new Configurable Learned Holography

Authors: Yicheng Zhan, Liang Shi, Wojciech Matusik, Qi Sun, Kaan Ak\c{s}it

Abstract: In the pursuit of advancing holographic display technology, we face a unique yet persistent roadblock: the inflexibility of learned holography in adapting to various hardware configurations. This is due to the variances in the complex optical components and system settings in existing holographic displays. Although the emerging learned approaches have enabled rapid and high-quality hologram generation, any alteration in display hardware still requires a retraining of the model. Our work introduces a configurable learned model that interactively computes 3D holograms from RGB-only 2D images for a variety of holographic displays. The model can be conditioned to predefined hardware parameters of existing holographic displays such as working wavelengths, pixel pitch, propagation distance, and peak brightness without having to retrain. In addition, our model accommodates various hologram types, including conventional single-color and emerging multi-color holograms that simultaneously use multiple color primaries in holographic displays. Notably, we enabled our hologram computations to rely on identifying the correlation between depth estimation and 3D hologram synthesis tasks within the learning domain for the first time in the literature. We employ knowledge distillation via a student-teacher learning strategy to streamline our model for interactive performance. Achieving up to a 2x speed improvement compared to state-of-the-art models while consistently generating high-quality 3D holograms with different hardware configurations.

new Explainable AI (XAI) in Image Segmentation in Medicine, Industry, and Beyond: A Survey

Authors: Rokas Gipi\v{s}kis, Chun-Wei Tsai, Olga Kurasova

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has found numerous applications in computer vision. While image classification-based explainability techniques have garnered significant attention, their counterparts in semantic segmentation have been relatively neglected. Given the prevalent use of image segmentation, ranging from medical to industrial deployments, these techniques warrant a systematic look. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive survey on XAI in semantic image segmentation. This work focuses on techniques that were either specifically introduced for dense prediction tasks or were extended for them by modifying existing methods in classification. We analyze and categorize the literature based on application categories and domains, as well as the evaluation metrics and datasets used. We also propose a taxonomy for interpretable semantic segmentation, and discuss potential challenges and future research directions.

new Explaining models relating objects and privacy

Authors: Alessio Xompero, Myriam Bontonou, Jean-Michel Arbona, Emmanouil Benetos, Andrea Cavallaro

Abstract: Accurately predicting whether an image is private before sharing it online is difficult due to the vast variety of content and the subjective nature of privacy itself. In this paper, we evaluate privacy models that use objects extracted from an image to determine why the image is predicted as private. To explain the decision of these models, we use feature-attribution to identify and quantify which objects (and which of their features) are more relevant to privacy classification with respect to a reference input (i.e., no objects localised in an image) predicted as public. We show that the presence of the person category and its cardinality is the main factor for the privacy decision. Therefore, these models mostly fail to identify private images depicting documents with sensitive data, vehicle ownership, and internet activity, or public images with people (e.g., an outdoor concert or people walking in a public space next to a famous landmark). As baselines for future benchmarks, we also devise two strategies that are based on the person presence and cardinality and achieve comparable classification performance of the privacy models.

new Key Patches Are All You Need: A Multiple Instance Learning Framework For Robust Medical Diagnosis

Authors: Diogo J. Ara\'ujo, M. Rita Verdelho, Alceu Bissoto, Jacinto C. Nascimento, Carlos Santiago, Catarina Barata

Abstract: Deep learning models have revolutionized the field of medical image analysis, due to their outstanding performances. However, they are sensitive to spurious correlations, often taking advantage of dataset bias to improve results for in-domain data, but jeopardizing their generalization capabilities. In this paper, we propose to limit the amount of information these models use to reach the final classification, by using a multiple instance learning (MIL) framework. MIL forces the model to use only a (small) subset of patches in the image, identifying discriminative regions. This mimics the clinical procedures, where medical decisions are based on localized findings. We evaluate our framework on two medical applications: skin cancer diagnosis using dermoscopy and breast cancer diagnosis using mammography. Our results show that using only a subset of the patches does not compromise diagnostic performance for in-domain data, compared to the baseline approaches. However, our approach is more robust to shifts in patient demographics, while also providing more detailed explanations about which regions contributed to the decision. Code is available at:


new S4: Self-Supervised Sensing Across the Spectrum

Authors: Jayanth Shenoy, Xinjian Davis Zhang, Shlok Mehrotra, Bill Tao, Rem Yang, Han Zhao, Deepak Vasisht

Abstract: Satellite image time series (SITS) segmentation is crucial for many applications like environmental monitoring, land cover mapping and agricultural crop type classification. However, training models for SITS segmentation remains a challenging task due to the lack of abundant training data, which requires fine grained annotation. We propose S4 a new self-supervised pre-training approach that significantly reduces the requirement for labeled training data by utilizing two new insights: (a) Satellites capture images in different parts of the spectrum such as radio frequencies, and visible frequencies. (b) Satellite imagery is geo-registered allowing for fine-grained spatial alignment. We use these insights to formulate pre-training tasks in S4. We also curate m2s2-SITS, a large-scale dataset of unlabeled, spatially-aligned, multi-modal and geographic specific SITS that serves as representative pre-training data for S4. Finally, we evaluate S4 on multiple SITS segmentation datasets and demonstrate its efficacy against competing baselines while using limited labeled data.

new Out-of-distribution detection based on subspace projection of high-dimensional features output by the last convolutional layer

Authors: Qiuyu Zhu, Yiwei He

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, crucial for reliable pattern classification, discerns whether a sample originates outside the training distribution. This paper concentrates on the high-dimensional features output by the final convolutional layer, which contain rich image features. Our key idea is to project these high-dimensional features into two specific feature subspaces, leveraging the dimensionality reduction capacity of the network's linear layers, trained with Predefined Evenly-Distribution Class Centroids (PEDCC)-Loss. This involves calculating the cosines of three projection angles and the norm values of features, thereby identifying distinctive information for in-distribution (ID) and OOD data, which assists in OOD detection. Building upon this, we have modified the batch normalization (BN) and ReLU layer preceding the fully connected layer, diminishing their impact on the output feature distributions and thereby widening the distribution gap between ID and OOD data features. Our method requires only the training of the classification network model, eschewing any need for input pre-processing or specific OOD data pre-tuning. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets demonstrates that our approach delivers state-of-the-art performance. Our code is available at


new Adapting Self-Supervised Learning for Computational Pathology

Authors: Eric Zimmermann, Neil Tenenholtz, James Hall, George Shaikovski, Michal Zelechowski, Adam Casson, Fausto Milletari, Julian Viret, Eugene Vorontsov, Siqi Liu, Kristen Severson

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) has emerged as a key technique for training networks that can generalize well to diverse tasks without task-specific supervision. This property makes SSL desirable for computational pathology, the study of digitized images of tissues, as there are many target applications and often limited labeled training samples. However, SSL algorithms and models have been primarily developed in the field of natural images and whether their performance can be improved by adaptation to particular domains remains an open question. In this work, we present an investigation of modifications to SSL for pathology data, specifically focusing on the DINOv2 algorithm. We propose alternative augmentations, regularization functions, and position encodings motivated by the characteristics of pathology images. We evaluate the impact of these changes on several benchmarks to demonstrate the value of tailored approaches.

new Language-Enhanced Latent Representations for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Zhenjiang Mao, Dong-You Jhong, Ao Wang, Ivan Ruchkin

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is essential in autonomous driving, to determine when learning-based components encounter unexpected inputs. Traditional detectors typically use encoder models with fixed settings, thus lacking effective human interaction capabilities. With the rise of large foundation models, multimodal inputs offer the possibility of taking human language as a latent representation, thus enabling language-defined OOD detection. In this paper, we use the cosine similarity of image and text representations encoded by the multimodal model CLIP as a new representation to improve the transparency and controllability of latent encodings used for visual anomaly detection. We compare our approach with existing pre-trained encoders that can only produce latent representations that are meaningless from the user's standpoint. Our experiments on realistic driving data show that the language-based latent representation performs better than the traditional representation of the vision encoder and helps improve the detection performance when combined with standard representations.

new SOAR: Advancements in Small Body Object Detection for Aerial Imagery Using State Space Models and Programmable Gradients

Authors: Tushar Verma, Jyotsna Singh, Yash Bhartari, Rishi Jarwal, Suraj Singh, Shubhkarman Singh

Abstract: Small object detection in aerial imagery presents significant challenges in computer vision due to the minimal data inherent in small-sized objects and their propensity to be obscured by larger objects and background noise. Traditional methods using transformer-based models often face limitations stemming from the lack of specialized databases, which adversely affect their performance with objects of varying orientations and scales. This underscores the need for more adaptable, lightweight models. In response, this paper introduces two innovative approaches that significantly enhance detection and segmentation capabilities for small aerial objects. Firstly, we explore the use of the SAHI framework on the newly introduced lightweight YOLO v9 architecture, which utilizes Programmable Gradient Information (PGI) to reduce the substantial information loss typically encountered in sequential feature extraction processes. The paper employs the Vision Mamba model, which incorporates position embeddings to facilitate precise location-aware visual understanding, combined with a novel bidirectional State Space Model (SSM) for effective visual context modeling. This State Space Model adeptly harnesses the linear complexity of CNNs and the global receptive field of Transformers, making it particularly effective in remote sensing image classification. Our experimental results demonstrate substantial improvements in detection accuracy and processing efficiency, validating the applicability of these approaches for real-time small object detection across diverse aerial scenarios. This paper also discusses how these methodologies could serve as foundational models for future advancements in aerial object recognition technologies. The source code will be made accessible here.

new Active Learning Enabled Low-cost Cell Image Segmentation Using Bounding Box Annotation

Authors: Yu Zhu, Qiang Yang, Li Xu

Abstract: Cell image segmentation is usually implemented using fully supervised deep learning methods, which heavily rely on extensive annotated training data. Yet, due to the complexity of cell morphology and the requirement for specialized knowledge, pixel-level annotation of cell images has become a highly labor-intensive task. To address the above problems, we propose an active learning framework for cell segmentation using bounding box annotations, which greatly reduces the data annotation cost of cell segmentation algorithms. First, we generate a box-supervised learning method (denoted as YOLO-SAM) by combining the YOLOv8 detector with the Segment Anything Model (SAM), which effectively reduces the complexity of data annotation. Furthermore, it is integrated into an active learning framework that employs the MC DropBlock method to train the segmentation model with fewer box-annotated samples. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model saves more than ninety percent of data annotation time compared to mask-supervised deep learning methods.

new Long Tail Image Generation Through Feature Space Augmentation and Iterated Learning

Authors: Rafael Elberg, Denis Parra, Mircea Petrache

Abstract: Image and multimodal machine learning tasks are very challenging to solve in the case of poorly distributed data. In particular, data availability and privacy restrictions exacerbate these hurdles in the medical domain. The state of the art in image generation quality is held by Latent Diffusion models, making them prime candidates for tackling this problem. However, a few key issues still need to be solved, such as the difficulty in generating data from under-represented classes and a slow inference process. To mitigate these issues, we propose a new method for image augmentation in long-tailed data based on leveraging the rich latent space of pre-trained Stable Diffusion Models. We create a modified separable latent space to mix head and tail class examples. We build this space via Iterated Learning of underlying sparsified embeddings, which we apply to task-specific saliency maps via a K-NN approach. Code is available at


new Zero-Shot Monocular Motion Segmentation in the Wild by Combining Deep Learning with Geometric Motion Model Fusion

Authors: Yuxiang Huang, Yuhao Chen, John Zelek

Abstract: Detecting and segmenting moving objects from a moving monocular camera is challenging in the presence of unknown camera motion, diverse object motions and complex scene structures. Most existing methods rely on a single motion cue to perform motion segmentation, which is usually insufficient when facing different complex environments. While a few recent deep learning based methods are able to combine multiple motion cues to achieve improved accuracy, they depend heavily on vast datasets and extensive annotations, making them less adaptable to new scenarios. To address these limitations, we propose a novel monocular dense segmentation method that achieves state-of-the-art motion segmentation results in a zero-shot manner. The proposed method synergestically combines the strengths of deep learning and geometric model fusion methods by performing geometric model fusion on object proposals. Experiments show that our method achieves competitive results on several motion segmentation datasets and even surpasses some state-of-the-art supervised methods on certain benchmarks, while not being trained on any data. We also present an ablation study to show the effectiveness of combining different geometric models together for motion segmentation, highlighting the value of our geometric model fusion strategy.

new Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Quantum Transfer Learning

Authors: Ankush Jain, Rinav Gupta, Jai Singhal

Abstract: Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), a prevalent complication in diabetes patients, can lead to vision impairment due to lesions formed on the retina. Detecting DR at an advanced stage often results in irreversible blindness. The traditional process of diagnosing DR through retina fundus images by ophthalmologists is not only time-intensive but also expensive. While classical transfer learning models have been widely adopted for computer-aided detection of DR, their high maintenance costs can hinder their detection efficiency. In contrast, Quantum Transfer Learning offers a more effective solution to this challenge. This approach is notably advantageous because it operates on heuristic principles, making it highly optimized for the task. Our proposed methodology leverages this hybrid quantum transfer learning technique to detect DR. To construct our model, we utilize the APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection dataset, available on Kaggle. We employ the ResNet-18, ResNet34, ResNet50, ResNet101, ResNet152 and Inception V3, pre-trained classical neural networks, for the initial feature extraction. For the classification stage, we use a Variational Quantum Classifier. Our hybrid quantum model has shown remarkable results, achieving an accuracy of 97% for ResNet-18. This demonstrates that quantum computing, when integrated with quantum machine learning, can perform tasks with a level of power and efficiency unattainable by classical computers alone. By harnessing these advanced technologies, we can significantly improve the detection and diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy, potentially saving many from the risk of blindness. Keywords: Diabetic Retinopathy, Quantum Transfer Learning, Deep Learning

new Improving Concept Alignment in Vision-Language Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Nithish Muthuchamy Selvaraj, Xiaobao Guo, Bingquan Shen, Adams Wai-Kin Kong, Alex Kot

