new Uncovering Deceptive Tendencies in Language Models: A Simulated Company AI Assistant

Authors: Olli J\"arviniemi, Evan Hubinger

Abstract: We study the tendency of AI systems to deceive by constructing a realistic simulation setting of a company AI assistant. The simulated company employees provide tasks for the assistant to complete, these tasks spanning writing assistance, information retrieval and programming. We then introduce situations where the model might be inclined to behave deceptively, while taking care to not instruct or otherwise pressure the model to do so. Across different scenarios, we find that Claude 3 Opus 1) complies with a task of mass-generating comments to influence public perception of the company, later deceiving humans about it having done so, 2) lies to auditors when asked questions, and 3) strategically pretends to be less capable than it is during capability evaluations. Our work demonstrates that even models trained to be helpful, harmless and honest sometimes behave deceptively in realistic scenarios, without notable external pressure to do so.

new HateTinyLLM : Hate Speech Detection Using Tiny Large Language Models

Authors: Tanmay Sen, Ansuman Das, Mrinmay Sen

Abstract: Hate speech encompasses verbal, written, or behavioral communication that targets derogatory or discriminatory language against individuals or groups based on sensitive characteristics. Automated hate speech detection plays a crucial role in curbing its propagation, especially across social media platforms. Various methods, including recent advancements in deep learning, have been devised to address this challenge. In this study, we introduce HateTinyLLM, a novel framework based on fine-tuned decoder-only tiny large language models (tinyLLMs) for efficient hate speech detection. Our experimental findings demonstrate that the fine-tuned HateTinyLLM outperforms the pretrained mixtral-7b model by a significant margin. We explored various tiny LLMs, including PY007/TinyLlama-1.1B-step-50K-105b, Microsoft/phi-2, and facebook/opt-1.3b, and fine-tuned them using LoRA and adapter methods. Our observations indicate that all LoRA-based fine-tuned models achieved over 80\% accuracy.

new The Mercurial Top-Level Ontology of Large Language Models

Authors: Nele K\"ohler, Fabian Neuhaus

Abstract: In our work, we systematize and analyze implicit ontological commitments in the responses generated by large language models (LLMs), focusing on ChatGPT 3.5 as a case study. We investigate how LLMs, despite having no explicit ontology, exhibit implicit ontological categorizations that are reflected in the texts they generate. The paper proposes an approach to understanding the ontological commitments of LLMs by defining ontology as a theory that provides a systematic account of the ontological commitments of some text. We investigate the ontological assumptions of ChatGPT and present a systematized account, i.e., GPT's top-level ontology. This includes a taxonomy, which is available as an OWL file, as well as a discussion about ontological assumptions (e.g., about its mereology or presentism). We show that in some aspects GPT's top-level ontology is quite similar to existing top-level ontologies. However, there are significant challenges arising from the flexible nature of LLM-generated texts, including ontological overload, ambiguity, and inconsistency.

new Text Quality-Based Pruning for Efficient Training of Language Models

Authors: Vasu Sharma, Karthik Padthe, Newsha Ardalani, Kushal Tirumala, Russell Howes, Hu Xu, Po-Yao Huang, Shang-Wen Li, Armen Aghajanyan, Gargi Ghosh

Abstract: In recent times training Language Models (LMs) have relied on computationally heavy training over massive datasets which makes this training process extremely laborious. In this paper we propose a novel method for numerically evaluating text quality in large unlabelled NLP datasets in a model agnostic manner to assign the text instances a "quality score". By proposing the text quality metric, the paper establishes a framework to identify and eliminate low-quality text instances, leading to improved training efficiency for LM models. Experimental results over multiple models and datasets demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, showcasing substantial gains in training effectiveness and highlighting the potential for resource-efficient LM training. For example, we observe an absolute accuracy improvement of 0.9% averaged over 14 downstream evaluation tasks for multiple LM models while using 40% lesser data and training 42% faster when training on the OpenWebText dataset and 0.8% average absolute accuracy improvement while using 20% lesser data and training 21% faster on the Wikipedia dataset.

new MediFact at MEDIQA-M3G 2024: Medical Question Answering in Dermatology with Multimodal Learning

Authors: Nadia Saeed

Abstract: The MEDIQA-M3G 2024 challenge necessitates novel solutions for Multilingual & Multimodal Medical Answer Generation in dermatology (wai Yim et al., 2024a). This paper addresses the limitations of traditional methods by proposing a weakly supervised learning approach for open-ended medical question-answering (QA). Our system leverages readily available MEDIQA-M3G images via a VGG16-CNN-SVM model, enabling multilingual (English, Chinese, Spanish) learning of informative skin condition representations. Using pre-trained QA models, we further bridge the gap between visual and textual information through multimodal fusion. This approach tackles complex, open-ended questions even without predefined answer choices. We empower the generation of comprehensive answers by feeding the ViT-CLIP model with multiple responses alongside images. This work advances medical QA research, paving the way for clinical decision support systems and ultimately improving healthcare delivery.

new Lightweight Conceptual Dictionary Learning for Text Classification Using Information Compression

Authors: Li Wan, Tansu Alpcan, Margreta Kuijper, Emanuele Viterbo

Abstract: We propose a novel, lightweight supervised dictionary learning framework for text classification based on data compression and representation. This two-phase algorithm initially employs the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) algorithm to construct a dictionary from text datasets, focusing on the conceptual significance of dictionary elements. Subsequently, dictionaries are refined considering label data, optimizing dictionary atoms to enhance discriminative power based on mutual information and class distribution. This process generates discriminative numerical representations, facilitating the training of simple classifiers such as SVMs and neural networks. We evaluate our algorithm's information-theoretic performance using information bottleneck principles and introduce the information plane area rank (IPAR) as a novel metric to quantify the information-theoretic performance. Tested on six benchmark text datasets, our algorithm competes closely with top models, especially in limited-vocabulary contexts, using significantly fewer parameters. \review{Our algorithm closely matches top-performing models, deviating by only ~2\% on limited-vocabulary datasets, using just 10\% of their parameters. However, it falls short on diverse-vocabulary datasets, likely due to the LZW algorithm's constraints with low-repetition data. This contrast highlights its efficiency and limitations across different dataset types.

new Transfer Learning and Transformer Architecture for Financial Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Tohida Rehman, Raghubir Bose, Samiran Chattopadhyay, Debarshi Kumar Sanyal

Abstract: Financial sentiment analysis allows financial institutions like Banks and Insurance Companies to better manage the credit scoring of their customers in a better way. Financial domain uses specialized mechanisms which makes sentiment analysis difficult. In this paper, we propose a pre-trained language model which can help to solve this problem with fewer labelled data. We extend on the principles of Transfer learning and Transformation architecture principles and also take into consideration recent outbreak of pandemics like COVID. We apply the sentiment analysis to two different sets of data. We also take smaller training set and fine tune the same as part of the model.

new Improve Academic Query Resolution through BERT-based Question Extraction from Images

Authors: Nidhi Kamal, Saurabh Yadav, Jorawar Singh, Aditi Avasthi

Abstract: Providing fast and accurate resolution to the student's query is an essential solution provided by Edtech organizations. This is generally provided with a chat-bot like interface to enable students to ask their doubts easily. One preferred format for student queries is images, as it allows students to capture and post questions without typing complex equations and information. However, this format also presents difficulties, as images may contain multiple questions or textual noise that lowers the accuracy of existing single-query answering solutions. In this paper, we propose a method for extracting questions from text or images using a BERT-based deep learning model and compare it to the other rule-based and layout-based methods. Our method aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of student query resolution in Edtech organizations.

new Towards Unbiased Evaluation of Detecting Unanswerable Questions in EHRSQL

Authors: Yongjin Yang, Sihyeon Kim, SangMook Kim, Gyubok Lee, Se-Young Yun, Edward Choi

Abstract: Incorporating unanswerable questions into EHR QA systems is crucial for testing the trustworthiness of a system, as providing non-existent responses can mislead doctors in their diagnoses. The EHRSQL dataset stands out as a promising benchmark because it is the only dataset that incorporates unanswerable questions in the EHR QA system alongside practical questions. However, in this work, we identify a data bias in these unanswerable questions; they can often be discerned simply by filtering with specific N-gram patterns. Such biases jeopardize the authenticity and reliability of QA system evaluations. To tackle this problem, we propose a simple debiasing method of adjusting the split between the validation and test sets to neutralize the undue influence of N-gram filtering. By experimenting on the MIMIC-III dataset, we demonstrate both the existing data bias in EHRSQL and the effectiveness of our data split strategy in mitigating this bias.

new GPT-4 passes most of the 297 written Polish Board Certification Examinations

Authors: Jakub Pokrywka, Jeremi Kaczmarek, Edward Gorzela\'nczyk

Abstract: Introduction: Recently, the effectiveness of Large Language Models (LLMs) has increased rapidly, allowing them to be used in a great number of applications. However, the risks posed by the generation of false information through LLMs significantly limit their applications in sensitive areas such as healthcare, highlighting the necessity for rigorous validations to determine their utility and reliability. To date, no study has extensively compared the performance of LLMs on Polish medical examinations across a broad spectrum of specialties on a very large dataset. Objectives: This study evaluated the performance of three Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models on the Polish Board Certification Exam (Pa\'nstwowy Egzamin Specjalizacyjny, PES) dataset, which consists of 297 tests. Methods: We developed a software program to download and process PES exams and tested the performance of GPT models using OpenAI Application Programming Interface. Results: Our findings reveal that GPT-3.5 did not pass any of the analyzed exams. In contrast, the GPT-4 models demonstrated the capability to pass the majority of the exams evaluated, with the most recent model, gpt-4-0125, successfully passing 222 (75%) of them. The performance of the GPT models varied significantly, displaying excellence in exams related to certain specialties while completely failing others. Conclusions: The significant progress and impressive performance of LLM models hold great promise for the increased application of AI in the field of medicine in Poland. For instance, this advancement could lead to the development of AI-based medical assistants for healthcare professionals, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of medical services.

new 101 Billion Arabic Words Dataset

Authors: Manel Aloui, Hasna Chouikhi, Ghaith Chaabane, Haithem Kchaou, Chehir Dhaouadi

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models have revolutionized the field of natural language processing, showcasing an impressive rise predominantly in English-centric domains. These advancements have set a global benchmark, inspiring significant efforts toward developing Arabic LLMs capable of understanding and generating the Arabic language with remarkable accuracy. Despite these advancements, a critical challenge persists: the potential bias in Arabic LLMs, primarily attributed to their reliance on datasets comprising English data that has been translated into Arabic. This reliance not only compromises the authenticity of the generated content but also reflects a broader issue -the scarcity of original quality Arabic linguistic data. This study aims to address the data scarcity in the Arab world and to encourage the development of Arabic Language Models that are true to both the linguistic and nuances of the region. We undertook a large-scale data mining project, extracting a substantial volume of text from the Common Crawl WET files, specifically targeting Arabic content. The extracted data underwent a rigorous cleaning and deduplication process, using innovative techniques to ensure the integrity and uniqueness of the dataset. The result is the 101 Billion Arabic Words Dataset, the largest Arabic dataset available to date, which can significantly contribute to the development of authentic Arabic LLMs. This study not only highlights the potential for creating linguistically and culturally accurate Arabic LLMs but also sets a precedent for future research in enhancing the authenticity of Arabic language models.

new Simplifying Multimodality: Unimodal Approach to Multimodal Challenges in Radiology with General-Domain Large Language Model

Authors: Seonhee Cho, Choonghan Kim, Jiho Lee, Chetan Chilkunda, Sujin Choi, Joo Heung Yoon

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have attracted interest in their generalization capability with only a few samples in the prompt. This progress is particularly relevant to the medical domain, where the quality and sensitivity of data pose unique challenges for model training and application. However, the dependency on high-quality data for effective in-context learning raises questions about the feasibility of these models when encountering with the inevitable variations and errors inherent in real-world medical data. In this paper, we introduce MID-M, a novel framework that leverages the in-context learning capabilities of a general-domain Large Language Model (LLM) to process multimodal data via image descriptions. MID-M achieves a comparable or superior performance to task-specific fine-tuned LMMs and other general-domain ones, without the extensive domain-specific training or pre-training on multimodal data, with significantly fewer parameters. This highlights the potential of leveraging general-domain LLMs for domain-specific tasks and offers a sustainable and cost-effective alternative to traditional LMM developments. Moreover, the robustness of MID-M against data quality issues demonstrates its practical utility in real-world medical domain applications.

new Text and Audio Simplification: Human vs. ChatGPT

Authors: Gondy Leroy, David Kauchak, Philip Harber, Ankit Pal, Akash Shukla

Abstract: Text and audio simplification to increase information comprehension are important in healthcare. With the introduction of ChatGPT, an evaluation of its simplification performance is needed. We provide a systematic comparison of human and ChatGPT simplified texts using fourteen metrics indicative of text difficulty. We briefly introduce our online editor where these simplification tools, including ChatGPT, are available. We scored twelve corpora using our metrics: six text, one audio, and five ChatGPT simplified corpora. We then compare these corpora with texts simplified and verified in a prior user study. Finally, a medical domain expert evaluated these texts and five, new ChatGPT simplified versions. We found that simple corpora show higher similarity with the human simplified texts. ChatGPT simplification moves metrics in the right direction. The medical domain expert evaluation showed a preference for the ChatGPT style, but the text itself was rated lower for content retention.

