new Can Contrastive Learning Refine Embeddings

Authors: Lihui Liu, Jinha Kim, Vidit Bansal

Abstract: Recent advancements in contrastive learning have revolutionized self-supervised representation learning and achieved state-of-the-art performance on benchmark tasks. While most existing methods focus on applying contrastive learning to input data modalities such as images, natural language sentences, or networks, they overlook the potential of utilizing outputs from previously trained encoders. In this paper, we introduce SIMSKIP, a novel contrastive learning framework that specifically refines input embeddings for downstream tasks. Unlike traditional unsupervised learning approaches, SIMSKIP takes advantage of the output embeddings of encoder models as its input. Through theoretical analysis, we provide evidence that applying SIMSKIP does not result in larger upper bounds on downstream task errors than those of the original embeddings, which serve as SIMSKIP's input. Experimental results on various open datasets demonstrate that the embeddings produced by SIMSKIP improve performance on downstream tasks.

new Predictive Modelling of Air Quality Index (AQI) Across Diverse Cities and States of India using Machine Learning: Investigating the Influence of Punjab's Stubble Burning on AQI Variability

Authors: Kamaljeet Kaur Sidhu, Habeeb Balogun, Kazeem Oluwakemi Oseni

Abstract: Air pollution is a common and serious problem nowadays and it cannot be ignored as it has harmful impacts on human health. To address this issue proactively, people should be aware of their surroundings, which means the environment where they survive. With this motive, this research has predicted the AQI based on different air pollutant concentrations in the atmosphere. The dataset used for this research has been taken from the official website of CPCB. The dataset has the air pollutant concentration from 22 different monitoring stations in different cities of Delhi, Haryana, and Punjab. This data is checked for null values and outliers. But, the most important thing to note is the correct understanding and imputation of such values rather than ignoring or doing wrong imputation. The time series data has been used in this research which is tested for stationarity using The Dickey-Fuller test. Further different ML models like CatBoost, XGBoost, Random Forest, SVM regressor, time series model SARIMAX, and deep learning model LSTM have been used to predict AQI. For the performance evaluation of different models, I used MSE, RMSE, MAE, and R2. It is observed that Random Forest performed better as compared to other models.

new Large Language Model Can Continue Evolving From Mistakes

Authors: Haokun Zhao, Haixia Han, Jie Shi, Chengyu Du, Jiaqing Liang, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate impressive performance in various downstream tasks. However, they may still generate incorrect responses in certain scenarios due to the knowledge deficiencies and the flawed pre-training data. Continual Learning (CL) is a commonly used method to address this issue. Traditional CL is task-oriented, using novel or factually accurate data to retrain LLMs from scratch. However, this method requires more task-related training data and incurs expensive training costs. To address this challenge, we propose the Continue Evolving from Mistakes (CEM) method, inspired by the 'summarize mistakes' learning skill, to achieve iterative refinement of LLMs. Specifically, the incorrect responses of LLMs indicate knowledge deficiencies related to the questions. Therefore, we collect corpora with these knowledge from multiple data sources and follow it up with iterative supplementary training for continuous, targeted knowledge updating and supplementation. Meanwhile, we developed two strategies to construct supplementary training sets to enhance the LLM's understanding of the corpus and prevent catastrophic forgetting. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of this CL method. In the best case, our method resulted in a 17.00\% improvement in the accuracy of the LLM.

new $F_\beta$-plot -- a visual tool for evaluating imbalanced data classifiers

Authors: Szymon Wojciechowski, Micha{\l} Wo\'zniak

Abstract: One of the significant problems associated with imbalanced data classification is the lack of reliable metrics. This runs primarily from the fact that for most real-life (as well as commonly used benchmark) problems, we do not have information from the user on the actual form of the loss function that should be minimized. Although it is pretty common to have metrics indicating the classification quality within each class, for the end user, the analysis of several such metrics is then required, which in practice causes difficulty in interpreting the usefulness of a given classifier. Hence, many aggregate metrics have been proposed or adopted for the imbalanced data classification problem, but there is still no consensus on which should be used. An additional disadvantage is their ambiguity and systematic bias toward one class. Moreover, their use in analyzing experimental results in recognition of those classification models that perform well for the chosen aggregated metrics is burdened with the drawbacks mentioned above. Hence, the paper proposes a simple approach to analyzing the popular parametric metric $F_\beta$. We point out that it is possible to indicate for a given pool of analyzed classifiers when a given model should be preferred depending on user requirements.

new Exploring Contrastive Learning for Long-Tailed Multi-Label Text Classification

Authors: Alexandre Audibert, Aur\'elien Gauffre, Massih-Reza Amini

Abstract: Learning an effective representation in multi-label text classification (MLTC) is a significant challenge in NLP. This challenge arises from the inherent complexity of the task, which is shaped by two key factors: the intricate connections between labels and the widespread long-tailed distribution of the data. To overcome this issue, one potential approach involves integrating supervised contrastive learning with classical supervised loss functions. Although contrastive learning has shown remarkable performance in multi-class classification, its impact in the multi-label framework has not been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study of supervised contrastive learning and its influence on representation in MLTC context. We emphasize the importance of considering long-tailed data distributions to build a robust representation space, which effectively addresses two critical challenges associated with contrastive learning that we identify: the "lack of positives" and the "attraction-repulsion imbalance". Building on this insight, we introduce a novel contrastive loss function for MLTC. It attains Micro-F1 scores that either match or surpass those obtained with other frequently employed loss functions, and demonstrates a significant improvement in Macro-F1 scores across three multi-label datasets.

new Beyond One-Size-Fits-All: Adapting Counterfactual Explanations to User Objectives

Authors: Orfeas Menis Mastromichalakis, Jason Liartis, Giorgos Stamou

Abstract: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has emerged as a critical area of research aimed at enhancing the transparency and interpretability of AI systems. Counterfactual Explanations (CFEs) offer valuable insights into the decision-making processes of machine learning algorithms by exploring alternative scenarios where certain factors differ. Despite the growing popularity of CFEs in the XAI community, existing literature often overlooks the diverse needs and objectives of users across different applications and domains, leading to a lack of tailored explanations that adequately address the different use cases. In this paper, we advocate for a nuanced understanding of CFEs, recognizing the variability in desired properties based on user objectives and target applications. We identify three primary user objectives and explore the desired characteristics of CFEs in each case. By addressing these differences, we aim to design more effective and tailored explanations that meet the specific needs of users, thereby enhancing collaboration with AI systems.

new FastLogAD: Log Anomaly Detection with Mask-Guided Pseudo Anomaly Generation and Discrimination

Authors: Yifei Lin, Hanqiu Deng, Xingyu Li

Abstract: Nowadays large computers extensively output logs to record the runtime status and it has become crucial to identify any suspicious or malicious activities from the information provided by the realtime logs. Thus, fast log anomaly detection is a necessary task to be implemented for automating the infeasible manual detection. Most of the existing unsupervised methods are trained only on normal log data, but they usually require either additional abnormal data for hyperparameter selection or auxiliary datasets for discriminative model optimization. In this paper, aiming for a highly effective discriminative model that enables rapid anomaly detection,we propose FastLogAD, a generator-discriminator framework trained to exhibit the capability of generating pseudo-abnormal logs through the Mask-Guided Anomaly Generation (MGAG) model and efficiently identifying the anomalous logs via the Discriminative Abnormality Separation (DAS) model. Particularly, pseudo-abnormal logs are generated by replacing randomly masked tokens in a normal sequence with unlikely candidates. During the discriminative stage, FastLogAD learns a distinct separation between normal and pseudoabnormal samples based on their embedding norms, allowing the selection of a threshold without exposure to any test data and achieving competitive performance. Extensive experiments on several common benchmarks show that our proposed FastLogAD outperforms existing anomaly detection approaches. Furthermore, compared to previous methods, FastLogAD achieves at least x10 speed increase in anomaly detection over prior work. Our implementation is available at


new Computing distances and means on manifolds with a metric-constrained Eikonal approach

Authors: Daniel Kelshaw, Luca Magri

Abstract: Computing distances on Riemannian manifolds is a challenging problem with numerous applications, from physics, through statistics, to machine learning. In this paper, we introduce the metric-constrained Eikonal solver to obtain continuous, differentiable representations of distance functions on manifolds. The differentiable nature of these representations allows for the direct computation of globally length-minimising paths on the manifold. We showcase the use of metric-constrained Eikonal solvers for a range of manifolds and demonstrate the applications. First, we demonstrate that metric-constrained Eikonal solvers can be used to obtain the Fr\'echet mean on a manifold, employing the definition of a Gaussian mixture model, which has an analytical solution to verify the numerical results. Second, we demonstrate how the obtained distance function can be used to conduct unsupervised clustering on the manifold -- a task for which existing approaches are computationally prohibitive. This work opens opportunities for distance computations on manifolds.

new Training a Vision Language Model as Smartphone Assistant

Authors: Nicolai Dorka, Janusz Marecki, Ammar Anwar

Abstract: Addressing the challenge of a digital assistant capable of executing a wide array of user tasks, our research focuses on the realm of instruction-based mobile device control. We leverage recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) and present a visual language model (VLM) that can fulfill diverse tasks on mobile devices. Our model functions by interacting solely with the user interface (UI). It uses the visual input from the device screen and mimics human-like interactions, encompassing gestures such as tapping and swiping. This generality in the input and output space allows our agent to interact with any application on the device. Unlike previous methods, our model operates not only on a single screen image but on vision-language sentences created from sequences of past screenshots along with corresponding actions. Evaluating our method on the challenging Android in the Wild benchmark demonstrates its promising efficacy and potential.

new CATS: Contextually-Aware Thresholding for Sparsity in Large Language Models

Authors: Je-Yong Lee, Donghyun Lee, Genghan Zhang, Mo Tiwari, Azalia Mirhoseini

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have dramatically advanced AI applications, yet their deployment remains challenging due to their immense inference costs. Recent studies ameliorate the computational costs of LLMs by increasing their activation sparsity but suffer from significant performance degradation on downstream tasks. In this work, we introduce a new framework for sparsifying the activations of base LLMs and reducing inference costs, dubbed Contextually Aware Thresholding for Sparsity (CATS). CATS is relatively simple, easy to implement, and highly effective. At the heart of our framework is a new non-linear activation function. We demonstrate that CATS can be applied to various base models, including Mistral-7B and Llama2-7B, and outperforms existing sparsification techniques in downstream task performance. More precisely, CATS-based models often achieve downstream task performance within 1-2% of their base models without any fine-tuning and even at activation sparsity levels of 50%. Furthermore, CATS-based models converge faster and display better task performance than competing techniques when fine-tuning is applied. Finally, we develop a custom GPU kernel for efficient implementation of CATS that translates the activation of sparsity of CATS to real wall-clock time speedups. Our custom kernel implementation of CATS results in a ~15% improvement in wall-clock inference latency of token generation on both Llama-7B and Mistral-7B.

new Differentiable and Stable Long-Range Tracking of Multiple Posterior Modes

Authors: Ali Younis, Erik Sudderth

Abstract: Particle filters flexibly represent multiple posterior modes nonparametrically, via a collection of weighted samples, but have classically been applied to tracking problems with known dynamics and observation likelihoods. Such generative models may be inaccurate or unavailable for high-dimensional observations like images. We instead leverage training data to discriminatively learn particle-based representations of uncertainty in latent object states, conditioned on arbitrary observations via deep neural network encoders. While prior discriminative particle filters have used heuristic relaxations of discrete particle resampling, or biased learning by truncating gradients at resampling steps, we achieve unbiased and low-variance gradient estimates by representing posteriors as continuous mixture densities. Our theory and experiments expose dramatic failures of existing reparameterization-based estimators for mixture gradients, an issue we address via an importance-sampling gradient estimator. Unlike standard recurrent neural networks, our mixture density particle filter represents multimodal uncertainty in continuous latent states, improving accuracy and robustness. On a range of challenging tracking and robot localization problems, our approach achieves dramatic improvements in accuracy, while also showing much greater stability across multiple training runs.

new Megalodon: Efficient LLM Pretraining and Inference with Unlimited Context Length

Authors: Xuezhe Ma, Xiaomeng Yang, Wenhan Xiong, Beidi Chen, Lili Yu, Hao Zhang, Jonathan May, Luke Zettlemoyer, Omer Levy, Chunting Zhou

Abstract: The quadratic complexity and weak length extrapolation of Transformers limits their ability to scale to long sequences, and while sub-quadratic solutions like linear attention and state space models exist, they empirically underperform Transformers in pretraining efficiency and downstream task accuracy. We introduce Megalodon, a neural architecture for efficient sequence modeling with unlimited context length. Megalodon inherits the architecture of Mega (exponential moving average with gated attention), and further introduces multiple technical components to improve its capability and stability, including complex exponential moving average (CEMA), timestep normalization layer, normalized attention mechanism and pre-norm with two-hop residual configuration. In a controlled head-to-head comparison with Llama2, Megalodon achieves better efficiency than Transformer in the scale of 7 billion parameters and 2 trillion training tokens. Megalodon reaches a training loss of 1.70, landing mid-way between Llama2-7B (1.75) and 13B (1.67). Code:


new Leveraging viscous Hamilton-Jacobi PDEs for uncertainty quantification in scientific machine learning

Authors: Zongren Zou, Tingwei Meng, Paula Chen, J\'er\^ome Darbon, George Em Karniadakis

Abstract: Uncertainty quantification (UQ) in scientific machine learning (SciML) combines the powerful predictive power of SciML with methods for quantifying the reliability of the learned models. However, two major challenges remain: limited interpretability and expensive training procedures. We provide a new interpretation for UQ problems by establishing a new theoretical connection between some Bayesian inference problems arising in SciML and viscous Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equations (HJ PDEs). Namely, we show that the posterior mean and covariance can be recovered from the spatial gradient and Hessian of the solution to a viscous HJ PDE. As a first exploration of this connection, we specialize to Bayesian inference problems with linear models, Gaussian likelihoods, and Gaussian priors. In this case, the associated viscous HJ PDEs can be solved using Riccati ODEs, and we develop a new Riccati-based methodology that provides computational advantages when continuously updating the model predictions. Specifically, our Riccati-based approach can efficiently add or remove data points to the training set invariant to the order of the data and continuously tune hyperparameters. Moreover, neither update requires retraining on or access to previously incorporated data. We provide several examples from SciML involving noisy data and \textit{epistemic uncertainty} to illustrate the potential advantages of our approach. In particular, this approach's amenability to data streaming applications demonstrates its potential for real-time inferences, which, in turn, allows for applications in which the predicted uncertainty is used to dynamically alter the learning process.

new The Illusion of State in State-Space Models

Authors: William Merrill, Jackson Petty, Ashish Sabharwal

Abstract: State-space models (SSMs) have emerged as a potential alternative architecture for building large language models (LLMs) compared to the previously ubiquitous transformer architecture. One theoretical weakness of transformers is that they cannot express certain kinds of sequential computation and state tracking (Merrill and Sabharwal, 2023), which SSMs are explicitly designed to address via their close architectural similarity to recurrent neural networks (RNNs). But do SSMs truly have an advantage (over transformers) in expressive power for state tracking? Surprisingly, the answer is no. Our analysis reveals that the expressive power of SSMs is limited very similarly to transformers: SSMs cannot express computation outside the complexity class $\mathsf{TC}^0$. In particular, this means they cannot solve simple state-tracking problems like permutation composition. It follows that SSMs are provably unable to accurately track chess moves with certain notation, evaluate code, or track entities in a long narrative. To supplement our formal analysis, we report experiments showing that Mamba-style SSMs indeed struggle with state tracking. Thus, despite its recurrent formulation, the "state" in an SSM is an illusion: SSMs have similar expressiveness limitations to non-recurrent models like transformers, which may fundamentally limit their ability to solve real-world state-tracking problems.

new Hindsight PRIORs for Reward Learning from Human Preferences

Authors: Mudit Verma, Katherine Metcalf

Abstract: Preference based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) removes the need to hand specify a reward function by learning a reward from preference feedback over policy behaviors. Current approaches to PbRL do not address the credit assignment problem inherent in determining which parts of a behavior most contributed to a preference, which result in data intensive approaches and subpar reward functions. We address such limitations by introducing a credit assignment strategy (Hindsight PRIOR) that uses a world model to approximate state importance within a trajectory and then guides rewards to be proportional to state importance through an auxiliary predicted return redistribution objective. Incorporating state importance into reward learning improves the speed of policy learning, overall policy performance, and reward recovery on both locomotion and manipulation tasks. For example, Hindsight PRIOR recovers on average significantly (p<0.05) more reward on MetaWorld (20%) and DMC (15%). The performance gains and our ablations demonstrate the benefits even a simple credit assignment strategy can have on reward learning and that state importance in forward dynamics prediction is a strong proxy for a state's contribution to a preference decision. Code repository can be found at


new Predicting Traffic Congestion at Urban Intersections Using Data-Driven Modeling

Authors: Tara Kelly, Jessica Gupta

Abstract: Traffic congestion at intersections is a significant issue in urban areas, leading to increased commute times, safety hazards, and operational inefficiencies. This study aims to develop a predictive model for congestion at intersections in major U.S. cities, utilizing a dataset of trip-logging metrics from commercial vehicles across 4,800 intersections. The dataset encompasses 27 features, including intersection coordinates, street names, time of day, and traffic metrics (Kashyap et al., 2019). Additional features, such as rainfall/snowfall percentage, distance from downtown and outskirts, and road types, were incorporated to enhance the model's predictive power. The methodology involves data exploration, feature transformation, and handling missing values through low-rank models and label encoding. The proposed model has the potential to assist city planners and governments in anticipating traffic hot spots, optimizing operations, and identifying infrastructure challenges.

new Experimental Design for Active Transductive Inference in Large Language Models

Authors: Subhojyoti Mukherjee, Ge Liu, Aniket Deshmukh, Anusha Lalitha, Yifei Ma, Branislav Kveton

Abstract: Transduction, the ability to include query-specific examples in the prompt at inference time, is one of the emergent abilities of large language models (LLMs). In this work, we propose a framework for adaptive prompt design called active transductive inference (ATI). We design the LLM prompt by adaptively choosing few-shot examples for a given inference query. The examples are initially unlabeled and we query the user to label the most informative ones, which maximally reduces the uncertainty in the LLM prediction. We propose two algorithms, GO and SAL, which differ in how the few-shot examples are chosen. We analyze these algorithms in linear models: first GO and then use its equivalence with SAL. We experiment with many different tasks and show that GO and SAL outperform other methods for choosing few-shot examples in the LLM prompt at inference time.

new An evaluation framework for synthetic data generation models

Authors: Ioannis E. Livieris, Nikos Alimpertis, George Domalis, Dimitris Tsakalidis

Abstract: Nowadays, the use of synthetic data has gained popularity as a cost-efficient strategy for enhancing data augmentation for improving machine learning models performance as well as addressing concerns related to sensitive data privacy. Therefore, the necessity of ensuring quality of generated synthetic data, in terms of accurate representation of real data, consists of primary importance. In this work, we present a new framework for evaluating synthetic data generation models' ability for developing high-quality synthetic data. The proposed approach is able to provide strong statistical and theoretical information about the evaluation framework and the compared models' ranking. Two use case scenarios demonstrate the applicability of the proposed framework for evaluating the ability of synthetic data generation models to generated high quality data. The implementation code can be found in


new Early detection of disease outbreaks and non-outbreaks using incidence data

Authors: Shan Gao, Amit K. Chakraborty, Russell Greiner, Mark A. Lewis, Hao Wang

Abstract: Forecasting the occurrence and absence of novel disease outbreaks is essential for disease management. Here, we develop a general model, with no real-world training data, that accurately forecasts outbreaks and non-outbreaks. We propose a novel framework, using a feature-based time series classification method to forecast outbreaks and non-outbreaks. We tested our methods on synthetic data from a Susceptible-Infected-Recovered model for slowly changing, noisy disease dynamics. Outbreak sequences give a transcritical bifurcation within a specified future time window, whereas non-outbreak (null bifurcation) sequences do not. We identified incipient differences in time series of infectives leading to future outbreaks and non-outbreaks. These differences are reflected in 22 statistical features and 5 early warning signal indicators. Classifier performance, given by the area under the receiver-operating curve, ranged from 0.99 for large expanding windows of training data to 0.7 for small rolling windows. Real-world performances of classifiers were tested on two empirical datasets, COVID-19 data from Singapore and SARS data from Hong Kong, with two classifiers exhibiting high accuracy. In summary, we showed that there are statistical features that distinguish outbreak and non-outbreak sequences long before outbreaks occur. We could detect these differences in synthetic and real-world data sets, well before potential outbreaks occur.

new Fast Gradient Computation for Gromov-Wasserstein Distance

Authors: Wei Zhang, Zihao Wang, Jie Fan, Hao Wu, Yong Zhang

Abstract: The Gromov-Wasserstein distance is a notable extension of optimal transport. In contrast to the classic Wasserstein distance, it solves a quadratic assignment problem that minimizes the pair-wise distance distortion under the transportation of distributions and thus could apply to distributions in different spaces. These properties make Gromov-Wasserstein widely applicable to many fields, such as computer graphics and machine learning. However, the computation of the Gromov-Wasserstein distance and transport plan is expensive. The well-known Entropic Gromov-Wasserstein approach has a cubic complexity since the matrix multiplication operations need to be repeated in computing the gradient of Gromov-Wasserstein loss. This becomes a key bottleneck of the method. Currently, existing methods accelerate the computation focus on sampling and approximation, which leads to low accuracy or incomplete transport plan. In this work, we propose a novel method to accelerate accurate gradient computation by dynamic programming techniques, reducing the complexity from cubic to quadratic. In this way, the original computational bottleneck is broken and the new entropic solution can be obtained with total quadratic time, which is almost optimal complexity. Furthermore, it can be extended to some variants easily. Extensive experiments validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our method.

new PraFFL: A Preference-Aware Scheme in Fair Federated Learning

Authors: Rongguang Ye, Ming Tang

Abstract: Fairness in federated learning has emerged as a critical concern, aiming to develop an unbiased model for any special group (e.g., male or female) of sensitive features. However, there is a trade-off between model performance and fairness, i.e., improving fairness will decrease model performance. Existing approaches have characterized such a trade-off by introducing hyperparameters to quantify client's preferences for fairness and model performance. Nevertheless, these methods are limited to scenarios where each client has only a single pre-defined preference. In practical systems, each client may simultaneously have multiple preferences for the model performance and fairness. The key challenge is to design a method that allows the model to adapt to diverse preferences of each client in real time. To this end, we propose a Preference-aware scheme in Fair Federated Learning paradigm (called PraFFL). PraFFL can adaptively adjust the model based on each client's preferences to meet their needs. We theoretically prove that PraFFL can provide the optimal model for client's arbitrary preferences. Experimental results show that our proposed PraFFL outperforms five existing fair federated learning algorithms in terms of the model's capability in adapting to clients' different preferences.

new Incremental Residual Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Chenming Shang, Shiji Zhou, Yujiu Yang, Hengyuan Zhang, Xinzhe Ni, Yuwang Wang

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) map the black-box visual representations extracted by deep neural networks onto a set of interpretable concepts and use the concepts to make predictions, enhancing the transparency of the decision-making process. Multimodal pre-trained models can match visual representations with textual concept embeddings, allowing for obtaining the interpretable concept bottleneck without the expertise concept annotations. Recent research has focused on the concept bank establishment and the high-quality concept selection. However, it is challenging to construct a comprehensive concept bank through humans or large language models, which severely limits the performance of CBMs. In this work, we propose the Incremental Residual Concept Bottleneck Model (Res-CBM) to address the challenge of concept completeness. Specifically, the residual concept bottleneck model employs a set of optimizable vectors to complete missing concepts, then the incremental concept discovery module converts the complemented vectors with unclear meanings into potential concepts in the candidate concept bank. Our approach can be applied to any user-defined concept bank, as a post-hoc processing method to enhance the performance of any CBMs. Furthermore, to measure the descriptive efficiency of CBMs, the Concept Utilization Efficiency (CUE) metric is proposed. Experiments show that the Res-CBM outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and efficiency and achieves comparable performance to black-box models across multiple datasets.

new Stability and Generalization in Free Adversarial Training

Authors: Xiwei Cheng, Kexin Fu, Farzan Farnia

Abstract: While adversarial training methods have resulted in significant improvements in the deep neural nets' robustness against norm-bounded adversarial perturbations, their generalization performance from training samples to test data has been shown to be considerably worse than standard empirical risk minimization methods. Several recent studies seek to connect the generalization behavior of adversarially trained classifiers to various gradient-based min-max optimization algorithms used for their training. In this work, we study the generalization performance of adversarial training methods using the algorithmic stability framework. Specifically, our goal is to compare the generalization performance of the vanilla adversarial training scheme fully optimizing the perturbations at every iteration vs. the free adversarial training simultaneously optimizing the norm-bounded perturbations and classifier parameters. Our proven generalization bounds indicate that the free adversarial training method could enjoy a lower generalization gap between training and test samples due to the simultaneous nature of its min-max optimization algorithm. We perform several numerical experiments to evaluate the generalization performance of vanilla, fast, and free adversarial training methods. Our empirical findings also show the improved generalization performance of the free adversarial training method and further demonstrate that the better generalization result could translate to greater robustness against black-box attack schemes. The code is available at


new Intuition-aware Mixture-of-Rank-1-Experts for Parameter Efficient Finetuning

Authors: Yijiang Liu, Rongyu Zhang, Huanrui Yang, Kurt Keutzer, Yuan Du, Li Du, Shanghang Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential in performing multiple tasks in multimedia applications, ranging from content generation to interactive entertainment, and artistic creation. However, the diversity of downstream tasks in multitask scenarios presents substantial adaptation challenges for LLMs. While traditional methods often succumb to knowledge confusion on their monolithic dense models, Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has been emerged as a promising solution with its sparse architecture for effective task decoupling. Inspired by the principles of human cognitive neuroscience, we design a novel framework \texttt{Intuition-MoR1E} that leverages the inherent semantic clustering of instances to mimic the human brain to deal with multitask, offering implicit guidance to router for optimized feature allocation. Moreover, we introduce cutting-edge Rank-1 Experts formulation designed to manage a spectrum of intuitions, demonstrating enhanced parameter efficiency and effectiveness in multitask LLM finetuning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Intuition-MoR1E achieves superior efficiency and 2.15\% overall accuracy improvement across 14 public datasets against other state-of-the-art baselines.

new Beyond Known Clusters: Probe New Prototypes for Efficient Generalized Class Discovery

Authors: Ye Wang, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Bingchen Zhao, Xueming Qian

Abstract: Generalized Class Discovery (GCD) aims to dynamically assign labels to unlabelled data partially based on knowledge learned from labelled data, where the unlabelled data may come from known or novel classes. The prevailing approach generally involves clustering across all data and learning conceptions by prototypical contrastive learning. However, existing methods largely hinge on the performance of clustering algorithms and are thus subject to their inherent limitations. Firstly, the estimated cluster number is often smaller than the ground truth, making the existing methods suffer from the lack of prototypes for comprehensive conception learning. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive probing mechanism that introduces learnable potential prototypes to expand cluster prototypes (centers). As there is no ground truth for the potential prototype, we develop a self-supervised prototype learning framework to optimize the potential prototype in an end-to-end fashion. Secondly, clustering is computationally intensive, and the conventional strategy of clustering both labelled and unlabelled instances exacerbates this issue. To counteract this inefficiency, we opt to cluster only the unlabelled instances and subsequently expand the cluster prototypes with our introduced potential prototypes to fast explore novel classes. Despite the simplicity of our proposed method, extensive empirical analysis on a wide range of datasets confirms that our method consistently delivers state-of-the-art results. Specifically, our method surpasses the nearest competitor by a significant margin of \textbf{9.7}$\%$ within the Stanford Cars dataset and \textbf{12$\times$} clustering efficiency within the Herbarium 19 dataset. We will make the code and checkpoints publicly available at \url{}.


new Theoretical research on generative diffusion models: an overview

Authors: Melike Nur Ye\u{g}in, Mehmet Fatih Amasyal{\i}

Abstract: Generative diffusion models showed high success in many fields with a powerful theoretical background. They convert the data distribution to noise and remove the noise back to obtain a similar distribution. Many existing reviews focused on the specific application areas without concentrating on the research about the algorithm. Unlike them we investigated the theoretical developments of the generative diffusion models. These approaches mainly divide into two: training-based and sampling-based. Awakening to this allowed us a clear and understandable categorization for the researchers who will make new developments in the future.

new Navigating the Landscape of Large Language Models: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis of Paradigms and Fine-Tuning Strategies

Authors: Benjue Weng

Abstract: With the surge of ChatGPT,the use of large models has significantly increased,rapidly rising to prominence across the industry and sweeping across the internet. This article is a comprehensive review of fine-tuning methods for large models. This paper investigates the latest technological advancements and the application of advanced methods in aspects such as task-adaptive fine-tuning,domain-adaptive fine-tuning,few-shot learning,knowledge distillation,multi-task learning,parameter-efficient fine-tuning,and dynamic fine-tuning.

new Improving Personalisation in Valence and Arousal Prediction using Data Augmentation

Authors: Munachiso Nwadike, Jialin Li, Hanan Salam

Abstract: In the field of emotion recognition and Human-Machine Interaction (HMI), personalised approaches have exhibited their efficacy in capturing individual-specific characteristics and enhancing affective prediction accuracy. However, personalisation techniques often face the challenge of limited data for target individuals. This paper presents our work on an enhanced personalisation strategy, that leverages data augmentation to develop tailored models for continuous valence and arousal prediction. Our proposed approach, Distance Weighting Augmentation (DWA), employs a weighting-based augmentation method that expands a target individual's dataset, leveraging distance metrics to identify similar samples at the segment-level. Experimental results on the MuSe-Personalisation 2023 Challenge dataset demonstrate that our method significantly improves the performance of features sets which have low baseline performance, on the test set. This improvement in poor-performing features comes without sacrificing performance on high-performing features. In particular, our method achieves a maximum combined testing CCC of 0.78, compared to the reported baseline score of 0.76 (reproduced at 0.72). It also achieved a peak arousal and valence scores of 0.81 and 0.76, compared to reproduced baseline scores of 0.76 and 0.67 respectively. Through this work, we make significant contributions to the advancement of personalised affective computing models, enhancing the practicality and adaptability of data-level personalisation in real world contexts.

new ALICE: Combining Feature Selection and Inter-Rater Agreeability for Machine Learning Insights

Authors: Bachana Anasashvili, Vahidin Jeleskovic

Abstract: This paper presents a new Python library called Automated Learning for Insightful Comparison and Evaluation (ALICE), which merges conventional feature selection and the concept of inter-rater agreeability in a simple, user-friendly manner to seek insights into black box Machine Learning models. The framework is proposed following an overview of the key concepts of interpretability in ML. The entire architecture and intuition of the main methods of the framework are also thoroughly discussed and results from initial experiments on a customer churn predictive modeling task are presented, alongside ideas for possible avenues to explore for the future. The full source code for the framework and the experiment notebooks can be found at:


new Mixture of Experts Soften the Curse of Dimensionality in Operator Learning

Authors: Anastasis Kratsios, Takashi Furuya, J. Antonio Lara B., Matti Lassas, Maarten de Hoop

Abstract: In this paper, we construct a mixture of neural operators (MoNOs) between function spaces whose complexity is distributed over a network of expert neural operators (NOs), with each NO satisfying parameter scaling restrictions. Our main result is a \textit{distributed} universal approximation theorem guaranteeing that any Lipschitz non-linear operator between $L^2([0,1]^d)$ spaces can be approximated uniformly over the Sobolev unit ball therein, to any given $\varepsilon>0$ accuracy, by an MoNO while satisfying the constraint that: each expert NO has a depth, width, and rank of $\mathcal{O}(\varepsilon^{-1})$. Naturally, our result implies that the required number of experts must be large, however, each NO is guaranteed to be small enough to be loadable into the active memory of most computers for reasonable accuracies $\varepsilon$. During our analysis, we also obtain new quantitative expression rates for classical NOs approximating uniformly continuous non-linear operators uniformly on compact subsets of $L^2([0,1]^d)$.

new Intelligent Chemical Purification Technique Based on Machine Learning

Authors: Wenchao Wu, Hao Xu, Dongxiao Zhang, Fanyang Mo

Abstract: We present an innovative of artificial intelligence with column chromatography, aiming to resolve inefficiencies and standardize data collection in chemical separation and purification domain. By developing an automated platform for precise data acquisition and employing advanced machine learning algorithms, we constructed predictive models to forecast key separation parameters, thereby enhancing the efficiency and quality of chromatographic processes. The application of transfer learning allows the model to adapt across various column specifications, broadening its utility. A novel metric, separation probability ($S_p$), quantifies the likelihood of effective compound separation, validated through experimental verification. This study signifies a significant step forward int the application of AI in chemical research, offering a scalable solution to traditional chromatography challenges and providing a foundation for future technological advancements in chemical analysis and purification.

new Provable Interactive Learning with Hindsight Instruction Feedback

Authors: Dipendra Misra, Aldo Pacchiano, Robert E. Schapire

Abstract: We study interactive learning in a setting where the agent has to generate a response (e.g., an action or trajectory) given a context and an instruction. In contrast, to typical approaches that train the system using reward or expert supervision on response, we study learning with hindsight instruction where a teacher provides an instruction that is most suitable for the agent's generated response. This hindsight labeling of instruction is often easier to provide than providing expert supervision of the optimal response which may require expert knowledge or can be impractical to elicit. We initiate the theoretical analysis of interactive learning with hindsight labeling. We first provide a lower bound showing that in general, the regret of any algorithm must scale with the size of the agent's response space. We then study a specialized setting where the underlying instruction-response distribution can be decomposed as a low-rank matrix. We introduce an algorithm called LORIL for this setting and show that its regret scales as $\sqrt{T}$ where $T$ is the number of rounds and depends on the intrinsic rank but does not depend on the size of the agent's response space. We provide experiments in two domains showing that LORIL outperforms baselines even when the low-rank assumption is violated.

new RF-Diffusion: Radio Signal Generation via Time-Frequency Diffusion

Authors: Guoxuan Chi, Zheng Yang, Chenshu Wu, Jingao Xu, Yuchong Gao, Yunhao Liu, Tony Xiao Han

Abstract: Along with AIGC shines in CV and NLP, its potential in the wireless domain has also emerged in recent years. Yet, existing RF-oriented generative solutions are ill-suited for generating high-quality, time-series RF data due to limited representation capabilities. In this work, inspired by the stellar achievements of the diffusion model in CV and NLP, we adapt it to the RF domain and propose RF-Diffusion. To accommodate the unique characteristics of RF signals, we first introduce a novel Time-Frequency Diffusion theory to enhance the original diffusion model, enabling it to tap into the information within the time, frequency, and complex-valued domains of RF signals. On this basis, we propose a Hierarchical Diffusion Transformer to translate the theory into a practical generative DNN through elaborated design spanning network architecture, functional block, and complex-valued operator, making RF-Diffusion a versatile solution to generate diverse, high-quality, and time-series RF data. Performance comparison with three prevalent generative models demonstrates the RF-Diffusion's superior performance in synthesizing Wi-Fi and FMCW signals. We also showcase the versatility of RF-Diffusion in boosting Wi-Fi sensing systems and performing channel estimation in 5G networks.

new Mitigating Heterogeneity among Factor Tensors via Lie Group Manifolds for Tensor Decomposition Based Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding

Authors: Jiang Li, Xiangdong Su, Yeyun Gong, Guanglai Gao

Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted the effectiveness of tensor decomposition methods in the Temporal Knowledge Graphs Embedding (TKGE) task. However, we found that inherent heterogeneity among factor tensors in tensor decomposition significantly hinders the tensor fusion process and further limits the performance of link prediction. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel method that maps factor tensors onto a unified smooth Lie group manifold to make the distribution of factor tensors approximating homogeneous in tensor decomposition. We provide the theoretical proof of our motivation that homogeneous tensors are more effective than heterogeneous tensors in tensor fusion and approximating the target for tensor decomposition based TKGE methods. The proposed method can be directly integrated into existing tensor decomposition based TKGE methods without introducing extra parameters. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in mitigating the heterogeneity and in enhancing the tensor decomposition based TKGE models.

new TransformerFAM: Feedback attention is working memory

Authors: Dongseong Hwang, Weiran Wang, Zhuoyuan Huo, Khe Chai Sim, Pedro Moreno Mengibar

Abstract: While Transformers have revolutionized deep learning, their quadratic attention complexity hinders their ability to process infinitely long inputs. We propose Feedback Attention Memory (FAM), a novel Transformer architecture that leverages a feedback loop to enable the network to attend to its own latent representations. This design fosters the emergence of working memory within the Transformer, allowing it to process indefinitely long sequences. TransformerFAM requires no additional weights, enabling seamless integration with pre-trained models. Our experiments show that TransformerFAM significantly improves Transformer performance on long-context tasks across various model sizes (1B, 8B, and 24B). These results showcase the potential to empower Large Language Models (LLMs) to process sequences of unlimited length.

new DEGNN: Dual Experts Graph Neural Network Handling Both Edge and Node Feature Noise

Authors: Tai Hasegawa, Sukwon Yun, Xin Liu, Yin Jun Phua, Tsuyoshi Murata

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved notable success in various applications over graph data. However, recent research has revealed that real-world graphs often contain noise, and GNNs are susceptible to noise in the graph. To address this issue, several Graph Structure Learning (GSL) models have been introduced. While GSL models are tailored to enhance robustness against edge noise through edge reconstruction, a significant limitation surfaces: their high reliance on node features. This inherent dependence amplifies their susceptibility to noise within node features. Recognizing this vulnerability, we present DEGNN, a novel GNN model designed to adeptly mitigate noise in both edges and node features. The core idea of DEGNN is to design two separate experts: an edge expert and a node feature expert. These experts utilize self-supervised learning techniques to produce modified edges and node features. Leveraging these modified representations, DEGNN subsequently addresses downstream tasks, ensuring robustness against noise present in both edges and node features of real-world graphs. Notably, the modification process can be trained end-to-end, empowering DEGNN to adjust dynamically and achieves optimal edge and node representations for specific tasks. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate DEGNN's efficacy in managing noise, both in original real-world graphs and in graphs with synthetic noise.

new FedDistill: Global Model Distillation for Local Model De-Biasing in Non-IID Federated Learning

Authors: Changlin Song, Divya Saxena, Jiannong Cao, Yuqing Zhao

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a novel approach that allows for collaborative machine learning while preserving data privacy by leveraging models trained on decentralized devices. However, FL faces challenges due to non-uniformly distributed (non-iid) data across clients, which impacts model performance and its generalization capabilities. To tackle the non-iid issue, recent efforts have utilized the global model as a teaching mechanism for local models. However, our pilot study shows that their effectiveness is constrained by imbalanced data distribution, which induces biases in local models and leads to a 'local forgetting' phenomenon, where the ability of models to generalize degrades over time, particularly for underrepresented classes. This paper introduces FedDistill, a framework enhancing the knowledge transfer from the global model to local models, focusing on the issue of imbalanced class distribution. Specifically, FedDistill employs group distillation, segmenting classes based on their frequency in local datasets to facilitate a focused distillation process to classes with fewer samples. Additionally, FedDistill dissects the global model into a feature extractor and a classifier. This separation empowers local models with more generalized data representation capabilities and ensures more accurate classification across all classes. FedDistill mitigates the adverse effects of data imbalance, ensuring that local models do not forget underrepresented classes but instead become more adept at recognizing and classifying them accurately. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FedDistill's effectiveness, surpassing existing baselines in accuracy and convergence speed across several benchmark datasets.

new MAP: Model Aggregation and Personalization in Federated Learning with Incomplete Classes

Authors: Xin-Chun Li, Shaoming Song, Yinchuan Li, Bingshuai Li, Yunfeng Shao, Yang Yang, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: In some real-world applications, data samples are usually distributed on local devices, where federated learning (FL) techniques are proposed to coordinate decentralized clients without directly sharing users' private data. FL commonly follows the parameter server architecture and contains multiple personalization and aggregation procedures. The natural data heterogeneity across clients, i.e., Non-I.I.D. data, challenges both the aggregation and personalization goals in FL. In this paper, we focus on a special kind of Non-I.I.D. scene where clients own incomplete classes, i.e., each client can only access a partial set of the whole class set. The server aims to aggregate a complete classification model that could generalize to all classes, while the clients are inclined to improve the performance of distinguishing their observed classes. For better model aggregation, we point out that the standard softmax will encounter several problems caused by missing classes and propose "restricted softmax" as an alternative. For better model personalization, we point out that the hard-won personalized models are not well exploited and propose "inherited private model" to store the personalization experience. Our proposed algorithm named MAP could simultaneously achieve the aggregation and personalization goals in FL. Abundant experimental studies verify the superiorities of our algorithm.

new Fault Detection in Mobile Networks Using Diffusion Models

Authors: Mohamad Nabeel, Doumitrou Daniil Nimara, Tahar Zanouda

Abstract: In today's hyper-connected world, ensuring the reliability of telecom networks becomes increasingly crucial. Telecom networks encompass numerous underlying and intertwined software and hardware components, each providing different functionalities. To ensure the stability of telecom networks, telecom software, and hardware vendors developed several methods to detect any aberrant behavior in telecom networks and enable instant feedback and alerts. These approaches, although powerful, struggle to generalize due to the unsteady nature of the software-intensive embedded system and the complexity and diversity of multi-standard mobile networks. In this paper, we present a system to detect anomalies in telecom networks using a generative AI model. We evaluate several strategies using diffusion models to train the model for anomaly detection using multivariate time-series data. The contributions of this paper are threefold: (i) A proposal of a framework for utilizing diffusion models for time-series anomaly detection in telecom networks, (ii) A proposal of a particular Diffusion model architecture that outperforms other state-of-the-art techniques, (iii) Experiments on a real-world dataset to demonstrate that our model effectively provides explainable results, exposing some of its limitations and suggesting future research avenues to enhance its capabilities further.

new LSROM: Learning Self-Refined Organizing Map for Fast Imbalanced Streaming Data Clustering

Authors: Yongqi Xu, Yujian Lee, Rong Zou, Yiqun Zhang, Yiu-Ming Cheung

Abstract: Streaming data clustering is a popular research topic in the fields of data mining and machine learning. Compared to static data, streaming data, which is usually analyzed in data chunks, is more susceptible to encountering the dynamic cluster imbalanced issue. That is, the imbalanced degree of clusters varies in different streaming data chunks, leading to corruption in either the accuracy or the efficiency of streaming data analysis based on existing clustering methods. Therefore, we propose an efficient approach called Learning Self-Refined Organizing Map (LSROM) to handle the imbalanced streaming data clustering problem, where we propose an advanced SOM for representing the global data distribution. The constructed SOM is first refined for guiding the partition of the dataset to form many micro-clusters to avoid the missing small clusters in imbalanced data. Then an efficient merging of the micro-clusters is conducted through quick retrieval based on the SOM, which can automatically yield a true number of imbalanced clusters. In comparison to existing imbalanced data clustering approaches, LSROM is with a lower time complexity $O(n\log n)$, while achieving very competitive clustering accuracy. Moreover, LSROM is interpretable and insensitive to hyper-parameters. Extensive experiments have verified its efficacy.

new Generalization Error Bounds for Learning under Censored Feedback

Authors: Yifan Yang, Ali Payani, Parinaz Naghizadeh

Abstract: Generalization error bounds from learning theory provide statistical guarantees on how well an algorithm will perform on previously unseen data. In this paper, we characterize the impacts of data non-IIDness due to censored feedback (a.k.a. selective labeling bias) on such bounds. We first derive an extension of the well-known Dvoretzky-Kiefer-Wolfowitz (DKW) inequality, which characterizes the gap between empirical and theoretical CDFs given IID data, to problems with non-IID data due to censored feedback. We then use this CDF error bound to provide a bound on the generalization error guarantees of a classifier trained on such non-IID data. We show that existing generalization error bounds (which do not account for censored feedback) fail to correctly capture the model's generalization guarantees, verifying the need for our bounds. We further analyze the effectiveness of (pure and bounded) exploration techniques, proposed by recent literature as a way to alleviate censored feedback, on improving our error bounds. Together, our findings illustrate how a decision maker should account for the trade-off between strengthening the generalization guarantees of an algorithm and the costs incurred in data collection when future data availability is limited by censored feedback.

new Knowledgeable Agents by Offline Reinforcement Learning from Large Language Model Rollouts

Authors: Jing-Cheng Pang, Si-Hang Yang, Kaiyuan Li, Jiaji Zhang, Xiong-Hui Chen, Nan Tang, Yang Yu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) trains agents to accomplish complex tasks through environmental interaction data, but its capacity is also limited by the scope of the available data. To obtain a knowledgeable agent, a promising approach is to leverage the knowledge from large language models (LLMs). Despite previous studies combining LLMs with RL, seamless integration of the two components remains challenging due to their semantic gap. This paper introduces a novel method, Knowledgeable Agents from Language Model Rollouts (KALM), which extracts knowledge from LLMs in the form of imaginary rollouts that can be easily learned by the agent through offline reinforcement learning methods. The primary challenge of KALM lies in LLM grounding, as LLMs are inherently limited to textual data, whereas environmental data often comprise numerical vectors unseen to LLMs. To address this, KALM fine-tunes the LLM to perform various tasks based on environmental data, including bidirectional translation between natural language descriptions of skills and their corresponding rollout data. This grounding process enhances the LLM's comprehension of environmental dynamics, enabling it to generate diverse and meaningful imaginary rollouts that reflect novel skills. Initial empirical evaluations on the CLEVR-Robot environment demonstrate that KALM enables agents to complete complex rephrasings of task goals and extend their capabilities to novel tasks requiring unprecedented optimal behaviors. KALM achieves a success rate of 46% in executing tasks with unseen goals, substantially surpassing the 26% success rate achieved by baseline methods. Furthermore, KALM effectively enables the LLM to comprehend environmental dynamics, resulting in the generation of meaningful imaginary rollouts that reflect novel skills and demonstrate the seamless integration of large language models and reinforcement learning.

new Foundational GPT Model for MEG

Authors: Richard Csaky, Mats W. J. van Es, Oiwi Parker Jones, Mark Woolrich

Abstract: Deep learning techniques can be used to first training unsupervised models on large amounts of unlabelled data, before fine-tuning the models on specific tasks. This approach has seen massive success for various kinds of data, e.g. images, language, audio, and holds the promise of improving performance in various downstream tasks (e.g. encoding or decoding brain data). However, there has been limited progress taking this approach for modelling brain signals, such as Magneto-/electroencephalography (M/EEG). Here we propose two classes of deep learning foundational models that can be trained using forecasting of unlabelled MEG. First, we consider a modified Wavenet; and second, we consider a modified Transformer-based (GPT2) model. The modified GPT2 includes a novel application of tokenisation and embedding methods, allowing a model developed initially for the discrete domain of language to be applied to continuous multichannel time series data. We also extend the forecasting framework to include condition labels as inputs, enabling better modelling (encoding) of task data. We compare the performance of these deep learning models with standard linear autoregressive (AR) modelling on MEG data. This shows that GPT2-based models provide better modelling capabilities than Wavenet and linear AR models, by better reproducing the temporal, spatial and spectral characteristics of real data and evoked activity in task data. We show how the GPT2 model scales well to multiple subjects, while adapting its model to each subject through subject embedding. Finally, we show how such a model can be useful in downstream decoding tasks through data simulation. All code is available on GitHub (


new High Significant Fault Detection in Azure Core Workload Insights

Authors: Pranay Lohia, Laurent Boue, Sharath Rangappa, Vijay Agneeswaran

Abstract: Azure Core workload insights have time-series data with different metric units. Faults or Anomalies are observed in these time-series data owing to faults observed with respect to metric name, resources region, dimensions, and its dimension value associated with the data. For Azure Core, an important task is to highlight faults or anomalies to the user on a dashboard that they can perceive easily. The number of anomalies reported should be highly significant and in a limited number, e.g., 5-20 anomalies reported per hour. The reported anomalies will have significant user perception and high reconstruction error in any time-series forecasting model. Hence, our task is to automatically identify 'high significant anomalies' and their associated information for user perception.

new Adversarial Robustness Limits via Scaling-Law and Human-Alignment Studies

Authors: Brian R. Bartoldson, James Diffenderfer, Konstantinos Parasyris, Bhavya Kailkhura

Abstract: This paper revisits the simple, long-studied, yet still unsolved problem of making image classifiers robust to imperceptible perturbations. Taking CIFAR10 as an example, SOTA clean accuracy is about $100$%, but SOTA robustness to $\ell_{\infty}$-norm bounded perturbations barely exceeds $70$%. To understand this gap, we analyze how model size, dataset size, and synthetic data quality affect robustness by developing the first scaling laws for adversarial training. Our scaling laws reveal inefficiencies in prior art and provide actionable feedback to advance the field. For instance, we discovered that SOTA methods diverge notably from compute-optimal setups, using excess compute for their level of robustness. Leveraging a compute-efficient setup, we surpass the prior SOTA with $20$% ($70$%) fewer training (inference) FLOPs. We trained various compute-efficient models, with our best achieving $74$% AutoAttack accuracy ($+3$% gain). However, our scaling laws also predict robustness slowly grows then plateaus at $90$%: dwarfing our new SOTA by scaling is impractical, and perfect robustness is impossible. To better understand this predicted limit, we carry out a small-scale human evaluation on the AutoAttack data that fools our top-performing model. Concerningly, we estimate that human performance also plateaus near $90$%, which we show to be attributable to $\ell_{\infty}$-constrained attacks' generation of invalid images not consistent with their original labels. Having characterized limiting roadblocks, we outline promising paths for future research.

new Hierarchical Attention Models for Multi-Relational Graphs

Authors: Roshni G. Iyer, Wei Wang, Yizhou Sun

Abstract: We present Bi-Level Attention-Based Relational Graph Convolutional Networks (BR-GCN), unique neural network architectures that utilize masked self-attentional layers with relational graph convolutions, to effectively operate on highly multi-relational data. BR-GCN models use bi-level attention to learn node embeddings through (1) node-level attention, and (2) relation-level attention. The node-level self-attentional layers use intra-relational graph interactions to learn relation-specific node embeddings using a weighted aggregation of neighborhood features in a sparse subgraph region. The relation-level self-attentional layers use inter-relational graph interactions to learn the final node embeddings using a weighted aggregation of relation-specific node embeddings. The BR-GCN bi-level attention mechanism extends Transformer-based multiplicative attention from the natural language processing (NLP) domain, and Graph Attention Networks (GAT)-based attention, to large-scale heterogeneous graphs (HGs). On node classification, BR-GCN outperforms baselines from 0.29% to 14.95% as a stand-alone model, and on link prediction, BR-GCN outperforms baselines from 0.02% to 7.40% as an auto-encoder model. We also conduct ablation studies to evaluate the quality of BR-GCN's relation-level attention and discuss how its learning of graph structure may be transferred to enrich other graph neural networks (GNNs). Through various experiments, we show that BR-GCN's attention mechanism is both scalable and more effective in learning compared to state-of-the-art GNNs.

new Integrating Marketing Channels into Quantile Transformation and Bayesian Optimization of Ensemble Kernels for Sales Prediction with Gaussian Process Models

Authors: Shahin Mirshekari, Negin Hayeri Motedayen, Mohammad Ensaf

Abstract: This study introduces an innovative Gaussian Process (GP) model utilizing an ensemble kernel that integrates Radial Basis Function (RBF), Rational Quadratic, and Mat\'ern kernels for product sales forecasting. By applying Bayesian optimization, we efficiently find the optimal weights for each kernel, enhancing the model's ability to handle complex sales data patterns. Our approach significantly outperforms traditional GP models, achieving a notable 98\% accuracy and superior performance across key metrics including Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Coefficient of Determination ($R^2$). This advancement underscores the effectiveness of ensemble kernels and Bayesian optimization in improving predictive accuracy, offering profound implications for machine learning applications in sales forecasting.

new Privacy at a Price: Exploring its Dual Impact on AI Fairness

Authors: Mengmeng Yang, Ming Ding, Youyang Qu, Wei Ni, David Smith, Thierry Rakotoarivelo

Abstract: The worldwide adoption of machine learning (ML) and deep learning models, particularly in critical sectors, such as healthcare and finance, presents substantial challenges in maintaining individual privacy and fairness. These two elements are vital to a trustworthy environment for learning systems. While numerous studies have concentrated on protecting individual privacy through differential privacy (DP) mechanisms, emerging research indicates that differential privacy in machine learning models can unequally impact separate demographic subgroups regarding prediction accuracy. This leads to a fairness concern, and manifests as biased performance. Although the prevailing view is that enhancing privacy intensifies fairness disparities, a smaller, yet significant, subset of research suggests the opposite view. In this article, with extensive evaluation results, we demonstrate that the impact of differential privacy on fairness is not monotonous. Instead, we observe that the accuracy disparity initially grows as more DP noise (enhanced privacy) is added to the ML process, but subsequently diminishes at higher privacy levels with even more noise. Moreover, implementing gradient clipping in the differentially private stochastic gradient descent ML method can mitigate the negative impact of DP noise on fairness. This mitigation is achieved by moderating the disparity growth through a lower clipping threshold.

new Neural McKean-Vlasov Processes: Distributional Dependence in Diffusion Processes

Authors: Haoming Yang, Ali Hasan, Yuting Ng, Vahid Tarokh

Abstract: McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations (MV-SDEs) provide a mathematical description of the behavior of an infinite number of interacting particles by imposing a dependence on the particle density. As such, we study the influence of explicitly including distributional information in the parameterization of the SDE. We propose a series of semi-parametric methods for representing MV-SDEs, and corresponding estimators for inferring parameters from data based on the properties of the MV-SDE. We analyze the characteristics of the different architectures and estimators, and consider their applicability in relevant machine learning problems. We empirically compare the performance of the different architectures and estimators on real and synthetic datasets for time series and probabilistic modeling. The results suggest that explicitly including distributional dependence in the parameterization of the SDE is effective in modeling temporal data with interaction under an exchangeability assumption while maintaining strong performance for standard It\^o-SDEs due to the richer class of probability flows associated with MV-SDEs.

new Neuro-Inspired Information-Theoretic Hierarchical Perception for Multimodal Learning

Authors: Xiongye Xiao, Gengshuo Liu, Gaurav Gupta, Defu Cao, Shixuan Li, Yaxing Li, Tianqing Fang, Mingxi Cheng, Paul Bogdan

Abstract: Integrating and processing information from various sources or modalities are critical for obtaining a comprehensive and accurate perception of the real world in autonomous systems and cyber-physical systems. Drawing inspiration from neuroscience, we develop the Information-Theoretic Hierarchical Perception (ITHP) model, which utilizes the concept of information bottleneck. Different from most traditional fusion models that incorporate all modalities identically in neural networks, our model designates a prime modality and regards the remaining modalities as detectors in the information pathway, serving to distill the flow of information. Our proposed perception model focuses on constructing an effective and compact information flow by achieving a balance between the minimization of mutual information between the latent state and the input modal state, and the maximization of mutual information between the latent states and the remaining modal states. This approach leads to compact latent state representations that retain relevant information while minimizing redundancy, thereby substantially enhancing the performance of multimodal representation learning. Experimental evaluations on the MUStARD, CMU-MOSI, and CMU-MOSEI datasets demonstrate that our model consistently distills crucial information in multimodal learning scenarios, outperforming state-of-the-art benchmarks. Remarkably, on the CMU-MOSI dataset, ITHP surpasses human-level performance in the multimodal sentiment binary classification task across all evaluation metrics (i.e., Binary Accuracy, F1 Score, Mean Absolute Error, and Pearson Correlation).

new Wasserstein Wormhole: Scalable Optimal Transport Distance with Transformers

Authors: Doron Haviv, Russell Zhang Kunes, Thomas Dougherty, Cassandra Burdziak, Tal Nawy, Anna Gilbert, Dana Pe'er

Abstract: Optimal transport (OT) and the related Wasserstein metric (W) are powerful and ubiquitous tools for comparing distributions. However, computing pairwise Wasserstein distances rapidly becomes intractable as cohort size grows. An attractive alternative would be to find an embedding space in which pairwise Euclidean distances map to OT distances, akin to standard multidimensional scaling (MDS). We present Wasserstein Wormhole, a transformer-based autoencoder that embeds empirical distributions into a latent space wherein Euclidean distances approximate OT distances. Extending MDS theory, we show that our objective function implies a bound on the error incurred when embedding non-Euclidean distances. Empirically, distances between Wormhole embeddings closely match Wasserstein distances, enabling linear time computation of OT distances. Along with an encoder that maps distributions to embeddings, Wasserstein Wormhole includes a decoder that maps embeddings back to distributions, allowing for operations in the embedding space to generalize to OT spaces, such as Wasserstein barycenter estimation and OT interpolation. By lending scalability and interpretability to OT approaches, Wasserstein Wormhole unlocks new avenues for data analysis in the fields of computational geometry and single-cell biology.

new Hybrid FedGraph: An efficient hybrid federated learning algorithm using graph convolutional neural network

Authors: Jaeyeon Jang, Diego Klabjan, Veena Mendiratta, Fanfei Meng

Abstract: Federated learning is an emerging paradigm for decentralized training of machine learning models on distributed clients, without revealing the data to the central server. Most existing works have focused on horizontal or vertical data distributions, where each client possesses different samples with shared features, or each client fully shares only sample indices, respectively. However, the hybrid scheme is much less studied, even though it is much more common in the real world. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a generalized algorithm, FedGraph, that introduces a graph convolutional neural network to capture feature-sharing information while learning features from a subset of clients. We also develop a simple but effective clustering algorithm that aggregates features produced by the deep neural networks of each client while preserving data privacy.

new Exploring Text-to-Motion Generation with Human Preference

Authors: Jenny Sheng, Matthieu Lin, Andrew Zhao, Kevin Pruvost, Yu-Hui Wen, Yangguang Li, Gao Huang, Yong-Jin Liu

Abstract: This paper presents an exploration of preference learning in text-to-motion generation. We find that current improvements in text-to-motion generation still rely on datasets requiring expert labelers with motion capture systems. Instead, learning from human preference data does not require motion capture systems; a labeler with no expertise simply compares two generated motions. This is particularly efficient because evaluating the model's output is easier than gathering the motion that performs a desired task (e.g. backflip). To pioneer the exploration of this paradigm, we annotate 3,528 preference pairs generated by MotionGPT, marking the first effort to investigate various algorithms for learning from preference data. In particular, our exploration highlights important design choices when using preference data. Additionally, our experimental results show that preference learning has the potential to greatly improve current text-to-motion generative models. Our code and dataset are publicly available at}{ to further facilitate research in this area.


new Towards Greener Nights: Exploring AI-Driven Solutions for Light Pollution Management

Authors: Paras Varshney, Niral Desai, Uzair Ahmed

Abstract: This research endeavors to address the pervasive issue of light pollution through an interdisciplinary approach, leveraging data science and machine learning techniques. By analyzing extensive datasets and research findings, we aim to develop predictive models capable of estimating the degree of sky glow observed in various locations and times. Our research seeks to inform evidence-based interventions and promote responsible outdoor lighting practices to mitigate the adverse impacts of light pollution on ecosystems, energy consumption, and human well-being.

new Hyperbolic Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks

Authors: Jongmin Park, Seunghoon Han, Soohwan Jeong, Sungsu Lim

Abstract: Most previous heterogeneous graph embedding models represent elements in a heterogeneous graph as vector representations in a low-dimensional Euclidean space. However, because heterogeneous graphs inherently possess complex structures, such as hierarchical or power-law structures, distortions can occur when representing them in Euclidean space. To overcome this limitation, we propose Hyperbolic Heterogeneous Graph Attention Networks (HHGAT) that learn vector representations in hyperbolic spaces with meta-path instances. We conducted experiments on three real-world heterogeneous graph datasets, demonstrating that HHGAT outperforms state-of-the-art heterogeneous graph embedding models in node classification and clustering tasks.

