new Financial Table Extraction in Image Documents

Authors: William Watson, Bo Liu

Abstract: Table extraction has long been a pervasive problem in financial services. This is more challenging in the image domain, where content is locked behind cumbersome pixel format. Luckily, advances in deep learning for image segmentation, OCR, and sequence modeling provides the necessary heavy lifting to achieve impressive results. This paper presents an end-to-end pipeline for identifying, extracting and transcribing tabular content in image documents, while retaining the original spatial relations with high fidelity.

new 3D Holistic OR Anonymization

Authors: Tony Danjun Wang

Abstract: We propose a novel method that leverages 3D information to automatically anonymize multi-view RGB-D video recordings of operating rooms (OR). Our anonymization method preserves the original data distribution by replacing the faces in each image with different faces so that the data remains suitable for further downstream tasks. In contrast to established anonymization methods, our approach localizes faces in 3D space first rather than in 2D space. Each face is then anonymized by reprojecting a different face back into each camera view, ultimately replacing the original faces in the resulting images. Furthermore, we introduce a multi-view RGB-D dataset, captured during a real operation of experienced surgeons performing laparoscopic surgery on an animal object (swine), which encapsulates typical characteristics of ORs. Finally, we present experimental results evaluated on that dataset, showing that leveraging 3D data can achieve better face localization in OR images and generate more realistic faces than the current state-of-the-art. There has been, to our knowledge, no prior work that addresses the anonymization of multi-view OR recordings, nor 2D face localization that leverages 3D information.

new Relevant Irrelevance: Generating Alterfactual Explanations for Image Classifiers

Authors: Silvan Mertes, Tobias Huber, Christina Karle, Katharina Weitz, Ruben Schlagowski, Cristina Conati, Elisabeth Andr\'e

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of alterfactual explanations for black box image classifiers. Traditional explanation mechanisms from the field of Counterfactual Thinking are a widely-used paradigm for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), as they follow a natural way of reasoning that humans are familiar with. However, most common approaches from this field are based on communicating information about features or characteristics that are especially important for an AI's decision. However, to fully understand a decision, not only knowledge about relevant features is needed, but the awareness of irrelevant information also highly contributes to the creation of a user's mental model of an AI system. To this end, a novel approach for explaining AI systems called alterfactual explanations was recently proposed on a conceptual level. It is based on showing an alternative reality where irrelevant features of an AI's input are altered. By doing so, the user directly sees which input data characteristics can change arbitrarily without influencing the AI's decision. In this paper, we show for the first time that it is possible to apply this idea to black box models based on neural networks. To this end, we present a GAN-based approach to generate these alterfactual explanations for binary image classifiers. Further, we present a user study that gives interesting insights on how alterfactual explanations can complement counterfactual explanations.

new Deep Learning Method to Predict Wound Healing Progress Based on Collagen Fibers in Wound Tissue

Authors: Juan He, Xiaoyan Wang, Long Chen, Yunpeng Cai, Zhengshan Wang

Abstract: Wound healing is a complex process involving changes in collagen fibers. Accurate monitoring of these changes is crucial for assessing the progress of wound healing and has significant implications for guiding clinical treatment strategies and drug screening. However, traditional quantitative analysis methods focus on spatial characteristics such as collagen fiber alignment and variance, lacking threshold standards to differentiate between different stages of wound healing. To address this issue, we propose an innovative approach based on deep learning to predict the progression of wound healing by analyzing collagen fiber features in histological images of wound tissue. Leveraging the unique learning capabilities of deep learning models, our approach captures the feature variations of collagen fibers in histological images from different categories and classifies them into various stages of wound healing. To overcome the limited availability of histological image data, we employ a transfer learning strategy. Specifically, we fine-tune a VGG16 model pretrained on the ImageNet dataset to adapt it to the classification task of histological images of wounds. Through this process, our model achieves 82% accuracy in classifying six stages of wound healing. Furthermore, to enhance the interpretability of the model, we employ a class activation mapping technique called LayerCAM. LayerCAM reveals the image regions on which the model relies when making predictions, providing transparency to the model's decision-making process. This visualization not only helps us understand how the model identifies and evaluates collagen fiber features but also enhances trust in the model's prediction results. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed model is the first deep learning-based classification model used for predicting wound healing stages.

new Transfer-LMR: Heavy-Tail Driving Behavior Recognition in Diverse Traffic Scenarios

Authors: Chirag Parikh, Ravi Shankar Mishra, Rohan Chandra, Ravi Kiran Sarvadevabhatla

Abstract: Recognizing driving behaviors is important for downstream tasks such as reasoning, planning, and navigation. Existing video recognition approaches work well for common behaviors (e.g. "drive straight", "brake", "turn left/right"). However, the performance is sub-par for underrepresented/rare behaviors typically found in tail of the behavior class distribution. To address this shortcoming, we propose Transfer-LMR, a modular training routine for improving the recognition performance across all driving behavior classes. We extensively evaluate our approach on METEOR and HDD datasets that contain rich yet heavy-tailed distribution of driving behaviors and span diverse traffic scenarios. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our approach, especially for recognizing underrepresented/rare driving behaviors.

new Geometry-Informed Distance Candidate Selection for Adaptive Lightweight Omnidirectional Stereo Vision with Fisheye Images

Authors: Conner Pulling, Je Hon Tan, Yaoyu Hu, Sebastian Scherer

Abstract: Multi-view stereo omnidirectional distance estimation usually needs to build a cost volume with many hypothetical distance candidates. The cost volume building process is often computationally heavy considering the limited resources a mobile robot has. We propose a new geometry-informed way of distance candidates selection method which enables the use of a very small number of candidates and reduces the computational cost. We demonstrate the use of the geometry-informed candidates in a set of model variants. We find that by adjusting the candidates during robot deployment, our geometry-informed distance candidates also improve a pre-trained model's accuracy if the extrinsics or the number of cameras changes. Without any re-training or fine-tuning, our models outperform models trained with evenly distributed distance candidates. Models are also released as hardware-accelerated versions with a new dedicated large-scale dataset. The project page, code, and dataset can be found at .


new LOC-ZSON: Language-driven Object-Centric Zero-Shot Object Retrieval and Navigation

Authors: Tianrui Guan, Yurou Yang, Harry Cheng, Muyuan Lin, Richard Kim, Rajasimman Madhivanan, Arnie Sen, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: In this paper, we present LOC-ZSON, a novel Language-driven Object-Centric image representation for object navigation task within complex scenes. We propose an object-centric image representation and corresponding losses for visual-language model (VLM) fine-tuning, which can handle complex object-level queries. In addition, we design a novel LLM-based augmentation and prompt templates for stability during training and zero-shot inference. We implement our method on Astro robot and deploy it in both simulated and real-world environments for zero-shot object navigation. We show that our proposed method can achieve an improvement of 1.38 - 13.38% in terms of text-to-image recall on different benchmark settings for the retrieval task. For object navigation, we show the benefit of our approach in simulation and real world, showing 5% and 16.67% improvement in terms of navigation success rate, respectively.

new EarthMatch: Iterative Coregistration for Fine-grained Localization of Astronaut Photography

Authors: Gabriele Berton, Gabriele Goletto, Gabriele Trivigno, Alex Stoken, Barbara Caputo, Carlo Masone

Abstract: Precise, pixel-wise geolocalization of astronaut photography is critical to unlocking the potential of this unique type of remotely sensed Earth data, particularly for its use in disaster management and climate change research. Recent works have established the Astronaut Photography Localization task, but have either proved too costly for mass deployment or generated too coarse a localization. Thus, we present EarthMatch, an iterative homography estimation method that produces fine-grained localization of astronaut photographs while maintaining an emphasis on speed. We refocus the astronaut photography benchmark, AIMS, on the geolocalization task itself, and prove our method's efficacy on this dataset. In addition, we offer a new, fair method for image matcher comparison, and an extensive evaluation of different matching models within our localization pipeline. Our method will enable fast and accurate localization of the 4.5 million and growing collection of astronaut photography of Earth. Webpage with code and data at


new Adversary-Guided Motion Retargeting for Skeleton Anonymization

Authors: Thomas Carr, Depeng Xu, Aidong Lu

Abstract: Skeleton-based motion visualization is a rising field in computer vision, especially in the case of virtual reality (VR). With further advancements in human-pose estimation and skeleton extracting sensors, more and more applications that utilize skeleton data have come about. These skeletons may appear to be anonymous but they contain embedded personally identifiable information (PII). In this paper we present a new anonymization technique that is based on motion retargeting, utilizing adversary classifiers to further remove PII embedded in the skeleton. Motion retargeting is effective in anonymization as it transfers the movement of the user onto the a dummy skeleton. In doing so, any PII linked to the skeleton will be based on the dummy skeleton instead of the user we are protecting. We propose a Privacy-centric Deep Motion Retargeting model (PMR) which aims to further clear the retargeted skeleton of PII through adversarial learning. In our experiments, PMR achieves motion retargeting utility performance on par with state of the art models while also reducing the performance of privacy attacks.

new GDGS: Gradient Domain Gaussian Splatting for Sparse Representation of Radiance Fields

Authors: Yuanhao Gong

Abstract: The 3D Gaussian splatting methods are getting popular. However, they work directly on the signal, leading to a dense representation of the signal. Even with some techniques such as pruning or distillation, the results are still dense. In this paper, we propose to model the gradient of the original signal. The gradients are much sparser than the original signal. Therefore, the gradients use much less Gaussian splats, leading to the more efficient storage and thus higher computational performance during both training and rendering. Thanks to the sparsity, during the view synthesis, only a small mount of pixels are needed, leading to much higher computational performance ($100\sim 1000\times$ faster). And the 2D image can be recovered from the gradients via solving a Poisson equation with linear computation complexity. Several experiments are performed to confirm the sparseness of the gradients and the computation performance of the proposed method. The method can be applied various applications, such as human body modeling and indoor environment modeling.

new DynaSeg: A Deep Dynamic Fusion Method for Unsupervised Image Segmentation Incorporating Feature Similarity and Spatial Continuity

Authors: Naimul Khan, Boujemaa Guermazi

Abstract: Our work tackles the fundamental challenge of image segmentation in computer vision, which is crucial for diverse applications. While supervised methods demonstrate proficiency, their reliance on extensive pixel-level annotations limits scalability. In response to this challenge, we present an enhanced unsupervised Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based algorithm called DynaSeg. Unlike traditional approaches that rely on a fixed weight factor to balance feature similarity and spatial continuity, requiring manual adjustments, our novel, dynamic weighting scheme automates parameter tuning, adapting flexibly to image details. We also introduce the novel concept of a Silhouette Score Phase that addresses the challenge of dynamic clustering during iterations. Additionally, our methodology integrates both CNN-based and pre-trained ResNet feature extraction, offering a comprehensive and adaptable approach. We achieve state-of-the-art results on diverse datasets, with a notable 12.2% and 14.12% mIOU improvement compared to the current benchmarks on COCO-All and COCO-Stuff, respectively. The proposed approach unlocks the potential for unsupervised image segmentation and addresses scalability concerns in real-world scenarios by obviating the need for meticulous parameter tuning.

new Advancing Head and Neck Cancer Survival Prediction via Multi-Label Learning and Deep Model Interpretation

Authors: Meixu Chen, Kai Wang, Jing Wang

Abstract: A comprehensive and reliable survival prediction model is of great importance to assist in the personalized management of Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) patients treated with curative Radiation Therapy (RT). In this work, we propose IMLSP, an Interpretable Multi-Label multi-modal deep Survival Prediction framework for predicting multiple HNC survival outcomes simultaneously and provide time-event specific visual explanation of the deep prediction process. We adopt Multi-Task Logistic Regression (MTLR) layers to convert survival prediction from a regression problem to a multi-time point classification task, and to enable predicting of multiple relevant survival outcomes at the same time. We also present Grad-TEAM, a Gradient-weighted Time-Event Activation Mapping approach specifically developed for deep survival model visual explanation, to generate patient-specific time-to-event activation maps. We evaluate our method with the publicly available RADCURE HNC dataset, where it outperforms the corresponding single-modal models and single-label models on all survival outcomes. The generated activation maps show that the model focuses primarily on the tumor and nodal volumes when making the decision and the volume of interest varies for high- and low-risk patients. We demonstrate that the multi-label learning strategy can improve the learning efficiency and prognostic performance, while the interpretable survival prediction model is promising to help understand the decision-making process of AI and facilitate personalized treatment.

new Multi-Level Feature Fusion Network for Lightweight Stereo Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Yunxiang Li, Wenbin Zou, Qiaomu Wei, Feng Huang, Jing Wu

Abstract: Stereo image super-resolution utilizes the cross-view complementary information brought by the disparity effect of left and right perspective images to reconstruct higher-quality images. Cascading feature extraction modules and cross-view feature interaction modules to make use of the information from stereo images is the focus of numerous methods. However, this adds a great deal of network parameters and structural redundancy. To facilitate the application of stereo image super-resolution in downstream tasks, we propose an efficient Multi-Level Feature Fusion Network for Lightweight Stereo Image Super-Resolution (MFFSSR). Specifically, MFFSSR utilizes the Hybrid Attention Feature Extraction Block (HAFEB) to extract multi-level intra-view features. Using the channel separation strategy, HAFEB can efficiently interact with the embedded cross-view interaction module. This structural configuration can efficiently mine features inside the view while improving the efficiency of cross-view information sharing. Hence, reconstruct image details and textures more accurately. Abundant experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of MFFSSR. We achieve superior performance with fewer parameters. The source code is available at


new Towards Accurate and Robust Architectures via Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Yuwei Ou, Yuqi Feng, Yanan Sun

Abstract: To defend deep neural networks from adversarial attacks, adversarial training has been drawing increasing attention for its effectiveness. However, the accuracy and robustness resulting from the adversarial training are limited by the architecture, because adversarial training improves accuracy and robustness by adjusting the weight connection affiliated to the architecture. In this work, we propose ARNAS to search for accurate and robust architectures for adversarial training. First we design an accurate and robust search space, in which the placement of the cells and the proportional relationship of the filter numbers are carefully determined. With the design, the architectures can obtain both accuracy and robustness by deploying accurate and robust structures to their sensitive positions, respectively. Then we propose a differentiable multi-objective search strategy, performing gradient descent towards directions that are beneficial for both natural loss and adversarial loss, thus the accuracy and robustness can be guaranteed at the same time. We conduct comprehensive experiments in terms of white-box attacks, black-box attacks, and transferability. Experimental results show that the searched architecture has the strongest robustness with the competitive accuracy, and breaks the traditional idea that NAS-based architectures cannot transfer well to complex tasks in robustness scenarios. By analyzing outstanding architectures searched, we also conclude that accurate and robust neural architectures tend to deploy different structures near the input and output, which has great practical significance on both hand-crafting and automatically designing of accurate and robust architectures.

new DTCLMapper: Dual Temporal Consistent Learning for Vectorized HD Map Construction

Authors: Siyu Li, Jiacheng Lin, Hao Shi, Jiaming Zhang, Song Wang, You Yao, Zhiyong Li, Kailun Yang

Abstract: Temporal information plays a pivotal role in Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) driving scene understanding, which can alleviate the visual information sparsity. However, the indiscriminate temporal fusion method will cause the barrier of feature redundancy when constructing vectorized High-Definition (HD) maps. In this paper, we revisit the temporal fusion of vectorized HD maps, focusing on temporal instance consistency and temporal map consistency learning. To improve the representation of instances in single-frame maps, we introduce a novel method, DTCLMapper. This approach uses a dual-stream temporal consistency learning module that combines instance embedding with geometry maps. In the instance embedding component, our approach integrates temporal Instance Consistency Learning (ICL), ensuring consistency from vector points and instance features aggregated from points. A vectorized points pre-selection module is employed to enhance the regression efficiency of vector points from each instance. Then aggregated instance features obtained from the vectorized points preselection module are grounded in contrastive learning to realize temporal consistency, where positive and negative samples are selected based on position and semantic information. The geometry mapping component introduces Map Consistency Learning (MCL) designed with self-supervised learning. The MCL enhances the generalization capability of our consistent learning approach by concentrating on the global location and distribution constraints of the instances. Extensive experiments on well-recognized benchmarks indicate that the proposed DTCLMapper achieves state-of-the-art performance in vectorized mapping tasks, reaching 61.9% and 65.1% mAP scores on the nuScenes and Argoverse datasets, respectively. The source code will be made publicly available at


new Prompt When the Animal is: Temporal Animal Behavior Grounding with Positional Recovery Training

Authors: Sheng Yan, Xin Du, Zongying Li, Yi Wang, Hongcang Jin, Mengyuan Liu

Abstract: Temporal grounding is crucial in multimodal learning, but it poses challenges when applied to animal behavior data due to the sparsity and uniform distribution of moments. To address these challenges, we propose a novel Positional Recovery Training framework (Port), which prompts the model with the start and end times of specific animal behaviors during training. Specifically, Port enhances the baseline model with a Recovering part to predict flipped label sequences and align distributions with a Dual-alignment method. This allows the model to focus on specific temporal regions prompted by ground-truth information. Extensive experiments on the Animal Kingdom dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of Port, achieving an IoU@0.3 of 38.52. It emerges as one of the top performers in the sub-track of MMVRAC in ICME 2024 Grand Challenges.

new Universal Adversarial Perturbations for Vision-Language Pre-trained Models

Authors: Peng-Fei Zhang, Zi Huang, Guangdong Bai

Abstract: Vision-language pre-trained (VLP) models have been the foundation of numerous vision-language tasks. Given their prevalence, it be- comes imperative to assess their adversarial robustness, especially when deploying them in security-crucial real-world applications. Traditionally, adversarial perturbations generated for this assessment target specific VLP models, datasets, and/or downstream tasks. This practice suffers from low transferability and additional computation costs when transitioning to new scenarios. In this work, we thoroughly investigate whether VLP models are commonly sensitive to imperceptible perturbations of a specific pattern for the image modality. To this end, we propose a novel black-box method to generate Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs), which is so called the Effective and T ransferable Universal Adversarial Attack (ETU), aiming to mislead a variety of existing VLP models in a range of downstream tasks. The ETU comprehensively takes into account the characteristics of UAPs and the intrinsic cross-modal interactions to generate effective UAPs. Under this regime, the ETU encourages both global and local utilities of UAPs. This benefits the overall utility while reducing interactions between UAP units, improving the transferability. To further enhance the effectiveness and transferability of UAPs, we also design a novel data augmentation method named ScMix. ScMix consists of self-mix and cross-mix data transformations, which can effectively increase the multi-modal data diversity while preserving the semantics of the original data. Through comprehensive experiments on various downstream tasks, VLP models, and datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed method is able to achieve effective and transferrable universal adversarial attacks.