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBM) map the input image to a high-level human-understandable concept space and then make class predictions based on these concepts. Recent approaches automate the construction of CBM by prompting Large Language Models (LLM) to generate text concepts and then use Vision Language Models (VLM) to obtain concept scores to train a CBM. However, it is desired to build CBMs with concepts defined by human experts instead of LLM generated concepts to make them more trustworthy. In this work, we take a closer inspection on the faithfulness of VLM concept scores for such expert-defined concepts in domains like fine-grain bird species classification and animal classification. Our investigations reveal that frozen VLMs, like CLIP, struggle to correctly associate a concept to the corresponding visual input despite achieving a high classification performance. To address this, we propose a novel Contrastive Semi-Supervised (CSS) learning method which uses a few labeled concept examples to improve concept alignment (activate truthful visual concepts) in CLIP model. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that our approach substantially increases the concept accuracy and classification accuracy, yet requires only a fraction of the human-annotated concept labels. To further improve the classification performance, we also introduce a new class-level intervention procedure for fine-grain classification problems that identifies the confounding classes and intervenes their concept space to reduce errors.

new FER-YOLO-Mamba: Facial Expression Detection and Classification Based on Selective State Space

Authors: Hui Ma, Sen Lei, Turgay Celik, Heng-Chao Li

Abstract: Facial Expression Recognition (FER) plays a pivotal role in understanding human emotional cues. However, traditional FER methods based on visual information have some limitations, such as preprocessing, feature extraction, and multi-stage classification procedures. These not only increase computational complexity but also require a significant amount of computing resources. Considering Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based FER schemes frequently prove inadequate in identifying the deep, long-distance dependencies embedded within facial expression images, and the Transformer's inherent quadratic computational complexity, this paper presents the FER-YOLO-Mamba model, which integrates the principles of Mamba and YOLO technologies to facilitate efficient coordination in facial expression image recognition and localization. Within the FER-YOLO-Mamba model, we further devise a FER-YOLO-VSS dual-branch module, which combines the inherent strengths of convolutional layers in local feature extraction with the exceptional capability of State Space Models (SSMs) in revealing long-distance dependencies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Vision Mamba model designed for facial expression detection and classification. To evaluate the performance of the proposed FER-YOLO-Mamba model, we conducted experiments on two benchmark datasets, RAF-DB and SFEW. The experimental results indicate that the FER-YOLO-Mamba model achieved better results compared to other models. The code is available from


new Defect Image Sample Generation With Diffusion Prior for Steel Surface Defect Recognition

Authors: Yichun Tai, Kun Yang, Tao Peng, Zhenzhen Huang, Zhijiang Zhang

Abstract: The task of steel surface defect recognition is an industrial problem with great industry values. The data insufficiency is the major challenge in training a robust defect recognition network. Existing methods have investigated to enlarge the dataset by generating samples with generative models. However, their generation quality is still limited by the insufficiency of defect image samples. To this end, we propose Stable Surface Defect Generation (StableSDG), which transfers the vast generation distribution embedded in Stable Diffusion model for steel surface defect image generation. To tackle with the distinctive distribution gap between steel surface images and generated images of the diffusion model, we propose two processes. First, we align the distribution by adapting parameters of the diffusion model, adopted both in the token embedding space and network parameter space. Besides, in the generation process, we propose image-oriented generation rather than from pure Gaussian noises. We conduct extensive experiments on steel surface defect dataset, demonstrating state-of-the-art performance on generating high-quality samples and training recognition models, and both designed processes are significant for the performance.

new Enhancing Micro Gesture Recognition for Emotion Understanding via Context-aware Visual-Text Contrastive Learning

Authors: Deng Li, Bohao Xing, Xin Liu

Abstract: Psychological studies have shown that Micro Gestures (MG) are closely linked to human emotions. MG-based emotion understanding has attracted much attention because it allows for emotion understanding through nonverbal body gestures without relying on identity information (e.g., facial and electrocardiogram data). Therefore, it is essential to recognize MG effectively for advanced emotion understanding. However, existing Micro Gesture Recognition (MGR) methods utilize only a single modality (e.g., RGB or skeleton) while overlooking crucial textual information. In this letter, we propose a simple but effective visual-text contrastive learning solution that utilizes text information for MGR. In addition, instead of using handcrafted prompts for visual-text contrastive learning, we propose a novel module called Adaptive prompting to generate context-aware prompts. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on two public datasets. Furthermore, based on an empirical study utilizing the results of MGR for emotion understanding, we demonstrate that using the textual results of MGR significantly improves performance by 6%+ compared to directly using video as input.

new Lightweight Change Detection in Heterogeneous Remote Sensing Images with Online All-Integer Pruning Training

Authors: Chengyang Zhang, Weiming Li, Gang Li, Huina Song, Zhaohui Song, Xueqian Wang, Antonio Plaza

Abstract: Detection of changes in heterogeneous remote sensing images is vital, especially in response to emergencies like earthquakes and floods. Current homogenous transformation-based change detection (CD) methods often suffer from high computation and memory costs, which are not friendly to edge-computation devices like onboard CD devices at satellites. To address this issue, this paper proposes a new lightweight CD method for heterogeneous remote sensing images that employs the online all-integer pruning (OAIP) training strategy to efficiently fine-tune the CD network using the current test data. The proposed CD network consists of two visual geometry group (VGG) subnetworks as the backbone architecture. In the OAIP-based training process, all the weights, gradients, and intermediate data are quantized to integers to speed up training and reduce memory usage, where the per-layer block exponentiation scaling scheme is utilized to reduce the computation errors of network parameters caused by quantization. Second, an adaptive filter-level pruning method based on the L1-norm criterion is employed to further lighten the fine-tuning process of the CD network. Experimental results show that the proposed OAIP-based method attains similar detection performance (but with significantly reduced computation complexity and memory usage) in comparison with state-of-the-art CD methods.

new Auto-Encoding Morph-Tokens for Multimodal LLM

Authors: Kaihang Pan, Siliang Tang, Juncheng Li, Zhaoyu Fan, Wei Chow, Shuicheng Yan, Tat-Seng Chua, Yueting Zhuang, Hanwang Zhang

Abstract: For multimodal LLMs, the synergy of visual comprehension (textual output) and generation (visual output) presents an ongoing challenge. This is due to a conflicting objective: for comprehension, an MLLM needs to abstract the visuals; for generation, it needs to preserve the visuals as much as possible. Thus, the objective is a dilemma for visual-tokens. To resolve the conflict, we propose encoding images into morph-tokens to serve a dual purpose: for comprehension, they act as visual prompts instructing MLLM to generate texts; for generation, they take on a different, non-conflicting role as complete visual-tokens for image reconstruction, where the missing visual cues are recovered by the MLLM. Extensive experiments show that morph-tokens can achieve a new SOTA for multimodal comprehension and generation simultaneously. Our project is available at


new Impact of Architectural Modifications on Deep Learning Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Firuz Juraev, Mohammed Abuhamad, Simon S. Woo, George K Thiruvathukal, Tamer Abuhmed

Abstract: Rapid advancements of deep learning are accelerating adoption in a wide variety of applications, including safety-critical applications such as self-driving vehicles, drones, robots, and surveillance systems. These advancements include applying variations of sophisticated techniques that improve the performance of models. However, such models are not immune to adversarial manipulations, which can cause the system to misbehave and remain unnoticed by experts. The frequency of modifications to existing deep learning models necessitates thorough analysis to determine the impact on models' robustness. In this work, we present an experimental evaluation of the effects of model modifications on deep learning model robustness using adversarial attacks. Our methodology involves examining the robustness of variations of models against various adversarial attacks. By conducting our experiments, we aim to shed light on the critical issue of maintaining the reliability and safety of deep learning models in safety- and security-critical applications. Our results indicate the pressing demand for an in-depth assessment of the effects of model changes on the robustness of models.

new An Attention Based Pipeline for Identifying Pre-Cancer Lesions in Head and Neck Clinical Images

Authors: Abdullah Alsalemi, Anza Shakeel, Mollie Clark, Syed Ali Khurram, Shan E Ahmed Raza

Abstract: Early detection of cancer can help improve patient prognosis by early intervention. Head and neck cancer is diagnosed in specialist centres after a surgical biopsy, however, there is a potential for these to be missed leading to delayed diagnosis. To overcome these challenges, we present an attention based pipeline that identifies suspected lesions, segments, and classifies them as non-dysplastic, dysplastic and cancerous lesions. We propose (a) a vision transformer based Mask R-CNN network for lesion detection and segmentation of clinical images, and (b) Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) based scheme for classification. Current results show that the segmentation model produces segmentation masks and bounding boxes with up to 82% overlap accuracy score on unseen external test data and surpassing reviewed segmentation benchmarks. Next, a classification F1-score of 85% on the internal cohort test set. An app has been developed to perform lesion segmentation taken via a smart device. Future work involves employing endoscopic video data for precise early detection and prognosis.

new SFFNet: A Wavelet-Based Spatial and Frequency Domain Fusion Network for Remote Sensing Segmentation

Authors: Yunsong Yang, Genji Yuan, Jinjiang Li

Abstract: In order to fully utilize spatial information for segmentation and address the challenge of handling areas with significant grayscale variations in remote sensing segmentation, we propose the SFFNet (Spatial and Frequency Domain Fusion Network) framework. This framework employs a two-stage network design: the first stage extracts features using spatial methods to obtain features with sufficient spatial details and semantic information; the second stage maps these features in both spatial and frequency domains. In the frequency domain mapping, we introduce the Wavelet Transform Feature Decomposer (WTFD) structure, which decomposes features into low-frequency and high-frequency components using the Haar wavelet transform and integrates them with spatial features. To bridge the semantic gap between frequency and spatial features, and facilitate significant feature selection to promote the combination of features from different representation domains, we design the Multiscale Dual-Representation Alignment Filter (MDAF). This structure utilizes multiscale convolutions and dual-cross attentions. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that, compared to existing methods, SFFNet achieves superior performance in terms of mIoU, reaching 84.80% and 87.73% respectively.The code is located at


new M${^2}$Depth: Self-supervised Two-Frame Multi-camera Metric Depth Estimation

Authors: Yingshuang Zou, Yikang Ding, Xi Qiu, Haoqian Wang, Haotian Zhang

Abstract: This paper presents a novel self-supervised two-frame multi-camera metric depth estimation network, termed M${^2}$Depth, which is designed to predict reliable scale-aware surrounding depth in autonomous driving. Unlike the previous works that use multi-view images from a single time-step or multiple time-step images from a single camera, M${^2}$Depth takes temporally adjacent two-frame images from multiple cameras as inputs and produces high-quality surrounding depth. We first construct cost volumes in spatial and temporal domains individually and propose a spatial-temporal fusion module that integrates the spatial-temporal information to yield a strong volume presentation. We additionally combine the neural prior from SAM features with internal features to reduce the ambiguity between foreground and background and strengthen the depth edges. Extensive experimental results on nuScenes and DDAD benchmarks show M${^2}$Depth achieves state-of-the-art performance. More results can be found in .


new HoloGS: Instant Depth-based 3D Gaussian Splatting with Microsoft HoloLens 2

Authors: Miriam J\"ager, Theodor Kapler, Michael Fe{\ss}enbecker, Felix Birkelbach, Markus Hillemann, Boris Jutzi

Abstract: In the fields of photogrammetry, computer vision and computer graphics, the task of neural 3D scene reconstruction has led to the exploration of various techniques. Among these, 3D Gaussian Splatting stands out for its explicit representation of scenes using 3D Gaussians, making it appealing for tasks like 3D point cloud extraction and surface reconstruction. Motivated by its potential, we address the domain of 3D scene reconstruction, aiming to leverage the capabilities of the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for instant 3D Gaussian Splatting. We present HoloGS, a novel workflow utilizing HoloLens sensor data, which bypasses the need for pre-processing steps like Structure from Motion by instantly accessing the required input data i.e. the images, camera poses and the point cloud from depth sensing. We provide comprehensive investigations, including the training process and the rendering quality, assessed through the Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio, and the geometric 3D accuracy of the densified point cloud from Gaussian centers, measured by Chamfer Distance. We evaluate our approach on two self-captured scenes: An outdoor scene of a cultural heritage statue and an indoor scene of a fine-structured plant. Our results show that the HoloLens data, including RGB images, corresponding camera poses, and depth sensing based point clouds to initialize the Gaussians, are suitable as input for 3D Gaussian Splatting.

new DiffMap: Enhancing Map Segmentation with Map Prior Using Diffusion Model

Authors: Peijin Jia, Tuopu Wen, Ziang Luo, Mengmeng Yang, Kun Jiang, Zhiquan Lei, Xuewei Tang, Ziyuan Liu, Le Cui, Kehua Sheng, Bo Zhang, Diange Yang

Abstract: Constructing high-definition (HD) maps is a crucial requirement for enabling autonomous driving. In recent years, several map segmentation algorithms have been developed to address this need, leveraging advancements in Bird's-Eye View (BEV) perception. However, existing models still encounter challenges in producing realistic and consistent semantic map layouts. One prominent issue is the limited utilization of structured priors inherent in map segmentation masks. In light of this, we propose DiffMap, a novel approach specifically designed to model the structured priors of map segmentation masks using latent diffusion model. By incorporating this technique, the performance of existing semantic segmentation methods can be significantly enhanced and certain structural errors present in the segmentation outputs can be effectively rectified. Notably, the proposed module can be seamlessly integrated into any map segmentation model, thereby augmenting its capability to accurately delineate semantic information. Furthermore, through extensive visualization analysis, our model demonstrates superior proficiency in generating results that more accurately reflect real-world map layouts, further validating its efficacy in improving the quality of the generated maps.

new IFNet: Deep Imaging and Focusing for Handheld SAR with Millimeter-wave Signals

Authors: Li Yadong, Zhang Dongheng, Geng Ruixu, Wu Jincheng, Hu Yang, Sun Qibin, Chen Yan

