new Generating Games via LLMs: An Investigation with Video Game Description Language

Authors: Chengpeng Hu, Yunlong Zhao, Jialin Liu

Abstract: Recently, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) has unlocked new opportunities for procedural content generation. However, recent attempts mainly focus on level generation for specific games with defined game rules such as Super Mario Bros. and Zelda. This paper investigates the game generation via LLMs. Based on video game description language, this paper proposes an LLM-based framework to generate game rules and levels simultaneously. Experiments demonstrate how the framework works with prompts considering different combinations of context. Our findings extend the current applications of LLMs and offer new insights for generating new games in the area of procedural content generation.

new Handling Reward Misspecification in the Presence of Expectation Mismatch

Authors: Sarath Sreedharan, Malek Mechergui

Abstract: Detecting and handling misspecified objectives, such as reward functions, has been widely recognized as one of the central challenges within the domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) safety research. However, even with the recognition of the importance of this problem, we are unaware of any works that attempt to provide a clear definition for what constitutes (a) misspecified objectives and (b) successfully resolving such misspecifications. In this work, we use the theory of mind, i.e., the human user's beliefs about the AI agent, as a basis to develop a formal explanatory framework called Expectation Alignment (EAL) to understand the objective misspecification and its causes. Our \EAL\ framework not only acts as an explanatory framework for existing works but also provides us with concrete insights into the limitations of existing methods to handle reward misspecification and novel solution strategies. We use these insights to propose a new interactive algorithm that uses the specified reward to infer potential user expectations about the system behavior. We show how one can efficiently implement this algorithm by mapping the inference problem into linear programs. We evaluate our method on a set of standard Markov Decision Process (MDP) benchmarks.

new Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging: Model, Complexity, and Heuristics

Authors: Cl\'audio Gomes, Jo\~ao Paulo Fernandes, Gabriel Falcao, Soummya Kar, Sridhar Tayur

Abstract: The rapid adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs) poses challenges for electricity grids to accommodate or mitigate peak demand. Vehicle-to-Vehicle Charging (V2VC) has been recently adopted by popular EVs, posing new opportunities and challenges to the management and operation of EVs. We present a novel V2VC model that allows decision-makers to take V2VC into account when optimizing their EV operations. We show that optimizing V2VC is NP-Complete and find that even small problem instances are computationally challenging. We propose R-V2VC, a heuristic that takes advantage of the resulting totally unimodular constraint matrix to efficiently solve problems of realistic sizes. Our results demonstrate that R-V2VC presents a linear growth in the solution time as the problem size increases, while achieving solutions of optimal or near-optimal quality. R-V2VC can be used for real-world operations and to study what-if scenarios when evaluating the costs and benefits of V2VC.

new Assessing Economic Viability: A Comparative Analysis of Total Cost of Ownership for Domain-Adapted Large Language Models versus State-of-the-art Counterparts in Chip Design Coding Assistance

Authors: Amit Sharma, Teodor-Dumitru Ene, Kishor Kunal, Mingjie Liu, Zafar Hasan, Haoxing Ren

Abstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis of total cost of ownership (TCO) and performance between domain-adapted large language models (LLM) and state-of-the-art (SoTA) LLMs , with a particular emphasis on tasks related to coding assistance for chip design. We examine the TCO and performance metrics of a domain-adaptive LLM, ChipNeMo, against two leading LLMs, Claude 3 Opus and ChatGPT-4 Turbo, to assess their efficacy in chip design coding generation. Through a detailed evaluation of the accuracy of the model, training methodologies, and operational expenditures, this study aims to provide stakeholders with critical information to select the most economically viable and performance-efficient solutions for their specific needs. Our results underscore the benefits of employing domain-adapted models, such as ChipNeMo, that demonstrate improved performance at significantly reduced costs compared to their general-purpose counterparts. In particular, we reveal the potential of domain-adapted LLMs to decrease TCO by approximately 90%-95%, with the cost advantages becoming increasingly evident as the deployment scale expands. With expansion of deployment, the cost benefits of ChipNeMo become more pronounced, making domain-adaptive LLMs an attractive option for organizations with substantial coding needs supported by LLMs

new Monte Carlo Search Algorithms Discovering Monte Carlo Tree Search Exploration Terms

Authors: Tristan Cazenave

Abstract: Monte Carlo Tree Search and Monte Carlo Search have good results for many combinatorial problems. In this paper we propose to use Monte Carlo Search to design mathematical expressions that are used as exploration terms for Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms. The optimized Monte Carlo Tree Search algorithms are PUCT and SHUSS. We automatically design the PUCT and the SHUSS root exploration terms. For small search budgets of 32 evaluations the discovered root exploration terms make both algorithms competitive with usual PUCT.

new OWLOOP: Interfaces for Mapping OWL Axioms into OOP Hierarchies

Authors: Luca Buoncompagni, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni

Abstract: The paper tackles the issue of mapping logic axioms formalised in the Ontology Web Language (OWL) within the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm. The issues of mapping OWL axioms hierarchies and OOP objects hierarchies are due to OWL-based reasoning algorithms, which might change an OWL hierarchy at runtime; instead, OOP hierarchies are usually defined as static structures. Although programming paradigms based on reflection allow changing the OOP hierarchies at runtime and mapping OWL axioms dynamically, there are no currently available mechanisms that do not limit the reasoning algorithms. Thus, the factory-based paradigm is typically used since it decouples the OWL and OOP hierarchies. However, the factory inhibits OOP polymorphism and introduces a paradigm shift with respect to widely accepted OOP paradigms. We present the OWLOOP API, which exploits the factory to not limit reasoning algorithms, and it provides novel OOP interfaces concerning the axioms in an ontology. OWLOOP is designed to limit the paradigm shift required for using ontologies while improving, through OOP-like polymorphism, the modularity of software architectures that exploit logic reasoning. The paper details our OWL to OOP mapping mechanism, and it shows the benefits and limitations of OWLOOP through examples concerning a robot in a smart environment.

new MyGO: Discrete Modality Information as Fine-Grained Tokens for Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Zhuo Chen, Lingbing Guo, Yajing Xu, Binbin Hu, Ziqi Liu, Huajun Chen, Wen Zhang

Abstract: Multi-modal knowledge graphs (MMKG) store structured world knowledge containing rich multi-modal descriptive information. To overcome their inherent incompleteness, multi-modal knowledge graph completion (MMKGC) aims to discover unobserved knowledge from given MMKGs, leveraging both structural information from the triples and multi-modal information of the entities. Existing MMKGC methods usually extract multi-modal features with pre-trained models and employ a fusion module to integrate multi-modal features with triple prediction. However, this often results in a coarse handling of multi-modal data, overlooking the nuanced, fine-grained semantic details and their interactions. To tackle this shortfall, we introduce a novel framework MyGO to process, fuse, and augment the fine-grained modality information from MMKGs. MyGO tokenizes multi-modal raw data as fine-grained discrete tokens and learns entity representations with a cross-modal entity encoder. To further augment the multi-modal representations, MyGO incorporates fine-grained contrastive learning to highlight the specificity of the entity representations. Experiments on standard MMKGC benchmarks reveal that our method surpasses 20 of the latest models, underlining its superior performance. Code and data are available at


new Explainable Generative AI (GenXAI): A Survey, Conceptualization, and Research Agenda

Authors: Johannes Schneider

Abstract: Generative AI (GenAI) marked a shift from AI being able to recognize to AI being able to generate solutions for a wide variety of tasks. As the generated solutions and applications become increasingly more complex and multi-faceted, novel needs, objectives, and possibilities have emerged for explainability (XAI). In this work, we elaborate on why XAI has gained importance with the rise of GenAI and its challenges for explainability research. We also unveil novel and emerging desiderata that explanations should fulfill, covering aspects such as verifiability, interactivity, security, and cost. To this end, we focus on surveying existing works. Furthermore, we provide a taxonomy of relevant dimensions that allows us to better characterize existing XAI mechanisms and methods for GenAI. We discuss different avenues to ensure XAI, from training data to prompting. Our paper offers a short but concise technical background of GenAI for non-technical readers, focusing on text and images to better understand novel or adapted XAI techniques for GenAI. However, due to the vast array of works on GenAI, we decided to forego detailed aspects of XAI related to evaluation and usage of explanations. As such, the manuscript interests both technically oriented people and other disciplines, such as social scientists and information systems researchers. Our research roadmap provides more than ten directions for future investigation.

new German Tourism Knowledge Graph

Authors: Umutcan Serles, Elias K\"arle, Richard Hunkel, Dieter Fensel

Abstract: Tourism is one of the most critical sectors of the global economy. Due to its heterogeneous and fragmented nature, it provides one of the most suitable use cases for knowledge graphs. In this poster, we introduce the German Tourism Knowledge Graph that integrates tourism-related data from 16 federal states of Germany and various other sources to provide a curated knowledge source for various applications. It is publicly available through GUIs and an API.

new Action Model Learning with Guarantees

Authors: Diego Aineto, Enrico Scala

Abstract: This paper studies the problem of action model learning with full observability. Following the learning by search paradigm by Mitchell, we develop a theory for action model learning based on version spaces that interprets the task as search for hypothesis that are consistent with the learning examples. Our theoretical findings are instantiated in an online algorithm that maintains a compact representation of all solutions of the problem. Among these range of solutions, we bring attention to actions models approximating the actual transition system from below (sound models) and from above (complete models). We show how to manipulate the output of our learning algorithm to build deterministic and non-deterministic formulations of the sound and complete models and prove that, given enough examples, both formulations converge into the very same true model. Our experiments reveal their usefulness over a range of planning domains.

new HyperMono: A Monotonicity-aware Approach to Hyper-Relational Knowledge Representation

Authors: Zhiwei Hu, V\'ictor Guti\'errez-Basulto, Zhiliang Xiang, Ru Li, Jeff Z. Pan

Abstract: In a hyper-relational knowledge graph (HKG), each fact is composed of a main triple associated with attribute-value qualifiers, which express additional factual knowledge. The hyper-relational knowledge graph completion (HKGC) task aims at inferring plausible missing links in a HKG. Most existing approaches to HKGC focus on enhancing the communication between qualifier pairs and main triples, while overlooking two important properties that emerge from the monotonicity of the hyper-relational graphs representation regime. Stage Reasoning allows for a two-step reasoning process, facilitating the integration of coarse-grained inference results derived solely from main triples and fine-grained inference results obtained from hyper-relational facts with qualifiers. In the initial stage, coarse-grained results provide an upper bound for correct predictions, which are subsequently refined in the fine-grained step. More generally, Qualifier Monotonicity implies that by attaching more qualifier pairs to a main triple, we may only narrow down the answer set, but never enlarge it. This paper proposes the HyperMono model for hyper-relational knowledge graph completion, which realizes stage reasoning and qualifier monotonicity. To implement qualifier monotonicity HyperMono resorts to cone embeddings. Experiments on three real-world datasets with three different scenario conditions demonstrate the strong performance of HyperMono when compared to the SoTA.

new Synergising Human-like Responses and Machine Intelligence for Planning in Disaster Response

Authors: Savvas Papaioannou, Panayiotis Kolios, Christos G. Panayiotou, Marios M. Polycarpou

Abstract: In the rapidly changing environments of disaster response, planning and decision-making for autonomous agents involve complex and interdependent choices. Although recent advancements have improved traditional artificial intelligence (AI) approaches, they often struggle in such settings, particularly when applied to agents operating outside their well-defined training parameters. To address these challenges, we propose an attention-based cognitive architecture inspired by Dual Process Theory (DPT). This framework integrates, in an online fashion, rapid yet heuristic (human-like) responses (System 1) with the slow but optimized planning capabilities of machine intelligence (System 2). We illustrate how a supervisory controller can dynamically determine in real-time the engagement of either system to optimize mission objectives by assessing their performance across a number of distinct attributes. Evaluated for trajectory planning in dynamic environments, our framework demonstrates that this synergistic integration effectively manages complex tasks by optimizing multiple mission objectives.

new Progressive Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Jiayi Li, Ruilin Luo, Jiaqi Sun, Jing Xiao, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) has emerged as a promising solution to address the issue of incompleteness within Knowledge Graphs (KGs). Traditional KGC research primarily centers on triple classification and link prediction. Nevertheless, we contend that these tasks do not align well with real-world scenarios and merely serve as surrogate benchmarks. In this paper, we investigate three crucial processes relevant to real-world construction scenarios: (a) the verification process, which arises from the necessity and limitations of human verifiers; (b) the mining process, which identifies the most promising candidates for verification; and (c) the training process, which harnesses verified data for subsequent utilization; in order to achieve a transition toward more realistic challenges. By integrating these three processes, we introduce the Progressive Knowledge Graph Completion (PKGC) task, which simulates the gradual completion of KGs in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, to expedite PKGC processing, we propose two acceleration modules: Optimized Top-$k$ algorithm and Semantic Validity Filter. These modules significantly enhance the efficiency of the mining procedure. Our experiments demonstrate that performance in link prediction does not accurately reflect performance in PKGC. A more in-depth analysis reveals the key factors influencing the results and provides potential directions for future research.

new A Survey on Deep Learning for Theorem Proving

Authors: Zhaoyu Li, Jialiang Sun, Logan Murphy, Qidong Su, Zenan Li, Xian Zhang, Kaiyu Yang, Xujie Si

Abstract: Theorem proving is a fundamental aspect of mathematics, spanning from informal reasoning in mathematical language to rigorous derivations in formal systems. In recent years, the advancement of deep learning, especially the emergence of large language models, has sparked a notable surge of research exploring these techniques to enhance the process of theorem proving. This paper presents a pioneering comprehensive survey of deep learning for theorem proving by offering i) a thorough review of existing approaches across various tasks such as autoformalization, premise selection, proofstep generation, and proof search; ii) a meticulous summary of available datasets and strategies for data generation; iii) a detailed analysis of evaluation metrics and the performance of state-of-the-art; and iv) a critical discussion on the persistent challenges and the promising avenues for future exploration. Our survey aims to serve as a foundational reference for deep learning approaches in theorem proving, seeking to catalyze further research endeavors in this rapidly growing field.

cross Explore and Explain: Self-supervised Navigation and Recounting

Authors: Roberto Bigazzi, Federico Landi, Marcella Cornia, Silvia Cascianelli, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: Embodied AI has been recently gaining attention as it aims to foster the development of autonomous and intelligent agents. In this paper, we devise a novel embodied setting in which an agent needs to explore a previously unknown environment while recounting what it sees during the path. In this context, the agent needs to navigate the environment driven by an exploration goal, select proper moments for description, and output natural language descriptions of relevant objects and scenes. Our model integrates a novel self-supervised exploration module with penalty, and a fully-attentive captioning model for explanation. Also, we investigate different policies for selecting proper moments for explanation, driven by information coming from both the environment and the navigation. Experiments are conducted on photorealistic environments from the Matterport3D dataset and investigate the navigation and explanation capabilities of the agent as well as the role of their interactions.

cross Spot the Difference: A Novel Task for Embodied Agents in Changing Environments

Authors: Federico Landi, Roberto Bigazzi, Marcella Cornia, Silvia Cascianelli, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: Embodied AI is a recent research area that aims at creating intelligent agents that can move and operate inside an environment. Existing approaches in this field demand the agents to act in completely new and unexplored scenes. However, this setting is far from realistic use cases that instead require executing multiple tasks in the same environment. Even if the environment changes over time, the agent could still count on its global knowledge about the scene while trying to adapt its internal representation to the current state of the environment. To make a step towards this setting, we propose Spot the Difference: a novel task for Embodied AI where the agent has access to an outdated map of the environment and needs to recover the correct layout in a fixed time budget. To this end, we collect a new dataset of occupancy maps starting from existing datasets of 3D spaces and generating a number of possible layouts for a single environment. This dataset can be employed in the popular Habitat simulator and is fully compliant with existing methods that employ reconstructed occupancy maps during navigation. Furthermore, we propose an exploration policy that can take advantage of previous knowledge of the environment and identify changes in the scene faster and more effectively than existing agents. Experimental results show that the proposed architecture outperforms existing state-of-the-art models for exploration on this new setting.

cross Embodied Navigation at the Art Gallery

Authors: Roberto Bigazzi, Federico Landi, Silvia Cascianelli, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: Embodied agents, trained to explore and navigate indoor photorealistic environments, have achieved impressive results on standard datasets and benchmarks. So far, experiments and evaluations have involved domestic and working scenes like offices, flats, and houses. In this paper, we build and release a new 3D space with unique characteristics: the one of a complete art museum. We name this environment ArtGallery3D (AG3D). Compared with existing 3D scenes, the collected space is ampler, richer in visual features, and provides very sparse occupancy information. This feature is challenging for occupancy-based agents which are usually trained in crowded domestic environments with plenty of occupancy information. Additionally, we annotate the coordinates of the main points of interest inside the museum, such as paintings, statues, and other items. Thanks to this manual process, we deliver a new benchmark for PointGoal navigation inside this new space. Trajectories in this dataset are far more complex and lengthy than existing ground-truth paths for navigation in Gibson and Matterport3D. We carry on extensive experimental evaluation using our new space for evaluation and prove that existing methods hardly adapt to this scenario. As such, we believe that the availability of this 3D model will foster future research and help improve existing solutions.

cross Embodied Agents for Efficient Exploration and Smart Scene Description

Authors: Roberto Bigazzi, Marcella Cornia, Silvia Cascianelli, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: The development of embodied agents that can communicate with humans in natural language has gained increasing interest over the last years, as it facilitates the diffusion of robotic platforms in human-populated environments. As a step towards this objective, in this work, we tackle a setting for visual navigation in which an autonomous agent needs to explore and map an unseen indoor environment while portraying interesting scenes with natural language descriptions. To this end, we propose and evaluate an approach that combines recent advances in visual robotic exploration and image captioning on images generated through agent-environment interaction. Our approach can generate smart scene descriptions that maximize semantic knowledge of the environment and avoid repetitions. Further, such descriptions offer user-understandable insights into the robot's representation of the environment by highlighting the prominent objects and the correlation between them as encountered during the exploration. To quantitatively assess the performance of the proposed approach, we also devise a specific score that takes into account both exploration and description skills. The experiments carried out on both photorealistic simulated environments and real-world ones demonstrate that our approach can effectively describe the robot's point of view during exploration, improving the human-friendly interpretability of its observations.

cross Mapping High-level Semantic Regions in Indoor Environments without Object Recognition

Authors: Roberto Bigazzi, Lorenzo Baraldi, Shreyas Kousik, Rita Cucchiara, Marco Pavone

Abstract: Robots require a semantic understanding of their surroundings to operate in an efficient and explainable way in human environments. In the literature, there has been an extensive focus on object labeling and exhaustive scene graph generation; less effort has been focused on the task of purely identifying and mapping large semantic regions. The present work proposes a method for semantic region mapping via embodied navigation in indoor environments, generating a high-level representation of the knowledge of the agent. To enable region identification, the method uses a vision-to-language model to provide scene information for mapping. By projecting egocentric scene understanding into the global frame, the proposed method generates a semantic map as a distribution over possible region labels at each location. This mapping procedure is paired with a trained navigation policy to enable autonomous map generation. The proposed method significantly outperforms a variety of baselines, including an object-based system and a pretrained scene classifier, in experiments in a photorealistic simulator.

cross Algorithm for AGC index management against crowded radio environment

Authors: Morgane Joly, Fabian Rivi\`ere, \'Eric Renault

Abstract: This paper describes a receiver that uses an innovative method to predict, according to history of receiver operating metrics (packet lost/well received), the optimum automatic gain control (AGC) index or most appropriate variable gain range to be used for next packet reception, anticipating an interferer appearing during the payload reception. This allows the receiver to have higher immunity to interferers even if they occur during the gain frozen payload reception period whilst still ensuring an optimum sensitivity level. As a result, the method allows setting the receiver gain to get an optimum trade-off between reception sensitivity and random interferer immunity.

cross Optimal path for Biomedical Text Summarization Using Pointer GPT

Authors: Hyunkyung Han, Jaesik Choi

Abstract: Biomedical text summarization is a critical tool that enables clinicians to effectively ascertain patient status. Traditionally, text summarization has been accomplished with transformer models, which are capable of compressing long documents into brief summaries. However, transformer models are known to be among the most challenging natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Specifically, GPT models have a tendency to generate factual errors, lack context, and oversimplify words. To address these limitations, we replaced the attention mechanism in the GPT model with a pointer network. This modification was designed to preserve the core values of the original text during the summarization process. The effectiveness of the Pointer-GPT model was evaluated using the ROUGE score. The results demonstrated that Pointer-GPT outperformed the original GPT model. These findings suggest that pointer networks can be a valuable addition to EMR systems and can provide clinicians with more accurate and informative summaries of patient medical records. This research has the potential to usher in a new paradigm in EMR systems and to revolutionize the way that clinicians interact with patient medical records.

cross Transformer-based Joint Modelling for Automatic Essay Scoring and Off-Topic Detection

Authors: Sourya Dipta Das, Yash Vadi, Kuldeep Yadav

Abstract: Automated Essay Scoring (AES) systems are widely popular in the market as they constitute a cost-effective and time-effective option for grading systems. Nevertheless, many studies have demonstrated that the AES system fails to assign lower grades to irrelevant responses. Thus, detecting the off-topic response in automated essay scoring is crucial in practical tasks where candidates write unrelated text responses to the given task in the question. In this paper, we are proposing an unsupervised technique that jointly scores essays and detects off-topic essays. The proposed Automated Open Essay Scoring (AOES) model uses a novel topic regularization module (TRM), which can be attached on top of a transformer model, and is trained using a proposed hybrid loss function. After training, the AOES model is further used to calculate the Mahalanobis distance score for off-topic essay detection. Our proposed method outperforms the baseline we created and earlier conventional methods on two essay-scoring datasets in off-topic detection as well as on-topic scoring. Experimental evaluation results on different adversarial strategies also show how the suggested method is robust for detecting possible human-level perturbations.

cross Linear Cross-document Event Coreference Resolution with X-AMR

Authors: Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, George Arthur Baker, Evi Judge, Michael Regan, Kristin Wright-Bettner, Martha Palmer, James H. Martin

Abstract: Event Coreference Resolution (ECR) as a pairwise mention classification task is expensive both for automated systems and manual annotations. The task's quadratic difficulty is exacerbated when using Large Language Models (LLMs), making prompt engineering for ECR prohibitively costly. In this work, we propose a graphical representation of events, X-AMR, anchored around individual mentions using a \textbf{cross}-document version of \textbf{A}bstract \textbf{M}eaning \textbf{R}epresentation. We then linearize the ECR with a novel multi-hop coreference algorithm over the event graphs. The event graphs simplify ECR, making it a) LLM cost-effective, b) compositional and interpretable, and c) easily annotated. For a fair assessment, we first enrich an existing ECR benchmark dataset with these event graphs using an annotator-friendly tool we introduce. Then, we employ GPT-4, the newest LLM by OpenAI, for these annotations. Finally, using the ECR algorithm, we assess GPT-4 against humans and analyze its limitations. Through this research, we aim to advance the state-of-the-art for efficient ECR and shed light on the potential shortcomings of current LLMs at this task. Code and annotations: \url{}


cross Identifying Banking Transaction Descriptions via Support Vector Machine Short-Text Classification Based on a Specialized Labelled Corpus

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Milagros Fern\'andez-Gavilanes, Jonathan Juncal-Mart\'inez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Oscar Barba Seara

Abstract: Short texts are omnipresent in real-time news, social network commentaries, etc. Traditional text representation methods have been successfully applied to self-contained documents of medium size. However, information in short texts is often insufficient, due, for example, to the use of mnemonics, which makes them hard to classify. Therefore, the particularities of specific domains must be exploited. In this article we describe a novel system that combines Natural Language Processing techniques with Machine Learning algorithms to classify banking transaction descriptions for personal finance management, a problem that was not previously considered in the literature. We trained and tested that system on a labelled dataset with real customer transactions that will be available to other researchers on request. Motivated by existing solutions in spam detection, we also propose a short text similarity detector to reduce training set size based on the Jaccard distance. Experimental results with a two-stage classifier combining this detector with a SVM indicate a high accuracy in comparison with alternative approaches, taking into account complexity and computing time. Finally, we present a use case with a personal finance application, CoinScrap, which is available at Google Play and App Store.

cross A Comprehensive Survey on AI-based Methods for Patents

Authors: Homaira Huda Shomee, Zhu Wang, Sathya N. Ravi, Sourav Medya

Abstract: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning have demonstrated transformative capabilities across diverse domains. This progress extends to the field of patent analysis and innovation, where AI-based tools present opportunities to streamline and enhance important tasks in the patent cycle such as classification, retrieval, and valuation prediction. This not only accelerates the efficiency of patent researchers and applicants but also opens new avenues for technological innovation and discovery. Our survey provides a comprehensive summary of recent AI tools in patent analysis from more than 40 papers from 26 venues between 2017 and 2023. Unlike existing surveys, we include methods that work for patent image and text data. Furthermore, we introduce a novel taxonomy for the categorization based on the tasks in the patent life cycle as well as the specifics of the AI methods. This survey aims to serve as a resource for researchers, practitioners, and patent offices in the domain of AI-powered patent analysis.

cross Taxonomy and Analysis of Sensitive User Queries in Generative AI Search

Authors: Hwiyeol Jo, Taiwoo Park, Nayoung Choi, Changbong Kim, Ohjoon Kwon, Donghyeon Jeon, Hyunwoo Lee, Eui-Hyeon Lee, Kyoungho Shin, Sun Suk Lim, Kyungmi Kim, Jihye Lee, Sun Kim

Abstract: Although there has been a growing interest among industries to integrate generative LLMs into their services, limited experiences and scarcity of resources acts as a barrier in launching and servicing large-scale LLM-based conversational services. In this paper, we share our experiences in developing and operating generative AI models within a national-scale search engine, with a specific focus on the sensitiveness of user queries. We propose a taxonomy for sensitive search queries, outline our approaches, and present a comprehensive analysis report on sensitive queries from actual users.

cross Sentiment analysis and random forest to classify LLM versus human source applied to Scientific Texts

Authors: Javier J. Sanchez-Medina

Abstract: After the launch of ChatGPT v.4 there has been a global vivid discussion on the ability of this artificial intelligence powered platform and some other similar ones for the automatic production of all kinds of texts, including scientific and technical texts. This has triggered a reflection in many institutions on whether education and academic procedures should be adapted to the fact that in future many texts we read will not be written by humans (students, scholars, etc.), at least, not entirely. In this work it is proposed a new methodology to classify texts coming from an automatic text production engine or a human, based on Sentiment Analysis as a source for feature engineering independent variables and then train with them a Random Forest classification algorithm. Using four different sentiment lexicons, a number of new features where produced, and then fed to a machine learning random forest methodology, to train such a model. Results seem very convincing that this may be a promising research line to detect fraud, in such environments where human are supposed to be the source of texts.

cross Effects of Different Prompts on the Quality of GPT-4 Responses to Dementia Care Questions

Authors: Zhuochun Li, Bo Xie, Robin Hilsabeck, Alyssa Aguirre, Ning Zou, Zhimeng Luo, Daqing He

Abstract: Evidence suggests that different prompts lead large language models (LLMs) to generate responses with varying quality. Yet, little is known about prompts' effects on response quality in healthcare domains. In this exploratory study, we address this gap, focusing on a specific healthcare domain: dementia caregiving. We first developed an innovative prompt template with three components: (1) system prompts (SPs) featuring 4 different roles; (2) an initialization prompt; and (3) task prompts (TPs) specifying different levels of details, totaling 12 prompt combinations. Next, we selected 3 social media posts containing complicated, real-world questions about dementia caregivers' challenges in 3 areas: memory loss and confusion, aggression, and driving. We then entered these posts into GPT-4, with our 12 prompts, to generate 12 responses per post, totaling 36 responses. We compared the word count of the 36 responses to explore potential differences in response length. Two experienced dementia care clinicians on our team assessed the response quality using a rating scale with 5 quality indicators: factual, interpretation, application, synthesis, and comprehensiveness (scoring range: 0-5; higher scores indicate higher quality).

cross RecGPT: Generative Personalized Prompts for Sequential Recommendation via ChatGPT Training Paradigm

Authors: Yabin Zhang, Wenhui Yu, Erhan Zhang, Xu Chen, Lantao Hu, Peng Jiang, Kun Gai

Abstract: ChatGPT has achieved remarkable success in natural language understanding. Considering that recommendation is indeed a conversation between users and the system with items as words, which has similar underlying pattern with ChatGPT, we design a new chat framework in item index level for the recommendation task. Our novelty mainly contains three parts: model, training and inference. For the model part, we adopt Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) as the sequential recommendation model and design a user modular to capture personalized information. For the training part, we adopt the two-stage paradigm of ChatGPT, including pre-training and fine-tuning. In the pre-training stage, we train GPT model by auto-regression. In the fine-tuning stage, we train the model with prompts, which include both the newly-generated results from the model and the user's feedback. For the inference part, we predict several user interests as user representations in an autoregressive manner. For each interest vector, we recall several items with the highest similarity and merge the items recalled by all interest vectors into the final result. We conduct experiments with both offline public datasets and online A/B test to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

cross PMG : Personalized Multimodal Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaoteng Shen, Rui Zhang, Xiaoyan Zhao, Jieming Zhu, Xi Xiao

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the capabilities of text comprehension and generation. Multi-modal generation attracts great attention from both the industry and academia, but there is little work on personalized generation, which has important applications such as recommender systems. This paper proposes the first method for personalized multimodal generation using LLMs, showcases its applications and validates its performance via an extensive experimental study on two datasets. The proposed method, Personalized Multimodal Generation (PMG for short) first converts user behaviors (e.g., clicks in recommender systems or conversations with a virtual assistant) into natural language to facilitate LLM understanding and extract user preference descriptions. Such user preferences are then fed into a generator, such as a multimodal LLM or diffusion model, to produce personalized content. To capture user preferences comprehensively and accurately, we propose to let the LLM output a combination of explicit keywords and implicit embeddings to represent user preferences. Then the combination of keywords and embeddings are used as prompts to condition the generator. We optimize a weighted sum of the accuracy and preference scores so that the generated content has a good balance between them. Compared to a baseline method without personalization, PMG has a significant improvement on personalization for up to 8% in terms of LPIPS while retaining the accuracy of generation.

cross Your Finetuned Large Language Model is Already a Powerful Out-of-distribution Detector

Authors: Andi Zhang, Tim Z. Xiao, Weiyang Liu, Robert Bamler, Damon Wischik

Abstract: We revisit the likelihood ratio between a pretrained large language model (LLM) and its finetuned variant as a criterion for out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. The intuition behind such a criterion is that, the pretrained LLM has the prior knowledge about OOD data due to its large amount of training data, and once finetuned with the in-distribution data, the LLM has sufficient knowledge to distinguish their difference. Leveraging the power of LLMs, we show that, for the first time, the likelihood ratio can serve as an effective OOD detector. Moreover, we apply the proposed LLM-based likelihood ratio to detect OOD questions in question-answering (QA) systems, which can be used to improve the performance of specialized LLMs for general questions. Given that likelihood can be easily obtained by the loss functions within contemporary neural network frameworks, it is straightforward to implement this approach in practice. Since both the pretrained LLMs and its various finetuned models are available, our proposed criterion can be effortlessly incorporated for OOD detection without the need for further training. We conduct comprehensive evaluation across on multiple settings, including far OOD, near OOD, spam detection, and QA scenarios, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

cross Is English the New Programming Language? How About Pseudo-code Engineering?

Authors: Gian Alexandre Michaelsen, Renato P. dos Santos

Abstract: Background: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into daily life, particularly through chatbots utilizing natural language processing (NLP), presents both revolutionary potential and unique challenges. This intended to investigate how different input forms impact ChatGPT, a leading language model by OpenAI, performance in understanding and executing complex, multi-intention tasks. Design: Employing a case study methodology supplemented by discourse analysis, the research analyzes ChatGPT's responses to inputs varying from natural language to pseudo-code engineering. The study specifically examines the model's proficiency across four categories: understanding of intentions, interpretability, completeness, and creativity. Setting and Participants: As a theoretical exploration of AI interaction, this study focuses on the analysis of structured and unstructured inputs processed by ChatGPT, without direct human participants. Data collection and analysis: The research utilizes synthetic case scenarios, including the organization of a "weekly meal plan" and a "shopping list," to assess ChatGPT's response to prompts in both natural language and pseudo-code engineering. The analysis is grounded in the identification of patterns, contradictions, and unique response elements across different input formats. Results: Findings reveal that pseudo-code engineering inputs significantly enhance the clarity and determinism of ChatGPT's responses, reducing ambiguity inherent in natural language. Enhanced natural language, structured through prompt engineering techniques, similarly improves the model's interpretability and creativity. Conclusions: The study underscores the potential of pseudo-code engineering in refining human-AI interaction and achieving more deterministic, concise, and direct outcomes, advocating for its broader application across disciplines requiring precise AI responses.

cross A Survey of Reasoning for Substitution Relationships: Definitions, Methods, and Directions

Authors: Anxin Yang, Zhijuan Du, Tao Sun

Abstract: Substitute relationships are fundamental to people's daily lives across various domains. This study aims to comprehend and predict substitute relationships among products in diverse fields, extensively analyzing the application of machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, and other technologies. By comparing model methodologies across different domains, such as defining substitutes, representing and learning substitute relationships, and substitute reasoning, this study offers a methodological foundation for delving deeper into substitute relationships. Through ongoing research and innovation, we can further refine the personalization and accuracy of substitute recommendation systems, thus advancing the development and application of this field.

cross Towards Building a Robust Toxicity Predictor

Authors: Dmitriy Bespalov, Sourav Bhabesh, Yi Xiang, Liutong Zhou, Yanjun Qi

Abstract: Recent NLP literature pays little attention to the robustness of toxicity language predictors, while these systems are most likely to be used in adversarial contexts. This paper presents a novel adversarial attack, \texttt{ToxicTrap}, introducing small word-level perturbations to fool SOTA text classifiers to predict toxic text samples as benign. ToxicTrap exploits greedy based search strategies to enable fast and effective generation of toxic adversarial examples. Two novel goal function designs allow ToxicTrap to identify weaknesses in both multiclass and multilabel toxic language detectors. Our empirical results show that SOTA toxicity text classifiers are indeed vulnerable to the proposed attacks, attaining over 98\% attack success rates in multilabel cases. We also show how a vanilla adversarial training and its improved version can help increase robustness of a toxicity detector even against unseen attacks.

cross Apollonion: Profile-centric Dialog Agent

Authors: Shangyu Chen, Zibo Zhao, Yuanyuan Zhao, Xiang Li

Abstract: The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has innovated the development of dialog agents. Specially, a well-trained LLM, as a central process unit, is capable of providing fluent and reasonable response for user's request. Besides, auxiliary tools such as external knowledge retrieval, personalized character for vivid response, short/long-term memory for ultra long context management are developed, completing the usage experience for LLM-based dialog agents. However, the above-mentioned techniques does not solve the issue of \textbf{personalization from user perspective}: agents response in a same fashion to different users, without consideration of their features, such as habits, interests and past experience. In another words, current implementation of dialog agents fail in ``knowing the user''. The capacity of well-description and representation of user is under development. In this work, we proposed a framework for dialog agent to incorporate user profiling (initialization, update): user's query and response is analyzed and organized into a structural user profile, which is latter served to provide personal and more precise response. Besides, we proposed a series of evaluation protocols for personalization: to what extend the response is personal to the different users. The framework is named as \method{}, inspired by inscription of ``Know Yourself'' in the temple of Apollo (also known as \method{}) in Ancient Greek. Few works have been conducted on incorporating personalization into LLM, \method{} is a pioneer work on guiding LLM's response to meet individuation via the application of dialog agents, with a set of evaluation methods for measurement in personalization.

cross Enhancing Question Answering for Enterprise Knowledge Bases using Large Language Models

Authors: Feihu Jiang, Chuan Qin, Kaichun Yao, Chuyu Fang, Fuzhen Zhuang, Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Efficient knowledge management plays a pivotal role in augmenting both the operational efficiency and the innovative capacity of businesses and organizations. By indexing knowledge through vectorization, a variety of knowledge retrieval methods have emerged, significantly enhancing the efficacy of knowledge management systems. Recently, the rapid advancements in generative natural language processing technologies paved the way for generating precise and coherent answers after retrieving relevant documents tailored to user queries. However, for enterprise knowledge bases, assembling extensive training data from scratch for knowledge retrieval and generation is a formidable challenge due to the privacy and security policies of private data, frequently entailing substantial costs. To address the challenge above, in this paper, we propose EKRG, a novel Retrieval-Generation framework based on large language models (LLMs), expertly designed to enable question-answering for Enterprise Knowledge bases with limited annotation costs. Specifically, for the retrieval process, we first introduce an instruction-tuning method using an LLM to generate sufficient document-question pairs for training a knowledge retriever. This method, through carefully designed instructions, efficiently generates diverse questions for enterprise knowledge bases, encompassing both fact-oriented and solution-oriented knowledge. Additionally, we develop a relevance-aware teacher-student learning strategy to further enhance the efficiency of the training process. For the generation process, we propose a novel chain of thought (CoT) based fine-tuning method to empower the LLM-based generator to adeptly respond to user questions using retrieved documents. Finally, extensive experiments on real-world datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed framework.

cross Analyzing the Impact of Data Selection and Fine-Tuning on Economic and Political Biases in LLMs

Authors: Ahmed Agiza, Mohamed Mostagir, Sherief Reda

Abstract: In an era where language models are increasingly integrated into decision-making and communication, understanding the biases within Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes imperative, especially when these models are applied in the economic and political domains. This work investigates the impact of fine-tuning and data selection on economic and political biases in LLM. We explore the methodological aspects of biasing LLMs towards specific ideologies, mindful of the biases that arise from their extensive training on diverse datasets. Our approach, distinct from earlier efforts that either focus on smaller models or entail resource-intensive pre-training, employs Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques. These techniques allow for the alignment of LLMs with targeted ideologies by modifying a small subset of parameters. We introduce a systematic method for dataset selection, annotation, and instruction tuning, and we assess its effectiveness through both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our work analyzes the potential of embedding specific biases into LLMs and contributes to the dialogue on the ethical application of AI, highlighting the importance of deploying AI in a manner that aligns with societal values.

cross Is Your LLM Outdated? Benchmarking LLMs & Alignment Algorithms for Time-Sensitive Knowledge

Authors: Seyed Mahed Mousavi, Simone Alghisi, Giuseppe Riccardi

Abstract: We study the appropriateness of Large Language Models (LLMs) as knowledge repositories. We focus on the challenge of maintaining LLMs' factual knowledge up-to-date over time. Motivated by the lack of studies on identifying outdated knowledge within LLMs, we design and develop a dynamic benchmark with up-to-date ground truth answers for each target factual question. We evaluate eighteen open-source and closed-source state-of-the-art LLMs on time-sensitive knowledge retrieved in real-time from Wikidata. We select time-sensitive domain facts in politics, sports, and organizations, and estimate the recency of the information learned by the model during pre-training\fine-tuning. In the second contribution, we evaluate the effectiveness of knowledge editing methods for aligning LLMs with up-to-date factual knowledge and compare their performance with Retrieval Augmented Generation. The dynamic benchmark is designed to be used as-is to assess LLMs's up-to-dateness, as well as to be extended to other domains by sharing the code, the dataset, as well as evaluation and visualization scripts.

cross MM-PhyQA: Multimodal Physics Question-Answering With Multi-Image CoT Prompting

Authors: Avinash Anand, Janak Kapuriya, Apoorv Singh, Jay Saraf, Naman Lal, Astha Verma, Rushali Gupta, Rajiv Shah

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) can achieve human-level performance in various tasks, they continue to face challenges when it comes to effectively tackling multi-step physics reasoning tasks. To identify the shortcomings of existing models and facilitate further research in this area, we curated a novel dataset, MM-PhyQA, which comprises well-constructed, high schoollevel multimodal physics problems. By evaluating the performance of contemporary LLMs that are publicly available, both with and without the incorporation of multimodal elements in these problems, we aim to shed light on their capabilities. For generating answers for questions consisting of multimodal input (in this case, images and text) we employed Zero-shot prediction using GPT-4 and utilized LLaVA (LLaVA and LLaVA-1.5), the latter of which were fine-tuned on our dataset. For evaluating the performance of LLMs consisting solely of textual input, we tested the performance of the base and fine-tuned versions of the Mistral-7B and LLaMA2-7b models. We also showcased the performance of the novel Multi-Image Chain-of-Thought (MI-CoT) Prompting technique, which when used to train LLaVA-1.5 13b yielded the best results when tested on our dataset, with superior scores in most metrics and the highest accuracy of 71.65% on the test set.

cross Introducing L2M3, A Multilingual Medical Large Language Model to Advance Health Equity in Low-Resource Regions

Authors: Agasthya Gangavarapu

Abstract: Addressing the imminent shortfall of 10 million health workers by 2030, predominantly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), this paper introduces an innovative approach that harnesses the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) integrated with machine translation models. This solution is engineered to meet the unique needs of Community Health Workers (CHWs), overcoming language barriers, cultural sensitivities, and the limited availability of medical dialog datasets. I have crafted a model that not only boasts superior translation capabilities but also undergoes rigorous fine-tuning on open-source datasets to ensure medical accuracy and is equipped with comprehensive safety features to counteract the risks of misinformation. Featuring a modular design, this approach is specifically structured for swift adaptation across various linguistic and cultural contexts, utilizing open-source components to significantly reduce healthcare operational costs. This strategic innovation markedly improves the accessibility and quality of healthcare services by providing CHWs with contextually appropriate medical knowledge and diagnostic tools. This paper highlights the transformative impact of this context-aware LLM, underscoring its crucial role in addressing the global healthcare workforce deficit and propelling forward healthcare outcomes in LMICs.

cross Large Language Model Can Continue Evolving From Mistakes

Authors: Haokun Zhao, Haixia Han, Jie Shi, Chengyu Du, Jiaqing Liang, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive performance in various downstream tasks. However, they may still generate incorrect responses in certain scenarios due to the knowledge deficiencies and the flawed pre-training data. Continual Learning (CL) is a commonly used method to address this issue. Traditional CL is task-oriented, using novel or factually accurate data to retrain LLMs from scratch. However, this method requires more task-related training data and incurs expensive training costs. To address this challenge, we propose the Continue Evolving from Mistakes (CEM) method, inspired by the 'summarize mistakes' learning skill, to achieve iterative refinement of LLMs. Specifically, the incorrect responses of LLMs indicate knowledge deficiencies related to the questions. Therefore, we collect corpora with these knowledge from multiple data sources and follow it up with iterative supplementary training for continuous, targeted knowledge updating and supplementation. Meanwhile, we developed two strategies to construct supplementary training sets to enhance the LLM's understanding of the corpus and prevent catastrophic forgetting. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of this CL method. In the best case, our method resulted in a 17.00\% improvement in the accuracy of the LLM.

cross Multi-scale Topology Optimization using Neural Networks

Authors: Hongrui Chen, Xingchen Liu, Levent Burak Kara

Abstract: A long-standing challenge is designing multi-scale structures with good connectivity between cells while optimizing each cell to reach close to the theoretical performance limit. We propose a new method for direct multi-scale topology optimization using neural networks. Our approach focuses on inverse homogenization that seamlessly maintains compatibility across neighboring microstructure cells. Our approach consists of a topology neural network that optimizes the microstructure shape and distribution across the design domain as a continuous field. Each microstructure cell is optimized based on a specified elasticity tensor that also accommodates in-plane rotations. The neural network takes as input the local coordinates within a cell to represent the density distribution within a cell, as well as the global coordinates of each cell to design spatially varying microstructure cells. As such, our approach models an n-dimensional multi-scale optimization problem as a 2n-dimensional inverse homogenization problem using neural networks. During the inverse homogenization of each unit cell, we extend the boundary of each cell by scaling the input coordinates such that the boundaries of neighboring cells are combined. Inverse homogenization on the combined cell improves connectivity. We demonstrate our method through the design and optimization of graded multi-scale structures.

cross Do Large Language Models Learn Human-Like Strategic Preferences?

