new When factorization meets argumentation: towards argumentative explanations

Authors: Jinfeng Zhong, Elsa Negre

Abstract: Factorization-based models have gained popularity since the Netflix challenge {(2007)}. Since that, various factorization-based models have been developed and these models have been proven to be efficient in predicting users' ratings towards items. A major concern is that explaining the recommendations generated by such methods is non-trivial because the explicit meaning of the latent factors they learn are not always clear. In response, we propose a novel model that combines factorization-based methods with argumentation frameworks (AFs). The integration of AFs provides clear meaning at each stage of the model, enabling it to produce easily understandable explanations for its recommendations. In this model, for every user-item interaction, an AF is defined in which the features of items are considered as arguments, and the users' ratings towards these features determine the strength and polarity of these arguments. This perspective allows our model to treat feature attribution as a structured argumentation procedure, where each calculation is marked with explicit meaning, enhancing its inherent interpretability. Additionally, our framework seamlessly incorporates side information, such as user contexts, leading to more accurate predictions. We anticipate at least three practical applications for our model: creating explanation templates, providing interactive explanations, and generating contrastive explanations. Through testing on real-world datasets, we have found that our model, along with its variants, not only surpasses existing argumentation-based methods but also competes effectively with current context-free and context-aware methods.

cross BubbleID: A Deep Learning Framework for Bubble Interface Dynamics Analysis

Authors: Christy Dunlap, Changgen Li, Hari Pandey, Ngan Le, Han Hu

Abstract: This paper presents BubbleID, a sophisticated deep learning architecture designed to comprehensively identify both static and dynamic attributes of bubbles within sequences of boiling images. By amalgamating segmentation powered by Mask R-CNN with SORT-based tracking techniques, the framework is capable of analyzing each bubble's location, dimensions, interface shape, and velocity over its lifetime, and capturing dynamic events such as bubble departure. BubbleID is trained and tested on boiling images across diverse heater surfaces and operational settings. This paper also offers a comparative analysis of bubble interface dynamics prior to and post-critical heat flux (CHF) conditions.

cross Graphon Mean Field Games with A Representative Player: Analysis and Learning Algorithm

Authors: Fuzhong Zhou, Chenyu Zhang, Xu Chen, Xuan Di

Abstract: We propose a discrete-time graphon game formulation on continuous state and action spaces using a representative player to study stochastic games with heterogeneous interaction among agents. This formulation admits both philosophical and mathematical advantages, compared to a widely adopted formulation using a continuum of players. We prove the existence and uniqueness of the graphon equilibrium with mild assumptions, and show that this equilibrium can be used to construct an approximate solution for finite player game on networks, which is challenging to analyze and solve due to curse of dimensionality. An online oracle-free learning algorithm is developed to solve the equilibrium numerically, and sample complexity analysis is provided for its convergence.

cross People cannot distinguish GPT-4 from a human in a Turing test

Authors: Cameron R. Jones, Benjamin K. Bergen

Abstract: We evaluated 3 systems (ELIZA, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) in a randomized, controlled, and preregistered Turing test. Human participants had a 5 minute conversation with either a human or an AI, and judged whether or not they thought their interlocutor was human. GPT-4 was judged to be a human 54% of the time, outperforming ELIZA (22%) but lagging behind actual humans (67%). The results provide the first robust empirical demonstration that any artificial system passes an interactive 2-player Turing test. The results have implications for debates around machine intelligence and, more urgently, suggest that deception by current AI systems may go undetected. Analysis of participants' strategies and reasoning suggests that stylistic and socio-emotional factors play a larger role in passing the Turing test than traditional notions of intelligence.

cross Iris: An AI-Driven Virtual Tutor For Computer Science Education

Authors: Patrick Bassner, Eduard Frankford, Stephan Krusche

Abstract: Integrating AI-driven tools in higher education is an emerging area with transformative potential. This paper introduces Iris, a chat-based virtual tutor integrated into the interactive learning platform Artemis that offers personalized, context-aware assistance in large-scale educational settings. Iris supports computer science students by guiding them through programming exercises and is designed to act as a tutor in a didactically meaningful way. Its calibrated assistance avoids revealing complete solutions, offering subtle hints or counter-questions to foster independent problem-solving skills. For each question, it issues multiple prompts in a Chain-of-Thought to GPT-3.5-Turbo. The prompts include a tutor role description and examples of meaningful answers through few-shot learning. Iris employs contextual awareness by accessing the problem statement, student code, and automated feedback to provide tailored advice. An empirical evaluation shows that students perceive Iris as effective because it understands their questions, provides relevant support, and contributes to the learning process. While students consider Iris a valuable tool for programming exercises and homework, they also feel confident solving programming tasks in computer-based exams without Iris. The findings underscore students' appreciation for Iris' immediate and personalized support, though students predominantly view it as a complement to, rather than a replacement for, human tutors. Nevertheless, Iris creates a space for students to ask questions without being judged by others.

cross A Survey of Large Language Models for Graphs

Authors: Xubin Ren, Jiabin Tang, Dawei Yin, Nitesh Chawla, Chao Huang

Abstract: Graphs are an essential data structure utilized to represent relationships in real-world scenarios. Prior research has established that Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) deliver impressive outcomes in graph-centric tasks, such as link prediction and node classification. Despite these advancements, challenges like data sparsity and limited generalization capabilities continue to persist. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained attention in natural language processing. They excel in language comprehension and summarization. Integrating LLMs with graph learning techniques has attracted interest as a way to enhance performance in graph learning tasks. In this survey, we conduct an in-depth review of the latest state-of-the-art LLMs applied in graph learning and introduce a novel taxonomy to categorize existing methods based on their framework design. We detail four unique designs: i) GNNs as Prefix, ii) LLMs as Prefix, iii) LLMs-Graphs Integration, and iv) LLMs-Only, highlighting key methodologies within each category. We explore the strengths and limitations of each framework, and emphasize potential avenues for future research, including overcoming current integration challenges between LLMs and graph learning techniques, and venturing into new application areas. This survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners eager to leverage large language models in graph learning, and to inspire continued progress in this dynamic field. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at \url{}.


cross CTRL: Continuous-Time Representation Learning on Temporal Heterogeneous Information Network

Authors: Chenglin Li, Yuanzhen Xie, Chenyun Yu, Lei Cheng, Bo Hu, Zang Li, Di Niu

Abstract: Inductive representation learning on temporal heterogeneous graphs is crucial for scalable deep learning on heterogeneous information networks (HINs) which are time-varying, such as citation networks. However, most existing approaches are not inductive and thus cannot handle new nodes or edges. Moreover, previous temporal graph embedding methods are often trained with the temporal link prediction task to simulate the link formation process of temporal graphs, while ignoring the evolution of high-order topological structures on temporal graphs. To fill these gaps, we propose a Continuous-Time Representation Learning (CTRL) model on temporal HINs. To preserve heterogeneous node features and temporal structures, CTRL integrates three parts in a single layer, they are 1) a \emph{heterogeneous attention} unit that measures the semantic correlation between nodes, 2) a \emph{edge-based Hawkes process} to capture temporal influence between heterogeneous nodes, and 3) \emph{dynamic centrality} that indicates the dynamic importance of a node. We train the CTRL model with a future event (a subgraph) prediction task to capture the evolution of the high-order network structure. Extensive experiments have been conducted on three benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that our model significantly boosts performance and outperforms various state-of-the-art approaches. Ablation studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model design.

cross A Methodology-Oriented Study of Catastrophic Forgetting in Incremental Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Ashutosh Kumar, Sonali Agarwal, D Jude Hemanth

Abstract: Human being and different species of animals having the skills to gather, transferring knowledge, processing, fine-tune and generating information throughout their lifetime. The ability of learning throughout their lifespan is referred as continuous learning which is using neurocognition mechanism. Consequently, in real world computational system of incremental learning autonomous agents also needs such continuous learning mechanism which provide retrieval of information and long-term memory consolidation. However, the main challenge in artificial intelligence is that the incremental learning of the autonomous agent when new data confronted. In such scenarios, the main concern is catastrophic forgetting(CF), i.e., while learning the sequentially, neural network underfits the old data when it confronted with new data. To tackle this CF problem many numerous studied have been proposed, however it is very difficult to compare their performance due to dissimilarity in their evaluation mechanism. Here we focus on the comparison of all algorithms which are having similar type of evaluation mechanism. Here we are comparing three types of incremental learning methods: (1) Exemplar based methods, (2) Memory based methods, and (3) Network based method. In this survey paper, methodology oriented study for catastrophic forgetting in incremental deep neural network is addressed. Furthermore, it contains the mathematical overview of impact-full methods which can be help researchers to deal with CF.

cross Translating Expert Intuition into Quantifiable Features: Encode Investigator Domain Knowledge via LLM for Enhanced Predictive Analytics

Authors: Phoebe Jing, Yijing Gao, Yuanhang Zhang, Xianlong Zeng

Abstract: In the realm of predictive analytics, the nuanced domain knowledge of investigators often remains underutilized, confined largely to subjective interpretations and ad hoc decision-making. This paper explores the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to bridge this gap by systematically converting investigator-derived insights into quantifiable, actionable features that enhance model performance. We present a framework that leverages LLMs' natural language understanding capabilities to encode these red flags into a structured feature set that can be readily integrated into existing predictive models. Through a series of case studies, we demonstrate how this approach not only preserves the critical human expertise within the investigative process but also scales the impact of this knowledge across various prediction tasks. The results indicate significant improvements in risk assessment and decision-making accuracy, highlighting the value of blending human experiential knowledge with advanced machine learning techniques. This study paves the way for more sophisticated, knowledge-driven analytics in fields where expert insight is paramount.

cross AdaKD: Dynamic Knowledge Distillation of ASR models using Adaptive Loss Weighting

Authors: Shreyan Ganguly, Roshan Nayak, Rakshith Rao, Ujan Deb, Prathosh AP

Abstract: Knowledge distillation, a widely used model compression technique, works on the basis of transferring knowledge from a cumbersome teacher model to a lightweight student model. The technique involves jointly optimizing the task specific and knowledge distillation losses with a weight assigned to them. Despite these weights playing a crucial role in the performance of the distillation process, current methods provide equal weight to both losses, leading to suboptimal performance. In this paper, we propose Adaptive Knowledge Distillation, a novel technique inspired by curriculum learning to adaptively weigh the losses at instance level. This technique goes by the notion that sample difficulty increases with teacher loss. Our method follows a plug-and-play paradigm that can be applied on top of any task-specific and distillation objectives. Experiments show that our method performs better than conventional knowledge distillation method and existing instance-level loss functions.

cross Automating Data Annotation under Strategic Human Agents: Risks and Potential Solutions

Authors: Tian Xie, Xueru Zhang

Abstract: As machine learning (ML) models are increasingly used in social domains to make consequential decisions about humans, they often have the power to reshape data distributions. Humans, as strategic agents, continuously adapt their behaviors in response to the learning system. As populations change dynamically, ML systems may need frequent updates to ensure high performance. However, acquiring high-quality human-annotated samples can be highly challenging and even infeasible in social domains. A common practice to address this issue is using the model itself to annotate unlabeled data samples. This paper investigates the long-term impacts when ML models are retrained with model-annotated samples when they incorporate human strategic responses. We first formalize the interactions between strategic agents and the model and then analyze how they evolve under such dynamic interactions. We find that agents are increasingly likely to receive positive decisions as the model gets retrained, whereas the proportion of agents with positive labels may decrease over time. We thus propose a refined retraining process to stabilize the dynamics. Last, we examine how algorithmic fairness can be affected by these retraining processes and find that enforcing common fairness constraints at every round may not benefit the disadvantaged group in the long run. Experiments on (semi-)synthetic and real data validate the theoretical findings.

cross PHUDGE: Phi-3 as Scalable Judge

Authors: Mahesh Deshwal, Apoorva Chawla

Abstract: In this paper cum technical report, we present PHUDGE A fine tuned Phi3 model that achieved SOTA results in 4 tasks as Feedback Test, Feedback OOD, MT Human, Preference Test surpassing each and every existing model in latency and throughput. It shows very strong correlation not only with GPT4 but with Human annotators too in unseen data as well as in both absolute and relative grading tasks. We have not only addressed the usage of small LMs for cost effective production grade systems but have also shown that Causal modelling is not only slow in nature but sometimes it can hinder models learning capabilities and should be replaced by simpler tasks whenever we can to make the overall system faster and better. We show that by following systematic ML experimentation, thoughtful data augmentation and re purposing the problem itself, we can even beat 10x bigger models even with lesser training data. To the best of our knowledge, we are re the first one to experiment and showcase the usage of generalised version of Earth Movers Distance AKA Wasserstein distance by using Minkowski Distance with a penalty to control loss smoothing and can be used as a loss function instead of Cross Entropy to get stable training and better results for grading tasks.

cross HGTDR: Advancing Drug Repurposing with Heterogeneous Graph Transformers

Authors: Ali Gharizadeh, Karim Abbasi, Amin Ghareyazi, Mohammad R. K. Mofrad, Hamid R. Rabiee

Abstract: Motivation: Drug repurposing is a viable solution for reducing the time and cost associated with drug development. However, thus far, the proposed drug repurposing approaches still need to meet expectations. Therefore, it is crucial to offer a systematic approach for drug repurposing to achieve cost savings and enhance human lives. In recent years, using biological network-based methods for drug repurposing has generated promising results. Nevertheless, these methods have limitations. Primarily, the scope of these methods is generally limited concerning the size and variety of data they can effectively handle. Another issue arises from the treatment of heterogeneous data, which needs to be addressed or converted into homogeneous data, leading to a loss of information. A significant drawback is that most of these approaches lack end-to-end functionality, necessitating manual implementation and expert knowledge in certain stages. Results: We propose a new solution, HGTDR (Heterogeneous Graph Transformer for Drug Repurposing), to address the challenges associated with drug repurposing. HGTDR is a three-step approach for knowledge graph-based drug re-purposing: 1) constructing a heterogeneous knowledge graph, 2) utilizing a heterogeneous graph transformer network, and 3) computing relationship scores using a fully connected network. By leveraging HGTDR, users gain the ability to manipulate input graphs, extract information from diverse entities, and obtain their desired output. In the evaluation step, we demonstrate that HGTDR performs comparably to previous methods. Furthermore, we review medical studies to validate our method's top ten drug repurposing suggestions, which have exhibited promising results. We also demon-strated HGTDR's capability to predict other types of relations through numerical and experimental validation, such as drug-protein and disease-protein inter-relations.

cross Exploring the Potential of Conversational AI Support for Agent-Based Social Simulation Model Design

