new An inclusive review on deep learning techniques and their scope in handwriting recognition

Authors: Sukhdeep Singh, Sudhir Rohilla, Anuj Sharma

Abstract: Deep learning expresses a category of machine learning algorithms that have the capability to combine raw inputs into intermediate features layers. These deep learning algorithms have demonstrated great results in different fields. Deep learning has particularly witnessed for a great achievement of human level performance across a number of domains in computer vision and pattern recognition. For the achievement of state-of-the-art performances in diverse domains, the deep learning used different architectures and these architectures used activation functions to perform various computations between hidden and output layers of any architecture. This paper presents a survey on the existing studies of deep learning in handwriting recognition field. Even though the recent progress indicates that the deep learning methods has provided valuable means for speeding up or proving accurate results in handwriting recognition, but following from the extensive literature survey, the present study finds that the deep learning has yet to revolutionize more and has to resolve many of the most pressing challenges in this field, but promising advances have been made on the prior state of the art. Additionally, an inadequate availability of labelled data to train presents problems in this domain. Nevertheless, the present handwriting recognition survey foresees deep learning enabling changes at both bench and bedside with the potential to transform several domains as image processing, speech recognition, computer vision, machine translation, robotics and control, medical imaging, medical information processing, bio-informatics, natural language processing, cyber security, and many others.

new Enhanced Cooperative Perception for Autonomous Vehicles Using Imperfect Communication

Authors: Ahmad Sarlak, Hazim Alzorgan, Sayed Pedram Haeri Boroujeni, Abolfazl Razi, Rahul Amin

Abstract: Sharing and joint processing of camera feeds and sensor measurements, known as Cooperative Perception (CP), has emerged as a new technique to achieve higher perception qualities. CP can enhance the safety of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) where their individual visual perception quality is compromised by adverse weather conditions (haze as foggy weather), low illumination, winding roads, and crowded traffic. To cover the limitations of former methods, in this paper, we propose a novel approach to realize an optimized CP under constrained communications. At the core of our approach is recruiting the best helper from the available list of front vehicles to augment the visual range and enhance the Object Detection (OD) accuracy of the ego vehicle. In this two-step process, we first select the helper vehicles that contribute the most to CP based on their visual range and lowest motion blur. Next, we implement a radio block optimization among the candidate vehicles to further improve communication efficiency. We specifically focus on pedestrian detection as an exemplary scenario. To validate our approach, we used the CARLA simulator to create a dataset of annotated videos for different driving scenarios where pedestrian detection is challenging for an AV with compromised vision. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of our two-step optimization process in improving the overall performance of cooperative perception in challenging scenarios, substantially improving driving safety under adverse conditions. Finally, we note that the networking assumptions are adopted from LTE Release 14 Mode 4 side-link communication, commonly used for Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication. Nonetheless, our method is flexible and applicable to arbitrary V2V communications.

new AI-Guided Feature Segmentation Techniques to Model Features from Single Crystal Diamond Growth

Authors: Rohan Reddy Mekala, Elias Garratt, Matthias Muehle, Arjun Srinivasan, Adam Porter, Mikael Lindvall

Abstract: Process refinement to consistently produce high-quality material over a large area of the grown crystal, enabling various applications from optics crystals to quantum detectors, has long been a goal for diamond growth. Machine learning offers a promising path toward this goal, but faces challenges such as the complexity of features within datasets, their time-dependency, and the volume of data produced per growth run. Accurate spatial feature extraction from image to image for real-time monitoring of diamond growth is crucial yet complicated due to the low-volume and high feature complexity nature of the datasets. This paper compares various traditional and machine learning-driven approaches for feature extraction in the diamond growth domain, proposing a novel deep learning-driven semantic segmentation approach to isolate and classify accurate pixel masks of geometric features like diamond, pocket holder, and background, along with their derivative features based on shape and size. Using an annotation-focused human-in-the-loop software architecture for training datasets, with modules for selective data labeling using active learning, data augmentations, and model-assisted labeling, our approach achieves effective annotation accuracy and drastically reduces labeling time and cost. Deep learning algorithms prove highly efficient in accurately learning complex representations from datasets with many features. Our top-performing model, based on the DeeplabV3plus architecture, achieves outstanding accuracy in classifying features of interest, with accuracies of 96.31% for pocket holder, 98.60% for diamond top, and 91.64% for diamond side features.

new SurvMamba: State Space Model with Multi-grained Multi-modal Interaction for Survival Prediction

Authors: Ying Chen, Jiajing Xie, Yuxiang Lin, Yuhang Song, Wenxian Yang, Rongshan Yu

Abstract: Multi-modal learning that combines pathological images with genomic data has significantly enhanced the accuracy of survival prediction. Nevertheless, existing methods have not fully utilized the inherent hierarchical structure within both whole slide images (WSIs) and transcriptomic data, from which better intra-modal representations and inter-modal integration could be derived. Moreover, many existing studies attempt to improve multi-modal representations through attention mechanisms, which inevitably lead to high complexity when processing high-dimensional WSIs and transcriptomic data. Recently, a structured state space model named Mamba emerged as a promising approach for its superior performance in modeling long sequences with low complexity. In this study, we propose Mamba with multi-grained multi-modal interaction (SurvMamba) for survival prediction. SurvMamba is implemented with a Hierarchical Interaction Mamba (HIM) module that facilitates efficient intra-modal interactions at different granularities, thereby capturing more detailed local features as well as rich global representations. In addition, an Interaction Fusion Mamba (IFM) module is used for cascaded inter-modal interactive fusion, yielding more comprehensive features for survival prediction. Comprehensive evaluations on five TCGA datasets demonstrate that SurvMamba outperforms other existing methods in terms of performance and computational cost.

new Rethinking Artistic Copyright Infringements in the Era of Text-to-Image Generative Models

Authors: Mazda Moayeri, Samyadeep Basu, Sriram Balasubramanian, Priyatham Kattakinda, Atoosa Chengini, Robert Brauneis, Soheil Feizi

Abstract: Recent text-to-image generative models such as Stable Diffusion are extremely adept at mimicking and generating copyrighted content, raising concerns amongst artists that their unique styles may be improperly copied. Understanding how generative models copy "artistic style" is more complex than duplicating a single image, as style is comprised by a set of elements (or signature) that frequently co-occurs across a body of work, where each individual work may vary significantly. In our paper, we first reformulate the problem of "artistic copyright infringement" to a classification problem over image sets, instead of probing image-wise similarities. We then introduce ArtSavant, a practical (i.e., efficient and easy to understand) tool to (i) determine the unique style of an artist by comparing it to a reference dataset of works from 372 artists curated from WikiArt, and (ii) recognize if the identified style reappears in generated images. We leverage two complementary methods to perform artistic style classification over image sets, includingTagMatch, which is a novel inherently interpretable and attributable method, making it more suitable for broader use by non-technical stake holders (artists, lawyers, judges, etc). Leveraging ArtSavant, we then perform a large-scale empirical study to provide quantitative insight on the prevalence of artistic style copying across 3 popular text-to-image generative models. Namely, amongst a dataset of prolific artists (including many famous ones), only 20% of them appear to have their styles be at a risk of copying via simple prompting of today's popular text-to-image generative models.

new Latent Guard: a Safety Framework for Text-to-image Generation

Authors: Runtao Liu, Ashkan Khakzar, Jindong Gu, Qifeng Chen, Philip Torr, Fabio Pizzati

Abstract: With the ability to generate high-quality images, text-to-image (T2I) models can be exploited for creating inappropriate content. To prevent misuse, existing safety measures are either based on text blacklists, which can be easily circumvented, or harmful content classification, requiring large datasets for training and offering low flexibility. Hence, we propose Latent Guard, a framework designed to improve safety measures in text-to-image generation. Inspired by blacklist-based approaches, Latent Guard learns a latent space on top of the T2I model's text encoder, where it is possible to check the presence of harmful concepts in the input text embeddings. Our proposed framework is composed of a data generation pipeline specific to the task using large language models, ad-hoc architectural components, and a contrastive learning strategy to benefit from the generated data. The effectiveness of our method is verified on three datasets and against four baselines. Code and data will be shared at


new Real-Time Detection and Analysis of Vehicles and Pedestrians using Deep Learning

Authors: Md Nahid Sadik, Tahmim Hossain, Faisal Sayeed

Abstract: Computer vision, particularly vehicle and pedestrian identification is critical to the evolution of autonomous driving, artificial intelligence, and video surveillance. Current traffic monitoring systems confront major difficulty in recognizing small objects and pedestrians effectively in real-time, posing a serious risk to public safety and contributing to traffic inefficiency. Recognizing these difficulties, our project focuses on the creation and validation of an advanced deep-learning framework capable of processing complex visual input for precise, real-time recognition of cars and people in a variety of environmental situations. On a dataset representing complicated urban settings, we trained and evaluated different versions of the YOLOv8 and RT-DETR models. The YOLOv8 Large version proved to be the most effective, especially in pedestrian recognition, with great precision and robustness. The results, which include Mean Average Precision and recall rates, demonstrate the model's ability to dramatically improve traffic monitoring and safety. This study makes an important addition to real-time, reliable detection in computer vision, establishing new benchmarks for traffic management systems.

new Visual Context-Aware Person Fall Detection

Authors: Aleksander Nagaj, Zenjie Li, Dim P. Papadopoulos, Kamal Nasrollahi

Abstract: As the global population ages, the number of fall-related incidents is on the rise. Effective fall detection systems, specifically in healthcare sector, are crucial to mitigate the risks associated with such events. This study evaluates the role of visual context, including background objects, on the accuracy of fall detection classifiers. We present a segmentation pipeline to semi-automatically separate individuals and objects in images. Well-established models like ResNet-18, EfficientNetV2-S, and Swin-Small are trained and evaluated. During training, pixel-based transformations are applied to segmented objects, and the models are then evaluated on raw images without segmentation. Our findings highlight the significant influence of visual context on fall detection. The application of Gaussian blur to the image background notably improves the performance and generalization capabilities of all models. Background objects such as beds, chairs, or wheelchairs can challenge fall detection systems, leading to false positive alarms. However, we demonstrate that object-specific contextual transformations during training effectively mitigate this challenge. Further analysis using saliency maps supports our observation that visual context is crucial in classification tasks. We create both dataset processing API and segmentation pipeline, available at


new S3Editor: A Sparse Semantic-Disentangled Self-Training Framework for Face Video Editing

Authors: Guangzhi Wang, Tianyi Chen, Kamran Ghasedi, HsiangTao Wu, Tianyu Ding, Chris Nuesmeyer, Ilya Zharkov, Mohan Kankanhalli, Luming Liang

Abstract: Face attribute editing plays a pivotal role in various applications. However, existing methods encounter challenges in achieving high-quality results while preserving identity, editing faithfulness, and temporal consistency. These challenges are rooted in issues related to the training pipeline, including limited supervision, architecture design, and optimization strategy. In this work, we introduce S3Editor, a Sparse Semantic-disentangled Self-training framework for face video editing. S3Editor is a generic solution that comprehensively addresses these challenges with three key contributions. Firstly, S3Editor adopts a self-training paradigm to enhance the training process through semi-supervision. Secondly, we propose a semantic disentangled architecture with a dynamic routing mechanism that accommodates diverse editing requirements. Thirdly, we present a structured sparse optimization schema that identifies and deactivates malicious neurons to further disentangle impacts from untarget attributes. S3Editor is model-agnostic and compatible with various editing approaches. Our extensive qualitative and quantitative results affirm that our approach significantly enhances identity preservation, editing fidelity, as well as temporal consistency.

new Self-Supervised Learning of Color Constancy

Authors: Markus R. Ernst, Francisco M. L\'opez, Arthur Aubret, Roland W. Fleming, Jochen Triesch

Abstract: Color constancy (CC) describes the ability of the visual system to perceive an object as having a relatively constant color despite changes in lighting conditions. While CC and its limitations have been carefully characterized in humans, it is still unclear how the visual system acquires this ability during development. Here, we present a first study showing that CC develops in a neural network trained in a self-supervised manner through an invariance learning objective. During learning, objects are presented under changing illuminations, while the network aims to map subsequent views of the same object onto close-by latent representations. This gives rise to representations that are largely invariant to the illumination conditions, offering a plausible example of how CC could emerge during human cognitive development via a form of self-supervised learning.

new SciFlow: Empowering Lightweight Optical Flow Models with Self-Cleaning Iterations

Authors: Jamie Menjay Lin, Jisoo Jeong, Hong Cai, Risheek Garrepalli, Kai Wang, Fatih Porikli

Abstract: Optical flow estimation is crucial to a variety of vision tasks. Despite substantial recent advancements, achieving real-time on-device optical flow estimation remains a complex challenge. First, an optical flow model must be sufficiently lightweight to meet computation and memory constraints to ensure real-time performance on devices. Second, the necessity for real-time on-device operation imposes constraints that weaken the model's capacity to adequately handle ambiguities in flow estimation, thereby intensifying the difficulty of preserving flow accuracy. This paper introduces two synergistic techniques, Self-Cleaning Iteration (SCI) and Regression Focal Loss (RFL), designed to enhance the capabilities of optical flow models, with a focus on addressing optical flow regression ambiguities. These techniques prove particularly effective in mitigating error propagation, a prevalent issue in optical flow models that employ iterative refinement. Notably, these techniques add negligible to zero overhead in model parameters and inference latency, thereby preserving real-time on-device efficiency. The effectiveness of our proposed SCI and RFL techniques, collectively referred to as SciFlow for brevity, is demonstrated across two distinct lightweight optical flow model architectures in our experiments. Remarkably, SciFlow enables substantial reduction in error metrics (EPE and Fl-all) over the baseline models by up to 6.3% and 10.5% for in-domain scenarios and by up to 6.2% and 13.5% for cross-domain scenarios on the Sintel and KITTI 2015 datasets, respectively.

new Pay Attention to Your Neighbours: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Sina Hajimiri, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz

Abstract: Despite the significant progress in deep learning for dense visual recognition problems, such as semantic segmentation, traditional methods are constrained by fixed class sets. Meanwhile, vision-language foundation models, such as CLIP, have showcased remarkable effectiveness in numerous zero-shot image-level tasks, owing to their robust generalizability. Recently, a body of work has investigated utilizing these models in open-vocabulary semantic segmentation (OVSS). However, existing approaches often rely on impractical supervised pre-training or access to additional pre-trained networks. In this work, we propose a strong baseline for training-free OVSS, termed Neighbour-Aware CLIP (NACLIP), representing a straightforward adaptation of CLIP tailored for this scenario. Our method enforces localization of patches in the self-attention of CLIP's vision transformer which, despite being crucial for dense prediction tasks, has been overlooked in the OVSS literature. By incorporating design choices favouring segmentation, our approach significantly improves performance without requiring additional data, auxiliary pre-trained networks, or extensive hyperparameter tuning, making it highly practical for real-world applications. Experiments are performed on 8 popular semantic segmentation benchmarks, yielding state-of-the-art performance on most scenarios. Our code is publicly available at .


new Measuring Domain Shifts using Deep Learning Remote Photoplethysmography Model Similarity

Authors: Nathan Vance, Patrick Flynn

Abstract: Domain shift differences between training data for deep learning models and the deployment context can result in severe performance issues for models which fail to generalize. We study the domain shift problem under the context of remote photoplethysmography (rPPG), a technique for video-based heart rate inference. We propose metrics based on model similarity which may be used as a measure of domain shift, and we demonstrate high correlation between these metrics and empirical performance. One of the proposed metrics with viable correlations, DS-diff, does not assume access to the ground truth of the target domain, i.e. it may be applied to in-the-wild data. To that end, we investigate a model selection problem in which ground truth results for the evaluation domain is not known, demonstrating a 13.9% performance improvement over the average case baseline.

new Adapting CNNs for Fisheye Cameras without Retraining

Authors: Ryan Griffiths, Donald G. Dansereau

Abstract: The majority of image processing approaches assume images are in or can be rectified to a perspective projection. However, in many applications it is beneficial to use non conventional cameras, such as fisheye cameras, that have a larger field of view (FOV). The issue arises that these large-FOV images can't be rectified to a perspective projection without significant cropping of the original image. To address this issue we propose Rectified Convolutions (RectConv); a new approach for adapting pre-trained convolutional networks to operate with new non-perspective images, without any retraining. Replacing the convolutional layers of the network with RectConv layers allows the network to see both rectified patches and the entire FOV. We demonstrate RectConv adapting multiple pre-trained networks to perform segmentation and detection on fisheye imagery from two publicly available datasets. Our approach requires no additional data or training, and operates directly on the native image as captured from the camera. We believe this work is a step toward adapting the vast resources available for perspective images to operate across a broad range of camera geometries.

new Tackling Ambiguity from Perspective of Uncertainty Inference and Affinity Diversification for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Zhiwei Yang, Yucong Meng, Kexue Fu, Shuo Wang, Zhijian Song

Abstract: Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels intends to achieve dense tasks without laborious annotations. However, due to the ambiguous contexts and fuzzy regions, the performance of WSSS, especially the stages of generating Class Activation Maps (CAMs) and refining pseudo masks, widely suffers from ambiguity while being barely noticed by previous literature. In this work, we propose UniA, a unified single-staged WSSS framework, to efficiently tackle this issue from the perspective of uncertainty inference and affinity diversification, respectively. When activating class objects, we argue that the false activation stems from the bias to the ambiguous regions during the feature extraction. Therefore, we design a more robust feature representation with a probabilistic Gaussian distribution and introduce the uncertainty estimation to avoid the bias. A distribution loss is particularly proposed to supervise the process, which effectively captures the ambiguity and models the complex dependencies among features. When refining pseudo labels, we observe that the affinity from the prevailing refinement methods intends to be similar among ambiguities. To this end, an affinity diversification module is proposed to promote diversity among semantics. A mutual complementing refinement is proposed to initially rectify the ambiguous affinity with multiple inferred pseudo labels. More importantly, a contrastive affinity loss is further designed to diversify the relations among unrelated semantics, which reliably propagates the diversity into the whole feature representations and helps generate better pseudo masks. Extensive experiments are conducted on PASCAL VOC, MS COCO, and medical ACDC datasets, which validate the efficiency of UniA tackling ambiguity and the superiority over recent single-staged or even most multi-staged competitors.

new Scaling (Down) CLIP: A Comprehensive Analysis of Data, Architecture, and Training Strategies

Authors: Zichao Li, Cihang Xie, Ekin Dogus Cubuk

Abstract: This paper investigates the performance of the Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) when scaled down to limited computation budgets. We explore CLIP along three dimensions: data, architecture, and training strategies. With regards to data, we demonstrate the significance of high-quality training data and show that a smaller dataset of high-quality data can outperform a larger dataset with lower quality. We also examine how model performance varies with different dataset sizes, suggesting that smaller ViT models are better suited for smaller datasets, while larger models perform better on larger datasets with fixed compute. Additionally, we provide guidance on when to choose a CNN-based architecture or a ViT-based architecture for CLIP training. We compare four CLIP training strategies - SLIP, FLIP, CLIP, and CLIP+Data Augmentation - and show that the choice of training strategy depends on the available compute resource. Our analysis reveals that CLIP+Data Augmentation can achieve comparable performance to CLIP using only half of the training data. This work provides practical insights into how to effectively train and deploy CLIP models, making them more accessible and affordable for practical use in various applications.

new Improving Continuous Sign Language Recognition with Adapted Image Models

Authors: Lianyu Hu, Tongkai Shi, Liqing Gao, Zekang Liu, Wei Feng

Abstract: The increase of web-scale weakly labelled image-text pairs have greatly facilitated the development of large-scale vision-language models (e.g., CLIP), which have shown impressive generalization performance over a series of downstream tasks. However, the massive model size and scarcity of available data limit their applications to fine-tune the whole model in downstream tasks. Besides, fully fine-tuning the model easily forgets the generic essential knowledge acquired in the pretraining stage and overfits the downstream data. To enable high efficiency when adapting these large vision-language models (e.g., CLIP) to performing continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) while preserving their generalizability, we propose a novel strategy (AdaptSign). Especially, CLIP is adopted as the visual backbone to extract frame-wise features whose parameters are fixed, and a set of learnable modules are introduced to model spatial sign variations or capture temporal sign movements. The introduced additional modules are quite lightweight, only owning 3.2% extra computations with high efficiency. The generic knowledge acquired in the pretraining stage is well-preserved in the frozen CLIP backbone in this process. Extensive experiments show that despite being efficient, AdaptSign is able to demonstrate superior performance across a series of CSLR benchmarks including PHOENIX14, PHOENIX14-T, CSL-Daily and CSL compared to existing methods. Visualizations show that AdaptSign could learn to dynamically pay major attention to the informative spatial regions and cross-frame trajectories in sign videos.

new Enhancing Traffic Safety with Parallel Dense Video Captioning for End-to-End Event Analysis

