new A Disease Labeler for Chinese Chest X-Ray Report Generation

Authors: Mengwei Wang, Ruixin Yan, Zeyi Hou, Ning Lang, Xiuzhuang Zhou

Abstract: In the field of medical image analysis, the scarcity of Chinese chest X-ray report datasets has hindered the development of technology for generating Chinese chest X-ray reports. On one hand, the construction of a Chinese chest X-ray report dataset is limited by the time-consuming and costly process of accurate expert disease annotation. On the other hand, a single natural language generation metric is commonly used to evaluate the similarity between generated and ground-truth reports, while the clinical accuracy and effectiveness of the generated reports rely on an accurate disease labeler (classifier). To address the issues, this study proposes a disease labeler tailored for the generation of Chinese chest X-ray reports. This labeler leverages a dual BERT architecture to handle diagnostic reports and clinical information separately and constructs a hierarchical label learning algorithm based on the affiliation between diseases and body parts to enhance text classification performance. Utilizing this disease labeler, a Chinese chest X-ray report dataset comprising 51,262 report samples was established. Finally, experiments and analyses were conducted on a subset of expert-annotated Chinese chest X-ray reports, validating the effectiveness of the proposed disease labeler.

new AdaQAT: Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization-Aware Training

Authors: C\'edric Gernigon (TARAN), Silviu-Ioan Filip (TARAN), Olivier Sentieys (TARAN), Cl\'ement Coggiola (CNES), Mickael Bruno (CNES)

Abstract: Large-scale deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved remarkable success in many application scenarios. However, high computational complexity and energy costs of modern DNNs make their deployment on edge devices challenging. Model quantization is a common approach to deal with deployment constraints, but searching for optimized bit-widths can be challenging. In this work, we present Adaptive Bit-Width Quantization Aware Training (AdaQAT), a learning-based method that automatically optimizes weight and activation signal bit-widths during training for more efficient DNN inference. We use relaxed real-valued bit-widths that are updated using a gradient descent rule, but are otherwise discretized for all quantization operations. The result is a simple and flexible QAT approach for mixed-precision uniform quantization problems. Compared to other methods that are generally designed to be run on a pretrained network, AdaQAT works well in both training from scratch and fine-tuning scenarios.Initial results on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets using ResNet20 and ResNet18 models, respectively, indicate that our method is competitive with other state-of-the-art mixed-precision quantization approaches.

new Rapid Deployment of DNNs for Edge Computing via Structured Pruning at Initialization

Authors: Bailey J. Eccles, Leon Wong, Blesson Varghese

Abstract: Edge machine learning (ML) enables localized processing of data on devices and is underpinned by deep neural networks (DNNs). However, DNNs cannot be easily run on devices due to their substantial computing, memory and energy requirements for delivering performance that is comparable to cloud-based ML. Therefore, model compression techniques, such as pruning, have been considered. Existing pruning methods are problematic for edge ML since they: (1) Create compressed models that have limited runtime performance benefits (using unstructured pruning) or compromise the final model accuracy (using structured pruning), and (2) Require substantial compute resources and time for identifying a suitable compressed DNN model (using neural architecture search). In this paper, we explore a new avenue, referred to as Pruning-at-Initialization (PaI), using structured pruning to mitigate the above problems. We develop Reconvene, a system for rapidly generating pruned models suited for edge deployments using structured PaI. Reconvene systematically identifies and prunes DNN convolution layers that are least sensitive to structured pruning. Reconvene rapidly creates pruned DNNs within seconds that are up to 16.21x smaller and 2x faster while maintaining the same accuracy as an unstructured PaI counterpart.

new Learning Control Barrier Functions and their application in Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

Authors: Maeva Guerrier, Hassan Fouad, Giovanni Beltrame

Abstract: Reinforcement learning is a powerful technique for developing new robot behaviors. However, typical lack of safety guarantees constitutes a hurdle for its practical application on real robots. To address this issue, safe reinforcement learning aims to incorporate safety considerations, enabling faster transfer to real robots and facilitating lifelong learning. One promising approach within safe reinforcement learning is the use of control barrier functions. These functions provide a framework to ensure that the system remains in a safe state during the learning process. However, synthesizing control barrier functions is not straightforward and often requires ample domain knowledge. This challenge motivates the exploration of data-driven methods for automatically defining control barrier functions, which is highly appealing. We conduct a comprehensive review of the existing literature on safe reinforcement learning using control barrier functions. Additionally, we investigate various techniques for automatically learning the Control Barrier Functions, aiming to enhance the safety and efficacy of Reinforcement Learning in practical robot applications.

new On uncertainty-penalized Bayesian information criterion

Authors: Pongpisit Thanasutives, Ken-ichi Fukui

Abstract: The uncertainty-penalized information criterion (UBIC) has been proposed as a new model-selection criterion for data-driven partial differential equation (PDE) discovery. In this paper, we show that using the UBIC is equivalent to employing the conventional BIC to a set of overparameterized models derived from the potential regression models of different complexity measures. The result indicates that the asymptotic property of the UBIC and BIC holds indifferently.

new Aligning Knowledge Graphs Provided by Humans and Generated from Neural Networks in Specific Tasks

Authors: Tangrui Li, Jun Zhou

Abstract: This paper develops an innovative method that enables neural networks to generate and utilize knowledge graphs, which describe their concept-level knowledge and optimize network parameters through alignment with human-provided knowledge. This research addresses a gap where traditionally, network-generated knowledge has been limited to applications in downstream symbolic analysis or enhancing network transparency. By integrating a novel autoencoder design with the Vector Symbolic Architecture (VSA), we have introduced auxiliary tasks that support end-to-end training. Our approach eschews traditional dependencies on ontologies or word embedding models, mining concepts from neural networks and directly aligning them with human knowledge. Experiments show that our method consistently captures network-generated concepts that align closely with human knowledge and can even uncover new, useful concepts not previously identified by humans. This plug-and-play strategy not only enhances the interpretability of neural networks but also facilitates the integration of symbolic logical reasoning within these systems.

new Review of Data-centric Time Series Analysis from Sample, Feature, and Period

Authors: Chenxi Sun, Hongyan Li, Yaliang Li, Shenda Hong

Abstract: Data is essential to performing time series analysis utilizing machine learning approaches, whether for classic models or today's large language models. A good time-series dataset is advantageous for the model's accuracy, robustness, and convergence, as well as task outcomes and costs. The emergence of data-centric AI represents a shift in the landscape from model refinement to prioritizing data quality. Even though time-series data processing methods frequently come up in a wide range of research fields, it hasn't been well investigated as a specific topic. To fill the gap, in this paper, we systematically review different data-centric methods in time series analysis, covering a wide range of research topics. Based on the time-series data characteristics at sample, feature, and period, we propose a taxonomy for the reviewed data selection methods. In addition to discussing and summarizing their characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks targeting time-series data, we also introduce the challenges and opportunities by proposing recommendations, open problems, and possible research topics.

new Anomaly Detection for Incident Response at Scale

Authors: Hanzhang Wang, Gowtham Kumar Tangirala, Gilkara Pranav Naidu, Charles Mayville, Arighna Roy, Joanne Sun, Ramesh Babu Mandava

Abstract: We present a machine learning-based anomaly detection product, AI Detect and Respond (AIDR), that monitors Walmart's business and system health in real-time. During the validation over 3 months, the product served predictions from over 3000 models to more than 25 application, platform, and operation teams, covering 63\% of major incidents and reducing the mean-time-to-detect (MTTD) by more than 7 minutes. Unlike previous anomaly detection methods, our solution leverages statistical, ML and deep learning models while continuing to incorporate rule-based static thresholds to incorporate domain-specific knowledge. Both univariate and multivariate ML models are deployed and maintained through distributed services for scalability and high availability. AIDR has a feedback loop that assesses model quality with a combination of drift detection algorithms and customer feedback. It also offers self-onboarding capabilities and customizability. AIDR has achieved success with various internal teams with lower time to detection and fewer false positives than previous methods. As we move forward, we aim to expand incident coverage and prevention, reduce noise, and integrate further with root cause recommendation (RCR) to enable an end-to-end AIDR experience.

new NEPENTHE: Entropy-Based Pruning as a Neural Network Depth's Reducer

Authors: Zhu Liao, Victor Qu\'etu, Van-Tam Nguyen, Enzo Tartaglione

Abstract: While deep neural networks are highly effective at solving complex tasks, their computational demands can hinder their usefulness in real-time applications and with limited-resources systems. Besides, for many tasks it is known that these models are over-parametrized: neoteric works have broadly focused on reducing the width of these networks, rather than their depth. In this paper, we aim to reduce the depth of over-parametrized deep neural networks: we propose an eNtropy-basEd Pruning as a nEural Network depTH's rEducer (NEPENTHE) to alleviate deep neural networks' computational burden. Based on our theoretical finding, NEPENTHE focuses on un-structurally pruning connections in layers with low entropy to remove them entirely. We validate our approach on popular architectures such as MobileNet and Swin-T, showing that when encountering an over-parametrization regime, it can effectively linearize some layers (hence reducing the model's depth) with little to no performance loss. The code will be publicly available upon acceptance of the article.

new Automatic AI controller that can drive with confidence: steering vehicle with uncertainty knowledge

Authors: Neha Kumari, Sumit Kumar. Sneha Priya, Ayush Kumar, Akash Fogla

Abstract: In safety-critical systems that interface with the real world, the role of uncertainty in decision-making is pivotal, particularly in the context of machine learning models. For the secure functioning of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), it is imperative to manage such uncertainty adeptly. In this research, we focus on the development of a vehicle's lateral control system using a machine learning framework. Specifically, we employ a Bayesian Neural Network (BNN), a probabilistic learning model, to address uncertainty quantification. This capability allows us to gauge the level of confidence or uncertainty in the model's predictions. The BNN based controller is trained using simulated data gathered from the vehicle traversing a single track and subsequently tested on various other tracks. We want to share two significant results: firstly, the trained model demonstrates the ability to adapt and effectively control the vehicle on multiple similar tracks. Secondly, the quantification of prediction confidence integrated into the controller serves as an early-warning system, signaling when the algorithm lacks confidence in its predictions and is therefore susceptible to failure. By establishing a confidence threshold, we can trigger manual intervention, ensuring that control is relinquished from the algorithm when it operates outside of safe parameters.

new Exploring Learngene via Stage-wise Weight Sharing for Initializing Variable-sized Models

Authors: Shi-Yu Xia, Wenxuan Zhu, Xu Yang, Xin Geng

Abstract: In practice, we usually need to build variable-sized models adapting for diverse resource constraints in different application scenarios, where weight initialization is an important step prior to training. The Learngene framework, introduced recently, firstly learns one compact part termed as learngene from a large well-trained model, after which learngene is expanded to initialize variable-sized models. In this paper, we start from analysing the importance of guidance for the expansion of well-trained learngene layers, inspiring the design of a simple but highly effective Learngene approach termed SWS (Stage-wise Weight Sharing), where both learngene layers and their learning process critically contribute to providing knowledge and guidance for initializing models at varying scales. Specifically, to learn learngene layers, we build an auxiliary model comprising multiple stages where the layer weights in each stage are shared, after which we train it through distillation. Subsequently, we expand these learngene layers containing stage information at their corresponding stage to initialize models of variable depths. Extensive experiments on ImageNet-1K demonstrate that SWS achieves consistent better performance compared to many models trained from scratch, while reducing around 6.6x total training costs. In some cases, SWS performs better only after 1 epoch tuning. When initializing variable-sized models adapting for different resource constraints, SWS achieves better results while reducing around 20x parameters stored to initialize these models and around 10x pre-training costs, in contrast to the pre-training and fine-tuning approach.

new How to Parameterize Asymmetric Quantization Ranges for Quantization-Aware Training

Authors: Jaeseong You, Minseop Park, Kyunggeun Lee, Seokjun An, Chirag Patel, Markus Nage

Abstract: This paper investigates three different parameterizations of asymmetric uniform quantization for quantization-aware training: (1) scale and offset, (2) minimum and maximum, and (3) beta and gamma. We perform a comprehensive comparative analysis of these parameterizations' influence on quantization-aware training, using both controlled experiments and real-world large language models. Our particular focus is on their changing behavior in response to critical training hyperparameters, bit width and learning rate. Based on our investigation, we propose best practices to stabilize and accelerate quantization-aware training with learnable asymmetric quantization ranges.

new mlr3summary: Concise and interpretable summaries for machine learning models

Authors: Susanne Dandl, Marc Becker, Bernd Bischl, Giuseppe Casalicchio, Ludwig Bothmann

Abstract: This work introduces a novel R package for concise, informative summaries of machine learning models. We take inspiration from the summary function for (generalized) linear models in R, but extend it in several directions: First, our summary function is model-agnostic and provides a unified summary output also for non-parametric machine learning models; Second, the summary output is more extensive and customizable -- it comprises information on the dataset, model performance, model complexity, model's estimated feature importances, feature effects, and fairness metrics; Third, models are evaluated based on resampling strategies for unbiased estimates of model performances, feature importances, etc. Overall, the clear, structured output should help to enhance and expedite the model selection process, making it a helpful tool for practitioners and researchers alike.

new Closing the gap: Optimizing Guidance and Control Networks through Neural ODEs

Authors: Sebastien Origer, Dario Izzo

Abstract: We improve the accuracy of Guidance & Control Networks (G&CNETs), trained to represent the optimal control policies of a time-optimal transfer and a mass-optimal landing, respectively. In both cases we leverage the dynamics of the spacecraft, described by Ordinary Differential Equations which incorporate a neural network on their right-hand side (Neural ODEs). Since the neural dynamics is differentiable, the ODEs sensitivities to the network parameters can be computed using the variational equations, thereby allowing to update the G&CNET parameters based on the observed dynamics. We start with a straightforward regression task, training the G&CNETs on datasets of optimal trajectories using behavioural cloning. These networks are then refined using the Neural ODE sensitivities by minimizing the error between the final states and the target states. We demonstrate that for the orbital transfer, the final error to the target can be reduced by 99% on a single trajectory and by 70% on a batch of 500 trajectories. For the landing problem the reduction in error is around 98-99% (position) and 40-44% (velocity). This step significantly enhances the accuracy of G&CNETs, which instills greater confidence in their reliability for operational use. We also compare our results to the popular Dataset Aggregation method (DaGGER) and allude to the strengths and weaknesses of both methods.

new DE-CGAN: Boosting rTMS Treatment Prediction with Diversity Enhancing Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Matthew Squires, Xiaohui Tao, Soman Elangovan, Raj Gururajan, Haoran Xie, Xujuan Zhou, Yuefeng Li, U Rajendra Acharya

Abstract: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) is a well-supported, evidence-based treatment for depression. However, patterns of response to this treatment are inconsistent. Emerging evidence suggests that artificial intelligence can predict rTMS treatment outcomes for most patients using fMRI connectivity features. While these models can reliably predict treatment outcomes for many patients for some underrepresented fMRI connectivity measures DNN models are unable to reliably predict treatment outcomes. As such we propose a novel method, Diversity Enhancing Conditional General Adversarial Network (DE-CGAN) for oversampling these underrepresented examples. DE-CGAN creates synthetic examples in difficult-to-classify regions by first identifying these data points and then creating conditioned synthetic examples to enhance data diversity. Through empirical experiments we show that a classification model trained using a diversity enhanced training set outperforms traditional data augmentation techniques and existing benchmark results. This work shows that increasing the diversity of a training dataset can improve classification model performance. Furthermore, this work provides evidence for the utility of synthetic patients providing larger more robust datasets for both AI researchers and psychiatrists to explore variable relationships.

new Prediction Is All MoE Needs: Expert Load Distribution Goes from Fluctuating to Stabilizing

Authors: Peizhuang Cong, Aomufei Yuan, Shimao Chen, Yuxuan Tian, Bowen Ye, Tong Yang

Abstract: MoE facilitates the development of large models by making the computational complexity of the model no longer scale linearly with increasing parameters. The learning sparse gating network selects a set of experts for each token to be processed; however, this may lead to differences in the number of tokens processed by each expert over several successive iterations, i.e., the expert load fluctuations, which reduces computational parallelization and resource utilization. To this end, we traced and analyzed loads of each expert in the training iterations for several large language models in this work, and defined the transient state with "obvious load fluctuation" and the stable state with "temporal locality". Moreover, given the characteristics of these two states and the computational overhead, we deployed three classical prediction algorithms that achieve accurate expert load prediction results. For the GPT3 350M model, the average error rates for predicting the expert load proportion over the next 1,000 and 2,000 steps are approximately 1.3% and 1.8%, respectively. This work can provide valuable guidance for expert placement or resource allocation for MoE model training. Based on this work, we will propose an expert placement scheme for transient and stable states in our coming work.

new Grad Queue : A probabilistic framework to reinforce sparse gradients

Authors: Irfan Mohammad Al Hasib

Abstract: Informative gradients are often lost in large batch updates. We propose a robust mechanism to reinforce the sparse components within a random batch of data points. A finite queue of online gradients is used to determine their expected instantaneous statistics. We propose a function to measure the scarcity of incoming gradients using these statistics and establish the theoretical ground of this mechanism. To minimize conflicting components within large mini-batches, samples are grouped with aligned objectives by clustering based on inherent feature space. Sparsity is measured for each centroid and weighted accordingly. A strong intuitive criterion to squeeze out redundant information from each cluster is the backbone of the system. It makes rare information indifferent to aggressive momentum also exhibits superior performance with larger mini-batch horizon. The effective length of the queue kept variable to follow the local loss pattern. The contribution of our method is to restore intra-mini-batch diversity at the same time widening the optimal batch boundary. Both of these collectively drive it deeper towards the minima. Our method has shown superior performance for CIFAR10, MNIST, and Reuters News category dataset compared to mini-batch gradient descent.

new On-the-fly Data Augmentation for Forecasting with Deep Learning

Authors: Vitor Cerqueira, Mois\'es Santos, Yassine Baghoussi, Carlos Soares

Abstract: Deep learning approaches are increasingly used to tackle forecasting tasks. A key factor in the successful application of these methods is a large enough training sample size, which is not always available. In these scenarios, synthetic data generation techniques are usually applied to augment the dataset. Data augmentation is typically applied before fitting a model. However, these approaches create a single augmented dataset, potentially limiting their effectiveness. This work introduces OnDAT (On-the-fly Data Augmentation for Time series) to address this issue by applying data augmentation during training and validation. Contrary to traditional methods that create a single, static augmented dataset beforehand, OnDAT performs augmentation on-the-fly. By generating a new augmented dataset on each iteration, the model is exposed to a constantly changing augmented data variations. We hypothesize this process enables a better exploration of the data space, which reduces the potential for overfitting and improves forecasting performance. We validated the proposed approach using a state-of-the-art deep learning forecasting method and 8 benchmark datasets containing a total of 75797 time series. The experiments suggest that OnDAT leads to better forecasting performance than a strategy that applies data augmentation before training as well as a strategy that does not involve data augmentation. The method and experiments are publicly available.

new A Short Survey of Human Mobility Prediction in Epidemic Modeling from Transformers to LLMs

Authors: Christian N. Mayemba, D'Jeff K. Nkashama, Jean Marie Tshimula, Maximilien V. Dialufuma, Jean Tshibangu Muabila, Mbuyi Mukendi Didier, Hugues Kanda, Ren\'e Manass\'e Galekwa, Heber Dibwe Fita, Serge Mundele, Kalonji Kalala, Aristarque Ilunga, Lambert Mukendi Ntobo, Dominique Muteba, Aaron Aruna Abedi

Abstract: This paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent advancements in leveraging machine learning techniques, particularly Transformer models, for predicting human mobility patterns during epidemics. Understanding how people move during epidemics is essential for modeling the spread of diseases and devising effective response strategies. Forecasting population movement is crucial for informing epidemiological models and facilitating effective response planning in public health emergencies. Predicting mobility patterns can enable authorities to better anticipate the geographical and temporal spread of diseases, allocate resources more efficiently, and implement targeted interventions. We review a range of approaches utilizing both pretrained language models like BERT and Large Language Models (LLMs) tailored specifically for mobility prediction tasks. These models have demonstrated significant potential in capturing complex spatio-temporal dependencies and contextual patterns in textual data.

new Taming False Positives in Out-of-Distribution Detection with Human Feedback

Authors: Harit Vishwakarma, Heguang Lin, Ramya Korlakai Vinayak

Abstract: Robustness to out-of-distribution (OOD) samples is crucial for safely deploying machine learning models in the open world. Recent works have focused on designing scoring functions to quantify OOD uncertainty. Setting appropriate thresholds for these scoring functions for OOD detection is challenging as OOD samples are often unavailable up front. Typically, thresholds are set to achieve a desired true positive rate (TPR), e.g., $95\%$ TPR. However, this can lead to very high false positive rates (FPR), ranging from 60 to 96\%, as observed in the Open-OOD benchmark. In safety-critical real-life applications, e.g., medical diagnosis, controlling the FPR is essential when dealing with various OOD samples dynamically. To address these challenges, we propose a mathematically grounded OOD detection framework that leverages expert feedback to \emph{safely} update the threshold on the fly. We provide theoretical results showing that it is guaranteed to meet the FPR constraint at all times while minimizing the use of human feedback. Another key feature of our framework is that it can work with any scoring function for OOD uncertainty quantification. Empirical evaluation of our system on synthetic and benchmark OOD datasets shows that our method can maintain FPR at most $5\%$ while maximizing TPR.

new A Notion of Uniqueness for the Adversarial Bayes Classifier

Authors: Natalie S. Frank

Abstract: We propose a new notion of uniqueness for the adversarial Bayes classifier in the setting of binary classification. Analyzing this notion of uniqueness produces a simple procedure for computing all adversarial Bayes classifiers for a well-motivated family of one dimensional data distributions. This characterization is then leveraged to show that as the perturbation radius increases, certain notions of regularity improve for adversarial Bayes classifiers. We demonstrate with various examples that the boundary of the adversarial Bayes classifier frequently lies near the boundary of the Bayes classifier.

new A Closer Look at Classification Evaluation Metrics and a Critical Reflection of Common Evaluation Practice

Authors: Juri Opitz

Abstract: Classification systems are evaluated in a countless number of papers. However, we find that evaluation practice is often nebulous. Frequently, metrics are selected without arguments, and blurry terminology invites misconceptions. For instance, many works use so-called 'macro' metrics to rank systems (e.g., 'macro F1') but do not clearly specify what they would expect from such a 'macro' metric. This is problematic, since picking a metric can affect paper findings as well as shared task rankings, and thus any clarity in the process should be maximized. Starting from the intuitive concepts of bias and prevalence, we perform an analysis of common evaluation metrics, considering expectations as found expressed in papers. Equipped with a thorough understanding of the metrics, we survey metric selection in recent shared tasks of Natural Language Processing. The results show that metric choices are often not supported with convincing arguments, an issue that can make any ranking seem arbitrary. This work aims at providing overview and guidance for more informed and transparent metric selection, fostering meaningful evaluation.

new ML2SC: Deploying Machine Learning Models as Smart Contracts on the Blockchain