new NurtureNet: A Multi-task Video-based Approach for Newborn Anthropometry

Authors: Yash Khandelwal, Mayur Arvind, Sriram Kumar, Ashish Gupta, Sachin Kumar Danisetty, Piyush Bagad, Anish Madan, Mayank Lunayach, Aditya Annavajjala, Abhishek Maiti, Sansiddh Jain, Aman Dalmia, Namrata Deka, Jerome White, Jigar Doshi, Angjoo Kanazawa, Rahul Panicker, Alpan Raval, Srinivas Rana, Makarand Tapaswi

Abstract: Malnutrition among newborns is a top public health concern in developing countries. Identification and subsequent growth monitoring are key to successful interventions. However, this is challenging in rural communities where health systems tend to be inaccessible and under-equipped, with poor adherence to protocol. Our goal is to equip health workers and public health systems with a solution for contactless newborn anthropometry in the community. We propose NurtureNet, a multi-task model that fuses visual information (a video taken with a low-cost smartphone) with tabular inputs to regress multiple anthropometry estimates including weight, length, head circumference, and chest circumference. We show that visual proxy tasks of segmentation and keypoint prediction further improve performance. We establish the efficacy of the model through several experiments and achieve a relative error of 3.9% and mean absolute error of 114.3 g for weight estimation. Model compression to 15 MB also allows offline deployment to low-cost smartphones.

new A Survey on Personalized Content Synthesis with Diffusion Models

Authors: Xulu Zhang, Xiao-Yong Wei, Wengyu Zhang, Jinlin Wu, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Zhen Lei, Qing Li

Abstract: Recent advancements in generative models have significantly impacted content creation, leading to the emergence of Personalized Content Synthesis (PCS). With a small set of user-provided examples, PCS aims to customize the subject of interest to specific user-defined prompts. Over the past two years, more than 150 methods have been proposed. However, existing surveys mainly focus on text-to-image generation, with few providing up-to-date summaries on PCS. This paper offers a comprehensive survey of PCS, with a particular focus on the diffusion models. Specifically, we introduce the generic frameworks of PCS research, which can be broadly classified into optimization-based and learning-based approaches. We further categorize and analyze these methodologies, discussing their strengths, limitations, and key techniques. Additionally, we delve into specialized tasks within the field, such as personalized object generation, face synthesis, and style personalization, highlighting their unique challenges and innovations. Despite encouraging progress, we also present an analysis of the challenges such as overfitting and the trade-off between subject fidelity and text alignment. Through this detailed overview and analysis, we propose future directions to advance the development of PCS.

new The object detection model uses combined extraction with KNN and RF classification

Authors: Florentina Tatrin Kurniati, Daniel HF Manongga, Irwan Sembiring, Sutarto Wijono, Roy Rudolf Huizen

Abstract: Object detection plays an important role in various fields. Developing detection models for 2D objects that experience rotation and texture variations is a challenge. In this research, the initial stage of the proposed model integrates the gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and local binary patterns (LBP) texture feature extraction to obtain feature vectors. The next stage is classifying features using k-nearest neighbors (KNN) and random forest (RF), as well as voting ensemble (VE). System testing used a dataset of 4,437 2D images, the results for KNN accuracy were 92.7% and F1-score 92.5%, while RF performance was lower. Although GLCM features improve performance on both algorithms, KNN is more consistent. The VE approach provides the best performance with an accuracy of 93.9% and an F1 score of 93.8%, this shows the effectiveness of the ensemble technique in increasing object detection accuracy. This study contributes to the field of object detection with a new approach combining GLCM and LBP as feature vectors as well as VE for classification

new Bidirectional Progressive Transformer for Interaction Intention Anticipation

Authors: Zichen Zhang, Hongchen Luo, Wei Zhai, Yang Cao, Yu Kang

Abstract: Interaction intention anticipation aims to jointly predict future hand trajectories and interaction hotspots. Existing research often treated trajectory forecasting and interaction hotspots prediction as separate tasks or solely considered the impact of trajectories on interaction hotspots, which led to the accumulation of prediction errors over time. However, a deeper inherent connection exists between hand trajectories and interaction hotspots, which allows for continuous mutual correction between them. Building upon this relationship, a novel Bidirectional prOgressive Transformer (BOT), which introduces a Bidirectional Progressive mechanism into the anticipation of interaction intention is established. Initially, BOT maximizes the utilization of spatial information from the last observation frame through the Spatial-Temporal Reconstruction Module, mitigating conflicts arising from changes of view in first-person videos. Subsequently, based on two independent prediction branches, a Bidirectional Progressive Enhancement Module is introduced to mutually improve the prediction of hand trajectories and interaction hotspots over time to minimize error accumulation. Finally, acknowledging the intrinsic randomness in human natural behavior, we employ a Trajectory Stochastic Unit and a C-VAE to introduce appropriate uncertainty to trajectories and interaction hotspots, respectively. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results on three benchmark datasets Epic-Kitchens-100, EGO4D, and EGTEA Gaze+, demonstrating superior in complex scenarios.

new Towards Robust Physical-world Backdoor Attacks on Lane Detection

Authors: Xinwei Zhang, Aishan Liu, Tianyuan Zhang, Siyuan Liang, Xianglong Liu

Abstract: Deep learning-based lane detection (LD) plays a critical role in autonomous driving systems, such as adaptive cruise control. However, it is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. Existing backdoor attack methods on LD exhibit limited effectiveness in dynamic real-world scenarios, primarily because they fail to consider dynamic scene factors, including changes in driving perspectives (e.g., viewpoint transformations) and environmental conditions (e.g., weather or lighting changes). To tackle this issue, this paper introduces BadLANE, a dynamic scene adaptation backdoor attack for LD designed to withstand changes in real-world dynamic scene factors. To address the challenges posed by changing driving perspectives, we propose an amorphous trigger pattern composed of shapeless pixels. This trigger design allows the backdoor to be activated by various forms or shapes of mud spots or pollution on the road or lens, enabling adaptation to changes in vehicle observation viewpoints during driving. To mitigate the effects of environmental changes, we design a meta-learning framework to train meta-generators tailored to different environmental conditions. These generators produce meta-triggers that incorporate diverse environmental information, such as weather or lighting conditions, as the initialization of the trigger patterns for backdoor implantation, thus enabling adaptation to dynamic environments. Extensive experiments on various commonly used LD models in both digital and physical domains validate the effectiveness of our attacks, outperforming other baselines significantly (+25.15\% on average in Attack Success Rate). Our codes will be available upon paper publication.

new Poisoning-based Backdoor Attacks for Arbitrary Target Label with Positive Triggers

Authors: Binxiao Huang, Jason Chun Lok, Chang Liu, Ngai Wong

Abstract: Poisoning-based backdoor attacks expose vulnerabilities in the data preparation stage of deep neural network (DNN) training. The DNNs trained on the poisoned dataset will be embedded with a backdoor, making them behave well on clean data while outputting malicious predictions whenever a trigger is applied. To exploit the abundant information contained in the input data to output label mapping, our scheme utilizes the network trained from the clean dataset as a trigger generator to produce poisons that significantly raise the success rate of backdoor attacks versus conventional approaches. Specifically, we provide a new categorization of triggers inspired by the adversarial technique and develop a multi-label and multi-payload Poisoning-based backdoor attack with Positive Triggers (PPT), which effectively moves the input closer to the target label on benign classifiers. After the classifier is trained on the poisoned dataset, we can generate an input-label-aware trigger to make the infected classifier predict any given input to any target label with a high possibility. Under both dirty- and clean-label settings, we show empirically that the proposed attack achieves a high attack success rate without sacrificing accuracy across various datasets, including SVHN, CIFAR10, GTSRB, and Tiny ImageNet. Furthermore, the PPT attack can elude a variety of classical backdoor defenses, proving its effectiveness.

new Vision-Language Modeling with Regularized Spatial Transformer Networks for All Weather Crosswind Landing of Aircraft

Authors: Debabrata Pal, Anvita Singh, Saumya Saumya, Shouvik Das

Abstract: The intrinsic capability to perceive depth of field and extract salient information by the Human Vision System (HVS) stimulates a pilot to perform manual landing over an autoland approach. However, harsh weather creates visibility hindrances, and a pilot must have a clear view of runway elements before the minimum decision altitude. To help a pilot in manual landing, a vision-based system tailored to localize runway elements likewise gets affected, especially during crosswind due to the projective distortion of aircraft camera images. To combat this, we propose to integrate a prompt-based climatic diffusion network with a weather distillation model using a novel diffusion-distillation loss. Precisely, the diffusion model synthesizes climatic-conditioned landing images, and the weather distillation model learns inverse mapping by clearing those visual degradations. Then, to tackle the crosswind landing scenario, a novel Regularized Spatial Transformer Networks (RuSTaN) learns to accurately calibrate for projective distortion using self-supervised learning, which minimizes localization error by the downstream runway object detector. Finally, we have simulated a clear-day landing scenario at the busiest airport globally to curate an image-based Aircraft Landing Dataset (AIRLAD) and experimentally validated our contributions using this dataset to benchmark the performance.

new A Survey on Backbones for Deep Video Action Recognition

Authors: Zixuan Tang, Youjun Zhao, Yuhang Wen, Mengyuan Liu

Abstract: Action recognition is a key technology in building interactive metaverses. With the rapid development of deep learning, methods in action recognition have also achieved great advancement. Researchers design and implement the backbones referring to multiple standpoints, which leads to the diversity of methods and encountering new challenges. This paper reviews several action recognition methods based on deep neural networks. We introduce these methods in three parts: 1) Two-Streams networks and their variants, which, specifically in this paper, use RGB video frame and optical flow modality as input; 2) 3D convolutional networks, which make efforts in taking advantage of RGB modality directly while extracting different motion information is no longer necessary; 3) Transformer-based methods, which introduce the model from natural language processing into computer vision and video understanding. We offer objective sights in this review and hopefully provide a reference for future research.

new Navigate Beyond Shortcuts: Debiased Learning through the Lens of Neural Collapse

Authors: Yining Wang, Junjie Sun, Chenyue Wang, Mi Zhang, Min Yang

Abstract: Recent studies have noted an intriguing phenomenon termed Neural Collapse, that is, when the neural networks establish the right correlation between feature spaces and the training targets, their last-layer features, together with the classifier weights, will collapse into a stable and symmetric structure. In this paper, we extend the investigation of Neural Collapse to the biased datasets with imbalanced attributes. We observe that models will easily fall into the pitfall of shortcut learning and form a biased, non-collapsed feature space at the early period of training, which is hard to reverse and limits the generalization capability. To tackle the root cause of biased classification, we follow the recent inspiration of prime training, and propose an avoid-shortcut learning framework without additional training complexity. With well-designed shortcut primes based on Neural Collapse structure, the models are encouraged to skip the pursuit of simple shortcuts and naturally capture the intrinsic correlations. Experimental results demonstrate that our method induces better convergence properties during training, and achieves state-of-the-art generalization performance on both synthetic and real-world biased datasets.

new Minimal Perspective Autocalibration

Authors: Andrea Porfiri Dal Cin, Timothy Duff, Luca Magri, Tomas Pajdla

Abstract: We introduce a new family of minimal problems for reconstruction from multiple views. Our primary focus is a novel approach to autocalibration, a long-standing problem in computer vision. Traditional approaches to this problem, such as those based on Kruppa's equations or the modulus constraint, rely explicitly on the knowledge of multiple fundamental matrices or a projective reconstruction. In contrast, we consider a novel formulation involving constraints on image points, the unknown depths of 3D points, and a partially specified calibration matrix $K$. For $2$ and $3$ views, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of minimal autocalibration problems obtained by relaxing some of these constraints. These problems are organized into classes according to the number of views and any assumed prior knowledge of $K$. Within each class, we determine problems with the fewest -- or a relatively small number of -- solutions. From this zoo of problems, we devise three practical solvers. Experiments with synthetic and real data and interfacing our solvers with COLMAP demonstrate that we achieve superior accuracy compared to state-of-the-art calibration methods. The code is available at


new Robust Pseudo-label Learning with Neighbor Relation for Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification

Authors: Xiangbo Yin, Jiangming Shi, Yachao Zhang, Yang Lu, Zhizhong Zhang, Yuan Xie, Yanyun Qu

Abstract: Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification (USVI-ReID) presents a formidable challenge, which aims to match pedestrian images across visible and infrared modalities without any annotations. Recently, clustered pseudo-label methods have become predominant in USVI-ReID, although the inherent noise in pseudo-labels presents a significant obstacle. Most existing works primarily focus on shielding the model from the harmful effects of noise, neglecting to calibrate noisy pseudo-labels usually associated with hard samples, which will compromise the robustness of the model. To address this issue, we design a Robust Pseudo-label Learning with Neighbor Relation (RPNR) framework for USVI-ReID. To be specific, we first introduce a straightforward yet potent Noisy Pseudo-label Calibration module to correct noisy pseudo-labels. Due to the high intra-class variations, noisy pseudo-labels are difficult to calibrate completely. Therefore, we introduce a Neighbor Relation Learning module to reduce high intra-class variations by modeling potential interactions between all samples. Subsequently, we devise an Optimal Transport Prototype Matching module to establish reliable cross-modality correspondences. On that basis, we design a Memory Hybrid Learning module to jointly learn modality-specific and modality-invariant information. Comprehensive experiments conducted on two widely recognized benchmarks, SYSU-MM01 and RegDB, demonstrate that RPNR outperforms the current state-of-the-art GUR with an average Rank-1 improvement of 10.3%. The source codes will be released soon.

new Depth Awakens: A Depth-perceptual Attention Fusion Network for RGB-D Camouflaged Object Detection

Authors: Xinran Liua, Lin Qia, Yuxuan Songa, Qi Wen

Abstract: Camouflaged object detection (COD) presents a persistent challenge in accurately identifying objects that seamlessly blend into their surroundings. However, most existing COD models overlook the fact that visual systems operate within a genuine 3D environment. The scene depth inherent in a single 2D image provides rich spatial clues that can assist in the detection of camouflaged objects. Therefore, we propose a novel depth-perception attention fusion network that leverages the depth map as an auxiliary input to enhance the network's ability to perceive 3D information, which is typically challenging for the human eye to discern from 2D images. The network uses a trident-branch encoder to extract chromatic and depth information and their communications. Recognizing that certain regions of a depth map may not effectively highlight the camouflaged object, we introduce a depth-weighted cross-attention fusion module to dynamically adjust the fusion weights on depth and RGB feature maps. To keep the model simple without compromising effectiveness, we design a straightforward feature aggregation decoder that adaptively fuses the enhanced aggregated features. Experiments demonstrate the significant superiority of our proposed method over other states of the arts, which further validates the contribution of depth information in camouflaged object detection. The code will be available at


new Memory-Space Visual Prompting for Efficient Vision-Language Fine-Tuning

Authors: Shibo Jie, Yehui Tang, Ning Ding, Zhi-Hong Deng, Kai Han, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Current solutions for efficiently constructing large vision-language (VL) models follow a two-step paradigm: projecting the output of pre-trained vision encoders to the input space of pre-trained language models as visual prompts; and then transferring the models to downstream VL tasks via end-to-end parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). However, this paradigm still exhibits inefficiency since it significantly increases the input length of the language models. In this paper, in contrast to integrating visual prompts into inputs, we regard visual prompts as additional knowledge that facilitates language models in addressing tasks associated with visual information. Motivated by the finding that Feed-Forward Network (FFN) of language models acts as "key-value memory", we introduce a novel approach termed memory-space visual prompting (MemVP), wherein visual prompts are concatenated with the weights of FFN for visual knowledge injection. Experimental results across various VL tasks and language models reveal that MemVP significantly reduces the training time and inference latency of the finetuned VL models and surpasses the performance of previous PEFT methods. Code:


new SwapTalk: Audio-Driven Talking Face Generation with One-Shot Customization in Latent Space

Authors: Zeren Zhang, Haibo Qin, Jiayu Huang, Yixin Li, Hui Lin, Yitao Duan, Jinwen Ma

Abstract: Combining face swapping with lip synchronization technology offers a cost-effective solution for customized talking face generation. However, directly cascading existing models together tends to introduce significant interference between tasks and reduce video clarity because the interaction space is limited to the low-level semantic RGB space. To address this issue, we propose an innovative unified framework, SwapTalk, which accomplishes both face swapping and lip synchronization tasks in the same latent space. Referring to recent work on face generation, we choose the VQ-embedding space due to its excellent editability and fidelity performance. To enhance the framework's generalization capabilities for unseen identities, we incorporate identity loss during the training of the face swapping module. Additionally, we introduce expert discriminator supervision within the latent space during the training of the lip synchronization module to elevate synchronization quality. In the evaluation phase, previous studies primarily focused on the self-reconstruction of lip movements in synchronous audio-visual videos. To better approximate real-world applications, we expand the evaluation scope to asynchronous audio-video scenarios. Furthermore, we introduce a novel identity consistency metric to more comprehensively assess the identity consistency over time series in generated facial videos. Experimental results on the HDTF demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses existing techniques in video quality, lip synchronization accuracy, face swapping fidelity, and identity consistency. Our demo is available at


new Letter to the Editor: What are the legal and ethical considerations of submitting radiology reports to ChatGPT?

