new Automated Discovery of Functional Actual Causes in Complex Environments

Authors: Caleb Chuck, Sankaran Vaidyanathan, Stephen Giguere, Amy Zhang, David Jensen, Scott Niekum

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms often struggle to learn policies that generalize to novel situations due to issues such as causal confusion, overfitting to irrelevant factors, and failure to isolate control of state factors. These issues stem from a common source: a failure to accurately identify and exploit state-specific causal relationships in the environment. While some prior works in RL aim to identify these relationships explicitly, they rely on informal domain-specific heuristics such as spatial and temporal proximity. Actual causality offers a principled and general framework for determining the causes of particular events. However, existing definitions of actual cause often attribute causality to a large number of events, even if many of them rarely influence the outcome. Prior work on actual causality proposes normality as a solution to this problem, but its existing implementations are challenging to scale to complex and continuous-valued RL environments. This paper introduces functional actual cause (FAC), a framework that uses context-specific independencies in the environment to restrict the set of actual causes. We additionally introduce Joint Optimization for Actual Cause Inference (JACI), an algorithm that learns from observational data to infer functional actual causes. We demonstrate empirically that FAC agrees with known results on a suite of examples from the actual causality literature, and JACI identifies actual causes with significantly higher accuracy than existing heuristic methods in a set of complex, continuous-valued environments.

new Cognitive-Motor Integration in Assessing Bimanual Motor Skills

Authors: Erim Yanik, Xavier Intes, Suvranu De

Abstract: Accurate assessment of bimanual motor skills is essential across various professions, yet, traditional methods often rely on subjective assessments or focus solely on motor actions, overlooking the integral role of cognitive processes. This study introduces a novel approach by leveraging deep neural networks (DNNs) to analyze and integrate both cognitive decision-making and motor execution. We tested this methodology by assessing laparoscopic surgery skills within the Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery program, which is a prerequisite for general surgery certification. Utilizing video capture of motor actions and non-invasive functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) for measuring neural activations, our approach precisely classifies subjects by expertise level and predicts FLS behavioral performance scores, significantly surpassing traditional single-modality assessments.

new Exploring Augmentation and Cognitive Strategies for AI based Synthetic Personae

Authors: Rafael Arias Gonzalez, Steve DiPaola

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) hold potential for innovative HCI research, including the creation of synthetic personae. However, their black-box nature and propensity for hallucinations pose challenges. To address these limitations, this position paper advocates for using LLMs as data augmentation systems rather than zero-shot generators. We further propose the development of robust cognitive and memory frameworks to guide LLM responses. Initial explorations suggest that data enrichment, episodic memory, and self-reflection techniques can improve the reliability of synthetic personae and open up new avenues for HCI research.

new CrossGP: Cross-Day Glucose Prediction Excluding Physiological Information

Authors: Ziyi Zhou, Ming Cheng, Yanjun Cui, Xingjian Diao, Zhaorui Ma

Abstract: The increasing number of diabetic patients is a serious issue in society today, which has significant negative impacts on people's health and the country's financial expenditures. Because diabetes may develop into potential serious complications, early glucose prediction for diabetic patients is necessary for timely medical treatment. Existing glucose prediction methods typically utilize patients' private data (e.g. age, gender, ethnicity) and physiological parameters (e.g. blood pressure, heart rate) as reference features for glucose prediction, which inevitably leads to privacy protection concerns. Moreover, these models generally focus on either long-term (monthly-based) or short-term (minute-based) predictions. Long-term prediction methods are generally inaccurate because of the external uncertainties that can greatly affect the glucose values, while short-term ones fail to provide timely medical guidance. Based on the above issues, we propose CrossGP, a novel machine-learning framework for cross-day glucose prediction solely based on the patient's external activities without involving any physiological parameters. Meanwhile, we implement three baseline models for comparison. Extensive experiments on Anderson's dataset strongly demonstrate the superior performance of CrossGP and prove its potential for future real-life applications.

new Towards a Research Community in Interpretable Reinforcement Learning: the InterpPol Workshop

Authors: Hector Kohler, Quentin Delfosse, Paul Festor, Philippe Preux

Abstract: Embracing the pursuit of intrinsically explainable reinforcement learning raises crucial questions: what distinguishes explainability from interpretability? Should explainable and interpretable agents be developed outside of domains where transparency is imperative? What advantages do interpretable policies offer over neural networks? How can we rigorously define and measure interpretability in policies, without user studies? What reinforcement learning paradigms,are the most suited to develop interpretable agents? Can Markov Decision Processes integrate interpretable state representations? In addition to motivate an Interpretable RL community centered around the aforementioned questions, we propose the first venue dedicated to Interpretable RL: the InterpPol Workshop.

new Causal Effect Estimation Using Random Hyperplane Tessellations

Authors: Abhishek Dalvi, Neil Ashtekar, Vasant Honavar

Abstract: Matching is one of the simplest approaches for estimating causal effects from observational data. Matching techniques compare the observed outcomes across pairs of individuals with similar covariate values but different treatment statuses in order to estimate causal effects. However, traditional matching techniques are unreliable given high-dimensional covariates due to the infamous curse of dimensionality. To overcome this challenge, we propose a simple, fast, yet highly effective approach to matching using Random Hyperplane Tessellations (RHPT). First, we prove that the RHPT representation is an approximate balancing score -- thus maintaining the strong ignorability assumption -- and provide empirical evidence for this claim. Second, we report results of extensive experiments showing that matching using RHPT outperforms traditional matching techniques and is competitive with state-of-the-art deep learning methods for causal effect estimation. In addition, RHPT avoids the need for computationally expensive training of deep neural networks.

new LLMem: Estimating GPU Memory Usage for Fine-Tuning Pre-Trained LLMs

Authors: Taeho Kim, Yanming Wang, Vatshank Chaturvedi, Lokesh Gupta, Seyeon Kim, Yongin Kwon, Sangtae Ha

Abstract: Fine-tuning pre-trained large language models (LLMs) with limited hardware presents challenges due to GPU memory constraints. Various distributed fine-tuning methods have been proposed to alleviate memory constraints on GPU. However, determining the most effective method for achieving rapid fine-tuning while preventing GPU out-of-memory issues in a given environment remains unclear. To address this challenge, we introduce LLMem, a solution that estimates the GPU memory consumption when applying distributed fine-tuning methods across multiple GPUs and identifies the optimal method. We conduct GPU memory usage estimation prior to fine-tuning, leveraging the fundamental structure of transformer-based decoder models and the memory usage distribution of each method. Experimental results show that LLMem accurately estimates peak GPU memory usage on a single GPU, with error rates of up to 1.6%. Additionally, it shows an average error rate of 3.0% when applying distributed fine-tuning methods to LLMs with more than a billion parameters on multi-GPU setups.

new Function Approximation for Reinforcement Learning Controller for Energy from Spread Waves

Authors: Soumyendu Sarkar, Vineet Gundecha, Sahand Ghorbanpour, Alexander Shmakov, Ashwin Ramesh Babu, Avisek Naug, Alexandre Pichard, Mathieu Cocho

Abstract: The industrial multi-generator Wave Energy Converters (WEC) must handle multiple simultaneous waves coming from different directions called spread waves. These complex devices in challenging circumstances need controllers with multiple objectives of energy capture efficiency, reduction of structural stress to limit maintenance, and proactive protection against high waves. The Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) controller trained with the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm can handle these complexities. In this paper, we explore different function approximations for the policy and critic networks in modeling the sequential nature of the system dynamics and find that they are key to better performance. We investigated the performance of a fully connected neural network (FCN), LSTM, and Transformer model variants with varying depths and gated residual connections. Our results show that the transformer model of moderate depth with gated residual connections around the multi-head attention, multi-layer perceptron, and the transformer block (STrXL) proposed in this paper is optimal and boosts energy efficiency by an average of 22.1% for these complex spread waves over the existing spring damper (SD) controller. Furthermore, unlike the default SD controller, the transformer controller almost eliminated the mechanical stress from the rotational yaw motion for angled waves. Demo:


new Empowering Large Language Models on Robotic Manipulation with Affordance Prompting

Authors: Guangran Cheng, Chuheng Zhang, Wenzhe Cai, Li Zhao, Changyin Sun, Jiang Bian

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) are successful in completing various language processing tasks, they easily fail to interact with the physical world by generating control sequences properly. We find that the main reason is that LLMs are not grounded in the physical world. Existing LLM-based approaches circumvent this problem by relying on additional pre-defined skills or pre-trained sub-policies, making it hard to adapt to new tasks. In contrast, we aim to address this problem and explore the possibility to prompt pre-trained LLMs to accomplish a series of robotic manipulation tasks in a training-free paradigm. Accordingly, we propose a framework called LLM+A(ffordance) where the LLM serves as both the sub-task planner (that generates high-level plans) and the motion controller (that generates low-level control sequences). To ground these plans and control sequences on the physical world, we develop the affordance prompting technique that stimulates the LLM to 1) predict the consequences of generated plans and 2) generate affordance values for relevant objects. Empirically, we evaluate the effectiveness of LLM+A in various language-conditioned robotic manipulation tasks, which show that our approach substantially improves performance by enhancing the feasibility of generated plans and control and can easily generalize to different environments.

new On the Empirical Complexity of Reasoning and Planning in LLMs

Authors: Liwei Kang, Zirui Zhao, David Hsu, Wee Sun Lee

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) work surprisingly well for some complex reasoning problems via chain-of-thought (CoT) or tree-of-thought (ToT), but the underlying reasons remain unclear. We seek to understand the performance of these methods by conducting experimental case studies and linking the outcomes to sample and computational complexity in machine learning. We found that if problems can be decomposed into a sequence of reasoning steps and learning to predict the next step has a low sample and computational complexity, explicitly outlining the reasoning chain with all necessary information for predicting the next step may improve performance. Conversely, for problems where predicting the next step is computationally hard, adopting ToT may yield better reasoning outcomes than attempting to formulate a short reasoning chain.

new Lightweight Unsupervised Federated Learning with Pretrained Vision Language Model

Authors: Hao Yan, Yuhong Guo

Abstract: Federated learning aims to tackle the ``isolated data island" problem, where it trains a collective model from physically isolated clients while safeguarding the privacy of users' data. However, supervised federated learning necessitates that each client labels their data for training, which can be both time-consuming and resource-intensive, and may even be impractical for edge devices. Moreover, the training and transmission of deep models present challenges to the computation and communication capabilities of the clients. To address these two inherent challenges in supervised federated learning, we propose a novel lightweight unsupervised federated learning approach that leverages unlabeled data on each client to perform lightweight model training and communication by harnessing pretrained vision-language models, such as CLIP. By capitalizing on the zero-shot prediction capability and the well-trained image encoder of the pre-trained CLIP model, we have carefully crafted an efficient and resilient self-training approach. This method refines the initial zero-shot predicted pseudo-labels of unlabeled instances through the sole training of a linear classifier on top of the fixed image encoder. Additionally, to address data heterogeneity within each client, we propose a class-balanced text feature sampling strategy for generating synthetic instances in the feature space to support local training. Experiments are conducted on multiple benchmark datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method greatly enhances model performance in comparison to CLIP's zero-shot predictions and even outperforms supervised federated learning benchmark methods given limited computational and communication overhead.

new Small Language Models are Good Too: An Empirical Study of Zero-Shot Classification

Authors: Pierre Lepagnol (LISN), Thomas Gerald (LISN), Sahar Ghannay (LISN), Christophe Servan (STL, ILES), Sophie Rosset (LISN)

Abstract: This study is part of the debate on the efficiency of large versus small language models for text classification by prompting.We assess the performance of small language models in zero-shot text classification, challenging the prevailing dominance of large models.Across 15 datasets, our investigation benchmarks language models from 77M to 40B parameters using different architectures and scoring functions. Our findings reveal that small models can effectively classify texts, getting on par with or surpassing their larger counterparts.We developed and shared a comprehensive open-source repository that encapsulates our methodologies. This research underscores the notion that bigger isn't always better, suggesting that resource-efficient small models may offer viable solutions for specific data classification challenges.

new Self-adaptive PSRO: Towards an Automatic Population-based Game Solver

Authors: Pengdeng Li, Shuxin Li, Chang Yang, Xinrun Wang, Xiao Huang, Hau Chan, Bo An

Abstract: Policy-Space Response Oracles (PSRO) as a general algorithmic framework has achieved state-of-the-art performance in learning equilibrium policies of two-player zero-sum games. However, the hand-crafted hyperparameter value selection in most of the existing works requires extensive domain knowledge, forming the main barrier to applying PSRO to different games. In this work, we make the first attempt to investigate the possibility of self-adaptively determining the optimal hyperparameter values in the PSRO framework. Our contributions are three-fold: (1) Using several hyperparameters, we propose a parametric PSRO that unifies the gradient descent ascent (GDA) and different PSRO variants. (2) We propose the self-adaptive PSRO (SPSRO) by casting the hyperparameter value selection of the parametric PSRO as a hyperparameter optimization (HPO) problem where our objective is to learn an HPO policy that can self-adaptively determine the optimal hyperparameter values during the running of the parametric PSRO. (3) To overcome the poor performance of online HPO methods, we propose a novel offline HPO approach to optimize the HPO policy based on the Transformer architecture. Experiments on various two-player zero-sum games demonstrate the superiority of SPSRO over different baselines.

new Explainable Machine Learning System for Predicting Chronic Kidney Disease in High-Risk Cardiovascular Patients

Authors: Nantika Nguycharoen

Abstract: As the global population ages, the incidence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is rising. CKD often remains asymptomatic until advanced stages, which significantly burdens both the healthcare system and patient quality of life. This research developed an explainable machine learning system for predicting CKD in patients with cardiovascular risks, utilizing medical history and laboratory data. The Random Forest model achieved the highest sensitivity of 88.2%. The study introduces a comprehensive explainability framework that extends beyond traditional feature importance methods, incorporating global and local interpretations, bias inspection, biomedical relevance, and safety assessments. Key predictive features identified in global interpretation were the use of diabetic and ACEI/ARB medications, and initial eGFR values. Local interpretation provided model insights through counterfactual explanations, which aligned with other system parts. After conducting a bias inspection, it was found that the initial eGFR values and CKD predictions exhibited some bias, but no significant gender bias was identified. The model's logic, extracted by scoped rules, was confirmed to align with existing medical literature. The safety assessment tested potentially dangerous cases and confirmed that the model behaved safely. This system enhances the explainability, reliability, and accountability of the model, promoting its potential integration into healthcare settings and compliance with upcoming regulatory standards, and showing promise for broader applications in healthcare machine learning.

new Low-Cost Language Models: Survey and Performance Evaluation on Python Code Generation

Authors: Jessica L\'opez Espejel, Mahaman Sanoussi Yahaya Alassan, Merieme Bouhandi, Walid Dahhane, El Hassane Ettifouri

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become the go-to solution for many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks due to their ability to tackle various problems and produce high-quality results. Specifically, they are increasingly used to automatically generate code, easing the burden on developers by handling repetitive tasks. However, this improvement in quality has led to high computational and memory demands, making LLMs inaccessible to users with limited resources. In this paper, we focus on Central Processing Unit (CPU)-compatible models and conduct a thorough semi-manual evaluation of their strengths and weaknesses in generating Python code. We enhance their performance by introducing a Chain-of-Thought prompt that guides the model in problem-solving. Additionally, we propose a dataset of 60 programming problems with varying difficulty levels for evaluation purposes. Our assessment also includes testing these models on two state-of-the-art datasets: HumanEval and EvalPlus. We commit to sharing our dataset and experimental results publicly to ensure transparency.

new CAGE: Causality-Aware Shapley Value for Global Explanations

Authors: Nils Ole Breuer, Andreas Sauter, Majid Mohammadi, Erman Acar

Abstract: As Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having more influence on our everyday lives, it becomes important that AI-based decisions are transparent and explainable. As a consequence, the field of eXplainable AI (or XAI) has become popular in recent years. One way to explain AI models is to elucidate the predictive importance of the input features for the AI model in general, also referred to as global explanations. Inspired by cooperative game theory, Shapley values offer a convenient way for quantifying the feature importance as explanations. However many methods based on Shapley values are built on the assumption of feature independence and often overlook causal relations of the features which could impact their importance for the ML model. Inspired by studies of explanations at the local level, we propose CAGE (Causally-Aware Shapley Values for Global Explanations). In particular, we introduce a novel sampling procedure for out-coalition features that respects the causal relations of the input features. We derive a practical approach that incorporates causal knowledge into global explanation and offers the possibility to interpret the predictive feature importance considering their causal relation. We evaluate our method on synthetic data and real-world data. The explanations from our approach suggest that they are not only more intuitive but also more faithful compared to previous global explanation methods.

new Prompt-Guided Generation of Structured Chest X-Ray Report Using a Pre-trained LLM

Authors: Hongzhao Li, Hongyu Wang, Xia Sun, Hua He, Jun Feng

Abstract: Medical report generation automates radiology descriptions from images, easing the burden on physicians and minimizing errors. However, current methods lack structured outputs and physician interactivity for clear, clinically relevant reports. Our method introduces a prompt-guided approach to generate structured chest X-ray reports using a pre-trained large language model (LLM). First, we identify anatomical regions in chest X-rays to generate focused sentences that center on key visual elements, thereby establishing a structured report foundation with anatomy-based sentences. We also convert the detected anatomy into textual prompts conveying anatomical comprehension to the LLM. Additionally, the clinical context prompts guide the LLM to emphasize interactivity and clinical requirements. By integrating anatomy-focused sentences and anatomy/clinical prompts, the pre-trained LLM can generate structured chest X-ray reports tailored to prompted anatomical regions and clinical contexts. We evaluate using language generation and clinical effectiveness metrics, demonstrating strong performance.

new RD2Bench: Toward Data-Centric Automatic R&D

Authors: Haotian Chen, Xinjie Shen, Zeqi Ye, Xiao Yang, Xu Yang, Weiqing Liu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: The progress of humanity is driven by those successful discoveries accompanied by countless failed experiments. Researchers often seek the potential research directions by reading and then verifying them through experiments. The process imposes a significant burden on researchers. In the past decade, the data-driven black-box deep learning method demonstrates its effectiveness in a wide range of real-world scenarios, which exacerbates the experimental burden of researchers and thus renders the potential successful discoveries veiled. Therefore, automating such a research and development (R&D) process is an urgent need. In this paper, we serve as the first effort to formalize the goal by proposing a Real-world Data-centric automatic R&D Benchmark, namely RD2Bench. RD2Bench benchmarks all the operations in data-centric automatic R&D (D-CARD) as a whole to navigate future work toward our goal directly. We focuses on evaluating the interaction and synergistic effects of various model capabilities and aiding to select the well-performed trustworthy models. Although RD2Bench is very challenging to the state-of-the-art (SOTA) large language model (LLM) named GPT-4, indicating ample research opportunities and more research efforts, LLMs possess promising potential to bring more significant development to D-CARD: They are able to implement some simple methods without adopting any additional techniques. We appeal to future work to take developing techniques for tackling automatic R&D into consideration, thus bringing the opportunities of the potential revolutionary upgrade to human productivity.

new Inductive Cognitive Diagnosis for Fast Student Learning in Web-Based Online Intelligent Education Systems

Authors: Shuo Liu, Junhao Shen, Hong Qian, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Cognitive diagnosis aims to gauge students' mastery levels based on their response logs. Serving as a pivotal module in web-based online intelligent education systems (WOIESs), it plays an upstream and fundamental role in downstream tasks like learning item recommendation and computerized adaptive testing. WOIESs are open learning environment where numerous new students constantly register and complete exercises. In WOIESs, efficient cognitive diagnosis is crucial to fast feedback and accelerating student learning. However, the existing cognitive diagnosis methods always employ intrinsically transductive student-specific embeddings, which become slow and costly due to retraining when dealing with new students who are unseen during training. To this end, this paper proposes an inductive cognitive diagnosis model (ICDM) for fast new students' mastery levels inference in WOIESs. Specifically, in ICDM, we propose a novel student-centered graph (SCG). Rather than inferring mastery levels through updating student-specific embedding, we derive the inductive mastery levels as the aggregated outcomes of students' neighbors in SCG. Namely, SCG enables to shift the task from finding the most suitable student-specific embedding that fits the response logs to finding the most suitable representations for different node types in SCG, and the latter is more efficient since it no longer requires retraining. To obtain this representation, ICDM consists of a construction-aggregation-generation-transformation process to learn the final representation of students, exercises and concepts. Extensive experiments across real-world datasets show that, compared with the existing cognitive diagnosis methods that are always transductive, ICDM is much more faster while maintains the competitive inference performance for new students.

new How to Exhibit More Predictable Behaviors

Authors: Salom\'e Lepers, Sophie Lemonnier, Vincent Thomas, Olivier Buffet

Abstract: This paper looks at predictability problems, i.e., wherein an agent must choose its strategy in order to optimize the predictions that an external observer could make. We address these problems while taking into account uncertainties on the environment dynamics and on the observed agent's policy. To that end, we assume that the observer 1. seeks to predict the agent's future action or state at each time step, and 2. models the agent using a stochastic policy computed from a known underlying problem, and we leverage on the framework of observer-aware Markov decision processes (OAMDPs). We propose action and state predictability performance criteria through reward functions built on the observer's belief about the agent policy; show that these induced predictable OAMDPs can be represented by goal-oriented or discounted MDPs; and analyze the properties of the proposed reward functions both theoretically and empirically on two types of grid-world problems.

new The Causal Chambers: Real Physical Systems as a Testbed for AI Methodology

Authors: Juan L. Gamella, Jonas Peters, Peter B\"uhlmann

Abstract: In some fields of AI, machine learning and statistics, the validation of new methods and algorithms is often hindered by the scarcity of suitable real-world datasets. Researchers must often turn to simulated data, which yields limited information about the applicability of the proposed methods to real problems. As a step forward, we have constructed two devices that allow us to quickly and inexpensively produce large datasets from non-trivial but well-understood physical systems. The devices, which we call causal chambers, are computer-controlled laboratories that allow us to manipulate and measure an array of variables from these physical systems, providing a rich testbed for algorithms from a variety of fields. We illustrate potential applications through a series of case studies in fields such as causal discovery, out-of-distribution generalization, change point detection, independent component analysis, and symbolic regression. For applications to causal inference, the chambers allow us to carefully perform interventions. We also provide and empirically validate a causal model of each chamber, which can be used as ground truth for different tasks. All hardware and software is made open source, and the datasets are publicly available at or through the Python package causalchamber.

new DUPE: Detection Undermining via Prompt Engineering for Deepfake Text

Authors: James Weichert, Chinecherem Dimobi

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) become increasingly commonplace, concern about distinguishing between human and AI text increases as well. The growing power of these models is of particular concern to teachers, who may worry that students will use LLMs to write school assignments. Facing a technology with which they are unfamiliar, teachers may turn to publicly-available AI text detectors. Yet the accuracy of many of these detectors has not been thoroughly verified, posing potential harm to students who are falsely accused of academic dishonesty. In this paper, we evaluate three different AI text detectors-Kirchenbauer et al. watermarks, ZeroGPT, and GPTZero-against human and AI-generated essays. We find that watermarking results in a high false positive rate, and that ZeroGPT has both high false positive and false negative rates. Further, we are able to significantly increase the false negative rate of all detectors by using ChatGPT 3.5 to paraphrase the original AI-generated texts, thereby effectively bypassing the detectors.

new Instantiations and Computational Aspects of Non-Flat Assumption-based Argumentation

Authors: Tuomo Lehtonen, Anna Rapberger, Francesca Toni, Markus Ulbricht, Johannes P. Wallner

Abstract: Most existing computational tools for assumption-based argumentation (ABA) focus on so-called flat frameworks, disregarding the more general case. In this paper, we study an instantiation-based approach for reasoning in possibly non-flat ABA. We make use of a semantics-preserving translation between ABA and bipolar argumentation frameworks (BAFs). By utilizing compilability theory, we establish that the constructed BAFs will in general be of exponential size. In order to keep the number of arguments and computational cost low, we present three ways of identifying redundant arguments. Moreover, we identify fragments of ABA which admit a poly-sized instantiation. We propose two algorithmic approaches for reasoning in possibly non-flat ABA. The first approach utilizes the BAF instantiation while the second works directly without constructing arguments. An empirical evaluation shows that the former outperforms the latter on many instances, reflecting the lower complexity of BAF reasoning. This result is in contrast to flat ABA, where direct approaches dominate instantiation-based approaches.

new Prediction of Unmanned Surface Vessel Motion Attitude Based on CEEMDAN-PSO-SVM

Authors: Zhuoya Geng, Jianmei Chen, Wanqiang Zhu

Abstract: Unmanned boats, while navigating at sea, utilize active compensation systems to mitigate wave disturbances experienced by onboard instruments and equipment. However, there exists a lag in the measurement of unmanned boat attitudes, thus introducing unmanned boat motion attitude prediction to compensate for the lag in the signal acquisition process. This paper, based on the basic principles of waves, derives the disturbance patterns of waves on unmanned boats from the wave energy spectrum. Through simulation analysis of unmanned boat motion attitudes, motion attitude data is obtained, providing experimental data for subsequent work. A combined prediction model based on Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), and Support Vector Machine (SVM) is designed to predict the motion attitude of unmanned boats. Simulation results validate its superior prediction accuracy compared to traditional prediction models. For example, in terms of mean absolute error, it improves by 17% compared to the EMD-PSO-SVM model.

new Research on emotionally intelligent dialogue generation based on automatic dialogue system

Authors: Jin Wang, JinFei Wang, Shuying Dai, Jiqiang Yu, Keqin Li

Abstract: Automated dialogue systems are important applications of artificial intelligence, and traditional systems struggle to understand user emotions and provide empathetic feedback. This study integrates emotional intelligence technology into automated dialogue systems and creates a dialogue generation model with emotional intelligence through deep learning and natural language processing techniques. The model can detect and understand a wide range of emotions and specific pain signals in real time, enabling the system to provide empathetic interaction. By integrating the results of the study "Can artificial intelligence detect pain and express pain empathy?", the model's ability to understand the subtle elements of pain empathy has been enhanced, setting higher standards for emotional intelligence dialogue systems. The project aims to provide theoretical understanding and practical suggestions to integrate advanced emotional intelligence capabilities into dialogue systems, thereby improving user experience and interaction quality.

new Learn to Tour: Operator Design For Solution Feasibility Mapping in Pickup-and-delivery Traveling Salesman Problem

Authors: Bowen Fang, Xu Chen, Xuan Di

Abstract: This paper aims to develop a learning method for a special class of traveling salesman problems (TSP), namely, the pickup-and-delivery TSP (PDTSP), which finds the shortest tour along a sequence of one-to-one pickup-and-delivery nodes. One-to-one here means that the transported people or goods are associated with designated pairs of pickup and delivery nodes, in contrast to that indistinguishable goods can be delivered to any nodes. In PDTSP, precedence constraints need to be satisfied that each pickup node must be visited before its corresponding delivery node. Classic operations research (OR) algorithms for PDTSP are difficult to scale to large-sized problems. Recently, reinforcement learning (RL) has been applied to TSPs. The basic idea is to explore and evaluate visiting sequences in a solution space. However, this approach could be less computationally efficient, as it has to potentially evaluate many infeasible solutions of which precedence constraints are violated. To restrict solution search within a feasible space, we utilize operators that always map one feasible solution to another, without spending time exploring the infeasible solution space. Such operators are evaluated and selected as policies to solve PDTSPs in an RL framework. We make a comparison of our method and baselines, including classic OR algorithms and existing learning methods. Results show that our approach can find tours shorter than baselines.