new Large Language Model Agent for Fake News Detection

Authors: Xinyi Li, Yongfeng Zhang, Edward C. Malthouse

Abstract: In the current digital era, the rapid spread of misinformation on online platforms presents significant challenges to societal well-being, public trust, and democratic processes, influencing critical decision making and public opinion. To address these challenges, there is a growing need for automated fake news detection mechanisms. Pre-trained large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capabilities across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks, prompting exploration into their potential for verifying news claims. Instead of employing LLMs in a non-agentic way, where LLMs generate responses based on direct prompts in a single shot, our work introduces FactAgent, an agentic approach of utilizing LLMs for fake news detection. FactAgent enables LLMs to emulate human expert behavior in verifying news claims without any model training, following a structured workflow. This workflow breaks down the complex task of news veracity checking into multiple sub-steps, where LLMs complete simple tasks using their internal knowledge or external tools. At the final step of the workflow, LLMs integrate all findings throughout the workflow to determine the news claim's veracity. Compared to manual human verification, FactAgent offers enhanced efficiency. Experimental studies demonstrate the effectiveness of FactAgent in verifying claims without the need for any training process. Moreover, FactAgent provides transparent explanations at each step of the workflow and during final decision-making, offering insights into the reasoning process of fake news detection for end users. FactAgent is highly adaptable, allowing for straightforward updates to its tools that LLMs can leverage within the workflow, as well as updates to the workflow itself using domain knowledge. This adaptability enables FactAgent's application to news verification across various domains.

new Improving Disease Detection from Social Media Text via Self-Augmentation and Contrastive Learning

Authors: Pervaiz Iqbal Khan, Andreas Dengel, Sheraz Ahmed

Abstract: Detecting diseases from social media has diverse applications, such as public health monitoring and disease spread detection. While language models (LMs) have shown promising performance in this domain, there remains ongoing research aimed at refining their discriminating representations. In this paper, we propose a novel method that integrates Contrastive Learning (CL) with language modeling to address this challenge. Our approach introduces a self-augmentation method, wherein hidden representations of the model are augmented with their own representations. This method comprises two branches: the first branch, a traditional LM, learns features specific to the given data, while the second branch incorporates augmented representations from the first branch to encourage generalization. CL further refines these representations by pulling pairs of original and augmented versions closer while pushing other samples away. We evaluate our method on three NLP datasets encompassing binary, multi-label, and multi-class classification tasks involving social media posts related to various diseases. Our approach demonstrates notable improvements over traditional fine-tuning methods, achieving up to a 2.48% increase in F1-score compared to baseline approaches and a 2.1% enhancement over state-of-the-art methods.

new Efficient Sample-Specific Encoder Perturbations

Authors: Yassir Fathullah, Mark J. F. Gales

Abstract: Encoder-decoder foundation models have displayed state-of-the-art performance on a range of autoregressive sequence tasks. This paper proposes a simple and lightweight modification to such systems to control the behaviour according to a specific attribute of interest. This paper proposes a novel inference-efficient approach to modifying the behaviour of an encoder-decoder system according to a specific attribute of interest. Specifically, we show that a small proxy network can be used to find a sample-by-sample perturbation of the encoder output of a frozen foundation model to trigger the decoder to generate improved decodings. This work explores a specific realization of this framework focused on improving the COMET performance of Flan-T5 on Machine Translation and the WER of Whisper foundation models on Speech Recognition. Results display consistent improvements in performance evaluated through COMET and WER respectively. Furthermore, experiments also show that the proxies are robust to the exact nature of the data used to train them and can extend to other domains.

new Automating the Analysis of Public Saliency and Attitudes towards Biodiversity from Digital Media

Authors: Noah Giebink, Amrita Gupta, Diogo Ver\`issimo, Charlotte H. Chang, Tony Chang, Angela Brennan, Brett Dickson, Alex Bowmer, Jonathan Baillie

Abstract: Measuring public attitudes toward wildlife provides crucial insights into our relationship with nature and helps monitor progress toward Global Biodiversity Framework targets. Yet, conducting such assessments at a global scale is challenging. Manually curating search terms for querying news and social media is tedious, costly, and can lead to biased results. Raw news and social media data returned from queries are often cluttered with irrelevant content and syndicated articles. We aim to overcome these challenges by leveraging modern Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools. We introduce a folk taxonomy approach for improved search term generation and employ cosine similarity on Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency vectors to filter syndicated articles. We also introduce an extensible relevance filtering pipeline which uses unsupervised learning to reveal common topics, followed by an open-source zero-shot Large Language Model (LLM) to assign topics to news article titles, which are then used to assign relevance. Finally, we conduct sentiment, topic, and volume analyses on resulting data. We illustrate our methodology with a case study of news and X (formerly Twitter) data before and during the COVID-19 pandemic for various mammal taxa, including bats, pangolins, elephants, and gorillas. During the data collection period, up to 62% of articles including keywords pertaining to bats were deemed irrelevant to biodiversity, underscoring the importance of relevance filtering. At the pandemic's onset, we observed increased volume and a significant sentiment shift toward horseshoe bats, which were implicated in the pandemic, but not for other focal taxa. The proposed methods open the door to conservation practitioners applying modern and emerging NLP tools, including LLMs "out of the box," to analyze public perceptions of biodiversity during current events or campaigns.

new Improving Complex Reasoning over Knowledge Graph with Logic-Aware Curriculum Tuning

Authors: Tianle Xia, Liang Ding, Guojia Wan, Yibing Zhan, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Answering complex logical queries over incomplete knowledge graphs (KGs) is challenging. Most previous works have focused on learning entity/relation embeddings and simulating first-order logic operators with various neural networks. However, they are bottlenecked by the inability to share world knowledge to improve logical reasoning, thus resulting in suboptimal performance. In this paper, we propose a complex logical reasoning schema over knowledge graphs upon large language models (LLMs), containing a curriculum-based logical-aware instruction tuning framework, named LACT. Specifically, we augment the arbitrary first-order logical queries via binary tree decomposition, to stimulate the reasoning capability of LLMs. To address the difficulty gap among different types of complex queries, we design a simple and flexible logic-aware curriculum learning framework. Experiments across widely used datasets demonstrate that LACT has substantial improvements~(brings an average +5.5% MRR score) over advanced methods, achieving the new state-of-the-art. Our code and model will be released at GitHub and huggingface soon.

new Investigating Wit, Creativity, and Detectability of Large Language Models in Domain-Specific Writing Style Adaptation of Reddit's Showerthoughts

Authors: Tolga Buz, Benjamin Frost, Nikola Genchev, Moritz Schneider, Lucie-Aim\'ee Kaffee, Gerard de Melo

Abstract: Recent Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown the ability to generate content that is difficult or impossible to distinguish from human writing. We investigate the ability of differently-sized LLMs to replicate human writing style in short, creative texts in the domain of Showerthoughts, thoughts that may occur during mundane activities. We compare GPT-2 and GPT-Neo fine-tuned on Reddit data as well as GPT-3.5 invoked in a zero-shot manner, against human-authored texts. We measure human preference on the texts across the specific dimensions that account for the quality of creative, witty texts. Additionally, we compare the ability of humans versus fine-tuned RoBERTa classifiers to detect AI-generated texts. We conclude that human evaluators rate the generated texts slightly worse on average regarding their creative quality, but they are unable to reliably distinguish between human-written and AI-generated texts. We further provide a dataset for creative, witty text generation based on Reddit Showerthoughts posts.

new 1-Diffractor: Efficient and Utility-Preserving Text Obfuscation Leveraging Word-Level Metric Differential Privacy

Authors: Stephen Meisenbacher, Maulik Chevli, Florian Matthes

Abstract: The study of privacy-preserving Natural Language Processing (NLP) has gained rising attention in recent years. One promising avenue studies the integration of Differential Privacy in NLP, which has brought about innovative methods in a variety of application settings. Of particular note are $\textit{word-level Metric Local Differential Privacy (MLDP)}$ mechanisms, which work to obfuscate potentially sensitive input text by performing word-by-word $\textit{perturbations}$. Although these methods have shown promising results in empirical tests, there are two major drawbacks: (1) the inevitable loss of utility due to addition of noise, and (2) the computational expensiveness of running these mechanisms on high-dimensional word embeddings. In this work, we aim to address these challenges by proposing $\texttt{1-Diffractor}$, a new mechanism that boasts high speedups in comparison to previous mechanisms, while still demonstrating strong utility- and privacy-preserving capabilities. We evaluate $\texttt{1-Diffractor}$ for utility on several NLP tasks, for theoretical and task-based privacy, and for efficiency in terms of speed and memory. $\texttt{1-Diffractor}$ shows significant improvements in efficiency, while still maintaining competitive utility and privacy scores across all conducted comparative tests against previous MLDP mechanisms. Our code is made available at:


new Leveraging Prompt-Learning for Structured Information Extraction from Crohn's Disease Radiology Reports in a Low-Resource Language

Authors: Liam Hazan, Gili Focht, Naama Gavrielov, Roi Reichart, Talar Hagopian, Mary-Louise C. Greer, Ruth Cytter Kuint, Dan Turner, Moti Freiman

Abstract: Automatic conversion of free-text radiology reports into structured data using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques is crucial for analyzing diseases on a large scale. While effective for tasks in widely spoken languages like English, generative large language models (LLMs) typically underperform with less common languages and can pose potential risks to patient privacy. Fine-tuning local NLP models is hindered by the skewed nature of real-world medical datasets, where rare findings represent a significant data imbalance. We introduce SMP-BERT, a novel prompt learning method that leverages the structured nature of reports to overcome these challenges. In our studies involving a substantial collection of Crohn's disease radiology reports in Hebrew (over 8,000 patients and 10,000 reports), SMP-BERT greatly surpassed traditional fine-tuning methods in performance, notably in detecting infrequent conditions (AUC: 0.99 vs 0.94, F1: 0.84 vs 0.34). SMP-BERT empowers more accurate AI diagnostics available for low-resource languages.

new Automatically Extracting Numerical Results from Randomized Controlled Trials with Large Language Models

Authors: Hye Sun Yun, David Pogrebitskiy, Iain J. Marshall, Byron C. Wallace

Abstract: Meta-analyses statistically aggregate the findings of different randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to assess treatment effectiveness. Because this yields robust estimates of treatment effectiveness, results from meta-analyses are considered the strongest form of evidence. However, rigorous evidence syntheses are time-consuming and labor-intensive, requiring manual extraction of data from individual trials to be synthesized. Ideally, language technologies would permit fully automatic meta-analysis, on demand. This requires accurately extracting numerical results from individual trials, which has been beyond the capabilities of natural language processing (NLP) models to date. In this work, we evaluate whether modern large language models (LLMs) can reliably perform this task. We annotate (and release) a modest but granular evaluation dataset of clinical trial reports with numerical findings attached to interventions, comparators, and outcomes. Using this dataset, we evaluate the performance of seven LLMs applied zero-shot for the task of conditionally extracting numerical findings from trial reports. We find that massive LLMs that can accommodate lengthy inputs are tantalizingly close to realizing fully automatic meta-analysis, especially for dichotomous (binary) outcomes (e.g., mortality). However, LLMs -- including ones trained on biomedical texts -- perform poorly when the outcome measures are complex and tallying the results requires inference. This work charts a path toward fully automatic meta-analysis of RCTs via LLMs, while also highlighting the limitations of existing models for this aim.

new Large Language Models are Inconsistent and Biased Evaluators

Authors: Rickard Stureborg, Dimitris Alikaniotis, Yoshi Suhara

Abstract: The zero-shot capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) has enabled highly flexible, reference-free metrics for various tasks, making LLM evaluators common tools in NLP. However, the robustness of these LLM evaluators remains relatively understudied; existing work mainly pursued optimal performance in terms of correlating LLM scores with human expert scores. In this paper, we conduct a series of analyses using the SummEval dataset and confirm that LLMs are biased evaluators as they: (1) exhibit familiarity bias-a preference for text with lower perplexity, (2) show skewed and biased distributions of ratings, and (3) experience anchoring effects for multi-attribute judgments. We also found that LLMs are inconsistent evaluators, showing low "inter-sample" agreement and sensitivity to prompt differences that are insignificant to human understanding of text quality. Furthermore, we share recipes for configuring LLM evaluators to mitigate these limitations. Experimental results on the RoSE dataset demonstrate improvements over the state-of-the-art LLM evaluators.

new Question Suggestion for Conversational Shopping Assistants Using Product Metadata

Authors: Nikhita Vedula, Oleg Rokhlenko, Shervin Malmasi

Abstract: Digital assistants have become ubiquitous in e-commerce applications, following the recent advancements in Information Retrieval (IR), Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, customers are often unsure or unaware of how to effectively converse with these assistants to meet their shopping needs. In this work, we emphasize the importance of providing customers a fast, easy to use, and natural way to interact with conversational shopping assistants. We propose a framework that employs Large Language Models (LLMs) to automatically generate contextual, useful, answerable, fluent and diverse questions about products, via in-context learning and supervised fine-tuning. Recommending these questions to customers as helpful suggestions or hints to both start and continue a conversation can result in a smoother and faster shopping experience with reduced conversation overhead and friction. We perform extensive offline evaluations, and discuss in detail about potential customer impact, and the type, length and latency of our generated product questions if incorporated into a real-world shopping assistant.

new The Psychosocial Impacts of Generative AI Harms

Authors: Faye-Marie Vassel, Evan Shieh, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Thema Monroe-White