Authors: Siddharth Agarwal, David Wood, Robin Carpenter, Yiran Wei, Marc Modat, Thomas C Booth

Abstract: This letter critically examines the recent article by Infante et al. assessing the utility of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Perplexity, and Bard in identifying urgent findings in emergency radiology reports. While acknowledging the potential of LLMs in generating labels for computer vision, concerns are raised about the ethical implications of using patient data without explicit approval, highlighting the necessity of stringent data protection measures under GDPR.

new RPBG: Towards Robust Neural Point-based Graphics in the Wild

Authors: Qingtian Zhu, Zizhuang Wei, Zhongtian Zheng, Yifan Zhan, Zhuyu Yao, Jiawang Zhang, Kejian Wu, Yinqiang Zheng

Abstract: Point-based representations have recently gained popularity in novel view synthesis, for their unique advantages, e.g., intuitive geometric representation, simple manipulation, and faster convergence. However, based on our observation, these point-based neural re-rendering methods are only expected to perform well under ideal conditions and suffer from noisy, patchy points and unbounded scenes, which are challenging to handle but defacto common in real applications. To this end, we revisit one such influential method, known as Neural Point-based Graphics (NPBG), as our baseline, and propose Robust Point-based Graphics (RPBG). We in-depth analyze the factors that prevent NPBG from achieving satisfactory renderings on generic datasets, and accordingly reform the pipeline to make it more robust to varying datasets in-the-wild. Inspired by the practices in image restoration, we greatly enhance the neural renderer to enable the attention-based correction of point visibility and the inpainting of incomplete rasterization, with only acceptable overheads. We also seek for a simple and lightweight alternative for environment modeling and an iterative method to alleviate the problem of poor geometry. By thorough evaluation on a wide range of datasets with different shooting conditions and camera trajectories, RPBG stably outperforms the baseline by a large margin, and exhibits its great robustness over state-of-the-art NeRF-based variants. Code available at


new Multi-Stream Keypoint Attention Network for Sign Language Recognition and Translation

Authors: Mo Guan, Yan Wang, Guangkun Ma, Jiarui Liu, Mingzu Sun

Abstract: Sign language serves as a non-vocal means of communication, transmitting information and significance through gestures, facial expressions, and bodily movements. The majority of current approaches for sign language recognition (SLR) and translation rely on RGB video inputs, which are vulnerable to fluctuations in the background. Employing a keypoint-based strategy not only mitigates the effects of background alterations but also substantially diminishes the computational demands of the model. Nevertheless, contemporary keypoint-based methodologies fail to fully harness the implicit knowledge embedded in keypoint sequences. To tackle this challenge, our inspiration is derived from the human cognition mechanism, which discerns sign language by analyzing the interplay between gesture configurations and supplementary elements. We propose a multi-stream keypoint attention network to depict a sequence of keypoints produced by a readily available keypoint estimator. In order to facilitate interaction across multiple streams, we investigate diverse methodologies such as keypoint fusion strategies, head fusion, and self-distillation. The resulting framework is denoted as MSKA-SLR, which is expanded into a sign language translation (SLT) model through the straightforward addition of an extra translation network. We carry out comprehensive experiments on well-known benchmarks like Phoenix-2014, Phoenix-2014T, and CSL-Daily to showcase the efficacy of our methodology. Notably, we have attained a novel state-of-the-art performance in the sign language translation task of Phoenix-2014T. The code and models can be accessed at:


new TransAnaNet: Transformer-based Anatomy Change Prediction Network for Head and Neck Cancer Patient Radiotherapy

Authors: Meixu Chen, Kai Wang, Michael Dohopolski, Howard Morgan, Jing Wang

Abstract: Early identification of head and neck cancer (HNC) patients who would experience significant anatomical change during radiotherapy (RT) is important to optimize patient clinical benefit and treatment resources. This study aims to assess the feasibility of using a vision-transformer (ViT) based neural network to predict RT-induced anatomic change in HNC patients. We retrospectively included 121 HNC patients treated with definitive RT/CRT. We collected the planning CT (pCT), planned dose, CBCTs acquired at the initial treatment (CBCT01) and fraction 21 (CBCT21), and primary tumor volume (GTVp) and involved nodal volume (GTVn) delineated on both pCT and CBCTs for model construction and evaluation. A UNet-style ViT network was designed to learn spatial correspondence and contextual information from embedded CT, dose, CBCT01, GTVp, and GTVn image patches. The model estimated the deformation vector field between CBCT01 and CBCT21 as the prediction of anatomic change, and deformed CBCT01 was used as the prediction of CBCT21. We also generated binary masks of GTVp, GTVn, and patient body for volumetric change evaluation. The predicted image from the proposed method yielded the best similarity to the real image (CBCT21) over pCT, CBCT01, and predicted CBCTs from other comparison models. The average MSE and SSIM between the normalized predicted CBCT to CBCT21 are 0.009 and 0.933, while the average dice coefficient between body mask, GTVp mask, and GTVn mask are 0.972, 0.792, and 0.821 respectively. The proposed method showed promising performance for predicting radiotherapy-induced anatomic change, which has the potential to assist in the decision-making of HNC Adaptive RT.

new StableMoFusion: Towards Robust and Efficient Diffusion-based Motion Generation Framework

Authors: Yiheng Huang, Hui Yang, Chuanchen Luo, Yuxi Wang, Shibiao Xu, Zhaoxiang Zhang, Man Zhang, Junran Peng

Abstract: Thanks to the powerful generative capacity of diffusion models, recent years have witnessed rapid progress in human motion generation. Existing diffusion-based methods employ disparate network architectures and training strategies. The effect of the design of each component is still unclear. In addition, the iterative denoising process consumes considerable computational overhead, which is prohibitive for real-time scenarios such as virtual characters and humanoid robots. For this reason, we first conduct a comprehensive investigation into network architectures, training strategies, and inference processs. Based on the profound analysis, we tailor each component for efficient high-quality human motion generation. Despite the promising performance, the tailored model still suffers from foot skating which is an ubiquitous issue in diffusion-based solutions. To eliminate footskate, we identify foot-ground contact and correct foot motions along the denoising process. By organically combining these well-designed components together, we present StableMoFusion, a robust and efficient framework for human motion generation. Extensive experimental results show that our StableMoFusion performs favorably against current state-of-the-art methods. Project page:


new LatentColorization: Latent Diffusion-Based Speaker Video Colorization

Authors: Rory Ward, Dan Bigioi, Shubhajit Basak, John G. Breslin, Peter Corcoran

Abstract: While current research predominantly focuses on image-based colorization, the domain of video-based colorization remains relatively unexplored. Most existing video colorization techniques operate on a frame-by-frame basis, often overlooking the critical aspect of temporal coherence between successive frames. This approach can result in inconsistencies across frames, leading to undesirable effects like flickering or abrupt color transitions between frames. To address these challenges, we harness the generative capabilities of a fine-tuned latent diffusion model designed specifically for video colorization, introducing a novel solution for achieving temporal consistency in video colorization, as well as demonstrating strong improvements on established image quality metrics compared to other existing methods. Furthermore, we perform a subjective study, where users preferred our approach to the existing state of the art. Our dataset encompasses a combination of conventional datasets and videos from television/movies. In short, by leveraging the power of a fine-tuned latent diffusion-based colorization system with a temporal consistency mechanism, we can improve the performance of automatic video colorization by addressing the challenges of temporal inconsistency. A short demonstration of our results can be seen in some example videos available at


new Estimating Noisy Class Posterior with Part-level Labels for Noisy Label Learning

Authors: Rui Zhao, Bin Shi, Jianfei Ruan, Tianze Pan, Bo Dong

Abstract: In noisy label learning, estimating noisy class posteriors plays a fundamental role for developing consistent classifiers, as it forms the basis for estimating clean class posteriors and the transition matrix. Existing methods typically learn noisy class posteriors by training a classification model with noisy labels. However, when labels are incorrect, these models may be misled to overemphasize the feature parts that do not reflect the instance characteristics, resulting in significant errors in estimating noisy class posteriors. To address this issue, this paper proposes to augment the supervised information with part-level labels, encouraging the model to focus on and integrate richer information from various parts. Specifically, our method first partitions features into distinct parts by cropping instances, yielding part-level labels associated with these various parts. Subsequently, we introduce a novel single-to-multiple transition matrix to model the relationship between the noisy and part-level labels, which incorporates part-level labels into a classifier-consistent framework. Utilizing this framework with part-level labels, we can learn the noisy class posteriors more precisely by guiding the model to integrate information from various parts, ultimately improving the classification performance. Our method is theoretically sound, while experiments show that it is empirically effective in synthetic and real-world noisy benchmarks.

new How Quality Affects Deep Neural Networks in Fine-Grained Image Classification

Authors: Joseph Smith, Zheming Zuo, Jonathan Stonehouse, Boguslaw Obara

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NRIQA) guided cut-off point selection (CPS) strategy to enhance the performance of a fine-grained classification system. Scores given by existing NRIQA methods on the same image may vary and not be as independent of natural image augmentations as expected, which weakens their connection and explainability to fine-grained image classification. Taking the three most commonly adopted image augmentation configurations -- cropping, rotating, and blurring -- as the entry point, we formulate a two-step mechanism for selecting the most discriminative subset from a given image dataset by considering both the confidence of model predictions and the density distribution of image qualities over several NRIQA methods. Concretely, the cut-off points yielded by those methods are aggregated via majority voting to inform the process of image subset selection. The efficacy and efficiency of such a mechanism have been confirmed by comparing the models being trained on high-quality images against a combination of high- and low-quality ones, with a range of 0.7% to 4.2% improvement on a commercial product dataset in terms of mean accuracy through four deep neural classifiers. The robustness of the mechanism has been proven by the observations that all the selected high-quality images can work jointly with 70% low-quality images with 1.3% of classification precision sacrificed when using ResNet34 in an ablation study.

new Efficient Pretraining Model based on Multi-Scale Local Visual Field Feature Reconstruction for PCB CT Image Element Segmentation

Authors: Chen Chen, Kai Qiao, Jie Yang, Jian Chen, Bin Yan

Abstract: Element segmentation is a key step in nondestructive testing of Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) based on Computed Tomography (CT) technology. In recent years, the rapid development of self-supervised pretraining technology can obtain general image features without labeled samples, and then use a small amount of labeled samples to solve downstream tasks, which has a good potential in PCB element segmentation. At present, Masked Image Modeling (MIM) pretraining model has been initially applied in PCB CT image element segmentation. However, due to the small and regular size of PCB elements such as vias, wires, and pads, the global visual field has redundancy for a single element reconstruction, which may damage the performance of the model. Based on this issue, we propose an efficient pretraining model based on multi-scale local visual field feature reconstruction for PCB CT image element segmentation (EMLR-seg). In this model, the teacher-guided MIM pretraining model is introduced into PCB CT image element segmentation for the first time, and a multi-scale local visual field extraction (MVE) module is proposed to reduce redundancy by focusing on local visual fields. At the same time, a simple 4-Transformer-blocks decoder is used. Experiments show that EMLR-seg can achieve 88.6% mIoU on the PCB CT image dataset we proposed, which exceeds 1.2% by the baseline model, and the training time is reduced by 29.6 hours, a reduction of 17.4% under the same experimental condition, which reflects the advantage of EMLR-seg in terms of performance and efficiency.

new NeRFFaceSpeech: One-shot Audio-diven 3D Talking Head Synthesis via Generative Prior

Authors: Gihoon Kim, Kwanggyoon Seo, Sihun Cha, Junyong Noh

Abstract: Audio-driven talking head generation is advancing from 2D to 3D content. Notably, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) is in the spotlight as a means to synthesize high-quality 3D talking head outputs. Unfortunately, this NeRF-based approach typically requires a large number of paired audio-visual data for each identity, thereby limiting the scalability of the method. Although there have been attempts to generate audio-driven 3D talking head animations with a single image, the results are often unsatisfactory due to insufficient information on obscured regions in the image. In this paper, we mainly focus on addressing the overlooked aspect of 3D consistency in the one-shot, audio-driven domain, where facial animations are synthesized primarily in front-facing perspectives. We propose a novel method, NeRFFaceSpeech, which enables to produce high-quality 3D-aware talking head. Using prior knowledge of generative models combined with NeRF, our method can craft a 3D-consistent facial feature space corresponding to a single image. Our spatial synchronization method employs audio-correlated vertex dynamics of a parametric face model to transform static image features into dynamic visuals through ray deformation, ensuring realistic 3D facial motion. Moreover, we introduce LipaintNet that can replenish the lacking information in the inner-mouth area, which can not be obtained from a given single image. The network is trained in a self-supervised manner by utilizing the generative capabilities without additional data. The comprehensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in generating audio-driven talking heads from a single image with enhanced 3D consistency compared to previous approaches. In addition, we introduce a quantitative way of measuring the robustness of a model against pose changes for the first time, which has been possible only qualitatively.

new CSA-Net: Channel-wise Spatially Autocorrelated Attention Networks

Authors: Nick (M), Nikzad, Yongsheng Gao, Jun Zhou

Abstract: In recent years, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with channel-wise feature refining mechanisms have brought noticeable benefits to modelling channel dependencies. However, current attention paradigms fail to infer an optimal channel descriptor capable of simultaneously exploiting statistical and spatial relationships among feature maps. In this paper, to overcome this shortcoming, we present a novel channel-wise spatially autocorrelated (CSA) attention mechanism. Inspired by geographical analysis, the proposed CSA exploits the spatial relationships between channels of feature maps to produce an effective channel descriptor. To the best of our knowledge, this is the f irst time that the concept of geographical spatial analysis is utilized in deep CNNs. The proposed CSA imposes negligible learning parameters and light computational overhead to the deep model, making it a powerful yet efficient attention module of choice. We validate the effectiveness of the proposed CSA networks (CSA-Nets) through extensive experiments and analysis on ImageNet, and MS COCO benchmark datasets for image classification, object detection, and instance segmentation. The experimental results demonstrate that CSA-Nets are able to consistently achieve competitive performance and superior generalization than several state-of-the-art attention-based CNNs over different benchmark tasks and datasets.

new Similarity Guided Multimodal Fusion Transformer for Semantic Location Prediction in Social Media

Authors: Zhizhen Zhang, Ning Wang, Haojie Li, Zhihui Wang

Abstract: The purpose of semantic location prediction is to extract relevant semantic location information from multimodal social media posts, offering a more contextual understanding of daily activities compared to GPS coordinates. However, this task becomes challenging due to the presence of noise and irrelevant information in "text-image" pairs. Existing methods suffer from insufficient feature representations and fail to consider the comprehensive integration of similarity at different granularities, making it difficult to filter out noise and irrelevant information. To address these challenges, we propose a Similarity-Guided Multimodal Fusion Transformer (SG-MFT) for predicting social users' semantic locations. First, we utilize a pre-trained large-scale vision-language model to extract high-quality feature representations from social media posts. Then, we introduce a Similarity-Guided Interaction Module (SIM) to alleviate modality heterogeneity and noise interference by incorporating coarse-grained and fine-grained similarity guidance for modality interactions. Specifically, we propose a novel similarity-aware feature interpolation attention mechanism at the coarse level, leveraging modality-wise similarity to mitigate heterogeneity and reduce noise within each modality. Meanwhile, we employ a similarity-aware feed-forward block at the fine level, utilizing element-wise similarity to further mitigate the impact of modality heterogeneity. Building upon pre-processed features with minimal noise and modal interference, we propose a Similarity-aware Feature Fusion Module (SFM) to fuse two modalities with cross-attention mechanism. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed method in handling modality imbalance while maintaining efficient fusion effectiveness.

new DP-MDM: Detail-Preserving MR Reconstruction via Multiple Diffusion Models

Authors: Mengxiao Geng, Jiahao Zhu, Xiaolin Zhu, Qiqing Liu, Dong Liang, Qiegen Liu

Abstract: Detail features of magnetic resonance images play a cru-cial role in accurate medical diagnosis and treatment, as they capture subtle changes that pose challenges for doc-tors when performing precise judgments. However, the widely utilized naive diffusion model has limitations, as it fails to accurately capture more intricate details. To en-hance the quality of MRI reconstruction, we propose a comprehensive detail-preserving reconstruction method using multiple diffusion models to extract structure and detail features in k-space domain instead of image do-main. Moreover, virtual binary modal masks are utilized to refine the range of values in k-space data through highly adaptive center windows, which allows the model to focus its attention more efficiently. Last but not least, an inverted pyramid structure is employed, where the top-down image information gradually decreases, ena-bling a cascade representation. The framework effective-ly represents multi-scale sampled data, taking into ac-count the sparsity of the inverted pyramid architecture, and utilizes cascade training data distribution to repre-sent multi-scale data. Through a step-by-step refinement approach, the method refines the approximation of de-tails. Finally, the proposed method was evaluated by con-ducting experiments on clinical and public datasets. The results demonstrate that the proposed method outper-forms other methods.

new To Trust or Not to Trust: Towards a novel approach to measure trust for XAI systems

Authors: Miquel Mir\'o-Nicolau, Gabriel Moy\`a-Alcover, Antoni Jaume-i-Cap\'o, Manuel Gonz\'alez-Hidalgo, Maria Gemma Sempere Campello, Juan Antonio Palmer Sancho

Abstract: The increasing reliance on Deep Learning models, combined with their inherent lack of transparency, has spurred the development of a novel field of study known as eXplainable AI (XAI) methods. These methods seek to enhance the trust of end-users in automated systems by providing insights into the rationale behind their decisions. This paper presents a novel approach for measuring user trust in XAI systems, allowing their refinement. Our proposed metric combines both performance metrics and trust indicators from an objective perspective. To validate this novel methodology, we conducted a case study in a realistic medical scenario: the usage of XAI system for the detection of pneumonia from x-ray images.

new FastScene: Text-Driven Fast 3D Indoor Scene Generation via Panoramic Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Yikun Ma, Dandan Zhan, Zhi Jin