Abstract: Recent advancements have showcased the potential of handheld millimeter-wave (mmWave) imaging, which applies synthetic aperture radar (SAR) principles in portable settings. However, existing studies addressing handheld motion errors either rely on costly tracking devices or employ simplified imaging models, leading to impractical deployment or limited performance. In this paper, we present IFNet, a novel deep unfolding network that combines the strengths of signal processing models and deep neural networks to achieve robust imaging and focusing for handheld mmWave systems. We first formulate the handheld imaging model by integrating multiple priors about mmWave images and handheld phase errors. Furthermore, we transform the optimization processes into an iterative network structure for improved and efficient imaging performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that IFNet effectively compensates for handheld phase errors and recovers high-fidelity images from severely distorted signals. In comparison with existing methods, IFNet can achieve at least 11.89 dB improvement in average peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and 64.91% improvement in average structural similarity index measure (SSIM) on a real-world dataset.

new Towards general deep-learning-based tree instance segmentation models

Authors: Jonathan Henrich, Jan van Delden

Abstract: The segmentation of individual trees from forest point clouds is a crucial task for downstream analyses such as carbon sequestration estimation. Recently, deep-learning-based methods have been proposed which show the potential of learning to segment trees. Since these methods are trained in a supervised way, the question arises how general models can be obtained that are applicable across a wide range of settings. So far, training has been mainly conducted with data from one specific laser scanning type and for specific types of forests. In this work, we train one segmentation model under various conditions, using seven diverse datasets found in literature, to gain insights into the generalization capabilities under domain-shift. Our results suggest that a generalization from coniferous dominated sparse point clouds to deciduous dominated high-resolution point clouds is possible. Conversely, qualitative evidence suggests that generalization from high-resolution to low-resolution point clouds is challenging. This emphasizes the need for forest point clouds with diverse data characteristics for model development. To enrich the available data basis, labeled trees from two previous works were propagated to the complete forest point cloud and are made publicly available at


new WateRF: Robust Watermarks in Radiance Fields for Protection of Copyrights

Authors: Youngdong Jang, Dong In Lee, MinHyuk Jang, Jong Wook Kim, Feng Yang, Sangpil Kim

Abstract: The advances in the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) research offer extensive applications in diverse domains, but protecting their copyrights has not yet been researched in depth. Recently, NeRF watermarking has been considered one of the pivotal solutions for safely deploying NeRF-based 3D representations. However, existing methods are designed to apply only to implicit or explicit NeRF representations. In this work, we introduce an innovative watermarking method that can be employed in both representations of NeRF. This is achieved by fine-tuning NeRF to embed binary messages in the rendering process. In detail, we propose utilizing the discrete wavelet transform in the NeRF space for watermarking. Furthermore, we adopt a deferred back-propagation technique and introduce a combination with the patch-wise loss to improve rendering quality and bit accuracy with minimum trade-offs. We evaluate our method in three different aspects: capacity, invisibility, and robustness of the embedded watermarks in the 2D-rendered images. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance with faster training speed over the compared state-of-the-art methods.

new Advancing Pre-trained Teacher: Towards Robust Feature Discrepancy for Anomaly Detection

Authors: Canhui Tang, Sanping Zhou, Yizhe Li, Yonghao Dong, Le Wang

Abstract: With the wide application of knowledge distillation between an ImageNet pre-trained teacher model and a learnable student model, industrial anomaly detection has witnessed a significant achievement in the past few years. The success of knowledge distillation mainly relies on how to keep the feature discrepancy between the teacher and student model, in which it assumes that: (1) the teacher model can jointly represent two different distributions for the normal and abnormal patterns, while (2) the student model can only reconstruct the normal distribution. However, it still remains a challenging issue to maintain these ideal assumptions in practice. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective two-stage industrial anomaly detection framework, termed as AAND, which sequentially performs Anomaly Amplification and Normality Distillation to obtain robust feature discrepancy. In the first anomaly amplification stage, we propose a novel Residual Anomaly Amplification (RAA) module to advance the pre-trained teacher encoder. With the exposure of synthetic anomalies, it amplifies anomalies via residual generation while maintaining the integrity of pre-trained model. It mainly comprises a Matching-guided Residual Gate and an Attribute-scaling Residual Generator, which can determine the residuals' proportion and characteristic, respectively. In the second normality distillation stage, we further employ a reverse distillation paradigm to train a student decoder, in which a novel Hard Knowledge Distillation (HKD) loss is built to better facilitate the reconstruction of normal patterns. Comprehensive experiments on the MvTecAD, VisA, and MvTec3D-RGB datasets show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance.

new MVP-Shot: Multi-Velocity Progressive-Alignment Framework for Few-Shot Action Recognition

Authors: Hongyu Qu, Rui Yan, Xiangbo Shu, Haoliang Gao, Peng Huang, Guo-Sen Xie

Abstract: Recent few-shot action recognition (FSAR) methods achieve promising performance by performing semantic matching on learned discriminative features. However, most FSAR methods focus on single-scale (e.g., frame-level, segment-level, \etc) feature alignment, which ignores that human actions with the same semantic may appear at different velocities. To this end, we develop a novel Multi-Velocity Progressive-alignment (MVP-Shot) framework to progressively learn and align semantic-related action features at multi-velocity levels. Concretely, a Multi-Velocity Feature Alignment (MVFA) module is designed to measure the similarity between features from support and query videos with different velocity scales and then merge all similarity scores in a residual fashion. To avoid the multiple velocity features deviating from the underlying motion semantic, our proposed Progressive Semantic-Tailored Interaction (PSTI) module injects velocity-tailored text information into the video feature via feature interaction on channel and temporal domains at different velocities. The above two modules compensate for each other to predict query categories more accurately under the few-shot settings. Experimental results show our method outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on multiple standard few-shot benchmarks (i.e., HMDB51, UCF101, Kinetics, and SSv2-small).

new Probablistic Restoration with Adaptive Noise Sampling for 3D Human Pose Estimation

Authors: Xianzhou Zeng, Hao Qin, Ming Kong, Luyuan Chen, Qiang Zhu

Abstract: The accuracy and robustness of 3D human pose estimation (HPE) are limited by 2D pose detection errors and 2D to 3D ill-posed challenges, which have drawn great attention to Multi-Hypothesis HPE research. Most existing MH-HPE methods are based on generative models, which are computationally expensive and difficult to train. In this study, we propose a Probabilistic Restoration 3D Human Pose Estimation framework (PRPose) that can be integrated with any lightweight single-hypothesis model. Specifically, PRPose employs a weakly supervised approach to fit the hidden probability distribution of the 2D-to-3D lifting process in the Single-Hypothesis HPE model and then reverse-map the distribution to the 2D pose input through an adaptive noise sampling strategy to generate reasonable multi-hypothesis samples effectively. Extensive experiments on 3D HPE benchmarks (Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP) highlight the effectiveness and efficiency of PRPose. Code is available at:


new Multi-method Integration with Confidence-based Weighting for Zero-shot Image Classification

Authors: Siqi Yin, Lifan Jiang

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel framework for zero-shot learning (ZSL), i.e., to recognize new categories that are unseen during training, by using a multi-model and multi-alignment integration method. Specifically, we propose three strategies to enhance the model's performance to handle ZSL: 1) Utilizing the extensive knowledge of ChatGPT and the powerful image generation capabilities of DALL-E to create reference images that can precisely describe unseen categories and classification boundaries, thereby alleviating the information bottleneck issue; 2) Integrating the results of text-image alignment and image-image alignment from CLIP, along with the image-image alignment results from DINO, to achieve more accurate predictions; 3) Introducing an adaptive weighting mechanism based on confidence levels to aggregate the outcomes from different prediction methods. Experimental results on multiple datasets, including CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet, demonstrate that our model can significantly improve classification accuracy compared to single-model approaches, achieving AUROC scores above 96% across all test datasets, and notably surpassing 99% on the CIFAR-10 dataset.

new Mapping the Unseen: Unified Promptable Panoptic Mapping with Dynamic Labeling using Foundation Models

Authors: Mohamad Al Mdfaa, Raghad Salameh, Sergey Zagoruyko, Gonzalo Ferrer

Abstract: In the field of robotics and computer vision, efficient and accurate semantic mapping remains a significant challenge due to the growing demand for intelligent machines that can comprehend and interact with complex environments. Conventional panoptic mapping methods, however, are limited by predefined semantic classes, thus making them ineffective for handling novel or unforeseen objects. In response to this limitation, we introduce the Unified Promptable Panoptic Mapping (UPPM) method. UPPM utilizes recent advances in foundation models to enable real-time, on-demand label generation using natural language prompts. By incorporating a dynamic labeling strategy into traditional panoptic mapping techniques, UPPM provides significant improvements in adaptability and versatility while maintaining high performance levels in map reconstruction. We demonstrate our approach on real-world and simulated datasets. Results show that UPPM can accurately reconstruct scenes and segment objects while generating rich semantic labels through natural language interactions. A series of ablation experiments validated the advantages of foundation model-based labeling over fixed label sets.

new Self-Supervised Learning for Real-World Super-Resolution from Dual and Multiple Zoomed Observations

Authors: Zhilu Zhang, Ruohao Wang, Hongzhi Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: In this paper, we consider two challenging issues in reference-based super-resolution (RefSR) for smartphone, (i) how to choose a proper reference image, and (ii) how to learn RefSR in a self-supervised manner. Particularly, we propose a novel self-supervised learning approach for real-world RefSR from observations at dual and multiple camera zooms. Firstly, considering the popularity of multiple cameras in modern smartphones, the more zoomed (telephoto) image can be naturally leveraged as the reference to guide the super-resolution (SR) of the lesser zoomed (ultra-wide) image, which gives us a chance to learn a deep network that performs SR from the dual zoomed observations (DZSR). Secondly, for self-supervised learning of DZSR, we take the telephoto image instead of an additional high-resolution image as the supervision information, and select a center patch from it as the reference to super-resolve the corresponding ultra-wide image patch. To mitigate the effect of the misalignment between ultra-wide low-resolution (LR) patch and telephoto ground-truth (GT) image during training, we first adopt patch-based optical flow alignment and then design an auxiliary-LR to guide the deforming of the warped LR features. To generate visually pleasing results, we present local overlapped sliced Wasserstein loss to better represent the perceptual difference between GT and output in the feature space. During testing, DZSR can be directly deployed to super-solve the whole ultra-wide image with the reference of the telephoto image. In addition, we further take multiple zoomed observations to explore self-supervised RefSR, and present a progressive fusion scheme for the effective utilization of reference images. Experiments show that our methods achieve better quantitative and qualitative performance against state-of-the-arts. Codes are available at


new Non-Destructive Peat Analysis using Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning

Authors: Yijun Yan, Jinchang Ren, Barry Harrison, Oliver Lewis, Yinhe Li, Ping Ma

Abstract: Peat, a crucial component in whisky production, imparts distinctive and irreplaceable flavours to the final product. However, the extraction of peat disrupts ancient ecosystems and releases significant amounts of carbon, contributing to climate change. This paper aims to address this issue by conducting a feasibility study on enhancing peat use efficiency in whisky manufacturing through non-destructive analysis using hyperspectral imaging. Results show that shot-wave infrared (SWIR) data is more effective for analyzing peat samples and predicting total phenol levels, with accuracies up to 99.81%.

new Multispectral Fine-Grained Classification of Blackgrass in Wheat and Barley Crops

Authors: Madeleine Darbyshire, Shaun Coutts, Eleanor Hammond, Fazilet Gokbudak, Cengiz Oztireli, Petra Bosilj, Junfeng Gao, Elizabeth Sklar, Simon Parsons

Abstract: As the burden of herbicide resistance grows and the environmental repercussions of excessive herbicide use become clear, new ways of managing weed populations are needed. This is particularly true for cereal crops, like wheat and barley, that are staple food crops and occupy a globally significant portion of agricultural land. Even small improvements in weed management practices across these major food crops worldwide would yield considerable benefits for both the environment and global food security. Blackgrass is a major grass weed which causes particular problems in cereal crops in north-west Europe, a major cereal production area, because it has high levels of of herbicide resistance and is well adapted to agronomic practice in this region. With the use of machine vision and multispectral imaging, we investigate the effectiveness of state-of-the-art methods to identify blackgrass in wheat and barley crops. As part of this work, we provide a large dataset with which we evaluate several key aspects of blackgrass weed recognition. Firstly, we determine the performance of different CNN and transformer-based architectures on images from unseen fields. Secondly, we demonstrate the role that different spectral bands have on the performance of weed classification. Lastly, we evaluate the role of dataset size in classification performance for each of the models trialled. We find that even with a fairly modest quantity of training data an accuracy of almost 90% can be achieved on images from unseen fields.

new Designed Dithering Sign Activation for Binary Neural Networks

Authors: Brayan Monroy, Juan Estupi\~nan, Tatiana Gelvez-Barrera, Jorge Bacca, Henry Arguello

Abstract: Binary Neural Networks emerged as a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for computer vision tasks by binarizing either network weights or activations. However, common binary activations, such as the Sign activation function, abruptly binarize the values with a single threshold, losing fine-grained details in the feature outputs. This work proposes an activation that applies multiple thresholds following dithering principles, shifting the Sign activation function for each pixel according to a spatially periodic threshold kernel. Unlike literature methods, the shifting is defined jointly for a set of adjacent pixels, taking advantage of spatial correlations. Experiments over the classification task demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed dithering Sign activation function as an alternative activation for binary neural networks, without increasing the computational cost. Further, DeSign balances the preservation of details with the efficiency of binary operations.

new What matters when building vision-language models?

Authors: Hugo Lauren\c{c}on, L\'eo Tronchon, Matthieu Cord, Victor Sanh

Abstract: The growing interest in vision-language models (VLMs) has been driven by improvements in large language models and vision transformers. Despite the abundance of literature on this subject, we observe that critical decisions regarding the design of VLMs are often not justified. We argue that these unsupported decisions impede progress in the field by making it difficult to identify which choices improve model performance. To address this issue, we conduct extensive experiments around pre-trained models, architecture choice, data, and training methods. Our consolidation of findings includes the development of Idefics2, an efficient foundational VLM of 8 billion parameters. Idefics2 achieves state-of-the-art performance within its size category across various multimodal benchmarks, and is often on par with models four times its size. We release the model (base, instructed, and chat) along with the datasets created for its training.

new On the test-time zero-shot generalization of vision-language models: Do we really need prompt learning?