Authors: Maged Shoman, Dongdong Wang, Armstrong Aboah, Mohamed Abdel-Aty

Abstract: This paper introduces our solution for Track 2 in AI City Challenge 2024. The task aims to solve traffic safety description and analysis with the dataset of Woven Traffic Safety (WTS), a real-world Pedestrian-Centric Traffic Video Dataset for Fine-grained Spatial-Temporal Understanding. Our solution mainly focuses on the following points: 1) To solve dense video captioning, we leverage the framework of dense video captioning with parallel decoding (PDVC) to model visual-language sequences and generate dense caption by chapters for video. 2) Our work leverages CLIP to extract visual features to more efficiently perform cross-modality training between visual and textual representations. 3) We conduct domain-specific model adaptation to mitigate domain shift problem that poses recognition challenge in video understanding. 4) Moreover, we leverage BDD-5K captioned videos to conduct knowledge transfer for better understanding WTS videos and more accurate captioning. Our solution has yielded on the test set, achieving 6th place in the competition. The open source code will be available at


new IFViT: Interpretable Fixed-Length Representation for Fingerprint Matching via Vision Transformer

Authors: Yuhang Qiu, Honghui Chen, Xingbo Dong, Zheng Lin, Iman Yi Liao, Massimo Tistarelli, Zhe Jin

Abstract: Determining dense feature points on fingerprints used in constructing deep fixed-length representations for accurate matching, particularly at the pixel level, is of significant interest. To explore the interpretability of fingerprint matching, we propose a multi-stage interpretable fingerprint matching network, namely Interpretable Fixed-length Representation for Fingerprint Matching via Vision Transformer (IFViT), which consists of two primary modules. The first module, an interpretable dense registration module, establishes a Vision Transformer (ViT)-based Siamese Network to capture long-range dependencies and the global context in fingerprint pairs. It provides interpretable dense pixel-wise correspondences of feature points for fingerprint alignment and enhances the interpretability in the subsequent matching stage. The second module takes into account both local and global representations of the aligned fingerprint pair to achieve an interpretable fixed-length representation extraction and matching. It employs the ViTs trained in the first module with the additional fully connected layer and retrains them to simultaneously produce the discriminative fixed-length representation and interpretable dense pixel-wise correspondences of feature points. Extensive experimental results on diverse publicly available fingerprint databases demonstrate that the proposed framework not only exhibits superior performance on dense registration and matching but also significantly promotes the interpretability in deep fixed-length representations-based fingerprint matching.

new MonoPatchNeRF: Improving Neural Radiance Fields with Patch-based Monocular Guidance

Authors: Yuqun Wu, Jae Yong Lee, Chuhang Zou, Shenlong Wang, Derek Hoiem

Abstract: The latest regularized Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) approaches produce poor geometry and view extrapolation for multiview stereo (MVS) benchmarks such as ETH3D. In this paper, we aim to create 3D models that provide accurate geometry and view synthesis, partially closing the large geometric performance gap between NeRF and traditional MVS methods. We propose a patch-based approach that effectively leverages monocular surface normal and relative depth predictions. The patch-based ray sampling also enables the appearance regularization of normalized cross-correlation (NCC) and structural similarity (SSIM) between randomly sampled virtual and training views. We further show that "density restrictions" based on sparse structure-from-motion points can help greatly improve geometric accuracy with a slight drop in novel view synthesis metrics. Our experiments show 4x the performance of RegNeRF and 8x that of FreeNeRF on average F1@2cm for ETH3D MVS benchmark, suggesting a fruitful research direction to improve the geometric accuracy of NeRF-based models, and sheds light on a potential future approach to enable NeRF-based optimization to eventually outperform traditional MVS.

new Practical Region-level Attack against Segment Anything Models

Authors: Yifan Shen, Zhengyuan Li, Gang Wang

Abstract: Segment Anything Models (SAM) have made significant advancements in image segmentation, allowing users to segment target portions of an image with a single click (i.e., user prompt). Given its broad applications, the robustness of SAM against adversarial attacks is a critical concern. While recent works have explored adversarial attacks against a pre-defined prompt/click, their threat model is not yet realistic: (1) they often assume the user-click position is known to the attacker (point-based attack), and (2) they often operate under a white-box setting with limited transferability. In this paper, we propose a more practical region-level attack where attackers do not need to know the precise user prompt. The attack remains effective as the user clicks on any point on the target object in the image, hiding the object from SAM. Also, by adapting a spectrum transformation method, we make the attack more transferable under a black-box setting. Both control experiments and testing against real-world SAM services confirm its effectiveness.

new Struggle with Adversarial Defense? Try Diffusion

Authors: Yujie Li, Yanbin Wang, Haitao xu, Bin Liu, Jianguo Sun, Zhenhao Guo, Wenrui Ma

Abstract: Adversarial attacks induce misclassification by introducing subtle perturbations. Recently, diffusion models are applied to the image classifiers to improve adversarial robustness through adversarial training or by purifying adversarial noise. However, diffusion-based adversarial training often encounters convergence challenges and high computational expenses. Additionally, diffusion-based purification inevitably causes data shift and is deemed susceptible to stronger adaptive attacks. To tackle these issues, we propose the Truth Maximization Diffusion Classifier (TMDC), a generative Bayesian classifier that builds upon pre-trained diffusion models and the Bayesian theorem. Unlike data-driven classifiers, TMDC, guided by Bayesian principles, utilizes the conditional likelihood from diffusion models to determine the class probabilities of input images, thereby insulating against the influences of data shift and the limitations of adversarial training. Moreover, to enhance TMDC's resilience against more potent adversarial attacks, we propose an optimization strategy for diffusion classifiers. This strategy involves post-training the diffusion model on perturbed datasets with ground-truth labels as conditions, guiding the diffusion model to learn the data distribution and maximizing the likelihood under the ground-truth labels. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CIFAR10 dataset against heavy white-box attacks and strong adaptive attacks. Specifically, TMDC achieves robust accuracies of 82.81% against $l_{\infty}$ norm-bounded perturbations and 86.05% against $l_{2}$ norm-bounded perturbations, respectively, with $\epsilon=0.05$.

new FaceFilterSense: A Filter-Resistant Face Recognition and Facial Attribute Analysis Framework

Authors: Shubham Tiwari, Yash Sethia, Ritesh Kumar, Ashwani Tanwar, Rudresh Dwivedi

Abstract: With the advent of social media, fun selfie filters have come into tremendous mainstream use affecting the functioning of facial biometric systems as well as image recognition systems. These filters vary from beautification filters and Augmented Reality (AR)-based filters to filters that modify facial landmarks. Hence, there is a need to assess the impact of such filters on the performance of existing face recognition systems. The limitation associated with existing solutions is that these solutions focus more on the beautification filters. However, the current AR-based filters and filters which distort facial key points are in vogue recently and make the faces highly unrecognizable even to the naked eye. Also, the filters considered are mostly obsolete with limited variations. To mitigate these limitations, we aim to perform a holistic impact analysis of the latest filters and propose an user recognition model with the filtered images. We have utilized a benchmark dataset for baseline images, and applied the latest filters over them to generate a beautified/filtered dataset. Next, we have introduced a model FaceFilterNet for beautified user recognition. In this framework, we also utilize our model to comment on various attributes of the person including age, gender, and ethnicity. In addition, we have also presented a filter-wise impact analysis on face recognition, age estimation, gender, and ethnicity prediction. The proposed method affirms the efficacy of our dataset with an accuracy of 87.25% and an optimal accuracy for facial attribute analysis.

new Calibration & Reconstruction: Deep Integrated Language for Referring Image Segmentation

Authors: Yichen Yan, Xingjian He, Sihan Chen, Jing Liu

Abstract: Referring image segmentation aims to segment an object referred to by natural language expression from an image. The primary challenge lies in the efficient propagation of fine-grained semantic information from textual features to visual features. Many recent works utilize a Transformer to address this challenge. However, conventional transformer decoders can distort linguistic information with deeper layers, leading to suboptimal results. In this paper, we introduce CRFormer, a model that iteratively calibrates multi-modal features in the transformer decoder. We start by generating language queries using vision features, emphasizing different aspects of the input language. Then, we propose a novel Calibration Decoder (CDec) wherein the multi-modal features can iteratively calibrated by the input language features. In the Calibration Decoder, we use the output of each decoder layer and the original language features to generate new queries for continuous calibration, which gradually updates the language features. Based on CDec, we introduce a Language Reconstruction Module and a reconstruction loss. This module leverages queries from the final layer of the decoder to reconstruct the input language and compute the reconstruction loss. This can further prevent the language information from being lost or distorted. Our experiments consistently show the superior performance of our approach across RefCOCO, RefCOCO+, and G-Ref datasets compared to state-of-the-art methods.

new A Survey of Neural Network Robustness Assessment in Image Recognition

Authors: Jie Wang, Jun Ai, Minyan Lu, Haoran Su, Dan Yu, Yutao Zhang, Junda Zhu, Jingyu Liu

Abstract: In recent years, there has been significant attention given to the robustness assessment of neural networks. Robustness plays a critical role in ensuring reliable operation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in complex and uncertain environments. Deep learning's robustness problem is particularly significant, highlighted by the discovery of adversarial attacks on image classification models. Researchers have dedicated efforts to evaluate robustness in diverse perturbation conditions for image recognition tasks. Robustness assessment encompasses two main techniques: robustness verification/ certification for deliberate adversarial attacks and robustness testing for random data corruptions. In this survey, we present a detailed examination of both adversarial robustness (AR) and corruption robustness (CR) in neural network assessment. Analyzing current research papers and standards, we provide an extensive overview of robustness assessment in image recognition. Three essential aspects are analyzed: concepts, metrics, and assessment methods. We investigate the perturbation metrics and range representations used to measure the degree of perturbations on images, as well as the robustness metrics specifically for the robustness conditions of classification models. The strengths and limitations of the existing methods are also discussed, and some potential directions for future research are provided.

new On Input Formats for Radar Micro-Doppler Signature Processing by Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Mikolaj Czerkawski, Carmine Clemente, Craig Michie, Christos Tachtatzis

Abstract: Convolutional neural networks have often been proposed for processing radar Micro-Doppler signatures, most commonly with the goal of classifying the signals. The majority of works tend to disregard phase information from the complex time-frequency representation. Here, the utility of the phase information, as well as the optimal format of the Doppler-time input for a convolutional neural network, is analysed. It is found that the performance achieved by convolutional neural network classifiers is heavily influenced by the type of input representation, even across formats with equivalent information. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the phase component of the Doppler-time representation contains rich information useful for classification and that unwrapping the phase in the temporal dimension can improve the results compared to a magnitude-only solution, improving accuracy from 0.920 to 0.938 on the tested human activity dataset. Further improvement of 0.947 is achieved by training a linear classifier on embeddings from multiple-formats.

new AdaContour: Adaptive Contour Descriptor with Hierarchical Representation

Authors: Tianyu Ding, Jinxin Zhou, Tianyi Chen, Zhihui Zhu, Ilya Zharkov, Luming Liang

Abstract: Existing angle-based contour descriptors suffer from lossy representation for non-starconvex shapes. By and large, this is the result of the shape being registered with a single global inner center and a set of radii corresponding to a polar coordinate parameterization. In this paper, we propose AdaContour, an adaptive contour descriptor that uses multiple local representations to desirably characterize complex shapes. After hierarchically encoding object shapes in a training set and constructing a contour matrix of all subdivided regions, we compute a robust low-rank robust subspace and approximate each local contour by linearly combining the shared basis vectors to represent an object. Experiments show that AdaContour is able to represent shapes more accurately and robustly than other descriptors while retaining effectiveness. We validate AdaContour by integrating it into off-the-shelf detectors to enable instance segmentation which demonstrates faithful performance. The code is available at


new Overcoming Scene Context Constraints for Object Detection in wild using Defilters

Authors: Vamshi Krishna Kancharla, Neelam sinha

Abstract: This paper focuses on improving object detection performance by addressing the issue of image distortions, commonly encountered in uncontrolled acquisition environments. High-level computer vision tasks such as object detection, recognition, and segmentation are particularly sensitive to image distortion. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach employing an image defilter to rectify image distortion prior to object detection. This method enhances object detection accuracy, as models perform optimally when trained on non-distorted images. Our experiments demonstrate that utilizing defiltered images significantly improves mean average precision compared to training object detection models on distorted images. Consequently, our proposed method offers considerable benefits for real-world applications plagued by image distortion. To our knowledge, the contribution lies in employing distortion-removal paradigm for object detection on images captured in natural settings. We achieved an improvement of 0.562 and 0.564 of mean Average precision on validation and test data.

new Interference Motion Removal for Doppler Radar Vital Sign Detection Using Variational Encoder-Decoder Neural Network

Authors: Mikolaj Czerkawski, Christos Ilioudis, Carmine Clemente, Craig Michie, Ivan Andonovic, Christos Tachtatzis

Abstract: The treatment of interfering motion contributions remains one of the key challenges in the domain of radar-based vital sign monitoring. Removal of the interference to extract the vital sign contributions is demanding due to overlapping Doppler bands, the complex structure of the interference motions and significant variations in the power levels of their contributions. A novel approach to the removal of interference through the use of a probabilistic deep learning model is presented. Results show that a convolutional encoder-decoder neural network with a variational objective is capable of learning a meaningful representation space of vital sign Doppler-time distribution facilitating their extraction from a mixture signal. The approach is tested on semi-experimental data containing real vital sign signatures and simulated returns from interfering body motions. The application of the proposed network enhances the extraction of the micro-Doppler frequency corresponding to the respiration rate is demonstrated.

new GPN: Generative Point-based NeRF

Authors: Haipeng Wang

Abstract: Scanning real-life scenes with modern registration devices typically gives incomplete point cloud representations, primarily due to the limitations of partial scanning, 3D occlusions, and dynamic light conditions. Recent works on processing incomplete point clouds have always focused on point cloud completion. However, these approaches do not ensure consistency between the completed point cloud and the captured images regarding color and geometry. We propose using Generative Point-based NeRF (GPN) to reconstruct and repair a partial cloud by fully utilizing the scanning images and the corresponding reconstructed cloud. The repaired point cloud can achieve multi-view consistency with the captured images at high spatial resolution. For the finetunes of a single scene, we optimize the global latent condition by incorporating an Auto-Decoder architecture while retaining multi-view consistency. As a result, the generated point clouds are smooth, plausible, and geometrically consistent with the partial scanning images. Extensive experiments on ShapeNet demonstrate that our works achieve competitive performances to the other state-of-the-art point cloud-based neural scene rendering and editing performances.

new Salience-Based Adaptive Masking: Revisiting Token Dynamics for Enhanced Pre-training

Authors: Hyesong Choi, Hyejin Park, Kwang Moo Yi, Sungmin Cha, Dongbo Min

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Saliency-Based Adaptive Masking (SBAM), a novel and cost-effective approach that significantly enhances the pre-training performance of Masked Image Modeling (MIM) approaches by prioritizing token salience. Our method provides robustness against variations in masking ratios, effectively mitigating the performance instability issues common in existing methods. This relaxes the sensitivity of MIM-based pre-training to masking ratios, which in turn allows us to propose an adaptive strategy for `tailored' masking ratios for each data sample, which no existing method can provide. Toward this goal, we propose an Adaptive Masking Ratio (AMR) strategy that dynamically adjusts the proportion of masking for the unique content of each image based on token salience. We show that our method significantly improves over the state-of-the-art in mask-based pre-training on the ImageNet-1K dataset.

new Emerging Property of Masked Token for Effective Pre-training

Authors: Hyesong Choi, Hunsang Lee, Seyoung Joung, Hyejin Park, Jiyeong Kim, Dongbo Min

Abstract: Driven by the success of Masked Language Modeling (MLM), the realm of self-supervised learning for computer vision has been invigorated by the central role of Masked Image Modeling (MIM) in driving recent breakthroughs. Notwithstanding the achievements of MIM across various downstream tasks, its overall efficiency is occasionally hampered by the lengthy duration of the pre-training phase. This paper presents a perspective that the optimization of masked tokens as a means of addressing the prevailing issue. Initially, we delve into an exploration of the inherent properties that a masked token ought to possess. Within the properties, we principally dedicated to articulating and emphasizing the `data singularity' attribute inherent in masked tokens. Through a comprehensive analysis of the heterogeneity between masked tokens and visible tokens within pre-trained models, we propose a novel approach termed masked token optimization (MTO), specifically designed to improve model efficiency through weight recalibration and the enhancement of the key property of masked tokens. The proposed method serves as an adaptable solution that seamlessly integrates into any MIM approach that leverages masked tokens. As a result, MTO achieves a considerable improvement in pre-training efficiency, resulting in an approximately 50% reduction in pre-training epochs required to attain converged performance of the recent approaches.

new Counterfactual Explanations for Face Forgery Detection via Adversarial Removal of Artifacts

Authors: Yang Li, Songlin Yang, Wei Wang, Ziwen He, Bo Peng, Jing Dong

Abstract: Highly realistic AI generated face forgeries known as deepfakes have raised serious social concerns. Although DNN-based face forgery detection models have achieved good performance, they are vulnerable to latest generative methods that have less forgery traces and adversarial attacks. This limitation of generalization and robustness hinders the credibility of detection results and requires more explanations. In this work, we provide counterfactual explanations for face forgery detection from an artifact removal perspective. Specifically, we first invert the forgery images into the StyleGAN latent space, and then adversarially optimize their latent representations with the discrimination supervision from the target detection model. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed explanations from two aspects: (1) Counterfactual Trace Visualization: the enhanced forgery images are useful to reveal artifacts by visually contrasting the original images and two different visualization methods; (2) Transferable Adversarial Attacks: the adversarial forgery images generated by attacking the detection model are able to mislead other detection models, implying the removed artifacts are general. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves over 90% attack success rate and superior attack transferability. Compared with naive adversarial noise methods, our method adopts both generative and discriminative model priors, and optimize the latent representations in a synthesis-by-analysis way, which forces the search of counterfactual explanations on the natural face manifold. Thus, more general counterfactual traces can be found and better adversarial attack transferability can be achieved.

new Learning to Rebalance Multi-Modal Optimization by Adaptively Masking Subnetworks

Authors: Yang Yang, Hongpeng Pan, Qing-Yuan Jiang, Yi Xu, Jinghui Tang

Abstract: Multi-modal learning aims to enhance performance by unifying models from various modalities but often faces the "modality imbalance" problem in real data, leading to a bias towards dominant modalities and neglecting others, thereby limiting its overall effectiveness. To address this challenge, the core idea is to balance the optimization of each modality to achieve a joint optimum. Existing approaches often employ a modal-level control mechanism for adjusting the update of each modal parameter. However, such a global-wise updating mechanism ignores the different importance of each parameter. Inspired by subnetwork optimization, we explore a uniform sampling-based optimization strategy and find it more effective than global-wise updating. According to the findings, we further propose a novel importance sampling-based, element-wise joint optimization method, called Adaptively Mask Subnetworks Considering Modal Significance(AMSS). Specifically, we incorporate mutual information rates to determine the modal significance and employ non-uniform adaptive sampling to select foreground subnetworks from each modality for parameter updates, thereby rebalancing multi-modal learning. Additionally, we demonstrate the reliability of the AMSS strategy through convergence analysis. Building upon theoretical insights, we further enhance the multi-modal mask subnetwork strategy using unbiased estimation, referred to as AMSS+. Extensive experiments reveal the superiority of our approach over comparison methods.

new OmniSat: Self-Supervised Modality Fusion for Earth Observation

Authors: Guillaume Astruc, Nicolas Gonthier, Clement Mallet, Loic Landrieu

Abstract: The field of Earth Observations (EO) offers a wealth of data from diverse sensors, presenting a great opportunity for advancing self-supervised multimodal learning. However, current multimodal EO datasets and models focus on a single data type, either mono-date images or time series, which limits their expressivity. We introduce OmniSat, a novel architecture that exploits the spatial alignment between multiple EO modalities to learn expressive multimodal representations without labels. To demonstrate the advantages of combining modalities of different natures, we augment two existing datasets with new modalities. As demonstrated on three downstream tasks: forestry, land cover classification, and crop mapping. OmniSat can learn rich representations in an unsupervised manner, leading to improved performance in the semi- and fully-supervised settings, even when only one modality is available for inference. The code and dataset are available at

new TDANet: Target-Directed Attention Network For Object-Goal Visual Navigation With Zero-Shot Ability

Authors: Shiwei Lian, Feitian Zhang

Abstract: The generalization of the end-to-end deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for object-goal visual navigation is a long-standing challenge since object classes and placements vary in new test environments. Learning domain-independent visual representation is critical for enabling the trained DRL agent with the ability to generalize to unseen scenes and objects. In this letter, a target-directed attention network (TDANet) is proposed to learn the end-to-end object-goal visual navigation policy with zero-shot ability. TDANet features a novel target attention (TA) module that learns both the spatial and semantic relationships among objects to help TDANet focus on the most relevant observed objects to the target. With the Siamese architecture (SA) design, TDANet distinguishes the difference between the current and target states and generates the domain-independent visual representation. To evaluate the navigation performance of TDANet, extensive experiments are conducted in the AI2-THOR embodied AI environment. The simulation results demonstrate a strong generalization ability of TDANet to unseen scenes and target objects, with higher navigation success rate (SR) and success weighted by length (SPL) than other state-of-the-art models.

