new PAODING: A High-fidelity Data-free Pruning Toolkit for Debloating Pre-trained Neural Networks

Authors: Mark Huasong Meng, Hao Guan, Liuhuo Wan, Sin Gee Teo, Guangdong Bai, Jin Song Dong

Abstract: We present PAODING, a toolkit to debloat pretrained neural network models through the lens of data-free pruning. To preserve the model fidelity, PAODING adopts an iterative process, which dynamically measures the effect of deleting a neuron to identify candidates that have the least impact to the output layer. Our evaluation shows that PAODING can significantly reduce the model size, generalize on different datasets and models, and meanwhile preserve the model fidelity in terms of test accuracy and adversarial robustness. PAODING is publicly available on PyPI via


new On Correcting SHAP Scores

Authors: Olivier Letoffe, Xuanxiang Huang, Joao Marques-Silva

Abstract: Recent work uncovered examples of classifiers for which SHAP scores yield misleading feature attributions. While such examples might be perceived as suggesting the inadequacy of Shapley values for explainability, this paper shows that the source of the identified shortcomings of SHAP scores resides elsewhere. Concretely, the paper makes the case that the failings of SHAP scores result from the characteristic functions used in earlier works. Furthermore, the paper identifies a number of properties that characteristic functions ought to respect, and proposes several novel characteristic functions, each exhibiting one or more of the desired properties. More importantly, some of the characteristic functions proposed in this paper are guaranteed not to exhibit any of the shortcomings uncovered by earlier work. The paper also investigates the impact of the new characteristic functions on the complexity of computing SHAP scores. Finally, the paper proposes modifications to the tool SHAP to use instead one of our novel characteristic functions, thereby eliminating some of the limitations reported for SHAP scores.

new BrainODE: Dynamic Brain Signal Analysis via Graph-Aided Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

Authors: Kaiqiao Han, Yi Yang, Zijie Huang, Xuan Kan, Yang Yang, Ying Guo, Lifang He, Liang Zhan, Yizhou Sun, Wei Wang, Carl Yang

Abstract: Brain network analysis is vital for understanding the neural interactions regarding brain structures and functions, and identifying potential biomarkers for clinical phenotypes. However, widely used brain signals such as Blood Oxygen Level Dependent (BOLD) time series generated from functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) often manifest three challenges: (1) missing values, (2) irregular samples, and (3) sampling misalignment, due to instrumental limitations, impacting downstream brain network analysis and clinical outcome predictions. In this work, we propose a novel model called BrainODE to achieve continuous modeling of dynamic brain signals using Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE). By learning latent initial values and neural ODE functions from irregular time series, BrainODE effectively reconstructs brain signals at any time point, mitigating the aforementioned three data challenges of brain signals altogether. Comprehensive experimental results on real-world neuroimaging datasets demonstrate the superior performance of BrainODE and its capability of addressing the three data challenges.

new Recommenadation aided Caching using Combinatorial Multi-armed Bandits

Authors: Pavamana K J, Chandramani Kishore Singh

Abstract: We study content caching with recommendations in a wireless network where the users are connected through a base station equipped with a finite-capacity cache. We assume a fixed set of contents with unknown user preferences and content popularities. We can recommend a subset of the contents to the users which encourages the users to request these contents. Recommendation can thus be used to increase cache hits. We formulate the cache hit optimization problem as a combinatorial multi-armed bandit (CMAB). We propose a UCB-based algorithm to decide which contents to cache and recommend. We provide an upper bound on the regret of our algorithm. We numerically demonstrate the performance of our algorithm and compare it to state-of-the-art algorithms.

new Graph Neural Network Approach to Semantic Type Detection in Tables

Authors: Ehsan Hoseinzade, Ke Wang

Abstract: This study addresses the challenge of detecting semantic column types in relational tables, a key task in many real-world applications. While language models like BERT have improved prediction accuracy, their token input constraints limit the simultaneous processing of intra-table and inter-table information. We propose a novel approach using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to model intra-table dependencies, allowing language models to focus on inter-table information. Our proposed method not only outperforms existing state-of-the-art algorithms but also offers novel insights into the utility and functionality of various GNN types for semantic type detection. The code is available at


new Data-Driven Permissible Safe Control with Barrier Certificates

Authors: Rayan Mazouz, John Skovbekk, Frederik Baymler Mathiesen, Eric Frew, Luca Laurenti, Morteza Lahijanian

Abstract: This paper introduces a method of identifying a maximal set of safe strategies from data for stochastic systems with unknown dynamics using barrier certificates. The first step is learning the dynamics of the system via Gaussian process (GP) regression and obtaining probabilistic errors for this estimate. Then, we develop an algorithm for constructing piecewise stochastic barrier functions to find a maximal permissible strategy set using the learned GP model, which is based on sequentially pruning the worst controls until a maximal set is identified. The permissible strategies are guaranteed to maintain probabilistic safety for the true system. This is especially important for learning-enabled systems, because a rich strategy space enables additional data collection and complex behaviors while remaining safe. Case studies on linear and nonlinear systems demonstrate that increasing the size of the dataset for learning the system grows the permissible strategy set.

new Utilizing Machine Learning and 3D Neuroimaging to Predict Hearing Loss: A Comparative Analysis of Dimensionality Reduction and Regression Techniques

Authors: Trinath Sai Subhash Reddy Pittala, Uma Maheswara R Meleti, Manasa Thatipamula

Abstract: In this project, we have explored machine learning approaches for predicting hearing loss thresholds on the brain's gray matter 3D images. We have solved the problem statement in two phases. In the first phase, we used a 3D CNN model to reduce high-dimensional input into latent space and decode it into an original image to represent the input in rich feature space. In the second phase, we utilized this model to reduce input into rich features and used these features to train standard machine learning models for predicting hearing thresholds. We have experimented with autoencoders and variational autoencoders in the first phase for dimensionality reduction and explored random forest, XGBoost and multi-layer perceptron for regressing the thresholds. We split the given data set into training and testing sets and achieved an 8.80 range and 22.57 range for PT500 and PT4000 on the test set, respectively. We got the lowest RMSE using multi-layer perceptron among the other models. Our approach leverages the unique capabilities of VAEs to capture complex, non-linear relationships within high-dimensional neuroimaging data. We rigorously evaluated the models using various metrics, focusing on the root mean squared error (RMSE). The results highlight the efficacy of the multi-layer neural network model, which outperformed other techniques in terms of accuracy. This project advances the application of data mining in medical diagnostics and enhances our understanding of age-related hearing loss through innovative machine-learning frameworks.

new Discovering intrinsic multi-compartment pharmacometric models using Physics Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Imran Nasim, Adam Nasim

Abstract: Pharmacometric models are pivotal across drug discovery and development, playing a decisive role in determining the progression of candidate molecules. However, the derivation of mathematical equations governing the system is a labor-intensive trial-and-error process, often constrained by tight timelines. In this study, we introduce PKINNs, a novel purely data-driven pharmacokinetic-informed neural network model. PKINNs efficiently discovers and models intrinsic multi-compartment-based pharmacometric structures, reliably forecasting their derivatives. The resulting models are both interpretable and explainable through Symbolic Regression methods. Our computational framework demonstrates the potential for closed-form model discovery in pharmacometric applications, addressing the labor-intensive nature of traditional model derivation. With the increasing availability of large datasets, this framework holds the potential to significantly enhance model-informed drug discovery.

new Re-visiting Skip-Gram Negative Sampling: Dimension Regularization for More Efficient Dissimilarity Preservation in Graph Embeddings

Authors: David Liu, Arjun Seshadri, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Johan Ugander

Abstract: A wide range of graph embedding objectives decompose into two components: one that attracts the embeddings of nodes that are perceived as similar, and another that repels embeddings of nodes that are perceived as dissimilar. Because real-world graphs are sparse and the number of dissimilar pairs grows quadratically with the number of nodes, Skip-Gram Negative Sampling (SGNS) has emerged as a popular and efficient repulsion approach. SGNS repels each node from a sample of dissimilar nodes, as opposed to all dissimilar nodes. In this work, we show that node-wise repulsion is, in aggregate, an approximate re-centering of the node embedding dimensions. Such dimension operations are much more scalable than node operations. The dimension approach, in addition to being more efficient, yields a simpler geometric interpretation of the repulsion. Our result extends findings from the self-supervised learning literature to the skip-gram model, establishing a connection between skip-gram node contrast and dimension regularization. We show that in the limit of large graphs, under mild regularity conditions, the original node repulsion objective converges to optimization with dimension regularization. We use this observation to propose an algorithm augmentation framework that speeds up any existing algorithm, supervised or unsupervised, using SGNS. The framework prioritizes node attraction and replaces SGNS with dimension regularization. We instantiate this generic framework for LINE and node2vec and show that the augmented algorithms preserve downstream performance while dramatically increasing efficiency.

new M-DEW: Extending Dynamic Ensemble Weighting to Handle Missing Values

Authors: Adam Catto, Nan Jia, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Anita Raja

Abstract: Missing value imputation is a crucial preprocessing step for many machine learning problems. However, it is often considered as a separate subtask from downstream applications such as classification, regression, or clustering, and thus is not optimized together with them. We hypothesize that treating the imputation model and downstream task model together and optimizing over full pipelines will yield better results than treating them separately. Our work describes a novel AutoML technique for making downstream predictions with missing data that automatically handles preprocessing, model weighting, and selection during inference time, with minimal compute overhead. Specifically we develop M-DEW, a Dynamic missingness-aware Ensemble Weighting (DEW) approach, that constructs a set of two-stage imputation-prediction pipelines, trains each component separately, and dynamically calculates a set of pipeline weights for each sample during inference time. We thus extend previous work on dynamic ensemble weighting to handle missing data at the level of full imputation-prediction pipelines, improving performance and calibration on downstream machine learning tasks over standard model averaging techniques. M-DEW is shown to outperform the state-of-the-art in that it produces statistically significant reductions in model perplexity in 17 out of 18 experiments, while improving average precision in 13 out of 18 experiments.

new Semi-Supervised Hierarchical Multi-Label Classifier Based on Local Information

Authors: Jonathan Serrano-P\'erez, L. Enrique Sucar

Abstract: Scarcity of labeled data is a common problem in supervised classification, since hand-labeling can be time consuming, expensive or hard to label; on the other hand, large amounts of unlabeled information can be found. The problem of scarcity of labeled data is even more notorious in hierarchical classification, because the data of a node is split among its children, which results in few instances associated to the deepest nodes of the hierarchy. In this work it is proposed the semi-supervised hierarchical multi-label classifier based on local information (SSHMC-BLI) which can be trained with labeled and unlabeled data to perform hierarchical classification tasks. The method can be applied to any type of hierarchical problem, here we focus on the most difficult case: hierarchies of DAG type, where the instances can be associated to multiple paths of labels which can finish in an internal node. SSHMC-BLI builds pseudo-labels for each unlabeled instance from the paths of labels of its labeled neighbors, while it considers whether the unlabeled instance is similar to its neighbors. Experiments on 12 challenging datasets from functional genomics show that making use of unlabeled along with labeled data can help to improve the performance of a supervised hierarchical classifier trained only on labeled data, even with statistical significance.

new Leveraging Active Subspaces to Capture Epistemic Model Uncertainty in Deep Generative Models for Molecular Design

Authors: A N M Nafiz Abeer, Sanket Jantre, Nathan M Urban, Byung-Jun Yoon

Abstract: Deep generative models have been accelerating the inverse design process in material and drug design. Unlike their counterpart property predictors in typical molecular design frameworks, generative molecular design models have seen fewer efforts on uncertainty quantification (UQ) due to computational challenges in Bayesian inference posed by their large number of parameters. In this work, we focus on the junction-tree variational autoencoder (JT-VAE), a popular model for generative molecular design, and address this issue by leveraging the low dimensional active subspace to capture the uncertainty in the model parameters. Specifically, we approximate the posterior distribution over the active subspace parameters to estimate the epistemic model uncertainty in an extremely high dimensional parameter space. The proposed UQ scheme does not require alteration of the model architecture, making it readily applicable to any pre-trained model. Our experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the AS-based UQ and its potential impact on molecular optimization by exploring the model diversity under epistemic uncertainty.

new Block-As-Domain Adaptation for Workload Prediction from fNIRS Data

Authors: Jiyang Wang, Ayse Altay, Senem Velipasalar

Abstract: Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-intrusive way to measure cortical hemodynamic activity. Predicting cognitive workload from fNIRS data has taken on a diffuse set of methods. To be applicable in real-world settings, models are needed, which can perform well across different sessions as well as different subjects. However, most existing works assume that training and testing data come from the same subjects and/or cannot generalize well across never-before-seen subjects. Additional challenges imposed by fNIRS data include the high variations in inter-subject fNIRS data and also in intra-subject data collected across different blocks of sessions. To address these issues, we propose an effective method, referred to as the class-aware-block-aware domain adaptation (CABA-DA) which explicitly minimize intra-session variance by viewing different blocks from the same subject same session as different domains. We minimize the intra-class domain discrepancy and maximize the inter-class domain discrepancy accordingly. In addition, we propose an MLPMixer-based model for cognitive load classification. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed model has better performance compared with three different baseline models on three public-available datasets of cognitive workload. Two of them are collected from n-back tasks and one of them is from finger tapping. From our experiments, we also show the proposed contrastive learning method can also improve baseline models we compared with.

new GMC-PINNs: A new general Monte Carlo PINNs method for solving fractional partial differential equations on irregular domains

Authors: Shupeng Wang, George Em Karniadakis

Abstract: Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have been widely used for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) of different types, including fractional PDEs (fPDES) [29]. Herein, we propose a new general (quasi) Monte Carlo PINN for solving fPDEs on irregular domains. Specifically, instead of approximating fractional derivatives by Monte Carlo approximations of integrals as was done previously in [31], we use a more general Monte Carlo approximation method to solve different fPDEs, which is valid for fractional differentiation under any definition. Moreover, based on the ensemble probability density function, the generated nodes are all located in denser regions near the target point where we perform the differentiation. This has an unexpected connection with known finite difference methods on non-equidistant or nested grids, and hence our method inherits their advantages. At the same time, the generated nodes exhibit a block-like dense distribution, leading to a good computational efficiency of this approach. We present the framework for using this algorithm and apply it to several examples. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of GMC-PINNs in dealing with irregular domain problems and show a higher computational efficiency compared to the original fPINN method. We also include comparisons with the Monte Carlo fPINN [31]. Finally, we use examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method in dealing with fuzzy boundary location problems, and then use the method to solve the coupled 3D fractional Bloch-Torrey equation defined in the ventricular domain of the human brain, and compare the results with classical numerical methods.

new Machine Learning-based Estimation of Respiratory Fluctuations in a Healthy Adult Population using BOLD fMRI and Head Motion Parameters

Authors: Abdoljalil Addeh, Fernando Vega, Rebecca J. Williams, G. Bruce Pike, M. Ethan MacDonald

Abstract: Motivation: In many fMRI studies, respiratory signals are often missing or of poor quality. Therefore, it could be highly beneficial to have a tool to extract respiratory variation (RV) waveforms directly from fMRI data without the need for peripheral recording devices. Goal(s): Investigate the hypothesis that head motion parameters contain valuable information regarding respiratory patter, which can help machine learning algorithms estimate the RV waveform. Approach: This study proposes a CNN model for reconstruction of RV waveforms using head motion parameters and BOLD signals. Results: This study showed that combining head motion parameters with BOLD signals enhances RV waveform estimation. Impact: It is expected that application of the proposed method will lower the cost of fMRI studies, reduce complexity, and decrease the burden on participants as they will not be required to wear a respiratory bellows.

new Context-Aware Mobile Network Performance Prediction Using Network & Remote Sensing Data

Authors: Ali Shibli, Tahar Zanouda

Abstract: Accurate estimation of Network Performance is crucial for several tasks in telecom networks. Telecom networks regularly serve a vast number of radio nodes. Each radio node provides services to end-users in the associated coverage areas. The task of predicting Network Performance for telecom networks necessitates considering complex spatio-temporal interactions and incorporating geospatial information where the radio nodes are deployed. Instead of relying on historical data alone, our approach augments network historical performance datasets with satellite imagery data. Our comprehensive experiments, using real-world data collected from multiple different regions of an operational network, show that the model is robust and can generalize across different scenarios. The results indicate that the model, utilizing satellite imagery, performs very well across the tested regions. Additionally, the model demonstrates a robust approach to the cold-start problem, offering a promising alternative for initial performance estimation in newly deployed sites.

new Joint Optimization of Piecewise Linear Ensembles

Authors: Matt Raymond, Angela Violi, Clayton Scott

Abstract: Tree ensembles achieve state-of-the-art performance despite being greedily optimized. Global refinement (GR) reduces greediness by jointly and globally optimizing all constant leaves. We propose Joint Optimization of Piecewise Linear ENsembles (JOPLEN), a piecewise-linear extension of GR. Compared to GR, JOPLEN improves model flexibility and can apply common penalties, including sparsity-promoting matrix norms and subspace-norms, to nonlinear prediction. We evaluate the Frobenius norm, $\ell_{2,1}$ norm, and Laplacian regularization for 146 regression and classification datasets; JOPLEN, combined with GB trees and RF, achieves superior performance in both settings. Additionally, JOPLEN with a nuclear norm penalty empirically learns smooth and subspace-aligned functions. Finally, we perform multitask feature selection by extending the Dirty LASSO. JOPLEN Dirty LASSO achieves a superior feature sparsity/performance tradeoff to linear and gradient boosted approaches. We anticipate that JOPLEN will improve regression, classification, and feature selection across many fields.

new Three-layer deep learning network random trees for fault diagnosis in chemical production process

Authors: Ming Lu, Zhen Gao, Ying Zou, Zuguo Chen, Pei Li

Abstract: With the development of technology, the chemical production process is becoming increasingly complex and large-scale, making fault diagnosis particularly important. However, current diagnostic methods struggle to address the complexities of large-scale production processes. In this paper, we integrate the strengths of deep learning and machine learning technologies, combining the advantages of bidirectional long and short-term memory neural networks, fully connected neural networks, and the extra trees algorithm to propose a novel fault diagnostic model named three-layer deep learning network random trees (TDLN-trees). First, the deep learning component extracts temporal features from industrial data, combining and transforming them into a higher-level data representation. Second, the machine learning component processes and classifies the features extracted in the first step. An experimental analysis based on the Tennessee Eastman process verifies the superiority of the proposed method.

new Model Quantization and Hardware Acceleration for Vision Transformers: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Dayou Du, Gu Gong, Xiaowen Chu

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have recently garnered considerable attention, emerging as a promising alternative to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in several vision-related applications. However, their large model sizes and high computational and memory demands hinder deployment, especially on resource-constrained devices. This underscores the necessity of algorithm-hardware co-design specific to ViTs, aiming to optimize their performance by tailoring both the algorithmic structure and the underlying hardware accelerator to each other's strengths. Model quantization, by converting high-precision numbers to lower-precision, reduces the computational demands and memory needs of ViTs, allowing the creation of hardware specifically optimized for these quantized algorithms, boosting efficiency. This article provides a comprehensive survey of ViTs quantization and its hardware acceleration. We first delve into the unique architectural attributes of ViTs and their runtime characteristics. Subsequently, we examine the fundamental principles of model quantization, followed by a comparative analysis of the state-of-the-art quantization techniques for ViTs. Additionally, we explore the hardware acceleration of quantized ViTs, highlighting the importance of hardware-friendly algorithm design. In conclusion, this article will discuss ongoing challenges and future research paths. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at


new Data Augmentation Policy Search for Long-Term Forecasting

Authors: Liran Nochumsohn, Omri Azencot

Abstract: Data augmentation serves as a popular regularization technique to combat overfitting challenges in neural networks. While automatic augmentation has demonstrated success in image classification tasks, its application to time-series problems, particularly in long-term forecasting, has received comparatively less attention. To address this gap, we introduce a time-series automatic augmentation approach named TSAA, which is both efficient and easy to implement. The solution involves tackling the associated bilevel optimization problem through a two-step process: initially training a non-augmented model for a limited number of epochs, followed by an iterative split procedure. During this iterative process, we alternate between identifying a robust augmentation policy through Bayesian optimization and refining the model while discarding suboptimal runs. Extensive evaluations on challenging univariate and multivariate forecasting benchmark problems demonstrate that TSAA consistently outperforms several robust baselines, suggesting its potential integration into prediction pipelines.

new A Survey on Deep Active Learning: Recent Advances and New Frontiers

Authors: Dongyuan Li, Zhen Wang, Yankai Chen, Renhe Jiang, Weiping Ding, Manabu Okumura

Abstract: Active learning seeks to achieve strong performance with fewer training samples. It does this by iteratively asking an oracle to label new selected samples in a human-in-the-loop manner. This technique has gained increasing popularity due to its broad applicability, yet its survey papers, especially for deep learning-based active learning (DAL), remain scarce. Therefore, we conduct an advanced and comprehensive survey on DAL. We first introduce reviewed paper collection and filtering. Second, we formally define the DAL task and summarize the most influential baselines and widely used datasets. Third, we systematically provide a taxonomy of DAL methods from five perspectives, including annotation types, query strategies, deep model architectures, learning paradigms, and training processes, and objectively analyze their strengths and weaknesses. Then, we comprehensively summarize main applications of DAL in Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computer Vision (CV), and Data Mining (DM), etc. Finally, we discuss challenges and perspectives after a detailed analysis of current studies. This work aims to serve as a useful and quick guide for researchers in overcoming difficulties in DAL. We hope that this survey will spur further progress in this burgeoning field.

new Practical Dataset Distillation Based on Deep Support Vectors

Authors: Hyunho Lee, Junhoo Lee, Nojun Kwak

Abstract: Conventional dataset distillation requires significant computational resources and assumes access to the entire dataset, an assumption impractical as it presumes all data resides on a central server. In this paper, we focus on dataset distillation in practical scenarios with access to only a fraction of the entire dataset. We introduce a novel distillation method that augments the conventional process by incorporating general model knowledge via the addition of Deep KKT (DKKT) loss. In practical settings, our approach showed improved performance compared to the baseline distribution matching distillation method on the CIFAR-10 dataset. Additionally, we present experimental evidence that Deep Support Vectors (DSVs) offer unique information to the original distillation, and their integration results in enhanced performance.

new A Self-explaining Neural Architecture for Generalizable Concept Learning

Authors: Sanchit Sinha, Guangzhi Xiong, Aidong Zhang

Abstract: With the wide proliferation of Deep Neural Networks in high-stake applications, there is a growing demand for explainability behind their decision-making process. Concept learning models attempt to learn high-level 'concepts' - abstract entities that align with human understanding, and thus provide interpretability to DNN architectures. However, in this paper, we demonstrate that present SOTA concept learning approaches suffer from two major problems - lack of concept fidelity wherein the models fail to learn consistent concepts among similar classes and limited concept interoperability wherein the models fail to generalize learned concepts to new domains for the same task. Keeping these in mind, we propose a novel self-explaining architecture for concept learning across domains which - i) incorporates a new concept saliency network for representative concept selection, ii) utilizes contrastive learning to capture representative domain invariant concepts, and iii) uses a novel prototype-based concept grounding regularization to improve concept alignment across domains. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach over current SOTA concept learning approaches on four widely used real-world datasets. Empirical results show that our method improves both concept fidelity measured through concept overlap and concept interoperability measured through domain adaptation performance.

