new Levels of AI Agents: from Rules to Large Language Models

Authors: Yu Huang

Abstract: AI agents are defined as artificial entities to perceive the environment, make decisions and take actions. Inspired by the 6 levels of autonomous driving by Society of Automotive Engineers, the AI agents are also categorized based on utilities and strongness, as the following levels: L0, no AI, with tools taking into account perception plus actions; L1, using rule-based AI; L2, making rule-based AI replaced by IL/RL-based AI, with additional reasoning & decision making; L3, applying LLM-based AI instead of IL/RL-based AI, additionally setting up memory & reflection; L4, based on L3, facilitating autonomous learning & generalization; L5, based on L4, appending personality of emotion and character and collaborative behavior with multi-agents.

new Large Language Models as Planning Domain Generators

Authors: James Oswald, Kavitha Srinivas, Harsha Kokel, Junkyu Lee, Michael Katz, Shirin Sohrabi

Abstract: Developing domain models is one of the few remaining places that require manual human labor in AI planning. Thus, in order to make planning more accessible, it is desirable to automate the process of domain model generation. To this end, we investigate if large language models (LLMs) can be used to generate planning domain models from simple textual descriptions. Specifically, we introduce a framework for automated evaluation of LLM-generated domains by comparing the sets of plans for domain instances. Finally, we perform an empirical analysis of 7 large language models, including coding and chat models across 9 different planning domains, and under three classes of natural language domain descriptions. Our results indicate that LLMs, particularly those with high parameter counts, exhibit a moderate level of proficiency in generating correct planning domains from natural language descriptions. Our code is available at


new Large Language Model (LLM) AI text generation detection based on transformer deep learning algorithm

Authors: Yuhong Mo, Hao Qin, Yushan Dong, Ziyi Zhu, Zhenglin Li

Abstract: In this paper, a tool for detecting LLM AI text generation is developed based on the Transformer model, aiming to improve the accuracy of AI text generation detection and provide reference for subsequent research. Firstly the text is Unicode normalised, converted to lowercase form, characters other than non-alphabetic characters and punctuation marks are removed by regular expressions, spaces are added around punctuation marks, first and last spaces are removed, consecutive ellipses are replaced with single spaces and the text is connected using the specified delimiter. Next remove non-alphabetic characters and extra whitespace characters, replace multiple consecutive whitespace characters with a single space and again convert to lowercase form. The deep learning model combines layers such as LSTM, Transformer and CNN for text classification or sequence labelling tasks. The training and validation sets show that the model loss decreases from 0.127 to 0.005 and accuracy increases from 94.96 to 99.8, indicating that the model has good detection and classification ability for AI generated text. The test set confusion matrix and accuracy show that the model has 99% prediction accuracy for AI-generated text, with a precision of 0.99, a recall of 1, and an f1 score of 0.99, achieving a very high classification accuracy. Looking forward, it has the prospect of wide application in the field of AI text detection.

new Exploring Social Media Posts for Depression Identification: A Study on Reddit Dataset

Authors: Nandigramam Sai Harshit, Nilesh Kumar Sahu, Haroon R. Lone

Abstract: Depression is one of the most common mental disorders affecting an individual's personal and professional life. In this work, we investigated the possibility of utilizing social media posts to identify depression in individuals. To achieve this goal, we conducted a preliminary study where we extracted and analyzed the top Reddit posts made in 2022 from depression-related forums. The collected data were labeled as depressive and non-depressive using UMLS Metathesaurus. Further, the pre-processed data were fed to classical machine learning models, where we achieved an accuracy of 92.28\% in predicting the depressive and non-depressive posts.

new Enhancing Language Models for Financial Relation Extraction with Named Entities and Part-of-Speech

Authors: Menglin Li, Kwan Hui Lim

Abstract: The Financial Relation Extraction (FinRE) task involves identifying the entities and their relation, given a piece of financial statement/text. To solve this FinRE problem, we propose a simple but effective strategy that improves the performance of pre-trained language models by augmenting them with Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-Of-Speech (POS), as well as different approaches to combine these information. Experiments on a financial relations dataset show promising results and highlights the benefits of incorporating NER and POS in existing models. Our dataset and codes are available at


new Sentiment Polarity Analysis of Bangla Food Reviews Using Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms

Authors: Al Amin, Anik Sarkar, Md Mahamodul Islam, Asif Ahammad Miazee, Md Robiul Islam, Md Mahmudul Hoque

Abstract: The Internet has become an essential tool for people in the modern world. Humans, like all living organisms, have essential requirements for survival. These include access to atmospheric oxygen, potable water, protective shelter, and sustenance. The constant flux of the world is making our existence less complicated. A significant portion of the population utilizes online food ordering services to have meals delivered to their residences. Although there are numerous methods for ordering food, customers sometimes experience disappointment with the food they receive. Our endeavor was to establish a model that could determine if food is of good or poor quality. We compiled an extensive dataset of over 1484 online reviews from prominent food ordering platforms, including Food Panda and HungryNaki. Leveraging the collected data, a rigorous assessment of various deep learning and machine learning techniques was performed to determine the most accurate approach for predicting food quality. Out of all the algorithms evaluated, logistic regression emerged as the most accurate, achieving an impressive 90.91% accuracy. The review offers valuable insights that will guide the user in deciding whether or not to order the food.

new Exposing and Explaining Fake News On-the-Fly

Authors: Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, F\'atima Leal, Benedita Malheiro, Juan Carlos Burguillo

Abstract: Social media platforms enable the rapid dissemination and consumption of information. However, users instantly consume such content regardless of the reliability of the shared data. Consequently, the latter crowdsourcing model is exposed to manipulation. This work contributes with an explainable and online classification method to recognize fake news in real-time. The proposed method combines both unsupervised and supervised Machine Learning approaches with online created lexica. The profiling is built using creator-, content- and context-based features using Natural Language Processing techniques. The explainable classification mechanism displays in a dashboard the features selected for classification and the prediction confidence. The performance of the proposed solution has been validated with real data sets from Twitter and the results attain 80 % accuracy and macro F-measure. This proposal is the first to jointly provide data stream processing, profiling, classification and explainability. Ultimately, the proposed early detection, isolation and explanation of fake news contribute to increase the quality and trustworthiness of social media contents.

new Instruction-Guided Bullet Point Summarization of Long Financial Earnings Call Transcripts

Authors: Subhendu Khatuya, Koushiki Sinha, Niloy Ganguly, Saptarshi Ghosh, Pawan Goyal

Abstract: While automatic summarization techniques have made significant advancements, their primary focus has been on summarizing short news articles or documents that have clear structural patterns like scientific articles or government reports. There has not been much exploration into developing efficient methods for summarizing financial documents, which often contain complex facts and figures. Here, we study the problem of bullet point summarization of long Earning Call Transcripts (ECTs) using the recently released ECTSum dataset. We leverage an unsupervised question-based extractive module followed by a parameter efficient instruction-tuned abstractive module to solve this task. Our proposed model FLAN-FinBPS achieves new state-of-the-art performances outperforming the strongest baseline with 14.88% average ROUGE score gain, and is capable of generating factually consistent bullet point summaries that capture the important facts discussed in the ECTs.

new Parameter-Efficient Instruction Tuning of Large Language Models For Extreme Financial Numeral Labelling

Authors: Subhendu Khatuya, Rajdeep Mukherjee, Akash Ghosh, Manjunath Hegde, Koustuv Dasgupta, Niloy Ganguly, Saptarshi Ghosh, Pawan Goyal

Abstract: We study the problem of automatically annotating relevant numerals (GAAP metrics) occurring in the financial documents with their corresponding XBRL tags. Different from prior works, we investigate the feasibility of solving this extreme classification problem using a generative paradigm through instruction tuning of Large Language Models (LLMs). To this end, we leverage metric metadata information to frame our target outputs while proposing a parameter efficient solution for the task using LoRA. We perform experiments on two recently released financial numeric labeling datasets. Our proposed model, FLAN-FinXC, achieves new state-of-the-art performances on both the datasets, outperforming several strong baselines. We explain the better scores of our proposed model by demonstrating its capability for zero-shot as well as the least frequently occurring tags. Also, even when we fail to predict the XBRL tags correctly, our generated output has substantial overlap with the ground-truth in majority of the cases.

new Overview of the EHRSQL 2024 Shared Task on Reliable Text-to-SQL Modeling on Electronic Health Records

Authors: Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Seongsu Bae, Edward Choi

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are relational databases that store the entire medical histories of patients within hospitals. They record numerous aspects of patients' medical care, from hospital admission and diagnosis to treatment and discharge. While EHRs are vital sources of clinical data, exploring them beyond a predefined set of queries requires skills in query languages like SQL. To make information retrieval more accessible, one strategy is to build a question-answering system, possibly leveraging text-to-SQL models that can automatically translate natural language questions into corresponding SQL queries and use these queries to retrieve the answers. The EHRSQL 2024 shared task aims to advance and promote research in developing a question-answering system for EHRs using text-to-SQL modeling, capable of reliably providing requested answers to various healthcare professionals to improve their clinical work processes and satisfy their needs. Among more than 100 participants who applied to the shared task, eight teams completed the entire shared task processes and demonstrated a wide range of methods to effectively solve this task. In this paper, we describe the task of reliable text-to-SQL modeling, the dataset, and the methods and results of the participants. We hope this shared task will spur further research and insights into developing reliable question-answering systems for EHRs.

new Open-SQL Framework: Enhancing Text-to-SQL on Open-source Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaojun Chen, Tianle Wang, Tianhao Qiu, Jianbin Qin, Min Yang

Abstract: Despite the success of large language models (LLMs) in Text-to-SQL tasks, open-source LLMs encounter challenges in contextual understanding and response coherence. To tackle these issues, we present \ours, a systematic methodology tailored for Text-to-SQL with open-source LLMs. Our contributions include a comprehensive evaluation of open-source LLMs in Text-to-SQL tasks, the \openprompt strategy for effective question representation, and novel strategies for supervised fine-tuning. We explore the benefits of Chain-of-Thought in step-by-step inference and propose the \openexample method for enhanced few-shot learning. Additionally, we introduce token-efficient techniques, such as \textbf{Variable-length Open DB Schema}, \textbf{Target Column Truncation}, and \textbf{Example Column Truncation}, addressing challenges in large-scale databases. Our findings emphasize the need for further investigation into the impact of supervised fine-tuning on contextual learning capabilities. Remarkably, our method significantly improved Llama2-7B from 2.54\% to 41.04\% and Code Llama-7B from 14.54\% to 48.24\% on the BIRD-Dev dataset. Notably, the performance of Code Llama-7B surpassed GPT-4 (46.35\%) on the BIRD-Dev dataset.

new EDA Corpus: A Large Language Model Dataset for Enhanced Interaction with OpenROAD

Authors: Bing-Yue Wu, Utsav Sharma, Sai Rahul Dhanvi Kankipati, Ajay Yadav, Bintu Kappil George, Sai Ritish Guntupalli, Austin Rovinski, Vidya A. Chhabria

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) serve as powerful tools for design, providing capabilities for both task automation and design assistance. Recent advancements have shown tremendous potential for facilitating LLM integration into the chip design process; however, many of these works rely on data that are not publicly available and/or not permissively licensed for use in LLM training and distribution. In this paper, we present a solution aimed at bridging this gap by introducing an open-source dataset tailored for OpenROAD, a widely adopted open-source EDA toolchain. The dataset features over 1000 data points and is structured in two formats: (i) a pairwise set comprised of question prompts with prose answers, and (ii) a pairwise set comprised of code prompts and their corresponding OpenROAD scripts. By providing this dataset, we aim to facilitate LLM-focused research within the EDA domain. The dataset is available at


new ATG: Benchmarking Automated Theorem Generation for Generative Language Models

Authors: Xiaohan Lin, Qingxing Cao, Yinya Huang, Zhicheng Yang, Zhengying Liu, Zhenguo Li, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Humans can develop new theorems to explore broader and more complex mathematical results. While current generative language models (LMs) have achieved significant improvement in automatically proving theorems, their ability to generate new or reusable theorems is still under-explored. Without the new theorems, current LMs struggle to prove harder theorems that are distant from the given hypotheses with the exponentially growing search space. Therefore, this paper proposes an Automated Theorem Generation (ATG) benchmark that evaluates whether an agent can automatically generate valuable (and possibly brand new) theorems that are applicable for downstream theorem proving as reusable knowledge. Specifically, we construct the ATG benchmark by splitting the Metamath library into three sets: axioms, library, and problem based on their proving depth. We conduct extensive experiments to investigate whether current LMs can generate theorems in the library and benefit the problem theorems proving. The results demonstrate that high-quality ATG data facilitates models' performances on downstream ATP. However, there is still room for current LMs to develop better ATG and generate more advanced and human-like theorems. We hope the new ATG challenge can shed some light on advanced complex theorem proving.

new Exploring the Compositional Deficiency of Large Language Models in Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Jun Zhao, Jingqi Tong, Yurong Mou, Ming Zhang, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Human cognition exhibits systematic compositionality, the algebraic ability to generate infinite novel combinations from finite learned components, which is the key to understanding and reasoning about complex logic. In this work, we investigate the compositionality of large language models (LLMs) in mathematical reasoning. Specifically, we construct a new dataset \textsc{MathTrap}\footnotemark[3] by introducing carefully designed logical traps into the problem descriptions of MATH and GSM8k. Since problems with logical flaws are quite rare in the real world, these represent ``unseen'' cases to LLMs. Solving these requires the models to systematically compose (1) the mathematical knowledge involved in the original problems with (2) knowledge related to the introduced traps. Our experiments show that while LLMs possess both components of requisite knowledge, they do not \textbf{spontaneously} combine them to handle these novel cases. We explore several methods to mitigate this deficiency, such as natural language prompts, few-shot demonstrations, and fine-tuning. We find that LLMs' performance can be \textbf{passively} improved through the above external intervention. Overall, systematic compositionality remains an open challenge for large language models.

new Leveraging Lecture Content for Improved Feedback: Explorations with GPT-4 and Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Sven Jacobs, Steffen Jaschke

Abstract: This paper presents the use of Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to improve the feedback generated by Large Language Models for programming tasks. For this purpose, corresponding lecture recordings were transcribed and made available to the Large Language Model GPT-4 as external knowledge source together with timestamps as metainformation by using RAG. The purpose of this is to prevent hallucinations and to enforce the use of the technical terms and phrases from the lecture. In an exercise platform developed to solve programming problems for an introductory programming lecture, students can request feedback on their solutions generated by GPT-4. For this task GPT-4 receives the students' code solution, the compiler output, the result of unit tests and the relevant passages from the lecture notes available through the use of RAG as additional context. The feedback generated by GPT-4 should guide students to solve problems independently and link to the lecture content, using the time stamps of the transcript as meta-information. In this way, the corresponding lecture videos can be viewed immediately at the corresponding positions. For the evaluation, students worked with the tool in a workshop and decided for each feedback whether it should be extended by RAG or not. First results based on a questionnaire and the collected usage data show that the use of RAG can improve feedback generation and is preferred by students in some situations. Due to the slower speed of feedback generation, the benefits are situation dependent.

new Self-Reflection in LLM Agents: Effects on Problem-Solving Performance

Authors: Matthew Renze, Erhan Guven

Abstract: In this study, we investigated the effects of self-reflection in large language models (LLMs) on problem-solving performance. We instructed nine popular LLMs to answer a series of multiple-choice questions to provide a performance baseline. For each incorrectly answered question, we instructed eight types of self-reflecting LLM agents to reflect on their mistakes and provide themselves with guidance to improve problem-solving. Then, using this guidance, each self-reflecting agent attempted to re-answer the same questions. Our results indicate that LLM agents are able to significantly improve their problem-solving performance through self-reflection ($p < 0.001$). In addition, we compared the various types of self-reflection to determine their individual contribution to performance. All code and data are available on GitHub at


new ERAGent: Enhancing Retrieval-Augmented Language Models with Improved Accuracy, Efficiency, and Personalization

Authors: Yunxiao Shi, Xing Zi, Zijing Shi, Haimin Zhang, Qiang Wu, Min Xu

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) for language models significantly improves language understanding systems. The basic retrieval-then-read pipeline of response generation has evolved into a more extended process due to the integration of various components, sometimes even forming loop structures. Despite its advancements in improving response accuracy, challenges like poor retrieval quality for complex questions that require the search of multifaceted semantic information, inefficiencies in knowledge re-retrieval during long-term serving, and lack of personalized responses persist. Motivated by transcending these limitations, we introduce ERAGent, a cutting-edge framework that embodies an advancement in the RAG area. Our contribution is the introduction of the synergistically operated module: Enhanced Question Rewriter and Knowledge Filter, for better retrieval quality. Retrieval Trigger is incorporated to curtail extraneous external knowledge retrieval without sacrificing response quality. ERAGent also personalizes responses by incorporating a learned user profile. The efficiency and personalization characteristics of ERAGent are supported by the Experiential Learner module which makes the AI assistant being capable of expanding its knowledge and modeling user profile incrementally. Rigorous evaluations across six datasets and three question-answering tasks prove ERAGent's superior accuracy, efficiency, and personalization, emphasizing its potential to advance the RAG field and its applicability in practical systems.

new QuakeBERT: Accurate Classification of Social Media Texts for Rapid Earthquake Impact Assessment

Authors: Jin Han, Zhe Zheng, Xin-Zheng Lu, Ke-Yin Chen, Jia-Rui Lin

Abstract: Social media aids disaster response but suffers from noise, hindering accurate impact assessment and decision making for resilient cities, which few studies considered. To address the problem, this study proposes the first domain-specific LLM model and an integrated method for rapid earthquake impact assessment. First, a few categories are introduced to classify and filter microblogs considering their relationship to the physical and social impacts of earthquakes, and a dataset comprising 7282 earthquake-related microblogs from twenty earthquakes in different locations is developed as well. Then, with a systematic analysis of various influential factors, QuakeBERT, a domain-specific large language model (LLM), is developed and fine-tuned for accurate classification and filtering of microblogs. Meanwhile, an integrated method integrating public opinion trend analysis, sentiment analysis, and keyword-based physical impact quantification is introduced to assess both the physical and social impacts of earthquakes based on social media texts. Experiments show that data diversity and data volume dominate the performance of QuakeBERT and increase the macro average F1 score by 27%, while the best classification model QuakeBERT outperforms the CNN- or RNN-based models by improving the macro average F1 score from 60.87% to 84.33%. Finally, the proposed approach is applied to assess two earthquakes with the same magnitude and focal depth. Results show that the proposed approach can effectively enhance the impact assessment process by accurate detection of noisy microblogs, which enables effective post-disaster emergency responses to create more resilient cities.

new Multigenre AI-powered Story Composition

Authors: Edirlei Soares de Lima, Margot M. E. Neggers, Antonio L. Furtado

Abstract: This paper shows how to construct genre patterns, whose purpose is to guide interactive story composition in a way that enforces thematic consistency. To start the discussion we argue, based on previous seminal works, for the existence of five fundamental genres, namely comedy, romance - in the sense of epic plots, flourishing since the twelfth century -, tragedy, satire, and mystery. To construct the patterns, a simple two-phase process is employed: first retrieving examples that match our genre characterizations, and then applying a form of most specific generalization to the groups of examples in order to find their commonalities. In both phases, AI agents are instrumental, with our PatternTeller prototype being called to operate the story composition process, offering the opportunity to generate stories from a given premise of the user, to be developed under the guidance of the chosen pattern and trying to accommodate the user's suggestions along the composition stages.

new Word2World: Generating Stories and Worlds through Large Language Models

Authors: Muhammad U. Nasir, Steven James, Julian Togelius

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have proven their worth across a diverse spectrum of disciplines. LLMs have shown great potential in Procedural Content Generation (PCG) as well, but directly generating a level through a pre-trained LLM is still challenging. This work introduces Word2World, a system that enables LLMs to procedurally design playable games through stories, without any task-specific fine-tuning. Word2World leverages the abilities of LLMs to create diverse content and extract information. Combining these abilities, LLMs can create a story for the game, design narrative, and place tiles in appropriate places to create coherent worlds and playable games. We test Word2World with different LLMs and perform a thorough ablation study to validate each step. We open-source the code at


new Hire Me or Not? Examining Language Model's Behavior with Occupation Attributes

Authors: Damin Zhang, Yi Zhang, Geetanjali Bihani, Julia Rayz

Abstract: With the impressive performance in various downstream tasks, large language models (LLMs) have been widely integrated into production pipelines, like recruitment and recommendation systems. A known issue of models trained on natural language data is the presence of human biases, which can impact the fairness of the system. This paper investigates LLMs' behavior with respect to gender stereotypes, in the context of occupation decision making. Our framework is designed to investigate and quantify the presence of gender stereotypes in LLMs' behavior via multi-round question answering. Inspired by prior works, we construct a dataset by leveraging a standard occupation classification knowledge base released by authoritative agencies. We tested three LLMs (RoBERTa-large, GPT-3.5-turbo, and Llama2-70b-chat) and found that all models exhibit gender stereotypes analogous to human biases, but with different preferences. The distinct preferences of GPT-3.5-turbo and Llama2-70b-chat may imply the current alignment methods are insufficient for debiasing and could introduce new biases contradicting the traditional gender stereotypes.

new Fleet of Agents: Coordinated Problem Solving with Large Language Models using Genetic Particle Filtering

Authors: Akhil Arora, Lars Klein, Nearchos Potamitis, Roland Aydin, Caglar Gulcehre, Robert West

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have significantly evolved, moving from simple output generation to complex reasoning and from stand-alone usage to being embedded into broader frameworks. In this paper, we introduce \emph{Fleet of Agents (FoA)}, a novel framework utilizing LLMs as agents to navigate through dynamic tree searches, employing a genetic-type particle filtering approach. FoA spawns a multitude of agents, each exploring autonomously, followed by a selection phase where resampling based on a heuristic value function optimizes the balance between exploration and exploitation. This mechanism enables dynamic branching, adapting the exploration strategy based on discovered solutions. We experimentally validate FoA using two benchmark tasks, "Game of 24" and "Mini-Crosswords". FoA outperforms the previously proposed Tree-of-Thoughts method in terms of efficacy and efficiency: it significantly decreases computational costs (by calling the value function less frequently) while preserving comparable or even superior accuracy.

new Analyzing Language Bias Between French and English in Conventional Multilingual Sentiment Analysis Models

Authors: Ethan Parker Wong, Faten M'hiri

Abstract: Inspired by the 'Bias Considerations in Bilingual Natural Language Processing' report by Statistics Canada, this study delves into potential biases in multilingual sentiment analysis between English and French. Given a 50-50 dataset of French and English, we aim to determine if there exists a language bias and explore how the incorporation of more diverse datasets in the future might affect the equity of multilingual Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems. By employing Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Naive Bayes models on three balanced datasets, we reveal potential biases in multilingual sentiment classification. Utilizing Fairlearn, a tool for assessing bias in machine learning models, our findings indicate nuanced outcomes. With French data outperforming English across accuracy, recall, and F1 score metrics in both models, hinting at a language bias favoring French. However, Fairlearn's metrics suggest that the SVM approaches equitable levels with a demographic parity ratio of 0.963, 0.989, and 0.985 for the three separate datasets, indicating near-equitable treatment across languages. In contrast, Naive Bayes demonstrates greater disparities, evidenced by a demographic parity ratio of 0.813, 0.908, and 0.961. These findings reveal the importance of developing equitable multilingual NLP systems, particularly as we anticipate the inclusion of more datasets in various languages in the future.

