new Dynamic Model Switching for Improved Accuracy in Machine Learning

Authors: Syed Tahir Abbas Hasani

Abstract: In the dynamic landscape of machine learning, where datasets vary widely in size and complexity, selecting the most effective model poses a significant challenge. Rather than fixating on a single model, our research propels the field forward with a novel emphasis on dynamic model switching. This paradigm shift allows us to harness the inherent strengths of different models based on the evolving size of the dataset. Consider the scenario where CatBoost demonstrates exceptional efficacy in handling smaller datasets, providing nuanced insights and accurate predictions. However, as datasets grow in size and intricacy, XGBoost, with its scalability and robustness, becomes the preferred choice. Our approach introduces an adaptive ensemble that intuitively transitions between CatBoost and XGBoost. This seamless switching is not arbitrary; instead, it's guided by a user-defined accuracy threshold, ensuring a meticulous balance between model sophistication and data requirements. The user sets a benchmark, say 80% accuracy, prompting the system to dynamically shift to the new model only if it guarantees improved performance. This dynamic model-switching mechanism aligns with the evolving nature of data in real-world scenarios. It offers practitioners a flexible and efficient solution, catering to diverse dataset sizes and optimising predictive accuracy at every juncture. Our research, therefore, stands at the forefront of innovation, redefining how machine learning models adapt and excel in the face of varying dataset dynamics.

new Multimodal Fusion on Low-quality Data: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Qingyang Zhang, Yake Wei, Zongbo Han, Huazhu Fu, Xi Peng, Cheng Deng, Qinghua Hu, Cai Xu, Jie Wen, Di Hu, Changqing Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal fusion focuses on integrating information from multiple modalities with the goal of more accurate prediction, which has achieved remarkable progress in a wide range of scenarios, including autonomous driving and medical diagnosis. However, the reliability of multimodal fusion remains largely unexplored especially under low-quality data settings. This paper surveys the common challenges and recent advances of multimodal fusion in the wild and presents them in a comprehensive taxonomy. From a data-centric view, we identify four main challenges that are faced by multimodal fusion on low-quality data, namely (1) noisy multimodal data that are contaminated with heterogeneous noises, (2) incomplete multimodal data that some modalities are missing, (3) imbalanced multimodal data that the qualities or properties of different modalities are significantly different and (4) quality-varying multimodal data that the quality of each modality dynamically changes with respect to different samples. This new taxonomy will enable researchers to understand the state of the field and identify several potential directions. We also provide discussion for the open problems in this field together with interesting future research directions.

new Sub-Adjacent Transformer: Improving Time Series Anomaly Detection with Reconstruction Error from Sub-Adjacent Neighborhoods

Authors: Wenzhen Yue, Xianghua Ying, Ruohao Guo, DongDong Chen, Ji Shi, Bowei Xing, Yuqing Zhu, Taiyan Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we present the Sub-Adjacent Transformer with a novel attention mechanism for unsupervised time series anomaly detection. Unlike previous approaches that rely on all the points within some neighborhood for time point reconstruction, our method restricts the attention to regions not immediately adjacent to the target points, termed sub-adjacent neighborhoods. Our key observation is that owing to the rarity of anomalies, they typically exhibit more pronounced differences from their sub-adjacent neighborhoods than from their immediate vicinities. By focusing the attention on the sub-adjacent areas, we make the reconstruction of anomalies more challenging, thereby enhancing their detectability. Technically, our approach concentrates attention on the non-diagonal areas of the attention matrix by enlarging the corresponding elements in the training stage. To facilitate the implementation of the desired attention matrix pattern, we adopt linear attention because of its flexibility and adaptability. Moreover, a learnable mapping function is proposed to improve the performance of linear attention. Empirically, the Sub-Adjacent Transformer achieves state-of-the-art performance across six real-world anomaly detection benchmarks, covering diverse fields such as server monitoring, space exploration, and water treatment.

new The Simpler The Better: An Entropy-Based Importance Metric To Reduce Neural Networks' Depth

Authors: Victor Qu\'etu, Zhu Liao, Enzo Tartaglione

Abstract: While deep neural networks are highly effective at solving complex tasks, large pre-trained models are commonly employed even to solve consistently simpler downstream tasks, which do not necessarily require a large model's complexity. Motivated by the awareness of the ever-growing AI environmental impact, we propose an efficiency strategy that leverages prior knowledge transferred by large models. Simple but effective, we propose a method relying on an Entropy-bASed Importance mEtRic (EASIER) to reduce the depth of over-parametrized deep neural networks, which alleviates their computational burden. We assess the effectiveness of our method on traditional image classification setups. The source code will be publicly released upon acceptance of the article.

new Unleashing the Power of Multi-Task Learning: A Comprehensive Survey Spanning Traditional, Deep, and Pretrained Foundation Model Eras

Authors: Jun Yu, Yutong Dai, Xiaokang Liu, Jin Huang, Yishan Shen, Ke Zhang, Rong Zhou, Eashan Adhikarla, Wenxuan Ye, Yixin Liu, Zhaoming Kong, Kai Zhang, Yilong Yin, Vinod Namboodiri, Brian D. Davison, Jason H. Moore, Yong Chen

Abstract: MTL is a learning paradigm that effectively leverages both task-specific and shared information to address multiple related tasks simultaneously. In contrast to STL, MTL offers a suite of benefits that enhance both the training process and the inference efficiency. MTL's key advantages encompass streamlined model architecture, performance enhancement, and cross-domain generalizability. Over the past twenty years, MTL has become widely recognized as a flexible and effective approach in various fields, including CV, NLP, recommendation systems, disease prognosis and diagnosis, and robotics. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of MTL, encompassing the technical aspects of cutting-edge methods from traditional approaches to deep learning and the latest trend of pretrained foundation models. Our survey methodically categorizes MTL techniques into five key areas: regularization, relationship learning, feature propagation, optimization, and pre-training. This categorization not only chronologically outlines the development of MTL but also dives into various specialized strategies within each category. Furthermore, the survey reveals how the MTL evolves from handling a fixed set of tasks to embracing a more flexible approach free from task or modality constraints. It explores the concepts of task-promptable and -agnostic training, along with the capacity for ZSL, which unleashes the untapped potential of this historically coveted learning paradigm. Overall, we hope this survey provides the research community with a comprehensive overview of the advancements in MTL from its inception in 1997 to the present in 2023. We address present challenges and look ahead to future possibilities, shedding light on the opportunities and potential avenues for MTL research in a broad manner. This project is publicly available at


new RE-GrievanceAssist: Enhancing Customer Experience through ML-Powered Complaint Management

Authors: Venkatesh C, Harshit Oberoi, Anurag Kumar Pandey, Anil Goyal, Nikhil Sikka

Abstract: In recent years, digital platform companies have faced increasing challenges in managing customer complaints, driven by widespread consumer adoption. This paper introduces an end-to-end pipeline, named RE-GrievanceAssist, designed specifically for real estate customer complaint management. The pipeline consists of three key components: i) response/no-response ML model using TF-IDF vectorization and XGBoost classifier ; ii) user type classifier using fasttext classifier; iii) issue/sub-issue classifier using TF-IDF vectorization and XGBoost classifier. Finally, it has been deployed as a batch job in Databricks, resulting in a remarkable 40% reduction in overall manual effort with monthly cost reduction of Rs 1,50,000 since August 2023.

new M3H: Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare

Authors: Dimitris Bertsimas, Yu Ma

Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in AI are poised to fundamentally enhance our study and understanding of healthcare. The development of an integrated many-to-many framework that leverages multiple data modality inputs for the analytical modeling of multiple medical tasks, is critical for a unified understanding of modern medicine. In this work, we introduce M3H, an explainable Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare framework that consolidates learning from diverse multimodal inputs across a broad spectrum of medical task categories and machine learning problem classes. The modular design of the framework ensures its generalizable data processing, task definition, and rapid model prototyping, applicable to both clinical and operational healthcare settings. We evaluate the M3H framework by validating models trained from four modalities (tabular, time-series, language, and vision) on 41 medical tasks across 4 machine learning problem classes. Our results demonstrate that M3H consistently produces multitask models that outperform canonical single-task models (by 1.1- 37.2%) across 37 disease diagnoses from 16 medical departments, three hospital operation forecasts, and one patient phenotyping task: spanning ML problem classes of supervised binary classification, multiclass classification, regression, and clustering. Additionally, the framework introduces a novel attention mechanism to balance self-exploitation (focus on learning source task), and cross-exploration (encourage learning from other tasks). Furthermore, M3H provides explainability insights on how joint learning of additional tasks impacts the learning of source task using a proposed TIM score, shedding light into the dynamics of task interdependencies. Its adaptable architecture facilitates the customization and integration, establishing it as a robust and scalable candidate solution for future AI-driven healthcare systems.

new Foundations of Multisensory Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Paul Pu Liang

Abstract: Building multisensory AI systems that learn from multiple sensory inputs such as text, speech, video, real-world sensors, wearable devices, and medical data holds great promise for impact in many scientific areas with practical benefits, such as in supporting human health and well-being, enabling multimedia content processing, and enhancing real-world autonomous agents. By synthesizing a range of theoretical frameworks and application domains, this thesis aims to advance the machine learning foundations of multisensory AI. In the first part, we present a theoretical framework formalizing how modalities interact with each other to give rise to new information for a task. These interactions are the basic building blocks in all multimodal problems, and their quantification enables users to understand their multimodal datasets, design principled approaches to learn these interactions, and analyze whether their model has succeeded in learning. In the second part, we study the design of practical multimodal foundation models that generalize over many modalities and tasks, which presents a step toward grounding large language models to real-world sensory modalities. We introduce MultiBench, a unified large-scale benchmark across a wide range of modalities, tasks, and research areas, followed by the cross-modal attention and multimodal transformer architectures that now underpin many of today's multimodal foundation models. Scaling these architectures on MultiBench enables the creation of general-purpose multisensory AI systems, and we discuss our collaborative efforts in applying these models for real-world impact in affective computing, mental health, cancer prognosis, and robotics. Finally, we conclude this thesis by discussing how future work can leverage these ideas toward more general, interactive, and safe multisensory AI.

new Towards Generalizable Agents in Text-Based Educational Environments: A Study of Integrating RL with LLMs

Authors: Bahar Radmehr, Adish Singla, Tanja K\"aser

Abstract: There has been a growing interest in developing learner models to enhance learning and teaching experiences in educational environments. However, existing works have primarily focused on structured environments relying on meticulously crafted representations of tasks, thereby limiting the agent's ability to generalize skills across tasks. In this paper, we aim to enhance the generalization capabilities of agents in open-ended text-based learning environments by integrating Reinforcement Learning (RL) with Large Language Models (LLMs). We investigate three types of agents: (i) RL-based agents that utilize natural language for state and action representations to find the best interaction strategy, (ii) LLM-based agents that leverage the model's general knowledge and reasoning through prompting, and (iii) hybrid LLM-assisted RL agents that combine these two strategies to improve agents' performance and generalization. To support the development and evaluation of these agents, we introduce PharmaSimText, a novel benchmark derived from the PharmaSim virtual pharmacy environment designed for practicing diagnostic conversations. Our results show that RL-based agents excel in task completion but lack in asking quality diagnostic questions. In contrast, LLM-based agents perform better in asking diagnostic questions but fall short of completing the task. Finally, hybrid LLM-assisted RL agents enable us to overcome these limitations, highlighting the potential of combining RL and LLMs to develop high-performing agents for open-ended learning environments.

new The Shape of Money Laundering: Subgraph Representation Learning on the Blockchain with the Elliptic2 Dataset

Authors: Claudio Bellei, Muhua Xu, Ross Phillips, Tom Robinson, Mark Weber, Tim Kaler, Charles E. Leiserson, Arvind, Jie Chen

Abstract: Subgraph representation learning is a technique for analyzing local structures (or shapes) within complex networks. Enabled by recent developments in scalable Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), this approach encodes relational information at a subgroup level (multiple connected nodes) rather than at a node level of abstraction. We posit that certain domain applications, such as anti-money laundering (AML), are inherently subgraph problems and mainstream graph techniques have been operating at a suboptimal level of abstraction. This is due in part to the scarcity of annotated datasets of real-world size and complexity, as well as the lack of software tools for managing subgraph GNN workflows at scale. To enable work in fundamental algorithms as well as domain applications in AML and beyond, we introduce Elliptic2, a large graph dataset containing 122K labeled subgraphs of Bitcoin clusters within a background graph consisting of 49M node clusters and 196M edge transactions. The dataset provides subgraphs known to be linked to illicit activity for learning the set of "shapes" that money laundering exhibits in cryptocurrency and accurately classifying new criminal activity. Along with the dataset we share our graph techniques, software tooling, promising early experimental results, and new domain insights already gleaned from this approach. Taken together, we find immediate practical value in this approach and the potential for a new standard in anti-money laundering and forensic analytics in cryptocurrencies and other financial networks.

new Hidden Synergy: $L_1$ Weight Normalization and 1-Path-Norm Regularization

Authors: Aditya Biswas

Abstract: We present PSiLON Net, an MLP architecture that uses $L_1$ weight normalization for each weight vector and shares the length parameter across the layer. The 1-path-norm provides a bound for the Lipschitz constant of a neural network and reflects on its generalizability, and we show how PSiLON Net's design drastically simplifies the 1-path-norm, while providing an inductive bias towards efficient learning and near-sparse parameters. We propose a pruning method to achieve exact sparsity in the final stages of training, if desired. To exploit the inductive bias of residual networks, we present a simplified residual block, leveraging concatenated ReLU activations. For networks constructed with such blocks, we prove that considering only a subset of possible paths in the 1-path-norm is sufficient to bound the Lipschitz constant. Using the 1-path-norm and this improved bound as regularizers, we conduct experiments in the small data regime using overparameterized PSiLON Nets and PSiLON ResNets, demonstrating reliable optimization and strong performance.

new Integrating Present and Past in Unsupervised Continual Learning

Authors: Yipeng Zhang, Laurent Charlin, Richard Zemel, Mengye Ren

Abstract: We formulate a unifying framework for unsupervised continual learning (UCL), which disentangles learning objectives that are specific to the present and the past data, encompassing stability, plasticity, and cross-task consolidation. The framework reveals that many existing UCL approaches overlook cross-task consolidation and try to balance plasticity and stability in a shared embedding space. This results in worse performance due to a lack of within-task data diversity and reduced effectiveness in learning the current task. Our method, Osiris, which explicitly optimizes all three objectives on separate embedding spaces, achieves state-of-the-art performance on all benchmarks, including two novel benchmarks proposed in this paper featuring semantically structured task sequences. Compared to standard benchmarks, these two structured benchmarks more closely resemble visual signals received by humans and animals when navigating real-world environments. Finally, we show some preliminary evidence that continual models can benefit from such realistic learning scenarios.

new Micro-Macro Spatial-Temporal Graph-based Encoder-Decoder for Map-Constrained Trajectory Recovery

Authors: Tonglong Wei, Youfang Lin, Yan Lin, Shengnan Guo, Lan Zhang, Huaiyu Wan

Abstract: Recovering intermediate missing GPS points in a sparse trajectory, while adhering to the constraints of the road network, could offer deep insights into users' moving behaviors in intelligent transportation systems. Although recent studies have demonstrated the advantages of achieving map-constrained trajectory recovery via an end-to-end manner, they still face two significant challenges. Firstly, existing methods are mostly sequence-based models. It is extremely hard for them to comprehensively capture the micro-semantics of individual trajectory, including the information of each GPS point and the movement between two GPS points. Secondly, existing approaches ignore the impact of the macro-semantics, i.e., the road conditions and the people's shared travel preferences reflected by a group of trajectories. To address the above challenges, we propose a Micro-Macro Spatial-Temporal Graph-based Encoder-Decoder (MM-STGED). Specifically, we model each trajectory as a graph to efficiently describe the micro-semantics of trajectory and design a novel message-passing mechanism to learn trajectory representations. Additionally, we extract the macro-semantics of trajectories and further incorporate them into a well-designed graph-based decoder to guide trajectory recovery. Extensive experiments conducted on sparse trajectories with three different sampling intervals that are respectively constructed from two real-world trajectory datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed model.

new Flight Trajectory Prediction Using an Enhanced CNN-LSTM Network

Authors: Qinzhi Hao, Jiali Zhang, Tengyu Jing, Wei Wang

Abstract: Aiming at the problem of low accuracy of flight trajectory prediction caused by the high speed of fighters, the diversity of tactical maneuvers, and the transient nature of situational change in close range air combat, this paper proposes an enhanced CNN-LSTM network as a fighter flight trajectory prediction method. Firstly, we extract spatial features from fighter trajectory data using CNN, aggregate spatial features of multiple fighters using the social-pooling module to capture geographic information and positional relationships in the trajectories, and use the attention mechanism to capture mutated trajectory features in air combat; subsequently, we extract temporal features by using the memory nature of LSTM to capture long-term temporal dependence in the trajectories; and finally, we merge the temporal and spatial features to predict the flight trajectories of enemy fighters. Extensive simulation experiments verify that the proposed method improves the trajectory prediction accuracy compared to the original CNN-LSTM method, with the improvements of 32% and 34% in ADE and FDE indicators.

new Understanding Multimodal Contrastive Learning Through Pointwise Mutual Information

Authors: Toshimitsu Uesaka, Taiji Suzuki, Yuhta Takida, Chieh-Hsin Lai, Naoki Murata, Yuki Mitsufuji

Abstract: Multimodal representation learning to integrate different modalities, such as text, vision, and audio is important for real-world applications. The symmetric InfoNCE loss proposed in CLIP is a key concept in multimodal representation learning. In this work, we provide a theoretical understanding of the symmetric InfoNCE loss through the lens of the pointwise mutual information and show that encoders that achieve the optimal similarity in the pretraining provide a good representation for downstream classification tasks under mild assumptions. Based on our theoretical results, we also propose a new similarity metric for multimodal contrastive learning by utilizing a nonlinear kernel to enrich the capability. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we demonstrate pretraining of multimodal representation models on the Conceptual Caption datasets and evaluate zero-shot classification and linear classification on common benchmark datasets.

new Improved AutoEncoder with LSTM module and KL divergence

Authors: Wei Huang, Bingyang Zhang, Kaituo Zhang, Hua Gao, Rongchun Wan

Abstract: The task of anomaly detection is to separate anomalous data from normal data in the dataset. Models such as deep convolutional autoencoder (CAE) network and deep supporting vector data description (SVDD) model have been universally employed and have demonstrated significant success in detecting anomalies. However, the over-reconstruction ability of CAE network for anomalous data can easily lead to high false negative rate in detecting anomalous data. On the other hand, the deep SVDD model has the drawback of feature collapse, which leads to a decrease of detection accuracy for anomalies. To address these problems, we propose the Improved AutoEncoder with LSTM module and Kullback-Leibler divergence (IAE-LSTM-KL) model in this paper. An LSTM network is added after the encoder to memorize feature representations of normal data. In the meanwhile, the phenomenon of feature collapse can also be mitigated by penalizing the featured input to SVDD module via KL divergence. The efficacy of the IAE-LSTM-KL model is validated through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Experimental results show that IAE-LSTM-KL model yields higher detection accuracy for anomalies. In addition, it is also found that the IAE-LSTM-KL model demonstrates enhanced robustness to contaminated outliers in the dataset.

new High dimensional analysis reveals conservative sharpening and a stochastic edge of stability

Authors: Atish Agarwala, Jeffrey Pennington

Abstract: Recent empirical and theoretical work has shown that the dynamics of the large eigenvalues of the training loss Hessian have some remarkably robust features across models and datasets in the full batch regime. There is often an early period of progressive sharpening where the large eigenvalues increase, followed by stabilization at a predictable value known as the edge of stability. Previous work showed that in the stochastic setting, the eigenvalues increase more slowly - a phenomenon we call conservative sharpening. We provide a theoretical analysis of a simple high-dimensional model which shows the origin of this slowdown. We also show that there is an alternative stochastic edge of stability which arises at small batch size that is sensitive to the trace of the Neural Tangent Kernel rather than the large Hessian eigenvalues. We conduct an experimental study which highlights the qualitative differences from the full batch phenomenology, and suggests that controlling the stochastic edge of stability can help optimization.

new MAP-Former: Multi-Agent-Pair Gaussian Joint Prediction

Authors: Marlon Steiner, Marvin Klemp, Christoph Stiller

Abstract: There is a gap in risk assessment of trajectories between the trajectory information coming from a traffic motion prediction module and what is actually needed. Closing this gap necessitates advancements in prediction beyond current practices. Existing prediction models yield joint predictions of agents' future trajectories with uncertainty weights or marginal Gaussian probability density functions (PDFs) for single agents. Although, these methods achieve high accurate trajectory predictions, they only provide little or no information about the dependencies of interacting agents. Since traffic is a process of highly interdependent agents, whose actions directly influence their mutual behavior, the existing methods are not sufficient to reliably assess the risk of future trajectories. This paper addresses that gap by introducing a novel approach to motion prediction, focusing on predicting agent-pair covariance matrices in a ``scene-centric'' manner, which can then be used to model Gaussian joint PDFs for all agent-pairs in a scene. We propose a model capable of predicting those agent-pair covariance matrices, leveraging an enhanced awareness of interactions. Utilizing the prediction results of our model, this work forms the foundation for comprehensive risk assessment with statistically based methods for analyzing agents' relations by their joint PDFs.

new Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search on Dynamic Datasets: An Investigation

Authors: Ben Harwood, Amir Dezfouli, Iadine Chades, Conrad Sanderson

Abstract: Approximate k-Nearest Neighbour (ANN) methods are often used for mining information and aiding machine learning on large scale high-dimensional datasets. ANN methods typically differ in the index structure used for accelerating searches, resulting in various recall/runtime trade-off points. For applications with static datasets, runtime constraints and dataset properties can be used to empirically select an ANN method with suitable operating characteristics. However, for applications with dynamic datasets, which are subject to frequent online changes (like addition of new samples), there is currently no consensus as to which ANN methods are most suitable. Traditional evaluation approaches do not consider the computational costs of updating the index structure, as well as the frequency and size of index updates. To address this, we empirically evaluate 5 popular ANN methods on two main applications (online data collection and online feature learning) while taking into account these considerations. Two dynamic datasets are used, derived from the SIFT1M dataset with 1 million samples and the DEEP1B dataset with 1 billion samples. The results indicate that the often used k-d trees method is not suitable on dynamic datasets as it is slower than a straightforward baseline exhaustive search method. For online data collection, the Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs method achieves a consistent speedup over baseline across a wide range of recall rates. For online feature learning, the Scalable Nearest Neighbours method is faster than baseline for recall rates below 75%.

new Training-free Graph Neural Networks and the Power of Labels as Features

Authors: Ryoma Sato

Abstract: We propose training-free graph neural networks (TFGNNs), which can be used without training and can also be improved with optional training, for transductive node classification. We first advocate labels as features (LaF), which is an admissible but not explored technique. We show that LaF provably enhances the expressive power of graph neural networks. We design TFGNNs based on this analysis. In the experiments, we confirm that TFGNNs outperform existing GNNs in the training-free setting and converge with much fewer training iterations than traditional GNNs.

new Comprehensive Forecasting-Based Analysis of Hybrid and Stacked Stateful/ Stateless Models

Authors: Swayamjit Saha

Abstract: Wind speed is a powerful source of renewable energy, which can be used as an alternative to the non-renewable resources for production of electricity. Renewable sources are clean, infinite and do not impact the environment negatively during production of electrical energy. However, while eliciting electrical energy from renewable resources viz. solar irradiance, wind speed, hydro should require special planning failing which may result in huge loss of labour and money for setting up the system. In this paper, we discuss four deep recurrent neural networks viz. Stacked Stateless LSTM, Stacked Stateless GRU, Stacked Stateful LSTM and Statcked Stateful GRU which will be used to predict wind speed on a short-term basis for the airport sites beside two campuses of Mississippi State University. The paper does a comprehensive analysis of the performance of the models used describing their architectures and how efficiently they elicit the results with the help of RMSE values. A detailed description of the time and space complexities of the above models has also been discussed.

new Pessimistic Value Iteration for Multi-Task Data Sharing in Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chenjia Bai, Lingxiao Wang, Jianye Hao, Zhuoran Yang, Bin Zhao, Zhen Wang, Xuelong Li

Abstract: Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) has shown promising results in learning a task-specific policy from a fixed dataset. However, successful offline RL often relies heavily on the coverage and quality of the given dataset. In scenarios where the dataset for a specific task is limited, a natural approach is to improve offline RL with datasets from other tasks, namely, to conduct Multi-Task Data Sharing (MTDS). Nevertheless, directly sharing datasets from other tasks exacerbates the distribution shift in offline RL. In this paper, we propose an uncertainty-based MTDS approach that shares the entire dataset without data selection. Given ensemble-based uncertainty quantification, we perform pessimistic value iteration on the shared offline dataset, which provides a unified framework for single- and multi-task offline RL. We further provide theoretical analysis, which shows that the optimality gap of our method is only related to the expected data coverage of the shared dataset, thus resolving the distribution shift issue in data sharing. Empirically, we release an MTDS benchmark and collect datasets from three challenging domains. The experimental results show our algorithm outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods in challenging MTDS problems. See for the datasets and code.


new Let's Focus: Focused Backdoor Attack against Federated Transfer Learning

Authors: Marco Arazzi, Stefanos Koffas, Antonino Nocera, Stjepan Picek

Abstract: Federated Transfer Learning (FTL) is the most general variation of Federated Learning. According to this distributed paradigm, a feature learning pre-step is commonly carried out by only one party, typically the server, on publicly shared data. After that, the Federated Learning phase takes place to train a classifier collaboratively using the learned feature extractor. Each involved client contributes by locally training only the classification layers on a private training set. The peculiarity of an FTL scenario makes it hard to understand whether poisoning attacks can be developed to craft an effective backdoor. State-of-the-art attack strategies assume the possibility of shifting the model attention toward relevant features introduced by a forged trigger injected in the input data by some untrusted clients. Of course, this is not feasible in FTL, as the learned features are fixed once the server performs the pre-training step. Consequently, in this paper, we investigate this intriguing Federated Learning scenario to identify and exploit a vulnerability obtained by combining eXplainable AI (XAI) and dataset distillation. In particular, the proposed attack can be carried out by one of the clients during the Federated Learning phase of FTL by identifying the optimal local for the trigger through XAI and encapsulating compressed information of the backdoor class. Due to its behavior, we refer to our approach as a focused backdoor approach (FB-FTL for short) and test its performance by explicitly referencing an image classification scenario. With an average 80% attack success rate, obtained results show the effectiveness of our attack also against existing defenses for Federated Learning.