new PRIME: A CyberGIS Platform for Resilience Inference Measurement and Enhancement

Authors: Debayan Mandal, Dr. Lei Zou, Rohan Singh Wilkho, Joynal Abedin, Bing Zhou, Dr. Heng Cai, Dr. Furqan Baig, Dr. Nasir Gharaibeh, Dr. Nina Lam

Abstract: In an era of increased climatic disasters, there is an urgent need to develop reliable frameworks and tools for evaluating and improving community resilience to climatic hazards at multiple geographical and temporal scales. Defining and quantifying resilience in the social domain is relatively subjective due to the intricate interplay of socioeconomic factors with disaster resilience. Meanwhile, there is a lack of computationally rigorous, user-friendly tools that can support customized resilience assessment considering local conditions. This study aims to address these gaps through the power of CyberGIS with three objectives: 1) To develop an empirically validated disaster resilience model - Customized Resilience Inference Measurement designed for multi-scale community resilience assessment and influential socioeconomic factors identification, 2) To implement a Platform for Resilience Inference Measurement and Enhancement module in the CyberGISX platform backed by high-performance computing, 3) To demonstrate the utility of PRIME through a representative study. CRIM generates vulnerability, adaptability, and overall resilience scores derived from empirical hazard parameters. Computationally intensive Machine Learning methods are employed to explain the intricate relationships between these scores and socioeconomic driving factors. PRIME provides a web-based notebook interface guiding users to select study areas, configure parameters, calculate and geo-visualize resilience scores, and interpret socioeconomic factors shaping resilience capacities. A representative study showcases the efficiency of the platform while explaining how the visual results obtained may be interpreted. The essence of this work lies in its comprehensive architecture that encapsulates the requisite data, analytical and geo-visualization functions, and ML models for resilience assessment.

new LatticeML: A data-driven application for predicting the effective Young Modulus of high temperature graph based architected materials

Authors: Akshansh Mishra

Abstract: Architected materials with their unique topology and geometry offer the potential to modify physical and mechanical properties. Machine learning can accelerate the design and optimization of these materials by identifying optimal designs and forecasting performance. This work presents LatticeML, a data-driven application for predicting the effective Young's Modulus of high-temperature graph-based architected materials. The study considers eleven graph-based lattice structures with two high-temperature alloys, Ti-6Al-4V and Inconel 625. Finite element simulations were used to compute the effective Young's Modulus of the 2x2x2 unit cell configurations. A machine learning framework was developed to predict Young's Modulus, involving data collection, preprocessing, implementation of regression models, and deployment of the best-performing model. Five supervised learning algorithms were evaluated, with the XGBoost Regressor achieving the highest accuracy (MSE = 2.7993, MAE = 1.1521, R-squared = 0.9875). The application uses the Streamlit framework to create an interactive web interface, allowing users to input material and geometric parameters and obtain predicted Young's Modulus values.

new Large Language Models Can Automatically Engineer Features for Few-Shot Tabular Learning

Authors: Sungwon Han, Jinsung Yoon, Sercan O Arik, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), with their remarkable ability to tackle challenging and unseen reasoning problems, hold immense potential for tabular learning, that is vital for many real-world applications. In this paper, we propose a novel in-context learning framework, FeatLLM, which employs LLMs as feature engineers to produce an input data set that is optimally suited for tabular predictions. The generated features are used to infer class likelihood with a simple downstream machine learning model, such as linear regression and yields high performance few-shot learning. The proposed FeatLLM framework only uses this simple predictive model with the discovered features at inference time. Compared to existing LLM-based approaches, FeatLLM eliminates the need to send queries to the LLM for each sample at inference time. Moreover, it merely requires API-level access to LLMs, and overcomes prompt size limitations. As demonstrated across numerous tabular datasets from a wide range of domains, FeatLLM generates high-quality rules, significantly (10% on average) outperforming alternatives such as TabLLM and STUNT.

new On the Necessity of Collaboration in Online Model Selection with Decentralized Data

Authors: Junfan Li, Zenglin Xu, Zheshun Wu, Irwin King

Abstract: We consider online model selection with decentralized data over $M$ clients, and study a fundamental problem: the necessity of collaboration. Previous work gave a negative answer from the perspective of worst-case regret minimization, while we give a different answer from the perspective of regret-computational cost trade-off. We separately propose a federated algorithm with and without communication constraint and prove regret bounds that show (i) collaboration is unnecessary if we do not limit the computational cost on each client; (ii) collaboration is necessary if we limit the computational cost on each client to $o(K)$, where $K$ is the number of candidate hypothesis spaces. As a by-product, we improve the regret bounds of algorithms for distributed online multi-kernel learning at a smaller computational and communication cost. Our algorithms rely on three new techniques, i.e., an improved Bernstein's inequality for martingale, a federated algorithmic framework, named FOMD-No-LU, and decoupling model selection and predictions, which might be of independent interest.

new State Space Model for New-Generation Network Alternative to Transformers: A Survey

Authors: Xiao Wang, Shiao Wang, Yuhe Ding, Yuehang Li, Wentao Wu, Yao Rong, Weizhe Kong, Ju Huang, Shihao Li, Haoxiang Yang, Ziwen Wang, Bo Jiang, Chenglong Li, Yaowei Wang, Yonghong Tian, Jin Tang

Abstract: In the post-deep learning era, the Transformer architecture has demonstrated its powerful performance across pre-trained big models and various downstream tasks. However, the enormous computational demands of this architecture have deterred many researchers. To further reduce the complexity of attention models, numerous efforts have been made to design more efficient methods. Among them, the State Space Model (SSM), as a possible replacement for the self-attention based Transformer model, has drawn more and more attention in recent years. In this paper, we give the first comprehensive review of these works and also provide experimental comparisons and analysis to better demonstrate the features and advantages of SSM. Specifically, we first give a detailed description of principles to help the readers quickly capture the key ideas of SSM. After that, we dive into the reviews of existing SSMs and their various applications, including natural language processing, computer vision, graph, multi-modal and multi-media, point cloud/event stream, time series data, and other domains. In addition, we give statistical comparisons and analysis of these models and hope it helps the readers to understand the effectiveness of different structures on various tasks. Then, we propose possible research points in this direction to better promote the development of the theoretical model and application of SSM. More related works will be continuously updated on the following GitHub:


new Nonlinear sparse variational Bayesian learning based model predictive control with application to PEMFC temperature control

Authors: Qi Zhang, Lei Wang, Weihua Xu, Hongye Su, Lei Xie

Abstract: The accuracy of the underlying model predictions is crucial for the success of model predictive control (MPC) applications. If the model is unable to accurately analyze the dynamics of the controlled system, the performance and stability guarantees provided by MPC may not be achieved. Learning-based MPC can learn models from data, improving the applicability and reliability of MPC. This study develops a nonlinear sparse variational Bayesian learning based MPC (NSVB-MPC) for nonlinear systems, where the model is learned by the developed NSVB method. Variational inference is used by NSVB-MPC to assess the predictive accuracy and make the necessary corrections to quantify system uncertainty. The suggested approach ensures input-to-state (ISS) and the feasibility of recursive constraints in accordance with the concept of an invariant terminal region. Finally, a PEMFC temperature control model experiment confirms the effectiveness of the NSVB-MPC method.

new Inferring Behavior-Specific Context Improves Zero-Shot Generalization in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Tidiane Camaret Ndir, Andr\'e Biedenkapp, Noor Awad

Abstract: In this work, we address the challenge of zero-shot generalization (ZSG) in Reinforcement Learning (RL), where agents must adapt to entirely novel environments without additional training. We argue that understanding and utilizing contextual cues, such as the gravity level of the environment, is critical for robust generalization, and we propose to integrate the learning of context representations directly with policy learning. Our algorithm demonstrates improved generalization on various simulated domains, outperforming prior context-learning techniques in zero-shot settings. By jointly learning policy and context, our method acquires behavior-specific context representations, enabling adaptation to unseen environments and marks progress towards reinforcement learning systems that generalize across diverse real-world tasks. Our code and experiments are available at


new Dynamic fault detection and diagnosis of industrial alkaline water electrolyzer process with variational Bayesian dictionary learning

Authors: Qi Zhang, Lei Xie, Weihua Xu, Hongye Su

Abstract: Alkaline Water Electrolysis (AWE) is one of the simplest green hydrogen production method using renewable energy. AWE system typically yields process variables that are serially correlated and contaminated by measurement uncertainty. A novel robust dynamic variational Bayesian dictionary learning (RDVDL) monitoring approach is proposed to improve the reliability and safety of AWE operation. RDVDL employs a sparse Bayesian dictionary learning to preserve the dynamic mechanism information of AWE process which allows the easy interpretation of fault detection results. To improve the robustness to measurement uncertainty, a low-rank vector autoregressive (VAR) method is derived to reliably extract the serial correlation from process variables. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated with an industrial hydrogen production process, and RDVDL can efficiently detect and diagnose critical AWE faults.

new Prepacking: A Simple Method for Fast Prefilling and Increased Throughput in Large Language Models

Authors: Siyan Zhao, Daniel Israel, Guy Van den Broeck, Aditya Grover

Abstract: During inference for transformer-based large language models (LLM), prefilling is the computation of the key-value (KV) cache for input tokens in the prompt prior to autoregressive generation. For longer input prompt lengths, prefilling will incur a significant overhead on decoding time. In this work, we highlight the following pitfall of prefilling: for batches containing high-varying prompt lengths, significant computation is wasted by the standard practice of padding sequences to the maximum length. As LLMs increasingly support longer context lengths, potentially up to 10 million tokens, variations in prompt lengths within a batch become more pronounced. To address this, we propose Prepacking, a simple yet effective method to optimize prefilling computation. To avoid redundant computation on pad tokens, prepacking combines prompts of varying lengths into a sequence and packs multiple sequences into a compact batch using a bin-packing algorithm. It then modifies the attention mask and positional encoding to compute multiple prefilled KV-caches for multiple prompts within a single sequence. On standard curated dataset containing prompts with varying lengths, we obtain a significant speed and memory efficiency improvements as compared to the default padding-based prefilling computation within Huggingface across a range of base model configurations and inference serving scenarios.

new Application of the representative measure approach to assess the reliability of decision trees in dealing with unseen vehicle collision data

Authors: Javier Perera-Lago, V\'ictor Toscano-Dur\'an, Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Sara Narteni, Matteo Rucco

Abstract: Machine learning algorithms are fundamental components of novel data-informed Artificial Intelligence architecture. In this domain, the imperative role of representative datasets is a cornerstone in shaping the trajectory of artificial intelligence (AI) development. Representative datasets are needed to train machine learning components properly. Proper training has multiple impacts: it reduces the final model's complexity, power, and uncertainties. In this paper, we investigate the reliability of the $\varepsilon$-representativeness method to assess the dataset similarity from a theoretical perspective for decision trees. We decided to focus on the family of decision trees because it includes a wide variety of models known to be explainable. Thus, in this paper, we provide a result guaranteeing that if two datasets are related by $\varepsilon$-representativeness, i.e., both of them have points closer than $\varepsilon$, then the predictions by the classic decision tree are similar. Experimentally, we have also tested that $\varepsilon$-representativeness presents a significant correlation with the ordering of the feature importance. Moreover, we extend the results experimentally in the context of unseen vehicle collision data for XGboost, a machine-learning component widely adopted for dealing with tabular data.

new GNNavigator: Towards Adaptive Training of Graph Neural Networks via Automatic Guideline Exploration

Authors: Tong Qiao, Jianlei Yang, Yingjie Qi, Ao Zhou, Chen Bai, Bei Yu, Weisheng Zhao, Chunming Hu

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) succeed significantly in many applications recently. However, balancing GNNs training runtime cost, memory consumption, and attainable accuracy for various applications is non-trivial. Previous training methodologies suffer from inferior adaptability and lack a unified training optimization solution. To address the problem, this work proposes GNNavigator, an adaptive GNN training configuration optimization framework. GNNavigator meets diverse GNN application requirements due to our unified software-hardware co-abstraction, proposed GNNs training performance model, and practical design space exploration solution. Experimental results show that GNNavigator can achieve up to 3.1x speedup and 44.9% peak memory reduction with comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art approaches.

new {\sigma}-GPTs: A New Approach to Autoregressive Models

Authors: Arnaud Pannatier, Evann Courdier, Fran\c{c}ois Fleuret

Abstract: Autoregressive models, such as the GPT family, use a fixed order, usually left-to-right, to generate sequences. However, this is not a necessity. In this paper, we challenge this assumption and show that by simply adding a positional encoding for the output, this order can be modulated on-the-fly per-sample which offers key advantageous properties. It allows for the sampling of and conditioning on arbitrary subsets of tokens, and it also allows sampling in one shot multiple tokens dynamically according to a rejection strategy, leading to a sub-linear number of model evaluations. We evaluate our method across various domains, including language modeling, path-solving, and aircraft vertical rate prediction, decreasing the number of steps required for generation by an order of magnitude.

new Predicting and Analyzing Pedestrian Crossing Behavior at Unsignalized Crossings

Authors: Chi Zhang (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, Sweden), Janis Sprenger (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence), Zhongjun Ni (Department of Science and Technology, Link\"oping University, Campus Norrk\"oping, Sweden), Christian Berger (Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Gothenburg, Sweden)

Abstract: Understanding and predicting pedestrian crossing behavior is essential for enhancing automated driving and improving driving safety. Predicting gap selection behavior and the use of zebra crossing enables driving systems to proactively respond and prevent potential conflicts. This task is particularly challenging at unsignalized crossings due to the ambiguous right of way, requiring pedestrians to constantly interact with vehicles and other pedestrians. This study addresses these challenges by utilizing simulator data to investigate scenarios involving multiple vehicles and pedestrians. We propose and evaluate machine learning models to predict gap selection in non-zebra scenarios and zebra crossing usage in zebra scenarios. We investigate and discuss how pedestrians' behaviors are influenced by various factors, including pedestrian waiting time, walking speed, the number of unused gaps, the largest missed gap, and the influence of other pedestrians. This research contributes to the evolution of intelligent vehicles by providing predictive models and valuable insights into pedestrian crossing behavior.

new Reactive Model Correction: Mitigating Harm to Task-Relevant Features via Conditional Bias Suppression

Authors: Dilyara Bareeva, Maximilian Dreyer, Frederik Pahde, Wojciech Samek, Sebastian Lapuschkin

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks are prone to learning and relying on spurious correlations in the training data, which, for high-risk applications, can have fatal consequences. Various approaches to suppress model reliance on harmful features have been proposed that can be applied post-hoc without additional training. Whereas those methods can be applied with efficiency, they also tend to harm model performance by globally shifting the distribution of latent features. To mitigate unintended overcorrection of model behavior, we propose a reactive approach conditioned on model-derived knowledge and eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) insights. While the reactive approach can be applied to many post-hoc methods, we demonstrate the incorporation of reactivity in particular for P-ClArC (Projective Class Artifact Compensation), introducing a new method called R-ClArC (Reactive Class Artifact Compensation). Through rigorous experiments in controlled settings (FunnyBirds) and with a real-world dataset (ISIC2019), we show that introducing reactivity can minimize the detrimental effect of the applied correction while simultaneously ensuring low reliance on spurious features.

new Machine learning-based optimization workflow of the homogeneity of spunbond nonwovens with human validation

Authors: Viny Saajan Victor, Andre Schmei{\ss}er, Heike Leitte, Simone Gramsch

Abstract: In the last ten years, the average annual growth rate of nonwoven production was 4%. In 2020 and 2021, nonwoven production has increased even further due to the huge demand for nonwoven products needed for protective clothing such as FFP2 masks to combat the COVID19 pandemic. Optimizing the production process is still a challenge due to its high nonlinearity. In this paper, we present a machine learning-based optimization workflow aimed at improving the homogeneity of spunbond nonwovens. The optimization workflow is based on a mathematical model that simulates the microstructures of nonwovens. Based on trainingy data coming from this simulator, different machine learning algorithms are trained in order to find a surrogate model for the time-consuming simulator. Human validation is employed to verify the outputs of machine learning algorithms by assessing the aesthetics of the nonwovens. We include scientific and expert knowledge into the training data to reduce the computational costs involved in the optimization process. We demonstrate the necessity and effectiveness of our workflow in optimizing the homogeneity of nonwovens.

new A Self-feedback Knowledge Elicitation Approach for Chemical Reaction Predictions

Authors: Pengfei Liu, Jun Tao, Zhixiang Ren

Abstract: The task of chemical reaction predictions (CRPs) plays a pivotal role in advancing drug discovery and material science. However, its effectiveness is constrained by the vast and uncertain chemical reaction space and challenges in capturing reaction selectivity, particularly due to existing methods' limitations in exploiting the data's inherent knowledge. To address these challenges, we introduce a data-curated self-feedback knowledge elicitation approach. This method starts from iterative optimization of molecular representations and facilitates the extraction of knowledge on chemical reaction types (RTs). Then, we employ adaptive prompt learning to infuse the prior knowledge into the large language model (LLM). As a result, we achieve significant enhancements: a 14.2% increase in retrosynthesis prediction accuracy, a 74.2% rise in reagent prediction accuracy, and an expansion in the model's capability for handling multi-task chemical reactions. This research offers a novel paradigm for knowledge elicitation in scientific research and showcases the untapped potential of LLMs in CRPs.

new LoRA Dropout as a Sparsity Regularizer for Overfitting Control

Authors: Yang Lin, Xinyu Ma, Xu Chu, Yujie Jin, Zhibang Yang, Yasha Wang, Hong Mei

Abstract: Parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods, represented by LoRA, play an essential role in adapting large-scale pre-trained models to downstream tasks. However, fine-tuning LoRA-series models also faces the risk of overfitting on the training dataset, and yet there's still a lack of theoretical guidance and practical mechanism to control overfitting on LoRA-based PEFT methods. In this paper, we propose a LoRA Dropout mechanism for the LoRA-based methods by introducing random noises to the learnable low-rank matrices and increasing parameter sparsity. We then demonstrate the theoretical mechanism of our LoRA Dropout mechanism from the perspective of sparsity regularization by providing a generalization error bound under this framework. Theoretical results show that appropriate sparsity would help tighten the gap between empirical and generalization risks and thereby control overfitting. Furthermore, based on the LoRA Dropout framework, we introduce a test-time ensemble strategy and provide theoretical evidence demonstrating that the ensemble method can further compress the error bound, and lead to better performance during inference time. Extensive experiments on various NLP tasks provide practical validations of the effectiveness of our LoRA Dropout framework in improving model accuracy and calibration.

new All-in-one simulation-based inference

Authors: Manuel Gloeckler, Michael Deistler, Christian Weilbach, Frank Wood, Jakob H. Macke

Abstract: Amortized Bayesian inference trains neural networks to solve stochastic inference problems using model simulations, thereby making it possible to rapidly perform Bayesian inference for any newly observed data. However, current simulation-based amortized inference methods are simulation-hungry and inflexible: They require the specification of a fixed parametric prior, simulator, and inference tasks ahead of time. Here, we present a new amortized inference method -- the Simformer -- which overcomes these limitations. By training a probabilistic diffusion model with transformer architectures, the Simformer outperforms current state-of-the-art amortized inference approaches on benchmark tasks and is substantially more flexible: It can be applied to models with function-valued parameters, it can handle inference scenarios with missing or unstructured data, and it can sample arbitrary conditionals of the joint distribution of parameters and data, including both posterior and likelihood. We showcase the performance and flexibility of the Simformer on simulators from ecology, epidemiology, and neuroscience, and demonstrate that it opens up new possibilities and application domains for amortized Bayesian inference on simulation-based models.

new Learn Your Reference Model for Real Good Alignment

Authors: Alexey Gorbatovski, Boris Shaposhnikov, Alexey Malakhov, Nikita Surnachev, Yaroslav Aksenov, Ian Maksimov, Nikita Balagansky, Daniil Gavrilov

Abstract: The complexity of the alignment problem stems from the fact that existing methods are unstable. Researchers continuously invent various tricks to address this shortcoming. For instance, in the fundamental Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback (RLHF) technique of Language Model alignment, in addition to reward maximization, the Kullback-Leibler divergence between the trainable policy and the SFT policy is minimized. This addition prevents the model from being overfitted to the Reward Model (RM) and generating texts that are out-of-domain for the RM. The Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) method reformulates the optimization task of RLHF and eliminates the Reward Model while tacitly maintaining the requirement for the policy to be close to the SFT policy. In our paper, we argue that this implicit limitation in the DPO method leads to sub-optimal results. We propose a new method called Trust Region DPO (TR-DPO), which updates the reference policy during training. With such a straightforward update, we demonstrate the effectiveness of TR-DPO against DPO on the Anthropic HH and TLDR datasets. We show that TR-DPO outperforms DPO by up to 19%, measured by automatic evaluation with GPT-4. The new alignment approach that we propose allows us to improve the quality of models across several parameters at once, such as coherence, correctness, level of detail, helpfulness, and harmlessness.

new Closing the Gap in the Trade-off between Fair Representations and Accuracy

Authors: Biswajit Rout, Ananya B. Sai, Arun Rajkumar

Abstract: The rapid developments of various machine learning models and their deployments in several applications has led to discussions around the importance of looking beyond the accuracies of these models. Fairness of such models is one such aspect that is deservedly gaining more attention. In this work, we analyse the natural language representations of documents and sentences (i.e., encodings) for any embedding-level bias that could potentially also affect the fairness of the downstream tasks that rely on them. We identify bias in these encodings either towards or against different sub-groups based on the difference in their reconstruction errors along various subsets of principal components. We explore and recommend ways to mitigate such bias in the encodings while also maintaining a decent accuracy in classification models that use them.

new AntBatchInfer: Elastic Batch Inference in the Kubernetes Cluster

Authors: Siyuan Li, Youshao Xiao, Fanzhuang Meng, Lin Ju, Lei Liang, Lin Wang, Jun Zhou

Abstract: Offline batch inference is a common task in the industry for deep learning applications, but it can be challenging to ensure stability and performance when dealing with large amounts of data and complicated inference pipelines. This paper demonstrated AntBatchInfer, an elastic batch inference framework, which is specially optimized for the non-dedicated cluster. AntBatchInfer addresses these challenges by providing multi-level fault-tolerant capabilities, enabling the stable execution of versatile and long-running inference tasks. It also improves inference efficiency by pipelining, intra-node, and inter-node scaling. It further optimizes the performance in complicated multiple-model batch inference scenarios. Through extensive experiments and real-world statistics, we demonstrate the superiority of our framework in terms of stability and efficiency. In the experiment, it outperforms the baseline by at least $2\times$ and $6\times$ in the single-model or multiple-model batch inference. Also, it is widely used at Ant Group, with thousands of daily jobs from various scenarios, including DLRM, CV, and NLP, which proves its practicability in the industry.

new LoRAP: Transformer Sub-Layers Deserve Differentiated Structured Compression for Large Language Models

Authors: Guangyan Li, Yongqiang Tang, Wensheng Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) show excellent performance in difficult tasks, but they often require massive memories and computational resources. How to reduce the parameter scale of LLMs has become research hotspots. In this study, we make an important observation that the multi-head self-attention (MHA) sub-layer of Transformer exhibits noticeable low-rank structure, while the feed-forward network (FFN) sub-layer does not. With this regard, we design a mixed compression model, which organically combines Low-Rank matrix approximation And structured Pruning (LoRAP). For the MHA sub-layer, we propose an input activation weighted singular value decomposition method to strengthen the low-rank characteristic. Furthermore, we discover that the weight matrices in MHA sub-layer have different low-rank degrees. Thus, a novel parameter allocation scheme according to the discrepancy of low-rank degrees is devised. For the FFN sub-layer, we propose a gradient-free structured channel pruning method. During the pruning, we get an interesting finding that the least important 1% of parameter actually play a vital role in model performance. Extensive evaluations on zero-shot perplexity and zero-shot task classification indicate that our proposal is superior to previous structured compression rivals under multiple compression ratios.

new AI Competitions and Benchmarks: Dataset Development

Authors: Romain Egele, Julio C. S. Jacques Junior, Jan N. van Rijn, Isabelle Guyon, Xavier Bar\'o, Albert Clap\'es, Prasanna Balaprakash, Sergio Escalera, Thomas Moeslund, Jun Wan

Abstract: Machine learning is now used in many applications thanks to its ability to predict, generate, or discover patterns from large quantities of data. However, the process of collecting and transforming data for practical use is intricate. Even in today's digital era, where substantial data is generated daily, it is uncommon for it to be readily usable; most often, it necessitates meticulous manual data preparation. The haste in developing new models can frequently result in various shortcomings, potentially posing risks when deployed in real-world scenarios (eg social discrimination, critical failures), leading to the failure or substantial escalation of costs in AI-based projects. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of established methodological tools, enriched by our practical experience, in the development of datasets for machine learning. Initially, we develop the tasks involved in dataset development and offer insights into their effective management (including requirements, design, implementation, evaluation, distribution, and maintenance). Then, we provide more details about the implementation process which includes data collection, transformation, and quality evaluation. Finally, we address practical considerations regarding dataset distribution and maintenance.

new Higher Replay Ratio Empowers Sample-Efficient Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Linjie Xu, Zichuan Liu, Alexander Dockhorn, Diego Perez-Liebana, Jinyu Wang, Lei Song, Jiang Bian

Abstract: One of the notorious issues for Reinforcement Learning (RL) is poor sample efficiency. Compared to single agent RL, the sample efficiency for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is more challenging because of its inherent partial observability, non-stationary training, and enormous strategy space. Although much effort has been devoted to developing new methods and enhancing sample efficiency, we look at the widely used episodic training mechanism. In each training step, tens of frames are collected, but only one gradient step is made. We argue that this episodic training could be a source of poor sample efficiency. To better exploit the data already collected, we propose to increase the frequency of the gradient updates per environment interaction (a.k.a. Replay Ratio or Update-To-Data ratio). To show its generality, we evaluate $3$ MARL methods on $6$ SMAC tasks. The empirical results validate that a higher replay ratio significantly improves the sample efficiency for MARL algorithms. The codes to reimplement the results presented in this paper are open-sourced at


new VFLGAN: Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for Vertically Partitioned Data Publication

Authors: Xun Yuan, Yang Yang, Prosanta Gope, Aryan Pasikhani, Biplab Sikdar

Abstract: In the current artificial intelligence (AI) era, the scale and quality of the dataset play a crucial role in training a high-quality AI model. However, good data is not a free lunch and is always hard to access due to privacy regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A potential solution is to release a synthetic dataset with a similar distribution to that of the private dataset. Nevertheless, in some scenarios, it has been found that the attributes needed to train an AI model belong to different parties, and they cannot share the raw data for synthetic data publication due to privacy regulations. In PETS 2023, Xue et al. proposed the first generative adversary network-based model, VertiGAN, for vertically partitioned data publication. However, after thoroughly investigating, we found that VertiGAN is less effective in preserving the correlation among the attributes of different parties. This article proposes a Vertical Federated Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network, VFLGAN, for vertically partitioned data publication to address the above issues. Our experimental results show that compared with VertiGAN, VFLGAN significantly improves the quality of synthetic data. Taking the MNIST dataset as an example, the quality of the synthetic dataset generated by VFLGAN is 3.2 times better than that generated by VertiGAN w.r.t. the Fr\'echet Distance. We also designed a more efficient and effective Gaussian mechanism for the proposed VFLGAN to provide the synthetic dataset with a differential privacy guarantee. On the other hand, differential privacy only gives the upper bound of the worst-case privacy guarantee. This article also proposes a practical auditing scheme that applies membership inference attacks to estimate privacy leakage through the synthetic dataset.

new Convergence Analysis of Probability Flow ODE for Score-based Generative Models

Authors: Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Jiaoyang Huang, Zhengjiang Lin

Abstract: Score-based generative models have emerged as a powerful approach for sampling high-dimensional probability distributions. Despite their effectiveness, their theoretical underpinnings remain relatively underdeveloped. In this work, we study the convergence properties of deterministic samplers based on probability flow ODEs from both theoretical and numerical perspectives. Assuming access to $L^2$-accurate estimates of the score function, we prove the total variation between the target and the generated data distributions can be bounded above by $\mathcal{O}(d\sqrt{\delta})$ in the continuous time level, where $d$ denotes the data dimension and $\delta$ represents the $L^2$-score matching error. For practical implementations using a $p$-th order Runge-Kutta integrator with step size $h$, we establish error bounds of $\mathcal{O}(d(\sqrt{\delta} + (dh)^p))$ at the discrete level. Finally, we present numerical studies on problems up to $128$ dimensions to verify our theory, which indicate a better score matching error and dimension dependence.

new Quantization of Large Language Models with an Overdetermined Basis

Authors: Daniil Merkulov, Daria Cherniuk, Alexander Rudikov, Ivan Oseledets, Ekaterina Muravleva, Aleksandr Mikhalev, Boris Kashin

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce an algorithm for data quantization based on the principles of Kashin representation. This approach hinges on decomposing any given vector, matrix, or tensor into two factors. The first factor maintains a small infinity norm, while the second exhibits a similarly constrained norm when multiplied by an orthogonal matrix. Surprisingly, the entries of factors after decomposition are well-concentrated around several peaks, which allows us to efficiently replace them with corresponding centroids for quantization purposes. We study the theoretical properties of the proposed approach and rigorously evaluate our compression algorithm in the context of next-word prediction tasks and on a set of downstream tasks for text classification. Our findings demonstrate that Kashin Quantization achieves competitive or superior quality in model performance while ensuring data compression, marking a significant advancement in the field of data quantization.

new Effective Reinforcement Learning Based on Structural Information Principles

Authors: Xianghua Zeng, Hao Peng, Dingli Su, Angsheng Li

Abstract: Although Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms acquire sequential behavioral patterns through interactions with the environment, their effectiveness in noisy and high-dimensional scenarios typically relies on specific structural priors. In this paper, we propose a novel and general Structural Information principles-based framework for effective Decision-Making, namely SIDM, approached from an information-theoretic perspective. This paper presents a specific unsupervised partitioning method that forms vertex communities in the state and action spaces based on their feature similarities. An aggregation function, which utilizes structural entropy as the vertex weight, is devised within each community to obtain its embedding, thereby facilitating hierarchical state and action abstractions. By extracting abstract elements from historical trajectories, a directed, weighted, homogeneous transition graph is constructed. The minimization of this graph's high-dimensional entropy leads to the generation of an optimal encoding tree. An innovative two-layer skill-based learning mechanism is introduced to compute the common path entropy of each state transition as its identified probability, thereby obviating the requirement for expert knowledge. Moreover, SIDM can be flexibly incorporated into various single-agent and multi-agent RL algorithms, enhancing their performance. Finally, extensive evaluations on challenging benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with SOTA baselines, our framework significantly and consistently improves the policy's quality, stability, and efficiency up to 32.70%, 88.26%, and 64.86%, respectively.

new RandAlign: A Parameter-Free Method for Regularizing Graph Convolutional Networks

Authors: Haimin Zhang, Min Xu

Abstract: Studies continually find that message-passing graph convolutional networks suffer from the over-smoothing issue. Basically, the issue of over-smoothing refers to the phenomenon that the learned embeddings for all nodes can become very similar to one another and therefore are uninformative after repeatedly applying message passing iterations. Intuitively, we can expect the generated embeddings become smooth asymptotically layerwisely, that is each layer of graph convolution generates a smoothed version of embeddings as compared to that generated by the previous layer. Based on this intuition, we propose RandAlign, a stochastic regularization method for graph convolutional networks. The idea of RandAlign is to randomly align the learned embedding for each node with that of the previous layer using randomly interpolation in each graph convolution layer. Through alignment, the smoothness of the generated embeddings is explicitly reduced. To better maintain the benefit yielded by the graph convolution, in the alignment step we introduce to first scale the embedding of the previous layer to the same norm as the generated embedding and then perform random interpolation for aligning the generated embedding. RandAlign is a parameter-free method and can be directly applied without introducing additional trainable weights or hyper-parameters. We experimentally evaluate RandAlign on different graph domain tasks on seven benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that RandAlign is a general method that improves the generalization performance of various graph convolutional network models and also improves the numerical stability of optimization, advancing the state of the art performance for graph representation learning.

new Shape Arithmetic Expressions: Advancing Scientific Discovery Beyond Closed-Form Equations

Authors: Krzysztof Kacprzyk, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: Symbolic regression has excelled in uncovering equations from physics, chemistry, biology, and related disciplines. However, its effectiveness becomes less certain when applied to experimental data lacking inherent closed-form expressions. Empirically derived relationships, such as entire stress-strain curves, may defy concise closed-form representation, compelling us to explore more adaptive modeling approaches that balance flexibility with interpretability. In our pursuit, we turn to Generalized Additive Models (GAMs), a widely used class of models known for their versatility across various domains. Although GAMs can capture non-linear relationships between variables and targets, they cannot capture intricate feature interactions. In this work, we investigate both of these challenges and propose a novel class of models, Shape Arithmetic Expressions (SHAREs), that fuses GAM's flexible shape functions with the complex feature interactions found in mathematical expressions. SHAREs also provide a unifying framework for both of these approaches. We also design a set of rules for constructing SHAREs that guarantee transparency of the found expressions beyond the standard constraints based on the model's size.

new Taper-based scattering formulation of the Helmholtz equation to improve the training process of Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: W. D\"orfler, M. Elasmi, T. Laufer

Abstract: This work addresses the scattering problem of an incident wave at a junction connecting two semi-infinite waveguides, which we intend to solve using Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). As with other deep learning-based approaches, PINNs are known to suffer from a spectral bias and from the hyperbolic nature of the Helmholtz equation. This makes the training process challenging, especially for higher wave numbers. We show an example where these limitations are present. In order to improve the learning capability of our model, we suggest an equivalent formulation of the Helmholtz Boundary Value Problem (BVP) that is based on splitting the total wave into a tapered continuation of the incoming wave and a remaining scattered wave. This allows the introduction of an inhomogeneity in the BVP, leveraging the information transmitted during back-propagation, thus, enhancing and accelerating the training process of our PINN model. The presented numerical illustrations are in accordance with the expected behavior, paving the way to a possible alternative approach to predicting scattering problems using PINNs.

new Neighbour-level Message Interaction Encoding for Improved Representation Learning on Graphs

Authors: Haimin Zhang, Min Xu

Abstract: Message passing has become the dominant framework in graph representation learning. The essential idea of the message-passing framework is to update node embeddings based on the information aggregated from local neighbours. However, most existing aggregation methods have not encoded neighbour-level message interactions into the aggregated message, resulting in an information lost in embedding generation. And this information lost could be accumulated and become more serious as more layers are added to the graph network model. To address this issue, we propose a neighbour-level message interaction information encoding method for improving graph representation learning. For messages that are aggregated at a node, we explicitly generate an encoding between each message and the rest messages using an encoding function. Then we aggregate these learned encodings and take the sum of the aggregated encoding and the aggregated message to update the embedding for the node. By this way, neighbour-level message interaction information is integrated into the generated node embeddings. The proposed encoding method is a generic method which can be integrated into message-passing graph convolutional networks. Extensive experiments are conducted on six popular benchmark datasets across four highly-demanded tasks. The results show that integrating neighbour-level message interactions achieves improved performance of the base models, advancing the state of the art results for representation learning over graphs.

new FedP3: Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly Network Pruning under Model Heterogeneity

Authors: Kai Yi, Nidham Gazagnadou, Peter Richt\'arik, Lingjuan Lyu

Abstract: The interest in federated learning has surged in recent research due to its unique ability to train a global model using privacy-secured information held locally on each client. This paper pays particular attention to the issue of client-side model heterogeneity, a pervasive challenge in the practical implementation of FL that escalates its complexity. Assuming a scenario where each client possesses varied memory storage, processing capabilities and network bandwidth - a phenomenon referred to as system heterogeneity - there is a pressing need to customize a unique model for each client. In response to this, we present an effective and adaptable federated framework FedP3, representing Federated Personalized and Privacy-friendly network Pruning, tailored for model heterogeneity scenarios. Our proposed methodology can incorporate and adapt well-established techniques to its specific instances. We offer a theoretical interpretation of FedP3 and its locally differential-private variant, DP-FedP3, and theoretically validate their efficiencies.

new A provable control of sensitivity of neural networks through a direct parameterization of the overall bi-Lipschitzness

Authors: Yuri Kinoshita, Taro Toyoizumi

Abstract: While neural networks can enjoy an outstanding flexibility and exhibit unprecedented performance, the mechanism behind their behavior is still not well-understood. To tackle this fundamental challenge, researchers have tried to restrict and manipulate some of their properties in order to gain new insights and better control on them. Especially, throughout the past few years, the concept of \emph{bi-Lipschitzness} has been proved as a beneficial inductive bias in many areas. However, due to its complexity, the design and control of bi-Lipschitz architectures are falling behind, and a model that is precisely designed for bi-Lipschitzness realizing a direct and simple control of the constants along with solid theoretical analysis is lacking. In this work, we investigate and propose a novel framework for bi-Lipschitzness that can achieve such a clear and tight control based on convex neural networks and the Legendre-Fenchel duality. Its desirable properties are illustrated with concrete experiments. We also apply this framework to uncertainty estimation and monotone problem settings to illustrate its broad range of applications.

new Unsupervised Federated Optimization at the Edge: D2D-Enabled Learning without Labels

Authors: Satyavrat Wagle, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Naji Khosravan, Christopher G. Brinton

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a popular solution for distributed machine learning (ML). While FL has traditionally been studied for supervised ML tasks, in many applications, it is impractical to assume availability of labeled data across devices. To this end, we develop Cooperative Federated unsupervised Contrastive Learning ({\tt CF-CL)} to facilitate FL across edge devices with unlabeled datasets. {\tt CF-CL} employs local device cooperation where either explicit (i.e., raw data) or implicit (i.e., embeddings) information is exchanged through device-to-device (D2D) communications to improve local diversity. Specifically, we introduce a \textit{smart information push-pull} methodology for data/embedding exchange tailored to FL settings with either soft or strict data privacy restrictions. Information sharing is conducted through a probabilistic importance sampling technique at receivers leveraging a carefully crafted reserve dataset provided by transmitters. In the implicit case, embedding exchange is further integrated into the local ML training at the devices via a regularization term incorporated into the contrastive loss, augmented with a dynamic contrastive margin to adjust the volume of latent space explored. Numerical evaluations demonstrate that {\tt CF-CL} leads to alignment of latent spaces learned across devices, results in faster and more efficient global model training, and is effective in extreme non-i.i.d. data distribution settings across devices.

new Explainable Online Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for Cyber-Physical Systems via Causal Discovery from Time Series

Authors: Daniele Meli

Abstract: Online unsupervised detection of anomalies is crucial to guarantee the correct operation of cyber-physical systems and the safety of humans interacting with them. State-of-the-art approaches based on deep learning via neural networks achieve outstanding performance at anomaly recognition, evaluating the discrepancy between a normal model of the system (with no anomalies) and the real-time stream of sensor time series. However, large training data and time are typically required, and explainability is still a challenge to identify the root of the anomaly and implement predictive maintainance. In this paper, we use causal discovery to learn a normal causal graph of the system, and we evaluate the persistency of causal links during real-time acquisition of sensor data to promptly detect anomalies. On two benchmark anomaly detection datasets, we show that our method has higher training efficiency, outperforms the accuracy of state-of-the-art neural architectures and correctly identifies the sources of $>10$ different anomalies. The code for experimental replication is at


new ReffAKD: Resource-efficient Autoencoder-based Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Divyang Doshi, Jung-Eun Kim

Abstract: In this research, we propose an innovative method to boost Knowledge Distillation efficiency without the need for resource-heavy teacher models. Knowledge Distillation trains a smaller ``student'' model with guidance from a larger ``teacher'' model, which is computationally costly. However, the main benefit comes from the soft labels provided by the teacher, helping the student grasp nuanced class similarities. In our work, we propose an efficient method for generating these soft labels, thereby eliminating the need for a large teacher model. We employ a compact autoencoder to extract essential features and calculate similarity scores between different classes. Afterward, we apply the softmax function to these similarity scores to obtain a soft probability vector. This vector serves as valuable guidance during the training of the student model. Our extensive experiments on various datasets, including CIFAR-100, Tiny Imagenet, and Fashion MNIST, demonstrate the superior resource efficiency of our approach compared to traditional knowledge distillation methods that rely on large teacher models. Importantly, our approach consistently achieves similar or even superior performance in terms of model accuracy. We also perform a comparative study with various techniques recently developed for knowledge distillation showing our approach achieves competitive performance with using significantly less resources. We also show that our approach can be easily added to any logit based knowledge distillation method. This research contributes to making knowledge distillation more accessible and cost-effective for practical applications, making it a promising avenue for improving the efficiency of model training. The code for this work is available at,


new Accelerating Ensemble Error Bar Prediction with Single Models Fits

Authors: Vidit Agrawal, Shixin Zhang, Lane E. Schultz, Dane Morgan

Abstract: Ensemble models can be used to estimate prediction uncertainties in machine learning models. However, an ensemble of N models is approximately N times more computationally demanding compared to a single model when it is used for inference. In this work, we explore fitting a single model to predicted ensemble error bar data, which allows us to estimate uncertainties without the need for a full ensemble. Our approach is based on three models: Model A for predictive accuracy, Model $A_{E}$ for traditional ensemble-based error bar prediction, and Model B, fit to data from Model $A_{E}$, to be used for predicting the values of $A_{E}$ but with only one model evaluation. Model B leverages synthetic data augmentation to estimate error bars efficiently. This approach offers a highly flexible method of uncertainty quantification that can approximate that of ensemble methods but only requires a single extra model evaluation over Model A during inference. We assess this approach on a set of problems in materials science.

new Foundational Challenges in Assuring Alignment and Safety of Large Language Models

Authors: Usman Anwar, Abulhair Saparov, Javier Rando, Daniel Paleka, Miles Turpin, Peter Hase, Ekdeep Singh Lubana, Erik Jenner, Stephen Casper, Oliver Sourbut, Benjamin L. Edelman, Zhaowei Zhang, Mario G\"unther, Anton Korinek, Jose Hernandez-Orallo, Lewis Hammond, Eric Bigelow, Alexander Pan, Lauro Langosco, Tomasz Korbak, Heidi Zhang, Ruiqi Zhong, Se\'an \'O h\'Eigeartaigh, Gabriel Recchia, Giulio Corsi, Alan Chan, Markus Anderljung, Lilian Edwards, Yoshua Bengio, Danqi Chen, Samuel Albanie, Tegan Maharaj, Jakob Foerster, Florian Tramer, He He, Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Yejin Choi, David Krueger

Abstract: This work identifies 18 foundational challenges in assuring the alignment and safety of large language models (LLMs). These challenges are organized into three different categories: scientific understanding of LLMs, development and deployment methods, and sociotechnical challenges. Based on the identified challenges, we pose $200+$ concrete research questions.

new A Note on Loss Functions and Error Compounding in Model-based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Nan Jiang

Abstract: This note clarifies some confusions (and perhaps throws out more) around model-based reinforcement learning and their theoretical understanding in the context of deep RL. Main topics of discussion are (1) how to reconcile model-based RL's bad empirical reputation on error compounding with its superior theoretical properties, and (2) the limitations of empirically popular losses. For the latter, concrete counterexamples for the "MuZero loss" are constructed to show that it not only fails in stochastic environments, but also suffers exponential sample complexity in deterministic environments when data provides sufficient coverage.

new Classification Tree-based Active Learning: A Wrapper Approach

Authors: Ashna Jose, Emilie Devijver, Massih-Reza Amini, Noel Jakse, Roberta Poloni

Abstract: Supervised machine learning often requires large training sets to train accurate models, yet obtaining large amounts of labeled data is not always feasible. Hence, it becomes crucial to explore active learning methods for reducing the size of training sets while maintaining high accuracy. The aim is to select the optimal subset of data for labeling from an initial unlabeled set, ensuring precise prediction of outcomes. However, conventional active learning approaches are comparable to classical random sampling. This paper proposes a wrapper active learning method for classification, organizing the sampling process into a tree structure, that improves state-of-the-art algorithms. A classification tree constructed on an initial set of labeled samples is considered to decompose the space into low-entropy regions. Input-space based criteria are used thereafter to sub-sample from these regions, the total number of points to be labeled being decomposed into each region. This adaptation proves to be a significant enhancement over existing active learning methods. Through experiments conducted on various benchmark data sets, the paper demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed framework by being effective in constructing accurate classification models, even when provided with a severely restricted labeled data set.

cross Algorithm for AGC index management against crowded radio environment

Authors: Morgane Joly, Fabian Rivi\`ere, \'Eric Renault

Abstract: This paper describes a receiver that uses an innovative method to predict, according to history of receiver operating metrics (packet lost/well received), the optimum automatic gain control (AGC) index or most appropriate variable gain range to be used for next packet reception, anticipating an interferer appearing during the payload reception. This allows the receiver to have higher immunity to interferers even if they occur during the gain frozen payload reception period whilst still ensuring an optimum sensitivity level. As a result, the method allows setting the receiver gain to get an optimum trade-off between reception sensitivity and random interferer immunity.

cross Transformer-based Joint Modelling for Automatic Essay Scoring and Off-Topic Detection

Authors: Sourya Dipta Das, Yash Vadi, Kuldeep Yadav

Abstract: Automated Essay Scoring (AES) systems are widely popular in the market as they constitute a cost-effective and time-effective option for grading systems. Nevertheless, many studies have demonstrated that the AES system fails to assign lower grades to irrelevant responses. Thus, detecting the off-topic response in automated essay scoring is crucial in practical tasks where candidates write unrelated text responses to the given task in the question. In this paper, we are proposing an unsupervised technique that jointly scores essays and detects off-topic essays. The proposed Automated Open Essay Scoring (AOES) model uses a novel topic regularization module (TRM), which can be attached on top of a transformer model, and is trained using a proposed hybrid loss function. After training, the AOES model is further used to calculate the Mahalanobis distance score for off-topic essay detection. Our proposed method outperforms the baseline we created and earlier conventional methods on two essay-scoring datasets in off-topic detection as well as on-topic scoring. Experimental evaluation results on different adversarial strategies also show how the suggested method is robust for detecting possible human-level perturbations.

cross Advancing Extrapolative Predictions of Material Properties through Learning to Learn

Authors: Kohei Noda, Araki Wakiuchi, Yoshihiro Hayashi, Ryo Yoshida

Abstract: Recent advancements in machine learning have showcased its potential to significantly accelerate the discovery of new materials. Central to this progress is the development of rapidly computable property predictors, enabling the identification of novel materials with desired properties from vast material spaces. However, the limited availability of data resources poses a significant challenge in data-driven materials research, particularly hindering the exploration of innovative materials beyond the boundaries of existing data. While machine learning predictors are inherently interpolative, establishing a general methodology to create an extrapolative predictor remains a fundamental challenge, limiting the search for innovative materials beyond existing data boundaries. In this study, we leverage an attention-based architecture of neural networks and meta-learning algorithms to acquire extrapolative generalization capability. The meta-learners, experienced repeatedly with arbitrarily generated extrapolative tasks, can acquire outstanding generalization capability in unexplored material spaces. Through the tasks of predicting the physical properties of polymeric materials and hybrid organic--inorganic perovskites, we highlight the potential of such extrapolatively trained models, particularly with their ability to rapidly adapt to unseen material domains in transfer learning scenarios.

cross How Does Message Passing Improve Collaborative Filtering?

Authors: Mingxuan Ju, William Shiao, Zhichun Guo, Yanfang Ye, Yozen Liu, Neil Shah, Tong Zhao

Abstract: Collaborative filtering (CF) has exhibited prominent results for recommender systems and been broadly utilized for real-world applications. A branch of research enhances CF methods by message passing used in graph neural networks, due to its strong capabilities of extracting knowledge from graph-structured data, like user-item bipartite graphs that naturally exist in CF. They assume that message passing helps CF methods in a manner akin to its benefits for graph-based learning tasks in general. However, even though message passing empirically improves CF, whether or not this assumption is correct still needs verification. To address this gap, we formally investigate why message passing helps CF from multiple perspectives and show that many assumptions made by previous works are not entirely accurate. With our curated ablation studies and theoretical analyses, we discover that (1) message passing improves the CF performance primarily by additional representations passed from neighbors during the forward pass instead of additional gradient updates to neighbor representations during the model back-propagation and (ii) message passing usually helps low-degree nodes more than high-degree nodes. Utilizing these novel findings, we present Test-time Aggregation for CF, namely TAG-CF, a test-time augmentation framework that only conducts message passing once at inference time. The key novelty of TAG-CF is that it effectively utilizes graph knowledge while circumventing most of notorious computational overheads of message passing. Besides, TAG-CF is extremely versatile can be used as a plug-and-play module to enhance representations trained by different CF supervision signals. Evaluated on six datasets, TAG-CF consistently improves the recommendation performance of CF methods without graph by up to 39.2% on cold users and 31.7% on all users, with little to no extra computational overheads.

cross FewUser: Few-Shot Social User Geolocation via Contrastive Learning

Authors: Menglin Li, Kwan Hui Lim

Abstract: To address the challenges of scarcity in geotagged data for social user geolocation, we propose FewUser, a novel framework for Few-shot social User geolocation. We incorporate a contrastive learning strategy between users and locations to improve geolocation performance with no or limited training data. FewUser features a user representation module that harnesses a pre-trained language model (PLM) and a user encoder to process and fuse diverse social media inputs effectively. To bridge the gap between PLM's knowledge and geographical data, we introduce a geographical prompting module with hard, soft, and semi-soft prompts, to enhance the encoding of location information. Contrastive learning is implemented through a contrastive loss and a matching loss, complemented by a hard negative mining strategy to refine the learning process. We construct two datasets TwiU and FliU, containing richer metadata than existing benchmarks, to evaluate FewUser and the extensive experiments demonstrate that FewUser significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both zero-shot and various few-shot settings, achieving absolute improvements of 26.95\% and \textbf{41.62\%} on TwiU and FliU, respectively, with only one training sample per class. We further conduct a comprehensive analysis to investigate the impact of user representation on geolocation performance and the effectiveness of FewUser's components, offering valuable insights for future research in this area.

cross Identifying Banking Transaction Descriptions via Support Vector Machine Short-Text Classification Based on a Specialized Labelled Corpus

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Milagros Fern\'andez-Gavilanes, Jonathan Juncal-Mart\'inez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Oscar Barba Seara

Abstract: Short texts are omnipresent in real-time news, social network commentaries, etc. Traditional text representation methods have been successfully applied to self-contained documents of medium size. However, information in short texts is often insufficient, due, for example, to the use of mnemonics, which makes them hard to classify. Therefore, the particularities of specific domains must be exploited. In this article we describe a novel system that combines Natural Language Processing techniques with Machine Learning algorithms to classify banking transaction descriptions for personal finance management, a problem that was not previously considered in the literature. We trained and tested that system on a labelled dataset with real customer transactions that will be available to other researchers on request. Motivated by existing solutions in spam detection, we also propose a short text similarity detector to reduce training set size based on the Jaccard distance. Experimental results with a two-stage classifier combining this detector with a SVM indicate a high accuracy in comparison with alternative approaches, taking into account complexity and computing time. Finally, we present a use case with a personal finance application, CoinScrap, which is available at Google Play and App Store.

cross Targeted aspect-based emotion analysis to detect opportunities and precaution in financial Twitter messages

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Ana Barros-Vila, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no

Abstract: Microblogging platforms, of which Twitter is a representative example, are valuable information sources for market screening and financial models. In them, users voluntarily provide relevant information, including educated knowledge on investments, reacting to the state of the stock markets in real-time and, often, influencing this state. We are interested in the user forecasts in financial, social media messages expressing opportunities and precautions about assets. We propose a novel Targeted Aspect-Based Emotion Analysis (TABEA) system that can individually discern the financial emotions (positive and negative forecasts) on the different stock market assets in the same tweet (instead of making an overall guess about that whole tweet). It is based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and Machine Learning streaming algorithms. The system comprises a constituency parsing module for parsing the tweets and splitting them into simpler declarative clauses; an offline data processing module to engineer textual, numerical and categorical features and analyse and select them based on their relevance; and a stream classification module to continuously process tweets on-the-fly. Experimental results on a labelled data set endorse our solution. It achieves over 90% precision for the target emotions, financial opportunity, and precaution on Twitter. To the best of our knowledge, no prior work in the literature has addressed this problem despite its practical interest in decision-making, and we are not aware of any previous NLP nor online Machine Learning approaches to TABEA.

cross Revealing Trends in Datasets from the 2022 ACL and EMNLP Conferences

Authors: Jesse Atuhurra, Hidetaka Kamigaito

Abstract: Natural language processing (NLP) has grown significantly since the advent of the Transformer architecture. Transformers have given birth to pre-trained large language models (PLMs). There has been tremendous improvement in the performance of NLP systems across several tasks. NLP systems are on par or, in some cases, better than humans at accomplishing specific tasks. However, it remains the norm that \emph{better quality datasets at the time of pretraining enable PLMs to achieve better performance, regardless of the task.} The need to have quality datasets has prompted NLP researchers to continue creating new datasets to satisfy particular needs. For example, the two top NLP conferences, ACL and EMNLP, accepted ninety-two papers in 2022, introducing new datasets. This work aims to uncover the trends and insights mined within these datasets. Moreover, we provide valuable suggestions to researchers interested in curating datasets in the future.

cross A Bayesian Regression Approach for Estimating the Impact of COVID-19 on Consumer Behavior in the Restaurant Industry

Authors: H. Hinduja, N. Mandal

Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a long-term impact on industries worldwide, with the hospitality and food industry facing significant challenges, leading to the permanent closure of many restaurants and the loss of jobs. In this study, we developed an innovative analytical framework using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for predictive modeling with Bayesian regression, aiming to estimate the change point in consumer behavior towards different types of restaurants due to COVID-19. Our approach emphasizes a novel method in computational analysis, providing insights into customer behavior changes before and after the pandemic. This research contributes to understanding the effects of COVID-19 on the restaurant industry and is valuable for restaurant owners and policymakers.

cross Navigating the Evaluation Funnel to Optimize Iteration Speed for Recommender Systems

Authors: Claire Schultzberg, Brammert Ottens

Abstract: Over the last decades has emerged a rich literature on the evaluation of recommendation systems. However, less is written about how to efficiently combine different evaluation methods from this rich field into a single efficient evaluation funnel. In this paper we aim to build intuition for how to choose evaluation methods, by presenting a novel framework that simplifies the reasoning around the evaluation funnel for a recommendation system. Our contribution is twofold. First we present our framework for how to decompose the definition of success to construct efficient evaluation funnels, focusing on how to identify and discard non-successful iterations quickly. We show that decomposing the definition of success into smaller necessary criteria for success enables early identification of non-successful ideas. Second, we give an overview of the most common and useful evaluation methods, discuss their pros and cons, and how they fit into, and complement each other in, the evaluation process. We go through so-called offline and online evaluation methods such as counterfactual logging, validation, verification, A/B testing, and interleaving. The paper concludes with some general discussion and advice on how to design an efficient evaluation process for recommender systems.

cross Taxonomy and Analysis of Sensitive User Queries in Generative AI Search

Authors: Hwiyeol Jo, Taiwoo Park, Nayoung Choi, Changbong Kim, Ohjoon Kwon, Donghyeon Jeon, Hyunwoo Lee, Eui-Hyeon Lee, Kyoungho Shin, Sun Suk Lim, Kyungmi Kim, Jihye Lee, Sun Kim

Abstract: Although there has been a growing interest among industries to integrate generative LLMs into their services, limited experiences and scarcity of resources acts as a barrier in launching and servicing large-scale LLM-based conversational services. In this paper, we share our experiences in developing and operating generative AI models within a national-scale search engine, with a specific focus on the sensitiveness of user queries. We propose a taxonomy for sensitive search queries, outline our approaches, and present a comprehensive analysis report on sensitive queries from actual users.

cross Sentiment analysis and random forest to classify LLM versus human source applied to Scientific Texts

Authors: Javier J. Sanchez-Medina

Abstract: After the launch of ChatGPT v.4 there has been a global vivid discussion on the ability of this artificial intelligence powered platform and some other similar ones for the automatic production of all kinds of texts, including scientific and technical texts. This has triggered a reflection in many institutions on whether education and academic procedures should be adapted to the fact that in future many texts we read will not be written by humans (students, scholars, etc.), at least, not entirely. In this work it is proposed a new methodology to classify texts coming from an automatic text production engine or a human, based on Sentiment Analysis as a source for feature engineering independent variables and then train with them a Random Forest classification algorithm. Using four different sentiment lexicons, a number of new features where produced, and then fed to a machine learning random forest methodology, to train such a model. Results seem very convincing that this may be a promising research line to detect fraud, in such environments where human are supposed to be the source of texts.

cross ALERT: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Assessing Large Language Models' Safety through Red Teaming

Authors: Simone Tedeschi, Felix Friedrich, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting, Roberto Navigli, Huu Nguyen, Bo Li

Abstract: When building Large Language Models (LLMs), it is paramount to bear safety in mind and protect them with guardrails. Indeed, LLMs should never generate content promoting or normalizing harmful, illegal, or unethical behavior that may contribute to harm to individuals or society. This principle applies to both normal and adversarial use. In response, we introduce ALERT, a large-scale benchmark to assess safety based on a novel fine-grained risk taxonomy. It is designed to evaluate the safety of LLMs through red teaming methodologies and consists of more than 45k instructions categorized using our novel taxonomy. By subjecting LLMs to adversarial testing scenarios, ALERT aims to identify vulnerabilities, inform improvements, and enhance the overall safety of the language models. Furthermore, the fine-grained taxonomy enables researchers to perform an in-depth evaluation that also helps one to assess the alignment with various policies. In our experiments, we extensively evaluate 10 popular open- and closed-source LLMs and demonstrate that many of them still struggle to attain reasonable levels of safety.

cross Your Finetuned Large Language Model is Already a Powerful Out-of-distribution Detector

Authors: Andi Zhang, Tim Z. Xiao, Weiyang Liu, Robert Bamler, Damon Wischik

Abstract: We revisit the likelihood ratio between a pretrained large language model (LLM) and its finetuned variant as a criterion for out-of-distribution (OOD) detection. The intuition behind such a criterion is that, the pretrained LLM has the prior knowledge about OOD data due to its large amount of training data, and once finetuned with the in-distribution data, the LLM has sufficient knowledge to distinguish their difference. Leveraging the power of LLMs, we show that, for the first time, the likelihood ratio can serve as an effective OOD detector. Moreover, we apply the proposed LLM-based likelihood ratio to detect OOD questions in question-answering (QA) systems, which can be used to improve the performance of specialized LLMs for general questions. Given that likelihood can be easily obtained by the loss functions within contemporary neural network frameworks, it is straightforward to implement this approach in practice. Since both the pretrained LLMs and its various finetuned models are available, our proposed criterion can be effortlessly incorporated for OOD detection without the need for further training. We conduct comprehensive evaluation across on multiple settings, including far OOD, near OOD, spam detection, and QA scenarios, to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.

cross Text clustering applied to data augmentation in legal contexts

Authors: Lucas Jos\'e Gon\c{c}alves Freitas, Tha\'is Rodrigues, Guilherme Rodrigues, Pamella Edokawa, Ariane Farias

Abstract: Data analysis and machine learning are of preeminent importance in the legal domain, especially in tasks like clustering and text classification. In this study, we harnessed the power of natural language processing tools to enhance datasets meticulously curated by experts. This process significantly improved the classification workflow for legal texts using machine learning techniques. We considered the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) data from the United Nations 2030 Agenda as a practical case study. Data augmentation clustering-based strategy led to remarkable enhancements in the accuracy and sensitivity metrics of classification models. For certain SDGs within the 2030 Agenda, we observed performance gains of over 15%. In some cases, the example base expanded by a noteworthy factor of 5. When dealing with unclassified legal texts, data augmentation strategies centered around clustering prove to be highly effective. They provide a valuable means to expand the existing knowledge base without the need for labor-intensive manual classification efforts.