new Let It Flow: Simultaneous Optimization of 3D Flow and Object Clustering

Authors: Patrik Vacek, David Hurych, Tom\'a\v{s} Svoboda, Karel Zimmermann

Abstract: We study the problem of self-supervised 3D scene flow estimation from real large-scale raw point cloud sequences, which is crucial to various tasks like trajectory prediction or instance segmentation. In the absence of ground truth scene flow labels, contemporary approaches concentrate on deducing optimizing flow across sequential pairs of point clouds by incorporating structure based regularization on flow and object rigidity. The rigid objects are estimated by a variety of 3D spatial clustering methods. While state-of-the-art methods successfully capture overall scene motion using the Neural Prior structure, they encounter challenges in discerning multi-object motions. We identified the structural constraints and the use of large and strict rigid clusters as the main pitfall of the current approaches and we propose a novel clustering approach that allows for combination of overlapping soft clusters as well as non-overlapping rigid clusters representation. Flow is then jointly estimated with progressively growing non-overlapping rigid clusters together with fixed size overlapping soft clusters. We evaluate our method on multiple datasets with LiDAR point clouds, demonstrating the superior performance over the self-supervised baselines reaching new state of the art results. Our method especially excels in resolving flow in complicated dynamic scenes with multiple independently moving objects close to each other which includes pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users. Our codes will be publicly available.

new NC-TTT: A Noise Contrastive Approach for Test-Time Training

Authors: David Osowiechi, Gustavo A. Vargas Hakim, Mehrdad Noori, Milad Cheraghalikhani, Ali Bahri, Moslem Yazdanpanah, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christian Desrosiers

Abstract: Despite their exceptional performance in vision tasks, deep learning models often struggle when faced with domain shifts during testing. Test-Time Training (TTT) methods have recently gained popularity by their ability to enhance the robustness of models through the addition of an auxiliary objective that is jointly optimized with the main task. Being strictly unsupervised, this auxiliary objective is used at test time to adapt the model without any access to labels. In this work, we propose Noise-Contrastive Test-Time Training (NC-TTT), a novel unsupervised TTT technique based on the discrimination of noisy feature maps. By learning to classify noisy views of projected feature maps, and then adapting the model accordingly on new domains, classification performance can be recovered by an important margin. Experiments on several popular test-time adaptation baselines demonstrate the advantages of our method compared to recent approaches for this task. The code can be found at:


new Mitigating Challenges of the Space Environment for Onboard Artificial Intelligence: Design Overview of the Imaging Payload on SpIRIT

Authors: Miguel Ortiz del Castillo, Jonathan Morgan, Jack McRobbie, Clint Therakam, Zaher Joukhadar, Robert Mearns, Simon Barraclough, Richard Sinnott, Andrew Woods, Chris Bayliss, Kris Ehinger, Ben Rubinstein, James Bailey, Airlie Chapman, Michele Trenti

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous edge computing in space are emerging areas of interest to augment capabilities of nanosatellites, where modern sensors generate orders of magnitude more data than can typically be transmitted to mission control. Here, we present the hardware and software design of an onboard AI subsystem hosted on SpIRIT. The system is optimised for on-board computer vision experiments based on visible light and long wave infrared cameras. This paper highlights the key design choices made to maximise the robustness of the system in harsh space conditions, and their motivation relative to key mission requirements, such as limited compute resources, resilience to cosmic radiation, extreme temperature variations, distribution shifts, and very low transmission bandwidths. The payload, called Loris, consists of six visible light cameras, three infrared cameras, a camera control board and a Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) system-on-module. Loris enables the execution of AI models with on-orbit fine-tuning as well as a next-generation image compression algorithm, including progressive coding. This innovative approach not only enhances the data processing capabilities of nanosatellites but also lays the groundwork for broader applications to remote sensing from space.

new No Bells, Just Whistles: Sports Field Registration by Leveraging Geometric Properties

Authors: Marc Guti\'errez-P\'erez, Antonio Agudo

Abstract: Broadcast sports field registration is traditionally addressed as a homography estimation task, mapping the visible image area to a planar field model, predominantly focusing on the main camera shot. Addressing the shortcomings of previous approaches, we propose a novel calibration pipeline enabling camera calibration using a 3D soccer field model and extending the process to assess the multiple-view nature of broadcast videos. Our approach begins with a keypoint generation pipeline derived from SoccerNet dataset annotations, leveraging the geometric properties of the court. Subsequently, we execute classical camera calibration through DLT algorithm in a minimalist fashion, without further refinement. Through extensive experimentation on real-world soccer broadcast datasets such as SoccerNet-Calibration, WorldCup 2014 and TS- WorldCup, our method demonstrates superior performance in both multiple- and single-view 3D camera calibration while maintaining competitive results in homography estimation compared to state-of-the-art techniques.

new MambaDFuse: A Mamba-based Dual-phase Model for Multi-modality Image Fusion

Authors: Zhe Li, Haiwei Pan, Kejia Zhang, Yuhua Wang, Fengming Yu

Abstract: Multi-modality image fusion (MMIF) aims to integrate complementary information from different modalities into a single fused image to represent the imaging scene and facilitate downstream visual tasks comprehensively. In recent years, significant progress has been made in MMIF tasks due to advances in deep neural networks. However, existing methods cannot effectively and efficiently extract modality-specific and modality-fused features constrained by the inherent local reductive bias (CNN) or quadratic computational complexity (Transformers). To overcome this issue, we propose a Mamba-based Dual-phase Fusion (MambaDFuse) model. Firstly, a dual-level feature extractor is designed to capture long-range features from single-modality images by extracting low and high-level features from CNN and Mamba blocks. Then, a dual-phase feature fusion module is proposed to obtain fusion features that combine complementary information from different modalities. It uses the channel exchange method for shallow fusion and the enhanced Multi-modal Mamba (M3) blocks for deep fusion. Finally, the fused image reconstruction module utilizes the inverse transformation of the feature extraction to generate the fused result. Through extensive experiments, our approach achieves promising fusion results in infrared-visible image fusion and medical image fusion. Additionally, in a unified benchmark, MambaDFuse has also demonstrated improved performance in downstream tasks such as object detection. Code with checkpoints will be available after the peer-review process.

new Direct May Not Be the Best: An Incremental Evolution View of Pose Generation

Authors: Yuelong Li, Tengfei Xiao, Lei Geng, Jianming Wang

Abstract: Pose diversity is an inherent representative characteristic of 2D images. Due to the 3D to 2D projection mechanism, there is evident content discrepancy among distinct pose images. This is the main obstacle bothering pose transformation related researches. To deal with this challenge, we propose a fine-grained incremental evolution centered pose generation framework, rather than traditional direct one-to-one in a rush. Since proposed approach actually bypasses the theoretical difficulty of directly modeling dramatic non-linear variation, the incurred content distortion and blurring could be effectively constrained, at the same time the various individual pose details, especially clothes texture, could be precisely maintained. In order to systematically guide the evolution course, both global and incremental evolution constraints are elaborately designed and merged into the overall frame?work. And a novel triple-path knowledge fusion structure is worked out to take full advantage of all available valuable knowledge to conduct high-quality pose synthesis. In addition, our framework could generate a series of valuable byproducts, namely the various intermediate poses. Extensive experiments have been conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Code is available at


new Adapting the Segment Anything Model During Usage in Novel Situations

Authors: Robin Sch\"on, Julian Lorenz, Katja Ludwig, Rainer Lienhart

Abstract: The interactive segmentation task consists in the creation of object segmentation masks based on user interactions. The most common way to guide a model towards producing a correct segmentation consists in clicks on the object and background. The recently published Segment Anything Model (SAM) supports a generalized version of the interactive segmentation problem and has been trained on an object segmentation dataset which contains 1.1B masks. Though being trained extensively and with the explicit purpose of serving as a foundation model, we show significant limitations of SAM when being applied for interactive segmentation on novel domains or object types. On the used datasets, SAM displays a failure rate $\text{FR}_{30}@90$ of up to $72.6 \%$. Since we still want such foundation models to be immediately applicable, we present a framework that can adapt SAM during immediate usage. For this we will leverage the user interactions and masks, which are constructed during the interactive segmentation process. We use this information to generate pseudo-labels, which we use to compute a loss function and optimize a part of the SAM model. The presented method causes a relative reduction of up to $48.1 \%$ in the $\text{FR}_{20}@85$ and $46.6 \%$ in the $\text{FR}_{30}@90$ metrics.

new MSSTNet: A Multi-Scale Spatio-Temporal CNN-Transformer Network for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition

Authors: Linhuang Wang, Xin Kang, Fei Ding, Satoshi Nakagawa, Fuji Ren

Abstract: Unlike typical video action recognition, Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition (DFER) does not involve distinct moving targets but relies on localized changes in facial muscles. Addressing this distinctive attribute, we propose a Multi-Scale Spatio-temporal CNN-Transformer network (MSSTNet). Our approach takes spatial features of different scales extracted by CNN and feeds them into a Multi-scale Embedding Layer (MELayer). The MELayer extracts multi-scale spatial information and encodes these features before sending them into a Temporal Transformer (T-Former). The T-Former simultaneously extracts temporal information while continually integrating multi-scale spatial information. This process culminates in the generation of multi-scale spatio-temporal features that are utilized for the final classification. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on two in-the-wild datasets. Furthermore, a series of ablation experiments and visualizations provide further validation of our approach's proficiency in leveraging spatio-temporal information within DFER.

new OccGaussian: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Occluded Human Rendering

Authors: Jingrui Ye, Zongkai Zhang, Yujiao Jiang, Qingmin Liao, Wenming Yang, Zongqing Lu

Abstract: Rendering dynamic 3D human from monocular videos is crucial for various applications such as virtual reality and digital entertainment. Most methods assume the people is in an unobstructed scene, while various objects may cause the occlusion of body parts in real-life scenarios. Previous method utilizing NeRF for surface rendering to recover the occluded areas, but it requiring more than one day to train and several seconds to render, failing to meet the requirements of real-time interactive applications. To address these issues, we propose OccGaussian based on 3D Gaussian Splatting, which can be trained within 6 minutes and produces high-quality human renderings up to 160 FPS with occluded input. OccGaussian initializes 3D Gaussian distributions in the canonical space, and we perform occlusion feature query at occluded regions, the aggregated pixel-align feature is extracted to compensate for the missing information. Then we use Gaussian Feature MLP to further process the feature along with the occlusion-aware loss functions to better perceive the occluded area. Extensive experiments both in simulated and real-world occlusions, demonstrate that our method achieves comparable or even superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art method. And we improving training and inference speeds by 250x and 800x, respectively. Our code will be available for research purposes.

new Joint Physical-Digital Facial Attack Detection Via Simulating Spoofing Clues

Authors: Xianhua He, Dashuang Liang, Song Yang, Zhanlong Hao, Hui Ma, Binjie Mao, Xi Li, Yao Wang, Pengfei Yan, Ajian Liu

Abstract: Face recognition systems are frequently subjected to a variety of physical and digital attacks of different types. Previous methods have achieved satisfactory performance in scenarios that address physical attacks and digital attacks, respectively. However, few methods are considered to integrate a model that simultaneously addresses both physical and digital attacks, implying the necessity to develop and maintain multiple models. To jointly detect physical and digital attacks within a single model, we propose an innovative approach that can adapt to any network architecture. Our approach mainly contains two types of data augmentation, which we call Simulated Physical Spoofing Clues augmentation (SPSC) and Simulated Digital Spoofing Clues augmentation (SDSC). SPSC and SDSC augment live samples into simulated attack samples by simulating spoofing clues of physical and digital attacks, respectively, which significantly improve the capability of the model to detect "unseen" attack types. Extensive experiments show that SPSC and SDSC can achieve state-of-the-art generalization in Protocols 2.1 and 2.2 of the UniAttackData dataset, respectively. Our method won first place in "Unified Physical-Digital Face Attack Detection" of the 5th Face Anti-spoofing Challenge@CVPR2024. Our final submission obtains 3.75% APCER, 0.93% BPCER, and 2.34% ACER, respectively. Our code is available at


new MoE-FFD: Mixture of Experts for Generalized and Parameter-Efficient Face Forgery Detection

Authors: Chenqi Kong, Anwei Luo, Song Xia, Yi Yu, Haoliang Li, Alex C. Kot

Abstract: Deepfakes have recently raised significant trust issues and security concerns among the public. Compared to CNN face forgery detectors, ViT-based methods take advantage of the expressivity of transformers, achieving superior detection performance. However, these approaches still exhibit the following limitations: (1). Fully fine-tuning ViT-based models from ImageNet weights demands substantial computational and storage resources; (2). ViT-based methods struggle to capture local forgery clues, leading to model bias and limited generalizability. To tackle these challenges, this work introduces Mixture-of-Experts modules for Face Forgery Detection (MoE-FFD), a generalized yet parameter-efficient ViT-based approach. MoE-FFD only updates lightweight Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Adapter layers while keeping the ViT backbone frozen, thereby achieving parameter-efficient training. Moreover, MoE-FFD leverages the expressivity of transformers and local priors of CNNs to simultaneously extract global and local forgery clues. Additionally, novel MoE modules are designed to scale the model's capacity and select optimal forgery experts, further enhancing forgery detection performance. The proposed MoE learning scheme can be seamlessly adapted to various transformer backbones in a plug-and-play manner. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art face forgery detection performance with reduced parameter overhead. The code will be released upon acceptance.

new Revisiting Feature Prediction for Learning Visual Representations from Video

Authors: Adrien Bardes, Quentin Garrido, Jean Ponce, Xinlei Chen, Michael Rabbat, Yann LeCun, Mahmoud Assran, Nicolas Ballas

Abstract: This paper explores feature prediction as a stand-alone objective for unsupervised learning from video and introduces V-JEPA, a collection of vision models trained solely using a feature prediction objective, without the use of pretrained image encoders, text, negative examples, reconstruction, or other sources of supervision. The models are trained on 2 million videos collected from public datasets and are evaluated on downstream image and video tasks. Our results show that learning by predicting video features leads to versatile visual representations that perform well on both motion and appearance-based tasks, without adaption of the model's parameters; e.g., using a frozen backbone. Our largest model, a ViT-H/16 trained only on videos, obtains 81.9% on Kinetics-400, 72.2% on Something-Something-v2, and 77.9% on ImageNet1K.

new New Efficient Visual OILU Markers

Authors: Youssef Chahir, Messaoud Mostefai, Hamza Saida

Abstract: Basic patterns are the source of a wide range of more or less complex geometric structures. We will exploit such patterns to develop new efficient visual markers. Besides being projective invariants, the proposed markers allow producing rich panel of unique identifiers, highly required for resource-intensive navigation and augmented reality applications. The spiral topology of our markers permits the validation of an accurate identification scheme, which is based on level set methods. The robustness of the markers against acquisition and geometric distortions is validated by extensive experimental tests.

new SpectralMamba: Efficient Mamba for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Authors: Jing Yao, Danfeng Hong, Chenyu Li, Jocelyn Chanussot

Abstract: Recurrent neural networks and Transformers have recently dominated most applications in hyperspectral (HS) imaging, owing to their capability to capture long-range dependencies from spectrum sequences. However, despite the success of these sequential architectures, the non-ignorable inefficiency caused by either difficulty in parallelization or computationally prohibitive attention still hinders their practicality, especially for large-scale observation in remote sensing scenarios. To address this issue, we herein propose SpectralMamba -- a novel state space model incorporated efficient deep learning framework for HS image classification. SpectralMamba features the simplified but adequate modeling of HS data dynamics at two levels. First, in spatial-spectral space, a dynamical mask is learned by efficient convolutions to simultaneously encode spatial regularity and spectral peculiarity, thus attenuating the spectral variability and confusion in discriminative representation learning. Second, the merged spectrum can then be efficiently operated in the hidden state space with all parameters learned input-dependent, yielding selectively focused responses without reliance on redundant attention or imparallelizable recurrence. To explore the room for further computational downsizing, a piece-wise scanning mechanism is employed in-between, transferring approximately continuous spectrum into sequences with squeezed length while maintaining short- and long-term contextual profiles among hundreds of bands. Through extensive experiments on four benchmark HS datasets acquired by satellite-, aircraft-, and UAV-borne imagers, SpectralMamba surprisingly creates promising win-wins from both performance and efficiency perspectives.

new 3D Human Scan With A Moving Event Camera

Authors: Kai Kohyama, Shintaro Shiba, Yoshimitsu Aoki

Abstract: Capturing the 3D human body is one of the important tasks in computer vision with a wide range of applications such as virtual reality and sports analysis. However, conventional frame cameras are limited by their temporal resolution and dynamic range, which imposes constraints in real-world application setups. Event cameras have the advantages of high temporal resolution and high dynamic range (HDR), but the development of event-based methods is necessary to handle data with different characteristics. This paper proposes a novel event-based method for 3D pose estimation and human mesh recovery. Prior work on event-based human mesh recovery require frames (images) as well as event data. The proposed method solely relies on events; it carves 3D voxels by moving the event camera around a stationary body, reconstructs the human pose and mesh by attenuated rays, and fit statistical body models, preserving high-frequency details. The experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms conventional frame-based methods in the estimation accuracy of both pose and body mesh. We also demonstrate results in challenging situations where a conventional camera has motion blur. This is the first to demonstrate event-only human mesh recovery, and we hope that it is the first step toward achieving robust and accurate 3D human body scanning from vision sensors.

new LaSagnA: Language-based Segmentation Assistant for Complex Queries

Authors: Cong Wei, Haoxian Tan, Yujie Zhong, Yujiu Yang, Lin Ma

Abstract: Recent advancements have empowered Large Language Models for Vision (vLLMs) to generate detailed perceptual outcomes, including bounding boxes and masks. Nonetheless, there are two constraints that restrict the further application of these vLLMs: the incapability of handling multiple targets per query and the failure to identify the absence of query objects in the image. In this study, we acknowledge that the main cause of these problems is the insufficient complexity of training queries. Consequently, we define the general sequence format for complex queries. Then we incorporate a semantic segmentation task in the current pipeline to fulfill the requirements of training data. Furthermore, we present three novel strategies to effectively handle the challenges arising from the direct integration of the proposed format. The effectiveness of our model in processing complex queries is validated by the comparable results with conventional methods on both close-set and open-set semantic segmentation datasets. Additionally, we outperform a series of vLLMs in reasoning and referring segmentation, showcasing our model's remarkable capabilities. We release the code at


new NIR-Assisted Image Denoising: A Selective Fusion Approach and A Real-World Benchmark Datase

Authors: Rongjian Xu, Zhilu Zhang, Renlong Wu, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: Despite the significant progress in image denoising, it is still challenging to restore fine-scale details while removing noise, especially in extremely low-light environments. Leveraging near-infrared (NIR) images to assist visible RGB image denoising shows the potential to address this issue, becoming a promising technology. Nonetheless, existing works still struggle with taking advantage of NIR information effectively for real-world image denoising, due to the content inconsistency between NIR-RGB images and the scarcity of real-world paired datasets. To alleviate the problem, we propose an efficient Selective Fusion Module (SFM), which can be plug-and-played into the advanced denoising networks to merge the deep NIR-RGB features. Specifically, we sequentially perform the global and local modulation for NIR and RGB features, and then integrate the two modulated features. Furthermore, we present a Real-world NIR-Assisted Image Denoising (Real-NAID) dataset, which covers diverse scenarios as well as various noise levels. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and our real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieves better results than state-of-the-art ones. The dataset, codes, and pre-trained models will be publicly available at


new ChatGPT and general-purpose AI count fruits in pictures surprisingly well

Authors: Konlavach Mengsuwan, Juan Camilo Rivera Palacio, Masahiro Ryo

Abstract: Object counting is a popular task in deep learning applications in various domains, including agriculture. A conventional deep learning approach requires a large amount of training data, often a logistic problem in a real-world application. To address this issue, we examined how well ChatGPT (GPT4V) and a general-purpose AI (foundation model for object counting, T-Rex) can count the number of fruit bodies (coffee cherries) in 100 images. The foundation model with few-shot learning outperformed the trained YOLOv8 model (R2 = 0.923 and 0.900, respectively). ChatGPT also showed some interesting potential, especially when few-shot learning with human feedback was applied (R2 = 0.360 and 0.460, respectively). Moreover, we examined the time required for implementation as a practical question. Obtaining the results with the foundation model and ChatGPT were much shorter than the YOLOv8 model (0.83 hrs, 1.75 hrs, and 161 hrs). We interpret these results as two surprises for deep learning users in applied domains: a foundation model with few-shot domain-specific learning can drastically save time and effort compared to the conventional approach, and ChatGPT can reveal a relatively good performance. Both approaches do not need coding skills, which can foster AI education and dissemination.

new Masked Image Modeling as a Framework for Self-Supervised Learning across Eye Movements

Authors: Robin Weiler, Matthias Brucklacher, Cyriel M. A. Pennartz, Sander M. Boht\'e