Authors: Maxime Zanella, Ismail Ben Ayed

Abstract: The development of large vision-language models, notably CLIP, has catalyzed research into effective adaptation techniques, with a particular focus on soft prompt tuning. Conjointly, test-time augmentation, which utilizes multiple augmented views of a single image to enhance zero-shot generalization, is emerging as a significant area of interest. This has predominantly directed research efforts toward test-time prompt tuning. In contrast, we introduce a robust MeanShift for Test-time Augmentation (MTA), which surpasses prompt-based methods without requiring this intensive training procedure. This positions MTA as an ideal solution for both standalone and API-based applications. Additionally, our method does not rely on ad hoc rules (e.g., confidence threshold) used in some previous test-time augmentation techniques to filter the augmented views. Instead, MTA incorporates a quality assessment variable for each view directly into its optimization process, termed as the inlierness score. This score is jointly optimized with a density mode seeking process, leading to an efficient training- and hyperparameter-free approach. We extensively benchmark our method on 15 datasets and demonstrate MTA's superiority and computational efficiency. Deployed easily as plug-and-play module on top of zero-shot models and state-of-the-art few-shot methods, MTA shows systematic and consistent improvements.

new DreamScene4D: Dynamic Multi-Object Scene Generation from Monocular Videos

Authors: Wen-Hsuan Chu, Lei Ke, Katerina Fragkiadaki

Abstract: Existing VLMs can track in-the-wild 2D video objects while current generative models provide powerful visual priors for synthesizing novel views for the highly under-constrained 2D-to-3D object lifting. Building upon this exciting progress, we present DreamScene4D, the first approach that can generate three-dimensional dynamic scenes of multiple objects from monocular in-the-wild videos with large object motion across occlusions and novel viewpoints. Our key insight is to design a "decompose-then-recompose" scheme to factorize both the whole video scene and each object's 3D motion. We first decompose the video scene by using open-vocabulary mask trackers and an adapted image diffusion model to segment, track, and amodally complete the objects and background in the video. Each object track is mapped to a set of 3D Gaussians that deform and move in space and time. We also factorize the observed motion into multiple components to handle fast motion. The camera motion can be inferred by re-rendering the background to match the video frames. For the object motion, we first model the object-centric deformation of the objects by leveraging rendering losses and multi-view generative priors in an object-centric frame, then optimize object-centric to world-frame transformations by comparing the rendered outputs against the perceived pixel and optical flow. Finally, we recompose the background and objects and optimize for relative object scales using monocular depth prediction guidance. We show extensive results on the challenging DAVIS, Kubric, and self-captured videos, detail some limitations, and provide future directions. Besides 4D scene generation, our results show that DreamScene4D enables accurate 2D point motion tracking by projecting the inferred 3D trajectories to 2D, while never explicitly trained to do so.

cross MediFact at MEDIQA-M3G 2024: Medical Question Answering in Dermatology with Multimodal Learning

Authors: Nadia Saeed

Abstract: The MEDIQA-M3G 2024 challenge necessitates novel solutions for Multilingual & Multimodal Medical Answer Generation in dermatology (wai Yim et al., 2024a). This paper addresses the limitations of traditional methods by proposing a weakly supervised learning approach for open-ended medical question-answering (QA). Our system leverages readily available MEDIQA-M3G images via a VGG16-CNN-SVM model, enabling multilingual (English, Chinese, Spanish) learning of informative skin condition representations. Using pre-trained QA models, we further bridge the gap between visual and textual information through multimodal fusion. This approach tackles complex, open-ended questions even without predefined answer choices. We empower the generation of comprehensive answers by feeding the ViT-CLIP model with multiple responses alongside images. This work advances medical QA research, paving the way for clinical decision support systems and ultimately improving healthcare delivery.

cross Improve Academic Query Resolution through BERT-based Question Extraction from Images

Authors: Nidhi Kamal, Saurabh Yadav, Jorawar Singh, Aditi Avasthi

Abstract: Providing fast and accurate resolution to the student's query is an essential solution provided by Edtech organizations. This is generally provided with a chat-bot like interface to enable students to ask their doubts easily. One preferred format for student queries is images, as it allows students to capture and post questions without typing complex equations and information. However, this format also presents difficulties, as images may contain multiple questions or textual noise that lowers the accuracy of existing single-query answering solutions. In this paper, we propose a method for extracting questions from text or images using a BERT-based deep learning model and compare it to the other rule-based and layout-based methods. Our method aims to improve the accuracy and efficiency of student query resolution in Edtech organizations.

cross Deep Learning Descriptor Hybridization with Feature Reduction for Accurate Cervical Cancer Colposcopy Image Classification

Authors: Saurabh Saini, Kapil Ahuja, Siddartha Chennareddy, Karthik Boddupalli

Abstract: Cervical cancer stands as a predominant cause of female mortality, underscoring the need for regular screenings to enable early diagnosis and preemptive treatment of pre-cancerous conditions. The transformation zone in the cervix, where cellular differentiation occurs, plays a critical role in the detection of abnormalities. Colposcopy has emerged as a pivotal tool in cervical cancer prevention since it provides a meticulous examination of cervical abnormalities. However, challenges in visual evaluation necessitate the development of Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. We propose a novel CAD system that combines the strengths of various deep-learning descriptors (ResNet50, ResNet101, and ResNet152) with appropriate feature normalization (min-max) as well as feature reduction technique (LDA). The combination of different descriptors ensures that all the features (low-level like edges and colour, high-level like shape and texture) are captured, feature normalization prevents biased learning, and feature reduction avoids overfitting. We do experiments on the IARC dataset provided by WHO. The dataset is initially segmented and balanced. Our approach achieves exceptional performance in the range of 97%-100% for both the normal-abnormal and the type classification. A competitive approach for type classification on the same dataset achieved 81%-91% performance.

cross Wildfire Risk Prediction: A Review

Authors: Zhengsen Xu, Jonathan Li, Linlin Xu

Abstract: Wildfires have significant impacts on global vegetation, wildlife, and humans. They destroy plant communities and wildlife habitats and contribute to increased emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, methane, and other pollutants. The prediction of wildfires relies on various independent variables combined with regression or machine learning methods. In this technical review, we describe the options for independent variables, data processing techniques, models, independent variables collinearity and importance estimation methods, and model performance evaluation metrics. First, we divide the independent variables into 4 aspects, including climate and meteorology conditions, socio-economical factors, terrain and hydrological features, and wildfire historical records. Second, preprocessing methods are described for different magnitudes, different spatial-temporal resolutions, and different formats of data. Third, the collinearity and importance evaluation methods of independent variables are also considered. Fourth, we discuss the application of statistical models, traditional machine learning models, and deep learning models in wildfire risk prediction. In this subsection, compared with other reviews, this manuscript particularly discusses the evaluation metrics and recent advancements in deep learning methods. Lastly, addressing the limitations of current research, this paper emphasizes the need for more effective deep learning time series forecasting algorithms, the utilization of three-dimensional data including ground and trunk fuel, extraction of more accurate historical fire point data, and improved model evaluation metrics.

cross A Classification-Based Adaptive Segmentation Pipeline: Feasibility Study Using Polycystic Liver Disease and Metastases from Colorectal Cancer CT Images

Authors: Peilong Wang, Timothy L. Kline, Andy D. Missert, Cole J. Cook, Matthew R. Callstrom, Alex Chan, Robert P. Hartman, Zachary S. Kelm, Panagiotis Korfiatis

Abstract: Automated segmentation tools often encounter accuracy and adaptability issues when applied to images of different pathology. The purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of building a workflow to efficiently route images to specifically trained segmentation models. By implementing a deep learning classifier to automatically classify the images and route them to appropriate segmentation models, we hope that our workflow can segment the images with different pathology accurately. The data we used in this study are 350 CT images from patients affected by polycystic liver disease and 350 CT images from patients presenting with liver metastases from colorectal cancer. All images had the liver manually segmented by trained imaging analysts. Our proposed adaptive segmentation workflow achieved a statistically significant improvement for the task of total liver segmentation compared to the generic single segmentation model (non-parametric Wilcoxon signed rank test, n=100, p-value << 0.001). This approach is applicable in a wide range of scenarios and should prove useful in clinical implementations of segmentation pipelines.

cross MMIST-ccRCC: A Real World Medical Dataset for the Development of Multi-Modal Systems

Authors: Tiago Mota, M. Rita Verdelho, Alceu Bissoto, Carlos Santiago, Catarina Barata

Abstract: The acquisition of different data modalities can enhance our knowledge and understanding of various diseases, paving the way for a more personalized healthcare. Thus, medicine is progressively moving towards the generation of massive amounts of multi-modal data (\emph{e.g,} molecular, radiology, and histopathology). While this may seem like an ideal environment to capitalize data-centric machine learning approaches, most methods still focus on exploring a single or a pair of modalities due to a variety of reasons: i) lack of ready to use curated datasets; ii) difficulty in identifying the best multi-modal fusion strategy; and iii) missing modalities across patients. In this paper we introduce a real world multi-modal dataset called MMIST-CCRCC that comprises 2 radiology modalities (CT and MRI), histopathology, genomics, and clinical data from 618 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC). We provide single and multi-modal (early and late fusion) benchmarks in the task of 12-month survival prediction in the challenging scenario of one or more missing modalities for each patient, with missing rates that range from 26$\%$ for genomics data to more than 90$\%$ for MRI. We show that even with such severe missing rates the fusion of modalities leads to improvements in the survival forecasting. Additionally, incorporating a strategy to generate the latent representations of the missing modalities given the available ones further improves the performance, highlighting a potential complementarity across modalities. Our dataset and code are available here:


cross When a Relation Tells More Than a Concept: Exploring and Evaluating Classifier Decisions with CoReX

Authors: Bettina Finzel, Patrick Hilme, Johannes Rabold, Ute Schmid

Abstract: Explanations for Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) based on relevance of input pixels might be too unspecific to evaluate which and how input features impact model decisions. Especially in complex real-world domains like biomedicine, the presence of specific concepts (e.g., a certain type of cell) and of relations between concepts (e.g., one cell type is next to another) might be discriminative between classes (e.g., different types of tissue). Pixel relevance is not expressive enough to convey this type of information. In consequence, model evaluation is limited and relevant aspects present in the data and influencing the model decisions might be overlooked. This work presents a novel method to explain and evaluate CNN models, which uses a concept- and relation-based explainer (CoReX). It explains the predictive behavior of a model on a set of images by masking (ir-)relevant concepts from the decision-making process and by constraining relations in a learned interpretable surrogate model. We test our approach with several image data sets and CNN architectures. Results show that CoReX explanations are faithful to the CNN model in terms of predictive outcomes. We further demonstrate that CoReX is a suitable tool for evaluating CNNs supporting identification and re-classification of incorrect or ambiguous classifications.

cross ShadowNav: Autonomous Global Localization for Lunar Navigation in Darkness

Authors: Deegan Atha, R. Michael Swan, Abhishek Cauligi, Anne Bettens, Edwin Goh, Dima Kogan, Larry Matthies, Masahiro Ono

Abstract: The ability to determine the pose of a rover in an inertial frame autonomously is a crucial capability necessary for the next generation of surface rover missions on other planetary bodies. Currently, most on-going rover missions utilize ground-in-the-loop interventions to manually correct for drift in the pose estimate and this human supervision bottlenecks the distance over which rovers can operate autonomously and carry out scientific measurements. In this paper, we present ShadowNav, an autonomous approach for global localization on the Moon with an emphasis on driving in darkness and at nighttime. Our approach uses the leading edge of Lunar craters as landmarks and a particle filtering approach is used to associate detected craters with known ones on an offboard map. We discuss the key design decisions in developing the ShadowNav framework for use with a Lunar rover concept equipped with a stereo camera and an external illumination source. Finally, we demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed approach in both a Lunar simulation environment and on data collected during a field test at Cinder Lakes, Arizona.

cross Development of Skip Connection in Deep Neural Networks for Computer Vision and Medical Image Analysis: A Survey

Authors: Guoping Xu, Xiaxia Wang, Xinglong Wu, Xuesong Leng, Yongchao Xu

Abstract: Deep learning has made significant progress in computer vision, specifically in image classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation. The skip connection has played an essential role in the architecture of deep neural networks,enabling easier optimization through residual learning during the training stage and improving accuracy during testing. Many neural networks have inherited the idea of residual learning with skip connections for various tasks, and it has been the standard choice for designing neural networks. This survey provides a comprehensive summary and outlook on the development of skip connections in deep neural networks. The short history of skip connections is outlined, and the development of residual learning in deep neural networks is surveyed. The effectiveness of skip connections in the training and testing stages is summarized, and future directions for using skip connections in residual learning are discussed. Finally, we summarize seminal papers, source code, models, and datasets that utilize skip connections in computer vision, including image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, and image reconstruction. We hope this survey could inspire peer researchers in the community to develop further skip connections in various forms and tasks and the theory of residual learning in deep neural networks. The project page can be found at


cross SSUMamba: Spatial-Spectral Selective State Space Model for Hyperspectral Image Denoising

Authors: Guanyiman Fu, Fengchao Xiong, Jianfeng Lu, Jun Zhou, Yuntao Qian

Abstract: Denoising hyperspectral images (HSIs) is a crucial preprocessing procedure due to the noise originating from intra-imaging mechanisms and environmental factors. Utilizing domain-specific knowledge of HSIs, such as spectral correlation, spatial self-similarity, and spatial-spectral correlation, is essential for deep learning-based denoising. Existing methods are often constrained by running time, space complexity, and computational complexity, employing strategies that explore these priors separately. While the strategies can avoid some redundant information, considering that hyperspectral images are 3-D images with strong spatial continuity and spectral correlation, this kind of strategy inevitably overlooks subtle long-range spatial-spectral information that positively impacts image restoration. This paper proposes a Spatial-Spectral Selective State Space Model-based U-shaped network, termed Spatial-Spectral U-Mamba (SSUMamba), for hyperspectral image denoising. We can obtain complete global spatial-spectral correlation within a module thanks to the linear space complexity in State Space Model (SSM) computations. We introduce an Alternating Scan (SSAS) strategy for HSI data, which helps model the information flow in multiple directions in 3-D HSIs. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms several compared methods. The source code will be available at


cross PointCompress3D -- A Point Cloud Compression Framework for Roadside LiDARs in Intelligent Transportation Systems