new UCB-driven Utility Function Search for Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yucheng Shi, Alexandros Agapitos, David Lynch, Giorgio Cruciata, Hao Wang, Yayu Yao, Aleksandar Milenovic

Abstract: In Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) agents are tasked with optimising decision-making behaviours that trade-off between multiple, possibly conflicting, objectives. MORL based on decomposition is a family of solution methods that employ a number of utility functions to decompose the multi-objective problem into individual single-objective problems solved simultaneously in order to approximate a Pareto front of policies. We focus on the case of linear utility functions parameterised by weight vectors w. We introduce a method based on Upper Confidence Bound to efficiently search for the most promising weight vectors during different stages of the learning process, with the aim of maximising the hypervolume of the resulting Pareto front. The proposed method is shown to outperform various MORL baselines on Mujoco benchmark problems across different random seeds. The code is online at:


new Conformal Risk Control for Ordinal Classification

Authors: Yunpeng Xu, Wenge Guo, Zhi Wei

Abstract: As a natural extension to the standard conformal prediction method, several conformal risk control methods have been recently developed and applied to various learning problems. In this work, we seek to control the conformal risk in expectation for ordinal classification tasks, which have broad applications to many real problems. For this purpose, we firstly formulated the ordinal classification task in the conformal risk control framework, and provided theoretic risk bounds of the risk control method. Then we proposed two types of loss functions specially designed for ordinal classification tasks, and developed corresponding algorithms to determine the prediction set for each case to control their risks at a desired level. We demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed methods, and analyzed the difference between the two types of risks on three different datasets, including a simulated dataset, the UTKFace dataset and the diabetic retinopathy detection dataset.

new Weight Sparsity Complements Activity Sparsity in Neuromorphic Language Models

Authors: Rishav Mukherji, Mark Sch\"one, Khaleelulla Khan Nazeer, Christian Mayr, David Kappel, Anand Subramoney

Abstract: Activity and parameter sparsity are two standard methods of making neural networks computationally more efficient. Event-based architectures such as spiking neural networks (SNNs) naturally exhibit activity sparsity, and many methods exist to sparsify their connectivity by pruning weights. While the effect of weight pruning on feed-forward SNNs has been previously studied for computer vision tasks, the effects of pruning for complex sequence tasks like language modeling are less well studied since SNNs have traditionally struggled to achieve meaningful performance on these tasks. Using a recently published SNN-like architecture that works well on small-scale language modeling, we study the effects of weight pruning when combined with activity sparsity. Specifically, we study the trade-off between the multiplicative efficiency gains the combination affords and its effect on task performance for language modeling. To dissect the effects of the two sparsities, we conduct a comparative analysis between densely activated models and sparsely activated event-based models across varying degrees of connectivity sparsity. We demonstrate that sparse activity and sparse connectivity complement each other without a proportional drop in task performance for an event-based neural network trained on the Penn Treebank and WikiText-2 language modeling datasets. Our results suggest sparsely connected event-based neural networks are promising candidates for effective and efficient sequence modeling.

new MetaRM: Shifted Distributions Alignment via Meta-Learning

Authors: Shihan Dou, Yan Liu, Enyu Zhou, Tianlong Li, Haoxiang Jia, Limao Xiong, Xin Zhao, Junjie Ye, Rui Zheng, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: The success of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) in language model alignment is critically dependent on the capability of the reward model (RM). However, as the training process progresses, the output distribution of the policy model shifts, leading to the RM's reduced ability to distinguish between responses. This issue is further compounded when the RM, trained on a specific data distribution, struggles to generalize to examples outside of that distribution. These two issues can be united as a challenge posed by the shifted distribution of the environment. To surmount this challenge, we introduce MetaRM, a method leveraging meta-learning to align the RM with the shifted environment distribution. MetaRM is designed to train the RM by minimizing data loss, particularly for data that can improve the differentiation ability to examples of the shifted target distribution. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MetaRM significantly improves the RM's distinguishing ability in iterative RLHF optimization, and also provides the capacity to identify subtle differences in out-of-distribution samples.

new RAG-based Explainable Prediction of Road Users Behaviors for Automated Driving using Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

Authors: Mohamed Manzour Hussien, Angie Nataly Melo, Augusto Luis Ballardini, Carlota Salinas Maldonado, Rub\'en Izquierdo, Miguel \'Angel Sotelo

Abstract: Prediction of road users' behaviors in the context of autonomous driving has gained considerable attention by the scientific community in the last years. Most works focus on predicting behaviors based on kinematic information alone, a simplification of the reality since road users are humans, and as such they are highly influenced by their surrounding context. In addition, a large plethora of research works rely on powerful Deep Learning techniques, which exhibit high performance metrics in prediction tasks but may lack the ability to fully understand and exploit the contextual semantic information contained in the road scene, not to mention their inability to provide explainable predictions that can be understood by humans. In this work, we propose an explainable road users' behavior prediction system that integrates the reasoning abilities of Knowledge Graphs (KG) and the expressiveness capabilities of Large Language Models (LLM) by using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques. For that purpose, Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGE) and Bayesian inference are combined to allow the deployment of a fully inductive reasoning system that enables the issuing of predictions that rely on legacy information contained in the graph as well as on current evidence gathered in real time by onboard sensors. Two use cases have been implemented following the proposed approach: 1) Prediction of pedestrians' crossing actions; 2) Prediction of lane change maneuvers. In both cases, the performance attained surpasses the current state of the art in terms of anticipation and F1-score, showing a promising avenue for future research in this field.

new Robust Semi-supervised Learning via $f$-Divergence and $\alpha$-R\'enyi Divergence

Authors: Gholamali Aminian, Amirhossien Bagheri, Mahyar JafariNodeh, Radmehr Karimian, Mohammad-Hossein Yassaee

Abstract: This paper investigates a range of empirical risk functions and regularization methods suitable for self-training methods in semi-supervised learning. These approaches draw inspiration from various divergence measures, such as $f$-divergences and $\alpha$-R\'enyi divergences. Inspired by the theoretical foundations rooted in divergences, i.e., $f$-divergences and $\alpha$-R\'enyi divergence, we also provide valuable insights to enhance the understanding of our empirical risk functions and regularization techniques. In the pseudo-labeling and entropy minimization techniques as self-training methods for effective semi-supervised learning, the self-training process has some inherent mismatch between the true label and pseudo-label (noisy pseudo-labels) and some of our empirical risk functions are robust, concerning noisy pseudo-labels. Under some conditions, our empirical risk functions demonstrate better performance when compared to traditional self-training methods.

new Counterfactual Explanations for Deep Learning-Based Traffic Forecasting

Authors: Rushan Wang, Yanan Xin, Yatao Zhang, Fernando Perez-Cruz, Martin Raubal

Abstract: Deep learning models are widely used in traffic forecasting and have achieved state-of-the-art prediction accuracy. However, the black-box nature of those models makes the results difficult to interpret by users. This study aims to leverage an Explainable AI approach, counterfactual explanations, to enhance the explainability and usability of deep learning-based traffic forecasting models. Specifically, the goal is to elucidate relationships between various input contextual features and their corresponding predictions. We present a comprehensive framework that generates counterfactual explanations for traffic forecasting and provides usable insights through the proposed scenario-driven counterfactual explanations. The study first implements a deep learning model to predict traffic speed based on historical traffic data and contextual variables. Counterfactual explanations are then used to illuminate how alterations in these input variables affect predicted outcomes, thereby enhancing the transparency of the deep learning model. We investigated the impact of contextual features on traffic speed prediction under varying spatial and temporal conditions. The scenario-driven counterfactual explanations integrate two types of user-defined constraints, directional and weighting constraints, to tailor the search for counterfactual explanations to specific use cases. These tailored explanations benefit machine learning practitioners who aim to understand the model's learning mechanisms and domain experts who seek insights for real-world applications. The results showcase the effectiveness of counterfactual explanations in revealing traffic patterns learned by deep learning models, showing its potential for interpreting black-box deep learning models used for spatiotemporal predictions in general.

new A Comprehensive Survey of Dynamic Graph Neural Networks: Models, Frameworks, Benchmarks, Experiments and Challenges

Authors: ZhengZhao Feng, Rui Wang, TianXing Wang, Mingli Song, Sai Wu, Shuibing He

Abstract: Dynamic Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) combine temporal information with GNNs to capture structural, temporal, and contextual relationships in dynamic graphs simultaneously, leading to enhanced performance in various applications. As the demand for dynamic GNNs continues to grow, numerous models and frameworks have emerged to cater to different application needs. There is a pressing need for a comprehensive survey that evaluates the performance, strengths, and limitations of various approaches in this domain. This paper aims to fill this gap by offering a thorough comparative analysis and experimental evaluation of dynamic GNNs. It covers 81 dynamic GNN models with a novel taxonomy, 12 dynamic GNN training frameworks, and commonly used benchmarks. We also conduct experimental results from testing representative nine dynamic GNN models and three frameworks on six standard graph datasets. Evaluation metrics focus on convergence accuracy, training efficiency, and GPU memory usage, enabling a thorough comparison of performance across various models and frameworks. From the analysis and evaluation results, we identify key challenges and offer principles for future research to enhance the design of models and frameworks in the dynamic GNNs field.

new Explainable Automatic Grading with Neural Additive Models

Authors: Aubrey Condor, Zachary Pardos

Abstract: The use of automatic short answer grading (ASAG) models may help alleviate the time burden of grading while encouraging educators to frequently incorporate open-ended items in their curriculum. However, current state-of-the-art ASAG models are large neural networks (NN) often described as "black box", providing no explanation for which characteristics of an input are important for the produced output. This inexplicable nature can be frustrating to teachers and students when trying to interpret, or learn from an automatically-generated grade. To create a powerful yet intelligible ASAG model, we experiment with a type of model called a Neural Additive Model that combines the performance of a NN with the explainability of an additive model. We use a Knowledge Integration (KI) framework from the learning sciences to guide feature engineering to create inputs that reflect whether a student includes certain ideas in their response. We hypothesize that indicating the inclusion (or exclusion) of predefined ideas as features will be sufficient for the NAM to have good predictive power and interpretability, as this may guide a human scorer using a KI rubric. We compare the performance of the NAM with another explainable model, logistic regression, using the same features, and to a non-explainable neural model, DeBERTa, that does not require feature engineering.

new On the Relevance of Byzantine Robust Optimization Against Data Poisoning

Authors: Sadegh Farhadkhani, Rachid Guerraoui, Nirupam Gupta, Rafael Pinot

Abstract: The success of machine learning (ML) has been intimately linked with the availability of large amounts of data, typically collected from heterogeneous sources and processed on vast networks of computing devices (also called {\em workers}). Beyond accuracy, the use of ML in critical domains such as healthcare and autonomous driving calls for robustness against {\em data poisoning}and some {\em faulty workers}. The problem of {\em Byzantine ML} formalizes these robustness issues by considering a distributed ML environment in which workers (storing a portion of the global dataset) can deviate arbitrarily from the prescribed algorithm. Although the problem has attracted a lot of attention from a theoretical point of view, its practical importance for addressing realistic faults (where the behavior of any worker is locally constrained) remains unclear. It has been argued that the seemingly weaker threat model where only workers' local datasets get poisoned is more reasonable. We prove that, while tolerating a wider range of faulty behaviors, Byzantine ML yields solutions that are, in a precise sense, optimal even under the weaker data poisoning threat model. Then, we study a generic data poisoning model wherein some workers have {\em fully-poisonous local data}, i.e., their datasets are entirely corruptible, and the remainders have {\em partially-poisonous local data}, i.e., only a fraction of their local datasets is corruptible. We prove that Byzantine-robust schemes yield optimal solutions against both these forms of data poisoning, and that the former is more harmful when workers have {\em heterogeneous} local data.

new Navigating WebAI: Training Agents to Complete Web Tasks with Large Language Models and Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Lucas-Andre\"i Thil, Mirela Popa, Gerasimos Spanakis

Abstract: Recent advancements in language models have demonstrated remarkable improvements in various natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as web navigation. Supervised learning (SL) approaches have achieved impressive performance while utilizing significantly less training data compared to previous methods. However, these SL-based models fall short when compared to reinforcement learning (RL) approaches, which have shown superior results. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that combines SL and RL techniques over the MiniWoB benchmark to leverage the strengths of both methods. We also address a critical limitation in previous models' understanding of HTML content, revealing a tendency to memorize target elements rather than comprehend the underlying structure. To rectify this, we propose methods to enhance true understanding and present a new baseline of results. Our experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms previous SL methods on certain tasks using less data and narrows the performance gap with RL models, achieving 43.58\% average accuracy in SL and 36.69\% when combined with a multimodal RL approach. This study sets a new direction for future web navigation and offers insights into the limitations and potential of language modeling for computer tasks.

new FMLFS: A federated multi-label feature selection based on information theory in IoT environment

Authors: Afsaneh Mahanipour, Hana Khamfroush

Abstract: In certain emerging applications such as health monitoring wearable and traffic monitoring systems, Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices generate or collect a huge amount of multi-label datasets. Within these datasets, each instance is linked to a set of labels. The presence of noisy, redundant, or irrelevant features in these datasets, along with the curse of dimensionality, poses challenges for multi-label classifiers. Feature selection (FS) proves to be an effective strategy in enhancing classifier performance and addressing these challenges. Yet, there is currently no existing distributed multi-label FS method documented in the literature that is suitable for distributed multi-label datasets within IoT environments. This paper introduces FMLFS, the first federated multi-label feature selection method. Here, mutual information between features and labels serves as the relevancy metric, while the correlation distance between features, derived from mutual information and joint entropy, is utilized as the redundancy measure. Following aggregation of these metrics on the edge server and employing Pareto-based bi-objective and crowding distance strategies, the sorted features are subsequently sent back to the IoT devices. The proposed method is evaluated through two scenarios: 1) transmitting reduced-size datasets to the edge server for centralized classifier usage, and 2) employing federated learning with reduced-size datasets. Evaluation across three metrics - performance, time complexity, and communication cost - demonstrates that FMLFS outperforms five other comparable methods in the literature and provides a good trade-off on three real-world datasets.

new Derivative-based regularization for regression

Authors: Enrico Lopedoto, Maksim Shekhunov, Vitaly Aksenov, Kizito Salako, Tillman Weyde

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a novel approach to regularization in multivariable regression problems. Our regularizer, called DLoss, penalises differences between the model's derivatives and derivatives of the data generating function as estimated from the training data. We call these estimated derivatives data derivatives. The goal of our method is to align the model to the data, not only in terms of target values but also in terms of the derivatives involved. To estimate data derivatives, we select (from the training data) 2-tuples of input-value pairs, using either nearest neighbour or random, selection. On synthetic and real datasets, we evaluate the effectiveness of adding DLoss, with different weights, to the standard mean squared error loss. The experimental results show that with DLoss (using nearest neighbour selection) we obtain, on average, the best rank with respect to MSE on validation data sets, compared to no regularization, L2 regularization, and Dropout.

new Swarm Learning: A Survey of Concepts, Applications, and Trends

Authors: Elham Shammar, Xiaohui Cui, Mohammed A. A. Al-qaness

Abstract: Deep learning models have raised privacy and security concerns due to their reliance on large datasets on central servers. As the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices increases, artificial intelligence (AI) will be crucial for resource management, data processing, and knowledge acquisition. To address those issues, federated learning (FL) has introduced a novel approach to building a versatile, large-scale machine learning framework that operates in a decentralized and hardware-agnostic manner. However, FL faces network bandwidth limitations and data breaches. To reduce the central dependency in FL and increase scalability, swarm learning (SL) has been proposed in collaboration with Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE). SL represents a decentralized machine learning framework that leverages blockchain technology for secure, scalable, and private data management. A blockchain-based network enables the exchange and aggregation of model parameters among participants, thus mitigating the risk of a single point of failure and eliminating communication bottlenecks. To the best of our knowledge, this survey is the first to introduce the principles of Swarm Learning, its architectural design, and its fields of application. In addition, it highlights numerous research avenues that require further exploration by academic and industry communities to unlock the full potential and applications of SL.

new WEST GCN-LSTM: Weighted Stacked Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Networks for Regional Traffic Forecasting

Authors: Theodoros Theodoropoulos, Angelos-Christos Maroudis, Antonios Makris, Konstantinos Tserpes

Abstract: Regional traffic forecasting is a critical challenge in urban mobility, with applications to various fields such as the Internet of Everything. In recent years, spatio-temporal graph neural networks have achieved state-of-the-art results in the context of numerous traffic forecasting challenges. This work aims at expanding upon the conventional spatio-temporal graph neural network architectures in a manner that may facilitate the inclusion of information regarding the examined regions, as well as the populations that traverse them, in order to establish a more efficient prediction model. The end-product of this scientific endeavour is a novel spatio-temporal graph neural network architecture that is referred to as WEST (WEighted STacked) GCN-LSTM. Furthermore, the inclusion of the aforementioned information is conducted via the use of two novel dedicated algorithms that are referred to as the Shared Borders Policy and the Adjustable Hops Policy. Through information fusion and distillation, the proposed solution manages to significantly outperform its competitors in the frame of an experimental evaluation that consists of 19 forecasting models, across several datasets. Finally, an additional ablation study determined that each of the components of the proposed solution contributes towards enhancing its overall performance.

new Discovering robust biomarkers of neurological disorders from functional MRI using graph neural networks: A Review

Authors: Yi Hao Chan, Deepank Girish, Sukrit Gupta, Jing Xia, Chockalingam Kasi, Yinan He, Conghao Wang, Jagath C. Rajapakse

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNN) have emerged as a popular tool for modelling functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) datasets. Many recent studies have reported significant improvements in disorder classification performance via more sophisticated GNN designs and highlighted salient features that could be potential biomarkers of the disorder. In this review, we provide an overview of how GNN and model explainability techniques have been applied on fMRI datasets for disorder prediction tasks, with a particular emphasis on the robustness of biomarkers produced for neurodegenerative diseases and neuropsychiatric disorders. We found that while most studies have performant models, salient features highlighted in these studies vary greatly across studies on the same disorder and little has been done to evaluate their robustness. To address these issues, we suggest establishing new standards that are based on objective evaluation metrics to determine the robustness of these potential biomarkers. We further highlight gaps in the existing literature and put together a prediction-attribution-evaluation framework that could set the foundations for future research on improving the robustness of potential biomarkers discovered via GNNs.

new Multigroup Robustness

Authors: Lunjia Hu, Charlotte Peale, Judy Hanwen Shen

Abstract: To address the shortcomings of real-world datasets, robust learning algorithms have been designed to overcome arbitrary and indiscriminate data corruption. However, practical processes of gathering data may lead to patterns of data corruption that are localized to specific partitions of the training dataset. Motivated by critical applications where the learned model is deployed to make predictions about people from a rich collection of overlapping subpopulations, we initiate the study of multigroup robust algorithms whose robustness guarantees for each subpopulation only degrade with the amount of data corruption inside that subpopulation. When the data corruption is not distributed uniformly over subpopulations, our algorithms provide more meaningful robustness guarantees than standard guarantees that are oblivious to how the data corruption and the affected subpopulations are related. Our techniques establish a new connection between multigroup fairness and robustness.

new Queue-based Eco-Driving at Roundabouts with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Anna-Lena Schlamp, Werner Huber, Stefanie Schmidtner

Abstract: We address eco-driving at roundabouts in mixed traffic to enhance traffic flow and traffic efficiency in urban areas. The aim is to proactively optimize speed of automated or non-automated connected vehicles (CVs), ensuring both an efficient approach and smooth entry into roundabouts. We incorporate the traffic situation ahead, i.e. preceding vehicles and waiting queues. Further, we develop two approaches: a rule-based and an Reinforcement Learning (RL) based eco-driving system, with both using the approach link and information from conflicting CVs for speed optimization. A fair comparison of rule-based and RL-based approaches is performed to explore RL as a viable alternative to classical optimization. Results show that both approaches outperform the baseline. Improvements significantly increase with growing traffic volumes, leading to best results on average being obtained at high volumes. Near capacity, performance deteriorates, indicating limited applicability at capacity limits. Examining different CV penetration rates, a decline in performance is observed, but with substantial results still being achieved at lower CV rates. RL agents can discover effective policies for speed optimization in dynamic roundabout settings, but they do not offer a substantial advantage over classical approaches, especially at higher traffic volumes or lower CV penetration rates.

new HUGO -- Highlighting Unseen Grid Options: Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Heuristic Target Topology Approach

Authors: Malte Lehna, Clara Holzh\"uter, Sven Tomforde, Christoph Scholz

Abstract: With the growth of Renewable Energy (RE) generation, the operation of power grids has become increasingly complex. One solution is automated grid operation, where Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has repeatedly shown significant potential in Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) challenges. However, only individual actions at the substation level have been subjected to topology optimization by most existing DRL algorithms. In contrast, we propose a more holistic approach in this paper by proposing specific Target Topologies (TTs) as actions. These topologies are selected based on their robustness. As part of this paper, we present a search algorithm to find the TTs and upgrade our previously developed DRL agent CurriculumAgent (CAgent) to a novel topology agent. We compare the upgrade to the previous CAgent agent and can increase their scores significantly by 10%. Further, we achieve a 25% better median survival with our TTs included. Later analysis shows that almost all TTs are close to the base topology, explaining their robustness.

new Gradient-based Automatic Per-Weight Mixed Precision Quantization for Neural Networks On-Chip

Authors: Chang Sun, Thea K. {\AA}rrestad, Vladimir Loncar, Jennifer Ngadiuba, Maria Spiropulu

Abstract: Model size and inference speed at deployment time, are major challenges in many deep learning applications. A promising strategy to overcome these challenges is quantization. However, a straightforward uniform quantization to very low precision can result in significant accuracy loss. Mixed-precision quantization, based on the idea that certain parts of the network can accommodate lower precision without compromising performance compared to other parts, offers a potential solution. In this work, we present High Granularity Quantization (HGQ), an innovative quantization-aware training method designed to fine-tune the per-weight and per-activation precision in an automatic way for ultra-low latency and low power neural networks which are to be deployed on FPGAs. We demonstrate that HGQ can outperform existing methods by a substantial margin, achieving resource reduction by up to a factor of 20 and latency improvement by a factor of 5 while preserving accuracy.

new No Representation, No Trust: Connecting Representation, Collapse, and Trust Issues in PPO

