer layer as the learned structural information, and the shortest path length between leaves in abstract syntax trees as the structural knowledge. Subsequently, multi-task learning is introduced to improve the performance of fine-tuning. Experiments conducted on four pre-trained models and two generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method as a plug-and-play solution. Furthermore, we observed that SAT can benefit CodePTMs more with limited training data.

cross PromptSync: Bridging Domain Gaps in Vision-Language Models through Class-Aware Prototype Alignment and Discrimination

Authors: Anant Khandelwal

Abstract: The potential for zero-shot generalization in vision-language (V-L) models such as CLIP has spurred their widespread adoption in addressing numerous downstream tasks. Previous methods have employed test-time prompt tuning to adapt the model to unseen domains, but they overlooked the issue of imbalanced class distributions. In this study, we explicitly address this problem by employing class-aware prototype alignment weighted by mean class probabilities obtained for the test sample and filtered augmented views. Additionally, we ensure that the class probabilities are as accurate as possible by performing prototype discrimination using contrastive learning. The combination of alignment and discriminative loss serves as a geometric regularizer, preventing the prompt representation from collapsing onto a single class and effectively bridging the distribution gap between the source and test domains. Our method, named PromptSync, synchronizes the prompts for each test sample on both the text and vision branches of the V-L model. In empirical evaluations on the domain generalization benchmark, our method outperforms previous best methods by 2.33\% in overall performance, by 1\% in base-to-novel generalization, and by 2.84\% in cross-dataset transfer tasks.

cross Multi-Image Visual Question Answering for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

Authors: Jun Li, Cosmin I. Bercea, Philip M\"uller, Lina Felsner, Suhwan Kim, Daniel Rueckert, Benedikt Wiestler, Julia A. Schnabel

Abstract: Unsupervised anomaly detection enables the identification of potential pathological areas by juxtaposing original images with their pseudo-healthy reconstructions generated by models trained exclusively on normal images. However, the clinical interpretation of resultant anomaly maps presents a challenge due to a lack of detailed, understandable explanations. Recent advancements in language models have shown the capability of mimicking human-like understanding and providing detailed descriptions. This raises an interesting question: \textit{How can language models be employed to make the anomaly maps more explainable?} To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to leverage a language model for unsupervised anomaly detection, for which we construct a dataset with different questions and answers. Additionally, we present a novel multi-image visual question answering framework tailored for anomaly detection, incorporating diverse feature fusion strategies to enhance visual knowledge extraction. Our experiments reveal that the framework, augmented by our new Knowledge Q-Former module, adeptly answers questions on the anomaly detection dataset. Besides, integrating anomaly maps as inputs distinctly aids in improving the detection of unseen pathologies.

cross Heron-Bench: A Benchmark for Evaluating Vision Language Models in Japanese

Authors: Yuichi Inoue, Kento Sasaki, Yuma Ochi, Kazuki Fujii, Kotaro Tanahashi, Yu Yamaguchi

Abstract: Vision Language Models (VLMs) have undergone a rapid evolution, giving rise to significant advancements in the realm of multimodal understanding tasks. However, the majority of these models are trained and evaluated on English-centric datasets, leaving a gap in the development and evaluation of VLMs for other languages, such as Japanese. This gap can be attributed to the lack of methodologies for constructing VLMs and the absence of benchmarks to accurately measure their performance. To address this issue, we introduce a novel benchmark, Japanese Heron-Bench, for evaluating Japanese capabilities of VLMs. The Japanese Heron-Bench consists of a variety of imagequestion answer pairs tailored to the Japanese context. Additionally, we present a baseline Japanese VLM that has been trained with Japanese visual instruction tuning datasets. Our Heron-Bench reveals the strengths and limitations of the proposed VLM across various ability dimensions. Furthermore, we clarify the capability gap between strong closed models like GPT-4V and the baseline model, providing valuable insights for future research in this domain. We release the benchmark dataset and training code to facilitate further developments in Japanese VLM research.

cross RecurrentGemma: Moving Past Transformers for Efficient Open Language Models

Authors: Aleksandar Botev, Soham De, Samuel L Smith, Anushan Fernando, George-Cristian Muraru, Ruba Haroun, Leonard Berrada, Razvan Pascanu, Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Robert Dadashi, L\'eonard Hussenot, Johan Ferret, Sertan Girgin, Olivier Bachem, Alek Andreev, Kathleen Kenealy, Thomas Mesnard, Cassidy Hardin, Surya Bhupatiraju, Shreya Pathak, Laurent Sifre, Morgane Rivi\`ere, Mihir Sanjay Kale, Juliette Love, Pouya Tafti, Armand Joulin, Noah Fiedel, Evan Senter, Yutian Chen, Srivatsan Srinivasan, Guillaume Desjardins, David Budden, Arnaud Doucet, Sharad Vikram, Adam Paszke, Trevor Gale, Sebastian Borgeaud, Charlie Chen, Andy Brock, Antonia Paterson, Jenny Brennan, Meg Risdal, Raj Gundluru, Nesh Devanathan, Paul Mooney, Nilay Chauhan, Phil Culliton, Luiz GUStavo Martins, Elisa Bandy, David Huntsperger, Glenn Cameron, Arthur Zucker, Tris Warkentin, Ludovic Peran, Minh Giang, Zoubin Ghahramani, Cl\'ement Farabet, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Demis Hassabis, Raia Hadsell, Yee Whye Teh, Nando de Frietas

Abstract: We introduce RecurrentGemma, an open language model which uses Google's novel Griffin architecture. Griffin combines linear recurrences with local attention to achieve excellent performance on language. It has a fixed-sized state, which reduces memory use and enables efficient inference on long sequences. We provide a pre-trained model with 2B non-embedding parameters, and an instruction tuned variant. Both models achieve comparable performance to Gemma-2B despite being trained on fewer tokens.

cross DesignQA: A Multimodal Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models' Understanding of Engineering Documentation

Authors: Anna C. Doris, Daniele Grandi, Ryan Tomich, Md Ferdous Alam, Hyunmin Cheong, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: This research introduces DesignQA, a novel benchmark aimed at evaluating the proficiency of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) in comprehending and applying engineering requirements in technical documentation. Developed with a focus on real-world engineering challenges, DesignQA uniquely combines multimodal data-including textual design requirements, CAD images, and engineering drawings-derived from the Formula SAE student competition. Different from many existing MLLM benchmarks, DesignQA contains document-grounded visual questions where the input image and input document come from different sources. The benchmark features automatic evaluation metrics and is divided into segments-Rule Comprehension, Rule Compliance, and Rule Extraction-based on tasks that engineers perform when designing according to requirements. We evaluate state-of-the-art models like GPT4 and LLaVA against the benchmark, and our study uncovers the existing gaps in MLLMs' abilities to interpret complex engineering documentation. Key findings suggest that while MLLMs demonstrate potential in navigating technical documents, substantial limitations exist, particularly in accurately extracting and applying detailed requirements to engineering designs. This benchmark sets a foundation for future advancements in AI-supported engineering design processes. DesignQA is publicly available at:


cross An efficient domain-independent approach for supervised keyphrase extraction and ranking