Authors: Zhikai Li, Steve Vott, Bhaskar Krishnamachar

Abstract: With the growing concern of AI safety, there is a need to trust the computations done by machine learning (ML) models. Blockchain technology, known for recording data and running computations transparently and in a tamper-proof manner, can offer this trust. One significant challenge in deploying ML Classifiers on-chain is that while ML models are typically written in Python using an ML library such as Pytorch, smart contracts deployed on EVM-compatible blockchains are written in Solidity. We introduce Machine Learning to Smart Contract (ML2SC), a PyTorch to Solidity translator that can automatically translate multi-layer perceptron (MLP) models written in Pytorch to Solidity smart contract versions. ML2SC uses a fixed-point math library to approximate floating-point computation. After deploying the generated smart contract, we can train our models off-chain using PyTorch and then further transfer the acquired weights and biases to the smart contract using a function call. Finally, the model inference can also be done with a function call providing the input. We mathematically model the gas costs associated with deploying, updating model parameters, and running inference on these models on-chain, showing that the gas costs increase linearly in various parameters associated with an MLP. We present empirical results matching our modeling. We also evaluate the classification accuracy showing that the outputs obtained by our transparent on-chain implementation are identical to the original off-chain implementation with Pytorch.

new IDIL: Imitation Learning of Intent-Driven Expert Behavior

Authors: Sangwon Seo, Vaibhav Unhelkar

Abstract: When faced with accomplishing a task, human experts exhibit intentional behavior. Their unique intents shape their plans and decisions, resulting in experts demonstrating diverse behaviors to accomplish the same task. Due to the uncertainties encountered in the real world and their bounded rationality, experts sometimes adjust their intents, which in turn influences their behaviors during task execution. This paper introduces IDIL, a novel imitation learning algorithm to mimic these diverse intent-driven behaviors of experts. Iteratively, our approach estimates expert intent from heterogeneous demonstrations and then uses it to learn an intent-aware model of their behavior. Unlike contemporary approaches, IDIL is capable of addressing sequential tasks with high-dimensional state representations, while sidestepping the complexities and drawbacks associated with adversarial training (a mainstay of related techniques). Our empirical results suggest that the models generated by IDIL either match or surpass those produced by recent imitation learning benchmarks in metrics of task performance. Moreover, as it creates a generative model, IDIL demonstrates superior performance in intent inference metrics, crucial for human-agent interactions, and aptly captures a broad spectrum of expert behaviors.

new Learning Actionable Counterfactual Explanations in Large State Spaces

Authors: Keziah Naggita, Matthew R. Walter, Avrim Blum

Abstract: Counterfactual explanations (CFEs) are sets of actions that an agent with a negative classification could take to achieve a (desired) positive classification, for consequential decisions such as loan applications, hiring, admissions, etc. In this work, we consider settings where optimal CFEs correspond to solutions of weighted set cover problems. In particular, there is a collection of actions that agents can perform that each have their own cost and each provide the agent with different sets of capabilities. The agent wants to perform the cheapest subset of actions that together provide all the needed capabilities to achieve a positive classification. Since this is an NP-hard optimization problem, we are interested in the question: can we, from training data (instances of agents and their optimal CFEs) learn a CFE generator that will quickly provide optimal sets of actions for new agents? In this work, we provide a deep-network learning procedure that we show experimentally is able to achieve strong performance at this task. We consider several problem formulations, including formulations in which the underlying "capabilities" and effects of actions are not explicitly provided, and so there is an informational challenge in addition to the computational challenge. Our problem can also be viewed as one of learning an optimal policy in a family of large but deterministic Markov Decision Processes (MDPs).

new Near to Mid-term Risks and Opportunities of Open Source Generative AI

Authors: Francisco Eiras, Aleksandar Petrov, Bertie Vidgen, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Fabio Pizzati, Katherine Elkins, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Adel Bibi, Botos Csaba, Fabro Steibel, Fazl Barez, Genevieve Smith, Gianluca Guadagni, Jon Chun, Jordi Cabot, Joseph Marvin Imperial, Juan A. Nolazco-Flores, Lori Landay, Matthew Jackson, Paul R\"ottger, Philip H. S. Torr, Trevor Darrell, Yong Suk Lee, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: In the next few years, applications of Generative AI are expected to revolutionize a number of different areas, ranging from science & medicine to education. The potential for these seismic changes has triggered a lively debate about potential risks and resulted in calls for tighter regulation, in particular from some of the major tech companies who are leading in AI development. This regulation is likely to put at risk the budding field of open source Generative AI. We argue for the responsible open sourcing of generative AI models in the near and medium term. To set the stage, we first introduce an AI openness taxonomy system and apply it to 40 current large language models. We then outline differential benefits and risks of open versus closed source AI and present potential risk mitigation, ranging from best practices to calls for technical and scientific contributions. We hope that this report will add a much needed missing voice to the current public discourse on near to mid-term AI safety and other societal impact.

new Unleashing the Potential of Fractional Calculus in Graph Neural Networks with FROND

Authors: Qiyu Kang, Kai Zhao, Qinxu Ding, Feng Ji, Xuhao Li, Wenfei Liang, Yang Song, Wee Peng Tay

Abstract: We introduce the FRactional-Order graph Neural Dynamical network (FROND), a new continuous graph neural network (GNN) framework. Unlike traditional continuous GNNs that rely on integer-order differential equations, FROND employs the Caputo fractional derivative to leverage the non-local properties of fractional calculus. This approach enables the capture of long-term dependencies in feature updates, moving beyond the Markovian update mechanisms in conventional integer-order models and offering enhanced capabilities in graph representation learning. We offer an interpretation of the node feature updating process in FROND from a non-Markovian random walk perspective when the feature updating is particularly governed by a diffusion process. We demonstrate analytically that oversmoothing can be mitigated in this setting. Experimentally, we validate the FROND framework by comparing the fractional adaptations of various established integer-order continuous GNNs, demonstrating their consistently improved performance and underscoring the framework's potential as an effective extension to enhance traditional continuous GNNs. The code is available at \url{}.


new MER 2024: Semi-Supervised Learning, Noise Robustness, and Open-Vocabulary Multimodal Emotion Recognition

Authors: Zheng Lian, Haiyang Sun, Licai Sun, Zhuofan Wen, Siyuan Zhang, Shun Chen, Hao Gu, Jinming Zhao, Ziyang Ma, Xie Chen, Jiangyan Yi, Rui Liu, Kele Xu, Bin Liu, Erik Cambria, Guoying Zhao, Bj\"orn W. Schuller, Jianhua Tao

Abstract: Multimodal emotion recognition is an important research topic in artificial intelligence. Over the past few decades, researchers have made remarkable progress by increasing dataset size and building more effective architectures. However, due to various reasons (such as complex environments and inaccurate labels), current systems still cannot meet the demands of practical applications. Therefore, we plan to organize a series of challenges around emotion recognition to further promote the development of this field. Last year, we launched MER2023, focusing on three topics: multi-label learning, noise robustness, and semi-supervised learning. This year, we continue to organize MER2024. In addition to expanding the dataset size, we introduce a new track around open-vocabulary emotion recognition. The main consideration for this track is that existing datasets often fix the label space and use majority voting to enhance annotator consistency, but this process may limit the model's ability to describe subtle emotions. In this track, we encourage participants to generate any number of labels in any category, aiming to describe the character's emotional state as accurately as possible. Our baseline is based on MERTools and the code is available at:


new Deep Evidential Learning for Dose Prediction

Authors: Hai Siong Tan, Kuancheng Wang, Rafe Mcbeth

Abstract: In this work, we present a novel application of an uncertainty-quantification framework called Deep Evidential Learning in the domain of radiotherapy dose prediction. Using medical images of the Open Knowledge-Based Planning Challenge dataset, we found that this model can be effectively harnessed to yield uncertainty estimates that inherited correlations with prediction errors upon completion of network training. This was achieved only after reformulating the original loss function for a stable implementation. We found that (i)epistemic uncertainty was highly correlated with prediction errors, with various association indices comparable or stronger than those for Monte-Carlo Dropout and Deep Ensemble methods, (ii)the median error varied with uncertainty threshold much more linearly for epistemic uncertainty in Deep Evidential Learning relative to these other two conventional frameworks, indicative of a more uniformly calibrated sensitivity to model errors, (iii)relative to epistemic uncertainty, aleatoric uncertainty demonstrated a more significant shift in its distribution in response to Gaussian noise added to CT intensity, compatible with its interpretation as reflecting data noise. Collectively, our results suggest that Deep Evidential Learning is a promising approach that can endow deep-learning models in radiotherapy dose prediction with statistical robustness. Towards enhancing its clinical relevance, we demonstrate how we can use such a model to construct the predicted Dose-Volume-Histograms' confidence intervals.

new Sensor Response-Time Reduction using Long-Short Term Memory Network Forecasting

Authors: Simon J. Ward, Muhamed Baljevic, Sharon M. Weiss

Abstract: The response time of a biosensor is a crucial metric in safety-critical applications such as medical diagnostics where an earlier diagnosis can markedly improve patient outcomes. However, the speed at which a biosensor reaches a final equilibrium state can be limited by poor mass transport and long molecular diffusion times that increase the time it takes target molecules to reach the active sensing region of a biosensor. While optimization of system and sensor design can promote molecules reaching the sensing element faster, a simpler and complementary approach for response time reduction that is widely applicable across all sensor platforms is to use time-series forecasting to predict the ultimate steady-state sensor response. In this work, we show that ensembles of long short-term memory (LSTM) networks can accurately predict equilibrium biosensor response from a small quantity of initial time-dependent biosensor measurements, allowing for significant reduction in response time by a mean and median factor of improvement of 18.6 and 5.1, respectively. The ensemble of models also provides simultaneous estimation of uncertainty, which is vital to provide confidence in the predictions and subsequent safety-related decisions that are made. This approach is demonstrated on real-time experimental data collected by exposing porous silicon biosensors to buffered protein solutions using a multi-channel fluidic cell that enables the automated measurement of 100 porous silicon biosensors in parallel. The dramatic improvement in sensor response time achieved using LSTM network ensembles and associated uncertainty quantification opens the door to trustworthy and faster responding biosensors, enabling more rapid medical diagnostics for improved patient outcomes and healthcare access, as well as quicker identification of toxins in food and the environment.

new Neuro-Symbolic Embedding for Short and Effective Feature Selection via Autoregressive Generation

Authors: Nanxu Gong, Wangyang Ying, Dongjie Wang, Yanjie Fu

Abstract: Feature selection aims to identify the optimal feature subset for enhancing downstream models. Effective feature selection can remove redundant features, save computational resources, accelerate the model learning process, and improve the model overall performance. However, existing works are often time-intensive to identify the effective feature subset within high-dimensional feature spaces. Meanwhile, these methods mainly utilize a single downstream task performance as the selection criterion, leading to the selected subsets that are not only redundant but also lack generalizability. To bridge these gaps, we reformulate feature selection through a neuro-symbolic lens and introduce a novel generative framework aimed at identifying short and effective feature subsets. More specifically, we found that feature ID tokens of the selected subset can be formulated as symbols to reflect the intricate correlations among features. Thus, in this framework, we first create a data collector to automatically collect numerous feature selection samples consisting of feature ID tokens, model performance, and the measurement of feature subset redundancy. Building on the collected data, an encoder-decoder-evaluator learning paradigm is developed to preserve the intelligence of feature selection into a continuous embedding space for efficient search. Within the learned embedding space, we leverage a multi-gradient search algorithm to find more robust and generalized embeddings with the objective of improving model performance and reducing feature subset redundancy. These embeddings are then utilized to reconstruct the feature ID tokens for executing the final feature selection. Ultimately, comprehensive experiments and case studies are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

new Online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-Convex Minimization

Authors: Ken Yokoyama, Shinji Ito, Tatsuya Matsuoka, Kei Kimura, Makoto Yokoo

Abstract: An online decision-making problem is a learning problem in which a player repeatedly makes decisions in order to minimize the long-term loss. These problems that emerge in applications often have nonlinear combinatorial objective functions, and developing algorithms for such problems has attracted considerable attention. An existing general framework for dealing with such objective functions is the online submodular minimization. However, practical problems are often out of the scope of this framework, since the domain of a submodular function is limited to a subset of the unit hypercube. To manage this limitation of the existing framework, we in this paper introduce the online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex minimization, where an $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex function generalizes a submodular function so that the domain is a subset of the integer lattice. We propose computationally efficient algorithms for the online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex function minimization in two major settings: the full information and the bandit settings. We analyze the regrets of these algorithms and show in particular that our algorithm for the full information setting obtains a tight regret bound up to a constant factor. We also demonstrate several motivating examples that illustrate the usefulness of the online $\mathrm{L}^{\natural}$-convex minimization.

new DPGAN: A Dual-Path Generative Adversarial Network for Missing Data Imputation in Graphs

Authors: Xindi Zheng, Yuwei Wu, Yu Pan, Wanyu Lin, Lei Ma, Jianjun Zhao

Abstract: Missing data imputation poses a paramount challenge when dealing with graph data. Prior works typically are based on feature propagation or graph autoencoders to address this issue. However, these methods usually encounter the over-smoothing issue when dealing with missing data, as the graph neural network (GNN) modules are not explicitly designed for handling missing data. This paper proposes a novel framework, called Dual-Path Generative Adversarial Network (DPGAN), that can deal simultaneously with missing data and avoid over-smoothing problems. The crux of our work is that it admits both global and local representations of the input graph signal, which can capture the long-range dependencies. It is realized via our proposed generator, consisting of two key components, i.e., MLPUNet++ and GraphUNet++. Our generator is trained with a designated discriminator via an adversarial process. In particular, to avoid assessing the entire graph as did in the literature, our discriminator focuses on the local subgraph fidelity, thereby boosting the quality of the local imputation. The subgraph size is adjustable, allowing for control over the intensity of adversarial regularization. Comprehensive experiments across various benchmark datasets substantiate that DPGAN consistently rivals, if not outperforms, existing state-of-the-art imputation algorithms. The code is provided at \url{}.


new FairGT: A Fairness-aware Graph Transformer

Authors: Renqiang Luo, Huafei Huang, Shuo Yu, Xiuzhen Zhang, Feng Xia

Abstract: The design of Graph Transformers (GTs) generally neglects considerations for fairness, resulting in biased outcomes against certain sensitive subgroups. Since GTs encode graph information without relying on message-passing mechanisms, conventional fairness-aware graph learning methods cannot be directly applicable to address these issues. To tackle this challenge, we propose FairGT, a Fairness-aware Graph Transformer explicitly crafted to mitigate fairness concerns inherent in GTs. FairGT incorporates a meticulous structural feature selection strategy and a multi-hop node feature integration method, ensuring independence of sensitive features and bolstering fairness considerations. These fairness-aware graph information encodings seamlessly integrate into the Transformer framework for downstream tasks. We also prove that the proposed fair structural topology encoding with adjacency matrix eigenvector selection and multi-hop integration are theoretically effective. Empirical evaluations conducted across five real-world datasets demonstrate FairGT's superiority in fairness metrics over existing graph transformers, graph neural networks, and state-of-the-art fairness-aware graph learning approaches.

new Optimizing Cycle Life Prediction of Lithium-ion Batteries via a Physics-Informed Model

Authors: Constantin-Daniel Nicolae, Sara Sameer, Nathan Sun, Karena Yan

Abstract: Accurately measuring the cycle lifetime of commercial lithium-ion batteries is crucial for performance and technology development. We introduce a novel hybrid approach combining a physics-based equation with a self-attention model to predict the cycle lifetimes of commercial lithium iron phosphate graphite cells via early-cycle data. After fitting capacity loss curves to this physics-based equation, we then use a self-attention layer to reconstruct entire battery capacity loss curves. Our model exhibits comparable performances to existing models while predicting more information: the entire capacity loss curve instead of cycle life. This provides more robustness and interpretability: our model does not need to be retrained for a different notion of end-of-life and is backed by physical intuition.

new RE-RFME: Real-Estate RFME Model for customer segmentation

Authors: Anurag Kumar Pandey, Anil Goyal, Nikhil Sikka

Abstract: Marketing is one of the high-cost activities for any online platform. With the increase in the number of customers, it is crucial to understand customers based on their dynamic behaviors to design effective marketing strategies. Customer segmentation is a widely used approach to group customers into different categories and design the marketing strategy targeting each group individually. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an end-to-end pipeline RE-RFME for segmenting customers into 4 groups: high value, promising, need attention, and need activation. Concretely, we propose a novel RFME (Recency, Frequency, Monetary and Engagement) model to track behavioral features of customers and segment them into different categories. Finally, we train the K-means clustering algorithm to cluster the user into one of the 4 categories. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach on real-world datasets for both website and mobile application users.

new An Explainable Deep Reinforcement Learning Model for Warfarin Maintenance Dosing Using Policy Distillation and Action Forging

Authors: Sadjad Anzabi Zadeh, W. Nick Street, Barrett W. Thomas

Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning is an effective tool for drug dosing for chronic condition management. However, the final protocol is generally a black box without any justification for its prescribed doses. This paper addresses this issue by proposing an explainable dosing protocol for warfarin using a Proximal Policy Optimization method combined with Policy Distillation. We introduce Action Forging as an effective tool to achieve explainability. Our focus is on the maintenance dosing protocol. Results show that the final model is as easy to understand and deploy as the current dosing protocols and outperforms the baseline dosing algorithms.

new Making Better Use of Unlabelled Data in Bayesian Active Learning

Authors: Freddie Bickford Smith, Adam Foster, Tom Rainforth

Abstract: Fully supervised models are predominant in Bayesian active learning. We argue that their neglect of the information present in unlabelled data harms not just predictive performance but also decisions about what data to acquire. Our proposed solution is a simple framework for semi-supervised Bayesian active learning. We find it produces better-performing models than either conventional Bayesian active learning or semi-supervised learning with randomly acquired data. It is also easier to scale up than the conventional approach. As well as supporting a shift towards semi-supervised models, our findings highlight the importance of studying models and acquisition methods in conjunction.

new Comparison of self-supervised in-domain and supervised out-domain transfer learning for bird species recognition

Authors: Houtan Ghaffari, Paul Devos

Abstract: Transferring the weights of a pre-trained model to assist another task has become a crucial part of modern deep learning, particularly in data-scarce scenarios. Pre-training refers to the initial step of training models outside the current task of interest, typically on another dataset. It can be done via supervised models using human-annotated datasets or self-supervised models trained on unlabeled datasets. In both cases, many pre-trained models are available to fine-tune for the task of interest. Interestingly, research has shown that pre-trained models from ImageNet can be helpful for audio tasks despite being trained on image datasets. Hence, it's unclear whether in-domain models would be advantageous compared to competent out-domain models, such as convolutional neural networks from ImageNet. Our experiments will demonstrate the usefulness of in-domain models and datasets for bird species recognition by leveraging VICReg, a recent and powerful self-supervised method.

new Efficient Deterministic Renewable Energy Forecasting Guided by Multiple-Location Weather Data

Authors: Charalampos Symeonidis, Nikos Nikolaidis

Abstract: Electricity generated from renewable energy sources has been established as an efficient remedy for both energy shortages and the environmental pollution stemming from conventional energy production methods. Solar and wind power are two of the most dominant renewable energy sources. The accurate forecasting of the energy generation of those sources facilitates their integration into electric grids, by minimizing the negative impact of uncertainty regarding their management and operation. This paper proposes a novel methodology for deterministic wind and solar energy generation forecasting for multiple generation sites, utilizing multi-location weather forecasts. The method employs a U-shaped Temporal Convolutional Auto-Encoder (UTCAE) architecture for temporal processing of weather-related and energy-related time-series across each site. The Multi-sized Kernels convolutional Spatio-Temporal Attention (MKST-Attention), inspired by the multi-head scaled-dot product attention mechanism, is also proposed aiming to efficiently transfer temporal patterns from weather data to energy data, without a priori knowledge of the locations of the power stations and the locations of provided weather data. The conducted experimental evaluation on a day-ahead solar and wind energy forecasting scenario on five datasets demonstrated that the proposed method achieves top results, outperforming all competitive time-series forecasting state-of-the-art methods.

new Machine Learning based prediction of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery temperature rise under different charge-discharge conditions

Authors: Anirudh Narayan D, Akshat Johar, Divye Kalra, Bhavya Ardeshna, Ankur Bhattacharjee

Abstract: Accurate prediction of battery temperature rise is very essential for designing an efficient thermal management scheme. In this paper, machine learning (ML) based prediction of Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VRFB) thermal behavior during charge-discharge operation has been demonstrated for the first time. Considering different currents with a specified electrolyte flow rate, the temperature of a kW scale VRFB system is studied through experiments. Three different ML algorithms; Linear Regression (LR), Support Vector Regression (SVR) and Extreme Gradient Boost (XGBoost) have been used for the prediction work. The training and validation of ML algorithms have been done by the practical dataset of a 1kW 6kWh VRFB storage under 40A, 45A, 50A and 60A charge-discharge currents and 10 L min-1 of flow rate. A comparative analysis among the ML algorithms is done in terms of performance metrics such as correlation coefficient (R2), mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE). It is observed that XGBoost shows the highest accuracy in prediction of around 99%. The ML based prediction results obtained in this work can be very useful for controlling the VRFB temperature rise during operation and act as indicator for further development of an optimized thermal management system.

new Lazy Data Practices Harm Fairness Research

Authors: Jan Simson, Alessandro Fabris, Christoph Kern

Abstract: Data practices shape research and practice on fairness in machine learning (fair ML). Critical data studies offer important reflections and critiques for the responsible advancement of the field by highlighting shortcomings and proposing recommendations for improvement. In this work, we present a comprehensive analysis of fair ML datasets, demonstrating how unreflective yet common practices hinder the reach and reliability of algorithmic fairness findings. We systematically study protected information encoded in tabular datasets and their usage in 280 experiments across 142 publications. Our analyses identify three main areas of concern: (1) a \textbf{lack of representation for certain protected attributes} in both data and evaluations; (2) the widespread \textbf{exclusion of minorities} during data preprocessing; and (3) \textbf{opaque data processing} threatening the generalization of fairness research. By conducting exemplary analyses on the utilization of prominent datasets, we demonstrate how unreflective data decisions disproportionately affect minority groups, fairness metrics, and resultant model comparisons. Additionally, we identify supplementary factors such as limitations in publicly available data, privacy considerations, and a general lack of awareness, which exacerbate these challenges. To address these issues, we propose a set of recommendations for data usage in fairness research centered on transparency and responsible inclusion. This study underscores the need for a critical reevaluation of data practices in fair ML and offers directions to improve both the sourcing and usage of datasets.

new Fast Evaluation of Additive Kernels: Feature Arrangement, Fourier Methods, and Kernel Derivatives

Authors: Theresa Wagner, Franziska Nestler, Martin Stoll

Abstract: One of the main computational bottlenecks when working with kernel based learning is dealing with the large and typically dense kernel matrix. Techniques dealing with fast approximations of the matrix vector product for these kernel matrices typically deteriorate in their performance if the feature vectors reside in higher-dimensional feature spaces. We here present a technique based on the non-equispaced fast Fourier transform (NFFT) with rigorous error analysis. We show that this approach is also well suited to allow the approximation of the matrix that arises when the kernel is differentiated with respect to the kernel hyperparameters; a problem often found in the training phase of methods such as Gaussian processes. We also provide an error analysis for this case. We illustrate the performance of the additive kernel scheme with fast matrix vector products on a number of data sets. Our code is available at


new On the Road to Clarity: Exploring Explainable AI for World Models in a Driver Assistance System

