new CoSD: Collaborative Stance Detection with Contrastive Heterogeneous Topic Graph Learning

Authors: Yinghan Cheng, Qi Zhang, Chongyang Shi, Liang Xiao, Shufeng Hao, Liang Hu

Abstract: Stance detection seeks to identify the viewpoints of individuals either in favor or against a given target or a controversial topic. Current advanced neural models for stance detection typically employ fully parametric softmax classifiers. However, these methods suffer from several limitations, including lack of explainability, insensitivity to the latent data structure, and unimodality, which greatly restrict their performance and applications. To address these challenges, we present a novel collaborative stance detection framework called (CoSD) which leverages contrastive heterogeneous topic graph learning to learn topic-aware semantics and collaborative signals among texts, topics, and stance labels for enhancing stance detection. During training, we construct a heterogeneous graph to structurally organize texts and stances through implicit topics via employing latent Dirichlet allocation. We then perform contrastive graph learning to learn heterogeneous node representations, aggregating informative multi-hop collaborative signals via an elaborate Collaboration Propagation Aggregation (CPA) module. During inference, we introduce a hybrid similarity scoring module to enable the comprehensive incorporation of topic-aware semantics and collaborative signals for stance detection. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the state-of-the-art detection performance of CoSD, verifying the effectiveness and explainability of our collaborative framework.

new Neural Modes: Self-supervised Learning of Nonlinear Modal Subspaces

Authors: Jiahong Wang, Yinwei Du, Stelian Coros, Bernhard Thomaszewski

Abstract: We propose a self-supervised approach for learning physics-based subspaces for real-time simulation. Existing learning-based methods construct subspaces by approximating pre-defined simulation data in a purely geometric way. However, this approach tends to produce high-energy configurations, leads to entangled latent space dimensions, and generalizes poorly beyond the training set. To overcome these limitations, we propose a self-supervised approach that directly minimizes the system's mechanical energy during training. We show that our method leads to learned subspaces that reflect physical equilibrium constraints, resolve overfitting issues of previous methods, and offer interpretable latent space parameters.

new Alice's Adventures in a Differentiable Wonderland -- Volume I, A Tour of the Land

Authors: Simone Scardapane

Abstract: This book is a self-contained introduction to the design of modern (deep) neural networks. Because the term "neural" comes with a lot of historical baggage, I prefer the simpler term "differentiable models" in the text. The focus of this 250-pages volume is on building efficient blocks for processing $n$D data, including convolutions, transformers, graph layers, and modern recurrent models (including linearized transformers and structured state-space models). Because the field is evolving quickly, I have tried to strike a good balance between theory and code, historical considerations and recent trends. I assume the reader has some exposure to machine learning and linear algebra, but I try to cover the preliminaries when necessary. The volume is a refined draft from a set of lecture notes for a course called Neural Networks for Data Science Applications that I teach in Sapienza. I do not cover many advanced topics (generative modeling, explainability, prompting, agents), which will be published over time in the companion website.

new Using Pre-training and Interaction Modeling for ancestry-specific disease prediction in UK Biobank

Authors: Thomas Le Menestrel, Erin Craig, Robert Tibshirani, Trevor Hastie, Manuel Rivas

Abstract: Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have uncovered the genetic basis of complex traits, but show an under-representation of non-European descent individuals, underscoring a critical gap in genetic research. Here, we assess whether we can improve disease prediction across diverse ancestries using multiomic data. We evaluate the performance of Group-LASSO INTERaction-NET (glinternet) and pretrained lasso in disease prediction focusing on diverse ancestries in the UK Biobank. Models were trained on data from White British and other ancestries and validated across a cohort of over 96,000 individuals for 8 diseases. Out of 96 models trained, we report 16 with statistically significant incremental predictive performance in terms of ROC-AUC scores. These findings suggest that advanced statistical methods that borrow information across multiple ancestries may improve disease risk prediction, but with limited benefit.

new Hard ASH: Sparsity and the right optimizer make a continual learner

Authors: Santtu Keskinen

Abstract: In class incremental learning, neural networks typically suffer from catastrophic forgetting. We show that an MLP featuring a sparse activation function and an adaptive learning rate optimizer can compete with established regularization techniques in the Split-MNIST task. We highlight the effectiveness of the Adaptive SwisH (ASH) activation function in this context and introduce a novel variant, Hard Adaptive SwisH (Hard ASH) to further enhance the learning retention.

new Learning Manipulation Tasks in Dynamic and Shared 3D Spaces

Authors: Hariharan Arunachalam, Marc Hanheide, Sariah Mghames

Abstract: Automating the segregation process is a need for every sector experiencing a high volume of materials handling, repetitive and exhaustive operations, in addition to risky exposures. Learning automated pick-and-place operations can be efficiently done by introducing collaborative autonomous systems (e.g. manipulators) in the workplace and among human operators. In this paper, we propose a deep reinforcement learning strategy to learn the place task of multi-categorical items from a shared workspace between dual-manipulators and to multi-goal destinations, assuming the pick has been already completed. The learning strategy leverages first a stochastic actor-critic framework to train an agent's policy network, and second, a dynamic 3D Gym environment where both static and dynamic obstacles (e.g. human factors and robot mate) constitute the state space of a Markov decision process. Learning is conducted in a Gazebo simulator and experiments show an increase in cumulative reward function for the agent further away from human factors. Future investigations will be conducted to enhance the task performance for both agents simultaneously.

new Center-Based Relaxed Learning Against Membership Inference Attacks

Authors: Xingli Fang, Jung-Eun Kim

Abstract: Membership inference attacks (MIAs) are currently considered one of the main privacy attack strategies, and their defense mechanisms have also been extensively explored. However, there is still a gap between the existing defense approaches and ideal models in performance and deployment costs. In particular, we observed that the privacy vulnerability of the model is closely correlated with the gap between the model's data-memorizing ability and generalization ability. To address this, we propose a new architecture-agnostic training paradigm called center-based relaxed learning (CRL), which is adaptive to any classification model and provides privacy preservation by sacrificing a minimal or no loss of model generalizability. We emphasize that CRL can better maintain the model's consistency between member and non-member data. Through extensive experiments on standard classification datasets, we empirically show that this approach exhibits comparable performance without requiring additional model capacity or data costs.

new Knowledge Transfer for Cross-Domain Reinforcement Learning: A Systematic Review

Authors: Sergio A. Serrano, Jose Martinez-Carranza, L. Enrique Sucar

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a framework in which agents can be trained, via trial and error, to solve complex decision-making problems. Learning with little supervision causes RL methods to require large amounts of data, which renders them too expensive for many applications (e.g. robotics). By reusing knowledge from a different task, knowledge transfer methods present an alternative to reduce the training time in RL. Given how severe data scarcity can be, there has been a growing interest for methods capable of transferring knowledge across different domains (i.e. problems with different representation) due to the flexibility they offer. This review presents a unifying analysis of methods focused on transferring knowledge across different domains. Through a taxonomy based on a transfer-approach categorization, and a characterization of works based on their data-assumption requirements, the objectives of this article are to 1) provide a comprehensive and systematic revision of knowledge transfer methods for the cross-domain RL setting, 2) categorize and characterize these methods to provide an analysis based on relevant features such as their transfer approach and data requirements, and 3) discuss the main challenges regarding cross-domain knowledge transfer, as well as ideas of future directions worth exploring to address these problems.

new A Biased Estimator for MinMax Sampling and Distributed Aggregation

Authors: Joel Wolfrath, Abhishek Chandra

Abstract: MinMax sampling is a technique for downsampling a real-valued vector which minimizes the maximum variance over all vector components. This approach is useful for reducing the amount of data that must be sent over a constrained network link (e.g. in the wide-area). MinMax can provide unbiased estimates of the vector elements, along with unbiased estimates of aggregates when vectors are combined from multiple locations. In this work, we propose a biased MinMax estimation scheme, B-MinMax, which trades an increase in estimator bias for a reduction in variance. We prove that when no aggregation is performed, B-MinMax obtains a strictly lower MSE compared to the unbiased MinMax estimator. When aggregation is required, B-MinMax is preferable when sample sizes are small or the number of aggregated vectors is limited. Our experiments show that this approach can substantially reduce the MSE for MinMax sampling in many practical settings.

new Deep Learning for Melt Pool Depth Contour Prediction From Surface Thermal Images via Vision Transformers

Authors: Francis Ogoke, Peter Myung-Won Pak, Alexander Myers, Guadalupe Quirarte, Jack Beuth, Jonathan Malen, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Insufficient overlap between the melt pools produced during Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) can lead to lack-of-fusion defects and deteriorated mechanical and fatigue performance. In-situ monitoring of the melt pool subsurface morphology requires specialized equipment that may not be readily accessible or scalable. Therefore, we introduce a machine learning framework to correlate in-situ two-color thermal images observed via high-speed color imaging to the two-dimensional profile of the melt pool cross-section. Specifically, we employ a hybrid CNN-Transformer architecture to establish a correlation between single bead off-axis thermal image sequences and melt pool cross-section contours measured via optical microscopy. In this architecture, a ResNet model embeds the spatial information contained within the thermal images to a latent vector, while a Transformer model correlates the sequence of embedded vectors to extract temporal information. Our framework is able to model the curvature of the subsurface melt pool structure, with improved performance in high energy density regimes compared to analytical melt pool models. The performance of this model is evaluated through dimensional and geometric comparisons to the corresponding experimental melt pool observations.

new Causal Diffusion Autoencoders: Toward Counterfactual Generation via Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Authors: Aneesh Komanduri, Chen Zhao, Feng Chen, Xintao Wu

Abstract: Diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have become the state-of-the-art in high-quality image generation. However, DPMs have an arbitrary noisy latent space with no interpretable or controllable semantics. Although there has been significant research effort to improve image sample quality, there is little work on representation-controlled generation using diffusion models. Specifically, causal modeling and controllable counterfactual generation using DPMs is an underexplored area. In this work, we propose CausalDiffAE, a diffusion-based causal representation learning framework to enable counterfactual generation according to a specified causal model. Our key idea is to use an encoder to extract high-level semantically meaningful causal variables from high-dimensional data and model stochastic variation using reverse diffusion. We propose a causal encoding mechanism that maps high-dimensional data to causally related latent factors and parameterize the causal mechanisms among latent factors using neural networks. To enforce the disentanglement of causal variables, we formulate a variational objective and leverage auxiliary label information in a prior to regularize the latent space. We propose a DDIM-based counterfactual generation procedure subject to do-interventions. Finally, to address the limited label supervision scenario, we also study the application of CausalDiffAE when a part of the training data is unlabeled, which also enables granular control over the strength of interventions in generating counterfactuals during inference. We empirically show that CausalDiffAE learns a disentangled latent space and is capable of generating high-quality counterfactual images.

new On the Rashomon ratio of infinite hypothesis sets

Authors: Evzenie Coupkova, Mireille Boutin

Abstract: Given a classification problem and a family of classifiers, the Rashomon ratio measures the proportion of classifiers that yield less than a given loss. Previous work has explored the advantage of a large Rashomon ratio in the case of a finite family of classifiers. Here we consider the more general case of an infinite family. We show that a large Rashomon ratio guarantees that choosing the classifier with the best empirical accuracy among a random subset of the family, which is likely to improve generalizability, will not increase the empirical loss too much. We quantify the Rashomon ratio in two examples involving infinite classifier families in order to illustrate situations in which it is large. In the first example, we estimate the Rashomon ratio of the classification of normally distributed classes using an affine classifier. In the second, we obtain a lower bound for the Rashomon ratio of a classification problem with a modified Gram matrix when the classifier family consists of two-layer ReLU neural networks. In general, we show that the Rashomon ratio can be estimated using a training dataset along with random samples from the classifier family and we provide guarantees that such an estimation is close to the true value of the Rashomon ratio.

new Implementation of Big AI Models for Wireless Networks with Collaborative Edge Computing

Authors: Liekang Zeng, Shengyuan Ye, Xu Chen, Yang Yang

Abstract: Big Artificial Intelligence (AI) models have emerged as a crucial element in various intelligent applications at the edge, such as voice assistants in smart homes and autonomous robotics in smart factories. Training big AI models, e.g., for personalized fine-tuning and continual model refinement, poses significant challenges to edge devices due to the inherent conflict between limited computing resources and intensive workload associated with training. Despite the constraints of on-device training, traditional approaches usually resort to aggregating training data and sending it to a remote cloud for centralized training. Nevertheless, this approach is neither sustainable, which strains long-range backhaul transmission and energy-consuming datacenters, nor safely private, which shares users' raw data with remote infrastructures. To address these challenges, we alternatively observe that prevalent edge environments usually contain a diverse collection of trusted edge devices with untapped idle resources, which can be leveraged for edge training acceleration. Motivated by this, in this article, we propose collaborative edge training, a novel training mechanism that orchestrates a group of trusted edge devices as a resource pool for expedited, sustainable big AI model training at the edge. As an initial step, we present a comprehensive framework for building collaborative edge training systems and analyze in-depth its merits and sustainable scheduling choices following its workflow. To further investigate the impact of its parallelism design, we empirically study a case of four typical parallelisms from the perspective of energy demand with realistic testbeds. Finally, we discuss open challenges for sustainable collaborative edge training to point to future directions of edge-centric big AI model training.

new Make the Most of Your Data: Changing the Training Data Distribution to Improve In-distribution Generalization Performance

Authors: Dang Nguyen, Paymon Haddad, Eric Gan, Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Abstract: Can we modify the training data distribution to encourage the underlying optimization method toward finding solutions with superior generalization performance on in-distribution data? In this work, we approach this question for the first time by comparing the inductive bias of gradient descent (GD) with that of sharpness-aware minimization (SAM). By studying a two-layer CNN, we prove that SAM learns easy and difficult features more uniformly, particularly in early epochs. That is, SAM is less susceptible to simplicity bias compared to GD. Based on this observation, we propose USEFUL, an algorithm that clusters examples based on the network output early in training and upsamples examples with no easy features to alleviate the pitfalls of the simplicity bias. We show empirically that modifying the training data distribution in this way effectively improves the generalization performance on the original data distribution when training with (S)GD by mimicking the training dynamics of SAM. Notably, we demonstrate that our method can be combined with SAM and existing data augmentation strategies to achieve, to the best of our knowledge, state-of-the-art performance for training ResNet18 on CIFAR10, STL10, CINIC10, Tiny-ImageNet; ResNet34 on CIFAR100; and VGG19 and DenseNet121 on CIFAR10.

new Compressing Latent Space via Least Volume

Authors: Qiuyi Chen, Mark Fuge

Abstract: This paper introduces Least Volume-a simple yet effective regularization inspired by geometric intuition-that can reduce the necessary number of latent dimensions needed by an autoencoder without requiring any prior knowledge of the intrinsic dimensionality of the dataset. We show that the Lipschitz continuity of the decoder is the key to making it work, provide a proof that PCA is just a linear special case of it, and reveal that it has a similar PCA-like importance ordering effect when applied to nonlinear models. We demonstrate the intuition behind the regularization on some pedagogical toy problems, and its effectiveness on several benchmark problems, including MNIST, CIFAR-10 and CelebA.

new BiLO: Bilevel Local Operator Learning for PDE inverse problems

Authors: Ray Zirui Zhang, Xiaohui Xie, John Lowengrub

Abstract: We propose a new neural network based method for solving inverse problems for partial differential equations (PDEs) by formulating the PDE inverse problem as a bilevel optimization problem. At the upper level, we minimize the data loss with respect to the PDE parameters. At the lower level, we train a neural network to locally approximate the PDE solution operator in the neighborhood of a given set of PDE parameters, which enables an accurate approximation of the descent direction for the upper level optimization problem. The lower level loss function includes the L2 norms of both the residual and its derivative with respect to the PDE parameters. We apply gradient descent simultaneously on both the upper and lower level optimization problems, leading to an effective and fast algorithm. The method, which we refer to as BiLO (Bilevel Local Operator learning), is also able to efficiently infer unknown functions in the PDEs through the introduction of an auxiliary variable. We demonstrate that our method enforces strong PDE constraints, is robust to sparse and noisy data, and eliminates the need to balance the residual and the data loss, which is inherent to soft PDE constraints.

new Personalized Federated Learning via Sequential Layer Expansion in Representation Learning

Authors: Jaewon Jang, Bonjun Choi

Abstract: Federated learning ensures the privacy of clients by conducting distributed training on individual client devices and sharing only the model weights with a central server. However, in real-world scenarios, the heterogeneity of data among clients necessitates appropriate personalization methods. In this paper, we aim to address this heterogeneity using a form of parameter decoupling known as representation learning. Representation learning divides deep learning models into 'base' and 'head' components. The base component, capturing common features across all clients, is shared with the server, while the head component, capturing unique features specific to individual clients, remains local. We propose a new representation learning-based approach that suggests decoupling the entire deep learning model into more densely divided parts with the application of suitable scheduling methods, which can benefit not only data heterogeneity but also class heterogeneity. In this paper, we compare and analyze two layer scheduling approaches, namely forward (\textit{Vanilla}) and backward (\textit{Anti}), in the context of data and class heterogeneity among clients. Our experimental results show that the proposed algorithm, when compared to existing personalized federated learning algorithms, achieves increased accuracy, especially under challenging conditions, while reducing computation costs.

new Dynamical Mode Recognition of Coupled Flame Oscillators by Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Approaches

Authors: Weiming Xu, Tao Yang, Peng Zhang

Abstract: Combustion instability in gas turbines and rocket engines, as one of the most challenging problems in combustion research, arises from the complex interactions among flames, which are also influenced by chemical reactions, heat and mass transfer, and acoustics. Identifying and understanding combustion instability is essential to ensure the safe and reliable operation of many combustion systems, where exploring and classifying the dynamical behaviors of complex flame systems is a core take. To facilitate fundamental studies, the present work concerns dynamical mode recognition of coupled flame oscillators made of flickering buoyant diffusion flames, which have gained increasing attention in recent years but are not sufficiently understood. The time series data of flame oscillators are generated by fully validated reacting flow simulations. Due to limitations of expertise-based models, a data-driven approach is adopted. In this study, a nonlinear dimensional reduction model of variational autoencoder (VAE) is used to project the simulation data onto a 2-dimensional latent space. Based on the phase trajectories in latent space, both supervised and unsupervised classifiers are proposed for datasets with well known labeling and without, respectively. For labeled datasets, we establish the Wasserstein-distance-based classifier (WDC) for mode recognition; for unlabeled datasets, we develop a novel unsupervised classifier (GMM-DTWC) combining dynamic time warping (DTW) and Gaussian mixture model (GMM). Through comparing with conventional approaches for dimensionality reduction and classification, the proposed supervised and unsupervised VAE-based approaches exhibit a prominent performance for distinguishing dynamical modes, implying their potential extension to dynamical mode recognition of complex combustion problems.

new From Optimization to Generalization: Fair Federated Learning against Quality Shift via Inter-Client Sharpness Matching

Authors: Nannan Wu, Zhuo Kuang, Zengqiang Yan, Li Yu

Abstract: Due to escalating privacy concerns, federated learning has been recognized as a vital approach for training deep neural networks with decentralized medical data. In practice, it is challenging to ensure consistent imaging quality across various institutions, often attributed to equipment malfunctions affecting a minority of clients. This imbalance in image quality can cause the federated model to develop an inherent bias towards higher-quality images, thus posing a severe fairness issue. In this study, we pioneer the identification and formulation of this new fairness challenge within the context of the imaging quality shift. Traditional methods for promoting fairness in federated learning predominantly focus on balancing empirical risks across diverse client distributions. This strategy primarily facilitates fair optimization across different training data distributions, yet neglects the crucial aspect of generalization. To address this, we introduce a solution termed Federated learning with Inter-client Sharpness Matching (FedISM). FedISM enhances both local training and global aggregation by incorporating sharpness-awareness, aiming to harmonize the sharpness levels across clients for fair generalization. Our empirical evaluations, conducted using the widely-used ICH and ISIC 2019 datasets, establish FedISM's superiority over current state-of-the-art federated learning methods in promoting fairness. Code is available at


new Dynamic Against Dynamic: An Open-set Self-learning Framework

Authors: Haifeng Yang, Chuanxing Geng, PongChi Yuen, Songcan Chen

Abstract: In open-set recognition, existing methods generally learn statically fixed decision boundaries using known classes to reject unknown classes. Though they have achieved promising results, such decision boundaries are evidently insufficient for universal unknown classes in dynamic and open scenarios as they can potentially appear at any position in the feature space. Moreover, these methods just simply reject unknown class samples during testing without any effective utilization for them. In fact, such samples completely can constitute the true instantiated representation of the unknown classes to further enhance the model's performance. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel dynamic against dynamic idea, i.e., dynamic method against dynamic changing open-set world, where an open-set self-learning (OSSL) framework is correspondingly developed. OSSL starts with a good closed-set classifier trained by known classes and utilizes available test samples for model adaptation during testing, thus gaining the adaptability to changing data distributions. In particular, a novel self-matching module is designed for OSSL, which can achieve the adaptation in automatically identifying known class samples while rejecting unknown class samples which are further utilized to enhance the discriminability of the model as the instantiated representation of unknown classes. Our method establishes new performance milestones respectively in almost all standard and cross-data benchmarks.

new pFedAFM: Adaptive Feature Mixture for Batch-Level Personalization in Heterogeneous Federated Learning

Authors: Liping Yi, Han Yu, Chao Ren, Heng Zhang, Gang Wang, Xiaoguang Liu, Xiaoxiao Li

Abstract: Model-heterogeneous personalized federated learning (MHPFL) enables FL clients to train structurally different personalized models on non-independent and identically distributed (non-IID) local data. Existing MHPFL methods focus on achieving client-level personalization, but cannot address batch-level data heterogeneity. To bridge this important gap, we propose a model-heterogeneous personalized Federated learning approach with Adaptive Feature Mixture (pFedAFM) for supervised learning tasks. It consists of three novel designs: 1) A sharing global homogeneous small feature extractor is assigned alongside each client's local heterogeneous model (consisting of a heterogeneous feature extractor and a prediction header) to facilitate cross-client knowledge fusion. The two feature extractors share the local heterogeneous model's prediction header containing rich personalized prediction knowledge to retain personalized prediction capabilities. 2) An iterative training strategy is designed to alternately train the global homogeneous small feature extractor and the local heterogeneous large model for effective global-local knowledge exchange. 3) A trainable weight vector is designed to dynamically mix the features extracted by both feature extractors to adapt to batch-level data heterogeneity. Theoretical analysis proves that pFedAFM can converge over time. Extensive experiments on 2 benchmark datasets demonstrate that it significantly outperforms 7 state-of-the-art MHPFL methods, achieving up to 7.93% accuracy improvement while incurring low communication and computation costs.

new Noisy Node Classification by Bi-level Optimization based Multi-teacher Distillation

Authors: Yujing Liu, Zongqian Wu, Zhengyu Lu, Ci Nie, Guoqiu Wen, Ping Hu, Xiaofeng Zhu

Abstract: Previous graph neural networks (GNNs) usually assume that the graph data is with clean labels for representation learning, but it is not true in real applications. In this paper, we propose a new multi-teacher distillation method based on bi-level optimization (namely BO-NNC), to conduct noisy node classification on the graph data. Specifically, we first employ multiple self-supervised learning methods to train diverse teacher models, and then aggregate their predictions through a teacher weight matrix. Furthermore, we design a new bi-level optimization strategy to dynamically adjust the teacher weight matrix based on the training progress of the student model. Finally, we design a label improvement module to improve the label quality. Extensive experimental results on real datasets show that our method achieves the best results compared to state-of-the-art methods.

new Feature graphs for interpretable unsupervised tree ensembles: centrality, interaction, and application in disease subtyping

Authors: Christel Sirocchi, Martin Urschler, Bastian Pfeifer

Abstract: Interpretable machine learning has emerged as central in leveraging artificial intelligence within high-stakes domains such as healthcare, where understanding the rationale behind model predictions is as critical as achieving high predictive accuracy. In this context, feature selection assumes a pivotal role in enhancing model interpretability by identifying the most important input features in black-box models. While random forests are frequently used in biomedicine for their remarkable performance on tabular datasets, the accuracy gained from aggregating decision trees comes at the expense of interpretability. Consequently, feature selection for enhancing interpretability in random forests has been extensively explored in supervised settings. However, its investigation in the unsupervised regime remains notably limited. To address this gap, the study introduces novel methods to construct feature graphs from unsupervised random forests and feature selection strategies to derive effective feature combinations from these graphs. Feature graphs are constructed for the entire dataset as well as individual clusters leveraging the parent-child node splits within the trees, such that feature centrality captures their relevance to the clustering task, while edge weights reflect the discriminating power of feature pairs. Graph-based feature selection methods are extensively evaluated on synthetic and benchmark datasets both in terms of their ability to reduce dimensionality while improving clustering performance, as well as to enhance model interpretability. An application on omics data for disease subtyping identifies the top features for each cluster, showcasing the potential of the proposed approach to enhance interpretability in clustering analyses and its utility in a real-world biomedical application.

new FedCRL: Personalized Federated Learning with Contrastive Shared Representations for Label Heterogeneity in Non-IID Data

Authors: Chenghao Huang, Xiaolu Chen, Yanru Zhang, Hao Wang

Abstract: To deal with heterogeneity resulting from label distribution skew and data scarcity in distributed machine learning scenarios, this paper proposes a novel Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) algorithm, named Federated Contrastive Representation Learning (FedCRL). FedCRL introduces contrastive representation learning (CRL) on shared representations to facilitate knowledge acquisition of clients. Specifically, both local model parameters and averaged values of local representations are considered as shareable information to the server, both of which are then aggregated globally. CRL is applied between local representations and global representations to regularize personalized training by drawing similar representations closer and separating dissimilar ones, thereby enhancing local models with external knowledge and avoiding being harmed by label distribution skew. Additionally, FedCRL adopts local aggregation between each local model and the global model to tackle data scarcity. A loss-wise weighting mechanism is introduced to guide the local aggregation using each local model's contrastive loss to coordinate the global model involvement in each client, thus helping clients with scarce data. Our simulations demonstrate FedCRL's effectiveness in mitigating label heterogeneity by achieving accuracy improvements over existing methods on datasets with varying degrees of label heterogeneity.

new Accurate and fast anomaly detection in industrial processes and IoT environments

Authors: Simone Tonini (L'EMbeDS and Institute of Economics, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa), Andrea Vandin (L'EMbeDS and Institute of Economics, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa), Francesca Chiaromonte (L'EMbeDS and Institute of Economics, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa, Dept. of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University), Daniele Licari (L'EMbeDS, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies), Fernando Barsacchi (A. Celli Group, Lucca)

Abstract: We present a novel, simple and widely applicable semi-supervised procedure for anomaly detection in industrial and IoT environments, SAnD (Simple Anomaly Detection). SAnD comprises 5 steps, each leveraging well-known statistical tools, namely; smoothing filters, variance inflation factors, the Mahalanobis distance, threshold selection algorithms and feature importance techniques. To our knowledge, SAnD is the first procedure that integrates these tools to identify anomalies and help decipher their putative causes. We show how each step contributes to tackling technical challenges that practitioners face when detecting anomalies in industrial contexts, where signals can be highly multicollinear, have unknown distributions, and intertwine short-lived noise with the long(er)-lived actual anomalies. The development of SAnD was motivated by a concrete case study from our industrial partner, which we use here to show its effectiveness. We also evaluate the performance of SAnD by comparing it with a selection of semi-supervised methods on public datasets from the literature on anomaly detection. We conclude that SAnD is effective, broadly applicable, and outperforms existing approaches in both anomaly detection and runtime.

new Critical Review for One-class Classification: recent advances and the reality behind them

Authors: Toshitaka Hayashi, Dalibor Cimr, Hamido Fujita, Richard Cimler

Abstract: This paper offers a comprehensive review of one-class classification (OCC), examining the technologies and methodologies employed in its implementation. It delves into various approaches utilized for OCC across diverse data types, such as feature data, image, video, time series, and others. Through a systematic review, this paper synthesizes promi-nent strategies used in OCC from its inception to its current advance-ments, with a particular emphasis on the promising application. Moreo-ver, the article criticizes the state-of-the-art (SOTA) image anomaly de-tection (AD) algorithms dominating one-class experiments. These algo-rithms include outlier exposure (binary classification) and pretrained model (multi-class classification), conflicting with the fundamental con-cept of learning from one class. Our investigation reveals that the top nine algorithms for one-class CIFAR10 benchmark are not OCC. We ar-gue that binary/multi-class classification algorithms should not be com-pared with OCC.

new DTization: A New Method for Supervised Feature Scaling

Authors: Niful Islam

Abstract: Artificial intelligence is currently a dominant force in shaping various aspects of the world. Machine learning is a sub-field in artificial intelligence. Feature scaling is one of the data pre-processing techniques that improves the performance of machine learning algorithms. The traditional feature scaling techniques are unsupervised where they do not have influence of the dependent variable in the scaling process. In this paper, we have presented a novel feature scaling technique named DTization that employs decision tree and robust scaler for supervised feature scaling. The proposed method utilizes decision tree to measure the feature importance and based on the importance, different features get scaled differently with the robust scaler algorithm. The proposed method has been extensively evaluated on ten classification and regression datasets on various evaluation matrices and the results show a noteworthy performance improvement compared to the traditional feature scaling methods.

new CBMAP: Clustering-based manifold approximation and projection for dimensionality reduction

Authors: Berat Dogan

Abstract: Dimensionality reduction methods are employed to decrease data dimensionality, either to enhance machine learning performance or to facilitate data visualization in two or three-dimensional spaces. These methods typically fall into two categories: feature selection and feature transformation. Feature selection retains significant features, while feature transformation projects data into a lower-dimensional space, with linear and nonlinear methods. While nonlinear methods excel in preserving local structures and capturing nonlinear relationships, they may struggle with interpreting global structures and can be computationally intensive. Recent algorithms, such as the t-SNE, UMAP, TriMap, and PaCMAP prioritize preserving local structures, often at the expense of accurately representing global structures, leading to clusters being spread out more in lower-dimensional spaces. Moreover, these methods heavily rely on hyperparameters, making their results sensitive to parameter settings. To address these limitations, this study introduces a clustering-based approach, namely CBMAP (Clustering-Based Manifold Approximation and Projection), for dimensionality reduction. CBMAP aims to preserve both global and local structures, ensuring that clusters in lower-dimensional spaces closely resemble those in high-dimensional spaces. Experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate CBMAP's efficacy, offering speed, scalability, and minimal reliance on hyperparameters. Importantly, CBMAP enables low-dimensional projection of test data, addressing a critical need in machine learning applications. CBMAP is made freely available at and can be installed from the Python Package Directory (PyPI) software repository with the command pip install cbmap.


new Interaction Event Forecasting in Multi-Relational Recursive HyperGraphs: A Temporal Point Process Approach

Authors: Tony Gracious, Ambedkar Dukkipati

Abstract: Modeling the dynamics of interacting entities using an evolving graph is an essential problem in fields such as financial networks and e-commerce. Traditional approaches focus primarily on pairwise interactions, limiting their ability to capture the complexity of real-world interactions involving multiple entities and their intricate relationship structures. This work addresses the problem of forecasting higher-order interaction events in multi-relational recursive hypergraphs. This is done using a dynamic graph representation learning framework that can capture complex relationships involving multiple entities. The proposed model, \textit{Relational Recursive Hyperedge Temporal Point Process} (RRHyperTPP) uses an encoder that learns a dynamic node representation based on the historical interaction patterns and then a hyperedge link prediction based decoder to model the event's occurrence. These learned representations are then used for downstream tasks involving forecasting the type and time of interactions. The main challenge in learning from hyperedge events is that the number of possible hyperedges grows exponentially with the number of nodes in the network. This will make the computation of negative log-likelihood of the temporal point process expensive, as the calculation of survival function requires a summation over all possible hyperedges. In our work, we use noise contrastive estimation to learn the parameters of our model, and we have experimentally shown that our models perform better than previous state-of-the-art methods for interaction forecasting.

new Bounding the Expected Robustness of Graph Neural Networks Subject to Node Feature Attacks

Authors: Yassine Abbahaddou, Sofiane Ennadir, Johannes F. Lutzeyer, Michalis Vazirgiannis, Henrik Bostr\"om

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in various graph representation learning tasks. Recently, studies revealed their vulnerability to adversarial attacks. In this work, we theoretically define the concept of expected robustness in the context of attributed graphs and relate it to the classical definition of adversarial robustness in the graph representation learning literature. Our definition allows us to derive an upper bound of the expected robustness of Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) and Graph Isomorphism Networks subject to node feature attacks. Building on these findings, we connect the expected robustness of GNNs to the orthonormality of their weight matrices and consequently propose an attack-independent, more robust variant of the GCN, called the Graph Convolutional Orthonormal Robust Networks (GCORNs). We further introduce a probabilistic method to estimate the expected robustness, which allows us to evaluate the effectiveness of GCORN on several real-world datasets. Experimental experiments showed that GCORN outperforms available defense methods. Our code is publicly available at: \href{}{}.


new Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence Information Bottleneck for Regression

Authors: Shujian Yu, Xi Yu, Sigurd L{\o}kse, Robert Jenssen, Jose C. Principe

Abstract: The information bottleneck (IB) approach is popular to improve the generalization, robustness and explainability of deep neural networks. Essentially, it aims to find a minimum sufficient representation $\mathbf{t}$ by striking a trade-off between a compression term $I(\mathbf{x};\mathbf{t})$ and a prediction term $I(y;\mathbf{t})$, where $I(\cdot;\cdot)$ refers to the mutual information (MI). MI is for the IB for the most part expressed in terms of the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, which in the regression case corresponds to prediction based on mean squared error (MSE) loss with Gaussian assumption and compression approximated by variational inference. In this paper, we study the IB principle for the regression problem and develop a new way to parameterize the IB with deep neural networks by exploiting favorable properties of the Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) divergence. By doing so, we move away from MSE-based regression and ease estimation by avoiding variational approximations or distributional assumptions. We investigate the improved generalization ability of our proposed CS-IB and demonstrate strong adversarial robustness guarantees. We demonstrate its superior performance on six real-world regression tasks over other popular deep IB approaches. We additionally observe that the solutions discovered by CS-IB always achieve the best trade-off between prediction accuracy and compression ratio in the information plane. The code is available at \url{}.


new TabVFL: Improving Latent Representation in Vertical Federated Learning

Authors: Mohamed Rashad, Zilong Zhao, Jeremie Decouchant, Lydia Y. Chen

Abstract: Autoencoders are popular neural networks that are able to compress high dimensional data to extract relevant latent information. TabNet is a state-of-the-art neural network model designed for tabular data that utilizes an autoencoder architecture for training. Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) is an emerging distributed machine learning paradigm that allows multiple parties to train a model collaboratively on vertically partitioned data while maintaining data privacy. The existing design of training autoencoders in VFL is to train a separate autoencoder in each participant and aggregate the latent representation later. This design could potentially break important correlations between feature data of participating parties, as each autoencoder is trained on locally available features while disregarding the features of others. In addition, traditional autoencoders are not specifically designed for tabular data, which is ubiquitous in VFL settings. Moreover, the impact of client failures during training on the model robustness is under-researched in the VFL scene. In this paper, we propose TabVFL, a distributed framework designed to improve latent representation learning using the joint features of participants. The framework (i) preserves privacy by mitigating potential data leakage with the addition of a fully-connected layer, (ii) conserves feature correlations by learning one latent representation vector, and (iii) provides enhanced robustness against client failures during training phase. Extensive experiments on five classification datasets show that TabVFL can outperform the prior work design, with 26.12% of improvement on f1-score.

new Optimal Initialization of Batch Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Jiuge Ren, David Sweet

Abstract: Field experiments and computer simulations are effective but time-consuming methods of measuring the quality of engineered systems at different settings. To reduce the total time required, experimenters may employ Bayesian optimization, which is parsimonious with measurements, and take measurements of multiple settings simultaneously, in a batch. In practice, experimenters use very few batches, thus, it is imperative that each batch be as informative as possible. Typically, the initial batch in a Batch Bayesian Optimization (BBO) is constructed from a quasi-random sample of settings values. We propose a batch-design acquisition function, Minimal Terminal Variance (MTV), that designs a batch by optimization rather than random sampling. MTV adapts a design criterion function from Design of Experiments, called I-Optimality, which minimizes the variance of the post-evaluation estimates of quality, integrated over the entire space of settings. MTV weights the integral by the probability that a setting is optimal, making it able to design not only an initial batch but all subsequent batches, as well. Applicability to both initialization and subsequent batches is novel among acquisition functions. Numerical experiments on test functions and simulators show that MTV compares favorably to other BBO methods.

new Implicit Generative Prior for Bayesian Neural Networks

Authors: Yijia Liu, Xiao Wang

Abstract: Predictive uncertainty quantification is crucial for reliable decision-making in various applied domains. Bayesian neural networks offer a powerful framework for this task. However, defining meaningful priors and ensuring computational efficiency remain significant challenges, especially for complex real-world applications. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a novel neural adaptive empirical Bayes (NA-EB) framework. NA-EB leverages a class of implicit generative priors derived from low-dimensional distributions. This allows for efficient handling of complex data structures and effective capture of underlying relationships in real-world datasets. The proposed NA-EB framework combines variational inference with a gradient ascent algorithm. This enables simultaneous hyperparameter selection and approximation of the posterior distribution, leading to improved computational efficiency. We establish the theoretical foundation of the framework through posterior and classification consistency. We demonstrate the practical applications of our framework through extensive evaluations on a variety of tasks, including the two-spiral problem, regression, 10 UCI datasets, and image classification tasks on both MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets. The results of our experiments highlight the superiority of our proposed framework over existing methods, such as sparse variational Bayesian and generative models, in terms of prediction accuracy and uncertainty quantification.

new Machine Learning Techniques for Data Reduction of CFD Applications

Authors: Jaemoon Lee, Ki Sung Jung, Qian Gong, Xiao Li, Scott Klasky, Jacqueline Chen, Anand Rangarajan, Sanjay Ranka

Abstract: We present an approach called guaranteed block autoencoder that leverages Tensor Correlations (GBATC) for reducing the spatiotemporal data generated by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and other scientific applications. It uses a multidimensional block of tensors (spanning in space and time) for both input and output, capturing the spatiotemporal and interspecies relationship within a tensor. The tensor consists of species that represent different elements in a CFD simulation. To guarantee the error bound of the reconstructed data, principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to the residual between the original and reconstructed data. This yields a basis matrix, which is then used to project the residual of each instance. The resulting coefficients are retained to enable accurate reconstruction. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach can deliver two orders of magnitude in reduction while still keeping the errors of primary data under scientifically acceptable bounds. Compared to reduction-based approaches based on SZ, our method achieves a substantially higher compression ratio for a given error bound or a better error for a given compression ratio.

new Advancing Supervised Learning with the Wave Loss Function: A Robust and Smooth Approach

Authors: Mushir Akhtar, M. Tanveer, Mohd. Arshad

Abstract: Loss function plays a vital role in supervised learning frameworks. The selection of the appropriate loss function holds the potential to have a substantial impact on the proficiency attained by the acquired model. The training of supervised learning algorithms inherently adheres to predetermined loss functions during the optimization process. In this paper, we present a novel contribution to the realm of supervised machine learning: an asymmetric loss function named wave loss. It exhibits robustness against outliers, insensitivity to noise, boundedness, and a crucial smoothness property. Theoretically, we establish that the proposed wave loss function manifests the essential characteristic of being classification-calibrated. Leveraging this breakthrough, we incorporate the proposed wave loss function into the least squares setting of support vector machines (SVM) and twin support vector machines (TSVM), resulting in two robust and smooth models termed Wave-SVM and Wave-TSVM, respectively. To address the optimization problem inherent in Wave-SVM, we utilize the adaptive moment estimation (Adam) algorithm. It is noteworthy that this paper marks the first instance of the Adam algorithm application to solve an SVM model. Further, we devise an iterative algorithm to solve the optimization problems of Wave-TSVM. To empirically showcase the effectiveness of the proposed Wave-SVM and Wave-TSVM, we evaluate them on benchmark UCI and KEEL datasets (with and without feature noise) from diverse domains. Moreover, to exemplify the applicability of Wave-SVM in the biomedical domain, we evaluate it on the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset. The experimental outcomes unequivocally reveal the prowess of Wave-SVM and Wave-TSVM in achieving superior prediction accuracy against the baseline models.

new Enhancing Fairness in Neural Networks Using FairVIC

Authors: Charmaine Barker, Daniel Bethell, Dimitar Kazakov

Abstract: Mitigating bias in automated decision-making systems, specifically deep learning models, is a critical challenge in achieving fairness. This complexity stems from factors such as nuanced definitions of fairness, unique biases in each dataset, and the trade-off between fairness and model accuracy. To address such issues, we introduce FairVIC, an innovative approach designed to enhance fairness in neural networks by addressing inherent biases at the training stage. FairVIC differs from traditional approaches that typically address biases at the data preprocessing stage. Instead, it integrates variance, invariance and covariance into the loss function to minimise the model's dependency on protected characteristics for making predictions, thus promoting fairness. Our experimentation and evaluation consists of training neural networks on three datasets known for their biases, comparing our results to state-of-the-art algorithms, evaluating on different sizes of model architectures, and carrying out sensitivity analysis to examine the fairness-accuracy trade-off. Through our implementation of FairVIC, we observed a significant improvement in fairness across all metrics tested, without compromising the model's accuracy to a detrimental extent. Our findings suggest that FairVIC presents a straightforward, out-of-the-box solution for the development of fairer deep learning models, thereby offering a generalisable solution applicable across many tasks and datasets.

new Generative AI for Visualization: State of the Art and Future Directions

Authors: Yilin Ye, Jianing Hao, Yihan Hou, Zhan Wang, Shishi Xiao, Yuyu Luo, Wei Zeng

Abstract: Generative AI (GenAI) has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years and demonstrated impressive performance in various generation tasks in different domains such as computer vision and computational design. Many researchers have attempted to integrate GenAI into visualization framework, leveraging the superior generative capacity for different operations. Concurrently, recent major breakthroughs in GenAI like diffusion model and large language model have also drastically increase the potential of GenAI4VIS. From a technical perspective, this paper looks back on previous visualization studies leveraging GenAI and discusses the challenges and opportunities for future research. Specifically, we cover the applications of different types of GenAI methods including sequence, tabular, spatial and graph generation techniques for different tasks of visualization which we summarize into four major stages: data enhancement, visual mapping generation, stylization and interaction. For each specific visualization sub-task, we illustrate the typical data and concrete GenAI algorithms, aiming to provide in-depth understanding of the state-of-the-art GenAI4VIS techniques and their limitations. Furthermore, based on the survey, we discuss three major aspects of challenges and research opportunities including evaluation, dataset, and the gap between end-to-end GenAI and generative algorithms. By summarizing different generation algorithms, their current applications and limitations, this paper endeavors to provide useful insights for future GenAI4VIS research.

new Evaluating ROCKET and Catch22 features for calf behaviour classification from accelerometer data using Machine Learning models

Authors: Oshana Dissanayakea, Sarah E. McPhersonc, Joseph Allyndree, Emer Kennedy, Padraig Cunningham, Lucile Riaboff

Abstract: Monitoring calf behaviour continuously would be beneficial to identify routine practices (e.g., weaning, dehorning, etc.) that impact calf welfare in dairy farms. In that regard, accelerometer data collected from neck collars can be used along with Machine Learning models to classify calf behaviour automatically. Hand-crafted features are commonly used in Machine Learning models, while ROCKET and Catch22 features are specifically designed for time-series classification problems in related fields. This study aims to compare the performance of ROCKET and Catch22 features to Hand-Crafted features. 30 Irish Holstein Friesian and Jersey pre-weaned calves were monitored using accelerometer sensors allowing for 27.4 hours of annotated behaviors. Additional time-series were computed from the raw X, Y and Z-axis and split into 3-second time windows. ROCKET, Catch22 and Hand-Crafted features were calculated for each time window, and the dataset was then split into the train, validation and test sets. Each set of features was used to train three Machine Learning models (Random Forest, eXtreme Gradient Boosting, and RidgeClassifierCV) to classify six behaviours indicative of pre-weaned calf welfare (drinking milk, grooming, lying, running, walking and other). Models were tuned with the validation set, and the performance of each feature-model combination was evaluated with the test set. The best performance across the three models was obtained with ROCKET [average balanced accuracy +/- standard deviation] (0.70 +/- 0.07), followed by Catch22 (0.69 +/- 0.05), surpassing Hand-Crafted (0.65 +/- 0.034). The best balanced accuracy (0.77) was obtained with ROCKET and RidgeClassifierCV, followed by Catch22 and Random Forest (0.73). Thus, tailoring these approaches for specific behaviours and contexts will be crucial in advancing precision livestock farming and enhancing animal welfare on a larger scale.

new IMEX-Reg: Implicit-Explicit Regularization in the Function Space for Continual Learning

Authors: Prashant Bhat, Bharath Renjith, Elahe Arani, Bahram Zonooz

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) remains one of the long-standing challenges for deep neural networks due to catastrophic forgetting of previously acquired knowledge. Although rehearsal-based approaches have been fairly successful in mitigating catastrophic forgetting, they suffer from overfitting on buffered samples and prior information loss, hindering generalization under low-buffer regimes. Inspired by how humans learn using strong inductive biases, we propose IMEX-Reg to improve the generalization performance of experience rehearsal in CL under low buffer regimes. Specifically, we employ a two-pronged implicit-explicit regularization approach using contrastive representation learning (CRL) and consistency regularization. To further leverage the global relationship between representations learned using CRL, we propose a regularization strategy to guide the classifier toward the activation correlations in the unit hypersphere of the CRL. Our results show that IMEX-Reg significantly improves generalization performance and outperforms rehearsal-based approaches in several CL scenarios. It is also robust to natural and adversarial corruptions with less task-recency bias. Additionally, we provide theoretical insights to support our design decisions further.

new Naive Bayes Classifiers and One-hot Encoding of Categorical Variables

Authors: Christopher K. I. Williams

Abstract: This paper investigates the consequences of encoding a $K$-valued categorical variable incorrectly as $K$ bits via one-hot encoding, when using a Na\"{\i}ve Bayes classifier. This gives rise to a product-of-Bernoullis (PoB) assumption, rather than the correct categorical Na\"{\i}ve Bayes classifier. The differences between the two classifiers are analysed mathematically and experimentally. In our experiments using probability vectors drawn from a Dirichlet distribution, the two classifiers are found to agree on the maximum a posteriori class label for most cases, although the posterior probabilities are usually greater for the PoB case.

new 4DBInfer: A 4D Benchmarking Toolbox for Graph-Centric Predictive Modeling on Relational DBs

Authors: Minjie Wang, Quan Gan, David Wipf, Zhenkun Cai, Ning Li, Jianheng Tang, Yanlin Zhang, Zizhao Zhang, Zunyao Mao, Yakun Song, Yanbo Wang, Jiahang Li, Han Zhang, Guang Yang, Xiao Qin, Chuan Lei, Muhan Zhang, Weinan Zhang, Christos Faloutsos, Zheng Zhang

Abstract: Although RDBs store vast amounts of rich, informative data spread across interconnected tables, the progress of predictive machine learning models as applied to such tasks arguably falls well behind advances in other domains such as computer vision or natural language processing. This deficit stems, at least in part, from the lack of established/public RDB benchmarks as needed for training and evaluation purposes. As a result, related model development thus far often defaults to tabular approaches trained on ubiquitous single-table benchmarks, or on the relational side, graph-based alternatives such as GNNs applied to a completely different set of graph datasets devoid of tabular characteristics. To more precisely target RDBs lying at the nexus of these two complementary regimes, we explore a broad class of baseline models predicated on: (i) converting multi-table datasets into graphs using various strategies equipped with efficient subsampling, while preserving tabular characteristics; and (ii) trainable models with well-matched inductive biases that output predictions based on these input subgraphs. Then, to address the dearth of suitable public benchmarks and reduce siloed comparisons, we assemble a diverse collection of (i) large-scale RDB datasets and (ii) coincident predictive tasks. From a delivery standpoint, we operationalize the above four dimensions (4D) of exploration within a unified, scalable open-source toolbox called 4DBInfer. We conclude by presenting evaluations using 4DBInfer, the results of which highlight the importance of considering each such dimension in the design of RDB predictive models, as well as the limitations of more naive approaches such as simply joining adjacent tables. Our source code is released at .


new A survey of dynamic graph neural networks

Authors: Yanping Zheng, Lu Yi, Zhewei Wei

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged as a powerful tool for effectively mining and learning from graph-structured data, with applications spanning numerous domains. However, most research focuses on static graphs, neglecting the dynamic nature of real-world networks where topologies and attributes evolve over time. By integrating sequence modeling modules into traditional GNN architectures, dynamic GNNs aim to bridge this gap, capturing the inherent temporal dependencies of dynamic graphs for a more authentic depiction of complex networks. This paper provides a comprehensive review of the fundamental concepts, key techniques, and state-of-the-art dynamic GNN models. We present the mainstream dynamic GNN models in detail and categorize models based on how temporal information is incorporated. We also discuss large-scale dynamic GNNs and pre-training techniques. Although dynamic GNNs have shown superior performance, challenges remain in scalability, handling heterogeneous information, and lack of diverse graph datasets. The paper also discusses possible future directions, such as adaptive and memory-enhanced models, inductive learning, and theoretical analysis.

new SOUL: Unlocking the Power of Second-Order Optimization for LLM Unlearning

Authors: Jinghan Jia, Yihua Zhang, Yimeng Zhang, Jiancheng Liu, Bharat Runwal, James Diffenderfer, Bhavya Kailkhura, Sijia Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have highlighted the necessity of effective unlearning mechanisms to comply with data regulations and ethical AI practices. LLM unlearning aims at removing undesired data influences and associated model capabilities without compromising utility out of the scope of unlearning. While interest in studying LLM unlearning is growing,the impact of the optimizer choice for LLM unlearning remains under-explored. In this work, we shed light on the significance of optimizer selection in LLM unlearning for the first time, establishing a clear connection between {second-order optimization} and influence unlearning (a classical approach using influence functions to update the model for data influence removal). This insight propels us to develop a second-order unlearning framework, termed SOUL, built upon the second-order clipped stochastic optimization (Sophia)-based LLM training method. SOUL extends the static, one-shot model update using influence unlearning to a dynamic, iterative unlearning process. Our extensive experiments show that SOUL consistently outperforms conventional first-order methods across various unlearning tasks, models, and metrics, suggesting the promise of second-order optimization in providing a scalable and easily implementable solution for LLM unlearning.