Authors: Sriraghavendra Ramaswamy

Abstract: We present a supervised learning approach for automatic extraction of keyphrases from single documents. Our solution uses simple to compute statistical and positional features of candidate phrases and does not rely on any external knowledge base or on pre-trained language models or word embeddings. The ranking component of our proposed solution is a fairly lightweight ensemble model. Evaluation on benchmark datasets shows that our approach achieves significantly higher accuracy than several state-of-the-art baseline models, including all deep learning-based unsupervised models compared with, and is competitive with some supervised deep learning-based models too. Despite the supervised nature of our solution, the fact that does not rely on any corpus of "golden" keywords or any external knowledge corpus means that our solution bears the advantages of unsupervised solutions to a fair extent.

cross EduAgent: Generative Student Agents in Learning

Authors: Songlin Xu, Xinyu Zhang, Lianhui Qin

Abstract: Student simulation in online education is important to address dynamic learning behaviors of students with diverse backgrounds. Existing simulation models based on deep learning usually need massive training data, lacking prior knowledge in educational contexts. Large language models (LLMs) may contain such prior knowledge since they are pre-trained from a large corpus. However, because student behaviors are dynamic and multifaceted with individual differences, directly prompting LLMs is not robust nor accurate enough to capture fine-grained interactions among diverse student personas, learning behaviors, and learning outcomes. This work tackles this problem by presenting a newly annotated fine-grained large-scale dataset and proposing EduAgent, a novel generative agent framework incorporating cognitive prior knowledge (i.e., theoretical findings revealed in cognitive science) to guide LLMs to first reason correlations among various behaviors and then make simulations. Our two experiments show that EduAgent could not only mimic and predict learning behaviors of real students but also generate realistic learning behaviors of virtual students without real data.

cross OSWorld: Benchmarking Multimodal Agents for Open-Ended Tasks in Real Computer Environments

Authors: Tianbao Xie, Danyang Zhang, Jixuan Chen, Xiaochuan Li, Siheng Zhao, Ruisheng Cao, Toh Jing Hua, Zhoujun Cheng, Dongchan Shin, Fangyu Lei, Yitao Liu, Yiheng Xu, Shuyan Zhou, Silvio Savarese, Caiming Xiong, Victor Zhong, Tao Yu

Abstract: Autonomous agents that accomplish complex computer tasks with minimal human interventions have the potential to transform human-computer interaction, significantly enhancing accessibility and productivity. However, existing benchmarks either lack an interactive environment or are limited to environments specific to certain applications or domains, failing to reflect the diverse and complex nature of real-world computer use, thereby limiting the scope of tasks and agent scalability. To address this issue, we introduce OSWorld, the first-of-its-kind scalable, real computer environment for multimodal agents, supporting task setup, execution-based evaluation, and interactive learning across various operating systems such as Ubuntu, Windows, and macOS. OSWorld can serve as a unified, integrated computer environment for assessing open-ended computer tasks that involve arbitrary applications. Building upon OSWorld, we create a benchmark of 369 computer tasks involving real web and desktop apps in open domains, OS file I/O, and workflows spanning multiple applications. Each task example is derived from real-world computer use cases and includes a detailed initial state setup configuration and a custom execution-based evaluation script for reliable, reproducible evaluation. Extensive evaluation of state-of-the-art LLM/VLM-based agents on OSWorld reveals significant deficiencies in their ability to serve as computer assistants. While humans can accomplish over 72.36% of the tasks, the best model achieves only 12.24% success, primarily struggling with GUI grounding and operational knowledge. Comprehensive analysis using OSWorld provides valuable insights for developing multimodal generalist agents that were not possible with previous benchmarks. Our code, environment, baseline models, and data are publicly available at


cross Manipulating Large Language Models to Increase Product Visibility

Authors: Aounon Kumar, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly being integrated into search engines to provide natural language responses tailored to user queries. Customers and end-users are also becoming more dependent on these models for quick and easy purchase decisions. In this work, we investigate whether recommendations from LLMs can be manipulated to enhance a product's visibility. We demonstrate that adding a strategic text sequence (STS) -- a carefully crafted message -- to a product's information page can significantly increase its likelihood of being listed as the LLM's top recommendation. To understand the impact of STS, we use a catalog of fictitious coffee machines and analyze its effect on two target products: one that seldom appears in the LLM's recommendations and another that usually ranks second. We observe that the strategic text sequence significantly enhances the visibility of both products by increasing their chances of appearing as the top recommendation. This ability to manipulate LLM-generated search responses provides vendors with a considerable competitive advantage and has the potential to disrupt fair market competition. Just as search engine optimization (SEO) revolutionized how webpages are customized to rank higher in search engine results, influencing LLM recommendations could profoundly impact content optimization for AI-driven search services. Code for our experiments is available at


cross Any2Point: Empowering Any-modality Large Models for Efficient 3D Understanding

Authors: Yiwen Tang, Jiaming Liu, Dong Wang, Zhigang Wang, Shanghang Zhang, Bin Zhao, Xuelong Li

Abstract: Large foundation models have recently emerged as a prominent focus of interest, attaining superior performance in widespread scenarios. Due to the scarcity of 3D data, many efforts have been made to adapt pre-trained transformers from vision to 3D domains. However, such 2D-to-3D approaches are still limited, due to the potential loss of spatial geometries and high computation cost. More importantly, their frameworks are mainly designed for 2D models, lacking a general any-to-3D paradigm. In this paper, we introduce Any2Point, a parameter-efficient method to empower any-modality large models (vision, language, audio) for 3D understanding. Given a frozen transformer from any source modality, we propose a 3D-to-any (1D or 2D) virtual projection strategy that correlates the input 3D points to the original 1D or 2D positions within the source modality. This mechanism enables us to assign each 3D token with a positional encoding paired with the pre-trained model, which avoids 3D geometry loss caused by the true projection and better motivates the transformer for 3D learning with 1D/2D positional priors. Then, within each transformer block, we insert an any-to-3D guided adapter module for parameter-efficient fine-tuning. The adapter incorporates prior spatial knowledge from the source modality to guide the local feature aggregation of 3D tokens, compelling the semantic adaption of any-modality transformers. We conduct extensive experiments to showcase the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. Code and models are released at


replace Technical Report: Impact of Position Bias on Language Models in Token Classification

