new FlowMind: Automatic Workflow Generation with LLMs

Authors: Zhen Zeng, William Watson, Nicole Cho, Saba Rahimi, Shayleen Reynolds, Tucker Balch, Manuela Veloso

Abstract: The rapidly evolving field of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has made significant strides in automating repetitive processes, yet its effectiveness diminishes in scenarios requiring spontaneous or unpredictable tasks demanded by users. This paper introduces a novel approach, FlowMind, leveraging the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT), to address this limitation and create an automatic workflow generation system. In FlowMind, we propose a generic prompt recipe for a lecture that helps ground LLM reasoning with reliable Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). With this, FlowMind not only mitigates the common issue of hallucinations in LLMs, but also eliminates direct interaction between LLMs and proprietary data or code, thus ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information - a cornerstone in financial services. FlowMind further simplifies user interaction by presenting high-level descriptions of auto-generated workflows, enabling users to inspect and provide feedback effectively. We also introduce NCEN-QA, a new dataset in finance for benchmarking question-answering tasks from N-CEN reports on funds. We used NCEN-QA to evaluate the performance of workflows generated by FlowMind against baseline and ablation variants of FlowMind. We demonstrate the success of FlowMind, the importance of each component in the proposed lecture recipe, and the effectiveness of user interaction and feedback in FlowMind.

new "Hey..! This medicine made me sick": Sentiment Analysis of User-Generated Drug Reviews using Machine Learning Techniques

Authors: Abhiram B. Nair, Abhinand K., Anamika U., Denil Tom Jaison, Ajitha V., V. S. Anoop

Abstract: Sentiment analysis has become increasingly important in healthcare, especially in the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields. The data generated by the general public on the effectiveness, side effects, and adverse drug reactions are goldmines for different agencies and medicine producers to understand the concerns and reactions of people. Despite the challenge of obtaining datasets on drug-related problems, sentiment analysis on this topic would be a significant boon to the field. This project proposes a drug review classification system that classifies user reviews on a particular drug into different classes, such as positive, negative, and neutral. This approach uses a dataset that is collected from publicly available sources containing drug reviews, such as The collected data is manually labeled and verified manually to ensure that the labels are correct. Three pre-trained language models, such as BERT, SciBERT, and BioBERT, are used to obtain embeddings, which were later used as features to different machine learning classifiers such as decision trees, support vector machines, random forests, and also deep learning algorithms such as recurrent neural networks. The performance of these classifiers is quantified using precision, recall, and f1-score, and the results show that the proposed approaches are useful in analyzing the sentiments of people on different drugs.

new Intellecta Cognitiva: A Comprehensive Dataset for Advancing Academic Knowledge and Machine Reasoning

Authors: Ajmal PS, Ditto PS, Jithin VG

Abstract: Intellecta dataset emerges as an innovative synthetic dataset, engineered to enhance the cognitive processing capabilities of contemporary language models. With a composition of 11.53 billion tokens, integrating 8.01 billion tokens of synthetic data with 3.52 billion tokens of rich textbook data, Intellecta is crafted to foster advanced reasoning and comprehensive educational narrative generation. Leveraging the Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 model, the dataset facilitates the generation of complex thought processes and detailed, textbook-style explanations, thus enabling language models to engage in both critical thinking and profound educational discourse. This hybrid dataset stands as a testament to the potential of synthetic data in pushing the boundaries of AI, offering a repository that is not only vast and varied but also refined to align with ethical standards and intellectual rigor.

new Leveraging Large Language Model as Simulated Patients for Clinical Education

Authors: Yaneng Li, Cheng Zeng, Jialun Zhong, Ruoyu Zhang, Minhao Zhang, Lei Zou

Abstract: Simulated Patients (SPs) play a crucial role in clinical medical education by providing realistic scenarios for student practice. However, the high cost of training and hiring qualified SPs, along with the heavy workload and potential risks they face in consistently portraying actual patients, limit students' access to this type of clinical training. Consequently, the integration of computer program-based simulated patients has emerged as a valuable educational tool in recent years. With the rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs), their exceptional capabilities in conversational artificial intelligence and role-playing have been demonstrated, making them a feasible option for implementing Virtual Simulated Patient (VSP). In this paper, we present an integrated model-agnostic framework called CureFun that harnesses the potential of LLMs in clinical medical education. This framework facilitates natural conversations between students and simulated patients, evaluates their dialogue, and provides suggestions to enhance students' clinical inquiry skills. Through comprehensive evaluations, our approach demonstrates more authentic and professional SP-scenario dialogue flows compared to other LLM-based chatbots, thus proving its proficiency in simulating patients. Additionally, leveraging CureFun's evaluation ability, we assess several medical LLMs and discuss the possibilities and limitations of using LLMs as virtual doctors from the perspective of their diagnostic abilities.

new Towards Efficient Resume Understanding: A Multi-Granularity Multi-Modal Pre-Training Approach

Authors: Feihu Jiang, Chuan Qin, Jingshuai Zhang, Kaichun Yao, Xi Chen, Dazhong Shen, Chen Zhu, Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: In the contemporary era of widespread online recruitment, resume understanding has been widely acknowledged as a fundamental and crucial task, which aims to extract structured information from resume documents automatically. Compared to the traditional rule-based approaches, the utilization of recently proposed pre-trained document understanding models can greatly enhance the effectiveness of resume understanding. The present approaches have, however, disregarded the hierarchical relations within the structured information presented in resumes, and have difficulty parsing resumes in an efficient manner. To this end, in this paper, we propose a novel model, namely ERU, to achieve efficient resume understanding. Specifically, we first introduce a layout-aware multi-modal fusion transformer for encoding the segments in the resume with integrated textual, visual, and layout information. Then, we design three self-supervised tasks to pre-train this module via a large number of unlabeled resumes. Next, we fine-tune the model with a multi-granularity sequence labeling task to extract structured information from resumes. Finally, extensive experiments on a real-world dataset clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of ERU.

new Subtle Signs of Scribal Intent in the Voynich Manuscript

Authors: Andrew Steckley, Noah Steckley

Abstract: This study explores the cryptic Voynich Manuscript, by looking for subtle signs of scribal intent hidden in overlooked features of the "Voynichese" script. The findings indicate that distributions of tokens within paragraphs vary significantly based on positions defined not only by elements intrinsic to the script such as paragraph and line boundaries but also by extrinsic elements, namely the hand-drawn illustrations of plants.

new Evidence from counterfactual tasks supports emergent analogical reasoning in large language models

Authors: Taylor Webb, Keith J. Holyoak, Hongjing Lu

Abstract: We recently reported evidence that large language models are capable of solving a wide range of text-based analogy problems in a zero-shot manner, indicating the presence of an emergent capacity for analogical reasoning. Two recent commentaries have challenged these results, citing evidence from so-called `counterfactual' tasks in which the standard sequence of the alphabet is arbitrarily permuted so as to decrease similarity with materials that may have been present in the language model's training data. Here, we reply to these critiques, clarifying some misunderstandings about the test materials used in our original work, and presenting evidence that language models are also capable of generalizing to these new counterfactual task variants.

new Modeling Emotions and Ethics with Large Language Models

Authors: Edward Y. Chang

Abstract: This paper explores the integration of human-like emotions and ethical considerations into Large Language Models (LLMs). We first model eight fundamental human emotions, presented as opposing pairs, and employ collaborative LLMs to reinterpret and express these emotions across a spectrum of intensity. Our focus extends to embedding a latent ethical dimension within LLMs, guided by a novel self-supervised learning algorithm with human feedback (SSHF). This approach enables LLMs to perform self-evaluations and adjustments concerning ethical guidelines, enhancing their capability to generate content that is not only emotionally resonant but also ethically aligned. The methodologies and case studies presented herein illustrate the potential of LLMs to transcend mere text and image generation, venturing into the realms of empathetic interaction and principled decision-making, thereby setting a new precedent in the development of emotionally aware and ethically conscious AI systems.

new Towards Compositionally Generalizable Semantic Parsing in Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Amogh Mannekote

Abstract: Compositional generalization is the ability of a model to generalize to complex, previously unseen types of combinations of entities from just having seen the primitives. This type of generalization is particularly relevant to the semantic parsing community for applications such as task-oriented dialogue, text-to-SQL parsing, and information retrieval, as they can harbor infinite complexity. Despite the success of large language models (LLMs) in a wide range of NLP tasks, unlocking perfect compositional generalization still remains one of the few last unsolved frontiers. The past few years has seen a surge of interest in works that explore the limitations of, methods to improve, and evaluation metrics for compositional generalization capabilities of LLMs for semantic parsing tasks. In this work, we present a literature survey geared at synthesizing recent advances in analysis, methods, and evaluation schemes to offer a starting point for both practitioners and researchers in this area.

new LLM Evaluators Recognize and Favor Their Own Generations

Authors: Arjun Panickssery, Samuel R. Bowman, Shi Feng

Abstract: Self-evaluation using large language models (LLMs) has proven valuable not only in benchmarking but also methods like reward modeling, constitutional AI, and self-refinement. But new biases are introduced due to the same LLM acting as both the evaluator and the evaluatee. One such bias is self-preference, where an LLM evaluator scores its own outputs higher than others' while human annotators consider them of equal quality. But do LLMs actually recognize their own outputs when they give those texts higher scores, or is it just a coincidence? In this paper, we investigate if self-recognition capability contributes to self-preference. We discover that, out of the box, LLMs such as GPT-4 and Llama 2 have non-trivial accuracy at distinguishing themselves from other LLMs and humans. By fine-tuning LLMs, we discover a linear correlation between self-recognition capability and the strength of self-preference bias; using controlled experiments, we show that the causal explanation resists straightforward confounders. We discuss how self-recognition can interfere with unbiased evaluations and AI safety more generally.

new Improving the Capabilities of Large Language Model Based Marketing Analytics Copilots With Semantic Search And Fine-Tuning

Authors: Yilin Gao, Sai Kumar Arava, Yancheng Li, James W. Snyder Jr

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely deployed to solve problems related to marketing attribution and budget optimization. However, AI models can be quite complex, and it can be difficult to understand model workings and insights without extensive implementation teams. In principle, recently developed large language models (LLMs), like GPT-4, can be deployed to provide marketing insights, reducing the time and effort required to make critical decisions. In practice, there are substantial challenges that need to be overcome to reliably use such models. We focus on domain-specific question-answering, SQL generation needed for data retrieval, and tabular analysis and show how a combination of semantic search, prompt engineering, and fine-tuning can be applied to dramatically improve the ability of LLMs to execute these tasks accurately. We compare both proprietary models, like GPT-4, and open-source models, like Llama-2-70b, as well as various embedding methods. These models are tested on sample use cases specific to marketing mix modeling and attribution.

new Empowering Interdisciplinary Research with BERT-Based Models: An Approach Through SciBERT-CNN with Topic Modeling

Authors: Darya Likhareva, Hamsini Sankaran, Sivakumar Thiyagarajan

Abstract: Researchers must stay current in their fields by regularly reviewing academic literature, a task complicated by the daily publication of thousands of papers. Traditional multi-label text classification methods often ignore semantic relationships and fail to address the inherent class imbalances. This paper introduces a novel approach using the SciBERT model and CNNs to systematically categorize academic abstracts from the Elsevier OA CC-BY corpus. We use a multi-segment input strategy that processes abstracts, body text, titles, and keywords obtained via BERT topic modeling through SciBERT. Here, the [CLS] token embeddings capture the contextual representation of each segment, concatenated and processed through a CNN. The CNN uses convolution and pooling to enhance feature extraction and reduce dimensionality, optimizing the data for classification. Additionally, we incorporate class weights based on label frequency to address the class imbalance, significantly improving the classification F1 score and enhancing text classification systems and literature review efficiency.

new Relational Graph Convolutional Networks for Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Asal Khosravi, Zahed Rahmati, Ali Vefghi

Abstract: With the growth of textual data across online platforms, sentiment analysis has become crucial for extracting insights from user-generated content. While traditional approaches and deep learning models have shown promise, they cannot often capture complex relationships between entities. In this paper, we propose leveraging Relational Graph Convolutional Networks (RGCNs) for sentiment analysis, which offer interpretability and flexibility by capturing dependencies between data points represented as nodes in a graph. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by using pre-trained language models such as BERT and RoBERTa with RGCN architecture on product reviews from Amazon and Digikala datasets and evaluating the results. Our experiments highlight the effectiveness of RGCNs in capturing relational information for sentiment analysis tasks.

new SuRe: Summarizing Retrievals using Answer Candidates for Open-domain QA of LLMs

Authors: Jaehyung Kim, Jaehyun Nam, Sangwoo Mo, Jongjin Park, Sang-Woo Lee, Minjoon Seo, Jung-Woo Ha, Jinwoo Shin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have made significant advancements in various natural language processing tasks, including question answering (QA) tasks. While incorporating new information with the retrieval of relevant passages is a promising way to improve QA with LLMs, the existing methods often require additional fine-tuning which becomes infeasible with recent LLMs. Augmenting retrieved passages via prompting has the potential to address this limitation, but this direction has been limitedly explored. To this end, we design a simple yet effective framework to enhance open-domain QA (ODQA) with LLMs, based on the summarized retrieval (SuRe). SuRe helps LLMs predict more accurate answers for a given question, which are well-supported by the summarized retrieval that could be viewed as an explicit rationale extracted from the retrieved passages. Specifically, SuRe first constructs summaries of the retrieved passages for each of the multiple answer candidates. Then, SuRe confirms the most plausible answer from the candidate set by evaluating the validity and ranking of the generated summaries. Experimental results on diverse ODQA benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of SuRe, with improvements of up to 4.6% in exact match (EM) and 4.0% in F1 score over standard prompting approaches. SuRe also can be integrated with a broad range of retrieval methods and LLMs. Finally, the generated summaries from SuRe show additional advantages to measure the importance of retrieved passages and serve as more preferred rationales by models and humans.

new TREACLE: Thrifty Reasoning via Context-Aware LLM and Prompt Selection

Authors: Xuechen Zhang, Zijian Huang, Ege Onur Taga, Carlee Joe-Wong, Samet Oymak, Jiasi Chen

Abstract: Recent successes in natural language processing have led to the proliferation of large language models (LLMs) by multiple providers. Each LLM offering has different inference accuracy, monetary cost, and latency, and their accuracy further depends on the exact wording of the question (i.e., the specific prompt). At the same time, users often have a limit on monetary budget and latency to answer all their questions, and they do not know which LLMs to choose for each question to meet their accuracy and long-term budget requirements. To navigate this rich design space, we propose TREACLE (Thrifty Reasoning via Context-Aware LLM and Prompt Selection), a reinforcement learning policy that jointly selects the model and prompting scheme while respecting the user's monetary cost and latency constraints. TREACLE uses the problem context, including question text embeddings (reflecting the type or difficulty of a query) and the response history (reflecting the consistency of previous responses) to make smart decisions. Our evaluations on standard reasoning datasets (GSM8K, CSQA, and LLC ) with various LLMs and prompts show that TREACLE enables cost savings of up to 85% compared to baselines while maintaining high accuracy. Importantly, it provides the user with the ability to gracefully trade off accuracy for cost.

new Demystifying Legalese: An Automated Approach for Summarizing and Analyzing Overlaps in Privacy Policies and Terms of Service

Authors: Shikha Soneji, Mitchell Hoesing, Sujay Koujalgi, Jonathan Dodge

Abstract: The complexities of legalese in terms and policy documents can bind individuals to contracts they do not fully comprehend, potentially leading to uninformed data sharing. Our work seeks to alleviate this issue by developing language models that provide automated, accessible summaries and scores for such documents, aiming to enhance user understanding and facilitate informed decisions. We compared transformer-based and conventional models during training on our dataset, and RoBERTa performed better overall with a remarkable 0.74 F1-score. Leveraging our best-performing model, RoBERTa, we highlighted redundancies and potential guideline violations by identifying overlaps in GDPR-required documents, underscoring the necessity for stricter GDPR compliance.

new Mathify: Evaluating Large Language Models on Mathematical Problem Solving Tasks

Authors: Avinash Anand, Mohit Gupta, Kritarth Prasad, Navya Singla, Sanjana Sanjeev, Jatin Kumar, Adarsh Raj Shivam, Rajiv Ratn Shah

Abstract: The rapid progress in the field of natural language processing (NLP) systems and the expansion of large language models (LLMs) have opened up numerous opportunities in the field of education and instructional methods. These advancements offer the potential for tailored learning experiences and immediate feedback, all delivered through accessible and cost-effective services. One notable application area for this technological advancement is in the realm of solving mathematical problems. Mathematical problem-solving not only requires the ability to decipher complex problem statements but also the skill to perform precise arithmetic calculations at each step of the problem-solving process. However, the evaluation of the arithmetic capabilities of large language models remains an area that has received relatively little attention. In response, we introduce an extensive mathematics dataset called "MathQuest" sourced from the 11th and 12th standard Mathematics NCERT textbooks. This dataset encompasses mathematical challenges of varying complexity and covers a wide range of mathematical concepts. Utilizing this dataset, we conduct fine-tuning experiments with three prominent LLMs: LLaMA-2, WizardMath, and MAmmoTH. These fine-tuned models serve as benchmarks for evaluating their performance on our dataset. Our experiments reveal that among the three models, MAmmoTH-13B emerges as the most proficient, achieving the highest level of competence in solving the presented mathematical problems. Consequently, MAmmoTH-13B establishes itself as a robust and dependable benchmark for addressing NCERT mathematics problems.

new Multi Class Depression Detection Through Tweets using Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Muhammad Osama Nusrat, Waseem Shahzad, Saad Ahmed Jamal

Abstract: Depression is a significant issue nowadays. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2023, over 280 million individuals are grappling with depression. This is a huge number; if not taken seriously, these numbers will increase rapidly. About 4.89 billion individuals are social media users. People express their feelings and emotions on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, etc. These platforms contain valuable information which can be used for research purposes. Considerable research has been conducted across various social media platforms. However, certain limitations persist in these endeavors. Particularly, previous studies were only focused on detecting depression and the intensity of depression in tweets. Also, there existed inaccuracies in dataset labeling. In this research work, five types of depression (Bipolar, major, psychotic, atypical, and postpartum) were predicted using tweets from the Twitter database based on lexicon labeling. Explainable AI was used to provide reasoning by highlighting the parts of tweets that represent type of depression. Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) was used for feature extraction and training. Machine learning and deep learning methodologies were used to train the model. The BERT model presented the most promising results, achieving an overall accuracy of 0.96.

new Beyond Self-Consistency: Ensemble Reasoning Boosts Consistency and Accuracy of LLMs in Cancer Staging

Authors: Chia-Hsuan Chang, Mary M. Lucas, Yeawon Lee, Christopher C. Yang, Grace Lu-Yao

Abstract: Advances in large language models (LLMs) have encouraged their adoption in the healthcare domain where vital clinical information is often contained in unstructured notes. Cancer staging status is available in clinical reports, but it requires natural language processing to extract the status from the unstructured text. With the advance in clinical-oriented LLMs, it is promising to extract such status without extensive efforts in training the algorithms. Prompting approaches of the pre-trained LLMs that elicit a model's reasoning process, such as chain-of-thought, may help to improve the trustworthiness of the generated responses. Using self-consistency further improves model performance, but often results in inconsistent generations across the multiple reasoning paths. In this study, we propose an ensemble reasoning approach with the aim of improving the consistency of the model generations. Using an open access clinical large language model to determine the pathologic cancer stage from real-world pathology reports, we show that the ensemble reasoning approach is able to improve both the consistency and performance of the LLM in determining cancer stage, thereby demonstrating the potential to use these models in clinical or other domains where reliability and trustworthiness are critical.

new Heterogeneous Subgraph Transformer for Fake News Detection

Authors: Yuchen Zhang, Xiaoxiao Ma, Jia Wu, Jian Yang, Hao Fan

Abstract: Fake news is pervasive on social media, inflicting substantial harm on public discourse and societal well-being. We investigate the explicit structural information and textual features of news pieces by constructing a heterogeneous graph concerning the relations among news topics, entities, and content. Through our study, we reveal that fake news can be effectively detected in terms of the atypical heterogeneous subgraphs centered on them, which encapsulate the essential semantics and intricate relations between news elements. However, suffering from the heterogeneity, exploring such heterogeneous subgraphs remains an open problem. To bridge the gap, this work proposes a heterogeneous subgraph transformer (HeteroSGT) to exploit subgraphs in our constructed heterogeneous graph. In HeteroSGT, we first employ a pre-trained language model to derive both word-level and sentence-level semantics. Then the random walk with restart (RWR) is applied to extract subgraphs centered on each news, which are further fed to our proposed subgraph Transformer to quantify the authenticity. Extensive experiments on five real-world datasets demonstrate the superior performance of HeteroSGT over five baselines. Further case and ablation studies validate our motivation and demonstrate that performance improvement stems from our specially designed components.

new ISQA: Informative Factuality Feedback for Scientific Summarization

Authors: Zekai Li, Yanxia Qin, Qian Liu, Min-Yen Kan

Abstract: We propose Iterative Facuality Refining on Informative Scientific Question-Answering (ISQA) feedback\footnote{Code is available at \url{}}, a method following human learning theories that employs model-generated feedback consisting of both positive and negative information. Through iterative refining of summaries, it probes for the underlying rationale of statements to enhance the factuality of scientific summarization. ISQA does this in a fine-grained manner by asking a summarization agent to reinforce validated statements in positive feedback and fix incorrect ones in negative feedback. Our findings demonstrate that the ISQA feedback mechanism significantly improves the factuality of various open-source LLMs on the summarization task, as evaluated across multiple scientific datasets.


new Double Mixture: Towards Continual Event Detection from Speech

Authors: Jingqi Kang, Tongtong Wu, Jinming Zhao, Guitao Wang, Yinwei Wei, Hao Yang, Guilin Qi, Yuan-Fang Li, Gholamreza Haffari

Abstract: Speech event detection is crucial for multimedia retrieval, involving the tagging of both semantic and acoustic events. Traditional ASR systems often overlook the interplay between these events, focusing solely on content, even though the interpretation of dialogue can vary with environmental context. This paper tackles two primary challenges in speech event detection: the continual integration of new events without forgetting previous ones, and the disentanglement of semantic from acoustic events. We introduce a new task, continual event detection from speech, for which we also provide two benchmark datasets. To address the challenges of catastrophic forgetting and effective disentanglement, we propose a novel method, 'Double Mixture.' This method merges speech expertise with robust memory mechanisms to enhance adaptability and prevent forgetting. Our comprehensive experiments show that this task presents significant challenges that are not effectively addressed by current state-of-the-art methods in either computer vision or natural language processing. Our approach achieves the lowest rates of forgetting and the highest levels of generalization, proving robust across various continual learning sequences. Our code and data are available at


new Evaluating Subword Tokenization: Alien Subword Composition and OOV Generalization Challenge