cross Neural Sequence-to-Sequence Modeling with Attention by Leveraging Deep Learning Architectures for Enhanced Contextual Understanding in Abstractive Text Summarization

Authors: Bhavith Chandra Challagundla, Chakradhar Peddavenkatagari

Abstract: Automatic text summarization (TS) plays a pivotal role in condensing large volumes of information into concise, coherent summaries, facilitating efficient information retrieval and comprehension. This paper presents a novel framework for abstractive TS of single documents, which integrates three dominant aspects: structural, semantic, and neural-based approaches. The proposed framework merges machine learning and knowledge-based techniques to achieve a unified methodology. The framework consists of three main phases: pre-processing, machine learning, and post-processing. In the pre-processing phase, a knowledge-based Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) technique is employed to generalize ambiguous words, enhancing content generalization. Semantic content generalization is then performed to address out-of-vocabulary (OOV) or rare words, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the input document. Subsequently, the generalized text is transformed into a continuous vector space using neural language processing techniques. A deep sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) model with an attention mechanism is employed to predict a generalized summary based on the vector representation. In the post-processing phase, heuristic algorithms and text similarity metrics are utilized to refine the generated summary further. Concepts from the generalized summary are matched with specific entities, enhancing coherence and readability. Experimental evaluations conducted on prominent datasets, including Gigaword, Duc 2004, and CNN/DailyMail, demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Results indicate significant improvements in handling rare and OOV words, outperforming existing state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. The proposed framework presents a comprehensive and unified approach towards abstractive TS, combining the strengths of structure, semantics, and neural-based methodologies.

cross Extractive text summarisation of Privacy Policy documents using machine learning approaches

Authors: Chanwoo Choi

Abstract: This work demonstrates two Privacy Policy (PP) summarisation models based on two different clustering algorithms: K-means clustering and Pre-determined Centroid (PDC) clustering. K-means is decided to be used for the first model after an extensive evaluation of ten commonly used clustering algorithms. The summariser model based on the PDC-clustering algorithm summarises PP documents by segregating individual sentences by Euclidean distance from each sentence to the pre-defined cluster centres. The cluster centres are defined according to General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)'s 14 essential topics that must be included in any privacy notices. The PDC model outperformed the K-means model for two evaluation methods, Sum of Squared Distance (SSD) and ROUGE by some margin (27% and 24% respectively). This result contrasts the K-means model's better performance in the general clustering of sentence vectors before running the task-specific evaluation. This indicates the effectiveness of operating task-specific fine-tuning measures on unsupervised machine-learning models. The summarisation mechanisms implemented in this paper demonstrates an idea of how to efficiently extract essential sentences that should be included in any PP documents. The summariser models could be further developed to an application that tests the GDPR-compliance (or any data privacy legislation) of PP documents.

cross Towards Building a Robust Toxicity Predictor

Authors: Dmitriy Bespalov, Sourav Bhabesh, Yi Xiang, Liutong Zhou, Yanjun Qi

Abstract: Recent NLP literature pays little attention to the robustness of toxicity language predictors, while these systems are most likely to be used in adversarial contexts. This paper presents a novel adversarial attack, \texttt{ToxicTrap}, introducing small word-level perturbations to fool SOTA text classifiers to predict toxic text samples as benign. ToxicTrap exploits greedy based search strategies to enable fast and effective generation of toxic adversarial examples. Two novel goal function designs allow ToxicTrap to identify weaknesses in both multiclass and multilabel toxic language detectors. Our empirical results show that SOTA toxicity text classifiers are indeed vulnerable to the proposed attacks, attaining over 98\% attack success rates in multilabel cases. We also show how a vanilla adversarial training and its improved version can help increase robustness of a toxicity detector even against unseen attacks.

cross Lossless Acceleration of Large Language Model via Adaptive N-gram Parallel Decoding

Authors: Jie Ou, Yueming Chen, Wenhong Tian

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable abilities, they are hindered by significant resource consumption and considerable latency due to autoregressive processing. In this study, we introduce Adaptive N-gram Parallel Decoding (ANPD), an innovative and lossless approach that accelerates inference by allowing the simultaneous generation of multiple tokens. ANPD incorporates a two-stage approach: it begins with a rapid drafting phase that employs an N-gram module, which adapts based on the current interactive context, followed by a verification phase, during which the original LLM assesses and confirms the proposed tokens. Consequently, ANPD preserves the integrity of the LLM's original output while enhancing processing speed. We further leverage a multi-level architecture for the N-gram module to enhance the precision of the initial draft, consequently reducing inference latency. ANPD eliminates the need for retraining or extra GPU memory, making it an efficient and plug-and-play enhancement. In our experiments, models such as LLaMA and its fine-tuned variants have shown speed improvements up to 3.67x, validating the effectiveness of our proposed ANPD.

cross Analyzing the Impact of Data Selection and Fine-Tuning on Economic and Political Biases in LLMs

Authors: Ahmed Agiza, Mohamed Mostagir, Sherief Reda

Abstract: In an era where language models are increasingly integrated into decision-making and communication, understanding the biases within Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes imperative, especially when these models are applied in the economic and political domains. This work investigates the impact of fine-tuning and data selection on economic and political biases in LLM. We explore the methodological aspects of biasing LLMs towards specific ideologies, mindful of the biases that arise from their extensive training on diverse datasets. Our approach, distinct from earlier efforts that either focus on smaller models or entail resource-intensive pre-training, employs Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques. These techniques allow for the alignment of LLMs with targeted ideologies by modifying a small subset of parameters. We introduce a systematic method for dataset selection, annotation, and instruction tuning, and we assess its effectiveness through both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our work analyzes the potential of embedding specific biases into LLMs and contributes to the dialogue on the ethical application of AI, highlighting the importance of deploying AI in a manner that aligns with societal values.

cross Introducing L2M3, A Multilingual Medical Large Language Model to Advance Health Equity in Low-Resource Regions

Authors: Agasthya Gangavarapu

Abstract: Addressing the imminent shortfall of 10 million health workers by 2030, predominantly in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs), this paper introduces an innovative approach that harnesses the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) integrated with machine translation models. This solution is engineered to meet the unique needs of Community Health Workers (CHWs), overcoming language barriers, cultural sensitivities, and the limited availability of medical dialog datasets. I have crafted a model that not only boasts superior translation capabilities but also undergoes rigorous fine-tuning on open-source datasets to ensure medical accuracy and is equipped with comprehensive safety features to counteract the risks of misinformation. Featuring a modular design, this approach is specifically structured for swift adaptation across various linguistic and cultural contexts, utilizing open-source components to significantly reduce healthcare operational costs. This strategic innovation markedly improves the accessibility and quality of healthcare services by providing CHWs with contextually appropriate medical knowledge and diagnostic tools. This paper highlights the transformative impact of this context-aware LLM, underscoring its crucial role in addressing the global healthcare workforce deficit and propelling forward healthcare outcomes in LMICs.

cross Multi-scale Topology Optimization using Neural Networks

Authors: Hongrui Chen, Xingchen Liu, Levent Burak Kara

Abstract: A long-standing challenge is designing multi-scale structures with good connectivity between cells while optimizing each cell to reach close to the theoretical performance limit. We propose a new method for direct multi-scale topology optimization using neural networks. Our approach focuses on inverse homogenization that seamlessly maintains compatibility across neighboring microstructure cells. Our approach consists of a topology neural network that optimizes the microstructure shape and distribution across the design domain as a continuous field. Each microstructure cell is optimized based on a specified elasticity tensor that also accommodates in-plane rotations. The neural network takes as input the local coordinates within a cell to represent the density distribution within a cell, as well as the global coordinates of each cell to design spatially varying microstructure cells. As such, our approach models an n-dimensional multi-scale optimization problem as a 2n-dimensional inverse homogenization problem using neural networks. During the inverse homogenization of each unit cell, we extend the boundary of each cell by scaling the input coordinates such that the boundaries of neighboring cells are combined. Inverse homogenization on the combined cell improves connectivity. We demonstrate our method through the design and optimization of graded multi-scale structures.

cross Drug Repurposing for Parkinson's Disease Using Random Walk With Restart Algorithm and the Parkinson's Disease Ontology Database

Authors: Pratham Kankariya, Rachita Rode, Kevin Mudaliar, Prof. Pranali Hatode

Abstract: Parkinson's disease is a progressive and slowly developing neurodegenerative disease, characterized by dopaminergic neuron loss in the substantia nigra region of the brain. Despite extensive research by scientists, there is not yet a cure to this problem and the available therapies mainly help to reduce some of the Parkinson's symptoms. Drug repurposing (that is, the process of finding new uses for existing drugs) receives more appraisals as an efficient way that allows for reducing the time, resources, and risks associated with the development of new drugs. In this research, we design a novel computational platform that integrates gene expression data, biological networks, and the PDOD database to identify possible drug-repositioning agents for PD therapy. By using machine learning approaches like the RWR algorithm and PDOD scoring system we arrange drug-disease conversions and sort our potential sandboxes according to their possible efficacy. We propose gene expression analysis, network prioritization, and drug target data analysis to arrive at a comprehensive evaluation of drug repurposing chances. Our study results highlight such therapies as promising drug candidates to conduct further research on PD treatment. We also provide the rationale for promising drug repurposing ideas by using various sources of data and computational approaches.

cross Machine learning and economic forecasting: the role of international trade networks

Authors: Thiago C. Silva, Paulo V. B. Wilhelm, Diego R. Amancio

Abstract: This study examines the effects of de-globalization trends on international trade networks and their role in improving forecasts for economic growth. Using section-level trade data from nearly 200 countries from 2010 to 2022, we identify significant shifts in the network topology driven by rising trade policy uncertainty. Our analysis highlights key global players through centrality rankings, with the United States, China, and Germany maintaining consistent dominance. Using a horse race of supervised regressors, we find that network topology descriptors evaluated from section-specific trade networks substantially enhance the quality of a country's GDP growth forecast. We also find that non-linear models, such as Random Forest, XGBoost, and LightGBM, outperform traditional linear models used in the economics literature. Using SHAP values to interpret these non-linear model's predictions, we find that about half of most important features originate from the network descriptors, underscoring their vital role in refining forecasts. Moreover, this study emphasizes the significance of recent economic performance, population growth, and the primary sector's influence in shaping economic growth predictions, offering novel insights into the intricacies of economic growth forecasting.

cross Survival Prediction Across Diverse Cancer Types Using Neural Networks

Authors: Xu Yan, Weimin Wang, MingXuan Xiao, Yufeng Li, Min Gao

Abstract: Gastric cancer and Colon adenocarcinoma represent widespread and challenging malignancies with high mortality rates and complex treatment landscapes. In response to the critical need for accurate prognosis in cancer patients, the medical community has embraced the 5-year survival rate as a vital metric for estimating patient outcomes. This study introduces a pioneering approach to enhance survival prediction models for gastric and Colon adenocarcinoma patients. Leveraging advanced image analysis techniques, we sliced whole slide images (WSI) of these cancers, extracting comprehensive features to capture nuanced tumor characteristics. Subsequently, we constructed patient-level graphs, encapsulating intricate spatial relationships within tumor tissues. These graphs served as inputs for a sophisticated 4-layer graph convolutional neural network (GCN), designed to exploit the inherent connectivity of the data for comprehensive analysis and prediction. By integrating patients' total survival time and survival status, we computed C-index values for gastric cancer and Colon adenocarcinoma, yielding 0.57 and 0.64, respectively. Significantly surpassing previous convolutional neural network models, these results underscore the efficacy of our approach in accurately predicting patient survival outcomes. This research holds profound implications for both the medical and AI communities, offering insights into cancer biology and progression while advancing personalized treatment strategies. Ultimately, our study represents a significant stride in leveraging AI-driven methodologies to revolutionize cancer prognosis and improve patient outcomes on a global scale.

cross Differentially Private Log-Location-Scale Regression Using Functional Mechanism

Authors: Jiewen Sheng, Xiaolei Fang

Abstract: This article introduces differentially private log-location-scale (DP-LLS) regression models, which incorporate differential privacy into LLS regression through the functional mechanism. The proposed models are established by injecting noise into the log-likelihood function of LLS regression for perturbed parameter estimation. We will derive the sensitivities utilized to determine the magnitude of the injected noise and prove that the proposed DP-LLS models satisfy $\epsilon$-differential privacy. In addition, we will conduct simulations and case studies to evaluate the performance of the proposed models. The findings suggest that predictor dimension, training sample size, and privacy budget are three key factors impacting the performance of the proposed DP-LLS regression models. Moreover, the results indicate that a sufficiently large training dataset is needed to simultaneously ensure decent performance of the proposed models and achieve a satisfactory level of privacy protection.

cross State-Space Systems as Dynamic Generative Models

Authors: Juan-Pablo Ortega, Florian Rossmannek

Abstract: A probabilistic framework to study the dependence structure induced by deterministic discrete-time state-space systems between input and output processes is introduced. General sufficient conditions are formulated under which output processes exist and are unique once an input process has been fixed, a property that in the deterministic state-space literature is known as the echo state property. When those conditions are satisfied, the given state-space system becomes a generative model for probabilistic dependences between two sequence spaces. Moreover, those conditions guarantee that the output depends continuously on the input when using the Wasserstein metric. The output processes whose existence is proved are shown to be causal in a specific sense and to generalize those studied in purely deterministic situations. The results in this paper constitute a significant stochastic generalization of sufficient conditions for the deterministic echo state property to hold, in the sense that the stochastic echo state property can be satisfied under contractivity conditions that are strictly weaker than those in deterministic situations. This means that state-space systems can induce a purely probabilistic dependence structure between input and output sequence spaces even when there is no functional relation between those two spaces.

cross VADA: a Data-Driven Simulator for Nanopore Sequencing

Authors: Jonas Niederle, Simon Koop, Marc Pag\`es-Gallego, Vlado Menkovski

Abstract: Nanopore sequencing offers the ability for real-time analysis of long DNA sequences at a low cost, enabling new applications such as early detection of cancer. Due to the complex nature of nanopore measurements and the high cost of obtaining ground truth datasets, there is a need for nanopore simulators. Existing simulators rely on handcrafted rules and parameters and do not learn an internal representation that would allow for analysing underlying biological factors of interest. Instead, we propose VADA, a purely data-driven method for simulating nanopores based on an autoregressive latent variable model. We embed subsequences of DNA and introduce a conditional prior to address the challenge of a collapsing conditioning. We introduce an auxiliary regressor on the latent variable to encourage our model to learn an informative latent representation. We empirically demonstrate that our model achieves competitive simulation performance on experimental nanopore data. Moreover, we show we have learned an informative latent representation that is predictive of the DNA labels. We hypothesize that other biological factors of interest, beyond the DNA labels, can potentially be extracted from such a learned latent representation.

cross Observation-specific explanations through scattered data approximation

Authors: Valentina Ghidini, Michael Multerer, Jacopo Quizi, Rohan Sen

Abstract: This work introduces the definition of observation-specific explanations to assign a score to each data point proportional to its importance in the definition of the prediction process. Such explanations involve the identification of the most influential observations for the black-box model of interest. The proposed method involves estimating these explanations by constructing a surrogate model through scattered data approximation utilizing the orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm. The proposed approach is validated on both simulated and real-world datasets.

cross `Eyes of a Hawk and Ears of a Fox': Part Prototype Network for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

Authors: Joshua Feinglass, Jayaraman J. Thiagarajan, Rushil Anirudh, T. S. Jayram, Yezhou Yang

Abstract: Current approaches in Generalized Zero-Shot Learning (GZSL) are built upon base models which consider only a single class attribute vector representation over the entire image. This is an oversimplification of the process of novel category recognition, where different regions of the image may have properties from different seen classes and thus have different predominant attributes. With this in mind, we take a fundamentally different approach: a pre-trained Vision-Language detector (VINVL) sensitive to attribute information is employed to efficiently obtain region features. A learned function maps the region features to region-specific attribute attention used to construct class part prototypes. We conduct experiments on a popular GZSL benchmark consisting of the CUB, SUN, and AWA2 datasets where our proposed Part Prototype Network (PPN) achieves promising results when compared with other popular base models. Corresponding ablation studies and analysis show that our approach is highly practical and has a distinct advantage over global attribute attention when localized proposals are available.

cross LLM-Seg: Bridging Image Segmentation and Large Language Model Reasoning

Authors: Junchi Wang, Lei Ke

Abstract: Understanding human instructions to identify the target objects is vital for perception systems. In recent years, the advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) have introduced new possibilities for image segmentation. In this work, we delve into reasoning segmentation, a novel task that enables segmentation system to reason and interpret implicit user intention via large language model reasoning and then segment the corresponding target. Our work on reasoning segmentation contributes on both the methodological design and dataset labeling. For the model, we propose a new framework named LLM-Seg. LLM-Seg effectively connects the current foundational Segmentation Anything Model and the LLM by mask proposals selection. For the dataset, we propose an automatic data generation pipeline and construct a new reasoning segmentation dataset named LLM-Seg40K. Experiments demonstrate that our LLM-Seg exhibits competitive performance compared with existing methods. Furthermore, our proposed pipeline can efficiently produce high-quality reasoning segmentation datasets. The LLM-Seg40K dataset, developed through this pipeline, serves as a new benchmark for training and evaluating various reasoning segmentation approaches. Our code, models and dataset are at


cross Towards Sim-to-Real Industrial Parts Classification with Synthetic Dataset

Authors: Xiaomeng Zhu, Talha Bilal, P\"ar M{\aa}rtensson, Lars Hanson, M{\aa}rten Bj\"orkman, Atsuto Maki

Abstract: This paper is about effectively utilizing synthetic data for training deep neural networks for industrial parts classification, in particular, by taking into account the domain gap against real-world images. To this end, we introduce a synthetic dataset that may serve as a preliminary testbed for the Sim-to-Real challenge; it contains 17 objects of six industrial use cases, including isolated and assembled parts. A few subsets of objects exhibit large similarities in shape and albedo for reflecting challenging cases of industrial parts. All the sample images come with and without random backgrounds and post-processing for evaluating the importance of domain randomization. We call it Synthetic Industrial Parts dataset (SIP-17). We study the usefulness of SIP-17 through benchmarking the performance of five state-of-the-art deep network models, supervised and self-supervised, trained only on the synthetic data while testing them on real data. By analyzing the results, we deduce some insights on the feasibility and challenges of using synthetic data for industrial parts classification and for further developing larger-scale synthetic datasets. Our dataset and code are publicly available.

cross Under pressure: learning-based analog gauge reading in the wild

Authors: Maurits Reitsma, Julian Keller, Kenneth Blomqvist, Roland Siegwart

Abstract: We propose an interpretable framework for reading analog gauges that is deployable on real world robotic systems. Our framework splits the reading task into distinct steps, such that we can detect potential failures at each step. Our system needs no prior knowledge of the type of gauge or the range of the scale and is able to extract the units used. We show that our gauge reading algorithm is able to extract readings with a relative reading error of less than 2%.

cross Detecting AI-Generated Images via CLIP

Authors: A. G. Moskowitz, T. Gaona, J. Peterson

Abstract: As AI-generated image (AIGI) methods become more powerful and accessible, it has become a critical task to determine if an image is real or AI-generated. Because AIGI lack the signatures of photographs and have their own unique patterns, new models are needed to determine if an image is AI-generated. In this paper, we investigate the ability of the Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) architecture, pre-trained on massive internet-scale data sets, to perform this differentiation. We fine-tune CLIP on real images and AIGI from several generative models, enabling CLIP to determine if an image is AI-generated and, if so, determine what generation method was used to create it. We show that the fine-tuned CLIP architecture is able to differentiate AIGI as well or better than models whose architecture is specifically designed to detect AIGI. Our method will significantly increase access to AIGI-detecting tools and reduce the negative effects of AIGI on society, as our CLIP fine-tuning procedures require no architecture changes from publicly available model repositories and consume significantly less GPU resources than other AIGI detection models.

cross Handling Reward Misspecification in the Presence of Expectation Mismatch

Authors: Sarath Sreedharan, Malek Mechergui

Abstract: Detecting and handling misspecified objectives, such as reward functions, has been widely recognized as one of the central challenges within the domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI) safety research. However, even with the recognition of the importance of this problem, we are unaware of any works that attempt to provide a clear definition for what constitutes (a) misspecified objectives and (b) successfully resolving such misspecifications. In this work, we use the theory of mind, i.e., the human user's beliefs about the AI agent, as a basis to develop a formal explanatory framework called Expectation Alignment (EAL) to understand the objective misspecification and its causes. Our \EAL\ framework not only acts as an explanatory framework for existing works but also provides us with concrete insights into the limitations of existing methods to handle reward misspecification and novel solution strategies. We use these insights to propose a new interactive algorithm that uses the specified reward to infer potential user expectations about the system behavior. We show how one can efficiently implement this algorithm by mapping the inference problem into linear programs. We evaluate our method on a set of standard Markov Decision Process (MDP) benchmarks.

cross Convergence of coordinate ascent variational inference for log-concave measures via optimal transport

Authors: Manuel Arnese, Daniel Lacker

Abstract: Mean field variational inference (VI) is the problem of finding the closest product (factorized) measure, in the sense of relative entropy, to a given high-dimensional probability measure $\rho$. The well known Coordinate Ascent Variational Inference (CAVI) algorithm aims to approximate this product measure by iteratively optimizing over one coordinate (factor) at a time, which can be done explicitly. Despite its popularity, the convergence of CAVI remains poorly understood. In this paper, we prove the convergence of CAVI for log-concave densities $\rho$. If additionally $\log \rho$ has Lipschitz gradient, we find a linear rate of convergence, and if also $\rho$ is strongly log-concave, we find an exponential rate. Our analysis starts from the observation that mean field VI, while notoriously non-convex in the usual sense, is in fact displacement convex in the sense of optimal transport when $\rho$ is log-concave. This allows us to adapt techniques from the optimization literature on coordinate descent algorithms in Euclidean space.

cross Diffusion-Based Joint Temperature and Precipitation Emulation of Earth System Models

Authors: Katie Christensen, Lyric Otto, Seth Bassetti, Claudia Tebaldi, Brian Hutchinson

Abstract: Earth system models (ESMs) are the principal tools used in climate science to generate future climate projections under various atmospheric emissions scenarios on a global or regional scale. Generative deep learning approaches are suitable for emulating these tools due to their computational efficiency and ability, once trained, to generate realizations in a fraction of the time required by ESMs. We extend previous work that used a generative probabilistic diffusion model to emulate ESMs by targeting the joint emulation of multiple variables, temperature and precipitation, by a single diffusion model. Joint generation of multiple variables is critical to generate realistic samples of phenomena resulting from the interplay of multiple variables. The diffusion model emulator takes in the monthly mean-maps of temperature and precipitation and produces the daily values of each of these variables that exhibit statistical properties similar to those generated by ESMs. Our results show the outputs from our extended model closely resemble those from ESMs on various climate metrics including dry spells and hot streaks, and that the joint distribution of temperature and precipitation in our sample closely matches those of ESMs.

cross Semantic Approach to Quantifying the Consistency of Diffusion Model Image Generation

Authors: Brinnae Bent

Abstract: In this study, we identify the need for an interpretable, quantitative score of the repeatability, or consistency, of image generation in diffusion models. We propose a semantic approach, using a pairwise mean CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) score as our semantic consistency score. We applied this metric to compare two state-of-the-art open-source image generation diffusion models, Stable Diffusion XL and PixArt-{\alpha}, and we found statistically significant differences between the semantic consistency scores for the models. Agreement between the Semantic Consistency Score selected model and aggregated human annotations was 94%. We also explored the consistency of SDXL and a LoRA-fine-tuned version of SDXL and found that the fine-tuned model had significantly higher semantic consistency in generated images. The Semantic Consistency Score proposed here offers a measure of image generation alignment, facilitating the evaluation of model architectures for specific tasks and aiding in informed decision-making regarding model selection.

cross Real-time guidewire tracking and segmentation in intraoperative x-ray

Authors: Baochang Zhang, Mai Bui, Cheng Wang, Felix Bourier, Heribert Schunkert, Nassir Navab

Abstract: During endovascular interventions, physicians have to perform accurate and immediate operations based on the available real-time information, such as the shape and position of guidewires observed on the fluoroscopic images, haptic information and the patients' physiological signals. For this purpose, real-time and accurate guidewire segmentation and tracking can enhance the visualization of guidewires and provide visual feedback for physicians during the intervention as well as for robot-assisted interventions. Nevertheless, this task often comes with the challenge of elongated deformable structures that present themselves with low contrast in the noisy fluoroscopic image sequences. To address these issues, a two-stage deep learning framework for real-time guidewire segmentation and tracking is proposed. In the first stage, a Yolov5s detector is trained, using the original X-ray images as well as synthetic ones, which is employed to output the bounding boxes of possible target guidewires. More importantly, a refinement module based on spatiotemporal constraints is incorporated to robustly localize the guidewire and remove false detections. In the second stage, a novel and efficient network is proposed to segment the guidewire in each detected bounding box. The network contains two major modules, namely a hessian-based enhancement embedding module and a dual self-attention module. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on clinical intra-operative images demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms our baselines as well as the current state of the art and, in comparison, shows higher robustness to low quality images.

cross Reducing the Barriers to Entry for Foundation Model Training

Authors: Paolo Faraboschi, Ellis Giles, Justin Hotard, Konstanty Owczarek, Andrew Wheeler

Abstract: The world has recently witnessed an unprecedented acceleration in demands for Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence applications. This spike in demand has imposed tremendous strain on the underlying technology stack in supply chain, GPU-accelerated hardware, software, datacenter power density, and energy consumption. If left on the current technological trajectory, future demands show insurmountable spending trends, further limiting market players, stifling innovation, and widening the technology gap. To address these challenges, we propose a fundamental change in the AI training infrastructure throughout the technology ecosystem. The changes require advancements in supercomputing and novel AI training approaches, from high-end software to low-level hardware, microprocessor, and chip design, while advancing the energy efficiency required by a sustainable infrastructure. This paper presents the analytical framework that quantitatively highlights the challenges and points to the opportunities to reduce the barriers to entry for training large language models.

cross E3: Ensemble of Expert Embedders for Adapting Synthetic Image Detectors to New Generators Using Limited Data

Authors: Aref Azizpour, Tai D. Nguyen, Manil Shrestha, Kaidi Xu, Edward Kim, Matthew C. Stamm

Abstract: As generative AI progresses rapidly, new synthetic image generators continue to emerge at a swift pace. Traditional detection methods face two main challenges in adapting to these generators: the forensic traces of synthetic images from new techniques can vastly differ from those learned during training, and access to data for these new generators is often limited. To address these issues, we introduce the Ensemble of Expert Embedders (E3), a novel continual learning framework for updating synthetic image detectors. E3 enables the accurate detection of images from newly emerged generators using minimal training data. Our approach does this by first employing transfer learning to develop a suite of expert embedders, each specializing in the forensic traces of a specific generator. Then, all embeddings are jointly analyzed by an Expert Knowledge Fusion Network to produce accurate and reliable detection decisions. Our experiments demonstrate that E3 outperforms existing continual learning methods, including those developed specifically for synthetic image detection.

cross Single-image driven 3d viewpoint training data augmentation for effective wine label recognition

Authors: Yueh-Cheng Huang, Hsin-Yi Chen, Cheng-Jui Hung, Jen-Hui Chuang, Jenq-Neng Hwang

Abstract: Confronting the critical challenge of insufficient training data in the field of complex image recognition, this paper introduces a novel 3D viewpoint augmentation technique specifically tailored for wine label recognition. This method enhances deep learning model performance by generating visually realistic training samples from a single real-world wine label image, overcoming the challenges posed by the intricate combinations of text and logos. Classical Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) methods fall short in synthesizing such intricate content combination. Our proposed solution leverages time-tested computer vision and image processing strategies to expand our training dataset, thereby broadening the range of training samples for deep learning applications. This innovative approach to data augmentation circumvents the constraints of limited training resources. Using the augmented training images through batch-all triplet metric learning on a Vision Transformer (ViT) architecture, we can get the most discriminative embedding features for every wine label, enabling us to perform one-shot recognition of existing wine labels in the training classes or future newly collected wine labels unavailable in the training. Experimental results show a significant increase in recognition accuracy over conventional 2D data augmentation techniques.

cross Measuring the Predictability of Recommender Systems using Structural Complexity Metrics

Authors: Alfonso Valderrama, Andr\'es Abeliuk

Abstract: Recommender systems (RS) are central to the filtering and curation of online content. These algorithms predict user ratings for unseen items based on past preferences. Despite their importance, the innate predictability of RS has received limited attention. This study introduces data-driven metrics to measure the predictability of RS based on the structural complexity of the user-item rating matrix. A low predictability score indicates complex and unpredictable user-item interactions, while a high predictability score reveals less complex patterns with predictive potential. We propose two strategies that use singular value decomposition (SVD) and matrix factorization (MF) to measure structural complexity. By perturbing the data and evaluating the prediction of the perturbed version, we explore the structural consistency indicated by the SVD singular vectors. The assumption is that a random perturbation of highly structured data does not change its structure. Empirical results show a high correlation between our metrics and the accuracy of the best-performing prediction algorithms on real data sets.

cross Structured Model Pruning for Efficient Inference in Computational Pathology

Authors: Mohammed Adnan, Qinle Ba, Nazim Shaikh, Shivam Kalra, Satarupa Mukherjee, Auranuch Lorsakul

Abstract: Recent years have seen significant efforts to adopt Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare for various use cases, from computer-aided diagnosis to ICU triage. However, the size of AI models has been rapidly growing due to scaling laws and the success of foundational models, which poses an increasing challenge to leverage advanced models in practical applications. It is thus imperative to develop efficient models, especially for deploying AI solutions under resource-constrains or with time sensitivity. One potential solution is to perform model compression, a set of techniques that remove less important model components or reduce parameter precision, to reduce model computation demand. In this work, we demonstrate that model pruning, as a model compression technique, can effectively reduce inference cost for computational and digital pathology based analysis with a negligible loss of analysis performance. To this end, we develop a methodology for pruning the widely used U-Net-style architectures in biomedical imaging, with which we evaluate multiple pruning heuristics on nuclei instance segmentation and classification, and empirically demonstrate that pruning can compress models by at least 70% with a negligible drop in performance.

cross BERT-LSH: Reducing Absolute Compute For Attention

Authors: Zezheng Li, Kingston Yip

Abstract: This study introduces a novel BERT-LSH model that incorporates Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) to approximate the attention mechanism in the BERT architecture. We examine the computational efficiency and performance of this model compared to a standard baseline BERT model. Our findings reveal that BERT-LSH significantly reduces computational demand for the self-attention layer while unexpectedly outperforming the baseline model in pretraining and fine-tuning tasks. These results suggest that the LSH-based attention mechanism not only offers computational advantages but also may enhance the model's ability to generalize from its training data. For more information, visit our GitHub repository:


cross Multiply-Robust Causal Change Attribution

Authors: Victor Quintas-Martinez, Mohammad Taha Bahadori, Eduardo Santiago, Jeff Mu, Dominik Janzing, David Heckerman

Abstract: Comparing two samples of data, we observe a change in the distribution of an outcome variable. In the presence of multiple explanatory variables, how much of the change can be explained by each possible cause? We develop a new estimation strategy that, given a causal model, combines regression and re-weighting methods to quantify the contribution of each causal mechanism. Our proposed methodology is multiply robust, meaning that it still recovers the target parameter under partial misspecification. We prove that our estimator is consistent and asymptotically normal. Moreover, it can be incorporated into existing frameworks for causal attribution, such as Shapley values, which will inherit the consistency and large-sample distribution properties. Our method demonstrates excellent performance in Monte Carlo simulations, and we show its usefulness in an empirical application.

cross LazyDP: Co-Designing Algorithm-Software for Scalable Training of Differentially Private Recommendation Models

Authors: Juntaek Lim, Youngeun Kwon, Ranggi Hwang, Kiwan Maeng, G. Edward Suh, Minsoo Rhu

Abstract: Differential privacy (DP) is widely being employed in the industry as a practical standard for privacy protection. While private training of computer vision or natural language processing applications has been studied extensively, the computational challenges of training of recommender systems (RecSys) with DP have not been explored. In this work, we first present our detailed characterization of private RecSys training using DP-SGD, root-causing its several performance bottlenecks. Specifically, we identify DP-SGD's noise sampling and noisy gradient update stage to suffer from a severe compute and memory bandwidth limitation, respectively, causing significant performance overhead in training private RecSys. Based on these findings, we propose LazyDP, an algorithm-software co-design that addresses the compute and memory challenges of training RecSys with DP-SGD. Compared to a state-of-the-art DP-SGD training system, we demonstrate that LazyDP provides an average 119x training throughput improvement while also ensuring mathematically equivalent, differentially private RecSys models to be trained.

cross Assessing Economic Viability: A Comparative Analysis of Total Cost of Ownership for Domain-Adapted Large Language Models versus State-of-the-art Counterparts in Chip Design Coding Assistance

Authors: Amit Sharma, Teodor-Dumitru Ene, Kishor Kunal, Mingjie Liu, Zafar Hasan, Haoxing Ren

Abstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis of total cost of ownership (TCO) and performance between domain-adapted large language models (LLM) and state-of-the-art (SoTA) LLMs , with a particular emphasis on tasks related to coding assistance for chip design. We examine the TCO and performance metrics of a domain-adaptive LLM, ChipNeMo, against two leading LLMs, Claude 3 Opus and ChatGPT-4 Turbo, to assess their efficacy in chip design coding generation. Through a detailed evaluation of the accuracy of the model, training methodologies, and operational expenditures, this study aims to provide stakeholders with critical information to select the most economically viable and performance-efficient solutions for their specific needs. Our results underscore the benefits of employing domain-adapted models, such as ChipNeMo, that demonstrate improved performance at significantly reduced costs compared to their general-purpose counterparts. In particular, we reveal the potential of domain-adapted LLMs to decrease TCO by approximately 90%-95%, with the cost advantages becoming increasingly evident as the deployment scale expands. With expansion of deployment, the cost benefits of ChipNeMo become more pronounced, making domain-adaptive LLMs an attractive option for organizations with substantial coding needs supported by LLMs

cross Uncertainty Quantification in Detecting Choroidal Metastases on MRI via Evolutionary Strategies

Authors: Bala McRae-Posani, Andrei Holodny, Hrithwik Shalu, Joseph N Stember

Abstract: Uncertainty quantification plays a vital role in facilitating the practical implementation of AI in radiology by addressing growing concerns around trustworthiness. Given the challenges associated with acquiring large, annotated datasets in this field, there is a need for methods that enable uncertainty quantification in small data AI approaches tailored to radiology images. In this study, we focused on uncertainty quantification within the context of the small data evolutionary strategies-based technique of deep neuroevolution (DNE). Specifically, we employed DNE to train a simple Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with MRI images of the eyes for binary classification. The goal was to distinguish between normal eyes and those with metastatic tumors called choroidal metastases. The training set comprised 18 images with choroidal metastases and 18 without tumors, while the testing set contained a tumor-to-normal ratio of 15:15. We trained CNN model weights via DNE for approximately 40,000 episodes, ultimately reaching a convergence of 100% accuracy on the training set. We saved all models that achieved maximal training set accuracy. Then, by applying these models to the testing set, we established an ensemble method for uncertainty quantification.The saved set of models produced distributions for each testing set image between the two classes of normal and tumor-containing. The relative frequencies permitted uncertainty quantification of model predictions. Intriguingly, we found that subjective features appreciated by human radiologists explained images for which uncertainty was high, highlighting the significance of uncertainty quantification in AI-driven radiological analyses.

cross WROOM: An Autonomous Driving Approach for Off-Road Navigation

Authors: Dvij Kalaria, Shreya Sharma, Sarthak Bhagat, Haoru Xue, John M. Dolan

Abstract: Off-road navigation is a challenging problem both at the planning level to get a smooth trajectory and at the control level to avoid flipping over, hitting obstacles, or getting stuck at a rough patch. There have been several recent works using classical approaches involving depth map prediction followed by smooth trajectory planning and using a controller to track it. We design an end-to-end reinforcement learning (RL) system for an autonomous vehicle in off-road environments using a custom-designed simulator in the Unity game engine. We warm-start the agent by imitating a rule-based controller and utilize Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) to improve the policy based on a reward that incorporates Control Barrier Functions (CBF), facilitating the agent's ability to generalize effectively to real-world scenarios. The training involves agents concurrently undergoing domain-randomized trials in various environments. We also propose a novel simulation environment to replicate off-road driving scenarios and deploy our proposed approach on a real buggy RC car. Videos and additional results:


cross On Speculative Decoding for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Mukul Gagrani, Raghavv Goel, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Inference with Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) is slow due to their large-language-model backbone which suffers from memory bandwidth bottleneck and generates tokens auto-regressively. In this paper, we explore the application of speculative decoding to enhance the inference efficiency of MLLMs, specifically the LLaVA 7B model. We show that a language-only model can serve as a good draft model for speculative decoding with LLaVA 7B, bypassing the need for image tokens and their associated processing components from the draft model. Our experiments across three different tasks show that speculative decoding can achieve a memory-bound speedup of up to 2.37$\times$ using a 115M parameter language model that we trained from scratch. Additionally, we introduce a compact LLaVA draft model incorporating an image adapter, which shows marginal performance gains in image captioning while maintaining comparable results in other tasks.

cross Improving Technical "How-to" Query Accuracy with Automated Search Results Verification and Reranking

Authors: Lei Ding, Jeshwanth Bheemanpally, Yi Zhang

Abstract: Many people use search engines to find online guidance to solve computer or mobile device problems. Users frequently encounter challenges in identifying effective solutions from search results, often wasting time trying ineffective solutions that seem relevant yet fail to solve the real problems. This paper introduces a novel approach to improving the accuracy and relevance of online technical support search results through automated search results verification and reranking. Taking "How-to" queries specific to on-device execution as a starting point, we first developed a solution that allows an AI agent to interpret and execute step-by-step instructions in the search results in a controlled Android environment. We further integrated the agent's findings into a reranking mechanism that orders search results based on the success indicators of the tested solutions. The paper details the architecture of our solution and a comprehensive evaluation of the system through a series of tests across various application domains. The results demonstrate a significant improvement in the quality and reliability of the top-ranked results. Our findings suggest a paradigm shift in how search engine ranking for online technical support help can be optimized, offering a scalable and automated solution to the pervasive challenge of finding effective and reliable online help.

cross LLM In-Context Recall is Prompt Dependent

Authors: Daniel Machlab, Rick Battle

Abstract: The proliferation of Large Language Models (LLMs) highlights the critical importance of conducting thorough evaluations to discern their comparative advantages, limitations, and optimal use cases. Particularly important is assessing their capacity to accurately retrieve information included in a given prompt. A model's ability to do this significantly influences how effectively it can utilize contextual details, thus impacting its practical efficacy and dependability in real-world applications. Our research analyzes the in-context recall performance of various LLMs using the needle-in-a-haystack method. In this approach, a factoid (the "needle") is embedded within a block of filler text (the "haystack"), which the model is asked to retrieve. We assess the recall performance of each model across various haystack lengths and with varying needle placements to identify performance patterns. This study demonstrates that an LLM's recall capability is not only contingent upon the prompt's content but also may be compromised by biases in its training data. Conversely, adjustments to model architecture, training strategy, or fine-tuning can improve performance. Our analysis provides insight into LLM behavior, offering direction for the development of more effective applications of LLMs.

cross Aligning LLMs for FL-free Program Repair

Authors: Junjielong Xu, Ying Fu, Shin Hwei Tan, Pinjia He

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved decent results on automated program repair (APR). However, the next token prediction training objective of decoder-only LLMs (e.g., GPT-4) is misaligned with the masked span prediction objective of current infilling-style methods, which impedes LLMs from fully leveraging pre-trained knowledge for program repair. In addition, while some LLMs are capable of locating and repairing bugs end-to-end when using the related artifacts (e.g., test cases) as input, existing methods regard them as separate tasks and ask LLMs to generate patches at fixed locations. This restriction hinders LLMs from exploring potential patches beyond the given locations. In this paper, we investigate a new approach to adapt LLMs to program repair. Our core insight is that LLM's APR capability can be greatly improved by simply aligning the output to their training objective and allowing them to refine the whole program without first performing fault localization. Based on this insight, we designed D4C, a straightforward prompting framework for APR. D4C can repair 180 bugs correctly in Defects4J, with each patch being sampled only 10 times. This surpasses the SOTA APR methods with perfect fault localization by 10% and reduces the patch sampling number by 90%. Our findings reveal that (1) objective alignment is crucial for fully exploiting LLM's pre-trained capability, and (2) replacing the traditional localize-then-repair workflow with direct debugging is more effective for LLM-based APR methods. Thus, we believe this paper introduces a new mindset for harnessing LLMs in APR.

cross Generative AI Agent for Next-Generation MIMO Design: Fundamentals, Challenges, and Vision

Authors: Zhe Wang, Jiayi Zhang, Hongyang Du, Ruichen Zhang, Dusit Niyato, Bo Ai, Khaled B. Letaief

Abstract: Next-generation multiple input multiple output (MIMO) is expected to be intelligent and scalable. In this paper, we study generative artificial intelligence (AI) agent-enabled next-generation MIMO design. Firstly, we provide an overview of the development, fundamentals, and challenges of the next-generation MIMO. Then, we propose the concept of the generative AI agent, which is capable of generating tailored and specialized contents with the aid of large language model (LLM) and retrieval augmented generation (RAG). Next, we comprehensively discuss the features and advantages of the generative AI agent framework. More importantly, to tackle existing challenges of next-generation MIMO, we discuss generative AI agent-enabled next-generation MIMO design, from the perspective of performance analysis, signal processing, and resource allocation. Furthermore, we present two compelling case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of leveraging the generative AI agent for performance analysis in complex configuration scenarios. These examples highlight how the integration of generative AI agents can significantly enhance the analysis and design of next-generation MIMO systems. Finally, we discuss important potential research future directions.

cross Is Next Token Prediction Sufficient for GPT? Exploration on Code Logic Comprehension

Authors: Mengnan Qi, Yufan Huang, Yongqiang Yao, Maoquan Wang, Bin Gu, Neel Sundaresan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) has experienced exponential growth, they demonstrate remarkable performance across various tasks. Notwithstanding, contemporary research primarily centers on enhancing the size and quality of pretraining data, still utilizing the next token prediction task on autoregressive transformer model structure. The efficacy of this task in truly facilitating the model's comprehension of code logic remains questionable, we speculate that it still interprets code as mere text, while human emphasizes the underlying logical knowledge. In order to prove it, we introduce a new task, "Logically Equivalent Code Selection," which necessitates the selection of logically equivalent code from a candidate set, given a query code. Our experimental findings indicate that current LLMs underperform in this task, since they understand code by unordered bag of keywords. To ameliorate their performance, we propose an advanced pretraining task, "Next Token Prediction+". This task aims to modify the sentence embedding distribution of the LLM without sacrificing its generative capabilities. Our experimental results reveal that following this pretraining, both Code Llama and StarCoder, the prevalent code domain pretraining models, display significant improvements on our logically equivalent code selection task and the code completion task.

cross EIVEN: Efficient Implicit Attribute Value Extraction using Multimodal LLM

Authors: Henry Peng Zou, Gavin Heqing Yu, Ziwei Fan, Dan Bu, Han Liu, Peng Dai, Dongmei Jia, Cornelia Caragea

Abstract: In e-commerce, accurately extracting product attribute values from multimodal data is crucial for improving user experience and operational efficiency of retailers. However, previous approaches to multimodal attribute value extraction often struggle with implicit attribute values embedded in images or text, rely heavily on extensive labeled data, and can easily confuse similar attribute values. To address these issues, we introduce EIVEN, a data- and parameter-efficient generative framework that pioneers the use of multimodal LLM for implicit attribute value extraction. EIVEN leverages the rich inherent knowledge of a pre-trained LLM and vision encoder to reduce reliance on labeled data. We also introduce a novel Learning-by-Comparison technique to reduce model confusion by enforcing attribute value comparison and difference identification. Additionally, we construct initial open-source datasets for multimodal implicit attribute value extraction. Our extensive experiments reveal that EIVEN significantly outperforms existing methods in extracting implicit attribute values while requiring less labeled data.

cross Countering Mainstream Bias via End-to-End Adaptive Local Learning

Authors: Jinhao Pan, Ziwei Zhu, Jianling Wang, Allen Lin, James Caverlee

Abstract: Collaborative filtering (CF) based recommendations suffer from mainstream bias -- where mainstream users are favored over niche users, leading to poor recommendation quality for many long-tail users. In this paper, we identify two root causes of this mainstream bias: (i) discrepancy modeling, whereby CF algorithms focus on modeling mainstream users while neglecting niche users with unique preferences; and (ii) unsynchronized learning, where niche users require more training epochs than mainstream users to reach peak performance. Targeting these causes, we propose a novel end-To-end Adaptive Local Learning (TALL) framework to provide high-quality recommendations to both mainstream and niche users. TALL uses a loss-driven Mixture-of-Experts module to adaptively ensemble experts to provide customized local models for different users. Further, it contains an adaptive weight module to synchronize the learning paces of different users by dynamically adjusting weights in the loss. Extensive experiments demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance of the proposed model. Code and data are provided at \url{}


cross Towards Enhancing Health Coaching Dialogue in Low-Resource Settings

Authors: Yue Zhou, Barbara Di Eugenio, Brian Ziebart, Lisa Sharp, Bing Liu, Ben Gerber, Nikolaos Agadakos, Shweta Yadav

Abstract: Health coaching helps patients identify and accomplish lifestyle-related goals, effectively improving the control of chronic diseases and mitigating mental health conditions. However, health coaching is cost-prohibitive due to its highly personalized and labor-intensive nature. In this paper, we propose to build a dialogue system that converses with the patients, helps them create and accomplish specific goals, and can address their emotions with empathy. However, building such a system is challenging since real-world health coaching datasets are limited and empathy is subtle. Thus, we propose a modularized health coaching dialogue system with simplified NLU and NLG frameworks combined with mechanism-conditioned empathetic response generation. Through automatic and human evaluation, we show that our system generates more empathetic, fluent, and coherent responses and outperforms the state-of-the-art in NLU tasks while requiring less annotation. We view our approach as a key step towards building automated and more accessible health coaching systems.

cross ChangeAnywhere: Sample Generation for Remote Sensing Change Detection via Semantic Latent Diffusion Model

Authors: Kai Tang, Jin Chen

Abstract: Remote sensing change detection (CD) is a pivotal technique that pinpoints changes on a global scale based on multi-temporal images. With the recent expansion of deep learning, supervised deep learning-based CD models have shown satisfactory performance. However, CD sample labeling is very time-consuming as it is densely labeled and requires expert knowledge. To alleviate this problem, we introduce ChangeAnywhere, a novel CD sample generation method using the semantic latent diffusion model and single-temporal images. Specifically, ChangeAnywhere leverages the relative ease of acquiring large single-temporal semantic datasets to generate large-scale, diverse, and semantically annotated bi-temporal CD datasets. ChangeAnywhere captures the two essentials of CD samples, i.e., change implies semantically different, and non-change implies reasonable change under the same semantic constraints. We generated ChangeAnywhere-100K, the largest synthesis CD dataset with 100,000 pairs of CD samples based on the proposed method. The ChangeAnywhere-100K significantly improved both zero-shot and few-shot performance on two CD benchmark datasets for various deep learning-based CD models, as demonstrated by transfer experiments. This paper delineates the enormous potential of ChangeAnywhere for CD sample generation and demonstrates the subsequent enhancement of model performance. Therefore, ChangeAnywhere offers a potent tool for remote sensing CD. All codes and pre-trained models will be available at


cross HEAT: Head-level Parameter Efficient Adaptation of Vision Transformers with Taylor-expansion Importance Scores

Authors: Yibo Zhong, Yao Zhou

Abstract: Prior computer vision research extensively explores adapting pre-trained vision transformers (ViT) to downstream tasks. However, the substantial number of parameters requiring adaptation has led to a focus on Parameter Efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) as an approach to efficiently adapt large pre-trained models by training only a subset of parameters, achieving both parameter and storage efficiency. Although the significantly reduced parameters have shown promising performance under transfer learning scenarios, the structural redundancy inherent in the model still leaves room for improvement, which warrants further investigation. In this paper, we propose Head-level Efficient Adaptation with Taylor-expansion importance score (HEAT): a simple method that efficiently fine-tuning ViTs at head levels. In particular, the first-order Taylor expansion is employed to calculate each head's importance score, termed Taylor-expansion Importance Score (TIS), indicating its contribution to specific tasks. Additionally, three strategies for calculating TIS have been employed to maximize the effectiveness of TIS. These strategies calculate TIS from different perspectives, reflecting varying contributions of parameters. Besides ViT, HEAT has also been applied to hierarchical transformers such as Swin Transformer, demonstrating its versatility across different transformer architectures. Through extensive experiments, HEAT has demonstrated superior performance over state-of-the-art PETL methods on the VTAB-1K benchmark.

cross Bullion: A Column Store for Machine Learning

Authors: Gang Liao, Ye Liu, Jianjun Chen, Daniel J. Abadi

Abstract: The past two decades have witnessed columnar storage revolutionizing data warehousing and analytics. However, the rapid growth of machine learning poses new challenges to this domain. This paper presents Bullion, a columnar storage system tailored for machine learning workloads. Bullion addresses the complexities of data compliance, optimizes the encoding of long sequence sparse features, efficiently manages wide-table projections, and introduces feature quantization in storage. By aligning with the evolving requirements of ML applications, Bullion extends columnar storage to various scenarios, from advertising and recommendation systems to the expanding realm of Generative AI. Preliminary experimental results and theoretical analysis demonstrate Bullion's superior performance in handling the unique demands of machine learning workloads compared to existing columnar storage solutions. Bullion significantly reduces I/O costs for deletion compliance, achieves substantial storage savings with its optimized encoding scheme for sparse features, and drastically improves metadata parsing speed for wide-table projections. These advancements position Bullion as a critical component in the future of machine learning infrastructure, enabling organizations to efficiently manage and process the massive volumes of data required for training and inference in modern AI applications.

cross Enhancing path-integral approximation for non-linear diffusion with neural network

Authors: Anna Knezevic

Abstract: Enhancing the existing solution for pricing of fixed income instruments within Black-Karasinski model structure, with neural network at various parameterisation points to demonstrate that the method is able to achieve superior outcomes for multiple calibrations across extended projection horizons.

cross On the best approximation by finite Gaussian mixtures

Authors: Yun Ma, Yihong Wu, Pengkun Yang

Abstract: We consider the problem of approximating a general Gaussian location mixture by finite mixtures. The minimum order of finite mixtures that achieve a prescribed accuracy (measured by various $f$-divergences) is determined within constant factors for the family of mixing distributions with compactly support or appropriate assumptions on the tail probability including subgaussian and subexponential. While the upper bound is achieved using the technique of local moment matching, the lower bound is established by relating the best approximation error to the low-rank approximation of certain trigonometric moment matrices, followed by a refined spectral analysis of their minimum eigenvalue. In the case of Gaussian mixing distributions, this result corrects a previous lower bound in [Allerton Conference 48 (2010) 620-628].

cross PM2: A New Prompting Multi-modal Model Paradigm for Few-shot Medical Image Classification

Authors: Zhenwei Wang, Qiule Sun, Bingbing Zhang, Pengfei Wang, Jianxin Zhang, Qiang Zhang

Abstract: Few-shot learning has been successfully applied to medical image classification as only very few medical examples are available for training. Due to the challenging problem of limited number of annotated medical images, image representations should not be solely derived from a single image modality which is insufficient for characterizing concept classes. In this paper, we propose a new prompting multi-modal model paradigm on medical image classification based on multi-modal foundation models, called PM2. Besides image modality,PM2 introduces another supplementary text input, known as prompt, to further describe corresponding image or concept classes and facilitate few-shot learning across diverse modalities. To better explore the potential of prompt engineering, we empirically investigate five distinct prompt schemes under the new paradigm. Furthermore, linear probing in multi-modal models acts as a linear classification head taking as input only class token, which ignores completely merits of rich statistics inherent in high-level visual tokens. Thus, we alternatively perform a linear classification on feature distribution of visual tokens and class token simultaneously. To effectively mine such rich statistics, a global covariance pooling with efficient matrix power normalization is used to aggregate visual tokens. Then we study and combine two classification heads. One is shared for class token of image from vision encoder and prompt representation encoded by text encoder. The other is to classification on feature distribution of visual tokens from vision encoder. Extensive experiments on three medical datasets show that our PM2 significantly outperforms counterparts regardless of prompt schemes and achieves state-of-the-art performance.

cross Meply: A Large-scale Dataset and Baseline Evaluations for Metastatic Perirectal Lymph Node Detection and Segmentation

Authors: Weidong Guo, Hantao Zhang, Shouhong Wan, Bingbing Zou, Wanqin Wang, Chenyang Qiu, Jun Li, Peiquan Jin

Abstract: Accurate segmentation of metastatic lymph nodes in rectal cancer is crucial for the staging and treatment of rectal cancer. However, existing segmentation approaches face challenges due to the absence of pixel-level annotated datasets tailored for lymph nodes around the rectum. Additionally, metastatic lymph nodes are characterized by their relatively small size, irregular shapes, and lower contrast compared to the background, further complicating the segmentation task. To address these challenges, we present the first large-scale perirectal metastatic lymph node CT image dataset called Meply, which encompasses pixel-level annotations of 269 patients diagnosed with rectal cancer. Furthermore, we introduce a novel lymph-node segmentation model named CoSAM. The CoSAM utilizes sequence-based detection to guide the segmentation of metastatic lymph nodes in rectal cancer, contributing to improved localization performance for the segmentation model. It comprises three key components: sequence-based detection module, segmentation module, and collaborative convergence unit. To evaluate the effectiveness of CoSAM, we systematically compare its performance with several popular segmentation methods using the Meply dataset. Our code and dataset will be publicly available at:


cross Label-free Anomaly Detection in Aerial Agricultural Images with Masked Image Modeling

Authors: Sambal Shikhar, Anupam Sobti

Abstract: Detecting various types of stresses (nutritional, water, nitrogen, etc.) in agricultural fields is critical for farmers to ensure maximum productivity. However, stresses show up in different shapes and sizes across different crop types and varieties. Hence, this is posed as an anomaly detection task in agricultural images. Accurate anomaly detection in agricultural UAV images is vital for early identification of field irregularities. Traditional supervised learning faces challenges in adapting to diverse anomalies, necessitating extensive annotated data. In this work, we overcome this limitation with self-supervised learning using a masked image modeling approach. Masked Autoencoders (MAE) extract meaningful normal features from unlabeled image samples which produces high reconstruction error for the abnormal pixels during reconstruction. To remove the need of using only ``normal" data while training, we use an anomaly suppression loss mechanism that effectively minimizes the reconstruction of anomalous pixels and allows the model to learn anomalous areas without explicitly separating ``normal" images for training. Evaluation on the Agriculture-Vision data challenge shows a mIOU score improvement in comparison to prior state of the art in unsupervised and self-supervised methods. A single model generalizes across all the anomaly categories in the Agri-Vision Challenge Dataset

cross Developing An Attention-Based Ensemble Learning Framework for Financial Portfolio Optimisation

Authors: Zhenglong Li, Vincent Tam

Abstract: In recent years, deep or reinforcement learning approaches have been applied to optimise investment portfolios through learning the spatial and temporal information under the dynamic financial market. Yet in most cases, the existing approaches may produce biased trading signals based on the conventional price data due to a lot of market noises, which possibly fails to balance the investment returns and risks. Accordingly, a multi-agent and self-adaptive portfolio optimisation framework integrated with attention mechanisms and time series, namely the MASAAT, is proposed in this work in which multiple trading agents are created to observe and analyse the price series and directional change data that recognises the significant changes of asset prices at different levels of granularity for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio of price series. Afterwards, by reconstructing the tokens of financial data in a sequence, the attention-based cross-sectional analysis module and temporal analysis module of each agent can effectively capture the correlations between assets and the dependencies between time points. Besides, a portfolio generator is integrated into the proposed framework to fuse the spatial-temporal information and then summarise the portfolios suggested by all trading agents to produce a newly ensemble portfolio for reducing biased trading actions and balancing the overall returns and risks. The experimental results clearly demonstrate that the MASAAT framework achieves impressive enhancement when compared with many well-known portfolio optimsation approaches on three challenging data sets of DJIA, S&P 500 and CSI 300. More importantly, our proposal has potential strengths in many possible applications for future study.

cross ChimpVLM: Ethogram-Enhanced Chimpanzee Behaviour Recognition

Authors: Otto Brookes, Majid Mirmehdi, Hjalmar Kuhl, Tilo Burghardt

Abstract: We show that chimpanzee behaviour understanding from camera traps can be enhanced by providing visual architectures with access to an embedding of text descriptions that detail species behaviours. In particular, we present a vision-language model which employs multi-modal decoding of visual features extracted directly from camera trap videos to process query tokens representing behaviours and output class predictions. Query tokens are initialised using a standardised ethogram of chimpanzee behaviour, rather than using random or name-based initialisations. In addition, the effect of initialising query tokens using a masked language model fine-tuned on a text corpus of known behavioural patterns is explored. We evaluate our system on the PanAf500 and PanAf20K datasets and demonstrate the performance benefits of our multi-modal decoding approach and query initialisation strategy on multi-class and multi-label recognition tasks, respectively. Results and ablations corroborate performance improvements. We achieve state-of-the-art performance over vision and vision-language models in top-1 accuracy (+6.34%) on PanAf500 and overall (+1.1%) and tail-class (+2.26%) mean average precision on PanAf20K. We share complete source code and network weights for full reproducibility of results and easy utilisation.

cross Introducing Super RAGs in Mistral 8x7B-v1

Authors: Ayush Thakur, Raghav Gupta

Abstract: The relentless pursuit of enhancing Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to the advent of Super Retrieval-Augmented Generation (Super RAGs), a novel approach designed to elevate the performance of LLMs by integrating external knowledge sources with minimal structural modifications. This paper presents the integration of Super RAGs into the Mistral 8x7B v1, a state-of-the-art LLM, and examines the resultant improvements in accuracy, speed, and user satisfaction. Our methodology uses a fine-tuned instruct model setup and a cache tuning fork system, ensuring efficient and relevant data retrieval. The evaluation, conducted over several epochs, demonstrates significant enhancements across all metrics. The findings suggest that Super RAGs can effectively augment LLMs, paving the way for more sophisticated and reliable AI systems. This research contributes to the field by providing empirical evidence of the benefits of Super RAGs and offering insights into their potential applications.

cross Deep Reinforcement Learning based Online Scheduling Policy for Deep Neural Network Multi-Tenant Multi-Accelerator Systems

Authors: Francesco G. Blanco, Enrico Russo, Maurizio Palesi, Davide Patti, Giuseppe Ascia, Vincenzo Catania

Abstract: Currently, there is a growing trend of outsourcing the execution of DNNs to cloud services. For service providers, managing multi-tenancy and ensuring high-quality service delivery, particularly in meeting stringent execution time constraints, assumes paramount importance, all while endeavoring to maintain cost-effectiveness. In this context, the utilization of heterogeneous multi-accelerator systems becomes increasingly relevant. This paper presents RELMAS, a low-overhead deep reinforcement learning algorithm designed for the online scheduling of DNNs in multi-tenant environments, taking into account the dataflow heterogeneity of accelerators and memory bandwidths contentions. By doing so, service providers can employ the most efficient scheduling policy for user requests, optimizing Service-Level-Agreement (SLA) satisfaction rates and enhancing hardware utilization. The application of RELMAS to a heterogeneous multi-accelerator system composed of various instances of Simba and Eyeriss sub-accelerators resulted in up to a 173% improvement in SLA satisfaction rate compared to state-of-the-art scheduling techniques across different workload scenarios, with less than a 1.5% energy overhead.

cross Constructing and Exploring Intermediate Domains in Mixed Domain Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Qinghe Ma, Jian Zhang, Lei Qi, Qian Yu, Yinghuan Shi, Yang Gao