Abstract: Text-driven 3D indoor scene generation holds broad applications, ranging from gaming and smart homes to AR/VR applications. Fast and high-fidelity scene generation is paramount for ensuring user-friendly experiences. However, existing methods are characterized by lengthy generation processes or necessitate the intricate manual specification of motion parameters, which introduces inconvenience for users. Furthermore, these methods often rely on narrow-field viewpoint iterative generations, compromising global consistency and overall scene quality. To address these issues, we propose FastScene, a framework for fast and higher-quality 3D scene generation, while maintaining the scene consistency. Specifically, given a text prompt, we generate a panorama and estimate its depth, since the panorama encompasses information about the entire scene and exhibits explicit geometric constraints. To obtain high-quality novel views, we introduce the Coarse View Synthesis (CVS) and Progressive Novel View Inpainting (PNVI) strategies, ensuring both scene consistency and view quality. Subsequently, we utilize Multi-View Projection (MVP) to form perspective views, and apply 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) for scene reconstruction. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate FastScene surpasses other methods in both generation speed and quality with better scene consistency. Notably, guided only by a text prompt, FastScene can generate a 3D scene within a mere 15 minutes, which is at least one hour faster than state-of-the-art methods, making it a paradigm for user-friendly scene generation.

new Exploring Text-Guided Single Image Editing for Remote Sensing Images

Authors: Fangzhou Han, Lingyu Si, Hongwei Dong, Lamei Zhang, Hao Chen, Bo Du

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence Generative Content (AIGC) technologies have significantly influenced the remote sensing domain, particularly in the realm of image generation. However, remote sensing image editing, an equally vital research area, has not garnered sufficient attention. Different from text-guided editing in natural images, which relies on extensive text-image paired data for semantic correlation, the application scenarios of remote sensing image editing are often extreme, such as forest on fire, so it is difficult to obtain sufficient paired samples. At the same time, the lack of remote sensing semantics and the ambiguity of text also restrict the further application of image editing in remote sensing field. To solve above problems, this letter proposes a diffusion based method to fulfill stable and controllable remote sensing image editing with text guidance. Our method avoids the use of a large number of paired image, and can achieve good image editing results using only a single image. The quantitative evaluation system including CLIP score and subjective evaluation metrics shows that our method has better editing effect on remote sensing images than the existing image editing model.

new Sequential Amodal Segmentation via Cumulative Occlusion Learning

Authors: Jiayang Ao, Qiuhong Ke, Krista A. Ehinger

Abstract: To fully understand the 3D context of a single image, a visual system must be able to segment both the visible and occluded regions of objects, while discerning their occlusion order. Ideally, the system should be able to handle any object and not be restricted to segmenting a limited set of object classes, especially in robotic applications. Addressing this need, we introduce a diffusion model with cumulative occlusion learning designed for sequential amodal segmentation of objects with uncertain categories. This model iteratively refines the prediction using the cumulative mask strategy during diffusion, effectively capturing the uncertainty of invisible regions and adeptly reproducing the complex distribution of shapes and occlusion orders of occluded objects. It is akin to the human capability for amodal perception, i.e., to decipher the spatial ordering among objects and accurately predict complete contours for occluded objects in densely layered visual scenes. Experimental results across three amodal datasets show that our method outperforms established baselines.

new Boosting Multimodal Large Language Models with Visual Tokens Withdrawal for Rapid Inference

Authors: Zhihang Lin, Mingbao Lin, Luxi Lin, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) demand considerable computations for inference due to the extensive parameters and the additional input tokens needed for visual information representation. Herein, we introduce Visual Tokens Withdrawal (VTW), a plug-and-play module to boost MLLMs for rapid inference. Our approach is inspired by two intriguing phenomena we have observed: (1) the attention sink phenomenon that is prevalent in LLMs also persists in MLLMs, suggesting that initial tokens and nearest tokens receive the majority of attention, while middle vision tokens garner minimal attention in deep layers; (2) the presence of information migration, which implies that visual information is transferred to subsequent text tokens within the first few layers of MLLMs. As per our findings, we conclude that vision tokens are not necessary in the deep layers of MLLMs. Thus, we strategically withdraw them at a certain layer, enabling only text tokens to engage in subsequent layers. To pinpoint the ideal layer for vision tokens withdrawal, we initially analyze a limited set of tiny datasets and choose the first layer that meets the Kullback-Leibler divergence criterion. Our VTW approach can cut computational overhead by over 40\% across diverse multimodal tasks while maintaining performance. Our code is released at


new MasterWeaver: Taming Editability and Identity for Personalized Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Yuxiang Wei, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Hongzhi Zhang, Lei Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have shown significant success in personalized text-to-image generation, which aims to generate novel images with human identities indicated by the reference images. Despite promising identity fidelity has been achieved by several tuning-free methods, they usually suffer from overfitting issues. The learned identity tends to entangle with irrelevant information, resulting in unsatisfied text controllability, especially on faces. In this work, we present MasterWeaver, a test-time tuning-free method designed to generate personalized images with both faithful identity fidelity and flexible editability. Specifically, MasterWeaver adopts an encoder to extract identity features and steers the image generation through additional introduced cross attention. To improve editability while maintaining identity fidelity, we propose an editing direction loss for training, which aligns the editing directions of our MasterWeaver with those of the original T2I model. Additionally, a face-augmented dataset is constructed to facilitate disentangled identity learning, and further improve the editability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our MasterWeaver can not only generate personalized images with faithful identity, but also exhibit superiority in text controllability. Our code will be publicly available at


new Fast and Controllable Post-training Sparsity: Learning Optimal Sparsity Allocation with Global Constraint in Minutes

Authors: Ruihao Gong, Yang Yong, Zining Wang, Jinyang Guo, Xiuying Wei, Yuqing Ma, Xianglong Liu

Abstract: Neural network sparsity has attracted many research interests due to its similarity to biological schemes and high energy efficiency. However, existing methods depend on long-time training or fine-tuning, which prevents large-scale applications. Recently, some works focusing on post-training sparsity (PTS) have emerged. They get rid of the high training cost but usually suffer from distinct accuracy degradation due to neglect of the reasonable sparsity rate at each layer. Previous methods for finding sparsity rates mainly focus on the training-aware scenario, which usually fails to converge stably under the PTS setting with limited data and much less training cost. In this paper, we propose a fast and controllable post-training sparsity (FCPTS) framework. By incorporating a differentiable bridge function and a controllable optimization objective, our method allows for rapid and accurate sparsity allocation learning in minutes, with the added assurance of convergence to a predetermined global sparsity rate. Equipped with these techniques, we can surpass the state-of-the-art methods by a large margin, e.g., over 30\% improvement for ResNet-50 on ImageNet under the sparsity rate of 80\%. Our plug-and-play code and supplementary materials are open-sourced at


new Parallel Cross Strip Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing

Authors: Lihan Tong, Yun Liu, Tian Ye, Weijia Li, Liyuan Chen, Erkang Chen

Abstract: The objective of single image dehazing is to restore hazy images and produce clear, high-quality visuals. Traditional convolutional models struggle with long-range dependencies due to their limited receptive field size. While Transformers excel at capturing such dependencies, their quadratic computational complexity in relation to feature map resolution makes them less suitable for pixel-to-pixel dense prediction tasks. Moreover, fixed kernels or tokens in most models do not adapt well to varying blur sizes, resulting in suboptimal dehazing performance. In this study, we introduce a novel dehazing network based on Parallel Stripe Cross Attention (PCSA) with a multi-scale strategy. PCSA efficiently integrates long-range dependencies by simultaneously capturing horizontal and vertical relationships, allowing each pixel to capture contextual cues from an expanded spatial domain. To handle different sizes and shapes of blurs flexibly, We employs a channel-wise design with varying convolutional kernel sizes and strip lengths in each PCSA to capture context information at different scales.Additionally, we incorporate a softmax-based adaptive weighting mechanism within PCSA to prioritize and leverage more critical features.

new Mask-TS Net: Mask Temperature Scaling Uncertainty Calibration for Polyp Segmentation

Authors: Yudian Zhang, Chenhao Xu, Kaiye Xu, Haijiang Zhu

Abstract: Lots of popular calibration methods in medical images focus on classification, but there are few comparable studies on semantic segmentation. In polyp segmentation of medical images, we find most diseased area occupies only a small portion of the entire image, resulting in previous models being not well-calibrated for lesion regions but well-calibrated for background, despite their seemingly better Expected Calibration Error (ECE) scores overall. Therefore, we proposed four-branches calibration network with Mask-Loss and Mask-TS strategies to more focus on the scaling of logits within potential lesion regions, which serves to mitigate the influence of background interference. In the experiments, we compare the existing calibration methods with the proposed Mask Temperature Scaling (Mask-TS). The results indicate that the proposed calibration network outperforms other methods both qualitatively and quantitatively.

new Self-Supervised Pre-training with Symmetric Superimposition Modeling for Scene Text Recognition

Authors: Zuan Gao, Yuxin Wang, Yadong Qu, Boqiang Zhang, Zixiao Wang, Jianjun Xu, Hongtao Xie

Abstract: In text recognition, self-supervised pre-training emerges as a good solution to reduce dependence on expansive annotated real data. Previous studies primarily focus on local visual representation by leveraging mask image modeling or sequence contrastive learning. However, they omit modeling the linguistic information in text images, which is crucial for recognizing text. To simultaneously capture local character features and linguistic information in visual space, we propose Symmetric Superimposition Modeling (SSM). The objective of SSM is to reconstruct the direction-specific pixel and feature signals from the symmetrically superimposed input. Specifically, we add the original image with its inverted views to create the symmetrically superimposed inputs. At the pixel level, we reconstruct the original and inverted images to capture character shapes and texture-level linguistic context. At the feature level, we reconstruct the feature of the same original image and inverted image with different augmentations to model the semantic-level linguistic context and the local character discrimination. In our design, we disrupt the character shape and linguistic rules. Consequently, the dual-level reconstruction facilitates understanding character shapes and linguistic information from the perspective of visual texture and feature semantics. Experiments on various text recognition benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness and generality of SSM, with 4.1% average performance gains and 86.6% new state-of-the-art average word accuracy on Union14M benchmarks.

new Pre-trained Text-to-Image Diffusion Models Are Versatile Representation Learners for Control

Authors: Gunshi Gupta, Karmesh Yadav, Yarin Gal, Dhruv Batra, Zsolt Kira, Cong Lu, Tim G. J. Rudner

Abstract: Embodied AI agents require a fine-grained understanding of the physical world mediated through visual and language inputs. Such capabilities are difficult to learn solely from task-specific data. This has led to the emergence of pre-trained vision-language models as a tool for transferring representations learned from internet-scale data to downstream tasks and new domains. However, commonly used contrastively trained representations such as in CLIP have been shown to fail at enabling embodied agents to gain a sufficiently fine-grained scene understanding -- a capability vital for control. To address this shortcoming, we consider representations from pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models, which are explicitly optimized to generate images from text prompts and as such, contain text-conditioned representations that reflect highly fine-grained visuo-spatial information. Using pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models, we construct Stable Control Representations which allow learning downstream control policies that generalize to complex, open-ended environments. We show that policies learned using Stable Control Representations are competitive with state-of-the-art representation learning approaches across a broad range of simulated control settings, encompassing challenging manipulation and navigation tasks. Most notably, we show that Stable Control Representations enable learning policies that exhibit state-of-the-art performance on OVMM, a difficult open-vocabulary navigation benchmark.

new Robust and Explainable Fine-Grained Visual Classification with Transfer Learning: A Dual-Carriageway Framework

Authors: Zheming Zuo, Joseph Smith, Jonathan Stonehouse, Boguslaw Obara

Abstract: In the realm of practical fine-grained visual classification applications rooted in deep learning, a common scenario involves training a model using a pre-existing dataset. Subsequently, a new dataset becomes available, prompting the desire to make a pivotal decision for achieving enhanced and leveraged inference performance on both sides: Should one opt to train datasets from scratch or fine-tune the model trained on the initial dataset using the newly released dataset? The existing literature reveals a lack of methods to systematically determine the optimal training strategy, necessitating explainability. To this end, we present an automatic best-suit training solution searching framework, the Dual-Carriageway Framework (DCF), to fill this gap. DCF benefits from the design of a dual-direction search (starting from the pre-existing or the newly released dataset) where five different training settings are enforced. In addition, DCF is not only capable of figuring out the optimal training strategy with the capability of avoiding overfitting but also yields built-in quantitative and visual explanations derived from the actual input and weights of the trained model. We validated DCF's effectiveness through experiments with three convolutional neural networks (ResNet18, ResNet34 and Inception-v3) on two temporally continued commercial product datasets. Results showed fine-tuning pathways outperformed training-from-scratch ones by up to 2.13% and 1.23% on the pre-existing and new datasets, respectively, in terms of mean accuracy. Furthermore, DCF identified reflection padding as the superior padding method, enhancing testing accuracy by 3.72% on average. This framework stands out for its potential to guide the development of robust and explainable AI solutions in fine-grained visual classification tasks.

new Free-Moving Object Reconstruction and Pose Estimation with Virtual Camera

Authors: Haixin Shi, Yinlin Hu, Daniel Koguciuk, Juan-Ting Lin, Mathieu Salzmann, David Ferstl

Abstract: We propose an approach for reconstructing free-moving object from a monocular RGB video. Most existing methods either assume scene prior, hand pose prior, object category pose prior, or rely on local optimization with multiple sequence segments. We propose a method that allows free interaction with the object in front of a moving camera without relying on any prior, and optimizes the sequence globally without any segments. We progressively optimize the object shape and pose simultaneously based on an implicit neural representation. A key aspect of our method is a virtual camera system that reduces the search space of the optimization significantly. We evaluate our method on the standard HO3D dataset and a collection of egocentric RGB sequences captured with a head-mounted device. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms most methods significantly, and is on par with recent techniques that assume prior information.

new A Comprehensive Survey of Masked Faces: Recognition, Detection, and Unmasking

Authors: Mohamed Mahmoud, Mahmoud SalahEldin Kasem, Hyun-Soo Kang

Abstract: Masked face recognition (MFR) has emerged as a critical domain in biometric identification, especially by the global COVID-19 pandemic, which introduced widespread face masks. This survey paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the challenges and advancements in recognising and detecting individuals with masked faces, which has seen innovative shifts due to the necessity of adapting to new societal norms. Advanced through deep learning techniques, MFR, along with Face Mask Recognition (FMR) and Face Unmasking (FU), represent significant areas of focus. These methods address unique challenges posed by obscured facial features, from fully to partially covered faces. Our comprehensive review delves into the various deep learning-based methodologies developed for MFR, FMR, and FU, highlighting their distinctive challenges and the solutions proposed to overcome them. Additionally, we explore benchmark datasets and evaluation metrics specifically tailored for assessing performance in MFR research. The survey also discusses the substantial obstacles still facing researchers in this field and proposes future directions for the ongoing development of more robust and effective masked face recognition systems. This paper serves as an invaluable resource for researchers and practitioners, offering insights into the evolving landscape of face recognition technologies in the face of global health crises and beyond.

new Lumina-T2X: Transforming Text into Any Modality, Resolution, and Duration via Flow-based Large Diffusion Transformers

Authors: Peng Gao, Le Zhuo, Ziyi Lin, Chris Liu, Junsong Chen, Ruoyi Du, Enze Xie, Xu Luo, Longtian Qiu, Yuhang Zhang, Chen Lin, Rongjie Huang, Shijie Geng, Renrui Zhang, Junlin Xi, Wenqi Shao, Zhengkai Jiang, Tianshuo Yang, Weicai Ye, He Tong, Jingwen He, Yu Qiao, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: Sora unveils the potential of scaling Diffusion Transformer for generating photorealistic images and videos at arbitrary resolutions, aspect ratios, and durations, yet it still lacks sufficient implementation details. In this technical report, we introduce the Lumina-T2X family - a series of Flow-based Large Diffusion Transformers (Flag-DiT) equipped with zero-initialized attention, as a unified framework designed to transform noise into images, videos, multi-view 3D objects, and audio clips conditioned on text instructions. By tokenizing the latent spatial-temporal space and incorporating learnable placeholders such as [nextline] and [nextframe] tokens, Lumina-T2X seamlessly unifies the representations of different modalities across various spatial-temporal resolutions. This unified approach enables training within a single framework for different modalities and allows for flexible generation of multimodal data at any resolution, aspect ratio, and length during inference. Advanced techniques like RoPE, RMSNorm, and flow matching enhance the stability, flexibility, and scalability of Flag-DiT, enabling models of Lumina-T2X to scale up to 7 billion parameters and extend the context window to 128K tokens. This is particularly beneficial for creating ultra-high-definition images with our Lumina-T2I model and long 720p videos with our Lumina-T2V model. Remarkably, Lumina-T2I, powered by a 5-billion-parameter Flag-DiT, requires only 35% of the training computational costs of a 600-million-parameter naive DiT. Our further comprehensive analysis underscores Lumina-T2X's preliminary capability in resolution extrapolation, high-resolution editing, generating consistent 3D views, and synthesizing videos with seamless transitions. We expect that the open-sourcing of Lumina-T2X will further foster creativity, transparency, and diversity in the generative AI community.

new CuMo: Scaling Multimodal LLM with Co-Upcycled Mixture-of-Experts

Authors: Jiachen Li, Xinyao Wang, Sijie Zhu, Chia-Wen Kuo, Lu Xu, Fan Chen, Jitesh Jain, Humphrey Shi, Longyin Wen