new AdaFSNet: Time Series Classification Based on Convolutional Network with a Adaptive and Effective Kernel Size Configuration

Authors: Haoxiao Wang, Bo Peng, Jianhua Zhang, Xu Cheng

Abstract: Time series classification is one of the most critical and challenging problems in data mining, existing widely in various fields and holding significant research importance. Despite extensive research and notable achievements with successful real-world applications, addressing the challenge of capturing the appropriate receptive field (RF) size from one-dimensional or multi-dimensional time series of varying lengths remains a persistent issue, which greatly impacts performance and varies considerably across different datasets. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive and Effective Full-Scope Convolutional Neural Network (AdaFSNet) to enhance the accuracy of time series classification. This network includes two Dense Blocks. Particularly, it can dynamically choose a range of kernel sizes that effectively encompass the optimal RF size for various datasets by incorporating multiple prime numbers corresponding to the time series length. We also design a TargetDrop block, which can reduce redundancy while extracting a more effective RF. To assess the effectiveness of the AdaFSNet network, comprehensive experiments were conducted using the UCR and UEA datasets, which include one-dimensional and multi-dimensional time series data, respectively. Our model surpassed baseline models in terms of classification accuracy, underscoring the AdaFSNet network's efficiency and effectiveness in handling time series classification tasks.

new Kernel Corrector LSTM

Authors: Rodrigo Tuna, Yassine Baghoussi, Carlos Soares, Jo\~ao Mendes-Moreira

Abstract: Forecasting methods are affected by data quality issues in two ways: 1. they are hard to predict, and 2. they may affect the model negatively when it is updated with new data. The latter issue is usually addressed by pre-processing the data to remove those issues. An alternative approach has recently been proposed, Corrector LSTM (cLSTM), which is a Read \& Write Machine Learning (RW-ML) algorithm that changes the data while learning to improve its predictions. Despite promising results being reported, cLSTM is computationally expensive, as it uses a meta-learner to monitor the hidden states of the LSTM. We propose a new RW-ML algorithm, Kernel Corrector LSTM (KcLSTM), that replaces the meta-learner of cLSTM with a simpler method: Kernel Smoothing. We empirically evaluate the forecasting accuracy and the training time of the new algorithm and compare it with cLSTM and LSTM. Results indicate that it is able to decrease the training time while maintaining a competitive forecasting accuracy.

new Joint Energy and Latency Optimization in Federated Learning over Cell-Free Massive MIMO Networks

Authors: Afsaneh Mahmoudi, Mahmoud Zaher, Emil Bj\"ornson

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a distributed learning paradigm wherein users exchange FL models with a server instead of raw datasets, thereby preserving data privacy and reducing communication overhead. However, the increased number of FL users may hinder completing large-scale FL over wireless networks due to high imposed latency. Cell-free massive multiple-input multiple-output~(CFmMIMO) is a promising architecture for implementing FL because it serves many users on the same time/frequency resources. While CFmMIMO enhances energy efficiency through spatial multiplexing and collaborative beamforming, it remains crucial to meticulously allocate uplink transmission powers to the FL users. In this paper, we propose an uplink power allocation scheme in FL over CFmMIMO by considering the effect of each user's power on the energy and latency of other users to jointly minimize the users' uplink energy and the latency of FL training. The proposed solution algorithm is based on the coordinate gradient descent method. Numerical results show that our proposed method outperforms the well-known max-sum rate by increasing up to~$27$\% and max-min energy efficiency of the Dinkelbach method by increasing up to~$21$\% in terms of test accuracy while having limited uplink energy and latency budget for FL over CFmMIMO.

new Trends and Challenges of Real-time Learning in Large Language Models: A Critical Review

Authors: Mladjan Jovanovic, Peter Voss

Abstract: Real-time learning concerns the ability of learning systems to acquire knowledge over time, enabling their adaptation and generalization to novel tasks. It is a critical ability for intelligent, real-world systems, especially when data may be insufficient or difficult to obtain. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of real-time learning in Large Language Models. It synthesizes the state-of-the-art real-time learning paradigms, including continual learning, meta-learning, parameter-efficient learning, and mixture-of-experts learning. We demonstrate their utility for real-time learning by describing specific achievements from these related topics and their critical factors. Finally, the paper highlights current problems and challenges for future research in the field. By consolidating the latest relevant research developments, this review offers a comprehensive understanding of real-time learning and its implications for designing and developing LLM-based learning systems addressing real-world problems.

new DIRESA, a distance-preserving nonlinear dimension reduction technique based on regularized autoencoders

Authors: Geert De Paepe, Lesley De Cruz

Abstract: In meteorology, finding similar weather patterns or analogs in historical datasets can be useful for data assimilation, forecasting, and postprocessing. In climate science, analogs in historical and climate projection data are used for attribution and impact studies. However, most of the time, those large weather and climate datasets are nearline. They must be downloaded, which takes a lot of bandwidth and disk space, before the computationally expensive search can be executed. We propose a dimension reduction technique based on autoencoder (AE) neural networks to compress those datasets and perform the search in an interpretable, compressed latent space. A distance-regularized Siamese twin autoencoder (DIRESA) architecture is designed to preserve distance in latent space while capturing the nonlinearities in the datasets. Using conceptual climate models of different complexities, we show that the latent components thus obtained provide physical insight into the dominant modes of variability in the system. Compressing datasets with DIRESA reduces the online storage and keeps the latent components uncorrelated, while the distance (ordering) preservation and reconstruction fidelity robustly outperform Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and other dimension reduction techniques such as UMAP or variational autoencoders.

new SAFE-RL: Saliency-Aware Counterfactual Explainer for Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies

Authors: Amir Samadi, Konstantinos Koufos, Kurt Debattista, Mehrdad Dianati

Abstract: While Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising solution for intricate control tasks, the lack of explainability of the learned policies impedes its uptake in safety-critical applications, such as automated driving systems (ADS). Counterfactual (CF) explanations have recently gained prominence for their ability to interpret black-box Deep Learning (DL) models. CF examples are associated with minimal changes in the input, resulting in a complementary output by the DL model. Finding such alternations, particularly for high-dimensional visual inputs, poses significant challenges. Besides, the temporal dependency introduced by the reliance of the DRL agent action on a history of past state observations further complicates the generation of CF examples. To address these challenges, we propose using a saliency map to identify the most influential input pixels across the sequence of past observed states by the agent. Then, we feed this map to a deep generative model, enabling the generation of plausible CFs with constrained modifications centred on the salient regions. We evaluate the effectiveness of our framework in diverse domains, including ADS, Atari Pong, Pacman and space-invaders games, using traditional performance metrics such as validity, proximity and sparsity. Experimental results demonstrate that this framework generates more informative and plausible CFs than the state-of-the-art for a wide range of environments and DRL agents. In order to foster research in this area, we have made our datasets and codes publicly available at


new LLM-SR: Scientific Equation Discovery via Programming with Large Language Models

Authors: Parshin Shojaee, Kazem Meidani, Shashank Gupta, Amir Barati Farimani, Chandan K Reddy

Abstract: Mathematical equations have been unreasonably effective in describing complex natural phenomena across various scientific disciplines. However, discovering such insightful equations from data presents significant challenges due to the necessity of navigating extremely high-dimensional combinatorial and nonlinear hypothesis spaces. Traditional methods of equation discovery largely focus on extracting equations from data alone, often neglecting the rich domain-specific prior knowledge that scientists typically depend on. To bridge this gap, we introduce LLM-SR, a novel approach that leverages the extensive scientific knowledge and robust code generation capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to discover scientific equations from data in an efficient manner. Specifically, LLM-SR treats equations as programs with mathematical operators and combines LLMs' scientific priors with evolutionary search over equation programs. The LLM iteratively proposes new equation skeletons, drawing from its physical understanding, which are then optimized against data to estimate skeleton parameters. We demonstrate LLM-SR's effectiveness across three diverse scientific domains, where it discovers physically accurate equations that provide significantly better fits to in-domain and out-of-domain data compared to the well-established equation discovery baselines

new Learning a Sparse Neural Network using IHT

Authors: Saeed Damadi, Soroush Zolfaghari, Mahdi Rezaie, Jinglai Shen

Abstract: The core of a good model is in its ability to focus only on important information that reflects the basic patterns and consistencies, thus pulling out a clear, noise-free signal from the dataset. This necessitates using a simplified model defined by fewer parameters. The importance of theoretical foundations becomes clear in this context, as this paper relies on established results from the domain of advanced sparse optimization, particularly those addressing nonlinear differentiable functions. The need for such theoretical foundations is further highlighted by the trend that as computational power for training NNs increases, so does the complexity of the models in terms of a higher number of parameters. In practical scenarios, these large models are often simplified to more manageable versions with fewer parameters. Understanding why these simplified models with less number of parameters remain effective raises a crucial question. Understanding why these simplified models with fewer parameters remain effective raises an important question. This leads to the broader question of whether there is a theoretical framework that can clearly explain these empirical observations. Recent developments, such as establishing necessary conditions for the convergence of iterative hard thresholding (IHT) to a sparse local minimum (a sparse method analogous to gradient descent) are promising. The remarkable capacity of the IHT algorithm to accurately identify and learn the locations of nonzero parameters underscores its practical effectiveness and utility. This paper aims to investigate whether the theoretical prerequisites for such convergence are applicable in the realm of neural network (NN) training by providing justification for all the necessary conditions for convergence. Then, these conditions are validated by experiments on a single-layer NN, using the IRIS dataset as a testbed.

new U-Nets as Belief Propagation: Efficient Classification, Denoising, and Diffusion in Generative Hierarchical Models

Authors: Song Mei

Abstract: U-Nets are among the most widely used architectures in computer vision, renowned for their exceptional performance in applications such as image segmentation, denoising, and diffusion modeling. However, a theoretical explanation of the U-Net architecture design has not yet been fully established. This paper introduces a novel interpretation of the U-Net architecture by studying certain generative hierarchical models, which are tree-structured graphical models extensively utilized in both language and image domains. With their encoder-decoder structure, long skip connections, and pooling and up-sampling layers, we demonstrate how U-Nets can naturally implement the belief propagation denoising algorithm in such generative hierarchical models, thereby efficiently approximating the denoising functions. This leads to an efficient sample complexity bound for learning the denoising function using U-Nets within these models. Additionally, we discuss the broader implications of these findings for diffusion models in generative hierarchical models. We also demonstrate that the conventional architecture of convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) is ideally suited for classification tasks within these models. This offers a unified view of the roles of ConvNets and U-Nets, highlighting the versatility of generative hierarchical models in modeling complex data distributions across language and image domains.

new Reduced-Rank Multi-objective Policy Learning and Optimization

Authors: Ezinne Nwankwo, Michael I. Jordan, Angela Zhou

Abstract: Evaluating the causal impacts of possible interventions is crucial for informing decision-making, especially towards improving access to opportunity. However, if causal effects are heterogeneous and predictable from covariates, personalized treatment decisions can improve individual outcomes and contribute to both efficiency and equity. In practice, however, causal researchers do not have a single outcome in mind a priori and often collect multiple outcomes of interest that are noisy estimates of the true target of interest. For example, in government-assisted social benefit programs, policymakers collect many outcomes to understand the multidimensional nature of poverty. The ultimate goal is to learn an optimal treatment policy that in some sense maximizes multiple outcomes simultaneously. To address such issues, we present a data-driven dimensionality-reduction methodology for multiple outcomes in the context of optimal policy learning with multiple objectives. We learn a low-dimensional representation of the true outcome from the observed outcomes using reduced rank regression. We develop a suite of estimates that use the model to denoise observed outcomes, including commonly-used index weightings. These methods improve estimation error in policy evaluation and optimization, including on a case study of real-world cash transfer and social intervention data. Reducing the variance of noisy social outcomes can improve the performance of algorithmic allocations.

new Multisensor Data Fusion for Automatized Insect Monitoring (KInsecta)

Authors: Martin Tschaikner, Danja Brandt, Henning Schmidt, Felix Bie{\ss}mann, Teodor Chiaburu, Ilona Schrimpf, Thomas Schrimpf, Alexandra Stadel, Frank Hau{\ss}er, Ingeborg Beckers

Abstract: Insect populations are declining globally, making systematic monitoring essential for conservation. Most classical methods involve death traps and counter insect conservation. This paper presents a multisensor approach that uses AI-based data fusion for insect classification. The system is designed as low-cost setup and consists of a camera module and an optical wing beat sensor as well as environmental sensors to measure temperature, irradiance or daytime as prior information. The system has been tested in the laboratory and in the field. First tests on a small very unbalanced data set with 7 species show promising results for species classification. The multisensor system will support biodiversity and agriculture studies.

new Scalable Event-by-event Processing of Neuromorphic Sensory Signals With Deep State-Space Models

Authors: Mark Sch\"one, Neeraj Mohan Sushma, Jingyue Zhuge, Christian Mayr, Anand Subramoney, David Kappel

Abstract: Event-based sensors are well suited for real-time processing due to their fast response times and encoding of the sensory data as successive temporal differences. These and other valuable properties, such as a high dynamic range, are suppressed when the data is converted to a frame-based format. However, most current methods either collapse events into frames or cannot scale up when processing the event data directly event-by-event. In this work, we address the key challenges of scaling up event-by-event modeling of the long event streams emitted by such sensors, which is a particularly relevant problem for neuromorphic computing. While prior methods can process up to a few thousand time steps, our model, based on modern recurrent deep state-space models, scales to event streams of millions of events for both training and inference.We leverage their stable parameterization for learning long-range dependencies, parallelizability along the sequence dimension, and their ability to integrate asynchronous events effectively to scale them up to long event streams.We further augment these with novel event-centric techniques enabling our model to match or beat the state-of-the-art performance on several event stream benchmarks. In the Spiking Speech Commands task, we improve state-of-the-art by a large margin of 6.6% to 87.1%. On the DVS128-Gestures dataset, we achieve competitive results without using frames or convolutional neural networks. Our work demonstrates, for the first time, that it is possible to use fully event-based processing with purely recurrent networks to achieve state-of-the-art task performance in several event-based benchmarks.

new On the Impact of Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning Environments with Application to Healthcare Networks

Authors: Usevalad Milasheuski. Luca Barbieri, Bernardo Camajori Tedeschini, Monica Nicoli, Stefano Savazzi

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) allows multiple privacy-sensitive applications to leverage their dataset for a global model construction without any disclosure of the information. One of those domains is healthcare, where groups of silos collaborate in order to generate a global predictor with improved accuracy and generalization. However, the inherent challenge lies in the high heterogeneity of medical data, necessitating sophisticated techniques for assessment and compensation. This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of the mathematical formalization and taxonomy of heterogeneity within FL environments, focusing on the intricacies of medical data. In particular, we address the evaluation and comparison of the most popular FL algorithms with respect to their ability to cope with quantity-based, feature and label distribution-based heterogeneity. The goal is to provide a quantitative evaluation of the impact of data heterogeneity in FL systems for healthcare networks as well as a guideline on FL algorithm selection. Our research extends beyond existing studies by benchmarking seven of the most common FL algorithms against the unique challenges posed by medical data use cases. The paper targets the prediction of the risk of stroke recurrence through a set of tabular clinical reports collected by different federated hospital silos: data heterogeneity frequently encountered in this scenario and its impact on FL performance are discussed.

new Enabling Efficient and Flexible Interpretability of Data-driven Anomaly Detection in Industrial Processes with AcME-AD

Authors: Valentina Zaccaria, Chiara Masiero, David Dandolo, Gian Antonio Susto

Abstract: While Machine Learning has become crucial for Industry 4.0, its opaque nature hinders trust and impedes the transformation of valuable insights into actionable decision, a challenge exacerbated in the evolving Industry 5.0 with its human-centric focus. This paper addresses this need by testing the applicability of AcME-AD in industrial settings. This recently developed framework facilitates fast and user-friendly explanations for anomaly detection. AcME-AD is model-agnostic, offering flexibility, and prioritizes real-time efficiency. Thus, it seems suitable for seamless integration with industrial Decision Support Systems. We present the first industrial application of AcME-AD, showcasing its effectiveness through experiments. These tests demonstrate AcME-AD's potential as a valuable tool for explainable AD and feature-based root cause analysis within industrial environments, paving the way for trustworthy and actionable insights in the age of Industry 5.0.

new Bridging Data Barriers among Participants: Assessing the Potential of Geoenergy through Federated Learning

Authors: Weike Peng, Jiaxin Gao, Yuntian Chen, Shengwei Wang

Abstract: Machine learning algorithms emerge as a promising approach in energy fields, but its practical is hindered by data barriers, stemming from high collection costs and privacy concerns. This study introduces a novel federated learning (FL) framework based on XGBoost models, enabling safe collaborative modeling with accessible yet concealed data from multiple parties. Hyperparameter tuning of the models is achieved through Bayesian Optimization. To ascertain the merits of the proposed FL-XGBoost method, a comparative analysis is conducted between separate and centralized models to address a classical binary classification problem in geoenergy sector. The results reveal that the proposed FL framework strikes an optimal balance between privacy and accuracy. FL models demonstrate superior accuracy and generalization capabilities compared to separate models, particularly for participants with limited data or low correlation features and offers significant privacy benefits compared to centralized model. The aggregated optimization approach within the FL agreement proves effective in tuning hyperparameters. This study opens new avenues for assessing unconventional reservoirs through collaborative and privacy-preserving FL techniques.

new Generation of Uncorrelated Residual Variables for Chemical Process Fault Diagnosis via Transfer Learning-based Input-Output Decoupled Network

Authors: Zhuofu Pan, Qingkai Sui, Yalin Wang, Jiang Luo, Jie Chen, Hongtian Chen

Abstract: Structural decoupling has played an essential role in model-based fault isolation and estimation in past decades, which facilitates accurate fault localization and reconstruction thanks to the diagonal transfer matrix design. However, traditional methods exhibit limited effectiveness in modeling high-dimensional nonlinearity and big data, and the decoupling idea has not been well-valued in data-driven frameworks. Known for big data and complex feature extraction capabilities, deep learning has recently been used to develop residual generation models. Nevertheless, it lacks decoupling-related diagnostic designs. To this end, this paper proposes a transfer learning-based input-output decoupled network (TDN) for diagnostic purposes, which consists of an input-output decoupled network (IDN) and a pre-trained variational autocoder (VAE). In IDN, uncorrelated residual variables are generated by diagonalization and parallel computing operations. During the transfer learning phase, knowledge of normal status is provided according to VAE's loss and maximum mean discrepancy loss to guide the training of IDN. After training, IDN learns the mapping from faulty to normal, thereby serving as the fault detection index and the estimated fault signal simultaneously. At last, the effectiveness of the developed TDN is verified by a numerical example and a chemical simulation.

new Predicting PDEs Fast and Efficiently with Equivariant Extreme Learning Machines

Authors: Hans Harder, Sebastian Peitz

Abstract: We utilize extreme learning machines for the prediction of partial differential equations (PDEs). Our method splits the state space into multiple windows that are predicted individually using a single model. Despite requiring only few data points (in some cases, our method can learn from a single full-state snapshot), it still achieves high accuracy and can predict the flow of PDEs over long time horizons. Moreover, we show how additional symmetries can be exploited to increase sample efficiency and to enforce equivariance.

new Time Series Data Augmentation as an Imbalanced Learning Problem

Authors: Vitor Cerqueira, Nuno Moniz, Ricardo In\'acio, Carlos Soares

Abstract: Recent state-of-the-art forecasting methods are trained on collections of time series. These methods, often referred to as global models, can capture common patterns in different time series to improve their generalization performance. However, they require large amounts of data that might not be readily available. Besides this, global models sometimes fail to capture relevant patterns unique to a particular time series. In these cases, data augmentation can be useful to increase the sample size of time series datasets. The main contribution of this work is a novel method for generating univariate time series synthetic samples. Our approach stems from the insight that the observations concerning a particular time series of interest represent only a small fraction of all observations. In this context, we frame the problem of training a forecasting model as an imbalanced learning task. Oversampling strategies are popular approaches used to deal with the imbalance problem in machine learning. We use these techniques to create synthetic time series observations and improve the accuracy of forecasting models. We carried out experiments using 7 different databases that contain a total of 5502 univariate time series. We found that the proposed solution outperforms both a global and a local model, thus providing a better trade-off between these two approaches.

new Symmetry group based domain decomposition to enhance physics-informed neural networks for solving partial differential equations

Authors: Ye Liu, Jie-Ying Li, Li-Sheng Zhang, Lei-Lei Guo, Zhi-Yong Zhang

Abstract: Domain decomposition provides an effective way to tackle the dilemma of physics-informed neural networks (PINN) which struggle to accurately and efficiently solve partial differential equations (PDEs) in the whole domain, but the lack of efficient tools for dealing with the interfaces between two adjacent sub-domains heavily hinders the training effects, even leads to the discontinuity of the learned solutions. In this paper, we propose a symmetry group based domain decomposition strategy to enhance the PINN for solving the forward and inverse problems of the PDEs possessing a Lie symmetry group. Specifically, for the forward problem, we first deploy the symmetry group to generate the dividing-lines having known solution information which can be adjusted flexibly and are used to divide the whole training domain into a finite number of non-overlapping sub-domains, then utilize the PINN and the symmetry-enhanced PINN methods to learn the solutions in each sub-domain and finally stitch them to the overall solution of PDEs. For the inverse problem, we first utilize the symmetry group acting on the data of the initial and boundary conditions to generate labeled data in the interior domain of PDEs and then find the undetermined parameters as well as the solution by only training the neural networks in a sub-domain. Consequently, the proposed method can predict high-accuracy solutions of PDEs which are failed by the vanilla PINN in the whole domain and the extended physics-informed neural network in the same sub-domains. Numerical results of the Korteweg-de Vries equation with a translation symmetry and the nonlinear viscous fluid equation with a scaling symmetry show that the accuracies of the learned solutions are improved largely.

new IncidentResponseGPT: Generating Traffic Incident Response Plans with Generative Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Khaled Saleh, Yuming Ou

Abstract: Traffic congestion due to road incidents poses a significant challenge in urban environments, leading to increased pollution, economic losses, and traffic congestion. Efficiently managing these incidents is imperative for mitigating their adverse effects; however, the complexity of urban traffic systems and the variety of potential incidents represent a considerable obstacle. This paper introduces IncidentResponseGPT, an innovative solution designed to assist traffic management authorities by providing rapid, informed, and adaptable traffic incident response plans. By integrating a Generative AI platform with real-time traffic incident reports and operational guidelines, our system aims to streamline the decision-making process in responding to traffic incidents. The research addresses the critical challenges involved in deploying AI in traffic management, including overcoming the complexity of urban traffic networks, ensuring real-time decision-making capabilities, aligning with local laws and regulations, and securing public acceptance for AI-driven systems. Through a combination of text analysis of accident reports, validation of AI recommendations through traffic simulation, and implementation of transparent and validated AI systems, IncidentResponseGPT offers a promising approach to optimizing traffic flow and reducing congestion in the face of traffic incidents. The relevance of this work extends to traffic management authorities, emergency response teams, and municipal bodies, all integral stakeholders in urban traffic control and incident management. By proposing a novel solution to the identified challenges, this research aims to develop a framework that not only facilitates faster resolution of traffic incidents but also minimizes their overall impact on urban traffic systems.

new Evaluating the effectiveness of predicting covariates in LSTM Networks for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Gareth Davies

Abstract: Autoregressive Recurrent Neural Networks are widely employed in time-series forecasting tasks, demonstrating effectiveness in univariate and certain multivariate scenarios. However, their inherent structure does not readily accommodate the integration of future, time-dependent covariates. A proposed solution, outlined by Salinas et al 2019, suggests forecasting both covariates and the target variable in a multivariate framework. In this study, we conducted comprehensive tests on publicly available time-series datasets, artificially introducing highly correlated covariates to future time-step values. Our evaluation aimed to assess the performance of an LSTM network when considering these covariates and compare it against a univariate baseline. As part of this study we introduce a novel approach using seasonal time segments in combination with an RNN architecture, which is both simple and extremely effective over long forecast horizons with comparable performance to many state of the art architectures. Our findings from the results of more than 120 models reveal that under certain conditions jointly training covariates with target variables can improve overall performance of the model, but often there exists a significant performance disparity between multivariate and univariate predictions. Surprisingly, even when provided with covariates informing the network about future target values, multivariate predictions exhibited inferior performance. In essence, compelling the network to predict multiple values can prove detrimental to model performance, even in the presence of informative covariates. These results suggest that LSTM architectures may not be suitable for forecasting tasks where predicting covariates would typically be expected to enhance model accuracy.

new Learning Governing Equations of Unobserved States in Dynamical Systems

Authors: Gevik Grigorian, Sandip V. George, Simon Arridge

Abstract: Data driven modelling and scientific machine learning have been responsible for significant advances in determining suitable models to describe data. Within dynamical systems, neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs), where the system equations are set to be governed by a neural network, have become a popular tool for this challenge in recent years. However, less emphasis has been placed on systems that are only partially-observed. In this work, we employ a hybrid neural ODE structure, where the system equations are governed by a combination of a neural network and domain-specific knowledge, together with symbolic regression (SR), to learn governing equations of partially-observed dynamical systems. We test this approach on two case studies: A 3-dimensional model of the Lotka-Volterra system and a 5-dimensional model of the Lorenz system. We demonstrate that the method is capable of successfully learning the true underlying governing equations of unobserved states within these systems, with robustness to measurement noise.

new Predicting Safety Misbehaviours in Autonomous Driving Systems using Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Ruben Grewal, Paolo Tonella, Andrea Stocco

Abstract: The automated real-time recognition of unexpected situations plays a crucial role in the safety of autonomous vehicles, especially in unsupported and unpredictable scenarios. This paper evaluates different Bayesian uncertainty quantification methods from the deep learning domain for the anticipatory testing of safety-critical misbehaviours during system-level simulation-based testing. Specifically, we compute uncertainty scores as the vehicle executes, following the intuition that high uncertainty scores are indicative of unsupported runtime conditions that can be used to distinguish safe from failure-inducing driving behaviors. In our study, we conducted an evaluation of the effectiveness and computational overhead associated with two Bayesian uncertainty quantification methods, namely MC- Dropout and Deep Ensembles, for misbehaviour avoidance. Overall, for three benchmarks from the Udacity simulator comprising both out-of-distribution and unsafe conditions introduced via mutation testing, both methods successfully detected a high number of out-of-bounds episodes providing early warnings several seconds in advance, outperforming two state-of-the-art misbehaviour prediction methods based on autoencoders and attention maps in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. Notably, Deep Ensembles detected most misbehaviours without any false alarms and did so even when employing a relatively small number of models, making them computationally feasible for real-time detection. Our findings suggest that incorporating uncertainty quantification methods is a viable approach for building fail-safe mechanisms in deep neural network-based autonomous vehicles.

new Feature importance to explain multimodal prediction models. A clinical use case

Authors: Jorn-Jan van de Beld, Shreyasi Pathak, Jeroen Geerdink, Johannes H. Hegeman, Christin Seifert

Abstract: Surgery to treat elderly hip fracture patients may cause complications that can lead to early mortality. An early warning system for complications could provoke clinicians to monitor high-risk patients more carefully and address potential complications early, or inform the patient. In this work, we develop a multimodal deep-learning model for post-operative mortality prediction using pre-operative and per-operative data from elderly hip fracture patients. Specifically, we include static patient data, hip and chest images before surgery in pre-operative data, vital signals, and medications administered during surgery in per-operative data. We extract features from image modalities using ResNet and from vital signals using LSTM. Explainable model outcomes are essential for clinical applicability, therefore we compute Shapley values to explain the predictions of our multimodal black box model. We find that i) Shapley values can be used to estimate the relative contribution of each modality both locally and globally, and ii) a modified version of the chain rule can be used to propagate Shapley values through a sequence of models supporting interpretable local explanations. Our findings imply that a multimodal combination of black box models can be explained by propagating Shapley values through the model sequence.

new Enhancing Uncertain Demand Prediction in Hospitals Using Simple and Advanced Machine Learning

Authors: Annie Hu, Samuel Stockman, Xun Wu, Richard Wood, Bangdong Zhi, Oliver Y. Ch\'en

Abstract: Early and timely prediction of patient care demand not only affects effective resource allocation but also influences clinical decision-making as well as patient experience. Accurately predicting patient care demand, however, is a ubiquitous challenge for hospitals across the world due, in part, to the demand's time-varying temporal variability, and, in part, to the difficulty in modelling trends in advance. To address this issue, here, we develop two methods, a relatively simple time-vary linear model, and a more advanced neural network model. The former forecasts patient arrivals hourly over a week based on factors such as day of the week and previous 7-day arrival patterns. The latter leverages a long short-term memory (LSTM) model, capturing non-linear relationships between past data and a three-day forecasting window. We evaluate the predictive capabilities of the two proposed approaches compared to two na\"ive approaches - a reduced-rank vector autoregressive (VAR) model and the TBATS model. Using patient care demand data from Rambam Medical Center in Israel, our results show that both proposed models effectively capture hourly variations of patient demand. Additionally, the linear model is more explainable thanks to its simple architecture, whereas, by accurately modelling weekly seasonal trends, the LSTM model delivers lower prediction errors. Taken together, our explorations suggest the utility of machine learning in predicting time-varying patient care demand; additionally, it is possible to predict patient care demand with good accuracy (around 4 patients) three days or a week in advance using machine learning.

new FALE: Fairness-Aware ALE Plots for Auditing Bias in Subgroups

Authors: Giorgos Giannopoulos, Dimitris Sacharidis, Nikolas Theologitis, Loukas Kavouras, Ioannis Emiris

Abstract: Fairness is steadily becoming a crucial requirement of Machine Learning (ML) systems. A particularly important notion is subgroup fairness, i.e., fairness in subgroups of individuals that are defined by more than one attributes. Identifying bias in subgroups can become both computationally challenging, as well as problematic with respect to comprehensibility and intuitiveness of the finding to end users. In this work we focus on the latter aspects; we propose an explainability method tailored to identifying potential bias in subgroups and visualizing the findings in a user friendly manner to end users. In particular, we extend the ALE plots explainability method, proposing FALE (Fairness aware Accumulated Local Effects) plots, a method for measuring the change in fairness for an affected population corresponding to different values of a feature (attribute). We envision FALE to function as an efficient, user friendly, comprehensible and reliable first-stage tool for identifying subgroups with potential bias issues.

new Convergence Properties of Score-Based Models using Graduated Optimisation for Linear Inverse Problems

Authors: Pascal Fernsel, \v{Z}eljko Kereta, Alexander Denker

Abstract: The incorporation of generative models as regularisers within variational formulations for inverse problems has proven effective across numerous image reconstruction tasks. However, the resulting optimisation problem is often non-convex and challenging to solve. In this work, we show that score-based generative models (SGMs) can be used in a graduated optimisation framework to solve inverse problems. We show that the resulting graduated non-convexity flow converge to stationary points of the original problem and provide a numerical convergence analysis of a 2D toy example. We further provide experiments on computed tomography image reconstruction, where we show that this framework is able to recover high-quality images, independent of the initial value. The experiments highlight the potential of using SGMs in graduated optimisation frameworks.

new Why You Should Not Trust Interpretations in Machine Learning: Adversarial Attacks on Partial Dependence Plots

Authors: Xi Xin, Fei Huang, Giles Hooker

Abstract: The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) across industries has led to the widespread use of complex black-box models and interpretation tools for decision making. This paper proposes an adversarial framework to uncover the vulnerability of permutation-based interpretation methods for machine learning tasks, with a particular focus on partial dependence (PD) plots. This adversarial framework modifies the original black box model to manipulate its predictions for instances in the extrapolation domain. As a result, it produces deceptive PD plots that can conceal discriminatory behaviors while preserving most of the original model's predictions. This framework can produce multiple fooled PD plots via a single model. By using real-world datasets including an auto insurance claims dataset and COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) dataset, our results show that it is possible to intentionally hide the discriminatory behavior of a predictor and make the black-box model appear neutral through interpretation tools like PD plots while retaining almost all the predictions of the original black-box model. Managerial insights for regulators and practitioners are provided based on the findings.

new CVTN: Cross Variable and Temporal Integration for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Han Zhou, Yuntian Chen

Abstract: In multivariate time series forecasting, the Transformer architecture encounters two significant challenges: effectively mining features from historical sequences and avoiding overfitting during the learning of temporal dependencies. To tackle these challenges, this paper deconstructs time series forecasting into the learning of historical sequences and prediction sequences, introducing the Cross-Variable and Time Network (CVTN). This unique method divides multivariate time series forecasting into two phases: cross-variable learning for effectively mining fea tures from historical sequences, and cross-time learning to capture the temporal dependencies of prediction sequences. Separating these two phases helps avoid the impact of overfitting in cross-time learning on cross-variable learning. Exten sive experiments on various real-world datasets have confirmed its state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. CVTN emphasizes three key dimensions in time series fore casting: the short-term and long-term nature of time series (locality and longevity), feature mining from both historical and prediction sequences, and the integration of cross-variable and cross-time learning. This approach not only advances the current state of time series forecasting but also provides a more comprehensive framework for future research in this field.

new Mapping the Potential of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Fairness Along the AI Lifecycle

Authors: Luca Deck, Astrid Schoem\"acker, Timo Speith, Jakob Sch\"offer, Lena K\"astner, Niklas K\"uhl

Abstract: The widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems across various domains is increasingly highlighting issues related to algorithmic fairness, especially in high-stakes scenarios. Thus, critical considerations of how fairness in AI systems might be improved, and what measures are available to aid this process, are overdue. Many researchers and policymakers see explainable AI (XAI) as a promising way to increase fairness in AI systems. However, there is a wide variety of XAI methods and fairness conceptions expressing different desiderata, and the precise connections between XAI and fairness remain largely nebulous. Besides, different measures to increase algorithmic fairness might be applicable at different points throughout an AI system's lifecycle. Yet, there currently is no coherent mapping of fairness desiderata along the AI lifecycle. In this paper, we set out to bridge both these gaps: We distill eight fairness desiderata, map them along the AI lifecycle, and discuss how XAI could help address each of them. We hope to provide orientation for practical applications and to inspire XAI research specifically focused on these fairness desiderata.

new A Universal Metric of Dataset Similarity for Cross-silo Federated Learning

Authors: Ahmed Elhussein, Gamze Gursoy

Abstract: Federated Learning is increasingly used in domains such as healthcare to facilitate collaborative model training without data-sharing. However, datasets located in different sites are often non-identically distributed, leading to degradation of model performance in FL. Most existing methods for assessing these distribution shifts are limited by being dataset or task-specific. Moreover, these metrics can only be calculated by exchanging data, a practice restricted in many FL scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose a novel metric for assessing dataset similarity. Our metric exhibits several desirable properties for FL: it is dataset-agnostic, is calculated in a privacy-preserving manner, and is computationally efficient, requiring no model training. In this paper, we first establish a theoretical connection between our metric and training dynamics in FL. Next, we extensively evaluate our metric on a range of datasets including synthetic, benchmark, and medical imaging datasets. We demonstrate that our metric shows a robust and interpretable relationship with model performance and can be calculated in privacy-preserving manner. As the first federated dataset similarity metric, we believe this metric can better facilitate successful collaborations between sites.

new Optimal time sampling in physics-informed neural networks

Authors: Gabriel Turinici

Abstract: Physics-informed neural networks (PINN) is a extremely powerful paradigm used to solve equations encountered in scientific computing applications. An important part of the procedure is the minimization of the equation residual which includes, when the equation is time-dependent, a time sampling. It was argued in the literature that the sampling need not be uniform but should overweight initial time instants, but no rigorous explanation was provided for these choice. In this paper we take some prototypical examples and, under standard hypothesis concerning the neural network convergence, we show that the optimal time sampling follows a truncated exponential distribution. In particular we explain when the time sampling is best to be uniform and when it should not be. The findings are illustrated with numerical examples on linear equation, Burgers' equation and the Lorenz system.

new Harmonic Machine Learning Models are Robust

Authors: Nicholas S. Kersting, Yi Li, Aman Mohanty, Oyindamola Obisesan, Raphael Okochu

Abstract: We introduce Harmonic Robustness, a powerful and intuitive method to test the robustness of any machine-learning model either during training or in black-box real-time inference monitoring without ground-truth labels. It is based on functional deviation from the harmonic mean value property, indicating instability and lack of explainability. We show implementation examples in low-dimensional trees and feedforward NNs, where the method reliably identifies overfitting, as well as in more complex high-dimensional models such as ResNet-50 and Vision Transformer where it efficiently measures adversarial vulnerability across image classes.

new FeDeRA:Efficient Fine-tuning of Language Models in Federated Learning Leveraging Weight Decomposition

Authors: Yuxuan Yan, Shunpu Tang, Zhiguo Shi, Qianqian Yang

Abstract: Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have shown excellent performance on various downstream tasks after fine-tuning. Nevertheless, the escalating concerns surrounding user privacy have posed significant challenges to centralized training reliant on extensive data collection. Federated learning(FL), which only requires training on the clients and aggregates weights on the server without sharing data, has emerged as a solution. However, the substantial parameter size of PLMs places a significant burden on the computational resources of client devices, while also leading to costly communication expenses. Introducing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning(PEFT) into FL can effectively address this problem. However, we observe that the non-IID data in federated learning leads to a gap in performance between the PEFT method and full parameter fine-tuning(FT). To overcome this, we propose FeDeRA, an improvement over the LoRA method in FL. FeDeRA uses the same adapter module as LoRA. However, the difference lies in FeDeRA's initialization of the adapter module by performing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on the pre-trained matrix and selecting its principal components. We conducted extensive experiments, using RoBERTa and DeBERTaV3, on three tasks and six datasets, comparing the methods including FT and the other three different PEFT methods. FeDeRA outperforms all other PEFT methods and is comparable to or even surpasses the performance of FT methods. We also deployed federated learning on Jetson AGX Orin and compared the time required by different methods to achieve the target accuracy on specific tasks. Compared to FT, FeDeRA reduces the training time by 95.9%, 97.9%, 96.9%, and 97.3%, 96.5%, and 96.5% respectively on three tasks using RoBERTa and DeBERTaV3. The overall experiments indicate that FeDeRA achieves good performance while also maintaining efficiency.

new Learning Mixtures of Gaussians Using Diffusion Models

Authors: Khashayar Gatmiry, Jonathan Kelner, Holden Lee

Abstract: We give a new algorithm for learning mixtures of $k$ Gaussians (with identity covariance in $\mathbb{R}^n$) to TV error $\varepsilon$, with quasi-polynomial ($O(n^{\text{poly log}\left(\frac{n+k}{\varepsilon}\right)})$) time and sample complexity, under a minimum weight assumption. Unlike previous approaches, most of which are algebraic in nature, our approach is analytic and relies on the framework of diffusion models. Diffusion models are a modern paradigm for generative modeling, which typically rely on learning the score function (gradient log-pdf) along a process transforming a pure noise distribution, in our case a Gaussian, to the data distribution. Despite their dazzling performance in tasks such as image generation, there are few end-to-end theoretical guarantees that they can efficiently learn nontrivial families of distributions; we give some of the first such guarantees. We proceed by deriving higher-order Gaussian noise sensitivity bounds for the score functions for a Gaussian mixture to show that that they can be inductively learned using piecewise polynomial regression (up to poly-logarithmic degree), and combine this with known convergence results for diffusion models. Our results extend to continuous mixtures of Gaussians where the mixing distribution is supported on a union of $k$ balls of constant radius. In particular, this applies to the case of Gaussian convolutions of distributions on low-dimensional manifolds, or more generally sets with small covering number.

new A Survey on Diffusion Models for Time Series and Spatio-Temporal Data

Authors: Yiyuan Yang, Ming Jin, Haomin Wen, Chaoli Zhang, Yuxuan Liang, Lintao Ma, Yi Wang, Chenghao Liu, Bin Yang, Zenglin Xu, Jiang Bian, Shirui Pan, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: The study of time series data is crucial for understanding trends and anomalies over time, enabling predictive insights across various sectors. Spatio-temporal data, on the other hand, is vital for analyzing phenomena in both space and time, providing a dynamic perspective on complex system interactions. Recently, diffusion models have seen widespread application in time series and spatio-temporal data mining. Not only do they enhance the generative and inferential capabilities for sequential and temporal data, but they also extend to other downstream tasks. In this survey, we comprehensively and thoroughly review the use of diffusion models in time series and spatio-temporal data, categorizing them by model category, task type, data modality, and practical application domain. In detail, we categorize diffusion models into unconditioned and conditioned types and discuss time series data and spatio-temporal data separately. Unconditioned models, which operate unsupervised, are subdivided into probability-based and score-based models, serving predictive and generative tasks such as forecasting, anomaly detection, classification, and imputation. Conditioned models, on the other hand, utilize extra information to enhance performance and are similarly divided for both predictive and generative tasks. Our survey extensively covers their application in various fields, including healthcare, recommendation, climate, energy, audio, and transportation, providing a foundational understanding of how these models analyze and generate data. Through this structured overview, we aim to provide researchers and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of diffusion models for time series and spatio-temporal data analysis, aiming to direct future innovations and applications by addressing traditional challenges and exploring innovative solutions within the diffusion model framework.

new Overcoming Knowledge Barriers: Online Imitation Learning from Observation with Pretrained World Models

Authors: Xingyuan Zhang, Philip Becker-Ehmck, Patrick van der Smagt, Maximilian Karl

Abstract: Incorporating the successful paradigm of pretraining and finetuning from Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing into decision-making has become increasingly popular in recent years. In this paper, we study Imitation Learning from Observation with pretrained models and find existing approaches such as BCO and AIME face knowledge barriers, specifically the Embodiment Knowledge Barrier (EKB) and the Demonstration Knowledge Barrier (DKB), greatly limiting their performance. The EKB arises when pretrained models lack knowledge about unseen observations, leading to errors in action inference. The DKB results from policies trained on limited demonstrations, hindering adaptability to diverse scenarios. We thoroughly analyse the underlying mechanism of these barriers and propose AIME-v2 upon AIME as a solution. AIME-v2 uses online interactions with data-driven regulariser to alleviate the EKB and mitigates the DKB by introducing a surrogate reward function to enhance policy training. Experimental results on tasks from the DeepMind Control Suite and Meta-World benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of these modifications in improving both sample-efficiency and converged performance. The study contributes valuable insights into resolving knowledge barriers for enhanced decision-making in pretraining-based approaches. Code will be available at


new Sample-Efficient Robust Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning in the Face of Environmental Uncertainty

Authors: Laixi Shi, Eric Mazumdar, Yuejie Chi, Adam Wierman

Abstract: To overcome the sim-to-real gap in reinforcement learning (RL), learned policies must maintain robustness against environmental uncertainties. While robust RL has been widely studied in single-agent regimes, in multi-agent environments, the problem remains understudied -- despite the fact that the problems posed by environmental uncertainties are often exacerbated by strategic interactions. This work focuses on learning in distributionally robust Markov games (RMGs), a robust variant of standard Markov games, wherein each agent aims to learn a policy that maximizes its own worst-case performance when the deployed environment deviates within its own prescribed uncertainty set. This results in a set of robust equilibrium strategies for all agents that align with classic notions of game-theoretic equilibria. Assuming a non-adaptive sampling mechanism from a generative model, we propose a sample-efficient model-based algorithm (DRNVI) with finite-sample complexity guarantees for learning robust variants of various notions of game-theoretic equilibria. We also establish an information-theoretic lower bound for solving RMGs, which confirms the near-optimal sample complexity of DRNVI with respect to problem-dependent factors such as the size of the state space, the target accuracy, and the horizon length.

new DPO Meets PPO: Reinforced Token Optimization for RLHF

Authors: Han Zhong, Guhao Feng, Wei Xiong, Li Zhao, Di He, Jiang Bian, Liwei Wang

Abstract: In the classical Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) framework, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) is employed to learn from sparse, sentence-level rewards -- a challenging scenario in traditional deep reinforcement learning. Despite the great successes of PPO in the alignment of state-of-the-art closed-source large language models (LLMs), its open-source implementation is still largely sub-optimal, as widely reported by numerous research studies. To address these issues, we introduce a framework that models RLHF problems as a Markov decision process (MDP), enabling the capture of fine-grained token-wise information. Furthermore, we provide theoretical insights that demonstrate the superiority of our MDP framework over the previous sentence-level bandit formulation. Under this framework, we introduce an algorithm, dubbed as Reinforced Token Optimization (\texttt{RTO}), which learns the token-wise reward function from preference data and performs policy optimization based on this learned token-wise reward signal. Theoretically, \texttt{RTO} is proven to have the capability of finding the near-optimal policy sample-efficiently. For its practical implementation, \texttt{RTO} innovatively integrates Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and PPO. DPO, originally derived from sparse sentence rewards, surprisingly provides us with a token-wise characterization of response quality, which is seamlessly incorporated into our subsequent PPO training stage. Extensive real-world alignment experiments verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

cross Hitchhiker's Guide to Super-Resolution: Introduction and Recent Advances

Authors: Brian Moser, Federico Raue, Stanislav Frolov, J\"orn Hees, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: With the advent of Deep Learning (DL), Super-Resolution (SR) has also become a thriving research area. However, despite promising results, the field still faces challenges that require further research e.g., allowing flexible upsampling, more effective loss functions, and better evaluation metrics. We review the domain of SR in light of recent advances, and examine state-of-the-art models such as diffusion (DDPM) and transformer-based SR models. We present a critical discussion on contemporary strategies used in SR, and identify promising yet unexplored research directions. We complement previous surveys by incorporating the latest developments in the field such as uncertainty-driven losses, wavelet networks, neural architecture search, novel normalization methods, and the latests evaluation techniques. We also include several visualizations for the models and methods throughout each chapter in order to facilitate a global understanding of the trends in the field. This review is ultimately aimed at helping researchers to push the boundaries of DL applied to SR.

cross Dynamic Attention-Guided Diffusion for Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Brian B. Moser, Stanislav Frolov, Federico Raue, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Diffusion models in image Super-Resolution (SR) treat all image regions with uniform intensity, which risks compromising the overall image quality. To address this, we introduce "You Only Diffuse Areas" (YODA), a dynamic attention-guided diffusion method for image SR. YODA selectively focuses on spatial regions using attention maps derived from the low-resolution image and the current time step in the diffusion process. This time-dependent targeting enables a more efficient conversion to high-resolution outputs by focusing on areas that benefit the most from the iterative refinement process, i.e., detail-rich objects. We empirically validate YODA by extending leading diffusion-based methods SR3 and SRDiff. Our experiments demonstrate new state-of-the-art performance in face and general SR across PSNR, SSIM, and LPIPS metrics. A notable finding is YODA's stabilization effect by reducing color shifts, especially when training with small batch sizes.

cross ROMA-iQSS: An Objective Alignment Approach via State-Based Value Learning and ROund-Robin Multi-Agent Scheduling

Authors: Chi-Hui Lin, Joewie J. Koh, Alessandro Roncone, Lijun Chen

Abstract: Effective multi-agent collaboration is imperative for solving complex, distributed problems. In this context, two key challenges must be addressed: first, autonomously identifying optimal objectives for collective outcomes; second, aligning these objectives among agents. Traditional frameworks, often reliant on centralized learning, struggle with scalability and efficiency in large multi-agent systems. To overcome these issues, we introduce a decentralized state-based value learning algorithm that enables agents to independently discover optimal states. Furthermore, we introduce a novel mechanism for multi-agent interaction, wherein less proficient agents follow and adopt policies from more experienced ones, thereby indirectly guiding their learning process. Our theoretical analysis shows that our approach leads decentralized agents to an optimal collective policy. Empirical experiments further demonstrate that our method outperforms existing decentralized state-based and action-based value learning strategies by effectively identifying and aligning optimal objectives.

cross Data Quality in Crowdsourcing and Spamming Behavior Detection

Authors: Yang Ba, Michelle V. Mancenido, Erin K. Chiou, Rong Pan

Abstract: As crowdsourcing emerges as an efficient and cost-effective method for obtaining labels for machine learning datasets, it is important to assess the quality of crowd-provided data, so as to improve analysis performance and reduce biases in subsequent machine learning tasks. Given the lack of ground truth in most cases of crowdsourcing, we refer to data quality as annotators' consistency and credibility. Unlike the simple scenarios where Kappa coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient usually can apply, online crowdsourcing requires dealing with more complex situations. We introduce a systematic method for evaluating data quality and detecting spamming threats via variance decomposition, and we classify spammers into three categories based on their different behavioral patterns. A spammer index is proposed to assess entire data consistency and two metrics are developed to measure crowd worker's credibility by utilizing the Markov chain and generalized random effects models. Furthermore, we showcase the practicality of our techniques and their advantages by applying them on a face verification task with both simulation and real-world data collected from two crowdsourcing platforms.

cross Physically recurrent neural network for rate and path-dependent heterogeneous materials in a finite strain framework

Authors: M. A. Maia, I. B. C. M. Rocha, D. Kova\v{c}evi\'c, F. P. van der Meer

Abstract: In this work, a hybrid physics-based data-driven surrogate model for the microscale analysis of heterogeneous material is investigated. The proposed model benefits from the physics-based knowledge contained in the constitutive models used in the full-order micromodel by embedding them in a neural network. Following previous developments, this paper extends the applicability of the physically recurrent neural network (PRNN) by introducing an architecture suitable for rate-dependent materials in a finite strain framework. In this model, the homogenized deformation gradient of the micromodel is encoded into a set of deformation gradients serving as input to the embedded constitutive models. These constitutive models compute stresses, which are combined in a decoder to predict the homogenized stress, such that the internal variables of the history-dependent constitutive models naturally provide physics-based memory for the network. To demonstrate the capabilities of the surrogate model, we consider a unidirectional composite micromodel with transversely isotropic elastic fibers and elasto-viscoplastic matrix material. The extrapolation properties of the surrogate model trained to replace such micromodel are tested on loading scenarios unseen during training, ranging from different strain-rates to cyclic loading and relaxation. Speed-ups of three orders of magnitude with respect to the runtime of the original micromodel are obtained.

cross Equivariant graph convolutional neural networks for the representation of homogenized anisotropic microstructural mechanical response

