new Rumour Evaluation with Very Large Language Models

Authors: Dahlia Shehata, Robin Cohen, Charles Clarke

Abstract: Conversational prompt-engineering-based large language models (LLMs) have enabled targeted control over the output creation, enhancing versatility, adaptability and adhoc retrieval. From another perspective, digital misinformation has reached alarming levels. The anonymity, availability and reach of social media offer fertile ground for rumours to propagate. This work proposes to leverage the advancement of prompting-dependent LLMs to combat misinformation by extending the research efforts of the RumourEval task on its Twitter dataset. To the end, we employ two prompting-based LLM variants (GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4) to extend the two RumourEval subtasks: (1) veracity prediction, and (2) stance classification. For veracity prediction, three classifications schemes are experimented per GPT variant. Each scheme is tested in zero-, one- and few-shot settings. Our best results outperform the precedent ones by a substantial margin. For stance classification, prompting-based-approaches show comparable performance to prior results, with no improvement over finetuning methods. Rumour stance subtask is also extended beyond the original setting to allow multiclass classification. All of the generated predictions for both subtasks are equipped with confidence scores determining their trustworthiness degree according to the LLM, and post-hoc justifications for explainability and interpretability purposes. Our primary aim is AI for social good.

new Samsung Research China-Beijing at SemEval-2024 Task 3: A multi-stage framework for Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations

Authors: Shen Zhang, Haojie Zhang, Jing Zhang, Xudong Zhang, Yimeng Zhuang, Jinting Wu

Abstract: In human-computer interaction, it is crucial for agents to respond to human by understanding their emotions. Unraveling the causes of emotions is more challenging. A new task named Multimodal Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations is responsible for recognizing emotion and identifying causal expressions. In this study, we propose a multi-stage framework to generate emotion and extract the emotion causal pairs given the target emotion. In the first stage, Llama-2-based InstructERC is utilized to extract the emotion category of each utterance in a conversation. After emotion recognition, a two-stream attention model is employed to extract the emotion causal pairs given the target emotion for subtask 2 while MuTEC is employed to extract causal span for subtask 1. Our approach achieved first place for both of the two subtasks in the competition.

new Examining the robustness of LLM evaluation to the distributional assumptions of benchmarks

Authors: Melissa Ailem, Katerina Marazopoulou, Charlotte Siska, James Bono

Abstract: Benchmarks have emerged as the central approach for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs). The research community often relies on a model's average performance across the test prompts of a benchmark to evaluate the model's performance. This is consistent with the assumption that the test prompts within a benchmark represent a random sample from a real-world distribution of interest. We note that this is generally not the case; instead, we hold that the distribution of interest varies according to the specific use case. We find that (1) the correlation in model performance across test prompts is non-random, (2) accounting for correlations across test prompts can change model rankings on major benchmarks, (3) explanatory factors for these correlations include semantic similarity and common LLM failure points.

new Evaluating Class Membership Relations in Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models

Authors: Bradley P. Allen, Paul T. Groth

Abstract: A backbone of knowledge graphs are their class membership relations, which assign entities to a given class. As part of the knowledge engineering process, we propose a new method for evaluating the quality of these relations by processing descriptions of a given entity and class using a zero-shot chain-of-thought classifier that uses a natural language intensional definition of a class. We evaluate the method using two publicly available knowledge graphs, Wikidata and CaLiGraph, and 7 large language models. Using the gpt-4-0125-preview large language model, the method's classification performance achieves a macro-averaged F1-score of 0.830 on data from Wikidata and 0.893 on data from CaLiGraph. Moreover, a manual analysis of the classification errors shows that 40.9% of errors were due to the knowledge graphs, with 16.0% due to missing relations and 24.9% due to incorrectly asserted relations. These results show how large language models can assist knowledge engineers in the process of knowledge graph refinement. The code and data are available on Github.

new T\"urk\c{c}e Dil Modellerinin Performans Kar\c{s}{\i}la\c{s}t{\i}rmas{\i} Performance Comparison of Turkish Language Models

Authors: Eren Dogan, M. Egemen Uzun, Atahan Uz, H. Emre Seyrek, Ahmed Zeer, Ezgi Sevi, H. Toprak Kesgin, M. Kaan Yuce, M. Fatih Amasyali

Abstract: The developments that language models have provided in fulfilling almost all kinds of tasks have attracted the attention of not only researchers but also the society and have enabled them to become products. There are commercially successful language models available. However, users may prefer open-source language models due to cost, data privacy, or regulations. Yet, despite the increasing number of these models, there is no comprehensive comparison of their performance for Turkish. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature. A comparison is made among seven selected language models based on their contextual learning and question-answering abilities. Turkish datasets for contextual learning and question-answering were prepared, and both automatic and human evaluations were conducted. The results show that for question-answering, continuing pretraining before fine-tuning with instructional datasets is more successful in adapting multilingual models to Turkish and that in-context learning performances do not much related to question-answering performances.

new Player-Driven Emergence in LLM-Driven Game Narrative

Authors: Xiangyu Peng, Jessica Quaye, Weijia Xu, Chris Brockett, Bill Dolan, Nebojsa Jojic, Gabriel DesGarennes, Ken Lobb, Michael Xu, Jorge Leandro, Claire Jin, Sudha Rao

Abstract: We explore how interaction with large language models (LLMs) can give rise to emergent behaviors, empowering players to participate in the evolution of game narratives. Our testbed is a text-adventure game in which players attempt to solve a mystery under a fixed narrative premise, but can freely interact with non-player characters generated by GPT-4, a large language model. We recruit 28 gamers to play the game and use GPT-4 to automatically convert the game logs into a node-graph representing the narrative in the player's gameplay. We find that through their interactions with the non-deterministic behavior of the LLM, players are able to discover interesting new emergent nodes that were not a part of the original narrative but have potential for being fun and engaging. Players that created the most emergent nodes tended to be those that often enjoy games that facilitate discovery, exploration and experimentation.

new Talking Nonsense: Probing Large Language Models' Understanding of Adversarial Gibberish Inputs

Authors: Valeriia Cherepanova, James Zou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit excellent ability to understand human languages, but do they also understand their own language that appears gibberish to us? In this work we delve into this question, aiming to uncover the mechanisms underlying such behavior in LLMs. We employ the Greedy Coordinate Gradient optimizer to craft prompts that compel LLMs to generate coherent responses from seemingly nonsensical inputs. We call these inputs LM Babel and this work systematically studies the behavior of LLMs manipulated by these prompts. We find that the manipulation efficiency depends on the target text's length and perplexity, with the Babel prompts often located in lower loss minima compared to natural prompts. We further examine the structure of the Babel prompts and evaluate their robustness. Notably, we find that guiding the model to generate harmful texts is not more difficult than into generating benign texts, suggesting lack of alignment for out-of-distribution prompts.

new 2M-NER: Contrastive Learning for Multilingual and Multimodal NER with Language and Modal Fusion

Authors: Dongsheng Wang, Xiaoqin Feng, Zeming Liu, Chuan Wang

Abstract: Named entity recognition (NER) is a fundamental task in natural language processing that involves identifying and classifying entities in sentences into pre-defined types. It plays a crucial role in various research fields, including entity linking, question answering, and online product recommendation. Recent studies have shown that incorporating multilingual and multimodal datasets can enhance the effectiveness of NER. This is due to language transfer learning and the presence of shared implicit features across different modalities. However, the lack of a dataset that combines multilingualism and multimodality has hindered research exploring the combination of these two aspects, as multimodality can help NER in multiple languages simultaneously. In this paper, we aim to address a more challenging task: multilingual and multimodal named entity recognition (MMNER), considering its potential value and influence. Specifically, we construct a large-scale MMNER dataset with four languages (English, French, German and Spanish) and two modalities (text and image). To tackle this challenging MMNER task on the dataset, we introduce a new model called 2M-NER, which aligns the text and image representations using contrastive learning and integrates a multimodal collaboration module to effectively depict the interactions between the two modalities. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our model achieves the highest F1 score in multilingual and multimodal NER tasks compared to some comparative and representative baselines. Additionally, in a challenging analysis, we discovered that sentence-level alignment interferes a lot with NER models, indicating the higher level of difficulty in our dataset.

new Text Sentiment Analysis and Classification Based on Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) Model

Authors: Wei Xu, Jianlong Chen, Zhicheng Ding, Jinyin Wang

Abstract: This paper explores the importance of text sentiment analysis and classification in the field of natural language processing, and proposes a new approach to sentiment analysis and classification based on the bidirectional gated recurrent units (GRUs) model. The study firstly analyses the word cloud model of the text with six sentiment labels, and then carries out data preprocessing, including the steps of removing special symbols, punctuation marks, numbers, stop words and non-alphabetic parts. Subsequently, the data set is divided into training set and test set, and through model training and testing, it is found that the accuracy of the validation set is increased from 85% to 93% with training, which is an increase of 8%; at the same time, the loss value of the validation set decreases from 0.7 to 0.1 and tends to be stable, and the model is gradually close to the actual value, which can effectively classify the text emotions. The confusion matrix shows that the accuracy of the model on the test set reaches 94.8%, the precision is 95.9%, the recall is 99.1%, and the F1 score is 97.4%, which proves that the model has good generalisation ability and classification effect. Overall, the study demonstrated an effective method for text sentiment analysis and classification with satisfactory results.

new Small Language Models Need Strong Verifiers to Self-Correct Reasoning

Authors: Yunxiang Zhang, Muhammad Khalifa, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Jaekyeom Kim, Moontae Lee, Honglak Lee, Lu Wang

Abstract: Self-correction has emerged as a promising solution to boost the reasoning performance of large language models (LLMs), where LLMs refine their solutions using self-generated critiques that pinpoint the errors. This work explores whether smaller-size (<= 13B) language models (LMs) have the ability of self-correction on reasoning tasks with minimal inputs from stronger LMs. We propose a novel pipeline that prompts smaller LMs to collect self-correction data that supports the training of self-refinement abilities. First, we leverage correct solutions to guide the model in critiquing their incorrect responses. Second, the generated critiques, after filtering, are used for supervised fine-tuning of the self-correcting reasoner through solution refinement. Our experimental results show improved self-correction abilities of two models on five datasets spanning math and commonsense reasoning, with notable performance gains when paired with a strong GPT-4-based verifier, though limitations are identified when using a weak self-verifier for determining when to correct.

new Quantifying Memorization of Domain-Specific Pre-trained Language Models using Japanese Newspaper and Paywalls

Authors: Shotaro Ishihara

Abstract: Dominant pre-trained language models (PLMs) have been successful in high-quality natural language generation. However, the analysis of their generation is not mature: do they acquire generalizable linguistic abstractions, or do they simply memorize and recover substrings of the training data? Especially, few studies focus on domain-specific PLM. In this study, we pre-trained domain-specific GPT-2 models using a limited corpus of Japanese newspaper articles and quantified memorization of training data by comparing them with general Japanese GPT-2 models. Our experiments revealed that domain-specific PLMs sometimes "copy and paste" on a large scale. Furthermore, we replicated the empirical finding that memorization is related to duplication, model size, and prompt length, in Japanese the same as in previous English studies. Our evaluations are relieved from data contamination concerns by focusing on newspaper paywalls, which prevent their use as training data. We hope that our paper encourages a sound discussion such as the security and copyright of PLMs.