new Taxonomy to Regulation: A (Geo)Political Taxonomy for AI Risks and Regulatory Measures in the EU AI Act

Authors: Sinan Arda

Abstract: Technological innovations have shown remarkable capabilities to benefit and harm society alike. AI constitutes a democratized sophisticated technology accessible to large parts of society, including malicious actors. This work proposes a taxonomy focusing on on (geo)political risks associated with AI. It identifies 12 risks in total divided into four categories: (1) Geopolitical Pressures, (2) Malicious Usage, (3) Environmental, Social, and Ethical Risks, and (4) Privacy and Trust Violations. Incorporating a regulatory side, this paper conducts a policy assessment of the EU AI Act. Adopted in March 2023, the landmark regulation has the potential to have a positive top-down impact concerning AI risk reduction but needs regulatory adjustments to mitigate risks more comprehensively. Regulatory exceptions for open-source models, excessively high parameters for the classification of GPAI models as a systemic risk, and the exclusion of systems designed exclusively for military purposes from the regulation's obligations leave room for future action.

new AgentKit: Flow Engineering with Graphs, not Coding

Authors: Yue Wu, Yewen Fan, So Yeon Min, Shrimai Prabhumoye, Stephen McAleer, Yonatan Bisk, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Yuanzhi Li, Tom Mitchell

Abstract: We propose an intuitive LLM prompting framework (AgentKit) for multifunctional agents. AgentKit offers a unified framework for explicitly constructing a complex "thought process" from simple natural language prompts. The basic building block in AgentKit is a node, containing a natural language prompt for a specific subtask. The user then puts together chains of nodes, like stacking LEGO pieces. The chains of nodes can be designed to explicitly enforce a naturally structured "thought process". For example, for the task of writing a paper, one may start with the thought process of 1) identify a core message, 2) identify prior research gaps, etc. The nodes in AgentKit can be designed and combined in different ways to implement multiple advanced capabilities including on-the-fly hierarchical planning, reflection, and learning from interactions. In addition, due to the modular nature and the intuitive design to simulate explicit human thought process, a basic agent could be implemented as simple as a list of prompts for the subtasks and therefore could be designed and tuned by someone without any programming experience. Quantitatively, we show that agents designed through AgentKit achieve SOTA performance on WebShop and Crafter. These advances underscore AgentKit's potential in making LLM agents effective and accessible for a wider range of applications.


new Embedding Privacy in Computational Social Science and Artificial Intelligence Research

Authors: Keenan Jones, Fatima Zahrah, Jason R. C. Nurse

Abstract: Privacy is a human right. It ensures that individuals are free to engage in discussions, participate in groups, and form relationships online or offline without fear of their data being inappropriately harvested, analyzed, or otherwise used to harm them. Preserving privacy has emerged as a critical factor in research, particularly in the computational social science (CSS), artificial intelligence (AI) and data science domains, given their reliance on individuals' data for novel insights. The increasing use of advanced computational models stands to exacerbate privacy concerns because, if inappropriately used, they can quickly infringe privacy rights and lead to adverse effects for individuals - especially vulnerable groups - and society. We have already witnessed a host of privacy issues emerge with the advent of large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, which further demonstrate the importance of embedding privacy from the start. This article contributes to the field by discussing the role of privacy and the primary issues that researchers working in CSS, AI, data science and related domains are likely to face. It then presents several key considerations for researchers to ensure participant privacy is best preserved in their research design, data collection and use, analysis, and dissemination of research results.

new LLMTune: Accelerate Database Knob Tuning with Large Language Models

Authors: Xinmei Huang, Haoyang Li, Jing Zhang, Xinxin Zhao, Zhiming Yao, Yiyan Li, Zhuohao Yu, Tieying Zhang, Hong Chen, Cuiping Li

Abstract: Database knob tuning is a critical challenge in the database community, aiming to optimize knob values to enhance database performance for specific workloads. DBMS often feature hundreds of tunable knobs, posing a significant challenge for DBAs to recommend optimal configurations. Consequently, many machine learning-based tuning methods have been developed to automate this process. Despite the introduction of various optimizers, practical applications have unveiled a new problem: they typically require numerous workload runs to achieve satisfactory performance, a process that is both time-consuming and resource-intensive. This inefficiency largely stems from the optimal configuration often being substantially different from the default setting, necessitating multiple iterations during tuning. Recognizing this, we argue that an effective starting point could significantly reduce redundant exploration in less efficient areas, thereby potentially speeding up the tuning process for the optimizers. Based on this assumption, we introduce LLMTune, a large language model-based configuration generator designed to produce an initial, high-quality configuration for new workloads. These generated configurations can then serve as starting points for various base optimizers, accelerating their tuning processes. To obtain training data for LLMTune's supervised fine-tuning, we have devised a new automatic data generation framework capable of efficiently creating a large number of pairs. We have conducted thorough experiments to evaluate LLMTune's effectiveness with different workloads, such as TPC-H and JOB. In comparison to leading methods, LLMTune demonstrates a quicker ability to identify superior configurations. For instance, with the challenging TPC-H workload, our LLMTune achieves a significant 15.6x speed-up ratio in finding the best-performing configurations.

new The Landscape of Emerging AI Agent Architectures for Reasoning, Planning, and Tool Calling: A Survey

Authors: Tula Masterman, Sandi Besen, Mason Sawtell, Alex Chao

Abstract: This survey paper examines the recent advancements in AI agent implementations, with a focus on their ability to achieve complex goals that require enhanced reasoning, planning, and tool execution capabilities. The primary objectives of this work are to a) communicate the current capabilities and limitations of existing AI agent implementations, b) share insights gained from our observations of these systems in action, and c) suggest important considerations for future developments in AI agent design. We achieve this by providing overviews of single-agent and multi-agent architectures, identifying key patterns and divergences in design choices, and evaluating their overall impact on accomplishing a provided goal. Our contribution outlines key themes when selecting an agentic architecture, the impact of leadership on agent systems, agent communication styles, and key phases for planning, execution, and reflection that enable robust AI agent systems.

new Spatial Context-based Self-Supervised Learning for Handwritten Text Recognition

Authors: Carlos Penarrubia, Carlos Garrido-Munoz, Jose J. Valero-Mas, Jorge Calvo-Zaragoza

Abstract: Handwritten Text Recognition (HTR) is a relevant problem in computer vision, and implies unique challenges owing to its inherent variability and the rich contextualization required for its interpretation. Despite the success of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) in computer vision, its application to HTR has been rather scattered, leaving key SSL methodologies unexplored. This work focuses on one of them, namely Spatial Context-based SSL. We investigate how this family of approaches can be adapted and optimized for HTR and propose new workflows that leverage the unique features of handwritten text. Our experiments demonstrate that the methods considered lead to advancements in the state-of-the-art of SSL for HTR in a number of benchmark cases.

new Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Accurate Fault Detection and Diagnosis: A Review

Authors: Ahmed Maged, Salah Haridy, Herman Shen

Abstract: As the manufacturing industry advances with sensor integration and automation, the opaque nature of deep learning models in machine learning poses a significant challenge for fault detection and diagnosis. And despite the related predictive insights Artificial Intelligence (AI) can deliver, advanced machine learning engines often remain a black box. This paper reviews the eXplainable AI (XAI) tools and techniques in this context. We explore various XAI methodologies, focusing on their role in making AI decision-making transparent, particularly in critical scenarios where humans are involved. We also discuss current limitations and potential future research that aims to balance explainability with model performance while improving trustworthiness in the context of AI applications for critical industrial use cases.

cross Quantifying AI Vulnerabilities: A Synthesis of Complexity, Dynamical Systems, and Game Theory

Authors: B Kereopa-Yorke

Abstract: The rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems across critical domains necessitates robust security evaluation frameworks. We propose a novel approach that introduces three metrics: System Complexity Index (SCI), Lyapunov Exponent for AI Stability (LEAIS), and Nash Equilibrium Robustness (NER). SCI quantifies the inherent complexity of an AI system, LEAIS captures its stability and sensitivity to perturbations, and NER evaluates its strategic robustness against adversarial manipulation. Through comparative analysis, we demonstrate the advantages of our framework over existing techniques. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications, potential applications, limitations, and future research directions. Our work contributes to the development of secure and trustworthy AI technologies by providing a holistic, theoretically grounded approach to AI security evaluation. As AI continues to advance, prioritising and advancing AI security through interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial to ensure its responsible deployment for the benefit of society.

cross Sustainability of Data Center Digital Twins with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Soumyendu Sarkar, Avisek Naug, Antonio Guillen, Ricardo Luna, Vineet Gundecha, Ashwin Ramesh Babu, Sajad Mousavi

Abstract: The rapid growth of machine learning (ML) has led to an increased demand for computational power, resulting in larger data centers (DCs) and higher energy consumption. To address this issue and reduce carbon emissions, intelligent design and control of DC components such as IT servers, cabinets, HVAC cooling, flexible load shifting, and battery energy storage are essential. However, the complexity of designing and controlling them in tandem presents a significant challenge. While some individual components like CFD-based design and Reinforcement Learning (RL) based HVAC control have been researched, there's a gap in the holistic design and optimization covering all elements simultaneously. To tackle this, we've developed DCRL-Green, a multi-agent RL environment that empowers the ML community to design data centers and research, develop, and refine RL controllers for carbon footprint reduction in DCs. It is a flexible, modular, scalable, and configurable platform that can handle large High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters. Furthermore, in its default setup, DCRL-Green provides a benchmark for evaluating single as well as multi-agent RL algorithms. It easily allows users to subclass the default implementations and design their own control approaches, encouraging community development for sustainable data centers. Open Source Link:


cross The Path To Autonomous Cyber Defense

Authors: Sean Oesch, Phillipe Austria, Amul Chaulagain, Brian Weber, Cory Watson, Matthew Dixson, Amir Sadovnik

Abstract: Defenders are overwhelmed by the number and scale of attacks against their networks.This problem will only be exacerbated as attackers leverage artificial intelligence to automate their workflows. We propose a path to autonomous cyber agents able to augment defenders by automating critical steps in the cyber defense life cycle.

cross PASA: Attack Agnostic Unsupervised Adversarial Detection using Prediction & Attribution Sensitivity Analysis

Authors: Dipkamal Bhusal, Md Tanvirul Alam, Monish K. Veerabhadran, Michael Clifford, Sara Rampazzi, Nidhi Rastogi

Abstract: Deep neural networks for classification are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where small perturbations to input samples lead to incorrect predictions. This susceptibility, combined with the black-box nature of such networks, limits their adoption in critical applications like autonomous driving. Feature-attribution-based explanation methods provide relevance of input features for model predictions on input samples, thus explaining model decisions. However, we observe that both model predictions and feature attributions for input samples are sensitive to noise. We develop a practical method for this characteristic of model prediction and feature attribution to detect adversarial samples. Our method, PASA, requires the computation of two test statistics using model prediction and feature attribution and can reliably detect adversarial samples using thresholds learned from benign samples. We validate our lightweight approach by evaluating the performance of PASA on varying strengths of FGSM, PGD, BIM, and CW attacks on multiple image and non-image datasets. On average, we outperform state-of-the-art statistical unsupervised adversarial detectors on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet by 14\% and 35\% ROC-AUC scores, respectively. Moreover, our approach demonstrates competitive performance even when an adversary is aware of the defense mechanism.

cross Multimodal Attack Detection for Action Recognition Models

Authors: Furkan Mumcu, Yasin Yilmaz

Abstract: Adversarial machine learning attacks on video action recognition models is a growing research area and many effective attacks were introduced in recent years. These attacks show that action recognition models can be breached in many ways. Hence using these models in practice raises significant security concerns. However, there are very few works which focus on defending against or detecting attacks. In this work, we propose a novel universal detection method which is compatible with any action recognition model. In our extensive experiments, we show that our method consistently detects various attacks against different target models with high true positive rates while satisfying very low false positive rates. Tested against four state-of-the-art attacks targeting four action recognition models, the proposed detector achieves an average AUC of 0.911 over 16 test cases while the best performance achieved by the existing detectors is 0.645 average AUC. This 41.2% improvement is enabled by the robustness of the proposed detector to varying attack methods and target models. The lowest AUC achieved by our detector across the 16 test cases is 0.837 while the competing detector's performance drops as low as 0.211. We also show that the proposed detector is robust to varying attack strengths. In addition, we analyze our method's real-time performance with different hardware setups to demonstrate its potential as a practical defense mechanism.

cross Intelligent Message Behavioral Identification System

Authors: Yuvaraju Chinnam, Bosubabu Sambana

Abstract: On social media platforms, the act of predicting reposting is seen as a challenging issue related to Short Message Services (SMS). This study examines the issue of predicting picture reposting in SMS and forecasts users' behavior in sharing photographs on Twitter. Several research vary. The paper introduces a network called Image Retweet Modeling (IRM) that models heterogeneous image retransmission. It considers the user's previous reposting of the image tweet, the next contact in the SMS, and the preferences of the reposted person. Three aspects connected to content. A text-guided multimodal neural network is developed to create a novel multi-faceted attention ranking network methodology. This allows for learning the joint image Twitter representation and user preference representation in the prediction job. Multiple experiments conducted on extensive data sets demonstrate that our approach outperforms current methods on Social Network platforms.

cross Advancing Network Intrusion Detection: Integrating Graph Neural Networks with Scattering Transform and Node2Vec for Enhanced Anomaly Detection

Authors: Abdeljalil Zoubir, Badr Missaoui

Abstract: In this paper, we present two novel methods in Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). The first approach, Scattering Transform with E-GraphSAGE (STEG), utilizes the scattering transform to conduct multi-resolution analysis of edge feature vectors. This provides a detailed representation that is essential for identifying subtle anomalies in network traffic. The second approach improves node representation by initiating with Node2Vec, diverging from standard methods of using uniform values, thereby capturing a more accurate and holistic network picture. Our methods have shown significant improvements in performance compared to existing state-of-the-art methods in benchmark NIDS datasets.

cross Decoupled Weight Decay for Any $p$ Norm

Authors: Nadav Joseph Outmezguine, Noam Levi

Abstract: With the success of deep neural networks (NNs) in a variety of domains, the computational and storage requirements for training and deploying large NNs have become a bottleneck for further improvements. Sparsification has consequently emerged as a leading approach to tackle these issues. In this work, we consider a simple yet effective approach to sparsification, based on the Bridge, or $L_p$ regularization during training. We introduce a novel weight decay scheme, which generalizes the standard $L_2$ weight decay to any $p$ norm. We show that this scheme is compatible with adaptive optimizers, and avoids the gradient divergence associated with $0

cross Fewer Truncations Improve Language Modeling

Authors: Hantian Ding, Zijian Wang, Giovanni Paolini, Varun Kumar, Anoop Deoras, Dan Roth, Stefano Soatto

Abstract: In large language model training, input documents are typically concatenated together and then split into sequences of equal length to avoid padding tokens. Despite its efficiency, the concatenation approach compromises data integrity -- it inevitably breaks many documents into incomplete pieces, leading to excessive truncations that hinder the model from learning to compose logically coherent and factually consistent content that is grounded on the complete context. To address the issue, we propose Best-fit Packing, a scalable and efficient method that packs documents into training sequences through length-aware combinatorial optimization. Our method completely eliminates unnecessary truncations while retaining the same training efficiency as concatenation. Empirical results from both text and code pre-training show that our method achieves superior performance (e.g., relatively +4.7% on reading comprehension; +16.8% in context following; and +9.2% on program synthesis), and reduces closed-domain hallucination effectively by up to 58.3%.

cross Geometric Neural Operators (GNPs) for Data-Driven Deep Learning of Non-Euclidean Operators

Authors: Blaine Quackenbush, Paul J. Atzberger

Abstract: We introduce Geometric Neural Operators (GNPs) for accounting for geometric contributions in data-driven deep learning of operators. We show how GNPs can be used (i) to estimate geometric properties, such as the metric and curvatures, (ii) to approximate Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) on manifolds, (iii) learn solution maps for Laplace-Beltrami (LB) operators, and (iv) to solve Bayesian inverse problems for identifying manifold shapes. The methods allow for handling geometries of general shape including point-cloud representations. The developed GNPs provide approaches for incorporating the roles of geometry in data-driven learning of operators.

cross A LayoutLMv3-Based Model for Enhanced Relation Extraction in Visually-Rich Documents

Authors: Wiam Adnan, Joel Tang, Yassine Bel Khayat Zouggari, Seif Edinne Laatiri, Laurent Lam, Fabien Caspani

Abstract: Document Understanding is an evolving field in Natural Language Processing (NLP). In particular, visual and spatial features are essential in addition to the raw text itself and hence, several multimodal models were developed in the field of Visual Document Understanding (VDU). However, while research is mainly focused on Key Information Extraction (KIE), Relation Extraction (RE) between identified entities is still under-studied. For instance, RE is crucial to regroup entities or obtain a comprehensive hierarchy of data in a document. In this paper, we present a model that, initialized from LayoutLMv3, can match or outperform the current state-of-the-art results in RE applied to Visually-Rich Documents (VRD) on FUNSD and CORD datasets, without any specific pre-training and with fewer parameters. We also report an extensive ablation study performed on FUNSD, highlighting the great impact of certain features and modelization choices on the performances.

cross End-To-End Training and Testing Gamification Framework to Learn Human Highway Driving

Authors: Satya R. Jaladi, Zhimin Chen, Narahari R. Malayanur, Raja M. Macherla, Bing Li

Abstract: The current autonomous stack is well modularized and consists of perception, decision making and control in a handcrafted framework. With the advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and computing resources, researchers have been pushing the development of end-to-end AI for autonomous driving, at least in problems of small searching space such as in highway scenarios, and more and more photorealistic simulation will be critical for efficient learning. In this research, we propose a novel game-based end-to-end learning and testing framework for autonomous vehicle highway driving, by learning from human driving skills. Firstly, we utilize the popular game Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) to collect highway driving data with our proposed programmable labels. Then, an end-to-end architecture predicts the steering and throttle values that control the vehicle by the image of the game screen. The predicted control values are sent to the game via a virtual controller to keep the vehicle in lane and avoid collisions with other vehicles on the road. The proposed solution is validated in GTA V games, and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of this end-to-end gamification framework for learning human driving skills.

cross HumMUSS: Human Motion Understanding using State Space Models

Authors: Arnab Kumar Mondal, Stefano Alletto, Denis Tome

Abstract: Understanding human motion from video is essential for a range of applications, including pose estimation, mesh recovery and action recognition. While state-of-the-art methods predominantly rely on transformer-based architectures, these approaches have limitations in practical scenarios. Transformers are slower when sequentially predicting on a continuous stream of frames in real-time, and do not generalize to new frame rates. In light of these constraints, we propose a novel attention-free spatiotemporal model for human motion understanding building upon recent advancements in state space models. Our model not only matches the performance of transformer-based models in various motion understanding tasks but also brings added benefits like adaptability to different video frame rates and enhanced training speed when working with longer sequence of keypoints. Moreover, the proposed model supports both offline and real-time applications. For real-time sequential prediction, our model is both memory efficient and several times faster than transformer-based approaches while maintaining their high accuracy.

cross From a Lossless (~1.5:1) Compression Algorithm for Llama2 7B Weights to Variable Precision, Variable Range, Compressed Numeric Data Types for CNNs and LLMs

Authors: Vincenzo Liguori

Abstract: This paper starts with a simple lossless ~1.5:1 compression algorithm for the weights of the Large Language Model (LLM) Llama2 7B [1] that can be implemented in ~200 LUTs in AMD FPGAs, processing over 800 million bfloat16 numbers per second. This framework is then extended to variable precision, variable range, compressed numerical data types that are a user defined super set of both floats and posits [2]. The paper then discusses a simple hardware implementation of such format based on ANS (Asymmetrical Numeral Systems) [3] that acts as a bridge between this flexible data format and a computational engine while, at the same time, achieving bandwidth reduction. An example of a token factory using weight compression and sharing is also given.

cross Binder: Hierarchical Concept Representation through Order Embedding of Binary Vectors

Authors: Croix Gyurek, Niloy Talukder, Mohammad Al Hasan

Abstract: For natural language understanding and generation, embedding concepts using an order-based representation is an essential task. Unlike traditional point vector based representation, an order-based representation imposes geometric constraints on the representation vectors for explicitly capturing various semantic relationships that may exist between a pair of concepts. In existing literature, several approaches on order-based embedding have been proposed, mostly focusing on capturing hierarchical relationships; examples include vectors in Euclidean space, complex, Hyperbolic, order, and Box Embedding. Box embedding creates region-based rich representation of concepts, but along the process it sacrifices simplicity, requiring a custom-made optimization scheme for learning the representation. Hyperbolic embedding improves embedding quality by exploiting the ever-expanding property of Hyperbolic space, but it also suffers from the same fate as box embedding as gradient descent like optimization is not simple in the Hyperbolic space. In this work, we propose Binder, a novel approach for order-based representation. Binder uses binary vectors for embedding, so the embedding vectors are compact with an order of magnitude smaller footprint than other methods. Binder uses a simple and efficient optimization scheme for learning representation vectors with a linear time complexity. Our comprehensive experimental results show that Binder is very accurate, yielding competitive results on the representation task. But Binder stands out from its competitors on the transitive closure link prediction task as it can learn concept embeddings just from the direct edges, whereas all existing order-based approaches rely on the indirect edges.

cross Shears: Unstructured Sparsity with Neural Low-rank Adapter Search

Authors: J. Pablo Mu\~noz, Jinjie Yuan, Nilesh Jain

Abstract: Recently, several approaches successfully demonstrated that weight-sharing Neural Architecture Search (NAS) can effectively explore a search space of elastic low-rank adapters (LoRA), allowing the parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and compression of large language models. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach called Shears, demonstrating how the integration of cost-effective sparsity and a proposed Neural Low-rank adapter Search (NLS) algorithm can further improve the efficiency of PEFT approaches. Results demonstrate the benefits of Shears compared to other methods, reaching high sparsity levels while improving or with little drop in accuracy, utilizing a single GPU for a pair of hours.

cross What Hides behind Unfairness? Exploring Dynamics Fairness in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhihong Deng, Jing Jiang, Guodong Long, Chengqi Zhang

Abstract: In sequential decision-making problems involving sensitive attributes like race and gender, reinforcement learning (RL) agents must carefully consider long-term fairness while maximizing returns. Recent works have proposed many different types of fairness notions, but how unfairness arises in RL problems remains unclear. In this paper, we address this gap in the literature by investigating the sources of inequality through a causal lens. We first analyse the causal relationships governing the data generation process and decompose the effect of sensitive attributes on long-term well-being into distinct components. We then introduce a novel notion called dynamics fairness, which explicitly captures the inequality stemming from environmental dynamics, distinguishing it from those induced by decision-making or inherited from the past. This notion requires evaluating the expected changes in the next state and the reward induced by changing the value of the sensitive attribute while holding everything else constant. To quantitatively evaluate this counterfactual concept, we derive identification formulas that allow us to obtain reliable estimations from data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques in explaining, detecting, and reducing inequality in reinforcement learning.

cross Information encoding and decoding in in-vitro neural networks on micro electrode arrays through stimulation timing

Authors: Trym A. E. Lindell, Ola H. Ramstad, Ionna Sandvig, Axel Sandvig, Stefano Nichele

Abstract: A primary challenge in utilizing in-vitro biological neural networks for computations is finding good encoding and decoding schemes for inputting and decoding data to and from the networks. Furthermore, identifying the optimal parameter settings for a given combination of encoding and decoding schemes adds additional complexity to this challenge. In this study we explore stimulation timing as an encoding method, i.e. we encode information as the delay between stimulation pulses and identify the bounds and acuity of stimulation timings which produce linearly separable spike responses. We also examine the optimal readout parameters for a linear decoder in the form of epoch length, time bin size and epoch offset. Our results suggest that stimulation timings between 36 and 436ms may be optimal for encoding and that different combinations of readout parameters may be optimal at different parts of the evoked spike response.

cross Can Language Models Solve Olympiad Programming?