new How to Sustainably Monitor ML-Enabled Systems? Accuracy and Energy Efficiency Tradeoffs in Concept Drift Detection

Authors: Rafiullah Omar, Justus Bogner, Joran Leest, Vincenzo Stoico, Patricia Lago, Henry Muccini

Abstract: ML-enabled systems that are deployed in a production environment typically suffer from decaying model prediction quality through concept drift, i.e., a gradual change in the statistical characteristics of a certain real-world domain. To combat this, a simple solution is to periodically retrain ML models, which unfortunately can consume a lot of energy. One recommended tactic to improve energy efficiency is therefore to systematically monitor the level of concept drift and only retrain when it becomes unavoidable. Different methods are available to do this, but we know very little about their concrete impact on the tradeoff between accuracy and energy efficiency, as these methods also consume energy themselves. To address this, we therefore conducted a controlled experiment to study the accuracy vs. energy efficiency tradeoff of seven common methods for concept drift detection. We used five synthetic datasets, each in a version with abrupt and one with gradual drift, and trained six different ML models as base classifiers. Based on a full factorial design, we tested 420 combinations (7 drift detectors * 5 datasets * 2 types of drift * 6 base classifiers) and compared energy consumption and drift detection accuracy. Our results indicate that there are three types of detectors: a) detectors that sacrifice energy efficiency for detection accuracy (KSWIN), b) balanced detectors that consume low to medium energy with good accuracy (HDDM_W, ADWIN), and c) detectors that consume very little energy but are unusable in practice due to very poor accuracy (HDDM_A, PageHinkley, DDM, EDDM). By providing rich evidence for this energy efficiency tactic, our findings support ML practitioners in choosing the best suited method of concept drift detection for their ML-enabled systems.

new Imitation Learning: A Survey of Learning Methods, Environments and Metrics

Authors: Nathan Gavenski, Odinaldo Rodrigues, Michael Luck

Abstract: Imitation learning is an approach in which an agent learns how to execute a task by trying to mimic how one or more teachers perform it. This learning approach offers a compromise between the time it takes to learn a new task and the effort needed to collect teacher samples for the agent. It achieves this by balancing learning from the teacher, who has some information on how to perform the task, and deviating from their examples when necessary, such as states not present in the teacher samples. Consequently, the field of imitation learning has received much attention from researchers in recent years, resulting in many new methods and applications. However, with this increase in published work and past surveys focusing mainly on methodology, a lack of standardisation became more prominent in the field. This non-standardisation is evident in the use of environments, which appear in no more than two works, and evaluation processes, such as qualitative analysis, that have become rare in current literature. In this survey, we systematically review current imitation learning literature and present our findings by (i) classifying imitation learning techniques, environments and metrics by introducing novel taxonomies; (ii) reflecting on main problems from the literature; and (iii) presenting challenges and future directions for researchers.

new AttackBench: Evaluating Gradient-based Attacks for Adversarial Examples

Authors: Antonio Emanuele Cin\`a, J\'er\^ome Rony, Maura Pintor, Luca Demetrio, Ambra Demontis, Battista Biggio, Ismail Ben Ayed, Fabio Roli

Abstract: Adversarial examples are typically optimized with gradient-based attacks. While novel attacks are continuously proposed, each is shown to outperform its predecessors using different experimental setups, hyperparameter settings, and number of forward and backward calls to the target models. This provides overly-optimistic and even biased evaluations that may unfairly favor one particular attack over the others. In this work, we aim to overcome these limitations by proposing AttackBench, i.e., the first evaluation framework that enables a fair comparison among different attacks. To this end, we first propose a categorization of gradient-based attacks, identifying their main components and differences. We then introduce our framework, which evaluates their effectiveness and efficiency. We measure these characteristics by (i) defining an optimality metric that quantifies how close an attack is to the optimal solution, and (ii) limiting the number of forward and backward queries to the model, such that all attacks are compared within a given maximum query budget. Our extensive experimental analysis compares more than 100 attack implementations with a total of over 800 different configurations against CIFAR-10 and ImageNet models, highlighting that only very few attacks outperform all the competing approaches. Within this analysis, we shed light on several implementation issues that prevent many attacks from finding better solutions or running at all. We release AttackBench as a publicly available benchmark, aiming to continuously update it to include and evaluate novel gradient-based attacks for optimizing adversarial examples.

new Continual Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Data Efficient Wireless Network Optimisation

Authors: Cengis Hasan, Alexandros Agapitos, David Lynch, Alberto Castagna, Giorgio Cruciata, Hao Wang, Aleksandar Milenovic

Abstract: We present a method that addresses the pain point of long lead-time required to deploy cell-level parameter optimisation policies to new wireless network sites. Given a sequence of action spaces represented by overlapping subsets of cell-level configuration parameters provided by domain experts, we formulate throughput optimisation as Continual Reinforcement Learning of control policies. Simulation results suggest that the proposed system is able to shorten the end-to-end deployment lead-time by two-fold compared to a reinitialise-and-retrain baseline without any drop in optimisation gain.

new Bayesian Functional Connectivity and Graph Convolutional Network for Working Memory Load Classification

Authors: Harshini Gangapuram, Vidya Manian

Abstract: Brain responses related to working memory originate from distinct brain areas and oscillate at different frequencies. EEG signals with high temporal correlation can effectively capture these responses. Therefore, estimating the functional connectivity of EEG for working memory protocols in different frequency bands plays a significant role in analyzing the brain dynamics with increasing memory and cognitive loads, which remains largely unexplored. The present study introduces a Bayesian structure learning algorithm to learn the functional connectivity of EEG in sensor space. Next, the functional connectivity graphs are taken as input to the graph convolutional network to classify the working memory loads. The intrasubject (subject-specific) classification performed on 154 subjects for six different verbal working memory loads produced the highest classification accuracy of 96% and average classification accuracy of 89%, outperforming state-of-the-art classification models proposed in the literature. Furthermore, the proposed Bayesian structure learning algorithm is compared with state-of-the-art functional connectivity estimation methods through intersubject and intrasubject statistical analysis of variance. The results also show that the alpha and theta bands have better classification accuracy than the beta band.

new More Compute Is What You Need

Authors: Zhen Guo

Abstract: Large language model pre-training has become increasingly expensive, with most practitioners relying on scaling laws to allocate compute budgets for model size and training tokens, commonly referred to as Compute-Optimal or Chinchilla Optimal. In this paper, we hypothesize a new scaling law that suggests model performance depends mostly on the amount of compute spent for transformer-based models, independent of the specific allocation to model size and dataset size. Using this unified scaling law, we predict that (a) for inference efficiency, training should prioritize smaller model sizes and larger training datasets, and (b) assuming the exhaustion of available web datasets, scaling the model size might be the only way to further improve model performance.

new Finetuning greedy kernel models by exchange algorithms

Authors: Tizian Wenzel, Armin Iske

Abstract: Kernel based approximation offers versatile tools for high-dimensional approximation, which can especially be leveraged for surrogate modeling. For this purpose, both "knot insertion" and "knot removal" approaches aim at choosing a suitable subset of the data, in order to obtain a sparse but nevertheless accurate kernel model. In the present work, focussing on kernel based interpolation, we aim at combining these two approaches to further improve the accuracy of kernel models, without increasing the computational complexity of the final kernel model. For this, we introduce a class of kernel exchange algorithms (KEA). The resulting KEA algorithm can be used for finetuning greedy kernel surrogate models, allowing for an reduction of the error up to 86.4% (17.2% on average) in our experiments.

new A Unified Theory of Exact Inference and Learning in Exponential Family Latent Variable Models

Authors: Sacha Sokoloski

Abstract: Bayes' rule describes how to infer posterior beliefs about latent variables given observations, and inference is a critical step in learning algorithms for latent variable models (LVMs). Although there are exact algorithms for inference and learning for certain LVMs such as linear Gaussian models and mixture models, researchers must typically develop approximate inference and learning algorithms when applying novel LVMs. In this paper we study the line that separates LVMs that rely on approximation schemes from those that do not, and develop a general theory of exponential family, latent variable models for which inference and learning may be implemented exactly. Firstly, under mild assumptions about the exponential family form of a given LVM, we derive necessary and sufficient conditions under which the LVM prior is in the same exponential family as its posterior, such that the prior is conjugate to the posterior. We show that all models that satisfy these conditions are constrained forms of a particular class of exponential family graphical model. We then derive general inference and learning algorithms, and demonstrate them on a variety of example models. Finally, we show how to compose our models into graphical models that retain tractable inference and learning. In addition to our theoretical work, we have implemented our algorithms in a collection of libraries with which we provide numerous demonstrations of our theory, and with which researchers may apply our theory in novel statistical settings.

new Temporal Graph ODEs for Irregularly-Sampled Time Series

Authors: Alessio Gravina, Daniele Zambon, Davide Bacciu, Cesare Alippi

Abstract: Modern graph representation learning works mostly under the assumption of dealing with regularly sampled temporal graph snapshots, which is far from realistic, e.g., social networks and physical systems are characterized by continuous dynamics and sporadic observations. To address this limitation, we introduce the Temporal Graph Ordinary Differential Equation (TG-ODE) framework, which learns both the temporal and spatial dynamics from graph streams where the intervals between observations are not regularly spaced. We empirically validate the proposed approach on several graph benchmarks, showing that TG-ODE can achieve state-of-the-art performance in irregular graph stream tasks.

new Generating Robust Counterfactual Witnesses for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Dazhuo Qiu, Mengying Wang, Arijit Khan, Yinghui Wu

Abstract: This paper introduces a new class of explanation structures, called robust counterfactual witnesses (RCWs), to provide robust, both counterfactual and factual explanations for graph neural networks. Given a graph neural network M, a robust counterfactual witness refers to the fraction of a graph G that are counterfactual and factual explanation of the results of M over G, but also remains so for any "disturbed" G by flipping up to k of its node pairs. We establish the hardness results, from tractable results to co-NP-hardness, for verifying and generating robust counterfactual witnesses. We study such structures for GNN-based node classification, and present efficient algorithms to verify and generate RCWs. We also provide a parallel algorithm to verify and generate RCWs for large graphs with scalability guarantees. We experimentally verify our explanation generation process for benchmark datasets, and showcase their applications.

new Physics-Informed Machine Learning On Polar Ice: A Survey

Authors: Zesheng Liu, YoungHyun Koo, Maryam Rahnemoonfar

Abstract: The mass loss of the polar ice sheets contributes considerably to ongoing sea-level rise and changing ocean circulation, leading to coastal flooding and risking the homes and livelihoods of tens of millions of people globally. To address the complex problem of ice behavior, physical models and data-driven models have been proposed in the literature. Although traditional physical models can guarantee physically meaningful results, they have limitations in producing high-resolution results. On the other hand, data-driven approaches require large amounts of high-quality and labeled data, which is rarely available in the polar regions. Hence, as a promising framework that leverages the advantages of physical models and data-driven methods, physics-informed machine learning (PIML) has been widely studied in recent years. In this paper, we review the existing algorithms of PIML, provide our own taxonomy based on the methods of combining physics and data-driven approaches, and analyze the advantages of PIML in the aspects of accuracy and efficiency. Further, our survey discusses some current challenges and highlights future opportunities, including PIML on sea ice studies, PIML with different combination methods and backbone networks, and neural operator methods.

new Leveraging Label Information for Stealthy Data Stealing in Vertical Federated Learning

Authors: Duanyi Yao, Songze Li, Xueluan Gong, Sizai Hou, Gaoning Pan

Abstract: We develop DMAVFL, a novel attack strategy that evades current detection mechanisms. The key idea is to integrate a discriminator with auxiliary classifier that takes a full advantage of the label information (which was completely ignored in previous attacks): on one hand, label information helps to better characterize embeddings of samples from distinct classes, yielding an improved reconstruction performance; on the other hand, computing malicious gradients with label information better mimics the honest training, making the malicious gradients indistinguishable from the honest ones, and the attack much more stealthy. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate that DMAVFL significantly outperforms existing attacks, and successfully circumvents SOTA defenses for malicious attacks. Additional ablation studies and evaluations on other defenses further underscore the robustness and effectiveness of DMAVFL.

new Data-Driven Invertible Neural Surrogates of Atmospheric Transmission

Authors: James Koch, Brenda Forland, Bruce Bernacki, Timothy Doster, Tegan Emerson

Abstract: We present a framework for inferring an atmospheric transmission profile from a spectral scene. This framework leverages a lightweight, physics-based simulator that is automatically tuned - by virtue of autodifferentiation and differentiable programming - to construct a surrogate atmospheric profile to model the observed data. We demonstrate utility of the methodology by (i) performing atmospheric correction, (ii) recasting spectral data between various modalities (e.g. radiance and reflectance at the surface and at the sensor), and (iii) inferring atmospheric transmission profiles, such as absorbing bands and their relative magnitudes.

new Be Aware of the Neighborhood Effect: Modeling Selection Bias under Interference

Authors: Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Sihao Ding, Peng Wu, Zhi Geng, Fuli Feng, Xiangnan He

Abstract: Selection bias in recommender system arises from the recommendation process of system filtering and the interactive process of user selection. Many previous studies have focused on addressing selection bias to achieve unbiased learning of the prediction model, but ignore the fact that potential outcomes for a given user-item pair may vary with the treatments assigned to other user-item pairs, named neighborhood effect. To fill the gap, this paper formally formulates the neighborhood effect as an interference problem from the perspective of causal inference and introduces a treatment representation to capture the neighborhood effect. On this basis, we propose a novel ideal loss that can be used to deal with selection bias in the presence of neighborhood effect. We further develop two new estimators for estimating the proposed ideal loss. We theoretically establish the connection between the proposed and previous debiasing methods ignoring the neighborhood effect, showing that the proposed methods can achieve unbiased learning when both selection bias and neighborhood effect are present, while the existing methods are biased. Extensive semi-synthetic and real-world experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods.

new Analyzing and Exploring Training Recipes for Large-Scale Transformer-Based Weather Prediction

Authors: Jared D. Willard, Peter Harrington, Shashank Subramanian, Ankur Mahesh, Travis A. O'Brien, William D. Collins

Abstract: The rapid rise of deep learning (DL) in numerical weather prediction (NWP) has led to a proliferation of models which forecast atmospheric variables with comparable or superior skill than traditional physics-based NWP. However, among these leading DL models, there is a wide variance in both the training settings and architecture used. Further, the lack of thorough ablation studies makes it hard to discern which components are most critical to success. In this work, we show that it is possible to attain high forecast skill even with relatively off-the-shelf architectures, simple training procedures, and moderate compute budgets. Specifically, we train a minimally modified SwinV2 transformer on ERA5 data, and find that it attains superior forecast skill when compared against IFS. We present some ablations on key aspects of the training pipeline, exploring different loss functions, model sizes and depths, and multi-step fine-tuning to investigate their effect. We also examine the model performance with metrics beyond the typical ACC and RMSE, and investigate how the performance scales with model size.

new On Training a Neural Network to Explain Binaries

Authors: Alexander Interrante-Grant, Andy Davis, Heather Preslier, Tim Leek

Abstract: In this work, we begin to investigate the possibility of training a deep neural network on the task of binary code understanding. Specifically, the network would take, as input, features derived directly from binaries and output English descriptions of functionality to aid a reverse engineer in investigating the capabilities of a piece of closed-source software, be it malicious or benign. Given recent success in applying large language models (generative AI) to the task of source code summarization, this seems a promising direction. However, in our initial survey of the available datasets, we found nothing of sufficiently high quality and volume to train these complex models. Instead, we build our own dataset derived from a capture of Stack Overflow containing 1.1M entries. A major result of our work is a novel dataset evaluation method using the correlation between two distances on sample pairs: one distance in the embedding space of inputs and the other in the embedding space of outputs. Intuitively, if two samples have inputs close in the input embedding space, their outputs should also be close in the output embedding space. We found this Embedding Distance Correlation (EDC) test to be highly diagnostic, indicating that our collected dataset and several existing open-source datasets are of low quality as the distances are not well correlated. We proceed to explore the general applicability of EDC, applying it to a number of qualitatively known good datasets and a number of synthetically known bad ones and found it to be a reliable indicator of dataset value.

new Attacking Bayes: On the Adversarial Robustness of Bayesian Neural Networks

Authors: Yunzhen Feng, Tim G. J. Rudner, Nikolaos Tsilivis, Julia Kempe

Abstract: Adversarial examples have been shown to cause neural networks to fail on a wide range of vision and language tasks, but recent work has claimed that Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) are inherently robust to adversarial perturbations. In this work, we examine this claim. To study the adversarial robustness of BNNs, we investigate whether it is possible to successfully break state-of-the-art BNN inference methods and prediction pipelines using even relatively unsophisticated attacks for three tasks: (1) label prediction under the posterior predictive mean, (2) adversarial example detection with Bayesian predictive uncertainty, and (3) semantic shift detection. We find that BNNs trained with state-of-the-art approximate inference methods, and even BNNs trained with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, are highly susceptible to adversarial attacks. We also identify various conceptual and experimental errors in previous works that claimed inherent adversarial robustness of BNNs and conclusively demonstrate that BNNs and uncertainty-aware Bayesian prediction pipelines are not inherently robust against adversarial attacks.

new Landmark Alternating Diffusion

Authors: Sing-Yuan Yeh, Hau-Tieng Wu, Ronen Talmon, Mao-Pei Tsui

Abstract: Alternating Diffusion (AD) is a commonly applied diffusion-based sensor fusion algorithm. While it has been successfully applied to various problems, its computational burden remains a limitation. Inspired by the landmark diffusion idea considered in the Robust and Scalable Embedding via Landmark Diffusion (ROSELAND), we propose a variation of AD, called Landmark AD (LAD), which captures the essence of AD while offering superior computational efficiency. We provide a series of theoretical analyses of LAD under the manifold setup and apply it to the automatic sleep stage annotation problem with two electroencephalogram channels to demonstrate its application.

new Provably Robust Conformal Prediction with Improved Efficiency

Authors: Ge Yan, Yaniv Romano, Tsui-Wei Weng

Abstract: Conformal prediction is a powerful tool to generate uncertainty sets with guaranteed coverage using any predictive model, under the assumption that the training and test data are i.i.d.. Recently, it has been shown that adversarial examples are able to manipulate conformal methods to construct prediction sets with invalid coverage rates, as the i.i.d. assumption is violated. To address this issue, a recent work, Randomized Smoothed Conformal Prediction (RSCP), was first proposed to certify the robustness of conformal prediction methods to adversarial noise. However, RSCP has two major limitations: (i) its robustness guarantee is flawed when used in practice and (ii) it tends to produce large uncertainty sets. To address these limitations, we first propose a novel framework called RSCP+ to provide provable robustness guarantee in evaluation, which fixes the issues in the original RSCP method. Next, we propose two novel methods, Post-Training Transformation (PTT) and Robust Conformal Training (RCT), to effectively reduce prediction set size with little computation overhead. Experimental results in CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet suggest the baseline method only yields trivial predictions including full label set, while our methods could boost the efficiency by up to $4.36\times$, $5.46\times$, and $16.9\times$ respectively and provide practical robustness guarantee. Our codes are available at


new Decoder Decomposition for the Analysis of the Latent Space of Nonlinear Autoencoders With Wind-Tunnel Experimental Data

Authors: Yaxin Mo, Tullio Traverso, Luca Magri

Abstract: Turbulent flows are chaotic and multi-scale dynamical systems, which have large numbers of degrees of freedom. Turbulent flows, however, can be modelled with a smaller number of degrees of freedom when using the appropriate coordinate system, which is the goal of dimensionality reduction via nonlinear autoencoders. Autoencoders are expressive tools, but they are difficult to interpret. The goal of this paper is to propose a method to aid the interpretability of autoencoders. This is the decoder decomposition. First, we propose the decoder decomposition, which is a post-processing method to connect the latent variables to the coherent structures of flows. Second, we apply the decoder decomposition to analyse the latent space of synthetic data of a two-dimensional unsteady wake past a cylinder. We find that the dimension of latent space has a significant impact on the interpretability of autoencoders. We identify the physical and spurious latent variables. Third, we apply the decoder decomposition to the latent space of wind-tunnel experimental data of a three-dimensional turbulent wake past a bluff body. We show that the reconstruction error is a function of both the latent space dimension and the decoder size, which are correlated. Finally, we apply the decoder decomposition to rank and select latent variables based on the coherent structures that they represent. This is useful to filter unwanted or spurious latent variables, or to pinpoint specific coherent structures of interest. The ability to rank and select latent variables will help users design and interpret nonlinear autoencoders.

new Enhancing Predictive Accuracy in Pharmaceutical Sales Through An Ensemble Kernel Gaussian Process Regression Approach

Authors: Shahin Mirshekari, Mohammadreza Moradi, Hossein Jafari, Mehdi Jafari, Mohammad Ensaf

Abstract: This research employs Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) with an ensemble kernel, integrating Exponential Squared, Revised Mat\'ern, and Rational Quadratic kernels to analyze pharmaceutical sales data. Bayesian optimization was used to identify optimal kernel weights: 0.76 for Exponential Squared, 0.21 for Revised Mat\'ern, and 0.13 for Rational Quadratic. The ensemble kernel demonstrated superior performance in predictive accuracy, achieving an \( R^2 \) score near 1.0, and significantly lower values in Mean Squared Error (MSE), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). These findings highlight the efficacy of ensemble kernels in GPR for predictive analytics in complex pharmaceutical sales datasets.

new Neural Controlled Differential Equations with Quantum Hidden Evolutions

Authors: Lingyi Yang, Zhen Shao

Abstract: We introduce a class of neural controlled differential equation inspired by quantum mechanics. Neural quantum controlled differential equations (NQDEs) model the dynamics by analogue of the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. Specifically, the hidden state represents the wave function, and its collapse leads to an interpretation of the classification probability. We implement and compare the results of four variants of NQDEs on a toy spiral classification problem.

new Harmonic LLMs are Trustworthy

Authors: Nicholas S. Kersting, Mohammad Rahman, Suchismitha Vedala, Yang Wang

Abstract: We introduce an intuitive method to test the robustness (stability and explainability) of any black-box LLM in real-time, based upon the local deviation from harmoniticity, denoted as $\gamma$. To the best of our knowledge this is the first completely model-agnostic and unsupervised method of measuring the robustness of any given response from an LLM, based upon the model itself conforming to a purely mathematical standard. We conduct human annotation experiments to show the positive correlation of $\gamma$ with false or misleading answers, and demonstrate that following the gradient of $\gamma$ in stochastic gradient ascent efficiently exposes adversarial prompts. Measuring $\gamma$ across thousands of queries in popular LLMs (GPT-4, ChatGPT, Claude-2.1, Mixtral-8x7B, Smaug-72B, Llama2-7B, and MPT-7B) allows us to estimate the liklihood of wrong or hallucinatory answers automatically and quantitatively rank the reliability of these models in various objective domains (Web QA, TruthfulQA, and Programming QA). Across all models and domains tested, human ratings confirm that $\gamma \to 0$ indicates trustworthiness, and the low-$\gamma$ leaders among these models are GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Smaug-72B.

new A rank decomposition for the topological classification of neural representations

Authors: Kosio Beshkov, Gaute T. Einevoll

Abstract: Neural networks can be thought of as applying a transformation to an input dataset. The way in which they change the topology of such a dataset often holds practical significance for many tasks, particularly those demanding non-homeomorphic mappings for optimal solutions, such as classification problems. In this work, we leverage the fact that neural networks are equivalent to continuous piecewise-affine maps, whose rank can be used to pinpoint regions in the input space that undergo non-homeomorphic transformations, leading to alterations in the topological structure of the input dataset. Our approach enables us to make use of the relative homology sequence, with which one can study the homology groups of the quotient of a manifold $\mathcal{M}$ and a subset $A$, assuming some minimal properties on these spaces. As a proof of principle, we empirically investigate the presence of low-rank (topology-changing) affine maps as a function of network width and mean weight. We show that in randomly initialized narrow networks, there will be regions in which the (co)homology groups of a data manifold can change. As the width increases, the homology groups of the input manifold become more likely to be preserved. We end this part of our work by constructing highly non-random wide networks that do not have this property and relating this non-random regime to Dale's principle, which is a defining characteristic of biological neural networks. Finally, we study simple feedforward networks trained on MNIST, as well as on toy classification and regression tasks, and show that networks manipulate the topology of data differently depending on the continuity of the task they are trained on.

new The lazy (NTK) and rich ($\mu$P) regimes: a gentle tutorial

Authors: Dhruva Karkada

Abstract: A central theme of the modern machine learning paradigm is that larger neural networks achieve better performance on a variety of metrics. Theoretical analyses of these overparameterized models have recently centered around studying very wide neural networks. In this tutorial, we provide a nonrigorous but illustrative derivation of the following fact: in order to train wide networks effectively, there is only one degree of freedom in choosing hyperparameters such as the learning rate and the size of the initial weights. This degree of freedom controls the richness of training behavior: at minimum, the wide network trains lazily like a kernel machine, and at maximum, it exhibits feature learning in the so-called $\mu$P regime. In this paper, we explain this richness scale, synthesize recent research results into a coherent whole, offer new perspectives and intuitions, and provide empirical evidence supporting our claims. In doing so, we hope to encourage further study of the richness scale, as it may be key to developing a scientific theory of feature learning in practical deep neural networks.

new Fairness Without Demographics in Human-Centered Federated Learning

Authors: Roy Shaily, Sharma Harshit, Salekin Asif

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy, making it suitable for decentralized human-centered AI applications. However, a significant research gap remains in ensuring fairness in these systems. Current fairness strategies in FL require knowledge of bias-creating/sensitive attributes, clashing with FL's privacy principles. Moreover, in human-centered datasets, sensitive attributes may remain latent. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel bias mitigation approach inspired by "Fairness without Demographics" in machine learning. The presented approach achieves fairness without needing knowledge of sensitive attributes by minimizing the top eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix during training, ensuring equitable loss landscapes across FL participants. Notably, we introduce a novel FL aggregation scheme that promotes participating models based on error rates and loss landscape curvature attributes, fostering fairness across the FL system. This work represents the first approach to attaining "Fairness without Demographics" in human-centered FL. Through comprehensive evaluation, our approach demonstrates effectiveness in balancing fairness and efficacy across various real-world applications, FL setups, and scenarios involving single and multiple bias-inducing factors, representing a significant advancement in human-centered FL.

new KAN: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks

Authors: Ziming Liu, Yixuan Wang, Sachin Vaidya, Fabian Ruehle, James Halverson, Marin Solja\v{c}i\'c, Thomas Y. Hou, Max Tegmark