Authors: Jesse Roberts, Kyle Moore, Doug Fisher

Abstract: We evaluate whether LLMs learn to make human-like preference judgements in strategic scenarios as compared with known empirical results. We show that Solar and Mistral exhibit stable value-based preference consistent with human in the prisoner's dilemma, including stake-size effect, and traveler's dilemma, including penalty-size effect. We establish a relationship between model size, value based preference, and superficiality. Finally, we find that models that tend to be less brittle were trained with sliding window attention. Additionally, we contribute a novel method for constructing preference relations from arbitrary LLMs and support for a hypothesis regarding human behavior in the traveler's dilemma.

cross Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Adapting Counterfactual Explanations to User Objectives

Authors: Orfeas Menis Mastromichalakis, Jason Liartis, Giorgos Stamou

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has emerged as a critical area of research aimed at enhancing the transparency and interpretability of AI systems. Counterfactual Explanations (CFEs) offer valuable insights into the decision-making processes of machine learning algorithms by exploring alternative scenarios where certain factors differ. Despite the growing popularity of CFEs in the XAI community, existing literature often overlooks the diverse needs and objectives of users across different applications and domains, leading to a lack of tailored explanations that adequately address the different use cases. In this paper, we advocate for a nuanced understanding of CFEs, recognizing the variability in desired properties based on user objectives and target applications. We identify three primary user objectives and explore the desired characteristics of CFEs in each case. By addressing these differences, we aim to design more effective and tailored explanations that meet the specific needs of users, thereby enhancing collaboration with AI systems.

cross An Integrated Toolbox for Creating Neuromorphic Edge Applications

Authors: Lars Niedermeier (Niedermeier Consulting, Zurich, ZH, Switzerland), Jeffrey L. Krichmar (Department of Cognitive Sciences, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA)

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) and neuromorphic models are more efficient and have more biological realism than the activation functions typically used in deep neural networks, transformer models and generative AI. SNNs have local learning rules, are able to learn on small data sets, and can adapt through neuromodulation. Although research has shown their advantages, there are still few compelling practical applications, especially at the edge where sensors and actuators need to be processed in a timely fashion. One reason for this might be that SNNs are much more challenging to understand, build, and operate due to their intrinsic properties. For instance, the mathematical foundation involves differential equations rather than basic activation functions. To address these challenges, we have developed CARLsim++. It is an integrated toolbox that enables fast and easy creation of neuromorphic applications. It encapsulates the mathematical intrinsics and low-level C++ programming by providing a graphical user interface for users who do not have a background in software engineering but still want to create neuromorphic models. Developers can easily configure inputs and outputs to devices and robots. These can be accurately simulated before deploying on physical devices. CARLsim++ can lead to rapid development of neuromorphic applications for simulation or edge processing.

cross Can LLMs substitute SQL? Comparing Resource Utilization of Querying LLMs versus Traditional Relational Databases

Authors: Xiang Zhang, Khatoon Khedri, Reza Rawassizadeh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can automate or substitute different types of tasks in the software engineering process. This study evaluates the resource utilization and accuracy of LLM in interpreting and executing natural language queries against traditional SQL within relational database management systems. We empirically examine the resource utilization and accuracy of nine LLMs varying from 7 to 34 Billion parameters, including Llama2 7B, Llama2 13B, Mistral, Mixtral, Optimus-7B, SUS-chat-34B, platypus-yi-34b, NeuralHermes-2.5-Mistral-7B and Starling-LM-7B-alpha, using a small transaction dataset. Our findings indicate that using LLMs for database queries incurs significant energy overhead (even small and quantized models), making it an environmentally unfriendly approach. Therefore, we advise against replacing relational databases with LLMs due to their substantial resource utilization.

cross Observation-specific explanations through scattered data approximation

Authors: Valentina Ghidini, Michael Multerer, Jacopo Quizi, Rohan Sen

Abstract: This work introduces the definition of observation-specific explanations to assign a score to each data point proportional to its importance in the definition of the prediction process. Such explanations involve the identification of the most influential observations for the black-box model of interest. The proposed method involves estimating these explanations by constructing a surrogate model through scattered data approximation utilizing the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm. The proposed approach is validated on both simulated and real-world datasets.

cross Training a Vision Language Model as Smartphone Assistant

Authors: Nicolai Dorka, Janusz Marecki, Ammar Anwar

Abstract: Addressing the challenge of a digital assistant capable of executing a wide array of user tasks, our research focuses on the realm of instruction-based mobile device control. We leverage recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) and present a visual language model (VLM) that can fulfill diverse tasks on mobile devices. Our model functions by interacting solely with the user interface (UI). It uses the visual input from the device screen and mimics human-like interactions, encompassing gestures such as tapping and swiping. This generality in the input and output space allows our agent to interact with any application on the device. Unlike previous methods, our model operates not only on a single screen image but on vision-language sentences created from sequences of past screenshots along with corresponding actions. Evaluating our method on the challenging Android in the Wild benchmark demonstrates its promising efficacy and potential.

cross The Generation Gap:Exploring Age Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Siyang Liu, Trish Maturi, Siqi Shen, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the alignment of values in Large Language Models (LLMs) with specific age groups, leveraging data from the World Value Survey across thirteen categories. Through a diverse set of prompts tailored to ensure response robustness, we find a general inclination of LLM values towards younger demographics. Additionally, we explore the impact of incorporating age identity information in prompts and observe challenges in mitigating value discrepancies with different age cohorts. Our findings highlight the age bias in LLMs and provide insights for future work.

cross NeuroLGP-SM: Scalable Surrogate-Assisted Neuroevolution for Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Fergal Stapleton, Edgar Galv\'an

Abstract: Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) play a crucial role in the architectural configuration and training of Artificial Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), a process known as neuroevolution. However, neuroevolution is hindered by its inherent computational expense, requiring multiple generations, a large population, and numerous epochs. The most computationally intensive aspect lies in evaluating the fitness function of a single candidate solution. To address this challenge, we employ Surrogate-assisted EAs (SAEAs). While a few SAEAs approaches have been proposed in neuroevolution, none have been applied to truly large DNNs due to issues like intractable information usage. In this work, drawing inspiration from Genetic Programming semantics, we use phenotypic distance vectors, outputted from DNNs, alongside Kriging Partial Least Squares (KPLS), an approach that is effective in handling these large vectors, making them suitable for search. Our proposed approach, named Neuro-Linear Genetic Programming surrogate model (NeuroLGP-SM), efficiently and accurately estimates DNN fitness without the need for complete evaluations. NeuroLGP-SM demonstrates competitive or superior results compared to 12 other methods, including NeuroLGP without SM, convolutional neural networks, support vector machines, and autoencoders. Additionally, it is worth noting that NeuroLGP-SM is 25% more energy-efficient than its NeuroLGP counterpart. This efficiency advantage adds to the overall appeal of our proposed NeuroLGP-SM in optimising the configuration of large DNNs.

cross Differentiable and Stable Long-Range Tracking of Multiple Posterior Modes

Authors: Ali Younis, Erik Sudderth

Abstract: Particle filters flexibly represent multiple posterior modes nonparametrically, via a collection of weighted samples, but have classically been applied to tracking problems with known dynamics and observation likelihoods. Such generative models may be inaccurate or unavailable for high-dimensional observations like images. We instead leverage training data to discriminatively learn particle-based representations of uncertainty in latent object states, conditioned on arbitrary observations via deep neural network encoders. While prior discriminative particle filters have used heuristic relaxations of discrete particle resampling, or biased learning by truncating gradients at resampling steps, we achieve unbiased and low-variance gradient estimates by representing posteriors as continuous mixture densities. Our theory and experiments expose dramatic failures of existing reparameterization-based estimators for mixture gradients, an issue we address via an importance-sampling gradient estimator. Unlike standard recurrent neural networks, our mixture density particle filter represents multimodal uncertainty in continuous latent states, improving accuracy and robustness. On a range of challenging tracking and robot localization problems, our approach achieves dramatic improvements in accuracy, while also showing much greater stability across multiple training runs.

cross Semantic Approach to Quantifying the Consistency of Diffusion Model Image Generation

Authors: Brinnae Bent

Abstract: In this study, we identify the need for an interpretable, quantitative score of the repeatability, or consistency, of image generation in diffusion models. We propose a semantic approach, using a pairwise mean CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) score as our semantic consistency score. We applied this metric to compare two state-of-the-art open-source image generation diffusion models, Stable Diffusion XL and PixArt-{\alpha}, and we found statistically significant differences between the semantic consistency scores for the models. Agreement between the Semantic Consistency Score selected model and aggregated human annotations was 94%. We also explored the consistency of SDXL and a LoRA-fine-tuned version of SDXL and found that the fine-tuned model had significantly higher semantic consistency in generated images. The Semantic Consistency Score proposed here offers a measure of image generation alignment, facilitating the evaluation of model architectures for specific tasks and aiding in informed decision-making regarding model selection.

cross Reducing the Barriers to Entry for Foundation Model Training

Authors: Paolo Faraboschi, Ellis Giles, Justin Hotard, Konstanty Owczarek, Andrew Wheeler

Abstract: The world has recently witnessed an unprecedented acceleration in demands for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications. This spike in demand has imposed tremendous strain on the underlying technology stack in supply chain, GPU-accelerated hardware, software, datacenter power density, and energy consumption. If left on the current technological trajectory, future demands show insurmountable spending trends, further limiting market players, stifling innovation, and widening the technology gap. To address these challenges, we propose a fundamental change in the AI training infrastructure throughout the technology ecosystem. The changes require advancements in supercomputing and novel AI training approaches, from high-end software to low-level hardware, microprocessor, and chip design, while advancing the energy efficiency required by a sustainable infrastructure. This paper presents the analytical framework that quantitatively highlights the challenges and points to the opportunities to reduce the barriers to entry for training large language models.

cross E3: Ensemble of Expert Embedders for Adapting Synthetic Image Detectors to New Generators Using Limited Data

Authors: Aref Azizpour, Tai D. Nguyen, Manil Shrestha, Kaidi Xu, Edward Kim, Matthew C. Stamm

Abstract: As generative AI progresses rapidly, new synthetic image generators continue to emerge at a swift pace. Traditional detection methods face two main challenges in adapting to these generators: the forensic traces of synthetic images from new techniques can vastly differ from those learned during training, and access to data for these new generators is often limited. To address these issues, we introduce the Ensemble of Expert Embedders (E3), a novel continual learning framework for updating synthetic image detectors. E3 enables the accurate detection of images from newly emerged generators using minimal training data. Our approach does this by first employing transfer learning to develop a suite of expert embedders, each specializing in the forensic traces of a specific generator. Then, all embeddings are jointly analyzed by an Expert Knowledge Fusion Network to produce accurate and reliable detection decisions. Our experiments demonstrate that E3 outperforms existing continual learning methods, including those developed specifically for synthetic image detection.

cross Inverse Kinematics for Neuro-Robotic Grasping with Humanoid Embodied Agents

Authors: Jan-Gerrit Habekost, Connor G\"ade, Philipp Allgeuer, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel zero-shot motion planning method that allows users to quickly design smooth robot motions in Cartesian space. A B\'ezier curve-based Cartesian plan is transformed into a joint space trajectory by our neuro-inspired inverse kinematics (IK) method CycleIK, for which we enable platform independence by scaling it to arbitrary robot designs. The motion planner is evaluated on the physical hardware of the two humanoid robots NICO and NICOL in a human-in-the-loop grasping scenario. Our method is deployed with an embodied agent that is a large language model (LLM) at its core. We generalize the embodied agent, that was introduced for NICOL, to also be embodied by NICO. The agent can execute a discrete set of physical actions and allows the user to verbally instruct various different robots. We contribute a grasping primitive to its action space that allows for precise manipulation of household objects. The new CycleIK method is compared to popular numerical IK solvers and state-of-the-art neural IK methods in simulation and is shown to be competitive with or outperform all evaluated methods when the algorithm runtime is very short. The grasping primitive is evaluated on both NICOL and NICO robots with a reported grasp success of 72% to 82% for each robot, respectively.

cross Hindsight PRIORs for Reward Learning from Human Preferences

Authors: Mudit Verma, Katherine Metcalf

Abstract: Preference based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) removes the need to hand specify a reward function by learning a reward from preference feedback over policy behaviors. Current approaches to PbRL do not address the credit assignment problem inherent in determining which parts of a behavior most contributed to a preference, which result in data intensive approaches and subpar reward functions. We address such limitations by introducing a credit assignment strategy (Hindsight PRIOR) that uses a world model to approximate state importance within a trajectory and then guides rewards to be proportional to state importance through an auxiliary predicted return redistribution objective. Incorporating state importance into reward learning improves the speed of policy learning, overall policy performance, and reward recovery on both locomotion and manipulation tasks. For example, Hindsight PRIOR recovers on average significantly (p<0.05) more reward on MetaWorld (20%) and DMC (15%). The performance gains and our ablations demonstrate the benefits even a simple credit assignment strategy can have on reward learning and that state importance in forward dynamics prediction is a strong proxy for a state's contribution to a preference decision. Code repository can be found at


cross BERT-LSH: Reducing Absolute Compute For Attention

Authors: Zezheng Li, Kingston Yip

Abstract: This study introduces a novel BERT-LSH model that incorporates Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) to approximate the attention mechanism in the BERT architecture. We examine the computational efficiency and performance of this model compared to a standard baseline BERT model. Our findings reveal that BERT-LSH significantly reduces computational demand for the self-attention layer while unexpectedly outperforming the baseline model in pretraining and fine-tuning tasks. These results suggest that the LSH-based attention mechanism not only offers computational advantages but also may enhance the model's ability to generalize from its training data. For more information, visit our GitHub repository:


cross Multi-fingered Robotic Hand Grasping in Cluttered Environments through Hand-object Contact Semantic Mapping

Authors: Lei Zhang, Kaixin Bai, Guowen Huang, Zhaopeng Chen, Jianwei Zhang

Abstract: The integration of optimization method and generative models has significantly advanced dexterous manipulation techniques for five-fingered hand grasping. Yet, the application of these techniques in cluttered environments is a relatively unexplored area. To address this research gap, we have developed a novel method for generating five-fingered hand grasp samples in cluttered settings. This method emphasizes simulated grasp quality and the nuanced interaction between the hand and surrounding objects. A key aspect of our approach is our data generation method, capable of estimating contact spatial and semantic representations and affordance grasps based on object affordance information. Furthermore, our Contact Semantic Conditional Variational Autoencoder (CoSe-CVAE) network is adept at creating comprehensive contact maps from point clouds, incorporating both spatial and semantic data. We introduce a unique grasp detection technique that efficiently formulates mechanical hand grasp poses from these maps. Additionally, our evaluation model is designed to assess grasp quality and collision probability, significantly improving the practicality of five-fingered hand grasping in complex scenarios. Our data generation method outperforms previous datasets in grasp diversity, scene diversity, modality diversity. Our grasp generation method has demonstrated remarkable success, outperforming established baselines with 81.0% average success rate in real-world single-object grasping and 75.3% success rate in multi-object grasping. The dataset and supplementary materials can be found at, and we will release the code upon publication.


cross On Speculative Decoding for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Mukul Gagrani, Raghavv Goel, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Inference with Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) is slow due to their large-language-model backbone which suffers from memory bandwidth bottleneck and generates tokens auto-regressively. In this paper, we explore the application of speculative decoding to enhance the inference efficiency of MLLMs, specifically the LLaVA 7B model. We show that a language-only model can serve as a good draft model for speculative decoding with LLaVA 7B, bypassing the need for image tokens and their associated processing components from the draft model. Our experiments across three different tasks show that speculative decoding can achieve a memory-bound speedup of up to 2.37$\times$ using a 115M parameter language model that we trained from scratch. Additionally, we introduce a compact LLaVA draft model incorporating an image adapter, which shows marginal performance gains in image captioning while maintaining comparable results in other tasks.

cross Voice Attribute Editing with Text Prompt

Authors: Zhengyan Sheng, Yang Ai, Li-Juan Liu, Jia Pan, Zhen-Hua Ling

Abstract: Despite recent advancements in speech generation with text prompt providing control over speech style, voice attributes in synthesized speech remain elusive and challenging to control. This paper introduces a novel task: voice attribute editing with text prompt, with the goal of making relative modifications to voice attributes according to the actions described in the text prompt. To solve this task, VoxEditor, an end-to-end generative model, is proposed. In VoxEditor, addressing the insufficiency of text prompt, a Residual Memory (ResMem) block is designed, that efficiently maps voice attributes and these descriptors into the shared feature space. Additionally, the ResMem block is enhanced with a voice attribute degree prediction (VADP) block to align voice attributes with corresponding descriptors, addressing the imprecision of text prompt caused by non-quantitative descriptions of voice attributes. We also establish the open-source VCTK-RVA dataset, which leads the way in manual annotations detailing voice characteristic differences among different speakers. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our proposed method in terms of both objective and subjective metrics. The dataset and audio samples are available on the website.

cross A Lightweight Spatiotemporal Network for Online Eye Tracking with Event Camera

Authors: Yan Ru Pei, Sasskia Br\"uers, S\'ebastien Crouzet, Douglas McLelland, Olivier Coenen

Abstract: Event-based data are commonly encountered in edge computing environments where efficiency and low latency are critical. To interface with such data and leverage their rich temporal features, we propose a causal spatiotemporal convolutional network. This solution targets efficient implementation on edge-appropriate hardware with limited resources in three ways: 1) deliberately targets a simple architecture and set of operations (convolutions, ReLU activations) 2) can be configured to perform online inference efficiently via buffering of layer outputs 3) can achieve more than 90% activation sparsity through regularization during training, enabling very significant efficiency gains on event-based processors. In addition, we propose a general affine augmentation strategy acting directly on the events, which alleviates the problem of dataset scarcity for event-based systems. We apply our model on the AIS 2024 event-based eye tracking challenge, reaching a score of 0.9916 p10 accuracy on the Kaggle private testset.

cross An evaluation framework for synthetic data generation models

Authors: Ioannis E. Livieris, Nikos Alimpertis, George Domalis, Dimitris Tsakalidis

Abstract: Nowadays, the use of synthetic data has gained popularity as a cost-efficient strategy for enhancing data augmentation for improving machine learning models performance as well as addressing concerns related to sensitive data privacy. Therefore, the necessity of ensuring quality of generated synthetic data, in terms of accurate representation of real data, consists of primary importance. In this work, we present a new framework for evaluating synthetic data generation models' ability for developing high-quality synthetic data. The proposed approach is able to provide strong statistical and theoretical information about the evaluation framework and the compared models' ranking. Two use case scenarios demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework for evaluating the ability of synthetic data generation models to generated high quality data. The implementation code can be found in


cross Enhanced Hydrogen Evolution Activity of MOS$_2$-rGO Composite Synthesized via Hydrothermal Technique

Authors: Abhishek Sebastian, Pragna R

Abstract: Hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) has emerged as a promising technique for the production of clean and sustainable energy. In recent years, researchers have been exploring various materials for efficient HER activity. In this study, we report the synthesis of two different materials, namely MOS$_2$ and MoS$_2$-rGO, through a hydrothermal technique. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize the materials. XRD analysis revealed the formation of hexagonal MOS$_2$ with a high degree of crystallinity. FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of Mo-S bonds, while Raman spectroscopy provided evidence for the formation of MOS$_2$.To evaluate the HER activity of the materials, linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) was performed. The results showed that MOS$_2$ and MOS$_2$-rGO had good HER activity with low onset potentials and high current densities. The MOS$_2$-rGO material showed improved HER activity compared to MOS$_2$, indicating the potential of graphene oxide as a co-catalyst to enhance the performance of MOS$_2$.

cross EIVEN: Efficient Implicit Attribute Value Extraction using Multimodal LLM

Authors: Henry Peng Zou, Gavin Heqing Yu, Ziwei Fan, Dan Bu, Han Liu, Peng Dai, Dongmei Jia, Cornelia Caragea

Abstract: In e-commerce, accurately extracting product attribute values from multimodal data is crucial for improving user experience and operational efficiency of retailers. However, previous approaches to multimodal attribute value extraction often struggle with implicit attribute values embedded in images or text, rely heavily on extensive labeled data, and can easily confuse similar attribute values. To address these issues, we introduce EIVEN, a data- and parameter-efficient generative framework that pioneers the use of multimodal LLM for implicit attribute value extraction. EIVEN leverages the rich inherent knowledge of a pre-trained LLM and vision encoder to reduce reliance on labeled data. We also introduce a novel Learning-by-Comparison technique to reduce model confusion by enforcing attribute value comparison and difference identification. Additionally, we construct initial open-source datasets for multimodal implicit attribute value extraction. Our extensive experiments reveal that EIVEN significantly outperforms existing methods in extracting implicit attribute values while requiring less labeled data.

cross ChangeAnywhere: Sample Generation for Remote Sensing Change Detection via Semantic Latent Diffusion Model

Authors: Kai Tang, Jin Chen

Abstract: Remote sensing change detection (CD) is a pivotal technique that pinpoints changes on a global scale based on multi-temporal images. With the recent expansion of deep learning, supervised deep learning-based CD models have shown satisfactory performance. However, CD sample labeling is very time-consuming as it is densely labeled and requires expert knowledge. To alleviate this problem, we introduce ChangeAnywhere, a novel CD sample generation method using the semantic latent diffusion model and single-temporal images. Specifically, ChangeAnywhere leverages the relative ease of acquiring large single-temporal semantic datasets to generate large-scale, diverse, and semantically annotated bi-temporal CD datasets. ChangeAnywhere captures the two essentials of CD samples, i.e., change implies semantically different, and non-change implies reasonable change under the same semantic constraints. We generated ChangeAnywhere-100K, the largest synthesis CD dataset with 100,000 pairs of CD samples based on the proposed method. The ChangeAnywhere-100K significantly improved both zero-shot and few-shot performance on two CD benchmark datasets for various deep learning-based CD models, as demonstrated by transfer experiments. This paper delineates the enormous potential of ChangeAnywhere for CD sample generation and demonstrates the subsequent enhancement of model performance. Therefore, ChangeAnywhere offers a potent tool for remote sensing CD. All codes and pre-trained models will be available at


cross Label-free Anomaly Detection in Aerial Agricultural Images with Masked Image Modeling

Authors: Sambal Shikhar, Anupam Sobti

Abstract: Detecting various types of stresses (nutritional, water, nitrogen, etc.) in agricultural fields is critical for farmers to ensure maximum productivity. However, stresses show up in different shapes and sizes across different crop types and varieties. Hence, this is posed as an anomaly detection task in agricultural images. Accurate anomaly detection in agricultural UAV images is vital for early identification of field irregularities. Traditional supervised learning faces challenges in adapting to diverse anomalies, necessitating extensive annotated data. In this work, we overcome this limitation with self-supervised learning using a masked image modeling approach. Masked Autoencoders (MAE) extract meaningful normal features from unlabeled image samples which produces high reconstruction error for the abnormal pixels during reconstruction. To remove the need of using only ``normal" data while training, we use an anomaly suppression loss mechanism that effectively minimizes the reconstruction of anomalous pixels and allows the model to learn anomalous areas without explicitly separating ``normal" images for training. Evaluation on the Agriculture-Vision data challenge shows a mIOU score improvement in comparison to prior state of the art in unsupervised and self-supervised methods. A single model generalizes across all the anomaly categories in the Agri-Vision Challenge Dataset

cross ChimpVLM: Ethogram-Enhanced Chimpanzee Behaviour Recognition

Authors: Otto Brookes, Majid Mirmehdi, Hjalmar Kuhl, Tilo Burghardt

Abstract: We show that chimpanzee behaviour understanding from camera traps can be enhanced by providing visual architectures with access to an embedding of text descriptions that detail species behaviours. In particular, we present a vision-language model which employs multi-modal decoding of visual features extracted directly from camera trap videos to process query tokens representing behaviours and output class predictions. Query tokens are initialised using a standardised ethogram of chimpanzee behaviour, rather than using random or name-based initialisations. In addition, the effect of initialising query tokens using a masked language model fine-tuned on a text corpus of known behavioural patterns is explored. We evaluate our system on the PanAf500 and PanAf20K datasets and demonstrate the performance benefits of our multi-modal decoding approach and query initialisation strategy on multi-class and multi-label recognition tasks, respectively. Results and ablations corroborate performance improvements. We achieve state-of-the-art performance over vision and vision-language models in top-1 accuracy (+6.34%) on PanAf500 and overall (+1.1%) and tail-class (+2.26%) mean average precision on PanAf20K. We share complete source code and network weights for full reproducibility of results and easy utilisation.

cross NeurIT: Pushing the Limit of Neural Inertial Tracking for Indoor Robotic IoT

Authors: Xinzhe Zheng, Sijie Ji, Yipeng Pan, Kaiwen Zhang, Chenshu Wu

Abstract: Inertial tracking is vital for robotic IoT and has gained popularity thanks to the ubiquity of low-cost Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) and deep learning-powered tracking algorithms. Existing works, however, have not fully utilized IMU measurements, particularly magnetometers, nor maximized the potential of deep learning to achieve the desired accuracy. To enhance the tracking accuracy for indoor robotic applications, we introduce NeurIT, a sequence-to-sequence framework that elevates tracking accuracy to a new level. NeurIT employs a Time-Frequency Block-recurrent Transformer (TF-BRT) at its core, combining the power of recurrent neural network (RNN) and Transformer to learn representative features in both time and frequency domains. To fully utilize IMU information, we strategically employ body-frame differentiation of the magnetometer, which considerably reduces the tracking error. NeurIT is implemented on a customized robotic platform and evaluated in various indoor environments. Experimental results demonstrate that NeurIT achieves a mere 1-meter tracking error over a 300-meter distance. Notably, it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by 48.21% on unseen data. NeurIT also performs comparably to the visual-inertial approach (Tango Phone) in vision-favored conditions and surpasses it in plain environments. We believe NeurIT takes an important step forward toward practical neural inertial tracking for ubiquitous and scalable tracking of robotic things. NeurIT, including the source code and the dataset, is open-sourced here:


cross Understanding Multimodal Deep Neural Networks: A Concept Selection View

Authors: Chenming Shang, Hengyuan Zhang, Hao Wen, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: The multimodal deep neural networks, represented by CLIP, have generated rich downstream applications owing to their excellent performance, thus making understanding the decision-making process of CLIP an essential research topic. Due to the complex structure and the massive pre-training data, it is often regarded as a black-box model that is too difficult to understand and interpret. Concept-based models map the black-box visual representations extracted by deep neural networks onto a set of human-understandable concepts and use the concepts to make predictions, enhancing the transparency of the decision-making process. However, these methods involve the datasets labeled with fine-grained attributes by expert knowledge, which incur high costs and introduce excessive human prior knowledge and bias. In this paper, we observe the long-tail distribution of concepts, based on which we propose a two-stage Concept Selection Model (CSM) to mine core concepts without introducing any human priors. The concept greedy rough selection algorithm is applied to extract head concepts, and then the concept mask fine selection method performs the extraction of core concepts. Experiments show that our approach achieves comparable performance to end-to-end black-box models, and human evaluation demonstrates that the concepts discovered by our method are interpretable and comprehensible for humans.

cross Incremental Residual Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Chenming Shang, Shiji Zhou, Yujiu Yang, Hengyuan Zhang, Xinzhe Ni, Yuwang Wang

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) map the black-box visual representations extracted by deep neural networks onto a set of interpretable concepts and use the concepts to make predictions, enhancing the transparency of the decision-making process. Multimodal pre-trained models can match visual representations with textual concept embeddings, allowing for obtaining the interpretable concept bottleneck without the expertise concept annotations. Recent research has focused on the concept bank establishment and the high-quality concept selection. However, it is challenging to construct a comprehensive concept bank through humans or large language models, which severely limits the performance of CBMs. In this work, we propose the Incremental Residual Concept Bottleneck Model (Res-CBM) to address the challenge of concept completeness. Specifically, the residual concept bottleneck model employs a set of optimizable vectors to complete missing concepts, then the incremental concept discovery module converts the complemented vectors with unclear meanings into potential concepts in the candidate concept bank. Our approach can be applied to any user-defined concept bank, as a post-hoc processing method to enhance the performance of any CBMs. Furthermore, to measure the descriptive efficiency of CBMs, the Concept Utilization Efficiency (CUE) metric is proposed. Experiments show that the Res-CBM outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and efficiency and achieves comparable performance to black-box models across multiple datasets.

cross Intuition-aware Mixture-of-Rank-1-Experts for Parameter Efficient Finetuning

Authors: Yijiang Liu, Rongyu Zhang, Huanrui Yang, Kurt Keutzer, Yuan Du, Li Du, Shanghang Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in performing multiple tasks in multimedia applications, ranging from content generation to interactive entertainment, and artistic creation. However, the diversity of downstream tasks in multitask scenarios presents substantial adaptation challenges for LLMs. While traditional methods often succumb to knowledge confusion on their monolithic dense models, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has been emerged as a promising solution with its sparse architecture for effective task decoupling. Inspired by the principles of human cognitive neuroscience, we design a novel framework \texttt{Intuition-MoR1E} that leverages the inherent semantic clustering of instances to mimic the human brain to deal with multitask, offering implicit guidance to router for optimized feature allocation. Moreover, we introduce cutting-edge Rank-1 Experts formulation designed to manage a spectrum of intuitions, demonstrating enhanced parameter efficiency and effectiveness in multitask LLM finetuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Intuition-MoR1E achieves superior efficiency and 2.15\% overall accuracy improvement across 14 public datasets against other state-of-the-art baselines.

cross Airship Formations for Animal Motion Capture and Behavior Analysis

Authors: Eric Price, Aamir Ahmad

Abstract: Using UAVs for wildlife observation and motion capture offers manifold advantages for studying animals in the wild, especially grazing herds in open terrain. The aerial perspective allows observation at a scale and depth that is not possible on the ground, offering new insights into group behavior. However, the very nature of wildlife field-studies puts traditional fixed wing and multi-copter systems to their limits: limited flight time, noise and safety aspects affect their efficacy, where lighter than air systems can remain on station for many hours. Nevertheless, airships are challenging from a ground handling perspective as well as from a control point of view, being voluminous and highly affected by wind. In this work, we showcase a system designed to use airship formations to track, follow, and visually record wild horses from multiple angles, including airship design, simulation, control, on board computer vision, autonomous operation and practical aspects of field experiments.

cross A Fourier-enhanced multi-modal 3D small object optical mark recognition and positioning method for percutaneous abdominal puncture surgical navigation

Authors: Zezhao Guo (College of information and Engineering, Hebei GEO University), Yanzhong Guo (Beijing Yingrui Pioneer Medical Technology Co., Ltd), Zhanfang Zhao (College of information and Engineering, Hebei GEO University)

Abstract: Navigation for thoracoabdominal puncture surgery is used to locate the needle entry point on the patient's body surface. The traditional reflective ball navigation method is difficult to position the needle entry point on the soft, irregular, smooth chest and abdomen. Due to the lack of clear characteristic points on the body surface using structured light technology, it is difficult to identify and locate arbitrary needle insertion points. Based on the high stability and high accuracy requirements of surgical navigation, this paper proposed a novel method, a muti-modal 3D small object medical marker detection method, which identifies the center of a small single ring as the needle insertion point. Moreover, this novel method leverages Fourier transform enhancement technology to augment the dataset, enrich image details, and enhance the network's capability. The method extracts the Region of Interest (ROI) of the feature image from both enhanced and original images, followed by generating a mask map. Subsequently, the point cloud of the ROI from the depth map is obtained through the registration of ROI point cloud contour fitting. In addition, this method employs Tukey loss for optimal precision. The experimental results show this novel method proposed in this paper not only achieves high-precision and high-stability positioning, but also enables the positioning of any needle insertion point.

cross Business models for the simulation hypothesis

Authors: Evangelos Katsamakas

Abstract: The simulation hypothesis suggests that we live in a computer simulation. That notion has attracted significant scholarly and popular interest. This article explores the simulation hypothesis from a business perspective. Due to the lack of a name for a universe consistent with the simulation hypothesis, we propose the term simuverse. We argue that if we live in a simulation, there must be a business justification. Therefore, we ask: If we live in a simuverse, what is its business model? We identify and explore business model scenarios, such as simuverse as a project, service, or platform. We also explore business model pathways and risk management issues. The article contributes to the simulation hypothesis literature and is the first to provide a business model perspective on the simulation hypothesis. The article discusses theoretical and practical implications and identifies opportunities for future research related to sustainability, digital transformation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

cross Beyond Known Clusters: Probe New Prototypes for Efficient Generalized Class Discovery

Authors: Ye Wang, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Bingchen Zhao, Xueming Qian

Abstract: Generalized Class Discovery (GCD) aims to dynamically assign labels to unlabelled data partially based on knowledge learned from labelled data, where the unlabelled data may come from known or novel classes. The prevailing approach generally involves clustering across all data and learning conceptions by prototypical contrastive learning. However, existing methods largely hinge on the performance of clustering algorithms and are thus subject to their inherent limitations. Firstly, the estimated cluster number is often smaller than the ground truth, making the existing methods suffer from the lack of prototypes for comprehensive conception learning. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive probing mechanism that introduces learnable potential prototypes to expand cluster prototypes (centers). As there is no ground truth for the potential prototype, we develop a self-supervised prototype learning framework to optimize the potential prototype in an end-to-end fashion. Secondly, clustering is computationally intensive, and the conventional strategy of clustering both labelled and unlabelled instances exacerbates this issue. To counteract this inefficiency, we opt to cluster only the unlabelled instances and subsequently expand the cluster prototypes with our introduced potential prototypes to fast explore novel classes. Despite the simplicity of our proposed method, extensive empirical analysis on a wide range of datasets confirms that our method consistently delivers state-of-the-art results. Specifically, our method surpasses the nearest competitor by a significant margin of \textbf{9.7}$\%$ within the Stanford Cars dataset and \textbf{12$\times$} clustering efficiency within the Herbarium 19 dataset. We will make the code and checkpoints publicly available at \url{}.


cross Smart Help: Strategic Opponent Modeling for Proactive and Adaptive Robot Assistance in Households

Authors: Zhihao Cao, Zidong Wang, Siwen Xie, Anji Liu, Lifeng Fan

Abstract: Despite the significant demand for assistive technology among vulnerable groups (e.g., the elderly, children, and the disabled) in daily tasks, research into advanced AI-driven assistive solutions that genuinely accommodate their diverse needs remains sparse. Traditional human-machine interaction tasks often require machines to simply help without nuanced consideration of human abilities and feelings, such as their opportunity for practice and learning, sense of self-improvement, and self-esteem. Addressing this gap, we define a pivotal and novel challenge Smart Help, which aims to provide proactive yet adaptive support to human agents with diverse disabilities and dynamic goals in various tasks and environments. To establish this challenge, we leverage AI2-THOR to build a new interactive 3D realistic household environment for the Smart Help task. We introduce an innovative opponent modeling module that provides a nuanced understanding of the main agent's capabilities and goals, in order to optimize the assisting agent's helping policy. Rigorous experiments validate the efficacy of our model components and show the superiority of our holistic approach against established baselines. Our findings illustrate the potential of AI-imbued assistive robots in improving the well-being of vulnerable groups.

cross Proof-of-Learning with Incentive Security

Authors: Zishuo Zhao, Zhixuan Fang, Xuechao Wang, Yuan Zhou

Abstract: Most concurrent blockchain systems rely heavily on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms for decentralized consensus and security assurance. However, the substantial energy expenditure stemming from computationally intensive yet meaningless tasks has raised considerable concerns surrounding traditional PoW approaches, The PoS mechanism, while free of energy consumption, is subject to security and economic issues. Addressing these issues, the paradigm of Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) seeks to employ challenges of practical significance as PoW, thereby imbuing energy consumption with tangible value. While previous efforts in Proof of Learning (PoL) explored the utilization of deep learning model training SGD tasks as PoUW challenges, recent research has revealed its vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks and the theoretical hardness in crafting a byzantine-secure PoL mechanism. In this paper, we introduce the concept of incentive-security that incentivizes rational provers to behave honestly for their best interest, bypassing the existing hardness to design a PoL mechanism with computational efficiency, a provable incentive-security guarantee and controllable difficulty. Particularly, our work is secure against two attacks to the recent work of Jia et al. [2021], and also improves the computational overhead from $\Theta(1)$ to $O(\frac{\log E}{E})$. Furthermore, while most recent research assumes trusted problem providers and verifiers, our design also guarantees frontend incentive-security even when problem providers are untrusted, and verifier incentive-security that bypasses the Verifier's Dilemma. By incorporating ML training into blockchain consensus mechanisms with provable guarantees, our research not only proposes an eco-friendly solution to blockchain systems, but also provides a proposal for a completely decentralized computing power market in the new AI age.

cross Theoretical research on generative diffusion models: an overview

Authors: Melike Nur Ye\u{g}in, Mehmet Fatih Amasyal{\i}

Abstract: Generative diffusion models showed high success in many fields with a powerful theoretical background. They convert the data distribution to noise and remove the noise back to obtain a similar distribution. Many existing reviews focused on the specific application areas without concentrating on the research about the algorithm. Unlike them we investigated the theoretical developments of the generative diffusion models. These approaches mainly divide into two: training-based and sampling-based. Awakening to this allowed us a clear and understandable categorization for the researchers who will make new developments in the future.

cross Navigating the Landscape of Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Paradigms and Fine-Tuning Strategies

Authors: Benjue Weng

Abstract: With the surge of ChatGPT,the use of large models has significantly increased,rapidly rising to prominence across the industry and sweeping across the internet. This article is a comprehensive review of fine-tuning methods for large models. This paper investigates the latest technological advancements and the application of advanced methods in aspects such as task-adaptive fine-tuning,domain-adaptive fine-tuning,few-shot learning,knowledge distillation,multi-task learning,parameter-efficient fine-tuning,and dynamic fine-tuning.

cross Improving Personalisation in Valence and Arousal Prediction using Data Augmentation

Authors: Munachiso Nwadike, Jialin Li, Hanan Salam

Abstract: In the field of emotion recognition and Human-Machine Interaction (HMI), personalised approaches have exhibited their efficacy in capturing individual-specific characteristics and enhancing affective prediction accuracy. However, personalisation techniques often face the challenge of limited data for target individuals. This paper presents our work on an enhanced personalisation strategy, that leverages data augmentation to develop tailored models for continuous valence and arousal prediction. Our proposed approach, Distance Weighting Augmentation (DWA), employs a weighting-based augmentation method that expands a target individual's dataset, leveraging distance metrics to identify similar samples at the segment-level. Experimental results on the MuSe-Personalisation 2023 Challenge dataset demonstrate that our method significantly improves the performance of features sets which have low baseline performance, on the test set. This improvement in poor-performing features comes without sacrificing performance on high-performing features. In particular, our method achieves a maximum combined testing CCC of 0.78, compared to the reported baseline score of 0.76 (reproduced at 0.72). It also achieved a peak arousal and valence scores of 0.81 and 0.76, compared to reproduced baseline scores of 0.76 and 0.67 respectively. Through this work, we make significant contributions to the advancement of personalised affective computing models, enhancing the practicality and adaptability of data-level personalisation in real world contexts.

cross Adapting Mental Health Prediction Tasks for Cross-lingual Learning via Meta-Training and In-context Learning with Large Language Model

Authors: Zita Lifelo, Huansheng Ning, Sahraoui Dhelim

Abstract: Timely identification is essential for the efficient handling of mental health illnesses such as depression. However, the current research fails to adequately address the prediction of mental health conditions from social media data in low-resource African languages like Swahili. This study introduces two distinct approaches utilising model-agnostic meta-learning and leveraging large language models (LLMs) to address this gap. Experiments are conducted on three datasets translated to low-resource language and applied to four mental health tasks, which include stress, depression, depression severity and suicidal ideation prediction. we first apply a meta-learning model with self-supervision, which results in improved model initialisation for rapid adaptation and cross-lingual transfer. The results show that our meta-trained model performs significantly better than standard fine-tuning methods, outperforming the baseline fine-tuning in macro F1 score with 18\% and 0.8\% over XLM-R and mBERT. In parallel, we use LLMs' in-context learning capabilities to assess their performance accuracy across the Swahili mental health prediction tasks by analysing different cross-lingual prompting approaches. Our analysis showed that Swahili prompts performed better than cross-lingual prompts but less than English prompts. Our findings show that in-context learning can be achieved through cross-lingual transfer through carefully crafted prompt templates with examples and instructions.

cross Rethinking Iterative Stereo Matching from Diffusion Bridge Model Perspective

Authors: Yuguang Shi

Abstract: Recently, iteration-based stereo matching has shown great potential. However, these models optimize the disparity map using RNN variants. The discrete optimization process poses a challenge of information loss, which restricts the level of detail that can be expressed in the generated disparity map. In order to address these issues, we propose a novel training approach that incorporates diffusion models into the iterative optimization process. We designed a Time-based Gated Recurrent Unit (T-GRU) to correlate temporal and disparity outputs. Unlike standard recurrent units, we employ Agent Attention to generate more expressive features. We also designed an attention-based context network to capture a large amount of contextual information. Experiments on several public benchmarks show that we have achieved competitive stereo matching performance. Our model ranks first in the Scene Flow dataset, achieving over a 7% improvement compared to competing methods, and requires only 8 iterations to achieve state-of-the-art results.

cross Exploring Explainability in Video Action Recognition

Authors: Avinab Saha, Shashank Gupta, Sravan Kumar Ankireddy, Karl Chahine, Joydeep Ghosh

Abstract: Image Classification and Video Action Recognition are perhaps the two most foundational tasks in computer vision. Consequently, explaining the inner workings of trained deep neural networks is of prime importance. While numerous efforts focus on explaining the decisions of trained deep neural networks in image classification, exploration in the domain of its temporal version, video action recognition, has been scant. In this work, we take a deeper look at this problem. We begin by revisiting Grad-CAM, one of the popular feature attribution methods for Image Classification, and its extension to Video Action Recognition tasks and examine the method's limitations. To address these, we introduce Video-TCAV, by building on TCAV for Image Classification tasks, which aims to quantify the importance of specific concepts in the decision-making process of Video Action Recognition models. As the scalable generation of concepts is still an open problem, we propose a machine-assisted approach to generate spatial and spatiotemporal concepts relevant to Video Action Recognition for testing Video-TCAV. We then establish the importance of temporally-varying concepts by demonstrating the superiority of dynamic spatiotemporal concepts over trivial spatial concepts. In conclusion, we introduce a framework for investigating hypotheses in action recognition and quantitatively testing them, thus advancing research in the explainability of deep neural networks used in video action recognition.

cross CuriousLLM: Elevating Multi-Document QA with Reasoning-Infused Knowledge Graph Prompting

Authors: Zukang Yang, Zixuan Zhu

Abstract: In the field of Question Answering (QA), unifying large language models (LLMs) with external databases has shown great success. However, these methods often fall short in providing the advanced reasoning needed for complex QA tasks. To address these issues, we improve over a novel approach called Knowledge Graph Prompting (KGP), which combines knowledge graphs with a LLM-based agent to improve reasoning and search accuracy. Nevertheless, the original KGP framework necessitates costly fine-tuning with large datasets yet still suffers from LLM hallucination. Therefore, we propose a reasoning-infused LLM agent to enhance this framework. This agent mimics human curiosity to ask follow-up questions to more efficiently navigate the search. This simple modification significantly boosts the LLM performance in QA tasks without the high costs and latency associated with the initial KGP framework. Our ultimate goal is to further develop this approach, leading to more accurate, faster, and cost-effective solutions in the QA domain.

cross Semantic In-Domain Product Identification for Search Queries

Authors: Sanat Sharma, Jayant Kumar, Twisha Naik, Zhaoyu Lu, Arvind Srikantan, Tracy Holloway King

Abstract: Accurate explicit and implicit product identification in search queries is critical for enhancing user experiences, especially at a company like Adobe which has over 50 products and covers queries across hundreds of tools. In this work, we present a novel approach to training a product classifier from user behavioral data. Our semantic model led to >25% relative improvement in CTR (click through rate) across the deployed surfaces; a >50% decrease in null rate; a 2x increase in the app cards surfaced, which helps drive product visibility.

cross Mixture of Experts Soften the Curse of Dimensionality in Operator Learning

Authors: Anastasis Kratsios, Takashi Furuya, J. Antonio Lara B., Matti Lassas, Maarten de Hoop

Abstract: In this paper, we construct a mixture of neural operators (MoNOs) between function spaces whose complexity is distributed over a network of expert neural operators (NOs), with each NO satisfying parameter scaling restrictions. Our main result is a \textit{distributed} universal approximation theorem guaranteeing that any Lipschitz non-linear operator between $L^2([0,1]^d)$ spaces can be approximated uniformly over the Sobolev unit ball therein, to any given $\varepsilon>0$ accuracy, by an MoNO while satisfying the constraint that: each expert NO has a depth, width, and rank of $\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^{-1})$. Naturally, our result implies that the required number of experts must be large, however, each NO is guaranteed to be small enough to be loadable into the active memory of most computers for reasonable accuracies $\varepsilon$. During our analysis, we also obtain new quantitative expression rates for classical NOs approximating uniformly continuous non-linear operators uniformly on compact subsets of $L^2([0,1]^d)$.

cross EGGS: Edge Guided Gaussian Splatting for Radiance Fields

Authors: Yuanhao Gong

Abstract: The Gaussian splatting methods are getting popular. However, their loss function only contains the $\ell_1$ norm and the structural similarity between the rendered and input images, without considering the edges in these images. It is well-known that the edges in an image provide important information. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an Edge Guided Gaussian Splatting (EGGS) method that leverages the edges in the input images. More specifically, we give the edge region a higher weight than the flat region. With such edge guidance, the resulting Gaussian particles focus more on the edges instead of the flat regions. Moreover, such edge guidance does not crease the computation cost during the training and rendering stage. The experiments confirm that such simple edge-weighted loss function indeed improves about $1\sim2$ dB on several difference data sets. With simply plugging in the edge guidance, the proposed method can improve all Gaussian splatting methods in different scenarios, such as human head modeling, building 3D reconstruction, etc.

cross ProSAS: An O-RAN Approach to Spectrum Sharing between NR and LTE

Authors: Sneihil Gopal, David Griffith, Richard A. Rouil, Chunmei Liu

Abstract: The Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN), an industry-driven initiative, utilizes intelligent Radio Access Network (RAN) controllers and open interfaces to facilitate efficient spectrum sharing between LTE and NR RANs. In this paper, we introduce the Proactive Spectrum Adaptation Scheme (ProSAS), a data-driven, O-RAN-compatible spectrum sharing solution. ProSAS is an intelligent radio resource demand prediction and management scheme for intent-driven spectrum management that minimizes surplus or deficit experienced by both RANs. We illustrate the effectiveness of this solution using real-world LTE resource usage data and synthetically generated NR data. Lastly, we discuss a high-level O-RAN-compatible architecture of the proposed solution.

cross Intelligent Chemical Purification Technique Based on Machine Learning

Authors: Wenchao Wu, Hao Xu, Dongxiao Zhang, Fanyang Mo

Abstract: We present an innovative of artificial intelligence with column chromatography, aiming to resolve inefficiencies and standardize data collection in chemical separation and purification domain. By developing an automated platform for precise data acquisition and employing advanced machine learning algorithms, we constructed predictive models to forecast key separation parameters, thereby enhancing the efficiency and quality of chromatographic processes. The application of transfer learning allows the model to adapt across various column specifications, broadening its utility. A novel metric, separation probability ($S_p$), quantifies the likelihood of effective compound separation, validated through experimental verification. This study signifies a significant step forward int the application of AI in chemical research, offering a scalable solution to traditional chromatography challenges and providing a foundation for future technological advancements in chemical analysis and purification.