Authors: Skander Moalla, Andrea Miele, Razvan Pascanu, Caglar Gulcehre

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is inherently rife with non-stationarity since the states and rewards the agent observes during training depend on its changing policy. Therefore, networks in deep RL must be capable of adapting to new observations and fitting new targets. However, previous works have observed that networks in off-policy deep value-based methods exhibit a decrease in representation rank, often correlated with an inability to continue learning or a collapse in performance. Although this phenomenon has generally been attributed to neural network learning under non-stationarity, it has been overlooked in on-policy policy optimization methods which are often thought capable of training indefinitely. In this work, we empirically study representation dynamics in Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) on the Atari and MuJoCo environments, revealing that PPO agents are also affected by feature rank deterioration and loss of plasticity. We show that this is aggravated with stronger non-stationarity, ultimately driving the actor's performance to collapse, regardless of the performance of the critic. We draw connections between representation collapse, performance collapse, and trust region issues in PPO, and present Proximal Feature Optimization (PFO), a novel auxiliary loss, that along with other interventions shows that regularizing the representation dynamics improves the performance of PPO agents.

new Self-Play Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yue Wu, Zhiqing Sun, Huizhuo Yuan, Kaixuan Ji, Yiming Yang, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Traditional reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) approaches relying on parametric models like the Bradley-Terry model fall short in capturing the intransitivity and irrationality in human preferences. Recent advancements suggest that directly working with preference probabilities can yield a more accurate reflection of human preferences, enabling more flexible and accurate language model alignment. In this paper, we propose a self-play-based method for language model alignment, which treats the problem as a constant-sum two-player game aimed at identifying the Nash equilibrium policy. Our approach, dubbed \textit{Self-Play Preference Optimization} (SPPO), approximates the Nash equilibrium through iterative policy updates and enjoys theoretical convergence guarantee. Our method can effectively increase the log-likelihood of the chosen response and decrease that of the rejected response, which cannot be trivially achieved by symmetric pairwise loss such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Identity Preference Optimization (IPO). In our experiments, using only 60k prompts (without responses) from the UltraFeedback dataset and without any prompt augmentation, by leveraging a pre-trained preference model PairRM with only 0.4B parameters, SPPO can obtain a model from fine-tuning Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 that achieves the state-of-the-art length-controlled win-rate of 28.53% against GPT-4-Turbo on AlpacaEval 2.0. It also outperforms the (iterative) DPO and IPO on MT-Bench and the Open LLM Leaderboard. Notably, the strong performance of SPPO is achieved without additional external supervision (e.g., responses, preferences, etc.) from GPT-4 or other stronger language models.

cross Text Sentiment Analysis and Classification Based on Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs) Model

Authors: Wei Xu, Jianlong Chen, Zhicheng Ding, Jinyin Wang

Abstract: This paper explores the importance of text sentiment analysis and classification in the field of natural language processing, and proposes a new approach to sentiment analysis and classification based on the bidirectional gated recurrent units (GRUs) model. The study firstly analyses the word cloud model of the text with six sentiment labels, and then carries out data preprocessing, including the steps of removing special symbols, punctuation marks, numbers, stop words and non-alphabetic parts. Subsequently, the data set is divided into training set and test set, and through model training and testing, it is found that the accuracy of the validation set is increased from 85% to 93% with training, which is an increase of 8%; at the same time, the loss value of the validation set decreases from 0.7 to 0.1 and tends to be stable, and the model is gradually close to the actual value, which can effectively classify the text emotions. The confusion matrix shows that the accuracy of the model on the test set reaches 94.8%, the precision is 95.9%, the recall is 99.1%, and the F1 score is 97.4%, which proves that the model has good generalisation ability and classification effect. Overall, the study demonstrated an effective method for text sentiment analysis and classification with satisfactory results.

cross Queuing dynamics of asynchronous Federated Learning

Authors: Louis Leconte, Matthieu Jonckheere, Sergey Samsonov, Eric Moulines

Abstract: We study asynchronous federated learning mechanisms with nodes having potentially different computational speeds. In such an environment, each node is allowed to work on models with potential delays and contribute to updates to the central server at its own pace. Existing analyses of such algorithms typically depend on intractable quantities such as the maximum node delay and do not consider the underlying queuing dynamics of the system. In this paper, we propose a non-uniform sampling scheme for the central server that allows for lower delays with better complexity, taking into account the closed Jackson network structure of the associated computational graph. Our experiments clearly show a significant improvement of our method over current state-of-the-art asynchronous algorithms on an image classification problem.

cross Leveraging Pre-trained CNNs for Efficient Feature Extraction in Rice Leaf Disease Classification

Authors: Md. Shohanur Islam Sobuj, Md. Imran Hossen, Md. Foysal Mahmud, Mahbub Ul Islam Khan

Abstract: Rice disease classification is a critical task in agricultural research, and in this study, we rigorously evaluate the impact of integrating feature extraction methodologies within pre-trained convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Initial investigations into baseline models, devoid of feature extraction, revealed commendable performance with ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 achieving accuracies of 91% and 92%, respectively. Subsequent integration of Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) yielded substantial improvements across architectures, notably propelling the accuracy of EfficientNet-B7 from 92\% to an impressive 97%. Conversely, the application of Local Binary Patterns (LBP) demonstrated more conservative performance enhancements. Moreover, employing Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM) unveiled that HOG integration resulted in heightened attention to disease-specific features, corroborating the performance enhancements observed. Visual representations further validated HOG's notable influence, showcasing a discernible surge in accuracy across epochs due to focused attention on disease-affected regions. These results underscore the pivotal role of feature extraction, particularly HOG, in refining representations and bolstering classification accuracy. The study's significant highlight was the achievement of 97% accuracy with EfficientNet-B7 employing HOG and Grad-CAM, a noteworthy advancement in optimizing pre-trained CNN-based rice disease identification systems. The findings advocate for the strategic integration of advanced feature extraction techniques with cutting-edge pre-trained CNN architectures, presenting a promising avenue for substantially augmenting the precision and effectiveness of image-based disease classification systems in agricultural contexts.

cross Multidimensional Compressed Sensing for Spectral Light Field Imaging

Authors: Wen Cao, Ehsan Miandji, Jonas Unger

Abstract: This paper considers a compressive multi-spectral light field camera model that utilizes a one-hot spectralcoded mask and a microlens array to capture spatial, angular, and spectral information using a single monochrome sensor. We propose a model that employs compressed sensing techniques to reconstruct the complete multi-spectral light field from undersampled measurements. Unlike previous work where a light field is vectorized to a 1D signal, our method employs a 5D basis and a novel 5D measurement model, hence, matching the intrinsic dimensionality of multispectral light fields. We mathematically and empirically show the equivalence of 5D and 1D sensing models, and most importantly that the 5D framework achieves orders of magnitude faster reconstruction while requiring a small fraction of the memory. Moreover, our new multidimensional sensing model opens new research directions for designing efficient visual data acquisition algorithms and hardware.

cross A Hybrid Probabilistic Battery Health Management Approach for Robust Inspection Drone Operations

Authors: Jokin Alcibar, Jose I. Aizpurua, Ekhi Zugastia, Oier Penagarikano

Abstract: Health monitoring of remote critical infrastructure is a complex and expensive activity due to the limited infrastructure accessibility. Inspection drones are ubiquitous assets that enhance the reliability of critical infrastructures through improved accessibility. However, due to the harsh operation environment, it is crucial to monitor their health to ensure successful inspection operations. The battery is a key component that determines the overall reliability of the inspection drones and, with an appropriate health management approach, contributes to reliable and robust inspections. In this context, this paper presents a novel hybrid probabilistic approach for battery end-of-discharge (EOD) voltage prediction of Li-Po batteries. The hybridization is achieved in an error-correction configuration, which combines physics-based discharge and probabilistic error-correction models to quantify the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. The performance of the hybrid probabilistic methodology was empirically evaluated on a dataset comprising EOD voltage under varying load conditions. The dataset was obtained from real inspection drones operated on different flights, focused on offshore wind turbine inspections. The proposed approach has been tested with different probabilistic methods and demonstrates 14.8% improved performance in probabilistic accuracy compared to the best probabilistic method. In addition, aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties provide robust estimations to enhance the diagnosis of battery health-states.

cross From Linear to Linearizable Optimization: A Novel Framework with Applications to Stationary and Non-stationary DR-submodular Optimization

Authors: Mohammad Pedramfar, Vaneet Aggarwal

Abstract: This paper introduces the notion of upper linearizable/quadratizable functions, a class that extends concavity and DR-submodularity in various settings, including monotone and non-monotone cases over different convex sets. A general meta-algorithm is devised to convert algorithms for linear/quadratic maximization into ones that optimize upper quadratizable functions, offering a unified approach to tackling concave and DR-submodular optimization problems. The paper extends these results to multiple feedback settings, facilitating conversions between semi-bandit/first-order feedback and bandit/zeroth-order feedback, as well as between first/zeroth-order feedback and semi-bandit/bandit feedback. Leveraging this framework, new projection-free algorithms are derived using Follow The Perturbed Leader (FTPL) and other algorithms as base algorithms for linear/convex optimization, improving upon state-of-the-art results in various cases. Dynamic and adaptive regret guarantees are obtained for DR-submodular maximization, marking the first algorithms to achieve such guarantees in these settings. Notably, the paper achieves these advancements with fewer assumptions compared to existing state-of-the-art results, underscoring its broad applicability and theoretical contributions to non-convex optimization.

cross Structure learning of Hamiltonians from real-time evolution

Authors: Ainesh Bakshi, Allen Liu, Ankur Moitra, Ewin Tang

Abstract: We initiate the study of Hamiltonian structure learning from real-time evolution: given the ability to apply $e^{-\mathrm{i} Ht}$ for an unknown local Hamiltonian $H = \sum_{a = 1}^m \lambda_a E_a$ on $n$ qubits, the goal is to recover $H$. This problem is already well-studied under the assumption that the interaction terms, $E_a$, are given, and only the interaction strengths, $\lambda_a$, are unknown. But is it possible to learn a local Hamiltonian without prior knowledge of its interaction structure? We present a new, general approach to Hamiltonian learning that not only solves the challenging structure learning variant, but also resolves other open questions in the area, all while achieving the gold standard of Heisenberg-limited scaling. In particular, our algorithm recovers the Hamiltonian to $\varepsilon$ error with an evolution time scaling with $1/\varepsilon$, and has the following appealing properties: (1) it does not need to know the Hamiltonian terms; (2) it works beyond the short-range setting, extending to any Hamiltonian $H$ where the sum of terms interacting with a qubit has bounded norm; (3) it evolves according to $H$ in constant time $t$ increments, thus achieving constant time resolution. To our knowledge, no prior algorithm with Heisenberg-limited scaling existed with even one of these properties. As an application, we can also learn Hamiltonians exhibiting power-law decay up to accuracy $\varepsilon$ with total evolution time beating the standard limit of $1/\varepsilon^2$.

cross Creative Beam Search

Authors: Giorgio Franceschelli, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: Large language models are revolutionizing several areas, including artificial creativity. However, the process of generation in machines profoundly diverges from that observed in humans. In particular, machine generation is characterized by a lack of intentionality and an underlying creative process. We propose a method called Creative Beam Search that uses Diverse Beam Search and LLM-as-a-Judge to perform response generation and response validation. The results of a qualitative experiment show how our approach can provide better output than standard sampling techniques. We also show that the response validation step is a necessary complement to the response generation step.

cross A Flexible 2.5D Medical Image Segmentation Approach with In-Slice and Cross-Slice Attention

Authors: Amarjeet Kumar, Hongxu Jiang, Muhammad Imran, Cyndi Valdes, Gabriela Leon, Dahyun Kang, Parvathi Nataraj, Yuyin Zhou, Michael D. Weiss, Wei Shao

Abstract: Deep learning has become the de facto method for medical image segmentation, with 3D segmentation models excelling in capturing complex 3D structures and 2D models offering high computational efficiency. However, segmenting 2.5D images, which have high in-plane but low through-plane resolution, is a relatively unexplored challenge. While applying 2D models to individual slices of a 2.5D image is feasible, it fails to capture the spatial relationships between slices. On the other hand, 3D models face challenges such as resolution inconsistencies in 2.5D images, along with computational complexity and susceptibility to overfitting when trained with limited data. In this context, 2.5D models, which capture inter-slice correlations using only 2D neural networks, emerge as a promising solution due to their reduced computational demand and simplicity in implementation. In this paper, we introduce CSA-Net, a flexible 2.5D segmentation model capable of processing 2.5D images with an arbitrary number of slices through an innovative Cross-Slice Attention (CSA) module. This module uses the cross-slice attention mechanism to effectively capture 3D spatial information by learning long-range dependencies between the center slice (for segmentation) and its neighboring slices. Moreover, CSA-Net utilizes the self-attention mechanism to understand correlations among pixels within the center slice. We evaluated CSA-Net on three 2.5D segmentation tasks: (1) multi-class brain MRI segmentation, (2) binary prostate MRI segmentation, and (3) multi-class prostate MRI segmentation. CSA-Net outperformed leading 2D and 2.5D segmentation methods across all three tasks, demonstrating its efficacy and superiority. Our code is publicly available at


cross Expanding the Horizon: Enabling Hybrid Quantum Transfer Learning for Long-Tailed Chest X-Ray Classification

Authors: Skylar Chan, Pranav Kulkarni, Paul H. Yi, Vishwa S. Parekh

Abstract: Quantum machine learning (QML) has the potential for improving the multi-label classification of rare, albeit critical, diseases in large-scale chest x-ray (CXR) datasets due to theoretical quantum advantages over classical machine learning (CML) in sample efficiency and generalizability. While prior literature has explored QML with CXRs, it has focused on binary classification tasks with small datasets due to limited access to quantum hardware and computationally expensive simulations. To that end, we implemented a Jax-based framework that enables the simulation of medium-sized qubit architectures with significant improvements in wall-clock time over current software offerings. We evaluated the performance of our Jax-based framework in terms of efficiency and performance for hybrid quantum transfer learning for long-tailed classification across 8, 14, and 19 disease labels using large-scale CXR datasets. The Jax-based framework resulted in up to a 58% and 95% speed-up compared to PyTorch and TensorFlow implementations, respectively. However, compared to CML, QML demonstrated slower convergence and an average AUROC of 0.70, 0.73, and 0.74 for the classification of 8, 14, and 19 CXR disease labels. In comparison, the CML models had an average AUROC of 0.77, 0.78, and 0.80 respectively. In conclusion, our work presents an accessible implementation of hybrid quantum transfer learning for long-tailed CXR classification with a computationally efficient Jax-based framework.

cross BayesBlend: Easy Model Blending using Pseudo-Bayesian Model Averaging, Stacking and Hierarchical Stacking in Python

Authors: Nathaniel Haines, Conor Goold

Abstract: Averaging predictions from multiple competing inferential models frequently outperforms predictions from any single model, providing that models are optimally weighted to maximize predictive performance. This is particularly the case in so-called $\mathcal{M}$-open settings where the true model is not in the set of candidate models, and may be neither mathematically reifiable nor known precisely. This practice of model averaging has a rich history in statistics and machine learning, and there are currently a number of methods to estimate the weights for constructing model-averaged predictive distributions. Nonetheless, there are few existing software packages that can estimate model weights from the full variety of methods available, and none that blend model predictions into a coherent predictive distribution according to the estimated weights. In this paper, we introduce the BayesBlend Python package, which provides a user-friendly programming interface to estimate weights and blend multiple (Bayesian) models' predictive distributions. BayesBlend implements pseudo-Bayesian model averaging, stacking and, uniquely, hierarchical Bayesian stacking to estimate model weights. We demonstrate the usage of BayesBlend with examples of insurance loss modeling.

cross A Logic for Reasoning About Aggregate-Combine Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Pierre Nunn, Marco S\"alzer, Fran\c{c}ois Schwarzentruber, Nicolas Troquard

Abstract: We propose a modal logic in which counting modalities appear in linear inequalities. We show that each formula can be transformed into an equivalent graph neural network (GNN). We also show that a broad class of GNNs can be transformed efficiently into a formula, thus significantly improving upon the literature about the logical expressiveness of GNNs. We also show that the satisfiability problem is PSPACE-complete. These results bring together the promise of using standard logical methods for reasoning about GNNs and their properties, particularly in applications such as GNN querying, equivalence checking, etc. We prove that such natural problems can be solved in polynomial space.

cross Graphical Reasoning: LLM-based Semi-Open Relation Extraction

Authors: Yicheng Tao, Yiqun Wang, Longju Bai

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of relation extraction utilizing advanced language models, specifically Chain of Thought (CoT) and Graphical Reasoning (GRE) techniques. We demonstrate how leveraging in-context learning with GPT-3.5 can significantly enhance the extraction process, particularly through detailed example-based reasoning. Additionally, we introduce a novel graphical reasoning approach that dissects relation extraction into sequential sub-tasks, improving precision and adaptability in processing complex relational data. Our experiments, conducted on multiple datasets, including manually annotated data, show considerable improvements in performance metrics, underscoring the effectiveness of our methodologies.

cross Constrained Decoding for Secure Code Generation

Authors: Yanjun Fu, Ethan Baker, Yizheng Chen

Abstract: Code Large Language Models (Code LLMs) have been increasingly used by developers to boost productivity, but they often generate vulnerable code. Thus, there is an urgent need to ensure that code generated by Code LLMs is correct and secure. Previous research has primarily focused on generating secure code, overlooking the fact that secure code also needs to be correct. This oversight can lead to a false sense of security. Currently, the community lacks a method to measure actual progress in this area, and we need solutions that address both security and correctness of code generation. This paper introduces a new benchmark, CodeGuard+, along with two new metrics, secure-pass@k and secure@$k_{\text{pass}}$, to measure Code LLMs' ability to generate both secure and correct code. Using our new evaluation methods, we show that the state-of-the-art defense technique, prefix tuning, may not be as strong as previously believed, since it generates secure code but sacrifices functional correctness. We also demonstrate that different decoding methods significantly affect the security of Code LLMs. Furthermore, we explore a new defense direction: constrained decoding for secure code generation. We propose new constrained decoding techniques to generate code that satisfies security and correctness constraints simultaneously. Our results reveal that constrained decoding is more effective than prefix tuning to improve the security of Code LLMs, without requiring a specialized training dataset. Moreover, constrained decoding can be used together with prefix tuning to further improve the security of Code LLMs.

cross STT: Stateful Tracking with Transformers for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Longlong Jing, Ruichi Yu, Xu Chen, Zhengli Zhao, Shiwei Sheng, Colin Graber, Qi Chen, Qinru Li, Shangxuan Wu, Han Deng, Sangjin Lee, Chris Sweeney, Qiurui He, Wei-Chih Hung, Tong He, Xingyi Zhou, Farshid Moussavi, Zijian Guo, Yin Zhou, Mingxing Tan, Weilong Yang, Congcong Li

Abstract: Tracking objects in three-dimensional space is critical for autonomous driving. To ensure safety while driving, the tracker must be able to reliably track objects across frames and accurately estimate their states such as velocity and acceleration in the present. Existing works frequently focus on the association task while either neglecting the model performance on state estimation or deploying complex heuristics to predict the states. In this paper, we propose STT, a Stateful Tracking model built with Transformers, that can consistently track objects in the scenes while also predicting their states accurately. STT consumes rich appearance, geometry, and motion signals through long term history of detections and is jointly optimized for both data association and state estimation tasks. Since the standard tracking metrics like MOTA and MOTP do not capture the combined performance of the two tasks in the wider spectrum of object states, we extend them with new metrics called S-MOTA and MOTPS that address this limitation. STT achieves competitive real-time performance on the Waymo Open Dataset.

cross IgCONDA-PET: Implicitly-Guided Counterfactual Diffusion for Detecting Anomalies in PET Images

Authors: Shadab Ahamed, Yixi Xu, Arman Rahmim

Abstract: Minimizing the need for pixel-level annotated data for training PET anomaly segmentation networks is crucial, particularly due to time and cost constraints related to expert annotations. Current un-/weakly-supervised anomaly detection methods rely on autoencoder or generative adversarial networks trained only on healthy data, although these are more challenging to train. In this work, we present a weakly supervised and Implicitly guided COuNterfactual diffusion model for Detecting Anomalies in PET images, branded as IgCONDA-PET. The training is conditioned on image class labels (healthy vs. unhealthy) along with implicit guidance to generate counterfactuals for an unhealthy image with anomalies. The counterfactual generation process synthesizes the healthy counterpart for a given unhealthy image, and the difference between the two facilitates the identification of anomaly locations. The code is available at:


cross Semantically Consistent Video Inpainting with Conditional Diffusion Models

Authors: Dylan Green, William Harvey, Saeid Naderiparizi, Matthew Niedoba, Yunpeng Liu, Xiaoxuan Liang, Jonathan Lavington, Ke Zhang, Vasileios Lioutas, Setareh Dabiri, Adam Scibior, Berend Zwartsenberg, Frank Wood

Abstract: Current state-of-the-art methods for video inpainting typically rely on optical flow or attention-based approaches to inpaint masked regions by propagating visual information across frames. While such approaches have led to significant progress on standard benchmarks, they struggle with tasks that require the synthesis of novel content that is not present in other frames. In this paper we reframe video inpainting as a conditional generative modeling problem and present a framework for solving such problems with conditional video diffusion models. We highlight the advantages of using a generative approach for this task, showing that our method is capable of generating diverse, high-quality inpaintings and synthesizing new content that is spatially, temporally, and semantically consistent with the provided context.

cross Hybrid Quantum-Classical Scheduling for Accelerating Neural Network Training with Newton's Gradient Descent

Authors: Pingzhi Li, Junyu Liu, Hanrui Wang, Tianlong Chen

Abstract: Optimization techniques in deep learning are predominantly led by first-order gradient methodologies, such as SGD. However, neural network training can greatly benefit from the rapid convergence characteristics of second-order optimization. Newton's GD stands out in this category, by rescaling the gradient using the inverse Hessian. Nevertheless, one of its major bottlenecks is matrix inversion, which is notably time-consuming in $O(N^3)$ time with weak scalability. Matrix inversion can be translated into solving a series of linear equations. Given that quantum linear solver algorithms (QLSAs), leveraging the principles of quantum superposition and entanglement, can operate within a $\text{polylog}(N)$ time frame, they present a promising approach with exponential acceleration. Specifically, one of the most recent QLSAs demonstrates a complexity scaling of $O(d\cdot\kappa \log(N\cdot\kappa/\epsilon))$, depending on: {size~$N$, condition number~$\kappa$, error tolerance~$\epsilon$, quantum oracle sparsity~$d$} of the matrix. However, this also implies that their potential exponential advantage may be hindered by certain properties (i.e. $\kappa$ and $d$). We propose Q-Newton, a hybrid quantum-classical scheduler for accelerating neural network training with Newton's GD. Q-Newton utilizes a streamlined scheduling module that coordinates between quantum and classical linear solvers, by estimating & reducing $\kappa$ and constructing $d$ for the quantum solver. Our evaluation showcases the potential for Q-Newton to significantly reduce the total training time compared to commonly used optimizers like SGD. We hypothesize a future scenario where the gate time of quantum machines is reduced, possibly realized by attoseconds physics. Our evaluation establishes an ambitious and promising target for the evolution of quantum computing.