Authors: Peer-Olaf Siebers

Abstract: ChatGPT, the AI-powered chatbot with a massive user base of hundreds of millions, has become a global phenomenon. However, the use of Conversational AI Systems (CAISs) like ChatGPT for research in the field of Social Simulation is still limited. Specifically, there is no evidence of its usage in Agent-Based Social Simulation (ABSS) model design. While scepticism towards anything new is inherent to human nature, we firmly believe it is imperative to initiate the use of this innovative technology to support ABSS model design. This paper presents a proof-of-concept that demonstrates how CAISs can facilitate the development of innovative conceptual ABSS models in a concise timeframe and with minimal required upfront case-based knowledge. By employing advanced prompt engineering techniques and adhering to the Engineering ABSS framework, we have constructed a comprehensive prompt script that enables the design of ABSS models with or by the CAIS. The effectiveness of the script is demonstrated through an illustrative case study concerning the use of adaptive architecture in museums. Despite occasional inaccuracies and divergences in conversation, the CAIS proved to be a valuable companion for ABSS modellers.

cross A LLM-based Controllable, Scalable, Human-Involved User Simulator Framework for Conversational Recommender Systems

Authors: Lixi Zhu, Xiaowen Huang, Jitao Sang

Abstract: Conversational Recommender System (CRS) leverages real-time feedback from users to dynamically model their preferences, thereby enhancing the system's ability to provide personalized recommendations and improving the overall user experience. CRS has demonstrated significant promise, prompting researchers to concentrate their efforts on developing user simulators that are both more realistic and trustworthy. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has marked the onset of a new epoch in computational capabilities, exhibiting human-level intelligence in various tasks. Research efforts have been made to utilize LLMs for building user simulators to evaluate the performance of CRS. Although these efforts showcase innovation, they are accompanied by certain limitations. In this work, we introduce a Controllable, Scalable, and Human-Involved (CSHI) simulator framework that manages the behavior of user simulators across various stages via a plugin manager. CSHI customizes the simulation of user behavior and interactions to provide a more lifelike and convincing user interaction experience. Through experiments and case studies in two conversational recommendation scenarios, we show that our framework can adapt to a variety of conversational recommendation settings and effectively simulate users' personalized preferences. Consequently, our simulator is able to generate feedback that closely mirrors that of real users. This facilitates a reliable assessment of existing CRS studies and promotes the creation of high-quality conversational recommendation datasets.

cross POWQMIX: Weighted Value Factorization with Potentially Optimal Joint Actions Recognition for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chang Huang, Junqiao Zhao, Shatong Zhu, Hongtu Zhou, Chen Ye, Tiantian Feng, Changjun Jiang

Abstract: Value function factorization methods are commonly used in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, with QMIX receiving significant attention. Many QMIX-based methods introduce monotonicity constraints between the joint action value and individual action values to achieve decentralized execution. However, such constraints limit the representation capacity of value factorization, restricting the joint action values it can represent and hindering the learning of the optimal policy. To address this challenge, we propose the Potentially Optimal joint actions Weighted QMIX (POWQMIX) algorithm, which recognizes the potentially optimal joint actions and assigns higher weights to the corresponding losses of these joint actions during training. We theoretically prove that with such a weighted training approach the optimal policy is guaranteed to be recovered. Experiments in matrix games, predator-prey, and StarCraft II Multi-Agent Challenge environments demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art value-based multi-agent reinforcement learning methods.

cross Layout Generation Agents with Large Language Models

Authors: Yuichi Sasazawa, Yasuhiro Sogawa

Abstract: In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for customizable 3D virtual spaces. Due to the significant human effort required to create these virtual spaces, there is a need for efficiency in virtual space creation. While existing studies have proposed methods for automatically generating layouts such as floor plans and furniture arrangements, these methods only generate text indicating the layout structure based on user instructions, without utilizing the information obtained during the generation process. In this study, we propose an agent-driven layout generation system using the GPT-4V multimodal large language model and validate its effectiveness. Specifically, the language model manipulates agents to sequentially place objects in the virtual space, thus generating layouts that reflect user instructions. Experimental results confirm that our proposed method can generate virtual spaces reflecting user instructions with a high success rate. Additionally, we successfully identified elements contributing to the improvement in behavior generation performance through ablation study.

cross Feature Expansion and enhanced Compression for Class Incremental Learning

Authors: Quentin Ferdinand (ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC\_MATRIX), Gilles Le Chenadec (ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC\_MATRIX), Benoit Clement (CROSSING, ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC\_MATRIX), Panagiotis Papadakis (Lab-STICC\_RAMBO, IMT Atlantique - INFO), Quentin Oliveau

Abstract: Class incremental learning consists in training discriminative models to classify an increasing number of classes over time. However, doing so using only the newly added class data leads to the known problem of catastrophic forgetting of the previous classes. Recently, dynamic deep learning architectures have been shown to exhibit a better stability-plasticity trade-off by dynamically adding new feature extractors to the model in order to learn new classes followed by a compression step to scale the model back to its original size, thus avoiding a growing number of parameters. In this context, we propose a new algorithm that enhances the compression of previous class knowledge by cutting and mixing patches of previous class samples with the new images during compression using our Rehearsal-CutMix method. We show that this new data augmentation reduces catastrophic forgetting by specifically targeting past class information and improving its compression. Extensive experiments performed on the CIFAR and ImageNet datasets under diverse incremental learning evaluation protocols demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art . The code will be made available upon publication of our work.

cross DeepFMEA -- A Scalable Framework Harmonizing Process Expertise and Data-Driven PHM

Authors: Christoph Netsch, Till Sch\"ope, Benedikt Schindele, Joyam Jayakumar

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) based prognostics and health monitoring (PHM) tools provide new opportunities for manufacturers to operate and maintain their equipment in a risk-optimized manner and utilize it more sustainably along its lifecycle. Yet, in most industrial settings, data is often limited in quantity, and its quality can be inconsistent - both critical for developing and operating reliable ML models. To bridge this gap in practice, successfully industrialized PHM tools rely on the introduction of domain expertise as a prior, to enable sufficiently accurate predictions, while enhancing their interpretability. Thus, a key challenge while developing data-driven PHM tools involves translating the experience and process knowledge of maintenance personnel, development, and service engineers into a data structure. This structure must not only capture the diversity and variability of the expertise but also render this knowledge accessible for various data-driven algorithms. This results in data models that are heavily tailored towards a specific application and the failure modes the development team aims to detect or predict. The lack of a standardized approach limits developments' extensibility to new failure modes, their transferability to new applications, and it inhibits the utilization of standard data management and MLOps tools, increasing the burden on the development team. DeepFMEA draws inspiration from the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in its structured approach to the analysis of any technical system and the resulting standardized data model, while considering aspects that are crucial to capturing process and maintenance expertise in a way that is both intuitive to domain experts and the resulting information can be introduced as priors to ML algorithms.

cross LLAniMAtion: LLAMA Driven Gesture Animation

Authors: Jonathan Windle, Iain Matthews, Sarah Taylor

Abstract: Co-speech gesturing is an important modality in conversation, providing context and social cues. In character animation, appropriate and synchronised gestures add realism, and can make interactive agents more engaging. Historically, methods for automatically generating gestures were predominantly audio-driven, exploiting the prosodic and speech-related content that is encoded in the audio signal. In this paper we instead experiment with using LLM features for gesture generation that are extracted from text using LLAMA2. We compare against audio features, and explore combining the two modalities in both objective tests and a user study. Surprisingly, our results show that LLAMA2 features on their own perform significantly better than audio features and that including both modalities yields no significant difference to using LLAMA2 features in isolation. We demonstrate that the LLAMA2 based model can generate both beat and semantic gestures without any audio input, suggesting LLMs can provide rich encodings that are well suited for gesture generation.

cross Mitigating federated learning contribution allocation instability through randomized aggregation

Authors: Arno Geimer, Beltran Fiz, Radu State

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a novel collaborative machine learning framework designed to preserve privacy while enabling the creation of robust models. This paradigm addresses a growing need for data security by allowing multiple participants to contribute to a model without exposing their individual datasets. A pivotal issue within this framework, however, concerns the fair and accurate attribution of contributions from various participants to the creation of the joint global model. Incorrect contribution distribution can erode trust among participants, result in inequitable compensation, and ultimately diminish the willingness of parties to engage or actively contribute to the federation. While several methods for remunerating participants have been proposed, little attention was given to the analysis of the stability of these methods when evaluating contributions, which is critical to ensure the long-term viability and fairness of FL systems. In this paper, we analyse this stability through the calculation of contributions by gradient-based model reconstruction techniques with Shapley values. Our investigation reveals that Shapley values fail to reflect baseline contributions, especially when employing different aggregation techniques. To address this issue, we extend on established aggregation techniques by introducing FedRandom, which is designed to sample contributions in a more equitable and distributed manner. We demonstrate that this approach not only serves as a viable aggregation technique but also significantly improves the accuracy of contribution assessment compared to traditional methods. Our results suggest that FedRandom enhances the overall fairness and stability of the federated learning system, making it a superior choice for federations with limited number of participants.

cross Comparative analysis of neural network architectures for short-term FOREX forecasting

Authors: Theodoros Zafeiriou, Dimitris Kalles

Abstract: The present document delineates the analysis, design, implementation, and benchmarking of various neural network architectures within a short-term frequency prediction system for the foreign exchange market (FOREX). Our aim is to simulate the judgment of the human expert (technical analyst) using a system that responds promptly to changes in market conditions, thus enabling the optimization of short-term trading strategies. We designed and implemented a series of LSTM neural network architectures which are taken as input the exchange rate values and generate the short-term market trend forecasting signal and an ANN custom architecture based on technical analysis indicator simulators We performed a comparative analysis of the results and came to useful conclusions regarding the suitability of each architecture and the cost in terms of time and computational power to implement them. The ANN custom architecture produces better prediction quality with higher sensitivity using fewer resources and spending less time than LSTM architectures. The ANN custom architecture appears to be ideal for use in low-power computing systems and for use cases that need fast decisions with the least possible computational cost.

cross From Questions to Insightful Answers: Building an Informed Chatbot for University Resources

Authors: Subash Neupane, Elias Hossain, Jason Keith, Himanshu Tripathi, Farbod Ghiasi, Noorbakhsh Amiri Golilarz, Amin Amirlatifi, Sudip Mittal, Shahram Rahimi

Abstract: This paper presents BARKPLUG V.2, a Large Language Model (LLM)-based chatbot system built using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) pipelines to enhance the user experience and access to information within academic settings.The objective of BARKPLUG V.2 is to provide information to users about various campus resources, including academic departments, programs, campus facilities, and student resources at a university setting in an interactive fashion. Our system leverages university data as an external data corpus and ingests it into our RAG pipelines for domain-specific question-answering tasks. We evaluate the effectiveness of our system in generating accurate and pertinent responses for Mississippi State University, as a case study, using quantitative measures, employing frameworks such as Retrieval Augmented Generation Assessment(RAGAS). Furthermore, we evaluate the usability of this system via subjective satisfaction surveys using the System Usability Scale (SUS). Our system demonstrates impressive quantitative performance, with a mean RAGAS score of 0.96, and experience, as validated by usability assessments.

cross AI-Cybersecurity Education Through Designing AI-based Cyberharassment Detection Lab

Authors: Ebuka Okpala, Nishant Vishwamitra, Keyan Guo, Song Liao, Long Cheng, Hongxin Hu, Yongkai Wu, Xiaohong Yuan, Jeannette Wade, Sajad Khorsandroo

Abstract: Cyberharassment is a critical, socially relevant cybersecurity problem because of the adverse effects it can have on targeted groups or individuals. While progress has been made in understanding cyber-harassment, its detection, attacks on artificial intelligence (AI) based cyberharassment systems, and the social problems in cyberharassment detectors, little has been done in designing experiential learning educational materials that engage students in this emerging social cybersecurity in the era of AI. Experiential learning opportunities are usually provided through capstone projects and engineering design courses in STEM programs such as computer science. While capstone projects are an excellent example of experiential learning, given the interdisciplinary nature of this emerging social cybersecurity problem, it can be challenging to use them to engage non-computing students without prior knowledge of AI. Because of this, we were motivated to develop a hands-on lab platform that provided experiential learning experiences to non-computing students with little or no background knowledge in AI and discussed the lessons learned in developing this lab. In this lab used by social science students at North Carolina A&T State University across two semesters (spring and fall) in 2022, students are given a detailed lab manual and are to complete a set of well-detailed tasks. Through this process, students learn AI concepts and the application of AI for cyberharassment detection. Using pre- and post-surveys, we asked students to rate their knowledge or skills in AI and their understanding of the concepts learned. The results revealed that the students moderately understood the concepts of AI and cyberharassment.

cross LLM Theory of Mind and Alignment: Opportunities and Risks

Authors: Winnie Street

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are transforming human-computer interaction and conceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) with their impressive capacities for conversing and reasoning in natural language. There is growing interest in whether LLMs have theory of mind (ToM); the ability to reason about the mental and emotional states of others that is core to human social intelligence. As LLMs are integrated into the fabric of our personal, professional and social lives and given greater agency to make decisions with real-world consequences, there is a critical need to understand how they can be aligned with human values. ToM seems to be a promising direction of inquiry in this regard. Following the literature on the role and impacts of human ToM, this paper identifies key areas in which LLM ToM will show up in human:LLM interactions at individual and group levels, and what opportunities and risks for alignment are raised in each. On the individual level, the paper considers how LLM ToM might manifest in goal specification, conversational adaptation, empathy and anthropomorphism. On the group level, it considers how LLM ToM might facilitate collective alignment, cooperation or competition, and moral judgement-making. The paper lays out a broad spectrum of potential implications and suggests the most pressing areas for future research.

cross CANTONMT: Investigating Back-Translation and Model-Switch Mechanisms for Cantonese-English Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Kung Yin Hong, Lifeng Han, Riza Batista-Navarro, Goran Nenadic

Abstract: This paper investigates the development and evaluation of machine translation models from Cantonese to English, where we propose a novel approach to tackle low-resource language translations. The main objectives of the study are to develop a model that can effectively translate Cantonese to English and evaluate it against state-of-the-art commercial models. To achieve this, a new parallel corpus has been created by combining different available corpora online with preprocessing and cleaning. In addition, a monolingual Cantonese dataset has been created through web scraping to aid the synthetic parallel corpus generation. Following the data collection process, several approaches, including fine-tuning models, back-translation, and model switch, have been used. The translation quality of models has been evaluated with multiple quality metrics, including lexicon-based metrics (SacreBLEU and hLEPOR) and embedding-space metrics (COMET and BERTscore). Based on the automatic metrics, the best model is selected and compared against the 2 best commercial translators using the human evaluation framework HOPES. The best model proposed in this investigation (NLLB-mBART) with model switch mechanisms has reached comparable and even better automatic evaluation scores against State-of-the-art commercial models (Bing and Baidu Translators), with a SacreBLEU score of 16.8 on our test set. Furthermore, an open-source web application has been developed to allow users to translate between Cantonese and English, with the different trained models available for effective comparisons between models from this investigation and users. CANTONMT is available at


cross Estimating Direct and Indirect Causal Effects of Spatiotemporal Interventions in Presence of Spatial Interference