Abstract: Both limited annotation and domain shift are prevalent challenges in medical image segmentation. Traditional semi-supervised segmentation and unsupervised domain adaptation methods address one of these issues separately. However, the coexistence of limited annotation and domain shift is quite common, which motivates us to introduce a novel and challenging scenario: Mixed Domain Semi-supervised medical image Segmentation (MiDSS). In this scenario, we handle data from multiple medical centers, with limited annotations available for a single domain and a large amount of unlabeled data from multiple domains. We found that the key to solving the problem lies in how to generate reliable pseudo labels for the unlabeled data in the presence of domain shift with labeled data. To tackle this issue, we employ Unified Copy-Paste (UCP) between images to construct intermediate domains, facilitating the knowledge transfer from the domain of labeled data to the domains of unlabeled data. To fully utilize the information within the intermediate domain, we propose a symmetric Guidance training strategy (SymGD), which additionally offers direct guidance to unlabeled data by merging pseudo labels from intermediate samples. Subsequently, we introduce a Training Process aware Random Amplitude MixUp (TP-RAM) to progressively incorporate style-transition components into intermediate samples. Compared with existing state-of-the-art approaches, our method achieves a notable 13.57% improvement in Dice score on Prostate dataset, as demonstrated on three public datasets. Our code is available at .


cross AMU-Tuning: Effective Logit Bias for CLIP-based Few-shot Learning

Authors: Yuwei Tang, Zhenyi Lin, Qilong Wang, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu

Abstract: Recently, pre-trained vision-language models (e.g., CLIP) have shown great potential in few-shot learning and attracted a lot of research interest. Although efforts have been made to improve few-shot ability of CLIP, key factors on the effectiveness of existing methods have not been well studied, limiting further exploration of CLIP's potential in few-shot learning. In this paper, we first introduce a unified formulation to analyze CLIP-based few-shot learning methods from a perspective of logit bias, which encourages us to learn an effective logit bias for further improving performance of CLIP-based few-shot learning methods. To this end, we disassemble three key components involved in computation of logit bias (i.e., logit features, logit predictor, and logit fusion) and empirically analyze the effect on performance of few-shot classification. Based on analysis of key components, this paper proposes a novel AMU-Tuning method to learn effective logit bias for CLIP-based few-shot classification. Specifically, our AMU-Tuning predicts logit bias by exploiting the appropriate $\underline{\textbf{A}}$uxiliary features, which are fed into an efficient feature-initialized linear classifier with $\underline{\textbf{M}}$ulti-branch training. Finally, an $\underline{\textbf{U}}$ncertainty-based fusion is developed to incorporate logit bias into CLIP for few-shot classification. The experiments are conducted on several widely used benchmarks, and the results show AMU-Tuning clearly outperforms its counterparts while achieving state-of-the-art performance of CLIP-based few-shot learning without bells and whistles.

cross Understanding Multimodal Deep Neural Networks: A Concept Selection View

Authors: Chenming Shang, Hengyuan Zhang, Hao Wen, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: The multimodal deep neural networks, represented by CLIP, have generated rich downstream applications owing to their excellent performance, thus making understanding the decision-making process of CLIP an essential research topic. Due to the complex structure and the massive pre-training data, it is often regarded as a black-box model that is too difficult to understand and interpret. Concept-based models map the black-box visual representations extracted by deep neural networks onto a set of human-understandable concepts and use the concepts to make predictions, enhancing the transparency of the decision-making process. However, these methods involve the datasets labeled with fine-grained attributes by expert knowledge, which incur high costs and introduce excessive human prior knowledge and bias. In this paper, we observe the long-tail distribution of concepts, based on which we propose a two-stage Concept Selection Model (CSM) to mine core concepts without introducing any human priors. The concept greedy rough selection algorithm is applied to extract head concepts, and then the concept mask fine selection method performs the extraction of core concepts. Experiments show that our approach achieves comparable performance to end-to-end black-box models, and human evaluation demonstrates that the concepts discovered by our method are interpretable and comprehensible for humans.

cross MCPNet: An Interpretable Classifier via Multi-Level Concept Prototypes

Authors: Bor-Shiun Wang, Chien-Yi Wang, Wei-Chen Chiu

Abstract: Recent advancements in post-hoc and inherently interpretable methods have markedly enhanced the explanations of black box classifier models. These methods operate either through post-analysis or by integrating concept learning during model training. Although being effective in bridging the semantic gap between a model's latent space and human interpretation, these explanation methods only partially reveal the model's decision-making process. The outcome is typically limited to high-level semantics derived from the last feature map. We argue that the explanations lacking insights into the decision processes at low and mid-level features are neither fully faithful nor useful. Addressing this gap, we introduce the Multi-Level Concept Prototypes Classifier (MCPNet), an inherently interpretable model. MCPNet autonomously learns meaningful concept prototypes across multiple feature map levels using Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) loss and an energy-based weighted PCA mechanism, and it does so without reliance on predefined concept labels. Further, we propose a novel classifier paradigm that learns and aligns multi-level concept prototype distributions for classification purposes via Class-aware Concept Distribution (CCD) loss. Our experiments reveal that our proposed MCPNet while being adaptable to various model architectures, offers comprehensive multi-level explanations while maintaining classification accuracy. Additionally, its concept distribution-based classification approach shows improved generalization capabilities in few-shot classification scenarios.

cross Concentration properties of fractional posterior in 1-bit matrix completion

Authors: The Tien Mai

Abstract: The problem of estimating a matrix based on a set of its observed entries is commonly referred to as the matrix completion problem. In this work, we specifically address the scenario of binary observations, often termed as 1-bit matrix completion. While numerous studies have explored Bayesian and frequentist methods for real-value matrix completion, there has been a lack of theoretical exploration regarding Bayesian approaches in 1-bit matrix completion. We tackle this gap by considering a general, non-uniform sampling scheme and providing theoretical assurances on the efficacy of the fractional posterior. Our contributions include obtaining concentration results for the fractional posterior and demonstrating its effectiveness in recovering the underlying parameter matrix. We accomplish this using two distinct types of prior distributions: low-rank factorization priors and a spectral scaled Student prior, with the latter requiring fewer assumptions. Importantly, our results exhibit an adaptive nature by not mandating prior knowledge of the rank of the parameter matrix. Our findings are comparable to those found in the frequentist literature, yet demand fewer restrictive assumptions.

cross RoNID: New Intent Discovery with Generated-Reliable Labels and Cluster-friendly Representations

Authors: Shun Zhang, Chaoran Yan, Jian Yang, Changyu Ren, Jiaqi Bai, Tongliang Li, Zhoujun Li

Abstract: New Intent Discovery (NID) strives to identify known and reasonably deduce novel intent groups in the open-world scenario. But current methods face issues with inaccurate pseudo-labels and poor representation learning, creating a negative feedback loop that degrades overall model performance, including accuracy and the adjusted rand index. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a Robust New Intent Discovery (RoNID) framework optimized by an EM-style method, which focuses on constructing reliable pseudo-labels and obtaining cluster-friendly discriminative representations. RoNID comprises two main modules: reliable pseudo-label generation module and cluster-friendly representation learning module. Specifically, the pseudo-label generation module assigns reliable synthetic labels by solving an optimal transport problem in the E-step, which effectively provides high-quality supervised signals for the input of the cluster-friendly representation learning module. To learn cluster-friendly representation with strong intra-cluster compactness and large inter-cluster separation, the representation learning module combines intra-cluster and inter-cluster contrastive learning in the M-step to feed more discriminative features into the generation module. RoNID can be performed iteratively to ultimately yield a robust model with reliable pseudo-labels and cluster-friendly representations. Experimental results on multiple benchmarks demonstrate our method brings substantial improvements over previous state-of-the-art methods by a large margin of +1~+4 points.

cross BG-YOLO: A Bidirectional-Guided Method for Underwater Object Detection

Authors: Jian Zhang, Ruiteng Zhang, Xinyue Yan, Xiting Zhuang, Ruicheng Cao

Abstract: Degraded underwater images decrease the accuracy of underwater object detection. However, existing methods for underwater image enhancement mainly focus on improving the indicators in visual aspects, which may not benefit the tasks of underwater image detection, and may lead to serious degradation in performance. To alleviate this problem, we proposed a bidirectional-guided method for underwater object detection, referred to as BG-YOLO. In the proposed method, network is organized by constructing an enhancement branch and a detection branch in a parallel way. The enhancement branch consists of a cascade of an image enhancement subnet and an object detection subnet. And the detection branch only consists of a detection subnet. A feature guided module connects the shallow convolution layer of the two branches. When training the enhancement branch, the object detection subnet in the enhancement branch guides the image enhancement subnet to be optimized towards the direction that is most conducive to the detection task. The shallow feature map of the trained enhancement branch will be output to the feature guided module, constraining the optimization of detection branch through consistency loss and prompting detection branch to learn more detailed information of the objects. And hence the detection performance will be refined. During the detection tasks, only detection branch will be reserved so that no additional cost of computation will be introduced. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method shows significant improvement in performance of the detector in severely degraded underwater scenes while maintaining a remarkable detection speed.

cross Fast Fishing: Approximating BAIT for Efficient and Scalable Deep Active Image Classification

Authors: Denis Huseljic, Paul Hahn, Marek Herde, Lukas Rauch, Bernhard Sick

Abstract: Deep active learning (AL) seeks to minimize the annotation costs for training deep neural networks. BAIT, a recently proposed AL strategy based on the Fisher Information, has demonstrated impressive performance across various datasets. However, BAIT's high computational and memory requirements hinder its applicability on large-scale classification tasks, resulting in current research neglecting BAIT in their evaluation. This paper introduces two methods to enhance BAIT's computational efficiency and scalability. Notably, we significantly reduce its time complexity by approximating the Fisher Information. In particular, we adapt the original formulation by i) taking the expectation over the most probable classes, and ii) constructing a binary classification task, leading to an alternative likelihood for gradient computations. Consequently, this allows the efficient use of BAIT on large-scale datasets, including ImageNet. Our unified and comprehensive evaluation across a variety of datasets demonstrates that our approximations achieve strong performance with considerably reduced time complexity. Furthermore, we provide an extensive open-source toolbox that implements recent state-of-the-art AL strategies, available at


cross MaSkel: A Model for Human Whole-body X-rays Generation from Human Masking Images

Authors: Yingjie Xi, Boyuan Cheng, Jingyao Cai, Jian Jun Zhang, Xiaosong Yang

Abstract: The human whole-body X-rays could offer a valuable reference for various applications, including medical diagnostics, digital animation modeling, and ergonomic design. The traditional method of obtaining X-ray information requires the use of CT (Computed Tomography) scan machines, which emit potentially harmful radiation. Thus it faces a significant limitation for realistic applications because it lacks adaptability and safety. In our work, We proposed a new method to directly generate the 2D human whole-body X-rays from the human masking images. The predicted images will be similar to the real ones with the same image style and anatomic structure. We employed a data-driven strategy. By leveraging advanced generative techniques, our model MaSkel(Masking image to Skeleton X-rays) could generate a high-quality X-ray image from a human masking image without the need for invasive and harmful radiation exposure, which not only provides a new path to generate highly anatomic and customized data but also reduces health risks. To our knowledge, our model MaSkel is the first work for predicting whole-body X-rays. In this paper, we did two parts of the work. The first one is to solve the data limitation problem, the diffusion-based techniques are utilized to make a data augmentation, which provides two synthetic datasets for preliminary pretraining. Then we designed a two-stage training strategy to train MaSkel. At last, we make qualitative and quantitative evaluations of the generated X-rays. In addition, we invite some professional doctors to assess our predicted data. These evaluations demonstrate the MaSkel's superior ability to generate anatomic X-rays from human masking images. The related code and links of the dataset are available at


cross Proof-of-Learning with Incentive Security

Authors: Zishuo Zhao, Zhixuan Fang, Xuechao Wang, Yuan Zhou

Abstract: Most concurrent blockchain systems rely heavily on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms for decentralized consensus and security assurance. However, the substantial energy expenditure stemming from computationally intensive yet meaningless tasks has raised considerable concerns surrounding traditional PoW approaches, The PoS mechanism, while free of energy consumption, is subject to security and economic issues. Addressing these issues, the paradigm of Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) seeks to employ challenges of practical significance as PoW, thereby imbuing energy consumption with tangible value. While previous efforts in Proof of Learning (PoL) explored the utilization of deep learning model training SGD tasks as PoUW challenges, recent research has revealed its vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks and the theoretical hardness in crafting a byzantine-secure PoL mechanism. In this paper, we introduce the concept of incentive-security that incentivizes rational provers to behave honestly for their best interest, bypassing the existing hardness to design a PoL mechanism with computational efficiency, a provable incentive-security guarantee and controllable difficulty. Particularly, our work is secure against two attacks to the recent work of Jia et al. [2021], and also improves the computational overhead from $\Theta(1)$ to $O(\frac{\log E}{E})$. Furthermore, while most recent research assumes trusted problem providers and verifiers, our design also guarantees frontend incentive-security even when problem providers are untrusted, and verifier incentive-security that bypasses the Verifier's Dilemma. By incorporating ML training into blockchain consensus mechanisms with provable guarantees, our research not only proposes an eco-friendly solution to blockchain systems, but also provides a proposal for a completely decentralized computing power market in the new AI age.

cross MMA-DFER: MultiModal Adaptation of unimodal models for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition in-the-wild

Authors: Kateryna Chumachenko, Alexandros Iosifidis, Moncef Gabbouj

Abstract: Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition (DFER) has received significant interest in the recent years dictated by its pivotal role in enabling empathic and human-compatible technologies. Achieving robustness towards in-the-wild data in DFER is particularly important for real-world applications. One of the directions aimed at improving such models is multimodal emotion recognition based on audio and video data. Multimodal learning in DFER increases the model capabilities by leveraging richer, complementary data representations. Within the field of multimodal DFER, recent methods have focused on exploiting advances of self-supervised learning (SSL) for pre-training of strong multimodal encoders. Another line of research has focused on adapting pre-trained static models for DFER. In this work, we propose a different perspective on the problem and investigate the advancement of multimodal DFER performance by adapting SSL-pre-trained disjoint unimodal encoders. We identify main challenges associated with this task, namely, intra-modality adaptation, cross-modal alignment, and temporal adaptation, and propose solutions to each of them. As a result, we demonstrate improvement over current state-of-the-art on two popular DFER benchmarks, namely DFEW and MFAW.

cross PracticalDG: Perturbation Distillation on Vision-Language Models for Hybrid Domain Generalization

Authors: Zining Chen, Weiqiu Wang, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su, Aidong Men, Hongying Meng

Abstract: Domain Generalization (DG) aims to resolve distribution shifts between source and target domains, and current DG methods are default to the setting that data from source and target domains share identical categories. Nevertheless, there exists unseen classes from target domains in practical scenarios. To address this issue, Open Set Domain Generalization (OSDG) has emerged and several methods have been exclusively proposed. However, most existing methods adopt complex architectures with slight improvement compared with DG methods. Recently, vision-language models (VLMs) have been introduced in DG following the fine-tuning paradigm, but consume huge training overhead with large vision models. Therefore, in this paper, we innovate to transfer knowledge from VLMs to lightweight vision models and improve the robustness by introducing Perturbation Distillation (PD) from three perspectives, including Score, Class and Instance (SCI), named SCI-PD. Moreover, previous methods are oriented by the benchmarks with identical and fixed splits, ignoring the divergence between source domains. These methods are revealed to suffer from sharp performance decay with our proposed new benchmark Hybrid Domain Generalization (HDG) and a novel metric $H^{2}$-CV, which construct various splits to comprehensively assess the robustness of algorithms. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms on multiple datasets, especially improving the robustness when confronting data scarcity.

cross A Parametric Rate-Distortion Model for Video Transcoding

Authors: Maedeh Jamali, Nader Karimi, Shadrokh Samavi, Shahram Shirani

Abstract: Over the past two decades, the surge in video streaming applications has been fueled by the increasing accessibility of the internet and the growing demand for network video. As users with varying internet speeds and devices seek high-quality video, transcoding becomes essential for service providers. In this paper, we introduce a parametric rate-distortion (R-D) transcoding model. Our model excels at predicting transcoding distortion at various rates without the need for encoding the video. This model serves as a versatile tool that can be used to achieve visual quality improvement (in terms of PSNR) via trans-sizing. Moreover, we use our model to identify visually lossless and near-zero-slope bitrate ranges for an ingest video. Having this information allows us to adjust the transcoding target bitrate while introducing visually negligible quality degradations. By utilizing our model in this manner, quality improvements up to 2 dB and bitrate savings of up to 46% of the original target bitrate are possible. Experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our model in video transcoding rate distortion prediction.

cross Active Learning for Control-Oriented Identification of Nonlinear Systems

Authors: Bruce D. Lee, Ingvar Ziemann, George J. Pappas, Nikolai Matni

Abstract: Model-based reinforcement learning is an effective approach for controlling an unknown system. It is based on a longstanding pipeline familiar to the control community in which one performs experiments on the environment to collect a dataset, uses the resulting dataset to identify a model of the system, and finally performs control synthesis using the identified model. As interacting with the system may be costly and time consuming, targeted exploration is crucial for developing an effective control-oriented model with minimal experimentation. Motivated by this challenge, recent work has begun to study finite sample data requirements and sample efficient algorithms for the problem of optimal exploration in model-based reinforcement learning. However, existing theory and algorithms are limited to model classes which are linear in the parameters. Our work instead focuses on models with nonlinear parameter dependencies, and presents the first finite sample analysis of an active learning algorithm suitable for a general class of nonlinear dynamics. In certain settings, the excess control cost of our algorithm achieves the optimal rate, up to logarithmic factors. We validate our approach in simulation, showcasing the advantage of active, control-oriented exploration for controlling nonlinear systems.

cross Adapting Mental Health Prediction Tasks for Cross-lingual Learning via Meta-Training and In-context Learning with Large Language Model

Authors: Zita Lifelo, Huansheng Ning, Sahraoui Dhelim

Abstract: Timely identification is essential for the efficient handling of mental health illnesses such as depression. However, the current research fails to adequately address the prediction of mental health conditions from social media data in low-resource African languages like Swahili. This study introduces two distinct approaches utilising model-agnostic meta-learning and leveraging large language models (LLMs) to address this gap. Experiments are conducted on three datasets translated to low-resource language and applied to four mental health tasks, which include stress, depression, depression severity and suicidal ideation prediction. we first apply a meta-learning model with self-supervision, which results in improved model initialisation for rapid adaptation and cross-lingual transfer. The results show that our meta-trained model performs significantly better than standard fine-tuning methods, outperforming the baseline fine-tuning in macro F1 score with 18\% and 0.8\% over XLM-R and mBERT. In parallel, we use LLMs' in-context learning capabilities to assess their performance accuracy across the Swahili mental health prediction tasks by analysing different cross-lingual prompting approaches. Our analysis showed that Swahili prompts performed better than cross-lingual prompts but less than English prompts. Our findings show that in-context learning can be achieved through cross-lingual transfer through carefully crafted prompt templates with examples and instructions.

cross CodeCloak: A Method for Evaluating and Mitigating Code Leakage by LLM Code Assistants

Authors: Amit Finkman, Eden Bar-Kochva, Avishag Shapira, Dudu Mimran, Yuval Elovici, Asaf Shabtai

Abstract: LLM-based code assistants are becoming increasingly popular among developers. These tools help developers improve their coding efficiency and reduce errors by providing real-time suggestions based on the developer's codebase. While beneficial, these tools might inadvertently expose the developer's proprietary code to the code assistant service provider during the development process. In this work, we propose two complementary methods to mitigate the risk of code leakage when using LLM-based code assistants. The first is a technique for reconstructing a developer's original codebase from code segments sent to the code assistant service (i.e., prompts) during the development process, enabling assessment and evaluation of the extent of code leakage to third parties (or adversaries). The second is CodeCloak, a novel deep reinforcement learning agent that manipulates the prompts before sending them to the code assistant service. CodeCloak aims to achieve the following two contradictory goals: (i) minimizing code leakage, while (ii) preserving relevant and useful suggestions for the developer. Our evaluation, employing GitHub Copilot, StarCoder, and CodeLlama LLM-based code assistants models, demonstrates the effectiveness of our CodeCloak approach on a diverse set of code repositories of varying sizes, as well as its transferability across different models. In addition, we generate a realistic simulated coding environment to thoroughly analyze code leakage risks and evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed mitigation techniques under practical development scenarios.

cross CuriousLLM: Elevating Multi-Document QA with Reasoning-Infused Knowledge Graph Prompting

Authors: Zukang Yang, Zixuan Zhu

Abstract: In the field of Question Answering (QA), unifying large language models (LLMs) with external databases has shown great success. However, these methods often fall short in providing the advanced reasoning needed for complex QA tasks. To address these issues, we improve over a novel approach called Knowledge Graph Prompting (KGP), which combines knowledge graphs with a LLM-based agent to improve reasoning and search accuracy. Nevertheless, the original KGP framework necessitates costly fine-tuning with large datasets yet still suffers from LLM hallucination. Therefore, we propose a reasoning-infused LLM agent to enhance this framework. This agent mimics human curiosity to ask follow-up questions to more efficiently navigate the search. This simple modification significantly boosts the LLM performance in QA tasks without the high costs and latency associated with the initial KGP framework. Our ultimate goal is to further develop this approach, leading to more accurate, faster, and cost-effective solutions in the QA domain.

cross Safe Reinforcement Learning on the Constraint Manifold: Theory and Applications

Authors: Puze Liu, Haitham Bou-Ammar, Jan Peters, Davide Tateo

Abstract: Integrating learning-based techniques, especially reinforcement learning, into robotics is promising for solving complex problems in unstructured environments. However, most existing approaches are trained in well-tuned simulators and subsequently deployed on real robots without online fine-tuning. In this setting, the simulation's realism seriously impacts the deployment's success rate. Instead, learning with real-world interaction data offers a promising alternative: not only eliminates the need for a fine-tuned simulator but also applies to a broader range of tasks where accurate modeling is unfeasible. One major problem for on-robot reinforcement learning is ensuring safety, as uncontrolled exploration can cause catastrophic damage to the robot or the environment. Indeed, safety specifications, often represented as constraints, can be complex and non-linear, making safety challenging to guarantee in learning systems. In this paper, we show how we can impose complex safety constraints on learning-based robotics systems in a principled manner, both from theoretical and practical points of view. Our approach is based on the concept of the Constraint Manifold, representing the set of safe robot configurations. Exploiting differential geometry techniques, i.e., the tangent space, we can construct a safe action space, allowing learning agents to sample arbitrary actions while ensuring safety. We demonstrate the method's effectiveness in a real-world Robot Air Hockey task, showing that our method can handle high-dimensional tasks with complex constraints. Videos of the real robot experiments are available on the project website (


cross Probabilistic Directed Distance Fields for Ray-Based Shape Representations

Authors: Tristan Aumentado-Armstrong, Stavros Tsogkas, Sven Dickinson, Allan Jepson

Abstract: In modern computer vision, the optimal representation of 3D shape continues to be task-dependent. One fundamental operation applied to such representations is differentiable rendering, as it enables inverse graphics approaches in learning frameworks. Standard explicit shape representations (voxels, point clouds, or meshes) are often easily rendered, but can suffer from limited geometric fidelity, among other issues. On the other hand, implicit representations (occupancy, distance, or radiance fields) preserve greater fidelity, but suffer from complex or inefficient rendering processes, limiting scalability. In this work, we devise Directed Distance Fields (DDFs), a novel neural shape representation that builds upon classical distance fields. The fundamental operation in a DDF maps an oriented point (position and direction) to surface visibility and depth. This enables efficient differentiable rendering, obtaining depth with a single forward pass per pixel, as well as differential geometric quantity extraction (e.g., surface normals), with only additional backward passes. Using probabilistic DDFs (PDDFs), we show how to model inherent discontinuities in the underlying field. We then apply DDFs to several applications, including single-shape fitting, generative modelling, and single-image 3D reconstruction, showcasing strong performance with simple architectural components via the versatility of our representation. Finally, since the dimensionality of DDFs permits view-dependent geometric artifacts, we conduct a theoretical investigation of the constraints necessary for view consistency. We find a small set of field properties that are sufficient to guarantee a DDF is consistent, without knowing, for instance, which shape the field is expressing.

cross Semantic In-Domain Product Identification for Search Queries

Authors: Sanat Sharma, Jayant Kumar, Twisha Naik, Zhaoyu Lu, Arvind Srikantan, Tracy Holloway King

Abstract: Accurate explicit and implicit product identification in search queries is critical for enhancing user experiences, especially at a company like Adobe which has over 50 products and covers queries across hundreds of tools. In this work, we present a novel approach to training a product classifier from user behavioral data. Our semantic model led to >25% relative improvement in CTR (click through rate) across the deployed surfaces; a >50% decrease in null rate; a 2x increase in the app cards surfaced, which helps drive product visibility.

cross Extending Mean-Field Variational Inference via Entropic Regularization: Theory and Computation

Authors: Bohan Wu, David Blei

Abstract: Variational inference (VI) has emerged as a popular method for approximate inference for high-dimensional Bayesian models. In this paper, we propose a novel VI method that extends the naive mean field via entropic regularization, referred to as $\Xi$-variational inference ($\Xi$-VI). $\Xi$-VI has a close connection to the entropic optimal transport problem and benefits from the computationally efficient Sinkhorn algorithm. We show that $\Xi$-variational posteriors effectively recover the true posterior dependency, where the dependence is downweighted by the regularization parameter. We analyze the role of dimensionality of the parameter space on the accuracy of $\Xi$-variational approximation and how it affects computational considerations, providing a rough characterization of the statistical-computational trade-off in $\Xi$-VI. We also investigate the frequentist properties of $\Xi$-VI and establish results on consistency, asymptotic normality, high-dimensional asymptotics, and algorithmic stability. We provide sufficient criteria for achieving polynomial-time approximate inference using the method. Finally, we demonstrate the practical advantage of $\Xi$-VI over mean-field variational inference on simulated and real data.

cross Interactive Generative AI Agents for Satellite Networks through a Mixture of Experts Transmission

Authors: Ruichen Zhang, Hongyang Du, Yinqiu Liu, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, Abbas Jamalipour, Dong In Kim

Abstract: In response to the needs of 6G global communications, satellite communication networks have emerged as a key solution. However, the large-scale development of satellite communication networks is constrained by the complex system models, whose modeling is challenging for massive users. Moreover, transmission interference between satellites and users seriously affects communication performance. To solve these problems, this paper develops generative artificial intelligence (AI) agents for model formulation and then applies a mixture of experts (MoE) approach to design transmission strategies. Specifically, we leverage large language models (LLMs) to build an interactive modeling paradigm and utilize retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to extract satellite expert knowledge that supports mathematical modeling. Afterward, by integrating the expertise of multiple specialized components, we propose an MoE-proximal policy optimization (PPO) approach to solve the formulated problem. Each expert can optimize the optimization variables at which it excels through specialized training through its own network and then aggregates them through the gating network to perform joint optimization. The simulation results validate the accuracy and effectiveness of employing a generative agent for problem formulation. Furthermore, the superiority of the proposed MoE-ppo approach over other benchmarks is confirmed in solving the formulated problem. The adaptability of MoE-PPO to various customized modeling problems has also been demonstrated.

cross TLDR at SemEval-2024 Task 2: T5-generated clinical-Language summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis

Authors: Spandan Das, Vinay Samuel, Shahriar Noroozizadeh

Abstract: This paper introduces novel methodologies for the Natural Language Inference for Clinical Trials (NLI4CT) task. We present TLDR (T5-generated clinical-Language summaries for DeBERTa Report Analysis) which incorporates T5-model generated premise summaries for improved entailment and contradiction analysis in clinical NLI tasks. This approach overcomes the challenges posed by small context windows and lengthy premises, leading to a substantial improvement in Macro F1 scores: a 0.184 increase over truncated premises. Our comprehensive experimental evaluation, including detailed error analysis and ablations, confirms the superiority of TLDR in achieving consistency and faithfulness in predictions against semantically altered inputs.

cross From Bytes to Borsch: Fine-Tuning Gemma and Mistral for the Ukrainian Language Representation

Authors: Artur Kiulian, Anton Polishko, Mykola Khandoga, Oryna Chubych, Jack Connor, Raghav Ravishankar, Adarsh Shirawalmath

Abstract: In the rapidly advancing field of AI and NLP, generative large language models (LLMs) stand at the forefront of innovation, showcasing unparalleled abilities in text understanding and generation. However, the limited representation of low-resource languages like Ukrainian poses a notable challenge, restricting the reach and relevance of this technology. Our paper addresses this by fine-tuning the open-source Gemma and Mistral LLMs with Ukrainian datasets, aiming to improve their linguistic proficiency and benchmarking them against other existing models capable of processing Ukrainian language. This endeavor not only aims to mitigate language bias in technology but also promotes inclusivity in the digital realm. Our transparent and reproducible approach encourages further NLP research and development. Additionally, we present the Ukrainian Knowledge and Instruction Dataset (UKID) to aid future efforts in language model fine-tuning. Our research not only advances the field of NLP but also highlights the importance of linguistic diversity in AI, which is crucial for cultural preservation, education, and expanding AI's global utility. Ultimately, we advocate for a future where technology is inclusive, enabling AI to communicate effectively across all languages, especially those currently underrepresented.

cross Emerging Platforms Meet Emerging LLMs: A Year-Long Journey of Top-Down Development

Authors: Siyuan Feng, Jiawei Liu, Ruihang Lai, Charlie F. Ruan, Yong Yu, Lingming Zhang, Tianqi Chen

Abstract: Deploying machine learning (ML) on diverse computing platforms is crucial to accelerate and broaden their applications. However, it presents significant software engineering challenges due to the fast evolution of models, especially the recent \llmfull{s} (\llm{s}), and the emergence of new computing platforms. Current ML frameworks are primarily engineered for CPU and CUDA platforms, leaving a big gap in enabling emerging ones like Metal, Vulkan, and WebGPU. While a traditional bottom-up development pipeline fails to close the gap timely, we introduce TapML, a top-down approach and tooling designed to streamline the deployment of ML systems on diverse platforms, optimized for developer productivity. Unlike traditional bottom-up methods, which involve extensive manual testing and debugging, TapML automates unit testing through test carving and adopts a migration-based strategy for gradually offloading model computations from mature source platforms to emerging target platforms. By leveraging realistic inputs and remote connections for gradual target offloading, TapML accelerates the validation and minimizes debugging scopes, significantly optimizing development efforts. TapML was developed and applied through a year-long, real-world effort that successfully deployed significant emerging models and platforms. Through serious deployments of 82 emerging models in 17 distinct architectures across 5 emerging platforms, we showcase the effectiveness of TapML in enhancing developer productivity while ensuring model reliability and efficiency. Furthermore, we summarize comprehensive case studies from our real-world development, offering best practices for developing emerging ML systems.

cross Coreset Selection for Object Detection

Authors: Hojun Lee, Suyoung Kim, Junhoo Lee, Jaeyoung Yoo, Nojun Kwak

Abstract: Coreset selection is a method for selecting a small, representative subset of an entire dataset. It has been primarily researched in image classification, assuming there is only one object per image. However, coreset selection for object detection is more challenging as an image can contain multiple objects. As a result, much research has yet to be done on this topic. Therefore, we introduce a new approach, Coreset Selection for Object Detection (CSOD). CSOD generates imagewise and classwise representative feature vectors for multiple objects of the same class within each image. Subsequently, we adopt submodular optimization for considering both representativeness and diversity and utilize the representative vectors in the submodular optimization process to select a subset. When we evaluated CSOD on the Pascal VOC dataset, CSOD outperformed random selection by +6.4%p in AP$_{50}$ when selecting 200 images.

cross An Experimental Comparison Of Multi-view Self-supervised Methods For Music Tagging

Authors: Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Dorian Desblancs, Romain Hennequin

Abstract: Self-supervised learning has emerged as a powerful way to pre-train generalizable machine learning models on large amounts of unlabeled data. It is particularly compelling in the music domain, where obtaining labeled data is time-consuming, error-prone, and ambiguous. During the self-supervised process, models are trained on pretext tasks, with the primary objective of acquiring robust and informative features that can later be fine-tuned for specific downstream tasks. The choice of the pretext task is critical as it guides the model to shape the feature space with meaningful constraints for information encoding. In the context of music, most works have relied on contrastive learning or masking techniques. In this study, we expand the scope of pretext tasks applied to music by investigating and comparing the performance of new self-supervised methods for music tagging. We open-source a simple ResNet model trained on a diverse catalog of millions of tracks. Our results demonstrate that, although most of these pre-training methods result in similar downstream results, contrastive learning consistently results in better downstream performance compared to other self-supervised pre-training methods. This holds true in a limited-data downstream context.

cross Qandle: Accelerating State Vector Simulation Using Gate-Matrix Caching and Circuit Splitting

Authors: Gerhard Stenzel, Sebastian Zielinski, Michael K\"olle, Philipp Altmann, Jonas N\"u{\ss}lein, Thomas Gabor

Abstract: To address the computational complexity associated with state-vector simulation for quantum circuits, we propose a combination of advanced techniques to accelerate circuit execution. Quantum gate matrix caching reduces the overhead of repeated applications of the Kronecker product when applying a gate matrix to the state vector by storing decomposed partial matrices for each gate. Circuit splitting divides the circuit into sub-circuits with fewer gates by constructing a dependency graph, enabling parallel or sequential execution on disjoint subsets of the state vector. These techniques are implemented using the PyTorch machine learning framework. We demonstrate the performance of our approach by comparing it to other PyTorch-compatible quantum state-vector simulators. Our implementation, named Qandle, is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing machine learning workflows, providing a user-friendly API and compatibility with the OpenQASM format. Qandle is an open-source project hosted on GitHub and PyPI .


cross Towards Fast Inference: Exploring and Improving Blockwise Parallel Drafts

Authors: Taehyeon Kim, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Kishore Papineni, Michael Riley, Sanjiv Kumar, Adrian Benton

Abstract: Despite the remarkable strides made by autoregressive language models, their potential is often hampered by the slow inference speeds inherent in sequential token generation. Blockwise parallel decoding (BPD) was proposed by Stern et al. (2018) as a way to improve inference speed of language models. In this paper, we make two contributions to understanding and improving BPD drafts. We first offer an analysis of the token distributions produced by the BPD prediction heads. Secondly, we use this analysis to inform algorithms to improve BPD inference speed by refining the BPD drafts using small n-gram or neural language models. We empirically show that these refined BPD drafts yield a higher average verified prefix length across tasks.

cross Breast Cancer Image Classification Method Based on Deep Transfer Learning

Authors: Weimin Wang, Min Gao, Mingxuan Xiao, Xu Yan, Yufeng Li

Abstract: To address the issues of limited samples, time-consuming feature design, and low accuracy in detection and classification of breast cancer pathological images, a breast cancer image classification model algorithm combining deep learning and transfer learning is proposed. This algorithm is based on the DenseNet structure of deep neural networks, and constructs a network model by introducing attention mechanisms, and trains the enhanced dataset using multi-level transfer learning. Experimental results demonstrate that the algorithm achieves an efficiency of over 84.0\% in the test set, with a significantly improved classification accuracy compared to previous models, making it applicable to medical breast cancer detection tasks.

cross Test Code Generation for Telecom Software Systems using Two-Stage Generative Model

Authors: Mohamad Nabeel, Doumitrou Daniil Nimara, Tahar Zanouda

Abstract: In recent years, the evolution of Telecom towards achieving intelligent, autonomous, and open networks has led to an increasingly complex Telecom Software system, supporting various heterogeneous deployment scenarios, with multi-standard and multi-vendor support. As a result, it becomes a challenge for large-scale Telecom software companies to develop and test software for all deployment scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose a framework for Automated Test Generation for large-scale Telecom Software systems. We begin by generating Test Case Input data for test scenarios observed using a time-series Generative model trained on historical Telecom Network data during field trials. Additionally, the time-series Generative model helps in preserving the privacy of Telecom data. The generated time-series software performance data are then utilized with test descriptions written in natural language to generate Test Script using the Generative Large Language Model. Our comprehensive experiments on public datasets and Telecom datasets obtained from operational Telecom Networks demonstrate that the framework can effectively generate comprehensive test case data input and useful test code.

cross TrafficVLM: A Controllable Visual Language Model for Traffic Video Captioning

Authors: Quang Minh Dinh, Minh Khoi Ho, Anh Quan Dang, Hung Phong Tran

Abstract: Traffic video description and analysis have received much attention recently due to the growing demand for efficient and reliable urban surveillance systems. Most existing methods only focus on locating traffic event segments, which severely lack descriptive details related to the behaviour and context of all the subjects of interest in the events. In this paper, we present TrafficVLM, a novel multi-modal dense video captioning model for vehicle ego camera view. TrafficVLM models traffic video events at different levels of analysis, both spatially and temporally, and generates long fine-grained descriptions for the vehicle and pedestrian at different phases of the event. We also propose a conditional component for TrafficVLM to control the generation outputs and a multi-task fine-tuning paradigm to enhance TrafficVLM's learning capability. Experiments show that TrafficVLM performs well on both vehicle and overhead camera views. Our solution achieved outstanding results in Track 2 of the AI City Challenge 2024, ranking us third in the challenge standings. Our code is publicly available at


cross Weight Copy and Low-Rank Adaptation for Few-Shot Distillation of Vision Transformers

Authors: Diana-Nicoleta Grigore, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Jon Alvarez Justo, Tor Johansen, Andreea Iuliana Ionescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: Few-shot knowledge distillation recently emerged as a viable approach to harness the knowledge of large-scale pre-trained models, using limited data and computational resources. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot feature distillation approach for vision transformers. Our approach is based on two key steps. Leveraging the fact that vision transformers have a consistent depth-wise structure, we first copy the weights from intermittent layers of existing pre-trained vision transformers (teachers) into shallower architectures (students), where the intermittence factor controls the complexity of the student transformer with respect to its teacher. Next, we employ an enhanced version of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to distill knowledge into the student in a few-shot scenario, aiming to recover the information processing carried out by the skipped teacher layers. We present comprehensive experiments with supervised and self-supervised transformers as teachers, on five data sets from various domains, including natural, medical and satellite images. The empirical results confirm the superiority of our approach over competitive baselines. Moreover, the ablation results demonstrate the usefulness of each component of the proposed pipeline.

cross SNN4Agents: A Framework for Developing Energy-Efficient Embodied Spiking Neural Networks for Autonomous Agents

Authors: Rachmad Vidya Wicaksana Putra, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Recent trends have shown that autonomous agents, such as Autonomous Ground Vehicles (AGVs), Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and mobile robots, effectively improve human productivity in solving diverse tasks. However, since these agents are typically powered by portable batteries, they require extremely low power/energy consumption to operate in a long lifespan. To solve this challenge, neuromorphic computing has emerged as a promising solution, where bio-inspired Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) use spikes from event-based cameras or data conversion pre-processing to perform sparse computations efficiently. However, the studies of SNN deployments for autonomous agents are still at an early stage. Hence, the optimization stages for enabling efficient embodied SNN deployments for autonomous agents have not been defined systematically. Toward this, we propose a novel framework called SNN4Agents that consists of a set of optimization techniques for designing energy-efficient embodied SNNs targeting autonomous agent applications. Our SNN4Agents employs weight quantization, timestep reduction, and attention window reduction to jointly improve the energy efficiency, reduce the memory footprint, optimize the processing latency, while maintaining high accuracy. In the evaluation, we investigate use cases of event-based car recognition, and explore the trade-offs among accuracy, latency, memory, and energy consumption. The experimental results show that our proposed framework can maintain high accuracy (i.e., 84.12% accuracy) with 68.75% memory saving, 3.58x speed-up, and 4.03x energy efficiency improvement as compared to the state-of-the-art work for NCARS dataset, thereby enabling energy-efficient embodied SNN deployments for autonomous agents.

cross Towards Practical Tool Usage for Continually Learning LLMs

Authors: Jerry Huang, Prasanna Parthasarathi, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) show an innate skill for solving language based tasks. But insights have suggested an inability to adjust for information or task-solving skills becoming outdated, as their knowledge, stored directly within their parameters, remains static in time. Tool use helps by offloading work to systems that the LLM can access through an interface, but LLMs that use them still must adapt to nonstationary environments for prolonged use, as new tools can emerge and existing tools can change. Nevertheless, tools require less specialized knowledge, therefore we hypothesize they are better suited for continual learning (CL) as they rely less on parametric memory for solving tasks and instead focus on learning when to apply pre-defined tools. To verify this, we develop a synthetic benchmark and follow this by aggregating existing NLP tasks to form a more realistic testing scenario. While we demonstrate scaling model size is not a solution, regardless of tool usage, continual learning techniques can enable tool LLMs to both adapt faster while forgetting less, highlighting their potential as continual learners.

cross Machine learning-based identification of Gaia astrometric exoplanet orbits

Authors: Johannes Sahlmann, Pablo G\'omez

Abstract: The third Gaia data release (DR3) contains $\sim$170 000 astrometric orbit solutions of two-body systems located within $\sim$500 pc of the Sun. Determining component masses in these systems, in particular of stars hosting exoplanets, usually hinges on incorporating complementary observations in addition to the astrometry, e.g. spectroscopy and radial velocities. Several DR3 two-body systems with exoplanet, brown-dwarf, stellar, and black-hole components have been confirmed in this way. We developed an alternative machine learning approach that uses only the DR3 orbital solutions with the aim of identifying the best candidates for exoplanets and brown-dwarf companions. Based on confirmed substellar companions in the literature, we use semi-supervised anomaly detection methods in combination with extreme gradient boosting and random forest classifiers to determine likely low-mass outliers in the population of non-single sources. We employ and study feature importance to investigate the method's plausibility and produced a list of 22 best candidates of which four are exoplanet candidates and another five are either very-massive brown dwarfs or very-low mass stars. Three candidates, including one initial exoplanet candidate, correspond to false-positive solutions where longer-period binary star motion was fitted with a biased shorter-period orbit. We highlight nine candidates with brown-dwarf companions for preferential follow-up. One candidate companion around the Sun-like star G 15-6 could be confirmed as a genuine brown dwarf using external radial-velocity data. This new approach is a powerful complement to the traditional identification methods for substellar companions among Gaia astrometric orbits. It is particularly relevant in the context of Gaia DR4 and its expected exoplanet discovery yield.

cross Exploring Feedback Generation in Automated Skeletal Movement Assessment: A Comprehensive Overview

Authors: Tal Hakim

Abstract: The application of machine-learning solutions to movement assessment from skeleton videos has attracted significant research attention in recent years. This advancement has made rehabilitation at home more accessible, utilizing movement assessment algorithms that can operate on affordable equipment for human pose detection from 2D or 3D videos. While the primary objective of automatic assessment tasks is to score movements, the automatic generation of feedback highlighting key movement issues has the potential to significantly enhance and accelerate the rehabilitation process. In this study, we explain the types of feedback that can be generated, review existing solutions for automatic feedback generation, and discuss future research directions. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive review of feedback generation in skeletal movement assessment.

cross Momentum-based gradient descent methods for Lie groups

Authors: C\'edric M. Campos, David Mart\'in de Diego, Jos\'e Torrente

Abstract: Polyak's Heavy Ball (PHB; Polyak, 1964), a.k.a. Classical Momentum, and Nesterov's Accelerated Gradient (NAG; Nesterov, 1983) are well know examples of momentum-descent methods for optimization. While the latter outperforms the former, solely generalizations of PHB-like methods to nonlinear spaces have been described in the literature. We propose here a generalization of NAG-like methods for Lie group optimization based on the variational one-to-one correspondence between classical and accelerated momentum methods (Campos et al., 2023). Numerical experiments are shown.

cross Tasks People Prompt: A Taxonomy of LLM Downstream Tasks in Software Verification and Falsification Approaches

Authors: V\'ictor A. Braberman, Flavia Bonomo-Braberman, Yiannis Charalambous, Juan G. Colonna, Lucas C. Cordeiro, Rosiane de Freitas

Abstract: Prompting has become one of the main approaches to leverage emergent capabilities of Large Language Models [Brown et al. NeurIPS 2020, Wei et al. TMLR 2022, Wei et al. NeurIPS 2022]. During the last year, researchers and practitioners have been playing with prompts to see how to make the most of LLMs. By homogeneously dissecting 80 papers, we investigate in deep how software testing and verification research communities have been abstractly architecting their LLM-enabled solutions. More precisely, first, we want to validate whether downstream tasks are an adequate concept to convey the blueprint of prompt-based solutions. We also aim at identifying number and nature of such tasks in solutions. For such goal, we develop a novel downstream task taxonomy that enables pinpointing some engineering patterns in a rather varied spectrum of Software Engineering problems that encompasses testing, fuzzing, debugging, vulnerability detection, static analysis and program verification approaches.

cross RankCLIP: Ranking-Consistent Language-Image Pretraining

Authors: Yiming Zhang, Zhuokai Zhao, Zhaorun Chen, Zhili Feng, Zenghui Ding, Yining Sun

Abstract: Among the ever-evolving development of vision-language models, contrastive language-image pretraining (CLIP) has set new benchmarks in many downstream tasks such as zero-shot classifications by leveraging self-supervised contrastive learning on large amounts of text-image pairs. However, its dependency on rigid one-to-one mappings overlooks the complex and often multifaceted relationships between and within texts and images. To this end, we introduce RankCLIP, a novel pretraining method that extends beyond the rigid one-to-one matching framework of CLIP and its variants. By leveraging both in-modal and cross-modal ranking consistency, RankCLIP improves the alignment process, enabling it to capture the nuanced many-to-many relationships between and within each modality. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate the enhanced capability of RankCLIP to effectively improve performance across various downstream tasks, notably achieving significant gains in zero-shot classifications over state-of-the-art methods, underscoring the potential of RankCLIP in further advancing vision-language pretraining.

cross Masked and Shuffled Blind Spot Denoising for Real-World Images

Authors: Hamadi Chihaoui, Paolo Favaro

Abstract: We introduce a novel approach to single image denoising based on the Blind Spot Denoising principle, which we call MAsked and SHuffled Blind Spot Denoising (MASH). We focus on the case of correlated noise, which often plagues real images. MASH is the result of a careful analysis to determine the relationships between the level of blindness (masking) of the input and the (unknown) noise correlation. Moreover, we introduce a shuffling technique to weaken the local correlation of noise, which in turn yields an additional denoising performance improvement. We evaluate MASH via extensive experiments on real-world noisy image datasets. We demonstrate on par or better results compared to existing self-supervised denoising methods.

cross An Autoencoder-Based Constellation Design for AirComp in Wireless Federated Learning

Authors: Yujia Mu, Xizixiang Wei, Cong Shen

Abstract: Wireless federated learning (FL) relies on efficient uplink communications to aggregate model updates across distributed edge devices. Over-the-air computation (a.k.a. AirComp) has emerged as a promising approach for addressing the scalability challenge of FL over wireless links with limited communication resources. Unlike conventional methods, AirComp allows multiple edge devices to transmit uplink signals simultaneously, enabling the parameter server to directly decode the average global model. However, existing AirComp solutions are intrinsically analog, while modern wireless systems predominantly adopt digital modulations. Consequently, careful constellation designs are necessary to accurately decode the sum model updates without ambiguity. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end communication system supporting AirComp with digital modulation, aiming to overcome the challenges associated with accurate decoding of the sum signal with constellation designs. We leverage autoencoder network structures and explore the joint optimization of transmitter and receiver components. Our approach fills an important gap in the context of accurately decoding the sum signal in digital modulation-based AirComp, which can advance the deployment of FL in contemporary wireless systems.

cross Human-in-the-Loop Segmentation of Multi-species Coral Imagery

Authors: Scarlett Raine, Ross Marchant, Brano Kusy, Frederic Maire, Niko Suenderhauf, Tobias Fischer

Abstract: Broad-scale marine surveys performed by underwater vehicles significantly increase the availability of coral reef imagery, however it is costly and time-consuming for domain experts to label images. Point label propagation is an approach used to leverage existing image data labeled with sparse point labels. The resulting augmented ground truth generated is then used to train a semantic segmentation model. Here, we first demonstrate that recent advances in foundation models enable generation of multi-species coral augmented ground truth masks using denoised DINOv2 features and K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), without the need for any pre-training or custom-designed algorithms. For extremely sparsely labeled images, we propose a labeling regime based on human-in-the-loop principles, resulting in significant improvement in annotation efficiency: If only 5 point labels per image are available, our proposed human-in-the-loop approach improves on the state-of-the-art by 17.3% for pixel accuracy and 22.6% for mIoU; and by 10.6% and 19.1% when 10 point labels per image are available. Even if the human-in-the-loop labeling regime is not used, the denoised DINOv2 features with a KNN outperforms the prior state-of-the-art by 3.5% for pixel accuracy and 5.7% for mIoU (5 grid points). We also provide a detailed analysis of how point labeling style and the quantity of points per image affects the point label propagation quality and provide general recommendations on maximizing point label efficiency.

cross On the Optimal Regret of Locally Private Linear Contextual Bandit

Authors: Jiachun Li, David Simchi-Levi, Yining Wang

Abstract: Contextual bandit with linear reward functions is among one of the most extensively studied models in bandit and online learning research. Recently, there has been increasing interest in designing \emph{locally private} linear contextual bandit algorithms, where sensitive information contained in contexts and rewards is protected against leakage to the general public. While the classical linear contextual bandit algorithm admits cumulative regret upper bounds of $\tilde O(\sqrt{T})$ via multiple alternative methods, it has remained open whether such regret bounds are attainable in the presence of local privacy constraints, with the state-of-the-art result being $\tilde O(T^{3/4})$. In this paper, we show that it is indeed possible to achieve an $\tilde O(\sqrt{T})$ regret upper bound for locally private linear contextual bandit. Our solution relies on several new algorithmic and analytical ideas, such as the analysis of mean absolute deviation errors and layered principal component regression in order to achieve small mean absolute deviation errors.

cross A Review on Machine Learning Algorithms for Dust Aerosol Detection using Satellite Data

Authors: Nurul Rafi, Pablo Rivas

Abstract: Dust storms are associated with certain respiratory illnesses across different areas in the world. Researchers have devoted time and resources to study the elements surrounding dust storm phenomena. This paper reviews the efforts of those who have investigated dust aerosols using sensors onboard of satellites using machine learning-based approaches. We have reviewed the most common issues revolving dust aerosol modeling using different datasets and different sensors from a historical perspective. Our findings suggest that multi-spectral approaches based on linear and non-linear combinations of spectral bands are some of the most successful for visualization and quantitative analysis; however, when researchers have leveraged machine learning, performance has been improved and new opportunities to solve unique problems arise.

cross On the Efficiency of Privacy Attacks in Federated Learning

Authors: Nawrin Tabassum, Ka-Ho Chow, Xuyu Wang, Wenbin Zhang, Yanzhao Wu

Abstract: Recent studies have revealed severe privacy risks in federated learning, represented by Gradient Leakage Attacks. However, existing studies mainly aim at increasing the privacy attack success rate and overlook the high computation costs for recovering private data, making the privacy attack impractical in real applications. In this study, we examine privacy attacks from the perspective of efficiency and propose a framework for improving the Efficiency of Privacy Attacks in Federated Learning (EPAFL). We make three novel contributions. First, we systematically evaluate the computational costs for representative privacy attacks in federated learning, which exhibits a high potential to optimize efficiency. Second, we propose three early-stopping techniques to effectively reduce the computational costs of these privacy attacks. Third, we perform experiments on benchmark datasets and show that our proposed method can significantly reduce computational costs and maintain comparable attack success rates for state-of-the-art privacy attacks in federated learning. We provide the codes on GitHub at


cross The 8th AI City Challenge

Authors: Shuo Wang, David C. Anastasiu, Zheng Tang, Ming-Ching Chang, Yue Yao, Liang Zheng, Mohammed Shaiqur Rahman, Meenakshi S. Arya, Anuj Sharma, Pranamesh Chakraborty, Sanjita Prajapati, Quan Kong, Norimasa Kobori, Munkhjargal Gochoo, Munkh-Erdene Otgonbold, Fady Alnajjar, Ganzorig Batnasan, Ping-Yang Chen, Jun-Wei Hsieh, Xunlei Wu, Sameer Satish Pusegaonkar, Yizhou Wang, Sujit Biswas, Rama Chellappa

Abstract: The eighth AI City Challenge highlighted the convergence of computer vision and artificial intelligence in areas like retail, warehouse settings, and Intelligent Traffic Systems (ITS), presenting significant research opportunities. The 2024 edition featured five tracks, attracting unprecedented interest from 726 teams in 47 countries and regions. Track 1 dealt with multi-target multi-camera (MTMC) people tracking, highlighting significant enhancements in camera count, character number, 3D annotation, and camera matrices, alongside new rules for 3D tracking and online tracking algorithm encouragement. Track 2 introduced dense video captioning for traffic safety, focusing on pedestrian accidents using multi-camera feeds to improve insights for insurance and prevention. Track 3 required teams to classify driver actions in a naturalistic driving analysis. Track 4 explored fish-eye camera analytics using the FishEye8K dataset. Track 5 focused on motorcycle helmet rule violation detection. The challenge utilized two leaderboards to showcase methods, with participants setting new benchmarks, some surpassing existing state-of-the-art achievements.

cross Developing Lagrangian-based Methods for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

Authors: Nachuan Xiao, Kuangyu Ding, Xiaoyin Hu, Kim-Chuan Toh

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the minimization of a nonsmooth nonconvex objective function $f(x)$ over a closed convex subset $\mathcal{X}$ of $\mathbb{R}^n$, with additional nonsmooth nonconvex constraints $c(x) = 0$. We develop a unified framework for developing Lagrangian-based methods, which takes a single-step update to the primal variables by some subgradient methods in each iteration. These subgradient methods are ``embedded'' into our framework, in the sense that they are incorporated as black-box updates to the primal variables. We prove that our proposed framework inherits the global convergence guarantees from these embedded subgradient methods under mild conditions. In addition, we show that our framework can be extended to solve constrained optimization problems with expectation constraints. Based on the proposed framework, we show that a wide range of existing stochastic subgradient methods, including the proximal SGD, proximal momentum SGD, and proximal ADAM, can be embedded into Lagrangian-based methods. Preliminary numerical experiments on deep learning tasks illustrate that our proposed framework yields efficient variants of Lagrangian-based methods with convergence guarantees for nonconvex nonsmooth constrained optimization problems.

cross kNN-CLIP: Retrieval Enables Training-Free Segmentation on Continually Expanding Large Vocabularies

Authors: Zhongrui Gui, Shuyang Sun, Runjia Li, Jianhao Yuan, Zhaochong An, Karsten Roth, Ameya Prabhu, Philip Torr

Abstract: Rapid advancements in continual segmentation have yet to bridge the gap of scaling to large continually expanding vocabularies under compute-constrained scenarios. We discover that traditional continual training leads to catastrophic forgetting under compute constraints, unable to outperform zero-shot segmentation methods. We introduce a novel strategy for semantic and panoptic segmentation with zero forgetting, capable of adapting to continually growing vocabularies without the need for retraining or large memory costs. Our training-free approach, kNN-CLIP, leverages a database of instance embeddings to enable open-vocabulary segmentation approaches to continually expand their vocabulary on any given domain with a single-pass through data, while only storing embeddings minimizing both compute and memory costs. This method achieves state-of-the-art mIoU performance across large-vocabulary semantic and panoptic segmentation datasets. We hope kNN-CLIP represents a step forward in enabling more efficient and adaptable continual segmentation, paving the way for advances in real-world large-vocabulary continual segmentation methods.

cross Utility-Fairness Trade-Offs and How to Find Them

Authors: Sepehr Dehdashtian, Bashir Sadeghi, Vishnu Naresh Boddeti

Abstract: When building classification systems with demographic fairness considerations, there are two objectives to satisfy: 1) maximizing utility for the specific task and 2) ensuring fairness w.r.t. a known demographic attribute. These objectives often compete, so optimizing both can lead to a trade-off between utility and fairness. While existing works acknowledge the trade-offs and study their limits, two questions remain unanswered: 1) What are the optimal trade-offs between utility and fairness? and 2) How can we numerically quantify these trade-offs from data for a desired prediction task and demographic attribute of interest? This paper addresses these questions. We introduce two utility-fairness trade-offs: the Data-Space and Label-Space Trade-off. The trade-offs reveal three regions within the utility-fairness plane, delineating what is fully and partially possible and impossible. We propose U-FaTE, a method to numerically quantify the trade-offs for a given prediction task and group fairness definition from data samples. Based on the trade-offs, we introduce a new scheme for evaluating representations. An extensive evaluation of fair representation learning methods and representations from over 1000 pre-trained models revealed that most current approaches are far from the estimated and achievable fairness-utility trade-offs across multiple datasets and prediction tasks.

cross Improved Object-Based Style Transfer with Single Deep Network

Authors: Harshmohan Kulkarni, Om Khare, Ninad Barve, Sunil Mane

Abstract: This research paper proposes a novel methodology for image-to-image style transfer on objects utilizing a single deep convolutional neural network. The proposed approach leverages the You Only Look Once version 8 (YOLOv8) segmentation model and the backbone neural network of YOLOv8 for style transfer. The primary objective is to enhance the visual appeal of objects in images by seamlessly transferring artistic styles while preserving the original object characteristics. The proposed approach's novelty lies in combining segmentation and style transfer in a single deep convolutional neural network. This approach omits the need for multiple stages or models, thus resulting in simpler training and deployment of the model for practical applications. The results of this approach are shown on two content images by applying different style images. The paper also demonstrates the ability to apply style transfer on multiple objects in the same image.

cross PhyScene: Physically Interactable 3D Scene Synthesis for Embodied AI

Authors: Yandan Yang, Baoxiong Jia, Peiyuan Zhi, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: With recent developments in Embodied Artificial Intelligence (EAI) research, there has been a growing demand for high-quality, large-scale interactive scene generation. While prior methods in scene synthesis have prioritized the naturalness and realism of the generated scenes, the physical plausibility and interactivity of scenes have been largely left unexplored. To address this disparity, we introduce PhyScene, a novel method dedicated to generating interactive 3D scenes characterized by realistic layouts, articulated objects, and rich physical interactivity tailored for embodied agents. Based on a conditional diffusion model for capturing scene layouts, we devise novel physics- and interactivity-based guidance mechanisms that integrate constraints from object collision, room layout, and object reachability. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that PhyScene effectively leverages these guidance functions for physically interactable scene synthesis, outperforming existing state-of-the-art scene synthesis methods by a large margin. Our findings suggest that the scenes generated by PhyScene hold considerable potential for facilitating diverse skill acquisition among agents within interactive environments, thereby catalyzing further advancements in embodied AI research. Project website:


cross Scoring Intervals using Non-hierarchical Transformer For Automatic Piano Transcription

Authors: Yujia Yan, Zhiyao Duan

Abstract: The neural semi-Markov Conditional Random Field (semi-CRF) framework has demonstrated promise for event-based piano transcription. In this framework, all events (notes or pedals) are represented as closed intervals tied to specific event types. The neural semi-CRF approach requires an interval scoring matrix that assigns a score for every candidate interval. However, designing an efficient and expressive architecture for scoring intervals is not trivial. In this paper, we introduce a simple method for scoring intervals using scaled inner product operations that resemble how attention scoring is done in transformers. We show theoretically that, due to the special structure from encoding the non-overlapping intervals, under a mild condition, the inner product operations are expressive enough to represent an ideal scoring matrix that can yield the correct transcription result. We then demonstrate that an encoder-only non-hierarchical transformer backbone, operating only on a low-time-resolution feature map, is capable of transcribing piano notes and pedals with high accuracy and time precision. The experiment shows that our approach achieves the new state-of-the-art performance across all subtasks in terms of the F1 measure on the Maestro dataset.

cross Virtually Enriched NYU Depth V2 Dataset for Monocular Depth Estimation: Do We Need Artificial Augmentation?