Abstract: Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, we propose Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) as promising alternatives to Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs). While MLPs have fixed activation functions on nodes ("neurons"), KANs have learnable activation functions on edges ("weights"). KANs have no linear weights at all -- every weight parameter is replaced by a univariate function parametrized as a spline. We show that this seemingly simple change makes KANs outperform MLPs in terms of accuracy and interpretability. For accuracy, much smaller KANs can achieve comparable or better accuracy than much larger MLPs in data fitting and PDE solving. Theoretically and empirically, KANs possess faster neural scaling laws than MLPs. For interpretability, KANs can be intuitively visualized and can easily interact with human users. Through two examples in mathematics and physics, KANs are shown to be useful collaborators helping scientists (re)discover mathematical and physical laws. In summary, KANs are promising alternatives for MLPs, opening opportunities for further improving today's deep learning models which rely heavily on MLPs.

cross Smart Pilot Assignment for IoT in Massive MIMO Systems: A Path Towards Scalable IoT Infrastructure

Authors: Muhammad Kamran Saeed, Ashfaq Khokhar

Abstract: 5G sets the foundation for an era of creativity with its faster speeds, increased data throughput, reduced latency, and enhanced IoT connectivity, all enabled by Massive MIMO (M-MIMO) technology. M-MIMO boosts network efficiency and enhances user experience by employing intelligent user scheduling. This paper presents a user scheduling scheme and pilot assignment strategy designed for IoT devices, emphasizing mitigating pilot contamination, a key obstacle to improving spectral efficiency (SE) and system scalability in M-MIMO networks. We utilize a user clustering-based pilot allocation scheme to boost IoT device scalability in M-MIMO systems. Additionally, our smart pilot allocation minimizes interference and enhances SE by treating pilot assignment as a graph coloring problem, optimizing it through integer linear programming (ILP). Recognizing the computational complexity of ILP, we introduced a binary search-based heuristic predicated on interference threshold to expedite the computation, while maintaining a near-optimal solution. The simulation results show a significant decrease in the required pilot overhead (about 17%), and substantial enhancement in SE (about 8-14%).

cross Classical integrability in the presence of a cosmological constant: analytic and machine learning results

Authors: Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Dami\'an Mayorga Pe\~na, Suresh Nampuri

Abstract: We study the integrability of two-dimensional theories that are obtained by a dimensional reduction of certain four-dimensional gravitational theories describing the coupling of Maxwell fields and neutral scalar fields to gravity in the presence of a potential for the neutral scalar fields. By focusing on a certain solution subspace, we show that a subset of the equations of motion in two dimensions are the compatibility conditions for a modified version of the Breitenlohner-Maison linear system. Subsequently, we study the Liouville integrability of the 2D models encoding the chosen 4D solution subspace from a one-dimensional point of view by constructing Lax pair matrices. In this endeavour, we successfully employ a linear neural network to search for Lax pair matrices for these models, thereby illustrating how machine learning approaches can be effectively implemented to augment the identification of integrable structures in classical systems.

cross Learning Low-Rank Feature for Thorax Disease Classification

Authors: Rajeev Goel, Utkarsh Nath, Yancheng Wang, Alvin C. Silva, Teresa Wu, Yingzhen Yang

Abstract: Deep neural networks, including Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Visual Transformers (ViT), have achieved stunning success in medical image domain. We study thorax disease classification in this paper. Effective extraction of features for the disease areas is crucial for disease classification on radiographic images. While various neural architectures and training techniques, such as self-supervised learning with contrastive/restorative learning, have been employed for disease classification on radiographic images, there are no principled methods which can effectively reduce the adverse effect of noise and background, or non-disease areas, on the radiographic images for disease classification. To address this challenge, we propose a novel Low-Rank Feature Learning (LRFL) method in this paper, which is universally applicable to the training of all neural networks. The LRFL method is both empirically motivated by the low frequency property observed on all the medical datasets in this paper, and theoretically motivated by our sharp generalization bound for neural networks with low-rank features. In the empirical study, using a neural network such as a ViT or a CNN pre-trained on unlabeled chest X-rays by Masked Autoencoders (MAE), our novel LRFL method is applied on the pre-trained neural network and demonstrate better classification results in terms of both multiclass area under the receiver operating curve (mAUC) and classification accuracy.

cross GuideWalk -- Heterogeneous Data Fusion for Enhanced Learning -- A Multiclass Document Classification Case

Authors: Sarmad N. Mohammed, Semra G\"und\"u\c{c}

Abstract: One of the prime problems of computer science and machine learning is to extract information efficiently from large-scale, heterogeneous data. Text data, with its syntax, semantics, and even hidden information content, possesses an exceptional place among the data types in concern. The processing of the text data requires embedding, a method of translating the content of the text to numeric vectors. A correct embedding algorithm is the starting point for obtaining the full information content of the text data. In this work, a new embedding method based on the graph structure of the meaningful sentences is proposed. The design of the algorithm aims to construct an embedding vector that constitutes syntactic and semantic elements as well as the hidden content of the text data. The success of the proposed embedding method is tested in classification problems. Among the wide range of application areas, text classification is the best laboratory for embedding methods; the classification power of the method can be tested using dimensional reduction without any further processing. Furthermore, the method can be compared with different embedding algorithms and machine learning methods. The proposed method is tested with real-world data sets and eight well-known and successful embedding algorithms. The proposed embedding method shows significantly better classification for binary and multiclass datasets compared to well-known algorithms.

cross Investigating the dissemination of STEM content on social media with computational tools

Authors: Oluwamayokun Oshinowo, Priscila Delgado, Meredith Fay, C. Alessandra Luna, Anjana Dissanayaka, Rebecca Jeltuhin, David R. Myers

Abstract: Social media platforms can quickly disseminate STEM content to diverse audiences, but their operation can be mysterious. We used open-source machine learning methods such as clustering, regression, and sentiment analysis to analyze over 1000 videos and metrics thereof from 6 social media STEM creators. Our data provide insights into how audiences generate interest signals(likes, bookmarks, comments, shares), on the correlation of various signals with views, and suggest that content from newer creators is disseminated differently. We also share insights on how to optimize dissemination by analyzing data available exclusively to content creators as well as via sentiment analysis of comments.

cross CUE-Net: Violence Detection Video Analytics with Spatial Cropping, Enhanced UniformerV2 and Modified Efficient Additive Attention

Authors: Damith Chamalke Senadeera, Xiaoyun Yang, Dimitrios Kollias, Gregory Slabaugh

Abstract: In this paper we introduce CUE-Net, a novel architecture designed for automated violence detection in video surveillance. As surveillance systems become more prevalent due to technological advances and decreasing costs, the challenge of efficiently monitoring vast amounts of video data has intensified. CUE-Net addresses this challenge by combining spatial Cropping with an enhanced version of the UniformerV2 architecture, integrating convolutional and self-attention mechanisms alongside a novel Modified Efficient Additive Attention mechanism (which reduces the quadratic time complexity of self-attention) to effectively and efficiently identify violent activities. This approach aims to overcome traditional challenges such as capturing distant or partially obscured subjects within video frames. By focusing on both local and global spatiotemporal features, CUE-Net achieves state-of-the-art performance on the RWF-2000 and RLVS datasets, surpassing existing methods.

cross Leak Proof CMap; a framework for training and evaluation of cell line agnostic L1000 similarity methods

Authors: Steven Shave, Richard Kasprowicz, Abdullah M. Athar, Denise Vlachou, Neil O. Carragher, Cuong Q. Nguyen

Abstract: The Connectivity Map (CMap) is a large publicly available database of cellular transcriptomic responses to chemical and genetic perturbations built using a standardized acquisition protocol known as the L1000 technique. Databases such as CMap provide an exciting opportunity to enrich drug discovery efforts, providing a 'known' phenotypic landscape to explore and enabling the development of state of the art techniques for enhanced information extraction and better informed decisions. Whilst multiple methods for measuring phenotypic similarity and interrogating profiles have been developed, the field is severely lacking standardized benchmarks using appropriate data splitting for training and unbiased evaluation of machine learning methods. To address this, we have developed 'Leak Proof CMap' and exemplified its application to a set of common transcriptomic and generic phenotypic similarity methods along with an exemplar triplet loss-based method. Benchmarking in three critical performance areas (compactness, distinctness, and uniqueness) is conducted using carefully crafted data splits ensuring no similar cell lines or treatments with shared or closely matching responses or mechanisms of action are present in training, validation, or test sets. This enables testing of models with unseen samples akin to exploring treatments with novel modes of action in novel patient derived cell lines. With a carefully crafted benchmark and data splitting regime in place, the tooling now exists to create performant phenotypic similarity methods for use in personalized medicine (novel cell lines) and to better augment high throughput phenotypic screening technologies with the L1000 transcriptomic technology.

cross An Aggregation-Free Federated Learning for Tackling Data Heterogeneity

Authors: Yuan Wang, Huazhu Fu, Renuga Kanagavelu, Qingsong Wei, Yong Liu, Rick Siow Mong Goh

Abstract: The performance of Federated Learning (FL) hinges on the effectiveness of utilizing knowledge from distributed datasets. Traditional FL methods adopt an aggregate-then-adapt framework, where clients update local models based on a global model aggregated by the server from the previous training round. This process can cause client drift, especially with significant cross-client data heterogeneity, impacting model performance and convergence of the FL algorithm. To address these challenges, we introduce FedAF, a novel aggregation-free FL algorithm. In this framework, clients collaboratively learn condensed data by leveraging peer knowledge, the server subsequently trains the global model using the condensed data and soft labels received from the clients. FedAF inherently avoids the issue of client drift, enhances the quality of condensed data amid notable data heterogeneity, and improves the global model performance. Extensive numerical studies on several popular benchmark datasets show FedAF surpasses various state-of-the-art FL algorithms in handling label-skew and feature-skew data heterogeneity, leading to superior global model accuracy and faster convergence.

cross HELPER-X: A Unified Instructable Embodied Agent to Tackle Four Interactive Vision-Language Domains with Memory-Augmented Language Models

Authors: Gabriel Sarch, Sahil Somani, Raghav Kapoor, Michael J. Tarr, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: Recent research on instructable agents has used memory-augmented Large Language Models (LLMs) as task planners, a technique that retrieves language-program examples relevant to the input instruction and uses them as in-context examples in the LLM prompt to improve the performance of the LLM in inferring the correct action and task plans. In this technical report, we extend the capabilities of HELPER, by expanding its memory with a wider array of examples and prompts, and by integrating additional APIs for asking questions. This simple expansion of HELPER into a shared memory enables the agent to work across the domains of executing plans from dialogue, natural language instruction following, active question asking, and commonsense room reorganization. We evaluate the agent on four diverse interactive visual-language embodied agent benchmarks: ALFRED, TEACh, DialFRED, and the Tidy Task. HELPER-X achieves few-shot, state-of-the-art performance across these benchmarks using a single agent, without requiring in-domain training, and remains competitive with agents that have undergone in-domain training.

cross Learning Sparse High-Dimensional Matrix-Valued Graphical Models From Dependent Data

Authors: Jitendra K Tugnait

Abstract: We consider the problem of inferring the conditional independence graph (CIG) of a sparse, high-dimensional, stationary matrix-variate Gaussian time series. All past work on high-dimensional matrix graphical models assumes that independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) observations of the matrix-variate are available. Here we allow dependent observations. We consider a sparse-group lasso-based frequency-domain formulation of the problem with a Kronecker-decomposable power spectral density (PSD), and solve it via an alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) approach. The problem is bi-convex which is solved via flip-flop optimization. We provide sufficient conditions for local convergence in the Frobenius norm of the inverse PSD estimators to the true value. This result also yields a rate of convergence. We illustrate our approach using numerical examples utilizing both synthetic and real data.

cross Distributed Stochastic Optimization of a Neural Representation Network for Time-Space Tomography Reconstruction

Authors: K. Aditya Mohan, Massimiliano Ferrucci, Chuck Divin, Garrett A. Stevenson, Hyojin Kim

Abstract: 4D time-space reconstruction of dynamic events or deforming objects using X-ray computed tomography (CT) is an extremely ill-posed inverse problem. Existing approaches assume that the object remains static for the duration of several tens or hundreds of X-ray projection measurement images (reconstruction of consecutive limited-angle CT scans). However, this is an unrealistic assumption for many in-situ experiments that causes spurious artifacts and inaccurate morphological reconstructions of the object. To solve this problem, we propose to perform a 4D time-space reconstruction using a distributed implicit neural representation (DINR) network that is trained using a novel distributed stochastic training algorithm. Our DINR network learns to reconstruct the object at its output by iterative optimization of its network parameters such that the measured projection images best match the output of the CT forward measurement model. We use a continuous time and space forward measurement model that is a function of the DINR outputs at a sparsely sampled set of continuous valued object coordinates. Unlike existing state-of-the-art neural representation architectures that forward and back propagate through dense voxel grids that sample the object's entire time-space coordinates, we only propagate through the DINR at a small subset of object coordinates in each iteration resulting in an order-of-magnitude reduction in memory and compute for training. DINR leverages distributed computation across several compute nodes and GPUs to produce high-fidelity 4D time-space reconstructions even for extremely large CT data sizes. We use both simulated parallel-beam and experimental cone-beam X-ray CT datasets to demonstrate the superior performance of our approach.

cross Deep Reinforcement Learning for Advanced Longitudinal Control and Collision Avoidance in High-Risk Driving Scenarios

Authors: Dianwei Chen, Yaobang Gong, Xianfeng Yang

Abstract: Existing Advanced Driver Assistance Systems primarily focus on the vehicle directly ahead, often overlooking potential risks from following vehicles. This oversight can lead to ineffective handling of high risk situations, such as high speed, closely spaced, multi vehicle scenarios where emergency braking by one vehicle might trigger a pile up collision. To overcome these limitations, this study introduces a novel deep reinforcement learning based algorithm for longitudinal control and collision avoidance. This proposed algorithm effectively considers the behavior of both leading and following vehicles. Its implementation in simulated high risk scenarios, which involve emergency braking in dense traffic where traditional systems typically fail, has demonstrated the algorithm ability to prevent potential pile up collisions, including those involving heavy duty vehicles.

cross In-Context Symbolic Regression: Leveraging Language Models for Function Discovery

Authors: Matteo Merler, Nicola Dainese, Katsiaryna Haitsiukevich

Abstract: Symbolic Regression (SR) is a task which aims to extract the mathematical expression underlying a set of empirical observations. Transformer-based methods trained on SR datasets detain the current state-of-the-art in this task, while the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) to SR remains unexplored. This work investigates the integration of pre-trained LLMs into the SR pipeline, utilizing an approach that iteratively refines a functional form based on the prediction error it achieves on the observation set, until it reaches convergence. Our method leverages LLMs to propose an initial set of possible functions based on the observations, exploiting their strong pre-training prior. These functions are then iteratively refined by the model itself and by an external optimizer for their coefficients. The process is repeated until the results are satisfactory. We then analyze Vision-Language Models in this context, exploring the inclusion of plots as visual inputs to aid the optimization process. Our findings reveal that LLMs are able to successfully recover good symbolic equations that fit the given data, outperforming SR baselines based on Genetic Programming, with the addition of images in the input showing promising results for the most complex benchmarks.

cross Catalyzing Social Interactions in Mixed Reality using ML Recommendation Systems

Authors: Sparsh Srivastava, Rohan Arora

Abstract: We create an innovative mixed reality-first social recommendation model, utilizing features uniquely collected through mixed reality (MR) systems to promote social interaction, such as gaze recognition, proximity, noise level, congestion level, and conversational intensity. We further extend these models to include right-time features to deliver timely notifications. We measure performance metrics across various models by creating a new intersection of user features, MR features, and right-time features. We create four model types trained on different combinations of the feature classes, where we compare the baseline model trained on the class of user features against the models trained on MR features, right-time features, and a combination of all of the feature classes. Due to limitations in data collection and cost, we observe performance degradation in the right-time, mixed reality, and combination models. Despite these challenges, we introduce optimizations to improve accuracy across all models by over 14 percentage points, where the best performing model achieved 24% greater accuracy.

cross Predicting Fairness of ML Software Configuration

Authors: Salvador Robles Herrera, Verya Monjezi, Vladik Kreinovich, Ashutosh Trivedi, Saeid Tizpaz-Niari

Abstract: This paper investigates the relationships between hyperparameters of machine learning and fairness. Data-driven solutions are increasingly used in critical socio-technical applications where ensuring fairness is important. Rather than explicitly encoding decision logic via control and data structures, the ML developers provide input data, perform some pre-processing, choose ML algorithms, and tune hyperparameters (HPs) to infer a program that encodes the decision logic. Prior works report that the selection of HPs can significantly influence fairness. However, tuning HPs to find an ideal trade-off between accuracy, precision, and fairness has remained an expensive and tedious task. Can we predict fairness of HP configuration for a given dataset? Are the predictions robust to distribution shifts? We focus on group fairness notions and investigate the HP space of 5 training algorithms. We first find that tree regressors and XGBoots significantly outperformed deep neural networks and support vector machines in accurately predicting the fairness of HPs. When predicting the fairness of ML hyperparameters under temporal distribution shift, the tree regressors outperforms the other algorithms with reasonable accuracy. However, the precision depends on the ML training algorithm, dataset, and protected attributes. For example, the tree regressor model was robust for training data shift from 2014 to 2018 on logistic regression and discriminant analysis HPs with sex as the protected attribute; but not for race and other training algorithms. Our method provides a sound framework to efficiently perform fine-tuning of ML training algorithms and understand the relationships between HPs and fairness.

cross Source-Free Domain Adaptation of Weakly-Supervised Object Localization Models for Histology

Authors: Alexis Guichemerre, Soufiane Belharbi, Tsiry Mayet, Shakeeb Murtaza, Pourya Shamsolmoali, Luke McCaffrey, Eric Granger

Abstract: Given the emergence of deep learning, digital pathology has gained popularity for cancer diagnosis based on histology images. Deep weakly supervised object localization (WSOL) models can be trained to classify histology images according to cancer grade and identify regions of interest (ROIs) for interpretation, using inexpensive global image-class annotations. A WSOL model initially trained on some labeled source image data can be adapted using unlabeled target data in cases of significant domain shifts caused by variations in staining, scanners, and cancer type. In this paper, we focus on source-free (unsupervised) domain adaptation (SFDA), a challenging problem where a pre-trained source model is adapted to a new target domain without using any source domain data for privacy and efficiency reasons. SFDA of WSOL models raises several challenges in histology, most notably because they are not intended to adapt for both classification and localization tasks. In this paper, 4 state-of-the-art SFDA methods, each one representative of a main SFDA family, are compared for WSOL in terms of classification and localization accuracy. They are the SFDA-Distribution Estimation, Source HypOthesis Transfer, Cross-Domain Contrastive Learning, and Adaptively Domain Statistics Alignment. Experimental results on the challenging Glas (smaller, breast cancer) and Camelyon16 (larger, colon cancer) histology datasets indicate that these SFDA methods typically perform poorly for localization after adaptation when optimized for classification.

cross Enhancing IoT Security: A Novel Feature Engineering Approach for ML-Based Intrusion Detection Systems

Authors: Afsaneh Mahanipour, Hana Khamfroush

Abstract: The integration of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in our daily lives has led to a surge in data traffic, posing significant security challenges. IoT applications using cloud and edge computing are at higher risk of cyberattacks because of the expanded attack surface from distributed edge and cloud services, the vulnerability of IoT devices, and challenges in managing security across interconnected systems leading to oversights. This led to the rise of ML-based solutions for intrusion detection systems (IDSs), which have proven effective in enhancing network security and defending against diverse threats. However, ML-based IDS in IoT systems encounters challenges, particularly from noisy, redundant, and irrelevant features in varied IoT datasets, potentially impacting its performance. Therefore, reducing such features becomes crucial to enhance system performance and minimize computational costs. This paper focuses on improving the effectiveness of ML-based IDS at the edge level by introducing a novel method to find a balanced trade-off between cost and accuracy through the creation of informative features in a two-tier edge-user IoT environment. A hybrid Binary Quantum-inspired Artificial Bee Colony and Genetic Programming algorithm is utilized for this purpose. Three IoT intrusion detection datasets, namely NSL-KDD, UNSW-NB15, and BoT-IoT, are used for the evaluation of the proposed approach.

cross Q-GroundCAM: Quantifying Grounding in Vision Language Models via GradCAM

Authors: Navid Rajabi, Jana Kosecka

Abstract: Vision and Language Models (VLMs) continue to demonstrate remarkable zero-shot (ZS) performance across various tasks. However, many probing studies have revealed that even the best-performing VLMs struggle to capture aspects of compositional scene understanding, lacking the ability to properly ground and localize linguistic phrases in images. Recent VLM advancements include scaling up both model and dataset sizes, additional training objectives and levels of supervision, and variations in the model architectures. To characterize the grounding ability of VLMs, such as phrase grounding, referring expressions comprehension, and relationship understanding, Pointing Game has been used as an evaluation metric for datasets with bounding box annotations. In this paper, we introduce a novel suite of quantitative metrics that utilize GradCAM activations to rigorously evaluate the grounding capabilities of pre-trained VLMs like CLIP, BLIP, and ALBEF. These metrics offer an explainable and quantifiable approach for a more detailed comparison of the zero-shot capabilities of VLMs and enable measuring models' grounding uncertainty. This characterization reveals interesting tradeoffs between the size of the model, the dataset size, and their performance.

cross SpherE: Expressive and Interpretable Knowledge Graph Embedding for Set Retrieval

Authors: Zihao Li, Yuyi Ao, Jingrui He

Abstract: Knowledge graphs (KGs), which store an extensive number of relational facts (head, relation, tail), serve various applications. While many downstream tasks highly rely on the expressive modeling and predictive embedding of KGs, most of the current KG representation learning methods, where each entity is embedded as a vector in the Euclidean space and each relation is embedded as a transformation, follow an entity ranking protocol. On one hand, such an embedding design cannot capture many-to-many relations. On the other hand, in many retrieval cases, the users wish to get an exact set of answers without any ranking, especially when the results are expected to be precise, e.g., which genes cause an illness. Such scenarios are commonly referred to as "set retrieval". This work presents a pioneering study on the KG set retrieval problem. We show that the set retrieval highly depends on expressive modeling of many-to-many relations, and propose a new KG embedding model SpherE to address this problem. SpherE is based on rotational embedding methods, but each entity is embedded as a sphere instead of a vector. While inheriting the high interpretability of rotational-based models, our SpherE can more expressively model one-to-many, many-to-one, and many-to-many relations. Through extensive experiments, we show that our SpherE can well address the set retrieval problem while still having a good predictive ability to infer missing facts. The code is available at


cross Orthogonal Bootstrap: Efficient Simulation of Input Uncertainty

Authors: Kaizhao Liu, Jose Blanchet, Lexing Ying, Yiping Lu

Abstract: Bootstrap is a popular methodology for simulating input uncertainty. However, it can be computationally expensive when the number of samples is large. We propose a new approach called \textbf{Orthogonal Bootstrap} that reduces the number of required Monte Carlo replications. We decomposes the target being simulated into two parts: the \textit{non-orthogonal part} which has a closed-form result known as Infinitesimal Jackknife and the \textit{orthogonal part} which is easier to be simulated. We theoretically and numerically show that Orthogonal Bootstrap significantly reduces the computational cost of Bootstrap while improving empirical accuracy and maintaining the same width of the constructed interval.

cross Scalable Bayesian Inference in the Era of Deep Learning: From Gaussian Processes to Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Javier Antoran

Abstract: Large neural networks trained on large datasets have become the dominant paradigm in machine learning. These systems rely on maximum likelihood point estimates of their parameters, precluding them from expressing model uncertainty. This may result in overconfident predictions and it prevents the use of deep learning models for sequential decision making. This thesis develops scalable methods to equip neural networks with model uncertainty. In particular, we leverage the linearised Laplace approximation to equip pre-trained neural networks with the uncertainty estimates provided by their tangent linear models. This turns the problem of Bayesian inference in neural networks into one of Bayesian inference in conjugate Gaussian-linear models. Alas, the cost of this remains cubic in either the number of network parameters or in the number of observations times output dimensions. By assumption, neither are tractable. We address this intractability by using stochastic gradient descent (SGD) -- the workhorse algorithm of deep learning -- to perform posterior sampling in linear models and their convex duals: Gaussian processes. With this, we turn back to linearised neural networks, finding the linearised Laplace approximation to present a number of incompatibilities with modern deep learning practices -- namely, stochastic optimisation, early stopping and normalisation layers -- when used for hyperparameter learning. We resolve these and construct a sample-based EM algorithm for scalable hyperparameter learning with linearised neural networks. We apply the above methods to perform linearised neural network inference with ResNet-50 (25M parameters) trained on Imagenet (1.2M observations and 1000 output dimensions). Additionally, we apply our methods to estimate uncertainty for 3d tomographic reconstructions obtained with the deep image prior network.

cross DelGrad: Exact gradients in spiking networks for learning transmission delays and weights

Authors: Julian G\"oltz, Jimmy Weber, Laura Kriener, Peter Lake, Melika Payvand, Mihai A. Petrovici

Abstract: Spiking neural networks (SNNs) inherently rely on the timing of signals for representing and processing information. Transmission delays play an important role in shaping these temporal characteristics. Recent work has demonstrated the substantial advantages of learning these delays along with synaptic weights, both in terms of accuracy and memory efficiency. However, these approaches suffer from drawbacks in terms of precision and efficiency, as they operate in discrete time and with approximate gradients, while also requiring membrane potential recordings for calculating parameter updates. To alleviate these issues, we propose an analytical approach for calculating exact loss gradients with respect to both synaptic weights and delays in an event-based fashion. The inclusion of delays emerges naturally within our proposed formalism, enriching the model's search space with a temporal dimension. Our algorithm is purely based on the timing of individual spikes and does not require access to other variables such as membrane potentials. We explicitly compare the impact on accuracy and parameter efficiency of different types of delays - axonal, dendritic and synaptic. Furthermore, while previous work on learnable delays in SNNs has been mostly confined to software simulations, we demonstrate the functionality and benefits of our approach on the BrainScaleS-2 neuromorphic platform.