Authors: Mohamed Roshdi, Julian Petzold, Mostafa Wahby, Hussein Ebrahim, Mladen Berekovic, Heiko Hamann

Abstract: In Autonomous Driving (AD) transparency and safety are paramount, as mistakes are costly. However, neural networks used in AD systems are generally considered black boxes. As a countermeasure, we have methods of explainable AI (XAI), such as feature relevance estimation and dimensionality reduction. Coarse graining techniques can also help reduce dimensionality and find interpretable global patterns. A specific coarse graining method is Renormalization Groups from statistical physics. It has previously been applied to Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) to interpret unsupervised learning. We refine this technique by building a transparent backbone model for convolutional variational autoencoders (VAE) that allows mapping latent values to input features and has performance comparable to trained black box VAEs. Moreover, we propose a custom feature map visualization technique to analyze the internal convolutional layers in the VAE to explain internal causes of poor reconstruction that may lead to dangerous traffic scenarios in AD applications. In a second key contribution, we propose explanation and evaluation techniques for the internal dynamics and feature relevance of prediction networks. We test a long short-term memory (LSTM) network in the computer vision domain to evaluate the predictability and in future applications potentially safety of prediction models. We showcase our methods by analyzing a VAE-LSTM world model that predicts pedestrian perception in an urban traffic situation.

new Adversarial Consistency and the Uniqueness of the Adversarial Bayes Classifier

Authors: Natalie S. Frank

Abstract: Adversarial training is a common technique for learning robust classifiers. Prior work showed that convex surrogate losses are not statistically consistent in the adversarial context -- or in other words, a minimizing sequence of the adversarial surrogate risk will not necessarily minimize the adversarial classification error. We connect the consistency of adversarial surrogate losses to properties of minimizers to the adversarial classification risk, known as \emph{adversarial Bayes classifiers}. Specifically, under reasonable distributional assumptions, a convex loss is statistically consistent for adversarial learning iff the adversarial Bayes classifier satisfies a certain notion of uniqueness.

new Estimating the Robustness Radius for Randomized Smoothing with 100$\times$ Sample Efficiency

Authors: Emmanouil Seferis, Stefanos Kollias, Chih-Hong Cheng

Abstract: Randomized smoothing (RS) has successfully been used to improve the robustness of predictions for deep neural networks (DNNs) by adding random noise to create multiple variations of an input, followed by deciding the consensus. To understand if an RS-enabled DNN is effective in the sampled input domains, it is mandatory to sample data points within the operational design domain, acquire the point-wise certificate regarding robustness radius, and compare it with pre-defined acceptance criteria. Consequently, ensuring that a point-wise robustness certificate for any given data point is obtained relatively cost-effectively is crucial. This work demonstrates that reducing the number of samples by one or two orders of magnitude can still enable the computation of a slightly smaller robustness radius (commonly ~20% radius reduction) with the same confidence. We provide the mathematical foundation for explaining the phenomenon while experimentally showing promising results on the standard CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets.

new M3BAT: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Multimodal Mobile Sensing with Multi-Branch Adversarial Training

Authors: Lakmal Meegahapola, Hamza Hassoune, Daniel Gatica-Perez

Abstract: Over the years, multimodal mobile sensing has been used extensively for inferences regarding health and well being, behavior, and context. However, a significant challenge hindering the widespread deployment of such models in real world scenarios is the issue of distribution shift. This is the phenomenon where the distribution of data in the training set differs from the distribution of data in the real world, the deployment environment. While extensively explored in computer vision and natural language processing, and while prior research in mobile sensing briefly addresses this concern, current work primarily focuses on models dealing with a single modality of data, such as audio or accelerometer readings, and consequently, there is little research on unsupervised domain adaptation when dealing with multimodal sensor data. To address this gap, we did extensive experiments with domain adversarial neural networks (DANN) showing that they can effectively handle distribution shifts in multimodal sensor data. Moreover, we proposed a novel improvement over DANN, called M3BAT, unsupervised domain adaptation for multimodal mobile sensing with multi-branch adversarial training, to account for the multimodality of sensor data during domain adaptation with multiple branches. Through extensive experiments conducted on two multimodal mobile sensing datasets, three inference tasks, and 14 source-target domain pairs, including both regression and classification, we demonstrate that our approach performs effectively on unseen domains. Compared to directly deploying a model trained in the source domain to the target domain, the model shows performance increases up to 12% AUC (area under the receiver operating characteristics curves) on classification tasks, and up to 0.13 MAE (mean absolute error) on regression tasks.

new Any-Quantile Probabilistic Forecasting of Short-Term Electricity Demand

Authors: Slawek Smyl, Boris N. Oreshkin, Pawe{\l} Pe{\l}ka, Grzegorz Dudek

Abstract: Power systems operate under uncertainty originating from multiple factors that are impossible to account for deterministically. Distributional forecasting is used to control and mitigate risks associated with this uncertainty. Recent progress in deep learning has helped to significantly improve the accuracy of point forecasts, while accurate distributional forecasting still presents a significant challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel general approach for distributional forecasting capable of predicting arbitrary quantiles. We show that our general approach can be seamlessly applied to two distinct neural architectures leading to the state-of-the-art distributional forecasting results in the context of short-term electricity demand forecasting task. We empirically validate our method on 35 hourly electricity demand time-series for European countries. Our code is available here:


new A Continuous Relaxation for Discrete Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Richard Michael, Simon Bartels, Miguel Gonz\'alez-Duque, Yevgen Zainchkovskyy, Jes Frellsen, S{\o}ren Hauberg, Wouter Boomsma

Abstract: To optimize efficiently over discrete data and with only few available target observations is a challenge in Bayesian optimization. We propose a continuous relaxation of the objective function and show that inference and optimization can be computationally tractable. We consider in particular the optimization domain where very few observations and strict budgets exist; motivated by optimizing protein sequences for expensive to evaluate bio-chemical properties. The advantages of our approach are two-fold: the problem is treated in the continuous setting, and available prior knowledge over sequences can be incorporated directly. More specifically, we utilize available and learned distributions over the problem domain for a weighting of the Hellinger distance which yields a covariance function. We show that the resulting acquisition function can be optimized with both continuous or discrete optimization algorithms and empirically assess our method on two bio-chemical sequence optimization tasks.

new Domain Adaptive and Fine-grained Anomaly Detection for Single-cell Sequencing Data and Beyond

Authors: Kaichen Xu, Yueyang Ding, Suyang Hou, Weiqiang Zhan, Nisang Chen, Jun Wang, Xiaobo Sun

Abstract: Fined-grained anomalous cell detection from affected tissues is critical for clinical diagnosis and pathological research. Single-cell sequencing data provide unprecedented opportunities for this task. However, current anomaly detection methods struggle to handle domain shifts prevalent in multi-sample and multi-domain single-cell sequencing data, leading to suboptimal performance. Moreover, these methods fall short of distinguishing anomalous cells into pathologically distinct subtypes. In response, we propose ACSleuth, a novel, reconstruction deviation-guided generative framework that integrates the detection, domain adaptation, and fine-grained annotating of anomalous cells into a methodologically cohesive workflow. Notably, we present the first theoretical analysis of using reconstruction deviations output by generative models for anomaly detection in lieu of domain shifts. This analysis informs us to develop a novel and superior maximum mean discrepancy-based anomaly scorer in ACSleuth. Extensive benchmarks over various single-cell data and other types of tabular data demonstrate ACSleuth's superiority over the state-of-the-art methods in identifying and subtyping anomalies in multi-sample and multi-domain contexts. Our code is available at


new Multi-layer random features and the approximation power of neural networks

Authors: Rustem Takhanov

Abstract: A neural architecture with randomly initialized weights, in the infinite width limit, is equivalent to a Gaussian Random Field whose covariance function is the so-called Neural Network Gaussian Process kernel (NNGP). We prove that a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) defined by the NNGP contains only functions that can be approximated by the architecture. To achieve a certain approximation error the required number of neurons in each layer is defined by the RKHS norm of the target function. Moreover, the approximation can be constructed from a supervised dataset by a random multi-layer representation of an input vector, together with training of the last layer's weights. For a 2-layer NN and a domain equal to an $n-1$-dimensional sphere in ${\mathbb R}^n$, we compare the number of neurons required by Barron's theorem and by the multi-layer features construction. We show that if eigenvalues of the integral operator of the NNGP decay slower than $k^{-n-\frac{2}{3}}$ where $k$ is an order of an eigenvalue, then our theorem guarantees a more succinct neural network approximation than Barron's theorem. We also make some computational experiments to verify our theoretical findings. Our experiments show that realistic neural networks easily learn target functions even when both theorems do not give any guarantees.

new Conformal Prediction with Learned Features

Authors: Shayan Kiyani, George Pappas, Hamed Hassani

Abstract: In this paper, we focus on the problem of conformal prediction with conditional guarantees. Prior work has shown that it is impossible to construct nontrivial prediction sets with full conditional coverage guarantees. A wealth of research has considered relaxations of full conditional guarantees, relying on some predefined uncertainty structures. Departing from this line of thinking, we propose Partition Learning Conformal Prediction (PLCP), a framework to improve conditional validity of prediction sets through learning uncertainty-guided features from the calibration data. We implement PLCP efficiently with alternating gradient descent, utilizing off-the-shelf machine learning models. We further analyze PLCP theoretically and provide conditional guarantees for infinite and finite sample sizes. Finally, our experimental results over four real-world and synthetic datasets show the superior performance of PLCP compared to state-of-the-art methods in terms of coverage and length in both classification and regression scenarios.

new Tabular Data Contrastive Learning via Class-Conditioned and Feature-Correlation Based Augmentation

Authors: Wei Cui, Rasa Hosseinzadeh, Junwei Ma, Tongzi Wu, Yi Sui, Keyvan Golestan

Abstract: Contrastive learning is a model pre-training technique by first creating similar views of the original data, and then encouraging the data and its corresponding views to be close in the embedding space. Contrastive learning has witnessed success in image and natural language data, thanks to the domain-specific augmentation techniques that are both intuitive and effective. Nonetheless, in tabular domain, the predominant augmentation technique for creating views is through corrupting tabular entries via swapping values, which is not as sound or effective. We propose a simple yet powerful improvement to this augmentation technique: corrupting tabular data conditioned on class identity. Specifically, when corrupting a specific tabular entry from an anchor row, instead of randomly sampling a value in the same feature column from the entire table uniformly, we only sample from rows that are identified to be within the same class as the anchor row. We assume the semi-supervised learning setting, and adopt the pseudo labeling technique for obtaining class identities over all table rows. We also explore the novel idea of selecting features to be corrupted based on feature correlation structures. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approach consistently outperforms the conventional corruption method for tabular data classification tasks. Our code is available at


new Causally Abstracted Multi-armed Bandits

Authors: Fabio Massimo Zennaro, Nicholas Bishop, Joel Dyer, Yorgos Felekis, Anisoara Calinescu, Michael Wooldridge, Theodoros Damoulas

Abstract: Multi-armed bandits (MAB) and causal MABs (CMAB) are established frameworks for decision-making problems. The majority of prior work typically studies and solves individual MAB and CMAB in isolation for a given problem and associated data. However, decision-makers are often faced with multiple related problems and multi-scale observations where joint formulations are needed in order to efficiently exploit the problem structures and data dependencies. Transfer learning for CMABs addresses the situation where models are defined on identical variables, although causal connections may differ. In this work, we extend transfer learning to setups involving CMABs defined on potentially different variables, with varying degrees of granularity, and related via an abstraction map. Formally, we introduce the problem of causally abstracted MABs (CAMABs) by relying on the theory of causal abstraction in order to express a rigorous abstraction map. We propose algorithms to learn in a CAMAB, and study their regret. We illustrate the limitations and the strengths of our algorithms on a real-world scenario related to online advertising.

new Bridging the Fairness Divide: Achieving Group and Individual Fairness in Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Duna Zhan, Dongliang Guo, Pengsheng Ji, Sheng Li

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for analyzing and learning from complex data structured as graphs, demonstrating remarkable effectiveness in various applications, such as social network analysis, recommendation systems, and drug discovery. However, despite their impressive performance, the fairness problem has increasingly gained attention as a crucial aspect to consider. Existing research in graph learning focuses on either group fairness or individual fairness. However, since each concept provides unique insights into fairness from distinct perspectives, integrating them into a fair graph neural network system is crucial. To the best of our knowledge, no study has yet to comprehensively tackle both individual and group fairness simultaneously. In this paper, we propose a new concept of individual fairness within groups and a novel framework named Fairness for Group and Individual (FairGI), which considers both group fairness and individual fairness within groups in the context of graph learning. FairGI employs the similarity matrix of individuals to achieve individual fairness within groups, while leveraging adversarial learning to address group fairness in terms of both Equal Opportunity and Statistical Parity. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach not only outperforms other state-of-the-art models in terms of group fairness and individual fairness within groups, but also exhibits excellent performance in population-level individual fairness, while maintaining comparable prediction accuracy.

new Large Language Model Agent as a Mechanical Designer

Authors: Yayati Jadhav, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Conventional mechanical design paradigms rely on experts systematically refining concepts through experience-guided modification and FEA to meet specific requirements. However, this approach can be time-consuming and heavily dependent on prior knowledge and experience. While numerous machine learning models have been developed to streamline this intensive and expert-driven iterative process, these methods typically demand extensive training data and considerable computational resources. Furthermore, methods based on deep learning are usually restricted to the specific domains and tasks for which they were trained, limiting their applicability across different tasks. This creates a trade-off between the efficiency of automation and the demand for resources. In this study, we present a novel approach that integrates pre-trained LLMs with a FEM module. The FEM module evaluates each design and provides essential feedback, guiding the LLMs to continuously learn, plan, generate, and optimize designs without the need for domain-specific training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in managing the iterative optimization of truss structures, showcasing its capability to reason about and refine designs according to structured feedback and criteria. Our results reveal that these LLM-based agents can successfully generate truss designs that comply with natural language specifications with a success rate of up to 90%, which varies according to the applied constraints. By employing prompt-based optimization techniques we show that LLM based agents exhibit optimization behavior when provided with solution-score pairs to iteratively refine designs to meet specifications. This ability of LLM agents to produce viable designs and optimize them based on their inherent reasoning capabilities highlights their potential to develop and implement effective design strategies autonomously.

new Using Neural Implicit Flow To Represent Latent Dynamics Of Canonical Systems

Authors: Imran Nasim, Joa\~o Lucas de Sousa Almeida

Abstract: The recently introduced class of architectures known as Neural Operators has emerged as highly versatile tools applicable to a wide range of tasks in the field of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML), including data representation and forecasting. In this study, we investigate the capabilities of Neural Implicit Flow (NIF), a recently developed mesh-agnostic neural operator, for representing the latent dynamics of canonical systems such as the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS), forced Korteweg-de Vries (fKdV), and Sine-Gordon (SG) equations, as well as for extracting dynamically relevant information from them. Finally we assess the applicability of NIF as a dimensionality reduction algorithm and conduct a comparative analysis with another widely recognized family of neural operators, known as Deep Operator Networks (DeepONets).

new Probabilistic Inference in Language Models via Twisted Sequential Monte Carlo

Authors: Stephen Zhao, Rob Brekelmans, Alireza Makhzani, Roger Grosse

Abstract: Numerous capability and safety techniques of Large Language Models (LLMs), including RLHF, automated red-teaming, prompt engineering, and infilling, can be cast as sampling from an unnormalized target distribution defined by a given reward or potential function over the full sequence. In this work, we leverage the rich toolkit of Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) for these probabilistic inference problems. In particular, we use learned twist functions to estimate the expected future value of the potential at each timestep, which enables us to focus inference-time computation on promising partial sequences. We propose a novel contrastive method for learning the twist functions, and establish connections with the rich literature of soft reinforcement learning. As a complementary application of our twisted SMC framework, we present methods for evaluating the accuracy of language model inference techniques using novel bidirectional SMC bounds on the log partition function. These bounds can be used to estimate the KL divergence between the inference and target distributions in both directions. We apply our inference evaluation techniques to show that twisted SMC is effective for sampling undesirable outputs from a pretrained model (a useful component of harmlessness training and automated red-teaming), generating reviews with varied sentiment, and performing infilling tasks.

new An exactly solvable model for emergence and scaling laws

Authors: Yoonsoo Nam, Nayara Fonseca, Seok Hyeong Lee, Ard Louis

Abstract: Deep learning models can exhibit what appears to be a sudden ability to solve a new problem as training time ($T$), training data ($D$), or model size ($N$) increases, a phenomenon known as emergence. In this paper, we present a framework where each new ability (a skill) is represented as a basis function. We solve a simple multi-linear model in this skill-basis, finding analytic expressions for the emergence of new skills, as well as for scaling laws of the loss with training time, data size, model size, and optimal compute ($C$). We compare our detailed calculations to direct simulations of a two-layer neural network trained on multitask sparse parity, where the tasks in the dataset are distributed according to a power-law. Our simple model captures, using a single fit parameter, the sigmoidal emergence of multiple new skills as training time, data size or model size increases in the neural network.

cross Leaf-Based Plant Disease Detection and Explainable AI

Authors: Saurav Sagar, Mohammed Javed, David S Doermann

Abstract: The agricultural sector plays an essential role in the economic growth of a country. Specifically, in an Indian context, it is the critical source of livelihood for millions of people living in rural areas. Plant Disease is one of the significant factors affecting the agricultural sector. Plants get infected with diseases for various reasons, including synthetic fertilizers, archaic practices, environmental conditions, etc., which impact the farm yield and subsequently hinder the economy. To address this issue, researchers have explored many applications based on AI and Machine Learning techniques to detect plant diseases. This research survey provides a comprehensive understanding of common plant leaf diseases, evaluates traditional and deep learning techniques for disease detection, and summarizes available datasets. It also explores Explainable AI (XAI) to enhance the interpretability of deep learning models' decisions for end-users. By consolidating this knowledge, the survey offers valuable insights to researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders in the agricultural sector, fostering the development of efficient and transparent solutions for combating plant diseases and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.

cross Predicting SSH keys in Open SSH Memory dumps

Authors: Florian Rascoussier

Abstract: As the digital landscape evolves, cybersecurity has become an indispensable focus of IT systems. Its ever-escalating challenges have amplified the importance of digital forensics, particularly in the analysis of heap dumps from main memory. In this context, the Secure Shell protocol (SSH) designed for encrypted communications, serves as both a safeguard and a potential veil for malicious activities. This research project focuses on predicting SSH keys in OpenSSH memory dumps, aiming to enhance protective measures against illicit access and enable the development of advanced security frameworks or tools like honeypots. This Masterarbeit is situated within the broader SmartVMI project, and seeks to build upon existing research on key prediction in OpenSSH heap dumps. Utilizing machine learning (ML) and deep learning models, the study aims to refine features for embedding techniques and explore innovative methods for effective key detection based on recent advancements in Knowledge Graph and ML. The objective is to accurately predict the presence and location of SSH keys within memory dumps. This work builds upon, and aims to enhance, the foundations laid by SSHkex and SmartKex, enriching both the methodology and the results of the original research while exploring the untapped potential of newly proposed approaches. The current thesis dives into memory graph modelization from raw binary heap dump files. Each memory graph can support a range of embeddings that can be used directly for model training, through the use of classic ML models and graph neural network. It offers an in-depth discussion on the current state-of-the-art in key prediction for OpenSSH memory dumps, research questions, experimental setups, programs development, results as well as discussing potential future directions.

cross Sugarcane Health Monitoring With Satellite Spectroscopy and Machine Learning: A Review

Authors: Ethan Kane Waters, Carla Chia-Ming Chen, Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi

Abstract: Research into large-scale crop monitoring has flourished due to increased accessibility to satellite imagery. This review delves into previously unexplored and under-explored areas in sugarcane health monitoring and disease/pest detection using satellite-based spectroscopy and Machine Learning (ML). It discusses key considerations in system development, including relevant satellites, vegetation indices, ML methods, factors influencing sugarcane reflectance, optimal growth conditions, common diseases, and traditional detection methods. Many studies highlight how factors like crop age, soil type, viewing angle, water content, recent weather patterns, and sugarcane variety can impact spectral reflectance, affecting the accuracy of health assessments via spectroscopy. However, these variables have not been fully considered in the literature. In addition, the current literature lacks comprehensive comparisons between ML techniques and vegetation indices. We address these gaps in this review. We discuss that, while current findings suggest the potential for an ML-driven satellite spectroscopy system for monitoring sugarcane health, further research is essential. This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of previous research to aid in unlocking this potential and advancing the development of an effective sugarcane health monitoring system using satellite technology.

cross Functional Protein Design with Local Domain Alignment

Authors: Chaohao Yuan, Songyou Li, Geyan Ye, Yikun Zhang, Long-Kai Huang, Wenbing Huang, Wei Liu, Jianhua Yao, Yu Rong

Abstract: The core challenge of de novo protein design lies in creating proteins with specific functions or properties, guided by certain conditions. Current models explore to generate protein using structural and evolutionary guidance, which only provide indirect conditions concerning functions and properties. However, textual annotations of proteins, especially the annotations for protein domains, which directly describe the protein's high-level functionalities, properties, and their correlation with target amino acid sequences, remain unexplored in the context of protein design tasks. In this paper, we propose Protein-Annotation Alignment Generation (PAAG), a multi-modality protein design framework that integrates the textual annotations extracted from protein database for controllable generation in sequence space. Specifically, within a multi-level alignment module, PAAG can explicitly generate proteins containing specific domains conditioned on the corresponding domain annotations, and can even design novel proteins with flexible combinations of different kinds of annotations. Our experimental results underscore the superiority of the aligned protein representations from PAAG over 7 prediction tasks. Furthermore, PAAG demonstrates a nearly sixfold increase in generation success rate (24.7% vs 4.7% in zinc finger, and 54.3% vs 8.7% in the immunoglobulin domain) in comparison to the existing model.

cross LEMDA: A Novel Feature Engineering Method for Intrusion Detection in IoT Systems

Authors: Ali Ghubaish, Zebo Yang, Aiman Erbad, Raj Jain

Abstract: Intrusion detection systems (IDS) for the Internet of Things (IoT) systems can use AI-based models to ensure secure communications. IoT systems tend to have many connected devices producing massive amounts of data with high dimensionality, which requires complex models. Complex models have notorious problems such as overfitting, low interpretability, and high computational complexity. Adding model complexity penalty (i.e., regularization) can ease overfitting, but it barely helps interpretability and computational efficiency. Feature engineering can solve these issues; hence, it has become critical for IDS in large-scale IoT systems to reduce the size and dimensionality of data, resulting in less complex models with excellent performance, smaller data storage, and fast detection. This paper proposes a new feature engineering method called LEMDA (Light feature Engineering based on the Mean Decrease in Accuracy). LEMDA applies exponential decay and an optional sensitivity factor to select and create the most informative features. The proposed method has been evaluated and compared to other feature engineering methods using three IoT datasets and four AI/ML models. The results show that LEMDA improves the F1 score performance of all the IDS models by an average of 34% and reduces the average training and detection times in most cases.

cross AdvPrompter: Fast Adaptive Adversarial Prompting for LLMs

Authors: Anselm Paulus, Arman Zharmagambetov, Chuan Guo, Brandon Amos, Yuandong Tian