Authors: Khuyagbaatar Batsuren, Ekaterina Vylomova, Verna Dankers, Tsetsuukhei Delgerbaatar, Omri Uzan, Yuval Pinter, G\'abor Bella

Abstract: The popular subword tokenizers of current language models, such as Byte-Pair Encoding (BPE), are known not to respect morpheme boundaries, which affects the downstream performance of the models. While many improved tokenization algorithms have been proposed, their evaluation and cross-comparison is still an open problem. As a solution, we propose a combined intrinsic-extrinsic evaluation framework for subword tokenization. Intrinsic evaluation is based on our new UniMorph Labeller tool that classifies subword tokenization as either morphological or alien. Extrinsic evaluation, in turn, is performed via the Out-of-Vocabulary Generalization Challenge 1.0 benchmark, which consists of three newly specified downstream text classification tasks. Our empirical findings show that the accuracy of UniMorph Labeller is 98%, and that, in all language models studied (including ALBERT, BERT, RoBERTa, and DeBERTa), alien tokenization leads to poorer generalizations compared to morphological tokenization for semantic compositionality of word meanings.

new Beyond Accuracy: Investigating Error Types in GPT-4 Responses to USMLE Questions

Authors: Soumyadeep Roy, Aparup Khatua, Fatemeh Ghoochani, Uwe Hadler, Wolfgang Nejdl, Niloy Ganguly

Abstract: GPT-4 demonstrates high accuracy in medical QA tasks, leading with an accuracy of 86.70%, followed by Med-PaLM 2 at 86.50%. However, around 14% of errors remain. Additionally, current works use GPT-4 to only predict the correct option without providing any explanation and thus do not provide any insight into the thinking process and reasoning used by GPT-4 or other LLMs. Therefore, we introduce a new domain-specific error taxonomy derived from collaboration with medical students. Our GPT-4 USMLE Error (G4UE) dataset comprises 4153 GPT-4 correct responses and 919 incorrect responses to the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) respectively. These responses are quite long (258 words on average), containing detailed explanations from GPT-4 justifying the selected option. We then launch a large-scale annotation study using the Potato annotation platform and recruit 44 medical experts through Prolific, a well-known crowdsourcing platform. We annotated 300 out of these 919 incorrect data points at a granular level for different classes and created a multi-label span to identify the reasons behind the error. In our annotated dataset, a substantial portion of GPT-4's incorrect responses is categorized as a "Reasonable response by GPT-4," by annotators. This sheds light on the challenge of discerning explanations that may lead to incorrect options, even among trained medical professionals. We also provide medical concepts and medical semantic predications extracted using the SemRep tool for every data point. We believe that it will aid in evaluating the ability of LLMs to answer complex medical questions. We make the resources available at .


new UnibucLLM: Harnessing LLMs for Automated Prediction of Item Difficulty and Response Time for Multiple-Choice Questions

Authors: Ana-Cristina Rogoz, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: This work explores a novel data augmentation method based on Large Language Models (LLMs) for predicting item difficulty and response time of retired USMLE Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) in the BEA 2024 Shared Task. Our approach is based on augmenting the dataset with answers from zero-shot LLMs (Falcon, Meditron, Mistral) and employing transformer-based models based on six alternative feature combinations. The results suggest that predicting the difficulty of questions is more challenging. Notably, our top performing methods consistently include the question text, and benefit from the variability of LLM answers, highlighting the potential of LLMs for improving automated assessment in medical licensing exams. We make our code available


new Swa Bhasha: Message-Based Singlish to Sinhala Transliteration

Authors: Maneesha U. Athukorala, Deshan K. Sumanathilaka

Abstract: Machine Transliteration provides the ability to transliterate a basic language into different languages in a computational way. Transliteration is an important technical process that has caught the attention most recently. The Sinhala transliteration has many constraints because of the insufficiency of resources in the Sinhala language. Due to these limitations, Sinhala Transliteration is highly complex and time-consuming. Therefore, the majority of the Sri Lankans uses non-formal texting language named 'Singlish' to make that process simple. This study has focused on the transliteration of the Singlish language at the word level by reducing the complication in the transliteration. A new approach of coding system has invented with the rule-based approach that can map the matching Sinhala words even without the vowels. Various typing patterns were collected by different communities for this. The collected data have analyzed with every Sinhala character and unique Singlish patterns related to them were generated. The system has introduced a newly initiated numeric coding system to use with the Singlish letters by matching with the recognized typing patterns. For the mapping process, fuzzy logic-based implementation has used. A codified dictionary has also implemented including unique numeric values. In this system, Each Romanized English letter was assigned with a unique numeric code that can construct a unique pattern for each word. The system can identify the most relevant Sinhala word that matches with the pattern of the Singlish word or it gives the most related word suggestions. For example, the word 'kiyanna,kianna, kynna, kynn, kiynna' have mapped with the accurate Sinhala word "kiyanna". These results revealed that the 'Swa Bhasha' transliteration system has the ability to enhance the Sinhala users' experience while conducting the texting in Singlish to Sinhala.

new Semantically Corrected Amharic Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors: Samuael Adnew, Paul Pu Liang

Abstract: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) can play a crucial role in enhancing the accessibility of spoken languages worldwide. In this paper, we build a set of ASR tools for Amharic, a language spoken by more than 50 million people primarily in eastern Africa. Amharic is written in the Ge'ez script, a sequence of graphemes with spacings denoting word boundaries. This makes computational processing of Amharic challenging since the location of spacings can significantly impact the meaning of formed sentences. We find that existing benchmarks for Amharic ASR do not account for these spacings and only measure individual grapheme error rates, leading to significantly inflated measurements of in-the-wild performance. In this paper, we first release corrected transcriptions of existing Amharic ASR test datasets, enabling the community to accurately evaluate progress. Furthermore, we introduce a post-processing approach using a transformer encoder-decoder architecture to organize raw ASR outputs into a grammatically complete and semantically meaningful Amharic sentence. Through experiments on the corrected test dataset, our model enhances the semantic correctness of Amharic speech recognition systems, achieving a Character Error Rate (CER) of 5.5\% and a Word Error Rate (WER) of 23.3\%.

new MahaSQuAD: Bridging Linguistic Divides in Marathi Question-Answering

Authors: Ruturaj Ghatage, Aditya Kulkarni, Rajlaxmi Patil, Sharvi Endait, Raviraj Joshi

Abstract: Question-answering systems have revolutionized information retrieval, but linguistic and cultural boundaries limit their widespread accessibility. This research endeavors to bridge the gap of the absence of efficient QnA datasets in low-resource languages by translating the English Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) using a robust data curation approach. We introduce MahaSQuAD, the first-ever full SQuAD dataset for the Indic language Marathi, consisting of 118,516 training, 11,873 validation, and 11,803 test samples. We also present a gold test set of manually verified 500 examples. Challenges in maintaining context and handling linguistic nuances are addressed, ensuring accurate translations. Moreover, as a QnA dataset cannot be simply converted into any low-resource language using translation, we need a robust method to map the answer translation to its span in the translated passage. Hence, to address this challenge, we also present a generic approach for translating SQuAD into any low-resource language. Thus, we offer a scalable approach to bridge linguistic and cultural gaps present in low-resource languages, in the realm of question-answering systems. The datasets and models are shared publicly at .


new Explanation based Bias Decoupling Regularization for Natural Language Inference

Authors: Jianxiang Zang, Hui Liu

Abstract: The robustness of Transformer-based Natural Language Inference encoders is frequently compromised as they tend to rely more on dataset biases than on the intended task-relevant features. Recent studies have attempted to mitigate this by reducing the weight of biased samples during the training process. However, these debiasing methods primarily focus on identifying which samples are biased without explicitly determining the biased components within each case. This limitation restricts those methods' capability in out-of-distribution inference. To address this issue, we aim to train models to adopt the logic humans use in explaining causality. We propose a simple, comprehensive, and interpretable method: Explanation based Bias Decoupling Regularization (EBD-Reg). EBD-Reg employs human explanations as criteria, guiding the encoder to establish a tripartite parallel supervision of Distinguishing, Decoupling and Aligning. This method enables encoders to identify and focus on keywords that represent the task-relevant features during inference, while discarding the residual elements acting as biases. Empirical evidence underscores that EBD-Reg effectively guides various Transformer-based encoders to decouple biases through a human-centric lens, significantly surpassing other methods in terms of out-of-distribution inference capabilities.

new Retrieval-Augmented Generation-based Relation Extraction

Authors: Sefika Efeoglu, Adrian Paschke

Abstract: Information Extraction (IE) is a transformative process that converts unstructured text data into a structured format by employing entity and relation extraction (RE) methodologies. The identification of the relation between a pair of entities plays a crucial role within this framework. Despite the existence of various techniques for relation extraction, their efficacy heavily relies on access to labeled data and substantial computational resources. In addressing these challenges, Large Language Models (LLMs) emerge as promising solutions; however, they might return hallucinating responses due to their own training data. To overcome these limitations, Retrieved-Augmented Generation-based Relation Extraction (RAG4RE) in this work is proposed, offering a pathway to enhance the performance of relation extraction tasks. This work evaluated the effectiveness of our RAG4RE approach utilizing different LLMs. Through the utilization of established benchmarks, such as TACRED, TACREV, Re-TACRED, and SemEval RE datasets, our aim is to comprehensively evaluate the efficacy of our RAG4RE approach. In particularly, we leverage prominent LLMs including Flan T5, Llama2, and Mistral in our investigation. The results of our study demonstrate that our RAG4RE approach surpasses performance of traditional RE approaches based solely on LLMs, particularly evident in the TACRED dataset and its variations. Furthermore, our approach exhibits remarkable performance compared to previous RE methodologies across both TACRED and TACREV datasets, underscoring its efficacy and potential for advancing RE tasks in natural language processing.

new Fine-Grained Named Entities for Corona News

Authors: Sefika Efeoglu, Adrian Paschke

Abstract: Information resources such as newspapers have produced unstructured text data in various languages related to the corona outbreak since December 2019. Analyzing these unstructured texts is time-consuming without representing them in a structured format; therefore, representing them in a structured format is crucial. An information extraction pipeline with essential tasks -- named entity tagging and relation extraction -- to accomplish this goal might be applied to these texts. This study proposes a data annotation pipeline to generate training data from corona news articles, including generic and domain-specific entities. Named entity recognition models are trained on this annotated corpus and then evaluated on test sentences manually annotated by domain experts evaluating the performance of a trained model. The code base and demonstration are available at


new Do "English" Named Entity Recognizers Work Well on Global Englishes?

Authors: Alexander Shan, John Bauer, Riley Carlson, Christopher Manning

Abstract: The vast majority of the popular English named entity recognition (NER) datasets contain American or British English data, despite the existence of many global varieties of English. As such, it is unclear whether they generalize for analyzing use of English globally. To test this, we build a newswire dataset, the Worldwide English NER Dataset, to analyze NER model performance on low-resource English variants from around the world. We test widely used NER toolkits and transformer models, including models using the pre-trained contextual models RoBERTa and ELECTRA, on three datasets: a commonly used British English newswire dataset, CoNLL 2003, a more American focused dataset OntoNotes, and our global dataset. All models trained on the CoNLL or OntoNotes datasets experienced significant performance drops-over 10 F1 in some cases-when tested on the Worldwide English dataset. Upon examination of region-specific errors, we observe the greatest performance drops for Oceania and Africa, while Asia and the Middle East had comparatively strong performance. Lastly, we find that a combined model trained on the Worldwide dataset and either CoNLL or OntoNotes lost only 1-2 F1 on both test sets.

new IMO: Greedy Layer-Wise Sparse Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Text Classification with Pre-trained Models

Authors: Tao Feng, Lizhen Qu, Zhuang Li, Haolan Zhan, Yuncheng Hua, Gholamreza Haffari

Abstract: Machine learning models have made incredible progress, but they still struggle when applied to examples from unseen domains. This study focuses on a specific problem of domain generalization, where a model is trained on one source domain and tested on multiple target domains that are unseen during training. We propose IMO: Invariant features Masks for Out-of-Distribution text classification, to achieve OOD generalization by learning invariant features. During training, IMO would learn sparse mask layers to remove irrelevant features for prediction, where the remaining features keep invariant. Additionally, IMO has an attention module at the token level to focus on tokens that are useful for prediction. Our comprehensive experiments show that IMO substantially outperforms strong baselines in terms of various evaluation metrics and settings.

new E-QGen: Educational Lecture Abstract-based Question Generation System

Authors: Mao-Siang Chen, An-Zi Yen

Abstract: To optimize the preparation process for educators in academic lectures and associated question-and-answer sessions, this paper presents E-QGen, a lecture abstract-based question generation system. Given a lecture abstract, E-QGen generates potential student inquiries. The questions suggested by our system are expected to not only facilitate teachers in preparing answers in advance but also enable them to supply additional resources when necessary.

new "A good pun is its own reword": Can Large Language Models Understand Puns?

Authors: Zhijun Xu, Siyu Yuan, Lingjie Chen, Deqing Yang

Abstract: Puns play a vital role in academic research due to their distinct structure and clear definition, which aid in the comprehensive analysis of linguistic humor. However, the understanding of puns in large language models (LLMs) has not been thoroughly examined, limiting their use in creative writing and humor creation. In this paper, we leverage three popular tasks, i.e., pun recognition, explanation and generation to systematically evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in pun understanding. In addition to adopting the automated evaluation metrics from prior research, we introduce new evaluation methods and metrics that are better suited to the in-context learning paradigm of LLMs. These new metrics offer a more rigorous assessment of an LLM's ability to understand puns and align more closely with human cognition than previous metrics. Our findings reveal the "lazy pun generation" pattern and identify the primary challenges LLMs encounter in understanding puns.

new The Branch Not Taken: Predicting Branching in Online Conversations

Authors: Shai Meital, Lior Rokach, Roman Vainshtein, Nir Grinberg

Abstract: Multi-participant discussions tend to unfold in a tree structure rather than a chain structure. Branching may occur for multiple reasons -- from the asynchronous nature of online platforms to a conscious decision by an interlocutor to disengage with part of the conversation. Predicting branching and understanding the reasons for creating new branches is important for many downstream tasks such as summarization and thread disentanglement and may help develop online spaces that encourage users to engage in online discussions in more meaningful ways. In this work, we define the novel task of branch prediction and propose GLOBS (Global Branching Score) -- a deep neural network model for predicting branching. GLOBS is evaluated on three large discussion forums from Reddit, achieving significant improvements over an array of competitive baselines and demonstrating better transferability. We affirm that structural, temporal, and linguistic features contribute to GLOBS success and find that branching is associated with a greater number of conversation participants and tends to occur in earlier levels of the conversation tree. We publicly release GLOBS and our implementation of all baseline models to allow reproducibility and promote further research on this important task.

new NegotiationToM: A Benchmark for Stress-testing Machine Theory of Mind on Negotiation Surrounding

Authors: Chunkit Chan, Cheng Jiayang, Yauwai Yim, Zheye Deng, Wei Fan, Haoran Li, Xin Liu, Hongming Zhang, Weiqi Wang, Yangqiu Song

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have sparked substantial interest and debate concerning their potential emergence of Theory of Mind (ToM) ability. Theory of mind evaluations currently focuses on testing models using machine-generated data or game settings prone to shortcuts and spurious correlations, which lacks evaluation of machine ToM ability in real-world human interaction scenarios. This poses a pressing demand to develop new real-world scenario benchmarks. We introduce NegotiationToM, a new benchmark designed to stress-test machine ToM in real-world negotiation surrounding covered multi-dimensional mental states (i.e., desires, beliefs, and intentions). Our benchmark builds upon the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) agent modeling theory and conducts the necessary empirical experiments to evaluate large language models. Our findings demonstrate that NegotiationToM is challenging for state-of-the-art LLMs, as they consistently perform significantly worse than humans, even when employing the chain-of-thought (CoT) method.

new Mixture of LoRA Experts

Authors: Xun Wu, Shaohan Huang, Furu Wei

Abstract: LoRA has gained widespread acceptance in the fine-tuning of large pre-trained models to cater to a diverse array of downstream tasks, showcasing notable effectiveness and efficiency, thereby solidifying its position as one of the most prevalent fine-tuning techniques. Due to the modular nature of LoRA's plug-and-play plugins, researchers have delved into the amalgamation of multiple LoRAs to empower models to excel across various downstream tasks. Nonetheless, extant approaches for LoRA fusion grapple with inherent challenges. Direct arithmetic merging may result in the loss of the original pre-trained model's generative capabilities or the distinct identity of LoRAs, thereby yielding suboptimal outcomes. On the other hand, Reference tuning-based fusion exhibits limitations concerning the requisite flexibility for the effective combination of multiple LoRAs. In response to these challenges, this paper introduces the Mixture of LoRA Experts (MoLE) approach, which harnesses hierarchical control and unfettered branch selection. The MoLE approach not only achieves superior LoRA fusion performance in comparison to direct arithmetic merging but also retains the crucial flexibility for combining LoRAs effectively. Extensive experimental evaluations conducted in both the Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Vision & Language (V&L) domains substantiate the efficacy of MoLE.

new PEACH: Pretrained-embedding Explanation Across Contextual and Hierarchical Structure

Authors: Feiqi Cao, Caren Han, Hyunsuk Chung

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel tree-based explanation technique, PEACH (Pretrained-embedding Explanation Across Contextual and Hierarchical Structure), that can explain how text-based documents are classified by using any pretrained contextual embeddings in a tree-based human-interpretable manner. Note that PEACH can adopt any contextual embeddings of the PLMs as a training input for the decision tree. Using the proposed PEACH, we perform a comprehensive analysis of several contextual embeddings on nine different NLP text classification benchmarks. This analysis demonstrates the flexibility of the model by applying several PLM contextual embeddings, its attribute selections, scaling, and clustering methods. Furthermore, we show the utility of explanations by visualising the feature selection and important trend of text classification via human-interpretable word-cloud-based trees, which clearly identify model mistakes and assist in dataset debugging. Besides interpretability, PEACH outperforms or is similar to those from pretrained models.

new Trojan Detection in Large Language Models: Insights from The Trojan Detection Challenge

Authors: Narek Maloyan, Ekansh Verma, Bulat Nutfullin, Bislan Ashinov

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in various domains, but their vulnerability to trojan or backdoor attacks poses significant security risks. This paper explores the challenges and insights gained from the Trojan Detection Competition 2023 (TDC2023), which focused on identifying and evaluating trojan attacks on LLMs. We investigate the difficulty of distinguishing between intended and unintended triggers, as well as the feasibility of reverse engineering trojans in real-world scenarios. Our comparative analysis of various trojan detection methods reveals that achieving high Recall scores is significantly more challenging than obtaining high Reverse-Engineering Attack Success Rate (REASR) scores. The top-performing methods in the competition achieved Recall scores around 0.16, comparable to a simple baseline of randomly sampling sentences from a distribution similar to the given training prefixes. This finding raises questions about the detectability and recoverability of trojans inserted into the model, given only the harmful targets. Despite the inability to fully solve the problem, the competition has led to interesting observations about the viability of trojan detection and improved techniques for optimizing LLM input prompts. The phenomenon of unintended triggers and the difficulty in distinguishing them from intended triggers highlights the need for further research into the robustness and interpretability of LLMs. The TDC2023 has provided valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities associated with trojan detection in LLMs, laying the groundwork for future research in this area to ensure their safety and reliability in real-world applications.

new Embarrassingly Simple Unsupervised Aspect Based Sentiment Tuple Extraction

Authors: Kevin Scaria, Abyn Scaria, Ben Scaria

Abstract: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) tasks involve the extraction of fine-grained sentiment tuples from sentences, aiming to discern the author's opinions. Conventional methodologies predominantly rely on supervised approaches; however, the efficacy of such methods diminishes in low-resource domains lacking labeled datasets since they often lack the ability to generalize across domains. To address this challenge, we propose a simple and novel unsupervised approach to extract opinion terms and the corresponding sentiment polarity for aspect terms in a sentence. Our experimental evaluations, conducted on four benchmark datasets, demonstrate compelling performance to extract the aspect oriented opinion words as well as assigning sentiment polarity. Additionally, unsupervised approaches for opinion word mining have not been explored and our work establishes a benchmark for the same.

new How to Encode Domain Information in Relation Classification

Authors: Elisa Bassignana, Viggo Unmack Gascou, Frida N{\o}hr Laustsen, Gustav Kristensen, Marie Haahr Petersen, Rob van der Goot, Barbara Plank

Abstract: Current language models require a lot of training data to obtain high performance. For Relation Classification (RC), many datasets are domain-specific, so combining datasets to obtain better performance is non-trivial. We explore a multi-domain training setup for RC, and attempt to improve performance by encoding domain information. Our proposed models improve > 2 Macro-F1 against the baseline setup, and our analysis reveals that not all the labels benefit the same: The classes which occupy a similar space across domains (i.e., their interpretation is close across them, for example "physical") benefit the least, while domain-dependent relations (e.g., "part-of'') improve the most when encoding domain information.

new Using Adaptive Empathetic Responses for Teaching English

Authors: Li Siyan, Teresa Shao, Zhou Yu, Julia Hirschberg

Abstract: Existing English-teaching chatbots rarely incorporate empathy explicitly in their feedback, but empathetic feedback could help keep students engaged and reduce learner anxiety. Toward this end, we propose the task of negative emotion detection via audio, for recognizing empathetic feedback opportunities in language learning. We then build the first spoken English-teaching chatbot with adaptive, empathetic feedback. This feedback is synthesized through automatic prompt optimization of ChatGPT and is evaluated with English learners. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system through a preliminary user study.

new Automated Text Mining of Experimental Methodologies from Biomedical Literature

Authors: Ziqing Guo

Abstract: Biomedical literature is a rapidly expanding field of science and technology. Classification of biomedical texts is an essential part of biomedicine research, especially in the field of biology. This work proposes the fine-tuned DistilBERT, a methodology-specific, pre-trained generative classification language model for mining biomedicine texts. The model has proven its effectiveness in linguistic understanding capabilities and has reduced the size of BERT models by 40\% but by 60\% faster. The main objective of this project is to improve the model and assess the performance of the model compared to the non-fine-tuned model. We used DistilBert as a support model and pre-trained on a corpus of 32,000 abstracts and complete text articles; our results were impressive and surpassed those of traditional literature classification methods by using RNN or LSTM. Our aim is to integrate this highly specialised and specific model into different research industries.

new Evaluating Retrieval Quality in Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Alireza Salemi, Hamed Zamani