cross Provable Interactive Learning with Hindsight Instruction Feedback

Authors: Dipendra Misra, Aldo Pacchiano, Robert E. Schapire

Abstract: We study interactive learning in a setting where the agent has to generate a response (e.g., an action or trajectory) given a context and an instruction. In contrast, to typical approaches that train the system using reward or expert supervision on response, we study learning with hindsight instruction where a teacher provides an instruction that is most suitable for the agent's generated response. This hindsight labeling of instruction is often easier to provide than providing expert supervision of the optimal response which may require expert knowledge or can be impractical to elicit. We initiate the theoretical analysis of interactive learning with hindsight labeling. We first provide a lower bound showing that in general, the regret of any algorithm must scale with the size of the agent's response space. We then study a specialized setting where the underlying instruction-response distribution can be decomposed as a low-rank matrix. We introduce an algorithm called LORIL for this setting and show that its regret scales as $\sqrt{T}$ where $T$ is the number of rounds and depends on the intrinsic rank but does not depend on the size of the agent's response space. We provide experiments in two domains showing that LORIL outperforms baselines even when the low-rank assumption is violated.

cross TLDR at SemEval-2024 Task 2: T5-generated clinical-Language summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis

Authors: Spandan Das, Vinay Samuel, Shahriar Noroozizadeh

Abstract: This paper introduces novel methodologies for the Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials (NLI4CT) task. We present TLDR (T5-generated clinical-Language summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis) which incorporates T5-model generated premise summaries for improved entailment and contradiction analysis in clinical NLI tasks. This approach overcomes the challenges posed by small context windows and lengthy premises, leading to a substantial improvement in Macro F1 scores: a 0.184 increase over truncated premises. Our comprehensive experimental evaluation, including detailed error analysis and ablations, confirms the superiority of TLDR in achieving consistency and faithfulness in predictions against semantically altered inputs.

cross From Bytes to Borsch: Fine-Tuning Gemma and Mistral for the Ukrainian Language Representation

Authors: Artur Kiulian, Anton Polishko, Mykola Khandoga, Oryna Chubych, Jack Connor, Raghav Ravishankar, Adarsh Shirawalmath

Abstract: In the rapidly advancing field of AI and NLP, generative large language models (LLMs) stand at the forefront of innovation, showcasing unparalleled abilities in text understanding and generation. However, the limited representation of low-resource languages like Ukrainian poses a notable challenge, restricting the reach and relevance of this technology. Our paper addresses this by fine-tuning the open-source Gemma and Mistral LLMs with Ukrainian datasets, aiming to improve their linguistic proficiency and benchmarking them against other existing models capable of processing Ukrainian language. This endeavor not only aims to mitigate language bias in technology but also promotes inclusivity in the digital realm. Our transparent and reproducible approach encourages further NLP research and development. Additionally, we present the Ukrainian Knowledge and Instruction Dataset (UKID) to aid future efforts in language model fine-tuning. Our research not only advances the field of NLP but also highlights the importance of linguistic diversity in AI, which is crucial for cultural preservation, education, and expanding AI's global utility. Ultimately, we advocate for a future where technology is inclusive, enabling AI to communicate effectively across all languages, especially those currently underrepresented.

cross ToNER: Type-oriented Named Entity Recognition with Generative Language Model

Authors: Guochao Jiang, Ziqin Luo, Yuchen Shi, Dixuan Wang, Jiaqing Liang, Deqing Yang

Abstract: In recent years, the fine-tuned generative models have been proven more powerful than the previous tagging-based or span-based models on named entity recognition (NER) task. It has also been found that the information related to entities, such as entity types, can prompt a model to achieve NER better. However, it is not easy to determine the entity types indeed existing in the given sentence in advance, and inputting too many potential entity types would distract the model inevitably. To exploit entity types' merit on promoting NER task, in this paper we propose a novel NER framework, namely ToNER based on a generative model. In ToNER, a type matching model is proposed at first to identify the entity types most likely to appear in the sentence. Then, we append a multiple binary classification task to fine-tune the generative model's encoder, so as to generate the refined representation of the input sentence. Moreover, we add an auxiliary task for the model to discover the entity types which further fine-tunes the model to output more accurate results. Our extensive experiments on some NER benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our proposed strategies in ToNER that are oriented towards entity types' exploitation.

cross Fusion-Mamba for Cross-modality Object Detection

Authors: Wenhao Dong, Haodong Zhu, Shaohui Lin, Xiaoyan Luo, Yunhang Shen, Xuhui Liu, Juan Zhang, Guodong Guo, Baochang Zhang

Abstract: Cross-modality fusing complementary information from different modalities effectively improves object detection performance, making it more useful and robust for a wider range of applications. Existing fusion strategies combine different types of images or merge different backbone features through elaborated neural network modules. However, these methods neglect that modality disparities affect cross-modality fusion performance, as different modalities with different camera focal lengths, placements, and angles are hardly fused. In this paper, we investigate cross-modality fusion by associating cross-modal features in a hidden state space based on an improved Mamba with a gating mechanism. We design a Fusion-Mamba block (FMB) to map cross-modal features into a hidden state space for interaction, thereby reducing disparities between cross-modal features and enhancing the representation consistency of fused features. FMB contains two modules: the State Space Channel Swapping (SSCS) module facilitates shallow feature fusion, and the Dual State Space Fusion (DSSF) enables deep fusion in a hidden state space. Through extensive experiments on public datasets, our proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on $m$AP with 5.9% on $M^3FD$ and 4.9% on FLIR-Aligned datasets, demonstrating superior object detection performance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explore the potential of Mamba for cross-modal fusion and establish a new baseline for cross-modality object detection.

cross Mitigating Heterogeneity among Factor Tensors via Lie Group Manifolds for Tensor Decomposition Based Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding

Authors: Jiang Li, Xiangdong Su, Yeyun Gong, Guanglai Gao

Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of tensor decomposition methods in the Temporal Knowledge Graphs Embedding (TKGE) task. However, we found that inherent heterogeneity among factor tensors in tensor decomposition significantly hinders the tensor fusion process and further limits the performance of link prediction. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel method that maps factor tensors onto a unified smooth Lie group manifold to make the distribution of factor tensors approximating homogeneous in tensor decomposition. We provide the theoretical proof of our motivation that homogeneous tensors are more effective than heterogeneous tensors in tensor fusion and approximating the target for tensor decomposition based TKGE methods. The proposed method can be directly integrated into existing tensor decomposition based TKGE methods without introducing extra parameters. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in mitigating the heterogeneity and in enhancing the tensor decomposition based TKGE models.

cross StreakNet-Arch: An Anti-scattering Network-based Architecture for Underwater Carrier LiDAR-Radar Imaging

Authors: Xuelong Li, Hongjun An, Guangying Li, Xing Wang, Guanghua Cheng, Zhe Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce StreakNet-Arch, a novel signal processing architecture designed for Underwater Carrier LiDAR-Radar (UCLR) imaging systems, to address the limitations in scatter suppression and real-time imaging. StreakNet-Arch formulates the signal processing as a real-time, end-to-end binary classification task, enabling real-time image acquisition. To achieve this, we leverage Self-Attention networks and propose a novel Double Branch Cross Attention (DBC-Attention) mechanism that surpasses the performance of traditional methods. Furthermore, we present a method for embedding streak-tube camera images into attention networks, effectively acting as a learned bandpass filter. To facilitate further research, we contribute a publicly available streak-tube camera image dataset. The dataset contains 2,695,168 real-world underwater 3D point cloud data. These advancements significantly improve UCLR capabilities, enhancing its performance and applicability in underwater imaging tasks. The source code and dataset can be found at .


cross GeMQuAD : Generating Multilingual Question Answering Datasets from Large Language Models using Few Shot Learning

Authors: Amani Namboori, Shivam Mangale, Andy Rosenbaum, Saleh Soltan

Abstract: The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) with capabilities like In-Context Learning (ICL) has ushered in new possibilities for data generation across various domains while minimizing the need for extensive data collection and modeling techniques. Researchers have explored ways to use this generated synthetic data to optimize smaller student models for reduced deployment costs and lower latency in downstream tasks. However, ICL-generated data often suffers from low quality as the task specificity is limited with few examples used in ICL. In this paper, we propose GeMQuAD - a semi-supervised learning approach, extending the WeakDAP framework, applied to a dataset generated through ICL with just one example in the target language using AlexaTM 20B Seq2Seq LLM. Through our approach, we iteratively identify high-quality data to enhance model performance, especially for low-resource multilingual setting in the context of Extractive Question Answering task. Our framework outperforms the machine translation-augmented model by 0.22/1.68 F1/EM (Exact Match) points for Hindi and 0.82/1.37 F1/EM points for Spanish on the MLQA dataset, and it surpasses the performance of model trained on an English-only dataset by 5.05/6.50 F1/EM points for Hindi and 3.81/3.69 points F1/EM for Spanish on the same dataset. Notably, our approach uses a pre-trained LLM for generation with no fine-tuning (FT), utilizing just a single annotated example in ICL to generate data, providing a cost-effective development process.

cross Survey on Embedding Models for Knowledge Graph and its Applications

Authors: Manita Pote

Abstract: Knowledge Graph (KG) is a graph based data structure to represent facts of the world where nodes represent real world entities or abstract concept and edges represent relation between the entities. Graph as representation for knowledge has several drawbacks like data sparsity, computational complexity and manual feature engineering. Knowledge Graph embedding tackles the drawback by representing entities and relation in low dimensional vector space by capturing the semantic relation between them. There are different KG embedding models. Here, we discuss translation based and neural network based embedding models which differ based on semantic property, scoring function and architecture they use. Further, we discuss application of KG in some domains that use deep learning models and leverage social media data.

cross LoopAnimate: Loopable Salient Object Animation

Authors: Fanyi Wang, Peng Liu, Haotian Hu, Dan Meng, Jingwen Su, Jinjin Xu, Yanhao Zhang, Xiaoming Ren, Zhiwang Zhang

Abstract: Research on diffusion model-based video generation has advanced rapidly. However, limitations in object fidelity and generation length hinder its practical applications. Additionally, specific domains like animated wallpapers require seamless looping, where the first and last frames of the video match seamlessly. To address these challenges, this paper proposes LoopAnimate, a novel method for generating videos with consistent start and end frames. To enhance object fidelity, we introduce a framework that decouples multi-level image appearance and textual semantic information. Building upon an image-to-image diffusion model, our approach incorporates both pixel-level and feature-level information from the input image, injecting image appearance and textual semantic embeddings at different positions of the diffusion model. Existing UNet-based video generation models require to input the entire videos during training to encode temporal and positional information at once. However, due to limitations in GPU memory, the number of frames is typically restricted to 16. To address this, this paper proposes a three-stage training strategy with progressively increasing frame numbers and reducing fine-tuning modules. Additionally, we introduce the Temporal E nhanced Motion Module(TEMM) to extend the capacity for encoding temporal and positional information up to 36 frames. The proposed LoopAnimate, which for the first time extends the single-pass generation length of UNet-based video generation models to 35 frames while maintaining high-quality video generation. Experiments demonstrate that LoopAnimate achieves state-of-the-art performance in both objective metrics, such as fidelity and temporal consistency, and subjective evaluation results.

cross TransformerFAM: Feedback attention is working memory

Authors: Dongseong Hwang, Weiran Wang, Zhuoyuan Huo, Khe Chai Sim, Pedro Moreno Mengibar

Abstract: While Transformers have revolutionized deep learning, their quadratic attention complexity hinders their ability to process infinitely long inputs. We propose Feedback Attention Memory (FAM), a novel Transformer architecture that leverages a feedback loop to enable the network to attend to its own latent representations. This design fosters the emergence of working memory within the Transformer, allowing it to process indefinitely long sequences. TransformerFAM requires no additional weights, enabling seamless integration with pre-trained models. Our experiments show that TransformerFAM significantly improves Transformer performance on long-context tasks across various model sizes (1B, 8B, and 24B). These results showcase the potential to empower Large Language Models (LLMs) to process sequences of unlimited length.

cross Prior-agnostic Multi-scale Contrastive Text-Audio Pre-training for Parallelized TTS Frontend Modeling

Authors: Quanxiu Wang, Hui Huang, Mingjie Wang, Yong Dai, Jinzuomu Zhong, Benlai Tang

Abstract: Over the past decade, a series of unflagging efforts have been dedicated to developing highly expressive and controllable text-to-speech (TTS) systems. In general, the holistic TTS comprises two interconnected components: the frontend module and the backend module. The frontend excels in capturing linguistic representations from the raw text input, while the backend module converts linguistic cues to speech. The research community has shown growing interest in the study of the frontend component, recognizing its pivotal role in text-to-speech systems, including Text Normalization (TN), Prosody Boundary Prediction (PBP), and Polyphone Disambiguation (PD). Nonetheless, the limitations posed by insufficient annotated textual data and the reliance on homogeneous text signals significantly undermine the effectiveness of its supervised learning. To evade this obstacle, a novel two-stage TTS frontend prediction pipeline, named TAP-FM, is proposed in this paper. Specifically, during the first learning phase, we present a Multi-scale Contrastive Text-audio Pre-training protocol (MC-TAP), which hammers at acquiring richer insights via multi-granularity contrastive pre-training in an unsupervised manner. Instead of mining homogeneous features in prior pre-training approaches, our framework demonstrates the ability to delve deep into both global and local text-audio semantic and acoustic representations. Furthermore, a parallelized TTS frontend model is delicately devised to execute TN, PD, and PBP prediction tasks, respectively in the second stage. Finally, extensive experiments illustrate the superiority of our proposed method, achieving state-of-the-art performance.

cross TextHawk: Exploring Efficient Fine-Grained Perception of Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Ya-Qi Yu, Minghui Liao, Jihao Wu, Yongxin Liao, Xiaoyu Zheng, Wei Zeng

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have shown impressive results on various multimodal tasks. However, most existing MLLMs are not well suited for document-oriented tasks, which require fine-grained image perception and information compression. In this paper, we present TextHawk, a MLLM that is specifically designed for document-oriented tasks, while preserving the general capabilities of MLLMs. TextHawk is aimed to explore efficient fine-grained perception by designing four dedicated components. Firstly, a ReSampling and ReArrangement (ReSA) module is proposed to reduce the redundancy in the document texts and lower the computational cost of the MLLM. We explore encoding the positions of each local feature by presenting Scalable Positional Embeddings (SPEs), which can preserve the scalability of various image sizes. A Query Proposal Network (QPN) is then adopted to initialize the queries dynamically among different sub-images. To further enhance the fine-grained visual perceptual ability of the MLLM, we design a Multi-Level Cross-Attention (MLCA) mechanism that captures the hierarchical structure and semantic relations of document images. Furthermore, we create a new instruction-tuning dataset for document-oriented tasks by enriching the multimodal document data with Gemini Pro. We conduct extensive experiments on both general and document-oriented MLLM benchmarks, and show that TextHawk outperforms the state-of-the-art methods, demonstrating its effectiveness and superiority in fine-grained document perception and general abilities.

cross FedDistill: Global Model Distillation for Local Model De-Biasing in Non-IID Federated Learning

Authors: Changlin Song, Divya Saxena, Jiannong Cao, Yuqing Zhao

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a novel approach that allows for collaborative machine learning while preserving data privacy by leveraging models trained on decentralized devices. However, FL faces challenges due to non-uniformly distributed (non-iid) data across clients, which impacts model performance and its generalization capabilities. To tackle the non-iid issue, recent efforts have utilized the global model as a teaching mechanism for local models. However, our pilot study shows that their effectiveness is constrained by imbalanced data distribution, which induces biases in local models and leads to a 'local forgetting' phenomenon, where the ability of models to generalize degrades over time, particularly for underrepresented classes. This paper introduces FedDistill, a framework enhancing the knowledge transfer from the global model to local models, focusing on the issue of imbalanced class distribution. Specifically, FedDistill employs group distillation, segmenting classes based on their frequency in local datasets to facilitate a focused distillation process to classes with fewer samples. Additionally, FedDistill dissects the global model into a feature extractor and a classifier. This separation empowers local models with more generalized data representation capabilities and ensures more accurate classification across all classes. FedDistill mitigates the adverse effects of data imbalance, ensuring that local models do not forget underrepresented classes but instead become more adept at recognizing and classifying them accurately. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FedDistill's effectiveness, surpassing existing baselines in accuracy and convergence speed across several benchmark datasets.

cross Towards Fast Inference: Exploring and Improving Blockwise Parallel Drafts

Authors: Taehyeon Kim, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Kishore Papineni, Michael Riley, Sanjiv Kumar, Adrian Benton

Abstract: Despite the remarkable strides made by autoregressive language models, their potential is often hampered by the slow inference speeds inherent in sequential token generation. Blockwise parallel decoding (BPD) was proposed by Stern et al. (2018) as a way to improve inference speed of language models. In this paper, we make two contributions to understanding and improving BPD drafts. We first offer an analysis of the token distributions produced by the BPD prediction heads. Secondly, we use this analysis to inform algorithms to improve BPD inference speed by refining the BPD drafts using small n-gram or neural language models. We empirically show that these refined BPD drafts yield a higher average verified prefix length across tasks.

cross Knowledgeable Agents by Offline Reinforcement Learning from Large Language Model Rollouts

Authors: Jing-Cheng Pang, Si-Hang Yang, Kaiyuan Li, Jiaji Zhang, Xiong-Hui Chen, Nan Tang, Yang Yu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) trains agents to accomplish complex tasks through environmental interaction data, but its capacity is also limited by the scope of the available data. To obtain a knowledgeable agent, a promising approach is to leverage the knowledge from large language models (LLMs). Despite previous studies combining LLMs with RL, seamless integration of the two components remains challenging due to their semantic gap. This paper introduces a novel method, Knowledgeable Agents from Language Model Rollouts (KALM), which extracts knowledge from LLMs in the form of imaginary rollouts that can be easily learned by the agent through offline reinforcement learning methods. The primary challenge of KALM lies in LLM grounding, as LLMs are inherently limited to textual data, whereas environmental data often comprise numerical vectors unseen to LLMs. To address this, KALM fine-tunes the LLM to perform various tasks based on environmental data, including bidirectional translation between natural language descriptions of skills and their corresponding rollout data. This grounding process enhances the LLM's comprehension of environmental dynamics, enabling it to generate diverse and meaningful imaginary rollouts that reflect novel skills. Initial empirical evaluations on the CLEVR-Robot environment demonstrate that KALM enables agents to complete complex rephrasings of task goals and extend their capabilities to novel tasks requiring unprecedented optimal behaviors. KALM achieves a success rate of 46% in executing tasks with unseen goals, substantially surpassing the 26% success rate achieved by baseline methods. Furthermore, KALM effectively enables the LLM to comprehend environmental dynamics, resulting in the generation of meaningful imaginary rollouts that reflect novel skills and demonstrate the seamless integration of large language models and reinforcement learning.

cross FedCCL: Federated Dual-Clustered Feature Contrast Under Domain Heterogeneity

Authors: Yu Qiao, Huy Q. Le, Mengchun Zhang, Apurba Adhikary, Chaoning Zhang, Choong Seon Hong

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) facilitates a privacy-preserving neural network training paradigm through collaboration between edge clients and a central server. One significant challenge is that the distributed data is not independently and identically distributed (non-IID), typically including both intra-domain and inter-domain heterogeneity. However, recent research is limited to simply using averaged signals as a form of regularization and only focusing on one aspect of these non-IID challenges. Given these limitations, this paper clarifies these two non-IID challenges and attempts to introduce cluster representation to address them from both local and global perspectives. Specifically, we propose a dual-clustered feature contrast-based FL framework with dual focuses. First, we employ clustering on the local representations of each client, aiming to capture intra-class information based on these local clusters at a high level of granularity. Then, we facilitate cross-client knowledge sharing by pulling the local representation closer to clusters shared by clients with similar semantics while pushing them away from clusters with dissimilar semantics. Second, since the sizes of local clusters belonging to the same class may differ for each client, we further utilize clustering on the global side and conduct averaging to create a consistent global signal for guiding each local training in a contrastive manner. Experimental results on multiple datasets demonstrate that our proposal achieves comparable or superior performance gain under intra-domain and inter-domain heterogeneity.

cross Task-Driven Exploration: Decoupling and Inter-Task Feedback for Joint Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection

Authors: Jin Yang, Ping Wei, Huan Li, Ziyang Ren

Abstract: Video moment retrieval and highlight detection are two highly valuable tasks in video understanding, but until recently they have been jointly studied. Although existing studies have made impressive advancement recently, they predominantly follow the data-driven bottom-up paradigm. Such paradigm overlooks task-specific and inter-task effects, resulting in poor model performance. In this paper, we propose a novel task-driven top-down framework TaskWeave for joint moment retrieval and highlight detection. The framework introduces a task-decoupled unit to capture task-specific and common representations. To investigate the interplay between the two tasks, we propose an inter-task feedback mechanism, which transforms the results of one task as guiding masks to assist the other task. Different from existing methods, we present a task-dependent joint loss function to optimize the model. Comprehensive experiments and in-depth ablation studies on QVHighlights, TVSum, and Charades-STA datasets corroborate the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed framework. Codes are available at


cross Make Split, not Hijack: Preventing Feature-Space Hijacking Attacks in Split Learning

Authors: Tanveer Khan, Mindaugas Budzys, Antonis Michalas

Abstract: The popularity of Machine Learning (ML) makes the privacy of sensitive data more imperative than ever. Collaborative learning techniques like Split Learning (SL) aim to protect client data while enhancing ML processes. Though promising, SL has been proved to be vulnerable to a plethora of attacks, thus raising concerns about its effectiveness on data privacy. In this work, we introduce a hybrid approach combining SL and Function Secret Sharing (FSS) to ensure client data privacy. The client adds a random mask to the activation map before sending it to the servers. The servers cannot access the original function but instead work with shares generated using FSS. Consequently, during both forward and backward propagation, the servers cannot reconstruct the client's raw data from the activation map. Furthermore, through visual invertibility, we demonstrate that the server is incapable of reconstructing the raw image data from the activation map when using FSS. It enhances privacy by reducing privacy leakage compared to other SL-based approaches where the server can access client input information. Our approach also ensures security against feature space hijacking attack, protecting sensitive information from potential manipulation. Our protocols yield promising results, reducing communication overhead by over 2x and training time by over 7x compared to the same model with FSS, without any SL. Also, we show that our approach achieves >96% accuracy and remains equivalent to the plaintext models.

cross TrafficVLM: A Controllable Visual Language Model for Traffic Video Captioning

Authors: Quang Minh Dinh, Minh Khoi Ho, Anh Quan Dang, Hung Phong Tran

Abstract: Traffic video description and analysis have received much attention recently due to the growing demand for efficient and reliable urban surveillance systems. Most existing methods only focus on locating traffic event segments, which severely lack descriptive details related to the behaviour and context of all the subjects of interest in the events. In this paper, we present TrafficVLM, a novel multi-modal dense video captioning model for vehicle ego camera view. TrafficVLM models traffic video events at different levels of analysis, both spatially and temporally, and generates long fine-grained descriptions for the vehicle and pedestrian at different phases of the event. We also propose a conditional component for TrafficVLM to control the generation outputs and a multi-task fine-tuning paradigm to enhance TrafficVLM's learning capability. Experiments show that TrafficVLM performs well on both vehicle and overhead camera views. Our solution achieved outstanding results in Track 2 of the AI City Challenge 2024, ranking us third in the challenge standings. Our code is publicly available at


cross Artificial Intelligence enhanced Security Problems in Real-Time Scenario using Blowfish Algorithm

Authors: Yuvaraju Chinnam, Bosubabu Sambana

Abstract: In a nutshell, "the cloud" refers to a collection of interconnected computing resources made possible by an extensive, real-time communication network like the internet. Because of its potential to reduce processing costs, the emerging paradigm of cloud computing has recently attracted a large number of academics. The exponential expansion of cloud computing has made the rapid expansion of cloud services very remarkable. Ensuring the security of personal information in today's interconnected world is no easy task. These days, security is really crucial. Models of security that are relevant to cloud computing include confidentiality, authenticity, accessibility, data integrity, and recovery. Using the Hybrid Encryption this study, we cover all the security issues and leaks in cloud infrastructure.

cross Bridging Data Islands: Geographic Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Learning for Collaborative Remote Sensing Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Jieyi Tan, Yansheng Li, Sergey A. Bartalev, Bo Dang, Wei Chen, Yongjun Zhang, Liangqi Yuan

Abstract: Remote sensing semantic segmentation (RSS) is an essential task in Earth Observation missions. Due to data privacy concerns, high-quality remote sensing images with annotations cannot be well shared among institutions, making it difficult to fully utilize RSS data to train a generalized model. Federated Learning (FL), a privacy-preserving collaborative learning technology, is a potential solution. However, the current research on how to effectively apply FL in RSS is still scarce and requires further investigation. Remote sensing images in various institutions often exhibit strong geographical heterogeneity. More specifically, it is reflected in terms of class-distribution heterogeneity and object-appearance heterogeneity. Unfortunately, most existing FL studies show inadequate focus on geographical heterogeneity, thus leading to performance degradation in the global model. Considering the aforementioned issues, we propose a novel Geographic Heterogeneity-Aware Federated Learning (GeoFed) framework to address privacy-preserving RSS. Through Global Feature Extension and Tail Regeneration modules, class-distribution heterogeneity is alleviated. Additionally, we design an Essential Feature Mining strategy to alleviate object-appearance heterogeneity by constructing essential features. Extensive experiments on three datasets (i.e., FBP, CASID, Inria) show that our GeoFed consistently outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods. The code will be available publicly.

cross High Significant Fault Detection in Azure Core Workload Insights

Authors: Pranay Lohia, Laurent Boue, Sharath Rangappa, Vijay Agneeswaran

Abstract: Azure Core workload insights have time-series data with different metric units. Faults or Anomalies are observed in these time-series data owing to faults observed with respect to metric name, resources region, dimensions, and its dimension value associated with the data. For Azure Core, an important task is to highlight faults or anomalies to the user on a dashboard that they can perceive easily. The number of anomalies reported should be highly significant and in a limited number, e.g., 5-20 anomalies reported per hour. The reported anomalies will have significant user perception and high reconstruction error in any time-series forecasting model. Hence, our task is to automatically identify 'high significant anomalies' and their associated information for user perception.

cross Text-to-Song: Towards Controllable Music Generation Incorporating Vocals and Accompaniment

Authors: Hong Zhiqing, Huang Rongjie, Cheng Xize, Wang Yongqi, Li Ruiqi, You Fuming, Zhao Zhou, Zhang Zhimeng

Abstract: A song is a combination of singing voice and accompaniment. However, existing works focus on singing voice synthesis and music generation independently. Little attention was paid to explore song synthesis. In this work, we propose a novel task called text-to-song synthesis which incorporating both vocals and accompaniments generation. We develop Melodist, a two-stage text-to-song method that consists of singing voice synthesis (SVS) and vocal-to-accompaniment (V2A) synthesis. Melodist leverages tri-tower contrastive pretraining to learn more effective text representation for controllable V2A synthesis. A Chinese song dataset mined from a music website is built up to alleviate data scarcity for our research. The evaluation results on our dataset demonstrate that Melodist can synthesize songs with comparable quality and style consistency. Audio samples can be found in


cross Characterizing Soft-Error Resiliency in Arm's Ethos-U55 Embedded Machine Learning Accelerator

Authors: Abhishek Tyagi, Reiley Jeyapaul, Chuteng Zhu, Paul Whatmough, Yuhao Zhu

Abstract: As Neural Processing Units (NPU) or accelerators are increasingly deployed in a variety of applications including safety critical applications such as autonomous vehicle, and medical imaging, it is critical to understand the fault-tolerance nature of the NPUs. We present a reliability study of Arm's Ethos-U55, an important industrial-scale NPU being utilised in embedded and IoT applications. We perform large scale RTL-level fault injections to characterize Ethos-U55 against the Automotive Safety Integrity Level D (ASIL-D) resiliency standard commonly used for safety-critical applications such as autonomous vehicles. We show that, under soft errors, all four configurations of the NPU fall short of the required level of resiliency for a variety of neural networks running on the NPU. We show that it is possible to meet the ASIL-D level resiliency without resorting to conventional strategies like Dual Core Lock Step (DCLS) that has an area overhead of 100%. We achieve so through selective protection, where hardware structures are selectively protected (e.g., duplicated, hardened) based on their sensitivity to soft errors and their silicon areas. To identify the optimal configuration that minimizes the area overhead while meeting the ASIL-D standard, the main challenge is the large search space associated with the time-consuming RTL simulation. To address this challenge, we present a statistical analysis tool that is validated against Arm silicon and that allows us to quickly navigate hundreds of billions of fault sites without exhaustive RTL fault injections. We show that by carefully duplicating a small fraction of the functional blocks and hardening the Flops in other blocks meets the ASIL-D safety standard while introducing an area overhead of only 38%.

cross The intelligent prediction and assessment of financial information risk in the cloud computing model

Authors: Yufu Wang, Mingwei Zhu, Jiaqiang Yuan, Guanghui Wang, Hong Zhou

Abstract: Cloud computing (cloud computing) is a kind of distributed computing, referring to the network "cloud" will be a huge data calculation and processing program into countless small programs, and then, through the system composed of multiple servers to process and analyze these small programs to get the results and return to the user. This report explores the intersection of cloud computing and financial information processing, identifying risks and challenges faced by financial institutions in adopting cloud technology. It discusses the need for intelligent solutions to enhance data processing efficiency and accuracy while addressing security and privacy concerns. Drawing on regulatory frameworks, the report proposes policy recommendations to mitigate concentration risks associated with cloud computing in the financial industry. By combining intelligent forecasting and evaluation technologies with cloud computing models, the study aims to provide effective solutions for financial data processing and management, facilitating the industry's transition towards digital transformation.

cross Weight Copy and Low-Rank Adaptation for Few-Shot Distillation of Vision Transformers

Authors: Diana-Nicoleta Grigore, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Jon Alvarez Justo, Tor Johansen, Andreea Iuliana Ionescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: Few-shot knowledge distillation recently emerged as a viable approach to harness the knowledge of large-scale pre-trained models, using limited data and computational resources. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot feature distillation approach for vision transformers. Our approach is based on two key steps. Leveraging the fact that vision transformers have a consistent depth-wise structure, we first copy the weights from intermittent layers of existing pre-trained vision transformers (teachers) into shallower architectures (students), where the intermittence factor controls the complexity of the student transformer with respect to its teacher. Next, we employ an enhanced version of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to distill knowledge into the student in a few-shot scenario, aiming to recover the information processing carried out by the skipped teacher layers. We present comprehensive experiments with supervised and self-supervised transformers as teachers, on five data sets from various domains, including natural, medical and satellite images. The empirical results confirm the superiority of our approach over competitive baselines. Moreover, the ablation results demonstrate the usefulness of each component of the proposed pipeline.

cross SNN4Agents: A Framework for Developing Energy-Efficient Embodied Spiking Neural Networks for Autonomous Agents

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Recent trends have shown that autonomous agents, such as Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and mobile robots, effectively improve human productivity in solving diverse tasks. However, since these agents are typically powered by portable batteries, they require extremely low power/energy consumption to operate in a long lifespan. To solve this challenge, neuromorphic computing has emerged as a promising solution, where bio-inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) use spikes from event-based cameras or data conversion pre-processing to perform sparse computations efficiently. However, the studies of SNN deployments for autonomous agents are still at an early stage. Hence, the optimization stages for enabling efficient embodied SNN deployments for autonomous agents have not been defined systematically. Toward this, we propose a novel framework called SNN4Agents that consists of a set of optimization techniques for designing energy-efficient embodied SNNs targeting autonomous agent applications. Our SNN4Agents employs weight quantization, timestep reduction, and attention window reduction to jointly improve the energy efficiency, reduce the memory footprint, optimize the processing latency, while maintaining high accuracy. In the evaluation, we investigate use cases of event-based car recognition, and explore the trade-offs among accuracy, latency, memory, and energy consumption. The experimental results show that our proposed framework can maintain high accuracy (i.e., 84.12% accuracy) with 68.75% memory saving, 3.58x speed-up, and 4.03x energy efficiency improvement as compared to the state-of-the-art work for NCARS dataset, thereby enabling energy-efficient embodied SNN deployments for autonomous agents.

cross Self-Selected Attention Span for Accelerating Large Language Model Inference

Authors: Tian Jin, Wanzin Yazar, Zifei Xu, Sayeh Sharify, Xin Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can solve challenging tasks. However, their inference computation on modern GPUs is highly inefficient due to the increasing number of tokens they must attend to as they generate new ones. To address this inefficiency, we capitalize on LLMs' problem-solving capabilities to optimize their own inference-time efficiency. We demonstrate with two specific tasks: (a) evaluating complex arithmetic expressions and (b) summarizing news articles. For both tasks, we create custom datasets to fine-tune an LLM. The goal of fine-tuning is twofold: first, to make the LLM learn to solve the evaluation or summarization task, and second, to train it to identify the minimal attention spans required for each step of the task. As a result, the fine-tuned model is able to convert these self-identified minimal attention spans into sparse attention masks on-the-fly during inference. We develop a custom CUDA kernel to take advantage of the reduced context to attend to. We demonstrate that using this custom CUDA kernel improves the throughput of LLM inference by 28%. Our work presents an end-to-end demonstration showing that training LLMs to self-select their attention spans speeds up autoregressive inference in solving real-world tasks.

cross Towards Practical Tool Usage for Continually Learning LLMs

Authors: Jerry Huang, Prasanna Parthasarathi, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) show an innate skill for solving language based tasks. But insights have suggested an inability to adjust for information or task-solving skills becoming outdated, as their knowledge, stored directly within their parameters, remains static in time. Tool use helps by offloading work to systems that the LLM can access through an interface, but LLMs that use them still must adapt to nonstationary environments for prolonged use, as new tools can emerge and existing tools can change. Nevertheless, tools require less specialized knowledge, therefore we hypothesize they are better suited for continual learning (CL) as they rely less on parametric memory for solving tasks and instead focus on learning when to apply pre-defined tools. To verify this, we develop a synthetic benchmark and follow this by aggregating existing NLP tasks to form a more realistic testing scenario. While we demonstrate scaling model size is not a solution, regardless of tool usage, continual learning techniques can enable tool LLMs to both adapt faster while forgetting less, highlighting their potential as continual learners.

cross Counteracting Concept Drift by Learning with Future Malware Predictions

Authors: Branislav Bosansky, Lada Hospodkova, Michal Najman, Maria Rigaki, Elnaz Babayeva, Viliam Lisy

Abstract: The accuracy of deployed malware-detection classifiers degrades over time due to changes in data distributions and increasing discrepancies between training and testing data. This phenomenon is known as the concept drift. While the concept drift can be caused by various reasons in general, new malicious files are created by malware authors with a clear intention of avoiding detection. The existence of the intention opens a possibility for predicting such future samples. Including predicted samples in training data should consequently increase the accuracy of the classifiers on new testing data. We compare two methods for predicting future samples: (1) adversarial training and (2) generative adversarial networks (GANs). The first method explicitly seeks for adversarial examples against the classifier that are then used as a part of training data. Similarly, GANs also generate synthetic training data. We use GANs to learn changes in data distributions within different time periods of training data and then apply these changes to generate samples that could be in testing data. We compare these prediction methods on two different datasets: (1) Ember public dataset and (2) the internal dataset of files incoming to Avast. We show that while adversarial training yields more robust classifiers, this method is not a good predictor of future malware in general. This is in contrast with previously reported positive results in different domains (including natural language processing and spam detection). On the other hand, we show that GANs can be successfully used as predictors of future malware. We specifically examine malware families that exhibit significant changes in their data distributions over time and the experimental results confirm that GAN-based predictions can significantly improve the accuracy of the classifier on new, previously unseen data.

cross LLeMpower: Understanding Disparities in the Control and Access of Large Language Models

Authors: Vishwas Sathish, Hannah Lin, Aditya K Kamath, Anish Nyayachavadi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are a powerful technology that augment human skill to create new opportunities, akin to the development of steam engines and the internet. However, LLMs come with a high cost. They require significant computing resources and energy to train and serve. Inequity in their control and access has led to concentration of ownership and power to a small collection of corporations. In our study, we collect training and inference requirements for various LLMs. We then analyze the economic strengths of nations and organizations in the context of developing and serving these models. Additionally, we also look at whether individuals around the world can access and use this emerging technology. We compare and contrast these groups to show that these technologies are monopolized by a surprisingly few entities. We conclude with a qualitative study on the ethical implications of our findings and discuss future directions towards equity in LLM access.

cross Exploring Feedback Generation in Automated Skeletal Movement Assessment: A Comprehensive Overview

Authors: Tal Hakim

Abstract: The application of machine-learning solutions to movement assessment from skeleton videos has attracted significant research attention in recent years. This advancement has made rehabilitation at home more accessible, utilizing movement assessment algorithms that can operate on affordable equipment for human pose detection from 2D or 3D videos. While the primary objective of automatic assessment tasks is to score movements, the automatic generation of feedback highlighting key movement issues has the potential to significantly enhance and accelerate the rehabilitation process. In this study, we explain the types of feedback that can be generated, review existing solutions for automatic feedback generation, and discuss future research directions. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review of feedback generation in skeletal movement assessment.

cross Understanding the Role of Temperature in Diverse Question Generation by GPT-4

Authors: Arav Agarwal, Karthik Mittal, Aidan Doyle, Pragnya Sridhar, Zipiao Wan, Jacob Arthur Doughty, Jaromir Savelka, Majd Sakr

Abstract: We conduct a preliminary study of the effect of GPT's temperature parameter on the diversity of GPT4-generated questions. We find that using higher temperature values leads to significantly higher diversity, with different temperatures exposing different types of similarity between generated sets of questions. We also demonstrate that diverse question generation is especially difficult for questions targeting lower levels of Bloom's Taxonomy.

cross Tasks People Prompt: A Taxonomy of LLM Downstream Tasks in Software Verification and Falsification Approaches

Authors: V\'ictor A. Braberman, Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Yiannis Charalambous, Juan G. Colonna, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Rosiane de Freitas

Abstract: Prompting has become one of the main approaches to leverage emergent capabilities of Large Language Models [Brown et al. NeurIPS 2020, Wei et al. TMLR 2022, Wei et al. NeurIPS 2022]. During the last year, researchers and practitioners have been playing with prompts to see how to make the most of LLMs. By homogeneously dissecting 80 papers, we investigate in deep how software testing and verification research communities have been abstractly architecting their LLM-enabled solutions. More precisely, first, we want to validate whether downstream tasks are an adequate concept to convey the blueprint of prompt-based solutions. We also aim at identifying number and nature of such tasks in solutions. For such goal, we develop a novel downstream task taxonomy that enables pinpointing some engineering patterns in a rather varied spectrum of Software Engineering problems that encompasses testing, fuzzing, debugging, vulnerability detection, static analysis and program verification approaches.

cross RankCLIP: Ranking-Consistent Language-Image Pretraining

Authors: Yiming Zhang, Zhuokai Zhao, Zhaorun Chen, Zhili Feng, Zenghui Ding, Yining Sun

Abstract: Among the ever-evolving development of vision-language models, contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) has set new benchmarks in many downstream tasks such as zero-shot classifications by leveraging self-supervised contrastive learning on large amounts of text-image pairs. However, its dependency on rigid one-to-one mappings overlooks the complex and often multifaceted relationships between and within texts and images. To this end, we introduce RankCLIP, a novel pretraining method that extends beyond the rigid one-to-one matching framework of CLIP and its variants. By leveraging both in-modal and cross-modal ranking consistency, RankCLIP improves the alignment process, enabling it to capture the nuanced many-to-many relationships between and within each modality. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate the enhanced capability of RankCLIP to effectively improve performance across various downstream tasks, notably achieving significant gains in zero-shot classifications over state-of-the-art methods, underscoring the potential of RankCLIP in further advancing vision-language pretraining.

cross Privacy at a Price: Exploring its Dual Impact on AI Fairness

Authors: Mengmeng Yang, Ming Ding, Youyang Qu, Wei Ni, David Smith, Thierry Rakotoarivelo

Abstract: The worldwide adoption of machine learning (ML) and deep learning models, particularly in critical sectors, such as healthcare and finance, presents substantial challenges in maintaining individual privacy and fairness. These two elements are vital to a trustworthy environment for learning systems. While numerous studies have concentrated on protecting individual privacy through differential privacy (DP) mechanisms, emerging research indicates that differential privacy in machine learning models can unequally impact separate demographic subgroups regarding prediction accuracy. This leads to a fairness concern, and manifests as biased performance. Although the prevailing view is that enhancing privacy intensifies fairness disparities, a smaller, yet significant, subset of research suggests the opposite view. In this article, with extensive evaluation results, we demonstrate that the impact of differential privacy on fairness is not monotonous. Instead, we observe that the accuracy disparity initially grows as more DP noise (enhanced privacy) is added to the ML process, but subsequently diminishes at higher privacy levels with even more noise. Moreover, implementing gradient clipping in the differentially private stochastic gradient descent ML method can mitigate the negative impact of DP noise on fairness. This mitigation is achieved by moderating the disparity growth through a lower clipping threshold.

cross Watermark-embedded Adversarial Examples for Copyright Protection against Diffusion Models

Authors: Peifei Zhu, Tsubasa Takahashi, Hirokatsu Kataoka

Abstract: Diffusion Models (DMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in various image-generation tasks. However, there are growing concerns that DMs could be used to imitate unauthorized creations and thus raise copyright issues. To address this issue, we propose a novel framework that embeds personal watermarks in the generation of adversarial examples. Such examples can force DMs to generate images with visible watermarks and prevent DMs from imitating unauthorized images. We construct a generator based on conditional adversarial networks and design three losses (adversarial loss, GAN loss, and perturbation loss) to generate adversarial examples that have subtle perturbation but can effectively attack DMs to prevent copyright violations. Training a generator for a personal watermark by our method only requires 5-10 samples within 2-3 minutes, and once the generator is trained, it can generate adversarial examples with that watermark significantly fast (0.2s per image). We conduct extensive experiments in various conditional image-generation scenarios. Compared to existing methods that generate images with chaotic textures, our method adds visible watermarks on the generated images, which is a more straightforward way to indicate copyright violations. We also observe that our adversarial examples exhibit good transferability across unknown generative models. Therefore, this work provides a simple yet powerful way to protect copyright from DM-based imitation.

cross Neural McKean-Vlasov Processes: Distributional Dependence in Diffusion Processes

Authors: Haoming Yang, Ali Hasan, Yuting Ng, Vahid Tarokh

Abstract: McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations (MV-SDEs) provide a mathematical description of the behavior of an infinite number of interacting particles by imposing a dependence on the particle density. As such, we study the influence of explicitly including distributional information in the parameterization of the SDE. We propose a series of semi-parametric methods for representing MV-SDEs, and corresponding estimators for inferring parameters from data based on the properties of the MV-SDE. We analyze the characteristics of the different architectures and estimators, and consider their applicability in relevant machine learning problems. We empirically compare the performance of the different architectures and estimators on real and synthetic datasets for time series and probabilistic modeling. The results suggest that explicitly including distributional dependence in the parameterization of the SDE is effective in modeling temporal data with interaction under an exchangeability assumption while maintaining strong performance for standard It\^o-SDEs due to the richer class of probability flows associated with MV-SDEs.

cross Few-shot Name Entity Recognition on StackOverflow

Authors: Xinwei Chen, Kun Li, Tianyou Song, Jiangjian Guo

Abstract: StackOverflow, with its vast question repository and limited labeled examples, raise an annotation challenge for us. We address this gap by proposing RoBERTa+MAML, a few-shot named entity recognition (NER) method leveraging meta-learning. Our approach, evaluated on the StackOverflow NER corpus (27 entity types), achieves a 5% F1 score improvement over the baseline. We improved the results further domain-specific phrase processing enhance results.

cross The 8th AI City Challenge

Authors: Shuo Wang, David C. Anastasiu, Zheng Tang, Ming-Ching Chang, Yue Yao, Liang Zheng, Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman, Meenakshi S. Arya, Anuj Sharma, Pranamesh Chakraborty, Sanjita Prajapati, Quan Kong, Norimasa Kobori, Munkhjargal Gochoo, Munkh-Erdene Otgonbold, Fady Alnajjar, Ganzorig Batnasan, Ping-Yang Chen, Jun-Wei Hsieh, Xunlei Wu, Sameer Satish Pusegaonkar, Yizhou Wang, Sujit Biswas, Rama Chellappa

Abstract: The eighth AI City Challenge highlighted the convergence of computer vision and artificial intelligence in areas like retail, warehouse settings, and Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS), presenting significant research opportunities. The 2024 edition featured five tracks, attracting unprecedented interest from 726 teams in 47 countries and regions. Track 1 dealt with multi-target multi-camera (MTMC) people tracking, highlighting significant enhancements in camera count, character number, 3D annotation, and camera matrices, alongside new rules for 3D tracking and online tracking algorithm encouragement. Track 2 introduced dense video captioning for traffic safety, focusing on pedestrian accidents using multi-camera feeds to improve insights for insurance and prevention. Track 3 required teams to classify driver actions in a naturalistic driving analysis. Track 4 explored fish-eye camera analytics using the FishEye8K dataset. Track 5 focused on motorcycle helmet rule violation detection. The challenge utilized two leaderboards to showcase methods, with participants setting new benchmarks, some surpassing existing state-of-the-art achievements.

cross Exploring Text-to-Motion Generation with Human Preference

Authors: Jenny Sheng, Matthieu Lin, Andrew Zhao, Kevin Pruvost, Yu-Hui Wen, Yangguang Li, Gao Huang, Yong-Jin Liu

Abstract: This paper presents an exploration of preference learning in text-to-motion generation. We find that current improvements in text-to-motion generation still rely on datasets requiring expert labelers with motion capture systems. Instead, learning from human preference data does not require motion capture systems; a labeler with no expertise simply compares two generated motions. This is particularly efficient because evaluating the model's output is easier than gathering the motion that performs a desired task (e.g. backflip). To pioneer the exploration of this paradigm, we annotate 3,528 preference pairs generated by MotionGPT, marking the first effort to investigate various algorithms for learning from preference data. In particular, our exploration highlights important design choices when using preference data. Additionally, our experimental results show that preference learning has the potential to greatly improve current text-to-motion generative models. Our code and dataset are publicly available at}{ to further facilitate research in this area.


cross Experimental Analysis of Deep Hedging Using Artificial Market Simulations for Underlying Asset Simulators