Abstract: While recently Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable successes, they are vulnerable to certain jailbreaking attacks that lead to generation of inappropriate or harmful content. Manual red-teaming requires finding adversarial prompts that cause such jailbreaking, e.g. by appending a suffix to a given instruction, which is inefficient and time-consuming. On the other hand, automatic adversarial prompt generation often leads to semantically meaningless attacks that can easily be detected by perplexity-based filters, may require gradient information from the TargetLLM, or do not scale well due to time-consuming discrete optimization processes over the token space. In this paper, we present a novel method that uses another LLM, called the AdvPrompter, to generate human-readable adversarial prompts in seconds, $\sim800\times$ faster than existing optimization-based approaches. We train the AdvPrompter using a novel algorithm that does not require access to the gradients of the TargetLLM. This process alternates between two steps: (1) generating high-quality target adversarial suffixes by optimizing the AdvPrompter predictions, and (2) low-rank fine-tuning of the AdvPrompter with the generated adversarial suffixes. The trained AdvPrompter generates suffixes that veil the input instruction without changing its meaning, such that the TargetLLM is lured to give a harmful response. Experimental results on popular open source TargetLLMs show state-of-the-art results on the AdvBench dataset, that also transfer to closed-source black-box LLM APIs. Further, we demonstrate that by fine-tuning on a synthetic dataset generated by AdvPrompter, LLMs can be made more robust against jailbreaking attacks while maintaining performance, i.e. high MMLU scores.

cross ThermoPore: Predicting Part Porosity Based on Thermal Images Using Deep Learning

Authors: Peter Myung-Won Pak, Francis Ogoke, Andrew Polonsky, Anthony Garland, Dan S. Bolintineanu, Dan R. Moser, Michael J. Heiden, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: We present a deep learning approach for quantifying and localizing ex-situ porosity within Laser Powder Bed Fusion fabricated samples utilizing in-situ thermal image monitoring data. Our goal is to build the real time porosity map of parts based on thermal images acquired during the build. The quantification task builds upon the established Convolutional Neural Network model architecture to predict pore count and the localization task leverages the spatial and temporal attention mechanisms of the novel Video Vision Transformer model to indicate areas of expected porosity. Our model for porosity quantification achieved a $R^2$ score of 0.57 and our model for porosity localization produced an average IoU score of 0.32 and a maximum of 1.0. This work is setting the foundations of part porosity "Digital Twins" based on additive manufacturing monitoring data and can be applied downstream to reduce time-intensive post-inspection and testing activities during part qualification and certification. In addition, we seek to accelerate the acquisition of crucial insights normally only available through ex-situ part evaluation by means of machine learning analysis of in-situ process monitoring data.

cross Myopically Verifiable Probabilistic Certificates for Safe Control and Learning

Authors: Zhuoyuan Wang, Haoming Jing, Christian Kurniawan, Albert Chern, Yorie Nakahira

Abstract: This paper addresses the design of safety certificates for stochastic systems, with a focus on ensuring long-term safety through fast real-time control. In stochastic environments, set invariance-based methods that restrict the probability of risk events in infinitesimal time intervals may exhibit significant long-term risks due to cumulative uncertainties/risks. On the other hand, reachability-based approaches that account for the long-term future may require prohibitive computation in real-time decision making. To overcome this challenge involving stringent long-term safety vs. computation tradeoffs, we first introduce a novel technique termed `probabilistic invariance'. This technique characterizes the invariance conditions of the probability of interest. When the target probability is defined using long-term trajectories, this technique can be used to design myopic conditions/controllers with assured long-term safe probability. Then, we integrate this technique into safe control and learning. The proposed control methods efficiently assure long-term safety using neural networks or model predictive controllers with short outlook horizons. The proposed learning methods can be used to guarantee long-term safety during and after training. Finally, we demonstrate the performance of the proposed techniques in numerical simulations.

cross Adapting an Artificial Intelligence Sexually Transmitted Diseases Symptom Checker Tool for Mpox Detection: The HeHealth Experience

Authors: Rayner Kay Jin Tan, Dilruk Perera, Salomi Arasaratnam, Yudara Kularathne

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence applications have shown promise in the management of pandemics and have been widely used to assist the identification, classification, and diagnosis of medical images. In response to the global outbreak of Monkeypox (Mpox), the team leveraged an existing tool to screen for sexually transmitted diseases to develop a digital screening test for symptomatic Mpox through AI approaches. Prior to the global outbreak of Mpox, the team developed a smartphone app, where app users can use their own smartphone cameras to take pictures of their own penises to screen for symptomatic STD. The AI model was initially developed using 5000 cases and use a modified convolutional neural network to output prediction scores across visually diagnosable penis pathologies including Syphilis, Herpes Simplex Virus, and Human Papilloma Virus. From June 2022 to October 2022, a total of about 22,000 users downloaded the HeHealth app, and about 21,000 images have been analyzed using HeHealth AI technology. We then engaged in formative research, stakeholder engagement, rapid consolidation images, a validation study, and implementation of the tool from July 2022. From July 2022 to October 2022, a total of 1000 Mpox related images had been used to train the Mpox symptom checker tool. Our digital symptom checker tool showed accuracy of 87% to rule in Mpox and 90% to rule out symptomatic Mpox. Several hurdles identified included issues of data privacy and security for app users, initial lack of data to train the AI tool, and the potential generalizability of input data. We offer several suggestions to help others get started on similar projects in emergency situations, including engaging a wide range of stakeholders, having a multidisciplinary team, prioritizing pragmatism, as well as the concept that big data in fact is made up of small data.

cross On TinyML and Cybersecurity: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Use Case

Authors: Fatemeh Dehrouyeh, Li Yang, Firouz Badrkhani Ajaei, Abdallah Shami

Abstract: As technology advances, the use of Machine Learning (ML) in cybersecurity is becoming increasingly crucial to tackle the growing complexity of cyber threats. While traditional ML models can enhance cybersecurity, their high energy and resource demands limit their applications, leading to the emergence of Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) as a more suitable solution for resource-constrained environments. TinyML is widely applied in areas such as smart homes, healthcare, and industrial automation. TinyML focuses on optimizing ML algorithms for small, low-power devices, enabling intelligent data processing directly on edge devices. This paper provides a comprehensive review of common challenges of TinyML techniques, such as power consumption, limited memory, and computational constraints; it also explores potential solutions to these challenges, such as energy harvesting, computational optimization techniques, and transfer learning for privacy preservation. On the other hand, this paper discusses TinyML's applications in advancing cybersecurity for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures (EVCIs) as a representative use case. It presents an experimental case study that enhances cybersecurity in EVCI using TinyML, evaluated against traditional ML in terms of reduced delay and memory usage, with a slight trade-off in accuracy. Additionally, the study includes a practical setup using the ESP32 microcontroller in the PlatformIO environment, which provides a hands-on assessment of TinyML's application in cybersecurity for EVCI.

cross A Neural-Network-Based Approach for Loose-Fitting Clothing

Authors: Yongxu Jin, Dalton Omens, Zhenglin Geng, Joseph Teran, Abishek Kumar, Kenji Tashiro, Ronald Fedkiw

Abstract: Since loose-fitting clothing contains dynamic modes that have proven to be difficult to predict via neural networks, we first illustrate how to coarsely approximate these modes with a real-time numerical algorithm specifically designed to mimic the most important ballistic features of a classical numerical simulation. Although there is some flexibility in the choice of the numerical algorithm used as a proxy for full simulation, it is essential that the stability and accuracy be independent from any time step restriction or similar requirements in order to facilitate real-time performance. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom that require approximations to their dynamics, we simulate rigid frames and use skinning to reconstruct a rough approximation to a desirable mesh; as one might expect, neural-network-based skinning seems to perform better than linear blend skinning in this scenario. Improved high frequency deformations are subsequently added to the skinned mesh via a quasistatic neural network (QNN). In contrast to recurrent neural networks that require a plethora of training data in order to adequately generalize to new examples, QNNs perform well with significantly less training data.

cross Space-Variant Total Variation boosted by learning techniques in few-view tomographic imaging

Authors: Elena Morotti, Davide Evangelista, Andrea Sebastiani, Elena Loli Piccolomini

Abstract: This paper focuses on the development of a space-variant regularization model for solving an under-determined linear inverse problem. The case study is a medical image reconstruction from few-view tomographic noisy data. The primary objective of the proposed optimization model is to achieve a good balance between denoising and the preservation of fine details and edges, overcoming the performance of the popular and largely used Total Variation (TV) regularization through the application of appropriate pixel-dependent weights. The proposed strategy leverages the role of gradient approximations for the computation of the space-variant TV weights. For this reason, a convolutional neural network is designed, to approximate both the ground truth image and its gradient using an elastic loss function in its training. Additionally, the paper provides a theoretical analysis of the proposed model, showing the uniqueness of its solution, and illustrates a Chambolle-Pock algorithm tailored to address the specific problem at hand. This comprehensive framework integrates innovative regularization techniques with advanced neural network capabilities, demonstrating promising results in achieving high-quality reconstructions from low-sampled tomographic data.

cross Season combinatorial intervention predictions with Salt & Peper

Authors: Thomas Gaudelet, Alice Del Vecchio, Eli M Carrami, Juliana Cudini, Chantriolnt-Andreas Kapourani, Caroline Uhler, Lindsay Edwards

Abstract: Interventions play a pivotal role in the study of complex biological systems. In drug discovery, genetic interventions (such as CRISPR base editing) have become central to both identifying potential therapeutic targets and understanding a drug's mechanism of action. With the advancement of CRISPR and the proliferation of genome-scale analyses such as transcriptomics, a new challenge is to navigate the vast combinatorial space of concurrent genetic interventions. Addressing this, our work concentrates on estimating the effects of pairwise genetic combinations on the cellular transcriptome. We introduce two novel contributions: Salt, a biologically-inspired baseline that posits the mostly additive nature of combination effects, and Peper, a deep learning model that extends Salt's additive assumption to achieve unprecedented accuracy. Our comprehensive comparison against existing state-of-the-art methods, grounded in diverse metrics, and our out-of-distribution analysis highlight the limitations of current models in realistic settings. This analysis underscores the necessity for improved modelling techniques and data acquisition strategies, paving the way for more effective exploration of genetic intervention effects.

cross HEroBM: a deep equivariant graph neural network for universal backmapping from coarse-grained to all-atom representations

Authors: Daniele Angioletti, Stefano Raniolo, Vittorio Limongelli

Abstract: Molecular simulations have assumed a paramount role in the fields of chemistry, biology, and material sciences, being able to capture the intricate dynamic properties of systems. Within this realm, coarse-grained (CG) techniques have emerged as invaluable tools to sample large-scale systems and reach extended timescales by simplifying system representation. However, CG approaches come with a trade-off: they sacrifice atomistic details that might hold significant relevance in deciphering the investigated process. Therefore, a recommended approach is to identify key CG conformations and process them using backmapping methods, which retrieve atomistic coordinates. Currently, rule-based methods yield subpar geometries and rely on energy relaxation, resulting in less-than-optimal outcomes. Conversely, machine learning techniques offer higher accuracy but are either limited in transferability between systems or tied to specific CG mappings. In this work, we introduce HEroBM, a dynamic and scalable method that employs deep equivariant graph neural networks and a hierarchical approach to achieve high-resolution backmapping. HEroBM handles any type of CG mapping, offering a versatile and efficient protocol for reconstructing atomistic structures with high accuracy. Focused on local principles, HEroBM spans the entire chemical space and is transferable to systems of varying sizes. We illustrate the versatility of our framework through diverse biological systems, including a complex real-case scenario. Here, our end-to-end backmapping approach accurately generates the atomistic coordinates of a G protein-coupled receptor bound to an organic small molecule within a cholesterol/phospholipid bilayer.

cross Structured Reinforcement Learning for Delay-Optimal Data Transmission in Dense mmWave Networks

Authors: Shufan Wang, Guojun Xiong, Shichen Zhang, Huacheng Zeng, Jian Li, Shivendra Panwar

Abstract: We study the data packet transmission problem (mmDPT) in dense cell-free millimeter wave (mmWave) networks, i.e., users sending data packet requests to access points (APs) via uplinks and APs transmitting requested data packets to users via downlinks. Our objective is to minimize the average delay in the system due to APs' limited service capacity and unreliable wireless channels between APs and users. This problem can be formulated as a restless multi-armed bandits problem with fairness constraint (RMAB-F). Since finding the optimal policy for RMAB-F is intractable, existing learning algorithms are computationally expensive and not suitable for practical dynamic dense mmWave networks. In this paper, we propose a structured reinforcement learning (RL) solution for mmDPT by exploiting the inherent structure encoded in RMAB-F. To achieve this, we first design a low-complexity and provably asymptotically optimal index policy for RMAB-F. Then, we leverage this structure information to develop a structured RL algorithm called mmDPT-TS, which provably achieves an \tilde{O}(\sqrt{T}) Bayesian regret. More importantly, mmDPT-TS is computation-efficient and thus amenable to practical implementation, as it fully exploits the structure of index policy for making decisions. Extensive emulation based on data collected in realistic mmWave networks demonstrate significant gains of mmDPT-TS over existing approaches.

cross COCOLA: Coherence-Oriented Contrastive Learning of Musical Audio Representations

Authors: Ruben Ciranni, Emilian Postolache, Giorgio Mariani, Michele Mancusi, Luca Cosmo, Emanuele Rodol\`a

Abstract: We present COCOLA (Coherence-Oriented Contrastive Learning for Audio), a contrastive learning method for musical audio representations that captures the harmonic and rhythmic coherence between samples. Our method operates at the level of stems (or their combinations) composing music tracks and allows the objective evaluation of compositional models for music in the task of accompaniment generation. We also introduce a new baseline for compositional music generation called CompoNet, based on ControlNet \cite{zhang2023adding}, generalizing the tasks of MSDM, and quantify it against the latter using COCOLA. We release all models trained on public datasets containing separate stems (MUSDB18-HQ, MoisesDB, Slakh2100, and CocoChorales).

cross Neyman Meets Causal Machine Learning: Experimental Evaluation of Individualized Treatment Rules

Authors: Michael Lingzhi Li, Kosuke Imai

Abstract: A century ago, Neyman showed how to evaluate the efficacy of treatment using a randomized experiment under a minimal set of assumptions. This classical repeated sampling framework serves as a basis of routine experimental analyses conducted by today's scientists across disciplines. In this paper, we demonstrate that Neyman's methodology can also be used to experimentally evaluate the efficacy of individualized treatment rules (ITRs), which are derived by modern causal machine learning algorithms. In particular, we show how to account for additional uncertainty resulting from a training process based on cross-fitting. The primary advantage of Neyman's approach is that it can be applied to any ITR regardless of the properties of machine learning algorithms that are used to derive the ITR. We also show, somewhat surprisingly, that for certain metrics, it is more efficient to conduct this ex-post experimental evaluation of an ITR than to conduct an ex-ante experimental evaluation that randomly assigns some units to the ITR. Our analysis demonstrates that Neyman's repeated sampling framework is as relevant for causal inference today as it has been since its inception.

cross Out-of-Distribution Detection using Maximum Entropy Coding

Authors: Mojtaba Abolfazli, Mohammad Zaeri Amirani, Anders H{\o}st-Madsen, June Zhang, Andras Bratincsak

Abstract: Given a default distribution $P$ and a set of test data $x^M=\{x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_M\}$ this paper seeks to answer the question if it was likely that $x^M$ was generated by $P$. For discrete distributions, the definitive answer is in principle given by Kolmogorov-Martin-L\"{o}f randomness. In this paper we seek to generalize this to continuous distributions. We consider a set of statistics $T_1(x^M),T_2(x^M),\ldots$. To each statistic we associate its maximum entropy distribution and with this a universal source coder. The maximum entropy distributions are subsequently combined to give a total codelength, which is compared with $-\log P(x^M)$. We show that this approach satisfied a number of theoretical properties. For real world data $P$ usually is unknown. We transform data into a standard distribution in the latent space using a bidirectional generate network and use maximum entropy coding there. We compare the resulting method to other methods that also used generative neural networks to detect anomalies. In most cases, our results show better performance.

cross Transductive Spiking Graph Neural Networks for Loihi

Authors: Shay Snyder (George Mason University), Victoria Clerico (George Mason University), Guojing Cong (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Shruti Kulkarni (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Catherine Schuman (University of Tennessee - Knoxville), Sumedh R. Risbud (Intel Labs), Maryam Parsa (George Mason University)

Abstract: Graph neural networks have emerged as a specialized branch of deep learning, designed to address problems where pairwise relations between objects are crucial. Recent advancements utilize graph convolutional neural networks to extract features within graph structures. Despite promising results, these methods face challenges in real-world applications due to sparse features, resulting in inefficient resource utilization. Recent studies draw inspiration from the mammalian brain and employ spiking neural networks to model and learn graph structures. However, these approaches are limited to traditional Von Neumann-based computing systems, which still face hardware inefficiencies. In this study, we present a fully neuromorphic implementation of spiking graph neural networks designed for Loihi 2. We optimize network parameters using Lava Bayesian Optimization, a novel hyperparameter optimization system compatible with neuromorphic computing architectures. We showcase the performance benefits of combining neuromorphic Bayesian optimization with our approach for citation graph classification using fixed-precision spiking neurons. Our results demonstrate the capability of integer-precision, Loihi 2 compatible spiking neural networks in performing citation graph classification with comparable accuracy to existing floating point implementations.

cross Channel Modeling for FR3 Upper Mid-band via Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Yaqi Hu, Mingsheng Yin, Marco Mezzavilla, Hao Guo, Sundeep Rangan

Abstract: The upper mid-band (FR3) has been recently attracting interest for new generation of mobile networks, as it provides a promising balance between spectrum availability and coverage, which are inherent limitations of the sub 6GHz and millimeter wave bands, respectively. In order to efficiently design and optimize the network, channel modeling plays a key role since FR3 systems are expected to operate at multiple frequency bands. Data-driven methods, especially generative adversarial networks (GANs), can capture the intricate relationships among data samples, and provide an appropriate tool for FR3 channel modeling. In this work, we present the architecture, link state model, and path generative network of GAN-based FR3 channel modeling. The comparison of our model greatly matches the ray-tracing simulated data.

cross Software Vulnerability Prediction in Low-Resource Languages: An Empirical Study of CodeBERT and ChatGPT

Authors: Triet H. M. Le, M. Ali Babar, Tung Hoang Thai

Abstract: Background: Software Vulnerability (SV) prediction in emerging languages is increasingly important to ensure software security in modern systems. However, these languages usually have limited SV data for developing high-performing prediction models. Aims: We conduct an empirical study to evaluate the impact of SV data scarcity in emerging languages on the state-of-the-art SV prediction model and investigate potential solutions to enhance the performance. Method: We train and test the state-of-the-art model based on CodeBERT with and without data sampling techniques for function-level and line-level SV prediction in three low-resource languages - Kotlin, Swift, and Rust. We also assess the effectiveness of ChatGPT for low-resource SV prediction given its recent success in other domains. Results: Compared to the original work in C/C++ with large data, CodeBERT's performance of function-level and line-level SV prediction significantly declines in low-resource languages, signifying the negative impact of data scarcity. Regarding remediation, data sampling techniques fail to improve CodeBERT; whereas, ChatGPT showcases promising results, substantially enhancing predictive performance by up to 34.4% for the function level and up to 53.5% for the line level. Conclusion: We have highlighted the challenge and made the first promising step for low-resource SV prediction, paving the way for future research in this direction.

cross Talking Nonsense: Probing Large Language Models' Understanding of Adversarial Gibberish Inputs

Authors: Valeriia Cherepanova, James Zou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit excellent ability to understand human languages, but do they also understand their own language that appears gibberish to us? In this work we delve into this question, aiming to uncover the mechanisms underlying such behavior in LLMs. We employ the Greedy Coordinate Gradient optimizer to craft prompts that compel LLMs to generate coherent responses from seemingly nonsensical inputs. We call these inputs LM Babel and this work systematically studies the behavior of LLMs manipulated by these prompts. We find that the manipulation efficiency depends on the target text's length and perplexity, with the Babel prompts often located in lower loss minima compared to natural prompts. We further examine the structure of the Babel prompts and evaluate their robustness. Notably, we find that guiding the model to generate harmful texts is not more difficult than into generating benign texts, suggesting lack of alignment for out-of-distribution prompts.

cross On the Federated Learning Framework for Cooperative Perception

Authors: Zhenrong Zhang, Jianan Liu, Xi Zhou, Tao Huang, Qing-Long Han, Jingxin Liu, Hongbin Liu

Abstract: Cooperative perception is essential to enhance the efficiency and safety of future transportation systems, requiring extensive data sharing among vehicles on the road, which raises significant privacy concerns. Federated learning offers a promising solution by enabling data privacy-preserving collaborative enhancements in perception, decision-making, and planning among connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). However, federated learning is impeded by significant challenges arising from data heterogeneity across diverse clients, potentially diminishing model accuracy and prolonging convergence periods. This study introduces a specialized federated learning framework for CP, termed the federated dynamic weighted aggregation (FedDWA) algorithm, facilitated by dynamic adjusting loss (DALoss) function. This framework employs dynamic client weighting to direct model convergence and integrates a novel loss function that utilizes Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) to counteract the detrimental effects of non-independently and identically distributed (Non-IID) and unbalanced data. Utilizing the BEV transformer as the primary model, our rigorous testing on the OpenV2V dataset, augmented with FedBEVT data, demonstrates significant improvements in the average intersection over union (IoU). These results highlight the substantial potential of our federated learning framework to address data heterogeneity challenges in CP, thereby enhancing the accuracy of environmental perception models and facilitating more robust and efficient collaborative learning solutions in the transportation sector.

cross MCSDNet: Mesoscale Convective System Detection Network via Multi-scale Spatiotemporal Information

Authors: Jiajun Liang, Baoquan Zhang, Yunming Ye, Xutao Li, Chuyao Luo, Xukai Fu

Abstract: The accurate detection of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCS) is crucial for meteorological monitoring due to their potential to cause significant destruction through severe weather phenomena such as hail, thunderstorms, and heavy rainfall. However, the existing methods for MCS detection mostly targets on single-frame detection, which just considers the static characteristics and ignores the temporal evolution in the life cycle of MCS. In this paper, we propose a novel encoder-decoder neural network for MCS detection(MCSDNet). MCSDNet has a simple architecture and is easy to expand. Different from the previous models, MCSDNet targets on multi-frames detection and leverages multi-scale spatiotemporal information for the detection of MCS regions in remote sensing imagery(RSI). As far as we know, it is the first work to utilize multi-scale spatiotemporal information to detect MCS regions. Firstly, we design a multi-scale spatiotemporal information module to extract multi-level semantic from different encoder levels, which makes our models can extract more detail spatiotemporal features. Secondly, a Spatiotemporal Mix Unit(STMU) is introduced to MCSDNet to capture both intra-frame features and inter-frame correlations, which is a scalable module and can be replaced by other spatiotemporal module, e.g., CNN, RNN, Transformer and our proposed Dual Spatiotemporal Attention(DSTA). This means that the future works about spatiotemporal modules can be easily integrated to our model. Finally, we present MCSRSI, the first publicly available dataset for multi-frames MCS detection based on visible channel images from the FY-4A satellite. We also conduct several experiments on MCSRSI and find that our proposed MCSDNet achieve the best performance on MCS detection task when comparing to other baseline methods.