Authors: Ravi Patel, Cosmin Safta, Reese E. Jones

Abstract: Composite materials with different microstructural material symmetries are common in engineering applications where grain structure, alloying and particle/fiber packing are optimized via controlled manufacturing. In fact these microstructural tunings can be done throughout a part to achieve functional gradation and optimization at a structural level. To predict the performance of particular microstructural configuration and thereby overall performance, constitutive models of materials with microstructure are needed. In this work we provide neural network architectures that provide effective homogenization models of materials with anisotropic components. These models satisfy equivariance and material symmetry principles inherently through a combination of equivariant and tensor basis operations. We demonstrate them on datasets of stochastic volume elements with different textures and phases where the material undergoes elastic and plastic deformation, and show that the these network architectures provide significant performance improvements.

cross NeuroNet: A Novel Hybrid Self-Supervised Learning Framework for Sleep Stage Classification Using Single-Channel EEG

Authors: Cheol-Hui Lee, Hakseung Kim, Hyun-jee Han, Min-Kyung Jung, Byung C. Yoon, Dong-Joo Kim

Abstract: The classification of sleep stages is a pivotal aspect of diagnosing sleep disorders and evaluating sleep quality. However, the conventional manual scoring process, conducted by clinicians, is time-consuming and prone to human bias. Recent advancements in deep learning have substantially propelled the automation of sleep stage classification. Nevertheless, challenges persist, including the need for large datasets with labels and the inherent biases in human-generated annotations. This paper introduces NeuroNet, a self-supervised learning (SSL) framework designed to effectively harness unlabeled single-channel sleep electroencephalogram (EEG) signals by integrating contrastive learning tasks and masked prediction tasks. NeuroNet demonstrates superior performance over existing SSL methodologies through extensive experimentation conducted across three polysomnography (PSG) datasets. Additionally, this study proposes a Mamba-based temporal context module to capture the relationships among diverse EEG epochs. Combining NeuroNet with the Mamba-based temporal context module has demonstrated the capability to achieve, or even surpass, the performance of the latest supervised learning methodologies, even with a limited amount of labeled data. This study is expected to establish a new benchmark in sleep stage classification, promising to guide future research and applications in the field of sleep analysis.

cross An Off-Policy Reinforcement Learning Algorithm Customized for Multi-Task Fusion in Large-Scale Recommender Systems

Authors: Peng Liu, Cong Xu, Ming Zhao, Jiawei Zhu, Bin Wang, Yi Ren

Abstract: Recommender Systems (RSs) are widely used to provide personalized recommendation service. As the last critical stage of RSs, Multi-Task Fusion (MTF) is responsible for combining multiple scores outputted by Multi-Task Learning (MTL) into a final score to maximize user satisfaction, which determines the ultimate recommendation results. Recently, to optimize long-term user satisfaction within a recommendation session, Reinforcement Learning (RL) is used for MTF in the industry. However, the off-policy RL algorithms used for MTF so far have the following severe problems: 1) to avoid out-of-distribution (OOD) problem, their constraints are overly strict, which seriously damage their performance; 2) they are unaware of the exploration policy used for producing training data and never interact with real environment, so only suboptimal policy can be learned; 3) the traditional exploration policies are inefficient and hurt user experience. To solve the above problems, we propose a novel off-policy RL algorithm customized for MTF in large-scale RSs. Our RL-MTF algorithm integrates off-policy RL model with our online exploration policy to relax overstrict and complicated constraints, which significantly improves the performance of our RL model. We also design an extremely efficient exploration policy, which eliminates low-value exploration space and focuses on exploring potential high-value state-action pairs. Moreover, we adopt progressive training mode to further enhance our RL model's performance with the help of our exploration policy. We conduct extensive offline and online experiments in the short video channel of Tencent News. The results demonstrate that our RL-MTF model outperforms other models remarkably. Our RL-MTF model has been fully deployed in the short video channel of Tencent News for about one year. In addition, our solution has been used in other large-scale RSs in Tencent.

cross Large Language Models for Next Point-of-Interest Recommendation

Authors: Peibo Li, Maarten de Rijke, Hao Xue, Shuang Ao, Yang Song, Flora D. Salim

Abstract: The next Point of Interest (POI) recommendation task is to predict users' immediate next POI visit given their historical data. Location-Based Social Network (LBSN) data, which is often used for the next POI recommendation task, comes with challenges. One frequently disregarded challenge is how to effectively use the abundant contextual information present in LBSN data. Previous methods are limited by their numerical nature and fail to address this challenge. In this paper, we propose a framework that uses pretrained Large Language Models (LLMs) to tackle this challenge. Our framework allows us to preserve heterogeneous LBSN data in its original format, hence avoiding the loss of contextual information. Furthermore, our framework is capable of comprehending the inherent meaning of contextual information due to the inclusion of commonsense knowledge. In experiments, we test our framework on three real-world LBSN datasets. Our results show that the proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art models in all three datasets. Our analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed framework in using contextual information as well as alleviating the commonly encountered cold-start and short trajectory problems.

cross Low-Rank Online Dynamic Assortment with Dual Contextual Information

Authors: Seong Jin Lee, Will Wei Sun, Yufeng Liu

Abstract: As e-commerce expands, delivering real-time personalized recommendations from vast catalogs poses a critical challenge for retail platforms. Maximizing revenue requires careful consideration of both individual customer characteristics and available item features to optimize assortments over time. In this paper, we consider the dynamic assortment problem with dual contexts -- user and item features. In high-dimensional scenarios, the quadratic growth of dimensions complicates computation and estimation. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a new low-rank dynamic assortment model to transform this problem into a manageable scale. Then we propose an efficient algorithm that estimates the intrinsic subspaces and utilizes the upper confidence bound approach to address the exploration-exploitation trade-off in online decision making. Theoretically, we establish a regret bound of $\tilde{O}((d_1+d_2)r\sqrt{T})$, where $d_1, d_2$ represent the dimensions of the user and item features respectively, $r$ is the rank of the parameter matrix, and $T$ denotes the time horizon. This bound represents a substantial improvement over prior literature, made possible by leveraging the low-rank structure. Extensive simulations and an application to the Expedia hotel recommendation dataset further demonstrate the advantages of our proposed method.

cross Revealing and Utilizing In-group Favoritism for Graph-based Collaborative Filtering

Authors: Hoin Jung, Hyunsoo Cho, Myungje Choi, Joowon Lee, Jung Ho Park, Myungjoo Kang

Abstract: When it comes to a personalized item recommendation system, It is essential to extract users' preferences and purchasing patterns. Assuming that users in the real world form a cluster and there is common favoritism in each cluster, in this work, we introduce Co-Clustering Wrapper (CCW). We compute co-clusters of users and items with co-clustering algorithms and add CF subnetworks for each cluster to extract the in-group favoritism. Combining the features from the networks, we obtain rich and unified information about users. We experimented real world datasets considering two aspects: Finding the number of groups divided according to in-group preference, and measuring the quantity of improvement of the performance.

cross Nested Inheritance Dynamics

Authors: Bahman Moraffah

Abstract: The idea of the inheritance of biological processes, such as the developmental process or the life cycle of an organism, has been discussed in the biology literature, but formal mathematical descriptions and plausible data analysis frameworks are lacking. We introduce an extension of the nested Dirichlet Process (nDP) to a multiscale model to aid in understanding the mechanisms by which biological processes are inherited, remain stable, and are modified across generations. To address these issues, we introduce Nested Inheritance Dynamics Algorithm (NIDA). At its primary level, NIDA encompasses all processes unfolding within an individual organism's lifespan. The secondary level delineates the dynamics through which these processes evolve or remain stable over time. This framework allows for the specification of a physical system model at either scale, thus promoting seamless integration with established models of development and heredity.

cross SetCSE: Set Operations using Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings

Authors: Kang Liu

Abstract: Taking inspiration from Set Theory, we introduce SetCSE, an innovative information retrieval framework. SetCSE employs sets to represent complex semantics and incorporates well-defined operations for structured information querying under the provided context. Within this framework, we introduce an inter-set contrastive learning objective to enhance comprehension of sentence embedding models concerning the given semantics. Furthermore, we present a suite of operations, including SetCSE intersection, difference, and operation series, that leverage sentence embeddings of the enhanced model for complex sentence retrieval tasks. Throughout this paper, we demonstrate that SetCSE adheres to the conventions of human language expressions regarding compounded semantics, provides a significant enhancement in the discriminatory capability of underlying sentence embedding models, and enables numerous information retrieval tasks involving convoluted and intricate prompts which cannot be achieved using existing querying methods.

cross Utilizing Large Language Models to Identify Reddit Users Considering Vaping Cessation for Digital Interventions

Authors: Sai Krishna Revanth Vuruma, Dezhi Wu, Saborny Sen Gupta, Lucas Aust, Valerie Lookingbill, Caleb Henry, Yang Ren, Erin Kasson, Li-Shiun Chen, Patricia Cavazos-Rehg, Dian Hu, Ming Huang

Abstract: The widespread adoption of social media platforms globally not only enhances users' connectivity and communication but also emerges as a vital channel for the dissemination of health-related information, thereby establishing social media data as an invaluable organic data resource for public health research. The surge in popularity of vaping or e-cigarette use in the United States and other countries has caused an outbreak of e-cigarette and vaping use-associated lung injury (EVALI), leading to hospitalizations and fatalities in 2019, highlighting the urgency to comprehend vaping behaviors and develop effective strategies for cession. In this study, we extracted a sample dataset from one vaping sub-community on Reddit to analyze users' quit vaping intentions. Leveraging large language models including both the latest GPT-4 and traditional BERT-based language models for sentence-level quit-vaping intention prediction tasks, this study compares the outcomes of these models against human annotations. Notably, when compared to human evaluators, GPT-4 model demonstrates superior consistency in adhering to annotation guidelines and processes, showcasing advanced capabilities to detect nuanced user quit-vaping intentions that human evaluators might overlook. These preliminary findings emphasize the potential of GPT-4 in enhancing the accuracy and reliability of social media data analysis, especially in identifying subtle users' intentions that may elude human detection.

cross Synthesizing Audio from Silent Video using Sequence to Sequence Modeling

Authors: Hugo Garrido-Lestache Belinchon, Helina Mulugeta, Adam Haile

Abstract: Generating audio from a video's visual context has multiple practical applications in improving how we interact with audio-visual media - for example, enhancing CCTV footage analysis, restoring historical videos (e.g., silent movies), and improving video generation models. We propose a novel method to generate audio from video using a sequence-to-sequence model, improving on prior work that used CNNs and WaveNet and faced sound diversity and generalization challenges. Our approach employs a 3D Vector Quantized Variational Autoencoder (VQ-VAE) to capture the video's spatial and temporal structures, decoding with a custom audio decoder for a broader range of sounds. Trained on the Youtube8M dataset segment, focusing on specific domains, our model aims to enhance applications like CCTV footage analysis, silent movie restoration, and video generation models.

cross MetaSD: A Unified Framework for Scalable Downscaling of Meteorological Variables in Diverse Situations

Authors: Jing Hu, Honghu Zhang, Peng Zheng, Jialin Mu, Xiaomeng Huang, Xi Wu

Abstract: Addressing complex meteorological processes at a fine spatial resolution requires substantial computational resources. To accelerate meteorological simulations, researchers have utilized neural networks to downscale meteorological variables from low-resolution simulations. Despite notable advancements, contemporary cutting-edge downscaling algorithms tailored to specific variables. Addressing meteorological variables in isolation overlooks their interconnectedness, leading to an incomplete understanding of atmospheric dynamics. Additionally, the laborious processes of data collection, annotation, and computational resources required for individual variable downscaling are significant hurdles. Given the limited versatility of existing models across different meteorological variables and their failure to account for inter-variable relationships, this paper proposes a unified downscaling approach leveraging meta-learning. This framework aims to facilitate the downscaling of diverse meteorological variables derived from various numerical models and spatiotemporal scales. Trained at variables consisted of temperature, wind, surface pressure and total precipitation from ERA5 and GFS, the proposed method can be extended to downscale convective precipitation, potential energy, height, humidity and ozone from CFS, S2S and CMIP6 at different spatiotemporal scales, which demonstrating its capability to capture the interconnections among diverse variables. Our approach represents the initial effort to create a generalized downscaling model. Experimental evidence demonstrates that the proposed model outperforms existing top downscaling methods in both quantitative and qualitative assessments.

cross Quantum Patch-Based Autoencoder for Anomaly Segmentation

Authors: Maria Francisca Madeira, Alessandro Poggiali, Jeanette Miriam Lorenz

Abstract: Quantum Machine Learning investigates the possibility of quantum computers enhancing Machine Learning algorithms. Anomaly segmentation is a fundamental task in various domains to identify irregularities at sample level and can be addressed with both supervised and unsupervised methods. Autoencoders are commonly used in unsupervised tasks, where models are trained to reconstruct normal instances efficiently, allowing anomaly identification through high reconstruction errors. While quantum autoencoders have been proposed in the literature, their application to anomaly segmentation tasks remains unexplored. In this paper, we introduce a patch-based quantum autoencoder (QPB-AE) for image anomaly segmentation, with a number of parameters scaling logarithmically with patch size. QPB-AE reconstructs the quantum state of the embedded input patches, computing an anomaly map directly from measurement through a SWAP test without reconstructing the input image. We evaluate its performance across multiple datasets and parameter configurations and compare it against a classical counterpart.

cross DeepVARMA: A Hybrid Deep Learning and VARMA Model for Chemical Industry Index Forecasting

Authors: Xiang Li, Hu Yang

Abstract: Since the chemical industry index is one of the important indicators to measure the development of the chemical industry, forecasting it is critical for understanding the economic situation and trends of the industry. Taking the multivariable nonstationary series-synthetic material index as the main research object, this paper proposes a new prediction model: DeepVARMA, and its variants Deep-VARMA-re and DeepVARMA-en, which combine LSTM and VARMAX models. The new model firstly uses the deep learning model such as the LSTM remove the trends of the target time series and also learn the representation of endogenous variables, and then uses the VARMAX model to predict the detrended target time series with the embeddings of endogenous variables, and finally combines the trend learned by the LSTM and dependency learned by the VARMAX model to obtain the final predictive values. The experimental results show that (1) the new model achieves the best prediction accuracy by combining the LSTM encoding of the exogenous variables and the VARMAX model. (2) In multivariate non-stationary series prediction, DeepVARMA uses a phased processing strategy to show higher adaptability and accuracy compared to the traditional VARMA model as well as the machine learning models LSTM, RF and XGBoost. (3) Compared with smooth sequence prediction, the traditional VARMA and VARMAX models fluctuate more in predicting non-smooth sequences, while DeepVARMA shows more flexibility and robustness. This study provides more accurate tools and methods for future development and scientific decision-making in the chemical industry.

cross Beyond Traditional Threats: A Persistent Backdoor Attack on Federated Learning

Authors: Tao Liu, Yuhang Zhang, Zhu Feng, Zhiqin Yang, Chen Xu, Dapeng Man, Wu Yang

Abstract: Backdoors on federated learning will be diluted by subsequent benign updates. This is reflected in the significant reduction of attack success rate as iterations increase, ultimately failing. We use a new metric to quantify the degree of this weakened backdoor effect, called attack persistence. Given that research to improve this performance has not been widely noted,we propose a Full Combination Backdoor Attack (FCBA) method. It aggregates more combined trigger information for a more complete backdoor pattern in the global model. Trained backdoored global model is more resilient to benign updates, leading to a higher attack success rate on the test set. We test on three datasets and evaluate with two models across various settings. FCBA's persistence outperforms SOTA federated learning backdoor attacks. On GTSRB, postattack 120 rounds, our attack success rate rose over 50% from baseline. The core code of our method is available at


cross Attention-aware non-rigid image registration for accelerated MR imaging

Authors: Aya Ghoul, Jiazhen Pan, Andreas Lingg, Jens K\"ubler, Patrick Krumm, Kerstin Hammernik, Daniel Rueckert, Sergios Gatidis, Thomas K\"ustner

Abstract: Accurate motion estimation at high acceleration factors enables rapid motion-compensated reconstruction in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) without compromising the diagnostic image quality. In this work, we introduce an attention-aware deep learning-based framework that can perform non-rigid pairwise registration for fully sampled and accelerated MRI. We extract local visual representations to build similarity maps between the registered image pairs at multiple resolution levels and additionally leverage long-range contextual information using a transformer-based module to alleviate ambiguities in the presence of artifacts caused by undersampling. We combine local and global dependencies to perform simultaneous coarse and fine motion estimation. The proposed method was evaluated on in-house acquired fully sampled and accelerated data of 101 patients and 62 healthy subjects undergoing cardiac and thoracic MRI. The impact of motion estimation accuracy on the downstream task of motion-compensated reconstruction was analyzed. We demonstrate that our model derives reliable and consistent motion fields across different sampling trajectories (Cartesian and radial) and acceleration factors of up to 16x for cardiac motion and 30x for respiratory motion and achieves superior image quality in motion-compensated reconstruction qualitatively and quantitatively compared to conventional and recent deep learning-based approaches. The code is publicly available at


cross A Conditional Independence Test in the Presence of Discretization

Authors: Boyang Sun, Yu Yao, Huangyuan Hao, Yumou Qiu, Kun Zhang

Abstract: Testing conditional independence has many applications, such as in Bayesian network learning and causal discovery. Different test methods have been proposed. However, existing methods generally can not work when only discretized observations are available. Specifically, consider $X_1$, $\tilde{X}_2$ and $X_3$ are observed variables, where $\tilde{X}_2$ is a discretization of latent variables $X_2$. Applying existing test methods to the observations of $X_1$, $\tilde{X}_2$ and $X_3$ can lead to a false conclusion about the underlying conditional independence of variables $X_1$, $X_2$ and $X_3$. Motivated by this, we propose a conditional independence test specifically designed to accommodate the presence of such discretization. To achieve this, we design the bridge equations to recover the parameter reflecting the statistical information of the underlying latent continuous variables. An appropriate test statistic and its asymptotic distribution under the null hypothesis of conditional independence have also been derived. Both theoretical results and empirical validation have been provided, demonstrating the effectiveness of our test methods.

cross T\'ecnicas Quantum-Inspired en Tensor Networks para Contextos Industriales

Authors: Alejandro Mata Ali, I\~nigo Perez Delgado, Aitor Moreno Fdez. de Leceta

Abstract: In this paper we present a study of the applicability and feasibility of quantum-inspired algorithms and techniques in tensor networks for industrial environments and contexts, with a compilation of the available literature and an analysis of the use cases that may be affected by such methods. In addition, we explore the limitations of such techniques in order to determine their potential scalability.

cross Validating Deep-Learning Weather Forecast Models on Recent High-Impact Extreme Events

Authors: Olivier C. Pasche, Jonathan Wider, Zhongwei Zhang, Jakob Zscheischler, Sebastian Engelke

Abstract: The forecast accuracy of deep-learning-based weather prediction models is improving rapidly, leading many to speak of a "second revolution in weather forecasting". With numerous methods being developed, and limited physical guarantees offered by deep-learning models, there is a critical need for comprehensive evaluation of these emerging techniques. While this need has been partly fulfilled by benchmark datasets, they provide little information on rare and impactful extreme events, or on compound impact metrics, for which model accuracy might degrade due to misrepresented dependencies between variables. To address these issues, we compare deep-learning weather prediction models (GraphCast, PanguWeather, FourCastNet) and ECMWF's high-resolution forecast (HRES) system in three case studies: the 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave, the 2023 South Asian humid heatwave, and the North American winter storm in 2021. We find evidence that machine learning (ML) weather prediction models can locally achieve similar accuracy to HRES on record-shattering events such as the 2021 Pacific Northwest heatwave and even forecast the compound 2021 North American winter storm substantially better. However, extrapolating to extreme conditions may impact machine learning models more severely than HRES, as evidenced by the comparable or superior spatially- and temporally-aggregated forecast accuracy of HRES for the two heatwaves studied. The ML forecasts also lack variables required to assess the health risks of events such as the 2023 South Asian humid heatwave. Generally, case-study-driven, impact-centric evaluation can complement existing research, increase public trust, and aid in developing reliable ML weather prediction models.

cross SiamQuality: A ConvNet-Based Foundation Model for Imperfect Physiological Signals

Authors: Cheng Ding, Zhicheng Guo, Zhaoliang Chen, Randall J Lee, Cynthia Rudin, Xiao Hu

Abstract: Foundation models, especially those using transformers as backbones, have gained significant popularity, particularly in language and language-vision tasks. However, large foundation models are typically trained on high-quality data, which poses a significant challenge, given the prevalence of poor-quality real-world data. This challenge is more pronounced for developing foundation models for physiological data; such data are often noisy, incomplete, or inconsistent. The present work aims to provide a toolset for developing foundation models on physiological data. We leverage a large dataset of photoplethysmography (PPG) signals from hospitalized intensive care patients. For this data, we propose SimQuality, a novel self-supervised learning task based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as the backbone to enforce representations to be similar for good and poor quality signals that are from similar physiological states. We pre-trained the SimQuality on over 36 million 30-second PPG pairs and then fine-tuned and tested on six downstream tasks using external datasets. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach on all the downstream tasks, which are extremely important for heart monitoring on wearable devices. Our method indicates that CNNs can be an effective backbone for foundation models that are robust to training data quality.

cross Federated Learning for Blind Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Brian B. Moser, Ahmed Anwar, Federico Raue, Stanislav Frolov, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Traditional blind image SR methods need to model real-world degradations precisely. Consequently, current research struggles with this dilemma by assuming idealized degradations, which leads to limited applicability to actual user data. Moreover, the ideal scenario - training models on data from the targeted user base - presents significant privacy concerns. To address both challenges, we propose to fuse image SR with federated learning, allowing real-world degradations to be directly learned from users without invading their privacy. Furthermore, it enables optimization across many devices without data centralization. As this fusion is underexplored, we introduce new benchmarks specifically designed to evaluate new SR methods in this federated setting. By doing so, we employ known degradation modeling techniques from SR research. However, rather than aiming to mirror real degradations, our benchmarks use these degradation models to simulate the variety of degradations found across clients within a distributed user base. This distinction is crucial as it circumvents the need to precisely model real-world degradations, which limits contemporary blind image SR research. Our proposed benchmarks investigate blind image SR under new aspects, namely differently distributed degradation types among users and varying user numbers. We believe new methods tested within these benchmarks will perform more similarly in an application, as the simulated scenario addresses the variety while federated learning enables the training on actual degradations.

cross Energy Storage Arbitrage in Two-settlement Markets: A Transformer-Based Approach

Authors: Saud Alghumayjan, Jiajun Han, Ningkun Zheng, Ming Yi, Bolun Xu

Abstract: This paper presents an integrated model for bidding energy storage in day-ahead and real-time markets to maximize profits. We show that in integrated two-stage bidding, the real-time bids are independent of day-ahead settlements, while the day-ahead bids should be based on predicted real-time prices. We utilize a transformer-based model for real-time price prediction, which captures complex dynamical patterns of real-time prices, and use the result for day-ahead bidding design. For real-time bidding, we utilize a long short-term memory-dynamic programming hybrid real-time bidding model. We train and test our model with historical data from New York State, and our results showed that the integrated system achieved promising results of almost a 20\% increase in profit compared to only bidding in real-time markets, and at the same time reducing the risk in terms of the number of days with negative profits.

cross Generalize by Touching: Tactile Ensemble Skill Transfer for Robotic Furniture Assembly

Authors: Haohong Lin, Radu Corcodel, Ding Zhao

Abstract: Furniture assembly remains an unsolved problem in robotic manipulation due to its long task horizon and nongeneralizable operations plan. This paper presents the Tactile Ensemble Skill Transfer (TEST) framework, a pioneering offline reinforcement learning (RL) approach that incorporates tactile feedback in the control loop. TEST's core design is to learn a skill transition model for high-level planning, along with a set of adaptive intra-skill goal-reaching policies. Such design aims to solve the robotic furniture assembly problem in a more generalizable way, facilitating seamless chaining of skills for this long-horizon task. We first sample demonstration from a set of heuristic policies and trajectories consisting of a set of randomized sub-skill segments, enabling the acquisition of rich robot trajectories that capture skill stages, robot states, visual indicators, and crucially, tactile signals. Leveraging these trajectories, our offline RL method discerns skill termination conditions and coordinates skill transitions. Our evaluations highlight the proficiency of TEST on the in-distribution furniture assemblies, its adaptability to unseen furniture configurations, and its robustness against visual disturbances. Ablation studies further accentuate the pivotal role of two algorithmic components: the skill transition model and tactile ensemble policies. Results indicate that TEST can achieve a success rate of 90\% and is over 4 times more efficient than the heuristic policy in both in-distribution and generalization settings, suggesting a scalable skill transfer approach for contact-rich manipulation.

cross Embedded FPGA Developments in 130nm and 28nm CMOS for Machine Learning in Particle Detector Readout

Authors: Julia Gonski, Aseem Gupta, Haoyi Jia, Hyunjoon Kim, Lorenzo Rota, Larry Ruckman, Angelo Dragone, Ryan Herbst

Abstract: Embedded field programmable gate array (eFPGA) technology allows the implementation of reconfigurable logic within the design of an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC). This approach offers the low power and efficiency of an ASIC along with the ease of FPGA configuration, particularly beneficial for the use case of machine learning in the data pipeline of next-generation collider experiments. An open-source framework called "FABulous" was used to design eFPGAs using 130 nm and 28 nm CMOS technology nodes, which were subsequently fabricated and verified through testing. The capability of an eFPGA to act as a front-end readout chip was tested using simulation of high energy particles passing through a silicon pixel sensor. A machine learning-based classifier, designed for reduction of sensor data at the source, was synthesized and configured onto the eFPGA. A successful proof-of-concept was demonstrated through reproduction of the expected algorithm result on the eFPGA with perfect accuracy. Further development of the eFPGA technology and its application to collider detector readout is discussed.

cross SPLICE -- Streamlining Digital Pathology Image Processing

Authors: Areej Alsaafin, Peyman Nejat, Abubakr Shafique, Jibran Khan, Saghir Alfasly, Ghazal Alabtah, H. R. Tizhoosh

Abstract: Digital pathology and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) models have revolutionized histopathology, opening new opportunities. With the increasing availability of Whole Slide Images (WSIs), there's a growing demand for efficient retrieval, processing, and analysis of relevant images from vast biomedical archives. However, processing WSIs presents challenges due to their large size and content complexity. Full computer digestion of WSIs is impractical, and processing all patches individually is prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised patching algorithm, Sequential Patching Lattice for Image Classification and Enquiry (SPLICE). This novel approach condenses a histopathology WSI into a compact set of representative patches, forming a "collage" of WSI while minimizing redundancy. SPLICE prioritizes patch quality and uniqueness by sequentially analyzing a WSI and selecting non-redundant representative features. We evaluated SPLICE for search and match applications, demonstrating improved accuracy, reduced computation time, and storage requirements compared to existing state-of-the-art methods. As an unsupervised method, SPLICE effectively reduces storage requirements for representing tissue images by 50%. This reduction enables numerous algorithms in computational pathology to operate much more efficiently, paving the way for accelerated adoption of digital pathology.

cross Low-rank Matrix Bandits with Heavy-tailed Rewards

Authors: Yue Kang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Thomas C. M. Lee

Abstract: In stochastic low-rank matrix bandit, the expected reward of an arm is equal to the inner product between its feature matrix and some unknown $d_1$ by $d_2$ low-rank parameter matrix $\Theta^*$ with rank $r \ll d_1\wedge d_2$. While all prior studies assume the payoffs are mixed with sub-Gaussian noises, in this work we loosen this strict assumption and consider the new problem of \underline{low}-rank matrix bandit with \underline{h}eavy-\underline{t}ailed \underline{r}ewards (LowHTR), where the rewards only have finite $(1+\delta)$ moment for some $\delta \in (0,1]$. By utilizing the truncation on observed payoffs and the dynamic exploration, we propose a novel algorithm called LOTUS attaining the regret bound of order $\tilde O(d^\frac{3}{2}r^\frac{1}{2}T^\frac{1}{1+\delta}/\tilde{D}_{rr})$ without knowing $T$, which matches the state-of-the-art regret bound under sub-Gaussian noises~\citep{lu2021low,kang2022efficient} with $\delta = 1$. Moreover, we establish a lower bound of the order $\Omega(d^\frac{\delta}{1+\delta} r^\frac{\delta}{1+\delta} T^\frac{1}{1+\delta}) = \Omega(T^\frac{1}{1+\delta})$ for LowHTR, which indicates our LOTUS is nearly optimal in the order of $T$. In addition, we improve LOTUS so that it does not require knowledge of the rank $r$ with $\tilde O(dr^\frac{3}{2}T^\frac{1+\delta}{1+2\delta})$ regret bound, and it is efficient under the high-dimensional scenario. We also conduct simulations to demonstrate the practical superiority of our algorithm.

cross Lower Bounds for Private Estimation of Gaussian Covariance Matrices under All Reasonable Parameter Regimes

Authors: Victor S. Portella, Nick Harvey

Abstract: We prove lower bounds on the number of samples needed to privately estimate the covariance matrix of a Gaussian distribution. Our bounds match existing upper bounds in the widest known setting of parameters. Our analysis relies on the Stein-Haff identity, an extension of the classical Stein's identity used in previous fingerprinting lemma arguments.

cross Lessons from Deploying CropFollow++: Under-Canopy Agricultural Navigation with Keypoints

Authors: Arun N. Sivakumar, Mateus V. Gasparino, Michael McGuire, Vitor A. H. Higuti, M. Ugur Akcal, Girish Chowdhary

Abstract: We present a vision-based navigation system for under-canopy agricultural robots using semantic keypoints. Autonomous under-canopy navigation is challenging due to the tight spacing between the crop rows ($\sim 0.75$ m), degradation in RTK-GPS accuracy due to multipath error, and noise in LiDAR measurements from the excessive clutter. Our system, CropFollow++, introduces modular and interpretable perception architecture with a learned semantic keypoint representation. We deployed CropFollow++ in multiple under-canopy cover crop planting robots on a large scale (25 km in total) in various field conditions and we discuss the key lessons learned from this.

cross Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Knowledge Graphs for Customer Service Question Answering

Authors: Zhentao Xu, Mark Jerome Cruz, Matthew Guevara, Tie Wang, Manasi Deshpande, Xiaofeng Wang, Zheng Li

Abstract: In customer service technical support, swiftly and accurately retrieving relevant past issues is critical for efficiently resolving customer inquiries. The conventional retrieval methods in retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for large language models (LLMs) treat a large corpus of past issue tracking tickets as plain text, ignoring the crucial intra-issue structure and inter-issue relations, which limits performance. We introduce a novel customer service question-answering method that amalgamates RAG with a knowledge graph (KG). Our method constructs a KG from historical issues for use in retrieval, retaining the intra-issue structure and inter-issue relations. During the question-answering phase, our method parses consumer queries and retrieves related sub-graphs from the KG to generate answers. This integration of a KG not only improves retrieval accuracy by preserving customer service structure information but also enhances answering quality by mitigating the effects of text segmentation. Empirical assessments on our benchmark datasets, utilizing key retrieval (MRR, Recall@K, NDCG@K) and text generation (BLEU, ROUGE, METEOR) metrics, reveal that our method outperforms the baseline by 77.6% in MRR and by 0.32 in BLEU. Our method has been deployed within LinkedIn's customer service team for approximately six months and has reduced the median per-issue resolution time by 28.6%.

cross Generative Dataset Distillation: Balancing Global Structure and Local Details

Authors: Longzhen Li, Guang Li, Ren Togo, Keisuke Maeda, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new dataset distillation method that considers balancing global structure and local details when distilling the information from a large dataset into a generative model. Dataset distillation has been proposed to reduce the size of the required dataset when training models. The conventional dataset distillation methods face the problem of long redeployment time and poor cross-architecture performance. Moreover, previous methods focused too much on the high-level semantic attributes between the synthetic dataset and the original dataset while ignoring the local features such as texture and shape. Based on the above understanding, we propose a new method for distilling the original image dataset into a generative model. Our method involves using a conditional generative adversarial network to generate the distilled dataset. Subsequently, we ensure balancing global structure and local details in the distillation process, continuously optimizing the generator for more information-dense dataset generation.

cross An Attention-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Real-Time Monocular Visual Odometry: Applications to GPS-free Drone Navigation

Authors: Olivier Brochu Dufour, Abolfazl Mohebbi, Sofiane Achiche

Abstract: Drones are increasingly used in fields like industry, medicine, research, disaster relief, defense, and security. Technical challenges, such as navigation in GPS-denied environments, hinder further adoption. Research in visual odometry is advancing, potentially solving GPS-free navigation issues. Traditional visual odometry methods use geometry-based pipelines which, while popular, often suffer from error accumulation and high computational demands. Recent studies utilizing deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown improved performance, addressing these drawbacks. Deep visual odometry typically employs convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and sequence modeling networks like recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to interpret scenes and deduce visual odometry from video sequences. This paper presents a novel real-time monocular visual odometry model for drones, using a deep neural architecture with a self-attention module. It estimates the ego-motion of a camera on a drone, using consecutive video frames. An inference utility processes the live video feed, employing deep learning to estimate the drone's trajectory. The architecture combines a CNN for image feature extraction and a long short-term memory (LSTM) network with a multi-head attention module for video sequence modeling. Tested on two visual odometry datasets, this model converged 48% faster than a previous RNN model and showed a 22% reduction in mean translational drift and a 12% improvement in mean translational absolute trajectory error, demonstrating enhanced robustness to noise.

cross Generative Diffusion-based Downscaling for Climate

Authors: Robbie A. Watt, Laura A. Mansfield

Abstract: Downscaling, or super-resolution, provides decision-makers with detailed, high-resolution information about the potential risks and impacts of climate change, based on climate model output. Machine learning algorithms are proving themselves to be efficient and accurate approaches to downscaling. Here, we show how a generative, diffusion-based approach to downscaling gives accurate downscaled results. We focus on an idealised setting where we recover ERA5 at $0.25\degree$~resolution from coarse grained version at $2\degree$~resolution. The diffusion-based method provides superior accuracy compared to a standard U-Net, particularly at the fine scales, as highlighted by a spectral decomposition. Additionally, the generative approach provides users with a probability distribution which can be used for risk assessment. This research highlights the potential of diffusion-based downscaling techniques in providing reliable and detailed climate predictions.

cross Adversarial Examples: Generation Proposal in the Context of Facial Recognition Systems

Authors: Marina Fuster, Ignacio Vidaurreta

Abstract: In this paper we investigate the vulnerability that facial recognition systems present to adversarial examples by introducing a new methodology from the attacker perspective. The technique is based on the use of the autoencoder latent space, organized with principal component analysis. We intend to analyze the potential to craft adversarial examples suitable for both dodging and impersonation attacks, against state-of-the-art systems. Our initial hypothesis, which was not strongly favoured by the results, stated that it would be possible to separate between the "identity" and "facial expression" features to produce high-quality examples. Despite the findings not supporting it, the results sparked insights into adversarial examples generation and opened new research avenues in the area.

cross T-CLAP: Temporal-Enhanced Contrastive Language-Audio Pretraining

Authors: Yi Yuan, Zhuo Chen, Xubo Liu, Haohe Liu, Xuenan Xu, Dongya Jia, Yuanzhe Chen, Mark D. Plumbley, Wenwu Wang

Abstract: Contrastive language-audio pretraining~(CLAP) has been developed to align the representations of audio and language, achieving remarkable performance in retrieval and classification tasks. However, current CLAP struggles to capture temporal information within audio and text features, presenting substantial limitations for tasks such as audio retrieval and generation. To address this gap, we introduce T-CLAP, a temporal-enhanced CLAP model. We use Large Language Models~(LLMs) and mixed-up strategies to generate temporal-contrastive captions for audio clips from extensive audio-text datasets. Subsequently, a new temporal-focused contrastive loss is designed to fine-tune the CLAP model by incorporating these synthetic data. We conduct comprehensive experiments and analysis in multiple downstream tasks. T-CLAP shows improved capability in capturing the temporal relationship of sound events and outperforms state-of-the-art models by a significant margin.

cross Motion planning for off-road autonomous driving based on human-like cognition and weight adaptation

Authors: Yuchun Wang, Cheng Gong, Jianwei Gong, Peng Jia

Abstract: Driving in an off-road environment is challenging for autonomous vehicles due to the complex and varied terrain. To ensure stable and efficient travel, the vehicle requires consideration and balancing of environmental factors, such as undulations, roughness, and obstacles, to generate optimal trajectories that can adapt to changing scenarios. However, traditional motion planners often utilize a fixed cost function for trajectory optimization, making it difficult to adapt to different driving strategies in challenging irregular terrains and uncommon scenarios. To address these issues, we propose an adaptive motion planner based on human-like cognition and cost evaluation for off-road driving. First, we construct a multi-layer map describing different features of off-road terrains, including terrain elevation, roughness, obstacle, and artificial potential field map. Subsequently, we employ a CNN-LSTM network to learn the trajectories planned by human drivers in various off-road scenarios. Then, based on human-like generated trajectories in different environments, we design a primitive-based trajectory planner that aims to mimic human trajectories and cost weight selection, generating trajectories that are consistent with the dynamics of off-road vehicles. Finally, we compute optimal cost weights and select and extend behavioral primitives to generate highly adaptive, stable, and efficient trajectories. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed method through experiments in a desert off-road environment with complex terrain and varying road conditions. The experimental results show that the proposed human-like motion planner has excellent adaptability to different off-road conditions. It shows real-time operation, greater stability, and more human-like planning ability in diverse and challenging scenarios.

cross Uncertainty quantification for iterative algorithms in linear models with application to early stopping

Authors: Pierre C. Bellec, Kai Tan

Abstract: This paper investigates the iterates $\hbb^1,\dots,\hbb^T$ obtained from iterative algorithms in high-dimensional linear regression problems, in the regime where the feature dimension $p$ is comparable with the sample size $n$, i.e., $p \asymp n$. The analysis and proposed estimators are applicable to Gradient Descent (GD), proximal GD and their accelerated variants such as Fast Iterative Soft-Thresholding (FISTA). The paper proposes novel estimators for the generalization error of the iterate $\hbb^t$ for any fixed iteration $t$ along the trajectory. These estimators are proved to be $\sqrt n$-consistent under Gaussian designs. Applications to early-stopping are provided: when the generalization error of the iterates is a U-shape function of the iteration $t$, the estimates allow to select from the data an iteration $\hat t$ that achieves the smallest generalization error along the trajectory. Additionally, we provide a technique for developing debiasing corrections and valid confidence intervals for the components of the true coefficient vector from the iterate $\hbb^t$ at any finite iteration $t$. Extensive simulations on synthetic data illustrate the theoretical results.

cross Error analysis for finite element operator learning methods for solving parametric second-order elliptic PDEs

Authors: Youngjoon Hong, Seungchan Ko, Jaeyong Lee

Abstract: In this paper, we provide a theoretical analysis of a type of operator learning method without data reliance based on the classical finite element approximation, which is called the finite element operator network (FEONet). We first establish the convergence of this method for general second-order linear elliptic PDEs with respect to the parameters for neural network approximation. In this regard, we address the role of the condition number of the finite element matrix in the convergence of the method. Secondly, we derive an explicit error estimate for the self-adjoint case. For this, we investigate some regularity properties of the solution in certain function classes for a neural network approximation, verifying the sufficient condition for the solution to have the desired regularity. Finally, we will also conduct some numerical experiments that support the theoretical findings, confirming the role of the condition number of the finite element matrix in the overall convergence.

cross Exploring the efficacy of a hybrid approach with modal decomposition over fully deep learning models for flow dynamics forecasting

Authors: Rodrigo Abad\'ia-Heredia, Adri\'an Corrochano, Manuel Lopez-Martin, Soledad Le Clainche

Abstract: Fluid dynamics problems are characterized by being multidimensional and nonlinear, causing the experiments and numerical simulations being complex, time-consuming and monetarily expensive. In this sense, there is a need to find new ways to obtain data in a more economical manner. Thus, in this work we study the application of time series forecasting to fluid dynamics problems, where the aim is to predict the flow dynamics using only past information. We focus our study on models based on deep learning that do not require a high amount of data for training, as this is the problem we are trying to address. Specifically in this work we have tested three autoregressive models where two of them are fully based on deep learning and the other one is a hybrid model that combines modal decomposition with deep learning. We ask these models to generate $200$ time-ahead predictions of two datasets coming from a numerical simulation and experimental measurements, where the latter is characterized by being turbulent. We show how the hybrid model generates more reliable predictions in the experimental case, as it is physics-informed in the sense that the modal decomposition extracts the physics in a way that allows us to predict it.

cross Shared learning of powertrain control policies for vehicle fleets

Authors: Lindsey Kerbel, Beshah Ayalew, Andrej Ivanco

Abstract: Emerging data-driven approaches, such as deep reinforcement learning (DRL), aim at on-the-field learning of powertrain control policies that optimize fuel economy and other performance metrics. Indeed, they have shown great potential in this regard for individual vehicles on specific routes or drive cycles. However, for fleets of vehicles that must service a distribution of routes, DRL approaches struggle with learning stability issues that result in high variances and challenge their practical deployment. In this paper, we present a novel framework for shared learning among a fleet of vehicles through the use of a distilled group policy as the knowledge sharing mechanism for the policy learning computations at each vehicle. We detail the mathematical formulation that makes this possible. Several scenarios are considered to analyze the functionality, performance, and computational scalability of the framework with fleet size. Comparisons of the cumulative performance of fleets using our proposed shared learning approach with a baseline of individual learning agents and another state-of-the-art approach with a centralized learner show clear advantages to our approach. For example, we find a fleet average asymptotic improvement of 8.5 percent in fuel economy compared to the baseline while also improving on the metrics of acceleration error and shifting frequency for fleets serving a distribution of suburban routes. Furthermore, we include demonstrative results that show how the framework reduces variance within a fleet and also how it helps individual agents adapt better to new routes.

cross Reliable Student: Addressing Noise in Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection

Authors: Farzad Nozarian, Shashank Agarwal, Farzaneh Rezaeianaran, Danish Shahzad, Atanas Poibrenski, Christian M\"uller, Philipp Slusallek

Abstract: Semi-supervised 3D object detection can benefit from the promising pseudo-labeling technique when labeled data is limited. However, recent approaches have overlooked the impact of noisy pseudo-labels during training, despite efforts to enhance pseudo-label quality through confidence-based filtering. In this paper, we examine the impact of noisy pseudo-labels on IoU-based target assignment and propose the Reliable Student framework, which incorporates two complementary approaches to mitigate errors. First, it involves a class-aware target assignment strategy that reduces false negative assignments in difficult classes. Second, it includes a reliability weighting strategy that suppresses false positive assignment errors while also addressing remaining false negatives from the first step. The reliability weights are determined by querying the teacher network for confidence scores of the student-generated proposals. Our work surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on KITTI 3D object detection benchmark on point clouds in the semi-supervised setting. On 1% labeled data, our approach achieves a 6.2% AP improvement for the pedestrian class, despite having only 37 labeled samples available. The improvements become significant for the 2% setting, achieving 6.0% AP and 5.7% AP improvements for the pedestrian and cyclist classes, respectively.

cross SERPENT-VLM : Self-Refining Radiology Report Generation Using Vision Language Models

Authors: Manav Nitin Kapadnis, Sohan Patnaik, Abhilash Nandy, Sourjyadip Ray, Pawan Goyal, Debdoot Sheet

Abstract: Radiology Report Generation (R2Gen) demonstrates how Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) can automate the creation of accurate and coherent radiological reports. Existing methods often hallucinate details in text-based reports that don't accurately reflect the image content. To mitigate this, we introduce a novel strategy, SERPENT-VLM (SElf Refining Radiology RePort GENeraTion using Vision Language Models), which improves the R2Gen task by integrating a self-refining mechanism into the MLLM framework. We employ a unique self-supervised loss that leverages similarity between pooled image representations and the contextual representations of the generated radiological text, alongside the standard Causal Language Modeling objective, to refine image-text representations. This allows the model to scrutinize and align the generated text through dynamic interaction between a given image and the generated text, therefore reducing hallucination and continuously enhancing nuanced report generation. SERPENT-VLM outperforms existing baselines such as LLaVA-Med, BiomedGPT, etc., achieving SoTA performance on the IU X-ray and Radiology Objects in COntext (ROCO) datasets, and also proves to be robust against noisy images. A qualitative case study emphasizes the significant advancements towards more sophisticated MLLM frameworks for R2Gen, opening paths for further research into self-supervised refinement in the medical imaging domain.

cross Pre-training on High Definition X-ray Images: An Experimental Study

Authors: Xiao Wang, Yuehang Li, Wentao Wu, Jiandong Jin, Yao Rong, Bo Jiang, Chuanfu Li, Jin Tang

Abstract: Existing X-ray based pre-trained vision models are usually conducted on a relatively small-scale dataset (less than 500k samples) with limited resolution (e.g., 224 $\times$ 224). However, the key to the success of self-supervised pre-training large models lies in massive training data, and maintaining high resolution in the field of X-ray images is the guarantee of effective solutions to difficult miscellaneous diseases. In this paper, we address these issues by proposing the first high-definition (1280 $\times$ 1280) X-ray based pre-trained foundation vision model on our newly collected large-scale dataset which contains more than 1 million X-ray images. Our model follows the masked auto-encoder framework which takes the tokens after mask processing (with a high rate) is used as input, and the masked image patches are reconstructed by the Transformer encoder-decoder network. More importantly, we introduce a novel context-aware masking strategy that utilizes the chest contour as a boundary for adaptive masking operations. We validate the effectiveness of our model on two downstream tasks, including X-ray report generation and disease recognition. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our pre-trained medical foundation vision model achieves comparable or even new state-of-the-art performance on downstream benchmark datasets. The source code and pre-trained models of this paper will be released on


cross PhishGuard: A Convolutional Neural Network Based Model for Detecting Phishing URLs with Explainability Analysis

Authors: Md Robiul Islam, Md Mahamodul Islam, Mst. Suraiya Afrin, Anika Antara, Nujhat Tabassum, Al Amin

Abstract: Cybersecurity is one of the global issues because of the extensive dependence on cyber systems of individuals, industries, and organizations. Among the cyber attacks, phishing is increasing tremendously and affecting the global economy. Therefore, this phenomenon highlights the vital need for enhancing user awareness and robust support at both individual and organizational levels. Phishing URL identification is the best way to address the problem. Various machine learning and deep learning methods have been proposed to automate the detection of phishing URLs. However, these approaches often need more convincing accuracy and rely on datasets consisting of limited samples. Furthermore, these black box intelligent models decision to detect suspicious URLs needs proper explanation to understand the features affecting the output. To address the issues, we propose a 1D Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and trained the model with extensive features and a substantial amount of data. The proposed model outperforms existing works by attaining an accuracy of 99.85%. Additionally, our explainability analysis highlights certain features that significantly contribute to identifying the phishing URL.

cross Deep Learning for Low-Latency, Quantum-Ready RF Sensing

Authors: Pranav Gokhale, Caitlin Carnahan, William Clark, Frederic T. Chong

Abstract: Recent work has shown the promise of applying deep learning to enhance software processing of radio frequency (RF) signals. In parallel, hardware developments with quantum RF sensors based on Rydberg atoms are breaking longstanding barriers in frequency range, resolution, and sensitivity. In this paper, we describe our implementations of quantum-ready machine learning approaches for RF signal classification. Our primary objective is latency: while deep learning offers a more powerful computational paradigm, it also traditionally incurs latency overheads that hinder wider scale deployment. Our work spans three axes. (1) A novel continuous wavelet transform (CWT) based recurrent neural network (RNN) architecture that enables flexible online classification of RF signals on-the-fly with reduced sampling time. (2) Low-latency inference techniques for both GPU and CPU that span over 100x reductions in inference time, enabling real-time operation with sub-millisecond inference. (3) Quantum-readiness validated through application of our models to physics-based simulation of Rydberg atom QRF sensors. Altogether, our work bridges towards next-generation RF sensors that use quantum technology to surpass previous physical limits, paired with latency-optimized AI/ML software that is suitable for real-time deployment.

cross Usefulness of Emotional Prosody in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Charles Brazier, Jean-Luc Rouas

Abstract: Neural Machine Translation (NMT) is the task of translating a text from one language to another with the use of a trained neural network. Several existing works aim at incorporating external information into NMT models to improve or control predicted translations (e.g. sentiment, politeness, gender). In this work, we propose to improve translation quality by adding another external source of information: the automatically recognized emotion in the voice. This work is motivated by the assumption that each emotion is associated with a specific lexicon that can overlap between emotions. Our proposed method follows a two-stage procedure. At first, we select a state-of-the-art Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) model to predict dimensional emotion values from all input audio in the dataset. Then, we use these predicted emotions as source tokens added at the beginning of input texts to train our NMT model. We show that integrating emotion information, especially arousal, into NMT systems leads to better translations.

cross MediFact at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Why AI Needs a Human Touch

Authors: Nadia Saeed

Abstract: Accurate representation of medical information is crucial for patient safety, yet artificial intelligence (AI) systems, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), encounter challenges in error-free clinical text interpretation. This paper presents a novel approach submitted to the MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared task (Ben Abacha et al., 2024a), focusing on the automatic correction of single-word errors in clinical notes. Unlike LLMs that rely on extensive generic data, our method emphasizes extracting contextually relevant information from available clinical text data. Leveraging an ensemble of extractive and abstractive question-answering approaches, we construct a supervised learning framework with domain-specific feature engineering. Our methodology incorporates domain expertise to enhance error correction accuracy. By integrating domain expertise and prioritizing meaningful information extraction, our approach underscores the significance of a human-centric strategy in adapting AI for healthcare.

cross Application of Deep Learning for Factor Timing in Asset Management

Authors: Prabhu Prasad Panda, Maysam Khodayari Gharanchaei, Xilin Chen, Haoshu Lyu

Abstract: The paper examines the performance of regression models (OLS linear regression, Ridge regression, Random Forest, and Fully-connected Neural Network) on the prediction of CMA (Conservative Minus Aggressive) factor premium and the performance of factor timing investment with them. Out-of-sample R-squared shows that more flexible models have better performance in explaining the variance in factor premium of the unseen period, and the back testing affirms that the factor timing based on more flexible models tends to over perform the ones with linear models. However, for flexible models like neural networks, the optimal weights based on their prediction tend to be unstable, which can lead to high transaction costs and market impacts. We verify that tilting down the rebalance frequency according to the historical optimal rebalancing scheme can help reduce the transaction costs.

cross Variational Optimization for Quantum Problems using Deep Generative Networks

Authors: Lingxia Zhang, Xiaodie Lin, Peidong Wang, Kaiyan Yang, Xiao Zeng, Zhaohui Wei, Zizhu Wang