new A Unified Label-Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Haojie Zhang, Yimeng Zhuang

Abstract: Few-shot Named Entity Recognition (NER) aims to extract named entities using only a limited number of labeled examples. Existing contrastive learning methods often suffer from insufficient distinguishability in context vector representation because they either solely rely on label semantics or completely disregard them. To tackle this issue, we propose a unified label-aware token-level contrastive learning framework. Our approach enriches the context by utilizing label semantics as suffix prompts. Additionally, it simultaneously optimizes context-context and context-label contrastive learning objectives to enhance generalized discriminative contextual representations.Extensive experiments on various traditional test domains (OntoNotes, CoNLL'03, WNUT'17, GUM, I2B2) and the large-scale few-shot NER dataset (FEWNERD) demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. It outperforms prior state-of-the-art models by a significant margin, achieving an average absolute gain of 7% in micro F1 scores across most scenarios. Further analysis reveals that our model benefits from its powerful transfer capability and improved contextual representations.

new Prevalent Frequency of Emotional and Physical Symptoms in Social Anxiety using Zero Shot Classification: An Observational Study

Authors: Muhammad Rizwan, Jure Dem\v{s}ar

Abstract: Social anxiety represents a prevalent challenge in modern society, affecting individuals across personal and professional spheres. Left unaddressed, this condition can yield substantial negative consequences, impacting social interactions and performance. Further understanding its diverse physical and emotional symptoms becomes pivotal for comprehensive diagnosis and tailored therapeutic interventions. This study analyze prevalence and frequency of social anxiety symptoms taken from Mayo Clinic, exploring diverse human experiences from utilizing a large Reddit dataset dedicated to this issue. Leveraging these platforms, the research aims to extract insights and examine a spectrum of physical and emotional symptoms linked to social anxiety disorder. Upholding ethical considerations, the study maintains strict user anonymity within the dataset. By employing a novel approach, the research utilizes BART-based multi-label zero-shot classification to identify and measure symptom prevalence and significance in the form of probability score for each symptom under consideration. Results uncover distinctive patterns: "Trembling" emerges as a prevalent physical symptom, while emotional symptoms like "Fear of being judged negatively" exhibit high frequencies. These findings offer insights into the multifaceted nature of social anxiety, aiding clinical practices and interventions tailored to its diverse expressions.

new TIGQA:An Expert Annotated Question Answering Dataset in Tigrinya

Authors: Hailay Teklehaymanot, Dren Fazlija, Niloy Ganguly, Gourab K. Patro, Wolfgang Nejdl

Abstract: The absence of explicitly tailored, accessible annotated datasets for educational purposes presents a notable obstacle for NLP tasks in languages with limited resources.This study initially explores the feasibility of using machine translation (MT) to convert an existing dataset into a Tigrinya dataset in SQuAD format. As a result, we present TIGQA, an expert annotated educational dataset consisting of 2.68K question-answer pairs covering 122 diverse topics such as climate, water, and traffic. These pairs are from 537 context paragraphs in publicly accessible Tigrinya and Biology books. Through comprehensive analyses, we demonstrate that the TIGQA dataset requires skills beyond simple word matching, requiring both single-sentence and multiple-sentence inference abilities. We conduct experiments using state-of-the art MRC methods, marking the first exploration of such models on TIGQA. Additionally, we estimate human performance on the dataset and juxtapose it with the results obtained from pretrained models.The notable disparities between human performance and best model performance underscore the potential for further enhancements to TIGQA through continued research. Our dataset is freely accessible via the provided link to encourage the research community to address the challenges in the Tigrinya MRC.

new Prompting Towards Alleviating Code-Switched Data Scarcity in Under-Resourced Languages with GPT as a Pivot

Authors: Michelle Terblanche, Kayode Olaleye, Vukosi Marivate

Abstract: Many multilingual communities, including numerous in Africa, frequently engage in code-switching during conversations. This behaviour stresses the need for natural language processing technologies adept at processing code-switched text. However, data scarcity, particularly in African languages, poses a significant challenge, as many are low-resourced and under-represented. In this study, we prompted GPT 3.5 to generate Afrikaans--English and Yoruba--English code-switched sentences, enhancing diversity using topic-keyword pairs, linguistic guidelines, and few-shot examples. Our findings indicate that the quality of generated sentences for languages using non-Latin scripts, like Yoruba, is considerably lower when compared with the high Afrikaans-English success rate. There is therefore a notable opportunity to refine prompting guidelines to yield sentences suitable for the fine-tuning of language models. We propose a framework for augmenting the diversity of synthetically generated code-switched data using GPT and propose leveraging this technology to mitigate data scarcity in low-resourced languages, underscoring the essential role of native speakers in this process.

new Prompting Techniques for Reducing Social Bias in LLMs through System 1 and System 2 Cognitive Processes

Authors: Mahammed Kamruzzaman, Gene Louis Kim

Abstract: Dual process theory posits that human cognition arises via two systems. System 1, which is a quick, emotional, and intuitive process, which is subject to cognitive biases, and System 2, a slow, onerous, and deliberate process. NLP researchers often compare zero-shot prompting in LLMs to System 1 reasoning and chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting to System 2. In line with this interpretation, prior research has found that using CoT prompting in LLMs leads to reduced gender bias. We investigate the relationship between bias, CoT prompting, and dual process theory in LLMs directly. We compare zero-shot, CoT, and a variety of dual process theory-based prompting strategies on two bias datasets spanning nine different social bias categories. We also use human and machine personas to determine whether the effects of dual process theory in LLMs are based on modeling human cognition or inherent to the system. We find that a human persona, System 2, and CoT prompting all tend to reduce social biases in LLMs, though the best combination of features depends on the exact model and bias category -- resulting in up to a 13 percent drop in stereotypical judgments by an LLM.

new Reinforcement Retrieval Leveraging Fine-grained Feedback for Fact Checking News Claims with Black-Box LLM

Authors: Xuan Zhang, Wei Gao

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented language models have exhibited promising performance across various areas of natural language processing (NLP), including fact-critical tasks. However, due to the black-box nature of advanced large language models (LLMs) and the non-retrieval-oriented supervision signal of specific tasks, the training of retrieval model faces significant challenges under the setting of black-box LLM. We propose an approach leveraging Fine-grained Feedback with Reinforcement Retrieval (FFRR) to enhance fact-checking on news claims by using black-box LLM. FFRR adopts a two-level strategy to gather fine-grained feedback from the LLM, which serves as a reward for optimizing the retrieval policy, by rating the retrieved documents based on the non-retrieval ground truth of the task. We evaluate our model on two public datasets for real-world news claim verification, and the results demonstrate that FFRR achieves significant improvements over strong LLM-enabled and non-LLM baselines.

new When to Trust LLMs: Aligning Confidence with Response Quality

Authors: Shuchang Tao, Liuyi Yao, Hanxing Ding, Yuexiang Xie, Qi Cao, Fei Sun, Jinyang Gao, Huawei Shen, Bolin Ding

Abstract: Despite the success of large language models (LLMs) in natural language generation, much evidence shows that LLMs may produce incorrect or nonsensical text. This limitation highlights the importance of discerning when to trust LLMs, especially in safety-critical domains. Existing methods, which rely on verbalizing confidence to tell the reliability by inducing top-k responses and sampling-aggregating multiple responses, often fail, due to the lack of objective guidance of confidence. To address this, we propose CONfidence-Quality-ORDerpreserving alignment approach (CONQORD), leveraging reinforcement learning with a tailored dual-component reward function. This function encompasses quality reward and orderpreserving alignment reward functions. Specifically, the order-preserving reward incentivizes the model to verbalize greater confidence for responses of higher quality to align the order of confidence and quality. Experiments demonstrate that our CONQORD significantly improves the alignment performance between confidence levels and response accuracy, without causing the model to become over-cautious. Furthermore, the aligned confidence provided by CONQORD informs when to trust LLMs, and acts as a determinant for initiating the retrieval process of external knowledge. Aligning confidence with response quality ensures more transparent and reliable responses, providing better trustworthiness.

new Introducing cosmosGPT: Monolingual Training for Turkish Language Models

Authors: H. Toprak Kesgin, M. Kaan Yuce, Eren Dogan, M. Egemen Uzun, Atahan Uz, H. Emre Seyrek, Ahmed Zeer, M. Fatih Amasyali

Abstract: The number of open source language models that can produce Turkish is increasing day by day, as in other languages. In order to create the basic versions of such models, the training of multilingual models is usually continued with Turkish corpora. The alternative is to train the model with only Turkish corpora. In this study, we first introduce the cosmosGPT models that we created with this alternative method. Then, we introduce new finetune datasets for basic language models to fulfill user requests and new evaluation datasets for measuring the capabilities of Turkish language models. Finally, a comprehensive comparison of the adapted Turkish language models on different capabilities is presented. The results show that the language models we built with the monolingual corpus have promising performance despite being about 10 times smaller than the others.

new Metronome: tracing variation in poetic meters via local sequence alignment

Authors: Ben Nagy, Artjoms \v{S}e\c{l}a, Mirella De Sisto, Petr Plech\'a\v{c}

Abstract: All poetic forms come from somewhere. Prosodic templates can be copied for generations, altered by individuals, imported from foreign traditions, or fundamentally changed under the pressures of language evolution. Yet these relationships are notoriously difficult to trace across languages and times. This paper introduces an unsupervised method for detecting structural similarities in poems using local sequence alignment. The method relies on encoding poetic texts as strings of prosodic features using a four-letter alphabet; these sequences are then aligned to derive a distance measure based on weighted symbol (mis)matches. Local alignment allows poems to be clustered according to emergent properties of their underlying prosodic patterns. We evaluate method performance on a meter recognition tasks against strong baselines and show its potential for cross-lingual and historical research using three short case studies: 1) mutations in quantitative meter in classical Latin, 2) European diffusion of the Renaissance hendecasyllable, and 3) comparative alignment of modern meters in 18--19th century Czech, German and Russian. We release an implementation of the algorithm as a Python package with an open license.

new Can a Multichoice Dataset be Repurposed for Extractive Question Answering?