Authors: Walter Zimmer, Ramandika Pranamulia, Xingcheng Zhou, Mingyu Liu, Alois C. Knoll

Abstract: In the context of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), efficient data compression is crucial for managing large-scale point cloud data acquired by roadside LiDAR sensors. The demand for efficient storage, streaming, and real-time object detection capabilities for point cloud data is substantial. This work introduces PointCompress3D, a novel point cloud compression framework tailored specifically for roadside LiDARs. Our framework addresses the challenges of compressing high-resolution point clouds while maintaining accuracy and compatibility with roadside LiDAR sensors. We adapt, extend, integrate, and evaluate three cutting-edge compression methods using our real-world-based TUMTraf dataset family. We achieve a frame rate of 10 FPS while keeping compression sizes below 105 Kb, a reduction of 50 times, and maintaining object detection performance on par with the original data. In extensive experiments and ablation studies, we finally achieved a PSNR d2 of 94.46 and a BPP of 6.54 on our dataset. Future work includes the deployment on the live system. The code is available on our project website:


cross An Approach to Systematic Data Acquisition and Data-Driven Simulation for the Safety Testing of Automated Driving Functions

Authors: Leon Eisemann, Mirjam Fehling-Kaschek, Henrik Gommel, David Hermann, Marvin Klemp, Martin Lauer, Benjamin Lickert, Florian Luettner, Robin Moss, Nicole Neis, Maria Pohle, Simon Romanski, Daniel Stadler, Alexander Stolz, Jens Ziehn, Jingxing Zhou

Abstract: With growing complexity and criticality of automated driving functions in road traffic and their operational design domains (ODD), there is increasing demand for covering significant proportions of development, validation, and verification in virtual environments and through simulation models. If, however, simulations are meant not only to augment real-world experiments, but to replace them, quantitative approaches are required that measure to what degree and under which preconditions simulation models adequately represent reality, and thus, using their results accordingly. Especially in R&D areas related to the safety impact of the "open world", there is a significant shortage of real-world data to parameterize and/or validate simulations - especially with respect to the behavior of human traffic participants, whom automated driving functions will meet in mixed traffic. We present an approach to systematically acquire data in public traffic by heterogeneous means, transform it into a unified representation, and use it to automatically parameterize traffic behavior models for use in data-driven virtual validation of automated driving functions.

cross Real Risks of Fake Data: Synthetic Data, Diversity-Washing and Consent Circumvention

Authors: Cedric Deslandes Whitney, Justin Norman

Abstract: Machine learning systems require representations of the real world for training and testing - they require data, and lots of it. Collecting data at scale has logistical and ethical challenges, and synthetic data promises a solution to these challenges. Instead of needing to collect photos of real people's faces to train a facial recognition system, a model creator could create and use photo-realistic, synthetic faces. The comparative ease of generating this synthetic data rather than relying on collecting data has made it a common practice. We present two key risks of using synthetic data in model development. First, we detail the high risk of false confidence when using synthetic data to increase dataset diversity and representation. We base this in the examination of a real world use-case of synthetic data, where synthetic datasets were generated for an evaluation of facial recognition technology. Second, we examine how using synthetic data risks circumventing consent for data usage. We illustrate this by considering the importance of consent to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission's regulation of data collection and affected models. Finally, we discuss how these two risks exemplify how synthetic data complicates existing governance and ethical practice; by decoupling data from those it impacts, synthetic data is prone to consolidating power away those most impacted by algorithmically-mediated harm.

cross Report on the AAPM Grand Challenge on deep generative modeling for learning medical image statistics

Authors: Rucha Deshpande, Varun A. Kelkar, Dimitrios Gotsis, Prabhat Kc, Rongping Zeng, Kyle J. Myers, Frank J. Brooks, Mark A. Anastasio

Abstract: The findings of the 2023 AAPM Grand Challenge on Deep Generative Modeling for Learning Medical Image Statistics are reported in this Special Report. The goal of this challenge was to promote the development of deep generative models (DGMs) for medical imaging and to emphasize the need for their domain-relevant assessment via the analysis of relevant image statistics. As part of this Grand Challenge, a training dataset was developed based on 3D anthropomorphic breast phantoms from the VICTRE virtual imaging toolbox. A two-stage evaluation procedure consisting of a preliminary check for memorization and image quality (based on the Frechet Inception distance (FID)), and a second stage evaluating the reproducibility of image statistics corresponding to domain-relevant radiomic features was developed. A summary measure was employed to rank the submissions. Additional analyses of submissions was performed to assess DGM performance specific to individual feature families, and to identify various artifacts. 58 submissions from 12 unique users were received for this Challenge. The top-ranked submission employed a conditional latent diffusion model, whereas the joint runners-up employed a generative adversarial network, followed by another network for image superresolution. We observed that the overall ranking of the top 9 submissions according to our evaluation method (i) did not match the FID-based ranking, and (ii) differed with respect to individual feature families. Another important finding from our additional analyses was that different DGMs demonstrated similar kinds of artifacts. This Grand Challenge highlighted the need for domain-specific evaluation to further DGM design as well as deployment. It also demonstrated that the specification of a DGM may differ depending on its intended use.

cross TinySeg: Model Optimizing Framework for Image Segmentation on Tiny Embedded Systems

Authors: Byungchul Chae, Jiae Kim, Seonyeong Heo

Abstract: Image segmentation is one of the major computer vision tasks, which is applicable in a variety of domains, such as autonomous navigation of an unmanned aerial vehicle. However, image segmentation cannot easily materialize on tiny embedded systems because image segmentation models generally have high peak memory usage due to their architectural characteristics. This work finds that image segmentation models unnecessarily require large memory space with an existing tiny machine learning framework. That is, the existing framework cannot effectively manage the memory space for the image segmentation models. This work proposes TinySeg, a new model optimizing framework that enables memory-efficient image segmentation for tiny embedded systems. TinySeg analyzes the lifetimes of tensors in the target model and identifies long-living tensors. Then, TinySeg optimizes the memory usage of the target model mainly with two methods: (i) tensor spilling into local or remote storage and (ii) fused fetching of spilled tensors. This work implements TinySeg on top of the existing tiny machine learning framework and demonstrates that TinySeg can reduce the peak memory usage of an image segmentation model by 39.3% for tiny embedded systems.

cross From Attack to Defense: Insights into Deep Learning Security Measures in Black-Box Settings

Authors: Firuz Juraev, Mohammed Abuhamad, Eric Chan-Tin, George K. Thiruvathukal, Tamer Abuhmed

Abstract: Deep Learning (DL) is rapidly maturing to the point that it can be used in safety- and security-crucial applications. However, adversarial samples, which are undetectable to the human eye, pose a serious threat that can cause the model to misbehave and compromise the performance of such applications. Addressing the robustness of DL models has become crucial to understanding and defending against adversarial attacks. In this study, we perform comprehensive experiments to examine the effect of adversarial attacks and defenses on various model architectures across well-known datasets. Our research focuses on black-box attacks such as SimBA, HopSkipJump, MGAAttack, and boundary attacks, as well as preprocessor-based defensive mechanisms, including bits squeezing, median smoothing, and JPEG filter. Experimenting with various models, our results demonstrate that the level of noise needed for the attack increases as the number of layers increases. Moreover, the attack success rate decreases as the number of layers increases. This indicates that model complexity and robustness have a significant relationship. Investigating the diversity and robustness relationship, our experiments with diverse models show that having a large number of parameters does not imply higher robustness. Our experiments extend to show the effects of the training dataset on model robustness. Using various datasets such as ImageNet-1000, CIFAR-100, and CIFAR-10 are used to evaluate the black-box attacks. Considering the multiple dimensions of our analysis, e.g., model complexity and training dataset, we examined the behavior of black-box attacks when models apply defenses. Our results show that applying defense strategies can significantly reduce attack effectiveness. This research provides in-depth analysis and insight into the robustness of DL models against various attacks, and defenses.

cross A Sonar-based AUV Positioning System for Underwater Environments with Low Infrastructure Density

Authors: Emilio Olivastri, Daniel Fusaro, Wanmeng Li, Simone Mosco, Alberto Pretto

Abstract: The increasing demand for underwater vehicles highlights the necessity for robust localization solutions in inspection missions. In this work, we present a novel real-time sonar-based underwater global positioning algorithm for AUVs (Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) designed for environments with a sparse distribution of human-made assets. Our approach exploits two synergistic data interpretation frontends applied to the same stream of sonar data acquired by a multibeam Forward-Looking Sonar (FSD). These observations are fused within a Particle Filter (PF) either to weigh more particles that belong to high-likelihood regions or to solve symmetric ambiguities. Preliminary experiments carried out on a simulated environment resembling a real underwater plant provided promising results. This work represents a starting point towards future developments of the method and consequent exhaustive evaluations also in real-world scenarios.

cross Cooperation and Federation in Distributed Radar Point Cloud Processing

Authors: S. Savazzi, V. Rampa, S. Kianoush, A. Minora, L. Costa

Abstract: The paper considers the problem of human-scale RF sensing utilizing a network of resource-constrained MIMO radars with low range-azimuth resolution. The radars operate in the mmWave band and obtain time-varying 3D point cloud (PC) information that is sensitive to body movements. They also observe the same scene from different views and cooperate while sensing the environment using a sidelink communication channel. Conventional cooperation setups allow the radars to mutually exchange raw PC information to improve ego sensing. The paper proposes a federation mechanism where the radars exchange the parameters of a Bayesian posterior measure of the observed PCs, rather than raw data. The radars act as distributed parameter servers to reconstruct a global posterior (i.e., federated posterior) using Bayesian tools. The paper quantifies and compares the benefits of radar federation with respect to cooperation mechanisms. Both approaches are validated by experiments with a real-time demonstration platform. Federation makes minimal use of the sidelink communication channel (20 {\div} 25 times lower bandwidth use) and is less sensitive to unresolved targets. On the other hand, cooperation reduces the mean absolute target estimation error of about 20%.

cross Three-Dimensional Amyloid-Beta PET Synthesis from Structural MRI with Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Fernando Vega, Abdoljalil Addeh, M. Ethan MacDonald

Abstract: Motivation: Alzheimer's Disease hallmarks include amyloid-beta deposits and brain atrophy, detectable via PET and MRI scans, respectively. PET is expensive, invasive and exposes patients to ionizing radiation. MRI is cheaper, non-invasive, and free from ionizing radiation but limited to measuring brain atrophy. Goal: To develop an 3D image translation model that synthesizes amyloid-beta PET images from T1-weighted MRI, exploiting the known relationship between amyloid-beta and brain atrophy. Approach: The model was trained on 616 PET/MRI pairs and validated with 264 pairs. Results: The model synthesized amyloid-beta PET images from T1-weighted MRI with high-degree of similarity showing high SSIM and PSNR metrics (SSIM>0.95&PSNR=28). Impact: Our model proves the feasibility of synthesizing amyloid-beta PET images from structural MRI ones, significantly enhancing accessibility for large-cohort studies and early dementia detection, while also reducing cost, invasiveness, and radiation exposure.

cross Training-Free Deepfake Voice Recognition by Leveraging Large-Scale Pre-Trained Models

Authors: Alessandro Pianese, Davide Cozzolino, Giovanni Poggi, Luisa Verdoliva

Abstract: Generalization is a main issue for current audio deepfake detectors, which struggle to provide reliable results on out-of-distribution data. Given the speed at which more and more accurate synthesis methods are developed, it is very important to design techniques that work well also on data they were not trained for.In this paper we study the potential of large-scale pre-trained models for audio deepfake detection, with special focus on generalization ability. To this end, the detection problem is reformulated in a speaker verification framework and fake audios are exposed by the mismatch between the voice sample under test and the voice of the claimed identity. With this paradigm, no fake speech sample is necessary in training, cutting off any link with the generation method at the root, and ensuring full generalization ability. Features are extracted by general-purpose large pre-trained models, with no need for training or fine-tuning on specific fake detection or speaker verification datasets. At detection time only a limited set of voice fragments of the identity under test is required. Experiments on several datasets widespread in the community show that detectors based on pre-trained models achieve excellent performance and show strong generalization ability, rivaling supervised methods on in-distribution data and largely overcoming them on out-of-distribution data.

cross Reference-Free Image Quality Metric for Degradation and Reconstruction Artifacts

Authors: Han Cui, Alfredo De Goyeneche, Efrat Shimron, Boyuan Ma, Michael Lustig

Abstract: Image Quality Assessment (IQA) is essential in various Computer Vision tasks such as image deblurring and super-resolution. However, most IQA methods require reference images, which are not always available. While there are some reference-free IQA metrics, they have limitations in simulating human perception and discerning subtle image quality variations. We hypothesize that the JPEG quality factor is representatives of image quality measurement, and a well-trained neural network can learn to accurately evaluate image quality without requiring a clean reference, as it can recognize image degradation artifacts based on prior knowledge. Thus, we developed a reference-free quality evaluation network, dubbed "Quality Factor (QF) Predictor", which does not require any reference. Our QF Predictor is a lightweight, fully convolutional network comprising seven layers. The model is trained in a self-supervised manner: it receives JPEG compressed image patch with a random QF as input, is trained to accurately predict the corresponding QF. We demonstrate the versatility of the model by applying it to various tasks. First, our QF Predictor can generalize to measure the severity of various image artifacts, such as Gaussian Blur and Gaussian noise. Second, we show that the QF Predictor can be trained to predict the undersampling rate of images reconstructed from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data.

cross Vibe-Eval: A hard evaluation suite for measuring progress of multimodal language models

Authors: Piotr Padlewski, Max Bain, Matthew Henderson, Zhongkai Zhu, Nishant Relan, Hai Pham, Donovan Ong, Kaloyan Aleksiev, Aitor Ormazabal, Samuel Phua, Ethan Yeo, Eugenie Lamprecht, Qi Liu, Yuqi Wang, Eric Chen, Deyu Fu, Lei Li, Che Zheng, Cyprien de Masson d'Autume, Dani Yogatama, Mikel Artetxe, Yi Tay