Authors: Dmitry Ignatov, Andrey Ignatov, Radu Timofte

Abstract: We present ANYU, a new virtually augmented version of the NYU depth v2 dataset, designed for monocular depth estimation. In contrast to the well-known approach where full 3D scenes of a virtual world are utilized to generate artificial datasets, ANYU was created by incorporating RGB-D representations of virtual reality objects into the original NYU depth v2 images. We specifically did not match each generated virtual object with an appropriate texture and a suitable location within the real-world image. Instead, an assignment of texture, location, lighting, and other rendering parameters was randomized to maximize a diversity of the training data, and to show that it is randomness that can improve the generalizing ability of a dataset. By conducting extensive experiments with our virtually modified dataset and validating on the original NYU depth v2 and iBims-1 benchmarks, we show that ANYU improves the monocular depth estimation performance and generalization of deep neural networks with considerably different architectures, especially for the current state-of-the-art VPD model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that augments a real-world dataset with randomly generated virtual 3D objects for monocular depth estimation. We make our ANYU dataset publicly available in two training configurations with 10% and 100% additional synthetically enriched RGB-D pairs of training images, respectively, for efficient training and empirical exploration of virtual augmentation at


cross SpamDam: Towards Privacy-Preserving and Adversary-Resistant SMS Spam Detection

Authors: Yekai Li, Rufan Zhang, Wenxin Rong, Xianghang Mi

Abstract: In this study, we introduce SpamDam, a SMS spam detection framework designed to overcome key challenges in detecting and understanding SMS spam, such as the lack of public SMS spam datasets, increasing privacy concerns of collecting SMS data, and the need for adversary-resistant detection models. SpamDam comprises four innovative modules: an SMS spam radar that identifies spam messages from online social networks(OSNs); an SMS spam inspector for statistical analysis; SMS spam detectors(SSDs) that enable both central training and federated learning; and an SSD analyzer that evaluates model resistance against adversaries in realistic scenarios. Leveraging SpamDam, we have compiled over 76K SMS spam messages from Twitter and Weibo between 2018 and 2023, forming the largest dataset of its kind. This dataset has enabled new insights into recent spam campaigns and the training of high-performing binary and multi-label classifiers for spam detection. Furthermore, effectiveness of federated learning has been well demonstrated to enable privacy-preserving SMS spam detection. Additionally, we have rigorously tested the adversarial robustness of SMS spam detection models, introducing the novel reverse backdoor attack, which has shown effectiveness and stealthiness in practical tests.

cross Listen to the Waves: Using a Neuronal Model of the Human Auditory System to Predict Ocean Waves

Authors: Artur Matysiak, Volker Roeber, Henrik Kalisch, Reinhard K\"onig, Patrick J. C. May

Abstract: Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have evolved from the 1940s primitive models of brain function to become tools for artificial intelligence. They comprise many units, artificial neurons, interlinked through weighted connections. ANNs are trained to perform tasks through learning rules that modify the connection weights. With these rules being in the focus of research, ANNs have become a branch of machine learning developing independently from neuroscience. Although likely required for the development of truly intelligent machines, the integration of neuroscience into ANNs has remained a neglected proposition. Here, we demonstrate that designing an ANN along biological principles results in drastically improved task performance. As a challenging real-world problem, we choose real-time ocean-wave prediction which is essential for various maritime operations. Motivated by the similarity of ocean waves measured at a single location to sound waves arriving at the eardrum, we redesign an echo state network to resemble the brain's auditory system. This yields a powerful predictive tool which is computationally lean, robust with respect to network parameters, and works efficiently across a wide range of sea states. Our results demonstrate the advantages of integrating neuroscience with machine learning and offer a tool for use in the production of green energy from ocean waves.

cross LoongServe: Efficiently Serving Long-context Large Language Models with Elastic Sequence Parallelism

Authors: Bingyang Wu, Shengyu Liu, Yinmin Zhong, Peng Sun, Xuanzhe Liu, Xin Jin

Abstract: The context window of large language models (LLMs) is rapidly increasing, leading to a huge variance in resource usage between different requests as well as between different phases of the same request. Restricted by static parallelism strategies, existing LLM serving systems cannot efficiently utilize the underlying resources to serve variable-length requests in different phases. To address this problem, we propose a new parallelism paradigm, elastic sequence parallelism (ESP), to elastically adapt to the variance between different requests and phases. Based on ESP, we design and build LoongServe, an LLM serving system that (1) improves computation efficiency by elastically adjusting the degree of parallelism in real-time, (2) improves communication efficiency by reducing key-value cache migration overhead and overlapping partial decoding communication with computation, and (3) improves GPU memory efficiency by reducing key-value cache fragmentation across instances. Our evaluation under diverse real-world datasets shows that LoongServe improves the maximum throughput by up to 3.85$\times$ compared to the chunked prefill and 5.81$\times$ compared to the prefill-decoding disaggregation.

cross TMPQ-DM: Joint Timestep Reduction and Quantization Precision Selection for Efficient Diffusion Models

Authors: Haojun Sun, Chen Tang, Zhi Wang, Yuan Meng, Jingyan jiang, Xinzhu Ma, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Diffusion models have emerged as preeminent contenders in the realm of generative models. Distinguished by their distinctive sequential generative processes, characterized by hundreds or even thousands of timesteps, diffusion models progressively reconstruct images from pure Gaussian noise, with each timestep necessitating full inference of the entire model. However, the substantial computational demands inherent to these models present challenges for deployment, quantization is thus widely used to lower the bit-width for reducing the storage and computing overheads. Current quantization methodologies primarily focus on model-side optimization, disregarding the temporal dimension, such as the length of the timestep sequence, thereby allowing redundant timesteps to continue consuming computational resources, leaving substantial scope for accelerating the generative process. In this paper, we introduce TMPQ-DM, which jointly optimizes timestep reduction and quantization to achieve a superior performance-efficiency trade-off, addressing both temporal and model optimization aspects. For timestep reduction, we devise a non-uniform grouping scheme tailored to the non-uniform nature of the denoising process, thereby mitigating the explosive combinations of timesteps. In terms of quantization, we adopt a fine-grained layer-wise approach to allocate varying bit-widths to different layers based on their respective contributions to the final generative performance, thus rectifying performance degradation observed in prior studies. To expedite the evaluation of fine-grained quantization, we further devise a super-network to serve as a precision solver by leveraging shared quantization results. These two design components are seamlessly integrated within our framework, enabling rapid joint exploration of the exponentially large decision space via a gradient-free evolutionary search algorithm.

cross WiTUnet: A U-Shaped Architecture Integrating CNN and Transformer for Improved Feature Alignment and Local Information Fusion

Authors: Bin Wang, Fei Deng, Peifan Jiang, Shuang Wang, Xiao Han, Hongjie Zheng

Abstract: Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) has become the technology of choice for diagnostic medical imaging, given its lower radiation dose compared to standard CT, despite increasing image noise and potentially affecting diagnostic accuracy. To address this, advanced deep learning-based LDCT denoising algorithms have been developed, primarily using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Transformer Networks with the Unet architecture. This architecture enhances image detail by integrating feature maps from the encoder and decoder via skip connections. However, current methods often overlook enhancements to the Unet architecture itself, focusing instead on optimizing encoder and decoder structures. This approach can be problematic due to the significant differences in feature map characteristics between the encoder and decoder, where simple fusion strategies may not effectively reconstruct images.In this paper, we introduce WiTUnet, a novel LDCT image denoising method that utilizes nested, dense skip pathways instead of traditional skip connections to improve feature integration. WiTUnet also incorporates a windowed Transformer structure to process images in smaller, non-overlapping segments, reducing computational load. Additionally, the integration of a Local Image Perception Enhancement (LiPe) module in both the encoder and decoder replaces the standard multi-layer perceptron (MLP) in Transformers, enhancing local feature capture and representation. Through extensive experimental comparisons, WiTUnet has demonstrated superior performance over existing methods in key metrics such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity (SSIM), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), significantly improving noise removal and image quality.

cross Beyond Noise: Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Learning with Virtual Nodes

Authors: Sayan Biswas, Mathieu Even, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Laurent Massoulie, Rafael Pires, Rishi Sharma, Martijn de Vos

Abstract: Decentralized learning (DL) enables collaborative learning without a server and without training data leaving the users' devices. However, the models shared in DL can still be used to infer training data. Conventional privacy defenses such as differential privacy and secure aggregation fall short in effectively safeguarding user privacy in DL. We introduce Shatter, a novel DL approach in which nodes create virtual nodes (VNs) to disseminate chunks of their full model on their behalf. This enhances privacy by (i) preventing attackers from collecting full models from other nodes, and (ii) hiding the identity of the original node that produced a given model chunk. We theoretically prove the convergence of Shatter and provide a formal analysis demonstrating how Shatter reduces the efficacy of attacks compared to when exchanging full models between participating nodes. We evaluate the convergence and attack resilience of Shatter with existing DL algorithms, with heterogeneous datasets, and against three standard privacy attacks, including gradient inversion. Our evaluation shows that Shatter not only renders these privacy attacks infeasible when each node operates 16 VNs but also exhibits a positive impact on model convergence compared to standard DL. This enhanced privacy comes with a manageable increase in communication volume.

cross Reliability Estimation of News Media Sources: Birds of a Feather Flock Together

Authors: Sergio Burdisso, Dairazalia S\'anchez-Cort\'es, Esa\'u Villatoro-Tello, Petr Motlicek

Abstract: Evaluating the reliability of news sources is a routine task for journalists and organizations committed to acquiring and disseminating accurate information. Recent research has shown that predicting sources' reliability represents an important first-prior step in addressing additional challenges such as fake news detection and fact-checking. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach for source reliability estimation that leverages reinforcement learning strategies for estimating the reliability degree of news sources. Contrary to previous research, our proposed approach models the problem as the estimation of a reliability degree, and not a reliability label, based on how all the news media sources interact with each other on the Web. We validated the effectiveness of our method on a news media reliability dataset that is an order of magnitude larger than comparable existing datasets. Results show that the estimated reliability degrees strongly correlates with journalists-provided scores (Spearman=0.80) and can effectively predict reliability labels (macro-avg. F$_1$ score=81.05). We release our implementation and dataset, aiming to provide a valuable resource for the NLP community working on information verification.

cross Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality for Certified Robustness via Dual Randomized Smoothing

Authors: Song Xia, Yu Yi, Xudong Jiang, Henghui Ding

Abstract: Randomized Smoothing (RS) has been proven a promising method for endowing an arbitrary image classifier with certified robustness. However, the substantial uncertainty inherent in the high-dimensional isotropic Gaussian noise imposes the curse of dimensionality on RS. Specifically, the upper bound of ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius provided by RS exhibits a diminishing trend with the expansion of the input dimension $d$, proportionally decreasing at a rate of $1/\sqrt{d}$. This paper explores the feasibility of providing ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness for high-dimensional input through the utilization of dual smoothing in the lower-dimensional space. The proposed Dual Randomized Smoothing (DRS) down-samples the input image into two sub-images and smooths the two sub-images in lower dimensions. Theoretically, we prove that DRS guarantees a tight ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius for the original input and reveal that DRS attains a superior upper bound on the ${\ell_2}$ robustness radius, which decreases proportionally at a rate of $(1/\sqrt m + 1/\sqrt n )$ with $m+n=d$. Extensive experiments demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of DRS, which exhibits a notable capability to integrate with established methodologies, yielding substantial improvements in both accuracy and ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness baselines of RS on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Code is available at


cross A Review and Efficient Implementation of Scene Graph Generation Metrics

Authors: Julian Lorenz, Robin Sch\"on, Katja Ludwig, Rainer Lienhart

Abstract: Scene graph generation has emerged as a prominent research field in computer vision, witnessing significant advancements in the recent years. However, despite these strides, precise and thorough definitions for the metrics used to evaluate scene graph generation models are lacking. In this paper, we address this gap in the literature by providing a review and precise definition of commonly used metrics in scene graph generation. Our comprehensive examination clarifies the underlying principles of these metrics and can serve as a reference or introduction to scene graph metrics. Furthermore, to facilitate the usage of these metrics, we introduce a standalone Python package called SGBench that efficiently implements all defined metrics, ensuring their accessibility to the research community. Additionally, we present a scene graph benchmarking web service, that enables researchers to compare scene graph generation methods and increase visibility of new methods in a central place. All of our code can be found at


cross Safeguarding adaptive methods: global convergence of Barzilai-Borwein and other stepsize choices

Authors: Ou Hongjia, Andreas Themelis

Abstract: Leveraging on recent advancements on adaptive methods for convex minimization problems, this paper provides a linesearch-free proximal gradient framework for globalizing the convergence of popular stepsize choices such as Barzilai-Borwein and one-dimensional Anderson acceleration. This framework can cope with problems in which the gradient of the differentiable function is merely locally H\"older continuous. Our analysis not only encompasses but also refines existing results upon which it builds. The theory is corroborated by numerical evidence that showcases the synergetic interplay between fast stepsize selections and adaptive methods.

cross Privacy-Preserving Intrusion Detection using Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Martin Kodys, Zhongmin Dai, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing

Abstract: Privacy-preserving analytics is designed to protect valuable assets. A common service provision involves the input data from the client and the model on the analyst's side. The importance of the privacy preservation is fuelled by legal obligations and intellectual property concerns. We explore the use case of a model owner providing an analytic service on customer's private data. No information about the data shall be revealed to the analyst and no information about the model shall be leaked to the customer. Current methods involve costs: accuracy deterioration and computational complexity. The complexity, in turn, results in a longer processing time, increased requirement on computing resources, and involves data communication between the client and the server. In order to deploy such service architecture, we need to evaluate the optimal setting that fits the constraints. And that is what this paper addresses. In this work, we enhance an attack detection system based on Convolutional Neural Networks with privacy-preserving technology based on PriMIA framework that is initially designed for medical data.

cross Bridging Vision and Language Spaces with Assignment Prediction

Authors: Jungin Park, Jiyoung Lee, Kwanghoon Sohn

Abstract: This paper introduces VLAP, a novel approach that bridges pretrained vision models and large language models (LLMs) to make frozen LLMs understand the visual world. VLAP transforms the embedding space of pretrained vision models into the LLMs' word embedding space using a single linear layer for efficient and general-purpose visual and language understanding. Specifically, we harness well-established word embeddings to bridge two modality embedding spaces. The visual and text representations are simultaneously assigned to a set of word embeddings within pretrained LLMs by formulating the assigning procedure as an optimal transport problem. We predict the assignment of one modality from the representation of another modality data, enforcing consistent assignments for paired multimodal data. This allows vision and language representations to contain the same information, grounding the frozen LLMs' word embedding space in visual data. Moreover, a robust semantic taxonomy of LLMs can be preserved with visual data since the LLMs interpret and reason linguistic information from correlations between word embeddings. Experimental results show that VLAP achieves substantial improvements over the previous linear transformation-based approaches across a range of vision-language tasks, including image captioning, visual question answering, and cross-modal retrieval. We also demonstrate the learned visual representations hold a semantic taxonomy of LLMs, making visual semantic arithmetic possible.

cross Sampling for Model Predictive Trajectory Planning in Autonomous Driving using Normalizing Flows

Authors: Georg Rabenstein, Lars Ullrich, Knut Graichen

Abstract: Alongside optimization-based planners, sampling-based approaches are often used in trajectory planning for autonomous driving due to their simplicity. Model predictive path integral control is a framework that builds upon optimization principles while incorporating stochastic sampling of input trajectories. This paper investigates several sampling approaches for trajectory generation. In this context, normalizing flows originating from the field of variational inference are considered for the generation of sampling distributions, as they model transformations of simple to more complex distributions. Accordingly, learning-based normalizing flow models are trained for a more efficient exploration of the input domain for the task at hand. The developed algorithm and the proposed sampling distributions are evaluated in two simulation scenarios.

cross AntDT: A Self-Adaptive Distributed Training Framework for Leader and Straggler Nodes

Authors: Youshao Xiao, Lin Ju, Zhenglei Zhou, Siyuan Li, Zhaoxin Huan, Dalong Zhang, Rujie Jiang, Lin Wang, Xiaolu Zhang, Lei Liang, Jun Zhou

Abstract: Many distributed training techniques like Parameter Server and AllReduce have been proposed to take advantage of the increasingly large data and rich features. However, stragglers frequently occur in distributed training due to resource contention and hardware heterogeneity, which significantly hampers the training efficiency. Previous works only address part of the stragglers and could not adaptively solve various stragglers in practice. Additionally, it is challenging to use a systematic framework to address all stragglers because different stragglers require diverse data allocation and fault-tolerance mechanisms. Therefore, this paper proposes a unified distributed training framework called AntDT (Ant Distributed Training Framework) to adaptively solve the straggler problems. Firstly, the framework consists of four components, including the Stateful Dynamic Data Sharding service, Monitor, Controller, and Agent. These components work collaboratively to efficiently distribute workloads and provide a range of pre-defined straggler mitigation methods with fault tolerance, thereby hiding messy details of data allocation and fault handling. Secondly, the framework provides a high degree of flexibility, allowing for the customization of straggler mitigation solutions based on the specific circumstances of the cluster. Leveraging this flexibility, we introduce two straggler mitigation solutions, namely AntDT-ND for non-dedicated clusters and AntDT-DD for dedicated clusters, as practical examples to resolve various types of stragglers at Ant Group. Justified by our comprehensive experiments and industrial deployment statistics, AntDT outperforms other SOTA methods more than 3x in terms of training efficiency. Additionally, in Alipay's homepage recommendation scenario, using AntDT reduces the training duration of the ranking model from 27.8 hours to just 5.4 hours.

cross Post-Training Network Compression for 3D Medical Image Segmentation: Reducing Computational Efforts via Tucker Decomposition

Authors: Tobias Weber, Jakob Dexl, David R\"ugamer, Michael Ingrisch

Abstract: We address the computational barrier of deploying advanced deep learning segmentation models in clinical settings by studying the efficacy of network compression through tensor decomposition. We propose a post-training Tucker factorization that enables the decomposition of pre-existing models to reduce computational requirements without impeding segmentation accuracy. We applied Tucker decomposition to the convolutional kernels of the TotalSegmentator (TS) model, an nnU-Net model trained on a comprehensive dataset for automatic segmentation of 117 anatomical structures. Our approach reduced the floating-point operations (FLOPs) and memory required during inference, offering an adjustable trade-off between computational efficiency and segmentation quality. This study utilized the publicly available TS dataset, employing various downsampling factors to explore the relationship between model size, inference speed, and segmentation performance. The application of Tucker decomposition to the TS model substantially reduced the model parameters and FLOPs across various compression rates, with limited loss in segmentation accuracy. We removed up to 88% of the model's parameters with no significant performance changes in the majority of classes after fine-tuning. Practical benefits varied across different graphics processing unit (GPU) architectures, with more distinct speed-ups on less powerful hardware. Post-hoc network compression via Tucker decomposition presents a viable strategy for reducing the computational demand of medical image segmentation models without substantially sacrificing accuracy. This approach enables the broader adoption of advanced deep learning technologies in clinical practice, offering a way to navigate the constraints of hardware capabilities.

cross Harnessing GPT-4V(ision) for Insurance: A Preliminary Exploration

Authors: Chenwei Lin, Hanjia Lyu, Jiebo Luo, Xian Xu

Abstract: The emergence of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) marks a significant milestone in the development of artificial intelligence. Insurance, as a vast and complex discipline, involves a wide variety of data forms in its operational processes, including text, images, and videos, thereby giving rise to diverse multimodal tasks. Despite this, there has been limited systematic exploration of multimodal tasks specific to insurance, nor a thorough investigation into how LMMs can address these challenges. In this paper, we explore GPT-4V's capabilities in the insurance domain. We categorize multimodal tasks by focusing primarily on visual aspects based on types of insurance (e.g., auto, household/commercial property, health, and agricultural insurance) and insurance stages (e.g., risk assessment, risk monitoring, and claims processing). Our experiment reveals that GPT-4V exhibits remarkable abilities in insurance-related tasks, demonstrating not only a robust understanding of multimodal content in the insurance domain but also a comprehensive knowledge of insurance scenarios. However, there are notable shortcomings: GPT-4V struggles with detailed risk rating and loss assessment, suffers from hallucination in image understanding, and shows variable support for different languages. Through this work, we aim to bridge the insurance domain with cutting-edge LMM technology, facilitate interdisciplinary exchange and development, and provide a foundation for the continued advancement and evolution of future research endeavors.

cross Adaptive Patching for High-resolution Image Segmentation with Transformers

Authors: Enzhi Zhang, Isaac Lyngaas, Peng Chen, Xiao Wang, Jun Igarashi, Yuankai Huo, Mohamed Wahib, Masaharu Munetomo

Abstract: Attention-based models are proliferating in the space of image analytics, including segmentation. The standard method of feeding images to transformer encoders is to divide the images into patches and then feed the patches to the model as a linear sequence of tokens. For high-resolution images, e.g. microscopic pathology images, the quadratic compute and memory cost prohibits the use of an attention-based model, if we are to use smaller patch sizes that are favorable in segmentation. The solution is to either use custom complex multi-resolution models or approximate attention schemes. We take inspiration from Adapative Mesh Refinement (AMR) methods in HPC by adaptively patching the images, as a pre-processing step, based on the image details to reduce the number of patches being fed to the model, by orders of magnitude. This method has a negligible overhead, and works seamlessly with any attention-based model, i.e. it is a pre-processing step that can be adopted by any attention-based model without friction. We demonstrate superior segmentation quality over SoTA segmentation models for real-world pathology datasets while gaining a geomean speedup of $6.9\times$ for resolutions up to $64K^2$, on up to $2,048$ GPUs.

cross Kernel-based learning with guarantees for multi-agent applications

Authors: Krzysztof Kowalczyk, Pawe{\l} Wachel, Cristian R. Rojas

Abstract: This paper addresses a kernel-based learning problem for a network of agents locally observing a latent multidimensional, nonlinear phenomenon in a noisy environment. We propose a learning algorithm that requires only mild a priori knowledge about the phenomenon under investigation and delivers a model with corresponding non-asymptotic high probability error bounds. Both non-asymptotic analysis of the method and numerical simulation results are presented and discussed in the paper.

cross Scenario-Adaptive Fine-Grained Personalization Network: Tailoring User Behavior Representation to the Scenario Context

Authors: Moyu Zhang, Yongxiang Tang, Jinxin Hu, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Existing methods often adjust representations adaptively only after aggregating user behavior sequences. This coarse-grained approach to re-weighting the entire user sequence hampers the model's ability to accurately model the user interest migration across different scenarios. To enhance the model's capacity to capture user interests from historical behavior sequences in each scenario, we develop a ranking framework named the Scenario-Adaptive Fine-Grained Personalization Network (SFPNet), which designs a kind of fine-grained method for multi-scenario personalized recommendations. Specifically, SFPNet comprises a series of blocks named as Scenario-Tailoring Block, stacked sequentially. Each block initially deploys a parameter personalization unit to integrate scenario information at a coarse-grained level by redefining fundamental features. Subsequently, we consolidate scenario-adaptively adjusted feature representations to serve as context information. By employing residual connection, we incorporate this context into the representation of each historical behavior, allowing for context-aware fine-grained customization of the behavior representations at the scenario-level, which in turn supports scenario-aware user interest modeling.

cross Unveiling Imitation Learning: Exploring the Impact of Data Falsity to Large Language Model

Authors: Hyunsoo Cho

Abstract: Many recent studies endeavor to improve open-source language models through imitation learning, and re-training on the synthetic instruction data from state-of-the-art proprietary models like ChatGPT and GPT-4. However, the innate nature of synthetic data inherently contains noisy data, giving rise to a substantial presence of low-quality data replete with erroneous responses, and flawed reasoning. Although we intuitively grasp the potential harm of noisy data, we lack a quantitative understanding of its impact. To this end, this paper explores the correlation between the degree of noise and its impact on language models through instruction tuning. We first introduce the Falsity-Controllable (FACO) dataset, which comprises pairs of true answers with corresponding reasoning, as well as false pairs to manually control the falsity ratio of the dataset.Through our extensive experiments, we found multiple intriguing findings of the correlation between the factuality of the dataset and instruction tuning: Specifically, we verified falsity of the instruction is highly relevant to various benchmark scores. Moreover, when LLMs are trained with false instructions, they learn to lie and generate fake unfaithful answers, even though they know the correct answer for the user request. Additionally, we noted that once the language model is trained with a dataset contaminated by noise, restoring its original performance is possible, but it failed to reach full performance.

cross Amplitude-Phase Fusion for Enhanced Electrocardiogram Morphological Analysis

Authors: Shuaicong Hu, Yanan Wang, Jian Liu, Jingyu Lin, Shengmei Qin, Zhenning Nie, Zhifeng Yao, Wenjie Cai, Cuiwei Yang

Abstract: Considering the variability of amplitude and phase patterns in electrocardiogram (ECG) signals due to cardiac activity and individual differences, existing entropy-based studies have not fully utilized these two patterns and lack integration. To address this gap, this paper proposes a novel fusion entropy metric, morphological ECG entropy (MEE) for the first time, specifically designed for ECG morphology, to comprehensively describe the fusion of amplitude and phase patterns. MEE is computed based on beat-level samples, enabling detailed analysis of each cardiac cycle. Experimental results demonstrate that MEE achieves rapid, accurate, and label-free localization of abnormal ECG arrhythmia regions. Furthermore, MEE provides a method for assessing sample diversity, facilitating compression of imbalanced training sets (via representative sample selection), and outperforms random pruning. Additionally, MEE exhibits the ability to describe areas of poor quality. By discussing, it proves the robustness of MEE value calculation to noise interference and its low computational complexity. Finally, we integrate this method into a clinical interactive interface to provide a more convenient and intuitive user experience. These findings indicate that MEE serves as a valuable clinical descriptor for ECG characterization. The implementation code can be referenced at the following link:


cross Can We Break Free from Strong Data Augmentations in Self-Supervised Learning?

Authors: Shruthi Gowda, Elahe Arani, Bahram Zonooz

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a promising solution for addressing the challenge of limited labeled data in deep neural networks (DNNs), offering scalability potential. However, the impact of design dependencies within the SSL framework remains insufficiently investigated. In this study, we comprehensively explore SSL behavior across a spectrum of augmentations, revealing their crucial role in shaping SSL model performance and learning mechanisms. Leveraging these insights, we propose a novel learning approach that integrates prior knowledge, with the aim of curtailing the need for extensive data augmentations and thereby amplifying the efficacy of learned representations. Notably, our findings underscore that SSL models imbued with prior knowledge exhibit reduced texture bias, diminished reliance on shortcuts and augmentations, and improved robustness against both natural and adversarial corruptions. These findings not only illuminate a new direction in SSL research, but also pave the way for enhancing DNN performance while concurrently alleviating the imperative for intensive data augmentation, thereby enhancing scalability and real-world problem-solving capabilities.

cross Personalized Collaborative Fine-Tuning for On-Device Large Language Models

Authors: Nicolas Wagner, Dongyang Fan, Martin Jaggi

Abstract: We explore on-device self-supervised collaborative fine-tuning of large language models with limited local data availability. Taking inspiration from the collaborative learning community, we introduce three distinct trust-weighted gradient aggregation schemes: weight similarity-based, prediction similarity-based and validation performance-based. To minimize communication overhead, we integrate Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and only exchange LoRA weight updates. Our protocols, driven by prediction and performance metrics, surpass both FedAvg and local fine-tuning methods, which is particularly evident in realistic scenarios with more diverse local data distributions. The results underscore the effectiveness of our approach in addressing heterogeneity and scarcity within local datasets.

cross Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of Tumors in PET/CT Volumes: Benchmark of Different Architectures and Training Strategies

Authors: Monika G\'orka, Daniel Jaworek, Marek Wodzinski

Abstract: Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally, and early diagnosis is crucial for patient survival. Deep learning algorithms have great potential for automatic cancer analysis. Artificial intelligence has achieved high performance in recognizing and segmenting single lesions. However, diagnosing multiple lesions remains a challenge. This study examines and compares various neural network architectures and training strategies for automatically segmentation of cancer lesions using PET/CT images from the head, neck, and whole body. The authors analyzed datasets from the AutoPET and HECKTOR challenges, exploring popular single-step segmentation architectures and presenting a two-step approach. The results indicate that the V-Net and nnU-Net models were the most effective for their respective datasets. The results for the HECKTOR dataset ranged from 0.75 to 0.76 for the aggregated Dice coefficient. Eliminating cancer-free cases from the AutoPET dataset was found to improve the performance of most models. In the case of AutoPET data, the average segmentation efficiency after training only on images containing cancer lesions increased from 0.55 to 0.66 for the classic Dice coefficient and from 0.65 to 0.73 for the aggregated Dice coefficient. The research demonstrates the potential of artificial intelligence in precise oncological diagnostics and may contribute to the development of more targeted and effective cancer assessment techniques.

cross A replica analysis of under-bagging

Authors: Takashi Takahashi

Abstract: A sharp asymptotics of the under-bagging (UB) method, which is a popular ensemble learning method for training classifiers from an imbalanced data, is derived and used to compare with several other standard methods for learning from imbalanced data, in the scenario where a linear classifier is trained from a binary mixture data. The methods compared include the under-sampling (US) method, which trains a model using a single realization of the subsampled dataset, and the simple weighting (SW) method, which trains a model with a weighted loss on the entire data. It is shown that the performance of UB is improved by increasing the size of the majority class, even if the class imbalance can be large, especially when the size of the minority class is small. This is in contrast to US, whose performance does not change as the size of the majority class increases, and SW, whose performance decreases as the imbalance increases. These results are different from the case of the naive bagging in training generalized linear models without considering the structure of class imbalance, indicating the intrinsic difference between the ensembling and the direct regularization on the parameters.

cross The Performance of Sequential Deep Learning Models in Detecting Phishing Websites Using Contextual Features of URLs

Authors: Saroj Gopali, Akbar S. Namin, Faranak Abri, Keith S. Jones

Abstract: Cyber attacks continue to pose significant threats to individuals and organizations, stealing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, financial information, and login credentials. Hence, detecting malicious websites before they cause any harm is critical to preventing fraud and monetary loss. To address the increasing number of phishing attacks, protective mechanisms must be highly responsive, adaptive, and scalable. Fortunately, advances in the field of machine learning, coupled with access to vast amounts of data, have led to the adoption of various deep learning models for timely detection of these cyber crimes. This study focuses on the detection of phishing websites using deep learning models such as Multi-Head Attention, Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN), BI-LSTM, and LSTM where URLs of the phishing websites are treated as a sequence. The results demonstrate that Multi-Head Attention and BI-LSTM model outperform some other deep learning-based algorithms such as TCN and LSTM in producing better precision, recall, and F1-scores.

cross Solving the Tree Containment Problem Using Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Arkadiy Dushatskiy, Esther Julien, Leo van Iersel, Leen Stougie

Abstract: Tree Containment is a fundamental problem in phylogenetics useful for verifying a proposed phylogenetic network, representing the evolutionary history of certain species. Tree Containment asks whether the given phylogenetic tree (for instance, constructed from a DNA fragment showing tree-like evolution) is contained in the given phylogenetic network. In the general case, this is an NP-complete problem. We propose to solve it approximately using Graph Neural Networks. In particular, we propose to combine the given network and the tree and apply a Graph Neural Network to this network-tree graph. This way, we achieve the capability of solving the tree containment instances representing a larger number of species than the instances contained in the training dataset (i.e., our algorithm has the inductive learning ability). Our algorithm demonstrates an accuracy of over $95\%$ in solving the tree containment problem on instances with up to 100 leaves.

cross Interaction as Explanation: A User Interaction-based Method for Explaining Image Classification Models

Authors: Hyeonggeun Yun

Abstract: In computer vision, explainable AI (xAI) methods seek to mitigate the 'black-box' problem by making the decision-making process of deep learning models more interpretable and transparent. Traditional xAI methods concentrate on visualizing input features that influence model predictions, providing insights primarily suited for experts. In this work, we present an interaction-based xAI method that enhances user comprehension of image classification models through their interaction. Thus, we developed a web-based prototype allowing users to modify images via painting and erasing, thereby observing changes in classification results. Our approach enables users to discern critical features influencing the model's decision-making process, aligning their mental models with the model's logic. Experiments conducted with five images demonstrate the potential of the method to reveal feature importance through user interaction. Our work contributes a novel perspective to xAI by centering on end-user engagement and understanding, paving the way for more intuitive and accessible explainability in AI systems.

cross No-Regret Algorithms in non-Truthful Auctions with Budget and ROI Constraints

Authors: Gagan Aggarwal, Giannis Fikioris, Mingfei Zhao

Abstract: Advertisers increasingly use automated bidding to optimize their ad campaigns on online advertising platforms. Autobidding optimizes an advertiser's objective subject to various constraints, e.g. average ROI and budget constraints. In this paper, we study the problem of designing online autobidding algorithms to optimize value subject to ROI and budget constraints when the platform is running any mixture of first and second price auction. We consider the following stochastic setting: There is an item for sale in each of $T$ rounds. In each round, buyers submit bids and an auction is run to sell the item. We focus on one buyer, possibly with budget and ROI constraints. We assume that the buyer's value and the highest competing bid are drawn i.i.d. from some unknown (joint) distribution in each round. We design a low-regret bidding algorithm that satisfies the buyer's constraints. Our benchmark is the objective value achievable by the best possible Lipschitz function that maps values to bids, which is rich enough to best respond to many different correlation structures between value and highest competing bid. Our main result is an algorithm with full information feedback that guarantees a near-optimal $\tilde O(\sqrt T)$ regret with respect to the best Lipschitz function. Our result applies to a wide range of auctions, most notably any mixture of first and second price auctions (price is a convex combination of the first and second price). In addition, our result holds for both value-maximizing buyers and quasi-linear utility-maximizing buyers. We also study the bandit setting, where we show an $\Omega(T^{2/3})$ lower bound on the regret for first-price auctions, showing a large disparity between the full information and bandit settings. We also design an algorithm with $\tilde O(T^{3/4})$ regret, when the value distribution is known and is independent of the highest competing bid.

cross Anatomy of Industrial Scale Multilingual ASR

Authors: Francis McCann Ramirez, Luka Chkhetiani, Andrew Ehrenberg, Robert McHardy, Rami Botros, Yash Khare, Andrea Vanzo, Taufiquzzaman Peyash, Gabriel Oexle, Michael Liang, Ilya Sklyar, Enver Fakhan, Ahmed Efty, Daniel McCrystal, Sam Flamini, Domenic Donato, Takuya Yoshioka

Abstract: This paper describes AssemblyAI's industrial-scale automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, designed to meet the requirements of large-scale, multilingual ASR serving various application needs. Our system leverages a diverse training dataset comprising unsupervised (12.5M hours), supervised (188k hours), and pseudo-labeled (1.6M hours) data across four languages. We provide a detailed description of our model architecture, consisting of a full-context 600M-parameter Conformer encoder pre-trained with BEST-RQ and an RNN-T decoder fine-tuned jointly with the encoder. Our extensive evaluation demonstrates competitive word error rates (WERs) against larger and more computationally expensive models, such as Whisper large and Canary-1B. Furthermore, our architectural choices yield several key advantages, including an improved code-switching capability, a 5x inference speedup compared to an optimized Whisper baseline, a 30% reduction in hallucination rate on speech data, and a 90% reduction in ambient noise compared to Whisper, along with significantly improved time-stamp accuracy. Throughout this work, we adopt a system-centric approach to analyzing various aspects of fully-fledged ASR models to gain practically relevant insights useful for real-world services operating at scale.

cross Statistical learning for constrained functional parameters in infinite-dimensional models with applications in fair machine learning

Authors: Razieh Nabi, Nima S. Hejazi, Mark J. van der Laan, David Benkeser

Abstract: Constrained learning has become increasingly important, especially in the realm of algorithmic fairness and machine learning. In these settings, predictive models are developed specifically to satisfy pre-defined notions of fairness. Here, we study the general problem of constrained statistical machine learning through a statistical functional lens. We consider learning a function-valued parameter of interest under the constraint that one or several pre-specified real-valued functional parameters equal zero or are otherwise bounded. We characterize the constrained functional parameter as the minimizer of a penalized risk criterion using a Lagrange multiplier formulation. We show that closed-form solutions for the optimal constrained parameter are often available, providing insight into mechanisms that drive fairness in predictive models. Our results also suggest natural estimators of the constrained parameter that can be constructed by combining estimates of unconstrained parameters of the data generating distribution. Thus, our estimation procedure for constructing fair machine learning algorithms can be applied in conjunction with any statistical learning approach and off-the-shelf software. We demonstrate the generality of our method by explicitly considering a number of examples of statistical fairness constraints and implementing the approach using several popular learning approaches.

cross HyperMono: A Monotonicity-aware Approach to Hyper-Relational Knowledge Representation

Authors: Zhiwei Hu, V\'ictor Guti\'errez-Basulto, Zhiliang Xiang, Ru Li, Jeff Z. Pan

Abstract: In a hyper-relational knowledge graph (HKG), each fact is composed of a main triple associated with attribute-value qualifiers, which express additional factual knowledge. The hyper-relational knowledge graph completion (HKGC) task aims at inferring plausible missing links in a HKG. Most existing approaches to HKGC focus on enhancing the communication between qualifier pairs and main triples, while overlooking two important properties that emerge from the monotonicity of the hyper-relational graphs representation regime. Stage Reasoning allows for a two-step reasoning process, facilitating the integration of coarse-grained inference results derived solely from main triples and fine-grained inference results obtained from hyper-relational facts with qualifiers. In the initial stage, coarse-grained results provide an upper bound for correct predictions, which are subsequently refined in the fine-grained step. More generally, Qualifier Monotonicity implies that by attaching more qualifier pairs to a main triple, we may only narrow down the answer set, but never enlarge it. This paper proposes the HyperMono model for hyper-relational knowledge graph completion, which realizes stage reasoning and qualifier monotonicity. To implement qualifier monotonicity HyperMono resorts to cone embeddings. Experiments on three real-world datasets with three different scenario conditions demonstrate the strong performance of HyperMono when compared to the SoTA.

cross Map-Relative Pose Regression for Visual Re-Localization

Authors: Shuai Chen, Tommaso Cavallari, Victor Adrian Prisacariu, Eric Brachmann

Abstract: Pose regression networks predict the camera pose of a query image relative to a known environment. Within this family of methods, absolute pose regression (APR) has recently shown promising accuracy in the range of a few centimeters in position error. APR networks encode the scene geometry implicitly in their weights. To achieve high accuracy, they require vast amounts of training data that, realistically, can only be created using novel view synthesis in a days-long process. This process has to be repeated for each new scene again and again. We present a new approach to pose regression, map-relative pose regression (marepo), that satisfies the data hunger of the pose regression network in a scene-agnostic fashion. We condition the pose regressor on a scene-specific map representation such that its pose predictions are relative to the scene map. This allows us to train the pose regressor across hundreds of scenes to learn the generic relation between a scene-specific map representation and the camera pose. Our map-relative pose regressor can be applied to new map representations immediately or after mere minutes of fine-tuning for the highest accuracy. Our approach outperforms previous pose regression methods by far on two public datasets, indoor and outdoor. Code is available:


cross Progressive Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Jiayi Li, Ruilin Luo, Jiaqi Sun, Jing Xiao, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) has emerged as a promising solution to address the issue of incompleteness within Knowledge Graphs (KGs). Traditional KGC research primarily centers on triple classification and link prediction. Nevertheless, we contend that these tasks do not align well with real-world scenarios and merely serve as surrogate benchmarks. In this paper, we investigate three crucial processes relevant to real-world construction scenarios: (a) the verification process, which arises from the necessity and limitations of human verifiers; (b) the mining process, which identifies the most promising candidates for verification; and (c) the training process, which harnesses verified data for subsequent utilization; in order to achieve a transition toward more realistic challenges. By integrating these three processes, we introduce the Progressive Knowledge Graph Completion (PKGC) task, which simulates the gradual completion of KGs in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, to expedite PKGC processing, we propose two acceleration modules: Optimized Top-$k$ algorithm and Semantic Validity Filter. These modules significantly enhance the efficiency of the mining procedure. Our experiments demonstrate that performance in link prediction does not accurately reflect performance in PKGC. A more in-depth analysis reveals the key factors influencing the results and provides potential directions for future research.

cross Comprehensive Library of Variational LSE Solvers

Authors: Nico Meyer, Martin R\"ohn, Jakob Murauer, Axel Plinge, Christopher Mutschler, Daniel D. Scherer

Abstract: Linear systems of equations can be found in various mathematical domains, as well as in the field of machine learning. By employing noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, variational solvers promise to accelerate finding solutions for large systems. Although there is a wealth of theoretical research on these algorithms, only fragmentary implementations exist. To fill this gap, we have developed the variational-lse-solver framework, which realizes existing approaches in literature, and introduces several enhancements. The user-friendly interface is designed for researchers that work at the abstraction level of identifying and developing end-to-end applications.

cross Autonomous Path Planning for Intercostal Robotic Ultrasound Imaging Using Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yuan Bi, Cheng Qian, Zhicheng Zhang, Nassir Navab, Zhongliang Jiang

Abstract: Ultrasound (US) has been widely used in daily clinical practice for screening internal organs and guiding interventions. However, due to the acoustic shadow cast by the subcutaneous rib cage, the US examination for thoracic application is still challenging. To fully cover and reconstruct the region of interest in US for diagnosis, an intercostal scanning path is necessary. To tackle this challenge, we present a reinforcement learning (RL) approach for planning scanning paths between ribs to monitor changes in lesions on internal organs, such as the liver and heart, which are covered by rib cages. Structured anatomical information of the human skeleton is crucial for planning these intercostal paths. To obtain such anatomical insight, an RL agent is trained in a virtual environment constructed using computational tomography (CT) templates with randomly initialized tumors of various shapes and locations. In addition, task-specific state representation and reward functions are introduced to ensure the convergence of the training process while minimizing the effects of acoustic attenuation and shadows during scanning. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, experiments have been carried out on unseen CTs with randomly defined single or multiple scanning targets. The results demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed RL framework in planning non-shadowed US scanning trajectories in areas with limited acoustic access.

cross Compression Represents Intelligence Linearly

Authors: Yuzhen Huang, Jinghan Zhang, Zifei Shan, Junxian He

Abstract: There is a belief that learning to compress well will lead to intelligence. Recently, language modeling has been shown to be equivalent to compression, which offers a compelling rationale for the success of large language models (LLMs): the development of more advanced language models is essentially enhancing compression which facilitates intelligence. Despite such appealing discussions, little empirical evidence is present for the interplay between compression and intelligence. In this work, we examine their relationship in the context of LLMs, treating LLMs as data compressors. Given the abstract concept of "intelligence", we adopt the average downstream benchmark scores as a surrogate, specifically targeting intelligence related to knowledge and commonsense, coding, and mathematical reasoning. Across 12 benchmarks, our study brings together 30 public LLMs that originate from diverse organizations. Remarkably, we find that LLMs' intelligence -- reflected by average benchmark scores -- almost linearly correlates with their ability to compress external text corpora. These results provide concrete evidence supporting the belief that superior compression indicates greater intelligence. Furthermore, our findings suggest that compression efficiency, as an unsupervised metric derived from raw text corpora, serves as a reliable evaluation measure that is linearly associated with the model capabilities. We open-source our compression datasets as well as our data collection pipelines to facilitate future researchers to assess compression properly.

cross How to build the best medical image segmentation algorithm using foundation models: a comprehensive empirical study with Segment Anything Model

Authors: Hanxue Gu, Haoyu Dong, Jichen Yang, Maciej A. Mazurowski

Abstract: Automated segmentation is a fundamental medical image analysis task, which enjoys significant advances due to the advent of deep learning. While foundation models have been useful in natural language processing and some vision tasks for some time, the foundation model developed with image segmentation in mind - Segment Anything Model (SAM) - has been developed only recently and has shown similar promise. However, there are still no systematic analyses or ``best-practice'' guidelines for optimal fine-tuning of SAM for medical image segmentation. This work summarizes existing fine-tuning strategies with various backbone architectures, model components, and fine-tuning algorithms across 18 combinations, and evaluates them on 17 datasets covering all common radiology modalities. Our study reveals that (1) fine-tuning SAM leads to slightly better performance than previous segmentation methods, (2) fine-tuning strategies that use parameter-efficient learning in both the encoder and decoder are superior to other strategies, (3) network architecture has a small impact on final performance, (4) further training SAM with self-supervised learning can improve final model performance. We also demonstrate the ineffectiveness of some methods popular in the literature and further expand our experiments into few-shot and prompt-based settings. Lastly, we released our code and MRI-specific fine-tuned weights, which consistently obtained superior performance over the original SAM, at


cross Invariant Subspace Decomposition

Authors: Margherita Lazzaretto, Jonas Peters, Niklas Pfister

Abstract: We consider the task of predicting a response Y from a set of covariates X in settings where the conditional distribution of Y given X changes over time. For this to be feasible, assumptions on how the conditional distribution changes over time are required. Existing approaches assume, for example, that changes occur smoothly over time so that short-term prediction using only the recent past becomes feasible. In this work, we propose a novel invariance-based framework for linear conditionals, called Invariant Subspace Decomposition (ISD), that splits the conditional distribution into a time-invariant and a residual time-dependent component. As we show, this decomposition can be utilized both for zero-shot and time-adaptation prediction tasks, that is, settings where either no or a small amount of training data is available at the time points we want to predict Y at, respectively. We propose a practical estimation procedure, which automatically infers the decomposition using tools from approximate joint matrix diagonalization. Furthermore, we provide finite sample guarantees for the proposed estimator and demonstrate empirically that it indeed improves on approaches that do not use the additional invariant structure.

cross Design and Analysis of Efficient Attention in Transformers for Social Group Activity Recognition

Authors: Masato Tamura

Abstract: Social group activity recognition is a challenging task extended from group activity recognition, where social groups must be recognized with their activities and group members. Existing methods tackle this task by leveraging region features of individuals following existing group activity recognition methods. However, the effectiveness of region features is susceptible to person localization and variable semantics of individual actions. To overcome these issues, we propose leveraging attention modules in transformers to generate social group features. In this method, multiple embeddings are used to aggregate features for a social group, each of which is assigned to a group member without duplication. Due to this non-duplicated assignment, the number of embeddings must be significant to avoid missing group members and thus renders attention in transformers ineffective. To find optimal attention designs with a large number of embeddings, we explore several design choices of queries for feature aggregation and self-attention modules in transformer decoders. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance and verify that the proposed attention designs are highly effective on social group activity recognition.

cross Ctrl-Adapter: An Efficient and Versatile Framework for Adapting Diverse Controls to Any Diffusion Model

Authors: Han Lin, Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: ControlNets are widely used for adding spatial control in image generation with different conditions, such as depth maps, canny edges, and human poses. However, there are several challenges when leveraging the pretrained image ControlNets for controlled video generation. First, pretrained ControlNet cannot be directly plugged into new backbone models due to the mismatch of feature spaces, and the cost of training ControlNets for new backbones is a big burden. Second, ControlNet features for different frames might not effectively handle the temporal consistency. To address these challenges, we introduce Ctrl-Adapter, an efficient and versatile framework that adds diverse controls to any image/video diffusion models, by adapting pretrained ControlNets (and improving temporal alignment for videos). Ctrl-Adapter provides diverse capabilities including image control, video control, video control with sparse frames, multi-condition control, compatibility with different backbones, adaptation to unseen control conditions, and video editing. In Ctrl-Adapter, we train adapter layers that fuse pretrained ControlNet features to different image/video diffusion models, while keeping the parameters of the ControlNets and the diffusion models frozen. Ctrl-Adapter consists of temporal and spatial modules so that it can effectively handle the temporal consistency of videos. We also propose latent skipping and inverse timestep sampling for robust adaptation and sparse control. Moreover, Ctrl-Adapter enables control from multiple conditions by simply taking the (weighted) average of ControlNet outputs. With diverse image/video diffusion backbones (SDXL, Hotshot-XL, I2VGen-XL, and SVD), Ctrl-Adapter matches ControlNet for image control and outperforms all baselines for video control (achieving the SOTA accuracy on the DAVIS 2017 dataset) with significantly lower computational costs (less than 10 GPU hours).

cross Taming Latent Diffusion Model for Neural Radiance Field Inpainting

Authors: Chieh Hubert Lin, Changil Kim, Jia-Bin Huang, Qinbo Li, Chih-Yao Ma, Johannes Kopf, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Hung-Yu Tseng

Abstract: Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is a representation for 3D reconstruction from multi-view images. Despite some recent work showing preliminary success in editing a reconstructed NeRF with diffusion prior, they remain struggling to synthesize reasonable geometry in completely uncovered regions. One major reason is the high diversity of synthetic contents from the diffusion model, which hinders the radiance field from converging to a crisp and deterministic geometry. Moreover, applying latent diffusion models on real data often yields a textural shift incoherent to the image condition due to auto-encoding errors. These two problems are further reinforced with the use of pixel-distance losses. To address these issues, we propose tempering the diffusion model's stochasticity with per-scene customization and mitigating the textural shift with masked adversarial training. During the analyses, we also found the commonly used pixel and perceptual losses are harmful in the NeRF inpainting task. Through rigorous experiments, our framework yields state-of-the-art NeRF inpainting results on various real-world scenes. Project page:


replace On the Reduction of Variance and Overestimation of Deep Q-Learning

Authors: Mohammed Sabry, Amr M. A. Khalifa

Abstract: The breakthrough of deep Q-Learning on different types of environments revolutionized the algorithmic design of Reinforcement Learning to introduce more stable and robust algorithms, to that end many extensions to deep Q-Learning algorithm have been proposed to reduce the variance of the target values and the overestimation phenomena. In this paper, we examine new methodology to solve these issues, we propose using Dropout techniques on deep Q-Learning algorithm as a way to reduce variance and overestimation. We also present experiments conducted on benchmark environments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our methodology in enhancing stability and reducing both variance and overestimation in model performance.

replace Nonstationary Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation

Authors: Huozhi Zhou, Jinglin Chen, Lav R. Varshney, Ashish Jagmohan

Abstract: We consider reinforcement learning (RL) in episodic Markov decision processes (MDPs) with linear function approximation under drifting environment. Specifically, both the reward and state transition functions can evolve over time but their total variations do not exceed a $\textit{variation budget}$. We first develop $\texttt{LSVI-UCB-Restart}$ algorithm, an optimistic modification of least-squares value iteration with periodic restart, and bound its dynamic regret when variation budgets are known. Then we propose a parameter-free algorithm $\texttt{Ada-LSVI-UCB-Restart}$ that extends to unknown variation budgets. We also derive the first minimax dynamic regret lower bound for nonstationary linear MDPs and as a byproduct establish a minimax regret lower bound for linear MDPs unsolved by Jin et al. (2020). Finally, we provide numerical experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms.

replace Knowledge Discovery in Surveys using Machine Learning: A Case Study of Women in Entrepreneurship in UAE

Authors: Syed Farhan Ahmad, Amrah Hermayen, Ganga Bhavani

Abstract: Knowledge Discovery plays a very important role in analyzing data and getting insights from them to drive better business decisions. Entrepreneurship in a Knowledge based economy contributes greatly to the development of a country's economy. In this paper, we analyze surveys that were conducted on women in entrepreneurship in UAE. Relevant insights are extracted from the data that can help us to better understand the current landscape of women in entrepreneurship and predict the future as well. The features are analyzed using machine learning to drive better business decisions in the future.

replace Are Bias Mitigation Techniques for Deep Learning Effective?

Authors: Robik Shrestha, Kushal Kafle, Christopher Kanan

Abstract: A critical problem in deep learning is that systems learn inappropriate biases, resulting in their inability to perform well on minority groups. This has led to the creation of multiple algorithms that endeavor to mitigate bias. However, it is not clear how effective these methods are. This is because study protocols differ among papers, systems are tested on datasets that fail to test many forms of bias, and systems have access to hidden knowledge or are tuned specifically to the test set. To address this, we introduce an improved evaluation protocol, sensible metrics, and a new dataset, which enables us to ask and answer critical questions about bias mitigation algorithms. We evaluate seven state-of-the-art algorithms using the same network architecture and hyperparameter selection policy across three benchmark datasets. We introduce a new dataset called Biased MNIST that enables assessment of robustness to multiple bias sources. We use Biased MNIST and a visual question answering (VQA) benchmark to assess robustness to hidden biases. Rather than only tuning to the test set distribution, we study robustness across different tuning distributions, which is critical because for many applications the test distribution may not be known during development. We find that algorithms exploit hidden biases, are unable to scale to multiple forms of bias, and are highly sensitive to the choice of tuning set. Based on our findings, we implore the community to adopt more rigorous assessment of future bias mitigation methods. All data, code, and results are publicly available at:


replace Variance Reduction based Experience Replay for Policy Optimization

Authors: Hua Zheng, Wei Xie, M. Ben Feng

Abstract: For reinforcement learning on complex stochastic systems, it is desirable to effectively leverage the information from historical samples collected in previous iterations to accelerate policy optimization. Classical experience replay, while effective, treats all observations uniformly, neglecting their relative importance. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel Variance Reduction Experience Replay (VRER) framework, enabling the selective reuse of relevant samples to improve policy gradient estimation. VRER, as an adaptable method that can seamlessly integrate with different policy optimization algorithms, forms the foundation of our sample efficient off-policy learning algorithm known as Policy Gradient with VRER (PG-VRER). Furthermore, the lack of a rigorous understanding of the experience replay approach in the literature motivates us to introduce a novel theoretical framework that accounts for sample dependencies induced by Markovian noise and behavior policy interdependencies. This framework is then employed to analyze the finite-time convergence of the proposed PG-VRER algorithm, revealing a crucial bias-variance trade-off in policy gradient estimation: the reuse of older experience tends to introduce a larger bias while simultaneously reducing gradient estimation variance. Extensive experiments have shown that VRER offers a notable and consistent acceleration in learning optimal policies and enhances the performance of state-of-the-art (SOTA) policy optimization approaches.

replace OccamNets: Mitigating Dataset Bias by Favoring Simpler Hypotheses

Authors: Robik Shrestha, Kushal Kafle, Christopher Kanan

Abstract: Dataset bias and spurious correlations can significantly impair generalization in deep neural networks. Many prior efforts have addressed this problem using either alternative loss functions or sampling strategies that focus on rare patterns. We propose a new direction: modifying the network architecture to impose inductive biases that make the network robust to dataset bias. Specifically, we propose OccamNets, which are biased to favor simpler solutions by design. OccamNets have two inductive biases. First, they are biased to use as little network depth as needed for an individual example. Second, they are biased toward using fewer image locations for prediction. While OccamNets are biased toward simpler hypotheses, they can learn more complex hypotheses if necessary. In experiments, OccamNets outperform or rival state-of-the-art methods run on architectures that do not incorporate these inductive biases. Furthermore, we demonstrate that when the state-of-the-art debiasing methods are combined with OccamNets results further improve.

replace ES-GNN: Generalizing Graph Neural Networks Beyond Homophily with Edge Splitting

Authors: Jingwei Guo, Kaizhu Huang, Rui Zhang, Xinping Yi

Abstract: While Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved enormous success in multiple graph analytical tasks, modern variants mostly rely on the strong inductive bias of homophily. However, real-world networks typically exhibit both homophilic and heterophilic linking patterns, wherein adjacent nodes may share dissimilar attributes and distinct labels. Therefore, GNNs smoothing node proximity holistically may aggregate both task-relevant and irrelevant (even harmful) information, limiting their ability to generalize to heterophilic graphs and potentially causing non-robustness. In this work, we propose a novel Edge Splitting GNN (ES-GNN) framework to adaptively distinguish between graph edges either relevant or irrelevant to learning tasks. This essentially transfers the original graph into two subgraphs with the same node set but complementary edge sets dynamically. Given that, information propagation separately on these subgraphs and edge splitting are alternatively conducted, thus disentangling the task-relevant and irrelevant features. Theoretically, we show that our ES-GNN can be regarded as a solution to a disentangled graph denoising problem, which further illustrates our motivations and interprets the improved generalization beyond homophily. Extensive experiments over 11 benchmark and 1 synthetic datasets not only demonstrate the effective performance of ES-GNN but also highlight its robustness to adversarial graphs and mitigation of the over-smoothing problem.

replace Contrastive UCB: Provably Efficient Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning in Online Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Shuang Qiu, Lingxiao Wang, Chenjia Bai, Zhuoran Yang, Zhaoran Wang

Abstract: In view of its power in extracting feature representation, contrastive self-supervised learning has been successfully integrated into the practice of (deep) reinforcement learning (RL), leading to efficient policy learning in various applications. Despite its tremendous empirical successes, the understanding of contrastive learning for RL remains elusive. To narrow such a gap, we study how RL can be empowered by contrastive learning in a class of Markov decision processes (MDPs) and Markov games (MGs) with low-rank transitions. For both models, we propose to extract the correct feature representations of the low-rank model by minimizing a contrastive loss. Moreover, under the online setting, we propose novel upper confidence bound (UCB)-type algorithms that incorporate such a contrastive loss with online RL algorithms for MDPs or MGs. We further theoretically prove that our algorithm recovers the true representations and simultaneously achieves sample efficiency in learning the optimal policy and Nash equilibrium in MDPs and MGs. We also provide empirical studies to demonstrate the efficacy of the UCB-based contrastive learning method for RL. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first provably efficient online RL algorithm that incorporates contrastive learning for representation learning. Our codes are available at


replace Spatiotemporal k-means

Authors: Olga Dorabiala, Devavrat Vivek Dabke, Jennifer Webster, Nathan Kutz, Aleksandr Aravkin

Abstract: Spatiotemporal data is increasingly available due to emerging sensor and data acquisition technologies that track moving objects. Spatiotemporal clustering addresses the need to efficiently discover patterns and trends in moving object behavior without human supervision. One application of interest is the discovery of moving clusters, where clusters have a static identity, but their location and content can change over time. We propose a two phase spatiotemporal clustering method called spatiotemporal k-means (STkM) that is able to analyze the multi-scale relationships within spatiotemporal data. By optimizing an objective function that is unified over space and time, the method can track dynamic clusters at both short and long timescales with minimal parameter tuning and no post-processing. We begin by proposing a theoretical generating model for spatiotemporal data and prove the efficacy of STkM in this setting. We then evaluate STkM on a recently developed collective animal behavior benchmark dataset and show that STkM outperforms baseline methods in the low-data limit, which is a critical regime of consideration in many emerging applications. Finally, we showcase how STkM can be extended to more complex machine learning tasks, particularly unsupervised region of interest detection and tracking in videos.

replace Data Imputation with Iterative Graph Reconstruction

Authors: Jiajun Zhong, Weiwei Ye, Ning Gui

Abstract: Effective data imputation demands rich latent ``structure" discovery capabilities from ``plain" tabular data. Recent advances in graph neural networks-based data imputation solutions show their strong structure learning potential by directly translating tabular data as bipartite graphs. However, due to a lack of relations between samples, those solutions treat all samples equally which is against one important observation: ``similar sample should give more information about missing values." This paper presents a novel Iterative graph Generation and Reconstruction framework for Missing data imputation(IGRM). Instead of treating all samples equally, we introduce the concept: ``friend networks" to represent different relations among samples. To generate an accurate friend network with missing data, an end-to-end friend network reconstruction solution is designed to allow for continuous friend network optimization during imputation learning. The representation of the optimized friend network, in turn, is used to further optimize the data imputation process with differentiated message passing. Experiment results on eight benchmark datasets show that IGRM yields 39.13% lower mean absolute error compared with nine baselines and 9.04% lower than the second-best. Our code is available at


replace Disentangled Explanations of Neural Network Predictions by Finding Relevant Subspaces

Authors: Pattarawat Chormai, Jan Herrmann, Klaus-Robert M\"uller, Gr\'egoire Montavon

Abstract: Explainable AI aims to overcome the black-box nature of complex ML models like neural networks by generating explanations for their predictions. Explanations often take the form of a heatmap identifying input features (e.g. pixels) that are relevant to the model's decision. These explanations, however, entangle the potentially multiple factors that enter into the overall complex decision strategy. We propose to disentangle explanations by extracting at some intermediate layer of a neural network, subspaces that capture the multiple and distinct activation patterns (e.g. visual concepts) that are relevant to the prediction. To automatically extract these subspaces, we propose two new analyses, extending principles found in PCA or ICA to explanations. These novel analyses, which we call principal relevant component analysis (PRCA) and disentangled relevant subspace analysis (DRSA), maximize relevance instead of e.g. variance or kurtosis. This allows for a much stronger focus of the analysis on what the ML model actually uses for predicting, ignoring activations or concepts to which the model is invariant. Our approach is general enough to work alongside common attribution techniques such as Shapley Value, Integrated Gradients, or LRP. Our proposed methods show to be practically useful and compare favorably to the state of the art as demonstrated on benchmarks and three use cases.

replace Zeroth-Order Optimization Meets Human Feedback: Provable Learning via Ranking Oracles

Authors: Zhiwei Tang, Dmitry Rybin, Tsung-Hui Chang

Abstract: In this study, we delve into an emerging optimization challenge involving a black-box objective function that can only be gauged via a ranking oracle-a situation frequently encountered in real-world scenarios, especially when the function is evaluated by human judges. Such challenge is inspired from Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), an approach recently employed to enhance the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) using human guidance. We introduce ZO-RankSGD, an innovative zeroth-order optimization algorithm designed to tackle this optimization problem, accompanied by theoretical assurances. Our algorithm utilizes a novel rank-based random estimator to determine the descent direction and guarantees convergence to a stationary point. Moreover, ZO-RankSGD is readily applicable to policy optimization problems in Reinforcement Learning (RL), particularly when only ranking oracles for the episode reward are available. Last but not least, we demonstrate the effectiveness of ZO-RankSGD in a novel application: improving the quality of images generated by a diffusion generative model with human ranking feedback. Throughout experiments, we found that ZO-RankSGD can significantly enhance the detail of generated images with only a few rounds of human feedback. Overall, our work advances the field of zeroth-order optimization by addressing the problem of optimizing functions with only ranking feedback, and offers a new and effective approach for aligning Artificial Intelligence (AI) with human intentions.

replace Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning for Open-set Semi-supervised Learning

Authors: Yang Yu, Danruo Deng, Furui Liu, Yueming Jin, Qi Dou, Guangyong Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods assume that labeled data, unlabeled data and test data are from the same distribution. Open-set semi-supervised learning (Open-set SSL) considers a more practical scenario, where unlabeled data and test data contain new categories (outliers) not observed in labeled data (inliers). Most previous works focused on outlier detection via binary classifiers, which suffer from insufficient scalability and inability to distinguish different types of uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning (ANEDL) to tackle these limitations. Concretely, we first introduce evidential deep learning (EDL) as an outlier detector to quantify different types of uncertainty, and design different uncertainty metrics for self-training and inference. Furthermore, we propose a novel adaptive negative optimization strategy, making EDL more tailored to the unlabeled dataset containing both inliers and outliers. As demonstrated empirically, our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods across four datasets.

replace Annealing Self-Distillation Rectification Improves Adversarial Training

Authors: Yu-Yu Wu, Hung-Jui Wang, Shang-Tse Chen

Abstract: In standard adversarial training, models are optimized to fit one-hot labels within allowable adversarial perturbation budgets. However, the ignorance of underlying distribution shifts brought by perturbations causes the problem of robust overfitting. To address this issue and enhance adversarial robustness, we analyze the characteristics of robust models and identify that robust models tend to produce smoother and well-calibrated outputs. Based on the observation, we propose a simple yet effective method, Annealing Self-Distillation Rectification (ADR), which generates soft labels as a better guidance mechanism that accurately reflects the distribution shift under attack during adversarial training. By utilizing ADR, we can obtain rectified distributions that significantly improve model robustness without the need for pre-trained models or extensive extra computation. Moreover, our method facilitates seamless plug-and-play integration with other adversarial training techniques by replacing the hard labels in their objectives. We demonstrate the efficacy of ADR through extensive experiments and strong performances across datasets.

replace Can Public Large Language Models Help Private Cross-device Federated Learning?