Abstract: The rapid emergence of generative Language Models (LMs) has led to growing concern about the impacts that their unexamined adoption may have on the social well-being of diverse user groups. Meanwhile, LMs are increasingly being adopted in K-20 schools and one-on-one student settings with minimal investigation of potential harms associated with their deployment. Motivated in part by real-world/everyday use cases (e.g., an AI writing assistant) this paper explores the potential psychosocial harms of stories generated by five leading LMs in response to open-ended prompting. We extend findings of stereotyping harms analyzing a total of 150K 100-word stories related to student classroom interactions. Examining patterns in LM-generated character demographics and representational harms (i.e., erasure, subordination, and stereotyping) we highlight particularly egregious vignettes, illustrating the ways LM-generated outputs may influence the experiences of users with marginalized and minoritized identities, and emphasizing the need for a critical understanding of the psychosocial impacts of generative AI tools when deployed and utilized in diverse social contexts.

new CoS: Enhancing Personalization and Mitigating Bias with Context Steering

Authors: Jerry Zhi-Yang He, Sashrika Pandey, Mariah L. Schrum, Anca Dragan

Abstract: When querying a large language model (LLM), the context, i.e. personal, demographic, and cultural information specific to an end-user, can significantly shape the response of the LLM. For example, asking the model to explain Newton's second law with the context "I am a toddler" yields a different answer compared to the context "I am a physics professor." Proper usage of the context enables the LLM to generate personalized responses, whereas inappropriate contextual influence can lead to stereotypical and potentially harmful generations (e.g. associating "female" with "housekeeper"). In practice, striking the right balance when leveraging context is a nuanced and challenging problem that is often situation-dependent. One common approach to address this challenge is to fine-tune LLMs on contextually appropriate responses. However, this approach is expensive, time-consuming, and not controllable for end-users in different situations. In this work, we propose Context Steering (CoS) - a simple training-free method that can be easily applied to autoregressive LLMs at inference time. By measuring the contextual influence in terms of token prediction likelihood and modulating it, our method enables practitioners to determine the appropriate level of contextual influence based on their specific use case and end-user base. We showcase a variety of applications of CoS including amplifying the contextual influence to achieve better personalization and mitigating unwanted influence for reducing model bias. In addition, we show that we can combine CoS with Bayesian Inference to quantify the extent of hate speech on the internet. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CoS on state-of-the-art LLMs and benchmarks.

new A Survey on Large Language Models for Critical Societal Domains: Finance, Healthcare, and Law

Authors: Zhiyu Zoey Chen, Jing Ma, Xinlu Zhang, Nan Hao, An Yan, Armineh Nourbakhsh, Xianjun Yang, Julian McAuley, Linda Petzold, William Yang Wang

Abstract: In the fast-evolving domain of artificial intelligence, large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3 and GPT-4 are revolutionizing the landscapes of finance, healthcare, and law: domains characterized by their reliance on professional expertise, challenging data acquisition, high-stakes, and stringent regulatory compliance. This survey offers a detailed exploration of the methodologies, applications, challenges, and forward-looking opportunities of LLMs within these high-stakes sectors. We highlight the instrumental role of LLMs in enhancing diagnostic and treatment methodologies in healthcare, innovating financial analytics, and refining legal interpretation and compliance strategies. Moreover, we critically examine the ethics for LLM applications in these fields, pointing out the existing ethical concerns and the need for transparent, fair, and robust AI systems that respect regulatory norms. By presenting a thorough review of current literature and practical applications, we showcase the transformative impact of LLMs, and outline the imperative for interdisciplinary cooperation, methodological advancements, and ethical vigilance. Through this lens, we aim to spark dialogue and inspire future research dedicated to maximizing the benefits of LLMs while mitigating their risks in these precision-dependent sectors. To facilitate future research on LLMs in these critical societal domains, we also initiate a reading list that tracks the latest advancements under this topic, which will be continually updated: \url{}.


new Layers of technology in pluriversal design. Decolonising language technology with the LiveLanguage initiative

Authors: Gertraud Koch, G\'abor Bella, Paula Helm, Fausto Giunchiglia

Abstract: Language technology has the potential to facilitate intercultural communication through meaningful translations. However, the current state of language technology is deeply entangled with colonial knowledge due to path dependencies and neo-colonial tendencies in the global governance of artificial intelligence (AI). Language technology is a complex and emerging field that presents challenges for co-design interventions due to enfolding in assemblages of global scale and diverse sites and its knowledge intensity. This paper uses LiveLanguage, a lexical database, a set of services with particular emphasis on modelling language diversity and integrating small and minority languages, as an example to discuss and close the gap from pluriversal design theory to practice. By diversifying the concept of emerging technology, we can better approach language technology in global contexts. The paper presents a model comprising of five layers of technological activity. Each layer consists of specific practices and stakeholders, thus provides distinctive spaces for co-design interventions as mode of inquiry for de-linking, re-thinking and re-building language technology towards pluriversality. In that way, the paper contributes to reflecting the position of co-design in decolonising emergent technologies, and to integrating complex theoretical knowledge towards decoloniality into language technology design.

new Understanding Position Bias Effects on Fairness in Social Multi-Document Summarization

Authors: Olubusayo Olabisi, Ameeta Agrawal

Abstract: Text summarization models have typically focused on optimizing aspects of quality such as fluency, relevance, and coherence, particularly in the context of news articles. However, summarization models are increasingly being used to summarize diverse sources of text, such as social media data, that encompass a wide demographic user base. It is thus crucial to assess not only the quality of the generated summaries, but also the extent to which they can fairly represent the opinions of diverse social groups. Position bias, a long-known issue in news summarization, has received limited attention in the context of social multi-document summarization. We deeply investigate this phenomenon by analyzing the effect of group ordering in input documents when summarizing tweets from three distinct linguistic communities: African-American English, Hispanic-aligned Language, and White-aligned Language. Our empirical analysis shows that although the textual quality of the summaries remains consistent regardless of the input document order, in terms of fairness, the results vary significantly depending on how the dialect groups are presented in the input data. Our results suggest that position bias manifests differently in social multi-document summarization, severely impacting the fairness of summarization models.

new TOPICAL: TOPIC Pages AutomagicaLly

Authors: John Giorgi, Amanpreet Singh, Doug Downey, Sergey Feldman, Lucy Lu Wang

Abstract: Topic pages aggregate useful information about an entity or concept into a single succinct and accessible article. Automated creation of topic pages would enable their rapid curation as information resources, providing an alternative to traditional web search. While most prior work has focused on generating topic pages about biographical entities, in this work, we develop a completely automated process to generate high-quality topic pages for scientific entities, with a focus on biomedical concepts. We release TOPICAL, a web app and associated open-source code, comprising a model pipeline combining retrieval, clustering, and prompting, that makes it easy for anyone to generate topic pages for a wide variety of biomedical entities on demand. In a human evaluation of 150 diverse topic pages generated using TOPICAL, we find that the vast majority were considered relevant, accurate, and coherent, with correct supporting citations. We make all code publicly available and host a free-to-use web app at:


new Exploiting ChatGPT for Diagnosing Autism-Associated Language Disorders and Identifying Distinct Features

Authors: Chuanbo Hu, Wenqi Li, Mindi Ruan, Xiangxu Yu, Lynn K. Paul, Shuo Wang, Xin Li

Abstract: Diagnosing language disorders associated with autism is a complex and nuanced challenge, often hindered by the subjective nature and variability of traditional assessment methods. Traditional diagnostic methods not only require intensive human effort but also often result in delayed interventions due to their lack of speed and specificity. In this study, we explored the application of ChatGPT, a state of the art large language model, to overcome these obstacles by enhancing diagnostic accuracy and profiling specific linguistic features indicative of autism. Leveraging ChatGPT advanced natural language processing capabilities, this research aims to streamline and refine the diagnostic process. Specifically, we compared ChatGPT's performance with that of conventional supervised learning models, including BERT, a model acclaimed for its effectiveness in various natural language processing tasks. We showed that ChatGPT substantially outperformed these models, achieving over 13% improvement in both accuracy and F1 score in a zero shot learning configuration. This marked enhancement highlights the model potential as a superior tool for neurological diagnostics. Additionally, we identified ten distinct features of autism associated language disorders that vary significantly across different experimental scenarios. These features, which included echolalia, pronoun reversal, and atypical language usage, were crucial for accurately diagnosing ASD and customizing treatment plans. Together, our findings advocate for adopting sophisticated AI tools like ChatGPT in clinical settings to assess and diagnose developmental disorders. Our approach not only promises greater diagnostic precision but also aligns with the goals of personalized medicine, potentially transforming the evaluation landscape for autism and similar neurological conditions.

new SoftMCL: Soft Momentum Contrastive Learning for Fine-grained Sentiment-aware Pre-training

Authors: Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu, Xuejie Zhang

Abstract: The pre-training for language models captures general language understanding but fails to distinguish the affective impact of a particular context to a specific word. Recent works have sought to introduce contrastive learning (CL) for sentiment-aware pre-training in acquiring affective information. Nevertheless, these methods present two significant limitations. First, the compatibility of the GPU memory often limits the number of negative samples, hindering the opportunities to learn good representations. In addition, using only a few sentiment polarities as hard labels, e.g., positive, neutral, and negative, to supervise CL will force all representations to converge to a few points, leading to the issue of latent space collapse. This study proposes a soft momentum contrastive learning (SoftMCL) for fine-grained sentiment-aware pre-training. Instead of hard labels, we introduce valence ratings as soft-label supervision for CL to fine-grained measure the sentiment similarities between samples. The proposed SoftMCL is conducted on both the word- and sentence-level to enhance the model's ability to learn affective information. A momentum queue was introduced to expand the contrastive samples, allowing storing and involving more negatives to overcome the limitations of hardware platforms. Extensive experiments were conducted on four different sentiment-related tasks, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed SoftMCL method. The code and data of the proposed SoftMCL is available at:


new SGHateCheck: Functional Tests for Detecting Hate Speech in Low-Resource Languages of Singapore

Authors: Ri Chi Ng, Nirmalendu Prakash, Ming Shan Hee, Kenny Tsu Wei Choo, Roy Ka-Wei Lee

Abstract: To address the limitations of current hate speech detection models, we introduce \textsf{SGHateCheck}, a novel framework designed for the linguistic and cultural context of Singapore and Southeast Asia. It extends the functional testing approach of HateCheck and MHC, employing large language models for translation and paraphrasing into Singapore's main languages, and refining these with native annotators. \textsf{SGHateCheck} reveals critical flaws in state-of-the-art models, highlighting their inadequacy in sensitive content moderation. This work aims to foster the development of more effective hate speech detection tools for diverse linguistic environments, particularly for Singapore and Southeast Asia contexts.

new SUKHSANDESH: An Avatar Therapeutic Question Answering Platform for Sexual Education in Rural India

Authors: Salam Michael Singh, Shubhmoy Kumar Garg, Amitesh Misra, Aaditeshwar Seth, Tanmoy Chakraborty

Abstract: Sexual education aims to foster a healthy lifestyle in terms of emotional, mental and social well-being. In countries like India, where adolescents form the largest demographic group, they face significant vulnerabilities concerning sexual health. Unfortunately, sexual education is often stigmatized, creating barriers to providing essential counseling and information to this at-risk population. Consequently, issues such as early pregnancy, unsafe abortions, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual violence become prevalent. Our current proposal aims to provide a safe and trustworthy platform for sexual education to the vulnerable rural Indian population, thereby fostering the healthy and overall growth of the nation. In this regard, we strive towards designing SUKHSANDESH, a multi-staged AI-based Question Answering platform for sexual education tailored to rural India, adhering to safety guardrails and regional language support. By utilizing information retrieval techniques and large language models, SUKHSANDESH will deliver effective responses to user queries. We also propose to anonymise the dataset to mitigate safety measures and set AI guardrails against any harmful or unwanted response generation. Moreover, an innovative feature of our proposal involves integrating ``avatar therapy'' with SUKHSANDESH. This feature will convert AI-generated responses into real-time audio delivered by an animated avatar speaking regional Indian languages. This approach aims to foster empathy and connection, which is particularly beneficial for individuals with limited literacy skills. Partnering with Gram Vaani, an industry leader, we will deploy SUKHSANDESH to address sexual education needs in rural India.

new Incorporating External Knowledge and Goal Guidance for LLM-based Conversational Recommender Systems

Authors: Chuang Li, Yang Deng, Hengchang Hu, Min-Yen Kan, Haizhou Li

Abstract: This paper aims to efficiently enable large language models (LLMs) to use external knowledge and goal guidance in conversational recommender system (CRS) tasks. Advanced LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) are limited in domain-specific CRS tasks for 1) generating grounded responses with recommendation-oriented knowledge, or 2) proactively leading the conversations through different dialogue goals. In this work, we first analyze those limitations through a comprehensive evaluation, showing the necessity of external knowledge and goal guidance which contribute significantly to the recommendation accuracy and language quality. In light of this finding, we propose a novel ChatCRS framework to decompose the complex CRS task into several sub-tasks through the implementation of 1) a knowledge retrieval agent using a tool-augmented approach to reason over external Knowledge Bases and 2) a goal-planning agent for dialogue goal prediction. Experimental results on two multi-goal CRS datasets reveal that ChatCRS sets new state-of-the-art benchmarks, improving language quality of informativeness by 17% and proactivity by 27%, and achieving a tenfold enhancement in recommendation accuracy.

new Enhancing Bangla Language Next Word Prediction and Sentence Completion through Extended RNN with Bi-LSTM Model On N-gram Language