Authors: Masanori Hirano

Abstract: Derivative hedging and pricing are important and continuously studied topics in financial markets. Recently, deep hedging has been proposed as a promising approach that uses deep learning to approximate the optimal hedging strategy and can handle incomplete markets. However, deep hedging usually requires underlying asset simulations, and it is challenging to select the best model for such simulations. This study proposes a new approach using artificial market simulations for underlying asset simulations in deep hedging. Artificial market simulations can replicate the stylized facts of financial markets, and they seem to be a promising approach for deep hedging. We investigate the effectiveness of the proposed approach by comparing its results with those of the traditional approach, which uses mathematical finance models such as Brownian motion and Heston models for underlying asset simulations. The results show that the proposed approach can achieve almost the same level of performance as the traditional approach without mathematical finance models. Finally, we also reveal that the proposed approach has some limitations in terms of performance under certain conditions.

cross PhyScene: Physically Interactable 3D Scene Synthesis for Embodied AI

Authors: Yandan Yang, Baoxiong Jia, Peiyuan Zhi, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: With recent developments in Embodied Artificial Intelligence (EAI) research, there has been a growing demand for high-quality, large-scale interactive scene generation. While prior methods in scene synthesis have prioritized the naturalness and realism of the generated scenes, the physical plausibility and interactivity of scenes have been largely left unexplored. To address this disparity, we introduce PhyScene, a novel method dedicated to generating interactive 3D scenes characterized by realistic layouts, articulated objects, and rich physical interactivity tailored for embodied agents. Based on a conditional diffusion model for capturing scene layouts, we devise novel physics- and interactivity-based guidance mechanisms that integrate constraints from object collision, room layout, and object reachability. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that PhyScene effectively leverages these guidance functions for physically interactable scene synthesis, outperforming existing state-of-the-art scene synthesis methods by a large margin. Our findings suggest that the scenes generated by PhyScene hold considerable potential for facilitating diverse skill acquisition among agents within interactive environments, thereby catalyzing further advancements in embodied AI research. Project website:


cross LatticeML: A data-driven application for predicting the effective Young Modulus of high temperature graph based architected materials

Authors: Akshansh Mishra

Abstract: Architected materials with their unique topology and geometry offer the potential to modify physical and mechanical properties. Machine learning can accelerate the design and optimization of these materials by identifying optimal designs and forecasting performance. This work presents LatticeML, a data-driven application for predicting the effective Young's Modulus of high-temperature graph-based architected materials. The study considers eleven graph-based lattice structures with two high-temperature alloys, Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 625. Finite element simulations were used to compute the effective Young's Modulus of the 2x2x2 unit cell configurations. A machine learning framework was developed to predict Young's Modulus, involving data collection, preprocessing, implementation of regression models, and deployment of the best-performing model. Five supervised learning algorithms were evaluated, with the XGBoost Regressor achieving the highest accuracy (MSE = 2.7993, MAE = 1.1521, R-squared = 0.9875). The application uses the Streamlit framework to create an interactive web interface, allowing users to input material and geometric parameters and obtain predicted Young's Modulus values.

cross Improving Weakly-Supervised Object Localization Using Adversarial Erasing and Pseudo Label

Authors: Byeongkeun Kang, Sinhae Cha, Yeejin Lee

Abstract: Weakly-supervised learning approaches have gained significant attention due to their ability to reduce the effort required for human annotations in training neural networks. This paper investigates a framework for weakly-supervised object localization, which aims to train a neural network capable of predicting both the object class and its location using only images and their image-level class labels. The proposed framework consists of a shared feature extractor, a classifier, and a localizer. The localizer predicts pixel-level class probabilities, while the classifier predicts the object class at the image level. Since image-level class labels are insufficient for training the localizer, weakly-supervised object localization methods often encounter challenges in accurately localizing the entire object region. To address this issue, the proposed method incorporates adversarial erasing and pseudo labels to improve localization accuracy. Specifically, novel losses are designed to utilize adversarially erased foreground features and adversarially erased feature maps, reducing dependence on the most discriminative region. Additionally, the proposed method employs pseudo labels to suppress activation values in the background while increasing them in the foreground. The proposed method is applied to two backbone networks (MobileNetV1 and InceptionV3) and is evaluated on three publicly available datasets (ILSVRC-2012, CUB-200-2011, and PASCAL VOC 2012). The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods across all evaluated metrics.

cross Mitigating Hallucination in Abstractive Summarization with Domain-Conditional Mutual Information

Authors: Kyubyung Chae, Jaepill Choi, Yohan Jo, Taesup Kim

Abstract: A primary challenge in abstractive summarization is hallucination -- the phenomenon where a model generates plausible text that is absent in the source text. We hypothesize that the domain (or topic) of the source text triggers the model to generate text that is highly probable in the domain, neglecting the details of the source text. To alleviate this model bias, we introduce a decoding strategy based on domain-conditional pointwise mutual information. This strategy adjusts the generation probability of each token by comparing it with the token's marginal probability within the domain of the source text. According to evaluation on the XSUM dataset, our method demonstrates improvement in terms of faithfulness and source relevance. The code is publicly available at \url{}.


cross State Space Model for New-Generation Network Alternative to Transformers: A Survey

Authors: Xiao Wang, Shiao Wang, Yuhe Ding, Yuehang Li, Wentao Wu, Yao Rong, Weizhe Kong, Ju Huang, Shihao Li, Haoxiang Yang, Ziwen Wang, Bo Jiang, Chenglong Li, Yaowei Wang, Yonghong Tian, Jin Tang

Abstract: In the post-deep learning era, the Transformer architecture has demonstrated its powerful performance across pre-trained big models and various downstream tasks. However, the enormous computational demands of this architecture have deterred many researchers. To further reduce the complexity of attention models, numerous efforts have been made to design more efficient methods. Among them, the State Space Model (SSM), as a possible replacement for the self-attention based Transformer model, has drawn more and more attention in recent years. In this paper, we give the first comprehensive review of these works and also provide experimental comparisons and analysis to better demonstrate the features and advantages of SSM. Specifically, we first give a detailed description of principles to help the readers quickly capture the key ideas of SSM. After that, we dive into the reviews of existing SSMs and their various applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, graph, multi-modal and multi-media, point cloud/event stream, time series data, and other domains. In addition, we give statistical comparisons and analysis of these models and hope it helps the readers to understand the effectiveness of different structures on various tasks. Then, we propose possible research points in this direction to better promote the development of the theoretical model and application of SSM. More related works will be continuously updated on the following GitHub:


cross Inferring Behavior-Specific Context Improves Zero-Shot Generalization in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Tidiane Camaret Ndir, Andr\'e Biedenkapp, Noor Awad

Abstract: In this work, we address the challenge of zero-shot generalization (ZSG) in Reinforcement Learning (RL), where agents must adapt to entirely novel environments without additional training. We argue that understanding and utilizing contextual cues, such as the gravity level of the environment, is critical for robust generalization, and we propose to integrate the learning of context representations directly with policy learning. Our algorithm demonstrates improved generalization on various simulated domains, outperforming prior context-learning techniques in zero-shot settings. By jointly learning policy and context, our method acquires behavior-specific context representations, enabling adaptation to unseen environments and marks progress towards reinforcement learning systems that generalize across diverse real-world tasks. Our code and experiments are available at


cross Prepacking: A Simple Method for Fast Prefilling and Increased Throughput in Large Language Models

Authors: Siyan Zhao, Daniel Israel, Guy Van den Broeck, Aditya Grover

Abstract: During inference for transformer-based large language models (LLM), prefilling is the computation of the key-value (KV) cache for input tokens in the prompt prior to autoregressive generation. For longer input prompt lengths, prefilling will incur a significant overhead on decoding time. In this work, we highlight the following pitfall of prefilling: for batches containing high-varying prompt lengths, significant computation is wasted by the standard practice of padding sequences to the maximum length. As LLMs increasingly support longer context lengths, potentially up to 10 million tokens, variations in prompt lengths within a batch become more pronounced. To address this, we propose Prepacking, a simple yet effective method to optimize prefilling computation. To avoid redundant computation on pad tokens, prepacking combines prompts of varying lengths into a sequence and packs multiple sequences into a compact batch using a bin-packing algorithm. It then modifies the attention mask and positional encoding to compute multiple prefilled KV-caches for multiple prompts within a single sequence. On standard curated dataset containing prompts with varying lengths, we obtain a significant speed and memory efficiency improvements as compared to the default padding-based prefilling computation within Huggingface across a range of base model configurations and inference serving scenarios.

cross RanLayNet: A Dataset for Document Layout Detection used for Domain Adaptation and Generalization

Authors: Avinash Anand, Raj Jaiswal, Mohit Gupta, Siddhesh S Bangar, Pijush Bhuyan, Naman Lal, Rajeev Singh, Ritika Jha, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Shin'ichi Satoh

Abstract: Large ground-truth datasets and recent advances in deep learning techniques have been useful for layout detection. However, because of the restricted layout diversity of these datasets, training on them requires a sizable number of annotated instances, which is both expensive and time-consuming. As a result, differences between the source and target domains may significantly impact how well these models function. To solve this problem, domain adaptation approaches have been developed that use a small quantity of labeled data to adjust the model to the target domain. In this research, we introduced a synthetic document dataset called RanLayNet, enriched with automatically assigned labels denoting spatial positions, ranges, and types of layout elements. The primary aim of this endeavor is to develop a versatile dataset capable of training models with robustness and adaptability to diverse document formats. Through empirical experimentation, we demonstrate that a deep layout identification model trained on our dataset exhibits enhanced performance compared to a model trained solely on actual documents. Moreover, we conduct a comparative analysis by fine-tuning inference models using both PubLayNet and IIIT-AR-13K datasets on the Doclaynet dataset. Our findings emphasize that models enriched with our dataset are optimal for tasks such as achieving 0.398 and 0.588 mAP95 score in the scientific document domain for the TABLE class.

cross WiTUnet: A U-Shaped Architecture Integrating CNN and Transformer for Improved Feature Alignment and Local Information Fusion

Authors: Bin Wang, Fei Deng, Peifan Jiang, Shuang Wang, Xiao Han, Hongjie Zheng

Abstract: Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) has become the technology of choice for diagnostic medical imaging, given its lower radiation dose compared to standard CT, despite increasing image noise and potentially affecting diagnostic accuracy. To address this, advanced deep learning-based LDCT denoising algorithms have been developed, primarily using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Transformer Networks with the Unet architecture. This architecture enhances image detail by integrating feature maps from the encoder and decoder via skip connections. However, current methods often overlook enhancements to the Unet architecture itself, focusing instead on optimizing encoder and decoder structures. This approach can be problematic due to the significant differences in feature map characteristics between the encoder and decoder, where simple fusion strategies may not effectively reconstruct images.In this paper, we introduce WiTUnet, a novel LDCT image denoising method that utilizes nested, dense skip pathways instead of traditional skip connections to improve feature integration. WiTUnet also incorporates a windowed Transformer structure to process images in smaller, non-overlapping segments, reducing computational load. Additionally, the integration of a Local Image Perception Enhancement (LiPe) module in both the encoder and decoder replaces the standard multi-layer perceptron (MLP) in Transformers, enhancing local feature capture and representation. Through extensive experimental comparisons, WiTUnet has demonstrated superior performance over existing methods in key metrics such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity (SSIM), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), significantly improving noise removal and image quality.

cross Beyond Noise: Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Learning with Virtual Nodes

Authors: Sayan Biswas, Mathieu Even, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Laurent Massoulie, Rafael Pires, Rishi Sharma, Martijn de Vos

Abstract: Decentralized learning (DL) enables collaborative learning without a server and without training data leaving the users' devices. However, the models shared in DL can still be used to infer training data. Conventional privacy defenses such as differential privacy and secure aggregation fall short in effectively safeguarding user privacy in DL. We introduce Shatter, a novel DL approach in which nodes create virtual nodes (VNs) to disseminate chunks of their full model on their behalf. This enhances privacy by (i) preventing attackers from collecting full models from other nodes, and (ii) hiding the identity of the original node that produced a given model chunk. We theoretically prove the convergence of Shatter and provide a formal analysis demonstrating how Shatter reduces the efficacy of attacks compared to when exchanging full models between participating nodes. We evaluate the convergence and attack resilience of Shatter with existing DL algorithms, with heterogeneous datasets, and against three standard privacy attacks, including gradient inversion. Our evaluation shows that Shatter not only renders these privacy attacks infeasible when each node operates 16 VNs but also exhibits a positive impact on model convergence compared to standard DL. This enhanced privacy comes with a manageable increase in communication volume.

cross Machine Learning Techniques for Python Source Code Vulnerability Detection

Authors: Talaya Farasat, Joachim Posegga

Abstract: Software vulnerabilities are a fundamental reason for the prevalence of cyber attacks and their identification is a crucial yet challenging problem in cyber security. In this paper, we apply and compare different machine learning algorithms for source code vulnerability detection specifically for Python programming language. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) model achieves a remarkable performance (average Accuracy = 98.6%, average F-Score = 94.7%, average Precision = 96.2%, average Recall = 93.3%, average ROC = 99.3%), thereby, establishing a new benchmark for vulnerability detection in Python source code.

cross GNNavigator: Towards Adaptive Training of Graph Neural Networks via Automatic Guideline Exploration

Authors: Tong Qiao, Jianlei Yang, Yingjie Qi, Ao Zhou, Chen Bai, Bei Yu, Weisheng Zhao, Chunming Hu

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) succeed significantly in many applications recently. However, balancing GNNs training runtime cost, memory consumption, and attainable accuracy for various applications is non-trivial. Previous training methodologies suffer from inferior adaptability and lack a unified training optimization solution. To address the problem, this work proposes GNNavigator, an adaptive GNN training configuration optimization framework. GNNavigator meets diverse GNN application requirements due to our unified software-hardware co-abstraction, proposed GNNs training performance model, and practical design space exploration solution. Experimental results show that GNNavigator can achieve up to 3.1x speedup and 44.9% peak memory reduction with comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art approaches.

cross Characterization and Mitigation of Insufficiencies in Automated Driving Systems

Authors: Yuting Fu, Jochen Seemann, Caspar Hanselaar, Tim Beurskens, Andrei Terechko, Emilia Silvas, Maurice Heemels

Abstract: Automated Driving (AD) systems have the potential to increase safety, comfort and energy efficiency. Recently, major automotive companies have started testing and validating AD systems (ADS) on public roads. Nevertheless, the commercial deployment and wide adoption of ADS have been moderate, partially due to system functional insufficiencies (FI) that undermine passenger safety and lead to hazardous situations on the road. FIs are defined in ISO 21448 Safety Of The Intended Functionality (SOTIF). FIs are insufficiencies in sensors, actuators and algorithm implementations, including neural networks and probabilistic calculations. Examples of FIs in ADS include inaccurate ego-vehicle localization on the road, incorrect prediction of a cyclist maneuver, unreliable detection of a pedestrian, etc. The main goal of our study is to formulate a generic architectural design pattern, which is compatible with existing methods and ADS, to improve FI mitigation and enable faster commercial deployment of ADS. First, we studied the 2021 autonomous vehicles disengagement reports published by the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The data clearly show that disengagements are five times more often caused by FIs rather than by system faults. We then made a comprehensive list of insufficiencies and their characteristics by analyzing over 10 hours of publicly available road test videos. In particular, we identified insufficiency types in four major categories: world model, motion plan, traffic rule, and operational design domain. The insufficiency characterization helps making the SOTIF analyses of triggering conditions more systematic and comprehensive. Based on our FI characterization, simulation experiments and literature survey, we define a novel generic architectural design pattern Daruma to dynamically select the channel that is least likely to have a FI at the moment.

cross Joint Contrastive Learning with Feature Alignment for Cross-Corpus EEG-based Emotion Recognition

Authors: Qile Liu, Zhihao Zhou, Jiyuan Wang, Zhen Liang

Abstract: The integration of human emotions into multimedia applications shows great potential for enriching user experiences and enhancing engagement across various digital platforms. Unlike traditional methods such as questionnaires, facial expressions, and voice analysis, brain signals offer a more direct and objective understanding of emotional states. However, in the field of electroencephalography (EEG)-based emotion recognition, previous studies have primarily concentrated on training and testing EEG models within a single dataset, overlooking the variability across different datasets. This oversight leads to significant performance degradation when applying EEG models to cross-corpus scenarios. In this study, we propose a novel Joint Contrastive learning framework with Feature Alignment (JCFA) to address cross-corpus EEG-based emotion recognition. The JCFA model operates in two main stages. In the pre-training stage, a joint domain contrastive learning strategy is introduced to characterize generalizable time-frequency representations of EEG signals, without the use of labeled data. It extracts robust time-based and frequency-based embeddings for each EEG sample, and then aligns them within a shared latent time-frequency space. In the fine-tuning stage, JCFA is refined in conjunction with downstream tasks, where the structural connections among brain electrodes are considered. The model capability could be further enhanced for the application in emotion detection and interpretation. Extensive experimental results on two well-recognized emotional datasets show that the proposed JCFA model achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance, outperforming the second-best method by an average accuracy increase of 4.09% in cross-corpus EEG-based emotion recognition tasks.

cross {\sigma}-GPTs: A New Approach to Autoregressive Models

Authors: Arnaud Pannatier, Evann Courdier, Fran\c{c}ois Fleuret

Abstract: Autoregressive models, such as the GPT family, use a fixed order, usually left-to-right, to generate sequences. However, this is not a necessity. In this paper, we challenge this assumption and show that by simply adding a positional encoding for the output, this order can be modulated on-the-fly per-sample which offers key advantageous properties. It allows for the sampling of and conditioning on arbitrary subsets of tokens, and it also allows sampling in one shot multiple tokens dynamically according to a rejection strategy, leading to a sub-linear number of model evaluations. We evaluate our method across various domains, including language modeling, path-solving, and aircraft vertical rate prediction, decreasing the number of steps required for generation by an order of magnitude.

cross Reliability Estimation of News Media Sources: Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Authors: Sergio Burdisso, Dairazalia S\'anchez-Cort\'es, Esa\'u Villatoro-Tello, Petr Motlicek

Abstract: Evaluating the reliability of news sources is a routine task for journalists and organizations committed to acquiring and disseminating accurate information. Recent research has shown that predicting sources' reliability represents an important first-prior step in addressing additional challenges such as fake news detection and fact-checking. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for source reliability estimation that leverages reinforcement learning strategies for estimating the reliability degree of news sources. Contrary to previous research, our proposed approach models the problem as the estimation of a reliability degree, and not a reliability label, based on how all the news media sources interact with each other on the Web. We validated the effectiveness of our method on a news media reliability dataset that is an order of magnitude larger than comparable existing datasets. Results show that the estimated reliability degrees strongly correlates with journalists-provided scores (Spearman=0.80) and can effectively predict reliability labels (macro-avg. F$_1$ score=81.05). We release our implementation and dataset, aiming to provide a valuable resource for the NLP community working on information verification.

cross Predicting and Analyzing Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Unsignalized Crossings

Authors: Chi Zhang (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Janis Sprenger (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), Zhongjun Ni (Department of Science and Technology, Link\"oping University, Campus Norrk\"oping, Sweden), Christian Berger (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Abstract: Understanding and predicting pedestrian crossing behavior is essential for enhancing automated driving and improving driving safety. Predicting gap selection behavior and the use of zebra crossing enables driving systems to proactively respond and prevent potential conflicts. This task is particularly challenging at unsignalized crossings due to the ambiguous right of way, requiring pedestrians to constantly interact with vehicles and other pedestrians. This study addresses these challenges by utilizing simulator data to investigate scenarios involving multiple vehicles and pedestrians. We propose and evaluate machine learning models to predict gap selection in non-zebra scenarios and zebra crossing usage in zebra scenarios. We investigate and discuss how pedestrians' behaviors are influenced by various factors, including pedestrian waiting time, walking speed, the number of unused gaps, the largest missed gap, and the influence of other pedestrians. This research contributes to the evolution of intelligent vehicles by providing predictive models and valuable insights into pedestrian crossing behavior.

cross Large language models and linguistic intentionality

Authors: Jumbly Grindrod

Abstract: Do large language models like Chat-GPT or LLaMa meaningfully use the words they produce? Or are they merely clever prediction machines, simulating language use by producing statistically plausible text? There have already been some initial attempts to answer this question by showing that these models meet the criteria for entering meaningful states according to metasemantic theories of mental content. In this paper, I will argue for a different approach - that we should instead consider whether language models meet the criteria given by our best metasemantic theories of linguistic content. In that vein, I will illustrate how this can be done by applying two such theories to the case of language models: Gareth Evans' (1982) account of naming practices and Ruth Millikan's (1984, 2004, 2005) teleosemantics. In doing so, I will argue that it is a mistake to think that the failure of LLMs to meet plausible conditions for mental intentionality thereby renders their outputs meaningless, and that a distinguishing feature of linguistic intentionality - dependency on a pre-existing linguistic system - allows for the plausible result LLM outputs are meaningful.

cross Transformers, Contextualism, and Polysemy

Authors: Jumbly Grindrod

Abstract: The transformer architecture, introduced by Vaswani et al. (2017), is at the heart of the remarkable recent progress in the development of language models, including famous chatbots such as Chat-gpt and Bard. In this paper, I argue that we an extract from the way the transformer architecture works a picture of the relationship between context and meaning. I call this the transformer picture, and I argue that it is a novel with regard to two related philosophical debates: the contextualism debate regarding the extent of context-sensitivity across natural language, and the polysemy debate regarding how polysemy should be captured within an account of word meaning. Although much of the paper merely tries to position the transformer picture with respect to these two debates, I will also begin to make the case for the transformer picture.

cross Modelling Language

Authors: Jumbly Grindrod

Abstract: This paper argues that large language models have a valuable scientific role to play in serving as scientific models of a language. Linguistic study should not only be concerned with the cognitive processes behind linguistic competence, but also with language understood as an external, social entity. Once this is recognized, the value of large language models as scientific models becomes clear. This paper defends this position against a number of arguments to the effect that language models provide no linguistic insight. It also draws upon recent work in philosophy of science to show how large language models could serve as scientific models.

cross Building Semantic Communication System via Molecules: An End-to-End Training Approach

Authors: Yukun Cheng, Wei Chen, Bo Ai

Abstract: The concept of semantic communication provides a novel approach for applications in scenarios with limited communication resources. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end (E2E) semantic molecular communication system, aiming to enhance the efficiency of molecular communication systems by reducing the transmitted information. Specifically, following the joint source channel coding paradigm, the network is designed to encode the task-relevant information into the concentration of the information molecules, which is robust to the degradation of the molecular communication channel. Furthermore, we propose a channel network to enable the E2E learning over the non-differentiable molecular channel. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the semantic molecular communication system over the conventional methods in classification tasks.

cross Reactive Model Correction: Mitigating Harm to Task-Relevant Features via Conditional Bias Suppression

Authors: Dilyara Bareeva, Maximilian Dreyer, Frederik Pahde, Wojciech Samek, Sebastian Lapuschkin

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks are prone to learning and relying on spurious correlations in the training data, which, for high-risk applications, can have fatal consequences. Various approaches to suppress model reliance on harmful features have been proposed that can be applied post-hoc without additional training. Whereas those methods can be applied with efficiency, they also tend to harm model performance by globally shifting the distribution of latent features. To mitigate unintended overcorrection of model behavior, we propose a reactive approach conditioned on model-derived knowledge and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) insights. While the reactive approach can be applied to many post-hoc methods, we demonstrate the incorporation of reactivity in particular for P-ClArC (Projective Class Artifact Compensation), introducing a new method called R-ClArC (Reactive Class Artifact Compensation). Through rigorous experiments in controlled settings (FunnyBirds) and with a real-world dataset (ISIC2019), we show that introducing reactivity can minimize the detrimental effect of the applied correction while simultaneously ensuring low reliance on spurious features.

cross A Self-feedback Knowledge Elicitation Approach for Chemical Reaction Predictions

Authors: Pengfei Liu, Jun Tao, Zhixiang Ren

Abstract: The task of chemical reaction predictions (CRPs) plays a pivotal role in advancing drug discovery and material science. However, its effectiveness is constrained by the vast and uncertain chemical reaction space and challenges in capturing reaction selectivity, particularly due to existing methods' limitations in exploiting the data's inherent knowledge. To address these challenges, we introduce a data-curated self-feedback knowledge elicitation approach. This method starts from iterative optimization of molecular representations and facilitates the extraction of knowledge on chemical reaction types (RTs). Then, we employ adaptive prompt learning to infuse the prior knowledge into the large language model (LLM). As a result, we achieve significant enhancements: a 14.2% increase in retrosynthesis prediction accuracy, a 74.2% rise in reagent prediction accuracy, and an expansion in the model's capability for handling multi-task chemical reactions. This research offers a novel paradigm for knowledge elicitation in scientific research and showcases the untapped potential of LLMs in CRPs.

cross LoRA Dropout as a Sparsity Regularizer for Overfitting Control

Authors: Yang Lin, Xinyu Ma, Xu Chu, Yujie Jin, Zhibang Yang, Yasha Wang, Hong Mei

Abstract: Parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods, represented by LoRA, play an essential role in adapting large-scale pre-trained models to downstream tasks. However, fine-tuning LoRA-series models also faces the risk of overfitting on the training dataset, and yet there's still a lack of theoretical guidance and practical mechanism to control overfitting on LoRA-based PEFT methods. In this paper, we propose a LoRA Dropout mechanism for the LoRA-based methods by introducing random noises to the learnable low-rank matrices and increasing parameter sparsity. We then demonstrate the theoretical mechanism of our LoRA Dropout mechanism from the perspective of sparsity regularization by providing a generalization error bound under this framework. Theoretical results show that appropriate sparsity would help tighten the gap between empirical and generalization risks and thereby control overfitting. Furthermore, based on the LoRA Dropout framework, we introduce a test-time ensemble strategy and provide theoretical evidence demonstrating that the ensemble method can further compress the error bound, and lead to better performance during inference time. Extensive experiments on various NLP tasks provide practical validations of the effectiveness of our LoRA Dropout framework in improving model accuracy and calibration.

cross Efficient and accurate neural field reconstruction using resistive memory

Authors: Yifei Yu, Shaocong Wang, Woyu Zhang, Xinyuan Zhang, Xiuzhe Wu, Yangu He, Jichang Yang, Yue Zhang, Ning Lin, Bo Wang, Xi Chen, Songqi Wang, Xumeng Zhang, Xiaojuan Qi, Zhongrui Wang, Dashan Shang, Qi Liu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Ming Liu

Abstract: Human beings construct perception of space by integrating sparse observations into massively interconnected synapses and neurons, offering a superior parallelism and efficiency. Replicating this capability in AI finds wide applications in medical imaging, AR/VR, and embodied AI, where input data is often sparse and computing resources are limited. However, traditional signal reconstruction methods on digital computers face both software and hardware challenges. On the software front, difficulties arise from storage inefficiencies in conventional explicit signal representation. Hardware obstacles include the von Neumann bottleneck, which limits data transfer between the CPU and memory, and the limitations of CMOS circuits in supporting parallel processing. We propose a systematic approach with software-hardware co-optimizations for signal reconstruction from sparse inputs. Software-wise, we employ neural field to implicitly represent signals via neural networks, which is further compressed using low-rank decomposition and structured pruning. Hardware-wise, we design a resistive memory-based computing-in-memory (CIM) platform, featuring a Gaussian Encoder (GE) and an MLP Processing Engine (PE). The GE harnesses the intrinsic stochasticity of resistive memory for efficient input encoding, while the PE achieves precise weight mapping through a Hardware-Aware Quantization (HAQ) circuit. We demonstrate the system's efficacy on a 40nm 256Kb resistive memory-based in-memory computing macro, achieving huge energy efficiency and parallelism improvements without compromising reconstruction quality in tasks like 3D CT sparse reconstruction, novel view synthesis, and novel view synthesis for dynamic scenes. This work advances the AI-driven signal restoration technology and paves the way for future efficient and robust medical AI and 3D vision applications.

cross UNIAA: A Unified Multi-modal Image Aesthetic Assessment Baseline and Benchmark

Authors: Zhaokun Zhou, Qiulin Wang, Bin Lin, Yiwei Su, Rui Chen, Xin Tao, Amin Zheng, Li Yuan, Pengfei Wan, Di Zhang

Abstract: As an alternative to expensive expert evaluation, Image Aesthetic Assessment (IAA) stands out as a crucial task in computer vision. However, traditional IAA methods are typically constrained to a single data source or task, restricting the universality and broader application. In this work, to better align with human aesthetics, we propose a Unified Multi-modal Image Aesthetic Assessment (UNIAA) framework, including a Multi-modal Large Language Model (MLLM) named UNIAA-LLaVA and a comprehensive benchmark named UNIAA-Bench. We choose MLLMs with both visual perception and language ability for IAA and establish a low-cost paradigm for transforming the existing datasets into unified and high-quality visual instruction tuning data, from which the UNIAA-LLaVA is trained. To further evaluate the IAA capability of MLLMs, we construct the UNIAA-Bench, which consists of three aesthetic levels: Perception, Description, and Assessment. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness and rationality of UNIAA. UNIAA-LLaVA achieves competitive performance on all levels of UNIAA-Bench, compared with existing MLLMs. Specifically, our model performs better than GPT-4V in aesthetic perception and even approaches the junior-level human. We find MLLMs have great potential in IAA, yet there remains plenty of room for further improvement. The UNIAA-LLaVA and UNIAA-Bench will be released.

cross DIDLM:A Comprehensive Multi-Sensor Dataset with Infrared Cameras, Depth Cameras, LiDAR, and 4D Millimeter-Wave Radar in Challenging Scenarios for 3D Mapping

Authors: WeiSheng Gong, Chen He, KaiJie Su, QingYong Li

Abstract: This study presents a comprehensive multi-sensor dataset designed for 3D mapping in challenging indoor and outdoor environments. The dataset comprises data from infrared cameras, depth cameras, LiDAR, and 4D millimeter-wave radar, facilitating exploration of advanced perception and mapping techniques. Integration of diverse sensor data enhances perceptual capabilities in extreme conditions such as rain, snow, and uneven road surfaces. The dataset also includes interactive robot data at different speeds indoors and outdoors, providing a realistic background environment. Slam comparisons between similar routes are conducted, analyzing the influence of different complex scenes on various sensors. Various SLAM algorithms are employed to process the dataset, revealing performance differences among algorithms in different scenarios. In summary, this dataset addresses the problem of data scarcity in special environments, fostering the development of perception and mapping algorithms for extreme conditions. Leveraging multi-sensor data including infrared, depth cameras, LiDAR, 4D millimeter-wave radar, and robot interactions, the dataset advances intelligent mapping and perception capabilities.Our dataset is available at


cross Privacy-Preserving Intrusion Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Martin Kodys, Zhongmin Dai, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing

Abstract: Privacy-preserving analytics is designed to protect valuable assets. A common service provision involves the input data from the client and the model on the analyst's side. The importance of the privacy preservation is fuelled by legal obligations and intellectual property concerns. We explore the use case of a model owner providing an analytic service on customer's private data. No information about the data shall be revealed to the analyst and no information about the model shall be leaked to the customer. Current methods involve costs: accuracy deterioration and computational complexity. The complexity, in turn, results in a longer processing time, increased requirement on computing resources, and involves data communication between the client and the server. In order to deploy such service architecture, we need to evaluate the optimal setting that fits the constraints. And that is what this paper addresses. In this work, we enhance an attack detection system based on Convolutional Neural Networks with privacy-preserving technology based on PriMIA framework that is initially designed for medical data.

cross All-in-one simulation-based inference

Authors: Manuel Gloeckler, Michael Deistler, Christian Weilbach, Frank Wood, Jakob H. Macke

Abstract: Amortized Bayesian inference trains neural networks to solve stochastic inference problems using model simulations, thereby making it possible to rapidly perform Bayesian inference for any newly observed data. However, current simulation-based amortized inference methods are simulation-hungry and inflexible: They require the specification of a fixed parametric prior, simulator, and inference tasks ahead of time. Here, we present a new amortized inference method -- the Simformer -- which overcomes these limitations. By training a probabilistic diffusion model with transformer architectures, the Simformer outperforms current state-of-the-art amortized inference approaches on benchmark tasks and is substantially more flexible: It can be applied to models with function-valued parameters, it can handle inference scenarios with missing or unstructured data, and it can sample arbitrary conditionals of the joint distribution of parameters and data, including both posterior and likelihood. We showcase the performance and flexibility of the Simformer on simulators from ecology, epidemiology, and neuroscience, and demonstrate that it opens up new possibilities and application domains for amortized Bayesian inference on simulation-based models.

cross Monitoring Second-Order Hyperproperties

Authors: Raven Beutner, Bernd Finkbeiner, Hadar Frenkel, Niklas Metzger

Abstract: Hyperproperties express the relationship between multiple executions of a system. This is needed in many AI-related fields, such as knowledge representation and planning, to capture system properties related to knowledge, information flow, and privacy. In this paper, we study the monitoring of complex hyperproperties at runtime. Previous work in this area has either focused on the simpler problem of monitoring trace properties (which are sets of traces, while hyperproperties are sets of sets of traces) or on monitoring first-order hyperproperties, which are expressible in temporal logics with first-order quantification over traces, such as HyperLTL. We present the first monitoring algorithm for the much more expressive class of second-order hyperproperties. Second-order hyperproperties include system properties like common knowledge, which cannot be expressed in first-order logics like HyperLTL. We introduce Hyper$^2$LTL$_f$, a temporal logic over finite traces that allows for second-order quantification over sets of traces. We study the monitoring problem in two fundamental execution models: (1) the parallel model, where a fixed number of traces is monitored in parallel, and (2) the sequential model, where an unbounded number of traces is observed sequentially, one trace after the other. For the parallel model, we show that the monitoring of the second-order hyperproperties of Hyper$^2$LTL$_f$ can be reduced to monitoring first-order hyperproperties. For the sequential model, we present a monitoring algorithm that handles second-order quantification efficiently, exploiting optimizations based on the monotonicity of subformulas, graph-based storing of executions, and fixpoint hashing. We present experimental results from a range of benchmarks, including examples from common knowledge and planning.

cross Multi-News+: Cost-efficient Dataset Cleansing via LLM-based Data Annotation

Authors: Juhwan Choi, Jungmin Yun, Kyohoon Jin, YoungBin Kim

Abstract: The quality of the dataset is crucial for ensuring optimal performance and reliability of downstream task models. However, datasets often contain noisy data inadvertently included during the construction process. Numerous attempts have been made to correct this issue through human annotators. However, hiring and managing human annotators is expensive and time-consuming. As an alternative, recent studies are exploring the use of large language models (LLMs) for data annotation. In this study, we present a case study that extends the application of LLM-based data annotation to enhance the quality of existing datasets through a cleansing strategy. Specifically, we leverage approaches such as chain-of-thought (CoT) and majority voting to imitate human annotation and classify unrelated documents from the Multi-News dataset, which is widely used for the multi-document summarization task. Through our proposed cleansing method, we introduce an enhanced Multi-News+. By employing LLMs for data cleansing, we demonstrate an efficient and effective approach to improving dataset quality without relying on expensive human annotation efforts.

cross Plus Strategies are Exponentially Slower for Planted Optima of Random Height

Authors: Johannes Lengler, Leon Schiller, Oliver Sieberling

Abstract: We compare the $(1,\lambda)$-EA and the $(1 + \lambda)$-EA on the recently introduced benchmark DisOM, which is the OneMax function with randomly planted local optima. Previous work showed that if all local optima have the same relative height, then the plus strategy never loses more than a factor $O(n\log n)$ compared to the comma strategy. Here we show that even small random fluctuations in the heights of the local optima have a devastating effect for the plus strategy and lead to super-polynomial runtimes. On the other hand, due to their ability to escape local optima, comma strategies are unaffected by the height of the local optima and remain efficient. Our results hold for a broad class of possible distortions and show that the plus strategy, but not the comma strategy, is generally deceived by sparse unstructured fluctuations of a smooth landscape.

cross Harnessing GPT-4V(ision) for Insurance: A Preliminary Exploration

Authors: Chenwei Lin, Hanjia Lyu, Jiebo Luo, Xian Xu

Abstract: The emergence of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) marks a significant milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. Insurance, as a vast and complex discipline, involves a wide variety of data forms in its operational processes, including text, images, and videos, thereby giving rise to diverse multimodal tasks. Despite this, there has been limited systematic exploration of multimodal tasks specific to insurance, nor a thorough investigation into how LMMs can address these challenges. In this paper, we explore GPT-4V's capabilities in the insurance domain. We categorize multimodal tasks by focusing primarily on visual aspects based on types of insurance (e.g., auto, household/commercial property, health, and agricultural insurance) and insurance stages (e.g., risk assessment, risk monitoring, and claims processing). Our experiment reveals that GPT-4V exhibits remarkable abilities in insurance-related tasks, demonstrating not only a robust understanding of multimodal content in the insurance domain but also a comprehensive knowledge of insurance scenarios. However, there are notable shortcomings: GPT-4V struggles with detailed risk rating and loss assessment, suffers from hallucination in image understanding, and shows variable support for different languages. Through this work, we aim to bridge the insurance domain with cutting-edge LMM technology, facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and development, and provide a foundation for the continued advancement and evolution of future research endeavors.

cross LoRAP: Transformer Sub-Layers Deserve Differentiated Structured Compression for Large Language Models

Authors: Guangyan Li, Yongqiang Tang, Wensheng Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) show excellent performance in difficult tasks, but they often require massive memories and computational resources. How to reduce the parameter scale of LLMs has become research hotspots. In this study, we make an important observation that the multi-head self-attention (MHA) sub-layer of Transformer exhibits noticeable low-rank structure, while the feed-forward network (FFN) sub-layer does not. With this regard, we design a mixed compression model, which organically combines Low-Rank matrix approximation And structured Pruning (LoRAP). For the MHA sub-layer, we propose an input activation weighted singular value decomposition method to strengthen the low-rank characteristic. Furthermore, we discover that the weight matrices in MHA sub-layer have different low-rank degrees. Thus, a novel parameter allocation scheme according to the discrepancy of low-rank degrees is devised. For the FFN sub-layer, we propose a gradient-free structured channel pruning method. During the pruning, we get an interesting finding that the least important 1% of parameter actually play a vital role in model performance. Extensive evaluations on zero-shot perplexity and zero-shot task classification indicate that our proposal is superior to previous structured compression rivals under multiple compression ratios.

cross Are Large Language Models Reliable Argument Quality Annotators?

Authors: Nailia Mirzakhmedova, Marcel Gohsen, Chia Hao Chang, Benno Stein

Abstract: Evaluating the quality of arguments is a crucial aspect of any system leveraging argument mining. However, it is a challenge to obtain reliable and consistent annotations regarding argument quality, as this usually requires domain-specific expertise of the annotators. Even among experts, the assessment of argument quality is often inconsistent due to the inherent subjectivity of this task. In this paper, we study the potential of using state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) as proxies for argument quality annotators. To assess the capability of LLMs in this regard, we analyze the agreement between model, human expert, and human novice annotators based on an established taxonomy of argument quality dimensions. Our findings highlight that LLMs can produce consistent annotations, with a moderately high agreement with human experts across most of the quality dimensions. Moreover, we show that using LLMs as additional annotators can significantly improve the agreement between annotators. These results suggest that LLMs can serve as a valuable tool for automated argument quality assessment, thus streamlining and accelerating the evaluation of large argument datasets.

cross Adaptive Patching for High-resolution Image Segmentation with Transformers

Authors: Enzhi Zhang, Isaac Lyngaas, Peng Chen, Xiao Wang, Jun Igarashi, Yuankai Huo, Mohamed Wahib, Masaharu Munetomo

Abstract: Attention-based models are proliferating in the space of image analytics, including segmentation. The standard method of feeding images to transformer encoders is to divide the images into patches and then feed the patches to the model as a linear sequence of tokens. For high-resolution images, e.g. microscopic pathology images, the quadratic compute and memory cost prohibits the use of an attention-based model, if we are to use smaller patch sizes that are favorable in segmentation. The solution is to either use custom complex multi-resolution models or approximate attention schemes. We take inspiration from Adapative Mesh Refinement (AMR) methods in HPC by adaptively patching the images, as a pre-processing step, based on the image details to reduce the number of patches being fed to the model, by orders of magnitude. This method has a negligible overhead, and works seamlessly with any attention-based model, i.e. it is a pre-processing step that can be adopted by any attention-based model without friction. We demonstrate superior segmentation quality over SoTA segmentation models for real-world pathology datasets while gaining a geomean speedup of $6.9\times$ for resolutions up to $64K^2$, on up to $2,048$ GPUs.

cross Higher Replay Ratio Empowers Sample-Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Linjie Xu, Zichuan Liu, Alexander Dockhorn, Diego Perez-Liebana, Jinyu Wang, Lei Song, Jiang Bian

Abstract: One of the notorious issues for Reinforcement Learning (RL) is poor sample efficiency. Compared to single agent RL, the sample efficiency for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is more challenging because of its inherent partial observability, non-stationary training, and enormous strategy space. Although much effort has been devoted to developing new methods and enhancing sample efficiency, we look at the widely used episodic training mechanism. In each training step, tens of frames are collected, but only one gradient step is made. We argue that this episodic training could be a source of poor sample efficiency. To better exploit the data already collected, we propose to increase the frequency of the gradient updates per environment interaction (a.k.a. Replay Ratio or Update-To-Data ratio). To show its generality, we evaluate $3$ MARL methods on $6$ SMAC tasks. The empirical results validate that a higher replay ratio significantly improves the sample efficiency for MARL algorithms. The codes to reimplement the results presented in this paper are open-sourced at


cross Unveiling Imitation Learning: Exploring the Impact of Data Falsity to Large Language Model

Authors: Hyunsoo Cho

Abstract: Many recent studies endeavor to improve open-source language models through imitation learning, and re-training on the synthetic instruction data from state-of-the-art proprietary models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. However, the innate nature of synthetic data inherently contains noisy data, giving rise to a substantial presence of low-quality data replete with erroneous responses, and flawed reasoning. Although we intuitively grasp the potential harm of noisy data, we lack a quantitative understanding of its impact. To this end, this paper explores the correlation between the degree of noise and its impact on language models through instruction tuning. We first introduce the Falsity-Controllable (FACO) dataset, which comprises pairs of true answers with corresponding reasoning, as well as false pairs to manually control the falsity ratio of the dataset.Through our extensive experiments, we found multiple intriguing findings of the correlation between the factuality of the dataset and instruction tuning: Specifically, we verified falsity of the instruction is highly relevant to various benchmark scores. Moreover, when LLMs are trained with false instructions, they learn to lie and generate fake unfaithful answers, even though they know the correct answer for the user request. Additionally, we noted that once the language model is trained with a dataset contaminated by noise, restoring its original performance is possible, but it failed to reach full performance.

cross VFLGAN: Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for Vertically Partitioned Data Publication

Authors: Xun Yuan, Yang Yang, Prosanta Gope, Aryan Pasikhani, Biplab Sikdar

Abstract: In the current artificial intelligence (AI) era, the scale and quality of the dataset play a crucial role in training a high-quality AI model. However, good data is not a free lunch and is always hard to access due to privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A potential solution is to release a synthetic dataset with a similar distribution to that of the private dataset. Nevertheless, in some scenarios, it has been found that the attributes needed to train an AI model belong to different parties, and they cannot share the raw data for synthetic data publication due to privacy regulations. In PETS 2023, Xue et al. proposed the first generative adversary network-based model, VertiGAN, for vertically partitioned data publication. However, after thoroughly investigating, we found that VertiGAN is less effective in preserving the correlation among the attributes of different parties. This article proposes a Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network, VFLGAN, for vertically partitioned data publication to address the above issues. Our experimental results show that compared with VertiGAN, VFLGAN significantly improves the quality of synthetic data. Taking the MNIST dataset as an example, the quality of the synthetic dataset generated by VFLGAN is 3.2 times better than that generated by VertiGAN w.r.t. the Fr\'echet Distance. We also designed a more efficient and effective Gaussian mechanism for the proposed VFLGAN to provide the synthetic dataset with a differential privacy guarantee. On the other hand, differential privacy only gives the upper bound of the worst-case privacy guarantee. This article also proposes a practical auditing scheme that applies membership inference attacks to estimate privacy leakage through the synthetic dataset.

cross AMPCliff: quantitative definition and benchmarking of activity cliffs in antimicrobial peptides

Authors: Kewei Li, Yuqian Wu, Yutong Guo, Yinheng Li, Yusi Fan, Ruochi Zhang, Lan Huang, Fengfeng Zhou

Abstract: Activity cliff (AC) is a phenomenon that a pair of similar molecules differ by a small structural alternation but exhibit a large difference in their biochemical activities. The AC of small molecules has been extensively investigated but limited knowledge is accumulated about the AC phenomenon in peptides with canonical amino acids. This study introduces a quantitative definition and benchmarking framework AMPCliff for the AC phenomenon in antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) composed by canonical amino acids. A comprehensive analysis of the existing AMP dataset reveals a significant prevalence of AC within AMPs. AMPCliff quantifies the activities of AMPs by the metric minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), and defines 0.9 as the minimum threshold for the normalized BLOSUM62 similarity score between a pair of aligned peptides with at least two-fold MIC changes. This study establishes a benchmark dataset of paired AMPs in Staphylococcus aureus from the publicly available AMP dataset GRAMPA, and conducts a rigorous procedure to evaluate various AMP AC prediction models, including nine machine learning, four deep learning algorithms, four masked language models, and four generative language models. Our analysis reveals that these models are capable of detecting AMP AC events and the pre-trained protein language ESM2 model demonstrates superior performance across the evaluations. The predictive performance of AMP activity cliffs remains to be further improved, considering that ESM2 with 33 layers only achieves the Spearman correlation coefficient=0.50 for the regression task of the MIC values on the benchmark dataset. Source code and additional resources are available at or


cross Can We Break Free from Strong Data Augmentations in Self-Supervised Learning?