Abstract: To make sense of their surroundings, intelligent systems must transform complex sensory inputs to structured codes that are reduced to task-relevant information such as object category. Biological agents achieve this in a largely autonomous manner, presumably via self-\allowbreak super-\allowbreak vised learning. Whereas previous attempts to model the underlying mechanisms were largely discriminative in nature, there is ample evidence that the brain employs a generative model of the world. Here, we propose that eye movements, in combination with the focused nature of primate vision, constitute a generative, self-supervised task of predicting and revealing visual information. We construct a proof-of-principle model starting from the framework of masked image modeling (MIM), a common approach in deep representation learning. To do so, we analyze how core components of MIM such as masking technique and data augmentation influence the formation of category-specific representations. This allows us not only to better understand the principles behind MIM, but to then reassemble a MIM more in line with the focused nature of biological perception. From a theoretical angle, we find that MIM disentangles neurons in latent space, a property that has been suggested to structure visual representations in primates, without explicit regulation. Together with previous findings of invariance learning, this highlights an interesting connection of MIM to latent regularization approaches for self-supervised learning. The source code is available under


new Text Prompt with Normality Guidance for Weakly Supervised Video Anomaly Detection

Authors: Zhiwei Yang, Jing Liu, Peng Wu

Abstract: Weakly supervised video anomaly detection (WSVAD) is a challenging task. Generating fine-grained pseudo-labels based on weak-label and then self-training a classifier is currently a promising solution. However, since the existing methods use only RGB visual modality and the utilization of category text information is neglected, thus limiting the generation of more accurate pseudo-labels and affecting the performance of self-training. Inspired by the manual labeling process based on the event description, in this paper, we propose a novel pseudo-label generation and self-training framework based on Text Prompt with Normality Guidance (TPWNG) for WSVAD. Our idea is to transfer the rich language-visual knowledge of the contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model for aligning the video event description text and corresponding video frames to generate pseudo-labels. Specifically, We first fine-tune the CLIP for domain adaptation by designing two ranking losses and a distributional inconsistency loss. Further, we propose a learnable text prompt mechanism with the assist of a normality visual prompt to further improve the matching accuracy of video event description text and video frames. Then, we design a pseudo-label generation module based on the normality guidance to infer reliable frame-level pseudo-labels. Finally, we introduce a temporal context self-adaptive learning module to learn the temporal dependencies of different video events more flexibly and accurately. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on two benchmark datasets, UCF-Crime and XD-Viole

new On the Robustness of Language Guidance for Low-Level Vision Tasks: Findings from Depth Estimation

Authors: Agneet Chatterjee, Tejas Gokhale, Chitta Baral, Yezhou Yang

Abstract: Recent advances in monocular depth estimation have been made by incorporating natural language as additional guidance. Although yielding impressive results, the impact of the language prior, particularly in terms of generalization and robustness, remains unexplored. In this paper, we address this gap by quantifying the impact of this prior and introduce methods to benchmark its effectiveness across various settings. We generate "low-level" sentences that convey object-centric, three-dimensional spatial relationships, incorporate them as additional language priors and evaluate their downstream impact on depth estimation. Our key finding is that current language-guided depth estimators perform optimally only with scene-level descriptions and counter-intuitively fare worse with low level descriptions. Despite leveraging additional data, these methods are not robust to directed adversarial attacks and decline in performance with an increase in distribution shift. Finally, to provide a foundation for future research, we identify points of failures and offer insights to better understand these shortcomings. With an increasing number of methods using language for depth estimation, our findings highlight the opportunities and pitfalls that require careful consideration for effective deployment in real-world settings

new Analyzing Decades-Long Environmental Changes in Namibia Using Archival Aerial Photography and Deep Learning

Authors: Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Caleb Robinson, Gilles Quentin Hacheme, Akram Zaytar, Rahul Dodhia, Tsering Wangyal Shawa, Juan M. Lavista Ferres, Emmanuel H. Kreike

Abstract: This study explores object detection in historical aerial photographs of Namibia to identify long-term environmental changes. Specifically, we aim to identify key objects -- \textit{Waterholes}, \textit{Omuti homesteads}, and \textit{Big trees} -- around Oshikango in Namibia using sub-meter gray-scale aerial imagery from 1943 and 1972. In this work, we propose a workflow for analyzing historical aerial imagery using a deep semantic segmentation model on sparse hand-labels. To this end, we employ a number of strategies including class-weighting, pseudo-labeling and empirical p-value-based filtering to balance skewed and sparse representations of objects in the ground truth data. Results demonstrate the benefits of these different training strategies resulting in an average $F_1=0.661$ and $F_1=0.755$ over the three objects of interest for the 1943 and 1972 imagery, respectively. We also identified that the average size of Waterhole and Big trees increased while the average size of Omutis decreased between 1943 and 1972 reflecting some of the local effects of the massive post-Second World War economic, agricultural, demographic, and environmental changes. This work also highlights the untapped potential of historical aerial photographs in understanding long-term environmental changes beyond Namibia (and Africa). With the lack of adequate satellite technology in the past, archival aerial photography offers a great alternative to uncover decades-long environmental changes.

new Scalability in Building Component Data Annotation: Enhancing Facade Material Classification with Synthetic Data

Authors: Josie Harrison, Alexander Hollberg, Yinan Yu

Abstract: Computer vision models trained on Google Street View images can create material cadastres. However, current approaches need manually annotated datasets that are difficult to obtain and often have class imbalance. To address these challenges, this paper fine-tuned a Swin Transformer model on a synthetic dataset generated with DALL-E and compared the performance to a similar manually annotated dataset. Although manual annotation remains the gold standard, the synthetic dataset performance demonstrates a reasonable alternative. The findings will ease annotation needed to develop material cadastres, offering architects insights into opportunities for material reuse, thus contributing to the reduction of demolition waste.

new IDD-X: A Multi-View Dataset for Ego-relative Important Object Localization and Explanation in Dense and Unstructured Traffic

Authors: Chirag Parikh, Rohit Saluja, C. V. Jawahar, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla

Abstract: Intelligent vehicle systems require a deep understanding of the interplay between road conditions, surrounding entities, and the ego vehicle's driving behavior for safe and efficient navigation. This is particularly critical in developing countries where traffic situations are often dense and unstructured with heterogeneous road occupants. Existing datasets, predominantly geared towards structured and sparse traffic scenarios, fall short of capturing the complexity of driving in such environments. To fill this gap, we present IDD-X, a large-scale dual-view driving video dataset. With 697K bounding boxes, 9K important object tracks, and 1-12 objects per video, IDD-X offers comprehensive ego-relative annotations for multiple important road objects covering 10 categories and 19 explanation label categories. The dataset also incorporates rearview information to provide a more complete representation of the driving environment. We also introduce custom-designed deep networks aimed at multiple important object localization and per-object explanation prediction. Overall, our dataset and introduced prediction models form the foundation for studying how road conditions and surrounding entities affect driving behavior in complex traffic situations.

new FashionFail: Addressing Failure Cases in Fashion Object Detection and Segmentation

Authors: Riza Velioglu, Robin Chan, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: In the realm of fashion object detection and segmentation for online shopping images, existing state-of-the-art fashion parsing models encounter limitations, particularly when exposed to non-model-worn apparel and close-up shots. To address these failures, we introduce FashionFail; a new fashion dataset with e-commerce images for object detection and segmentation. The dataset is efficiently curated using our novel annotation tool that leverages recent foundation models. The primary objective of FashionFail is to serve as a test bed for evaluating the robustness of models. Our analysis reveals the shortcomings of leading models, such as Attribute-Mask R-CNN and Fashionformer. Additionally, we propose a baseline approach using naive data augmentation to mitigate common failure cases and improve model robustness. Through this work, we aim to inspire and support further research in fashion item detection and segmentation for industrial applications. The dataset, annotation tool, code, and models are available at \url{}.


new Pathological Primitive Segmentation Based on Visual Foundation Model with Zero-Shot Mask Generation

Authors: Abu Bakor Hayat Arnob, Xiangxue Wang, Yiping Jiao, Xiao Gan, Wenlong Ming, Jun Xu

Abstract: Medical image processing usually requires a model trained with carefully crafted datasets due to unique image characteristics and domain-specific challenges, especially in pathology. Primitive detection and segmentation in digitized tissue samples are essential for objective and automated diagnosis and prognosis of cancer. SAM (Segment Anything Model) has recently been developed to segment general objects from natural images with high accuracy, but it requires human prompts to generate masks. In this work, we present a novel approach that adapts pre-trained natural image encoders of SAM for detection-based region proposals. Regions proposed by a pre-trained encoder are sent to cascaded feature propagation layers for projection. Then, local semantic and global context is aggregated from multi-scale for bounding box localization and classification. Finally, the SAM decoder uses the identified bounding boxes as essential prompts to generate a comprehensive primitive segmentation map. The entire base framework, SAM, requires no additional training or fine-tuning but could produce an end-to-end result for two fundamental segmentation tasks in pathology. Our method compares with state-of-the-art models in F1 score for nuclei detection and binary/multiclass panoptic(bPQ/mPQ) and mask quality(dice) for segmentation quality on the PanNuke dataset while offering end-to-end efficiency. Our model also achieves remarkable Average Precision (+4.5%) on the secondary dataset (HuBMAP Kidney) compared to Faster RCNN. The code is publicly available at


new Advanced wood species identification based on multiple anatomical sections and using deep feature transfer and fusion

Authors: Kallil M. Zielinski, Leonardo Scabini, Lucas C. Ribas, N\'ubia R. da Silva, Hans Beeckman, Jan Verwaeren, Odemir M. Bruno, Bernard De Baets

Abstract: In recent years, we have seen many advancements in wood species identification. Methods like DNA analysis, Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, and Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) mass spectrometry complement the long-established wood anatomical assessment of cell and tissue morphology. However, most of these methods have some limitations such as high costs, the need for skilled experts for data interpretation, and the lack of good datasets for professional reference. Therefore, most of these methods, and certainly the wood anatomical assessment, may benefit from tools based on Artificial Intelligence. In this paper, we apply two transfer learning techniques with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to a multi-view Congolese wood species dataset including sections from different orientations and viewed at different microscopic magnifications. We explore two feature extraction methods in detail, namely Global Average Pooling (GAP) and Random Encoding of Aggregated Deep Activation Maps (RADAM), for efficient and accurate wood species identification. Our results indicate superior accuracy on diverse datasets and anatomical sections, surpassing the results of other methods. Our proposal represents a significant advancement in wood species identification, offering a robust tool to support the conservation of forest ecosystems and promote sustainable forestry practices.

new Enhancing Visual Question Answering through Question-Driven Image Captions as Prompts

Authors: \"Ovg\"u \"Ozdemir, Erdem Akag\"und\"uz

Abstract: Visual question answering (VQA) is known as an AI-complete task as it requires understanding, reasoning, and inferring about the vision and the language content. Over the past few years, numerous neural architectures have been suggested for the VQA problem. However, achieving success in zero-shot VQA remains a challenge due to its requirement for advanced generalization and reasoning skills. This study explores the impact of incorporating image captioning as an intermediary process within the VQA pipeline. Specifically, we explore the efficacy of utilizing image captions instead of images and leveraging large language models (LLMs) to establish a zero-shot setting. Since image captioning is the most crucial step in this process, we compare the impact of state-of-the-art image captioning models on VQA performance across various question types in terms of structure and semantics. We propose a straightforward and efficient question-driven image captioning approach within this pipeline to transfer contextual information into the question-answering (QA) model. This method involves extracting keywords from the question, generating a caption for each image-question pair using the keywords, and incorporating the question-driven caption into the LLM prompt. We evaluate the efficacy of using general-purpose and question-driven image captions in the VQA pipeline. Our study highlights the potential of employing image captions and harnessing the capabilities of LLMs to achieve competitive performance on GQA under the zero-shot setting. Our code is available at \url{}.


new Improving Referring Image Segmentation using Vision-Aware Text Features

Authors: Hai Nguyen-Truong, E-Ro Nguyen, Tuan-Anh Vu, Minh-Triet Tran, Binh-Son Hua, Sai-Kit Yeung

Abstract: Referring image segmentation is a challenging task that involves generating pixel-wise segmentation masks based on natural language descriptions. Existing methods have relied mostly on visual features to generate the segmentation masks while treating text features as supporting components. This over-reliance on visual features can lead to suboptimal results, especially in complex scenarios where text prompts are ambiguous or context-dependent. To overcome these challenges, we present a novel framework VATEX to improve referring image segmentation by enhancing object and context understanding with Vision-Aware Text Feature. Our method involves using CLIP to derive a CLIP Prior that integrates an object-centric visual heatmap with text description, which can be used as the initial query in DETR-based architecture for the segmentation task. Furthermore, by observing that there are multiple ways to describe an instance in an image, we enforce feature similarity between text variations referring to the same visual input by two components: a novel Contextual Multimodal Decoder that turns text embeddings into vision-aware text features, and a Meaning Consistency Constraint to ensure further the coherent and consistent interpretation of language expressions with the context understanding obtained from the image. Our method achieves a significant performance improvement on three benchmark datasets RefCOCO, RefCOCO+ and G-Ref. Code is available at:\_RIS.


new Training-free Boost for Open-Vocabulary Object Detection with Confidence Aggregation

Authors: Yanhao Zheng, Kai Liu

Abstract: Open-vocabulary object detection (OVOD) aims at localizing and recognizing visual objects from novel classes unseen at the training time. Whereas, empirical studies reveal that advanced detectors generally assign lower scores to those novel instances, which are inadvertently suppressed during inference by commonly adopted greedy strategies like Non-Maximum Suppression (NMS), leading to sub-optimal detection performance for novel classes. This paper systematically investigates this problem with the commonly-adopted two-stage OVOD paradigm. Specifically, in the region-proposal stage, proposals that contain novel instances showcase lower objectness scores, since they are treated as background proposals during the training phase. Meanwhile, in the object-classification stage, novel objects share lower region-text similarities (i.e., classification scores) due to the biased visual-language alignment by seen training samples. To alleviate this problem, this paper introduces two advanced measures to adjust confidence scores and conserve erroneously dismissed objects: (1) a class-agnostic localization quality estimate via overlap degree of region/object proposals, and (2) a text-guided visual similarity estimate with proxy prototypes for novel classes. Integrated with adjusting techniques specifically designed for the region-proposal and object-classification stages, this paper derives the aggregated confidence estimate for the open-vocabulary object detection paradigm (AggDet). Our AggDet is a generic and training-free post-processing scheme, which consistently bolsters open-vocabulary detectors across model scales and architecture designs. For instance, AggDet receives 3.3% and 1.5% gains on OV-COCO and OV-LVIS benchmarks respectively, without any training cost.

new Automatic Quantification of Serial PET/CT Images for Pediatric Hodgkin Lymphoma Patients Using a Longitudinally-Aware Segmentation Network

Authors: Xin Tie, Muheon Shin, Changhee Lee, Scott B. Perlman, Zachary Huemann, Amy J. Weisman, Sharon M. Castellino, Kara M. Kelly, Kathleen M. McCarten, Adina L. Alazraki, Junjie Hu, Steve Y. Cho, Tyler J. Bradshaw

Abstract: $\textbf{Purpose}$: Automatic quantification of longitudinal changes in PET scans for lymphoma patients has proven challenging, as residual disease in interim-therapy scans is often subtle and difficult to detect. Our goal was to develop a longitudinally-aware segmentation network (LAS-Net) that can quantify serial PET/CT images for pediatric Hodgkin lymphoma patients. $\textbf{Materials and Methods}$: This retrospective study included baseline (PET1) and interim (PET2) PET/CT images from 297 patients enrolled in two Children's Oncology Group clinical trials (AHOD1331 and AHOD0831). LAS-Net incorporates longitudinal cross-attention, allowing relevant features from PET1 to inform the analysis of PET2. Model performance was evaluated using Dice coefficients for PET1 and detection F1 scores for PET2. Additionally, we extracted and compared quantitative PET metrics, including metabolic tumor volume (MTV) and total lesion glycolysis (TLG) in PET1, as well as qPET and $\Delta$SUVmax in PET2, against physician measurements. We quantified their agreement using Spearman's $\rho$ correlations and employed bootstrap resampling for statistical analysis. $\textbf{Results}$: LAS-Net detected residual lymphoma in PET2 with an F1 score of 0.606 (precision/recall: 0.615/0.600), outperforming all comparator methods (P<0.01). For baseline segmentation, LAS-Net achieved a mean Dice score of 0.772. In PET quantification, LAS-Net's measurements of qPET, $\Delta$SUVmax, MTV and TLG were strongly correlated with physician measurements, with Spearman's $\rho$ of 0.78, 0.80, 0.93 and 0.96, respectively. The performance remained high, with a slight decrease, in an external testing cohort. $\textbf{Conclusion}$: LAS-Net achieved high performance in quantifying PET metrics across serial scans, highlighting the value of longitudinal awareness in evaluating multi-time-point imaging datasets.

new Probing the 3D Awareness of Visual Foundation Models

Authors: Mohamed El Banani, Amit Raj, Kevis-Kokitsi Maninis, Abhishek Kar, Yuanzhen Li, Michael Rubinstein, Deqing Sun, Leonidas Guibas, Justin Johnson, Varun Jampani

Abstract: Recent advances in large-scale pretraining have yielded visual foundation models with strong capabilities. Not only can recent models generalize to arbitrary images for their training task, their intermediate representations are useful for other visual tasks such as detection and segmentation. Given that such models can classify, delineate, and localize objects in 2D, we ask whether they also represent their 3D structure? In this work, we analyze the 3D awareness of visual foundation models. We posit that 3D awareness implies that representations (1) encode the 3D structure of the scene and (2) consistently represent the surface across views. We conduct a series of experiments using task-specific probes and zero-shot inference procedures on frozen features. Our experiments reveal several limitations of the current models. Our code and analysis can be found at


new COCONut: Modernizing COCO Segmentation

Authors: Xueqing Deng, Qihang Yu, Peng Wang, Xiaohui Shen, Liang-Chieh Chen

Abstract: In recent decades, the vision community has witnessed remarkable progress in visual recognition, partially owing to advancements in dataset benchmarks. Notably, the established COCO benchmark has propelled the development of modern detection and segmentation systems. However, the COCO segmentation benchmark has seen comparatively slow improvement over the last decade. Originally equipped with coarse polygon annotations for thing instances, it gradually incorporated coarse superpixel annotations for stuff regions, which were subsequently heuristically amalgamated to yield panoptic segmentation annotations. These annotations, executed by different groups of raters, have resulted not only in coarse segmentation masks but also in inconsistencies between segmentation types. In this study, we undertake a comprehensive reevaluation of the COCO segmentation annotations. By enhancing the annotation quality and expanding the dataset to encompass 383K images with more than 5.18M panoptic masks, we introduce COCONut, the COCO Next Universal segmenTation dataset. COCONut harmonizes segmentation annotations across semantic, instance, and panoptic segmentation with meticulously crafted high-quality masks, and establishes a robust benchmark for all segmentation tasks. To our knowledge, COCONut stands as the inaugural large-scale universal segmentation dataset, verified by human raters. We anticipate that the release of COCONut will significantly contribute to the community's ability to assess the progress of novel neural networks.

new EventEgo3D: 3D Human Motion Capture from Egocentric Event Streams

Authors: Christen Millerdurai, Hiroyasu Akada, Jian Wang, Diogo Luvizon, Christian Theobalt, Vladislav Golyanik

Abstract: Monocular egocentric 3D human motion capture is a challenging and actively researched problem. Existing methods use synchronously operating visual sensors (e.g. RGB cameras) and often fail under low lighting and fast motions, which can be restricting in many applications involving head-mounted devices. In response to the existing limitations, this paper 1) introduces a new problem, i.e., 3D human motion capture from an egocentric monocular event camera with a fisheye lens, and 2) proposes the first approach to it called EventEgo3D (EE3D). Event streams have high temporal resolution and provide reliable cues for 3D human motion capture under high-speed human motions and rapidly changing illumination. The proposed EE3D framework is specifically tailored for learning with event streams in the LNES representation, enabling high 3D reconstruction accuracy. We also design a prototype of a mobile head-mounted device with an event camera and record a real dataset with event observations and the ground-truth 3D human poses (in addition to the synthetic dataset). Our EE3D demonstrates robustness and superior 3D accuracy compared to existing solutions across various challenging experiments while supporting real-time 3D pose update rates of 140Hz.

cross DIMAT: Decentralized Iterative Merging-And-Training for Deep Learning Models

Authors: Nastaran Saadati, Minh Pham, Nasla Saleem, Joshua R. Waite, Aditya Balu, Zhanhong Jiang, Chinmay Hegde, Soumik Sarkar