Authors: Md Robiul Islam, Al Amin, Aniqua Nusrat Zereen

Abstract: Texting stands out as the most prominent form of communication worldwide. Individual spend significant amount of time writing whole texts to send emails or write something on social media, which is time consuming in this modern era. Word prediction and sentence completion will be suitable and appropriate in the Bangla language to make textual information easier and more convenient. This paper expands the scope of Bangla language processing by introducing a Bi-LSTM model that effectively handles Bangla next-word prediction and Bangla sentence generation, demonstrating its versatility and potential impact. We proposed a new Bi-LSTM model to predict a following word and complete a sentence. We constructed a corpus dataset from various news portals, including bdnews24, BBC News Bangla, and Prothom Alo. The proposed approach achieved superior results in word prediction, reaching 99\% accuracy for both 4-gram and 5-gram word predictions. Moreover, it demonstrated significant improvement over existing methods, achieving 35\%, 75\%, and 95\% accuracy for uni-gram, bi-gram, and tri-gram word prediction, respectively

new DALLMi: Domain Adaption for LLM-based Multi-label Classifier

Authors: Miruna Be\c{t}ianu, Abele M\u{a}lan, Marco Aldinucci, Robert Birke, Lydia Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) increasingly serve as the backbone for classifying text associated with distinct domains and simultaneously several labels (classes). When encountering domain shifts, e.g., classifier of movie reviews from IMDb to Rotten Tomatoes, adapting such an LLM-based multi-label classifier is challenging due to incomplete label sets at the target domain and daunting training overhead. The existing domain adaptation methods address either image multi-label classifiers or text binary classifiers. In this paper, we design DALLMi, Domain Adaptation Large Language Model interpolator, a first-of-its-kind semi-supervised domain adaptation method for text data models based on LLMs, specifically BERT. The core of DALLMi is the novel variation loss and MixUp regularization, which jointly leverage the limited positively labeled and large quantity of unlabeled text and, importantly, their interpolation from the BERT word embeddings. DALLMi also introduces a label-balanced sampling strategy to overcome the imbalance between labeled and unlabeled data. We evaluate DALLMi against the partial-supervised and unsupervised approach on three datasets under different scenarios of label availability for the target domain. Our results show that DALLMi achieves higher mAP than unsupervised and partially-supervised approaches by 19.9% and 52.2%, respectively.

new Beyond Single-Event Extraction: Towards Efficient Document-Level Multi-Event Argument Extraction

Authors: Wanlong Liu, Li Zhou, Dingyi Zeng, Yichen Xiao, Shaohuan Cheng, Chen Zhang, Grandee Lee, Malu Zhang, Wenyu Chen

Abstract: Recent mainstream event argument extraction methods process each event in isolation, resulting in inefficient inference and ignoring the correlations among multiple events. To address these limitations, here we propose a multiple-event argument extraction model DEEIA (Dependency-guided Encoding and Event-specific Information Aggregation), capable of extracting arguments from all events within a document simultaneouslyThe proposed DEEIA model employs a multi-event prompt mechanism, comprising DE and EIA modules. The DE module is designed to improve the correlation between prompts and their corresponding event contexts, whereas the EIA module provides event-specific information to improve contextual understanding. Extensive experiments show that our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on four public datasets (RAMS, WikiEvents, MLEE, and ACE05), while significantly saving the inference time compared to the baselines. Further analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modules.

new Aloe: A Family of Fine-tuned Open Healthcare LLMs

Authors: Ashwin Kumar Gururajan, Enrique Lopez-Cuena, Jordi Bayarri-Planas, Adrian Tormos, Daniel Hinjos, Pablo Bernabeu-Perez, Anna Arias-Duart, Pablo Agustin Martin-Torres, Lucia Urcelay-Ganzabal, Marta Gonzalez-Mallo, Sergio Alvarez-Napagao, Eduard Ayguad\'e-Parra, Ulises Cort\'es Dario Garcia-Gasulla

Abstract: As the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in healthcare and medicine continue to advance, there is a growing need for competitive open-source models that can safeguard public interest. With the increasing availability of highly competitive open base models, the impact of continued pre-training is increasingly uncertain. In this work, we explore the role of instruct tuning, model merging, alignment, red teaming and advanced inference schemes, as means to improve current open models. To that end, we introduce the Aloe family, a set of open medical LLMs highly competitive within its scale range. Aloe models are trained on the current best base models (Mistral, LLaMA 3), using a new custom dataset which combines public data sources improved with synthetic Chain of Thought (CoT). Aloe models undergo an alignment phase, becoming one of the first few policy-aligned open healthcare LLM using Direct Preference Optimization, setting a new standard for ethical performance in healthcare LLMs. Model evaluation expands to include various bias and toxicity datasets, a dedicated red teaming effort, and a much-needed risk assessment for healthcare LLMs. Finally, to explore the limits of current LLMs in inference, we study several advanced prompt engineering strategies to boost performance across benchmarks, yielding state-of-the-art results for open healthcare 7B LLMs, unprecedented at this scale.

new Semi-Parametric Retrieval via Binary Token Index

Authors: Jiawei Zhou, Li Dong, Furu Wei, Lei Chen

Abstract: The landscape of information retrieval has broadened from search services to a critical component in various advanced applications, where indexing efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and freshness are increasingly important yet remain less explored. To address these demands, we introduce Semi-parametric Vocabulary Disentangled Retrieval (SVDR). SVDR is a novel semi-parametric retrieval framework that supports two types of indexes: an embedding-based index for high effectiveness, akin to existing neural retrieval methods; and a binary token index that allows for quick and cost-effective setup, resembling traditional term-based retrieval. In our evaluation on three open-domain question answering benchmarks with the entire Wikipedia as the retrieval corpus, SVDR consistently demonstrates superiority. It achieves a 3% higher top-1 retrieval accuracy compared to the dense retriever DPR when using an embedding-based index and an 9% higher top-1 accuracy compared to BM25 when using a binary token index. Specifically, the adoption of a binary token index reduces index preparation time from 30 GPU hours to just 2 CPU hours and storage size from 31 GB to 2 GB, achieving a 90% reduction compared to an embedding-based index.

new OARelatedWork: A Large-Scale Dataset of Related Work Sections with Full-texts from Open Access Sources

Authors: Martin Docekal, Martin Fajcik, Pavel Smrz

Abstract: This paper introduces OARelatedWork, the first large-scale multi-document summarization dataset for related work generation containing whole related work sections and full-texts of cited papers. The dataset includes 94 450 papers and 5 824 689 unique referenced papers. It was designed for the task of automatically generating related work to shift the field toward generating entire related work sections from all available content instead of generating parts of related work sections from abstracts only, which is the current mainstream in this field for abstractive approaches. We show that the estimated upper bound for extractive summarization increases by 217% in the ROUGE-2 score, when using full content instead of abstracts. Furthermore, we show the benefits of full content data on naive, oracle, traditional, and transformer-based baselines. Long outputs, such as related work sections, pose challenges for automatic evaluation metrics like BERTScore due to their limited input length. We tackle this issue by proposing and evaluating a meta-metric using BERTScore. Despite operating on smaller blocks, we show this meta-metric correlates with human judgment, comparably to the original BERTScore.

new CRCL at SemEval-2024 Task 2: Simple prompt optimizations

Authors: Cl\'ement Brutti-Mairesse, Lo\"ic Verlingue

Abstract: We present a baseline for the SemEval 2024 task 2 challenge, whose objective is to ascertain the inference relationship between pairs of clinical trial report sections and statements. We apply prompt optimization techniques with LLM Instruct models provided as a Language Model-as-a-Service (LMaaS). We observed, in line with recent findings, that synthetic CoT prompts significantly enhance manually crafted ones.

new Dependency-Aware Semi-Structured Sparsity of GLU Variants in Large Language Models

Authors: Zhiyu Guo, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Taro Wanatnabe

Abstract: The rapid advancement in Large Language Models (LLMs) has markedly enhanced the capabilities of language understanding and generation. However, the substantial model size poses hardware challenges, affecting both memory size for serving and inference latency for token generation. To address those challenges, we propose Dependency-aware Semi-structured Sparsity (DaSS), a novel method for the recent prevalent SwiGLU-based LLMs pruning. Our approach incorporates structural dependency into the weight magnitude-based unstructured pruning. We introduce an MLP-specific pruning metric that evaluates the importance of each weight by jointly considering its magnitude and its corresponding MLP intermediate activation norms. DaSS facilitates a balance between the adaptability offered by unstructured pruning and the structural consistency inherent in dependency-based structured pruning. Empirical evaluations on Mistral and LLaMA2 model families demonstrate that DaSS not only outperforms both SparseGPT and Wanda in achieving hardware-friendly N:M sparsity patterns but also maintains the computational efficiency of Wanda.

new A quantitative and typological study of Early Slavic participle clauses and their competition

Authors: Nilo Pedrazzini

Abstract: This thesis is a corpus-based, quantitative, and typological analysis of the functions of Early Slavic participle constructions and their finite competitors ($jegda$-'when'-clauses). The first part leverages detailed linguistic annotation on Early Slavic corpora at the morphosyntactic, dependency, information-structural, and lexical levels to obtain indirect evidence for different potential functions of participle clauses and their main finite competitor and understand the roles of compositionality and default discourse reasoning as explanations for the distribution of participle constructions and $jegda$-clauses in the corpus. The second part uses massively parallel data to analyze typological variation in how languages express the semantic space of English $when$, whose scope encompasses that of Early Slavic participle constructions and $jegda$-clauses. Probabilistic semantic maps are generated and statistical methods (including Kriging, Gaussian Mixture Modelling, precision and recall analysis) are used to induce cross-linguistically salient dimensions from the parallel corpus and to study conceptual variation within the semantic space of the hypothetical concept WHEN.

new Conformal Prediction for Natural Language Processing: A Survey

Authors: Margarida M. Campos, Ant\'onio Farinhas, Chrysoula Zerva, M\'ario A. T. Figueiredo, Andr\'e F. T. Martins

Abstract: The rapid proliferation of large language models and natural language processing (NLP) applications creates a crucial need for uncertainty quantification to mitigate risks such as hallucinations and to enhance decision-making reliability in critical applications. Conformal prediction is emerging as a theoretically sound and practically useful framework, combining flexibility with strong statistical guarantees. Its model-agnostic and distribution-free nature makes it particularly promising to address the current shortcomings of NLP systems that stem from the absence of uncertainty quantification. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of conformal prediction techniques, their guarantees, and existing applications in NLP, pointing to directions for future research and open challenges.

new Exploring Combinatorial Problem Solving with Large Language Models: A Case Study on the Travelling Salesman Problem Using GPT-3.5 Turbo

Authors: Mahmoud Masoud, Ahmed Abdelhay, Mohammed Elhenawy

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are deep learning models designed to generate text based on textual input. Although researchers have been developing these models for more complex tasks such as code generation and general reasoning, few efforts have explored how LLMs can be applied to combinatorial problems. In this research, we investigate the potential of LLMs to solve the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). Utilizing GPT-3.5 Turbo, we conducted experiments employing various approaches, including zero-shot in-context learning, few-shot in-context learning, and chain-of-thoughts (CoT). Consequently, we fine-tuned GPT-3.5 Turbo to solve a specific problem size and tested it using a set of various instance sizes. The fine-tuned models demonstrated promising performance on problems identical in size to the training instances and generalized well to larger problems. Furthermore, to improve the performance of the fine-tuned model without incurring additional training costs, we adopted a self-ensemble approach to improve the quality of the solutions.

new The Trade-off between Performance, Efficiency, and Fairness in Adapter Modules for Text Classification

Authors: Minh Duc Bui, Katharina von der Wense

Abstract: Current natural language processing (NLP) research tends to focus on only one or, less frequently, two dimensions - e.g., performance, privacy, fairness, or efficiency - at a time, which may lead to suboptimal conclusions and often overlooking the broader goal of achieving trustworthy NLP. Work on adapter modules (Houlsby et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2021) focuses on improving performance and efficiency, with no investigation of unintended consequences on other aspects such as fairness. To address this gap, we conduct experiments on three text classification datasets by either (1) finetuning all parameters or (2) using adapter modules. Regarding performance and efficiency, we confirm prior findings that the accuracy of adapter-enhanced models is roughly on par with that of fully finetuned models, while training time is substantially reduced. Regarding fairness, we show that adapter modules result in mixed fairness across sensitive groups. Further investigation reveals that, when the standard fine-tuned model exhibits limited biases, adapter modules typically do not introduce extra bias. On the other hand, when the finetuned model exhibits increased bias, the impact of adapter modules on bias becomes more unpredictable, introducing the risk of significantly magnifying these biases for certain groups. Our findings highlight the need for a case-by-case evaluation rather than a one-size-fits-all judgment.

new Analyzing Narrative Processing in Large Language Models (LLMs): Using GPT4 to test BERT

Authors: Patrick Krauss, Jannik H\"osch, Claus Metzner, Andreas Maier, Peter Uhrig, Achim Schilling

Abstract: The ability to transmit and receive complex information via language is unique to humans and is the basis of traditions, culture and versatile social interactions. Through the disruptive introduction of transformer based large language models (LLMs) humans are not the only entity to "understand" and produce language any more. In the present study, we have performed the first steps to use LLMs as a model to understand fundamental mechanisms of language processing in neural networks, in order to make predictions and generate hypotheses on how the human brain does language processing. Thus, we have used ChatGPT to generate seven different stylistic variations of ten different narratives (Aesop's fables). We used these stories as input for the open source LLM BERT and have analyzed the activation patterns of the hidden units of BERT using multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis. We found that the activation vectors of the hidden units cluster according to stylistic variations in earlier layers of BERT (1) than narrative content (4-5). Despite the fact that BERT consists of 12 identical building blocks that are stacked and trained on large text corpora, the different layers perform different tasks. This is a very useful model of the human brain, where self-similar structures, i.e. different areas of the cerebral cortex, can have different functions and are therefore well suited to processing language in a very efficient way. The proposed approach has the potential to open the black box of LLMs on the one hand, and might be a further step to unravel the neural processes underlying human language processing and cognition in general.