Abstract: Evaluating retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) presents challenges, particularly for retrieval models within these systems. Traditional end-to-end evaluation methods are computationally expensive. Furthermore, evaluation of the retrieval model's performance based on query-document relevance labels shows a small correlation with the RAG system's downstream performance. We propose a novel evaluation approach, eRAG, where each document in the retrieval list is individually utilized by the large language model within the RAG system. The output generated for each document is then evaluated based on the downstream task ground truth labels. In this manner, the downstream performance for each document serves as its relevance label. We employ various downstream task metrics to obtain document-level annotations and aggregate them using set-based or ranking metrics. Extensive experiments on a wide range of datasets demonstrate that eRAG achieves a higher correlation with downstream RAG performance compared to baseline methods, with improvements in Kendall's $\tau$ correlation ranging from 0.168 to 0.494. Additionally, eRAG offers significant computational advantages, improving runtime and consuming up to 50 times less GPU memory than end-to-end evaluation.

new Lightweight Connective Detection Using Gradient Boosting

Authors: Mustafa Erolcan Er, Murathan Kurfal{\i}, Deniz Zeyrek

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a lightweight discourse connective detection system. Employing gradient boosting trained on straightforward, low-complexity features, this proposed approach sidesteps the computational demands of the current approaches that rely on deep neural networks. Considering its simplicity, our approach achieves competitive results while offering significant gains in terms of time even on CPU. Furthermore, the stable performance across two unrelated languages suggests the robustness of our system in the multilingual scenario. The model is designed to support the annotation of discourse relations, particularly in scenarios with limited resources, while minimizing performance loss.

new From LLM to NMT: Advancing Low-Resource Machine Translation with Claude

Authors: Maxim Enis, Mark Hopkins

Abstract: We show that Claude 3 Opus, a large language model (LLM) released by Anthropic in March 2024, exhibits stronger machine translation competence than other LLMs. Though we find evidence of data contamination with Claude on FLORES-200, we curate new benchmarks that corroborate the effectiveness of Claude for low-resource machine translation into English. We find that Claude has remarkable \textit{resource efficiency} -- the degree to which the quality of the translation model depends on a language pair's resource level. Finally, we show that advancements in LLM translation can be compressed into traditional neural machine translation (NMT) models. Using Claude to generate synthetic data, we demonstrate that knowledge distillation advances the state-of-the-art in Yoruba-English translation, meeting or surpassing strong baselines like NLLB-54B and Google Translate.

new Understanding the role of FFNs in driving multilingual behaviour in LLMs

Authors: Sunit Bhattacharya, Ond\v{r}ej Bojar

Abstract: Multilingualism in Large Language Models (LLMs) is an yet under-explored area. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the multilingual capabilities of a family of a Large Language Model, examining its architecture, activation patterns, and processing mechanisms across languages. We introduce novel metrics to probe the model's multilingual behaviour at different layers and shed light on the impact of architectural choices on multilingual processing. Our findings reveal different patterns of multilinugal processing in the sublayers of Feed-Forward Networks of the models. Furthermore, we uncover the phenomenon of "over-layerization" in certain model configurations, where increasing layer depth without corresponding adjustments to other parameters may degrade model performance. Through comparisons within and across languages, we demonstrate the interplay between model architecture, layer depth, and multilingual processing capabilities of LLMs trained on multiple languages.

new Context-Enhanced Language Models for Generating Multi-Paper Citations

Authors: Avinash Anand, Kritarth Prasad, Ujjwal Goel, Mohit Gupta, Naman Lal, Astha Verma, Rajiv Ratn Shah

Abstract: Citation text plays a pivotal role in elucidating the connection between scientific documents, demanding an in-depth comprehension of the cited paper. Constructing citations is often time-consuming, requiring researchers to delve into extensive literature and grapple with articulating relevant content. To address this challenge, the field of citation text generation (CTG) has emerged. However, while earlier methods have primarily centered on creating single-sentence citations, practical scenarios frequently necessitate citing multiple papers within a single paragraph. To bridge this gap, we propose a method that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate multi-citation sentences. Our approach involves a single source paper and a collection of target papers, culminating in a coherent paragraph containing multi-sentence citation text. Furthermore, we introduce a curated dataset named MCG-S2ORC, composed of English-language academic research papers in Computer Science, showcasing multiple citation instances. In our experiments, we evaluate three LLMs LLaMA, Alpaca, and Vicuna to ascertain the most effective model for this endeavor. Additionally, we exhibit enhanced performance by integrating knowledge graphs from target papers into the prompts for generating citation text. This research underscores the potential of harnessing LLMs for citation generation, opening a compelling avenue for exploring the intricate connections between scientific documents.

new VALOR-EVAL: Holistic Coverage and Faithfulness Evaluation of Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Haoyi Qiu, Wenbo Hu, Zi-Yi Dou, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) suffer from hallucination issues, wherein the models generate plausible-sounding but factually incorrect outputs, undermining their reliability. A comprehensive quantitative evaluation is necessary to identify and understand the extent of hallucinations in these models. However, existing benchmarks are often limited in scope, focusing mainly on object hallucinations. Furthermore, current evaluation methods struggle to effectively address the subtle semantic distinctions between model outputs and reference data, as well as the balance between hallucination and informativeness. To address these issues, we introduce a multi-dimensional benchmark covering objects, attributes, and relations, with challenging images selected based on associative biases. Moreover, we propose an large language model (LLM)-based two-stage evaluation framework that generalizes the popular CHAIR metric and incorporates both faithfulness and coverage into the evaluation. Experiments on 10 established LVLMs demonstrate that our evaluation metric is more comprehensive and better correlated with humans than existing work when evaluating on our challenging human annotated benchmark dataset. Our work also highlights the critical balance between faithfulness and coverage of model outputs, and encourages future works to address hallucinations in LVLMs while keeping their outputs informative.

new Towards Better Text-to-Image Generation Alignment via Attention Modulation

Authors: Yihang Wu, Xiao Cao, Kaixin Li, Zitan Chen, Haonan Wang, Lei Meng, Zhiyong Huang

Abstract: In text-to-image generation tasks, the advancements of diffusion models have facilitated the fidelity of generated results. However, these models encounter challenges when processing text prompts containing multiple entities and attributes. The uneven distribution of attention results in the issues of entity leakage and attribute misalignment. Training from scratch to address this issue requires numerous labeled data and is resource-consuming. Motivated by this, we propose an attribution-focusing mechanism, a training-free phase-wise mechanism by modulation of attention for diffusion model. One of our core ideas is to guide the model to concentrate on the corresponding syntactic components of the prompt at distinct timesteps. To achieve this, we incorporate a temperature control mechanism within the early phases of the self-attention modules to mitigate entity leakage issues. An object-focused masking scheme and a phase-wise dynamic weight control mechanism are integrated into the cross-attention modules, enabling the model to discern the affiliation of semantic information between entities more effectively. The experimental results in various alignment scenarios demonstrate that our model attain better image-text alignment with minimal additional computational cost.

new Generating Attractive and Authentic Copywriting from Customer Reviews

Authors: Yu-Xiang Lin, Wei-Yun Ma

Abstract: The goal of product copywriting is to capture the interest of potential buyers by emphasizing the features of products through text descriptions. As e-commerce platforms offer a wide range of services, it's becoming essential to dynamically adjust the styles of these auto-generated descriptions. Typical approaches to copywriting generation often rely solely on specified product attributes, which may result in dull and repetitive content. To tackle this issue, we propose to generate copywriting based on customer reviews, as they provide firsthand practical experiences with products, offering a richer source of information than just product attributes. We have developed a sequence-to-sequence framework, enhanced with reinforcement learning, to produce copywriting that is attractive, authentic, and rich in information. Our framework outperforms all existing baseline and zero-shot large language models, including LLaMA-2-chat-7B and GPT-3.5, in terms of both attractiveness and faithfulness. Furthermore, this work features the use of LLMs for aspect-based summaries collection and argument allure assessment. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of using LLMs for marketing domain corpus construction. The code and the dataset is publicly available at:


new Navigating the Path of Writing: Outline-guided Text Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Yukyung Lee, Soonwon Ka, Bokyung Son, Pilsung Kang, Jaewook Kang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly impacted the writing process, enabling collaborative content creation and enhancing productivity. However, generating high-quality, user-aligned text remains challenging. In this paper, we propose Writing Path, a framework that uses explicit outlines to guide LLMs in generating goal-oriented, high-quality pieces of writing. Our approach draws inspiration from structured writing planning and reasoning paths, focusing on capturing and reflecting user intentions throughout the writing process. We construct a diverse dataset from unstructured blog posts to benchmark writing performance and introduce a comprehensive evaluation framework assessing the quality of outlines and generated texts. Our evaluations with GPT-3.5-turbo, GPT-4, and HyperCLOVA X demonstrate that the Writing Path approach significantly enhances text quality according to both LLMs and human evaluations. This study highlights the potential of integrating writing-specific techniques into LLMs to enhance their ability to meet the diverse writing needs of users.

new MARIO Eval: Evaluate Your Math LLM with your Math LLM--A mathematical dataset evaluation toolkit

Authors: Boning Zhang, Chengxi Li, Kai Fan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have been explored in a variety of reasoning tasks including solving of mathematical problems. Each math dataset typically includes its own specially designed evaluation script, which, while suitable for its intended use, lacks generalizability across different datasets. Consequently, updates and adaptations to these evaluation tools tend to occur without being systematically reported, leading to inconsistencies and obstacles to fair comparison across studies. To bridge this gap, we introduce a comprehensive mathematical evaluation toolkit that not only utilizes a python computer algebra system (CAS) for its numerical accuracy, but also integrates an optional LLM, known for its considerable natural language processing capabilities. To validate the effectiveness of our toolkit, we manually annotated two distinct datasets. Our experiments demonstrate that the toolkit yields more robust evaluation results compared to prior works, even without an LLM. Furthermore, when an LLM is incorporated, there is a notable enhancement. The code for our method will be made available at \url{}.


new A User-Centric Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models

Authors: Jiayin Wang, Fengran Mo, Weizhi Ma, Peijie Sun, Min Zhang, Jian-Yun Nie

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are essential tools to collaborate with users on different tasks. Evaluating their performance to serve users' needs in real-world scenarios is important. While many benchmarks have been created, they mainly focus on specific predefined model abilities. Few have covered the intended utilization of LLMs by real users. To address this oversight, we propose benchmarking LLMs from a user perspective in both dataset construction and evaluation designs. We first collect 1863 real-world use cases with 15 LLMs from a user study with 712 participants from 23 countries. These self-reported cases form the User Reported Scenarios(URS) dataset with a categorization of 7 user intents. Secondly, on this authentic multi-cultural dataset, we benchmark 10 LLM services on their efficacy in satisfying user needs. Thirdly, we show that our benchmark scores align well with user-reported experience in LLM interactions across diverse intents, both of which emphasize the overlook of subjective scenarios. In conclusion, our study proposes to benchmark LLMs from a user-centric perspective, aiming to facilitate evaluations that better reflect real user needs. The benchmark dataset and code are available at


new Typos that Broke the RAG's Back: Genetic Attack on RAG Pipeline by Simulating Documents in the Wild via Low-level Perturbations

Authors: Sukmin Cho, Soyeong Jeong, Jeongyeon Seo, Taeho Hwang, Jong C. Park

Abstract: The robustness of recent Large Language Models (LLMs) has become increasingly crucial as their applicability expands across various domains and real-world applications. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) is a promising solution for addressing the limitations of LLMs, yet existing studies on the robustness of RAG often overlook the interconnected relationships between RAG components or the potential threats prevalent in real-world databases, such as minor textual errors. In this work, we investigate two underexplored aspects when assessing the robustness of RAG: 1) vulnerability to noisy documents through low-level perturbations and 2) a holistic evaluation of RAG robustness. Furthermore, we introduce a novel attack method, the Genetic Attack on RAG (\textit{GARAG}), which targets these aspects. Specifically, GARAG is designed to reveal vulnerabilities within each component and test the overall system functionality against noisy documents. We validate RAG robustness by applying our \textit{GARAG} to standard QA datasets, incorporating diverse retrievers and LLMs. The experimental results show that GARAG consistently achieves high attack success rates. Also, it significantly devastates the performance of each component and their synergy, highlighting the substantial risk that minor textual inaccuracies pose in disrupting RAG systems in the real world.

new How Well Can LLMs Echo Us? Evaluating AI Chatbots' Role-Play Ability with ECHO

Authors: Man Tik Ng, Hui Tung Tse, Jen-tse Huang, Jingjing Li, Wenxuan Wang, Michael R. Lyu

Abstract: The role-play ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a popular research direction. However, existing studies focus on imitating well-known public figures or fictional characters, overlooking the potential for simulating ordinary individuals. Such an oversight limits the potential for advancements in digital human clones and non-player characters in video games. To bridge this gap, we introduce ECHO, an evaluative framework inspired by the Turing test. This framework engages the acquaintances of the target individuals to distinguish between human and machine-generated responses. Notably, our framework focuses on emulating average individuals rather than historical or fictional figures, presenting a unique advantage to apply the Turing Test. We evaluated three role-playing LLMs using ECHO, with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 serving as foundational models, alongside the online application GPTs from OpenAI. Our results demonstrate that GPT-4 more effectively deceives human evaluators, and GPTs achieves a leading success rate of 48.3%. Furthermore, we investigated whether LLMs could discern between human-generated and machine-generated texts. While GPT-4 can identify differences, it could not determine which texts were human-produced. Our code and results of reproducing the role-playing LLMs are made publicly available via


new Protecting Your LLMs with Information Bottleneck

Authors: Zichuan Liu, Zefan Wang, Linjie Xu, Jinyu Wang, Lei Song, Tianchun Wang, Chunlin Chen, Wei Cheng, Jiang Bian

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field of natural language processing, yet they might be attacked to produce harmful content. Despite efforts to ethically align LLMs, these are often fragile and can be circumvented by jailbreaking attacks through optimized or manual adversarial prompts. To address this, we introduce the Information Bottleneck Protector (IBProtector), a defense mechanism grounded in the information bottleneck principle, and we modify the objective to avoid trivial solutions. The IBProtector selectively compresses and perturbs prompts, facilitated by a lightweight and trainable extractor, preserving only essential information for the target LLMs to respond with the expected answer. Moreover, we further consider a situation where the gradient is not visible to be compatible with any LLM. Our empirical evaluations show that IBProtector outperforms current defense methods in mitigating jailbreak attempts, without overly affecting response quality or inference speed. Its effectiveness and adaptability across various attack methods and target LLMs underscore the potential of IBProtector as a novel, transferable defense that bolsters the security of LLMs without requiring modifications to the underlying models.

new Information Re-Organization Improves Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaoxia Cheng, Zeqi Tan, Weiming Lu

Abstract: Improving the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) has attracted considerable interest. Recent approaches primarily focus on improving the reasoning process to yield a more precise final answer. However, in scenarios involving contextually aware reasoning, these methods neglect the importance of first identifying logical relationships from the context before proceeding with the reasoning. This oversight could lead to a superficial understanding and interaction with the context, potentially undermining the quality and reliability of the reasoning outcomes. In this paper, we propose an information re-organization (InfoRE) method before proceeding with the reasoning to enhance the reasoning ability of LLMs. We first perform a re-organization processing of the contextual content, e.g., documents or paragraphs, to obtain logical relationships. Then, we utilize the re-organized information in the reasoning process. This enables LLMs to deeply understand the contextual content by clearly perceiving these logical relationships. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving the reasoning ability, we conduct experiments using Llama2-70B, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 on various contextually aware multi-hop reasoning tasks. Using only a zero-shot setting, our method achieves an average improvement of 3\% across all tasks, highlighting its potential to improve the reasoning performance of LLMs. Our source code is available at


new Exploring neural oscillations during speech perception via surrogate gradient spiking neural networks

Authors: Alexandre Bittar, Philip N. Garner

Abstract: Understanding cognitive processes in the brain demands sophisticated models capable of replicating neural dynamics at large scales. We present a physiologically inspired speech recognition architecture, compatible and scalable with deep learning frameworks, and demonstrate that end-to-end gradient descent training leads to the emergence of neural oscillations in the central spiking neural network. Significant cross-frequency couplings, indicative of these oscillations, are measured within and across network layers during speech processing, whereas no such interactions are observed when handling background noise inputs. Furthermore, our findings highlight the crucial inhibitory role of feedback mechanisms, such as spike frequency adaptation and recurrent connections, in regulating and synchronising neural activity to improve recognition performance. Overall, on top of developing our understanding of synchronisation phenomena notably observed in the human auditory pathway, our architecture exhibits dynamic and efficient information processing, with relevance to neuromorphic technology.

new LLMs Know What They Need: Leveraging a Missing Information Guided Framework to Empower Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Keheng Wang, Feiyu Duan, Peiguang Li, Sirui Wang, Xunliang Cai

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) demonstrates great value in alleviating outdated knowledge or hallucination by supplying LLMs with updated and relevant knowledge. However, there are still several difficulties for RAG in understanding complex multi-hop query and retrieving relevant documents, which require LLMs to perform reasoning and retrieve step by step. Inspired by human's reasoning process in which they gradually search for the required information, it is natural to ask whether the LLMs could notice the missing information in each reasoning step. In this work, we first experimentally verified the ability of LLMs to extract information as well as to know the missing. Based on the above discovery, we propose a Missing Information Guided Retrieve-Extraction-Solving paradigm (MIGRES), where we leverage the identification of missing information to generate a targeted query that steers the subsequent knowledge retrieval. Besides, we design a sentence-level re-ranking filtering approach to filter the irrelevant content out from document, along with the information extraction capability of LLMs to extract useful information from cleaned-up documents, which in turn to bolster the overall efficacy of RAG. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple public datasets reveal the superiority of the proposed MIGRES method, and analytical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed modules.

new Differential contributions of machine learning and statistical analysis to language and cognitive sciences

Authors: Kun Sun, Rong Wang

Abstract: Data-driven approaches have revolutionized scientific research. Machine learning and statistical analysis are commonly utilized in this type of research. Despite their widespread use, these methodologies differ significantly in their techniques and objectives. Few studies have utilized a consistent dataset to demonstrate these differences within the social sciences, particularly in language and cognitive sciences. This study leverages the Buckeye Speech Corpus to illustrate how both machine learning and statistical analysis are applied in data-driven research to obtain distinct insights. This study significantly enhances our understanding of the diverse approaches employed in data-driven strategies.

new Bored to Death: Artificial Intelligence Research Reveals the Role of Boredom in Suicide Behavior

Authors: Shir Lissak, Yaakov Ophir, Refael Tikochinski, Anat Brunstein Klomek, Itay Sisso, Eyal Fruchter, Roi Reichart

Abstract: Background: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) contributed significantly to suicide assessment, however, our theoretical understanding of this complex behavior is still limited. Objective: This study aimed to harness AI methodologies to uncover hidden risk factors that trigger or aggravate suicide behaviors. Method: The primary dataset included 228,052 Facebook postings by 1,006 users who completed the gold-standard Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale. This dataset was analyzed using a bottom-up research pipeline without a-priory hypotheses and its findings were validated using a top-down analysis of a new dataset. This secondary dataset included responses by 1,062 participants to the same suicide scale as well as to well-validated scales measuring depression and boredom. Results: An almost fully automated, AI-guided research pipeline resulted in four Facebook topics that predicted the risk of suicide, of which the strongest predictor was boredom. A comprehensive literature review using APA PsycInfo revealed that boredom is rarely perceived as a unique risk factor of suicide. A complementing top-down path analysis of the secondary dataset uncovered an indirect relationship between boredom and suicide, which was mediated by depression. An equivalent mediated relationship was observed in the primary Facebook dataset as well. However, here, a direct relationship between boredom and suicide risk was also observed. Conclusions: Integrating AI methods allowed the discovery of an under-researched risk factor of suicide. The study signals boredom as a maladaptive 'ingredient' that might trigger suicide behaviors, regardless of depression. Further studies are recommended to direct clinicians' attention to this burdening, and sometimes existential experience.

new Fine-Tuning Large Language Models to Translate: Will a Touch of Noisy Data in Misaligned Languages Suffice?