Authors: Mehdi Ben Amor, Michael Granitzer, Jelena Mitrovi\'c

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) have shown state-of-the-art performance in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. Downstream tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) or Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging are known to suffer from data imbalance issues, particularly regarding the ratio of positive to negative examples and class disparities. This paper investigates an often-overlooked issue of encoder models, specifically the position bias of positive examples in token classification tasks. For completeness, we also include decoders in the evaluation. We evaluate the impact of position bias using different position embedding techniques, focusing on BERT with Absolute Position Embedding (APE), Relative Position Embedding (RPE), and Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE). Therefore, we conduct an in-depth evaluation of the impact of position bias on the performance of LMs when fine-tuned on token classification benchmarks. Our study includes CoNLL03 and OntoNote5.0 for NER, English Tree Bank UD\_en, and TweeBank for POS tagging. We propose an evaluation approach to investigate position bias in transformer models. We show that LMs can suffer from this bias with an average drop ranging from 3\% to 9\% in their performance. To mitigate this effect, we propose two methods: Random Position Shifting and Context Perturbation, that we apply on batches during the training process. The results show an improvement of $\approx$ 2\% in the performance of the model on CoNLL03, UD\_en, and TweeBank.

replace Simple Linguistic Inferences of Large Language Models (LLMs): Blind Spots and Blinds

Authors: Victoria Basmov, Yoav Goldberg, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: We evaluate LLMs' language understanding capacities on simple inference tasks that most humans find trivial. Specifically, we target (i) grammatically-specified entailments, (ii) premises with evidential adverbs of uncertainty, and (iii) monotonicity entailments. We design evaluation sets for these tasks and conduct experiments in both zero-shot and chain-of-thought setups, and with multiple prompts and LLMs. The models exhibit moderate to low performance on these evaluation sets. Subsequent experiments show that embedding the premise in syntactic constructions that should preserve the entailment relations (presupposition triggers) or change them (non-factives), further confuses the models, causing them to either under-predict or over-predict certain entailment labels regardless of the true relation, and often disregarding the nature of the embedding context. Overall these results suggest that, despite LLMs' celebrated language understanding capacity, even the strongest models have blindspots with respect to certain types of entailments, and certain information-packaging structures act as ``blinds'' overshadowing the semantics of the embedded premise.

replace CrisisTransformers: Pre-trained language models and sentence encoders for crisis-related social media texts

Authors: Rabindra Lamsal, Maria Rodriguez Read, Shanika Karunasekera

Abstract: Social media platforms play an essential role in crisis communication, but analyzing crisis-related social media texts is challenging due to their informal nature. Transformer-based pre-trained models like BERT and RoBERTa have shown success in various NLP tasks, but they are not tailored for crisis-related texts. Furthermore, general-purpose sentence encoders are used to generate sentence embeddings, regardless of the textual complexities in crisis-related texts. Advances in applications like text classification, semantic search, and clustering contribute to the effective processing of crisis-related texts, which is essential for emergency responders to gain a comprehensive view of a crisis event, whether historical or real-time. To address these gaps in crisis informatics literature, this study introduces CrisisTransformers, an ensemble of pre-trained language models and sentence encoders trained on an extensive corpus of over 15 billion word tokens from tweets associated with more than 30 crisis events, including disease outbreaks, natural disasters, conflicts, and other critical incidents. We evaluate existing models and CrisisTransformers on 18 crisis-specific public datasets. Our pre-trained models outperform strong baselines across all datasets in classification tasks, and our best-performing sentence encoder improves the state-of-the-art by 17.43% in sentence encoding tasks. Additionally, we investigate the impact of model initialization on convergence and evaluate the significance of domain-specific models in generating semantically meaningful sentence embeddings. The models are publicly available at:


replace Sheared LLaMA: Accelerating Language Model Pre-training via Structured Pruning

Authors: Mengzhou Xia, Tianyu Gao, Zhiyuan Zeng, Danqi Chen

Abstract: The popularity of LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a;b) and other recently emerged moderate-sized large language models (LLMs) highlights the potential of building smaller yet powerful LLMs. Regardless, the cost of training such models from scratch on trillions of tokens remains high. In this work, we study structured pruning as an effective means to develop smaller LLMs from pre-trained, larger models. Our approach employs two key techniques: (1) targeted structured pruning, which prunes a larger model to a specified target shape by removing layers, heads, and intermediate and hidden dimensions in an end-to-end manner, and (2) dynamic batch loading, which dynamically updates the composition of sampled data in each training batch based on varying losses across different domains. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by presenting the Sheared-LLaMA series, pruning the LLaMA2-7B model down to 1.3B and 2.7B parameters. Sheared-LLaMA models outperform state-of-the-art open-source models of equivalent sizes, such as Pythia, INCITE, OpenLLaMA and the concurrent TinyLlama models, on a wide range of downstream and instruction tuning evaluations, while requiring only 3% of compute compared to training such models from scratch. This work provides compelling evidence that leveraging existing LLMs with structured pruning is a far more cost-effective approach for building competitive small-scale LLMs

replace The Impact of Depth on Compositional Generalization in Transformer Language Models

Authors: Jackson Petty, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Ishita Dasgupta, Fei Sha, Dan Garrette, Tal Linzen

Abstract: To process novel sentences, language models (LMs) must generalize compositionally -- combine familiar elements in new ways. What aspects of a model's structure promote compositional generalization? Focusing on transformers, we test the hypothesis, motivated by theoretical and empirical work, that deeper transformers generalize more compositionally. Simply adding layers increases the total number of parameters; to address this confound between depth and size, we construct three classes of models which trade off depth for width such that the total number of parameters is kept constant (41M, 134M and 374M parameters). We pretrain all models as LMs and fine-tune them on tasks that test for compositional generalization. We report three main conclusions: (1) after fine-tuning, deeper models generalize more compositionally than shallower models do, but the benefit of additional layers diminishes rapidly; (2) within each family, deeper models show better language modeling performance, but returns are similarly diminishing; (3) the benefits of depth for compositional generalization cannot be attributed solely to better performance on language modeling. Because model latency is approximately linear in the number of layers, these results lead us to the recommendation that, with a given total parameter budget, transformers can be made shallower than is typical without sacrificing performance.

replace A Systematic Comparison of Syllogistic Reasoning in Humans and Language Models

Authors: Tiwalayo Eisape, MH Tessler, Ishita Dasgupta, Fei Sha, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Tal Linzen