new SUTRA: Scalable Multilingual Language Model Architecture

Authors: Abhijit Bendale, Michael Sapienza, Steven Ripplinger, Simon Gibbs, Jaewon Lee, Pranav Mistry

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce SUTRA, multilingual Large Language Model architecture capable of understanding, reasoning, and generating text in over 50 languages. SUTRA's design uniquely decouples core conceptual understanding from language-specific processing, which facilitates scalable and efficient multilingual alignment and learning. Employing a Mixture of Experts framework both in language and concept processing, SUTRA demonstrates both computational efficiency and responsiveness. Through extensive evaluations, SUTRA is demonstrated to surpass existing models like GPT-3.5, Llama2 by 20-30% on leading Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmarks for multilingual tasks. SUTRA models are also online LLMs that can use knowledge from the internet to provide hallucination-free, factual and up-to-date responses while retaining their multilingual capabilities. Furthermore, we explore the broader implications of its architecture for the future of multilingual AI, highlighting its potential to democratize access to AI technology globally and to improve the equity and utility of AI in regions with predominantly non-English languages. Our findings suggest that SUTRA not only fills pivotal gaps in multilingual model capabilities but also establishes a new benchmark for operational efficiency and scalability in AI applications.

new Utilizing Large Language Models to Generate Synthetic Data to Increase the Performance of BERT-Based Neural Networks

Authors: Chancellor R. Woolsey, Prakash Bisht, Joshua Rothman, Gondy Leroy

Abstract: An important issue impacting healthcare is a lack of available experts. Machine learning (ML) models could resolve this by aiding in diagnosing patients. However, creating datasets large enough to train these models is expensive. We evaluated large language models (LLMs) for data creation. Using Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), we prompted ChatGPT and GPT-Premium to generate 4,200 synthetic observations to augment existing medical data. Our goal is to label behaviors corresponding to autism criteria and improve model accuracy with synthetic training data. We used a BERT classifier pre-trained on biomedical literature to assess differences in performance between models. A random sample (N=140) from the LLM-generated data was evaluated by a clinician and found to contain 83% correct example-label pairs. Augmenting data increased recall by 13% but decreased precision by 16%, correlating with higher quality and lower accuracy across pairs. Future work will analyze how different synthetic data traits affect ML outcomes.

new Multi-level Shared Knowledge Guided Learning for Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Yongxue Shan, Jie Zhou, Jie Peng, Xin Zhou, Jiaqian Yin, Xiaodong Wang

Abstract: In the task of Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC), the existing datasets and their inherent subtasks carry a wealth of shared knowledge that can be utilized to enhance the representation of knowledge triplets and overall performance. However, no current studies specifically address the shared knowledge within KGC. To bridge this gap, we introduce a multi-level Shared Knowledge Guided learning method (SKG) that operates at both the dataset and task levels. On the dataset level, SKG-KGC broadens the original dataset by identifying shared features within entity sets via text summarization. On the task level, for the three typical KGC subtasks - head entity prediction, relation prediction, and tail entity prediction - we present an innovative multi-task learning architecture with dynamically adjusted loss weights. This approach allows the model to focus on more challenging and underperforming tasks, effectively mitigating the imbalance of knowledge sharing among subtasks. Experimental results demonstrate that SKG-KGC outperforms existing text-based methods significantly on three well-known datasets, with the most notable improvement on WN18RR.

new Automated Conversion of Static to Dynamic Scheduler via Natural Language

Authors: Paul Mingzheng Tang, Kenji Kah Hoe Leong, Nowshad Shaik, Hoong Chuin Lau

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the potential application of Large Language Models (LLMs) that will automatically model constraints and generate code for dynamic scheduling problems given an existing static model. Static scheduling problems are modelled and coded by optimization experts. These models may be easily obsoleted as the underlying constraints may need to be fine-tuned in order to reflect changes in the scheduling rules. Furthermore, it may be necessary to turn a static model into a dynamic one in order to cope with disturbances in the environment. In this paper, we propose a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) based LLM model to automate the process of implementing constraints for Dynamic Scheduling (RAGDyS), without seeking help from an optimization modeling expert. Our framework aims to minimize technical complexities related to mathematical modelling and computational workload for end-users, thereby allowing end-users to quickly obtain a new schedule close to the original schedule with changes reflected by natural language constraint descriptions.

new ChatSOS: Vector Database Augmented Generative Question Answering Assistant in Safety Engineering

Authors: Haiyang Tang, Dongping Chen, Qingzhao Chu

Abstract: With the rapid advancement of natural language processing technologies, generative artificial intelligence techniques, represented by large language models (LLMs), are gaining increasing prominence and demonstrating significant potential for applications in safety engineering. However, fundamental LLMs face constraints such as limited training data coverage and unreliable responses. This study develops a vector database from 117 explosion accident reports in China spanning 2013 to 2023, employing techniques such as corpus segmenting and vector embedding. By utilizing the vector database, which outperforms the relational database in information retrieval quality, we provide LLMs with richer, more relevant knowledge. Comparative analysis of LLMs demonstrates that ChatSOS significantly enhances reliability, accuracy, and comprehensiveness, improves adaptability and clarification of responses. These results illustrate the effectiveness of supplementing LLMs with an external database, highlighting their potential to handle professional queries in safety engineering and laying a foundation for broader applications.

new Lightweight Spatial Modeling for Combinatorial Information Extraction From Documents

Authors: Yanfei Dong, Lambert Deng, Jiazheng Zhang, Xiaodong Yu, Ting Lin, Francesco Gelli, Soujanya Poria, Wee Sun Lee

Abstract: Documents that consist of diverse templates and exhibit complex spatial structures pose a challenge for document entity classification. We propose KNN-former, which incorporates a new kind of spatial bias in attention calculation based on the K-nearest-neighbor (KNN) graph of document entities. We limit entities' attention only to their local radius defined by the KNN graph. We also use combinatorial matching to address the one-to-one mapping property that exists in many documents, where one field has only one corresponding entity. Moreover, our method is highly parameter-efficient compared to existing approaches in terms of the number of trainable parameters. Despite this, experiments across various datasets show our method outperforms baselines in most entity types. Many real-world documents exhibit combinatorial properties which can be leveraged as inductive biases to improve extraction accuracy, but existing datasets do not cover these documents. To facilitate future research into these types of documents, we release a new ID document dataset that covers diverse templates and languages. We also release enhanced annotations for an existing dataset.

new Malayalam Sign Language Identification using Finetuned YOLOv8 and Computer Vision Techniques

Authors: Abhinand K., Abhiram B. Nair, Dhananjay C., Hanan Hamza, Mohammed Fawaz J., Rahma Fahim K., Anoop V. S

Abstract: Technological advancements and innovations are advancing our daily life in all the ways possible but there is a larger section of society who are deprived of accessing the benefits due to their physical inabilities. To reap the real benefits and make it accessible to society, these talented and gifted people should also use such innovations without any hurdles. Many applications developed these days address these challenges, but localized communities and other constrained linguistic groups may find it difficult to use them. Malayalam, a Dravidian language spoken in the Indian state of Kerala is one of the twenty-two scheduled languages in India. Recent years have witnessed a surge in the development of systems and tools in Malayalam, addressing the needs of Kerala, but many of them are not empathetically designed to cater to the needs of hearing-impaired people. One of the major challenges is the limited or no availability of sign language data for the Malayalam language and sufficient efforts are not made in this direction. In this connection, this paper proposes an approach for sign language identification for the Malayalam language using advanced deep learning and computer vision techniques. We start by developing a labeled dataset for Malayalam letters and for the identification we use advanced deep learning techniques such as YOLOv8 and computer vision. Experimental results show that the identification accuracy is comparable to other sign language identification systems and other researchers in sign language identification can use the model as a baseline to develop advanced models.

new Interpretable Cross-Examination Technique (ICE-T): Using highly informative features to boost LLM performance

Authors: Goran Muric, Ben Delay, Steven Minton

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the Interpretable Cross-Examination Technique (ICE-T), a novel approach that leverages structured multi-prompt techniques with Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve classification performance over zero-shot and few-shot methods. In domains where interpretability is crucial, such as medicine and law, standard models often fall short due to their "black-box" nature. ICE-T addresses these limitations by using a series of generated prompts that allow an LLM to approach the problem from multiple directions. The responses from the LLM are then converted into numerical feature vectors and processed by a traditional classifier. This method not only maintains high interpretability but also allows for smaller, less capable models to achieve or exceed the performance of larger, more advanced models under zero-shot conditions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ICE-T across a diverse set of data sources, including medical records and legal documents, consistently surpassing the zero-shot baseline in terms of classification metrics such as F1 scores. Our results indicate that ICE-T can be used for improving both the performance and transparency of AI applications in complex decision-making environments.

new Enhanced Review Detection and Recognition: A Platform-Agnostic Approach with Application to Online Commerce

Authors: Priyabrata Karmakar, John Hawkins

Abstract: Online commerce relies heavily on user generated reviews to provide unbiased information about products that they have not physically seen. The importance of reviews has attracted multiple exploitative online behaviours and requires methods for monitoring and detecting reviews. We present a machine learning methodology for review detection and extraction, and demonstrate that it generalises for use across websites that were not contained in the training data. This method promises to drive applications for automatic detection and evaluation of reviews, regardless of their source. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of our method by implementing and discussing three key applications for analysing reviews: Sentiment Inconsistency Analysis, which detects and filters out unreliable reviews based on inconsistencies between ratings and comments; Multi-language support, enabling the extraction and translation of reviews from various languages without relying on HTML scraping; and Fake review detection, achieved by integrating a trained NLP model to identify and distinguish between genuine and fake reviews.

new LLMs can Find Mathematical Reasoning Mistakes by Pedagogical Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Zhuoxuan Jiang, Haoyuan Peng, Shanshan Feng, Fan Li, Dongsheng Li

Abstract: Self-correction is emerging as a promising approach to mitigate the issue of hallucination in Large Language Models (LLMs). To facilitate effective self-correction, recent research has proposed mistake detection as its initial step. However, current literature suggests that LLMs often struggle with reliably identifying reasoning mistakes when using simplistic prompting strategies. To address this challenge, we introduce a unique prompting strategy, termed the Pedagogical Chain-of-Thought (PedCoT), which is specifically designed to guide the identification of reasoning mistakes, particularly mathematical reasoning mistakes. PedCoT consists of pedagogical principles for prompts (PPP) design, two-stage interaction process (TIP) and grounded PedCoT prompts, all inspired by the educational theory of the Bloom Cognitive Model (BCM). We evaluate our approach on two public datasets featuring math problems of varying difficulty levels. The experiments demonstrate that our zero-shot prompting strategy significantly outperforms strong baselines. The proposed method can achieve the goal of reliable mathematical mistake identification and provide a foundation for automatic math answer grading. The results underscore the significance of educational theory, serving as domain knowledge, in guiding prompting strategy design for addressing challenging tasks with LLMs effectively.

new Exploring the Capabilities of Large Multimodal Models on Dense Text

Authors: Shuo Zhang, Biao Yang, Zhang Li, Zhiyin Ma, Yuliang Liu, Xiang Bai

Abstract: While large multi-modal models (LMM) have shown notable progress in multi-modal tasks, their capabilities in tasks involving dense textual content remains to be fully explored. Dense text, which carries important information, is often found in documents, tables, and product descriptions. Understanding dense text enables us to obtain more accurate information, assisting in making better decisions. To further explore the capabilities of LMM in complex text tasks, we propose the DT-VQA dataset, with 170k question-answer pairs. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of GPT4V, Gemini, and various open-source LMMs on our dataset, revealing their strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, we evaluate the effectiveness of two strategies for LMM: prompt engineering and downstream fine-tuning. We find that even with automatically labeled training datasets, significant improvements in model performance can be achieved. We hope that this research will promote the study of LMM in dense text tasks. Code will be released at


new Hypothesis Testing Prompting Improves Deductive Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Yitian Li, Jidong Tian, Hao He, Yaohui Jin

Abstract: Combining different forms of prompts with pre-trained large language models has yielded remarkable results on reasoning tasks (e.g. Chain-of-Thought prompting). However, along with testing on more complex reasoning, these methods also expose problems such as invalid reasoning and fictional reasoning paths. In this paper, we develop \textit{Hypothesis Testing Prompting}, which adds conclusion assumptions, backward reasoning, and fact verification during intermediate reasoning steps. \textit{Hypothesis Testing prompting} involves multiple assumptions and reverses validation of conclusions leading to its unique correct answer. Experiments on two challenging deductive reasoning datasets ProofWriter and RuleTaker show that hypothesis testing prompting not only significantly improves the effect, but also generates a more reasonable and standardized reasoning process.

new Evaluating the Efficacy of AI Techniques in Textual Anonymization: A Comparative Study

Authors: Dimitris Asimopoulos, Ilias Siniosoglou, Vasileios Argyriou, Sotirios K. Goudos, Konstantinos E. Psannis, Nikoleta Karditsioti, Theocharis Saoulidis, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis

Abstract: In the digital era, with escalating privacy concerns, it's imperative to devise robust strategies that protect private data while maintaining the intrinsic value of textual information. This research embarks on a comprehensive examination of text anonymisation methods, focusing on Conditional Random Fields (CRF), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Embeddings from Language Models (ELMo), and the transformative capabilities of the Transformers architecture. Each model presents unique strengths since LSTM is modeling long-term dependencies, CRF captures dependencies among word sequences, ELMo delivers contextual word representations using deep bidirectional language models and Transformers introduce self-attention mechanisms that provide enhanced scalability. Our study is positioned as a comparative analysis of these models, emphasising their synergistic potential in addressing text anonymisation challenges. Preliminary results indicate that CRF, LSTM, and ELMo individually outperform traditional methods. The inclusion of Transformers, when compared alongside with the other models, offers a broader perspective on achieving optimal text anonymisation in contemporary settings.

new Mobile Sequencers

Authors: Cem Bozsahin

Abstract: The article is an attempt to contribute to explorations of a common origin for language and planned-collaborative action. It gives `semantics of change' the central stage in the synthesis, from its history and recordkeeping to its development, its syntax, delivery and reception, including substratal aspects. It is suggested that to arrive at a common core, linguistic semantics must be understood as studying through syntax mobile agent's representing, tracking and coping with change and no change. Semantics of actions can be conceived the same way, but through plans instead of syntax. The key point is the following: Sequencing itself, of words and action sequences, brings in more structural interpretation to the sequence than which is immediately evident from the sequents themselves. Mobile sequencers can be understood as subjects structuring reporting, understanding and keeping track of change and no change. The idea invites rethinking of the notion of category, both in language and in planning. Understanding understanding change by mobile agents is suggested to be about human extended practice, not extended-human practice. That's why linguistics is as important as computer science in the synthesis. It must rely on representational history of acts, thoughts and expressions, personal and public, crosscutting overtness and covertness of these phenomena. It has implication for anthropology in the extended practice, which is covered briefly.

new Digital Diagnostics: The Potential Of Large Language Models In Recognizing Symptoms Of Common Illnesses

Authors: Gaurav Kumar Gupta, Aditi Singh, Sijo Valayakkad Manikandan, Abul Ehtesham

Abstract: The recent swift development of LLMs like GPT-4, Gemini, and GPT-3.5 offers a transformative opportunity in medicine and healthcare, especially in digital diagnostics. This study evaluates each model diagnostic abilities by interpreting a user symptoms and determining diagnoses that fit well with common illnesses, and it demonstrates how each of these models could significantly increase diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Through a series of diagnostic prompts based on symptoms from medical databases, GPT-4 demonstrates higher diagnostic accuracy from its deep and complete history of training on medical data. Meanwhile, Gemini performs with high precision as a critical tool in disease triage, demonstrating its potential to be a reliable model when physicians are trying to make high-risk diagnoses. GPT-3.5, though slightly less advanced, is a good tool for medical diagnostics. This study highlights the need to study LLMs for healthcare and clinical practices with more care and attention, ensuring that any system utilizing LLMs promotes patient privacy and complies with health information privacy laws such as HIPAA compliance, as well as the social consequences that affect the varied individuals in complex healthcare contexts. This study marks the start of a larger future effort to study the various ways in which assigning ethical concerns to LLMs task of learning from human biases could unearth new ways to apply AI in complex medical settings.

new Unveiling the Competitive Dynamics: A Comparative Evaluation of American and Chinese LLMs

Authors: Zhenhui Jiang, Jiaxin Li, Yang Liu

Abstract: The strategic significance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in economic expansion, innovation, societal development, and national security has been increasingly recognized since the advent of ChatGPT. This study provides a comprehensive comparative evaluation of American and Chinese LLMs in both English and Chinese contexts. We proposed a comprehensive evaluation framework that encompasses natural language proficiency, disciplinary expertise, and safety and responsibility, and systematically assessed 16 prominent models from the US and China under various operational tasks and scenarios. Our key findings show that GPT 4-Turbo is at the forefront in English contexts, whereas Ernie-Bot 4 stands out in Chinese contexts. The study also highlights disparities in LLM performance across languages and tasks, stressing the necessity for linguistically and culturally nuanced model development. The complementary strengths of American and Chinese LLMs point to the value of Sino-US collaboration in advancing LLM technology. The research presents the current LLM competition landscape and offers valuable insights for policymakers and businesses regarding strategic LLM investments and development. Future work will expand on this framework to include emerging LLM multimodal capabilities and business application assessments.

new Towards a path dependent account of category fluency

Authors: David Heineman, Reba Koenen, Sashank Varma

Abstract: Category fluency is a widely studied cognitive phenomenon, yet two conflicting accounts have been proposed as the underlying retrieval mechanism -- an optimal foraging process deliberately searching through memory (Hills et al., 2012) and a random walk sampling from a semantic network (Abbott et al., 2015). Evidence for both accounts has centered around predicting human patch switches, where both existing models of category fluency produce paradoxically identical results. We begin by peeling back the assumptions made by existing models, namely that each named example only depends on the previous example, by (i) adding an additional bias to model the category transition probability directly and (ii) relying on a large language model to predict based on the entire existing sequence. Then, we present evidence towards resolving the disagreement between each account of foraging by reformulating models as sequence generators. To evaluate, we compare generated category fluency runs to a bank of human-written sequences by proposing a metric based on n-gram overlap. We find category switch predictors do not necessarily produce human-like sequences, in fact the additional biases used by the Hills et al. (2012) model are required to improve generation quality, which are later improved by our category modification. Even generating exclusively with an LLM requires an additional global cue to trigger the patch switching behavior during production. Further tests on only the search process on top of the semantic network highlight the importance of deterministic search to replicate human behavior.

new Enhancing Creativity in Large Language Models through Associative Thinking Strategies

Authors: Pronita Mehrotra, Aishni Parab, Sumit Gulwani

Abstract: This paper explores the enhancement of creativity in Large Language Models (LLMs) like vGPT-4 through associative thinking, a cognitive process where creative ideas emerge from linking seemingly unrelated concepts. Associative thinking strategies have been found to effectively help humans boost creativity. However, whether the same strategies can help LLMs become more creative remains under-explored. In this work, we investigate whether prompting LLMs to connect disparate concepts can augment their creative outputs. Focusing on three domains -- Product Design, Storytelling, and Marketing -- we introduce creativity tasks designed to assess vGPT-4's ability to generate original and useful content. By challenging the models to form novel associations, we evaluate the potential of associative thinking to enhance the creative capabilities of LLMs. Our findings show that leveraging associative thinking techniques can significantly improve the originality of vGPT-4's responses.

new Enhancing Traffic Prediction with Textual Data Using Large Language Models

Authors: Xiannan Huang

Abstract: Traffic prediction is pivotal for rational transportation supply scheduling and allocation. Existing researches into short-term traffic prediction, however, face challenges in adequately addressing exceptional circumstances and integrating non-numerical contextual information like weather into models. While, Large language models offer a promising solution due to their inherent world knowledge. However, directly using them for traffic prediction presents drawbacks such as high cost, lack of determinism, and limited mathematical capability. To mitigate these issues, this study proposes a novel approach. Instead of directly employing large models for prediction, it utilizes them to process textual information and obtain embeddings. These embeddings are then combined with historical traffic data and inputted into traditional spatiotemporal forecasting models. The study investigates two types of special scenarios: regional-level and node-level. For regional-level scenarios, textual information is represented as a node connected to the entire network. For node-level scenarios, embeddings from the large model represent additional nodes connected only to corresponding nodes. This approach shows a significant improvement in prediction accuracy according to our experiment of New York Bike dataset.

new Opportunities for Persian Digital Humanities Research with Artificial Intelligence Language Models; Case Study: Forough Farrokhzad

Authors: Arash Rasti Meymandi, Zahra Hosseini, Sina Davari, Abolfazl Moshiri, Shabnam Rahimi-Golkhandan, Khashayar Namdar, Nikta Feizi, Mohamad Tavakoli-Targhi, Farzad Khalvati

Abstract: This study explores the integration of advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to analyze and interpret Persian literature, focusing on the poetry of Forough Farrokhzad. Utilizing computational methods, we aim to unveil thematic, stylistic, and linguistic patterns in Persian poetry. Specifically, the study employs AI models including transformer-based language models for clustering of the poems in an unsupervised framework. This research underscores the potential of AI in enhancing our understanding of Persian literary heritage, with Forough Farrokhzad's work providing a comprehensive case study. This approach not only contributes to the field of Persian Digital Humanities but also sets a precedent for future research in Persian literary studies using computational techniques.

new LLM-Generated Black-box Explanations Can Be Adversarially Helpful

Authors: Rohan Ajwani, Shashidhar Reddy Javaji, Frank Rudzicz, Zining Zhu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming vital tools that help us solve and understand complex problems by acting as digital assistants. LLMs can generate convincing explanations, even when only given the inputs and outputs of these problems, i.e., in a ``black-box'' approach. However, our research uncovers a hidden risk tied to this approach, which we call *adversarial helpfulness*. This happens when an LLM's explanations make a wrong answer look right, potentially leading people to trust incorrect solutions. In this paper, we show that this issue affects not just humans, but also LLM evaluators. Digging deeper, we identify and examine key persuasive strategies employed by LLMs. Our findings reveal that these models employ strategies such as reframing the questions, expressing an elevated level of confidence, and cherry-picking evidence to paint misleading answers in a credible light. To examine if LLMs are able to navigate complex-structured knowledge when generating adversarially helpful explanations, we create a special task based on navigating through graphs. Some LLMs are not able to find alternative paths along simple graphs, indicating that their misleading explanations aren't produced by only logical deductions using complex knowledge. These findings shed light on the limitations of black-box explanation setting. We provide some advice on how to use LLMs as explainers safely.