Authors: Quan Shi, Michael Tang, Karthik Narasimhan, Shunyu Yao

Abstract: Computing olympiads contain some of the most challenging problems for humans, requiring complex algorithmic reasoning, puzzle solving, in addition to generating efficient code. However, it has been understudied as a domain to evaluate language models (LMs). In this paper, we introduce the USACO benchmark with 307 problems from the USA Computing Olympiad, along with high-quality unit tests, reference code, and official analyses for each problem. These resources enable us to construct and test a range of LM inference methods for competitive programming for the first time. We find GPT-4 only achieves a 8.7% pass@1 accuracy with zero-shot chain-of-thought prompting, and our best inference method improves it to 20.2% using a combination of self-reflection and retrieval over episodic knowledge. However, this is far from solving the benchmark. To better understand the remaining challenges, we design a novel human-in-the-loop study and surprisingly find that a small number of targeted hints enable GPT-4 to solve 13 out of 15 problems previously unsolvable by any model and method. Our benchmark, baseline methods, quantitative results, and qualitative analysis serve as an initial step toward LMs with grounded, creative, and algorithmic reasoning.

cross Uncertainty-Based Abstention in LLMs Improves Safety and Reduces Hallucinations

Authors: Christian Tomani, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Ivan Evtimov, Daniel Cremers, Mark Ibrahim

Abstract: A major barrier towards the practical deployment of large language models (LLMs) is their lack of reliability. Three situations where this is particularly apparent are correctness, hallucinations when given unanswerable questions, and safety. In all three cases, models should ideally abstain from responding, much like humans, whose ability to understand uncertainty makes us refrain from answering questions we don't know. Inspired by analogous approaches in classification, this study explores the feasibility and efficacy of abstaining while uncertain in the context of LLMs within the domain of question-answering. We investigate two kinds of uncertainties, statistical uncertainty metrics and a distinct verbalized measure, termed as In-Dialogue Uncertainty (InDU). Using these uncertainty measures combined with models with and without Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF), we show that in all three situations, abstention based on the right kind of uncertainty measure can boost the reliability of LLMs. By sacrificing only a few highly uncertain samples we can improve correctness by 2% to 8%, avoid 50% hallucinations via correctly identifying unanswerable questions and increase safety by 70% up to 99% with almost no additional computational overhead.

cross Group-Aware Coordination Graph for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wei Duan, Jie Lu, Junyu Xuan

Abstract: Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) necessitates seamless collaboration among agents, often represented by an underlying relation graph. Existing methods for learning this graph primarily focus on agent-pair relations, neglecting higher-order relationships. While several approaches attempt to extend cooperation modelling to encompass behaviour similarities within groups, they commonly fall short in concurrently learning the latent graph, thereby constraining the information exchange among partially observed agents. To overcome these limitations, we present a novel approach to infer the Group-Aware Coordination Graph (GACG), which is designed to capture both the cooperation between agent pairs based on current observations and group-level dependencies from behaviour patterns observed across trajectories. This graph is further used in graph convolution for information exchange between agents during decision-making. To further ensure behavioural consistency among agents within the same group, we introduce a group distance loss, which promotes group cohesion and encourages specialization between groups. Our evaluations, conducted on StarCraft II micromanagement tasks, demonstrate GACG's superior performance. An ablation study further provides experimental evidence of the effectiveness of each component of our method.

cross Leveraging 3D LiDAR Sensors to Enable Enhanced Urban Safety and Public Health: Pedestrian Monitoring and Abnormal Activity Detection

Authors: Nawfal Guefrachi, Jian Shi, Hakim Ghazzai, Ahmad Alsharoa

Abstract: The integration of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies offers transformative opportunities for public health informatics in urban safety and pedestrian well-being. This paper proposes a novel framework utilizing these technologies for enhanced 3D object detection and activity classification in urban traffic scenarios. By employing elevated LiDAR, we obtain detailed 3D point cloud data, enabling precise pedestrian activity monitoring. To overcome urban data scarcity, we create a specialized dataset through simulated traffic environments in Blender, facilitating targeted model training. Our approach employs a modified Point Voxel-Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (PV-RCNN) for robust 3D detection and PointNet for classifying pedestrian activities, significantly benefiting urban traffic management and public health by offering insights into pedestrian behavior and promoting safer urban environments. Our dual-model approach not only enhances urban traffic management but also contributes significantly to public health by providing insights into pedestrian behavior and promoting safer urban environment.

cross A Survey on Retrieval-Augmented Text Generation for Large Language Models

Authors: Yizheng Huang, Jimmy Huang

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) merges retrieval methods with deep learning advancements to address the static limitations of large language models (LLMs) by enabling the dynamic integration of up-to-date external information. This methodology, focusing primarily on the text domain, provides a cost-effective solution to the generation of plausible but incorrect responses by LLMs, thereby enhancing the accuracy and reliability of their outputs through the use of real-world data. As RAG grows in complexity and incorporates multiple concepts that can influence its performance, this paper organizes the RAG paradigm into four categories: pre-retrieval, retrieval, post-retrieval, and generation, offering a detailed perspective from the retrieval viewpoint. It outlines RAG's evolution and discusses the field's progression through the analysis of significant studies. Additionally, the paper introduces evaluation methods for RAG, addressing the challenges faced and proposing future research directions. By offering an organized framework and categorization, the study aims to consolidate existing research on RAG, clarify its technological underpinnings, and highlight its potential to broaden the adaptability and applications of LLMs.

cross AKGNet: Attribute Knowledge-Guided Unsupervised Lung-Infected Area Segmentation

Authors: Qing En, Yuhong Guo

Abstract: Lung-infected area segmentation is crucial for assessing the severity of lung diseases. However, existing image-text multi-modal methods typically rely on labour-intensive annotations for model training, posing challenges regarding time and expertise. To address this issue, we propose a novel attribute knowledge-guided framework for unsupervised lung-infected area segmentation (AKGNet), which achieves segmentation solely based on image-text data without any mask annotation. AKGNet facilitates text attribute knowledge learning, attribute-image cross-attention fusion, and high-confidence-based pseudo-label exploration simultaneously. It can learn statistical information and capture spatial correlations between image and text attributes in the embedding space, iteratively refining the mask to enhance segmentation. Specifically, we introduce a text attribute knowledge learning module by extracting attribute knowledge and incorporating it into feature representations, enabling the model to learn statistical information and adapt to different attributes. Moreover, we devise an attribute-image cross-attention module by calculating the correlation between attributes and images in the embedding space to capture spatial dependency information, thus selectively focusing on relevant regions while filtering irrelevant areas. Finally, a self-training mask improvement process is employed by generating pseudo-labels using high-confidence predictions to iteratively enhance the mask and segmentation. Experimental results on a benchmark medical image dataset demonstrate the superior performance of our method compared to state-of-the-art segmentation techniques in unsupervised scenarios.

cross Towards Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning based Traffic Signal Control through Spatio-temporal Hypergraphs

Authors: Kang Wang, Zhishu Shen, Zhen Lei, Tiehua Zhang

Abstract: Traffic signal control systems (TSCSs) are integral to intelligent traffic management, fostering efficient vehicle flow. Traditional approaches often simplify road networks into standard graphs, which results in a failure to consider the dynamic nature of traffic data at neighboring intersections, thereby neglecting higher-order interconnections necessary for real-time control. To address this, we propose a novel TSCS framework to realize intelligent traffic control. This framework collaborates with multiple neighboring edge computing servers to collect traffic information across the road network. To elevate the efficiency of traffic signal control, we have crafted a multi-agent soft actor-critic (MA-SAC) reinforcement learning algorithm. Within this algorithm, individual agents are deployed at each intersection with a mandate to optimize traffic flow across the entire road network collectively. Furthermore, we introduce hypergraph learning into the critic network of MA-SAC to enable the spatio-temporal interactions from multiple intersections in the road network. This method fuses hypergraph and spatio-temporal graph structures to encode traffic data and capture the complex spatial and temporal correlations between multiple intersections. Our empirical evaluation, tested on varied datasets, demonstrates the superiority of our framework in minimizing average vehicle travel times and sustaining high-throughput performance. This work facilitates the development of more intelligent and reactive urban traffic management solutions.

cross FedFa: A Fully Asynchronous Training Paradigm for Federated Learning

Authors: Haotian Xu, Zhaorui Zhang, Sheng Di, Benben Liu, Alharthi Khalid, Jiannong Cao

Abstract: Federated learning has been identified as an efficient decentralized training paradigm for scaling the machine learning model training on a large number of devices while guaranteeing the data privacy of the trainers. FedAvg has become a foundational parameter update strategy for federated learning, which has been promising to eliminate the effect of the heterogeneous data across clients and guarantee convergence. However, the synchronization parameter update barriers for each communication round during the training significant time on waiting, slowing down the training procedure. Therefore, recent state-of-the-art solutions propose using semi-asynchronous approaches to mitigate the waiting time cost with guaranteed convergence. Nevertheless, emerging semi-asynchronous approaches are unable to eliminate the waiting time completely. We propose a full asynchronous training paradigm, called FedFa, which can guarantee model convergence and eliminate the waiting time completely for federated learning by using a few buffered results on the server for parameter updating. Further, we provide theoretical proof of the convergence rate for our proposed FedFa. Extensive experimental results indicate our approach effectively improves the training performance of federated learning by up to 6x and 4x speedup compared to the state-of-the-art synchronous and semi-asynchronous strategies while retaining high accuracy in both IID and Non-IID scenarios.

cross MaeFuse: Transferring Omni Features with Pretrained Masked Autoencoders for Infrared and Visible Image Fusion via Guided Training

Authors: Jiayang Li, Junjun Jiang, Pengwei Liang, Jiayi Ma

Abstract: In this research, we introduce MaeFuse, a novel autoencoder model designed for infrared and visible image fusion (IVIF). The existing approaches for image fusion often rely on training combined with downstream tasks to obtain high-level visual information, which is effective in emphasizing target objects and delivering impressive results in visual quality and task-specific applications. MaeFuse, however, deviates from the norm. Instead of being driven by downstream tasks, our model utilizes a pretrained encoder from Masked Autoencoders (MAE), which facilities the omni features extraction for low-level reconstruction and high-level vision tasks, to obtain perception friendly features with a low cost. In order to eliminate the domain gap of different modal features and the block effect caused by the MAE encoder, we further develop a guided training strategy. This strategy is meticulously crafted to ensure that the fusion layer seamlessly adjusts to the feature space of the encoder, gradually enhancing the fusion effect. It facilitates the comprehensive integration of feature vectors from both infrared and visible modalities, preserving the rich details inherent in each. MaeFuse not only introduces a novel perspective in the realm of fusion techniques but also stands out with impressive performance across various public datasets.

cross Many-Shot In-Context Learning

Authors: Rishabh Agarwal, Avi Singh, Lei M. Zhang, Bernd Bohnet, Stephanie Chan, Ankesh Anand, Zaheer Abbas, Azade Nova, John D. Co-Reyes, Eric Chu, Feryal Behbahani, Aleksandra Faust, Hugo Larochelle

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel at few-shot in-context learning (ICL) -- learning from a few examples provided in context at inference, without any weight updates. Newly expanded context windows allow us to investigate ICL with hundreds or thousands of examples -- the many-shot regime. Going from few-shot to many-shot, we observe significant performance gains across a wide variety of generative and discriminative tasks. While promising, many-shot ICL can be bottlenecked by the available amount of human-generated examples. To mitigate this limitation, we explore two new settings: Reinforced and Unsupervised ICL. Reinforced ICL uses model-generated chain-of-thought rationales in place of human examples. Unsupervised ICL removes rationales from the prompt altogether, and prompts the model only with domain-specific questions. We find that both Reinforced and Unsupervised ICL can be quite effective in the many-shot regime, particularly on complex reasoning tasks. Finally, we demonstrate that, unlike few-shot learning, many-shot learning is effective at overriding pretraining biases and can learn high-dimensional functions with numerical inputs. Our analysis also reveals the limitations of next-token prediction loss as an indicator of downstream ICL performance.

cross Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Language Model Policy Optimization

Authors: Akifumi Wachi, Thien Q Tran, Rei Sato, Takumi Tanabe, Yohei Akimoto

Abstract: Safety and trustworthiness are indispensable requirements for applying AI systems based on large language models (LLMs) in real-world applications. This paper formulates a human value alignment as a language model policy optimization problem to maximize reward under a safety constraint and then proposes an algorithm called Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Policy Optimization (SACPO). A key idea behind SACPO, supported by theory, is that the optimal policy incorporating both reward and safety can be directly obtained from a reward-aligned policy. Based on this key idea, SACPO aligns the LLMs with each metric step-wise while leveraging simple yet powerful alignment algorithms such as direct preference optimization (DPO). SACPO provides many benefits such as simplicity, stability, computational efficiency, and flexibility regarding algorithms and dataset selection. Under mild assumption, our theoretical analysis provides the upper bounds regarding near-optimality and safety constraint violation. Our experimental results show that SACPO can fine-tune Alpaca-7B better than the state-of-the-art method in terms of both helpfulness and harmlessness

cross LMEraser: Large Model Unlearning through Adaptive Prompt Tuning

Authors: Jie Xu, Zihan Wu, Cong Wang, Xiaohua Jia

Abstract: To address the growing demand for privacy protection in machine learning, we propose a novel and efficient machine unlearning approach for \textbf{L}arge \textbf{M}odels, called \textbf{LM}Eraser. Existing unlearning research suffers from entangled training data and complex model architectures, incurring extremely high computational costs for large models. LMEraser takes a divide-and-conquer strategy with a prompt tuning architecture to isolate data influence. The training dataset is partitioned into public and private datasets. Public data are used to train the backbone of the model. Private data are adaptively clustered based on their diversity, and each cluster is used to optimize a prompt separately. This adaptive prompt tuning mechanism reduces unlearning costs and maintains model performance. Experiments demonstrate that LMEraser achieves a $100$-fold reduction in unlearning costs without compromising accuracy compared to prior work. Our code is available at: \url{}.


cross Rethinking 3D Dense Caption and Visual Grounding in A Unified Framework through Prompt-based Localization

Authors: Yongdong Luo, Haojia Lin, Xiawu Zheng, Yigeng Jiang, Fei Chao, Jie Hu, Guannan Jiang, Songan Zhang, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: 3D Visual Grounding (3DVG) and 3D Dense Captioning (3DDC) are two crucial tasks in various 3D applications, which require both shared and complementary information in localization and visual-language relationships. Therefore, existing approaches adopt the two-stage "detect-then-describe/discriminate" pipeline, which relies heavily on the performance of the detector, resulting in suboptimal performance. Inspired by DETR, we propose a unified framework, 3DGCTR, to jointly solve these two distinct but closely related tasks in an end-to-end fashion. The key idea is to reconsider the prompt-based localization ability of the 3DVG model. In this way, the 3DVG model with a well-designed prompt as input can assist the 3DDC task by extracting localization information from the prompt. In terms of implementation, we integrate a Lightweight Caption Head into the existing 3DVG network with a Caption Text Prompt as a connection, effectively harnessing the existing 3DVG model's inherent localization capacity, thereby boosting 3DDC capability. This integration facilitates simultaneous multi-task training on both tasks, mutually enhancing their performance. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach. Specifically, on the ScanRefer dataset, 3DGCTR surpasses the state-of-the-art 3DDC method by 4.3% in CIDEr@0.5IoU in MLE training and improves upon the SOTA 3DVG method by 3.16% in Acc@0.25IoU.

cross ScaleFold: Reducing AlphaFold Initial Training Time to 10 Hours

Authors: Feiwen Zhu, Arkadiusz Nowaczynski, Rundong Li, Jie Xin, Yifei Song, Michal Marcinkiewicz, Sukru Burc Eryilmaz, Jun Yang, Michael Andersch

Abstract: AlphaFold2 has been hailed as a breakthrough in protein folding. It can rapidly predict protein structures with lab-grade accuracy. However, its implementation does not include the necessary training code. OpenFold is the first trainable public reimplementation of AlphaFold. AlphaFold training procedure is prohibitively time-consuming, and gets diminishing benefits from scaling to more compute resources. In this work, we conducted a comprehensive analysis on the AlphaFold training procedure based on Openfold, identified that inefficient communications and overhead-dominated computations were the key factors that prevented the AlphaFold training from effective scaling. We introduced ScaleFold, a systematic training method that incorporated optimizations specifically for these factors. ScaleFold successfully scaled the AlphaFold training to 2080 NVIDIA H100 GPUs with high resource utilization. In the MLPerf HPC v3.0 benchmark, ScaleFold finished the OpenFold benchmark in 7.51 minutes, shown over $6\times$ speedup than the baseline. For training the AlphaFold model from scratch, ScaleFold completed the pretraining in 10 hours, a significant improvement over the seven days required by the original AlphaFold pretraining baseline.

cross Large Language Models Meet User Interfaces: The Case of Provisioning Feedback

Authors: Stanislav Pozdniakov, Jonathan Brazil, Solmaz Abdi, Aneesha Bakharia, Shazia Sadiq, Dragan Gasevic, Paul Denny, Hassan Khosravi

Abstract: Incorporating Generative AI (GenAI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) in education can enhance teaching efficiency and enrich student learning. Current LLM usage involves conversational user interfaces (CUIs) for tasks like generating materials or providing feedback. However, this presents challenges including the need for educator expertise in AI and CUIs, ethical concerns with high-stakes decisions, and privacy risks. CUIs also struggle with complex tasks. To address these, we propose transitioning from CUIs to user-friendly applications leveraging LLMs via API calls. We present a framework for ethically incorporating GenAI into educational tools and demonstrate its application in our tool, Feedback Copilot, which provides personalized feedback on student assignments. Our evaluation shows the effectiveness of this approach, with implications for GenAI researchers, educators, and technologists. This work charts a course for the future of GenAI in education.

cross EEG_GLT-Net: Optimising EEG Graphs for Real-time Motor Imagery Signals Classification

Authors: Htoo Wai Aung, Jiao Jiao Li, Yang An, Steven W. Su

Abstract: Brain-Computer Interfaces connect the brain to external control devices, necessitating the accurate translation of brain signals such as from electroencephalography (EEG) into executable commands. Graph Neural Networks (GCN) have been increasingly applied for classifying EEG Motor Imagery signals, primarily because they incorporates the spatial relationships among EEG channels, resulting in improved accuracy over traditional convolutional methods. Recent advances by GCNs-Net in real-time EEG MI signal classification utilised Pearson Coefficient Correlation (PCC) for constructing adjacency matrices, yielding significant results on the PhysioNet dataset. Our paper introduces the EEG Graph Lottery Ticket (EEG_GLT) algorithm, an innovative technique for constructing adjacency matrices for EEG channels. It does not require pre-existing knowledge of inter-channel relationships, and it can be tailored to suit both individual subjects and GCN model architectures. Our findings demonstrated that the PCC method outperformed the Geodesic approach by 9.65% in mean accuracy, while our EEG_GLT matrix consistently exceeded the performance of the PCC method by a mean accuracy of 13.39%. Also, we found that the construction of the adjacency matrix significantly influenced accuracy, to a greater extent than GCN model configurations. A basic GCN configuration utilising our EEG_GLT matrix exceeded the performance of even the most complex GCN setup with a PCC matrix in average accuracy. Our EEG_GLT method also reduced MACs by up to 97% compared to the PCC method, while maintaining or enhancing accuracy. In conclusion, the EEG_GLT algorithm marks a breakthrough in the development of optimal adjacency matrices, effectively boosting both computational accuracy and efficiency, making it well-suited for real-time classification of EEG MI signals that demand intensive computational resources.

cross ViLLM-Eval: A Comprehensive Evaluation Suite for Vietnamese Large Language Models

Authors: Trong-Hieu Nguyen, Anh-Cuong Le, Viet-Cuong Nguyen

Abstract: The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) necessitates the development of new benchmarks to accurately assess their capabilities. To address this need for Vietnamese, this work aims to introduce ViLLM-Eval, the comprehensive evaluation suite designed to measure the advanced knowledge and reasoning abilities of foundation models within a Vietnamese context. ViLLM-Eval consists of multiple-choice questions and predict next word tasks spanning various difficulty levels and diverse disciplines, ranging from humanities to science and engineering. A thorough evaluation of the most advanced LLMs on ViLLM-Eval revealed that even the best performing models have significant room for improvement in understanding and responding to Vietnamese language tasks. ViLLM-Eval is believed to be instrumental in identifying key strengths and weaknesses of foundation models, ultimately promoting their development and enhancing their performance for Vietnamese users.

cross Inductive-Deductive Strategy Reuse for Multi-Turn Instructional Dialogues

Authors: Jiao Ou, Jiayu Wu, Che Liu, Fuzheng Zhang, Di Zhang, Kun Gai

Abstract: Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human expectations requires high-quality instructional dialogues, which can be achieved by raising diverse, in-depth, and insightful instructions that deepen interactions. Existing methods target instructions from real instruction dialogues as a learning goal and fine-tune a user simulator for posing instructions. However, the user simulator struggles to implicitly model complex dialogue flows and pose high-quality instructions. In this paper, we take inspiration from the cognitive abilities inherent in human learning and propose the explicit modeling of complex dialogue flows through instructional strategy reuse. Specifically, we first induce high-level strategies from various real instruction dialogues. These strategies are applied to new dialogue scenarios deductively, where the instructional strategies facilitate high-quality instructions. Experimental results show that our method can generate diverse, in-depth, and insightful instructions for a given dialogue history. The constructed multi-turn instructional dialogues can outperform competitive baselines on the downstream chat model.

cross Music Enhancement with Deep Filters: A Technical Report for The ICASSP 2024 Cadenza Challenge

Authors: Keren Shao, Ke Chen, Shlomo Dubnov

Abstract: In this challenge, we disentangle the deep filters from the original DeepfilterNet and incorporate them into our Spec-UNet-based network to further improve a hybrid Demucs (hdemucs) based remixing pipeline. The motivation behind the use of the deep filter component lies at its potential in better handling temporal fine structures. We demonstrate an incremental improvement in both the Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SDR) and the Hearing Aid Audio Quality Index (HAAQI) metrics when comparing the performance of hdemucs against different versions of our model.

cross TransLinkGuard: Safeguarding Transformer Models Against Model Stealing in Edge Deployment

Authors: Qinfeng Li, Zhiqiang Shen, Zhenghan Qin, Yangfan Xie, Xuhong Zhang, Tianyu Du, Jianwei Yin

Abstract: Proprietary large language models (LLMs) have been widely applied in various scenarios. Additionally, deploying LLMs on edge devices is trending for efficiency and privacy reasons. However, edge deployment of proprietary LLMs introduces new security challenges: edge-deployed models are exposed as white-box accessible to users, enabling adversaries to conduct effective model stealing (MS) attacks. Unfortunately, existing defense mechanisms fail to provide effective protection. Specifically, we identify four critical protection properties that existing methods fail to simultaneously satisfy: (1) maintaining protection after a model is physically copied; (2) authorizing model access at request level; (3) safeguarding runtime reverse engineering; (4) achieving high security with negligible runtime overhead. To address the above issues, we propose TransLinkGuard, a plug-and-play model protection approach against model stealing on edge devices. The core part of TransLinkGuard is a lightweight authorization module residing in a secure environment, e.g., TEE. The authorization module can freshly authorize each request based on its input. Extensive experiments show that TransLinkGuard achieves the same security protection as the black-box security guarantees with negligible overhead.

cross What's under the hood: Investigating Automatic Metrics on Meeting Summarization

Authors: Frederic Kirstein, Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Bela Gipp

Abstract: Meeting summarization has become a critical task considering the increase in online interactions. While new techniques are introduced regularly, their evaluation uses metrics not designed to capture meeting-specific errors, undermining effective evaluation. This paper investigates what the frequently used automatic metrics capture and which errors they mask by correlating automatic metric scores with human evaluations across a broad error taxonomy. We commence with a comprehensive literature review on English meeting summarization to define key challenges like speaker dynamics and contextual turn-taking and error types such as missing information and linguistic inaccuracy, concepts previously loosely defined in the field. We examine the relationship between characteristic challenges and errors by using annotated transcripts and summaries from Transformer-based sequence-to-sequence and autoregressive models from the general summary QMSum dataset. Through experimental validation, we find that different model architectures respond variably to challenges in meeting transcripts, resulting in different pronounced links between challenges and errors. Current default-used metrics struggle to capture observable errors, showing weak to mid-correlations, while a third of the correlations show trends of error masking. Only a subset reacts accurately to specific errors, while most correlations show either unresponsiveness or failure to reflect the error's impact on summary quality.

cross Personalized Heart Disease Detection via ECG Digital Twin Generation

Authors: Yaojun Hu, Jintai Chen, Lianting Hu, Dantong Li, Jiahuan Yan, Haochao Ying, Huiying Liang, Jian Wu

Abstract: Heart diseases rank among the leading causes of global mortality, demonstrating a crucial need for early diagnosis and intervention. Most traditional electrocardiogram (ECG) based automated diagnosis methods are trained at population level, neglecting the customization of personalized ECGs to enhance individual healthcare management. A potential solution to address this limitation is to employ digital twins to simulate symptoms of diseases in real patients. In this paper, we present an innovative prospective learning approach for personalized heart disease detection, which generates digital twins of healthy individuals' anomalous ECGs and enhances the model sensitivity to the personalized symptoms. In our approach, a vector quantized feature separator is proposed to locate and isolate the disease symptom and normal segments in ECG signals with ECG report guidance. Thus, the ECG digital twins can simulate specific heart diseases used to train a personalized heart disease detection model. Experiments demonstrate that our approach not only excels in generating high-fidelity ECG signals but also improves personalized heart disease detection. Moreover, our approach ensures robust privacy protection, safeguarding patient data in model development.

cross Deep Neural Networks via Complex Network Theory: a Perspective

Authors: Emanuele La Malfa, Gabriele La Malfa, Giuseppe Nicosia, Vito Latora

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) can be represented as graphs whose links and vertices iteratively process data and solve tasks sub-optimally. Complex Network Theory (CNT), merging statistical physics with graph theory, provides a method for interpreting neural networks by analysing their weights and neuron structures. However, classic works adapt CNT metrics that only permit a topological analysis as they do not account for the effect of the input data. In addition, CNT metrics have been applied to a limited range of architectures, mainly including Fully Connected neural networks. In this work, we extend the existing CNT metrics with measures that sample from the DNNs' training distribution, shifting from a purely topological analysis to one that connects with the interpretability of deep learning. For the novel metrics, in addition to the existing ones, we provide a mathematical formalisation for Fully Connected, AutoEncoder, Convolutional and Recurrent neural networks, of which we vary the activation functions and the number of hidden layers. We show that these metrics differentiate DNNs based on the architecture, the number of hidden layers, and the activation function. Our contribution provides a method rooted in physics for interpreting DNNs that offers insights beyond the traditional input-output relationship and the CNT topological analysis.

cross KI-GAN: Knowledge-Informed Generative Adversarial Networks for Enhanced Multi-Vehicle Trajectory Forecasting at Signalized Intersections

Authors: Chuheng Wei, Guoyuan Wu, Matthew J. Barth, Amr Abdelraouf, Rohit Gupta, Kyungtae Han

Abstract: Reliable prediction of vehicle trajectories at signalized intersections is crucial to urban traffic management and autonomous driving systems. However, it presents unique challenges, due to the complex roadway layout at intersections, involvement of traffic signal controls, and interactions among different types of road users. To address these issues, we present in this paper a novel model called Knowledge-Informed Generative Adversarial Network (KI-GAN), which integrates both traffic signal information and multi-vehicle interactions to predict vehicle trajectories accurately. Additionally, we propose a specialized attention pooling method that accounts for vehicle orientation and proximity at intersections. Based on the SinD dataset, our KI-GAN model is able to achieve an Average Displacement Error (ADE) of 0.05 and a Final Displacement Error (FDE) of 0.12 for a 6-second observation and 6-second prediction cycle. When the prediction window is extended to 9 seconds, the ADE and FDE values are further reduced to 0.11 and 0.26, respectively. These results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed KI-GAN model in vehicle trajectory prediction under complex scenarios at signalized intersections, which represents a significant advancement in the target field.

cross Exploring the Transferability of Visual Prompting for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Yinpeng Dong, Siyuan Zhang, Tianzan Min, Hang Su, Jun Zhu

Abstract: Although Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated promising versatile capabilities, their performance is still inferior to specialized models on downstream tasks, which makes adaptation necessary to enhance their utility. However, fine-tuning methods require independent training for every model, leading to huge computation and memory overheads. In this paper, we propose a novel setting where we aim to improve the performance of diverse MLLMs with a group of shared parameters optimized for a downstream task. To achieve this, we propose Transferable Visual Prompting (TVP), a simple and effective approach to generate visual prompts that can transfer to different models and improve their performance on downstream tasks after trained on only one model. We introduce two strategies to address the issue of cross-model feature corruption of existing visual prompting methods and enhance the transferability of the learned prompts, including 1) Feature Consistency Alignment: which imposes constraints to the prompted feature changes to maintain task-agnostic knowledge; 2) Task Semantics Enrichment: which encourages the prompted images to contain richer task-specific semantics with language guidance. We validate the effectiveness of TVP through extensive experiments with 6 modern MLLMs on a wide variety of tasks ranging from object recognition and counting to multimodal reasoning and hallucination correction.

cross Revisiting Noise Resilience Strategies in Gesture Recognition: Short-Term Enhancement in Surface Electromyographic Signal Analysis