Authors: Dawei Zhu, Pinzhen Chen, Miaoran Zhang, Barry Haddow, Xiaoyu Shen, Dietrich Klakow

Abstract: Traditionally, success in multilingual machine translation can be attributed to three key factors in training data: large volume, diverse translation directions, and high quality. In the current practice of fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) for translation, we revisit the importance of all these factors. We find that LLMs display strong translation capability after being fine-tuned on as few as 32 training instances, and that fine-tuning on a single translation direction effectively enables LLMs to translate in multiple directions. However, the choice of direction is critical: fine-tuning LLMs with English on the target side can lead to task misinterpretation, which hinders translations into non-English languages. A similar problem arises when noise is introduced into the target side of parallel data, especially when the target language is well-represented in the LLM's pre-training. In contrast, noise in an under-represented language has a less pronounced effect. Our findings suggest that attaining successful alignment hinges on teaching the model to maintain a "superficial" focus, thereby avoiding the learning of erroneous biases beyond translation.

new SemEval-2024 Task 8: Multidomain, Multimodel and Multilingual Machine-Generated Text Detection

Authors: Yuxia Wang, Jonibek Mansurov, Petar Ivanov, Jinyan Su, Artem Shelmanov, Akim Tsvigun, Osama Mohammed Afzal, Tarek Mahmoud, Giovanni Puccetti, Thomas Arnold, Chenxi Whitehouse, Alham Fikri Aji, Nizar Habash, Iryna Gurevych, Preslav Nakov

Abstract: We present the results and the main findings of SemEval-2024 Task 8: Multigenerator, Multidomain, and Multilingual Machine-Generated Text Detection. The task featured three subtasks. Subtask A is a binary classification task determining whether a text is written by a human or generated by a machine. This subtask has two tracks: a monolingual track focused solely on English texts and a multilingual track. Subtask B is to detect the exact source of a text, discerning whether it is written by a human or generated by a specific LLM. Subtask C aims to identify the changing point within a text, at which the authorship transitions from human to machine. The task attracted a large number of participants: subtask A monolingual (126), subtask A multilingual (59), subtask B (70), and subtask C (30). In this paper, we present the task, analyze the results, and discuss the system submissions and the methods they used. For all subtasks, the best systems used LLMs.

new Swap distance minimization beyond entropy minimization in word order variation

Authors: V\'ictor Franco-S\'anchez, Arnau Mart\'i-Llobet, Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho

Abstract: Here we consider the problem of all the possible orders of a linguistic structure formed by $n$ elements, for instance, subject, direct object and verb ($n=3$) or subject, direct object, indirect object and verb ($n=4$). We investigate if the frequency of the $n!$ possible orders is constrained by two principles. First, entropy minimization, a principle that has been suggested to shape natural communication systems at distinct levels of organization. Second, swap distance minimization, namely a preference for word orders that require fewer swaps of adjacent elements to be produced from a source order. Here we present average swap distance, a novel score for research on swap distance minimization, and investigate the theoretical distribution of that score for any $n$: its minimum and maximum values and its expected value in die rolling experiments or when the word order frequencies are shuffled. We investigate whether entropy and average swap distance are significantly small in distinct linguistic structures with $n=3$ or $n=4$ in agreement with the corresponding minimization principles. We find strong evidence of entropy minimization and swap distance minimization with respect to a die rolling experiment. The evidence of these two forces with respect to a Polya urn process is strong for $n=4$ but weaker for $n=3$. We still find evidence of swap distance minimization when word order frequencies are shuffled, indicating that swap distance minimization effects are beyond pressure to minimize word order entropy.

new EnzChemRED, a rich enzyme chemistry relation extraction dataset

Authors: Po-Ting Lai, Elisabeth Coudert, Lucila Aimo, Kristian Axelsen, Lionel Breuza, Edouard de Castro, Marc Feuermann, Anne Morgat, Lucille Pourcel, Ivo Pedruzzi, Sylvain Poux, Nicole Redaschi, Catherine Rivoire, Anastasia Sveshnikova, Chih-Hsuan Wei, Robert Leaman, Ling Luo, Zhiyong Lu, Alan Bridge

Abstract: Expert curation is essential to capture knowledge of enzyme functions from the scientific literature in FAIR open knowledgebases but cannot keep pace with the rate of new discoveries and new publications. In this work we present EnzChemRED, for Enzyme Chemistry Relation Extraction Dataset, a new training and benchmarking dataset to support the development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods such as (large) language models that can assist enzyme curation. EnzChemRED consists of 1,210 expert curated PubMed abstracts in which enzymes and the chemical reactions they catalyze are annotated using identifiers from the UniProt Knowledgebase (UniProtKB) and the ontology of Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI). We show that fine-tuning pre-trained language models with EnzChemRED can significantly boost their ability to identify mentions of proteins and chemicals in text (Named Entity Recognition, or NER) and to extract the chemical conversions in which they participate (Relation Extraction, or RE), with average F1 score of 86.30% for NER, 86.66% for RE for chemical conversion pairs, and 83.79% for RE for chemical conversion pairs and linked enzymes. We combine the best performing methods after fine-tuning using EnzChemRED to create an end-to-end pipeline for knowledge extraction from text and apply this to abstracts at PubMed scale to create a draft map of enzyme functions in literature to guide curation efforts in UniProtKB and the reaction knowledgebase Rhea. The EnzChemRED corpus is freely available at


new Text-Tuple-Table: Towards Information Integration in Text-to-Table Generation via Global Tuple Extraction

Authors: Zheye Deng, Chunkit Chan, Weiqi Wang, Yuxi Sun, Wei Fan, Tianshi Zheng, Yauwai Yim, Yangqiu Song

Abstract: The task of condensing large chunks of textual information into concise and structured tables has gained attention recently due to the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their potential benefit for downstream tasks, such as text summarization and text mining. Previous approaches often generate tables that directly replicate information from the text, limiting their applicability in broader contexts, as text-to-table generation in real-life scenarios necessitates information extraction, reasoning, and integration. However, there is a lack of both datasets and methodologies towards this task. In this paper, we introduce LiveSum, a new benchmark dataset created for generating summary tables of competitions based on real-time commentary texts. We evaluate the performances of state-of-the-art LLMs on this task in both fine-tuning and zero-shot settings, and additionally propose a novel pipeline called $T^3$(Text-Tuple-Table) to improve their performances. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that LLMs still struggle with this task even after fine-tuning, while our approach can offer substantial performance gains without explicit training. Further analyses demonstrate that our method exhibits strong generalization abilities, surpassing previous approaches on several other text-to-table datasets. Our code and data can be found at


new Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone

Authors: Marah Abdin, Sam Ade Jacobs, Ammar Ahmad Awan, Jyoti Aneja, Ahmed Awadallah, Hany Awadalla, Nguyen Bach, Amit Bahree, Arash Bakhtiari, Harkirat Behl, Alon Benhaim, Misha Bilenko, Johan Bjorck, S\'ebastien Bubeck, Martin Cai, Caio C\'esar Teodoro Mendes, Weizhu Chen, Vishrav Chaudhary, Parul Chopra, Allie Del Giorno, Gustavo de Rosa, Matthew Dixon, Ronen Eldan, Dan Iter, Abhishek Goswami, Suriya Gunasekar, Emman Haider, Junheng Hao, Russell J. Hewett, Jamie Huynh, Mojan Javaheripi, Xin Jin, Piero Kauffmann, Nikos Karampatziakis, Dongwoo Kim, Mahoud Khademi, Lev Kurilenko, James R. Lee, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Chen Liang, Weishung Liu, Eric Lin, Zeqi Lin, Piyush Madan, Arindam Mitra, Hardik Modi, Anh Nguyen, Brandon Norick, Barun Patra, Daniel Perez-Becker, Thomas Portet, Reid Pryzant, Heyang Qin, Marko Radmilac, Corby Rosset, Sambudha Roy, Olli Saarikivi, Amin Saied, Adil Salim, Michael Santacroce, Shital Shah, Ning Shang, Hiteshi Sharma, Xia Song, Olatunji Ruwase, Xin Wang, Rachel Ward, Guanhua Wang, Philipp Witte, Michael Wyatt, Can Xu, Jiahang Xu, Sonali Yadav, Fan Yang, Ziyi Yang, Donghan Yu, Chengruidong Zhang, Cyril Zhang, Jianwen Zhang, Li Lyna Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yunan Zhang, Xiren Zhou

Abstract: We introduce phi-3-mini, a 3.8 billion parameter language model trained on 3.3 trillion tokens, whose overall performance, as measured by both academic benchmarks and internal testing, rivals that of models such as Mixtral 8x7B and GPT-3.5 (e.g., phi-3-mini achieves 69% on MMLU and 8.38 on MT-bench), despite being small enough to be deployed on a phone. The innovation lies entirely in our dataset for training, a scaled-up version of the one used for phi-2, composed of heavily filtered web data and synthetic data. The model is also further aligned for robustness, safety, and chat format. We also provide some initial parameter-scaling results with a 7B and 14B models trained for 4.8T tokens, called phi-3-small and phi-3-medium, both significantly more capable than phi-3-mini (e.g., respectively 75% and 78% on MMLU, and 8.7 and 8.9 on MT-bench).

new What do Transformers Know about Government?

Authors: Jue Hou, Anisia Katinskaia, Lari Kotilainen, Sathianpong Trangcasanchai, Anh-Duc Vu, Roman Yangarber

Abstract: This paper investigates what insights about linguistic features and what knowledge about the structure of natural language can be obtained from the encodings in transformer language models.In particular, we explore how BERT encodes the government relation between constituents in a sentence. We use several probing classifiers, and data from two morphologically rich languages. Our experiments show that information about government is encoded across all transformer layers, but predominantly in the early layers of the model. We find that, for both languages, a small number of attention heads encode enough information about the government relations to enable us to train a classifier capable of discovering new, previously unknown types of government, never seen in the training data. Currently, data is lacking for the research community working on grammatical constructions, and government in particular. We release the Government Bank -- a dataset defining the government relations for thousands of lemmas in the languages in our experiments.

new A Survey on Efficient Inference for Large Language Models

Authors: Zixuan Zhou, Xuefei Ning, Ke Hong, Tianyu Fu, Jiaming Xu, Shiyao Li, Yuming Lou, Luning Wang, Zhihang Yuan, Xiuhong Li, Shengen Yan, Guohao Dai, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Yuhan Dong, Yu Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have attracted extensive attention due to their remarkable performance across various tasks. However, the substantial computational and memory requirements of LLM inference pose challenges for deployment in resource-constrained scenarios. Efforts within the field have been directed towards developing techniques aimed at enhancing the efficiency of LLM inference. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the existing literature on efficient LLM inference. We start by analyzing the primary causes of the inefficient LLM inference, i.e., the large model size, the quadratic-complexity attention operation, and the auto-regressive decoding approach. Then, we introduce a comprehensive taxonomy that organizes the current literature into data-level, model-level, and system-level optimization. Moreover, the paper includes comparative experiments on representative methods within critical sub-fields to provide quantitative insights. Last but not least, we provide some knowledge summary and discuss future research directions.

new Marking: Visual Grading with Highlighting Errors and Annotating Missing Bits

Authors: Shashank Sonkar, Naiming Liu, Debshila B. Mallick, Richard G. Baraniuk

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce "Marking", a novel grading task that enhances automated grading systems by performing an in-depth analysis of student responses and providing students with visual highlights. Unlike traditional systems that provide binary scores, "marking" identifies and categorizes segments of the student response as correct, incorrect, or irrelevant and detects omissions from gold answers. We introduce a new dataset meticulously curated by Subject Matter Experts specifically for this task. We frame "Marking" as an extension of the Natural Language Inference (NLI) task, which is extensively explored in the field of Natural Language Processing. The gold answer and the student response play the roles of premise and hypothesis in NLI, respectively. We subsequently train language models to identify entailment, contradiction, and neutrality from student response, akin to NLI, and with the added dimension of identifying omissions from gold answers. Our experimental setup involves the use of transformer models, specifically BERT and RoBERTa, and an intelligent training step using the e-SNLI dataset. We present extensive baseline results highlighting the complexity of the "Marking" task, which sets a clear trajectory for the upcoming study. Our work not only opens up new avenues for research in AI-powered educational assessment tools, but also provides a valuable benchmark for the AI in education community to engage with and improve upon in the future. The code and dataset can be found at


new Self-Supervised Alignment with Mutual Information: Learning to Follow Principles without Preference Labels

Authors: Jan-Philipp Fr\"anken, Eric Zelikman, Rafael Rafailov, Kanishk Gandhi, Tobias Gerstenberg, Noah D. Goodman

Abstract: When prompting a language model (LM), users frequently expect the model to adhere to a set of behavioral principles across diverse tasks, such as producing insightful content while avoiding harmful or biased language. Instilling such principles into a model can be resource-intensive and technically challenging, generally requiring human preference labels or examples. We introduce SAMI, a method for teaching a pretrained LM to follow behavioral principles that does not require any preference labels or demonstrations. SAMI is an iterative algorithm that finetunes a pretrained LM to increase the conditional mutual information between constitutions and self-generated responses given queries from a datasest. On single-turn dialogue and summarization, a SAMI-trained mistral-7b outperforms the initial pretrained model, with win rates between 66% and 77%. Strikingly, it also surpasses an instruction-finetuned baseline (mistral-7b-instruct) with win rates between 55% and 57% on single-turn dialogue. SAMI requires a "principle writer" model; to avoid dependence on stronger models, we further evaluate aligning a strong pretrained model (mixtral-8x7b) using constitutions written by a weak instruction-finetuned model (mistral-7b-instruct). The SAMI-trained mixtral-8x7b outperforms both the initial model and the instruction-finetuned model, achieving a 65% win rate on summarization. Our results indicate that a pretrained LM can learn to follow constitutions without using preference labels, demonstrations, or human oversight.

new Automated Long Answer Grading with RiceChem Dataset

Authors: Shashank Sonkar, Kangqi Ni, Lesa Tran Lu, Kristi Kincaid, John S. Hutchinson, Richard G. Baraniuk

Abstract: We introduce a new area of study in the field of educational Natural Language Processing: Automated Long Answer Grading (ALAG). Distinguishing itself from Automated Short Answer Grading (ASAG) and Automated Essay Grading (AEG), ALAG presents unique challenges due to the complexity and multifaceted nature of fact-based long answers. To study ALAG, we introduce RiceChem, a dataset derived from a college chemistry course, featuring real student responses to long-answer questions with an average word count notably higher than typical ASAG datasets. We propose a novel approach to ALAG by formulating it as a rubric entailment problem, employing natural language inference models to verify whether each criterion, represented by a rubric item, is addressed in the student's response. This formulation enables the effective use of MNLI for transfer learning, significantly improving the performance of models on the RiceChem dataset. We demonstrate the importance of rubric-based formulation in ALAG, showcasing its superiority over traditional score-based approaches in capturing the nuances of student responses. We also investigate the performance of models in cold start scenarios, providing valuable insights into the practical deployment considerations in educational settings. Lastly, we benchmark state-of-the-art open-sourced Large Language Models (LLMs) on RiceChem and compare their results to GPT models, highlighting the increased complexity of ALAG compared to ASAG. Despite leveraging the benefits of a rubric-based approach and transfer learning from MNLI, the lower performance of LLMs on RiceChem underscores the significant difficulty posed by the ALAG task. With this work, we offer a fresh perspective on grading long, fact-based answers and introduce a new dataset to stimulate further research in this important area. Code: \url{}.


new Zero-shot Cross-lingual Stance Detection via Adversarial Language Adaptation

Authors: Bharathi A, Arkaitz Zubiaga

Abstract: Stance detection has been widely studied as the task of determining if a social media post is positive, negative or neutral towards a specific issue, such as support towards vaccines. Research in stance detection has however often been limited to a single language and, where more than one language has been studied, research has focused on few-shot settings, overlooking the challenges of developing a zero-shot cross-lingual stance detection model. This paper makes the first such effort by introducing a novel approach to zero-shot cross-lingual stance detection, Multilingual Translation-Augmented BERT (MTAB), aiming to enhance the performance of a cross-lingual classifier in the absence of explicit training data for target languages. Our technique employs translation augmentation to improve zero-shot performance and pairs it with adversarial learning to further boost model efficacy. Through experiments on datasets labeled for stance towards vaccines in four languages English, German, French, Italian. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, showcasing improved results in comparison to a strong baseline model as well as ablated versions of our model. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of model components, not least the translation-augmented data as well as the adversarial learning component, to the improved performance of the model. We have made our source code accessible on GitHub.

new Calc-CMU at SemEval-2024 Task 7: Pre-Calc -- Learning to Use the Calculator Improves Numeracy in Language Models

Authors: Vishruth Veerendranath, Vishwa Shah, Kshitish Ghate

Abstract: Quantitative and numerical comprehension in language is an important task in many fields like education and finance, but still remains a challenging task for language models. While tool and calculator usage has shown to be helpful to improve mathematical reasoning in large pretrained decoder-only language models, this remains unexplored for smaller language models with encoders. In this paper, we propose Pre-Calc, a simple pre-finetuning objective of learning to use the calculator for both encoder-only and encoder-decoder architectures, formulated as a discriminative and generative task respectively. We pre-train BERT and RoBERTa for discriminative calculator use and Flan-T5 for generative calculator use on the MAWPS, SVAMP, and AsDiv-A datasets, which improves performance on downstream tasks that require numerical understanding. Our code and data are available at


new Better Synthetic Data by Retrieving and Transforming Existing Datasets

Authors: Saumya Gandhi, Ritu Gala, Vijay Viswanathan, Tongshuang Wu, Graham Neubig

Abstract: Despite recent advances in large language models, building dependable and deployable NLP models typically requires abundant, high-quality training data. However, task-specific data is not available for many use cases, and manually curating task-specific data is labor-intensive. Recent work has studied prompt-driven synthetic data generation using large language models, but these generated datasets tend to lack complexity and diversity. To address these limitations, we introduce a method, \textit{DataTune}, to make better use of existing, publicly available datasets to improve automatic dataset generation. DataTune performs dataset transformation, enabling the repurposing of publicly available datasets into a format that is directly aligned with the specific requirements of target tasks. On a diverse set of language-based tasks from the BIG-Bench benchmark, we find that finetuning language models via DataTune improves over a few-shot prompting baseline by 49\% and improves over existing methods that use synthetic or retrieved training data by 34\%. We find that dataset transformation significantly increases the diversity and difficulty of generated data on many tasks. We integrate DataTune into an open-source repository to make this method accessible to the community:


new Beyond Scaling: Predicting Patent Approval with Domain-specific Fine-grained Claim Dependency Graph

Authors: Xiaochen Kev Gao, Feng Yao, Kewen Zhao, Beilei He, Animesh Kumar, Vish Krishnan, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Model scaling is becoming the default choice for many language tasks due to the success of large language models (LLMs). However, it can fall short in specific scenarios where simple customized methods excel. In this paper, we delve into the patent approval pre-diction task and unveil that simple domain-specific graph methods outperform enlarging the model, using the intrinsic dependencies within the patent data. Specifically, we first extend the embedding-based state-of-the-art (SOTA) by scaling up its backbone model with various sizes of open-source LLMs, then explore prompt-based methods to harness proprietary LLMs' potential, but find the best results close to random guessing, underlining the ineffectiveness of model scaling-up. Hence, we propose a novel Fine-grained cLAim depeNdency (FLAN) Graph through meticulous patent data analyses, capturing the inherent dependencies across segments of the patent text. As it is model-agnostic, we apply cost-effective graph models to our FLAN Graph to obtain representations for approval prediction. Extensive experiments and detailed analyses prove that incorporating FLAN Graph via various graph models consistently outperforms all LLM baselines significantly. We hope that our observations and analyses in this paper can bring more attention to this challenging task and prompt further research into the limitations of LLMs. Our source code and dataset can be obtained from


new A Survey on Self-Evolution of Large Language Models

Authors: Zhengwei Tao, Ting-En Lin, Xiancai Chen, Hangyu Li, Yuchuan Wu, Yongbin Li, Zhi Jin, Fei Huang, Dacheng Tao, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced in various fields and intelligent agent applications. However, current LLMs that learn from human or external model supervision are costly and may face performance ceilings as task complexity and diversity increase. To address this issue, self-evolution approaches that enable LLM to autonomously acquire, refine, and learn from experiences generated by the model itself are rapidly growing. This new training paradigm inspired by the human experiential learning process offers the potential to scale LLMs towards superintelligence. In this work, we present a comprehensive survey of self-evolution approaches in LLMs. We first propose a conceptual framework for self-evolution and outline the evolving process as iterative cycles composed of four phases: experience acquisition, experience refinement, updating, and evaluation. Second, we categorize the evolution objectives of LLMs and LLM-based agents; then, we summarize the literature and provide taxonomy and insights for each module. Lastly, we pinpoint existing challenges and propose future directions to improve self-evolution frameworks, equipping researchers with critical insights to fast-track the development of self-evolving LLMs.

new PARAMANU-GANITA: Language Model with Mathematical Capabilities

Authors: Mitodru Niyogi, Arnab Bhattacharya

Abstract: In this paper, we present Paramanu-Ganita, a 208 million parameter novel Auto Regressive (AR) decoder based language model on mathematics. The model is pretrained from scratch at context size of 4096 on our curated mixed mathematical corpus. We evaluate our model on both perplexity metric and GSM8k mathematical benchmark. Paramanu-Ganita despite being 35 times smaller than 7B LLMs, outperformed generalist LLMs such as LLaMa-1 7B by 28.4% points, LLaMa-2 7B by 27.6% points, Falcon 7B by 32.6% points, PaLM 8B by 35.3% points, and math specialised LLMs such as Minerva 8B by 23.2% points, and LLEMMA-7B by 3.0% points in GSM8k test accuracy metric respectively. Paramanu-Ganita also outperformed giant LLMs like PaLM 62B by 6.4% points, Falcon 40B by 19.8% points, LLaMa-1 33B by 3.8% points and Vicuna 13B by 11.8% points respectively. The large significant margin improvement in performance of our math model over the existing LLMs signifies that reasoning capabilities of language model are just not restricted to LLMs with humongous number of parameters. Paramanu-Ganita took 146 hours of A100 training whereas math specialised LLM, LLEMMA 7B, was trained for 23,000 A100 hours of training equivalent. Thus, our approach of pretraining powerful domain specialised language models from scratch for domain adaptation is much more cost-effective than performing continual training of LLMs for domain adaptation. Hence, we conclude that for strong mathematical reasoning abilities of language model, we do not need giant LLMs and immense computing power to our end. In the end, we want to point out that we have only trained Paramanu-Ganita only on a part of our entire mathematical corpus and yet to explore the full potential of our model.

new RTP-LX: Can LLMs Evaluate Toxicity in Multilingual Scenarios?