Authors: Shruthi Gowda, Elahe Arani, Bahram Zonooz

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a promising solution for addressing the challenge of limited labeled data in deep neural networks (DNNs), offering scalability potential. However, the impact of design dependencies within the SSL framework remains insufficiently investigated. In this study, we comprehensively explore SSL behavior across a spectrum of augmentations, revealing their crucial role in shaping SSL model performance and learning mechanisms. Leveraging these insights, we propose a novel learning approach that integrates prior knowledge, with the aim of curtailing the need for extensive data augmentations and thereby amplifying the efficacy of learned representations. Notably, our findings underscore that SSL models imbued with prior knowledge exhibit reduced texture bias, diminished reliance on shortcuts and augmentations, and improved robustness against both natural and adversarial corruptions. These findings not only illuminate a new direction in SSL research, but also pave the way for enhancing DNN performance while concurrently alleviating the imperative for intensive data augmentation, thereby enhancing scalability and real-world problem-solving capabilities.

cross Effective Reinforcement Learning Based on Structural Information Principles

Authors: Xianghua Zeng, Hao Peng, Dingli Su, Angsheng Li

Abstract: Although Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms acquire sequential behavioral patterns through interactions with the environment, their effectiveness in noisy and high-dimensional scenarios typically relies on specific structural priors. In this paper, we propose a novel and general Structural Information principles-based framework for effective Decision-Making, namely SIDM, approached from an information-theoretic perspective. This paper presents a specific unsupervised partitioning method that forms vertex communities in the state and action spaces based on their feature similarities. An aggregation function, which utilizes structural entropy as the vertex weight, is devised within each community to obtain its embedding, thereby facilitating hierarchical state and action abstractions. By extracting abstract elements from historical trajectories, a directed, weighted, homogeneous transition graph is constructed. The minimization of this graph's high-dimensional entropy leads to the generation of an optimal encoding tree. An innovative two-layer skill-based learning mechanism is introduced to compute the common path entropy of each state transition as its identified probability, thereby obviating the requirement for expert knowledge. Moreover, SIDM can be flexibly incorporated into various single-agent and multi-agent RL algorithms, enhancing their performance. Finally, extensive evaluations on challenging benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with SOTA baselines, our framework significantly and consistently improves the policy's quality, stability, and efficiency up to 32.70%, 88.26%, and 64.86%, respectively.

cross KG-CTG: Citation Generation through Knowledge Graph-guided Large Language Models

Authors: Avinash Anand, Mohit Gupta, Kritarth Prasad, Ujjwal Goel, Naman Lal, Astha Verma, Rajiv Ratn Shah

Abstract: Citation Text Generation (CTG) is a task in natural language processing (NLP) that aims to produce text that accurately cites or references a cited document within a source document. In CTG, the generated text draws upon contextual cues from both the source document and the cited paper, ensuring accurate and relevant citation information is provided. Previous work in the field of citation generation is mainly based on the text summarization of documents. Following this, this paper presents a framework, and a comparative study to demonstrate the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for the task of citation generation. Also, we have shown the improvement in the results of citation generation by incorporating the knowledge graph relations of the papers in the prompt for the LLM to better learn the relationship between the papers. To assess how well our model is performing, we have used a subset of standard S2ORC dataset, which only consists of computer science academic research papers in the English Language. Vicuna performs best for this task with 14.15 Meteor, 12.88 Rouge-1, 1.52 Rouge-2, and 10.94 Rouge-L. Also, Alpaca performs best, and improves the performance by 36.98% in Rouge-1, and 33.14% in Meteor by including knowledge graphs.

cross Interaction as Explanation: A User Interaction-based Method for Explaining Image Classification Models

Authors: Hyeonggeun Yun

Abstract: In computer vision, explainable AI (xAI) methods seek to mitigate the 'black-box' problem by making the decision-making process of deep learning models more interpretable and transparent. Traditional xAI methods concentrate on visualizing input features that influence model predictions, providing insights primarily suited for experts. In this work, we present an interaction-based xAI method that enhances user comprehension of image classification models through their interaction. Thus, we developed a web-based prototype allowing users to modify images via painting and erasing, thereby observing changes in classification results. Our approach enables users to discern critical features influencing the model's decision-making process, aligning their mental models with the model's logic. Experiments conducted with five images demonstrate the potential of the method to reveal feature importance through user interaction. Our work contributes a novel perspective to xAI by centering on end-user engagement and understanding, paving the way for more intuitive and accessible explainability in AI systems.

cross Negation Triplet Extraction with Syntactic Dependency and Semantic Consistency

Authors: Yuchen Shi, Deqing Yang, Jingping Liu, Yanghua Xiao, Zongyu Wang, Huimin Xu

Abstract: Previous works of negation understanding mainly focus on negation cue detection and scope resolution, without identifying negation subject which is also significant to the downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a new negation triplet extraction (NTE) task which aims to extract negation subject along with negation cue and scope. To achieve NTE, we devise a novel Syntax&Semantic-Enhanced Negation Extraction model, namely SSENE, which is built based on a generative pretrained language model (PLM) {of Encoder-Decoder architecture} with a multi-task learning framework. Specifically, the given sentence's syntactic dependency tree is incorporated into the PLM's encoder to discover the correlations between the negation subject, cue and scope. Moreover, the semantic consistency between the sentence and the extracted triplet is ensured by an auxiliary task learning. Furthermore, we have constructed a high-quality Chinese dataset NegComment based on the users' reviews from the real-world platform of Meituan, upon which our evaluations show that SSENE achieves the best NTE performance compared to the baselines. Our ablation and case studies also demonstrate that incorporating the syntactic information helps the PLM's recognize the distant dependency between the subject and cue, and the auxiliary task learning is helpful to extract the negation triplets with more semantic consistency.

cross Video2Game: Real-time, Interactive, Realistic and Browser-Compatible Environment from a Single Video

Authors: Hongchi Xia, Zhi-Hao Lin, Wei-Chiu Ma, Shenlong Wang

Abstract: Creating high-quality and interactive virtual environments, such as games and simulators, often involves complex and costly manual modeling processes. In this paper, we present Video2Game, a novel approach that automatically converts videos of real-world scenes into realistic and interactive game environments. At the heart of our system are three core components:(i) a neural radiance fields (NeRF) module that effectively captures the geometry and visual appearance of the scene; (ii) a mesh module that distills the knowledge from NeRF for faster rendering; and (iii) a physics module that models the interactions and physical dynamics among the objects. By following the carefully designed pipeline, one can construct an interactable and actionable digital replica of the real world. We benchmark our system on both indoor and large-scale outdoor scenes. We show that we can not only produce highly-realistic renderings in real-time, but also build interactive games on top.

cross Empowering Embodied Visual Tracking with Visual Foundation Models and Offline RL

Authors: Fangwei Zhong, Kui Wu, Hai Ci, Churan Wang, Hao Chen

Abstract: Embodied visual tracking is to follow a target object in dynamic 3D environments using an agent's egocentric vision. This is a vital and challenging skill for embodied agents. However, existing methods suffer from inefficient training and poor generalization. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that combines visual foundation models (VFM) and offline reinforcement learning (offline RL) to empower embodied visual tracking. We use a pre-trained VFM, such as ``Tracking Anything", to extract semantic segmentation masks with text prompts. We then train a recurrent policy network with offline RL, e.g., Conservative Q-Learning, to learn from the collected demonstrations without online agent-environment interactions. To further improve the robustness and generalization of the policy network, we also introduce a mask re-targeting mechanism and a multi-level data collection strategy. In this way, we can train a robust tracker within an hour on a consumer-level GPU, e.g., Nvidia RTX 3090. Such efficiency is unprecedented for RL-based visual tracking methods. We evaluate our tracker on several high-fidelity environments with challenging situations, such as distraction and occlusion. The results show that our agent outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of sample efficiency, robustness to distractors, and generalization to unseen scenarios and targets. We also demonstrate the transferability of the learned tracker from the virtual world to real-world scenarios.

cross Is Table Retrieval a Solved Problem? Join-Aware Multi-Table Retrieval

Authors: Peter Baile Chen, Yi Zhang, Dan Roth

Abstract: Retrieving relevant tables containing the necessary information to accurately answer a given question over tables is critical to open-domain question-answering (QA) systems. Previous methods assume the answer to such a question can be found either in a single table or multiple tables identified through question decomposition or rewriting. However, neither of these approaches is sufficient, as many questions require retrieving multiple tables and joining them through a join plan that cannot be discerned from the user query itself. If the join plan is not considered in the retrieval stage, the subsequent steps of reasoning and answering based on those retrieved tables are likely to be incorrect. To address this problem, we introduce a method that uncovers useful join relations for any query and database during table retrieval. We use a novel re-ranking method formulated as a mixed-integer program that considers not only table-query relevance but also table-table relevance that requires inferring join relationships. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches for table retrieval by up to 9.3% in F1 score and for end-to-end QA by up to 5.4% in accuracy.

cross Zero-shot Building Age Classification from Facade Image Using GPT-4

Authors: Zichao Zeng, June Moh Goo, Xinglei Wang, Bin Chi, Meihui Wang, Jan Boehm

Abstract: A building's age of construction is crucial for supporting many geospatial applications. Much current research focuses on estimating building age from facade images using deep learning. However, building an accurate deep learning model requires a considerable amount of labelled training data, and the trained models often have geographical constraints. Recently, large pre-trained vision language models (VLMs) such as GPT-4 Vision, which demonstrate significant generalisation capabilities, have emerged as potential training-free tools for dealing with specific vision tasks, but their applicability and reliability for building information remain unexplored. In this study, a zero-shot building age classifier for facade images is developed using prompts that include logical instructions. Taking London as a test case, we introduce a new dataset, FI-London, comprising facade images and building age epochs. Although the training-free classifier achieved a modest accuracy of 39.69%, the mean absolute error of 0.85 decades indicates that the model can predict building age epochs successfully albeit with a small bias. The ensuing discussion reveals that the classifier struggles to predict the age of very old buildings and is challenged by fine-grained predictions within 2 decades. Overall, the classifier utilising GPT-4 Vision is capable of predicting the rough age epoch of a building from a single facade image without any training.

cross Zero-shot detection of buildings in mobile LiDAR using Language Vision Model

Authors: June Moh Goo, Zichao Zeng, Jan Boehm

Abstract: Recent advances have demonstrated that Language Vision Models (LVMs) surpass the existing State-of-the-Art (SOTA) in two-dimensional (2D) computer vision tasks, motivating attempts to apply LVMs to three-dimensional (3D) data. While LVMs are efficient and effective in addressing various downstream 2D vision tasks without training, they face significant challenges when it comes to point clouds, a representative format for representing 3D data. It is more difficult to extract features from 3D data and there are challenges due to large data sizes and the cost of the collection and labelling, resulting in a notably limited availability of datasets. Moreover, constructing LVMs for point clouds is even more challenging due to the requirements for large amounts of data and training time. To address these issues, our research aims to 1) apply the Grounded SAM through Spherical Projection to transfer 3D to 2D, and 2) experiment with synthetic data to evaluate its effectiveness in bridging the gap between synthetic and real-world data domains. Our approach exhibited high performance with an accuracy of 0.96, an IoU of 0.85, precision of 0.92, recall of 0.91, and an F1 score of 0.92, confirming its potential. However, challenges such as occlusion problems and pixel-level overlaps of multi-label points during spherical image generation remain to be addressed in future studies.

cross Foundational Challenges in Assuring Alignment and Safety of Large Language Models

Authors: Usman Anwar, Abulhair Saparov, Javier Rando, Daniel Paleka, Miles Turpin, Peter Hase, Ekdeep Singh Lubana, Erik Jenner, Stephen Casper, Oliver Sourbut, Benjamin L. Edelman, Zhaowei Zhang, Mario G\"unther, Anton Korinek, Jose Hernandez-Orallo, Lewis Hammond, Eric Bigelow, Alexander Pan, Lauro Langosco, Tomasz Korbak, Heidi Zhang, Ruiqi Zhong, Se\'an \'O h\'Eigeartaigh, Gabriel Recchia, Giulio Corsi, Alan Chan, Markus Anderljung, Lilian Edwards, Yoshua Bengio, Danqi Chen, Samuel Albanie, Tegan Maharaj, Jakob Foerster, Florian Tramer, He He, Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Yejin Choi, David Krueger

Abstract: This work identifies 18 foundational challenges in assuring the alignment and safety of large language models (LLMs). These challenges are organized into three different categories: scientific understanding of LLMs, development and deployment methods, and sociotechnical challenges. Based on the identified challenges, we pose $200+$ concrete research questions.

cross Compression Represents Intelligence Linearly

Authors: Yuzhen Huang, Jinghan Zhang, Zifei Shan, Junxian He

Abstract: There is a belief that learning to compress well will lead to intelligence. Recently, language modeling has been shown to be equivalent to compression, which offers a compelling rationale for the success of large language models (LLMs): the development of more advanced language models is essentially enhancing compression which facilitates intelligence. Despite such appealing discussions, little empirical evidence is present for the interplay between compression and intelligence. In this work, we examine their relationship in the context of LLMs, treating LLMs as data compressors. Given the abstract concept of "intelligence", we adopt the average downstream benchmark scores as a surrogate, specifically targeting intelligence related to knowledge and commonsense, coding, and mathematical reasoning. Across 12 benchmarks, our study brings together 30 public LLMs that originate from diverse organizations. Remarkably, we find that LLMs' intelligence -- reflected by average benchmark scores -- almost linearly correlates with their ability to compress external text corpora. These results provide concrete evidence supporting the belief that superior compression indicates greater intelligence. Furthermore, our findings suggest that compression efficiency, as an unsupervised metric derived from raw text corpora, serves as a reliable evaluation measure that is linearly associated with the model capabilities. We open-source our compression datasets as well as our data collection pipelines to facilitate future researchers to assess compression properly.

cross Evolving Interpretable Visual Classifiers with Large Language Models

Authors: Mia Chiquier, Utkarsh Mall, Carl Vondrick

Abstract: Multimodal pre-trained models, such as CLIP, are popular for zero-shot classification due to their open-vocabulary flexibility and high performance. However, vision-language models, which compute similarity scores between images and class labels, are largely black-box, with limited interpretability, risk for bias, and inability to discover new visual concepts not written down. Moreover, in practical settings, the vocabulary for class names and attributes of specialized concepts will not be known, preventing these methods from performing well on images uncommon in large-scale vision-language datasets. To address these limitations, we present a novel method that discovers interpretable yet discriminative sets of attributes for visual recognition. We introduce an evolutionary search algorithm that uses a large language model and its in-context learning abilities to iteratively mutate a concept bottleneck of attributes for classification. Our method produces state-of-the-art, interpretable fine-grained classifiers. We outperform the latest baselines by 18.4% on five fine-grained iNaturalist datasets and by 22.2% on two KikiBouba datasets, despite the baselines having access to privileged information about class names.

cross A Note on Loss Functions and Error Compounding in Model-based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Nan Jiang

Abstract: This note clarifies some confusions (and perhaps throws out more) around model-based reinforcement learning and their theoretical understanding in the context of deep RL. Main topics of discussion are (1) how to reconcile model-based RL's bad empirical reputation on error compounding with its superior theoretical properties, and (2) the limitations of empirically popular losses. For the latter, concrete counterexamples for the "MuZero loss" are constructed to show that it not only fails in stochastic environments, but also suffers exponential sample complexity in deterministic environments when data provides sufficient coverage.

cross Tango 2: Aligning Diffusion-based Text-to-Audio Generations through Direct Preference Optimization

Authors: Navonil Majumder, Chia-Yu Hung, Deepanway Ghosal, Wei-Ning Hsu, Rada Mihalcea, Soujanya Poria

Abstract: Generative multimodal content is increasingly prevalent in much of the content creation arena, as it has the potential to allow artists and media personnel to create pre-production mockups by quickly bringing their ideas to life. The generation of audio from text prompts is an important aspect of such processes in the music and film industry. Many of the recent diffusion-based text-to-audio models focus on training increasingly sophisticated diffusion models on a large set of datasets of prompt-audio pairs. These models do not explicitly focus on the presence of concepts or events and their temporal ordering in the output audio with respect to the input prompt. Our hypothesis is focusing on how these aspects of audio generation could improve audio generation performance in the presence of limited data. As such, in this work, using an existing text-to-audio model Tango, we synthetically create a preference dataset where each prompt has a winner audio output and some loser audio outputs for the diffusion model to learn from. The loser outputs, in theory, have some concepts from the prompt missing or in an incorrect order. We fine-tune the publicly available Tango text-to-audio model using diffusion-DPO (direct preference optimization) loss on our preference dataset and show that it leads to improved audio output over Tango and AudioLDM2, in terms of both automatic- and manual-evaluation metrics.

cross Ctrl-Adapter: An Efficient and Versatile Framework for Adapting Diverse Controls to Any Diffusion Model

Authors: Han Lin, Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: ControlNets are widely used for adding spatial control in image generation with different conditions, such as depth maps, canny edges, and human poses. However, there are several challenges when leveraging the pretrained image ControlNets for controlled video generation. First, pretrained ControlNet cannot be directly plugged into new backbone models due to the mismatch of feature spaces, and the cost of training ControlNets for new backbones is a big burden. Second, ControlNet features for different frames might not effectively handle the temporal consistency. To address these challenges, we introduce Ctrl-Adapter, an efficient and versatile framework that adds diverse controls to any image/video diffusion models, by adapting pretrained ControlNets (and improving temporal alignment for videos). Ctrl-Adapter provides diverse capabilities including image control, video control, video control with sparse frames, multi-condition control, compatibility with different backbones, adaptation to unseen control conditions, and video editing. In Ctrl-Adapter, we train adapter layers that fuse pretrained ControlNet features to different image/video diffusion models, while keeping the parameters of the ControlNets and the diffusion models frozen. Ctrl-Adapter consists of temporal and spatial modules so that it can effectively handle the temporal consistency of videos. We also propose latent skipping and inverse timestep sampling for robust adaptation and sparse control. Moreover, Ctrl-Adapter enables control from multiple conditions by simply taking the (weighted) average of ControlNet outputs. With diverse image/video diffusion backbones (SDXL, Hotshot-XL, I2VGen-XL, and SVD), Ctrl-Adapter matches ControlNet for image control and outperforms all baselines for video control (achieving the SOTA accuracy on the DAVIS 2017 dataset) with significantly lower computational costs (less than 10 GPU hours).

cross HQ-Edit: A High-Quality Dataset for Instruction-based Image Editing

Authors: Mude Hui, Siwei Yang, Bingchen Zhao, Yichun Shi, Heng Wang, Peng Wang, Yuyin Zhou, Cihang Xie

Abstract: This study introduces HQ-Edit, a high-quality instruction-based image editing dataset with around 200,000 edits. Unlike prior approaches relying on attribute guidance or human feedback on building datasets, we devise a scalable data collection pipeline leveraging advanced foundation models, namely GPT-4V and DALL-E 3. To ensure its high quality, diverse examples are first collected online, expanded, and then used to create high-quality diptychs featuring input and output images with detailed text prompts, followed by precise alignment ensured through post-processing. In addition, we propose two evaluation metrics, Alignment and Coherence, to quantitatively assess the quality of image edit pairs using GPT-4V. HQ-Edits high-resolution images, rich in detail and accompanied by comprehensive editing prompts, substantially enhance the capabilities of existing image editing models. For example, an HQ-Edit finetuned InstructPix2Pix can attain state-of-the-art image editing performance, even surpassing those models fine-tuned with human-annotated data. The project page is


cross MMInA: Benchmarking Multihop Multimodal Internet Agents

Authors: Ziniu Zhang, Shulin Tian, Liangyu Chen, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: Autonomous embodied agents live on an Internet of multimedia websites. Can they hop around multimodal websites to complete complex user tasks? Existing benchmarks fail to assess them in a realistic, evolving environment for their embodiment across websites. To answer this question, we present MMInA, a multihop and multimodal benchmark to evaluate the embodied agents for compositional Internet tasks, with several appealing properties: 1) Evolving real-world multimodal websites. Our benchmark uniquely operates on evolving real-world websites, ensuring a high degree of realism and applicability to natural user tasks. Our data includes 1,050 human-written tasks covering various domains such as shopping and travel, with each task requiring the agent to autonomously extract multimodal information from web pages as observations; 2) Multihop web browsing. Our dataset features naturally compositional tasks that require information from or actions on multiple websites to solve, to assess long-range reasoning capabilities on web tasks; 3) Holistic evaluation. We propose a novel protocol for evaluating an agent's progress in completing multihop tasks. We experiment with both standalone (multimodal) language models and heuristic-based web agents. Extensive experiments demonstrate that while long-chain multihop web tasks are easy for humans, they remain challenging for state-of-the-art web agents. We identify that agents are more likely to fail on the early hops when solving tasks of more hops, which results in lower task success rates. To address this issue, we propose a simple memory augmentation approach replaying past action trajectories to reflect. Our method significantly improved both the single-hop and multihop web browsing abilities of agents. See our code and data at


cross Taming Latent Diffusion Model for Neural Radiance Field Inpainting

Authors: Chieh Hubert Lin, Changil Kim, Jia-Bin Huang, Qinbo Li, Chih-Yao Ma, Johannes Kopf, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Hung-Yu Tseng

Abstract: Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a representation for 3D reconstruction from multi-view images. Despite some recent work showing preliminary success in editing a reconstructed NeRF with diffusion prior, they remain struggling to synthesize reasonable geometry in completely uncovered regions. One major reason is the high diversity of synthetic contents from the diffusion model, which hinders the radiance field from converging to a crisp and deterministic geometry. Moreover, applying latent diffusion models on real data often yields a textural shift incoherent to the image condition due to auto-encoding errors. These two problems are further reinforced with the use of pixel-distance losses. To address these issues, we propose tempering the diffusion model's stochasticity with per-scene customization and mitigating the textural shift with masked adversarial training. During the analyses, we also found the commonly used pixel and perceptual losses are harmful in the NeRF inpainting task. Through rigorous experiments, our framework yields state-of-the-art NeRF inpainting results on various real-world scenes. Project page:


replace Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving: A Comprehensive Overview and Field Guide for Future Research Directions

Authors: Shahin Atakishiyev, Mohammad Salameh, Hengshuai Yao, Randy Goebel

Abstract: Autonomous driving has achieved significant milestones in research and development over the last two decades. There is increasing interest in the field as the deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) promises safer and more ecologically friendly transportation systems. With the rapid progress in computationally powerful artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, AVs can sense their environment with high precision, make safe real-time decisions, and operate reliably without human intervention. However, intelligent decision-making in such vehicles is not generally understandable by humans in the current state of the art, and such deficiency hinders this technology from being socially acceptable. Hence, aside from making safe real-time decisions, AVs must also explain their AI-guided decision-making process in order to be regulatory compliant across many jurisdictions. Our study sheds comprehensive light on the development of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) approaches for AVs. In particular, we make the following contributions. First, we provide a thorough overview of the state-of-the-art and emerging approaches for XAI-based autonomous driving. We then propose a conceptual framework that considers all the essential elements for explainable end-to-end autonomous driving. Finally, we present XAI-based prospective directions and emerging paradigms for future directions that hold promise for enhancing transparency, trustworthiness, and societal acceptance of AVs.

replace Causality-Aware Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

Authors: Martina Cinquini, Riccardo Guidotti

Abstract: A main drawback of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approaches is the feature independence assumption, hindering the study of potential variable dependencies. This leads to approximating black box behaviors by analyzing the effects on randomly generated feature values that may rarely occur in the original samples. This paper addresses this issue by integrating causal knowledge in an XAI method to enhance transparency and enable users to assess the quality of the generated explanations. Specifically, we propose a novel extension to a widely used local and model-agnostic explainer, which encodes explicit causal relationships within the data surrounding the instance being explained. Extensive experiments show that our approach overcomes the original method in terms of faithfully replicating the black-box model's mechanism and the consistency and reliability of the generated explanations.

replace Naeural AI OS -- Decentralized ubiquitous computing MLOps execution engine

Authors: Beatrice Milik, Stefan Saraev, Cristian Bleotiu, Radu Lupaescu, Bogdan Hobeanu, Andrei Ionut Damian

Abstract: Over the past few years, ubiquitous, or pervasive computing has gained popularity as the primary approach for a wide range of applications, including enterprise-grade systems, consumer applications, and gaming systems. Ubiquitous computing refers to the integration of computing technologies into everyday objects and environments, creating a network of interconnected devices that can communicate with each other and with humans. By using ubiquitous computing technologies, communities can become more connected and efficient, with members able to communicate and collaborate more easily. This enabled interconnectedness and collaboration can lead to a more successful and sustainable community. The spread of ubiquitous computing, however, has emphasized the importance of automated learning and smart applications in general. Even though there have been significant strides in Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning, large scale adoption has been hesitant due to mounting pressure on expensive and highly complex cloud numerical-compute infrastructures. Adopting, and even developing, practical machine learning systems can come with prohibitive costs, not only in terms of complex infrastructures but also of solid expertise in Data Science and Machine Learning. In this paper we present an innovative approach for low-code development and deployment of end-to-end AI cooperative application pipelines. We address infrastructure allocation, costs, and secure job distribution in a fully decentralized global cooperative community based on tokenized economics.

replace Retro-fallback: retrosynthetic planning in an uncertain world

Authors: Austin Tripp, Krzysztof Maziarz, Sarah Lewis, Marwin Segler, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Retrosynthesis is the task of planning a series of chemical reactions to create a desired molecule from simpler, buyable molecules. While previous works have proposed algorithms to find optimal solutions for a range of metrics (e.g. shortest, lowest-cost), these works generally overlook the fact that we have imperfect knowledge of the space of possible reactions, meaning plans created by algorithms may not work in a laboratory. In this paper we propose a novel formulation of retrosynthesis in terms of stochastic processes to account for this uncertainty. We then propose a novel greedy algorithm called retro-fallback which maximizes the probability that at least one synthesis plan can be executed in the lab. Using in-silico benchmarks we demonstrate that retro-fallback generally produces better sets of synthesis plans than the popular MCTS and retro* algorithms.

replace Content-based Controls For Music Large Language Modeling

Authors: Liwei Lin, Gus Xia, Junyan Jiang, Yixiao Zhang

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a rapid growth of large-scale language models in the domain of music audio. Such models enable end-to-end generation of higher-quality music, and some allow conditioned generation using text descriptions. However, the control power of text controls on music is intrinsically limited, as they can only describe music indirectly through meta-data (such as singers and instruments) or high-level representations (such as genre and emotion). We aim to further equip the models with direct and content-based controls on innate music languages such as pitch, chords and drum track. To this end, we contribute Coco-Mulla, a content-based control method for music large language modeling. It uses a parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) method tailored for Transformer-based audio models. Experiments show that our approach achieved high-quality music generation with low-resource semi-supervised learning, tuning with less than 4% parameters compared to the original model and training on a small dataset with fewer than 300 songs. Moreover, our approach enables effective content-based controls, and we illustrate the control power via chords and rhythms, two of the most salient features of music audio. Furthermore, we show that by combining content-based controls and text descriptions, our system achieves flexible music variation generation and arrangement. Our source codes and demos are available online.

replace BioImage.IO Chatbot: A Community-Driven AI Assistant for Integrative Computational Bioimaging

Authors: Wanlu Lei, Caterina Fuster-Barcel\'o, Gabriel Reder, Arrate Mu\~noz-Barrutia, Wei Ouyang

Abstract: We present the BioImage$.$IO Chatbot, an AI assistant powered by Large Language Models and supported by a community-driven knowledge base and toolset. This chatbot is designed to cater to a wide range of user needs through a flexible extension mechanism that spans from information retrieval to AI-enhanced analysis and microscopy control. Embracing open-source principles, the chatbot is designed to evolve through community contributions. By simplifying navigation through the intricate bioimaging landscape, the BioImage.IO Chatbot empowers life sciences to progress by leveraging the collective expertise and innovation of its users.

replace Towards Generative Abstract Reasoning: Completing Raven's Progressive Matrix via Rule Abstraction and Selection

Authors: Fan Shi, Bin Li, Xiangyang Xue

Abstract: Endowing machines with abstract reasoning ability has been a long-term research topic in artificial intelligence. Raven's Progressive Matrix (RPM) is widely used to probe abstract visual reasoning in machine intelligence, where models will analyze the underlying rules and select one image from candidates to complete the image matrix. Participators of RPM tests can show powerful reasoning ability by inferring and combining attribute-changing rules and imagining the missing images at arbitrary positions of a matrix. However, existing solvers can hardly manifest such an ability in realistic RPM tests. In this paper, we propose a deep latent variable model for answer generation problems through Rule AbstractIon and SElection (RAISE). RAISE can encode image attributes into latent concepts and abstract atomic rules that act on the latent concepts. When generating answers, RAISE selects one atomic rule out of the global knowledge set for each latent concept to constitute the underlying rule of an RPM. In the experiments of bottom-right and arbitrary-position answer generation, RAISE outperforms the compared solvers in most configurations of realistic RPM datasets. In the odd-one-out task and two held-out configurations, RAISE can leverage acquired latent concepts and atomic rules to find the rule-breaking image in a matrix and handle problems with unseen combinations of rules and attributes.

replace Maintaining User Trust Through Multistage Uncertainty Aware Inference

Authors: Chandan Agrawal, Ashish Papanai, Jerome White

Abstract: This paper describes and evaluates a multistage approach to AI deployment. Each stage involves a more accurate method of inference, yet engaging each comes with an increasing cost. In outlining the architecture, we present a method for quantifying model uncertainty that facilitates confident deferral decisions. The architecture is currently under active deployment to thousands of cotton farmers across India. The broader idea however is applicable to a growing sector of AI deployments in challenging low resources settings.

replace Learning Planning-based Reasoning by Trajectories Collection and Process Reward Synthesizing

Authors: Fangkai Jiao, Chengwei Qin, Zhengyuan Liu, Nancy F. Chen, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in handling complex reasoning tasks through step-by-step rationale generation. However, recent studies have raised concerns regarding the hallucination and flaws in their reasoning process. Substantial efforts are being made to improve the reliability and faithfulness of the generated rationales. Some approaches model reasoning as planning, while others focus on annotating for process supervision. Nevertheless, the planning-based search process often results in high latency due to the frequent assessment of intermediate reasoning states and the extensive exploration space. Additionally, supervising the reasoning process with human annotation is costly and challenging to scale for LLM training. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a framework to learn planning-based reasoning through Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) on collected trajectories, which are ranked according to synthesized process rewards. Our results on challenging logical reasoning benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our learning framework, showing that our 7B model can surpass the strong counterparts like GPT-3.5-Turbo.

replace Doing Experiments and Revising Rules with Natural Language and Probabilistic Reasoning

Authors: Wasu Top Piriyakulkij, Kevin Ellis

Abstract: We build a computational model of how humans actively infer hidden rules by doing experiments. The basic principles behind the model is that, even if the rule is deterministic, the learner considers a broader space of fuzzy probabilistic rules, which it represents in natural language, and updates its hypotheses online after each experiment according to approximately Bayesian principles. In the same framework we also model experiment design according to information-theoretic criteria. We find that the combination of these three principles -- explicit hypotheses, probabilistic rules, and online updates -- can explain human performance on a Zendo-style task, and that removing any of these components leaves the model unable to account for the data.

replace IRCoder: Intermediate Representations Make Language Models Robust Multilingual Code Generators

Authors: Indraneil Paul, Goran Glava\v{s}, Iryna Gurevych

Abstract: Code understanding and generation have fast become some of the most popular applications of language models (LMs). Nonetheless, research on multilingual aspects of Code-LMs (i.e., LMs for code generation) such as cross-lingual transfer between different programming languages, language-specific data augmentation, and post-hoc LM adaptation, alongside exploitation of data sources other than the original textual content, has been much sparser than for their natural language counterparts. In particular, most mainstream Code-LMs have been pre-trained on source code files alone. In this work, we investigate the prospect of leveraging readily available compiler intermediate representations (IR) - shared across programming languages - to improve the multilingual capabilities of Code-LMs and facilitate cross-lingual transfer. To this end, we first compile SLTrans, a parallel dataset consisting of nearly 4M self-contained source code files coupled with respective intermediate representations. Next, starting from various base Code-LMs (ranging in size from 1.1B to 7.3B parameters), we carry out continued causal language modelling training on SLTrans, forcing the Code-LMs to (1) learn the IR language and (2) align the IR constructs with respective constructs of various programming languages. Our resulting models, dubbed IRCoder, display sizeable and consistent gains across a wide variety of code generation tasks and metrics, including prompt robustness, multilingual code completion, code understanding, and instruction following.

replace Multi-Robot Connected Fermat Spiral Coverage

Authors: Jingtao Tang, Hang Ma

Abstract: We introduce the Multi-Robot Connected Fermat Spiral (MCFS), a novel algorithmic framework for Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning (MCPP) that adapts Connected Fermat Spiral (CFS) from the computer graphics community to multi-robot coordination for the first time. MCFS uniquely enables the orchestration of multiple robots to generate coverage paths that contour around arbitrarily shaped obstacles, a feature that is notably lacking in traditional methods. Our framework not only enhances area coverage and optimizes task performance, particularly in terms of makespan, for workspaces rich in irregular obstacles but also addresses the challenges of path continuity and curvature critical for non-holonomic robots by generating smooth paths without decomposing the workspace. MCFS solves MCPP by constructing a graph of isolines and transforming MCPP into a combinatorial optimization problem, aiming to minimize the makespan while covering all vertices. Our contributions include developing a unified CFS version for scalable and adaptable MCPP, extending it to MCPP with novel optimization techniques for cost reduction and path continuity and smoothness, and demonstrating through extensive experiments that MCFS outperforms existing MCPP methods in makespan, path curvature, coverage ratio, and overlapping ratio. Our research marks a significant step in MCPP, showcasing the fusion of computer graphics and automated planning principles to advance the capabilities of multi-robot systems in complex environments. Our code is available at


replace What AIs are not Learning (and Why): Bio-Inspired Foundation Models for Robots

Authors: Mark Stefik

Abstract: It is hard to build robots that are useful, and harder to build ones that are robust and general. Robot applications today are created mostly using manual programming, mathematical models, planning frameworks, and reinforcement learning. These methods do not lead to the leaps in performance and generality seen with deep learning, generative AI, and foundation models (FMs). Furthermore, most FMs do not learn by sensing and acting in the world. They do not learn to experiment or collaborate. They do not learn from others or teach others like people and animals do. Consequently, today's autonomous robots do not learn to provide home care, to be nursing assistants, or to do other service applications. Robots could be better and human compatible. This requires creating a path to get there.

replace-cross Are Bias Mitigation Techniques for Deep Learning Effective?

Authors: Robik Shrestha, Kushal Kafle, Christopher Kanan

Abstract: A critical problem in deep learning is that systems learn inappropriate biases, resulting in their inability to perform well on minority groups. This has led to the creation of multiple algorithms that endeavor to mitigate bias. However, it is not clear how effective these methods are. This is because study protocols differ among papers, systems are tested on datasets that fail to test many forms of bias, and systems have access to hidden knowledge or are tuned specifically to the test set. To address this, we introduce an improved evaluation protocol, sensible metrics, and a new dataset, which enables us to ask and answer critical questions about bias mitigation algorithms. We evaluate seven state-of-the-art algorithms using the same network architecture and hyperparameter selection policy across three benchmark datasets. We introduce a new dataset called Biased MNIST that enables assessment of robustness to multiple bias sources. We use Biased MNIST and a visual question answering (VQA) benchmark to assess robustness to hidden biases. Rather than only tuning to the test set distribution, we study robustness across different tuning distributions, which is critical because for many applications the test distribution may not be known during development. We find that algorithms exploit hidden biases, are unable to scale to multiple forms of bias, and are highly sensitive to the choice of tuning set. Based on our findings, we implore the community to adopt more rigorous assessment of future bias mitigation methods. All data, code, and results are publicly available at:


replace-cross Neural Knitworks: Patched Neural Implicit Representation Networks

Authors: Mikolaj Czerkawski, Javier Cardona, Robert Atkinson, Craig Michie, Ivan Andonovic, Carmine Clemente, Christos Tachtatzis

Abstract: Coordinate-based Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) networks, despite being capable of learning neural implicit representations, are not performant for internal image synthesis applications. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are typically used instead for a variety of internal generative tasks, at the cost of a larger model. We propose Neural Knitwork, an architecture for neural implicit representation learning of natural images that achieves image synthesis by optimizing the distribution of image patches in an adversarial manner and by enforcing consistency between the patch predictions. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first implementation of a coordinate-based MLP tailored for synthesis tasks such as image inpainting, super-resolution, and denoising. We demonstrate the utility of the proposed technique by training on these three tasks. The results show that modeling natural images using patches, rather than pixels, produces results of higher fidelity. The resulting model requires 80% fewer parameters than alternative CNN-based solutions while achieving comparable performance and training time.

replace-cross Variance Reduction based Experience Replay for Policy Optimization

Authors: Hua Zheng, Wei Xie, M. Ben Feng

Abstract: For reinforcement learning on complex stochastic systems, it is desirable to effectively leverage the information from historical samples collected in previous iterations to accelerate policy optimization. Classical experience replay, while effective, treats all observations uniformly, neglecting their relative importance. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel Variance Reduction Experience Replay (VRER) framework, enabling the selective reuse of relevant samples to improve policy gradient estimation. VRER, as an adaptable method that can seamlessly integrate with different policy optimization algorithms, forms the foundation of our sample efficient off-policy learning algorithm known as Policy Gradient with VRER (PG-VRER). Furthermore, the lack of a rigorous understanding of the experience replay approach in the literature motivates us to introduce a novel theoretical framework that accounts for sample dependencies induced by Markovian noise and behavior policy interdependencies. This framework is then employed to analyze the finite-time convergence of the proposed PG-VRER algorithm, revealing a crucial bias-variance trade-off in policy gradient estimation: the reuse of older experience tends to introduce a larger bias while simultaneously reducing gradient estimation variance. Extensive experiments have shown that VRER offers a notable and consistent acceleration in learning optimal policies and enhances the performance of state-of-the-art (SOTA) policy optimization approaches.

replace-cross Facility Location Games Beyond Single-Peakedness: the Entrance Fee Model

Authors: Mengfan Ma, Mingyu Xiao, Tian Bai, Bakh Khoussainov

Abstract: The facility location game has been studied extensively in mechanism design. In the classical model, each agent's cost is solely determined by her distance to the nearest facility. In this paper, we introduce a novel model where each facility charges an entrance fee. Thus, the cost of each agent is determined by both the distance to the facility and the entrance fee of the facility. In our model, the entrance fee function is allowed to be an arbitrary function, causing agents' preferences may no longer be single-peaked anymore: This departure from the classical model introduces additional challenges. We systematically delve into the intricacies of the model, designing strategyproof mechanisms with favorable approximation ratios. Additionally, we complement these ratios with nearly-tight impossibility results. Specifically, for one-facility and two-facility games, we provide upper and lower bounds for the approximation ratios given by deterministic and randomized mechanisms with respect to utilitarian and egalitarian objectives.

replace-cross Anti-Overestimation Dialogue Policy Learning for Task-Completion Dialogue System

Authors: Chang Tian, Wenpeng Yin, Marie-Francine Moens

Abstract: A dialogue policy module is an essential part of task-completion dialogue systems. Recently, increasing interest has focused on reinforcement learning (RL)-based dialogue policy. Its favorable performance and wise action decisions rely on an accurate estimation of action values. The overestimation problem is a widely known issue of RL since its estimate of the maximum action value is larger than the ground truth, which results in an unstable learning process and suboptimal policy. This problem is detrimental to RL-based dialogue policy learning. To mitigate this problem, this paper proposes a dynamic partial average estimator (DPAV) of the ground truth maximum action value. DPAV calculates the partial average between the predicted maximum action value and minimum action value, where the weights are dynamically adaptive and problem-dependent. We incorporate DPAV into a deep Q-network as the dialogue policy and show that our method can achieve better or comparable results compared to top baselines on three dialogue datasets of different domains with a lower computational load. In addition, we also theoretically prove the convergence and derive the upper and lower bounds of the bias compared with those of other methods.

replace-cross ComCLIP: Training-Free Compositional Image and Text Matching

Authors: Kenan Jiang, Xuehai He, Ruize Xu, Xin Eric Wang

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) has demonstrated great zero-shot performance for matching images and text. However, it is still challenging to adapt vision-lanaguage pretrained models like CLIP to compositional image and text matching -- a more challenging image and text matching task requiring the model understanding of compositional word concepts and visual components. Towards better compositional generalization in zero-shot image and text matching, in this paper, we study the problem from a causal perspective: the erroneous semantics of individual entities are essentially confounders that cause the matching failure. Therefore, we propose a novel \textbf{\textit{training-free}} compositional CLIP model (ComCLIP). ComCLIP disentangles input images into subjects, objects, and action sub-images and composes CLIP's vision encoder and text encoder to perform evolving matching over compositional text embedding and sub-image embeddings. In this way, ComCLIP can mitigate spurious correlations introduced by the pretrained CLIP models and dynamically evaluate the importance of each component. Experiments on four compositional image-text matching datasets: SVO, ComVG, Winoground, and VL-checklist, and two general image-text retrieval datasets: Flick30K, and MSCOCO demonstrate the effectiveness of our plug-and-play method, which boosts the \textbf{\textit{zero-shot}} inference ability of CLIP, SLIP, and BLIP2 even without further training or fine-tuning. Our codes can be found at


replace-cross Disentangled Explanations of Neural Network Predictions by Finding Relevant Subspaces

Authors: Pattarawat Chormai, Jan Herrmann, Klaus-Robert M\"uller, Gr\'egoire Montavon

Abstract: Explainable AI aims to overcome the black-box nature of complex ML models like neural networks by generating explanations for their predictions. Explanations often take the form of a heatmap identifying input features (e.g. pixels) that are relevant to the model's decision. These explanations, however, entangle the potentially multiple factors that enter into the overall complex decision strategy. We propose to disentangle explanations by extracting at some intermediate layer of a neural network, subspaces that capture the multiple and distinct activation patterns (e.g. visual concepts) that are relevant to the prediction. To automatically extract these subspaces, we propose two new analyses, extending principles found in PCA or ICA to explanations. These novel analyses, which we call principal relevant component analysis (PRCA) and disentangled relevant subspace analysis (DRSA), maximize relevance instead of e.g. variance or kurtosis. This allows for a much stronger focus of the analysis on what the ML model actually uses for predicting, ignoring activations or concepts to which the model is invariant. Our approach is general enough to work alongside common attribution techniques such as Shapley Value, Integrated Gradients, or LRP. Our proposed methods show to be practically useful and compare favorably to the state of the art as demonstrated on benchmarks and three use cases.

replace-cross A Specific Task-oriented Semantic Image Communication System for substation patrol inspection

Authors: Senran Fan, Haotai Liang, Chen Dong, Xiaodong Xu, Geng Liu

Abstract: Intelligent inspection robots are widely used in substation patrol inspection, which can help check potential safety hazards by patrolling the substation and sending back scene images. However, when patrolling some marginal areas with weak signal, the scene images cannot be sucessfully transmissted to be used for hidden danger elimination, which greatly reduces the quality of robots'daily work. To solve such problem, a Specific Task-oriented Semantic Communication System for Imag-STSCI is designed, which involves the semantic features extraction, transmission, restoration and enhancement to get clearer images sent by intelligent robots under weak signals. Inspired by that only some specific details of the image are needed in such substation patrol inspection task, we proposed a new paradigm of semantic enhancement in such specific task to ensure the clarity of key semantic information when facing a lower bit rate or a low signal-to-noise ratio situation. Across the reality-based simulation, experiments show our STSCI can generally surpass traditional image-compression-based and channel-codingbased or other semantic communication system in the substation patrol inspection task with a lower bit rate even under a low signal-to-noise ratio situation.

replace-cross Toward an AI-enabled Connected Industry: AGV Communication and Sensor Measurement Datasets

Authors: Rodrigo Hernang\'omez, Alexandros Palaios, Cara Watermann, Daniel Sch\"aufele, Philipp Geuer, Rafail Ismayilov, Mohammad Parvini, Anton Krause, Martin Kasparick, Thomas Neugebauer, Oscar D. Ramos-Cantor, Hugues Tchouankem, Jose Leon Calvo, Bo Chen, Gerhard Fettweis, S{\l}awomir Sta\'nczak

Abstract: This paper presents two wireless measurement campaigns in industrial testbeds: industrial Vehicle-to-vehicle (iV2V) and industrial Vehicle-to-infrastructure plus Sensor (iV2I+), together with detailed information about the two captured datasets. iV2V covers sidelink communication scenarios between Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), while iV2I+ is conducted at an industrial setting where an autonomous cleaning robot is connected to a private cellular network. The combination of different communication technologies within a common measurement methodology provides insights that can be exploited by Machine Learning (ML) for tasks such as fingerprinting, line-of-sight detection, prediction of quality of service or link selection. Moreover, the datasets are publicly available, labelled and prefiltered for fast on-boarding and applicability.

replace-cross Less is More: Understanding Word-level Textual Adversarial Attack via n-gram Frequency Descend

Authors: Ning Lu, Shengcai Liu, Zhirui Zhang, Qi Wang, Haifeng Liu, Ke Tang

Abstract: Word-level textual adversarial attacks have demonstrated notable efficacy in misleading Natural Language Processing (NLP) models. Despite their success, the underlying reasons for their effectiveness and the fundamental characteristics of adversarial examples (AEs) remain obscure. This work aims to interpret word-level attacks by examining their $n$-gram frequency patterns. Our comprehensive experiments reveal that in approximately 90\% of cases, word-level attacks lead to the generation of examples where the frequency of $n$-grams decreases, a tendency we term as the $n$-gram Frequency Descend ($n$-FD). This finding suggests a straightforward strategy to enhance model robustness: training models using examples with $n$-FD. To examine the feasibility of this strategy, we employed the $n$-gram frequency information, as an alternative to conventional loss gradients, to generate perturbed examples in adversarial training. The experiment results indicate that the frequency-based approach performs comparably with the gradient-based approach in improving model robustness. Our research offers a novel and more intuitive perspective for understanding word-level textual adversarial attacks and proposes a new direction to improve model robustness.

replace-cross Zeroth-Order Optimization Meets Human Feedback: Provable Learning via Ranking Oracles