Abstract: A central component of rational behavior is logical inference: the process of determining which conclusions follow from a set of premises. Psychologists have documented several ways in which humans' inferences deviate from the rules of logic. Do language models, which are trained on text generated by humans, replicate such human biases, or are they able to overcome them? Focusing on the case of syllogisms -- inferences from two simple premises -- we show that, within the PaLM2 family of transformer language models, larger models are more logical than smaller ones, and also more logical than humans. At the same time, even the largest models make systematic errors, some of which mirror human reasoning biases: they show sensitivity to the (irrelevant) ordering of the variables in the syllogism, and draw confident but incorrect inferences from particular syllogisms (syllogistic fallacies). Overall, we find that language models often mimic the human biases included in their training data, but are able to overcome them in some cases.

replace AfriMTE and AfriCOMET: Enhancing COMET to Embrace Under-resourced African Languages

Authors: Jiayi Wang, David Ifeoluwa Adelani, Sweta Agrawal, Marek Masiak, Ricardo Rei, Eleftheria Briakou, Marine Carpuat, Xuanli He, Sofia Bourhim, Andiswa Bukula, Muhidin Mohamed, Temitayo Olatoye, Tosin Adewumi, Hamam Mokayede, Christine Mwase, Wangui Kimotho, Foutse Yuehgoh, Anuoluwapo Aremu, Jessica Ojo, Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad, Salomey Osei, Abdul-Hakeem Omotayo, Chiamaka Chukwuneke, Perez Ogayo, Oumaima Hourrane, Salma El Anigri, Lolwethu Ndolela, Thabiso Mangwana, Shafie Abdi Mohamed, Ayinde Hassan, Oluwabusayo Olufunke Awoyomi, Lama Alkhaled, Sana Al-Azzawi, Naome A. Etori, Millicent Ochieng, Clemencia Siro, Samuel Njoroge, Eric Muchiri, Wangari Kimotho, Lyse Naomi Wamba Momo, Daud Abolade, Simbiat Ajao, Iyanuoluwa Shode, Ricky Macharm, Ruqayya Nasir Iro, Saheed S. Abdullahi, Stephen E. Moore, Bernard Opoku, Zainab Akinjobi, Abeeb Afolabi, Nnaemeka Obiefuna, Onyekachi Raphael Ogbu, Sam Brian, Verrah Akinyi Otiende, Chinedu Emmanuel Mbonu, Sakayo Toadoum Sari, Yao Lu, Pontus Stenetorp

Abstract: Despite the recent progress on scaling multilingual machine translation (MT) to several under-resourced African languages, accurately measuring this progress remains challenging, since evaluation is often performed on n-gram matching metrics such as BLEU, which typically show a weaker correlation with human judgments. Learned metrics such as COMET have higher correlation; however, the lack of evaluation data with human ratings for under-resourced languages, complexity of annotation guidelines like Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM), and limited language coverage of multilingual encoders have hampered their applicability to African languages. In this paper, we address these challenges by creating high-quality human evaluation data with simplified MQM guidelines for error detection and direct assessment (DA) scoring for 13 typologically diverse African languages. Furthermore, we develop AfriCOMET: COMET evaluation metrics for African languages by leveraging DA data from well-resourced languages and an African-centric multilingual encoder (AfroXLM-R) to create the state-of-the-art MT evaluation metrics for African languages with respect to Spearman-rank correlation with human judgments (0.441).

replace Distilled Self-Critique of LLMs with Synthetic Data: a Bayesian Perspective

Authors: Victor Gallego

Abstract: This paper proposes an interpretation of RLAIF as Bayesian inference by introducing distilled Self-Critique (dSC), which refines the outputs of a LLM through a Gibbs sampler that is later distilled into a fine-tuned model. Only requiring synthetic data, dSC is exercised in experiments regarding safety, sentiment, and privacy control, showing it can be a viable and cheap alternative to align LLMs. Code released at \url{}.


replace Supervised Knowledge Makes Large Language Models Better In-context Learners

Authors: Linyi Yang, Shuibai Zhang, Zhuohao Yu, Guangsheng Bao, Yidong Wang, Jindong Wang, Ruochen Xu, Wei Ye, Xing Xie, Weizhu Chen, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit emerging in-context learning abilities through prompt engineering. The recent progress in large-scale generative models has further expanded their use in real-world language applications. However, the critical challenge of improving the generalizability and factuality of LLMs in natural language understanding and question answering remains under-explored. While previous in-context learning research has focused on enhancing models to adhere to users' specific instructions and quality expectations, and to avoid undesired outputs, little to no work has explored the use of task-Specific fine-tuned Language Models (SLMs) to improve LLMs' in-context learning during the inference stage. Our primary contribution is the establishment of a simple yet effective framework that enhances the reliability of LLMs as it: 1) generalizes out-of-distribution data, 2) elucidates how LLMs benefit from discriminative models, and 3) minimizes hallucinations in generative tasks. Using our proposed plug-in method, enhanced versions of Llama 2 and ChatGPT surpass their original versions regarding generalizability and factuality. We offer a comprehensive suite of resources, including 16 curated datasets, prompts, model checkpoints, and LLM outputs across 9 distinct tasks. The code and data are released at: Our empirical analysis sheds light on the advantages of incorporating discriminative models into LLMs and highlights the potential of our methodology in fostering more reliable LLMs.


replace Interpretation of Intracardiac Electrograms Through Textual Representations

Authors: William Jongwon Han, Diana Gomez, Avi Alok, Chaojing Duan, Michael A. Rosenberg, Douglas Weber, Emerson Liu, Ding Zhao

Abstract: Understanding the irregular electrical activity of atrial fibrillation (AFib) has been a key challenge in electrocardiography. For serious cases of AFib, catheter ablations are performed to collect intracardiac electrograms (EGMs). EGMs offer intricately detailed and localized electrical activity of the heart and are an ideal modality for interpretable cardiac studies. Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) has allowed some works to utilize deep learning frameworks to interpret EGMs during AFib. Additionally, language models (LMs) have shown exceptional performance in being able to generalize to unseen domains, especially in healthcare. In this study, we are the first to leverage pretrained LMs for finetuning of EGM interpolation and AFib classification via masked language modeling. We formulate the EGM as a textual sequence and present competitive performances on AFib classification compared against other representations. Lastly, we provide a comprehensive interpretability study to provide a multi-perspective intuition of the model's behavior, which could greatly benefit the clinical use.