Abstract: Recent advances in decentralized deep learning algorithms have demonstrated cutting-edge performance on various tasks with large pre-trained models. However, a pivotal prerequisite for achieving this level of competitiveness is the significant communication and computation overheads when updating these models, which prohibits the applications of them to real-world scenarios. To address this issue, drawing inspiration from advanced model merging techniques without requiring additional training, we introduce the Decentralized Iterative Merging-And-Training (DIMAT) paradigm--a novel decentralized deep learning framework. Within DIMAT, each agent is trained on their local data and periodically merged with their neighboring agents using advanced model merging techniques like activation matching until convergence is achieved. DIMAT provably converges with the best available rate for nonconvex functions with various first-order methods, while yielding tighter error bounds compared to the popular existing approaches. We conduct a comprehensive empirical analysis to validate DIMAT's superiority over baselines across diverse computer vision tasks sourced from multiple datasets. Empirical results validate our theoretical claims by showing that DIMAT attains faster and higher initial gain in accuracy with independent and identically distributed (IID) and non-IID data, incurring lower communication overhead. This DIMAT paradigm presents a new opportunity for the future decentralized learning, enhancing its adaptability to real-world with sparse and light-weight communication and computation.

cross A Mutual Inclusion Mechanism for Precise Boundary Segmentation in Medical Images

Authors: Yizhi Pan, Junyi Xin, Tianhua Yang, Teeradaj Racharak, Le-Minh Nguyen, Guanqun Sun

Abstract: In medical imaging, accurate image segmentation is crucial for quantifying diseases, assessing prognosis, and evaluating treatment outcomes. However, existing methods lack an in-depth integration of global and local features, failing to pay special attention to abnormal regions and boundary details in medical images. To this end, we present a novel deep learning-based approach, MIPC-Net, for precise boundary segmentation in medical images. Our approach, inspired by radiologists' working patterns, features two distinct modules: (i) \textbf{Mutual Inclusion of Position and Channel Attention (MIPC) module}: To enhance the precision of boundary segmentation in medical images, we introduce the MIPC module, which enhances the focus on channel information when extracting position features and vice versa; (ii) \textbf{GL-MIPC-Residue}: To improve the restoration of medical images, we propose the GL-MIPC-Residue, a global residual connection that enhances the integration of the encoder and decoder by filtering out invalid information and restoring the most effective information lost during the feature extraction process. We evaluate the performance of the proposed model using metrics such as Dice coefficient (DSC) and Hausdorff Distance (HD) on three publicly accessible datasets: Synapse, ISIC2018-Task, and Segpc. Our ablation study shows that each module contributes to improving the quality of segmentation results. Furthermore, with the assistance of both modules, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods across all metrics on the benchmark datasets, notably achieving a 2.23mm reduction in HD on the Synapse dataset, strongly evidencing our model's enhanced capability for precise image boundary segmentation. Codes will be available at


cross Simulation of a Vision Correction Display System

Authors: Vidya Sunil, Renu M Rameshan

Abstract: Eyes serve as our primary sensory organs, responsible for processing up to 80\% of our sensory input. However, common visual aberrations like myopia and hyperopia affect a significant portion of the global population. This paper focuses on simulating a Vision Correction Display (VCD) to enhance the visual experience of individuals with various visual impairments. Utilising Blender, we digitally model the functionality of a VCD in correcting refractive errors such as myopia and hyperopia. With these simulations we can see potential improvements in visual acuity and comfort. These simulations provide valuable insights for the design and development of future VCD technologies, ultimately advancing accessibility and usability for individuals with visual challenges.

cross Guided Masked Self-Distillation Modeling for Distributed Multimedia Sensor Event Analysis

Authors: Masahiro Yasuda, Noboru Harada, Yasunori Ohishi, Shoichiro Saito, Akira Nakayama, Nobutaka Ono

Abstract: Observations with distributed sensors are essential in analyzing a series of human and machine activities (referred to as 'events' in this paper) in complex and extensive real-world environments. This is because the information obtained from a single sensor is often missing or fragmented in such an environment; observations from multiple locations and modalities should be integrated to analyze events comprehensively. However, a learning method has yet to be established to extract joint representations that effectively combine such distributed observations. Therefore, we propose Guided Masked sELf-Distillation modeling (Guided-MELD) for inter-sensor relationship modeling. The basic idea of Guided-MELD is to learn to supplement the information from the masked sensor with information from other sensors needed to detect the event. Guided-MELD is expected to enable the system to effectively distill the fragmented or redundant target event information obtained by the sensors without being overly dependent on any specific sensors. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method in novel tasks of distributed multimedia sensor event analysis, we recorded two new datasets that fit the problem setting: MM-Store and MM-Office. These datasets consist of human activities in a convenience store and an office, recorded using distributed cameras and microphones. Experimental results on these datasets show that the proposed Guided-MELD improves event tagging and detection performance and outperforms conventional inter-sensor relationship modeling methods. Furthermore, the proposed method performed robustly even when sensors were reduced.

cross Convolutional neural network classification of cancer cytopathology images: taking breast cancer as an example

Authors: MingXuan Xiao, Yufeng Li, Xu Yan, Min Gao, Weimin Wang

Abstract: Breast cancer is a relatively common cancer among gynecological cancers. Its diagnosis often relies on the pathology of cells in the lesion. The pathological diagnosis of breast cancer not only requires professionals and time, but also sometimes involves subjective judgment. To address the challenges of dependence on pathologists expertise and the time-consuming nature of achieving accurate breast pathological image classification, this paper introduces an approach utilizing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for the rapid categorization of pathological images, aiming to enhance the efficiency of breast pathological image detection. And the approach enables the rapid and automatic classification of pathological images into benign and malignant groups. The methodology involves utilizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) model leveraging the Inceptionv3 architecture and transfer learning algorithm for extracting features from pathological images. Utilizing a neural network with fully connected layers and employing the SoftMax function for image classification. Additionally, the concept of image partitioning is introduced to handle high-resolution images. To achieve the ultimate classification outcome, the classification probabilities of each image block are aggregated using three algorithms: summation, product, and maximum. Experimental validation was conducted on the BreaKHis public dataset, resulting in accuracy rates surpassing 0.92 across all four magnification coefficients (40X, 100X, 200X, and 400X). It demonstrates that the proposed method effectively enhances the accuracy in classifying pathological images of breast cancer.

cross Self-Supervised k-Space Regularization for Motion-Resolved Abdominal MRI Using Neural Implicit k-Space Representation

Authors: Veronika Spieker, Hannah Eichhorn, Jonathan K. Stelter, Wenqi Huang, Rickmer F. Braren, Daniel R\"uckert, Francisco Sahli Costabal, Kerstin Hammernik, Claudia Prieto, Dimitrios C. Karampinos, Julia A. Schnabel

Abstract: Neural implicit k-space representations have shown promising results for dynamic MRI at high temporal resolutions. Yet, their exclusive training in k-space limits the application of common image regularization methods to improve the final reconstruction. In this work, we introduce the concept of parallel imaging-inspired self-consistency (PISCO), which we incorporate as novel self-supervised k-space regularization enforcing a consistent neighborhood relationship. At no additional data cost, the proposed regularization significantly improves neural implicit k-space reconstructions on simulated data. Abdominal in-vivo reconstructions using PISCO result in enhanced spatio-temporal image quality compared to state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at


cross Generalized Contrastive Learning for Multi-Modal Retrieval and Ranking

Authors: Tianyu Zhu, Myong Chol Jung, Jesse Clark

Abstract: Contrastive learning has gained widespread adoption for retrieval tasks due to its minimal requirement for manual annotations. However, popular contrastive frameworks typically learn from binary relevance, making them ineffective at incorporating direct fine-grained rankings. In this paper, we curate a large-scale dataset featuring detailed relevance scores for each query-document pair to facilitate future research and evaluation. Subsequently, we propose Generalized Contrastive Learning for Multi-Modal Retrieval and Ranking (GCL), which is designed to learn from fine-grained rankings beyond binary relevance scores. Our results show that GCL achieves a 94.5% increase in NDCG@10 for in-domain and 26.3 to 48.8% increases for cold-start evaluations, all relative to the CLIP baseline and involving ground truth rankings.

cross Benchmarking the Cell Image Segmentation Models Robustness under the Microscope Optical Aberrations

Authors: Boyuan Peng, Jiaju Chen, Qihui Ye, Minjiang Chen, Peiwu Qin, Chenggang Yan, Dongmei Yu, Zhenglin Chen

Abstract: Cell segmentation is essential in biomedical research for analyzing cellular morphology and behavior. Deep learning methods, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have revolutionized cell segmentation by extracting intricate features from images. However, the robustness of these methods under microscope optical aberrations remains a critical challenge. This study comprehensively evaluates the performance of cell instance segmentation models under simulated aberration conditions using the DynamicNuclearNet (DNN) and LIVECell datasets. Aberrations, including Astigmatism, Coma, Spherical, and Trefoil, were simulated using Zernike polynomial equations. Various segmentation models, such as Mask R-CNN with different network heads (FPN, C3) and backbones (ResNet, VGG19, SwinS), were trained and tested under aberrated conditions. Results indicate that FPN combined with SwinS demonstrates superior robustness in handling simple cell images affected by minor aberrations. Conversely, Cellpose2.0 proves effective for complex cell images under similar conditions. Our findings provide insights into selecting appropriate segmentation models based on cell morphology and aberration severity, enhancing the reliability of cell segmentation in biomedical applications. Further research is warranted to validate these methods with diverse aberration types and emerging segmentation models. Overall, this research aims to guide researchers in effectively utilizing cell segmentation models in the presence of minor optical aberrations.

cross Lossy Image Compression with Foundation Diffusion Models

Authors: Lucas Relic, Roberto Azevedo, Markus Gross, Christopher Schroers

Abstract: Incorporating diffusion models in the image compression domain has the potential to produce realistic and detailed reconstructions, especially at extremely low bitrates. Previous methods focus on using diffusion models as expressive decoders robust to quantization errors in the conditioning signals, yet achieving competitive results in this manner requires costly training of the diffusion model and long inference times due to the iterative generative process. In this work we formulate the removal of quantization error as a denoising task, using diffusion to recover lost information in the transmitted image latent. Our approach allows us to perform less than 10\% of the full diffusion generative process and requires no architectural changes to the diffusion model, enabling the use of foundation models as a strong prior without additional fine tuning of the backbone. Our proposed codec outperforms previous methods in quantitative realism metrics, and we verify that our reconstructions are qualitatively preferred by end users, even when other methods use twice the bitrate.

replace Efficient Masked Face Recognition Method during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Walid Hariri

Abstract: The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an unparalleled crisis leading to a huge number of casualties and security problems. In order to reduce the spread of coronavirus, people often wear masks to protect themselves. This makes face recognition a very difficult task since certain parts of the face are hidden. A primary focus of researchers during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic is to come up with suggestions to handle this problem through rapid and efficient solutions. In this paper, we propose a reliable method based on occlusion removal and deep learning-based features in order to address the problem of the masked face recognition process. The first step is to remove the masked face region. Next, we apply three pre-trained deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) namely, VGG-16, AlexNet, and ResNet-50, and use them to extract deep features from the obtained regions (mostly eyes and forehead regions). The Bag-of-features paradigm is then applied to the feature maps of the last convolutional layer in order to quantize them and to get a slight representation comparing to the fully connected layer of classical CNN. Finally, Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) is applied for the classification process. Experimental results on Real-World-Masked-Face-Dataset show high recognition performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

replace Conv-Adapter: Exploring Parameter Efficient Transfer Learning for ConvNets

Authors: Hao Chen, Ran Tao, Han Zhang, Yidong Wang, Xiang Li, Wei Ye, Jindong Wang, Guosheng Hu, Marios Savvides

Abstract: While parameter efficient tuning (PET) methods have shown great potential with transformer architecture on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, their effectiveness with large-scale ConvNets is still under-studied on Computer Vision (CV) tasks. This paper proposes Conv-Adapter, a PET module designed for ConvNets. Conv-Adapter is light-weight, domain-transferable, and architecture-agnostic with generalized performance on different tasks. When transferring on downstream tasks, Conv-Adapter learns tasks-specific feature modulation to the intermediate representations of backbones while keeping the pre-trained parameters frozen. By introducing only a tiny amount of learnable parameters, e.g., only 3.5% full fine-tuning parameters of ResNet50. It can also be applied for transformer-based backbones. Conv-Adapter outperforms previous PET baseline methods and achieves comparable or surpasses the performance of full fine-tuning on 23 classification tasks of various domains. It also presents superior performance on the few-shot classification with an average margin of 3.39%. Beyond classification, Conv-Adapter can generalize to detection and segmentation tasks with more than 50% reduction of parameters but comparable performance to the traditional full fine-tuning.

replace Efficient Representation of Natural Image Patches

Authors: Cheng Guo

Abstract: Utilizing an abstract information processing model based on minimal yet realistic assumptions inspired by biological systems, we study how to achieve the early visual system's two ultimate objectives: efficient information transmission and accurate sensor probability distribution modeling. We prove that optimizing for information transmission does not guarantee optimal probability distribution modeling in general. We illustrate, using a two-pixel (2D) system and image patches, that an efficient representation can be realized through a nonlinear population code driven by two types of biologically plausible loss functions that depend solely on output. After unsupervised learning, our abstract information processing model bears remarkable resemblances to biological systems, despite not mimicking many features of real neurons, such as spiking activity. A preliminary comparison with a contemporary deep learning model suggests that our model offers a significant efficiency advantage. Our model provides novel insights into the computational theory of early visual systems as well as a potential new approach to enhance the efficiency of deep learning models.

replace Robust Representation Learning with Self-Distillation for Domain Generalization

Authors: Ankur Singh, Senthilnath Jayavelu

Abstract: Despite the recent success of deep neural networks, there remains a need for effective methods to enhance domain generalization using vision transformers. In this paper, we propose a novel domain generalization technique called Robust Representation Learning with Self-Distillation (RRLD) comprising i) intermediate-block self-distillation and ii) augmentation-guided self-distillation to improve the generalization capabilities of transformer-based models on unseen domains. This approach enables the network to learn robust and general features that are invariant to different augmentations and domain shifts while effectively mitigating overfitting to source domains. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we perform extensive experiments on PACS and OfficeHome benchmark datasets, as well as an industrial wafer semiconductor defect dataset. The results demonstrate that RRLD achieves robust and accurate generalization performance. We observe an average accuracy improvement in the range of 1.2% to 2.3% over the state-of-the-art on the three datasets.

replace Graph Neural Networks in Vision-Language Image Understanding: A Survey

Authors: Henry Senior, Gregory Slabaugh, Shanxin Yuan, Luca Rossi

Abstract: 2D image understanding is a complex problem within computer vision, but it holds the key to providing human-level scene comprehension. It goes further than identifying the objects in an image, and instead, it attempts to understand the scene. Solutions to this problem form the underpinning of a range of tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering (VQA), and image retrieval. Graphs provide a natural way to represent the relational arrangement between objects in an image, and thus, in recent years graph neural networks (GNNs) have become a standard component of many 2D image understanding pipelines, becoming a core architectural component, especially in the VQA group of tasks. In this survey, we review this rapidly evolving field and we provide a taxonomy of graph types used in 2D image understanding approaches, a comprehensive list of the GNN models used in this domain, and a roadmap of future potential developments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive survey that covers image captioning, visual question answering, and image retrieval techniques that focus on using GNNs as the main part of their architecture.

replace Toward Reliable Human Pose Forecasting with Uncertainty

Authors: Saeed Saadatnejad, Mehrshad Mirmohammadi, Matin Daghyani, Parham Saremi, Yashar Zoroofchi Benisi, Amirhossein Alimohammadi, Zahra Tehraninasab, Taylor Mordan, Alexandre Alahi

Abstract: Recently, there has been an arms race of pose forecasting methods aimed at solving the spatio-temporal task of predicting a sequence of future 3D poses of a person given a sequence of past observed ones. However, the lack of unified benchmarks and limited uncertainty analysis have hindered progress in the field. To address this, we first develop an open-source library for human pose forecasting, including multiple models, supporting several datasets, and employing standardized evaluation metrics, with the aim of promoting research and moving toward a unified and consistent evaluation. Second, we devise two types of uncertainty in the problem to increase performance and convey better trust: 1) we propose a method for modeling aleatoric uncertainty by using uncertainty priors to inject knowledge about the pattern of uncertainty. This focuses the capacity of the model in the direction of more meaningful supervision while reducing the number of learned parameters and improving stability; 2) we introduce a novel approach for quantifying the epistemic uncertainty of any model through clustering and measuring the entropy of its assignments. Our experiments demonstrate up to $25\%$ improvements in forecasting at short horizons, with no loss on longer horizons on Human3.6M, AMSS, and 3DPW datasets, and better performance in uncertainty estimation. The code is available online at


replace HICO-DET-SG and V-COCO-SG: New Data Splits for Evaluating the Systematic Generalization Performance of Human-Object Interaction Detection Models

Authors: Kentaro Takemoto, Moyuru Yamada, Tomotake Sasaki, Hisanao Akima

Abstract: Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection is a task to localize humans and objects in an image and predict the interactions in human-object pairs. In real-world scenarios, HOI detection models need systematic generalization, i.e., generalization to novel combinations of objects and interactions, because the train data are expected to cover a limited portion of all possible combinations. To evaluate the systematic generalization performance of HOI detection models, we created two new sets of HOI detection data splits named HICO-DET-SG and V-COCO-SG based on the HICO-DET and V-COCO datasets, respectively. When evaluated on the new data splits, HOI detection models with various characteristics performed much more poorly than when evaluated on the original splits. This shows that systematic generalization is a challenging goal in HOI detection. By analyzing the evaluation results, we also gain insights for improving the systematic generalization performance and identify four possible future research directions. We hope that our new data splits and presented analysis will encourage further research on systematic generalization in HOI detection.

replace RDFC-GAN: RGB-Depth Fusion CycleGAN for Indoor Depth Completion

Authors: Haowen Wang, Zhengping Che, Yufan Yang, Mingyuan Wang, Zhiyuan Xu, Xiuquan Qiao, Mengshi Qi, Feifei Feng, Jian Tang

Abstract: Raw depth images captured in indoor scenarios frequently exhibit extensive missing values due to the inherent limitations of the sensors and environments. For example, transparent materials frequently elude detection by depth sensors; surfaces may introduce measurement inaccuracies due to their polished textures, extended distances, and oblique incidence angles from the sensor. The presence of incomplete depth maps imposes significant challenges for subsequent vision applications, prompting the development of numerous depth completion techniques to mitigate this problem. Numerous methods excel at reconstructing dense depth maps from sparse samples, but they often falter when faced with extensive contiguous regions of missing depth values, a prevalent and critical challenge in indoor environments. To overcome these challenges, we design a novel two-branch end-to-end fusion network named RDFC-GAN, which takes a pair of RGB and incomplete depth images as input to predict a dense and completed depth map. The first branch employs an encoder-decoder structure, by adhering to the Manhattan world assumption and utilizing normal maps from RGB-D information as guidance, to regress the local dense depth values from the raw depth map. The other branch applies an RGB-depth fusion CycleGAN, adept at translating RGB imagery into detailed, textured depth maps while ensuring high fidelity through cycle consistency. We fuse the two branches via adaptive fusion modules named W-AdaIN and train the model with the help of pseudo depth maps. Comprehensive evaluations on NYU-Depth V2 and SUN RGB-D datasets show that our method significantly enhances depth completion performance particularly in realistic indoor settings.

replace Fooling Contrastive Language-Image Pre-trained Models with CLIPMasterPrints

Authors: Matthias Freiberger, Peter Kun, Christian Igel, Anders Sundnes L{\o}vlie, Sebastian Risi

Abstract: Models leveraging both visual and textual data such as Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP), are the backbone of many recent advances in artificial intelligence. In this work, we show that despite their versatility, such models are vulnerable to what we refer to as fooling master images. Fooling master images are capable of maximizing the confidence score of a CLIP model for a significant number of widely varying prompts, while being either unrecognizable or unrelated to the attacked prompts for humans. The existence of such images is problematic as it could be used by bad actors to maliciously interfere with CLIP-trained image retrieval models in production with comparably small effort as a single image can attack many different prompts. We demonstrate how fooling master images for CLIP (CLIPMasterPrints) can be mined using stochastic gradient descent, projected gradient descent, or blackbox optimization. Contrary to many common adversarial attacks, the blackbox optimization approach allows us to mine CLIPMasterPrints even when the weights of the model are not accessible. We investigate the properties of the mined images, and find that images trained on a small number of image captions generalize to a much larger number of semantically related captions. We evaluate possible mitigation strategies, where we increase the robustness of the model and introduce an approach to automatically detect CLIPMasterPrints to sanitize the input of vulnerable models. Finally, we find that vulnerability to CLIPMasterPrints is related to a modality gap in contrastive pre-trained multi-modal networks. Code available at


replace Sat2Cap: Mapping Fine-Grained Textual Descriptions from Satellite Images

Authors: Aayush Dhakal, Adeel Ahmad, Subash Khanal, Srikumar Sastry, Hannah Kerner, Nathan Jacobs