Abstract: Optimization is one of the keystones of modern science and engineering. Its applications in quantum technology and machine learning helped nurture variational quantum algorithms and generative AI respectively. We propose a general approach to design variational optimization algorithms based on generative models: the Variational Generative Optimization Network (VGON). To demonstrate its broad applicability, we apply VGON to three quantum tasks: finding the best state in an entanglement-detection protocol, finding the ground state of a 1D quantum spin model with variational quantum circuits, and generating degenerate ground states of many-body quantum Hamiltonians. For the first task, VGON greatly reduces the optimization time compared to stochastic gradient descent while generating nearly optimal quantum states. For the second task, VGON alleviates the barren plateau problem in variational quantum circuits. For the final task, VGON can identify the degenerate ground state spaces after a single stage of training and generate a variety of states therein.

cross Utilizing Large Language Models for Information Extraction from Real Estate Transactions

Authors: Yu Zhao, Haoxiang Gao

Abstract: Real estate sales contracts contain crucial information for property transactions, but manual extraction of data can be time-consuming and error-prone. This paper explores the application of large language models, specifically transformer-based architectures, for automated information extraction from real estate contracts. We discuss challenges, techniques, and future directions in leveraging these models to improve efficiency and accuracy in real estate contract analysis.

cross Prompt Customization for Continual Learning

Authors: Yong Dai, Xiaopeng Hong, Yabin Wang, Zhiheng Ma, Dongmei Jiang, Yaowei Wang

Abstract: Contemporary continual learning approaches typically select prompts from a pool, which function as supplementary inputs to a pre-trained model. However, this strategy is hindered by the inherent noise of its selection approach when handling increasing tasks. In response to these challenges, we reformulate the prompting approach for continual learning and propose the prompt customization (PC) method. PC mainly comprises a prompt generation module (PGM) and a prompt modulation module (PMM). In contrast to conventional methods that employ hard prompt selection, PGM assigns different coefficients to prompts from a fixed-sized pool of prompts and generates tailored prompts. Moreover, PMM further modulates the prompts by adaptively assigning weights according to the correlations between input data and corresponding prompts. We evaluate our method on four benchmark datasets for three diverse settings, including the class, domain, and task-agnostic incremental learning tasks. Experimental results demonstrate consistent improvement (by up to 16.2\%), yielded by the proposed method, over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) techniques.

cross Can Perplexity Predict Fine-Tuning Performance? An Investigation of Tokenization Effects on Sequential Language Models for Nepali

Authors: Nishant Luitel, Nirajan Bekoju, Anand Kumar Sah, Subarna Shakya

Abstract: Recent language models use subwording mechanisms to handle Out-of-Vocabulary(OOV) words seen during test time and, their generation capacity is generally measured using perplexity, an intrinsic metric. It is known that increasing the subword granularity results in a decrease of perplexity value. However, the study of how subwording affects the understanding capacity of language models has been very few and only limited to a handful of languages. To reduce this gap we used 6 different tokenization schemes to pretrain relatively small language models in Nepali and used the representations learned to finetune on several downstream tasks. Although byte-level BPE algorithm has been used in recent models like GPT, RoBERTa we show that on average they are sub-optimal in comparison to algorithms such as SentencePiece in finetuning performances for Nepali. Additionally, similar recent studies have focused on the Bert-based language model. We, however, pretrain and finetune sequential transformer-based language models.

cross Generative AI for Low-Carbon Artificial Intelligence of Things

Authors: Jinbo Wen, Ruichen Zhang, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Hongyang Du, Yang Zhang, Zhu Han

Abstract: By integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) has revolutionized many fields. However, AIoT is facing the challenges of energy consumption and carbon emissions due to the continuous advancement of mobile technology. Fortunately, Generative AI (GAI) holds immense potential to reduce carbon emissions of AIoT due to its excellent reasoning and generation capabilities. In this article, we explore the potential of GAI for carbon emissions reduction and propose a novel GAI-enabled solution for low-carbon AIoT. Specifically, we first study the main impacts that cause carbon emissions in AIoT, and then introduce GAI techniques and their relations to carbon emissions. We then explore the application prospects of GAI in low-carbon AIoT, focusing on how GAI can reduce carbon emissions of network components. Subsequently, we propose a Large Language Model (LLM)-enabled carbon emission optimization framework, in which we design pluggable LLM and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) modules to generate more accurate and reliable optimization problems. Furthermore, we utilize Generative Diffusion Models (GDMs) to identify optimal strategies for carbon emission reduction. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Finally, we insightfully provide open research directions for low-carbon AIoT.

cross ComposerX: Multi-Agent Symbolic Music Composition with LLMs

Authors: Qixin Deng, Qikai Yang, Ruibin Yuan, Yipeng Huang, Yi Wang, Xubo Liu, Zeyue Tian, Jiahao Pan, Ge Zhang, Hanfeng Lin, Yizhi Li, Yinghao Ma, Jie Fu, Chenghua Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Wenwu Wang, Guangyu Xia, Wei Xue, Yike Guo

Abstract: Music composition represents the creative side of humanity, and itself is a complex task that requires abilities to understand and generate information with long dependency and harmony constraints. While demonstrating impressive capabilities in STEM subjects, current LLMs easily fail in this task, generating ill-written music even when equipped with modern techniques like In-Context-Learning and Chain-of-Thoughts. To further explore and enhance LLMs' potential in music composition by leveraging their reasoning ability and the large knowledge base in music history and theory, we propose ComposerX, an agent-based symbolic music generation framework. We find that applying a multi-agent approach significantly improves the music composition quality of GPT-4. The results demonstrate that ComposerX is capable of producing coherent polyphonic music compositions with captivating melodies, while adhering to user instructions.

cross Assessing Image Quality Using a Simple Generative Representation

Authors: Simon Raviv, Gal Chechik

Abstract: Perceptual image quality assessment (IQA) is the task of predicting the visual quality of an image as perceived by a human observer. Current state-of-the-art techniques are based on deep representations trained in discriminative manner. Such representations may ignore visually important features, if they are not predictive of class labels. Recent generative models successfully learn low-dimensional representations using auto-encoding and have been argued to preserve better visual features. Here we leverage existing auto-encoders and propose VAE-QA, a simple and efficient method for predicting image quality in the presence of a full-reference. We evaluate our approach on four standard benchmarks and find that it significantly improves generalization across datasets, has fewer trainable parameters, a smaller memory footprint and faster run time.

cross Ranked List Truncation for Large Language Model-based Re-Ranking

Authors: Chuan Meng, Negar Arabzadeh, Arian Askari, Mohammad Aliannejadi, Maarten de Rijke

Abstract: We study ranked list truncation (RLT) from a novel "retrieve-then-re-rank" perspective, where we optimize re-ranking by truncating the retrieved list (i.e., trim re-ranking candidates). RLT is crucial for re-ranking as it can improve re-ranking efficiency by sending variable-length candidate lists to a re-ranker on a per-query basis. It also has the potential to improve re-ranking effectiveness. Despite its importance, there is limited research into applying RLT methods to this new perspective. To address this research gap, we reproduce existing RLT methods in the context of re-ranking, especially newly emerged large language model (LLM)-based re-ranking. In particular, we examine to what extent established findings on RLT for retrieval are generalizable to the "retrieve-then-re-rank" setup from three perspectives: (i) assessing RLT methods in the context of LLM-based re-ranking with lexical first-stage retrieval, (ii) investigating the impact of different types of first-stage retrievers on RLT methods, and (iii) investigating the impact of different types of re-rankers on RLT methods. We perform experiments on the TREC 2019 and 2020 deep learning tracks, investigating 8 RLT methods for pipelines involving 3 retrievers and 2 re-rankers. We reach new insights into RLT methods in the context of re-ranking.

cross Exploring the Robustness of In-Context Learning with Noisy Labels

Authors: Chen Cheng, Xinzhi Yu, Haodong Wen, Jinsong Sun, Guanzhang Yue, Yihao Zhang, Zeming Wei

Abstract: Recently, the mysterious In-Context Learning (ICL) ability exhibited by Transformer architectures, especially in large language models (LLMs), has sparked significant research interest. However, the resilience of Transformers' in-context learning capabilities in the presence of noisy samples, prevalent in both training corpora and prompt demonstrations, remains underexplored. In this paper, inspired by prior research that studies ICL ability using simple function classes, we take a closer look at this problem by investigating the robustness of Transformers against noisy labels. Specifically, we first conduct a thorough evaluation and analysis of the robustness of Transformers against noisy labels during in-context learning and show that they exhibit notable resilience against diverse types of noise in demonstration labels. Furthermore, we delve deeper into this problem by exploring whether introducing noise into the training set, akin to a form of data augmentation, enhances such robustness during inference, and find that such noise can indeed improve the robustness of ICL. Overall, our fruitful analysis and findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the resilience of Transformer models against label noises during ICL and provide valuable insights into the research on Transformers in natural language processing. Our code is available at


cross A General Causal Inference Framework for Cross-Sectional Observational Data

Authors: Yonghe Zhao, Huiyan Sun

Abstract: Causal inference methods for observational data are highly regarded due to their wide applicability. While there are already numerous methods available for de-confounding bias, these methods generally assume that covariates consist solely of confounders or make naive assumptions about the covariates. Such assumptions face challenges in both theory and practice, particularly when dealing with high-dimensional covariates. Relaxing these naive assumptions and identifying the confounding covariates that truly require correction can effectively enhance the practical significance of these methods. Therefore, this paper proposes a General Causal Inference (GCI) framework specifically designed for cross-sectional observational data, which precisely identifies the key confounding covariates and provides corresponding identification algorithm. Specifically, based on progressive derivations of the Markov property on Directed Acyclic Graph, we conclude that the key confounding covariates are equivalent to the common root ancestors of the treatment and the outcome variable. Building upon this conclusion, the GCI framework is composed of a novel Ancestor Set Identification (ASI) algorithm and de-confounding inference methods. Firstly, the ASI algorithm is theoretically supported by the conditional independence properties and causal asymmetry between variables, enabling the identification of key confounding covariates. Subsequently, the identified confounding covariates are used in the de-confounding inference methods to obtain unbiased causal effect estimation, which can support informed decision-making. Extensive experiments on synthetic datasets demonstrate that the GCI framework can effectively identify the critical confounding covariates and significantly improve the precision, stability, and interpretability of causal inference in observational studies.

cross Permutation-equivariant quantum convolutional neural networks

Authors: Sreetama Das, Filippo Caruso

Abstract: The Symmetric group $S_{n}$ manifests itself in large classes of quantum systems as the invariance of certain characteristics of a quantum state with respect to permuting the qubits. The subgroups of $S_{n}$ arise, among many other contexts, to describe label symmetry of classical images with respect to spatial transformations, e.g. reflection or rotation. Equipped with the formalism of geometric quantum machine learning, in this work we propose the architectures of equivariant quantum convolutional neural networks (EQCNNs) adherent to $S_{n}$ and its subgroups. We demonstrate that a careful choice of pixel-to-qubit embedding order can facilitate easy construction of EQCNNs for small subgroups of $S_{n}$. Our novel EQCNN architecture corresponding to the full permutation group $S_{n}$ is built by applying all possible QCNNs with equal probability, which can also be conceptualized as a dropout strategy in quantum neural networks. For subgroups of $S_{n}$, our numerical results using MNIST datasets show better classification accuracy than non-equivariant QCNNs. The $S_{n}$-equivariant QCNN architecture shows significantly improved training and test performance than non-equivariant QCNN for classification of connected and non-connected graphs. When trained with sufficiently large number of data, the $S_{n}$-equivariant QCNN shows better average performance compared to $S_{n}$-equivariant QNN . These results contribute towards building powerful quantum machine learning architectures in permutation-symmetric systems.

cross L3Cube-MahaNews: News-based Short Text and Long Document Classification Datasets in Marathi

Authors: Saloni Mittal, Vidula Magdum, Omkar Dhekane, Sharayu Hiwarkhedkar, Raviraj Joshi

Abstract: The availability of text or topic classification datasets in the low-resource Marathi language is limited, typically consisting of fewer than 4 target labels, with some achieving nearly perfect accuracy. In this work, we introduce L3Cube-MahaNews, a Marathi text classification corpus that focuses on News headlines and articles. This corpus stands out as the largest supervised Marathi Corpus, containing over 1.05L records classified into a diverse range of 12 categories. To accommodate different document lengths, MahaNews comprises three supervised datasets specifically designed for short text, long documents, and medium paragraphs. The consistent labeling across these datasets facilitates document length-based analysis. We provide detailed data statistics and baseline results on these datasets using state-of-the-art pre-trained BERT models. We conduct a comparative analysis between monolingual and multilingual BERT models, including MahaBERT, IndicBERT, and MuRIL. The monolingual MahaBERT model outperforms all others on every dataset. These resources also serve as Marathi topic classification datasets or models and are publicly available at .


cross BUFF: Boosted Decision Tree based Ultra-Fast Flow matching

Authors: Cheng Jiang, Sitian Qian, Huilin Qu

Abstract: Tabular data stands out as one of the most frequently encountered types in high energy physics. Unlike commonly homogeneous data such as pixelated images, simulating high-dimensional tabular data and accurately capturing their correlations are often quite challenging, even with the most advanced architectures. Based on the findings that tree-based models surpass the performance of deep learning models for tasks specific to tabular data, we adopt the very recent generative modeling class named conditional flow matching and employ different techniques to integrate the usage of Gradient Boosted Trees. The performances are evaluated for various tasks on different analysis level with several public datasets. We demonstrate the training and inference time of most high-level simulation tasks can achieve speedup by orders of magnitude. The application can be extended to low-level feature simulation and conditioned generations with competitive performance.

cross TextGram: Towards a better domain-adaptive pretraining

Authors: Sharayu Hiwarkhedkar, Saloni Mittal, Vidula Magdum, Omkar Dhekane, Raviraj Joshi, Geetanjali Kale, Arnav Ladkat

Abstract: For green AI, it is crucial to measure and reduce the carbon footprint emitted during the training of large language models. In NLP, performing pre-training on Transformer models requires significant computational resources. This pre-training involves using a large amount of text data to gain prior knowledge for performing downstream tasks. Thus, it is important that we select the correct data in the form of domain-specific data from this vast corpus to achieve optimum results aligned with our domain-specific tasks. While training on large unsupervised data is expensive, it can be optimized by performing a data selection step before pretraining. Selecting important data reduces the space overhead and the substantial amount of time required to pre-train the model while maintaining constant accuracy. We investigate the existing selection strategies and propose our own domain-adaptive data selection method - TextGram - that effectively selects essential data from large corpora. We compare and evaluate the results of finetuned models for text classification task with and without data selection. We show that the proposed strategy works better compared to other selection methods.

cross A Note on Asynchronous Challenges: Unveiling Formulaic Bias and Data Loss in the Hayashi-Yoshida Estimator

Authors: Evangelos Georgiadis

Abstract: The Hayashi-Yoshida (\HY)-estimator exhibits an intrinsic, telescoping property that leads to an often overlooked computational bias, which we denote,formulaic or intrinsic bias. This formulaic bias results in data loss by cancelling out potentially relevant data points, the nonextant data points. This paper attempts to formalize and quantify the data loss arising from this bias. In particular, we highlight the existence of nonextant data points via a concrete example, and prove necessary and sufficient conditions for the telescoping property to induce this type of formulaic bias.Since this type of bias is nonexistent when inputs, i.e., observation times, $\Pi^{(1)} :=(t_i^{(1)})_{i=0,1,\ldots}$ and $\Pi^{(2)} :=(t_j^{(2)})_{j=0,1,\ldots}$, are synchronous, we introduce the (a,b)-asynchronous adversary. This adversary generates inputs $\Pi^{(1)}$ and $\Pi^{(2)}$ according to two independent homogenous Poisson processes with rates a>0 and b>0, respectively. We address the foundational questions regarding cumulative minimal (or least) average data point loss, and determine the values for a and b. We prove that for equal rates a=b, the minimal average cumulative data loss over both inputs is attained and amounts to 25\%. We present an algorithm, which is based on our theorem, for computing the exact number of nonextant data points given inputs $\Pi^{(1)}$ and $\Pi^{(2)}$, and suggest alternative methods. Finally, we use simulated data to empirically compare the (cumulative) average data loss of the (\HY)-estimator.

cross Machine Learning for Blockchain Data Analysis: Progress and Opportunities

Authors: Poupak Azad, Cuneyt Gurcan Akcora, Arijit Khan

Abstract: Blockchain technology has rapidly emerged to mainstream attention, while its publicly accessible, heterogeneous, massive-volume, and temporal data are reminiscent of the complex dynamics encountered during the last decade of big data. Unlike any prior data source, blockchain datasets encompass multiple layers of interactions across real-world entities, e.g., human users, autonomous programs, and smart contracts. Furthermore, blockchain's integration with cryptocurrencies has introduced financial aspects of unprecedented scale and complexity such as decentralized finance, stablecoins, non-fungible tokens, and central bank digital currencies. These unique characteristics present both opportunities and challenges for machine learning on blockchain data. On one hand, we examine the state-of-the-art solutions, applications, and future directions associated with leveraging machine learning for blockchain data analysis critical for the improvement of blockchain technology such as e-crime detection and trends prediction. On the other hand, we shed light on the pivotal role of blockchain by providing vast datasets and tools that can catalyze the growth of the evolving machine learning ecosystem. This paper serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, offering a roadmap for navigating this dynamic and transformative field.

cross Efficient Remote Sensing with Harmonized Transfer Learning and Modality Alignment

Authors: Tengjun Huang

Abstract: With the rise of Visual and Language Pretraining (VLP), an increasing number of downstream tasks are adopting the paradigm of pretraining followed by fine-tuning. Although this paradigm has demonstrated potential in various multimodal downstream tasks, its implementation in the remote sensing domain encounters some obstacles. Specifically, the tendency for same-modality embeddings to cluster together impedes efficient transfer learning. To tackle this issue, we review the aim of multimodal transfer learning for downstream tasks from a unified perspective, and rethink the optimization process based on three distinct objectives. We propose "Harmonized Transfer Learning and Modality Alignment (HarMA)", a method that simultaneously satisfies task constraints, modality alignment, and single-modality uniform alignment, while minimizing training overhead through parameter-efficient fine-tuning. Remarkably, without the need for external data for training, HarMA achieves state-of-the-art performance in two popular multimodal retrieval tasks in the field of remote sensing. Our experiments reveal that HarMA achieves competitive and even superior performance to fully fine-tuned models with only minimal adjustable parameters. Due to its simplicity, HarMA can be integrated into almost all existing multimodal pretraining models. We hope this method can facilitate the efficient application of large models to a wide range of downstream tasks while significantly reducing the resource consumption. Code is available at


cross LINOCS: Lookahead Inference of Networked Operators for Continuous Stability

Authors: Noga Mudrik, Eva Yezerets, Yenho Chen, Christopher Rozell, Adam Charles

Abstract: Identifying latent interactions within complex systems is key to unlocking deeper insights into their operational dynamics, including how their elements affect each other and contribute to the overall system behavior. For instance, in neuroscience, discovering neuron-to-neuron interactions is essential for understanding brain function; in ecology, recognizing the interactions among populations is key for understanding complex ecosystems. Such systems, often modeled as dynamical systems, typically exhibit noisy high-dimensional and non-stationary temporal behavior that renders their identification challenging. Existing dynamical system identification methods often yield operators that accurately capture short-term behavior but fail to predict long-term trends, suggesting an incomplete capture of the underlying process. Methods that consider extended forecasts (e.g., recurrent neural networks) lack explicit representations of element-wise interactions and require substantial training data, thereby failing to capture interpretable network operators. Here we introduce Lookahead-driven Inference of Networked Operators for Continuous Stability (LINOCS), a robust learning procedure for identifying hidden dynamical interactions in noisy time-series data. LINOCS integrates several multi-step predictions with adaptive weights during training to recover dynamical operators that can yield accurate long-term predictions. We demonstrate LINOCS' ability to recover the ground truth dynamical operators underlying synthetic time-series data for multiple dynamical systems models (including linear, piece-wise linear, time-changing linear systems' decomposition, and regularized linear time-varying systems) as well as its capability to produce meaningful operators with robust reconstructions through various real-world examples.

cross Parameter-Efficient Tuning Large Language Models for Graph Representation Learning

Authors: Qi Zhu, Da Zheng, Xiang Song, Shichang Zhang, Bowen Jin, Yizhou Sun, George Karypis

Abstract: Text-rich graphs, which exhibit rich textual information on nodes and edges, are prevalent across a wide range of real-world business applications. Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable abilities in understanding text, which also introduced the potential for more expressive modeling in text-rich graphs. Despite these capabilities, efficiently applying LLMs to representation learning on graphs presents significant challenges. Recently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods for LLMs have enabled efficient new task generalization with minimal time and memory consumption. Inspired by this, we introduce Graph-aware Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning - GPEFT, a novel approach for efficient graph representation learning with LLMs on text-rich graphs. Specifically, we utilize a graph neural network (GNN) to encode structural information from neighboring nodes into a graph prompt. This prompt is then inserted at the beginning of the text sequence. To improve the quality of graph prompts, we pre-trained the GNN to assist the frozen LLM in predicting the next token in the node text. Compared with existing joint GNN and LMs, our method directly generate the node embeddings from large language models with an affordable fine-tuning cost. We validate our approach through comprehensive experiments conducted on 8 different text-rich graphs, observing an average improvement of 2% in hit@1 and Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR) in link prediction evaluations. Our results demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of our model, showing that it can be smoothly integrated with various large language models, including OPT, LLaMA and Falcon.

cross Using Deep Q-Learning to Dynamically Toggle between Push/Pull Actions in Computational Trust Mechanisms

Authors: Zoi Lygizou, Dimitris Kalles

Abstract: Recent work on decentralized computational trust models for open Multi Agent Systems has resulted in the development of CA, a biologically inspired model which focuses on the trustee's perspective. This new model addresses a serious unresolved problem in existing trust and reputation models, namely the inability to handle constantly changing behaviors and agents' continuous entry and exit from the system. In previous work, we compared CA to FIRE, a well-known trust and reputation model, and found that CA is superior when the trustor population changes, whereas FIRE is more resilient to the trustee population changes. Thus, in this paper, we investigate how the trustors can detect the presence of several dynamic factors in their environment and then decide which trust model to employ in order to maximize utility. We frame this problem as a machine learning problem in a partially observable environment, where the presence of several dynamic factors is not known to the trustor and we describe how an adaptable trustor can rely on a few measurable features so as to assess the current state of the environment and then use Deep Q Learning (DQN), in a single-agent Reinforcement Learning setting, to learn how to adapt to a changing environment. We ran a series of simulation experiments to compare the performance of the adaptable trustor with the performance of trustors using only one model (FIRE or CA) and we show that an adaptable agent is indeed capable of learning when to use each model and, thus, perform consistently in dynamic environments.

cross Position paper: Do not explain (vision models) without context

Authors: Paulina Tomaszewska, Przemys{\l}aw Biecek

Abstract: Does the stethoscope in the picture make the adjacent person a doctor or a patient? This, of course, depends on the contextual relationship of the two objects. If it is obvious, why don not explanation methods for vision models use contextual information? In this paper, we (1) review the most popular methods of explaining computer vision models by pointing out that they do not take into account context information, (2) provide examples of real-world use cases where spatial context plays a significant role, (3) propose new research directions that may lead to better use of context information in explaining computer vision models, (4) argue that a change in approach to explanations is needed from 'where' to 'how'.

cross Physics-informed Convolutional Neural Network for Microgrid Economic Dispatch

Authors: Xiaoyu Ge, Javad Khazaei

Abstract: The variability of renewable energy generation and the unpredictability of electricity demand create a need for real-time economic dispatch (ED) of assets in microgrids. However, solving numerical optimization problems in real-time can be incredibly challenging. This study proposes using a convolutional neural network (CNN) based on deep learning to address these challenges. Compared to traditional methods, CNN is more efficient, delivers more dependable results, and has a shorter response time when dealing with uncertainties. While CNN has shown promising results, it does not extract explainable knowledge from the data. To address this limitation, a physics-inspired CNN model is developed by incorporating constraints of the ED problem into the CNN training to ensure that the model follows physical laws while fitting the data. The proposed method can significantly accelerate real-time economic dispatch of microgrids without compromising the accuracy of numerical optimization techniques. The effectiveness of the proposed data-driven approach for optimal allocation of microgrid resources in real-time is verified through a comprehensive comparison with conventional numerical optimization approaches.

cross Deep generative modelling of canonical ensemble with differentiable thermal properties

Authors: Shuo-Hui Li, Yao-Wen Zhang, Ding Pan

Abstract: We propose a variational modelling method with differentiable temperature for canonical ensembles. Using a deep generative model, the free energy is estimated and minimized simultaneously in a continuous temperature range. At optimal, this generative model is a Boltzmann distribution with temperature dependence. The training process requires no dataset, and works with arbitrary explicit density generative models. We applied our method to study the phase transitions (PT) in the Ising and XY models, and showed that the direct-sampling simulation of our model is as accurate as the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation, but more efficient. Moreover, our method can give thermodynamic quantities as differentiable functions of temperature akin to an analytical solution. The free energy aligns closely with the exact one to the second-order derivative, so this inclusion of temperature dependence enables the otherwise biased variational model to capture the subtle thermal effects at the PTs. These findings shed light on the direct simulation of physical systems using deep generative models

cross Capabilities of Gemini Models in Medicine

Authors: Khaled Saab, Tao Tu, Wei-Hung Weng, Ryutaro Tanno, David Stutz, Ellery Wulczyn, Fan Zhang, Tim Strother, Chunjong Park, Elahe Vedadi, Juanma Zambrano Chaves, Szu-Yeu Hu, Mike Schaekermann, Aishwarya Kamath, Yong Cheng, David G. T. Barrett, Cathy Cheung, Basil Mustafa, Anil Palepu, Daniel McDuff, Le Hou, Tomer Golany, Luyang Liu, Jean-baptiste Alayrac, Neil Houlsby, Nenad Tomasev, Jan Freyberg, Charles Lau, Jonas Kemp, Jeremy Lai, Shekoofeh Azizi, Kimberly Kanada, SiWai Man, Kavita Kulkarni, Ruoxi Sun, Siamak Shakeri, Luheng He, Ben Caine, Albert Webson, Natasha Latysheva, Melvin Johnson, Philip Mansfield, Jian Lu, Ehud Rivlin, Jesper Anderson, Bradley Green, Renee Wong, Jonathan Krause, Jonathon Shlens, Ewa Dominowska, S. M. Ali Eslami, Claire Cui, Oriol Vinyals, Koray Kavukcuoglu, James Manyika, Jeff Dean, Demis Hassabis, Yossi Matias, Dale Webster, Joelle Barral, Greg Corrado, Christopher Semturs, S. Sara Mahdavi, Juraj Gottweis, Alan Karthikesalingam, Vivek Natarajan

Abstract: Excellence in a wide variety of medical applications poses considerable challenges for AI, requiring advanced reasoning, access to up-to-date medical knowledge and understanding of complex multimodal data. Gemini models, with strong general capabilities in multimodal and long-context reasoning, offer exciting possibilities in medicine. Building on these core strengths of Gemini, we introduce Med-Gemini, a family of highly capable multimodal models that are specialized in medicine with the ability to seamlessly use web search, and that can be efficiently tailored to novel modalities using custom encoders. We evaluate Med-Gemini on 14 medical benchmarks, establishing new state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on 10 of them, and surpass the GPT-4 model family on every benchmark where a direct comparison is viable, often by a wide margin. On the popular MedQA (USMLE) benchmark, our best-performing Med-Gemini model achieves SoTA performance of 91.1% accuracy, using a novel uncertainty-guided search strategy. On 7 multimodal benchmarks including NEJM Image Challenges and MMMU (health & medicine), Med-Gemini improves over GPT-4V by an average relative margin of 44.5%. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Med-Gemini's long-context capabilities through SoTA performance on a needle-in-a-haystack retrieval task from long de-identified health records and medical video question answering, surpassing prior bespoke methods using only in-context learning. Finally, Med-Gemini's performance suggests real-world utility by surpassing human experts on tasks such as medical text summarization, alongside demonstrations of promising potential for multimodal medical dialogue, medical research and education. Taken together, our results offer compelling evidence for Med-Gemini's potential, although further rigorous evaluation will be crucial before real-world deployment in this safety-critical domain.

cross Potential Paradigm Shift in Hazard Risk Management: AI-Based Weather Forecast for Tropical Cyclone Hazards

Authors: Kairui Feng, Dazhi Xi, Wei Ma, Cao Wang, Yuanlong Li, Xuanhong Chen

Abstract: The advents of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven models marks a paradigm shift in risk management strategies for meteorological hazards. This study specifically employs tropical cyclones (TCs) as a focal example. We engineer a perturbation-based method to produce ensemble forecasts using the advanced Pangu AI weather model. Unlike traditional approaches that often generate fewer than 20 scenarios from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulations for one event, our method facilitates the rapid nature of AI-driven model to create thousands of scenarios. We offer open-source access to our model and evaluate its effectiveness through retrospective case studies of significant TC events: Hurricane Irma (2017), Typhoon Mangkhut (2018), and TC Debbie (2017), affecting regions across North America, East Asia, and Australia. Our findings indicate that the AI-generated ensemble forecasts align closely with the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) ensemble predictions up to seven days prior to landfall. This approach could substantially enhance the effectiveness of weather forecast-driven risk analysis and management, providing unprecedented operational speed, user-friendliness, and global applicability.

cross Strategic Behavior and AI Training Data

Authors: Christian Peukert, Florian Abeillon, J\'er\'emie Haese, Franziska Kaiser, Alexander Staub

Abstract: Human-created works represent critical data inputs to artificial intelligence (AI). Strategic behavior can play a major role for AI training datasets, be it in limiting access to existing works or in deciding which types of new works to create or whether to create new works at all. We examine creators' behavioral change when their works become training data for AI. Specifically, we focus on contributors on Unsplash, a popular stock image platform with about 6 million high-quality photos and illustrations. In the summer of 2020, Unsplash launched an AI research program by releasing a dataset of 25,000 images for commercial use. We study contributors' reactions, comparing contributors whose works were included in this dataset to contributors whose works were not included. Our results suggest that treated contributors left the platform at a higher-than-usual rate and substantially slowed down the rate of new uploads. Professional and more successful photographers react stronger than amateurs and less successful photographers. We also show that affected users changed the variety and novelty of contributions to the platform, with long-run implications for the stock of works potentially available for AI training. Taken together, our findings highlight the trade-off between interests of rightsholders and promoting innovation at the technological frontier. We discuss implications for copyright and AI policy.

cross Autonomous Quality and Hallucination Assessment for Virtual Tissue Staining and Digital Pathology

Authors: Luzhe Huang, Yuzhu Li, Nir Pillar, Tal Keidar Haran, William Dean Wallace, Aydogan Ozcan

Abstract: Histopathological staining of human tissue is essential in the diagnosis of various diseases. The recent advances in virtual tissue staining technologies using AI alleviate some of the costly and tedious steps involved in the traditional histochemical staining process, permitting multiplexed rapid staining of label-free tissue without using staining reagents, while also preserving tissue. However, potential hallucinations and artifacts in these virtually stained tissue images pose concerns, especially for the clinical utility of these approaches. Quality assessment of histology images is generally performed by human experts, which can be subjective and depends on the training level of the expert. Here, we present an autonomous quality and hallucination assessment method (termed AQuA), mainly designed for virtual tissue staining, while also being applicable to histochemical staining. AQuA achieves 99.8% accuracy when detecting acceptable and unacceptable virtually stained tissue images without access to ground truth, also presenting an agreement of 98.5% with the manual assessments made by board-certified pathologists. Besides, AQuA achieves super-human performance in identifying realistic-looking, virtually stained hallucinatory images that would normally mislead human diagnosticians by deceiving them into diagnosing patients that never existed. We further demonstrate the wide adaptability of AQuA across various virtually and histochemically stained tissue images and showcase its strong external generalization to detect unseen hallucination patterns of virtual staining network models as well as artifacts observed in the traditional histochemical staining workflow. This framework creates new opportunities to enhance the reliability of virtual staining and will provide quality assurance for various image generation and transformation tasks in digital pathology and computational imaging.

cross A Systematic Evaluation of Adversarial Attacks against Speech Emotion Recognition Models

Authors: Nicolas Facchinetti, Federico Simonetta, Stavros Ntalampiras

Abstract: Speech emotion recognition (SER) is constantly gaining attention in recent years due to its potential applications in diverse fields and thanks to the possibility offered by deep learning technologies. However, recent studies have shown that deep learning models can be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In this paper, we systematically assess this problem by examining the impact of various adversarial white-box and black-box attacks on different languages and genders within the context of SER. We first propose a suitable methodology for audio data processing, feature extraction, and CNN-LSTM architecture. The observed outcomes highlighted the significant vulnerability of CNN-LSTM models to adversarial examples (AEs). In fact, all the considered adversarial attacks are able to significantly reduce the performance of the constructed models. Furthermore, when assessing the efficacy of the attacks, minor differences were noted between the languages analyzed as well as between male and female speech. In summary, this work contributes to the understanding of the robustness of CNN-LSTM models, particularly in SER scenarios, and the impact of AEs. Interestingly, our findings serve as a baseline for a) developing more robust algorithms for SER, b) designing more effective attacks, c) investigating possible defenses, d) improved understanding of the vocal differences between different languages and genders, and e) overall, enhancing our comprehension of the SER task.

cross A Framework to Model ML Engineering Processes

Authors: Sergio Morales, Robert Claris\'o, Jordi Cabot

Abstract: The development of Machine Learning (ML) based systems is complex and requires multidisciplinary teams with diverse skill sets. This may lead to communication issues or misapplication of best practices. Process models can alleviate these challenges by standardizing task orchestration, providing a common language to facilitate communication, and nurturing a collaborative environment. Unfortunately, current process modeling languages are not suitable for describing the development of such systems. In this paper, we introduce a framework for modeling ML-based software development processes, built around a domain-specific language and derived from an analysis of scientific and gray literature. A supporting toolkit is also available.

cross MileBench: Benchmarking MLLMs in Long Context

Authors: Dingjie Song, Shunian Chen, Guiming Hardy Chen, Fei Yu, Xiang Wan, Benyou Wang

Abstract: Despite the advancements and impressive performance of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) on benchmarks, their effectiveness in real-world, long-context, and multi-image tasks is unclear due to the benchmarks' limited scope. Existing benchmarks often focus on single-image and short-text samples, and when assessing multi-image tasks, they either limit the image count or focus on specific task (e.g time-series captioning), potentially obscuring the performance challenges of MLLMs. To address these limitations, we introduce MileBench, a pioneering benchmark designed to test the MultImodal Long-contExt capabilities of MLLMs. This benchmark comprises not only multimodal long contexts, but also multiple tasks requiring both comprehension and generation. We establish two distinct evaluation sets, diagnostic and realistic, to systematically assess MLLMs' long-context adaptation capacity and their ability to complete tasks in long-context scenarios. Our experimental results, obtained from testing 20 models, revealed that while the closed-source GPT-4(Vision) and Gemini 1.5 outperform others, most open-source MLLMs struggle in long-context situations. Interestingly, the performance gap tends to widen with an increase in the number of images. We strongly encourage an intensification of research efforts towards enhancing MLLMs' long-context capabilities, especially in scenarios involving multiple images.

cross Time Machine GPT

Authors: Felix Drinkall, Eghbal Rahimikia, Janet B. Pierrehumbert, Stefan Zohren

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are often trained on extensive, temporally indiscriminate text corpora, reflecting the lack of datasets with temporal metadata. This approach is not aligned with the evolving nature of language. Conventional methods for creating temporally adapted language models often depend on further pre-training static models on time-specific data. This paper presents a new approach: a series of point-in-time LLMs called Time Machine GPT (TiMaGPT), specifically designed to be nonprognosticative. This ensures they remain uninformed about future factual information and linguistic changes. This strategy is beneficial for understanding language evolution and is of critical importance when applying models in dynamic contexts, such as time-series forecasting, where foresight of future information can prove problematic. We provide access to both the models and training datasets.

cross Do Vision & Language Decoders use Images and Text equally? How Self-consistent are their Explanations?

Authors: Letitia Parcalabescu, Anette Frank

Abstract: Vision and language models (VLMs) are currently the most generally performant architectures on multimodal tasks. Next to their predictions, they can also produce explanations, either in post-hoc or CoT settings. However, it is not clear how much they use the vision and text modalities when generating predictions or explanations. In this work, we investigate if VLMs rely on modalities differently when generating explanations as opposed to when they provide answers. We also evaluate the self-consistency of VLM decoders in both post-hoc and CoT explanation settings, by extending existing tests and measures to VLM decoders. We find that VLMs are less self-consistent than LLMs. The text contributions in VL decoders are much larger than the image contributions across all measured tasks. And the contributions of the image are significantly larger for explanation generations than for answer generation. This difference is even larger in CoT compared to the post-hoc explanation setting. We also provide an up-to-date benchmarking of state-of-the-art VL decoders on the VALSE benchmark, which to date focused only on VL encoders. We find that VL decoders are still struggling with most phenomena tested by VALSE.

cross Terrain characterisation for online adaptability of automated sonar processing: Lessons learnt from operationally applying ATR to sidescan sonar in MCM applications

Authors: Thomas Guerneve, Stephanos Loizou, Andrea Munafo, Pierre-Yves Mignotte

Abstract: The performance of Automated Recognition (ATR) algorithms on side-scan sonar imagery has shown to degrade rapidly when deployed on non benign environments. Complex seafloors and acoustic artefacts constitute distractors in the form of strong textural patterns, creating false detections or preventing detections of true objects. This paper presents two online seafloor characterisation techniques to improve explainability during Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) missions. Importantly and as opposed to previous work in the domain, these techniques are not based on a model and require limited input from human operators, making it suitable for real-time onboard processing. Both techniques rely on an unsupervised machine learning approach to extract terrain features which relate to the human understanding of terrain complexity. The first technnique provides a quantitative, application-driven terrain characterisation metric based on the performance of an ATR algorithm. The second method provides a way to incorporate subject matter expertise and enables contextualisation and explainability in support for scenario-dependent subjective terrain characterisation. The terrain complexity matches the expectation of seasoned users making this tool desirable and trustworthy in comparison to traditional unsupervised approaches. We finally detail an application of these techniques to repair a Mine Countermeasures (MCM) mission carried with SeeByte autonomy framework Neptune.

cross Open-Source Drift Detection Tools in Action: Insights from Two Use Cases

Authors: Rieke M\"uller, Mohamed Abdelaal, Davor Stjelja

Abstract: Data drifts pose a critical challenge in the lifecycle of machine learning (ML) models, affecting their performance and reliability. In response to this challenge, we present a microbenchmark study, called D3Bench, which evaluates the efficacy of open-source drift detection tools. D3Bench examines the capabilities of Evidently AI, NannyML, and Alibi-Detect, leveraging real-world data from two smart building use cases.We prioritize assessing the functional suitability of these tools to identify and analyze data drifts. Furthermore, we consider a comprehensive set of non-functional criteria, such as the integrability with ML pipelines, the adaptability to diverse data types, user-friendliness, computational efficiency, and resource demands. Our findings reveal that Evidently AI stands out for its general data drift detection, whereas NannyML excels at pinpointing the precise timing of shifts and evaluating their consequent effects on predictive accuracy.

cross Real Time Multi Organ Classification on Computed Tomography Images

Authors: Halid Ziya Yerebakan, Yoshihisa Shinagawa, Gerardo Hermosillo Valadez

Abstract: Organ segmentation is a fundamental task in medical imaging, and it is useful for many clinical automation pipelines. Typically, the process involves segmenting the entire volume, which can be unnecessary when the points of interest are limited. In those cases, a classifier could be used instead of segmentation. However, there is an inherent trade-off between the context size and the speed of classifiers. To address this issue, we propose a new method that employs a data selection strategy with sparse sampling across a wide field of view without image resampling. This sparse sampling strategy makes it possible to classify voxels into multiple organs in real time without using accelerators. Although our method is an independent classifier, it can generate full segmentation by querying grid locations at any resolution. We have compared our method with existing segmentation techniques, demonstrating its potential for superior runtime in practical applications in medical imaging.

cross Transitive Vision-Language Prompt Learning for Domain Generalization

Authors: Liyuan Wang, Yan Jin, Zhen Chen, Jinlin Wu, Mengke Li, Yang Lu, Hanzi Wang

Abstract: The vision-language pre-training has enabled deep models to make a huge step forward in generalizing across unseen domains. The recent learning method based on the vision-language pre-training model is a great tool for domain generalization and can solve this problem to a large extent. However, there are still some issues that an advancement still suffers from trading-off between domain invariance and class separability, which are crucial in current DG problems. However, there are still some issues that an advancement still suffers from trading-off between domain invariance and class separability, which are crucial in current DG problems. In this paper, we introduce a novel prompt learning strategy that leverages deep vision prompts to address domain invariance while utilizing language prompts to ensure class separability, coupled with adaptive weighting mechanisms to balance domain invariance and class separability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that deep vision prompts effectively extract domain-invariant features, significantly improving the generalization ability of deep models and achieving state-of-the-art performance on three datasets.

cross Learning with Norm Constrained, Over-parameterized, Two-layer Neural Networks

Authors: Fanghui Liu, Leello Dadi, Volkan Cevher

Abstract: Recent studies show that a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) is not a suitable space to model functions by neural networks as the curse of dimensionality (CoD) cannot be evaded when trying to approximate even a single ReLU neuron (Bach, 2017). In this paper, we study a suitable function space for over-parameterized two-layer neural networks with bounded norms (e.g., the path norm, the Barron norm) in the perspective of sample complexity and generalization properties. First, we show that the path norm (as well as the Barron norm) is able to obtain width-independence sample complexity bounds, which allows for uniform convergence guarantees. Based on this result, we derive the improved result of metric entropy for $\epsilon$-covering up to $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-\frac{2d}{d+2}})$ ($d$ is the input dimension and the depending constant is at most polynomial order of $d$) via the convex hull technique, which demonstrates the separation with kernel methods with $\Omega(\epsilon^{-d})$ to learn the target function in a Barron space. Second, this metric entropy result allows for building a sharper generalization bound under a general moment hypothesis setting, achieving the rate at $\mathcal{O}(n^{-\frac{d+2}{2d+2}})$. Our analysis is novel in that it offers a sharper and refined estimation for metric entropy (with a clear dependence relationship on the dimension $d$) and unbounded sampling in the estimation of the sample error and the output error.

cross A Partial Replication of MaskFormer in TensorFlow on TPUs for the TensorFlow Model Garden

Authors: Vishal Purohit, Wenxin Jiang, Akshath R. Ravikiran, James C. Davis

Abstract: This paper undertakes the task of replicating the MaskFormer model a universal image segmentation model originally developed using the PyTorch framework, within the TensorFlow ecosystem, specifically optimized for execution on Tensor Processing Units (TPUs). Our implementation exploits the modular constructs available within the TensorFlow Model Garden (TFMG), encompassing elements such as the data loader, training orchestrator, and various architectural components, tailored and adapted to meet the specifications of the MaskFormer model. We address key challenges encountered during the replication, non-convergence issues, slow training, adaptation of loss functions, and the integration of TPU-specific functionalities. We verify our reproduced implementation and present qualitative results on the COCO dataset. Although our implementation meets some of the objectives for end-to-end reproducibility, we encountered challenges in replicating the PyTorch version of MaskFormer in TensorFlow. This replication process is not straightforward and requires substantial engineering efforts. Specifically, it necessitates the customization of various components within the TFMG, alongside thorough verification and hyper-parameter tuning. The replication is available at:


cross The Landscape of Unfolding with Machine Learning

Authors: Nathan Huetsch, Javier Mari\~no Villadamigo, Alexander Shmakov, Sascha Diefenbacher, Vinicius Mikuni, Theo Heimel, Michael Fenton, Kevin Greif, Benjamin Nachman, Daniel Whiteson, Anja Butter, Tilman Plehn

Abstract: Recent innovations from machine learning allow for data unfolding, without binning and including correlations across many dimensions. We describe a set of known, upgraded, and new methods for ML-based unfolding. The performance of these approaches are evaluated on the same two datasets. We find that all techniques are capable of accurately reproducing the particle-level spectra across complex observables. Given that these approaches are conceptually diverse, they offer an exciting toolkit for a new class of measurements that can probe the Standard Model with an unprecedented level of detail and may enable sensitivity to new phenomena.

cross Safe Reach Set Computation via Neural Barrier Certificates

Authors: Alessandro Abate, Sergiy Bogomolov, Alec Edwards, Kostiantyn Potomkin, Sadegh Soudjani, Paolo Zuliani

Abstract: We present a novel technique for online safety verification of autonomous systems, which performs reachability analysis efficiently for both bounded and unbounded horizons by employing neural barrier certificates. Our approach uses barrier certificates given by parameterized neural networks that depend on a given initial set, unsafe sets, and time horizon. Such networks are trained efficiently offline using system simulations sampled from regions of the state space. We then employ a meta-neural network to generalize the barrier certificates to state space regions that are outside the training set. These certificates are generated and validated online as sound over-approximations of the reachable states, thus either ensuring system safety or activating appropriate alternative actions in unsafe scenarios. We demonstrate our technique on case studies from linear models to nonlinear control-dependent models for online autonomous driving scenarios.

cross Control Policy Correction Framework for Reinforcement Learning-based Energy Arbitrage Strategies

Authors: Seyed Soroush Karimi Madahi, Gargya Gokhale, Marie-Sophie Verwee, Bert Claessens, Chris Develder

Abstract: A continuous rise in the penetration of renewable energy sources, along with the use of the single imbalance pricing, provides a new opportunity for balance responsible parties to reduce their cost through energy arbitrage in the imbalance settlement mechanism. Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) methods are an appropriate choice for solving the energy arbitrage problem due to their outstanding performance in solving complex stochastic sequential problems. However, RL is rarely deployed in real-world applications since its learned policy does not necessarily guarantee safety during the execution phase. In this paper, we propose a new RL-based control framework for batteries to obtain a safe energy arbitrage strategy in the imbalance settlement mechanism. In our proposed control framework, the agent initially aims to optimize the arbitrage revenue. Subsequently, in the post-processing step, we correct (constrain) the learned policy following a knowledge distillation process based on properties that follow human intuition. Our post-processing step is a generic method and is not restricted to the energy arbitrage domain. We use the Belgian imbalance price of 2023 to evaluate the performance of our proposed framework. Furthermore, we deploy our proposed control framework on a real battery to show its capability in the real world.

cross Benchmarking Benchmark Leakage in Large Language Models

Authors: Ruijie Xu, Zengzhi Wang, Run-Ze Fan, Pengfei Liu

Abstract: Amid the expanding use of pre-training data, the phenomenon of benchmark dataset leakage has become increasingly prominent, exacerbated by opaque training processes and the often undisclosed inclusion of supervised data in contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs). This issue skews benchmark effectiveness and fosters potentially unfair comparisons, impeding the field's healthy development. To address this, we introduce a detection pipeline utilizing Perplexity and N-gram accuracy, two simple and scalable metrics that gauge a model's prediction precision on benchmark, to identify potential data leakages. By analyzing 31 LLMs under the context of mathematical reasoning, we reveal substantial instances of training even test set misuse, resulting in potentially unfair comparisons. These findings prompt us to offer several recommendations regarding model documentation, benchmark setup, and future evaluations. Notably, we propose the "Benchmark Transparency Card" to encourage clear documentation of benchmark utilization, promoting transparency and healthy developments of LLMs. we have made our leaderboard, pipeline implementation, and model predictions publicly available, fostering future research.

cross Fast Quantum Process Tomography via Riemannian Gradient Descent

Authors: Daniel Volya, Andrey Nikitin, Prabhat Mishra

Abstract: Constrained optimization plays a crucial role in the fields of quantum physics and quantum information science and becomes especially challenging for high-dimensional complex structure problems. One specific issue is that of quantum process tomography, in which the goal is to retrieve the underlying quantum process based on a given set of measurement data. In this paper, we introduce a modified version of stochastic gradient descent on a Riemannian manifold that integrates recent advancements in numerical methods for Riemannian optimization. This approach inherently supports the physically driven constraints of a quantum process, takes advantage of state-of-the-art large-scale stochastic objective optimization, and has superior performance to traditional approaches such as maximum likelihood estimation and projected least squares. The data-driven approach enables accurate, order-of-magnitude faster results, and works with incomplete data. We demonstrate our approach on simulations of quantum processes and in hardware by characterizing an engineered process on quantum computers.

cross Human-in-the-Loop Synthetic Text Data Inspection with Provenance Tracking

Authors: Hong Jin Kang, Fabrice Harel-Canada, Muhammad Ali Gulzar, Violet Peng, Miryung Kim

Abstract: Data augmentation techniques apply transformations to existing texts to generate additional data. The transformations may produce low-quality texts, where the meaning of the text is changed and the text may even be mangled beyond human comprehension. Analyzing the synthetically generated texts and their corresponding labels is slow and demanding. To winnow out texts with incorrect labels, we develop INSPECTOR, a human-in-the-loop data inspection technique. INSPECTOR combines the strengths of provenance tracking techniques with assistive labeling. INSPECTOR allows users to group related texts by their transformation provenance, i.e., the transformations applied to the original text, or feature provenance, the linguistic features of the original text. For assistive labeling, INSPECTOR computes metrics that approximate data quality, and allows users to compare the corresponding label of each text against the predictions of a large language model. In a user study, INSPECTOR increases the number of texts with correct labels identified by 3X on a sentiment analysis task and by 4X on a hate speech detection task. The participants found grouping the synthetically generated texts by their common transformation to be the most useful technique. Surprisingly, grouping texts by common linguistic features was perceived to be unhelpful. Contrary to prior work, our study finds that no single technique obviates the need for human inspection effort. This validates the design of INSPECTOR which combines both analysis of data provenance and assistive labeling to reduce human inspection effort.

cross IPixMatch: Boost Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Inter-Pixel Relation