Authors: Adrian de Wynter, Ishaan Watts, Nektar Ege Alt{\i}ntoprak, Tua Wongsangaroonsri, Minghui Zhang, Noura Farra, Lena Baur, Samantha Claudet, Pavel Gajdusek, Can G\"oren, Qilong Gu, Anna Kaminska, Tomasz Kaminski, Ruby Kuo, Akiko Kyuba, Jongho Lee, Kartik Mathur, Petter Merok, Ivana Milovanovi\'c, Nani Paananen, Vesa-Matti Paananen, Anna Pavlenko, Bruno Pereira Vidal, Luciano Strika, Yueh Tsao, Davide Turcato, Oleksandr Vakhno, Judit Velcsov, Anna Vickers, St\'ephanie Visser, Herdyan Widarmanto, Andrey Zaikin, Si-Qing Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) and small language models (SLMs) are being adopted at remarkable speed, although their safety still remains a serious concern. With the advent of multilingual S/LLMs, the question now becomes a matter of scale: can we expand multilingual safety evaluations of these models with the same velocity at which they are deployed? To this end we introduce RTP-LX, a human-transcreated and human-annotated corpus of toxic prompts and outputs in 28 languages. RTP-LX follows participatory design practices, and a portion of the corpus is especially designed to detect culturally-specific toxic language. We evaluate seven S/LLMs on their ability to detect toxic content in a culturally-sensitive, multilingual scenario. We find that, although they typically score acceptably in terms of accuracy, they have low agreement with human judges when judging holistically the toxicity of a prompt, and have difficulty discerning harm in context-dependent scenarios, particularly with subtle-yet-harmful content (e.g. microagressions, bias). We release of this dataset to contribute to further reduce harmful uses of these models and improve their safe deployment.

new SpaceByte: Towards Deleting Tokenization from Large Language Modeling

Authors: Kevin Slagle

Abstract: Tokenization is widely used in large language models because it significantly improves performance. However, tokenization imposes several disadvantages, such as performance biases, increased adversarial vulnerability, decreased character-level modeling performance, and increased modeling complexity. To address these disadvantages without sacrificing performance, we propose SpaceByte, a novel byte-level decoder architecture that closes the performance gap between byte-level and subword autoregressive language modeling. SpaceByte consists of a byte-level Transformer model, but with extra larger transformer blocks inserted in the middle of the layers. We find that performance is significantly improved by applying these larger blocks only after certain bytes, such as space characters, which typically denote word boundaries. Our experiments show that for a fixed training and inference compute budget, SpaceByte outperforms other byte-level architectures and roughly matches the performance of tokenized Transformer architectures.

cross A national longitudinal dataset of skills taught in U.S. higher education curricula

Authors: Alireza Javadian Sabet, Sarah H. Bana, Renzhe Yu, Morgan R. Frank

Abstract: Higher education plays a critical role in driving an innovative economy by equipping students with knowledge and skills demanded by the workforce. While researchers and practitioners have developed data systems to track detailed occupational skills, such as those established by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), much less effort has been made to document skill development in higher education at a similar granularity. Here, we fill this gap by presenting a longitudinal dataset of skills inferred from over three million course syllabi taught at nearly three thousand U.S. higher education institutions. To construct this dataset, we apply natural language processing to extract from course descriptions detailed workplace activities (DWAs) used by the DOL to describe occupations. We then aggregate these DWAs to create skill profiles for institutions and academic majors. Our dataset offers a large-scale representation of college-educated workers and their role in the economy. To showcase the utility of this dataset, we use it to 1) compare the similarity of skills taught and skills in the workforce according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2) estimate gender differences in acquired skills based on enrollment data, 3) depict temporal trends in the skills taught in social science curricula, and 4) connect college majors' skill distinctiveness to salary differences of graduates. Overall, this dataset can enable new research on the source of skills in the context of workforce development and provide actionable insights for shaping the future of higher education to meet evolving labor demands especially in the face of new technologies.

cross The Instruction Hierarchy: Training LLMs to Prioritize Privileged Instructions

Authors: Eric Wallace, Kai Xiao, Reimar Leike, Lilian Weng, Johannes Heidecke, Alex Beutel

Abstract: Today's LLMs are susceptible to prompt injections, jailbreaks, and other attacks that allow adversaries to overwrite a model's original instructions with their own malicious prompts. In this work, we argue that one of the primary vulnerabilities underlying these attacks is that LLMs often consider system prompts (e.g., text from an application developer) to be the same priority as text from untrusted users and third parties. To address this, we propose an instruction hierarchy that explicitly defines how models should behave when instructions of different priorities conflict. We then propose a data generation method to demonstrate this hierarchical instruction following behavior, which teaches LLMs to selectively ignore lower-privileged instructions. We apply this method to GPT-3.5, showing that it drastically increases robustness -- even for attack types not seen during training -- while imposing minimal degradations on standard capabilities.

cross Personalized Wireless Federated Learning for Large Language Models

Authors: Feibo Jiang, Li Dong, Siwei Tu, Yubo Peng, Kezhi Wang, Kun Yang, Cunhua Pan, Dusit Niyato

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing tasks. However, their deployment in wireless networks still face challenges, i.e., a lack of privacy and security protection mechanisms. Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising approach to address these challenges. Yet, it suffers from issues including inefficient handling with big and heterogeneous data, resource-intensive training, and high communication overhead. To tackle these issues, we first compare different learning stages and their features of LLMs in wireless networks. Next, we introduce two personalized wireless federated fine-tuning methods with low communication overhead, i.e., (1) Personalized Federated Instruction Tuning (PFIT), which employs reinforcement learning to fine-tune local LLMs with diverse reward models to achieve personalization; (2) Personalized Federated Task Tuning (PFTT), which can leverage global adapters and local Low-Rank Adaptations (LoRA) to collaboratively fine-tune local LLMs, where the local LoRAs can be applied to achieve personalization without aggregation. Finally, we perform simulations to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed two methods and comprehensively discuss open issues.

cross Movie101v2: Improved Movie Narration Benchmark

Authors: Zihao Yue, Yepeng Zhang, Ziheng Wang, Qin Jin

Abstract: Automatic movie narration targets at creating video-aligned plot descriptions to assist visually impaired audiences. It differs from standard video captioning in that it requires not only describing key visual details but also inferring the plots developed across multiple movie shots, thus posing unique and ongoing challenges. To advance the development of automatic movie narrating systems, we first revisit the limitations of existing datasets and develop a large-scale, bilingual movie narration dataset, Movie101v2. Second, taking into account the essential difficulties in achieving applicable movie narration, we break the long-term goal into three progressive stages and tentatively focus on the initial stages featuring understanding within individual clips. We also introduce a new narration assessment to align with our staged task goals. Third, using our new dataset, we baseline several leading large vision-language models, including GPT-4V, and conduct in-depth investigations into the challenges current models face for movie narration generation. Our findings reveal that achieving applicable movie narration generation is a fascinating goal that requires thorough research.

cross Intrusion Detection at Scale with the Assistance of a Command-line Language Model

Authors: Jiongliang Lin, Yiwen Guo, Hao Chen

Abstract: Intrusion detection is a long standing and crucial problem in security. A system capable of detecting intrusions automatically is on great demand in enterprise security solutions. Existing solutions rely heavily on hand-crafted rules designed by security operators, which suffer from high false negative rates and poor generalization ability to new, zero-day attacks at scale. AI and machine learning offer promising solutions to address the issues, by inspecting abnormal user behaviors intelligently and automatically from data. However, existing learning-based intrusion detection systems in the literature are mostly designed for small data, and they lack the ability to leverage the power of big data in cloud environments. In this paper, we target at this problem and introduce an intrusion detection system which incorporates large-scale pre-training, so as to train a large language model based on tens of millions of command lines for AI-based intrusion detection. Experiments performed on 30 million training samples and 10 million test samples verify the effectiveness of our solution.

cross Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning: A Comprehensive Analysis Across Applications

Authors: Charith Chandra Sai Balne, Sreyoshi Bhaduri, Tamoghna Roy, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: The rise of deep learning has marked significant progress in fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, and medical imaging, primarily through the adaptation of pre-trained models for specific tasks. Traditional fine-tuning methods, involving adjustments to all parameters, face challenges due to high computational and memory demands. This has led to the development of Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques, which selectively update parameters to balance computational efficiency with performance. This review examines PEFT approaches, offering a detailed comparison of various strategies highlighting applications across different domains, including text generation, medical imaging, protein modeling, and speech synthesis. By assessing the effectiveness of PEFT methods in reducing computational load, speeding up training, and lowering memory usage, this paper contributes to making deep learning more accessible and adaptable, facilitating its wider application and encouraging innovation in model optimization. Ultimately, the paper aims to contribute towards insights into PEFT's evolving landscape, guiding researchers and practitioners in overcoming the limitations of conventional fine-tuning approaches.

cross Listen Then See: Video Alignment with Speaker Attention

Authors: Aviral Agrawal (Carnegie Mellon University), Carlos Mateo Samudio Lezcano (Carnegie Mellon University), Iqui Balam Heredia-Marin (Carnegie Mellon University), Prabhdeep Singh Sethi (Carnegie Mellon University)

Abstract: Video-based Question Answering (Video QA) is a challenging task and becomes even more intricate when addressing Socially Intelligent Question Answering (SIQA). SIQA requires context understanding, temporal reasoning, and the integration of multimodal information, but in addition, it requires processing nuanced human behavior. Furthermore, the complexities involved are exacerbated by the dominance of the primary modality (text) over the others. Thus, there is a need to help the task's secondary modalities to work in tandem with the primary modality. In this work, we introduce a cross-modal alignment and subsequent representation fusion approach that achieves state-of-the-art results (82.06\% accuracy) on the Social IQ 2.0 dataset for SIQA. Our approach exhibits an improved ability to leverage the video modality by using the audio modality as a bridge with the language modality. This leads to enhanced performance by reducing the prevalent issue of language overfitting and resultant video modality bypassing encountered by current existing techniques. Our code and models are publicly available at


cross ChatRetriever: Adapting Large Language Models for Generalized and Robust Conversational Dense Retrieval

Authors: Kelong Mao, Chenlong Deng, Haonan Chen, Fengran Mo, Zheng Liu, Tetsuya Sakai, Zhicheng Dou

Abstract: Conversational search requires accurate interpretation of user intent from complex multi-turn contexts. This paper presents ChatRetriever, which inherits the strong generalization capability of large language models to robustly represent complex conversational sessions for dense retrieval. To achieve this, we propose a simple and effective dual-learning approach that adapts LLM for retrieval via contrastive learning while enhancing the complex session understanding through masked instruction tuning on high-quality conversational instruction tuning data. Extensive experiments on five conversational search benchmarks demonstrate that ChatRetriever substantially outperforms existing conversational dense retrievers, achieving state-of-the-art performance on par with LLM-based rewriting approaches. Furthermore, ChatRetriever exhibits superior robustness in handling diverse conversational contexts. Our work highlights the potential of adapting LLMs for retrieval with complex inputs like conversational search sessions and proposes an effective approach to advance this research direction.

cross Exploring Diverse Methods in Visual Question Answering

Authors: Panfeng Li, Qikai Yang, Xieming Geng, Wenjing Zhou, Zhicheng Ding, Yi Nian

Abstract: This study explores innovative methods for improving Visual Question Answering (VQA) using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), autoencoders, and attention mechanisms. Leveraging a balanced VQA dataset, we investigate three distinct strategies. Firstly, GAN-based approaches aim to generate answer embeddings conditioned on image and question inputs, showing potential but struggling with more complex tasks. Secondly, autoencoder-based techniques focus on learning optimal embeddings for questions and images, achieving comparable results with GAN due to better ability on complex questions. Lastly, attention mechanisms, incorporating Multimodal Compact Bilinear pooling (MCB), address language priors and attention modeling, albeit with a complexity-performance trade-off. This study underscores the challenges and opportunities in VQA and suggests avenues for future research, including alternative GAN formulations and attentional mechanisms.

cross Video sentence grounding with temporally global textual knowledge

Authors: Cai Chen, Runzhong Zhang, Jianjun Gao, Kejun Wu, Kim-Hui Yap, Yi Wang

Abstract: Temporal sentence grounding involves the retrieval of a video moment with a natural language query. Many existing works directly incorporate the given video and temporally localized query for temporal grounding, overlooking the inherent domain gap between different modalities. In this paper, we utilize pseudo-query features containing extensive temporally global textual knowledge sourced from the same video-query pair, to enhance the bridging of domain gaps and attain a heightened level of similarity between multi-modal features. Specifically, we propose a Pseudo-query Intermediary Network (PIN) to achieve an improved alignment of visual and comprehensive pseudo-query features within the feature space through contrastive learning. Subsequently, we utilize learnable prompts to encapsulate the knowledge of pseudo-queries, propagating them into the textual encoder and multi-modal fusion module, further enhancing the feature alignment between visual and language for better temporal grounding. Extensive experiments conducted on the Charades-STA and ActivityNet-Captions datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

cross Utilizing Deep Learning to Optimize Software Development Processes

Authors: Keqin Li, Armando Zhu, Wenjing Zhou, Peng Zhao, Jintong Song, Jiabei Liu

Abstract: This study explores the application of deep learning technologies in software development processes, particularly in automating code reviews, error prediction, and test generation to enhance code quality and development efficiency. Through a series of empirical studies, experimental groups using deep learning tools and control groups using traditional methods were compared in terms of code error rates and project completion times. The results demonstrated significant improvements in the experimental group, validating the effectiveness of deep learning technologies. The research also discusses potential optimization points, methodologies, and technical challenges of deep learning in software development, as well as how to integrate these technologies into existing software development workflows.

cross Incorporating Different Verbal Cues to Improve Text-Based Computer-Delivered Health Messaging

Authors: Samuel Rhys Cox

Abstract: The ubiquity of smartphones has led to an increase in on demand healthcare being supplied. For example, people can share their illness-related experiences with others similar to themselves, and healthcare experts can offer advice for better treatment and care for remediable, terminal and mental illnesses. As well as this human-to-human communication, there has been an increased use of human-to-computer digital health messaging, such as chatbots. These can prove advantageous as they offer synchronous and anonymous feedback without the need for a human conversational partner. However, there are many subtleties involved in human conversation that a computer agent may not properly exhibit. For example, there are various conversational styles, etiquettes, politeness strategies or empathic responses that need to be chosen appropriately for the conversation. Encouragingly, computers are social actors (CASA) posits that people apply the same social norms to computers as they would do to people. On from this, previous studies have focused on applying conversational strategies to computer agents to make them embody more favourable human characteristics. However, if a computer agent fails in this regard it can lead to negative reactions from users. Therefore, in this dissertation we describe a series of studies we carried out to lead to more effective human-to-computer digital health messaging. In our first study, we use the crowd [...] Our second study investigates the effect of a health chatbot's conversational style [...] In our final study, we investigate the format used by a chatbot when [...] In summary, we have researched how to create more effective digital health interventions starting from generating health messages, to choosing an appropriate formality of messaging, and finally to formatting messages which reference a user's previous utterances.

cross The Framework of a Design Process Language

Authors: Arnulf Hagen

Abstract: The thesis develops a view of design in a concept formation framework and outlines a language to describe both the object of the design and the process of designing. The unknown object at the outset of the design work may be seen as an unknown concept that the designer is to define. Throughout the process, she develops a description of this object by relating it to known concepts. The search stops when the designer is satisfied that the design specification is complete enough to satisfy the requirements from it once built. It is then a collection of propositions that all contribute towards defining the design object - a collection of sentences describing relationships between the object and known concepts. Also, the design process itself may be described by relating known concepts - by organizing known abilities into particular patterns of activation, or mobilization. In view of the demands posed to a language to use in this concept formation process, the framework of a Design Process Language (DPL) is developed. The basis for the language are linguistic categories that act as classes of relations used to combine concepts, containing relations used for describing process and object within the same general system, with some relations being process specific, others being object specific, and with the bulk being used both for process and object description. Another outcome is the distinction of modal relations, or relations describing futurity, possibility, willingness, hypothetical events, and the like. The design process almost always includes aspects such as these, and it is thus necessary for a language facilitating design process description to support such relationships to be constructed. The DPL is argued to be a foundation whereupon to build a language that can be used for enabling computers to be more useful - act more intelligently - in the design process.

cross Towards General Conceptual Model Editing via Adversarial Representation Engineering

Authors: Yihao Zhang, Zeming Wei, Jun Sun, Meng Sun

Abstract: Recent research has introduced Representation Engineering (RepE) as a promising approach for understanding complex inner workings of large-scale models like Large Language Models (LLMs). However, finding practical and efficient methods to apply these representations for general and flexible model editing remains an open problem. Inspired by the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) framework, we introduce a novel approach called Adversarial Representation Engineering (ARE). This method leverages RepE by using a representation sensor to guide the editing of LLMs, offering a unified and interpretable framework for conceptual model editing without degrading baseline performance. Our experiments on multiple conceptual editing confirm ARE's effectiveness. Code and data are available at


cross Iteratively Prompting Multimodal LLMs to Reproduce Natural and AI-Generated Images

Authors: Ali Naseh, Katherine Thai, Mohit Iyyer, Amir Houmansadr

Abstract: With the digital imagery landscape rapidly evolving, image stocks and AI-generated image marketplaces have become central to visual media. Traditional stock images now exist alongside innovative platforms that trade in prompts for AI-generated visuals, driven by sophisticated APIs like DALL-E 3 and Midjourney. This paper studies the possibility of employing multi-modal models with enhanced visual understanding to mimic the outputs of these platforms, introducing an original attack strategy. Our method leverages fine-tuned CLIP models, a multi-label classifier, and the descriptive capabilities of GPT-4V to create prompts that generate images similar to those available in marketplaces and from premium stock image providers, yet at a markedly lower expense. In presenting this strategy, we aim to spotlight a new class of economic and security considerations within the realm of digital imagery. Our findings, supported by both automated metrics and human assessment, reveal that comparable visual content can be produced for a fraction of the prevailing market prices ($0.23 - $0.27 per image), emphasizing the need for awareness and strategic discussions about the integrity of digital media in an increasingly AI-integrated landscape. Our work also contributes to the field by assembling a dataset consisting of approximately 19 million prompt-image pairs generated by the popular Midjourney platform, which we plan to release publicly.

cross Counterfactual Reasoning Using Predicted Latent Personality Dimensions for Optimizing Persuasion Outcome

Authors: Donghuo Zeng, Roberto S. Legaspi, Yuewen Sun, Xinshuai Dong, Kazushi Ikeda, Peter Spirtes, kun Zhang

Abstract: Customizing persuasive conversations related to the outcome of interest for specific users achieves better persuasion results. However, existing persuasive conversation systems rely on persuasive strategies and encounter challenges in dynamically adjusting dialogues to suit the evolving states of individual users during interactions. This limitation restricts the system's ability to deliver flexible or dynamic conversations and achieve suboptimal persuasion outcomes. In this paper, we present a novel approach that tracks a user's latent personality dimensions (LPDs) during ongoing persuasion conversation and generates tailored counterfactual utterances based on these LPDs to optimize the overall persuasion outcome. In particular, our proposed method leverages a Bi-directional Generative Adversarial Network (BiCoGAN) in tandem with a Dialogue-based Personality Prediction Regression (DPPR) model to generate counterfactual data. This enables the system to formulate alternative persuasive utterances that are more suited to the user. Subsequently, we utilize the D3QN model to learn policies for optimized selection of system utterances on counterfactual data. Experimental results we obtained from using the PersuasionForGood dataset demonstrate the superiority of our approach over the existing method, BiCoGAN. The cumulative rewards and Q-values produced by our method surpass ground truth benchmarks, showcasing the efficacy of employing counterfactual reasoning and LPDs to optimize reinforcement learning policy in online interactions.

cross Filtered Direct Preference Optimization

Authors: Tetsuro Morimura, Mitsuki Sakamoto, Yuu Jinnai, Kenshi Abe, Kaito Air

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) plays a crucial role in aligning language models with human preferences. While the significance of dataset quality is generally recognized, explicit investigations into its impact within the RLHF framework, to our knowledge, have been limited. This paper addresses the issue of text quality within the preference dataset by focusing on Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), an increasingly adopted reward-model-free RLHF method. We confirm that text quality significantly influences the performance of models optimized with DPO more than those optimized with reward-model-based RLHF. Building on this new insight, we propose an extension of DPO, termed filtered direct preference optimization (fDPO). fDPO uses a trained reward model to monitor the quality of texts within the preference dataset during DPO training. Samples of lower quality are discarded based on comparisons with texts generated by the model being optimized, resulting in a more accurate dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that fDPO enhances the final model performance. Our code is available at


cross EventLens: Leveraging Event-Aware Pretraining and Cross-modal Linking Enhances Visual Commonsense Reasoning

Authors: Mingjie Ma, Zhihuan Yu, Yichao Ma, Guohui Li

Abstract: Visual Commonsense Reasoning (VCR) is a cognitive task, challenging models to answer visual questions requiring human commonsense, and to provide rationales explaining why the answers are correct. With emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), it is natural and imperative to explore their applicability to VCR. However, VCR task demands more external knowledge to tackle its challenging questions, necessitating special designs to activate LLMs' commonsense reasoning abilities. Also, most existing Multimodal LLMs adopted an abstraction of entire input image, which makes it difficult to comprehend VCR's unique co-reference tags between image regions and text, posing challenges for fine-grained alignment. To address these issues, we propose EventLens that leverages Event-Aware Pretraining and Cross-modal Linking and EnhanceS VCR. First, by emulating the cognitive process of human reasoning, an Event-Aware Pretraining auxiliary task is introduced to better activate LLM's global comprehension of intricate scenarios. Second, during fine-tuning, we further utilize reference tags to bridge RoI features with texts, while preserving both modality semantics. Finally, we use instruct-style prompts to narrow the gap between pretraining and fine-tuning, and task-specific adapters to better integrate LLM's inherent knowledge with new commonsense. Experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed auxiliary task and fine-grained linking strategy.

cross Surveying Attitudinal Alignment Between Large Language Models Vs. Humans Towards 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Authors: Qingyang Wu, Ying Xu, Tingsong Xiao, Yunze Xiao, Yitong Li, Tianyang Wang, Yichi Zhang, Shanghai Zhong, Yuwei Zhang, Wei Lu, Yifan Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as potent tools for advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, the attitudinal disparities between LLMs and humans towards these goals can pose significant challenges. This study conducts a comprehensive review and analysis of the existing literature on the attitudes of LLMs towards the 17 SDGs, emphasizing the comparison between their attitudes and support for each goal and those of humans. We examine the potential disparities, primarily focusing on aspects such as understanding and emotions, cultural and regional differences, task objective variations, and factors considered in the decision-making process. These disparities arise from the underrepresentation and imbalance in LLM training data, historical biases, quality issues, lack of contextual understanding, and skewed ethical values reflected. The study also investigates the risks and harms that may arise from neglecting the attitudes of LLMs towards the SDGs, including the exacerbation of social inequalities, racial discrimination, environmental destruction, and resource wastage. To address these challenges, we propose strategies and recommendations to guide and regulate the application of LLMs, ensuring their alignment with the principles and goals of the SDGs, and therefore creating a more just, inclusive, and sustainable future.

cross Detecting and Mitigating Hallucination in Large Vision Language Models via Fine-Grained AI Feedback

Authors: Wenyi Xiao, Ziwei Huang, Leilei Gan, Wanggui He, Haoyuan Li, Zhelun Yu, Hao Jiang, Fei Wu, Linchao Zhu

Abstract: The rapidly developing Large Vision Language Models (LVLMs) have shown notable capabilities on a range of multi-modal tasks, but still face the hallucination phenomena where the generated texts do not align with the given contexts, significantly restricting the usages of LVLMs. Most previous work detects and mitigates hallucination at the coarse-grained level or requires expensive annotation (e.g., labeling by proprietary models or human experts). To address these issues, we propose detecting and mitigating hallucinations in LVLMs via fine-grained AI feedback. The basic idea is that we generate a small-size sentence-level hallucination annotation dataset by proprietary models, whereby we train a hallucination detection model which can perform sentence-level hallucination detection, covering primary hallucination types (i.e., object, attribute, and relationship). Then, we propose a detect-then-rewrite pipeline to automatically construct preference dataset for training hallucination mitigating model. Furthermore, we propose differentiating the severity of hallucinations, and introducing a Hallucination Severity-Aware Direct Preference Optimization (HSA-DPO) for mitigating hallucination in LVLMs by incorporating the severity of hallucinations into preference learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

cross Graphic Design with Large Multimodal Model

Authors: Yutao Cheng, Zhao Zhang, Maoke Yang, Hui Nie, Chunyuan Li, Xinglong Wu, Jie Shao

Abstract: In the field of graphic design, automating the integration of design elements into a cohesive multi-layered artwork not only boosts productivity but also paves the way for the democratization of graphic design. One existing practice is Graphic Layout Generation (GLG), which aims to layout sequential design elements. It has been constrained by the necessity for a predefined correct sequence of layers, thus limiting creative potential and increasing user workload. In this paper, we present Hierarchical Layout Generation (HLG) as a more flexible and pragmatic setup, which creates graphic composition from unordered sets of design elements. To tackle the HLG task, we introduce Graphist, the first layout generation model based on large multimodal models. Graphist efficiently reframes the HLG as a sequence generation problem, utilizing RGB-A images as input, outputs a JSON draft protocol, indicating the coordinates, size, and order of each element. We develop new evaluation metrics for HLG. Graphist outperforms prior arts and establishes a strong baseline for this field. Project homepage:


cross A Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent

Authors: Tamar Rott Shaham, Sarah Schwettmann, Franklin Wang, Achyuta Rajaram, Evan Hernandez, Jacob Andreas, Antonio Torralba