Abstract: We introduce Vibe-Eval: a new open benchmark and framework for evaluating multimodal chat models. Vibe-Eval consists of 269 visual understanding prompts, including 100 of hard difficulty, complete with gold-standard responses authored by experts. Vibe-Eval is open-ended and challenging with dual objectives: (i) vibe checking multimodal chat models for day-to-day tasks and (ii) rigorously testing and probing the capabilities of present frontier models. Notably, our hard set contains >50% questions that all frontier models answer incorrectly. We explore the nuances of designing, evaluating, and ranking models on ultra challenging prompts. We also discuss trade-offs between human and automatic evaluation, and show that automatic model evaluation using Reka Core roughly correlates to human judgment. We offer free API access for the purpose of lightweight evaluation and plan to conduct formal human evaluations for public models that perform well on the Vibe-Eval's automatic scores. We release the evaluation code and data, see


replace Deformable ProtoPNet: An Interpretable Image Classifier Using Deformable Prototypes

Authors: Jon Donnelly, Alina Jade Barnett, Chaofan Chen

Abstract: We present a deformable prototypical part network (Deformable ProtoPNet), an interpretable image classifier that integrates the power of deep learning and the interpretability of case-based reasoning. This model classifies input images by comparing them with prototypes learned during training, yielding explanations in the form of "this looks like that." However, while previous methods use spatially rigid prototypes, we address this shortcoming by proposing spatially flexible prototypes. Each prototype is made up of several prototypical parts that adaptively change their relative spatial positions depending on the input image. Consequently, a Deformable ProtoPNet can explicitly capture pose variations and context, improving both model accuracy and the richness of explanations provided. Compared to other case-based interpretable models using prototypes, our approach achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and gives an explanation with greater context. The code is available at


replace Convex Combination Consistency between Neighbors for Weakly-supervised Action Localization

Authors: Qinying Liu, Zilei Wang, Ruoxi Chen, Zhilin Li

Abstract: Weakly-supervised temporal action localization (WTAL) intends to detect action instances with only weak supervision, e.g., video-level labels. The current~\textit{de facto} pipeline locates action instances by thresholding and grouping continuous high-score regions on temporal class activation sequences. In this route, the capacity of the model to recognize the relationships between adjacent snippets is of vital importance which determines the quality of the action boundaries. However, it is error-prone since the variations between adjacent snippets are typically subtle, and unfortunately this is overlooked in the literature. To tackle the issue, we propose a novel WTAL approach named Convex Combination Consistency between Neighbors (C$^3$BN). C$^3$BN consists of two key ingredients: a micro data augmentation strategy that increases the diversity in-between adjacent snippets by convex combination of adjacent snippets, and a macro-micro consistency regularization that enforces the model to be invariant to the transformations~\textit{w.r.t.} video semantics, snippet predictions, and snippet representations. Consequently, fine-grained patterns in-between adjacent snippets are enforced to be explored, thereby resulting in a more robust action boundary localization. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of C$^3$BN on top of various baselines for WTAL with video-level and point-level supervisions. Code is at


replace Forensic License Plate Recognition with Compression-Informed Transformers

Authors: Denise Moussa, Anatol Maier, Andreas Spruck, J\"urgen Seiler, Christian Riess

Abstract: Forensic license plate recognition (FLPR) remains an open challenge in legal contexts such as criminal investigations, where unreadable license plates (LPs) need to be deciphered from highly compressed and/or low resolution footage, e.g., from surveillance cameras. In this work, we propose a side-informed Transformer architecture that embeds knowledge on the input compression level to improve recognition under strong compression. We show the effectiveness of Transformers for license plate recognition (LPR) on a low-quality real-world dataset. We also provide a synthetic dataset that includes strongly degraded, illegible LP images and analyze the impact of knowledge embedding on it. The network outperforms existing FLPR methods and standard state-of-the art image recognition models while requiring less parameters. For the severest degraded images, we can improve recognition by up to 8.9 percent points.

replace Learning Hierarchical Image Segmentation For Recognition and By Recognition

Authors: Tsung-Wei Ke, Sangwoo Mo, Stella X. Yu

Abstract: Large vision and language models learned directly through image-text associations often lack detailed visual substantiation, whereas image segmentation tasks are treated separately from recognition, supervisedly learned without interconnections. Our key observation is that, while an image can be recognized in multiple ways, each has a consistent part-and-whole visual organization. Segmentation thus should be treated not as an end task to be mastered through supervised learning, but as an internal process that evolves with and supports the ultimate goal of recognition. We propose to integrate a hierarchical segmenter into the recognition process, train and adapt the entire model solely on image-level recognition objectives. We learn hierarchical segmentation for free alongside recognition, automatically uncovering part-to-whole relationships that not only underpin but also enhance recognition. Enhancing the Vision Transformer (ViT) with adaptive segment tokens and graph pooling, our model surpasses ViT in unsupervised part-whole discovery, semantic segmentation, image classification, and efficiency. Notably, our model (trained on unlabeled 1M ImageNet images) outperforms SAM (trained on 11M images and 1 billion masks) by absolute 8% in mIoU on PartImageNet object segmentation.

replace Towards Diverse Binary Segmentation via A Simple yet General Gated Network

Authors: Xiaoqi Zhao, Youwei Pang, Lihe Zhang, Huchuan Lu, Lei Zhang

Abstract: In many binary segmentation tasks, most CNNs-based methods use a U-shape encoder-decoder network as their basic structure. They ignore two key problems when the encoder exchanges information with the decoder: one is the lack of interference control mechanism between them, the other is without considering the disparity of the contributions from different encoder levels. In this work, we propose a simple yet general gated network (GateNet) to tackle them all at once. With the help of multi-level gate units, the valuable context information from the encoder can be selectively transmitted to the decoder. In addition, we design a gated dual branch structure to build the cooperation among the features of different levels and improve the discrimination ability of the network. Furthermore, we introduce a "Fold" operation to improve the atrous convolution and form a novel folded atrous convolution, which can be flexibly embedded in ASPP or DenseASPP to accurately localize foreground objects of various scales. GateNet can be easily generalized to many binary segmentation tasks, including general and specific object segmentation and multi-modal segmentation. Without bells and whistles, our network consistently performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods under 10 metrics on 33 datasets of 10 binary segmentation tasks.

replace Denoising-Diffusion Alignment for Continuous Sign Language Recognition

Authors: Leming Guo, Wanli Xue, Yuxi Zhou, Ze Kang, Tiantian Yuan, Zan Gao, Shengyong Chen

Abstract: Continuous sign language recognition (CSLR) aims to promote active and accessible communication for the hearing impaired, by recognizing signs in untrimmed sign language videos to textual glosses sequentially. The key challenge of CSLR is how to achieve the cross-modality alignment between videos and gloss sequences. However, the current cross-modality paradigms of CSLR overlook using the glosses context to guide the video clips for global temporal context alignment, which further affects the visual to gloss mapping and is detrimental to recognition performance. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Denoising-Diffusion global Alignment (DDA), which consists of a denoising-diffusion autoencoder and DDA loss function. DDA leverages diffusion-based global alignment techniques to align video with gloss sequence, facilitating global temporal context alignment. Specifically, DDA first proposes the auxiliary condition diffusion to conduct the gloss-part noised bimodal representations for video and gloss sequence. To address the problem of the recognition-oriented alignment knowledge represented in the diffusion denoising process cannot be feedback. The DDA further proposes the Denoising-Diffusion Autoencoder, which adds a decoder in the auxiliary condition diffusion to denoise the partial noisy bimodal representations via the designed DDA loss in self-supervised. In the denoising process, each video clip representation of video can be reliably guided to re-establish the global temporal context between them via denoising the gloss sequence representation. Experiments on three public benchmarks demonstrate that our DDA achieves state-of-the-art performances and confirm the feasibility of DDA for video representation enhancement.

replace Discovering Novel Actions from Open World Egocentric Videos with Object-Grounded Visual Commonsense Reasoning

Authors: Sanjoy Kundu, Shubham Trehan, Sathyanarayanan N. Aakur

Abstract: Learning to infer labels in an open world, i.e., in an environment where the target ``labels'' are unknown, is an important characteristic for achieving autonomy. Foundation models, pre-trained on enormous amounts of data, have shown remarkable generalization skills through prompting, particularly in zero-shot inference. However, their performance is restricted to the correctness of the target label's search space, i.e., candidate labels provided in the prompt. This target search space can be unknown or exceptionally large in an open world, severely restricting their performance. To tackle this challenging problem, we propose a two-step, neuro-symbolic framework called ALGO - Action Learning with Grounded Object recognition that uses symbolic knowledge stored in large-scale knowledge bases to infer activities in egocentric videos with limited supervision. First, we propose a neuro-symbolic prompting approach that uses object-centric vision-language models as a noisy oracle to ground objects in the video through evidence-based reasoning. Second, driven by prior commonsense knowledge, we discover plausible activities through an energy-based symbolic pattern theory framework and learn to ground knowledge-based action (verb) concepts in the video. Extensive experiments on four publicly available datasets (EPIC-Kitchens, GTEA Gaze, GTEA Gaze Plus, and Charades-Ego) demonstrate its performance on open-world activity inference. We also show that ALGO can be extended to zero-shot inference and demonstrate its competitive performance on the Charades-Ego dataset.

replace DiffECG: A Versatile Probabilistic Diffusion Model for ECG Signals Synthesis

Authors: Nour Neifar, Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Afef Mdhaffar, Mohamed Jmaiel

Abstract: Within cardiovascular disease detection using deep learning applied to ECG signals, the complexities of handling physiological signals have sparked growing interest in leveraging deep generative models for effective data augmentation. In this paper, we introduce a novel versatile approach based on denoising diffusion probabilistic models for ECG synthesis, addressing three scenarios: (i) heartbeat generation, (ii) partial signal imputation, and (iii) full heartbeat forecasting. Our approach presents the first generalized conditional approach for ECG synthesis, and our experimental results demonstrate its effectiveness for various ECG-related tasks. Moreover, we show that our approach outperforms other state-of-the-art ECG generative models and can enhance the performance of state-of-the-art classifiers.

replace DORSal: Diffusion for Object-centric Representations of Scenes et al

Authors: Allan Jabri, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Emiel Hoogeboom, Mehdi S. M. Sajjadi, Thomas Kipf

Abstract: Recent progress in 3D scene understanding enables scalable learning of representations across large datasets of diverse scenes. As a consequence, generalization to unseen scenes and objects, rendering novel views from just a single or a handful of input images, and controllable scene generation that supports editing, is now possible. However, training jointly on a large number of scenes typically compromises rendering quality when compared to single-scene optimized models such as NeRFs. In this paper, we leverage recent progress in diffusion models to equip 3D scene representation learning models with the ability to render high-fidelity novel views, while retaining benefits such as object-level scene editing to a large degree. In particular, we propose DORSal, which adapts a video diffusion architecture for 3D scene generation conditioned on frozen object-centric slot-based representations of scenes. On both complex synthetic multi-object scenes and on the real-world large-scale Street View dataset, we show that DORSal enables scalable neural rendering of 3D scenes with object-level editing and improves upon existing approaches.

replace Early Autism Diagnosis based on Path Signature and Siamese Unsupervised Feature Compressor

Authors: Zhuowen Yin, Xinyao Ding, Xin Zhang, Zhengwang Wu, Li Wang, Xiangmin Xu, Gang Li

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been emerging as a growing public health threat. Early diagnosis of ASD is crucial for timely, effective intervention and treatment. However, conventional diagnosis methods based on communications and behavioral patterns are unreliable for children younger than 2 years of age. Given evidences of neurodevelopmental abnormalities in ASD infants, we resort to a novel deep learning-based method to extract key features from the inherently scarce, class-imbalanced, and heterogeneous structural MR images for early autism diagnosis. Specifically, we propose a Siamese verification framework to extend the scarce data, and an unsupervised compressor to alleviate data imbalance by extracting key features. We also proposed weight constraints to cope with sample heterogeneity by giving different samples different voting weights during validation, and we used Path Signature to unravel meaningful developmental features from the two-time point data longitudinally. We further extracted machine learning focused brain regions for autism diagnosis. Extensive experiments have shown that our method performed well under practical scenarios, transcending existing machine learning methods and providing anatomical insights for autism early diagnosis.

replace A Simple Interpretable Transformer for Fine-Grained Image Classification and Analysis

Authors: Dipanjyoti Paul, Arpita Chowdhury, Xinqi Xiong, Feng-Ju Chang, David Carlyn, Samuel Stevens, Kaiya L. Provost, Anuj Karpatne, Bryan Carstens, Daniel Rubenstein, Charles Stewart, Tanya Berger-Wolf, Yu Su, Wei-Lun Chao

Abstract: We present a novel usage of Transformers to make image classification interpretable. Unlike mainstream classifiers that wait until the last fully connected layer to incorporate class information to make predictions, we investigate a proactive approach, asking each class to search for itself in an image. We realize this idea via a Transformer encoder-decoder inspired by DEtection TRansformer (DETR). We learn "class-specific" queries (one for each class) as input to the decoder, enabling each class to localize its patterns in an image via cross-attention. We name our approach INterpretable TRansformer (INTR), which is fairly easy to implement and exhibits several compelling properties. We show that INTR intrinsically encourages each class to attend distinctively; the cross-attention weights thus provide a faithful interpretation of the prediction. Interestingly, via "multi-head" cross-attention, INTR could identify different "attributes" of a class, making it particularly suitable for fine-grained classification and analysis, which we demonstrate on eight datasets. Our code and pre-trained models are publicly accessible at the Imageomics Institute GitHub site:


replace High-fidelity Person-centric Subject-to-Image Synthesis

Authors: Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Abstract: Current subject-driven image generation methods encounter significant challenges in person-centric image generation. The reason is that they learn the semantic scene and person generation by fine-tuning a common pre-trained diffusion, which involves an irreconcilable training imbalance. Precisely, to generate realistic persons, they need to sufficiently tune the pre-trained model, which inevitably causes the model to forget the rich semantic scene prior and makes scene generation over-fit to the training data. Moreover, even with sufficient fine-tuning, these methods can still not generate high-fidelity persons since joint learning of the scene and person generation also lead to quality compromise. In this paper, we propose Face-diffuser, an effective collaborative generation pipeline to eliminate the above training imbalance and quality compromise. Specifically, we first develop two specialized pre-trained diffusion models, i.e., Text-driven Diffusion Model (TDM) and Subject-augmented Diffusion Model (SDM), for scene and person generation, respectively. The sampling process is divided into three sequential stages, i.e., semantic scene construction, subject-scene fusion, and subject enhancement. The first and last stages are performed by TDM and SDM respectively. The subject-scene fusion stage, that is the collaboration achieved through a novel and highly effective mechanism, Saliency-adaptive Noise Fusion (SNF). Specifically, it is based on our key observation that there exists a robust link between classifier-free guidance responses and the saliency of generated images. In each time step, SNF leverages the unique strengths of each model and allows for the spatial blending of predicted noises from both models automatically in a saliency-aware manner. Extensive experiments confirm the impressive effectiveness and robustness of the Face-diffuser.