Authors: Weiyu Guo, Ziyue Qiao, Ying Sun, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Gesture recognition based on surface electromyography (sEMG) has been gaining importance in many 3D Interactive Scenes. However, sEMG is easily influenced by various forms of noise in real-world environments, leading to challenges in providing long-term stable interactions through sEMG. Existing methods often struggle to enhance model noise resilience through various predefined data augmentation techniques. In this work, we revisit the problem from a short term enhancement perspective to improve precision and robustness against various common noisy scenarios with learnable denoise using sEMG intrinsic pattern information and sliding-window attention. We propose a Short Term Enhancement Module(STEM) which can be easily integrated with various models. STEM offers several benefits: 1) Learnable denoise, enabling noise reduction without manual data augmentation; 2) Scalability, adaptable to various models; and 3) Cost-effectiveness, achieving short-term enhancement through minimal weight-sharing in an efficient attention mechanism. In particular, we incorporate STEM into a transformer, creating the Short Term Enhanced Transformer (STET). Compared with best-competing approaches, the impact of noise on STET is reduced by more than 20%. We also report promising results on both classification and regression datasets and demonstrate that STEM generalizes across different gesture recognition tasks.

cross Feature Corrective Transfer Learning: End-to-End Solutions to Object Detection in Non-Ideal Visual Conditions

Authors: Chuheng Wei, Guoyuan Wu, Matthew J. Barth

Abstract: A significant challenge in the field of object detection lies in the system's performance under non-ideal imaging conditions, such as rain, fog, low illumination, or raw Bayer images that lack ISP processing. Our study introduces "Feature Corrective Transfer Learning", a novel approach that leverages transfer learning and a bespoke loss function to facilitate the end-to-end detection of objects in these challenging scenarios without the need to convert non-ideal images into their RGB counterparts. In our methodology, we initially train a comprehensive model on a pristine RGB image dataset. Subsequently, non-ideal images are processed by comparing their feature maps against those from the initial ideal RGB model. This comparison employs the Extended Area Novel Structural Discrepancy Loss (EANSDL), a novel loss function designed to quantify similarities and integrate them into the detection loss. This approach refines the model's ability to perform object detection across varying conditions through direct feature map correction, encapsulating the essence of Feature Corrective Transfer Learning. Experimental validation on variants of the KITTI dataset demonstrates a significant improvement in mean Average Precision (mAP), resulting in a 3.8-8.1% relative enhancement in detection under non-ideal conditions compared to the baseline model, and a less marginal performance difference within 1.3% of the mAP@[0.5:0.95] achieved under ideal conditions by the standard Faster RCNN algorithm.

cross Position Engineering: Boosting Large Language Models through Positional Information Manipulation

Authors: Zhiyuan He, Huiqiang Jiang, Zilong Wang, Yuqing Yang, Luna Qiu, Lili Qiu

Abstract: The performance of large language models (LLMs) is significantly influenced by the quality of the prompts provided. In response, researchers have developed enormous prompt engineering strategies aimed at modifying the prompt text to enhance task performance. In this paper, we introduce a novel technique termed position engineering, which offers a more efficient way to guide large language models. Unlike prompt engineering, which requires substantial effort to modify the text provided to LLMs, position engineering merely involves altering the positional information in the prompt without modifying the text itself. We have evaluated position engineering in two widely-used LLM scenarios: retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and in-context learning (ICL). Our findings show that position engineering substantially improves upon the baseline in both cases. Position engineering thus represents a promising new strategy for exploiting the capabilities of large language models.

cross In-Context Learning State Vector with Inner and Momentum Optimization

Authors: Dongfang Li, Zhenyu Liu, Xinshuo Hu, Zetian Sun, Baotian Hu, Min Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited an impressive ability to perform In-Context Learning (ICL) from only a few examples. Recent works have indicated that the functions learned by ICL can be represented through compressed vectors derived from the transformer. However, the working mechanisms and optimization of these vectors are yet to be thoroughly explored. In this paper, we address this gap by presenting a comprehensive analysis of these compressed vectors, drawing parallels to the parameters trained with gradient descent, and introduce the concept of state vector. Inspired by the works on model soup and momentum-based gradient descent, we propose inner and momentum optimization methods that are applied to refine the state vector progressively as test-time adaptation. Moreover, we simulate state vector aggregation in the multiple example setting, where demonstrations comprising numerous examples are usually too lengthy for regular ICL, and further propose a divide-and-conquer aggregation method to address this challenge. We conduct extensive experiments using Llama-2 and GPT-J in both zero-shot setting and few-shot setting. The experimental results show that our optimization method effectively enhances the state vector and achieves the state-of-the-art performance on diverse tasks. Code is available at


cross Energy-Efficient Uncertainty-Aware Biomass Composition Prediction at the Edge

Authors: Muhammad Zawish, Paul Albert, Flavio Esposito, Steven Davy, Lizy Abraham

Abstract: Clover fixates nitrogen from the atmosphere to the ground, making grass-clover mixtures highly desirable to reduce external nitrogen fertilization. Herbage containing clover additionally promotes higher food intake, resulting in higher milk production. Herbage probing however remains largely unused as it requires a time-intensive manual laboratory analysis. Without this information, farmers are unable to perform localized clover sowing or take targeted fertilization decisions. Deep learning algorithms have been proposed with the goal to estimate the dry biomass composition from images of the grass directly in the fields. The energy-intensive nature of deep learning however limits deployment to practical edge devices such as smartphones. This paper proposes to fill this gap by applying filter pruning to reduce the energy requirement of existing deep learning solutions. We report that although pruned networks are accurate on controlled, high-quality images of the grass, they struggle to generalize to real-world smartphone images that are blurry or taken from challenging angles. We address this challenge by training filter-pruned models using a variance attenuation loss so they can predict the uncertainty of their predictions. When the uncertainty exceeds a threshold, we re-infer using a more accurate unpruned model. This hybrid approach allows us to reduce energy consumption while retaining a high accuracy. We evaluate our algorithm on two datasets: the GrassClover and the Irish clover using an NVIDIA Jetson Nano edge device. We find that we reduce energy reduction with respect to state-of-the-art solutions by 50% on average with only 4% accuracy loss.

cross Optical Image-to-Image Translation Using Denoising Diffusion Models: Heterogeneous Change Detection as a Use Case

Authors: Jo\~ao Gabriel Vinholi, Marco Chini, Anis Amziane, Renato Machado, Danilo Silva, Patrick Matgen

Abstract: We introduce an innovative deep learning-based method that uses a denoising diffusion-based model to translate low-resolution images to high-resolution ones from different optical sensors while preserving the contents and avoiding undesired artifacts. The proposed method is trained and tested on a large and diverse data set of paired Sentinel-II and Planet Dove images. We show that it can solve serious image generation issues observed when the popular classifier-free guided Denoising Diffusion Implicit Model (DDIM) framework is used in the task of Image-to-Image Translation of multi-sensor optical remote sensing images and that it can generate large images with highly consistent patches, both in colors and in features. Moreover, we demonstrate how our method improves heterogeneous change detection results in two urban areas: Beirut, Lebanon, and Austin, USA. Our contributions are: i) a new training and testing algorithm based on denoising diffusion models for optical image translation; ii) a comprehensive image quality evaluation and ablation study; iii) a comparison with the classifier-free guided DDIM framework; and iv) change detection experiments on heterogeneous data.

cross DACAD: Domain Adaptation Contrastive Learning for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series

Authors: Zahra Zamanzadeh Darban, Geoffrey I. Webb, Mahsa Salehi

Abstract: Time series anomaly detection (TAD) faces a significant challenge due to the scarcity of labelled data, which hinders the development of accurate detection models. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) addresses this challenge by leveraging a labelled dataset from a related domain to detect anomalies in a target dataset. Existing domain adaptation techniques assume that the number of anomalous classes does not change between the source and target domains. In this paper, we propose a novel Domain Adaptation Contrastive learning for Anomaly Detection in multivariate time series (DACAD) model to address this issue by combining UDA and contrastive representation learning. DACAD's approach includes an anomaly injection mechanism that introduces various types of synthetic anomalies, enhancing the model's ability to generalise across unseen anomalous classes in different domains. This method significantly broadens the model's adaptability and robustness. Additionally, we propose a supervised contrastive loss for the source domain and a self-supervised contrastive triplet loss for the target domain, improving comprehensive feature representation learning and extraction of domain-invariant features. Finally, an effective Centre-based Entropy Classifier (CEC) is proposed specifically for anomaly detection, facilitating accurate learning of normal boundaries in the source domain. Our extensive evaluation across multiple real-world datasets against leading models in time series anomaly detection and UDA underscores DACAD's effectiveness. The results validate DACAD's superiority in transferring knowledge across domains and its potential to mitigate the challenge of limited labelled data in time series anomaly detection.

cross Image Generative Semantic Communication with Multi-Modal Similarity Estimation for Resource-Limited Networks

Authors: Eri Hosonuma, Taku Yamazaki, Takumi Miyoshi, Akihito Taya, Yuuki Nishiyama, Kaoru Sezaki

Abstract: To reduce network traffic and support environments with limited resources, a method for transmitting images with low amounts of transmission data is required. Machine learning-based image compression methods, which compress the data size of images while maintaining their features, have been proposed. However, in certain situations, reconstructing a part of semantic information of images at the receiver end may be sufficient. To realize this concept, semantic-information-based communication, called semantic communication, has been proposed, along with an image transmission method using semantic communication. This method transmits only the semantic information of an image, and the receiver reconstructs the image using an image-generation model. This method utilizes one type of semantic information, but reconstructing images similar to the original image using only it is challenging. This study proposes a multi-modal image transmission method that leverages diverse semantic information for efficient semantic communication. The proposed method extracts multi-modal semantic information from an image and transmits only it. Subsequently, the receiver generates multiple images using an image-generation model and selects an output based on semantic similarity. The receiver must select the output based only on the received features; however, evaluating semantic similarity using conventional metrics is challenging. Therefore, this study explored new metrics to evaluate the similarity between semantic features of images and proposes two scoring procedures. The results indicate that the proposed procedures can compare semantic similarities, such as position and composition, between semantic features of the original and generated images. Thus, the proposed method can facilitate the transmission and utilization of photographs through mobile networks for various service applications.

cross NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Short-form UGC Video Quality Assessment: Methods and Results

Authors: Xin Li, Kun Yuan, Yajing Pei, Yiting Lu, Ming Sun, Chao Zhou, Zhibo Chen, Radu Timofte, Wei Sun, Haoning Wu, Zicheng Zhang, Jun Jia, Zhichao Zhang, Linhan Cao, Qiubo Chen, Xiongkuo Min, Weisi Lin, Guangtao Zhai, Jianhui Sun, Tianyi Wang, Lei Li, Han Kong, Wenxuan Wang, Bing Li, Cheng Luo, Haiqiang Wang, Xiangguang Chen, Wenhui Meng, Xiang Pan, Huiying Shi, Han Zhu, Xiaozhong Xu, Lei Sun, Zhenzhong Chen, Shan Liu, Fangyuan Kong, Haotian Fan, Yifang Xu, Haoran Xu, Mengduo Yang, Jie Zhou, Jiaze Li, Shijie Wen, Mai Xu, Da Li, Shunyu Yao, Jiazhi Du, Wangmeng Zuo, Zhibo Li, Shuai He, Anlong Ming, Huiyuan Fu, Huadong Ma, Yong Wu, Fie Xue, Guozhi Zhao, Lina Du, Jie Guo, Yu Zhang, Huimin Zheng, Junhao Chen, Yue Liu, Dulan Zhou, Kele Xu, Qisheng Xu, Tao Sun, Zhixiang Ding, Yuhang Hu

Abstract: This paper reviews the NTIRE 2024 Challenge on Shortform UGC Video Quality Assessment (S-UGC VQA), where various excellent solutions are submitted and evaluated on the collected dataset KVQ from popular short-form video platform, i.e., Kuaishou/Kwai Platform. The KVQ database is divided into three parts, including 2926 videos for training, 420 videos for validation, and 854 videos for testing. The purpose is to build new benchmarks and advance the development of S-UGC VQA. The competition had 200 participants and 13 teams submitted valid solutions for the final testing phase. The proposed solutions achieved state-of-the-art performances for S-UGC VQA. The project can be found at


cross Improving Composed Image Retrieval via Contrastive Learning with Scaling Positives and Negatives

Authors: Zhangchi Feng, Richong Zhang, Zhijie Nie

Abstract: The Composed Image Retrieval (CIR) task aims to retrieve target images using a composed query consisting of a reference image and a modified text. Advanced methods often utilize contrastive learning as the optimization objective, which benefits from adequate positive and negative examples. However, the triplet for CIR incurs high manual annotation costs, resulting in limited positive examples. Furthermore, existing methods commonly use in-batch negative sampling, which reduces the negative number available for the model. To address the problem of lack of positives, we propose a data generation method by leveraging a multi-modal large language model to construct triplets for CIR. To introduce more negatives during fine-tuning, we design a two-stage fine-tuning framework for CIR, whose second stage introduces plenty of static representations of negatives to optimize the representation space rapidly. The above two improvements can be effectively stacked and designed to be plug-and-play, easily applied to existing CIR models without changing their original architectures. Extensive experiments and ablation analysis demonstrate that our method effectively scales positives and negatives and achieves state-of-the-art results on both FashionIQ and CIRR datasets. In addition, our methods also perform well in zero-shot composed image retrieval, providing a new CIR solution for the low-resources scenario.

cross SoccerNet Game State Reconstruction: End-to-End Athlete Tracking and Identification on a Minimap

Authors: Vladimir Somers, Victor Joos, Anthony Cioppa, Silvio Giancola, Seyed Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh, Floriane Magera, Baptiste Standaert, Amir Mohammad Mansourian, Xin Zhou, Shohreh Kasaei, Bernard Ghanem, Alexandre Alahi, Marc Van Droogenbroeck, Christophe De Vleeschouwer

Abstract: Tracking and identifying athletes on the pitch holds a central role in collecting essential insights from the game, such as estimating the total distance covered by players or understanding team tactics. This tracking and identification process is crucial for reconstructing the game state, defined by the athletes' positions and identities on a 2D top-view of the pitch, (i.e. a minimap). However, reconstructing the game state from videos captured by a single camera is challenging. It requires understanding the position of the athletes and the viewpoint of the camera to localize and identify players within the field. In this work, we formalize the task of Game State Reconstruction and introduce SoccerNet-GSR, a novel Game State Reconstruction dataset focusing on football videos. SoccerNet-GSR is composed of 200 video sequences of 30 seconds, annotated with 9.37 million line points for pitch localization and camera calibration, as well as over 2.36 million athlete positions on the pitch with their respective role, team, and jersey number. Furthermore, we introduce GS-HOTA, a novel metric to evaluate game state reconstruction methods. Finally, we propose and release an end-to-end baseline for game state reconstruction, bootstrapping the research on this task. Our experiments show that GSR is a challenging novel task, which opens the field for future research. Our dataset and codebase are publicly available at


cross Large Language Models meet Collaborative Filtering: An Efficient All-round LLM-based Recommender System

Authors: Sein Kim, Hongseok Kang, Seungyoon Choi, Donghyun Kim, Minchul Yang, Chanyoung Park

Abstract: Collaborative filtering recommender systems (CF-RecSys) have shown successive results in enhancing the user experience on social media and e-commerce platforms. However, as CF-RecSys struggles under cold scenarios with sparse user-item interactions, recent strategies have focused on leveraging modality information of user/items (e.g., text or images) based on pre-trained modality encoders and Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite their effectiveness under cold scenarios, we observe that they underperform simple traditional collaborative filtering models under warm scenarios due to the lack of collaborative knowledge. In this work, we propose an efficient All-round LLM-based Recommender system, called A-LLMRec, that excels not only in the cold scenario but also in the warm scenario. Our main idea is to enable an LLM to directly leverage the collaborative knowledge contained in a pre-trained state-of-the-art CF-RecSys so that the emergent ability of the LLM as well as the high-quality user/item embeddings that are already trained by the state-of-the-art CF-RecSys can be jointly exploited. This approach yields two advantages: (1) model-agnostic, allowing for integration with various existing CF-RecSys, and (2) efficiency, eliminating the extensive fine-tuning typically required for LLM-based recommenders. Our extensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of A-LLMRec in various scenarios, including cold/warm, few-shot, cold user, and cross-domain scenarios. Beyond the recommendation task, we also show the potential of A-LLMRec in generating natural language outputs based on the understanding of the collaborative knowledge by performing a favorite genre prediction task. Our code is available at .


cross Calibrating Bayesian Learning via Regularization, Confidence Minimization, and Selective Inference

Authors: Jiayi Huang, Sangwoo Park, Osvaldo Simeone

Abstract: The application of artificial intelligence (AI) models in fields such as engineering is limited by the known difficulty of quantifying the reliability of an AI's decision. A well-calibrated AI model must correctly report its accuracy on in-distribution (ID) inputs, while also enabling the detection of out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. A conventional approach to improve calibration is the application of Bayesian ensembling. However, owing to computational limitations and model misspecification, practical ensembling strategies do not necessarily enhance calibration. This paper proposes an extension of variational inference (VI)-based Bayesian learning that integrates calibration regularization for improved ID performance, confidence minimization for OOD detection, and selective calibration to ensure a synergistic use of calibration regularization and confidence minimization. The scheme is constructed successively by first introducing calibration-regularized Bayesian learning (CBNN), then incorporating out-of-distribution confidence minimization (OCM) to yield CBNN-OCM, and finally integrating also selective calibration to produce selective CBNN-OCM (SCBNN-OCM). Selective calibration rejects inputs for which the calibration performance is expected to be insufficient. Numerical results illustrate the trade-offs between ID accuracy, ID calibration, and OOD calibration attained by both frequentist and Bayesian learning methods. Among the main conclusions, SCBNN-OCM is seen to achieve best ID and OOD performance as compared to existing state-of-the-art approaches at the cost of rejecting a sufficiently large number of inputs.

cross Characterizing and modeling harms from interactions with design patterns in AI interfaces

Authors: Lujain Ibrahim, Luc Rocher, Ana Valdivia

Abstract: The proliferation of applications using artificial intelligence (AI) systems has led to a growing number of users interacting with these systems through sophisticated interfaces. Human-computer interaction research has long shown that interfaces shape both user behavior and user perception of technical capabilities and risks. Yet, practitioners and researchers evaluating the social and ethical risks of AI systems tend to overlook the impact of anthropomorphic, deceptive, and immersive interfaces on human-AI interactions. Here, we argue that design features of interfaces with adaptive AI systems can have cascading impacts, driven by feedback loops, which extend beyond those previously considered. We first conduct a scoping review of AI interface designs and their negative impact to extract salient themes of potentially harmful design patterns in AI interfaces. Then, we propose Design-Enhanced Control of AI systems (DECAI), a conceptual model to structure and facilitate impact assessments of AI interface designs. DECAI draws on principles from control systems theory -- a theory for the analysis and design of dynamic physical systems -- to dissect the role of the interface in human-AI systems. Through two case studies on recommendation systems and conversational language model systems, we show how DECAI can be used to evaluate AI interface designs.

cross Short-term wind speed forecasting model based on an attention-gated recurrent neural network and error correction strategy

Authors: Haojian Huang

Abstract: The accurate wind speed series forecast is very pivotal to security of grid dispatching and the application of wind power. Nevertheless, on account of their nonlinear and non-stationary nature, their short-term forecast is extremely challenging. Therefore, this dissertation raises one short-term wind speed forecast pattern on the foundation of attention with an improved gated recurrent neural network (AtGRU) and a tactic of error correction. That model uses the AtGRU model as the preliminary predictor and the GRU model as the error corrector. At the beginning, SSA (singular spectrum analysis) is employed in previous wind speed series for lessening the noise. Subsequently, historical wind speed series is going to be used for the predictor training. During this process, the prediction can have certain errors. The sequence of these errors processed by variational modal decomposition (VMD) is used to train the corrector of error. The eventual forecast consequence is just the sum of predictor forecast and error corrector. The proposed SSA-AtGRU-VMD-GRU model outperforms the compared models in three case studies on Woodburn, St. Thomas, and Santa Cruz. It is indicated that the model evidently enhances the correction of the wind speed forecast.

cross Open-Ended Wargames with Large Language Models

Authors: Daniel P. Hogan, Andrea Brennen

Abstract: Wargames are a powerful tool for understanding and rehearsing real-world decision making. Automated play of wargames using artificial intelligence (AI) enables possibilities beyond those of human-conducted games, such as playing the game many times over to see a range of possible outcomes. There are two categories of wargames: quantitative games, with discrete types of moves, and qualitative games, which revolve around open-ended responses. Historically, automation efforts have focused on quantitative games, but large language models (LLMs) make it possible to automate qualitative wargames. We introduce "Snow Globe," an LLM-powered multi-agent system for playing qualitative wargames. With Snow Globe, every stage of a text-based qualitative wargame from scenario preparation to post-game analysis can be optionally carried out by AI, humans, or a combination thereof. We describe its software architecture conceptually and release an open-source implementation alongside this publication. As case studies, we simulate a tabletop exercise about an AI incident response and a political wargame about a geopolitical crisis. We discuss potential applications of the approach and how it fits into the broader wargaming ecosystem.

cross Unifying Bias and Unfairness in Information Retrieval: A Survey of Challenges and Opportunities with Large Language Models

Authors: Sunhao Dai, Chen Xu, Shicheng Xu, Liang Pang, Zhenhua Dong, Jun Xu

Abstract: With the rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs), information retrieval (IR) systems, such as search engines and recommender systems, have undergone a significant paradigm shift. This evolution, while heralding new opportunities, introduces emerging challenges, particularly in terms of biases and unfairness, which may threaten the information ecosystem. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of existing works on emerging and pressing bias and unfairness issues in IR systems when the integration of LLMs. We first unify bias and unfairness issues as distribution mismatch problems, providing a groundwork for categorizing various mitigation strategies through distribution alignment. Subsequently, we systematically delve into the specific bias and unfairness issues arising from three critical stages of LLMs integration into IR systems: data collection, model development, and result evaluation. In doing so, we meticulously review and analyze recent literature, focusing on the definitions, characteristics, and corresponding mitigation strategies associated with these issues. Finally, we identify and highlight some open problems and challenges for future work, aiming to inspire researchers and stakeholders in the IR field and beyond to better understand and mitigate bias and unfairness issues of IR in this LLM era. We also consistently maintain a GitHub repository for the relevant papers and resources in this rising direction at


cross Using Game Engines and Machine Learning to Create Synthetic Satellite Imagery for a Tabletop Verification Exercise

Authors: Johannes Hoster, Sara Al-Sayed, Felix Biessmann, Alexander Glaser, Kristian Hildebrand, Igor Moric, Tuong Vy Nguyen

Abstract: Satellite imagery is regarded as a great opportunity for citizen-based monitoring of activities of interest. Relevant imagery may however not be available at sufficiently high resolution, quality, or cadence -- let alone be uniformly accessible to open-source analysts. This limits an assessment of the true long-term potential of citizen-based monitoring of nuclear activities using publicly available satellite imagery. In this article, we demonstrate how modern game engines combined with advanced machine-learning techniques can be used to generate synthetic imagery of sites of interest with the ability to choose relevant parameters upon request; these include time of day, cloud cover, season, or level of activity onsite. At the same time, resolution and off-nadir angle can be adjusted to simulate different characteristics of the satellite. While there are several possible use-cases for synthetic imagery, here we focus on its usefulness to support tabletop exercises in which simple monitoring scenarios can be examined to better understand verification capabilities enabled by new satellite constellations and very short revisit times.

cross AdaIR: Exploiting Underlying Similarities of Image Restoration Tasks with Adapters

Authors: Hao-Wei Chen, Yu-Syuan Xu, Kelvin C. K. Chan, Hsien-Kai Kuo, Chun-Yi Lee, Ming-Hsuan Yang

Abstract: Existing image restoration approaches typically employ extensive networks specifically trained for designated degradations. Despite being effective, such methods inevitably entail considerable storage costs and computational overheads due to the reliance on task-specific networks. In this work, we go beyond this well-established framework and exploit the inherent commonalities among image restoration tasks. The primary objective is to identify components that are shareable across restoration tasks and augment the shared components with modules specifically trained for individual tasks. Towards this goal, we propose AdaIR, a novel framework that enables low storage cost and efficient training without sacrificing performance. Specifically, a generic restoration network is first constructed through self-supervised pre-training using synthetic degradations. Subsequent to the pre-training phase, adapters are trained to adapt the pre-trained network to specific degradations. AdaIR requires solely the training of lightweight, task-specific modules, ensuring a more efficient storage and training regimen. We have conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of AdaIR and analyze the influence of the pre-training strategy on discovering shareable components. Extensive experimental results show that AdaIR achieves outstanding results on multi-task restoration while utilizing significantly fewer parameters (1.9 MB) and less training time (7 hours) for each restoration task. The source codes and trained models will be released.

cross Discovering Nuclear Models from Symbolic Machine Learning

Authors: Jose M. Munoz, Silviu M. Udrescu, Ronald F. Garcia Ruiz

Abstract: Numerous phenomenological nuclear models have been proposed to describe specific observables within different regions of the nuclear chart. However, developing a unified model that describes the complex behavior of all nuclei remains an open challenge. Here, we explore whether novel symbolic Machine Learning (ML) can rediscover traditional nuclear physics models or identify alternatives with improved simplicity, fidelity, and predictive power. To address this challenge, we developed a Multi-objective Iterated Symbolic Regression approach that handles symbolic regressions over multiple target observables, accounts for experimental uncertainties and is robust against high-dimensional problems. As a proof of principle, we applied this method to describe the nuclear binding energies and charge radii of light and medium mass nuclei. Our approach identified simple analytical relationships based on the number of protons and neutrons, providing interpretable models with precision comparable to state-of-the-art nuclear models. Additionally, we integrated this ML-discovered model with an existing complementary model to estimate the limits of nuclear stability. These results highlight the potential of symbolic ML to develop accurate nuclear models and guide our description of complex many-body problems.

cross Multi-resolution Rescored ByteTrack for Video Object Detection on Ultra-low-power Embedded Systems

Authors: Luca Bompani, Manuele Rusci, Daniele Palossi, Francesco Conti, Luca Benini