replace Me LLaMA: Foundation Large Language Models for Medical Applications

Authors: Qianqian Xie, Qingyu Chen, Aokun Chen, Cheng Peng, Yan Hu, Fongci Lin, Xueqing Peng, Jimin Huang, Jeffrey Zhang, Vipina Keloth, Xinyu Zhou, Huan He, Lucila Ohno-Machado, Yonghui Wu, Hua Xu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and LLaMA have hinted at their potential to revolutionize medical applications, yet their application in clinical settings often reveals limitations due to a lack of specialized training on medical-specific data. In response to this challenge, this study introduces Me-LLaMA, a novel medical LLM family that includes foundation models - Me-LLaMA 13/70B, along with their chat-enhanced versions - Me-LLaMA 13/70B-chat, developed through continual pre-training and instruction tuning of LLaMA2 using large medical datasets. Our methodology leverages a comprehensive domain-specific data suite, including a large-scale, continual pre-training dataset with 129B tokens, an instruction tuning dataset with 214k samples, and a new medical evaluation benchmark (MIBE) across six critical medical tasks with 12 datasets. Our extensive evaluation using the MIBE shows that Me-LLaMA models achieve overall better performance than existing open-source medical LLMs in zero-shot, few-shot and supervised learning abilities. With task-specific instruction tuning, Me-LLaMA models outperform ChatGPT on 7 out of 8 datasets and GPT-4 on 5 out of 8 datasets. In addition, we investigated the catastrophic forgetting problem, and our results show that Me-LLaMA models outperform other open-source medical LLMs in mitigating this issue. Me-LLaMA is one of the largest open-source medical foundation LLMs that use both biomedical and clinical data. It exhibits superior performance across both general and medical tasks compared to other open-source medical LLMs, rendering it an attractive choice for medical AI applications. We release our models, datasets, and evaluation scripts at:


replace Evaluation of LLMs on Syntax-Aware Code Fill-in-the-Middle Tasks

Authors: Linyuan Gong, Sida Wang, Mostafa Elhoushi, Alvin Cheung

Abstract: We introduce Syntax-Aware Fill-In-the-Middle (SAFIM), a new benchmark for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) on the code Fill-in-the-Middle (FIM) task. This benchmark focuses on syntax-aware completions of program structures such as code blocks and conditional expressions, and includes 17,720 examples from multiple programming languages, sourced from recent code submissions after April 2022 to minimize data contamination. SAFIM provides a robust framework with various prompt designs and novel syntax-aware post-processing techniques, facilitating accurate and fair comparisons across LLMs. Our comprehensive evaluation of 15 LLMs shows that FIM pretraining not only enhances FIM proficiency but also improves Left-to-Right (L2R) inference using LLMs. Our findings challenge conventional beliefs and suggest that pretraining methods and data quality have more impact than model size. SAFIM thus serves as a foundational platform for future research in effective pretraining strategies for code LLMs. The evaluation toolkit and dataset are available at, and the leaderboard is available at


replace Gemma: Open Models Based on Gemini Research and Technology

Authors: Gemma Team, Thomas Mesnard, Cassidy Hardin, Robert Dadashi, Surya Bhupatiraju, Shreya Pathak, Laurent Sifre, Morgane Rivi\`ere, Mihir Sanjay Kale, Juliette Love, Pouya Tafti, L\'eonard Hussenot, Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Adam Roberts, Aditya Barua, Alex Botev, Alex Castro-Ros, Ambrose Slone, Am\'elie H\'eliou, Andrea Tacchetti, Anna Bulanova, Antonia Paterson, Beth Tsai, Bobak Shahriari, Charline Le Lan, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Cl\'ement Crepy, Daniel Cer, Daphne Ippolito, David Reid, Elena Buchatskaya, Eric Ni, Eric Noland, Geng Yan, George Tucker, George-Christian Muraru, Grigory Rozhdestvenskiy, Henryk Michalewski, Ian Tenney, Ivan Grishchenko, Jacob Austin, James Keeling, Jane Labanowski, Jean-Baptiste Lespiau, Jeff Stanway, Jenny Brennan, Jeremy Chen, Johan Ferret, Justin Chiu, Justin Mao-Jones, Katherine Lee, Kathy Yu, Katie Millican, Lars Lowe Sjoesund, Lisa Lee, Lucas Dixon, Machel Reid, Maciej Miku{\l}a, Mateo Wirth, Michael Sharman, Nikolai Chinaev, Nithum Thain, Olivier Bachem, Oscar Chang, Oscar Wahltinez, Paige Bailey, Paul Michel, Petko Yotov, Rahma Chaabouni, Ramona Comanescu, Reena Jana, Rohan Anil, Ross McIlroy, Ruibo Liu, Ryan Mullins, Samuel L Smith, Sebastian Borgeaud, Sertan Girgin, Sholto Douglas, Shree Pandya, Siamak Shakeri, Soham De, Ted Klimenko, Tom Hennigan, Vlad Feinberg, Wojciech Stokowiec, Yu-hui Chen, Zafarali Ahmed, Zhitao Gong, Tris Warkentin, Ludovic Peran, Minh Giang, Cl\'ement Farabet, Oriol Vinyals, Jeff Dean, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Demis Hassabis, Zoubin Ghahramani, Douglas Eck, Joelle Barral, Fernando Pereira, Eli Collins, Armand Joulin, Noah Fiedel, Evan Senter, Alek Andreev, Kathleen Kenealy

Abstract: This work introduces Gemma, a family of lightweight, state-of-the art open models built from the research and technology used to create Gemini models. Gemma models demonstrate strong performance across academic benchmarks for language understanding, reasoning, and safety. We release two sizes of models (2 billion and 7 billion parameters), and provide both pretrained and fine-tuned checkpoints. Gemma outperforms similarly sized open models on 11 out of 18 text-based tasks, and we present comprehensive evaluations of safety and responsibility aspects of the models, alongside a detailed description of model development. We believe the responsible release of LLMs is critical for improving the safety of frontier models, and for enabling the next wave of LLM innovations.

replace StateFlow: Enhancing LLM Task-Solving through State-Driven Workflows

Authors: Yiran Wu, Tianwei Yue, Shaokun Zhang, Chi Wang, Qingyun Wu

Abstract: It is a notable trend to use Large Language Models (LLMs) to tackle complex tasks, e.g., tasks that require a sequence of actions and dynamic interaction with tools and external environments. In this paper, we propose StateFlow, a novel LLM-based task-solving paradigm that conceptualizes complex task-solving processes as state machines. In StateFlow, we distinguish between "process grounding" (via state and state transitions) and "sub-task solving" (through actions within a state), enhancing control and interpretability of the task-solving procedure. A state represents the status of a running process. The transitions between states are controlled by heuristic rules or decisions made by the LLM, allowing for a dynamic and adaptive progression. Upon entering a state, a series of actions is executed, involving not only calling LLMs guided by different prompts, but also the utilization of external tools as needed. Our results show that StateFlow significantly enhances LLMs' efficiency. For instance, StateFlow achieves 13% and 28% higher success rates compared to ReAct in InterCode SQL and ALFWorld benchmark, with 5x and 3x less cost respectively. We also show that StateFlow can be combined with iterative refining methods like Reflexion to further improve performance.