Authors: Sahara Ali, Omar Faruque, Jianwu Wang

Abstract: Spatial interference (SI) occurs when the treatment at one location affects the outcomes at other locations. Accounting for spatial interference in spatiotemporal settings poses further challenges as interference violates the stable unit treatment value assumption, making it infeasible for standard causal inference methods to quantify the effects of time-varying treatment at spatially varying outcomes. In this paper, we first formalize the concept of spatial interference in case of time-varying treatment assignments by extending the potential outcome framework under the assumption of no unmeasured confounding. We then propose our deep learning based potential outcome model for spatiotemporal causal inference. We utilize latent factor modeling to reduce the bias due to time-varying confounding while leveraging the power of U-Net architecture to capture global and local spatial interference in data over time. Our causal estimators are an extension of average treatment effect (ATE) for estimating direct (DATE) and indirect effects (IATE) of spatial interference on treated and untreated data. Being the first of its kind deep learning based spatiotemporal causal inference technique, our approach shows advantages over several baseline methods based on the experiment results on two synthetic datasets, with and without spatial interference. Our results on real-world climate dataset also align with domain knowledge, further demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed method.

cross Towards Energy-Aware Federated Learning via MARL: A Dual-Selection Approach for Model and Client

Authors: Jun Xia, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: Although Federated Learning (FL) is promising in knowledge sharing for heterogeneous Artificial Intelligence of Thing (AIoT) devices, their training performance and energy efficacy are severely restricted in practical battery-driven scenarios due to the ``wooden barrel effect'' caused by the mismatch between homogeneous model paradigms and heterogeneous device capability. As a result, due to various kinds of differences among devices, it is hard for existing FL methods to conduct training effectively in energy-constrained scenarios, such as the battery constraints of devices. To tackle the above issues, we propose an energy-aware FL framework named DR-FL, which considers the energy constraints in both clients and heterogeneous deep learning models to enable energy-efficient FL. Unlike Vanilla FL, DR-FL adopts our proposed Muti-Agents Reinforcement Learning (MARL)-based dual-selection method, which allows participated devices to make contributions to the global model effectively and adaptively based on their computing capabilities and energy capacities in a MARL-based manner. Experiments on various well-known datasets show that DR-FL can not only maximise knowledge sharing among heterogeneous models under the energy constraint of large-scale AIoT systems but also improve the model performance of each involved heterogeneous device.

cross Silver-Tongued and Sundry: Exploring Intersectional Pronouns with ChatGPT

Authors: Takao Fujii, Katie Seaborn, Madeleine Steeds

Abstract: ChatGPT is a conversational agent built on a large language model. Trained on a significant portion of human output, ChatGPT can mimic people to a degree. As such, we need to consider what social identities ChatGPT simulates (or can be designed to simulate). In this study, we explored the case of identity simulation through Japanese first-person pronouns, which are tightly connected to social identities in intersectional ways, i.e., intersectional pronouns. We conducted a controlled online experiment where people from two regions in Japan (Kanto and Kinki) witnessed interactions with ChatGPT using ten sets of first-person pronouns. We discovered that pronouns alone can evoke perceptions of social identities in ChatGPT at the intersections of gender, age, region, and formality, with caveats. This work highlights the importance of pronoun use for social identity simulation, provides a language-based methodology for culturally-sensitive persona development, and advances the potential of intersectional identities in intelligent agents.

cross Progressive enhancement and restoration for mural images under low-light and defected conditions based on multi-receptive field strategy

Authors: Xiameng Wei, Binbin Fan, Ying Wang, Yanxiang Feng, Laiyi Fu

Abstract: Ancient murals are valuable cultural heritage with great archaeological value. They provide insights into ancient religions, ceremonies, folklore, among other things through their content. However, due to long-term oxidation and inadequate protection, ancient murals have suffered continuous damage, including peeling and mold etc. Additionally, since ancient murals were typically painted indoors, the light intensity in images captured by digital devices is often low. The poor visibility hampers the further restoration of damaged areas. To address the escalating damage to ancient frescoes and facilitate batch restoration at archaeological sites, we propose a two-stage restoration model which called MER(Mural Enhancement and Restoration net) for ancient murals that are damaged and have been captured in low light. Our two-stage model not only enhances the visual quality of restored images but also achieves commendable results in relevant metric evaluations compared with other competitors. Furthermore, we have launched a website dedicated to the restoration of ancient mural paintings, utilizing the proposed model. Code is available at


cross Compositional Text-to-Image Generation with Dense Blob Representations

Authors: Weili Nie, Sifei Liu, Morteza Mardani, Chao Liu, Benjamin Eckart, Arash Vahdat

Abstract: Existing text-to-image models struggle to follow complex text prompts, raising the need for extra grounding inputs for better controllability. In this work, we propose to decompose a scene into visual primitives - denoted as dense blob representations - that contain fine-grained details of the scene while being modular, human-interpretable, and easy-to-construct. Based on blob representations, we develop a blob-grounded text-to-image diffusion model, termed BlobGEN, for compositional generation. Particularly, we introduce a new masked cross-attention module to disentangle the fusion between blob representations and visual features. To leverage the compositionality of large language models (LLMs), we introduce a new in-context learning approach to generate blob representations from text prompts. Our extensive experiments show that BlobGEN achieves superior zero-shot generation quality and better layout-guided controllability on MS-COCO. When augmented by LLMs, our method exhibits superior numerical and spatial correctness on compositional image generation benchmarks. Project page:


cross Automated classification of multi-parametric body MRI series

Authors: Boah Kim, Tejas Sudharshan Mathai, Kimberly Helm, Ronald M. Summers

Abstract: Multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) studies are widely available in clinical practice for the diagnosis of various diseases. As the volume of mpMRI exams increases yearly, there are concomitant inaccuracies that exist within the DICOM header fields of these exams. This precludes the use of the header information for the arrangement of the different series as part of the radiologist's hanging protocol, and clinician oversight is needed for correction. In this pilot work, we propose an automated framework to classify the type of 8 different series in mpMRI studies. We used 1,363 studies acquired by three Siemens scanners to train a DenseNet-121 model with 5-fold cross-validation. Then, we evaluated the performance of the DenseNet-121 ensemble on a held-out test set of 313 mpMRI studies. Our method achieved an average precision of 96.6%, sensitivity of 96.6%, specificity of 99.6%, and F1 score of 96.6% for the MRI series classification task. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to develop a method to classify the series type in mpMRI studies acquired at the level of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Our method has the capability for robust automation of hanging protocols in modern radiology practice.

cross Smart Sampling: Self-Attention and Bootstrapping for Improved Ensembled Q-Learning

Authors: Muhammad Junaid Khan, Syed Hammad Ahmed, Gita Sukthankar

Abstract: We present a novel method aimed at enhancing the sample efficiency of ensemble Q learning. Our proposed approach integrates multi-head self-attention into the ensembled Q networks while bootstrapping the state-action pairs ingested by the ensemble. This not only results in performance improvements over the original REDQ (Chen et al. 2021) and its variant DroQ (Hi-raoka et al. 2022), thereby enhancing Q predictions, but also effectively reduces both the average normalized bias and standard deviation of normalized bias within Q-function ensembles. Importantly, our method also performs well even in scenarios with a low update-to-data (UTD) ratio. Notably, the implementation of our proposed method is straightforward, requiring minimal modifications to the base model.

cross Distance-Restricted Explanations: Theoretical Underpinnings & Efficient Implementation

Authors: Yacine Izza, Xuanxiang Huang, Antonio Morgado, Jordi Planes, Alexey Ignatiev, Joao Marques-Silva

Abstract: The uses of machine learning (ML) have snowballed in recent years. In many cases, ML models are highly complex, and their operation is beyond the understanding of human decision-makers. Nevertheless, some uses of ML models involve high-stakes and safety-critical applications. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to help human decision-makers in understanding the operation of such complex ML models, thus eliciting trust in their operation. Unfortunately, the majority of past XAI work is based on informal approaches, that offer no guarantees of rigor. Unsurprisingly, there exists comprehensive experimental and theoretical evidence confirming that informal methods of XAI can provide human-decision makers with erroneous information. Logic-based XAI represents a rigorous approach to explainability; it is model-based and offers the strongest guarantees of rigor of computed explanations. However, a well-known drawback of logic-based XAI is the complexity of logic reasoning, especially for highly complex ML models. Recent work proposed distance-restricted explanations, i.e. explanations that are rigorous provided the distance to a given input is small enough. Distance-restricted explainability is tightly related with adversarial robustness, and it has been shown to scale for moderately complex ML models, but the number of inputs still represents a key limiting factor. This paper investigates novel algorithms for scaling up the performance of logic-based explainers when computing and enumerating ML model explanations with a large number of inputs.

cross Computational Thought Experiments for a More Rigorous Philosophy and Science of the Mind

Authors: Iris Over, Nikhil Krishnaswamy, James Pustejovsky, Joshua Hartshorne

Abstract: We offer philosophical motivations for a method we call Virtual World Cognitive Science (VW CogSci), in which researchers use virtual embodied agents that are embedded in virtual worlds to explore questions in the field of Cognitive Science. We focus on questions about mental and linguistic representation and the ways that such computational modeling can add rigor to philosophical thought experiments, as well as the terminology used in the scientific study of such representations. We find that this method forces researchers to take a god's-eye view when describing dynamical relationships between entities in minds and entities in an environment in a way that eliminates the need for problematic talk of belief and concept types, such as the belief that cats are silly, and the concept CAT, while preserving belief and concept tokens in individual cognizers' minds. We conclude with some further key advantages of VW CogSci for the scientific study of mental and linguistic representation and for Cognitive Science more broadly.

cross A Decoupling and Aggregating Framework for Joint Extraction of Entities and Relations

Authors: Yao Wang, Xin Liu, Weikun Kong, Hai-Tao Yu, Teeradaj Racharak, Kyoung-Sook Kim, Minh Le Nguyen

Abstract: Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction are two crucial and challenging subtasks in the field of Information Extraction. Despite the successes achieved by the traditional approaches, fundamental research questions remain open. First, most recent studies use parameter sharing for a single subtask or shared features for both two subtasks, ignoring their semantic differences. Second, information interaction mainly focuses on the two subtasks, leaving the fine-grained informtion interaction among the subtask-specific features of encoding subjects, relations, and objects unexplored. Motivated by the aforementioned limitations, we propose a novel model to jointly extract entities and relations. The main novelties are as follows: (1) We propose to decouple the feature encoding process into three parts, namely encoding subjects, encoding objects, and encoding relations. Thanks to this, we are able to use fine-grained subtask-specific features. (2) We propose novel inter-aggregation and intra-aggregation strategies to enhance the information interaction and construct individual fine-grained subtask-specific features, respectively. The experimental results demonstrate that our model outperforms several previous state-of-the-art models. Extensive additional experiments further confirm the effectiveness of our model.

cross Cross-Dataset Generalization For Retinal Lesions Segmentation

Authors: Cl\'ement Playout, Farida Cheriet

Abstract: Identifying lesions in fundus images is an important milestone toward an automated and interpretable diagnosis of retinal diseases. To support research in this direction, multiple datasets have been released, proposing groundtruth maps for different lesions. However, important discrepancies exist between the annotations and raise the question of generalization across datasets. This study characterizes several known datasets and compares different techniques that have been proposed to enhance the generalisation performance of a model, such as stochastic weight averaging, model soups and ensembles. Our results provide insights into how to combine coarsely labelled data with a finely-grained dataset in order to improve the lesions segmentation.

cross Could Chemical LLMs benefit from Message Passing

Authors: Jiaqing Xie, Ziheng Chi

Abstract: Pretrained language models (LMs) showcase significant capabilities in processing molecular text, while concurrently, message passing neural networks (MPNNs) demonstrate resilience and versatility in the domain of molecular science. Despite these advancements, we find there are limited studies investigating the bidirectional interactions between molecular structures and their corresponding textual representations. Therefore, in this paper, we propose two strategies to evaluate whether an information integration can enhance the performance: contrast learning, which involves utilizing an MPNN to supervise the training of the LM, and fusion, which exploits information from both models. Our empirical analysis reveals that the integration approaches exhibit superior performance compared to baselines when applied to smaller molecular graphs, while these integration approaches do not yield performance enhancements on large scale graphs.

cross Perivascular space Identification Nnunet for Generalised Usage (PINGU)

Authors: Benjamin Sinclair, Lucy Vivash, Jasmine Moses, Miranda Lynch, William Pham, Karina Dorfmann, Cassandra Marotta, Shaun Koh, Jacob Bunyamin, Ella Rowsthorn, Alex Jarema, Himashi Peiris, Zhaolin Chen, Sandy R Shultz, David K Wright, Dexiao Kong, Sharon L. Naismith, Terence J. O\'Brien, Meng Law

Abstract: Perivascular spaces(PVSs) form a central component of the brain\'s waste clearance system, the glymphatic system. These structures are visible on MRI images, and their morphology is associated with aging and neurological disease. Manual quantification of PVS is time consuming and subjective. Numerous deep learning methods for PVS segmentation have been developed, however the majority have been developed and evaluated on homogenous datasets and high resolution scans, perhaps limiting their applicability for the wide range of image qualities acquired in clinic and research. In this work we train a nnUNet, a top-performing biomedical image segmentation algorithm, on a heterogenous training sample of manually segmented MRI images of a range of different qualities and resolutions from 6 different datasets. These are compared to publicly available deep learning methods for 3D segmentation of PVS. The resulting model, PINGU (Perivascular space Identification Nnunet for Generalised Usage), achieved voxel and cluster level dice scores of 0.50(SD=0.15), 0.63(0.17) in the white matter(WM), and 0.54(0.11), 0.66(0.17) in the basal ganglia(BG). Performance on data from unseen sites was substantially lower for both PINGU(0.20-0.38(WM, voxel), 0.29-0.58(WM, cluster), 0.22-0.36(BG, voxel), 0.46-0.60(BG, cluster)) and the publicly available algorithms(0.18-0.30(WM, voxel), 0.29-0.38(WM cluster), 0.10-0.20(BG, voxel), 0.15-0.37(BG, cluster)), but PINGU strongly outperformed the publicly available algorithms, particularly in the BG. Finally, training PINGU on manual segmentations from a single site with homogenous scan properties gave marginally lower performances on internal cross-validation, but in some cases gave higher performance on external validation. PINGU stands out as broad-use PVS segmentation tool, with particular strength in the BG, an area of PVS related to vascular disease and pathology.

cross PromptMind Team at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Improving Clinical Text Correction with Error Categorization and LLM Ensembles