Abstract: We propose a weakly supervised approach for creating maps using free-form textual descriptions. We refer to this work of creating textual maps as zero-shot mapping. Prior works have approached mapping tasks by developing models that predict a fixed set of attributes using overhead imagery. However, these models are very restrictive as they can only solve highly specific tasks for which they were trained. Mapping text, on the other hand, allows us to solve a large variety of mapping problems with minimal restrictions. To achieve this, we train a contrastive learning framework called Sat2Cap on a new large-scale dataset with 6.1M pairs of overhead and ground-level images. For a given location and overhead image, our model predicts the expected CLIP embeddings of the ground-level scenery. The predicted CLIP embeddings are then used to learn about the textual space associated with that location. Sat2Cap is also conditioned on date-time information, allowing it to model temporally varying concepts over a location. Our experimental results demonstrate that our models successfully capture ground-level concepts and allow large-scale mapping of fine-grained textual queries. Our approach does not require any text-labeled data, making the training easily scalable. The code, dataset, and models will be made publicly available.

replace Large-Scale Multi-Hypotheses Cell Tracking Using Ultrametric Contours Maps

Authors: Jord\~ao Bragantini, Merlin Lange, Lo\"ic Royer

Abstract: In this work, we describe a method for large-scale 3D cell-tracking through a segmentation selection approach. The proposed method is effective at tracking cells across large microscopy datasets on two fronts: (i) It can solve problems containing millions of segmentation instances in terabyte-scale 3D+t datasets; (ii) It achieves competitive results with or without deep learning, which requires 3D annotated data, that is scarce in the fluorescence microscopy field. The proposed method computes cell tracks and segments using a hierarchy of segmentation hypotheses and selects disjoint segments by maximizing the overlap between adjacent frames. We show that this method achieves state-of-the-art results in 3D images from the cell tracking challenge and has a faster integer linear programming formulation. Moreover, our framework is flexible and supports segmentations from off-the-shelf cell segmentation models and can combine them into an ensemble that improves tracking. The code is available


replace Which Transformer to Favor: A Comparative Analysis of Efficiency in Vision Transformers

Authors: Tobias Christian Nauen, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Transformers come with a high computational cost, yet their effectiveness in addressing problems in language and vision has sparked extensive research aimed at enhancing their efficiency. However, diverse experimental conditions, spanning multiple input domains, prevent a fair comparison based solely on reported results, posing challenges for model selection. To address this gap in comparability, we design a comprehensive benchmark of more than 30 models for image classification, evaluating key efficiency aspects, including accuracy, speed, and memory usage. This benchmark provides a standardized baseline across the landscape of efficiency-oriented transformers and our framework of analysis, based on Pareto optimality, reveals surprising insights. Despite claims of other models being more efficient, ViT remains Pareto optimal across multiple metrics. We observe that hybrid attention-CNN models exhibit remarkable inference memory- and parameter-efficiency. Moreover, our benchmark shows that using a larger model in general is more efficient than using higher resolution images. Thanks to our holistic evaluation, we provide a centralized resource for practitioners and researchers, facilitating informed decisions when selecting transformers or measuring progress of the development of efficient transformers.

replace DiffBIR: Towards Blind Image Restoration with Generative Diffusion Prior

Authors: Xinqi Lin, Jingwen He, Ziyan Chen, Zhaoyang Lyu, Bo Dai, Fanghua Yu, Wanli Ouyang, Yu Qiao, Chao Dong

Abstract: We present DiffBIR, a general restoration pipeline that could handle different blind image restoration tasks in a unified framework. DiffBIR decouples blind image restoration problem into two stages: 1) degradation removal: removing image-independent content; 2) information regeneration: generating the lost image content. Each stage is developed independently but they work seamlessly in a cascaded manner. In the first stage, we use restoration modules to remove degradations and obtain high-fidelity restored results. For the second stage, we propose IRControlNet that leverages the generative ability of latent diffusion models to generate realistic details. Specifically, IRControlNet is trained based on specially produced condition images without distracting noisy content for stable generation performance. Moreover, we design a region-adaptive restoration guidance that can modify the denoising process during inference without model re-training, allowing users to balance realness and fidelity through a tunable guidance scale. Extensive experiments have demonstrated DiffBIR's superiority over state-of-the-art approaches for blind image super-resolution, blind face restoration and blind image denoising tasks on both synthetic and real-world datasets. The code is available at


replace FF-LOGO: Cross-Modality Point Cloud Registration with Feature Filtering and Local to Global Optimization

Authors: Nan Ma, Mohan Wang, Yiheng Han, Yong-Jin Liu

Abstract: Cross-modality point cloud registration is confronted with significant challenges due to inherent differences in modalities between different sensors. We propose a cross-modality point cloud registration framework FF-LOGO: a cross-modality point cloud registration method with feature filtering and local-global optimization. The cross-modality feature correlation filtering module extracts geometric transformation-invariant features from cross-modality point clouds and achieves point selection by feature matching. We also introduce a cross-modality optimization process, including a local adaptive key region aggregation module and a global modality consistency fusion optimization module. Experimental results demonstrate that our two-stage optimization significantly improves the registration accuracy of the feature association and selection module. Our method achieves a substantial increase in recall rate compared to the current state-of-the-art methods on the 3DCSR dataset, improving from 40.59% to 75.74%. Our code will be available at


replace RoadFormer: Duplex Transformer for RGB-Normal Semantic Road Scene Parsing

Authors: Jiahang Li, Yikang Zhang, Peng Yun, Guangliang Zhou, Qijun Chen, Rui Fan

Abstract: The recent advancements in deep convolutional neural networks have shown significant promise in the domain of road scene parsing. Nevertheless, the existing works focus primarily on freespace detection, with little attention given to hazardous road defects that could compromise both driving safety and comfort. In this paper, we introduce RoadFormer, a novel Transformer-based data-fusion network developed for road scene parsing. RoadFormer utilizes a duplex encoder architecture to extract heterogeneous features from both RGB images and surface normal information. The encoded features are subsequently fed into a novel heterogeneous feature synergy block for effective feature fusion and recalibration. The pixel decoder then learns multi-scale long-range dependencies from the fused and recalibrated heterogeneous features, which are subsequently processed by a Transformer decoder to produce the final semantic prediction. Additionally, we release SYN-UDTIRI, the first large-scale road scene parsing dataset that contains over 10,407 RGB images, dense depth images, and the corresponding pixel-level annotations for both freespace and road defects of different shapes and sizes. Extensive experimental evaluations conducted on our SYN-UDTIRI dataset, as well as on three public datasets, including KITTI road, CityScapes, and ORFD, demonstrate that RoadFormer outperforms all other state-of-the-art networks for road scene parsing. Specifically, RoadFormer ranks first on the KITTI road benchmark. Our source code, created dataset, and demo video are publicly available at

replace Vision Transformers Need Registers

Authors: Timoth\'ee Darcet, Maxime Oquab, Julien Mairal, Piotr Bojanowski

Abstract: Transformers have recently emerged as a powerful tool for learning visual representations. In this paper, we identify and characterize artifacts in feature maps of both supervised and self-supervised ViT networks. The artifacts correspond to high-norm tokens appearing during inference primarily in low-informative background areas of images, that are repurposed for internal computations. We propose a simple yet effective solution based on providing additional tokens to the input sequence of the Vision Transformer to fill that role. We show that this solution fixes that problem entirely for both supervised and self-supervised models, sets a new state of the art for self-supervised visual models on dense visual prediction tasks, enables object discovery methods with larger models, and most importantly leads to smoother feature maps and attention maps for downstream visual processing.

replace Adaptive Visual Scene Understanding: Incremental Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Naitik Khandelwal, Xiao Liu, Mengmi Zhang

Abstract: Scene graph generation (SGG) involves analyzing images to extract meaningful information about objects and their relationships. Given the dynamic nature of the visual world, it becomes crucial for AI systems to detect new objects and establish their new relationships with existing objects. To address the lack of continual learning methodologies in SGG, we introduce the comprehensive Continual ScenE Graph Generation (CSEGG) dataset along with 3 learning scenarios and 8 evaluation metrics. Our research investigates the continual learning performances of existing SGG methods on the retention of previous object entities and relationships as they learn new ones. Moreover, we also explore how continual object detection enhances generalization in classifying known relationships on unknown objects. We conduct extensive experiments benchmarking and analyzing the classical two-stage SGG methods and the most recent transformer-based SGG methods in continual learning settings, and gain valuable insights into the CSEGG problem. We invite the research community to explore this emerging field of study.

replace FairVision: Equitable Deep Learning for Eye Disease Screening via Fair Identity Scaling

Authors: Yan Luo, Muhammad Osama Khan, Yu Tian, Min Shi, Zehao Dou, Tobias Elze, Yi Fang, Mengyu Wang

Abstract: Equity in AI for healthcare is crucial due to its direct impact on human well-being. Despite advancements in 2D medical imaging fairness, the fairness of 3D models remains underexplored, hindered by the small sizes of 3D fairness datasets. Since 3D imaging surpasses 2D imaging in SOTA clinical care, it is critical to understand the fairness of these 3D models. To address this research gap, we conduct the first comprehensive study on the fairness of 3D medical imaging models across multiple protected attributes. Our investigation spans both 2D and 3D models and evaluates fairness across five architectures on three common eye diseases, revealing significant biases across race, gender, and ethnicity. To alleviate these biases, we propose a novel fair identity scaling (FIS) method that improves both overall performance and fairness, outperforming various SOTA fairness methods. Moreover, we release Harvard-FairVision, the first large-scale medical fairness dataset with 30,000 subjects featuring both 2D and 3D imaging data and six demographic identity attributes. Harvard-FairVision provides labels for three major eye disorders affecting about 380 million people worldwide, serving as a valuable resource for both 2D and 3D fairness learning. Our code and dataset are publicly accessible at \url{}.


replace Generalization in diffusion models arises from geometry-adaptive harmonic representations

Authors: Zahra Kadkhodaie, Florentin Guth, Eero P. Simoncelli, St\'ephane Mallat

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) trained for image denoising are able to generate high-quality samples with score-based reverse diffusion algorithms. These impressive capabilities seem to imply an escape from the curse of dimensionality, but recent reports of memorization of the training set raise the question of whether these networks are learning the "true" continuous density of the data. Here, we show that two DNNs trained on non-overlapping subsets of a dataset learn nearly the same score function, and thus the same density, when the number of training images is large enough. In this regime of strong generalization, diffusion-generated images are distinct from the training set, and are of high visual quality, suggesting that the inductive biases of the DNNs are well-aligned with the data density. We analyze the learned denoising functions and show that the inductive biases give rise to a shrinkage operation in a basis adapted to the underlying image. Examination of these bases reveals oscillating harmonic structures along contours and in homogeneous regions. We demonstrate that trained denoisers are inductively biased towards these geometry-adaptive harmonic bases since they arise not only when the network is trained on photographic images, but also when it is trained on image classes supported on low-dimensional manifolds for which the harmonic basis is suboptimal. Finally, we show that when trained on regular image classes for which the optimal basis is known to be geometry-adaptive and harmonic, the denoising performance of the networks is near-optimal.

replace Universal Humanoid Motion Representations for Physics-Based Control

Authors: Zhengyi Luo, Jinkun Cao, Josh Merel, Alexander Winkler, Jing Huang, Kris Kitani, Weipeng Xu

Abstract: We present a universal motion representation that encompasses a comprehensive range of motor skills for physics-based humanoid control. Due to the high dimensionality of humanoids and the inherent difficulties in reinforcement learning, prior methods have focused on learning skill embeddings for a narrow range of movement styles (e.g. locomotion, game characters) from specialized motion datasets. This limited scope hampers their applicability in complex tasks. We close this gap by significantly increasing the coverage of our motion representation space. To achieve this, we first learn a motion imitator that can imitate all of human motion from a large, unstructured motion dataset. We then create our motion representation by distilling skills directly from the imitator. This is achieved by using an encoder-decoder structure with a variational information bottleneck. Additionally, we jointly learn a prior conditioned on proprioception (humanoid's own pose and velocities) to improve model expressiveness and sampling efficiency for downstream tasks. By sampling from the prior, we can generate long, stable, and diverse human motions. Using this latent space for hierarchical RL, we show that our policies solve tasks using human-like behavior. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our motion representation by solving generative tasks (e.g. strike, terrain traversal) and motion tracking using VR controllers.

replace Putting the Object Back into Video Object Segmentation

Authors: Ho Kei Cheng, Seoung Wug Oh, Brian Price, Joon-Young Lee, Alexander Schwing

Abstract: We present Cutie, a video object segmentation (VOS) network with object-level memory reading, which puts the object representation from memory back into the video object segmentation result. Recent works on VOS employ bottom-up pixel-level memory reading which struggles due to matching noise, especially in the presence of distractors, resulting in lower performance in more challenging data. In contrast, Cutie performs top-down object-level memory reading by adapting a small set of object queries. Via those, it interacts with the bottom-up pixel features iteratively with a query-based object transformer (qt, hence Cutie). The object queries act as a high-level summary of the target object, while high-resolution feature maps are retained for accurate segmentation. Together with foreground-background masked attention, Cutie cleanly separates the semantics of the foreground object from the background. On the challenging MOSE dataset, Cutie improves by 8.7 J&F over XMem with a similar running time and improves by 4.2 J&F over DeAOT while being three times faster. Code is available at:


replace A Technique for Classifying Static Gestures Using UWB Radar

Authors: Abhishek Sebastian, Pragna R

Abstract: Our paper presents a robust framework for UWB-based static gesture recognition, leveraging proprietary UWB radar sensor technology. Extensive data collection efforts were undertaken to compile datasets containing five commonly used gestures. Our approach involves a comprehensive data pre-processing pipeline that encompasses outlier handling, aspect ratio-preserving resizing, and false-color image transformation. Both CNN and MobileNet models were trained on the processed images. Remarkably, our best-performing model achieved an accuracy of 96.78%. Additionally, we developed a user-friendly GUI framework to assess the model's system resource usage and processing times, which revealed low memory utilization and real-time task completion in under one second. This research marks a significant step towards enhancing static gesture recognition using UWB technology, promising practical applications in various domains.

replace FloCoDe: Unbiased Dynamic Scene Graph Generation with Temporal Consistency and Correlation Debiasing

Authors: Anant Khandelwal

Abstract: Dynamic scene graph generation (SGG) from videos requires not only a comprehensive understanding of objects across scenes but also a method to capture the temporal motions and interactions with different objects. Moreover, the long-tailed distribution of visual relationships is a crucial bottleneck for most dynamic SGG methods. This is because many of them focus on capturing spatio-temporal context using complex architectures, leading to the generation of biased scene graphs. To address these challenges, we propose FloCoDe: Flow-aware Temporal Consistency and Correlation Debiasing with uncertainty attenuation for unbiased dynamic scene graphs. FloCoDe employs feature warping using flow to detect temporally consistent objects across frames. To address the long-tail issue of visual relationships, we propose correlation debiasing and a label correlation-based loss to learn unbiased relation representations for long-tailed classes. Specifically, we propose to incorporate label correlations using contrastive loss to capture commonly co-occurring relations, which aids in learning robust representations for long-tailed classes. Further, we adopt the uncertainty attenuation-based classifier framework to handle noisy annotations in the SGG data. Extensive experimental evaluation shows a performance gain as high as 4.1%, demonstrating the superiority of generating more unbiased scene graphs.

replace WildFusion: Learning 3D-Aware Latent Diffusion Models in View Space

Authors: Katja Schwarz, Seung Wook Kim, Jun Gao, Sanja Fidler, Andreas Geiger, Karsten Kreis

Abstract: Modern learning-based approaches to 3D-aware image synthesis achieve high photorealism and 3D-consistent viewpoint changes for the generated images. Existing approaches represent instances in a shared canonical space. However, for in-the-wild datasets a shared canonical system can be difficult to define or might not even exist. In this work, we instead model instances in view space, alleviating the need for posed images and learned camera distributions. We find that in this setting, existing GAN-based methods are prone to generating flat geometry and struggle with distribution coverage. We hence propose WildFusion, a new approach to 3D-aware image synthesis based on latent diffusion models (LDMs). We first train an autoencoder that infers a compressed latent representation, which additionally captures the images' underlying 3D structure and enables not only reconstruction but also novel view synthesis. To learn a faithful 3D representation, we leverage cues from monocular depth prediction. Then, we train a diffusion model in the 3D-aware latent space, thereby enabling synthesis of high-quality 3D-consistent image samples, outperforming recent state-of-the-art GAN-based methods. Importantly, our 3D-aware LDM is trained without any direct supervision from multiview images or 3D geometry and does not require posed images or learned pose or camera distributions. It directly learns a 3D representation without relying on canonical camera coordinates. This opens up promising research avenues for scalable 3D-aware image synthesis and 3D content creation from in-the-wild image data. See for videos of our 3D results.


replace Safe-CLIP: Removing NSFW Concepts from Vision-and-Language Models

Authors: Samuele Poppi, Tobia Poppi, Federico Cocchi, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: Large-scale vision-and-language models, such as CLIP, are typically trained on web-scale data, which can introduce inappropriate content and lead to the development of unsafe and biased behavior. This, in turn, hampers their applicability in sensitive and trustworthy contexts and could raise significant concerns in their adoption. Our research introduces a novel approach to enhancing the safety of vision-and-language models by diminishing their sensitivity to NSFW (not safe for work) inputs. In particular, our methodology seeks to sever "toxic" linguistic and visual concepts, unlearning the linkage between unsafe linguistic or visual items and unsafe regions of the embedding space. We show how this can be done by fine-tuning a CLIP model on synthetic data obtained from a large language model trained to convert between safe and unsafe sentences, and a text-to-image generator. We conduct extensive experiments on the resulting embedding space for cross-modal retrieval, text-to-image, and image-to-text generation, where we show that our model can be remarkably employed with pre-trained generative models. Our source code and trained models are available at:


replace Learning county from pixels: Corn yield prediction with attention-weighted multiple instance learning

Authors: Xiaoyu Wang, Yuchi Ma, Qunying Huang, Zhengwei Yang, Zhou Zhang

Abstract: Remote sensing technology has become a promising tool in yield prediction. Most prior work employs satellite imagery for county-level corn yield prediction by spatially aggregating all pixels within a county into a single value, potentially overlooking the detailed information and valuable insights offered by more granular data. To this end, this research examines each county at the pixel level and applies multiple instance learning to leverage detailed information within a county. In addition, our method addresses the "mixed pixel" issue caused by the inconsistent resolution between feature datasets and crop mask, which may introduce noise into the model and therefore hinder accurate yield prediction. Specifically, the attention mechanism is employed to automatically assign weights to different pixels, which can mitigate the influence of mixed pixels. The experimental results show that the developed model outperforms four other machine learning models over the past five years in the U.S. corn belt and demonstrates its best performance in 2022, achieving a coefficient of determination (R2) value of 0.84 and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.83. This paper demonstrates the advantages of our approach from both spatial and temporal perspectives. Furthermore, through an in-depth study of the relationship between mixed pixels and attention, it is verified that our approach can capture critical feature information while filtering out noise from mixed pixels.

replace WonderJourney: Going from Anywhere to Everywhere

Authors: Hong-Xing Yu, Haoyi Duan, Junhwa Hur, Kyle Sargent, Michael Rubinstein, William T. Freeman, Forrester Cole, Deqing Sun, Noah Snavely, Jiajun Wu, Charles Herrmann

Abstract: We introduce WonderJourney, a modularized framework for perpetual 3D scene generation. Unlike prior work on view generation that focuses on a single type of scenes, we start at any user-provided location (by a text description or an image) and generate a journey through a long sequence of diverse yet coherently connected 3D scenes. We leverage an LLM to generate textual descriptions of the scenes in this journey, a text-driven point cloud generation pipeline to make a compelling and coherent sequence of 3D scenes, and a large VLM to verify the generated scenes. We show compelling, diverse visual results across various scene types and styles, forming imaginary "wonderjourneys". Project website:


replace SC-GS: Sparse-Controlled Gaussian Splatting for Editable Dynamic Scenes

Authors: Yi-Hua Huang, Yang-Tian Sun, Ziyi Yang, Xiaoyang Lyu, Yan-Pei Cao, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Novel view synthesis for dynamic scenes is still a challenging problem in computer vision and graphics. Recently, Gaussian splatting has emerged as a robust technique to represent static scenes and enable high-quality and real-time novel view synthesis. Building upon this technique, we propose a new representation that explicitly decomposes the motion and appearance of dynamic scenes into sparse control points and dense Gaussians, respectively. Our key idea is to use sparse control points, significantly fewer in number than the Gaussians, to learn compact 6 DoF transformation bases, which can be locally interpolated through learned interpolation weights to yield the motion field of 3D Gaussians. We employ a deformation MLP to predict time-varying 6 DoF transformations for each control point, which reduces learning complexities, enhances learning abilities, and facilitates obtaining temporal and spatial coherent motion patterns. Then, we jointly learn the 3D Gaussians, the canonical space locations of control points, and the deformation MLP to reconstruct the appearance, geometry, and dynamics of 3D scenes. During learning, the location and number of control points are adaptively adjusted to accommodate varying motion complexities in different regions, and an ARAP loss following the principle of as rigid as possible is developed to enforce spatial continuity and local rigidity of learned motions. Finally, thanks to the explicit sparse motion representation and its decomposition from appearance, our method can enable user-controlled motion editing while retaining high-fidelity appearances. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing approaches on novel view synthesis with a high rendering speed and enables novel appearance-preserved motion editing applications. Project page:


replace FoodLMM: A Versatile Food Assistant using Large Multi-modal Model

Authors: Yuehao Yin, Huiyan Qi, Bin Zhu, Jingjing Chen, Yu-Gang Jiang, Chong-Wah Ngo