cross Principled RLHF from Heterogeneous Feedback via Personalization and Preference Aggregation

Authors: Chanwoo Park, Mingyang Liu, Kaiqing Zhang, Asuman Ozdaglar

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has been an effective technique for aligning AI systems with human values, with remarkable successes in fine-tuning large-language models recently. Most existing RLHF paradigms make the underlying assumption that human preferences are relatively homogeneous, and can be encoded by a single reward model. In this paper, we focus on addressing the issues due to the inherent heterogeneity in human preferences, as well as their potential strategic behavior in providing feedback. Specifically, we propose two frameworks to address heterogeneous human feedback in principled ways: personalization-based one and aggregation-based one. For the former, we propose two approaches based on representation learning and clustering, respectively, for learning multiple reward models that trades off the bias (due to preference heterogeneity) and variance (due to the use of fewer data for learning each model by personalization). We then establish sample complexity guarantees for both approaches. For the latter, we aim to adhere to the single-model framework, as already deployed in the current RLHF paradigm, by carefully aggregating diverse and truthful preferences from humans. We propose two approaches based on reward and preference aggregation, respectively: the former utilizes both utilitarianism and Leximin approaches to aggregate individual reward models, with sample complexity guarantees; the latter directly aggregates the human feedback in the form of probabilistic opinions. Under the probabilistic-opinion-feedback model, we also develop an approach to handle strategic human labelers who may bias and manipulate the aggregated preferences with untruthful feedback. Based on the ideas in mechanism design, our approach ensures truthful preference reporting, with the induced aggregation rule maximizing social welfare functions.

cross Clover: Regressive Lightweight Speculative Decoding with Sequential Knowledge

Authors: Bin Xiao, Chunan Shi, Xiaonan Nie, Fan Yang, Xiangwei Deng, Lei Su, Weipeng Chen, Bin Cui

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) suffer from low efficiency as the mismatch between the requirement of auto-regressive decoding and the design of most contemporary GPUs. Specifically, billions to trillions of parameters must be loaded to the GPU cache through its limited memory bandwidth for computation, but only a small batch of tokens is actually computed. Consequently, the GPU spends most of its time on memory transfer instead of computation. Recently, parallel decoding, a type of speculative decoding algorithms, is becoming more popular and has demonstrated impressive efficiency improvement in generation. It introduces extra decoding heads to large models, enabling them to predict multiple subsequent tokens simultaneously and verify these candidate continuations in a single decoding step. However, this approach deviates from the training objective of next token prediction used during pre-training, resulting in a low hit rate for candidate tokens. In this paper, we propose a new speculative decoding algorithm, Clover, which integrates sequential knowledge into the parallel decoding process. This enhancement improves the hit rate of speculators and thus boosts the overall efficiency. Clover transmits the sequential knowledge from pre-speculated tokens via the Regressive Connection, then employs an Attention Decoder to integrate these speculated tokens. Additionally, Clover incorporates an Augmenting Block that modifies the hidden states to better align with the purpose of speculative generation rather than next token prediction. The experiment results demonstrate that Clover outperforms the baseline by up to 91% on Baichuan-Small and 146% on Baichuan-Large, respectively, and exceeds the performance of the previously top-performing method, Medusa, by up to 37% on Baichuan-Small and 57% on Baichuan-Large, respectively.

cross MF-OML: Online Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning with Occupation Measures for Large Population Games

Authors: Anran Hu, Junzi Zhang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning for multi-agent games has attracted lots of attention recently. However, given the challenge of solving Nash equilibria for large population games, existing works with guaranteed polynomial complexities either focus on variants of zero-sum and potential games, or aim at solving (coarse) correlated equilibria, or require access to simulators, or rely on certain assumptions that are hard to verify. This work proposes MF-OML (Mean-Field Occupation-Measure Learning), an online mean-field reinforcement learning algorithm for computing approximate Nash equilibria of large population sequential symmetric games. MF-OML is the first fully polynomial multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithm for provably solving Nash equilibria (up to mean-field approximation gaps that vanish as the number of players $N$ goes to infinity) beyond variants of zero-sum and potential games. When evaluated by the cumulative deviation from Nash equilibria, the algorithm is shown to achieve a high probability regret bound of $\tilde{O}(M^{3/4}+N^{-1/2}M)$ for games with the strong Lasry-Lions monotonicity condition, and a regret bound of $\tilde{O}(M^{11/12}+N^{- 1/6}M)$ for games with only the Lasry-Lions monotonicity condition, where $M$ is the total number of episodes and $N$ is the number of agents of the game. As a byproduct, we also obtain the first tractable globally convergent computational algorithm for computing approximate Nash equilibria of monotone mean-field games.

cross iMTSP: Solving Min-Max Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem with Imperative Learning

Authors: Yifan Guo, Zhongqiang Ren, Chen Wang

Abstract: This paper considers a Min-Max Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem (MTSP), where the goal is to find a set of tours, one for each agent, to collectively visit all the cities while minimizing the length of the longest tour. Though MTSP has been widely studied, obtaining near-optimal solutions for large-scale problems is still challenging due to its NP-hardness. Recent efforts in data-driven methods face challenges of the need for hard-to-obtain supervision and issues with high variance in gradient estimations, leading to slow convergence and highly suboptimal solutions. We address these issues by reformulating MTSP as a bilevel optimization problem, using the concept of imperative learning (IL). This involves introducing an allocation network that decomposes the MTSP into multiple single-agent traveling salesman problems (TSPs). The longest tour from these TSP solutions is then used to self-supervise the allocation network, resulting in a new self-supervised, bilevel, end-to-end learning framework, which we refer to as imperative MTSP (iMTSP). Additionally, to tackle the high-variance gradient issues during the optimization, we introduce a control variate-based gradient estimation algorithm. Our experiments showed that these innovative designs enable our gradient estimator to converge 20% faster than the advanced reinforcement learning baseline and find up to 80% shorter tour length compared with Google OR-Tools MTSP solver, especially in large-scale problems (e.g. 1000 cities and 15 agents).

cross Stochastic Sampling for Contrastive Views and Hard Negative Samples in Graph-based Collaborative Filtering

Authors: Chaejeong Lee, Jeongwhan Choi, Hyowon Wi, Sung-Bae Cho, Noseong Park

Abstract: Graph-based collaborative filtering (CF) has emerged as a promising approach in recommendation systems. Despite its achievements, graph-based CF models face challenges due to data sparsity and negative sampling. In this paper, we propose a novel Stochastic sampling for i) COntrastive views and ii) hard NEgative samples (SCONE) to overcome these issues. By considering that they are both sampling tasks, we generate dynamic augmented views and diverse hard negative samples via our unified stochastic sampling framework based on score-based generative models. In our comprehensive evaluations with 6 benchmark datasets, our proposed SCONE significantly improves recommendation accuracy and robustness, and demonstrates the superiority of our approach over existing CF models. Furthermore, we prove the efficacy of user-item specific stochastic sampling for addressing the user sparsity and item popularity issues. The integration of the stochastic sampling and graph-based CF obtains the state-of-the-art in personalized recommendation systems, making significant strides in information-rich environments.

cross QUACK: Quantum Aligned Centroid Kernel

Authors: Kilian Tscharke, Sebastian Issel, Pascal Debus

Abstract: Quantum computing (QC) seems to show potential for application in machine learning (ML). In particular quantum kernel methods (QKM) exhibit promising properties for use in supervised ML tasks. However, a major disadvantage of kernel methods is their unfavorable quadratic scaling with the number of training samples. Together with the limits imposed by currently available quantum hardware (NISQ devices) with their low qubit coherence times, small number of qubits, and high error rates, the use of QC in ML at an industrially relevant scale is currently impossible. As a small step in improving the potential applications of QKMs, we introduce QUACK, a quantum kernel algorithm whose time complexity scales linear with the number of samples during training, and independent of the number of training samples in the inference stage. In the training process, only the kernel entries for the samples and the centers of the classes are calculated, i.e. the maximum shape of the kernel for n samples and c classes is (n, c). During training, the parameters of the quantum kernel and the positions of the centroids are optimized iteratively. In the inference stage, for every new sample the circuit is only evaluated for every centroid, i.e. c times. We show that the QUACK algorithm nevertheless provides satisfactory results and can perform at a similar level as classical kernel methods with quadratic scaling during training. In addition, our (simulated) algorithm is able to handle high-dimensional datasets such as MNIST with 784 features without any dimensionality reduction.

cross Covariant spatio-temporal receptive fields for neuromorphic computing

Authors: Jens Egholm Pedersen, J\"org Conradt, Tony Lindeberg

Abstract: Biological nervous systems constitute important sources of inspiration towards computers that are faster, cheaper, and more energy efficient. Neuromorphic disciplines view the brain as a coevolved system, simultaneously optimizing the hardware and the algorithms running on it. There are clear efficiency gains when bringing the computations into a physical substrate, but we presently lack theories to guide efficient implementations. Here, we present a principled computational model for neuromorphic systems in terms of spatio-temporal receptive fields, based on affine Gaussian kernels over space and leaky-integrator and leaky integrate-and-fire models over time. Our theory is provably covariant to spatial affine and temporal scaling transformations, and with close similarities to the visual processing in mammalian brains. We use these spatio-temporal receptive fields as a prior in an event-based vision task, and show that this improves the training of spiking networks, which otherwise is known as problematic for event-based vision. This work combines efforts within scale-space theory and computational neuroscience to identify theoretically well-founded ways to process spatio-temporal signals in neuromorphic systems. Our contributions are immediately relevant for signal processing and event-based vision, and can be extended to other processing tasks over space and time, such as memory and control.

cross A Careful Examination of Large Language Model Performance on Grade School Arithmetic

Authors: Hugh Zhang (Mike), Jeff Da (Mike), Dean Lee (Mike), Vaughn Robinson (Mike), Catherine Wu (Mike), Will Song (Mike), Tiffany Zhao (Mike), Pranav Raja (Mike), Dylan Slack (Mike), Qin Lyu (Mike), Sean Hendryx (Mike), Russell Kaplan (Mike), Michele (Mike), Lunati, Summer Yue

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive success on many benchmarks for mathematical reasoning. However, there is growing concern that some of this performance actually reflects dataset contamination, where data closely resembling benchmark questions leaks into the training data, instead of true reasoning ability. To investigate this claim rigorously, we commission Grade School Math 1000 (GSM1k). GSM1k is designed to mirror the style and complexity of the established GSM8k benchmark, the gold standard for measuring elementary mathematical reasoning. We ensure that the two benchmarks are comparable across important metrics such as human solve rates, number of steps in solution, answer magnitude, and more. When evaluating leading open- and closed-source LLMs on GSM1k, we observe accuracy drops of up to 13%, with several families of models (e.g., Phi and Mistral) showing evidence of systematic overfitting across almost all model sizes. At the same time, many models, especially those on the frontier, (e.g., Gemini/GPT/Claude) show minimal signs of overfitting. Further analysis suggests a positive relationship (Spearman's r^2=0.32) between a model's probability of generating an example from GSM8k and its performance gap between GSM8k and GSM1k, suggesting that many models may have partially memorized GSM8k.

cross Arbitrary Time Information Modeling via Polynomial Approximation for Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding

Authors: Zhiyu Fang, Jingyan Qin, Xiaobin Zhu, Chun Yang, Xu-Cheng Yin

Abstract: Distinguished from traditional knowledge graphs (KGs), temporal knowledge graphs (TKGs) must explore and reason over temporally evolving facts adequately. However, existing TKG approaches still face two main challenges, i.e., the limited capability to model arbitrary timestamps continuously and the lack of rich inference patterns under temporal constraints. In this paper, we propose an innovative TKGE method (PTBox) via polynomial decomposition-based temporal representation and box embedding-based entity representation to tackle the above-mentioned problems. Specifically, we decompose time information by polynomials and then enhance the model's capability to represent arbitrary timestamps flexibly by incorporating the learnable temporal basis tensor. In addition, we model every entity as a hyperrectangle box and define each relation as a transformation on the head and tail entity boxes. The entity boxes can capture complex geometric structures and learn robust representations, improving the model's inductive capability for rich inference patterns. Theoretically, our PTBox can encode arbitrary time information or even unseen timestamps while capturing rich inference patterns and higher-arity relations of the knowledge base. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

cross Variational Bayesian Methods for a Tree-Structured Stick-Breaking Process Mixture of Gaussians

Authors: Yuta Nakahara

Abstract: The Bayes coding algorithm for context tree source is a successful example of Bayesian tree estimation in text compression in information theory. This algorithm provides an efficient parametric representation of the posterior tree distribution and exact updating of its parameters. We apply this algorithm to a clustering task in machine learning. More specifically, we apply it to Bayesian estimation of the tree-structured stick-breaking process (TS-SBP) mixture models. For TS-SBP mixture models, only Markov chain Monte Carlo methods have been proposed so far, but any variational Bayesian methods have not been proposed yet. In this paper, we propose a variational Bayesian method that has a subroutine similar to the Bayes coding algorithm for context tree sources. We confirm its behavior by a numerical experiment on a toy example.

cross Cell Switching in HAPS-Aided Networking: How the Obscurity of Traffic Loads Affects the Decision

Authors: Berk \c{C}ilo\u{g}lu, G\"orkem Berkay Ko\c{c}, Metin Ozturk, Halim Yanikomeroglu

Abstract: This study aims to introduce the cell load estimation problem of cell switching approaches in cellular networks specially-presented in a high-altitude platform station (HAPS)-assisted network. The problem arises from the fact that the traffic loads of sleeping base stations for the next time slot cannot be perfectly known, but they can rather be estimated, and any estimation error could result in divergence from the optimal decision, which subsequently affects the performance of energy efficiency. The traffic loads of the sleeping base stations for the next time slot are required because the switching decisions are made proactively in the current time slot. Two different Q-learning algorithms are developed; one is full-scale, focusing solely on the performance, while the other one is lightweight and addresses the computational cost. Results confirm that the estimation error is capable of changing cell switching decisions that yields performance divergence compared to no-error scenarios. Moreover, the developed Q-learning algorithms perform well since an insignificant difference (i.e., 0.3%) is observed between them and the optimum algorithm.

cross Employing Federated Learning for Training Autonomous HVAC Systems

Authors: Fredrik Hagstr\"om, Vikas Garg, Fabricio Oliveira

Abstract: Buildings account for 40 % of global energy consumption. A considerable portion of building energy consumption stems from heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), and thus implementing smart, energy-efficient HVAC systems has the potential to significantly impact the course of climate change. In recent years, model-free reinforcement learning algorithms have been increasingly assessed for this purpose due to their ability to learn and adapt purely from experience. They have been shown to outperform classical controllers in terms of energy cost and consumption, as well as thermal comfort. However, their weakness lies in their relatively poor data efficiency, requiring long periods of training to reach acceptable policies, making them inapplicable to real-world controllers directly. Hence, common research goals are to improve the learning speed, as well as to improve their ability to generalize, in order to facilitate transfer learning to unseen building environments. In this paper, we take a federated learning approach to training the reinforcement learning controller of an HVAC system. A global control policy is learned by aggregating local policies trained on multiple data centers located in different climate zones. The goal of the policy is to simultaneously minimize energy consumption and maximize thermal comfort. The federated optimization strategy indirectly increases both the rate at which experience data is collected and the variation in the data. We demonstrate through experimental evaluation that these effects lead to a faster learning speed, as well as greater generalization capabilities in the federated policy compared to any individually trained policy.

cross Enhancing Mutual Trustworthiness in Federated Learning for Data-Rich Smart Cities

Authors: Osama Wehbi, Sarhad Arisdakessian, Mohsen Guizani, Omar Abdel Wahab, Azzam Mourad, Hadi Otrok, Hoda Al khzaimi, Bassem Ouni

Abstract: Federated learning is a promising collaborative and privacy-preserving machine learning approach in data-rich smart cities. Nevertheless, the inherent heterogeneity of these urban environments presents a significant challenge in selecting trustworthy clients for collaborative model training. The usage of traditional approaches, such as the random client selection technique, poses several threats to the system's integrity due to the possibility of malicious client selection. Primarily, the existing literature focuses on assessing the trustworthiness of clients, neglecting the crucial aspect of trust in federated servers. To bridge this gap, in this work, we propose a novel framework that addresses the mutual trustworthiness in federated learning by considering the trust needs of both the client and the server. Our approach entails: (1) Creating preference functions for servers and clients, allowing them to rank each other based on trust scores, (2) Establishing a reputation-based recommendation system leveraging multiple clients to assess newly connected servers, (3) Assigning credibility scores to recommending devices for better server trustworthiness measurement, (4) Developing a trust assessment mechanism for smart devices using a statistical Interquartile Range (IQR) method, (5) Designing intelligent matching algorithms considering the preferences of both parties. Based on simulation and experimental results, our approach outperforms baseline methods by increasing trust levels, global model accuracy, and reducing non-trustworthy clients in the system.

cross Self-supervised Pre-training of Text Recognizers

Authors: Martin Ki\v{s}\v{s}, Michal Hradi\v{s}

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate self-supervised pre-training methods for document text recognition. Nowadays, large unlabeled datasets can be collected for many research tasks, including text recognition, but it is costly to annotate them. Therefore, methods utilizing unlabeled data are researched. We study self-supervised pre-training methods based on masked label prediction using three different approaches -- Feature Quantization, VQ-VAE, and Post-Quantized AE. We also investigate joint-embedding approaches with VICReg and NT-Xent objectives, for which we propose an image shifting technique to prevent model collapse where it relies solely on positional encoding while completely ignoring the input image. We perform our experiments on historical handwritten (Bentham) and historical printed datasets mainly to investigate the benefits of the self-supervised pre-training techniques with different amounts of annotated target domain data. We use transfer learning as strong baselines. The evaluation shows that the self-supervised pre-training on data from the target domain is very effective, but it struggles to outperform transfer learning from closely related domains. This paper is one of the first researches exploring self-supervised pre-training in document text recognition, and we believe that it will become a cornerstone for future research in this area. We made our implementation of the investigated methods publicly available at


cross Geometric Insights into Focal Loss: Reducing Curvature for Enhanced Model Calibration

Authors: Masanari Kimura, Hiroki Naganuma

Abstract: The key factor in implementing machine learning algorithms in decision-making situations is not only the accuracy of the model but also its confidence level. The confidence level of a model in a classification problem is often given by the output vector of a softmax function for convenience. However, these values are known to deviate significantly from the actual expected model confidence. This problem is called model calibration and has been studied extensively. One of the simplest techniques to tackle this task is focal loss, a generalization of cross-entropy by introducing one positive parameter. Although many related studies exist because of the simplicity of the idea and its formalization, the theoretical analysis of its behavior is still insufficient. In this study, our objective is to understand the behavior of focal loss by reinterpreting this function geometrically. Our analysis suggests that focal loss reduces the curvature of the loss surface in training the model. This indicates that curvature may be one of the essential factors in achieving model calibration. We design numerical experiments to support this conjecture to reveal the behavior of focal loss and the relationship between calibration performance and curvature.

cross Monte Carlo Tree Search Boosts Reasoning via Iterative Preference Learning

Authors: Yuxi Xie, Anirudh Goyal, Wenyue Zheng, Min-Yen Kan, Timothy P. Lillicrap, Kenji Kawaguchi, Michael Shieh

Abstract: We introduce an approach aimed at enhancing the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) through an iterative preference learning process inspired by the successful strategy employed by AlphaZero. Our work leverages Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) to iteratively collect preference data, utilizing its look-ahead ability to break down instance-level rewards into more granular step-level signals. To enhance consistency in intermediate steps, we combine outcome validation and stepwise self-evaluation, continually updating the quality assessment of newly generated data. The proposed algorithm employs Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) to update the LLM policy using this newly generated step-level preference data. Theoretical analysis reveals the critical importance of using on-policy sampled data for successful self-improving. Extensive evaluations on various arithmetic and commonsense reasoning tasks demonstrate remarkable performance improvements over existing models. For instance, our approach outperforms the Mistral-7B Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) baseline on GSM8K, MATH, and SciQ, with substantial percentage increases in accuracy to $80.7\%$ (+$4.8\%$), $32.2\%$ (+$3.3\%$), and $88.5\%$ (+$7.7\%$), respectively. Additionally, our research delves into the training and inference compute tradeoff, providing insights into how our method effectively maximizes performance gains.

cross PackVFL: Efficient HE Packing for Vertical Federated Learning

Authors: Liu Yang, Shuowei Cai, Di Chai, Junxue Zhang, Han Tian, Yilun Jin, Kun Guo, Kai Chen, Qiang Yang

Abstract: As an essential tool of secure distributed machine learning, vertical federated learning (VFL) based on homomorphic encryption (HE) suffers from severe efficiency problems due to data inflation and time-consuming operations. To this core, we propose PackVFL, an efficient VFL framework based on packed HE (PackedHE), to accelerate the existing HE-based VFL algorithms. PackVFL packs multiple cleartexts into one ciphertext and supports single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD)-style parallelism. We focus on designing a high-performant matrix multiplication (MatMult) method since it takes up most of the ciphertext computation time in HE-based VFL. Besides, devising the MatMult method is also challenging for PackedHE because a slight difference in the packing way could predominantly affect its computation and communication costs. Without domain-specific design, directly applying SOTA MatMult methods is hard to achieve optimal. Therefore, we make a three-fold design: 1) we systematically explore the current design space of MatMult and quantify the complexity of existing approaches to provide guidance; 2) we propose a hybrid MatMult method according to the unique characteristics of VFL; 3) we adaptively apply our hybrid method in representative VFL algorithms, leveraging distinctive algorithmic properties to further improve efficiency. As the batch size, feature dimension and model size of VFL scale up to large sizes, PackVFL consistently delivers enhanced performance. Empirically, PackVFL propels existing VFL algorithms to new heights, achieving up to a 51.52X end-to-end speedup. This represents a substantial 34.51X greater speedup compared to the direct application of SOTA MatMult methods.

cross KVP10k : A Comprehensive Dataset for Key-Value Pair Extraction in Business Documents

Authors: Oshri Naparstek, Roi Pony, Inbar Shapira, Foad Abo Dahood, Ophir Azulai, Yevgeny Yaroker, Nadav Rubinstein, Maksym Lysak, Peter Staar, Ahmed Nassar, Nikolaos Livathinos, Christoph Auer, Elad Amrani, Idan Friedman, Orit Prince, Yevgeny Burshtein, Adi Raz Goldfarb, Udi Barzelay

Abstract: In recent years, the challenge of extracting information from business documents has emerged as a critical task, finding applications across numerous domains. This effort has attracted substantial interest from both industry and academy, highlighting its significance in the current technological landscape. Most datasets in this area are primarily focused on Key Information Extraction (KIE), where the extraction process revolves around extracting information using a specific, predefined set of keys. Unlike most existing datasets and benchmarks, our focus is on discovering key-value pairs (KVPs) without relying on predefined keys, navigating through an array of diverse templates and complex layouts. This task presents unique challenges, primarily due to the absence of comprehensive datasets and benchmarks tailored for non-predetermined KVP extraction. To address this gap, we introduce KVP10k , a new dataset and benchmark specifically designed for KVP extraction. The dataset contains 10707 richly annotated images. In our benchmark, we also introduce a new challenging task that combines elements of KIE as well as KVP in a single task. KVP10k sets itself apart with its extensive diversity in data and richly detailed annotations, paving the way for advancements in the field of information extraction from complex business documents.

cross ULLER: A Unified Language for Learning and Reasoning

Authors: Emile van Krieken, Samy Badreddine, Robin Manhaeve, Eleonora Giunchiglia

Abstract: The field of neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence (NeSy), which combines learning and reasoning, has recently experienced significant growth. There now are a wide variety of NeSy frameworks, each with its own specific language for expressing background knowledge and how to relate it to neural networks. This heterogeneity hinders accessibility for newcomers and makes comparing different NeSy frameworks challenging. We propose a unified language for NeSy, which we call ULLER, a Unified Language for LEarning and Reasoning. ULLER encompasses a wide variety of settings, while ensuring that knowledge described in it can be used in existing NeSy systems. ULLER has a neuro-symbolic first-order syntax for which we provide example semantics including classical, fuzzy, and probabilistic logics. We believe ULLER is a first step towards making NeSy research more accessible and comparable, paving the way for libraries that streamline training and evaluation across a multitude of semantics, knowledge bases, and NeSy systems.

cross Are Models Biased on Text without Gender-related Language?