Authors: Teresa Lynn, Malik H. Altakrori, Samar Mohamed Magdy, Rocktim Jyoti Das, Chenyang Lyu, Mohamed Nasr, Younes Samih, Alham Fikri Aji, Preslav Nakov, Shantanu Godbole, Salim Roukos, Radu Florian, Nizar Habash

Abstract: The rapid evolution of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has favored major languages such as English, leaving a significant gap for many others due to limited resources. This is especially evident in the context of data annotation, a task whose importance cannot be underestimated, but which is time-consuming and costly. Thus, any dataset for resource-poor languages is precious, in particular when it is task-specific. Here, we explore the feasibility of repurposing existing datasets for a new NLP task: we repurposed the Belebele dataset (Bandarkar et al., 2023), which was designed for multiple-choice question answering (MCQA), to enable extractive QA (EQA) in the style of machine reading comprehension. We present annotation guidelines and a parallel EQA dataset for English and Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). We also present QA evaluation results for several monolingual and cross-lingual QA pairs including English, MSA, and five Arabic dialects. Our aim is to enable others to adapt our approach for the 120+ other language variants in Belebele, many of which are deemed under-resourced. We also conduct a thorough analysis and share our insights from the process, which we hope will contribute to a deeper understanding of the challenges and the opportunities associated with task reformulation in NLP research.

new A Bionic Natural Language Parser Equivalent to a Pushdown Automaton

Authors: Zhenghao Wei, Kehua Lin, Jianlin Feng

Abstract: Assembly Calculus (AC), proposed by Papadimitriou et al., aims to reproduce advanced cognitive functions through simulating neural activities, with several applications based on AC having been developed, including a natural language parser proposed by Mitropolsky et al. However, this parser lacks the ability to handle Kleene closures, preventing it from parsing all regular languages and rendering it weaker than Finite Automata (FA). In this paper, we propose a new bionic natural language parser (BNLP) based on AC and integrates two new biologically rational structures, Recurrent Circuit and Stack Circuit which are inspired by RNN and short-term memory mechanism. In contrast to the original parser, the BNLP can fully handle all regular languages and Dyck languages. Therefore, leveraging the Chomsky-Sch \H{u}tzenberger theorem, the BNLP which can parse all Context-Free Languages can be constructed. We also formally prove that for any PDA, a Parser Automaton corresponding to BNLP can always be formed, ensuring that BNLP has a description ability equal to that of PDA and addressing the deficiencies of the original parser.

new Child Speech Recognition in Human-Robot Interaction: Problem Solved?

Authors: Ruben Janssens, Eva Verhelst, Giulio Antonio Abbo, Qiaoqiao Ren, Maria Jose Pinto Bernal, Tony Belpaeme

Abstract: Automated Speech Recognition shows superhuman performance for adult English speech on a range of benchmarks, but disappoints when fed children's speech. This has long sat in the way of child-robot interaction. Recent evolutions in data-driven speech recognition, including the availability of Transformer architectures and unprecedented volumes of training data, might mean a breakthrough for child speech recognition and social robot applications aimed at children. We revisit a study on child speech recognition from 2017 and show that indeed performance has increased, with newcomer OpenAI Whisper doing markedly better than leading commercial cloud services. While transcription is not perfect yet, the best model recognises 60.3% of sentences correctly barring small grammatical differences, with sub-second transcription time running on a local GPU, showing potential for usable autonomous child-robot speech interactions.

new Evaluation of Geographical Distortions in Language Models: A Crucial Step Towards Equitable Representations

Authors: R\'emy Decoupes, Roberto Interdonato, Mathieu Roche, Maguelonne Teisseire, Sarah Valentin

Abstract: Language models now constitute essential tools for improving efficiency for many professional tasks such as writing, coding, or learning. For this reason, it is imperative to identify inherent biases. In the field of Natural Language Processing, five sources of bias are well-identified: data, annotation, representation, models, and research design. This study focuses on biases related to geographical knowledge. We explore the connection between geography and language models by highlighting their tendency to misrepresent spatial information, thus leading to distortions in the representation of geographical distances. This study introduces four indicators to assess these distortions, by comparing geographical and semantic distances. Experiments are conducted from these four indicators with ten widely used language models. Results underscore the critical necessity of inspecting and rectifying spatial biases in language models to ensure accurate and equitable representations.

new Ruffle&Riley: Insights from Designing and Evaluating a Large Language Model-Based Conversational Tutoring System

Authors: Robin Schmucker, Meng Xia, Amos Azaria, Tom Mitchell

Abstract: Conversational tutoring systems (CTSs) offer learning experiences through interactions based on natural language. They are recognized for promoting cognitive engagement and improving learning outcomes, especially in reasoning tasks. Nonetheless, the cost associated with authoring CTS content is a major obstacle to widespread adoption and to research on effective instructional design. In this paper, we discuss and evaluate a novel type of CTS that leverages recent advances in large language models (LLMs) in two ways: First, the system enables AI-assisted content authoring by inducing an easily editable tutoring script automatically from a lesson text. Second, the system automates the script orchestration in a learning-by-teaching format via two LLM-based agents (Ruffle&Riley) acting as a student and a professor. The system allows for free-form conversations that follow the ITS-typical inner and outer loop structure. We evaluate Ruffle&Riley's ability to support biology lessons in two between-subject online user studies (N = 200) comparing the system to simpler QA chatbots and reading activity. Analyzing system usage patterns, pre/post-test scores and user experience surveys, we find that Ruffle&Riley users report high levels of engagement, understanding and perceive the offered support as helpful. Even though Ruffle&Riley users require more time to complete the activity, we did not find significant differences in short-term learning gains over the reading activity. Our system architecture and user study provide various insights for designers of future CTSs. We further open-source our system to support ongoing research on effective instructional design of LLM-based learning technologies.

new CEval: A Benchmark for Evaluating Counterfactual Text Generation

Authors: Van Bach Nguyen, J\"org Schl\"otterer, Christin Seifert

Abstract: Counterfactual text generation aims to minimally change a text, such that it is classified differently. Judging advancements in method development for counterfactual text generation is hindered by a non-uniform usage of data sets and metrics in related work. We propose CEval, a benchmark for comparing counterfactual text generation methods. CEval unifies counterfactual and text quality metrics, includes common counterfactual datasets with human annotations, standard baselines (MICE, GDBA, CREST) and the open-source language model LLAMA-2. Our experiments found no perfect method for generating counterfactual text. Methods that excel at counterfactual metrics often produce lower-quality text while LLMs with simple prompts generate high-quality text but struggle with counterfactual criteria. By making CEval available as an open-source Python library, we encourage the community to contribute more methods and maintain consistent evaluation in future work.

new ReproHum #0087-01: Human Evaluation Reproduction Report for Generating Fact Checking Explanations

Authors: Tyler Loakman, Chenghua Lin

Abstract: This paper presents a partial reproduction of Generating Fact Checking Explanations by Anatanasova et al (2020) as part of the ReproHum element of the ReproNLP shared task to reproduce the findings of NLP research regarding human evaluation. This shared task aims to investigate the extent to which NLP as a field is becoming more or less reproducible over time. Following the instructions provided by the task organisers and the original authors, we collect relative rankings of 3 fact-checking explanations (comprising a gold standard and the outputs of 2 models) for 40 inputs on the criteria of Coverage. The results of our reproduction and reanalysis of the original work's raw results lend support to the original findings, with similar patterns seen between the original work and our reproduction. Whilst we observe slight variation from the original results, our findings support the main conclusions drawn by the original authors pertaining to the efficacy of their proposed models.

new A Comprehensive Evaluation on Event Reasoning of Large Language Models

Authors: Zhengwei Tao, Zhi Jin, Yifan Zhang, Xiancai Chen, Xiaoying Bai, Yue Fang, Haiyan Zhao, Jia Li, Chongyang Tao

Abstract: Event reasoning is a fundamental ability that underlies many applications. It requires event schema knowledge to perform global reasoning and needs to deal with the diversity of the inter-event relations and the reasoning paradigms. How well LLMs accomplish event reasoning on various relations and reasoning paradigms remains unknown. To mitigate this disparity, we comprehensively evaluate the abilities of event reasoning of LLMs. We introduce a novel benchmark EV2 for EValuation of EVent reasoning. EV2 consists of two levels of evaluation of schema and instance and is comprehensive in relations and reasoning paradigms. We conduct extensive experiments on EV2. We find that LLMs have abilities to accomplish event reasoning but their performances are far from satisfactory. We also notice the imbalance of event reasoning abilities in LLMs. Besides, LLMs have event schema knowledge, however, they're not aligned with humans on how to utilize the knowledge. Based on these findings, we introduce two methods to guide the LLMs to utilize the event schema knowledge. Both methods achieve improvements.

cross A Disease Labeler for Chinese Chest X-Ray Report Generation

Authors: Mengwei Wang, Ruixin Yan, Zeyi Hou, Ning Lang, Xiuzhuang Zhou

Abstract: In the field of medical image analysis, the scarcity of Chinese chest X-ray report datasets has hindered the development of technology for generating Chinese chest X-ray reports. On one hand, the construction of a Chinese chest X-ray report dataset is limited by the time-consuming and costly process of accurate expert disease annotation. On the other hand, a single natural language generation metric is commonly used to evaluate the similarity between generated and ground-truth reports, while the clinical accuracy and effectiveness of the generated reports rely on an accurate disease labeler (classifier). To address the issues, this study proposes a disease labeler tailored for the generation of Chinese chest X-ray reports. This labeler leverages a dual BERT architecture to handle diagnostic reports and clinical information separately and constructs a hierarchical label learning algorithm based on the affiliation between diseases and body parts to enhance text classification performance. Utilizing this disease labeler, a Chinese chest X-ray report dataset comprising 51,262 report samples was established. Finally, experiments and analyses were conducted on a subset of expert-annotated Chinese chest X-ray reports, validating the effectiveness of the proposed disease labeler.

cross AdvPrompter: Fast Adaptive Adversarial Prompting for LLMs

Authors: Anselm Paulus, Arman Zharmagambetov, Chuan Guo, Brandon Amos, Yuandong Tian

Abstract: While recently Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable successes, they are vulnerable to certain jailbreaking attacks that lead to generation of inappropriate or harmful content. Manual red-teaming requires finding adversarial prompts that cause such jailbreaking, e.g. by appending a suffix to a given instruction, which is inefficient and time-consuming. On the other hand, automatic adversarial prompt generation often leads to semantically meaningless attacks that can easily be detected by perplexity-based filters, may require gradient information from the TargetLLM, or do not scale well due to time-consuming discrete optimization processes over the token space. In this paper, we present a novel method that uses another LLM, called the AdvPrompter, to generate human-readable adversarial prompts in seconds, $\sim800\times$ faster than existing optimization-based approaches. We train the AdvPrompter using a novel algorithm that does not require access to the gradients of the TargetLLM. This process alternates between two steps: (1) generating high-quality target adversarial suffixes by optimizing the AdvPrompter predictions, and (2) low-rank fine-tuning of the AdvPrompter with the generated adversarial suffixes. The trained AdvPrompter generates suffixes that veil the input instruction without changing its meaning, such that the TargetLLM is lured to give a harmful response. Experimental results on popular open source TargetLLMs show state-of-the-art results on the AdvBench dataset, that also transfer to closed-source black-box LLM APIs. Further, we demonstrate that by fine-tuning on a synthetic dataset generated by AdvPrompter, LLMs can be made more robust against jailbreaking attacks while maintaining performance, i.e. high MMLU scores.