cross Cycling into the workshop: predictive maintenance for Barcelona's bike-sharing system

Authors: Jordi Grau-Escolano, Aleix Bassolas, Julian Vicens

Abstract: Bike-sharing systems have emerged as a significant element of urban mobility, providing an environmentally friendly transportation alternative. With the increasing integration of electric bikes alongside mechanical bikes, it is crucial to illuminate distinct usage patterns and their impact on maintenance. Accordingly, this research aims to develop a comprehensive understanding of mobility dynamics, distinguishing between different mobility modes, and introducing a novel predictive maintenance system tailored for bikes. By utilising a combination of trip information and maintenance data from Barcelona's bike-sharing system, Bicing, this study conducts an extensive analysis of mobility patterns and their relationship to failures of bike components. To accurately predict maintenance needs for essential bike parts, this research delves into various mobility metrics and applies statistical and machine learning survival models, including deep learning models. Due to their complexity, and with the objective of bolstering confidence in the system's predictions, interpretability techniques explain the main predictors of maintenance needs. The analysis reveals marked differences in the usage patterns of mechanical bikes and electric bikes, with a growing user preference for the latter despite their extra costs. These differences in mobility were found to have a considerable impact on the maintenance needs within the bike-sharing system. Moreover, the predictive maintenance models proved effective in forecasting these maintenance needs, capable of operating across an entire bike fleet. Despite challenges such as approximated bike usage metrics and data imbalances, the study successfully showcases the feasibility of an accurate predictive maintenance system capable of improving operational costs, bike availability, and security.

cross Adversarial Reweighting with $\alpha$-Power Maximization for Domain Adaptation

Authors: Xiang Gu, Xi Yu, Yan Yang, Jian Sun, Zongben Xu

Abstract: The practical Domain Adaptation (DA) tasks, e.g., Partial DA (PDA), open-set DA, universal DA, and test-time adaptation, have gained increasing attention in the machine learning community. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, dubbed Adversarial Reweighting with $\alpha$-Power Maximization (ARPM), for PDA where the source domain contains private classes absent in target domain. In ARPM, we propose a novel adversarial reweighting model that adversarially learns to reweight source domain data to identify source-private class samples by assigning smaller weights to them, for mitigating potential negative transfer. Based on the adversarial reweighting, we train the transferable recognition model on the reweighted source distribution to be able to classify common class data. To reduce the prediction uncertainty of the recognition model on the target domain for PDA, we present an $\alpha$-power maximization mechanism in ARPM, which enriches the family of losses for reducing the prediction uncertainty for PDA. Extensive experimental results on five PDA benchmarks, i.e., Office-31, Office-Home, VisDA-2017, ImageNet-Caltech, and DomainNet, show that our method is superior to recent PDA methods. Ablation studies also confirm the effectiveness of components in our approach. To theoretically analyze our method, we deduce an upper bound of target domain expected error for PDA, which is approximately minimized in our approach. We further extend ARPM to open-set DA, universal DA, and test time adaptation, and verify the usefulness through experiments.

cross A Deep Dive into Effects of Structural Bias on CMA-ES Performance along Affine Trajectories

Authors: Niki van Stein, Sarah L. Thomson, Anna V. Kononova

Abstract: To guide the design of better iterative optimisation heuristics, it is imperative to understand how inherent structural biases within algorithm components affect the performance on a wide variety of search landscapes. This study explores the impact of structural bias in the modular Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (modCMA), focusing on the roles of various modulars within the algorithm. Through an extensive investigation involving 435,456 configurations of modCMA, we identified key modules that significantly influence structural bias of various classes. Our analysis utilized the Deep-BIAS toolbox for structural bias detection and classification, complemented by SHAP analysis for quantifying module contributions. The performance of these configurations was tested on a sequence of affine-recombined functions, maintaining fixed optimum locations while gradually varying the landscape features. Our results demonstrate an interplay between module-induced structural bias and algorithm performance across different landscape characteristics.

cross Similarity Equivariant Graph Neural Networks for Homogenization of Metamaterials

Authors: Fleur Hendriks (Eindhoven University of Technology), Vlado Menkovski (Eindhoven University of Technology), Martin Do\v{s}k\'a\v{r} (Czech Technical University in Prague), Marc G. D. Geers (Eindhoven University of Technology), Ond\v{r}ej Roko\v{s} (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Abstract: Soft, porous mechanical metamaterials exhibit pattern transformations that may have important applications in soft robotics, sound reduction and biomedicine. To design these innovative materials, it is important to be able to simulate them accurately and quickly, in order to tune their mechanical properties. Since conventional simulations using the finite element method entail a high computational cost, in this article we aim to develop a machine learning-based approach that scales favorably to serve as a surrogate model. To ensure that the model is also able to handle various microstructures, including those not encountered during training, we include the microstructure as part of the network input. Therefore, we introduce a graph neural network that predicts global quantities (energy, stress stiffness) as well as the pattern transformations that occur (the kinematics). To make our model as accurate and data-efficient as possible, various symmetries are incorporated into the model. The starting point is an E(n)-equivariant graph neural network (which respects translation, rotation and reflection) that has periodic boundary conditions (i.e., it is in-/equivariant with respect to the choice of RVE), is scale in-/equivariant, can simulate large deformations, and can predict scalars, vectors as well as second and fourth order tensors (specifically energy, stress and stiffness). The incorporation of scale equivariance makes the model equivariant with respect to the similarities group, of which the Euclidean group E(n) is a subgroup. We show that this network is more accurate and data-efficient than graph neural networks with fewer symmetries. To create an efficient graph representation of the finite element discretization, we use only the internal geometrical hole boundaries from the finite element mesh to achieve a better speed-up and scaling with the mesh size.

cross Online Policy Learning and Inference by Matrix Completion

Authors: Congyuan Duan, Jingyang Li, Dong Xia

Abstract: Making online decisions can be challenging when features are sparse and orthogonal to historical ones, especially when the optimal policy is learned through collaborative filtering. We formulate the problem as a matrix completion bandit (MCB), where the expected reward under each arm is characterized by an unknown low-rank matrix. The $\epsilon$-greedy bandit and the online gradient descent algorithm are explored. Policy learning and regret performance are studied under a specific schedule for exploration probabilities and step sizes. A faster decaying exploration probability yields smaller regret but learns the optimal policy less accurately. We investigate an online debiasing method based on inverse propensity weighting (IPW) and a general framework for online policy inference. The IPW-based estimators are asymptotically normal under mild arm-optimality conditions. Numerical simulations corroborate our theoretical findings. Our methods are applied to the San Francisco parking pricing project data, revealing intriguing discoveries and outperforming the benchmark policy.

cross Evaluations of Machine Learning Privacy Defenses are Misleading

Authors: Michael Aerni, Jie Zhang, Florian Tram\`er

Abstract: Empirical defenses for machine learning privacy forgo the provable guarantees of differential privacy in the hope of achieving higher utility while resisting realistic adversaries. We identify severe pitfalls in existing empirical privacy evaluations (based on membership inference attacks) that result in misleading conclusions. In particular, we show that prior evaluations fail to characterize the privacy leakage of the most vulnerable samples, use weak attacks, and avoid comparisons with practical differential privacy baselines. In 5 case studies of empirical privacy defenses, we find that prior evaluations underestimate privacy leakage by an order of magnitude. Under our stronger evaluation, none of the empirical defenses we study are competitive with a properly tuned, high-utility DP-SGD baseline (with vacuous provable guarantees).

cross One-Shot Image Restoration

Authors: Deborah Pereg

Abstract: Image restoration, or inverse problems in image processing, has long been an extensively studied topic. In recent years supervised learning approaches have become a popular strategy attempting to tackle this task. Unfortunately, most supervised learning-based methods are highly demanding in terms of computational resources and training data (sample complexity). In addition, trained models are sensitive to domain changes, such as varying acquisition systems, signal sampling rates, resolution and contrast. In this work, we try to answer a fundamental question: Can supervised learning models generalize well solely by learning from one image or even part of an image? If so, then what is the minimal amount of patches required to achieve acceptable generalization? To this end, we focus on an efficient patch-based learning framework that requires a single image input-output pair for training. Experimental results demonstrate the applicability, robustness and computational efficiency of the proposed approach for supervised image deblurring and super-resolution. Our results showcase significant improvement of learning models' sample efficiency, generalization and time complexity, that can hopefully be leveraged for future real-time applications, and applied to other signals and modalities.

cross Separation capacity of linear reservoirs with random connectivity matrix

Authors: Youness Boutaib

Abstract: We argue that the success of reservoir computing lies within the separation capacity of the reservoirs and show that the expected separation capacity of random linear reservoirs is fully characterised by the spectral decomposition of an associated generalised matrix of moments. Of particular interest are reservoirs with Gaussian matrices that are either symmetric or whose entries are all independent. In the symmetric case, we prove that the separation capacity always deteriorates with time; while for short inputs, separation with large reservoirs is best achieved when the entries of the matrix are scaled with a factor $\rho_T/\sqrt{N}$, where $N$ is the dimension of the reservoir and $\rho_T$ depends on the maximum length of the input time series. In the i.i.d. case, we establish that optimal separation with large reservoirs is consistently achieved when the entries of the reservoir matrix are scaled with the exact factor $1/\sqrt{N}$. We further give upper bounds on the quality of separation in function of the length of the time series. We complement this analysis with an investigation of the likelihood of this separation and the impact of the chosen architecture on separation consistency.

cross Uniform Generalization Bounds on Data-Dependent Hypothesis Sets via PAC-Bayesian Theory on Random Sets

Authors: Benjamin Dupuis, Paul Viallard, George Deligiannidis, Umut Simsekli

Abstract: We propose data-dependent uniform generalization bounds by approaching the problem from a PAC-Bayesian perspective. We first apply the PAC-Bayesian framework on `random sets' in a rigorous way, where the training algorithm is assumed to output a data-dependent hypothesis set after observing the training data. This approach allows us to prove data-dependent bounds, which can be applicable in numerous contexts. To highlight the power of our approach, we consider two main applications. First, we propose a PAC-Bayesian formulation of the recently developed fractal-dimension-based generalization bounds. The derived results are shown to be tighter and they unify the existing results around one simple proof technique. Second, we prove uniform bounds over the trajectories of continuous Langevin dynamics and stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics. These results provide novel information about the generalization properties of noisy algorithms.

cross Fast Abstracts and Student Forum Proceedings -- EDCC 2024 -- 19th European Dependable Computing Conference

Authors: Simona Bernardi, Tommaso Zoppi

Abstract: The goal of the Fast Abstracts track is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on dependable computing to discuss work in progress or opinion pieces. Contributions are welcome from academia and industry. Fast Abstracts aim to serve as a rapid and flexible mechanism to: (i) Report on current work that may or may not be complete; (ii) Introduce new ideas to the community; (iii) State positions on controversial issues or open problems; (iv) Share lessons learnt from real-word dependability engineering; and (v) Debunk or question results from other papers based on contra-indications. The Student Forum aims at creating a vibrant and friendly environment where students can present and discuss their work, and exchange ideas and experiences with other students, researchers and industry. One of the key goals of the Forum is to provide students with feedback on their preliminary results that might help with their future research directions.

cross FTL: Transfer Learning Nonlinear Plasma Dynamic Transitions in Low Dimensional Embeddings via Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Zhe Bai, Xishuo Wei, William Tang, Leonid Oliker, Zhihong Lin, Samuel Williams

Abstract: Deep learning algorithms provide a new paradigm to study high-dimensional dynamical behaviors, such as those in fusion plasma systems. Development of novel model reduction methods, coupled with detection of abnormal modes with plasma physics, opens a unique opportunity for building efficient models to identify plasma instabilities for real-time control. Our Fusion Transfer Learning (FTL) model demonstrates success in reconstructing nonlinear kink mode structures by learning from a limited amount of nonlinear simulation data. The knowledge transfer process leverages a pre-trained neural encoder-decoder network, initially trained on linear simulations, to effectively capture nonlinear dynamics. The low-dimensional embeddings extract the coherent structures of interest, while preserving the inherent dynamics of the complex system. Experimental results highlight FTL's capacity to capture transitional behaviors and dynamical features in plasma dynamics -- a task often challenging for conventional methods. The model developed in this study is generalizable and can be extended broadly through transfer learning to address various magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) modes.

cross Differentiable Pareto-Smoothed Weighting for High-Dimensional Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation

Authors: Yoichi Chikahara, Kansei Ushiyama

Abstract: There is a growing interest in estimating heterogeneous treatment effects across individuals using their high-dimensional feature attributes. Achieving high performance in such high-dimensional heterogeneous treatment effect estimation is challenging because in this setup, it is usual that some features induce sample selection bias while others do not but are predictive of potential outcomes. To avoid losing such predictive feature information, existing methods learn separate feature representations using the inverse of probability weighting (IPW). However, due to the numerically unstable IPW weights, they suffer from estimation bias under a finite sample setup. To develop a numerically robust estimator via weighted representation learning, we propose a differentiable Pareto-smoothed weighting framework that replaces extreme weight values in an end-to-end fashion. Experimental results show that by effectively correcting the weight values, our method outperforms the existing ones, including traditional weighting schemes.

cross Low Cost Machine Vision for Insect Classification

Authors: Danja Brandt, Martin Tschaikner, Teodor Chiaburu, Henning Schmidt, Ilona Schrimpf, Alexandra Stadel, Ingeborg E. Beckers, Frank Hau{\ss}er

Abstract: Preserving the number and diversity of insects is one of our society's most important goals in the area of environmental sustainability. A prerequisite for this is a systematic and up-scaled monitoring in order to detect correlations and identify countermeasures. Therefore, automatized monitoring using live traps is important, but so far there is no system that provides image data of sufficient detailed information for entomological classification. In this work, we present an imaging method as part of a multisensor system developed as a low-cost, scalable, open-source system that is adaptable to classical trap types. The image quality meets the requirements needed for classification in the taxonomic tree. Therefore, illumination and resolution have been optimized and motion artefacts have been suppressed. The system is evaluated exemplarily on a dataset consisting of 16 insect species of the same as well as different genus, family and order. We demonstrate that standard CNN-architectures like ResNet50 (pretrained on iNaturalist data) or MobileNet perform very well for the prediction task after re-training. Smaller custom made CNNs also lead to promising results. Classification accuracy of $>96\%$ has been achieved. Moreover, it was proved that image cropping of insects is necessary for classification of species with high inter-class similarity.

cross Q-Learning to navigate turbulence without a map

Authors: Marco Rando, Martin James, Alessandro Verri, Lorenzo Rosasco, Agnese Seminara

Abstract: We consider the problem of olfactory searches in a turbulent environment. We focus on agents that respond solely to odor stimuli, with no access to spatial perception nor prior information about the odor location. We ask whether navigation strategies to a target can be learned robustly within a sequential decision making framework. We develop a reinforcement learning algorithm using a small set of interpretable olfactory states and train it with realistic turbulent odor cues. By introducing a temporal memory, we demonstrate that two salient features of odor traces, discretized in few olfactory states, are sufficient to learn navigation in a realistic odor plume. Performance is dictated by the sparse nature of turbulent plumes. An optimal memory exists which ignores blanks within the plume and activates a recovery strategy outside the plume. We obtain the best performance by letting agents learn their recovery strategy and show that it is mostly casting cross wind, similar to behavior observed in flying insects. The optimal strategy is robust to substantial changes in the odor plumes, suggesting minor parameter tuning may be sufficient to adapt to different environments.

cross Constrained Neural Networks for Interpretable Heuristic Creation to Optimise Computer Algebra Systems

Authors: Dorian Florescu, Matthew England

Abstract: We present a new methodology for utilising machine learning technology in symbolic computation research. We explain how a well known human-designed heuristic to make the choice of variable ordering in cylindrical algebraic decomposition may be represented as a constrained neural network. This allows us to then use machine learning methods to further optimise the heuristic, leading to new networks of similar size, representing new heuristics of similar complexity as the original human-designed one. We present this as a form of ante-hoc explainability for use in computer algebra development.

cross A Semi-Automatic Approach to Create Large Gender- and Age-Balanced Speaker Corpora: Usefulness of Speaker Diarization & Identification

Authors: R\'emi Uro, David Doukhan, Albert Rilliard, La\"etitia Larcher, Anissa-Claire Adgharouamane, Marie Tahon, Antoine Laurent

Abstract: This paper presents a semi-automatic approach to create a diachronic corpus of voices balanced for speaker's age, gender, and recording period, according to 32 categories (2 genders, 4 age ranges and 4 recording periods). Corpora were selected at French National Institute of Audiovisual (INA) to obtain at least 30 speakers per category (a total of 960 speakers; only 874 have be found yet). For each speaker, speech excerpts were extracted from audiovisual documents using an automatic pipeline consisting of speech detection, background music and overlapped speech removal and speaker diarization, used to present clean speaker segments to human annotators identifying target speakers. This pipeline proved highly effective, cutting down manual processing by a factor of ten. Evaluation of the quality of the automatic processing and of the final output is provided. It shows the automatic processing compare to up-to-date process, and that the output provides high quality speech for most of the selected excerpts. This method shows promise for creating large corpora of known target speakers.

cross Federated Transfer Component Analysis Towards Effective VNF Profiling

Authors: Xunzheng ZhangB, Shadi Moazzeni, Juan Marcelo Parra-Ullauri, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou

Abstract: The increasing concerns of knowledge transfer and data privacy challenge the traditional gather-and-analyse paradigm in networks. Specifically, the intelligent orchestration of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) requires understanding and profiling the resource consumption. However, profiling all kinds of VNFs is time-consuming. It is important to consider transferring the well-profiled VNF knowledge to other lack-profiled VNF types while keeping data private. To this end, this paper proposes a Federated Transfer Component Analysis (FTCA) method between the source and target VNFs. FTCA first trains Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based on the source VNF profiling data, and the trained GANs model is sent to the target VNF domain. Then, FTCA realizes federated domain adaptation by using the generated source VNF data and less target VNF profiling data, while keeping the raw data locally. Experiments show that the proposed FTCA can effectively predict the required resources for the target VNF. Specifically, the RMSE index of the regression model decreases by 38.5% and the R-squared metric advances up to 68.6%.

replace Interpretable Representations in Explainable AI: From Theory to Practice

Authors: Kacper Sokol, Peter Flach

Abstract: Interpretable representations are the backbone of many explainers that target black-box predictive systems based on artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. They translate the low-level data representation necessary for good predictive performance into high-level human-intelligible concepts used to convey the explanatory insights. Notably, the explanation type and its cognitive complexity are directly controlled by the interpretable representation, tweaking which allows to target a particular audience and use case. However, many explainers built upon interpretable representations overlook their merit and fall back on default solutions that often carry implicit assumptions, thereby degrading the explanatory power and reliability of such techniques. To address this problem, we study properties of interpretable representations that encode presence and absence of human-comprehensible concepts. We demonstrate how they are operationalised for tabular, image and text data; discuss their assumptions, strengths and weaknesses; identify their core building blocks; and scrutinise their configuration and parameterisation. In particular, this in-depth analysis allows us to pinpoint their explanatory properties, desiderata and scope for (malicious) manipulation in the context of tabular data where a linear model is used to quantify the influence of interpretable concepts on a black-box prediction. Our findings lead to a range of recommendations for designing trustworthy interpretable representations; specifically, the benefits of class-aware (supervised) discretisation of tabular data, e.g., with decision trees, and sensitivity of image interpretable representations to segmentation granularity and occlusion colour.

replace Dual-Mandate Patrols: Multi-Armed Bandits for Green Security

Authors: Lily Xu, Elizabeth Bondi, Fei Fang, Andrew Perrault, Kai Wang, Milind Tambe

Abstract: Conservation efforts in green security domains to protect wildlife and forests are constrained by the limited availability of defenders (i.e., patrollers), who must patrol vast areas to protect from attackers (e.g., poachers or illegal loggers). Defenders must choose how much time to spend in each region of the protected area, balancing exploration of infrequently visited regions and exploitation of known hotspots. We formulate the problem as a stochastic multi-armed bandit, where each action represents a patrol strategy, enabling us to guarantee the rate of convergence of the patrolling policy. However, a naive bandit approach would compromise short-term performance for long-term optimality, resulting in animals poached and forests destroyed. To speed up performance, we leverage smoothness in the reward function and decomposability of actions. We show a synergy between Lipschitz-continuity and decomposition as each aids the convergence of the other. In doing so, we bridge the gap between combinatorial and Lipschitz bandits, presenting a no-regret approach that tightens existing guarantees while optimizing for short-term performance. We demonstrate that our algorithm, LIZARD, improves performance on real-world poaching data from Cambodia.

replace Generating Hidden Markov Models from Process Models Through Nonnegative Tensor Factorization

Authors: Erik Skau, Andrew Hollis, Stephan Eidenbenz, Kim Rasmussen, Boian Alexandrov

Abstract: Monitoring of industrial processes is a critical capability in industry and in government to ensure reliability of production cycles, quick emergency response, and national security. Process monitoring allows users to gauge the progress of an organization in an industrial process or predict the degradation or aging of machine parts in processes taking place at a remote location. Similar to many data science applications, we usually only have access to limited raw data, such as satellite imagery, short video clips, event logs, and signatures captured by a small set of sensors. To combat data scarcity, we leverage the knowledge of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who are familiar with the actions of interest. SMEs provide expert knowledge of the essential activities required for task completion and the resources necessary to carry out each of these activities. Various process mining techniques have been developed for this type of analysis; typically such approaches combine theoretical process models built based on domain expert insights with ad-hoc integration of available pieces of raw data. Here, we introduce a novel mathematically sound method that integrates theoretical process models (as proposed by SMEs) with interrelated minimal Hidden Markov Models (HMM), built via nonnegative tensor factorization. Our method consolidates: (a) theoretical process models, (b) HMMs, (c) coupled nonnegative matrix-tensor factorizations, and (d) custom model selection. To demonstrate our methodology and its abilities, we apply it on simple synthetic and real world process models.

replace Graph Neural Network Surrogate for Seismic Reliability Analysis of Highway Bridge Systems

Authors: Tong Liu, Hadi Meidani

Abstract: Rapid reliability assessment of transportation networks can enhance preparedness, risk mitigation, and response management procedures related to these systems. Network reliability analysis commonly considers network-level performance and does not consider the more detailed node-level responses due to computational cost. In this paper, we propose a rapid seismic reliability assessment approach for bridge networks based on graph neural networks, where node-level connectivities, between points of interest and other nodes, are evaluated under probabilistic seismic scenarios. Via numerical experiments on transportation systems in California, we demonstrate the accuracy, computational efficiency, and robustness of the proposed approach compared to the Monte Carlo approach.

replace Bake off redux: a review and experimental evaluation of recent time series classification algorithms