new Summarizing Radiology Reports Findings into Impressions

Authors: Raul Salles de Padua, Imran Qureshi

Abstract: Patient hand-off and triage are two fundamental problems in health care. Often doctors must painstakingly summarize complex findings to efficiently communicate with specialists and quickly make decisions on which patients have the most urgent cases. In pursuit of these challenges, we present (1) a model with state-of-art radiology report summarization performance using (2) a novel method for augmenting medical data, and (3) an analysis of the model limitations and radiology knowledge gain. We also provide a data processing pipeline for future models developed on the the MIMIC CXR dataset. Our best performing model was a fine-tuned BERT-to-BERT encoder-decoder with 58.75/100 ROUGE-L F1, which outperformed specialized checkpoints with more sophisticated attention mechanisms. We investigate these aspects in this work.

new Tackling Execution-Based Evaluation for NL2Bash

Authors: Ngoc Phuoc An Vo, Brent Paulovicks, Vadim Sheinin

Abstract: Given recent advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), the task of translating from natural language prompts to different programming languages (code generation) attracts immense attention for wide application in different domains. Specially code generation for Bash (NL2Bash) is widely used to generate Bash scripts for automating different tasks, such as performance monitoring, compilation, system administration, system diagnostics, etc. Besides code generation, validating synthetic code is critical before using them for any application. Different methods for code validation are proposed, both direct (execution evaluation) and indirect validations (i.e. exact/partial match, BLEU score). Among these, Execution-based Evaluation (EE) can validate the predicted code by comparing the execution output of model prediction and expected output in system. However, designing and implementing such an execution-based evaluation system for NL2Bash is not a trivial task. In this paper, we present a machinery for execution-based evaluation for NL2Bash. We create a set of 50 prompts to evaluate some popular LLMs for NL2Bash. We also analyze several advantages and challenges of EE such as syntactically different yet semantically equivalent Bash scripts generated by different LLMs, or syntactically correct but semantically incorrect Bash scripts, and how we capture and process them correctly.

new The Ghanaian NLP Landscape: A First Look

Authors: Sheriff Issaka, Zhaoyi Zhang, Mihir Heda, Keyi Wang, Yinka Ajibola, Ryan DeMar, Xuefeng Du

Abstract: Despite comprising one-third of global languages, African languages are critically underrepresented in Artificial Intelligence (AI), threatening linguistic diversity and cultural heritage. Ghanaian languages, in particular, face an alarming decline, with documented extinction and several at risk. This study pioneers a comprehensive survey of Natural Language Processing (NLP) research focused on Ghanaian languages, identifying methodologies, datasets, and techniques employed. Additionally, we create a detailed roadmap outlining challenges, best practices, and future directions, aiming to improve accessibility for researchers. This work serves as a foundational resource for Ghanaian NLP research and underscores the critical need for integrating global linguistic diversity into AI development.

new TacoERE: Cluster-aware Compression for Event Relation Extraction

Authors: Yong Guan, Xiaozhi Wang, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li, Jeff Pan, Jiaoyan Chen, Freddy Lecue

Abstract: Event relation extraction (ERE) is a critical and fundamental challenge for natural language processing. Existing work mainly focuses on directly modeling the entire document, which cannot effectively handle long-range dependencies and information redundancy. To address these issues, we propose a cluster-aware compression method for improving event relation extraction (TacoERE), which explores a compression-then-extraction paradigm. Specifically, we first introduce document clustering for modeling event dependencies. It splits the document into intra- and inter-clusters, where intra-clusters aim to enhance the relations within the same cluster, while inter-clusters attempt to model the related events at arbitrary distances. Secondly, we utilize cluster summarization to simplify and highlight important text content of clusters for mitigating information redundancy and event distance. We have conducted extensive experiments on both pre-trained language models, such as RoBERTa, and large language models, such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, on three ERE datasets, i.e., MAVEN-ERE, EventStoryLine and HiEve. Experimental results demonstrate that TacoERE is an effective method for ERE.

new Finding structure in logographic writing with library learning

Authors: Guangyuan Jiang, Matthias Hofer, Jiayuan Mao, Lionel Wong, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Roger P. Levy

Abstract: One hallmark of human language is its combinatoriality -- reusing a relatively small inventory of building blocks to create a far larger inventory of increasingly complex structures. In this paper, we explore the idea that combinatoriality in language reflects a human inductive bias toward representational efficiency in symbol systems. We develop a computational framework for discovering structure in a writing system. Built on top of state-of-the-art library learning and program synthesis techniques, our computational framework discovers known linguistic structures in the Chinese writing system and reveals how the system evolves towards simplification under pressures for representational efficiency. We demonstrate how a library learning approach, utilizing learned abstractions and compression, may help reveal the fundamental computational principles that underlie the creation of combinatorial structures in human cognition, and offer broader insights into the evolution of efficient communication systems.

new CoRE: LLM as Interpreter for Natural Language Programming, Pseudo-Code Programming, and Flow Programming of AI Agents

Authors: Shuyuan Xu, Zelong Li, Kai Mei, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: Since their inception, programming languages have trended towards greater readability and lower barriers for programmers. Following this trend, natural language can be a promising type of programming language that provides great flexibility and usability and helps towards the democracy of programming. However, the inherent vagueness, ambiguity, and verbosity of natural language pose significant challenges in developing an interpreter that can accurately understand the programming logic and execute instructions written in natural language. Fortunately, recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in interpreting complex natural language. Inspired by this, we develop a novel system for Code Representation and Execution (CoRE), which employs LLM as interpreter to interpret and execute natural language instructions. The proposed system unifies natural language programming, pseudo-code programming, and flow programming under the same representation for constructing language agents, while LLM serves as the interpreter to interpret and execute the agent programs. In this paper, we begin with defining the programming syntax that structures natural language instructions logically. During the execution, we incorporate external memory to minimize redundancy. Furthermore, we equip the designed interpreter with the capability to invoke external tools, compensating for the limitations of LLM in specialized domains or when accessing real-time information. This work is open-source at


new EmoMix-3L: A Code-Mixed Dataset for Bangla-English-Hindi Emotion Detection

Authors: Nishat Raihan, Dhiman Goswami, Antara Mahmud, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Marcos Zampieri

Abstract: Code-mixing is a well-studied linguistic phenomenon that occurs when two or more languages are mixed in text or speech. Several studies have been conducted on building datasets and performing downstream NLP tasks on code-mixed data. Although it is not uncommon to observe code-mixing of three or more languages, most available datasets in this domain contain code-mixed data from only two languages. In this paper, we introduce EmoMix-3L, a novel multi-label emotion detection dataset containing code-mixed data from three different languages. We experiment with several models on EmoMix-3L and we report that MuRIL outperforms other models on this dataset.

new Piccolo2: General Text Embedding with Multi-task Hybrid Loss Training

Authors: Junqin Huang, Zhongjie Hu, Zihao Jing, Mengya Gao, Yichao Wu

Abstract: In this report, we introduce Piccolo2, an embedding model that surpasses other models in the comprehensive evaluation over 6 tasks on CMTEB benchmark, setting a new state-of-the-art. Piccolo2 primarily leverages an efficient multi-task hybrid loss training approach, effectively harnessing textual data and labels from diverse downstream tasks. In addition, Piccolo2 scales up the embedding dimension and uses MRL training to support more flexible vector dimensions. The latest information of piccolo models can be accessed via:


new AraSpell: A Deep Learning Approach for Arabic Spelling Correction

Authors: Mahmoud Salhab, Faisal Abu-Khzam

Abstract: Spelling correction is the task of identifying spelling mistakes, typos, and grammatical mistakes in a given text and correcting them according to their context and grammatical structure. This work introduces "AraSpell," a framework for Arabic spelling correction using different seq2seq model architectures such as Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Transformer with artificial data generation for error injection, trained on more than 6.9 Million Arabic sentences. Thorough experimental studies provide empirical evidence of the effectiveness of the proposed approach, which achieved 4.8% and 1.11% word error rate (WER) and character error rate (CER), respectively, in comparison with labeled data of 29.72% WER and 5.03% CER. Our approach achieved 2.9% CER and 10.65% WER in comparison with labeled data of 10.02% CER and 50.94% WER. Both of these results are obtained on a test set of 100K sentences.

new Quite Good, but Not Enough: Nationality Bias in Large Language Models -- A Case Study of ChatGPT

Authors: Shucheng Zhu, Weikang Wang, Ying Liu

Abstract: While nationality is a pivotal demographic element that enhances the performance of language models, it has received far less scrutiny regarding inherent biases. This study investigates nationality bias in ChatGPT (GPT-3.5), a large language model (LLM) designed for text generation. The research covers 195 countries, 4 temperature settings, and 3 distinct prompt types, generating 4,680 discourses about nationality descriptions in Chinese and English. Automated metrics were used to analyze the nationality bias, and expert annotators alongside ChatGPT itself evaluated the perceived bias. The results show that ChatGPT's generated discourses are predominantly positive, especially compared to its predecessor, GPT-2. However, when prompted with negative inclinations, it occasionally produces negative content. Despite ChatGPT considering its generated text as neutral, it shows consistent self-awareness about nationality bias when subjected to the same pair-wise comparison annotation framework used by human annotators. In conclusion, while ChatGPT's generated texts seem friendly and positive, they reflect the inherent nationality biases in the real world. This bias may vary across different language versions of ChatGPT, indicating diverse cultural perspectives. The study highlights the subtle and pervasive nature of biases within LLMs, emphasizing the need for further scrutiny.

new Evaluating Task-based Effectiveness of MLLMs on Charts

Authors: Yifan Wu, Lutao Yan, Yuyu Luo, Yunhai Wang, Nan Tang

Abstract: In this paper, we explore a forward-thinking question: Is GPT-4V effective at low-level data analysis tasks on charts? To this end, we first curate a large-scale dataset, named ChartInsights, consisting of 89,388 quartets (chart, task, question, answer) and covering 10 widely-used low-level data analysis tasks on 7 chart types. Firstly, we conduct systematic evaluations to understand the capabilities and limitations of 18 advanced MLLMs, which include 12 open-source models and 6 closed-source models. Starting with a standard textual prompt approach, the average accuracy rate across the 18 MLLMs is 36.17%. Among all the models, GPT-4V achieves the highest accuracy, reaching 56.13%. To understand the limitations of multimodal large models in low-level data analysis tasks, we have designed various experiments to conduct an in-depth test of capabilities of GPT-4V. We further investigate how visual modifications to charts, such as altering visual elements (e.g. changing color schemes) and introducing perturbations (e.g. adding image noise), affect performance of GPT-4V. Secondly, we present 12 experimental findings. These findings suggest potential of GPT-4V to revolutionize interaction with charts and uncover the gap between human analytic needs and capabilities of GPT-4V. Thirdly, we propose a novel textual prompt strategy, named Chain-of-Charts, tailored for low-level analysis tasks, which boosts model performance by 24.36%, resulting in an accuracy of 80.49%. Furthermore, by incorporating a visual prompt strategy that directs attention of GPT-4V to question-relevant visual elements, we further improve accuracy to 83.83%. Our study not only sheds light on the capabilities and limitations of GPT-4V in low-level data analysis tasks but also offers valuable insights for future research.

new Word-specific tonal realizations in Mandarin

Authors: Yu-Ying Chuang, Melanie J. Bell, Yu-Hsiang Tseng, R. Harald Baayen

Abstract: The pitch contours of Mandarin two-character words are generally understood as being shaped by the underlying tones of the constituent single-character words, in interaction with articulatory constraints imposed by factors such as speech rate, co-articulation with adjacent tones, segmental make-up, and predictability. This study shows that tonal realization is also partially determined by words' meanings. We first show, on the basis of a Taiwan corpus of spontaneous conversations, using the generalized additive regression model, and focusing on the rise-fall tone pattern, that after controlling for effects of speaker and context, word type is a stronger predictor of pitch realization than all the previously established word-form related predictors combined. Importantly, the addition of information about meaning in context improves prediction accuracy even further. We then proceed to show, using computational modeling with context-specific word embeddings, that token-specific pitch contours predict word type with 50% accuracy on held-out data, and that context-sensitive, token-specific embeddings can predict the shape of pitch contours with 30% accuracy. These accuracies, which are an order of magnitude above chance level, suggest that the relation between words' pitch contours and their meanings are sufficiently strong to be functional for language users. The theoretical implications of these empirical findings are discussed.

new A Turkish Educational Crossword Puzzle

Authors: Kamyar Zeinalipour, Yusuf G\"okberk Kepti\u{g}, Marco Maggini, Leonardo Rigutini, Marco Gori

Abstract: This paper introduces the first Turkish crossword puzzle generator designed to leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for educational purposes. In this work, we introduced two specially created datasets: one with over 180,000 unique answer-clue pairs for generating relevant clues from the given answer, and another with over 35,000 samples containing text, answer, category, and clue data, aimed at producing clues for specific texts and keywords within certain categories. Beyond entertainment, this generator emerges as an interactive educational tool that enhances memory, vocabulary, and problem-solving skills. It's a notable step in AI-enhanced education, merging game-like engagement with learning for Turkish and setting new standards for interactive, intelligent learning tools in Turkish.

new Length-Aware Multi-Kernel Transformer for Long Document Classification

Authors: Guangzeng Han, Jack Tsao, Xiaolei Huang

Abstract: Lengthy documents pose a unique challenge to neural language models due to substantial memory consumption. While existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) models segment long texts into equal-length snippets (e.g., 128 tokens per snippet) or deploy sparse attention networks, these methods have new challenges of context fragmentation and generalizability due to sentence boundaries and varying text lengths. For example, our empirical analysis has shown that SOTA models consistently overfit one set of lengthy documents (e.g., 2000 tokens) while performing worse on texts with other lengths (e.g., 1000 or 4000). In this study, we propose a Length-Aware Multi-Kernel Transformer (LAMKIT) to address the new challenges for the long document classification. LAMKIT encodes lengthy documents by diverse transformer-based kernels for bridging context boundaries and vectorizes text length by the kernels to promote model robustness over varying document lengths. Experiments on five standard benchmarks from health and law domains show LAMKIT outperforms SOTA models up to an absolute 10.9% improvement. We conduct extensive ablation analyses to examine model robustness and effectiveness over varying document lengths.

new Integrating Emotional and Linguistic Models for Ethical Compliance in Large Language Models

Authors: Edward Y. Chang

Abstract: This research develops advanced methodologies for Large Language Models (LLMs) to better manage linguistic behaviors related to emotions and ethics. We introduce DIKE, an adversarial framework that enhances the LLMs' ability to internalize and reflect global human values, adapting to varied cultural contexts to promote transparency and trust among users. The methodology involves detailed modeling of emotions, classification of linguistic behaviors, and implementation of ethical guardrails. Our innovative approaches include mapping emotions and behaviors using self-supervised learning techniques, refining these guardrails through adversarial reviews, and systematically adjusting outputs to ensure ethical alignment. This framework establishes a robust foundation for AI systems to operate with ethical integrity and cultural sensitivity, paving the way for more responsible and context-aware AI interactions.

new Do Pretrained Contextual Language Models Distinguish between Hebrew Homograph Analyses?

Authors: Avi Shmidman, Cheyn Shmuel Shmidman, Dan Bareket, Moshe Koppel, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Semitic morphologically-rich languages (MRLs) are characterized by extreme word ambiguity. Because most vowels are omitted in standard texts, many of the words are homographs with multiple possible analyses, each with a different pronunciation and different morphosyntactic properties. This ambiguity goes beyond word-sense disambiguation (WSD), and may include token segmentation into multiple word units. Previous research on MRLs claimed that standardly trained pre-trained language models (PLMs) based on word-pieces may not sufficiently capture the internal structure of such tokens in order to distinguish between these analyses. Taking Hebrew as a case study, we investigate the extent to which Hebrew homographs can be disambiguated and analyzed using PLMs. We evaluate all existing models for contextualized Hebrew embeddings on a novel Hebrew homograph challenge sets that we deliver. Our empirical results demonstrate that contemporary Hebrew contextualized embeddings outperform non-contextualized embeddings; and that they are most effective for disambiguating segmentation and morphosyntactic features, less so regarding pure word-sense disambiguation. We show that these embeddings are more effective when the number of word-piece splits is limited, and they are more effective for 2-way and 3-way ambiguities than for 4-way ambiguity. We show that the embeddings are equally effective for homographs of both balanced and skewed distributions, whether calculated as masked or unmasked tokens. Finally, we show that these embeddings are as effective for homograph disambiguation with extensive supervised training as with a few-shot setup.

new Advanced Natural-based interaction for the ITAlian language: LLaMAntino-3-ANITA

Authors: Marco Polignano, Pierpaolo Basile, Giovanni Semeraro

Abstract: In the pursuit of advancing natural language processing for the Italian language, we introduce a state-of-the-art Large Language Model (LLM) based on the novel Meta LLaMA-3 model: LLaMAntino-3-ANITA-8B-Inst-DPO-ITA. We fine-tuned the original 8B parameters instruction tuned model using the Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT) technique on the English and Italian language datasets in order to improve the original performance. Consequently, a Dynamic Preference Optimization (DPO) process has been used to align preferences, avoid dangerous and inappropriate answers, and limit biases and prejudices. Our model leverages the efficiency of QLoRA to fine-tune the model on a smaller portion of the original model weights and then adapt the model specifically for the Italian linguistic structure, achieving significant improvements in both performance and computational efficiency. Concurrently, DPO is employed to refine the model's output, ensuring that generated content aligns with quality answers. The synergy between SFT, QLoRA's parameter efficiency and DPO's user-centric optimization results in a robust LLM that excels in a variety of tasks, including but not limited to text completion, zero-shot classification, and contextual understanding. The model has been extensively evaluated over standard benchmarks for the Italian and English languages, showing outstanding results. The model is freely available over the HuggingFace hub and, examples of use can be found in our GitHub repository.


new Designing and Evaluating Dialogue LLMs for Co-Creative Improvised Theatre

Authors: Boyd Branch, Piotr Mirowski, Kory Mathewson, Sophia Ppali, Alexandra Covaci

Abstract: Social robotics researchers are increasingly interested in multi-party trained conversational agents. With a growing demand for real-world evaluations, our study presents Large Language Models (LLMs) deployed in a month-long live show at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. This case study investigates human improvisers co-creating with conversational agents in a professional theatre setting. We explore the technical capabilities and constraints of on-the-spot multi-party dialogue, providing comprehensive insights from both audience and performer experiences with AI on stage. Our human-in-the-loop methodology underlines the challenges of these LLMs in generating context-relevant responses, stressing the user interface's crucial role. Audience feedback indicates an evolving interest for AI-driven live entertainment, direct human-AI interaction, and a diverse range of expectations about AI's conversational competence and utility as a creativity support tool. Human performers express immense enthusiasm, varied satisfaction, and the evolving public opinion highlights mixed emotions about AI's role in arts.

new InsightNet: Structured Insight Mining from Customer Feedback

Authors: Sandeep Sricharan Mukku, Manan Soni, Jitenkumar Rana, Chetan Aggarwal, Promod Yenigalla, Rashmi Patange, Shyam Mohan

Abstract: We propose InsightNet, a novel approach for the automated extraction of structured insights from customer reviews. Our end-to-end machine learning framework is designed to overcome the limitations of current solutions, including the absence of structure for identified topics, non-standard aspect names, and lack of abundant training data. The proposed solution builds a semi-supervised multi-level taxonomy from raw reviews, a semantic similarity heuristic approach to generate labelled data and employs a multi-task insight extraction architecture by fine-tuning an LLM. InsightNet identifies granular actionable topics with customer sentiments and verbatim for each topic. Evaluations on real-world customer review data show that InsightNet performs better than existing solutions in terms of structure, hierarchy and completeness. We empirically demonstrate that InsightNet outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods in multi-label topic classification, achieving an F1 score of 0.85, which is an improvement of 11% F1-score over the previous best results. Additionally, InsightNet generalises well for unseen aspects and suggests new topics to be added to the taxonomy.

new Limited Ability of LLMs to Simulate Human Psychological Behaviours: a Psychometric Analysis

Authors: Nikolay B Petrov, Gregory Serapio-Garc\'ia, Jason Rentfrow

Abstract: The humanlike responses of large language models (LLMs) have prompted social scientists to investigate whether LLMs can be used to simulate human participants in experiments, opinion polls and surveys. Of central interest in this line of research has been mapping out the psychological profiles of LLMs by prompting them to respond to standardized questionnaires. The conflicting findings of this research are unsurprising given that mapping out underlying, or latent, traits from LLMs' text responses to questionnaires is no easy task. To address this, we use psychometrics, the science of psychological measurement. In this study, we prompt OpenAI's flagship models, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, to assume different personas and respond to a range of standardized measures of personality constructs. We used two kinds of persona descriptions: either generic (four or five random person descriptions) or specific (mostly demographics of actual humans from a large-scale human dataset). We found that the responses from GPT-4, but not GPT-3.5, using generic persona descriptions show promising, albeit not perfect, psychometric properties, similar to human norms, but the data from both LLMs when using specific demographic profiles, show poor psychometrics properties. We conclude that, currently, when LLMs are asked to simulate silicon personas, their responses are poor signals of potentially underlying latent traits. Thus, our work casts doubt on LLMs' ability to simulate individual-level human behaviour across multiple-choice question answering tasks.

new Span-Aggregatable, Contextualized Word Embeddings for Effective Phrase Mining

Authors: Eyal Orbach, Lev Haikin, Nelly David, Avi Faizakof

Abstract: Dense vector representations for sentences made significant progress in recent years as can be seen on sentence similarity tasks. Real-world phrase retrieval applications, on the other hand, still encounter challenges for effective use of dense representations. We show that when target phrases reside inside noisy context, representing the full sentence with a single dense vector, is not sufficient for effective phrase retrieval. We therefore look into the notion of representing multiple, sub-sentence, consecutive word spans, each with its own dense vector. We show that this technique is much more effective for phrase mining, yet requires considerable compute to obtain useful span representations. Accordingly, we make an argument for contextualized word/token embeddings that can be aggregated for arbitrary word spans while maintaining the span's semantic meaning. We introduce a modification to the common contrastive loss used for sentence embeddings that encourages word embeddings to have this property. To demonstrate the effect of this method we present a dataset based on the STS-B dataset with additional generated text, that requires finding the best matching paraphrase residing in a larger context and report the degree of similarity to the origin phrase. We demonstrate on this dataset, how our proposed method can achieve better results without significant increase to compute.

new Human-interpretable clustering of short-text using large language models

Authors: Justin K. Miller, Tristram J. Alexander

Abstract: Large language models have seen extraordinary growth in popularity due to their human-like content generation capabilities. We show that these models can also be used to successfully cluster human-generated content, with success defined through the measures of distinctiveness and interpretability. This success is validated by both human reviewers and ChatGPT, providing an automated means to close the 'validation gap' that has challenged short-text clustering. Comparing the machine and human approaches we identify the biases inherent in each, and question the reliance on human-coding as the 'gold standard'. We apply our methodology to Twitter bios and find characteristic ways humans describe themselves, agreeing well with prior specialist work, but with interesting differences characteristic of the medium used to express identity.