Authors: Zhiwei Tang, Dmitry Rybin, Tsung-Hui Chang

Abstract: In this study, we delve into an emerging optimization challenge involving a black-box objective function that can only be gauged via a ranking oracle-a situation frequently encountered in real-world scenarios, especially when the function is evaluated by human judges. Such challenge is inspired from Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), an approach recently employed to enhance the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) using human guidance. We introduce ZO-RankSGD, an innovative zeroth-order optimization algorithm designed to tackle this optimization problem, accompanied by theoretical assurances. Our algorithm utilizes a novel rank-based random estimator to determine the descent direction and guarantees convergence to a stationary point. Moreover, ZO-RankSGD is readily applicable to policy optimization problems in Reinforcement Learning (RL), particularly when only ranking oracles for the episode reward are available. Last but not least, we demonstrate the effectiveness of ZO-RankSGD in a novel application: improving the quality of images generated by a diffusion generative model with human ranking feedback. Throughout experiments, we found that ZO-RankSGD can significantly enhance the detail of generated images with only a few rounds of human feedback. Overall, our work advances the field of zeroth-order optimization by addressing the problem of optimizing functions with only ranking feedback, and offers a new and effective approach for aligning Artificial Intelligence (AI) with human intentions.

replace-cross Computing equivariant matrices on homogeneous spaces for Geometric Deep Learning and Automorphic Lie Algebras

Authors: Vincent Knibbeler

Abstract: We develop an elementary method to compute spaces of equivariant maps from a homogeneous space $G/H$ of a Lie group $G$ to a module of this group. The Lie group is not required to be compact. More generally, we study spaces of invariant sections in homogeneous vector bundles, and take a special interest in the case where the fibres are algebras. These latter cases have a natural global algebra structure. We classify these automorphic algebras for the case where the homogeneous space has compact stabilisers. This work has applications in the theoretical development of geometric deep learning and also in the theory of automorphic Lie algebras.

replace-cross Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning for Open-set Semi-supervised Learning

Authors: Yang Yu, Danruo Deng, Furui Liu, Yueming Jin, Qi Dou, Guangyong Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods assume that labeled data, unlabeled data and test data are from the same distribution. Open-set semi-supervised learning (Open-set SSL) considers a more practical scenario, where unlabeled data and test data contain new categories (outliers) not observed in labeled data (inliers). Most previous works focused on outlier detection via binary classifiers, which suffer from insufficient scalability and inability to distinguish different types of uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning (ANEDL) to tackle these limitations. Concretely, we first introduce evidential deep learning (EDL) as an outlier detector to quantify different types of uncertainty, and design different uncertainty metrics for self-training and inference. Furthermore, we propose a novel adaptive negative optimization strategy, making EDL more tailored to the unlabeled dataset containing both inliers and outliers. As demonstrated empirically, our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods across four datasets.

replace-cross Curvature-Balanced Feature Manifold Learning for Long-Tailed Classification

Authors: Yanbiao Ma, Licheng Jiao, Fang Liu, Shuyuan Yang, Xu Liu, Lingling Li

Abstract: To address the challenges of long-tailed classification, researchers have proposed several approaches to reduce model bias, most of which assume that classes with few samples are weak classes. However, recent studies have shown that tail classes are not always hard to learn, and model bias has been observed on sample-balanced datasets, suggesting the existence of other factors that affect model bias. In this work, we systematically propose a series of geometric measurements for perceptual manifolds in deep neural networks, and then explore the effect of the geometric characteristics of perceptual manifolds on classification difficulty and how learning shapes the geometric characteristics of perceptual manifolds. An unanticipated finding is that the correlation between the class accuracy and the separation degree of perceptual manifolds gradually decreases during training, while the negative correlation with the curvature gradually increases, implying that curvature imbalance leads to model bias. Therefore, we propose curvature regularization to facilitate the model to learn curvature-balanced and flatter perceptual manifolds. Evaluations on multiple long-tailed and non-long-tailed datasets show the excellent performance and exciting generality of our approach, especially in achieving significant performance improvements based on current state-of-the-art techniques. Our work opens up a geometric analysis perspective on model bias and reminds researchers to pay attention to model bias on non-long-tailed and even sample-balanced datasets. The code and model will be made public.

replace-cross Specialty-Oriented Generalist Medical AI for Chest CT Screening

Authors: Chuang Niu, Qing Lyu, Christopher D. Carothers, Parisa Kaviani, Josh Tan, Pingkun Yan, Mannudeep K. Kalra, Christopher T. Whitlow, Ge Wang

Abstract: Modern medical records include a vast amount of multimodal free text clinical data and imaging data from radiology, cardiology, and digital pathology. Fully mining such big data requires multitasking; otherwise, occult but important aspects may be overlooked, adversely affecting clinical management and population healthcare. Despite remarkable successes of AI in individual tasks with single-modal data, the progress in developing generalist medical AI remains relatively slow to combine multimodal data for multitasks because of the dual challenges of data curation and model architecture. The data challenge involves querying and curating multimodal structured and unstructured text, alphanumeric, and especially 3D tomographic scans on an individual patient level for real-time decisions and on a scale to estimate population health statistics. The model challenge demands a scalable and adaptable network architecture to integrate multimodal datasets for diverse clinical tasks. Here we propose the first-of-its-kind medical multimodal-multitask foundation model (M3FM) with application in lung cancer screening and related tasks. After we curated a comprehensive multimodal multitask dataset consisting of 49 clinical data types including 163,725 chest CT series and 17 medical tasks involved in LCS, we develop a multimodal question-answering framework as a unified training and inference strategy to synergize multimodal information and perform multiple tasks via free-text prompting. M3FM consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art single-modal task-specific models, identifies multimodal data elements informative for clinical tasks and flexibly adapts to new tasks with a small out-of-distribution dataset. As a specialty-oriented generalist medical AI model, M3FM paves the way for similar breakthroughs in other areas of medicine, closing the gap between specialists and the generalist.

replace-cross Modeling Dense Multimodal Interactions Between Biological Pathways and Histology for Survival Prediction

Authors: Guillaume Jaume, Anurag Vaidya, Richard Chen, Drew Williamson, Paul Liang, Faisal Mahmood

Abstract: Integrating whole-slide images (WSIs) and bulk transcriptomics for predicting patient survival can improve our understanding of patient prognosis. However, this multimodal task is particularly challenging due to the different nature of these data: WSIs represent a very high-dimensional spatial description of a tumor, while bulk transcriptomics represent a global description of gene expression levels within that tumor. In this context, our work aims to address two key challenges: (1) how can we tokenize transcriptomics in a semantically meaningful and interpretable way?, and (2) how can we capture dense multimodal interactions between these two modalities? Specifically, we propose to learn biological pathway tokens from transcriptomics that can encode specific cellular functions. Together with histology patch tokens that encode the different morphological patterns in the WSI, we argue that they form appropriate reasoning units for downstream interpretability analyses. We propose fusing both modalities using a memory-efficient multimodal Transformer that can model interactions between pathway and histology patch tokens. Our proposed model, SURVPATH, achieves state-of-the-art performance when evaluated against both unimodal and multimodal baselines on five datasets from The Cancer Genome Atlas. Our interpretability framework identifies key multimodal prognostic factors, and, as such, can provide valuable insights into the interaction between genotype and phenotype, enabling a deeper understanding of the underlying biological mechanisms at play. We make our code public at:


replace-cross Generation-driven Contrastive Self-training for Zero-shot Text Classification with Instruction-following LLM

Authors: Ruohong Zhang, Yau-Shian Wang, Yiming Yang

Abstract: The remarkable performance of large language models (LLMs) in zero-shot language understanding has garnered significant attention. However, employing LLMs for large-scale inference or domain-specific fine-tuning requires immense computational resources due to their substantial model size. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel method, namely GenCo, which leverages the strong generative power of LLMs to assist in training a smaller and more adaptable language model. In our method, an LLM plays an important role in the self-training loop of a smaller model in two important ways. Firstly, the LLM is used to augment each input instance with a variety of possible continuations, enriching its semantic context for better understanding. Secondly, it helps crafting additional high-quality training pairs, by rewriting input texts conditioned on predicted labels. This ensures the generated texts are highly relevant to the predicted labels, alleviating the prediction error during pseudo-labeling, while reducing the dependency on large volumes of unlabeled text. In our experiments, GenCo outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods when only limited ($<5\%$ of original) in-domain text data is available. Notably, our approach surpasses the performance of Alpaca-7B with human prompts, highlighting the potential of leveraging LLM for self-training.

replace-cross Out-of-distribution Evidence-aware Fake News Detection via Dual Adversarial Debiasing

Authors: Qiang Liu, Junfei Wu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang

Abstract: Evidence-aware fake news detection aims to conduct reasoning between news and evidence, which is retrieved based on news content, to find uniformity or inconsistency. However, we find evidence-aware detection models suffer from biases, i.e., spurious correlations between news/evidence contents and true/fake news labels, and are hard to be generalized to Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) situations. To deal with this, we propose a novel Dual Adversarial Learning (DAL) approach. We incorporate news-aspect and evidence-aspect debiasing discriminators, whose targets are both true/fake news labels, in DAL. Then, DAL reversely optimizes news-aspect and evidence-aspect debiasing discriminators to mitigate the impact of news and evidence content biases. At the same time, DAL also optimizes the main fake news predictor, so that the news-evidence interaction module can be learned. This process allows us to teach evidence-aware fake news detection models to better conduct news-evidence reasoning, and minimize the impact of content biases. To be noted, our proposed DAL approach is a plug-and-play module that works well with existing backbones. We conduct comprehensive experiments under two OOD settings, and plug DAL in four evidence-aware fake news detection backbones. Results demonstrate that, DAL significantly and stably outperforms the original backbones and some competitive debiasing methods.

replace-cross Visual Tuning

Authors: Bruce X. B. Yu, Jianlong Chang, Haixin Wang, Lingbo Liu, Shijie Wang, Zhiyu Wang, Junfan Lin, Lingxi Xie, Haojie Li, Zhouchen Lin, Qi Tian, Chang Wen Chen

Abstract: Fine-tuning visual models has been widely shown promising performance on many downstream visual tasks. With the surprising development of pre-trained visual foundation models, visual tuning jumped out of the standard modus operandi that fine-tunes the whole pre-trained model or just the fully connected layer. Instead, recent advances can achieve superior performance than full-tuning the whole pre-trained parameters by updating far fewer parameters, enabling edge devices and downstream applications to reuse the increasingly large foundation models deployed on the cloud. With the aim of helping researchers get the full picture and future directions of visual tuning, this survey characterizes a large and thoughtful selection of recent works, providing a systematic and comprehensive overview of existing work and models. Specifically, it provides a detailed background of visual tuning and categorizes recent visual tuning techniques into five groups: prompt tuning, adapter tuning, parameter tuning, and remapping tuning. Meanwhile, it offers some exciting research directions for prospective pre-training and various interactions in visual tuning.

replace-cross Annealing Self-Distillation Rectification Improves Adversarial Training

Authors: Yu-Yu Wu, Hung-Jui Wang, Shang-Tse Chen

Abstract: In standard adversarial training, models are optimized to fit one-hot labels within allowable adversarial perturbation budgets. However, the ignorance of underlying distribution shifts brought by perturbations causes the problem of robust overfitting. To address this issue and enhance adversarial robustness, we analyze the characteristics of robust models and identify that robust models tend to produce smoother and well-calibrated outputs. Based on the observation, we propose a simple yet effective method, Annealing Self-Distillation Rectification (ADR), which generates soft labels as a better guidance mechanism that accurately reflects the distribution shift under attack during adversarial training. By utilizing ADR, we can obtain rectified distributions that significantly improve model robustness without the need for pre-trained models or extensive extra computation. Moreover, our method facilitates seamless plug-and-play integration with other adversarial training techniques by replacing the hard labels in their objectives. We demonstrate the efficacy of ADR through extensive experiments and strong performances across datasets.

replace-cross Negative Feedback Training: A Novel Concept to Improve Robustness of NVCIM DNN Accelerators

Authors: Yifan Qin, Zheyu Yan, Wujie Wen, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: Compute-in-memory (CIM) accelerators built upon non-volatile memory (NVM) devices excel in energy efficiency and latency when performing Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference, thanks to their in-situ data processing capability. However, the stochastic nature and intrinsic variations of NVM devices often result in performance degradation in DNN inference. Introducing these non-ideal device behaviors during DNN training enhances robustness, but drawbacks include limited accuracy improvement, reduced prediction confidence, and convergence issues. This arises from a mismatch between the deterministic training and non-deterministic device variations, as such training, though considering variations, relies solely on the model's final output. In this work, we draw inspiration from the control theory and propose a novel training concept: Negative Feedback Training (NFT) leveraging the multi-scale noisy information captured from network. We develop two specific NFT instances, Oriented Variational Forward (OVF) and Intermediate Representation Snapshot (IRS). Extensive experiments show that our methods outperform existing state-of-the-art methods with up to a 46.71% improvement in inference accuracy while reducing epistemic uncertainty, boosting output confidence, and improving convergence probability. Their effectiveness highlights the generality and practicality of our NFT concept in enhancing DNN robustness against device variations.

replace-cross Dynamic Clue Bottlenecks: Towards Interpretable-by-Design Visual Question Answering

Authors: Xingyu Fu, Ben Zhou, Sihao Chen, Mark Yatskar, Dan Roth

Abstract: Recent advances in multimodal large language models (LLMs) have shown extreme effectiveness in visual question answering (VQA). However, the design nature of these end-to-end models prevents them from being interpretable to humans, undermining trust and applicability in critical domains. While post-hoc rationales offer certain insight into understanding model behavior, these explanations are not guaranteed to be faithful to the model. In this paper, we address these shortcomings by introducing an interpretable by design model that factors model decisions into intermediate human-legible explanations, and allows people to easily understand why a model fails or succeeds. We propose the Dynamic Clue Bottleneck Model ( (DCLUB), a method that is designed towards an inherently interpretable VQA system. DCLUB provides an explainable intermediate space before the VQA decision and is faithful from the beginning, while maintaining comparable performance to black-box systems. Given a question, DCLUB first returns a set of visual clues: natural language statements of visually salient evidence from the image, and then generates the output based solely on the visual clues. To supervise and evaluate the generation of VQA explanations within DCLUB, we collect a dataset of 1.7k reasoning-focused questions with visual clues. Evaluations show that our inherently interpretable system can improve 4.64% over a comparable black-box system in reasoning-focused questions while preserving 99.43% of performance on VQA-v2.

replace-cross The Curse of Recursion: Training on Generated Data Makes Models Forget

Authors: Ilia Shumailov, Zakhar Shumaylov, Yiren Zhao, Yarin Gal, Nicolas Papernot, Ross Anderson

Abstract: Stable Diffusion revolutionised image creation from descriptive text. GPT-2, GPT-3(.5) and GPT-4 demonstrated astonishing performance across a variety of language tasks. ChatGPT introduced such language models to the general public. It is now clear that large language models (LLMs) are here to stay, and will bring about drastic change in the whole ecosystem of online text and images. In this paper we consider what the future might hold. What will happen to GPT-{n} once LLMs contribute much of the language found online? We find that use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models, where tails of the original content distribution disappear. We refer to this effect as Model Collapse and show that it can occur in Variational Autoencoders, Gaussian Mixture Models and LLMs. We build theoretical intuition behind the phenomenon and portray its ubiquity amongst all learned generative models. We demonstrate that it has to be taken seriously if we are to sustain the benefits of training from large-scale data scraped from the web. Indeed, the value of data collected about genuine human interactions with systems will be increasingly valuable in the presence of content generated by LLMs in data crawled from the Internet.

replace-cross Heterogeneous Knowledge for Augmented Modular Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Lorenz Wolf, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: Existing modular Reinforcement Learning (RL) architectures are generally based on reusable components, also allowing for ``plug-and-play'' integration. However, these modules are homogeneous in nature - in fact, they essentially provide policies obtained via RL through the maximization of individual reward functions. Consequently, such solutions still lack the ability to integrate and process multiple types of information (i.e., heterogeneous knowledge representations), such as rules, sub-goals, and skills from various sources. In this paper, we discuss several practical examples of heterogeneous knowledge and propose Augmented Modular Reinforcement Learning (AMRL) to address these limitations. Our framework uses a selector to combine heterogeneous modules and seamlessly incorporate different types of knowledge representations and processing mechanisms. Our results demonstrate the performance and efficiency improvements, also in terms of generalization, that can be achieved by augmenting traditional modular RL with heterogeneous knowledge sources and processing mechanisms.

replace-cross Learning Probabilistic Symmetrization for Architecture Agnostic Equivariance

Authors: Jinwoo Kim, Tien Dat Nguyen, Ayhan Suleymanzade, Hyeokjun An, Seunghoon Hong

Abstract: We present a novel framework to overcome the limitations of equivariant architectures in learning functions with group symmetries. In contrary to equivariant architectures, we use an arbitrary base model such as an MLP or a transformer and symmetrize it to be equivariant to the given group by employing a small equivariant network that parameterizes the probabilistic distribution underlying the symmetrization. The distribution is end-to-end trained with the base model which can maximize performance while reducing sample complexity of symmetrization. We show that this approach ensures not only equivariance to given group but also universal approximation capability in expectation. We implement our method on various base models, including patch-based transformers that can be initialized from pretrained vision transformers, and test them for a wide range of symmetry groups including permutation and Euclidean groups and their combinations. Empirical tests show competitive results against tailored equivariant architectures, suggesting the potential for learning equivariant functions for diverse groups using a non-equivariant universal base architecture. We further show evidence of enhanced learning in symmetric modalities, like graphs, when pretrained from non-symmetric modalities, like vision. Code is available at


replace-cross Transferring Annotator- and Instance-dependent Transition Matrix for Learning from Crowds

Authors: Shikun Li, Xiaobo Xia, Jiankang Deng, Shiming Ge, Tongliang Liu

Abstract: Learning from crowds describes that the annotations of training data are obtained with crowd-sourcing services. Multiple annotators each complete their own small part of the annotations, where labeling mistakes that depend on annotators occur frequently. Modeling the label-noise generation process by the noise transition matrix is a power tool to tackle the label noise. In real-world crowd-sourcing scenarios, noise transition matrices are both annotator- and instance-dependent. However, due to the high complexity of annotator- and instance-dependent transition matrices (AIDTM), annotation sparsity, which means each annotator only labels a little part of instances, makes modeling AIDTM very challenging. Prior works simplify the problem by assuming the transition matrix is instance-independent or using simple parametric ways, which lose modeling generality. Motivated by this, we target a more realistic problem, estimating general AIDTM in practice. Without losing modeling generality, we parameterize AIDTM with deep neural networks. To alleviate the modeling challenge, we suppose every annotator shares its noise pattern with similar annotators, and estimate AIDTM via knowledge transfer. We hence first model the mixture of noise patterns by all annotators, and then transfer this modeling to individual annotators. Furthermore, considering that the transfer from the mixture of noise patterns to individuals may cause two annotators with highly different noise generations to perturb each other, we employ the knowledge transfer between identified neighboring annotators to calibrate the modeling. Theoretical analyses are derived to demonstrate that both the knowledge transfer from global to individuals and the knowledge transfer between neighboring individuals can help model general AIDTM. Experiments confirm the superiority of the proposed approach on synthetic and real-world crowd-sourcing data.

replace-cross A Graph Transformer-Driven Approach for Network Robustness Learning

Authors: Yu Zhang, Jia Li, Jie Ding, Xiang Li

Abstract: Learning and analysis of network robustness, including controllability robustness and connectivity robustness, is critical for various networked systems against attacks. Traditionally, network robustness is determined by attack simulations, which is very time-consuming and even incapable for large-scale networks. Network Robustness Learning, which is dedicated to learning network robustness with high precision and high speed, provides a powerful tool to analyze network robustness by replacing simulations. In this paper, a novel versatile and unified robustness learning approach via graph transformer (NRL-GT) is proposed, which accomplishes the task of controllability robustness learning and connectivity robustness learning from multiple aspects including robustness curve learning, overall robustness learning, and synthetic network classification. Numerous experiments show that: 1) NRL-GT is a unified learning framework for controllability robustness and connectivity robustness, demonstrating a strong generalization ability to ensure high precision when training and test sets are distributed differently; 2) Compared to the cutting-edge methods, NRL-GT can simultaneously perform network robustness learning from multiple aspects and obtains superior results in less time. NRL-GT is also able to deal with complex networks of different size with low learning error and high efficiency; 3) It is worth mentioning that the backbone of NRL-GT can serve as a transferable feature learning module for complex networks of different size and different downstream tasks.

replace-cross Interpretable Neural Networks with Random Constructive Algorithm

Authors: Jing Nan, Wei Dai

Abstract: This paper introduces an Interpretable Neural Network (INN) incorporating spatial information to tackle the opaque parameterization process of random weighted neural networks. The INN leverages spatial information to elucidate the connection between parameters and network residuals. Furthermore, it devises a geometric relationship strategy using a pool of candidate nodes and established relationships to select node parameters conducive to network convergence. Additionally, a lightweight version of INN tailored for large-scale data modeling tasks is proposed. The paper also showcases the infinite approximation property of INN. Experimental findings on various benchmark datasets and real-world industrial cases demonstrate INN's superiority over other neural networks of the same type in terms of modeling speed, accuracy, and network structure.

replace-cross Recommender Systems in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Wenqi Fan, Zihuai Zhao, Jiatong Li, Yunqing Liu, Xiaowei Mei, Yiqi Wang, Zhen Wen, Fei Wang, Xiangyu Zhao, Jiliang Tang, Qing Li

Abstract: With the prosperity of e-commerce and web applications, Recommender Systems (RecSys) have become an important component of our daily life, providing personalized suggestions that cater to user preferences. While Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have made significant advancements in enhancing recommender systems by modeling user-item interactions and incorporating textual side information, DNN-based methods still face limitations, such as difficulties in understanding users' interests and capturing textual side information, inabilities in generalizing to various recommendation scenarios and reasoning on their predictions, etc. Meanwhile, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT4, has revolutionized the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), due to their remarkable abilities in fundamental responsibilities of language understanding and generation, as well as impressive generalization and reasoning capabilities. As a result, recent studies have attempted to harness the power of LLMs to enhance recommender systems. Given the rapid evolution of this research direction in recommender systems, there is a pressing need for a systematic overview that summarizes existing LLM-empowered recommender systems, to provide researchers in relevant fields with an in-depth understanding. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review of LLM-empowered recommender systems from various aspects including Pre-training, Fine-tuning, and Prompting. More specifically, we first introduce representative methods to harness the power of LLMs (as a feature encoder) for learning representations of users and items. Then, we review recent techniques of LLMs for enhancing recommender systems from three paradigms, namely pre-training, fine-tuning, and prompting. Finally, we comprehensively discuss future directions in this emerging field.

replace-cross Towards Understanding In-Context Learning with Contrastive Demonstrations and Saliency Maps

Authors: Fuxiao Liu, Paiheng Xu, Zongxia Li, Yue Feng

Abstract: We investigate the role of various demonstration components in the in-context learning (ICL) performance of large language models (LLMs). Specifically, we explore the impacts of ground-truth labels, input distribution, and complementary explanations, particularly when these are altered or perturbed. We build on previous work, which offers mixed findings on how these elements influence ICL. To probe these questions, we employ explainable NLP (XNLP) methods and utilize saliency maps of contrastive demonstrations for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Our findings reveal that flipping ground-truth labels significantly affects the saliency, though it's more noticeable in larger LLMs. Our analysis of the input distribution at a granular level reveals that changing sentiment-indicative terms in a sentiment analysis task to neutral ones does not have as substantial an impact as altering ground-truth labels. Finally, we find that the effectiveness of complementary explanations in boosting ICL performance is task-dependent, with limited benefits seen in sentiment analysis tasks compared to symbolic reasoning tasks. These insights are critical for understanding the functionality of LLMs and guiding the development of effective demonstrations, which is increasingly relevant in light of the growing use of LLMs in applications such as ChatGPT. Our research code is publicly available at


replace-cross Exploring Non-Regular Extensions of Propositional Dynamic Logic with Description-Logics Features

Authors: Bartosz Bednarczyk

Abstract: We investigate the impact of non-regular path expressions on the decidability of satisfiability checking and querying in description logics extending ALC. Our primary objects of interest are ALCreg and ALCvpl, the extensions of with path expressions employing, respectively, regular and visibly-pushdown languages. The first one, ALCreg, is a notational variant of the well-known Propositional Dynamic Logic of Fischer and Ladner. The second one, ALCvpl, was introduced and investigated by Loding and Serre in 2007. The logic ALCvpl generalises many known decidable non-regular extensions of ALCreg. We provide a series of undecidability results. First, we show that decidability of the concept satisfiability problem for ALCvpl is lost upon adding the seemingly innocent Self operator. Second, we establish undecidability for the concept satisfiability problem for ALCvpl extended with nominals. Interestingly, our undecidability proof relies only on one single non-regular (visibly-pushdown) language, namely on r#s# := { r^n s^n | n in N } for fixed role names r and s. Finally, in contrast to the classical database setting, we establish undecidability of query entailment for queries involving non-regular atoms from r#s#, already in the case of ALC-TBoxes.

replace-cross FLASK: Fine-grained Language Model Evaluation based on Alignment Skill Sets

Authors: Seonghyeon Ye, Doyoung Kim, Sungdong Kim, Hyeonbin Hwang, Seungone Kim, Yongrae Jo, James Thorne, Juho Kim, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: Evaluation of Large Language Models (LLMs) is challenging because instruction-following necessitates alignment with human values and the required set of skills varies depending on the instruction. However, previous studies have mainly focused on coarse-grained evaluation (i.e. overall preference-based evaluation), which limits interpretability since it does not consider the nature of user instructions that require instance-wise skill composition. In this paper, we introduce FLASK (Fine-grained Language Model Evaluation based on Alignment Skill Sets), a fine-grained evaluation protocol for both human-based and model-based evaluation which decomposes coarse-level scoring to a skill set-level scoring for each instruction. We experimentally observe that the fine-graininess of evaluation is crucial for attaining a holistic view of model performance and increasing the reliability of the evaluation. Using FLASK, we compare multiple open-source and proprietary LLMs and observe a high correlation between model-based and human-based evaluations. We publicly release the evaluation data and code implementation at


replace-cross Audio is all in one: speech-driven gesture synthetics using WavLM pre-trained model

Authors: Fan Zhang, Naye Ji, Fuxing Gao, Siyuan Zhao, Zhaohan Wang, Shunman Li

Abstract: The generation of co-speech gestures for digital humans is an emerging area in the field of virtual human creation. Prior research has made progress by using acoustic and semantic information as input and adopting classify method to identify the person's ID and emotion for driving co-speech gesture generation. However, this endeavour still faces significant challenges. These challenges go beyond the intricate interplay between co-speech gestures, speech acoustic, and semantics; they also encompass the complexities associated with personality, emotion, and other obscure but important factors. This paper introduces "diffmotion-v2," a speech-conditional diffusion-based and non-autoregressive transformer-based generative model with WavLM pre-trained model. It can produce individual and stylized full-body co-speech gestures only using raw speech audio, eliminating the need for complex multimodal processing and manually annotated. Firstly, considering that speech audio not only contains acoustic and semantic features but also conveys personality traits, emotions, and more subtle information related to accompanying gestures, we pioneer the adaptation of WavLM, a large-scale pre-trained model, to extract low-level and high-level audio information. Secondly, we introduce an adaptive layer norm architecture in the transformer-based layer to learn the relationship between speech information and accompanying gestures. Extensive subjective evaluation experiments are conducted on the Trinity, ZEGGS, and BEAT datasets to confirm the WavLM and the model's ability to synthesize natural co-speech gestures with various styles.

replace-cross DiagGPT: An LLM-based and Multi-agent Dialogue System with Automatic Topic Management for Flexible Task-Oriented Dialogue

Authors: Lang Cao

Abstract: A significant application of Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, is their deployment as chat agents, which respond to human inquiries across a variety of domains. While current LLMs proficiently answer general questions, they often fall short in complex diagnostic scenarios such as legal, medical, or other specialized consultations. These scenarios typically require Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD), where an AI chat agent must proactively pose questions and guide users toward specific goals or task completion. Previous fine-tuning models have underperformed in TOD and the full potential of conversational capability in current LLMs has not yet been fully explored. In this paper, we introduce DiagGPT (Dialogue in Diagnosis GPT), an innovative approach that extends LLMs to more TOD scenarios. In addition to guiding users to complete tasks, DiagGPT can effectively manage the status of all topics throughout the dialogue development. This feature enhances user experience and offers a more flexible interaction in TOD. Our experiments demonstrate that DiagGPT exhibits outstanding performance in conducting TOD with users, showing its potential for practical applications in various fields.

replace-cross Large Transformers are Better EEG Learners

Authors: Bingxin Wang, Xiaowen Fu, Yuan Lan, Luchan Zhang, Wei Zheng, Yang Xiang

Abstract: Pre-trained large transformer models have achieved remarkable performance in the fields of natural language processing and computer vision. However, the limited availability of public electroencephalogram (EEG) data presents a unique challenge for extending the success of these models to EEG-based tasks. To address this gap, we propose AdaCT, plug-and-play Adapters designed for Converting Time series data into spatio-temporal 2D pseudo-images or text forms. Essentially, AdaCT-I transforms multi-channel or lengthy single-channel time series data into spatio-temporal 2D pseudo-images for fine-tuning pre-trained vision transformers, while AdaCT-T converts short single-channel data into text for fine-tuning pre-trained language transformers. The proposed approach allows for seamless integration of pre-trained vision models and language models in time series decoding tasks, particularly in EEG data analysis. Experimental results on diverse benchmark datasets, including Epileptic Seizure Recognition, Sleep-EDF, and UCI HAR, demonstrate the superiority of AdaCT over baseline methods. Overall, we provide a promising transfer learning framework for leveraging the capabilities of pre-trained vision and language models in EEG-based tasks, thereby advancing the field of time series decoding and enhancing interpretability in EEG data analysis. Our code will be available at


replace-cross High-quality Image Dehazing with Diffusion Model

Authors: Hu Yu, Jie Huang, Kaiwen Zheng, Feng Zhao

Abstract: Image dehazing is quite challenging in dense-haze scenarios, where quite less original information remains in the hazy image. Though previous methods have made marvelous progress, they still suffer from information loss in content and color in dense-haze scenarios. The recently emerged Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) exhibits strong generation ability, showing potential for solving this problem. However, DDPM fails to consider the physics property of dehazing task, limiting its information completion capacity. In this work, we propose DehazeDDPM: A DDPM-based and physics-aware image dehazing framework that applies to complex hazy scenarios. Specifically, DehazeDDPM works in two stages. The former stage physically models the dehazing task with the Atmospheric Scattering Model (ASM), pulling the distribution closer to the clear data and endowing DehazeDDPM with fog-aware ability. The latter stage exploits the strong generation ability of DDPM to compensate for the haze-induced huge information loss, by working in conjunction with the physical modelling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method attains state-of-the-art performance on both synthetic and real-world hazy datasets.

replace-cross Large Language Models as Optimizers

Authors: Chengrun Yang, Xuezhi Wang, Yifeng Lu, Hanxiao Liu, Quoc V. Le, Denny Zhou, Xinyun Chen

Abstract: Optimization is ubiquitous. While derivative-based algorithms have been powerful tools for various problems, the absence of gradient imposes challenges on many real-world applications. In this work, we propose Optimization by PROmpting (OPRO), a simple and effective approach to leverage large language models (LLMs) as optimizers, where the optimization task is described in natural language. In each optimization step, the LLM generates new solutions from the prompt that contains previously generated solutions with their values, then the new solutions are evaluated and added to the prompt for the next optimization step. We first showcase OPRO on linear regression and traveling salesman problems, then move on to our main application in prompt optimization, where the goal is to find instructions that maximize the task accuracy. With a variety of LLMs, we demonstrate that the best prompts optimized by OPRO outperform human-designed prompts by up to 8% on GSM8K, and by up to 50% on Big-Bench Hard tasks. Code at


replace-cross SyncDreamer: Generating Multiview-consistent Images from a Single-view Image

Authors: Yuan Liu, Cheng Lin, Zijiao Zeng, Xiaoxiao Long, Lingjie Liu, Taku Komura, Wenping Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel diffusion model called that generates multiview-consistent images from a single-view image. Using pretrained large-scale 2D diffusion models, recent work Zero123 demonstrates the ability to generate plausible novel views from a single-view image of an object. However, maintaining consistency in geometry and colors for the generated images remains a challenge. To address this issue, we propose a synchronized multiview diffusion model that models the joint probability distribution of multiview images, enabling the generation of multiview-consistent images in a single reverse process. SyncDreamer synchronizes the intermediate states of all the generated images at every step of the reverse process through a 3D-aware feature attention mechanism that correlates the corresponding features across different views. Experiments show that SyncDreamer generates images with high consistency across different views, thus making it well-suited for various 3D generation tasks such as novel-view-synthesis, text-to-3D, and image-to-3D.

replace-cross Can LLM-Generated Misinformation Be Detected?

Authors: Canyu Chen, Kai Shu

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has made a transformative impact. However, the potential that LLMs such as ChatGPT can be exploited to generate misinformation has posed a serious concern to online safety and public trust. A fundamental research question is: will LLM-generated misinformation cause more harm than human-written misinformation? We propose to tackle this question from the perspective of detection difficulty. We first build a taxonomy of LLM-generated misinformation. Then we categorize and validate the potential real-world methods for generating misinformation with LLMs. Then, through extensive empirical investigation, we discover that LLM-generated misinformation can be harder to detect for humans and detectors compared to human-written misinformation with the same semantics, which suggests it can have more deceptive styles and potentially cause more harm. We also discuss the implications of our discovery on combating misinformation in the age of LLMs and the countermeasures.

replace-cross BooookScore: A systematic exploration of book-length summarization in the era of LLMs

Authors: Yapei Chang, Kyle Lo, Tanya Goyal, Mohit Iyyer

Abstract: Summarizing book-length documents (>100K tokens) that exceed the context window size of large language models (LLMs) requires first breaking the input document into smaller chunks and then prompting an LLM to merge, update, and compress chunk-level summaries. Despite the complexity and importance of this task, it has yet to be meaningfully studied due to the challenges of evaluation: existing book-length summarization datasets (e.g., BookSum) are in the pretraining data of most public LLMs, and existing evaluation methods struggle to capture errors made by modern LLM summarizers. In this paper, we present the first study of the coherence of LLM-based book-length summarizers implemented via two prompting workflows: (1) hierarchically merging chunk-level summaries, and (2) incrementally updating a running summary. We obtain 1193 fine-grained human annotations on GPT-4 generated summaries of 100 recently-published books and identify eight common types of coherence errors made by LLMs. Because human evaluation is expensive and time-consuming, we develop an automatic metric, BooookScore, that measures the proportion of sentences in a summary that do not contain any of the identified error types. BooookScore has high agreement with human annotations and allows us to systematically evaluate the impact of many other critical parameters (e.g., chunk size, base LLM) while saving $15K USD and 500 hours in human evaluation costs. We find that closed-source LLMs such as GPT-4 and Claude 2 produce summaries with higher BooookScore than those generated by open-source models. While LLaMA 2 falls behind other models, Mixtral achieves performance on par with GPT-3.5-Turbo. Incremental updating yields lower BooookScore but higher level of detail than hierarchical merging, a trade-off sometimes preferred by annotators.

replace-cross Adapting LLM Agents with Universal Feedback in Communication

Authors: Kuan Wang, Yadong Lu, Michael Santacroce, Yeyun Gong, Chao Zhang, Yelong Shen

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated potential for LLM agents. To facilitate the training for these agents with both linguistic feedback and non-linguistic reward signals, we introduce Learning through Communication (LTC). We design a universal buffer to store all the feedback, and an iterative pipeline to enable an LLM agent to explore and update its policy in an given environment. To optimize agent interactions for task-specific learning with our universal buffer and pipeline, we introduce diverse communication patterns tailored for both single-agent and multi-agent environments. We evaluate the efficacy of our LTC approach on four diverse datasets: ALFWorld (single-agent), HotpotQA (multi-agent collaboration), Chameleon (multi-agent competition), and GSM8k (multi-agent teacher-student). On these data sets, LTC outperforms the supervised instruction fine-tuning baselines by 3.6% to 12%. These results highlight the versatility and efficiency of LTC in facilitating online adaptation for LLM agents.

replace-cross On the Stability of Expressive Positional Encodings for Graphs

Authors: Yinan Huang, William Lu, Joshua Robinson, Yu Yang, Muhan Zhang, Stefanie Jegelka, Pan Li

Abstract: Designing effective positional encodings for graphs is key to building powerful graph transformers and enhancing message-passing graph neural networks. Although widespread, using Laplacian eigenvectors as positional encodings faces two fundamental challenges: (1) \emph{Non-uniqueness}: there are many different eigendecompositions of the same Laplacian, and (2) \emph{Instability}: small perturbations to the Laplacian could result in completely different eigenspaces, leading to unpredictable changes in positional encoding. Despite many attempts to address non-uniqueness, most methods overlook stability, leading to poor generalization on unseen graph structures. We identify the cause of instability to be a ``hard partition'' of eigenspaces. Hence, we introduce Stable and Expressive Positional Encodings (SPE), an architecture for processing eigenvectors that uses eigenvalues to ``softly partition'' eigenspaces. SPE is the first architecture that is (1) provably stable, and (2) universally expressive for basis invariant functions whilst respecting all symmetries of eigenvectors. Besides guaranteed stability, we prove that SPE is at least as expressive as existing methods, and highly capable of counting graph structures. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our method on molecular property prediction, and out-of-distribution generalization tasks, finding improved generalization compared to existing positional encoding methods. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Clustering-based Image-Text Graph Matching for Domain Generalization

Authors: Nokyung Park, Daewon Chae, Jeongyong Shim, Sangpil Kim, Eun-Sol Kim, Jinkyu Kim

Abstract: Learning domain-invariant visual representations is important to train a model that can generalize well to unseen target task domains. Recent works demonstrate that text descriptions contain high-level class-discriminative information and such auxiliary semantic cues can be used as effective pivot embedding for domain generalization problem. However, they use pivot embedding in global manner (i.e., aligning an image embedding with sentence-level text embedding), not fully utilizing the semantic cues of given text description. In this work, we advocate for the use of local alignment between image regions and corresponding textual descriptions. To this end, we first represent image and text inputs with graphs. We subsequently cluster nodes in those graphs and match the graph-based image node features into textual graphs. This matching process is conducted globally and locally, tightly aligning visual and textual semantic sub-structures. We experiment with large-scale public datasets, such as CUB-DG and DomainBed, and our model achieves matched or better state-of-the-art performance on these datasets. Our code will be publicly available upon publication.

replace-cross MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation

Authors: Qian Huang, Jian Vora, Percy Liang, Jure Leskovec

Abstract: A central aspect of machine learning research is experimentation, the process of designing and running experiments, analyzing the results, and iterating towards some positive outcome (e.g., improving accuracy). Could agents driven by powerful language models perform machine learning experimentation effectively? To answer this question, we introduce MLAgentBench, a suite of 13 tasks ranging from improving model performance on CIFAR-10 to recent research problems like BabyLM. For each task, an agent can perform actions like reading/writing files, executing code, and inspecting outputs. We then construct an agent that can perform ML experimentation based on ReAct framework. We benchmark agents based on Claude v1.0, Claude v2.1, Claude v3 Opus, GPT-4, GPT-4-turbo, Gemini-Pro, and Mixtral and find that a Claude v3 Opus agent is the best in terms of success rate. It can build compelling ML models over many tasks in MLAgentBench with 37.5% average success rate. Our agents also display highly interpretable plans and actions. However, the success rates vary considerably; they span from 100% on well-established older datasets to as low as 0% on recent Kaggle challenges created potentially after the underlying LM was trained. Finally, we identify several key challenges for LM-based agents such as long-term planning and reducing hallucination. Our code is released at


replace-cross Geographic Location Encoding with Spherical Harmonics and Sinusoidal Representation Networks

Authors: Marc Ru{\ss}wurm, Konstantin Klemmer, Esther Rolf, Robin Zbinden, Devis Tuia

Abstract: Learning representations of geographical space is vital for any machine learning model that integrates geolocated data, spanning application domains such as remote sensing, ecology, or epidemiology. Recent work embeds coordinates using sine and cosine projections based on Double Fourier Sphere (DFS) features. These embeddings assume a rectangular data domain even on global data, which can lead to artifacts, especially at the poles. At the same time, little attention has been paid to the exact design of the neural network architectures with which these functional embeddings are combined. This work proposes a novel location encoder for globally distributed geographic data that combines spherical harmonic basis functions, natively defined on spherical surfaces, with sinusoidal representation networks (SirenNets) that can be interpreted as learned Double Fourier Sphere embedding. We systematically evaluate positional embeddings and neural network architectures across various benchmarks and synthetic evaluation datasets. In contrast to previous approaches that require the combination of both positional encoding and neural networks to learn meaningful representations, we show that both spherical harmonics and sinusoidal representation networks are competitive on their own but set state-of-the-art performances across tasks when combined. The model code and experiments are available at


replace-cross Evaluating Spatial Understanding of Large Language Models

Authors: Yutaro Yamada, Yihan Bao, Andrew K. Lampinen, Jungo Kasai, Ilker Yildirim

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) show remarkable capabilities across a variety of tasks. Despite the models only seeing text in training, several recent studies suggest that LLM representations implicitly capture aspects of the underlying grounded concepts. Here, we explore LLM representations of a particularly salient kind of grounded knowledge -- spatial relationships. We design natural-language navigation tasks and evaluate the ability of LLMs, in particular GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, and Llama2 series models, to represent and reason about spatial structures. These tasks reveal substantial variability in LLM performance across different spatial structures, including square, hexagonal, and triangular grids, rings, and trees. In extensive error analysis, we find that LLMs' mistakes reflect both spatial and non-spatial factors. These findings suggest that LLMs appear to capture certain aspects of spatial structure implicitly, but room for improvement remains.

replace-cross Radio Frequency Fingerprinting via Deep Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

Authors: Saeif Al-Hazbi, Ahmed Hussain, Savio Sciancalepore, Gabriele Oligeri, Panos Papadimitratos

Abstract: Radio Frequency Fingerprinting (RFF) techniques promise to authenticate wireless devices at the physical layer based on inherent hardware imperfections introduced during manufacturing. Such RF transmitter imperfections are reflected into over-the-air signals, allowing receivers to accurately identify the RF transmitting source. Recent advances in Machine Learning, particularly in Deep Learning (DL), have improved the ability of RFF systems to extract and learn complex features that make up the device-specific fingerprint. However, integrating DL techniques with RFF and operating the system in real-world scenarios presents numerous challenges, originating from the embedded systems and the DL research domains. This paper systematically identifies and analyzes the essential considerations and challenges encountered in the creation of DL-based RFF systems across their typical development life-cycle, which include (i) data collection and preprocessing, (ii) training, and finally, (iii) deployment. Our investigation provides a comprehensive overview of the current open problems that prevent real deployment of DL-based RFF systems while also discussing promising research opportunities to enhance the overall accuracy, robustness, and privacy of these systems.

replace-cross Sequence-Level Certainty Reduces Hallucination In Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation

Authors: Yixin Wan, Fanyou Wu, Weijie Xu, Srinivasan H. Sengamedu

Abstract: In this work, we propose sequence-level certainty as a common theme over hallucination in Knowledge Grounded Dialogue Generation (KGDG). We explore the correlation between the level of hallucination in model responses and two types of sequence-level certainty: probabilistic certainty and semantic certainty. Empirical results reveal that higher levels of both types of certainty in model responses are correlated with lower levels of hallucination. We further propose Certainty-based Response Ranking (CRR), a decoding-time hallucination mitigation method that samples several response candidates, ranks them based on sequence-level certainty, and outputs the response with the highest certainty level. Aligning with our definitions of sequence-level certainty, we design 2 types of CRR approaches: Probabilistic CRR (P-CRR) and Semantic CRR (S-CRR). P-CRR ranks individually sampled model responses using the arithmetic mean log-probability of the entire sequence. S-CRR approaches certainty estimation from meaning-space, and ranks model response candidates based on their semantic certainty level as measured by an entailment-based Agreement Score (AS). Through extensive experiments across 3 KGDG datasets, 3 decoding methods, and 4 KGDG models, we validate the effectiveness of CRR for reducing hallucination in KGDG task.

replace-cross Domain Adaptive Graph Neural Networks for Constraining Cosmological Parameters Across Multiple Data Sets

Authors: Andrea Roncoli, Aleksandra \'Ciprijanovi\'c, Maggie Voetberg, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Brian Nord

Abstract: Deep learning models have been shown to outperform methods that rely on summary statistics, like the power spectrum, in extracting information from complex cosmological data sets. However, due to differences in the subgrid physics implementation and numerical approximations across different simulation suites, models trained on data from one cosmological simulation show a drop in performance when tested on another. Similarly, models trained on any of the simulations would also likely experience a drop in performance when applied to observational data. Training on data from two different suites of the CAMELS hydrodynamic cosmological simulations, we examine the generalization capabilities of Domain Adaptive Graph Neural Networks (DA-GNNs). By utilizing GNNs, we capitalize on their capacity to capture structured scale-free cosmological information from galaxy distributions. Moreover, by including unsupervised domain adaptation via Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), we enable our models to extract domain-invariant features. We demonstrate that DA-GNN achieves higher accuracy and robustness on cross-dataset tasks (up to $28\%$ better relative error and up to almost an order of magnitude better $\chi^2$). Using data visualizations, we show the effects of domain adaptation on proper latent space data alignment. This shows that DA-GNNs are a promising method for extracting domain-independent cosmological information, a vital step toward robust deep learning for real cosmic survey data.