replace A Multi-Label Dataset of French Fake News: Human and Machine Insights

Authors: Benjamin Icard, Fran\c{c}ois Maine, Morgane Casanova, G\'eraud Faye, Julien Chanson, Guillaume Gadek, Ghislain Atemezing, Fran\c{c}ois Bancilhon, Paul \'Egr\'e

Abstract: We present a corpus of 100 documents, OBSINFOX, selected from 17 sources of French press considered unreliable by expert agencies, annotated using 11 labels by 8 annotators. By collecting more labels than usual, by more annotators than is typically done, we can identify features that humans consider as characteristic of fake news, and compare them to the predictions of automated classifiers. We present a topic and genre analysis using Gate Cloud, indicative of the prevalence of satire-like text in the corpus. We then use the subjectivity analyzer VAGO, and a neural version of it, to clarify the link between ascriptions of the label Subjective and ascriptions of the label Fake News. The annotated dataset is available online at the following url: Keywords: Fake News, Multi-Labels, Subjectivity, Vagueness, Detail, Opinion, Exaggeration, French Press


replace DANCER: Entity Description Augmented Named Entity Corrector for Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors: Yi-Cheng Wang, Hsin-Wei Wang, Bi-Cheng Yan, Chi-Han Lin, Berlin Chen

Abstract: End-to-end automatic speech recognition (E2E ASR) systems often suffer from mistranscription of domain-specific phrases, such as named entities, sometimes leading to catastrophic failures in downstream tasks. A family of fast and lightweight named entity correction (NEC) models for ASR have recently been proposed, which normally build on phonetic-level edit distance algorithms and have shown impressive NEC performance. However, as the named entity (NE) list grows, the problems of phonetic confusion in the NE list are exacerbated; for example, homophone ambiguities increase substantially. In view of this, we proposed a novel Description Augmented Named entity CorrEctoR (dubbed DANCER), which leverages entity descriptions to provide additional information to facilitate mitigation of phonetic confusion for NEC on ASR transcription. To this end, an efficient entity description augmented masked language model (EDA-MLM) comprised of a dense retrieval model is introduced, enabling MLM to adapt swiftly to domain-specific entities for the NEC task. A series of experiments conducted on the AISHELL-1 and Homophone datasets confirm the effectiveness of our modeling approach. DANCER outperforms a strong baseline, the phonetic edit-distance-based NEC model (PED-NEC), by a character error rate (CER) reduction of about 7% relatively on AISHELL-1 for named entities. More notably, when tested on Homophone that contain named entities of high phonetic confusion, DANCER offers a more pronounced CER reduction of 46% relatively over PED-NEC for named entities.

replace MIPS at SemEval-2024 Task 3: Multimodal Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations with Multimodal Language Models

Authors: Zebang Cheng, Fuqiang Niu, Yuxiang Lin, Zhi-Qi Cheng, Bowen Zhang, Xiaojiang Peng

Abstract: This paper presents our winning submission to Subtask 2 of SemEval 2024 Task 3 on multimodal emotion cause analysis in conversations. We propose a novel Multimodal Emotion Recognition and Multimodal Emotion Cause Extraction (MER-MCE) framework that integrates text, audio, and visual modalities using specialized emotion encoders. Our approach sets itself apart from top-performing teams by leveraging modality-specific features for enhanced emotion understanding and causality inference. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the advantages of our multimodal approach, with our submission achieving a competitive weighted F1 score of 0.3435, ranking third with a margin of only 0.0339 behind the 1st team and 0.0025 behind the 2nd team. Project:


replace Source-Aware Training Enables Knowledge Attribution in Language Models

Authors: Muhammad Khalifa, David Wadden, Emma Strubell, Honglak Lee, Lu Wang, Iz Beltagy, Hao Peng

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) learn a vast amount of knowledge during pretraining, but they are often oblivious to the source(s) of such knowledge. We investigate the problem of intrinsic source citation, where LLMs are required to cite the pretraining source supporting a generated response. Intrinsic source citation can enhance LLM transparency, interpretability, and verifiability. To give LLMs such ability, we explore source-aware training -- a post pretraining recipe that involves (i) training the LLM to associate unique source document identifiers with the knowledge in each document, followed by (ii) an instruction-tuning to teach the LLM to cite a supporting pretraining source when prompted. Source-aware training can easily be applied to pretrained LLMs off the shelf, and diverges minimally from existing pretraining/fine-tuning frameworks. Through experiments on carefully curated data, we demonstrate that our training recipe can enable faithful attribution to the pretraining data without a substantial impact on the model's quality compared to standard pretraining. Our results also highlight the importance of data augmentation in achieving attribution. Code and data available here: \url{}


replace KoCoNovel: Annotated Dataset of Character Coreference in Korean Novels

Authors: Kyuhee Kim, Surin Lee, Sangah Lee

Abstract: In this paper, we present KoCoNovel, a novel character coreference dataset derived from Korean literary texts, complete with detailed annotation guidelines. Comprising 178K tokens from 50 modern and contemporary novels, KoCoNovel stands as one of the largest public coreference resolution corpora in Korean, and the first to be based on literary texts. KoCoNovel offers four distinct versions to accommodate a wide range of literary coreference analysis needs. These versions are designed to support perspectives of the omniscient author or readers, and to manage multiple entities as either separate or overlapping, thereby broadening its applicability. One of KoCoNovel's distinctive features is that 24% of all character mentions are single common nouns, lacking possessive markers or articles. This feature is particularly influenced by the nuances of Korean address term culture, which favors the use of terms denoting social relationships and kinship over personal names. In experiments with a BERT-based coreference model, we observe notable performance enhancements with KoCoNovel in character coreference tasks within literary texts, compared to a larger non-literary coreference dataset. Such findings underscore KoCoNovel's potential to significantly enhance coreference resolution models through the integration of Korean cultural and linguistic dynamics.

replace An Incomplete Loop: Deductive, Inductive, and Abductive Learning in Large Language Models

Authors: Emmy Liu, Graham Neubig, Jacob Andreas

Abstract: Modern language models (LMs) can learn to perform new tasks in different ways: in instruction following, the target task is described explicitly in natural language; in few-shot prompting, the task is specified implicitly with a small number of examples; in instruction inference, LMs are presented with in-context examples and are then prompted to generate a natural language task description before making predictions. Each of these procedures may be thought of as invoking a different form of reasoning: instruction following involves deductive reasoning, few-shot prompting involves inductive reasoning, and instruction inference involves abductive reasoning. How do these different capabilities relate? Across four LMs (from the gpt and llama families) and two learning problems (involving arithmetic functions and machine translation) we find a strong dissociation between the different types of reasoning: LMs can sometimes learn effectively from few-shot prompts even when they are unable to explain their own prediction rules; conversely, they sometimes infer useful task descriptions while completely failing to learn from human-generated descriptions of the same task. Our results highlight the non-systematic nature of reasoning even in some of today's largest LMs, and underscore the fact that very different learning mechanisms may be invoked by seemingly similar prompting procedures.