Authors: Kebin Wu, Wenbin Li, Xiaofei Xiao

Abstract: The scarcity of labeled data in real-world scenarios is a critical bottleneck of deep learning's effectiveness. Semi-supervised semantic segmentation has been a typical solution to achieve a desirable tradeoff between annotation cost and segmentation performance. However, previous approaches, whether based on consistency regularization or self-training, tend to neglect the contextual knowledge embedded within inter-pixel relations. This negligence leads to suboptimal performance and limited generalization. In this paper, we propose a novel approach IPixMatch designed to mine the neglected but valuable Inter-Pixel information for semi-supervised learning. Specifically, IPixMatch is constructed as an extension of the standard teacher-student network, incorporating additional loss terms to capture inter-pixel relations. It shines in low-data regimes by efficiently leveraging the limited labeled data and extracting maximum utility from the available unlabeled data. Furthermore, IPixMatch can be integrated seamlessly into most teacher-student frameworks without the need of model modification or adding additional components. Our straightforward IPixMatch method demonstrates consistent performance improvements across various benchmark datasets under different partitioning protocols.

cross Learning general Gaussian mixtures with efficient score matching

Authors: Sitan Chen, Vasilis Kontonis, Kulin Shah

Abstract: We study the problem of learning mixtures of $k$ Gaussians in $d$ dimensions. We make no separation assumptions on the underlying mixture components: we only require that the covariance matrices have bounded condition number and that the means and covariances lie in a ball of bounded radius. We give an algorithm that draws $d^{\mathrm{poly}(k/\varepsilon)}$ samples from the target mixture, runs in sample-polynomial time, and constructs a sampler whose output distribution is $\varepsilon$-far from the unknown mixture in total variation. Prior works for this problem either (i) required exponential runtime in the dimension $d$, (ii) placed strong assumptions on the instance (e.g., spherical covariances or clusterability), or (iii) had doubly exponential dependence on the number of components $k$. Our approach departs from commonly used techniques for this problem like the method of moments. Instead, we leverage a recently developed reduction, based on diffusion models, from distribution learning to a supervised learning task called score matching. We give an algorithm for the latter by proving a structural result showing that the score function of a Gaussian mixture can be approximated by a piecewise-polynomial function, and there is an efficient algorithm for finding it. To our knowledge, this is the first example of diffusion models achieving a state-of-the-art theoretical guarantee for an unsupervised learning task.

cross Detecting critical treatment effect bias in small subgroups

Authors: Piersilvio De Bartolomeis, Javier Abad, Konstantin Donhauser, Fanny Yang

Abstract: Randomized trials are considered the gold standard for making informed decisions in medicine, yet they often lack generalizability to the patient populations in clinical practice. Observational studies, on the other hand, cover a broader patient population but are prone to various biases. Thus, before using an observational study for decision-making, it is crucial to benchmark its treatment effect estimates against those derived from a randomized trial. We propose a novel strategy to benchmark observational studies beyond the average treatment effect. First, we design a statistical test for the null hypothesis that the treatment effects estimated from the two studies, conditioned on a set of relevant features, differ up to some tolerance. We then estimate an asymptotically valid lower bound on the maximum bias strength for any subgroup in the observational study. Finally, we validate our benchmarking strategy in a real-world setting and show that it leads to conclusions that align with established medical knowledge.

cross Kangaroo: Lossless Self-Speculative Decoding via Double Early Exiting

Authors: Fangcheng Liu, Yehui Tang, Zhenhua Liu, Yunsheng Ni, Kai Han, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Speculative decoding has demonstrated its effectiveness in accelerating the inference of large language models while maintaining a consistent sampling distribution. However, the conventional approach of training a separate draft model to achieve a satisfactory token acceptance rate can be costly. Drawing inspiration from early exiting, we propose a novel self-speculative decoding framework \emph{Kangaroo}, which uses a fixed shallow sub-network as a self-draft model, with the remaining layers serving as the larger target model. We train a lightweight and efficient adapter module on top of the sub-network to bridge the gap between the sub-network and the full model's representation ability. It is noteworthy that the inference latency of the self-draft model may no longer be negligible compared to the large model, necessitating strategies to increase the token acceptance rate while minimizing the drafting steps of the small model. To address this challenge, we introduce an additional early exiting mechanism for generating draft tokens. Specifically, we halt the small model's subsequent prediction during the drafting phase once the confidence level for the current token falls below a certain threshold. Extensive experiments on the Spec-Bench demonstrate the effectiveness of Kangaroo. Under single-sequence verification, Kangaroo achieves speedups up to $1.68\times$ on Spec-Bench, outperforming Medusa-1 with 88.7\% fewer additional parameters (67M compared to 591M). The code for Kangaroo is available at


cross Point Cloud Models Improve Visual Robustness in Robotic Learners

Authors: Skand Peri, Iain Lee, Chanho Kim, Li Fuxin, Tucker Hermans, Stefan Lee

Abstract: Visual control policies can encounter significant performance degradation when visual conditions like lighting or camera position differ from those seen during training -- often exhibiting sharp declines in capability even for minor differences. In this work, we examine robustness to a suite of these types of visual changes for RGB-D and point cloud based visual control policies. To perform these experiments on both model-free and model-based reinforcement learners, we introduce a novel Point Cloud World Model (PCWM) and point cloud based control policies. Our experiments show that policies that explicitly encode point clouds are significantly more robust than their RGB-D counterparts. Further, we find our proposed PCWM significantly outperforms prior works in terms of sample efficiency during training. Taken together, these results suggest reasoning about the 3D scene through point clouds can improve performance, reduce learning time, and increase robustness for robotic learners. Project Webpage:


cross Stylus: Automatic Adapter Selection for Diffusion Models

Authors: Michael Luo, Justin Wong, Brandon Trabucco, Yanping Huang, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Zhifeng Chen, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Beyond scaling base models with more data or parameters, fine-tuned adapters provide an alternative way to generate high fidelity, custom images at reduced costs. As such, adapters have been widely adopted by open-source communities, accumulating a database of over 100K adapters-most of which are highly customized with insufficient descriptions. This paper explores the problem of matching the prompt to a set of relevant adapters, built on recent work that highlight the performance gains of composing adapters. We introduce Stylus, which efficiently selects and automatically composes task-specific adapters based on a prompt's keywords. Stylus outlines a three-stage approach that first summarizes adapters with improved descriptions and embeddings, retrieves relevant adapters, and then further assembles adapters based on prompts' keywords by checking how well they fit the prompt. To evaluate Stylus, we developed StylusDocs, a curated dataset featuring 75K adapters with pre-computed adapter embeddings. In our evaluation on popular Stable Diffusion checkpoints, Stylus achieves greater CLIP-FID Pareto efficiency and is twice as preferred, with humans and multimodal models as evaluators, over the base model. See for more.

replace Explaining Neural Scaling Laws

Authors: Yasaman Bahri, Ethan Dyer, Jared Kaplan, Jaehoon Lee, Utkarsh Sharma

Abstract: The population loss of trained deep neural networks often follows precise power-law scaling relations with either the size of the training dataset or the number of parameters in the network. We propose a theory that explains the origins of and connects these scaling laws. We identify variance-limited and resolution-limited scaling behavior for both dataset and model size, for a total of four scaling regimes. The variance-limited scaling follows simply from the existence of a well-behaved infinite data or infinite width limit, while the resolution-limited regime can be explained by positing that models are effectively resolving a smooth data manifold. In the large width limit, this can be equivalently obtained from the spectrum of certain kernels, and we present evidence that large width and large dataset resolution-limited scaling exponents are related by a duality. We exhibit all four scaling regimes in the controlled setting of large random feature and pretrained models and test the predictions empirically on a range of standard architectures and datasets. We also observe several empirical relationships between datasets and scaling exponents under modifications of task and architecture aspect ratio. Our work provides a taxonomy for classifying different scaling regimes, underscores that there can be different mechanisms driving improvements in loss, and lends insight into the microscopic origins of and relationships between scaling exponents.

replace Restructuring Graph for Higher Homophily via Adaptive Spectral Clustering

Authors: Shouheng Li, Dongwoo Kim, Qing Wang

Abstract: While a growing body of literature has been studying new Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) that work on both homophilic and heterophilic graphs, little has been done on adapting classical GNNs to less-homophilic graphs. Although the ability to handle less-homophilic graphs is restricted, classical GNNs still stand out in several nice properties such as efficiency, simplicity, and explainability. In this work, we propose a novel graph restructuring method that can be integrated into any type of GNNs, including classical GNNs, to leverage the benefits of existing GNNs while alleviating their limitations. Our contribution is threefold: a) learning the weight of pseudo-eigenvectors for an adaptive spectral clustering that aligns well with known node labels, b) proposing a new density-aware homophilic metric that is robust to label imbalance, and c) reconstructing the adjacency matrix based on the result of adaptive spectral clustering to maximize the homophilic scores. The experimental results show that our graph restructuring method can significantly boost the performance of six classical GNNs by an average of 25% on less-homophilic graphs. The boosted performance is comparable to state-of-the-art methods.

replace Emergent specialization from participation dynamics and multi-learner retraining

Authors: Sarah Dean, Mihaela Curmei, Lillian J. Ratliff, Jamie Morgenstern, Maryam Fazel

Abstract: Numerous online services are data-driven: the behavior of users affects the system's parameters, and the system's parameters affect the users' experience of the service, which in turn affects the way users may interact with the system. For example, people may choose to use a service only for tasks that already works well, or they may choose to switch to a different service. These adaptations influence the ability of a system to learn about a population of users and tasks in order to improve its performance broadly. In this work, we analyze a class of such dynamics -- where users allocate their participation amongst services to reduce the individual risk they experience, and services update their model parameters to reduce the service's risk on their current user population. We refer to these dynamics as \emph{risk-reducing}, which cover a broad class of common model updates including gradient descent and multiplicative weights. For this general class of dynamics, we show that asymptotically stable equilibria are always segmented, with sub-populations allocated to a single learner. Under mild assumptions, the utilitarian social optimum is a stable equilibrium. In contrast to previous work, which shows that repeated risk minimization can result in (Hashimoto et al., 2018; Miller et al., 2021), we find that repeated myopic updates with multiple learners lead to better outcomes. We illustrate the phenomena via a simulated example initialized from real data.

replace Size and depth of monotone neural networks: interpolation and approximation

Authors: Dan Mikulincer, Daniel Reichman

Abstract: We study monotone neural networks with threshold gates where all the weights (other than the biases) are non-negative. We focus on the expressive power and efficiency of representation of such networks. Our first result establishes that every monotone function over $[0,1]^d$ can be approximated within arbitrarily small additive error by a depth-4 monotone network. When $d > 3$, we improve upon the previous best-known construction which has depth $d+1$. Our proof goes by solving the monotone interpolation problem for monotone datasets using a depth-4 monotone threshold network. In our second main result we compare size bounds between monotone and arbitrary neural networks with threshold gates. We find that there are monotone real functions that can be computed efficiently by networks with no restriction on the gates whereas monotone networks approximating these functions need exponential size in the dimension.

replace Unified Algorithms for RL with Decision-Estimation Coefficients: PAC, Reward-Free, Preference-Based Learning, and Beyond

Authors: Fan Chen, Song Mei, Yu Bai

Abstract: Modern Reinforcement Learning (RL) is more than just learning the optimal policy; Alternative learning goals such as exploring the environment, estimating the underlying model, and learning from preference feedback are all of practical importance. While provably sample-efficient algorithms for each specific goal have been proposed, these algorithms often depend strongly on the particular learning goal and thus admit different structures correspondingly. It is an urging open question whether these learning goals can rather be tackled by a single unified algorithm. We make progress on this question by developing a unified algorithm framework for a large class of learning goals, building on the Decision-Estimation Coefficient (DEC) framework. Our framework handles many learning goals such as no-regret RL, PAC RL, reward-free learning, model estimation, and preference-based learning, all by simply instantiating the same generic complexity measure called "Generalized DEC", and a corresponding generic algorithm. The generalized DEC also yields a sample complexity lower bound for each specific learning goal. As applications, we propose "decouplable representation" as a natural sufficient condition for bounding generalized DECs, and use it to obtain many new sample-efficient results (and recover existing results) for a wide range of learning goals and problem classes as direct corollaries. Finally, as a connection, we re-analyze two existing optimistic model-based algorithms based on Posterior Sampling and Maximum Likelihood Estimation, showing that they enjoy sample complexity bounds under similar structural conditions as the DEC.

replace Neural-Symbolic Recursive Machine for Systematic Generalization

Authors: Qing Li, Yixin Zhu, Yitao Liang, Ying Nian Wu, Song-Chun Zhu, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: Current learning models often struggle with human-like systematic generalization, particularly in learning compositional rules from limited data and extrapolating them to novel combinations. We introduce the Neural-Symbolic Recursive Machine (NSR), whose core is a Grounded Symbol System (GSS), allowing for the emergence of combinatorial syntax and semantics directly from training data. The NSR employs a modular design that integrates neural perception, syntactic parsing, and semantic reasoning. These components are synergistically trained through a novel deduction-abduction algorithm. Our findings demonstrate that NSR's design, imbued with the inductive biases of equivariance and compositionality, grants it the expressiveness to adeptly handle diverse sequence-to-sequence tasks and achieve unparalleled systematic generalization. We evaluate NSR's efficacy across four challenging benchmarks designed to probe systematic generalization capabilities: SCAN for semantic parsing, PCFG for string manipulation, HINT for arithmetic reasoning, and a compositional machine translation task. The results affirm NSR's superiority over contemporary neural and hybrid models in terms of generalization and transferability.

replace Data Selection: A General Principle for Building Small Interpretable Models

Authors: Abhishek Ghose

Abstract: We present convincing empirical evidence for an effective and general strategy for building accurate small models. Such models are attractive for interpretability and also find use in resource-constrained environments. The strategy is to learn the training distribution and sample accordingly from the provided training data. The distribution learning algorithm is not a contribution of this work; our contribution is a rigorous demonstration of the broad utility of this strategy in various practical settings. We apply it to the tasks of (1) building cluster explanation trees, (2) prototype-based classification, and (3) classification using Random Forests, and show that it improves the accuracy of decades-old weak traditional baselines to be competitive with specialized modern techniques. This strategy is also versatile wrt the notion of model size. In the first two tasks, model size is considered to be number of leaves in the tree and the number of prototypes respectively. In the final task involving Random Forests, the strategy is shown to be effective even when model size comprises of more than one factor: number of trees and their maximum depth. Positive results using multiple datasets are presented that are shown to be statistically significant.

replace Empirical Analysis of Model Selection for Heterogeneous Causal Effect Estimation

Authors: Divyat Mahajan, Ioannis Mitliagkas, Brady Neal, Vasilis Syrgkanis

Abstract: We study the problem of model selection in causal inference, specifically for conditional average treatment effect (CATE) estimation. Unlike machine learning, there is no perfect analogue of cross-validation for model selection as we do not observe the counterfactual potential outcomes. Towards this, a variety of surrogate metrics have been proposed for CATE model selection that use only observed data. However, we do not have a good understanding regarding their effectiveness due to limited comparisons in prior studies. We conduct an extensive empirical analysis to benchmark the surrogate model selection metrics introduced in the literature, as well as the novel ones introduced in this work. We ensure a fair comparison by tuning the hyperparameters associated with these metrics via AutoML, and provide more detailed trends by incorporating realistic datasets via generative modeling. Our analysis suggests novel model selection strategies based on careful hyperparameter selection of CATE estimators and causal ensembling.

replace Examining Policy Entropy of Reinforcement Learning Agents for Personalization Tasks

Authors: Anton Dereventsov, Andrew Starnes, Clayton G. Webster

Abstract: This effort is focused on examining the behavior of reinforcement learning systems in personalization environments and detailing the differences in policy entropy associated with the type of learning algorithm utilized. We demonstrate that Policy Optimization agents often possess low-entropy policies during training, which in practice results in agents prioritizing certain actions and avoiding others. Conversely, we also show that Q-Learning agents are far less susceptible to such behavior and generally maintain high-entropy policies throughout training, which is often preferable in real-world applications. We provide a wide range of numerical experiments as well as theoretical justification to show that these differences in entropy are due to the type of learning being employed.

replace Towards Cross Domain Generalization of Hamiltonian Representation via Meta Learning

Authors: Yeongwoo Song, Hawoong Jeong

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning for physics have focused on discovering shared representations of target systems by incorporating physics priors or inductive biases into neural networks. While effective, these methods are limited to the system domain, where the type of system remains consistent and thus cannot ensure the adaptation to new, or unseen physical systems governed by different laws. For instance, a neural network trained on a mass-spring system cannot guarantee accurate predictions for the behavior of a two-body system or any other system with different physical laws. In this work, we take a significant leap forward by targeting cross domain generalization within the field of Hamiltonian dynamics. We model our system with a graph neural network (GNN) and employ a meta learning algorithm to enable the model to gain experience over a distribution of systems and make it adapt to new physics. Our approach aims to learn a unified Hamiltonian representation that is generalizable across multiple system domains, thereby overcoming the limitations of system-specific models. We demonstrate that the meta-trained model captures the generalized Hamiltonian representation that is consistent across different physical domains. Overall, through the use of meta learning, we offer a framework that achieves cross domain generalization, providing a step towards a unified model for understanding a wide array of dynamical systems via deep learning.

replace Explainable, Interpretable & Trustworthy AI for Intelligent Digital Twin: Case Study on Remaining Useful Life

Authors: Kazuma Kobayashi, Syed Bahauddin Alam

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) are increasingly used in energy and engineering systems, but these models must be fair, unbiased, and explainable. It is critical to have confidence in AI's trustworthiness. ML techniques have been useful in predicting important parameters and in improving model performance. However, for these AI techniques to be useful for making decisions, they need to be audited, accounted for, and easy to understand. Therefore, the use of explainable AI (XAI) and interpretable machine learning (IML) is crucial for the accurate prediction of prognostics, such as remaining useful life (RUL), in a digital twin system, to make it intelligent while ensuring that the AI model is transparent in its decision-making processes and that the predictions it generates can be understood and trusted by users. By using AI that is explainable, interpretable, and trustworthy, intelligent digital twin systems can make more accurate predictions of RUL, leading to better maintenance and repair planning, and ultimately, improved system performance. The objective of this paper is to explain the ideas of XAI and IML and to justify the important role of AI/ML in the digital twin framework and components, which requires XAI to understand the prediction better. This paper explains the importance of XAI and IML in both local and global aspects to ensure the use of trustworthy AI/ML applications for RUL prediction. We used the RUL prediction for the XAI and IML studies and leveraged the integrated Python toolbox for interpretable machine learning~(PiML).

replace Improved generalization with deep neural operators for engineering systems: Path towards digital twin

Authors: Kazuma Kobayashi, James Daniell, Syed Bahauddin Alam

Abstract: Neural Operator Networks (ONets) represent a novel advancement in machine learning algorithms, offering a robust and generalizable alternative for approximating partial differential equations (PDEs) solutions. Unlike traditional Neural Networks (NN), which directly approximate functions, ONets specialize in approximating mathematical operators, enhancing their efficacy in addressing complex PDEs. In this work, we evaluate the capabilities of Deep Operator Networks (DeepONets), an ONets implementation using a branch/trunk architecture. Three test cases are studied: a system of ODEs, a general diffusion system, and the convection/diffusion Burgers equation. It is demonstrated that DeepONets can accurately learn the solution operators, achieving prediction accuracy scores above 0.96 for the ODE and diffusion problems over the observed domain while achieving zero shot (without retraining) capability. More importantly, when evaluated on unseen scenarios (zero shot feature), the trained models exhibit excellent generalization ability. This underscores ONets vital niche for surrogate modeling and digital twin development across physical systems. While convection-diffusion poses a greater challenge, the results confirm the promise of ONets and motivate further enhancements to the DeepONet algorithm. This work represents an important step towards unlocking the potential of digital twins through robust and generalizable surrogates.

replace The Conditional Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence with Applications to Time-Series Data and Sequential Decision Making

Authors: Shujian Yu, Hongming Li, Sigurd L{\o}kse, Robert Jenssen, Jos\'e C. Pr\'incipe

Abstract: The Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) divergence was developed by Pr\'{i}ncipe et al. in 2000. In this paper, we extend the classic CS divergence to quantify the closeness between two conditional distributions and show that the developed conditional CS divergence can be simply estimated by a kernel density estimator from given samples. We illustrate the advantages (e.g., rigorous faithfulness guarantee, lower computational complexity, higher statistical power, and much more flexibility in a wide range of applications) of our conditional CS divergence over previous proposals, such as the conditional KL divergence and the conditional maximum mean discrepancy. We also demonstrate the compelling performance of conditional CS divergence in two machine learning tasks related to time series data and sequential inference, namely time series clustering and uncertainty-guided exploration for sequential decision making.

replace Neural Temporal Point Process for Forecasting Higher Order and Directional Interactions

Authors: Tony Gracious, Arman Gupta, Ambedkar Dukkipati

Abstract: Real-world systems are made of interacting entities that evolve with time. Creating models that can forecast interactions by learning the dynamics of entities is an important problem in numerous fields. Earlier works used dynamic graph models to achieve this. However, real-world interactions are more complex than pairwise, as they involve more than two entities, and many of these higher-order interactions have directional components. Examples of these can be seen in communication networks such as email exchanges that involve a sender, and multiple recipients, citation networks, where authors draw upon the work of others, and so on. In this paper, we solve the problem of higher-order directed interaction forecasting by proposing a deep neural network-based model \textit{Directed HyperNode Temporal Point Process} for directed hyperedge event forecasting, as hyperedge provides a native framework for modeling relationships among the variable number of nodes. Our proposed technique reduces the search space by initially forecasting the nodes at which events will be observed and then forecasting hyperedge sizes and adjacency vectors for the nodes observing events. Based on these, it generates candidate hyperedges, which are then used by a hyperedge predictor to identify the ground truth. To demonstrate the efficiency of our model, we curated five datasets and conducted an extensive empirical study. We believe that this is the first work that solves the problem of forecasting higher-order directional interactions.

replace Graph Anomaly Detection in Time Series: A Survey

Authors: Thi Kieu Khanh Ho, Ali Karami, Narges Armanfard

Abstract: With the recent advances in technology, a wide range of systems continue to collect a large amount of data over time and thus generate time series. Time-Series Anomaly Detection (TSAD) is an important task in various time-series applications such as e-commerce, cybersecurity, vehicle maintenance, and healthcare monitoring. However, this task is very challenging as it requires considering both the intra-variable dependency and the inter-variable dependency, where a variable can be defined as an observation in time-series data. Recent graph-based approaches have made impressive progress in tackling the challenges of this field. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive and up-to-date review of TSAD using graphs, referred to as G-TSAD. First, we explore the significant potential of graph representation learning for time-series data. Then, we review state-of-the-art graph anomaly detection techniques in the context of time series and discuss their strengths and drawbacks. Finally, we discuss the technical challenges and potential future directions for possible improvements in this research field.

replace Latent Space Bayesian Optimization with Latent Data Augmentation for Enhanced Exploration

Authors: Onur Boyar, Ichiro Takeuchi

Abstract: Latent Space Bayesian Optimization (LSBO) combines generative models, typically Variational Autoencoders (VAE), with Bayesian Optimization (BO) to generate de-novo objects of interest. However, LSBO faces challenges due to the mismatch between the objectives of BO and VAE, resulting in poor exploration capabilities. In this paper, we propose novel contributions to enhance LSBO efficiency and overcome this challenge. We first introduce the concept of latent consistency/inconsistency as a crucial problem in LSBO, arising from the VAE-BO mismatch. To address this, we propose the Latent Consistent Aware-Acquisition Function (LCA-AF) that leverages consistent points in LSBO. Additionally, we present LCA-VAE, a novel VAE method that creates a latent space with increased consistent points through data augmentation in latent space and penalization of latent inconsistencies. Combining LCA-VAE and LCA-AF, we develop LCA-LSBO. Our approach achieves high sample-efficiency and effective exploration, emphasizing the significance of addressing latent consistency through the novel incorporation of data augmentation in latent space within LCA-VAE in LSBO. We showcase the performance of our proposal via de-novo image generation and de-novo chemical design tasks.

replace Self-Supervised Temporal Graph learning with Temporal and Structural Intensity Alignment

Authors: Meng Liu, Ke Liang, Yawei Zhao, Wenxuan Tu, Sihang Zhou, Xinbiao Gan, Xinwang Liu, Kunlun He

Abstract: Temporal graph learning aims to generate high-quality representations for graph-based tasks with dynamic information, which has recently garnered increasing attention. In contrast to static graphs, temporal graphs are typically organized as node interaction sequences over continuous time rather than an adjacency matrix. Most temporal graph learning methods model current interactions by incorporating historical neighborhood. However, such methods only consider first-order temporal information while disregarding crucial high-order structural information, resulting in suboptimal performance. To address this issue, we propose a self-supervised method called S2T for temporal graph learning, which extracts both temporal and structural information to learn more informative node representations. Notably, the initial node representations combine first-order temporal and high-order structural information differently to calculate two conditional intensities. An alignment loss is then introduced to optimize the node representations, narrowing the gap between the two intensities and making them more informative. Concretely, in addition to modeling temporal information using historical neighbor sequences, we further consider structural knowledge at both local and global levels. At the local level, we generate structural intensity by aggregating features from high-order neighbor sequences. At the global level, a global representation is generated based on all nodes to adjust the structural intensity according to the active statuses on different nodes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed model S2T achieves at most 10.13% performance improvement compared with the state-of-the-art competitors on several datasets.

replace TAMUNA: Doubly Accelerated Distributed Optimization with Local Training, Compression, and Partial Participation

Authors: Laurent Condat, Ivan Agarsk\'y, Grigory Malinovsky, Peter Richt\'arik

Abstract: In distributed optimization and learning, several machines alternate between local computations in parallel and communication with a distant server. Communication is usually slow and costly and forms the main bottleneck. This is particularly true in federated learning, where a large number of users collaborate toward a global training task. In addition, it is desirable for a robust algorithm to allow for partial participation, since it is often the case that some clients are not able to participate to the entire process and are idle at certain times. Two strategies are popular to reduce the communication burden: 1) local training, which consists in communicating less frequently, or equivalently performing more local computations between the communication rounds; and 2) compression, whereby compressed information instead of full-dimensional vectors is communicated. We propose TAMUNA, the first algorithm for distributed optimization that leveraged the two strategies of local training and compression jointly and allows for partial participation. In the strongly convex setting, TAMUNA converges linearly to the exact solution and provably benefits from the two mechanisms: it exhibits a doubly-accelerated convergence rate, with respect to the condition number of the functions and the model dimension.

replace DTAAD: Dual Tcn-Attention Networks for Anomaly Detection in Multivariate Time Series Data

Authors: Lingrui Yu

Abstract: Anomaly detection techniques enable effective anomaly detection and diagnosis in multi-variate time series data, which are of major significance for today's industrial applications. However, establishing an anomaly detection system that can be rapidly and accurately located is a challenging problem due to the lack of anomaly labels, the high dimensional complexity of the data, memory bottlenecks in actual hardware, and the need for fast reasoning. In this paper, we propose an anomaly detection and diagnosis model, DTAAD, based on Transformer and Dual Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN). Our overall model is an integrated design in which an autoregressive model (AR) combines with an autoencoder (AE) structure. Scaling methods and feedback mechanisms are introduced to improve prediction accuracy and expand correlation differences. Constructed by us, the Dual TCN-Attention Network (DTA) uses only a single layer of Transformer encoder in our baseline experiment, belonging to an ultra-lightweight model. Our extensive experiments on seven public datasets validate that DTAAD exceeds the majority of currently advanced baseline methods in both detection and diagnostic performance. Specifically, DTAAD improved F1 scores by $8.38\%$ and reduced training time by $99\%$ compared to the baseline. The code and training scripts are publicly available on GitHub at


replace Aligned Diffusion Schr\"odinger Bridges

Authors: Vignesh Ram Somnath, Matteo Pariset, Ya-Ping Hsieh, Maria Rodriguez Martinez, Andreas Krause, Charlotte Bunne

Abstract: Diffusion Schr\"odinger bridges (DSB) have recently emerged as a powerful framework for recovering stochastic dynamics via their marginal observations at different time points. Despite numerous successful applications, existing algorithms for solving DSBs have so far failed to utilize the structure of aligned data, which naturally arises in many biological phenomena. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithmic framework that, for the first time, solves DSBs while respecting the data alignment. Our approach hinges on a combination of two decades-old ideas: The classical Schr\"odinger bridge theory and Doob's $h$-transform. Compared to prior methods, our approach leads to a simpler training procedure with lower variance, which we further augment with principled regularization schemes. This ultimately leads to sizeable improvements across experiments on synthetic and real data, including the tasks of predicting conformational changes in proteins and temporal evolution of cellular differentiation processes.

replace MediTab: Scaling Medical Tabular Data Predictors via Data Consolidation, Enrichment, and Refinement

Authors: Zifeng Wang, Chufan Gao, Cao Xiao, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Tabular data prediction has been employed in medical applications such as patient health risk prediction. However, existing methods usually revolve around the algorithm design while overlooking the significance of data engineering. Medical tabular datasets frequently exhibit significant heterogeneity across different sources, with limited sample sizes per source. As such, previous predictors are often trained on manually curated small datasets that struggle to generalize across different tabular datasets during inference. This paper proposes to scale medical tabular data predictors (MediTab) to various tabular inputs with varying features. The method uses a data engine that leverages large language models (LLMs) to consolidate tabular samples to overcome the barrier across tables with distinct schema. It also aligns out-domain data with the target task using a "learn, annotate, and refinement" pipeline. The expanded training data then enables the pre-trained MediTab to infer for arbitrary tabular input in the domain without fine-tuning, resulting in significant improvements over supervised baselines: it reaches an average ranking of 1.57 and 1.00 on 7 patient outcome prediction datasets and 3 trial outcome prediction datasets, respectively. In addition, MediTab exhibits impressive zero-shot performances: it outperforms supervised XGBoost models by 8.9% and 17.2% on average in two prediction tasks, respectively.

replace On Achieving Optimal Adversarial Test Error

Authors: Justin D. Li, Matus Telgarsky

Abstract: We first elucidate various fundamental properties of optimal adversarial predictors: the structure of optimal adversarial convex predictors in terms of optimal adversarial zero-one predictors, bounds relating the adversarial convex loss to the adversarial zero-one loss, and the fact that continuous predictors can get arbitrarily close to the optimal adversarial error for both convex and zero-one losses. Applying these results along with new Rademacher complexity bounds for adversarial training near initialization, we prove that for general data distributions and perturbation sets, adversarial training on shallow networks with early stopping and an idealized optimal adversary is able to achieve optimal adversarial test error. By contrast, prior theoretical work either considered specialized data distributions or only provided training error guarantees.

replace Causal Feature Engineering of Price Directions of Cryptocurrencies using Dynamic Bayesian Networks

Authors: Rasoul Amirzadeh, Asef Nazari, Dhananjay Thiruvady, Mong Shan Ee

Abstract: Cryptocurrencies have gained popularity across various sectors, especially in finance and investment. The popularity is partly due to their unique specifications originating from blockchain-related characteristics such as privacy, decentralisation, and untraceability. Despite their growing popularity, cryptocurrencies remain a high-risk investment due to their price volatility and uncertainty. The inherent volatility in cryptocurrency prices, coupled with internal cryptocurrency-related factors and external influential global economic factors makes predicting their prices and price movement directions challenging. Nevertheless, the knowledge obtained from predicting the direction of cryptocurrency prices can provide valuable guidance for investors in making informed investment decisions. To address this issue, this paper proposes a dynamic Bayesian network (DBN) approach, which can model complex systems in multivariate settings, to predict the price movement direction of five popular altcoins (cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin) in the next trading day. The efficacy of the proposed model in predicting cryptocurrency price directions is evaluated from two perspectives. Firstly, our proposed approach is compared to two baseline models, namely an auto-regressive integrated moving average and support vector regression. Secondly, from a feature engineering point of view, the impact of twenty-three different features, grouped into four categories, on the DBN's prediction performance is investigated. The experimental results demonstrate that the DBN significantly outperforms the baseline models. In addition, among the groups of features, technical indicators are found to be the most effective predictors of cryptocurrency price directions.

replace PAC-Chernoff Bounds: Understanding Generalization in the Interpolation Regime

Authors: Andr\'es R. Masegosa, Luis A. Ortega

Abstract: This paper introduces a distribution-dependent PAC-Chernoff bound that exhibits perfect tightness for interpolators, even within over-parameterized model classes. This bound, which relies on basic principles of Large Deviation Theory, defines a natural measure of the smoothness of a model, characterized by simple real-valued functions. Building upon this bound and the new concept of smoothness, we present an unified theoretical framework revealing why certain interpolators show an exceptional generalization, while others falter. We theoretically show how a wide spectrum of modern learning methodologies, encompassing techniques such as $\ell_2$-norm, distance-from-initialization and input-gradient regularization, in combination with data augmentation, invariant architectures, and over-parameterization, collectively guide the optimizer toward smoother interpolators, which, according to our theoretical framework, are the ones exhibiting superior generalization performance. This study shows that distribution-dependent bounds serve as a powerful tool to understand the complex dynamics behind the generalization capabilities of over-parameterized interpolators.

replace Smoothing the Edges: Smooth Optimization for Sparse Regularization using Hadamard Overparametrization

Authors: Chris Kolb, Christian L. M\"uller, Bernd Bischl, David R\"ugamer

Abstract: We present a framework for smooth optimization of explicitly regularized objectives for (structured) sparsity. These non-smooth and possibly non-convex problems typically rely on solvers tailored to specific models and regularizers. In contrast, our method enables fully differentiable and approximation-free optimization and is thus compatible with the ubiquitous gradient descent paradigm in deep learning. The proposed optimization transfer comprises an overparameterization of selected parameters and a change of penalties. In the overparametrized problem, smooth surrogate regularization induces non-smooth, sparse regularization in the base parametrization. We prove that the surrogate objective is equivalent in the sense that it not only has identical global minima but also matching local minima, thereby avoiding the introduction of spurious solutions. Additionally, our theory establishes results of independent interest regarding matching local minima for arbitrary, potentially unregularized, objectives. We comprehensively review sparsity-inducing parametrizations across different fields that are covered by our general theory, extend their scope, and propose improvements in several aspects. Numerical experiments further demonstrate the correctness and effectiveness of our approach on several sparse learning problems ranging from high-dimensional regression to sparse neural network training.

replace Latent Space Representations of Neural Algorithmic Reasoners

Authors: Vladimir V. Mirjani\'c, Razvan Pascanu, Petar Veli\v{c}kovi\'c

Abstract: Neural Algorithmic Reasoning (NAR) is a research area focused on designing neural architectures that can reliably capture classical computation, usually by learning to execute algorithms. A typical approach is to rely on Graph Neural Network (GNN) architectures, which encode inputs in high-dimensional latent spaces that are repeatedly transformed during the execution of the algorithm. In this work we perform a detailed analysis of the structure of the latent space induced by the GNN when executing algorithms. We identify two possible failure modes: (i) loss of resolution, making it hard to distinguish similar values; (ii) inability to deal with values outside the range observed during training. We propose to solve the first issue by relying on a softmax aggregator, and propose to decay the latent space in order to deal with out-of-range values. We show that these changes lead to improvements on the majority of algorithms in the standard CLRS-30 benchmark when using the state-of-the-art Triplet-GMPNN processor. Our code is available at


replace Pre-gated MoE: An Algorithm-System Co-Design for Fast and Scalable Mixture-of-Expert Inference

Authors: Ranggi Hwang, Jianyu Wei, Shijie Cao, Changho Hwang, Xiaohu Tang, Ting Cao, Mao Yang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) based on transformers have made significant strides in recent years, the success of which is driven by scaling up their model size. Despite their high algorithmic performance, the computational and memory requirements of LLMs present unprecedented challenges. To tackle the high compute requirements of LLMs, the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architecture was introduced which is able to scale its model size without proportionally scaling up its computational requirements. Unfortunately, MoE's high memory demands and dynamic activation of sparse experts restrict its applicability to real-world problems. Previous solutions that offload MoE's memory-hungry expert parameters to CPU memory fall short because the latency to migrate activated experts from CPU to GPU incurs high performance overhead. Our proposed Pre-gated MoE system effectively tackles the compute and memory challenges of conventional MoE architectures using our algorithm-system co-design. Pre-gated MoE employs our novel pre-gating function which alleviates the dynamic nature of sparse expert activation, allowing our proposed system to address the large memory footprint of MoEs while also achieving high performance. We demonstrate that Pre-gated MoE is able to improve performance, reduce GPU memory consumption, while also maintaining the same level of model quality. These features allow our Pre-gated MoE system to cost-effectively deploy large-scale LLMs using just a single GPU with high performance.

replace PRISM: Leveraging Prototype Patient Representations with Feature-Missing-Aware Calibration for EHR Data Sparsity Mitigation

Authors: Yinghao Zhu, Zixiang Wang, Long He, Shiyun Xie, Liantao Ma, Chengwei Pan

Abstract: Electronic Health Record (EHR) data, while rich in information, often suffers from sparsity, posing significant challenges in predictive modeling. Traditional imputation methods inadequately distinguish between real and imputed data, leading to potential inaccuracies in models. Addressing this, we introduce PRISM, a framework that indirectly imputes data through prototype representations of similar patients, thus ensuring denser and more accurate embeddings. PRISM also includes a feature confidence learner module, which evaluates the reliability of each feature in light of missing data. Additionally, it incorporates a new patient similarity metric that accounts for feature confidence, avoiding overreliance on imprecise imputed values. Our extensive experiments on the MIMIC-III, MIMIC-IV, PhysioNet Challenge 2012, eICU datasets demonstrate PRISM 's superior performance in predicting in-hospital mortality and 30-day readmission tasks, showcasing its effectiveness in handling EHR data sparsity. For the sake of reproducibility and further research, we have made the code publicly available at


replace Physics-constrained robust learning of open-form partial differential equations from limited and noisy data

Authors: Mengge Du, Yuntian Chen, Longfeng Nie, Siyu Lou, Dongxiao Zhang

Abstract: Unveiling the underlying governing equations of nonlinear dynamic systems remains a significant challenge. Insufficient prior knowledge hinders the determination of an accurate candidate library, while noisy observations lead to imprecise evaluations, which in turn result in redundant function terms or erroneous equations. This study proposes a framework to robustly uncover open-form partial differential equations (PDEs) from limited and noisy data. The framework operates through two alternating update processes: discovering and embedding. The discovering phase employs symbolic representation and a novel reinforcement learning (RL)-guided hybrid PDE generator to efficiently produce diverse open-form PDEs with tree structures. A neural network-based predictive model fits the system response and serves as the reward evaluator for the generated PDEs. PDEs with higher rewards are utilized to iteratively optimize the generator via the RL strategy and the best-performing PDE is selected by a parameter-free stability metric. The embedding phase integrates the initially identified PDE from the discovering process as a physical constraint into the predictive model for robust training. The traversal of PDE trees automates the construction of the computational graph and the embedding process without human intervention. Numerical experiments demonstrate our framework's capability to uncover governing equations from nonlinear dynamic systems with limited and highly noisy data and outperform other physics-informed neural network-based discovery methods. This work opens new potential for exploring real-world systems with limited understanding.

replace A new method of modeling the multi-stage decision-making process of CRT using machine learning with uncertainty quantification

Authors: Kristoffer Larsen, Chen Zhao, Joyce Keyak, Qiuying Sha, Diana Paez, Xinwei Zhang, Guang-Uei Hung, Jiangang Zou, Amalia Peix, Weihua Zhou

Abstract: Aims. The purpose of this study is to create a multi-stage machine learning model to predict cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) response for heart failure (HF) patients. This model exploits uncertainty quantification to recommend additional collection of single-photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging (SPECT MPI) variables if baseline clinical variables and features from electrocardiogram (ECG) are not sufficient. Methods. 218 patients who underwent rest-gated SPECT MPI were enrolled in this study. CRT response was defined as an increase in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) > 5% at a 6+-1 month follow-up. A multi-stage ML model was created by combining two ensemble models: Ensemble 1 was trained with clinical variables and ECG; Ensemble 2 included Ensemble 1 plus SPECT MPI features. Uncertainty quantification from Ensemble 1 allowed for multi-stage decision-making to determine if the acquisition of SPECT data for a patient is necessary. The performance of the multi-stage model was compared with that of Ensemble models 1 and 2. Results. The response rate for CRT was 55.5% (n = 121) with overall male gender 61.0% (n = 133), an average age of 62.0+-11.8, and LVEF of 27.7+-11.0. The multi-stage model performed similarly to Ensemble 2 (which utilized the additional SPECT data) with AUC of 0.75 vs. 0.77, accuracy of 0.71 vs. 0.69, sensitivity of 0.70 vs. 0.72, and specificity 0.72 vs. 0.65, respectively. However, the multi-stage model only required SPECT MPI data for 52.7% of the patients across all folds. Conclusions. By using rule-based logic stemming from uncertainty quantification, the multi-stage model was able to reduce the need for additional SPECT MPI data acquisition without sacrificing performance.

replace ResBit: Residual Bit Vector for Categorical Values

Authors: Masane Fuchi, Amar Zanashir, Hiroto Minami, Tomohiro Takagi

Abstract: One-hot vectors, a method for representing discrete/categorical data, are commonly used in machine learning due to their simplicity and intuitiveness. However, the one-hot vectors suffer from a linear increase in dimensionality, posing computational and memory challenges, especially when dealing with datasets containing numerous categories. To address this issue, we propose Residual Bit Vectors (ResBit), a technique for densely representing categorical data. While Analog Bits presents a similar approach, it faces challenges in categorical data generation tasks. ResBit overcomes these limitations, offering a more versatile solution. In our experiments, we focus on tabular data generation, examining the performance across scenarios with varying amounts of categorical data. We verify the acceleration and ensure the maintenance or improvement of performance.

replace Never Train from Scratch: Fair Comparison of Long-Sequence Models Requires Data-Driven Priors

Authors: Ido Amos, Jonathan Berant, Ankit Gupta

Abstract: Modeling long-range dependencies across sequences is a longstanding goal in machine learning and has led to architectures, such as state space models, that dramatically outperform Transformers on long sequences. However, these impressive empirical gains have been by and large demonstrated on benchmarks (e.g. Long Range Arena), where models are randomly initialized and trained to predict a target label from an input sequence. In this work, we show that random initialization leads to gross overestimation of the differences between architectures and that pretraining with standard denoising objectives, using $\textit{only the downstream task data}$, leads to dramatic gains across multiple architectures and to very small gaps between Transformers and state space models (SSMs). In stark contrast to prior works, we find vanilla Transformers to match the performance of S4 on Long Range Arena when properly pretrained, and we improve the best reported results of SSMs on the PathX-256 task by 20 absolute points. Subsequently, we analyze the utility of previously-proposed structured parameterizations for SSMs and show they become mostly redundant in the presence of data-driven initialization obtained through pretraining. Our work shows that, when evaluating different architectures on supervised tasks, incorporation of data-driven priors via pretraining is essential for reliable performance estimation, and can be done efficiently.

replace Revisiting Plasticity in Visual Reinforcement Learning: Data, Modules and Training Stages

Authors: Guozheng Ma, Lu Li, Sen Zhang, Zixuan Liu, Zhen Wang, Yixin Chen, Li Shen, Xueqian Wang, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Plasticity, the ability of a neural network to evolve with new data, is crucial for high-performance and sample-efficient visual reinforcement learning (VRL). Although methods like resetting and regularization can potentially mitigate plasticity loss, the influences of various components within the VRL framework on the agent's plasticity are still poorly understood. In this work, we conduct a systematic empirical exploration focusing on three primary underexplored facets and derive the following insightful conclusions: (1) data augmentation is essential in maintaining plasticity; (2) the critic's plasticity loss serves as the principal bottleneck impeding efficient training; and (3) without timely intervention to recover critic's plasticity in the early stages, its loss becomes catastrophic. These insights suggest a novel strategy to address the high replay ratio (RR) dilemma, where exacerbated plasticity loss hinders the potential improvements of sample efficiency brought by increased reuse frequency. Rather than setting a static RR for the entire training process, we propose Adaptive RR, which dynamically adjusts the RR based on the critic's plasticity level. Extensive evaluations indicate that Adaptive RR not only avoids catastrophic plasticity loss in the early stages but also benefits from more frequent reuse in later phases, resulting in superior sample efficiency.

replace Generative Modeling with Phase Stochastic Bridges

Authors: Tianrong Chen, Jiatao Gu, Laurent Dinh, Evangelos A. Theodorou, Joshua Susskind, Shuangfei Zhai

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) represent state-of-the-art generative models for continuous inputs. DMs work by constructing a Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) in the input space (ie, position space), and using a neural network to reverse it. In this work, we introduce a novel generative modeling framework grounded in \textbf{phase space dynamics}, where a phase space is defined as {an augmented space encompassing both position and velocity.} Leveraging insights from Stochastic Optimal Control, we construct a path measure in the phase space that enables efficient sampling. {In contrast to DMs, our framework demonstrates the capability to generate realistic data points at an early stage of dynamics propagation.} This early prediction sets the stage for efficient data generation by leveraging additional velocity information along the trajectory. On standard image generation benchmarks, our model yields favorable performance over baselines in the regime of small Number of Function Evaluations (NFEs). Furthermore, our approach rivals the performance of diffusion models equipped with efficient sampling techniques, underscoring its potential as a new tool generative modeling.

replace ZeroSwap: Data-driven Optimal Market Making in DeFi

Authors: Viraj Nadkarni, Jiachen Hu, Ranvir Rana, Chi Jin, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Pramod Viswanath

Abstract: Automated Market Makers (AMMs) are major centers of matching liquidity supply and demand in Decentralized Finance. Their functioning relies primarily on the presence of liquidity providers (LPs) incentivized to invest their assets into a liquidity pool. However, the prices at which a pooled asset is traded is often more stale than the prices on centralized and more liquid exchanges. This leads to the LPs suffering losses to arbitrage. This problem is addressed by adapting market prices to trader behavior, captured via the classical market microstructure model of Glosten and Milgrom. In this paper, we propose the first optimal Bayesian and the first model-free data-driven algorithm to optimally track the external price of the asset. The notion of optimality that we use enforces a zero-profit condition on the prices of the market maker, hence the name ZeroSwap. This ensures that the market maker balances losses to informed traders with profits from noise traders. The key property of our approach is the ability to estimate the external market price without the need for price oracles or loss oracles. Our theoretical guarantees on the performance of both these algorithms, ensuring the stability and convergence of their price recommendations, are of independent interest in the theory of reinforcement learning. We empirically demonstrate the robustness of our algorithms to changing market conditions.

replace Enhancing Group Fairness in Online Settings Using Oblique Decision Forests

Authors: Somnath Basu Roy Chowdhury, Nicholas Monath, Ahmad Beirami, Rahul Kidambi, Avinava Dubey, Amr Ahmed, Snigdha Chaturvedi

Abstract: Fairness, especially group fairness, is an important consideration in the context of machine learning systems. The most commonly adopted group fairness-enhancing techniques are in-processing methods that rely on a mixture of a fairness objective (e.g., demographic parity) and a task-specific objective (e.g., cross-entropy) during the training process. However, when data arrives in an online fashion -- one instance at a time -- optimizing such fairness objectives poses several challenges. In particular, group fairness objectives are defined using expectations of predictions across different demographic groups. In the online setting, where the algorithm has access to a single instance at a time, estimating the group fairness objective requires additional storage and significantly more computation (e.g., forward/backward passes) than the task-specific objective at every time step. In this paper, we propose Aranyani, an ensemble of oblique decision trees, to make fair decisions in online settings. The hierarchical tree structure of Aranyani enables parameter isolation and allows us to efficiently compute the fairness gradients using aggregate statistics of previous decisions, eliminating the need for additional storage and forward/backward passes. We also present an efficient framework to train Aranyani and theoretically analyze several of its properties. We conduct empirical evaluations on 5 publicly available benchmarks (including vision and language datasets) to show that Aranyani achieves a better accuracy-fairness trade-off compared to baseline approaches.

replace Quantum Speedups in Regret Analysis of Infinite Horizon Average-Reward Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Bhargav Ganguly, Yang Xu, Vaneet Aggarwal

Abstract: This paper investigates the potential of quantum acceleration in addressing infinite horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) to enhance average reward outcomes. We introduce an innovative quantum framework for the agent's engagement with an unknown MDP, extending the conventional interaction paradigm. Our approach involves the design of an optimism-driven tabular Reinforcement Learning algorithm that harnesses quantum signals acquired by the agent through efficient quantum mean estimation techniques. Through thorough theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that the quantum advantage in mean estimation leads to exponential advancements in regret guarantees for infinite horizon Reinforcement Learning. Specifically, the proposed Quantum algorithm achieves a regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(1)$, a significant improvement over the $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ bound exhibited by classical counterparts.

replace Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for End-to-End Traffic Assignment and Traffic Flow Learning

Authors: Tong Liu, Hadi Meidani

Abstract: The traffic assignment problem is one of the significant components of traffic flow analysis for which various solution approaches have been proposed. However, deploying these approaches for large-scale networks poses significant challenges. In this paper, we leverage the power of heterogeneous graph neural networks to propose a novel data-driven approach for end-to-end traffic assignment and traffic flow learning. Our model integrates an adaptive graph attention mechanism with auxiliary "virtual" links connecting origin-destination node pairs, This integration enables the model to capture spatial traffic patterns across different links, By incorporating the node-based flow conservation law into the overall loss function, the model ensures the prediction results in compliance with flow conservation principles, resulting in highly accurate predictions for both link flow and flow-capacity ratios. We present numerical experiments on urban transportation networks and show that the proposed heterogeneous graph neural network model outperforms other conventional neural network models in terms of convergence rate and prediction accuracy. Notably, by introducing two different training strategies, the proposed heterogeneous graph neural network model can also be generalized to different network topologies. This approach offers a promising solution for complex traffic flow analysis and prediction, enhancing our understanding and management of a wide range of transportation systems.

replace Stochastic Gradient Descent for Gaussian Processes Done Right

Authors: Jihao Andreas Lin, Shreyas Padhy, Javier Antor\'an, Austin Tripp, Alexander Terenin, Csaba Szepesv\'ari, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato, David Janz

Abstract: As is well known, both sampling from the posterior and computing the mean of the posterior in Gaussian process regression reduces to solving a large linear system of equations. We study the use of stochastic gradient descent for solving this linear system, and show that when \emph{done right} -- by which we mean using specific insights from the optimisation and kernel communities -- stochastic gradient descent is highly effective. To that end, we introduce a particularly simple \emph{stochastic dual descent} algorithm, explain its design in an intuitive manner and illustrate the design choices through a series of ablation studies. Further experiments demonstrate that our new method is highly competitive. In particular, our evaluations on the UCI regression tasks and on Bayesian optimisation set our approach apart from preconditioned conjugate gradients and variational Gaussian process approximations. Moreover, our method places Gaussian process regression on par with state-of-the-art graph neural networks for molecular binding affinity prediction.