Authors: Matthew Middlehurst, Patrick Sch\"afer, Anthony Bagnall

Abstract: In 2017, a research paper compared 18 Time Series Classification (TSC) algorithms on 85 datasets from the University of California, Riverside (UCR) archive. This study, commonly referred to as a `bake off', identified that only nine algorithms performed significantly better than the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and Rotation Forest benchmarks that were used. The study categorised each algorithm by the type of feature they extract from time series data, forming a taxonomy of five main algorithm types. This categorisation of algorithms alongside the provision of code and accessible results for reproducibility has helped fuel an increase in popularity of the TSC field. Over six years have passed since this bake off, the UCR archive has expanded to 112 datasets and there have been a large number of new algorithms proposed. We revisit the bake off, seeing how each of the proposed categories have advanced since the original publication, and evaluate the performance of newer algorithms against the previous best-of-category using an expanded UCR archive. We extend the taxonomy to include three new categories to reflect recent developments. Alongside the originally proposed distance, interval, shapelet, dictionary and hybrid based algorithms, we compare newer convolution and feature based algorithms as well as deep learning approaches. We introduce 30 classification datasets either recently donated to the archive or reformatted to the TSC format, and use these to further evaluate the best performing algorithm from each category. Overall, we find that two recently proposed algorithms, Hydra+MultiROCKET and HIVE-COTEv2, perform significantly better than other approaches on both the current and new TSC problems.

replace Toward Evaluating Robustness of Reinforcement Learning with Adversarial Policy

Authors: Xiang Zheng, Xingjun Ma, Shengjie Wang, Xinyu Wang, Chao Shen, Cong Wang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning agents are susceptible to evasion attacks during deployment. In single-agent environments, these attacks can occur through imperceptible perturbations injected into the inputs of the victim policy network. In multi-agent environments, an attacker can manipulate an adversarial opponent to influence the victim policy's observations indirectly. While adversarial policies offer a promising technique to craft such attacks, current methods are either sample-inefficient due to poor exploration strategies or require extra surrogate model training under the black-box assumption. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose Intrinsically Motivated Adversarial Policy (IMAP) for efficient black-box adversarial policy learning in both single- and multi-agent environments. We formulate four types of adversarial intrinsic regularizers -- maximizing the adversarial state coverage, policy coverage, risk, or divergence -- to discover potential vulnerabilities of the victim policy in a principled way. We also present a novel bias-reduction method to balance the extrinsic objective and the adversarial intrinsic regularizers adaptively. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of the four types of adversarial intrinsic regularizers and the bias-reduction method in enhancing black-box adversarial policy learning across a variety of environments. Our IMAP successfully evades two types of defense methods, adversarial training and robust regularizer, decreasing the performance of the state-of-the-art robust WocaR-PPO agents by 34\%-54\% across four single-agent tasks. IMAP also achieves a state-of-the-art attacking success rate of 83.91\% in the multi-agent game YouShallNotPass. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace Sparse Weight Averaging with Multiple Particles for Iterative Magnitude Pruning

Authors: Moonseok Choi, Hyungi Lee, Giung Nam, Juho Lee

Abstract: Given the ever-increasing size of modern neural networks, the significance of sparse architectures has surged due to their accelerated inference speeds and minimal memory demands. When it comes to global pruning techniques, Iterative Magnitude Pruning (IMP) still stands as a state-of-the-art algorithm despite its simple nature, particularly in extremely sparse regimes. In light of the recent finding that the two successive matching IMP solutions are linearly connected without a loss barrier, we propose Sparse Weight Averaging with Multiple Particles (SWAMP), a straightforward modification of IMP that achieves performance comparable to an ensemble of two IMP solutions. For every iteration, we concurrently train multiple sparse models, referred to as particles, using different batch orders yet the same matching ticket, and then weight average such models to produce a single mask. We demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms existing baselines across different sparsities through extensive experiments on various data and neural network structures.

replace Deep Classifier Mimicry without Data Access

Authors: Steven Braun, Martin Mundt, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: Access to pre-trained models has recently emerged as a standard across numerous machine learning domains. Unfortunately, access to the original data the models were trained on may not equally be granted. This makes it tremendously challenging to fine-tune, compress models, adapt continually, or to do any other type of data-driven update. We posit that original data access may however not be required. Specifically, we propose Contrastive Abductive Knowledge Extraction (CAKE), a model-agnostic knowledge distillation procedure that mimics deep classifiers without access to the original data. To this end, CAKE generates pairs of noisy synthetic samples and diffuses them contrastively toward a model's decision boundary. We empirically corroborate CAKE's effectiveness using several benchmark datasets and various architectural choices, paving the way for broad application.

replace A Distance Correlation-Based Approach to Characterize the Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Christopher Salazar, Ashis G. Banerjee

Abstract: Time series forecasting has received a lot of attention, with recurrent neural networks (RNNs) being one of the widely used models due to their ability to handle sequential data. Previous studies on RNN time series forecasting, however, show inconsistent outcomes and offer few explanations for performance variations among the datasets. In this paper, we provide an approach to link time series characteristics with RNN components via the versatile metric of distance correlation. This metric allows us to examine the information flow through the RNN activation layers to be able to interpret and explain their performance. We empirically show that the RNN activation layers learn the lag structures of time series well. However, they gradually lose this information over the span of a few consecutive layers, thereby worsening the forecast quality for series with large lag structures. We also show that the activation layers cannot adequately model moving average and heteroskedastic time series processes. Last, we generate heatmaps for visual comparisons of the activation layers for different choices of the network hyperparameters to identify which of them affect the forecast performance. Our findings can, therefore, aid practitioners in assessing the effectiveness of RNNs for given time series data without actually training and evaluating the networks.

replace Instabilities in Convnets for Raw Audio

Authors: Daniel Haider, Vincent Lostanlen, Martin Ehler, Peter Balazs

Abstract: What makes waveform-based deep learning so hard? Despite numerous attempts at training convolutional neural networks (convnets) for filterbank design, they often fail to outperform hand-crafted baselines. These baselines are linear time-invariant systems: as such, they can be approximated by convnets with wide receptive fields. Yet, in practice, gradient-based optimization leads to suboptimal approximations. In our article, we approach this phenomenon from the perspective of initialization. We present a theory of large deviations for the energy response of FIR filterbanks with random Gaussian weights. We find that deviations worsen for large filters and locally periodic input signals, which are both typical for audio signal processing applications. Numerical simulations align with our theory and suggest that the condition number of a convolutional layer follows a logarithmic scaling law between the number and length of the filters, which is reminiscent of discrete wavelet bases.

replace Subtractive Mixture Models via Squaring: Representation and Learning

Authors: Lorenzo Loconte, Aleksanteri M. Sladek, Stefan Mengel, Martin Trapp, Arno Solin, Nicolas Gillis, Antonio Vergari

Abstract: Mixture models are traditionally represented and learned by adding several distributions as components. Allowing mixtures to subtract probability mass or density can drastically reduce the number of components needed to model complex distributions. However, learning such subtractive mixtures while ensuring they still encode a non-negative function is challenging. We investigate how to learn and perform inference on deep subtractive mixtures by squaring them. We do this in the framework of probabilistic circuits, which enable us to represent tensorized mixtures and generalize several other subtractive models. We theoretically prove that the class of squared circuits allowing subtractions can be exponentially more expressive than traditional additive mixtures; and, we empirically show this increased expressiveness on a series of real-world distribution estimation tasks.

replace ZeroSwap: Data-driven Optimal Market Making in DeFi

Authors: Viraj Nadkarni, Jiachen Hu, Ranvir Rana, Chi Jin, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Pramod Viswanath

Abstract: Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are major centers of matching liquidity supply and demand in Decentralized Finance. Their functioning relies primarily on the presence of liquidity providers (LPs) incentivized to invest their assets into a liquidity pool. However, the prices at which a pooled asset is traded is often more stale than the prices on centralized and more liquid exchanges. This leads to the LPs suffering losses to arbitrage. This problem is addressed by adapting market prices to trader behavior, captured via the classical market microstructure model of Glosten and Milgrom. In this paper, we propose the first optimal Bayesian and the first model-free data-driven algorithm to optimally track the external price of the asset. The notion of optimality that we use enforces a zero-profit condition on the prices of the market maker, hence the name ZeroSwap. This ensures that the market maker balances losses to informed traders with profits from noise traders. The key property of our approach is the ability to estimate the external market price without the need for price oracles or loss oracles. Our theoretical guarantees on the performance of both these algorithms, ensuring the stability and convergence of their price recommendations, are of independent interest in the theory of reinforcement learning. We empirically demonstrate the robustness of our algorithms to changing market conditions.

replace BLoad: Enhancing Neural Network Training with Efficient Sequential Data Handling

Authors: Raphael Ruschel, A. S. M. Iftekhar, B. S. Manjunath, Suya You

Abstract: The increasing complexity of modern deep neural network models and the expanding sizes of datasets necessitate the development of optimized and scalable training methods. In this white paper, we addressed the challenge of efficiently training neural network models using sequences of varying sizes. To address this challenge, we propose a novel training scheme that enables efficient distributed data-parallel training on sequences of different sizes with minimal overhead. By using this scheme we were able to reduce the padding amount by more than 100$x$ while not deleting a single frame, resulting in an overall increased performance on both training time and Recall in our experiments.

replace Bridging the Gap: Towards an Expanded Toolkit for ML-Supported Decision-Making in the Public Sector

Authors: Unai Fischer-Abaigar, Christoph Kern, Noam Barda, Frauke Kreuter

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) systems are becoming instrumental in the public sector, with applications spanning areas like criminal justice, social welfare, financial fraud detection, and public health. While these systems offer great potential benefits to institutional decision-making processes, such as improved efficiency and reliability, they still face the challenge of aligning nuanced policy objectives with the precise formalization requirements necessitated by ML models. In this paper, we aim to bridge the gap between ML model requirements and public sector decision-making by presenting a comprehensive overview of key technical challenges where disjunctions between policy goals and ML models commonly arise. We concentrate on pivotal points of the ML pipeline that connect the model to its operational environment, discussing the significance of representative training data and highlighting the importance of a model setup that facilitates effective decision-making. Additionally, we link these challenges with emerging methodological advancements, encompassing causal ML, domain adaptation, uncertainty quantification, and multi-objective optimization, illustrating the path forward for harmonizing ML and public sector objectives.

replace Raising the ClaSS of Streaming Time Series Segmentation

Authors: Arik Ermshaus, Patrick Sch\"afer, Ulf Leser

Abstract: Ubiquitous sensors today emit high frequency streams of numerical measurements that reflect properties of human, animal, industrial, commercial, and natural processes. Shifts in such processes, e.g. caused by external events or internal state changes, manifest as changes in the recorded signals. The task of streaming time series segmentation (STSS) is to partition the stream into consecutive variable-sized segments that correspond to states of the observed processes or entities. The partition operation itself must in performance be able to cope with the input frequency of the signals. We introduce ClaSS, a novel, efficient, and highly accurate algorithm for STSS. ClaSS assesses the homogeneity of potential partitions using self-supervised time series classification and applies statistical tests to detect significant change points (CPs). In our experimental evaluation using two large benchmarks and six real-world data archives, we found ClaSS to be significantly more precise than eight state-of-the-art competitors. Its space and time complexity is independent of segment sizes and linear only in the sliding window size. We also provide ClaSS as a window operator with an average throughput of 1k data points per second for the Apache Flink streaming engine.

replace DeepClean: Machine Unlearning on the Cheap by Resetting Privacy Sensitive Weights using the Fisher Diagonal

Authors: Jiaeli Shi, Najah Ghalyan, Kostis Gourgoulias, John Buford, Sean Moran

Abstract: Machine learning models trained on sensitive or private data can inadvertently memorize and leak that information. Machine unlearning seeks to retroactively remove such details from model weights to protect privacy. We contribute a lightweight unlearning algorithm that leverages the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) for selective forgetting. Prior work in this area requires full retraining or large matrix inversions, which are computationally expensive. Our key insight is that the diagonal elements of the FIM, which measure the sensitivity of log-likelihood to changes in weights, contain sufficient information for effective forgetting. Specifically, we compute the FIM diagonal over two subsets -- the data to retain and forget -- for all trainable weights. This diagonal representation approximates the complete FIM while dramatically reducing computation. We then use it to selectively update weights to maximize forgetting of the sensitive subset while minimizing impact on the retained subset. Experiments show that our algorithm can successfully forget any randomly selected subsets of training data across neural network architectures. By leveraging the FIM diagonal, our approach provides an interpretable, lightweight, and efficient solution for machine unlearning with practical privacy benefits.

replace Label Delay in Online Continual Learning

Authors: Botos Csaba, Wenxuan Zhang, Matthias M\"uller, Ser-Nam Lim, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Philip Torr, Adel Bibi

Abstract: Online continual learning, the process of training models on streaming data, has gained increasing attention in recent years. However, a critical aspect often overlooked is the label delay, where new data may not be labeled due to slow and costly annotation processes. We introduce a new continual learning framework with explicit modeling of the label delay between data and label streams over time steps. In each step, the framework reveals both unlabeled data from the current time step $t$ and labels delayed with $d$ steps, from the time step $t-d$. In our extensive experiments amounting to 1060 GPU days, we show that merely augmenting the computational resources is insufficient to tackle this challenge. Our findings underline a notable performance decline when solely relying on labeled data when the label delay becomes significant. More surprisingly, when using state-of-the-art SSL and TTA techniques to utilize the newer, unlabeled data, they fail to surpass the performance of a na\"ive method that simply trains on the delayed supervised stream. To this end, we introduce a simple, efficient baseline that rehearses from the labeled memory samples that are most similar to the new unlabeled samples. This method bridges the accuracy gap caused by label delay without significantly increasing computational complexity. We show experimentally that our method is the least affected by the label delay factor and in some cases successfully recovers the accuracy of the non-delayed counterpart. We conduct various ablations and sensitivity experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

replace Urban Region Representation Learning with Attentive Fusion

Authors: Fengze Sun, Jianzhong Qi, Yanchuan Chang, Xiaoliang Fan, Shanika Karunasekera, Egemen Tanin

Abstract: An increasing number of related urban data sources have brought forth novel opportunities for learning urban region representations, i.e., embeddings. The embeddings describe latent features of urban regions and enable discovering similar regions for urban planning applications. Existing methods learn an embedding for a region using every different type of region feature data, and subsequently fuse all learned embeddings of a region to generate a unified region embedding. However, these studies often overlook the significance of the fusion process. The typical fusion methods rely on simple aggregation, such as summation and concatenation, thereby disregarding correlations within the fused region embeddings. To address this limitation, we propose a novel model named HAFusion. Our model is powered by a dual-feature attentive fusion module named DAFusion, which fuses embeddings from different region features to learn higher-order correlations between the regions as well as between the different types of region features. DAFusion is generic - it can be integrated into existing models to enhance their fusion process. Further, motivated by the effective fusion capability of an attentive module, we propose a hybrid attentive feature learning module named HALearning to enhance the embedding learning from each individual type of region features. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our model HAFusion outperforms state-of-the-art methods across three different prediction tasks. Using our learned region embedding leads to consistent and up to 31% improvements in the prediction accuracy.

replace Batched Low-Rank Adaptation of Foundation Models

Authors: Yeming Wen, Swarat Chaudhuri

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has recently gained attention for fine-tuning foundation models by incorporating trainable low-rank matrices, thereby reducing the number of trainable parameters. While LoRA offers numerous advantages, its applicability for real-time serving to a diverse and global user base is constrained by its incapability to handle multiple task-specific adapters efficiently. This imposes a performance bottleneck in scenarios requiring personalized, task-specific adaptations for each incoming request. To mitigate this constraint, we introduce Fast LoRA (FLoRA), a framework in which each input example in a minibatch can be associated with its unique low-rank adaptation weights, allowing for efficient batching of heterogeneous requests. We empirically demonstrate that FLoRA retains the performance merits of LoRA, showcasing competitive results on the MultiPL-E code generation benchmark spanning over 8 languages and a multilingual speech recognition task across 6 languages.

replace Decoding Speculative Decoding

Authors: Minghao Yan, Saurabh Agarwal, Shivaram Venkataraman

Abstract: Speculative Decoding is a widely used technique to speed up inference for Large Language Models (LLMs) without sacrificing quality. When performing inference, speculative decoding uses a smaller draft model to generate speculative tokens and then uses the target LLM to verify those draft tokens. The speedup provided by speculative decoding heavily depends on the choice of the draft model. In this work, we perform a detailed study comprising over 350 experiments with LLaMA-65B and OPT-66B using speculative decoding and delineate the factors that affect the performance gain provided by speculative decoding. Our experiments indicate that the performance of speculative decoding depends heavily on the latency of the draft model, and the draft model's capability in language modeling does not correlate strongly with its performance in speculative decoding. Based on these insights we explore a new design space for draft models and design hardware-efficient draft models for speculative decoding. Our newly designed draft model for LLaMA-65B can provide 60% higher throughput than existing draft models and can generalize further to the LLaMA-2 model family and supervised fine-tuned models.

replace Estimating Player Performance in Different Contexts Using Fine-tuned Large Events Models

Authors: Tiago Mendes-Neves, Lu\'is Meireles, Jo\~ao Mendes-Moreira

Abstract: This paper introduces an innovative application of Large Event Models (LEMs), akin to Large Language Models, to the domain of soccer analytics. By learning the language of soccer - predicting variables for subsequent events rather than words - LEMs facilitate the simulation of matches and offer various applications, including player performance prediction across different team contexts. We focus on fine-tuning LEMs with the WyScout dataset for the 2017-2018 Premier League season to derive specific insights into player contributions and team strategies. Our methodology involves adapting these models to reflect the nuanced dynamics of soccer, enabling the evaluation of hypothetical transfers. Our findings confirm the effectiveness and limitations of LEMs in soccer analytics, highlighting the model's capability to forecast teams' expected standings and explore high-profile scenarios, such as the potential effects of transferring Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi to different teams in the Premier League. This analysis underscores the importance of context in evaluating player quality. While general metrics may suggest significant differences between players, contextual analyses reveal narrower gaps in performance within specific team frameworks.

replace Forecasting Events in Soccer Matches Through Language

Authors: Tiago Mendes-Neves, Lu\'is Meireles, Jo\~ao Mendes-Moreira

Abstract: This paper introduces an approach to predicting the next event in a soccer match, a challenge bearing remarkable similarities to the problem faced by Large Language Models (LLMs). Unlike other methods that severely limit event dynamics in soccer, often abstracting from many variables or relying on a mix of sequential models, our research proposes a novel technique inspired by the methodologies used in LLMs. These models predict a complete chain of variables that compose an event, significantly simplifying the construction of Large Event Models (LEMs) for soccer. Utilizing deep learning on the publicly available WyScout dataset, the proposed approach notably surpasses the performance of previous LEM proposals in critical areas, such as the prediction accuracy of the next event type. This paper highlights the utility of LEMs in various applications, including match prediction and analytics. Moreover, we show that LEMs provide a simulation backbone for users to build many analytics pipelines, an approach opposite to the current specialized single-purpose models. LEMs represent a pivotal advancement in soccer analytics, establishing a foundational framework for multifaceted analytics pipelines through a singular machine-learning model.

replace Fairness Auditing with Multi-Agent Collaboration

Authors: Martijn de Vos, Akash Dhasade, Jade Garcia Bourr\'ee, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Erwan Le Merrer, Benoit Rottembourg, Gilles Tredan

Abstract: Existing work in fairness auditing assumes that each audit is performed independently. In this paper, we consider multiple agents working together, each auditing the same platform for different tasks. Agents have two levers: their collaboration strategy, with or without coordination beforehand, and their strategy for sampling appropriate data points. We theoretically compare the interplay of these levers. Our main findings are that (i) collaboration is generally beneficial for accurate audits, (ii) basic sampling methods often prove to be effective, and (iii) counter-intuitively, extensive coordination on queries often deteriorates audits accuracy as the number of agents increases. Experiments on three large datasets confirm our theoretical results. Our findings motivate collaboration during fairness audits of platforms that use ML models for decision-making.

replace Learning to Defer in Content Moderation: The Human-AI Interplay

Authors: Thodoris Lykouris, Wentao Weng

Abstract: Successful content moderation in online platforms relies on a human-AI collaboration approach. A typical heuristic estimates the expected harmfulness of a post and uses fixed thresholds to decide whether to remove it and whether to send it for human review. This disregards the prediction uncertainty, the time-varying element of human review capacity and post arrivals, and the selective sampling in the dataset (humans only review posts filtered by the admission algorithm). In this paper, we introduce a model to capture the human-AI interplay in content moderation. The algorithm observes contextual information for incoming posts, makes classification and admission decisions, and schedules posts for human review. Only admitted posts receive human reviews on their harmfulness. These reviews help educate the machine-learning algorithms but are delayed due to congestion in the human review system. The classical learning-theoretic way to capture this human-AI interplay is via the framework of learning to defer, where the algorithm has the option to defer a classification task to humans for a fixed cost and immediately receive feedback. Our model contributes to this literature by introducing congestion in the human review system. Moreover, unlike work on online learning with delayed feedback where the delay in the feedback is exogenous to the algorithm's decisions, the delay in our model is endogenous to both the admission and the scheduling decisions. We propose a near-optimal learning algorithm that carefully balances the classification loss from a selectively sampled dataset, the idiosyncratic loss of non-reviewed posts, and the delay loss of having congestion in the human review system. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first result for online learning in contextual queueing systems and hence our analytical framework may be of independent interest.

replace Rethinking The Uniformity Metric in Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Xianghong Fang, Jian Li, Qiang Sun, Benyou Wang

Abstract: Uniformity plays an important role in evaluating learned representations, providing insights into self-supervised learning. In our quest for effective uniformity metrics, we pinpoint four principled properties that such metrics should possess. Namely, an effective uniformity metric should remain invariant to instance permutations and sample replications while accurately capturing feature redundancy and dimensional collapse. Surprisingly, we find that the uniformity metric proposed by \citet{Wang2020UnderstandingCR} fails to satisfy the majority of these properties. Specifically, their metric is sensitive to sample replications, and can not account for feature redundancy and dimensional collapse correctly. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a new uniformity metric based on the Wasserstein distance, which satisfies all the aforementioned properties. Integrating this new metric in existing self-supervised learning methods effectively mitigates dimensional collapse and consistently improves their performance on downstream tasks involving CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. Code is available at \url{}.


replace Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Large Models: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Zeyu Han, Chao Gao, Jinyang Liu, Jeff Zhang, Sai Qian Zhang

Abstract: Large models represent a groundbreaking advancement in multiple application fields, enabling remarkable achievements across various tasks. However, their unprecedented scale comes with significant computational costs. These models, often consisting of billions of parameters, require vast amounts of computational resources for execution. Especially, the expansive scale and computational demands pose considerable challenges when customizing them for particular downstream tasks, particularly over the hardware platforms constrained by computational capabilities. Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) provides a practical solution by efficiently adapt the large models over the various downstream tasks. In particular, PEFT refers to the process of adjusting the parameters of a pre-trained large models to adapt it to a specific task while minimizing the number of additional parameters introduced or computational resources required. This approach is particularly important when dealing with large language models with high parameter counts, as fine-tuning these models from scratch can be computationally expensive and resource-intensive, posing considerable challenges in the supporting system platform design. In this survey, we present comprehensive studies of various PEFT algorithms, examining their performance and computational overhead. Moreover, we provide an overview of applications developed using different PEFT algorithms and discuss common techniques employed to mitigate computation costs for PEFT. In addition to the algorithmic perspective, we overview various real-world system designs to investigate the implementation costs associated with different PEFT algorithms. This survey serves as an indispensable resource for researchers aiming to understand both the PEFT algorithm and its system implementation, offering detailed insights into recent advancements and practical applications.

replace Laplace-HDC: Understanding the geometry of binary hyperdimensional computing