cross Regression for matrix-valued data via Kronecker products factorization

Authors: Yin-Jen Chen, Minh Tang

Abstract: We study the matrix-variate regression problem $Y_i = \sum_{k} \beta_{1k} X_i \beta_{2k}^{\top} + E_i$ for $i=1,2\dots,n$ in the high dimensional regime wherein the response $Y_i$ are matrices whose dimensions $p_{1}\times p_{2}$ outgrow both the sample size $n$ and the dimensions $q_{1}\times q_{2}$ of the predictor variables $X_i$ i.e., $q_{1},q_{2} \ll n \ll p_{1},p_{2}$. We propose an estimation algorithm, termed KRO-PRO-FAC, for estimating the parameters $\{\beta_{1k}\} \subset \Re^{p_1 \times q_1}$ and $\{\beta_{2k}\} \subset \Re^{p_2 \times q_2}$ that utilizes the Kronecker product factorization and rearrangement operations from Van Loan and Pitsianis (1993). The KRO-PRO-FAC algorithm is computationally efficient as it does not require estimating the covariance between the entries of the $\{Y_i\}$. We establish perturbation bounds between $\hat{\beta}_{1k} -\beta_{1k}$ and $\hat{\beta}_{2k} - \beta_{2k}$ in spectral norm for the setting where either the rows of $E_i$ or the columns of $E_i$ are independent sub-Gaussian random vectors. Numerical studies on simulated and real data indicate that our procedure is competitive, in terms of both estimation error and predictive accuracy, compared to other existing methods.

cross Pilot Contamination in Massive MIMO Systems: Challenges and Future Prospects

Authors: Muhammad Kamran Saeed, Ashfaq Khokhar, Shakil Ahmed

Abstract: Massive multiple input multiple output (M-MIMO) technology plays a pivotal role in fifth-generation (5G) and beyond communication systems, offering a wide range of benefits, from increased spectral efficiency (SE) to enhanced energy efficiency and higher reliability. However, these advantages are contingent upon precise channel state information (CSI) availability at the base station (BS). Ensuring precise CSI is challenging due to the constrained size of the coherence interval and the resulting limitations on pilot sequence length. Therefore, reusing pilot sequences in adjacent cells introduces pilot contamination, hindering SE enhancement. This paper reviews recent advancements and addresses research challenges in mitigating pilot contamination and improving channel estimation, categorizing the existing research into three broader categories: pilot assignment schemes, advanced signal processing methods, and advanced channel estimation techniques. Salient representative pilot mitigation/assignment techniques are analyzed and compared in each category. Lastly, possible future research directions are discussed.

cross Bias Mitigation via Compensation: A Reinforcement Learning Perspective

Authors: Nandhini Swaminathan, David Danks

Abstract: As AI increasingly integrates with human decision-making, we must carefully consider interactions between the two. In particular, current approaches focus on optimizing individual agent actions but often overlook the nuances of collective intelligence. Group dynamics might require that one agent (e.g., the AI system) compensate for biases and errors in another agent (e.g., the human), but this compensation should be carefully developed. We provide a theoretical framework for algorithmic compensation that synthesizes game theory and reinforcement learning principles to demonstrate the natural emergence of deceptive outcomes from the continuous learning dynamics of agents. We provide simulation results involving Markov Decision Processes (MDP) learning to interact. This work then underpins our ethical analysis of the conditions in which AI agents should adapt to biases and behaviors of other agents in dynamic and complex decision-making environments. Overall, our approach addresses the nuanced role of strategic deception of humans, challenging previous assumptions about its detrimental effects. We assert that compensation for others' biases can enhance coordination and ethical alignment: strategic deception, when ethically managed, can positively shape human-AI interactions.

cross On Improving the Algorithm-, Model-, and Data- Efficiency of Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Yun-Hao Cao, Jianxin Wu

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has developed rapidly in recent years. However, most of the mainstream methods are computationally expensive and rely on two (or more) augmentations for each image to construct positive pairs. Moreover, they mainly focus on large models and large-scale datasets, which lack flexibility and feasibility in many practical applications. In this paper, we propose an efficient single-branch SSL method based on non-parametric instance discrimination, aiming to improve the algorithm, model, and data efficiency of SSL. By analyzing the gradient formula, we correct the update rule of the memory bank with improved performance. We further propose a novel self-distillation loss that minimizes the KL divergence between the probability distribution and its square root version. We show that this alleviates the infrequent updating problem in instance discrimination and greatly accelerates convergence. We systematically compare the training overhead and performance of different methods in different scales of data, and under different backbones. Experimental results show that our method outperforms various baselines with significantly less overhead, and is especially effective for limited amounts of data and small models.

cross Provably Efficient Information-Directed Sampling Algorithms for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Qiaosheng Zhang, Chenjia Bai, Shuyue Hu, Zhen Wang, Xuelong Li

Abstract: This work designs and analyzes a novel set of algorithms for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) based on the principle of information-directed sampling (IDS). These algorithms draw inspiration from foundational concepts in information theory, and are proven to be sample efficient in MARL settings such as two-player zero-sum Markov games (MGs) and multi-player general-sum MGs. For episodic two-player zero-sum MGs, we present three sample-efficient algorithms for learning Nash equilibrium. The basic algorithm, referred to as MAIDS, employs an asymmetric learning structure where the max-player first solves a minimax optimization problem based on the joint information ratio of the joint policy, and the min-player then minimizes the marginal information ratio with the max-player's policy fixed. Theoretical analyses show that it achieves a Bayesian regret of tilde{O}(sqrt{K}) for K episodes. To reduce the computational load of MAIDS, we develop an improved algorithm called Reg-MAIDS, which has the same Bayesian regret bound while enjoying less computational complexity. Moreover, by leveraging the flexibility of IDS principle in choosing the learning target, we propose two methods for constructing compressed environments based on rate-distortion theory, upon which we develop an algorithm Compressed-MAIDS wherein the learning target is a compressed environment. Finally, we extend Reg-MAIDS to multi-player general-sum MGs and prove that it can learn either the Nash equilibrium or coarse correlated equilibrium in a sample efficient manner.

cross Statistics and explainability: a fruitful alliance

Authors: Valentina Ghidini

Abstract: In this paper, we propose standard statistical tools as a solution to commonly highlighted problems in the explainability literature. Indeed, leveraging statistical estimators allows for a proper definition of explanations, enabling theoretical guarantees and the formulation of evaluation metrics to quantitatively assess the quality of explanations. This approach circumvents, among other things, the subjective human assessment currently prevalent in the literature. Moreover, we argue that uncertainty quantification is essential for providing robust and trustworthy explanations, and it can be achieved in this framework through classical statistical procedures such as the bootstrap. However, it is crucial to note that while Statistics offers valuable contributions, it is not a panacea for resolving all the challenges. Future research avenues could focus on open problems, such as defining a purpose for the explanations or establishing a statistical framework for counterfactual or adversarial scenarios.

cross Human-AI Interaction in Industrial Robotics: Design and Empirical Evaluation of a User Interface for Explainable AI-Based Robot Program Optimization

Authors: Benjamin Alt, Johannes Zahn, Claudius Kienle, Julia Dvorak, Marvin May, Darko Katic, Rainer J\"akel, Tobias Kopp, Michael Beetz, Gisela Lanza

Abstract: While recent advances in deep learning have demonstrated its transformative potential, its adoption for real-world manufacturing applications remains limited. We present an Explanation User Interface (XUI) for a state-of-the-art deep learning-based robot program optimizer which provides both naive and expert users with different user experiences depending on their skill level, as well as Explainable AI (XAI) features to facilitate the application of deep learning methods in real-world applications. To evaluate the impact of the XUI on task performance, user satisfaction and cognitive load, we present the results of a preliminary user survey and propose a study design for a large-scale follow-up study.

cross Deep Learning Forecasts Caldera Collapse Events at K\=ilauea Volcano

Authors: Ian W. McBrearty, Paul Segall

Abstract: During the three month long eruption of K\=ilauea volcano, Hawaii in 2018, the pre-existing summit caldera collapsed in over 60 quasi-periodic failure events. The last 40 of these events, which generated Mw >5 very long period (VLP) earthquakes, had inter-event times between 0.8 - 2.2 days. These failure events offer a unique dataset for testing methods for predicting earthquake recurrence based on locally recorded GPS, tilt, and seismicity data. In this work, we train a deep learning graph neural network (GNN) to predict the time-to-failure of the caldera collapse events using only a fraction of the data recorded at the start of each cycle. We find that the GNN generalizes to unseen data and can predict the time-to-failure to within a few hours using only 0.5 days of data, substantially improving upon a null model based only on inter-event statistics. Predictions improve with increasing input data length, and are most accurate when using high-SNR tilt-meter data. Applying the trained GNN to synthetic data with different magma pressure decay times predicts failure at a nearly constant stress threshold, revealing that the GNN is sensing the underling physics of caldera collapse. These findings demonstrate the predictability of caldera collapse sequences under well monitored conditions, and highlight the potential of machine learning methods for forecasting real world catastrophic events with limited training data.

cross PEFSL: A deployment Pipeline for Embedded Few-Shot Learning on a FPGA SoC

Authors: Lucas Grativol Ribeiro (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab\_STICC\_BRAIn, Lab-STICC\_2AI, LHC), Lubin Gauthier (Lab\_STICC\_BRAIn, IMT Atlantique - MEE), Mathieu Leonardon (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab\_STICC\_BRAIn), J\'er\'emy Morlier (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab\_STICC\_BRAIn), Antoine Lavrard-Meyer (IMT Atlantique), Guillaume Muller (Mines Saint-\'Etienne MSE, FAYOL-ENSMSE, FAYOL-ENSMSE), Virginie Fresse (LHC, TSE), Matthieu Arzel (IMT Atlantique - MEE, Lab-STICC\_2AI)

Abstract: This paper tackles the challenges of implementing few-shot learning on embedded systems, specifically FPGA SoCs, a vital approach for adapting to diverse classification tasks, especially when the costs of data acquisition or labeling prove to be prohibitively high. Our contributions encompass the development of an end-to-end open-source pipeline for a few-shot learning platform for object classification on a FPGA SoCs. The pipeline is built on top of the Tensil open-source framework, facilitating the design, training, evaluation, and deployment of DNN backbones tailored for few-shot learning. Additionally, we showcase our work's potential by building and deploying a low-power, low-latency demonstrator trained on the MiniImageNet dataset with a dataflow architecture. The proposed system has a latency of 30 ms while consuming 6.2 W on the PYNQ-Z1 board.

cross Numeric Reward Machines

Authors: Kristina Levina, Nikolaos Pappas, Athanasios Karapantelakis, Aneta Vulgarakis Feljan, Jendrik Seipp

Abstract: Reward machines inform reinforcement learning agents about the reward structure of the environment and often drastically speed up the learning process. However, reward machines only accept Boolean features such as robot-reached-gold. Consequently, many inherently numeric tasks cannot profit from the guidance offered by reward machines. To address this gap, we aim to extend reward machines with numeric features such as distance-to-gold. For this, we present two types of reward machines: numeric-Boolean and numeric. In a numeric-Boolean reward machine, distance-to-gold is emulated by two Boolean features distance-to-gold-decreased and robot-reached-gold. In a numeric reward machine, distance-to-gold is used directly alongside the Boolean feature robot-reached-gold. We compare our new approaches to a baseline reward machine in the Craft domain, where the numeric feature is the agent-to-target distance. We use cross-product Q-learning, Q-learning with counter-factual experiences, and the options framework for learning. Our experimental results show that our new approaches significantly outperform the baseline approach. Extending reward machines with numeric features opens up new possibilities of using reward machines in inherently numeric tasks.

cross Can humans teach machines to code?

Authors: C\'eline Hocquette, Johannes Langer, Andrew Cropper, Ute Schmid

Abstract: The goal of inductive program synthesis is for a machine to automatically generate a program from user-supplied examples of the desired behaviour of the program. A key underlying assumption is that humans can provide examples of sufficient quality to teach a concept to a machine. However, as far as we are aware, this assumption lacks both empirical and theoretical support. To address this limitation, we explore the question `Can humans teach machines to code?'. To answer this question, we conduct a study where we ask humans to generate examples for six programming tasks, such as finding the maximum element of a list. We compare the performance of a program synthesis system trained on (i) human-provided examples, (ii) randomly sampled examples, and (iii) expert-provided examples. Our results show that, on most of the tasks, non-expert participants did not provide sufficient examples for a program synthesis system to learn an accurate program. Our results also show that non-experts need to provide more examples than both randomly sampled and expert-provided examples.

cross Lancet: Accelerating Mixture-of-Experts Training via Whole Graph Computation-Communication Overlapping

Authors: Chenyu Jiang, Ye Tian, Zhen Jia, Shuai Zheng, Chuan Wu, Yida Wang

Abstract: The Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) technique plays a crucial role in expanding the size of DNN model parameters. However, it faces the challenge of extended all-to-all communication latency during the training process. Existing methods attempt to mitigate this issue by overlapping all-to-all with expert computation. Yet, these methods frequently fall short of achieving sufficient overlap, consequently restricting the potential for performance enhancements. In our study, we extend the scope of this challenge by considering overlap at the broader training graph level. During the forward pass, we enable non-MoE computations to overlap with all-to-all through careful partitioning and pipelining. In the backward pass, we achieve overlap with all-to-all by scheduling gradient weight computations. We implement these techniques in Lancet, a system using compiler-based optimization to automatically enhance MoE model training. Our extensive evaluation reveals that Lancet significantly reduces the time devoted to non-overlapping communication, by as much as 77%. Moreover, it achieves a notable end-to-end speedup of up to 1.3 times when compared to the state-of-the-art solutions.

cross Safe Training with Sensitive In-domain Data: Leveraging Data Fragmentation To Mitigate Linkage Attacks

Authors: Mariia Ignashina, Julia Ive

Abstract: Current text generation models are trained using real data which can potentially contain sensitive information, such as confidential patient information and the like. Under certain conditions output of the training data which they have memorised can be triggered, exposing sensitive data. To mitigate against this risk we propose a safer alternative which sees fragmented data in the form of domain-specific short phrases randomly grouped together shared instead of full texts. Thus, text fragments that could re-identify an individual cannot be reproduced by the model in one sequence, giving significant protection against linkage attacks. We fine-tune several state-of-the-art LLMs using meaningful syntactic chunks to explore their utility. In particular, we fine-tune BERT-based models to predict two cardiovascular diagnoses. Our results demonstrate the capacity of LLMs to benefit from the pre-trained knowledge and deliver classification results when fine-tuned with fragmented data comparable to fine-tuning with full training data.

cross Neural Dynamic Data Valuation

Authors: Zhangyong Liang, Huanhuan Gao, Ji Zhang

Abstract: Data constitute the foundational component of the data economy and its marketplaces. Efficient and fair data valuation has emerged as a topic of significant interest.\ Many approaches based on marginal contribution have shown promising results in various downstream tasks. However, they are well known to be computationally expensive as they require training a large number of utility functions, which are used to evaluate the usefulness or value of a given dataset for a specific purpose. As a result, it has been recognized as infeasible to apply these methods to a data marketplace involving large-scale datasets. Consequently, a critical issue arises: how can the re-training of the utility function be avoided? To address this issue, we propose a novel data valuation method from the perspective of optimal control, named the neural dynamic data valuation (NDDV). Our method has solid theoretical interpretations to accurately identify the data valuation via the sensitivity of the data optimal control state. In addition, we implement a data re-weighting strategy to capture the unique features of data points, ensuring fairness through the interaction between data points and the mean-field states. Notably, our method requires only training once to estimate the value of all data points, significantly improving the computational efficiency. We conduct comprehensive experiments using different datasets and tasks. The results demonstrate that the proposed NDDV method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art data valuation methods in accurately identifying data points with either high or low values and is more computationally efficient.

cross Automatic Cardiac Pathology Recognition in Echocardiography Images Using Higher Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition and a Vision Transformer for Small Datasets

Authors: Andr\'es Bell-Navas, Nourelhouda Groun, Mar\'ia Villalba-Orero, Enrique Lara-Pezzi, Jes\'us Garicano-Mena, Soledad Le Clainche

Abstract: Heart diseases are the main international cause of human defunction. According to the WHO, nearly 18 million people decease each year because of heart diseases. Also considering the increase of medical data, much pressure is put on the health industry to develop systems for early and accurate heart disease recognition. In this work, an automatic cardiac pathology recognition system based on a novel deep learning framework is proposed, which analyses in real-time echocardiography video sequences. The system works in two stages. The first one transforms the data included in a database of echocardiography sequences into a machine-learning-compatible collection of annotated images which can be used in the training stage of any kind of machine learning-based framework, and more specifically with deep learning. This includes the use of the Higher Order Dynamic Mode Decomposition (HODMD) algorithm, for the first time to the authors' knowledge, for both data augmentation and feature extraction in the medical field. The second stage is focused on building and training a Vision Transformer (ViT), barely explored in the related literature. The ViT is adapted for an effective training from scratch, even with small datasets. The designed neural network analyses images from an echocardiography sequence to predict the heart state. The results obtained show the superiority of the proposed system and the efficacy of the HODMD algorithm, even outperforming pretrained Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which are so far the method of choice in the literature.

cross Towards Interactively Improving ML Data Preparation Code via "Shadow Pipelines"

Authors: Stefan Grafberger, Paul Groth, Sebastian Schelter

Abstract: Data scientists develop ML pipelines in an iterative manner: they repeatedly screen a pipeline for potential issues, debug it, and then revise and improve its code according to their findings. However, this manual process is tedious and error-prone. Therefore, we propose to support data scientists during this development cycle with automatically derived interactive suggestions for pipeline improvements. We discuss our vision to generate these suggestions with so-called shadow pipelines, hidden variants of the original pipeline that modify it to auto-detect potential issues, try out modifications for improvements, and suggest and explain these modifications to the user. We envision to apply incremental view maintenance-based optimisations to ensure low-latency computation and maintenance of the shadow pipelines. We conduct preliminary experiments to showcase the feasibility of our envisioned approach and the potential benefits of our proposed optimisations.

cross Debiased Collaborative Filtering with Kernel-Based Causal Balancing

Authors: Haoxuan Li, Chunyuan Zheng, Yanghao Xiao, Peng Wu, Zhi Geng, Xu Chen, Peng Cui

Abstract: Debiased collaborative filtering aims to learn an unbiased prediction model by removing different biases in observational datasets. To solve this problem, one of the simple and effective methods is based on the propensity score, which adjusts the observational sample distribution to the target one by reweighting observed instances. Ideally, propensity scores should be learned with causal balancing constraints. However, existing methods usually ignore such constraints or implement them with unreasonable approximations, which may affect the accuracy of the learned propensity scores. To bridge this gap, in this paper, we first analyze the gaps between the causal balancing requirements and existing methods such as learning the propensity with cross-entropy loss or manually selecting functions to balance. Inspired by these gaps, we propose to approximate the balancing functions in reproducing kernel Hilbert space and demonstrate that, based on the universal property and representer theorem of kernel functions, the causal balancing constraints can be better satisfied. Meanwhile, we propose an algorithm that adaptively balances the kernel function and theoretically analyze the generalization error bound of our methods. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods, and to promote this research direction, we have released our project at


cross Masked Multi-Query Slot Attention for Unsupervised Object Discovery

Authors: Rishav Pramanik, Jos\'e-Fabian Villa-V\'asquez, Marco Pedersoli

Abstract: Unsupervised object discovery is becoming an essential line of research for tackling recognition problems that require decomposing an image into entities, such as semantic segmentation and object detection. Recently, object-centric methods that leverage self-supervision have gained popularity, due to their simplicity and adaptability to different settings and conditions. However, those methods do not exploit effective techniques already employed in modern self-supervised approaches. In this work, we consider an object-centric approach in which DINO ViT features are reconstructed via a set of queried representations called slots. Based on that, we propose a masking scheme on input features that selectively disregards the background regions, inducing our model to focus more on salient objects during the reconstruction phase. Moreover, we extend the slot attention to a multi-query approach, allowing the model to learn multiple sets of slots, producing more stable masks. During training, these multiple sets of slots are learned independently while, at test time, these sets are merged through Hungarian matching to obtain the final slots. Our experimental results and ablations on the PASCAL-VOC 2012 dataset show the importance of each component and highlight how their combination consistently improves object localization. Our source code is available at:


cross Towards Generalist Robot Learning from Internet Video: A Survey

Authors: Robert McCarthy, Daniel C. H. Tan, Dominik Schmidt, Fernando Acero, Nathan Herr, Yilun Du, Thomas G. Thuruthel, Zhibin Li

Abstract: This survey presents an overview of methods for learning from video (LfV) in the context of reinforcement learning (RL) and robotics. We focus on methods capable of scaling to large internet video datasets and, in the process, extracting foundational knowledge about the world's dynamics and physical human behaviour. Such methods hold great promise for developing general-purpose robots. We open with an overview of fundamental concepts relevant to the LfV-for-robotics setting. This includes a discussion of the exciting benefits LfV methods can offer (e.g., improved generalization beyond the available robot data) and commentary on key LfV challenges (e.g., challenges related to missing information in video and LfV distribution shifts). Our literature review begins with an analysis of video foundation model techniques that can extract knowledge from large, heterogeneous video datasets. Next, we review methods that specifically leverage video data for robot learning. Here, we categorise work according to which RL knowledge modality benefits from the use of video data. We additionally highlight techniques for mitigating LfV challenges, including reviewing action representations that address the issue of missing action labels in video. Finally, we examine LfV datasets and benchmarks, before concluding the survey by discussing challenges and opportunities in LfV. Here, we advocate for scalable approaches that can leverage the full range of available data and that target the key benefits of LfV. Overall, we hope this survey will serve as a comprehensive reference for the emerging field of LfV, catalysing further research in the area, and ultimately facilitating progress towards obtaining general-purpose robots.

cross SQUAT: Stateful Quantization-Aware Training in Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Sreyes Venkatesh, Razvan Marinescu, Jason K. Eshraghian

Abstract: Weight quantization is used to deploy high-performance deep learning models on resource-limited hardware, enabling the use of low-precision integers for storage and computation. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) share the goal of enhancing efficiency, but adopt an 'event-driven' approach to reduce the power consumption of neural network inference. While extensive research has focused on weight quantization, quantization-aware training (QAT), and their application to SNNs, the precision reduction of state variables during training has been largely overlooked, potentially diminishing inference performance. This paper introduces two QAT schemes for stateful neurons: (i) a uniform quantization strategy, an established method for weight quantization, and (ii) threshold-centered quantization, which allocates exponentially more quantization levels near the firing threshold. Our results show that increasing the density of quantization levels around the firing threshold improves accuracy across several benchmark datasets. We provide an ablation analysis of the effects of weight and state quantization, both individually and combined, and how they impact models. Our comprehensive empirical evaluation includes full precision, 8-bit, 4-bit, and 2-bit quantized SNNs, using QAT, stateful QAT (SQUAT), and post-training quantization methods. The findings indicate that the combination of QAT and SQUAT enhance performance the most, but given the choice of one or the other, QAT improves performance by the larger degree. These trends are consistent all datasets. Our methods have been made available in our Python library snnTorch:


cross ML-based handover prediction over a real O-RAN deployment using RAN Intelligent controller

Authors: Merim Dzaferagic, Bruno Missi Xavier, Diarmuid Collins, Vince D'Onofrio, Magnos Martinello, Marco Ruffini

Abstract: O-RAN introduces intelligent and flexible network control in all parts of the network. The use of controllers with open interfaces allow us to gather real time network measurements and make intelligent/informed decision. The work in this paper focuses on developing a use-case for open and reconfigurable networks to investigate the possibility to predict handover events and understand the value of such predictions for all stakeholders that rely on the communication network to conduct their business. We propose a Long-Short Term Memory Machine Learning approach that takes standard Radio Access Network measurements to predict handover events. The models were trained on real network data collected from a commercial O-RAN setup deployed in our OpenIreland testbed. Our results show that the proposed approach can be optimized for either recall or precision, depending on the defined application level objective. We also link the performance of the Machine Learning (ML) algorithm to the network operation cost. Our results show that ML-based matching between the required and available resources can reduce operational cost by more than 80%, compared to long term resource purchases.

cross Deep Learning for Educational Data Science

Authors: Juan D. Pinto, Luc Paquette

Abstract: With the ever-growing presence of deep artificial neural networks in every facet of modern life, a growing body of researchers in educational data science -- a field consisting of various interrelated research communities -- have turned their attention to leveraging these powerful algorithms within the domain of education. Use cases range from advanced knowledge tracing models that can leverage open-ended student essays or snippets of code to automatic affect and behavior detectors that can identify when a student is frustrated or aimlessly trying to solve problems unproductively -- and much more. This chapter provides a brief introduction to deep learning, describes some of its advantages and limitations, presents a survey of its many uses in education, and discusses how it may further come to shape the field of educational data science.

cross Continuum limit of $p$-biharmonic equations on graphs

Authors: Kehan Shi, Martin Burger

Abstract: This paper studies the $p$-biharmonic equation on graphs, which arises in point cloud processing and can be interpreted as a natural extension of the graph $p$-Laplacian from the perspective of hypergraph. The asymptotic behavior of the solution is investigated when the random geometric graph is considered and the number of data points goes to infinity. We show that the continuum limit is an appropriately weighted $p$-biharmonic equation with homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. The result relies on the uniform $L^p$ estimates for solutions and gradients of nonlocal and graph Poisson equations. The $L^\infty$ estimates of solutions are also obtained as a byproduct.

cross Naturally Supervised 3D Visual Grounding with Language-Regularized Concept Learners

Authors: Chun Feng, Joy Hsu, Weiyu Liu, Jiajun Wu

Abstract: 3D visual grounding is a challenging task that often requires direct and dense supervision, notably the semantic label for each object in the scene. In this paper, we instead study the naturally supervised setting that learns from only 3D scene and QA pairs, where prior works underperform. We propose the Language-Regularized Concept Learner (LARC), which uses constraints from language as regularization to significantly improve the accuracy of neuro-symbolic concept learners in the naturally supervised setting. Our approach is based on two core insights: the first is that language constraints (e.g., a word's relation to another) can serve as effective regularization for structured representations in neuro-symbolic models; the second is that we can query large language models to distill such constraints from language properties. We show that LARC improves performance of prior works in naturally supervised 3D visual grounding, and demonstrates a wide range of 3D visual reasoning capabilities-from zero-shot composition, to data efficiency and transferability. Our method represents a promising step towards regularizing structured visual reasoning frameworks with language-based priors, for learning in settings without dense supervision.

cross Mixed Continuous and Categorical Flow Matching for 3D De Novo Molecule Generation