new Humor Mechanics: Advancing Humor Generation with Multistep Reasoning

Authors: Alexey Tikhonov, Pavel Shtykovskiy

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the generation of one-liner jokes through multi-step reasoning. Our work involved reconstructing the process behind creating humorous one-liners and developing a working prototype for humor generation. We conducted comprehensive experiments with human participants to evaluate our approach, comparing it with human-created jokes, zero-shot GPT-4 generated humor, and other baselines. The evaluation focused on the quality of humor produced, using human labeling as a benchmark. Our findings demonstrate that the multi-step reasoning approach consistently improves the quality of generated humor. We present the results and share the datasets used in our experiments, offering insights into enhancing humor generation with artificial intelligence.

new Branching Narratives: Character Decision Points Detection

Authors: Alexey Tikhonov

Abstract: This paper presents the Character Decision Points Detection (CHADPOD) task, a task of identification of points within narratives where characters make decisions that may significantly influence the story's direction. We propose a novel dataset based on CYOA-like games graphs to be used as a benchmark for such a task. We provide a comparative analysis of different models' performance on this task, including a couple of LLMs and several MLMs as baselines, achieving up to 89% accuracy. This underscores the complexity of narrative analysis, showing the challenges associated with understanding character-driven story dynamics. Additionally, we show how such a model can be applied to the existing text to produce linear segments divided by potential branching points, demonstrating the practical application of our findings in narrative analysis.

new L(u)PIN: LLM-based Political Ideology Nowcasting

Authors: Ken Kato, Annabelle Purnomo, Christopher Cochrane, Raeid Saqur

Abstract: The quantitative analysis of political ideological positions is a difficult task. In the past, various literature focused on parliamentary voting data of politicians, party manifestos and parliamentary speech to estimate political disagreement and polarization in various political systems. However previous methods of quantitative political analysis suffered from a common challenge which was the amount of data available for analysis. Also previous methods frequently focused on a more general analysis of politics such as overall polarization of the parliament or party-wide political ideological positions. In this paper, we present a method to analyze ideological positions of individual parliamentary representatives by leveraging the latent knowledge of LLMs. The method allows us to evaluate the stance of politicians on an axis of our choice allowing us to flexibly measure the stance of politicians in regards to a topic/controversy of our choice. We achieve this by using a fine-tuned BERT classifier to extract the opinion-based sentences from the speeches of representatives and projecting the average BERT embeddings for each representative on a pair of reference seeds. These reference seeds are either manually chosen representatives known to have opposing views on a particular topic or they are generated sentences which where created using the GPT-4 model of OpenAI. We created the sentences by prompting the GPT-4 model to generate a speech that would come from a politician defending a particular position.

new MedConceptsQA -- Open Source Medical Concepts QA Benchmark

Authors: Ofir Ben Shoham, Nadav Rappoport

Abstract: We present MedConceptsQA, a dedicated open source benchmark for medical concepts question answering. The benchmark comprises of questions of various medical concepts across different vocabularies: diagnoses, procedures, and drugs. The questions are categorized into three levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard. We conducted evaluations of the benchmark using various Large Language Models. Our findings show that pre-trained clinical Large Language Models achieved accuracy levels close to random guessing on this benchmark, despite being pre-trained on medical data. However, GPT-4 achieves an absolute average improvement of nearly 27%-37% (27% for zero-shot learning and 37% for few-shot learning) when compared to clinical Large Language Models. Our benchmark serves as a valuable resource for evaluating the understanding and reasoning of medical concepts by Large Language Models. Our benchmark is available at


new Multilingual Power and Ideology Identification in the Parliament: a Reference Dataset and Simple Baselines

Authors: \c{C}a\u{g}r{\i} \c{C}\"oltekin, Maty\'a\v{s} Kopp, Katja Meden, Vaidas Morkevicius, Nikola Ljube\v{s}i\'c, Toma\v{z} Erjavec

Abstract: We introduce a dataset on political orientation and power position identification. The dataset is derived from ParlaMint, a set of comparable corpora of transcribed parliamentary speeches from 29 national and regional parliaments. We introduce the dataset, provide the reasoning behind some of the choices during its creation, present statistics on the dataset, and, using a simple classifier, some baseline results on predicting political orientation on the left-to-right axis, and on power position identification, i.e., distinguishing between the speeches delivered by governing coalition party members from those of opposition party members.

new Evaluation of Retrieval-Augmented Generation: A Survey

Authors: Hao Yu, Aoran Gan, Kai Zhang, Shiwei Tong, Qi Liu, Zhaofeng Liu

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as a pivotal innovation in natural language processing, enhancing generative models by incorporating external information retrieval. Evaluating RAG systems, however, poses distinct challenges due to their hybrid structure and reliance on dynamic knowledge sources. We consequently enhanced an extensive survey and proposed an analysis framework for benchmarks of RAG systems, RAGR (Retrieval, Generation, Additional Requirement), designed to systematically analyze RAG benchmarks by focusing on measurable outputs and established truths. Specifically, we scrutinize and contrast multiple quantifiable metrics of the Retrieval and Generation component, such as relevance, accuracy, and faithfulness, of the internal links within the current RAG evaluation methods, covering the possible output and ground truth pairs. We also analyze the integration of additional requirements of different works, discuss the limitations of current benchmarks, and propose potential directions for further research to address these shortcomings and advance the field of RAG evaluation. In conclusion, this paper collates the challenges associated with RAG evaluation. It presents a thorough analysis and examination of existing methodologies for RAG benchmark design based on the proposed RGAR framework.

new MCS-SQL: Leveraging Multiple Prompts and Multiple-Choice Selection For Text-to-SQL Generation

Authors: Dongjun Lee, Choongwon Park, Jaehyuk Kim, Heesoo Park

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have enabled in-context learning (ICL)-based methods that significantly outperform fine-tuning approaches for text-to-SQL tasks. However, their performance is still considerably lower than that of human experts on benchmarks that include complex schemas and queries, such as BIRD. This study considers the sensitivity of LLMs to the prompts and introduces a novel approach that leverages multiple prompts to explore a broader search space for possible answers and effectively aggregate them. Specifically, we robustly refine the database schema through schema linking using multiple prompts. Thereafter, we generate various candidate SQL queries based on the refined schema and diverse prompts. Finally, the candidate queries are filtered based on their confidence scores, and the optimal query is obtained through a multiple-choice selection that is presented to the LLM. When evaluated on the BIRD and Spider benchmarks, the proposed method achieved execution accuracies of 65.5\% and 89.6\%, respectively, significantly outperforming previous ICL-based methods. Moreover, we established a new SOTA performance on the BIRD in terms of both the accuracy and efficiency of the generated queries.

new Evaluating large language models in medical applications: a survey

Authors: Xiaolan Chen, Jiayang Xiang, Shanfu Lu, Yexin Liu, Mingguang He, Danli Shi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools with transformative potential across numerous domains, including healthcare and medicine. In the medical domain, LLMs hold promise for tasks ranging from clinical decision support to patient education. However, evaluating the performance of LLMs in medical contexts presents unique challenges due to the complex and critical nature of medical information. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the landscape of medical LLM evaluation, synthesizing insights from existing studies and highlighting evaluation data sources, task scenarios, and evaluation methods. Additionally, it identifies key challenges and opportunities in medical LLM evaluation, emphasizing the need for continued research and innovation to ensure the responsible integration of LLMs into clinical practice.

new Strategic Data Ordering: Enhancing Large Language Model Performance through Curriculum Learning

Authors: Jisu Kim, Juhwan Lee

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has improved text understanding and generation but poses challenges in computational resources. This study proposes a curriculum learning-inspired, data-centric training strategy that begins with simpler tasks and progresses to more complex ones, using criteria such as prompt length, attention scores, and loss values to structure the training data. Experiments with Mistral-7B (Jiang et al., 2023) and Gemma-7B (Team et al., 2024) models demonstrate that curriculum learning slightly improves performance compared to traditional random data shuffling. Notably, we observed that sorting data based on our proposed attention criteria generally led to better performance. This approach offers a sustainable method to enhance LLM performance without increasing model size or dataset volume, addressing scalability challenges in LLM training.

new MacBehaviour: An R package for behavioural experimentation on large language models

Authors: Xufeng Duan, Shixuan Li, Zhenguang G. Cai1

Abstract: There has been increasing interest in investigating the behaviours of large language models (LLMs) and LLM-powered chatbots by treating an LLM as a participant in a psychological experiment. We therefore developed an R package called "MacBehaviour" that aims to interact with more than 60 language models in one package (e.g., OpenAI's GPT family, the Claude family, Gemini, Llama family, and open-source models) and streamline the experimental process of LLMs behaviour experiments. The package offers a comprehensive set of functions designed for LLM experiments, covering experiment design, stimuli presentation, model behaviour manipulation, logging response and token probability. To demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of "MacBehaviour," we conducted three validation experiments on three LLMs (GPT-3.5, Llama-2 7B, and Vicuna-1.5 13B) to replicate sound-gender association in LLMs. The results consistently showed that they exhibit human-like tendencies to infer gender from novel personal names based on their phonology, as previously demonstrated (Cai et al., 2023). In summary, "MacBehaviour" is an R package for machine behaviour studies which offers a user-friendly interface and comprehensive features to simplify and standardize the experimental process.

new Fine-tuning the SwissBERT Encoder Model for Embedding Sentences and Documents

Authors: Juri Grosjean, Jannis Vamvas

Abstract: Encoder models trained for the embedding of sentences or short documents have proven useful for tasks such as semantic search and topic modeling. In this paper, we present a version of the SwissBERT encoder model that we specifically fine-tuned for this purpose. SwissBERT contains language adapters for the four national languages of Switzerland -- German, French, Italian, and Romansh -- and has been pre-trained on a large number of news articles in those languages. Using contrastive learning based on a subset of these articles, we trained a fine-tuned version, which we call SentenceSwissBERT. Multilingual experiments on document retrieval and text classification in a Switzerland-specific setting show that SentenceSwissBERT surpasses the accuracy of the original SwissBERT model and of a comparable baseline. The model is openly available for research use.

new EMS-SD: Efficient Multi-sample Speculative Decoding for Accelerating Large Language Models

Authors: Yunsheng Ni, Chuanjian Liu, Yehui Tang, Kai Han, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Speculative decoding emerges as a pivotal technique for enhancing the inference speed of Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite recent research aiming to improve prediction efficiency, multi-sample speculative decoding has been overlooked due to varying numbers of accepted tokens within a batch in the verification phase. Vanilla method adds padding tokens in order to ensure that the number of new tokens remains consistent across samples. However, this increases the computational and memory access overhead, thereby reducing the speedup ratio. We propose a novel method that can resolve the issue of inconsistent tokens accepted by different samples without necessitating an increase in memory or computing overhead. Furthermore, our proposed method can handle the situation where the prediction tokens of different samples are inconsistent without the need to add padding tokens. Sufficient experiments demonstrate the efficacy of our method. Our code is available at


new MuMath-Code: Combining Tool-Use Large Language Models with Multi-perspective Data Augmentation for Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Shuo Yin, Weihao You, Zhilong Ji, Guoqiang Zhong, Jinfeng Bai

Abstract: The tool-use Large Language Models (LLMs) that integrate with external Python interpreters have significantly enhanced mathematical reasoning capabilities for open-source LLMs, while tool-free methods chose another track: augmenting math reasoning data. However, a great method to integrate the above two research paths and combine their advantages remains to be explored. In this work, we firstly include new math questions via multi-perspective data augmenting methods and then synthesize code-nested solutions to them. The open LLMs (i.e., Llama-2) are finetuned on the augmented dataset to get the resulting models, MuMath-Code ($\mu$-Math-Code). During the inference phase, our MuMath-Code generates code and interacts with the external python interpreter to get the execution results. Therefore, MuMath-Code leverages the advantages of both the external tool and data augmentation. To fully leverage the advantages of our augmented data, we propose a two-stage training strategy: In Stage-1, we finetune Llama-2 on pure CoT data to get an intermediate model, which then is trained on the code-nested data in Stage-2 to get the resulting MuMath-Code. Our MuMath-Code-7B achieves 83.8 on GSM8K and 52.4 on MATH, while MuMath-Code-70B model achieves new state-of-the-art performance among open methods -- achieving 90.7% on GSM8K and 55.1% on MATH. Extensive experiments validate the combination of tool use and data augmentation, as well as our two-stage training strategy. We release the proposed dataset along with the associated code for public use.

new Thai Universal Dependency Treebank

Authors: Panyur Sriwirote, Wei Qi Leong, Charin Polpanumas, Santhawat Thanyawong, William Chandra Tjhi, Wirote Aroonmanakun, Attapol T. Rutherford

Abstract: Automatic dependency parsing of Thai sentences has been underexplored, as evidenced by the lack of large Thai dependency treebanks with complete dependency structures and the lack of a published systematic evaluation of state-of-the-art models, especially transformer-based parsers. In this work, we address these problems by introducing Thai Universal Dependency Treebank (TUD), a new largest Thai treebank consisting of 3,627 trees annotated in accordance with the Universal Dependencies (UD) framework. We then benchmark dependency parsing models that incorporate pretrained transformers as encoders and train them on Thai-PUD and our TUD. The evaluation results show that most of our models can outperform other models reported in previous papers and provide insight into the optimal choices of components to include in Thai dependency parsers. The new treebank and every model's full prediction generated in our experiment are made available on a GitHub repository for further study.

new Using Model-Theoretic Approaches to Uncover Linguistic Organization

Authors: Olivia Griffin, Jerry Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we consider pluractional markers in Kaqchikel, Karuk, and Yurok. Like Balinese, each of these languages marks one type of pluractionality via reduplication, and a different type of pluractionality via non-reduplicative affixation. This paper serves as a proof-of-concept for applying model-theoretic approaches to language as a lens that can help us to recognize linguistic organization that is not apparent on the surface.

new NoiseBench: Benchmarking the Impact of Real Label Noise on Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Elena Merdjanovska, Ansar Aynetdinov, Alan Akbik

Abstract: Available training data for named entity recognition (NER) often contains a significant percentage of incorrect labels for entity types and entity boundaries. Such label noise poses challenges for supervised learning and may significantly deteriorate model quality. To address this, prior work proposed various noise-robust learning approaches capable of learning from data with partially incorrect labels. These approaches are typically evaluated using simulated noise where the labels in a clean dataset are automatically corrupted. However, as we show in this paper, this leads to unrealistic noise that is far easier to handle than real noise caused by human error or semi-automatic annotation. To enable the study of the impact of various types of real noise, we introduce NoiseBench, an NER benchmark consisting of clean training data corrupted with 6 types of real noise, including expert errors, crowdsourcing errors, automatic annotation errors and LLM errors. We present an analysis that shows that real noise is significantly more challenging than simulated noise, and show that current state-of-the-art models for noise-robust learning fall far short of their theoretically achievable upper bound. We release NoiseBench to the research community.

new ViWikiFC: Fact-Checking for Vietnamese Wikipedia-Based Textual Knowledge Source

Authors: Hung Tuan Le, Long Truong To, Manh Trong Nguyen, Kiet Van Nguyen

Abstract: Fact-checking is essential due to the explosion of misinformation in the media ecosystem. Although false information exists in every language and country, most research to solve the problem mainly concentrated on huge communities like English and Chinese. Low-resource languages like Vietnamese are necessary to explore corpora and models for fact verification. To bridge this gap, we construct ViWikiFC, the first manual annotated open-domain corpus for Vietnamese Wikipedia Fact Checking more than 20K claims generated by converting evidence sentences extracted from Wikipedia articles. We analyze our corpus through many linguistic aspects, from the new dependency rate, the new n-gram rate, and the new word rate. We conducted various experiments for Vietnamese fact-checking, including evidence retrieval and verdict prediction. BM25 and InfoXLM (Large) achieved the best results in two tasks, with BM25 achieving an accuracy of 88.30% for SUPPORTS, 86.93% for REFUTES, and only 56.67% for the NEI label in the evidence retrieval task, InfoXLM (Large) achieved an F1 score of 86.51%. Furthermore, we also conducted a pipeline approach, which only achieved a strict accuracy of 67.00% when using InfoXLM (Large) and BM25. These results demonstrate that our dataset is challenging for the Vietnamese language model in fact-checking tasks.

new COBias and Debias: Minimizing Language Model Pairwise Accuracy Bias via Nonlinear Integer Programming

Authors: Ruixi Lin, Yang You

Abstract: For language model classification, would you prefer having only one workable class or having every class working? The latter makes more practical uses. Especially for large language models (LLMs), the fact that they achieve a fair overall accuracy by in-context learning (ICL) obscures a large difference in individual class accuracies. In this work, we uncover and tackle language models' imbalance in per-class prediction accuracy by reconceptualizing it as the Contextual Oddity Bias (COBias), and we are the first to engage nonlinear integer programming (NIP) to debias it. Briefly, COBias refers to the difference in accuracy by a class A compared to its ''odd'' class, which holds the majority wrong predictions of class A. With the COBias metric, we reveal that LLMs of varied scales and families exhibit large per-class accuracy differences. Then we propose Debiasing as Nonlinear Integer Programming (DNIP) to correct ICL per-class probabilities for lower bias and higher overall accuracy. Our optimization objective is directly based on the evaluation scores by COBias and accuracy metrics, solved by simulated annealing. Evaluations on three LLMs across seven NLP classification tasks show that DNIP simultaneously achieves significant COBias reduction ($-27\%$) and accuracy improvement ($+12\%$) over the conventional ICL approach, suggesting that modeling pairwise class accuracy differences is a direction in pushing forward more accurate, more reliable LLM predictions.

new An Empirical Study on the Robustness of Massively Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Supryadi, Leiyu Pan, Deyi Xiong

Abstract: Massively multilingual neural machine translation (MMNMT) has been proven to enhance the translation quality of low-resource languages. In this paper, we empirically investigate the translation robustness of Indonesian-Chinese translation in the face of various naturally occurring noise. To assess this, we create a robustness evaluation benchmark dataset for Indonesian-Chinese translation. This dataset is automatically translated into Chinese using four NLLB-200 models of different sizes. We conduct both automatic and human evaluations. Our in-depth analysis reveal the correlations between translation error types and the types of noise present, how these correlations change across different model sizes, and the relationships between automatic evaluation indicators and human evaluation indicators. The dataset is publicly available at


new Age-Dependent Analysis and Stochastic Generation of Child-Directed Speech

Authors: Okko R\"as\"anen, Daniil Kocharov

Abstract: Child-directed speech (CDS) is a particular type of speech that adults use when addressing young children. Its properties also change as a function of extralinguistic factors, such as age of the child being addressed. Access to large amounts of representative and varied CDS would be useful for child language research, as this would enable controlled computational modeling experiments of infant language acquisition with realistic input in terms of quality and quantity. In this study, we describe an approach to model age-dependent linguistic properties of CDS using a language model (LM) trained on CDS transcripts and ages of the recipient children, as obtained from North American English corpora of the CHILDES database. The created LM can then be used to stochastically generate synthetic CDS transcripts in an age-appropriate manner, thereby scaling beyond the original datasets in size. We compare characteristics of the generated CDS against the real speech addressed at children of different ages, showing that the LM manages to capture age-dependent changes in CDS, except for a slight difference in the effective vocabulary size. As a side product, we also provide a systematic characterization of age-dependent linguistic properties of CDS in CHILDES, illustrating how all measured aspects of the CDS change with children's age.

new OpenLLM-Ro -- Technical Report on Open-source Romanian LLMs trained starting from Llama 2

Authors: Mihai Masala, Denis C. Ilie-Ablachim, Dragos Corlatescu, Miruna Zavelca, Marius Leordeanu, Horia Velicu, Marius Popescu, Mihai Dascalu, Traian Rebedea

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved almost human-like performance on various tasks. While some LLMs have been trained on multilingual data, most of the training data is in English. Hence, their performance in English greatly exceeds their performance in other languages. This document presents our approach to training and evaluating the first foundational and chat LLM specialized for Romanian.

new Quantifying and Optimizing Global Faithfulness in Persona-driven Role-playing

Authors: Letian Peng, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Persona-driven role-playing (PRP) aims to build AI characters that can respond to user queries by faithfully sticking with all persona statements. Unfortunately, existing faithfulness criteria for PRP are limited to coarse-grained LLM-based scoring without a clear definition or formulation. This paper presents a pioneering exploration to quantify PRP faithfulness as a fine-grained and explainable criterion, which also serves as a reliable reference for optimization. Our criterion first discriminates persona statements into active and passive constraints by identifying the query-statement relevance. Then, we incorporate all constraints following the principle that the AI character's response should be (a) entailed by active (relevant) constraints and (b) not contradicted by passive (irrelevant) constraints. We translate this principle mathematically into a novel Active-Passive-Constraint (APC) score, a constraint-wise sum of natural language inference (NLI) scores weighted by relevance scores. In practice, we build the APC scoring system by symbolically distilling small discriminators from GPT-4 for efficiency. We validate the quality of the APC score against human evaluation based on example personas with tens of statements, and the results show a high correlation. We further leverage it as a reward system in direct preference optimization (DPO) for better AI characters. Our experiments offer a fine-grained and explainable comparison between existing PRP techniques, revealing their advantages and limitations. We further find APC-based DPO to be one of the most competitive techniques for sticking with all constraints and can be well incorporated with other techniques. We then extend the scale of the experiments to real persons with hundreds of statements and reach a consistent conclusion.

new Does Dependency Locality Predict Non-canonical Word Order in Hindi?