Abstract: Recent advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs) have focused primarily on scaling by increasing text-image pair data and enhancing LLMs to improve performance on multimodal tasks. However, these scaling approaches are computationally expensive and overlook the significance of improving model capabilities from the vision side. Inspired by the successful applications of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) in LLMs, which improves model scalability during training while keeping inference costs similar to those of smaller models, we propose CuMo. CuMo incorporates Co-upcycled Top-K sparsely-gated Mixture-of-experts blocks into both the vision encoder and the MLP connector, thereby enhancing the multimodal LLMs with minimal additional activated parameters during inference. CuMo first pre-trains the MLP blocks and then initializes each expert in the MoE block from the pre-trained MLP block during the visual instruction tuning stage. Auxiliary losses are used to ensure a balanced loading of experts. CuMo outperforms state-of-the-art multimodal LLMs across various VQA and visual-instruction-following benchmarks using models within each model size group, all while training exclusively on open-sourced datasets. The code and model weights for CuMo are open-sourced at


new Frame Interpolation with Consecutive Brownian Bridge Diffusion

Authors: Zonglin Lyu, Ming Li, Jianbo Jiao, Chen Chen

Abstract: Recent work in Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) tries to formulate VFI as a diffusion-based conditional image generation problem, synthesizing the intermediate frame given a random noise and neighboring frames. Due to the relatively high resolution of videos, Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) are employed as the conditional generation model, where the autoencoder compresses images into latent representations for diffusion and then reconstructs images from these latent representations. Such a formulation poses a crucial challenge: VFI expects that the output is deterministically equal to the ground truth intermediate frame, but LDMs randomly generate a diverse set of different images when the model runs multiple times. The reason for the diverse generation is that the cumulative variance (variance accumulated at each step of generation) of generated latent representations in LDMs is large. This makes the sampling trajectory random, resulting in diverse rather than deterministic generations. To address this problem, we propose our unique solution: Frame Interpolation with Consecutive Brownian Bridge Diffusion. Specifically, we propose consecutive Brownian Bridge diffusion that takes a deterministic initial value as input, resulting in a much smaller cumulative variance of generated latent representations. Our experiments suggest that our method can improve together with the improvement of the autoencoder and achieve state-of-the-art performance in VFI, leaving strong potential for further enhancement.

new Distilling Diffusion Models into Conditional GANs

Authors: Minguk Kang, Richard Zhang, Connelly Barnes, Sylvain Paris, Suha Kwak, Jaesik Park, Eli Shechtman, Jun-Yan Zhu, Taesung Park

Abstract: We propose a method to distill a complex multistep diffusion model into a single-step conditional GAN student model, dramatically accelerating inference, while preserving image quality. Our approach interprets diffusion distillation as a paired image-to-image translation task, using noise-to-image pairs of the diffusion model's ODE trajectory. For efficient regression loss computation, we propose E-LatentLPIPS, a perceptual loss operating directly in diffusion model's latent space, utilizing an ensemble of augmentations. Furthermore, we adapt a diffusion model to construct a multi-scale discriminator with a text alignment loss to build an effective conditional GAN-based formulation. E-LatentLPIPS converges more efficiently than many existing distillation methods, even accounting for dataset construction costs. We demonstrate that our one-step generator outperforms cutting-edge one-step diffusion distillation models - DMD, SDXL-Turbo, and SDXL-Lightning - on the zero-shot COCO benchmark.

cross Joint semi-supervised and contrastive learning enables zero-shot domain-adaptation and multi-domain segmentation

Authors: Alvaro Gomariz, Yusuke Kikuchi, Yun Yvonna Li, Thomas Albrecht, Andreas Maunz, Daniela Ferrara, Huanxiang Lu, Orcun Goksel

Abstract: Despite their effectiveness, current deep learning models face challenges with images coming from different domains with varying appearance and content. We introduce SegCLR, a versatile framework designed to segment volumetric images across different domains, employing supervised and contrastive learning simultaneously to effectively learn from both labeled and unlabeled data. We demonstrate the superior performance of SegCLR through a comprehensive evaluation involving three diverse clinical datasets of retinal fluid segmentation in 3D Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), various network configurations, and verification across 10 different network initializations. In an unsupervised domain adaptation context, SegCLR achieves results on par with a supervised upper-bound model trained on the intended target domain. Notably, we discover that the segmentation performance of SegCLR framework is marginally impacted by the abundance of unlabeled data from the target domain, thereby we also propose an effective zero-shot domain adaptation extension of SegCLR, eliminating the need for any target domain information. This shows that our proposed addition of contrastive loss in standard supervised training for segmentation leads to superior models, inherently more generalizable to both in- and out-of-domain test data. We additionally propose a pragmatic solution for SegCLR deployment in realistic scenarios with multiple domains containing labeled data. Accordingly, our framework pushes the boundaries of deep-learning based segmentation in multi-domain applications, regardless of data availability - labeled, unlabeled, or nonexistent.

cross Interpretability Needs a New Paradigm

Authors: Andreas Madsen, Himabindu Lakkaraju, Siva Reddy, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: Interpretability is the study of explaining models in understandable terms to humans. At present, interpretability is divided into two paradigms: the intrinsic paradigm, which believes that only models designed to be explained can be explained, and the post-hoc paradigm, which believes that black-box models can be explained. At the core of this debate is how each paradigm ensures its explanations are faithful, i.e., true to the model's behavior. This is important, as false but convincing explanations lead to unsupported confidence in artificial intelligence (AI), which can be dangerous. This paper's position is that we should think about new paradigms while staying vigilant regarding faithfulness. First, by examining the history of paradigms in science, we see that paradigms are constantly evolving. Then, by examining the current paradigms, we can understand their underlying beliefs, the value they bring, and their limitations. Finally, this paper presents 3 emerging paradigms for interpretability. The first paradigm designs models such that faithfulness can be easily measured. Another optimizes models such that explanations become faithful. The last paradigm proposes to develop models that produce both a prediction and an explanation.

cross Continuous max-flow augmentation of self-supervised few-shot learning on SPECT left ventricles

Authors: \'Ad\'am Istv\'an Sz\H{u}cs, B\'ela K\'ari, Oszk\'ar P\'artos

Abstract: Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) left ventricular assessment protocols are important for detecting ischemia in high-risk patients. To quantitatively measure myocardial function, clinicians depend on commercially available solutions to segment and reorient the left ventricle (LV) for evaluation. Based on large normal datasets, the segmentation performance and the high price of these solutions can hinder the availability of reliable and precise localization of the LV delineation. To overcome the aforementioned shortcomings this paper aims to give a recipe for diagnostic centers as well as for clinics to automatically segment the myocardium based on small and low-quality labels on reconstructed SPECT, complete field-of-view (FOV) volumes. A combination of Continuous Max-Flow (CMF) with prior shape information is developed to augment the 3D U-Net self-supervised learning (SSL) approach on various geometries of SPECT apparatus. Experimental results on the acquired dataset have shown a 5-10\% increase in quantitative metrics based on the previous State-of-the-Art (SOTA) solutions, suggesting a good plausible way to tackle the few-shot SSL problem on high-noise SPECT cardiac datasets.

cross Joint Edge Optimization Deep Unfolding Network for Accelerated MRI Reconstruction

Authors: Yue Cai, Yu Luo, Jie Ling, Shun Yao

Abstract: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a widely used imaging technique, however it has the limitation of long scanning time. Though previous model-based and learning-based MRI reconstruction methods have shown promising performance, most of them have not fully utilized the edge prior of MR images, and there is still much room for improvement. In this paper, we build a joint edge optimization model that not only incorporates individual regularizers specific to both the MR image and the edges, but also enforces a co-regularizer to effectively establish a stronger correlation between them. Specifically, the edge information is defined through a non-edge probability map to guide the image reconstruction during the optimization process. Meanwhile, the regularizers pertaining to images and edges are incorporated into a deep unfolding network to automatically learn their respective inherent a-priori information.Numerical experiments, consisting of multi-coil and single-coil MRI data with different sampling schemes at a variety of sampling factors, demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms other compared methods.

cross Model Inversion Robustness: Can Transfer Learning Help?

Authors: Sy-Tuyen Ho, Koh Jun Hao, Keshigeyan Chandrasegaran, Ngoc-Bao Nguyen, Ngai-Man Cheung

Abstract: Model Inversion (MI) attacks aim to reconstruct private training data by abusing access to machine learning models. Contemporary MI attacks have achieved impressive attack performance, posing serious threats to privacy. Meanwhile, all existing MI defense methods rely on regularization that is in direct conflict with the training objective, resulting in noticeable degradation in model utility. In this work, we take a different perspective, and propose a novel and simple Transfer Learning-based Defense against Model Inversion (TL-DMI) to render MI-robust models. Particularly, by leveraging TL, we limit the number of layers encoding sensitive information from private training dataset, thereby degrading the performance of MI attack. We conduct an analysis using Fisher Information to justify our method. Our defense is remarkably simple to implement. Without bells and whistles, we show in extensive experiments that TL-DMI achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) MI robustness. Our code, pre-trained models, demo and inverted data are available at:


cross Rectified Gaussian kernel multi-view k-means clustering

Authors: Kristina P. Sinaga

Abstract: In this paper, we show two new variants of multi-view k-means (MVKM) algorithms to address multi-view data. The general idea is to outline the distance between $h$-th view data points $x_i^h$ and $h$-th view cluster centers $a_k^h$ in a different manner of centroid-based approach. Unlike other methods, our proposed methods learn the multi-view data by calculating the similarity using Euclidean norm in the space of Gaussian-kernel, namely as multi-view k-means with exponent distance (MVKM-ED). By simultaneously aligning the stabilizer parameter $p$ and kernel coefficients $\beta^h$, the compression of Gaussian-kernel based weighted distance in Euclidean norm reduce the sensitivity of MVKM-ED. To this end, this paper designated as Gaussian-kernel multi-view k-means (GKMVKM) clustering algorithm. Numerical evaluation of five real-world multi-view data demonstrates the robustness and efficiency of our proposed MVKM-ED and GKMVKM approaches.

cross ASGrasp: Generalizable Transparent Object Reconstruction and Grasping from RGB-D Active Stereo Camera

Authors: Jun Shi, Yong A, Yixiang Jin, Dingzhe Li, Haoyu Niu, Zhezhu Jin, He Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we tackle the problem of grasping transparent and specular objects. This issue holds importance, yet it remains unsolved within the field of robotics due to failure of recover their accurate geometry by depth cameras. For the first time, we propose ASGrasp, a 6-DoF grasp detection network that uses an RGB-D active stereo camera. ASGrasp utilizes a two-layer learning-based stereo network for the purpose of transparent object reconstruction, enabling material-agnostic object grasping in cluttered environments. In contrast to existing RGB-D based grasp detection methods, which heavily depend on depth restoration networks and the quality of depth maps generated by depth cameras, our system distinguishes itself by its ability to directly utilize raw IR and RGB images for transparent object geometry reconstruction. We create an extensive synthetic dataset through domain randomization, which is based on GraspNet-1Billion. Our experiments demonstrate that ASGrasp can achieve over 90% success rate for generalizable transparent object grasping in both simulation and the real via seamless sim-to-real transfer. Our method significantly outperforms SOTA networks and even surpasses the performance upper bound set by perfect visible point cloud inputs.Project page:


cross Artificial intelligence for abnormality detection in high volume neuroimaging: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Authors: Siddharth Agarwal, David A. Wood, Mariusz Grzeda, Chandhini Suresh, Munaib Din, James Cole, Marc Modat, Thomas C Booth

Abstract: Purpose: Most studies evaluating artificial intelligence (AI) models that detect abnormalities in neuroimaging are either tested on unrepresentative patient cohorts or are insufficiently well-validated, leading to poor generalisability to real-world tasks. The aim was to determine the diagnostic test accuracy and summarise the evidence supporting the use of AI models performing first-line, high-volume neuroimaging tasks. Methods: Medline, Embase, Cochrane library and Web of Science were searched until September 2021 for studies that temporally or externally validated AI capable of detecting abnormalities in first-line CT or MR neuroimaging. A bivariate random-effects model was used for meta-analysis where appropriate. PROSPERO: CRD42021269563. Results: Only 16 studies were eligible for inclusion. Included studies were not compromised by unrepresentative datasets or inadequate validation methodology. Direct comparison with radiologists was available in 4/16 studies. 15/16 had a high risk of bias. Meta-analysis was only suitable for intracranial haemorrhage detection in CT imaging (10/16 studies), where AI systems had a pooled sensitivity and specificity 0.90 (95% CI 0.85 - 0.94) and 0.90 (95% CI 0.83 - 0.95) respectively. Other AI studies using CT and MRI detected target conditions other than haemorrhage (2/16), or multiple target conditions (4/16). Only 3/16 studies implemented AI in clinical pathways, either for pre-read triage or as post-read discrepancy identifiers. Conclusion: The paucity of eligible studies reflects that most abnormality detection AI studies were not adequately validated in representative clinical cohorts. The few studies describing how abnormality detection AI could impact patients and clinicians did not explore the full ramifications of clinical implementation.

cross VM-DDPM: Vision Mamba Diffusion for Medical Image Synthesis

Authors: Zhihan Ju, Wanting Zhou

Abstract: In the realm of smart healthcare, researchers enhance the scale and diversity of medical datasets through medical image synthesis. However, existing methods are limited by CNN local perception and Transformer quadratic complexity, making it difficult to balance structural texture consistency. To this end, we propose the Vision Mamba DDPM (VM-DDPM) based on State Space Model (SSM), fully combining CNN local perception and SSM global modeling capabilities, while maintaining linear computational complexity. Specifically, we designed a multi-level feature extraction module called Multi-level State Space Block (MSSBlock), and a basic unit of encoder-decoder structure called State Space Layer (SSLayer) for medical pathological images. Besides, we designed a simple, Plug-and-Play, zero-parameter Sequence Regeneration strategy for the Cross-Scan Module (CSM), which enabled the S6 module to fully perceive the spatial features of the 2D image and stimulate the generalization potential of the model. To our best knowledge, this is the first medical image synthesis model based on the SSM-CNN hybrid architecture. Our experimental evaluation on three datasets of different scales, i.e., ACDC, BraTS2018, and ChestXRay, as well as qualitative evaluation by radiologists, demonstrate that VM-DDPM achieves state-of-the-art performance.

cross Aux-NAS: Exploiting Auxiliary Labels with Negligibly Extra Inference Cost

Authors: Yuan Gao, Weizhong Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Jin-Gang Yu, Gui-Song Xia, Jiayi Ma

Abstract: We aim at exploiting additional auxiliary labels from an independent (auxiliary) task to boost the primary task performance which we focus on, while preserving a single task inference cost of the primary task. While most existing auxiliary learning methods are optimization-based relying on loss weights/gradients manipulation, our method is architecture-based with a flexible asymmetric structure for the primary and auxiliary tasks, which produces different networks for training and inference. Specifically, starting from two single task networks/branches (each representing a task), we propose a novel method with evolving networks where only primary-to-auxiliary links exist as the cross-task connections after convergence. These connections can be removed during the primary task inference, resulting in a single-task inference cost. We achieve this by formulating a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) problem, where we initialize bi-directional connections in the search space and guide the NAS optimization converging to an architecture with only the single-side primary-to-auxiliary connections. Moreover, our method can be incorporated with optimization-based auxiliary learning approaches. Extensive experiments with six tasks on NYU v2, CityScapes, and Taskonomy datasets using VGG, ResNet, and ViT backbones validate the promising performance. The codes are available at


cross Autonomous Robotic Ultrasound System for Liver Follow-up Diagnosis: Pilot Phantom Study

Authors: Tianpeng Zhang (SEAS, Harvard University), Sekeun Kim (CAMCA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School), Jerome Charton (CAMCA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School), Haitong Ma (SEAS, Harvard University), Kyungsang Kim (CAMCA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School), Na Li (SEAS, Harvard University), Quanzheng Li (CAMCA, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School)

Abstract: The paper introduces a novel autonomous robot ultrasound (US) system targeting liver follow-up scans for outpatients in local communities. Given a computed tomography (CT) image with specific target regions of interest, the proposed system carries out the autonomous follow-up scan in three steps: (i) initial robot contact to surface, (ii) coordinate mapping between CT image and robot, and (iii) target US scan. Utilizing 3D US-CT registration and deep learning-based segmentation networks, we can achieve precise imaging of 3D hepatic veins, facilitating accurate coordinate mapping between CT and the robot. This enables the automatic localization of follow-up targets within the CT image, allowing the robot to navigate precisely to the target's surface. Evaluation of the ultrasound phantom confirms the quality of the US-CT registration and shows the robot reliably locates the targets in repeated trials. The proposed framework holds the potential to significantly reduce time and costs for healthcare providers, clinicians, and follow-up patients, thereby addressing the increasing healthcare burden associated with chronic disease in local communities.

cross RoboHop: Segment-based Topological Map Representation for Open-World Visual Navigation

Authors: Sourav Garg, Krishan Rana, Mehdi Hosseinzadeh, Lachlan Mares, Niko S\"underhauf, Feras Dayoub, Ian Reid

Abstract: Mapping is crucial for spatial reasoning, planning and robot navigation. Existing approaches range from metric, which require precise geometry-based optimization, to purely topological, where image-as-node based graphs lack explicit object-level reasoning and interconnectivity. In this paper, we propose a novel topological representation of an environment based on "image segments", which are semantically meaningful and open-vocabulary queryable, conferring several advantages over previous works based on pixel-level features. Unlike 3D scene graphs, we create a purely topological graph with segments as nodes, where edges are formed by a) associating segment-level descriptors between pairs of consecutive images and b) connecting neighboring segments within an image using their pixel centroids. This unveils a "continuous sense of a place", defined by inter-image persistence of segments along with their intra-image neighbours. It further enables us to represent and update segment-level descriptors through neighborhood aggregation using graph convolution layers, which improves robot localization based on segment-level retrieval. Using real-world data, we show how our proposed map representation can be used to i) generate navigation plans in the form of "hops over segments" and ii) search for target objects using natural language queries describing spatial relations of objects. Furthermore, we quantitatively analyze data association at the segment level, which underpins inter-image connectivity during mapping and segment-level localization when revisiting the same place. Finally, we show preliminary trials on segment-level `hopping' based zero-shot real-world navigation. Project page with supplementary details:

cross DragGaussian: Enabling Drag-style Manipulation on 3D Gaussian Representation

Authors: Sitian Shen, Jing Xu, Yuheng Yuan, Xingyi Yang, Qiuhong Shen, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: User-friendly 3D object editing is a challenging task that has attracted significant attention recently. The limitations of direct 3D object editing without 2D prior knowledge have prompted increased attention towards utilizing 2D generative models for 3D editing. While existing methods like Instruct NeRF-to-NeRF offer a solution, they often lack user-friendliness, particularly due to semantic guided editing. In the realm of 3D representation, 3D Gaussian Splatting emerges as a promising approach for its efficiency and natural explicit property, facilitating precise editing tasks. Building upon these insights, we propose DragGaussian, a 3D object drag-editing framework based on 3D Gaussian Splatting, leveraging diffusion models for interactive image editing with open-vocabulary input. This framework enables users to perform drag-based editing on pre-trained 3D Gaussian object models, producing modified 2D images through multi-view consistent editing. Our contributions include the introduction of a new task, the development of DragGaussian for interactive point-based 3D editing, and comprehensive validation of its effectiveness through qualitative and quantitative experiments.