Authors: Ian Dunn, David Ryan Koes

Abstract: Deep generative models that produce novel molecular structures have the potential to facilitate chemical discovery. Diffusion models currently achieve state of the art performance for 3D molecule generation. In this work, we explore the use of flow matching, a recently proposed generative modeling framework that generalizes diffusion models, for the task of de novo molecule generation. Flow matching provides flexibility in model design; however, the framework is predicated on the assumption of continuously-valued data. 3D de novo molecule generation requires jointly sampling continuous and categorical variables such as atom position and atom type. We extend the flow matching framework to categorical data by constructing flows that are constrained to exist on a continuous representation of categorical data known as the probability simplex. We call this extension SimplexFlow. We explore the use of SimplexFlow for de novo molecule generation. However, we find that, in practice, a simpler approach that makes no accommodations for the categorical nature of the data yields equivalent or superior performance. As a result of these experiments, we present FlowMol, a flow matching model for 3D de novo generative model that achieves improved performance over prior flow matching methods, and we raise important questions about the design of prior distributions for achieving strong performance in flow matching models. Code and trained models for reproducing this work are available at


cross Scale-Robust Timely Asynchronous Decentralized Learning

Authors: Purbesh Mitra, Sennur Ulukus

Abstract: We consider an asynchronous decentralized learning system, which consists of a network of connected devices trying to learn a machine learning model without any centralized parameter server. The users in the network have their own local training data, which is used for learning across all the nodes in the network. The learning method consists of two processes, evolving simultaneously without any necessary synchronization. The first process is the model update, where the users update their local model via a fixed number of stochastic gradient descent steps. The second process is model mixing, where the users communicate with each other via randomized gossiping to exchange their models and average them to reach consensus. In this work, we investigate the staleness criteria for such a system, which is a sufficient condition for convergence of individual user models. We show that for network scaling, i.e., when the number of user devices $n$ is very large, if the gossip capacity of individual users scales as $\Omega(\log n)$, we can guarantee the convergence of user models in finite time. Furthermore, we show that the bounded staleness can only be guaranteed by any distributed opportunistic scheme by $\Omega(n)$ scaling.

cross DOCCI: Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images

Authors: Yasumasa Onoe, Sunayana Rane, Zachary Berger, Yonatan Bitton, Jaemin Cho, Roopal Garg, Alexander Ku, Zarana Parekh, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Garrett Tanzer, Su Wang, Jason Baldridge

Abstract: Vision-language datasets are vital for both text-to-image (T2I) and image-to-text (I2T) research. However, current datasets lack descriptions with fine-grained detail that would allow for richer associations to be learned by models. To fill the gap, we introduce Descriptions of Connected and Contrasting Images (DOCCI), a dataset with long, human-annotated English descriptions for 15k images that were taken, curated and donated by a single researcher intent on capturing key challenges such as spatial relations, counting, text rendering, world knowledge, and more. We instruct human annotators to create comprehensive descriptions for each image; these average 136 words in length and are crafted to clearly distinguish each image from those that are related or similar. Each description is highly compositional and typically encompasses multiple challenges. Through both quantitative and qualitative analyses, we demonstrate that DOCCI serves as an effective training resource for image-to-text generation -- a PaLI 5B model finetuned on DOCCI shows equal or superior results compared to highly-performant larger models like LLaVA-1.5 7B and InstructBLIP 7B. Furthermore, we show that DOCCI is a useful testbed for text-to-image generation, highlighting the limitations of current text-to-image models in capturing long descriptions and fine details.

replace Algorithms for Learning Kernels Based on Centered Alignment

Authors: Corinna Cortes, Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh

Abstract: This paper presents new and effective algorithms for learning kernels. In particular, as shown by our empirical results, these algorithms consistently outperform the so-called uniform combination solution that has proven to be difficult to improve upon in the past, as well as other algorithms for learning kernels based on convex combinations of base kernels in both classification and regression. Our algorithms are based on the notion of centered alignment which is used as a similarity measure between kernels or kernel matrices. We present a number of novel algorithmic, theoretical, and empirical results for learning kernels based on our notion of centered alignment. In particular, we describe efficient algorithms for learning a maximum alignment kernel by showing that the problem can be reduced to a simple QP and discuss a one-stage algorithm for learning both a kernel and a hypothesis based on that kernel using an alignment-based regularization. Our theoretical results include a novel concentration bound for centered alignment between kernel matrices, the proof of the existence of effective predictors for kernels with high alignment, both for classification and for regression, and the proof of stability-based generalization bounds for a broad family of algorithms for learning kernels based on centered alignment. We also report the results of experiments with our centered alignment-based algorithms in both classification and regression.

replace An extension of McDiarmid's inequality

Authors: Richard Combes

Abstract: We generalize McDiarmid's inequality for functions with bounded differences on a high probability set, using an extension argument. Those functions concentrate around their conditional expectations. We further extend the results to concentration in general metric spaces.

replace Learning with Density Matrices and Random Features

Authors: Fabio A. Gonz\'alez, Alejandro Gallego, Santiago Toledo-Cort\'es, Vladimir Vargas-Calder\'on

Abstract: A density matrix describes the statistical state of a quantum system. It is a powerful formalism to represent both the quantum and classical uncertainty of quantum systems and to express different statistical operations such as measurement, system combination and expectations as linear algebra operations. This paper explores how density matrices can be used as a building block for machine learning models exploiting their ability to straightforwardly combine linear algebra and probability. One of the main results of the paper is to show that density matrices coupled with random Fourier features could approximate arbitrary probability distributions over $\mathbb{R}^n$. Based on this finding the paper builds different models for density estimation, classification and regression. These models are differentiable, so it is possible to integrate them with other differentiable components, such as deep learning architectures and to learn their parameters using gradient-based optimization. In addition, the paper presents optimization-less training strategies based on estimation and model averaging. The models are evaluated in benchmark tasks and the results are reported and discussed.

replace MUTE-Reco: MUTual Information Assisted Ensemble Feature RECOmmender System for Healthcare Prognosis

Authors: Abhishek Dey, Debayan Goswami, Rahul Roy, Susmita Ghosh, Yu Shrike Zhang, Jonathan H. Chan

Abstract: Purpose: Health recommenders act as important decision support systems, aiding patients and medical professionals in taking actions that lead to patients' well-being. These systems extract the information which may be of particular relevance to the end-user, helping them in making appropriate decisions. The present study proposes a feature recommender that identifies and recommends the most important risk factors for healthcare prognosis. Methods: A novel mutual information and ensemble-based feature ranking approach (termed as, MUTE-Reco) considering the rank of features obtained from eight popular feature selection methods, is proposed. Results: To establish the effectiveness of the proposed method, the experiment has been conducted on four benchmark datasets of diverse diseases (clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC), chronic kidney disease, Indian liver patient, and cervical cancer risk factors). The performance of the proposed recommender is compared with four state-of-the-art methods using recommender systems' performance metrics like average precision@K, precision@K, recall@K, F1@K, reciprocal rank@K. Experimental results show that the model built with the recommended features can attain a higher accuracy (96.6% and 98.6% using support vector machine and neural network, respectively) for classifying different stages of ccRCC with a reduced feature set as compared to existing methods. Moreover, the top two features recommended using the proposed method with ccRCC, viz. size of tumor and metastasis status, are medically validated from the existing TNM system. Results are also found to be superior for the other three datasets. Conclusion: The proposed recommender, MUTE-Reco, can identify and recommend risk factors that have the most discriminating power for detecting diseases.

replace Neural Operator Learning for Long-Time Integration in Dynamical Systems with Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Katarzyna Micha{\l}owska, Somdatta Goswami, George Em Karniadakis, Signe Riemer-S{\o}rensen

Abstract: Deep neural networks are an attractive alternative for simulating complex dynamical systems, as in comparison to traditional scientific computing methods, they offer reduced computational costs during inference and can be trained directly from observational data. Existing methods, however, cannot extrapolate accurately and are prone to error accumulation in long-time integration. Herein, we address this issue by combining neural operators with recurrent neural networks, learning the operator mapping, while offering a recurrent structure to capture temporal dependencies. The integrated framework is shown to stabilize the solution and reduce error accumulation for both interpolation and extrapolation of the Korteweg-de Vries equation.

replace Spot The Odd One Out: Regularized Complete Cycle Consistent Anomaly Detector GAN

Authors: Zahra Dehghanian, Saeed Saravani, Maryam Amirmazlaghani, Mohammad Rahmati

Abstract: This study presents an adversarial method for anomaly detection in real-world applications, leveraging the power of generative adversarial neural networks (GANs) through cycle consistency in reconstruction error. Previous methods suffer from the high variance between class-wise accuracy which leads to not being applicable for all types of anomalies. The proposed method named RCALAD tries to solve this problem by introducing a novel discriminator to the structure, which results in a more efficient training process. Additionally, RCALAD employs a supplementary distribution in the input space to steer reconstructions toward the normal data distribution, effectively separating anomalous samples from their reconstructions and facilitating more accurate anomaly detection. To further enhance the performance of the model, two novel anomaly scores are introduced. The proposed model has been thoroughly evaluated through extensive experiments on six various datasets, yielding results that demonstrate its superiority over existing state-of-the-art models. The code is readily available to the research community at


replace A Platform-Agnostic Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Effective Sim2Real Transfer in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Dianzhao Li, Ostap Okhrin

Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has shown remarkable success in solving complex tasks across various research fields. However, transferring DRL agents to the real world is still challenging due to the significant discrepancies between simulation and reality. To address this issue, we propose a robust DRL framework that leverages platform-dependent perception modules to extract task-relevant information and train a lane-following and overtaking agent in simulation. This framework facilitates the seamless transfer of the DRL agent to new simulated environments and the real world with minimal effort. We evaluate the performance of the agent in various driving scenarios in both simulation and the real world, and compare it to human players and the PID baseline in simulation. Our proposed framework significantly reduces the gaps between different platforms and the Sim2Real gap, enabling the trained agent to achieve similar performance in both simulation and the real world, driving the vehicle effectively.

replace A Non-autoregressive Multi-Horizon Flight Trajectory Prediction Framework with Gray Code Representation

Authors: Dongyue Guo, Zheng Zhang, Zhen Yan, Jianwei Zhang, Yi Lin

Abstract: Flight Trajectory Prediction (FTP) is an essential task in Air Traffic Control (ATC), which can assist air traffic controllers in managing airspace more safely and efficiently. Existing approaches generally perform multi-horizon FTP tasks in an autoregressive manner, thereby suffering from error accumulation and low-efficiency problems. In this paper, a novel framework, called FlightBERT++, is proposed to i) forecast multi-horizon flight trajectories directly in a non-autoregressive way, and ii) improve the limitation of the binary encoding (BE) representation in the FlightBERT framework. Specifically, the proposed framework is implemented by a generalized encoder-decoder architecture, in which the encoder learns the temporal-spatial patterns from historical observations and the decoder predicts the flight status for the future horizons. Compared to conventional architecture, an innovative horizon-aware contexts generator is dedicatedly designed to consider the prior horizon information, which further enables non-autoregressive multi-horizon prediction. Additionally, the Gray code representation and the differential prediction paradigm are designed to cope with the high-bit misclassifications of the BE representation, which significantly reduces the outliers in the predictions. Moreover, a differential prompted decoder is proposed to enhance the capability of the differential predictions by leveraging the stationarity of the differential sequence. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the proposed framework on a real-world flight trajectory dataset. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed framework outperformed the competitive baselines in both FTP performance and computational efficiency.

replace Kernel Density Matrices for Probabilistic Deep Learning

Authors: Fabio A. Gonz\'alez, Ra\'ul Ramos-Poll\'an, Joseph A. Gallego-Mejia

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to probabilistic deep learning, kernel density matrices, which provide a simpler yet effective mechanism for representing joint probability distributions of both continuous and discrete random variables. In quantum mechanics, a density matrix is the most general way to describe the state of a quantum system. This work extends the concept of density matrices by allowing them to be defined in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. This abstraction allows the construction of differentiable models for density estimation, inference, and sampling, and enables their integration into end-to-end deep neural models. In doing so, we provide a versatile representation of marginal and joint probability distributions that allows us to develop a differentiable, compositional, and reversible inference procedure that covers a wide range of machine learning tasks, including density estimation, discriminative learning, and generative modeling. The broad applicability of the framework is illustrated by two examples: an image classification model that can be naturally transformed into a conditional generative model, and a model for learning with label proportions that demonstrates the framework's ability to deal with uncertainty in the training samples. The framework is implemented as a library and is available at:


replace Any-dimensional equivariant neural networks

Authors: Eitan Levin, Mateo D\'iaz

Abstract: Traditional supervised learning aims to learn an unknown mapping by fitting a function to a set of input-output pairs with a fixed dimension. The fitted function is then defined on inputs of the same dimension. However, in many settings, the unknown mapping takes inputs in any dimension; examples include graph parameters defined on graphs of any size and physics quantities defined on an arbitrary number of particles. We leverage a newly-discovered phenomenon in algebraic topology, called representation stability, to define equivariant neural networks that can be trained with data in a fixed dimension and then extended to accept inputs in any dimension. Our approach is user-friendly, requiring only the network architecture and the groups for equivariance, and can be combined with any training procedure. We provide a simple open-source implementation of our methods and offer preliminary numerical experiments.

replace Rule-Based Error Detection and Correction to Operationalize Movement Trajectory Classification

Authors: Bowen Xi, Kevin Scaria, Paulo Shakarian

Abstract: Classification of movement trajectories has many applications in transportation. Supervised neural models represent the current state-of-the-art. Recent security applications require this task to be rapidly employed in environments that may differ from the data used to train such models for which there is little training data. We provide a neuro-symbolic rule-based framework to conduct error correction and detection of these models to support eventual deployment in security applications. We provide a suite of experiments on several recent and state-of-the-art models and show an accuracy improvement of 1.7% over the SOTA model in the case where all classes are present in training and when 40% of classes are omitted from training, we obtain a 5.2% improvement (zero-shot) and 23.9% (few-shot) improvement over the SOTA model without resorting to retraining of the base model.

replace Constraint-Conditioned Policy Optimization for Versatile Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yihang Yao, Zuxin Liu, Zhepeng Cen, Jiacheng Zhu, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang, Ding Zhao

Abstract: Safe reinforcement learning (RL) focuses on training reward-maximizing agents subject to pre-defined safety constraints. Yet, learning versatile safe policies that can adapt to varying safety constraint requirements during deployment without retraining remains a largely unexplored and challenging area. In this work, we formulate the versatile safe RL problem and consider two primary requirements: training efficiency and zero-shot adaptation capability. To address them, we introduce the Conditioned Constrained Policy Optimization (CCPO) framework, consisting of two key modules: (1) Versatile Value Estimation (VVE) for approximating value functions under unseen threshold conditions, and (2) Conditioned Variational Inference (CVI) for encoding arbitrary constraint thresholds during policy optimization. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that CCPO outperforms the baselines in terms of safety and task performance while preserving zero-shot adaptation capabilities to different constraint thresholds data-efficiently. This makes our approach suitable for real-world dynamic applications.

replace Effective and Efficient Federated Tree Learning on Hybrid Data

Authors: Qinbin Li, Chulin Xie, Xiaojun Xu, Xiaoyuan Liu, Ce Zhang, Bo Li, Bingsheng He, Dawn Song

Abstract: Federated learning has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm that facilitates collaborative learning among multiple parties without transferring raw data. However, most existing federated learning studies focus on either horizontal or vertical data settings, where the data of different parties are assumed to be from the same feature or sample space. In practice, a common scenario is the hybrid data setting, where data from different parties may differ both in the features and samples. To address this, we propose HybridTree, a novel federated learning approach that enables federated tree learning on hybrid data. We observe the existence of consistent split rules in trees. With the help of these split rules, we theoretically show that the knowledge of parties can be incorporated into the lower layers of a tree. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose a layer-level solution that does not need frequent communication traffic to train a tree. Our experiments demonstrate that HybridTree can achieve comparable accuracy to the centralized setting with low computational and communication overhead. HybridTree can achieve up to 8 times speedup compared with the other baselines.

replace Contrastive Preference Learning: Learning from Human Feedback without RL

Authors: Joey Hejna, Rafael Rafailov, Harshit Sikchi, Chelsea Finn, Scott Niekum, W. Bradley Knox, Dorsa Sadigh

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has emerged as a popular paradigm for aligning models with human intent. Typically RLHF algorithms operate in two phases: first, use human preferences to learn a reward function and second, align the model by optimizing the learned reward via reinforcement learning (RL). This paradigm assumes that human preferences are distributed according to reward, but recent work suggests that they instead follow the regret under the user's optimal policy. Thus, learning a reward function from feedback is not only based on a flawed assumption of human preference, but also leads to unwieldy optimization challenges that stem from policy gradients or bootstrapping in the RL phase. Because of these optimization challenges, contemporary RLHF methods restrict themselves to contextual bandit settings (e.g., as in large language models) or limit observation dimensionality (e.g., state-based robotics). We overcome these limitations by introducing a new family of algorithms for optimizing behavior from human feedback using the regret-based model of human preferences. Using the principle of maximum entropy, we derive Contrastive Preference Learning (CPL), an algorithm for learning optimal policies from preferences without learning reward functions, circumventing the need for RL. CPL is fully off-policy, uses only a simple contrastive objective, and can be applied to arbitrary MDPs. This enables CPL to elegantly scale to high-dimensional and sequential RLHF problems while being simpler than prior methods.

replace Application of a Dense Fusion Attention Network in Fault Diagnosis of Centrifugal Fan

Authors: Ruijun Wang, Yuan Liu, Zhixia Fan, Xiaogang Xu, Huijie Wang

Abstract: Although the deep learning recognition model has been widely used in the condition monitoring of rotating machinery. However, it is still a challenge to understand the correspondence between the structure and function of the model and the diagnosis process. Therefore, this paper discusses embedding distributed attention modules into dense connections instead of traditional dense cascading operations. It not only decouples the influence of space and channel on fault feature adaptive recalibration feature weights, but also forms a fusion attention function. The proposed dense fusion focuses on the visualization of the network diagnosis process, which increases the interpretability of model diagnosis. How to continuously and effectively integrate different functions to enhance the ability to extract fault features and the ability to resist noise is answered. Centrifugal fan fault data is used to verify this network. Experimental results show that the network has stronger diagnostic performance than other advanced fault diagnostic models.

replace Approximate Linear Programming for Decentralized Policy Iteration in Cooperative Multi-agent Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Lakshmi Mandal, Chandrashekar Lakshminarayanan, Shalabh Bhatnagar

Abstract: In this work, we consider a cooperative multi-agent Markov decision process (MDP) involving m agents. At each decision epoch, all the m agents independently select actions in order to maximize a common long-term objective. In the policy iteration process of multi-agent setup, the number of actions grows exponentially with the number of agents, incurring huge computational costs. Thus, recent works consider decentralized policy improvement, where each agent improves its decisions unilaterally, assuming that the decisions of the other agents are fixed. However, exact value functions are considered in the literature, which is computationally expensive for a large number of agents with high dimensional state-action space. Thus, we propose approximate decentralized policy iteration algorithms, using approximate linear programming with function approximation to compute the approximate value function for decentralized policy improvement. Further, we consider (both) cooperative multi-agent finite and infinite horizon discounted MDPs and propose suitable algorithms in each case. Moreover, we provide theoretical guarantees for our algorithms and also demonstrate their advantages over existing state-of-the-art algorithms in the literature.

replace auto-sktime: Automated Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Marc-Andr\'e Z\"oller, Marius Lindauer, Marco F. Huber

Abstract: In today's data-driven landscape, time series forecasting is pivotal in decision-making across various sectors. Yet, the proliferation of more diverse time series data, coupled with the expanding landscape of available forecasting methods, poses significant challenges for forecasters. To meet the growing demand for efficient forecasting, we introduce auto-sktime, a novel framework for automated time series forecasting. The proposed framework uses the power of automated machine learning (AutoML) techniques to automate the creation of the entire forecasting pipeline. The framework employs Bayesian optimization, to automatically construct pipelines from statistical, machine learning (ML) and deep neural network (DNN) models. Furthermore, we propose three essential improvements to adapt AutoML to time series data. First, pipeline templates to account for the different supported forecasting models. Second, a novel warm-starting technique to start the optimization from prior optimization runs. Third, we adapt multi-fidelity optimizations to make them applicable to a search space containing statistical, ML and DNN models. Experimental results on 64 diverse real-world time series datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the framework, outperforming traditional methods while requiring minimal human involvement.

replace A Dual Curriculum Learning Framework for Multi-UAV Pursuit-Evasion in Diverse Environments

Authors: Jiayu Chen, Guosheng Li, Chao Yu, Xinyi Yang, Botian Xu, Huazhong Yang, Yu Wang

Abstract: This paper addresses multi-UAV pursuit-evasion, where a group of drones cooperates to capture a fast evader in a confined environment with obstacles. Existing heuristic algorithms, which simplify the pursuit-evasion problem, often lack expressive coordination strategies and struggle to capture the evader in extreme scenarios, such as when the evader moves at high speeds. In contrast, reinforcement learning (RL) has been applied to this problem and has the potential to obtain highly cooperative capture strategies. However, RL-based methods face challenges in training for complex 3-dimensional scenarios with diverse task settings due to the vast exploration space. The dynamics constraints of drones further restrict the ability of reinforcement learning to acquire high-performance capture strategies. In this work, we introduce a dual curriculum learning framework, named DualCL, which addresses multi-UAV pursuit-evasion in diverse environments and demonstrates zero-shot transfer ability to unseen scenarios. DualCL comprises two main components: the Intrinsic Parameter Curriculum Proposer, which progressively suggests intrinsic parameters from easy to hard to improve the capture capability of drones, and the External Environment Generator, tasked with exploring unresolved scenarios and generating appropriate training distributions of external environment parameters. The simulation experimental results show that DualCL significantly outperforms baseline methods, achieving over 90% capture rate and reducing the capture timestep by at least 27.5% in the training scenarios. Additionally, it exhibits the best zero-shot generalization ability in unseen environments. Moreover, we demonstrate the transferability of our pursuit strategy from simulation to real-world environments. Further details can be found on the project website at


replace A Survey of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Authors: Timo Kaufmann, Paul Weng, Viktor Bengs, Eyke H\"ullermeier

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a variant of reinforcement learning (RL) that learns from human feedback instead of relying on an engineered reward function. Building on prior work on the related setting of preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL), it stands at the intersection of artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction. This positioning offers a promising avenue to enhance the performance and adaptability of intelligent systems while also improving the alignment of their objectives with human values. The training of large language models (LLMs) has impressively demonstrated this potential in recent years, where RLHF played a decisive role in directing the model's capabilities toward human objectives. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of RLHF, exploring the intricate dynamics between RL agents and human input. While recent focus has been on RLHF for LLMs, our survey adopts a broader perspective, examining the diverse applications and wide-ranging impact of the technique. We delve into the core principles that underpin RLHF, shedding light on the symbiotic relationship between algorithms and human feedback, and discuss the main research trends in the field. By synthesizing the current landscape of RLHF research, this article aims to provide researchers as well as practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly growing field of research.

replace An extended asymmetric sigmoid with Perceptron (SIGTRON) for imbalanced linear classification

Authors: Hyenkyun Woo

Abstract: This article presents a new polynomial parameterized sigmoid called SIGTRON, which is an extended asymmetric sigmoid with Perceptron, and its companion convex model called SIGTRON-imbalanced classification (SIC) model that employs a virtual SIGTRON-induced convex loss function. In contrast to the conventional $\pi$-weighted cost-sensitive learning model, the SIC model does not have an external $\pi$-weight on the loss function but has internal parameters in the virtual SIGTRON-induced loss function. As a consequence, when the given training dataset is close to the well-balanced condition considering the (scale-)class-imbalance ratio, we show that the proposed SIC model is more adaptive to variations of the dataset, such as the inconsistency of the (scale-)class-imbalance ratio between the training and test datasets. This adaptation is justified by a skewed hyperplane equation, created via linearization of the gradient satisfying $\epsilon$-optimal condition. Additionally, we present a quasi-Newton optimization(L-BFGS) framework for the virtual convex loss by developing an interval-based bisection line search. Empirically, we have observed that the proposed approach outperforms (or is comparable to) $\pi$-weighted convex focal loss and balanced classifier LIBLINEAR(logistic regression, SVM, and L2SVM) in terms of test classification accuracy with $51$ two-class and $67$ multi-class datasets. In binary classification problems, where the scale-class-imbalance ratio of the training dataset is not significant but the inconsistency exists, a group of SIC models with the best test accuracy for each dataset (TOP$1$) outperforms LIBSVM(C-SVC with RBF kernel), a well-known kernel-based classifier.

replace Detecting Hidden Triggers: Mapping Non-Markov Reward Functions to Markov

Authors: Gregory Hyde, Eugene Santos Jr

Abstract: Many Reinforcement Learning algorithms assume a Markov reward function to guarantee optimality. However, not all reward functions are known to be Markov. In this paper, we propose a framework for mapping non-Markov reward functions into equivalent Markov ones by learning a Reward Machine - a specialized reward automaton. Unlike the general practice of learning Reward Machines, we do not require a set of high-level propositional symbols from which to learn. Rather, we learn \emph{hidden triggers} directly from data that encode them. We demonstrate the importance of learning Reward Machines versus their Deterministic Finite-State Automata counterparts, for this task, given their ability to model reward dependencies in a single automaton. We formalize this distinction in our learning objective. Our mapping process is constructed as an Integer Linear Programming problem. We prove that our mappings provide consistent expectations for the underlying process. We empirically validate our approach by learning black-box non-Markov Reward functions in the Officeworld Domain. Additionally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of learning dependencies between rewards in a new domain, Breakfastworld.

replace LW-FedSSL: Resource-efficient Layer-wise Federated Self-supervised Learning

Authors: Ye Lin Tun, Chu Myaet Thwal, Le Quang Huy, Minh N. H. Nguyen, Choong Seon Hong

Abstract: Many studies integrate federated learning (FL) with self-supervised learning (SSL) to take advantage of raw training data distributed across edge devices. However, edge devices often struggle with high computation and communication costs imposed by SSL and FL algorithms. To tackle this hindrance, we propose LW-FedSSL, a layer-wise federated self-supervised learning approach that allows edge devices to incrementally train a single layer of the model at a time. Our LW-FedSSL comprises server-side calibration and representation alignment mechanisms to maintain comparable performance with end-to-end federated self-supervised learning (FedSSL) while significantly lowering clients' resource requirements. In a pure layer-wise training scheme, training one layer at a time may limit effective interaction between different layers of the model. The server-side calibration mechanism takes advantage of the resource-rich server in an FL environment to ensure smooth collaboration between different layers of the global model. During the local training process, the representation alignment mechanism encourages closeness between representations of FL local models and those of the global model, thereby preserving the layer cohesion established by server-side calibration. Our experiments show that LW-FedSSL has a $3.3 \times$ lower memory requirement and a $3.2 \times$ cheaper communication cost than its end-to-end counterpart. We also explore a progressive training strategy called Prog-FedSSL that outperforms end-to-end training with a similar memory requirement and a $1.8 \times$ cheaper communication cost.

replace Do Diffusion Models Learn Semantically Meaningful and Efficient Representations?