Authors: Catarina G Bel\'em, Preethi Seshadri, Yasaman Razeghi, Sameer Singh

Abstract: Gender bias research has been pivotal in revealing undesirable behaviors in large language models, exposing serious gender stereotypes associated with occupations, and emotions. A key observation in prior work is that models reinforce stereotypes as a consequence of the gendered correlations that are present in the training data. In this paper, we focus on bias where the effect from training data is unclear, and instead address the question: Do language models still exhibit gender bias in non-stereotypical settings? To do so, we introduce UnStereoEval (USE), a novel framework tailored for investigating gender bias in stereotype-free scenarios. USE defines a sentence-level score based on pretraining data statistics to determine if the sentence contain minimal word-gender associations. To systematically benchmark the fairness of popular language models in stereotype-free scenarios, we utilize USE to automatically generate benchmarks without any gender-related language. By leveraging USE's sentence-level score, we also repurpose prior gender bias benchmarks (Winobias and Winogender) for non-stereotypical evaluation. Surprisingly, we find low fairness across all 28 tested models. Concretely, models demonstrate fair behavior in only 9%-41% of stereotype-free sentences, suggesting that bias does not solely stem from the presence of gender-related words. These results raise important questions about where underlying model biases come from and highlight the need for more systematic and comprehensive bias evaluation. We release the full dataset and code at


cross Scaling and renormalization in high-dimensional regression

Authors: Alexander B. Atanasov, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Cengiz Pehlevan

Abstract: This paper presents a succinct derivation of the training and generalization performance of a variety of high-dimensional ridge regression models using the basic tools of random matrix theory and free probability. We provide an introduction and review of recent results on these topics, aimed at readers with backgrounds in physics and deep learning. Analytic formulas for the training and generalization errors are obtained in a few lines of algebra directly from the properties of the $S$-transform of free probability. This allows for a straightforward identification of the sources of power-law scaling in model performance. We compute the generalization error of a broad class of random feature models. We find that in all models, the $S$-transform corresponds to the train-test generalization gap, and yields an analogue of the generalized-cross-validation estimator. Using these techniques, we derive fine-grained bias-variance decompositions for a very general class of random feature models with structured covariates. These novel results allow us to discover a scaling regime for random feature models where the variance due to the features limits performance in the overparameterized setting. We also demonstrate how anisotropic weight structure in random feature models can limit performance and lead to nontrivial exponents for finite-width corrections in the overparameterized setting. Our results extend and provide a unifying perspective on earlier models of neural scaling laws.

cross Investigating Automatic Scoring and Feedback using Large Language Models

Authors: Gloria Ashiya Katuka, Alexander Gain, Yen-Yun Yu

Abstract: Automatic grading and feedback have been long studied using traditional machine learning and deep learning techniques using language models. With the recent accessibility to high performing large language models (LLMs) like LLaMA-2, there is an opportunity to investigate the use of these LLMs for automatic grading and feedback generation. Despite the increase in performance, LLMs require significant computational resources for fine-tuning and additional specific adjustments to enhance their performance for such tasks. To address these issues, Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as LoRA and QLoRA, have been adopted to decrease memory and computational requirements in model fine-tuning. This paper explores the efficacy of PEFT-based quantized models, employing classification or regression head, to fine-tune LLMs for automatically assigning continuous numerical grades to short answers and essays, as well as generating corresponding feedback. We conducted experiments on both proprietary and open-source datasets for our tasks. The results show that prediction of grade scores via finetuned LLMs are highly accurate, achieving less than 3% error in grade percentage on average. For providing graded feedback fine-tuned 4-bit quantized LLaMA-2 13B models outperform competitive base models and achieve high similarity with subject matter expert feedback in terms of high BLEU and ROUGE scores and qualitatively in terms of feedback. The findings from this study provide important insights into the impacts of the emerging capabilities of using quantization approaches to fine-tune LLMs for various downstream tasks, such as automatic short answer scoring and feedback generation at comparatively lower costs and latency.

cross Causal Evaluation of Language Models

Authors: Sirui Chen, Bo Peng, Meiqi Chen, Ruiqi Wang, Mengying Xu, Xingyu Zeng, Rui Zhao, Shengjie Zhao, Yu Qiao, Chaochao Lu

Abstract: Causal reasoning is viewed as crucial for achieving human-level machine intelligence. Recent advances in language models have expanded the horizons of artificial intelligence across various domains, sparking inquiries into their potential for causal reasoning. In this work, we introduce Causal evaluation of Language Models (CaLM), which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the causal reasoning capabilities of language models. First, we propose the CaLM framework, which establishes a foundational taxonomy consisting of four modules: causal target (i.e., what to evaluate), adaptation (i.e., how to obtain the results), metric (i.e., how to measure the results), and error (i.e., how to analyze the bad results). This taxonomy defines a broad evaluation design space while systematically selecting criteria and priorities. Second, we compose the CaLM dataset, comprising 126,334 data samples, to provide curated sets of causal targets, adaptations, metrics, and errors, offering extensive coverage for diverse research pursuits. Third, we conduct an extensive evaluation of 28 leading language models on a core set of 92 causal targets, 9 adaptations, 7 metrics, and 12 error types. Fourth, we perform detailed analyses of the evaluation results across various dimensions (e.g., adaptation, scale). Fifth, we present 50 high-level empirical findings across 9 dimensions (e.g., model), providing valuable guidance for future language model development. Finally, we develop a multifaceted platform, including a website, leaderboards, datasets, and toolkits, to support scalable and adaptable assessments. We envision CaLM as an ever-evolving benchmark for the community, systematically updated with new causal targets, adaptations, models, metrics, and error types to reflect ongoing research advancements. Project website is at


cross Koopman-based Deep Learning for Nonlinear System Estimation

Authors: Zexin Sun, Mingyu Chen, John Baillieul

Abstract: Nonlinear differential equations are encountered as models of fluid flow, spiking neurons, and many other systems of interest in the real world. Common features of these systems are that their behaviors are difficult to describe exactly and invariably unmodeled dynamics present challenges in making precise predictions. In many cases the models exhibit extremely complicated behavior due to bifurcations and chaotic regimes. In this paper, we present a novel data-driven linear estimator that uses Koopman operator theory to extract finite-dimensional representations of complex nonlinear systems. The extracted model is used together with a deep reinforcement learning network that learns the optimal stepwise actions to predict future states of the original nonlinear system. Our estimator is also adaptive to a diffeomorphic transformation of the nonlinear system which enables transfer learning to compute state estimates of the transformed system without relearning from scratch.

cross Robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection

Authors: Zhi-Feng Wei, Pablo Moriano, Ramakrishnan Kannan

Abstract: This study investigates the robustness of graph embedding methods for community detection in the face of network perturbations, specifically edge deletions. Graph embedding techniques, which represent nodes as low-dimensional vectors, are widely used for various graph machine learning tasks due to their ability to capture structural properties of networks effectively. However, the impact of perturbations on the performance of these methods remains relatively understudied. The research considers state-of-the-art graph embedding methods from two families: matrix factorization (e.g., LE, LLE, HOPE, M-NMF) and random walk-based (e.g., DeepWalk, LINE, node2vec). Through experiments conducted on both synthetic and real-world networks, the study reveals varying degrees of robustness within each family of graph embedding methods. The robustness is found to be influenced by factors such as network size, initial community partition strength, and the type of perturbation. Notably, node2vec and LLE consistently demonstrate higher robustness for community detection across different scenarios, including networks with degree and community size heterogeneity. These findings highlight the importance of selecting an appropriate graph embedding method based on the specific characteristics of the network and the task at hand, particularly in scenarios where robustness to perturbations is crucial.

cross From Empirical Observations to Universality: Dynamics of Deep Learning with Inputs Built on Gaussian mixture

Authors: Jaeyong Bae, Hawoong Jeong

Abstract: This study broadens the scope of theoretical frameworks in deep learning by delving into the dynamics of neural networks with inputs that demonstrate the structural characteristics to Gaussian Mixture (GM). We analyzed how the dynamics of neural networks under GM-structured inputs diverge from the predictions of conventional theories based on simple Gaussian structures. A revelation of our work is the observed convergence of neural network dynamics towards conventional theory even with standardized GM inputs, highlighting an unexpected universality. We found that standardization, especially in conjunction with certain nonlinear functions, plays a critical role in this phenomena. Consequently, despite the complex and varied nature of GM distributions, we demonstrate that neural networks exhibit asymptotic behaviors in line with predictions under simple Gaussian frameworks.

cross Learning to Compose: Improving Object Centric Learning by Injecting Compositionality

Authors: Whie Jung, Jaehoon Yoo, Sungjin Ahn, Seunghoon Hong

Abstract: Learning compositional representation is a key aspect of object-centric learning as it enables flexible systematic generalization and supports complex visual reasoning. However, most of the existing approaches rely on auto-encoding objective, while the compositionality is implicitly imposed by the architectural or algorithmic bias in the encoder. This misalignment between auto-encoding objective and learning compositionality often results in failure of capturing meaningful object representations. In this study, we propose a novel objective that explicitly encourages compositionality of the representations. Built upon the existing object-centric learning framework (e.g., slot attention), our method incorporates additional constraints that an arbitrary mixture of object representations from two images should be valid by maximizing the likelihood of the composite data. We demonstrate that incorporating our objective to the existing framework consistently improves the objective-centric learning and enhances the robustness to the architectural choices.

cross Screening of BindingDB database ligands against EGFR, HER2, Estrogen, Progesterone and NF-kB receptors based on machine learning and molecular docking

Authors: Parham Rezaee, Shahab Rezaee, Malik Maaza, Seyed Shahriar Arab

Abstract: Breast cancer, the second most prevalent cancer among women worldwide, necessitates the exploration of novel therapeutic approaches. To target the four subgroups of breast cancer "hormone receptor-positive and HER2-negative, hormone receptor-positive and HER2-positive, hormone receptor-negative and HER2-positive, and hormone receptor-negative and HER2-negative" it is crucial to inhibit specific targets such as EGFR, HER2, ER, NF-kB, and PR. In this study, we evaluated various methods for binary and multiclass classification. Among them, the GA-SVM-SVM:GA-SVM-SVM model was selected with an accuracy of 0.74, an F1-score of 0.73, and an AUC of 0.94 for virtual screening of ligands from the BindingDB database. This model successfully identified 4454, 803, 438, and 378 ligands with over 90% precision in both active/inactive and target prediction for the classes of EGFR+HER2, ER, NF-kB, and PR, respectively, from the BindingDB database. Based on to the selected ligands, we created a dendrogram that categorizes different ligands based on their targets. This dendrogram aims to facilitate the exploration of chemical space for various therapeutic targets. Ligands that surpassed a 90% threshold in the product of activity probability and correct target selection probability were chosen for further investigation using molecular docking. The binding energy range for these ligands against their respective targets was calculated to be between -15 and -5 kcal/mol. Finally, based on general and common rules in medicinal chemistry, we selected 2, 3, 3, and 8 new ligands with high priority for further studies in the EGFR+HER2, ER, NF-kB, and PR classes, respectively.

cross RST-LoRA: A Discourse-Aware Low-Rank Adaptation for Long Document Abstractive Summarization

Authors: Dongqi Pu, Vera Demberg

Abstract: For long document summarization, discourse structure is important to discern the key content of the text and the differences in importance level between sentences. Unfortunately, the integration of rhetorical structure theory (RST) into parameter-efficient fine-tuning strategies for long document summarization remains unexplored. Therefore, this paper introduces RST-LoRA and proposes four RST-aware variants to explicitly incorporate RST into the LoRA model. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates that incorporating the type and uncertainty of rhetorical relations can complementarily enhance the performance of LoRA in summarization tasks. Furthermore, the best-performing variant we introduced outperforms the vanilla LoRA and full-parameter fine-tuning models, as confirmed by multiple automatic and human evaluations, and even surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods.

cross Is Bigger Edit Batch Size Always Better? -- An Empirical Study on Model Editing with Llama-3

Authors: Junsang Yoon, Akshat Gupta, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: This study presents a targeted model editing analysis focused on the latest large language model, Llama-3. We explore the efficacy of popular model editing techniques - ROME, MEMIT, and EMMET, which are designed for precise layer interventions. We identify the most effective layers for targeted edits through an evaluation that encompasses up to 4096 edits across three distinct strategies: sequential editing, batch editing, and a hybrid approach we call as sequential-batch editing. Our findings indicate that increasing edit batch-sizes may degrade model performance more significantly than using smaller edit batches sequentially for equal number of edits. With this, we argue that sequential model editing is an important component for scaling model editing methods and future research should focus on methods that combine both batched and sequential editing. This observation suggests a potential limitation in current model editing methods which push towards bigger edit batch sizes, and we hope it paves way for future investigations into optimizing batch sizes and model editing performance.

replace Double Descent and Other Interpolation Phenomena in GANs

Authors: Lorenzo Luzi, Yehuda Dar, Richard Baraniuk

Abstract: We study overparameterization in generative adversarial networks (GANs) that can interpolate the training data. We show that overparameterization can improve generalization performance and accelerate the training process. We study the generalization error as a function of latent space dimension and identify two main behaviors, depending on the learning setting. First, we show that overparameterized generative models that learn distributions by minimizing a metric or $f$-divergence do not exhibit double descent in generalization errors; specifically, all the interpolating solutions achieve the same generalization error. Second, we develop a novel pseudo-supervised learning approach for GANs where the training utilizes pairs of fabricated (noise) inputs in conjunction with real output samples. Our pseudo-supervised setting exhibits double descent (and in some cases, triple descent) of generalization errors. We combine pseudo-supervision with overparameterization (i.e., overly large latent space dimension) to accelerate training while matching or even surpassing generalization performance without pseudo-supervision. While our analysis focuses mostly on linear models, we also apply important insights for improving generalization of nonlinear, multilayer GANs.

replace Unsupervised Representation Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Review

Authors: Nicol\`o Botteghi, Mannes Poel, Christoph Brune

Abstract: This review addresses the problem of learning abstract representations of the measurement data in the context of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). While the data are often ambiguous, high-dimensional, and complex to interpret, many dynamical systems can be effectively described by a low-dimensional set of state variables. Discovering these state variables from the data is a crucial aspect for (i) improving the data efficiency, robustness, and generalization of DRL methods, (ii) tackling the curse of dimensionality, and (iii) bringing interpretability and insights into black-box DRL. This review provides a comprehensive and complete overview of unsupervised representation learning in DRL by describing the main Deep Learning tools used for learning representations of the world, providing a systematic view of the method and principles, summarizing applications, benchmarks and evaluation strategies, and discussing open challenges and future directions.

replace Blurring Diffusion Models

Authors: Emiel Hoogeboom, Tim Salimans

Abstract: Recently, Rissanen et al., (2022) have presented a new type of diffusion process for generative modeling based on heat dissipation, or blurring, as an alternative to isotropic Gaussian diffusion. Here, we show that blurring can equivalently be defined through a Gaussian diffusion process with non-isotropic noise. In making this connection, we bridge the gap between inverse heat dissipation and denoising diffusion, and we shed light on the inductive bias that results from this modeling choice. Finally, we propose a generalized class of diffusion models that offers the best of both standard Gaussian denoising diffusion and inverse heat dissipation, which we call Blurring Diffusion Models.

replace Resource-Aware Heterogeneous Federated Learning using Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Sixing Yu, J. Pablo Mu\~noz, Ali Jannesari

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is extensively used to train AI/ML models in distributed and privacy-preserving settings. Participant edge devices in FL systems typically contain non-independent and identically distributed (Non-IID) private data and unevenly distributed computational resources. Preserving user data privacy while optimizing AI/ML models in a heterogeneous federated network requires us to address data and system/resource heterogeneity. To address these challenges, we propose Resource-aware Federated Learning (RaFL). RaFL allocates resource-aware specialized models to edge devices using Neural Architecture Search (NAS) and allows heterogeneous model architecture deployment by knowledge extraction and fusion. Combining NAS and FL enables on-demand customized model deployment for resource-diverse edge devices. Furthermore, we propose a multi-model architecture fusion scheme allowing the aggregation of the distributed learning results. Results demonstrate RaFL's superior resource efficiency compared to SoTA.

replace MediTab: Scaling Medical Tabular Data Predictors via Data Consolidation, Enrichment, and Refinement

Authors: Zifeng Wang, Chufan Gao, Cao Xiao, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Tabular data prediction has been employed in medical applications such as patient health risk prediction. However, existing methods usually revolve around the algorithm design while overlooking the significance of data engineering. Medical tabular datasets frequently exhibit significant heterogeneity across different sources, with limited sample sizes per source. As such, previous predictors are often trained on manually curated small datasets that struggle to generalize across different tabular datasets during inference. This paper proposes to scale medical tabular data predictors (MediTab) to various tabular inputs with varying features. The method uses a data engine that leverages large language models (LLMs) to consolidate tabular samples to overcome the barrier across tables with distinct schema. It also aligns out-domain data with the target task using a "learn, annotate, and refinement" pipeline. The expanded training data then enables the pre-trained MediTab to infer for arbitrary tabular input in the domain without fine-tuning, resulting in significant improvements over supervised baselines: it reaches an average ranking of 1.57 and 1.00 on 7 patient outcome prediction datasets and 3 trial outcome prediction datasets, respectively. In addition, MediTab exhibits impressive zero-shot performances: it outperforms supervised XGBoost models by 8.9% and 17.2% on average in two prediction tasks, respectively.

replace Offline Policy Evaluation for Reinforcement Learning with Adaptively Collected Data

Authors: Sunil Madhow, Dan Qiao, Ming Yin, Yu-Xiang Wang

Abstract: Developing theoretical guarantees on the sample complexity of offline RL methods is an important step towards making data-hungry RL algorithms practically viable. Currently, most results hinge on unrealistic assumptions about the data distribution -- namely that it comprises a set of i.i.d. trajectories collected by a single logging policy. We consider a more general setting where the dataset may have been gathered adaptively. We develop theory for the TMIS Offline Policy Evaluation (OPE) estimator in this generalized setting for tabular MDPs, deriving high-probability, instance-dependent bounds on its estimation error. We also recover minimax-optimal offline learning in the adaptive setting. Finally, we conduct simulations to empirically analyze the behavior of these estimators under adaptive and non-adaptive regimes.

replace PARL: A Unified Framework for Policy Alignment in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Authors: Souradip Chakraborty, Amrit Singh Bedi, Alec Koppel, Dinesh Manocha, Huazheng Wang, Mengdi Wang, Furong Huang

Abstract: We present a novel unified bilevel optimization-based framework, \textsf{PARL}, formulated to address the recently highlighted critical issue of policy alignment in reinforcement learning using utility or preference-based feedback. We identify a major gap within current algorithmic designs for solving policy alignment due to a lack of precise characterization of the dependence of the alignment objective on the data generated by policy trajectories. This shortfall contributes to the sub-optimal performance observed in contemporary algorithms. Our framework addressed these concerns by explicitly parameterizing the distribution of the upper alignment objective (reward design) by the lower optimal variable (optimal policy for the designed reward). Interestingly, from an optimization perspective, our formulation leads to a new class of stochastic bilevel problems where the stochasticity at the upper objective depends upon the lower-level variable. {True to our best knowledge, this work presents the first formulation of the RLHF as a bilevel optimization problem which generalizes the existing RLHF formulations and addresses the existing distribution shift issues in RLHF formulations.} To demonstrate the efficacy of our formulation in resolving alignment issues in RL, we devised an algorithm named \textsf{A-PARL} to solve PARL problem, establishing sample complexity bounds of order $\mathcal{O}(1/T)$. Our empirical results substantiate that the proposed \textsf{PARL} can address the alignment concerns in RL by showing significant improvements (up to 63\% in terms of required samples) for policy alignment in large-scale environments of the Deepmind control suite and Meta world tasks.

replace Prediction without Preclusion: Recourse Verification with Reachable Sets

Authors: Avni Kothari, Bogdan Kulynych, Tsui-Wei Weng, Berk Ustun

Abstract: Machine learning models are often used to decide who receives a loan, a job interview, or a public benefit. Models in such settings use features without considering their actionability. As a result, they can assign predictions that are fixed $-$ meaning that individuals who are denied loans and interviews are, in fact, precluded from access to credit and employment. In this work, we introduce a procedure called recourse verification to test if a model assigns fixed predictions to its decision subjects. We propose a model-agnostic approach for recourse verification with reachable sets $-$ i.e., the set of all points that a person can reach through their actions in feature space. We develop methods to construct reachable sets for discrete feature spaces, which can certify the responsiveness of any model by simply querying its predictions. We conduct a comprehensive empirical study on the infeasibility of recourse on datasets from consumer finance. Our results highlight how models can inadvertently preclude access by assigning fixed predictions and underscore the need to account for actionability in model development.