cross Atomas: Hierarchical Alignment on Molecule-Text for Unified Molecule Understanding and Generation

Authors: Yikun Zhang, Geyan Ye, Chaohao Yuan, Bo Han, Long-Kai Huang, Jianhua Yao, Wei Liu, Yu Rong

Abstract: Molecule-and-text cross-modal representation learning has emerged as a promising direction for enhancing the quality of molecular representation, thereby improving performance in various scientific fields, including drug discovery and materials science. Existing studies adopt a global alignment approach to learn the knowledge from different modalities. These global alignment approaches fail to capture fine-grained information, such as molecular fragments and their corresponding textual description, which is crucial for downstream tasks. Furthermore, it is incapable to model such information using a similar global alignment strategy due to data scarcity of paired local part annotated data from existing datasets. In this paper, we propose Atomas, a multi-modal molecular representation learning framework to jointly learn representations from SMILES string and text. We design a Hierarchical Adaptive Alignment model to concurrently learn the fine-grained fragment correspondence between two modalities and align these representations of fragments in three levels. Additionally, Atomas's end-to-end training framework incorporates the tasks of understanding and generating molecule, thereby supporting a wider range of downstream tasks. In the retrieval task, Atomas exhibits robust generalization ability and outperforms the baseline by 30.8% of recall@1 on average. In the generation task, Atomas achieves state-of-the-art results in both molecule captioning task and molecule generation task. Moreover, the visualization of the Hierarchical Adaptive Alignment model further confirms the chemical significance of our approach. Our codes can be found at


cross Attacks on Third-Party APIs of Large Language Models

Authors: Wanru Zhao, Vidit Khazanchi, Haodi Xing, Xuanli He, Qiongkai Xu, Nicholas Donald Lane

Abstract: Large language model (LLM) services have recently begun offering a plugin ecosystem to interact with third-party API services. This innovation enhances the capabilities of LLMs, but it also introduces risks, as these plugins developed by various third parties cannot be easily trusted. This paper proposes a new attacking framework to examine security and safety vulnerabilities within LLM platforms that incorporate third-party services. Applying our framework specifically to widely used LLMs, we identify real-world malicious attacks across various domains on third-party APIs that can imperceptibly modify LLM outputs. The paper discusses the unique challenges posed by third-party API integration and offers strategic possibilities to improve the security and safety of LLM ecosystems moving forward. Our code is released at


cross Prediction Is All MoE Needs: Expert Load Distribution Goes from Fluctuating to Stabilizing

Authors: Peizhuang Cong, Aomufei Yuan, Shimao Chen, Yuxuan Tian, Bowen Ye, Tong Yang

Abstract: MoE facilitates the development of large models by making the computational complexity of the model no longer scale linearly with increasing parameters. The learning sparse gating network selects a set of experts for each token to be processed; however, this may lead to differences in the number of tokens processed by each expert over several successive iterations, i.e., the expert load fluctuations, which reduces computational parallelization and resource utilization. To this end, we traced and analyzed loads of each expert in the training iterations for several large language models in this work, and defined the transient state with "obvious load fluctuation" and the stable state with "temporal locality". Moreover, given the characteristics of these two states and the computational overhead, we deployed three classical prediction algorithms that achieve accurate expert load prediction results. For the GPT3 350M model, the average error rates for predicting the expert load proportion over the next 1,000 and 2,000 steps are approximately 1.3% and 1.8%, respectively. This work can provide valuable guidance for expert placement or resource allocation for MoE model training. Based on this work, we will propose an expert placement scheme for transient and stable states in our coming work.

cross A Short Survey of Human Mobility Prediction in Epidemic Modeling from Transformers to LLMs

Authors: Christian N. Mayemba, D'Jeff K. Nkashama, Jean Marie Tshimula, Maximilien V. Dialufuma, Jean Tshibangu Muabila, Mbuyi Mukendi Didier, Hugues Kanda, Ren\'e Manass\'e Galekwa, Heber Dibwe Fita, Serge Mundele, Kalonji Kalala, Aristarque Ilunga, Lambert Mukendi Ntobo, Dominique Muteba, Aaron Aruna Abedi

Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent advancements in leveraging machine learning techniques, particularly Transformer models, for predicting human mobility patterns during epidemics. Understanding how people move during epidemics is essential for modeling the spread of diseases and devising effective response strategies. Forecasting population movement is crucial for informing epidemiological models and facilitating effective response planning in public health emergencies. Predicting mobility patterns can enable authorities to better anticipate the geographical and temporal spread of diseases, allocate resources more efficiently, and implement targeted interventions. We review a range of approaches utilizing both pretrained language models like BERT and Large Language Models (LLMs) tailored specifically for mobility prediction tasks. These models have demonstrated significant potential in capturing complex spatio-temporal dependencies and contextual patterns in textual data.

cross A Survey of Generative Search and Recommendation in the Era of Large Language Models

Authors: Yongqi Li, Xinyu Lin, Wenjie Wang, Fuli Feng, Liang Pang, Wenjie Li, Liqiang Nie, Xiangnan He, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: With the information explosion on the Web, search and recommendation are foundational infrastructures to satisfying users' information needs. As the two sides of the same coin, both revolve around the same core research problem, matching queries with documents or users with items. In the recent few decades, search and recommendation have experienced synchronous technological paradigm shifts, including machine learning-based and deep learning-based paradigms. Recently, the superintelligent generative large language models have sparked a new paradigm in search and recommendation, i.e., generative search (retrieval) and recommendation, which aims to address the matching problem in a generative manner. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the emerging paradigm in information systems and summarize the developments in generative search and recommendation from a unified perspective. Rather than simply categorizing existing works, we abstract a unified framework for the generative paradigm and break down the existing works into different stages within this framework to highlight the strengths and weaknesses. And then, we distinguish generative search and recommendation with their unique challenges, identify open problems and future directions, and envision the next information-seeking paradigm.

cross A Closer Look at Classification Evaluation Metrics and a Critical Reflection of Common Evaluation Practice

Authors: Juri Opitz

Abstract: Classification systems are evaluated in a countless number of papers. However, we find that evaluation practice is often nebulous. Frequently, metrics are selected without arguments, and blurry terminology invites misconceptions. For instance, many works use so-called 'macro' metrics to rank systems (e.g., 'macro F1') but do not clearly specify what they would expect from such a 'macro' metric. This is problematic, since picking a metric can affect paper findings as well as shared task rankings, and thus any clarity in the process should be maximized. Starting from the intuitive concepts of bias and prevalence, we perform an analysis of common evaluation metrics, considering expectations as found expressed in papers. Equipped with a thorough understanding of the metrics, we survey metric selection in recent shared tasks of Natural Language Processing. The results show that metric choices are often not supported with convincing arguments, an issue that can make any ranking seem arbitrary. This work aims at providing overview and guidance for more informed and transparent metric selection, fostering meaningful evaluation.

cross Automated Data Visualization from Natural Language via Large Language Models: An Exploratory Study

Authors: Yang Wu, Yao Wan, Hongyu Zhang, Yulei Sui, Wucai Wei, Wei Zhao, Guandong Xu, Hai Jin

Abstract: The Natural Language to Visualization (NL2Vis) task aims to transform natural-language descriptions into visual representations for a grounded table, enabling users to gain insights from vast amounts of data. Recently, many deep learning-based approaches have been developed for NL2Vis. Despite the considerable efforts made by these approaches, challenges persist in visualizing data sourced from unseen databases or spanning multiple tables. Taking inspiration from the remarkable generation capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), this paper conducts an empirical study to evaluate their potential in generating visualizations, and explore the effectiveness of in-context learning prompts for enhancing this task. In particular, we first explore the ways of transforming structured tabular data into sequential text prompts, as to feed them into LLMs and analyze which table content contributes most to the NL2Vis. Our findings suggest that transforming structured tabular data into programs is effective, and it is essential to consider the table schema when formulating prompts. Furthermore, we evaluate two types of LLMs: finetuned models (e.g., T5-Small) and inference-only models (e.g., GPT-3.5), against state-of-the-art methods, using the NL2Vis benchmarks (i.e., nvBench). The experimental results reveal that LLMs outperform baselines, with inference-only models consistently exhibiting performance improvements, at times even surpassing fine-tuned models when provided with certain few-shot demonstrations through in-context learning. Finally, we analyze when the LLMs fail in NL2Vis, and propose to iteratively update the results using strategies such as chain-of-thought, role-playing, and code-interpreter. The experimental results confirm the efficacy of iterative updates and hold great potential for future study.

cross On the Use of Large Language Models to Generate Capability Ontologies

Authors: Luis Miguel Vieira da Silva, Aljosha K\"ocher, Felix Gehlhoff, Alexander Fay

Abstract: Capability ontologies are increasingly used to model functionalities of systems or machines. The creation of such ontological models with all properties and constraints of capabilities is very complex and can only be done by ontology experts. However, Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown that they can generate machine-interpretable models from natural language text input and thus support engineers / ontology experts. Therefore, this paper investigates how LLMs can be used to create capability ontologies. We present a study with a series of experiments in which capabilities with varying complexities are generated using different prompting techniques and with different LLMs. Errors in the generated ontologies are recorded and compared. To analyze the quality of the generated ontologies, a semi-automated approach based on RDF syntax checking, OWL reasoning, and SHACL constraints is used. The results of this study are very promising because even for complex capabilities, the generated ontologies are almost free of errors.

cross Large Language Model Agent as a Mechanical Designer

Authors: Yayati Jadhav, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Conventional mechanical design paradigms rely on experts systematically refining concepts through experience-guided modification and FEA to meet specific requirements. However, this approach can be time-consuming and heavily dependent on prior knowledge and experience. While numerous machine learning models have been developed to streamline this intensive and expert-driven iterative process, these methods typically demand extensive training data and considerable computational resources. Furthermore, methods based on deep learning are usually restricted to the specific domains and tasks for which they were trained, limiting their applicability across different tasks. This creates a trade-off between the efficiency of automation and the demand for resources. In this study, we present a novel approach that integrates pre-trained LLMs with a FEM module. The FEM module evaluates each design and provides essential feedback, guiding the LLMs to continuously learn, plan, generate, and optimize designs without the need for domain-specific training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in managing the iterative optimization of truss structures, showcasing its capability to reason about and refine designs according to structured feedback and criteria. Our results reveal that these LLM-based agents can successfully generate truss designs that comply with natural language specifications with a success rate of up to 90%, which varies according to the applied constraints. By employing prompt-based optimization techniques we show that LLM based agents exhibit optimization behavior when provided with solution-score pairs to iteratively refine designs to meet specifications. This ability of LLM agents to produce viable designs and optimize them based on their inherent reasoning capabilities highlights their potential to develop and implement effective design strategies autonomously.

cross Probabilistic Inference in Language Models via Twisted Sequential Monte Carlo