replace Decision Support Framework for Home Health Caregiver Allocation Using Optimally Tuned Spectral Clustering and Genetic Algorithm

Authors: Seyed Mohammad Ebrahim Sharifnia, Faezeh Bagheri, Rupy Sawhney, John E. Kobza, Enrique Macias De Anda, Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, Michael Mirrielees

Abstract: Population aging is a global challenge, leading to increased demand for health care and social services for the elderly. Home Health Care (HHC) is a vital solution to serve this segment of the population. Given the increasing demand for HHC, it is essential to coordinate and regulate caregiver allocation efficiently. This is crucial for both budget-optimized planning and ensuring the delivery of high-quality care. This research addresses a fundamental question in home health agencies (HHAs): "How can caregiver allocation be optimized, especially when caregivers prefer flexibility in their visit sequences?". While earlier studies proposed rigid visiting sequences, our study introduces a decision support framework that allocates caregivers through a hybrid method that considers the flexibility in visiting sequences and aims to reduce travel mileage, increase the number of visits per planning period, and maintain the continuity of care; a critical metric for patient satisfaction. Utilizing data from an HHA in Tennessee, United States, our approach led to an impressive reduction in average travel mileage (up to 42%, depending on discipline) without imposing restrictions on caregivers. Furthermore, the proposed framework is used for caregivers' supply analysis to provide valuable insights into caregiver resource management.

replace Riemannian Laplace Approximation with the Fisher Metric

Authors: Hanlin Yu, Marcelo Hartmann, Bernardo Williams, Mark Girolami, Arto Klami

Abstract: Laplace's method approximates a target density with a Gaussian distribution at its mode. It is computationally efficient and asymptotically exact for Bayesian inference due to the Bernstein-von Mises theorem, but for complex targets and finite-data posteriors it is often too crude an approximation. A recent generalization of the Laplace Approximation transforms the Gaussian approximation according to a chosen Riemannian geometry providing a richer approximation family, while still retaining computational efficiency. However, as shown here, its properties depend heavily on the chosen metric, indeed the metric adopted in previous work results in approximations that are overly narrow as well as being biased even at the limit of infinite data. We correct this shortcoming by developing the approximation family further, deriving two alternative variants that are exact at the limit of infinite data, extending the theoretical analysis of the method, and demonstrating practical improvements in a range of experiments.

replace Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization

Authors: Weiyang Liu, Zeju Qiu, Yao Feng, Yuliang Xiu, Yuxuan Xue, Longhui Yu, Haiwen Feng, Zhen Liu, Juyeon Heo, Songyou Peng, Yandong Wen, Michael J. Black, Adrian Weller, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: Large foundation models are becoming ubiquitous, but training them from scratch is prohibitively expensive. Thus, efficiently adapting these powerful models to downstream tasks is increasingly important. In this paper, we study a principled finetuning paradigm -- Orthogonal Finetuning (OFT) -- for downstream task adaptation. Despite demonstrating good generalizability, OFT still uses a fairly large number of trainable parameters due to the high dimensionality of orthogonal matrices. To address this, we start by examining OFT from an information transmission perspective, and then identify a few key desiderata that enable better parameter-efficiency. Inspired by how the Cooley-Tukey fast Fourier transform algorithm enables efficient information transmission, we propose an efficient orthogonal parameterization using butterfly structures. We apply this parameterization to OFT, creating a novel parameter-efficient finetuning method, called Orthogonal Butterfly (BOFT). By subsuming OFT as a special case, BOFT introduces a generalized orthogonal finetuning framework. Finally, we conduct an extensive empirical study of adapting large vision transformers, large language models, and text-to-image diffusion models to various downstream tasks in vision and language.

replace Application of a Dense Fusion Attention Network in Fault Diagnosis of Centrifugal Fan

Authors: Ruijun Wang, Yuan Liu, Zhixia Fan, Xiaogang Xu, Huijie Wang

Abstract: Although the deep learning recognition model has been widely used in the condition monitoring of rotating machinery. However, it is still a challenge to understand the correspondence between the structure and function of the model and the diagnosis process. Therefore, this paper discusses embedding distributed attention modules into dense connections instead of traditional dense cascading operations. It not only decouples the influence of space and channel on fault feature adaptive recalibration feature weights, but also forms a fusion attention function. The proposed dense fusion focuses on the visualization of the network diagnosis process, which increases the interpretability of model diagnosis. How to continuously and effectively integrate different functions to enhance the ability to extract fault features and the ability to resist noise is answered. Centrifugal fan fault data is used to verify this network. Experimental results show that the network has stronger diagnostic performance than other advanced fault diagnostic models.

replace Adaptive Interventions with User-Defined Goals for Health Behavior Change

Authors: Aishwarya Mandyam, Matthew J\"orke, William Denton, Barbara E. Engelhardt, Emma Brunskill

Abstract: Promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors remains a major public health concern, particularly due to their crucial role in preventing chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Mobile health applications present a promising avenue for low-cost, scalable health behavior change promotion. Researchers are increasingly exploring adaptive algorithms that personalize interventions to each person's unique context. However, in empirical studies, mobile health applications often suffer from small effect sizes and low adherence rates, particularly in comparison to human coaching. Tailoring advice to a person's unique goals, preferences, and life circumstances is a critical component of health coaching that has been underutilized in adaptive algorithms for mobile health interventions. To address this, we introduce a new Thompson sampling algorithm that can accommodate personalized reward functions (i.e., goals, preferences, and constraints), while also leveraging data sharing across individuals to more quickly be able to provide effective recommendations. We prove that our modification incurs only a constant penalty on cumulative regret while preserving the sample complexity benefits of data sharing. We present empirical results on synthetic and semi-synthetic physical activity simulators, where in the latter we conducted an online survey to solicit preference data relating to physical activity, which we use to construct realistic reward models that leverages historical data from another study. Our algorithm achieves substantial performance improvements compared to baselines that do not share data or do not optimize for individualized rewards.

replace Clustered Policy Decision Ranking

Authors: Mark Levin, Hana Chockler

Abstract: Policies trained via reinforcement learning (RL) are often very complex even for simple tasks. In an episode with n time steps, a policy will make n decisions on actions to take, many of which may appear non-intuitive to the observer. Moreover, it is not clear which of these decisions directly contribute towards achieving the reward and how significant their contribution is. Given a trained policy, we propose a black-box method based on statistical covariance estimation that clusters the states of the environment and ranks each cluster according to the importance of decisions made in its states. We compare our measure against a previous statistical fault localization based ranking procedure.

replace Self-Supervised Learning for Large-Scale Preventive Security Constrained DC Optimal Power Flow

Authors: Seonho Park, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Abstract: Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SCOPF) plays a crucial role in power grid stability but becomes increasingly complex as systems grow. This paper introduces PDL-SCOPF, a self-supervised end-to-end primal-dual learning framework for producing near-optimal solutions to large-scale SCOPF problems in milliseconds. Indeed, PDL-SCOPF remedies the limitations of supervised counterparts that rely on training instances with their optimal solutions, which becomes impractical for large-scale SCOPF problems. PDL-SCOPF mimics an Augmented Lagrangian Method (ALM) for training primal and dual networks that learn the primal solutions and the Lagrangian multipliers, respectively, to the unconstrained optimizations. In addition, PDL-SCOPF incorporates a repair layer to ensure the feasibility of the power balance in the nominal case, and a binary search layer to compute, using the Automatic Primary Response (APR), the generator dispatches in the contingencies. The resulting differentiable program can then be trained end-to-end using the objective function of the SCOPF and the power balance constraints of the contingencies. Experimental results demonstrate that the PDL-SCOPF delivers accurate feasible solutions with minimal optimality gaps. The framework underlying PDL-SCOPF aims at bridging the gap between traditional optimization methods and machine learning, highlighting the potential of self-supervised end-to-end primal-dual learning for large-scale optimization tasks.

replace Spatial-Temporal-Decoupled Masked Pre-training for Spatiotemporal Forecasting

Authors: Haotian Gao, Renhe Jiang, Zheng Dong, Jinliang Deng, Yuxin Ma, Xuan Song

Abstract: Spatiotemporal forecasting techniques are significant for various domains such as transportation, energy, and weather. Accurate prediction of spatiotemporal series remains challenging due to the complex spatiotemporal heterogeneity. In particular, current end-to-end models are limited by input length and thus often fall into spatiotemporal mirage, i.e., similar input time series followed by dissimilar future values and vice versa. To address these problems, we propose a novel self-supervised pre-training framework Spatial-Temporal-Decoupled Masked Pre-training (STD-MAE) that employs two decoupled masked autoencoders to reconstruct spatiotemporal series along the spatial and temporal dimensions. Rich-context representations learned through such reconstruction could be seamlessly integrated by downstream predictors with arbitrary architectures to augment their performances. A series of quantitative and qualitative evaluations on six widely used benchmarks (PEMS03, PEMS04, PEMS07, PEMS08, METR-LA, and PEMS-BAY) are conducted to validate the state-of-the-art performance of STD-MAE. Codes are available at


replace Federated Multilinear Principal Component Analysis with Applications in Prognostics

Authors: Chengyu Zhou, Yuqi Su, Tangbin Xia, Xiaolei Fang

Abstract: Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (MPCA) is a widely utilized method for the dimension reduction of tensor data. However, the integration of MPCA into federated learning remains unexplored in existing research. To tackle this gap, this article proposes a Federated Multilinear Principal Component Analysis (FMPCA) method, which enables multiple users to collaboratively reduce the dimension of their tensor data while keeping each user's data local and confidential. The proposed FMPCA method is guaranteed to have the same performance as traditional MPCA. An application of the proposed FMPCA in industrial prognostics is also demonstrated. Simulated data and a real-world data set are used to validate the performance of the proposed method.

replace Multi-Agent Bandit Learning through Heterogeneous Action Erasure Channels

Authors: Osama A. Hanna, Merve Karakas, Lin F. Yang, Christina Fragouli

Abstract: Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) systems are witnessing an upswing in applications within multi-agent distributed environments, leading to the advancement of collaborative MAB algorithms. In such settings, communication between agents executing actions and the primary learner making decisions can hinder the learning process. A prevalent challenge in distributed learning is action erasure, often induced by communication delays and/or channel noise. This results in agents possibly not receiving the intended action from the learner, subsequently leading to misguided feedback. In this paper, we introduce novel algorithms that enable learners to interact concurrently with distributed agents across heterogeneous action erasure channels with different action erasure probabilities. We illustrate that, in contrast to existing bandit algorithms, which experience linear regret, our algorithms assure sub-linear regret guarantees. Our proposed solutions are founded on a meticulously crafted repetition protocol and scheduling of learning across heterogeneous channels. To our knowledge, these are the first algorithms capable of effectively learning through heterogeneous action erasure channels. We substantiate the superior performance of our algorithm through numerical experiments, emphasizing their practical significance in addressing issues related to communication constraints and delays in multi-agent environments.

replace An FPGA-Based Accelerator for Graph Embedding using Sequential Training Algorithm

Authors: Kazuki Sunaga, Keisuke Sugiura, Hiroki Matsutani

Abstract: A graph embedding is an emerging approach that can represent a graph structure with a fixed-length low-dimensional vector. node2vec is a well-known algorithm to obtain such a graph embedding by sampling neighboring nodes on a given graph with a random walk technique. However, the original node2vec algorithm typically relies on a batch training of graph structures; thus, it is not suited for applications in which the graph structure changes after the deployment. In this paper, we focus on node2vec applications for IoT (Internet of Things) environments. To handle the changes of graph structures after the IoT devices have been deployed in edge environments, in this paper we propose to combine an online sequential training algorithm with node2vec. The proposed sequentially-trainable model is implemented on an FPGA (Field-Programmable Gate Array) device to demonstrate the benefits of our approach. The proposed FPGA implementation achieves up to 205.25 times speedup compared to the original model on ARM Cortex-A53 CPU. Evaluation results using dynamic graphs show that although the accuracy is decreased in the original model, the proposed sequential model can obtain better graph embedding that achieves a higher accuracy even when the graph structure is changed.

replace Robust Neural Pruning with Gradient Sampling Optimization for Residual Neural Networks

Authors: Juyoung Yun

Abstract: This research embarks on pioneering the integration of gradient sampling optimization techniques, particularly StochGradAdam, into the pruning process of neural networks. Our main objective is to address the significant challenge of maintaining accuracy in pruned neural models, critical in resource-constrained scenarios. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that gradient sampling significantly preserves accuracy during and after the pruning process compared to traditional optimization methods. Our study highlights the pivotal role of gradient sampling in robust learning and maintaining crucial information post substantial model simplification. The results across CIFAR-10 datasets and residual neural architectures validate the versatility and effectiveness of our approach. This work presents a promising direction for developing efficient neural networks without compromising performance, even in environments with limited computational resources.

replace The ODE Method for Stochastic Approximation and Reinforcement Learning with Markovian Noise

Authors: Shuze Liu, Shuhang Chen, Shangtong Zhang

Abstract: Stochastic approximation is a class of algorithms that update a vector iteratively, incrementally, and stochastically, including, e.g., stochastic gradient descent and temporal difference learning. One fundamental challenge in analyzing a stochastic approximation algorithm is to establish its stability, i.e., to show that the stochastic vector iterates are bounded almost surely. In this paper, we extend the celebrated Borkar-Meyn theorem for stability from the Martingale difference noise setting to the Markovian noise setting, which greatly improves its applicability in reinforcement learning, especially in those off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms with linear function approximation and eligibility traces. Central to our analysis is the diminishing asymptotic rate of change of a few functions, which is implied by both a form of strong law of large numbers and a commonly used V4 Lyapunov drift condition and trivially holds if the Markov chain is finite and irreducible.

replace Pruning for Protection: Increasing Jailbreak Resistance in Aligned LLMs Without Fine-Tuning

Authors: Adib Hasan, Ileana Rugina, Alex Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are susceptible to `jailbreaking' prompts, which can induce the generation of harmful content. This paper demonstrates that moderate WANDA pruning (Sun et al., 2023) can increase their resistance to such attacks without the need for fine-tuning, while maintaining performance on standard benchmarks. Our findings suggest that the benefits of pruning correlate with the initial safety levels of the model, indicating a regularizing effect of WANDA pruning. We introduce a dataset of 225 harmful tasks across five categories to systematically evaluate this safety enhancement. We argue that safety improvements can be understood through a regularization perspective. First, we show that pruning helps LLMs focus more effectively on task-relevant tokens within jailbreaking prompts. Then, we analyze the effects of pruning on the perplexity of malicious prompts before and after their integration into jailbreak templates. Finally, we demonstrate statistically significant performance improvements under domain shifts when applying WANDA to linear models.

replace Differentially-Private Hierarchical Federated Learning

Authors: Frank Po-Chen Lin, Christopher Brinton

Abstract: While federated learning (FL) eliminates the transmission of raw data over a network, it is still vulnerable to privacy breaches from the communicated model parameters. In this work, we propose \underline{H}ierarchical \underline{F}ederated Learning with \underline{H}ierarchical \underline{D}ifferential \underline{P}rivacy ({\tt H$^2$FDP}), a DP-enhanced FL methodology for jointly optimizing privacy and performance in hierarchical networks. Building upon recent proposals for Hierarchical Differential Privacy (HDP), one of the key concepts of {\tt H$^2$FDP} is adapting DP noise injection at different layers of an established FL hierarchy -- edge devices, edge servers, and cloud servers -- according to the trust models within particular subnetworks. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the convergence behavior of {\tt H$^2$FDP}, revealing conditions on parameter tuning under which the training process converges sublinearly to a finite stationarity gap that depends on the network hierarchy, trust model, and target privacy level. Leveraging these relationships, we develop an adaptive control algorithm for {\tt H$^2$FDP} that tunes properties of local model training to minimize communication energy, latency, and the stationarity gap while striving to maintain a sub-linear convergence rate and meet desired privacy criteria. Subsequent numerical evaluations demonstrate that {\tt H$^2$FDP} obtains substantial improvements in these metrics over baselines for different privacy budgets, and validate the impact of different system configurations.

replace Simple Policy Optimization

Authors: Zhengpeng Xie

Abstract: PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) algorithm has demonstrated excellent performance in many fields, and it is considered as a simple version of TRPO (Trust Region Policy Optimization) algorithm. However, the ratio clipping operation in PPO may not always effectively enforce the trust region constraints, this can be a potential factor affecting the stability of the algorithm. In this paper, we propose Simple Policy Optimization (SPO) algorithm, which introduces a novel clipping method for KL divergence between the old and current policies. Extensive experimental results in Atari 2600 environments indicate that, compared to the mainstream variants of PPO, SPO achieves better sample efficiency, extremely low KL divergence, and higher policy entropy, and is robust to the increase in network depth or complexity. More importantly, SPO maintains the simplicity of an unconstrained first-order algorithm. Our code is available at


replace Decentralised, Collaborative, and Privacy-preserving Machine Learning for Multi-Hospital Data

Authors: Congyu Fang, Adam Dziedzic, Lin Zhang, Laura Oliva, Amol Verma, Fahad Razak, Nicolas Papernot, Bo Wang

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) has demonstrated its great potential on medical data analysis. Large datasets collected from diverse sources and settings are essential for ML models in healthcare to achieve better accuracy and generalizability. Sharing data across different healthcare institutions is challenging because of complex and varying privacy and regulatory requirements. Hence, it is hard but crucial to allow multiple parties to collaboratively train an ML model leveraging the private datasets available at each party without the need for direct sharing of those datasets or compromising the privacy of the datasets through collaboration. In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing Decentralized, Collaborative, and Privacy-preserving ML for Multi-Hospital Data (DeCaPH). It offers the following key benefits: (1) it allows different parties to collaboratively train an ML model without transferring their private datasets; (2) it safeguards patient privacy by limiting the potential privacy leakage arising from any contents shared across the parties during the training process; and (3) it facilitates the ML model training without relying on a centralized server. We demonstrate the generalizability and power of DeCaPH on three distinct tasks using real-world distributed medical datasets: patient mortality prediction using electronic health records, cell-type classification using single-cell human genomes, and pathology identification using chest radiology images. We demonstrate that the ML models trained with DeCaPH framework have an improved utility-privacy trade-off, showing it enables the models to have good performance while preserving the privacy of the training data points. In addition, the ML models trained with DeCaPH framework in general outperform those trained solely with the private datasets from individual parties, showing that DeCaPH enhances the model generalizability.

replace Explaining Text Classifiers with Counterfactual Representations

Authors: Pirmin Lemberger, Antoine Saillenfest

Abstract: One well motivated explanation method for classifiers leverages counterfactuals which are hypothetical events identical to real observations in all aspects except for one categorical feature. Constructing such counterfactual poses specific challenges for texts, however, as some attribute values may not necessarily align with plausible real-world events. In this paper we propose a simple method for generating counterfactuals by intervening in the space of text representations which bypasses this limitation. We argue that our interventions are minimally disruptive and that they are theoretically sound as they align with counterfactuals as defined in Pearl's causal inference framework. To validate our method, we conducted experiments first on a synthetic dataset and then on a realistic dataset of counterfactuals. This allows for a direct comparison between classifier predictions based on ground truth counterfactuals - obtained through explicit text interventions - and our counterfactuals, derived through interventions in the representation space. Eventually, we study a real world scenario where our counterfactuals can be leveraged both for explaining a classifier and for bias mitigation.

replace Counterfactual Explanations of Black-box Machine Learning Models using Causal Discovery with Applications to Credit Rating

Authors: Daisuke Takahashi, Shohei Shimizu, Takuma Tanaka

Abstract: Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) has helped elucidate the internal mechanisms of machine learning algorithms, bolstering their reliability by demonstrating the basis of their predictions. Several XAI models consider causal relationships to explain models by examining the input-output relationships of prediction models and the dependencies between features. The majority of these models have been based their explanations on counterfactual probabilities, assuming that the causal graph is known. However, this assumption complicates the application of such models to real data, given that the causal relationships between features are unknown in most cases. Thus, this study proposed a novel XAI framework that relaxed the constraint that the causal graph is known. This framework leveraged counterfactual probabilities and additional prior information on causal structure, facilitating the integration of a causal graph estimated through causal discovery methods and a black-box classification model. Furthermore, explanatory scores were estimated based on counterfactual probabilities. Numerical experiments conducted employing artificial data confirmed the possibility of estimating the explanatory score more accurately than in the absence of a causal graph. Finally, as an application to real data, we constructed a classification model of credit ratings assigned by Shiga Bank, Shiga prefecture, Japan. We demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in cases where the causal graph is unknown.

replace Rethinking the Role of Proxy Rewards in Language Model Alignment

Authors: Sungdong Kim, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: Learning from human feedback via proxy reward modeling has been studied to align Large Language Models (LLMs) with human values. However, achieving reliable training through that proxy reward model (RM) is not a trivial problem, and its behavior remained as a black-box. In this paper, we study the role of proxy rewards in the LLM alignment via `reverse reward engineering' by composing interpretable features as a white-box reward function. We aim to replicate the ground truth (gold) reward signal by achieving a monotonic relationship between the proxy and gold reward signals after training the model using the proxy reward in reinforcement learning (RL). Our findings indicate that successfully emulating the gold reward requires generating responses that are relevant with enough length to open-ended questions, while also ensuring response consistency in closed-ended questions. Furthermore, resulting models optimizing our devised white-box reward show competitive performances with strong open-source RMs in alignment benchmarks. We highlight its potential usage as a simple but strong reward baseline for the LLM alignment, not requiring explicit human feedback dataset and RM training. Our code is available at


replace DRED: Zero-Shot Transfer in Reinforcement Learning via Data-Regularised Environment Design

Authors: Samuel Garcin, James Doran, Shangmin Guo, Christopher G. Lucas, Stefano V. Albrecht

Abstract: Autonomous agents trained using deep reinforcement learning (RL) often lack the ability to successfully generalise to new environments, even when they share characteristics with the environments they have encountered during training. In this work, we investigate how the sampling of individual environment instances, or levels, affects the zero-shot generalisation (ZSG) ability of RL agents. We discover that, for deep actor-critic architectures sharing their base layers, prioritising levels according to their value loss minimises the mutual information between the agent's internal representation and the set of training levels in the generated training data. This provides a novel theoretical justification for the implicit regularisation achieved by certain adaptive sampling strategies. We then turn our attention to unsupervised environment design (UED) methods, which have more control over the data generation mechanism. We find that existing UED methods can significantly shift the training distribution, which translates to low ZSG performance. To prevent both overfitting and distributional shift, we introduce data-regularised environment design (DRED). DRED generates levels using a generative model trained over an initial set of level parameters, reducing distributional shift, and achieves significant improvements in ZSG over adaptive level sampling strategies and UED methods.

replace RBF-PINN: Non-Fourier Positional Embedding in Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Chengxi Zeng, Tilo Burghardt, Alberto M Gambaruto

Abstract: While many recent Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) variants have had considerable success in solving Partial Differential Equations, the empirical benefits of feature mapping drawn from the broader Neural Representations research have been largely overlooked. We highlight the limitations of widely used Fourier-based feature mapping in certain situations and suggest the use of the conditionally positive definite Radial Basis Function. The empirical findings demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across a variety of forward and inverse problem cases. Our method can be seamlessly integrated into coordinate-based input neural networks and contribute to the wider field of PINNs research.

replace Differential Private Federated Transfer Learning for Mental Health Monitoring in Everyday Settings: A Case Study on Stress Detection

Authors: Ziyu Wang, Zhongqi Yang, Iman Azimi, Amir M. Rahmani

Abstract: Mental health conditions, prevalent across various demographics, necessitate efficient monitoring to mitigate their adverse impacts on life quality. The surge in data-driven methodologies for mental health monitoring has underscored the importance of privacy-preserving techniques in handling sensitive health data. Despite strides in federated learning for mental health monitoring, existing approaches struggle with vulnerabilities to certain cyber-attacks and data insufficiency in real-world applications. In this paper, we introduce a differential private federated transfer learning framework for mental health monitoring to enhance data privacy and enrich data sufficiency. To accomplish this, we integrate federated learning with two pivotal elements: (1) differential privacy, achieved by introducing noise into the updates, and (2) transfer learning, employing a pre-trained universal model to adeptly address issues of data imbalance and insufficiency. We evaluate the framework by a case study on stress detection, employing a dataset of physiological and contextual data from a longitudinal study. Our finding show that the proposed approach can attain a 10% boost in accuracy and a 21% enhancement in recall, while ensuring privacy protection.

replace Optimal Parallelization Strategies for Active Flow Control in Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Computational Fluid Dynamics

Authors: Wang Jia, Hang Xu

Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has emerged as a promising approach for handling highly dynamic and nonlinear Active Flow Control (AFC) problems. However, the computational cost associated with training DRL models presents a significant performance bottleneck. To address this challenge and enable efficient scaling on high-performance computing architectures, this study focuses on optimizing DRL-based algorithms in parallel settings. We validate an existing state-of-the-art DRL framework used for AFC problems and discuss its efficiency bottlenecks. Subsequently, by deconstructing the overall framework and conducting extensive scalability benchmarks for individual components, we investigate various hybrid parallelization configurations and propose efficient parallelization strategies. Moreover, we refine input/output (I/O) operations in multi-environment DRL training to tackle critical overhead associated with data movement. Finally, we demonstrate the optimized framework for a typical AFC problem where near-linear scaling can be obtained for the overall framework. We achieve a significant boost in parallel efficiency from around 49% to approximately 78%, and the training process is accelerated by approximately 47 times using 60 CPU cores. These findings are expected to provide valuable insights for further advancements in DRL-based AFC studies.

replace SynCode: LLM Generation with Grammar Augmentation

Authors: Shubham Ugare, Tarun Suresh, Hangoo Kang, Sasa Misailovic, Gagandeep Singh

Abstract: LLMs are widely used in complex AI applications. These applications underscore the need for LLM outputs to adhere to a specific format, for their integration with other components in the systems. Typically the format rules e.g., for data serialization formats such as JSON, YAML, or Code in Programming Language are expressed as context-free grammar (CFG). Due to the hallucinations and unreliability of LLMs, instructing LLMs to adhere to specified syntax becomes an increasingly important challenge. We present SynCode, a novel framework for efficient and general syntactical decoding with LLMs, to address this challenge. SynCode leverages the CFG of a formal language, utilizing an offline-constructed efficient lookup table called DFA mask store based on the discrete finite automaton (DFA) of the language grammar terminals. We demonstrate SynCode's soundness and completeness given the CFG of the formal language, presenting its ability to retain syntactically valid tokens while rejecting invalid ones. SynCode seamlessly integrates with any language defined by CFG, as evidenced by experiments focusing on generating JSON, Python, and Go outputs. Our experiments evaluating the effectiveness of SynCode for JSON generation demonstrate that SynCode eliminates all syntax errors and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, our results underscore how SynCode significantly reduces 96.07% of syntax errors in generated Python and Go code, showcasing its substantial impact on enhancing syntactical precision in LLM generation. Our code is available at


replace The WMDP Benchmark: Measuring and Reducing Malicious Use With Unlearning

Authors: Nathaniel Li, Alexander Pan, Anjali Gopal, Summer Yue, Daniel Berrios, Alice Gatti, Justin D. Li, Ann-Kathrin Dombrowski, Shashwat Goel, Long Phan, Gabriel Mukobi, Nathan Helm-Burger, Rassin Lababidi, Lennart Justen, Andrew B. Liu, Michael Chen, Isabelle Barrass, Oliver Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Rishub Tamirisa, Bhrugu Bharathi, Adam Khoja, Zhenqi Zhao, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Cort B. Breuer, Samuel Marks, Oam Patel, Andy Zou, Mantas Mazeika, Zifan Wang, Palash Oswal, Weiran Liu, Adam A. Hunt, Justin Tienken-Harder, Kevin Y. Shih, Kemper Talley, John Guan, Russell Kaplan, Ian Steneker, David Campbell, Brad Jokubaitis, Alex Levinson, Jean Wang, William Qian, Kallol Krishna Karmakar, Steven Basart, Stephen Fitz, Mindy Levine, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Uday Tupakula, Vijay Varadharajan, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Jimmy Ba, Kevin M. Esvelt, Alexandr Wang, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: The White House Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence highlights the risks of large language models (LLMs) empowering malicious actors in developing biological, cyber, and chemical weapons. To measure these risks of malicious use, government institutions and major AI labs are developing evaluations for hazardous capabilities in LLMs. However, current evaluations are private, preventing further research into mitigating risk. Furthermore, they focus on only a few, highly specific pathways for malicious use. To fill these gaps, we publicly release the Weapons of Mass Destruction Proxy (WMDP) benchmark, a dataset of 3,668 multiple-choice questions that serve as a proxy measurement of hazardous knowledge in biosecurity, cybersecurity, and chemical security. WMDP was developed by a consortium of academics and technical consultants, and was stringently filtered to eliminate sensitive information prior to public release. WMDP serves two roles: first, as an evaluation for hazardous knowledge in LLMs, and second, as a benchmark for unlearning methods to remove such hazardous knowledge. To guide progress on unlearning, we develop RMU, a state-of-the-art unlearning method based on controlling model representations. RMU reduces model performance on WMDP while maintaining general capabilities in areas such as biology and computer science, suggesting that unlearning may be a concrete path towards reducing malicious use from LLMs. We release our benchmark and code publicly at


replace Inverse-Free Fast Natural Gradient Descent Method for Deep Learning

Authors: Xinwei Ou, Ce Zhu, Xiaolin Huang, Yipeng Liu

Abstract: Second-order optimization techniques have the potential to achieve faster convergence rates compared to first-order methods through the incorporation of second-order derivatives or statistics. However, their utilization in deep learning is limited due to their computational inefficiency. Various approaches have been proposed to address this issue, primarily centered on minimizing the size of the matrix to be inverted. Nevertheless, the necessity of performing the inverse operation iteratively persists. In this work, we present a fast natural gradient descent (FNGD) method that only requires inversion during the first epoch. Specifically, it is revealed that natural gradient descent (NGD) is essentially a weighted sum of per-sample gradients. Our novel approach further proposes to share these weighted coefficients across epochs without affecting empirical performance. Consequently, FNGD exhibits similarities to the average sum in first-order methods, leading to the computational complexity of FNGD being comparable to that of first-order methods. Extensive experiments on image classification and machine translation tasks demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed FNGD. For training ResNet-18 on CIFAR-100, FNGD can achieve a speedup of 2.07$\times$ compared with KFAC. For training Transformer on Multi30K, FNGD outperforms AdamW by 24 BLEU score while requiring almost the same training time.

replace CHAI: Clustered Head Attention for Efficient LLM Inference

Authors: Saurabh Agarwal, Bilge Acun, Basil Hosmer, Mostafa Elhoushi, Yejin Lee, Shivaram Venkataraman, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Carole-Jean Wu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) with hundreds of billions of parameters have transformed the field of machine learning. However, serving these models at inference time is both compute and memory intensive, where a single request can require multiple GPUs and tens of Gigabytes of memory. Multi-Head Attention is one of the key components of LLMs, which can account for over 50% of LLMs memory and compute requirement. We observe that there is a high amount of redundancy across heads on which tokens they pay attention to. Based on this insight, we propose Clustered Head Attention (CHAI). CHAI combines heads with a high amount of correlation for self-attention at runtime, thus reducing both memory and compute. In our experiments, we show that CHAI is able to reduce the memory requirements for storing K,V cache by up to 21.4% and inference time latency by up to 1.73x without any fine-tuning required. CHAI achieves this with a maximum 3.2% deviation in accuracy across 3 different models (i.e. OPT-66B, LLAMA-7B, LLAMA-33B) and 5 different evaluation datasets.

replace Unified Projection-Free Algorithms for Adversarial DR-Submodular Optimization

Authors: Mohammad Pedramfar, Yididiya Y. Nadew, Christopher J. Quinn, Vaneet Aggarwal

Abstract: This paper introduces unified projection-free Frank-Wolfe type algorithms for adversarial continuous DR-submodular optimization, spanning scenarios such as full information and (semi-)bandit feedback, monotone and non-monotone functions, different constraints, and types of stochastic queries. For every problem considered in the non-monotone setting, the proposed algorithms are either the first with proven sub-linear $\alpha$-regret bounds or have better $\alpha$-regret bounds than the state of the art, where $\alpha$ is a corresponding approximation bound in the offline setting. In the monotone setting, the proposed approach gives state-of-the-art sub-linear $\alpha$-regret bounds among projection-free algorithms in 7 of the 8 considered cases while matching the result of the remaining case. Additionally, this paper addresses semi-bandit and bandit feedback for adversarial DR-submodular optimization, advancing the understanding of this optimization area.

replace Is Mamba Effective for Time Series Forecasting?

Authors: Zihan Wang, Fanheng Kong, Shi Feng, Ming Wang, Xiaocui Yang, Han Zhao, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang

Abstract: In the realm of time series forecasting (TSF), it is imperative for models to adeptly discern and distill hidden patterns within historical time series data to forecast future states. Transformer-based models exhibit formidable efficacy in TSF, primarily attributed to their advantage in apprehending these patterns. However, the quadratic complexity of the Transformer leads to low computational efficiency and high costs, which somewhat hinders the deployment of the TSF model in real-world scenarios. Recently, Mamba, a selective state space model, has gained traction due to its ability to process dependencies in sequences while maintaining near-linear complexity. For TSF tasks, these characteristics enable Mamba to comprehend hidden patterns as the Transformer and reduce computational overhead compared to the Transformer. Therefore, we propose a Mamba-based model named Simple-Mamba (S-Mamba) for TSF. Specifically, we tokenize the time points of each variate autonomously via a linear layer. A bidirectional Mamba layer is utilized to extract inter-variate correlations and a Feed-Forward Network is set to learn temporal dependencies. Finally, the generation of forecast outcomes through a linear mapping layer. Experiments on thirteen public datasets prove that S-Mamba maintains low computational overhead and achieves leading performance. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments to explore Mamba's potential in TSF tasks. Our code is available at


replace Tackling Noisy Labels with Network Parameter Additive Decomposition

Authors: Jingyi Wang, Xiaobo Xia, Long Lan, Xinghao Wu, Jun Yu, Wenjing Yang, Bo Han, Tongliang Liu

Abstract: Given data with noisy labels, over-parameterized deep networks suffer overfitting mislabeled data, resulting in poor generalization. The memorization effect of deep networks shows that although the networks have the ability to memorize all noisy data, they would first memorize clean training data, and then gradually memorize mislabeled training data. A simple and effective method that exploits the memorization effect to combat noisy labels is early stopping. However, early stopping cannot distinguish the memorization of clean data and mislabeled data, resulting in the network still inevitably overfitting mislabeled data in the early training stage.In this paper, to decouple the memorization of clean data and mislabeled data, and further reduce the side effect of mislabeled data, we perform additive decomposition on network parameters. Namely, all parameters are additively decomposed into two groups, i.e., parameters $\mathbf{w}$ are decomposed as $\mathbf{w}=\bm{\sigma}+\bm{\gamma}$. Afterward, the parameters $\bm{\sigma}$ are considered to memorize clean data, while the parameters $\bm{\gamma}$ are considered to memorize mislabeled data. Benefiting from the memorization effect, the updates of the parameters $\bm{\sigma}$ are encouraged to fully memorize clean data in early training, and then discouraged with the increase of training epochs to reduce interference of mislabeled data. The updates of the parameters $\bm{\gamma}$ are the opposite. In testing, only the parameters $\bm{\sigma}$ are employed to enhance generalization. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world benchmarks confirm the superior performance of our method.

replace Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Large Models: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Zeyu Han, Chao Gao, Jinyang Liu, Jeff Zhang, Sai Qian Zhang

Abstract: Large models represent a groundbreaking advancement in multiple application fields, enabling remarkable achievements across various tasks. However, their unprecedented scale comes with significant computational costs. These models, often consisting of billions of parameters, require vast amounts of computational resources for execution. Especially, the expansive scale and computational demands pose considerable challenges when customizing them for particular downstream tasks, particularly over the hardware platforms constrained by computational capabilities. Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) provides a practical solution by efficiently adapt the large models over the various downstream tasks. In particular, PEFT refers to the process of adjusting the parameters of a pre-trained large models to adapt it to a specific task while minimizing the number of additional parameters introduced or computational resources required. This approach is particularly important when dealing with large language models with high parameter counts, as fine-tuning these models from scratch can be computationally expensive and resource-intensive, posing considerable challenges in the supporting system platform design. In this survey, we present comprehensive studies of various PEFT algorithms, examining their performance and computational overhead. Moreover, we provide an overview of applications developed using different PEFT algorithms and discuss common techniques employed to mitigate computation costs for PEFT. In addition to the algorithmic perspective, we overview various real-world system designs to investigate the implementation costs associated with different PEFT algorithms. This survey serves as an indispensable resource for researchers aiming to understand both the PEFT algorithm and its system implementation, offering detailed insights into recent advancements and practical applications.

replace An Incremental MaxSAT-based Model to Learn Interpretable and Balanced Classification Rules

Authors: Ant\^onio Carlos Souza Ferreira J\'unior, Thiago Alves Rocha

Abstract: The increasing advancements in the field of machine learning have led to the development of numerous applications that effectively address a wide range of problems with accurate predictions. However, in certain cases, accuracy alone may not be sufficient. Many real-world problems also demand explanations and interpretability behind the predictions. One of the most popular interpretable models that are classification rules. This work aims to propose an incremental model for learning interpretable and balanced rules based on MaxSAT, called IMLIB. This new model was based on two other approaches, one based on SAT and the other on MaxSAT. The one based on SAT limits the size of each generated rule, making it possible to balance them. We suggest that such a set of rules seem more natural to be understood compared to a mixture of large and small rules. The approach based on MaxSAT, called IMLI, presents a technique to increase performance that involves learning a set of rules by incrementally applying the model in a dataset. Finally, IMLIB and IMLI are compared using diverse databases. IMLIB obtained results comparable to IMLI in terms of accuracy, generating more balanced rules with smaller sizes.

replace Towards Stable Machine Learning Model Retraining via Slowly Varying Sequences

Authors: Dimitris Bertsimas, Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Yu Ma, Phevos Paschalidis

Abstract: Retraining machine learning models (ML) when new batches of data become available is an important task in real-world pipelines. Existing methods focus largely on greedy approaches to find the best-performing model for each batch, without considering the stability of the model's structure across retraining iterations. In this study, we propose a methodology for finding sequences of ML models that are stable across retraining iterations. We develop a mixed-integer optimization algorithm that is guaranteed to recover Pareto optimal models (in terms of the predictive power-stability trade-off) and an efficient polynomial-time algorithm that performs well in practice. Our method focuses on retaining consistent analytical insights -- which is important to model interpretability, ease of implementation, and fostering trust with users -- by using custom-defined distance metrics that can be directly incorporated into the optimization problem. Importantly, our method shows stronger stability than greedily trained models with a small, controllable sacrifice in model performance in a real-world case study. Using SHAP feature importance, we show that analytical insights are consistent across retraining iterations.

replace Collaborative Pareto Set Learning in Multiple Multi-Objective Optimization Problems

Authors: Chikai Shang, Rongguang Ye, Jiaqi Jiang, Fangqing Gu

Abstract: Pareto Set Learning (PSL) is an emerging research area in multi-objective optimization, focusing on training neural networks to learn the mapping from preference vectors to Pareto optimal solutions. However, existing PSL methods are limited to addressing a single Multi-objective Optimization Problem (MOP) at a time. When faced with multiple MOPs, this limitation results in significant inefficiencies and hinders the ability to exploit potential synergies across varying MOPs. In this paper, we propose a Collaborative Pareto Set Learning (CoPSL) framework, which learns the Pareto sets of multiple MOPs simultaneously in a collaborative manner. CoPSL particularly employs an architecture consisting of shared and MOP-specific layers. The shared layers are designed to capture commonalities among MOPs collaboratively, while the MOP-specific layers tailor these general insights to generate solution sets for individual MOPs. This collaborative approach enables CoPSL to efficiently learn the Pareto sets of multiple MOPs in a single execution while leveraging the potential relationships among various MOPs. To further understand these relationships, we experimentally demonstrate that shareable representations exist among MOPs. Leveraging these shared representations effectively improves the capability to approximate Pareto sets. Extensive experiments underscore the superior efficiency and robustness of CoPSL in approximating Pareto sets compared to state-of-the-art approaches on a variety of synthetic and real-world MOPs. Code is available at


replace Block-Diagonal Guided DBSCAN Clustering

Authors: Weibing Zhao

Abstract: Cluster analysis plays a crucial role in database mining, and one of the most widely used algorithms in this field is DBSCAN. However, DBSCAN has several limitations, such as difficulty in handling high-dimensional large-scale data, sensitivity to input parameters, and lack of robustness in producing clustering results. This paper introduces an improved version of DBSCAN that leverages the block-diagonal property of the similarity graph to guide the clustering procedure of DBSCAN. The key idea is to construct a graph that measures the similarity between high-dimensional large-scale data points and has the potential to be transformed into a block-diagonal form through an unknown permutation, followed by a cluster-ordering procedure to generate the desired permutation. The clustering structure can be easily determined by identifying the diagonal blocks in the permuted graph. We propose a gradient descent-based method to solve the proposed problem. Additionally, we develop a DBSCAN-based points traversal algorithm that identifies clusters with high densities in the graph and generates an augmented ordering of clusters. The block-diagonal structure of the graph is then achieved through permutation based on the traversal order, providing a flexible foundation for both automatic and interactive cluster analysis. We introduce a split-and-refine algorithm to automatically search for all diagonal blocks in the permuted graph with theoretically optimal guarantees under specific cases. We extensively evaluate our proposed approach on twelve challenging real-world benchmark clustering datasets and demonstrate its superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art clustering method on every dataset.

replace Eigenpruning

Authors: Tom\'as Vergara-Browne, \'Alvaro Soto, Akiko Aizawa

Abstract: We introduce eigenpruning, a method that removes singular values from weight matrices in an LLM to improve its performance in a particular task. This method is inspired by interpretability methods designed to automatically find subnetworks of a model which solve a specific task. In our tests, the pruned model outperforms the original model by a large margin, while only requiring minimal computation to prune the weight matrices. In the case of a small synthetic task in integer multiplication, the Phi-2 model can improve its accuracy in the test set from 13.75% to 97.50%. Interestingly, these results seem to indicate the existence of a computation path that can solve the task very effectively, but it was not being used by the original model. Finally, we publicly release our implementation.

replace Dynamic Backtracking in GFlowNets: Enhancing Decision Steps with Reward-Dependent Adjustment Mechanisms

Authors: Shuai Guo, Jielei Chu, Lei Zhu, Tianrui Li

Abstract: Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets or GFNs) are probabilistic models predicated on Markov flows, and they employ specific amortization algorithms to learn stochastic policies that generate compositional substances including biomolecules, chemical materials, etc. With a strong ability to generate high-performance biochemical molecules, GFNs accelerate the discovery of scientific substances, effectively overcoming the time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly shortcomings of conventional material discovery methods. However, previous studies rarely focus on accumulating exploratory experience by adjusting generative structures, which leads to disorientation in complex sampling spaces. Efforts to address this issue, such as LS-GFN, are limited to local greedy searches and lack broader global adjustments. This paper introduces a novel variant of GFNs, the Dynamic Backtracking GFN (DB-GFN), which improves the adaptability of decision-making steps through a reward-based dynamic backtracking mechanism. DB-GFN allows backtracking during the network construction process according to the current state's reward value, thereby correcting disadvantageous decisions and exploring alternative pathways during the exploration process. When applied to generative tasks involving biochemical molecules and genetic material sequences, DB-GFN outperforms GFN models such as LS-GFN and GTB, as well as traditional reinforcement learning methods, in sample quality, sample exploration quantity, and training convergence speed. Additionally, owing to its orthogonal nature, DB-GFN shows great potential in future improvements of GFNs, and it can be integrated with other strategies to achieve higher search performance.

replace Softmax Attention with Constant Cost per Token

Authors: Franz A. Heinsen

Abstract: We propose a simple modification to the conventional attention mechanism applied by Transformers: Instead of quantifying pairwise query-key similarity with scaled dot-products, we quantify it with the logarithms of scaled dot-products of exponentials. Our modification linearizes attention with exponential kernel feature maps, whose corresponding feature function is infinite dimensional. We show that our modification is expressible as a composition of log-sums of exponentials, with a latent space of constant size, enabling application with constant time and space complexity per token. We implement our modification, verify that it works in practice, and conclude that it is a promising alternative to conventional attention.

replace CATS: Contextually-Aware Thresholding for Sparsity in Large Language Models

Authors: Je-Yong Lee, Donghyun Lee, Genghan Zhang, Mo Tiwari, Azalia Mirhoseini

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have dramatically advanced AI applications, yet their deployment remains challenging due to their immense inference costs. Recent studies ameliorate the computational costs of LLMs by increasing their activation sparsity but suffer from significant performance degradation on downstream tasks. In this work, we introduce a new framework for sparsifying the activations of base LLMs and reducing inference costs, dubbed Contextually Aware Thresholding for Sparsity (CATS). CATS is relatively simple, easy to implement, and highly effective. At the heart of our framework is a new non-linear activation function. We demonstrate that CATS can be applied to various base models, including Mistral-7B and Llama2-7B, and outperforms existing sparsification techniques in downstream task performance. More precisely, CATS-based models often achieve downstream task performance within 1-2% of their base models without any fine-tuning and even at activation sparsity levels of 50%. Furthermore, CATS-based models converge faster and display better task performance than competing techniques when fine-tuning is applied. Finally, we develop a custom GPU kernel for efficient implementation of CATS that translates the activation of sparsity of CATS to real wall-clock time speedups. Our custom kernel implementation of CATS results in a ~15% improvement in wall-clock inference latency of token generation on both Llama-7B and Mistral-7B.

replace Beyond Known Clusters: Probe New Prototypes for Efficient Generalized Class Discovery

Authors: Ye Wang, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Bingchen Zhao, Xueming Qian

Abstract: Generalized Class Discovery (GCD) aims to dynamically assign labels to unlabelled data partially based on knowledge learned from labelled data, where the unlabelled data may come from known or novel classes. The prevailing approach generally involves clustering across all data and learning conceptions by prototypical contrastive learning. However, existing methods largely hinge on the performance of clustering algorithms and are thus subject to their inherent limitations. Firstly, the estimated cluster number is often smaller than the ground truth, making the existing methods suffer from the lack of prototypes for comprehensive conception learning. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive probing mechanism that introduces learnable potential prototypes to expand cluster prototypes (centers). As there is no ground truth for the potential prototype, we develop a self-supervised prototype learning framework to optimize the potential prototype in an end-to-end fashion. Secondly, clustering is computationally intensive, and the conventional strategy of clustering both labelled and unlabelled instances exacerbates this issue. To counteract this inefficiency, we opt to cluster only the unlabelled instances and subsequently expand the cluster prototypes with our introduced potential prototypes to fast explore novel classes. Despite the simplicity of our proposed method, extensive empirical analysis on a wide range of datasets confirms that our method consistently delivers state-of-the-art results. Specifically, our method surpasses the nearest competitor by a significant margin of \textbf{9.7}$\%$ within the Stanford Cars dataset and \textbf{12$\times$} clustering efficiency within the Herbarium 19 dataset. We will make the code and checkpoints publicly available at \url{}.


replace TransformerFAM: Feedback attention is working memory

Authors: Dongseong Hwang, Weiran Wang, Zhuoyuan Huo, Khe Chai Sim, Pedro Moreno Mengibar

Abstract: While Transformers have revolutionized deep learning, their quadratic attention complexity hinders their ability to process infinitely long inputs. We propose Feedback Attention Memory (FAM), a novel Transformer architecture that leverages a feedback loop to enable the network to attend to its own latent representations. This design fosters the emergence of working memory within the Transformer, allowing it to process indefinitely long sequences. TransformerFAM requires no additional weights, enabling seamless integration with pre-trained models. Our experiments show that TransformerFAM significantly improves Transformer performance on long-context tasks across various model sizes (1B, 8B, and 24B). These results showcase the potential to empower Large Language Models (LLMs) to process sequences of unlimited length.

replace Privacy-Enhanced Training-as-a-Service for On-Device Intelligence: Concept, Architectural Scheme, and Open Problems

Authors: Zhiyuan Wu, Sheng Sun, Yuwei Wang, Min Liu, Bo Gao, Tianliu He, Wen Wang

Abstract: On-device intelligence (ODI) enables artificial intelligence (AI) applications to run on end devices, providing real-time and customized AI inference without relying on remote servers. However, training models for on-device deployment face significant challenges due to the decentralized and privacy-sensitive nature of users' data, along with end-side constraints related to network connectivity, computation efficiency, etc. Existing training paradigms, such as cloud-based training, federated learning, and transfer learning, fail to sufficiently address these practical constraints that are prevalent for devices. To overcome these challenges, we propose Privacy-Enhanced Training-as-a-Service (PTaaS), a novel service computing paradigm that provides privacy-friendly, customized AI model training for end devices. PTaaS outsources the core training process to remote and powerful cloud or edge servers, efficiently developing customized on-device models based on uploaded anonymous queries, enhancing data privacy while reducing the computation load on individual devices. We explore the definition, goals, and design principles of PTaaS, alongside emerging technologies that support the PTaaS paradigm. An architectural scheme for PTaaS is also presented, followed by a series of open problems that set the stage for future research directions in the field of PTaaS.

replace What Hides behind Unfairness? Exploring Dynamics Fairness in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhihong Deng, Jing Jiang, Guodong Long, Chengqi Zhang

Abstract: In sequential decision-making problems involving sensitive attributes like race and gender, reinforcement learning (RL) agents must carefully consider long-term fairness while maximizing returns. Recent works have proposed many different types of fairness notions, but how unfairness arises in RL problems remains unclear. In this paper, we address this gap in the literature by investigating the sources of inequality through a causal lens. We first analyse the causal relationships governing the data generation process and decompose the effect of sensitive attributes on long-term well-being into distinct components. We then introduce a novel notion called dynamics fairness, which explicitly captures the inequality stemming from environmental dynamics, distinguishing it from those induced by decision-making or inherited from the past. This notion requires evaluating the expected changes in the next state and the reward induced by changing the value of the sensitive attribute while holding everything else constant. To quantitatively evaluate this counterfactual concept, we derive identification formulas that allow us to obtain reliable estimations from data. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques in explaining, detecting, and reducing inequality in reinforcement learning. We publicly release code at


replace FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models

Authors: Zhaopeng Peng, Xiaoliang Fan, Yufan Chen, Zheng Wang, Shirui Pan, Chenglu Wen, Ruisheng Zhang, Cheng Wang