Abstract: This paper introduces Multi-Resolution Rescored Byte-Track (MR2-ByteTrack), a novel video object detection framework for ultra-low-power embedded processors. This method reduces the average compute load of an off-the-shelf Deep Neural Network (DNN) based object detector by up to 2.25$\times$ by alternating the processing of high-resolution images (320$\times$320 pixels) with multiple down-sized frames (192$\times$192 pixels). To tackle the accuracy degradation due to the reduced image input size, MR2-ByteTrack correlates the output detections over time using the ByteTrack tracker and corrects potential misclassification using a novel probabilistic Rescore algorithm. By interleaving two down-sized images for every high-resolution one as the input of different state-of-the-art DNN object detectors with our MR2-ByteTrack, we demonstrate an average accuracy increase of 2.16% and a latency reduction of 43% on the GAP9 microcontroller compared to a baseline frame-by-frame inference scheme using exclusively full-resolution images. Code available at:


cross arcjetCV: an open-source software to analyze material ablation

Authors: Alexandre Quintart, Magnus Haw, Federico Semeraro

Abstract: arcjetCV is an open-source Python software designed to automate time-resolved measurements of heatshield material recession and recession rates from arcjet test video footage. This new automated and accessible capability greatly exceeds previous manual extraction methods, enabling rapid and detailed characterization of material recession for any sample with a profile video. arcjetCV automates the video segmentation process using machine learning models, including a one-dimensional (1D) Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to infer the time-window of interest, a two-dimensional (2D) CNN for image and edge segmentation, and a Local Outlier Factor (LOF) for outlier filtering. A graphical user interface (GUI) simplifies the user experience and an application programming interface (API) allows users to call the core functions from scripts, enabling video batch processing. arcjetCV's capability to measure time-resolved recession in turn enables characterization of non-linear processes (shrinkage, swelling, melt flows, etc.), contributing to higher fidelity validation and improved modeling of heatshield material performance. The source code associated with this article can be found at


cross Runtime Analysis of Evolutionary Diversity Optimization on the Multi-objective (LeadingOnes, TrailingZeros) Problem

Authors: Denis Antipov, Aneta Neumann, Frank Neumann. Andrew M. Sutton

Abstract: The diversity optimization is the class of optimization problems, in which we aim at finding a diverse set of good solutions. One of the frequently used approaches to solve such problems is to use evolutionary algorithms which evolve a desired diverse population. This approach is called evolutionary diversity optimization (EDO). In this paper, we analyse EDO on a 3-objective function LOTZ$_k$, which is a modification of the 2-objective benchmark function (LeadingOnes, TrailingZeros). We prove that the GSEMO computes a set of all Pareto-optimal solutions in $O(kn^3)$ expected iterations. We also analyze the runtime of the GSEMO$_D$ (a modification of the GSEMO for diversity optimization) until it finds a population with the best possible diversity for two different diversity measures, the total imbalance and the sorted imbalances vector. For the first measure we show that the GSEMO$_D$ optimizes it asymptotically faster than it finds a Pareto-optimal population, in $O(kn^2\log(n))$ expected iterations, and for the second measure we show an upper bound of $O(k^2n^3\log(n))$ expected iterations. We complement our theoretical analysis with an empirical study, which shows a very similar behavior for both diversity measures that is close to the theory predictions.

cross A Data-Driven Representation for Sign Language Production

Authors: Harry Walsh, Abolfazl Ravanshad, Mariam Rahmani, Richard Bowden

Abstract: Phonetic representations are used when recording spoken languages, but no equivalent exists for recording signed languages. As a result, linguists have proposed several annotation systems that operate on the gloss or sub-unit level; however, these resources are notably irregular and scarce. Sign Language Production (SLP) aims to automatically translate spoken language sentences into continuous sequences of sign language. However, current state-of-the-art approaches rely on scarce linguistic resources to work. This has limited progress in the field. This paper introduces an innovative solution by transforming the continuous pose generation problem into a discrete sequence generation problem. Thus, overcoming the need for costly annotation. Although, if available, we leverage the additional information to enhance our approach. By applying Vector Quantisation (VQ) to sign language data, we first learn a codebook of short motions that can be combined to create a natural sequence of sign. Where each token in the codebook can be thought of as the lexicon of our representation. Then using a transformer we perform a translation from spoken language text to a sequence of codebook tokens. Each token can be directly mapped to a sequence of poses allowing the translation to be performed by a single network. Furthermore, we present a sign stitching method to effectively join tokens together. We evaluate on the RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather-2014T (PHOENIX14T) and the more challenging Meine DGS Annotated (mDGS) datasets. An extensive evaluation shows our approach outperforms previous methods, increasing the BLEU-1 back translation score by up to 72%.

cross Paraphrase and Solve: Exploring and Exploiting the Impact of Surface Form on Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Yue Zhou, Yada Zhu, Diego Antognini, Yoon Kim, Yang Zhang

Abstract: This paper studies the relationship between the surface form of a mathematical problem and its solvability by large language models. We find that subtle alterations in the surface form can significantly impact the answer distribution and the solve rate, exposing the language model's lack of robustness and sensitivity to the surface form in reasoning through complex problems. To improve mathematical reasoning performance, we propose Self-Consistency-over-Paraphrases (SCoP), which diversifies reasoning paths from specific surface forms of the problem. We evaluate our approach on four mathematics reasoning benchmarks over three large language models and show that SCoP improves mathematical reasoning performance over vanilla self-consistency, particularly for problems initially deemed unsolvable. Finally, we provide additional experiments and discussion regarding problem difficulty and surface forms, including cross-model difficulty agreement and paraphrasing transferability, and Variance of Variations (VOV) for language model evaluation.

cross Towards Coarse-to-Fine Evaluation of Inference Efficiency for Large Language Models

Authors: Yushuo Chen, Tianyi Tang, Erge Xiang, Linjiang Li, Wayne Xin Zhao, Jing Wang, Yunpeng Chai, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: In real world, large language models (LLMs) can serve as the assistant to help users accomplish their jobs, and also support the development of advanced applications. For the wide application of LLMs, the inference efficiency is an essential concern, which has been widely studied in existing work, and numerous optimization algorithms and code libraries have been proposed to improve it. Nonetheless, users still find it challenging to compare the effectiveness of all the above methods and understand the underlying mechanisms. In this work, we perform a detailed coarse-to-fine analysis of the inference performance of various code libraries. To evaluate the overall effectiveness, we examine four usage scenarios within two practical applications. We further provide both theoretical and empirical fine-grained analyses of each module in the Transformer architecture. Our experiments yield comprehensive results that are invaluable for researchers to evaluate code libraries and improve inference strategies.

cross Decomposing and Editing Predictions by Modeling Model Computation

Authors: Harshay Shah, Andrew Ilyas, Aleksander Madry

Abstract: How does the internal computation of a machine learning model transform inputs into predictions? In this paper, we introduce a task called component modeling that aims to address this question. The goal of component modeling is to decompose an ML model's prediction in terms of its components -- simple functions (e.g., convolution filters, attention heads) that are the "building blocks" of model computation. We focus on a special case of this task, component attribution, where the goal is to estimate the counterfactual impact of individual components on a given prediction. We then present COAR, a scalable algorithm for estimating component attributions; we demonstrate its effectiveness across models, datasets, and modalities. Finally, we show that component attributions estimated with COAR directly enable model editing across five tasks, namely: fixing model errors, ``forgetting'' specific classes, boosting subpopulation robustness, localizing backdoor attacks, and improving robustness to typographic attacks. We provide code for COAR at .


cross FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Authors: Zhaopeng Peng, Xiaoliang Fan, Yufan Chen, Zheng Wang, Shirui Pan, Chenglu Wen, Ruisheng Zhang, Cheng Wang

Abstract: Adapting Foundation Models (FMs) for downstream tasks through Federated Learning (FL) emerges a promising strategy for protecting data privacy and valuable FMs. Existing methods fine-tune FM by allocating sub-FM to clients in FL, however, leading to suboptimal performance due to insufficient tuning and inevitable error accumulations of gradients. In this paper, we propose Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning (FedPFT), a novel method enhancing FMs adaptation in downstream tasks through FL by two key modules. First, the sub-FM construction module employs a layer-wise compression approach, facilitating comprehensive FM fine-tuning across all layers by emphasizing those crucial neurons. Second, the sub-FM alignment module conducts a two-step distillations-layer-level and neuron-level-before and during FL fine-tuning respectively, to reduce error of gradient by accurately aligning sub-FM with FM under theoretical guarantees. Experimental results on seven commonly used datasets (i.e., four text and three vision) demonstrate the superiority of FedPFT.

cross Quantifying Multilingual Performance of Large Language Models Across Languages

Authors: Zihao Li, Yucheng Shi, Zirui Liu, Fan Yang, Ninghao Liu, Mengnan Du

Abstract: The training process of Large Language Models (LLMs) requires extensive text corpus. However, these data are often unevenly distributed in different languages. As a result, LLMs perform well on common languages, such as English, German, and French, but perform poorly on low-resource languages. However, currently there is no work to quantitatively measure the performance of LLMs in low-resource languages. To fill this gap, we proposed the Language Ranker that aims to benchmark and rank different languages according to the performance of LLMs on those languages. We employ the LLM's performance on the English corpus as a baseline to compare the performances of different languages and English. We have the following three findings: 1. The performance rankings of different LLMs in all languages are roughly the same. 2. LLMs with different sizes have the same partial order of performance. 3. There is a strong correlation between LlaMa2's performance in different languages and the proportion of the pre-training corpus. These findings illustrate that the Language Ranker can be used as an indicator to measure the language performance of LLMs.

cross MoA: Mixture-of-Attention for Subject-Context Disentanglement in Personalized Image Generation

Authors: Kuan-Chieh (Jackson), Wang, Daniil Ostashev, Yuwei Fang, Sergey Tulyakov, Kfir Aberman

Abstract: We introduce a new architecture for personalization of text-to-image diffusion models, coined Mixture-of-Attention (MoA). Inspired by the Mixture-of-Experts mechanism utilized in large language models (LLMs), MoA distributes the generation workload between two attention pathways: a personalized branch and a non-personalized prior branch. MoA is designed to retain the original model's prior by fixing its attention layers in the prior branch, while minimally intervening in the generation process with the personalized branch that learns to embed subjects in the layout and context generated by the prior branch. A novel routing mechanism manages the distribution of pixels in each layer across these branches to optimize the blend of personalized and generic content creation. Once trained, MoA facilitates the creation of high-quality, personalized images featuring multiple subjects with compositions and interactions as diverse as those generated by the original model. Crucially, MoA enhances the distinction between the model's pre-existing capability and the newly augmented personalized intervention, thereby offering a more disentangled subject-context control that was previously unattainable. Project page:


cross Towards Reliable Empirical Machine Unlearning Evaluation: A Game-Theoretic View

Authors: Yiwen Tu, Pingbang Hu, Jiaqi Ma

Abstract: Machine unlearning is the process of updating machine learning models to remove the information of specific training data samples, in order to comply with data protection regulations that allow individuals to request the removal of their personal data. Despite the recent development of numerous unlearning algorithms, reliable evaluation of these algorithms remains an open research question. In this work, we focus on membership inference attack (MIA) based evaluation, one of the most common approaches for evaluating unlearning algorithms, and address various pitfalls of existing evaluation metrics that lack reliability. Specifically, we propose a game-theoretic framework that formalizes the evaluation process as a game between unlearning algorithms and MIA adversaries, measuring the data removal efficacy of unlearning algorithms by the capability of the MIA adversaries. Through careful design of the game, we demonstrate that the natural evaluation metric induced from the game enjoys provable guarantees that the existing evaluation metrics fail to satisfy. Furthermore, we propose a practical and efficient algorithm to estimate the evaluation metric induced from the game, and demonstrate its effectiveness through both theoretical analysis and empirical experiments. This work presents a novel and reliable approach to empirically evaluating unlearning algorithms, paving the way for the development of more effective unlearning techniques.

cross Deep Policy Optimization with Temporal Logic Constraints

Authors: Ameesh Shah, Cameron Voloshin, Chenxi Yang, Abhinav Verma, Swarat Chaudhuri, Sanjit A. Seshia

Abstract: Temporal logics, such as linear temporal logic (LTL), offer a precise means of specifying tasks for (deep) reinforcement learning (RL) agents. In our work, we consider the setting where the task is specified by an LTL objective and there is an additional scalar reward that we need to optimize. Previous works focus either on learning a LTL task-satisfying policy alone or are restricted to finite state spaces. We make two contributions: First, we introduce an RL-friendly approach to this setting by formulating this problem as a single optimization objective. Our formulation guarantees that an optimal policy will be reward-maximal from the set of policies that maximize the likelihood of satisfying the LTL specification. Second, we address a sparsity issue that often arises for LTL-guided Deep RL policies by introducing Cycle Experience Replay (CyclER), a technique that automatically guides RL agents towards the satisfaction of an LTL specification. Our experiments demonstrate the efficacy of CyclER in finding performant deep RL policies in both continuous and discrete experimental domains.

cross Prompt Optimizer of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models for Abstract Concept Understanding

Authors: Zezhong Fan, Xiaohan Li, Chenhao Fang, Topojoy Biswas, Kaushiki Nag, Jianpeng Xu, Kannan Achan

Abstract: The rapid evolution of text-to-image diffusion models has opened the door of generative AI, enabling the translation of textual descriptions into visually compelling images with remarkable quality. However, a persistent challenge within this domain is the optimization of prompts to effectively convey abstract concepts into concrete objects. For example, text encoders can hardly express "peace", while can easily illustrate olive branches and white doves. This paper introduces a novel approach named Prompt Optimizer for Abstract Concepts (POAC) specifically designed to enhance the performance of text-to-image diffusion models in interpreting and generating images from abstract concepts. We propose a Prompt Language Model (PLM), which is initialized from a pre-trained language model, and then fine-tuned with a curated dataset of abstract concept prompts. The dataset is created with GPT-4 to extend the abstract concept to a scene and concrete objects. Our framework employs a Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based optimization strategy, focusing on the alignment between the generated images by a stable diffusion model and optimized prompts. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed POAC significantly improves the accuracy and aesthetic quality of generated images, particularly in the description of abstract concepts and alignment with optimized prompts. We also present a comprehensive analysis of our model's performance across diffusion models under different settings, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness in enhancing abstract concept representation.

cross VG4D: Vision-Language Model Goes 4D Video Recognition

Authors: Zhichao Deng, Xiangtai Li, Xia Li, Yunhai Tong, Shen Zhao, Mengyuan Liu

Abstract: Understanding the real world through point cloud video is a crucial aspect of robotics and autonomous driving systems. However, prevailing methods for 4D point cloud recognition have limitations due to sensor resolution, which leads to a lack of detailed information. Recent advances have shown that Vision-Language Models (VLM) pre-trained on web-scale text-image datasets can learn fine-grained visual concepts that can be transferred to various downstream tasks. However, effectively integrating VLM into the domain of 4D point clouds remains an unresolved problem. In this work, we propose the Vision-Language Models Goes 4D (VG4D) framework to transfer VLM knowledge from visual-text pre-trained models to a 4D point cloud network. Our approach involves aligning the 4D encoder's representation with a VLM to learn a shared visual and text space from training on large-scale image-text pairs. By transferring the knowledge of the VLM to the 4D encoder and combining the VLM, our VG4D achieves improved recognition performance. To enhance the 4D encoder, we modernize the classic dynamic point cloud backbone and propose an improved version of PSTNet, im-PSTNet, which can efficiently model point cloud videos. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance for action recognition on both the NTU RGB+D 60 dataset and the NTU RGB+D 120 dataset. Code is available at \url{}.


cross Learning to Solve the Constrained Most Probable Explanation Task in Probabilistic Graphical Models

Authors: Shivvrat Arya, Tahrima Rahman, Vibhav Gogate

Abstract: We propose a self-supervised learning approach for solving the following constrained optimization task in log-linear models or Markov networks. Let $f$ and $g$ be two log-linear models defined over the sets $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{Y}$ of random variables respectively. Given an assignment $\mathbf{x}$ to all variables in $\mathbf{X}$ (evidence) and a real number $q$, the constrained most-probable explanation (CMPE) task seeks to find an assignment $\mathbf{y}$ to all variables in $\mathbf{Y}$ such that $f(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})$ is maximized and $g(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{y})\leq q$. In our proposed self-supervised approach, given assignments $\mathbf{x}$ to $\mathbf{X}$ (data), we train a deep neural network that learns to output near-optimal solutions to the CMPE problem without requiring access to any pre-computed solutions. The key idea in our approach is to use first principles and approximate inference methods for CMPE to derive novel loss functions that seek to push infeasible solutions towards feasible ones and feasible solutions towards optimal ones. We analyze the properties of our proposed method and experimentally demonstrate its efficacy on several benchmark problems.

replace Comprehensive Taxonomies of Nature- and Bio-inspired Optimization: Inspiration versus Algorithmic Behavior, Critical Analysis and Recommendations (from 2020 to 2024)

Authors: Daniel Molina, Javier Poyatos, Javier Del Ser, Salvador Garc\'ia, Amir Hussain, Francisco Herrera

Abstract: In recent years, bio-inspired optimization methods, which mimic biological processes to solve complex problems, have gained popularity in recent literature. The proliferation of proposals prove the growing interest in this field. The increase in nature- and bio-inspired algorithms, applications, and guidelines highlights growing interest in this field. However, the exponential rise in the number of bio-inspired algorithms poses a challenge to the future trajectory of this research domain. Along the five versions of this document, the number of approaches grows incessantly, and where having a new biological description takes precedence over real problem-solving. This document presents two comprehensive taxonomies. One based on principles of biological similarity, and the other one based on operational aspects associated with the iteration of population models that initially have a biological inspiration. Therefore, these taxonomies enable researchers to categorize existing algorithmic developments into well-defined classes, considering two criteria: the source of inspiration, and the behavior exhibited by each algorithm. Using these taxonomies, we classify 518 algorithms based on nature-inspired and bio-inspired principles. Each algorithm within these categories is thoroughly examined, allowing for a critical synthesis of design trends and similarities, and identifying the most analogous classical algorithm for each proposal. From our analysis, we conclude that a poor relationship is often found between the natural inspiration of an algorithm and its behavior. Furthermore, similarities in terms of behavior between different algorithms are greater than what is claimed in their public disclosure: specifically, we show that more than one-fourth of the reviewed solvers are versions of classical algorithms. The conclusions from the analysis of the algorithms lead to several learned lessons.

replace Mastering Diverse Domains through World Models

Authors: Danijar Hafner, Jurgis Pasukonis, Jimmy Ba, Timothy Lillicrap

Abstract: Developing a general algorithm that learns to solve tasks across a wide range of applications has been a fundamental challenge in artificial intelligence. Although current reinforcement learning algorithms can be readily applied to tasks similar to what they have been developed for, configuring them for new application domains requires significant human expertise and experimentation. We present DreamerV3, a general algorithm that outperforms specialized methods across over 150 diverse tasks, with a single configuration. Dreamer learns a model of the environment and improves its behavior by imagining future scenarios. Robustness techniques based on normalization, balancing, and transformations enable stable learning across domains. Applied out of the box, Dreamer is the first algorithm to collect diamonds in Minecraft from scratch without human data or curricula. This achievement has been posed as a significant challenge in artificial intelligence that requires exploring farsighted strategies from pixels and sparse rewards in an open world. Our work allows solving challenging control problems without extensive experimentation, making reinforcement learning broadly applicable.

replace On Diversified Preferences of Large Language Model Alignment

Authors: Dun Zeng, Yong Dai, Pengyu Cheng, Longyue Wang, Tianhao Hu, Wanshun Chen, Nan Du, Zenglin Xu

Abstract: Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences has been recognized as the key to improving LLMs' interaction quality. However, in this pluralistic world, human preferences can be diversified due to annotators' different tastes, which hinders the effectiveness of LLM alignment methods. This paper presents the first quantitative analysis of commonly used human feedback datasets to investigate the impact of diversified preferences on reward modeling. Our analysis reveals a correlation between the calibration performance of reward models (RMs) and the alignment performance of LLMs. We find that diversified preference data negatively affect the calibration performance of RMs on human-shared preferences, such as Harmless\&Helpful, thereby impairing the alignment performance of LLMs. To address the ineffectiveness, we propose a novel Multi-Objective Reward learning method (MORE) to enhance the calibration performance of RMs on shared preferences. We validate our findings by experiments on three models and five human preference datasets. Our method significantly improves the prediction calibration of RMs, leading to better alignment of the Alpaca-7B model with Harmless\&Helpful preferences. Furthermore, the connection between reward calibration and preference alignment performance suggests that calibration error can be adopted as a key metric for evaluating RMs. The open-source code and data are available at


replace Predictive representations: building blocks of intelligence

Authors: Wilka Carvalho, Momchil S. Tomov, William de Cothi, Caswell Barry, Samuel J. Gershman

Abstract: Adaptive behavior often requires predicting future events. The theory of reinforcement learning prescribes what kinds of predictive representations are useful and how to compute them. This paper integrates these theoretical ideas with work on cognition and neuroscience. We pay special attention to the successor representation (SR) and its generalizations, which have been widely applied both as engineering tools and models of brain function. This convergence suggests that particular kinds of predictive representations may function as versatile building blocks of intelligence.

replace Benchmarking ChatGPT on Algorithmic Reasoning

Authors: Sean McLeish, Avi Schwarzschild, Tom Goldstein

Abstract: We evaluate ChatGPT's ability to solve algorithm problems from the CLRS benchmark suite that is designed for GNNs. The benchmark requires the use of a specified classical algorithm to solve a given problem. We find that ChatGPT outperforms specialist GNN models, using Python to successfully solve these problems. This raises new points in the discussion about learning algorithms with neural networks and how we think about what out of distribution testing looks like with web scale training data.

replace Use of a Structured Knowledge Base Enhances Metadata Curation by Large Language Models

Authors: Sowmya S. Sundaram, Benjamin Solomon, Avani Khatri, Anisha Laumas, Purvesh Khatri, Mark A. Musen

Abstract: Metadata play a crucial role in ensuring the findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability of datasets. This paper investigates the potential of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-4, to improve adherence to metadata standards. We conducted experiments on 200 random data records describing human samples relating to lung cancer from the NCBI BioSample repository, evaluating GPT-4's ability to suggest edits for adherence to metadata standards. We computed the adherence accuracy of field name-field value pairs through a peer review process, and we observed a marginal average improvement in adherence to the standard data dictionary from 79% to 80% (p<0.01). We then prompted GPT-4 with domain information in the form of the textual descriptions of CEDAR templates and recorded a significant improvement to 97% from 79% (p<0.01). These results indicate that, while LLMs may not be able to correct legacy metadata to ensure satisfactory adherence to standards when unaided, they do show promise for use in automated metadata curation when integrated with a structured knowledge base.

replace AAVDiff: Experimental Validation of Enhanced Viability and Diversity in Recombinant Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Capsids through Diffusion Generation

Authors: Lijun Liu, Jiali Yang, Jianfei Song, Xinglin Yang, Lele Niu, Zeqi Cai, Hui Shi, Tingjun Hou, Chang-yu Hsieh, Weiran Shen, Yafeng Deng

Abstract: Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors have revolutionized gene therapy, but their broad tropism and suboptimal transduction efficiency limit their clinical applications. To overcome these limitations, researchers have focused on designing and screening capsid libraries to identify improved vectors. However, the large sequence space and limited resources present challenges in identifying viable capsid variants. In this study, we propose an end-to-end diffusion model to generate capsid sequences with enhanced viability. Using publicly available AAV2 data, we generated 38,000 diverse AAV2 viral protein (VP) sequences, and evaluated 8,000 for viral selection. The results attested the superiority of our model compared to traditional methods. Additionally, in the absence of AAV9 capsid data, apart from one wild-type sequence, we used the same model to directly generate a number of viable sequences with up to 9 mutations. we transferred the remaining 30,000 samples to the AAV9 domain. Furthermore, we conducted mutagenesis on AAV9 VP hypervariable regions VI and V, contributing to the continuous improvement of the AAV9 VP sequence. This research represents a significant advancement in the design and functional validation of rAAV vectors, offering innovative solutions to enhance specificity and transduction efficiency in gene therapy applications.

replace-cross Dependency-based Anomaly Detection: a General Framework and Comprehensive Evaluation

Authors: Sha Lu, Lin Liu, Kui Yu, Thuc Duy Le, Jixue Liu, Jiuyong Li

Abstract: Anomaly detection is crucial for understanding unusual behaviors in data, as anomalies offer valuable insights. This paper introduces Dependency-based Anomaly Detection (DepAD), a general framework that utilizes variable dependencies to uncover meaningful anomalies with better interpretability. DepAD reframes unsupervised anomaly detection as supervised feature selection and prediction tasks, which allows users to tailor anomaly detection algorithms to their specific problems and data. We extensively evaluate representative off-the-shelf techniques for the DepAD framework. Two DepAD algorithms emerge as all-rounders and superior performers in handling a wide range of datasets compared to nine state-of-the-art anomaly detection methods. Additionally, we demonstrate that DepAD algorithms provide new and insightful interpretations for detected anomalies.

replace-cross GenURL: A General Framework for Unsupervised Representation Learning

Authors: Siyuan Li, Zicheng Liu, Zelin Zang, Di Wu, Zhiyuan Chen, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Unsupervised representation learning (URL), which learns compact embeddings of high-dimensional data without supervision, has made remarkable progress recently. However, the development of URLs for different requirements is independent, which limits the generalization of the algorithms, especially prohibitive as the number of tasks grows. For example, dimension reduction methods, t-SNE, and UMAP optimize pair-wise data relationships by preserving the global geometric structure, while self-supervised learning, SimCLR, and BYOL focus on mining the local statistics of instances under specific augmentations. To address this dilemma, we summarize and propose a unified similarity-based URL framework, GenURL, which can smoothly adapt to various URL tasks. In this paper, we regard URL tasks as different implicit constraints on the data geometric structure that help to seek optimal low-dimensional representations that boil down to data structural modeling (DSM) and low-dimensional transformation (LDT). Specifically, DMS provides a structure-based submodule to describe the global structures, and LDT learns compact low-dimensional embeddings with given pretext tasks. Moreover, an objective function, General Kullback-Leibler divergence (GKL), is proposed to connect DMS and LDT naturally. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that GenURL achieves consistent state-of-the-art performance in self-supervised visual learning, unsupervised knowledge distillation (KD), graph embeddings (GE), and dimension reduction.

replace-cross Motiflets -- Simple and Accurate Detection of Motifs in Time Series

Authors: Patrick Sch\"afer, Ulf Leser

Abstract: A time series motif intuitively is a short time series that repeats itself approximately the same within a larger time series. Such motifs often represent concealed structures, such as heart beats in an ECG recording, the riff in a pop song, or sleep spindles in EEG sleep data. Motif discovery (MD) is the task of finding such motifs in a given input series. As there are varying definitions of what exactly a motif is, a number of different algorithms exist. As central parameters they all take the length l of the motif and the maximal distance r between the motif's occurrences. In practice, however, especially suitable values for r are very hard to determine upfront, and found motifs show a high variability even for very similar r values. Accordingly, finding an interesting motif requires extensive trial-and-error. In this paper, we present a different approach to the MD problem. We define k-Motiflets as the set of exactly k occurrences of a motif of length l, whose maximum pairwise distance is minimal. This turns the MD problem upside-down: The central parameter of our approach is not the distance threshold r, but the desired number of occurrence k of the motif, which we show is considerably more intuitive and easier to set. Based on this definition, we present exact and approximate algorithms for finding k-Motiflets and analyze their complexity. To further ease the use of our method, we describe statistical tools to automatically determine meaningful values for its input parameters. By evaluation on several real-world data sets and comparison to four SotA MD algorithms, we show that our proposed algorithm is both quantitatively superior to its competitors, finding larger motif sets at higher similarity, and qualitatively better, leading to clearer and easier to interpret motifs without any need for manual tuning.