Abstract: Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) have made impressive progress in many vision-language tasks. Nevertheless, the performance of general LMMs in specific domains is still far from satisfactory. This paper proposes FoodLMM, a versatile food assistant based on LMMs with various capabilities, including food recognition, ingredient recognition, recipe generation, nutrition estimation, food segmentation and multi-round conversation. To facilitate FoodLMM to deal with tasks beyond pure text output, we introduce a series of novel task-specific tokens and heads, enabling the model to predict food nutritional values and multiple segmentation masks. We adopt a two-stage training strategy. In the first stage, we utilize multiple public food benchmarks for multi-task learning by leveraging the instruct-following paradigm. In the second stage, we construct a multi-round conversation dataset and a reasoning segmentation dataset to fine-tune the model, enabling it to conduct professional dialogues and generate segmentation masks based on complex reasoning in the food domain. Our fine-tuned FoodLMM achieves state-of-the-art results across several food benchmarks. We will make our code, models and datasets publicly available.

replace ZONE: Zero-Shot Instruction-Guided Local Editing

Authors: Shanglin Li, Bohan Zeng, Yutang Feng, Sicheng Gao, Xuhui Liu, Jiaming Liu, Li Lin, Xu Tang, Yao Hu, Jianzhuang Liu, Baochang Zhang

Abstract: Recent advances in vision-language models like Stable Diffusion have shown remarkable power in creative image synthesis and editing.However, most existing text-to-image editing methods encounter two obstacles: First, the text prompt needs to be carefully crafted to achieve good results, which is not intuitive or user-friendly. Second, they are insensitive to local edits and can irreversibly affect non-edited regions, leaving obvious editing traces. To tackle these problems, we propose a Zero-shot instructiON-guided local image Editing approach, termed ZONE. We first convert the editing intent from the user-provided instruction (e.g., "make his tie blue") into specific image editing regions through InstructPix2Pix. We then propose a Region-IoU scheme for precise image layer extraction from an off-the-shelf segment model. We further develop an edge smoother based on FFT for seamless blending between the layer and the image.Our method allows for arbitrary manipulation of a specific region with a single instruction while preserving the rest. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our ZONE achieves remarkable local editing results and user-friendliness, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at


replace DiffusionGAN3D: Boosting Text-guided 3D Generation and Domain Adaptation by Combining 3D GANs and Diffusion Priors

Authors: Biwen Lei, Kai Yu, Mengyang Feng, Miaomiao Cui, Xuansong Xie

Abstract: Text-guided domain adaptation and generation of 3D-aware portraits find many applications in various fields. However, due to the lack of training data and the challenges in handling the high variety of geometry and appearance, the existing methods for these tasks suffer from issues like inflexibility, instability, and low fidelity. In this paper, we propose a novel framework DiffusionGAN3D, which boosts text-guided 3D domain adaptation and generation by combining 3D GANs and diffusion priors. Specifically, we integrate the pre-trained 3D generative models (e.g., EG3D) and text-to-image diffusion models. The former provides a strong foundation for stable and high-quality avatar generation from text. And the diffusion models in turn offer powerful priors and guide the 3D generator finetuning with informative direction to achieve flexible and efficient text-guided domain adaptation. To enhance the diversity in domain adaptation and the generation capability in text-to-avatar, we introduce the relative distance loss and case-specific learnable triplane respectively. Besides, we design a progressive texture refinement module to improve the texture quality for both tasks above. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves excellent results in both domain adaptation and text-to-avatar tasks, outperforming existing methods in terms of generation quality and efficiency. The project homepage is at


replace EFHQ: Multi-purpose ExtremePose-Face-HQ dataset

Authors: Trung Tuan Dao, Duc Hong Vu, Cuong Pham, Anh Tran

Abstract: The existing facial datasets, while having plentiful images at near frontal views, lack images with extreme head poses, leading to the downgraded performance of deep learning models when dealing with profile or pitched faces. This work aims to address this gap by introducing a novel dataset named Extreme Pose Face High-Quality Dataset (EFHQ), which includes a maximum of 450k high-quality images of faces at extreme poses. To produce such a massive dataset, we utilize a novel and meticulous dataset processing pipeline to curate two publicly available datasets, VFHQ and CelebV-HQ, which contain many high-resolution face videos captured in various settings. Our dataset can complement existing datasets on various facial-related tasks, such as facial synthesis with 2D/3D-aware GAN, diffusion-based text-to-image face generation, and face reenactment. Specifically, training with EFHQ helps models generalize well across diverse poses, significantly improving performance in scenarios involving extreme views, confirmed by extensive experiments. Additionally, we utilize EFHQ to define a challenging cross-view face verification benchmark, in which the performance of SOTA face recognition models drops 5-37% compared to frontal-to-frontal scenarios, aiming to stimulate studies on face recognition under severe pose conditions in the wild.

replace ChangeNet: Multi-Temporal Asymmetric Change Detection Dataset

Authors: Deyi Ji, Siqi Gao, Mingyuan Tao, Hongtao Lu, Feng Zhao

Abstract: Change Detection (CD) has been attracting extensive interests with the availability of bi-temporal datasets. However, due to the huge cost of multi-temporal images acquisition and labeling, existing change detection datasets are small in quantity, short in temporal, and low in practicability. Therefore, a large-scale practical-oriented dataset covering wide temporal phases is urgently needed to facilitate the community. To this end, the ChangeNet dataset is presented especially for multi-temporal change detection, along with the new task of "Asymmetric Change Detection". Specifically, ChangeNet consists of 31,000 multi-temporal images pairs, a wide range of complex scenes from 100 cities, and 6 pixel-level annotated categories, which is far superior to all the existing change detection datasets including LEVIR-CD, WHU Building CD, etc.. In addition, ChangeNet contains amounts of real-world perspective distortions in different temporal phases on the same areas, which is able to promote the practical application of change detection algorithms. The ChangeNet dataset is suitable for both binary change detection (BCD) and semantic change detection (SCD) tasks. Accordingly, we benchmark the ChangeNet dataset on six BCD methods and two SCD methods, and extensive experiments demonstrate its challenges and great significance. The dataset is available at


replace ProbMCL: Simple Probabilistic Contrastive Learning for Multi-label Visual Classification

Authors: Ahmad Sajedi, Samir Khaki, Yuri A. Lawryshyn, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis

Abstract: Multi-label image classification presents a challenging task in many domains, including computer vision and medical imaging. Recent advancements have introduced graph-based and transformer-based methods to improve performance and capture label dependencies. However, these methods often include complex modules that entail heavy computation and lack interpretability. In this paper, we propose Probabilistic Multi-label Contrastive Learning (ProbMCL), a novel framework to address these challenges in multi-label image classification tasks. Our simple yet effective approach employs supervised contrastive learning, in which samples that share enough labels with an anchor image based on a decision threshold are introduced as a positive set. This structure captures label dependencies by pulling positive pair embeddings together and pushing away negative samples that fall below the threshold. We enhance representation learning by incorporating a mixture density network into contrastive learning and generating Gaussian mixture distributions to explore the epistemic uncertainty of the feature encoder. We validate the effectiveness of our framework through experimentation with datasets from the computer vision and medical imaging domains. Our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods while achieving a low computational footprint on both datasets. Visualization analyses also demonstrate that ProbMCL-learned classifiers maintain a meaningful semantic topology.

replace Identifying Important Group of Pixels using Interactions

Authors: Kosuke Sumiyasu, Kazuhiko Kawamoto, Hiroshi Kera

Abstract: To better understand the behavior of image classifiers, it is useful to visualize the contribution of individual pixels to the model prediction. In this study, we propose a method, MoXI ($\textbf{Mo}$del e$\textbf{X}$planation by $\textbf{I}$nteractions), that efficiently and accurately identifies a group of pixels with high prediction confidence. The proposed method employs game-theoretic concepts, Shapley values and interactions, taking into account the effects of individual pixels and the cooperative influence of pixels on model confidence. Theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrate that our method better identifies the pixels that are highly contributing to the model outputs than widely-used visualization by Grad-CAM, Attention rollout, and Shapley value. While prior studies have suffered from the exponential computational cost in the computation of Shapley value and interactions, we show that this can be reduced to quadratic cost for our task. The code is available at


replace Rapid post-disaster infrastructure damage characterisation enabled by remote sensing and deep learning technologies -- a tiered approach

Authors: Nadiia Kopiika, Andreas Karavias, Pavlos Krassakis, Zehao Ye, Jelena Ninic, Nataliya Shakhovska, Nikolaos Koukouzas, Sotirios Argyroudis, Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis

Abstract: Critical infrastructure, such as transport networks and bridges, are systematically targeted during wars and suffer damage during extensive natural disasters because it is vital for enabling connectivity and transportation of people and goods, and hence, underpins national and international economic growth. Mass destruction of transport assets, in conjunction with minimal or no accessibility in the wake of natural and anthropogenic disasters, prevents us from delivering rapid recovery and adaptation. As a result, systemic operability is drastically reduced, leading to low levels of resilience. Thus, there is a need for rapid assessment of its condition to allow for informed decision-making for restoration prioritisation. A solution to this challenge is to use technology that enables stand-off observations. Nevertheless, no methods exist for automated characterisation of damage at multiple scales, i.e. regional (e.g., network), asset (e.g., bridges), and structural (e.g., road pavement) scales. We propose a methodology based on an integrated, multi-scale tiered approach to fill this capability gap. In doing so, we demonstrate how automated damage characterisation can be enabled by fit-for-purpose digital technologies. Next, the methodology is applied and validated to a case study in Ukraine that includes 17 bridges, damaged by human targeted interventions. From regional to component scale, we deploy technology to integrate assessments using Sentinel-1 SAR images, crowdsourced information, and high-resolution images for deep learning to facilitate automatic damage detection and characterisation. For the first time, the interferometric coherence difference and semantic segmentation of images were deployed in a tiered multi-scale approach to improve the reliability of damage characterisations at different scales.

replace A Change Detection Reality Check

Authors: Isaac Corley, Caleb Robinson, Anthony Ortiz

Abstract: In recent years, there has been an explosion of proposed change detection deep learning architectures in the remote sensing literature. These approaches claim to offer state-of-the-art performance on different standard benchmark datasets. However, has the field truly made significant progress? In this paper we perform experiments which conclude a simple U-Net segmentation baseline without training tricks or complicated architectural changes is still a top performer for the task of change detection.

replace Comment-aided Video-Language Alignment via Contrastive Pre-training for Short-form Video Humor Detection

Authors: Yang Liu, Tongfei Shen, Dong Zhang, Qingying Sun, Shoushan Li, Guodong Zhou

Abstract: The growing importance of multi-modal humor detection within affective computing correlates with the expanding influence of short-form video sharing on social media platforms. In this paper, we propose a novel two-branch hierarchical model for short-form video humor detection (SVHD), named Comment-aided Video-Language Alignment (CVLA) via data-augmented multi-modal contrastive pre-training. Notably, our CVLA not only operates on raw signals across various modal channels but also yields an appropriate multi-modal representation by aligning the video and language components within a consistent semantic space. The experimental results on two humor detection datasets, including DY11k and UR-FUNNY, demonstrate that CVLA dramatically outperforms state-of-the-art and several competitive baseline approaches. Our dataset, code and model release at


replace A novel Fourier neural operator framework for classification of multi-sized images: Application to three dimensional digital porous media

Authors: Ali Kashefi, Tapan Mukerji

Abstract: Fourier neural operators (FNOs) are invariant with respect to the size of input images, and thus images with any size can be fed into FNO-based frameworks without any modification of network architectures, in contrast to traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Leveraging the advantage of FNOs, we propose a novel deep-learning framework for classifying images with varying sizes. Particularly, we simultaneously train the proposed network on multi-sized images. As a practical application, we consider the problem of predicting the label (e.g., permeability) of three-dimensional digital porous media. To construct the framework, an intuitive approach is to connect FNO layers to a classifier using adaptive max pooling. First, we show that this approach is only effective for porous media with fixed sizes, whereas it fails for porous media of varying sizes. To overcome this limitation, we introduce our approach: instead of using adaptive max pooling, we use static max pooling with the size of channel width of FNO layers. Since the channel width of the FNO layers is independent of input image size, the introduced framework can handle multi-sized images during training. We show the effectiveness of the introduced framework and compare its performance with the intuitive approach through the example of the classification of three-dimensional digital porous media of varying sizes.

replace Impacts of Color and Texture Distortions on Earth Observation Data in Deep Learning

Authors: Martin Willbo, Aleksis Pirinen, John Martinsson, Edvin Listo Zec, Olof Mogren, Mikael Nilsson

Abstract: Land cover classification and change detection are two important applications of remote sensing and Earth observation (EO) that have benefited greatly from the advances of deep learning. Convolutional and transformer-based U-net models are the state-of-the-art architectures for these tasks, and their performances have been boosted by an increased availability of large-scale annotated EO datasets. However, the influence of different visual characteristics of the input EO data on a model's predictions is not well understood. In this work we systematically examine model sensitivities with respect to several color- and texture-based distortions on the input EO data during inference, given models that have been trained without such distortions. We conduct experiments with multiple state-of-the-art segmentation networks for land cover classification and show that they are in general more sensitive to texture than to color distortions. Beyond revealing intriguing characteristics of widely used land cover classification models, our results can also be used to guide the development of more robust models within the EO domain.

replace Leveraging Foundation Models for Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval in Radiology

Authors: Stefan Denner, David Zimmerer, Dimitrios Bounias, Markus Bujotzek, Shuhan Xiao, Lisa Kausch, Philipp Schader, Tobias Penzkofer, Paul F. J\"ager, Klaus Maier-Hein

Abstract: Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has the potential to significantly improve diagnostic aid and medical research in radiology. Current CBIR systems face limitations due to their specialization to certain pathologies, limiting their utility. In response, we propose using vision foundation models as powerful and versatile off-the-shelf feature extractors for content-based medical image retrieval. By benchmarking these models on a comprehensive dataset of 1.6 million 2D radiological images spanning four modalities and 161 pathologies, we identify weakly-supervised models as superior, achieving a P@1 of up to 0.594. This performance not only competes with a specialized model but does so without the need for fine-tuning. Our analysis further explores the challenges in retrieving pathological versus anatomical structures, indicating that accurate retrieval of pathological features presents greater difficulty. Despite these challenges, our research underscores the vast potential of foundation models for CBIR in radiology, proposing a shift towards versatile, general-purpose medical image retrieval systems that do not require specific tuning.

replace CoBra: Complementary Branch Fusing Class and Semantic Knowledge for Robust Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Woojung Han, Seil Kang, Kyobin Choo, Seong Jae Hwang

Abstract: Leveraging semantically precise pseudo masks derived from image-level class knowledge for segmentation, namely image-level Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS), still remains challenging. While Class Activation Maps (CAMs) using CNNs have steadily been contributing to the success of WSSS, the resulting activation maps often narrowly focus on class-specific parts (e.g., only face of human). On the other hand, recent works based on vision transformers (ViT) have shown promising results based on their self-attention mechanism to capture the semantic parts but fail in capturing complete class-specific details (e.g., entire body parts of human but also with a dog nearby). In this work, we propose Complementary Branch (CoBra), a novel dual branch framework consisting of two distinct architectures which provide valuable complementary knowledge of class (from CNN) and semantic (from ViT) to each branch. In particular, we learn Class-Aware Projection (CAP) for the CNN branch and Semantic-Aware Projection (SAP) for the ViT branch to explicitly fuse their complementary knowledge and facilitate a new type of extra patch-level supervision. Our model, through CoBra, fuses CNN and ViT's complementary outputs to create robust pseudo masks that integrate both class and semantic information effectively. Extensive experiments qualitatively and quantitatively investigate how CNN and ViT complement each other on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset, showing a state-of-the-art WSSS result. This includes not only the masks generated by our model, but also the segmentation results derived from utilizing these masks as pseudo labels.

replace Eye-gaze Guided Multi-modal Alignment Framework for Radiology

Authors: Chong Ma, Hanqi Jiang, Wenting Chen, Zihao Wu, Xiaowei Yu, Fang Zeng, Lei Guo, Dajiang Zhu, Tuo Zhang, Dinggang Shen, Tianming Liu, Xiang Li

Abstract: In multi-modal frameworks, the alignment of cross-modal features presents a significant challenge. The predominant approach in multi-modal pre-training emphasizes either global or local alignment between modalities, utilizing extensive datasets. This bottom-up driven method often suffers from a lack of interpretability, a critical concern in radiology. Previous studies have integrated high-level labels in medical images or text, but these still rely on manual annotation, a costly and labor-intensive process. Our work introduces a novel approach by using eye-gaze data, collected synchronously by radiologists during diagnostic evaluations. This data, indicating radiologists' focus areas, naturally links chest X-rays to diagnostic texts. We propose the Eye-gaze Guided Multi-modal Alignment (EGMA) framework to harness eye-gaze data for better alignment of image and text features, aiming to reduce reliance on manual annotations and thus cut training costs. Our model demonstrates robust performance, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks. The incorporation of easily-obtained eye-gaze data during routine radiological diagnoses signifies a step towards minimizing manual annotation dependency. Additionally, we explore the impact of varying amounts of eye-gaze data on model performance, highlighting the feasibility and utility of integrating this auxiliary data into multi-modal pre-training.

replace LLaVA-PruMerge: Adaptive Token Reduction for Efficient Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Yuzhang Shang, Mu Cai, Bingxin Xu, Yong Jae Lee, Yan Yan

Abstract: Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have shown significant reasoning capabilities by connecting a visual encoder and a large language model. LMMs typically use a fixed amount of visual tokens, such as the penultimate layer features in the CLIP visual encoder, as the prefix content. Recent LMMs incorporate more complex visual inputs, such as high-resolution images and videos, which increase the number of visual tokens significantly. However, due to the design of the Transformer architecture, computational costs associated with these models tend to increase quadratically with the number of input tokens. To tackle this problem, we explore a token reduction mechanism and find, similar to prior work, that many visual tokens are spatially redundant. Based on this, we propose PruMerge, a novel adaptive visual token reduction approach, which largely reduces the number of visual tokens while maintaining comparable model performance. We first select the unpruned visual tokens based on their similarity to class tokens and spatial tokens. We then cluster the pruned tokens based on key similarity and merge the clustered tokens with the unpruned tokens to supplement their information. Empirically, when applied to LLaVA-1.5, our approach can compress the visual tokens by 18 times on average, and achieve comparable performance across diverse visual question-answering and reasoning tasks. Code and checkpoints are at


replace ASDF: Assembly State Detection Utilizing Late Fusion by Integrating 6D Pose Estimation

Authors: Hannah Schieber, Shiyu Li, Niklas Corell, Philipp Beckerle, Julian Kreimeier, Daniel Roth

Abstract: In medical and industrial domains, providing guidance for assembly processes is critical to ensure efficiency and safety. Errors in assembly can lead to significant consequences such as extended surgery times, and prolonged manufacturing or maintenance times in industry. Assembly scenarios can benefit from in-situ AR visualization to provide guidance, reduce assembly times and minimize errors. To enable in-situ visualization 6D pose estimation can be leveraged. Existing 6D pose estimation techniques primarily focus on individual objects and static captures. However, assembly scenarios have various dynamics including occlusion during assembly and dynamics in the assembly objects appearance. Existing work, combining object detection/6D pose estimation and assembly state detection focuses either on pure deep learning-based approaches, or limit the assembly state detection to building blocks. To address the challenges of 6D pose estimation in combination with assembly state detection, our approach ASDF builds upon the strengths of YOLOv8, a real-time capable object detection framework. We extend this framework, refine the object pose and fuse pose knowledge with network-detected pose information. Utilizing our late fusion in our Pose2State module results in refined 6D pose estimation and assembly state detection. By combining both pose and state information, our Pose2State module predicts the final assembly state with precision. Our evaluation on our ASDF dataset shows that our Pose2State module leads to an improved assembly state detection and that the improvement of the assembly state further leads to a more robust 6D pose estimation. Moreover, on the GBOT dataset, we outperform the pure deep learning-based network, and even outperform the hybrid and pure tracking-based approaches.

replace CosalPure: Learning Concept from Group Images for Robust Co-Saliency Detection