replace GRASP: A Rehearsal Policy for Efficient Online Continual Learning

Authors: Md Yousuf Harun, Jhair Gallardo, Junyu Chen, Christopher Kanan

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) in deep neural networks (DNNs) involves incrementally accumulating knowledge in a DNN from a growing data stream. A major challenge in CL is that non-stationary data streams cause catastrophic forgetting of previously learned abilities. A popular solution is rehearsal: storing past observations in a buffer and then sampling the buffer to update the DNN. Uniform sampling in a class-balanced manner is highly effective, and better sample selection policies have been elusive. Here, we propose a new sample selection policy called GRASP that selects the most prototypical (easy) samples first and then gradually selects less prototypical (harder) examples. GRASP has little additional compute or memory overhead compared to uniform selection, enabling it to scale to large datasets. Compared to 17 other rehearsal policies, GRASP achieves higher accuracy in CL experiments on ImageNet. Compared to uniform balanced sampling, GRASP achieves the same performance with 40% fewer updates. We also show that GRASP is effective for CL on five text classification datasets.

replace PPG-to-ECG Signal Translation for Continuous Atrial Fibrillation Detection via Attention-based Deep State-Space Modeling

Authors: Khuong Vo, Mostafa El-Khamy, Yoojin Choi

Abstract: Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a cost-effective and non-invasive technique that utilizes optical methods to measure cardiac physiology. PPG has become increasingly popular in health monitoring and is used in various commercial and clinical wearable devices. Compared to electrocardiography (ECG), PPG does not provide substantial clinical diagnostic value, despite the strong correlation between the two. Here, we propose a subject-independent attention-based deep state-space model (ADSSM) to translate PPG signals to corresponding ECG waveforms. The model is not only robust to noise but also data-efficient by incorporating probabilistic prior knowledge. To evaluate our approach, 55 subjects' data from the MIMIC-III database were used in their original form, and then modified with noise, mimicking real-world scenarios. Our approach was proven effective as evidenced by the PR-AUC of 0.986 achieved when inputting the translated ECG signals into an existing atrial fibrillation (AFib) detector. ADSSM enables the integration of ECG's extensive knowledge base and PPG's continuous measurement for early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease.

replace Unconstrained Stochastic CCA: Unifying Multiview and Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: James Chapman, Lennie Wells, Ana Lawry Aguila

Abstract: The Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) family of methods is foundational in multiview learning. Regularised linear CCA methods can be seen to generalise Partial Least Squares (PLS) and be unified with a Generalized Eigenvalue Problem (GEP) framework. However, classical algorithms for these linear methods are computationally infeasible for large-scale data. Extensions to Deep CCA show great promise, but current training procedures are slow and complicated. First we propose a novel unconstrained objective that characterizes the top subspace of GEPs. Our core contribution is a family of fast algorithms for stochastic PLS, stochastic CCA, and Deep CCA, simply obtained by applying stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to the corresponding CCA objectives. Our algorithms show far faster convergence and recover higher correlations than the previous state-of-the-art on all standard CCA and Deep CCA benchmarks. These improvements allow us to perform a first-of-its-kind PLS analysis of an extremely large biomedical dataset from the UK Biobank, with over 33,000 individuals and 500,000 features. Finally, we apply our algorithms to match the performance of `CCA-family' Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 with minimal hyper-parameter tuning, and also present theory to clarify the links between these methods and classical CCA, laying the groundwork for future insights.

replace Federated Learning with Convex Global and Local Constraints

Authors: Chuan He, Le Peng, Ju Sun

Abstract: In practice, many machine learning (ML) problems come with constraints, and their applied domains involve distributed sensitive data that cannot be shared with others, e.g., in healthcare. Collaborative learning in such practical scenarios entails federated learning (FL) for ML problems with constraints, or FL with constraints for short. Despite the extensive developments of FL techniques in recent years, these techniques only deal with unconstrained FL problems or FL problems with simple constraints that are amenable to easy projections. There is little work dealing with FL problems with general constraints. To fill this gap, we take the first step toward building an algorithmic framework for solving FL problems with general constraints. In particular, we propose a new FL algorithm for constrained ML problems based on the proximal augmented Lagrangian (AL) method. Assuming convex objective and convex constraints plus other mild conditions, we establish the worst-case complexity of the proposed algorithm. Our numerical experiments show the effectiveness of our algorithm in performing Neyman-Pearson classification and fairness-aware learning with nonconvex constraints, in an FL setting.

replace Probabilistic Sampling of Balanced K-Means using Adiabatic Quantum Computing

Authors: Jan-Nico Zaech, Martin Danelljan, Tolga Birdal, Luc Van Gool

Abstract: Adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) is a promising approach for discrete and often NP-hard optimization problems. Current AQCs allow to implement problems of research interest, which has sparked the development of quantum representations for many computer vision tasks. Despite requiring multiple measurements from the noisy AQC, current approaches only utilize the best measurement, discarding information contained in the remaining ones. In this work, we explore the potential of using this information for probabilistic balanced k-means clustering. Instead of discarding non-optimal solutions, we propose to use them to compute calibrated posterior probabilities with little additional compute cost. This allows us to identify ambiguous solutions and data points, which we demonstrate on a D-Wave AQC on synthetic tasks and real visual data.

replace Tractable MCMC for Private Learning with Pure and Gaussian Differential Privacy

Authors: Yingyu Lin, Yi-An Ma, Yu-Xiang Wang, Rachel Redberg, Zhiqi Bu

Abstract: Posterior sampling, i.e., exponential mechanism to sample from the posterior distribution, provides $\varepsilon$-pure differential privacy (DP) guarantees and does not suffer from potentially unbounded privacy breach introduced by $(\varepsilon,\delta)$-approximate DP. In practice, however, one needs to apply approximate sampling methods such as Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC), thus re-introducing the unappealing $\delta$-approximation error into the privacy guarantees. To bridge this gap, we propose the Approximate SAample Perturbation (abbr. ASAP) algorithm which perturbs an MCMC sample with noise proportional to its Wasserstein-infinity ($W_\infty$) distance from a reference distribution that satisfies pure DP or pure Gaussian DP (i.e., $\delta=0$). We then leverage a Metropolis-Hastings algorithm to generate the sample and prove that the algorithm converges in $W_\infty$ distance. We show that by combining our new techniques with a localization step, we obtain the first nearly linear-time algorithm that achieves the optimal rates in the DP-ERM problem with strongly convex and smooth losses.

replace Bridging Dimensions: Confident Reachability for High-Dimensional Controllers

Authors: Yuang Geng, Jake Baldauf, Souradeep Dutta, Chao Huang, Ivan Ruchkin

Abstract: Autonomous systems are increasingly implemented using end-to-end learning-based controllers. Such controllers make decisions that are executed on the real system, with images as one of the primary sensing modalities. Deep neural networks form a fundamental building block of such controllers. Unfortunately, the existing neural-network verification tools do not scale to inputs with thousands of dimensions -- especially when the individual inputs (such as pixels) are devoid of clear physical meaning. This paper takes a step towards connecting exhaustive closed-loop verification with high-dimensional controllers. Our key insight is that the behavior of a high-dimensional controller can be approximated with several low-dimensional controllers. To balance the approximation accuracy and verifiability of our low-dimensional controllers, we leverage the latest verification-aware knowledge distillation. Then, we inflate low-dimensional reachability results with statistical approximation errors, yielding a high-confidence reachability guarantee for the high-dimensional controller. We investigate two inflation techniques -- based on trajectories and control actions -- both of which show convincing performance in three OpenAI gym benchmarks.

replace Iterative Preference Learning from Human Feedback: Bridging Theory and Practice for RLHF under KL-Constraint

Authors: Wei Xiong, Hanze Dong, Chenlu Ye, Ziqi Wang, Han Zhong, Heng Ji, Nan Jiang, Tong Zhang

Abstract: This paper studies the alignment process of generative models with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). We first identify the primary challenges of existing popular methods like offline PPO and offline DPO as lacking in strategical exploration of the environment. Then, to understand the mathematical principle of RLHF, we consider a standard mathematical formulation, the reverse-KL regularized contextual bandit for RLHF. Despite its widespread practical application, a rigorous theoretical analysis of this formulation remains open. We investigate its behavior in three distinct settings -- offline, online, and hybrid -- and propose efficient algorithms with finite-sample theoretical guarantees. Moving towards practical applications, our framework, with a robust approximation of the information-theoretical policy improvement oracle, naturally gives rise to several novel RLHF algorithms. This includes an iterative version of the Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) algorithm for online settings, and a multi-step rejection sampling strategy for offline scenarios. Our empirical evaluations on real-world alignment experiment of large language model demonstrate that these proposed methods significantly surpass existing strong baselines, such as DPO and Rejection Sampling Optimization (RSO), showcasing the connections between solid theoretical foundations and their potent practical implementations.

replace GenCast: Diffusion-based ensemble forecasting for medium-range weather

Authors: Ilan Price, Alvaro Sanchez-Gonzalez, Ferran Alet, Tom R. Andersson, Andrew El-Kadi, Dominic Masters, Timo Ewalds, Jacklynn Stott, Shakir Mohamed, Peter Battaglia, Remi Lam, Matthew Willson

Abstract: Weather forecasts are fundamentally uncertain, so predicting the range of probable weather scenarios is crucial for important decisions, from warning the public about hazardous weather, to planning renewable energy use. Here, we introduce GenCast, a probabilistic weather model with greater skill and speed than the top operational medium-range weather forecast in the world, the European Centre for Medium-Range Forecasts (ECMWF)'s ensemble forecast, ENS. Unlike traditional approaches, which are based on numerical weather prediction (NWP), GenCast is a machine learning weather prediction (MLWP) method, trained on decades of reanalysis data. GenCast generates an ensemble of stochastic 15-day global forecasts, at 12-hour steps and 0.25 degree latitude-longitude resolution, for over 80 surface and atmospheric variables, in 8 minutes. It has greater skill than ENS on 97.4% of 1320 targets we evaluated, and better predicts extreme weather, tropical cyclones, and wind power production. This work helps open the next chapter in operational weather forecasting, where critical weather-dependent decisions are made with greater accuracy and efficiency.

replace Next Visit Diagnosis Prediction via Medical Code-Centric Multimodal Contrastive EHR Modelling with Hierarchical Regularisation

Authors: Heejoon Koo

Abstract: Predicting next visit diagnosis using Electronic Health Records (EHR) is an essential task in healthcare, critical for devising proactive future plans for both healthcare providers and patients. Nonetheless, many preceding studies have not sufficiently addressed the heterogeneous and hierarchical characteristics inherent in EHR data, inevitably leading to sub-optimal performance. To this end, we propose NECHO, a novel medical code-centric multimodal contrastive EHR learning framework with hierarchical regularisation. First, we integrate multifaceted information encompassing medical codes, demographics, and clinical notes using a tailored network design and a pair of bimodal contrastive losses, all of which pivot around a medical codes representation. We also regularise modality-specific encoders using a parental level information in medical ontology to learn hierarchical structure of EHR data. A series of experiments on MIMIC-III data demonstrates effectiveness of our approach.

replace Cross-Validation Conformal Risk Control

Authors: Kfir M. Cohen (Shitz), Sangwoo Park (Shitz), Osvaldo Simeone (Shitz), Shlomo Shamai (Shitz)

Abstract: Conformal risk control (CRC) is a recently proposed technique that applies post-hoc to a conventional point predictor to provide calibration guarantees. Generalizing conformal prediction (CP), with CRC, calibration is ensured for a set predictor that is extracted from the point predictor to control a risk function such as the probability of miscoverage or the false negative rate. The original CRC requires the available data set to be split between training and validation data sets. This can be problematic when data availability is limited, resulting in inefficient set predictors. In this paper, a novel CRC method is introduced that is based on cross-validation, rather than on validation as the original CRC. The proposed cross-validation CRC (CV-CRC) extends a version of the jackknife-minmax from CP to CRC, allowing for the control of a broader range of risk functions. CV-CRC is proved to offer theoretical guarantees on the average risk of the set predictor. Furthermore, numerical experiments show that CV-CRC can reduce the average set size with respect to CRC when the available data are limited.

replace Model Collapse Demystified: The Case of Regression

Authors: Elvis Dohmatob, Yunzhen Feng, Julia Kempe

Abstract: In the era of proliferation of large language and image generation models, the phenomenon of "model collapse" refers to the situation whereby as a model is trained recursively on data generated from previous generations of itself over time, its performance degrades until the model eventually becomes completely useless, i.e the model collapses. In this work, we study this phenomenon in the setting of high-dimensional regression and obtain analytic formulae which quantitatively outline this phenomenon in a broad range of regimes. In the special case of polynomial decaying spectral and source conditions, we obtain modified scaling laws which exhibit new crossover phenomena from fast to slow rates. We also propose a simple strategy based on adaptive regularization to mitigate model collapse. Our theoretical results are validated with experiments.

replace ResQuNNs:Towards Enabling Deep Learning in Quantum Convolution Neural Networks

Authors: Muhammad Kashif, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel framework for enhancing the performance of Quanvolutional Neural Networks (QuNNs) by introducing trainable quanvolutional layers and addressing the critical challenges associated with them. Traditional quanvolutional layers, although beneficial for feature extraction, have largely been static, offering limited adaptability. Unlike state-of-the-art, our research overcomes this limitation by enabling training within these layers, significantly increasing the flexibility and potential of QuNNs. However, the introduction of multiple trainable quanvolutional layers induces complexities in gradient-based optimization, primarily due to the difficulty in accessing gradients across these layers. To resolve this, we propose a novel architecture, Residual Quanvolutional Neural Networks (ResQuNNs), leveraging the concept of residual learning, which facilitates the flow of gradients by adding skip connections between layers. By inserting residual blocks between quanvolutional layers, we ensure enhanced gradient access throughout the network, leading to improved training performance. Moreover, we provide empirical evidence on the strategic placement of these residual blocks within QuNNs. Through extensive experimentation, we identify an efficient configuration of residual blocks, which enables gradients across all the layers in the network that eventually results in efficient training. Our findings suggest that the precise location of residual blocks plays a crucial role in maximizing the performance gains in QuNNs. Our results mark a substantial step forward in the evolution of quantum deep learning, offering new avenues for both theoretical development and practical quantum computing applications.

replace SOFIM: Stochastic Optimization Using Regularized Fisher Information Matrix

Authors: Mrinmay Sen, A. K. Qin, Gayathri C, Raghu Kishore N, Yen-Wei Chen, Balasubramanian Raman

Abstract: This paper introduces a new stochastic optimization method based on the regularized Fisher information matrix (FIM), named SOFIM, which can efficiently utilize the FIM to approximate the Hessian matrix for finding Newton's gradient update in large-scale stochastic optimization of machine learning models. It can be viewed as a variant of natural gradient descent, where the challenge of storing and calculating the full FIM is addressed through making use of the regularized FIM and directly finding the gradient update direction via Sherman-Morrison matrix inversion. Additionally, like the popular Adam method, SOFIM uses the first moment of the gradient to address the issue of non-stationary objectives across mini-batches due to heterogeneous data. The utilization of the regularized FIM and Sherman-Morrison matrix inversion leads to the improved convergence rate with the same space and time complexities as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with momentum. The extensive experiments on training deep learning models using several benchmark image classification datasets demonstrate that the proposed SOFIM outperforms SGD with momentum and several state-of-the-art Newton optimization methods in term of the convergence speed for achieving the pre-specified objectives of training and test losses as well as test accuracy.

replace An Efficient Difference-of-Convex Solver for Privacy Funnel

Authors: Teng-Hui Huang, Hesham El Gamal

Abstract: We propose an efficient solver for the privacy funnel (PF) method, leveraging its difference-of-convex (DC) structure. The proposed DC separation results in a closed-form update equation, which allows straightforward application to both known and unknown distribution settings. For known distribution case, we prove the convergence (local stationary points) of the proposed non-greedy solver, and empirically show that it outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in characterizing the privacy-utility trade-off. The insights of our DC approach apply to unknown distribution settings where labeled empirical samples are available instead. Leveraging the insights, our alternating minimization solver satisfies the fundamental Markov relation of PF in contrast to previous variational inference-based solvers. Empirically, we evaluate the proposed solver with MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets. Our results show that under a comparable reconstruction quality, an adversary suffers from higher prediction error from clustering our compressed codes than that with the compared methods. Most importantly, our solver is independent to private information in inference phase contrary to the baselines.

replace Towards Lifecycle Unlearning Commitment Management: Measuring Sample-level Approximate Unlearning Completeness

Authors: Cheng-Long Wang, Qi Li, Zihang Xiang, Yinzhi Cao, Di Wang

Abstract: By adopting a more flexible definition of unlearning and adjusting the model distribution to simulate training without the targeted data, approximate machine unlearning provides a less resource-demanding alternative to the more laborious exact unlearning methods. Yet, the unlearning completeness of target samples-even when the approximate algorithms are executed faithfully without external threats-remains largely unexamined, raising questions about those approximate algorithms' ability to fulfill their commitment of unlearning during the lifecycle. In this paper, we introduce the task of Lifecycle Unlearning Commitment Management (LUCM) for approximate unlearning and outline its primary challenges. We propose an efficient metric designed to assess the sample-level unlearning completeness. Our empirical results demonstrate its superiority over membership inference techniques in two key areas: the strong correlation of its measurements with unlearning completeness across various unlearning tasks, and its computational efficiency, making it suitable for real-time applications. Additionally, we show that this metric is able to serve as a tool for monitoring unlearning anomalies throughout the unlearning lifecycle, including both under-unlearning and over-unlearning. We apply this metric to evaluate the unlearning commitments of current approximate algorithms. Our analysis, conducted across multiple unlearning benchmarks, reveals that these algorithms inconsistently fulfill their unlearning commitments due to two main issues: 1) unlearning new data can significantly affect the unlearning utility of previously requested data, and 2) approximate algorithms fail to ensure equitable unlearning utility across different groups. These insights emphasize the crucial importance of LUCM throughout the unlearning lifecycle. We will soon open-source our newly developed benchmark.

replace Addressing Loss of Plasticity and Catastrophic Forgetting in Continual Learning

Authors: Mohamed Elsayed, A. Rupam Mahmood

Abstract: Deep representation learning methods struggle with continual learning, suffering from both catastrophic forgetting of useful units and loss of plasticity, often due to rigid and unuseful units. While many methods address these two issues separately, only a few currently deal with both simultaneously. In this paper, we introduce Utility-based Perturbed Gradient Descent (UPGD) as a novel approach for the continual learning of representations. UPGD combines gradient updates with perturbations, where it applies smaller modifications to more useful units, protecting them from forgetting, and larger modifications to less useful units, rejuvenating their plasticity. We use a challenging streaming learning setup where continual learning problems have hundreds of non-stationarities and unknown task boundaries. We show that many existing methods suffer from at least one of the issues, predominantly manifested by their decreasing accuracy over tasks. On the other hand, UPGD continues to improve performance and surpasses or is competitive with all methods in all problems. Finally, in extended reinforcement learning experiments with PPO, we show that while Adam exhibits a performance drop after initial learning, UPGD avoids it by addressing both continual learning issues.

replace GANsemble for Small and Imbalanced Data Sets: A Baseline for Synthetic Microplastics Data

Authors: Daniel Platnick, Sourena Khanzadeh, Alireza Sadeghian, Richard Anthony Valenzano

Abstract: Microplastic particle ingestion or inhalation by humans is a problem of growing concern. Unfortunately, current research methods that use machine learning to understand their potential harms are obstructed by a lack of available data. Deep learning techniques in particular are challenged by such domains where only small or imbalanced data sets are available. Overcoming this challenge often involves oversampling underrepresented classes or augmenting the existing data to improve model performance. This paper proposes GANsemble: a two-module framework connecting data augmentation with conditional generative adversarial networks (cGANs) to generate class-conditioned synthetic data. First, the data chooser module automates augmentation strategy selection by searching for the best data augmentation strategy. Next, the cGAN module uses this strategy to train a cGAN for generating enhanced synthetic data. We experiment with the GANsemble framework on a small and imbalanced microplastics data set. A Microplastic-cGAN (MPcGAN) algorithm is introduced, and baselines for synthetic microplastics (SYMP) data are established in terms of Frechet Inception Distance (FID) and Inception Scores (IS). We also provide a synthetic microplastics filter (SYMP-Filter) algorithm to increase the quality of generated SYMP. Additionally, we show the best amount of oversampling with augmentation to fix class imbalance in small microplastics data sets. To our knowledge, this study is the first application of generative AI to synthetically create microplastics data.

replace On the Scalability of GNNs for Molecular Graphs

Authors: Maciej Sypetkowski, Frederik Wenkel, Farimah Poursafaei, Nia Dickson, Karush Suri, Philip Fradkin, Dominique Beaini

Abstract: Scaling deep learning models has been at the heart of recent revolutions in language modelling and image generation. Practitioners have observed a strong relationship between model size, dataset size, and performance. However, structure-based architectures such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are yet to show the benefits of scale mainly due to the lower efficiency of sparse operations, large data requirements, and lack of clarity about the effectiveness of various architectures. We address this drawback of GNNs by studying their scaling behavior. Specifically, we analyze message-passing networks, graph Transformers, and hybrid architectures on the largest public collection of 2D molecular graphs. For the first time, we observe that GNNs benefit tremendously from the increasing scale of depth, width, number of molecules, number of labels, and the diversity in the pretraining datasets. We further demonstrate strong finetuning scaling behavior on 38 highly competitive downstream tasks, outclassing previous large models. This gives rise to MolGPS, a new graph foundation model that allows to navigate the chemical space, outperforming the previous state-of-the-arts on 26 out the 38 downstream tasks. We hope that our work paves the way for an era where foundational GNNs drive pharmaceutical drug discovery.

replace Sup3r: A Semi-Supervised Algorithm for increasing Sparsity, Stability, and Separability in Hierarchy Of Time-Surfaces architectures

Authors: Marco Rasetto, Himanshu Akolkar, Ryad Benosman

Abstract: The Hierarchy Of Time-Surfaces (HOTS) algorithm, a neuromorphic approach for feature extraction from event data, presents promising capabilities but faces challenges in accuracy and compatibility with neuromorphic hardware. In this paper, we introduce Sup3r, a Semi-Supervised algorithm aimed at addressing these challenges. Sup3r enhances sparsity, stability, and separability in the HOTS networks. It enables end-to-end online training of HOTS networks replacing external classifiers, by leveraging semi-supervised learning. Sup3r learns class-informative patterns, mitigates confounding features, and reduces the number of processed events. Moreover, Sup3r facilitates continual and incremental learning, allowing adaptation to data distribution shifts and learning new tasks without forgetting. Preliminary results on N-MNIST demonstrate that Sup3r achieves comparable accuracy to similarly sized Artificial Neural Networks trained with back-propagation. This work showcases the potential of Sup3r to advance the capabilities of HOTS networks, offering a promising avenue for neuromorphic algorithms in real-world applications.

replace AutoGluon-Multimodal (AutoMM): Supercharging Multimodal AutoML with Foundation Models