Authors: Stephen Zhao, Rob Brekelmans, Alireza Makhzani, Roger Grosse

Abstract: Numerous capability and safety techniques of Large Language Models (LLMs), including RLHF, automated red-teaming, prompt engineering, and infilling, can be cast as sampling from an unnormalized target distribution defined by a given reward or potential function over the full sequence. In this work, we leverage the rich toolkit of Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) for these probabilistic inference problems. In particular, we use learned twist functions to estimate the expected future value of the potential at each timestep, which enables us to focus inference-time computation on promising partial sequences. We propose a novel contrastive method for learning the twist functions, and establish connections with the rich literature of soft reinforcement learning. As a complementary application of our twisted SMC framework, we present methods for evaluating the accuracy of language model inference techniques using novel bidirectional SMC bounds on the log partition function. These bounds can be used to estimate the KL divergence between the inference and target distributions in both directions. We apply our inference evaluation techniques to show that twisted SMC is effective for sampling undesirable outputs from a pretrained model (a useful component of harmlessness training and automated red-teaming), generating reviews with varied sentiment, and performing infilling tasks.

cross A Semi-Automatic Approach to Create Large Gender- and Age-Balanced Speaker Corpora: Usefulness of Speaker Diarization & Identification

Authors: R\'emi Uro, David Doukhan, Albert Rilliard, La\"etitia Larcher, Anissa-Claire Adgharouamane, Marie Tahon, Antoine Laurent

Abstract: This paper presents a semi-automatic approach to create a diachronic corpus of voices balanced for speaker's age, gender, and recording period, according to 32 categories (2 genders, 4 age ranges and 4 recording periods). Corpora were selected at French National Institute of Audiovisual (INA) to obtain at least 30 speakers per category (a total of 960 speakers; only 874 have be found yet). For each speaker, speech excerpts were extracted from audiovisual documents using an automatic pipeline consisting of speech detection, background music and overlapped speech removal and speaker diarization, used to present clean speaker segments to human annotators identifying target speakers. This pipeline proved highly effective, cutting down manual processing by a factor of ten. Evaluation of the quality of the automatic processing and of the final output is provided. It shows the automatic processing compare to up-to-date process, and that the output provides high quality speech for most of the selected excerpts. This method shows promise for creating large corpora of known target speakers.

replace A Survey on Open Information Extraction from Rule-based Model to Large Language Model (meta)

Authors: Pai Liu, Wenyang Gao, Wenjie Dong, Lin Ai, Ziwei Gong, Songfang Huang, Zongsheng Li, Ehsan Hoque, Julia Hirschberg, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) represents a crucial NLP task aimed at deriving structured information from unstructured text, unrestricted by relation type or domain. This survey paper provides an overview of OpenIE technologies spanning from 2007 to 2024, emphasizing a chronological perspective absent in prior surveys. It examines the evolution of task settings in OpenIE to align with the advances in recent technologies. The paper categorizes OpenIE approaches into rule-based, neural, and pre-trained large language models, discussing each within a chronological framework. Additionally, it highlights prevalent datasets and evaluation metrics currently in use. Building on this extensive review, the paper outlines potential future directions in terms of datasets, information sources, output formats, methodologies, and evaluation metrics.

replace Description-Based Text Similarity

Authors: Shauli Ravfogel, Valentina Pyatkin, Amir DN Cohen, Avshalom Manevich, Yoav Goldberg

Abstract: Identifying texts with a given semantics is central for many information seeking scenarios. Similarity search over vector embeddings appear to be central to this ability, yet the similarity reflected in current text embeddings is corpus-driven, and is inconsistent and sub-optimal for many use cases. What, then, is a good notion of similarity for effective retrieval of text? We identify the need to search for texts based on abstract descriptions of their content, and the corresponding notion of \emph{description based similarity}. We demonstrate the inadequacy of current text embeddings and propose an alternative model that significantly improves when used in standard nearest neighbor search. The model is trained using positive and negative pairs sourced through prompting a LLM, demonstrating how data from LLMs can be used for creating new capabilities not immediately possible using the original model.

replace On Bias and Fairness in NLP: Investigating the Impact of Bias and Debiasing in Language Models on the Fairness of Toxicity Detection

Authors: Fatma Elsafoury, Stamos Katsigiannis

Abstract: Language models are the new state-of-the-art natural language processing (NLP) models and they are being increasingly used in many NLP tasks. Even though there is evidence that language models are biased, the impact of that bias on the fairness of downstream NLP tasks is still understudied. Furthermore, despite that numerous debiasing methods have been proposed in the literature, the impact of bias removal methods on the fairness of NLP tasks is also understudied. In this work, we investigate three different sources of bias in NLP models, i.e. representation bias, selection bias and overamplification bias, and examine how they impact the fairness of the downstream task of toxicity detection. Moreover, we investigate the impact of removing these biases using different bias removal techniques on the fairness of toxicity detection. Results show strong evidence that downstream sources of bias, especially overamplification bias, are the most impactful types of bias on the fairness of the task of toxicity detection. We also found strong evidence that removing overamplification bias by fine-tuning the language models on a dataset with balanced contextual representations and ratios of positive examples between different identity groups can improve the fairness of the task of toxicity detection. Finally, we build on our findings and introduce a list of guidelines to ensure the fairness of the task of toxicity detection.

replace Towards Understanding In-Context Learning with Contrastive Demonstrations and Saliency Maps

Authors: Fuxiao Liu, Paiheng Xu, Zongxia Li, Yue Feng, Hyemi Song

Abstract: We investigate the role of various demonstration components in the in-context learning (ICL) performance of large language models (LLMs). Specifically, we explore the impacts of ground-truth labels, input distribution, and complementary explanations, particularly when these are altered or perturbed. We build on previous work, which offers mixed findings on how these elements influence ICL. To probe these questions, we employ explainable NLP (XNLP) methods and utilize saliency maps of contrastive demonstrations for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Our findings reveal that flipping ground-truth labels significantly affects the saliency, though it's more noticeable in larger LLMs. Our analysis of the input distribution at a granular level reveals that changing sentiment-indicative terms in a sentiment analysis task to neutral ones does not have as substantial an impact as altering ground-truth labels. Finally, we find that the effectiveness of complementary explanations in boosting ICL performance is task-dependent, with limited benefits seen in sentiment analysis tasks compared to symbolic reasoning tasks. These insights are critical for understanding the functionality of LLMs and guiding the development of effective demonstrations, which is increasingly relevant in light of the growing use of LLMs in applications such as ChatGPT. Our research code is publicly available at


replace Systematic Offensive Stereotyping (SOS) Bias in Language Models

Authors: Fatma Elsafoury

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new metric to measure the SOS bias in language models (LMs). Then, we validate the SOS bias and investigate the effectiveness of removing it. Finally, we investigate the impact of the SOS bias in LMs on their performance and fairness on hate speech detection. Our results suggest that all the inspected LMs are SOS biased. And that the SOS bias is reflective of the online hate experienced by marginalized identities. The results indicate that using debias methods from the literature worsens the SOS bias in LMs for some sensitive attributes and improves it for others. Finally, Our results suggest that the SOS bias in the inspected LMs has an impact on their fairness of hate speech detection. However, there is no strong evidence that the SOS bias has an impact on the performance of hate speech detection.

replace Ensemble Distillation for Unsupervised Constituency Parsing

Authors: Behzad Shayegh, Yanshuai Cao, Xiaodan Zhu, Jackie C. K. Cheung, Lili Mou

Abstract: We investigate the unsupervised constituency parsing task, which organizes words and phrases of a sentence into a hierarchical structure without using linguistically annotated data. We observe that existing unsupervised parsers capture differing aspects of parsing structures, which can be leveraged to enhance unsupervised parsing performance. To this end, we propose a notion of "tree averaging," based on which we further propose a novel ensemble method for unsupervised parsing. To improve inference efficiency, we further distill the ensemble knowledge into a student model; such an ensemble-then-distill process is an effective approach to mitigate the over-smoothing problem existing in common multi-teacher distilling methods. Experiments show that our method surpasses all previous approaches, consistently demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness across various runs, with different ensemble components, and under domain-shift conditions.

replace Transformers in the Service of Description Logic-based Contexts

Authors: Angelos Poulis, Eleni Tsalapati, Manolis Koubarakis

Abstract: Recent advancements in transformer-based models have initiated research interests in investigating their ability to learn to perform reasoning tasks. However, most of the contexts used for this purpose are in practice very simple: generated from short (fragments of) first-order logic sentences with only a few logical operators and quantifiers. In this work, we construct the natural language dataset, DELTA$_D$, using the description logic language $\mathcal{ALCQ}$. DELTA$_D$ contains 384K examples, and increases in two dimensions: i) reasoning depth, and ii) linguistic complexity. In this way, we systematically investigate the reasoning ability of a supervised fine-tuned DeBERTa-based model and of two large language models (GPT-3.5, GPT-4) with few-shot prompting. Our results demonstrate that the DeBERTa-based model can master the reasoning task and that the performance of GPTs can improve significantly even when a small number of samples is provided (9 shots). We open-source our code and datasets.

replace MAIRA-1: A specialised large multimodal model for radiology report generation

Authors: Stephanie L. Hyland, Shruthi Bannur, Kenza Bouzid, Daniel C. Castro, Mercy Ranjit, Anton Schwaighofer, Fernando P\'erez-Garc\'ia, Valentina Salvatelli, Shaury Srivastav, Anja Thieme, Noel Codella, Matthew P. Lungren, Maria Teodora Wetscherek, Ozan Oktay, Javier Alvarez-Valle

Abstract: We present a radiology-specific multimodal model for the task for generating radiological reports from chest X-rays (CXRs). Our work builds on the idea that large language model(s) can be equipped with multimodal capabilities through alignment with pre-trained vision encoders. On natural images, this has been shown to allow multimodal models to gain image understanding and description capabilities. Our proposed model (MAIRA-1) leverages a CXR-specific image encoder in conjunction with a fine-tuned large language model based on Vicuna-7B, and text-based data augmentation, to produce reports with state-of-the-art quality. In particular, MAIRA-1 significantly improves on the radiologist-aligned RadCliQ metric and across all lexical metrics considered. Manual review of model outputs demonstrates promising fluency and accuracy of generated reports while uncovering failure modes not captured by existing evaluation practices. More information and resources can be found on the project website:


replace Structured Packing in LLM Training Improves Long Context Utilization

Authors: Konrad Staniszewski, Szymon Tworkowski, Yu Zhao, Sebastian Jaszczur, Henryk Michalewski, {\L}ukasz Kuci\'nski, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s

Abstract: Recent developments in long-context large language models have attracted considerable attention. Yet, their real-world applications are often hindered by ineffective context information use. This work shows that structuring training data to increase semantic interdependence is an effective strategy for optimizing context utilization. To this end, we introduce Structured Packing for Long Context (SPLiCe), a method for creating training examples by using information retrieval methods to collate mutually relevant documents into a single training context. We empirically validate SPLiCe on large $3$B and $7$B models, showing perplexity improvements and better long-context utilization on downstream tasks. Remarkably, already relatively short fine-tuning with SPLiCe is enough to attain these benefits. Additionally, the comprehensive study of SPLiCe reveals intriguing transfer effects such as training on code data leading to perplexity improvements on text data.