Authors: Boxin Wang, Yibo Jacky Zhang, Yuan Cao, Bo Li, H. Brendan McMahan, Sewoong Oh, Zheng Xu, Manzil Zaheer

Abstract: We study (differentially) private federated learning (FL) of language models. The language models in cross-device FL are relatively small, which can be trained with meaningful formal user-level differential privacy (DP) guarantees when massive parallelism in training is enabled by the participation of a moderate size of users. Recently, public data has been used to improve privacy-utility trade-offs for both large and small language models. In this work, we provide a systematic study of using large-scale public data and LLMs to help differentially private training of on-device FL models, and further improve the privacy-utility tradeoff by techniques of distillation. Moreover, we propose a novel distribution matching algorithm with theoretical grounding to sample public data close to private data distribution, which significantly improves the sample efficiency of (pre-)training on public data. The proposed method is efficient and effective for training private models by taking advantage of public data, especially for customized on-device architectures that do not have ready-to-use pre-trained models.

replace Improving Convergence and Generalization Using Parameter Symmetries

Authors: Bo Zhao, Robert M. Gower, Robin Walters, Rose Yu

Abstract: In many neural networks, different values of the parameters may result in the same loss value. Parameter space symmetries are loss-invariant transformations that change the model parameters. Teleportation applies such transformations to accelerate optimization. However, the exact mechanism behind this algorithm's success is not well understood. In this paper, we show that teleportation not only speeds up optimization in the short-term, but gives overall faster time to convergence. Additionally, teleporting to minima with different curvatures improves generalization, which suggests a connection between the curvature of the minimum and generalization ability. Finally, we show that integrating teleportation into a wide range of optimization algorithms and optimization-based meta-learning improves convergence. Our results showcase the versatility of teleportation and demonstrate the potential of incorporating symmetry in optimization.

replace Negative Feedback Training: A Novel Concept to Improve Robustness of NVCIM DNN Accelerators

Authors: Yifan Qin, Zheyu Yan, Wujie Wen, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: Compute-in-memory (CIM) accelerators built upon non-volatile memory (NVM) devices excel in energy efficiency and latency when performing Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference, thanks to their in-situ data processing capability. However, the stochastic nature and intrinsic variations of NVM devices often result in performance degradation in DNN inference. Introducing these non-ideal device behaviors during DNN training enhances robustness, but drawbacks include limited accuracy improvement, reduced prediction confidence, and convergence issues. This arises from a mismatch between the deterministic training and non-deterministic device variations, as such training, though considering variations, relies solely on the model's final output. In this work, we draw inspiration from the control theory and propose a novel training concept: Negative Feedback Training (NFT) leveraging the multi-scale noisy information captured from network. We develop two specific NFT instances, Oriented Variational Forward (OVF) and Intermediate Representation Snapshot (IRS). Extensive experiments show that our methods outperform existing state-of-the-art methods with up to a 46.71% improvement in inference accuracy while reducing epistemic uncertainty, boosting output confidence, and improving convergence probability. Their effectiveness highlights the generality and practicality of our NFT concept in enhancing DNN robustness against device variations.

replace The Curse of Recursion: Training on Generated Data Makes Models Forget

Authors: Ilia Shumailov, Zakhar Shumaylov, Yiren Zhao, Yarin Gal, Nicolas Papernot, Ross Anderson

Abstract: Stable Diffusion revolutionised image creation from descriptive text. GPT-2, GPT-3(.5) and GPT-4 demonstrated astonishing performance across a variety of language tasks. ChatGPT introduced such language models to the general public. It is now clear that large language models (LLMs) are here to stay, and will bring about drastic change in the whole ecosystem of online text and images. In this paper we consider what the future might hold. What will happen to GPT-{n} once LLMs contribute much of the language found online? We find that use of model-generated content in training causes irreversible defects in the resulting models, where tails of the original content distribution disappear. We refer to this effect as Model Collapse and show that it can occur in Variational Autoencoders, Gaussian Mixture Models and LLMs. We build theoretical intuition behind the phenomenon and portray its ubiquity amongst all learned generative models. We demonstrate that it has to be taken seriously if we are to sustain the benefits of training from large-scale data scraped from the web. Indeed, the value of data collected about genuine human interactions with systems will be increasingly valuable in the presence of content generated by LLMs in data crawled from the Internet.

replace Hinge-Wasserstein: Estimating Multimodal Aleatoric Uncertainty in Regression Tasks

Authors: Ziliang Xiong, Arvi Jonnarth, Abdelrahman Eldesokey, Joakim Johnander, Bastian Wandt, Per-Erik Forssen

Abstract: Computer vision systems that are deployed in safety-critical applications need to quantify their output uncertainty. We study regression from images to parameter values and here it is common to detect uncertainty by predicting probability distributions. In this context, we investigate the regression-by-classification paradigm which can represent multimodal distributions, without a prior assumption on the number of modes. Through experiments on a specifically designed synthetic dataset, we demonstrate that traditional loss functions lead to poor probability distribution estimates and severe overconfidence, in the absence of full ground truth distributions. In order to alleviate these issues, we propose hinge-Wasserstein -- a simple improvement of the Wasserstein loss that reduces the penalty for weak secondary modes during training. This enables prediction of complex distributions with multiple modes, and allows training on datasets where full ground truth distributions are not available. In extensive experiments, we show that the proposed loss leads to substantially better uncertainty estimation on two challenging computer vision tasks: horizon line detection and stereo disparity estimation.

replace Heterogeneous Knowledge for Augmented Modular Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Lorenz Wolf, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: Existing modular Reinforcement Learning (RL) architectures are generally based on reusable components, also allowing for ``plug-and-play'' integration. However, these modules are homogeneous in nature - in fact, they essentially provide policies obtained via RL through the maximization of individual reward functions. Consequently, such solutions still lack the ability to integrate and process multiple types of information (i.e., heterogeneous knowledge representations), such as rules, sub-goals, and skills from various sources. In this paper, we discuss several practical examples of heterogeneous knowledge and propose Augmented Modular Reinforcement Learning (AMRL) to address these limitations. Our framework uses a selector to combine heterogeneous modules and seamlessly incorporate different types of knowledge representations and processing mechanisms. Our results demonstrate the performance and efficiency improvements, also in terms of generalization, that can be achieved by augmenting traditional modular RL with heterogeneous knowledge sources and processing mechanisms.

replace Learning Probabilistic Symmetrization for Architecture Agnostic Equivariance

Authors: Jinwoo Kim, Tien Dat Nguyen, Ayhan Suleymanzade, Hyeokjun An, Seunghoon Hong

Abstract: We present a novel framework to overcome the limitations of equivariant architectures in learning functions with group symmetries. In contrary to equivariant architectures, we use an arbitrary base model such as an MLP or a transformer and symmetrize it to be equivariant to the given group by employing a small equivariant network that parameterizes the probabilistic distribution underlying the symmetrization. The distribution is end-to-end trained with the base model which can maximize performance while reducing sample complexity of symmetrization. We show that this approach ensures not only equivariance to given group but also universal approximation capability in expectation. We implement our method on various base models, including patch-based transformers that can be initialized from pretrained vision transformers, and test them for a wide range of symmetry groups including permutation and Euclidean groups and their combinations. Empirical tests show competitive results against tailored equivariant architectures, suggesting the potential for learning equivariant functions for diverse groups using a non-equivariant universal base architecture. We further show evidence of enhanced learning in symmetric modalities, like graphs, when pretrained from non-symmetric modalities, like vision. Code is available at


replace A Lightweight Method for Tackling Unknown Participation Statistics in Federated Averaging

Authors: Shiqiang Wang, Mingyue Ji

Abstract: In federated learning (FL), clients usually have diverse participation statistics that are unknown a priori, which can significantly harm the performance of FL if not handled properly. Existing works aiming at addressing this problem are usually based on global variance reduction, which requires a substantial amount of additional memory in a multiplicative factor equal to the total number of clients. An important open problem is to find a lightweight method for FL in the presence of clients with unknown participation rates. In this paper, we address this problem by adapting the aggregation weights in federated averaging (FedAvg) based on the participation history of each client. We first show that, with heterogeneous participation statistics, FedAvg with non-optimal aggregation weights can diverge from the optimal solution of the original FL objective, indicating the need of finding optimal aggregation weights. However, it is difficult to compute the optimal weights when the participation statistics are unknown. To address this problem, we present a new algorithm called FedAU, which improves FedAvg by adaptively weighting the client updates based on online estimates of the optimal weights without knowing the statistics of client participation. We provide a theoretical convergence analysis of FedAU using a novel methodology to connect the estimation error and convergence. Our theoretical results reveal important and interesting insights, while showing that FedAU converges to an optimal solution of the original objective and has desirable properties such as linear speedup. Our experimental results also verify the advantage of FedAU over baseline methods with various participation patterns.

replace In-Context Learning through the Bayesian Prism

Authors: Madhur Panwar, Kabir Ahuja, Navin Goyal

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) is one of the surprising and useful features of large language models and subject of intense research. Recently, stylized meta-learning-like ICL setups have been devised that train transformers on sequences of input-output pairs $(x, f(x))$. The function $f$ comes from a function class and generalization is checked by evaluating on sequences generated from unseen functions from the same class. One of the main discoveries in this line of research has been that for several function classes, such as linear regression, transformers successfully generalize to new functions in the class. However, the inductive biases of these models resulting in this behavior are not clearly understood. A model with unlimited training data and compute is a Bayesian predictor: it learns the pretraining distribution. In this paper we empirically examine how far this Bayesian perspective can help us understand ICL. To this end, we generalize the previous meta-ICL setup to hierarchical meta-ICL setup which involve unions of multiple task families. We instantiate this setup on a diverse range of linear and nonlinear function families and find that transformers can do ICL in this setting as well. Where Bayesian inference is tractable, we find evidence that high-capacity transformers mimic the Bayesian predictor. The Bayesian perspective provides insights into the inductive bias of ICL and how transformers perform a particular task when they are trained on multiple tasks. We also find that transformers can learn to generalize to new function classes that were not seen during pretraining. This involves deviation from the Bayesian predictor. We examine these deviations in more depth offering new insights and hypotheses.

replace A Graph Transformer-Driven Approach for Network Robustness Learning

Authors: Yu Zhang, Jia Li, Jie Ding, Xiang Li

Abstract: Learning and analysis of network robustness, including controllability robustness and connectivity robustness, is critical for various networked systems against attacks. Traditionally, network robustness is determined by attack simulations, which is very time-consuming and even incapable for large-scale networks. Network Robustness Learning, which is dedicated to learning network robustness with high precision and high speed, provides a powerful tool to analyze network robustness by replacing simulations. In this paper, a novel versatile and unified robustness learning approach via graph transformer (NRL-GT) is proposed, which accomplishes the task of controllability robustness learning and connectivity robustness learning from multiple aspects including robustness curve learning, overall robustness learning, and synthetic network classification. Numerous experiments show that: 1) NRL-GT is a unified learning framework for controllability robustness and connectivity robustness, demonstrating a strong generalization ability to ensure high precision when training and test sets are distributed differently; 2) Compared to the cutting-edge methods, NRL-GT can simultaneously perform network robustness learning from multiple aspects and obtains superior results in less time. NRL-GT is also able to deal with complex networks of different size with low learning error and high efficiency; 3) It is worth mentioning that the backbone of NRL-GT can serve as a transferable feature learning module for complex networks of different size and different downstream tasks.

replace Towards Characterizing Domain Counterfactuals For Invertible Latent Causal Models

Authors: Zeyu Zhou, Ruqi Bai, Sean Kulinski, Murat Kocaoglu, David I. Inouye

Abstract: Answering counterfactual queries has important applications such as explainability, robustness, and fairness but is challenging when the causal variables are unobserved and the observations are non-linear mixtures of these latent variables, such as pixels in images. One approach is to recover the latent Structural Causal Model (SCM), which may be infeasible in practice due to requiring strong assumptions, e.g., linearity of the causal mechanisms or perfect atomic interventions. Meanwhile, more practical ML-based approaches using naive domain translation models to generate counterfactual samples lack theoretical grounding and may construct invalid counterfactuals. In this work, we strive to strike a balance between practicality and theoretical guarantees by analyzing a specific type of causal query called domain counterfactuals, which hypothesizes what a sample would have looked like if it had been generated in a different domain (or environment). We show that recovering the latent SCM is unnecessary for estimating domain counterfactuals, thereby sidestepping some of the theoretic challenges. By assuming invertibility and sparsity of intervention, we prove domain counterfactual estimation error can be bounded by a data fit term and intervention sparsity term. Building upon our theoretical results, we develop a theoretically grounded practical algorithm that simplifies the modeling process to generative model estimation under autoregressive and shared parameter constraints that enforce intervention sparsity. Finally, we show an improvement in counterfactual estimation over baseline methods through extensive simulated and image-based experiments.

replace Interpretable Neural Networks with Random Constructive Algorithm

Authors: Jing Nan, Wei Dai

Abstract: This paper introduces an Interpretable Neural Network (INN) incorporating spatial information to tackle the opaque parameterization process of random weighted neural networks. The INN leverages spatial information to elucidate the connection between parameters and network residuals. Furthermore, it devises a geometric relationship strategy using a pool of candidate nodes and established relationships to select node parameters conducive to network convergence. Additionally, a lightweight version of INN tailored for large-scale data modeling tasks is proposed. The paper also showcases the infinite approximation property of INN. Experimental findings on various benchmark datasets and real-world industrial cases demonstrate INN's superiority over other neural networks of the same type in terms of modeling speed, accuracy, and network structure.

replace Large Language Models as Optimizers

Authors: Chengrun Yang, Xuezhi Wang, Yifeng Lu, Hanxiao Liu, Quoc V. Le, Denny Zhou, Xinyun Chen

Abstract: Optimization is ubiquitous. While derivative-based algorithms have been powerful tools for various problems, the absence of gradient imposes challenges on many real-world applications. In this work, we propose Optimization by PROmpting (OPRO), a simple and effective approach to leverage large language models (LLMs) as optimizers, where the optimization task is described in natural language. In each optimization step, the LLM generates new solutions from the prompt that contains previously generated solutions with their values, then the new solutions are evaluated and added to the prompt for the next optimization step. We first showcase OPRO on linear regression and traveling salesman problems, then move on to our main application in prompt optimization, where the goal is to find instructions that maximize the task accuracy. With a variety of LLMs, we demonstrate that the best prompts optimized by OPRO outperform human-designed prompts by up to 8% on GSM8K, and by up to 50% on Big-Bench Hard tasks. Code at


replace Compressive Mahalanobis Metric Learning Adapts to Intrinsic Dimension

Authors: Efstratios Palias, Ata Kab\'an

Abstract: Metric learning aims at finding a suitable distance metric over the input space, to improve the performance of distance-based learning algorithms. In high-dimensional settings, it can also serve as dimensionality reduction by imposing a low-rank restriction to the learnt metric. In this paper, we consider the problem of learning a Mahalanobis metric, and instead of training a low-rank metric on high-dimensional data, we use a randomly compressed version of the data to train a full-rank metric in this reduced feature space. We give theoretical guarantees on the error for Mahalanobis metric learning, which depend on the stable dimension of the data support, but not on the ambient dimension. Our bounds make no assumptions aside from i.i.d. data sampling from a bounded support, and automatically tighten when benign geometrical structures are present. An important ingredient is an extension of Gordon's theorem, which may be of independent interest. We also corroborate our findings by numerical experiments.

replace Model-Free, Regret-Optimal Best Policy Identification in Online CMDPs

Authors: Zihan Zhou, Honghao Wei, Lei Ying

Abstract: This paper considers the best policy identification (BPI) problem in online Constrained Markov Decision Processes (CMDPs). We are interested in algorithms that are model-free, have low regret, and identify an approximately optimal policy with a high probability. Existing model-free algorithms for online CMDPs with sublinear regret and constraint violation do not provide any convergence guarantee to an optimal policy and provide only average performance guarantees when a policy is uniformly sampled at random from all previously used policies. In this paper, we develop a new algorithm, named Pruning-Refinement-Identification (PRI), based on a fundamental structural property of CMDPs proved before, which we call limited stochasticity. The property says for a CMDP with $N$ constraints, there exists an optimal policy with at most $N$ stochastic decisions. The proposed algorithm first identifies at which step and in which state a stochastic decision has to be taken and then fine-tunes the distributions of these stochastic decisions. PRI achieves trio objectives: (i) PRI is a model-free algorithm; and (ii) it outputs an approximately optimal policy with a high probability at the end of learning; and (iii) PRI guarantees $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(H\sqrt{K})$ regret and constraint violation, which significantly improves the best existing regret bound $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(H^4 \sqrt{SA}K^{\frac{4}{5}})$ under a model-free algorithm, where $H$ is the length of each episode, $S$ is the number of states, $A$ is the number of actions, and the total number of episodes during learning is $2K+\tilde{\cal O}(K^{0.25}).$ We further present a matching lower via an example that shows under any online learning algorithm, there exists a well-separated CMDP instance such that either the regret or violation has to be $\Omega(H\sqrt{K}),$ which matches the upper bound by a polylogarithmic factor.

replace On the Stability of Expressive Positional Encodings for Graphs

Authors: Yinan Huang, William Lu, Joshua Robinson, Yu Yang, Muhan Zhang, Stefanie Jegelka, Pan Li

Abstract: Designing effective positional encodings for graphs is key to building powerful graph transformers and enhancing message-passing graph neural networks. Although widespread, using Laplacian eigenvectors as positional encodings faces two fundamental challenges: (1) \emph{Non-uniqueness}: there are many different eigendecompositions of the same Laplacian, and (2) \emph{Instability}: small perturbations to the Laplacian could result in completely different eigenspaces, leading to unpredictable changes in positional encoding. Despite many attempts to address non-uniqueness, most methods overlook stability, leading to poor generalization on unseen graph structures. We identify the cause of instability to be a ``hard partition'' of eigenspaces. Hence, we introduce Stable and Expressive Positional Encodings (SPE), an architecture for processing eigenvectors that uses eigenvalues to ``softly partition'' eigenspaces. SPE is the first architecture that is (1) provably stable, and (2) universally expressive for basis invariant functions whilst respecting all symmetries of eigenvectors. Besides guaranteed stability, we prove that SPE is at least as expressive as existing methods, and highly capable of counting graph structures. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our method on molecular property prediction, and out-of-distribution generalization tasks, finding improved generalization compared to existing positional encoding methods. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace MLAgentBench: Evaluating Language Agents on Machine Learning Experimentation

Authors: Qian Huang, Jian Vora, Percy Liang, Jure Leskovec

Abstract: A central aspect of machine learning research is experimentation, the process of designing and running experiments, analyzing the results, and iterating towards some positive outcome (e.g., improving accuracy). Could agents driven by powerful language models perform machine learning experimentation effectively? To answer this question, we introduce MLAgentBench, a suite of 13 tasks ranging from improving model performance on CIFAR-10 to recent research problems like BabyLM. For each task, an agent can perform actions like reading/writing files, executing code, and inspecting outputs. We then construct an agent that can perform ML experimentation based on ReAct framework. We benchmark agents based on Claude v1.0, Claude v2.1, Claude v3 Opus, GPT-4, GPT-4-turbo, Gemini-Pro, and Mixtral and find that a Claude v3 Opus agent is the best in terms of success rate. It can build compelling ML models over many tasks in MLAgentBench with 37.5% average success rate. Our agents also display highly interpretable plans and actions. However, the success rates vary considerably; they span from 100% on well-established older datasets to as low as 0% on recent Kaggle challenges created potentially after the underlying LM was trained. Finally, we identify several key challenges for LM-based agents such as long-term planning and reducing hallucination. Our code is released at


replace Amortized Network Intervention to Steer the Excitatory Point Processes

Authors: Zitao Song, Wendi Ren, Shuang Li

Abstract: Excitatory point processes (i.e., event flows) occurring over dynamic graphs (i.e., evolving topologies) provide a fine-grained model to capture how discrete events may spread over time and space. How to effectively steer the event flows by modifying the dynamic graph structures presents an interesting problem, motivated by curbing the spread of infectious diseases through strategically locking down cities to mitigating traffic congestion via traffic light optimization. To address the intricacies of planning and overcome the high dimensionality inherent to such decision-making problems, we design an Amortized Network Interventions (ANI) framework, allowing for the pooling of optimal policies from history and other contexts while ensuring a permutation equivalent property. This property enables efficient knowledge transfer and sharing across diverse contexts. Each task is solved by an H-step lookahead model-based reinforcement learning, where neural ODEs are introduced to model the dynamics of the excitatory point processes. Instead of simulating rollouts from the dynamics model, we derive an analytical mean-field approximation for the event flows given the dynamics, making the online planning more efficiently solvable. We empirically illustrate that this ANI approach substantially enhances policy learning for unseen dynamics and exhibits promising outcomes in steering event flows through network intervention using synthetic and real COVID datasets.

replace Geographic Location Encoding with Spherical Harmonics and Sinusoidal Representation Networks

Authors: Marc Ru{\ss}wurm, Konstantin Klemmer, Esther Rolf, Robin Zbinden, Devis Tuia

Abstract: Learning representations of geographical space is vital for any machine learning model that integrates geolocated data, spanning application domains such as remote sensing, ecology, or epidemiology. Recent work embeds coordinates using sine and cosine projections based on Double Fourier Sphere (DFS) features. These embeddings assume a rectangular data domain even on global data, which can lead to artifacts, especially at the poles. At the same time, little attention has been paid to the exact design of the neural network architectures with which these functional embeddings are combined. This work proposes a novel location encoder for globally distributed geographic data that combines spherical harmonic basis functions, natively defined on spherical surfaces, with sinusoidal representation networks (SirenNets) that can be interpreted as learned Double Fourier Sphere embedding. We systematically evaluate positional embeddings and neural network architectures across various benchmarks and synthetic evaluation datasets. In contrast to previous approaches that require the combination of both positional encoding and neural networks to learn meaningful representations, we show that both spherical harmonics and sinusoidal representation networks are competitive on their own but set state-of-the-art performances across tasks when combined. The model code and experiments are available at


replace ICXML: An In-Context Learning Framework for Zero-Shot Extreme Multi-Label Classification

Authors: Yaxin Zhu, Hamed Zamani

Abstract: This paper focuses on the task of Extreme Multi-Label Classification (XMC) whose goal is to predict multiple labels for each instance from an extremely large label space. While existing research has primarily focused on fully supervised XMC, real-world scenarios often lack supervision signals, highlighting the importance of zero-shot settings. Given the large label space, utilizing in-context learning approaches is not trivial. We address this issue by introducing In-Context Extreme Multilabel Learning (ICXML), a two-stage framework that cuts down the search space by generating a set of candidate labels through incontext learning and then reranks them. Extensive experiments suggest that ICXML advances the state of the art on two diverse public benchmarks.

replace Node Classification in Random Trees

Authors: Wouter W. L. Nuijten, Vlado Menkovski

Abstract: We propose a method for the classification of objects that are structured as random trees. Our aim is to model a distribution over the node label assignments in settings where the tree data structure is associated with node attributes (typically high dimensional embeddings). The tree topology is not predetermined and none of the label assignments are present during inference. Other methods that produce a distribution over node label assignment in trees (or more generally in graphs) either assume conditional independence of the label assignment, operate on a fixed graph topology, or require part of the node labels to be observed. Our method defines a Markov Network with the corresponding topology of the random tree and an associated Gibbs distribution. We parameterize the Gibbs distribution with a Graph Neural Network that operates on the random tree and the node embeddings. This allows us to estimate the likelihood of node assignments for a given random tree and use MCMC to sample from the distribution of node assignments. We evaluate our method on the tasks of node classification in trees on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset. Our method outperforms the baselines on this dataset, demonstrating its effectiveness for modeling joint distributions of node labels in random trees.

replace A convergence result of a continuous model of deep learning via \L{}ojasiewicz--Simon inequality

Authors: Noboru Isobe

Abstract: This study focuses on a Wasserstein-type gradient flow, which represents an optimization process of a continuous model of a Deep Neural Network (DNN). First, we establish the existence of a minimizer for an average loss of the model under $L^2$-regularization. Subsequently, we show the existence of a curve of maximal slope of the loss. Our main result is the convergence of flow to a critical point of the loss as time goes to infinity. An essential aspect of proving this result involves the establishment of the \L{}ojasiewicz--Simon gradient inequality for the loss. We derive this inequality by assuming the analyticity of NNs and loss functions. Our proofs offer a new approach for analyzing the asymptotic behavior of Wasserstein-type gradient flows for nonconvex functionals.

replace Merging by Matching Models in Task Parameter Subspaces

Authors: Derek Tam, Mohit Bansal, Colin Raffel

Abstract: Model merging aims to cheaply combine individual task-specific models into a single multitask model. In this work, we view past merging methods as leveraging different notions of a ''task parameter subspace'' in which models are matched before being merged. We connect the task parameter subspace of a given model to its loss landscape and formalize how this approach to model merging can be seen as solving a linear system of equations. While past work has generally been limited to linear systems that have a closed-form solution, we consider using the conjugate gradient method to find a solution. We show that using the conjugate gradient method can outperform closed-form solutions, enables merging via linear systems that are otherwise intractable to solve, and flexibly allows choosing from a wide variety of initializations and estimates for the ''task parameter subspace''. We ultimately demonstrate that our merging framework called ''Matching Models in their Task Parameter Subspace'' (MaTS) achieves state-of-the-art results in multitask and intermediate-task model merging. We release all of the code and checkpoints used in our work at


replace Trajeglish: Traffic Modeling as Next-Token Prediction

Authors: Jonah Philion, Xue Bin Peng, Sanja Fidler

Abstract: A longstanding challenge for self-driving development is simulating dynamic driving scenarios seeded from recorded driving logs. In pursuit of this functionality, we apply tools from discrete sequence modeling to model how vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists interact in driving scenarios. Using a simple data-driven tokenization scheme, we discretize trajectories to centimeter-level resolution using a small vocabulary. We then model the multi-agent sequence of discrete motion tokens with a GPT-like encoder-decoder that is autoregressive in time and takes into account intra-timestep interaction between agents. Scenarios sampled from our model exhibit state-of-the-art realism; our model tops the Waymo Sim Agents Benchmark, surpassing prior work along the realism meta metric by 3.3% and along the interaction metric by 9.9%. We ablate our modeling choices in full autonomy and partial autonomy settings, and show that the representations learned by our model can quickly be adapted to improve performance on nuScenes. We additionally evaluate the scalability of our model with respect to parameter count and dataset size, and use density estimates from our model to quantify the saliency of context length and intra-timestep interaction for the traffic modeling task.

replace Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection

Authors: Lanxin Zhang, Yongqi Dong, Haneen Farah, Arkady Zgonnikov, Bart van Arem

Abstract: Detecting abnormal driving behavior is critical for road traffic safety and the evaluation of drivers' behavior. With the advancement of machine learning (ML) algorithms and the accumulation of naturalistic driving data, many ML models have been adopted for abnormal driving behavior detection. Most existing ML-based detectors rely on (fully) supervised ML methods, which require substantial labeled data. However, ground truth labels are not always available in the real world, and labeling large amounts of data is tedious. Thus, there is a need to explore unsupervised or semi-supervised methods to make the anomaly detection process more feasible and efficient. To fill this research gap, this study analyzes large-scale real-world data revealing several abnormal driving behaviors (e.g., sudden acceleration, rapid lane-changing) and develops a Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines (HELM) based semi-supervised ML method using partly labeled data to accurately detect the identified abnormal driving behaviors. Moreover, previous ML-based approaches predominantly utilize basic vehicle motion features (such as velocity and acceleration) to label and detect abnormal driving behaviors, while this study seeks to introduce Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) as the input features for ML models to improve the detection performance. Results from extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised ML model with the introduced SSMs serving as important features. The proposed semi-supervised ML method outperforms other baseline semi-supervised or unsupervised methods regarding various metrics, e.g., delivering the best accuracy at 99.58% and the best F-1 measure at 0.9913. The ablation study further highlights the significance of SSMs for advancing detection performance.

replace Backward Learning for Goal-Conditioned Policies

Authors: Marc H\"oftmann, Jan Robine, Stefan Harmeling

Abstract: Can we learn policies in reinforcement learning without rewards? Can we learn a policy just by trying to reach a goal state? We answer these questions positively by proposing a multi-step procedure that first learns a world model that goes backward in time, secondly generates goal-reaching backward trajectories, thirdly improves those sequences using shortest path finding algorithms, and finally trains a neural network policy by imitation learning. We evaluate our method on a deterministic maze environment where the observations are $64\times 64$ pixel bird's eye images and can show that it consistently reaches several goals.

replace CBQ: Cross-Block Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Xin Ding, Xiaoyu Liu, Zhijun Tu, Yun Zhang, Wei Li, Jie Hu, Hanting Chen, Yehui Tang, Zhiwei Xiong, Baoqun Yin, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) has played a key role in compressing large language models (LLMs) with ultra-low costs. However, existing PTQ methods only focus on handling the outliers within one layer or one block, which ignores the dependency of blocks and leads to severe performance degradation in low-bit settings. In this paper, we propose CBQ, a cross-block reconstruction-based PTQ method for LLMs. CBQ employs a cross-block dependency using a homologous reconstruction scheme, establishing long-range dependencies across multiple blocks to minimize error accumulation. Furthermore, CBQ incorporates a coarse-to-fine preprocessing (CFP) strategy for suppressing weight and activation outliers, coupled with an adaptive LoRA-Rounding technique for precise weight quantization. These innovations enable CBQ to not only handle extreme outliers effectively but also improve overall quantization accuracy. Extensive experiments show that CBQ achieves superior low-bit quantization (W4A4, W4A8, W2A16) and outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods across various LLMs and datasets. Notably, CBQ quantizes the 4-bit LLAMA1-65B model within only 4.3 hours on a single GPU, achieving a commendable tradeoff between performance and quantization efficiency.

replace Graph Neural Networks with Diverse Spectral Filtering

Authors: Jingwei Guo, Kaizhu Huang, Xinping Yi, Rui Zhang

Abstract: Spectral Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved tremendous success in graph machine learning, with polynomial filters applied for graph convolutions, where all nodes share the identical filter weights to mine their local contexts. Despite the success, existing spectral GNNs usually fail to deal with complex networks (e.g., WWW) due to such homogeneous spectral filtering setting that ignores the regional heterogeneity as typically seen in real-world networks. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel diverse spectral filtering (DSF) framework, which automatically learns node-specific filter weights to exploit the varying local structure properly. Particularly, the diverse filter weights consist of two components -- A global one shared among all nodes, and a local one that varies along network edges to reflect node difference arising from distinct graph parts -- to balance between local and global information. As such, not only can the global graph characteristics be captured, but also the diverse local patterns can be mined with awareness of different node positions. Interestingly, we formulate a novel optimization problem to assist in learning diverse filters, which also enables us to enhance any spectral GNNs with our DSF framework. We showcase the proposed framework on three state-of-the-arts including GPR-GNN, BernNet, and JacobiConv. Extensive experiments over 10 benchmark datasets demonstrate that our framework can consistently boost model performance by up to 4.92% in node classification tasks, producing diverse filters with enhanced interpretability. Code is available at \url{}.


replace GraphRARE: Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Graph Neural Network with Relative Entropy

Authors: Tianhao Peng, Wenjun Wu, Haitao Yuan, Zhifeng Bao, Zhao Pengrui, Xin Yu, Xuetao Lin, Yu Liang, Yanjun Pu

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown advantages in graph-based analysis tasks. However, most existing methods have the homogeneity assumption and show poor performance on heterophilic graphs, where the linked nodes have dissimilar features and different class labels, and the semantically related nodes might be multi-hop away. To address this limitation, this paper presents GraphRARE, a general framework built upon node relative entropy and deep reinforcement learning, to strengthen the expressive capability of GNNs. An innovative node relative entropy, which considers node features and structural similarity, is used to measure mutual information between node pairs. In addition, to avoid the sub-optimal solutions caused by mixing useful information and noises of remote nodes, a deep reinforcement learning-based algorithm is developed to optimize the graph topology. This algorithm selects informative nodes and discards noisy nodes based on the defined node relative entropy. Extensive experiments are conducted on seven real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of GraphRARE in node classification and its capability to optimize the original graph topology.

replace Corn Yield Prediction Model with Deep Neural Networks for Smallholder Farmer Decision Support System

Authors: Chollette Olisah, Lyndon Smith, Melvyn Smith, Lawrence Morolake, Osi Ojukwu

Abstract: Crop yield prediction has been modeled on the assumption that there is no interaction between weather and soil variables. However, this paper argues that an interaction exists, and it can be finely modelled using the Kendall Correlation coefficient. Given the nonlinearity of the interaction between weather and soil variables, a deep neural network regressor (DNNR) is carefully designed with consideration to the depth, number of neurons of the hidden layers, and the hyperparameters with their optimizations. Additionally, a new metric, the average of absolute root squared error (ARSE) is proposed to combine the strengths of root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute error (MAE). With the ARSE metric, the proposed DNNR(s), optimised random forest regressor (RFR) and the extreme gradient boosting regressor (XGBR) achieved impressively small yield errors, 0.0172 t/ha, and 0.0243 t/ha, 0.0001 t/ha, and 0.001 t/ha, respectively. However, the DNNR(s), with changes to the explanatory variables to ensure generalizability to unforeseen data, DNNR(s) performed best. Further analysis reveals that a strong interaction does exist between weather and soil variables. Precisely, yield is observed to increase when precipitation is reduced and silt increased, and vice-versa. However, the degree of decrease or increase is not quantified in this paper. Contrary to existing yield models targeted towards agricultural policies and global food security, the goal of the proposed corn yield model is to empower the smallholder farmer to farm smartly and intelligently, thus the prediction model is integrated into a mobile application that includes education, and a farmer-to-market access module.

replace Convex SGD: Generalization Without Early Stopping

Authors: Julien Hendrickx, Alex Olshevsky

Abstract: We consider the generalization error associated with stochastic gradient descent on a smooth convex function over a compact set. We show the first bound on the generalization error that vanishes when the number of iterations $T$ and the dataset size $n$ go to zero at arbitrary rates; our bound scales as $\tilde{O}(1/\sqrt{T} + 1/\sqrt{n})$ with step-size $\alpha_t = 1/\sqrt{t}$. In particular, strong convexity is not needed for stochastic gradient descent to generalize well.

replace Off-Policy Primal-Dual Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zifan Wu, Bo Tang, Qian Lin, Chao Yu, Shangqin Mao, Qianlong Xie, Xingxing Wang, Dong Wang

Abstract: Primal-dual safe RL methods commonly perform iterations between the primal update of the policy and the dual update of the Lagrange Multiplier. Such a training paradigm is highly susceptible to the error in cumulative cost estimation since this estimation serves as the key bond connecting the primal and dual update processes. We show that this problem causes significant underestimation of cost when using off-policy methods, leading to the failure to satisfy the safety constraint. To address this issue, we propose conservative policy optimization, which learns a policy in a constraint-satisfying area by considering the uncertainty in cost estimation. This improves constraint satisfaction but also potentially hinders reward maximization. We then introduce local policy convexification to help eliminate such suboptimality by gradually reducing the estimation uncertainty. We provide theoretical interpretations of the joint coupling effect of these two ingredients and further verify them by extensive experiments. Results on benchmark tasks show that our method not only achieves an asymptotic performance comparable to state-of-the-art on-policy methods while using much fewer samples, but also significantly reduces constraint violation during training. Our code is available at


replace Finite-Time Analysis of On-Policy Heterogeneous Federated Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chenyu Zhang, Han Wang, Aritra Mitra, James Anderson

Abstract: Federated reinforcement learning (FRL) has emerged as a promising paradigm for reducing the sample complexity of reinforcement learning tasks by exploiting information from different agents. However, when each agent interacts with a potentially different environment, little to nothing is known theoretically about the non-asymptotic performance of FRL algorithms. The lack of such results can be attributed to various technical challenges and their intricate interplay: Markovian sampling, linear function approximation, multiple local updates to save communication, heterogeneity in the reward functions and transition kernels of the agents' MDPs, and continuous state-action spaces. Moreover, in the on-policy setting, the behavior policies vary with time, further complicating the analysis. In response, we introduce FedSARSA, a novel federated on-policy reinforcement learning scheme, equipped with linear function approximation, to address these challenges and provide a comprehensive finite-time error analysis. Notably, we establish that FedSARSA converges to a policy that is near-optimal for all agents, with the extent of near-optimality proportional to the level of heterogeneity. Furthermore, we prove that FedSARSA leverages agent collaboration to enable linear speedups as the number of agents increases, which holds for both fixed and adaptive step-size configurations.

replace Towards Understanding Variants of Invariant Risk Minimization through the Lens of Calibration

Authors: Kotaro Yoshida, Hiroki Naganuma

Abstract: Machine learning models traditionally assume that training and test data are independently and identically distributed. However, in real-world applications, the test distribution often differs from training. This problem, known as out-of-distribution generalization, challenges conventional models. Invariant Risk Minimization (IRM) emerges as a solution, aiming to identify features invariant across different environments to enhance out-of-distribution robustness. However, IRM's complexity, particularly its bi-level optimization, has led to the development of various approximate methods. Our study investigates these approximate IRM techniques, employing the Expected Calibration Error (ECE) as a key metric. ECE, which measures the reliability of model prediction, serves as an indicator of whether models effectively capture environment-invariant features. Through a comparative analysis of datasets with distributional shifts, we observe that Information Bottleneck-based IRM, which condenses representational information, achieves a balance in improving ECE while preserving accuracy relatively. This finding is pivotal, as it demonstrates a feasible path to maintaining robustness without compromising accuracy. Nonetheless, our experiments also caution against over-regularization, which can diminish accuracy. This underscores the necessity for a systematic approach in evaluating out-of-distribution generalization metrics, one that beyond mere accuracy to address the nuanced interplay between accuracy and calibration.

replace A Medical Data-Effective Learning Benchmark for Highly Efficient Pre-training of Foundation Models

Authors: Wenxuan Yang, Weimin Tan, Yuqi Sun, Bo Yan

Abstract: Foundation models, pre-trained on massive datasets, have achieved unprecedented generalizability. However, is it truly necessary to involve such vast amounts of data in pre-training, consuming extensive computational resources? This paper introduces data-effective learning, aiming to use data in the most impactful way to pre-train foundation models. This involves strategies that focus on data quality rather than quantity, ensuring the data used for training has high informational value. Data-effective learning plays a profound role in accelerating foundation model training, reducing computational costs, and saving data storage, which is very important as the volume of medical data in recent years has grown beyond many people's expectations. However, due to the lack of standards and comprehensive benchmarks, research on medical data-effective learning is poorly studied. To address this gap, our paper introduces a comprehensive benchmark specifically for evaluating data-effective learning in the medical field. This benchmark includes a dataset with millions of data samples from 31 medical centers (DataDEL), a baseline method for comparison (MedDEL), and a new evaluation metric (NormDEL) to objectively measure data-effective learning performance. Our extensive experimental results show the baseline MedDEL can achieve performance comparable to the original large dataset with only 5% of the data. Establishing such an open data-effective learning benchmark is crucial for the medical foundation model research community because it facilitates efficient data use, promotes collaborative breakthroughs, and fosters the development of cost-effective, scalable, and impactful healthcare solutions.

replace Rethinking Channel Dependence for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting: Learning from Leading Indicators

Authors: Lifan Zhao, Yanyan Shen

Abstract: Recently, channel-independent methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance in multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting. Despite reducing overfitting risks, these methods miss potential opportunities in utilizing channel dependence for accurate predictions. We argue that there exist locally stationary lead-lag relationships between variates, i.e., some lagged variates may follow the leading indicators within a short time period. Exploiting such channel dependence is beneficial since leading indicators offer advance information that can be used to reduce the forecasting difficulty of the lagged variates. In this paper, we propose a new method named LIFT that first efficiently estimates leading indicators and their leading steps at each time step and then judiciously allows the lagged variates to utilize the advance information from leading indicators. LIFT plays as a plugin that can be seamlessly collaborated with arbitrary time series forecasting methods. Extensive experiments on six real-world datasets demonstrate that LIFT improves the state-of-the-art methods by 5.5% in average forecasting performance. Our code is available at


replace MixedNUTS: Training-Free Accuracy-Robustness Balance via Nonlinearly Mixed Classifiers

Authors: Yatong Bai, Mo Zhou, Vishal M. Patel, Somayeh Sojoudi

Abstract: Adversarial robustness often comes at the cost of degraded accuracy, impeding the real-life application of robust classification models. Training-based solutions for better trade-offs are limited by incompatibilities with already-trained high-performance large models, necessitating the exploration of training-free ensemble approaches. Observing that robust models are more confident in correct predictions than in incorrect ones on clean and adversarial data alike, we speculate amplifying this "benign confidence property" can reconcile accuracy and robustness in an ensemble setting. To achieve so, we propose "MixedNUTS", a training-free method where the output logits of a robust classifier and a standard non-robust classifier are processed by nonlinear transformations with only three parameters, which are optimized through an efficient algorithm. MixedNUTS then converts the transformed logits into probabilities and mixes them as the overall output. On CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet datasets, experimental results with custom strong adaptive attacks demonstrate MixedNUTS's vastly improved accuracy and near-SOTA robustness -- it boosts CIFAR-100 clean accuracy by 7.86 points, sacrificing merely 0.87 points in robust accuracy.

replace Guidance with Spherical Gaussian Constraint for Conditional Diffusion

Authors: Lingxiao Yang, Shutong Ding, Yifan Cai, Jingyi Yu, Jingya Wang, Ye Shi

Abstract: Recent advances in diffusion models attempt to handle conditional generative tasks by utilizing a differentiable loss function for guidance without the need for additional training. While these methods achieved certain success, they often compromise on sample quality and require small guidance step sizes, leading to longer sampling processes. This paper reveals that the fundamental issue lies in the manifold deviation during the sampling process when loss guidance is employed. We theoretically show the existence of manifold deviation by establishing a certain lower bound for the estimation error of the loss guidance. To mitigate this problem, we propose Diffusion with Spherical Gaussian constraint (DSG), drawing inspiration from the concentration phenomenon in high-dimensional Gaussian distributions. DSG effectively constrains the guidance step within the intermediate data manifold through optimization and enables the use of larger guidance steps. Furthermore, we present a closed-form solution for DSG denoising with the Spherical Gaussian constraint. Notably, DSG can seamlessly integrate as a plugin module within existing training-free conditional diffusion methods. Implementing DSG merely involves a few lines of additional code with almost no extra computational overhead, yet it leads to significant performance improvements. Comprehensive experimental results in various conditional generation tasks validate the superiority and adaptability of DSG in terms of both sample quality and time efficiency.

replace Analysis of Linear Mode Connectivity via Permutation-Based Weight Matching

Authors: Akira Ito, Masanori Yamada, Atsutoshi Kumagai

Abstract: Recently, Ainsworth et al. showed that using weight matching (WM) to minimize the $L_2$ distance in a permutation search of model parameters effectively identifies permutations that satisfy linear mode connectivity (LMC), in which the loss along a linear path between two independently trained models with different seeds remains nearly constant. This paper provides a theoretical analysis of LMC using WM, which is crucial for understanding stochastic gradient descent's effectiveness and its application in areas like model merging. We first experimentally and theoretically show that permutations found by WM do not significantly reduce the $L_2$ distance between two models and the occurrence of LMC is not merely due to distance reduction by WM in itself. We then provide theoretical insights showing that permutations can change the directions of the singular vectors, but not the singular values, of the weight matrices in each layer. This finding shows that permutations found by WM mainly align the directions of singular vectors associated with large singular values across models. This alignment brings the singular vectors with large singular values, which determine the model functionality, closer between pre-merged and post-merged models, so that the post-merged model retains functionality similar to the pre-merged models, making it easy to satisfy LMC. Finally, we analyze the difference between WM and straight-through estimator (STE), a dataset-dependent permutation search method, and show that WM outperforms STE, especially when merging three or more models.

replace Tighter Generalization Bounds on Digital Computers via Discrete Optimal Transport

Authors: Anastasis Kratsios, A. Martina Neuman, Gudmund Pammer

Abstract: Machine learning models with inputs in a Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^d$, when implemented on digital computers, generalize, and their {\it generalization gap} converges to $0$ at a rate of $c/N^{1/2}$ concerning the sample size $N$. However, the constant $c>0$ obtained through classical methods can be large in terms of the ambient dimension $d$ and the machine precision, posing a challenge when $N$ is small to realistically large. In this paper, we derive a family of generalization bounds $\{c_m/N^{1/(2\vee m)}\}_{m=1}^{\infty}$ tailored for learning models on digital computers, which adapt to both the sample size $N$ and the so-called geometric {\it representation dimension} $m$ of the discrete learning problem. Adjusting the parameter $m$ according to $N$ results in significantly tighter generalization bounds for practical sample sizes $N$, while setting $m$ small maintains the optimal dimension-free worst-case rate of $\mathcal{O}(1/N^{1/2})$. Notably, $c_{m}\in \mathcal{O}(\sqrt{m})$ for learning models on discretized Euclidean domains. Furthermore, our adaptive generalization bounds are formulated based on our new non-asymptotic result for concentration of measure in discrete optimal transport, established via leveraging metric embedding arguments.

replace The last Dance : Robust backdoor attack via diffusion models and bayesian approach

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: Diffusion models are state-of-the-art deep learning generative models that are trained on the principle of learning forward and backward diffusion processes via the progressive addition of noise and denoising. In this paper, we aim to fool audio-based DNN models, such as those from the Hugging Face framework, primarily those that focus on audio, in particular transformer-based artificial intelligence models, which are powerful machine learning models that save time and achieve results faster and more efficiently. We demonstrate the feasibility of backdoor attacks (called `BacKBayDiffMod`) on audio transformers derived from Hugging Face, a popular framework in the world of artificial intelligence research. The backdoor attack developed in this paper is based on poisoning model training data uniquely by incorporating backdoor diffusion sampling and a Bayesian approach to the distribution of poisoned data.

replace Self-AMPLIFY: Improving Small Language Models with Self Post Hoc Explanations

Authors: Milan Bhan, Jean-Noel Vittaut, Nicolas Chesneau, Marie-Jeanne Lesot

Abstract: Incorporating natural language rationales in the prompt and In-Context Learning (ICL) has led to a significant improvement of Large Language Models (LLMs) performance. However, rationales currently require human-annotation or the use of auxiliary proxy models to target promising samples or generate high-quality rationales. In this work, we propose Self-AMPLIFY to generate automatically rationales from post hoc explanation methods applied to Small Language Models (SLMs) to improve their own performance. Self-AMPLIFY is a 3-step method that targets samples, generates rationales and builds a final prompt to leverage ICL. Self-AMPLIFY performance is evaluated on two SLMs and two datasets requiring reasoning abilities: these experiments show that Self-AMPLIFY achieves good results against competitors. Self-AMPLIFY is the first method to apply post hoc explanation methods to SLM to generate rationales to improve their own performance in a fully automated manner.

replace When and How: Learning Identifiable Latent States for Nonstationary Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Zijian Li, Ruichu Cai, Zhenhui Yang, Haiqin Huang, Guangyi Chen, Yifan Shen, Zhengming Chen, Xiangchen Song, Zhifeng Hao, Kun Zhang

Abstract: Temporal distribution shifts are ubiquitous in time series data. One of the most popular methods assumes that the temporal distribution shift occurs uniformly to disentangle the stationary and nonstationary dependencies. But this assumption is difficult to meet, as we do not know when the distribution shifts occur. To solve this problem, we propose to learn IDentifiable latEnt stAtes (IDEA) to detect when the distribution shifts occur. Beyond that, we further disentangle the stationary and nonstationary latent states via sufficient observation assumption to learn how the latent states change. Specifically, we formalize the causal process with environment-irrelated stationary and environment-related nonstationary variables. Under mild conditions, we show that latent environments and stationary/nonstationary variables are identifiable. Based on these theories, we devise the IDEA model, which incorporates an autoregressive hidden Markov model to estimate latent environments and modular prior networks to identify latent states. The IDEA model outperforms several latest nonstationary forecasting methods on various benchmark datasets, highlighting its advantages in real-world scenarios.

replace OpenTab: Advancing Large Language Models as Open-domain Table Reasoners

Authors: Kezhi Kong, Jiani Zhang, Zhengyuan Shen, Balasubramaniam Srinivasan, Chuan Lei, Christos Faloutsos, Huzefa Rangwala, George Karypis

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on large volumes of data excel at various natural language tasks, but they cannot handle tasks requiring knowledge that has not been trained on previously. One solution is to use a retriever that fetches relevant information to expand LLM's knowledge scope. However, existing textual-oriented retrieval-based LLMs are not ideal on structured table data due to diversified data modalities and large table sizes. In this work, we propose OpenTab, an open-domain table reasoning framework powered by LLMs. Overall, OpenTab leverages table retriever to fetch relevant tables and then generates SQL programs to parse the retrieved tables efficiently. Utilizing the intermediate data derived from the SQL executions, it conducts grounded inference to produce accurate response. Extensive experimental evaluation shows that OpenTab significantly outperforms baselines in both open- and closed-domain settings, achieving up to 21.5% higher accuracy. We further run ablation studies to validate the efficacy of our proposed designs of the system.

replace Global Safe Sequential Learning via Efficient Knowledge Transfer

Authors: Cen-You Li, Olaf Duennbier, Marc Toussaint, Barbara Rakitsch, Christoph Zimmer

Abstract: Sequential learning methods such as active learning and Bayesian optimization select the most informative data to learn about a task. In many medical or engineering applications, the data selection is constrained by a priori unknown safety conditions. A promissing line of safe learning methods utilize Gaussian processes (GPs) to model the safety probability and perform data selection in areas with high safety confidence. However, accurate safety modeling requires prior knowledge or consumes data. In addition, the safety confidence centers around the given observations which leads to local exploration. As transferable source knowledge is often available in safety critical experiments, we propose to consider transfer safe sequential learning to accelerate the learning of safety. We further consider a pre-computation of source components to reduce the additional computational load that is introduced by incorporating source data. In this paper, we theoretically analyze the maximum explorable safe regions of conventional safe learning methods. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that our approach 1) learns a task with lower data consumption, 2) globally explores multiple disjoint safe regions under guidance of the source knowledge, and 3) operates with computation comparable to conventional safe learning methods.

replace Sampling-based Distributed Training with Message Passing Neural Network

Authors: Priyesh Kakka, Sheel Nidhan, Rishikesh Ranade, Jonathan F. MacArt

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a domain-decomposition-based distributed training and inference approach for message-passing neural networks (MPNN). Our objective is to address the challenge of scaling edge-based graph neural networks as the number of nodes increases. Through our distributed training approach, coupled with Nystr\"om-approximation sampling techniques, we present a scalable graph neural network, referred to as DS-MPNN (D and S standing for distributed and sampled, respectively), capable of scaling up to $O(10^5)$ nodes. We validate our sampling and distributed training approach on two cases: (a) a Darcy flow dataset and (b) steady RANS simulations of 2-D airfoils, providing comparisons with both single-GPU implementation and node-based graph convolution networks (GCNs). The DS-MPNN model demonstrates comparable accuracy to single-GPU implementation, can accommodate a significantly larger number of nodes compared to the single-GPU variant (S-MPNN), and significantly outperforms the node-based GCN.

replace Efficiently Computable Safety Bounds for Gaussian Processes in Active Learning

Authors: J\"orn Tebbe, Christoph Zimmer, Ansgar Steland, Markus Lange-Hegermann, Fabian Mies

Abstract: Active learning of physical systems must commonly respect practical safety constraints, which restricts the exploration of the design space. Gaussian Processes (GPs) and their calibrated uncertainty estimations are widely used for this purpose. In many technical applications the design space is explored via continuous trajectories, along which the safety needs to be assessed. This is particularly challenging for strict safety requirements in GP methods, as it employs computationally expensive Monte-Carlo sampling of high quantiles. We address these challenges by providing provable safety bounds based on the adaptively sampled median of the supremum of the posterior GP. Our method significantly reduces the number of samples required for estimating high safety probabilities, resulting in faster evaluation without sacrificing accuracy and exploration speed. The effectiveness of our safe active learning approach is demonstrated through extensive simulations and validated using a real-world engine example.

replace Evaluating Large Language Models as Virtual Annotators for Time-series Physical Sensing Data

Authors: Aritra Hota, Soumyajit Chatterjee, Sandip Chakraborty

Abstract: Traditional human-in-the-loop-based annotation for time-series data like inertial data often requires access to alternate modalities like video or audio from the environment. These alternate sources provide the necessary information to the human annotator, as the raw numeric data is often too obfuscated even for an expert. However, this traditional approach has many concerns surrounding overall cost, efficiency, storage of additional modalities, time, scalability, and privacy. Interestingly, recent large language models (LLMs) are also trained with vast amounts of publicly available alphanumeric data, which allows them to comprehend and perform well on tasks beyond natural language processing. Naturally, this opens up a potential avenue to explore LLMs as virtual annotators where the LLMs will be directly provided the raw sensor data for annotation instead of relying on any alternate modality. Naturally, this could mitigate the problems of the traditional human-in-the-loop approach. Motivated by this observation, we perform a detailed study in this paper to assess whether the state-of-the-art (SOTA) LLMs can be used as virtual annotators for labeling time-series physical sensing data. To perform this in a principled manner, we segregate the study into two major phases. In the first phase, we investigate the challenges an LLM like GPT-4 faces in comprehending raw sensor data. Considering the observations from phase 1, in the next phase, we investigate the possibility of encoding the raw sensor data using SOTA SSL approaches and utilizing the projected time-series data to get annotations from the LLM. Detailed evaluation with four benchmark HAR datasets shows that SSL-based encoding and metric-based guidance allow the LLM to make more reasonable decisions and provide accurate annotations without requiring computationally expensive fine-tuning or sophisticated prompt engineering.

replace Joint Parameter and Parameterization Inference with Uncertainty Quantification through Differentiable Programming

Authors: Yongquan Qu, Mohamed Aziz Bhouri, Pierre Gentine

Abstract: Accurate representations of unknown and sub-grid physical processes through parameterizations (or closure) in numerical simulations with quantified uncertainty are critical for resolving the coarse-grained partial differential equations that govern many problems ranging from weather and climate prediction to turbulence simulations. Recent advances have seen machine learning (ML) increasingly applied to model these subgrid processes, resulting in the development of hybrid physics-ML models through the integration with numerical solvers. In this work, we introduce a novel framework for the joint estimation of physical parameters and machine learning parameterizations with uncertainty quantification. Our framework incorporates online training and efficient Bayesian inference within a high-dimensional parameter space, facilitated by differentiable programming. This proof of concept underscores the substantial potential of differentiable programming in synergistically combining machine learning with differential equations, thereby enhancing the capabilities of hybrid physics-ML modeling.

replace Towards White Box Deep Learning

Authors: Maciej Satkiewicz

Abstract: This paper introduces semantic features as a candidate conceptual framework for white-box neural networks. The proof of concept model is well-motivated, inherently interpretable, has low parameter-count and achieves almost human-level adversarial test metrics - with no adversarial training! These results and the general nature of the approach warrant further research on semantic features. The code is available at


replace DTOR: Decision Tree Outlier Regressor to explain anomalies

Authors: Riccardo Crupi, Daniele Regoli, Alessandro Damiano Sabatino, Immacolata Marano, Massimiliano Brinis, Luca Albertazzi, Andrea Cirillo, Andrea Claudio Cosentini

Abstract: Explaining outliers occurrence and mechanism of their occurrence can be extremely important in a variety of domains. Malfunctions, frauds, threats, in addition to being correctly identified, oftentimes need a valid explanation in order to effectively perform actionable counteracts. The ever more widespread use of sophisticated Machine Learning approach to identify anomalies make such explanations more challenging. We present the Decision Tree Outlier Regressor (DTOR), a technique for producing rule-based explanations for individual data points by estimating anomaly scores generated by an anomaly detection model. This is accomplished by first applying a Decision Tree Regressor, which computes the estimation score, and then extracting the relative path associated with the data point score. Our results demonstrate the robustness of DTOR even in datasets with a large number of features. Additionally, in contrast to other rule-based approaches, the generated rules are consistently satisfied by the points to be explained. Furthermore, our evaluation metrics indicate comparable performance to Anchors in outlier explanation tasks, with reduced execution time.