replace-cross TCJA-SNN: Temporal-Channel Joint Attention for Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Rui-Jie Zhu, Malu Zhang, Qihang Zhao, Haoyu Deng, Yule Duan, Liang-Jian Deng

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are attracting widespread interest due to their biological plausibility, energy efficiency, and powerful spatio-temporal information representation ability. Given the critical role of attention mechanisms in enhancing neural network performance, the integration of SNNs and attention mechanisms exhibits potential to deliver energy-efficient and high-performance computing paradigms. We present a novel Temporal-Channel Joint Attention mechanism for SNNs, referred to as TCJA-SNN. The proposed TCJA-SNN framework can effectively assess the significance of spike sequence from both spatial and temporal dimensions. More specifically, our essential technical contribution lies on: 1) We employ the squeeze operation to compress the spike stream into an average matrix. Then, we leverage two local attention mechanisms based on efficient 1D convolutions to facilitate comprehensive feature extraction at the temporal and channel levels independently. 2) We introduce the Cross Convolutional Fusion (CCF) layer as a novel approach to model the inter-dependencies between the temporal and channel scopes. This layer breaks the independence of these two dimensions and enables the interaction between features. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed TCJA-SNN outperforms SOTA by up to 15.7% accuracy on standard static and neuromorphic datasets, including Fashion-MNIST, CIFAR10-DVS, N-Caltech 101, and DVS128 Gesture. Furthermore, we apply the TCJA-SNN framework to image generation tasks by leveraging a variation autoencoder. To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first instance where the SNN-attention mechanism has been employed for image classification and generation tasks. Notably, our approach has achieved SOTA performance in both domains, establishing a significant advancement in the field. Codes are available at


replace-cross Causal Intervention for Fairness in Multi-behavior Recommendation

Authors: Xi Wang, Wenjie Wang, Fuli Feng, Wenge Rong, Chuantao Yin, Zhang Xiong

Abstract: Recommender systems usually learn user interests from various user behaviors, including clicks and post-click behaviors (e.g., like and favorite). However, these behaviors inevitably exhibit popularity bias, leading to some unfairness issues: 1) for items with similar quality, more popular ones get more exposure; and 2) even worse the popular items with lower popularity might receive more exposure. Existing work on mitigating popularity bias blindly eliminates the bias and usually ignores the effect of item quality. We argue that the relationships between different user behaviors (e.g., conversion rate) actually reflect the item quality. Therefore, to handle the unfairness issues, we propose to mitigate the popularity bias by considering multiple user behaviors. In this work, we examine causal relationships behind the interaction generation procedure in multi-behavior recommendation. Specifically, we find that: 1) item popularity is a confounder between the exposed items and users' post-click interactions, leading to the first unfairness; and 2) some hidden confounders (e.g., the reputation of item producers) affect both item popularity and quality, resulting in the second unfairness. To alleviate these confounding issues, we propose a causal framework to estimate the causal effect, which leverages backdoor adjustment to block the backdoor paths caused by the confounders. In the inference stage, we remove the negative effect of popularity and utilize the good effect of quality for recommendation. Experiments on two real-world datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, which enhances fairness without sacrificing recommendation accuracy.

replace-cross DeepVARwT: Deep Learning for a VAR Model with Trend

Authors: Xixi Li, Jingsong Yuan

Abstract: The vector autoregressive (VAR) model has been used to describe the dependence within and across multiple time series. This is a model for stationary time series which can be extended to allow the presence of a deterministic trend in each series. Detrending the data either parametrically or nonparametrically before fitting the VAR model gives rise to more errors in the latter part. In this study, we propose a new approach called DeepVARwT that employs deep learning methodology for maximum likelihood estimation of the trend and the dependence structure at the same time. A Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network is used for this purpose. To ensure the stability of the model, we enforce the causality condition on the autoregressive coefficients using the transformation of Ansley & Kohn (1986). We provide a simulation study and an application to real data. In the simulation study, we use realistic trend functions generated from real data and compare the estimates with true function/parameter values. In the real data application, we compare the prediction performance of this model with state-of-the-art models in the literature.

replace-cross Unveiling Code Pre-Trained Models: Investigating Syntax and Semantics Capacities

Authors: Wei Ma, Shangqing Liu, Mengjie Zhao, Xiaofei Xie, Wenhan Wang, Qiang Hu, Jie Zhang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Past research has examined how well these models grasp code syntax, yet their understanding of code semantics still needs to be explored. We extensively analyze seven code models to investigate how code models represent code syntax and semantics. This includes four prominent code pre-trained models (CodeBERT, GraphCodeBERT, CodeT5, and UnixCoder) and three large language models (StarCoder, CodeLlama, and CodeT5+). We have developed four probing tasks to evaluate the models' abilities to learn code syntax and semantics. These tasks focus on reconstructing code syntax and semantic structures-such as AST, CFG, CDG, and DDG - within the models' representation spaces. These structures are fundamental to understanding code. Additionally, we explore the role of syntax tokens in each token representation and the extended dependencies among code tokens. Furthermore, we examine the distribution of attention weights concerning code semantic structures. Through detailed analysis, our results emphasize the strengths and weaknesses of various code models in mastering code syntax and semantics. The findings reveal that these models are proficient in grasping code syntax, effectively capturing the relationships and roles of syntax tokens. However, their ability to encode code semantics shows more variability. This study enriches our understanding of the capabilities of code models in analyzing syntax and semantics. Our findings offer valuable insights for future code model enhancements, helping optimize their application across a range of code-related tasks.

replace-cross Solving morphological analogies: from retrieval to generation

Authors: Esteban Marquer, Miguel Couceiro

Abstract: Analogical inference is a remarkable capability of human reasoning, and has been used to solve hard reasoning tasks. Analogy based reasoning (AR) has gained increasing interest from the artificial intelligence community and has shown its potential in multiple machine learning tasks such as classification, decision making and recommendation with competitive results. We propose a deep learning (DL) framework to address and tackle two key tasks in AR: analogy detection and solving. The framework is thoroughly tested on the Siganalogies dataset of morphological analogical proportions (APs) between words, and shown to outperform symbolic approaches in many languages. Previous work have explored the behavior of the Analogy Neural Network for classification (ANNc) on analogy detection and of the Analogy Neural Network for retrieval (ANNr) on analogy solving by retrieval, as well as the potential of an autoencoder (AE) for analogy solving by generating the solution word. In this article we summarize these findings and we extend them by combining ANNr and the AE embedding model, and checking the performance of ANNc as an retrieval method. The combination of ANNr and AE outperforms the other approaches in almost all cases, and ANNc as a retrieval method achieves competitive or better performance than 3CosMul. We conclude with general guidelines on using our framework to tackle APs with DL.

replace-cross Federated Learning Model Aggregation in Heterogenous Aerial and Space Networks

Authors: Fan Dong, Ali Abbasi, Henry Leung, Xin Wang, Jiayu Zhou, Steve Drew

Abstract: Federated learning offers a promising approach under the constraints of networking and data privacy constraints in aerial and space networks (ASNs), utilizing large-scale private edge data from drones, balloons, and satellites. Existing research has extensively studied the optimization of the learning process, computing efficiency, and communication overhead. An important yet often overlooked aspect is that participants contribute predictive knowledge with varying diversity of knowledge, affecting the quality of the learned federated models. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address this issue by introducing a Weighted Averaging and Client Selection (WeiAvgCS) framework that emphasizes updates from high-diversity clients and diminishes the influence of those from low-diversity clients. Direct sharing of the data distribution may be prohibitive due to the additional private information that is sent from the clients. As such, we introduce an estimation for the diversity using a projection-based method. Extensive experiments have been performed to show WeiAvgCS's effectiveness. WeiAvgCS could converge 46% faster on FashionMNIST and 38% faster on CIFAR10 than its benchmarks on average in our experiments.

replace-cross Provable Reward-Agnostic Preference-Based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wenhao Zhan, Masatoshi Uehara, Wen Sun, Jason D. Lee

Abstract: Preference-based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) is a paradigm in which an RL agent learns to optimize a task using pair-wise preference-based feedback over trajectories, rather than explicit reward signals. While PbRL has demonstrated practical success in fine-tuning language models, existing theoretical work focuses on regret minimization and fails to capture most of the practical frameworks. In this study, we fill in such a gap between theoretical PbRL and practical algorithms by proposing a theoretical reward-agnostic PbRL framework where exploratory trajectories that enable accurate learning of hidden reward functions are acquired before collecting any human feedback. Theoretical analysis demonstrates that our algorithm requires less human feedback for learning the optimal policy under preference-based models with linear parameterization and unknown transitions, compared to the existing theoretical literature. Specifically, our framework can incorporate linear and low-rank MDPs with efficient sample complexity. Additionally, we investigate reward-agnostic RL with action-based comparison feedback and introduce an efficient querying algorithm tailored to this scenario.

replace-cross Can Large Language Models Infer Causation from Correlation?

Authors: Zhijing Jin, Jiarui Liu, Zhiheng Lyu, Spencer Poff, Mrinmaya Sachan, Rada Mihalcea, Mona Diab, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: Causal inference is one of the hallmarks of human intelligence. While the field of CausalNLP has attracted much interest in the recent years, existing causal inference datasets in NLP primarily rely on discovering causality from empirical knowledge (e.g., commonsense knowledge). In this work, we propose the first benchmark dataset to test the pure causal inference skills of large language models (LLMs). Specifically, we formulate a novel task Corr2Cause, which takes a set of correlational statements and determines the causal relationship between the variables. We curate a large-scale dataset of more than 200K samples, on which we evaluate seventeen existing LLMs. Through our experiments, we identify a key shortcoming of LLMs in terms of their causal inference skills, and show that these models achieve almost close to random performance on the task. This shortcoming is somewhat mitigated when we try to re-purpose LLMs for this skill via finetuning, but we find that these models still fail to generalize -- they can only perform causal inference in in-distribution settings when variable names and textual expressions used in the queries are similar to those in the training set, but fail in out-of-distribution settings generated by perturbing these queries. Corr2Cause is a challenging task for LLMs, and would be helpful in guiding future research on improving LLMs' pure reasoning skills and generalizability. Our data is at Our code is at


replace-cross GBSD: Generative Bokeh with Stage Diffusion

Authors: Jieren Deng, Xin Zhou, Hao Tian, Zhihong Pan, Derek Aguiar

Abstract: The bokeh effect is an artistic technique that blurs out-of-focus areas in a photograph and has gained interest due to recent developments in text-to-image synthesis and the ubiquity of smart-phone cameras and photo-sharing apps. Prior work on rendering bokeh effects have focused on post hoc image manipulation to produce similar blurring effects in existing photographs using classical computer graphics or neural rendering techniques, but have either depth discontinuity artifacts or are restricted to reproducing bokeh effects that are present in the training data. More recent diffusion based models can synthesize images with an artistic style, but either require the generation of high-dimensional masks, expensive fine-tuning, or affect global image characteristics. In this paper, we present GBSD, the first generative text-to-image model that synthesizes photorealistic images with a bokeh style. Motivated by how image synthesis occurs progressively in diffusion models, our approach combines latent diffusion models with a 2-stage conditioning algorithm to render bokeh effects on semantically defined objects. Since we can focus the effect on objects, this semantic bokeh effect is more versatile than classical rendering techniques. We evaluate GBSD both quantitatively and qualitatively and demonstrate its ability to be applied in both text-to-image and image-to-image settings.

replace-cross ICSVR: Investigating Compositional and Syntactic Understanding in Video Retrieval Models

Authors: Avinash Madasu, Vasudev Lal

Abstract: Video retrieval (VR) involves retrieving the ground truth video from the video database given a text caption or vice-versa. The two important components of compositionality: objects & attributes and actions are joined using correct syntax to form a proper text query. These components (objects & attributes, actions and syntax) each play an important role to help distinguish among videos and retrieve the correct ground truth video. However, it is unclear what is the effect of these components on the video retrieval performance. We therefore, conduct a systematic study to evaluate the compositional and syntactic understanding of video retrieval models on standard benchmarks such as MSRVTT, MSVD and DIDEMO. The study is performed on two categories of video retrieval models: (i) which are pre-trained on video-text pairs and fine-tuned on downstream video retrieval datasets (Eg. Frozen-in-Time, Violet, MCQ etc.) (ii) which adapt pre-trained image-text representations like CLIP for video retrieval (Eg. CLIP4Clip, XCLIP, CLIP2Video etc.). Our experiments reveal that actions and syntax play a minor role compared to objects & attributes in video understanding. Moreover, video retrieval models that use pre-trained image-text representations (CLIP) have better syntactic and compositional understanding as compared to models pre-trained on video-text data. The code is available at


replace-cross Fourier-Mixed Window Attention: Accelerating Informer for Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting

Authors: Nhat Thanh Tran, Jack Xin

Abstract: We study a fast local-global window-based attention method to accelerate Informer for long sequence time-series forecasting. While window attention being local is a considerable computational saving, it lacks the ability to capture global token information which is compensated by a subsequent Fourier transform block. Our method, named FWin, does not rely on query sparsity hypothesis and an empirical approximation underlying the ProbSparse attention of Informer. Through experiments on univariate and multivariate datasets, we show that FWin transformers improve the overall prediction accuracies of Informer while accelerating its inference speeds by 1.6 to 2 times. We also provide a mathematical definition of FWin attention, and prove that it is equivalent to the canonical full attention under the block diagonal invertibility (BDI) condition of the attention matrix. The BDI is shown experimentally to hold with high probability for typical benchmark datasets.

replace-cross Recommender Systems in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Zihuai Zhao, Wenqi Fan, Jiatong Li, Yunqing Liu, Xiaowei Mei, Yiqi Wang, Zhen Wen, Fei Wang, Xiangyu Zhao, Jiliang Tang, Qing Li

Abstract: With the prosperity of e-commerce and web applications, Recommender Systems (RecSys) have become an important component of our daily life, providing personalized suggestions that cater to user preferences. While Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have made significant advancements in enhancing recommender systems by modeling user-item interactions and incorporating textual side information, DNN-based methods still face limitations, such as difficulties in understanding users' interests and capturing textual side information, inabilities in generalizing to various recommendation scenarios and reasoning on their predictions, etc. Meanwhile, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT4, has revolutionized the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), due to their remarkable abilities in fundamental responsibilities of language understanding and generation, as well as impressive generalization and reasoning capabilities. As a result, recent studies have attempted to harness the power of LLMs to enhance recommender systems. Given the rapid evolution of this research direction in recommender systems, there is a pressing need for a systematic overview that summarizes existing LLM-empowered recommender systems, to provide researchers in relevant fields with an in-depth understanding. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review of LLM-empowered recommender systems from various aspects including Pre-training, Fine-tuning, and Prompting. More specifically, we first introduce representative methods to harness the power of LLMs (as a feature encoder) for learning representations of users and items. Then, we review recent techniques of LLMs for enhancing recommender systems from three paradigms, namely pre-training, fine-tuning, and prompting. Finally, we comprehensively discuss future directions in this emerging field.

replace-cross Fooling Contrastive Language-Image Pre-trained Models with CLIPMasterPrints

Authors: Matthias Freiberger, Peter Kun, Christian Igel, Anders Sundnes L{\o}vlie, Sebastian Risi

Abstract: Models leveraging both visual and textual data such as Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP), are the backbone of many recent advances in artificial intelligence. In this work, we show that despite their versatility, such models are vulnerable to what we refer to as fooling master images. Fooling master images are capable of maximizing the confidence score of a CLIP model for a significant number of widely varying prompts, while being either unrecognizable or unrelated to the attacked prompts for humans. The existence of such images is problematic as it could be used by bad actors to maliciously interfere with CLIP-trained image retrieval models in production with comparably small effort as a single image can attack many different prompts. We demonstrate how fooling master images for CLIP (CLIPMasterPrints) can be mined using stochastic gradient descent, projected gradient descent, or blackbox optimization. Contrary to many common adversarial attacks, the blackbox optimization approach allows us to mine CLIPMasterPrints even when the weights of the model are not accessible. We investigate the properties of the mined images, and find that images trained on a small number of image captions generalize to a much larger number of semantically related captions. We evaluate possible mitigation strategies, where we increase the robustness of the model and introduce an approach to automatically detect CLIPMasterPrints to sanitize the input of vulnerable models. Finally, we find that vulnerability to CLIPMasterPrints is related to a modality gap in contrastive pre-trained multi-modal networks. Code available at


replace-cross Evaluating Correctness and Faithfulness of Instruction-Following Models for Question Answering

Authors: Vaibhav Adlakha, Parishad BehnamGhader, Xing Han Lu, Nicholas Meade, Siva Reddy

Abstract: Retriever-augmented instruction-following models are attractive alternatives to fine-tuned approaches for information-seeking tasks such as question answering (QA). By simply prepending retrieved documents in its input along with an instruction, these models can be adapted to various information domains and tasks without additional fine-tuning. While the model responses tend to be natural and fluent, the additional verbosity makes traditional QA evaluation metrics such as exact match (EM) and F1 unreliable for accurately quantifying model performance. In this work, we investigate the performance of instruction-following models across three information-seeking QA tasks. We use both automatic and human evaluation to evaluate these models along two dimensions: 1) how well they satisfy the user's information need (correctness), and 2) whether they produce a response based on the provided knowledge (faithfulness). Guided by human evaluation and analysis, we highlight the shortcomings of traditional metrics for both correctness and faithfulness. We then propose simple token-overlap based and model-based metrics that reflect the true performance of these models. Our analysis reveals that instruction-following models are competitive, and sometimes even outperform fine-tuned models for correctness. However, these models struggle to stick to the provided knowledge and often hallucinate in their responses. We hope our work encourages a more holistic evaluation of instruction-following models for QA. Our code and data is available at


replace-cross Attention Satisfies: A Constraint-Satisfaction Lens on Factual Errors of Language Models

Authors: Mert Yuksekgonul, Varun Chandrasekaran, Erik Jones, Suriya Gunasekar, Ranjita Naik, Hamid Palangi, Ece Kamar, Besmira Nushi

Abstract: We investigate the internal behavior of Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) when they generate factually incorrect text. We propose modeling factual queries as constraint satisfaction problems and use this framework to investigate how the LLM interacts internally with factual constraints. We find a strong positive relationship between the LLM's attention to constraint tokens and the factual accuracy of generations. We curate a suite of 10 datasets containing over 40,000 prompts to study the task of predicting factual errors with the Llama-2 family across all scales (7B, 13B, 70B). We propose SAT Probe, a method probing attention patterns, that can predict factual errors and fine-grained constraint satisfaction, and allow early error identification. The approach and findings take another step towards using the mechanistic understanding of LLMs to enhance their reliability.

replace-cross Zero-Shot Reinforcement Learning from Low Quality Data

Authors: Scott Jeen, Tom Bewley, Jonathan M. Cullen

Abstract: Zero-shot reinforcement learning (RL) promises to provide agents that can perform any task in an environment after an offline, reward-free pre-training phase. Methods leveraging successor measures and successor features have shown strong performance in this setting, but require access to large heterogenous datasets for pre-training which cannot be expected for most real problems. Here, we explore how the performance of zero-shot RL methods degrades when trained on small homogeneous datasets, and propose fixes inspired by conservatism, a well-established feature of performant single-task offline RL algorithms. We evaluate our proposals across various datasets, domains and tasks, and show that conservative zero-shot RL algorithms outperform their non-conservative counterparts on low quality datasets, and perform no worse on high quality datasets. Somewhat surprisingly, our proposals also outperform baselines that get to see the task during training. Our code is available via


replace-cross Unlocking Bias Detection: Leveraging Transformer-Based Models for Content Analysis

Authors: Shaina Raza, Oluwanifemi Bamgbose, Veronica Chatrath, Shardul Ghuge, Yan Sidyakin, Abdullah Y Muaad

Abstract: Bias detection in text is crucial for combating the spread of negative stereotypes, misinformation, and biased decision-making. Traditional language models frequently face challenges in generalizing beyond their training data and are typically designed for a single task, often focusing on bias detection at the sentence level. To address this, we present the Contextualized Bi-Directional Dual Transformer (CBDT) \textcolor{green}{\faLeaf} classifier. This model combines two complementary transformer networks: the Context Transformer and the Entity Transformer, with a focus on improving bias detection capabilities. We have prepared a dataset specifically for training these models to identify and locate biases in texts. Our evaluations across various datasets demonstrate CBDT \textcolor{green} effectiveness in distinguishing biased narratives from neutral ones and identifying specific biased terms. This work paves the way for applying the CBDT \textcolor{green} model in various linguistic and cultural contexts, enhancing its utility in bias detection efforts. We also make the annotated dataset available for research purposes.

replace-cross Automated Evaluation of Classroom Instructional Support with LLMs and BoWs: Connecting Global Predictions to Specific Feedback

Authors: Jacob Whitehill, Jennifer LoCasale-Crouch

Abstract: With the aim to provide teachers with more specific, frequent, and actionable feedback about their teaching, we explore how Large Language Models (LLMs) can be used to estimate ``Instructional Support'' domain scores of the CLassroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), a widely used observation protocol. We design a machine learning architecture that uses either zero-shot prompting of Meta's Llama2, and/or a classic Bag of Words (BoW) model, to classify individual utterances of teachers' speech (transcribed automatically using OpenAI's Whisper) for the presence of Instructional Support. Then, these utterance-level judgments are aggregated over a 15-min observation session to estimate a global CLASS score. Experiments on two CLASS-coded datasets of toddler and pre-kindergarten classrooms indicate that (1) automatic CLASS Instructional Support estimation accuracy using the proposed method (Pearson $R$ up to $0.48$) approaches human inter-rater reliability (up to $R=0.55$); (2) LLMs generally yield slightly greater accuracy than BoW for this task, though the best models often combined features extracted from both LLM and BoW; and (3) for classifying individual utterances, there is still room for improvement of automated methods compared to human-level judgments. Finally, (4) we illustrate how the model's outputs can be visualized at the utterance level to provide teachers with explainable feedback on which utterances were most positively or negatively correlated with specific CLASS dimensions.

replace-cross How Prevalent is Gender Bias in ChatGPT? -- Exploring German and English ChatGPT Responses

Authors: Stefanie Urchs, Veronika Thurner, Matthias A{\ss}enmacher, Christian Heumann, Stephanie Thiemichen

Abstract: With the introduction of ChatGPT, OpenAI made large language models (LLM) accessible to users with limited IT expertise. However, users with no background in natural language processing (NLP) might lack a proper understanding of LLMs. Thus the awareness of their inherent limitations, and therefore will take the systems' output at face value. In this paper, we systematically analyse prompts and the generated responses to identify possible problematic issues with a special focus on gender biases, which users need to be aware of when processing the system's output. We explore how ChatGPT reacts in English and German if prompted to answer from a female, male, or neutral perspective. In an in-depth investigation, we examine selected prompts and analyse to what extent responses differ if the system is prompted several times in an identical way. On this basis, we show that ChatGPT is indeed useful for helping non-IT users draft texts for their daily work. However, it is absolutely crucial to thoroughly check the system's responses for biases as well as for syntactic and grammatical mistakes.

replace-cross GenTKG: Generative Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graph with Large Language Models

Authors: Ruotong Liao, Xu Jia, Yangzhe Li, Yunpu Ma, Volker Tresp

Abstract: The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have ignited interest in the temporal knowledge graph (tKG) domain, where conventional embedding-based and rule-based methods dominate. The question remains open of whether pre-trained LLMs can understand structured temporal relational data and replace them as the foundation model for temporal relational forecasting. Therefore, we bring temporal knowledge forecasting into the generative setting. However, challenges occur in the huge chasms between complex temporal graph data structure and sequential natural expressions LLMs can handle, and between the enormous data sizes of tKGs and heavy computation costs of finetuning LLMs. To address these challenges, we propose a novel retrieval-augmented generation framework named GenTKG combining a temporal logical rule-based retrieval strategy and few-shot parameter-efficient instruction tuning to solve the above challenges, respectively. Extensive experiments have shown that GenTKG outperforms conventional methods of temporal relational forecasting with low computation resources using extremely limited training data as few as 16 samples. GenTKG also highlights remarkable cross-domain generalizability with outperforming performance on unseen datasets without re-training, and in-domain generalizability regardless of time split in the same dataset. Our work reveals the huge potential of LLMs in the tKG domain and opens a new frontier for generative forecasting on tKGs. Code and data are released here:


replace-cross Runner re-identification from single-view running video in the open-world setting

Authors: Tomohiro Suzuki, Kazushi Tsutsui, Kazuya Takeda, Keisuke Fujii

Abstract: In many sports, player re-identification is crucial for automatic video processing and analysis. However, most of the current studies on player re-identification in multi- or single-view sports videos focus on re-identification in the closed-world setting using labeled image dataset, and player re-identification in the open-world setting for automatic video analysis is not well developed. In this paper, we propose a runner re-identification system that directly processes single-view video to address the open-world setting. In the open-world setting, we cannot use labeled dataset and have to process video directly. The proposed system automatically processes raw video as input to identify runners, and it can identify runners even when they are framed out multiple times. For the automatic processing, we first detect the runners in the video using the pre-trained YOLOv8 and the fine-tuned EfficientNet. We then track the runners using ByteTrack and detect their shoes with the fine-tuned YOLOv8. Finally, we extract the image features of the runners using an unsupervised method with the gated recurrent unit autoencoder and global and local features mixing. To improve the accuracy of runner re-identification, we use shoe images as local image features and dynamic features of running sequence images. We evaluated the system on a running practice video dataset and showed that the proposed method identified runners with higher accuracy than some state-of-the-art models in unsupervised re-identification. We also showed that our proposed local image feature and running dynamic feature were effective for runner re-identification. Our runner re-identification system can be useful for the automatic analysis of running videos.

replace-cross Strings from the Library of Babel: Random Sampling as a Strong Baseline for Prompt Optimisation

Authors: Yao Lu, Jiayi Wang, Raphael Tang, Sebastian Riedel, Pontus Stenetorp

Abstract: Recent prompt optimisation approaches use the generative nature of language models to produce prompts -- even rivaling the performance of human-curated prompts. In this paper, we demonstrate that randomly sampling tokens from the model vocabulary as ``separators'' can be as effective as language models for prompt-style text classification. Our experiments show that random separators are competitive baselines, having less than a 1% difference compared to previous self-optimisation methods and showing a 12% average relative improvement over strong human baselines across nine text classification tasks and eight language models. We further analyse this phenomenon in detail using three different random generation strategies, establishing that the language space is rich with potentially good separators, with a greater than 40% average chance that a randomly drawn separator performs better than human-curated separators. These observations challenge the common assumption that an effective prompt should be human readable or task relevant and establish a strong baseline for prompt optimisation research.

replace-cross ML-Bench: Evaluating Large Language Models for Code Generation in Repository-Level Machine Learning Tasks