replace Studying and Recommending Information Highlighting in Stack Overflow Answers

Authors: Shahla Shaan Ahmed (Peter), Shaowei Wang (Peter), Yuan Tian (Peter), Tse-Hsun (Peter), Chen, Haoxiang Zhang

Abstract: Context: Navigating the knowledge of Stack Overflow (SO) remains challenging. To make the posts vivid to users, SO allows users to write and edit posts with Markdown or HTML so that users can leverage various formatting styles (e.g., bold, italic, and code) to highlight the important information. Nonetheless, there have been limited studies on the highlighted information. Objective: We carried out the first large-scale exploratory study on the information highlighted in SO answers in our recent study. To extend our previous study, we develop approaches to automatically recommend highlighted content with formatting styles using neural network architectures initially designed for the Named Entity Recognition task. Method: In this paper, we studied 31,169,429 answers of Stack Overflow. For training recommendation models, we choose CNN-based and BERT-based models for each type of formatting (i.e., Bold, Italic, Code, and Heading) using the information highlighting dataset we collected from SO answers. Results: Our models achieve a precision ranging from 0.50 to 0.72 for different formatting types. It is easier to build a model to recommend Code than other types. Models for text formatting types (i.e., Heading, Bold, and Italic) suffer low recall. Our analysis of failure cases indicates that the majority of the failure cases are due to missing identification. One explanation is that the models are easy to learn the frequent highlighted words while struggling to learn less frequent words (i.g., long-tail knowledge). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that it is possible to develop recommendation models for highlighting information for answers with different formatting styles on Stack Overflow.

replace PythonSaga: Redefining the Benchmark to Evaluate Code Generating LLM

Authors: Ankit Yadav, Mayank Singh

Abstract: Driven by the surge in code generation using large language models (LLMs), numerous benchmarks have emerged to evaluate these LLMs capabilities. We conducted a large-scale human evaluation of HumanEval and MBPP, two popular benchmarks for Python code generation, analyzing their diversity and difficulty. Our findings unveil a critical bias towards a limited set of programming concepts, neglecting most of the other concepts entirely. Furthermore, we uncover a worrying prevalence of easy tasks, potentially inflating model performance estimations. To address these limitations, we propose a novel benchmark, PythonSaga, featuring 185 hand-crafted prompts on a balanced representation of 38 programming concepts across diverse difficulty levels.

replace Large Language Models Portray Socially Subordinate Groups as More Homogeneous, Consistent with a Bias Observed in Humans

Authors: Messi H. J. Lee, Jacob M. Montgomery, Calvin K. Lai

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are becoming pervasive in everyday life, yet their propensity to reproduce biases inherited from training data remains a pressing concern. Prior investigations into bias in LLMs have focused on the association of social groups with stereotypical attributes. However, this is only one form of human bias such systems may reproduce. We investigate a new form of bias in LLMs that resembles a social psychological phenomenon where socially subordinate groups are perceived as more homogeneous than socially dominant groups. We had ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art LLM, generate texts about intersectional group identities and compared those texts on measures of homogeneity. We consistently found that ChatGPT portrayed African, Asian, and Hispanic Americans as more homogeneous than White Americans, indicating that the model described racial minority groups with a narrower range of human experience. ChatGPT also portrayed women as more homogeneous than men, but these differences were small. Finally, we found that the effect of gender differed across racial/ethnic groups such that the effect of gender was consistent within African and Hispanic Americans but not within Asian and White Americans. We argue that the tendency of LLMs to describe groups as less diverse risks perpetuating stereotypes and discriminatory behavior.

replace A Linguistic Comparison between Human and ChatGPT-Generated Conversations

Authors: Morgan Sandler, Hyesun Choung, Arun Ross, Prabu David

Abstract: This study explores linguistic differences between human and LLM-generated dialogues, using 19.5K dialogues generated by ChatGPT-3.5 as a companion to the EmpathicDialogues dataset. The research employs Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC) analysis, comparing ChatGPT-generated conversations with human conversations across 118 linguistic categories. Results show greater variability and authenticity in human dialogues, but ChatGPT excels in categories such as social processes, analytical style, cognition, attentional focus, and positive emotional tone, reinforcing recent findings of LLMs being "more human than human." However, no significant difference was found in positive or negative affect between ChatGPT and human dialogues. Classifier analysis of dialogue embeddings indicates implicit coding of the valence of affect despite no explicit mention of affect in the conversations. The research also contributes a novel, companion ChatGPT-generated dataset of conversations between two independent chatbots, which were designed to replicate a corpus of human conversations available for open access and used widely in AI research on language modeling. Our findings enhance understanding of ChatGPT's linguistic capabilities and inform ongoing efforts to distinguish between human and LLM-generated text, which is critical in detecting AI-generated fakes, misinformation, and disinformation.

replace Walia-LLM: Enhancing Amharic-LLaMA by Integrating Task-Specific and Generative Datasets

Authors: Israel Abebe Azime, Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Tadesse Destaw Belay, Mitiku Yohannes Fuge, Aman Kassahun Wassie, Eyasu Shiferaw Jada, Yonas Chanie, Walelign Tewabe Sewunetie, Seid Muhie Yimam

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have received a lot of attention in natural language processing (NLP) research because of their exceptional performance in understanding and generating human languages. However, low-resource languages are left behind due to the unavailability of resources. In this work, we focus on enhancing the LLaMA-2-Amharic model by integrating task-specific and generative datasets to improve language model performance for Amharic. We compile an Amharic instruction fine-tuning dataset and fine-tuned LLaMA-2-Amharic model. The fine-tuned model shows promising results in different NLP tasks. We open-source our dataset creation pipeline, instruction datasets, trained models, and evaluation outputs to promote language-specific studies on these models.

replace Comparing Specialised Small and General Large Language Models on Text Classification: 100 Labelled Samples to Achieve Break-Even Performance

Authors: Branislav Pecher, Ivan Srba, Maria Bielikova

Abstract: When solving NLP tasks with limited labelled data, researchers can either use a general large language model without further update, or use a small number of labelled examples to tune a specialised smaller model. In this work, we address the research gap of how many labelled samples are required for the specialised small models to outperform general large models, while taking the performance variance into consideration. By observing the behaviour of fine-tuning, instruction-tuning, prompting and in-context learning on 7 language models, we identify such performance break-even points across 8 representative text classification tasks of varying characteristics. We show that the specialised models often need only few samples (on average $10 - 1000$) to be on par or better than the general ones. At the same time, the number of required labels strongly depends on the dataset or task characteristics, with this number being significantly lower on multi-class datasets (up to $100$) than on binary datasets (up to $5000$). When performance variance is taken into consideration, the number of required labels increases on average by $100 - 200\%$ and even up to $1500\%$ in specific cases.

replace DEEM: Dynamic Experienced Expert Modeling for Stance Detection

Authors: Xiaolong Wang, Yile Wang, Sijie Cheng, Peng Li, Yang Liu

Abstract: Recent work has made a preliminary attempt to use large language models (LLMs) to solve the stance detection task, showing promising results. However, considering that stance detection usually requires detailed background knowledge, the vanilla reasoning method may neglect the domain knowledge to make a professional and accurate analysis. Thus, there is still room for improvement of LLMs reasoning, especially in leveraging the generation capability of LLMs to simulate specific experts (i.e., multi-agents) to detect the stance. In this paper, different from existing multi-agent works that require detailed descriptions and use fixed experts, we propose a Dynamic Experienced Expert Modeling (DEEM) method which can leverage the generated experienced experts and let LLMs reason in a semi-parametric way, making the experts more generalizable and reliable. Experimental results demonstrate that DEEM consistently achieves the best results on three standard benchmarks, outperforms methods with self-consistency reasoning, and reduces the bias of LLMs.

replace Multimodal Large Language Models to Support Real-World Fact-Checking

Authors: Jiahui Geng, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Preslav Nakov, Iryna Gurevych

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) carry the potential to support humans in processing vast amounts of information. While MLLMs are already being used as a fact-checking tool, their abilities and limitations in this regard are understudied. Here is aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we propose a framework for systematically assessing the capacity of current multimodal models to facilitate real-world fact-checking. Our methodology is evidence-free, leveraging only these models' intrinsic knowledge and reasoning capabilities. By designing prompts that extract models' predictions, explanations, and confidence levels, we delve into research questions concerning model accuracy, robustness, and reasons for failure. We empirically find that (1) GPT-4V exhibits superior performance in identifying malicious and misleading multimodal claims, with the ability to explain the unreasonable aspects and underlying motives, and (2) existing open-source models exhibit strong biases and are highly sensitive to the prompt. Our study offers insights into combating false multimodal information and building secure, trustworthy multimodal models. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to evaluate MLLMs for real-world fact-checking.

replace SOTOPIA-$\pi$: Interactive Learning of Socially Intelligent Language Agents

Authors: Ruiyi Wang, Haofei Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Zhengyang Qi, Maarten Sap, Graham Neubig, Yonatan Bisk, Hao Zhu

Abstract: Humans learn social skills through both imitation and social interaction. This social learning process is largely understudied by existing research on building language agents. Motivated by this gap, we propose an interactive learning method, SOTOPIA-$\pi$, improving the social intelligence of language agents. This method leverages behavior cloning and self-reinforcement training on filtered social interaction data according to large language model (LLM) ratings. We show that our training method allows a 7B LLM to reach the social goal completion ability of an expert model (GPT-4-based agent), while improving the safety of language agents and maintaining general QA ability on the MMLU benchmark. We also find that this training paradigm uncovers some difficulties in LLM-based evaluation of social intelligence: LLM-based evaluators overestimate the abilities of the language agents trained specifically for social interaction.

replace Bored to Death: Artificial Intelligence Research Reveals the Role of Boredom in Suicide Behavior

Authors: Shir Lissak, Yaakov Ophir, Refael Tikochinski, Anat Brunstein Klomek, Itay Sisso, Eyal Fruchter, Roi Reichart

Abstract: Background: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) contributed significantly to suicide assessment, however, our theoretical understanding of this complex behavior is still limited. Objective: This study aimed to harness AI methodologies to uncover hidden risk factors that trigger or aggravate suicide behaviors. Method: The primary dataset included 228,052 Facebook postings by 1,006 users who completed the gold-standard Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale. This dataset was analyzed using a bottom-up research pipeline without a-priory hypotheses and its findings were validated using a top-down analysis of a new dataset. This secondary dataset included responses by 1,062 participants to the same suicide scale as well as to well-validated scales measuring depression and boredom. Results: An almost fully automated, AI-guided research pipeline resulted in four Facebook topics that predicted the risk of suicide, of which the strongest predictor was boredom. A comprehensive literature review using APA PsycInfo revealed that boredom is rarely perceived as a unique risk factor of suicide. A complementing top-down path analysis of the secondary dataset uncovered an indirect relationship between boredom and suicide, which was mediated by depression. An equivalent mediated relationship was observed in the primary Facebook dataset as well. However, here, a direct relationship between boredom and suicide risk was also observed. Conclusions: Integrating AI methods allowed the discovery of an under-researched risk factor of suicide. The study signals boredom as a maladaptive 'ingredient' that might trigger suicide behaviors, regardless of depression. Further studies are recommended to direct clinicians' attention to this burdening, and sometimes existential experience.