replace Forward Learning of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Namyong Park, Xing Wang, Antoine Simoulin, Shuai Yang, Grey Yang, Ryan Rossi, Puja Trivedi, Nesreen Ahmed

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have achieved remarkable success across a wide range of applications, such as recommendation, drug discovery, and question answering. Behind the success of GNNs lies the backpropagation (BP) algorithm, which is the de facto standard for training deep neural networks (NNs). However, despite its effectiveness, BP imposes several constraints, which are not only biologically implausible, but also limit the scalability, parallelism, and flexibility in learning NNs. Examples of such constraints include storage of neural activities computed in the forward pass for use in the subsequent backward pass, and the dependence of parameter updates on non-local signals. To address these limitations, the forward-forward algorithm (FF) was recently proposed as an alternative to BP in the image classification domain, which trains NNs by performing two forward passes over positive and negative data. Inspired by this advance, we propose ForwardGNN in this work, a new forward learning procedure for GNNs, which avoids the constraints imposed by BP via an effective layer-wise local forward training. ForwardGNN extends the original FF to deal with graph data and GNNs, and makes it possible to operate without generating negative inputs (hence no longer forward-forward). Further, ForwardGNN enables each layer to learn from both the bottom-up and top-down signals without relying on the backpropagation of errors. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets show the effectiveness and generality of the proposed forward graph learning framework. We release our code at


replace G-ACIL: Analytic Learning for Exemplar-Free Generalized Class Incremental Learning

Authors: Huiping Zhuang, Yizhu Chen, Di Fang, Run He, Kai Tong, Hongxin Wei, Ziqian Zeng, Cen Chen

Abstract: Class incremental learning (CIL) trains a network on sequential tasks with separated categories but suffers from catastrophic forgetting, where models quickly lose previously learned knowledge when acquiring new tasks. The generalized CIL (GCIL) aims to address the CIL problem in a more real-world scenario, where incoming data have mixed data categories and unknown sample size distribution, leading to intensified forgetting. Existing attempts for the GCIL either have poor performance, or invade data privacy by saving historical exemplars. To address this, in this paper, we propose an exemplar-free generalized analytic class incremental learning (G-ACIL). The G-ACIL adopts analytic learning (a gradient-free training technique), and delivers an analytical solution (i.e., closed-form) to the GCIL scenario. This solution is derived via decomposing the incoming data into exposed and unexposed classes, allowing an equivalence between the incremental learning and its joint training, i.e., the weight-invariant property. Such an equivalence is theoretically validated through matrix analysis tools, and hence contributes interpretability in GCIL. It is also empirically evidenced by experiments on various datasets and settings of GCIL. The results show that the G-ACIL exhibits leading performance with high robustness compared with existing competitive GCIL methods. Codes will be ready at \url{}.


replace On the Fragility of Active Learners

Authors: Abhishek Ghose, Emma Thuong Nguyen

Abstract: Active learning (AL) techniques aim to maximally utilize a labeling budget by iteratively selecting instances that are most likely to improve prediction accuracy. However, their benefit compared to random sampling has not been consistent across various setups, e.g., different datasets, classifiers. In this empirical study, we examine how a combination of different factors might obscure any gains from an AL technique. Focusing on text classification, we rigorously evaluate AL techniques over around 1000 experiments that vary wrt the dataset, batch size, text representation and the classifier. We show that AL is only effective in a narrow set of circumstances. We also address the problem of using metrics that are better aligned with real world expectations. The impact of this study is in its insights for a practitioner: (a) the choice of text representation and classifier is as important as that of an AL technique, (b) choice of the right metric is critical in assessment of the latter, and, finally, (c) reported AL results must be holistically interpreted, accounting for variables other than just the query strategy.

replace New methods for drug synergy prediction: a mini-review

Authors: Fatemeh Abbasi, Juho Rousu

Abstract: In this mini-review, we explore the new prediction methods for drug combination synergy relying on high-throughput combinatorial screens. The fast progress of the field is witnessed in the more than thirty original machine learning methods published since 2021, a clear majority of them based on deep learning techniques. We aim to put these papers under a unifying lens by highlighting the core technologies, the data sources, the input data types and synergy scores used in the methods, as well as the prediction scenarios and evaluation protocols that the papers deal with. Our finding is that the best methods accurately solve the synergy prediction scenarios involving known drugs or cell lines while the scenarios involving new drugs or cell lines still fall short of an accurate prediction level.

replace Explainable Traffic Flow Prediction with Large Language Models

Authors: Xusen Guo (Frank), Qiming Zhang (Frank), Junyue Jiang (Frank), Mingxing Peng (Frank), Meixin Zhu (Frank), Hao (Frank), Yang

Abstract: Traffic flow prediction is crucial for intelligent transportation systems. It has experienced significant advancements thanks to the power of deep learning in capturing latent patterns of traffic data. However, recent deep-learning architectures require intricate model designs and lack an intuitive understanding of the mapping from input data to predicted results. Achieving both accuracy and interpretability in traffic prediction models remains to be a challenge due to the complexity of traffic data and the inherent opacity of deep learning models. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel approach, Traffic Flow Prediction LLM (TF-LLM), which leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate interpretable traffic flow predictions. By transferring multi-modal traffic data into natural language descriptions, TF-LLM captures complex spatial-temporal patterns and external factors from comprehensive traffic data. The LLM framework is fine-tuned using language-based instructions to align with spatial-temporal traffic flow data. Empirically, TF-LLM shows competitive accuracy compared with deep learning baselines, while providing intuitive and interpretable predictions. We discuss the spatial-temporal and input dependencies for explainable future flow forecasting, showcasing TF-LLM's potential for diverse city prediction tasks. This paper contributes to advancing explainable traffic prediction models and lays a foundation for future exploration of LLM applications in transportation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to use LLM for interpretable prediction of traffic flow.

replace PiSSA: Principal Singular Values and Singular Vectors Adaptation of Large Language Models

Authors: Fanxu Meng, Zhaohui Wang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: As the parameters of LLMs expand, the computational cost of fine-tuning the entire model becomes prohibitive. To address this challenge, we introduce a PEFT method, Principal Singular values and Singular vectors Adaptation (PiSSA), which optimizes a significantly reduced parameter space while achieving or surpassing the performance of full-parameter fine-tuning. PiSSA is inspired by Intrinsic SAID, which suggests that pre-trained, over-parametrized models inhabit a space of low intrinsic dimension. Consequently, PiSSA represents a matrix W within the model by the product of two trainable matrices A and B, plus a residual matrix $W^{res}$ for error correction. SVD is employed to factorize W, and the principal singular values and vectors of W are utilized to initialize A and B. The residual singular values and vectors initialize the residual matrix $W^{res}$, which keeps frozen during fine-tuning. Notably, PiSSA shares the same architecture with LoRA. However, LoRA approximates Delta W through the product of two matrices, A, initialized with Gaussian noise, and B, initialized with zeros, while PiSSA initializes A and B with principal singular values and vectors of the original matrix W. PiSSA can better approximate the outcomes of full-parameter fine-tuning at the beginning by changing the essential parts while freezing the "noisy" parts. In comparison, LoRA freezes the original matrix and updates the "noise". This distinction enables PiSSA to convergence much faster than LoRA and also achieve better performance in the end. Due to the same architecture, PiSSA inherits many of LoRA's advantages, such as parameter efficiency and compatibility with quantization. Leveraging a fast SVD method, the initialization of PiSSA takes only a few seconds, inducing negligible cost of switching LoRA to PiSSA.

replace Integrating Hyperparameter Search into Model-Free AutoML with Context-Free Grammars

Authors: Hern\'an Ceferino V\'azquez, Jorge Sanchez, Rafael Carrascosa

Abstract: Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its ability to reduce the amount of time and expertise required to design and develop machine learning systems. This is very important for the practice of machine learning, as it allows building strong baselines quickly, improving the efficiency of the data scientists, and reducing the time to production. However, despite the advantages of AutoML, it faces several challenges, such as defining the solutions space and exploring it efficiently. Recently, some approaches have been shown to be able to do it using tree-based search algorithms and context-free grammars. In particular, GramML presents a model-free reinforcement learning approach that leverages pipeline configuration grammars and operates using Monte Carlo tree search. However, one of the limitations of GramML is that it uses default hyperparameters, limiting the search problem to finding optimal pipeline structures for the available data preprocessors and models. In this work, we propose an extension to GramML that supports larger search spaces including hyperparameter search. We evaluated the approach using an OpenML benchmark and found significant improvements compared to other state-of-the-art techniques.

replace On the Convergence of Continual Learning with Adaptive Methods

Authors: Seungyub Han, Yeongmo Kim, Taehyun Cho, Jungwoo Lee

Abstract: One of the objectives of continual learning is to prevent catastrophic forgetting in learning multiple tasks sequentially, and the existing solutions have been driven by the conceptualization of the plasticity-stability dilemma. However, the convergence of continual learning for each sequential task is less studied so far. In this paper, we provide a convergence analysis of memory-based continual learning with stochastic gradient descent and empirical evidence that training current tasks causes the cumulative degradation of previous tasks. We propose an adaptive method for nonconvex continual learning (NCCL), which adjusts step sizes of both previous and current tasks with the gradients. The proposed method can achieve the same convergence rate as the SGD method when the catastrophic forgetting term which we define in the paper is suppressed at each iteration. Further, we demonstrate that the proposed algorithm improves the performance of continual learning over existing methods for several image classification tasks.

replace Learning Heuristics for Transit Network Design and Improvement with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Andrew Holliday, Ahmed El-Geneidy, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: Transit agencies world-wide face tightening budgets. To maintain quality of service while cutting costs, efficient transit network design is essential. But planning a network of public transit routes is a challenging optimization problem. The most successful approaches to date use metaheuristic algorithms to search through the space of possible transit networks by applying low-level heuristics that randomly alter routes in a network. The design of these low-level heuristics has a major impact on the quality of the result. In this paper we use deep reinforcement learning with graph neural nets to learn low-level heuristics for an evolutionary algorithm, instead of designing them manually. These learned heuristics improve the algorithm's results on benchmark synthetic cities with 70 nodes or more, and obtain state-of-the-art results when optimizing operating costs. They also improve upon a simulation of the real transit network in the city of Laval, Canada, by as much as 54% and 18% on two key metrics, and offer cost savings of up to 12% over the city's existing transit network.

replace FiP: a Fixed-Point Approach for Causal Generative Modeling

Authors: Meyer Scetbon, Joel Jennings, Agrin Hilmkil, Cheng Zhang, Chao Ma

Abstract: Modeling true world data-generating processes lies at the heart of empirical science. Structural Causal Models (SCMs) and their associated Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) provide an increasingly popular answer to such problems by defining the causal generative process that transforms random noise into observations. However, learning them from observational data poses an ill-posed and NP-hard inverse problem in general. In this work, we propose a new and equivalent formalism that does not require DAGs to describe them, viewed as fixed-point problems on the causally ordered variables, and we show three important cases where they can be uniquely recovered given the topological ordering (TO). To the best of our knowledge, we obtain the weakest conditions for their recovery when TO is known. Based on this, we design a two-stage causal generative model that first infers the causal order from observations in a zero-shot manner, thus by-passing the search, and then learns the generative fixed-point SCM on the ordered variables. To infer TOs from observations, we propose to amortize the learning of TOs on generated datasets by sequentially predicting the leaves of graphs seen during training. To learn fixed-point SCMs, we design a transformer-based architecture that exploits a new attention mechanism enabling the modeling of causal structures, and show that this parameterization is consistent with our formalism. Finally, we conduct an extensive evaluation of each method individually, and show that when combined, our model outperforms various baselines on generated out-of-distribution problems.

replace Asynchronous Federated Reinforcement Learning with Policy Gradient Updates: Algorithm Design and Convergence Analysis

Authors: Guangchen Lan, Dong-Jun Han, Abolfazl Hashemi, Vaneet Aggarwal, Christopher G. Brinton

Abstract: To improve the efficiency of reinforcement learning, we propose a novel asynchronous federated reinforcement learning framework termed AFedPG, which constructs a global model through collaboration among $N$ agents using policy gradient (PG) updates. To handle the challenge of lagged policies in asynchronous settings, we design delay-adaptive lookahead and normalized update techniques that can effectively handle the heterogeneous arrival times of policy gradients. We analyze the theoretical global convergence bound of AFedPG, and characterize the advantage of the proposed algorithm in terms of both the sample complexity and time complexity. Specifically, our AFedPG method achieves $\mathcal{O}(\frac{{\epsilon}^{-2.5}}{N})$ sample complexity at each agent on average. Compared to the single agent setting with $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2.5})$ sample complexity, it enjoys a linear speedup with respect to the number of agents. Moreover, compared to synchronous FedPG, AFedPG improves the time complexity from $\mathcal{O}(\frac{t_{\max}}{N})$ to $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{t_{i}}})$, where $t_{i}$ denotes the time consumption in each iteration at the agent $i$, and $t_{\max}$ is the largest one. The latter complexity $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{t_{i}}})$ is always smaller than the former one, and this improvement becomes significant in large-scale federated settings with heterogeneous computing powers ($t_{\max}\gg t_{\min}$). Finally, we empirically verify the improved performances of AFedPG in three MuJoCo environments with varying numbers of agents. We also demonstrate the improvements with different computing heterogeneity.

replace Differentiable Search for Finding Optimal Quantization Strategy

Authors: Lianqiang Li, Chenqian Yan, Yefei Chen

Abstract: To accelerate and compress deep neural networks (DNNs), many network quantization algorithms have been proposed. Although the quantization strategy of any algorithm from the state-of-the-arts may outperform others in some network architectures, it is hard to prove the strategy is always better than others, and even cannot judge that the strategy is always the best choice for all layers in a network. In other words, existing quantization algorithms are suboptimal as they ignore the different characteristics of different layers and quantize all layers by a uniform quantization strategy. To solve the issue, in this paper, we propose a differentiable quantization strategy search (DQSS) to assign optimal quantization strategy for individual layer by taking advantages of the benefits of different quantization algorithms. Specifically, we formulate DQSS as a differentiable neural architecture search problem and adopt an efficient convolution to efficiently explore the mixed quantization strategies from a global perspective by gradient-based optimization. We conduct DQSS for post-training quantization to enable their performance to be comparable with that in full precision models. We also employ DQSS in quantization-aware training for further validating the effectiveness of DQSS. To circumvent the expensive optimization cost when employing DQSS in quantization-aware training, we update the hyper-parameters and the network parameters in a single forward-backward pass. Besides, we adjust the optimization process to avoid the potential under-fitting problem. Comprehensive experiments on high level computer vision task, i.e., image classification, and low level computer vision task, i.e., image super-resolution, with various network architectures show that DQSS could outperform the state-of-the-arts.

replace Dataset Reset Policy Optimization for RLHF

Authors: Jonathan D. Chang, Wenhao Zhan, Owen Oertell, Kiant\'e Brantley, Dipendra Misra, Jason D. Lee, Wen Sun

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) from Human Preference-based feedback is a popular paradigm for fine-tuning generative models, which has produced impressive models such as GPT-4 and Claude3 Opus. This framework often consists of two steps: learning a reward model from an offline preference dataset followed by running online RL to optimize the learned reward model. In this work, leveraging the idea of reset, we propose a new RLHF algorithm with provable guarantees. Motivated by the fact that offline preference dataset provides informative states (i.e., data that is preferred by the labelers), our new algorithm, Dataset Reset Policy Optimization (DR-PO), integrates the existing offline preference dataset into the online policy training procedure via dataset reset: it directly resets the policy optimizer to the states in the offline dataset, instead of always starting from the initial state distribution. In theory, we show that DR-PO learns to perform at least as good as any policy that is covered by the offline dataset under general function approximation with finite sample complexity. In experiments, we demonstrate that on both the TL;DR summarization and the Anthropic Helpful Harmful (HH) dataset, the generation from DR-PO is better than that from Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) and Direction Preference Optimization (DPO), under the metric of GPT4 win-rate. Code for this work can be found at


replace-cross Stochastic Normalized Gradient Descent with Momentum for Large-Batch Training

Authors: Shen-Yi Zhao, Chang-Wei Shi, Yin-Peng Xie, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Stochastic gradient descent~(SGD) and its variants have been the dominating optimization methods in machine learning. Compared to SGD with small-batch training, SGD with large-batch training can better utilize the computational power of current multi-core systems such as graphics processing units~(GPUs) and can reduce the number of communication rounds in distributed training settings. Thus, SGD with large-batch training has attracted considerable attention. However, existing empirical results showed that large-batch training typically leads to a drop in generalization accuracy. Hence, how to guarantee the generalization ability in large-batch training becomes a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method, called stochastic normalized gradient descent with momentum~(SNGM), for large-batch training. We prove that with the same number of gradient computations, SNGM can adopt a larger batch size than momentum SGD~(MSGD), which is one of the most widely used variants of SGD, to converge to an $\epsilon$-stationary point. Empirical results on deep learning verify that when adopting the same large batch size, SNGM can achieve better test accuracy than MSGD and other state-of-the-art large-batch training methods.

replace-cross Diversity-Preserving K-Armed Bandits, Revisited

Authors: H\'edi Hadiji (L2S), S\'ebastien Gerchinovitz (IMT), Jean-Michel Loubes (IMT), Gilles Stoltz (CELESTE, LMO)

Abstract: We consider the bandit-based framework for diversity-preserving recommendations introduced by Celis et al. (2019), who approached it in the case of a polytope mainly by a reduction to the setting of linear bandits. We design a UCB algorithm using the specific structure of the setting and show that it enjoys a bounded distribution-dependent regret in the natural cases when the optimal mixed actions put some probability mass on all actions (i.e., when diversity is desirable). The regret lower bounds provided show that otherwise, at least when the model is mean-unbounded, a regret is suffered. We also discuss an example beyond the special case of polytopes.

replace-cross View selection in multi-view stacking: Choosing the meta-learner

Authors: Wouter van Loon, Marjolein Fokkema, Botond Szabo, Mark de Rooij

Abstract: Multi-view stacking is a framework for combining information from different views (i.e. different feature sets) describing the same set of objects. In this framework, a base-learner algorithm is trained on each view separately, and their predictions are then combined by a meta-learner algorithm. In a previous study, stacked penalized logistic regression, a special case of multi-view stacking, has been shown to be useful in identifying which views are most important for prediction. In this article we expand this research by considering seven different algorithms to use as the meta-learner, and evaluating their view selection and classification performance in simulations and two applications on real gene-expression data sets. Our results suggest that if both view selection and classification accuracy are important to the research at hand, then the nonnegative lasso, nonnegative adaptive lasso and nonnegative elastic net are suitable meta-learners. Exactly which among these three is to be preferred depends on the research context. The remaining four meta-learners, namely nonnegative ridge regression, nonnegative forward selection, stability selection and the interpolating predictor, show little advantages in order to be preferred over the other three.

replace-cross Quantum Machine Learning with HQC Architectures using non-Classically Simulable Feature Maps

Authors: Syed Farhan Ahmad, Raghav Rawat, Minal Moharir

Abstract: Hybrid Quantum-Classical (HQC) Architectures are used in near-term NISQ Quantum Computers for solving Quantum Machine Learning problems. The quantum advantage comes into picture due to the exponential speedup offered over classical computing. One of the major challenges in implementing such algorithms is the choice of quantum embeddings and the use of a functionally correct quantum variational circuit. In this paper, we present an application of QSVM (Quantum Support Vector Machines) to predict if a person will require mental health treatment in the tech world in the future using the dataset from OSMI Mental Health Tech Surveys. We achieve this with non-classically simulable feature maps and prove that NISQ HQC Architectures for Quantum Machine Learning can be used alternatively to create good performance models in near-term real-world applications.

replace-cross BERT-like Pre-training for Symbolic Piano Music Classification Tasks

Authors: Yi-Hui Chou, I-Chun Chen, Chin-Jui Chang, Joann Ching, Yi-Hsuan Yang

Abstract: This article presents a benchmark study of symbolic piano music classification using the masked language modelling approach of the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT). Specifically, we consider two types of MIDI data: MIDI scores, which are musical scores rendered directly into MIDI with no dynamics and precisely aligned with the metrical grid notated by its composer and MIDI performances, which are MIDI encodings of human performances of musical scoresheets. With five public-domain datasets of single-track piano MIDI files, we pre-train two 12-layer Transformer models using the BERT approach, one for MIDI scores and the other for MIDI performances, and fine-tune them for four downstream classification tasks. These include two note-level classification tasks (melody extraction and velocity prediction) and two sequence-level classification tasks (style classification and emotion classification). Our evaluation shows that the BERT approach leads to higher classification accuracy than recurrent neural network (RNN)-based baselines.

replace-cross Scalable Spatiotemporally Varying Coefficient Modelling with Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression

Authors: Mengying Lei, Aurelie Labbe, Lijun Sun

Abstract: As a regression technique in spatial statistics, the spatiotemporally varying coefficient model (STVC) is an important tool for discovering nonstationary and interpretable response-covariate associations over both space and time. However, it is difficult to apply STVC for large-scale spatiotemporal analyses due to its high computational cost. To address this challenge, we summarize the spatiotemporally varying coefficients using a third-order tensor structure and propose to reformulate the spatiotemporally varying coefficient model as a special low-rank tensor regression problem. The low-rank decomposition can effectively model the global patterns of large data sets with a substantially reduced number of parameters. To further incorporate the local spatiotemporal dependencies, we use Gaussian process (GP) priors on the spatial and temporal factor matrices. We refer to the overall framework as Bayesian Kernelized Tensor Regression (BKTR), and kernelized tensor factorization can be considered a new and scalable approach to modeling multivariate spatiotemporal processes with a low-rank covariance structure. For model inference, we develop an efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, which uses Gibbs sampling to update factor matrices and slice sampling to update kernel hyperparameters. We conduct extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data sets, and our results confirm the superior performance and efficiency of BKTR for model estimation and parameter inference.

replace-cross Universal Inference Meets Random Projections: A Scalable Test for Log-concavity

Authors: Robin Dunn, Aditya Gangrade, Larry Wasserman, Aaditya Ramdas

Abstract: Shape constraints yield flexible middle grounds between fully nonparametric and fully parametric approaches to modeling distributions of data. The specific assumption of log-concavity is motivated by applications across economics, survival modeling, and reliability theory. However, there do not currently exist valid tests for whether the underlying density of given data is log-concave. The recent universal inference methodology provides a valid test. The universal test relies on maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), and efficient methods already exist for finding the log-concave MLE. This yields the first test of log-concavity that is provably valid in finite samples in any dimension, for which we also establish asymptotic consistency results. Empirically, we find that a random projections approach that converts the d-dimensional testing problem into many one-dimensional problems can yield high power, leading to a simple procedure that is statistically and computationally efficient.

replace-cross Suboptimal Performance of the Bayes Optimal Algorithm in Frequentist Best Arm Identification

Authors: Junpei Komiyama

Abstract: We consider the fixed-budget best arm identification problem with rewards following normal distributions. In this problem, the forecaster is given $K$ arms (or treatments) and $T$ time steps. The forecaster attempts to find the arm with the largest mean, via an adaptive experiment conducted using an algorithm. The algorithm's performance is evaluated by simple regret, reflecting the quality of the estimated best arm. While frequentist simple regret can decrease exponentially with respect to $T$, Bayesian simple regret decreases polynomially. This paper demonstrates that the Bayes optimal algorithm, which minimizes the Bayesian simple regret, does not yield an exponential decrease in simple regret under certain parameter settings. This contrasts with the numerous findings that suggest the asymptotic equivalence of Bayesian and frequentist approaches in fixed sampling regimes. Although the Bayes optimal algorithm is formulated as a recursive equation that is virtually impossible to compute exactly, we lay the groundwork for future research by introducing a novel concept termed the expected Bellman improvement.

replace-cross Adversarial Patterns: Building Robust Android Malware Classifiers

Authors: Dipkamal Bhusal, Nidhi Rastogi

Abstract: Machine learning models are increasingly being adopted across various fields, such as medicine, business, autonomous vehicles, and cybersecurity, to analyze vast amounts of data, detect patterns, and make predictions or recommendations. In the field of cybersecurity, these models have made significant improvements in malware detection. However, despite their ability to understand complex patterns from unstructured data, these models are susceptible to adversarial attacks that perform slight modifications in malware samples, leading to misclassification from malignant to benign. Numerous defense approaches have been proposed to either detect such adversarial attacks or improve model robustness. These approaches have resulted in a multitude of attack and defense techniques and the emergence of a field known as `adversarial machine learning.' In this survey paper, we provide a comprehensive review of adversarial machine learning in the context of Android malware classifiers. Android is the most widely used operating system globally and is an easy target for malicious agents. The paper first presents an extensive background on Android malware classifiers, followed by an examination of the latest advancements in adversarial attacks and defenses. Finally, the paper provides guidelines for designing robust malware classifiers and outlines research directions for the future.

replace-cross Statistical Inference of Constrained Stochastic Optimization via Sketched Sequential Quadratic Programming

Authors: Sen Na, Michael W. Mahoney

Abstract: We consider online statistical inference of constrained stochastic nonlinear optimization problems. We apply the Stochastic Sequential Quadratic Programming (StoSQP) method to solve these problems, which can be regarded as applying second-order Newton's method to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. In each iteration, the StoSQP method computes the Newton direction by solving a quadratic program, and then selects a proper adaptive stepsize $\bar{\alpha}_t$ to update the primal-dual iterate. To reduce dominant computational cost of the method, we inexactly solve the quadratic program in each iteration by employing an iterative sketching solver. Notably, the approximation error of the sketching solver need not vanish as iterations proceed, meaning that the per-iteration computational cost does not blow up. For the above StoSQP method, we show that under mild assumptions, the rescaled primal-dual sequence $1/\sqrt{\bar{\alpha}_t}\cdot (x_t - x^\star, \lambda_t - \lambda^\star)$ converges to a mean-zero Gaussian distribution with a nontrivial covariance matrix depending on the underlying sketching distribution. To perform inference in practice, we also analyze a plug-in covariance matrix estimator. We illustrate the asymptotic normality result of the method both on benchmark nonlinear problems in CUTEst test set and on linearly/nonlinearly constrained regression problems.

replace-cross Exponential concentration in quantum kernel methods

Authors: Supanut Thanasilp, Samson Wang, M. Cerezo, Zo\"e Holmes

Abstract: Kernel methods in Quantum Machine Learning (QML) have recently gained significant attention as a potential candidate for achieving a quantum advantage in data analysis. Among other attractive properties, when training a kernel-based model one is guaranteed to find the optimal model's parameters due to the convexity of the training landscape. However, this is based on the assumption that the quantum kernel can be efficiently obtained from quantum hardware. In this work we study the performance of quantum kernel models from the perspective of the resources needed to accurately estimate kernel values. We show that, under certain conditions, values of quantum kernels over different input data can be exponentially concentrated (in the number of qubits) towards some fixed value. Thus on training with a polynomial number of measurements, one ends up with a trivial model where the predictions on unseen inputs are independent of the input data. We identify four sources that can lead to concentration including: expressivity of data embedding, global measurements, entanglement and noise. For each source, an associated concentration bound of quantum kernels is analytically derived. Lastly, we show that when dealing with classical data, training a parametrized data embedding with a kernel alignment method is also susceptible to exponential concentration. Our results are verified through numerical simulations for several QML tasks. Altogether, we provide guidelines indicating that certain features should be avoided to ensure the efficient evaluation of quantum kernels and so the performance of quantum kernel methods.

replace-cross Learning Decentralized Linear Quadratic Regulator with $\sqrt{T}$ Regret

Authors: Lintao Ye, Ming Chi, Ruiquan Liao, Vijay Gupta

Abstract: We propose an online learning algorithm that adaptively designs a decentralized linear quadratic regulator when the system model is unknown a priori and new data samples from a single system trajectory become progressively available. The algorithm uses a disturbance-feedback representation of state-feedback controllers coupled with online convex optimization with memory and delayed feedback. Under the assumption that the system is stable or given a known stabilizing controller, we show that our controller enjoys an expected regret that scales as $\sqrt{T}$ with the time horizon $T$ for the case of partially nested information pattern. For more general information patterns, the optimal controller is unknown even if the system model is known. In this case, the regret of our controller is shown with respect to a linear sub-optimal controller. We validate our theoretical findings using numerical experiments.

replace-cross Penalized Overdamped and Underdamped Langevin Monte Carlo Algorithms for Constrained Sampling

Authors: Mert G\"urb\"uzbalaban, Yuanhan Hu, Lingjiong Zhu

Abstract: We consider the constrained sampling problem where the goal is to sample from a target distribution $\pi(x)\propto e^{-f(x)}$ when $x$ is constrained to lie on a convex body $\mathcal{C}$. Motivated by penalty methods from continuous optimization, we propose penalized Langevin Dynamics (PLD) and penalized underdamped Langevin Monte Carlo (PULMC) methods that convert the constrained sampling problem into an unconstrained sampling problem by introducing a penalty function for constraint violations. When $f$ is smooth and gradients are available, we get $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{10})$ iteration complexity for PLD to sample the target up to an $\varepsilon$-error where the error is measured in the TV distance and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\cdot)$ hides logarithmic factors. For PULMC, we improve the result to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{7})$ when the Hessian of $f$ is Lipschitz and the boundary of $\mathcal{C}$ is sufficiently smooth. To our knowledge, these are the first convergence results for underdamped Langevin Monte Carlo methods in the constrained sampling that handle non-convex $f$ and provide guarantees with the best dimension dependency among existing methods with deterministic gradient. If unbiased stochastic estimates of the gradient of $f$ are available, we propose PSGLD and PSGULMC methods that can handle stochastic gradients and are scaleable to large datasets without requiring Metropolis-Hasting correction steps. For PSGLD and PSGULMC, when $f$ is strongly convex and smooth, we obtain $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d/\varepsilon^{18})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\sqrt{d}/\varepsilon^{39})$ iteration complexity in W2 distance. When $f$ is smooth and can be non-convex, we provide finite-time performance bounds and iteration complexity results. Finally, we illustrate the performance on Bayesian LASSO regression and Bayesian constrained deep learning problems.

replace-cross Causality-Aware Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations

Authors: Martina Cinquini, Riccardo Guidotti

Abstract: A main drawback of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) approaches is the feature independence assumption, hindering the study of potential variable dependencies. This leads to approximating black box behaviors by analyzing the effects on randomly generated feature values that may rarely occur in the original samples. This paper addresses this issue by integrating causal knowledge in an XAI method to enhance transparency and enable users to assess the quality of the generated explanations. Specifically, we propose a novel extension to a widely used local and model-agnostic explainer, which encodes explicit causal relationships within the data surrounding the instance being explained. Extensive experiments show that our approach overcomes the original method in terms of faithfully replicating the black-box model's mechanism and the consistency and reliability of the generated explanations.

replace-cross When are Lemons Purple? The Concept Association Bias of Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yutaro Yamada, Yingtian Tang, Yoyo Zhang, Ilker Yildirim

Abstract: Large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP have shown impressive performance on zero-shot image classification and image-to-text retrieval. However, such performance does not realize in tasks that require a finer-grained correspondence between vision and language, such as Visual Question Answering (VQA). As a potential cause of the difficulty of applying these models to VQA and similar tasks, we report an interesting phenomenon of vision-language models, which we call the Concept Association Bias (CAB). We find that models with CAB tend to treat input as a bag of concepts and attempt to fill in the other missing concept crossmodally, leading to an unexpected zero-shot prediction. We demonstrate CAB by showing that CLIP's zero-shot classification performance greatly suffers when there is a strong concept association between an object (e.g. eggplant) and an attribute (e.g. color purple). We also show that the strength of CAB predicts the performance on VQA. We observe that CAB is prevalent in vision-language models trained with contrastive losses, even when autoregressive losses are jointly employed. However, a model that solely relies on autoregressive loss seems to exhibit minimal or no signs of CAB.

replace-cross Autothrottle: A Practical Bi-Level Approach to Resource Management for SLO-Targeted Microservices

Authors: Zibo Wang, Pinghe Li, Chieh-Jan Mike Liang, Feng Wu, Francis Y. Yan

Abstract: Achieving resource efficiency while preserving end-user experience is non-trivial for cloud application operators. As cloud applications progressively adopt microservices, resource managers are faced with two distinct levels of system behavior: end-to-end application latency and per-service resource usage. Translating between the two levels, however, is challenging because user requests traverse heterogeneous services that collectively (but unevenly) contribute to the end-to-end latency. We present Autothrottle, a bi-level resource management framework for microservices with latency SLOs (service-level objectives). It architecturally decouples application SLO feedback from service resource control, and bridges them through the notion of performance targets. Specifically, an application-wide learning-based controller is employed to periodically set performance targets -- expressed as CPU throttle ratios -- for per-service heuristic controllers to attain. We evaluate Autothrottle on three microservice applications, with workload traces from production scenarios. Results show superior CPU savings, up to 26.21% over the best-performing baseline and up to 93.84% over all baselines.

replace-cross Toward an AI-enabled Connected Industry: AGV Communication and Sensor Measurement Datasets

Authors: Rodrigo Hernang\'omez, Alexandros Palaios, Cara Watermann, Daniel Sch\"aufele, Philipp Geuer, Rafail Ismayilov, Mohammad Parvini, Anton Krause, Martin Kasparick, Thomas Neugebauer, Oscar D. Ramos-Cantor, Hugues Tchouankem, Jose Leon Calvo, Bo Chen, Gerhard Fettweis, S{\l}awomir Sta\'nczak

Abstract: This paper presents two wireless measurement campaigns in industrial testbeds: industrial Vehicle-to-vehicle (iV2V) and industrial Vehicle-to-infrastructure plus Sensor (iV2I+), together with detailed information about the two captured datasets. iV2V covers sidelink communication scenarios between Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs), while iV2I+ is conducted at an industrial setting where an autonomous cleaning robot is connected to a private cellular network. The combination of different communication technologies within a common measurement methodology provides insights that can be exploited by Machine Learning (ML) for tasks such as fingerprinting, line-of-sight detection, prediction of quality of service or link selection. Moreover, the datasets are publicly available, labelled and prefiltered for fast on-boarding and applicability.

replace-cross Less is More: Understanding Word-level Textual Adversarial Attack via n-gram Frequency Descend

Authors: Ning Lu, Shengcai Liu, Zhirui Zhang, Qi Wang, Haifeng Liu, Ke Tang

Abstract: Word-level textual adversarial attacks have demonstrated notable efficacy in misleading Natural Language Processing (NLP) models. Despite their success, the underlying reasons for their effectiveness and the fundamental characteristics of adversarial examples (AEs) remain obscure. This work aims to interpret word-level attacks by examining their $n$-gram frequency patterns. Our comprehensive experiments reveal that in approximately 90\% of cases, word-level attacks lead to the generation of examples where the frequency of $n$-grams decreases, a tendency we term as the $n$-gram Frequency Descend ($n$-FD). This finding suggests a straightforward strategy to enhance model robustness: training models using examples with $n$-FD. To examine the feasibility of this strategy, we employed the $n$-gram frequency information, as an alternative to conventional loss gradients, to generate perturbed examples in adversarial training. The experiment results indicate that the frequency-based approach performs comparably with the gradient-based approach in improving model robustness. Our research offers a novel and more intuitive perspective for understanding word-level textual adversarial attacks and proposes a new direction to improve model robustness.

replace-cross Prompt Stealing Attacks Against Text-to-Image Generation Models

Authors: Xinyue Shen, Yiting Qu, Michael Backes, Yang Zhang

Abstract: Text-to-Image generation models have revolutionized the artwork design process and enabled anyone to create high-quality images by entering text descriptions called prompts. Creating a high-quality prompt that consists of a subject and several modifiers can be time-consuming and costly. In consequence, a trend of trading high-quality prompts on specialized marketplaces has emerged. In this paper, we perform the first study on understanding the threat of a novel attack, namely prompt stealing attack, which aims to steal prompts from generated images by text-to-image generation models. Successful prompt stealing attacks directly violate the intellectual property of prompt engineers and jeopardize the business model of prompt marketplaces. We first perform a systematic analysis on a dataset collected by ourselves and show that a successful prompt stealing attack should consider a prompt's subject as well as its modifiers. Based on this observation, we propose a simple yet effective prompt stealing attack, PromptStealer. It consists of two modules: a subject generator trained to infer the subject and a modifier detector for identifying the modifiers within the generated image. Experimental results demonstrate that PromptStealer is superior over three baseline methods, both quantitatively and qualitatively. We also make some initial attempts to defend PromptStealer. In general, our study uncovers a new attack vector within the ecosystem established by the popular text-to-image generation models. We hope our results can contribute to understanding and mitigating this emerging threat.

replace-cross Exploration of the search space of Gaussian graphical models for paired data

Authors: Alberto Roverato, Dung Ngoc Nguyen

Abstract: We consider the problem of learning a Gaussian graphical model in the case where the observations come from two dependent groups sharing the same variables. We focus on a family of coloured Gaussian graphical models specifically suited for the paired data problem. Commonly, graphical models are ordered by the submodel relationship so that the search space is a lattice, called the model inclusion lattice. We introduce a novel order between models, named the twin order. We show that, embedded with this order, the model space is a lattice that, unlike the model inclusion lattice, is distributive. Furthermore, we provide the relevant rules for the computation of the neighbours of a model. The latter are more efficient than the same operations in the model inclusion lattice, and are then exploited to achieve a more efficient exploration of the search space. These results can be applied to improve the efficiency of both greedy and Bayesian model search procedures. Here we implement a stepwise backward elimination procedure and evaluate its performance by means of simulations. Finally, the procedure is applied to learn a brain network from fMRI data where the two groups correspond to the left and right hemispheres, respectively.

replace-cross Abstractors and relational cross-attention: An inductive bias for explicit relational reasoning in Transformers

Authors: Awni Altabaa, Taylor Webb, Jonathan Cohen, John Lafferty

Abstract: An extension of Transformers is proposed that enables explicit relational reasoning through a novel module called the Abstractor. At the core of the Abstractor is a variant of attention called relational cross-attention. The approach is motivated by an architectural inductive bias for relational learning that disentangles relational information from object-level features. This enables explicit relational reasoning, supporting abstraction and generalization from limited data. The Abstractor is first evaluated on simple discriminative relational tasks and compared to existing relational architectures. Next, the Abstractor is evaluated on purely relational sequence-to-sequence tasks, where dramatic improvements are seen in sample efficiency compared to standard Transformers. Finally, Abstractors are evaluated on a collection of tasks based on mathematical problem solving, where consistent improvements in performance and sample efficiency are observed.

replace-cross Domain Generalization for Crop Segmentation with Standardized Ensemble Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Simone Angarano, Mauro Martini, Alessandro Navone, Marcello Chiaberge

Abstract: In recent years, precision agriculture has gradually oriented farming closer to automation processes to support all the activities related to field management. Service robotics plays a predominant role in this evolution by deploying autonomous agents that can navigate fields while performing tasks such as monitoring, spraying, and harvesting without human intervention. To execute these precise actions, mobile robots need a real-time perception system that understands their surroundings and identifies their targets in the wild. Existing methods, however, often fall short in generalizing to new crops and environmental conditions. This limit is critical for practical applications where labeled samples are rarely available. In this paper, we investigate the problem of crop segmentation and propose a novel approach to enhance domain generalization using knowledge distillation. In the proposed framework, we transfer knowledge from a standardized ensemble of models individually trained on source domains to a student model that can adapt to unseen realistic scenarios. To support the proposed method, we present a synthetic multi-domain dataset for crop segmentation containing plants of variegate species and covering different terrain styles, weather conditions, and light scenarios for more than 70,000 samples. We demonstrate significant improvements in performance over state-of-the-art methods and superior sim-to-real generalization. Our approach provides a promising solution for domain generalization in crop segmentation and has the potential to enhance a wide variety of agriculture applications.

replace-cross Visual Tuning

Authors: Bruce X. B. Yu, Jianlong Chang, Haixin Wang, Lingbo Liu, Shijie Wang, Zhiyu Wang, Junfan Lin, Lingxi Xie, Haojie Li, Zhouchen Lin, Qi Tian, Chang Wen Chen

Abstract: Fine-tuning visual models has been widely shown promising performance on many downstream visual tasks. With the surprising development of pre-trained visual foundation models, visual tuning jumped out of the standard modus operandi that fine-tunes the whole pre-trained model or just the fully connected layer. Instead, recent advances can achieve superior performance than full-tuning the whole pre-trained parameters by updating far fewer parameters, enabling edge devices and downstream applications to reuse the increasingly large foundation models deployed on the cloud. With the aim of helping researchers get the full picture and future directions of visual tuning, this survey characterizes a large and thoughtful selection of recent works, providing a systematic and comprehensive overview of existing work and models. Specifically, it provides a detailed background of visual tuning and categorizes recent visual tuning techniques into five groups: prompt tuning, adapter tuning, parameter tuning, and remapping tuning. Meanwhile, it offers some exciting research directions for prospective pre-training and various interactions in visual tuning.

replace-cross Statistically Optimal K-means Clustering via Nonnegative Low-rank Semidefinite Programming

Authors: Yubo Zhuang, Xiaohui Chen, Yun Yang, Richard Y. Zhang

Abstract: $K$-means clustering is a widely used machine learning method for identifying patterns in large datasets. Recently, semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxations have been proposed for solving the $K$-means optimization problem, which enjoy strong statistical optimality guarantees. However, the prohibitive cost of implementing an SDP solver renders these guarantees inaccessible to practical datasets. In contrast, nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF) is a simple clustering algorithm widely used by machine learning practitioners, but it lacks a solid statistical underpinning and theoretical guarantees. In this paper, we consider an NMF-like algorithm that solves a nonnegative low-rank restriction of the SDP-relaxed $K$-means formulation using a nonconvex Burer--Monteiro factorization approach. The resulting algorithm is as simple and scalable as state-of-the-art NMF algorithms while also enjoying the same strong statistical optimality guarantees as the SDP. In our experiments, we observe that our algorithm achieves significantly smaller mis-clustering errors compared to the existing state-of-the-art while maintaining scalability.

replace-cross Hiding in Plain Sight: Disguising Data Stealing Attacks in Federated Learning

Authors: Kostadin Garov, Dimitar I. Dimitrov, Nikola Jovanovi\'c, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Malicious server (MS) attacks have enabled the scaling of data stealing in federated learning to large batch sizes and secure aggregation, settings previously considered private. However, many concerns regarding the client-side detectability of MS attacks were raised, questioning their practicality. In this work, for the first time, we thoroughly study client-side detectability. We first demonstrate that all prior MS attacks are detectable by principled checks, and formulate a necessary set of requirements that a practical MS attack must satisfy. Next, we propose SEER, a novel attack framework that satisfies these requirements. The key insight of SEER is the use of a secret decoder, jointly trained with the shared model. We show that SEER can steal user data from gradients of realistic networks, even for large batch sizes of up to 512 and under secure aggregation. Our work is a promising step towards assessing the true vulnerability of federated learning in real-world settings.

replace-cross Transferring Annotator- and Instance-dependent Transition Matrix for Learning from Crowds

Authors: Shikun Li, Xiaobo Xia, Jiankang Deng, Shiming Ge, Tongliang Liu

Abstract: Learning from crowds describes that the annotations of training data are obtained with crowd-sourcing services. Multiple annotators each complete their own small part of the annotations, where labeling mistakes that depend on annotators occur frequently. Modeling the label-noise generation process by the noise transition matrix is a power tool to tackle the label noise. In real-world crowd-sourcing scenarios, noise transition matrices are both annotator- and instance-dependent. However, due to the high complexity of annotator- and instance-dependent transition matrices (AIDTM), annotation sparsity, which means each annotator only labels a little part of instances, makes modeling AIDTM very challenging. Prior works simplify the problem by assuming the transition matrix is instance-independent or using simple parametric ways, which lose modeling generality. Motivated by this, we target a more realistic problem, estimating general AIDTM in practice. Without losing modeling generality, we parameterize AIDTM with deep neural networks. To alleviate the modeling challenge, we suppose every annotator shares its noise pattern with similar annotators, and estimate AIDTM via knowledge transfer. We hence first model the mixture of noise patterns by all annotators, and then transfer this modeling to individual annotators. Furthermore, considering that the transfer from the mixture of noise patterns to individuals may cause two annotators with highly different noise generations to perturb each other, we employ the knowledge transfer between identified neighboring annotators to calibrate the modeling. Theoretical analyses are derived to demonstrate that both the knowledge transfer from global to individuals and the knowledge transfer between neighboring individuals can help model general AIDTM. Experiments confirm the superiority of the proposed approach on synthetic and real-world crowd-sourcing data.

replace-cross A probabilistic, data-driven closure model for RANS simulations with aleatoric, model uncertainty

Authors: Atul Agrawal, Phaedon-Stelios Koutsourelakis

Abstract: We propose a data-driven, closure model for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulations that incorporates aleatoric, model uncertainty. The proposed closure consists of two parts. A parametric one, which utilizes previously proposed, neural-network-based tensor basis functions dependent on the rate of strain and rotation tensor invariants. This is complemented by latent, random variables which account for aleatoric model errors. A fully Bayesian formulation is proposed, combined with a sparsity-inducing prior in order to identify regions in the problem domain where the parametric closure is insufficient and where stochastic corrections to the Reynolds stress tensor are needed. Training is performed using sparse, indirect data, such as mean velocities and pressures, in contrast to the majority of alternatives that require direct Reynolds stress data. For inference and learning, a Stochastic Variational Inference scheme is employed, which is based on Monte Carlo estimates of the pertinent objective in conjunction with the reparametrization trick. This necessitates derivatives of the output of the RANS solver, for which we developed an adjoint-based formulation. In this manner, the parametric sensitivities from the differentiable solver can be combined with the built-in, automatic differentiation capability of the neural network library in order to enable an end-to-end differentiable framework. We demonstrate the capability of the proposed model to produce accurate, probabilistic, predictive estimates for all flow quantities, even in regions where model errors are present, on a separated flow in the backward-facing step benchmark problem.

replace-cross Accelerated Optimization Landscape of Linear-Quadratic Regulator

Authors: Lechen Feng, Yuan-Hua Ni

Abstract: Linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) is a landmark problem in the field of optimal control, which is the concern of this paper. Generally, LQR is classified into state-feedback LQR (SLQR) and output-feedback LQR (OLQR) based on whether the full state is obtained. It has been suggested in existing literature that both SLQR and OLQR could be viewed as \textit{constrained nonconvex matrix optimization} problems in which the only variable to be optimized is the feedback gain matrix. In this paper, we introduce a first-order accelerated optimization framework of handling the LQR problem, and give its convergence analysis for the cases of SLQR and OLQR, respectively. Specifically, a Lipschiz Hessian property of LQR performance criterion is presented, which turns out to be a crucial property for the application of modern optimization techniques. For the SLQR problem, a continuous-time hybrid dynamic system is introduced, whose solution trajectory is shown to converge exponentially to the optimal feedback gain with Nesterov-optimal order $1-\frac{1}{\sqrt{\kappa}}$ ($\kappa$ the condition number). Then, the symplectic Euler scheme is utilized to discretize the hybrid dynamic system, and a Nesterov-type method with a restarting rule is proposed that preserves the continuous-time convergence rate, i.e., the discretized algorithm admits the Nesterov-optimal convergence order. For the OLQR problem, a Hessian-free accelerated framework is proposed, which is a two-procedure method consisting of semiconvex function optimization and negative curvature exploitation. In a time $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-7/4}\log(1/\epsilon))$, the method can find an $\epsilon$-stationary point of the performance criterion; this entails that the method improves upon the $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$ complexity of vanilla gradient descent. Moreover, our method provides the second-order guarantee of stationary point.

replace-cross Graph Convolutional Networks for Simulating Multi-phase Flow and Transport in Porous Media

Authors: Jiamin Jiang, Bo Guo

Abstract: Numerical simulation of multi-phase fluid dynamics in porous media is critical for many energy and environmental applications in Earth's subsurface. Data-driven surrogate modeling provides computationally inexpensive alternatives to high-fidelity numerical simulators. While the commonly used convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are powerful in approximating partial differential equation solutions, it remains challenging for CNNs to handle irregular and unstructured simulation meshes. However, simulation models for Earth's subsurface often involve unstructured meshes with complex mesh geometries, which limits the application of CNNs. To address this challenge, we construct surrogate models based on Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) to approximate the spatial-temporal solutions of multi-phase flow and transport processes in porous media. We propose a new GCN architecture suited to the hyperbolic character of the coupled PDE system, to better capture transport dynamics. Results of 2D heterogeneous test cases show that our surrogates predict the evolutions of pressure and saturation states with high accuracy, and the predicted rollouts remain stable for multiple timesteps. Moreover, the GCN-based models generalize well to irregular domain geometries and unstructured meshes that are unseen in the training dataset.

replace-cross An Algorithm with Optimal Dimension-Dependence for Zero-Order Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization

Authors: Guy Kornowski, Ohad Shamir

Abstract: We study the complexity of producing $(\delta,\epsilon)$-stationary points of Lipschitz objectives which are possibly neither smooth nor convex, using only noisy function evaluations. Recent works proposed several stochastic zero-order algorithms that solve this task, all of which suffer from a dimension-dependence of $\Omega(d^{3/2})$ where $d$ is the dimension of the problem, which was conjectured to be optimal. We refute this conjecture by providing a faster algorithm that has complexity $O(d\delta^{-1}\epsilon^{-3})$, which is optimal (up to numerical constants) with respect to $d$ and also optimal with respect to the accuracy parameters $\delta,\epsilon$, thus solving an open question due to Lin et al. (NeurIPS'22). Moreover, the convergence rate achieved by our algorithm is also optimal for smooth objectives, proving that in the nonconvex stochastic zero-order setting, nonsmooth optimization is as easy as smooth optimization. We provide algorithms that achieve the aforementioned convergence rate in expectation as well as with high probability. Our analysis is based on a simple yet powerful lemma regarding the Goldstein-subdifferential set, which allows utilizing recent advancements in first-order nonsmooth nonconvex optimization.

replace-cross Backdoor Federated Learning by Poisoning Backdoor-Critical Layers

Authors: Haomin Zhuang, Mingxian Yu, Hao Wang, Yang Hua, Jian Li, Xu Yuan

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has been widely deployed to enable machine learning training on sensitive data across distributed devices. However, the decentralized learning paradigm and heterogeneity of FL further extend the attack surface for backdoor attacks. Existing FL attack and defense methodologies typically focus on the whole model. None of them recognizes the existence of backdoor-critical (BC) layers-a small subset of layers that dominate the model vulnerabilities. Attacking the BC layers achieves equivalent effects as attacking the whole model but at a far smaller chance of being detected by state-of-the-art (SOTA) defenses. This paper proposes a general in-situ approach that identifies and verifies BC layers from the perspective of attackers. Based on the identified BC layers, we carefully craft a new backdoor attack methodology that adaptively seeks a fundamental balance between attacking effects and stealthiness under various defense strategies. Extensive experiments show that our BC layer-aware backdoor attacks can successfully backdoor FL under seven SOTA defenses with only 10% malicious clients and outperform the latest backdoor attack methods.

replace-cross LadleNet: A Two-Stage UNet for Infrared Image to Visible Image Translation Guided by Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Tonghui Zou, Lei Chen

Abstract: The translation of thermal infrared (TIR) images into visible light (VI) images plays a critical role in enhancing model performance and generalization capability, particularly in various fields such as registration and fusion of TIR and VI images. However, current research in this field faces challenges of insufficiently realistic image quality after translation and the difficulty of existing models in adapting to unseen scenarios. In order to develop a more generalizable image translation architecture, we conducted an analysis of existing translation architectures. By exploring the interpretability of intermediate modalities in existing translation architectures, we found that the intermediate modality in the image translation process for street scene images essentially performs semantic segmentation, distinguishing street images based on background and foreground patterns before assigning color information. Based on these principles, we propose an improved algorithm based on U-net called LadleNet. This network utilizes a two-stage U-net concatenation structure, consisting of Handle and Bowl modules. The Handle module is responsible for constructing an abstract semantic space, while the Bowl module decodes the semantic space to obtain the mapped VI image. Due to the characteristic of semantic segmentation, the Handle module has strong extensibility. Therefore, we also propose LadleNet+, which replaces the Handle module in LadleNet with a pre-trained DeepLabv3+ network, enabling the model to have a more powerful capability in constructing semantic space. The proposed methods were trained and tested on the KAIST dataset, followed by quantitative and qualitative analysis. Compared to existing methods, LadleNet and LadleNet+ achieved an average improvement of 12.4% and 15.2% in SSIM metrics, and 37.9% and 50.6% in MS-SSIM metrics, respectively.

replace-cross Large Transformers are Better EEG Learners

Authors: Bingxin Wang, Xiaowen Fu, Yuan Lan, Luchan Zhang, Wei Zheng, Yang Xiang

Abstract: Pre-trained large transformer models have achieved remarkable performance in the fields of natural language processing and computer vision. However, the limited availability of public electroencephalogram (EEG) data presents a unique challenge for extending the success of these models to EEG-based tasks. To address this gap, we propose AdaCT, plug-and-play Adapters designed for Converting Time series data into spatio-temporal 2D pseudo-images or text forms. Essentially, AdaCT-I transforms multi-channel or lengthy single-channel time series data into spatio-temporal 2D pseudo-images for fine-tuning pre-trained vision transformers, while AdaCT-T converts short single-channel data into text for fine-tuning pre-trained language transformers. The proposed approach allows for seamless integration of pre-trained vision models and language models in time series decoding tasks, particularly in EEG data analysis. Experimental results on diverse benchmark datasets, including Epileptic Seizure Recognition, Sleep-EDF, and UCI HAR, demonstrate the superiority of AdaCT over baseline methods. Overall, we provide a promising transfer learning framework for leveraging the capabilities of pre-trained vision and language models in EEG-based tasks, thereby advancing the field of time series decoding and enhancing interpretability in EEG data analysis. Our code will be available at


replace-cross Concentrated Differential Privacy for Bandits

Authors: Achraf Azize, Debabrota Basu

Abstract: Bandits serve as the theoretical foundation of sequential learning and an algorithmic foundation of modern recommender systems. However, recommender systems often rely on user-sensitive data, making privacy a critical concern. This paper contributes to the understanding of Differential Privacy (DP) in bandits with a trusted centralised decision-maker, and especially the implications of ensuring zero Concentrated Differential Privacy (zCDP). First, we formalise and compare different adaptations of DP to bandits, depending on the considered input and the interaction protocol. Then, we propose three private algorithms, namely AdaC-UCB, AdaC-GOPE and AdaC-OFUL, for three bandit settings, namely finite-armed bandits, linear bandits, and linear contextual bandits. The three algorithms share a generic algorithmic blueprint, i.e. the Gaussian mechanism and adaptive episodes, to ensure a good privacy-utility trade-off. We analyse and upper bound the regret of these three algorithms. Our analysis shows that in all of these settings, the prices of imposing zCDP are (asymptotically) negligible in comparison with the regrets incurred oblivious to privacy. Next, we complement our regret upper bounds with the first minimax lower bounds on the regret of bandits with zCDP. To prove the lower bounds, we elaborate a new proof technique based on couplings and optimal transport. We conclude by experimentally validating our theoretical results for the three different settings of bandits.

replace-cross Measuring Catastrophic Forgetting in Cross-Lingual Transfer Paradigms: Exploring Tuning Strategies

Authors: Boshko Koloski, Bla\v{z} \v{S}krlj, Marko Robnik-\v{S}ikonja, Senja Pollak

Abstract: The cross-lingual transfer is a promising technique to solve tasks in less-resourced languages. In this empirical study, we compare two fine-tuning approaches combined with zero-shot and full-shot learning approaches for large language models in a cross-lingual setting. As fine-tuning strategies, we compare parameter-efficient adapter methods with fine-tuning of all parameters. As cross-lingual transfer strategies, we compare the intermediate-training (\textit{IT}) that uses each language sequentially and cross-lingual validation (\textit{CLV}) that uses a target language already in the validation phase of fine-tuning. We assess the success of transfer and the extent of catastrophic forgetting in a source language due to cross-lingual transfer, i.e., how much previously acquired knowledge is lost when we learn new information in a different language. The results on two different classification problems, hate speech detection and product reviews, each containing datasets in several languages, show that the \textit{IT} cross-lingual strategy outperforms \textit{CLV} for the target language. Our findings indicate that, in the majority of cases, the \textit{CLV} strategy demonstrates superior retention of knowledge in the base language (English) compared to the \textit{IT} strategy, when evaluating catastrophic forgetting in multiple cross-lingual transfers.

replace-cross Understanding Catastrophic Forgetting in Language Models via Implicit Inference

Authors: Suhas Kotha, Jacob Mitchell Springer, Aditi Raghunathan

Abstract: We lack a systematic understanding of the effects of fine-tuning (via methods such as instruction-tuning or reinforcement learning from human feedback), particularly on tasks outside the narrow fine-tuning distribution. In a simplified scenario, we demonstrate that improving performance on tasks within the fine-tuning data distribution comes at the expense of capabilities on other tasks. We hypothesize that language models implicitly infer the task of the prompt and that fine-tuning skews this inference towards tasks in the fine-tuning distribution. To test this, we propose Conjugate Prompting, which artificially makes the task look farther from the fine-tuning distribution while requiring the same capability, and we find that this recovers some of the pretraining capabilities in our synthetic setup. Since real-world fine-tuning distributions are predominantly English, we apply conjugate prompting to recover pretrained capabilities in LLMs by simply translating the prompts to different languages. This allows us to recover in-context learning abilities lost via instruction tuning, natural reasoning capability lost during code fine-tuning, and, more concerningly, harmful content generation suppressed by safety fine-tuning in chatbots like ChatGPT.

replace-cross Can LLM-Generated Misinformation Be Detected?