Abstract: This paper describes MAIA, a Multimodal Automated Interpretability Agent. MAIA is a system that uses neural models to automate neural model understanding tasks like feature interpretation and failure mode discovery. It equips a pre-trained vision-language model with a set of tools that support iterative experimentation on subcomponents of other models to explain their behavior. These include tools commonly used by human interpretability researchers: for synthesizing and editing inputs, computing maximally activating exemplars from real-world datasets, and summarizing and describing experimental results. Interpretability experiments proposed by MAIA compose these tools to describe and explain system behavior. We evaluate applications of MAIA to computer vision models. We first characterize MAIA's ability to describe (neuron-level) features in learned representations of images. Across several trained models and a novel dataset of synthetic vision neurons with paired ground-truth descriptions, MAIA produces descriptions comparable to those generated by expert human experimenters. We then show that MAIA can aid in two additional interpretability tasks: reducing sensitivity to spurious features, and automatically identifying inputs likely to be mis-classified.

replace Empowering Diffusion Models on the Embedding Space for Text Generation

Authors: Zhujin Gao, Junliang Guo, Xu Tan, Yongxin Zhu, Fang Zhang, Jiang Bian, Linli Xu

Abstract: Diffusion models have achieved state-of-the-art synthesis quality on both visual and audio tasks, and recent works further adapt them to textual data by diffusing on the embedding space. In this paper, we conduct systematic studies of the optimization challenges encountered with both the embedding space and the denoising model, which have not been carefully explored. Firstly, the data distribution is learnable for embeddings, which may lead to the collapse of the embedding space and unstable training. To alleviate this problem, we propose a new objective called the anchor loss which is more efficient than previous methods. Secondly, we find the noise levels of conventional schedules are insufficient for training a desirable denoising model while introducing varying degrees of degeneration in consequence. To address this challenge, we propose a novel framework called noise rescaling. Based on the above analysis, we propose Difformer, an embedding diffusion model based on Transformer. Experiments on varieties of seminal text generation tasks show the effectiveness of the proposed methods and the superiority of Difformer over previous state-of-the-art embedding diffusion baselines.

replace Computational Assessment of Hyperpartisanship in News Titles

Authors: Hanjia Lyu, Jinsheng Pan, Zichen Wang, Jiebo Luo

Abstract: We first adopt a human-guided machine learning framework to develop a new dataset for hyperpartisan news title detection with 2,200 manually labeled and 1.8 million machine-labeled titles that were posted from 2014 to the present by nine representative media organizations across three media bias groups - Left, Central, and Right in an active learning manner. A fine-tuned transformer-based language model achieves an overall accuracy of 0.84 and an F1 score of 0.78 on an external validation set. Next, we conduct a computational analysis to quantify the extent and dynamics of partisanship in news titles. While some aspects are as expected, our study reveals new or nuanced differences between the three media groups. We find that overall the Right media tends to use proportionally more hyperpartisan titles. Roughly around the 2016 Presidential Election, the proportions of hyperpartisan titles increased across all media bias groups, with the Left media exhibiting the most significant relative increase. We identify three major topics including foreign issues, political systems, and societal issues that are suggestive of hyperpartisanship in news titles using logistic regression models and the Shapley values. Through an analysis of the topic distribution, we find that societal issues gradually gain more attention from all media groups. We further apply a lexicon-based language analysis tool to the titles of each topic and quantify the linguistic distance between any pairs of the three media groups, uncovering three distinct patterns.

replace Learning Transductions and Alignments with RNN Seq2seq Models

Authors: Zhengxiang Wang

Abstract: The paper studies the capabilities of Recurrent-Neural-Network sequence to sequence (RNN seq2seq) models in learning four transduction tasks: identity, reversal, total reduplication, and quadratic copying. These transductions are traditionally well studied under finite state transducers and attributed with increasing complexity. We find that RNN seq2seq models are only able to approximate a mapping that fits the training or in-distribution data, instead of learning the underlying functions. Although attention makes learning more efficient and robust, it does not overcome the out-of-distribution generalization limitation. We establish a novel complexity hierarchy for learning the four tasks for attention-less RNN seq2seq models, which may be understood in terms of the complexity hierarchy of formal languages, instead of string transductions. RNN variants also play a role in the results. In particular, we show that Simple RNN seq2seq models cannot count the input length.

replace Bot or Human? Detecting ChatGPT Imposters with A Single Question

Authors: Hong Wang, Xuan Luo, Weizhi Wang, Xifeng Yan

Abstract: Large language models like GPT-4 have recently demonstrated impressive capabilities in natural language understanding and generation, enabling various applications including translation, essay writing, and chit-chatting. However, there is a concern that they can be misused for malicious purposes, such as fraud or denial-of-service attacks. Therefore, it is crucial to develop methods for detecting whether the party involved in a conversation is a bot or a human. In this paper, we propose a framework named FLAIR, Finding Large Language Model Authenticity via a Single Inquiry and Response, to detect conversational bots in an online manner. Specifically, we target a single question scenario that can effectively differentiate human users from bots. The questions are divided into two categories: those that are easy for humans but difficult for bots (e.g., counting, substitution, and ASCII art reasoning), and those that are easy for bots but difficult for humans (e.g., memorization and computation). Our approach shows different strengths of these questions in their effectiveness, providing a new way for online service providers to protect themselves against nefarious activities and ensure that they are serving real users. We open-sourced our code and dataset on and welcome contributions from the community.


replace Accurate Knowledge Distillation with n-best Reranking

Authors: Hendra Setiawan

Abstract: We propose utilizing n-best reranking to enhance Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation (Kim and Rush, 2016) where we extract pseudo-labels for student model's training data from top n-best hypotheses and leverage a diverse set of models with different inductive biases, objective functions or architectures, including some publicly-available large language models, to pick the highest-quality hypotheses as labels. The effectiveness of our proposal is validated through experiments on the WMT'21 German-English and Chinese-English translation tasks. Our results demonstrate that utilizing pseudo-labels generated by our n-best reranker leads to a significantly more accurate student model. In fact, our best student model achieves comparable accuracy to a large translation model from (Tran et al., 2021) with 4.7 billion parameters, while having two orders of magnitude fewer parameters.

replace Leftover Lunch: Advantage-based Offline Reinforcement Learning for Language Models

Authors: Ashutosh Baheti, Ximing Lu, Faeze Brahman, Ronan Le Bras, Maarten Sap, Mark Riedl

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is the most prominent method for Language Model (LM) alignment. However, RLHF is an unstable and data-hungry process that continually requires new high-quality LM-generated data for finetuning. We introduce Advantage-Leftover Lunch RL (A-LoL), a new class of offline policy gradient algorithms that enable RL training on any pre-existing data. By assuming the entire LM output sequence as a single action, A-LoL allows incorporating sequence-level classifiers or human-designed scoring functions as rewards. Subsequently, by using LM's value estimate, A-LoL only trains on positive advantage (leftover) data points, making it resilient to noise. Overall, A-LoL is an easy-to-implement, sample-efficient, and stable LM training recipe. We demonstrate the effectiveness of A-LoL and its variants with a set of four different language generation tasks. We compare against both online RL (PPO) and recent preference-based (DPO, PRO) and reward-based (GOLD) offline RL baselines. On the commonly-used RLHF benchmark, Helpful and Harmless Assistant (HHA), LMs trained with A-LoL methods achieve the highest diversity while also being rated more safe and helpful than the baselines according to humans. Additionally, in the remaining three tasks, A-LoL could optimize multiple distinct reward functions even when using noisy or suboptimal training data. We also release our experimental code.


replace Measuring the Robustness of NLP Models to Domain Shifts

Authors: Nitay Calderon, Naveh Porat, Eyal Ben-David, Alexander Chapanin, Zorik Gekhman, Nadav Oved, Vitaly Shalumov, Roi Reichart

Abstract: Existing research on Domain Robustness (DR) suffers from disparate setups, limited task variety, and scarce research on recent capabilities such as in-context learning. Furthermore, the common practice of measuring DR might not be fully accurate. Current research focuses on challenge sets and relies solely on the Source Drop (SD): Using the source in-domain performance as a reference point for degradation. However, we argue that the Target Drop (TD), which measures degradation from the target in-domain performance, should be used as a complementary point of view. To address these issues, we first curated a DR benchmark comprised of 7 diverse NLP tasks, which enabled us to measure both the SD and the TD. We then conducted a comprehensive large-scale DR study involving over 14,000 domain shifts across 21 fine-tuned models and few-shot LLMs. We found that both model types suffer from drops upon domain shifts. While fine-tuned models excel in-domain, few-shot LLMs often surpass them cross-domain, showing better robustness. In addition, we found that a large SD can often be explained by shifting to a harder domain rather than by a genuine DR challenge, and this highlights the importance of TD as a complementary metric. We hope our study will shed light on the current DR state of NLP models and promote improved evaluation practices toward more robust models.

replace AWQ: Activation-aware Weight Quantization for LLM Compression and Acceleration

Authors: Ji Lin, Jiaming Tang, Haotian Tang, Shang Yang, Wei-Ming Chen, Wei-Chen Wang, Guangxuan Xiao, Xingyu Dang, Chuang Gan, Song Han

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have fundamentally transformed the capabilities of numerous applications, from natural language processing to more intricate domain-specific tasks in robotics and autonomous driving. Moreover, the importance of on-device LLMs has grown significantly in the recent years. Running LLMs on edge devices not only promises reduced latency and improved user experience but also aligns with the increasing need for user privacy, as data processing can occur locally. However, the astronomical model sizes of modern LLMs and constraints of the edge devices, primarily in terms of memory size and bandwidth, pose significant deployment challenges. In this paper, we propose Activation-aware Weight Quantization (AWQ), a hardware-friendly approach for LLM low-bit weight-only quantization. Our method is based on the observation that weights are not equally important: protecting only 1% of salient weights can greatly reduce quantization error. We then propose to search for the optimal per-channel scaling that protects the salient weights by observing the activation, not weights. AWQ does not rely on any backpropagation or reconstruction, so it can well preserve LLMs' generalization ability on different domains and modalities, without overfitting to the calibration set. AWQ outperforms existing work on various language modeling and domain-specific benchmarks (coding and math). Thanks to better generalization, it achieves excellent quantization performance for instruction-tuned LMs and, for the first time, multi-modal LMs. Alongside AWQ, we implement TinyChat, an efficient and flexible inference framework tailored for on-device LLM/VLMs, offering more than 3x speedup over the Huggingface FP16 implementation on both desktop and mobile GPUs. It also democratizes the deployment of the 70B Llama-2 model on mobile GPUs.

replace Empowering Molecule Discovery for Molecule-Caption Translation with Large Language Models: A ChatGPT Perspective

Authors: Jiatong Li, Yunqing Liu, Wenqi Fan, Xiao-Yong Wei, Hui Liu, Jiliang Tang, Qing Li

Abstract: Molecule discovery plays a crucial role in various scientific fields, advancing the design of tailored materials and drugs. However, most of the existing methods heavily rely on domain experts, require excessive computational cost, or suffer from sub-optimal performance. On the other hand, Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, have shown remarkable performance in various cross-modal tasks due to their powerful capabilities in natural language understanding, generalization, and in-context learning (ICL), which provides unprecedented opportunities to advance molecule discovery. Despite several previous works trying to apply LLMs in this task, the lack of domain-specific corpus and difficulties in training specialized LLMs still remain challenges. In this work, we propose a novel LLM-based framework (MolReGPT) for molecule-caption translation, where an In-Context Few-Shot Molecule Learning paradigm is introduced to empower molecule discovery with LLMs like ChatGPT to perform their in-context learning capability without domain-specific pre-training and fine-tuning. MolReGPT leverages the principle of molecular similarity to retrieve similar molecules and their text descriptions from a local database to enable LLMs to learn the task knowledge from context examples. We evaluate the effectiveness of MolReGPT on molecule-caption translation, including molecule understanding and text-based molecule generation. Experimental results show that compared to fine-tuned models, MolReGPT outperforms MolT5-base and is comparable to MolT5-large without additional training. To the best of our knowledge, MolReGPT is the first work to leverage LLMs via in-context learning in molecule-caption translation for advancing molecule discovery. Our work expands the scope of LLM applications, as well as providing a new paradigm for molecule discovery and design.

replace Data-Copilot: Bridging Billions of Data and Humans with Autonomous Workflow

Authors: Wenqi Zhang, Yongliang Shen, Weiming Lu, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Various industries such as finance, meteorology, and energy generate vast amounts of heterogeneous data every day. There is a natural demand for humans to manage, process, and display data efficiently. However, it necessitates labor-intensive efforts and a high level of expertise for these data-related tasks. Considering that large language models (LLMs) have showcased promising capabilities in semantic understanding and reasoning, we advocate that the deployment of LLMs could autonomously manage and process massive amounts of data while displaying and interacting in a human-friendly manner. Based on this belief, we propose Data-Copilot, an LLM-based system that connects numerous data sources on one end and caters to diverse human demands on the other end. Acting like an experienced expert, Data-Copilot autonomously transforms raw data into visualization results that best match the user's intent. Specifically, Data-Copilot autonomously designs versatile interfaces (tools) for data management, processing, prediction, and visualization. In real-time response, it automatically deploys a concise workflow by invoking corresponding interfaces step by step for the user's request. The interface design and deployment processes are fully controlled by Data-Copilot itself, without human assistance. Besides, we create a Data-Copilot demo that links abundant data from different domains (stock, fund, company, economics, and live news) and accurately respond to diverse requests, serving as a reliable AI assistant.

replace Matching Patients to Clinical Trials with Large Language Models

Authors: Qiao Jin, Zifeng Wang, Charalampos S. Floudas, Fangyuan Chen, Changlin Gong, Dara Bracken-Clarke, Elisabetta Xue, Yifan Yang, Jimeng Sun, Zhiyong Lu

Abstract: Clinical trials are often hindered by the challenge of patient recruitment. In this work, we introduce TrialGPT, a first-of-its-kind large language model (LLM) framework to assist patient-to-trial matching. Given a patient note, TrialGPT predicts the patient's eligibility on a criterion-by-criterion basis and then consolidates these predictions to assess the patient's eligibility for the target trial. We evaluate the trial-level prediction performance of TrialGPT on three publicly available cohorts of 184 patients with over 18,000 trial annotations. We also engaged three physicians to label over 1,000 patient-criterion pairs to assess its criterion-level prediction accuracy. Experimental results show that TrialGPT achieves a criterion-level accuracy of 87.3% with faithful explanations, close to the expert performance (88.7%-90.0%). The aggregated TrialGPT scores are highly correlated with human eligibility judgments, and they outperform the best-competing models by 32.6% to 57.2% in ranking and excluding clinical trials. Furthermore, our user study reveals that TrialGPT can significantly reduce the screening time (by 42.6%) in a real-life clinical trial matching task. These results and analyses have demonstrated promising opportunities for clinical trial matching with LLMs such as TrialGPT.

replace $\rm SP^3$: Enhancing Structured Pruning via PCA Projection

Authors: Yuxuan Hu, Jing Zhang, Zhe Zhao, Chen Zhao, Xiaodong Chen, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen

Abstract: Structured pruning is a widely used technique for reducing the size of pre-trained language models (PLMs), but current methods often overlook the potential of compressing the hidden dimension (d) in PLMs, a dimension critical to model size and efficiency. This paper introduces a novel structured pruning approach, Structured Pruning with PCA Projection (SP3), targeting the effective reduction of d by projecting features into a space defined by principal components before masking. Extensive experiments on benchmarks (GLUE and SQuAD) show that SP3 can reduce d by 70%, compress 94% of the BERTbase model, maintain over 96% accuracy, and outperform other methods that compress d by 6% in accuracy at the same compression ratio. SP3 has also proven effective with other models, including OPT and Llama. Our data and code are available at an anonymous repo.

replace C-Pack: Packaged Resources To Advance General Chinese Embedding

Authors: Shitao Xiao, Zheng Liu, Peitian Zhang, Niklas Muennighoff

Abstract: We introduce C-Pack, a package of resources that significantly advance the field of general Chinese embeddings. C-Pack includes three critical resources. 1) C-MTEB is a comprehensive benchmark for Chinese text embeddings covering 6 tasks and 35 datasets. 2) C-MTP is a massive text embedding dataset curated from labeled and unlabeled Chinese corpora for training embedding models. 3) C-TEM is a family of embedding models covering multiple sizes. Our models outperform all prior Chinese text embeddings on C-MTEB by up to +10% upon the time of the release. We also integrate and optimize the entire suite of training methods for C-TEM. Along with our resources on general Chinese embedding, we release our data and models for English text embeddings. The English models achieve state-of-the-art performance on MTEB benchmark; meanwhile, our released English data is 2 times larger than the Chinese data. All these resources are made publicly available at


replace Think before you speak: Training Language Models With Pause Tokens

Authors: Sachin Goyal, Ziwei Ji, Ankit Singh Rawat, Aditya Krishna Menon, Sanjiv Kumar, Vaishnavh Nagarajan

Abstract: Language models generate responses by producing a series of tokens in immediate succession: the $(K+1)^{th}$ token is an outcome of manipulating $K$ hidden vectors per layer, one vector per preceding token. What if instead we were to let the model manipulate say, $K+10$ hidden vectors, before it outputs the $(K+1)^{th}$ token? We operationalize this idea by performing training and inference on language models with a (learnable) $\textit{pause}$ token, a sequence of which is appended to the input prefix. We then delay extracting the model's outputs until the last pause token is seen, thereby allowing the model to process extra computation before committing to an answer. We empirically evaluate $\textit{pause-training}$ on decoder-only models of 1B and 130M parameters with causal pretraining on C4, and on downstream tasks covering reasoning, question-answering, general understanding and fact recall. Our main finding is that inference-time delays show gains when the model is both pre-trained and finetuned with delays. For the 1B model, we witness gains on 8 of 9 tasks, most prominently, a gain of $18\%$ EM score on the QA task of SQuAD, $8\%$ on CommonSenseQA and $1\%$ accuracy on the reasoning task of GSM8k. Our work raises a range of conceptual and practical future research questions on making delayed next-token prediction a widely applicable new paradigm.

replace SemStamp: A Semantic Watermark with Paraphrastic Robustness for Text Generation

Authors: Abe Bohan Hou, Jingyu Zhang, Tianxing He, Yichen Wang, Yung-Sung Chuang, Hongwei Wang, Lingfeng Shen, Benjamin Van Durme, Daniel Khashabi, Yulia Tsvetkov

Abstract: Existing watermarking algorithms are vulnerable to paraphrase attacks because of their token-level design. To address this issue, we propose SemStamp, a robust sentence-level semantic watermarking algorithm based on locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), which partitions the semantic space of sentences. The algorithm encodes and LSH-hashes a candidate sentence generated by an LLM, and conducts sentence-level rejection sampling until the sampled sentence falls in watermarked partitions in the semantic embedding space. A margin-based constraint is used to enhance its robustness. To show the advantages of our algorithm, we propose a "bigram" paraphrase attack using the paraphrase that has the fewest bigram overlaps with the original sentence. This attack is shown to be effective against the existing token-level watermarking method. Experimental results show that our novel semantic watermark algorithm is not only more robust than the previous state-of-the-art method on both common and bigram paraphrase attacks, but also is better at preserving the quality of generation.

replace Found in the Middle: Permutation Self-Consistency Improves Listwise Ranking in Large Language Models

Authors: Raphael Tang, Xinyu Zhang, Xueguang Ma, Jimmy Lin, Ferhan Ture

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit positional bias in how they use context, which especially complicates listwise ranking. To address this, we propose permutation self-consistency, a form of self-consistency over ranking list outputs of black-box LLMs. Our key idea is to marginalize out different list orders in the prompt to produce an order-independent ranking with less positional bias. First, given some input prompt, we repeatedly shuffle the list in the prompt and pass it through the LLM while holding the instructions the same. Next, we aggregate the resulting sample of rankings by computing the central ranking closest in distance to all of them, marginalizing out prompt order biases in the process. Theoretically, we prove the robustness of our method, showing convergence to the true ranking in the presence of random perturbations. Empirically, on five list-ranking datasets in sorting and passage reranking, our approach improves scores from conventional inference by up to 7-18% for GPT-3.5 and 8-16% for LLaMA v2 (70B), surpassing the previous state of the art in passage reranking. Our code is at


replace Empirical study of pretrained multilingual language models for zero-shot cross-lingual knowledge transfer in generation

Authors: Nadezhda Chirkova, Sheng Liang, Vassilina Nikoulina

Abstract: Zero-shot cross-lingual knowledge transfer enables the multilingual pretrained language model (mPLM), finetuned on a task in one language, make predictions for this task in other languages. While being broadly studied for natural language understanding tasks, the described setting is understudied for generation. Previous works notice a frequent problem of generation in a wrong language and propose approaches to address it, usually using mT5 as a backbone model. In this work, we test alternative mPLMs, such as mBART and NLLB-200, considering full finetuning and parameter-efficient finetuning with adapters. We find that mBART with adapters performs similarly to mT5 of the same size, and NLLB-200 can be competitive in some cases. We also underline the importance of tuning learning rate used for finetuning, which helps to alleviate the problem of generation in the wrong language.

replace COPAL-ID: Indonesian Language Reasoning with Local Culture and Nuances

Authors: Haryo Akbarianto Wibowo, Erland Hilman Fuadi, Made Nindyatama Nityasya, Radityo Eko Prasojo, Alham Fikri Aji

Abstract: We present COPAL-ID, a novel, public Indonesian language common sense reasoning dataset. Unlike the previous Indonesian COPA dataset (XCOPA-ID), COPAL-ID incorporates Indonesian local and cultural nuances, and therefore, provides a more natural portrayal of day-to-day causal reasoning within the Indonesian cultural sphere. Professionally written by natives from scratch, COPAL-ID is more fluent and free from awkward phrases, unlike the translated XCOPA-ID. In addition, we present COPAL-ID in both standard Indonesian and in Jakartan Indonesian-a dialect commonly used in daily conversation. COPAL-ID poses a greater challenge for existing open-sourced and closed state-of-the-art multilingual language models, yet is trivially easy for humans. Our findings suggest that general multilingual models struggle to perform well, achieving 66.91% accuracy on COPAL-ID. South-East Asian-specific models achieve slightly better performance of 73.88% accuracy. Yet, this number still falls short of near-perfect human performance. This shows that these language models are still way behind in comprehending the local nuances of Indonesian.

replace Carpe Diem: On the Evaluation of World Knowledge in Lifelong Language Models

Authors: Yujin Kim, Jaehong Yoon, Seonghyeon Ye, Sangmin Bae, Namgyu Ho, Sung Ju Hwang, Se-young Yun