Authors: Sidharth Ranjan, Marten van Schijndel

Abstract: Previous work has shown that isolated non-canonical sentences with Object-before-Subject (OSV) order are initially harder to process than their canonical counterparts with Subject-before-Object (SOV) order. Although this difficulty diminishes with appropriate discourse context, the underlying cognitive factors responsible for alleviating processing challenges in OSV sentences remain a question. In this work, we test the hypothesis that dependency length minimization is a significant predictor of non-canonical (OSV) syntactic choices, especially when controlling for information status such as givenness and surprisal measures. We extract sentences from the Hindi-Urdu Treebank corpus (HUTB) that contain clearly-defined subjects and objects, systematically permute the preverbal constituents of those sentences, and deploy a classifier to distinguish between original corpus sentences and artificially generated alternatives. The classifier leverages various discourse-based and cognitive features, including dependency length, surprisal, and information status, to inform its predictions. Our results suggest that, although there exists a preference for minimizing dependency length in non-canonical corpus sentences amidst the generated variants, this factor does not significantly contribute in identifying corpus sentences above and beyond surprisal and givenness measures. Notably, discourse predictability emerges as the primary determinant of constituent-order preferences. These findings are further supported by human evaluations involving 44 native Hindi speakers. Overall, this work sheds light on the role of expectation adaptation in word-ordering decisions. We conclude by situating our results within the theories of discourse production and information locality.

new LlamaTurk: Adapting Open-Source Generative Large Language Models for Low-Resource Language

Authors: Cagri Toraman

Abstract: Despite advancements in English-dominant generative large language models, further development is needed for low-resource languages to enhance global accessibility. The primary methods for representing these languages are monolingual and multilingual pretraining. Monolingual pretraining is expensive due to hardware requirements, and multilingual models often have uneven performance across languages. This study explores an alternative solution by adapting large language models, primarily trained on English, to low-resource languages. We assess various strategies, including continual training, instruction fine-tuning, task-specific fine-tuning, and vocabulary extension. The results show that continual training improves language comprehension, as reflected in perplexity scores, and task-specific tuning generally enhances performance of downstream tasks. However, extending the vocabulary shows no substantial benefits. Additionally, while larger models improve task performance with few-shot tuning, multilingual models perform worse than their monolingual counterparts when adapted.

new LGDE: Local Graph-based Dictionary Expansion

Authors: Dominik J. Schindler, Sneha Jha, Xixuan Zhang, Kilian Buehling, Annett Heft, Mauricio Barahona

Abstract: Expanding a dictionary of pre-selected keywords is crucial for tasks in information retrieval, such as database query and online data collection. Here we propose Local Graph-based Dictionary Expansion (LGDE), a method that uses tools from manifold learning and network science for the data-driven discovery of keywords starting from a seed dictionary. At the heart of LGDE lies the creation of a word similarity graph derived from word embeddings and the application of local community detection based on graph diffusion to discover semantic neighbourhoods of pre-defined seed keywords. The diffusion in the local graph manifold allows the exploration of the complex nonlinear geometry of word embeddings and can capture word similarities based on paths of semantic association. We validate our method on a corpus of hate speech-related posts from Reddit and Gab and show that LGDE enriches the list of keywords and achieves significantly better performance than threshold methods based on direct word similarities. We further demonstrate the potential of our method through a real-world use case from communication science, where LGDE is evaluated quantitatively on data collected and analysed by domain experts by expanding a conspiracy-related dictionary.

new TANQ: An open domain dataset of table answered questions

Authors: Mubashara Akhtar, Chenxi Pang, Andreea Marzoca, Yasemin Altun, Julian Martin Eisenschlos

Abstract: Language models, potentially augmented with tool usage such as retrieval are becoming the go-to means of answering questions. Understanding and answering questions in real-world settings often requires retrieving information from different sources, processing and aggregating data to extract insights, and presenting complex findings in form of structured artifacts such as novel tables, charts, or infographics. In this paper, we introduce TANQ, the first open domain question answering dataset where the answers require building tables from information across multiple sources. We release the full source attribution for every cell in the resulting table and benchmark state-of-the-art language models in open, oracle, and closed book setups. Our best-performing baseline, GPT4 reaches an overall F1 score of 29.1, lagging behind human performance by 19.7 points. We analyse baselines' performance across different dataset attributes such as different skills required for this task, including multi-hop reasoning, math operations, and unit conversions. We further discuss common failures in model-generated answers, suggesting that TANQ is a complex task with many challenges ahead.

new Challenges and Opportunities of NLP for HR Applications: A Discussion Paper

Authors: Jochen L. Leidner, Mark Stevenson

Abstract: Over the course of the recent decade, tremendous progress has been made in the areas of machine learning and natural language processing, which opened up vast areas of potential application use cases, including hiring and human resource management. We review the use cases for text analytics in the realm of human resources/personnel management, including actually realized as well as potential but not yet implemented ones, and we analyze the opportunities and risks of these.

new A Comprehensive Analysis of Static Word Embeddings for Turkish

Authors: Karahan Sar{\i}ta\c{s}, Cahid Arda \"Oz, Tunga G\"ung\"or

Abstract: Word embeddings are fixed-length, dense and distributed word representations that are used in natural language processing (NLP) applications. There are basically two types of word embedding models which are non-contextual (static) models and contextual models. The former method generates a single embedding for a word regardless of its context, while the latter method produces distinct embeddings for a word based on the specific contexts in which it appears. There are plenty of works that compare contextual and non-contextual embedding models within their respective groups in different languages. However, the number of studies that compare the models in these two groups with each other is very few and there is no such study in Turkish. This process necessitates converting contextual embeddings into static embeddings. In this paper, we compare and evaluate the performance of several contextual and non-contextual models in both intrinsic and extrinsic evaluation settings for Turkish. We make a fine-grained comparison by analyzing the syntactic and semantic capabilities of the models separately. The results of the analyses provide insights about the suitability of different embedding models in different types of NLP tasks. We also build a Turkish word embedding repository comprising the embedding models used in this work, which may serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners in the field of Turkish NLP. We make the word embeddings, scripts, and evaluation datasets publicly available.

new DEPTH: Discourse Education through Pre-Training Hierarchically

Authors: Zachary Bamberger, Ofek Glick, Chaim Baskin, Yonatan Belinkov

Abstract: Language Models (LMs) often struggle with linguistic understanding at the discourse level, even though discourse patterns such as coherence, cohesion, and narrative flow are prevalent in their pre-training data. Current methods address these challenges only after the pre-training phase, relying on expensive human annotated data to align the model. To improve the discourse capabilities of LMs already at the pre-training stage, we introduce DEPTH, an encoder-decoder model that learns to represent sentences using a discourse-oriented pre-training objective. DEPTH combines hierarchical sentence representations with two objectives: (1) Sentence Un-Shuffling, and (2) Span-Corruption. This approach trains the model to represent both sub-word-level and sentence-level dependencies over a massive amount of unstructured text. When trained either from scratch or continuing from a pre-trained T5 checkpoint, DEPTH learns semantic and discourse-level representations faster than T5, outperforming it in span-corruption loss despite the additional sentence-un-shuffling objective. Evaluations on the GLUE, DiscoEval, and NI benchmarks demonstrate DEPTH's ability to quickly learn diverse downstream tasks, which require syntactic, semantic, and discourse capabilities. Overall, our approach extends the discourse capabilities of T5, while minimally impacting other natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities in the resulting LM.

new Reproducing the Metric-Based Evaluation of a Set of Controllable Text Generation Techniques

Authors: Michela Lorandi, Anya Belz

Abstract: Rerunning a metric-based evaluation should be more straightforward, and results should be closer, than in a human-based evaluation, especially where code and model checkpoints are made available by the original authors. As this report of our efforts to rerun a metric-based evaluation of a set of single-attribute and multiple-attribute controllable text generation (CTG) techniques shows however, such reruns of evaluations do not always produce results that are the same as the original results, and can reveal errors in the reporting of the original work.

new Zero-Shot Tokenizer Transfer

Authors: Benjamin Minixhofer, Edoardo Maria Ponti, Ivan Vuli\'c

Abstract: Language models (LMs) are bound to their tokenizer, which maps raw text to a sequence of vocabulary items (tokens). This restricts their flexibility: for example, LMs trained primarily on English may still perform well in other natural and programming languages, but have vastly decreased efficiency due to their English-centric tokenizer. To mitigate this, we should be able to swap the original LM tokenizer with an arbitrary one, on the fly, without degrading performance. Hence, in this work we define a new problem: Zero-Shot Tokenizer Transfer (ZeTT). The challenge at the core of ZeTT is finding embeddings for the tokens in the vocabulary of the new tokenizer. Since prior heuristics for initializing embeddings often perform at chance level in a ZeTT setting, we propose a new solution: we train a hypernetwork taking a tokenizer as input and predicting the corresponding embeddings. We empirically demonstrate that the hypernetwork generalizes to new tokenizers both with encoder (e.g., XLM-R) and decoder LLMs (e.g., Mistral-7B). Our method comes close to the original models' performance in cross-lingual and coding tasks while markedly reducing the length of the tokenized sequence. We also find that the remaining gap can be quickly closed by continued training on less than 1B tokens. Finally, we show that a ZeTT hypernetwork trained for a base (L)LM can also be applied to fine-tuned variants without extra training. Overall, our results make substantial strides toward detaching LMs from their tokenizer.

new Russian-Language Multimodal Dataset for Automatic Summarization of Scientific Papers

Authors: Alena Tsanda, Elena Bruches

Abstract: The paper discusses the creation of a multimodal dataset of Russian-language scientific papers and testing of existing language models for the task of automatic text summarization. A feature of the dataset is its multimodal data, which includes texts, tables and figures. The paper presents the results of experiments with two language models: Gigachat from SBER and YandexGPT from Yandex. The dataset consists of 420 papers and is publicly available on


new PARDEN, Can You Repeat That? Defending against Jailbreaks via Repetition

Authors: Ziyang Zhang, Qizhen Zhang, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown success in many natural language processing tasks. Despite rigorous safety alignment processes, supposedly safety-aligned LLMs like Llama 2 and Claude 2 are still susceptible to jailbreaks, leading to security risks and abuse of the models. One option to mitigate such risks is to augment the LLM with a dedicated "safeguard", which checks the LLM's inputs or outputs for undesired behaviour. A promising approach is to use the LLM itself as the safeguard. Nonetheless, baseline methods, such as prompting the LLM to self-classify toxic content, demonstrate limited efficacy. We hypothesise that this is due to domain shift: the alignment training imparts a self-censoring behaviour to the model ("Sorry I can't do that"), while the self-classify approach shifts it to a classification format ("Is this prompt malicious"). In this work, we propose PARDEN, which avoids this domain shift by simply asking the model to repeat its own outputs. PARDEN neither requires finetuning nor white box access to the model. We empirically verify the effectiveness of our method and show that PARDEN significantly outperforms existing jailbreak detection baselines for Llama-2 and Claude-2. Code and data are available at We find that PARDEN is particularly powerful in the relevant regime of high True Positive Rate (TPR) and low False Positive Rate (FPR). For instance, for Llama2-7B, at TPR equal to 90%, PARDEN accomplishes a roughly 11x reduction in the FPR from 24.8% to 2.0% on the harmful behaviours dataset.


new EconLogicQA: A Question-Answering Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models in Economic Sequential Reasoning

Authors: Yinzhu Quan, Zefang Liu

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce EconLogicQA, a rigorous benchmark designed to assess the sequential reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) within the intricate realms of economics, business, and supply chain management. Diverging from traditional benchmarks that predict subsequent events individually, EconLogicQA poses a more challenging task: it requires models to discern and sequence multiple interconnected events, capturing the complexity of economic logics. EconLogicQA comprises an array of multi-event scenarios derived from economic articles, which necessitate an insightful understanding of both temporal and logical event relationships. Through comprehensive evaluations, we exhibit that EconLogicQA effectively gauges a LLM's proficiency in navigating the sequential complexities inherent in economic contexts. We provide a detailed description of EconLogicQA dataset and shows the outcomes from evaluating the benchmark across various leading-edge LLMs, thereby offering a thorough perspective on their sequential reasoning potential in economic contexts. Our benchmark dataset is available at


new RAID: A Shared Benchmark for Robust Evaluation of Machine-Generated Text Detectors

Authors: Liam Dugan, Alyssa Hwang, Filip Trhlik, Josh Magnus Ludan, Andrew Zhu, Hainiu Xu, Daphne Ippolito, Chris Callison-Burch

Abstract: Many commercial and open-source models claim to detect machine-generated text with very high accuracy (99\% or higher). However, very few of these detectors are evaluated on shared benchmark datasets and even when they are, the datasets used for evaluation are insufficiently challenging -- lacking variations in sampling strategy, adversarial attacks, and open-source generative models. In this work we present RAID: the largest and most challenging benchmark dataset for machine-generated text detection. RAID includes over 6 million generations spanning 11 models, 8 domains, 11 adversarial attacks and 4 decoding strategies. Using RAID, we evaluate the out-of-domain and adversarial robustness of 8 open- and 4 closed-source detectors and find that current detectors are easily fooled by adversarial attacks, variations in sampling strategies, repetition penalties, and unseen generative models. We release our dataset and tools to encourage further exploration into detector robustness.

new Plot2Code: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Evaluating Multi-modal Large Language Models in Code Generation from Scientific Plots

Authors: Chengyue Wu, Yixiao Ge, Qiushan Guo, Jiahao Wang, Zhixuan Liang, Zeyu Lu, Ying Shan, Ping Luo

Abstract: The remarkable progress of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has attracted significant attention due to their superior performance in visual contexts. However, their capabilities in turning visual figure to executable code, have not been evaluated thoroughly. To address this, we introduce Plot2Code, a comprehensive visual coding benchmark designed for a fair and in-depth assessment of MLLMs. We carefully collect 132 manually selected high-quality matplotlib plots across six plot types from publicly available matplotlib galleries. For each plot, we carefully offer its source code, and an descriptive instruction summarized by GPT-4. This approach enables Plot2Code to extensively evaluate MLLMs' code capabilities across various input modalities. Furthermore, we propose three automatic evaluation metrics, including code pass rate, text-match ratio, and GPT-4V overall rating, for a fine-grained assessment of the output code and rendered images. Instead of simply judging pass or fail, we employ GPT-4V to make an overall judgement between the generated and reference images, which has been shown to be consistent with human evaluation. The evaluation results, which include analyses of 14 MLLMs such as the proprietary GPT-4V, Gemini-Pro, and the open-sourced Mini-Gemini, highlight the substantial challenges presented by Plot2Code. With Plot2Code, we reveal that most existing MLLMs struggle with visual coding for text-dense plots, heavily relying on textual instruction. We hope that the evaluation results from Plot2Code on visual coding will guide the future development of MLLMs. All data involved with Plot2Code are available at


cross Language Interaction Network for Clinical Trial Approval Estimation

Authors: Chufan Gao, Tianfan Fu, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Clinical trial outcome prediction seeks to estimate the likelihood that a clinical trial will successfully reach its intended endpoint. This process predominantly involves the development of machine learning models that utilize a variety of data sources such as descriptions of the clinical trials, characteristics of the drug molecules, and specific disease conditions being targeted. Accurate predictions of trial outcomes are crucial for optimizing trial planning and prioritizing investments in a drug portfolio. While previous research has largely concentrated on small-molecule drugs, there is a growing need to focus on biologics-a rapidly expanding category of therapeutic agents that often lack the well-defined molecular properties associated with traditional drugs. Additionally, applying conventional methods like graph neural networks to biologics data proves challenging due to their complex nature. To address these challenges, we introduce the Language Interaction Network (LINT), a novel approach that predicts trial outcomes using only the free-text descriptions of the trials. We have rigorously tested the effectiveness of LINT across three phases of clinical trials, where it achieved ROC-AUC scores of 0.770, 0.740, and 0.748 for phases I, II, and III, respectively, specifically concerning trials involving biologic interventions.

cross DrugLLM: Open Large Language Model for Few-shot Molecule Generation

Authors: Xianggen Liu, Yan Guo, Haoran Li, Jin Liu, Shudong Huang, Bowen Ke, Jiancheng Lv

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made great strides in areas such as language processing and computer vision. Despite the emergence of diverse techniques to improve few-shot learning capacity, current LLMs fall short in handling the languages in biology and chemistry. For example, they are struggling to capture the relationship between molecule structure and pharmacochemical properties. Consequently, the few-shot learning capacity of small-molecule drug modification remains impeded. In this work, we introduced DrugLLM, a LLM tailored for drug design. During the training process, we employed Group-based Molecular Representation (GMR) to represent molecules, arranging them in sequences that reflect modifications aimed at enhancing specific molecular properties. DrugLLM learns how to modify molecules in drug discovery by predicting the next molecule based on past modifications. Extensive computational experiments demonstrate that DrugLLM can generate new molecules with expected properties based on limited examples, presenting a powerful few-shot molecule generation capacity.

cross LangCell: Language-Cell Pre-training for Cell Identity Understanding

Authors: Suyuan Zhao, Jiahuan Zhang, Yizhen Luo, Yushuai Wu, Zaiqing Nie

Abstract: Cell identity encompasses various semantic aspects of a cell, including cell type, pathway information, disease information, and more, which are essential for biologists to gain insights into its biological characteristics. Understanding cell identity from the transcriptomic data, such as annotating cell types, have become an important task in bioinformatics. As these semantic aspects are determined by human experts, it is impossible for AI models to effectively carry out cell identity understanding tasks without the supervision signals provided by single-cell and label pairs. The single-cell pre-trained language models (PLMs) currently used for this task are trained only on a single modality, transcriptomics data, lack an understanding of cell identity knowledge. As a result, they have to be fine-tuned for downstream tasks and struggle when lacking labeled data with the desired semantic labels. To address this issue, we propose an innovative solution by constructing a unified representation of single-cell data and natural language during the pre-training phase, allowing the model to directly incorporate insights related to cell identity. More specifically, we introduce \textbf{LangCell}, the first \textbf{Lang}uage-\textbf{Cell} pre-training framework. LangCell utilizes texts enriched with cell identity information to gain a profound comprehension of cross-modal knowledge. Results from experiments conducted on different benchmarks show that LangCell is the only single-cell PLM that can work effectively in zero-shot cell identity understanding scenarios, and also significantly outperforms existing models in few-shot and fine-tuning cell identity understanding scenarios.

cross On the Shape of Brainscores for Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Jingkai Li

Abstract: With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs), the novel metric "Brainscore" emerged as a means to evaluate the functional similarity between LLMs and human brain/neural systems. Our efforts were dedicated to mining the meaning of the novel score by constructing topological features derived from both human fMRI data involving 190 subjects, and 39 LLMs plus their untrained counterparts. Subsequently, we trained 36 Linear Regression Models and conducted thorough statistical analyses to discern reliable and valid features from our constructed ones. Our findings reveal distinctive feature combinations conducive to interpreting existing brainscores across various brain regions of interest (ROIs) and hemispheres, thereby significantly contributing to advancing interpretable machine learning (iML) studies. The study is enriched by our further discussions and analyses concerning existing brainscores. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to comprehend the novel metric brainscore within this interdisciplinary domain.

cross LIVE: LaTex Interactive Visual Editing

Authors: Jinwei Lin

Abstract: LaTex coding is one of the main methods of writing an academic paper. When writing a paper, abundant proper visual or graphic components will represent more information volume than the textual data. However, most of the implementation of LaTex graphic items are designed as static items that have some weaknesses in representing more informative figures or tables with an interactive reading experience. To address this problem, we propose LIVE, a novel design methods idea to design interactive LaTex graphic items. To make a lucid representation of the main idea of LIVE, we designed several novels representing implementations that are interactive and enough explanation for the basic level principles. Using LIVE can design more graphic items, which we call the Gitems, and easily and automatically get the relationship of the mutual application of a specific range of papers, which will add more vitality and performance factors into writing of traditional papers especially the review papers. For vividly representing the functions of LIVE, we use the papers from NeRF as the example reference papers. The code of the implementation project is open source.

cross CANAL -- Cyber Activity News Alerting Language Model: Empirical Approach vs. Expensive LLM

Authors: Urjitkumar Patel, Fang-Chun Yeh, Chinmay Gondhalekar

Abstract: In today's digital landscape, where cyber attacks have become the norm, the detection of cyber attacks and threats is critically imperative across diverse domains. Our research presents a new empirical framework for cyber threat modeling, adept at parsing and categorizing cyber-related information from news articles, enhancing real-time vigilance for market stakeholders. At the core of this framework is a fine-tuned BERT model, which we call CANAL - Cyber Activity News Alerting Language Model, tailored for cyber categorization using a novel silver labeling approach powered by Random Forest. We benchmark CANAL against larger, costlier LLMs, including GPT-4, LLaMA, and Zephyr, highlighting their zero to few-shot learning in cyber news classification. CANAL demonstrates superior performance by outperforming all other LLM counterparts in both accuracy and cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, we introduce the Cyber Signal Discovery module, a strategic component designed to efficiently detect emerging cyber signals from news articles. Collectively, CANAL and Cyber Signal Discovery module equip our framework to provide a robust and cost-effective solution for businesses that require agile responses to cyber intelligence.

cross Large Language Model in Financial Regulatory Interpretation

Authors: Zhiyu Cao, Zachary Feinstein

Abstract: This study explores the innovative use of Large Language Models (LLMs) as analytical tools for interpreting complex financial regulations. The primary objective is to design effective prompts that guide LLMs in distilling verbose and intricate regulatory texts, such as the Basel III capital requirement regulations, into a concise mathematical framework that can be subsequently translated into actionable code. This novel approach aims to streamline the implementation of regulatory mandates within the financial reporting and risk management systems of global banking institutions. A case study was conducted to assess the performance of various LLMs, demonstrating that GPT-4 outperforms other models in processing and collecting necessary information, as well as executing mathematical calculations. The case study utilized numerical simulations with asset holdings -- including fixed income, equities, currency pairs, and commodities -- to demonstrate how LLMs can effectively implement the Basel III capital adequacy requirements.

cross Event GDR: Event-Centric Generative Document Retrieval

Authors: Yong Guan, Dingxiao Liu, Jinchen Ma, Hao Peng, Xiaozhi Wang, Lei Hou, Ru Li

Abstract: Generative document retrieval, an emerging paradigm in information retrieval, learns to build connections between documents and identifiers within a single model, garnering significant attention. However, there are still two challenges: (1) neglecting inner-content correlation during document representation; (2) lacking explicit semantic structure during identifier construction. Nonetheless, events have enriched relations and well-defined taxonomy, which could facilitate addressing the above two challenges. Inspired by this, we propose Event GDR, an event-centric generative document retrieval model, integrating event knowledge into this task. Specifically, we utilize an exchange-then-reflection method based on multi-agents for event knowledge extraction. For document representation, we employ events and relations to model the document to guarantee the comprehensiveness and inner-content correlation. For identifier construction, we map the events to well-defined event taxonomy to construct the identifiers with explicit semantic structure. Our method achieves significant improvement over the baselines on two datasets, and also hopes to provide insights for future research.

cross Automating Thematic Analysis: How LLMs Analyse Controversial Topics

Authors: Awais Hameed Khan, Hiruni Kegalle, Rhea D'Silva, Ned Watt, Daniel Whelan-Shamy, Lida Ghahremanlou, Liam Magee

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are promising analytical tools. They can augment human epistemic, cognitive and reasoning abilities, and support 'sensemaking', making sense of a complex environment or subject by analysing large volumes of data with a sensitivity to context and nuance absent in earlier text processing systems. This paper presents a pilot experiment that explores how LLMs can support thematic analysis of controversial topics. We compare how human researchers and two LLMs GPT-4 and Llama 2 categorise excerpts from media coverage of the controversial Australian Robodebt scandal. Our findings highlight intriguing overlaps and variances in thematic categorisation between human and machine agents, and suggest where LLMs can be effective in supporting forms of discourse and thematic analysis. We argue LLMs should be used to augment, and not replace human interpretation, and we add further methodological insights and reflections to existing research on the application of automation to qualitative research methods. We also introduce a novel card-based design toolkit, for both researchers and practitioners to further interrogate LLMs as analytical tools.

cross Deciphering public attention to geoengineering and climate issues using machine learning and dynamic analysis

Authors: Ramit Debnath, Pengyu Zhang, Tianzhu Qin, R. Michael Alvarez, Shaun D. Fitzgerald