Authors: Saeid Pourmand, Wyatt D. Whiting, Alireza Aghasi, Nicholas F. Marshall

Abstract: This paper studies the geometry of binary hyperdimensional computing (HDC), a computational scheme in which data are encoded using high-dimensional binary vectors. We establish a result about the similarity structure induced by the HDC binding operator and show that the Laplace kernel naturally arises in this setting, motivating our new encoding method Laplace-HDC, which improves upon previous methods. We describe how our results indicate limitations of binary HDC in encoding spatial information from images and discuss potential solutions, including using Haar convolutional features and the definition of a translation-equivariant HDC encoding. Several numerical experiments highlighting the improved accuracy of Laplace-HDC in contrast to alternative methods are presented. We also numerically study other aspects of the proposed framework such as robustness and the underlying translation-equivariant encoding.

replace FedTrans: Efficient Federated Learning via Multi-Model Transformation

Authors: Yuxuan Zhu, Jiachen Liu, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Fan Lai

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) aims to train machine learning (ML) models across potentially millions of edge client devices. Yet, training and customizing models for FL clients is notoriously challenging due to the heterogeneity of client data, device capabilities, and the massive scale of clients, making individualized model exploration prohibitively expensive. State-of-the-art FL solutions personalize a globally trained model or concurrently train multiple models, but they often incur suboptimal model accuracy and huge training costs. In this paper, we introduce FedTrans, a multi-model FL training framework that automatically produces and trains high-accuracy, hardware-compatible models for individual clients at scale. FedTrans begins with a basic global model, identifies accuracy bottlenecks in model architectures during training, and then employs model transformation to derive new models for heterogeneous clients on the fly. It judiciously assigns models to individual clients while performing soft aggregation on multi-model updates to minimize total training costs. Our evaluations using realistic settings show that FedTrans improves individual client model accuracy by 14% - 72% while slashing training costs by 1.6X - 20X over state-of-the-art solutions.

replace Bt-GAN: Generating Fair Synthetic Healthdata via Bias-transforming Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Resmi Ramachandranpillai, Md Fahim Sikder, David Bergstr\"om, Fredrik Heintz

Abstract: Synthetic data generation offers a promising solution to enhance the usefulness of Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) by generating realistic de-identified data. However, the existing literature primarily focuses on the quality of synthetic health data, neglecting the crucial aspect of fairness in downstream predictions. Consequently, models trained on synthetic EHR have faced criticism for producing biased outcomes in target tasks. These biases can arise from either spurious correlations between features or the failure of models to accurately represent sub-groups. To address these concerns, we present Bias-transforming Generative Adversarial Networks (Bt-GAN), a GAN-based synthetic data generator specifically designed for the healthcare domain. In order to tackle spurious correlations (i), we propose an information-constrained Data Generation Process that enables the generator to learn a fair deterministic transformation based on a well-defined notion of algorithmic fairness. To overcome the challenge of capturing exact sub-group representations (ii), we incentivize the generator to preserve sub-group densities through score-based weighted sampling. This approach compels the generator to learn from underrepresented regions of the data manifold. We conduct extensive experiments using the MIMIC-III database. Our results demonstrate that Bt-GAN achieves SOTA accuracy while significantly improving fairness and minimizing bias amplification. We also perform an in-depth explainability analysis to provide additional evidence supporting the validity of our study. In conclusion, our research introduces a novel and professional approach to addressing the limitations of synthetic data generation in the healthcare domain. By incorporating fairness considerations and leveraging advanced techniques such as GANs, we pave the way for more reliable and unbiased predictions in healthcare applications.

replace The Power of Resets in Online Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zakaria Mhammedi, Dylan J. Foster, Alexander Rakhlin

Abstract: Simulators are a pervasive tool in reinforcement learning, but most existing algorithms cannot efficiently exploit simulator access -- particularly in high-dimensional domains that require general function approximation. We explore the power of simulators through online reinforcement learning with {local simulator access} (or, local planning), an RL protocol where the agent is allowed to reset to previously observed states and follow their dynamics during training. We use local simulator access to unlock new statistical guarantees that were previously out of reach: - We show that MDPs with low coverability (Xie et al. 2023) -- a general structural condition that subsumes Block MDPs and Low-Rank MDPs -- can be learned in a sample-efficient fashion with only $Q^{\star}$-realizability (realizability of the optimal state-value function); existing online RL algorithms require significantly stronger representation conditions. - As a consequence, we show that the notorious Exogenous Block MDP problem (Efroni et al. 2022) is tractable under local simulator access. The results above are achieved through a computationally inefficient algorithm. We complement them with a more computationally efficient algorithm, RVFS (Recursive Value Function Search), which achieves provable sample complexity guarantees under a strengthened statistical assumption known as pushforward coverability. RVFS can be viewed as a principled, provable counterpart to a successful empirical paradigm that combines recursive search (e.g., MCTS) with value function approximation.

replace A General Black-box Adversarial Attack on Graph-based Fake News Detectors

Authors: Peican Zhu, Zechen Pan, Yang Liu, Jiwei Tian, Keke Tang, Zhen Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based fake news detectors apply various methods to construct graphs, aiming to learn distinctive news embeddings for classification. Since the construction details are unknown for attackers in a black-box scenario, it is unrealistic to conduct the classical adversarial attacks that require a specific adjacency matrix. In this paper, we propose the first general black-box adversarial attack framework, i.e., General Attack via Fake Social Interaction (GAFSI), against detectors based on different graph structures. Specifically, as sharing is an important social interaction for GNN-based fake news detectors to construct the graph, we simulate sharing behaviors to fool the detectors. Firstly, we propose a fraudster selection module to select engaged users leveraging local and global information. In addition, a post injection module guides the selected users to create shared relations by sending posts. The sharing records will be added to the social context, leading to a general attack against different detectors. Experimental results on empirical datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of GAFSI.

replace ST-MambaSync: The Confluence of Mamba Structure and Spatio-Temporal Transformers for Precipitous Traffic Prediction

Authors: Zhiqi Shao, Xusheng Yao, Ze Wang, Junbin Gao

Abstract: Balancing accuracy with computational efficiency is paramount in machine learning, particularly when dealing with high-dimensional data, such as spatial-temporal datasets. This study introduces ST-MambaSync, an innovative framework that integrates a streamlined attention layer with a simplified state-space layer. The model achieves competitive accuracy in spatial-temporal prediction tasks. We delve into the relationship between attention mechanisms and the Mamba component, revealing that Mamba functions akin to attention within a residual network structure. This comparative analysis underpins the efficiency of state-space models, elucidating their capability to deliver superior performance at reduced computational costs.

replace Formal Specification, Assessment, and Enforcement of Fairness for Generative AIs

Authors: Chih-Hong Cheng, Changshun Wu, Harald Ruess, Xingyu Zhao, Saddek Bensalem

Abstract: Reinforcing or even exacerbating societal biases and inequalities will increase significantly as generative AI increasingly produces useful artifacts, from text to images and beyond, for the real world. We address these issues by formally characterizing the notion of fairness for generative AI as a basis for monitoring and enforcing fairness. We define two levels of fairness using the notion of infinite sequences of abstractions of AI-generated artifacts such as text or images. The first is the fairness demonstrated on the generated sequences, which is evaluated only on the outputs while agnostic to the prompts and models used. The second is the inherent fairness of the generative AI model, which requires that fairness be manifested when input prompts are neutral, that is, they do not explicitly instruct the generative AI to produce a particular type of output. We also study relative intersectional fairness to counteract the combinatorial explosion of fairness when considering multiple categories together with lazy fairness enforcement. Finally, fairness monitoring and enforcement are tested against some current generative AI models.

replace-cross Adversarial Estimation of Riesz Representers

Authors: Victor Chernozhukov, Whitney Newey, Rahul Singh, Vasilis Syrgkanis

Abstract: Many causal parameters are linear functionals of an underlying regression. The Riesz representer is a key component in the asymptotic variance of a semiparametrically estimated linear functional. We propose an adversarial framework to estimate the Riesz representer using general function spaces. We prove a nonasymptotic mean square rate in terms of an abstract quantity called the critical radius, then specialize it for neural networks, random forests, and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces as leading cases. Our estimators are highly compatible with targeted and debiased machine learning with sample splitting; our guarantees directly verify general conditions for inference that allow mis-specification. We also use our guarantees to prove inference without sample splitting, based on stability or complexity. Our estimators achieve nominal coverage in highly nonlinear simulations where some previous methods break down. They shed new light on the heterogeneous effects of matching grants.

replace-cross Open World Learning Graph Convolution for Latency Estimation in Routing Networks

Authors: Yifei Jin, Marios Daoutis, Sarunas Girdzijauskas, Aristides Gionis

Abstract: Accurate routing network status estimation is a key component in Software Defined Networking. However, existing deep-learning-based methods for modeling network routing are not able to extrapolate towards unseen feature distributions. Nor are they able to handle scaled and drifted network attributes in test sets that include open-world inputs. To deal with these challenges, we propose a novel approach for modeling network routing, using Graph Neural Networks. Our method can also be used for network-latency estimation. Supported by a domain-knowledge-assisted graph formulation, our model shares a stable performance across different network sizes and configurations of routing networks, while at the same time being able to extrapolate towards unseen sizes, configurations, and user behavior. We show that our model outperforms most conventional deep-learning-based models, in terms of prediction accuracy, computational resources, inference speed, as well as ability to generalize towards open-world input.

replace-cross DDoS: A Graph Neural Network based Drug Synergy Prediction Algorithm

Authors: Kyriakos Schwarz, Alicia Pliego-Mendieta, Amina Mollaysa, Lara Planas-Paz, Chantal Pauli, Ahmed Allam, Michael Krauthammer

Abstract: Drug synergy arises when the combined impact of two drugs exceeds the sum of their individual effects. While single-drug effects on cell lines are well-documented, the scarcity of data on drug synergy, considering the vast array of potential drug combinations, prompts a growing interest in computational approaches for predicting synergies in untested drug pairs. We introduce a Graph Neural Network (\textit{GNN}) based model for drug synergy prediction, which utilizes drug chemical structures and cell line gene expression data. We extract data from the largest available drug combination database (DrugComb) and generate multiple synergy scores (commonly used in the literature) to create seven datasets that serve as a reliable benchmark with high confidence. In contrast to conventional models relying on pre-computed chemical features, our GNN-based approach learns task-specific drug representations directly from the graph structure of the drugs, providing superior performance in predicting drug synergies. Our work suggests that learning task-specific drug representations and leveraging a diverse dataset is a promising approach to advancing our understanding of drug-drug interaction and synergy.

replace-cross Attribute-Guided Multi-Level Attention Network for Fine-Grained Fashion Retrieval

Authors: Ling Xiao, Toshihiko Yamasaki

Abstract: Fine-grained fashion retrieval searches for items that share a similar attribute with the query image. Most existing methods use a pre-trained feature extractor (e.g., ResNet 50) to capture image representations. However, a pre-trained feature backbone is typically trained for image classification and object detection, which are fundamentally different tasks from fine-grained fashion retrieval. Therefore, existing methods suffer from a feature gap problem when directly using the pre-trained backbone for fine-tuning. To solve this problem, we introduce an attribute-guided multi-level attention network (AG-MAN). Specifically, we first enhance the pre-trained feature extractor to capture multi-level image embedding, thereby enriching the low-level features within these representations. Then, we propose a classification scheme where images with the same attribute, albeit with different values, are categorized into the same class. This can further alleviate the feature gap problem by perturbing object-centric feature learning. Moreover, we propose an improved attribute-guided attention module for extracting more accurate attribute-specific representations. Our model consistently outperforms existing attention based methods when assessed on the FashionAI (62.8788% in MAP), DeepFashion (8.9804% in MAP), and Zappos50k datasets (93.32% in Prediction accuracy). Especially, ours improves the most typical ASENet_V2 model by 2.12%, 0.31%, and 0.78% points in FashionAI, DeepFashion, and Zappos50k datasets, respectively. The source code is available in


replace-cross Learning Performance-Improving Code Edits

Authors: Alexander Shypula, Aman Madaan, Yimeng Zeng, Uri Alon, Jacob Gardner, Milad Hashemi, Graham Neubig, Parthasarathy Ranganathan, Osbert Bastani, Amir Yazdanbakhsh

Abstract: With the decline of Moore's law, optimizing program performance has become a major focus of software research. However, high-level optimizations such as API and algorithm changes remain elusive due to the difficulty of understanding the semantics of code. Simultaneously, pretrained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong capabilities at solving a wide range of programming tasks. To that end, we introduce a framework for adapting LLMs to high-level program optimization. First, we curate a dataset of performance-improving edits made by human programmers of over 77,000 competitive C++ programming submission pairs, accompanied by extensive unit tests. A major challenge is the significant variability of measuring performance on commodity hardware, which can lead to spurious "improvements." To isolate and reliably evaluate the impact of program optimizations, we design an environment based on the gem5 full system simulator, the de facto simulator used in academia and industry. Next, we propose a broad range of adaptation strategies for code optimization; for prompting, these include retrieval-based few-shot prompting and chain-of-thought, and for finetuning, these include performance-conditioned generation and synthetic data augmentation based on self-play. A combination of these techniques achieves a mean speedup of 6.86 with eight generations, higher than average optimizations from individual programmers (3.66). Using our model's fastest generations, we set a new upper limit on the fastest speedup possible for our dataset at 9.64 compared to using the fastest human submissions available (9.56).

replace-cross A machine-learning approach to thunderstorm forecasting through post-processing of simulation data

Authors: Kianusch Vahid Yousefnia, Tobias B\"olle, Isabella Z\"obisch, Thomas Gerz

Abstract: Thunderstorms pose a major hazard to society and economy, which calls for reliable thunderstorm forecasts. In this work, we introduce a Signature-based Approach of identifying Lightning Activity using MAchine learning (SALAMA), a feedforward neural network model for identifying thunderstorm occurrence in numerical weather prediction (NWP) data. The model is trained on convection-resolving ensemble forecasts over Central Europe and lightning observations. Given only a set of pixel-wise input parameters that are extracted from NWP data and related to thunderstorm development, SALAMA infers the probability of thunderstorm occurrence in a reliably calibrated manner. For lead times up to eleven hours, we find a forecast skill superior to classification based only on NWP reflectivity. Varying the spatiotemporal criteria by which we associate lightning observations with NWP data, we show that the time scale for skillful thunderstorm predictions increases linearly with the spatial scale of the forecast.

replace-cross Description-Based Text Similarity

Authors: Shauli Ravfogel, Valentina Pyatkin, Amir DN Cohen, Avshalom Manevich, Yoav Goldberg

Abstract: Identifying texts with a given semantics is central for many information seeking scenarios. Similarity search over vector embeddings appear to be central to this ability, yet the similarity reflected in current text embeddings is corpus-driven, and is inconsistent and sub-optimal for many use cases. What, then, is a good notion of similarity for effective retrieval of text? We identify the need to search for texts based on abstract descriptions of their content, and the corresponding notion of \emph{description based similarity}. We demonstrate the inadequacy of current text embeddings and propose an alternative model that significantly improves when used in standard nearest neighbor search. The model is trained using positive and negative pairs sourced through prompting a LLM, demonstrating how data from LLMs can be used for creating new capabilities not immediately possible using the original model.

replace-cross Image Clustering via the Principle of Rate Reduction in the Age of Pretrained Models

Authors: Tianzhe Chu, Shengbang Tong, Tianjiao Ding, Xili Dai, Benjamin David Haeffele, Ren\'e Vidal, Yi Ma

Abstract: The advent of large pre-trained models has brought about a paradigm shift in both visual representation learning and natural language processing. However, clustering unlabeled images, as a fundamental and classic machine learning problem, still lacks an effective solution, particularly for large-scale datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel image clustering pipeline that leverages the powerful feature representation of large pre-trained models such as CLIP and cluster images effectively and efficiently at scale. We first developed a novel algorithm to estimate the number of clusters in a given dataset. We then show that the pre-trained features are significantly more structured by further optimizing the rate reduction objective. The resulting features may significantly improve the clustering accuracy, e.g., from 57\% to 66\% on ImageNet-1k. Furthermore, by leveraging CLIP's multimodality bridge between image and text, we develop a simple yet effective self-labeling algorithm that produces meaningful captions for the clusters. Through extensive experiments, we show that our pipeline works well on standard datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-1k. It also extends to datasets that are not curated for clustering, such as LAION-Aesthetics and WikiArts. We released the code in


replace-cross Efficient Deep Spiking Multi-Layer Perceptrons with Multiplication-Free Inference

Authors: Boyan Li, Luziwei Leng, Shuaijie Shen, Kaixuan Zhang, Jianguo Zhang, Jianxing Liao, Ran Cheng

Abstract: Advancements in adapting deep convolution architectures for Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have significantly enhanced image classification performance and reduced computational burdens. However, the inability of Multiplication-Free Inference (MFI) to align with attention and transformer mechanisms, which are critical to superior performance on high-resolution vision tasks, imposing limitations on these gains. To address this, our research explores a new pathway, drawing inspiration from the progress made in Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). We propose an innovative spiking MLP architecture that uses batch normalization to retain MFI compatibility and introducing a spiking patch encoding layer to enhance local feature extraction capabilities. As a result, we establish an efficient multi-stage spiking MLP network that blends effectively global receptive fields with local feature extraction for comprehensive spike-based computation. Without relying on pre-training or sophisticated SNN training techniques, our network secures a top-1 accuracy of 66.39% on the ImageNet-1K dataset, surpassing the directly trained spiking ResNet-34 by 2.67%. Furthermore, we curtail computational costs, model parameters, and simulation steps. An expanded version of our network compares with the performance of the spiking VGG-16 network with a 71.64% top-1 accuracy, all while operating with a model capacity 2.1 times smaller. Our findings highlight the potential of our deep SNN architecture in effectively integrating global and local learning abilities. Interestingly, the trained receptive field in our network mirrors the activity patterns of cortical cells. Source codes are publicly accessible at


replace-cross Robust Data Clustering with Outliers via Transformed Tensor Low-Rank Representation

Authors: Tong Wu

Abstract: Recently, tensor low-rank representation (TLRR) has become a popular tool for tensor data recovery and clustering, due to its empirical success and theoretical guarantees. However, existing TLRR methods consider Gaussian or gross sparse noise, inevitably leading to performance degradation when the tensor data are contaminated by outliers or sample-specific corruptions. This paper develops an outlier-robust tensor low-rank representation (OR-TLRR) method that provides outlier detection and tensor data clustering simultaneously based on the t-SVD framework. For tensor observations with arbitrary outlier corruptions, OR-TLRR has provable performance guarantee for exactly recovering the row space of clean data and detecting outliers under mild conditions. Moreover, an extension of OR-TLRR is proposed to handle the case when parts of the data are missing. Finally, extensive experimental results on synthetic and real data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms. We release our code at


replace-cross Joint Service Caching, Communication and Computing Resource Allocation in Collaborative MEC Systems: A DRL-based Two-timescale Approach

Authors: Qianqian Liu, Haixia Zhang, Xin Zhang, Dongfeng Yuan

Abstract: Meeting the strict Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of terminals has imposed a signiffcant challenge on Multiaccess Edge Computing (MEC) systems, due to the limited multidimensional resources. To address this challenge, we propose a collaborative MEC framework that facilitates resource sharing between the edge servers, and with the aim to maximize the long-term QoS and reduce the cache switching cost through joint optimization of service caching, collaborative offfoading, and computation and communication resource allocation. The dual timescale feature and temporal recurrence relationship between service caching and other resource allocation make solving the problem even more challenging. To solve it, we propose a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based dual timescale scheme, called DGL-DDPG, which is composed of a short-term genetic algorithm (GA) and a long short-term memory network-based deep deterministic policy gradient (LSTM-DDPG). In doing so, we reformulate the optimization problem as a Markov decision process (MDP) where the small-timescale resource allocation decisions generated by an improved GA are taken as the states and input into a centralized LSTM-DDPG agent to generate the service caching decision for the large-timescale. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms the baseline algorithms in terms of the average QoS and cache switching cost.

replace-cross Image Processing and Machine Learning for Hyperspectral Unmixing: An Overview and the HySUPP Python Package

Authors: Behnood Rasti (HZDR), Alexandre Zouaoui (Thoth), Julien Mairal (Thoth), Jocelyn Chanussot (Thoth)

Abstract: Spectral pixels are often a mixture of the pure spectra of the materials, called endmembers, due to the low spatial resolution of hyperspectral sensors, double scattering, and intimate mixtures of materials in the scenes. Unmixing estimates the fractional abundances of the endmembers within the pixel. Depending on the prior knowledge of endmembers, linear unmixing can be divided into three main groups: supervised, semi-supervised, and unsupervised (blind) linear unmixing. Advances in Image processing and machine learning substantially affected unmixing. This paper provides an overview of advanced and conventional unmixing approaches. Additionally, we draw a critical comparison between advanced and conventional techniques from the three categories. We compare the performance of the unmixing techniques on three simulated and two real datasets. The experimental results reveal the advantages of different unmixing categories for different unmixing scenarios. Moreover, we provide an open-source Python-based package available at to reproduce the results.


replace-cross Ensemble Distillation for Unsupervised Constituency Parsing

Authors: Behzad Shayegh, Yanshuai Cao, Xiaodan Zhu, Jackie C. K. Cheung, Lili Mou

Abstract: We investigate the unsupervised constituency parsing task, which organizes words and phrases of a sentence into a hierarchical structure without using linguistically annotated data. We observe that existing unsupervised parsers capture differing aspects of parsing structures, which can be leveraged to enhance unsupervised parsing performance. To this end, we propose a notion of "tree averaging," based on which we further propose a novel ensemble method for unsupervised parsing. To improve inference efficiency, we further distill the ensemble knowledge into a student model; such an ensemble-then-distill process is an effective approach to mitigate the over-smoothing problem existing in common multi-teacher distilling methods. Experiments show that our method surpasses all previous approaches, consistently demonstrating its effectiveness and robustness across various runs, with different ensemble components, and under domain-shift conditions.

replace-cross MiniZero: Comparative Analysis of AlphaZero and MuZero on Go, Othello, and Atari Games

Authors: Ti-Rong Wu, Hung Guei, Pei-Chiun Peng, Po-Wei Huang, Ting Han Wei, Chung-Chin Shih, Yun-Jui Tsai

Abstract: This paper presents MiniZero, a zero-knowledge learning framework that supports four state-of-the-art algorithms, including AlphaZero, MuZero, Gumbel AlphaZero, and Gumbel MuZero. While these algorithms have demonstrated super-human performance in many games, it remains unclear which among them is most suitable or efficient for specific tasks. Through MiniZero, we systematically evaluate the performance of each algorithm in two board games, 9x9 Go and 8x8 Othello, as well as 57 Atari games. For two board games, using more simulations generally results in higher performance. However, the choice of AlphaZero and MuZero may differ based on game properties. For Atari games, both MuZero and Gumbel MuZero are worth considering. Since each game has unique characteristics, different algorithms and simulations yield varying results. In addition, we introduce an approach, called progressive simulation, which progressively increases the simulation budget during training to allocate computation more efficiently. Our empirical results demonstrate that progressive simulation achieves significantly superior performance in two board games. By making our framework and trained models publicly available, this paper contributes a benchmark for future research on zero-knowledge learning algorithms, assisting researchers in algorithm selection and comparison against these zero-knowledge learning baselines. Our code and data are available at


replace-cross An adaptive standardisation methodology for Day-Ahead electricity price forecasting