Abstract: Adapting Foundation Models (FMs) for downstream tasks through Federated Learning (FL) emerges a promising strategy for protecting data privacy and valuable FMs. Existing methods fine-tune FM by allocating sub-FM to clients in FL, however, leading to suboptimal performance due to insufficient tuning and inevitable error accumulations of gradients. In this paper, we propose Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning (FedPFT), a novel method enhancing FMs adaptation in downstream tasks through FL by two key modules. First, the sub-FM construction module employs a layer-wise compression approach, facilitating comprehensive FM fine-tuning across all layers by emphasizing those crucial neurons. Second, the sub-FM alignment module conducts a two-step distillations-layer-level and neuron-level-before and during FL fine-tuning respectively, to reduce error of gradient by accurately aligning sub-FM with FM under theoretical guarantees. Experimental results on seven commonly used datasets (i.e., four text and three vision) demonstrate the superiority of FedPFT.

replace End-to-End Mesh Optimization of a Hybrid Deep Learning Black-Box PDE Solver

Authors: Shaocong Ma, James Diffenderfer, Bhavya Kailkhura, Yi Zhou

Abstract: Deep learning has been widely applied to solve partial differential equations (PDEs) in computational fluid dynamics. Recent research proposed a PDE correction framework that leverages deep learning to correct the solution obtained by a PDE solver on a coarse mesh. However, end-to-end training of such a PDE correction model over both solver-dependent parameters such as mesh parameters and neural network parameters requires the PDE solver to support automatic differentiation through the iterative numerical process. Such a feature is not readily available in many existing solvers. In this study, we explore the feasibility of end-to-end training of a hybrid model with a black-box PDE solver and a deep learning model for fluid flow prediction. Specifically, we investigate a hybrid model that integrates a black-box PDE solver into a differentiable deep graph neural network. To train this model, we use a zeroth-order gradient estimator to differentiate the PDE solver via forward propagation. Although experiments show that the proposed approach based on zeroth-order gradient estimation underperforms the baseline that computes exact derivatives using automatic differentiation, our proposed method outperforms the baseline trained with a frozen input mesh to the solver. Moreover, with a simple warm-start on the neural network parameters, we show that models trained by these zeroth-order algorithms achieve an accelerated convergence and improved generalization performance.

replace SPGNN: Recognizing Salient Subgraph Patterns via Enhanced Graph Convolution and Pooling

Authors: Zehao Dong, Muhan Zhang, Yixin Chen

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have revolutionized the field of machine learning on non-Euclidean data such as graphs and networks. GNNs effectively implement node representation learning through neighborhood aggregation and achieve impressive results in many graph-related tasks. However, most neighborhood aggregation approaches are summation-based, which can be problematic as they may not be sufficiently expressive to encode informative graph structures. Furthermore, though the graph pooling module is also of vital importance for graph learning, especially for the task of graph classification, research on graph down-sampling mechanisms is rather limited. To address the above challenges, we propose a concatenation-based graph convolution mechanism that injectively updates node representations to maximize the discriminative power in distinguishing non-isomorphic subgraphs. In addition, we design a novel graph pooling module, called WL-SortPool, to learn important subgraph patterns in a deep-learning manner. WL-SortPool layer-wise sorts node representations (i.e. continuous WL colors) to separately learn the relative importance of subtrees with different depths for the purpose of classification, thus better characterizing the complex graph topology and rich information encoded in the graph. We propose a novel Subgraph Pattern GNN (SPGNN) architecture that incorporates these enhancements. We test the proposed SPGNN architecture on many graph classification benchmarks. Experimental results show that our method can achieve highly competitive results with state-of-the-art graph kernels and other GNN approaches.

replace Semantic Cells: Evolutional Process to Acquire Sense Diversity of Items

Authors: Yukio Ohsawa, Dingming Xue, Kaira Sekiguchi

Abstract: Previous models for learning the semantic vectors of items and their groups, such as words, sentences, nodes, and graphs, using distributed representation have been based on the assumption that the basic sense of an item corresponds to one vector composed of dimensions corresponding to hidden contexts in the target real world, from which multiple senses of the item are obtained by conforming to lexical databases or adapting to the context. However, there may be multiple senses of an item, which are hardly assimilated and change or evolve dynamically following the contextual shift even within a document or a restricted period. This is a process similar to the evolution or adaptation of a living entity with/to environmental shifts. Setting the scope of disambiguation of items for sensemaking, the author presents a method in which a word or item in the data embraces multiple semantic vectors that evolve via interaction with others, similar to a cell embracing chromosomes crossing over with each other. We obtained two preliminary results: (1) the role of a word that evolves to acquire the largest or lower-middle variance of semantic vectors tends to be explainable by the author of the text; (2) the epicenters of earthquakes that acquire larger variance via crossover, corresponding to the interaction with diverse areas of land crust, are likely to correspond to the epicenters of forthcoming large earthquakes.

replace Revisiting Neural Networks for Continual Learning: An Architectural Perspective

Authors: Aojun Lu, Tao Feng, Hangjie Yuan, Xiaotian Song, Yanan Sun

Abstract: Efforts to overcome catastrophic forgetting have primarily centered around developing more effective Continual Learning (CL) methods. In contrast, less attention was devoted to analyzing the role of network architecture design (e.g., network depth, width, and components) in contributing to CL. This paper seeks to bridge this gap between network architecture design and CL, and to present a holistic study on the impact of network architectures on CL. This work considers architecture design at the network scaling level, i.e., width and depth, and also at the network components, i.e., skip connections, global pooling layers, and down-sampling. In both cases, we first derive insights through systematically exploring how architectural designs affect CL. Then, grounded in these insights, we craft a specialized search space for CL and further propose a simple yet effective ArchCraft method to steer a CL-friendly architecture, namely, this method recrafts AlexNet/ResNet into AlexAC/ResAC. Experimental validation across various CL settings and scenarios demonstrates that improved architectures are parameter-efficient, achieving state-of-the-art performance of CL while being 86%, 61%, and 97% more compact in terms of parameters than the naive CL architecture in Task IL and Class IL. Code is available at


replace Advances and Open Challenges in Federated Learning with Foundation Models

Authors: Chao Ren, Han Yu, Hongyi Peng, Xiaoli Tang, Anran Li, Yulan Gao, Alysa Ziying Tan, Bo Zhao, Xiaoxiao Li, Zengxiang Li, Qiang Yang

Abstract: The integration of Foundation Models (FMs) with Federated Learning (FL) presents a transformative paradigm in Artificial Intelligence (AI), offering enhanced capabilities while addressing concerns of privacy, data decentralization, and computational efficiency. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of the emerging field of Federated Foundation Models (FedFM), elucidating their synergistic relationship and exploring novel methodologies, challenges, and future directions that the FL research field needs to focus on in order to thrive in the age of foundation models. A systematic multi-tiered taxonomy is proposed, categorizing existing FedFM approaches for model training, aggregation, trustworthiness, and incentivization. Key challenges, including how to enable FL to deal with high complexity of computational demands, privacy considerations, contribution evaluation, and communication efficiency, are thoroughly discussed. Moreover, the paper explores the intricate challenges of communication, scalability and security inherent in training/fine-tuning FMs via FL, highlighting the potential of quantum computing to revolutionize the training, inference, optimization and data encryption processes. This survey underscores the importance of further research to propel innovation in FedFM, emphasizing the need for developing trustworthy solutions. It serves as a foundational guide for researchers and practitioners interested in contributing to this interdisciplinary and rapidly advancing field.

replace MER 2024: Semi-Supervised Learning, Noise Robustness, and Open-Vocabulary Multimodal Emotion Recognition

Authors: Zheng Lian, Haiyang Sun, Licai Sun, Zhuofan Wen, Siyuan Zhang, Shun Chen, Hao Gu, Jinming Zhao, Ziyang Ma, Xie Chen, Jiangyan Yi, Rui Liu, Kele Xu, Bin Liu, Erik Cambria, Guoying Zhao, Bj\"orn W. Schuller, Jianhua Tao

Abstract: Multimodal emotion recognition is an important research topic in artificial intelligence. Over the past few decades, researchers have made remarkable progress by increasing dataset size and building more effective architectures. However, due to various reasons (such as complex environments and inaccurate labels), current systems still cannot meet the demands of practical applications. Therefore, we plan to organize a series of challenges around emotion recognition to further promote the development of this field. Last year, we launched MER2023, focusing on three topics: multi-label learning, noise robustness, and semi-supervised learning. This year, we continue to organize MER2024. In addition to expanding the dataset size, we introduce a new track around open-vocabulary emotion recognition. The main consideration for this track is that existing datasets often fix the label space and use majority voting to enhance annotator consistency, but this process may limit the model's ability to describe subtle emotions. In this track, we encourage participants to generate any number of labels in any category, aiming to describe the emotional state as accurately as possible. Our baseline is based on MERTools and the code is available at:


replace-cross Neyman-Pearson Multi-class Classification via Cost-sensitive Learning

Authors: Ye Tian, Yang Feng

Abstract: Most existing classification methods aim to minimize the overall misclassification error rate. However, in applications such as loan default prediction, different types of errors can have varying consequences. To address this asymmetry issue, two popular paradigms have been developed: the Neyman-Pearson (NP) paradigm and the cost-sensitive (CS) paradigm. Previous studies on the NP paradigm have primarily focused on the binary case, while the multi-class NP problem poses a greater challenge due to its unknown feasibility. In this work, we tackle the multi-class NP problem by establishing a connection with the CS problem via strong duality and propose two algorithms. We extend the concept of NP oracle inequalities, crucial in binary classifications, to NP oracle properties in the multi-class context. Our algorithms satisfy these NP oracle properties under certain conditions. Furthermore, we develop practical algorithms to assess the feasibility and strong duality in multi-class NP problems, which can offer practitioners the landscape of a multi-class NP problem with various target error levels. Simulations and real data studies validate the effectiveness of our algorithms. To our knowledge, this is the first study to address the multi-class NP problem with theoretical guarantees. The proposed algorithms have been implemented in the R package \texttt{npcs}, which is available on CRAN.

replace-cross Which images to label for few-shot medical landmark detection?

Authors: Quan Quan, Qingsong Yao, Jun Li, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: The success of deep learning methods relies on the availability of well-labeled large-scale datasets. However, for medical images, annotating such abundant training data often requires experienced radiologists and consumes their limited time. Few-shot learning is developed to alleviate this burden, which achieves competitive performances with only several labeled data. However, a crucial yet previously overlooked problem in few-shot learning is about the selection of template images for annotation before learning, which affects the final performance. We herein propose a novel Sample Choosing Policy (SCP) to select "the most worthy" images for annotation, in the context of few-shot medical landmark detection. SCP consists of three parts: 1) Self-supervised training for building a pre-trained deep model to extract features from radiological images, 2) Key Point Proposal for localizing informative patches, and 3) Representative Score Estimation for searching the most representative samples or templates. The advantage of SCP is demonstrated by various experiments on three widely-used public datasets. For one-shot medical landmark detection, its use reduces the mean radial errors on Cephalometric and HandXray datasets by 14.2% (from 3.595mm to 3.083mm) and 35.5% (4.114mm to 2.653mm), respectively.

replace-cross Warmth and competence in human-agent cooperation

Authors: Kevin R. McKee, Xuechunzi Bai, Susan T. Fiske

Abstract: Interaction and cooperation with humans are overarching aspirations of artificial intelligence (AI) research. Recent studies demonstrate that AI agents trained with deep reinforcement learning are capable of collaborating with humans. These studies primarily evaluate human compatibility through "objective" metrics such as task performance, obscuring potential variation in the levels of trust and subjective preference that different agents garner. To better understand the factors shaping subjective preferences in human-agent cooperation, we train deep reinforcement learning agents in Coins, a two-player social dilemma. We recruit $N = 501$ participants for a human-agent cooperation study and measure their impressions of the agents they encounter. Participants' perceptions of warmth and competence predict their stated preferences for different agents, above and beyond objective performance metrics. Drawing inspiration from social science and biology research, we subsequently implement a new ``partner choice'' framework to elicit revealed preferences: after playing an episode with an agent, participants are asked whether they would like to play the next episode with the same agent or to play alone. As with stated preferences, social perception better predicts participants' revealed preferences than does objective performance. Given these results, we recommend human-agent interaction researchers routinely incorporate the measurement of social perception and subjective preferences into their studies.

replace-cross Heterogeneous Acceleration Pipeline for Recommendation System Training

Authors: Muhammad Adnan, Yassaman Ebrahimzadeh Maboud, Divya Mahajan, Prashant J. Nair

Abstract: Recommendation models rely on deep learning networks and large embedding tables, resulting in computationally and memory-intensive processes. These models are typically trained using hybrid CPU-GPU or GPU-only configurations. The hybrid mode combines the GPU's neural network acceleration with the CPUs' memory storage and supply for embedding tables but may incur significant CPU-to-GPU transfer time. In contrast, the GPU-only mode utilizes High Bandwidth Memory (HBM) across multiple GPUs for storing embedding tables. However, this approach is expensive and presents scaling concerns. This paper introduces Hotline, a heterogeneous acceleration pipeline that addresses these concerns. Hotline develops a data-aware and model-aware scheduling pipeline by leveraging the insight that only a few embedding entries are frequently accessed (popular). This approach utilizes CPU main memory for non-popular embeddings and GPUs' HBM for popular embeddings. To achieve this, Hotline accelerator fragments a mini-batch into popular and non-popular micro-batches. It gathers the necessary working parameters for non-popular micro-batches from the CPU, while GPUs execute popular micro-batches. The hardware accelerator dynamically coordinates the execution of popular embeddings on GPUs and non-popular embeddings from the CPU's main memory. Real-world datasets and models confirm Hotline's effectiveness, reducing average end-to-end training time by 2.2x compared to Intel-optimized CPU-GPU DLRM baseline.

replace-cross Heart Disease Detection using Quantum Computing and Partitioned Random Forest Methods

Authors: Hanif Heidari, Gerhard Hellstern, Murugappan Murugappan

Abstract: Heart disease morbidity and mortality rates are increasing, which has a negative impact on public health and the global economy. Early detection of heart disease reduces the incidence of heart mortality and morbidity. Recent research has utilized quantum computing methods to predict heart disease with more than 5 qubits and are computationally intensive. Despite the higher number of qubits, earlier work reports a lower accuracy in predicting heart disease, have not considered the outlier effects, and requires more computation time and memory for heart disease prediction. To overcome these limitations, we propose hybrid random forest quantum neural network (HQRF) using a few qubits (two to four) and considered the effects of outlier in the dataset. Two open-source datasets, Cleveland and Statlog, are used in this study to apply quantum networks. The proposed algorithm has been applied on two open-source datasets and utilized two different types of testing strategies such as 10-fold cross validation and 70-30 train/test ratio. We compared the performance of our proposed methodology with our earlier algorithm called hybrid quantum neural network (HQNN) proposed in the literature for heart disease prediction. HQNN and HQRF outperform in 10-fold cross validation and 70/30 train/test split ratio, respectively. The results show that HQNN requires a large training dataset while HQRF is more appropriate for both large and small training dataset. According to the experimental results, the proposed HQRF is not sensitive to the outlier data compared to HQNN. Compared to earlier works, the proposed HQRF achieved a maximum area under the curve (AUC) of 96.43% and 97.78% in predicting heart diseases using Cleveland and Statlog datasets, respectively with HQNN. The proposed HQRF is highly efficient in detecting heart disease at an early stage and will speed up clinical diagnosis.

replace-cross On the Convergence of the ELBO to Entropy Sums

Authors: J\"org L\"ucke, Jan Warnken

Abstract: The variational lower bound (a.k.a. ELBO or free energy) is the central objective for many established as well as many novel algorithms for unsupervised learning. During learning such algorithms change model parameters to increase the variational lower bound. Learning usually proceeds until parameters have converged to values close to a stationary point of the learning dynamics. In this purely theoretical contribution, we show that (for a very large class of generative models) the variational lower bound is at all stationary points of learning equal to a sum of entropies. For standard machine learning models with one set of latents and one set of observed variables, the sum consists of three entropies: (A) the (average) entropy of the variational distributions, (B) the negative entropy of the model's prior distribution, and (C) the (expected) negative entropy of the observable distribution. The obtained result applies under realistic conditions including: finite numbers of data points, at any stationary point (including saddle points) and for any family of (well behaved) variational distributions. The class of generative models for which we show the equality to entropy sums contains many well-known generative models. As concrete examples we discuss Sigmoid Belief Networks, probabilistic PCA and (Gaussian and non-Gaussian) mixture models. The result also applies for standard (Gaussian) variational autoencoders, a special case that has been shown previously (Damm et al., 2023). The prerequisites we use to show equality to entropy sums are relatively mild. Concretely, the distributions of a given generative model have to be of the exponential family, and the model has to satisfy a parameterization criterion (which is usually fulfilled). Proving the equality of the ELBO to entropy sums at stationary points (under the stated conditions) is the main contribution of this work.

replace-cross Primal Dual Alternating Proximal Gradient Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Minimax Problems with Coupled Linear Constraints

Authors: Huiling Zhang, Junlin Wang, Zi Xu, Yu-Hong Dai

Abstract: Nonconvex minimax problems have attracted wide attention in machine learning, signal processing and many other fields in recent years. In this paper, we propose a primal-dual alternating proximal gradient (PDAPG) algorithm for solving nonsmooth nonconvex-(strongly) concave minimax problems with coupled linear constraints, respectively. The iteration complexity of the two algorithms are proved to be $\mathcal{O}\left( \varepsilon ^{-2} \right)$ (resp. $\mathcal{O}\left( \varepsilon ^{-4} \right)$) under nonconvex-strongly concave (resp. nonconvex-concave) setting to reach an $\varepsilon$-stationary point. To our knowledge, it is the first algorithm with iteration complexity guarantees for solving the nonconvex minimax problems with coupled linear constraints.

replace-cross A supplemental investigation of non-linearity in quantum generative models with respect to simulatability and optimization

Authors: Kaitlin Gili, Rohan S. Kumar, Mykolas Sveistrys, C. J. Ballance

Abstract: Recent work has demonstrated the utility of introducing non-linearity through repeat-until-success (RUS) sub-routines into quantum circuits for generative modeling. As a follow-up to this work, we investigate two questions of relevance to the quantum algorithms and machine learning communities: Does introducing this form of non-linearity make the learning model classically simulatable due to the deferred measurement principle? And does introducing this form of non-linearity make the overall model's training more unstable? With respect to the first question, we demonstrate that the RUS sub-routines do not allow us to trivially map this quantum model to a classical one, whereas a model without RUS sub-circuits containing mid-circuit measurements could be mapped to a classical Bayesian network due to the deferred measurement principle of quantum mechanics. This strongly suggests that the proposed form of non-linearity makes the model classically in-efficient to simulate. In the pursuit of the second question, we train larger models than previously shown on three different probability distributions, one continuous and two discrete, and compare the training performance across multiple random trials. We see that while the model is able to perform exceptionally well in some trials, the variance across trials with certain datasets quantifies its relatively poor training stability.

replace-cross Learning to Detect Slip through Tactile Estimation of the Contact Force Field and its Entropy

Authors: Xiaohai Hu, Aparajit Venkatesh, Yusen Wan, Guiliang Zheng, Neel Jawale, Navneet Kaur, Xu Chen, Paul Birkmeyer

Abstract: Detection of slip during object grasping and manipulation plays a vital role in object handling. Existing solutions primarily rely on visual information to devise a strategy for grasping. However, for robotic systems to attain a level of proficiency comparable to humans, especially in consistently handling and manipulating unfamiliar objects, integrating artificial tactile sensing is increasingly essential. We introduce a novel physics-informed, data-driven approach to detect slip continuously in real time. We employ the GelSight Mini, an optical tactile sensor, attached to custom-designed grippers to gather tactile data. Our work leverages the inhomogeneity of tactile sensor readings during slip events to develop distinctive features and formulates slip detection as a classification problem. To evaluate our approach, we test multiple data-driven models on 10 common objects under different loading conditions, textures, and materials. Our results show that the best classification algorithm achieves a high average accuracy of 95.61%. We further illustrate the practical application of our research in dynamic robotic manipulation tasks, where our real-time slip detection and prevention algorithm is implemented.

replace-cross Subsampling Error in Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusions

Authors: Kexin Jin, Chenguang Liu, Jonas Latz

Abstract: The Stochastic Gradient Langevin Dynamics (SGLD) are popularly used to approximate Bayesian posterior distributions in statistical learning procedures with large-scale data. As opposed to many usual Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms, SGLD is not stationary with respect to the posterior distribution; two sources of error appear: The first error is introduced by an Euler--Maruyama discretisation of a Langevin diffusion process, the second error comes from the data subsampling that enables its use in large-scale data settings. In this work, we consider an idealised version of SGLD to analyse the method's pure subsampling error that we then see as a best-case error for diffusion-based subsampling MCMC methods. Indeed, we introduce and study the Stochastic Gradient Langevin Diffusion (SGLDiff), a continuous-time Markov process that follows the Langevin diffusion corresponding to a data subset and switches this data subset after exponential waiting times. There, we show the exponential ergodicity of SLGDiff and that the Wasserstein distance between the posterior and the limiting distribution of SGLDiff is bounded above by a fractional power of the mean waiting time. We bring our results into context with other analyses of SGLD.

replace-cross Coeditor: Leveraging Contextual Changes for Multi-round Code Auto-editing

Authors: Jiayi Wei, Greg Durrett, Isil Dillig

Abstract: Developers often dedicate significant time to maintaining and refactoring existing code. However, most prior work on generative models for code focuses solely on creating new code, overlooking the distinctive needs of editing existing code. In this work, we explore a multi-round code auto-editing setting, aiming to predict edits to a code region based on recent changes within the same codebase. Our model, Coeditor, is a fine-tuned language model specifically designed for code editing tasks. We represent code changes using a line diff format and employ static analysis to form large customized model contexts, ensuring the availability of appropriate information for prediction. We collect a code editing dataset from the commit histories of 1650 open-source Python projects for training and evaluation. In a simplified single-round, single-edit task, Coeditor significantly outperforms GPT-3.5 and SOTA open-source code completion models (bringing exact-match accuracy from 34.7 up to 60.4), demonstrating the benefits of incorporating editing history for code completion. In a multi-round, multi-edit setting, we observe substantial gains by iteratively conditioning on additional user edits. We have open-sourced our code, data, and model weights to encourage future research and have released a VSCode extension powered by our model for interactive IDE usage.

replace-cross PriSampler: Mitigating Property Inference of Diffusion Models

Authors: Hailong Hu, Jun Pang

Abstract: Diffusion models have been remarkably successful in data synthesis. However, when these models are applied to sensitive datasets, such as banking and human face data, they might bring up severe privacy concerns. This work systematically presents the first privacy study about property inference attacks against diffusion models, where adversaries aim to extract sensitive global properties of its training set from a diffusion model. Specifically, we focus on the most practical attack scenario: adversaries are restricted to accessing only synthetic data. Under this realistic scenario, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of property inference attacks on various diffusion models trained on diverse data types, including tabular and image datasets. A broad range of evaluations reveals that diffusion models and their samplers are universally vulnerable to property inference attacks. In response, we propose a new model-agnostic plug-in method PriSampler to mitigate the risks of the property inference of diffusion models. PriSampler can be directly applied to well-trained diffusion models and support both stochastic and deterministic sampling. Extensive experiments illustrate the effectiveness of our defense, and it can lead adversaries to infer the proportion of properties as close as predefined values that model owners wish. Notably, PriSampler also shows its significantly superior performance to diffusion models trained with differential privacy on both model utility and defense performance. This work will elevate the awareness of preventing property inference attacks and encourage privacy-preserving synthetic data release.

replace-cross Optimization-based Learning for Dynamic Load Planning in Trucking Service Networks

Authors: Ritesh Ojha, Wenbo Chen, Hanyu Zhang, Reem Khir, Alan Erera, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Abstract: The load planning problem is a critical challenge in service network design for parcel carriers: it decides how many trailers to assign for dispatch over time between pairs of terminals. Another key challenge is to determine a flow plan, which specifies how parcel volumes are assigned to planned loads. This paper considers the Outbound Load Planning Problem (OLPP) that considers flow and load planning challenges jointly in order to adjust loads and flows as the demand forecast changes over time before the day of operations in a terminal. The paper aims at developing a decision-support tool to inform planners making these decisions at terminals across the network. The paper formulates the OLPP as a mixed-integer programming model and shows that it admits a large number of symmetries in a network where each commodity can be routed through primary and alternate terminals. As a result, an optimization solver may return fundamentally different solutions to closely related problems, confusing planners and reducing trust in optimization. To remedy this limitation, this paper proposes a lexicographical optimization approach that eliminates those symmetries by generating optimal solutions staying close to a reference plan. Moreover, this paper designs an optimization proxy that addresses the computational challenges of the optimization model. The optimization proxy combines a machine-learning model and a repair procedure to find near-optimal solutions that satisfy real-time constraints imposed by planners in the loop. An extensive computational study on industrial instances shows that the optimization proxy is orders of magnitude faster for generating solutions that are consistent with each other. The proposed approach also demonstrates the benefits of the OLPP for load consolidation and the significant savings obtained from combining machine learning and optimization.

replace-cross Origami Single-end Capacitive Sensing for Continuous Shape Estimation of Morphing Structures

Authors: Lala Shakti Swarup Ray, Daniel Gei{\ss}ler, Bo Zhou, Paul Lukowicz, Berit Greinke

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel single-end morphing capacitive sensing method for shape tracking, FxC, by combining Folding origami structures and Capacitive sensing to detect the morphing structural motions using state-of-the-art sensing circuits and deep learning. It was observed through embedding areas of origami structures with conductive materials as single-end capacitive sensing patches, that the sensor signals change coherently with the motion of the structure. Different from other origami capacitors where the origami structures are used in adjusting the thickness of the dielectric layer of double-plate capacitors, FxC uses only a single conductive plate per channel, and the origami structure directly changes the geometry of the conductive plate. We examined the operation principle of morphing single-end capacitors through 3D geometry simulation combined with physics theoretical deduction, which deduced similar behaviour as observed in experimentation. Then a software pipeline was developed to use the sensor signals to reconstruct the dynamic structural geometry through data-driven deep neural network regression of geometric primitives extracted from vision tracking. We created multiple folding patterns to validate our approach, based on folding patterns including Accordion, Chevron, Sunray and V-Fold patterns with different layouts of capacitive sensors using paper-based and textile-based materials. Experimentation results show that the geometry primitives predicted from the capacitive signals have a strong correlation with the visual ground truth with R-squared value of up to 95% and tracking error of 6.5 mm for patches. The simulation and machine learning constitute two-way information exchange between the sensing signals and structural geometry.

replace-cross Synthetic Lagrangian Turbulence by Generative Diffusion Models

Authors: Tianyi Li, Luca Biferale, Fabio Bonaccorso, Martino Andrea Scarpolini, Michele Buzzicotti

Abstract: Lagrangian turbulence lies at the core of numerous applied and fundamental problems related to the physics of dispersion and mixing in engineering, bio-fluids, atmosphere, oceans, and astrophysics. Despite exceptional theoretical, numerical, and experimental efforts conducted over the past thirty years, no existing models are capable of faithfully reproducing statistical and topological properties exhibited by particle trajectories in turbulence. We propose a machine learning approach, based on a state-of-the-art diffusion model, to generate single-particle trajectories in three-dimensional turbulence at high Reynolds numbers, thereby bypassing the need for direct numerical simulations or experiments to obtain reliable Lagrangian data. Our model demonstrates the ability to reproduce most statistical benchmarks across time scales, including the fat-tail distribution for velocity increments, the anomalous power law, and the increased intermittency around the dissipative scale. Slight deviations are observed below the dissipative scale, particularly in the acceleration and flatness statistics. Surprisingly, the model exhibits strong generalizability for extreme events, producing events of higher intensity and rarity that still match the realistic statistics. This paves the way for producing synthetic high-quality datasets for pre-training various downstream applications of Lagrangian turbulence.

replace-cross A Zero-shot and Few-shot Study of Instruction-Finetuned Large Language Models Applied to Clinical and Biomedical Tasks

Authors: Yanis Labrak, Mickael Rouvier, Richard Dufour

Abstract: We evaluate four state-of-the-art instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) -- ChatGPT, Flan-T5 UL2, Tk-Instruct, and Alpaca -- on a set of 13 real-world clinical and biomedical natural language processing (NLP) tasks in English, such as named-entity recognition (NER), question-answering (QA), relation extraction (RE), etc. Our overall results demonstrate that the evaluated LLMs begin to approach performance of state-of-the-art models in zero- and few-shot scenarios for most tasks, and particularly well for the QA task, even though they have never seen examples from these tasks before. However, we observed that the classification and RE tasks perform below what can be achieved with a specifically trained model for the medical field, such as PubMedBERT. Finally, we noted that no LLM outperforms all the others on all the studied tasks, with some models being better suited for certain tasks than others.

replace-cross PePNet: A Periodicity-Perceived Workload Prediction Network Supporting Rare Occurrence of Heavy Workload

Authors: Feiyi Chen, Zhen Qin, Hailiang Zhao, Shuiguang Deng

Abstract: Cloud providers can greatly benefit from accurate workload prediction. However, the workload of cloud servers is highly variable, with occasional heavy workload bursts. This makes workload prediction challenging. There are mainly two categories of workload prediction methods: statistical methods and neural-network-based ones. The former ones rely on strong mathematical assumptions and have reported low accuracy when predicting highly variable workload. The latter ones offer higher overall accuracy, yet they are vulnerable to data imbalance between heavy workload and common one. This impairs the prediction accuracy of neural network-based models on heavy workload. Either the overall inaccuracy of statistic methods or the heavy-workload inaccuracy of neural-network-based models can cause service level agreement violations. Thus, we propose PePNet to improve overall especially heavy workload prediction accuracy. It has two distinctive characteristics: (i) A Periodicity-Perceived Mechanism to detect the existence of periodicity and the length of one period automatically, without any priori knowledge. Furthermore, it fuses periodic information adaptively, which is suitable for periodic, lax periodic and aperiodic time series. (ii) An Achilles' Heel Loss Function iteratively optimizing the most under-fitting part in predicting sequence for each step, which significantly improves the prediction accuracy of heavy load. Extensive experiments conducted on Alibaba2018, SMD dataset and Dinda's dataset demonstrate that PePNet improves MAPE for overall workload by 20.0% on average, compared with state-of-the-art methods. Especially, PePNet improves MAPE for heavy workload by 23.9% on average.

replace-cross Explainable machine learning to enable high-throughput electrical conductivity optimization and discovery of doped conjugated polymers

Authors: Ji Wei Yoon, Adithya Kumar, Pawan Kumar, Kedar Hippalgaonkar, J Senthilnath, Vijila Chellappan

Abstract: The combination of high-throughput experimentation techniques and machine learning (ML) has recently ushered in a new era of accelerated material discovery, enabling the identification of materials with cutting-edge properties. However, the measurement of certain physical quantities remains challenging to automate. Specifically, meticulous process control, experimentation and laborious measurements are required to achieve optimal electrical conductivity in doped polymer materials. We propose a ML approach, which relies on readily measured absorbance spectra, to accelerate the workflow associated with measuring electrical conductivity. The classification model accurately classifies samples with a conductivity > 25 to 100 S/cm, achieving a maximum of 100 % accuracy rate. For the subset of highly conductive samples, we employed a regression model to predict their conductivities, yielding an impressive test R2 value of 0.984. We tested the models with samples of the two highest conductivities (498 and 506 S/cm) and showed that they were able to correctly classify and predict the two extrapolative conductivities at satisfactory levels of errors. The proposed ML-assisted workflow results in an improvement in the efficiency of the conductivity measurements by 89 % of the maximum achievable using our experimental techniques. Furthermore, our approach addressed the common challenge of the lack of explainability in ML models by exploiting bespoke mathematical properties of the descriptors and ML model, allowing us to gain corroborated insights into the spectral influences on conductivity. Through this study, we offer an accelerated pathway for optimizing the properties of doped polymer materials while showcasing the valuable insights that can be derived from purposeful utilization of ML in experimental science.

replace-cross Deep Neural Operator Driven Real Time Inference for Nuclear Systems to Enable Digital Twin Solutions

Authors: Kazuma Kobayashi, Syed Bahauddin Alam

Abstract: This paper focuses on the feasibility of Deep Neural Operator (DeepONet) as a robust surrogate modeling method within the context of digital twin (DT) for nuclear energy systems. Through benchmarking and evaluation, this study showcases the generalizability and computational efficiency of DeepONet in solving a challenging particle transport problem. DeepONet also exhibits remarkable prediction accuracy and speed, outperforming traditional ML methods, making it a suitable algorithm for real-time DT inference. However, the application of DeepONet also reveals challenges related to optimal sensor placement and model evaluation, critical aspects of real-world implementation. Addressing these challenges will further enhance the method's practicality and reliability. Overall, DeepONet presents a promising and transformative nuclear engineering research and applications tool. Its accurate prediction and computational efficiency capabilities can revolutionize DT systems, advancing nuclear engineering research. This study marks an important step towards harnessing the power of surrogate modeling techniques in critical engineering domains.

replace-cross Bayesian Reasoning for Physics Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Krzysztof M. Graczyk, Kornel Witkowski

Abstract: We present the application of the physics-informed neural network (PINN) approach in Bayesian formulation. We have adopted the Bayesian neural network framework to obtain posterior densities from Laplace approximation. For each model or fit, the evidence is computed, which is a measure that classifies the hypothesis. The optimal solution is the one with the highest value of evidence. We have proposed a modification of the Bayesian algorithm to obtain hyperparameters of the model. We have shown that within the Bayesian framework, one can obtain the relative weights between the boundary and equation contributions to the total loss. Presented method leads to predictions comparable to those obtained by sampling from the posterior distribution within the Hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm (HMC). We have solved heat, wave, and Burger's equations, and the results obtained are in agreement with the exact solutions, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach. In Burger's equation problem, we have demonstrated that the framework can combine information from differential equations and potential measurements. All solutions are provided with uncertainties (induced by the model's parameter dependence) computed within the Bayesian framework.

replace-cross Bengali Document Layout Analysis -- A YOLOV8 Based Ensembling Approach

Authors: Nazmus Sakib Ahmed, Saad Sakib Noor, Ashraful Islam Shanto Sikder, Abhijit Paul

Abstract: This paper focuses on enhancing Bengali Document Layout Analysis (DLA) using the YOLOv8 model and innovative post-processing techniques. We tackle challenges unique to the complex Bengali script by employing data augmentation for model robustness. After meticulous validation set evaluation, we fine-tune our approach on the complete dataset, leading to a two-stage prediction strategy for accurate element segmentation. Our ensemble model, combined with post-processing, outperforms individual base architectures, addressing issues identified in the BaDLAD dataset. By leveraging this approach, we aim to advance Bengali document analysis, contributing to improved OCR and document comprehension and BaDLAD serves as a foundational resource for this endeavor, aiding future research in the field. Furthermore, our experiments provided key insights to incorporate new strategies into the established solution.

replace-cross Self2Seg: Single-Image Self-Supervised Joint Segmentation and Denoising

Authors: Nadja Gruber, Johannes Schwab, No\'emie Debroux, Nicolas Papadakis, Markus Haltmeier

Abstract: We develop Self2Seg, a self-supervised method for the joint segmentation and denoising of a single image. To this end, we combine the advantages of variational segmentation with self-supervised deep learning. One major benefit of our method lies in the fact, that in contrast to data-driven methods, where huge amounts of labeled samples are necessary, Self2Seg segments an image into meaningful regions without any training database. Moreover, we demonstrate that self-supervised denoising itself is significantly improved through the region-specific learning of Self2Seg. Therefore, we introduce a novel self-supervised energy functional in which denoising and segmentation are coupled in a way that both tasks benefit from each other. We propose a unified optimisation strategy and numerically show that for noisy microscopy images our proposed joint approach outperforms its sequential counterpart as well as alternative methods focused purely on denoising or segmentation.

replace-cross Adaptive Input-image Normalization for Solving the Mode Collapse Problem in GAN-based X-ray Images

Authors: Muhammad Muneeb Saad, Mubashir Husain Rehmani, Ruairi O'Reilly

Abstract: Biomedical image datasets can be imbalanced due to the rarity of targeted diseases. Generative Adversarial Networks play a key role in addressing this imbalance by enabling the generation of synthetic images to augment datasets. It is important to generate synthetic images that incorporate a diverse range of features to accurately represent the distribution of features present in the training imagery. Furthermore, the absence of diverse features in synthetic images can degrade the performance of machine learning classifiers. The mode collapse problem impacts Generative Adversarial Networks' capacity to generate diversified images. Mode collapse comes in two varieties: intra-class and inter-class. In this paper, both varieties of the mode collapse problem are investigated, and their subsequent impact on the diversity of synthetic X-ray images is evaluated. This work contributes an empirical demonstration of the benefits of integrating the adaptive input-image normalization with the Deep Convolutional GAN and Auxiliary Classifier GAN to alleviate the mode collapse problems. Synthetically generated images are utilized for data augmentation and training a Vision Transformer model. The classification performance of the model is evaluated using accuracy, recall, and precision scores. Results demonstrate that the DCGAN and the ACGAN with adaptive input-image normalization outperform the DCGAN and ACGAN with un-normalized X-ray images as evidenced by the superior diversity scores and classification scores.

replace-cross Learning Quantum Processes with Quantum Statistical Queries

Authors: Chirag Wadhwa, Mina Doosti

Abstract: Learning complex quantum processes is a central challenge in many areas of quantum computing and quantum machine learning, with applications in quantum benchmarking, cryptanalysis, and variational quantum algorithms. This paper introduces the first learning framework for studying quantum process learning within the Quantum Statistical Query (QSQ) model, providing the first formal definition of statistical queries to quantum processes (QPSQs). The framework allows us to propose an efficient QPSQ learner for arbitrary quantum processes accompanied by a provable performance guarantee. We also provide numerical simulations to demonstrate the efficacy of this algorithm. In our new framework, we prove exponential query complexity lower bounds for learning unitary 2-designs, and a doubly exponential lower bound for learning haar-random unitaries. The practical relevance of this framework is exemplified through application in cryptography, highlighting vulnerabilities of a large class of Classical-Readout Quantum Physical Unclonable Functions (CR-QPUFs), addressing an important open question in the field of quantum hardware security. This work marks a significant step towards understanding the learnability of quantum processes and shedding light on their security implications.

replace-cross Unraveling the Single Tangent Space Fallacy: An Analysis and Clarification for Applying Riemannian Geometry in Robot Learning

Authors: No\'emie Jaquier, Leonel Rozo, Tamim Asfour

Abstract: In the realm of robotics, numerous downstream robotics tasks leverage machine learning methods for processing, modeling, or synthesizing data. Often, this data comprises variables that inherently carry geometric constraints, such as the unit-norm condition of quaternions representing rigid-body orientations or the positive definiteness of stiffness and manipulability ellipsoids. Handling such geometric constraints effectively requires the incorporation of tools from differential geometry into the formulation of machine learning methods. In this context, Riemannian manifolds emerge as a powerful mathematical framework to handle such geometric constraints. Nevertheless, their recent adoption in robot learning has been largely characterized by a mathematically-flawed simplification, hereinafter referred to as the "single tangent space fallacy". This approach involves merely projecting the data of interest onto a single tangent (Euclidean) space, over which an off-the-shelf learning algorithm is applied. This paper provides a theoretical elucidation of various misconceptions surrounding this approach and offers experimental evidence of its shortcomings. Finally, it presents valuable insights to promote best practices when employing Riemannian geometry within robot learning applications.

replace-cross Safe Deep Policy Adaptation

Authors: Wenli Xiao, Tairan He, John Dolan, Guanya Shi

Abstract: A critical goal of autonomy and artificial intelligence is enabling autonomous robots to rapidly adapt in dynamic and uncertain environments. Classic adaptive control and safe control provide stability and safety guarantees but are limited to specific system classes. In contrast, policy adaptation based on reinforcement learning (RL) offers versatility and generalizability but presents safety and robustness challenges. We propose SafeDPA, a novel RL and control framework that simultaneously tackles the problems of policy adaptation and safe reinforcement learning. SafeDPA jointly learns adaptive policy and dynamics models in simulation, predicts environment configurations, and fine-tunes dynamics models with few-shot real-world data. A safety filter based on the Control Barrier Function (CBF) on top of the RL policy is introduced to ensure safety during real-world deployment. We provide theoretical safety guarantees of SafeDPA and show the robustness of SafeDPA against learning errors and extra perturbations. Comprehensive experiments on (1) classic control problems (Inverted Pendulum), (2) simulation benchmarks (Safety Gym), and (3) a real-world agile robotics platform (RC Car) demonstrate great superiority of SafeDPA in both safety and task performance, over state-of-the-art baselines. Particularly, SafeDPA demonstrates notable generalizability, achieving a 300% increase in safety rate compared to the baselines, under unseen disturbances in real-world experiments.

replace-cross Multi-Task Wavelength-Multiplexed Reservoir Computing Using a Silicon Microring Resonator

Authors: Bernard J. Giron Castro, Christophe Peucheret, Darko Zibar, Francesco Da Ros

Abstract: Among the promising advantages of photonic computing over conventional computing architectures is the potential to increase computing efficiency through massive parallelism by using the many degrees of freedom provided by photonics. Here, we numerically demonstrate the simultaneous use of time and frequency (equivalently wavelength) multiplexing to solve three independent tasks at the same time on the same photonic circuit. In particular, we consider a microring-based time-delay reservoir computing (TDRC) scheme that simultaneously solves three tasks: Time-series prediction, classification, and wireless channel equalization. The scheme relies on time-division multiplexing to avoid the necessity of multiple physical nonlinear nodes, while the tasks are parallelized using wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The input data modulated on each optical channel is mapped to a higher dimensional space by the nonlinear dynamics of the silicon microring cavity. The carrier wavelength and input power assigned to each optical channel have a high influence on the performance of its respective task. When all tasks operate under the same wavelength/power conditions, our results show that the computing nature of each task is the deciding factor of the level of performance achievable. However, it is possible to achieve good performance for all tasks simultaneously by optimizing the parameters of each optical channel. The variety of applications covered by the tasks shows the versatility of the proposed photonic TDRC scheme. Overall, this work provides insight into the potential of WDM-based schemes for improving the computing capabilities of reservoir computing schemes.

replace-cross Investigating Multi-Pivot Ensembling with Massively Multilingual Machine Translation Models

Authors: Alireza Mohammadshahi, Jannis Vamvas, Rico Sennrich

Abstract: Massively multilingual machine translation models allow for the translation of a large number of languages with a single model, but have limited performance on low- and very-low-resource translation directions. Pivoting via high-resource languages remains a strong strategy for low-resource directions, and in this paper we revisit ways of pivoting through multiple languages. Previous work has used a simple averaging of probability distributions from multiple paths, but we find that this performs worse than using a single pivot, and exacerbates the hallucination problem because the same hallucinations can be probable across different paths. We also propose MaxEns, a novel combination strategy that makes the output biased towards the most confident predictions, hypothesising that confident predictions are less prone to be hallucinations. We evaluate different strategies on the FLORES benchmark for 20 low-resource language directions, demonstrating that MaxEns improves translation quality for low-resource languages while reducing hallucination in translations, compared to both direct translation and an averaging approach. On average, multi-pivot strategies still lag behind using English as a single pivot language, raising the question of how to identify the best pivoting strategy for a given translation direction.

replace-cross Instant3D: Instant Text-to-3D Generation

Authors: Ming Li, Pan Zhou, Jia-Wei Liu, Jussi Keppo, Min Lin, Shuicheng Yan, Xiangyu Xu

Abstract: Text-to-3D generation has attracted much attention from the computer vision community. Existing methods mainly optimize a neural field from scratch for each text prompt, relying on heavy and repetitive training cost which impedes their practical deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for fast text-to-3D generation, dubbed Instant3D. Once trained, Instant3D is able to create a 3D object for an unseen text prompt in less than one second with a single run of a feedforward network. We achieve this remarkable speed by devising a new network that directly constructs a 3D triplane from a text prompt. The core innovation of our Instant3D lies in our exploration of strategies to effectively inject text conditions into the network. In particular, we propose to combine three key mechanisms: cross-attention, style injection, and token-to-plane transformation, which collectively ensure precise alignment of the output with the input text. Furthermore, we propose a simple yet effective activation function, the scaled-sigmoid, to replace the original sigmoid function, which speeds up the training convergence by more than ten times. Finally, to address the Janus (multi-head) problem in 3D generation, we propose an adaptive Perp-Neg algorithm that can dynamically adjust its concept negation scales according to the severity of the Janus problem during training, effectively reducing the multi-head effect. Extensive experiments on a wide variety of benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods both qualitatively and quantitatively, while achieving significantly better efficiency. The code, data, and models are available at


replace-cross Variational Quantum Eigensolver with Constraints (VQEC): Solving Constrained Optimization Problems via VQE

Authors: Thinh Viet Le, Vassilis Kekatos

Abstract: Variational quantum approaches have shown great promise in finding near-optimal solutions to computationally challenging tasks. Nonetheless, enforcing constraints in a disciplined fashion has been largely unexplored. To address this gap, this work proposes a hybrid quantum-classical algorithmic paradigm termed VQEC that extends the celebrated VQE to handle optimization with constraints. As with the standard VQE, the vector of optimization variables is captured by the state of a variational quantum circuit (VQC). To deal with constraints, VQEC optimizes a Lagrangian function classically over both the VQC parameters as well as the dual variables associated with constraints. To comply with the quantum setup, variables are updated via a perturbed primal-dual method leveraging the parameter shift rule. Among a wide gamut of potential applications, we showcase how VQEC can approximately solve quadratically-constrained binary optimization (QCBO) problems, find stochastic binary policies satisfying quadratic constraints on the average and in probability, and solve large-scale linear programs (LP) over the probability simplex. Under an assumption on the error for the VQC to approximate an arbitrary probability mass function (PMF), we provide bounds on the optimality gap attained by a VQC. Numerical tests on a quantum simulator investigate the effect of various parameters and corroborate that VQEC can generate high-quality solutions.

replace-cross Universal Jailbreak Backdoors from Poisoned Human Feedback

Authors: Javier Rando, Florian Tram\`er

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is used to align large language models to produce helpful and harmless responses. Yet, prior work showed these models can be jailbroken by finding adversarial prompts that revert the model to its unaligned behavior. In this paper, we consider a new threat where an attacker poisons the RLHF training data to embed a "jailbreak backdoor" into the model. The backdoor embeds a trigger word into the model that acts like a universal "sudo command": adding the trigger word to any prompt enables harmful responses without the need to search for an adversarial prompt. Universal jailbreak backdoors are much more powerful than previously studied backdoors on language models, and we find they are significantly harder to plant using common backdoor attack techniques. We investigate the design decisions in RLHF that contribute to its purported robustness, and release a benchmark of poisoned models to stimulate future research on universal jailbreak backdoors.

replace-cross ViP-LLaVA: Making Large Multimodal Models Understand Arbitrary Visual Prompts

Authors: Mu Cai, Haotian Liu, Dennis Park, Siva Karthik Mustikovela, Gregory P. Meyer, Yuning Chai, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: While existing large vision-language multimodal models focus on whole image understanding, there is a prominent gap in achieving region-specific comprehension. Current approaches that use textual coordinates or spatial encodings often fail to provide a user-friendly interface for visual prompting. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel multimodal model capable of decoding arbitrary visual prompts. This allows users to intuitively mark images and interact with the model using natural cues like a "red bounding box" or "pointed arrow". Our simple design directly overlays visual markers onto the RGB image, eliminating the need for complex region encodings, yet achieves state-of-the-art performance on region-understanding tasks like Visual7W, PointQA, and Visual Commonsense Reasoning benchmark. Furthermore, we present ViP-Bench, a comprehensive benchmark to assess the capability of models in understanding visual prompts across multiple dimensions, enabling future research in this domain. Code, data, and model are publicly available.

replace-cross Describing Differences in Image Sets with Natural Language

Authors: Lisa Dunlap, Yuhui Zhang, Xiaohan Wang, Ruiqi Zhong, Trevor Darrell, Jacob Steinhardt, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Serena Yeung-Levy

Abstract: How do two sets of images differ? Discerning set-level differences is crucial for understanding model behaviors and analyzing datasets, yet manually sifting through thousands of images is impractical. To aid in this discovery process, we explore the task of automatically describing the differences between two $\textbf{sets}$ of images, which we term Set Difference Captioning. This task takes in image sets $D_A$ and $D_B$, and outputs a description that is more often true on $D_A$ than $D_B$. We outline a two-stage approach that first proposes candidate difference descriptions from image sets and then re-ranks the candidates by checking how well they can differentiate the two sets. We introduce VisDiff, which first captions the images and prompts a language model to propose candidate descriptions, then re-ranks these descriptions using CLIP. To evaluate VisDiff, we collect VisDiffBench, a dataset with 187 paired image sets with ground truth difference descriptions. We apply VisDiff to various domains, such as comparing datasets (e.g., ImageNet vs. ImageNetV2), comparing classification models (e.g., zero-shot CLIP vs. supervised ResNet), summarizing model failure modes (supervised ResNet), characterizing differences between generative models (e.g., StableDiffusionV1 and V2), and discovering what makes images memorable. Using VisDiff, we are able to find interesting and previously unknown differences in datasets and models, demonstrating its utility in revealing nuanced insights.

replace-cross Agglomerative Federated Learning: Empowering Larger Model Training via End-Edge-Cloud Collaboration

Authors: Zhiyuan Wu, Sheng Sun, Yuwei Wang, Min Liu, Bo Gao, Quyang Pan, Tianliu He, Xuefeng Jiang