Authors: Zhiqiang Tang, Haoyang Fang, Su Zhou, Taojiannan Yang, Zihan Zhong, Tony Hu, Katrin Kirchhoff, George Karypis

Abstract: AutoGluon-Multimodal (AutoMM) is introduced as an open-source AutoML library designed specifically for multimodal learning. Distinguished by its exceptional ease of use, AutoMM enables fine-tuning of foundation models with just three lines of code. Supporting various modalities including image, text, and tabular data, both independently and in combination, the library offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities spanning classification, regression, object detection, semantic matching, and image segmentation. Experiments across diverse datasets and tasks showcases AutoMM's superior performance in basic classification and regression tasks compared to existing AutoML tools, while also demonstrating competitive results in advanced tasks, aligning with specialized toolboxes designed for such purposes.

replace U-Nets as Belief Propagation: Efficient Classification, Denoising, and Diffusion in Generative Hierarchical Models

Authors: Song Mei

Abstract: U-Nets are among the most widely used architectures in computer vision, renowned for their exceptional performance in applications such as image segmentation, denoising, and diffusion modeling. However, a theoretical explanation of the U-Net architecture design has not yet been fully established. This paper introduces a novel interpretation of the U-Net architecture by studying certain generative hierarchical models, which are tree-structured graphical models extensively utilized in both language and image domains. With their encoder-decoder structure, long skip connections, and pooling and up-sampling layers, we demonstrate how U-Nets can naturally implement the belief propagation denoising algorithm in such generative hierarchical models, thereby efficiently approximating the denoising functions. This leads to an efficient sample complexity bound for learning the denoising function using U-Nets within these models. Additionally, we discuss the broader implications of these findings for diffusion models in generative hierarchical models. We also demonstrate that the conventional architecture of convolutional neural networks (ConvNets) is ideally suited for classification tasks within these models. This offers a unified view of the roles of ConvNets and U-Nets, highlighting the versatility of generative hierarchical models in modeling complex data distributions across language and image domains.

replace On the Impact of Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning Environments with Application to Healthcare Networks

Authors: Usevalad Milasheuski. Luca Barbieri, Bernardo Camajori Tedeschini, Monica Nicoli, Stefano Savazzi

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) allows multiple privacy-sensitive applications to leverage their dataset for a global model construction without any disclosure of the information. One of those domains is healthcare, where groups of silos collaborate in order to generate a global predictor with improved accuracy and generalization. However, the inherent challenge lies in the high heterogeneity of medical data, necessitating sophisticated techniques for assessment and compensation. This paper presents a comprehensive exploration of the mathematical formalization and taxonomy of heterogeneity within FL environments, focusing on the intricacies of medical data. In particular, we address the evaluation and comparison of the most popular FL algorithms with respect to their ability to cope with quantity-based, feature and label distribution-based heterogeneity. The goal is to provide a quantitative evaluation of the impact of data heterogeneity in FL systems for healthcare networks as well as a guideline on FL algorithm selection. Our research extends beyond existing studies by benchmarking seven of the most common FL algorithms against the unique challenges posed by medical data use cases. The paper targets the prediction of the risk of stroke recurrence through a set of tabular clinical reports collected by different federated hospital silos: data heterogeneity frequently encountered in this scenario and its impact on FL performance are discussed.

replace Why You Should Not Trust Interpretations in Machine Learning: Adversarial Attacks on Partial Dependence Plots

Authors: Xi Xin, Giles Hooker, Fei Huang

Abstract: The adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) across industries has led to the widespread use of complex black-box models and interpretation tools for decision making. This paper proposes an adversarial framework to uncover the vulnerability of permutation-based interpretation methods for machine learning tasks, with a particular focus on partial dependence (PD) plots. This adversarial framework modifies the original black box model to manipulate its predictions for instances in the extrapolation domain. As a result, it produces deceptive PD plots that can conceal discriminatory behaviors while preserving most of the original model's predictions. This framework can produce multiple fooled PD plots via a single model. By using real-world datasets including an auto insurance claims dataset and COMPAS (Correctional Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions) dataset, our results show that it is possible to intentionally hide the discriminatory behavior of a predictor and make the black-box model appear neutral through interpretation tools like PD plots while retaining almost all the predictions of the original black-box model. Managerial insights for regulators and practitioners are provided based on the findings.

replace The Shape of Money Laundering: Subgraph Representation Learning on the Blockchain with the Elliptic2 Dataset

Authors: Claudio Bellei, Muhua Xu, Ross Phillips, Tom Robinson, Mark Weber, Tim Kaler, Charles E. Leiserson, Arvind, Jie Chen

Abstract: Subgraph representation learning is a technique for analyzing local structures (or shapes) within complex networks. Enabled by recent developments in scalable Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), this approach encodes relational information at a subgroup level (multiple connected nodes) rather than at a node level of abstraction. We posit that certain domain applications, such as anti-money laundering (AML), are inherently subgraph problems and mainstream graph techniques have been operating at a suboptimal level of abstraction. This is due in part to the scarcity of annotated datasets of real-world size and complexity, as well as the lack of software tools for managing subgraph GNN workflows at scale. To enable work in fundamental algorithms as well as domain applications in AML and beyond, we introduce Elliptic2, a large graph dataset containing 122K labeled subgraphs of Bitcoin clusters within a background graph consisting of 49M node clusters and 196M edge transactions. The dataset provides subgraphs known to be linked to illicit activity for learning the set of "shapes" that money laundering exhibits in cryptocurrency and accurately classifying new criminal activity. Along with the dataset we share our graph techniques, software tooling, promising early experimental results, and new domain insights already gleaned from this approach. Taken together, we find immediate practical value in this approach and the potential for a new standard in anti-money laundering and forensic analytics in cryptocurrencies and other financial networks.

replace-cross ClustML: A Measure of Cluster Pattern Complexity in Scatterplots Learnt from Human-labeled Groupings

Authors: Mostafa M. Abbas, Ehsan Ullah, Abdelkader Baggag, Halima Bensmail, Michael Sedlmair, Micha\"el Aupetit

Abstract: Visual quality measures (VQMs) are designed to support analysts by automatically detecting and quantifying patterns in visualizations. We propose a new VQM for visual grouping patterns in scatterplots, called ClustML, which is trained on previously collected human subject judgments. Our model encodes scatterplots in the parametric space of a Gaussian Mixture Model and uses a classifier trained on human judgment data to estimate the perceptual complexity of grouping patterns. The numbers of initial mixture components and final combined groups. It improves on existing VQMs, first, by better estimating human judgments on two-Gaussian cluster patterns and, second, by giving higher accuracy when ranking general cluster patterns in scatterplots. We use it to analyze kinship data for genome-wide association studies, in which experts rely on the visual analysis of large sets of scatterplots. We make the benchmark datasets and the new VQM available for practical use and further improvements.

replace-cross A Statistical-Modelling Approach to Feedforward Neural Network Model Selection

Authors: Andrew McInerney, Kevin Burke

Abstract: Feedforward neural networks (FNNs) can be viewed as non-linear regression models, where covariates enter the model through a combination of weighted summations and non-linear functions. Although these models have some similarities to the approaches used within statistical modelling, the majority of neural network research has been conducted outside of the field of statistics. This has resulted in a lack of statistically-based methodology, and, in particular, there has been little emphasis on model parsimony. Determining the input layer structure is analogous to variable selection, while the structure for the hidden layer relates to model complexity. In practice, neural network model selection is often carried out by comparing models using out-of-sample performance. However, in contrast, the construction of an associated likelihood function opens the door to information-criteria-based variable and architecture selection. A novel model selection method, which performs both input- and hidden-node selection, is proposed using the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) for FNNs. The choice of BIC over out-of-sample performance as the model selection objective function leads to an increased probability of recovering the true model, while parsimoniously achieving favourable out-of-sample performance. Simulation studies are used to evaluate and justify the proposed method, and applications on real data are investigated.

replace-cross A Survey of Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommender Systems

Authors: Kartik Sharma, Yeon-Chang Lee, Sivagami Nambi, Aditya Salian, Shlok Shah, Sang-Wook Kim, Srijan Kumar

Abstract: Social recommender systems (SocialRS) simultaneously leverage the user-to-item interactions as well as the user-to-user social relations for the task of generating item recommendations to users. Additionally exploiting social relations is clearly effective in understanding users' tastes due to the effects of homophily and social influence. For this reason, SocialRS has increasingly attracted attention. In particular, with the advance of graph neural networks (GNN), many GNN-based SocialRS methods have been developed recently. Therefore, we conduct a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature on GNN-based SocialRS. In this survey, we first identify 84 papers on GNN-based SocialRS after annotating 2151 papers by following the PRISMA framework (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses). Then, we comprehensively review them in terms of their inputs and architectures to propose a novel taxonomy: (1) input taxonomy includes 5 groups of input type notations and 7 groups of input representation notations; (2) architecture taxonomy includes 8 groups of GNN encoder notations, 2 groups of decoder notations, and 12 groups of loss function notations. We classify the GNN-based SocialRS methods into several categories as per the taxonomy and describe their details. Furthermore, we summarize benchmark datasets and metrics widely used to evaluate the GNN-based SocialRS methods. Finally, we conclude this survey by presenting some future research directions. GitHub repository with the curated list of papers are available at


replace-cross DINOISER: Diffused Conditional Sequence Learning by Manipulating Noises

Authors: Jiasheng Ye, Zaixiang Zheng, Yu Bao, Lihua Qian, Mingxuan Wang

Abstract: While diffusion models have achieved great success in generating continuous signals such as images and audio, it remains elusive for diffusion models in learning discrete sequence data like natural languages. Although recent advances circumvent this challenge of discreteness by embedding discrete tokens as continuous surrogates, they still fall short of satisfactory generation quality. To understand this, we first dive deep into the denoised training protocol of diffusion-based sequence generative models and determine their three severe problems, i.e., 1) failing to learn, 2) lack of scalability, and 3) neglecting source conditions. We argue that these problems can be boiled down to the pitfall of the not completely eliminated discreteness in the embedding space, and the scale of noises is decisive herein. In this paper, we introduce DINOISER to facilitate diffusion models for sequence generation by manipulating noises. We propose to adaptively determine the range of sampled noise scales for counter-discreteness training; and encourage the proposed diffused sequence learner to leverage source conditions with amplified noise scales during inference. Experiments show that DINOISER enables consistent improvement over the baselines of previous diffusion-based sequence generative models on several conditional sequence modeling benchmarks thanks to both effective training and inference strategies. Analyses further verify that DINOISER can make better use of source conditions to govern its generative process.

replace-cross Closed-Loop Koopman Operator Approximation

Authors: Steven Dahdah, James Richard Forbes

Abstract: This paper proposes a method to identify a Koopman model of a feedback-controlled system given a known controller. The Koopman operator allows a nonlinear system to be rewritten as an infinite-dimensional linear system by viewing it in terms of an infinite set of lifting functions. A finite-dimensional approximation of the Koopman operator can be identified from data by choosing a finite subset of lifting functions and solving a regression problem in the lifted space. Existing methods are designed to identify open-loop systems. However, it is impractical or impossible to run experiments on some systems, such as unstable systems, in an open-loop fashion. The proposed method leverages the linearity of the Koopman operator, along with knowledge of the controller and the structure of the closed-loop system, to simultaneously identify the closed-loop and plant systems. The advantages of the proposed closed-loop Koopman operator approximation method are demonstrated in simulation using a Duffing oscillator and experimentally using a rotary inverted pendulum system. An open-source software implementation of the proposed method is publicly available, along with the experimental dataset generated for this paper.

replace-cross Multi-objective optimisation via the R2 utilities

Authors: Ben Tu, Nikolas Kantas, Robert M. Lee, Behrang Shafei

Abstract: The goal of multi-objective optimisation is to identify a collection of points which describe the best possible trade-offs between the multiple objectives. In order to solve this vector-valued optimisation problem, practitioners often appeal to the use of scalarisation functions in order to transform the multi-objective problem into a collection of single-objective problems. This set of scalarised problems can then be solved using traditional single-objective optimisation techniques. In this work, we formalise this convention into a general mathematical framework. We show how this strategy effectively recasts the original multi-objective optimisation problem into a single-objective optimisation problem defined over sets. An appropriate class of objective functions for this new problem are the R2 utilities, which are utility functions that are defined as a weighted integral over the scalarised optimisation problems. As part of our work, we show that these utilities are monotone and submodular set functions which can be optimised effectively using greedy optimisation algorithms. We then analyse the performance of these greedy algorithms both theoretically and empirically. Our analysis largely focusses on Bayesian optimisation, which is a popular probabilistic framework for black-box optimisation.

replace-cross Gaussian random field approximation via Stein's method with applications to wide random neural networks

Authors: Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Larry Goldstein, Nathan Ross, Adil Salim

Abstract: We derive upper bounds on the Wasserstein distance ($W_1$), with respect to $\sup$-norm, between any continuous $\mathbb{R}^d$ valued random field indexed by the $n$-sphere and the Gaussian, based on Stein's method. We develop a novel Gaussian smoothing technique that allows us to transfer a bound in a smoother metric to the $W_1$ distance. The smoothing is based on covariance functions constructed using powers of Laplacian operators, designed so that the associated Gaussian process has a tractable Cameron-Martin or Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space. This feature enables us to move beyond one dimensional interval-based index sets that were previously considered in the literature. Specializing our general result, we obtain the first bounds on the Gaussian random field approximation of wide random neural networks of any depth and Lipschitz activation functions at the random field level. Our bounds are explicitly expressed in terms of the widths of the network and moments of the random weights. We also obtain tighter bounds when the activation function has three bounded derivatives.

replace-cross FLIQS: One-Shot Mixed-Precision Floating-Point and Integer Quantization Search

Authors: Jordan Dotzel, Gang Wu, Andrew Li, Muhammad Umar, Yun Ni, Mohamed S. Abdelfattah, Zhiru Zhang, Liqun Cheng, Martin G. Dixon, Norman P. Jouppi, Quoc V. Le, Sheng Li

Abstract: Quantization has become a mainstream compression technique for reducing model size, computational requirements, and energy consumption for modern deep neural networks (DNNs). With improved numerical support in recent hardware, including multiple variants of integer and floating point, mixed-precision quantization has become necessary to achieve high-quality results with low model cost. Prior mixed-precision methods have performed either a post-training quantization search, which compromises on accuracy, or a differentiable quantization search, which leads to high memory usage from branching. Therefore, we propose the first one-shot mixed-precision quantization search that eliminates the need for retraining in both integer and low-precision floating point models. We evaluate our search (FLIQS) on multiple convolutional and vision transformer networks to discover Pareto-optimal models. Our approach improves upon uniform precision, manual mixed-precision, and recent integer quantization search methods. With integer models, we increase the accuracy of ResNet-18 on ImageNet by 1.31% and ResNet-50 by 0.90% with equivalent model cost over previous methods. Additionally, for the first time, we explore a novel mixed-precision floating-point search and improve MobileNetV2 by up to 0.98% compared to prior state-of-the-art FP8 models. Finally, we extend FLIQS to simultaneously search a joint quantization and neural architecture space and improve the ImageNet accuracy by 2.69% with similar model cost on a MobileNetV2 search space.

replace-cross Reconstruction of Unstable Heavy Particles Using Deep Symmetry-Preserving Attention Networks

Authors: Michael James Fenton, Alexander Shmakov, Hideki Okawa, Yuji Li, Ko-Yang Hsiao, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Daniel Whiteson, Pierre Baldi

Abstract: Reconstructing unstable heavy particles requires sophisticated techniques to sift through the large number of possible permutations for assignment of detector objects to the underlying partons. Anapproach based on a generalized attention mechanism, symmetry preserving attention networks (SPA-NET), has been previously applied to top quark pair decays at the Large Hadron Collider which produce only hadronic jets. Here we extend the SPA-NET architecture to consider multiple input object types, such as leptons, as well as global event features, such as the missing transverse momentum. Inaddition, we provide regression and classification outputs to supplement the parton assignment. We explore the performance of the extended capability of SPA-NET in the context of semi-leptonic decays of top quark pairs as well as top quark pairs produced in association with a Higgs boson. We find significant improvements in the power of three representative studies: a search for ttH, a measurement of the top quark mass, and a search for a heavy Z' decaying to top quark pairs. We present ablation studies to provide insight on what the network has learned in each case.

replace-cross IMITATE: Clinical Prior Guided Hierarchical Vision-Language Pre-training

Authors: Che Liu, Sibo Cheng, Miaojing Shi, Anand Shah, Wenjia Bai, Rossella Arcucci

Abstract: In the field of medical Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP), significant efforts have been devoted to deriving text and image features from both clinical reports and associated medical images. However, most existing methods may have overlooked the opportunity in leveraging the inherent hierarchical structure of clinical reports, which are generally split into `findings' for descriptive content and `impressions' for conclusive observation. Instead of utilizing this rich, structured format, current medical VLP approaches often simplify the report into either a unified entity or fragmented tokens. In this work, we propose a novel clinical prior guided VLP framework named IMITATE to learn the structure information from medical reports with hierarchical vision-language alignment. The framework derives multi-level visual features from the chest X-ray (CXR) images and separately aligns these features with the descriptive and the conclusive text encoded in the hierarchical medical report. Furthermore, a new clinical-informed contrastive loss is introduced for cross-modal learning, which accounts for clinical prior knowledge in formulating sample correlations in contrastive learning. The proposed model, IMITATE, outperforms baseline VLP methods across six different datasets, spanning five medical imaging downstream tasks. Comprehensive experimental results highlight the advantages of integrating the hierarchical structure of medical reports for vision-language alignment.

replace-cross Eureka: Human-Level Reward Design via Coding Large Language Models

Authors: Yecheng Jason Ma, William Liang, Guanzhi Wang, De-An Huang, Osbert Bastani, Dinesh Jayaraman, Yuke Zhu, Linxi Fan, Anima Anandkumar

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have excelled as high-level semantic planners for sequential decision-making tasks. However, harnessing them to learn complex low-level manipulation tasks, such as dexterous pen spinning, remains an open problem. We bridge this fundamental gap and present Eureka, a human-level reward design algorithm powered by LLMs. Eureka exploits the remarkable zero-shot generation, code-writing, and in-context improvement capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs, such as GPT-4, to perform evolutionary optimization over reward code. The resulting rewards can then be used to acquire complex skills via reinforcement learning. Without any task-specific prompting or pre-defined reward templates, Eureka generates reward functions that outperform expert human-engineered rewards. In a diverse suite of 29 open-source RL environments that include 10 distinct robot morphologies, Eureka outperforms human experts on 83% of the tasks, leading to an average normalized improvement of 52%. The generality of Eureka also enables a new gradient-free in-context learning approach to reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), readily incorporating human inputs to improve the quality and the safety of the generated rewards without model updating. Finally, using Eureka rewards in a curriculum learning setting, we demonstrate for the first time, a simulated Shadow Hand capable of performing pen spinning tricks, adeptly manipulating a pen in circles at rapid speed.

replace-cross Hidden yet quantifiable: A lower bound for confounding strength using randomized trials

Authors: Piersilvio De Bartolomeis, Javier Abad, Konstantin Donhauser, Fanny Yang

Abstract: In the era of fast-paced precision medicine, observational studies play a major role in properly evaluating new treatments in clinical practice. Yet, unobserved confounding can significantly compromise causal conclusions drawn from non-randomized data. We propose a novel strategy that leverages randomized trials to quantify unobserved confounding. First, we design a statistical test to detect unobserved confounding with strength above a given threshold. Then, we use the test to estimate an asymptotically valid lower bound on the unobserved confounding strength. We evaluate the power and validity of our statistical test on several synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets. Further, we show how our lower bound can correctly identify the absence and presence of unobserved confounding in a real-world setting.

replace-cross Volume-Preserving Transformers for Learning Time Series Data with Structure

Authors: Benedikt Brantner, Guillaume de Romemont, Michael Kraus, Zeyuan Li

Abstract: Two of the many trends in neural network research of the past few years have been (i) the learning of dynamical systems, especially with recurrent neural networks such as long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) and (ii) the introduction of transformer neural networks for natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Both of these trends have created enormous amounts of traction, particularly the second one: transformer networks now dominate the field of NLP. Even though some work has been performed on the intersection of these two trends, those efforts was largely limited to using the vanilla transformer directly without adjusting its architecture for the setting of a physical system. In this work we use a transformer-inspired neural network to learn a dynamical system and furthermore (for the first time) imbue it with structure-preserving properties to improve long-term stability. This is shown to be of great advantage when applying the neural network to real world applications.

replace-cross Graphene: Infrastructure Security Posture Analysis with AI-generated Attack Graphs

Authors: Xin Jin, Charalampos Katsis, Fan Sang, Jiahao Sun, Elisa Bertino, Ramana Rao Kompella, Ashish Kundu

Abstract: The rampant occurrence of cybersecurity breaches imposes substantial limitations on the progress of network infrastructures, leading to compromised data, financial losses, potential harm to individuals, and disruptions in essential services. The current security landscape demands the urgent development of a holistic security assessment solution that encompasses vulnerability analysis and investigates the potential exploitation of these vulnerabilities as attack paths. In this paper, we propose Graphene, an advanced system designed to provide a detailed analysis of the security posture of computing infrastructures. Using user-provided information, such as device details and software versions, Graphene performs a comprehensive security assessment. This assessment includes identifying associated vulnerabilities and constructing potential attack graphs that adversaries can exploit. Furthermore, Graphene evaluates the exploitability of these attack paths and quantifies the overall security posture through a scoring mechanism. The system takes a holistic approach by analyzing security layers encompassing hardware, system, network, and cryptography. Furthermore, Graphene delves into the interconnections between these layers, exploring how vulnerabilities in one layer can be leveraged to exploit vulnerabilities in others. In this paper, we present the end-to-end pipeline implemented in Graphene, showcasing the systematic approach adopted for conducting this thorough security analysis.

replace-cross Thousands of AI Authors on the Future of AI

Authors: Katja Grace, Harlan Stewart, Julia Fabienne Sandk\"uhler, Stephen Thomas, Ben Weinstein-Raun, Jan Brauner