replace Describe-then-Reason: Improving Multimodal Mathematical Reasoning through Visual Comprehension Training

Authors: Mengzhao Jia, Zhihan Zhang, Wenhao Yu, Fangkai Jiao, Meng Jiang

Abstract: Open-source multimodal large language models (MLLMs) excel in various tasks involving textual and visual inputs but still struggle with complex multimodal mathematical reasoning, lagging behind proprietary models like GPT-4V(ision) and Gemini-Pro. Although fine-tuning with intermediate steps (i.e., rationales) elicits some mathematical reasoning skills, the resulting models still fall short in visual comprehension due to inadequate visual-centric supervision, which leads to inaccurate interpretation of math figures. To address this issue, we propose a two-step training pipeline VCAR, which emphasizes the Visual Comprehension training in Addition to mathematical Reasoning learning. It first improves the visual comprehension ability of MLLMs through the visual description generation task, followed by another training step on generating rationales with the assistance of descriptions. Experimental results on two popular benchmarks demonstrate that VCAR substantially outperforms baseline methods solely relying on rationale supervision, especially on problems with high visual demands.

replace ToM-LM: Delegating Theory of Mind Reasoning to External Symbolic Executors in Large Language Models

Authors: Weizhi Tang, Vaishak Belle

Abstract: Theory of Mind (ToM) refers to the ability of individuals to attribute mental states to others. While Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown some promise with ToM ability, they still struggle with complex ToM reasoning. Our approach leverages an external symbolic executor, specifically the SMCDEL model checker, and fine-tuning to improve the ToM reasoning ability of LLMs. In our approach, an LLM is first fine-tuned through pairs of natural language and symbolic formulation representation of ToM problems and is then instructed to generate the symbolic formulation with a one-shot in-context example. The generated symbolic formulation is then executed by the SMCDEL model checker to perform transparent and verifiable ToM reasoning and give the final result. We demonstrate that our approach, ToM-LM, shows a significant improvement over all the constructed baselines. Our study proposes a novel view about externalizing a particular component of ToM reasoning, mainly reasoning about beliefs, and suggests generalizing it to other aspects of ToM reasoning.

replace The Promise and Challenges of Using LLMs to Accelerate the Screening Process of Systematic Reviews

Authors: Aleksi Huotala, Miikka Kuutila, Paul Ralph, Mika M\"antyl\"a

Abstract: Systematic review (SR) is a popular research method in software engineering (SE). However, conducting an SR takes an average of 67 weeks. Thus, automating any step of the SR process could reduce the effort associated with SRs. Our objective is to investigate if Large Language Models (LLMs) can accelerate title-abstract screening by simplifying abstracts for human screeners, and automating title-abstract screening. We performed an experiment where humans screened titles and abstracts for 20 papers with both original and simplified abstracts from a prior SR. The experiment with human screeners was reproduced with GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 LLMs to perform the same screening tasks. We also studied if different prompting techniques (Zero-shot (ZS), One-shot (OS), Few-shot (FS), and Few-shot with Chain-of-Thought (FS-CoT)) improve the screening performance of LLMs. Lastly, we studied if redesigning the prompt used in the LLM reproduction of screening leads to improved performance. Text simplification did not increase the screeners' screening performance, but reduced the time used in screening. Screeners' scientific literacy skills and researcher status predict screening performance. Some LLM and prompt combinations perform as well as human screeners in the screening tasks. Our results indicate that the GPT-4 LLM is better than its predecessor, GPT-3.5. Additionally, Few-shot and One-shot prompting outperforms Zero-shot prompting. Using LLMs for text simplification in the screening process does not significantly improve human performance. Using LLMs to automate title-abstract screening seems promising, but current LLMs are not significantly more accurate than human screeners. To recommend the use of LLMs in the screening process of SRs, more research is needed. We recommend future SR studies publish replication packages with screening data to enable more conclusive experimenting with LLM screening.

replace Detecting Conceptual Abstraction in LLMs

Authors: Michaela Regneri, Alhassan Abdelhalim, S\"oren Laue

Abstract: We present a novel approach to detecting noun abstraction within a large language model (LLM). Starting from a psychologically motivated set of noun pairs in taxonomic relationships, we instantiate surface patterns indicating hypernymy and analyze the attention matrices produced by BERT. We compare the results to two sets of counterfactuals and show that we can detect hypernymy in the abstraction mechanism, which cannot solely be related to the distributional similarity of noun pairs. Our findings are a first step towards the explainability of conceptual abstraction in LLMs.

replace Classifying Human-Generated and AI-Generated Election Claims in Social Media

Authors: Alphaeus Dmonte, Marcos Zampieri, Kevin Lybarger, Massimiliano Albanese, Genya Coulter

Abstract: Politics is one of the most prevalent topics discussed on social media platforms, particularly during major election cycles, where users engage in conversations about candidates and electoral processes. Malicious actors may use this opportunity to disseminate misinformation to undermine trust in the electoral process. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) exacerbates this issue by enabling malicious actors to generate misinformation at an unprecedented scale. Artificial intelligence (AI)-generated content is often indistinguishable from authentic user content, raising concerns about the integrity of information on social networks. In this paper, we present a novel taxonomy for characterizing election-related claims. This taxonomy provides an instrument for analyzing election-related claims, with granular categories related to jurisdiction, equipment, processes, and the nature of claims. We introduce ElectAI, a novel benchmark dataset that consists of 9,900 tweets, each labeled as human- or AI-generated. For AI-generated tweets, the specific LLM variant that produced them is specified. We annotated a subset of 1,550 tweets using the proposed taxonomy to capture the characteristics of election-related claims. We explored the capabilities of LLMs in extracting the taxonomy attributes and trained various machine learning models using ElectAI to distinguish between human- and AI-generated posts and identify the specific LLM variant.

replace Large Language Models Perform on Par with Experts Identifying Mental Health Factors in Adolescent Online Forums

Authors: Isabelle Lorge, Dan W. Joyce, Andrey Kormilitzin

Abstract: Mental health in children and adolescents has been steadily deteriorating over the past few years. The recent advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) offers much hope for cost and time efficient scaling of monitoring and intervention, yet despite specifically prevalent issues such as school bullying and eating disorders, previous studies on have not investigated performance in this domain or for open information extraction where the set of answers is not predetermined. We create a new dataset of Reddit posts from adolescents aged 12-19 annotated by expert psychiatrists for the following categories: TRAUMA, PRECARITY, CONDITION, SYMPTOMS, SUICIDALITY and TREATMENT and compare expert labels to annotations from two top performing LLMs (GPT3.5 and GPT4). In addition, we create two synthetic datasets to assess whether LLMs perform better when annotating data as they generate it. We find GPT4 to be on par with human inter-annotator agreement and performance on synthetic data to be substantially higher, however we find the model still occasionally errs on issues of negation and factuality and higher performance on synthetic data is driven by greater complexity of real data rather than inherent advantage.

replace Automatic Speech Recognition System-Independent Word Error Rate Estimation

Authors: Chanho Park, Mingjie Chen, Thomas Hain

Abstract: Word error rate (WER) is a metric used to evaluate the quality of transcriptions produced by Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. In many applications, it is of interest to estimate WER given a pair of a speech utterance and a transcript. Previous work on WER estimation focused on building models that are trained with a specific ASR system in mind (referred to as ASR system-dependent). These are also domain-dependent and inflexible in real-world applications. In this paper, a hypothesis generation method for ASR System-Independent WER estimation (SIWE) is proposed. In contrast to prior work, the WER estimators are trained using data that simulates ASR system output. Hypotheses are generated using phonetically similar or linguistically more likely alternative words. In WER estimation experiments, the proposed method reaches a similar performance to ASR system-dependent WER estimators on in-domain data and achieves state-of-the-art performance on out-of-domain data. On the out-of-domain data, the SIWE model outperformed the baseline estimators in root mean square error and Pearson correlation coefficient by relative 17.58% and 18.21%, respectively, on Switchboard and CALLHOME. The performance was further improved when the WER of the training set was close to the WER of the evaluation dataset.

replace Make Your LLM Fully Utilize the Context

Authors: Shengnan An, Zexiong Ma, Zeqi Lin, Nanning Zheng, Jian-Guang Lou

Abstract: While many contemporary large language models (LLMs) can process lengthy input, they still struggle to fully utilize information within the long context, known as the lost-in-the-middle challenge. We hypothesize that it stems from insufficient explicit supervision during the long-context training, which fails to emphasize that any position in a long context can hold crucial information. Based on this intuition, our study presents information-intensive (IN2) training, a purely data-driven solution to overcome lost-in-the-middle. Specifically, IN2 training leverages a synthesized long-context question-answer dataset, where the answer requires (1) fine-grained information awareness on a short segment (~128 tokens) within a synthesized long context (4K-32K tokens), and (2) the integration and reasoning of information from two or more short segments. Through applying this information-intensive training on Mistral-7B, we present FILM-7B (FILl-in-the-Middle). To thoroughly assess the ability of FILM-7B for utilizing long contexts, we design three probing tasks that encompass various context styles (document, code, and structured-data context) and information retrieval patterns (forward, backward, and bi-directional retrieval). The probing results demonstrate that FILM-7B can robustly retrieve information from different positions in its 32K context window. Beyond these probing tasks, FILM-7B significantly improves the performance on real-world long-context tasks (e.g., 23.5->26.9 F1 score on NarrativeQA), while maintaining a comparable performance on short-context tasks (e.g., 59.3->59.2 accuracy on MMLU). Github Link:


replace-cross Kosmos-G: Generating Images in Context with Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Xichen Pan, Li Dong, Shaohan Huang, Zhiliang Peng, Wenhu Chen, Furu Wei