new Large Multimodal Model based Standardisation of Pathology Reports with Confidence and their Prognostic Significance

Authors: Ethar Alzaid, Gabriele Pergola, Harriet Evans, David Snead, Fayyaz Minhas

Abstract: Pathology reports are rich in clinical and pathological details but are often presented in free-text format. The unstructured nature of these reports presents a significant challenge limiting the accessibility of their content. In this work, we present a practical approach based on the use of large multimodal models (LMMs) for automatically extracting information from scanned images of pathology reports with the goal of generating a standardised report specifying the value of different fields along with estimated confidence about the accuracy of the extracted fields. The proposed approach overcomes limitations of existing methods which do not assign confidence scores to extracted fields limiting their practical use. The proposed framework uses two stages of prompting a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) for information extraction and validation. The framework generalises to textual reports from multiple medical centres as well as scanned images of legacy pathology reports. We show that the estimated confidence is an effective indicator of the accuracy of the extracted information that can be used to select only accurately extracted fields. We also show the prognostic significance of structured and unstructured data from pathology reports and show that the automatically extracted field values significant prognostic value for patient stratification. The framework is available for evaluation via the URL:


new Argumentative Large Language Models for Explainable and Contestable Decision-Making

Authors: Gabriel Freedman, Adam Dejl, Deniz Gorur, Xiang Yin, Antonio Rago, Francesca Toni

Abstract: The diversity of knowledge encoded in large language models (LLMs) and their ability to apply this knowledge zero-shot in a range of settings makes them a promising candidate for use in decision-making. However, they are currently limited by their inability to reliably provide outputs which are explainable and contestable. In this paper, we attempt to reconcile these strengths and weaknesses by introducing a method for supplementing LLMs with argumentative reasoning. Concretely, we introduce argumentative LLMs, a method utilising LLMs to construct argumentation frameworks, which then serve as the basis for formal reasoning in decision-making. The interpretable nature of these argumentation frameworks and formal reasoning means that any decision made by the supplemented LLM may be naturally explained to, and contested by, humans. We demonstrate the effectiveness of argumentative LLMs experimentally in the decision-making task of claim verification. We obtain results that are competitive with, and in some cases surpass, comparable state-of-the-art techniques.

new Single and Multi-Hop Question-Answering Datasets for Reticular Chemistry with GPT-4-Turbo

Authors: Nakul Rampal, Kaiyu Wang, Matthew Burigana, Lingxiang Hou, Juri Al-Johani, Anna Sackmann, Hanan S. Murayshid, Walaa Abdullah Al-Sumari, Arwa M. Al-Abdulkarim, Nahla Eid Al-Hazmi, Majed O. Al-Awad, Christian Borgs, Jennifer T. Chayes, Omar M. Yaghi

Abstract: The rapid advancement in artificial intelligence and natural language processing has led to the development of large-scale datasets aimed at benchmarking the performance of machine learning models. Herein, we introduce 'RetChemQA,' a comprehensive benchmark dataset designed to evaluate the capabilities of such models in the domain of reticular chemistry. This dataset includes both single-hop and multi-hop question-answer pairs, encompassing approximately 45,000 Q&As for each type. The questions have been extracted from an extensive corpus of literature containing about 2,530 research papers from publishers including NAS, ACS, RSC, Elsevier, and Nature Publishing Group, among others. The dataset has been generated using OpenAI's GPT-4 Turbo, a cutting-edge model known for its exceptional language understanding and generation capabilities. In addition to the Q&A dataset, we also release a dataset of synthesis conditions extracted from the corpus of literature used in this study. The aim of RetChemQA is to provide a robust platform for the development and evaluation of advanced machine learning algorithms, particularly for the reticular chemistry community. The dataset is structured to reflect the complexities and nuances of real-world scientific discourse, thereby enabling nuanced performance assessments across a variety of tasks. The dataset is available at the following link:


new Optimising Calls to Large Language Models with Uncertainty-Based Two-Tier Selection

Authors: Guillem Ram\'irez, Alexandra Birch, Ivan Titov

Abstract: Researchers and practitioners operating on a limited budget face the cost-performance trade-off dilemma. The challenging decision often centers on whether to use a large LLM with better performance or a smaller one with reduced costs. This has motivated recent research in the optimisation of LLM calls. Either a cascading strategy is used, where a smaller LLM or both are called sequentially, or a routing strategy is used, where only one model is ever called. Both scenarios are dependent on a decision criterion which is typically implemented by an extra neural model. In this work, we propose a simpler solution; we use only the uncertainty of the generations of the small LLM as the decision criterion. We compare our approach with both cascading and routing strategies using three different pairs of pre-trained small and large LLMs, on nine different tasks and against approaches that require an additional neural model. Our experiments reveal this simple solution optimally balances cost and performance, outperforming existing methods on 25 out of 27 experimental setups.

new MedReadMe: A Systematic Study for Fine-grained Sentence Readability in Medical Domain

Authors: Chao Jiang, Wei Xu

Abstract: Medical texts are notoriously challenging to read. Properly measuring their readability is the first step towards making them more accessible. In this paper, we present a systematic study on fine-grained readability measurements in the medical domain at both sentence-level and span-level. We introduce a new dataset MedReadMe, which consists of manually annotated readability ratings and fine-grained complex span annotation for 4,520 sentences, featuring two novel "Google-Easy" and "Google-Hard" categories. It supports our quantitative analysis, which covers 650 linguistic features and automatic complex word and jargon identification. Enabled by our high-quality annotation, we benchmark and improve several state-of-the-art sentence-level readability metrics for the medical domain specifically, which include unsupervised, supervised, and prompting-based methods using recently developed large language models (LLMs). Informed by our fine-grained complex span annotation, we find that adding a single feature, capturing the number of jargon spans, into existing readability formulas can significantly improve their correlation with human judgments. We will publicly release the dataset and code.

new EEG2TEXT: Open Vocabulary EEG-to-Text Decoding with EEG Pre-Training and Multi-View Transformer

Authors: Hanwen Liu, Daniel Hajialigol, Benny Antony, Aiguo Han, Xuan Wang

Abstract: Deciphering the intricacies of the human brain has captivated curiosity for centuries. Recent strides in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) technology, particularly using motor imagery, have restored motor functions such as reaching, grasping, and walking in paralyzed individuals. However, unraveling natural language from brain signals remains a formidable challenge. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive technique used to record electrical activity in the brain by placing electrodes on the scalp. Previous studies of EEG-to-text decoding have achieved high accuracy on small closed vocabularies, but still fall short of high accuracy when dealing with large open vocabularies. We propose a novel method, EEG2TEXT, to improve the accuracy of open vocabulary EEG-to-text decoding. Specifically, EEG2TEXT leverages EEG pre-training to enhance the learning of semantics from EEG signals and proposes a multi-view transformer to model the EEG signal processing by different spatial regions of the brain. Experiments show that EEG2TEXT has superior performance, outperforming the state-of-the-art baseline methods by a large margin of up to 5% in absolute BLEU and ROUGE scores. EEG2TEXT shows great potential for a high-performance open-vocabulary brain-to-text system to facilitate communication.

new Hoaxpedia: A Unified Wikipedia Hoax Articles Dataset

Authors: Hsuvas Borkakoty, Luis Espinosa-Anke

Abstract: Hoaxes are a recognised form of disinformation created deliberately, with potential serious implications in the credibility of reference knowledge resources such as Wikipedia. What makes detecting Wikipedia hoaxes hard is that they often are written according to the official style guidelines. In this work, we first provide a systematic analysis of the similarities and discrepancies between legitimate and hoax Wikipedia articles, and introduce Hoaxpedia, a collection of 311 Hoax articles (from existing literature as well as official Wikipedia lists) alongside semantically similar real articles. We report results of binary classification experiments in the task of predicting whether a Wikipedia article is real or hoax, and analyze several settings as well as a range of language models. Our results suggest that detecting deceitful content in Wikipedia based on content alone, despite not having been explored much in the past, is a promising direction.

new Assessing and Verifying Task Utility in LLM-Powered Applications

Authors: Negar Arabzadeh, Siging Huo, Nikhil Mehta, Qinqyun Wu, Chi Wang, Ahmed Awadallah, Charles L. A. Clarke, Julia Kiseleva

Abstract: The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to a surge in applications that facilitate collaboration among multiple agents, assisting humans in their daily tasks. However, a significant gap remains in assessing to what extent LLM-powered applications genuinely enhance user experience and task execution efficiency. This highlights the need to verify utility of LLM-powered applications, particularly by ensuring alignment between the application's functionality and end-user needs. We introduce AgentEval, a novel framework designed to simplify the utility verification process by automatically proposing a set of criteria tailored to the unique purpose of any given application. This allows for a comprehensive assessment, quantifying the utility of an application against the suggested criteria. We present a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness and robustness of AgentEval for two open source datasets including Math Problem solving and ALFWorld House-hold related tasks. For reproducibility purposes, we make the data, code and all the logs publicly available at .


new Impact of emoji exclusion on the performance of Arabic sarcasm detection models

Authors: Ghalyah H. Aleryani, Wael Deabes, Khaled Albishre, Alaa E. Abdel-Hakim

Abstract: The complex challenge of detecting sarcasm in Arabic speech on social media is increased by the language diversity and the nature of sarcastic expressions. There is a significant gap in the capability of existing models to effectively interpret sarcasm in Arabic, which mandates the necessity for more sophisticated and precise detection methods. In this paper, we investigate the impact of a fundamental preprocessing component on sarcasm speech detection. While emojis play a crucial role in mitigating the absence effect of body language and facial expressions in modern communication, their impact on automated text analysis, particularly in sarcasm detection, remains underexplored. We investigate the impact of emoji exclusion from datasets on the performance of sarcasm detection models in social media content for Arabic as a vocabulary-super rich language. This investigation includes the adaptation and enhancement of AraBERT pre-training models, specifically by excluding emojis, to improve sarcasm detection capabilities. We use AraBERT pre-training to refine the specified models, demonstrating that the removal of emojis can significantly boost the accuracy of sarcasm detection. This approach facilitates a more refined interpretation of language, eliminating the potential confusion introduced by non-textual elements. The evaluated AraBERT models, through the focused strategy of emoji removal, adeptly navigate the complexities of Arabic sarcasm. This study establishes new benchmarks in Arabic natural language processing and presents valuable insights for social media platforms.

new REASONS: A benchmark for REtrieval and Automated citationS Of scieNtific Sentences using Public and Proprietary LLMs

Authors: Deepa Tilwani, Yash Saxena, Ali Mohammadi, Edward Raff, Amit Sheth, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Manas Gaur

Abstract: Automatic citation generation for sentences in a document or report is paramount for intelligence analysts, cybersecurity, news agencies, and education personnel. In this research, we investigate whether large language models (LLMs) are capable of generating references based on two forms of sentence queries: (a) Direct Queries, LLMs are asked to provide author names of the given research article, and (b) Indirect Queries, LLMs are asked to provide the title of a mentioned article when given a sentence from a different article. To demonstrate where LLM stands in this task, we introduce a large dataset called REASONS comprising abstracts of the 12 most popular domains of scientific research on arXiv. From around 20K research articles, we make the following deductions on public and proprietary LLMs: (a) State-of-the-art, often called anthropomorphic GPT-4 and GPT-3.5, suffers from high pass percentage (PP) to minimize the hallucination rate (HR). When tested with (7B), they unexpectedly made more errors; (b) Augmenting relevant metadata lowered the PP and gave the lowest HR; (c) Advance retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) using Mistral demonstrates consistent and robust citation support on indirect queries and matched performance to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. The HR across all domains and models decreased by an average of 41.93% and the PP was reduced to 0% in most cases. In terms of generation quality, the average F1 Score and BLEU were 68.09% and 57.51%, respectively; (d) Testing with adversarial samples showed that LLMs, including the Advance RAG Mistral, struggle to understand context, but the extent of this issue was small in Mistral and GPT-4-Preview. Our study con tributes valuable insights into the reliability of RAG for automated citation generation tasks.

new Vibe-Eval: A hard evaluation suite for measuring progress of multimodal language models

Authors: Piotr Padlewski, Max Bain, Matthew Henderson, Zhongkai Zhu, Nishant Relan, Hai Pham, Donovan Ong, Kaloyan Aleksiev, Aitor Ormazabal, Samuel Phua, Ethan Yeo, Eugenie Lamprecht, Qi Liu, Yuqi Wang, Eric Chen, Deyu Fu, Lei Li, Che Zheng, Cyprien de Masson d'Autume, Dani Yogatama, Mikel Artetxe, Yi Tay

Abstract: We introduce Vibe-Eval: a new open benchmark and framework for evaluating multimodal chat models. Vibe-Eval consists of 269 visual understanding prompts, including 100 of hard difficulty, complete with gold-standard responses authored by experts. Vibe-Eval is open-ended and challenging with dual objectives: (i) vibe checking multimodal chat models for day-to-day tasks and (ii) rigorously testing and probing the capabilities of present frontier models. Notably, our hard set contains >50% questions that all frontier models answer incorrectly. We explore the nuances of designing, evaluating, and ranking models on ultra challenging prompts. We also discuss trade-offs between human and automatic evaluation, and show that automatic model evaluation using Reka Core roughly correlates to human judgment. We offer free API access for the purpose of lightweight evaluation and plan to conduct formal human evaluations for public models that perform well on the Vibe-Eval's automatic scores. We release the evaluation code and data, see


cross Semantically Aligned Question and Code Generation for Automated Insight Generation