replace CLUE: A Clinical Language Understanding Evaluation for LLMs

Authors: Amin Dada, Marie Bauer, Amanda Butler Contreras, Osman Alperen Kora\c{s}, Constantin Marc Seibold, Kaleb E Smith, Jens Kleesiek

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown the potential to significantly contribute to patient care, diagnostics, and administrative processes. Emerging biomedical LLMs address healthcare-specific challenges, including privacy demands and computational constraints. However, evaluation of these models has primarily been limited to non-clinical tasks, which do not reflect the complexity of practical clinical applications. Additionally, there has been no thorough comparison between biomedical and general-domain LLMs for clinical tasks. To fill this gap, we present the Clinical Language Understanding Evaluation (CLUE), a benchmark tailored to evaluate LLMs on real-world clinical tasks. CLUE includes two novel datasets derived from MIMIC IV discharge letters and four existing tasks designed to test the practical applicability of LLMs in healthcare settings. Our evaluation covers several biomedical and general domain LLMs, providing insights into their clinical performance and applicability. CLUE represents a step towards a standardized approach to evaluating and developing LLMs in healthcare to align future model development with the real-world needs of clinical application. We publish our evaluation and data generation scripts:


replace RoT: Enhancing Large Language Models with Reflection on Search Trees

Authors: Wenyang Hui, Chengyue Jiang, Yan Wang, Kewei Tu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capability in reasoning and planning when integrated with tree-search-based prompting methods. However, since these methods ignore the previous search experiences, they often make the same mistakes in the search process. To address this issue, we introduce Reflection on search Trees (RoT), an LLM reflection framework designed to improve the performance of tree-search-based prompting methods. It uses a strong LLM to summarize guidelines from previous tree search experiences to enhance the ability of a weak LLM. The guidelines are instructions about solving this task through tree search which can prevent the weak LLMs from making similar mistakes in the past search process. In addition, we proposed a novel state selection method, which identifies the critical information from historical search processes to help RoT generate more specific and meaningful guidelines. In our extensive experiments, we find that RoT significantly improves the performance of LLMs in reasoning or planning tasks with various tree-search-based prompting methods (e.g., BFS and MCTS). Non-tree-search-based prompting methods such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) can also benefit from RoT guidelines since RoT can provide task-specific knowledge collected from the search experience.

replace Eagle and Finch: RWKV with Matrix-Valued States and Dynamic Recurrence

Authors: Bo Peng, Daniel Goldstein, Quentin Anthony, Alon Albalak, Eric Alcaide, Stella Biderman, Eugene Cheah, Xingjian Du, Teddy Ferdinan, Haowen Hou, Przemys{\l}aw Kazienko, Kranthi Kiran GV, Jan Koco\'n, Bart{\l}omiej Koptyra, Satyapriya Krishna, Ronald McClelland Jr., Niklas Muennighoff, Fares Obeid, Atsushi Saito, Guangyu Song, Haoqin Tu, Stanis{\l}aw Wo\'zniak, Ruichong Zhang, Bingchen Zhao, Qihang Zhao, Peng Zhou, Jian Zhu, Rui-Jie Zhu

Abstract: We present Eagle (RWKV-5) and Finch (RWKV-6), sequence models improving upon the RWKV (RWKV-4) architecture. Our architectural design advancements include multi-headed matrix-valued states and a dynamic recurrence mechanism that improve expressivity while maintaining the inference efficiency characteristics of RNNs. We introduce a new multilingual corpus with 1.12 trillion tokens and a fast tokenizer based on greedy matching for enhanced multilinguality. We trained four Eagle models, ranging from 0.46 to 7.5 billion parameters, and two Finch models with 1.6 and 3.1 billion parameters and find that they achieve competitive performance across a wide variety of benchmarks. We release all our models on HuggingFace under the Apache 2.0 license. Models at: Training code at: Inference code at: Time-parallel training code at:


replace Privacy Preserving Prompt Engineering: A Survey

Authors: Kennedy Edemacu, Xintao Wu

Abstract: Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated significant proficiency in solving a wide range of general natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Researchers have observed a direct correlation between the performance of these models and their sizes. As a result, the sizes of these models have notably expanded in recent years, persuading researchers to adopt the term large language models (LLMs) to characterize the larger-sized PLMs. The size expansion comes with a distinct capability called in-context learning (ICL), which represents a special form of prompting and allows the models to be utilized through the presentation of demonstration examples without modifications to the model parameters. Although interesting, privacy concerns have become a major obstacle in its widespread usage. Multiple studies have examined the privacy risks linked to ICL and prompting in general, and have devised techniques to alleviate these risks. Thus, there is a necessity to organize these mitigation techniques for the benefit of the community. This survey provides a systematic overview of the privacy protection methods employed during ICL and prompting in general. We review, analyze, and compare different methods under this paradigm. Furthermore, we provide a summary of the resources accessible for the development of these frameworks. Finally, we discuss the limitations of these frameworks and offer a detailed examination of the promising areas that necessitate further exploration.

replace MetaCheckGPT -- A Multi-task Hallucination Detector Using LLM Uncertainty and Meta-models

Authors: Rahul Mehta, Andrew Hoblitzell, Jack O'Keefe, Hyeju Jang, Vasudeva Varma

Abstract: Hallucinations in large language models (LLMs) have recently become a significant problem. A recent effort in this direction is a shared task at Semeval 2024 Task 6, SHROOM, a Shared-task on Hallucinations and Related Observable Overgeneration Mistakes. This paper describes our winning solution ranked 1st and 2nd in the 2 sub-tasks of model agnostic and model aware tracks respectively. We propose a meta-regressor framework of LLMs for model evaluation and integration that achieves the highest scores on the leaderboard. We also experiment with various transformer-based models and black box methods like ChatGPT, Vectara, and others. In addition, we perform an error analysis comparing GPT4 against our best model which shows the limitations of the former.

replace From Model-centered to Human-Centered: Revision Distance as a Metric for Text Evaluation in LLMs-based Applications

Authors: Yongqiang Ma, Lizhi Qing, Jiawei Liu, Yangyang Kang, Yue Zhang, Wei Lu, Xiaozhong Liu, Qikai Cheng