Abstract: As the conversation around using geoengineering to combat climate change intensifies, it is imperative to engage the public and deeply understand their perspectives on geoengineering research, development, and potential deployment. Through a comprehensive data-driven investigation, this paper explores the types of news that captivate public interest in geoengineering. We delved into 30,773 English-language news articles from the BBC and the New York Times, combined with Google Trends data spanning 2018 to 2022, to explore how public interest in geoengineering fluctuates in response to news coverage of broader climate issues. Using BERT-based topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and time-series regression models, we found that positive sentiment in energy-related news serves as a good predictor of heightened public interest in geoengineering, a trend that persists over time. Our findings suggest that public engagement with geoengineering and climate action is not uniform, with some topics being more potent in shaping interest over time, such as climate news related to energy, disasters, and politics. Understanding these patterns is crucial for scientists, policymakers, and educators aiming to craft effective strategies for engaging with the public and fostering dialogue around emerging climate technologies.

cross T-curator: a trust based curation tool for LOD logs

Authors: Dihia Lanasri

Abstract: Nowadays, companies are racing towards Linked Open Data (LOD) to improve their added value, but they are ignoring their SPARQL query logs. If well curated, these logs can present an asset for decision makers. A naive and straightforward use of these logs is too risky because their provenance and quality are highly questionable. Users of these logs in a trusted way have to be assisted by providing them with in-depth knowledge of the whole LOD environment and tools to curate these logs. In this paper, we propose an interactive and intuitive trust based tool that can be used to curate these LOD logs before exploiting them. This tool is proposed to support our approach proposed in our previous work Lanasri et al. [2020].

cross PromptLink: Leveraging Large Language Models for Cross-Source Biomedical Concept Linking

Authors: Yuzhang Xie, Jiaying Lu, Joyce Ho, Fadi Nahab, Xiao Hu, Carl Yang

Abstract: Linking (aligning) biomedical concepts across diverse data sources enables various integrative analyses, but it is challenging due to the discrepancies in concept naming conventions. Various strategies have been developed to overcome this challenge, such as those based on string-matching rules, manually crafted thesauri, and machine learning models. However, these methods are constrained by limited prior biomedical knowledge and can hardly generalize beyond the limited amounts of rules, thesauri, or training samples. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive results in diverse biomedical NLP tasks due to their unprecedentedly rich prior knowledge and strong zero-shot prediction abilities. However, LLMs suffer from issues including high costs, limited context length, and unreliable predictions. In this research, we propose PromptLink, a novel biomedical concept linking framework that leverages LLMs. It first employs a biomedical-specialized pre-trained language model to generate candidate concepts that can fit in the LLM context windows. Then it utilizes an LLM to link concepts through two-stage prompts, where the first-stage prompt aims to elicit the biomedical prior knowledge from the LLM for the concept linking task and the second-stage prompt enforces the LLM to reflect on its own predictions to further enhance their reliability. Empirical results on the concept linking task between two EHR datasets and an external biomedical KG demonstrate the effectiveness of PromptLink. Furthermore, PromptLink is a generic framework without reliance on additional prior knowledge, context, or training data, making it well-suited for concept linking across various types of data sources. The source code is available at


cross Sign Stitching: A Novel Approach to Sign Language Production

Authors: Harry Walsh, Ben Saunders, Richard Bowden

Abstract: Sign Language Production (SLP) is a challenging task, given the limited resources available and the inherent diversity within sign data. As a result, previous works have suffered from the problem of regression to the mean, leading to under-articulated and incomprehensible signing. In this paper, we propose using dictionary examples and a learnt codebook of facial expressions to create expressive sign language sequences. However, simply concatenating signs and adding the face creates robotic and unnatural sequences. To address this we present a 7-step approach to effectively stitch sequences together. First, by normalizing each sign into a canonical pose, cropping, and stitching we create a continuous sequence. Then, by applying filtering in the frequency domain and resampling each sign, we create cohesive natural sequences that mimic the prosody found in the original data. We leverage a SignGAN model to map the output to a photo-realistic signer and present a complete Text-to-Sign (T2S) SLP pipeline. Our evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of the approach, showcasing state-of-the-art performance across all datasets. Finally, a user evaluation shows our approach outperforms the baseline model and is capable of producing realistic sign language sequences.

cross Backdoor Removal for Generative Large Language Models

Authors: Haoran Li, Yulin Chen, Zihao Zheng, Qi Hu, Chunkit Chan, Heshan Liu, Yangqiu Song

Abstract: With rapid advances, generative large language models (LLMs) dominate various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks from understanding to reasoning. Yet, language models' inherent vulnerabilities may be exacerbated due to increased accessibility and unrestricted model training on massive textual data from the Internet. A malicious adversary may publish poisoned data online and conduct backdoor attacks on the victim LLMs pre-trained on the poisoned data. Backdoored LLMs behave innocuously for normal queries and generate harmful responses when the backdoor trigger is activated. Despite significant efforts paid to LLMs' safety issues, LLMs are still struggling against backdoor attacks. As Anthropic recently revealed, existing safety training strategies, including supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), fail to revoke the backdoors once the LLM is backdoored during the pre-training stage. In this paper, we present Simulate and Eliminate (SANDE) to erase the undesired backdoored mappings for generative LLMs. We initially propose Overwrite Supervised Fine-tuning (OSFT) for effective backdoor removal when the trigger is known. Then, to handle the scenarios where the trigger patterns are unknown, we integrate OSFT into our two-stage framework, SANDE. Unlike previous works that center on the identification of backdoors, our safety-enhanced LLMs are able to behave normally even when the exact triggers are activated. We conduct comprehensive experiments to show that our proposed SANDE is effective against backdoor attacks while bringing minimal harm to LLMs' powerful capability without any additional access to unbackdoored clean models. We will release the reproducible code.

cross Constructing a BPE Tokenization DFA

Authors: Martin Berglund, Willeke Martens, Brink van der Merwe

Abstract: Many natural language processing systems operate over tokenizations of text to address the open-vocabulary problem. In this paper, we give and analyze an algorithm for the efficient construction of deterministic finite automata designed to operate directly on tokenizations produced by the popular byte pair encoding technique. This makes it possible to apply many existing techniques and algorithms to the tokenized case, such as pattern matching, equivalence checking of tokenization dictionaries, and composing tokenized languages in various ways.

cross FastSAG: Towards Fast Non-Autoregressive Singing Accompaniment Generation

Authors: Jianyi Chen, Wei Xue, Xu Tan, Zhen Ye, Qifeng Liu, Yike Guo

Abstract: Singing Accompaniment Generation (SAG), which generates instrumental music to accompany input vocals, is crucial to developing human-AI symbiotic art creation systems. The state-of-the-art method, SingSong, utilizes a multi-stage autoregressive (AR) model for SAG, however, this method is extremely slow as it generates semantic and acoustic tokens recursively, and this makes it impossible for real-time applications. In this paper, we aim to develop a Fast SAG method that can create high-quality and coherent accompaniments. A non-AR diffusion-based framework is developed, which by carefully designing the conditions inferred from the vocal signals, generates the Mel spectrogram of the target accompaniment directly. With diffusion and Mel spectrogram modeling, the proposed method significantly simplifies the AR token-based SingSong framework, and largely accelerates the generation. We also design semantic projection, prior projection blocks as well as a set of loss functions, to ensure the generated accompaniment has semantic and rhythm coherence with the vocal signal. By intensive experimental studies, we demonstrate that the proposed method can generate better samples than SingSong, and accelerate the generation by at least 30 times. Audio samples and code are available at


cross Decoding Geometric Properties in Non-Random Data from First Information-Theoretic Principles

Authors: Hector Zenil, Felipe S. Abrah\~ao

Abstract: Based on the principles of information theory, measure theory, and theoretical computer science, we introduce a univariate signal deconvolution method with a wide range of applications to coding theory, particularly in zero-knowledge one-way communication channels, such as in deciphering messages from unknown generating sources about which no prior knowledge is available and to which no return message can be sent. Our multidimensional space reconstruction method from an arbitrary received signal is proven to be agnostic vis-a-vis the encoding-decoding scheme, computation model, programming language, formal theory, the computable (or semi-computable) method of approximation to algorithmic complexity, and any arbitrarily chosen (computable) probability measure of the events. The method derives from the principles of an approach to Artificial General Intelligence capable of building a general-purpose model of models independent of any arbitrarily assumed prior probability distribution. We argue that this optimal and universal method of decoding non-random data has applications to signal processing, causal deconvolution, topological and geometric properties encoding, cryptography, and bio- and technosignature detection.

cross Open-vocabulary Auditory Neural Decoding Using fMRI-prompted LLM

Authors: Xiaoyu Chen, Changde Du, Che Liu, Yizhe Wang, Huiguang He

Abstract: Decoding language information from brain signals represents a vital research area within brain-computer interfaces, particularly in the context of deciphering the semantic information from the fMRI signal. However, many existing efforts concentrate on decoding small vocabulary sets, leaving space for the exploration of open vocabulary continuous text decoding. In this paper, we introduce a novel method, the \textbf{Brain Prompt GPT (BP-GPT)}. By using the brain representation that is extracted from the fMRI as a prompt, our method can utilize GPT-2 to decode fMRI signals into stimulus text. Further, we introduce a text-to-text baseline and align the fMRI prompt to the text prompt. By introducing the text-to-text baseline, our BP-GPT can extract a more robust brain prompt and promote the decoding of pre-trained LLM. We evaluate our BP-GPT on the open-source auditory semantic decoding dataset and achieve a significant improvement up to $4.61\%$ on METEOR and $2.43\%$ on BERTScore across all the subjects compared to the state-of-the-art method. The experimental results demonstrate that using brain representation as a prompt to further drive LLM for auditory neural decoding is feasible and effective.

cross RLHF Workflow: From Reward Modeling to Online RLHF

Authors: Hanze Dong, Wei Xiong, Bo Pang, Haoxiang Wang, Han Zhao, Yingbo Zhou, Nan Jiang, Doyen Sahoo, Caiming Xiong, Tong Zhang

Abstract: We present the workflow of Online Iterative Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) in this technical report, which is widely reported to outperform its offline counterpart by a large margin in the recent large language model (LLM) literature. However, existing open-source RLHF projects are still largely confined to the offline learning setting. In this technical report, we aim to fill in this gap and provide a detailed recipe that is easy to reproduce for online iterative RLHF. In particular, since online human feedback is usually infeasible for open-source communities with limited resources, we start by constructing preference models using a diverse set of open-source datasets and use the constructed proxy preference model to approximate human feedback. Then, we discuss the theoretical insights and algorithmic principles behind online iterative RLHF, followed by a detailed practical implementation. Our trained LLM, SFR-Iterative-DPO-LLaMA-3-8B-R, achieves impressive performance on LLM chatbot benchmarks, including AlpacaEval-2, Arena-Hard, and MT-Bench, as well as other academic benchmarks such as HumanEval and TruthfulQA. We have shown that supervised fine-tuning (SFT) and iterative RLHF can obtain state-of-the-art performance with fully open-source datasets. Further, we have made our models, curated datasets, and comprehensive step-by-step code guidebooks publicly available. Please refer to and for more detailed information.


cross AgentClinic: a multimodal agent benchmark to evaluate AI in simulated clinical environments

Authors: Samuel Schmidgall, Rojin Ziaei, Carl Harris, Eduardo Reis, Jeffrey Jopling, Michael Moor

Abstract: Diagnosing and managing a patient is a complex, sequential decision making process that requires physicians to obtain information -- such as which tests to perform -- and to act upon it. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) promise to profoundly impact clinical care. However, current evaluation schemes overrely on static medical question-answering benchmarks, falling short on interactive decision-making that is required in real-life clinical work. Here, we present AgentClinic: a multimodal benchmark to evaluate LLMs in their ability to operate as agents in simulated clinical environments. In our benchmark, the doctor agent must uncover the patient's diagnosis through dialogue and active data collection. We present two open benchmarks: a multimodal image and dialogue environment, AgentClinic-NEJM, and a dialogue-only environment, AgentClinic-MedQA. We embed cognitive and implicit biases both in patient and doctor agents to emulate realistic interactions between biased agents. We find that introducing bias leads to large reductions in diagnostic accuracy of the doctor agents, as well as reduced compliance, confidence, and follow-up consultation willingness in patient agents. Evaluating a suite of state-of-the-art LLMs, we find that several models that excel in benchmarks like MedQA are performing poorly in AgentClinic-MedQA. We find that the LLM used in the patient agent is an important factor for performance in the AgentClinic benchmark. We show that both having limited interactions as well as too many interaction reduces diagnostic accuracy in doctor agents. The code and data for this work is publicly available at


replace A Survey : Neural Networks for AMR-to-Text

Authors: Hongyu Hao, Guangtong Li, Zhiming Hu, Huafeng Wang

Abstract: AMR-to-text is one of the key techniques in the NLP community that aims at generating sentences from the Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) graphs. Since AMR was proposed in 2013, the study on AMR-to-Text has become increasingly prevalent as an essential branch of structured data to text because of the unique advantages of AMR as a high-level semantic description of natural language. In this paper, we provide a brief survey of AMR-to-Text. Firstly, we introduce the current scenario of this technique and point out its difficulties. Secondly, based on the methods used in previous studies, we roughly divided them into five categories according to their respective mechanisms, i.e., Rules-based, Seq-to-Seq-based, Graph-to-Seq-based, Transformer-based, and Pre-trained Language Model (PLM)-based. In particular, we detail the neural network-based method and present the latest progress of AMR-to-Text, which refers to AMR reconstruction, Decoder optimization, etc. Furthermore, we present the benchmarks and evaluation methods of AMR-to-Text. Eventually, we provide a summary of current techniques and the outlook for future research.

replace Multimodal Dialog Systems with Dual Knowledge-enhanced Generative Pretrained Language Model

Authors: Xiaolin Chen, Xuemeng Song, Liqiang Jing, Shuo Li, Linmei Hu, Liqiang Nie

Abstract: Text response generation for multimodal task-oriented dialog systems, which aims to generate the proper text response given the multimodal context, is an essential yet challenging task. Although existing efforts have achieved compelling success, they still suffer from two pivotal limitations: 1) overlook the benefit of generative pre-training, and 2) ignore the textual context related knowledge. To address these limitations, we propose a novel dual knowledge-enhanced generative pretrained language model for multimodal task-oriented dialog systems (DKMD), consisting of three key components: dual knowledge selection, dual knowledge-enhanced context learning, and knowledge-enhanced response generation. To be specific, the dual knowledge selection component aims to select the related knowledge according to both textual and visual modalities of the given context. Thereafter, the dual knowledge-enhanced context learning component targets seamlessly integrating the selected knowledge into the multimodal context learning from both global and local perspectives, where the cross-modal semantic relation is also explored. Moreover, the knowledge-enhanced response generation component comprises a revised BART decoder, where an additional dot-product knowledge-decoder attention sub-layer is introduced for explicitly utilizing the knowledge to advance the text response generation. Extensive experiments on a public dataset verify the superiority of the proposed DKMD over state-of-the-art competitors.

replace On the Security Vulnerabilities of Text-to-SQL Models

Authors: Xutan Peng, Yipeng Zhang, Jingfeng Yang, Mark Stevenson

Abstract: Although it has been demonstrated that Natural Language Processing (NLP) algorithms are vulnerable to deliberate attacks, the question of whether such weaknesses can lead to software security threats is under-explored. To bridge this gap, we conducted vulnerability tests on Text-to-SQL systems that are commonly used to create natural language interfaces to databases. We showed that the Text-to-SQL modules within six commercial applications can be manipulated to produce malicious code, potentially leading to data breaches and Denial of Service attacks. This is the first demonstration that NLP models can be exploited as attack vectors in the wild. In addition, experiments using four open-source language models verified that straightforward backdoor attacks on Text-to-SQL systems achieve a 100% success rate without affecting their performance. The aim of this work is to draw the community's attention to potential software security issues associated with NLP algorithms and encourage exploration of methods to mitigate against them.

replace Inverse Scaling: When Bigger Isn't Better

Authors: Ian R. McKenzie, Alexander Lyzhov, Michael Pieler, Alicia Parrish, Aaron Mueller, Ameya Prabhu, Euan McLean, Aaron Kirtland, Alexis Ross, Alisa Liu, Andrew Gritsevskiy, Daniel Wurgaft, Derik Kauffman, Gabriel Recchia, Jiacheng Liu, Joe Cavanagh, Max Weiss, Sicong Huang, The Floating Droid, Tom Tseng, Tomasz Korbak, Xudong Shen, Yuhui Zhang, Zhengping Zhou, Najoung Kim, Samuel R. Bowman, Ethan Perez

Abstract: Work on scaling laws has found that large language models (LMs) show predictable improvements to overall loss with increased scale (model size, training data, and compute). Here, we present evidence for the claim that LMs may show inverse scaling, or worse task performance with increased scale, e.g., due to flaws in the training objective and data. We present empirical evidence of inverse scaling on 11 datasets collected by running a public contest, the Inverse Scaling Prize, with a substantial prize pool. Through analysis of the datasets, along with other examples found in the literature, we identify four potential causes of inverse scaling: (i) preference to repeat memorized sequences over following in-context instructions, (ii) imitation of undesirable patterns in the training data, (iii) tasks containing an easy distractor task which LMs could focus on, rather than the harder real task, and (iv) correct but misleading few-shot demonstrations of the task. We release the winning datasets at to allow for further investigation of inverse scaling. Our tasks have helped drive the discovery of U-shaped and inverted-U scaling trends, where an initial trend reverses, suggesting that scaling trends are less reliable at predicting the behavior of larger-scale models than previously understood. Overall, our results suggest that there are tasks for which increased model scale alone may not lead to progress, and that more careful thought needs to go into the data and objectives for training language models.


replace Exploring Large Language Models for Communication Games: An Empirical Study on Werewolf

Authors: Yuzhuang Xu, Shuo Wang, Peng Li, Fuwen Luo, Xiaolong Wang, Weidong Liu, Yang Liu

Abstract: Communication games, which we refer to as incomplete information games that heavily depend on natural language communication, hold significant research value in fields such as economics, social science, and artificial intelligence. In this work, we explore the problem of how to engage large language models (LLMs) in communication games, and in response, propose a tuning-free framework. Our approach keeps LLMs frozen, and relies on the retrieval and reflection on past communications and experiences for improvement. An empirical study on the representative and widely-studied communication game, ``Werewolf'', demonstrates that our framework can effectively play Werewolf game without tuning the parameters of the LLMs. More importantly, strategic behaviors begin to emerge in our experiments, suggesting that it will be a fruitful journey to engage LLMs in communication games and associated domains.

replace C-Pack: Packaged Resources To Advance General Chinese Embedding

Authors: Shitao Xiao, Zheng Liu, Peitian Zhang, Niklas Muennighoff, Defu Lian, Jian-Yun Nie

Abstract: We introduce C-Pack, a package of resources that significantly advance the field of general Chinese embeddings. C-Pack includes three critical resources. 1) C-MTEB is a comprehensive benchmark for Chinese text embeddings covering 6 tasks and 35 datasets. 2) C-MTP is a massive text embedding dataset curated from labeled and unlabeled Chinese corpora for training embedding models. 3) C-TEM is a family of embedding models covering multiple sizes. Our models outperform all prior Chinese text embeddings on C-MTEB by up to +10% upon the time of the release. We also integrate and optimize the entire suite of training methods for C-TEM. Along with our resources on general Chinese embedding, we release our data and models for English text embeddings. The English models achieve state-of-the-art performance on MTEB benchmark; meanwhile, our released English data is 2 times larger than the Chinese data. All these resources are made publicly available at


replace Unveiling the Pitfalls of Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhoubo Li, Ningyu Zhang, Yunzhi Yao, Mengru Wang, Xi Chen, Huajun Chen

Abstract: As the cost associated with fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) continues to rise, recent research efforts have pivoted towards developing methodologies to edit implicit knowledge embedded within LLMs. Yet, there's still a dark cloud lingering overhead -- will knowledge editing trigger butterfly effect? since it is still unclear whether knowledge editing might introduce side effects that pose potential risks or not. This paper pioneers the investigation into the potential pitfalls associated with knowledge editing for LLMs. To achieve this, we introduce new benchmark datasets and propose innovative evaluation metrics. Our results underline two pivotal concerns: (1) Knowledge Conflict: Editing groups of facts that logically clash can magnify the inherent inconsistencies in LLMs-a facet neglected by previous methods. (2) Knowledge Distortion: Altering parameters with the aim of editing factual knowledge can irrevocably warp the innate knowledge structure of LLMs. Experimental results vividly demonstrate that knowledge editing might inadvertently cast a shadow of unintended consequences on LLMs, which warrant attention and efforts for future works. Code and data are available at


replace How Prevalent is Gender Bias in ChatGPT? -- Exploring German and English ChatGPT Responses

Authors: Stefanie Urchs, Veronika Thurner, Matthias A{\ss}enmacher, Christian Heumann, Stephanie Thiemichen

Abstract: With the introduction of ChatGPT, OpenAI made large language models (LLM) accessible to users with limited IT expertise. However, users with no background in natural language processing (NLP) might lack a proper understanding of LLMs. Thus the awareness of their inherent limitations, and therefore will take the systems' output at face value. In this paper, we systematically analyse prompts and the generated responses to identify possible problematic issues with a special focus on gender biases, which users need to be aware of when processing the system's output. We explore how ChatGPT reacts in English and German if prompted to answer from a female, male, or neutral perspective. In an in-depth investigation, we examine selected prompts and analyse to what extent responses differ if the system is prompted several times in an identical way. On this basis, we show that ChatGPT is indeed useful for helping non-IT users draft texts for their daily work. However, it is absolutely crucial to thoroughly check the system's responses for biases as well as for syntactic and grammatical mistakes.

replace Hidden Citations Obscure True Impact in Science

Authors: Xiangyi Meng, Onur Varol, Albert-L\'aszl\'o Barab\'asi

Abstract: References, the mechanism scientists rely on to signal previous knowledge, lately have turned into widely used and misused measures of scientific impact. Yet, when a discovery becomes common knowledge, citations suffer from obliteration by incorporation. This leads to the concept of hidden citation, representing a clear textual credit to a discovery without a reference to the publication embodying it. Here, we rely on unsupervised interpretable machine learning applied to the full text of each paper to systematically identify hidden citations. We find that for influential discoveries hidden citations outnumber citation counts, emerging regardless of publishing venue and discipline. We show that the prevalence of hidden citations is not driven by citation counts, but rather by the degree of the discourse on the topic within the text of the manuscripts, indicating that the more discussed is a discovery, the less visible it is to standard bibliometric analysis. Hidden citations indicate that bibliometric measures offer a limited perspective on quantifying the true impact of a discovery, raising the need to extract knowledge from the full text of the scientific corpus.

replace Natural Language Interfaces for Tabular Data Querying and Visualization: A Survey

Authors: Weixu Zhang, Yifei Wang, Yuanfeng Song, Victor Junqiu Wei, Yuxing Tian, Yiyan Qi, Jonathan H. Chan, Raymond Chi-Wing Wong, Haiqin Yang