cross MSDiff: Multi-Scale Diffusion Model for Ultra-Sparse View CT Reconstruction

Authors: Pinhuang Tan, Mengxiao Geng, Jingya Lu, Liu Shi, Bin Huang, Qiegen Liu

Abstract: Computed Tomography (CT) technology reduces radiation haz-ards to the human body through sparse sampling, but fewer sampling angles pose challenges for image reconstruction. Score-based generative models are widely used in sparse-view CT re-construction, performance diminishes significantly with a sharp reduction in projection angles. Therefore, we propose an ultra-sparse view CT reconstruction method utilizing multi-scale dif-fusion models (MSDiff), designed to concentrate on the global distribution of information and facilitate the reconstruction of sparse views with local image characteristics. Specifically, the proposed model ingeniously integrates information from both comprehensive sampling and selectively sparse sampling tech-niques. Through precise adjustments in diffusion model, it is capable of extracting diverse noise distribution, furthering the understanding of the overall structure of images, and aiding the fully sampled model in recovering image information more effec-tively. By leveraging the inherent correlations within the projec-tion data, we have designed an equidistant mask, enabling the model to focus its attention more effectively. Experimental re-sults demonstrated that the multi-scale model approach signifi-cantly improved the quality of image reconstruction under ultra-sparse angles, with good generalization across various datasets.

cross MAD-ICP: It Is All About Matching Data -- Robust and Informed LiDAR Odometry

Authors: Simone Ferrari, Luca Di Giammarino, Leonardo Brizi, Giorgio Grisetti

Abstract: LiDAR odometry is the task of estimating the ego-motion of the sensor from sequential laser scans. This problem has been addressed by the community for more than two decades, and many effective solutions are available nowadays. Most of these systems implicitly rely on assumptions about the operating environment, the sensor used, and motion pattern. When these assumptions are violated, several well-known systems tend to perform poorly. This paper presents a LiDAR odometry system that can overcome these limitations and operate well under different operating conditions while achieving performance comparable with domain-specific methods. Our algorithm follows the well-known ICP paradigm that leverages a PCA-based kd-tree implementation that is used to extract structural information about the clouds being registered and to compute the minimization metric for the alignment. The drift is bound by managing the local map based on the estimated uncertainty of the tracked pose. To benefit the community, we release an open-source C++ anytime real-time implementation.

cross Informed Decision-Making through Advancements in Open Set Recognition and Unknown Sample Detection

Authors: Atefeh Mahdavi, Marco Carvalho

Abstract: Machine learning-based techniques open up many opportunities and improvements to derive deeper and more practical insights from data that can help businesses make informed decisions. However, the majority of these techniques focus on the conventional closed-set scenario, in which the label spaces for the training and test sets are identical. Open set recognition (OSR) aims to bring classification tasks in a situation that is more like reality, which focuses on classifying the known classes as well as handling unknown classes effectively. In such an open-set problem the gathered samples in the training set cannot encompass all the classes and the system needs to identify unknown samples at test time. On the other hand, building an accurate and comprehensive model in a real dynamic environment presents a number of obstacles, because it is prohibitively expensive to train for every possible example of unknown items, and the model may fail when tested in testbeds. This study provides an algorithm exploring a new representation of feature space to improve classification in OSR tasks. The efficacy and efficiency of business processes and decision-making can be improved by integrating OSR, which offers more precise and insightful predictions of outcomes. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method on three established datasets. The results indicate that the proposed model outperforms the baseline methods in accuracy and F1-score.

cross Could It Be Generated? Towards Practical Analysis of Memorization in Text-To-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Zhe Ma, Xuhong Zhang, Qingming Li, Tianyu Du, Wenzhi Chen, Zonghui Wang, Shouling Ji

Abstract: The past few years have witnessed substantial advancement in text-guided image generation powered by diffusion models. However, it was shown that text-to-image diffusion models are vulnerable to training image memorization, raising concerns on copyright infringement and privacy invasion. In this work, we perform practical analysis of memorization in text-to-image diffusion models. Targeting a set of images to protect, we conduct quantitive analysis on them without need to collect any prompts. Specifically, we first formally define the memorization of image and identify three necessary conditions of memorization, respectively similarity, existence and probability. We then reveal the correlation between the model's prediction error and image replication. Based on the correlation, we propose to utilize inversion techniques to verify the safety of target images against memorization and measure the extent to which they are memorized. Model developers can utilize our analysis method to discover memorized images or reliably claim safety against memorization. Extensive experiments on the Stable Diffusion, a popular open-source text-to-image diffusion model, demonstrate the effectiveness of our analysis method.

cross Learned feature representations are biased by complexity, learning order, position, and more

Authors: Andrew Kyle Lampinen, Stephanie C. Y. Chan, Katherine Hermann

Abstract: Representation learning, and interpreting learned representations, are key areas of focus in machine learning and neuroscience. Both fields generally use representations as a means to understand or improve a system's computations. In this work, however, we explore surprising dissociations between representation and computation that may pose challenges for such efforts. We create datasets in which we attempt to match the computational role that different features play, while manipulating other properties of the features or the data. We train various deep learning architectures to compute these multiple abstract features about their inputs. We find that their learned feature representations are systematically biased towards representing some features more strongly than others, depending upon extraneous properties such as feature complexity, the order in which features are learned, and the distribution of features over the inputs. For example, features that are simpler to compute or learned first tend to be represented more strongly and densely than features that are more complex or learned later, even if all features are learned equally well. We also explore how these biases are affected by architectures, optimizers, and training regimes (e.g., in transformers, features decoded earlier in the output sequence also tend to be represented more strongly). Our results help to characterize the inductive biases of gradient-based representation learning. These results also highlight a key challenge for interpretability $-$ or for comparing the representations of models and brains $-$ disentangling extraneous biases from the computationally important aspects of a system's internal representations.

cross Composable Part-Based Manipulation

Authors: Weiyu Liu, Jiayuan Mao, Joy Hsu, Tucker Hermans, Animesh Garg, Jiajun Wu

Abstract: In this paper, we propose composable part-based manipulation (CPM), a novel approach that leverages object-part decomposition and part-part correspondences to improve learning and generalization of robotic manipulation skills. By considering the functional correspondences between object parts, we conceptualize functional actions, such as pouring and constrained placing, as combinations of different correspondence constraints. CPM comprises a collection of composable diffusion models, where each model captures a different inter-object correspondence. These diffusion models can generate parameters for manipulation skills based on the specific object parts. Leveraging part-based correspondences coupled with the task decomposition into distinct constraints enables strong generalization to novel objects and object categories. We validate our approach in both simulated and real-world scenarios, demonstrating its effectiveness in achieving robust and generalized manipulation capabilities.

cross Exploiting Autoencoder's Weakness to Generate Pseudo Anomalies

Authors: Marcella Astrid, Muhammad Zaigham Zaheer, Djamila Aouada, Seung-Ik Lee

Abstract: Due to the rare occurrence of anomalous events, a typical approach to anomaly detection is to train an autoencoder (AE) with normal data only so that it learns the patterns or representations of the normal training data. At test time, the trained AE is expected to well reconstruct normal but to poorly reconstruct anomalous data. However, contrary to the expectation, anomalous data is often well reconstructed as well. In order to further separate the reconstruction quality between normal and anomalous data, we propose creating pseudo anomalies from learned adaptive noise by exploiting the aforementioned weakness of AE, i.e., reconstructing anomalies too well. The generated noise is added to the normal data to create pseudo anomalies. Extensive experiments on Ped2, Avenue, ShanghaiTech, CIFAR-10, and KDDCUP datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generic applicability of our approach in improving the discriminative capability of AEs for anomaly detection.

cross Theoretical Guarantees of Data Augmented Last Layer Retraining Methods

Authors: Monica Welfert, Nathan Stromberg, Lalitha Sankar

Abstract: Ensuring fair predictions across many distinct subpopulations in the training data can be prohibitive for large models. Recently, simple linear last layer retraining strategies, in combination with data augmentation methods such as upweighting, downsampling and mixup, have been shown to achieve state-of-the-art performance for worst-group accuracy, which quantifies accuracy for the least prevalent subpopulation. For linear last layer retraining and the abovementioned augmentations, we present the optimal worst-group accuracy when modeling the distribution of the latent representations (input to the last layer) as Gaussian for each subpopulation. We evaluate and verify our results for both synthetic and large publicly available datasets.

cross Evaluating Real-World Robot Manipulation Policies in Simulation

Authors: Xuanlin Li, Kyle Hsu, Jiayuan Gu, Karl Pertsch, Oier Mees, Homer Rich Walke, Chuyuan Fu, Ishikaa Lunawat, Isabel Sieh, Sean Kirmani, Sergey Levine, Jiajun Wu, Chelsea Finn, Hao Su, Quan Vuong, Ted Xiao

Abstract: The field of robotics has made significant advances towards generalist robot manipulation policies. However, real-world evaluation of such policies is not scalable and faces reproducibility challenges, which are likely to worsen as policies broaden the spectrum of tasks they can perform. We identify control and visual disparities between real and simulated environments as key challenges for reliable simulated evaluation and propose approaches for mitigating these gaps without needing to craft full-fidelity digital twins of real-world environments. We then employ these approaches to create SIMPLER, a collection of simulated environments for manipulation policy evaluation on common real robot setups. Through paired sim-and-real evaluations of manipulation policies, we demonstrate strong correlation between policy performance in SIMPLER environments and in the real world. Additionally, we find that SIMPLER evaluations accurately reflect real-world policy behavior modes such as sensitivity to various distribution shifts. We open-source all SIMPLER environments along with our workflow for creating new environments at to facilitate research on general-purpose manipulation policies and simulated evaluation frameworks.


cross MRISegmentator-Abdomen: A Fully Automated Multi-Organ and Structure Segmentation Tool for T1-weighted Abdominal MRI

Authors: Yan Zhuang, Tejas Sudharshan Mathai, Pritam Mukherjee, Brandon Khoury, Boah Kim, Benjamin Hou, Nusrat Rabbee, Ronald M. Summers

Abstract: Background: Segmentation of organs and structures in abdominal MRI is useful for many clinical applications, such as disease diagnosis and radiotherapy. Current approaches have focused on delineating a limited set of abdominal structures (13 types). To date, there is no publicly available abdominal MRI dataset with voxel-level annotations of multiple organs and structures. Consequently, a segmentation tool for multi-structure segmentation is also unavailable. Methods: We curated a T1-weighted abdominal MRI dataset consisting of 195 patients who underwent imaging at National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center. The dataset comprises of axial pre-contrast T1, arterial, venous, and delayed phases for each patient, thereby amounting to a total of 780 series (69,248 2D slices). Each series contains voxel-level annotations of 62 abdominal organs and structures. A 3D nnUNet model, dubbed as MRISegmentator-Abdomen (MRISegmentator in short), was trained on this dataset, and evaluation was conducted on an internal test set and two large external datasets: AMOS22 and Duke Liver. The predicted segmentations were compared against the ground-truth using the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and Normalized Surface Distance (NSD). Findings: MRISegmentator achieved an average DSC of 0.861$\pm$0.170 and a NSD of 0.924$\pm$0.163 in the internal test set. On the AMOS22 dataset, MRISegmentator attained an average DSC of 0.829$\pm$0.133 and a NSD of 0.908$\pm$0.067. For the Duke Liver dataset, an average DSC of 0.933$\pm$0.015 and a NSD of 0.929$\pm$0.021 was obtained. Interpretation: The proposed MRISegmentator provides automatic, accurate, and robust segmentations of 62 organs and structures in T1-weighted abdominal MRI sequences. The tool has the potential to accelerate research on various clinical topics, such as abnormality detection, radiotherapy, disease classification among others.

cross Probing Multimodal LLMs as World Models for Driving

Authors: Shiva Sreeram, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Alaa Maalouf, Guy Rosman, Sertac Karaman, Daniela Rus

Abstract: We provide a sober look at the application of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) within the domain of autonomous driving and challenge/verify some common assumptions, focusing on their ability to reason and interpret dynamic driving scenarios through sequences of images/frames in a closed-loop control environment. Despite the significant advancements in MLLMs like GPT-4V, their performance in complex, dynamic driving environments remains largely untested and presents a wide area of exploration. We conduct a comprehensive experimental study to evaluate the capability of various MLLMs as world models for driving from the perspective of a fixed in-car camera. Our findings reveal that, while these models proficiently interpret individual images, they struggle significantly with synthesizing coherent narratives or logical sequences across frames depicting dynamic behavior. The experiments demonstrate considerable inaccuracies in predicting (i) basic vehicle dynamics (forward/backward, acceleration/deceleration, turning right or left), (ii) interactions with other road actors (e.g., identifying speeding cars or heavy traffic), (iii) trajectory planning, and (iv) open-set dynamic scene reasoning, suggesting biases in the models' training data. To enable this experimental study we introduce a specialized simulator, DriveSim, designed to generate diverse driving scenarios, providing a platform for evaluating MLLMs in the realms of driving. Additionally, we contribute the full open-source code and a new dataset, "Eval-LLM-Drive", for evaluating MLLMs in driving. Our results highlight a critical gap in the current capabilities of state-of-the-art MLLMs, underscoring the need for enhanced foundation models to improve their applicability in real-world dynamic environments.

replace Hierarchical Point Attention for Indoor 3D Object Detection

Authors: Manli Shu, Le Xue, Ning Yu, Roberto Mart\'in-Mart\'in, Caiming Xiong, Tom Goldstein, Juan Carlos Niebles, Ran Xu

Abstract: 3D object detection is an essential vision technique for various robotic systems, such as augmented reality and domestic robots. Transformers as versatile network architectures have recently seen great success in 3D point cloud object detection. However, the lack of hierarchy in a plain transformer restrains its ability to learn features at different scales. Such limitation makes transformer detectors perform worse on smaller objects and affects their reliability in indoor environments where small objects are the majority. This work proposes two novel attention operations as generic hierarchical designs for point-based transformer detectors. First, we propose Aggregated Multi-Scale Attention (MS-A) that builds multi-scale tokens from a single-scale input feature to enable more fine-grained feature learning. Second, we propose Size-Adaptive Local Attention (Local-A) with adaptive attention regions for localized feature aggregation within bounding box proposals. Both attention operations are model-agnostic network modules that can be plugged into existing point cloud transformers for end-to-end training. We evaluate our method on two widely used indoor detection benchmarks. By plugging our proposed modules into the state-of-the-art transformer-based 3D detectors, we improve the previous best results on both benchmarks, with more significant improvements on smaller objects.

replace Deep Diversity-Enhanced Feature Representation of Hyperspectral Images

Authors: Jinhui Hou, Zhiyu Zhu, Junhui Hou, Hui Liu, Huanqiang Zeng, Deyu Meng

Abstract: In this paper, we study the problem of efficiently and effectively embedding the high-dimensional spatio-spectral information of hyperspectral (HS) images, guided by feature diversity. Specifically, based on the theoretical formulation that feature diversity is correlated with the rank of the unfolded kernel matrix, we rectify 3D convolution by modifying its topology to enhance the rank upper-bound. This modification yields a rank-enhanced spatial-spectral symmetrical convolution set (ReS$^3$-ConvSet), which not only learns diverse and powerful feature representations but also saves network parameters. Additionally, we also propose a novel diversity-aware regularization (DA-Reg) term that directly acts on the feature maps to maximize independence among elements. To demonstrate the superiority of the proposed ReS$^3$-ConvSet and DA-Reg, we apply them to various HS image processing and analysis tasks, including denoising, spatial super-resolution, and classification. Extensive experiments show that the proposed approaches outperform state-of-the-art methods both quantitatively and qualitatively to a significant extent. The code is publicly available at


replace COURIER: Contrastive User Intention Reconstruction for Large-Scale Visual Recommendation

Authors: Jia-Qi Yang, Chenglei Dai, Dan OU, Dongshuai Li, Ju Huang, De-Chuan Zhan, Xiaoyi Zeng, Yang Yang

Abstract: With the advancement of multimedia internet, the impact of visual characteristics on the decision of users to click or not within the online retail industry is increasingly significant. Thus, incorporating visual features is a promising direction for further performance improvements in click-through rate (CTR). However, experiments on our production system revealed that simply injecting the image embeddings trained with established pre-training methods only has marginal improvements. We believe that the main advantage of existing image feature pre-training methods lies in their effectiveness for cross-modal predictions. However, this differs significantly from the task of CTR prediction in recommendation systems. In recommendation systems, other modalities of information (such as text) can be directly used as features in downstream models. Even if the performance of cross-modal prediction tasks is excellent, it is challenging to provide significant information gain for the downstream models. We argue that a visual feature pre-training method tailored for recommendation is necessary for further improvements beyond existing modality features. To this end, we propose an effective user intention reconstruction module to mine visual features related to user interests from behavior histories, which constructs a many-to-one correspondence. We further propose a contrastive training method to learn the user intentions and prevent the collapse of embedding vectors. We conduct extensive experimental evaluations on public datasets and our production system to verify that our method can learn users' visual interests. Our method achieves $0.46\%$ improvement in offline AUC and $0.88\%$ improvement in Taobao GMV (Cross Merchandise Volume) with p-value$<$0.01.

replace V2X Cooperative Perception for Autonomous Driving: Recent Advances and Challenges

Authors: Tao Huang, Jianan Liu, Xi Zhou, Dinh C. Nguyen, Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi, Yuxuan Xia, Qing-Long Han, Sumei Sun