Authors: Ananya Singha, Bhavya Chopra, Anirudh Khatry, Sumit Gulwani, Austin Z. Henley, Vu Le, Chris Parnin, Mukul Singh, Gust Verbruggen

Abstract: Automated insight generation is a common tactic for helping knowledge workers, such as data scientists, to quickly understand the potential value of new and unfamiliar data. Unfortunately, automated insights produced by large-language models can generate code that does not correctly correspond (or align) to the insight. In this paper, we leverage the semantic knowledge of large language models to generate targeted and insightful questions about data and the corresponding code to answer those questions. Then through an empirical study on data from Open-WikiTable, we show that embeddings can be effectively used for filtering out semantically unaligned pairs of question and code. Additionally, we found that generating questions and code together yields more diverse questions.

cross Mitigating LLM Hallucinations via Conformal Abstention

Authors: Yasin Abbasi Yadkori, Ilja Kuzborskij, David Stutz, Andr\'as Gy\"orgy, Adam Fisch, Arnaud Doucet, Iuliya Beloshapka, Wei-Hung Weng, Yao-Yuan Yang, Csaba Szepesv\'ari, Ali Taylan Cemgil, Nenad Tomasev

Abstract: We develop a principled procedure for determining when a large language model (LLM) should abstain from responding (e.g., by saying "I don't know") in a general domain, instead of resorting to possibly "hallucinating" a non-sensical or incorrect answer. Building on earlier approaches that use self-consistency as a more reliable measure of model confidence, we propose using the LLM itself to self-evaluate the similarity between each of its sampled responses for a given query. We then further leverage conformal prediction techniques to develop an abstention procedure that benefits from rigorous theoretical guarantees on the hallucination rate (error rate). Experimentally, our resulting conformal abstention method reliably bounds the hallucination rate on various closed-book, open-domain generative question answering datasets, while also maintaining a significantly less conservative abstention rate on a dataset with long responses (Temporal Sequences) compared to baselines using log-probability scores to quantify uncertainty, while achieveing comparable performance on a dataset with short answers (TriviaQA). To evaluate the experiments automatically, one needs to determine if two responses are equivalent given a question. Following standard practice, we use a thresholded similarity function to determine if two responses match, but also provide a method for calibrating the threshold based on conformal prediction, with theoretical guarantees on the accuracy of the match prediction, which might be of independent interest.

cross Software Mention Recognition with a Three-Stage Framework Based on BERTology Models at SOMD 2024

Authors: Thuy Nguyen Thi, Anh Nguyen Viet, Thin Dang Van, Ngan Nguyen Luu Thuy

Abstract: This paper describes our systems for the sub-task I in the Software Mention Detection in Scholarly Publications shared-task. We propose three approaches leveraging different pre-trained language models (BERT, SciBERT, and XLM-R) to tackle this challenge. Our bestperforming system addresses the named entity recognition (NER) problem through a three-stage framework. (1) Entity Sentence Classification - classifies sentences containing potential software mentions; (2) Entity Extraction - detects mentions within classified sentences; (3) Entity Type Classification - categorizes detected mentions into specific software types. Experiments on the official dataset demonstrate that our three-stage framework achieves competitive performance, surpassing both other participating teams and our alternative approaches. As a result, our framework based on the XLM-R-based model achieves a weighted F1-score of 67.80%, delivering our team the 3rd rank in Sub-task I for the Software Mention Recognition task.

cross Tabular Embedding Model (TEM): Finetuning Embedding Models For Tabular RAG Applications

Authors: Sujit Khanna, Shishir Subedi

Abstract: In recent times Large Language Models have exhibited tremendous capabilities, especially in the areas of mathematics, code generation and general-purpose reasoning. However for specialized domains especially in applications that require parsing and analyzing large chunks of numeric or tabular data even state-of-the-art (SOTA) models struggle. In this paper, we introduce a new approach to solving domain-specific tabular data analysis tasks by presenting a unique RAG workflow that mitigates the scalability issues of existing tabular LLM solutions. Specifically, we present Tabular Embedding Model (TEM), a novel approach to fine-tune embedding models for tabular Retrieval-Augmentation Generation (RAG) applications. Embedding models form a crucial component in the RAG workflow and even current SOTA embedding models struggle as they are predominantly trained on textual datasets and thus underperform in scenarios involving complex tabular data. The evaluation results showcase that our approach not only outperforms current SOTA embedding models in this domain but also does so with a notably smaller and more efficient model structure.

cross ALCM: Autonomous LLM-Augmented Causal Discovery Framework

Authors: Elahe Khatibi, Mahyar Abbasian, Zhongqi Yang, Iman Azimi, Amir M. Rahmani

Abstract: To perform effective causal inference in high-dimensional datasets, initiating the process with causal discovery is imperative, wherein a causal graph is generated based on observational data. However, obtaining a complete and accurate causal graph poses a formidable challenge, recognized as an NP-hard problem. Recently, the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has ushered in a new era, indicating their emergent capabilities and widespread applicability in facilitating causal reasoning across diverse domains, such as medicine, finance, and science. The expansive knowledge base of LLMs holds the potential to elevate the field of causal reasoning by offering interpretability, making inferences, generalizability, and uncovering novel causal structures. In this paper, we introduce a new framework, named Autonomous LLM-Augmented Causal Discovery Framework (ALCM), to synergize data-driven causal discovery algorithms and LLMs, automating the generation of a more resilient, accurate, and explicable causal graph. The ALCM consists of three integral components: causal structure learning, causal wrapper, and LLM-driven causal refiner. These components autonomously collaborate within a dynamic environment to address causal discovery questions and deliver plausible causal graphs. We evaluate the ALCM framework by implementing two demonstrations on seven well-known datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that ALCM outperforms existing LLM methods and conventional data-driven causal reasoning mechanisms. This study not only shows the effectiveness of the ALCM but also underscores new research directions in leveraging the causal reasoning capabilities of LLMs.

cross Joint sentiment analysis of lyrics and audio in music

Authors: Lea Schaab, Anna Kruspe

Abstract: Sentiment or mood can express themselves on various levels in music. In automatic analysis, the actual audio data is usually analyzed, but the lyrics can also play a crucial role in the perception of moods. We first evaluate various models for sentiment analysis based on lyrics and audio separately. The corresponding approaches already show satisfactory results, but they also exhibit weaknesses, the causes of which we examine in more detail. Furthermore, different approaches to combining the audio and lyrics results are proposed and evaluated. Considering both modalities generally leads to improved performance. We investigate misclassifications and (also intentional) contradictions between audio and lyrics sentiment more closely, and identify possible causes. Finally, we address fundamental problems in this research area, such as high subjectivity, lack of data, and inconsistency in emotion taxonomies.

cross Evaluating Large Language Models for Structured Science Summarization in the Open Research Knowledge Graph

Authors: Vladyslav Nechakhin, Jennifer D'Souza, Steffen Eger

Abstract: Structured science summaries or research contributions using properties or dimensions beyond traditional keywords enhances science findability. Current methods, such as those used by the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG), involve manually curating properties to describe research papers' contributions in a structured manner, but this is labor-intensive and inconsistent between the domain expert human curators. We propose using Large Language Models (LLMs) to automatically suggest these properties. However, it's essential to assess the readiness of LLMs like GPT-3.5, Llama 2, and Mistral for this task before application. Our study performs a comprehensive comparative analysis between ORKG's manually curated properties and those generated by the aforementioned state-of-the-art LLMs. We evaluate LLM performance through four unique perspectives: semantic alignment and deviation with ORKG properties, fine-grained properties mapping accuracy, SciNCL embeddings-based cosine similarity, and expert surveys comparing manual annotations with LLM outputs. These evaluations occur within a multidisciplinary science setting. Overall, LLMs show potential as recommendation systems for structuring science, but further finetuning is recommended to improve their alignment with scientific tasks and mimicry of human expertise.

cross TIPAA-SSL: Text Independent Phone-to-Audio Alignment based on Self-Supervised Learning and Knowledge Transfer

Authors: No\'e Tits, Prernna Bhatnagar, Thierry Dutoit

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel approach for text independent phone-to-audio alignment based on phoneme recognition, representation learning and knowledge transfer. Our method leverages a self-supervised model (wav2vec2) fine-tuned for phoneme recognition using a Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss, a dimension reduction model and a frame-level phoneme classifier trained thanks to forced-alignment labels (using Montreal Forced Aligner) to produce multi-lingual phonetic representations, thus requiring minimal additional training. We evaluate our model using synthetic native data from the TIMIT dataset and the SCRIBE dataset for American and British English, respectively. Our proposed model outperforms the state-of-the-art (charsiu) in statistical metrics and has applications in language learning and speech processing systems. We leave experiments on other languages for future work but the design of the system makes it easily adaptable to other languages.

cross Unveiling the Potential of LLM-Based ASR on Chinese Open-Source Datasets

Authors: Xuelong Geng, Tianyi Xu, Kun Wei, Bingsheng Mu, Hongfei Xue, He Wang, Yangze Li, Pengcheng Guo, Yuhang Dai, Longhao Li, Mingchen Shao, Lei Xie

Abstract: Large Language Models have demonstrated unparalleled effectiveness in various NLP tasks, and integrating LLMs with automatic speech recognition is becoming a mainstream paradigm. Building upon this momentum, our research delves into an indepth examination of this paradigm on a large opensource Chinese dataset. Specifically, our research aims to evaluate the impact of various configurations of speech encoders, LLMs, and projector modules in the context of the speech foundation encoderLLM ASR paradigm. Furthermore, we introduce a threestage training approach, expressly developed to enhance the model's ability to align auditory and textual information. The implementation of this approach, alongside the strategic integration of ASR components, enabled us to achieve the SOTA performance on the AISHELL1, TestNet, and TestMeeting test sets. Our analysis presents an empirical foundation for future research in LLMbased ASR systems and offers insights into optimizing performance using Chinese datasets. We will publicly release all scripts used for data preparation, training, inference, and scoring, as well as pretrained models and training logs to promote reproducible research.

cross Structural Pruning of Pre-trained Language Models via Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Aaron Klein, Jacek Golebiowski, Xingchen Ma, Valerio Perrone, Cedric Archambeau

Abstract: Pre-trained language models (PLM), for example BERT or RoBERTa, mark the state-of-the-art for natural language understanding task when fine-tuned on labeled data. However, their large size poses challenges in deploying them for inference in real-world applications, due to significant GPU memory requirements and high inference latency. This paper explores neural architecture search (NAS) for structural pruning to find sub-parts of the fine-tuned network that optimally trade-off efficiency, for example in terms of model size or latency, and generalization performance. We also show how we can utilize more recently developed two-stage weight-sharing NAS approaches in this setting to accelerate the search process. Unlike traditional pruning methods with fixed thresholds, we propose to adopt a multi-objective approach that identifies the Pareto optimal set of sub-networks, allowing for a more flexible and automated compression process.

replace InceptionXML: A Lightweight Framework with Synchronized Negative Sampling for Short Text Extreme Classification

Authors: Siddhant Kharbanda, Atmadeep Banerjee, Devaansh Gupta, Akash Palrecha, Rohit Babbar

Abstract: Automatic annotation of short-text data to a large number of target labels, referred to as Short Text Extreme Classification, has found numerous applications including prediction of related searches and product recommendation. In this paper, we propose a convolutional architecture InceptionXML which is light-weight, yet powerful, and robust to the inherent lack of word-order in short-text queries encountered in search and recommendation. We demonstrate the efficacy of applying convolutions by recasting the operation along the embedding dimension instead of the word dimension as applied in conventional CNNs for text classification. Towards scaling our model to datasets with millions of labels, we also propose SyncXML pipeline which improves upon the shortcomings of the recently proposed dynamic hard-negative mining technique for label short-listing by synchronizing the label-shortlister and extreme classifier. SyncXML not only reduces the inference time to half but is also an order of magnitude smaller than state-of-the-art Astec in terms of model size. Through a comprehensive empirical comparison, we show that not only can InceptionXML outperform existing approaches on benchmark datasets but also the transformer baselines requiring only 2% FLOPs. The code for InceptionXML is available at


replace PSentScore: Evaluating Sentiment Polarity in Dialogue Summarization

Authors: Yongxin Zhou, Fabien Ringeval, Fran\c{c}ois Portet

Abstract: Automatic dialogue summarization is a well-established task with the goal of distilling the most crucial information from human conversations into concise textual summaries. However, most existing research has predominantly focused on summarizing factual information, neglecting the affective content, which can hold valuable insights for analyzing, monitoring, or facilitating human interactions. In this paper, we introduce and assess a set of measures PSentScore, aimed at quantifying the preservation of affective content in dialogue summaries. Our findings indicate that state-of-the-art summarization models do not preserve well the affective content within their summaries. Moreover, we demonstrate that a careful selection of the training set for dialogue samples can lead to improved preservation of affective content in the generated summaries, albeit with a minor reduction in content-related metrics.

replace MetaMath: Bootstrap Your Own Mathematical Questions for Large Language Models