Authors: Jiayi Zhu, Qing Guo, Felix Juefei-Xu, Yihao Huang, Yang Liu, Geguang Pu

Abstract: Co-salient object detection (CoSOD) aims to identify the common and salient (usually in the foreground) regions across a given group of images. Although achieving significant progress, state-of-the-art CoSODs could be easily affected by some adversarial perturbations, leading to substantial accuracy reduction. The adversarial perturbations can mislead CoSODs but do not change the high-level semantic information (e.g., concept) of the co-salient objects. In this paper, we propose a novel robustness enhancement framework by first learning the concept of the co-salient objects based on the input group images and then leveraging this concept to purify adversarial perturbations, which are subsequently fed to CoSODs for robustness enhancement. Specifically, we propose CosalPure containing two modules, i.e., group-image concept learning and concept-guided diffusion purification. For the first module, we adopt a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model to learn the concept of co-salient objects within group images where the learned concept is robust to adversarial examples. For the second module, we map the adversarial image to the latent space and then perform diffusion generation by embedding the learned concept into the noise prediction function as an extra condition. Our method can effectively alleviate the influence of the SOTA adversarial attack containing different adversarial patterns, including exposure and noise. The extensive results demonstrate that our method could enhance the robustness of CoSODs significantly.

replace Transformer based Pluralistic Image Completion with Reduced Information Loss

Authors: Qiankun Liu, Yuqi Jiang, Zhentao Tan, Dongdong Chen, Ying Fu, Qi Chu, Gang Hua, Nenghai Yu

Abstract: Transformer based methods have achieved great success in image inpainting recently. However, we find that these solutions regard each pixel as a token, thus suffering from an information loss issue from two aspects: 1) They downsample the input image into much lower resolutions for efficiency consideration. 2) They quantize $256^3$ RGB values to a small number (such as 512) of quantized color values. The indices of quantized pixels are used as tokens for the inputs and prediction targets of the transformer. To mitigate these issues, we propose a new transformer based framework called "PUT". Specifically, to avoid input downsampling while maintaining computation efficiency, we design a patch-based auto-encoder P-VQVAE. The encoder converts the masked image into non-overlapped patch tokens and the decoder recovers the masked regions from the inpainted tokens while keeping the unmasked regions unchanged. To eliminate the information loss caused by input quantization, an Un-quantized Transformer is applied. It directly takes features from the P-VQVAE encoder as input without any quantization and only regards the quantized tokens as prediction targets. Furthermore, to make the inpainting process more controllable, we introduce semantic and structural conditions as extra guidance. Extensive experiments show that our method greatly outperforms existing transformer based methods on image fidelity and achieves much higher diversity and better fidelity than state-of-the-art pluralistic inpainting methods on complex large-scale datasets (e.g., ImageNet). Codes are available at


replace Modality Translation for Object Detection Adaptation Without Forgetting Prior Knowledge

Authors: Heitor Rapela Medeiros, Masih Aminbeidokhti, Fidel Guerrero Pena, David Latortue, Eric Granger, Marco Pedersoli

Abstract: A common practice in deep learning consists of training large neural networks on massive datasets to perform accurately for different domains and tasks. While this methodology may work well in numerous application areas, it only applies across modalities due to a larger distribution shift in data captured using different sensors. This paper focuses on the problem of adapting a large object detection model to one or multiple modalities while being efficient. To do so, we propose ModTr as an alternative to the common approach of fine-tuning large models. ModTr consists of adapting the input with a small transformation network trained to minimize the detection loss directly. The original model can therefore work on the translated inputs without any further change or fine-tuning to its parameters. Experimental results on translating from IR to RGB images on two well-known datasets show that this simple ModTr approach provides detectors that can perform comparably or better than the standard fine-tuning without forgetting the original knowledge. This opens the doors to a more flexible and efficient service-based detection pipeline in which, instead of using a different detector for each modality, a unique and unaltered server is constantly running, where multiple modalities with the corresponding translations can query it. Code:


replace DQ-DETR: DETR with Dynamic Query for Tiny Object Detection

Authors: Yi-Xin Huang, Hou-I Liu, Hong-Han Shuai, Wen-Huang Cheng

Abstract: Despite previous DETR-like methods having performed successfully in generic object detection, tiny object detection is still a challenging task for them since the positional information of object queries is not customized for detecting tiny objects, whose scale is extraordinarily smaller than general objects. Also, DETR-like methods using a fixed number of queries make them unsuitable for aerial datasets, which only contain tiny objects, and the numbers of instances are imbalanced between different images. Thus, we present a simple yet effective model, named DQ-DETR, which consists of three different components: categorical counting module, counting-guided feature enhancement, and dynamic query selection to solve the above-mentioned problems. DQ-DETR uses the prediction and density maps from the categorical counting module to dynamically adjust the number of object queries and improve the positional information of queries. Our model DQ-DETR outperforms previous CNN-based and DETR-like methods, achieving state-of-the-art mAP 30.2% on the AI-TOD-V2 dataset, which mostly consists of tiny objects.

replace MC$^2$: Multi-concept Guidance for Customized Multi-concept Generation

Authors: Jiaxiu Jiang, Yabo Zhang, Kailai Feng, Xiaohe Wu, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: Customized text-to-image generation aims to synthesize instantiations of user-specified concepts and has achieved unprecedented progress in handling individual concept. However, when extending to multiple customized concepts, existing methods exhibit limitations in terms of flexibility and fidelity, only accommodating the combination of limited types of models and potentially resulting in a mix of characteristics from different concepts. In this paper, we introduce the Multi-concept guidance for Multi-concept customization, termed MC$^2$, for improved flexibility and fidelity. MC$^2$ decouples the requirements for model architecture via inference time optimization, allowing the integration of various heterogeneous single-concept customized models. It adaptively refines the attention weights between visual and textual tokens, directing image regions to focus on their associated words while diminishing the impact of irrelevant ones. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MC$^2$ even surpasses previous methods that require additional training in terms of consistency with input prompt and reference images. Moreover, MC$^2$ can be extended to elevate the compositional capabilities of text-to-image generation, yielding appealing results. Code will be publicly available at


replace EasyTrack: Efficient and Compact One-stream 3D Point Clouds Tracker

Authors: Baojie Fan, Wuyang Zhou, Kai Wang, Shijun Zhou, Fengyu Xu, Jiandong Tian

Abstract: Most of 3D single object trackers (SOT) in point clouds follow the two-stream multi-stage 3D Siamese or motion tracking paradigms, which process the template and search area point clouds with two parallel branches, built on supervised point cloud backbones. In this work, beyond typical 3D Siamese or motion tracking, we propose a neat and compact one-stream transformer 3D SOT paradigm from the novel perspective, termed as \textbf{EasyTrack}, which consists of three special designs: 1) A 3D point clouds tracking feature pre-training module is developed to exploit the masked autoencoding for learning 3D point clouds tracking representations. 2) A unified 3D tracking feature learning and fusion network is proposed to simultaneously learns target-aware 3D features, and extensively captures mutual correlation through the flexible self-attention mechanism. 3) A target location network in the dense bird's eye view (BEV) feature space is constructed for target classification and regression. Moreover, we develop an enhanced version named EasyTrack++, which designs the center points interaction (CPI) strategy to reduce the ambiguous targets caused by the noise point cloud background information. The proposed EasyTrack and EasyTrack++ set a new state-of-the-art performance ($\textbf{18\%}$, $\textbf{40\%}$ and $\textbf{3\%}$ success gains) in KITTI, NuScenes, and Waymo while runing at \textbf{52.6fps} with few parameters (\textbf{1.3M}). The code will be available at


replace SpikeNVS: Enhancing Novel View Synthesis from Blurry Images via Spike Camera

Authors: Gaole Dai, Zhenyu Wang, Qinwen Xu, Ming Lu, Wen Chen, Boxin Shi, Shanghang Zhang, Tiejun Huang

Abstract: One of the most critical factors in achieving sharp Novel View Synthesis (NVS) using neural field methods like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) is the quality of the training images. However, Conventional RGB cameras are susceptible to motion blur. In contrast, neuromorphic cameras like event and spike cameras inherently capture more comprehensive temporal information, which can provide a sharp representation of the scene as additional training data. Recent methods have explored the integration of event cameras to improve the quality of NVS. The event-RGB approaches have some limitations, such as high training costs and the inability to work effectively in the background. Instead, our study introduces a new method that uses the spike camera to overcome these limitations. By considering texture reconstruction from spike streams as ground truth, we design the Texture from Spike (TfS) loss. Since the spike camera relies on temporal integration instead of temporal differentiation used by event cameras, our proposed TfS loss maintains manageable training costs. It handles foreground objects with backgrounds simultaneously. We also provide a real-world dataset captured with our spike-RGB camera system to facilitate future research endeavors. We conduct extensive experiments using synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate that our design can enhance novel view synthesis across NeRF and 3DGS. The code and dataset will be made available for public access.

replace Lightweight Deep Learning for Resource-Constrained Environments: A Survey

Authors: Hou-I Liu, Marco Galindo, Hongxia Xie, Lai-Kuan Wong, Hong-Han Shuai, Yung-Hui Li, Wen-Huang Cheng

Abstract: Over the past decade, the dominance of deep learning has prevailed across various domains of artificial intelligence, including natural language processing, computer vision, and biomedical signal processing. While there have been remarkable improvements in model accuracy, deploying these models on lightweight devices, such as mobile phones and microcontrollers, is constrained by limited resources. In this survey, we provide comprehensive design guidance tailored for these devices, detailing the meticulous design of lightweight models, compression methods, and hardware acceleration strategies. The principal goal of this work is to explore methods and concepts for getting around hardware constraints without compromising the model's accuracy. Additionally, we explore two notable paths for lightweight deep learning in the future: deployment techniques for TinyML and Large Language Models. Although these paths undoubtedly have potential, they also present significant challenges, encouraging research into unexplored areas.

replace PromptSync: Bridging Domain Gaps in Vision-Language Models through Class-Aware Prototype Alignment and Discrimination

Authors: Anant Khandelwal

Abstract: The potential for zero-shot generalization in vision-language (V-L) models such as CLIP has spurred their widespread adoption in addressing numerous downstream tasks. Previous methods have employed test-time prompt tuning to adapt the model to unseen domains, but they overlooked the issue of imbalanced class distributions. In this study, we explicitly address this problem by employing class-aware prototype alignment weighted by mean class probabilities obtained for the test sample and filtered augmented views. Additionally, we ensure that the class probabilities are as accurate as possible by performing prototype discrimination using contrastive learning. The combination of alignment and discriminative loss serves as a geometric regularizer, preventing the prompt representation from collapsing onto a single class and effectively bridging the distribution gap between the source and test domains. Our method, named PromptSync, synchronizes the prompts for each test sample on both the text and vision branches of the V-L model. In empirical evaluations on the domain generalization benchmark, our method outperforms previous best methods by 2.33% in overall performance, by 1% in base-to-novel generalization, and by 2.84% in cross-dataset transfer tasks.

replace How is Visual Attention Influenced by Text Guidance? Database and Model

Authors: Yinan Sun, Xiongkuo Min, Huiyu Duan, Guangtao Zhai

Abstract: The analysis and prediction of visual attention have long been crucial tasks in the fields of computer vision and image processing. In practical applications, images are generally accompanied by various text descriptions, however, few studies have explored the influence of text descriptions on visual attention, let alone developed visual saliency prediction models considering text guidance. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive study on text-guided image saliency (TIS) from both subjective and objective perspectives. Specifically, we construct a TIS database named SJTU-TIS, which includes 1200 text-image pairs and the corresponding collected eye-tracking data. Based on the established SJTU-TIS database, we analyze the influence of various text descriptions on visual attention. Then, to facilitate the development of saliency prediction models considering text influence, we construct a benchmark for the established SJTU-TIS database using state-of-the-art saliency models. Finally, considering the effect of text descriptions on visual attention, while most existing saliency models ignore this impact, we further propose a text-guided saliency (TGSal) prediction model, which extracts and integrates both image features and text features to predict the image saliency under various text-description conditions. Our proposed model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art saliency models on both the SJTU-TIS database and the pure image saliency databases in terms of various evaluation metrics. The SJTU-TIS database and the code of the proposed TGSal model will be released at:


replace NeuroNCAP: Photorealistic Closed-loop Safety Testing for Autonomous Driving

Authors: William Ljungbergh, Adam Tonderski, Joakim Johnander, Holger Caesar, Kalle {\AA}str\"om, Michael Felsberg, Christoffer Petersson

Abstract: We present a versatile NeRF-based simulator for testing autonomous driving (AD) software systems, designed with a focus on sensor-realistic closed-loop evaluation and the creation of safety-critical scenarios. The simulator learns from sequences of real-world driving sensor data and enables reconfigurations and renderings of new, unseen scenarios. In this work, we use our simulator to test the responses of AD models to safety-critical scenarios inspired by the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP). Our evaluation reveals that, while state-of-the-art end-to-end planners excel in nominal driving scenarios in an open-loop setting, they exhibit critical flaws when navigating our safety-critical scenarios in a closed-loop setting. This highlights the need for advancements in the safety and real-world usability of end-to-end planners. By publicly releasing our simulator and scenarios as an easy-to-run evaluation suite, we invite the research community to explore, refine, and validate their AD models in controlled, yet highly configurable and challenging sensor-realistic environments. Code and instructions can be found at


replace-cross A Systematic Survey of Deep Learning-based Single-Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Juncheng Li, Zehua Pei, Wenjie Li, Guangwei Gao, Longguang Wang, Yingqian Wang, Tieyong Zeng

Abstract: Single-image super-resolution (SISR) is an important task in image processing, which aims to enhance the resolution of imaging systems. Recently, SISR has made a huge leap and has achieved promising results with the help of deep learning (DL). In this survey, we give an overview of DL-based SISR methods and group them according to their design targets. Specifically, we first introduce the problem definition, research background, and the significance of SISR. Secondly, we introduce some related works, including benchmark datasets, upsampling methods, optimization objectives, and image quality assessment methods. Thirdly, we provide a detailed investigation of SISR and give some domain-specific applications of it. Fourthly, we present the reconstruction results of some classic SISR methods to intuitively know their performance. Finally, we discuss some issues that still exist in SISR and summarize some new trends and future directions. This is an exhaustive survey of SISR, which can help researchers better understand SISR and inspire more exciting research in this field. An investigation project for SISR is provided at


replace-cross Deep Learning-Based MR Image Re-parameterization

Authors: Abhijeet Narang, Abhigyan Raj, Mihaela Pop, Mehran Ebrahimi

Abstract: Magnetic resonance (MR) image re-parameterization refers to the process of generating via simulations of an MR image with a new set of MRI scanning parameters. Different parameter values generate distinct contrast between different tissues, helping identify pathologic tissue. Typically, more than one scan is required for diagnosis; however, acquiring repeated scans can be costly, time-consuming, and difficult for patients. Thus, using MR image re-parameterization to predict and estimate the contrast in these imaging scans can be an effective alternative. In this work, we propose a novel deep learning (DL) based convolutional model for MRI re-parameterization. Based on our preliminary results, DL-based techniques hold the potential to learn the non-linearities that govern the re-parameterization.

replace-cross Perceptual Assessment and Optimization of High Dynamic Range Image Rendering

Authors: Peibei Cao, Rafal K. Mantiuk, Kede Ma

Abstract: High dynamic range (HDR) rendering has the ability to faithfully reproduce the wide luminance ranges in natural scenes, but how to accurately assess the rendering quality is relatively underexplored. Existing quality models are mostly designed for low dynamic range (LDR) images, and do not align well with human perception of HDR image quality. To fill this gap, we propose a family of HDR quality metrics, in which the key step is employing a simple inverse display model to decompose an HDR image into a stack of LDR images with varying exposures. Subsequently, these decomposed images are assessed through well-established LDR quality metrics. Our HDR quality models present three distinct benefits. First, they directly inherit the recent advancements of LDR quality metrics. Second, they do not rely on human perceptual data of HDR image quality for re-calibration. Third, they facilitate the alignment and prioritization of specific luminance ranges for more accurate and detailed quality assessment. Experimental results show that our HDR quality metrics consistently outperform existing models in terms of quality assessment on four HDR image quality datasets and perceptual optimization of HDR novel view synthesis.

replace-cross DUFOMap: Efficient Dynamic Awareness Mapping

Authors: Daniel Duberg, Qingwen Zhang, MingKai Jia, Patric Jensfelt

Abstract: The dynamic nature of the real world is one of the main challenges in robotics. The first step in dealing with it is to detect which parts of the world are dynamic. A typical benchmark task is to create a map that contains only the static part of the world to support, for example, localization and planning. Current solutions are often applied in post-processing, where parameter tuning allows the user to adjust the setting for a specific dataset. In this paper, we propose DUFOMap, a novel dynamic awareness mapping framework designed for efficient online processing. Despite having the same parameter settings for all scenarios, it performs better or is on par with state-of-the-art methods. Ray casting is utilized to identify and classify fully observed empty regions. Since these regions have been observed empty, it follows that anything inside them at another time must be dynamic. Evaluation is carried out in various scenarios, including outdoor environments in KITTI and Argoverse 2, open areas on the KTH campus, and with different sensor types. DUFOMap outperforms the state of the art in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency. The source code, benchmarks, and links to the datasets utilized are provided. See for more details.


replace-cross View-Consistent 3D Editing with Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Yuxuan Wang, Xuanyu Yi, Zike Wu, Na Zhao, Long Chen, Hanwang Zhang

Abstract: The advent of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) has revolutionized 3D editing, offering efficient, high-fidelity rendering and enabling precise local manipulations. Currently, diffusion-based 2D editing models are harnessed to modify multi-view rendered images, which then guide the editing of 3DGS models. However, this approach faces a critical issue of multi-view inconsistency, where the guidance images exhibit significant discrepancies across views, leading to mode collapse and visual artifacts of 3DGS. To this end, we introduce View-consistent Editing (VcEdit), a novel framework that seamlessly incorporates 3DGS into image editing processes, ensuring multi-view consistency in edited guidance images and effectively mitigating mode collapse issues. VcEdit employs two innovative consistency modules: the Cross-attention Consistency Module and the Editing Consistency Module, both designed to reduce inconsistencies in edited images. By incorporating these consistency modules into an iterative pattern, VcEdit proficiently resolves the issue of multi-view inconsistency, facilitating high-quality 3DGS editing across a diverse range of scenes.

replace-cross Accelerating ViT Inference on FPGA through Static and Dynamic Pruning

Authors: Dhruv Parikh, Shouyi Li, Bingyi Zhang, Rajgopal Kannan, Carl Busart, Viktor Prasanna

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art accuracy on various computer vision tasks. However, their high computational complexity prevents them from being applied to many real-world applications. Weight and token pruning are two well-known methods for reducing complexity: weight pruning reduces the model size and associated computational demands, while token pruning further dynamically reduces the computation based on the input. Combining these two techniques should significantly reduce computation complexity and model size; however, naively integrating them results in irregular computation patterns, leading to significant accuracy drops and difficulties in hardware acceleration. Addressing the above challenges, we propose a comprehensive algorithm-hardware codesign for accelerating ViT on FPGA through simultaneous pruning -combining static weight pruning and dynamic token pruning. For algorithm design, we systematically combine a hardware-aware structured block-pruning method for pruning model parameters and a dynamic token pruning method for removing unimportant token vectors. Moreover, we design a novel training algorithm to recover the model's accuracy. For hardware design, we develop a novel hardware accelerator for executing the pruned model. The proposed hardware design employs multi-level parallelism with load balancing strategy to efficiently deal with the irregular computation pattern led by the two pruning approaches. Moreover, we develop an efficient hardware mechanism for efficiently executing the on-the-fly token pruning.

replace-cross IISAN: Efficiently Adapting Multimodal Representation for Sequential Recommendation with Decoupled PEFT

Authors: Junchen Fu, Xuri Ge, Xin Xin, Alexandros Karatzoglou, Ioannis Arapakis, Jie Wang, Joemon M. Jose

Abstract: Multimodal foundation models are transformative in sequential recommender systems, leveraging powerful representation learning capabilities. While Parameter-efficient Fine-tuning (PEFT) is commonly used to adapt foundation models for recommendation tasks, most research prioritizes parameter efficiency, often overlooking critical factors like GPU memory efficiency and training speed. Addressing this gap, our paper introduces IISAN (Intra- and Inter-modal Side Adapted Network for Multimodal Representation), a simple plug-and-play architecture using a Decoupled PEFT structure and exploiting both intra- and inter-modal adaptation. IISAN matches the performance of full fine-tuning (FFT) and state-of-the-art PEFT. More importantly, it significantly reduces GPU memory usage - from 47GB to just 3GB for multimodal sequential recommendation tasks. Additionally, it accelerates training time per epoch from 443s to 22s compared to FFT. This is also a notable improvement over the Adapter and LoRA, which require 37-39 GB GPU memory and 350-380 seconds per epoch for training. Furthermore, we propose a new composite efficiency metric, TPME (Training-time, Parameter, and GPU Memory Efficiency) to alleviate the prevalent misconception that "parameter efficiency represents overall efficiency". TPME provides more comprehensive insights into practical efficiency comparisons between different methods. Besides, we give an accessible efficiency analysis of all PEFT and FFT approaches, which demonstrate the superiority of IISAN. We release our codes and other materials at