replace-cross Adapting Fake News Detection to the Era of Large Language Models

Authors: Jinyan Su, Claire Cardie, Preslav Nakov

Abstract: In the age of large language models (LLMs) and the widespread adoption of AI-driven content creation, the landscape of information dissemination has witnessed a paradigm shift. With the proliferation of both human-written and machine-generated real and fake news, robustly and effectively discerning the veracity of news articles has become an intricate challenge. While substantial research has been dedicated to fake news detection, this either assumes that all news articles are human-written or abruptly assumes that all machine-generated news are fake. Thus, a significant gap exists in understanding the interplay between machine-(paraphrased) real news, machine-generated fake news, human-written fake news, and human-written real news. In this paper, we study this gap by conducting a comprehensive evaluation of fake news detectors trained in various scenarios. Our primary objectives revolve around the following pivotal question: How to adapt fake news detectors to the era of LLMs? Our experiments reveal an interesting pattern that detectors trained exclusively on human-written articles can indeed perform well at detecting machine-generated fake news, but not vice versa. Moreover, due to the bias of detectors against machine-generated texts \cite{su2023fake}, they should be trained on datasets with a lower machine-generated news ratio than the test set. Building on our findings, we provide a practical strategy for the development of robust fake news detectors.

replace-cross AudioChatLlama: Towards General-Purpose Speech Abilities for LLMs

Authors: Yassir Fathullah, Chunyang Wu, Egor Lakomkin, Ke Li, Junteng Jia, Yuan Shangguan, Jay Mahadeokar, Ozlem Kalinli, Christian Fuegen, Mike Seltzer

Abstract: In this work, we extend the instruction-tuned Llama-2 model with end-to-end general-purpose speech processing and reasoning abilities while maintaining the wide range of original LLM capabilities, without using any carefully curated paired data. The resulting end-to-end model, named AudioChatLlama, can utilize audio prompts as a replacement for text and sustain a conversation. Such a model also has extended cross-modal capabilities such as being able to perform spoken question answering (QA), speech translation, and audio summarization amongst many other closed and open-domain tasks. This is unlike prior approaches in speech, in which LLMs are extended to handle audio for a limited number of pre-designated tasks. On both synthesized and recorded speech QA test sets, evaluations show that our end-to-end approach is on par with or outperforms cascaded systems (speech recognizer + LLM) in terms of modeling the response to a prompt. Furthermore, unlike cascades, our approach can interchange text and audio modalities and intrinsically utilize prior context in a conversation to provide better results.

replace-cross Flames: Benchmarking Value Alignment of LLMs in Chinese

Authors: Kexin Huang, Xiangyang Liu, Qianyu Guo, Tianxiang Sun, Jiawei Sun, Yaru Wang, Zeyang Zhou, Yixu Wang, Yan Teng, Xipeng Qiu, Yingchun Wang, Dahua Lin

Abstract: The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) across various regions underscores the urgent need to evaluate their alignment with human values. Current benchmarks, however, fall short of effectively uncovering safety vulnerabilities in LLMs. Despite numerous models achieving high scores and 'topping the chart' in these evaluations, there is still a significant gap in LLMs' deeper alignment with human values and achieving genuine harmlessness. To this end, this paper proposes a value alignment benchmark named Flames, which encompasses both common harmlessness principles and a unique morality dimension that integrates specific Chinese values such as harmony. Accordingly, we carefully design adversarial prompts that incorporate complex scenarios and jailbreaking methods, mostly with implicit malice. By prompting 17 mainstream LLMs, we obtain model responses and rigorously annotate them for detailed evaluation. Our findings indicate that all the evaluated LLMs demonstrate relatively poor performance on Flames, particularly in the safety and fairness dimensions. We also develop a lightweight specified scorer capable of scoring LLMs across multiple dimensions to efficiently evaluate new models on the benchmark. The complexity of Flames has far exceeded existing benchmarks, setting a new challenge for contemporary LLMs and highlighting the need for further alignment of LLMs. Our benchmark is publicly available at


replace-cross Psychometric Predictive Power of Large Language Models

Authors: Tatsuki Kuribayashi, Yohei Oseki, Timothy Baldwin

Abstract: Instruction tuning aligns the response of large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Despite such efforts in human--LLM alignment, we find that instruction tuning does not always make LLMs human-like from a cognitive modeling perspective. More specifically, next-word probabilities estimated by instruction-tuned LLMs are often worse at simulating human reading behavior than those estimated by base LLMs. In addition, we explore prompting methodologies for simulating human reading behavior with LLMs. Our results show that prompts reflecting a particular linguistic hypothesis improve psychometric predictive power, but are still inferior to small base models. These findings highlight that recent advancements in LLMs, i.e., instruction tuning and prompting, do not offer better estimates than direct probability measurements from base LLMs in cognitive modeling. In other words, pure next-word probability remains a strong predictor for human reading behavior, even in the age of LLMs.

replace-cross X-Eval: Generalizable Multi-aspect Text Evaluation via Augmented Instruction Tuning with Auxiliary Evaluation Aspects

Authors: Minqian Liu, Ying Shen, Zhiyang Xu, Yixin Cao, Eunah Cho, Vaibhav Kumar, Reza Ghanadan, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Natural Language Generation (NLG) typically involves evaluating the generated text in various aspects (e.g., consistency and naturalness) to obtain a comprehensive assessment. However, multi-aspect evaluation remains challenging as it may require the evaluator to generalize to any given evaluation aspect even if it's absent during training. In this paper, we introduce X-Eval, a two-stage instruction tuning framework to evaluate the text in both seen and unseen aspects customized by end users. X-Eval consists of two learning stages: the vanilla instruction tuning stage that improves the model's ability to follow evaluation instructions, and an enhanced instruction tuning stage that exploits the connections between fine-grained evaluation aspects to better assess text quality. To support the training of X-Eval, we collect AspectInstruct, the first instruction tuning dataset tailored for multi-aspect NLG evaluation spanning 27 diverse evaluation aspects with 65 tasks. To enhance task diversity, we devise an augmentation strategy that converts human rating annotations into diverse forms of NLG evaluation tasks, including scoring, comparison, ranking, and Boolean question answering. Extensive experiments across three essential categories of NLG tasks: dialogue generation, summarization, and data-to-text coupled with 21 aspects in meta-evaluation, demonstrate that our X-Eval enables even a lightweight language model to achieve a comparable if not higher correlation with human judgments compared to the state-of-the-art NLG evaluators, such as GPT-4.

replace-cross Towards Verifiable Text Generation with Symbolic References

Authors: Lucas Torroba Hennigen, Shannon Shen, Aniruddha Nrusimha, Bernhard Gapp, David Sontag, Yoon Kim

Abstract: LLMs are vulnerable to hallucinations, and thus their outputs generally require laborious human verification for high-stakes applications. To this end, we propose symbolically grounded generation (SymGen) as a simple approach for enabling easier manual validation of an LLM's output. SymGen prompts an LLM to interleave its regular output text with explicit symbolic references to fields present in some conditioning data (e.g., a table in JSON format). The references can be used to display the provenance of different spans of text in the generation, reducing the effort required for manual verification. Across a range of data-to-text and question-answering experiments, we find that LLMs are able to directly output text that makes use of accurate symbolic references while maintaining fluency and factuality. In a human study we further find that such annotations can streamline human verification of machine-generated text. Our code will be available at


replace-cross Tied-Lora: Enhancing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying

Authors: Adithya Renduchintala, Tugrul Konuk, Oleksii Kuchaiev

Abstract: We introduce Tied-LoRA, a novel paradigm leveraging weight tying and selective training to enhance the parameter efficiency of Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA). Our exploration encompasses different plausible combinations of parameter training and freezing, coupled with weight tying, aimed at identifying the optimal trade-off between performance and the count of trainable parameters. Across $5$ diverse tasks and two foundational language models with different parameter counts, our experiments provide comprehensive insights into the inherent trade-offs between efficiency and performance. Our findings reveal a specific Tied-LoRA configuration that distinguishes itself by showcasing comparable performance to LoRA across multiple tasks while utilizing only a fraction of the parameters employed by the standard LoRA method, particularly at elevated ranks. This underscores the efficacy of Tied-LoRA in achieving impressive results with significantly reduced model complexity.

replace-cross MMC: Advancing Multimodal Chart Understanding with Large-scale Instruction Tuning

Authors: Fuxiao Liu, Xiaoyang Wang, Wenlin Yao, Jianshu Chen, Kaiqiang Song, Sangwoo Cho, Yaser Yacoob, Dong Yu

Abstract: With the rapid development of large language models (LLMs) and their integration into large multimodal models (LMMs), there has been impressive progress in zero-shot completion of user-oriented vision-language tasks. However, a gap remains in the domain of chart image understanding due to the distinct abstract components in charts. To address this, we introduce a large-scale MultiModal Chart Instruction (\textbf{MMC-Instruction}) dataset comprising 600k instances supporting diverse tasks and chart types. Leveraging this data, we develop MultiModal Chart Assistant (\textbf{MMCA}), an LMM that achieves state-of-the-art performance on existing chart QA benchmarks. Recognizing the need for a comprehensive evaluation of LMM chart understanding, we also propose a MultiModal Chart Benchmark (\textbf{MMC-Benchmark}), a comprehensive human-annotated benchmark with nine distinct tasks evaluating reasoning capabilities over charts. Extensive experiments on MMC-Benchmark reveal the limitations of existing LMMs on correctly interpreting charts, even for the most recent GPT-4V model. Our work provides an instruction-tuning methodology and benchmark to advance multimodal understanding of charts. Code and data are available at


replace-cross PhysGaussian: Physics-Integrated 3D Gaussians for Generative Dynamics

Authors: Tianyi Xie, Zeshun Zong, Yuxing Qiu, Xuan Li, Yutao Feng, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang

Abstract: We introduce PhysGaussian, a new method that seamlessly integrates physically grounded Newtonian dynamics within 3D Gaussians to achieve high-quality novel motion synthesis. Employing a custom Material Point Method (MPM), our approach enriches 3D Gaussian kernels with physically meaningful kinematic deformation and mechanical stress attributes, all evolved in line with continuum mechanics principles. A defining characteristic of our method is the seamless integration between physical simulation and visual rendering: both components utilize the same 3D Gaussian kernels as their discrete representations. This negates the necessity for triangle/tetrahedron meshing, marching cubes, "cage meshes," or any other geometry embedding, highlighting the principle of "what you see is what you simulate (WS$^2$)." Our method demonstrates exceptional versatility across a wide variety of materials--including elastic entities, metals, non-Newtonian fluids, and granular materials--showcasing its strong capabilities in creating diverse visual content with novel viewpoints and movements. Our project page is at:


replace-cross SatCLIP: Global, General-Purpose Location Embeddings with Satellite Imagery

Authors: Konstantin Klemmer, Esther Rolf, Caleb Robinson, Lester Mackey, Marc Ru{\ss}wurm

Abstract: Geographic information is essential for modeling tasks in fields ranging from ecology to epidemiology. However, extracting relevant location characteristics for a given task can be challenging, often requiring expensive data fusion or distillation from massive global imagery datasets. To address this challenge, we introduce Satellite Contrastive Location-Image Pretraining (SatCLIP). This global, general-purpose geographic location encoder learns an implicit representation of locations by matching CNN and ViT inferred visual patterns of openly available satellite imagery with their geographic coordinates. The resulting SatCLIP location encoder efficiently summarizes the characteristics of any given location for convenient use in downstream tasks. In our experiments, we use SatCLIP embeddings to improve prediction performance on nine diverse location-dependent tasks including temperature prediction, animal recognition, and population density estimation. Across tasks, SatCLIP consistently outperforms alternative location encoders and improves geographic generalization by encoding visual similarities of spatially distant environments. These results demonstrate the potential of vision-location models to learn meaningful representations of our planet from the vast, varied, and largely untapped modalities of geospatial data.

replace-cross Generating Illustrated Instructions

Authors: Sachit Menon, Ishan Misra, Rohit Girdhar

Abstract: We introduce the new task of generating Illustrated Instructions, i.e., visual instructions customized to a user's needs. We identify desiderata unique to this task, and formalize it through a suite of automatic and human evaluation metrics, designed to measure the validity, consistency, and efficacy of the generations. We combine the power of large language models (LLMs) together with strong text-to-image generation diffusion models to propose a simple approach called StackedDiffusion, which generates such illustrated instructions given text as input. The resulting model strongly outperforms baseline approaches and state-of-the-art multimodal LLMs; and in 30% of cases, users even prefer it to human-generated articles. Most notably, it enables various new and exciting applications far beyond what static articles on the web can provide, such as personalized instructions complete with intermediate steps and pictures in response to a user's individual situation.

replace-cross Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection

Authors: Lanxin Zhang, Yongqi Dong, Haneen Farah, Arkady Zgonnikov, Bart van Arem

Abstract: Detecting abnormal driving behavior is critical for road traffic safety and the evaluation of drivers' behavior. With the advancement of machine learning (ML) algorithms and the accumulation of naturalistic driving data, many ML models have been adopted for abnormal driving behavior detection. Most existing ML-based detectors rely on (fully) supervised ML methods, which require substantial labeled data. However, ground truth labels are not always available in the real world, and labeling large amounts of data is tedious. Thus, there is a need to explore unsupervised or semi-supervised methods to make the anomaly detection process more feasible and efficient. To fill this research gap, this study analyzes large-scale real-world data revealing several abnormal driving behaviors (e.g., sudden acceleration, rapid lane-changing) and develops a Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines (HELM) based semi-supervised ML method using partly labeled data to accurately detect the identified abnormal driving behaviors. Moreover, previous ML-based approaches predominantly utilize basic vehicle motion features (such as velocity and acceleration) to label and detect abnormal driving behaviors, while this study seeks to introduce Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) as the input features for ML models to improve the detection performance. Results from extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised ML model with the introduced SSMs serving as important features. The proposed semi-supervised ML method outperforms other baseline semi-supervised or unsupervised methods regarding various metrics, e.g., delivering the best accuracy at 99.58% and the best F-1 measure at 0.9913. The ablation study further highlights the significance of SSMs for advancing detection performance.

replace-cross Backward Learning for Goal-Conditioned Policies

Authors: Marc H\"oftmann, Jan Robine, Stefan Harmeling

Abstract: Can we learn policies in reinforcement learning without rewards? Can we learn a policy just by trying to reach a goal state? We answer these questions positively by proposing a multi-step procedure that first learns a world model that goes backward in time, secondly generates goal-reaching backward trajectories, thirdly improves those sequences using shortest path finding algorithms, and finally trains a neural network policy by imitation learning. We evaluate our method on a deterministic maze environment where the observations are $64\times 64$ pixel bird's eye images and can show that it consistently reaches several goals.

replace-cross FM-G-CAM: A Holistic Approach for Explainable AI in Computer Vision

Authors: Ravidu Suien Rammuni Silva, Jordan J. Bird

Abstract: Explainability is an aspect of modern AI that is vital for impact and usability in the real world. The main objective of this paper is to emphasise the need to understand the predictions of Computer Vision models, specifically Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models. Existing methods of explaining CNN predictions are mostly based on Gradient-weighted Class Activation Maps (Grad-CAM) and solely focus on a single target class. We show that from the point of the target class selection, we make an assumption on the prediction process, hence neglecting a large portion of the predictor CNN model's thinking process. In this paper, we present an exhaustive methodology called Fused Multi-class Gradient-weighted Class Activation Map (FM-G-CAM) that considers multiple top predicted classes, which provides a holistic explanation of the predictor CNN's thinking rationale. We also provide a detailed and comprehensive mathematical and algorithmic description of our method. Furthermore, along with a concise comparison of existing methods, we compare FM-G-CAM with Grad-CAM, highlighting its benefits through real-world practical use cases. Finally, we present an open-source Python library with FM-G-CAM implementation to conveniently generate saliency maps for CNN-based model predictions.

replace-cross The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments

Authors: Cassidy Laidlaw, Banghua Zhu, Stuart Russell, Anca Dragan

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) theory has largely focused on proving minimax sample complexity bounds. These require strategic exploration algorithms that use relatively limited function classes for representing the policy or value function. Our goal is to explain why deep RL algorithms often perform well in practice, despite using random exploration and much more expressive function classes like neural networks. Our work arrives at an explanation by showing that many stochastic MDPs can be solved by performing only a few steps of value iteration on the random policy's Q function and then acting greedily. When this is true, we find that it is possible to separate the exploration and learning components of RL, making it much easier to analyze. We introduce a new RL algorithm, SQIRL, that iteratively learns a near-optimal policy by exploring randomly to collect rollouts and then performing a limited number of steps of fitted-Q iteration over those rollouts. Any regression algorithm that satisfies basic in-distribution generalization properties can be used in SQIRL to efficiently solve common MDPs. This can explain why deep RL works, since it is empirically established that neural networks generalize well in-distribution. Furthermore, SQIRL explains why random exploration works well in practice. We leverage SQIRL to derive instance-dependent sample complexity bounds for RL that are exponential only in an "effective horizon" of lookahead and on the complexity of the class used for function approximation. Empirically, we also find that SQIRL performance strongly correlates with PPO and DQN performance in a variety of stochastic environments, supporting that our theoretical analysis is predictive of practical performance. Our code and data are available at


replace-cross GraphRARE: Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Graph Neural Network with Relative Entropy

Authors: Tianhao Peng, Wenjun Wu, Haitao Yuan, Zhifeng Bao, Zhao Pengrui, Xin Yu, Xuetao Lin, Yu Liang, Yanjun Pu

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown advantages in graph-based analysis tasks. However, most existing methods have the homogeneity assumption and show poor performance on heterophilic graphs, where the linked nodes have dissimilar features and different class labels, and the semantically related nodes might be multi-hop away. To address this limitation, this paper presents GraphRARE, a general framework built upon node relative entropy and deep reinforcement learning, to strengthen the expressive capability of GNNs. An innovative node relative entropy, which considers node features and structural similarity, is used to measure mutual information between node pairs. In addition, to avoid the sub-optimal solutions caused by mixing useful information and noises of remote nodes, a deep reinforcement learning-based algorithm is developed to optimize the graph topology. This algorithm selects informative nodes and discards noisy nodes based on the defined node relative entropy. Extensive experiments are conducted on seven real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of GraphRARE in node classification and its capability to optimize the original graph topology.

replace-cross Few Shot Part Segmentation Reveals Compositional Logic for Industrial Anomaly Detection

Authors: Soopil Kim, Sion An, Philip Chikontwe, Myeongkyun Kang, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl, Sang Hyun Park

Abstract: Logical anomalies (LA) refer to data violating underlying logical constraints e.g., the quantity, arrangement, or composition of components within an image. Detecting accurately such anomalies requires models to reason about various component types through segmentation. However, curation of pixel-level annotations for semantic segmentation is both time-consuming and expensive. Although there are some prior few-shot or unsupervised co-part segmentation algorithms, they often fail on images with industrial object. These images have components with similar textures and shapes, and a precise differentiation proves challenging. In this study, we introduce a novel component segmentation model for LA detection that leverages a few labeled samples and unlabeled images sharing logical constraints. To ensure consistent segmentation across unlabeled images, we employ a histogram matching loss in conjunction with an entropy loss. As segmentation predictions play a crucial role, we propose to enhance both local and global sample validity detection by capturing key aspects from visual semantics via three memory banks: class histograms, component composition embeddings and patch-level representations. For effective LA detection, we propose an adaptive scaling strategy to standardize anomaly scores from different memory banks in inference. Extensive experiments on the public benchmark MVTec LOCO AD reveal our method achieves 98.1% AUROC in LA detection vs. 89.6% from competing methods.

replace-cross Corn Yield Prediction Model with Deep Neural Networks for Smallholder Farmer Decision Support System

Authors: Chollette Olisah, Lyndon Smith, Melvyn Smith, Lawrence Morolake, Osi Ojukwu

Abstract: Crop yield prediction has been modeled on the assumption that there is no interaction between weather and soil variables. However, this paper argues that an interaction exists, and it can be finely modelled using the Kendall Correlation coefficient. Given the nonlinearity of the interaction between weather and soil variables, a deep neural network regressor (DNNR) is carefully designed with consideration to the depth, number of neurons of the hidden layers, and the hyperparameters with their optimizations. Additionally, a new metric, the average of absolute root squared error (ARSE) is proposed to combine the strengths of root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE). With the ARSE metric, the proposed DNNR(s), optimised random forest regressor (RFR) and the extreme gradient boosting regressor (XGBR) achieved impressively small yield errors, 0.0172 t/ha, and 0.0243 t/ha, 0.0001 t/ha, and 0.001 t/ha, respectively. However, the DNNR(s), with changes to the explanatory variables to ensure generalizability to unforeseen data, DNNR(s) performed best. Further analysis reveals that a strong interaction does exist between weather and soil variables. Precisely, yield is observed to increase when precipitation is reduced and silt increased, and vice-versa. However, the degree of decrease or increase is not quantified in this paper. Contrary to existing yield models targeted towards agricultural policies and global food security, the goal of the proposed corn yield model is to empower the smallholder farmer to farm smartly and intelligently, thus the prediction model is integrated into a mobile application that includes education, and a farmer-to-market access module.

replace-cross A Survey on 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Guikun Chen, Wenguan Wang

Abstract: 3D Gaussian splatting (GS) has recently emerged as a transformative technique in the realm of explicit radiance field and computer graphics. This innovative approach, characterized by the utilization of millions of learnable 3D Gaussians, represents a significant departure from mainstream neural radiance field approaches, which predominantly use implicit, coordinate-based models to map spatial coordinates to pixel values. 3D GS, with its explicit scene representation and differentiable rendering algorithm, not only promises real-time rendering capability but also introduces unprecedented levels of editability. This positions 3D GS as a potential game-changer for the next generation of 3D reconstruction and representation. In the present paper, we provide the first systematic overview of the recent developments and critical contributions in the domain of 3D GS. We begin with a detailed exploration of the underlying principles and the driving forces behind the emergence of 3D GS, laying the groundwork for understanding its significance. A focal point of our discussion is the practical applicability of 3D GS. By enabling unprecedented rendering speed, 3D GS opens up a plethora of applications, ranging from virtual reality to interactive media and beyond. This is complemented by a comparative analysis of leading 3D GS models, evaluated across various benchmark tasks to highlight their performance and practical utility. The survey concludes by identifying current challenges and suggesting potential avenues for future research in this domain. Through this survey, we aim to provide a valuable resource for both newcomers and seasoned researchers, fostering further exploration and advancement in applicable and explicit radiance field representation.

replace-cross A Medical Data-Effective Learning Benchmark for Highly Efficient Pre-training of Foundation Models

Authors: Wenxuan Yang, Weimin Tan, Yuqi Sun, Bo Yan

Abstract: Foundation models, pre-trained on massive datasets, have achieved unprecedented generalizability. However, is it truly necessary to involve such vast amounts of data in pre-training, consuming extensive computational resources? This paper introduces data-effective learning, aiming to use data in the most impactful way to pre-train foundation models. This involves strategies that focus on data quality rather than quantity, ensuring the data used for training has high informational value. Data-effective learning plays a profound role in accelerating foundation model training, reducing computational costs, and saving data storage, which is very important as the volume of medical data in recent years has grown beyond many people's expectations. However, due to the lack of standards and comprehensive benchmarks, research on medical data-effective learning is poorly studied. To address this gap, our paper introduces a comprehensive benchmark specifically for evaluating data-effective learning in the medical field. This benchmark includes a dataset with millions of data samples from 31 medical centers (DataDEL), a baseline method for comparison (MedDEL), and a new evaluation metric (NormDEL) to objectively measure data-effective learning performance. Our extensive experimental results show the baseline MedDEL can achieve performance comparable to the original large dataset with only 5% of the data. Establishing such an open data-effective learning benchmark is crucial for the medical foundation model research community because it facilitates efficient data use, promotes collaborative breakthroughs, and fosters the development of cost-effective, scalable, and impactful healthcare solutions.

replace-cross Rethinking Channel Dependence for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting: Learning from Leading Indicators

Authors: Lifan Zhao, Yanyan Shen

Abstract: Recently, channel-independent methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance in multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting. Despite reducing overfitting risks, these methods miss potential opportunities in utilizing channel dependence for accurate predictions. We argue that there exist locally stationary lead-lag relationships between variates, i.e., some lagged variates may follow the leading indicators within a short time period. Exploiting such channel dependence is beneficial since leading indicators offer advance information that can be used to reduce the forecasting difficulty of the lagged variates. In this paper, we propose a new method named LIFT that first efficiently estimates leading indicators and their leading steps at each time step and then judiciously allows the lagged variates to utilize the advance information from leading indicators. LIFT plays as a plugin that can be seamlessly collaborated with arbitrary time series forecasting methods. Extensive experiments on six real-world datasets demonstrate that LIFT improves the state-of-the-art methods by 5.5% in average forecasting performance. Our code is available at


replace-cross On the $O(\frac{\sqrt{d}}{T^{1/4}})$ Convergence Rate of RMSProp and Its Momentum Extension Measured by $\ell_1$ Norm

Authors: Huan Li, Zhouchen Lin

Abstract: Although adaptive gradient methods have been extensively used in deep learning, their convergence rates proved in the literature are all slower than that of SGD, particularly with respect to their dependence on the dimension. This paper considers the classical RMSProp and its momentum extension and establishes the convergence rate of $\frac{1}{T}\sum_{k=1}^T E\left[\|\nabla f(x^k)\|_1\right]\leq O(\frac{\sqrt{d}C}{T^{1/4}})$ measured by $\ell_1$ norm without the bounded gradient assumption, where $d$ is the dimension of the optimization variable, $T$ is the iteration number, and $C$ is a constant identical to that appeared in the optimal convergence rate of SGD. Our convergence rate matches the lower bound with respect to all the coefficients except the dimension $d$. Since $\|x\|_2\ll\|x\|_1\leq\sqrt{d}\|x\|_2$ for problems with extremely large $d$, our convergence rate can be considered to be analogous to the $\frac{1}{T}\sum_{k=1}^T E\left[\|\nabla f(x^k)\|_2\right]\leq O(\frac{C}{T^{1/4}})$ rate of SGD in the ideal case of $\|\nabla f(x)\|_1=\varTheta(\sqrt{d}\|\nabla f(x)\|_2)$.

replace-cross L-TUNING: Synchronized Label Tuning for Prompt and Prefix in LLMs

Authors: Md. Kowsher, Md. Shohanur Islam Sobuj, Asif Mahmud, Nusrat Jahan Prottasha, Prakash Bhat

Abstract: Efficiently fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) for specific tasks presents a considerable challenge in natural language processing. Traditional methods, like prompt or prefix tuning, typically rely on arbitrary tokens for training, leading to prolonged training times and generalized token use across various class labels. To address these issues, this paper introduces L-Tuning, an efficient fine-tuning approach designed for classification tasks within the Natural Language Inference (NLI) framework. Diverging from conventional methods, L-Tuning focuses on the fine-tuning of label tokens processed through a pre-trained LLM, thereby harnessing its pre-existing semantic knowledge. This technique not only improves the fine-tuning accuracy and efficiency but also facilitates the generation of distinct label embeddings for each class, enhancing the model's training nuance. Our experimental results indicate a significant improvement in training efficiency and classification accuracy with L-Tuning compared to traditional approaches, marking a promising advancement in fine-tuning LLMs for complex language tasks.

replace-cross MixedNUTS: Training-Free Accuracy-Robustness Balance via Nonlinearly Mixed Classifiers

Authors: Yatong Bai, Mo Zhou, Vishal M. Patel, Somayeh Sojoudi

Abstract: Adversarial robustness often comes at the cost of degraded accuracy, impeding the real-life application of robust classification models. Training-based solutions for better trade-offs are limited by incompatibilities with already-trained high-performance large models, necessitating the exploration of training-free ensemble approaches. Observing that robust models are more confident in correct predictions than in incorrect ones on clean and adversarial data alike, we speculate amplifying this "benign confidence property" can reconcile accuracy and robustness in an ensemble setting. To achieve so, we propose "MixedNUTS", a training-free method where the output logits of a robust classifier and a standard non-robust classifier are processed by nonlinear transformations with only three parameters, which are optimized through an efficient algorithm. MixedNUTS then converts the transformed logits into probabilities and mixes them as the overall output. On CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets, experimental results with custom strong adaptive attacks demonstrate MixedNUTS's vastly improved accuracy and near-SOTA robustness -- it boosts CIFAR-100 clean accuracy by 7.86 points, sacrificing merely 0.87 points in robust accuracy.

replace-cross The last Dance : Robust backdoor attack via diffusion models and bayesian approach

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: Diffusion models are state-of-the-art deep learning generative models that are trained on the principle of learning forward and backward diffusion processes via the progressive addition of noise and denoising. In this paper, we aim to fool audio-based DNN models, such as those from the Hugging Face framework, primarily those that focus on audio, in particular transformer-based artificial intelligence models, which are powerful machine learning models that save time and achieve results faster and more efficiently. We demonstrate the feasibility of backdoor attacks (called `BacKBayDiffMod`) on audio transformers derived from Hugging Face, a popular framework in the world of artificial intelligence research. The backdoor attack developed in this paper is based on poisoning model training data uniquely by incorporating backdoor diffusion sampling and a Bayesian approach to the distribution of poisoned data.

replace-cross The Last JITAI? The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Large Language Models in Issuing Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions: Fostering Physical Activity in a Prospective Cardiac Rehabilitation Setting

Authors: David Haag, Devender Kumar, Sebastian Gruber, Mahdi Sareban, Gunnar Treff, Josef Niebauer, Christopher Bull, Jan David Smeddinck

Abstract: We investigated the viability of using Large Language Models (LLMs) for triggering and personalizing content for Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in digital health. JITAIs are being explored as a key mechanism for sustainable behavior change, adapting interventions to an individual's current context and needs. However, traditional rule-based and machine learning models for JITAI implementation face scalability and flexibility limitations, such as lack of personalization, difficulty in managing multi-parametric systems, and issues with data sparsity. To investigate JITAI implementation via LLMs, we tested the contemporary overall performance-leading model 'GPT-4' with examples grounded in the use case of fostering heart-healthy physical activity in outpatient cardiac rehabilitation. Three personas and five sets of context information per persona were used as a basis of triggering and personalizing JITAIs. Subsequently, we generated a total of 450 proposed JITAI decisions and message content, divided equally into JITAIs generated by 10 iterations with GPT-4, a baseline provided by 10 laypersons (LayPs), and a gold standard set by 10 healthcare professionals (HCPs). Ratings from 27 LayPs and 11 HCPs indicated that JITAIs generated by GPT-4 were superior to those by HCPs and LayPs over all assessed scales: i.e., appropriateness, engagement, effectiveness, and professionality. This study indicates that LLMs have significant potential for implementing JITAIs as a building block of personalized or "precision" health, offering scalability, effective personalization based on opportunistically sampled information, and good acceptability.

replace-cross Comment-aided Video-Language Alignment via Contrastive Pre-training for Short-form Video Humor Detection

Authors: Yang Liu, Tongfei Shen, Dong Zhang, Qingying Sun, Shoushan Li, Guodong Zhou

Abstract: The growing importance of multi-modal humor detection within affective computing correlates with the expanding influence of short-form video sharing on social media platforms. In this paper, we propose a novel two-branch hierarchical model for short-form video humor detection (SVHD), named Comment-aided Video-Language Alignment (CVLA) via data-augmented multi-modal contrastive pre-training. Notably, our CVLA not only operates on raw signals across various modal channels but also yields an appropriate multi-modal representation by aligning the video and language components within a consistent semantic space. The experimental results on two humor detection datasets, including DY11k and UR-FUNNY, demonstrate that CVLA dramatically outperforms state-of-the-art and several competitive baseline approaches. Our dataset, code and model release at


replace-cross Universal Machine Learning Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian for Materials

Authors: Yang Zhong, Hongyu Yu, Jihui Yang, Xingyu Guo, Hongjun Xiang, Xingao Gong

Abstract: While density functional theory (DFT) serves as a prevalent computational approach in electronic structure calculations, its computational demands and scalability limitations persist. Recently, leveraging neural networks to parameterize the Kohn-Sham DFT Hamiltonian has emerged as a promising avenue for accelerating electronic structure computations. Despite advancements, challenges such as the necessity for computing extensive DFT training data to explore each new system and the complexity of establishing accurate ML models for multi-elemental materials still exist. Addressing these hurdles, this study introduces a universal electronic Hamiltonian model trained on Hamiltonian matrices obtained from first-principles DFT calculations of nearly all crystal structures on the Materials Project. We demonstrate its generality in predicting electronic structures across the whole periodic table, including complex multi-elemental systems, solid-state electrolytes, Moir\'e twisted bilayer heterostructure, and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Moreover, we utilize the universal model to conduct high-throughput calculations of electronic structures for crystals in GeNOME datasets, identifying 3,940 crystals with direct band gaps and 5,109 crystals with flat bands. By offering a reliable efficient framework for computing electronic properties, this universal Hamiltonian model lays the groundwork for advancements in diverse fields, such as easily providing a huge data set of electronic structures and also making the materials design across the whole periodic table possible.

replace-cross Triad: A Framework Leveraging a Multi-Role LLM-based Agent to Solve Knowledge Base Question Answering

Authors: Chang Zong, Yuchen Yan, Weiming Lu, Eliot Huang, Jian Shao, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Recent progress with LLM-based agents has shown promising results across various tasks. However, their use in answering questions from knowledge bases remains largely unexplored. Implementing a KBQA system using traditional methods is challenging due to the shortage of task-specific training data and the complexity of creating task-focused model structures. In this paper, we present Triad, a unified framework that utilizes an LLM-based agent with three roles for KBQA tasks. The agent is assigned three roles to tackle different KBQA subtasks: agent as a generalist for mastering various subtasks, as a decision maker for the selection of candidates, and as an advisor for answering questions with knowledge. Our KBQA framework is executed in four phases, involving the collaboration of the agent's multiple roles. We evaluated the performance of our framework using three benchmark datasets, and the results show that our framework outperforms state-of-the-art systems on the LC-QuAD and YAGO-QA benchmarks, yielding F1 scores of 11.8% and 20.7%, respectively.

replace-cross Not all Layers of LLMs are Necessary during Inference

Authors: Siqi Fan, Xin Jiang, Xiang Li, Xuying Meng, Peng Han, Shuo Shang, Aixin Sun, Yequan Wang, Zhongyuan Wang

Abstract: The inference phase of Large Language Models (LLMs) is very expensive. An ideal inference stage of LLMs could utilize fewer computational resources while still maintaining its capabilities (e.g., generalization and in-context learning ability). In this paper, we try to answer the question, "During LLM inference, can we use shallow layers for easy instances; and deep layers for hard ones?" To answer this question, we first indicate that Not all Layers are Necessary during Inference by statistically analyzing the activated layers across tasks. Then, we propose a simple algorithm named AdaInfer to determine the inference termination moment based on the input instance adaptively. More importantly, AdaInfer does not alter LLM parameters and maintains generalizability across tasks. Experiments on well-known LLMs (i.e., Llama2 series and OPT) show that AdaInfer saves an average of 14.8% of computational resources, even up to 50% on sentiment tasks, while maintaining comparable performance. Additionally, this method is orthogonal to other model acceleration techniques, potentially boosting inference efficiency further.

replace-cross Do Large Language Model Understand Multi-Intent Spoken Language ?

Authors: Shangjian Yin, Peijie Huang, Yuhong Xu, Haojing Huang, Jiatian Chen

Abstract: This research signifies a considerable breakthrough in leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) for multi-intent spoken language understanding (SLU). Our approach re-imagines the use of entity slots in multi-intent SLU applications, making the most of the generative potential of LLMs within the SLU landscape, leading to the development of the EN-LLM series. Furthermore, we introduce the concept of Sub-Intent Instruction (SII) to amplify the analysis and interpretation of complex, multi-intent communications, which further supports the creation of the ENSI-LLM models series. Our novel datasets, identified as LM-MixATIS and LM-MixSNIPS, are synthesized from existing benchmarks. The study evidences that LLMs may match or even surpass the performance of the current best multi-intent SLU models. We also scrutinize the performance of LLMs across a spectrum of intent configurations and dataset distributions. On top of this, we present two revolutionary metrics - Entity Slot Accuracy (ESA) and Combined Semantic Accuracy (CSA) - to facilitate a detailed assessment of LLM competence in this multifaceted field." Our code and datasets are available at \url{}.


replace-cross PEEB: Part-based Image Classifiers with an Explainable and Editable Language Bottleneck

Authors: Thang M. Pham, Peijie Chen, Tin Nguyen, Seunghyun Yoon, Trung Bui, Anh Totti Nguyen

Abstract: CLIP-based classifiers rely on the prompt containing a {class name} that is known to the text encoder. Therefore, they perform poorly on new classes or the classes whose names rarely appear on the Internet (e.g., scientific names of birds). For fine-grained classification, we propose PEEB - an explainable and editable classifier to (1) express the class name into a set of text descriptors that describe the visual parts of that class; and (2) match the embeddings of the detected parts to their textual descriptors in each class to compute a logit score for classification. In a zero-shot setting where the class names are unknown, PEEB outperforms CLIP by a huge margin (~10x in top-1 accuracy). Compared to part-based classifiers, PEEB is not only the state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the supervised-learning setting (88.80% and 92.20% accuracy on CUB-200 and Dogs-120, respectively) but also the first to enable users to edit the text descriptors to form a new classifier without any re-training. Compared to concept bottleneck models, PEEB is also the SOTA in both zero-shot and supervised-learning settings.

replace-cross Towards Optimizing Human-Centric Objectives in AI-Assisted Decision-Making With Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zana Bu\c{c}inca, Siddharth Swaroop, Amanda E. Paluch, Susan A. Murphy, Krzysztof Z. Gajos

Abstract: Imagine if AI decision-support tools not only complemented our ability to make accurate decisions, but also improved our skills, boosted collaboration, and elevated the joy we derive from our tasks. Despite the potential to optimize a broad spectrum of such human-centric objectives, the design of current AI tools remains focused on decision accuracy alone. We propose offline reinforcement learning (RL) as a general approach for modeling human-AI decision-making to optimize human-AI interaction for diverse objectives. RL can optimize such objectives by tailoring decision support, providing the right type of assistance to the right person at the right time. We instantiated our approach with two objectives: human-AI accuracy on the decision-making task and human learning about the task and learned decision support policies from previous human-AI interaction data. We compared the optimized policies against several baselines in AI-assisted decision-making. Across two experiments (N=316 and N=964), our results demonstrated that people interacting with policies optimized for accuracy achieve significantly better accuracy -- and even human-AI complementarity -- compared to those interacting with any other type of AI support. Our results further indicated that human learning was more difficult to optimize than accuracy, with participants who interacted with learning-optimized policies showing significant learning improvement only at times. Our research (1) demonstrates offline RL to be a promising approach to model human-AI decision-making, leading to policies that may optimize human-centric objectives and provide novel insights about the AI-assisted decision-making space, and (2) emphasizes the importance of considering human-centric objectives beyond decision accuracy in AI-assisted decision-making, opening up the novel research challenge of optimizing human-AI interaction for such objectives.

replace-cross Rethinking ASTE: A Minimalist Tagging Scheme Alongside Contrastive Learning

Authors: Qiao Sun, Liujia Yang, Minghao Ma, Nanyang Ye, Qinying Gu

Abstract: Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) is a burgeoning subtask of fine-grained sentiment analysis, aiming to extract structured sentiment triplets from unstructured textual data. Existing approaches to ASTE often complicate the task with additional structures or external data. In this research, we propose a novel tagging scheme and employ a contrastive learning approach to mitigate these challenges. The proposed approach demonstrates comparable or superior performance in comparison to state-of-the-art techniques, while featuring a more compact design and reduced computational overhead. Notably, even in the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), our method exhibits superior efficacy compared to GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 in a few-shot learning scenarios. This study also provides valuable insights for the advancement of ASTE techniques within the paradigm of large language models.

replace-cross Rectifying Demonstration Shortcut in In-Context Learning

Authors: Joonwon Jang, Sanghwan Jang, Wonbin Kweon, Minjin Jeon, Hwanjo Yu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are able to solve various tasks with only a few demonstrations utilizing their in-context learning (ICL) abilities. However, LLMs often rely on their pre-trained semantic priors of demonstrations rather than on the input-label relationships to proceed with ICL prediction. In this work, we term this phenomenon as the 'Demonstration Shortcut'. While previous works have primarily focused on improving ICL prediction results for predefined tasks, we aim to rectify the Demonstration Shortcut, thereby enabling the LLM to effectively learn new input-label relationships from demonstrations. To achieve this, we introduce In-Context Calibration, a demonstration-aware calibration method. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method in two settings: (1) the Original ICL Task using the standard label space and (2) the Task Learning setting, where the label space is replaced with semantically unrelated tokens. In both settings, In-Context Calibration demonstrates substantial improvements, with results generalized across three LLM families (OPT, GPT, and Llama2) under various configurations.

replace-cross Towards White Box Deep Learning

Authors: Maciej Satkiewicz

Abstract: This paper introduces semantic features as a candidate conceptual framework for white-box neural networks. The proof of concept model is well-motivated, inherently interpretable, has low parameter-count and achieves almost human-level adversarial test metrics - with no adversarial training! These results and the general nature of the approach warrant further research on semantic features. The code is available at


replace-cross LIGHTCODE: Light Analytical and Neural Codes for Channels with Feedback

Authors: Sravan Kumar Ankireddy, Krishna Narayanan, Hyeji Kim

Abstract: The design of reliable and efficient codes for channels with feedback remains a longstanding challenge in communication theory. While significant improvements have been achieved by leveraging deep learning techniques, neural codes often suffer from high computational costs, a lack of interpretability, and limited practicality in resource-constrained settings. We focus on designing low-complexity coding schemes that are interpretable and more suitable for communication systems. We advance both analytical and neural codes. First, we demonstrate that POWERBLAST, an analytical coding scheme inspired by Schalkwijk-Kailath (SK) and Gallager-Nakiboglu (GN) schemes, achieves notable reliability improvements over both SK and GN schemes, outperforming neural codes in high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regions. Next, to enhance reliability in low-SNR regions, we propose LIGHTCODE, a lightweight neural code that achieves state-of-the-art reliability while using a fraction of memory and compute compared to existing deep-learning-based codes. Finally, we systematically analyze the learned codes, establishing connections between LIGHTCODE and POWERBLAST, identifying components crucial for performance, and providing interpretation aided by linear regression analysis.

replace-cross DTOR: Decision Tree Outlier Regressor to explain anomalies

Authors: Riccardo Crupi, Daniele Regoli, Alessandro Damiano Sabatino, Immacolata Marano, Massimiliano Brinis, Luca Albertazzi, Andrea Cirillo, Andrea Claudio Cosentini

Abstract: Explaining outliers occurrence and mechanism of their occurrence can be extremely important in a variety of domains. Malfunctions, frauds, threats, in addition to being correctly identified, oftentimes need a valid explanation in order to effectively perform actionable counteracts. The ever more widespread use of sophisticated Machine Learning approach to identify anomalies make such explanations more challenging. We present the Decision Tree Outlier Regressor (DTOR), a technique for producing rule-based explanations for individual data points by estimating anomaly scores generated by an anomaly detection model. This is accomplished by first applying a Decision Tree Regressor, which computes the estimation score, and then extracting the relative path associated with the data point score. Our results demonstrate the robustness of DTOR even in datasets with a large number of features. Additionally, in contrast to other rule-based approaches, the generated rules are consistently satisfied by the points to be explained. Furthermore, our evaluation metrics indicate comparable performance to Anchors in outlier explanation tasks, with reduced execution time.

replace-cross Evaluating Text-to-Image Synthesis: Survey and Taxonomy of Image Quality Metrics

Authors: Sebastian Hartwig, Dominik Engel, Leon Sick, Hannah Kniesel, Tristan Payer, Poonam Poonam, Michael Gl\"ockler, Alex B\"auerle, Timo Ropinski

Abstract: Recent advances in text-to-image synthesis enabled through a combination of language and vision foundation models have led to a proliferation of the tools available and an increased attention to the field. When conducting text-to-image synthesis, a central goal is to ensure that the content between text and image is aligned. As such, there exist numerous evaluation metrics that aim to mimic human judgement. However, it is often unclear which metric to use for evaluating text-to-image synthesis systems as their evaluation is highly nuanced. In this work, we provide a comprehensive overview of existing text-to-image evaluation metrics. Based on our findings, we propose a new taxonomy for categorizing these metrics. Our taxonomy is grounded in the assumption that there are two main quality criteria, namely compositionality and generality, which ideally map to human preferences. Ultimately, we derive guidelines for practitioners conducting text-to-image evaluation, discuss open challenges of evaluation mechanisms, and surface limitations of current metrics.

replace-cross Adversarial Nibbler: An Open Red-Teaming Method for Identifying Diverse Harms in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jessica Quaye, Alicia Parrish, Oana Inel, Charvi Rastogi, Hannah Rose Kirk, Minsuk Kahng, Erin van Liemt, Max Bartolo, Jess Tsang, Justin White, Nathan Clement, Rafael Mosquera, Juan Ciro, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Lora Aroyo

Abstract: With the rise of text-to-image (T2I) generative AI models reaching wide audiences, it is critical to evaluate model robustness against non-obvious attacks to mitigate the generation of offensive images. By focusing on ``implicitly adversarial'' prompts (those that trigger T2I models to generate unsafe images for non-obvious reasons), we isolate a set of difficult safety issues that human creativity is well-suited to uncover. To this end, we built the Adversarial Nibbler Challenge, a red-teaming methodology for crowdsourcing a diverse set of implicitly adversarial prompts. We have assembled a suite of state-of-the-art T2I models, employed a simple user interface to identify and annotate harms, and engaged diverse populations to capture long-tail safety issues that may be overlooked in standard testing. The challenge is run in consecutive rounds to enable a sustained discovery and analysis of safety pitfalls in T2I models. In this paper, we present an in-depth account of our methodology, a systematic study of novel attack strategies and discussion of safety failures revealed by challenge participants. We also release a companion visualization tool for easy exploration and derivation of insights from the dataset. The first challenge round resulted in over 10k prompt-image pairs with machine annotations for safety. A subset of 1.5k samples contains rich human annotations of harm types and attack styles. We find that 14% of images that humans consider harmful are mislabeled as ``safe'' by machines. We have identified new attack strategies that highlight the complexity of ensuring T2I model robustness. Our findings emphasize the necessity of continual auditing and adaptation as new vulnerabilities emerge. We are confident that this work will enable proactive, iterative safety assessments and promote responsible development of T2I models.

replace-cross AFLoRA: Adaptive Freezing of Low Rank Adaptation in Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Models

Authors: Zeyu Liu, Souvik Kundu, Anni Li, Junrui Wan, Lianghao Jiang, Peter Anthony Beerel

Abstract: We present a novel Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) method, dubbed as Adaptive Freezing of Low Rank Adaptation (AFLoRA). Specifically, for each pre-trained frozen weight tensor, we add a parallel path of trainable low-rank matrices, namely a down-projection and an up-projection matrix, each of which is followed by a feature transformation vector. Based on a novel freezing score, we the incrementally freeze these projection matrices during fine-tuning to reduce the computation and alleviate over-fitting. Our experimental results demonstrate that we can achieve state-of-the-art performance with an average improvement of up to $0.85\%$ as evaluated on GLUE benchmark while yeilding up to $9.5\times$ fewer average trainable parameters. While compared in terms of runtime, AFLoRA can yield up to $1.86\times$ improvement as opposed to similar PEFT alternatives. Besides the practical utility of our approach, we provide insights on the trainability requirements of LoRA paths at different modules and the freezing schedule for the different projection matrices. Code will be released.

replace-cross Multi-role Consensus through LLMs Discussions for Vulnerability Detection

Authors: Zhenyu Mao, Jialong Li, Dongming Jin, Munan Li, Kenji Tei

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have highlighted the potential for vulnerability detection, a crucial component of software quality assurance. Despite this progress, most studies have been limited to the perspective of a single role, usually testers, lacking diverse viewpoints from different roles in a typical software development life-cycle, including both developers and testers. To this end, this paper introduces a multi-role approach to employ LLMs to act as different roles simulating a real-life code review process and engaging in discussions toward a consensus on the existence and classification of vulnerabilities in the code. Preliminary evaluation of this approach indicates a 13.48% increase in the precision rate, an 18.25% increase in the recall rate, and a 16.13% increase in the F1 score.

replace-cross Detoxifying Large Language Models via Knowledge Editing

Authors: Mengru Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Ziwen Xu, Zekun Xi, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Qishen Zhang, Linyi Yang, Jindong Wang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: This paper investigates using knowledge editing techniques to detoxify Large Language Models (LLMs). We construct a benchmark, SafeEdit, which covers nine unsafe categories with various powerful attack prompts and equips comprehensive metrics for systematic evaluation. We conduct experiments with several knowledge editing approaches, indicating that knowledge editing has the potential to efficiently detoxify LLMs with limited impact on general performance. Then, we propose a simple yet effective baseline, dubbed Detoxifying with Intraoperative Neural Monitoring (DINM), to diminish the toxicity of LLMs within a few tuning steps via only one instance. We further provide an in-depth analysis of the internal mechanism for various detoxifying approaches, demonstrating that previous methods like SFT and DPO may merely suppress the activations of toxic parameters, while DINM mitigates the toxicity of the toxic parameters to a certain extent, making permanent adjustments. We hope that these insights could shed light on future work of developing detoxifying approaches and the underlying knowledge mechanisms of LLMs. Code and benchmark are available at


replace-cross Language Models for Text Classification: Is In-Context Learning Enough?