Abstract: The emergence of natural language processing has revolutionized the way users interact with tabular data, enabling a shift from traditional query languages and manual plotting to more intuitive, language-based interfaces. The rise of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and its successors has further advanced this field, opening new avenues for natural language processing techniques. This survey presents a comprehensive overview of natural language interfaces for tabular data querying and visualization, which allow users to interact with data using natural language queries. We introduce the fundamental concepts and techniques underlying these interfaces with a particular emphasis on semantic parsing, the key technology facilitating the translation from natural language to SQL queries or data visualization commands. We then delve into the recent advancements in Text-to-SQL and Text-to-Vis problems from the perspectives of datasets, methodologies, metrics, and system designs. This includes a deep dive into the influence of LLMs, highlighting their strengths, limitations, and potential for future improvements. Through this survey, we aim to provide a roadmap for researchers and practitioners interested in developing and applying natural language interfaces for data interaction in the era of large language models.

replace Exploring the Jungle of Bias: Political Bias Attribution in Language Models via Dependency Analysis

Authors: David F. Jenny, Yann Billeter, Mrinmaya Sachan, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Zhijing Jin

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has sparked intense debate regarding the prevalence of bias in these models and its mitigation. Yet, as exemplified by both results on debiasing methods in the literature and reports of alignment-related defects from the wider community, bias remains a poorly understood topic despite its practical relevance. To enhance the understanding of the internal causes of bias, we analyse LLM bias through the lens of causal fairness analysis, which enables us to both comprehend the origins of bias and reason about its downstream consequences and mitigation. To operationalize this framework, we propose a prompt-based method for the extraction of confounding and mediating attributes which contribute to the LLM decision process. By applying Activity Dependency Networks (ADNs), we then analyse how these attributes influence an LLM's decision process. We apply our method to LLM ratings of argument quality in political debates. We find that the observed disparate treatment can at least in part be attributed to confounding and mitigating attributes and model misalignment, and discuss the consequences of our findings for human-AI alignment and bias mitigation. Our code and data are at


replace Scaling Political Texts with Large Language Models: Asking a Chatbot Might Be All You Need

Authors: Ga\"el Le Mens, Aina Gallego

Abstract: We use instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, MiXtral, and Llama 3 to position political texts within policy and ideological spaces. We directly ask the LLMs where a text document or its author stand on the focal policy dimension. We illustrate and validate the approach by scaling British party manifestos on the economic, social, and immigration policy dimensions; speeches from a European Parliament debate in 10 languages on the anti- to pro-subsidy dimension; Senators of the 117th US Congress based on their tweets on the left-right ideological spectrum; and tweets published by US Representatives and Senators after the training cutoff date of GPT-4. The correlation between the position estimates obtained with the best LLMs and benchmarks based on coding by experts, crowdworkers or roll call votes exceeds .90. This training-free approach also outperforms supervised classifiers trained on large amounts of data. Using instruction-tuned LLMs to scale texts in policy and ideological spaces is fast, cost-efficient, reliable, and reproducible (in the case of open LLMs) even if the texts are short and written in different languages. We conclude with cautionary notes about the need for empirical validation.

replace Prompt-based mental health screening from social media text

Authors: Wesley Ramos dos Santos, Ivandre Paraboni

Abstract: This article presents a method for prompt-based mental health screening from a large and noisy dataset of social media text. Our method uses GPT 3.5. prompting to distinguish publications that may be more relevant to the task, and then uses a straightforward bag-of-words text classifier to predict actual user labels. Results are found to be on pair with a BERT mixture of experts classifier, and incurring only a fraction of its training costs.

replace Small Language Model Can Self-correct

Authors: Haixia Han, Jiaqing Liang, Jie Shi, Qianyu He, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Generative Language Models (LMs) such as ChatGPT have exhibited remarkable performance across various downstream tasks. Nevertheless, one of their most prominent drawbacks is generating inaccurate or false information with a confident tone. Previous studies have devised sophisticated pipelines and prompts to induce large LMs to exhibit the capability for self-correction. However, large LMs are explicitly prompted to verify and modify its answers separately rather than completing all steps spontaneously like humans. Moreover, these complex prompts are extremely challenging for small LMs to follow. In this paper, we introduce the \underline{I}ntrinsic \underline{S}elf-\underline{C}orrection (ISC) in generative language models, aiming to correct the initial output of LMs in a self-triggered manner, even for those small LMs with 6 billion parameters. Specifically, we devise a pipeline for constructing self-correction data and propose Partial Answer Masking (PAM), aiming to endow the model with the capability for intrinsic self-correction through fine-tuning. We conduct experiments using LMs with parameters sizes ranging from 6 billion to 13 billion in two tasks, including commonsense reasoning and factual knowledge reasoning. Our experiments demonstrate that the outputs generated using ISC outperform those generated without self-correction. We believe that the output quality of even small LMs can be further improved by empowering them with the ability to intrinsic self-correct.

replace CompactifAI: Extreme Compression of Large Language Models using Quantum-Inspired Tensor Networks

Authors: Andrei Tomut, Saeed S. Jahromi, Abhijoy Sarkar, Uygar Kurt, Sukhbinder Singh, Faysal Ishtiaq, Cesar Mu\~noz, Prabdeep Singh Bajaj, Ali Elborady, Gianni del Bimbo, Mehrazin Alizadeh, David Montero, Pablo Martin-Ramiro, Muhammad Ibrahim, Oussama Tahiri Alaoui, John Malcolm, Samuel Mugel, Roman Orus

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and LlaMA are advancing rapidly in generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), but their immense size poses significant challenges, such as huge training and inference costs, substantial energy demands, and limitations for on-site deployment. Traditional compression methods such as pruning, distillation, and low-rank approximation focus on reducing the effective number of neurons in the network, while quantization focuses on reducing the numerical precision of individual weights to reduce the model size while keeping the number of neurons fixed. While these compression methods have been relatively successful in practice, there is no compelling reason to believe that truncating the number of neurons is an optimal strategy. In this context, this paper introduces CompactifAI, an innovative LLM compression approach using quantum-inspired Tensor Networks that focuses on the model's correlation space instead, allowing for a more controlled, refined and interpretable model compression. Our method is versatile and can be implemented with - or on top of - other compression techniques. As a benchmark, we demonstrate that a combination of CompactifAI with quantization allows to reduce a 93% the memory size of LlaMA 7B, reducing also 70% the number of parameters, accelerating 50% the training and 25% the inference times of the model, and just with a small accuracy drop of 2% - 3%, going much beyond of what is achievable today by other compression techniques. Our methods also allow to perform a refined layer sensitivity profiling, showing that deeper layers tend to be more suitable for tensor network compression, which is compatible with recent observations on the ineffectiveness of those layers for LLM performance. Our results imply that standard LLMs are, in fact, heavily overparametrized, and do not need to be large at all.

replace Enhancing Diagnostic Accuracy through Multi-Agent Conversations: Using Large Language Models to Mitigate Cognitive Bias

Authors: Yu He Ke, Rui Yang, Sui An Lie, Taylor Xin Yi Lim, Hairil Rizal Abdullah, Daniel Shu Wei Ting, Nan Liu

Abstract: Background: Cognitive biases in clinical decision-making significantly contribute to errors in diagnosis and suboptimal patient outcomes. Addressing these biases presents a formidable challenge in the medical field. Objective: This study explores the role of large language models (LLMs) in mitigating these biases through the utilization of a multi-agent framework. We simulate the clinical decision-making processes through multi-agent conversation and evaluate its efficacy in improving diagnostic accuracy. Methods: A total of 16 published and unpublished case reports where cognitive biases have resulted in misdiagnoses were identified from the literature. In the multi-agent framework, we leveraged GPT-4 to facilitate interactions among four simulated agents to replicate clinical team dynamics. Each agent has a distinct role: 1) To make the final diagnosis after considering the discussions, 2) The devil's advocate and correct confirmation and anchoring bias, 3) The tutor and facilitator of the discussion to reduce premature closure bias, and 4) To record and summarize the findings. A total of 80 simulations were evaluated for the accuracy of initial diagnosis, top differential diagnosis and final two differential diagnoses. Results: In a total of 80 responses evaluating both initial and final diagnoses, the initial diagnosis had an accuracy of 0% (0/80), but following multi-agent discussions, the accuracy for the top differential diagnosis increased to 71.3% (57/80), and for the final two differential diagnoses, to 80.0% (64/80). Conclusions: The framework demonstrated an ability to re-evaluate and correct misconceptions, even in scenarios with misleading initial investigations. The LLM-driven multi-agent conversation framework shows promise in enhancing diagnostic accuracy in diagnostically challenging medical scenarios.

replace Are Sounds Sound for Phylogenetic Reconstruction?

Authors: Luise H\"auser, Gerhard J\"ager, Taraka Rama, Johann-Mattis List, Alexandros Stamatakis

Abstract: In traditional studies on language evolution, scholars often emphasize the importance of sound laws and sound correspondences for phylogenetic inference of language family trees. However, to date, computational approaches have typically not taken this potential into account. Most computational studies still rely on lexical cognates as major data source for phylogenetic reconstruction in linguistics, although there do exist a few studies in which authors praise the benefits of comparing words at the level of sound sequences. Building on (a) ten diverse datasets from different language families, and (b) state-of-the-art methods for automated cognate and sound correspondence detection, we test, for the first time, the performance of sound-based versus cognate-based approaches to phylogenetic reconstruction. Our results show that phylogenies reconstructed from lexical cognates are topologically closer, by approximately one third with respect to the generalized quartet distance on average, to the gold standard phylogenies than phylogenies reconstructed from sound correspondences.

replace TexShape: Information Theoretic Sentence Embedding for Language Models

Authors: Kaan Kale, Homa Esfahanizadeh, Noel Elias, Oguzhan Baser, Muriel Medard, Sriram Vishwanath

Abstract: With the exponential growth in data volume and the emergence of data-intensive applications, particularly in the field of machine learning, concerns related to resource utilization, privacy, and fairness have become paramount. This paper focuses on the textual domain of data and addresses challenges regarding encoding sentences to their optimized representations through the lens of information-theory. In particular, we use empirical estimates of mutual information, using the Donsker-Varadhan definition of Kullback-Leibler divergence. Our approach leverages this estimation to train an information-theoretic sentence embedding, called TexShape, for (task-based) data compression or for filtering out sensitive information, enhancing privacy and fairness. In this study, we employ a benchmark language model for initial text representation, complemented by neural networks for information-theoretic compression and mutual information estimations. Our experiments demonstrate significant advancements in preserving maximal targeted information and minimal sensitive information over adverse compression ratios, in terms of predictive accuracy of downstream models that are trained using the compressed data.

replace A systematic investigation of learnability from single child linguistic input

Authors: Yulu Qin, Wentao Wang, Brenden M. Lake

Abstract: Language models (LMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in generating linguistically coherent text, sparking discussions about their relevance to understanding human language learnability. However, a significant gap exists between the training data for these models and the linguistic input a child receives. LMs are typically trained on data that is orders of magnitude larger and fundamentally different from child-directed speech (Warstadt and Bowman, 2022; Warstadt et al., 2023; Frank, 2023a). Addressing this discrepancy, our research focuses on training LMs on subsets of a single child's linguistic input. Previously, Wang, Vong, Kim, and Lake (2023) found that LMs trained in this setting can form syntactic and semantic word clusters and develop sensitivity to certain linguistic phenomena, but they only considered LSTMs and simpler neural networks trained from just one single-child dataset. Here, to examine the robustness of learnability from single-child input, we systematically train six different model architectures on five datasets (3 single-child and 2 baselines). We find that the models trained on single-child datasets showed consistent results that matched with previous work, underscoring the robustness of forming meaningful syntactic and semantic representations from a subset of a child's linguistic input.

replace OneBit: Towards Extremely Low-bit Large Language Models

Authors: Yuzhuang Xu, Xu Han, Zonghan Yang, Shuo Wang, Qingfu Zhu, Zhiyuan Liu, Weidong Liu, Wanxiang Che

Abstract: Model quantification uses low bit-width values to represent the weight matrices of models, which is a promising approach to reduce both storage and computational overheads of deploying highly anticipated LLMs. However, existing quantization methods suffer severe performance degradation when the bit-width is extremely reduced, and thus focus on utilizing 4-bit or 8-bit values to quantize models. This paper boldly quantizes the weight matrices of LLMs to 1-bit, paving the way for the extremely low bit-width deployment of LLMs. For this target, we introduce a 1-bit quantization-aware training (QAT) framework named OneBit, including a novel 1-bit parameter representation method to better quantize LLMs as well as an effective parameter initialization method based on matrix decomposition to improve the convergence speed of the QAT framework. Sufficient experimental results indicate that OneBit achieves good performance (at least 83% of the non-quantized performance) with robust training processes when only using 1-bit weight matrices.

replace Confidence Matters: Revisiting Intrinsic Self-Correction Capabilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Loka Li, Zhenhao Chen, Guangyi Chen, Yixuan Zhang, Yusheng Su, Eric Xing, Kun Zhang

Abstract: The recent success of Large Language Models (LLMs) has catalyzed an increasing interest in their self-correction capabilities. This paper presents a comprehensive investigation into the intrinsic self-correction of LLMs, attempting to address the ongoing debate about its feasibility. Our research has identified an important latent factor - the "confidence" of LLMs - during the self-correction process. Overlooking this factor may cause the models to over-criticize themselves, resulting in unreliable conclusions regarding the efficacy of self-correction. We have experimentally observed that LLMs possess the capability to understand the "confidence" in their own responses. It motivates us to develop an "If-or-Else" (IoE) prompting framework, designed to guide LLMs in assessing their own "confidence", facilitating intrinsic self-corrections. We conduct extensive experiments and demonstrate that our IoE-based Prompt can achieve a consistent improvement regarding the accuracy of self-corrected responses over the initial answers. Our study not only sheds light on the underlying factors affecting self-correction in LLMs, but also introduces a practical framework that utilizes the IoE prompting principle to efficiently improve self-correction capabilities with "confidence". The code is available at


replace Towards a clinically accessible radiology foundation model: open-access and lightweight, with automated evaluation

Authors: Juan Manuel Zambrano Chaves, Shih-Cheng Huang, Yanbo Xu, Hanwen Xu, Naoto Usuyama, Sheng Zhang, Fei Wang, Yujia Xie, Mahmoud Khademi, Ziyi Yang, Hany Awadalla, Julia Gong, Houdong Hu, Jianwei Yang, Chunyuan Li, Jianfeng Gao, Yu Gu, Cliff Wong, Mu Wei, Tristan Naumann, Muhao Chen, Matthew P. Lungren, Serena Yeung-Levy, Curtis P. Langlotz, Sheng Wang, Hoifung Poon

Abstract: The scaling laws and extraordinary performance of large foundation models motivate the development and utilization of such models in biomedicine. However, despite early promising results on some biomedical benchmarks, there are still major challenges that need to be addressed before these models can be used in real-world clinics. Frontier general-domain models such as GPT-4V still have significant performance gaps in multimodal biomedical applications. More importantly, less-acknowledged pragmatic issues, including accessibility, model cost, and tedious manual evaluation make it hard for clinicians to use state-of-the-art large models directly on private patient data. Here, we explore training open-source small multimodal models (SMMs) to bridge competency gaps for unmet clinical needs in radiology. To maximize data efficiency, we adopt a modular approach by incorporating state-of-the-art pre-trained models for image and text modalities, and focusing on training a lightweight adapter to ground each modality to the text embedding space, as exemplified by LLaVA-Med. For training, we assemble a large dataset of over 697 thousand radiology image-text pairs. For evaluation, we propose CheXprompt, a GPT-4-based metric for factuality evaluation, and demonstrate its parity with expert evaluation. For best practice, we conduct a systematic ablation study on various choices in data engineering and multimodal training. The resulting LlaVA-Rad (7B) model attains state-of-the-art results on standard radiology tasks such as report generation and cross-modal retrieval, even outperforming much larger models such as GPT-4V and Med-PaLM M (84B). The inference of LlaVA-Rad is fast and can be performed on a single V100 GPU in private settings, offering a promising state-of-the-art tool for real-world clinical applications.

replace Do Large Language Models Solve ARC Visual Analogies Like People Do?

Authors: Gustaw Opie{\l}ka, Hannes Rosenbusch, Veerle Vijverberg, Claire E. Stevenson

Abstract: The Abstraction Reasoning Corpus (ARC) is a visual analogical reasoning test designed for humans and machines (Chollet, 2019). We compared human and large language model (LLM) performance on a new child-friendly set of ARC items. Results show that both children and adults outperform most LLMs on these tasks. Error analysis revealed a similar "fallback" solution strategy in LLMs and young children, where part of the analogy is simply copied. In addition, we found two other error types, one based on seemingly grasping key concepts (e.g., Inside-Outside) and the other based on simple combinations of analogy input matrices. On the whole, "concept" errors were more common in humans, and "matrix" errors were more common in LLMs. This study sheds new light on LLM reasoning ability and the extent to which we can use error analyses and comparisons with human development to understand how LLMs solve visual analogies.

replace Editing Knowledge Representation of Language Model via Rephrased Prefix Prompts

Authors: Yuchen Cai, Ding Cao, Rongxi Guo, Yaqin Wen, Guiquan Liu, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Neural language models (LMs) have been extensively trained on vast corpora to store factual knowledge about various aspects of the world described in texts. Current technologies typically employ knowledge editing methods or specific prompts to modify LM outputs. However, existing knowledge editing methods are costly and inefficient, struggling to produce appropriate text. Additionally, prompt engineering is opaque and requires significant effort to find suitable prompts. To address these issues, we introduce a new method called PSPEM (Prefix Soft Prompt Editing Method), that can be used for a lifetime with just one training. It resolves the inefficiencies and generalizability issues in knowledge editing methods and overcomes the opacity of prompt engineering by automatically seeking optimal soft prompts. Specifically, PSPEM utilizes a prompt encoder and an encoding converter to refine key information in prompts and uses prompt alignment techniques to guide model generation, ensuring text consistency and adherence to the intended structure and content, thereby maintaining an optimal balance between efficiency and accuracy. We have validated the effectiveness of PSPEM through knowledge editing and attribute inserting. On the COUNTERFACT dataset, PSPEM achieved nearly 100\% editing accuracy and demonstrated the highest level of fluency. We further analyzed the similarities between PSPEM and original prompts and their impact on the model's internals. The results indicate that PSPEM can serve as an alternative to original prompts, supporting the model in effective editing.

replace Will the Real Linda Please Stand Large Language Models? Examining the Representativeness Heuristic in LLMs

Authors: Pengda Wang, Zilin Xiao, Hanjie Chen, Frederick L. Oswald

Abstract: Although large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in "understanding" text and generating human-like text, they may exhibit biases acquired from training data in doing so. Specifically, LLMs may be susceptible to a common cognitive trap in human decision-making called the representativeness heuristic. This is a concept in psychology that refers to judging the likelihood of an event based on how closely it resembles a well-known prototype or typical example versus considering broader facts or statistical evidence. This work investigates the impact of the representativeness heuristic on LLM reasoning. We created ReHeAT (Representativeness Heuristic AI Testing), a dataset containing a series of problems spanning six common types of representativeness heuristics. Experiments reveal that four LLMs applied to REHEAT all exhibited representativeness heuristic biases. We further identify that the model's reasoning steps are often incorrectly based on a stereotype rather than the problem's description. Interestingly, the performance improves when adding a hint in the prompt to remind the model of using its knowledge. This suggests the uniqueness of the representativeness heuristic compared to traditional biases. It can occur even when LLMs possess the correct knowledge while failing in a cognitive trap. This highlights the importance of future research focusing on the representativeness heuristic in model reasoning and decision-making and on developing solutions to address it.

replace Learning to Plan and Generate Text with Citations

Authors: Constanza Fierro, Reinald Kim Amplayo, Fantine Huot, Nicola De Cao, Joshua Maynez, Shashi Narayan, Mirella Lapata

Abstract: The increasing demand for the deployment of LLMs in information-seeking scenarios has spurred efforts in creating verifiable systems, which generate responses to queries along with supporting evidence. In this paper, we explore the attribution capabilities of plan-based models which have been recently shown to improve the faithfulness, grounding, and controllability of generated text. We conceptualize plans as a sequence of questions which serve as blueprints of the generated content and its organization. We propose two attribution models that utilize different variants of blueprints, an abstractive model where questions are generated from scratch, and an extractive model where questions are copied from the input. Experiments on long-form question-answering show that planning consistently improves attribution quality. Moreover, the citations generated by blueprint models are more accurate compared to those obtained from LLM-based pipelines lacking a planning component.

replace Conversational Disease Diagnosis via External Planner-Controlled Large Language Models

Authors: Zhoujian Sun, Cheng Luo, Ziyi Liu, Zhengxing Huang

Abstract: The development of large language models (LLMs) has brought unprecedented possibilities for artificial intelligence (AI) based medical diagnosis. However, the application perspective of LLMs in real diagnostic scenarios is still unclear because they are not adept at collecting patient data proactively. This study presents a LLM-based diagnostic system that enhances planning capabilities by emulating doctors. Our system involves two external planners to handle planning tasks. The first planner employs a reinforcement learning approach to formulate disease screening questions and conduct initial diagnoses. The second planner uses LLMs to parse medical guidelines and conduct differential diagnoses. By utilizing real patient electronic medical record data, we constructed simulated dialogues between virtual patients and doctors and evaluated the diagnostic abilities of our system. We demonstrate that our system significantly surpasses existing models, including GPT-4 Turbo, in both disease screening and differential diagnoses. This research represents a step towards more seamlessly integrating AI into clinical settings, potentially enhancing the accuracy and accessibility of medical diagnostics.

replace NLP Progress in Indigenous Latin American Languages

Authors: Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi, Sabur Butt, Olga Kolesnikova, Hector Ceballos, Alexander Gelbukh, Thamar Solorio

Abstract: The paper focuses on the marginalization of indigenous language communities in the face of rapid technological advancements. We highlight the cultural richness of these languages and the risk they face of being overlooked in the realm of Natural Language Processing (NLP). We aim to bridge the gap between these communities and researchers, emphasizing the need for inclusive technological advancements that respect indigenous community perspectives. We show the NLP progress of indigenous Latin American languages and the survey that covers the status of indigenous languages in Latin America, their representation in NLP, and the challenges and innovations required for their preservation and development. The paper contributes to the current literature in understanding the need and progress of NLP for indigenous communities of Latin America, specifically low-resource and indigenous communities in general.