Authors: Yuliang Liu, Xiangru Tang, Zefan Cai, Junjie Lu, Yichi Zhang, Yanjun Shao, Zexuan Deng, Helan Hu, Kaikai An, Ruijun Huang, Shuzheng Si, Sheng Chen, Haozhe Zhao, Liang Chen, Yan Wang, Tianyu Liu, Zhiwei Jiang, Baobao Chang, Yujia Qin, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yilun Zhao, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated proficiency in code generation benchmarks, translating these results into practical development scenarios - where leveraging existing repository-level libraries is the norm - remains challenging. To bridge the gap between lab-scale benchmarks and real-world coding practices, we introduce ML-Bench: a novel benchmark designed to assess LLMs' ability to integrate and utilize repository-level open-source libraries to complete machine learning tasks. ML-Bench comprises a diverse set of 9,641 samples across 169 distinct tasks derived from 18 GitHub repositories. Our findings reveal that while GPT-4 outshines other LLMs, it successfully addresses only 33.82% of the tasks, highlighting the complexity of the challenge. Complementarily, we introduce a baseline agent, ML-Agent, capable of skillful codebase navigation and precise generation of functional code segments. This groundwork aims at catalyzing the development of more sophisticated LLM agents that can handle the intricacies of real-world programming. Our code, data, and models are available at


replace-cross PAC Privacy Preserving Diffusion Models

Authors: Qipan Xu, Youlong Ding, Xinxi Zhang, Jie Gao, Hao Wang

Abstract: Data privacy protection is garnering increased attention among researchers. Diffusion models (DMs), particularly with strict differential privacy, can potentially produce images with both high privacy and visual quality. However, challenges arise such as in ensuring robust protection in privatizing specific data attributes, areas where current models often fall short. To address these challenges, we introduce the PAC Privacy Preserving Diffusion Model, a model leverages diffusion principles and ensure Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) privacy. We enhance privacy protection by integrating a private classifier guidance into the Langevin Sampling Process. Additionally, recognizing the gap in measuring the privacy of models, we have developed a novel metric to gauge privacy levels. Our model, assessed with this new metric and supported by Gaussian matrix computations for the PAC bound, has shown superior performance in privacy protection over existing leading private generative models according to benchmark tests.

replace-cross A Survey on Prompting Techniques in LLMs

Authors: Prabin Bhandari

Abstract: Autoregressive Large Language Models have transformed the landscape of Natural Language Processing. Pre-train and prompt paradigm has replaced the conventional approach of pre-training and fine-tuning for many downstream NLP tasks. This shift has been possible largely due to LLMs and innovative prompting techniques. LLMs have shown great promise for a variety of downstream tasks owing to their vast parameters and huge datasets that they are pre-trained on. However, in order to fully realize their potential, their outputs must be guided towards the desired outcomes. Prompting, in which a specific input or instruction is provided to guide the LLMs toward the intended output, has become a tool for achieving this goal. In this paper, we discuss the various prompting techniques that have been applied to fully harness the power of LLMs. We present a taxonomy of existing literature on prompting techniques and provide a concise survey based on this taxonomy. Further, we identify some open problems in the realm of prompting in autoregressive LLMs which could serve as a direction for future research.

replace-cross MICRO: Model-Based Offline Reinforcement Learning with a Conservative Bellman Operator

Authors: Xiao-Yin Liu, Xiao-Hu Zhou, Guotao Li, Hao Li, Mei-Jiang Gui, Tian-Yu Xiang, De-Xing Huang, Zeng-Guang Hou

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) faces a significant challenge of distribution shift. Model-free offline RL penalizes the Q value for out-of-distribution (OOD) data or constrains the policy closed to the behavior policy to tackle this problem, but this inhibits the exploration of the OOD region. Model-based offline RL, which uses the trained environment model to generate more OOD data and performs conservative policy optimization within that model, has become an effective method for this problem. However, the current model-based algorithms rarely consider agent robustness when incorporating conservatism into policy. Therefore, the new model-based offline algorithm with a conservative Bellman operator (MICRO) is proposed. This method trades off performance and robustness via introducing the robust Bellman operator into the algorithm. Compared with previous model-based algorithms with robust adversarial models, MICRO can significantly reduce the computation cost by only choosing the minimal Q value in the state uncertainty set. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MICRO outperforms prior RL algorithms in offline RL benchmark and is considerably robust to adversarial perturbations.

replace-cross Distributional Preference Learning: Understanding and Accounting for Hidden Context in RLHF

Authors: Anand Siththaranjan, Cassidy Laidlaw, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

Abstract: In practice, preference learning from human feedback depends on incomplete data with hidden context. Hidden context refers to data that affects the feedback received, but which is not represented in the data used to train a preference model. This captures common issues of data collection, such as having human annotators with varied preferences, cognitive processes that result in seemingly irrational behavior, and combining data labeled according to different criteria. We prove that standard applications of preference learning, including reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), implicitly aggregate over hidden contexts according to a well-known voting rule called Borda count. We show this can produce counter-intuitive results that are very different from other methods which implicitly aggregate via expected utility. Furthermore, our analysis formalizes the way that preference learning from users with diverse values tacitly implements a social choice function. A key implication of this result is that annotators have an incentive to misreport their preferences in order to influence the learned model, leading to vulnerabilities in the deployment of RLHF. As a step towards mitigating these problems, we introduce a class of methods called distributional preference learning (DPL). DPL methods estimate a distribution of possible score values for each alternative in order to better account for hidden context. Experimental results indicate that applying DPL to RLHF for LLM chatbots identifies hidden context in the data and significantly reduces subsequent jailbreak vulnerability. Our code and data are available at


replace-cross Scaling Down to Scale Up: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Replacing OpenAI's LLM with Open Source SLMs in Production

Authors: Chandra Irugalbandara, Ashish Mahendra, Roland Daynauth, Tharuka Kasthuri Arachchige, Jayanaka Dantanarayana, Krisztian Flautner, Lingjia Tang, Yiping Kang, Jason Mars

Abstract: Many companies use large language models (LLMs) offered as a service, like OpenAI's GPT-4, to create AI-enabled product experiences. Along with the benefits of ease-of-use and shortened time-to-solution, this reliance on proprietary services has downsides in model control, performance reliability, uptime predictability, and cost. At the same time, a flurry of open-source small language models (SLMs) has been made available for commercial use. However, their readiness to replace existing capabilities remains unclear, and a systematic approach to holistically evaluate these SLMs is not readily available. This paper presents a systematic evaluation methodology and a characterization of modern open-source SLMs and their trade-offs when replacing proprietary LLMs for a real-world product feature. We have designed SLaM, an open-source automated analysis tool that enables the quantitative and qualitative testing of product features utilizing arbitrary SLMs. Using SLaM, we examine the quality and performance characteristics of modern SLMs relative to an existing customer-facing implementation using the OpenAI GPT-4 API. Across 9 SLMs and their 29 variants, we observe that SLMs provide competitive results, significant performance consistency improvements, and a cost reduction of 5x~29x when compared to GPT-4.

replace-cross Locality Sensitive Sparse Encoding for Learning World Models Online

Authors: Zichen Liu, Chao Du, Wee Sun Lee, Min Lin

Abstract: Acquiring an accurate world model online for model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) is challenging due to data nonstationarity, which typically causes catastrophic forgetting for neural networks (NNs). From the online learning perspective, a Follow-The-Leader (FTL) world model is desirable, which optimally fits all previous experiences at each round. Unfortunately, NN-based models need re-training on all accumulated data at every interaction step to achieve FTL, which is computationally expensive for lifelong agents. In this paper, we revisit models that can achieve FTL with incremental updates. Specifically, our world model is a linear regression model supported by nonlinear random features. The linear part ensures efficient FTL update while the nonlinear random feature empowers the fitting of complex environments. To best trade off model capacity and computation efficiency, we introduce a locality sensitive sparse encoding, which allows us to conduct efficient sparse updates even with very high dimensional nonlinear features. We validate the representation power of our encoding and verify that it allows efficient online learning under data covariate shift. We also show, in the Dyna MBRL setting, that our world models learned online using a single pass of trajectory data either surpass or match the performance of deep world models trained with replay and other continual learning methods.

replace-cross Visibility into AI Agents

Authors: Alan Chan, Carson Ezell, Max Kaufmann, Kevin Wei, Lewis Hammond, Herbie Bradley, Emma Bluemke, Nitarshan Rajkumar, David Krueger, Noam Kolt, Lennart Heim, Markus Anderljung

Abstract: Increased delegation of commercial, scientific, governmental, and personal activities to AI agents -- systems capable of pursuing complex goals with limited supervision -- may exacerbate existing societal risks and introduce new risks. Understanding and mitigating these risks involves critically evaluating existing governance structures, revising and adapting these structures where needed, and ensuring accountability of key stakeholders. Information about where, why, how, and by whom certain AI agents are used, which we refer to as visibility, is critical to these objectives. In this paper, we assess three categories of measures to increase visibility into AI agents: agent identifiers, real-time monitoring, and activity logging. For each, we outline potential implementations that vary in intrusiveness and informativeness. We analyze how the measures apply across a spectrum of centralized through decentralized deployment contexts, accounting for various actors in the supply chain including hardware and software service providers. Finally, we discuss the implications of our measures for privacy and concentration of power. Further work into understanding the measures and mitigating their negative impacts can help to build a foundation for the governance of AI agents.

replace-cross Can LLMs perform structured graph reasoning?

Authors: Palaash Agrawal, Shavak Vasania, Cheston Tan

Abstract: Pretrained Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated various reasoning capabilities through language-based prompts alone, particularly in unstructured task settings (tasks purely based on language semantics). However, LLMs often struggle with structured tasks, because of the inherent incompatibility of input representation. Reducing structured tasks to uni-dimensional language semantics often renders the problem trivial. Keeping the trade-off between LLM compatibility and structure complexity in mind, we design various graph reasoning tasks as a proxy to semi-structured tasks in this paper, in order to test the ability to navigate through representations beyond plain text in various LLMs. Particularly, we design 10 distinct problems of graph traversal, each representing increasing levels of complexity, and benchmark 5 different instruct-finetuned LLMs (GPT-4, GPT-3.5, Claude-2, Llama-2 and Palm-2) on the aforementioned tasks. Further, we analyse the performance of models across various settings such as varying sizes of graphs as well as different forms of k-shot prompting. We highlight various limitations, biases and properties of LLMs through this benchmarking process, such as an inverse relation to the average degrees of freedom of traversal per node in graphs, the overall negative impact of k-shot prompting on graph reasoning tasks, and a positive response bias which prevents LLMs from identifying the absence of a valid solution. Finally, we introduce a new prompting technique specially designed for graph traversal tasks (PathCompare), which demonstrates a notable increase in the performance of LLMs in comparison to standard prompting techniques such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT).

replace-cross Multi-Level Feature Aggregation and Recursive Alignment Network for Real-Time Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Yanhua Zhang, Ke Zhang, Jingyu Wang, Yulin Wu, Wuwei Wang

Abstract: Real-time semantic segmentation is a crucial research for real-world applications. However, many methods lay particular emphasis on reducing the computational complexity and model size, while largely sacrificing the accuracy. To tackle this problem, we propose a parallel inference network customized for semantic segmentation tasks to achieve a good trade-off between speed and accuracy. We employ a shallow backbone to ensure real-time speed, and propose three core components to compensate for the reduced model capacity to improve accuracy. Specifically, we first design a dual-pyramidal path architecture (Multi-level Feature Aggregation Module, MFAM) to aggregate multi-level features from the encoder to each scale, providing hierarchical clues for subsequent spatial alignment and corresponding in-network inference. Then, we build Recursive Alignment Module (RAM) by combining the flow-based alignment module with recursive upsampling architecture for accurate spatial alignment between multi-scale feature maps with half the computational complexity of the straightforward alignment method. Finally, we perform independent parallel inference on the aligned features to obtain multi-scale scores, and adaptively fuse them through an attention-based Adaptive Scores Fusion Module (ASFM) so that the final prediction can favor objects of multiple scales. Our framework shows a better balance between speed and accuracy than state-of-the-art real-time methods on Cityscapes and CamVid datasets. We also conducted systematic ablation studies to gain insight into our motivation and architectural design. Code is available at:


replace-cross The Impact of AI Tool on Engineering at ANZ Bank An Empirical Study on GitHub Copilot within Corporate Environment

Authors: Sayan Chatterjee, Ching Louis Liu, Gareth Rowland, Tim Hogarth

Abstract: The increasing popularity of AI, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs), has significantly impacted various domains, including Software Engineering. This study explores the integration of AI tools in software engineering practices within a large organization. We focus on ANZ Bank, which employs over 5000 engineers covering all aspects of the software development life cycle. This paper details an experiment conducted using GitHub Copilot, a notable AI tool, within a controlled environment to evaluate its effectiveness in real-world engineering tasks. Additionally, this paper shares initial findings on the productivity improvements observed after GitHub Copilot was adopted on a large scale, with about 1000 engineers using it. ANZ Bank's six-week experiment with GitHub Copilot included two weeks of preparation and four weeks of active testing. The study evaluated participant sentiment and the tool's impact on productivity, code quality, and security. Initially, participants used GitHub Copilot for proposed use-cases, with their feedback gathered through regular surveys. In the second phase, they were divided into Control and Copilot groups, each tackling the same Python challenges, and their experiences were again surveyed. Results showed a notable boost in productivity and code quality with GitHub Copilot, though its impact on code security remained inconclusive. Participant responses were overall positive, confirming GitHub Copilot's effectiveness in large-scale software engineering environments. Early data from 1000 engineers also indicated a significant increase in productivity and job satisfaction.

replace-cross DiscDiff: Latent Diffusion Model for DNA Sequence Generation

Authors: Zehui Li, Yuhao Ni, William A V Beardall, Guoxuan Xia, Akashaditya Das, Guy-Bart Stan, Yiren Zhao

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel framework for DNA sequence generation, comprising two key components: DiscDiff, a Latent Diffusion Model (LDM) tailored for generating discrete DNA sequences, and Absorb-Escape, a post-training algorithm designed to refine these sequences. Absorb-Escape enhances the realism of the generated sequences by correcting `round errors' inherent in the conversion process between latent and input spaces. Our approach not only sets new standards in DNA sequence generation but also demonstrates superior performance over existing diffusion models, in generating both short and long DNA sequences. Additionally, we introduce EPD-GenDNA, the first comprehensive, multi-species dataset for DNA generation, encompassing 160,000 unique sequences from 15 species. We hope this study will advance the generative modelling of DNA, with potential implications for gene therapy and protein production.

replace-cross PRompt Optimization in Multi-Step Tasks (PROMST): Integrating Human Feedback and Preference Alignment

Authors: Yongchao Chen, Jacob Arkin, Yilun Hao, Yang Zhang, Nicholas Roy, Chuchu Fan

Abstract: Prompt optimization aims to find the best prompt to a large language model (LLM) for a given task. LLMs have been successfully used to help find and improve prompt candidates for single-step tasks. However, realistic tasks for agents are multi-step and introduce new challenges: (1) Prompt content is likely to be more extensive and complex, making it more difficult for LLMs to analyze errors, (2) the impact of an individual step is difficult to evaluate, and (3) different people may have varied preferences about task execution. While humans struggle to optimize prompts, they are good at providing feedback about LLM outputs; we therefore introduce a new LLM-driven discrete prompt optimization framework that incorporates human-designed feedback rules to automatically offer direct suggestions for improvement. We also use an extra learned heuristic model that predicts prompt performance to efficiently sample from prompt candidates. This approach significantly outperforms both human-engineered prompts and several other prompt optimization methods across 11 representative multi-step tasks (an average 10.6%-29.3% improvement to current best methods on five LLMs respectively). We further show that the score function for tasks can be modified to better align with individual preferences. We believe our work can serve as a benchmark for automatic prompt optimization for LLM-driven multi-step tasks.

replace-cross Generative Representational Instruction Tuning

Authors: Niklas Muennighoff, Hongjin Su, Liang Wang, Nan Yang, Furu Wei, Tao Yu, Amanpreet Singh, Douwe Kiela

Abstract: All text-based language problems can be reduced to either generation or embedding. Current models only perform well at one or the other. We introduce generative representational instruction tuning (GRIT) whereby a large language model is trained to handle both generative and embedding tasks by distinguishing between them through instructions. Compared to other open models, our resulting GritLM 7B sets a new state of the art on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) and outperforms all models up to its size on a range of generative tasks. By scaling up further, GritLM 8x7B outperforms all open generative language models that we tried while still being among the best embedding models. Notably, we find that GRIT matches training on only generative or embedding data, thus we can unify both at no performance loss. Among other benefits, the unification via GRIT speeds up Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) by > 60% for long documents, by no longer requiring separate retrieval and generation models. Models, code, etc. are freely available at


replace-cross UMAIR-FPS: User-aware Multi-modal Animation Illustration Recommendation Fusion with Painting Style

Authors: Yan Kang, Hao Lin, Mingjian Yang, Shin-Jye Lee

Abstract: The rapid advancement of high-quality image generation models based on AI has generated a deluge of anime illustrations. Recommending illustrations to users within massive data has become a challenging and popular task. However, existing anime recommendation systems have focused on text features but still need to integrate image features. In addition, most multi-modal recommendation research is constrained by tightly coupled datasets, limiting its applicability to anime illustrations. We propose the User-aware Multi-modal Animation Illustration Recommendation Fusion with Painting Style (UMAIR-FPS) to tackle these gaps. In the feature extract phase, for image features, we are the first to combine image painting style features with semantic features to construct a dual-output image encoder for enhancing representation. For text features, we obtain text embeddings based on fine-tuning Sentence-Transformers by incorporating domain knowledge that composes a variety of domain text pairs from multilingual mappings, entity relationships, and term explanation perspectives, respectively. In the multi-modal fusion phase, we novelly propose a user-aware multi-modal contribution measurement mechanism to weight multi-modal features dynamically according to user features at the interaction level and employ the DCN-V2 module to model bounded-degree multi-modal crosses effectively. UMAIR-FPS surpasses the stat-of-the-art baselines on large real-world datasets, demonstrating substantial performance enhancements.

replace-cross KnowTuning: Knowledge-aware Fine-tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Yougang Lyu, Lingyong Yan, Shuaiqiang Wang, Haibo Shi, Dawei Yin, Pengjie Ren, Zhumin Chen, Maarten de Rijke, Zhaochun Ren

Abstract: Despite their success at many natural language processing (NLP) tasks, large language models still struggle to effectively leverage knowledge for knowledge-intensive tasks, manifesting limitations such as generating incomplete, non-factual, or illogical answers. These limitations stem from inadequate knowledge awareness of LLMs during vanilla fine-tuning. To address these problems, we propose a knowledge-aware fine-tuning (KnowTuning) method to improve fine-grained and coarse-grained knowledge awareness of LLMs. We devise a fine-grained knowledge augmentation stage to train LLMs to identify difficult fine-grained knowledge in answers. We also propose a coarse-grained knowledge comparison stage to train LLMs to distinguish between reliable and unreliable knowledge, in three aspects: completeness, factuality, and logicality. Extensive experiments on both generic and medical question answering (QA) datasets confirm the effectiveness of KnowTuning, through automatic and human evaluations, across various sizes of LLMs. We further verify that KnowTuning generates more facts with less factual error rate under fine-grained facts evaluation.

replace-cross Gauging Public Acceptance of Conditionally Automated Vehicles in the United States

Authors: Antonios Saravanos (New York University), Eleftheria K. Pissadaki (New York University), Wayne S. Singh (New York University), Donatella Delfino (New York University)

Abstract: Public acceptance of conditionally automated vehicles is a crucial step in the realization of smart cities. Prior research in Europe has shown that the factors of hedonic motivation, social influence, and performance expectancy, in decreasing order of importance, influence acceptance. Moreover, a generally positive acceptance of the technology was reported. However, there is a lack of information regarding the public acceptance of conditionally automated vehicles in the United States. In this study, we carried out a web-based experiment where participants were provided information regarding the technology and then completed a questionnaire on their perceptions. The collected data was analyzed using PLS-SEM to examine the factors that may lead to public acceptance of the technology in the United States. Our findings showed that social influence, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, hedonic motivation, and facilitating conditions determine conditionally automated vehicle acceptance. Additionally, certain factors were found to influence the perception of how useful the technology is, the effort required to use it, and the facilitating conditions for its use. By integrating the insights gained from this study, stakeholders can better facilitate the adoption of autonomous vehicle technology, contributing to safer, more efficient, and user-friendly transportation systems in the future that help realize the vision of the smart city.

replace-cross Reformatted Alignment

Authors: Run-Ze Fan, Xuefeng Li, Haoyang Zou, Junlong Li, Shwai He, Ethan Chern, Jiewen Hu, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: The quality of finetuning data is crucial for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human values. Current methods to improve data quality are either labor-intensive or prone to factual errors caused by LLM hallucinations. This paper explores elevating the quality of existing instruction data to better align with human values, introducing a simple and effective approach named ReAlign, which reformats the responses of instruction data into a format that better aligns with pre-established criteria and the collated evidence. This approach minimizes human annotation, hallucination, and the difficulty in scaling, remaining orthogonal to existing alignment techniques. Experimentally, ReAlign significantly boosts the general alignment ability, math reasoning, factuality, and readability of the LLMs. Encouragingly, without introducing any additional data or advanced training techniques, and merely by reformatting the response, LLaMA-2-13B's mathematical reasoning ability on GSM8K can be improved from 46.77% to 56.63% in accuracy. Additionally, a mere 5% of ReAlign data yields a 67% boost in general alignment ability measured by the Alpaca dataset. This work highlights the need for further research into the science and mechanistic interpretability of LLMs. We have made the associated code and data publicly accessible to support future studies at


replace-cross SYNFAC-EDIT: Synthetic Imitation Edit Feedback for Factual Alignment in Clinical Summarization

Authors: Prakamya Mishra, Zonghai Yao, Parth Vashisht, Feiyun Ouyang, Beining Wang, Vidhi Dhaval Mody, Hong Yu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT & Llama have demonstrated significant achievements in summarization tasks but struggle with factual inaccuracies, a critical issue in clinical NLP applications where errors could lead to serious consequences. To counter the high costs and limited availability of expert-annotated data for factual alignment, this study introduces an innovative pipeline that utilizes >100B parameter GPT variants like GPT-3.5 & GPT-4 to act as synthetic experts to generate high-quality synthetics feedback aimed at enhancing factual consistency in clinical note summarization. Our research primarily focuses on edit feedback generated by these synthetic feedback experts without additional human annotations, mirroring and optimizing the practical scenario in which medical professionals refine AI system outputs. Although such 100B+ parameter GPT variants have proven to demonstrate expertise in various clinical NLP tasks, such as the Medical Licensing Examination, there is scant research on their capacity to act as synthetic feedback experts and deliver expert-level edit feedback for improving the generation quality of weaker (<10B parameter) LLMs like GPT-2 (1.5B) & Llama 2 (7B) in clinical domain. So in this work, we leverage 100B+ GPT variants to act as synthetic feedback experts offering expert-level edit feedback, that is used to reduce hallucinations and align weaker (<10B parameter) LLMs with medical facts using two distinct alignment algorithms (DPO & SALT), endeavoring to narrow the divide between AI-generated content and factual accuracy. This highlights the substantial potential of LLM-based synthetic edits in enhancing the alignment of clinical factuality.

replace-cross LLMBind: A Unified Modality-Task Integration Framework

Authors: Bin Zhu, Munan Ning, Peng Jin, Bin Lin, Jinfa Huang, Qi Song, Junwu Zhang, Zhenyu Tang, Mingjun Pan, Xing Zhou, Li Yuan

Abstract: In the multi-modal domain, the dependence of various models on specific input formats leads to user confusion and hinders progress. To address this challenge, we introduce \textbf{LLMBind}, a novel framework designed to unify a diverse array of multi-modal tasks. By harnessing a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) Large Language Model (LLM), LLMBind processes multi-modal inputs and generates task-specific tokens, enabling the invocation of corresponding models to accomplish tasks. This unique approach empowers LLMBind to interpret inputs and generate outputs across various modalities, including image, text, video, and audio. Furthermore, we have constructed an interaction dataset comprising 400k instructions, which unlocks the ability of LLMBind for interactive visual generation and editing tasks. Extensive experimentation demonstrates that LLMBind achieves very superior performance across diverse tasks and outperforms existing models in user evaluations conducted in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the adaptability of LLMBind allows for seamless integration with the latest models and extension to new modality tasks, highlighting its potential to serve as a unified AI agent for modeling universal modalities.

replace-cross ESFL: Efficient Split Federated Learning over Resource-Constrained Heterogeneous Wireless Devices

Authors: Guangyu Zhu, Yiqin Deng, Xianhao Chen, Haixia Zhang, Yuguang Fang, Tan F. Wong

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) allows multiple parties (distributed devices) to train a machine learning model without sharing raw data. How to effectively and efficiently utilize the resources on devices and the central server is a highly interesting yet challenging problem. In this paper, we propose an efficient split federated learning algorithm (ESFL) to take full advantage of the powerful computing capabilities at a central server under a split federated learning framework with heterogeneous end devices (EDs). By splitting the model into different submodels between the server and EDs, our approach jointly optimizes user-side workload and server-side computing resource allocation by considering users' heterogeneity. We formulate the whole optimization problem as a mixed-integer non-linear program, which is an NP-hard problem, and develop an iterative approach to obtain an approximate solution efficiently. Extensive simulations have been conducted to validate the significantly increased efficiency of our ESFL approach compared with standard federated learning, split learning, and splitfed learning.

replace-cross mEdIT: Multilingual Text Editing via Instruction Tuning

Authors: Vipul Raheja, Dimitris Alikaniotis, Vivek Kulkarni, Bashar Alhafni, Dhruv Kumar

Abstract: We introduce mEdIT, a multi-lingual extension to CoEdIT -- the recent state-of-the-art text editing models for writing assistance. mEdIT models are trained by fine-tuning multi-lingual large, pre-trained language models (LLMs) via instruction tuning. They are designed to take instructions from the user specifying the attributes of the desired text in the form of natural language instructions, such as Grammatik korrigieren (German) or Parafrasee la oraci\'on (Spanish). We build mEdIT by curating data from multiple publicly available human-annotated text editing datasets for three text editing tasks (Grammatical Error Correction (GEC), Text Simplification, and Paraphrasing) across diverse languages belonging to six different language families. We detail the design and training of mEdIT models and demonstrate their strong performance on many multi-lingual text editing benchmarks against other multilingual LLMs. We also find that mEdIT generalizes effectively to new languages over multilingual baselines. We publicly release our data, code, and trained models at


replace-cross MISC: Ultra-low Bitrate Image Semantic Compression Driven by Large Multimodal Model

Authors: Chunyi Li, Guo Lu, Donghui Feng, Haoning Wu, Zicheng Zhang, Xiaohong Liu, Guangtao Zhai, Weisi Lin, Wenjun Zhang