replace Improving Interpretation Faithfulness for Vision Transformers

Authors: Lijie Hu, Yixin Liu, Ninghao Liu, Mengdi Huai, Lichao Sun, Di Wang

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance for various vision tasks. One reason behind the success lies in their ability to provide plausible innate explanations for the behavior of neural architectures. However, ViTs suffer from issues with explanation faithfulness, as their focal points are fragile to adversarial attacks and can be easily changed with even slight perturbations on the input image. In this paper, we propose a rigorous approach to mitigate these issues by introducing Faithful ViTs (FViTs). Briefly speaking, an FViT should have the following two properties: (1) The top-$k$ indices of its self-attention vector should remain mostly unchanged under input perturbation, indicating stable explanations; (2) The prediction distribution should be robust to perturbations. To achieve this, we propose a new method called Denoised Diffusion Smoothing (DDS), which adopts randomized smoothing and diffusion-based denoising. We theoretically prove that processing ViTs directly with DDS can turn them into FViTs. We also show that Gaussian noise is nearly optimal for both $\ell_2$ and $\ell_\infty$-norm cases. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through comprehensive experiments and evaluations. Results show that FViTs are more robust against adversarial attacks while maintaining the explainability of attention, indicating higher faithfulness.

replace Continual Diffusion with STAMINA: STack-And-Mask INcremental Adapters

Authors: James Seale Smith, Yen-Chang Hsu, Zsolt Kira, Yilin Shen, Hongxia Jin

Abstract: Recent work has demonstrated a remarkable ability to customize text-to-image diffusion models to multiple, fine-grained concepts in a sequential (i.e., continual) manner while only providing a few example images for each concept. This setting is known as continual diffusion. Here, we ask the question: Can we scale these methods to longer concept sequences without forgetting? Although prior work mitigates the forgetting of previously learned concepts, we show that its capacity to learn new tasks reaches saturation over longer sequences. We address this challenge by introducing a novel method, STack-And-Mask INcremental Adapters (STAMINA), which is composed of low-ranked attention-masked adapters and customized MLP tokens. STAMINA is designed to enhance the robust fine-tuning properties of LoRA for sequential concept learning via learnable hard-attention masks parameterized with low rank MLPs, enabling precise, scalable learning via sparse adaptation. Notably, all introduced trainable parameters can be folded back into the model after training, inducing no additional inference parameter costs. We show that STAMINA outperforms the prior SOTA for the setting of text-to-image continual customization on a 50-concept benchmark composed of landmarks and human faces, with no stored replay data. Additionally, we extended our method to the setting of continual learning for image classification, demonstrating that our gains also translate to state-of-the-art performance in this standard benchmark.

replace TULIP: Transformer for Upsampling of LiDAR Point Clouds

Authors: Bin Yang, Patrick Pfreundschuh, Roland Siegwart, Marco Hutter, Peyman Moghadam, Vaishakh Patil

Abstract: LiDAR Upsampling is a challenging task for the perception systems of robots and autonomous vehicles, due to the sparse and irregular structure of large-scale scene contexts. Recent works propose to solve this problem by converting LiDAR data from 3D Euclidean space into an image super-resolution problem in 2D image space. Although their methods can generate high-resolution range images with fine-grained details, the resulting 3D point clouds often blur out details and predict invalid points. In this paper, we propose TULIP, a new method to reconstruct high-resolution LiDAR point clouds from low-resolution LiDAR input. We also follow a range image-based approach but specifically modify the patch and window geometries of a Swin-Transformer-based network to better fit the characteristics of range images. We conducted several experiments on three public real-world and simulated datasets. TULIP outperforms state-of-the-art methods in all relevant metrics and generates robust and more realistic point clouds than prior works.

replace MaTe3D: Mask-guided Text-based 3D-aware Portrait Editing

Authors: Kangneng Zhou, Daiheng Gao, Xuan Wang, Jie Zhang, Peng Zhang, Xusen Sun, Longhao Zhang, Shiqi Yang, Bang Zhang, Liefeng Bo, Yaxing Wang, Ming-Ming Cheng

Abstract: 3D-aware portrait editing has a wide range of applications in multiple fields. However, current approaches are limited due that they can only perform mask-guided or text-based editing. Even by fusing the two procedures into a model, the editing quality and stability cannot be ensured. To address this limitation, we propose \textbf{MaTe3D}: mask-guided text-based 3D-aware portrait editing. In this framework, first, we introduce a new SDF-based 3D generator which learns local and global representations with proposed SDF and density consistency losses. This enhances masked-based editing in local areas; second, we present a novel distillation strategy: Conditional Distillation on Geometry and Texture (CDGT). Compared to exiting distillation strategies, it mitigates visual ambiguity and avoids mismatch between texture and geometry, thereby producing stable texture and convincing geometry while editing. Additionally, we create the CatMask-HQ dataset, a large-scale high-resolution cat face annotation for exploration of model generalization and expansion. We perform expensive experiments on both the FFHQ and CatMask-HQ datasets to demonstrate the editing quality and stability of the proposed method. Our method faithfully generates a 3D-aware edited face image based on a modified mask and a text prompt. Our code and models will be publicly released.

replace ValUES: A Framework for Systematic Validation of Uncertainty Estimation in Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Kim-Celine Kahl, Carsten T. L\"uth, Maximilian Zenk, Klaus Maier-Hein, Paul F. Jaeger

Abstract: Uncertainty estimation is an essential and heavily-studied component for the reliable application of semantic segmentation methods. While various studies exist claiming methodological advances on the one hand, and successful application on the other hand, the field is currently hampered by a gap between theory and practice leaving fundamental questions unanswered: Can data-related and model-related uncertainty really be separated in practice? Which components of an uncertainty method are essential for real-world performance? Which uncertainty method works well for which application? In this work, we link this research gap to a lack of systematic and comprehensive evaluation of uncertainty methods. Specifically, we identify three key pitfalls in current literature and present an evaluation framework that bridges the research gap by providing 1) a controlled environment for studying data ambiguities as well as distribution shifts, 2) systematic ablations of relevant method components, and 3) test-beds for the five predominant uncertainty applications: OoD-detection, active learning, failure detection, calibration, and ambiguity modeling. Empirical results on simulated as well as real-world data demonstrate how the proposed framework is able to answer the predominant questions in the field revealing for instance that 1) separation of uncertainty types works on simulated data but does not necessarily translate to real-world data, 2) aggregation of scores is a crucial but currently neglected component of uncertainty methods, 3) While ensembles are performing most robustly across the different downstream tasks and settings, test-time augmentation often constitutes a light-weight alternative. Code is at:


replace Visual Enumeration is Challenging for Large-scale Generative AI

Authors: Alberto Testolin, Kuinan Hou, Marco Zorzi

Abstract: Humans can readily judge the number of objects in a visual scene, even without counting, and such a skill has been documented in many animal species and babies prior to language development and formal schooling. Numerical judgments are error-free for small sets, while for larger collections responses become approximate, with variability increasing proportionally to the target number. This response pattern is observed for items of all kinds, despite variation in object features (such as color or shape), suggesting that our visual number sense relies on abstract representations of numerosity. Here, we investigate whether large-scale generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have a human-like number sense, which should allow them to reliably name the number of objects in simple visual stimuli or generate images containing a target number of items in the 1-10 range. Surprisingly, most of the foundation models considered have a poor number sense: They make striking errors even with small numbers, the response variability does not increase in a systematic way, and the pattern of errors depends on object category. Only the most recent proprietary systems exhibit signatures of a visual number sense. Our findings demonstrate that having an intuitive visual understanding of number remains challenging for foundation models, which in turn might be detrimental to the perceptual grounding of numeracy that in humans is crucial for mathematical learning.

replace Zero-shot generalization across architectures for visual classification

Authors: Evan Gerritz, Luciano Dyballa, Steven W. Zucker

Abstract: Generalization to unseen data is a key desideratum for deep networks, but its relation to classification accuracy is unclear. Using a minimalist vision dataset and a measure of generalizability, we show that popular networks, from deep convolutional networks (CNNs) to transformers, vary in their power to extrapolate to unseen classes both across layers and across architectures. Accuracy is not a good predictor of generalizability, and generalization varies non-monotonically with layer depth.

replace Simplicity in Complexity : Explaining Visual Complexity using Deep Segmentation Models

Authors: Tingke Shen, Surabhi S Nath, Aenne Brielmann, Peter Dayan

Abstract: The complexity of visual stimuli plays an important role in many cognitive phenomena, including attention, engagement, memorability, time perception and aesthetic evaluation. Despite its importance, complexity is poorly understood and ironically, previous models of image complexity have been quite complex. There have been many attempts to find handcrafted features that explain complexity, but these features are usually dataset specific, and hence fail to generalise. On the other hand, more recent work has employed deep neural networks to predict complexity, but these models remain difficult to interpret, and do not guide a theoretical understanding of the problem. Here we propose to model complexity using segment-based representations of images. We use state-of-the-art segmentation models, SAM and FC-CLIP, to quantify the number of segments at multiple granularities, and the number of classes in an image respectively. We find that complexity is well-explained by a simple linear model with these two features across six diverse image-sets of naturalistic scene and art images. This suggests that the complexity of images can be surprisingly simple.

replace Diffusion Time-step Curriculum for One Image to 3D Generation

Authors: Xuanyu Yi, Zike Wu, Qingshan Xu, Pan Zhou, Joo-Hwee Lim, Hanwang Zhang

Abstract: Score distillation sampling~(SDS) has been widely adopted to overcome the absence of unseen views in reconstructing 3D objects from a \textbf{single} image. It leverages pre-trained 2D diffusion models as teacher to guide the reconstruction of student 3D models. Despite their remarkable success, SDS-based methods often encounter geometric artifacts and texture saturation. We find out the crux is the overlooked indiscriminate treatment of diffusion time-steps during optimization: it unreasonably treats the student-teacher knowledge distillation to be equal at all time-steps and thus entangles coarse-grained and fine-grained modeling. Therefore, we propose the Diffusion Time-step Curriculum one-image-to-3D pipeline (DTC123), which involves both the teacher and student models collaborating with the time-step curriculum in a coarse-to-fine manner. Extensive experiments on NeRF4, RealFusion15, GSO and Level50 benchmark demonstrate that DTC123 can produce multi-view consistent, high-quality, and diverse 3D assets. Codes and more generation demos will be released in


replace Automated National Urban Map Extraction

Authors: Hasan Nasrallah, Abed Ellatif Samhat, Cristiano Nattero, Ali J. Ghandour

Abstract: Developing countries usually lack the proper governance means to generate and regularly update a national rooftop map. Using traditional photogrammetry and surveying methods to produce a building map at the federal level is costly and time consuming. Using earth observation and deep learning methods, we can bridge this gap and propose an automated pipeline to fetch such national urban maps. This paper aims to exploit the power of fully convolutional neural networks for multi-class buildings' instance segmentation to leverage high object-wise accuracy results. Buildings' instance segmentation from sub-meter high-resolution satellite images can be achieved with relatively high pixel-wise metric scores. We detail all engineering steps to replicate this work and ensure highly accurate results in dense and slum areas witnessed in regions that lack proper urban planning in the Global South. We applied a case study of the proposed pipeline to Lebanon and successfully produced the first comprehensive national building footprint map with approximately 1 Million units with an 84% accuracy. The proposed architecture relies on advanced augmentation techniques to overcome dataset scarcity, which is often the case in developing countries.

replace Explainable Light-Weight Deep Learning Pipeline for Improved Drought Stress Identification

Authors: Aswini Kumar Patra, Lingaraj Sahoo

Abstract: Early identification of drought stress in crops is vital for implementing effective mitigation measures and reducing yield loss. Non-invasive imaging techniques hold immense potential by capturing subtle physiological changes in plants under water deficit. Sensor based imaging data serves as a rich source of information for machine learning and deep learning algorithms, facilitating further analysis aimed at identifying drought stress. While these approaches yield favorable results, real-time field applications requires algorithms specifically designed for the complexities of natural agricultural conditions. Our work proposes a novel deep learning framework for classifying drought stress in potato crops captured by UAVs in natural settings. The novelty lies in the synergistic combination of a pre-trained network with carefully designed custom layers. This architecture leverages feature extraction capabilities of the pre-trained network while the custom layers enable targeted dimensionality reduction and enhanced regularization, ultimately leading to improved performance. A key innovation of our work involves the integration of Gradient-Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM), an explainability technique. Grad-CAM sheds light on the internal workings of the deep learning model, typically referred to as a black box. By visualizing the focus areas of the model within the images, Grad-CAM fosters interpretability and builds trust in the decision-making process of the model. Our proposed framework achieves superior performance, particularly with the DenseNet121 pre-trained network, reaching a precision of 97% to identify the stressed class with an overall accuracy of 91%. Comparative analysis of existing state-of-the-art object detection algorithms reveals the superiority of our approach in significantly higher precision and accuracy.