Authors: Qiyao Liang, Ziming Liu, Ila Fiete

Abstract: Diffusion models are capable of impressive feats of image generation with uncommon juxtapositions such as astronauts riding horses on the moon with properly placed shadows. These outputs indicate the ability to perform compositional generalization, but how do the models do so? We perform controlled experiments on conditional DDPMs learning to generate 2D spherical Gaussian bumps centered at specified $x$- and $y$-positions. Our results show that the emergence of semantically meaningful latent representations is key to achieving high performance. En route to successful performance over learning, the model traverses three distinct phases of latent representations: (phase A) no latent structure, (phase B) a 2D manifold of disordered states, and (phase C) a 2D ordered manifold. Corresponding to each of these phases, we identify qualitatively different generation behaviors: 1) multiple bumps are generated, 2) one bump is generated but at inaccurate $x$ and $y$ locations, 3) a bump is generated at the correct $x$ and y location. Furthermore, we show that even under imbalanced datasets where features ($x$- versus $y$-positions) are represented with skewed frequencies, the learning process for $x$ and $y$ is coupled rather than factorized, demonstrating that simple vanilla-flavored diffusion models cannot learn efficient representations in which localization in $x$ and $y$ are factorized into separate 1D tasks. These findings suggest the need for future work to find inductive biases that will push generative models to discover and exploit factorizable independent structures in their inputs, which will be required to vault these models into more data-efficient regimes.

replace Tracking Changing Probabilities via Dynamic Learners

Authors: Omid Madani

Abstract: Consider a predictor, a learner, whose input is a stream of discrete items. The predictor's task, at every time point, is probabilistic multiclass prediction, i.e., to predict which item may occur next by outputting zero or more candidate items, each with a probability, after which the actual item is revealed and the predictor learns from this observation. To output probabilities, the predictor keeps track of the proportions of the items it has seen. The stream is unbounded and the predictor has finite limited space and we seek efficient prediction and update techniques: the set of items is unknown to the predictor and their totality can also grow unbounded. Moreover, there is non-stationarity: the underlying frequencies of items may change, substantially, from time to time. For instance, new items may start appearing and a few recently frequent items may cease to occur again. The predictor, being space-bounded, need only provide probabilities for those items with (currently) sufficiently high frequency, i.e., the salient items. This problem is motivated in the setting of prediction games, a self-supervised learning regime where concepts serve as both the predictors and the predictands, and the set of concepts grows over time, resulting in non-stationarities as new concepts are generated and used. We develop sparse multiclass moving average techniques designed to respond to such non-stationarities in a timely manner. One technique is based on the exponentiated moving average (EMA) and another is based on queuing a few count snapshots. We show that the combination, and in particular supporting dynamic predictand-specific learning rates, offers advantages in terms of faster change detection and convergence.

replace Universal Physics Transformers: A Framework For Efficiently Scaling Neural Operators

Authors: Benedikt Alkin, Andreas F\"urst, Simon Schmid, Lukas Gruber, Markus Holzleitner, Johannes Brandstetter

Abstract: Neural operators, serving as physics surrogate models, have recently gained increased interest. With ever increasing problem complexity, the natural question arises: what is an efficient way to scale neural operators to larger and more complex simulations - most importantly by taking into account different types of simulation datasets. This is of special interest since, akin to their numerical counterparts, different techniques are used across applications, even if the underlying dynamics of the systems are similar. Whereas the flexibility of transformers has enabled unified architectures across domains, neural operators mostly follow a problem specific design, where GNNs are commonly used for Lagrangian simulations and grid-based models predominate Eulerian simulations. We introduce Universal Physics Transformers (UPTs), an efficient and unified learning paradigm for a wide range of spatio-temporal problems. UPTs operate without grid- or particle-based latent structures, enabling flexibility and scalability across meshes and particles. UPTs efficiently propagate dynamics in the latent space, emphasized by inverse encoding and decoding techniques. Finally, UPTs allow for queries of the latent space representation at any point in space-time. We demonstrate diverse applicability and efficacy of UPTs in mesh-based fluid simulations, and steady-state Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes simulations, and Lagrangian-based dynamics.

replace QUCE: The Minimisation and Quantification of Path-Based Uncertainty for Generative Counterfactual Explanations

Authors: Jamie Duell, Monika Seisenberger, Hsuan Fu, Xiuyi Fan

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) stand out as one of the most prominent approaches within the Machine Learning (ML) domain. The efficacy of DNNs has surged alongside recent increases in computational capacity, allowing these approaches to scale to significant complexities for addressing predictive challenges in big data. However, as the complexity of DNN models rises, interpretability diminishes. In response to this challenge, explainable models such as Adversarial Gradient Integration (AGI) leverage path-based gradients provided by DNNs to elucidate their decisions. Yet the performance of path-based explainers can be compromised when gradients exhibit irregularities during out-of-distribution path traversal. In this context, we introduce Quantified Uncertainty Counterfactual Explanations (QUCE), a method designed to mitigate out-of-distribution traversal by minimizing path uncertainty. QUCE not only quantifies uncertainty when presenting explanations but also generates more certain counterfactual examples. We showcase the performance of the QUCE method by comparing it with competing methods for both path-based explanations and generative counterfactual examples.

replace Diffusion Models as Constrained Samplers for Optimization with Unknown Constraints

Authors: Lingkai Kong, Yuanqi Du, Wenhao Mu, Kirill Neklyudov, Valentin De Bortoli, Haorui Wang, Dongxia Wu, Aaron Ferber, Yi-An Ma, Carla P. Gomes, Chao Zhang

Abstract: Addressing real-world optimization problems becomes particularly challenging when analytic objective functions or constraints are unavailable. While numerous studies have addressed the issue of unknown objectives, limited research has focused on scenarios where feasibility constraints are not given explicitly. Overlooking these constraints can lead to spurious solutions that are unrealistic in practice. To deal with such unknown constraints, we propose to perform optimization within the data manifold using diffusion models. To constrain the optimization process to the data manifold, we reformulate the original optimization problem as a sampling problem from the product of the Boltzmann distribution defined by the objective function and the data distribution learned by the diffusion model. To enhance sampling efficiency, we propose a two-stage framework that begins with a guided diffusion process for warm-up, followed by a Langevin dynamics stage for further correction. Theoretical analysis shows that the initial stage results in a distribution focused on feasible solutions, thereby providing a better initialization for the later stage. Comprehensive experiments on a synthetic dataset, six real-world black-box optimization datasets, and a multi-objective optimization dataset show that our method achieves better or comparable performance with previous state-of-the-art baselines.

replace Just Say the Name: Online Continual Learning with Category Names Only via Data Generation

Authors: Minhyuk Seo, Diganta Misra, Seongwon Cho, Minjae Lee, Jonghyun Choi

Abstract: In real-world scenarios, extensive manual annotation for continual learning is impractical due to prohibitive costs. Although prior arts, influenced by large-scale webly supervised training, suggest leveraging web-scraped data in continual learning, this poses challenges such as data imbalance, usage restrictions, and privacy concerns. Addressing the risks of continual webly supervised training, we present an online continual learning framework - Generative Name only Continual Learning (G-NoCL). The proposed G-NoCL uses a set of generators G along with the learner. When encountering new concepts (i.e., classes), G-NoCL employs the novel sample complexity-guided data ensembling technique DIverSity and COmplexity enhancing ensemBlER (DISCOBER) to optimally sample training data from generated data. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate superior performance of DISCOBER in G-NoCL online CL benchmarks, covering both In-Distribution (ID) and Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization evaluations, compared to naive generator-ensembling, web-supervised, and manually annotated data.

replace Linguacodus: A Synergistic Framework for Transformative Code Generation in Machine Learning Pipelines

Authors: Ekaterina Trofimova, Emil Sataev, Andrey E. Ustyuzhanin

Abstract: In the ever-evolving landscape of machine learning, seamless translation of natural language descriptions into executable code remains a formidable challenge. This paper introduces Linguacodus, an innovative framework designed to tackle this challenge by deploying a dynamic pipeline that iteratively transforms natural language task descriptions into code through high-level data-shaping instructions. The core of Linguacodus is a fine-tuned large language model (LLM), empowered to evaluate diverse solutions for various problems and select the most fitting one for a given task. This paper details the fine-tuning process, and sheds light on how natural language descriptions can be translated into functional code. Linguacodus represents a substantial leap towards automated code generation, effectively bridging the gap between task descriptions and executable code. It holds great promise for advancing machine learning applications across diverse domains. Additionally, we propose an algorithm capable of transforming a natural description of an ML task into code with minimal human interaction. In extensive experiments on a vast machine learning code dataset originating from Kaggle, we showcase the effectiveness of Linguacodus. The investigations highlight its potential applications across diverse domains, emphasizing its impact on applied machine learning in various scientific fields.

replace Enhancing Traffic Incident Management with Large Language Models: A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Severity Classification

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Khaled Saleh, Yuming Ou, Adriana-Simona Mihaita

Abstract: This research showcases the innovative integration of Large Language Models into machine learning workflows for traffic incident management, focusing on the classification of incident severity using accident reports. By leveraging features generated by modern language models alongside conventional data extracted from incident reports, our research demonstrates improvements in the accuracy of severity classification across several machine learning algorithms. Our contributions are threefold. First, we present an extensive comparison of various machine learning models paired with multiple large language models for feature extraction, aiming to identify the optimal combinations for accurate incident severity classification. Second, we contrast traditional feature engineering pipelines with those enhanced by language models, showcasing the superiority of language-based feature engineering in processing unstructured text. Third, our study illustrates how merging baseline features from accident reports with language-based features can improve the severity classification accuracy. This comprehensive approach not only advances the field of incident management but also highlights the cross-domain application potential of our methodology, particularly in contexts requiring the prediction of event outcomes from unstructured textual data or features translated into textual representation. Specifically, our novel methodology was applied to three distinct datasets originating from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Queensland, Australia. This cross-continental application underlines the robustness of our approach, suggesting its potential for widespread adoption in improving incident management processes globally.

replace Is Model Collapse Inevitable? Breaking the Curse of Recursion by Accumulating Real and Synthetic Data

Authors: Matthias Gerstgrasser, Rylan Schaeffer, Apratim Dey, Rafael Rafailov, Henry Sleight, John Hughes, Tomasz Korbak, Rajashree Agrawal, Dhruv Pai, Andrey Gromov, Daniel A. Roberts, Diyi Yang, David L. Donoho, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: The proliferation of generative models, combined with pretraining on web-scale data, raises a timely question: what happens when these models are trained on their own generated outputs? Recent investigations into model-data feedback loops proposed that such loops would lead to a phenomenon termed model collapse, under which performance progressively degrades with each model-data feedback iteration until fitted models become useless. However, those studies largely assumed that new data replace old data over time, where an arguably more realistic assumption is that data accumulate over time. In this paper, we ask: what effect does accumulating data have on model collapse? We empirically study this question by pretraining sequences of language models on text corpora. We confirm that replacing the original real data by each generation's synthetic data does indeed tend towards model collapse, then demonstrate that accumulating the successive generations of synthetic data alongside the original real data avoids model collapse; these results hold across a range of model sizes, architectures, and hyperparameters. We obtain similar results for deep generative models on other types of real data: diffusion models for molecule conformation generation and variational autoencoders for image generation. To understand why accumulating data can avoid model collapse, we use an analytically tractable framework introduced by prior work in which a sequence of linear models are fit to the previous models' outputs. Previous work used this framework to show that if data are replaced, the test error increases with the number of model-fitting iterations; we extend this argument to prove that if data instead accumulate, the test error has a finite upper bound independent of the number of iterations, meaning model collapse no longer occurs.

replace Tuning for the Unknown: Revisiting Evaluation Strategies for Lifelong RL

Authors: Golnaz Mesbahi, Olya Mastikhina, Parham Mohammad Panahi, Martha White, Adam White

Abstract: In continual or lifelong reinforcement learning access to the environment should be limited. If we aspire to design algorithms that can run for long-periods of time, continually adapting to new, unexpected situations then we must be willing to deploy our agents without tuning their hyperparameters over the agent's entire lifetime. The standard practice in deep RL -- and even continual RL -- is to assume unfettered access to deployment environment for the full lifetime of the agent. This paper explores the notion that progress in lifelong RL research has been held back by inappropriate empirical methodologies. In this paper we propose a new approach for tuning and evaluating lifelong RL agents where only one percent of the experiment data can be used for hyperparameter tuning. We then conduct an empirical study of DQN and Soft Actor Critic across a variety of continuing and non-stationary domains. We find both methods generally perform poorly when restricted to one-percent tuning, whereas several algorithmic mitigations designed to maintain network plasticity perform surprising well. In addition, we find that properties designed to measure the network's ability to learn continually indeed correlate with performance under one-percent tuning.

replace Eigenpruning

Authors: Tom\'as Vergara-Browne, \'Alvaro Soto, Akiko Aizawa

Abstract: We introduce eigenpruning, a method that removes singular values from weight matrices in an LLM to improve its performance in a particular task. This method is inspired by interpretability methods designed to automatically find subnetworks of a model which solve a specific task. In our tests, the pruned model outperforms the original model by a large margin, while only requiring minimal computation to prune the weight matrices. In the case of a small synthetic task in integer multiplication, the Phi-2 model can improve its accuracy in the test set from 13.75% to 97.50%. Interestingly, these results seem to indicate the existence of a computation path that can solve the task very effectively, but it was not being used by the original model. Finally, we publicly release our implementation.

replace Inference-Time Rule Eraser: Distilling and Removing Bias Rules to Mitigate Bias in Deployed Models

Authors: Yi Zhang, Jitao Sang

Abstract: Machine learning models often make predictions based on biased features such as gender, race, and other social attributes, posing significant fairness risks, especially in societal applications, such as hiring, banking, and criminal justice. Traditional approaches to addressing this issue involve retraining or fine-tuning neural networks with fairness-aware optimization objectives. However, these methods can be impractical due to significant computational resources, complex industrial tests, and the associated CO2 footprint. Additionally, regular users aiming to use fair models often lack access to model parameters. In this paper, we introduce Inference-Time Rule Eraser (Eraser), a novel method focused on removing biased decision-making rules during inference to address fairness concerns without modifying model weights. We begin by establishing a theoretical foundation for modifying model outputs to eliminate biased rules through Bayesian analysis. Next, we present a specific implementation of Eraser that involves two stages: (1) querying the model to distill biased rules into a patched model, and (2) excluding these biased rules during inference. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our approach, showcasing its superior performance in addressing fairness concerns in AI systems.

replace Dynamic Backtracking in GFlowNets: Enhancing Decision Steps with Reward-Dependent Adjustment Mechanisms

Authors: Shuai Guo, Jielei Chu, Lei Zhu, Zhaoyu Li, Tianrui Li

Abstract: Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets or GFNs) are probabilistic models predicated on Markov flows, and they employ specific amortization algorithms to learn stochastic policies that generate compositional substances including biomolecules, chemical materials, etc. With a strong ability to generate high-performance biochemical molecules, GFNs accelerate the discovery of scientific substances, effectively overcoming the time-consuming, labor-intensive, and costly shortcomings of conventional material discovery methods. However, previous studies rarely focus on accumulating exploratory experience by adjusting generative structures, which leads to disorientation in complex sampling spaces. Efforts to address this issue, such as LS-GFN, are limited to local greedy searches and lack broader global adjustments. This paper introduces a novel variant of GFNs, the Dynamic Backtracking GFN (DB-GFN), which improves the adaptability of decision-making steps through a reward-based dynamic backtracking mechanism. DB-GFN allows backtracking during the network construction process according to the current state's reward value, thereby correcting disadvantageous decisions and exploring alternative pathways during the exploration process. When applied to generative tasks involving biochemical molecules and genetic material sequences, DB-GFN outperforms GFN models such as LS-GFN and GTB, as well as traditional reinforcement learning methods, in sample quality, sample exploration quantity, and training convergence speed. Additionally, owing to its orthogonal nature, DB-GFN shows great potential in future improvements of GFNs, and it can be integrated with other strategies to achieve higher search performance.

replace SIR-RL: Reinforcement Learning for Optimized Policy Control during Epidemiological Outbreaks in Emerging Market and Developing Economies

Authors: Maeghal Jain, Ziya Uddin, Wubshet Ibrahim

Abstract: The outbreak of COVID-19 has highlighted the intricate interplay between public health and economic stability on a global scale. This study proposes a novel reinforcement learning framework designed to optimize health and economic outcomes during pandemics. The framework leverages the SIR model, integrating both lockdown measures (via a stringency index) and vaccination strategies to simulate disease dynamics. The stringency index, indicative of the severity of lockdown measures, influences both the spread of the disease and the economic health of a country. Developing nations, which bear a disproportionate economic burden under stringent lockdowns, are the primary focus of our study. By implementing reinforcement learning, we aim to optimize governmental responses and strike a balance between the competing costs associated with public health and economic stability. This approach also enhances transparency in governmental decision-making by establishing a well-defined reward function for the reinforcement learning agent. In essence, this study introduces an innovative and ethical strategy to navigate the challenge of balancing public health and economic stability amidst infectious disease outbreaks.

replace Beyond Known Clusters: Probe New Prototypes for Efficient Generalized Class Discovery

Authors: Ye Wang, Yaxiong Wang, Yujiao Wu, Bingchen Zhao, Xueming Qian

Abstract: Generalized Class Discovery (GCD) aims to dynamically assign labels to unlabelled data partially based on knowledge learned from labelled data, where the unlabelled data may come from known or novel classes. The prevailing approach generally involves clustering across all data and learning conceptions by prototypical contrastive learning. However, existing methods largely hinge on the performance of clustering algorithms and are thus subject to their inherent limitations. Firstly, the estimated cluster number is often smaller than the ground truth, making the existing methods suffer from the lack of prototypes for comprehensive conception learning. To address this issue, we propose an adaptive probing mechanism that introduces learnable potential prototypes to expand cluster prototypes (centers). As there is no ground truth for the potential prototype, we develop a self-supervised prototype learning framework to optimize the potential prototype in an end-to-end fashion. Secondly, clustering is computationally intensive, and the conventional strategy of clustering both labelled and unlabelled instances exacerbates this issue. To counteract this inefficiency, we opt to cluster only the unlabelled instances and subsequently expand the cluster prototypes with our introduced potential prototypes to fast explore novel classes. Despite the simplicity of our proposed method, extensive empirical analysis on a wide range of datasets confirms that our method consistently delivers state-of-the-art results. Specifically, our method surpasses the nearest competitor by a significant margin of 9.7% within the Stanford Cars dataset and 12x clustering efficiency within the Herbarium 19 dataset. We will make the code and checkpoints publicly available at


replace Improving Dictionary Learning with Gated Sparse Autoencoders

Authors: Senthooran Rajamanoharan, Arthur Conmy, Lewis Smith, Tom Lieberum, Vikrant Varma, J\'anos Kram\'ar, Rohin Shah, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Recent work has found that sparse autoencoders (SAEs) are an effective technique for unsupervised discovery of interpretable features in language models' (LMs) activations, by finding sparse, linear reconstructions of LM activations. We introduce the Gated Sparse Autoencoder (Gated SAE), which achieves a Pareto improvement over training with prevailing methods. In SAEs, the L1 penalty used to encourage sparsity introduces many undesirable biases, such as shrinkage -- systematic underestimation of feature activations. The key insight of Gated SAEs is to separate the functionality of (a) determining which directions to use and (b) estimating the magnitudes of those directions: this enables us to apply the L1 penalty only to the former, limiting the scope of undesirable side effects. Through training SAEs on LMs of up to 7B parameters we find that, in typical hyper-parameter ranges, Gated SAEs solve shrinkage, are similarly interpretable, and require half as many firing features to achieve comparable reconstruction fidelity.

replace History repeats Itself: A Baseline for Temporal Knowledge Graph Forecasting

Authors: Julia Gastinger, Christian Meilicke, Federico Errica, Timo Sztyler, Anett Schuelke, Heiner Stuckenschmidt

Abstract: Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) Forecasting aims at predicting links in Knowledge Graphs for future timesteps based on a history of Knowledge Graphs. To this day, standardized evaluation protocols and rigorous comparison across TKG models are available, but the importance of simple baselines is often neglected in the evaluation, which prevents researchers from discerning actual and fictitious progress. We propose to close this gap by designing an intuitive baseline for TKG Forecasting based on predicting recurring facts. Compared to most TKG models, it requires little hyperparameter tuning and no iterative training. Further, it can help to identify failure modes in existing approaches. The empirical findings are quite unexpected: compared to 11 methods on five datasets, our baseline ranks first or third in three of them, painting a radically different picture of the predictive quality of the state of the art.

replace Domain Adaptive and Fine-grained Anomaly Detection for Single-cell Sequencing Data and Beyond

Authors: Kaichen Xu, Yueyang Ding, Suyang Hou, Weiqiang Zhan, Nisang Chen, Jun Wang, Xiaobo Sun

Abstract: Fined-grained anomalous cell detection from affected tissues is critical for clinical diagnosis and pathological research. Single-cell sequencing data provide unprecedented opportunities for this task. However, current anomaly detection methods struggle to handle domain shifts prevalent in multi-sample and multi-domain single-cell sequencing data, leading to suboptimal performance. Moreover, these methods fall short of distinguishing anomalous cells into pathologically distinct subtypes. In response, we propose ACSleuth, a novel, reconstruction deviation-guided generative framework that integrates the detection, domain adaptation, and fine-grained annotating of anomalous cells into a methodologically cohesive workflow. Notably, we present the first theoretical analysis of using reconstruction deviations output by generative models for anomaly detection in lieu of domain shifts. This analysis informs us to develop a novel and superior maximum mean discrepancy-based anomaly scorer in ACSleuth. Extensive benchmarks over various single-cell data and other types of tabular data demonstrate ACSleuth's superiority over the state-of-the-art methods in identifying and subtyping anomalies in multi-sample and multi-domain contexts. Our code is available at


replace Tabular Data Contrastive Learning via Class-Conditioned and Feature-Correlation Based Augmentation

Authors: Wei Cui, Rasa Hosseinzadeh, Junwei Ma, Tongzi Wu, Yi Sui, Keyvan Golestan

Abstract: Contrastive learning is a model pre-training technique by first creating similar views of the original data, and then encouraging the data and its corresponding views to be close in the embedding space. Contrastive learning has witnessed success in image and natural language data, thanks to the domain-specific augmentation techniques that are both intuitive and effective. Nonetheless, in tabular domain, the predominant augmentation technique for creating views is through corrupting tabular entries via swapping values, which is not as sound or effective. We propose a simple yet powerful improvement to this augmentation technique: corrupting tabular data conditioned on class identity. Specifically, when corrupting a specific tabular entry from an anchor row, instead of randomly sampling a value in the same feature column from the entire table uniformly, we only sample from rows that are identified to be within the same class as the anchor row. We assume the semi-supervised learning setting, and adopt the pseudo labeling technique for obtaining class identities over all table rows. We also explore the novel idea of selecting features to be corrupted based on feature correlation structures. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approach consistently outperforms the conventional corruption method for tabular data classification tasks. Our code is available at


replace Evaluating ROCKET and Catch22 features for calf behaviour classification from accelerometer data using Machine Learning models

Authors: Oshana Dissanayake, Sarah E. McPherson, Joseph Allyndree, Emer Kennedy, Padraig Cunningham, Lucile Riaboff

Abstract: Monitoring calf behaviour continuously would be beneficial to identify routine practices (e.g., weaning, dehorning, etc.) that impact calf welfare in dairy farms. In that regard, accelerometer data collected from neck collars can be used along with Machine Learning models to classify calf behaviour automatically. Hand-crafted features are commonly used in Machine Learning models, while ROCKET and Catch22 features are specifically designed for time-series classification problems in related fields. This study aims to compare the performance of ROCKET and Catch22 features to Hand-Crafted features. 30 Irish Holstein Friesian and Jersey pre-weaned calves were monitored using accelerometer sensors allowing for 27.4 hours of annotated behaviors. Additional time-series were computed from the raw X, Y and Z-axis and split into 3-second time windows. ROCKET, Catch22 and Hand-Crafted features were calculated for each time window, and the dataset was then split into the train, validation and test sets. Each set of features was used to train three Machine Learning models (Random Forest, eXtreme Gradient Boosting, and RidgeClassifierCV) to classify six behaviours indicative of pre-weaned calf welfare (drinking milk, grooming, lying, running, walking and other). Models were tuned with the validation set, and the performance of each feature-model combination was evaluated with the test set. The best performance across the three models was obtained with ROCKET [average balanced accuracy +/- standard deviation] (0.70 +/- 0.07), followed by Catch22 (0.69 +/- 0.05), surpassing Hand-Crafted (0.65 +/- 0.034). The best balanced accuracy (0.77) was obtained with ROCKET and RidgeClassifierCV, followed by Catch22 and Random Forest (0.73). Thus, tailoring these approaches for specific behaviours and contexts will be crucial in advancing precision livestock farming and enhancing animal welfare on a larger scale.

replace Towards Real-time Learning in Large Language Models: A Critical Review

Authors: Mladjan Jovanovic, Peter Voss

Abstract: Real-time learning concerns the ability of learning systems to acquire knowledge over time, enabling their adaptation and generalization to novel tasks. It is a critical ability for intelligent, real-world systems, especially when data may be insufficient or difficult to obtain. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of real-time learning in Large Language Models. It synthesizes the state-of-the-art real-time learning paradigms, including continual learning, meta-learning, parameter-efficient learning, and mixture-of-experts learning. We demonstrate their utility for real-time learning by describing specific achievements from these related topics and their critical factors. Finally, the paper highlights current problems and challenges for future research in the field. By consolidating the latest relevant research developments, this review offers a comprehensive understanding of real-time learning and its implications for designing and developing LLM-based learning systems addressing real-world problems.

replace Mapping the Potential of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Fairness Along the AI Lifecycle

Authors: Luca Deck, Astrid Schom\"acker, Timo Speith, Jakob Sch\"offer, Lena K\"astner, Niklas K\"uhl

Abstract: The widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems across various domains is increasingly highlighting issues related to algorithmic fairness, especially in high-stakes scenarios. Thus, critical considerations of how fairness in AI systems might be improved, and what measures are available to aid this process, are overdue. Many researchers and policymakers see explainable AI (XAI) as a promising way to increase fairness in AI systems. However, there is a wide variety of XAI methods and fairness conceptions expressing different desiderata, and the precise connections between XAI and fairness remain largely nebulous. Besides, different measures to increase algorithmic fairness might be applicable at different points throughout an AI system's lifecycle. Yet, there currently is no coherent mapping of fairness desiderata along the AI lifecycle. In this paper, we set out to bridge both these gaps: We distill eight fairness desiderata, map them along the AI lifecycle, and discuss how XAI could help address each of them. We hope to provide orientation for practical applications and to inspire XAI research specifically focused on these fairness desiderata.