Authors: Longhui Yu, Weisen Jiang, Han Shi, Jincheng Yu, Zhengying Liu, Yu Zhang, James T. Kwok, Zhenguo Li, Adrian Weller, Weiyang Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have pushed the limits of natural language understanding and exhibited excellent problem-solving ability. Despite the great success, most existing open-source LLMs (e.g., LLaMA-2) are still far away from satisfactory for solving mathematical problem due to the complex reasoning procedures. To bridge this gap, we propose MetaMath, a fine-tuned language model that specializes in mathematical reasoning. Specifically, we start by bootstrapping mathematical questions by rewriting the question from multiple perspectives without extra knowledge, which results in a new dataset called MetaMathQA. Then we fine-tune the LLaMA-2 models on MetaMathQA. Experimental results on two popular benchmarks (i.e., GSM8K and MATH) for mathematical reasoning demonstrate that MetaMath outperforms a suite of open-source LLMs by a significant margin. Our MetaMath-7B model achieves 66.4% on GSM8K and 19.4% on MATH, exceeding the state-of-the-art models of the same size by 11.5% and 8.7%. Particularly, MetaMath-70B achieves an accuracy of 82.3% on GSM8K, slightly better than GPT-3.5-Turbo. We release all the MetaMathQA dataset, the MetaMath models with different model sizes and the training code for public use.

replace BTR: Binary Token Representations for Efficient Retrieval Augmented Language Models

Authors: Qingqing Cao, Sewon Min, Yizhong Wang, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Retrieval augmentation addresses many critical problems in large language models such as hallucination, staleness, and privacy leaks. However, running retrieval-augmented language models (LMs) is slow and difficult to scale due to processing large amounts of retrieved text. We introduce binary token representations (BTR), which use 1-bit vectors to precompute every token in passages, significantly reducing computation during inference. Despite the potential loss of accuracy, our new calibration techniques and training objectives restore performance. Combined with offline and runtime compression, this only requires 127GB of disk space for encoding 3 billion tokens in Wikipedia. Our experiments show that on five knowledge-intensive NLP tasks, BTR accelerates state-of-the-art inference by up to 4x and reduces storage by over 100x while maintaining over 95% task performance.

replace Can language models learn analogical reasoning? Investigating training objectives and comparisons to human performance

Authors: Molly R. Petersen, Lonneke van der Plas

Abstract: While analogies are a common way to evaluate word embeddings in NLP, it is also of interest to investigate whether or not analogical reasoning is a task in itself that can be learned. In this paper, we test several ways to learn basic analogical reasoning, specifically focusing on analogies that are more typical of what is used to evaluate analogical reasoning in humans than those in commonly used NLP benchmarks. Our experiments find that models are able to learn analogical reasoning, even with a small amount of data. We additionally compare our models to a dataset with a human baseline, and find that after training, models approach human performance.

replace It's About Time: Temporal References in Emergent Communication

Authors: Olaf Lipinski, Adam J. Sobey, Federico Cerutti, Timothy J. Norman

Abstract: Emergent communication studies the development of language between autonomous agents, aiming to improve understanding of natural language evolution and increase communication efficiency. While temporal aspects of language have been considered in computational linguistics, there has been no research on temporal references in emergent communication. This paper addresses this gap, by exploring how agents communicate about temporal relationships. We analyse three potential influences for the emergence of temporal references: environmental, external, and architectural changes. Our experiments demonstrate that altering the loss function is insufficient for temporal references to emerge; rather, architectural changes are necessary. However, a minimal change in agent architecture, using a different batching method, allows the emergence of temporal references. This modified design is compared with the standard architecture in a temporal referential games environment, which emphasises temporal relationships. The analysis indicates that over 95\% of the agents with the modified batching method develop temporal references, without changes to their loss function. We consider temporal referencing necessary for future improvements to the agents' communication efficiency, yielding a closer to optimal coding as compared to purely compositional languages. Our readily transferable architectural insights provide the basis for their incorporation into other emergent communication settings.

replace nach0: Multimodal Natural and Chemical Languages Foundation Model

Authors: Micha Livne, Zulfat Miftahutdinov, Elena Tutubalina, Maksim Kuznetsov, Daniil Polykovskiy, Annika Brundyn, Aastha Jhunjhunwala, Anthony Costa, Alex Aliper, Al\'an Aspuru-Guzik, Alex Zhavoronkov

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have substantially driven scientific progress in various domains, and many papers have demonstrated their ability to tackle complex problems with creative solutions. Our paper introduces a new foundation model, nach0, capable of solving various chemical and biological tasks: biomedical question answering, named entity recognition, molecular generation, molecular synthesis, attributes prediction, and others. nach0 is a multi-domain and multi-task encoder-decoder LLM pre-trained on unlabeled text from scientific literature, patents, and molecule strings to incorporate a range of chemical and linguistic knowledge. We employed instruction tuning, where specific task-related instructions are utilized to fine-tune nach0 for the final set of tasks. To train nach0 effectively, we leverage the NeMo framework, enabling efficient parallel optimization of both base and large model versions. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on single-domain and cross-domain tasks. Furthermore, it can generate high-quality outputs in molecular and textual formats, showcasing its effectiveness in multi-domain setups.

replace Stateful Conformer with Cache-based Inference for Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition

Authors: Vahid Noroozi, Somshubra Majumdar, Ankur Kumar, Jagadeesh Balam, Boris Ginsburg

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an efficient and accurate streaming speech recognition model based on the FastConformer architecture. We adapted the FastConformer architecture for streaming applications through: (1) constraining both the look-ahead and past contexts in the encoder, and (2) introducing an activation caching mechanism to enable the non-autoregressive encoder to operate autoregressively during inference. The proposed model is thoughtfully designed in a way to eliminate the accuracy disparity between the train and inference time which is common for many streaming models. Furthermore, our proposed encoder works with various decoder configurations including Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) and RNN-Transducer (RNNT) decoders. Additionally, we introduced a hybrid CTC/RNNT architecture which utilizes a shared encoder with both a CTC and RNNT decoder to boost the accuracy and save computation. We evaluate the proposed model on LibriSpeech dataset and a multi-domain large scale dataset and demonstrate that it can achieve better accuracy with lower latency and inference time compared to a conventional buffered streaming model baseline. We also showed that training a model with multiple latencies can achieve better accuracy than single latency models while it enables us to support multiple latencies with a single model. Our experiments also showed the hybrid architecture would not only speedup the convergence of the CTC decoder but also improves the accuracy of streaming models compared to single decoder models.

replace Sowing the Wind, Reaping the Whirlwind: The Impact of Editing Language Models

Authors: Rima Hazra, Sayan Layek, Somnath Banerjee, Soujanya Poria

Abstract: In the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence, the concept of Red-Teaming or Jailbreaking large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a crucial area of study. This approach is especially significant in terms of assessing and enhancing the safety and robustness of these models. This paper investigates the intricate consequences of such modifications through model editing, uncovering a complex relationship between enhancing model accuracy and preserving its ethical integrity. Our in-depth analysis reveals a striking paradox: while injecting accurate information is crucial for model reliability, it can paradoxically destabilize the model's foundational framework, resulting in unpredictable and potentially unsafe behaviors. Additionally, we propose a benchmark dataset NicheHazardQA to investigate this unsafe behavior both within the same and cross topical domain. This aspect of our research sheds light on how the edits, impact the model's safety metrics and guardrails. Our findings show that model editing serves as a cost-effective tool for topical red-teaming by methodically applying targeted edits and evaluating the resultant model behavior.

replace Careless Whisper: Speech-to-Text Hallucination Harms

Authors: Allison Koenecke, Anna Seo Gyeong Choi, Katelyn X. Mei, Hilke Schellmann, Mona Sloane

Abstract: Speech-to-text services aim to transcribe input audio as accurately as possible. They increasingly play a role in everyday life, for example in personal voice assistants or in customer-company interactions. We evaluate Open AI's Whisper, a state-of-the-art automated speech recognition service outperforming industry competitors, as of 2023. While many of Whisper's transcriptions were highly accurate, we find that roughly 1\% of audio transcriptions contained entire hallucinated phrases or sentences which did not exist in any form in the underlying audio. We thematically analyze the Whisper-hallucinated content, finding that 38\% of hallucinations include explicit harms such as perpetuating violence, making up inaccurate associations, or implying false authority. We then study why hallucinations occur by observing the disparities in hallucination rates between speakers with aphasia (who have a lowered ability to express themselves using speech and voice) and a control group. We find that hallucinations disproportionately occur for individuals who speak with longer shares of non-vocal durations -- a common symptom of aphasia. We call on industry practitioners to ameliorate these language-model-based hallucinations in Whisper, and to raise awareness of potential biases amplified by hallucinations in downstream applications of speech-to-text models.

replace LUCID: LLM-Generated Utterances for Complex and Interesting Dialogues

Authors: Joe Stacey, Jianpeng Cheng, John Torr, Tristan Guigue, Joris Driesen, Alexandru Coca, Mark Gaynor, Anders Johannsen

Abstract: Spurred by recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), virtual assistants are poised to take a leap forward in terms of their dialogue capabilities. Yet a major bottleneck to achieving genuinely transformative task-oriented dialogue capabilities remains the scarcity of high quality data. Existing datasets, while impressive in scale, have limited domain coverage and contain few genuinely challenging conversational phenomena; those which are present are typically unlabelled, making it difficult to assess the strengths and weaknesses of models without time-consuming and costly human evaluation. Moreover, creating high quality dialogue data has until now required considerable human input, limiting both the scale of these datasets and the ability to rapidly bootstrap data for a new target domain. We aim to overcome these issues with LUCID, a modularised and highly automated LLM-driven data generation system that produces realistic, diverse and challenging dialogues. We use LUCID to generate a seed dataset of 4,277 conversations across 100 intents to demonstrate its capabilities, with a human review finding consistently high quality labels in the generated data.

replace Fisher Mask Nodes for Language Model Merging

Authors: Thennal D K, Ganesh Nathan, Suchithra M S

Abstract: Fine-tuning pre-trained models provides significant advantages in downstream performance. The ubiquitous nature of pre-trained models such as BERT and its derivatives in natural language processing has also led to a proliferation of task-specific fine-tuned models. As these models typically only perform one task well, additional training or ensembling is required in multi-task scenarios. The growing field of model merging provides a solution, dealing with the challenge of combining multiple task-specific models into a single multi-task model. In this study, we introduce a novel model merging method for Transformers, combining insights from previous work in Fisher-weighted averaging and the use of Fisher information in model pruning. Utilizing the Fisher information of mask nodes within the Transformer architecture, we devise a computationally efficient weighted-averaging scheme. Our method exhibits a regular and significant performance increase across various models in the BERT family, outperforming full-scale Fisher-weighted averaging in a fraction of the computational cost, with baseline performance improvements of up to +6.5 and a speedup between 57.4x and 321.7x across models. Our results prove the potential of our method in current multi-task learning environments and suggest its scalability and adaptability to new model architectures and learning scenarios.

replace From Explainable to Interpretable Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing in Healthcare: How Far from Reality?

Authors: Guangming Huang, Yingya Li, Shoaib Jameel, Yunfei Long, Giorgos Papanastasiou

Abstract: Deep learning (DL) has substantially enhanced natural language processing (NLP) in healthcare research. However, the increasing complexity of DL-based NLP necessitates transparent model interpretability, or at least explainability, for reliable decision-making. This work presents a thorough scoping review of explainable and interpretable DL in healthcare NLP. The term "eXplainable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence" (XIAI) is introduced to distinguish XAI from IAI. Different models are further categorized based on their functionality (model-, input-, output-based) and scope (local, global). Our analysis shows that attention mechanisms are the most prevalent emerging IAI technique. The use of IAI is growing, distinguishing it from XAI. The major challenges identified are that most XIAI does not explore "global" modelling processes, the lack of best practices, and the lack of systematic evaluation and benchmarks. One important opportunity is to use attention mechanisms to enhance multi-modal XIAI for personalized medicine. Additionally, combining DL with causal logic holds promise. Our discussion encourages the integration of XIAI in Large Language Models (LLMs) and domain-specific smaller models. In conclusion, XIAI adoption in healthcare requires dedicated in-house expertise. Collaboration with domain experts, end-users, and policymakers can lead to ready-to-use XIAI methods across NLP and medical tasks. While challenges exist, XIAI techniques offer a valuable foundation for interpretable NLP algorithms in healthcare.

replace Can Large Language Models (or Humans) Disentangle Text?