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) enables training Artificial Intelligence (AI) models over end devices without compromising their privacy. As computing tasks are increasingly performed by a combination of cloud, edge, and end devices, FL can benefit from this End-Edge-Cloud Collaboration (EECC) paradigm to achieve collaborative device-scale expansion with real-time access. Although Hierarchical Federated Learning (HFL) supports multi-tier model aggregation suitable for EECC, prior works assume the same model structure on all computing nodes, constraining the model scale by the weakest end devices. To address this issue, we propose Agglomerative Federated Learning (FedAgg), which is a novel EECC-empowered FL framework that allows the trained models from end, edge, to cloud to grow larger in size and stronger in generalization ability. FedAgg recursively organizes computing nodes among all tiers based on Bridge Sample Based Online Distillation Protocol (BSBODP), which enables every pair of parent-child computing nodes to mutually transfer and distill knowledge extracted from generated bridge samples. This design enhances the performance by exploiting the potential of larger models, with privacy constraints of FL and flexibility requirements of EECC both satisfied. Experiments under various settings demonstrate that FedAgg outperforms state-of-the-art methods by an average of 4.53\% accuracy gains and remarkable improvements in convergence rate.

replace-cross Benchmarking the CoW with the TopCoW Challenge: Topology-Aware Anatomical Segmentation of the Circle of Willis for CTA and MRA

Authors: Kaiyuan Yang, Fabio Musio, Yihui Ma, Norman Juchler, Johannes C. Paetzold, Rami Al-Maskari, Luciano H\"oher, Hongwei Bran Li, Ibrahim Ethem Hamamci, Anjany Sekuboyina, Suprosanna Shit, Houjing Huang, Chinmay Prabhakar, Ezequiel de la Rosa, Diana Waldmannstetter, Florian Kofler, Fernando Navarro, Martin Menten, Ivan Ezhov, Daniel Rueckert, Iris Vos, Ynte Ruigrok, Birgitta Velthuis, Hugo Kuijf, Julien H\"ammerli, Catherine Wurster, Philippe Bijlenga, Laura Westphal, Jeroen Bisschop, Elisa Colombo, Hakim Baazaoui, Andrew Makmur, James Hallinan, Bene Wiestler, Jan S. Kirschke, Roland Wiest, Emmanuel Montagnon, Laurent Letourneau-Guillon, Adrian Galdran, Francesco Galati, Daniele Falcetta, Maria A. Zuluaga, Chaolong Lin, Haoran Zhao, Zehan Zhang, Sinyoung Ra, Jongyun Hwang, Hyunjin Park, Junqiang Chen, Marek Wodzinski, Henning M\"uller, Pengcheng Shi, Wei Liu, Ting Ma, Cansu Yal\c{c}in, Rachika E. Hamadache, Joaquim Salvi, Xavier Llado, Uma Maria Lal-Trehan Estrada, Valeriia Abramova, Luca Giancardo, Arnau Oliver, Jialu Liu, Haibin Huang, Yue Cui, Zehang Lin, Yusheng Liu, Shunzhi Zhu, Tatsat R. Patel, Vincent M. Tutino, Maysam Orouskhani, Huayu Wang, Mahmud Mossa-Basha, Chengcheng Zhu, Maximilian R. Rokuss, Yannick Kirchhoff, Nico Disch, Julius Holzschuh, Fabian Isensee, Klaus Maier-Hein, Yuki Sato, Sven Hirsch, Susanne Wegener, Bjoern Menze

Abstract: The Circle of Willis (CoW) is an important network of arteries connecting major circulations of the brain. Its vascular architecture is believed to affect the risk, severity, and clinical outcome of serious neuro-vascular diseases. However, characterizing the highly variable CoW anatomy is still a manual and time-consuming expert task. The CoW is usually imaged by two angiographic imaging modalities, magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and computed tomography angiography (CTA), but there exist limited public datasets with annotations on CoW anatomy, especially for CTA. Therefore we organized the TopCoW Challenge in 2023 with the release of an annotated CoW dataset. The TopCoW dataset was the first public dataset with voxel-level annotations for thirteen possible CoW vessel components, enabled by virtual-reality (VR) technology. It was also the first large dataset with paired MRA and CTA from the same patients. TopCoW challenge formalized the CoW characterization problem as a multiclass anatomical segmentation task with an emphasis on topological metrics. We invited submissions worldwide for the CoW segmentation task, which attracted over 140 registered participants from four continents. The top performing teams managed to segment many CoW components to Dice scores around 90%, but with lower scores for communicating arteries and rare variants. There were also topological mistakes for predictions with high Dice scores. Additional topological analysis revealed further areas for improvement in detecting certain CoW components and matching CoW variant topology accurately. TopCoW represented a first attempt at benchmarking the CoW anatomical segmentation task for MRA and CTA, both morphologically and topologically.

replace-cross L3Cube-IndicNews: News-based Short Text and Long Document Classification Datasets in Indic Languages

Authors: Aishwarya Mirashi, Srushti Sonavane, Purva Lingayat, Tejas Padhiyar, Raviraj Joshi

Abstract: In this work, we introduce L3Cube-IndicNews, a multilingual text classification corpus aimed at curating a high-quality dataset for Indian regional languages, with a specific focus on news headlines and articles. We have centered our work on 10 prominent Indic languages, including Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Kannada, Odia, Malayalam, and Punjabi. Each of these news datasets comprises 10 or more classes of news articles. L3Cube-IndicNews offers 3 distinct datasets tailored to handle different document lengths that are classified as: Short Headlines Classification (SHC) dataset containing the news headline and news category, Long Document Classification (LDC) dataset containing the whole news article and the news category, and Long Paragraph Classification (LPC) containing sub-articles of the news and the news category. We maintain consistent labeling across all 3 datasets for in-depth length-based analysis. We evaluate each of these Indic language datasets using 4 different models including monolingual BERT, multilingual Indic Sentence BERT (IndicSBERT), and IndicBERT. This research contributes significantly to expanding the pool of available text classification datasets and also makes it possible to develop topic classification models for Indian regional languages. This also serves as an excellent resource for cross-lingual analysis owing to the high overlap of labels among languages. The datasets and models are shared publicly at


replace-cross AdaMR: Adaptable Molecular Representation for Unified Pre-training Strategy

Authors: Yan Ding, Hao Cheng, Ziliang Ye, Ruyi Feng, Wei Tian, Peng Xie, Juan Zhang, Zhongze Gu

Abstract: We propose Adjustable Molecular Representation (AdaMR), a new large-scale uniform pre-training strategy for small-molecule drugs, as a novel unified pre-training strategy. AdaMR utilizes a granularity-adjustable molecular encoding strategy, which is accomplished through a pre-training job termed molecular canonicalization, setting it apart from recent large-scale molecular models. This adaptability in granularity enriches the model's learning capability at multiple levels and improves its performance in multi-task scenarios. Specifically, the substructure-level molecular representation preserves information about specific atom groups or arrangements, influencing chemical properties and functionalities. This proves advantageous for tasks such as property prediction. Simultaneously, the atomic-level representation, combined with generative molecular canonicalization pre-training tasks, enhances validity, novelty, and uniqueness in generative tasks. All of these features work together to give AdaMR outstanding performance on a range of downstream tasks. We fine-tuned our proposed pre-trained model on six molecular property prediction tasks (MoleculeNet datasets) and two generative tasks (ZINC250K datasets), achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on five out of eight tasks.

replace-cross Health-LLM: Large Language Models for Health Prediction via Wearable Sensor Data

Authors: Yubin Kim, Xuhai Xu, Daniel McDuff, Cynthia Breazeal, Hae Won Park

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are capable of many natural language tasks, yet they are far from perfect. In health applications, grounding and interpreting domain-specific and non-linguistic data is crucial. This paper investigates the capacity of LLMs to make inferences about health based on contextual information (e.g. user demographics, health knowledge) and physiological data (e.g. resting heart rate, sleep minutes). We present a comprehensive evaluation of 12 state-of-the-art LLMs with prompting and fine-tuning techniques on four public health datasets (PMData, LifeSnaps, GLOBEM and AW_FB). Our experiments cover 10 consumer health prediction tasks in mental health, activity, metabolic, and sleep assessment. Our fine-tuned model, HealthAlpaca exhibits comparable performance to much larger models (GPT-3.5, GPT-4 and Gemini-Pro), achieving the best performance in 8 out of 10 tasks. Ablation studies highlight the effectiveness of context enhancement strategies. Notably, we observe that our context enhancement can yield up to 23.8% improvement in performance. While constructing contextually rich prompts (combining user context, health knowledge and temporal information) exhibits synergistic improvement, the inclusion of health knowledge context in prompts significantly enhances overall performance.

replace-cross RTA-Former: Reverse Transformer Attention for Polyp Segmentation

Authors: Zhikai Li, Murong Yi, Ali Uneri, Sihan Niu, Craig Jones

Abstract: Polyp segmentation is a key aspect of colorectal cancer prevention, enabling early detection and guiding subsequent treatments. Intelligent diagnostic tools, including deep learning solutions, are widely explored to streamline and potentially automate this process. However, even with many powerful network architectures, there still comes the problem of producing accurate edge segmentation. In this paper, we introduce a novel network, namely RTA-Former, that employs a transformer model as the encoder backbone and innovatively adapts Reverse Attention (RA) with a transformer stage in the decoder for enhanced edge segmentation. The results of the experiments illustrate that RTA-Former achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in five polyp segmentation datasets. The strong capability of RTA-Former holds promise in improving the accuracy of Transformer-based polyp segmentation, potentially leading to better clinical decisions and patient outcomes. Our code is publicly available on GitHub.

replace-cross OptiState: State Estimation of Legged Robots using Gated Networks with Transformer-based Vision and Kalman Filtering

Authors: Alexander Schperberg, Yusuke Tanaka, Saviz Mowlavi, Feng Xu, Bharathan Balaji, Dennis Hong

Abstract: State estimation for legged robots is challenging due to their highly dynamic motion and limitations imposed by sensor accuracy. By integrating Kalman filtering, optimization, and learning-based modalities, we propose a hybrid solution that combines proprioception and exteroceptive information for estimating the state of the robot's trunk. Leveraging joint encoder and IMU measurements, our Kalman filter is enhanced through a single-rigid body model that incorporates ground reaction force control outputs from convex Model Predictive Control optimization. The estimation is further refined through Gated Recurrent Units, which also considers semantic insights and robot height from a Vision Transformer autoencoder applied on depth images. This framework not only furnishes accurate robot state estimates, including uncertainty evaluations, but can minimize the nonlinear errors that arise from sensor measurements and model simplifications through learning. The proposed methodology is evaluated in hardware using a quadruped robot on various terrains, yielding a 65% improvement on the Root Mean Squared Error compared to our VIO SLAM baseline. Code example:


replace-cross Applying Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation to High-Resolution UAV Imagery for Enhanced Road Scene Parsing

Authors: Zihan Ma, Yongshang Li, Ronggui Ma, Chen Liang

Abstract: There are two challenges presented in parsing road scenes from UAV images: the complexity of processing high-resolution images and the dependency on extensive manual annotations required by traditional supervised deep learning methods to train robust and accurate models. In this paper, a novel unsupervised road parsing framework that leverages advancements in vision language models with fundamental computer vision techniques is introduced to address these critical challenges. Our approach initiates with a vision language model that efficiently processes ultra-high resolution images to rapidly identify road regions of interest. Subsequent application of the vision foundation model, SAM, generates masks for these regions without requiring category information. A self-supervised learning network then processes these masked regions to extract feature representations, which are clustered using an unsupervised algorithm that assigns unique IDs to each feature cluster. The masked regions are combined with the corresponding IDs to generate initial pseudo-labels, which initiate an iterative self-training process for regular semantic segmentation. Remarkably, the proposed method achieves a mean Intersection over Union (mIoU) of 89.96% on the development dataset without any manual annotation, demonstrating extraordinary flexibility by surpassing the limitations of human-defined categories, and autonomously acquiring knowledge of new categories from the dataset itself.

replace-cross DeepSeekMath: Pushing the Limits of Mathematical Reasoning in Open Language Models

Authors: Zhihong Shao, Peiyi Wang, Qihao Zhu, Runxin Xu, Junxiao Song, Xiao Bi, Haowei Zhang, Mingchuan Zhang, Y. K. Li, Y. Wu, Daya Guo

Abstract: Mathematical reasoning poses a significant challenge for language models due to its complex and structured nature. In this paper, we introduce DeepSeekMath 7B, which continues pre-training DeepSeek-Coder-Base-v1.5 7B with 120B math-related tokens sourced from Common Crawl, together with natural language and code data. DeepSeekMath 7B has achieved an impressive score of 51.7% on the competition-level MATH benchmark without relying on external toolkits and voting techniques, approaching the performance level of Gemini-Ultra and GPT-4. Self-consistency over 64 samples from DeepSeekMath 7B achieves 60.9% on MATH. The mathematical reasoning capability of DeepSeekMath is attributed to two key factors: First, we harness the significant potential of publicly available web data through a meticulously engineered data selection pipeline. Second, we introduce Group Relative Policy Optimization (GRPO), a variant of Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), that enhances mathematical reasoning abilities while concurrently optimizing the memory usage of PPO.

replace-cross AMEND: A Mixture of Experts Framework for Long-tailed Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Ray Coden Mercurius, Ehsan Ahmadi, Soheil Mohamad Alizadeh Shabestary, Amir Rasouli

Abstract: Accurate prediction of pedestrians' future motions is critical for intelligent driving systems. Developing models for this task requires rich datasets containing diverse sets of samples. However, the existing naturalistic trajectory prediction datasets are generally imbalanced in favor of simpler samples and lack challenging scenarios. Such a long-tail effect causes prediction models to underperform on the tail portion of the data distribution containing safety-critical scenarios. Previous methods tackle the long-tail problem using methods such as contrastive learning and class-conditioned hypernetworks. These approaches, however, are not modular and cannot be applied to many machine learning architectures. In this work, we propose a modular model-agnostic framework for trajectory prediction that leverages a specialized mixture of experts. In our approach, each expert is trained with a specialized skill with respect to a particular part of the data. To produce predictions, we utilise a router network that selects the best expert by generating relative confidence scores. We conduct experimentation on common pedestrian trajectory prediction datasets and show that our method improves performance on long-tail scenarios. We further conduct ablation studies to highlight the contribution of different proposed components.

replace-cross Deciphering Heartbeat Signatures: A Vision Transformer Approach to Explainable Atrial Fibrillation Detection from ECG Signals

Authors: Aruna Mohan, Danne Elbers, Or Zilbershot, Fatemeh Afghah, David Vorchheimer

Abstract: Remote patient monitoring based on wearable single-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) devices has significant potential for enabling the early detection of heart disease, especially in combination with artificial intelligence (AI) approaches for automated heart disease detection. There have been prior studies applying AI approaches based on deep learning for heart disease detection. However, these models are yet to be widely accepted as a reliable aid for clinical diagnostics, in part due to the current black-box perception surrounding many AI algorithms. In particular, there is a need to identify the key features of the ECG signal that contribute toward making an accurate diagnosis, thereby enhancing the interpretability of the model. In the present study, we develop a vision transformer approach to identify atrial fibrillation based on single-lead ECG data. A residual network (ResNet) approach is also developed for comparison with the vision transformer approach. These models are applied to the Chapman-Shaoxing dataset to classify atrial fibrillation, as well as another common arrhythmia, sinus bradycardia, and normal sinus rhythm heartbeats. The models enable the identification of the key regions of the heartbeat that determine the resulting classification, and highlight the importance of P-waves and T-waves, as well as heartbeat duration and signal amplitude, in distinguishing normal sinus rhythm from atrial fibrillation and sinus bradycardia.

replace-cross Stick to your Role! Context-dependence and Stability of Personal Values Expression in Large Language Models

Authors: Grgur Kova\v{c}, R\'emy Portelas, Masataka Sawayama, Peter Ford Dominey, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Abstract: The standard way to study Large Language Models (LLMs) with benchmarks or psychology questionnaires is to provide many different queries from similar minimal contexts (e.g. multiple choice questions). However, due to LLMs' highly context-dependent nature, conclusions from such minimal-context evaluations may be little informative about the model's behavior in deployment (where it will be exposed to many new contexts). We argue that context-dependence (specifically, value stability) should be studied a specific property of LLMs and used as another dimension of LLM comparison (alongside others such as cognitive abilities, knowledge, or model size). We present a case-study on the stability of value expression over different contexts (simulated conversations on different topics) as measured using a standard psychology questionnaire (PVQ) and on behavioral downstream tasks. Reusing methods from psychology, we study Rank-order stability on the population (interpersonal) level, and Ipsative stability on the individual (intrapersonal) level. We consider two settings (with and without instructing LLMs to simulate particular personas), two simulated populations, and three downstream tasks. We observe consistent trends in the stability of models and model families - Mixtral, Mistral, GPT-3.5 and Qwen families are more stable than LLaMa-2 and Phi. The consistency of these trends implies that some models exhibit higher value-stability than others, and that value stability can be estimated with the set of introduced methodological tools. When instructed to simulate particular personas, LLMs exhibit low Rank-Order stability, which further diminishes with conversation length. This highlights the need for future research on LLMs that coherently simulate different personas. This paper provides a foundational step in that direction, and, to our knowledge, it is the first study of value stability in LLMs.

replace-cross EasyRL4Rec: An Easy-to-use Library for Reinforcement Learning Based Recommender Systems

Authors: Yuanqing Yu, Chongming Gao, Jiawei Chen, Heng Tang, Yuefeng Sun, Qian Chen, Weizhi Ma, Min Zhang

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL)-Based Recommender Systems (RSs) have gained rising attention for their potential to enhance long-term user engagement. However, research in this field faces challenges, including the lack of user-friendly frameworks, inconsistent evaluation metrics, and difficulties in reproducing existing studies. To tackle these issues, we introduce EasyRL4Rec, an easy-to-use code library designed specifically for RL-based RSs. This library provides lightweight and diverse RL environments based on five public datasets and includes core modules with rich options, simplifying model development. It provides unified evaluation standards focusing on long-term outcomes and offers tailored designs for state modeling and action representation for recommendation scenarios. Furthermore, we share our findings from insightful experiments with current methods. EasyRL4Rec seeks to facilitate the model development and experimental process in the domain of RL-based RSs. The library is available for public use.

replace-cross InstructEdit: Instruction-based Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models

Authors: Ningyu Zhang, Bozhong Tian, Siyuan Cheng, Xiaozhuan Liang, Yi Hu, Kouying Xue, Yanjie Gou, Xi Chen, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Knowledge editing for large language models can offer an efficient solution to alter a model's behavior without negatively impacting the overall performance. However, the current approaches encounter issues with limited generalizability across tasks, necessitating one distinct editor for each task, significantly hindering the broader applications. To address this, we take the first step to analyze the multi-task generalization issue in knowledge editing. Specifically, we develop an instruction-based editing technique, termed InstructEdit, which facilitates the editor's adaptation to various task performances simultaneously using simple instructions. With only one unified editor for each LLM, we empirically demonstrate that InstructEdit can improve the editor's control, leading to an average 14.86% increase in Reliability in multi-task editing setting. Furthermore, experiments involving holdout unseen task illustrate that InstructEdit consistently surpass previous strong baselines. To further investigate the underlying mechanisms of instruction-based knowledge editing, we analyze the principal components of the editing gradient directions, which unveils that instructions can help control optimization direction with stronger OOD generalization. Code and datasets are available in


replace-cross Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Seismic Response Prediction OF Nonlinear Steel Moment Resisting Frame Structures

Authors: R. Bailey Bond, Pu Ren, Jerome F. Hajjar, Hao Sun

Abstract: There is growing interest in using machine learning (ML) methods for structural metamodeling due to the substantial computational cost of traditional simulations. Purely data-driven strategies often face limitations in model robustness, interpretability, and dependency on extensive data. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a novel physics-informed machine learning (PiML) method that integrates scientific principles and physical laws into deep neural networks to model seismic responses of nonlinear structures. The approach constrains the ML model's solution space within known physical bounds through three main features: dimensionality reduction via combined model order reduction and wavelet analysis, long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, and Newton's second law. Dimensionality reduction addresses structural systems' redundancy and boosts efficiency while extracting essential features through wavelet analysis. LSTM networks capture temporal dependencies for accurate time-series predictions. Manipulating the equation of motion helps learn system nonlinearities and confines solutions within physically interpretable results. These attributes allow for model training with sparse data, enhancing accuracy, interpretability, and robustness. Furthermore, a dataset of archetype steel moment resistant frames under seismic loading, available in the DesignSafe-CI Database [1], is considered for evaluation. The resulting metamodel handles complex data better than existing physics-guided LSTM models and outperforms other non-physics data-driven networks.

replace-cross Modeling Multimodal Social Interactions: New Challenges and Baselines with Densely Aligned Representations

Authors: Sangmin Lee, Bolin Lai, Fiona Ryan, Bikram Boote, James M. Rehg

Abstract: Understanding social interactions involving both verbal and non-verbal cues is essential for effectively interpreting social situations. However, most prior works on multimodal social cues focus predominantly on single-person behaviors or rely on holistic visual representations that are not aligned to utterances in multi-party environments. Consequently, they are limited in modeling the intricate dynamics of multi-party interactions. In this paper, we introduce three new challenging tasks to model the fine-grained dynamics between multiple people: speaking target identification, pronoun coreference resolution, and mentioned player prediction. We contribute extensive data annotations to curate these new challenges in social deduction game settings. Furthermore, we propose a novel multimodal baseline that leverages densely aligned language-visual representations by synchronizing visual features with their corresponding utterances. This facilitates concurrently capturing verbal and non-verbal cues pertinent to social reasoning. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with densely aligned multimodal representations in modeling fine-grained social interactions. Project website:


replace-cross DaCapo: Accelerating Continuous Learning in Autonomous Systems for Video Analytics

Authors: Yoonsung Kim, Changhun Oh, Jinwoo Hwang, Wonung Kim, Seongryong Oh, Yubin Lee, Hardik Sharma, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Jongse Park

Abstract: Deep neural network (DNN) video analytics is crucial for autonomous systems such as self-driving vehicles, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and security robots. However, real-world deployment faces challenges due to their limited computational resources and battery power. To tackle these challenges, continuous learning exploits a lightweight "student" model at deployment (inference), leverages a larger "teacher" model for labeling sampled data (labeling), and continuously retrains the student model to adapt to changing scenarios (retraining). This paper highlights the limitations in state-of-the-art continuous learning systems: (1) they focus on computations for retraining, while overlooking the compute needs for inference and labeling, (2) they rely on power-hungry GPUs, unsuitable for battery-operated autonomous systems, and (3) they are located on a remote centralized server, intended for multi-tenant scenarios, again unsuitable for autonomous systems due to privacy, network availability, and latency concerns. We propose a hardware-algorithm co-designed solution for continuous learning, DaCapo, that enables autonomous systems to perform concurrent executions of inference, labeling, and training in a performant and energy-efficient manner. DaCapo comprises (1) a spatially-partitionable and precision-flexible accelerator enabling parallel execution of kernels on sub-accelerators at their respective precisions, and (2) a spatiotemporal resource allocation algorithm that strategically navigates the resource-accuracy tradeoff space, facilitating optimal decisions for resource allocation to achieve maximal accuracy. Our evaluation shows that DaCapo achieves 6.5% and 5.5% higher accuracy than a state-of-the-art GPU-based continuous learning systems, Ekya and EOMU, respectively, while consuming 254x less power.

replace-cross Differentially Private Next-Token Prediction of Large Language Models

Authors: James Flemings, Meisam Razaviyayn, Murali Annavaram

Abstract: Ensuring the privacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly important. The most widely adopted technique to accomplish this is DP-SGD, which trains a model to guarantee Differential Privacy (DP). However, DP-SGD overestimates an adversary's capabilities in having white box access to the model and, as a result, causes longer training times and larger memory usage than SGD. On the other hand, commercial LLM deployments are predominantly cloud-based; hence, adversarial access to LLMs is black-box. Motivated by these observations, we present Private Mixing of Ensemble Distributions (PMixED): a private prediction protocol for next-token prediction that utilizes the inherent stochasticity of next-token sampling and a public model to achieve Differential Privacy. We formalize this by introducing RD-mollifers which project each of the model's output distribution from an ensemble of fine-tuned LLMs onto a set around a public LLM's output distribution, then average the projected distributions and sample from it. Unlike DP-SGD which needs to consider the model architecture during training, PMixED is model agnostic, which makes PMixED a very appealing solution for current deployments. Our results show that PMixED achieves a stronger privacy guarantee than sample-level privacy and outperforms DP-SGD for privacy $\epsilon = 8$ on large-scale datasets. Thus, PMixED offers a practical alternative to DP training methods for achieving strong generative utility without compromising privacy.

replace-cross Grounding Language Plans in Demonstrations Through Counterfactual Perturbations

Authors: Yanwei Wang, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Jiayuan Mao, Michael Hagenow, Julie Shah

Abstract: Grounding the common-sense reasoning of Large Language Models (LLMs) in physical domains remains a pivotal yet unsolved problem for embodied AI. Whereas prior works have focused on leveraging LLMs directly for planning in symbolic spaces, this work uses LLMs to guide the search of task structures and constraints implicit in multi-step demonstrations. Specifically, we borrow from manipulation planning literature the concept of mode families, which group robot configurations by specific motion constraints, to serve as an abstraction layer between the high-level language representations of an LLM and the low-level physical trajectories of a robot. By replaying a few human demonstrations with synthetic perturbations, we generate coverage over the demonstrations' state space with additional successful executions as well as counterfactuals that fail the task. Our explanation-based learning framework trains an end-to-end differentiable neural network to predict successful trajectories from failures and as a by-product learns classifiers that ground low-level states and images in mode families without dense labeling. The learned grounding classifiers can further be used to translate language plans into reactive policies in the physical domain in an interpretable manner. We show our approach improves the interpretability and reactivity of imitation learning through 2D navigation and simulated and real robot manipulation tasks. Website:


replace-cross An invitation to the sample complexity of quantum hypothesis testing

Authors: Hao-Chung Cheng, Nilanjana Datta, Nana Liu, Theshani Nuradha, Robert Salzmann, Mark M. Wilde

Abstract: Quantum hypothesis testing (QHT) has been traditionally studied from the information-theoretic perspective, wherein one is interested in the optimal decay rate of error probabilities as a function of the number of samples of an unknown state. In this paper, we study the sample complexity of QHT, wherein the goal is to determine the minimum number of samples needed to reach a desired error probability. By making use of the wealth of knowledge that already exists in the literature on QHT, we characterize the sample complexity of binary QHT in the symmetric and asymmetric settings, and we provide bounds on the sample complexity of multiple QHT. In more detail, we prove that the sample complexity of symmetric binary QHT depends logarithmically on the inverse error probability and inversely on the negative logarithm of the fidelity. As a counterpart of the quantum Stein's lemma, we also find that the sample complexity of asymmetric binary QHT depends logarithmically on the inverse type II error probability and inversely on the quantum relative entropy. We then provide lower and upper bounds on the sample complexity of multiple QHT, with it remaining an intriguing open question to improve these bounds. The final part of our paper outlines and reviews how sample complexity of QHT is relevant to a broad swathe of research areas and can enhance understanding of many fundamental concepts, including quantum algorithms for simulation and search, quantum learning and classification, and foundations of quantum mechanics. As such, we view our paper as an invitation to researchers coming from different communities to study and contribute to the problem of sample complexity of QHT, and we outline a number of open directions for future research.

replace-cross Convergence Analysis of Flow Matching in Latent Space with Transformers

Authors: Yuling Jiao, Yanming Lai, Yang Wang, Bokai Yan

Abstract: We present theoretical convergence guarantees for ODE-based generative models, specifically flow matching. We use a pre-trained autoencoder network to map high-dimensional original inputs to a low-dimensional latent space, where a transformer network is trained to predict the velocity field of the transformation from a standard normal distribution to the target latent distribution. Our error analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach, showing that the distribution of samples generated via estimated ODE flow converges to the target distribution in the Wasserstein-2 distance under mild and practical assumptions. Furthermore, we show that arbitrary smooth functions can be effectively approximated by transformer networks with Lipschitz continuity, which may be of independent interest.

replace-cross Enhancing Breast Cancer Diagnosis in Mammography: Evaluation and Integration of Convolutional Neural Networks and Explainable AI

Authors: Maryam Ahmed, Tooba Bibi, Rizwan Ahmed Khan, Sidra Nasir

Abstract: The Deep learning (DL) models for diagnosing breast cancer from mammographic images often operate as "black boxes", making it difficult for healthcare professionals to trust and understand their decision-making processes. The study presents an integrated framework combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for the enhanced diagnosis of breast cancer using the CBIS-DDSM dataset. The methodology encompasses an elaborate data preprocessing pipeline and advanced data augmentation techniques to counteract dataset limitations and transfer learning using pre-trained networks such as VGG-16, Inception-V3 and ResNet was employed. A focal point of our study is the evaluation of XAI's effectiveness in interpreting model predictions, highlighted by utilizing the Hausdorff measure to assess the alignment between AI-generated explanations and expert annotations quantitatively. This approach is critical for XAI in promoting trustworthiness and ethical fairness in AI-assisted diagnostics. The findings from our research illustrate the effective collaboration between CNNs and XAI in advancing diagnostic methods for breast cancer, thereby facilitating a more seamless integration of advanced AI technologies within clinical settings. By enhancing the interpretability of AI driven decisions, this work lays the groundwork for improved collaboration between AI systems and medical practitioners, ultimately enriching patient care. Furthermore, the implications of our research extended well beyond the current methodologies. It encourages further research into how to combine multimodal data and improve AI explanations to meet the needs of clinical practice.

replace-cross Public-private funding models in open source software development: A case study on scikit-learn

Authors: Cailean Osborne

Abstract: Governments are increasingly funding open source software (OSS) development to support software security, digital sovereignty, and national competitiveness in science and innovation, amongst others. However, little is known about how OSS developers evaluate the relative benefits and drawbacks of emergent governmental funding for OSS. This paper explores this question through a case study on scikit-learn, a popular Python library for machine learning, which has been funded by public research grants, commercial sponsorship, micro-donations, and a 32 million euro grant announced in France's artificial intelligence strategy. Through 25 interviews with scikit-learn's maintainers and funders, this study makes two key contributions to research and practice. First, it contributes novel empirical findings on the effective design and implementation of a public-private funding model in an OSS project, as well as how the maintainers of scikit-learn have designed and employed governance protocols to balance the diverse interests of their funders and to safeguard their community ethos. Second, it offers practical lessons on funding in community-led OSS projects and makes recommendations to practitioners. The paper concludes with a discussion of the key recommendations.

replace-cross Proof-of-Learning with Incentive Security

Authors: Zishuo Zhao, Zhixuan Fang, Xuechao Wang, Xi Chen, Yuan Zhou

Abstract: Most concurrent blockchain systems rely heavily on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms for decentralized consensus and security assurance. However, the substantial energy expenditure stemming from computationally intensive yet meaningless tasks has raised considerable concerns surrounding traditional PoW approaches, The PoS mechanism, while free of energy consumption, is subject to security and economic issues. Addressing these issues, the paradigm of Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) seeks to employ challenges of practical significance as PoW, thereby imbuing energy consumption with tangible value. While previous efforts in Proof of Learning (PoL) explored the utilization of deep learning model training SGD tasks as PoUW challenges, recent research has revealed its vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks and the theoretical hardness in crafting a byzantine-secure PoL mechanism. In this paper, we introduce the concept of incentive-security that incentivizes rational provers to behave honestly for their best interest, bypassing the existing hardness to design a PoL mechanism with computational efficiency, a provable incentive-security guarantee and controllable difficulty. Particularly, our work is secure against two attacks to the recent work of Jia et al. [2021], and also improves the computational overhead from $\Theta(1)$ to $O(\frac{\log E}{E})$. Furthermore, while most recent research assumes trusted problem providers and verifiers, our design also guarantees frontend incentive-security even when problem providers are untrusted, and verifier incentive-security that bypasses the Verifier's Dilemma. By incorporating ML training into blockchain consensus mechanisms with provable guarantees, our research not only proposes an eco-friendly solution to blockchain systems, but also provides a proposal for a completely decentralized computing power market in the new AI age.

replace-cross WiTUnet: A U-Shaped Architecture Integrating CNN and Transformer for Improved Feature Alignment and Local Information Fusion

Authors: Bin Wang, Fei Deng, Peifan Jiang, Shuang Wang, Xiao Han, Zhixuan Zhang

Abstract: Low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) has become the technology of choice for diagnostic medical imaging, given its lower radiation dose compared to standard CT, despite increasing image noise and potentially affecting diagnostic accuracy. To address this, advanced deep learning-based LDCT denoising algorithms have been developed, primarily using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) or Transformer Networks with the Unet architecture. This architecture enhances image detail by integrating feature maps from the encoder and decoder via skip connections. However, current methods often overlook enhancements to the Unet architecture itself, focusing instead on optimizing encoder and decoder structures. This approach can be problematic due to the significant differences in feature map characteristics between the encoder and decoder, where simple fusion strategies may not effectively reconstruct images.In this paper, we introduce WiTUnet, a novel LDCT image denoising method that utilizes nested, dense skip pathways instead of traditional skip connections to improve feature integration. WiTUnet also incorporates a windowed Transformer structure to process images in smaller, non-overlapping segments, reducing computational load. Additionally, the integration of a Local Image Perception Enhancement (LiPe) module in both the encoder and decoder replaces the standard multi-layer perceptron (MLP) in Transformers, enhancing local feature capture and representation. Through extensive experimental comparisons, WiTUnet has demonstrated superior performance over existing methods in key metrics such as Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity (SSIM), and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), significantly improving noise removal and image quality.

replace-cross Mitigating the Curse of Dimensionality for Certified Robustness via Dual Randomized Smoothing

Authors: Song Xia, Yu Yi, Xudong Jiang, Henghui Ding

Abstract: Randomized Smoothing (RS) has been proven a promising method for endowing an arbitrary image classifier with certified robustness. However, the substantial uncertainty inherent in the high-dimensional isotropic Gaussian noise imposes the curse of dimensionality on RS. Specifically, the upper bound of ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius provided by RS exhibits a diminishing trend with the expansion of the input dimension $d$, proportionally decreasing at a rate of $1/\sqrt{d}$. This paper explores the feasibility of providing ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness for high-dimensional input through the utilization of dual smoothing in the lower-dimensional space. The proposed Dual Randomized Smoothing (DRS) down-samples the input image into two sub-images and smooths the two sub-images in lower dimensions. Theoretically, we prove that DRS guarantees a tight ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness radius for the original input and reveal that DRS attains a superior upper bound on the ${\ell_2}$ robustness radius, which decreases proportionally at a rate of $(1/\sqrt m + 1/\sqrt n )$ with $m+n=d$. Extensive experiments demonstrate the generalizability and effectiveness of DRS, which exhibits a notable capability to integrate with established methodologies, yielding substantial improvements in both accuracy and ${\ell_2}$ certified robustness baselines of RS on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets. Code is available at


replace-cross Scenario-Adaptive Fine-Grained Personalization Network: Tailoring User Behavior Representation to the Scenario Context

Authors: Moyu Zhang, Yongxiang Tang, Jinxin Hu, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Existing methods often adjust representations adaptively only after aggregating user behavior sequences. This coarse-grained approach to re-weighting the entire user sequence hampers the model's ability to accurately model the user interest migration across different scenarios. To enhance the model's capacity to capture user interests from historical behavior sequences in each scenario, we develop a ranking framework named the Scenario-Adaptive Fine-Grained Personalization Network (SFPNet), which designs a kind of fine-grained method for multi-scenario personalized recommendations. Specifically, SFPNet comprises a series of blocks named as Scenario-Tailoring Block, stacked sequentially. Each block initially deploys a parameter personalization unit to integrate scenario information at a coarse-grained level by redefining fundamental features. Subsequently, we consolidate scenario-adaptively adjusted feature representations to serve as context information. By employing residual connection, we incorporate this context into the representation of each historical behavior, allowing for context-aware fine-grained customization of the behavior representations at the scenario-level, which in turn supports scenario-aware user interest modeling.

replace-cross Interpolation and differentiation of alchemical degrees of freedom in machine learning interatomic potentials

Authors: Juno Nam, Rafael G\'omez-Bombarelli

Abstract: Machine learning interatomic potentials (MLIPs) have become a workhorse of modern atomistic simulations, and recently published universal MLIPs, pre-trained on large datasets, have demonstrated remarkable accuracy and generalizability. However, the computational cost of MLIPs limits their applicability to chemically disordered systems requiring large simulation cells or to sample-intensive statistical methods. Here, we report the use of continuous and differentiable alchemical degrees of freedom in atomistic materials simulations, exploiting the fact that graph neural network MLIPs represent discrete elements as real-valued tensors. The proposed method introduces alchemical atoms with corresponding weights into the input graph, alongside modifications to the message-passing and readout mechanisms of MLIPs, and allows smooth interpolation between the compositional states of materials. The end-to-end differentiability of MLIPs enables efficient calculation of the gradient of energy with respect to the compositional weights. Leveraging these gradients, we propose methodologies for optimizing the composition of solid solutions towards target macroscopic properties and conducting alchemical free energy simulations to quantify the free energy of vacancy formation and composition changes. The approach offers an avenue for extending the capabilities of universal MLIPs in the modeling of compositional disorder and characterizing the phase stabilities of complex materials systems.

replace-cross Learning epidemic trajectories through Kernel Operator Learning: from modelling to optimal control

Authors: Giovanni Ziarelli, Nicola Parolini, Marco Verani

Abstract: Since infectious pathogens start spreading into a susceptible population, mathematical models can provide policy makers with reliable forecasts and scenario analyses, which can be concretely implemented or solely consulted. In these complex epidemiological scenarios, machine learning architectures can play an important role, since they directly reconstruct data-driven models circumventing the specific modelling choices and the parameter calibration, typical of classical compartmental models. In this work, we discuss the efficacy of Kernel Operator Learning (KOL) to reconstruct population dynamics during epidemic outbreaks, where the transmission rate is ruled by an input strategy. In particular, we introduce two surrogate models, named KOL-m and KOL-$\partial$, which reconstruct in two different ways the evolution of the epidemics. Moreover, we evaluate the generalization performances of the two approaches with different kernels, including the Neural Tangent Kernels, and compare them with a classical neural network model learning method. Employing synthetic but semi-realistic data, we show how the two introduced approaches are suitable for realizing fast and robust forecasts and scenario analyses, and how these approaches are competitive for determining optimal intervention strategies with respect to specific performance measures.

replace-cross Towards Universal Performance Modeling for Machine Learning Training on Multi-GPU Platforms

Authors: Zhongyi Lin, Ning Sun, Pallab Bhattacharya, Xizhou Feng, Louis Feng, John D. Owens

Abstract: Characterizing and predicting the training performance of modern machine learning (ML) workloads on compute systems with compute and communication spread between CPUs, GPUs, and network devices is not only the key to optimization and planning but also a complex goal to achieve. The primary challenges include the complexity of synchronization and load balancing between CPUs and GPUs, the variance in input data distribution, and the use of different communication devices and topologies (e.g., NVLink, PCIe, network cards) that connect multiple compute devices, coupled with the desire for flexible training configurations. Built on top of our prior work for single-GPU platforms, we address these challenges and enable multi-GPU performance modeling by incorporating (1) data-distribution-aware performance models for embedding table lookup, and (2) data movement prediction of communication collectives, into our upgraded performance modeling pipeline equipped with inter-and intra-rank synchronization for ML workloads trained on multi-GPU platforms. Beyond accurately predicting the per-iteration training time of DLRM models with random configurations with a geomean error of 5.21% on two multi-GPU platforms, our prediction pipeline generalizes well to other types of ML workloads, such as Transformer-based NLP models with a geomean error of 3.00%. Moreover, even without actually running ML workloads like DLRMs on the hardware, it is capable of generating insights such as quickly selecting the fastest embedding table sharding configuration (with a success rate of 85%).

replace-cross Attack on Scene Flow using Point Clouds

Authors: Haniyeh Ehsani Oskouie, Mohammad-Shahram Moin, Shohreh Kasaei

Abstract: Deep neural networks have made significant advancements in accurately estimating scene flow using point clouds, which is vital for many applications like video analysis, action recognition, and navigation. Robustness of these techniques, however, remains a concern, particularly in the face of adversarial attacks that have been proven to deceive state-of-the-art deep neural networks in many domains. Surprisingly, the robustness of scene flow networks against such attacks has not been thoroughly investigated. To address this problem, the proposed approach aims to bridge this gap by introducing adversarial white-box attacks specifically tailored for scene flow networks. Experimental results show that the generated adversarial examples obtain up to 33.7 relative degradation in average end-point error on the KITTI and FlyingThings3D datasets. The study also reveals the significant impact that attacks targeting point clouds in only one dimension or color channel have on average end-point error. Analyzing the success and failure of these attacks on the scene flow networks and their 2D optical flow network variants show a higher vulnerability for the optical flow networks.

replace-cross Structure-preserving neural networks for the regularized entropy-based closure of the Boltzmann moment system

Authors: Steffen Schotth\"ofer, M. Paul Laiu, Martin Frank, Cory D. Hauck

Abstract: The main challenge of large-scale numerical simulation of radiation transport is the high memory and computation time requirements of discretization methods for kinetic equations. In this work, we derive and investigate a neural network-based approximation to the entropy closure method to accurately compute the solution of the multi-dimensional moment system with a low memory footprint and competitive computational time. We extend methods developed for the standard entropy-based closure to the context of regularized entropy-based closures. The main idea is to interpret structure-preserving neural network approximations of the regularized entropy closure as a two-stage approximation to the original entropy closure. We conduct a numerical analysis of this approximation and investigate optimal parameter choices. Our numerical experiments demonstrate that the method has a much lower memory footprint than traditional methods with competitive computation times and simulation accuracy. The code and all trained networks are provided on GitHub and


replace-cross Multi-stream Transmission for Directional Modulation Network via Distributed Multi-UAV-aided Multi-active-IRS

Authors: Ke Yang, Rongen Dong, Wei Gao, Feng Shu, Weiping Shi, Yan Wang, Xuehui Wang, Jiangzhou Wang

Abstract: Active intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) is a revolutionary technique for the future 6G networks. The conventional far-field single-IRS-aided directional modulation(DM) networks have only one (no direct path) or two (existing direct path) degrees of freedom (DoFs). This means that there are only one or two streams transmitted simultaneously from base station to user and will seriously limit its rate gain achieved by IRS. How to create multiple DoFs more than two for DM? In this paper, single large-scale IRS is divided to multiple small IRSs and a novel multi-IRS-aided multi-stream DM network is proposed to achieve a point-to-point multi-stream transmission by creating $K$ ($\geq3$) DoFs, where multiple small IRSs are placed distributively via multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The null-space projection, zero-forcing (ZF) and phase alignment are adopted to design the transmit beamforming vector, receive beamforming vector and phase shift matrix (PSM), respectively, called NSP-ZF-PA. Here, $K$ PSMs and their corresponding beamforming vectors are independently optimized. The weighted minimum mean-square error (WMMSE) algorithm is involved in alternating iteration for the optimization variables by introducing the power constraint on IRS, named WMMSE-PC, where the majorization-minimization (MM) algorithm is used to solve the total PSM. To achieve a lower computational complexity, a maximum trace method, called Max-TR-SVD, is proposed by optimize the PSM of all IRSs. Numerical simulation results has shown that the proposed NSP-ZF-PA performs much better than Max-TR-SVD in terms of rate. In particular, the rate of NSP-ZF-PA with sixteen small IRSs is about five times that of NSP-ZF-PA with combining all small IRSs as a single large IRS. Thus, a dramatic rate enhancement may be achieved by multiple distributed IRSs.

replace-cross Deep-learning Optical Flow Outperforms PIV in Obtaining Velocity Fields from Active Nematics

Authors: Phu N. Tran, Sattvic Ray, Linnea Lemma, Yunrui Li, Reef Sweeney, Aparna Baskaran, Zvonimir Dogic, Pengyu Hong, Michael F. Hagan

Abstract: Deep learning-based optical flow (DLOF) extracts features in adjacent video frames with deep convolutional neural networks. It uses those features to estimate the inter-frame motions of objects at the pixel level. In this article, we evaluate the ability of optical flow to quantify the spontaneous flows of MT-based active nematics under different labeling conditions. We compare DLOF against the commonly used technique, particle imaging velocimetry (PIV). We obtain flow velocity ground truths either by performing semi-automated particle tracking on samples with sparsely labeled filaments, or from passive tracer beads. We find that DLOF produces significantly more accurate velocity fields than PIV for densely labeled samples. We show that the breakdown of PIV arises because the algorithm cannot reliably distinguish contrast variations at high densities, particularly in directions parallel to the nematic director. DLOF overcomes this limitation. For sparsely labeled samples, DLOF and PIV produce results with similar accuracy, but DLOF gives higher-resolution fields. Our work establishes DLOF as a versatile tool for measuring fluid flows in a broad class of active, soft, and biophysical systems.

replace-cross NeuraChip: Accelerating GNN Computations with a Hash-based Decoupled Spatial Accelerator

Authors: Kaustubh Shivdikar, Nicolas Bohm Agostini, Malith Jayaweera, Gilbert Jonatan, Jose L. Abellan, Ajay Joshi, John Kim, David Kaeli

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are emerging as a formidable tool for processing non-euclidean data across various domains, ranging from social network analysis to bioinformatics. Despite their effectiveness, their adoption has not been pervasive because of scalability challenges associated with large-scale graph datasets, particularly when leveraging message passing. To tackle these challenges, we introduce NeuraChip, a novel GNN spatial accelerator based on Gustavson's algorithm. NeuraChip decouples the multiplication and addition computations in sparse matrix multiplication. This separation allows for independent exploitation of their unique data dependencies, facilitating efficient resource allocation. We introduce a rolling eviction strategy to mitigate data idling in on-chip memory as well as address the prevalent issue of memory bloat in sparse graph computations. Furthermore, the compute resource load balancing is achieved through a dynamic reseeding hash-based mapping, ensuring uniform utilization of computing resources agnostic of sparsity patterns. Finally, we present NeuraSim, an open-source, cycle-accurate, multi-threaded, modular simulator for comprehensive performance analysis. Overall, NeuraChip presents a significant improvement, yielding an average speedup of 22.1x over Intel's MKL, 17.1x over NVIDIA's cuSPARSE, 16.7x over AMD's hipSPARSE, and 1.5x over prior state-of-the-art SpGEMM accelerator and 1.3x over GNN accelerator. The source code for our open-sourced simulator and performance visualizer is publicly accessible on GitHub


replace-cross Efficient and Near-Optimal Noise Generation for Streaming Differential Privacy

Authors: Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, H. Brendan McMahan, Krishna Pillutla, Thomas Steinke, Abhradeep Thakurta

Abstract: In the task of differentially private (DP) continual counting, we receive a stream of increments and our goal is to output an approximate running total of these increments, without revealing too much about any specific increment. Despite its simplicity, differentially private continual counting has attracted significant attention both in theory and in practice. Existing algorithms for differentially private continual counting are either inefficient in terms of their space usage or add an excessive amount of noise, inducing suboptimal utility. The most practical DP continual counting algorithms add carefully correlated Gaussian noise to the values. The task of choosing the covariance for this noise can be expressed in terms of factoring the lower-triangular matrix of ones (which computes prefix sums). We present two approaches from this class (for different parameter regimes) that achieve near-optimal utility for DP continual counting and only require logarithmic or polylogarithmic space (and time). Our first approach is based on a space-efficient streaming matrix multiplication algorithm for a class of Toeplitz matrices. We show that to instantiate this algorithm for DP continual counting, it is sufficient to find a low-degree rational function that approximates the square root on a circle in the complex plane. We then apply and extend tools from approximation theory to achieve this. We also derive efficient closed-forms for the objective function for arbitrarily many steps, and show direct numerical optimization yields a highly practical solution to the problem. Our second approach combines our first approach with a recursive construction similar to the binary tree mechanism.

replace-cross LayerSkip: Enabling Early Exit Inference and Self-Speculative Decoding

Authors: Mostafa Elhoushi, Akshat Shrivastava, Diana Liskovich, Basil Hosmer, Bram Wasti, Liangzhen Lai, Anas Mahmoud, Bilge Acun, Saurabh Agarwal, Ahmed Roman, Ahmed A Aly, Beidi Chen, Carole-Jean Wu

Abstract: We present LayerSkip, an end-to-end solution to speed-up inference of large language models (LLMs). First, during training we apply layer dropout, with low dropout rates for earlier layers and higher dropout rates for later layers, and an early exit loss where all transformer layers share the same exit. Second, during inference, we show that this training recipe increases the accuracy of early exit at earlier layers, without adding any auxiliary layers or modules to the model. Third, we present a novel self-speculative decoding solution where we exit at early layers and verify and correct with remaining layers of the model. Our proposed self-speculative decoding approach has less memory footprint than other speculative decoding approaches and benefits from shared compute and activations of the draft and verification stages. We run experiments on different Llama model sizes on different types of training: pretraining from scratch, continual pretraining, finetuning on specific data domain, and finetuning on specific task. We implement our inference solution and show speedups of up to 2.16x on summarization for CNN/DM documents, 1.82x on coding, and 2.0x on TOPv2 semantic parsing task.

replace-cross COCOLA: Coherence-Oriented Contrastive Learning of Musical Audio Representations

Authors: Ruben Ciranni, Emilian Postolache, Giorgio Mariani, Michele Mancusi, Luca Cosmo, Emanuele Rodol\`a

Abstract: We present COCOLA (Coherence-Oriented Contrastive Learning for Audio), a contrastive learning method for musical audio representations that captures the harmonic and rhythmic coherence between samples. Our method operates at the level of stems (or their combinations) composing music tracks and allows the objective evaluation of compositional models for music in the task of accompaniment generation. We also introduce a new baseline for compositional music generation called CompoNet, based on ControlNet, generalizing the tasks of MSDM, and quantify it against the latter using COCOLA. We release all models trained on public datasets containing separate stems (MUSDB18-HQ, MoisesDB, Slakh2100, and CocoChorales).

replace-cross Talking Nonsense: Probing Large Language Models' Understanding of Adversarial Gibberish Inputs

Authors: Valeriia Cherepanova, James Zou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit excellent ability to understand human languages, but do they also understand their own language that appears gibberish to us? In this work we delve into this question, aiming to uncover the mechanisms underlying such behavior in LLMs. We employ the Greedy Coordinate Gradient optimizer to craft prompts that compel LLMs to generate coherent responses from seemingly nonsensical inputs. We call these inputs LM Babel and this work systematically studies the behavior of LLMs manipulated by these prompts. We find that the manipulation efficiency depends on the target text's length and perplexity, with the Babel prompts often located in lower loss minima compared to natural prompts. We further examine the structure of the Babel prompts and evaluate their robustness. Notably, we find that guiding the model to generate harmful texts is not more difficult than into generating benign texts, suggesting lack of alignment for out-of-distribution prompts.