Abstract: In the largest survey of its kind, 2,778 researchers who had published in top-tier artificial intelligence (AI) venues gave predictions on the pace of AI progress and the nature and impacts of advanced AI systems The aggregate forecasts give at least a 50% chance of AI systems achieving several milestones by 2028, including autonomously constructing a payment processing site from scratch, creating a song indistinguishable from a new song by a popular musician, and autonomously downloading and fine-tuning a large language model. If science continues undisrupted, the chance of unaided machines outperforming humans in every possible task was estimated at 10% by 2027, and 50% by 2047. The latter estimate is 13 years earlier than that reached in a similar survey we conducted only one year earlier [Grace et al., 2022]. However, the chance of all human occupations becoming fully automatable was forecast to reach 10% by 2037, and 50% as late as 2116 (compared to 2164 in the 2022 survey). Most respondents expressed substantial uncertainty about the long-term value of AI progress: While 68.3% thought good outcomes from superhuman AI are more likely than bad, of these net optimists 48% gave at least a 5% chance of extremely bad outcomes such as human extinction, and 59% of net pessimists gave 5% or more to extremely good outcomes. Between 38% and 51% of respondents gave at least a 10% chance to advanced AI leading to outcomes as bad as human extinction. More than half suggested that "substantial" or "extreme" concern is warranted about six different AI-related scenarios, including misinformation, authoritarian control, and inequality. There was disagreement about whether faster or slower AI progress would be better for the future of humanity. However, there was broad agreement that research aimed at minimizing potential risks from AI systems ought to be prioritized more.

replace-cross $\texttt{immrax}$: A Parallelizable and Differentiable Toolbox for Interval Analysis and Mixed Monotone Reachability in JAX

Authors: Akash Harapanahalli, Saber Jafarpour, Samuel Coogan

Abstract: We present an implementation of interval analysis and mixed monotone interval reachability analysis as function transforms in Python, fully composable with the computational framework JAX. The resulting toolbox inherits several key features from JAX, including computational efficiency through Just-In-Time Compilation, GPU acceleration for quick parallelized computations, and Automatic Differentiability. We demonstrate the toolbox's performance on several case studies, including a reachability problem on a vehicle model controlled by a neural network, and a robust closed-loop optimal control problem for a swinging pendulum.

replace-cross Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord Nerve Rootlets

Authors: Jan Valosek, Theo Mathieu, Raphaelle Schlienger, Olivia S. Kowalczyk, Julien Cohen-Adad

Abstract: Precise identification of spinal nerve rootlets is relevant to delineate spinal levels for the study of functional activity in the spinal cord. The goal of this study was to develop an automatic method for the semantic segmentation of spinal nerve rootlets from T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. Images from two open-access MRI datasets were used to train a 3D multi-class convolutional neural network using an active learning approach to segment C2-C8 dorsal nerve rootlets. Each output class corresponds to a spinal level. The method was tested on 3T T2-weighted images from datasets unseen during training to assess inter-site, inter-session, and inter-resolution variability. The test Dice score was 0.67 +- 0.16 (mean +- standard deviation across testing images and rootlets levels), suggesting a good performance. The method also demonstrated low inter-vendor and inter-site variability (coefficient of variation <= 1.41 %), as well as low inter-session variability (coefficient of variation <= 1.30 %) indicating stable predictions across different MRI vendors, sites, and sessions. The proposed methodology is open-source and readily available in the Spinal Cord Toolbox (SCT) v6.2 and higher.

replace-cross Measuring and Controlling Instruction (In)Stability in Language Model Dialogs

Authors: Kenneth Li, Tianle Liu, Naomi Bashkansky, David Bau, Fernanda Vi\'egas, Hanspeter Pfister, Martin Wattenberg

Abstract: System-prompting is a standard tool for customizing language-model chatbots, enabling them to follow a specific instruction. An implicit assumption in the use of system prompts is that they will be stable, so the chatbot will continue to generate text according to the stipulated instructions for the duration of a conversation. We propose a quantitative benchmark to test this assumption, evaluating instruction stability via self-chats between two instructed chatbots. Testing popular models like LLaMA2-chat-70B and GPT-3.5, we reveal a significant instruction drift within eight rounds of conversations. An empirical and theoretical analysis of this phenomenon suggests the transformer attention mechanism plays a role, due to attention decay over long exchanges. To combat attention decay and instruction drift, we propose a lightweight method called split-softmax, which compares favorably against two strong baselines.

replace-cross The R2D2 deep neural network series paradigm for fast precision imaging in radio astronomy

Authors: Amir Aghabiglou, Chung San Chu, Arwa Dabbech, Yves Wiaux

Abstract: Radio-interferometric (RI) imaging entails solving high-resolution high-dynamic range inverse problems from large data volumes. Recent image reconstruction techniques grounded in optimization theory have demonstrated remarkable capability for imaging precision, well beyond CLEAN's capability. These range from advanced proximal algorithms propelled by handcrafted regularization operators, such as the SARA family, to hybrid plug-and-play (PnP) algorithms propelled by learned regularization denoisers, such as AIRI. Optimization and PnP structures are however highly iterative, which hinders their ability to handle the extreme data sizes expected from future instruments. To address this scalability challenge, we introduce a novel deep learning approach, dubbed "Residual-to-Residual DNN series for high-Dynamic range imaging". R2D2's reconstruction is formed as a series of residual images, iteratively estimated as outputs of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) taking the previous iteration's image estimate and associated data residual as inputs. It thus takes a hybrid structure between a PnP algorithm and a learned version of the matching pursuit algorithm that underpins CLEAN. We present a comprehensive study of our approach, featuring its multiple incarnations distinguished by their DNN architectures. We provide a detailed description of its training process, targeting a telescope-specific approach. R2D2's capability to deliver high precision is demonstrated in simulation, across a variety of image and observation settings using the Very Large Array (VLA). Its reconstruction speed is also demonstrated: with only few iterations required to clean data residuals at dynamic ranges up to 100000, R2D2 opens the door to fast precision imaging. R2D2 codes are available in the BASPLib library on GitHub.

replace-cross Towards Learning Contrast Kinetics with Multi-Condition Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Richard Osuala, Daniel Lang, Preeti Verma, Smriti Joshi, Apostolia Tsirikoglou, Grzegorz Skorupko, Kaisar Kushibar, Lidia Garrucho, Walter H. L. Pinaya, Oliver Diaz, Julia Schnabel, Karim Lekadir

Abstract: Contrast agents in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging allow to localize tumors and observe their contrast kinetics, which is essential for cancer characterization and respective treatment decision-making. However, contrast agent administration is not only associated with adverse health risks, but also restricted for patients during pregnancy, and for those with kidney malfunction, or other adverse reactions. With contrast uptake as key biomarker for lesion malignancy, cancer recurrence risk, and treatment response, it becomes pivotal to reduce the dependency on intravenous contrast agent administration. To this end, we propose a multi-conditional latent diffusion model capable of acquisition time-conditioned image synthesis of DCE-MRI temporal sequences. To evaluate medical image synthesis, we additionally propose and validate the Fr\'echet radiomics distance as an image quality measure based on biomarker variability between synthetic and real imaging data. Our results demonstrate our method's ability to generate realistic multi-sequence fat-saturated breast DCE-MRI and uncover the emerging potential of deep learning based contrast kinetics simulation. We publicly share our accessible codebase at and provide a user-friendly library for Fr\'echet radiomics distance calculation at


replace-cross Attention-based Shape-Deformation Networks for Artifact-Free Geometry Reconstruction of Lumbar Spine from MR Images

Authors: Linchen Qian, Jiasong Chen, Linhai Ma, Timur Urakov, Weiyong Gu, Liang Liang

Abstract: Lumbar disc degeneration, a progressive structural wear and tear of lumbar intervertebral disc, is regarded as an essential role on low back pain, a significant global health concern. Automated lumbar spine geometry reconstruction from MR images will enable fast measurement of medical parameters to evaluate the lumbar status, in order to determine a suitable treatment. Existing image segmentation-based techniques often generate erroneous segments or unstructured point clouds, unsuitable for medical parameter measurement. In this work, we present $\textit{UNet-DeformSA}$ and $\textit{TransDeformer}$: novel attention-based deep neural networks that reconstruct the geometry of the lumbar spine with high spatial accuracy and mesh correspondence across patients, and we also present a variant of $\textit{TransDeformer}$ for error estimation. Specially, we devise new attention modules with a new attention formula, which integrate image features and tokenized contour features to predict the displacements of the points on a shape template without the need for image segmentation. The deformed template reveals the lumbar spine geometry in an image. Experiment results show that our networks generate artifact-free geometry outputs, and the variant of $\textit{TransDeformer}$ can predict the errors of a reconstructed geometry. Our code is available at


replace-cross Facilitating Reinforcement Learning for Process Control Using Transfer Learning: Perspectives

Authors: Runze Lin, Junghui Chen, Lei Xie, Hongye Su, Biao Huang

Abstract: This paper provides insights into deep reinforcement learning (DRL) for process control from the perspective of transfer learning. We analyze the challenges of applying DRL in the field of process industries and the necessity of introducing transfer learning. Furthermore, recommendations and prospects are provided for future research directions on how transfer learning can be integrated with DRL to empower process control.

replace-cross QFNN-FFD: Quantum Federated Neural Network for Financial Fraud Detection

Authors: Nouhaila Innan, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique, Mohamed Bennai

Abstract: This study introduces the Quantum Federated Neural Network for Financial Fraud Detection (QFNN-FFD), a cutting-edge framework merging Quantum Machine Learning (QML) and quantum computing with Federated Learning (FL) for financial fraud detection. Using quantum technologies' computational power and the robust data privacy protections offered by FL, QFNN-FFD emerges as a secure and efficient method for identifying fraudulent transactions within the financial sector. Implementing a dual-phase training model across distributed clients enhances data integrity and enables superior performance metrics, achieving precision rates consistently above 95%. Additionally, QFNN-FFD demonstrates exceptional resilience by maintaining an impressive 80% accuracy, highlighting its robustness and readiness for real-world applications. This combination of high performance, security, and robustness against noise positions QFNN-FFD as a transformative advancement in financial technology solutions and establishes it as a new benchmark for privacy-focused fraud detection systems. This framework facilitates the broader adoption of secure, quantum-enhanced financial services and inspires future innovations that could use QML to tackle complex challenges in other areas requiring high confidentiality and accuracy.

replace-cross Exploring Concept Depth: How Large Language Models Acquire Knowledge at Different Layers?

Authors: Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Jingyuan Huang, Qingcheng Zeng, Zhenting Wang, Wenyue Hua, Haiyan Zhao, Kai Mei, Yanda Meng, Kaize Ding, Fan Yang, Mengnan Du, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performances across a wide range of tasks. However, the mechanisms by which these models encode tasks of varying complexities remain poorly understood. In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that LLMs process concepts of varying complexities in different layers, introducing the idea of "Concept Depth" to suggest that more complex concepts are typically acquired in deeper layers. Specifically, we categorize concepts based on their level of abstraction, defining them in the order of increasing complexity within factual, emotional, and inferential tasks. We conduct extensive probing experiments using layer-wise representations across various LLM families (Gemma, LLaMA, QWen) on various datasets spanning the three domains of tasks. Our findings reveal that models could efficiently conduct probing for simpler tasks in shallow layers, and more complex tasks typically necessitate deeper layers for accurate understanding. Additionally, we examine how external factors, such as adding noise to the input and quantizing the model weights, might affect layer-wise representations. Our findings suggest that these factors can impede the development of a conceptual understanding of LLMs until deeper layers are explored. We hope that our proposed concept and experimental insights will enhance the understanding of the mechanisms underlying LLMs. Our codes are available at


replace-cross Course Recommender Systems Need to Consider the Job Market

Authors: Jibril Frej, Anna Dai, Syrielle Montariol, Antoine Bosselut, Tanja K\"aser

Abstract: Current course recommender systems primarily leverage learner-course interactions, course content, learner preferences, and supplementary course details like instructor, institution, ratings, and reviews, to make their recommendation. However, these systems often overlook a critical aspect: the evolving skill demand of the job market. This paper focuses on the perspective of academic researchers, working in collaboration with the industry, aiming to develop a course recommender system that incorporates job market skill demands. In light of the job market's rapid changes and the current state of research in course recommender systems, we outline essential properties for course recommender systems to address these demands effectively, including explainable, sequential, unsupervised, and aligned with the job market and user's goals. Our discussion extends to the challenges and research questions this objective entails, including unsupervised skill extraction from job listings, course descriptions, and resumes, as well as predicting recommendations that align with learner objectives and the job market and designing metrics to evaluate this alignment. Furthermore, we introduce an initial system that addresses some existing limitations of course recommender systems using large Language Models (LLMs) for skill extraction and Reinforcement Learning (RL) for alignment with the job market. We provide empirical results using open-source data to demonstrate its effectiveness.

replace-cross Hierarchical Hybrid Sliced Wasserstein: A Scalable Metric for Heterogeneous Joint Distributions

Authors: Khai Nguyen, Nhat Ho

Abstract: Sliced Wasserstein (SW) and Generalized Sliced Wasserstein (GSW) have been widely used in applications due to their computational and statistical scalability. However, the SW and the GSW are only defined between distributions supported on a homogeneous domain. This limitation prevents their usage in applications with heterogeneous joint distributions with marginal distributions supported on multiple different domains. Using SW and GSW directly on the joint domains cannot make a meaningful comparison since their homogeneous slicing operator i.e., Radon Transform (RT) and Generalized Radon Transform (GRT) are not expressive enough to capture the structure of the joint supports set. To address the issue, we propose two new slicing operators i.e., Partial Generalized Radon Transform (PGRT) and Hierarchical Hybrid Radon Transform (HHRT). In greater detail, PGRT is the generalization of Partial Radon Transform (PRT), which transforms a subset of function arguments non-linearly while HHRT is the composition of PRT and multiple domain-specific PGRT on marginal domain arguments. By using HHRT, we extend the SW into Hierarchical Hybrid Sliced Wasserstein (H2SW) distance which is designed specifically for comparing heterogeneous joint distributions. We then discuss the topological, statistical, and computational properties of H2SW. Finally, we demonstrate the favorable performance of H2SW in 3D mesh deformation, deep 3D mesh autoencoders, and datasets comparison.

replace-cross Separation capacity of linear reservoirs with random connectivity matrix

Authors: Youness Boutaib

Abstract: We argue that the success of reservoir computing lies within the separation capacity of the reservoirs and show that the expected separation capacity of random linear reservoirs is fully characterised by the spectral decomposition of an associated generalised matrix of moments. Of particular interest are reservoirs with Gaussian matrices that are either symmetric or whose entries are all independent. In the symmetric case, we prove that the separation capacity always deteriorates with time; while for short inputs, separation with large reservoirs is best achieved when the entries of the matrix are scaled with a factor $\rho_T/\sqrt{N}$, where $N$ is the dimension of the reservoir and $\rho_T$ depends on the maximum length of the input time series. In the i.i.d. case, we establish that optimal separation with large reservoirs is consistently achieved when the entries of the reservoir matrix are scaled with the exact factor $1/\sqrt{N}$. We further give upper bounds on the quality of separation in function of the length of the time series. We complement this analysis with an investigation of the likelihood of this separation and the impact of the chosen architecture on separation consistency.

replace-cross Fast Abstracts and Student Forum Proceedings -- EDCC 2024 -- 19th European Dependable Computing Conference

Authors: Simona Bernardi, Tommaso Zoppi

Abstract: The goal of the Fast Abstracts track is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on dependable computing to discuss work in progress or opinion pieces. Contributions are welcome from academia and industry. Fast Abstracts aim to serve as a rapid and flexible mechanism to: (i) Report on current work that may or may not be complete; (ii) Introduce new ideas to the community; (iii) State positions on controversial issues or open problems; (iv) Share lessons learnt from real-word dependability engineering; and (v) Debunk or question results from other papers based on contra-indications. The Student Forum aims at creating a vibrant and friendly environment where students can present and discuss their work, and exchange ideas and experiences with other students, researchers and industry. One of the key goals of the Forum is to provide students with feedback on their preliminary results that might help with their future research directions.

replace-cross Federated Transfer Component Analysis Towards Effective VNF Profiling

Authors: Xunzheng Zhang, Shadi Moazzeni, Juan Marcelo Parra-Ullauri, Reza Nejabati, Dimitra Simeonidou

Abstract: The increasing concerns of knowledge transfer and data privacy challenge the traditional gather-and-analyse paradigm in networks. Specifically, the intelligent orchestration of Virtual Network Functions (VNFs) requires understanding and profiling the resource consumption. However, profiling all kinds of VNFs is time-consuming. It is important to consider transferring the well-profiled VNF knowledge to other lack-profiled VNF types while keeping data private. To this end, this paper proposes a Federated Transfer Component Analysis (FTCA) method between the source and target VNFs. FTCA first trains Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) based on the source VNF profiling data, and the trained GANs model is sent to the target VNF domain. Then, FTCA realizes federated domain adaptation by using the generated source VNF data and less target VNF profiling data, while keeping the raw data locally. Experiments show that the proposed FTCA can effectively predict the required resources for the target VNF. Specifically, the RMSE index of the regression model decreases by 38.5% and the R-squared metric advances up to 68.6%.

replace-cross Exploring the Robustness of In-Context Learning with Noisy Labels

Authors: Chen Cheng, Xinzhi Yu, Haodong Wen, Jingsong Sun, Guanzhang Yue, Yihao Zhang, Zeming Wei

Abstract: Recently, the mysterious In-Context Learning (ICL) ability exhibited by Transformer architectures, especially in large language models (LLMs), has sparked significant research interest. However, the resilience of Transformers' in-context learning capabilities in the presence of noisy samples, prevalent in both training corpora and prompt demonstrations, remains underexplored. In this paper, inspired by prior research that studies ICL ability using simple function classes, we take a closer look at this problem by investigating the robustness of Transformers against noisy labels. Specifically, we first conduct a thorough evaluation and analysis of the robustness of Transformers against noisy labels during in-context learning and show that they exhibit notable resilience against diverse types of noise in demonstration labels. Furthermore, we delve deeper into this problem by exploring whether introducing noise into the training set, akin to a form of data augmentation, enhances such robustness during inference, and find that such noise can indeed improve the robustness of ICL. Overall, our fruitful analysis and findings provide a comprehensive understanding of the resilience of Transformer models against label noises during ICL and provide valuable insights into the research on Transformers in natural language processing. Our code is available at


replace-cross Efficient Remote Sensing with Harmonized Transfer Learning and Modality Alignment

Authors: Tengjun Huang

Abstract: With the rise of Visual and Language Pretraining (VLP), an increasing number of downstream tasks are adopting the paradigm of pretraining followed by fine-tuning. Although this paradigm has demonstrated potential in various multimodal downstream tasks, its implementation in the remote sensing domain encounters some obstacles. Specifically, the tendency for same-modality embeddings to cluster together impedes efficient transfer learning. To tackle this issue, we review the aim of multimodal transfer learning for downstream tasks from a unified perspective, and rethink the optimization process based on three distinct objectives. We propose "Harmonized Transfer Learning and Modality Alignment (HarMA)", a method that simultaneously satisfies task constraints, modality alignment, and single-modality uniform alignment, while minimizing training overhead through parameter-efficient fine-tuning. Remarkably, without the need for external data for training, HarMA achieves state-of-the-art performance in two popular multimodal retrieval tasks in the field of remote sensing. Our experiments reveal that HarMA achieves competitive and even superior performance to fully fine-tuned models with only minimal adjustable parameters. Due to its simplicity, HarMA can be integrated into almost all existing multimodal pretraining models. We hope this method can facilitate the efficient application of large models to a wide range of downstream tasks while significantly reducing the resource consumption. Code is available at


replace-cross Capabilities of Gemini Models in Medicine

Authors: Khaled Saab, Tao Tu, Wei-Hung Weng, Ryutaro Tanno, David Stutz, Ellery Wulczyn, Fan Zhang, Tim Strother, Chunjong Park, Elahe Vedadi, Juanma Zambrano Chaves, Szu-Yeu Hu, Mike Schaekermann, Aishwarya Kamath, Yong Cheng, David G. T. Barrett, Cathy Cheung, Basil Mustafa, Anil Palepu, Daniel McDuff, Le Hou, Tomer Golany, Luyang Liu, Jean-baptiste Alayrac, Neil Houlsby, Nenad Tomasev, Jan Freyberg, Charles Lau, Jonas Kemp, Jeremy Lai, Shekoofeh Azizi, Kimberly Kanada, SiWai Man, Kavita Kulkarni, Ruoxi Sun, Siamak Shakeri, Luheng He, Ben Caine, Albert Webson, Natasha Latysheva, Melvin Johnson, Philip Mansfield, Jian Lu, Ehud Rivlin, Jesper Anderson, Bradley Green, Renee Wong, Jonathan Krause, Jonathon Shlens, Ewa Dominowska, S. M. Ali Eslami, Katherine Chou, Claire Cui, Oriol Vinyals, Koray Kavukcuoglu, James Manyika, Jeff Dean, Demis Hassabis, Yossi Matias, Dale Webster, Joelle Barral, Greg Corrado, Christopher Semturs, S. Sara Mahdavi, Juraj Gottweis, Alan Karthikesalingam, Vivek Natarajan

Abstract: Excellence in a wide variety of medical applications poses considerable challenges for AI, requiring advanced reasoning, access to up-to-date medical knowledge and understanding of complex multimodal data. Gemini models, with strong general capabilities in multimodal and long-context reasoning, offer exciting possibilities in medicine. Building on these core strengths of Gemini, we introduce Med-Gemini, a family of highly capable multimodal models that are specialized in medicine with the ability to seamlessly use web search, and that can be efficiently tailored to novel modalities using custom encoders. We evaluate Med-Gemini on 14 medical benchmarks, establishing new state-of-the-art (SoTA) performance on 10 of them, and surpass the GPT-4 model family on every benchmark where a direct comparison is viable, often by a wide margin. On the popular MedQA (USMLE) benchmark, our best-performing Med-Gemini model achieves SoTA performance of 91.1% accuracy, using a novel uncertainty-guided search strategy. On 7 multimodal benchmarks including NEJM Image Challenges and MMMU (health & medicine), Med-Gemini improves over GPT-4V by an average relative margin of 44.5%. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Med-Gemini's long-context capabilities through SoTA performance on a needle-in-a-haystack retrieval task from long de-identified health records and medical video question answering, surpassing prior bespoke methods using only in-context learning. Finally, Med-Gemini's performance suggests real-world utility by surpassing human experts on tasks such as medical text summarization, alongside demonstrations of promising potential for multimodal medical dialogue, medical research and education. Taken together, our results offer compelling evidence for Med-Gemini's potential, although further rigorous evaluation will be crucial before real-world deployment in this safety-critical domain.

replace-cross Orthogonal Bootstrap: Efficient Simulation of Input Uncertainty

Authors: Kaizhao Liu, Jose Blanchet, Lexing Ying, Yiping Lu

Abstract: Bootstrap is a popular methodology for simulating input uncertainty. However, it can be computationally expensive when the number of samples is large. We propose a new approach called \textbf{Orthogonal Bootstrap} that reduces the number of required Monte Carlo replications. We decomposes the target being simulated into two parts: the \textit{non-orthogonal part} which has a closed-form result known as Infinitesimal Jackknife and the \textit{orthogonal part} which is easier to be simulated. We theoretically and numerically show that Orthogonal Bootstrap significantly reduces the computational cost of Bootstrap while improving empirical accuracy and maintaining the same width of the constructed interval.