replace Understanding Hyperbolic Metric Learning through Hard Negative Sampling

Authors: Yun Yue, Fangzhou Lin, Guanyi Mou, Ziming Zhang

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing trend of incorporating hyperbolic geometry methods into computer vision. While these methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance on various metric learning tasks using hyperbolic distance measurements, the underlying theoretical analysis supporting this superior performance remains under-exploited. In this study, we investigate the effects of integrating hyperbolic space into metric learning, particularly when training with contrastive loss. We identify a need for a comprehensive comparison between Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces regarding the temperature effect in the contrastive loss within the existing literature. To address this gap, we conduct an extensive investigation to benchmark the results of Vision Transformers (ViTs) using a hybrid objective function that combines loss from Euclidean and hyperbolic spaces. Additionally, we provide a theoretical analysis of the observed performance improvement. We also reveal that hyperbolic metric learning is highly related to hard negative sampling, providing insights for future work. This work will provide valuable data points and experience in understanding hyperbolic image embeddings. To shed more light on problem-solving and encourage further investigation into our approach, our code is available online (


replace SATO: Stable Text-to-Motion Framework

Authors: Wenshuo Chen, Hongru Xiao, Erhang Zhang, Lijie Hu, Lei Wang, Mengyuan Liu, Chen Chen

Abstract: Is the Text to Motion model robust? Recent advancements in Text to Motion models primarily stem from more accurate predictions of specific actions. However, the text modality typically relies solely on pre-trained Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) models. Our research has uncovered a significant issue with the text-to-motion model: its predictions often exhibit inconsistent outputs, resulting in vastly different or even incorrect poses when presented with semantically similar or identical text inputs. In this paper, we undertake an analysis to elucidate the underlying causes of this instability, establishing a clear link between the unpredictability of model outputs and the erratic attention patterns of the text encoder module. Consequently, we introduce a formal framework aimed at addressing this issue, which we term the Stable Text-to-Motion Framework (SATO). SATO consists of three modules, each dedicated to stable attention, stable prediction, and maintaining a balance between accuracy and robustness trade-off. We present a methodology for constructing an SATO that satisfies the stability of attention and prediction. To verify the stability of the model, we introduced a new textual synonym perturbation dataset based on HumanML3D and KIT-ML. Results show that SATO is significantly more stable against synonyms and other slight perturbations while keeping its high accuracy performance.

replace-cross Towards Unconstrained Audio Splicing Detection and Localization with Neural Networks

Authors: Denise Moussa, Germans Hirsch, Christian Riess

Abstract: Freely available and easy-to-use audio editing tools make it straightforward to perform audio splicing. Convincing forgeries can be created by combining various speech samples from the same person. Detection of such splices is important both in the public sector when considering misinformation, and in a legal context to verify the integrity of evidence. Unfortunately, most existing detection algorithms for audio splicing use handcrafted features and make specific assumptions. However, criminal investigators are often faced with audio samples from unconstrained sources with unknown characteristics, which raises the need for more generally applicable methods. With this work, we aim to take a first step towards unconstrained audio splicing detection to address this need. We simulate various attack scenarios in the form of post-processing operations that may disguise splicing. We propose a Transformer sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) network for splicing detection and localization. Our extensive evaluation shows that the proposed method outperforms existing dedicated approaches for splicing detection [3, 10] as well as the general-purpose networks EfficientNet [28] and RegNet [25].

replace-cross JPEG Quantized Coefficient Recovery via DCT Domain Spatial-Frequential Transformer

Authors: Mingyu Ouyang, Zhenzhong Chen

Abstract: JPEG compression adopts the quantization of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients for effective bit-rate reduction, whilst the quantization could lead to a significant loss of important image details. Recovering compressed JPEG images in the frequency domain has recently garnered increasing interest, complementing the multitude of restoration techniques established in the pixel domain. However, existing DCT domain methods typically suffer from limited effectiveness in handling a wide range of compression quality factors or fall short in recovering sparse quantized coefficients and the components across different colorspaces. To address these challenges, we propose a DCT domain spatial-frequential Transformer, namely DCTransformer, for JPEG quantized coefficient recovery. Specifically, a dual-branch architecture is designed to capture both spatial and frequential correlations within the collocated DCT coefficients. Moreover, we incorporate the operation of quantization matrix embedding, which effectively allows our single model to handle a wide range of quality factors, and a luminance-chrominance alignment head that produces a unified feature map to align different-sized luminance and chrominance components. Our proposed DCTransformer outperforms the current state-of-the-art JPEG artifact removal techniques, as demonstrated by our extensive experiments.

replace-cross GReAT: A Graph Regularized Adversarial Training Method

Authors: Samet Bayram, Kenneth Barner

Abstract: This paper presents GReAT (Graph Regularized Adversarial Training), a novel regularization method designed to enhance the robust classification performance of deep learning models. Adversarial examples, characterized by subtle perturbations that can mislead models, pose a significant challenge in machine learning. Although adversarial training is effective in defending against such attacks, it often overlooks the underlying data structure. In response, GReAT integrates graph based regularization into the adversarial training process, leveraging the data's inherent structure to enhance model robustness. By incorporating graph information during training, GReAT defends against adversarial attacks and improves generalization to unseen data. Extensive evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate that GReAT outperforms state of the art methods in robustness, achieving notable improvements in classification accuracy. Specifically, compared to the second best methods, GReAT achieves a performance increase of approximately 4.87% for CIFAR10 against FGSM attack and 10.57% for SVHN against FGSM attack. Additionally, for CIFAR10, GReAT demonstrates a performance increase of approximately 11.05% against PGD attack, and for SVHN, a 5.54% increase against PGD attack. This paper provides detailed insights into the proposed methodology, including numerical results and comparisons with existing approaches, highlighting the significant impact of GReAT in advancing the performance of deep learning models.

replace-cross From Neural Activations to Concepts: A Survey on Explaining Concepts in Neural Networks

Authors: Jae Hee Lee, Sergio Lanza, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: In this paper, we review recent approaches for explaining concepts in neural networks. Concepts can act as a natural link between learning and reasoning: once the concepts are identified that a neural learning system uses, one can integrate those concepts with a reasoning system for inference or use a reasoning system to act upon them to improve or enhance the learning system. On the other hand, knowledge can not only be extracted from neural networks but concept knowledge can also be inserted into neural network architectures. Since integrating learning and reasoning is at the core of neuro-symbolic AI, the insights gained from this survey can serve as an important step towards realizing neuro-symbolic AI based on explainable concepts.

replace-cross Visual Environment Assessment for Safe Autonomous Quadrotor Landing

Authors: Mattia Secchiero, Nishanth Bobbili, Yang Zhou, Giuseppe Loianno

Abstract: Autonomous identification and evaluation of safe landing zones are of paramount importance for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of aerial robots in the event of system failures, low battery, or the successful completion of specific tasks. In this paper, we present a novel approach for detection and assessment of potential landing sites for safe quadrotor landing. Our solution efficiently integrates 2D and 3D environmental information, eliminating the need for external aids such as GPS and computationally intensive elevation maps. The proposed pipeline combines semantic data derived from a Neural Network (NN), to extract environmental features, with geometric data obtained from a disparity map, to extract critical geometric attributes such as slope, flatness, and roughness. We define several cost metrics based on these attributes to evaluate safety, stability, and suitability of regions in the environments and identify the most suitable landing area. Our approach runs in real-time on quadrotors equipped with limited computational capabilities. Experimental results conducted in diverse environments demonstrate that the proposed method can effectively assess and identify suitable landing areas, enabling the safe and autonomous landing of a quadrotor.

replace-cross MRI Scan Synthesis Methods based on Clustering and Pix2Pix

Authors: Giulia Baldini, Melanie Schmidt, Charlotte Z\"aske, Liliana L. Caldeira

Abstract: We consider a missing data problem in the context of automatic segmentation methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain scans. Usually, automated MRI scan segmentation is based on multiple scans (e.g., T1-weighted, T2-weighted, T1CE, FLAIR). However, quite often a scan is blurry, missing or otherwise unusable. We investigate the question whether a missing scan can be synthesized. We exemplify that this is in principle possible by synthesizing a T2-weighted scan from a given T1-weighted scan. Our first aim is to compute a picture that resembles the missing scan closely, measured by average mean squared error (MSE). We develop/use several methods for this, including a random baseline approach, a clustering-based method and pixel-to-pixel translation method by Isola et al. (Pix2Pix) which is based on conditional GANs. The lowest MSE is achieved by our clustering-based method. Our second aim is to compare the methods with respect to the effect that using the synthesized scan has on the segmentation process. For this, we use a DeepMedic model trained with the four input scan modalities named above. We replace the T2-weighted scan by the synthesized picture and evaluate the segmentations with respect to the tumor identification, using Dice scores as numerical evaluation. The evaluation shows that the segmentation works well with synthesized scans (in particular, with Pix2Pix methods) in many cases.

replace-cross Rotate to Scan: UNet-like Mamba with Triplet SSM Module for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Hao Tang, Lianglun Cheng, Guoheng Huang, Zhengguang Tan, Junhao Lu, Kaihong Wu

Abstract: Image segmentation holds a vital position in the realms of diagnosis and treatment within the medical domain. Traditional convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformer models have made significant advancements in this realm, but they still encounter challenges because of limited receptive field or high computing complexity. Recently, State Space Models (SSMs), particularly Mamba and its variants, have demonstrated notable performance in the field of vision. However, their feature extraction methods may not be sufficiently effective and retain some redundant structures, leaving room for parameter reduction. Motivated by previous spatial and channel attention methods, we propose Triplet Mamba-UNet. The method leverages residual VSS Blocks to extract intensive contextual features, while Triplet SSM is employed to fuse features across spatial and channel dimensions. We conducted experiments on ISIC17, ISIC18, CVC-300, CVC-ClinicDB, Kvasir-SEG, CVC-ColonDB, and Kvasir-Instrument datasets, demonstrating the superior segmentation performance of our proposed TM-UNet. Additionally, compared to the previous VM-UNet, our model achieves a one-third reduction in parameters.

replace-cross Deep Learning for Melt Pool Depth Contour Prediction From Surface Thermal Images via Vision Transformers

Authors: Francis Ogoke, Peter Myung-Won Pak, Alexander Myers, Guadalupe Quirarte, Jack Beuth, Jonathan Malen, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Insufficient overlap between the melt pools produced during Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) can lead to lack-of-fusion defects and deteriorated mechanical and fatigue performance. In-situ monitoring of the melt pool subsurface morphology requires specialized equipment that may not be readily accessible or scalable. Therefore, we introduce a machine learning framework to correlate in-situ two-color thermal images observed via high-speed color imaging to the two-dimensional profile of the melt pool cross-section. Specifically, we employ a hybrid CNN-Transformer architecture to establish a correlation between single bead off-axis thermal image sequences and melt pool cross-section contours measured via optical microscopy. In this architecture, a ResNet model embeds the spatial information contained within the thermal images to a latent vector, while a Transformer model correlates the sequence of embedded vectors to extract temporal information. Our framework is able to model the curvature of the subsurface melt pool structure, with improved performance in high energy density regimes compared to analytical melt pool models. The performance of this model is evaluated through dimensional and geometric comparisons to the corresponding experimental melt pool observations.

replace-cross Dynamic Against Dynamic: An Open-set Self-learning Framework

Authors: Haifeng Yang, Chuanxing Geng, Pong C. Yuen, Songcan Chen

Abstract: In open-set recognition, existing methods generally learn statically fixed decision boundaries using known classes to reject unknown classes. Though they have achieved promising results, such decision boundaries are evidently insufficient for universal unknown classes in dynamic and open scenarios as they can potentially appear at any position in the feature space. Moreover, these methods just simply reject unknown class samples during testing without any effective utilization for them. In fact, such samples completely can constitute the true instantiated representation of the unknown classes to further enhance the model's performance. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel dynamic against dynamic idea, i.e., dynamic method against dynamic changing open-set world, where an open-set self-learning (OSSL) framework is correspondingly developed. OSSL starts with a good closed-set classifier trained by known classes and utilizes available test samples for model adaptation during testing, thus gaining the adaptability to changing data distributions. In particular, a novel self-matching module is designed for OSSL, which can achieve the adaptation in automatically identifying known class samples while rejecting unknown class samples which are further utilized to enhance the discriminability of the model as the instantiated representation of unknown classes. Our method establishes new performance milestones respectively in almost all standard and cross-data benchmarks.

replace-cross Object Registration in Neural Fields

Authors: David Hall, Stephen Hausler, Sutharsan Mahendren, Peyman Moghadam

Abstract: Neural fields provide a continuous scene representation of 3D geometry and appearance in a way which has great promise for robotics applications. One functionality that unlocks unique use-cases for neural fields in robotics is object 6-DoF registration. In this paper, we provide an expanded analysis of the recent Reg-NF neural field registration method and its use-cases within a robotics context. We showcase the scenario of determining the 6-DoF pose of known objects within a scene using scene and object neural field models. We show how this may be used to better represent objects within imperfectly modelled scenes and generate new scenes by substituting object neural field models into the scene.

replace-cross A separability-based approach to quantifying generalization: which layer is best?

Authors: Luciano Dyballa, Evan Gerritz, Steven W. Zucker

Abstract: Generalization to unseen data remains poorly understood for deep learning classification and foundation models. How can one assess the ability of networks to adapt to new or extended versions of their input space in the spirit of few-shot learning, out-of-distribution generalization, and domain adaptation? Which layers of a network are likely to generalize best? We provide a new method for evaluating the capacity of networks to represent a sampled domain, regardless of whether the network has been trained on all classes in the domain. Our approach is the following: after fine-tuning state-of-the-art pre-trained models for visual classification on a particular domain, we assess their performance on data from related but distinct variations in that domain. Generalization power is quantified as a function of the latent embeddings of unseen data from intermediate layers for both unsupervised and supervised settings. Working throughout all stages of the network, we find that (i) high classification accuracy does not imply high generalizability; and (ii) deeper layers in a model do not always generalize the best, which has implications for pruning. Since the trends observed across datasets are largely consistent, we conclude that our approach reveals (a function of) the intrinsic capacity of the different layers of a model to generalize.