Abstract: Evaluating large language models (LLMs) is fundamental, particularly in the context of practical applications. Conventional evaluation methods, typically designed primarily for LLM development, yield numerical scores that ignore the user experience. Therefore, our study shifts the focus from model-centered to human-centered evaluation in the context of AI-powered writing assistance applications. Our proposed metric, termed ``Revision Distance,'' utilizes LLMs to suggest revision edits that mimic the human writing process. It is determined by counting the revision edits generated by LLMs. Benefiting from the generated revision edit details, our metric can provide a self-explained text evaluation result in a human-understandable manner beyond the context-independent score. Our results show that for the easy-writing task, ``Revision Distance'' is consistent with established metrics (ROUGE, Bert-score, and GPT-score), but offers more insightful, detailed feedback and better distinguishes between texts. Moreover, in the context of challenging academic writing tasks, our metric still delivers reliable evaluations where other metrics tend to struggle. Furthermore, our metric also holds significant potential for scenarios lacking reference texts.

replace Towards Robustness of Text-to-Visualization Translation against Lexical and Phrasal Variability

Authors: Jinwei Lu, Yuanfeng Song, Haodi Zhang, Chen Zhang, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong

Abstract: Text-to-Vis is an emerging task in the natural language processing (NLP) area that aims to automatically generate data visualizations from natural language questions (NLQs). Despite their progress, existing text-to-vis models often heavily rely on lexical matching between words in the questions and tokens in data schemas. This overreliance on lexical matching may lead to a diminished level of model robustness against input variations. In this study, we thoroughly examine the robustness of current text-to-vis models, an area that has not previously been explored. In particular, we construct the first robustness dataset nvBench-Rob, which contains diverse lexical and phrasal variations based on the original text-to-vis benchmark nvBench. Then, we found that the performance of existing text-to-vis models on this new dataset dramatically drops, implying that these methods exhibit inadequate robustness overall. Finally, we propose a novel framework based on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technique, named GRED, specifically designed to address input perturbations in these two variants. The framework consists of three parts: NLQ-Retrieval Generator, Visualization Query-Retrieval Retuner and Annotation-based Debugger, which are used to tackle the challenges posed by natural language variants, programming style differences and data schema variants, respectively. Extensive experimental evaluations show that, compared to the state-of-the-art model RGVisNet in the Text-to-Vis field, GRED performs better in terms of model robustness, with a 32% increase in accuracy on the proposed nvBench-Rob dataset.

replace-cross Facilitating Self-Guided Mental Health Interventions Through Human-Language Model Interaction: A Case Study of Cognitive Restructuring

Authors: Ashish Sharma, Kevin Rushton, Inna Wanyin Lin, Theresa Nguyen, Tim Althoff

Abstract: Self-guided mental health interventions, such as "do-it-yourself" tools to learn and practice coping strategies, show great promise to improve access to mental health care. However, these interventions are often cognitively demanding and emotionally triggering, creating accessibility barriers that limit their wide-scale implementation and adoption. In this paper, we study how human-language model interaction can support self-guided mental health interventions. We take cognitive restructuring, an evidence-based therapeutic technique to overcome negative thinking, as a case study. In an IRB-approved randomized field study on a large mental health website with 15,531 participants, we design and evaluate a system that uses language models to support people through various steps of cognitive restructuring. Our findings reveal that our system positively impacts emotional intensity for 67% of participants and helps 65% overcome negative thoughts. Although adolescents report relatively worse outcomes, we find that tailored interventions that simplify language model generations improve overall effectiveness and equity.

replace-cross Driving Everywhere with Large Language Model Policy Adaptation

Authors: Boyi Li, Yue Wang, Jiageng Mao, Boris Ivanovic, Sushant Veer, Karen Leung, Marco Pavone

Abstract: Adapting driving behavior to new environments, customs, and laws is a long-standing problem in autonomous driving, precluding the widespread deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs). In this paper, we present LLaDA, a simple yet powerful tool that enables human drivers and autonomous vehicles alike to drive everywhere by adapting their tasks and motion plans to traffic rules in new locations. LLaDA achieves this by leveraging the impressive zero-shot generalizability of large language models (LLMs) in interpreting the traffic rules in the local driver handbook. Through an extensive user study, we show that LLaDA's instructions are useful in disambiguating in-the-wild unexpected situations. We also demonstrate LLaDA's ability to adapt AV motion planning policies in real-world datasets; LLaDA outperforms baseline planning approaches on all our metrics. Please check our website for more details:


replace-cross Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models

Authors: Ravi Mangal, Nina Narodytska, Divya Gopinath, Boyue Caroline Hu, Anirban Roy, Susmit Jha, Corina Pasareanu

Abstract: The analysis of vision-based deep neural networks (DNNs) is highly desirable but it is very challenging due to the difficulty of expressing formal specifications for vision tasks and the lack of efficient verification procedures. In this paper, we propose to leverage emerging multimodal, vision-language, foundation models (VLMs) as a lens through which we can reason about vision models. VLMs have been trained on a large body of images accompanied by their textual description, and are thus implicitly aware of high-level, human-understandable concepts describing the images. We describe a logical specification language $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ designed to facilitate writing specifications in terms of these concepts. To define and formally check $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ specifications, we build a map between the internal representations of a given vision model and a VLM, leading to an efficient verification procedure of natural-language properties for vision models. We demonstrate our techniques on a ResNet-based classifier trained on the RIVAL-10 dataset using CLIP as the multimodal model.

replace-cross Wu's Method can Boost Symbolic AI to Rival Silver Medalists and AlphaGeometry to Outperform Gold Medalists at IMO Geometry

Authors: Shiven Sinha, Ameya Prabhu, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Siddharth Bhat, Matthias Bethge

Abstract: Proving geometric theorems constitutes a hallmark of visual reasoning combining both intuitive and logical skills. Therefore, automated theorem proving of Olympiad-level geometry problems is considered a notable milestone in human-level automated reasoning. The introduction of AlphaGeometry, a neuro-symbolic model trained with 100 million synthetic samples, marked a major breakthrough. It solved 25 of 30 International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) problems whereas the reported baseline based on Wu's method solved only ten. In this note, we revisit the IMO-AG-30 Challenge introduced with AlphaGeometry, and find that Wu's method is surprisingly strong. Wu's method alone can solve 15 problems, and some of them are not solved by any of the other methods. This leads to two key findings: (i) Combining Wu's method with the classic synthetic methods of deductive databases and angle, ratio, and distance chasing solves 21 out of 30 methods by just using a CPU-only laptop with a time limit of 5 minutes per problem. Essentially, this classic method solves just 4 problems less than AlphaGeometry and establishes the first fully symbolic baseline strong enough to rival the performance of an IMO silver medalist. (ii) Wu's method even solves 2 of the 5 problems that AlphaGeometry failed to solve. Thus, by combining AlphaGeometry with Wu's method we set a new state-of-the-art for automated theorem proving on IMO-AG-30, solving 27 out of 30 problems, the first AI method which outperforms an IMO gold medalist.