Abstract: The dynamic nature of knowledge in an ever-changing world presents challenges for language models trained on static data; the model in the real world often requires not only acquiring new knowledge but also overwriting outdated information into updated ones. To study the ability of language models for these time-dependent dynamics in human language, we introduce a novel task, EvolvingQA, a temporally evolving question-answering benchmark designed for training and evaluating LMs on an evolving Wikipedia database. The construction of EvolvingQA is automated with our pipeline using large language models. We uncover that existing continual learning baselines suffer from updating and removing outdated knowledge. Our analysis suggests that models fail to rectify knowledge due to small weight gradients. In addition, we elucidate that language models particularly struggle to reflect the change of numerical or temporal information. Our work aims to model the dynamic nature of real-world information, suggesting faithful evaluations of the evolution-adaptability of language models.

replace Large Language Models Can Learn Temporal Reasoning

Authors: Siheng Xiong, Ali Payani, Ramana Kompella, Faramarz Fekri

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable reasoning capabilities, they are not without their flaws and inaccuracies. Recent studies have introduced various methods to mitigate these limitations. Temporal reasoning (TR), in particular, presents a significant challenge for LLMs due to its reliance on diverse temporal expressions and intricate temporal logic. In this paper, we propose TG-LLM, a novel framework towards language-based TR. Instead of reasoning over the original context, we adopt a latent representation, temporal graph (TG) that facilitates the TR learning. A synthetic dataset (TGQA), which is fully controllable and requires minimal supervision, is constructed for fine-tuning LLMs on this text-to-TG translation task. We confirmed in experiments that the capability of TG translation learned on our dataset can be transferred to other TR tasks and benchmarks. On top of that, we teach LLM to perform deliberate reasoning over the TGs via Chain of Thought (CoT) bootstrapping and graph data augmentation. We observed that those strategies, which maintain a balance between usefulness and diversity, bring more reliable CoTs and final results than the vanilla CoT distillation.

replace CorpusLM: Towards a Unified Language Model on Corpus for Knowledge-Intensive Tasks

Authors: Xiaoxi Li, Zhicheng Dou, Yujia Zhou, Fangchao Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in various fields but prone to hallucination, especially in knowledge-intensive (KI) tasks. To address this, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has emerged as a popular solution to enhance factual accuracy. However, traditional retrieval modules often rely on large document index and disconnect with generative tasks. With the advent of generative retrieval (GR), language models can retrieve by directly generating document identifiers (DocIDs), offering superior performance in retrieval tasks. However, the potential relationship between GR and downstream tasks remains unexplored. In this paper, we propose \textbf{CorpusLM}, a unified language model that leverages external corpus to tackle various knowledge-intensive tasks by integrating generative retrieval, closed-book generation, and RAG through a unified greedy decoding process. We design the following mechanisms to facilitate effective retrieval and generation, and improve the end-to-end effectiveness of KI tasks: (1) We develop a ranking-oriented DocID list generation strategy, which refines GR by directly learning from a DocID ranking list, to improve retrieval quality. (2) We design a continuous DocIDs-References-Answer generation strategy, which facilitates effective and efficient RAG. (3) We employ well-designed unsupervised DocID understanding tasks, to comprehend DocID semantics and their relevance to downstream tasks. We evaluate our approach on the widely used KILT benchmark with two variants of backbone models, i.e., T5 and Llama2. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our models in both retrieval and downstream tasks.

replace PiCO: Peer Review in LLMs based on the Consistency Optimization

Authors: Kun-Peng Ning, Shuo Yang, Yu-Yang Liu, Jia-Yu Yao, Zhen-Hui Liu, Yu Wang, Ming Pang, Li Yuan

Abstract: Existing large language models (LLMs) evaluation methods typically focus on testing the performance on some closed-environment and domain-specific benchmarks with human annotations. In this paper, we explore a novel unsupervised evaluation direction, utilizing peer-review mechanisms to measure LLMs automatically. In this setting, both open-source and closed-source LLMs lie in the same environment, capable of answering unlabeled questions and evaluating each other, where each LLM's response score is jointly determined by other anonymous ones. To obtain the ability hierarchy among these models, we assign each LLM a learnable capability parameter to adjust the final ranking. We formalize it as a constrained optimization problem, intending to maximize the consistency of each LLM's capabilities and scores. The key assumption behind is that high-level LLM can evaluate others' answers more accurately than low-level ones, while higher-level LLM can also achieve higher response scores. Moreover, we propose three metrics called PEN, CIN, and LIS to evaluate the gap in aligning human rankings. We perform experiments on multiple datasets with these metrics, validating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

replace Walia-LLM: Enhancing Amharic-LLaMA by Integrating Task-Specific and Generative Datasets

Authors: Israel Abebe Azime, Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Tadesse Destaw Belay, Mitiku Yohannes Fuge, Aman Kassahun Wassie, Eyasu Shiferaw Jada, Yonas Chanie, Walelign Tewabe Sewunetie, Seid Muhie Yimam

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have received a lot of attention in natural language processing (NLP) research because of their exceptional performance in understanding and generating human languages. However, low-resource languages are left behind due to the unavailability of resources. In this work, we focus on enhancing the LLaMA-2-Amharic model by integrating task-specific and generative datasets to improve language model performance for Amharic. We compile an Amharic instruction fine-tuning dataset and fine-tuned LLaMA-2-Amharic model. The fine-tuned model shows promising results in different NLP tasks. We open-source our dataset creation pipeline, instruction datasets, trained models, and evaluation outputs to promote language-specific studies on these models.

replace Auditing Counterfire: Evaluating Advanced Counterargument Generation with Evidence and Style

Authors: Preetika Verma, Kokil Jaidka, Svetlana Churina

Abstract: We audited large language models (LLMs) for their ability to create evidence-based and stylistic counter-arguments to posts from the Reddit ChangeMyView dataset. We benchmarked their rhetorical quality across a host of qualitative and quantitative metrics and then ultimately evaluated them on their persuasive abilities as compared to human counter-arguments. Our evaluation is based on Counterfire: a new dataset of 32,000 counter-arguments generated from large language models (LLMs): GPT-3.5 Turbo and Koala and their fine-tuned variants, and PaLM 2, with varying prompts for evidence use and argumentative style. GPT-3.5 Turbo ranked highest in argument quality with strong paraphrasing and style adherence, particularly in `reciprocity' style arguments. However, the stylistic counter-arguments still fall short of human persuasive standards, where people also preferred reciprocal to evidence-based rebuttals. The findings suggest that a balance between evidentiality and stylistic elements is vital to a compelling counter-argument. We close with a discussion of future research directions and implications for evaluating LLM outputs.

replace Puzzle Solving using Reasoning of Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Panagiotis Giadikiaroglou, Maria Lymperaiou, Giorgos Filandrianos, Giorgos Stamou

Abstract: Exploring the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in puzzle solving unveils critical insights into their potential and challenges in AI, marking a significant step towards understanding their applicability in complex reasoning tasks. This survey leverages a unique taxonomy -- dividing puzzles into rule-based and rule-less categories -- to critically assess LLMs through various methodologies, including prompting techniques, neuro-symbolic approaches, and fine-tuning. Through a critical review of relevant datasets and benchmarks, we assess LLMs' performance, identifying significant challenges in complex puzzle scenarios. Our findings highlight the disparity between LLM capabilities and human-like reasoning, particularly in those requiring advanced logical inference. The survey underscores the necessity for novel strategies and richer datasets to advance LLMs' puzzle-solving proficiency and contribute to AI's logical reasoning and creative problem-solving advancements.

replace ArtPrompt: ASCII Art-based Jailbreak Attacks against Aligned LLMs

Authors: Fengqing Jiang, Zhangchen Xu, Luyao Niu, Zhen Xiang, Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, Bo Li, Radha Poovendran

Abstract: Safety is critical to the usage of large language models (LLMs). Multiple techniques such as data filtering and supervised fine-tuning have been developed to strengthen LLM safety. However, currently known techniques presume that corpora used for safety alignment of LLMs are solely interpreted by semantics. This assumption, however, does not hold in real-world applications, which leads to severe vulnerabilities in LLMs. For example, users of forums often use ASCII art, a form of text-based art, to convey image information. In this paper, we propose a novel ASCII art-based jailbreak attack and introduce a comprehensive benchmark Vision-in-Text Challenge (ViTC) to evaluate the capabilities of LLMs in recognizing prompts that cannot be solely interpreted by semantics. We show that five SOTA LLMs (GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Gemini, Claude, and Llama2) struggle to recognize prompts provided in the form of ASCII art. Based on this observation, we develop the jailbreak attack ArtPrompt, which leverages the poor performance of LLMs in recognizing ASCII art to bypass safety measures and elicit undesired behaviors from LLMs. ArtPrompt only requires black-box access to the victim LLMs, making it a practical attack. We evaluate ArtPrompt on five SOTA LLMs, and show that ArtPrompt can effectively and efficiently induce undesired behaviors from all five LLMs. Our code is available at


replace Key ingredients for effective zero-shot cross-lingual knowledge transfer in generative tasks

Authors: Nadezhda Chirkova, Vassilina Nikoulina

Abstract: Zero-shot cross-lingual knowledge transfer enables a multilingual pretrained language model, finetuned on a task in one language, make predictions for this task in other languages. While being broadly studied for natural language understanding tasks, the described setting is understudied for generation. Previous works notice a frequent problem of generation in a wrong language and propose approaches to address it, usually using mT5 as a backbone model. In this work we compare various approaches proposed from the literature in unified settings, also including alternative backbone models, namely mBART and NLLB-200. We first underline the importance of tuning learning rate used for finetuning, which helps to substantially alleviate the problem of generation in the wrong language. Then, we show that with careful learning rate tuning, the simple full finetuning of the model acts as a very strong baseline and alternative approaches bring only marginal improvements. Finally, we find that mBART performs similarly to mT5 of the same size, and NLLB-200 can be competitive in some cases. Our final zero-shot models reach the performance of the approach based on data translation which is usually considered as an upper baseline for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in generation.

replace Event-level Knowledge Editing

Authors: Hao Peng, Xiaozhi Wang, Chunyang Li, Kaisheng Zeng, Jiangshan Duo, Yixin Cao, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li

Abstract: Knowledge editing aims at updating knowledge of large language models (LLMs) to prevent them from becoming outdated. Existing work edits LLMs at the level of factual knowledge triplets. However, natural knowledge updates in the real world come from the occurrences of new events rather than direct changes in factual triplets. In this paper, we propose a new task setting: event-level knowledge editing, which directly edits new events into LLMs and improves over conventional triplet-level editing on (1) Efficiency. A single event edit leads to updates in multiple entailed knowledge triplets. (2) Completeness. Beyond updating factual knowledge, event-level editing also requires considering the event influences and updating LLMs' knowledge about future trends. We construct a high-quality event-level editing benchmark ELKEN, consisting of 1,515 event edits, 6,449 questions about factual knowledge, and 10,150 questions about future tendencies. We systematically evaluate the performance of various knowledge editing methods and LLMs on this benchmark. We find that ELKEN poses significant challenges to existing knowledge editing approaches. Our codes and dataset are publicly released to facilitate further research.

replace Zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in instruction tuning of large language models

Authors: Nadezhda Chirkova, Vassilina Nikoulina

Abstract: Instruction tuning (IT) is widely used to teach pretrained large language models (LLMs) to follow arbitrary instructions, but is under-studied in multilingual settings. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of zero-shot cross-lingual transfer in IT, when an LLM is instruction-tuned on English-only data and then tested on user prompts in other languages. We advocate for the importance of evaluating various aspects of model responses in multilingual instruction following and investigate the influence of different model configuration choices. We find that cross-lingual transfer does happen successfully in IT even if all stages of model training are English-centric, but only if multiliguality is taken into account in hyperparameter tuning and with large enough IT data. English-trained LLMs are capable of generating correct-language, comprehensive and helpful responses in other languages, but suffer from low factuality and may occasionally have fluency errors.

replace StructLM: Towards Building Generalist Models for Structured Knowledge Grounding

Authors: Alex Zhuang, Ge Zhang, Tianyu Zheng, Xinrun Du, Junjie Wang, Weiming Ren, Stephen W. Huang, Jie Fu, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Structured data sources, such as tables, graphs, and databases, are ubiquitous knowledge sources. Despite the demonstrated capabilities of large language models (LLMs) on plain text, their proficiency in interpreting and utilizing structured data remains limited. Our investigation reveals a notable deficiency in LLMs' ability to process structured data, e.g., ChatGPT lags behind state-of-the-art (SoTA) model by an average of 35%. To augment the Structured Knowledge Grounding (SKG) capabilities in LLMs, we have developed a comprehensive instruction tuning dataset comprising 1.1 million examples. Utilizing this dataset, we train a series of models, referred to as StructLM, based on the Code-LLaMA architecture, ranging from 7B to 34B parameters. Our StructLM series surpasses task-specific models on 14 out of 18 evaluated datasets and establishes new SoTA achievements on 7 SKG tasks. Furthermore, StructLM demonstrates strong generalization across 6 novel held-out SKG tasks, outperforming TableLlama by an average of 35\% and Flan-UL2 20B by an average of 10\%. Contrary to expectations, we observe that scaling model size offers marginal benefits, with StructLM-34B showing only slight improvements over StructLM-7B. This suggests that structured knowledge grounding is still a challenging task and requires more innovative design to push to a new level.

replace Debatrix: Multi-dimensional Debate Judge with Iterative Chronological Analysis Based on LLM

Authors: Jingcong Liang, Rong Ye, Meng Han, Ruofei Lai, Xinyu Zhang, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: How can we construct an automated debate judge to evaluate an extensive, vibrant, multi-turn debate? This task is challenging, as judging a debate involves grappling with lengthy texts, intricate argument relationships, and multi-dimensional assessments. At the same time, current research mainly focuses on short dialogues, rarely touching upon the evaluation of an entire debate. In this paper, by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose Debatrix, which makes the analysis and assessment of multi-turn debates more aligned with majority preferences. Specifically, Debatrix features a vertical, iterative chronological analysis and a horizontal, multi-dimensional evaluation collaboration. To align with real-world debate scenarios, we introduced the PanelBench benchmark, comparing our system's performance to actual debate outcomes. The findings indicate a notable enhancement over directly using LLMs for debate evaluation. Source code and benchmark data are available online at .


replace CHisIEC: An Information Extraction Corpus for Ancient Chinese History

Authors: Xuemei Tang, Zekun Deng, Qi Su, Hao Yang, Jun Wang

Abstract: Natural Language Processing (NLP) plays a pivotal role in the realm of Digital Humanities (DH) and serves as the cornerstone for advancing the structural analysis of historical and cultural heritage texts. This is particularly true for the domains of named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE). In our commitment to expediting ancient history and culture, we present the ``Chinese Historical Information Extraction Corpus''(CHisIEC). CHisIEC is a meticulously curated dataset designed to develop and evaluate NER and RE tasks, offering a resource to facilitate research in the field. Spanning a remarkable historical timeline encompassing data from 13 dynasties spanning over 1830 years, CHisIEC epitomizes the extensive temporal range and text heterogeneity inherent in Chinese historical documents. The dataset encompasses four distinct entity types and twelve relation types, resulting in a meticulously labeled dataset comprising 14,194 entities and 8,609 relations. To establish the robustness and versatility of our dataset, we have undertaken comprehensive experimentation involving models of various sizes and paradigms. Additionally, we have evaluated the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the context of tasks related to ancient Chinese history. The dataset and code are available at \url{}.


replace "You are an expert annotator": Automatic Best-Worst-Scaling Annotations for Emotion Intensity Modeling

Authors: Christopher Bagdon, Prathamesh Karmalker, Harsha Gurulingappa, Roman Klinger

Abstract: Labeling corpora constitutes a bottleneck to create models for new tasks or domains. Large language models mitigate the issue with automatic corpus labeling methods, particularly for categorical annotations. Some NLP tasks such as emotion intensity prediction, however, require text regression, but there is no work on automating annotations for continuous label assignments. Regression is considered more challenging than classification: The fact that humans perform worse when tasked to choose values from a rating scale lead to comparative annotation methods, including best-worst scaling. This raises the question if large language model-based annotation methods show similar patterns, namely that they perform worse on rating scale annotation tasks than on comparative annotation tasks. To study this, we automate emotion intensity predictions and compare direct rating scale predictions, pairwise comparisons and best-worst scaling. We find that the latter shows the highest reliability. A transformer regressor fine-tuned on these data performs nearly on par with a model trained on the original manual annotations.

replace Africa-Centric Self-Supervised Pre-Training for Multilingual Speech Representation in a Sub-Saharan Context

Authors: Antoine Caubri\`ere, Elodie Gauthier

Abstract: We present the first self-supervised multilingual speech model trained exclusively on African speech. The model learned from nearly 60 000 hours of unlabeled speech segments in 21 languages and dialects spoken in sub-Saharan Africa. On the SSA subset of the FLEURS-102 dataset, our approach based on a HuBERT$_{base}$ (0.09B) architecture shows competitive results, for ASR downstream task, compared to the w2v-bert-51 (0.6B) pre-trained model proposed in the FLEURS benchmark, while being more efficient by using 7x less data and 6x less parameters. Furthermore, in the context of a LID downstream task, our approach outperforms FLEURS baselines accuracy by over 22\%.

replace Enhancing Software-Related Information Extraction via Single-Choice Question Answering with Large Language Models

Authors: Wolfgang Otto, Sharmila Upadhyaya, Stefan Dietze

Abstract: This paper describes our participation in the Shared Task on Software Mentions Disambiguation (SOMD), with a focus on improving relation extraction in scholarly texts through generative Large Language Models (LLMs) using single-choice question-answering. The methodology prioritises the use of in-context learning capabilities of GLMs to extract software-related entities and their descriptive attributes, such as distributive information. Our approach uses Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques and GLMs for Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Attributive NER to identify relationships between extracted software entities, providing a structured solution for analysing software citations in academic literature. The paper provides a detailed description of our approach, demonstrating how using GLMs in a single-choice QA paradigm can greatly enhance IE methodologies. Our participation in the SOMD shared task highlights the importance of precise software citation practices and showcases our system's ability to overcome the challenges of disambiguating and extracting relationships between software mentions. This sets the groundwork for future research and development in this field.

replace Causality Extraction from Nuclear Licensee Event Reports Using a Hybrid Framework

Authors: Shahidur Rahoman Sohag, Sai Zhang, Min Xian, Shoukun Sun, Fei Xu, Zhegang Ma

Abstract: Industry-wide nuclear power plant operating experience is a critical source of raw data for performing parameter estimations in reliability and risk models. Much operating experience information pertains to failure events and is stored as reports containing unstructured data, such as narratives. Event reports are essential for understanding how failures are initiated and propagated, including the numerous causal relations involved. Causal relation extraction using deep learning represents a significant frontier in the field of natural language processing (NLP), and is crucial since it enables the interpretation of intricate narratives and connections contained within vast amounts of written information. This paper proposed a hybrid framework for causality detection and extraction from nuclear licensee event reports. The main contributions include: (1) we compiled an LER corpus with 20,129 text samples for causality analysis, (2) developed an interactive tool for labeling cause effect pairs, (3) built a deep-learning-based approach for causal relation detection, and (4) developed a knowledge based cause-effect extraction approach.

replace MiniCPM: Unveiling the Potential of Small Language Models with Scalable Training Strategies

Authors: Shengding Hu, Yuge Tu, Xu Han, Chaoqun He, Ganqu Cui, Xiang Long, Zhi Zheng, Yewei Fang, Yuxiang Huang, Weilin Zhao, Xinrong Zhang, Zheng Leng Thai, Kaihuo Zhang, Chongyi Wang, Yuan Yao, Chenyang Zhao, Jie Zhou, Jie Cai, Zhongwu Zhai, Ning Ding, Chao Jia, Guoyang Zeng, Dahai Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: The burgeoning interest in developing Large Language Models (LLMs) with up to trillion parameters has been met with concerns regarding resource efficiency and practical expense, particularly given the immense cost of experimentation. This scenario underscores the importance of exploring the potential of Small Language Models (SLMs) as a resource-efficient alternative. In this context, we introduce MiniCPM, specifically the 1.2B and 2.4B non-embedding parameter variants, not only excel in their respective categories but also demonstrate capabilities on par with 7B-13B LLMs. While focusing on SLMs, our approach exhibits scalability in both model and data dimensions for future LLM research. Regarding model scaling, we employ extensive model wind tunnel experiments for stable and optimal scaling. For data scaling, we introduce a Warmup-Stable-Decay (WSD) learning rate scheduler (LRS), conducive to continuous training and domain adaptation. We present an in-depth analysis of the intriguing training dynamics that occurred in the WSD LRS. With WSD LRS, we are now able to efficiently study data-model scaling law without extensive retraining experiments on both axes of model and data, from which we derive the much higher compute optimal data-model ratio than Chinchilla Optimal. Additionally, we introduce MiniCPM family, including MiniCPM-DPO, MiniCPM-MoE and MiniCPM-128K, whose excellent performance further cementing MiniCPM's foundation in diverse SLM applications. MiniCPM models are available publicly at .


replace Improving Language Model Reasoning with Self-motivated Learning

Authors: Yunlong Feng, Yang Xu, Libo Qin, Yasheng Wang, Wanxiang Che

Abstract: Large-scale high-quality training data is important for improving the performance of models. After trained with data that has rationales (reasoning steps), models gain reasoning capability. However, the dataset with high-quality rationales is relatively scarce due to the high annotation cost. To address this issue, we propose \textit{Self-motivated Learning} framework. The framework motivates the model itself to automatically generate rationales on existing datasets. Based on the inherent rank from correctness across multiple rationales, the model learns to generate better rationales, leading to higher reasoning capability. Specifically, we train a reward model with the rank to evaluate the quality of rationales, and improve the performance of reasoning through reinforcement learning. Experiment results of Llama2 7B on multiple reasoning datasets show that our method significantly improves the reasoning ability of models, even outperforming text-davinci-002 in some datasets.

replace Enhancing Question Answering for Enterprise Knowledge Bases using Large Language Models

Authors: Feihu Jiang, Chuan Qin, Kaichun Yao, Chuyu Fang, Fuzhen Zhuang, Hengshu Zhu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Efficient knowledge management plays a pivotal role in augmenting both the operational efficiency and the innovative capacity of businesses and organizations. By indexing knowledge through vectorization, a variety of knowledge retrieval methods have emerged, significantly enhancing the efficacy of knowledge management systems. Recently, the rapid advancements in generative natural language processing technologies paved the way for generating precise and coherent answers after retrieving relevant documents tailored to user queries. However, for enterprise knowledge bases, assembling extensive training data from scratch for knowledge retrieval and generation is a formidable challenge due to the privacy and security policies of private data, frequently entailing substantial costs. To address the challenge above, in this paper, we propose EKRG, a novel Retrieval-Generation framework based on large language models (LLMs), expertly designed to enable question-answering for Enterprise Knowledge bases with limited annotation costs. Specifically, for the retrieval process, we first introduce an instruction-tuning method using an LLM to generate sufficient document-question pairs for training a knowledge retriever. This method, through carefully designed instructions, efficiently generates diverse questions for enterprise knowledge bases, encompassing both fact-oriented and solution-oriented knowledge. Additionally, we develop a relevance-aware teacher-student learning strategy to further enhance the efficiency of the training process. For the generation process, we propose a novel chain of thought (CoT) based fine-tuning method to empower the LLM-based generator to adeptly respond to user questions using retrieved documents. Finally, extensive experiments on real-world datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed framework.