Authors: Nicolas Audinet de Pieuchon, Adel Daoud, Connor Thomas Jerzak, Moa Johansson, Richard Johansson

Abstract: We investigate the potential of large language models (LLMs) to disentangle text variables--to remove the textual traces of an undesired forbidden variable in a task sometimes known as text distillation and closely related to the fairness in AI and causal inference literature. We employ a range of various LLM approaches in an attempt to disentangle text by identifying and removing information about a target variable while preserving other relevant signals. We show that in the strong test of removing sentiment, the statistical association between the processed text and sentiment is still detectable to machine learning classifiers post-LLM-disentanglement. Furthermore, we find that human annotators also struggle to disentangle sentiment while preserving other semantic content. This suggests there may be limited separability between concept variables in some text contexts, highlighting limitations of methods relying on text-level transformations and also raising questions about the robustness of disentanglement methods that achieve statistical independence in representation space.

replace On the Effect of (Near) Duplicate Subwords in Language Modelling

Authors: Anton Sch\"afer, Thomas Hofmann, Imanol Schlag, Tiago Pimentel

Abstract: Tokenisation is a core part of language models (LMs). It involves splitting a character sequence into subwords which are assigned arbitrary indices before being served to the LM. While typically lossless, however, this process may lead to less sample efficient LM training: as it removes character-level information, it could make it harder for LMs to generalise across similar subwords, such as now and Now. We refer to such subwords as near duplicates. In this paper, we study the impact of near duplicate subwords on LM training efficiency. First, we design an experiment that gives us an upper bound to how much we should expect a model to improve if we could perfectly generalise across near duplicates. We do this by duplicating each subword in our LM's vocabulary, creating perfectly equivalent classes of subwords. Experimentally, we find that LMs need roughly 17% more data when trained in a fully duplicated setting. Second, we investigate the impact of naturally occurring near duplicates on LMs. Here, we see that merging them considerably hurts LM performance. Therefore, although subword duplication negatively impacts LM training efficiency, naturally occurring near duplicates may not be as similar as anticipated, limiting the potential for performance improvements.

replace Revisiting Multi-modal Emotion Learning with Broad State Space Models and Probability-guidance Fusion

Authors: Yuntao Shou, Tao Meng, Fuchen Zhang, Nan Yin, Keqin Li

Abstract: Multi-modal Emotion Recognition in Conversation (MERC) has received considerable attention in various fields, e.g., human-computer interaction and recommendation systems. Most existing works perform feature disentanglement and fusion to extract emotional contextual information from multi-modal features and emotion classification. After revisiting the characteristic of MERC, we argue that long-range contextual semantic information should be extracted in the feature disentanglement stage and the inter-modal semantic information consistency should be maximized in the feature fusion stage. Inspired by recent State Space Models (SSMs), Mamba can efficiently model long-distance dependencies. Therefore, in this work, we fully consider the above insights to further improve the performance of MERC. Specifically, on the one hand, in the feature disentanglement stage, we propose a Broad Mamba, which does not rely on a self-attention mechanism for sequence modeling, but uses state space models to compress emotional representation, and utilizes broad learning systems to explore the potential data distribution in broad space. Different from previous SSMs, we design a bidirectional SSM convolution to extract global context information. On the other hand, we design a multi-modal fusion strategy based on probability guidance to maximize the consistency of information between modalities. Experimental results show that the proposed method can overcome the computational and memory limitations of Transformer when modeling long-distance contexts, and has great potential to become a next-generation general architecture in MERC.

replace Revisiting Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Conversation from the Perspective of Graph Spectrum

Authors: Tao Meng, Fuchen Zhang, Yuntao Shou, Wei Ai, Nan Yin, Keqin Li

Abstract: Efficiently capturing consistent and complementary semantic features in a multimodal conversation context is crucial for Multimodal Emotion Recognition in Conversation (MERC). Existing methods mainly use graph structures to model dialogue context semantic dependencies and employ Graph Neural Networks (GNN) to capture multimodal semantic features for emotion recognition. However, these methods are limited by some inherent characteristics of GNN, such as over-smoothing and low-pass filtering, resulting in the inability to learn long-distance consistency information and complementary information efficiently. Since consistency and complementarity information correspond to low-frequency and high-frequency information, respectively, this paper revisits the problem of multimodal emotion recognition in conversation from the perspective of the graph spectrum. Specifically, we propose a Graph-Spectrum-based Multimodal Consistency and Complementary collaborative learning framework GS-MCC. First, GS-MCC uses a sliding window to construct a multimodal interaction graph to model conversational relationships and uses efficient Fourier graph operators to extract long-distance high-frequency and low-frequency information, respectively. Then, GS-MCC uses contrastive learning to construct self-supervised signals that reflect complementarity and consistent semantic collaboration with high and low-frequency signals, thereby improving the ability of high and low-frequency information to reflect real emotions. Finally, GS-MCC inputs the collaborative high and low-frequency information into the MLP network and softmax function for emotion prediction. Extensive experiments have proven the superiority of the GS-MCC architecture proposed in this paper on two benchmark data sets.

replace A Careful Examination of Large Language Model Performance on Grade School Arithmetic

Authors: Hugh Zhang, Jeff Da, Dean Lee, Vaughn Robinson, Catherine Wu, Will Song, Tiffany Zhao, Pranav Raja, Dylan Slack, Qin Lyu, Sean Hendryx, Russell Kaplan, Michele Lunati, Summer Yue

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive success on many benchmarks for mathematical reasoning. However, there is growing concern that some of this performance actually reflects dataset contamination, where data closely resembling benchmark questions leaks into the training data, instead of true reasoning ability. To investigate this claim rigorously, we commission Grade School Math 1000 (GSM1k). GSM1k is designed to mirror the style and complexity of the established GSM8k benchmark, the gold standard for measuring elementary mathematical reasoning. We ensure that the two benchmarks are comparable across important metrics such as human solve rates, number of steps in solution, answer magnitude, and more. When evaluating leading open- and closed-source LLMs on GSM1k, we observe accuracy drops of up to 13%, with several families of models (e.g., Phi and Mistral) showing evidence of systematic overfitting across almost all model sizes. At the same time, many models, especially those on the frontier, (e.g., Gemini/GPT/Claude) show minimal signs of overfitting. Further analysis suggests a positive relationship (Spearman's r^2=0.32) between a model's probability of generating an example from GSM8k and its performance gap between GSM8k and GSM1k, suggesting that many models may have partially memorized GSM8k.

replace BiomedRAG: A Retrieval Augmented Large Language Model for Biomedicine

Authors: Mingchen Li, Halil Kilicoglu, Hua Xu, Rui Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have swiftly emerged as vital resources for different applications in the biomedical and healthcare domains; however, these models encounter issues such as generating inaccurate information or hallucinations. Retrieval-augmented generation provided a solution for these models to update knowledge and enhance their performance. In contrast to previous retrieval-augmented LMs, which utilize specialized cross-attention mechanisms to help LLM encode retrieved text, BiomedRAG adopts a simpler approach by directly inputting the retrieved chunk-based documents into the LLM. This straightforward design is easily applicable to existing retrieval and language models, effectively bypassing noise information in retrieved documents, particularly in noise-intensive tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for utilizing the LLM to supervise the retrieval model in the biomedical domain, enabling it to retrieve the document that assists the LM in improving its predictions. Our experiments reveal that with the tuned scorer,\textsc{ BiomedRAG} attains superior performance across 5 biomedical NLP tasks, encompassing information extraction (triple extraction, relation extraction), text classification, link prediction, and question-answering, leveraging over 9 datasets. For instance, in the triple extraction task, \textsc{BiomedRAG} outperforms other triple extraction systems with micro-F1 scores of 81.42 and 88.83 on GIT and ChemProt corpora, respectively.

replace Fake Artificial Intelligence Generated Contents (FAIGC): A Survey of Theories, Detection Methods, and Opportunities

Authors: Xiaomin Yu, Yezhaohui Wang, Yanfang Chen, Zhen Tao, Dinghao Xi, Shichao Song, Simin Niu, Zhiyu Li

Abstract: In recent years, generative artificial intelligence models, represented by Large Language Models (LLMs) and Diffusion Models (DMs), have revolutionized content production methods. These artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) have become deeply embedded in various aspects of daily life and work. However, these technologies have also led to the emergence of Fake Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (FAIGC), posing new challenges in distinguishing genuine information. It is crucial to recognize that AIGC technology is akin to a double-edged sword; its potent generative capabilities, while beneficial, also pose risks for the creation and dissemination of FAIGC. In this survey, We propose a new taxonomy that provides a more comprehensive breakdown of the space of FAIGC methods today. Next, we explore the modalities and generative technologies of FAIGC. We introduce FAIGC detection methods and summarize the related benchmark from various perspectives. Finally, we discuss outstanding challenges and promising areas for future research.

replace UniGen: Universal Domain Generalization for Sentiment Classification via Zero-shot Dataset Generation

Authors: Juhwan Choi, Yeonghwa Kim, Seunguk Yu, JungMin Yun, YoungBin Kim

Abstract: Although pre-trained language models have exhibited great flexibility and versatility with prompt-based few-shot learning, they suffer from the extensive parameter size and limited applicability for inference. Recent studies have suggested that PLMs be used as dataset generators and a tiny task-specific model be trained to achieve efficient inference. However, their applicability to various domains is limited because they tend to generate domain-specific datasets. In this work, we propose a novel approach to universal domain generalization that generates a dataset regardless of the target domain. This allows for generalization of the tiny task model to any domain that shares the label space, thus enhancing the real-world applicability of the dataset generation paradigm. Our experiments indicate that the proposed method accomplishes generalizability across various domains while using a parameter set that is orders of magnitude smaller than PLMs.

replace-cross AdaRefiner: Refining Decisions of Language Models with Adaptive Feedback

Authors: Wanpeng Zhang, Zongqing Lu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant success across various domains. However, their application in complex decision-making tasks frequently necessitates intricate prompt engineering or fine-tuning, leading to challenges in unseen downstream tasks and heavy demands on computational resources. Meanwhile, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been recognized as effective in decision-making problems but struggles in environments with sparse rewards, such as open-world games. To overcome these challenges, we introduce AdaRefiner, a novel framework designed to enhance the synergy between LLMs and RL feedback. The key component of AdaRefiner is a lightweight Adapter Language Model (LM), which automatically refines task comprehension based on feedback from RL agents. This method mitigates the need for intricate prompt engineering and intensive LLM fine-tuning while maintaining the LLMs' generalization abilities and enhancing their decision-making capabilities in downstream tasks. Empirical evaluations of AdaRefiner on 22 diverse tasks within the open-world game Crafter have demonstrated its superior effectiveness, especially in guiding agents towards higher-level and common-sense skills. Our work makes contributions to the automatic self-refinement of LLMs with RL feedback, offering a more adaptable and efficient solution for complex decision-making problems.

replace-cross From Neural Activations to Concepts: A Survey on Explaining Concepts in Neural Networks

Authors: Jae Hee Lee, Sergio Lanza, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: In this paper, we review recent approaches for explaining concepts in neural networks. Concepts can act as a natural link between learning and reasoning: once the concepts are identified that a neural learning system uses, one can integrate those concepts with a reasoning system for inference or use a reasoning system to act upon them to improve or enhance the learning system. On the other hand, knowledge can not only be extracted from neural networks but concept knowledge can also be inserted into neural network architectures. Since integrating learning and reasoning is at the core of neuro-symbolic AI, the insights gained from this survey can serve as an important step towards realizing neuro-symbolic AI based on explainable concepts.

replace-cross Offline Training of Language Model Agents with Functions as Learnable Weights

Authors: Shaokun Zhang, Jieyu Zhang, Jiale Liu, Linxin Song, Chi Wang, Ranjay Krishna, Qingyun Wu

Abstract: Researchers and practitioners have recently reframed powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) as agents, enabling them to automate complex tasks largely via the use of specialized functions. To facilitate the development of LLM agents, we present a novel paradigm of training LLM agents without modifying the LLM weights, which is particularly useful when the LLMs are difficult or inaccessible for modifications. Inspired by how humans continuously forge tools to adapt to real-world tasks, rather than change our biological structure to fit a static set of tools, we propose to progressively forge agent's functions to better solve the downstream tasks instead of modifying the LLM weights. By treating the functions as learnable `agent parameters' and leveraging the fundamental idea of model training in artificial intelligence, we develop AgentOptimizer that employs the LLM to update agents' functions and devise an agent training algorithm with two strategies, roll-back, and early-stop, to streamline the training process. With extensive experiments, we showcase that the agent training paradigm could significantly improve the performance of representative LLM agents in various downstream tasks. We also study the behavior of the agent training regarding aspects like the learning curve and domain transferability.

replace-cross Wisdom of the Silicon Crowd: LLM Ensemble Prediction Capabilities Rival Human Crowd Accuracy

Authors: Philipp Schoenegger, Indre Tuminauskaite, Peter S. Park, Philip E. Tetlock

Abstract: Human forecasting accuracy in practice relies on the 'wisdom of the crowd' effect, in which predictions about future events are significantly improved by aggregating across a crowd of individual forecasters. Past work on the forecasting ability of large language models (LLMs) suggests that frontier LLMs, as individual forecasters, underperform compared to the gold standard of a human crowd forecasting tournament aggregate. In Study 1, we expand this research by using an LLM ensemble approach consisting of a crowd of twelve LLMs. We compare the aggregated LLM predictions on 31 binary questions to that of a crowd of 925 human forecasters from a three-month forecasting tournament. Our preregistered main analysis shows that the LLM crowd outperforms a simple no-information benchmark and is not statistically different from the human crowd. In exploratory analyses, we find that these two approaches are equivalent with respect to medium-effect-size equivalence bounds. We also observe an acquiescence effect, with mean model predictions being significantly above 50%, despite an almost even split of positive and negative resolutions. Moreover, in Study 2, we test whether LLM predictions (of GPT-4 and Claude 2) can be improved by drawing on human cognitive output. We find that both models' forecasting accuracy benefits from exposure to the median human prediction as information, improving accuracy by between 17% and 28%: though this leads to less accurate predictions than simply averaging human and machine forecasts. Our results suggest that LLMs can achieve forecasting accuracy rivaling that of human crowd forecasting tournaments: via the simple, practically applicable method of forecast aggregation. This replicates the 'wisdom of the crowd' effect for LLMs, and opens up their use for a variety of applications throughout society.

replace-cross Utilizing Deep Learning to Optimize Software Development Processes

Authors: Keqin Li, Armando Zhu, Peng Zhao, Jintong Song, Jiabei Liu

Abstract: This study explores the application of deep learning technologies in software development processes, particularly in automating code reviews, error prediction, and test generation to enhance code quality and development efficiency. Through a series of empirical studies, experimental groups using deep learning tools and control groups using traditional methods were compared in terms of code error rates and project completion times. The results demonstrated significant improvements in the experimental group, validating the effectiveness of deep learning technologies. The research also discusses potential optimization points, methodologies, and technical challenges of deep learning in software development, as well as how to integrate these technologies into existing software development workflows.