Authors: Satya Kesav Gundabathula, Sriram R Kolar

Abstract: This paper describes our approach to the MEDIQA-CORR shared task, which involves error detection and correction in clinical notes curated by medical professionals. This task involves handling three subtasks: detecting the presence of errors, identifying the specific sentence containing the error, and correcting it. Through our work, we aim to assess the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on a vast corpora of internet data that contain both factual and unreliable information. We propose to comprehensively address all subtasks together, and suggest employing a unique prompt-based in-context learning strategy. We will evaluate its efficacy in this specialized task demanding a combination of general reasoning and medical knowledge. In medical systems where prediction errors can have grave consequences, we propose leveraging self-consistency and ensemble methods to enhance error correction and error detection performance.

cross CIER: A Novel Experience Replay Approach with Causal Inference in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jingwen Wang, Dehui Du, Yida Li, Yiyang Li, Yikang Chen

Abstract: In the training process of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), agents require repetitive interactions with the environment. With an increase in training volume and model complexity, it is still a challenging problem to enhance data utilization and explainability of DRL training. This paper addresses these challenges by focusing on the temporal correlations within the time dimension of time series. We propose a novel approach to segment multivariate time series into meaningful subsequences and represent the time series based on these subsequences. Furthermore, the subsequences are employed for causal inference to identify fundamental causal factors that significantly impact training outcomes. We design a module to provide feedback on the causality during DRL training. Several experiments demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in common environments, confirming its ability to enhance the effectiveness of DRL training and impart a certain level of explainability to the training process. Additionally, we extended our approach with priority experience replay algorithm, and experimental results demonstrate the continued effectiveness of our approach.

cross Impact of Stickers on Multimodal Chat Sentiment Analysis and Intent Recognition: A New Task, Dataset and Baseline

Authors: Yuanchen Shi, Biao Ma, Fang Kong

Abstract: Stickers are increasingly used in social media to express sentiment and intent. When finding typing troublesome, people often use a sticker instead. Despite the significant impact of stickers on sentiment analysis and intent recognition, little research has been conducted. To address this gap, we propose a new task: Multimodal chat Sentiment Analysis and Intent Recognition involving Stickers (MSAIRS). Additionally, we introduce a novel multimodal dataset containing Chinese chat records and stickers excerpted from several mainstream social media platforms. Our dataset includes paired data with the same text but different stickers, and various stickers consisting of the same images with different texts, allowing us to better understand the impact of stickers on chat sentiment and intent. We also propose an effective multimodal joint model, MMSAIR, for our task, which is validated on our datasets and indicates that visual information of stickers counts. Our dataset and code will be publicly available.

cross Understanding the performance gap between online and offline alignment algorithms

Authors: Yunhao Tang, Daniel Zhaohan Guo, Zeyu Zheng, Daniele Calandriello, Yuan Cao, Eugene Tarassov, R\'emi Munos, Bernardo \'Avila Pires, Michal Valko, Yong Cheng, Will Dabney

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is the canonical framework for large language model alignment. However, rising popularity in offline alignment algorithms challenge the need for on-policy sampling in RLHF. Within the context of reward over-optimization, we start with an opening set of experiments that demonstrate the clear advantage of online methods over offline methods. This prompts us to investigate the causes to the performance discrepancy through a series of carefully designed experimental ablations. We show empirically that hypotheses such as offline data coverage and data quality by itself cannot convincingly explain the performance difference. We also find that while offline algorithms train policy to become good at pairwise classification, it is worse at generations; in the meantime the policies trained by online algorithms are good at generations while worse at pairwise classification. This hints at a unique interplay between discriminative and generative capabilities, which is greatly impacted by the sampling process. Lastly, we observe that the performance discrepancy persists for both contrastive and non-contrastive loss functions, and appears not to be addressed by simply scaling up policy networks. Taken together, our study sheds light on the pivotal role of on-policy sampling in AI alignment, and hints at certain fundamental challenges of offline alignment algorithms.

cross Evaluating LLMs at Evaluating Temporal Generalization

Authors: Chenghao Zhu, Nuo Chen, Yufei Gao, Benyou Wang

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) highlights the urgent need for evolving evaluation methodologies that keep pace with improvements in language comprehension and information processing. However, traditional benchmarks, which are often static, fail to capture the continually changing information landscape, leading to a disparity between the perceived and actual effectiveness of LLMs in ever-changing real-world scenarios. Furthermore, these benchmarks do not adequately measure the models' capabilities over a broader temporal range or their adaptability over time. We examine current LLMs in terms of temporal generalization and bias, revealing that various temporal biases emerge in both language likelihood and prognostic prediction. This serves as a caution for LLM practitioners to pay closer attention to mitigating temporal biases. Also, we propose an evaluation framework Freshbench for dynamically generating benchmarks from the most recent real-world prognostication prediction. Our code is available at The dataset will be released soon.


cross How to Surprisingly Consider Recommendations? A Knowledge-Graph-based Approach Relying on Complex Network Metrics

Authors: Oliver Baumann, Durgesh Nandini, Anderson Rossanez, Mirco Schoenfeld, Julio Cesar dos Reis

Abstract: Traditional recommendation proposals, including content-based and collaborative filtering, usually focus on similarity between items or users. Existing approaches lack ways of introducing unexpectedness into recommendations, prioritizing globally popular items over exposing users to unforeseen items. This investigation aims to design and evaluate a novel layer on top of recommender systems suited to incorporate relational information and suggest items with a user-defined degree of surprise. We propose a Knowledge Graph (KG) based recommender system by encoding user interactions on item catalogs. Our study explores whether network-level metrics on KGs can influence the degree of surprise in recommendations. We hypothesize that surprisingness correlates with certain network metrics, treating user profiles as subgraphs within a larger catalog KG. The achieved solution reranks recommendations based on their impact on structural graph metrics. Our research contributes to optimizing recommendations to reflect the metrics. We experimentally evaluate our approach on two datasets of LastFM listening histories and synthetic Netflix viewing profiles. We find that reranking items based on complex network metrics leads to a more unexpected and surprising composition of recommendation lists.

cross Equilibrium Propagation: the Quantum and the Thermal Cases

Authors: Serge Massar, Bortolo Matteo Mognetti

Abstract: Equilibrium propagation is a recently introduced method to use and train artificial neural networks in which the network is at the minimum (more generally extremum) of an energy functional. Equilibrium propagation has shown good performance on a number of benchmark tasks. Here we extend equilibrium propagation in two directions. First we show that there is a natural quantum generalization of equilibrium propagation in which a quantum neural network is taken to be in the ground state (more generally any eigenstate) of the network Hamiltonian, with a similar training mechanism that exploits the fact that the mean energy is extremal on eigenstates. Second we extend the analysis of equilibrium propagation at finite temperature, showing that thermal fluctuations allow one to naturally train the network without having to clamp the output layer during training. We also study the low temperature limit of equilibrium propagation.

cross Challenges and Opportunities in Text Generation Explainability

Authors: Kenza Amara, Rita Sevastjanova, Mennatallah El-Assady

Abstract: The necessity for interpretability in natural language processing (NLP) has risen alongside the growing prominence of large language models. Among the myriad tasks within NLP, text generation stands out as a primary objective of autoregressive models. The NLP community has begun to take a keen interest in gaining a deeper understanding of text generation, leading to the development of model-agnostic explainable artificial intelligence (xAI) methods tailored to this task. The design and evaluation of explainability methods are non-trivial since they depend on many factors involved in the text generation process, e.g., the autoregressive model and its stochastic nature. This paper outlines 17 challenges categorized into three groups that arise during the development and assessment of attribution-based explainability methods. These challenges encompass issues concerning tokenization, defining explanation similarity, determining token importance and prediction change metrics, the level of human intervention required, and the creation of suitable test datasets. The paper illustrates how these challenges can be intertwined, showcasing new opportunities for the community. These include developing probabilistic word-level explainability methods and engaging humans in the explainability pipeline, from the data design to the final evaluation, to draw robust conclusions on xAI methods.

cross GPT-3.5 for Grammatical Error Correction

Authors: Anisia Katinskaia, Roman Yangarber

Abstract: This paper investigates the application of GPT-3.5 for Grammatical Error Correction (GEC) in multiple languages in several settings: zero-shot GEC, fine-tuning for GEC, and using GPT-3.5 to re-rank correction hypotheses generated by other GEC models. In the zero-shot setting, we conduct automatic evaluations of the corrections proposed by GPT-3.5 using several methods: estimating grammaticality with language models (LMs), the Scribendi test, and comparing the semantic embeddings of sentences. GPT-3.5 has a known tendency to over-correct erroneous sentences and propose alternative corrections. For several languages, such as Czech, German, Russian, Spanish, and Ukrainian, GPT-3.5 substantially alters the source sentences, including their semantics, which presents significant challenges for evaluation with reference-based metrics. For English, GPT-3.5 demonstrates high recall, generates fluent corrections, and generally preserves sentence semantics. However, human evaluation for both English and Russian reveals that, despite its strong error-detection capabilities, GPT-3.5 struggles with several error types, including punctuation mistakes, tense errors, syntactic dependencies between words, and lexical compatibility at the sentence level.

cross RDPN6D: Residual-based Dense Point-wise Network for 6Dof Object Pose Estimation Based on RGB-D Images

Authors: Zong-Wei Hong, Yen-Yang Hung, Chu-Song Chen

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a novel method for calculating the 6DoF pose of an object using a single RGB-D image. Unlike existing methods that either directly predict objects' poses or rely on sparse keypoints for pose recovery, our approach addresses this challenging task using dense correspondence, i.e., we regress the object coordinates for each visible pixel. Our method leverages existing object detection methods. We incorporate a re-projection mechanism to adjust the camera's intrinsic matrix to accommodate cropping in RGB-D images. Moreover, we transform the 3D object coordinates into a residual representation, which can effectively reduce the output space and yield superior performance. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the efficacy of our approach for 6D pose estimation. Our approach outperforms most previous methods, especially in occlusion scenarios, and demonstrates notable improvements over the state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available on


cross Growing Artificial Neural Networks for Control: the Role of Neuronal Diversity

Authors: Eleni Nisioti, Erwan Plantec, Milton Montero, Joachim Winther Pedersen, Sebastian Risi

Abstract: In biological evolution complex neural structures grow from a handful of cellular ingredients. As genomes in nature are bounded in size, this complexity is achieved by a growth process where cells communicate locally to decide whether to differentiate, proliferate and connect with other cells. This self-organisation is hypothesized to play an important part in the generalisation, and robustness of biological neural networks. Artificial neural networks (ANNs), on the other hand, are traditionally optimized in the space of weights. Thus, the benefits and challenges of growing artificial neural networks remain understudied. Building on the previously introduced Neural Developmental Programs (NDP), in this work we present an algorithm for growing ANNs that solve reinforcement learning tasks. We identify a key challenge: ensuring phenotypic complexity requires maintaining neuronal diversity, but this diversity comes at the cost of optimization stability. To address this, we introduce two mechanisms: (a) equipping neurons with an intrinsic state inherited upon neurogenesis; (b) lateral inhibition, a mechanism inspired by biological growth, which controlls the pace of growth, helping diversity persist. We show that both mechanisms contribute to neuronal diversity and that, equipped with them, NDPs achieve comparable results to existing direct and developmental encodings in complex locomotion tasks

cross From Internet of Things Data to Business Processes: Challenges and a Framework

Authors: Juergen Mangler, Ronny Seiger, Janik-Vasily Benzin, Joscha Gr\"uger, Yusuf Kirikkayis, Florian Gallik, Lukas Malburg, Matthias Ehrendorfer, Yannis Bertrand, Marco Franceschetti, Barbara Weber, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Ralph Bergmann, Estefan\'ia Serral Asensio, Manfred Reichert

Abstract: The IoT and Business Process Management (BPM) communities co-exist in many shared application domains, such as manufacturing and healthcare. The IoT community has a strong focus on hardware, connectivity and data; the BPM community focuses mainly on finding, controlling, and enhancing the structured interactions among the IoT devices in processes. While the field of Process Mining deals with the extraction of process models and process analytics from process event logs, the data produced by IoT sensors often is at a lower granularity than these process-level events. The fundamental questions about extracting and abstracting process-related data from streams of IoT sensor values are: (1) Which sensor values can be clustered together as part of process events?, (2) Which sensor values signify the start and end of such events?, (3) Which sensor values are related but not essential? This work proposes a framework to semi-automatically perform a set of structured steps to convert low-level IoT sensor data into higher-level process events that are suitable for process mining. The framework is meant to provide a generic sequence of abstract steps to guide the event extraction, abstraction, and correlation, with variation points for plugging in specific analysis techniques and algorithms for each step. To assess the completeness of the framework, we present a set of challenges, how they can be tackled through the framework, and an example on how to instantiate the framework in a real-world demonstration from the field of smart manufacturing. Based on this framework, future research can be conducted in a structured manner through refining and improving individual steps.

cross Generalizing Knowledge Graph Embedding with Universal Orthogonal Parameterization

Authors: Rui Li, Chaozhuo Li, Yanming Shen, Zeyu Zhang, Xu Chen

Abstract: Recent advances in knowledge graph embedding (KGE) rely on Euclidean/hyperbolic orthogonal relation transformations to model intrinsic logical patterns and topological structures. However, existing approaches are confined to rigid relational orthogonalization with restricted dimension and homogeneous geometry, leading to deficient modeling capability. In this work, we move beyond these approaches in terms of both dimension and geometry by introducing a powerful framework named GoldE, which features a universal orthogonal parameterization based on a generalized form of Householder reflection. Such parameterization can naturally achieve dimensional extension and geometric unification with theoretical guarantees, enabling our framework to simultaneously capture crucial logical patterns and inherent topological heterogeneity of knowledge graphs. Empirically, GoldE achieves state-of-the-art performance on three standard benchmarks. Codes are available at


cross Hearing Touch: Audio-Visual Pretraining for Contact-Rich Manipulation

Authors: Jared Mejia, Victoria Dean, Tess Hellebrekers, Abhinav Gupta

Abstract: Although pre-training on a large amount of data is beneficial for robot learning, current paradigms only perform large-scale pretraining for visual representations, whereas representations for other modalities are trained from scratch. In contrast to the abundance of visual data, it is unclear what relevant internet-scale data may be used for pretraining other modalities such as tactile sensing. Such pretraining becomes increasingly crucial in the low-data regimes common in robotics applications. In this paper, we address this gap by using contact microphones as an alternative tactile sensor. Our key insight is that contact microphones capture inherently audio-based information, allowing us to leverage large-scale audio-visual pretraining to obtain representations that boost the performance of robotic manipulation. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first approach leveraging large-scale multisensory pre-training for robotic manipulation. For supplementary information including videos of real robot experiments, please see


cross EchoTracker: Advancing Myocardial Point Tracking in Echocardiography

Authors: Md Abulkalam Azad, Artem Chernyshov, John Nyberg, Ingrid Tveten, Lasse Lovstakken, H{\aa}vard Dalen, Bj{\o}rnar Grenne, Andreas {\O}stvik