Abstract: Accurate perception is essential for advancing autonomous driving and addressing safety challenges in modern transportation systems. Despite significant advancements in computer vision for object recognition, current perception methods still face difficulties in complex real-world traffic environments. Challenges such as physical occlusion and limited sensor field of view persist for individual vehicle systems. Cooperative Perception (CP) with Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technologies has emerged as a solution to overcome these obstacles and enhance driving automation systems. While some research has explored CP's fundamental architecture and critical components, there remains a lack of comprehensive summaries of the latest innovations, particularly in the context of V2X communication technologies. To address this gap, this paper provides a comprehensive overview of the evolution of CP technologies, spanning from early explorations to recent developments, including advancements in V2X communication technologies. Additionally, a contemporary generic framework is also proposed to illustrate the V2X-based CP workflow, aiding in the structured understanding of CP system components. Furthermore, this paper categorizes prevailing V2X-based CP methodologies based on the critical issues they address. An extensive literature review is conducted within this taxonomy, evaluating existing datasets and simulators. Finally, open challenges and future directions in CP for autonomous driving are discussed by considering both perception and V2X communication advancements.

replace An Embodied Generalist Agent in 3D World

Authors: Jiangyong Huang, Silong Yong, Xiaojian Ma, Xiongkun Linghu, Puhao Li, Yan Wang, Qing Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Baoxiong Jia, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: Leveraging massive knowledge from large language models (LLMs), recent machine learning models show notable successes in general-purpose task solving in diverse domains such as computer vision and robotics. However, several significant challenges remain: (i) most of these models rely on 2D images yet exhibit a limited capacity for 3D input; (ii) these models rarely explore the tasks inherently defined in 3D world, e.g., 3D grounding, embodied reasoning and acting. We argue these limitations significantly hinder current models from performing real-world tasks and approaching general intelligence. To this end, we introduce LEO, an embodied multi-modal generalist agent that excels in perceiving, grounding, reasoning, planning, and acting in the 3D world. LEO is trained with a unified task interface, model architecture, and objective in two stages: (i) 3D vision-language (VL) alignment and (ii) 3D vision-language-action (VLA) instruction tuning. We collect large-scale datasets comprising diverse object-level and scene-level tasks, which require considerable understanding of and interaction with the 3D world. Moreover, we meticulously design an LLM-assisted pipeline to produce high-quality 3D VL data. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate LEO's remarkable proficiency across a wide spectrum of tasks, including 3D captioning, question answering, embodied reasoning, navigation and manipulation. Our ablative studies and scaling analyses further provide valuable insights for developing future embodied generalist agents. Code and data are available on project page.

replace FALCON: Fairness Learning via Contrastive Attention Approach to Continual Semantic Scene Understanding

Authors: Thanh-Dat Truong, Utsav Prabhu, Bhiksha Raj, Jackson Cothren, Khoa Luu

Abstract: Continual Learning in semantic scene segmentation aims to continually learn new unseen classes in dynamic environments while maintaining previously learned knowledge. Prior studies focused on modeling the catastrophic forgetting and background shift challenges in continual learning. However, fairness, another major challenge that causes unfair predictions leading to low performance among major and minor classes, still needs to be well addressed. In addition, prior methods have yet to model the unknown classes well, thus resulting in producing non-discriminative features among unknown classes. This paper presents a novel Fairness Learning via Contrastive Attention Approach to continual learning in semantic scene understanding. In particular, we first introduce a new Fairness Contrastive Clustering loss to address the problems of catastrophic forgetting and fairness. Then, we propose an attention-based visual grammar approach to effectively model the background shift problem and unknown classes, producing better feature representations for different unknown classes. Through our experiments, our proposed approach achieves State-of-the-Art (SOTA) performance on different continual learning benchmarks, i.e., ADE20K, Cityscapes, and Pascal VOC. It promotes the fairness of the continual semantic segmentation model.

replace Customization Assistant for Text-to-image Generation

Authors: Yufan Zhou, Ruiyi Zhang, Jiuxiang Gu, Tong Sun

Abstract: Customizing pre-trained text-to-image generation model has attracted massive research interest recently, due to its huge potential in real-world applications. Although existing methods are able to generate creative content for a novel concept contained in single user-input image, their capability are still far from perfection. Specifically, most existing methods require fine-tuning the generative model on testing images. Some existing methods do not require fine-tuning, while their performance are unsatisfactory. Furthermore, the interaction between users and models are still limited to directive and descriptive prompts such as instructions and captions. In this work, we build a customization assistant based on pre-trained large language model and diffusion model, which can not only perform customized generation in a tuning-free manner, but also enable more user-friendly interactions: users can chat with the assistant and input either ambiguous text or clear instruction. Specifically, we propose a new framework consists of a new model design and a novel training strategy. The resulting assistant can perform customized generation in 2-5 seconds without any test time fine-tuning. Extensive experiments are conducted, competitive results have been obtained across different domains, illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed method.

replace Towards Robust Semantic Segmentation against Patch-based Attack via Attention Refinement

Authors: Zheng Yuan, Jie Zhang, Yude Wang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen

Abstract: The attention mechanism has been proven effective on various visual tasks in recent years. In the semantic segmentation task, the attention mechanism is applied in various methods, including the case of both Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT) as backbones. However, we observe that the attention mechanism is vulnerable to patch-based adversarial attacks. Through the analysis of the effective receptive field, we attribute it to the fact that the wide receptive field brought by global attention may lead to the spread of the adversarial patch. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a Robust Attention Mechanism (RAM) to improve the robustness of the semantic segmentation model, which can notably relieve the vulnerability against patch-based attacks. Compared to the vallina attention mechanism, RAM introduces two novel modules called Max Attention Suppression and Random Attention Dropout, both of which aim to refine the attention matrix and limit the influence of a single adversarial patch on the semantic segmentation results of other positions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our RAM to improve the robustness of semantic segmentation models against various patch-based attack methods under different attack settings.

replace EmMixformer: Mix transformer for eye movement recognition

Authors: Huafeng Qin, Hongyu Zhu, Xin Jin, Qun Song, Mounim A. El-Yacoubi, Xinbo Gao

Abstract: Eye movement (EM) is a new highly secure biometric behavioral modality that has received increasing attention in recent years. Although deep neural networks, such as convolutional neural network (CNN), have recently achieved promising performance, current solutions fail to capture local and global temporal dependencies within eye movement data. To overcome this problem, we propose in this paper a mixed transformer termed EmMixformer to extract time and frequency domain information for eye movement recognition. To this end, we propose a mixed block consisting of three modules, transformer, attention Long short-term memory (attention LSTM), and Fourier transformer. We are the first to attempt leveraging transformer to learn long temporal dependencies within eye movement. Second, we incorporate the attention mechanism into LSTM to propose attention LSTM with the aim to learn short temporal dependencies. Third, we perform self attention in the frequency domain to learn global features. As the three modules provide complementary feature representations in terms of local and global dependencies, the proposed EmMixformer is capable of improving recognition accuracy. The experimental results on our eye movement dataset and two public eye movement datasets show that the proposed EmMixformer outperforms the state of the art by achieving the lowest verification error.

replace DRSI-Net: Dual-Residual Spatial Interaction Network for Multi-Person Pose Estimation

Authors: Shang Wu, Bin Wang

Abstract: Multi-person pose estimation (MPPE), which aims to locate the key points for all persons in the frames, is an active research branch of computer vision. Variable human poses and complex scenes make MPPE dependent on local details and global structures; their absence may cause key point feature misalignment. In this case, high-order spatial interactions that can effectively link the local and global information of features are particularly important. However, most methods do not include spatial interactions. A few methods have low-order spatial interactions, but achieving a good balance between accuracy and complexity is challenging. To address the above problems, a dual-residual spatial interaction network (DRSI-Net) for MPPE with high accuracy and low complexity is proposed herein. Compared to other methods, DRSI-Net recursively performs residual spatial information interactions on the neighbouring features so that more useful spatial information can be retained and more similarities can be obtained between shallow and deep extracted features. The channel and spatial dual attention mechanism introduced in the multi-scale feature fusion also helps the network to adaptively focus on features relevant to the target key points and further refine the generated poses. Simultaneously, by optimising the interactive channel dimensions and dividing the gradient flow, the spatial interaction module is designed to be lightweight, thus reducing the complexity of the network. According to the experimental results on the COCO dataset, the proposed DRSI-Net outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in accuracy and complexity.

replace UniMODE: Unified Monocular 3D Object Detection

Authors: Zhuoling Li, Xiaogang Xu, SerNam Lim, Hengshuang Zhao

Abstract: Realizing unified monocular 3D object detection, including both indoor and outdoor scenes, holds great importance in applications like robot navigation. However, involving various scenarios of data to train models poses challenges due to their significantly different characteristics, e.g., diverse geometry properties and heterogeneous domain distributions. To address these challenges, we build a detector based on the bird's-eye-view (BEV) detection paradigm, where the explicit feature projection is beneficial to addressing the geometry learning ambiguity when employing multiple scenarios of data to train detectors. Then, we split the classical BEV detection architecture into two stages and propose an uneven BEV grid design to handle the convergence instability caused by the aforementioned challenges. Moreover, we develop a sparse BEV feature projection strategy to reduce computational cost and a unified domain alignment method to handle heterogeneous domains. Combining these techniques, a unified detector UniMODE is derived, which surpasses the previous state-of-the-art on the challenging Omni3D dataset (a large-scale dataset including both indoor and outdoor scenes) by 4.9% AP_3D, revealing the first successful generalization of a BEV detector to unified 3D object detection.

replace OccFusion: Multi-Sensor Fusion Framework for 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction

Authors: Zhenxing Ming, Julie Stephany Berrio, Mao Shan, Stewart Worrall

Abstract: A comprehensive understanding of 3D scenes is crucial in autonomous vehicles (AVs), and recent models for 3D semantic occupancy prediction have successfully addressed the challenge of describing real-world objects with varied shapes and classes. However, existing methods for 3D occupancy prediction heavily rely on surround-view camera images, making them susceptible to changes in lighting and weather conditions. This paper introduces OccFusion, a novel sensor fusion framework for predicting 3D occupancy. By integrating features from additional sensors, such as lidar and surround view radars, our framework enhances the accuracy and robustness of occupancy prediction, resulting in top-tier performance on the nuScenes benchmark. Furthermore, extensive experiments conducted on the nuScenes and semanticKITTI dataset, including challenging night and rainy scenarios, confirm the superior performance of our sensor fusion strategy across various perception ranges. The code for this framework will be made available at


replace VLM-PL: Advanced Pseudo Labeling Approach for Class Incremental Object Detection via Vision-Language Model

Authors: Junsu Kim, Yunhoe Ku, Jihyeon Kim, Junuk Cha, Seungryul Baek

Abstract: In the field of Class Incremental Object Detection (CIOD), creating models that can continuously learn like humans is a major challenge. Pseudo-labeling methods, although initially powerful, struggle with multi-scenario incremental learning due to their tendency to forget past knowledge. To overcome this, we introduce a new approach called Vision-Language Model assisted Pseudo-Labeling (VLM-PL). This technique uses Vision-Language Model (VLM) to verify the correctness of pseudo ground-truths (GTs) without requiring additional model training. VLM-PL starts by deriving pseudo GTs from a pre-trained detector. Then, we generate custom queries for each pseudo GT using carefully designed prompt templates that combine image and text features. This allows the VLM to classify the correctness through its responses. Furthermore, VLM-PL integrates refined pseudo and real GTs from upcoming training, effectively combining new and old knowledge. Extensive experiments conducted on the Pascal VOC and MS COCO datasets not only highlight VLM-PL's exceptional performance in multi-scenario but also illuminate its effectiveness in dual-scenario by achieving state-of-the-art results in both.

replace FBPT: A Fully Binary Point Transformer

Authors: Zhixing Hou, Yuzhang Shang, Yan Yan

Abstract: This paper presents a novel Fully Binary Point Cloud Transformer (FBPT) model which has the potential to be widely applied and expanded in the fields of robotics and mobile devices. By compressing the weights and activations of a 32-bit full-precision network to 1-bit binary values, the proposed binary point cloud Transformer network significantly reduces the storage footprint and computational resource requirements of neural network models for point cloud processing tasks, compared to full-precision point cloud networks. However, achieving a fully binary point cloud Transformer network, where all parts except the modules specific to the task are binary, poses challenges and bottlenecks in quantizing the activations of Q, K, V and self-attention in the attention module, as they do not adhere to simple probability distributions and can vary with input data. Furthermore, in our network, the binary attention module undergoes a degradation of the self-attention module due to the uniform distribution that occurs after the softmax operation. The primary focus of this paper is on addressing the performance degradation issue caused by the use of binary point cloud Transformer modules. We propose a novel binarization mechanism called dynamic-static hybridization. Specifically, our approach combines static binarization of the overall network model with fine granularity dynamic binarization of data-sensitive components. Furthermore, we make use of a novel hierarchical training scheme to obtain the optimal model and binarization parameters. These above improvements allow the proposed binarization method to outperform binarization methods applied to convolution neural networks when used in point cloud Transformer structures. To demonstrate the superiority of our algorithm, we conducted experiments on two different tasks: point cloud classification and place recognition.

replace Multi-Frame, Lightweight & Efficient Vision-Language Models for Question Answering in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Akshay Gopalkrishnan, Ross Greer, Mohan Trivedi

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) and Multi-Modal Language models (MMLMs) have become prominent in autonomous driving research, as these models can provide interpretable textual reasoning and responses for end-to-end autonomous driving safety tasks using traffic scene images and other data modalities. However, current approaches to these systems use expensive large language model (LLM) backbones and image encoders, making such systems unsuitable for real-time autonomous driving systems where tight memory constraints exist and fast inference time is necessary. To address these previous issues, we develop EM-VLM4AD, an efficient, lightweight, multi-frame vision language model which performs Visual Question Answering for autonomous driving. In comparison to previous approaches, EM-VLM4AD requires at least 10 times less memory and floating point operations, while also achieving higher CIDEr and ROUGE-L scores than the existing baseline on the DriveLM dataset. EM-VLM4AD also exhibits the ability to extract relevant information from traffic views related to prompts and can answer questions for various autonomous driving subtasks. We release our code to train and evaluate our model at


replace DGMamba: Domain Generalization via Generalized State Space Model

Authors: Shaocong Long, Qianyu Zhou, Xiangtai Li, Xuequan Lu, Chenhao Ying, Yuan Luo, Lizhuang Ma, Shuicheng Yan

Abstract: Domain generalization~(DG) aims at solving distribution shift problems in various scenes. Existing approaches are based on Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs) or Vision Transformers (ViTs), which suffer from limited receptive fields or quadratic complexities issues. Mamba, as an emerging state space model (SSM), possesses superior linear complexity and global receptive fields. Despite this, it can hardly be applied to DG to address distribution shifts, due to the hidden state issues and inappropriate scan mechanisms. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for DG, named DGMamba, that excels in strong generalizability toward unseen domains and meanwhile has the advantages of global receptive fields, and efficient linear complexity. Our DGMamba compromises two core components: Hidden State Suppressing~(HSS) and Semantic-aware Patch refining~(SPR). In particular, HSS is introduced to mitigate the influence of hidden states associated with domain-specific features during output prediction. SPR strives to encourage the model to concentrate more on objects rather than context, consisting of two designs: Prior-Free Scanning~(PFS), and Domain Context Interchange~(DCI). Concretely, PFS aims to shuffle the non-semantic patches within images, creating more flexible and effective sequences from images, and DCI is designed to regularize Mamba with the combination of mismatched non-semantic and semantic information by fusing patches among domains. Extensive experiments on four commonly used DG benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed DGMamba achieves remarkably superior results to state-of-the-art models. The code will be made publicly available.

replace A Comprehensive Survey for Hyperspectral Image Classification: The Evolution from Conventional to Transformers

Authors: Muhammad Ahmad, Salvatore Distifano, Adil Mehmood Khan, Manuel Mazzara, Chenyu Li, Jing Yao, Hao Li, Jagannath Aryal, Jun Zhou, Gemine Vivone, Danfeng Hong

Abstract: Hyperspectral Image Classification (HSC) is a challenging task due to the high dimensionality and complex nature of Hyperspectral (HS) data. Traditional Machine Learning approaches while effective, face challenges in real-world data due to varying optimal feature sets, subjectivity in human-driven design, biases, and limitations. Traditional approaches encounter the curse of dimensionality, struggle with feature selection and extraction, lack spatial information consideration, exhibit limited robustness to noise, face scalability issues, and may not adapt well to complex data distributions. In recent years, Deep Learning (DL) techniques have emerged as powerful tools for addressing these challenges. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of the current trends and future prospects in HSC, focusing on the advancements from DL models to the emerging use of Transformers. We review the key concepts, methodologies, and state-of-the-art approaches in DL for HSC. We explore the potential of Transformer-based models in HSC, outlining their benefits and challenges. We also delve into emerging trends in HSC, as well as thorough discussions on Explainable AI and Interoperability concepts along with Diffusion Models (image denoising, feature extraction, and image fusion). Lastly, we address several open challenges and research questions pertinent to HSC. Comprehensive experimental results have been undertaken using three HS datasets to verify the efficacy of various conventional DL models and Transformers. Finally, we outline future research directions and potential applications that can further enhance the accuracy and efficiency of HSC. The Source code is available at \href{}{}.


replace MAS-SAM: Segment Any Marine Animal with Aggregated Features

Authors: Tianyu Yan, Zifu Wan, Xinhao Deng, Pingping Zhang, Yang Liu, Huchuan Lu

Abstract: Recently, Segment Anything Model (SAM) shows exceptional performance in generating high-quality object masks and achieving zero-shot image segmentation. However, as a versatile vision model, SAM is primarily trained with large-scale natural light images. In underwater scenes, it exhibits substantial performance degradation due to the light scattering and absorption. Meanwhile, the simplicity of the SAM's decoder might lead to the loss of fine-grained object details. To address the above issues, we propose a novel feature learning framework named MAS-SAM for marine animal segmentation, which involves integrating effective adapters into the SAM's encoder and constructing a pyramidal decoder. More specifically, we first build a new SAM's encoder with effective adapters for underwater scenes. Then, we introduce a Hypermap Extraction Module (HEM) to generate multi-scale features for a comprehensive guidance. Finally, we propose a Progressive Prediction Decoder (PPD) to aggregate the multi-scale features and predict the final segmentation results. When grafting with the Fusion Attention Module (FAM), our method enables to extract richer marine information from global contextual cues to fine-grained local details. Extensive experiments on four public MAS datasets demonstrate that our MAS-SAM can obtain better results than other typical segmentation methods. The source code is available at


replace RTG-SLAM: Real-time 3D Reconstruction at Scale using Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Zhexi Peng, Tianjia Shao, Yong Liu, Jingke Zhou, Yin Yang, Jingdong Wang, Kun Zhou