replace RAR-b: Reasoning as Retrieval Benchmark

Authors: Chenghao Xiao, G Thomas Hudson, Noura Al Moubayed

Abstract: Semantic textual similartiy (STS) and information retrieval tasks (IR) tasks have been the two major avenues to record the progress of embedding models in the past few years. Under the emerging Retrieval-augmented Generation (RAG) paradigm, we envision the need to evaluate next-level language understanding abilities of embedding models, and take a conscious look at the reasoning abilities stored in them. Addressing this, we pose the question: Can retrievers solve reasoning problems? By transforming reasoning tasks into retrieval tasks, we find that without specifically trained for reasoning-level language understanding, current state-of-the-art retriever models may still be far from being competent for playing the role of assisting LLMs, especially in reasoning-intensive tasks. Moreover, albeit trained to be aware of instructions, instruction-aware IR models are often better off without instructions in inference time for reasoning tasks, posing an overlooked retriever-LLM behavioral gap for the research community to align. However, recent decoder-based embedding models show great promise in narrowing the gap, highlighting the pathway for embedding models to achieve reasoning-level language understanding. We also show that, although current off-the-shelf re-ranker models fail on these tasks, injecting reasoning abilities into them through fine-tuning still appears easier than doing so to bi-encoders, and we are able to achieve state-of-the-art performance across all tasks by fine-tuning a reranking model. We release Reasoning as Retrieval Benchmark (RAR-b), a holistic suite of tasks and settings to evaluate the reasoning abilities stored in retriever models. RAR-b is available at


replace Language Imbalance Can Boost Cross-lingual Generalisation

Authors: Anton Sch\"afer, Shauli Ravfogel, Thomas Hofmann, Tiago Pimentel, Imanol Schlag

Abstract: Multilinguality is crucial for extending recent advancements in language modelling to diverse linguistic communities. To maintain high performance while representing multiple languages, multilingual models ideally align representations, allowing what is learned in one language to generalise to others. Prior research has emphasised the importance of parallel data and shared vocabulary elements as key factors for such alignment. In this study, we investigate an unintuitive novel driver of cross-lingual generalisation: language imbalance. In controlled experiments on perfectly equivalent cloned languages, we observe that the existence of a predominant language during training boosts the performance of less frequent languages and leads to stronger alignment of model representations across languages. Furthermore, we find that this trend is amplified with scale: with large enough models or long enough training, we observe that bilingual training data with a 90/10 language split yields better performance on both languages than a balanced 50/50 split. Building on these insights, we design training schemes that can improve performance in all cloned languages, even without altering the training data. As we extend our analysis to real languages, we find that infrequent languages still benefit from frequent ones, yet whether language imbalance causes cross-lingual generalisation there is not conclusive.

replace Talk Too Much: Poisoning Large Language Models under Token Limit

Authors: Jiaming He, Wenbo Jiang, Guanyu Hou, Wenshu Fan, Rui Zhang, Hongwei Li

Abstract: Mainstream poisoning attacks on large language models (LLMs) typically set a fixed trigger in the input instance and specific responses for triggered queries. However, the fixed trigger setting (e.g., unusual words) may be easily detected by human detection, limiting the effectiveness and practicality in real-world scenarios. To enhance the stealthiness of the trigger, we present a poisoning attack against LLMs that is triggered by a generation/output condition-token limitation, which is a commonly adopted strategy by users for reducing costs. The poisoned model performs normally for output without token limitation, while becomes harmful for output with limited tokens. To achieve this objective, we introduce BrieFool, an efficient attack framework. It leverages the characteristics of generation limitation by efficient instruction sampling and poisoning data generation, thereby influencing the behavior of LLMs under target conditions. Our experiments demonstrate that BrieFool is effective across safety domains and knowledge domains. For instance, with only 20 generated poisoning examples against GPT-3.5-turbo, BrieFool achieves a 100% Attack Success Rate (ASR) and a 9.28/10 average Harmfulness Score (HS) under token limitation conditions while maintaining the benign performance.

replace Work Smarter...Not Harder: Efficient Minimization of Dependency Length in SOV Languages

Authors: Sidharth Ranjan, Titus von der Malsburg

Abstract: Dependency length minimization is a universally observed quantitative property of natural languages. However, the extent of dependency length minimization, and the cognitive mechanisms through which the language processor achieves this minimization remain unclear. This research offers mechanistic insights by postulating that moving a short preverbal constituent next to the main verb explains preverbal constituent ordering decisions better than global minimization of dependency length in SOV languages. This approach constitutes a least-effort strategy because it's just one operation but simultaneously reduces the length of all preverbal dependencies linked to the main verb. We corroborate this strategy using large-scale corpus evidence across all seven SOV languages that are prominently represented in the Universal Dependency Treebank. These findings align with the concept of bounded rationality, where decision-making is influenced by 'quick-yet-economical' heuristics rather than exhaustive searches for optimal solutions. Overall, this work sheds light on the role of bounded rationality in linguistic decision-making and language evolution.

replace It Couldn't Help But Overhear: On the Limits of Modelling Meta-Communicative Grounding Acts with Supervised Learning

Authors: Brielen Madureira, David Schlangen

Abstract: Active participation in a conversation is key to building common ground, since understanding is jointly tailored by producers and recipients. Overhearers are deprived of the privilege of performing grounding acts and can only conjecture about intended meanings. Still, data generation and annotation, modelling, training and evaluation of NLP dialogue models place reliance on the overhearing paradigm. How much of the underlying grounding processes are thereby forfeited? As we show, there is evidence pointing to the impossibility of properly modelling human meta-communicative acts with data-driven learning models. In this paper, we discuss this issue and provide a preliminary analysis on the variability of human decisions for requesting clarification. Most importantly, we wish to bring this topic back to the community's table, encouraging discussion on the consequences of having models designed to only "listen in".

replace Text Quality-Based Pruning for Efficient Training of Language Models

Authors: Vasu Sharma, Karthik Padthe, Newsha Ardalani, Kushal Tirumala, Russell Howes, Hu Xu, Po-Yao Huang, Shang-Wen Li, Armen Aghajanyan, Gargi Ghosh, Luke Zettlemoyer

Abstract: In recent times training Language Models (LMs) have relied on computationally heavy training over massive datasets which makes this training process extremely laborious. In this paper we propose a novel method for numerically evaluating text quality in large unlabelled NLP datasets in a model agnostic manner to assign the text instances a "quality score". By proposing the text quality metric, the paper establishes a framework to identify and eliminate low-quality text instances, leading to improved training efficiency for LM models. Experimental results over multiple models and datasets demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, showcasing substantial gains in training effectiveness and highlighting the potential for resource-efficient LM training. For example, we observe an absolute accuracy improvement of 0.9% averaged over 14 downstream evaluation tasks for multiple LM models while using 40% lesser data and training 42% faster when training on the OpenWebText dataset and 0.8% average absolute accuracy improvement while using 20% lesser data and training 21% faster on the Wikipedia dataset.

replace Assessing and Verifying Task Utility in LLM-Powered Applications

Authors: Negar Arabzadeh, Siqing Huo, Nikhil Mehta, Qinqyun Wu, Chi Wang, Ahmed Awadallah, Charles L. A. Clarke, Julia Kiseleva

Abstract: The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to a surge in applications that facilitate collaboration among multiple agents, assisting humans in their daily tasks. However, a significant gap remains in assessing to what extent LLM-powered applications genuinely enhance user experience and task execution efficiency. This highlights the need to verify utility of LLM-powered applications, particularly by ensuring alignment between the application's functionality and end-user needs. We introduce AgentEval, a novel framework designed to simplify the utility verification process by automatically proposing a set of criteria tailored to the unique purpose of any given application. This allows for a comprehensive assessment, quantifying the utility of an application against the suggested criteria. We present a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness and robustness of AgentEval for two open source datasets including Math Problem solving and ALFWorld House-hold related tasks. For reproducibility purposes, we make the data, code and all the logs publicly available at .


replace NegativePrompt: Leveraging Psychology for Large Language Models Enhancement via Negative Emotional Stimuli

Authors: Xu Wang, Cheng Li, Yi Chang, Jindong Wang, Yuan Wu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become integral to a wide spectrum of applications, ranging from traditional computing tasks to advanced artificial intelligence (AI) applications. This widespread adoption has spurred extensive research into LLMs across various disciplines, including the social sciences. Notably, studies have revealed that LLMs possess emotional intelligence, which can be further developed through positive emotional stimuli. This discovery raises an intriguing question: can negative emotions similarly influence LLMs, potentially enhancing their performance? In response to this question, we introduce NegativePrompt, a novel approach underpinned by psychological principles, involving ten specifically designed negative emotional stimuli. We embark on rigorous experimental evaluations of five LLMs including Flan-T5-Large, Vicuna, Llama 2, ChatGPT, and GPT-4, across a set of 45 tasks. The results are revealing: NegativePrompt markedly enhances the performance of LLMs, evidenced by relative improvements of 12.89% in Instruction Induction tasks and 46.25% in BIG-Bench tasks. Moreover, we conduct attention visualization experiments to decipher the underlying mechanisms of NegativePrompt's influence. Our research contributes significantly to the understanding of LLMs and emotion interaction, demonstrating the practical efficacy of NegativePrompt as an emotion-driven method and offering novel insights for the enhancement of LLMs in real-world applications. The code is available at


replace DALK: Dynamic Co-Augmentation of LLMs and KG to answer Alzheimer's Disease Questions with Scientific Literature

Authors: Dawei Li, Shu Yang, Zhen Tan, Jae Young Baik, Sukwon Yun, Joseph Lee, Aaron Chacko, Bojian Hou, Duy Duong-Tran, Ying Ding, Huan Liu, Li Shen, Tianlong Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have achieved promising performances across various applications. Nonetheless, the ongoing challenge of integrating long-tail knowledge continues to impede the seamless adoption of LLMs in specialized domains. In this work, we introduce DALK, a.k.a. Dynamic Co-Augmentation of LLMs and KG, to address this limitation and demonstrate its ability on studying Alzheimer's Disease (AD), a specialized sub-field in biomedicine and a global health priority. With a synergized framework of LLM and KG mutually enhancing each other, we first leverage LLM to construct an evolving AD-specific knowledge graph (KG) sourced from AD-related scientific literature, and then we utilize a coarse-to-fine sampling method with a novel self-aware knowledge retrieval approach to select appropriate knowledge from the KG to augment LLM inference capabilities. The experimental results, conducted on our constructed AD question answering (ADQA) benchmark, underscore the efficacy of DALK. Additionally, we perform a series of detailed analyses that can offer valuable insights and guidelines for the emerging topic of mutually enhancing KG and LLM. We will release the code and data at


replace Krey\`ol-MT: Building MT for Latin American, Caribbean and Colonial African Creole Languages

Authors: Nathaniel R. Robinson, Raj Dabre, Ammon Shurtz, Rasul Dent, Onenamiyi Onesi, Claire Bizon Monroc, Lo\"ic Grobol, Hasan Muhammad, Ashi Garg, Naome A. Etori, Vijay Murari Tiyyala, Olanrewaju Samuel, Matthew Dean Stutzman, Bismarck Bamfo Odoom, Sanjeev Khudanpur, Stephen D. Richardson, Kenton Murray

Abstract: A majority of language technologies are tailored for a small number of high-resource languages, while relatively many low-resource languages are neglected. One such group, Creole languages, have long been marginalized in academic study, though their speakers could benefit from machine translation (MT). These languages are predominantly used in much of Latin America, Africa and the Caribbean. We present the largest cumulative dataset to date for Creole language MT, including 14.5M unique Creole sentences with parallel translations -- 11.6M of which we release publicly, and the largest bitexts gathered to date for 41 languages -- the first ever for 21. In addition, we provide MT models supporting all 41 Creole languages in 172 translation directions. Given our diverse dataset, we produce a model for Creole language MT exposed to more genre diversity than ever before, which outperforms a genre-specific Creole MT model on its own benchmark for 26 of 34 translation directions.

replace Poser: Unmasking Alignment Faking LLMs by Manipulating Their Internals

Authors: Joshua Clymer, Caden Juang, Severin Field

Abstract: Like a criminal under investigation, Large Language Models (LLMs) might pretend to be aligned while evaluated and misbehave when they have a good opportunity. Can current interpretability methods catch these 'alignment fakers?' To answer this question, we introduce a benchmark that consists of 324 pairs of LLMs fine-tuned to select actions in role-play scenarios. One model in each pair is consistently benign (aligned). The other model misbehaves in scenarios where it is unlikely to be caught (alignment faking). The task is to identify the alignment faking model using only inputs where the two models behave identically. We test five detection strategies, one of which identifies 98% of alignment-fakers.

replace Does Fine-Tuning LLMs on New Knowledge Encourage Hallucinations?

Authors: Zorik Gekhman, Gal Yona, Roee Aharoni, Matan Eyal, Amir Feder, Roi Reichart, Jonathan Herzig

Abstract: When large language models are aligned via supervised fine-tuning, they may encounter new factual information that was not acquired through pre-training. It is often conjectured that this can teach the model the behavior of hallucinating factually incorrect responses, as the model is trained to generate facts that are not grounded in its pre-existing knowledge. In this work, we study the impact of such exposure to new knowledge on the capability of the fine-tuned model to utilize its pre-existing knowledge. To this end, we design a controlled setup, focused on closed-book QA, where we vary the proportion of the fine-tuning examples that introduce new knowledge. We demonstrate that large language models struggle to acquire new factual knowledge through fine-tuning, as fine-tuning examples that introduce new knowledge are learned significantly slower than those consistent with the model's knowledge. However, we also find that as the examples with new knowledge are eventually learned, they linearly increase the model's tendency to hallucinate. Taken together, our results highlight the risk in introducing new factual knowledge through fine-tuning, and support the view that large language models mostly acquire factual knowledge through pre-training, whereas fine-tuning teaches them to use it more efficiently.

replace LLM Discussion: Enhancing the Creativity of Large Language Models via Discussion Framework and Role-Play

Authors: Li-Chun Lu, Shou-Jen Chen, Tsung-Min Pai, Chan-Hung Yu, Hung-yi Lee, Shao-Hua Sun

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown exceptional proficiency in natural language processing but often fall short of generating creative and original responses to open-ended questions. To enhance LLM creativity, our key insight is to emulate the human process of inducing collective creativity through engaging discussions with participants from diverse backgrounds and perspectives. To this end, we propose LLM Discussion, a three-phase discussion framework that facilitates vigorous and diverging idea exchanges and ensures convergence to creative answers. Moreover, we adopt a role-playing technique by assigning distinct roles to LLMs to combat the homogeneity of LLMs. We evaluate the efficacy of the proposed framework with the Alternative Uses Test, Similarities Test, Instances Test, and Scientific Creativity Test through both LLM evaluation and human study. Our proposed framework outperforms single-LLM approaches and existing multi-LLM frameworks across various creativity metrics.

replace-cross Log-linear Guardedness and its Implications

Authors: Shauli Ravfogel, Yoav Goldberg, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Methods for erasing human-interpretable concepts from neural representations that assume linearity have been found to be tractable and useful. However, the impact of this removal on the behavior of downstream classifiers trained on the modified representations is not fully understood. In this work, we formally define the notion of log-linear guardedness as the inability of an adversary to predict the concept directly from the representation, and study its implications. We show that, in the binary case, under certain assumptions, a downstream log-linear model cannot recover the erased concept. However, we demonstrate that a multiclass log-linear model \emph{can} be constructed that indirectly recovers the concept in some cases, pointing to the inherent limitations of log-linear guardedness as a downstream bias mitigation technique. These findings shed light on the theoretical limitations of linear erasure methods and highlight the need for further research on the connections between intrinsic and extrinsic bias in neural models.

replace-cross FIRE: Food Image to REcipe generation

Authors: Prateek Chhikara, Dhiraj Chaurasia, Yifan Jiang, Omkar Masur, Filip Ilievski

Abstract: Food computing has emerged as a prominent multidisciplinary field of research in recent years. An ambitious goal of food computing is to develop end-to-end intelligent systems capable of autonomously producing recipe information for a food image. Current image-to-recipe methods are retrieval-based and their success depends heavily on the dataset size and diversity, as well as the quality of learned embeddings. Meanwhile, the emergence of powerful attention-based vision and language models presents a promising avenue for accurate and generalizable recipe generation, which has yet to be extensively explored. This paper proposes FIRE, a novel multimodal methodology tailored to recipe generation in the food computing domain, which generates the food title, ingredients, and cooking instructions based on input food images. FIRE leverages the BLIP model to generate titles, utilizes a Vision Transformer with a decoder for ingredient extraction, and employs the T5 model to generate recipes incorporating titles and ingredients as inputs. We showcase two practical applications that can benefit from integrating FIRE with large language model prompting: recipe customization to fit recipes to user preferences and recipe-to-code transformation to enable automated cooking processes. Our experimental findings validate the efficacy of our proposed approach, underscoring its potential for future advancements and widespread adoption in food computing.

replace-cross The Janus Interface: How Fine-Tuning in Large Language Models Amplifies the Privacy Risks

Authors: Xiaoyi Chen, Siyuan Tang, Rui Zhu, Shijun Yan, Lei Jin, Zihao Wang, Liya Su, Zhikun Zhang, XiaoFeng Wang, Haixu Tang

Abstract: The rapid advancements of large language models (LLMs) have raised public concerns about the privacy leakage of personally identifiable information (PII) within their extensive training datasets. Recent studies have demonstrated that an adversary could extract highly sensitive privacy data from the training data of LLMs with carefully designed prompts. However, these attacks suffer from the model's tendency to hallucinate and catastrophic forgetting (CF) in the pre-training stage, rendering the veracity of divulged PIIs negligible. In our research, we propose a novel attack, Janus, which exploits the fine-tuning interface to recover forgotten PIIs from the pre-training data in LLMs. We formalize the privacy leakage problem in LLMs and explain why forgotten PIIs can be recovered through empirical analysis on open-source language models. Based upon these insights, we evaluate the performance of Janus on both open-source language models and two latest LLMs, i.e., GPT-3.5-Turbo and LLaMA-2-7b. Our experiment results show that Janus amplifies the privacy risks by over 10 times in comparison with the baseline and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art privacy extraction attacks including prefix attacks and in-context learning (ICL). Furthermore, our analysis validates that existing fine-tuning APIs provided by OpenAI and Azure AI Studio are susceptible to our Janus attack, allowing an adversary to conduct such an attack at a low cost.

replace-cross Hijacking Context in Large Multi-modal Models

Authors: Joonhyun Jeong

Abstract: Recently, Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) have demonstrated their ability to understand the visual contents of images given the instructions regarding the images. Built upon the Large Language Models (LLMs), LMMs also inherit their abilities and characteristics such as in-context learning where a coherent sequence of images and texts are given as the input prompt. However, we identify a new limitation of off-the-shelf LMMs where a small fraction of incoherent images or text descriptions mislead LMMs to only generate biased output about the hijacked context, not the originally intended context. To address this, we propose a pre-filtering method that removes irrelevant contexts via GPT-4V, based on its robustness towards distribution shift within the contexts. We further investigate whether replacing the hijacked visual and textual contexts with the correlated ones via GPT-4V and text-to-image models can help yield coherent responses.

replace-cross LocMoE: A Low-Overhead MoE for Large Language Model Training

Authors: Jing Li, Zhijie Sun, Xuan He, Li Zeng, Yi Lin, Entong Li, Binfan Zheng, Rongqian Zhao, Xin Chen

Abstract: The Mixtures-of-Experts (MoE) model is a widespread distributed and integrated learning method for large language models (LLM), which is favored due to its ability to sparsify and expand models efficiently. However, the performance of MoE is limited by load imbalance and high latency of All-to-All communication, along with relatively redundant computation owing to large expert capacity. Load imbalance may result from existing routing policies that consistently tend to select certain experts. The frequent inter-node communication in the All-to-All procedure also significantly prolongs the training time. To alleviate the above performance problems, we propose a novel routing strategy that combines load balance and locality by converting partial inter-node communication to that of intra-node. Notably, we elucidate that there is a minimum threshold for expert capacity, calculated through the maximal angular deviation between the gating weights of the experts and the assigned tokens. We port these modifications on the PanGu-Sigma model based on the MindSpore framework with multi-level routing and conduct experiments on Ascend clusters. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed LocMoE reduces training time per epoch by 12.68% to 22.24% compared to classical routers, such as hash router and switch router, without impacting the model accuracy.

replace-cross Mercury: An Efficiency Benchmark for LLM Code Synthesis

Authors: Mingzhe Du, Anh Tuan Luu, Bin Ji, Qian Liu, See-Kiong Ng

Abstract: Amidst the recent strides in evaluating Large Language Models for Code (Code-LLMs), existing benchmarks have mainly focused on functional correctness, overlooking the importance of computational efficiency. To fill the gap, we present Mercury, the first computational efficiency benchmark for Code-LLMs. It comprises 1,889 Python tasks, each with adequate solutions to support a runtime distribution. Based on the distribution, we introduce a new metric Beyond, which computes a runtime-percentile-weighted Pass score to reflect functional correctness and computational efficiency simultaneously. On Mercury, leading Code-LLMs can achieve 67% on Pass, while less than 50% on Beyond. Given that an ideal Beyond score would be aligned with the Pass score, it indicates that while Code-LLMs exhibit impressive capabilities in generating functionally correct code, there remains a notable gap in their efficiency. Finally, our empirical experiments reveal that Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) serves as a robust baseline for enhancing computational efficiency compared with Supervised Fine Tuning (SFT), which paves a promising avenue for future exploration of efficient code generation.

replace-cross Sketch Then Generate: Providing Incremental User Feedback and Guiding LLM Code Generation through Language-Oriented Code Sketches

Authors: Chen Zhu-Tian, Zeyu Xiong, Xiaoshuo Yao, Elena Glassman

Abstract: Crafting effective prompts for code generation or editing with Large Language Models (LLMs) is not an easy task. Particularly, the absence of immediate, stable feedback during prompt crafting hinders effective interaction, as users are left to mentally imagine possible outcomes until the code is generated. In response, we introduce Language-Oriented Code Sketching, an interactive approach that provides instant, incremental feedback in the form of code sketches (i.e., incomplete code outlines) during prompt crafting. This approach converts a prompt into a code sketch by leveraging the inherent linguistic structures within the prompt and applying classic natural language processing techniques. The sketch then serves as an intermediate placeholder that not only previews the intended code structure but also guides the LLM towards the desired code, thereby enhancing human-LLM interaction. We conclude by discussing the approach's applicability and future plans.

replace-cross SKVQ: Sliding-window Key and Value Cache Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Haojie Duanmu, Zhihang Yuan, Xiuhong Li, Jiangfei Duan, Xingcheng Zhang, Dahua Lin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can now handle longer sequences of tokens, enabling complex tasks like book understanding and generating lengthy novels. However, the key-value (KV) cache required for LLMs consumes substantial memory as context length increasing, becoming the bottleneck for deployment. In this paper, we present a strategy called SKVQ, which stands for sliding-window KV cache quantization, to address the issue of extremely low bitwidth KV cache quantization. To achieve this, SKVQ rearranges the channels of the KV cache in order to improve the similarity of channels in quantization groups, and applies clipped dynamic quantization at the group level. Additionally, SKVQ ensures that the most recent window tokens in the KV cache are preserved with high precision. This helps maintain the accuracy of a small but important portion of the KV cache.SKVQ achieves high compression ratios while maintaining accuracy. Our evaluation on LLMs demonstrates that SKVQ surpasses previous quantization approaches, allowing for quantization of the KV cache to 2-bit keys and 1.5-bit values with minimal loss of accuracy. With SKVQ, it is possible to process context lengths of up to 1M on an 80GB memory GPU for a 7b model and up to 7 times faster decoding.