replace FeDeRA:Efficient Fine-tuning of Language Models in Federated Learning Leveraging Weight Decomposition

Authors: Yuxuan Yan, Shunpu Tang, Zhiguo Shi, Qianqian Yang

Abstract: Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have shown excellent performance on various downstream tasks after fine-tuning. Nevertheless, the escalating concerns surrounding user privacy have posed significant challenges to centralized training reliant on extensive data collection. Federated learning, which only requires training on the clients and aggregates weights on the server without sharing data, has emerged as a solution. However, the substantial parameter size of PLMs places a significant burden on the computational resources of client devices, while also leading to costly communication expenses. Introducing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning(PEFT) into federated learning can effectively address this problem. However, we observe that the non-IID data in federated learning leads to a gap in performance between the PEFT method and full parameter fine-tuning(FFT). To overcome this, we propose FeDeRA, an improvement over the Low-Rank Adaption(LoRA) method in federated learning. FeDeRA uses the same adapter module as LoRA. However, the difference lies in FeDeRA's initialization of the adapter module by performing Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on the pre-trained matrix and selecting its principal components. We conducted extensive experiments, using RoBERTa and DeBERTaV3, on six datasets, comparing the methods including FFT and the other three different PEFT methods. FeDeRA outperforms all other PEFT methods and is comparable to or even surpasses the performance of FFT method. We also deployed federated learning on Jetson AGX Orin and compared the time required by different methods to achieve the target accuracy on specific tasks. Compared to FFT, FeDeRA reduces the training time by 95.9\%, 97.9\%, 96.9\% and 97.3\%, 96.5\%, 96.5\% respectively on three tasks using RoBERTa and DeBERTaV3. The overall experiments indicate that FeDeRA achieves good performance while also maintaining efficiency.

replace-cross ClustML: A Measure of Cluster Pattern Complexity in Scatterplots Learnt from Human-labeled Groupings

Authors: Mostafa M. Abbas, Ehsan Ullah, Abdelkader Baggag, Halima Bensmail, Michael Sedlmair, Micha\"el Aupetit

Abstract: Visual quality measures (VQMs) are designed to support analysts by automatically detecting and quantifying patterns in visualizations. We propose a new VQM for visual grouping patterns in scatterplots, called ClustML, which is trained on previously collected human subject judgments. Our model encodes scatterplots in the parametric space of a Gaussian Mixture Model and uses a classifier trained on human judgment data to estimate the perceptual complexity of grouping patterns. The numbers of initial mixture components and final combined groups. It improves on existing VQMs, first, by better estimating human judgments on two-Gaussian cluster patterns and, second, by giving higher accuracy when ranking general cluster patterns in scatterplots. We use it to analyze kinship data for genome-wide association studies, in which experts rely on the visual analysis of large sets of scatterplots. We make the benchmark datasets and the new VQM available for practical use and further improvements.

replace-cross Orthonormal Expansions for Translation-Invariant Kernels

Authors: Filip Tronarp, Toni Karvonen

Abstract: We present a general Fourier analytic technique for constructing orthonormal basis expansions of translation-invariant kernels from orthonormal bases of $\mathscr{L}_2(\mathbb{R})$. This allows us to derive explicit expansions on the real line for (i) Mat\'ern kernels of all half-integer orders in terms of associated Laguerre functions, (ii) the Cauchy kernel in terms of rational functions, and (iii) the Gaussian kernel in terms of Hermite functions.

replace-cross E-Valuating Classifier Two-Sample Tests

Authors: Teodora Pandeva, Tim Bakker, Christian A. Naesseth, Patrick Forr\'e

Abstract: We introduce a powerful deep classifier two-sample test for high-dimensional data based on E-values, called E-value Classifier Two-Sample Test (E-C2ST). Our test combines ideas from existing work on split likelihood ratio tests and predictive independence tests. The resulting E-values are suitable for anytime-valid sequential two-sample tests. This feature allows for more effective use of data in constructing test statistics. Through simulations and real data applications, we empirically demonstrate that E-C2ST achieves enhanced statistical power by partitioning datasets into multiple batches beyond the conventional two-split (training and testing) approach of standard classifier two-sample tests. This strategy increases the power of the test while keeping the type I error well below the desired significance level.

replace-cross Vision-Language Generative Model for View-Specific Chest X-ray Generation

Authors: Hyungyung Lee, Da Young Lee, Wonjae Kim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Tackeun Kim, Jihang Kim, Leonard Sunwoo, Edward Choi

Abstract: Synthetic medical data generation has opened up new possibilities in the healthcare domain, offering a powerful tool for simulating clinical scenarios, enhancing diagnostic and treatment quality, gaining granular medical knowledge, and accelerating the development of unbiased algorithms. In this context, we present a novel approach called ViewXGen, designed to overcome the limitations of existing methods that rely on general domain pipelines using only radiology reports to generate frontal-view chest X-rays. Our approach takes into consideration the diverse view positions found in the dataset, enabling the generation of chest X-rays with specific views, which marks a significant advancement in the field. To achieve this, we introduce a set of specially designed tokens for each view position, tailoring the generation process to the user's preferences. Furthermore, we leverage multi-view chest X-rays as input, incorporating valuable information from different views within the same study. This integration rectifies potential errors and contributes to faithfully capturing abnormal findings in chest X-ray generation. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted statistical analyses, evaluating its performance in a clinical efficacy metric on the MIMIC-CXR dataset. Also, human evaluation demonstrates the remarkable capabilities of ViewXGen, particularly in producing realistic view-specific X-rays that closely resemble the original images.

replace-cross Inductive biases in deep learning models for weather prediction

Authors: Jannik Thuemmel (University of T\"ubingen), Matthias Karlbauer (University of T\"ubingen), Sebastian Otte (University of T\"ubingen), Christiane Zarfl (University of T\"ubingen), Georg Martius (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems), Nicole Ludwig (University of T\"ubingen), Thomas Scholten (University of T\"ubingen), Ulrich Friedrich (Deutscher Wetterdienst), Volker Wulfmeyer (University of Hohenheim), Bedartha Goswami (University of T\"ubingen), Martin V. Butz (University of T\"ubingen)

Abstract: Deep learning has gained immense popularity in the Earth sciences as it enables us to formulate purely data-driven models of complex Earth system processes. Deep learning-based weather prediction (DLWP) models have made significant progress in the last few years, achieving forecast skills comparable to established numerical weather prediction models with comparatively lesser computational costs. In order to train accurate, reliable, and tractable DLWP models with several millions of parameters, the model design needs to incorporate suitable inductive biases that encode structural assumptions about the data and the modelled processes. When chosen appropriately, these biases enable faster learning and better generalisation to unseen data. Although inductive biases play a crucial role in successful DLWP models, they are often not stated explicitly and their contribution to model performance remains unclear. Here, we review and analyse the inductive biases of state-of-the-art DLWP models with respect to five key design elements: data selection, learning objective, loss function, architecture, and optimisation method. We identify the most important inductive biases and highlight potential avenues towards more efficient and probabilistic DLWP models.

replace-cross R-Shiny Applications for Local Clustering to be Included in the growclusters for R Package

Authors: Randall Powers, Wendy Martinez, Terrance Savitsky

Abstract: growclusters for R is a package that estimates a partition structure for multivariate data. It does this by implementing a hierarchical version of k-means clustering that accounts for possible known dependencies in a collection of datasets, where each set draws its cluster means from a single, global partition. Each component data set in the collection corresponds to a known group in the data. This paper focuses on R Shiny applications that implement the clustering methodology and simulate data sets with known group structures. These Shiny applications implement novel ways of visualizing the results of the clustering. These visualizations include scatterplots of individual data sets in the context of the entire collection and cluster distributions versus component (or sub-domain) datasets. Data obtained from a collection of 2000-2013 articles from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Monthly Labor Review (MLR) will be used to illustrate the R-Shiny applications. Here, the known grouping in the collection is the year of publication.

replace-cross A General Framework for Interpretable Neural Learning based on Local Information-Theoretic Goal Functions

Authors: Abdullah Makkeh, Marcel Graetz, Andreas C. Schneider, David A. Ehrlich, Viola Priesemann, Michael Wibral

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance of biological and artificial networks, an intuitive understanding of how their local learning dynamics contribute to network-level task solutions remains a challenge to this date. Efforts to bring learning to a more local scale indeed lead to valuable insights, however, a general constructive approach to describe local learning goals that is both interpretable and adaptable across diverse tasks is still missing. We have previously formulated a local information processing goal that is highly adaptable and interpretable for a model neuron with compartmental structure. Building on recent advances in Partial Information Decomposition (PID), we here derive a corresponding parametric local learning rule, which allows us to introduce 'infomorphic' neural networks. We demonstrate the versatility of these networks to perform tasks from supervised, unsupervised and memory learning. By leveraging the interpretable nature of the PID framework, infomorphic networks represent a valuable tool to advance our understanding of the intricate structure of local learning.

replace-cross Underwater Acoustic Target Recognition based on Smoothness-inducing Regularization and Spectrogram-based Data Augmentation

Authors: Ji Xu, Yuan Xie, Wenchao Wang

Abstract: Underwater acoustic target recognition is a challenging task owing to the intricate underwater environments and limited data availability. Insufficient data can hinder the ability of recognition systems to support complex modeling, thus impeding their advancement. To improve the generalization capacity of recognition models, techniques such as data augmentation have been employed to simulate underwater signals and diversify data distribution. However, the complexity of underwater environments can cause the simulated signals to deviate from real scenarios, resulting in biased models that are misguided by non-true data. In this study, we propose two strategies to enhance the generalization ability of models in the case of limited data while avoiding the risk of performance degradation. First, as an alternative to traditional data augmentation, we utilize smoothness-inducing regularization, which only incorporates simulated signals in the regularization term. Additionally, we propose a specialized spectrogram-based data augmentation strategy, namely local masking and replicating (LMR), to capture inter-class relationships. Our experiments and visualization analysis demonstrate the superiority of our proposed strategies.

replace-cross Causal Discovery from Time Series with Hybrids of Constraint-Based and Noise-Based Algorithms

Authors: Daria Bystrova, Charles K. Assaad, Julyan Arbel, Emilie Devijver, Eric Gaussier, Wilfried Thuiller

Abstract: Constraint-based methods and noise-based methods are two distinct families of methods proposed for uncovering causal graphs from observational data. However, both operate under strong assumptions that may be challenging to validate or could be violated in real-world scenarios. In response to these challenges, there is a growing interest in hybrid methods that amalgamate principles from both methods, showing robustness to assumption violations. This paper introduces a novel comprehensive framework for hybridizing constraint-based and noise-based methods designed to uncover causal graphs from observational time series. The framework is structured into two classes. The first class employs a noise-based strategy to identify a super graph, containing the true graph, followed by a constraint-based strategy to eliminate unnecessary edges. In the second class, a constraint-based strategy is applied to identify a skeleton, which is then oriented using a noise-based strategy. The paper provides theoretical guarantees for each class under the condition that all assumptions are satisfied, and it outlines some properties when assumptions are violated. To validate the efficacy of the framework, two algorithms from each class are experimentally tested on simulated data, realistic ecological data, and real datasets sourced from diverse applications. Notably, two novel datasets related to Information Technology monitoring are introduced within the set of considered real datasets. The experimental results underscore the robustness and effectiveness of the hybrid approaches across a broad spectrum of datasets.

replace-cross Multi-task Learning for Radar Signal Characterisation

Authors: Zi Huang, Akila Pemasiri, Simon Denman, Clinton Fookes, Terrence Martin

Abstract: Radio signal recognition is a crucial task in both civilian and military applications, as accurate and timely identification of unknown signals is an essential part of spectrum management and electronic warfare. The majority of research in this field has focused on applying deep learning for modulation classification, leaving the task of signal characterisation as an understudied area. This paper addresses this gap by presenting an approach for tackling radar signal classification and characterisation as a multi-task learning (MTL) problem. We propose the IQ Signal Transformer (IQST) among several reference architectures that allow for simultaneous optimisation of multiple regression and classification tasks. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed MTL model on a synthetic radar dataset, while also providing a first-of-its-kind benchmark for radar signal characterisation.

replace-cross Causal Inference with Differentially Private (Clustered) Outcomes

Authors: Adel Javanmard, Vahab Mirrokni, Jean Pouget-Abadie

Abstract: Estimating causal effects from randomized experiments is only feasible if participants agree to reveal their potentially sensitive responses. Of the many ways of ensuring privacy, label differential privacy is a widely used measure of an algorithm's privacy guarantee, which might encourage participants to share responses without running the risk of de-anonymization. Many differentially private mechanisms inject noise into the original data-set to achieve this privacy guarantee, which increases the variance of most statistical estimators and makes the precise measurement of causal effects difficult: there exists a fundamental privacy-variance trade-off to performing causal analyses from differentially private data. With the aim of achieving lower variance for stronger privacy guarantees, we suggest a new differential privacy mechanism, Cluster-DP, which leverages any given cluster structure of the data while still allowing for the estimation of causal effects. We show that, depending on an intuitive measure of cluster quality, we can improve the variance loss while maintaining our privacy guarantees. We compare its performance, theoretically and empirically, to that of its unclustered version and a more extreme uniform-prior version which does not use any of the original response distribution, both of which are special cases of the Cluster-DP algorithm.

replace-cross Conditional validity of heteroskedastic conformal regression

Authors: Nicolas Dewolf, Bernard De Baets, Willem Waegeman

Abstract: Conformal prediction, and split conformal prediction as a specific implementation, offer a distribution-free approach to estimating prediction intervals with statistical guarantees. Recent work has shown that split conformal prediction can produce state-of-the-art prediction intervals when focusing on marginal coverage, i.e. on a calibration dataset the method produces on average prediction intervals that contain the ground truth with a predefined coverage level. However, such intervals are often not adaptive, which can be problematic for regression problems with heteroskedastic noise. This paper tries to shed new light on how prediction intervals can be constructed, using methods such as normalized and Mondrian conformal prediction, in such a way that they adapt to the heteroskedasticity of the underlying process. Theoretical and experimental results are presented in which these methods are compared in a systematic way. In particular, it is shown how the conditional validity of a chosen conformal predictor can be related to (implicit) assumptions about the data-generating distribution.

replace-cross Utilizing Synthetic Data for Medical Vision-Language Pre-training: Bypassing the Need for Real Images

Authors: Che Liu, Anand Shah, Wenjia Bai, Rossella Arcucci

Abstract: Medical Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) learns representations jointly from medical images and paired radiology reports. It typically requires large-scale paired image-text datasets to achieve effective pre-training for both the image encoder and text encoder. The advent of text-guided generative models raises a compelling question: Can VLP be implemented solely with synthetic images generated from genuine radiology reports, thereby mitigating the need for extensively pairing and curating image-text datasets? In this work, we scrutinize this very question by examining the feasibility and effectiveness of employing synthetic images for medical VLP. We replace real medical images with their synthetic equivalents, generated from authentic medical reports. Utilizing three state-of-the-art VLP algorithms, we exclusively train on these synthetic samples. Our empirical evaluation across three subsequent tasks, namely image classification, semantic segmentation and object detection, reveals that the performance achieved through synthetic data is on par with or even exceeds that obtained with real images. As a pioneering contribution to this domain, we introduce a large-scale synthetic medical image dataset, paired with anonymized real radiology reports. This alleviates the need of sharing medical images, which are not easy to curate and share in practice. The code and the dataset can be found in \href{}{}.


replace-cross CacheGen: KV Cache Compression and Streaming for Fast Language Model Serving

Authors: Yuhan Liu, Hanchen Li, Yihua Cheng, Siddhant Ray, Yuyang Huang, Qizheng Zhang, Kuntai Du, Jiayi Yao, Shan Lu, Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Michael Maire, Henry Hoffmann, Ari Holtzman, Junchen Jiang

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) take on complex tasks, their inputs are supplemented with longer contexts that incorporate domain knowledge or user-specific information. Yet using long contexts poses a challenge for responsive LLM systems, as nothing can be generated until the whole context is processed by the LLM. . CacheGen is a fast context-loading module for LLM systems. First, CacheGen uses a custom tensor encoder, which embraces KV cache's distributional properties, to encode a KV cache into more compact bitstream representations with negligible encoding/decoding overhead. This reduces the bandwidth demand to fetch the KV cache. Second, to maintain low context-loading delay and high generation quality, CacheGen adapts the streaming strategies to cope with changes in available bandwidth. When available bandwidth drops, CacheGen may raise the compression level for a part of the context or choose to recompute its KV cache on the fly. We test CacheGen on four popular LLMs of various sizes and four datasets (662 contexts in total). Compared to the recent systems that reuse the KV cache, CacheGen reduces the KV cache size by 3.5-4.3x and the total delay in fetching and processing contexts by 3.2-3.7x while having negligible impact on the LLM response quality in accuracy or perplexity.

replace-cross IMITATE: Clinical Prior Guided Hierarchical Vision-Language Pre-training

Authors: Che Liu, Sibo Cheng, Miaojing Shi, Anand Shah, Wenjia Bai, Rossella Arcucci

Abstract: In the field of medical Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP), significant efforts have been devoted to deriving text and image features from both clinical reports and associated medical images. However, most existing methods may have overlooked the opportunity in leveraging the inherent hierarchical structure of clinical reports, which are generally split into `findings' for descriptive content and `impressions' for conclusive observation. Instead of utilizing this rich, structured format, current medical VLP approaches often simplify the report into either a unified entity or fragmented tokens. In this work, we propose a novel clinical prior guided VLP framework named IMITATE to learn the structure information from medical reports with hierarchical vision-language alignment. The framework derives multi-level visual features from the chest X-ray (CXR) images and separately aligns these features with the descriptive and the conclusive text encoded in the hierarchical medical report. Furthermore, a new clinical-informed contrastive loss is introduced for cross-modal learning, which accounts for clinical prior knowledge in formulating sample correlations in contrastive learning. The proposed model, IMITATE, outperforms baseline VLP methods across six different datasets, spanning five medical imaging downstream tasks. Comprehensive experimental results highlight the advantages of integrating the hierarchical structure of medical reports for vision-language alignment.

replace-cross Faithful Path Language Modeling for Explainable Recommendation over Knowledge Graph

Authors: Giacomo Balloccu, Ludovico Boratto, Christian Cancedda, Gianni Fenu, Mirko Marras

Abstract: The integration of path reasoning with language modeling in recommender systems has shown promise for enhancing explainability but often struggles with the authenticity of the explanations provided. Traditional models modify their architecture to produce entities and relations alternately--for example, employing separate heads for each in the model--which does not ensure the authenticity of paths reflective of actual Knowledge Graph (KG) connections. This misalignment can lead to user distrust due to the generation of corrupted paths. Addressing this, we introduce PEARLM (Path-based Explainable-Accurate Recommender based on Language Modelling), which innovates with a Knowledge Graph Constraint Decoding (KGCD) mechanism. This mechanism ensures zero incidence of corrupted paths by enforcing adherence to valid KG connections at the decoding level, agnostic of the underlying model architecture. By integrating direct token embedding learning from KG paths, PEARLM not only guarantees the generation of plausible and verifiable explanations but also highly enhances recommendation accuracy. We validate the effectiveness of our approach through a rigorous empirical assessment, employing a newly proposed metric that quantifies the integrity of explanation paths. Our results demonstrate a significant improvement over existing methods, effectively eliminating the generation of inaccurate paths and advancing the state-of-the-art in explainable recommender systems.

replace-cross Approximation Theory, Computing, and Deep Learning on the Wasserstein Space

Authors: Massimo Fornasier, Pascal Heid, Giacomo Enrico Sodini

Abstract: The challenge of approximating functions in infinite-dimensional spaces from finite samples is widely regarded as formidable. In this study, we delve into the challenging problem of the numerical approximation of Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces. Our particular focus centers on the Wasserstein distance function, which serves as a relevant example. In contrast to the existing body of literature focused on approximating efficiently pointwise evaluations, we chart a new course to define functional approximants by adopting three machine learning-based approaches: 1. Solving a finite number of optimal transport problems and computing the corresponding Wasserstein potentials. 2. Employing empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization in Wasserstein Sobolev spaces. 3. Addressing the problem through the saddle point formulation that characterizes the weak form of the Tikhonov functional's Euler-Lagrange equation. As a theoretical contribution, we furnish explicit and quantitative bounds on generalization errors for each of these solutions. In the proofs, we leverage the theory of metric Sobolev spaces and we combine it with techniques of optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation bounds. In our numerical implementation, we harness appropriately designed neural networks to serve as basis functions. These networks undergo training using diverse methodologies. This approach allows us to obtain approximating functions that can be rapidly evaluated after training. Consequently, our constructive solutions significantly enhance at equal accuracy the evaluation speed, surpassing that of state-of-the-art methods by several orders of magnitude.

replace-cross Using Skew to Assess the Quality of GAN-generated Image Features

Authors: Lorenzo Luzi, Helen Jenne, Ryan Murray, Carlos Ortiz Marrero

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) necessitates the need to robustly evaluate these models. Among the established evaluation criteria, the Fr\'{e}chetInception Distance (FID) has been widely adopted due to its conceptual simplicity, fast computation time, and strong correlation with human perception. However, FID has inherent limitations, mainly stemming from its assumption that feature embeddings follow a Gaussian distribution, and therefore can be defined by their first two moments. As this does not hold in practice, in this paper we explore the importance of third-moments in image feature data and use this information to define a new measure, which we call the Skew Inception Distance (SID). We prove that SID is a pseudometric on probability distributions, show how it extends FID, and present a practical method for its computation. Our numerical experiments support that SID either tracks with FID or, in some cases, aligns more closely with human perception when evaluating image features of ImageNet data. Our work also shows that principal component analysis can be used to speed up the computation time of both FID and SID. Although we focus on using SID on image features for GAN evaluation, SID is applicable much more generally, including for the evaluation of other generative models.

replace-cross How good are Large Language Models on African Languages?

Authors: Jessica Ojo, Kelechi Ogueji, Pontus Stenetorp, David Ifeoluwa Adelani

Abstract: Recent advancements in natural language processing have led to the proliferation of large language models (LLMs). These models have been shown to yield good performance, using in-context learning, even on tasks and languages they are not trained on. However, their performance on African languages is largely understudied relative to high-resource languages. We present an analysis of four popular large language models (mT0, Aya, LLaMa 2, and GPT-4) on six tasks (topic classification, sentiment classification, machine translation, summarization, question answering, and named entity recognition) across 60 African languages, spanning different language families and geographical regions. Our results suggest that all LLMs produce lower performance for African languages, and there is a large gap in performance compared to high-resource languages (such as English) for most tasks. We find that GPT-4 has an average to good performance on classification tasks, yet its performance on generative tasks such as machine translation and summarization is significantly lacking. Surprisingly, we find that mT0 had the best overall performance for cross-lingual QA, better than the state-of-the-art supervised model (i.e. fine-tuned mT5) and GPT-4 on African languages. Similarly, we find the recent Aya model to have comparable result to mT0 in almost all tasks except for topic classification where it outperform mT0. Overall, LLaMa 2 showed the worst performance, which we believe is due to its English and code-centric~(around 98%) pre-training corpus. Our findings confirms that performance on African languages continues to remain a hurdle for the current LLMs, underscoring the need for additional efforts to close this gap.

replace-cross nach0: Multimodal Natural and Chemical Languages Foundation Model

Authors: Micha Livne, Zulfat Miftahutdinov, Elena Tutubalina, Maksim Kuznetsov, Daniil Polykovskiy, Annika Brundyn, Aastha Jhunjhunwala, Anthony Costa, Alex Aliper, Al\'an Aspuru-Guzik, Alex Zhavoronkov

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have substantially driven scientific progress in various domains, and many papers have demonstrated their ability to tackle complex problems with creative solutions. Our paper introduces a new foundation model, nach0, capable of solving various chemical and biological tasks: biomedical question answering, named entity recognition, molecular generation, molecular synthesis, attributes prediction, and others. nach0 is a multi-domain and multi-task encoder-decoder LLM pre-trained on unlabeled text from scientific literature, patents, and molecule strings to incorporate a range of chemical and linguistic knowledge. We employed instruction tuning, where specific task-related instructions are utilized to fine-tune nach0 for the final set of tasks. To train nach0 effectively, we leverage the NeMo framework, enabling efficient parallel optimization of both base and large model versions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on single-domain and cross-domain tasks. Furthermore, it can generate high-quality outputs in molecular and textual formats, showcasing its effectiveness in multi-domain setups.

replace-cross A New Random Reshuffling Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Finite-sum Optimization

Authors: Junwen Qiu, Xiao Li, Andre Milzarek

Abstract: Random reshuffling techniques are prevalent in large-scale applications, such as training neural networks. While the convergence and acceleration effects of random reshuffling-type methods are fairly well understood in the smooth setting, much less studies seem available in the nonsmooth case. In this work, we design a new normal map-based proximal random reshuffling (norm-PRR) method for nonsmooth nonconvex finite-sum problems. We show that norm-PRR achieves the iteration complexity $O(n^{-1/3}T^{-2/3})$ where $n$ denotes the number of component functions $f(\cdot,i)$ and $T$ counts the total number of iterations. This improves the currently known complexity bounds for this class of problems by a factor of $n^{-1/3}$. In addition, we prove that norm-PRR converges linearly under the (global) Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition and in the interpolation setting. We further complement these non-asymptotic results and provide an in-depth analysis of the asymptotic properties of norm-PRR. Specifically, under the (local) Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz inequality, the whole sequence of iterates generated by norm-PRR is shown to converge to a single stationary point. Moreover, we derive last iterate convergence rates that can match those in the smooth, strongly convex setting. Finally, numerical experiments are performed on nonconvex classification tasks to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.

replace-cross Computer Vision for Increased Operative Efficiency via Identification of Instruments in the Neurosurgical Operating Room: A Proof-of-Concept Study

Authors: Tanner J. Zachem (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA), Sully F. Chen (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Vishal Venkatraman (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), David AW Sykes (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Ravi Prakash (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA), Koumani W. Ntowe (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Mikhail A. Bethell (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Samantha Spellicy (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Alexander D Suarez (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Weston Ross (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA), Patrick J. Codd (Department of Neurosurgery, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC, USA, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA)