Abstract: We present Real-time Gaussian SLAM (RTG-SLAM), a real-time 3D reconstruction system with an RGBD camera for large-scale environments using Gaussian splatting. The system features a compact Gaussian representation and a highly efficient on-the-fly Gaussian optimization scheme. We force each Gaussian to be either opaque or nearly transparent, with the opaque ones fitting the surface and dominant colors, and transparent ones fitting residual colors. By rendering depth in a different way from color rendering, we let a single opaque Gaussian well fit a local surface region without the need of multiple overlapping Gaussians, hence largely reducing the memory and computation cost. For on-the-fly Gaussian optimization, we explicitly add Gaussians for three types of pixels per frame: newly observed, with large color errors, and with large depth errors. We also categorize all Gaussians into stable and unstable ones, where the stable Gaussians are expected to well fit previously observed RGBD images and otherwise unstable. We only optimize the unstable Gaussians and only render the pixels occupied by unstable Gaussians. In this way, both the number of Gaussians to be optimized and pixels to be rendered are largely reduced, and the optimization can be done in real time. We show real-time reconstructions of a variety of large scenes. Compared with the state-of-the-art NeRF-based RGBD SLAM, our system achieves comparable high-quality reconstruction but with around twice the speed and half the memory cost, and shows superior performance in the realism of novel view synthesis and camera tracking accuracy.

replace Part-aware Shape Generation with Latent 3D Diffusion of Neural Voxel Fields

Authors: Yuhang Huang, SHilong Zou, Xinwang Liu, Kai Xu

Abstract: This paper presents a novel latent 3D diffusion model for the generation of neural voxel fields, aiming to achieve accurate part-aware structures. Compared to existing methods, there are two key designs to ensure high-quality and accurate part-aware generation. On one hand, we introduce a latent 3D diffusion process for neural voxel fields, enabling generation at significantly higher resolutions that can accurately capture rich textural and geometric details. On the other hand, a part-aware shape decoder is introduced to integrate the part codes into the neural voxel fields, guiding the accurate part decomposition and producing high-quality rendering results. Through extensive experimentation and comparisons with state-of-the-art methods, we evaluate our approach across four different classes of data. The results demonstrate the superior generative capabilities of our proposed method in part-aware shape generation, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods.

replace FER-YOLO-Mamba: Facial Expression Detection and Classification Based on Selective State Space

Authors: Hui Ma, Sen Lei, Turgay Celik, Heng-Chao Li

Abstract: Facial Expression Recognition (FER) plays a pivotal role in understanding human emotional cues. However, traditional FER methods based on visual information have some limitations, such as preprocessing, feature extraction, and multi-stage classification procedures. These not only increase computational complexity but also require a significant amount of computing resources. Considering Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based FER schemes frequently prove inadequate in identifying the deep, long-distance dependencies embedded within facial expression images, and the Transformer's inherent quadratic computational complexity, this paper presents the FER-YOLO-Mamba model, which integrates the principles of Mamba and YOLO technologies to facilitate efficient coordination in facial expression image recognition and localization. Within the FER-YOLO-Mamba model, we further devise a FER-YOLO-VSS dual-branch module, which combines the inherent strengths of convolutional layers in local feature extraction with the exceptional capability of State Space Models (SSMs) in revealing long-distance dependencies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Vision Mamba model designed for facial expression detection and classification. To evaluate the performance of the proposed FER-YOLO-Mamba model, we conducted experiments on two benchmark datasets, RAF-DB and SFEW. The experimental results indicate that the FER-YOLO-Mamba model achieved better results compared to other models. The code is available from


replace Designed Dithering Sign Activation for Binary Neural Networks

Authors: Brayan Monroy, Juan Estupi\~nan, Tatiana Gelvez-Barrera, Jorge Bacca, Henry Arguello

Abstract: Binary Neural Networks emerged as a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution for computer vision tasks by binarizing either network weights or activations. However, common binary activations, such as the Sign activation function, abruptly binarize the values with a single threshold, losing fine-grained details in the feature outputs. This work proposes an activation that applies multiple thresholds following dithering principles, shifting the Sign activation function for each pixel according to a spatially periodic threshold kernel. Unlike literature methods, the shifting is defined jointly for a set of adjacent pixels, taking advantage of spatial correlations. Experiments over the classification task demonstrate the effectiveness of the designed dithering Sign activation function as an alternative activation for binary neural networks, without increasing the computational cost. Further, DeSign balances the preservation of details with the efficiency of binary operations.

replace Salient Object Detection From Arbitrary Modalities

Authors: Nianchang Huang, Yang Yang, Ruida Xi, Qiang Zhang, Jungong Han, Jin Huang

Abstract: Toward desirable saliency prediction, the types and numbers of inputs for a salient object detection (SOD) algorithm may dynamically change in many real-life applications. However, existing SOD algorithms are mainly designed or trained for one particular type of inputs, failing to be generalized to other types of inputs. Consequentially, more types of SOD algorithms need to be prepared in advance for handling different types of inputs, raising huge hardware and research costs. Differently, in this paper, we propose a new type of SOD task, termed Arbitrary Modality SOD (AM SOD). The most prominent characteristics of AM SOD are that the modality types and modality numbers will be arbitrary or dynamically changed. The former means that the inputs to the AM SOD algorithm may be arbitrary modalities such as RGB, depths, or even any combination of them. While, the latter indicates that the inputs may have arbitrary modality numbers as the input type is changed, e.g. single-modality RGB image, dual-modality RGB-Depth (RGB-D) images or triple-modality RGB-Depth-Thermal (RGB-D-T) images. Accordingly, a preliminary solution to the above challenges, \i.e. a modality switch network (MSN), is proposed in this paper. In particular, a modality switch feature extractor (MSFE) is first designed to extract discriminative features from each modality effectively by introducing some modality indicators, which will generate some weights for modality switching. Subsequently, a dynamic fusion module (DFM) is proposed to adaptively fuse features from a variable number of modalities based on a novel Transformer structure. Finally, a new dataset, named AM-XD, is constructed to facilitate research on AM SOD. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our AM SOD method can effectively cope with changes in the type and number of input modalities for robust salient object detection.

replace How Good is my Video LMM? Complex Video Reasoning and Robustness Evaluation Suite for Video-LMMs

Authors: Muhammad Uzair Khattak, Muhammad Ferjad Naeem, Jameel Hassan, Muzammal Naseer, Federico Tombari, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Salman Khan

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have led to the development of Video Large Multi-modal Models (Video-LMMs) that can handle a wide range of video understanding tasks. These models have the potential to be deployed in real-world applications such as robotics, AI assistants, medical surgery, and autonomous vehicles. The widespread adoption of Video-LMMs in our daily lives underscores the importance of ensuring and evaluating their robust performance in mirroring human-like reasoning and interaction capabilities in complex, real-world contexts. However, existing benchmarks for Video-LMMs primarily focus on general video comprehension abilities and neglect assessing their reasoning capabilities over complex videos in the real-world context, and robustness of these models through the lens of user prompts as text queries. In this paper, we present the Complex Video Reasoning and Robustness Evaluation Suite (CVRR-ES), a novel benchmark that comprehensively assesses the performance of Video-LMMs across 11 diverse real-world video dimensions. We evaluate 9 recent models, including both open-source and closed-source variants, and find that most of the Video-LMMs, especially open-source ones, struggle with robustness and reasoning when dealing with complex videos. Based on our analysis, we develop a training-free Dual-Step Contextual Prompting (DSCP) technique to enhance the performance of existing Video-LMMs. Our findings provide valuable insights for building the next generation of human-centric AI systems with advanced robustness and reasoning capabilities. Our dataset and code are publicly available at:


replace Transformer Architecture for NetsDB

Authors: Subodh Kamble, Kunal Sunil Kasodekar

Abstract: Transformers models have become the backbone of the current state-of-the-art models in language, vision, and multimodal domains. These models, at their core, utilize multi-head self-attention to selectively aggregate context, generating dynamic contextual embeddings and modeling long-range dependencies for a clear contextual understanding. Lixi et al. \cite{zhou2022serving} proposed a method to use relational databases for deploying large-scale deep learning models and created an open-source implementation called NetsDB for the same. We build upon the previous work of these authors by creating an end-to-end implementation of the Encoder part of the transformer for model serving in NetsDB. Specifically, we construct a two-block encoder that includes Multi-Head Attention and its accompanying self-attention mechanism, Layer-Norm, Dropout, FeedForward Layers, and the necessary residual connections. We load out weights from our model for distributed processing, deployment, and efficient inferencing. To prove the efficacy of our implementation, we conduct a comprehensive performance analysis by comparing it with existing implementations in PyTorch, Tensorflow, Flax, and MxNet across key metrics such as inference time and model size.

replace Power Variable Projection for Initialization-Free Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment

Authors: Simon Weber, Je Hyeong Hong, Daniel Cremers

Abstract: Initialization-free bundle adjustment (BA) remains largely uncharted. While Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm is the golden method to solve the BA problem, it generally relies on a good initialization. In contrast, the under-explored Variable Projection algorithm (VarPro) exhibits a wide convergence basin even without initialization. Coupled with object space error formulation, recent works have shown its ability to solve (small-scale) initialization-free bundle adjustment problem. We introduce Power Variable Projection (PoVar), extending a recent inverse expansion method based on power series. Importantly, we link the power series expansion to Riemannian manifold optimization. This projective framework is crucial to solve large-scale bundle adjustment problem without initialization. Using the real-world BAL dataset, we experimentally demonstrate that our solver achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of speed and accuracy. In particular, our work is the first, to our knowledge, that addresses the scalability of BA without initialization and opens new venues for initialization-free Structure-from-Motion.

replace-cross DiffusionShield: A Watermark for Copyright Protection against Generative Diffusion Models

Authors: Yingqian Cui, Jie Ren, Han Xu, Pengfei He, Hui Liu, Lichao Sun, Yue Xing, Jiliang Tang

Abstract: Recently, Generative Diffusion Models (GDMs) have showcased their remarkable capabilities in learning and generating images. A large community of GDMs has naturally emerged, further promoting the diversified applications of GDMs in various fields. However, this unrestricted proliferation has raised serious concerns about copyright protection. For example, artists including painters and photographers are becoming increasingly concerned that GDMs could effortlessly replicate their unique creative works without authorization. In response to these challenges, we introduce a novel watermarking scheme, DiffusionShield, tailored for GDMs. DiffusionShield protects images from copyright infringement by GDMs through encoding the ownership information into an imperceptible watermark and injecting it into the images. Its watermark can be easily learned by GDMs and will be reproduced in their generated images. By detecting the watermark from generated images, copyright infringement can be exposed with evidence. Benefiting from the uniformity of the watermarks and the joint optimization method, DiffusionShield ensures low distortion of the original image, high watermark detection performance, and the ability to embed lengthy messages. We conduct rigorous and comprehensive experiments to show the effectiveness of DiffusionShield in defending against infringement by GDMs and its superiority over traditional watermarking methods. The code for DiffusionShield is accessible in


replace-cross Active Visual Localization for Multi-Agent Collaboration: A Data-Driven Approach

Authors: Matthew Hanlon, Boyang Sun, Marc Pollefeys, Hermann Blum

Abstract: Rather than having each newly deployed robot create its own map of its surroundings, the growing availability of SLAM-enabled devices provides the option of simply localizing in a map of another robot or device. In cases such as multi-robot or human-robot collaboration, localizing all agents in the same map is even necessary. However, localizing e.g. a ground robot in the map of a drone or head-mounted MR headset presents unique challenges due to viewpoint changes. This work investigates how active visual localization can be used to overcome such challenges of viewpoint changes. Specifically, we focus on the problem of selecting the optimal viewpoint at a given location. We compare existing approaches in the literature with additional proposed baselines and propose a novel data-driven approach. The result demonstrates the superior performance of the data-driven approach when compared to existing methods, both in controlled simulation experiments and real-world deployment.

replace-cross GD doesn't make the cut: Three ways that non-differentiability affects neural network training

Authors: Siddharth Krishna Kumar

Abstract: This paper investigates the distinctions between gradient methods applied to non-differentiable functions (NGDMs) and classical gradient descents (GDs) designed for differentiable functions. First, we demonstrate significant differences in the convergence properties of NGDMs compared to GDs, challenging the applicability of the extensive neural network convergence literature based on $L-smoothness$ to non-smooth neural networks. Next, we demonstrate the paradoxical nature of NGDM solutions for $L_{1}$-regularized problems, showing that increasing the regularization penalty leads to an increase in the $L_{1}$ norm of optimal solutions in NGDMs. Consequently, we show that widely adopted $L_{1}$ penalization-based techniques for network pruning do not yield expected results. Additionally, we dispel the common belief that optimization algorithms like Adam and RMSProp perform similarly in non-differentiable contexts. Finally, we explore the Edge of Stability phenomenon, indicating its inapplicability even to Lipschitz continuous convex differentiable functions, leaving its relevance to non-convex non-differentiable neural networks inconclusive. Our analysis exposes misguided interpretations of NGDMs in widely referenced papers and texts due to an overreliance on strong smoothness assumptions, emphasizing the necessity for a nuanced understanding of foundational assumptions in the analysis of these systems.

replace-cross TIM: An Efficient Temporal Interaction Module for Spiking Transformer

Authors: Sicheng Shen, Dongcheng Zhao, Guobin Shen, Yi Zeng

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), as the third generation of neural networks, have gained prominence for their biological plausibility and computational efficiency, especially in processing diverse datasets. The integration of attention mechanisms, inspired by advancements in neural network architectures, has led to the development of Spiking Transformers. These have shown promise in enhancing SNNs' capabilities, particularly in the realms of both static and neuromorphic datasets. Despite their progress, a discernible gap exists in these systems, specifically in the Spiking Self Attention (SSA) mechanism's effectiveness in leveraging the temporal processing potential of SNNs. To address this, we introduce the Temporal Interaction Module (TIM), a novel, convolution-based enhancement designed to augment the temporal data processing abilities within SNN architectures. TIM's integration into existing SNN frameworks is seamless and efficient, requiring minimal additional parameters while significantly boosting their temporal information handling capabilities. Through rigorous experimentation, TIM has demonstrated its effectiveness in exploiting temporal information, leading to state-of-the-art performance across various neuromorphic datasets. The code is available at


replace-cross Sliced Wasserstein with Random-Path Projecting Directions

Authors: Khai Nguyen, Shujian Zhang, Tam Le, Nhat Ho

Abstract: Slicing distribution selection has been used as an effective technique to improve the performance of parameter estimators based on minimizing sliced Wasserstein distance in applications. Previous works either utilize expensive optimization to select the slicing distribution or use slicing distributions that require expensive sampling methods. In this work, we propose an optimization-free slicing distribution that provides a fast sampling for the Monte Carlo estimation of expectation. In particular, we introduce the random-path projecting direction (RPD) which is constructed by leveraging the normalized difference between two random vectors following the two input measures. From the RPD, we derive the random-path slicing distribution (RPSD) and two variants of sliced Wasserstein, i.e., the Random-Path Projection Sliced Wasserstein (RPSW) and the Importance Weighted Random-Path Projection Sliced Wasserstein (IWRPSW). We then discuss the topological, statistical, and computational properties of RPSW and IWRPSW. Finally, we showcase the favorable performance of RPSW and IWRPSW in gradient flow and the training of denoising diffusion generative models on images.

replace-cross Gland Segmentation Via Dual Encoders and Boundary-Enhanced Attention

Authors: Huadeng Wang, Jiejiang Yu, Bingbing Li, Xipeng Pan, Zhenbing Liu, Rushi Lan, Xiaonan Luo

Abstract: Accurate and automated gland segmentation on pathological images can assist pathologists in diagnosing the malignancy of colorectal adenocarcinoma. However, due to various gland shapes, severe deformation of malignant glands, and overlapping adhesions between glands. Gland segmentation has always been very challenging. To address these problems, we propose a DEA model. This model consists of two branches: the backbone encoding and decoding network and the local semantic extraction network. The backbone encoding and decoding network extracts advanced Semantic features, uses the proposed feature decoder to restore feature space information, and then enhances the boundary features of the gland through boundary enhancement attention. The local semantic extraction network uses the pre-trained DeepLabv3+ as a Local semantic-guided encoder to realize the extraction of edge features. Experimental results on two public datasets, GlaS and CRAG, confirm that the performance of our method is better than other gland segmentation methods.

replace-cross Functional Imaging Constrained Diffusion for Brain PET Synthesis from Structural MRI

Authors: Minhui Yu, Mengqi Wu, Ling Yue, Andrea Bozoki, Mingxia Liu

Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET) are increasingly used in multimodal analysis of neurodegenerative disorders. While MRI is broadly utilized in clinical settings, PET is less accessible. Many studies have attempted to use deep generative models to synthesize PET from MRI scans. However, they often suffer from unstable training and inadequately preserve brain functional information conveyed by PET. To this end, we propose a functional imaging constrained diffusion (FICD) framework for 3D brain PET image synthesis with paired structural MRI as input condition, through a new constrained diffusion model (CDM). The FICD introduces noise to PET and then progressively removes it with CDM, ensuring high output fidelity throughout a stable training phase. The CDM learns to predict denoised PET with a functional imaging constraint introduced to ensure voxel-wise alignment between each denoised PET and its ground truth. Quantitative and qualitative analyses conducted on 293 subjects with paired T1-weighted MRI and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET scans suggest that FICD achieves superior performance in generating FDG-PET data compared to state-of-the-art methods. We further validate the effectiveness of the proposed FICD on data from a total of 1,262 subjects through three downstream tasks, with experimental results suggesting its utility and generalizability.