Abstract: Tissue tracking in echocardiography is challenging due to the complex cardiac motion and the inherent nature of ultrasound acquisitions. Although optical flow methods are considered state-of-the-art (SOTA), they struggle with long-range tracking, noise occlusions, and drift throughout the cardiac cycle. Recently, novel learning-based point tracking techniques have been introduced to tackle some of these issues. In this paper, we build upon these techniques and introduce EchoTracker, a two-fold coarse-to-fine model that facilitates the tracking of queried points on a tissue surface across ultrasound image sequences. The architecture contains a preliminary coarse initialization of the trajectories, followed by reinforcement iterations based on fine-grained appearance changes. It is efficient, light, and can run on mid-range GPUs. Experiments demonstrate that the model outperforms SOTA methods, with an average position accuracy of 67% and a median trajectory error of 2.86 pixels. Furthermore, we show a relative improvement of 25% when using our model to calculate the global longitudinal strain (GLS) in a clinical test-retest dataset compared to other methods. This implies that learning-based point tracking can potentially improve performance and yield a higher diagnostic and prognostic value for clinical measurements than current techniques. Our source code is available at:


cross Towards Geometry-Aware Pareto Set Learning for Neural Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Yongfan Lu, Zixiang Di, Bingdong Li, Shengcai Liu, Hong Qian, Peng Yang, Ke Tang, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) problems are prevalent in various real-world applications. Most existing neural methods for MOCO problems rely solely on decomposition and utilize precise hypervolume to enhance diversity. However, these methods often approximate only limited regions of the Pareto front and spend excessive time on diversity enhancement because of ambiguous decomposition and time-consuming hypervolume calculation. To address these limitations, we design a Geometry-Aware Pareto set Learning algorithm named GAPL, which provides a novel geometric perspective for neural MOCO via a Pareto attention model based on hypervolume expectation maximization. In addition, we propose a hypervolume residual update strategy to enable the Pareto attention model to capture both local and non-local information of the Pareto set/front. We also design a novel inference approach to further improve quality of the solution set and speed up hypervolume calculation and local subset selection. Experimental results on three classic MOCO problems demonstrate that our GAPL outperforms state-of-the-art neural baselines via superior decomposition and efficient diversity enhancement.

cross Thinking Tokens for Language Modeling

Authors: David Herel, Tomas Mikolov

Abstract: How much is 56 times 37? Language models often make mistakes in these types of difficult calculations. This is usually explained by their inability to perform complex reasoning. Since language models rely on large training sets and great memorization capability, naturally they are not equipped to run complex calculations. However, one can argue that humans also cannot perform this calculation immediately and require a considerable amount of time to construct the solution. In order to enhance the generalization capability of language models, and as a parallel to human behavior, we propose to use special 'thinking tokens' which allow the model to perform much more calculations whenever a complex problem is encountered.

cross Can we Defend Against the Unknown? An Empirical Study About Threshold Selection for Neural Network Monitoring

Authors: Khoi Tran Dang, Kevin Delmas, J\'er\'emie Guiochet, Joris Gu\'erin

Abstract: With the increasing use of neural networks in critical systems, runtime monitoring becomes essential to reject unsafe predictions during inference. Various techniques have emerged to establish rejection scores that maximize the separability between the distributions of safe and unsafe predictions. The efficacy of these approaches is mostly evaluated using threshold-agnostic metrics, such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. However, in real-world applications, an effective monitor also requires identifying a good threshold to transform these scores into meaningful binary decisions. Despite the pivotal importance of threshold optimization, this problem has received little attention. A few studies touch upon this question, but they typically assume that the runtime data distribution mirrors the training distribution, which is a strong assumption as monitors are supposed to safeguard a system against potentially unforeseen threats. In this work, we present rigorous experiments on various image datasets to investigate: 1. The effectiveness of monitors in handling unforeseen threats, which are not available during threshold adjustments. 2. Whether integrating generic threats into the threshold optimization scheme can enhance the robustness of monitors.

cross A Distributed Approach to Autonomous Intersection Management via Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Matteo Cederle, Marco Fabris, Gian Antonio Susto

Abstract: Autonomous intersection management (AIM) poses significant challenges due to the intricate nature of real-world traffic scenarios and the need for a highly expensive centralised server in charge of simultaneously controlling all the vehicles. This study addresses such issues by proposing a novel distributed approach to AIM utilizing multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). We show that by leveraging the 3D surround view technology for advanced assistance systems, autonomous vehicles can accurately navigate intersection scenarios without needing any centralised controller. The contributions of this paper thus include a MARL-based algorithm for the autonomous management of a 4-way intersection and also the introduction of a new strategy called prioritised scenario replay for improved training efficacy. We validate our approach as an innovative alternative to conventional centralised AIM techniques, ensuring the full reproducibility of our results. Specifically, experiments conducted in virtual environments using the SMARTS platform highlight its superiority over benchmarks across various metrics.

cross Beyond the Black Box: Do More Complex Models Provide Superior XAI Explanations?

Authors: Mateusz Cedro, Marcin Chlebus

Abstract: The increasing complexity of Artificial Intelligence models poses challenges to interpretability, particularly in the healthcare sector. This study investigates the impact of deep learning model complexity and Explainable AI (XAI) efficacy, utilizing four ResNet architectures (ResNet-18, 34, 50, 101). Through methodical experimentation on 4,369 lung X-ray images of COVID-19-infected and healthy patients, the research evaluates models' classification performance and the relevance of corresponding XAI explanations with respect to the ground-truth disease masks. Results indicate that the increase in model complexity is associated with a decrease in classification accuracy and AUC-ROC scores (ResNet-18: 98.4%, 0.997; ResNet-101: 95.9%, 0.988). Notably, in eleven out of twelve statistical tests performed, no statistically significant differences occurred between XAI quantitative metrics - Relevance Rank Accuracy and the proposed Positive Attribution Ratio - across trained models. These results suggest that increased model complexity does not consistently lead to higher performance or relevance of explanations for models' decision-making processes.

cross Promoting AI Equity in Science: Generalized Domain Prompt Learning for Accessible VLM Research

Authors: Qinglong Cao, Yuntian Chen, Lu Lu, Hao Sun, Zhenzhong Zeng, Xiaokang Yang, Dongxiao Zhang

Abstract: Large-scale Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated exceptional performance in natural vision tasks, motivating researchers across domains to explore domain-specific VLMs. However, the construction of powerful domain-specific VLMs demands vast amounts of annotated data, substantial electrical energy, and computing resources, primarily accessible to industry, yet hindering VLM research in academia. To address this challenge and foster sustainable and equitable VLM research, we present the Generalized Domain Prompt Learning (GDPL) framework. GDPL facilitates the transfer of VLMs' robust recognition capabilities from natural vision to specialized domains, without the need for extensive data or resources. By leveraging small-scale domain-specific foundation models and minimal prompt samples, GDPL empowers the language branch with domain knowledge through quaternion networks, uncovering cross-modal relationships between domain-specific vision features and natural vision-based contextual embeddings. Simultaneously, GDPL guides the vision branch into specific domains through hierarchical propagation of generated vision prompt features, grounded in well-matched vision-language relations. Furthermore, to fully harness the domain adaptation potential of VLMs, we introduce a novel low-rank adaptation approach. Extensive experiments across diverse domains like remote sensing, medical imaging, geology, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and fluid dynamics, validate the efficacy of GDPL, demonstrating its ability to achieve state-of-the-art domain recognition performance in a prompt learning paradigm. Our framework paves the way for sustainable and inclusive VLM research, transcending the barriers between academia and industry.

cross Expensive Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization Based on Diffusion Models

Authors: Bingdong Li, Zixiang Di, Yongfan Lu, Hong Qian, Feng Wang, Peng Yang, Ke Tang, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MOBO) has shown promising performance on various expensive multi-objective optimization problems (EMOPs). However, effectively modeling complex distributions of the Pareto optimal solutions is difficult with limited function evaluations. Existing Pareto set learning algorithms may exhibit considerable instability in such expensive scenarios, leading to significant deviations between the obtained solution set and the Pareto set (PS). In this paper, we propose a novel Composite Diffusion Model based Pareto Set Learning algorithm, namely CDM-PSL, for expensive MOBO. CDM-PSL includes both unconditional and conditional diffusion model for generating high-quality samples. Besides, we introduce an information entropy based weighting method to balance different objectives of EMOPs. This method is integrated with the guiding strategy, ensuring that all the objectives are appropriately balanced and given due consideration during the optimization process; Extensive experimental results on both synthetic benchmarks and real-world problems demonstrates that our proposed algorithm attains superior performance compared with various state-of-the-art MOBO algorithms.

cross Investigating Design Choices in Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures for General Audio Representation Learning

Authors: Alain Riou, Stefan Lattner, Ga\"etan Hadjeres, Geoffroy Peeters

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of self-supervised general-purpose audio representation learning. We explore the use of Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures (JEPA) for this task, which consists of splitting an input mel-spectrogram into two parts (context and target), computing neural representations for each, and training the neural network to predict the target representations from the context representations. We investigate several design choices within this framework and study their influence through extensive experiments by evaluating our models on various audio classification benchmarks, including environmental sounds, speech and music downstream tasks. We focus notably on which part of the input data is used as context or target and show experimentally that it significantly impacts the model's quality. In particular, we notice that some effective design choices in the image domain lead to poor performance on audio, thus highlighting major differences between these two modalities.

cross Achieving Fairness Through Channel Pruning for Dermatological Disease Diagnosis

Authors: Qingpeng Kong, Ching-Hao Chiu, Dewen Zeng, Yu-Jen Chen, Tsung-Yi Ho, Jingtong hu, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: Numerous studies have revealed that deep learning-based medical image classification models may exhibit bias towards specific demographic attributes, such as race, gender, and age. Existing bias mitigation methods often achieve high level of fairness at the cost of significant accuracy degradation. In response to this challenge, we propose an innovative and adaptable Soft Nearest Neighbor Loss-based channel pruning framework, which achieves fairness through channel pruning. Traditionally, channel pruning is utilized to accelerate neural network inference. However, our work demonstrates that pruning can also be a potent tool for achieving fairness. Our key insight is that different channels in a layer contribute differently to the accuracy of different groups. By selectively pruning critical channels that lead to the accuracy difference between the privileged and unprivileged groups, we can effectively improve fairness without sacrificing accuracy significantly. Experiments conducted on two skin lesion diagnosis datasets across multiple sensitive attributes validate the effectiveness of our method in achieving state-of-the-art trade-off between accuracy and fairness. Our code is available at


cross How Much You Ate? Food Portion Estimation on Spoons

Authors: Aaryam Sharma, Chris Czarnecki, Yuhao Chen, Pengcheng Xi, Linlin Xu, Alexander Wong

Abstract: Monitoring dietary intake is a crucial aspect of promoting healthy living. In recent years, advances in computer vision technology have facilitated dietary intake monitoring through the use of images and depth cameras. However, the current state-of-the-art image-based food portion estimation algorithms assume that users take images of their meals one or two times, which can be inconvenient and fail to capture food items that are not visible from a top-down perspective, such as ingredients submerged in a stew. To address these limitations, we introduce an innovative solution that utilizes stationary user-facing cameras to track food items on utensils, not requiring any change of camera perspective after installation. The shallow depth of utensils provides a more favorable angle for capturing food items, and tracking them on the utensil's surface offers a significantly more accurate estimation of dietary intake without the need for post-meal image capture. The system is reliable for estimation of nutritional content of liquid-solid heterogeneous mixtures such as soups and stews. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the exceptional potential of our method as a non-invasive, user-friendly, and highly accurate dietary intake monitoring tool.

cross I-CTRL: Imitation to Control Humanoid Robots Through Constrained Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yashuai Yan, Esteve Valls Mascaro, Tobias Egle, Dongheui Lee

Abstract: This paper addresses the critical need for refining robot motions that, despite achieving a high visual similarity through human-to-humanoid retargeting methods, fall short of practical execution in the physical realm. Existing techniques in the graphics community often prioritize visual fidelity over physics-based feasibility, posing a significant challenge for deploying bipedal systems in practical applications. Our research introduces a constrained reinforcement learning algorithm to produce physics-based high-quality motion imitation onto legged humanoid robots that enhance motion resemblance while successfully following the reference human trajectory. We name our framework: I-CTRL. By reformulating the motion imitation problem as a constrained refinement over non-physics-based retargeted motions, our framework excels in motion imitation with simple and unique rewards that generalize across four robots. Moreover, our framework can follow large-scale motion datasets with a unique RL agent. The proposed approach signifies a crucial step forward in advancing the control of bipedal robots, emphasizing the importance of aligning visual and physical realism for successful motion imitation.

cross Targeted Augmentation for Low-Resource Event Extraction

Authors: Sijia Wang, Lifu Huang

Abstract: Addressing the challenge of low-resource information extraction remains an ongoing issue due to the inherent information scarcity within limited training examples. Existing data augmentation methods, considered potential solutions, struggle to strike a balance between weak augmentation (e.g., synonym augmentation) and drastic augmentation (e.g., conditional generation without proper guidance). This paper introduces a novel paradigm that employs targeted augmentation and back validation to produce augmented examples with enhanced diversity, polarity, accuracy, and coherence. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed paradigm. Furthermore, identified limitations are discussed, shedding light on areas for future improvement.

cross Distributed Threat Intelligence at the Edge Devices: A Large Language Model-Driven Approach

Authors: Syed Mhamudul Hasan, Alaa M. Alotaibi, Sajedul Talukder, Abdur R. Shahid

Abstract: With the proliferation of edge devices, there is a significant increase in attack surface on these devices. The decentralized deployment of threat intelligence on edge devices, coupled with adaptive machine learning techniques such as the in-context learning feature of large language models (LLMs), represents a promising paradigm for enhancing cybersecurity on low-powered edge devices. This approach involves the deployment of lightweight machine learning models directly onto edge devices to analyze local data streams, such as network traffic and system logs, in real-time. Additionally, distributing computational tasks to an edge server reduces latency and improves responsiveness while also enhancing privacy by processing sensitive data locally. LLM servers can enable these edge servers to autonomously adapt to evolving threats and attack patterns, continuously updating their models to improve detection accuracy and reduce false positives. Furthermore, collaborative learning mechanisms facilitate peer-to-peer secure and trustworthy knowledge sharing among edge devices, enhancing the collective intelligence of the network and enabling dynamic threat mitigation measures such as device quarantine in response to detected anomalies. The scalability and flexibility of this approach make it well-suited for diverse and evolving network environments, as edge devices only send suspicious information such as network traffic and system log changes, offering a resilient and efficient solution to combat emerging cyber threats at the network edge. Thus, our proposed framework can improve edge computing security by providing better security in cyber threat detection and mitigation by isolating the edge devices from the network.

cross Is the Pope Catholic? Yes, the Pope is Catholic. Generative Evaluation of Intent Resolution in LLMs