Authors: Aleksandra Edwards, Jose Camacho-Collados

Abstract: Recent foundational language models have shown state-of-the-art performance in many NLP tasks in zero- and few-shot settings. An advantage of these models over more standard approaches based on fine-tuning is the ability to understand instructions written in natural language (prompts), which helps them generalise better to different tasks and domains without the need for specific training data. This makes them suitable for addressing text classification problems for domains with limited amounts of annotated instances. However, existing research is limited in scale and lacks understanding of how text generation models combined with prompting techniques compare to more established methods for text classification such as fine-tuning masked language models. In this paper, we address this research gap by performing a large-scale evaluation study for 16 text classification datasets covering binary, multiclass, and multilabel problems. In particular, we compare zero- and few-shot approaches of large language models to fine-tuning smaller language models. We also analyse the results by prompt, classification type, domain, and number of labels. In general, the results show how fine-tuning smaller and more efficient language models can still outperform few-shot approaches of larger language models, which have room for improvement when it comes to text classification.

replace-cross MATEval: A Multi-Agent Discussion Framework for Advancing Open-Ended Text Evaluation

Authors: Yu Li, Shenyu Zhang, Rui Wu, Xiutian Huang, Yongrui Chen, Wenhao Xu, Guilin Qi, Dehai Min

Abstract: Recent advancements in generative Large Language Models(LLMs) have been remarkable, however, the quality of the text generated by these models often reveals persistent issues. Evaluating the quality of text generated by these models, especially in open-ended text, has consistently presented a significant challenge. Addressing this, recent work has explored the possibility of using LLMs as evaluators. While using a single LLM as an evaluation agent shows potential, it is filled with significant uncertainty and instability. To address these issues, we propose the MATEval: A "Multi-Agent Text Evaluation framework" where all agents are played by LLMs like GPT-4. The MATEval framework emulates human collaborative discussion methods, integrating multiple agents' interactions to evaluate open-ended text. Our framework incorporates self-reflection and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) strategies, along with feedback mechanisms, enhancing the depth and breadth of the evaluation process and guiding discussions towards consensus, while the framework generates comprehensive evaluation reports, including error localization, error types and scoring. Experimental results show that our framework outperforms existing open-ended text evaluation methods and achieves the highest correlation with human evaluation, which confirms the effectiveness and advancement of our framework in addressing the uncertainties and instabilities in evaluating LLMs-generated text. Furthermore, our framework significantly improves the efficiency of text evaluation and model iteration in industrial scenarios.

replace-cross DRCT: Saving Image Super-resolution away from Information Bottleneck

Authors: Chih-Chung Hsu, Chia-Ming Lee, Yi-Shiuan Chou

Abstract: In recent years, Vision Transformer-based approaches for low-level vision tasks have achieved widespread success. Unlike CNN-based models, Transformers are more adept at capturing long-range dependencies, enabling the reconstruction of images utilizing non-local information. In the domain of super-resolution, Swin-transformer-based models have become mainstream due to their capability of global spatial information modeling and their shifting-window attention mechanism that facilitates the interchange of information between different windows. Many researchers have enhanced model performance by expanding the receptive fields or designing meticulous networks, yielding commendable results. However, we observed that it is a general phenomenon for the feature map intensity to be abruptly suppressed to small values towards the network's end. This implies an information bottleneck and a diminishment of spatial information, implicitly limiting the model's potential. To address this, we propose the Dense-residual-connected Transformer (DRCT), aimed at mitigating the loss of spatial information and stabilizing the information flow through dense-residual connections between layers, thereby unleashing the model's potential and saving the model away from information bottleneck. Experiment results indicate that our approach surpasses state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets and performs commendably at the NTIRE-2024 Image Super-Resolution (x4) Challenge. Our source code is available at


replace-cross GOV-REK: Governed Reward Engineering Kernels for Designing Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Systems

Authors: Ashish Rana, Michael Oesterle, Jannik Brinkmann

Abstract: For multi-agent reinforcement learning systems (MARLS), the problem formulation generally involves investing massive reward engineering effort specific to a given problem. However, this effort often cannot be translated to other problems; worse, it gets wasted when system dynamics change drastically. This problem is further exacerbated in sparse reward scenarios, where a meaningful heuristic can assist in the policy convergence task. We propose GOVerned Reward Engineering Kernels (GOV-REK), which dynamically assign reward distributions to agents in MARLS during its learning stage. We also introduce governance kernels, which exploit the underlying structure in either state or joint action space for assigning meaningful agent reward distributions. During the agent learning stage, it iteratively explores different reward distribution configurations with a Hyperband-like algorithm to learn ideal agent reward models in a problem-agnostic manner. Our experiments demonstrate that our meaningful reward priors robustly jumpstart the learning process for effectively learning different MARL problems.

replace-cross CHOPS: CHat with custOmer Profile Systems for Customer Service with LLMs

Authors: Jingzhe Shi, Jialuo Li, Qinwei Ma, Zaiwen Yang, Huan Ma, Lei Li

Abstract: Businesses and software platforms are increasingly turning to Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, GLM-3, and LLaMa-2 for chat assistance with file access or as reasoning agents for customer service. However, current LLM-based customer service models have limited integration with customer profiles and lack the operational capabilities necessary for effective service. Moreover, existing API integrations emphasize diversity over the precision and error avoidance essential in real-world customer service scenarios. To address these issues, we propose an LLM agent named CHOPS (CHat with custOmer Profile in existing System), designed to: (1) efficiently utilize existing databases or systems for accessing user information or interacting with these systems following existing guidelines; (2) provide accurate and reasonable responses or carry out required operations in the system while avoiding harmful operations; and (3) leverage a combination of small and large LLMs to achieve satisfying performance at a reasonable inference cost. We introduce a practical dataset, the CPHOS-dataset, which includes a database, guiding files, and QA pairs collected from CPHOS, an online platform that facilitates the organization of simulated Physics Olympiads for high school teachers and students. We have conducted extensive experiments to validate the performance of our proposed CHOPS architecture using the CPHOS-dataset, with the aim of demonstrating how LLMs can enhance or serve as alternatives to human customer service. Code for our proposed architecture and dataset can be found at {}.


replace-cross HyperCLOVA X Technical Report

Authors: Kang Min Yoo, Jaegeun Han, Sookyo In, Heewon Jeon, Jisu Jeong, Jaewook Kang, Hyunwook Kim, Kyung-Min Kim, Munhyong Kim, Sungju Kim, Donghyun Kwak, Hanock Kwak, Se Jung Kwon, Bado Lee, Dongsoo Lee, Gichang Lee, Jooho Lee, Baeseong Park, Seongjin Shin, Joonsang Yu, Seolki Baek, Sumin Byeon, Eungsup Cho, Dooseok Choe, Jeesung Han, Youngkyun Jin, Hyein Jun, Jaeseung Jung, Chanwoong Kim, Jinhong Kim, Jinuk Kim, Dokyeong Lee, Dongwook Park, Jeong Min Sohn, Sujung Han, Jiae Heo, Sungju Hong, Mina Jeon, Hyunhoon Jung, Jungeun Jung, Wangkyo Jung, Chungjoon Kim, Hyeri Kim, Jonghyun Kim, Min Young Kim, Soeun Lee, Joonhee Park, Jieun Shin, Sojin Yang, Jungsoon Yoon, Hwaran Lee, Sanghwan Bae, Jeehwan Cha, Karl Gylleus, Donghoon Ham, Mihak Hong, Youngki Hong, Yunki Hong, Dahyun Jang, Hyojun Jeon, Yujin Jeon, Yeji Jeong, Myunggeun Ji, Yeguk Jin, Chansong Jo, Shinyoung Joo, Seunghwan Jung, Adrian Jungmyung Kim, Byoung Hoon Kim, Hyomin Kim, Jungwhan Kim, Minkyoung Kim, Minseung Kim, Sungdong Kim, Yonghee Kim, Youngjun Kim, Youngkwan Kim, Donghyeon Ko, Dughyun Lee, Ha Young Lee, Jaehong Lee, Jieun Lee, Jonghyun Lee, Jongjin Lee, Min Young Lee, Yehbin Lee, Taehong Min, Yuri Min, Kiyoon Moon, Hyangnam Oh, Jaesun Park, Kyuyon Park, Younghun Park, Hanbae Seo, Seunghyun Seo, Mihyun Sim, Gyubin Son, Matt Yeo, Kyung Hoon Yeom, Wonjoon Yoo, Myungin You, Doheon Ahn, Homin Ahn, Joohee Ahn, Seongmin Ahn, Chanwoo An, Hyeryun An, Junho An, Sang-Min An, Boram Byun, Eunbin Byun, Jongho Cha, Minji Chang, Seunggyu Chang, Haesong Cho, Youngdo Cho, Dalnim Choi, Daseul Choi, Hyoseok Choi, Minseong Choi, Sangho Choi, Seongjae Choi, Wooyong Choi, Sewhan Chun, Dong Young Go, Chiheon Ham, Danbi Han, Jaemin Han, Moonyoung Hong, Sung Bum Hong, Dong-Hyun Hwang, Seongchan Hwang, Jinbae Im, Hyuk Jin Jang, Jaehyung Jang, Jaeni Jang, Sihyeon Jang, Sungwon Jang, Joonha Jeon, Daun Jeong, Joonhyun Jeong, Kyeongseok Jeong, Mini Jeong, Sol Jin, Hanbyeol Jo, Hanju Jo, Minjung Jo, Chaeyoon Jung, Hyungsik Jung, Jaeuk Jung, Ju Hwan Jung, Kwangsun Jung, Seungjae Jung, Soonwon Ka, Donghan Kang, Soyoung Kang, Taeho Kil, Areum Kim, Beomyoung Kim, Byeongwook Kim, Daehee Kim, Dong-Gyun Kim, Donggook Kim, Donghyun Kim, Euna Kim, Eunchul Kim, Geewook Kim, Gyu Ri Kim, Hanbyul Kim, Heesu Kim, Isaac Kim, Jeonghoon Kim, Jihye Kim, Joonghoon Kim, Minjae Kim, Minsub Kim, Pil Hwan Kim, Sammy Kim, Seokhun Kim, Seonghyeon Kim, Soojin Kim, Soong Kim, Soyoon Kim, Sunyoung Kim, Taeho Kim, Wonho Kim, Yoonsik Kim, You Jin Kim, Yuri Kim, Beomseok Kwon, Ohsung Kwon, Yoo-Hwan Kwon, Anna Lee, Byungwook Lee, Changho Lee, Daun Lee, Dongjae Lee, Ha-Ram Lee, Hodong Lee, Hwiyeong Lee, Hyunmi Lee, Injae Lee, Jaeung Lee, Jeongsang Lee, Jisoo Lee, Jongsoo Lee, Joongjae Lee, Juhan Lee, Jung Hyun Lee, Junghoon Lee, Junwoo Lee, Se Yun Lee, Sujin Lee, Sungjae Lee, Sungwoo Lee, Wonjae Lee, Zoo Hyun Lee, Jong Kun Lim, Kun Lim, Taemin Lim, Nuri Na, Jeongyeon Nam, Kyeong-Min Nam, Yeonseog Noh, Biro Oh, Jung-Sik Oh, Solgil Oh, Yeontaek Oh, Boyoun Park, Cheonbok Park, Dongju Park, Hyeonjin Park, Hyun Tae Park, Hyunjung Park, Jihye Park, Jooseok Park, Junghwan Park, Jungsoo Park, Miru Park, Sang Hee Park, Seunghyun Park, Soyoung Park, Taerim Park, Wonkyeong Park, Hyunjoon Ryu, Jeonghun Ryu, Nahyeon Ryu, Soonshin Seo, Suk Min Seo, Yoonjeong Shim, Kyuyong Shin, Wonkwang Shin, Hyun Sim, Woongseob Sim, Hyejin Soh, Bokyong Son, Hyunjun Son, Seulah Son, Chi-Yun Song, Chiyoung Song, Ka Yeon Song, Minchul Song, Seungmin Song, Jisung Wang, Yonggoo Yeo, Myeong Yeon Yi, Moon Bin Yim, Taehwan Yoo, Youngjoon Yoo, Sungmin Yoon, Young Jin Yoon, Hangyeol Yu, Ui Seon Yu, Xingdong Zuo, Jeongin Bae, Joungeun Bae, Hyunsoo Cho, Seonghyun Cho, Yongjin Cho, Taekyoon Choi, Yera Choi, Jiwan Chung, Zhenghui Han, Byeongho Heo, Euisuk Hong, Taebaek Hwang, Seonyeol Im, Sumin Jegal, Sumin Jeon, Yelim Jeong, Yonghyun Jeong, Can Jiang, Juyong Jiang, Jiho Jin, Ara Jo, Younghyun Jo, Hoyoun Jung, Juyoung Jung, Seunghyeong Kang, Dae Hee Kim, Ginam Kim, Hangyeol Kim, Heeseung Kim, Hyojin Kim, Hyojun Kim, Hyun-Ah Kim, Jeehye Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Jiseon Kim, Jonghak Kim, Jung Yoon Kim, Rak Yeong Kim, Seongjin Kim, Seoyoon Kim, Sewon Kim, Sooyoung Kim, Sukyoung Kim, Taeyong Kim, Naeun Ko, Bonseung Koo, Heeyoung Kwak, Haena Kwon, Youngjin Kwon, Boram Lee, Bruce W. Lee, Dagyeong Lee, Erin Lee, Euijin Lee, Ha Gyeong Lee, Hyojin Lee, Hyunjeong Lee, Jeeyoon Lee, Jeonghyun Lee, Jongheok Lee, Joonhyung Lee, Junhyuk Lee, Mingu Lee, Nayeon Lee, Sangkyu Lee, Se Young Lee, Seulgi Lee, Seung Jin Lee, Suhyeon Lee, Yeonjae Lee, Yesol Lee, Youngbeom Lee, Yujin Lee, Shaodong Li, Tianyu Liu, Seong-Eun Moon, Taehong Moon, Max-Lasse Nihlenramstroem, Wonseok Oh, Yuri Oh, Hongbeen Park, Hyekyung Park, Jaeho Park, Nohil Park, Sangjin Park, Jiwon Ryu, Miru Ryu, Simo Ryu, Ahreum Seo, Hee Seo, Kangdeok Seo, Jamin Shin, Seungyoun Shin, Heetae Sin, Jiangping Wang, Lei Wang, Ning Xiang, Longxiang Xiao, Jing Xu, Seonyeong Yi, Haanju Yoo, Haneul Yoo, Hwanhee Yoo, Liang Yu, Youngjae Yu, Weijie Yuan, Bo Zeng, Qian Zhou, Kyunghyun Cho, Jung-Woo Ha, Joonsuk Park, Jihyun Hwang, Hyoung Jo Kwon, Soonyong Kwon, Jungyeon Lee, Seungho Lee, Seonghyeon Lim, Hyunkyung Noh, Seungho Choi, Sang-Woo Lee, Jung Hwa Lim, Nako Sung

Abstract: We introduce HyperCLOVA X, a family of large language models (LLMs) tailored to the Korean language and culture, along with competitive capabilities in English, math, and coding. HyperCLOVA X was trained on a balanced mix of Korean, English, and code data, followed by instruction-tuning with high-quality human-annotated datasets while abiding by strict safety guidelines reflecting our commitment to responsible AI. The model is evaluated across various benchmarks, including comprehensive reasoning, knowledge, commonsense, factuality, coding, math, chatting, instruction-following, and harmlessness, in both Korean and English. HyperCLOVA X exhibits strong reasoning capabilities in Korean backed by a deep understanding of the language and cultural nuances. Further analysis of the inherent bilingual nature and its extension to multilingualism highlights the model's cross-lingual proficiency and strong generalization ability to untargeted languages, including machine translation between several language pairs and cross-lingual inference tasks. We believe that HyperCLOVA X can provide helpful guidance for regions or countries in developing their sovereign LLMs.

replace-cross New methods for drug synergy prediction: a mini-review

Authors: Fatemeh Abbasi, Juho Rousu

Abstract: In this mini-review, we explore the new prediction methods for drug combination synergy relying on high-throughput combinatorial screens. The fast progress of the field is witnessed in the more than thirty original machine learning methods published since 2021, a clear majority of them based on deep learning techniques. We aim to put these papers under a unifying lens by highlighting the core technologies, the data sources, the input data types and synergy scores used in the methods, as well as the prediction scenarios and evaluation protocols that the papers deal with. Our finding is that the best methods accurately solve the synergy prediction scenarios involving known drugs or cell lines while the scenarios involving new drugs or cell lines still fall short of an accurate prediction level.

replace-cross PromptCodec: High-Fidelity Neural Speech Codec using Disentangled Representation Learning based Adaptive Feature-aware Prompt Encoders

Authors: Yu Pan, Lei Ma, Jianjun Zhao

Abstract: Neural speech codec has recently gained widespread attention in generative speech modeling domains, like voice conversion, text-to-speech synthesis, etc. However, ensuring high-fidelity audio reconstruction of speech codecs under low bitrate remains an open and challenging issue. In this paper, we propose PromptCodec, a novel end-to-end neural speech codec using feature-aware prompt encoders based on disentangled representation learning. By incorporating prompt encoders to capture representations of additional input prompts, PromptCodec can distribute the speech information requiring processing and enhance its representation capabilities. Moreover, a simple yet effective adaptive feature weighted fusion approach is introduced to integrate features of different encoders. Meanwhile, we propose a novel disentangled representation learning strategy based on structure similarity index measure to optimize PromptCodec's encoders to ensure their efficiency, thereby further improving the performance of PromptCodec. Experiments on LibriTTS demonstrate that our proposed PromptCodec consistently outperforms state-of-the-art neural speech codec models under all different bitrate conditions while achieving superior performance with low bitrates.

replace-cross Explainable Traffic Flow Prediction with Large Language Models

Authors: Xusen Guo (Frank), Qiming Zhang (Frank), Junyue Jiang (Frank), Mingxing Peng (Frank), Meixin Zhu (Frank), Hao (Frank), Yang

Abstract: Traffic flow prediction is crucial for intelligent transportation systems. It has experienced significant advancements thanks to the power of deep learning in capturing latent patterns of traffic data. However, recent deep-learning architectures require intricate model designs and lack an intuitive understanding of the mapping from input data to predicted results. Achieving both accuracy and interpretability in traffic prediction models remains to be a challenge due to the complexity of traffic data and the inherent opacity of deep learning models. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel approach, Traffic Flow Prediction LLM (TF-LLM), which leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate interpretable traffic flow predictions. By transferring multi-modal traffic data into natural language descriptions, TF-LLM captures complex spatial-temporal patterns and external factors from comprehensive traffic data. The LLM framework is fine-tuned using language-based instructions to align with spatial-temporal traffic flow data. Empirically, TF-LLM shows competitive accuracy compared with deep learning baselines, while providing intuitive and interpretable predictions. We discuss the spatial-temporal and input dependencies for explainable future flow forecasting, showcasing TF-LLM's potential for diverse city prediction tasks. This paper contributes to advancing explainable traffic prediction models and lays a foundation for future exploration of LLM applications in transportation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use LLM for interpretable prediction of traffic flow.

replace-cross PiSSA: Principal Singular Values and Singular Vectors Adaptation of Large Language Models

Authors: Fanxu Meng, Zhaohui Wang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: As the parameters of LLMs expand, the computational cost of fine-tuning the entire model becomes prohibitive. To address this challenge, we introduce a PEFT method, Principal Singular values and Singular vectors Adaptation (PiSSA), which optimizes a significantly reduced parameter space while achieving or surpassing the performance of full-parameter fine-tuning. PiSSA is inspired by Intrinsic SAID, which suggests that pre-trained, over-parametrized models inhabit a space of low intrinsic dimension. Consequently, PiSSA represents a matrix W within the model by the product of two trainable matrices A and B, plus a residual matrix $W^{res}$ for error correction. SVD is employed to factorize W, and the principal singular values and vectors of W are utilized to initialize A and B. The residual singular values and vectors initialize the residual matrix $W^{res}$, which keeps frozen during fine-tuning. Notably, PiSSA shares the same architecture with LoRA. However, LoRA approximates Delta W through the product of two matrices, A, initialized with Gaussian noise, and B, initialized with zeros, while PiSSA initializes A and B with principal singular values and vectors of the original matrix W. PiSSA can better approximate the outcomes of full-parameter fine-tuning at the beginning by changing the essential parts while freezing the "noisy" parts. In comparison, LoRA freezes the original matrix and updates the "noise". This distinction enables PiSSA to convergence much faster than LoRA and also achieve better performance in the end. Due to the same architecture, PiSSA inherits many of LoRA's advantages, such as parameter efficiency and compatibility with quantization. Leveraging a fast SVD method, the initialization of PiSSA takes only a few seconds, inducing negligible cost of switching LoRA to PiSSA.

replace-cross Integrating Hyperparameter Search into Model-Free AutoML with Context-Free Grammars

Authors: Hern\'an Ceferino V\'azquez, Jorge Sanchez, Rafael Carrascosa

Abstract: Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to reduce the amount of time and expertise required to design and develop machine learning systems. This is very important for the practice of machine learning, as it allows building strong baselines quickly, improving the efficiency of the data scientists, and reducing the time to production. However, despite the advantages of AutoML, it faces several challenges, such as defining the solutions space and exploring it efficiently. Recently, some approaches have been shown to be able to do it using tree-based search algorithms and context-free grammars. In particular, GramML presents a model-free reinforcement learning approach that leverages pipeline configuration grammars and operates using Monte Carlo tree search. However, one of the limitations of GramML is that it uses default hyperparameters, limiting the search problem to finding optimal pipeline structures for the available data preprocessors and models. In this work, we propose an extension to GramML that supports larger search spaces including hyperparameter search. We evaluated the approach using an OpenML benchmark and found significant improvements compared to other state-of-the-art techniques.

replace-cross ChangeMamba: Remote Sensing Change Detection with Spatio-Temporal State Space Model

Authors: Hongruixuan Chen, Jian Song, Chengxi Han, Junshi Xia, Naoto Yokoya

Abstract: Convolutional neural networks (CNN) and Transformers have made impressive progress in the field of remote sensing change detection (CD). However, both architectures have inherent shortcomings. Recently, the Mamba architecture, based on state space models, has shown remarkable performance in a series of natural language processing tasks, which can effectively compensate for the shortcomings of the above two architectures. In this paper, we explore for the first time the potential of the Mamba architecture for remote sensing CD tasks. We tailor the corresponding frameworks, called MambaBCD, MambaSCD, and MambaBDA, for binary change detection (BCD), semantic change detection (SCD), and building damage assessment (BDA), respectively. All three frameworks adopt the cutting-edge Visual Mamba architecture as the encoder, which allows full learning of global spatial contextual information from the input images. For the change decoder, which is available in all three architectures, we propose three spatio-temporal relationship modeling mechanisms, which can be naturally combined with the Mamba architecture and fully utilize its attribute to achieve spatio-temporal interaction of multi-temporal features, thereby obtaining accurate change information. On five benchmark datasets, our proposed frameworks outperform current CNN- and Transformer-based approaches without using any complex training strategies or tricks, fully demonstrating the potential of the Mamba architecture in CD tasks. Specifically, we obtained 83.11%, 88.39% and 94.19% F1 scores on the three BCD datasets SYSU, LEVIR-CD+, and WHU-CD; on the SCD dataset SECOND, we obtained 24.11% SeK; and on the BDA dataset xBD, we obtained 81.41% overall F1 score. Further experiments show that our architecture is quite robust to degraded data. The source code will be available in


replace-cross Logic Query of Thoughts: Guiding Large Language Models to Answer Complex Logic Queries with Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Lihui Liu, Zihao Wang, Ruizhong Qiu, Yikun Ban, Eunice Chan, Yangqiu Song, Jingrui He, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Despite the superb performance in many tasks, large language models (LLMs) bear the risk of generating hallucination or even wrong answers when confronted with tasks that demand the accuracy of knowledge. The issue becomes even more noticeable when addressing logic queries that require multiple logic reasoning steps. On the other hand, knowledge graph (KG) based question answering methods are capable of accurately identifying the correct answers with the help of knowledge graph, yet its accuracy could quickly deteriorate when the knowledge graph itself is sparse and incomplete. It remains a critical challenge on how to integrate knowledge graph reasoning with LLMs in a mutually beneficial way so as to mitigate both the hallucination problem of LLMs as well as the incompleteness issue of knowledge graphs. In this paper, we propose 'Logic-Query-of-Thoughts' (LGOT) which is the first of its kind to combine LLMs with knowledge graph based logic query reasoning. LGOT seamlessly combines knowledge graph reasoning and LLMs, effectively breaking down complex logic queries into easy to answer subquestions. Through the utilization of both knowledge graph reasoning and LLMs, it successfully derives answers for each subquestion. By aggregating these results and selecting the highest quality candidate answers for each step, LGOT achieves accurate results to complex questions. Our experimental findings demonstrate substantial performance enhancements, with up to 20% improvement over ChatGPT.

replace-cross PerkwE_COQA: Enhanced Persian Conversational Question Answering by combining contextual keyword extraction with Large Language Models

Authors: Pardis Moradbeiki, Nasser Ghadiri

Abstract: Smart cities need the involvement of their residents to enhance quality of life. Conversational query-answering is an emerging approach for user engagement. There is an increasing demand of an advanced conversational question-answering that goes beyond classic systems. Existing approaches have shown that LLMs offer promising capabilities for CQA, but may struggle to capture the nuances of conversational contexts. The new approach involves understanding the content and engaging in a multi-step conversation with the user to fulfill their needs. This paper presents a novel method to elevate the performance of Persian Conversational question-answering (CQA) systems. It combines the strengths of Large Language Models (LLMs) with contextual keyword extraction. Our method extracts keywords specific to the conversational flow, providing the LLM with additional context to understand the user's intent and generate more relevant and coherent responses. We evaluated the effectiveness of this combined approach through various metrics, demonstrating significant improvements in CQA performance compared to an LLM-only baseline. The proposed method effectively handles implicit questions, delivers contextually relevant answers, and tackles complex questions that rely heavily on conversational context. The findings indicate that our method outperformed the evaluation benchmarks up to 8% higher than existing methods and the LLM-only baseline.

replace-cross Relation Extraction Using Large Language Models: A Case Study on Acupuncture Point Locations

Authors: Yiming Li, Xueqing Peng, Jianfu Li, Xu Zuo, Suyuan Peng, Donghong Pei, Cui Tao, Hua Xu, Na Hong

Abstract: In acupuncture therapy, the accurate location of acupoints is essential for its effectiveness. The advanced language understanding capabilities of large language models (LLMs) like Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT) present a significant opportunity for extracting relations related to acupoint locations from textual knowledge sources. This study aims to compare the performance of GPT with traditional deep learning models (Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text Mining (BioBERT)) in extracting acupoint-related location relations and assess the impact of pretraining and fine-tuning on GPT's performance. We utilized the World Health Organization Standard Acupuncture Point Locations in the Western Pacific Region (WHO Standard) as our corpus, which consists of descriptions of 361 acupoints. Five types of relations ('direction_of,' 'distance_of,' 'part_of,' 'near_acupoint,' and 'located_near') (n= 3,174) between acupoints were annotated. Five models were compared: BioBERT, LSTM, pre-trained GPT-3.5, fine-tuned GPT-3.5, as well as pre-trained GPT-4. Performance metrics included micro-average exact match precision, recall, and F1 scores. Our results demonstrate that fine-tuned GPT-3.5 consistently outperformed other models in F1 scores across all relation types. Overall, it achieved the highest micro-average F1 score of 0.92. This study underscores the effectiveness of LLMs like GPT in extracting relations related to acupoint locations, with implications for accurately modeling acupuncture knowledge and promoting standard implementation in acupuncture training and practice. The findings also contribute to advancing informatics applications in traditional and complementary medicine, showcasing the potential of LLMs in natural language processing.

replace-cross AutoCodeRover: Autonomous Program Improvement

Authors: Yuntong Zhang, Haifeng Ruan, Zhiyu Fan, Abhik Roychoudhury

Abstract: Researchers have made significant progress in automating the software development process in the past decades. Recent progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly impacted the development process, where developers can use LLM-based programming assistants to achieve automated coding. Nevertheless software engineering involves the process of program improvement apart from coding, specifically to enable software maintenance (e.g. bug fixing) and software evolution (e.g. feature additions). In this paper, we propose an automated approach for solving GitHub issues to autonomously achieve program improvement. In our approach called AutoCodeRover, LLMs are combined with sophisticated code search capabilities, ultimately leading to a program modification or patch. In contrast to recent LLM agent approaches from AI researchers and practitioners, our outlook is more software engineering oriented. We work on a program representation (abstract syntax tree) as opposed to viewing a software project as a mere collection of files. Our code search exploits the program structure in the form of classes/methods to enhance LLM's understanding of the issue's root cause, and effectively retrieve a context via iterative search. The use of spectrum based fault localization using tests, further sharpens the context, as long as a test-suite is available. Experiments on SWE-bench-lite which consists of 300 real-life GitHub issues show increased efficacy in solving GitHub issues (22-23% on SWE-bench-lite). On the full SWE-bench consisting of 2294 GitHub issues, AutoCodeRover solved around 16% of issues, which is higher than the efficacy of the recently reported AI software engineer Devin from Cognition Labs, while taking time comparable to Devin. We posit that our workflow enables autonomous software engineering, where, in future, auto-generated code from LLMs can be autonomously improved.

replace-cross On the Convergence of Continual Learning with Adaptive Methods

Authors: Seungyub Han, Yeongmo Kim, Taehyun Cho, Jungwoo Lee

Abstract: One of the objectives of continual learning is to prevent catastrophic forgetting in learning multiple tasks sequentially, and the existing solutions have been driven by the conceptualization of the plasticity-stability dilemma. However, the convergence of continual learning for each sequential task is less studied so far. In this paper, we provide a convergence analysis of memory-based continual learning with stochastic gradient descent and empirical evidence that training current tasks causes the cumulative degradation of previous tasks. We propose an adaptive method for nonconvex continual learning (NCCL), which adjusts step sizes of both previous and current tasks with the gradients. The proposed method can achieve the same convergence rate as the SGD method when the catastrophic forgetting term which we define in the paper is suppressed at each iteration. Further, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of continual learning over existing methods for several image classification tasks.

replace-cross Learning Heuristics for Transit Network Design and Improvement with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Andrew Holliday, Ahmed El-Geneidy, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: Transit agencies world-wide face tightening budgets. To maintain quality of service while cutting costs, efficient transit network design is essential. But planning a network of public transit routes is a challenging optimization problem. The most successful approaches to date use metaheuristic algorithms to search through the space of possible transit networks by applying low-level heuristics that randomly alter routes in a network. The design of these low-level heuristics has a major impact on the quality of the result. In this paper we use deep reinforcement learning with graph neural nets to learn low-level heuristics for an evolutionary algorithm, instead of designing them manually. These learned heuristics improve the algorithm's results on benchmark synthetic cities with 70 nodes or more, and obtain state-of-the-art results when optimizing operating costs. They also improve upon a simulation of the real transit network in the city of Laval, Canada, by as much as 54% and 18% on two key metrics, and offer cost savings of up to 12% over the city's existing transit network.

replace-cross Tackling Structural Hallucination in Image Translation with Local Diffusion

Authors: Seunghoi Kim, Chen Jin, Tom Diethe, Matteo Figini, Henry F. J. Tregidgo, Asher Mullokandov, Philip Teare, Daniel C. Alexander

Abstract: Recent developments in diffusion models have advanced conditioned image generation, yet they struggle with reconstructing out-of-distribution (OOD) images, such as unseen tumors in medical images, causing ``image hallucination'' and risking misdiagnosis. We hypothesize such hallucinations result from local OOD regions in the conditional images. We verify that partitioning the OOD region and conducting separate image generations alleviates hallucinations in several applications. From this, we propose a training-free diffusion framework that reduces hallucination with multiple Local Diffusion processes. Our approach involves OOD estimation followed by two modules: a ``branching'' module generates locally both within and outside OOD regions, and a ``fusion'' module integrates these predictions into one. Our evaluation shows our method mitigates hallucination over baseline models quantitatively and qualitatively, reducing misdiagnosis by 40% and 25% in the real-world medical and natural image datasets, respectively. It also demonstrates compatibility with various pre-trained diffusion models.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for a Single Vehicle Persistent Surveillance Problem with Fuel Constraints

Authors: Hritik Bana, Manav Mishra, Saswata Sarkar, Sujeevraja Sanjeevi, PB Sujit, Kaarthik Sundar

Abstract: This article presents a deep reinforcement learning-based approach to tackle a persistent surveillance mission requiring a single unmanned aerial vehicle initially stationed at a depot with fuel or time-of-flight constraints to repeatedly visit a set of targets with equal priority. Owing to the vehicle's fuel or time-of-flight constraints, the vehicle must be regularly refueled, or its battery must be recharged at the depot. The objective of the problem is to determine an optimal sequence of visits to the targets that minimizes the maximum time elapsed between successive visits to any target while ensuring that the vehicle never runs out of fuel or charge. We present a deep reinforcement learning algorithm to solve this problem and present the results of numerical experiments that corroborate the effectiveness of this approach in comparison with common-sense greedy heuristics.

replace-cross Public-private funding models in open source software development: A case study on scikit-learn

Authors: Cailean Osborne

Abstract: Governments are increasingly funding open source software (OSS) development to address concerns regarding software security, digital sovereignty, and national competitiveness in science and innovation. While announcements of governmental funding are generally well-received by OSS developers, we still have a limited understanding of how they evaluate the relative benefits and drawbacks of such funding compared to other types of funding. This paper explores this question through a case study on scikit-learn, a Python library for machine learning, whose funding combines research grants, commercial sponsorship, community donations, and a 32 million Euro grant from France's artificial intelligence strategy. Through 25 interviews with scikit-learn's maintainers and funders, this study makes two key contributions to research and practice. First, the study contributes novel findings about the design and implementation of a public-private funding model in an OSS project. It sheds light on the respective roles that public and private funders have played in supporting scikit-learn, and the processes and governance mechanisms employed by the maintainers to balance their funders' diverse interests and to safeguard community interests. Second, it offers practical recommendations. For OSS developer communities, it illustrates the benefits of a diversified funding model for balancing the merits and drawbacks of different funding sources and mitigating dependence on single funders. For companies, it serves as a reminder that sponsoring developers or OSS projects can significantly help maintainers, who often struggle with limited resources and towering workloads. For governments, it emphasises the importance of funding the maintenance of existing OSS in addition to funding the development of new software or features. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research.

replace-cross Event Grounded Criminal Court View Generation with Cooperative (Large) Language Models

Authors: Linan Yue, Qi Liu, Lili Zhao, Li Wang, Weibo Gao, Yanqing An

Abstract: With the development of legal intelligence, Criminal Court View Generation has attracted much attention as a crucial task of legal intelligence, which aims to generate concise and coherent texts that summarize case facts and provide explanations for verdicts. Existing researches explore the key information in case facts to yield the court views. Most of them employ a coarse-grained approach that partitions the facts into broad segments (e.g., verdict-related sentences) to make predictions. However, this approach fails to capture the complex details present in the case facts, such as various criminal elements and legal events. To this end, in this paper, we propose an Event Grounded Generation (EGG) method for criminal court view generation with cooperative (Large) Language Models, which introduces the fine-grained event information into the generation. Specifically, we first design a LLMs-based extraction method that can extract events in case facts without massive annotated events. Then, we incorporate the extracted events into court view generation by merging case facts and events. Besides, considering the computational burden posed by the use of LLMs in the extraction phase of EGG, we propose a LLMs-free EGG method that can eliminate the requirement for event extraction using LLMs in the inference phase. Extensive experimental results on a real-world dataset clearly validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

replace-cross Exploring the Frontier of Vision-Language Models: A Survey of Current Methodologies and Future Directions

Authors: Akash Ghosh, Arkadeep Acharya, Sriparna Saha, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly reshaped the trajectory of the AI revolution. Nevertheless, these LLMs exhibit a notable limitation, as they are primarily adept at processing textual information. To address this constraint, researchers have endeavored to integrate visual capabilities with LLMs, resulting in the emergence of Vision-Language Models (VLMs). These advanced models are instrumental in tackling more intricate tasks such as image captioning and visual question answering. In our comprehensive survey paper, we delve into the key advancements within the realm of VLMs. Our classification organizes VLMs into three distinct categories: models dedicated to vision-language understanding, models that process multimodal inputs to generate unimodal (textual) outputs and models that both accept and produce multimodal inputs and outputs.This classification is based on their respective capabilities and functionalities in processing and generating various modalities of data.We meticulously dissect each model, offering an extensive analysis of its foundational architecture, training data sources, as well as its strengths and limitations wherever possible, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its essential components. We also analyzed the performance of VLMs in various benchmark datasets. By doing so, we aim to offer a nuanced understanding of the diverse landscape of VLMs. Additionally, we underscore potential avenues for future research in this dynamic domain, anticipating further breakthroughs and advancements.

replace-cross BISCUIT: Scaffolding LLM-Generated Code with Ephemeral UIs in Computational Notebooks

Authors: Ruijia Cheng, Titus Barik, Alan Leung, Fred Hohman, Jeffrey Nichols

Abstract: Novices frequently engage with machine learning tutorials in computational notebooks and have been adopting code generation technologies based on large language models (LLMs). However, they encounter difficulties in understanding and working with code produced by LLMs. To mitigate these challenges, we introduce a novel workflow into computational notebooks that augments LLM-based code generation with an additional ephemeral UI step, offering users UI-based scaffolds as an intermediate stage between user prompts and code generation. We present this workflow in BISCUIT, an extension for JupyterLab that provides users with ephemeral UIs generated by LLMs based on the context of their code and intentions, scaffolding users to understand, guide, and explore with LLM-generated code. Through a user study where 10 novices used BISCUIT for machine learning tutorials, we discover that BISCUIT offers user semantic representation of code to aid their understanding, reduces the complexity of prompt engineering, and creates a playground for users to explore different variables and iterate on their ideas. We discuss the implications of our findings for UI-centric interactive paradigm in code generation LLMs.

replace-cross ChatGPT Can Predict the Future when it Tells Stories Set in the Future About the Past

Authors: Van Pham, Scott Cunningham

Abstract: This study investigates whether OpenAI's ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4 can accurately forecast future events using two distinct prompting strategies. To evaluate the accuracy of the predictions, we take advantage of the fact that the training data at the time of experiment stopped at September 2021, and ask about events that happened in 2022 using ChatGPT-3.5 and ChatGPT-4. We employed two prompting strategies: direct prediction and what we call future narratives which ask ChatGPT to tell fictional stories set in the future with characters that share events that have happened to them, but after ChatGPT's training data had been collected. Concentrating on events in 2022, we prompted ChatGPT to engage in storytelling, particularly within economic contexts. After analyzing 100 prompts, we discovered that future narrative prompts significantly enhanced ChatGPT-4's forecasting accuracy. This was especially evident in its predictions of major Academy Award winners as well as economic trends, the latter inferred from scenarios where the model impersonated public figures like the Federal Reserve Chair, Jerome Powell. These findings indicate that narrative prompts leverage the models' capacity for hallucinatory narrative construction, facilitating more effective data synthesis and extrapolation than straightforward predictions. Our research reveals new aspects of LLMs' predictive capabilities and suggests potential future applications in analytical contexts.

replace-cross A Survey of Neural Network Robustness Assessment in Image Recognition

Authors: Jie Wang, Jun Ai, Minyan Lu, Haoran Su, Dan Yu, Yutao Zhang, Junda Zhu, Jingyu Liu

Abstract: In recent years, there has been significant attention given to the robustness assessment of neural networks. Robustness plays a critical role in ensuring reliable operation of artificial intelligence (AI) systems in complex and uncertain environments. Deep learning's robustness problem is particularly significant, highlighted by the discovery of adversarial attacks on image classification models. Researchers have dedicated efforts to evaluate robustness in diverse perturbation conditions for image recognition tasks. Robustness assessment encompasses two main techniques: robustness verification/ certification for deliberate adversarial attacks and robustness testing for random data corruptions. In this survey, we present a detailed examination of both adversarial robustness (AR) and corruption robustness (CR) in neural network assessment. Analyzing current research papers and standards, we provide an extensive overview of robustness assessment in image recognition. Three essential aspects are analyzed: concepts, metrics, and assessment methods. We investigate the perturbation metrics and range representations used to measure the degree of perturbations on images, as well as the robustness metrics specifically for the robustness conditions of classification models. The strengths and limitations of the existing methods are also discussed, and some potential directions for future research are provided.

replace-cross Large-Scale Multi-Domain Recommendation: an Automatic Domain Feature Extraction and Personalized Integration Framework

Authors: Dongbo Xi, Zhen Chen, Yuexian Wang, He Cui, Chong Peng, Fuzhen Zhuang, Peng Yan

Abstract: Feed recommendation is currently the mainstream mode for many real-world applications (e.g., TikTok, Dianping), it is usually necessary to model and predict user interests in multiple scenarios (domains) within and even outside the application. Multi-domain learning is a typical solution in this regard. While considerable efforts have been made in this regard, there are still two long-standing challenges: (1) Accurately depicting the differences among domains using domain features is crucial for enhancing the performance of each domain. However, manually designing domain features and models for numerous domains can be a laborious task. (2) Users typically have limited impressions in only a few domains. Extracting features automatically from other domains and leveraging them to improve the predictive capabilities of each domain has consistently posed a challenging problem. In this paper, we propose an Automatic Domain Feature Extraction and Personalized Integration (DFEI) framework for the large-scale multi-domain recommendation. The framework automatically transforms the behavior of each individual user into an aggregation of all user behaviors within the domain, which serves as the domain features. Unlike offline feature engineering methods, the extracted domain features are higher-order representations and directly related to the target label. Besides, by personalized integration of domain features from other domains for each user and the innovation in the training mode, the DFEI framework can yield more accurate conversion identification. Experimental results on both public and industrial datasets, consisting of over 20 domains, clearly demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves significantly better performance compared with SOTA baselines. Furthermore, we have released the source code of the proposed framework at


replace-cross Dataset Reset Policy Optimization for RLHF

Authors: Jonathan D. Chang, Wenhao Zhan, Owen Oertell, Kiant\'e Brantley, Dipendra Misra, Jason D. Lee, Wen Sun

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) from Human Preference-based feedback is a popular paradigm for fine-tuning generative models, which has produced impressive models such as GPT-4 and Claude3 Opus. This framework often consists of two steps: learning a reward model from an offline preference dataset followed by running online RL to optimize the learned reward model. In this work, leveraging the idea of reset, we propose a new RLHF algorithm with provable guarantees. Motivated by the fact that offline preference dataset provides informative states (i.e., data that is preferred by the labelers), our new algorithm, Dataset Reset Policy Optimization (DR-PO), integrates the existing offline preference dataset into the online policy training procedure via dataset reset: it directly resets the policy optimizer to the states in the offline dataset, instead of always starting from the initial state distribution. In theory, we show that DR-PO learns to perform at least as good as any policy that is covered by the offline dataset under general function approximation with finite sample complexity. In experiments, we demonstrate that on both the TL;DR summarization and the Anthropic Helpful Harmful (HH) dataset, the generation from DR-PO is better than that from Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Direction Preference Optimization (DPO), under the metric of GPT4 win-rate. Code for this work can be found at