Authors: Carlos Sebasti\'an, Carlos E. Gonz\'alez-Guill\'en, Jes\'us Juan

Abstract: The study of Day-Ahead prices in the electricity market is one of the most popular problems in time series forecasting. Previous research has focused on employing increasingly complex learning algorithms to capture the sophisticated dynamics of the market. However, there is a threshold where increased complexity fails to yield substantial improvements. In this work, we propose an alternative approach by introducing an adaptive standardisation to mitigate the effects of dataset shifts that commonly occur in the market. By doing so, learning algorithms can prioritize uncovering the true relationship between the target variable and the explanatory variables. We investigate five distinct markets, including two novel datasets, previously unexplored in the literature. These datasets provide a more realistic representation of the current market context, that conventional datasets do not show. The results demonstrate a significant improvement across all five markets using the widely accepted learning algorithms in the literature (LEAR and DNN). In particular, the combination of the proposed methodology with the methodology previously presented in the literature obtains the best results. This significant advancement unveils new lines of research in this field, highlighting the potential of adaptive transformations in enhancing the performance of forecasting models.

replace-cross Predicting Properties of Nodes via Community-Aware Features

Authors: Bogumi{\l} Kami\'nski, Pawe{\l} Pra{\l}at, Fran\c{c}ois Th\'eberge, Sebastian Zaj\k{a}c

Abstract: This paper shows how information about the network's community structure can be used to define node features with high predictive power for classification tasks. To do so, we define a family of community-aware node features and investigate their properties. Those features are designed to ensure that they can be efficiently computed even for large graphs. We show that community-aware node features contain information that cannot be completely recovered by classical node features or node embeddings (both classical and structural) and bring value in node classification tasks. This is verified for various classification tasks on synthetic and real-life networks.

replace-cross Tabdoor: Backdoor Vulnerabilities in Transformer-based Neural Networks for Tabular Data

Authors: Bart Pleiter, Behrad Tajalli, Stefanos Koffas, Gorka Abad, Jing Xu, Martha Larson, Stjepan Picek

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown great promise in various domains. Alongside these developments, vulnerabilities associated with DNN training, such as backdoor attacks, are a significant concern. These attacks involve the subtle insertion of triggers during model training, allowing for manipulated predictions. More recently, DNNs for tabular data have gained increasing attention due to the rise of transformer models. Our research presents a comprehensive analysis of backdoor attacks on tabular data using DNNs, mainly focusing on transformers. We also propose a novel approach for trigger construction: an in-bounds attack, which provides excellent attack performance while maintaining stealthiness. Through systematic experimentation across benchmark datasets, we uncover that transformer-based DNNs for tabular data are highly susceptible to backdoor attacks, even with minimal feature value alterations. We also verify that our attack can be generalized to other models, like XGBoost and DeepFM. Our results demonstrate up to 100% attack success rate with negligible clean accuracy drop. Furthermore, we evaluate several defenses against these attacks, identifying Spectral Signatures as the most effective. Nevertheless, our findings highlight the need to develop tabular data-specific countermeasures to defend against backdoor attacks.

replace-cross Optimizing ZX-Diagrams with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Maximilian N\"agele, Florian Marquardt

Abstract: ZX-diagrams are a powerful graphical language for the description of quantum processes with applications in fundamental quantum mechanics, quantum circuit optimization, tensor network simulation, and many more. The utility of ZX-diagrams relies on a set of local transformation rules that can be applied to them without changing the underlying quantum process they describe. These rules can be exploited to optimize the structure of ZX-diagrams for a range of applications. However, finding an optimal sequence of transformation rules is generally an open problem. In this work, we bring together ZX-diagrams with reinforcement learning, a machine learning technique designed to discover an optimal sequence of actions in a decision-making problem and show that a trained reinforcement learning agent can significantly outperform other optimization techniques like a greedy strategy or simulated annealing. The use of graph neural networks to encode the policy of the agent enables generalization to diagrams much bigger than seen during the training phase.

replace-cross Conditional Variational Diffusion Models

Authors: Gabriel della Maggiora, Luis Alberto Croquevielle, Nikita Deshpande, Harry Horsley, Thomas Heinis, Artur Yakimovich

Abstract: Inverse problems aim to determine parameters from observations, a crucial task in engineering and science. Lately, generative models, especially diffusion models, have gained popularity in this area for their ability to produce realistic solutions and their good mathematical properties. Despite their success, an important drawback of diffusion models is their sensitivity to the choice of variance schedule, which controls the dynamics of the diffusion process. Fine-tuning this schedule for specific applications is crucial but time-costly and does not guarantee an optimal result. We propose a novel approach for learning the schedule as part of the training process. Our method supports probabilistic conditioning on data, provides high-quality solutions, and is flexible, proving able to adapt to different applications with minimum overhead. This approach is tested in two unrelated inverse problems: super-resolution microscopy and quantitative phase imaging, yielding comparable or superior results to previous methods and fine-tuned diffusion models. We conclude that fine-tuning the schedule by experimentation should be avoided because it can be learned during training in a stable way that yields better results.

replace-cross 3D-LFM: Lifting Foundation Model

Authors: Mosam Dabhi, Laszlo A. Jeni, Simon Lucey

Abstract: The lifting of 3D structure and camera from 2D landmarks is at the cornerstone of the entire discipline of computer vision. Traditional methods have been confined to specific rigid objects, such as those in Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problems, but deep learning has expanded our capability to reconstruct a wide range of object classes (e.g. C3DPO and PAUL) with resilience to noise, occlusions, and perspective distortions. All these techniques, however, have been limited by the fundamental need to establish correspondences across the 3D training data -- significantly limiting their utility to applications where one has an abundance of "in-correspondence" 3D data. Our approach harnesses the inherent permutation equivariance of transformers to manage varying number of points per 3D data instance, withstands occlusions, and generalizes to unseen categories. We demonstrate state of the art performance across 2D-3D lifting task benchmarks. Since our approach can be trained across such a broad class of structures we refer to it simply as a 3D Lifting Foundation Model (3D-LFM) -- the first of its kind.

replace-cross Boosting Defect Detection in Manufacturing using Tensor Convolutional Neural Networks

Authors: Pablo Martin-Ramiro, Unai Sainz de la Maza, Sukhbinder Singh, Roman Orus, Samuel Mugel

Abstract: Defect detection is one of the most important yet challenging tasks in the quality control stage in the manufacturing sector. In this work, we introduce a Tensor Convolutional Neural Network (T-CNN) and examine its performance on a real defect detection application in one of the components of the ultrasonic sensors produced at Robert Bosch's manufacturing plants. Our quantum-inspired T-CNN operates on a reduced model parameter space to substantially improve the training speed and performance of an equivalent CNN model without sacrificing accuracy. More specifically, we demonstrate how T-CNNs are able to reach the same performance as classical CNNs as measured by quality metrics, with up to fifteen times fewer parameters and 4% to 19% faster training times. Our results demonstrate that the T-CNN greatly outperforms the results of traditional human visual inspection, providing value in a current real application in manufacturing.

replace-cross Studying and Recommending Information Highlighting in Stack Overflow Answers

Authors: Shahla Shaan Ahmed (Peter), Shaowei Wang (Peter), Yuan Tian (Peter), Tse-Hsun (Peter), Chen, Haoxiang Zhang

Abstract: Context: Navigating the knowledge of Stack Overflow (SO) remains challenging. To make the posts vivid to users, SO allows users to write and edit posts with Markdown or HTML so that users can leverage various formatting styles (e.g., bold, italic, and code) to highlight the important information. Nonetheless, there have been limited studies on the highlighted information. Objective: We carried out the first large-scale exploratory study on the information highlighted in SO answers in our recent study. To extend our previous study, we develop approaches to automatically recommend highlighted content with formatting styles using neural network architectures initially designed for the Named Entity Recognition task. Method: In this paper, we studied 31,169,429 answers of Stack Overflow. For training recommendation models, we choose CNN-based and BERT-based models for each type of formatting (i.e., Bold, Italic, Code, and Heading) using the information highlighting dataset we collected from SO answers. Results: Our models achieve a precision ranging from 0.50 to 0.72 for different formatting types. It is easier to build a model to recommend Code than other types. Models for text formatting types (i.e., Heading, Bold, and Italic) suffer low recall. Our analysis of failure cases indicates that the majority of the failure cases are due to missing identification. One explanation is that the models are easy to learn the frequent highlighted words while struggling to learn less frequent words (i.g., long-tail knowledge). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that it is possible to develop recommendation models for highlighting information for answers with different formatting styles on Stack Overflow.

replace-cross ODIN: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Segmentation

Authors: Ayush Jain, Pushkal Katara, Nikolaos Gkanatsios, Adam W. Harley, Gabriel Sarch, Kriti Aggarwal, Vishrav Chaudhary, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: State-of-the-art models on contemporary 3D segmentation benchmarks like ScanNet consume and label dataset-provided 3D point clouds, obtained through post processing of sensed multiview RGB-D images. They are typically trained in-domain, forego large-scale 2D pre-training and outperform alternatives that featurize the posed RGB-D multiview images instead. The gap in performance between methods that consume posed images versus post-processed 3D point clouds has fueled the belief that 2D and 3D perception require distinct model architectures. In this paper, we challenge this view and propose ODIN (Omni-Dimensional INstance segmentation), a model that can segment and label both 2D RGB images and 3D point clouds, using a transformer architecture that alternates between 2D within-view and 3D cross-view information fusion. Our model differentiates 2D and 3D feature operations through the positional encodings of the tokens involved, which capture pixel coordinates for 2D patch tokens and 3D coordinates for 3D feature tokens. ODIN achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet200, Matterport3D and AI2THOR 3D instance segmentation benchmarks, and competitive performance on ScanNet, S3DIS and COCO. It outperforms all previous works by a wide margin when the sensed 3D point cloud is used in place of the point cloud sampled from 3D mesh. When used as the 3D perception engine in an instructable embodied agent architecture, it sets a new state-of-the-art on the TEACh action-from-dialogue benchmark. Our code and checkpoints can be found at the project website (


replace-cross Learning to Visually Connect Actions and their Effects

Authors: Eric Peh, Paritosh Parmar, Basura Fernando

Abstract: In this work, we introduce the novel concept of visually Connecting Actions and Their Effects (CATE) in video understanding. CATE can have applications in areas like task planning and learning from demonstration. We identify and explore two different aspects of the concept of CATE: Action Selection and Effect-Affinity Assessment, where video understanding models connect actions and effects at semantic and fine-grained levels, respectively. We observe that different formulations produce representations capturing intuitive action properties. We also design various baseline models for Action Selection and Effect-Affinity Assessment. Despite the intuitive nature of the task, we observe that models struggle, and humans outperform them by a large margin. The study aims to establish a foundation for future efforts, showcasing the flexibility and versatility of connecting actions and effects in video understanding, with the hope of inspiring advanced formulations and models.

replace-cross Benchmarking the Fairness of Image Upsampling Methods

Authors: Mike Laszkiewicz, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt, Asja Fischer, Johannes Lederer

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a rapid development of deep generative models for creating synthetic media, such as images and videos. While the practical applications of these models in everyday tasks are enticing, it is crucial to assess the inherent risks regarding their fairness. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive framework for benchmarking the performance and fairness of conditional generative models. We develop a set of metrics$\unicode{x2013}$inspired by their supervised fairness counterparts$\unicode{x2013}$to evaluate the models on their fairness and diversity. Focusing on the specific application of image upsampling, we create a benchmark covering a wide variety of modern upsampling methods. As part of the benchmark, we introduce UnfairFace, a subset of FairFace that replicates the racial distribution of common large-scale face datasets. Our empirical study highlights the importance of using an unbiased training set and reveals variations in how the algorithms respond to dataset imbalances. Alarmingly, we find that none of the considered methods produces statistically fair and diverse results. All experiments can be reproduced using our provided repository.

replace-cross Inverse analysis of granular flows using differentiable graph neural network simulator

Authors: Yongjin Choi, Krishna Kumar

Abstract: Inverse problems in granular flows, such as landslides and debris flows, involve estimating material parameters or boundary conditions based on target runout profile. Traditional high-fidelity simulators for these inverse problems are computationally demanding, restricting the number of simulations possible. Additionally, their non-differentiable nature makes gradient-based optimization methods, known for their efficiency in high-dimensional problems, inapplicable. While machine learning-based surrogate models offer computational efficiency and differentiability, they often struggle to generalize beyond their training data due to their reliance on low-dimensional input-output mappings that fail to capture the complete physics of granular flows. We propose a novel differentiable graph neural network simulator (GNS) by combining reverse mode automatic differentiation of graph neural networks with gradient-based optimization for solving inverse problems. GNS learns the dynamics of granular flow by representing the system as a graph and predicts the evolution of the graph at the next time step, given the current state. The differentiable GNS shows optimization capabilities beyond the training data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for inverse estimation across single and multi-parameter optimization problems, including evaluating material properties and boundary conditions for a target runout distance and designing baffle locations to limit a landslide runout. Our proposed differentiable GNS framework offers an orders of magnitude faster solution to these inverse problems than the conventional finite difference approach to gradient-based optimization.

replace-cross Comparing Specialised Small and General Large Language Models on Text Classification: 100 Labelled Samples to Achieve Break-Even Performance

Authors: Branislav Pecher, Ivan Srba, Maria Bielikova

Abstract: When solving NLP tasks with limited labelled data, researchers can either use a general large language model without further update, or use a small number of labelled examples to tune a specialised smaller model. In this work, we address the research gap of how many labelled samples are required for the specialised small models to outperform general large models, while taking the performance variance into consideration. By observing the behaviour of fine-tuning, instruction-tuning, prompting and in-context learning on 7 language models, we identify such performance break-even points across 8 representative text classification tasks of varying characteristics. We show that the specialised models often need only few samples (on average $10 - 1000$) to be on par or better than the general ones. At the same time, the number of required labels strongly depends on the dataset or task characteristics, with this number being significantly lower on multi-class datasets (up to $100$) than on binary datasets (up to $5000$). When performance variance is taken into consideration, the number of required labels increases on average by $100 - 200\%$ and even up to $1500\%$ in specific cases.

replace-cross Large Language Models are Learnable Planners for Long-Term Recommendation

Authors: Wentao Shi, Xiangnan He, Yang Zhang, Chongming Gao, Xinyue Li, Jizhi Zhang, Qifan Wang, Fuli Feng

Abstract: Planning for both immediate and long-term benefits becomes increasingly important in recommendation. Existing methods apply Reinforcement Learning (RL) to learn planning capacity by maximizing cumulative reward for long-term recommendation. However, the scarcity of recommendation data presents challenges such as instability and susceptibility to overfitting when training RL models from scratch, resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this light, we propose to leverage the remarkable planning capabilities over sparse data of Large Language Models (LLMs) for long-term recommendation. The key to achieving the target lies in formulating a guidance plan following principles of enhancing long-term engagement and grounding the plan to effective and executable actions in a personalized manner. To this end, we propose a Bi-level Learnable LLM Planner framework, which consists of a set of LLM instances and breaks down the learning process into macro-learning and micro-learning to learn macro-level guidance and micro-level personalized recommendation policies, respectively. Extensive experiments validate that the framework facilitates the planning ability of LLMs for long-term recommendation. Our code and data can be found at


replace-cross Collision Avoidance Verification of Multiagent Systems with Learned Policies

Authors: Zihao Dong, Shayegan Omidshafiei, Michael Everett

Abstract: For many multiagent control problems, neural networks (NNs) have enabled promising new capabilities. However, many of these systems lack formal guarantees (e.g., collision avoidance, robustness), which prevents leveraging these advances in safety-critical settings. While there is recent work on formal verification of NN-controlled systems, most existing techniques cannot handle scenarios with more than one agent. To address this research gap, this paper presents a backward reachability-based approach for verifying the collision avoidance properties of Multi-Agent Neural Feedback Loops (MA-NFLs). Given the dynamics models and trained control policies of each agent, the proposed algorithm computes relative backprojection sets by (simultaneously) solving a series of Mixed Integer Linear Programs (MILPs) offline for each pair of agents. We account for state measurement uncertainties, making it well aligned with real-world scenarios. Using those results, the agents can quickly check for collision avoidance online by solving low-dimensional Linear Programs (LPs). We demonstrate the proposed algorithm can verify collision-free properties of a MA-NFL with agents trained to imitate a collision avoidance algorithm (Reciprocal Velocity Obstacles). We further demonstrate the computational scalability of the approach on systems with up to 10 agents.

replace-cross Toward Routing River Water in Land Surface Models with Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Mauricio Lima, Katherine Deck, Oliver R. A. Dunbar, Tapio Schneider

Abstract: Machine learning is playing an increasing role in hydrology, supplementing or replacing physics-based models. One notable example is the use of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for forecasting streamflow given observed precipitation and geographic characteristics. Training of such a model over the continental United States has demonstrated that a single set of model parameters can be used across independent catchments, and that RNNs can outperform physics-based models. In this work, we take a next step and study the performance of RNNs for river routing in land surface models (LSMs). Instead of observed precipitation, the LSM-RNN uses instantaneous runoff calculated from physics-based models as an input. We train the model with data from river basins spanning the globe and test it in streamflow hindcasts. The model demonstrates skill at generalization across basins (predicting streamflow in unseen catchments) and across time (predicting streamflow during years not used in training). We compare the predictions from the LSM-RNN to an existing physics-based model calibrated with a similar dataset and find that the LSM-RNN outperforms the physics-based model. Our results give further evidence that RNNs are effective for global streamflow prediction from runoff inputs and motivate the development of complete routing models that can capture nested sub-basis connections.

replace-cross All You Need is Resistance: On the Equivalence of Effective Resistance and Certain Optimal Transport Problems on Graphs

Authors: Sawyer Robertson, Zhengchao Wan, Alexander Cloninger

Abstract: The fields of effective resistance and optimal transport on graphs are filled with rich connections to combinatorics, geometry, machine learning, and beyond. In this article we put forth a bold claim: that the two fields should be understood as one and the same, up to a choice of $p$. We make this claim precise by introducing the parameterized family of $p$-Beckmann distances for probability measures on graphs and relate them sharply to certain Wasserstein distances. Then, we break open a suite of results including explicit connections to optimal stopping times and random walks on graphs, graph Sobolev spaces, and a Benamou-Brenier type formula for $2$-Beckmann distance. We further explore empirical implications in the world of unsupervised learning for graph data and propose further study of the usage of these metrics where Wasserstein distance may produce computational bottlenecks.

replace-cross Detecting Conceptual Abstraction in LLMs

Authors: Michaela Regneri, Alhassan Abdelhalim, S\"oren Laue

Abstract: We present a novel approach to detecting noun abstraction within a large language model (LLM). Starting from a psychologically motivated set of noun pairs in taxonomic relationships, we instantiate surface patterns indicating hypernymy and analyze the attention matrices produced by BERT. We compare the results to two sets of counterfactuals and show that we can detect hypernymy in the abstraction mechanism, which cannot solely be related to the distributional similarity of noun pairs. Our findings are a first step towards the explainability of conceptual abstraction in LLMs.

replace-cross Mixed Supervised Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation

Authors: Weizhi Zhang, Liangwei Yang, Zihe Song, Henry Peng Zou, Ke Xu, Yuanjie Zhu, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Recommender systems (RecSys) play a vital role in online platforms, offering users personalized suggestions amidst vast information. Graph contrastive learning aims to learn from high-order collaborative filtering signals with unsupervised augmentation on the user-item bipartite graph, which predominantly relies on the multi-task learning framework involving both the pair-wise recommendation loss and the contrastive loss. This decoupled design can cause inconsistent optimization direction from different losses, which leads to longer convergence time and even sub-optimal performance. Besides, the self-supervised contrastive loss falls short in alleviating the data sparsity issue in RecSys as it learns to differentiate users/items from different views without providing extra supervised collaborative filtering signals during augmentations. In this paper, we propose Mixed Supervised Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation (MixSGCL) to address these concerns. MixSGCL originally integrates the training of recommendation and unsupervised contrastive losses into a supervised contrastive learning loss to align the two tasks within one optimization direction. To cope with the data sparsity issue, instead unsupervised augmentation, we further propose node-wise and edge-wise mixup to mine more direct supervised collaborative filtering signals based on existing user-item interactions. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that MixSGCL surpasses state-of-the-art methods, achieving top performance on both accuracy and efficiency. It validates the effectiveness of MixSGCL with our coupled design on supervised graph contrastive learning.

replace-cross Learning World Models With Hierarchical Temporal Abstractions: A Probabilistic Perspective

Authors: Vaisakh Shaj

Abstract: Machines that can replicate human intelligence with type 2 reasoning capabilities should be able to reason at multiple levels of spatio-temporal abstractions and scales using internal world models. Devising formalisms to develop such internal world models, which accurately reflect the causal hierarchies inherent in the dynamics of the real world, is a critical research challenge in the domains of artificial intelligence and machine learning. This thesis identifies several limitations with the prevalent use of state space models (SSMs) as internal world models and propose two new probabilistic formalisms namely Hidden-Parameter SSMs and Multi-Time Scale SSMs to address these drawbacks. The structure of graphical models in both formalisms facilitates scalable exact probabilistic inference using belief propagation, as well as end-to-end learning via backpropagation through time. This approach permits the development of scalable, adaptive hierarchical world models capable of representing nonstationary dynamics across multiple temporal abstractions and scales. Moreover, these probabilistic formalisms integrate the concept of uncertainty in world states, thus improving the system's capacity to emulate the stochastic nature of the real world and quantify the confidence in its predictions. The thesis also discuss how these formalisms are in line with related neuroscience literature on Bayesian brain hypothesis and predicitive processing. Our experiments on various real and simulated robots demonstrate that our formalisms can match and in many cases exceed the performance of contemporary transformer variants in making long-range future predictions. We conclude the thesis by reflecting on the limitations of our current models and suggesting directions for future research.

replace-cross Guardians of the Quantum GAN

Authors: Archisman Ghosh, Debarshi Kundu, Avimita Chatterjee, Swaroop Ghosh

Abstract: Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (qGANs) are at the forefront of image-generating quantum machine learning models. To accommodate the growing demand for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices to train and infer quantum machine learning models, the number of third-party vendors offering quantum hardware as a service is expected to rise. This expansion introduces the risk of untrusted vendors potentially stealing proprietary information from the quantum machine learning models. To address this concern we propose a novel watermarking technique that exploits the noise signature embedded during the training phase of qGANs as a non-invasive watermark. The watermark is identifiable in the images generated by the qGAN allowing us to trace the specific quantum hardware used during training hence providing strong proof of ownership. To further enhance the security robustness, we propose the training of qGANs on a sequence of multiple quantum hardware, embedding a complex watermark comprising the noise signatures of all the training hardware that is difficult for adversaries to replicate. We also develop a machine learning classifier to extract this watermark robustly, thereby identifying the training hardware (or the suite of hardware) from the images generated by the qGAN validating the authenticity of the model. We note that the watermark signature is robust against inferencing on hardware different than the hardware that was used for training. We obtain watermark extraction accuracy of 100% and ~90% for training the qGAN on individual and multiple quantum hardware setups (and inferencing on different hardware), respectively. Since parameter evolution during training is strongly modulated by quantum noise, the proposed watermark can be extended to other quantum machine learning models as well.