Authors: Akhila Yerukola, Saujas Vaduguru, Daniel Fried, Maarten Sap

Abstract: Humans often express their communicative intents indirectly or non-literally, which requires their interlocutors -- human or AI -- to understand beyond the literal meaning of words. While most existing work has focused on discriminative evaluations, we present a new approach to generatively evaluate large language models' (LLMs') intention understanding by examining their responses to non-literal utterances. Ideally, an LLM should respond in line with the true intention of a non-literal utterance, not its literal interpretation. Our findings show that LLMs struggle to generate pragmatically relevant responses to non-literal language, achieving only 50-55% accuracy on average. While explicitly providing oracle intentions significantly improves performance (e.g., 75% for Mistral-Instruct), this still indicates challenges in leveraging given intentions to produce appropriate responses. Using chain-of-thought to make models spell out intentions yields much smaller gains (60% for Mistral-Instruct). These findings suggest that LLMs are not yet effective pragmatic interlocutors, highlighting the need for better approaches for modeling intentions and utilizing them for pragmatic generation.

cross EfficientTrain++: Generalized Curriculum Learning for Efficient Visual Backbone Training

Authors: Yulin Wang, Yang Yue, Rui Lu, Yizeng Han, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: The superior performance of modern visual backbones usually comes with a costly training procedure. We contribute to this issue by generalizing the idea of curriculum learning beyond its original formulation, i.e., training models using easier-to-harder data. Specifically, we reformulate the training curriculum as a soft-selection function, which uncovers progressively more difficult patterns within each example during training, instead of performing easier-to-harder sample selection. Our work is inspired by an intriguing observation on the learning dynamics of visual backbones: during the earlier stages of training, the model predominantly learns to recognize some 'easier-to-learn' discriminative patterns in the data. These patterns, when observed through frequency and spatial domains, incorporate lower-frequency components, and the natural image contents without distortion or data augmentation. Motivated by these findings, we propose a curriculum where the model always leverages all the training data at every learning stage, yet the exposure to the 'easier-to-learn' patterns of each example is initiated first, with harder patterns gradually introduced as training progresses. To implement this idea in a computationally efficient way, we introduce a cropping operation in the Fourier spectrum of the inputs, enabling the model to learn from only the lower-frequency components. Then we show that exposing the contents of natural images can be readily achieved by modulating the intensity of data augmentation. Finally, we integrate these aspects and design curriculum schedules with tailored search algorithms. The resulting method, EfficientTrain++, is simple, general, yet surprisingly effective. It reduces the training time of a wide variety of popular models by 1.5-3.0x on ImageNet-1K/22K without sacrificing accuracy. It also demonstrates efficacy in self-supervised learning (e.g., MAE).

cross Harnessing the power of longitudinal medical imaging for eye disease prognosis using Transformer-based sequence modeling

Authors: Gregory Holste, Mingquan Lin, Ruiwen Zhou, Fei Wang, Lei Liu, Qi Yan, Sarah H. Van Tassel, Kyle Kovacs, Emily Y. Chew, Zhiyong Lu, Zhangyang Wang, Yifan Peng

Abstract: Deep learning has enabled breakthroughs in automated diagnosis from medical imaging, with many successful applications in ophthalmology. However, standard medical image classification approaches only assess disease presence at the time of acquisition, neglecting the common clinical setting of longitudinal imaging. For slow, progressive eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), patients undergo repeated imaging over time to track disease progression and forecasting the future risk of developing disease is critical to properly plan treatment. Our proposed Longitudinal Transformer for Survival Analysis (LTSA) enables dynamic disease prognosis from longitudinal medical imaging, modeling the time to disease from sequences of fundus photography images captured over long, irregular time periods. Using longitudinal imaging data from the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) and Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study (OHTS), LTSA significantly outperformed a single-image baseline in 19/20 head-to-head comparisons on late AMD prognosis and 18/20 comparisons on POAG prognosis. A temporal attention analysis also suggested that, while the most recent image is typically the most influential, prior imaging still provides additional prognostic value.

cross Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) for Time Series Analysis

Authors: Cristian J. Vaca-Rubio, Luis Blanco, Roberto Pereira, M\`arius Caus

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel application of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) to time series forecasting, leveraging their adaptive activation functions for enhanced predictive modeling. Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, KANs replace traditional linear weights with spline-parametrized univariate functions, allowing them to learn activation patterns dynamically. We demonstrate that KANs outperforms conventional Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) in a real-world satellite traffic forecasting task, providing more accurate results with considerably fewer number of learnable parameters. We also provide an ablation study of KAN-specific parameters impact on performance. The proposed approach opens new avenues for adaptive forecasting models, emphasizing the potential of KANs as a powerful tool in predictive analytics.

cross Towards Enhanced RAC Accessibility: Leveraging Datasets and LLMs

Authors: Edison Jair Bejarano Sepulveda, Nicolai Potes Hector, Santiago Pineda Montoya, Felipe Ivan Rodriguez, Jaime Enrique Orduy, Alec Rosales Cabezas, Danny Traslavi\~na Navarrete, Sergio Madrid Farfan

Abstract: This paper explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to make the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia (RAC) more accessible. Given the complexity and extensive technicality of the RAC, this study introduces a novel approach to simplifying these regulations for broader understanding. By developing the first-ever RAC database, which contains 24,478 expertly labeled question-and-answer pairs, and fine-tuning LLMs specifically for RAC applications, the paper outlines the methodology for dataset assembly, expert-led annotation, and model training. Utilizing the Gemma1.1 2b model along with advanced techniques like Unsloth for efficient VRAM usage and flash attention mechanisms, the research aims to expedite training processes. This initiative establishes a foundation to enhance the comprehensibility and accessibility of RAC, potentially benefiting novices and reducing dependence on expert consultations for navigating the aviation industry's regulatory landscape. You can visit the dataset ( and the model ( here.


replace Tangles: a structural approach to artificial intelligence in the empirical sciences (Part I)

Authors: Reinhard Diestel

Abstract: Traditional clustering identifies groups of objects that share certain qualities. Tangles do the converse: they identify groups of qualities that often occur together. They can thereby discover, relate, and structure types: of behaviour, political views, texts, or viruses. If desired, tangles can also be used as a new method for traditional clustering. They offer a precise, quantitative paradigm suited particularly to fuzzy clusters, since they do not require any assignment of objects to the clusters which these collectively form. This is the first of four parts of a book with the above title. The book explores applications outside mathematics of the notion and theory of tangles generalised from the graph tangles know from graph minor theory.

replace Towards Safe Large Language Models for Medicine

Authors: Tessa Han, Aounon Kumar, Chirag Agarwal, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) develop ever-improving capabilities and are applied in real-world settings, it is important to understand their safety. While initial steps have been taken to evaluate the safety of general-knowledge LLMs, exposing some weaknesses, the safety of medical LLMs has not been sufficiently evaluated despite their high risks to personal health and safety, public health and safety, patient rights, and human rights. To address this gap, we conduct, to our knowledge, the first study of its kind to evaluate and improve the safety of medical LLMs. We find that 1) current medical LLMs do not meet standards of general or medical safety, as they readily comply with harmful requests and that 2) fine-tuning medical LLMs on safety demonstrations significantly improves their safety, reducing their tendency to comply with harmful requests. In addition, we present a definition of medical safety for LLMs and develop a benchmark dataset to evaluate and train for medical safety in LLMs. Poised at the intersection of research on machine learning safety and medical machine learning, this work casts light on the status quo of the safety of medical LLMs and motivates future work in this area, mitigating the risks of harm of LLMs in medicine.

replace Cross-Problem Learning for Solving Vehicle Routing Problems

Authors: Zhuoyi Lin, Yaoxin Wu, Bangjian Zhou, Zhiguang Cao, Wen Song, Yingqian Zhang, Senthilnath Jayavelu

Abstract: Existing neural heuristics often train a deep architecture from scratch for each specific vehicle routing problem (VRP), ignoring the transferable knowledge across different VRP variants. This paper proposes the cross-problem learning to assist heuristics training for different downstream VRP variants. Particularly, we modularize neural architectures for complex VRPs into 1) the backbone Transformer for tackling the travelling salesman problem (TSP), and 2) the additional lightweight modules for processing problem-specific features in complex VRPs. Accordingly, we propose to pre-train the backbone Transformer for TSP, and then apply it in the process of fine-tuning the Transformer models for each target VRP variant. On the one hand, we fully fine-tune the trained backbone Transformer and problem-specific modules simultaneously. On the other hand, we only fine-tune small adapter networks along with the modules, keeping the backbone Transformer still. Extensive experiments on typical VRPs substantiate that 1) the full fine-tuning achieves significantly better performance than the one trained from scratch, and 2) the adapter-based fine-tuning also delivers comparable performance while being notably parameter-efficient. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate the favorable effect of our method in terms of cross-distribution application and versatility.

replace ERATTA: Extreme RAG for Table To Answers with Large Language Models

Authors: Sohini Roychowdhury, Marko Krema, Anvar Mahammad, Brian Moore, Arijit Mukherjee, Punit Prakashchandra

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) with retrieval augmented-generation (RAG) have been the optimal choice for scalable generative AI solutions in the recent past. However, the choice of use-cases that incorporate RAG with LLMs have been either generic or extremely domain specific, thereby questioning the scalability and generalizability of RAG-LLM approaches. In this work, we propose a unique LLM-based system where multiple LLMs can be invoked to enable data authentication, user query routing, data retrieval and custom prompting for question answering capabilities from data tables that are highly varying and large in size. Our system is tuned to extract information from Enterprise-level data products and furnish real time responses under 10 seconds. One prompt manages user-to-data authentication followed by three prompts to route, fetch data and generate a customizable prompt natural language responses. Additionally, we propose a five metric scoring module that detects and reports hallucinations in the LLM responses. Our proposed system and scoring metrics achieve >90% confidence scores across hundreds of user queries in the sustainability, financial health and social media domains. Extensions to the proposed extreme RAG architectures can enable heterogeneous source querying using LLMs.

replace-cross Sample Observed Effects: Enumeration, Randomization and Generalization

Authors: Andre F. Ribeiro

Abstract: The widely used 'Counterfactual' definition of Causal Effects was derived for unbiasedness and accuracy - and not generalizability. We propose a Combinatorial definition for the External Validity (EV) of intervention effects. We first define the concept of an effect observation 'background'. We then formulate conditions for effect generalization based on their sets of (observed and unobserved) backgrounds. This reveals two limits for effect generalization: (1) when effects are observed under all their enumerable backgrounds, or, (2) when backgrounds have become sufficiently randomized. We use the resulting combinatorial framework to re-examine several issues in the original counterfactual formulation: out-of-sample validity, concurrent estimation of multiple effects, bias-variance tradeoffs, statistical power, and connections to current predictive and explaining techniques. Methodologically, the definitions also allow us to replace the parametric estimation problems that followed the counterfactual definition by combinatorial enumeration and randomization problems in non-experimental samples. We use this non-parametric framework to demonstrate (External Validity, Unconfoundness and Precision) tradeoffs in the performance of popular supervised, explaining, and causal-effect estimators. We also illustrate how the approach allows for the use of supervised and explaining methods in non-i.i.d. samples. The COVID19 pandemic highlighted the need for learning solutions to provide predictions in severally incomplete samples. We demonstrate applications in this pressing problem.

replace-cross Checking Trustworthiness of Probabilistic Computations in a Typed Natural Deduction System

Authors: Fabio Aurelio D'Asaro, Francesco Genco, Giuseppe Primiero

Abstract: In this paper we present the probabilistic typed natural deduction calculus TPTND, designed to reason about and derive trustworthiness properties of probabilistic computational processes, like those underlying current AI applications. Derivability in TPTND is interpreted as the process of extracting $n$ samples of possibly complex outputs with a certain frequency from a given categorical distribution. We formalize trust for such outputs as a form of hypothesis testing on the distance between such frequency and the intended probability. The main advantage of the calculus is to render such notion of trustworthiness checkable. We present a computational semantics for the terms over which we reason and then the semantics of TPTND, where logical operators as well as a Trust operator are defined through introduction and elimination rules. We illustrate structural and metatheoretical properties, with particular focus on the ability to establish under which term evolutions and logical rules applications the notion of trustworhtiness can be preserved.

replace-cross Differentiable Bilevel Programming for Stackelberg Congestion Games

Authors: Jiayang Li, Jing Yu, Qianni Wang, Boyi Liu, Zhaoran Wang, Yu Marco Nie

Abstract: In a Stackelberg congestion game (SCG), a leader aims to maximize their own gain by anticipating and manipulating the equilibrium state at which the followers settle by playing a congestion game. Often formulated as bilevel programs, large-scale SCGs are well known for their intractability and complexity. Here, we attempt to tackle this computational challenge by marrying traditional methodologies with the latest differentiable programming techniques in machine learning. The core idea centers on replacing the lower-level equilibrium problem with a smooth evolution trajectory defined by the imitative logit dynamic (ILD), which we prove converges to the equilibrium of the congestion game under mild conditions. Building upon this theoretical foundation, we propose two new local search algorithms for SCGs. The first is a gradient descent algorithm that obtains the derivatives by unrolling ILD via differentiable programming. Thanks to the smoothness of ILD, the algorithm promises both efficiency and scalability. The second algorithm adds a heuristic twist by cutting short the followers' evolution trajectory. Behaviorally, this means that, instead of anticipating the followers' best response at equilibrium, the leader seeks to approximate that response by only looking ahead a limited number of steps. Our numerical experiments are carried out over various instances of classic SCG applications, ranging from toy benchmarks to large-scale real-world examples. The results show the proposed algorithms are reliable and scalable local solvers that deliver high-quality solutions with greater regularity and significantly less computational effort compared to the many incumbents included in our study.

replace-cross Environment Design for Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Thomas Kleine Buening, Victor Villin, Christos Dimitrakakis

Abstract: Learning a reward function from demonstrations suffers from low sample-efficiency. Even with abundant data, current inverse reinforcement learning methods that focus on learning from a single environment can fail to handle slight changes in the environment dynamics. We tackle these challenges through adaptive environment design. In our framework, the learner repeatedly interacts with the expert, with the former selecting environments to identify the reward function as quickly as possible from the expert's demonstrations in said environments. This results in improvements in both sample-efficiency and robustness, as we show experimentally, for both exact and approximate inference.

replace-cross On Finding Small Hyper-Gradients in Bilevel Optimization: Hardness Results and Improved Analysis

Authors: Lesi Chen, Jing Xu, Jingzhao Zhang

Abstract: Bilevel optimization reveals the inner structure of otherwise oblique optimization problems, such as hyperparameter tuning, neural architecture search, and meta-learning. A common goal in bilevel optimization is to minimize a hyper-objective that implicitly depends on the solution set of the lower-level function. Although this hyper-objective approach is widely used, its theoretical properties have not been thoroughly investigated in cases where the lower-level functions lack strong convexity. In this work, we first provide hardness results to show that the goal of finding stationary points of the hyper-objective for nonconvex-convex bilevel optimization can be intractable for zero-respecting algorithms. Then we study a class of tractable nonconvex-nonconvex bilevel problems when the lower-level function satisfies the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz (PL) condition. We show a simple first-order algorithm can achieve better complexity bounds of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-2})$, $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-4})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-6})$ in the deterministic, partially stochastic, and fully stochastic setting respectively.