Authors: Canyu Chen, Kai Shu

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has made a transformative impact. However, the potential that LLMs such as ChatGPT can be exploited to generate misinformation has posed a serious concern to online safety and public trust. A fundamental research question is: will LLM-generated misinformation cause more harm than human-written misinformation? We propose to tackle this question from the perspective of detection difficulty. We first build a taxonomy of LLM-generated misinformation. Then we categorize and validate the potential real-world methods for generating misinformation with LLMs. Then, through extensive empirical investigation, we discover that LLM-generated misinformation can be harder to detect for humans and detectors compared to human-written misinformation with the same semantics, which suggests it can have more deceptive styles and potentially cause more harm. We also discuss the implications of our discovery on combating misinformation in the age of LLMs and the countermeasures.

replace-cross On the Relation between Internal Language Model and Sequence Discriminative Training for Neural Transducers

Authors: Zijian Yang, Wei Zhou, Ralf Schl\"uter, Hermann Ney

Abstract: Internal language model (ILM) subtraction has been widely applied to improve the performance of the RNN-Transducer with external language model (LM) fusion for speech recognition. In this work, we show that sequence discriminative training has a strong correlation with ILM subtraction from both theoretical and empirical points of view. Theoretically, we derive that the global optimum of maximum mutual information (MMI) training shares a similar formula as ILM subtraction. Empirically, we show that ILM subtraction and sequence discriminative training achieve similar effects across a wide range of experiments on Librispeech, including both MMI and minimum Bayes risk (MBR) criteria, as well as neural transducers and LMs of both full and limited context. The benefit of ILM subtraction also becomes much smaller after sequence discriminative training. We also provide an in-depth study to show that sequence discriminative training has a minimal effect on the commonly used zero-encoder ILM estimation, but a joint effect on both encoder and prediction + joint network for posterior probability reshaping including both ILM and blank suppression.

replace-cross BooookScore: A systematic exploration of book-length summarization in the era of LLMs

Authors: Yapei Chang, Kyle Lo, Tanya Goyal, Mohit Iyyer

Abstract: Summarizing book-length documents (>100K tokens) that exceed the context window size of large language models (LLMs) requires first breaking the input document into smaller chunks and then prompting an LLM to merge, update, and compress chunk-level summaries. Despite the complexity and importance of this task, it has yet to be meaningfully studied due to the challenges of evaluation: existing book-length summarization datasets (e.g., BookSum) are in the pretraining data of most public LLMs, and existing evaluation methods struggle to capture errors made by modern LLM summarizers. In this paper, we present the first study of the coherence of LLM-based book-length summarizers implemented via two prompting workflows: (1) hierarchically merging chunk-level summaries, and (2) incrementally updating a running summary. We obtain 1193 fine-grained human annotations on GPT-4 generated summaries of 100 recently-published books and identify eight common types of coherence errors made by LLMs. Because human evaluation is expensive and time-consuming, we develop an automatic metric, BooookScore, that measures the proportion of sentences in a summary that do not contain any of the identified error types. BooookScore has high agreement with human annotations and allows us to systematically evaluate the impact of many other critical parameters (e.g., chunk size, base LLM) while saving $15K USD and 500 hours in human evaluation costs. We find that closed-source LLMs such as GPT-4 and Claude 2 produce summaries with higher BooookScore than those generated by open-source models. While LLaMA 2 falls behind other models, Mixtral achieves performance on par with GPT-3.5-Turbo. Incremental updating yields lower BooookScore but higher level of detail than hierarchical merging, a trade-off sometimes preferred by annotators.

replace-cross The Role of Federated Learning in a Wireless World with Foundation Models

Authors: Zihan Chen, Howard H. Yang, Y. C. Tay, Kai Fong Ernest Chong, Tony Q. S. Quek

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) are general-purpose artificial intelligence (AI) models that have recently enabled multiple brand-new generative AI applications. The rapid advances in FMs serve as an important contextual backdrop for the vision of next-generation wireless networks, where federated learning (FL) is a key enabler of distributed network intelligence. Currently, the exploration of the interplay between FMs and FL is still in its nascent stage. Naturally, FMs are capable of boosting the performance of FL, and FL could also leverage decentralized data and computing resources to assist in the training of FMs. However, the exceptionally high requirements that FMs have for computing resources, storage, and communication overhead would pose critical challenges to FL-enabled wireless networks. In this article, we explore the extent to which FMs are suitable for FL over wireless networks, including a broad overview of research challenges and opportunities. In particular, we discuss multiple new paradigms for realizing future intelligent networks that integrate FMs and FL. We also consolidate several broad research directions associated with these paradigms.

replace-cross On the Computational Complexity of Private High-dimensional Model Selection

Authors: Saptarshi Roy, Zehua Wang, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: We consider the problem of model selection in a high-dimensional sparse linear regression model under privacy constraints. We propose a differentially private best subset selection method with strong utility properties by adopting the well-known exponential mechanism for selecting the best model. We propose an efficient Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and establish that it enjoys polynomial mixing time to its stationary distribution. Furthermore, we also establish approximate differential privacy for the estimates of the mixed Metropolis-Hastings chain. Finally, we perform some illustrative experiments that show the strong utility of our algorithm.

replace-cross TTK is Getting MPI-Ready

Authors: Eve Le Guillou, Michael Will, Pierre Guillou, Jonas Lukasczyk, Pierre Fortin, Christoph Garth, Julien Tierny

Abstract: This system paper documents the technical foundations for the extension of the Topology ToolKit (TTK) to distributed-memory parallelism with the Message Passing Interface (MPI). While several recent papers introduced topology-based approaches for distributed-memory environments, these were reporting experiments obtained with tailored, mono-algorithm implementations. In contrast, we describe in this paper a versatile approach (supporting both triangulated domains and regular grids) for the support of topological analysis pipelines, i.e. a sequence of topological algorithms interacting together. While developing this extension, we faced several algorithmic and software engineering challenges, which we document in this paper. We describe an MPI extension of TTK's data structure for triangulation representation and traversal, a central component to the global performance and generality of TTK's topological implementations. We also introduce an intermediate interface between TTK and MPI, both at the global pipeline level, and at the fine-grain algorithmic level. We provide a taxonomy for the distributed-memory topological algorithms supported by TTK, depending on their communication needs and provide examples of hybrid MPI+thread parallelizations. Performance analyses show that parallel efficiencies range from 20% to 80% (depending on the algorithms), and that the MPI-specific preconditioning introduced by our framework induces a negligible computation time overhead. We illustrate the new distributed-memory capabilities of TTK with an example of advanced analysis pipeline, combining multiple algorithms, run on the largest publicly available dataset we have found (120 billion vertices) on a cluster with 64 nodes (for a total of 1536 cores). Finally, we provide a roadmap for the completion of TTK's MPI extension, along with generic recommendations for each algorithm communication category.

replace-cross Retro-fallback: retrosynthetic planning in an uncertain world

Authors: Austin Tripp, Krzysztof Maziarz, Sarah Lewis, Marwin Segler, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Retrosynthesis is the task of planning a series of chemical reactions to create a desired molecule from simpler, buyable molecules. While previous works have proposed algorithms to find optimal solutions for a range of metrics (e.g. shortest, lowest-cost), these works generally overlook the fact that we have imperfect knowledge of the space of possible reactions, meaning plans created by algorithms may not work in a laboratory. In this paper we propose a novel formulation of retrosynthesis in terms of stochastic processes to account for this uncertainty. We then propose a novel greedy algorithm called retro-fallback which maximizes the probability that at least one synthesis plan can be executed in the lab. Using in-silico benchmarks we demonstrate that retro-fallback generally produces better sets of synthesis plans than the popular MCTS and retro* algorithms.

replace-cross Optimal Inflationary Potentials

Authors: Tom\'as Sousa, Deaglan J. Bartlett, Harry Desmond, Pedro G. Ferreira

Abstract: Inflation is a highly favoured theory for the early Universe. It is compatible with current observations of the cosmic microwave background and large scale structure and is a driver in the quest to detect primordial gravitational waves. It is also, given the current quality of the data, highly under-determined with a large number of candidate implementations. We use a new method in symbolic regression to generate all possible simple scalar field potentials for one of two possible basis sets of operators. Treating these as single-field, slow-roll inflationary models we then score them with an information-theoretic metric ("minimum description length") that quantifies their efficiency in compressing the information in current data. We explore two possible priors on the parameter space of potentials, one related to the functions' structural complexity and one that uses a Katz back-off language model to prefer functions that may be theoretically motivated. This enables us to identify the inflaton potentials that optimally balance simplicity with accuracy at explaining current data, which may subsequently find theoretical motivation. Our exploratory study opens the door to extraction of fundamental physics directly from data, and may be augmented with more refined theoretical priors in the quest for a complete understanding of the early Universe.

replace-cross SQLformer: Deep Auto-Regressive Query Graph Generation for Text-to-SQL Translation

Authors: Adri\'an Bazaga, Pietro Li\`o, Gos Micklem

Abstract: In recent years, there has been growing interest in text-to-SQL translation, which is the task of converting natural language questions into executable SQL queries. This technology is important for its potential to democratize data extraction from databases. However, some of its key hurdles include domain generalisation, which is the ability to adapt to previously unseen databases, and alignment of natural language questions with the corresponding SQL queries. To overcome these challenges, we introduce SQLformer, a novel Transformer architecture specifically crafted to perform text-to-SQL translation tasks. Our model predicts SQL queries as abstract syntax trees (ASTs) in an autoregressive way, incorporating structural inductive bias in the encoder and decoder layers. This bias, guided by database table and column selection, aids the decoder in generating SQL query ASTs represented as graphs in a Breadth-First Search canonical order. Comprehensive experiments show the state-of-the-art performance of SQLformer across five widely used text-to-SQL benchmarks. Our implementation is available at


replace-cross Domain Adaptive Graph Neural Networks for Constraining Cosmological Parameters Across Multiple Data Sets

Authors: Andrea Roncoli, Aleksandra \'Ciprijanovi\'c, Maggie Voetberg, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Brian Nord

Abstract: Deep learning models have been shown to outperform methods that rely on summary statistics, like the power spectrum, in extracting information from complex cosmological data sets. However, due to differences in the subgrid physics implementation and numerical approximations across different simulation suites, models trained on data from one cosmological simulation show a drop in performance when tested on another. Similarly, models trained on any of the simulations would also likely experience a drop in performance when applied to observational data. Training on data from two different suites of the CAMELS hydrodynamic cosmological simulations, we examine the generalization capabilities of Domain Adaptive Graph Neural Networks (DA-GNNs). By utilizing GNNs, we capitalize on their capacity to capture structured scale-free cosmological information from galaxy distributions. Moreover, by including unsupervised domain adaptation via Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), we enable our models to extract domain-invariant features. We demonstrate that DA-GNN achieves higher accuracy and robustness on cross-dataset tasks (up to $28\%$ better relative error and up to almost an order of magnitude better $\chi^2$). Using data visualizations, we show the effects of domain adaptation on proper latent space data alignment. This shows that DA-GNNs are a promising method for extracting domain-independent cosmological information, a vital step toward robust deep learning for real cosmic survey data.

replace-cross On the Calibration of Multilingual Question Answering LLMs

Authors: Yahan Yang, Soham Dan, Dan Roth, Insup Lee

Abstract: Multilingual pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) are incredibly effective at Question Answering (QA), a core task in Natural Language Understanding, achieving high accuracies on several multilingual benchmarks. However, little is known about how well their confidences are calibrated. In this paper, we comprehensively benchmark the calibration of several multilingual LLMs (MLLMs) on a variety of QA tasks. We perform extensive experiments, spanning encoder-only, encoder-decoder, and decoder-only QA models (size varying from 110M to 7B parameters) and diverse languages, including both high- and low-resource ones. We study different dimensions of calibration in in-distribution, out-of-distribution, and cross-lingual transfer settings, and investigate strategies to improve it, including post-hoc methods and regularized fine-tuning. For decoder-only LLMs such as LlaMa2, we additionally find that in-context learning improves confidence calibration on multilingual data. We also conduct several ablation experiments to study the effect of language distances, language corpus size, and model size on calibration, and how multilingual models compare with their monolingual counterparts for diverse tasks and languages. Our experiments suggest that the multilingual QA models are poorly calibrated for languages other than English and incorporating a small set of cheaply translated multilingual samples during fine-tuning/calibration effectively enhances the calibration performance.

replace-cross X-Eval: Generalizable Multi-aspect Text Evaluation via Augmented Instruction Tuning with Auxiliary Evaluation Aspects

Authors: Minqian Liu, Ying Shen, Zhiyang Xu, Yixin Cao, Eunah Cho, Vaibhav Kumar, Reza Ghanadan, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Natural Language Generation (NLG) typically involves evaluating the generated text in various aspects (e.g., consistency and naturalness) to obtain a comprehensive assessment. However, multi-aspect evaluation remains challenging as it may require the evaluator to generalize to any given evaluation aspect even if it's absent during training. In this paper, we introduce X-Eval, a two-stage instruction tuning framework to evaluate the text in both seen and unseen aspects customized by end users. X-Eval consists of two learning stages: the vanilla instruction tuning stage that improves the model's ability to follow evaluation instructions, and an enhanced instruction tuning stage that exploits the connections between fine-grained evaluation aspects to better assess text quality. To support the training of X-Eval, we collect AspectInstruct, the first instruction tuning dataset tailored for multi-aspect NLG evaluation spanning 27 diverse evaluation aspects with 65 tasks. To enhance task diversity, we devise an augmentation strategy that converts human rating annotations into diverse forms of NLG evaluation tasks, including scoring, comparison, ranking, and Boolean question answering. Extensive experiments across three essential categories of NLG tasks: dialogue generation, summarization, and data-to-text coupled with 21 aspects in meta-evaluation, demonstrate that our X-Eval enables even a lightweight language model to achieve a comparable if not higher correlation with human judgments compared to the state-of-the-art NLG evaluators, such as GPT-4.

replace-cross Towards Verifiable Text Generation with Symbolic References

Authors: Lucas Torroba Hennigen, Shannon Shen, Aniruddha Nrusimha, Bernhard Gapp, David Sontag, Yoon Kim

Abstract: LLMs are vulnerable to hallucinations, and thus their outputs generally require laborious human verification for high-stakes applications. To this end, we propose symbolically grounded generation (SymGen) as a simple approach for enabling easier manual validation of an LLM's output. SymGen prompts an LLM to interleave its regular output text with explicit symbolic references to fields present in some conditioning data (e.g., a table in JSON format). The references can be used to display the provenance of different spans of text in the generation, reducing the effort required for manual verification. Across a range of data-to-text and question-answering experiments, we find that LLMs are able to directly output text that makes use of accurate symbolic references while maintaining fluency and factuality. In a human study we further find that such annotations can streamline human verification of machine-generated text. Our code will be available at


replace-cross Tied-Lora: Enhancing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying

Authors: Adithya Renduchintala, Tugrul Konuk, Oleksii Kuchaiev

Abstract: We introduce Tied-LoRA, a novel paradigm leveraging weight tying and selective training to enhance the parameter efficiency of Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA). Our exploration encompasses different plausible combinations of parameter training and freezing, coupled with weight tying, aimed at identifying the optimal trade-off between performance and the count of trainable parameters. Across $5$ diverse tasks and two foundational language models with different parameter counts, our experiments provide comprehensive insights into the inherent trade-offs between efficiency and performance. Our findings reveal a specific Tied-LoRA configuration that distinguishes itself by showcasing comparable performance to LoRA across multiple tasks while utilizing only a fraction of the parameters employed by the standard LoRA method, particularly at elevated ranks. This underscores the efficacy of Tied-LoRA in achieving impressive results with significantly reduced model complexity.

replace-cross Near-optimal Closed-loop Method via Lyapunov Damping for Convex Optimization

Authors: Severin Maier, Camille Castera, Peter Ochs

Abstract: We introduce an autonomous system with closed-loop damping for first-order convex optimization. While, to this day, optimal rates of convergence are almost exclusively achieved by non-autonomous methods via open-loop damping (e.g., Nesterov's algorithm), we show that our system, featuring a closed-loop damping, exhibits a rate arbitrarily close to the optimal one. We do so by coupling the damping and the speed of convergence of the system via a well-chosen Lyapunov function. By discretizing our system we then derive an algorithm and present numerical experiments supporting our theoretical findings.

replace-cross Learning Payment-Free Resource Allocation Mechanisms

Authors: Sihan Zeng, Sujay Bhatt, Eleonora Kreacic, Parisa Hassanzadeh, Alec Koppel, Sumitra Ganesh

Abstract: We consider the design of mechanisms that allocate limited resources among self-interested agents using neural networks. Unlike the recent works that leverage machine learning for revenue maximization in auctions, we consider welfare maximization as the key objective in the payment-free setting. Without payment exchange, it is unclear how we can align agents' incentives to achieve the desired objectives of truthfulness and social welfare simultaneously, without resorting to approximations. Our work makes novel contributions by designing an approximate mechanism that desirably trade-off social welfare with truthfulness. Specifically, (i) we contribute a new end-to-end neural network architecture, ExS-Net, that accommodates the idea of "money-burning" for mechanism design without payments; (ii)~we provide a generalization bound that guarantees the mechanism performance when trained under finite samples; and (iii) we provide an experimental demonstration of the merits of the proposed mechanism.

replace-cross PhysGaussian: Physics-Integrated 3D Gaussians for Generative Dynamics

Authors: Tianyi Xie, Zeshun Zong, Yuxing Qiu, Xuan Li, Yutao Feng, Yin Yang, Chenfanfu Jiang

Abstract: We introduce PhysGaussian, a new method that seamlessly integrates physically grounded Newtonian dynamics within 3D Gaussians to achieve high-quality novel motion synthesis. Employing a custom Material Point Method (MPM), our approach enriches 3D Gaussian kernels with physically meaningful kinematic deformation and mechanical stress attributes, all evolved in line with continuum mechanics principles. A defining characteristic of our method is the seamless integration between physical simulation and visual rendering: both components utilize the same 3D Gaussian kernels as their discrete representations. This negates the necessity for triangle/tetrahedron meshing, marching cubes, "cage meshes," or any other geometry embedding, highlighting the principle of "what you see is what you simulate (WS$^2$)." Our method demonstrates exceptional versatility across a wide variety of materials--including elastic entities, metals, non-Newtonian fluids, and granular materials--showcasing its strong capabilities in creating diverse visual content with novel viewpoints and movements. Our project page is at:


replace-cross Physics-guided Shape-from-Template: Monocular Video Perception through Neural Surrogate Models

Authors: David Stotko, Nils Wandel, Reinhard Klein

Abstract: 3D reconstruction of dynamic scenes is a long-standing problem in computer graphics and increasingly difficult the less information is available. Shape-from-Template (SfT) methods aim to reconstruct a template-based geometry from RGB images or video sequences, often leveraging just a single monocular camera without depth information, such as regular smartphone recordings. Unfortunately, existing reconstruction methods are either unphysical and noisy or slow in optimization. To solve this problem, we propose a novel SfT reconstruction algorithm for cloth using a pre-trained neural surrogate model that is fast to evaluate, stable, and produces smooth reconstructions due to a regularizing physics simulation. Differentiable rendering of the simulated mesh enables pixel-wise comparisons between the reconstruction and a target video sequence that can be used for a gradient-based optimization procedure to extract not only shape information but also physical parameters such as stretching, shearing, or bending stiffness of the cloth. This allows to retain a precise, stable, and smooth reconstructed geometry while reducing the runtime by a factor of 400-500 compared to $\phi$-SfT, a state-of-the-art physics-based SfT approach.

replace-cross PrivImage: Differentially Private Synthetic Image Generation using Diffusion Models with Semantic-Aware Pretraining

Authors: Kecen Li, Chen Gong, Zhixiang Li, Yuzhong Zhao, Xinwen Hou, Tianhao Wang

Abstract: Differential Privacy (DP) image data synthesis, which leverages the DP technique to generate synthetic data to replace the sensitive data, allowing organizations to share and utilize synthetic images without privacy concerns. Previous methods incorporate the advanced techniques of generative models and pre-training on a public dataset to produce exceptional DP image data, but suffer from problems of unstable training and massive computational resource demands. This paper proposes a novel DP image synthesis method, termed PRIVIMAGE, which meticulously selects pre-training data, promoting the efficient creation of DP datasets with high fidelity and utility. PRIVIMAGE first establishes a semantic query function using a public dataset. Then, this function assists in querying the semantic distribution of the sensitive dataset, facilitating the selection of data from the public dataset with analogous semantics for pre-training. Finally, we pre-train an image generative model using the selected data and then fine-tune this model on the sensitive dataset using Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD). PRIVIMAGE allows us to train a lightly parameterized generative model, reducing the noise in the gradient during DP-SGD training and enhancing training stability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PRIVIMAGE uses only 1% of the public dataset for pre-training and 7.6% of the parameters in the generative model compared to the state-of-the-art method, whereas achieves superior synthetic performance and conserves more computational resources. On average, PRIVIMAGE achieves 30.1% lower FID and 12.6% higher Classification Accuracy than the state-of-the-art method. The replication package and datasets can be accessed online.

replace-cross A precise symbolic emulator of the linear matter power spectrum

Authors: Deaglan J. Bartlett, Lukas Kammerer, Gabriel Kronberger, Harry Desmond, Pedro G. Ferreira, Benjamin D. Wandelt, Bogdan Burlacu, David Alonso, Matteo Zennaro

Abstract: Computing the matter power spectrum, $P(k)$, as a function of cosmological parameters can be prohibitively slow in cosmological analyses, hence emulating this calculation is desirable. Previous analytic approximations are insufficiently accurate for modern applications, so black-box, uninterpretable emulators are often used. We utilise an efficient genetic programming based symbolic regression framework to explore the space of potential mathematical expressions which can approximate the power spectrum and $\sigma_8$. We learn the ratio between an existing low-accuracy fitting function for $P(k)$ and that obtained by solving the Boltzmann equations and thus still incorporate the physics which motivated this earlier approximation. We obtain an analytic approximation to the linear power spectrum with a root mean squared fractional error of 0.2% between $k = 9\times10^{-3} - 9 \, h{\rm \, Mpc^{-1}}$ and across a wide range of cosmological parameters, and we provide physical interpretations for various terms in the expression. Our analytic approximation is 950 times faster to evaluate than camb and 36 times faster than the neural network based matter power spectrum emulator BACCO. We also provide a simple analytic approximation for $\sigma_8$ with a similar accuracy, with a root mean squared fractional error of just 0.1% when evaluated across the same range of cosmologies. This function is easily invertible to obtain $A_{\rm s}$ as a function of $\sigma_8$ and the other cosmological parameters, if preferred. It is possible to obtain symbolic approximations to a seemingly complex function at a precision required for current and future cosmological analyses without resorting to deep-learning techniques, thus avoiding their black-box nature and large number of parameters. Our emulator will be usable long after the codes on which numerical approximations are built become outdated.

replace-cross SatCLIP: Global, General-Purpose Location Embeddings with Satellite Imagery

Authors: Konstantin Klemmer, Esther Rolf, Caleb Robinson, Lester Mackey, Marc Ru{\ss}wurm

Abstract: Geographic information is essential for modeling tasks in fields ranging from ecology to epidemiology. However, extracting relevant location characteristics for a given task can be challenging, often requiring expensive data fusion or distillation from massive global imagery datasets. To address this challenge, we introduce Satellite Contrastive Location-Image Pretraining (SatCLIP). This global, general-purpose geographic location encoder learns an implicit representation of locations by matching CNN and ViT inferred visual patterns of openly available satellite imagery with their geographic coordinates. The resulting SatCLIP location encoder efficiently summarizes the characteristics of any given location for convenient use in downstream tasks. In our experiments, we use SatCLIP embeddings to improve prediction performance on nine diverse location-dependent tasks including temperature prediction, animal recognition, and population density estimation. Across tasks, SatCLIP consistently outperforms alternative location encoders and improves geographic generalization by encoding visual similarities of spatially distant environments. These results demonstrate the potential of vision-location models to learn meaningful representations of our planet from the vast, varied, and largely untapped modalities of geospatial data.

replace-cross Dancing with Still Images: Video Distillation via Static-Dynamic Disentanglement

Authors: Ziyu Wang, Yue Xu, Cewu Lu, Yong-Lu Li

Abstract: Recently, dataset distillation has paved the way towards efficient machine learning, especially for image datasets. However, the distillation for videos, characterized by an exclusive temporal dimension, remains an underexplored domain. In this work, we provide the first systematic study of video distillation and introduce a taxonomy to categorize temporal compression. Our investigation reveals that the temporal information is usually not well learned during distillation, and the temporal dimension of synthetic data contributes little. The observations motivate our unified framework of disentangling the dynamic and static information in the videos. It first distills the videos into still images as static memory and then compensates the dynamic and motion information with a learnable dynamic memory block. Our method achieves state-of-the-art on video datasets at different scales, with a notably smaller memory storage budget. Our code is available at


replace-cross Generating Illustrated Instructions

Authors: Sachit Menon, Ishan Misra, Rohit Girdhar

Abstract: We introduce the new task of generating Illustrated Instructions, i.e., visual instructions customized to a user's needs. We identify desiderata unique to this task, and formalize it through a suite of automatic and human evaluation metrics, designed to measure the validity, consistency, and efficacy of the generations. We combine the power of large language models (LLMs) together with strong text-to-image generation diffusion models to propose a simple approach called StackedDiffusion, which generates such illustrated instructions given text as input. The resulting model strongly outperforms baseline approaches and state-of-the-art multimodal LLMs; and in 30% of cases, users even prefer it to human-generated articles. Most notably, it enables various new and exciting applications far beyond what static articles on the web can provide, such as personalized instructions complete with intermediate steps and pictures in response to a user's individual situation.

replace-cross Neuron-level LLM Patching for Code Generation

Authors: Jian Gu, Aldeida Aleti, Chunyang Chen, Hongyu Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have found widespread adoption in software engineering, particularly in code generation tasks. However, updating these models with new knowledge can be prohibitively expensive, yet it is essential for maximizing their utility. In this paper, we propose a novel and effective model editing approach, \textsc{MENT}, to patch LLMs in coding tasks. \textsc{MENT} is effective, efficient, and reliable. It can correct a neural model by patching 1 or 2 neurons. As the pioneer work on neuron-level model editing of generative models, we formalize the editing process and introduce the involved concepts. Besides, we also introduce new measures to evaluate its generalization ability, and build a benchmark for further study. Our approach is evaluated on three coding tasks, including API-seq recommendation, line-level code generation, and pseudocode-to-code transaction. The experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the state of the arts by a significant margin in both effectiveness and efficiency measures. In addition, we demonstrate the usages of \textsc{MENT} for LLM reasoning in software engineering. By editing LLM knowledge, the directly or indirectly dependent behaviors of API invocation in the chain-of-thought will change accordingly. It explained the significance of repairing LLMs.

replace-cross FM-G-CAM: A Holistic Approach for Explainable AI in Computer Vision

Authors: Ravidu Suien Rammuni Silva, Jordan J. Bird

Abstract: Explainability is an aspect of modern AI that is vital for impact and usability in the real world. The main objective of this paper is to emphasise the need to understand the predictions of Computer Vision models, specifically Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based models. Existing methods of explaining CNN predictions are mostly based on Gradient-weighted Class Activation Maps (Grad-CAM) and solely focus on a single target class. We show that from the point of the target class selection, we make an assumption on the prediction process, hence neglecting a large portion of the predictor CNN model's thinking process. In this paper, we present an exhaustive methodology called Fused Multi-class Gradient-weighted Class Activation Map (FM-G-CAM) that considers multiple top predicted classes, which provides a holistic explanation of the predictor CNN's thinking rationale. We also provide a detailed and comprehensive mathematical and algorithmic description of our method. Furthermore, along with a concise comparison of existing methods, we compare FM-G-CAM with Grad-CAM, highlighting its benefits through real-world practical use cases. Finally, we present an open-source Python library with FM-G-CAM implementation to conveniently generate saliency maps for CNN-based model predictions.

replace-cross The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments

Authors: Cassidy Laidlaw, Banghua Zhu, Stuart Russell, Anca Dragan

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) theory has largely focused on proving minimax sample complexity bounds. These require strategic exploration algorithms that use relatively limited function classes for representing the policy or value function. Our goal is to explain why deep RL algorithms often perform well in practice, despite using random exploration and much more expressive function classes like neural networks. Our work arrives at an explanation by showing that many stochastic MDPs can be solved by performing only a few steps of value iteration on the random policy's Q function and then acting greedily. When this is true, we find that it is possible to separate the exploration and learning components of RL, making it much easier to analyze. We introduce a new RL algorithm, SQIRL, that iteratively learns a near-optimal policy by exploring randomly to collect rollouts and then performing a limited number of steps of fitted-Q iteration over those rollouts. Any regression algorithm that satisfies basic in-distribution generalization properties can be used in SQIRL to efficiently solve common MDPs. This can explain why deep RL works, since it is empirically established that neural networks generalize well in-distribution. Furthermore, SQIRL explains why random exploration works well in practice. We leverage SQIRL to derive instance-dependent sample complexity bounds for RL that are exponential only in an "effective horizon" of lookahead and on the complexity of the class used for function approximation. Empirically, we also find that SQIRL performance strongly correlates with PPO and DQN performance in a variety of stochastic environments, supporting that our theoretical analysis is predictive of practical performance. Our code and data are available at


replace-cross Unraveling Batch Normalization for Realistic Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Zixian Su, Jingwei Guo, Kai Yao, Xi Yang, Qiufeng Wang, Kaizhu Huang

Abstract: While recent test-time adaptations exhibit efficacy by adjusting batch normalization to narrow domain disparities, their effectiveness diminishes with realistic mini-batches due to inaccurate target estimation. As previous attempts merely introduce source statistics to mitigate this issue, the fundamental problem of inaccurate target estimation still persists, leaving the intrinsic test-time domain shifts unresolved. This paper delves into the problem of mini-batch degradation. By unraveling batch normalization, we discover that the inexact target statistics largely stem from the substantially reduced class diversity in batch. Drawing upon this insight, we introduce a straightforward tool, Test-time Exponential Moving Average (TEMA), to bridge the class diversity gap between training and testing batches. Importantly, our TEMA adaptively extends the scope of typical methods beyond the current batch to incorporate a diverse set of class information, which in turn boosts an accurate target estimation. Built upon this foundation, we further design a novel layer-wise rectification strategy to consistently promote test-time performance. Our proposed method enjoys a unique advantage as it requires neither training nor tuning parameters, offering a truly hassle-free solution. It significantly enhances model robustness against shifted domains and maintains resilience in diverse real-world scenarios with various batch sizes, achieving state-of-the-art performance on several major benchmarks. Code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Few Shot Part Segmentation Reveals Compositional Logic for Industrial Anomaly Detection

Authors: Soopil Kim, Sion An, Philip Chikontwe, Myeongkyun Kang, Ehsan Adeli, Kilian M. Pohl, Sang Hyun Park

Abstract: Logical anomalies (LA) refer to data violating underlying logical constraints e.g., the quantity, arrangement, or composition of components within an image. Detecting accurately such anomalies requires models to reason about various component types through segmentation. However, curation of pixel-level annotations for semantic segmentation is both time-consuming and expensive. Although there are some prior few-shot or unsupervised co-part segmentation algorithms, they often fail on images with industrial object. These images have components with similar textures and shapes, and a precise differentiation proves challenging. In this study, we introduce a novel component segmentation model for LA detection that leverages a few labeled samples and unlabeled images sharing logical constraints. To ensure consistent segmentation across unlabeled images, we employ a histogram matching loss in conjunction with an entropy loss. As segmentation predictions play a crucial role, we propose to enhance both local and global sample validity detection by capturing key aspects from visual semantics via three memory banks: class histograms, component composition embeddings and patch-level representations. For effective LA detection, we propose an adaptive scaling strategy to standardize anomaly scores from different memory banks in inference. Extensive experiments on the public benchmark MVTec LOCO AD reveal our method achieves 98.1% AUROC in LA detection vs. 89.6% from competing methods.

replace-cross REBEL: A Regularization-Based Solution for Reward Overoptimization in Robotic Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Authors: Souradip Chakraborty, Anukriti Singh, Amisha Bhaskar, Pratap Tokekar, Dinesh Manocha, Amrit Singh Bedi

Abstract: The effectiveness of reinforcement learning (RL) agents in continuous control robotics tasks is heavily dependent on the design of the underlying reward function. However, a misalignment between the reward function and user intentions, values, or social norms can be catastrophic in the real world. Current methods to mitigate this misalignment work by learning reward functions from human preferences; however, they inadvertently introduce a risk of reward overoptimization. In this work, we address this challenge by advocating for the adoption of regularized reward functions that more accurately mirror the intended behaviors. We propose a novel concept of reward regularization within the robotic RLHF (RL from Human Feedback) framework, which we refer to as \emph{agent preferences}. Our approach uniquely incorporates not just human feedback in the form of preferences but also considers the preferences of the RL agent itself during the reward function learning process. This dual consideration significantly mitigates the issue of reward function overoptimization in RL. We provide a theoretical justification for the proposed approach by formulating the robotic RLHF problem as a bilevel optimization problem. We demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm {\ours} in several continuous control benchmarks including DeepMind Control Suite \cite{tassa2018deepmind} and MetaWorld \cite{yu2021metaworld} and high dimensional visual environments, with an improvement of more than 70\% in sample efficiency in comparison to current SOTA baselines. This showcases our approach's effectiveness in aligning reward functions with true behavioral intentions, setting a new benchmark in the field.

replace-cross H2O-Danube-1.8B Technical Report

Authors: Philipp Singer, Pascal Pfeiffer, Yauhen Babakhin, Maximilian Jeblick, Nischay Dhankhar, Gabor Fodor, Sri Satish Ambati

Abstract: We present H2O-Danube, a series of small 1.8B language models consisting of H2O-Danube-1.8B, trained on 1T tokens, and the incremental improved H2O-Danube2-1.8B trained on an additional 2T tokens. Our models exhibit highly competitive metrics across a multitude of benchmarks and, as of the time of this writing, H2O-Danube2-1.8B achieves the top ranking on Open LLM Leaderboard for all models below the 2B parameter range. The models follow core principles of LLama 2 and Mistral, and we leverage and refine various techniques for pre-training large language models. We additionally release chat models trained with supervised fine-tuning followed by direct preference optimization. We make all models openly available under Apache 2.0 license further democratizing LLMs to a wider audience economically.

replace-cross Seismic Traveltime Tomography with Label-free Learning

Authors: Feng Wang, Bo Yang, Renfang Wang, Hong Qiu

Abstract: Deep learning techniques have been used to build velocity models (VMs) for seismic traveltime tomography and have shown encouraging performance in recent years. However, they need to generate labeled samples (i.e., pairs of input and label) to train the deep neural network (NN) with end-to-end learning, and the real labels for field data inversion are usually missing or very expensive. Some traditional tomographic methods can be implemented quickly, but their effectiveness is often limited by prior assumptions. To avoid generating and/or collecting labeled samples, we propose a novel method by integrating deep learning and dictionary learning to enhance the VMs with low resolution by using the traditional tomography-least square method (LSQR). We first design a type of shallow and simple NN to reduce computational cost followed by proposing a two-step strategy to enhance the VMs with low resolution: (1) Warming up. An initial dictionary is trained from the estimation by LSQR through dictionary learning method; (2) Dictionary optimization. The initial dictionary obtained in the warming-up step will be optimized by the NN, and then it will be used to reconstruct high-resolution VMs with the reference slowness and the estimation by LSQR. Furthermore, we design a loss function to minimize traveltime misfit to ensure that NN training is label-free, and the optimized dictionary can be obtained after each epoch of NN training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through the numerical tests on both synthetic and field data.

replace-cross L-TUNING: Synchronized Label Tuning for Prompt and Prefix in LLMs

Authors: Md. Kowsher, Md. Shohanur Islam Sobuj, Asif Mahmud, Nusrat Jahan Prottasha, Prakash Bhat

Abstract: Efficiently fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) for specific tasks presents a considerable challenge in natural language processing. Traditional methods, like prompt or prefix tuning, typically rely on arbitrary tokens for training, leading to prolonged training times and generalized token use across various class labels. To address these issues, this paper introduces L-Tuning, an efficient fine-tuning approach designed for classification tasks within the Natural Language Inference (NLI) framework. Diverging from conventional methods, L-Tuning focuses on the fine-tuning of label tokens processed through a pre-trained LLM, thereby harnessing its pre-existing semantic knowledge. This technique not only improves the fine-tuning accuracy and efficiency but also facilitates the generation of distinct label embeddings for each class, enhancing the model's training nuance. Our experimental results indicate a significant improvement in training efficiency and classification accuracy with L-Tuning compared to traditional approaches, marking a promising advancement in fine-tuning LLMs for complex language tasks.

replace-cross Towards Eliminating Hard Label Constraints in Gradient Inversion Attacks

Authors: Yanbo Wang, Jian Liang, Ran He

Abstract: Gradient inversion attacks aim to reconstruct local training data from intermediate gradients exposed in the federated learning framework. Despite successful attacks, all previous methods, starting from reconstructing a single data point and then relaxing the single-image limit to batch level, are only tested under hard label constraints. Even for single-image reconstruction, we still lack an analysis-based algorithm to recover augmented soft labels. In this work, we change the focus from enlarging batchsize to investigating the hard label constraints, considering a more realistic circumstance where label smoothing and mixup techniques are used in the training process. In particular, we are the first to initiate a novel algorithm to simultaneously recover the ground-truth augmented label and the input feature of the last fully-connected layer from single-input gradients, and provide a necessary condition for any analytical-based label recovery methods. Extensive experiments testify to the label recovery accuracy, as well as the benefits to the following image reconstruction. We believe soft labels in classification tasks are worth further attention in gradient inversion attacks.

replace-cross Systematic Assessment of Tabular Data Synthesis Algorithms

Authors: Yuntao Du, Ninghui Li

Abstract: Data synthesis has been advocated as an important approach for utilizing data while protecting data privacy. A large number of tabular data synthesis algorithms (which we call synthesizers) have been proposed. Some synthesizers satisfy Differential Privacy, while others aim to provide privacy in a heuristic fashion. A comprehensive understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of these synthesizers remains elusive due to drawbacks in evaluation metrics and missing head-to-head comparisons of newly developed synthesizers that take advantage of diffusion models and large language models with state-of-the-art marginal-based synthesizers. In this paper, we present a systematic evaluation framework for assessing tabular data synthesis algorithms. Specifically, we examine and critique existing evaluation metrics, and introduce a set of new metrics in terms of fidelity, privacy, and utility to address their limitations. Based on the proposed metrics, we also devise a unified objective for tuning, which can consistently improve the quality of synthetic data for all methods. We conducted extensive evaluations of 8 different types of synthesizers on 12 real-world datasets and identified some interesting findings, which offer new directions for privacy-preserving data synthesis.

replace-cross Doubly Robust Inference in Causal Latent Factor Models

Authors: Alberto Abadie, Anish Agarwal, Raaz Dwivedi, Abhin Shah

Abstract: This article introduces a new estimator of average treatment effects under unobserved confounding in modern data-rich environments featuring large numbers of units and outcomes. The proposed estimator is doubly robust, combining outcome imputation, inverse probability weighting, and a novel cross-fitting procedure for matrix completion. We derive finite-sample and asymptotic guarantees, and show that the error of the new estimator converges to a mean-zero Gaussian distribution at a parametric rate. Simulation results demonstrate the practical relevance of the formal properties of the estimators analyzed in this article.

replace-cross Stochastic Hessian Fittings with Lie Groups

Authors: Xi-Lin Li

Abstract: This paper studies the fitting of Hessian or its inverse for stochastic optimizations using a Hessian fitting criterion from the preconditioned stochastic gradient descent (PSGD) method, which is intimately related to many commonly used second order and adaptive gradient optimizers, e.g., BFGS, Gaussian-Newton and natural gradient descent, AdaGrad, etc. Our analyses reveal the efficiency and reliability differences among a wide range of preconditioner fitting methods, from closed-form to iterative solutions, using Hessian-vector products or stochastic gradients only, with Hessian fittings in the Euclidean space, the manifold of symmetric positive definite (SPL) matrices, to a variety of Lie groups. The most intriguing discovery is that the Hessian fitting itself as an optimization problem is strongly convex under mild conditions with a specific yet general enough Lie group. This discovery turns Hessian fitting into a well behaved optimization problem, and facilitates the designs of highly efficient and elegant Lie group sparse preconditioner fitting methods for large scale stochastic optimizations.

replace-cross syren-halofit: A fast, interpretable, high-precision formula for the $\Lambda$CDM nonlinear matter power spectrum

Authors: Deaglan J. Bartlett, Benjamin D. Wandelt, Matteo Zennaro, Pedro G. Ferreira, Harry Desmond

Abstract: Rapid and accurate evaluation of the nonlinear matter power spectrum, $P(k)$, as a function of cosmological parameters and redshift is of fundamental importance in cosmology. Analytic approximations provide an interpretable solution, yet current approximations are neither fast nor accurate relative to numerical emulators. We use symbolic regression to obtain simple analytic approximations to the nonlinear scale, $k_\sigma$, the effective spectral index, $n_{\rm eff}$, and the curvature, $C$, which are required for the halofit model. We then re-optimise the coefficients of halofit to fit a wide range of cosmologies and redshifts. We explore the space of analytic expressions to fit the residuals between $P(k)$ and the optimised predictions of halofit. Our results are designed to match the predictions of EuclidEmulator2, but are validated against $N$-body simulations. Our symbolic expressions for $k_\sigma$, $n_{\rm eff}$ and $C$ have root mean squared fractional errors of 0.8%, 0.2% and 0.3%, respectively, for redshifts below 3 and a wide range of cosmologies. The re-optimised halofit parameters reduce the root mean squared fractional error (compared to EuclidEmulator2) from 3% to below 2% for wavenumbers $k=9\times10^{-3}-9 \, h{\rm Mpc^{-1}}$. We introduce syren-halofit (symbolic-regression-enhanced halofit), an extension to halofit containing a short symbolic correction which improves this error to 1%. Our method is 2350 and 3170 times faster than current halofit and hmcode implementations, respectively, and 2680 and 64 times faster than EuclidEmulator2 (which requires running class) and the BACCO emulator. We obtain comparable accuracy to EuclidEmulator2 and BACCO when tested on $N$-body simulations. Our work greatly increases the speed and accuracy of symbolic approximations to $P(k)$, making them significantly faster than their numerical counterparts without loss of accuracy.

replace-cross Not all Layers of LLMs are Necessary during Inference

Authors: Siqi Fan, Xin Jiang, Xiang Li, Xuying Meng, Peng Han, Shuo Shang, Aixin Sun, Yequan Wang, Zhongyuan Wang

Abstract: The inference phase of Large Language Models (LLMs) is very expensive. An ideal inference stage of LLMs could utilize fewer computational resources while still maintaining its capabilities (e.g., generalization and in-context learning ability). In this paper, we try to answer the question, "During LLM inference, can we use shallow layers for easy instances; and deep layers for hard ones?" To answer this question, we first indicate that Not all Layers are Necessary during Inference by statistically analyzing the activated layers across tasks. Then, we propose a simple algorithm named AdaInfer to determine the inference termination moment based on the input instance adaptively. More importantly, AdaInfer does not alter LLM parameters and maintains generalizability across tasks. Experiments on well-known LLMs (i.e., Llama2 series and OPT) show that AdaInfer saves an average of 14.8% of computational resources, even up to 50% on sentiment tasks, while maintaining comparable performance. Additionally, this method is orthogonal to other model acceleration techniques, potentially boosting inference efficiency further.

replace-cross Vision-Language Models for Medical Report Generation and Visual Question Answering: A Review

Authors: Iryna Hartsock, Ghulam Rasool

Abstract: Medical vision-language models (VLMs) combine computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze visual and textual medical data. Our paper reviews recent advancements in developing VLMs specialized for healthcare, focusing on models designed for medical report generation and visual question answering (VQA). We provide background on NLP and CV, explaining how techniques from both fields are integrated into VLMs to enable learning from multimodal data. Key areas we address include the exploration of medical vision-language datasets, in-depth analyses of architectures and pre-training strategies employed in recent noteworthy medical VLMs, and comprehensive discussion on evaluation metrics for assessing VLMs' performance in medical report generation and VQA. We also highlight current challenges and propose future directions, including enhancing clinical validity and addressing patient privacy concerns. Overall, our review summarizes recent progress in developing VLMs to harness multimodal medical data for improved healthcare applications.

replace-cross AceMap: Knowledge Discovery through Academic Graph

Authors: Xinbing Wang, Luoyi Fu, Xiaoying Gan, Ying Wen, Guanjie Zheng, Jiaxin Ding, Liyao Xiang, Nanyang Ye, Meng Jin, Shiyu Liang, Bin Lu, Haiwen Wang, Yi Xu, Cheng Deng, Shao Zhang, Huquan Kang, Xingli Wang, Qi Li, Zhixin Guo, Jiexing Qi, Pan Liu, Yuyang Ren, Lyuwen Wu, Jungang Yang, Jianping Zhou, Chenghu Zhou

Abstract: The exponential growth of scientific literature requires effective management and extraction of valuable insights. While existing scientific search engines excel at delivering search results based on relational databases, they often neglect the analysis of collaborations between scientific entities and the evolution of ideas, as well as the in-depth analysis of content within scientific publications. The representation of heterogeneous graphs and the effective measurement, analysis, and mining of such graphs pose significant challenges. To address these challenges, we present AceMap, an academic system designed for knowledge discovery through academic graph. We present advanced database construction techniques to build the comprehensive AceMap database with large-scale academic entities that contain rich visual, textual, and numerical information. AceMap also employs innovative visualization, quantification, and analysis methods to explore associations and logical relationships among academic entities. AceMap introduces large-scale academic network visualization techniques centered on nebular graphs, providing a comprehensive view of academic networks from multiple perspectives. In addition, AceMap proposes a unified metric based on structural entropy to quantitatively measure the knowledge content of different academic entities. Moreover, AceMap provides advanced analysis capabilities, including tracing the evolution of academic ideas through citation relationships and concept co-occurrence, and generating concise summaries informed by this evolutionary process. In addition, AceMap uses machine reading methods to generate potential new ideas at the intersection of different fields. Exploring the integration of large language models and knowledge graphs is a promising direction for future research in idea evolution. Please visit \url{} for further exploration.


replace-cross General surgery vision transformer: A video pre-trained foundation model for general surgery

Authors: Samuel Schmidgall, Ji Woong Kim, Jeffrey Jopling, Axel Krieger

Abstract: The absence of openly accessible data and specialized foundation models is a major barrier for computational research in surgery. Toward this, (i) we open-source the largest dataset of general surgery videos to-date, consisting of 680 hours of surgical videos, including data from robotic and laparoscopic techniques across 28 procedures; (ii) we propose a technique for video pre-training a general surgery vision transformer (GSViT) on surgical videos based on forward video prediction that can run in real-time for surgical applications, toward which we open-source the code and weights of GSViT; (iii) we also release code and weights for procedure-specific fine-tuned versions of GSViT across 10 procedures; (iv) we demonstrate the performance of GSViT on the Cholec80 phase annotation task, displaying improved performance over state-of-the-art single frame predictors.

replace-cross Adversarial Nibbler: An Open Red-Teaming Method for Identifying Diverse Harms in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jessica Quaye, Alicia Parrish, Oana Inel, Charvi Rastogi, Hannah Rose Kirk, Minsuk Kahng, Erin van Liemt, Max Bartolo, Jess Tsang, Justin White, Nathan Clement, Rafael Mosquera, Juan Ciro, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Lora Aroyo

Abstract: With the rise of text-to-image (T2I) generative AI models reaching wide audiences, it is critical to evaluate model robustness against non-obvious attacks to mitigate the generation of offensive images. By focusing on ``implicitly adversarial'' prompts (those that trigger T2I models to generate unsafe images for non-obvious reasons), we isolate a set of difficult safety issues that human creativity is well-suited to uncover. To this end, we built the Adversarial Nibbler Challenge, a red-teaming methodology for crowdsourcing a diverse set of implicitly adversarial prompts. We have assembled a suite of state-of-the-art T2I models, employed a simple user interface to identify and annotate harms, and engaged diverse populations to capture long-tail safety issues that may be overlooked in standard testing. The challenge is run in consecutive rounds to enable a sustained discovery and analysis of safety pitfalls in T2I models. In this paper, we present an in-depth account of our methodology, a systematic study of novel attack strategies and discussion of safety failures revealed by challenge participants. We also release a companion visualization tool for easy exploration and derivation of insights from the dataset. The first challenge round resulted in over 10k prompt-image pairs with machine annotations for safety. A subset of 1.5k samples contains rich human annotations of harm types and attack styles. We find that 14% of images that humans consider harmful are mislabeled as ``safe'' by machines. We have identified new attack strategies that highlight the complexity of ensuring T2I model robustness. Our findings emphasize the necessity of continual auditing and adaptation as new vulnerabilities emerge. We are confident that this work will enable proactive, iterative safety assessments and promote responsible development of T2I models.

replace-cross Stochastic Halpern iteration in normed spaces and applications to reinforcement learning

Authors: Mario Bravo, Juan Pablo Contreras

Abstract: We analyze the oracle complexity of the stochastic Halpern iteration with variance reduction, where we aim to approximate fixed-points of nonexpansive and contractive operators in a normed finite-dimensional space. We show that if the underlying stochastic oracle is with uniformly bounded variance, our method exhibits an overall oracle complexity of $\tilde{O}(\varepsilon^{-5})$, improving recent rates established for the stochastic Krasnoselskii-Mann iteration. Also, we establish a lower bound of $\Omega(\varepsilon^{-3})$, which applies to a wide range of algorithms, including all averaged iterations even with minibatching. Using a suitable modification of our approach, we derive a $O(\varepsilon^{-2}(1-\gamma)^{-3})$ complexity bound in the case in which the operator is a $\gamma$-contraction. As an application, we propose new synchronous algorithms for average reward and discounted reward Markov decision processes. In particular, for the average reward, our method improves on the best-known sample complexity.

replace-cross AFLoRA: Adaptive Freezing of Low Rank Adaptation in Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Models

Authors: Zeyu Liu, Souvik Kundu, Anni Li, Junrui Wan, Lianghao Jiang, Peter Anthony Beerel

Abstract: We present a novel Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) method, dubbed as Adaptive Freezing of Low Rank Adaptation (AFLoRA). Specifically, for each pre-trained frozen weight tensor, we add a parallel path of trainable low-rank matrices, namely a down-projection and an up-projection matrix, each of which is followed by a feature transformation vector. Based on a novel freezing score, we the incrementally freeze these projection matrices during fine-tuning to reduce the computation and alleviate over-fitting. Our experimental results demonstrate that we can achieve state-of-the-art performance with an average improvement of up to $0.85\%$ as evaluated on GLUE benchmark while yeilding up to $9.5\times$ fewer average trainable parameters. While compared in terms of runtime, AFLoRA can yield up to $1.86\times$ improvement as opposed to similar PEFT alternatives. Besides the practical utility of our approach, we provide insights on the trainability requirements of LoRA paths at different modules and the freezing schedule for the different projection matrices. Code will be released.

replace-cross Detoxifying Large Language Models via Knowledge Editing

Authors: Mengru Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Ziwen Xu, Zekun Xi, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Qishen Zhang, Linyi Yang, Jindong Wang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: This paper investigates using knowledge editing techniques to detoxify Large Language Models (LLMs). We construct a benchmark, SafeEdit, which covers nine unsafe categories with various powerful attack prompts and equips comprehensive metrics for systematic evaluation. We conduct experiments with several knowledge editing approaches, indicating that knowledge editing has the potential to efficiently detoxify LLMs with limited impact on general performance. Then, we propose a simple yet effective baseline, dubbed Detoxifying with Intraoperative Neural Monitoring (DINM), to diminish the toxicity of LLMs within a few tuning steps via only one instance. We further provide an in-depth analysis of the internal mechanism for various detoxifying approaches, demonstrating that previous methods like SFT and DPO may merely suppress the activations of toxic parameters, while DINM mitigates the toxicity of the toxic parameters to a certain extent, making permanent adjustments. We hope that these insights could shed light on future work of developing detoxifying approaches and the underlying knowledge mechanisms of LLMs. Code and benchmark are available at


replace-cross Predicting the Geothermal Gradient in Colombia: a Machine Learning Approach

Authors: Juan C. Mej\'ia-Fragoso, Manuel A. Florez, Roc\'io Bernal-Olaya

Abstract: Accurate determination of the geothermal gradient is critical for assessing the geothermal energy potential of a given region. Of particular interest is the case of Colombia, a country with abundant geothermal resources. A history of active oil and gas exploration and production has left drilled boreholes in different geological settings, providing direct measurements of the geothermal gradient. Unfortunately, large regions of the country where geothermal resources might exist lack such measurements. Indirect geophysical measurements are costly and difficult to perform at regional scales. Computational thermal models could be constructed, but they require very detailed knowledge of the underlying geology and uniform sampling of subsurface temperatures to be well-constrained. We present an alternative approach that leverages recent advances in supervised machine learning and available direct measurements to predict the geothermal gradient in regions where only global-scale geophysical datasets and course geological knowledge are available. We find that a Gradient Boosted Regression Tree algorithm yields optimal predictions and extensively validate the trained model. We show that predictions of our model are within 12\% accuracy and that independent measurements performed by other authors agree well with our model. Finnally, we present a geothermal gradient map for Colombia that highlights regions where futher exploration and data collection should be performed.

replace-cross Mind-to-Image: Projecting Visual Mental Imagination of the Brain from fMRI

Authors: Hugo Caselles-Dupr\'e, Charles Mellerio, Paul H\'erent, Aliz\'ee Lopez-Persem, Benoit B\'eranger, Mathieu Soularue, Pierre Fautrel, Gauthier Vernier, Matthieu Cord

Abstract: The reconstruction of images observed by subjects from fMRI data collected during visual stimuli has made significant strides in the past decade, thanks to the availability of extensive fMRI datasets and advancements in generative models for image generation. However, the application of visual reconstruction has remained limited. Reconstructing visual imagination presents a greater challenge, with potentially revolutionary applications ranging from aiding individuals with disabilities to verifying witness accounts in court. The primary hurdles in this field are the absence of data collection protocols for visual imagery and the lack of datasets on the subject. Traditionally, fMRI-to-image relies on data collected from subjects exposed to visual stimuli, which poses issues for generating visual imagery based on the difference of brain activity between visual stimulation and visual imagery. For the first time, we have compiled a substantial dataset (around 6h of scans) on visual imagery along with a proposed data collection protocol. We then train a modified version of an fMRI-to-image model and demonstrate the feasibility of reconstructing images from two modes of imagination: from memory and from pure imagination. This marks an important step towards creating a technology that allow direct reconstruction of visual imagery.

replace-cross Tackling Structural Hallucination in Image Translation with Local Diffusion

Authors: Seunghoi Kim, Chen Jin, Tom Diethe, Matteo Figini, Henry F. J. Tregidgo, Asher Mullokandov, Philip Teare, Daniel C. Alexander

Abstract: Recent developments in diffusion models have advanced conditioned image generation, yet they struggle with reconstructing out-of-distribution (OOD) images, such as unseen tumors in medical images, causing ``image hallucination'' and risking misdiagnosis. We hypothesize such hallucinations result from local OOD regions in the conditional images. We verify that partitioning the OOD region and conducting separate image generations alleviates hallucinations in several applications. From this, we propose a training-free diffusion framework that reduces hallucination with multiple Local Diffusion processes. Our approach involves OOD estimation followed by two modules: a ``branching'' module generates locally both within and outside OOD regions, and a ``fusion'' module integrates these predictions into one. Our evaluation shows our method mitigates hallucination over baseline models quantitatively and qualitatively, reducing misdiagnosis by 40% and 25% in the real-world medical and natural image datasets, respectively. It also demonstrates compatibility with various pre-trained diffusion models.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Approach for a Single Vehicle Persistent Surveillance Problem with Fuel Constraints

Authors: Hritik Bana, Manav Mishra, Saswata Sarkar, Sujeevraja Sanjeevi, PB Sujit, Kaarthik Sundar

Abstract: This article presents a deep reinforcement learning-based approach to tackle a persistent surveillance mission requiring a single unmanned aerial vehicle initially stationed at a depot with fuel or time-of-flight constraints to repeatedly visit a set of targets with equal priority. Owing to the vehicle's fuel or time-of-flight constraints, the vehicle must be regularly refueled, or its battery must be recharged at the depot. The objective of the problem is to determine an optimal sequence of visits to the targets that minimizes the maximum time elapsed between successive visits to any target while ensuring that the vehicle never runs out of fuel or charge. We present a deep reinforcement learning algorithm to solve this problem and present the results of numerical experiments that corroborate the effectiveness of this approach in comparison with common-sense greedy heuristics.

replace-cross Public-private funding models in open source software development: A case study on scikit-learn

Authors: Cailean Osborne

Abstract: Governments are increasingly funding open source software (OSS) development to address concerns regarding software security, digital sovereignty, and national competitiveness in science and innovation. While announcements of governmental funding are generally well-received by OSS developers, we still have a limited understanding of how they evaluate the relative benefits and drawbacks of such funding compared to other types of funding. This paper explores this question through a case study on scikit-learn, a Python library for machine learning, whose funding combines research grants, commercial sponsorship, community donations, and a 32 million Euro grant from France's artificial intelligence strategy. Through 25 interviews with scikit-learn's maintainers and funders, this study makes two key contributions to research and practice. First, the study contributes novel findings about the design and implementation of a public-private funding model in an OSS project. It sheds light on the respective roles that public and private funders have played in supporting scikit-learn, and the processes and governance mechanisms employed by the maintainers to balance their funders' diverse interests and to safeguard community interests. Second, it offers practical recommendations. For OSS developer communities, it illustrates the benefits of a diversified funding model for balancing the merits and drawbacks of different funding sources and mitigating dependence on single funders. For companies, it serves as a reminder that sponsoring developers or OSS projects can significantly help maintainers, who often struggle with limited resources and towering workloads. For governments, it emphasises the importance of funding the maintenance of existing OSS in addition to funding the development of new software or features. The paper concludes with suggestions for future research.

replace-cross A Mathematical Theory for Learning Semantic Languages by Abstract Learners

Authors: Kuo-Yu Liao, Cheng-Shang Chang, Y. -W. Peter Hong

Abstract: Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated the emergence of capabilities (learned skills) when the number of system parameters and the size of training data surpass certain thresholds. The exact mechanisms behind such phenomena are not fully understood and remain a topic of active research. Inspired by the skill-text bipartite graph model presented in [1] for modeling semantic language, we develop a mathematical theory to explain the emergence of learned skills, taking the learning (or training) process into account. Our approach models the learning process for skills in the skill-text bipartite graph as an iterative decoding process in Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes and Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA (IRSA). Using density evolution analysis, we demonstrate the emergence of learned skills when the ratio of the size of training texts to the number of skills exceeds a certain threshold. Our analysis also yields a scaling law for testing errors relative to the size of training texts. Upon completion of the training, we propose a method for semantic compression and discuss its application in semantic communication.

replace-cross Predicting Mergers and Acquisitions: Temporal Dynamic Industry Networks

Authors: Dayu Yang

Abstract: M&A activities are pivotal for market consolidation, enabling firms to augment market power through strategic complementarities. Existing research often overlooks the peer effect, the mutual influence of M&A behaviors among firms, and fails to capture complex interdependencies within industry networks. Common approaches suffer from reliance on ad-hoc feature engineering, data truncation leading to significant information loss, reduced predictive accuracy, and challenges in real-world application. Additionally, the rarity of M&A events necessitates data rebalancing in conventional models, introducing bias and undermining prediction reliability. We propose an innovative M&A predictive model utilizing the Temporal Dynamic Industry Network (TDIN), leveraging temporal point processes and deep learning to adeptly capture industry-wide M&A dynamics. This model facilitates accurate, detailed deal-level predictions without arbitrary data manipulation or rebalancing, demonstrated through superior evaluation results from M&A cases between January 1997 and December 2020. Our approach marks a significant improvement over traditional models by providing detailed insights into M&A activities and strategic recommendations for specific firms.

replace-cross Conformer-1: Robust ASR via Large-Scale Semisupervised Bootstrapping

Authors: Kevin Zhang, Luka Chkhetiani, Francis McCann Ramirez, Yash Khare, Andrea Vanzo, Michael Liang, Sergio Ramirez Martin, Gabriel Oexle, Ruben Bousbib, Taufiquzzaman Peyash, Michael Nguyen, Dillon Pulliam, Domenic Donato

Abstract: This paper presents Conformer-1, an end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model trained on an extensive dataset of 570k hours of speech audio data, 91% of which was acquired from publicly available sources. To achieve this, we perform Noisy Student Training after generating pseudo-labels for the unlabeled public data using a strong Conformer RNN-T baseline model. The addition of these pseudo-labeled data results in remarkable improvements in relative Word Error Rate (WER) by 11.5% and 24.3% for our asynchronous and realtime models, respectively. Additionally, the model is more robust to background noise owing to the addition of these data. The results obtained in this study demonstrate that the incorporation of pseudo-labeled publicly available data is a highly effective strategy for improving ASR accuracy and noise robustness.

replace-cross LaVy: Vietnamese Multimodal Large Language Model

Authors: Chi Tran, Huong Le Thanh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Large language models (MLLMs) have taken the world by storm with impressive abilities in complex reasoning and linguistic comprehension. Meanwhile there are plethora of works related to Vietnamese Large Language Models, the lack of high-quality resources in multimodality limits the progress of Vietnamese MLLMs. In this paper, we pioneer in address this by introducing LaVy, a state-of-the-art Vietnamese MLLM, and we also introduce LaVy-Bench benchmark designated for evaluating MLLMs's understanding on Vietnamese visual language tasks. All code and model weights are public at