Abstract: With the evolution of storage and communication protocols, ultra-low bitrate image compression has become a highly demanding topic. However, existing compression algorithms must sacrifice either consistency with the ground truth or perceptual quality at ultra-low bitrate. In recent years, the rapid development of the Large Multimodal Model (LMM) has made it possible to balance these two goals. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a method called Multimodal Image Semantic Compression (MISC), which consists of an LMM encoder for extracting the semantic information of the image, a map encoder to locate the region corresponding to the semantic, an image encoder generates an extremely compressed bitstream, and a decoder reconstructs the image based on the above information. Experimental results show that our proposed MISC is suitable for compressing both traditional Natural Sense Images (NSIs) and emerging AI-Generated Images (AIGIs) content. It can achieve optimal consistency and perception results while saving 50% bitrate, which has strong potential applications in the next generation of storage and communication. The code will be released on


replace-cross Information Flow Routes: Automatically Interpreting Language Models at Scale

Authors: Javier Ferrando, Elena Voita

Abstract: Information flows by routes inside the network via mechanisms implemented in the model. These routes can be represented as graphs where nodes correspond to token representations and edges to operations inside the network. We automatically build these graphs in a top-down manner, for each prediction leaving only the most important nodes and edges. In contrast to the existing workflows relying on activation patching, we do this through attribution: this allows us to efficiently uncover existing circuits with just a single forward pass. Additionally, the applicability of our method is far beyond patching: we do not need a human to carefully design prediction templates, and we can extract information flow routes for any prediction (not just the ones among the allowed templates). As a result, we can talk about model behavior in general, for specific types of predictions, or different domains. We experiment with Llama 2 and show that the role of some attention heads is overall important, e.g. previous token heads and subword merging heads. Next, we find similarities in Llama 2 behavior when handling tokens of the same part of speech. Finally, we show that some model components can be specialized on domains such as coding or multilingual texts.

replace-cross Key-Point-Driven Data Synthesis with its Enhancement on Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Yiming Huang, Xiao Liu, Yeyun Gong, Zhibin Gou, Yelong Shen, Nan Duan, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential in complex reasoning tasks, yet their performance is often hampered by the scarcity of high-quality and reasoning-focused training datasets. Addressing this challenge, we propose Key-Point-Driven Data Synthesis (KPDDS), a novel data synthesis framework that synthesizes question-answer pairs by leveraging key points and exemplar practices from authentic data sources. KPDDS ensures the generation of novel questions with rigorous quality control and substantial scalability. As a result, we present KPMath, an extensive synthetic dataset tailored for mathematical reasoning, comprising over 800K question-answer pairs. Utilizing KPMath and augmenting it with additional reasoning-intensive corpora, we create the comprehensive KPMath-Plus dataset. The fine-tuned DeepSeekMath model on KPMath-Plus achieves zero-shot PASS@1 accuracies of 83.9% on GSM8K and 48.8% on MATH, and also reaches promising performance on other math reasoning datasets, outperforming competitors in the 7B to 70B range.

replace-cross Towards White Box Deep Learning

Authors: Maciej Satkiewicz

Abstract: Deep neural networks learn fragile "shortcut" features, rendering them difficult to interpret (black box) and vulnerable to adversarial attacks. This paper proposes semantic features as a general architectural solution to this problem. The main idea is to make features locality-sensitive in the adequate semantic topology of the domain, thus introducing a strong regularization. The proof of concept network is lightweight, inherently interpretable and achieves almost human-level adversarial test metrics - with no adversarial training! These results and the general nature of the approach warrant further research on semantic features. The code is available at


replace-cross HateCOT: An Explanation-Enhanced Dataset for Generalizable Offensive Speech Detection via Large Language Models

Authors: Huy Nghiem, Hal Daum\'e III

Abstract: The ubiquitousness of social media has led to the need for reliable and efficient detection of offensive content to limit harmful effects. This has led to a proliferation of datasets and models related to detecting offensive content. While sophisticated models have attained strong performance on individual datasets, these models often do not generalize due to differences between how "offensive content" is conceptualized, and the resulting differences in how these datasets are labeled. In this paper, we introduce HateCOT, a dataset of 52,000 samples drawn from diverse existing sources with explanations generated by GPT-3.5-Turbo and human-curated. We show that pre-training models for the detection of offensive content on HateCOT significantly boots open-sourced Language Models on three benchmark datasets in both zero and few-shot settings, despite differences in domain and task.} We further find that HateCOT enables effective K-shot fine-tuning in the low-resource settings.

replace-cross GOLF: Goal-Oriented Long-term liFe tasks supported by human-AI collaboration

Authors: Ben Wang

Abstract: The advent of ChatGPT and similar large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the human-AI interaction and information-seeking process. Leveraging LLMs as an alternative to search engines, users can now access summarized information tailored to their queries, significantly reducing the cognitive load associated with navigating vast information resources. This shift underscores the potential of LLMs in redefining information access paradigms. Drawing on the foundation of task-focused information retrieval and LLMs' task planning ability, this research extends the scope of LLM capabilities beyond routine task automation to support users in navigating long-term and significant life tasks. It introduces the GOLF framework (Goal-Oriented Long-term liFe tasks), which focuses on enhancing LLMs' ability to assist in significant life decisions through goal orientation and long-term planning. The methodology encompasses a comprehensive simulation study to test the framework's efficacy, followed by model and human evaluations to develop a dataset benchmark for long-term life tasks, and experiments across different models and settings. By shifting the focus from short-term tasks to the broader spectrum of long-term life goals, this research underscores the transformative potential of LLMs in enhancing human decision-making processes and task management, marking a significant step forward in the evolution of human-AI collaboration.

replace-cross ECoDepth: Effective Conditioning of Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Suraj Patni, Aradhye Agarwal, Chetan Arora

Abstract: In the absence of parallax cues, a learning-based single image depth estimation (SIDE) model relies heavily on shading and contextual cues in the image. While this simplicity is attractive, it is necessary to train such models on large and varied datasets, which are difficult to capture. It has been shown that using embeddings from pre-trained foundational models, such as CLIP, improves zero shot transfer in several applications. Taking inspiration from this, in our paper we explore the use of global image priors generated from a pre-trained ViT model to provide more detailed contextual information. We argue that the embedding vector from a ViT model, pre-trained on a large dataset, captures greater relevant information for SIDE than the usual route of generating pseudo image captions, followed by CLIP based text embeddings. Based on this idea, we propose a new SIDE model using a diffusion backbone which is conditioned on ViT embeddings. Our proposed design establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) for SIDE on NYUv2 dataset, achieving Abs Rel error of 0.059 (14% improvement) compared to 0.069 by the current SOTA (VPD). And on KITTI dataset, achieving Sq Rel error of 0.139 (2% improvement) compared to 0.142 by the current SOTA (GEDepth). For zero-shot transfer with a model trained on NYUv2, we report mean relative improvement of (20%, 23%, 81%, 25%) over NeWCRFs on (Sun-RGBD, iBims1, DIODE, HyperSim) datasets, compared to (16%, 18%, 45%, 9%) by ZoeDepth. The project page is available at


replace-cross Finding Decision Tree Splits in Streaming and Massively Parallel Models

Authors: Huy Pham, Hoang Ta, Hoa T. Vu

Abstract: In this work, we provide data stream algorithms that compute optimal splits in decision tree learning. In particular, given a data stream of observations $x_i$ and their labels $y_i$, the goal is to find the optimal split point $j$ that divides the data into two sets such that the mean squared error (for regression) or misclassification rate (for classification) is minimized. We provide various fast streaming algorithms that use sublinear space and a small number of passes for these problems. These algorithms can also be extended to the massively parallel computation model. Our work, while not directly comparable, complements the seminal work of Domingos and Hulten (KDD 2000).

replace-cross CAESAR: Enhancing Federated RL in Heterogeneous MDPs through Convergence-Aware Sampling with Screening

Authors: Hei Yi Mak, Flint Xiaofeng Fan, Luca A. Lanzend\"orfer, Cheston Tan, Wei Tsang Ooi, Roger Wattenhofer

Abstract: In this study, we delve into Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) in the context of value-based agents operating across diverse Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Existing FedRL methods typically aggregate agents' learning by averaging the value functions across them to improve their performance. However, this aggregation strategy is suboptimal in heterogeneous environments where agents converge to diverse optimal value functions. To address this problem, we introduce the Convergence-AwarE SAmpling with scReening (CAESAR) aggregation scheme designed to enhance the learning of individual agents across varied MDPs. CAESAR is an aggregation strategy used by the server that combines convergence-aware sampling with a screening mechanism. By exploiting the fact that agents learning in identical MDPs are converging to the same optimal value function, CAESAR enables the selective assimilation of knowledge from more proficient counterparts, thereby significantly enhancing the overall learning efficiency. We empirically validate our hypothesis and demonstrate the effectiveness of CAESAR in enhancing the learning efficiency of agents, using both a custom-built GridWorld environment and the classical FrozenLake-v1 task, each presenting varying levels of environmental heterogeneity.

replace-cross Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models for Predictive Tabular Tasks in Data Science

Authors: Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Sankalok Sen, Lei Li, Qi Liu

Abstract: In the domain of data science, the predictive tasks of classification, regression, and imputation of missing values are commonly encountered challenges associated with tabular data. This research endeavors to apply Large Language Models (LLMs) towards addressing these predictive tasks. Despite their proficiency in comprehending natural language, LLMs fall short in dealing with structured tabular data. This limitation stems from their lacking exposure to the intricacies of tabular data during their foundational training. Our research aims to mitigate this gap by compiling a comprehensive corpus of tables annotated with instructions and executing large-scale training of Llama-2 on this enriched dataset. Furthermore, we investigate the practical application of applying the trained model to zero-shot prediction, few-shot prediction, and in-context learning scenarios. Through extensive experiments, our methodology has shown significant improvements over existing benchmarks. These advancements highlight the efficacy of tailoring LLM training to solve table-related problems in data science, thereby establishing a new benchmark in the utilization of LLMs for enhancing tabular intelligence.

replace-cross AQuA -- Combining Experts' and Non-Experts' Views To Assess Deliberation Quality in Online Discussions Using LLMs

Authors: Maike Behrendt, Stefan Sylvius Wagner, Marc Ziegele, Lena Wilms, Anke Stoll, Dominique Heinbach, Stefan Harmeling

Abstract: Measuring the quality of contributions in political online discussions is crucial in deliberation research and computer science. Research has identified various indicators to assess online discussion quality, and with deep learning advancements, automating these measures has become feasible. While some studies focus on analyzing specific quality indicators, a comprehensive quality score incorporating various deliberative aspects is often preferred. In this work, we introduce AQuA, an additive score that calculates a unified deliberative quality score from multiple indices for each discussion post. Unlike other singular scores, AQuA preserves information on the deliberative aspects present in comments, enhancing model transparency. We develop adapter models for 20 deliberative indices, and calculate correlation coefficients between experts' annotations and the perceived deliberativeness by non-experts to weigh the individual indices into a single deliberative score. We demonstrate that the AQuA score can be computed easily from pre-trained adapters and aligns well with annotations on other datasets that have not be seen during training. The analysis of experts' vs. non-experts' annotations confirms theoretical findings in the social science literature.

replace-cross Neuroevolving Electronic Dynamical Networks

Authors: Derek Whitley

Abstract: Neuroevolution is a powerful method of applying an evolutionary algorithm to refine the performance of artificial neural networks through natural selection; however, the fitness evaluation of these networks can be time-consuming and computationally expensive, particularly for continuous time recurrent neural networks (CTRNNs) that necessitate the simulation of differential equations. To overcome this challenge, field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have emerged as an increasingly popular solution, due to their high performance and low power consumption. Further, their ability to undergo dynamic and partial reconfiguration enables the extremely rapid evaluation of the fitness of CTRNNs, effectively addressing the bottleneck associated with conventional methods of evolvable hardware. By incorporating fitness evaluation directly upon the programmable logic of the FPGA, hyper-parallel evaluation becomes feasible, dramatically reducing the time required for assessment. This inherent parallelism of FPGAs accelerates the entire neuroevolutionary process by several orders of magnitude, facilitating faster convergence to an optimal solution. The work presented in this study demonstrates the potential of utilizing dynamic and partial reconfiguration on capable FPGAs as a powerful platform for neuroevolving dynamic neural networks.

replace-cross Hidden You Malicious Goal Into Benign Narratives: Jailbreak Large Language Models through Logic Chain Injection

Authors: Zhilong Wang, Yebo Cao, Peng Liu

Abstract: Jailbreak attacks on Language Model Models (LLMs) entail crafting prompts aimed at exploiting the models to generate malicious content. Existing jailbreak attacks can successfully deceive the LLMs, however they cannot deceive the human. This paper proposes a new type of jailbreak attacks which can deceive both the LLMs and human (i.e., security analyst). The key insight of our idea is borrowed from the social psychology - that is human are easily deceived if the lie is hidden in truth. Based on this insight, we proposed the logic-chain injection attacks to inject malicious intention into benign truth. Logic-chain injection attack firstly dissembles its malicious target into a chain of benign narrations, and then distribute narrations into a related benign article, with undoubted facts. In this way, newly generate prompt cannot only deceive the LLMs, but also deceive human.

replace-cross Structured Reinforcement Learning for Media Streaming at the Wireless Edge

Authors: Archana Bura, Sarat Chandra Bobbili, Shreyas Rameshkumar, Desik Rengarajan, Dileep Kalathil, Srinivas Shakkottai

Abstract: Media streaming is the dominant application over wireless edge (access) networks. The increasing softwarization of such networks has led to efforts at intelligent control, wherein application-specific actions may be dynamically taken to enhance the user experience. The goal of this work is to develop and demonstrate learning-based policies for optimal decision making to determine which clients to dynamically prioritize in a video streaming setting. We formulate the policy design question as a constrained Markov decision problem (CMDP), and observe that by using a Lagrangian relaxation we can decompose it into single-client problems. Further, the optimal policy takes a threshold form in the video buffer length, which enables us to design an efficient constrained reinforcement learning (CRL) algorithm to learn it. Specifically, we show that a natural policy gradient (NPG) based algorithm that is derived using the structure of our problem converges to the globally optimal policy. We then develop a simulation environment for training, and a real-world intelligent controller attached to a WiFi access point for evaluation. We empirically show that the structured learning approach enables fast learning. Furthermore, such a structured policy can be easily deployed due to low computational complexity, leading to policy execution taking only about 15$\mu$s. Using YouTube streaming experiments in a resource constrained scenario, we demonstrate that the CRL approach can increase quality of experience (QOE) by over 30\%.

replace-cross On Unified Prompt Tuning for Request Quality Assurance in Public Code Review

Authors: Xinyu Chen, Lin Li, Rui Zhang, Peng Liang

Abstract: Public Code Review (PCR) can be implemented through a Software Question Answering (SQA) community, which facilitates high knowledge dissemination. Current methods mainly focus on the reviewer's perspective, including finding a capable reviewer, predicting comment quality, and recommending/generating review comments. Our intuition is that satisfying review necessity requests can increase their visibility, which in turn is a prerequisite for better review responses. To this end, we propose a unified framework called UniPCR to complete developer-based request quality assurance (i.e., predicting request necessity and recommending tags subtask) under a Masked Language Model (MLM). Specifically, we reformulate both subtasks via 1) text prompt tuning, which converts two subtasks into MLM by constructing prompt templates using hard prompt; 2) code prefix tuning, which optimizes a small segment of generated continuous vectors as the prefix of the code representation using soft prompt. Experimental results on the Public Code Review dataset for the time span 2011-2022 demonstrate that our UniPCR framework adapts to the two subtasks and outperforms comparable accuracy-based results with state-of-the-art methods for request quality assurance. These conclusions highlight the effectiveness of our unified framework from the developer's perspective in public code review.

replace-cross LLM Agents can Autonomously Exploit One-day Vulnerabilities

Authors: Richard Fang, Rohan Bindu, Akul Gupta, Daniel Kang

Abstract: LLMs have becoming increasingly powerful, both in their benign and malicious uses. With the increase in capabilities, researchers have been increasingly interested in their ability to exploit cybersecurity vulnerabilities. In particular, recent work has conducted preliminary studies on the ability of LLM agents to autonomously hack websites. However, these studies are limited to simple vulnerabilities. In this work, we show that LLM agents can autonomously exploit one-day vulnerabilities in real-world systems. To show this, we collected a dataset of 15 one-day vulnerabilities that include ones categorized as critical severity in the CVE description. When given the CVE description, GPT-4 is capable of exploiting 87% of these vulnerabilities compared to 0% for every other model we test (GPT-3.5, open-source LLMs) and open-source vulnerability scanners (ZAP and Metasploit). Fortunately, our GPT-4 agent requires the CVE description for high performance: without the description, GPT-4 can exploit only 7% of the vulnerabilities. Our findings raise questions around the widespread deployment of highly capable LLM agents.

replace-cross R2 Indicator and Deep Reinforcement Learning Enhanced Adaptive Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm

Authors: Farajollah Tahernezhad-Javazm, Debbie Rankin, Naomi Du Bois, Alice E. Smith, Damien Coyle

Abstract: Choosing an appropriate optimization algorithm is essential to achieving success in optimization challenges. Here we present a new evolutionary algorithm structure that utilizes a reinforcement learning-based agent aimed at addressing these issues. The agent employs a double deep q-network to choose a specific evolutionary operator based on feedback it receives from the environment during optimization. The algorithm's structure contains five single-objective evolutionary algorithm operators. This single-objective structure is transformed into a multi-objective one using the R2 indicator. This indicator serves two purposes within our structure: first, it renders the algorithm multi-objective, and second, provides a means to evaluate each algorithm's performance in each generation to facilitate constructing the reinforcement learning-based reward function. The proposed R2-reinforcement learning multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (R2-RLMOEA) is compared with six other multi-objective algorithms that are based on R2 indicators. These six algorithms include the operators used in R2-RLMOEA as well as an R2 indicator-based algorithm that randomly selects operators during optimization. We benchmark performance using the CEC09 functions, with performance measured by inverted generational distance and spacing. The R2-RLMOEA algorithm outperforms all other algorithms with strong statistical significance (p<0.001) when compared with the average spacing metric across all ten benchmarks.

replace-cross Incremental Residual Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Chenming Shang, Shiji Zhou, Hengyuan Zhang, Xinzhe Ni, Yujiu Yang, Yuwang Wang

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) map the black-box visual representations extracted by deep neural networks onto a set of interpretable concepts and use the concepts to make predictions, enhancing the transparency of the decision-making process. Multimodal pre-trained models can match visual representations with textual concept embeddings, allowing for obtaining the interpretable concept bottleneck without the expertise concept annotations. Recent research has focused on the concept bank establishment and the high-quality concept selection. However, it is challenging to construct a comprehensive concept bank through humans or large language models, which severely limits the performance of CBMs. In this work, we propose the Incremental Residual Concept Bottleneck Model (Res-CBM) to address the challenge of concept completeness. Specifically, the residual concept bottleneck model employs a set of optimizable vectors to complete missing concepts, then the incremental concept discovery module converts the complemented vectors with unclear meanings into potential concepts in the candidate concept bank. Our approach can be applied to any user-defined concept bank, as a post-hoc processing method to enhance the performance of any CBMs. Furthermore, to measure the descriptive efficiency of CBMs, the Concept Utilization Efficiency (CUE) metric is proposed. Experiments show that the Res-CBM outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and efficiency and achieves comparable performance to black-box models across multiple datasets.

replace-cross Weight Copy and Low-Rank Adaptation for Few-Shot Distillation of Vision Transformers

Authors: Diana-Nicoleta Grigore, Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Jon Alvarez Justo, Tor Johansen, Andreea Iuliana Ionescu, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: Few-shot knowledge distillation recently emerged as a viable approach to harness the knowledge of large-scale pre-trained models, using limited data and computational resources. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot feature distillation approach for vision transformers. Our approach is based on two key steps. Leveraging the fact that vision transformers have a consistent depth-wise structure, we first copy the weights from intermittent layers of existing pre-trained vision transformers (teachers) into shallower architectures (students), where the intermittence factor controls the complexity of the student transformer with respect to its teacher. Next, we employ an enhanced version of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) to distill knowledge into the student in a few-shot scenario, aiming to recover the information processing carried out by the skipped teacher layers. We present comprehensive experiments with supervised and self-supervised transformers as teachers, on five data sets from various domains, including natural, medical and satellite images. The empirical results confirm the superiority of our approach over competitive baselines. Moreover, the ablation results demonstrate the usefulness of each component of the proposed pipeline.

replace-cross Vision Augmentation Prediction Autoencoder with Attention Design (VAPAAD)

Authors: Yiqiao Yin

Abstract: Recent advancements in sequence prediction have significantly improved the accuracy of video data interpretation; however, existing models often overlook the potential of attention-based mechanisms for next-frame prediction. This study introduces the Vision Augmentation Prediction Autoencoder with Attention Design (VAPAAD), an innovative approach that integrates attention mechanisms into sequence prediction, enabling nuanced analysis and understanding of temporal dynamics in video sequences. Utilizing the Moving MNIST dataset, we demonstrate VAPAAD's robust performance and superior handling of complex temporal data compared to traditional methods. VAPAAD combines data augmentation, ConvLSTM2D layers, and a custom-built self-attention mechanism to effectively focus on salient features within a sequence, enhancing predictive accuracy and context-aware analysis. This methodology not only adheres to human cognitive processes during video interpretation but also addresses limitations in conventional models, which often struggle with the variability inherent in video sequences. The experimental results confirm that VAPAAD outperforms existing models, especially in integrating attention mechanisms, which significantly improve predictive performance.

replace-cross Shaping Realities: Enhancing 3D Generative AI with Fabrication Constraints

Authors: Faraz Faruqi, Yingtao Tian, Vrushank Phadnis, Varun Jampani, Stefanie Mueller

Abstract: Generative AI tools are becoming more prevalent in 3D modeling, enabling users to manipulate or create new models with text or images as inputs. This makes it easier for users to rapidly customize and iterate on their 3D designs and explore new creative ideas. These methods focus on the aesthetic quality of the 3D models, refining them to look similar to the prompts provided by the user. However, when creating 3D models intended for fabrication, designers need to trade-off the aesthetic qualities of a 3D model with their intended physical properties. To be functional post-fabrication, 3D models have to satisfy structural constraints informed by physical principles. Currently, such requirements are not enforced by generative AI tools. This leads to the development of aesthetically appealing, but potentially non-functional 3D geometry, that would be hard to fabricate and use in the real world. This workshop paper highlights the limitations of generative AI tools in translating digital creations into the physical world and proposes new augmentations to generative AI tools for creating physically viable 3D models. We advocate for the development of tools that manipulate or generate 3D models by considering not only the aesthetic appearance but also using physical properties as constraints. This exploration seeks to bridge the gap between digital creativity and real-world applicability, extending the creative potential of generative AI into the tangible domain.

replace-cross Scaling Instructable Agents Across Many Simulated Worlds

Authors: SIMA Team, Maria Abi Raad, Arun Ahuja, Catarina Barros, Frederic Besse, Andrew Bolt, Adrian Bolton, Bethanie Brownfield, Gavin Buttimore, Max Cant, Sarah Chakera, Stephanie C. Y. Chan, Jeff Clune, Adrian Collister, Vikki Copeman, Alex Cullum, Ishita Dasgupta, Dario de Cesare, Julia Di Trapani, Yani Donchev, Emma Dunleavy, Martin Engelcke, Ryan Faulkner, Frankie Garcia, Charles Gbadamosi, Zhitao Gong, Lucy Gonzales, Kshitij Gupta, Karol Gregor, Arne Olav Hallingstad, Tim Harley, Sam Haves, Felix Hill, Ed Hirst, Drew A. Hudson, Jony Hudson, Steph Hughes-Fitt, Danilo J. Rezende, Mimi Jasarevic, Laura Kampis, Rosemary Ke, Thomas Keck, Junkyung Kim, Oscar Knagg, Kavya Kopparapu, Andrew Lampinen, Shane Legg, Alexander Lerchner, Marjorie Limont, Yulan Liu, Maria Loks-Thompson, Joseph Marino, Kathryn Martin Cussons, Loic Matthey, Siobhan Mcloughlin, Piermaria Mendolicchio, Hamza Merzic, Anna Mitenkova, Alexandre Moufarek, Valeria Oliveira, Yanko Oliveira, Hannah Openshaw, Renke Pan, Aneesh Pappu, Alex Platonov, Ollie Purkiss, David Reichert, John Reid, Pierre Harvey Richemond, Tyson Roberts, Giles Ruscoe, Jaume Sanchez Elias, Tasha Sandars, Daniel P. Sawyer, Tim Scholtes, Guy Simmons, Daniel Slater, Hubert Soyer, Heiko Strathmann, Peter Stys, Allison C. Tam, Denis Teplyashin, Tayfun Terzi, Davide Vercelli, Bojan Vujatovic, Marcus Wainwright, Jane X. Wang, Zhengdong Wang, Daan Wierstra, Duncan Williams, Nathaniel Wong, Sarah York, Nick Young

Abstract: Building embodied AI systems that can follow arbitrary language instructions in any 3D environment is a key challenge for creating general AI. Accomplishing this goal requires learning to ground language in perception and embodied actions, in order to accomplish complex tasks. The Scalable, Instructable, Multiworld Agent (SIMA) project tackles this by training agents to follow free-form instructions across a diverse range of virtual 3D environments, including curated research environments as well as open-ended, commercial video games. Our goal is to develop an instructable agent that can accomplish anything a human can do in any simulated 3D environment. Our approach focuses on language-driven generality while imposing minimal assumptions. Our agents interact with environments in real-time using a generic, human-like interface: the inputs are image observations and language instructions and the outputs are keyboard-and-mouse actions. This general approach is challenging, but it allows agents to ground language across many visually complex and semantically rich environments while also allowing us to readily run agents in new environments. In this paper we describe our motivation and goal, the initial progress we have made, and promising preliminary results on several diverse research environments and a variety of commercial video games.

replace-cross What are human values, and how do we align AI to them?

Authors: Oliver Klingefjord, Ryan Lowe, Joe Edelman

Abstract: There is an emerging consensus that we need to align AI systems with human values (Gabriel, 2020; Ji et al., 2024), but it remains unclear how to apply this to language models in practice. We split the problem of "aligning to human values" into three parts: first, eliciting values from people; second, reconciling those values into an alignment target for training ML models; and third, actually training the model. In this paper, we focus on the first two parts, and ask the question: what are "good" ways to synthesize diverse human inputs about values into a target for aligning language models? To answer this question, we first define a set of 6 criteria that we believe must be satisfied for an alignment target to shape model behavior in accordance with human values. We then propose a process for eliciting and reconciling values called Moral Graph Elicitation (MGE), which uses a large language model to interview participants about their values in particular contexts; our approach is inspired by the philosophy of values advanced by Taylor (1977), Chang (2004), and others. We trial MGE with a representative sample of 500 Americans, on 3 intentionally divisive prompts (e.g. advice about abortion). Our results demonstrate that MGE is promising for improving model alignment across all 6 criteria. For example, almost all participants (89.1%) felt well represented by the process, and (89%) thought the final moral graph was fair, even if their value wasn't voted as the wisest. Our process often results in "expert" values (e.g. values from women who have solicited abortion advice) rising to the top of the moral graph, without defining who is considered an expert in advance.