replace-cross Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning with Bottom-up Supervision

Authors: Tarun Kalluri, Weiyao Wang, Heng Wang, Manmohan Chandraker, Lorenzo Torresani, Du Tran

Abstract: Many top-down architectures for instance segmentation achieve significant success when trained and tested on pre-defined closed-world taxonomy. However, when deployed in the open world, they exhibit notable bias towards seen classes and suffer from significant performance drop. In this work, we propose a novel approach for open world instance segmentation called bottom-Up and top-Down Open-world Segmentation (UDOS) that combines classical bottom-up segmentation algorithms within a top-down learning framework. UDOS first predicts parts of objects using a top-down network trained with weak supervision from bottom-up segmentations. The bottom-up segmentations are class-agnostic and do not overfit to specific taxonomies. The part-masks are then fed into affinity-based grouping and refinement modules to predict robust instance-level segmentations. UDOS enjoys both the speed and efficiency from the top-down architectures and the generalization ability to unseen categories from bottom-up supervision. We validate the strengths of UDOS on multiple cross-category as well as cross-dataset transfer tasks from 5 challenging datasets including MS-COCO, LVIS, ADE20k, UVO and OpenImages, achieving significant improvements over state-of-the-art across the board. Our code and models are available on our project page.

replace-cross An algorithmic framework for the optimization of deep neural networks architectures and hyperparameters

Authors: Julie Keisler (EDF R\&D OSIRIS, EDF R\&D, CRIStAL, CRIStAL), El-Ghazali Talbi (CRIStAL, CRIStAL), Sandra Claudel (EDF R\&D OSIRIS, EDF R\&D), Gilles Cabriel (EDF R\&D OSIRIS, EDF R\&D)

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an algorithmic framework to automatically generate efficient deep neural networks and optimize their associated hyperparameters. The framework is based on evolving directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), defining a more flexible search space than the existing ones in the literature. It allows mixtures of different classical operations: convolutions, recurrences and dense layers, but also more newfangled operations such as self-attention. Based on this search space we propose neighbourhood and evolution search operators to optimize both the architecture and hyper-parameters of our networks. These search operators can be used with any metaheuristic capable of handling mixed search spaces. We tested our algorithmic framework with an evolutionary algorithm on a time series prediction benchmark. The results demonstrate that our framework was able to find models outperforming the established baseline on numerous datasets.

replace-cross Bandits for Sponsored Search Auctions under Unknown Valuation Model: Case Study in E-Commerce Advertising

Authors: Danil Provodin, J\'er\'emie Joudioux, Eduard Duryev

Abstract: This paper presents a bidding system for sponsored search auctions under an unknown valuation model. This formulation assumes that the bidder's value is unknown, evolving arbitrarily, and observed only upon winning an auction. Unlike previous studies, we do not impose any assumptions on the nature of feedback and consider the problem of bidding in sponsored search auctions in its full generality. Our system is based on a bandit framework that is resilient to the black-box auction structure and delayed and batched feedback. To validate our proposed solution, we conducted a case study at Zalando, a leading fashion e-commerce company. We outline the development process and describe the promising outcomes of our bandits-based approach to increase profitability in sponsored search auctions. We discuss in detail the technical challenges that were overcome during the implementation, shedding light on the mechanisms that led to increased profitability.

replace-cross A Billion-scale Foundation Model for Remote Sensing Images

Authors: Keumgang Cha, Junghoon Seo, Taekyung Lee

Abstract: As the potential of foundation models in visual tasks has garnered significant attention, pretraining these models before downstream tasks has become a crucial step. The three key factors in pretraining foundation models are the pretraining method, the size of the pretraining dataset, and the number of model parameters. Recently, research in the remote sensing field has focused primarily on the pretraining method and the size of the dataset, with limited emphasis on the number of model parameters. This paper addresses this gap by examining the effect of increasing the number of model parameters on the performance of foundation models in downstream tasks such as rotated object detection and semantic segmentation. We pretrained foundation models with varying numbers of parameters, including 86M, 605.26M, 1.3B, and 2.4B, to determine whether performance in downstream tasks improved with an increase in parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first billion-scale foundation model in the remote sensing field. Furthermore, we propose an effective method for scaling up and fine-tuning a vision transformer in the remote sensing field. To evaluate general performance in downstream tasks, we employed the DOTA v2.0 and DIOR-R benchmark datasets for rotated object detection, and the Potsdam and LoveDA datasets for semantic segmentation. Experimental results demonstrated that, across all benchmark datasets and downstream tasks, the performance of the foundation models and data efficiency improved as the number of parameters increased. Moreover, our models achieve the state-of-the-art performance on several datasets including DIOR-R, Postdam, and LoveDA.

replace-cross A 4D Hybrid Algorithm to Scale Parallel Training to Thousands of GPUs

Authors: Siddharth Singh, Prajwal Singhania, Aditya K. Ranjan, Zack Sating, Abhinav Bhatele

Abstract: Heavy communication, in particular, collective operations, can become a critical performance bottleneck in scaling the training of billion-parameter neural networks to large-scale parallel systems. This paper introduces a four-dimensional (4D) approach to optimize communication in parallel training. This 4D approach is a hybrid of 3D tensor and data parallelism, and is implemented in the AxoNN framework. In addition, we employ two key strategies to further minimize communication overheads. First, we aggressively overlap expensive collective operations (reduce-scatter, all-gather, and all-reduce) with computation. Second, we develop an analytical model to identify high-performing configurations within the large search space defined by our 4D algorithm. This model empowers practitioners by simplifying the tuning process for their specific training workloads. When training an 80-billion parameter GPT on 1024 GPUs of Perlmutter, AxoNN surpasses Megatron-LM, a state-of-the-art framework, by a significant 26%. Additionally, it achieves a significantly high 57% of the theoretical peak FLOP/s or 182 PFLOP/s in total.

replace-cross HPC-Coder: Modeling Parallel Programs using Large Language Models

Authors: Daniel Nichols, Aniruddha Marathe, Harshitha Menon, Todd Gamblin, Abhinav Bhatele

Abstract: Parallel programs in high performance computing (HPC) continue to grow in complexity and scale in the exascale era. The diversity in hardware and parallel programming models make developing, optimizing, and maintaining parallel software even more burdensome for developers. One way to alleviate some of these burdens is with automated development and analysis tools. Such tools can perform complex and/or remedial tasks for developers that increase their productivity and decrease the chance for error. Until recently, such tools for code development and performance analysis have been limited in the complexity of tasks they can perform, especially for parallel programs. However, with recent advancements in language modeling, and the availability of large amounts of open-source code related data, these tools have started to utilize predictive language models to automate more complex tasks. In this paper, we show how large language models (LLMs) can be applied to tasks specific to high performance and scientific codes. We introduce a new dataset of HPC and scientific codes and use it to fine-tune several pre-trained models. We compare several pre-trained LLMs on HPC-related tasks and introduce a new model, HPC-Coder, fine-tuned on parallel codes. In our experiments, we show that this model can auto-complete HPC functions where generic models cannot, decorate for loops with OpenMP pragmas, and model performance changes in scientific application repositories as well as programming competition solutions.

replace-cross SGD-type Methods with Guaranteed Global Stability in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

Authors: Nachuan Xiao, Xiaoyin Hu, Kim-Chuan Toh

Abstract: In this paper, we focus on providing convergence guarantees for variants of the stochastic subgradient descent (SGD) method in minimizing nonsmooth nonconvex functions. We first develop a general framework to establish global stability for general stochastic subgradient methods, where the corresponding differential inclusion admits a coercive Lyapunov function. We prove that, with sufficiently small stepsizes and controlled noises, the iterates asymptotically stabilize around the stable set of its corresponding differential inclusion. Then we introduce a scheme for developing SGD-type methods with regularized update directions for the primal variables. Based on our developed framework, we prove the global stability of our proposed scheme under mild conditions. We further illustrate that our scheme yields variants of SGD-type methods, which enjoy guaranteed convergence in training nonsmooth neural networks. In particular, by employing the sign map to regularize the update directions, we propose a novel subgradient method named the Sign-map Regularized SGD method (SRSGD). Preliminary numerical experiments exhibit the high efficiency of SRSGD in training deep neural networks.

replace-cross RealFill: Reference-Driven Generation for Authentic Image Completion

Authors: Luming Tang, Nataniel Ruiz, Qinghao Chu, Yuanzhen Li, Aleksander Holynski, David E. Jacobs, Bharath Hariharan, Yael Pritch, Neal Wadhwa, Kfir Aberman, Michael Rubinstein

Abstract: Recent advances in generative imagery have brought forth outpainting and inpainting models that can produce high-quality, plausible image content in unknown regions. However, the content these models hallucinate is necessarily inauthentic, since they are unaware of the true scene. In this work, we propose RealFill, a novel generative approach for image completion that fills in missing regions of an image with the content that should have been there. RealFill is a generative inpainting model that is personalized using only a few reference images of a scene. These reference images do not have to be aligned with the target image, and can be taken with drastically varying viewpoints, lighting conditions, camera apertures, or image styles. Once personalized, RealFill is able to complete a target image with visually compelling contents that are faithful to the original scene. We evaluate RealFill on a new image completion benchmark that covers a set of diverse and challenging scenarios, and find that it outperforms existing approaches by a large margin. Project page:


replace-cross Primacy Effect of ChatGPT

Authors: Yiwei Wang, Yujun Cai, Muhao Chen, Yuxuan Liang, Bryan Hooi

Abstract: Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have led to promising zero-shot performance in discriminative natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. This involves querying the LLM using a prompt containing the question, and the candidate labels to choose from. The question-answering capabilities of ChatGPT arise from its pre-training on large amounts of human-written text, as well as its subsequent fine-tuning on human preferences, which motivates us to ask: Does ChatGPT also inherits humans' cognitive biases? In this paper, we study the primacy effect of ChatGPT: the tendency of selecting the labels at earlier positions as the answer. We have two main findings: i) ChatGPT's decision is sensitive to the order of labels in the prompt; ii) ChatGPT has a clearly higher chance to select the labels at earlier positions as the answer. We hope that our experiments and analyses provide additional insights into building more reliable ChatGPT-based solutions. We release the source code at


replace-cross AlpaCare:Instruction-tuned Large Language Models for Medical Application

Authors: Xinlu Zhang, Chenxin Tian, Xianjun Yang, Lichang Chen, Zekun Li, Linda Ruth Petzold

Abstract: Instruction-finetuning (IFT) has become crucial in aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with diverse human needs and has shown great potential in medical applications. However, previous studies mainly fine-tune LLMs on biomedical datasets with limited diversity, which often rely on benchmarks or narrow task scopes, and hence significantly limit the effectiveness on their medical instruction-following ability and generalizability. To bridge this gap, we propose creating a diverse, machine-generated medical IFT dataset, MedInstruct-52k, using GPT-4 and ChatGPT with a high-quality expert-curated seed set. We then fine-tune LLaMA-series models on the dataset to develop AlpaCare. Despite using a smaller domain-specific dataset than previous medical LLMs, AlpaCare not only demonstrates superior performance on medical applications, with up to 38.1% absolute gain over best baselines in medical free-form instruction evaluations, but also achieves 6.7% absolute gains averaged over multiple general domain benchmarks. Human evaluation further shows that AlpaCare consistently outperforms best baselines in terms of both correctness and helpfulness. We offer public access to our data, model, and codebase in


replace-cross Towards Generalised Pre-Training of Graph Models

Authors: Alex O. Davies, Riku W. Green, Nirav S. Ajmeri, Telmo M. Silva Filho

Abstract: The principal benefit of unsupervised representation learning is that a pre-trained model can be fine-tuned where data or labels are scarce. Existing approaches for graph representation learning are domain specific, maintaining consistent node and edge features across the pre-training and target datasets. This has precluded transfer to multiple domains. In this work we present Topology Only Pre-Training, a graph pre-training method based on node and edge feature exclusion. Separating graph learning into two stages, topology and features, we use contrastive learning to pre-train models over multiple domains. These models show positive transfer on evaluation datasets from multiple domains, including domains not present in pre-training data. On 75% of experiments, ToP models perform significantly ($P \leq 0.01$) better than a supervised baseline. These results include when node and edge features are used in evaluation, where performance is significantly better on 85.7% of tasks compared to single-domain or non-pre-trained models. We further show that out-of-domain topologies can produce more useful pre-training than in-domain. We show better transfer from non-molecule pre-training, compared to molecule pre-training, on 79% of molecular benchmarks.

replace-cross Can Large Language Models Write Parallel Code?