replace Analyzing the Impact of Data Selection and Fine-Tuning on Economic and Political Biases in LLMs

Authors: Ahmed Agiza, Mohamed Mostagir, Sherief Reda

Abstract: In an era where language models are increasingly integrated into decision-making and communication, understanding the biases within Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes imperative, especially when these models are applied in the economic and political domains. This work investigates the impact of fine-tuning and data selection on economic and political biases in LLM. We explore the methodological aspects of biasing LLMs towards specific ideologies, mindful of the biases that arise from their extensive training on diverse datasets. Our approach, distinct from earlier efforts that either focus on smaller models or entail resource-intensive pre-training, employs Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques. These techniques allow for the alignment of LLMs with targeted ideologies by modifying a small subset of parameters. We introduce a systematic method for dataset selection, annotation, and instruction tuning, and we assess its effectiveness through both quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Our work analyzes the potential of embedding specific biases into LLMs and contributes to the dialogue on the ethical application of AI, highlighting the importance of deploying AI in a manner that aligns with societal values.

replace Large Language Models are as persuasive as humans, but how? About the cognitive effort and moral-emotional language of LLM arguments

Authors: Carlos Carrasco-Farre

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are already as persuasive as humans. However, we know very little about how they do it. This paper investigates the persuasion strategies of LLMs, comparing them with human-generated arguments. Using a dataset of 1,251 participants in an experiment, we analyze the persuasion strategies of LLM-generated and human-generated arguments using measures of cognitive effort (lexical and grammatical complexity) and moral-emotional language (sentiment and moral analysis). The study reveals that LLMs produce arguments that require higher cognitive effort, exhibiting more complex grammatical and lexical structures than human counterparts. Additionally, LLMs demonstrate a significant propensity to engage more deeply with moral language, utilizing both positive and negative moral foundations more frequently than humans. In contrast with previous research, no significant difference was found in the emotional content produced by LLMs and humans. These findings contribute to the discourse on AI and persuasion, highlighting the dual potential of LLMs to both enhance and undermine informational integrity through communication strategies for digital persuasion.

replace CULTURE-GEN: Revealing Global Cultural Perception in Language Models through Natural Language Prompting

Authors: Huihan Li, Liwei Jiang, Nouha Dziri, Xiang Ren, Yejin Choi

Abstract: As the utilization of large language models (LLMs) has proliferated worldwide, it is crucial for them to have adequate knowledge and fair representation for diverse global cultures. In this work, we uncover culture perceptions of three SOTA models on 110 countries and regions on 8 culture-related topics through culture-conditioned generations, and extract symbols from these generations that are associated to each culture by the LLM. We discover that culture-conditioned generation consist of linguistic "markers" that distinguish marginalized cultures apart from default cultures. We also discover that LLMs have an uneven degree of diversity in the culture symbols, and that cultures from different geographic regions have different presence in LLMs' culture-agnostic generation. Our findings promote further research in studying the knowledge and fairness of global culture perception in LLMs. Code and Data can be found in:


replace Is DPO Superior to PPO for LLM Alignment? A Comprehensive Study

Authors: Shusheng Xu, Wei Fu, Jiaxuan Gao, Wenjie Ye, Weilin Liu, Zhiyu Mei, Guangju Wang, Chao Yu, Yi Wu

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is currently the most widely used method to align large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Existing RLHF methods can be roughly categorized as either reward-based or reward-free. Novel applications such as ChatGPT and Claude leverage reward-based methods that first learn a reward model and apply actor-critic algorithms, such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). However, in academic benchmarks, state-of-the-art results are often achieved via reward-free methods, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO). Is DPO truly superior to PPO? Why does PPO perform poorly on these benchmarks? In this paper, we first conduct both theoretical and empirical studies on the algorithmic properties of DPO and show that DPO may have fundamental limitations. Moreover, we also comprehensively examine PPO and reveal the key factors for the best performances of PPO in fine-tuning LLMs. Finally, we benchmark DPO and PPO across a collection of RLHF testbeds, ranging from dialogue to code generation. Experiment results demonstrate that PPO is able to surpass other alignment methods in all cases and achieve state-of-the-art results in challenging code competitions.

replace Missed Connections: Lateral Thinking Puzzles for Large Language Models

Authors: Graham Todd, Tim Merino, Sam Earle, Julian Togelius

Abstract: The Connections puzzle published each day by the New York Times tasks players with dividing a bank of sixteen words into four groups of four words that each relate to a common theme. Solving the puzzle requires both common linguistic knowledge (i.e. definitions and typical usage) as well as, in many cases, lateral or abstract thinking. This is because the four categories ascend in complexity, with the most challenging category often requiring thinking about words in uncommon ways or as parts of larger phrases. We investigate the capacity for automated AI systems to play Connections and explore the game's potential as an automated benchmark for abstract reasoning and a way to measure the semantic information encoded by data-driven linguistic systems. In particular, we study both a sentence-embedding baseline and modern large language models (LLMs). We report their accuracy on the task, measure the impacts of chain-of-thought prompting, and discuss their failure modes. Overall, we find that the Connections task is challenging yet feasible, and a strong test-bed for future work.

replace Augmenting emotion features in irony detection with Large language modeling

Authors: Yucheng Lin, Yuhan Xia, Yunfei Long

Abstract: This study introduces a novel method for irony detection, applying Large Language Models (LLMs) with prompt-based learning to facilitate emotion-centric text augmentation. Traditional irony detection techniques typically fall short due to their reliance on static linguistic features and predefined knowledge bases, often overlooking the nuanced emotional dimensions integral to irony. In contrast, our methodology augments the detection process by integrating subtle emotional cues, augmented through LLMs, into three benchmark pre-trained NLP models - BERT, T5, and GPT-2 - which are widely recognized as foundational in irony detection. We assessed our method using the SemEval-2018 Task 3 dataset and observed substantial enhancements in irony detection capabilities.

replace Enabling Natural Zero-Shot Prompting on Encoder Models via Statement-Tuning

Authors: Ahmed Elshabrawy, Yongxin Huang, Iryna Gurevych, Alham Fikri Aji

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities in zero-shot and few-shot scenarios, they often require computationally prohibitive sizes. Conversely, smaller Masked Language Models (MLMs) like BERT and RoBERTa achieve state-of-the-art results through fine-tuning but struggle with extending to few-shot and zero-shot settings due to their architectural constraints. Hence, we propose Statement-Tuning, a technique that models discriminative tasks as a set of finite statements and trains an Encoder model to discriminate between the potential statements to determine the label. We do Statement-Tuning on multiple tasks to enable cross-task generalization. Experimental results demonstrate that Statement Tuning achieves competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art LLMs with significantly fewer parameters. Moreover, the study investigates the impact of several design choices on few-shot and zero-shot generalization, revealing that Statement Tuning can achieve sufficient performance with modest training data and benefits from task and statement diversity for unseen task generalizability.

replace-cross Recommender Systems in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Zihuai Zhao, Wenqi Fan, Jiatong Li, Yunqing Liu, Xiaowei Mei, Yiqi Wang, Zhen Wen, Fei Wang, Xiangyu Zhao, Jiliang Tang, Qing Li

Abstract: With the prosperity of e-commerce and web applications, Recommender Systems (RecSys) have become an important component of our daily life, providing personalized suggestions that cater to user preferences. While Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have made significant advancements in enhancing recommender systems by modeling user-item interactions and incorporating textual side information, DNN-based methods still face limitations, such as difficulties in understanding users' interests and capturing textual side information, inabilities in generalizing to various recommendation scenarios and reasoning on their predictions, etc. Meanwhile, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT4, has revolutionized the fields of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), due to their remarkable abilities in fundamental responsibilities of language understanding and generation, as well as impressive generalization and reasoning capabilities. As a result, recent studies have attempted to harness the power of LLMs to enhance recommender systems. Given the rapid evolution of this research direction in recommender systems, there is a pressing need for a systematic overview that summarizes existing LLM-empowered recommender systems, to provide researchers in relevant fields with an in-depth understanding. Therefore, in this paper, we conduct a comprehensive review of LLM-empowered recommender systems from various aspects including Pre-training, Fine-tuning, and Prompting. More specifically, we first introduce representative methods to harness the power of LLMs (as a feature encoder) for learning representations of users and items. Then, we review recent techniques of LLMs for enhancing recommender systems from three paradigms, namely pre-training, fine-tuning, and prompting. Finally, we comprehensively discuss future directions in this emerging field.

replace-cross Prot2Text: Multimodal Protein's Function Generation with GNNs and Transformers

Authors: Hadi Abdine, Michail Chatzianastasis, Costas Bouyioukos, Michalis Vazirgiannis

Abstract: In recent years, significant progress has been made in the field of protein function prediction with the development of various machine-learning approaches. However, most existing methods formulate the task as a multi-classification problem, i.e. assigning predefined labels to proteins. In this work, we propose a novel approach, Prot2Text, which predicts a protein's function in a free text style, moving beyond the conventional binary or categorical classifications. By combining Graph Neural Networks(GNNs) and Large Language Models(LLMs), in an encoder-decoder framework, our model effectively integrates diverse data types including protein sequence, structure, and textual annotation and description. This multimodal approach allows for a holistic representation of proteins' functions, enabling the generation of detailed and accurate functional descriptions. To evaluate our model, we extracted a multimodal protein dataset from SwissProt, and demonstrate empirically the effectiveness of Prot2Text. These results highlight the transformative impact of multimodal models, specifically the fusion of GNNs and LLMs, empowering researchers with powerful tools for more accurate function prediction of existing as well as first-to-see proteins.

replace-cross Moral Sparks in Social Media Narratives

Authors: Ruijie Xi, Munindar P. Singh

Abstract: There is increasing interest in building computational models of moral reasoning by people to enable effective interaction by Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents. We examine interactions on social media to understand human moral judgments in real-life ethical scenarios. Specifically, we examine posts from a popular Reddit subreddit (i.e., a subcommunity) called r/AmITheAsshole, where authors and commenters share their moral judgments on who (i.e., which participant of the described scenario) is blameworthy. To investigate the underlying reasoning influencing moral judgments, we focus on excerpts-which we term moral sparks-from original posts that some commenters include to indicate what motivates their judgments. To this end, we examine how (1) events activating social commonsense and (2) linguistic signals affect the identified moral sparks and their subsequent judgments. By examining over 24672 posts and 175988 comments, we find that event-related negative character traits (e.g., immature and rude) attract attention and stimulate blame, implying a dependent relationship between character traits and moral values. Specifically, we focus on causal graphs involving events (c-events) that activate social commonsense. We observe that c-events are perceived with varying levels of informativeness, influencing moral spark and judgment assignment in distinct ways. This observation is reinforced by examining linguistic features describing semantically similar c-events. Moreover, language influencing commenters' cognitive processes enhances the probability of an excerpt becoming a moral spark, while factual and concrete descriptions tend to inhibit this effect.

replace-cross Does GPT-4 pass the Turing test?

Authors: Cameron R. Jones, Benjamin K. Bergen

Abstract: We evaluated GPT-4 in a public online Turing test. The best-performing GPT-4 prompt passed in 49.7% of games, outperforming ELIZA (22%) and GPT-3.5 (20%), but falling short of the baseline set by human participants (66%). Participants' decisions were based mainly on linguistic style (35%) and socioemotional traits (27%), supporting the idea that intelligence, narrowly conceived, is not sufficient to pass the Turing test. Participant knowledge about LLMs and number of games played positively correlated with accuracy in detecting AI, suggesting learning and practice as possible strategies to mitigate deception. Despite known limitations as a test of intelligence, we argue that the Turing test continues to be relevant as an assessment of naturalistic communication and deception. AI models with the ability to masquerade as humans could have widespread societal consequences, and we analyse the effectiveness of different strategies and criteria for judging humanlikeness.

replace-cross Let's Think Outside the Box: Exploring Leap-of-Thought in Large Language Models with Creative Humor Generation

Authors: Shanshan Zhong, Zhongzhan Huang, Shanghua Gao, Wushao Wen, Liang Lin, Marinka Zitnik, Pan Zhou

Abstract: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) guides large language models (LLMs) to reason step-by-step, and can motivate their logical reasoning ability. While effective for logical tasks, CoT is not conducive to creative problem-solving which often requires out-of-box thoughts and is crucial for innovation advancements. In this paper, we explore the Leap-of-Thought (LoT) abilities within LLMs -- a non-sequential, creative paradigm involving strong associations and knowledge leaps. To this end, we study LLMs on the popular Oogiri game which needs participants to have good creativity and strong associative thinking for responding unexpectedly and humorously to the given image, text, or both, and thus is suitable for LoT study. Then to investigate LLMs' LoT ability in the Oogiri game, we first build a multimodal and multilingual Oogiri-GO dataset which contains over 130,000 samples from the Oogiri game, and observe the insufficient LoT ability or failures of most existing LLMs on the Oogiri game. Accordingly, we introduce a creative Leap-of-Thought (CLoT) paradigm to improve LLM's LoT ability. CLoT first formulates the Oogiri-GO dataset into LoT-oriented instruction tuning data to train pretrained LLM for achieving certain LoT humor generation and discrimination abilities. Then CLoT designs an explorative self-refinement that encourages the LLM to generate more creative LoT data via exploring parallels between seemingly unrelated concepts and selects high-quality data to train itself for self-refinement. CLoT not only excels in humor generation in the Oogiri game but also boosts creative abilities in various tasks like cloud guessing game and divergent association task. These findings advance our understanding and offer a pathway to improve LLMs' creative capacities for innovative applications across domains. The dataset, code, and models will be released online.


replace-cross Domain-Specific Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models for Interactive Robot Programming

Authors: Benjamin Alt, Urs Ke{\ss}ner, Aleksandar Taranovic, Darko Katic, Andreas Hermann, Rainer J\"akel, Gerhard Neumann

Abstract: Industrial robots are applied in a widening range of industries, but robot programming mostly remains a task limited to programming experts. We propose a natural language-based assistant for programming of advanced, industrial robotic applications and investigate strategies for domain-specific fine-tuning of foundation models with limited data and compute.

replace-cross DrawTalking: Building Interactive Worlds by Sketching and Speaking

Authors: Karl Toby Rosenberg, Rubaiat Habib Kazi, Li-Yi Wei, Haijun Xia, Ken Perlin

Abstract: We introduce DrawTalking, an approach to building and controlling interactive worlds by sketching and speaking. It emphasizes user control and flexibility, and gives programming-like capability without requiring code. We built a prototype to demonstrate it. An early open-ended study shows the mechanics resonate and are applicable to many creative-exploratory use cases, with the potential to inspire and inform research in future natural interfaces for creative exploration and authoring.

replace-cross RELIANCE: Reliable Ensemble Learning for Information and News Credibility Evaluation

Authors: Majid Ramezani, Hamed Mohammadshahi, Mahshid Daliry, Soroor Rahmani, Amir-Hosein Asghari

Abstract: In the era of information proliferation, discerning the credibility of news content poses an ever-growing challenge. This paper introduces RELIANCE, a pioneering ensemble learning system designed for robust information and fake news credibility evaluation. Comprising five diverse base models, including Support Vector Machine (SVM), naive Bayes, logistic regression, random forest, and Bidirectional Long Short Term Memory Networks (BiLSTMs), RELIANCE employs an innovative approach to integrate their strengths, harnessing the collective intelligence of the ensemble for enhanced accuracy. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of RELIANCE over individual models, indicating its efficacy in distinguishing between credible and non-credible information sources. RELIANCE, also surpasses baseline models in information and news credibility assessment, establishing itself as an effective solution for evaluating the reliability of information sources.

replace-cross Drop your Decoder: Pre-training with Bag-of-Word Prediction for Dense Passage Retrieval

Authors: Guangyuan Ma, Xing Wu, Zijia Lin, Songlin Hu

Abstract: Masked auto-encoder pre-training has emerged as a prevalent technique for initializing and enhancing dense retrieval systems. It generally utilizes additional Transformer decoder blocks to provide sustainable supervision signals and compress contextual information into dense representations. However, the underlying reasons for the effectiveness of such a pre-training technique remain unclear. The usage of additional Transformer-based decoders also incurs significant computational costs. In this study, we aim to shed light on this issue by revealing that masked auto-encoder (MAE) pre-training with enhanced decoding significantly improves the term coverage of input tokens in dense representations, compared to vanilla BERT checkpoints. Building upon this observation, we propose a modification to the traditional MAE by replacing the decoder of a masked auto-encoder with a completely simplified Bag-of-Word prediction task. This modification enables the efficient compression of lexical signals into dense representations through unsupervised pre-training. Remarkably, our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art retrieval performance on several large-scale retrieval benchmarks without requiring any additional parameters, which provides a 67% training speed-up compared to standard masked auto-encoder pre-training with enhanced decoding.

replace-cross VidProM: A Million-scale Real Prompt-Gallery Dataset for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models

Authors: Wenhao Wang, Yifan Sun, Yi Yang

Abstract: The arrival of Sora marks a new era for text-to-video diffusion models, bringing significant advancements in video generation and potential applications. However, Sora, along with other text-to-video diffusion models, is highly reliant on prompts, and there is no publicly available dataset that features a study of text-to-video prompts. In this paper, we introduce VidProM, the first large-scale dataset comprising 1.67 Million unique text-to-Video Prompts from real users. Additionally, this dataset includes 6.69 million videos generated by four state-of-the-art diffusion models, alongside some related data. We initially discuss the curation of this large-scale dataset, a process that is both time-consuming and costly. Subsequently, we underscore the need for a new prompt dataset specifically designed for text-to-video generation by illustrating how VidProM differs from DiffusionDB, a large-scale prompt-gallery dataset for image generation. Our extensive and diverse dataset also opens up many exciting new research areas. For instance, we suggest exploring text-to-video prompt engineering, efficient video generation, and video copy detection for diffusion models to develop better, more efficient, and safer models. The project (including the collected dataset VidProM and related code) is publicly available at under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 License.


replace-cross A Unified Framework for Model Editing

Authors: Akshat Gupta, Dev Sajnani, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: We introduce a unifying framework that brings two leading "locate-and-edit" model editing techniques -- ROME and MEMIT -- under a single conceptual umbrella, optimizing for the same goal, which we call the preservation-memorization objective. ROME uses an equality constraint to perform one edit at a time, whereas MEMIT employs a more flexible least-square constraint that allows for batched edits. Following the preservation-memorization objective, we present Equality-constrained Mass Model Editing algorithm for Transformers or EMMET, a new batched memory-editing algorithm that uses a closed-form solution for the equality-constrained version of the preservation-memorization objective. EMMET is a batched-version of ROME and is able to perform batched-edits up to a batch-size of 10,000 with very similar performance to MEMIT across multiple dimensions. With EMMET, we unify and achieve symmetry within the "locate-and-edit" algorithms, allowing batched-editing using both objectives.

replace-cross Recourse for reclamation: Chatting with generative language models

Authors: Jennifer Chien, Kevin R. McKee, Jackie Kay, William Isaac

Abstract: Researchers and developers increasingly rely on toxicity scoring to moderate generative language model outputs, in settings such as customer service, information retrieval, and content generation. However, toxicity scoring may render pertinent information inaccessible, rigidify or "value-lock" cultural norms, and prevent language reclamation processes, particularly for marginalized people. In this work, we extend the concept of algorithmic recourse to generative language models: we provide users a novel mechanism to achieve their desired prediction by dynamically setting thresholds for toxicity filtering. Users thereby exercise increased agency relative to interactions with the baseline system. A pilot study ($n = 30$) supports the potential of our proposed recourse mechanism, indicating improvements in usability compared to fixed-threshold toxicity-filtering of model outputs. Future work should explore the intersection of toxicity scoring, model controllability, user agency, and language reclamation processes -- particularly with regard to the bias that many communities encounter when interacting with generative language models.

replace-cross VoiceCraft: Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild

Authors: Puyuan Peng, Po-Yao Huang, Abdelrahman Mohamed, David Harwath

Abstract: We introduce VoiceCraft, a token infilling neural codec language model, that achieves state-of-the-art performance on both speech editing and zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) on audiobooks, internet videos, and podcasts. VoiceCraft employs a Transformer decoder architecture and introduces a token rearrangement procedure that combines causal masking and delayed stacking to enable generation within an existing sequence. On speech editing tasks, VoiceCraft produces edited speech that is nearly indistinguishable from unedited recordings in terms of naturalness, as evaluated by humans; for zero-shot TTS, our model outperforms prior SotA models including VALLE and the popular commercial model XTTS-v2. Crucially, the models are evaluated on challenging and realistic datasets, that consist of diverse accents, speaking styles, recording conditions, and background noise and music, and our model performs consistently well compared to other models and real recordings. In particular, for speech editing evaluation, we introduce a high quality, challenging, and realistic dataset named RealEdit. We encourage readers to listen to the demos at


replace-cross Ink and Individuality: Crafting a Personalised Narrative in the Age of LLMs

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Raima Islam, Mst Rafia Islam

Abstract: Individuality and personalization comprise the distinctive characteristics that make each writer unique and influence their words in order to effectively engage readers while conveying authenticity. However, our growing reliance on LLM-based writing assistants risks compromising our creativity and individuality over time. We often overlook the negative impacts of this trend on our creativity and uniqueness, despite the possible consequences. This study investigates these concerns by performing a brief survey to explore different perspectives and concepts, as well as trying to understand people's viewpoints, in conjunction with past studies in the area. Addressing these issues is essential for improving human-computer interaction systems and enhancing writing assistants for personalization and individuality.

replace-cross LLMs as Writing Assistants: Exploring Perspectives on Sense of Ownership and Reasoning

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Mst Rafia Islam, Raima Islam

Abstract: Sense of ownership in writing confines our investment of thoughts, time, and contribution, leading to attachment to the output. However, using writing assistants introduces a mental dilemma, as some content isn't directly our creation. For instance, we tend to credit Large Language Models (LLMs) more in creative tasks, even though all tasks are equal for them. Additionally, while we may not claim complete ownership of LLM-generated content, we freely claim authorship. We conduct a short survey to examine these issues and understand underlying cognitive processes in order to gain a better knowledge of human-computer interaction in writing and improve writing aid systems.