Abstract: Recent advancements in subject-driven image generation have made significant strides. However, current methods still fall short in diverse application scenarios, as they require test-time tuning and cannot accept interleaved multi-image and text input. These limitations keep them far from the ultimate goal of "image as a foreign language in image generation." This paper presents Kosmos-G, a model that leverages the advanced multimodal perception capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) to tackle the aforementioned challenge. Our approach aligns the output space of MLLM with CLIP using the textual modality as an anchor and performs compositional instruction tuning on curated data. Kosmos-G demonstrates an impressive capability of zero-shot subject-driven generation with interleaved multi-image and text input. Notably, the score distillation instruction tuning requires no modifications to the image decoder. This allows for a seamless substitution of CLIP and effortless integration with a myriad of U-Net techniques ranging from fine-grained controls to personalized image decoder variants. We posit Kosmos-G as an initial attempt towards the goal of "image as a foreign language in image generation." The code can be found at


replace-cross Batched Low-Rank Adaptation of Foundation Models

Authors: Yeming Wen, Swarat Chaudhuri

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has recently gained attention for fine-tuning foundation models by incorporating trainable low-rank matrices, thereby reducing the number of trainable parameters. While LoRA offers numerous advantages, its applicability for real-time serving to a diverse and global user base is constrained by its incapability to handle multiple task-specific adapters efficiently. This imposes a performance bottleneck in scenarios requiring personalized, task-specific adaptations for each incoming request. To mitigate this constraint, we introduce Fast LoRA (FLoRA), a framework in which each input example in a minibatch can be associated with its unique low-rank adaptation weights, allowing for efficient batching of heterogeneous requests. We empirically demonstrate that FLoRA retains the performance merits of LoRA, showcasing competitive results on the MultiPL-E code generation benchmark spanning over 8 languages and a multilingual speech recognition task across 6 languages.

replace-cross Adapting Large Language Models for Education: Foundational Capabilities, Potentials, and Challenges

Authors: Qingyao Li, Lingyue Fu, Weiming Zhang, Xianyu Chen, Jingwei Yu, Wei Xia, Weinan Zhang, Ruiming Tang, Yong Yu

Abstract: Online education platforms, leveraging the internet to distribute education resources, seek to provide convenient education but often fall short in real-time communication with students. They often struggle to address the diverse obstacles students encounter throughout their learning journey. Solving the problems encountered by students poses a significant challenge for traditional deep learning models, as it requires not only a broad spectrum of subject knowledge but also the ability to understand what constitutes a student's individual difficulties. It's challenging for traditional machine learning models, as they lack the capacity to comprehend students' personalized needs. Recently, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) offers the possibility for resolving this issue by comprehending individual requests. Although LLMs have been successful in various fields, creating an LLM-based education system is still challenging for the wide range of educational skills required. This paper reviews the recently emerged LLM research related to educational capabilities, including mathematics, writing, programming, reasoning, and knowledge-based question answering, with the aim to explore their potential in constructing the next-generation intelligent education system. Specifically, for each capability, we focus on investigating two aspects. Firstly, we examine the current state of LLMs regarding this capability: how advanced they have become, whether they surpass human abilities, and what deficiencies might exist. Secondly, we evaluate whether the development methods for LLMs in this area are generalizable, that is, whether these methods can be applied to construct a comprehensive educational supermodel with strengths across various capabilities, rather than being effective in only a singular aspect.

replace-cross Weakly Supervised Gaussian Contrastive Grounding with Large Multimodal Models for Video Question Answering

Authors: Haibo Wang, Chenghang Lai, Yixuan Sun, Weifeng Ge

Abstract: Video Question Answering (VideoQA) aims to answer natural language questions based on the information observed in videos. Despite the recent success of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) in image-language understanding and reasoning, they deal with VideoQA insufficiently, by simply taking uniformly sampled frames as visual inputs, which ignores question-relevant visual clues. Moreover, there are no human annotations for question-critical timestamps in existing VideoQA datasets. In light of this, we propose a novel weakly supervised framework to enforce the LMMs to reason out the answers with question-critical moments as visual inputs. Specifically, we first fuse the question and answer pairs as event descriptions to find multiple keyframes as target moments and pseudo-labels, with the visual-language alignment capability of the CLIP models. With these pseudo-labeled keyframes as additionally weak supervision, we devise a lightweight Gaussian-based Contrastive Grounding (GCG) module. GCG learns multiple Gaussian functions to characterize the temporal structure of the video, and sample question-critical frames as positive moments to be the visual inputs of LMMs. Extensive experiments on several benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our framework, and we achieve substantial improvements compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Decoding Speculative Decoding

Authors: Minghao Yan, Saurabh Agarwal, Shivaram Venkataraman

Abstract: Speculative Decoding is a widely used technique to speed up inference for Large Language Models (LLMs) without sacrificing quality. When performing inference, speculative decoding uses a smaller draft model to generate speculative tokens and then uses the target LLM to verify those draft tokens. The speedup provided by speculative decoding heavily depends on the choice of the draft model. In this work, we perform a detailed study comprising over 350 experiments with LLaMA-65B and OPT-66B using speculative decoding and delineate the factors that affect the performance gain provided by speculative decoding. Our experiments indicate that the performance of speculative decoding depends heavily on the latency of the draft model, and the draft model's capability in language modeling does not correlate strongly with its performance in speculative decoding. Based on these insights we explore a new design space for draft models and design hardware-efficient draft models for speculative decoding. Our newly designed draft model for LLaMA-65B can provide 60% higher throughput than existing draft models and can generalize further to the LLaMA-2 model family and supervised fine-tuned models.

replace-cross Forecasting Events in Soccer Matches Through Language

Authors: Tiago Mendes-Neves, Lu\'is Meireles, Jo\~ao Mendes-Moreira

Abstract: This paper introduces an approach to predicting the next event in a soccer match, a challenge bearing remarkable similarities to the problem faced by Large Language Models (LLMs). Unlike other methods that severely limit event dynamics in soccer, often abstracting from many variables or relying on a mix of sequential models, our research proposes a novel technique inspired by the methodologies used in LLMs. These models predict a complete chain of variables that compose an event, significantly simplifying the construction of Large Event Models (LEMs) for soccer. Utilizing deep learning on the publicly available WyScout dataset, the proposed approach notably surpasses the performance of previous LEM proposals in critical areas, such as the prediction accuracy of the next event type. This paper highlights the utility of LEMs in various applications, including match prediction and analytics. Moreover, we show that LEMs provide a simulation backbone for users to build many analytics pipelines, an approach opposite to the current specialized single-purpose models. LEMs represent a pivotal advancement in soccer analytics, establishing a foundational framework for multifaceted analytics pipelines through a singular machine-learning model.

replace-cross Large Language Models are Learnable Planners for Long-Term Recommendation

Authors: Wentao Shi, Xiangnan He, Yang Zhang, Chongming Gao, Xinyue Li, Jizhi Zhang, Qifan Wang, Fuli Feng

Abstract: Planning for both immediate and long-term benefits becomes increasingly important in recommendation. Existing methods apply Reinforcement Learning (RL) to learn planning capacity by maximizing cumulative reward for long-term recommendation. However, the scarcity of recommendation data presents challenges such as instability and susceptibility to overfitting when training RL models from scratch, resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this light, we propose to leverage the remarkable planning capabilities over sparse data of Large Language Models (LLMs) for long-term recommendation. The key to achieving the target lies in formulating a guidance plan following principles of enhancing long-term engagement and grounding the plan to effective and executable actions in a personalized manner. To this end, we propose a Bi-level Learnable LLM Planner framework, which consists of a set of LLM instances and breaks down the learning process into macro-learning and micro-learning to learn macro-level guidance and micro-level personalized recommendation policies, respectively. Extensive experiments validate that the framework facilitates the planning ability of LLMs for long-term recommendation. Our code and data can be found at


replace-cross CodeBenchGen: Creating Scalable Execution-based Code Generation Benchmarks

Authors: Yiqing Xie, Alex Xie, Divyanshu Sheth, Pengfei Liu, Daniel Fried, Carolyn Rose

Abstract: To facilitate evaluation of code generation systems across diverse scenarios, we present CodeBenchGen, a framework to create scalable execution-based benchmarks that only requires light guidance from humans. Specifically, we leverage a large language model (LLM) to convert an arbitrary piece of code into an evaluation example, including test cases for execution-based evaluation. We illustrate the usefulness of our framework by creating a dataset, Exec-CSN, which includes 1,931 examples involving 293 libraries revised from code in 367 GitHub repositories taken from the CodeSearchNet dataset. To demonstrate the complexity and solvability of examples in Exec-CSN, we present a human study demonstrating that 81.3% of the examples can be solved by humans and 61% are rated as "requires effort to solve". We conduct code generation experiments on open-source and proprietary models and analyze the performance of both humans and models. We provide the code at


replace-cross CT-GLIP: 3D Grounded Language-Image Pretraining with CT Scans and Radiology Reports for Full-Body Scenarios

Authors: Jingyang Lin, Yingda Xia, Jianpeng Zhang, Ke Yan, Le Lu, Jiebo Luo, Ling Zhang

Abstract: Medical Vision-Language Pretraining (Med-VLP) establishes a connection between visual content from medical images and the relevant textual descriptions. Existing Med-VLP methods primarily focus on 2D images depicting a single body part, notably chest X-rays. In this paper, we extend the scope of Med-VLP to encompass 3D images, specifically targeting full-body scenarios, by using a multimodal dataset of CT images and reports. Compared with the 2D counterpart, 3D VLP is required to effectively capture essential semantics from significantly sparser representation in 3D imaging. In this paper, we introduce CT-GLIP (Grounded Language-Image Pretraining with CT scans), a novel method that constructs organ-level image-text pairs to enhance multimodal contrastive learning, aligning grounded visual features with precise diagnostic text. Additionally, we developed an abnormality dictionary to augment contrastive learning with diverse contrastive pairs. Our method, trained on a multimodal CT dataset comprising 44,011 organ-level vision-text pairs from 17,702 patients across 104 organs, demonstrates it can identify organs and abnormalities in a zero-shot manner using natural languages. The performance of CT-GLIP is validated on a separate test set of 1,130 patients, focusing on the 16 most frequent abnormalities across 7 organs. The experimental results show our model's superior performance over the standard CLIP framework across zero-shot and fine-tuning scenarios, using both CNN and ViT architectures.

replace-cross Investigating the prompt leakage effect and black-box defenses for multi-turn LLM interactions

Authors: Divyansh Agarwal, Alexander R. Fabbri, Philippe Laban, Ben Risher, Shafiq Joty, Caiming Xiong, Chien-Sheng Wu

Abstract: Prompt leakage in large language models (LLMs) poses a significant security and privacy threat, particularly in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems. However, leakage in multi-turn LLM interactions along with mitigation strategies has not been studied in a standardized manner. This paper investigates LLM vulnerabilities against prompt leakage across 4 diverse domains and 10 closed- and open-source LLMs. Our unique multi-turn threat model leverages the LLM's sycophancy effect and our analysis dissects task instruction and knowledge leakage in the LLM response. In a multi-turn setting, our threat model elevates the average attack success rate (ASR) to 86.2%, including a 99% leakage with GPT-4 and claude-1.3. We find that some black-box LLMs like Gemini show variable susceptibility to leakage across domains - they are more likely to leak contextual knowledge in the news domain compared to the medical domain. Our experiments measure specific effects of 6 black-box defense strategies, including a query-rewriter in the RAG scenario. Our proposed multi-tier combination of defenses still has an ASR of 5.3% for black-box LLMs, indicating room for enhancement and future direction for LLM security research.