Abstract: Objectives Computer vision (CV) is a field of artificial intelligence that enables machines to interpret and understand images and videos. CV has the potential to be of assistance in the operating room (OR) to track surgical instruments. We built a CV algorithm for identifying surgical instruments in the neurosurgical operating room as a potential solution for surgical instrument tracking and management to decrease surgical waste and opening of unnecessary tools. Methods We collected 1660 images of 27 commonly used neurosurgical instruments. Images were labeled using the VGG Image Annotator and split into 80% training and 20% testing sets in order to train a U-Net Convolutional Neural Network using 5-fold cross validation. Results Our U-Net achieved a tool identification accuracy of 80-100% when distinguishing 25 classes of instruments, with 19/25 classes having accuracy over 90%. The model performance was not adequate for sub classifying Adson, Gerald, and Debakey forceps, which had accuracies of 60-80%. Conclusions We demonstrated the viability of using machine learning to accurately identify surgical instruments. Instrument identification could help optimize surgical tray packing, decrease tool usage and waste, decrease incidence of instrument misplacement events, and assist in timing of routine instrument maintenance. More training data will be needed to increase accuracy across all surgical instruments that would appear in a neurosurgical operating room. Such technology has the potential to be used as a method to be used for proving what tools are truly needed in each type of operation allowing surgeons across the world to do more with less.

replace-cross On the Role of the Action Space in Robot Manipulation Learning and Sim-to-Real Transfer

Authors: Elie Aljalbout, Felix Frank, Maximilian Karl, Patrick van der Smagt

Abstract: We study the choice of action space in robot manipulation learning and sim-to-real transfer. We define metrics that assess the performance, and examine the emerging properties in the different action spaces. We train over 250 reinforcement learning~(RL) agents in simulated reaching and pushing tasks, using 13 different control spaces. The choice of spaces spans combinations of common action space design characteristics. We evaluate the training performance in simulation and the transfer to a real-world environment. We identify good and bad characteristics of robotic action spaces and make recommendations for future designs. Our findings have important implications for the design of RL algorithms for robot manipulation tasks, and highlight the need for careful consideration of action spaces when training and transferring RL agents for real-world robotics.

replace-cross Object Detection for Automated Coronary Artery Using Deep Learning

Authors: Hadis Keshavarz, Hossein Sadr

Abstract: In the era of digital medicine, medical imaging serves as a widespread technique for early disease detection, with a substantial volume of images being generated and stored daily in electronic patient records. X-ray angiography imaging is a standard and one of the most common methods for rapidly diagnosing coronary artery diseases. The notable achievements of recent deep learning algorithms align with the increased use of electronic health records and diagnostic imaging. Deep neural networks, leveraging abundant data, advanced algorithms, and powerful computational capabilities, prove highly effective in the analysis and interpretation of images. In this context, Object detection methods have become a promising approach, particularly through convolutional neural networks (CNN), streamlining medical image analysis by eliminating manual feature extraction. This allows for direct feature extraction from images, ensuring high accuracy in results. Therefore, in our paper, we utilized the object detection method on X-ray angiography images to precisely identify the location of coronary artery stenosis. As a result, this model enables automatic and real-time detection of stenosis locations, assisting in the crucial and sensitive decision-making process for healthcare professionals.

replace-cross Benchmarking the Fairness of Image Upsampling Methods

Authors: Mike Laszkiewicz, Imant Daunhawer, Julia E. Vogt, Asja Fischer, Johannes Lederer

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a rapid development of deep generative models for creating synthetic media, such as images and videos. While the practical applications of these models in everyday tasks are enticing, it is crucial to assess the inherent risks regarding their fairness. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive framework for benchmarking the performance and fairness of conditional generative models. We develop a set of metrics$\unicode{x2013}$inspired by their supervised fairness counterparts$\unicode{x2013}$to evaluate the models on their fairness and diversity. Focusing on the specific application of image upsampling, we create a benchmark covering a wide variety of modern upsampling methods. As part of the benchmark, we introduce UnfairFace, a subset of FairFace that replicates the racial distribution of common large-scale face datasets. Our empirical study highlights the importance of using an unbiased training set and reveals variations in how the algorithms respond to dataset imbalances. Alarmingly, we find that none of the considered methods produces statistically fair and diverse results. All experiments can be reproduced using our provided repository.

replace-cross Towards a Systems Theory of Algorithms

Authors: Florian D\"orfler, Zhiyu He, Giuseppe Belgioioso, Saverio Bolognani, John Lygeros, Michael Muehlebach

Abstract: Traditionally, numerical algorithms are seen as isolated pieces of code confined to an {\em in silico} existence. However, this perspective is not appropriate for many modern computational approaches in control, learning, or optimization, wherein {\em in vivo} algorithms interact with their environment. Examples of such {\em open algorithms} include various real-time optimization-based control strategies, reinforcement learning, decision-making architectures, online optimization, and many more. Further, even {\em closed} algorithms in learning or optimization are increasingly abstracted in block diagrams with interacting dynamic modules and pipelines. In this opinion paper, we state our vision on a to-be-cultivated {\em systems theory of algorithms} and argue in favor of viewing algorithms as open dynamical systems interacting with other algorithms, physical systems, humans, or databases. Remarkably, the manifold tools developed under the umbrella of systems theory are well suited for addressing a range of challenges in the algorithmic domain. We survey various instances where the principles of algorithmic systems theory are being developed and outline pertinent modeling, analysis, and design challenges.

replace-cross Scalable Multi-modal Model Predictive Control via Duality-based Interaction Predictions

Authors: Hansung Kim, Siddharth H. Nair, Francesco Borrelli

Abstract: We propose a hierarchical architecture designed for scalable real-time Model Predictive Control (MPC) in complex, multi-modal traffic scenarios. This architecture comprises two key components: 1) RAID-Net, a novel attention-based Recurrent Neural Network that predicts relevant interactions along the MPC prediction horizon between the autonomous vehicle and the surrounding vehicles using Lagrangian duality, and 2) a reduced Stochastic MPC problem that eliminates irrelevant collision avoidance constraints, enhancing computational efficiency. Our approach is demonstrated in a simulated traffic intersection with interactive surrounding vehicles, showcasing a 12x speed-up in solving the motion planning problem. A video demonstrating the proposed architecture in multiple complex traffic scenarios can be found here: GitHub:


replace-cross A Novel Paradigm in Solving Multiscale Problems

Authors: Jing Wang, Zheng Li, Pengyu Lai, Rui Wang, Di Yang, Dewu Yang, Hui Xu, Wen-Quan Tao

Abstract: Multiscale phenomena manifest across various scientific domains, presenting a ubiquitous challenge in accurately and effectively simulating multiscale dynamics in complex systems. In this paper, a novel decoupling solving paradigm is proposed through modelling large-scale dynamics independently and treating small-scale dynamics as a slaved system. A Spectral Physics-informed Neural Network (PINN) is developed to characterize the small-scale system in an efficient and accurate way, addressing the challenges posed by the representation of multiscale dynamics in neural networks. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through extensive numerical experiments, including one-dimensional Kuramot-Sivashinsky equation, two- and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, showcasing its versatility in addressing problems of fluid dynamics. Furthermore, we also delve into the application of the proposed approach to more complex problems, including non-uniform meshes, complex geometries, large-scale data with noise, and high-dimensional small-scale dynamics. The discussions about these scenarios contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the method's capabilities and limitations. By enabling the acquisition of large-scale data with minimal computational demands, coupled with the efficient and accurate characterization of small-scale dynamics via Spectral PINN, our approach offers a valuable and promising approach for researchers seeking to tackle multiscale phenomena effectively.

replace-cross The Essential Role of Causality in Foundation World Models for Embodied AI

Authors: Tarun Gupta, Wenbo Gong, Chao Ma, Nick Pawlowski, Agrin Hilmkil, Meyer Scetbon, Marc Rigter, Ade Famoti, Ashley Juan Llorens, Jianfeng Gao, Stefan Bauer, Danica Kragic, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Cheng Zhang

Abstract: Recent advances in foundation models, especially in large multi-modal models and conversational agents, have ignited interest in the potential of generally capable embodied agents. Such agents will require the ability to perform new tasks in many different real-world environments. However, current foundation models fail to accurately model physical interactions and are therefore insufficient for Embodied AI. The study of causality lends itself to the construction of veridical world models, which are crucial for accurately predicting the outcomes of possible interactions. This paper focuses on the prospects of building foundation world models for the upcoming generation of embodied agents and presents a novel viewpoint on the significance of causality within these. We posit that integrating causal considerations is vital to facilitating meaningful physical interactions with the world. Finally, we demystify misconceptions about causality in this context and present our outlook for future research.

replace-cross Balancing Spectral, Temporal and Spatial Information for EEG-based Alzheimer's Disease Classification

Authors: Stephan Goerttler, Fei He, Min Wu

Abstract: The prospect of future treatment warrants the development of cost-effective screening for Alzheimer's disease (AD). A promising candidate in this regard is electroencephalography (EEG), as it is one of the most economic imaging modalities. Recent efforts in EEG analysis have shifted towards leveraging spatial information, employing novel frameworks such as graph signal processing or graph neural networks. Here, we investigate the importance of spatial information relative to spectral or temporal information by varying the proportion of each dimension for AD classification. To do so, we systematically test various dimension resolution configurations on two routine EEG datasets. Our findings show that spatial information is more important than temporal information and equally valuable as spectral information. On the larger second dataset, substituting spectral with spatial information even led to an increase of 1.1% in accuracy, which emphasises the importance of spatial information for EEG-based AD classification. We argue that our resolution-based feature extraction has the potential to improve AD classification specifically, and multivariate signal classification generally.

replace-cross Stick to Your Role! Context-dependence and Stability of Personal Value Expression in Large Language Models

Authors: Grgur Kova\v{c}, R\'emy Portelas, Masataka Sawayama, Peter Ford Dominey, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Abstract: The standard way to study Large Language Models (LLMs) with benchmarks or psychology questionnaires is to provide many different queries from similar minimal contexts (e.g. multiple choice questions). However, due to LLMs' highly context-dependent nature, conclusions from such minimal-context evaluations may be little informative about the model's behavior in deployment (where it will be exposed to many new contexts). We argue that context-dependence (specifically, value stability) should be studied a specific property of LLMs and used as another dimension of LLM comparison (alongside others such as cognitive abilities, knowledge, or model size). We present a case-study on the stability of value expression over different contexts (simulated conversations on different topics) as measured using a standard psychology questionnaire (PVQ) and on behavioral downstream tasks. Reusing methods from psychology, we study Rank-order stability on the population (interpersonal) level, and Ipsative stability on the individual (intrapersonal) level. We consider two settings (with and without instructing LLMs to simulate particular personas), two simulated populations, and three downstream tasks. We observe consistent trends in the stability of models and model families - Mixtral, Mistral, GPT-3.5 and Qwen families are more stable than LLaMa-2 and Phi. The consistency of these trends implies that some models exhibit higher value-stability than others, and that value stability can be estimated with the set of introduced methodological tools. When instructed to simulate particular personas, LLMs exhibit low Rank-Order stability, which further diminishes with conversation length. This highlights the need for future research on LLMs that coherently simulate different personas. This paper provides a foundational step in that direction, and, to our knowledge, it is the first study of value stability in LLMs.

replace-cross Symmetry-aware Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Assembly under Partial Observability with a Soft Wrist

Authors: Hai Nguyen, Tadashi Kozuno, Cristian C. Beltran-Hernandez, Masashi Hamaya

Abstract: This study tackles the representative yet challenging contact-rich peg-in-hole task of robotic assembly, using a soft wrist that can operate more safely and tolerate lower-frequency control signals than a rigid one. Previous studies often use a fully observable formulation, requiring external setups or estimators for the peg-to-hole pose. In contrast, we use a partially observable formulation and deep reinforcement learning from demonstrations to learn a memory-based agent that acts purely on haptic and proprioceptive signals. Moreover, previous works do not incorporate potential domain symmetry and thus must search for solutions in a bigger space. Instead, we propose to leverage the symmetry for sample efficiency by augmenting the training data and constructing auxiliary losses to force the agent to adhere to the symmetry. Results in simulation with five different symmetric peg shapes show that our proposed agent can be comparable to or even outperform a state-based agent. In particular, the sample efficiency also allows us to learn directly on the real robot within 3 hours.

replace-cross LAB: Large-Scale Alignment for ChatBots

Authors: Shivchander Sudalairaj, Abhishek Bhandwaldar, Aldo Pareja, Kai Xu, David D. Cox, Akash Srivastava

Abstract: This work introduces LAB (Large-scale Alignment for chatBots), a novel methodology designed to overcome the scalability challenges in the instruction-tuning phase of large language model (LLM) training. Leveraging a taxonomy-guided synthetic data generation process and a multi-phase tuning framework, LAB significantly reduces reliance on expensive human annotations and proprietary models like GPT-4. We demonstrate that LAB-trained models can achieve competitive performance across several benchmarks compared to models trained with traditional human-annotated or GPT-4 generated synthetic data. Thus offering a scalable, cost-effective solution for enhancing LLM capabilities and instruction-following behaviors without the drawbacks of catastrophic forgetting, marking a step forward in the efficient training of LLMs for a wide range of applications.

replace-cross Giving a Hand to Diffusion Models: a Two-Stage Approach to Improving Conditional Human Image Generation

Authors: Anton Pelykh, Ozge Mercanoglu Sincan, Richard Bowden

Abstract: Recent years have seen significant progress in human image generation, particularly with the advancements in diffusion models. However, existing diffusion methods encounter challenges when producing consistent hand anatomy and the generated images often lack precise control over the hand pose. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel approach to pose-conditioned human image generation, dividing the process into two stages: hand generation and subsequent body outpainting around the hands. We propose training the hand generator in a multi-task setting to produce both hand images and their corresponding segmentation masks, and employ the trained model in the first stage of generation. An adapted ControlNet model is then used in the second stage to outpaint the body around the generated hands, producing the final result. A novel blending technique is introduced to preserve the hand details during the second stage that combines the results of both stages in a coherent way. This involves sequential expansion of the outpainted region while fusing the latent representations, to ensure a seamless and cohesive synthesis of the final image. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art techniques, in both pose accuracy and image quality, as validated on the HaGRID dataset. Our approach not only enhances the quality of the generated hands but also offers improved control over hand pose, advancing the capabilities of pose-conditioned human image generation. The source code of the proposed approach is available at


replace-cross Estimating Causal Effects with Double Machine Learning -- A Method Evaluation

Authors: Jonathan Fuhr, Philipp Berens, Dominik Papies

Abstract: The estimation of causal effects with observational data continues to be a very active research area. In recent years, researchers have developed new frameworks which use machine learning to relax classical assumptions necessary for the estimation of causal effects. In this paper, we review one of the most prominent methods - "double/debiased machine learning" (DML) - and empirically evaluate it by comparing its performance on simulated data relative to more traditional statistical methods, before applying it to real-world data. Our findings indicate that the application of a suitably flexible machine learning algorithm within DML improves the adjustment for various nonlinear confounding relationships. This advantage enables a departure from traditional functional form assumptions typically necessary in causal effect estimation. However, we demonstrate that the method continues to critically depend on standard assumptions about causal structure and identification. When estimating the effects of air pollution on housing prices in our application, we find that DML estimates are consistently larger than estimates of less flexible methods. From our overall results, we provide actionable recommendations for specific choices researchers must make when applying DML in practice.

replace-cross Synthetic Data Generation and Joint Learning for Robust Code-Mixed Translation

Authors: Kartik Kartik, Sanjana Soni, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Md Shad Akhtar

Abstract: The widespread online communication in a modern multilingual world has provided opportunities to blend more than one language (aka code-mixed language) in a single utterance. This has resulted a formidable challenge for the computational models due to the scarcity of annotated data and presence of noise. A potential solution to mitigate the data scarcity problem in low-resource setup is to leverage existing data in resource-rich language through translation. In this paper, we tackle the problem of code-mixed (Hinglish and Bengalish) to English machine translation. First, we synthetically develop HINMIX, a parallel corpus of Hinglish to English, with ~4.2M sentence pairs. Subsequently, we propose RCMT, a robust perturbation based joint-training model that learns to handle noise in the real-world code-mixed text by parameter sharing across clean and noisy words. Further, we show the adaptability of RCMT in a zero-shot setup for Bengalish to English translation. Our evaluation and comprehensive analyses qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate the superiority of RCMT over state-of-the-art code-mixed and robust translation methods.

replace-cross Proof-of-Learning with Incentive Security

Authors: Zishuo Zhao, Zhixuan Fang, Xuechao Wang, Xi Chen, Yuan Zhou

Abstract: Most concurrent blockchain systems rely heavily on the Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS) mechanisms for decentralized consensus and security assurance. However, the substantial energy expenditure stemming from computationally intensive yet meaningless tasks has raised considerable concerns surrounding traditional PoW approaches, The PoS mechanism, while free of energy consumption, is subject to security and economic issues. Addressing these issues, the paradigm of Proof-of-Useful-Work (PoUW) seeks to employ challenges of practical significance as PoW, thereby imbuing energy consumption with tangible value. While previous efforts in Proof of Learning (PoL) explored the utilization of deep learning model training SGD tasks as PoUW challenges, recent research has revealed its vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks and the theoretical hardness in crafting a byzantine-secure PoL mechanism. In this paper, we introduce the concept of incentive-security that incentivizes rational provers to behave honestly for their best interest, bypassing the existing hardness to design a PoL mechanism with computational efficiency, a provable incentive-security guarantee and controllable difficulty. Particularly, our work is secure against two attacks to the recent work of Jia et al. [2021], and also improves the computational overhead from $\Theta(1)$ to $O(\frac{\log E}{E})$. Furthermore, while most recent research assumes trusted problem providers and verifiers, our design also guarantees frontend incentive-security even when problem providers are untrusted, and verifier incentive-security that bypasses the Verifier's Dilemma. By incorporating ML training into blockchain consensus mechanisms with provable guarantees, our research not only proposes an eco-friendly solution to blockchain systems, but also provides a proposal for a completely decentralized computing power market in the new AI age.

replace-cross Scenario-Adaptive Fine-Grained Personalization Network: Tailoring User Behavior Representation to the Scenario Context

Authors: Moyu Zhang, Yongxiang Tang, Jinxin Hu, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Existing methods often adjust representations adaptively only after aggregating user behavior sequences. This coarse-grained approach to re-weighting the entire user sequence hampers the model's ability to accurately model the user interest migration across different scenarios. To enhance the model's capacity to capture user interests from historical behavior sequences in each scenario, we develop a ranking framework named the Scenario-Adaptive Fine-Grained Personalization Network (SFPNet), which designs a kind of fine-grained method for multi-scenario personalized recommendations. Specifically, SFPNet comprises a series of blocks named as Scenario-Tailoring Block, stacked sequentially. Each block initially deploys a parameter personalization unit to integrate scenario information at a coarse-grained level by redefining fundamental features. Subsequently, we consolidate scenario-adaptively adjusted feature representations to serve as context information. By employing residual connection, we incorporate this context into the representation of each historical behavior, allowing for context-aware fine-grained customization of the behavior representations at the scenario-level, which in turn supports scenario-aware user interest modeling.

replace-cross Tao: Re-Thinking DL-based Microarchitecture Simulation

Authors: Santosh Pandey, Amir Yazdanbakhsh, Hang Liu

Abstract: Microarchitecture simulators are indispensable tools for microarchitecture designers to validate, estimate, and optimize new hardware that meets specific design requirements. While the quest for a fast, accurate and detailed microarchitecture simulation has been ongoing for decades, existing simulators excel and fall short at different aspects: (i) Although execution-driven simulation is accurate and detailed, it is extremely slow and requires expert-level experience to design. (ii) Trace-driven simulation reuses the execution traces in pursuit of fast simulation but faces accuracy concerns and fails to achieve significant speedup. (iii) Emerging deep learning (DL)-based simulations are remarkably fast and have acceptable accuracy but fail to provide adequate low-level microarchitectural performance metrics crucial for microarchitectural bottleneck analysis. Additionally, they introduce substantial overheads from trace regeneration and model re-training when simulating a new microarchitecture. Re-thinking the advantages and limitations of the aforementioned simulation paradigms, this paper introduces TAO that redesigns the DL-based simulation with three primary contributions: First, we propose a new training dataset design such that the subsequent simulation only needs functional trace as inputs, which can be rapidly generated and reused across microarchitectures. Second, we redesign the input features and the DL model using self-attention to support predicting various performance metrics. Third, we propose techniques to train a microarchitecture agnostic embedding layer that enables fast transfer learning between different microarchitectural configurations and reduces the re-training overhead of conventional DL-based simulators. Our extensive evaluation shows TAO can reduce the overall training and simulation time by 18.06x over the state-of-the-art DL-based endeavors.

replace-cross TrACT: A Training Dynamics Aware Contrastive Learning Framework for Long-tail Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Junrui Zhang, Mozhgan Pourkeshavarz, Amir Rasouli

Abstract: As a safety critical task, autonomous driving requires accurate predictions of road users' future trajectories for safe motion planning, particularly under challenging conditions. Yet, many recent deep learning methods suffer from a degraded performance on the challenging scenarios, mainly because these scenarios appear less frequently in the training data. To address such a long-tail issue, existing methods force challenging scenarios closer together in the feature space during training to trigger information sharing among them for more robust learning. These methods, however, primarily rely on the motion patterns to characterize scenarios, omitting more informative contextual information, such as interactions and scene layout. We argue that exploiting such information not only improves prediction accuracy but also scene compliance of the generated trajectories. In this paper, we propose to incorporate richer training dynamics information into a prototypical contrastive learning framework. More specifically, we propose a two-stage process. First, we generate rich contextual features using a baseline encoder-decoder framework. These features are split into clusters based on the model's output errors, using the training dynamics information, and a prototype is computed within each cluster. Second, we retrain the model using the prototypes in a contrastive learning framework. We conduct empirical evaluations of our approach using two large-scale naturalistic datasets and show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance by improving accuracy and scene compliance on the long-tail samples. Furthermore, we perform experiments on a subset of the clusters to highlight the additional benefit of our approach in reducing training bias.

replace-cross Impedance Matching: Enabling an RL-Based Running Jump in a Quadruped Robot

Authors: Neil Guan, Shangqun Yu, Shifan Zhu, Donghyun Kim

Abstract: Replicating the remarkable athleticism seen in animals has long been a challenge in robotics control. Although Reinforcement Learning (RL) has demonstrated significant progress in dynamic legged locomotion control, the substantial sim-to-real gap often hinders the real-world demonstration of truly dynamic movements. We propose a new framework to mitigate this gap through frequency-domain analysis-based impedance matching between simulated and real robots. Our framework offers a structured guideline for parameter selection and the range for dynamics randomization in simulation, thus facilitating a safe sim-to-real transfer. The learned policy using our framework enabled jumps across distances of 55 cm and heights of 38 cm. The results are, to the best of our knowledge, one of the highest and longest running jumps demonstrated by an RL-based control policy in a real quadruped robot. Note that the achieved jumping height is approximately 85% of that obtained from a state-of-the-art trajectory optimization method, which can be seen as the physical limit for the given robot hardware. In addition, our control policy accomplished stable walking at speeds up to 2 m/s in the forward and backward directions, and 1 m/s in the sideway direction.

replace-cross On TinyML and Cybersecurity: Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Use Case

Authors: Fatemeh Dehrouyeh, Li Yang, Firouz Badrkhani Ajaei, Abdallah Shami

Abstract: As technology advances, the use of Machine Learning (ML) in cybersecurity is becoming increasingly crucial to tackle the growing complexity of cyber threats. While traditional ML models can enhance cybersecurity, their high energy and resource demands limit their applications, leading to the emergence of Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) as a more suitable solution for resource-constrained environments. TinyML is widely applied in areas such as smart homes, healthcare, and industrial automation. TinyML focuses on optimizing ML algorithms for small, low-power devices, enabling intelligent data processing directly on edge devices. This paper provides a comprehensive review of common challenges of TinyML techniques, such as power consumption, limited memory, and computational constraints; it also explores potential solutions to these challenges, such as energy harvesting, computational optimization techniques, and transfer learning for privacy preservation. On the other hand, this paper discusses TinyML's applications in advancing cybersecurity for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructures (EVCIs) as a representative use case. It presents an experimental case study that enhances cybersecurity in EVCI using TinyML, evaluated against traditional ML in terms of reduced delay and memory usage, with a slight trade-off in accuracy. Additionally, the study includes a practical setup using the ESP32 microcontroller in the PlatformIO environment, which provides a hands-on assessment of TinyML's application in cybersecurity for EVCI.

replace-cross ComposerX: Multi-Agent Symbolic Music Composition with LLMs

Authors: Qixin Deng, Qikai Yang, Ruibin Yuan, Yipeng Huang, Yi Wang, Xubo Liu, Zeyue Tian, Jiahao Pan, Ge Zhang, Hanfeng Lin, Yizhi Li, Yinghao Ma, Jie Fu, Chenghua Lin, Emmanouil Benetos, Wenwu Wang, Guangyu Xia, Wei Xue, Yike Guo

Abstract: Music composition represents the creative side of humanity, and itself is a complex task that requires abilities to understand and generate information with long dependency and harmony constraints. While demonstrating impressive capabilities in STEM subjects, current LLMs easily fail in this task, generating ill-written music even when equipped with modern techniques like In-Context-Learning and Chain-of-Thoughts. To further explore and enhance LLMs' potential in music composition by leveraging their reasoning ability and the large knowledge base in music history and theory, we propose ComposerX, an agent-based symbolic music generation framework. We find that applying a multi-agent approach significantly improves the music composition quality of GPT-4. The results demonstrate that ComposerX is capable of producing coherent polyphonic music compositions with captivating melodies, while adhering to user instructions.

replace-cross Control Policy Correction Framework for Reinforcement Learning-based Energy Arbitrage Strategies

Authors: Seyed Soroush Karimi Madahi, Gargya Gokhale, Marie-Sophie Verwee, Bert Claessens, Chris Develder

Abstract: A continuous rise in the penetration of renewable energy sources, along with the use of the single imbalance pricing, provides a new opportunity for balance responsible parties to reduce their cost through energy arbitrage in the imbalance settlement mechanism. Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) methods are an appropriate choice for solving the energy arbitrage problem due to their outstanding performance in solving complex stochastic sequential problems. However, RL is rarely deployed in real-world applications since its learned policy does not necessarily guarantee safety during the execution phase. In this paper, we propose a new RL-based control framework for batteries to obtain a safe energy arbitrage strategy in the imbalance settlement mechanism. In our proposed control framework, the agent initially aims to optimize the arbitrage revenue. Subsequently, in the post-processing step, we correct (constrain) the learned policy following a knowledge distillation process based on properties that follow human intuition. Our post-processing step is a generic method and is not restricted to the energy arbitrage domain. We use the Belgian imbalance price of 2023 to evaluate the performance of our proposed framework. Furthermore, we deploy our proposed control framework on a real battery to show its capability in the real world.