Authors: Daniel Nichols, Joshua H. Davis, Zhaojun Xie, Arjun Rajaram, Abhinav Bhatele

Abstract: Large language models are increasingly becoming a popular tool for software development. Their ability to model and generate source code has been demonstrated in a variety of contexts, including code completion, summarization, translation, and lookup. However, they often struggle to generate code for complex programs. In this paper, we study the capabilities of state-of-the-art language models to generate parallel code. In order to evaluate language models, we create a benchmark, ParEval, consisting of prompts that represent 420 different coding tasks related to scientific and parallel computing. We use ParEval to evaluate the effectiveness of several state-of-the-art open- and closed-source language models on these tasks. We introduce novel metrics for evaluating the performance of generated code, and use them to explore how well each large language model performs for 12 different computational problem types and six different parallel programming models.

replace-cross MOMENT: A Family of Open Time-series Foundation Models

Authors: Mononito Goswami, Konrad Szafer, Arjun Choudhry, Yifu Cai, Shuo Li, Artur Dubrawski

Abstract: We introduce MOMENT, a family of open-source foundation models for general-purpose time series analysis. Pre-training large models on time series data is challenging due to (1) the absence of a large and cohesive public time series repository, and (2) diverse time series characteristics which make multi-dataset training onerous. Additionally, (3) experimental benchmarks to evaluate these models, especially in scenarios with limited resources, time, and supervision, are still in their nascent stages. To address these challenges, we compile a large and diverse collection of public time series, called the Time series Pile, and systematically tackle time series-specific challenges to unlock large-scale multi-dataset pre-training. Finally, we build on recent work to design a benchmark to evaluate time series foundation models on diverse tasks and datasets in limited supervision settings. Experiments on this benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our pre-trained models with minimal data and task-specific fine-tuning. Finally, we present several interesting empirical observations about large pre-trained time series models. Pre-trained models (AutonLab/MOMENT-1-large) and Time Series Pile (AutonLab/Timeseries-PILE) are available on Huggingface.

replace-cross PiShield: A PyTorch Package for Learning with Requirements

Authors: Mihaela C\u{a}t\u{a}lina Stoian, Alex Tatomir, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Eleonora Giunchiglia

Abstract: Deep learning models have shown their strengths in various application domains, however, they often struggle to meet safety requirements for their outputs. In this paper, we introduce PiShield, the first package ever allowing for the integration of the requirements into the neural networks' topology. PiShield guarantees compliance with these requirements, regardless of input. Additionally, it allows for integrating requirements both at inference and/or training time, depending on the practitioners' needs. Given the widespread application of deep learning, there is a growing need for frameworks allowing for the integration of the requirements across various domains. Here, we explore three application scenarios: functional genomics, autonomous driving, and tabular data generation.

replace-cross Direct Alignment of Draft Model for Speculative Decoding with Chat-Fine-Tuned LLMs

Authors: Raghavv Goel, Mukul Gagrani, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Text generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is known to be memory bound due to the combination of their auto-regressive nature, huge parameter counts, and limited memory bandwidths, often resulting in low token rates. Speculative decoding has been proposed as a solution for LLM inference acceleration. However, since draft models are often unavailable in the modern open-source LLM families, e.g., for Llama 2 7B, training a high-quality draft model is required to enable inference acceleration via speculative decoding. In this paper, we propose a simple draft model training framework for direct alignment to chat-capable target models. With the proposed framework, we train Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M, a draft model for Llama 2 Chat 7B or larger, with only 1.64\% of the original size. Our training framework only consists of pretraining, distillation dataset generation, and finetuning with knowledge distillation, with no additional alignment procedure. For the finetuning step, we use instruction-response pairs generated by target model for distillation in plausible data distribution, and propose a new Total Variation Distance++ (TVD++) loss that incorporates variance reduction techniques inspired from the policy gradient method in reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M with speculative decoding achieves up to 2.3 block efficiency and 2.4$\times$ speed-up relative to autoregressive decoding on various tasks with no further task-specific fine-tuning.

replace-cross ParallelPARC: A Scalable Pipeline for Generating Natural-Language Analogies

Authors: Oren Sultan, Yonatan Bitton, Ron Yosef, Dafna Shahaf

Abstract: Analogy-making is central to human cognition, allowing us to adapt to novel situations -- an ability that current AI systems still lack. Most analogy datasets today focus on simple analogies (e.g., word analogies); datasets including complex types of analogies are typically manually curated and very small. We believe that this holds back progress in computational analogy. In this work, we design a data generation pipeline, ParallelPARC (Parallel Paragraph Creator) leveraging state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) to create complex, paragraph-based analogies, as well as distractors, both simple and challenging. We demonstrate our pipeline and create ProPara-Logy, a dataset of analogies between scientific processes. We publish a gold-set, validated by humans, and a silver-set, generated automatically. We test LLMs' and humans' analogy recognition in binary and multiple-choice settings, and found that humans outperform the best models (~13% gap) after a light supervision. We demonstrate that our silver-set is useful for training models. Lastly, we show challenging distractors confuse LLMs, but not humans. We hope our pipeline will encourage research in this emerging field.

replace-cross Tell, Don't Show!: Language Guidance Eases Transfer Across Domains in Images and Videos

Authors: Tarun Kalluri, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Manmohan Chandraker

Abstract: We introduce LaGTran, a novel framework that utilizes readily available or easily acquired text descriptions to guide robust transfer of discriminative knowledge from labeled source to unlabeled target data with domain shifts. While unsupervised adaptation methods have been established to address this problem, they show limitations in handling challenging domain shifts due to their exclusive operation within the pixel-space. Motivated by our observation that semantically richer text modality has more favorable transfer properties, we devise a transfer mechanism to use a source-trained text-classifier to generate predictions on the target text descriptions, and utilize these predictions as supervision for the corresponding images. Our approach driven by language guidance is surprisingly easy and simple, yet significantly outperforms all prior approaches on challenging datasets like GeoNet and DomainNet, validating its extreme effectiveness. To further extend the scope of our study beyond images, we introduce a new benchmark to study ego-exo transfer in videos and find that our language-aided LaGTran yields significant gains in this highly challenging and non-trivial transfer setting. Code, models, and proposed datasets are publicly available at


replace-cross A Short Survey on Importance Weighting for Machine Learning

Authors: Masanari Kimura, Hideitsu Hino

Abstract: Importance weighting is a fundamental procedure in statistics and machine learning that weights the objective function or probability distribution based on the importance of the instance in some sense. The simplicity and usefulness of the idea has led to many applications of importance weighting. For example, it is known that supervised learning under an assumption about the difference between the training and test distributions, called distribution shift, can guarantee statistically desirable properties through importance weighting by their density ratio. This survey summarizes the broad applications of importance weighting in machine learning and related research.

replace-cross Efficient Pruning of Large Language Model with Adaptive Estimation Fusion

Authors: Jun Liu, Chao Wu, Changdi Yang, Hao Tang, Haoye Dong, Zhenglun Kong, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Dong Huang, Yanzhi Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have become crucial for many generative downstream tasks, leading to an inevitable trend and significant challenge to deploy them efficiently on resource-constrained devices. Structured pruning is a widely used method to address this challenge. However, when dealing with the complex structure of the multiple decoder layers, general methods often employ common estimation approaches for pruning. These approaches lead to a decline in accuracy for specific downstream tasks. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet efficient method that adaptively models the importance of each substructure. Meanwhile, it can adaptively fuse coarse-grained and finegrained estimations based on the results from complex and multilayer structures. All aspects of our design seamlessly integrate into the endto-end pruning framework. Our experimental results, compared with state-of-the-art methods on mainstream datasets, demonstrate average accuracy improvements of 1.1%, 1.02%, 2.0%, and 1.2% for LLaMa-7B,Vicuna-7B, Baichuan-7B, and Bloom-7b1, respectively.

replace-cross Adversarial Nibbler: An Open Red-Teaming Method for Identifying Diverse Harms in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jessica Quaye, Alicia Parrish, Oana Inel, Charvi Rastogi, Hannah Rose Kirk, Minsuk Kahng, Erin van Liemt, Max Bartolo, Jess Tsang, Justin White, Nathan Clement, Rafael Mosquera, Juan Ciro, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Lora Aroyo

Abstract: With the rise of text-to-image (T2I) generative AI models reaching wide audiences, it is critical to evaluate model robustness against non-obvious attacks to mitigate the generation of offensive images. By focusing on ``implicitly adversarial'' prompts (those that trigger T2I models to generate unsafe images for non-obvious reasons), we isolate a set of difficult safety issues that human creativity is well-suited to uncover. To this end, we built the Adversarial Nibbler Challenge, a red-teaming methodology for crowdsourcing a diverse set of implicitly adversarial prompts. We have assembled a suite of state-of-the-art T2I models, employed a simple user interface to identify and annotate harms, and engaged diverse populations to capture long-tail safety issues that may be overlooked in standard testing. The challenge is run in consecutive rounds to enable a sustained discovery and analysis of safety pitfalls in T2I models. In this paper, we present an in-depth account of our methodology, a systematic study of novel attack strategies and discussion of safety failures revealed by challenge participants. We also release a companion visualization tool for easy exploration and derivation of insights from the dataset. The first challenge round resulted in over 10k prompt-image pairs with machine annotations for safety. A subset of 1.5k samples contains rich human annotations of harm types and attack styles. We find that 14% of images that humans consider harmful are mislabeled as ``safe'' by machines. We have identified new attack strategies that highlight the complexity of ensuring T2I model robustness. Our findings emphasize the necessity of continual auditing and adaptation as new vulnerabilities emerge. We are confident that this work will enable proactive, iterative safety assessments and promote responsible development of T2I models.

replace-cross Evaluating GPT-4 with Vision on Detection of Radiological Findings on Chest Radiographs

Authors: Yiliang Zhou, Hanley Ong, Patrick Kennedy, Carol Wu, Jacob Kazam, Keith Hentel, Adam Flanders, George Shih, Yifan Peng

Abstract: The study examines the application of GPT-4V, a multi-modal large language model equipped with visual recognition, in detecting radiological findings from a set of 100 chest radiographs and suggests that GPT-4V is currently not ready for real-world diagnostic usage in interpreting chest radiographs.

replace-cross GeNet: A Graph Neural Network-based Anti-noise Task-Oriented Semantic Communication Paradigm

Authors: Chunhang Zheng, Kechao Cai

Abstract: Traditional approaches to semantic communication tasks rely on the knowledge of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to mitigate channel noise. Moreover, these methods necessitate training under specific SNR conditions, entailing considerable time and computational resources. In this paper, we propose GeNet, a Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based paradigm for semantic communication aimed at combating noise, thereby facilitating Task-Oriented Communication (TOC). We propose a novel approach where we first transform the input data image into graph structures. Then we leverage a GNN-based encoder to extract semantic information from the source data. This extracted semantic information is then transmitted through the channel. At the receiver's end, a GNN-based decoder is utilized to reconstruct the relevant semantic information from the source data for TOC. Through experimental evaluation, we show GeNet's effectiveness in anti-noise TOC while decoupling the SNR dependency. We further evaluate GeNet's performance by varying the number of nodes, revealing its versatility as a new paradigm for semantic communication. Additionally, we show GeNet's robustness to geometric transformations by testing it with different rotation angles, without resorting to data augmentation.

replace-cross Efficient Heatmap-Guided 6-Dof Grasp Detection in Cluttered Scenes

Authors: Siang Chen, Wei Tang, Pengwei Xie, Wenming Yang, Guijin Wang

Abstract: Fast and robust object grasping in clutter is a crucial component of robotics. Most current works resort to the whole observed point cloud for 6-Dof grasp generation, ignoring the guidance information excavated from global semantics, thus limiting high-quality grasp generation and real-time performance. In this work, we show that the widely used heatmaps are underestimated in the efficiency of 6-Dof grasp generation. Therefore, we propose an effective local grasp generator combined with grasp heatmaps as guidance, which infers in a global-to-local semantic-to-point way. Specifically, Gaussian encoding and the grid-based strategy are applied to predict grasp heatmaps as guidance to aggregate local points into graspable regions and provide global semantic information. Further, a novel non-uniform anchor sampling mechanism is designed to improve grasp accuracy and diversity. Benefiting from the high-efficiency encoding in the image space and focusing on points in local graspable regions, our framework can perform high-quality grasp detection in real-time and achieve state-of-the-art results. In addition, real robot experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with a success rate of 94% and a clutter completion rate of 100%. Our code is available at


replace-cross Alljoined1 -- A dataset for EEG-to-Image decoding

Authors: Jonathan Xu, Bruno Aristimunha, Max Emanuel Feucht, Emma Qian, Charles Liu, Tazik Shahjahan, Martyna Spyra, Steven Zifan Zhang, Nicholas Short, Jioh Kim, Paula Perdomo, Ricky Renfeng Mao, Yashvir Sabharwal, Michael Ahedor Moaz Shoura, Adrian Nestor

Abstract: We present Alljoined1, a dataset built specifically for EEG-to-Image decoding. Recognizing that an extensive and unbiased sampling of neural responses to visual stimuli is crucial for image reconstruction efforts, we collected data from 8 participants looking at 10,000 natural images each. We have currently gathered 46,080 epochs of brain responses recorded with a 64-channel EEG headset. The dataset combines response-based stimulus timing, repetition between blocks and sessions, and diverse image classes with the goal of improving signal quality. For transparency, we also provide data quality scores. We publicly release the dataset and all code at


replace-cross The Generation Gap:Exploring Age Bias in the Underlying Value Systems of Large Language Models

Authors: Siyang Liu, Trish Maturi, Bowen Yi, Siqi Shen, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the alignment of values in Large Language Models (LLMs) with specific age groups, leveraging data from the World Value Survey across thirteen categories. Through a diverse set of prompts tailored to ensure response robustness, we find a general inclination of LLM values towards younger demographics. Additionally, we explore the impact of incorporating age identity information in prompts and observe challenges in mitigating value discrepancies with different age cohorts. Our findings highlight the age bias in LLMs and provide insights for future work.

replace-cross AI-Assisted Writing in Education: Ecosystem Risks and Mitigations

Authors: Antonette Shibani, Simon Buckingham Shum

Abstract: While the excitement around the capabilities of technological advancements is giving rise to new AI-based writing assistants, the overarching ecosystem plays a crucial role in how they are adopted in educational practice. In this paper, we point to key ecological aspects for consideration. We draw insights from extensive research integrated with practice on a writing feedback tool over 9 years at a university, and we highlight potential risks when these are overlooked. It informs the design of educational writing support tools to be better aligned within broader contexts to balance innovation with practical impact.

replace-cross Introducing v0.5 of the AI Safety Benchmark from MLCommons

Authors: Bertie Vidgen, Adarsh Agrawal, Ahmed M. Ahmed, Victor Akinwande, Namir Al-Nuaimi, Najla Alfaraj, Elie Alhajjar, Lora Aroyo, Trupti Bavalatti, Max Bartolo, Borhane Blili-Hamelin, Kurt Bollacker, Rishi Bomassani, Marisa Ferrara Boston, Sim\'eon Campos, Kal Chakra, Canyu Chen, Cody Coleman, Zacharie Delpierre Coudert, Leon Derczynski, Debojyoti Dutta, Ian Eisenberg, James Ezick, Heather Frase, Brian Fuller, Ram Gandikota, Agasthya Gangavarapu, Ananya Gangavarapu, James Gealy, Rajat Ghosh, James Goel, Usman Gohar, Sujata Goswami, Scott A. Hale, Wiebke Hutiri, Joseph Marvin Imperial, Surgan Jandial, Nick Judd, Felix Juefei-Xu, Foutse Khomh, Bhavya Kailkhura, Hannah Rose Kirk, Kevin Klyman, Chris Knotz, Michael Kuchnik, Shachi H. Kumar, Srijan Kumar, Chris Lengerich, Bo Li, Zeyi Liao, Eileen Peters Long, Victor Lu, Sarah Luger, Yifan Mai, Priyanka Mary Mammen, Kelvin Manyeki, Sean McGregor, Virendra Mehta, Shafee Mohammed, Emanuel Moss, Lama Nachman, Dinesh Jinenhally Naganna, Amin Nikanjam, Besmira Nushi, Luis Oala, Iftach Orr, Alicia Parrish, Cigdem Patlak, William Pietri, Forough Poursabzi-Sangdeh, Eleonora Presani, Fabrizio Puletti, Paul R\"ottger, Saurav Sahay, Tim Santos, Nino Scherrer, Alice Schoenauer Sebag, Patrick Schramowski, Abolfazl Shahbazi, Vin Sharma, Xudong Shen, Vamsi Sistla, Leonard Tang, Davide Testuggine, Vithursan Thangarasa, Elizabeth Anne Watkins, Rebecca Weiss, Chris Welty, Tyler Wilbers, Adina Williams, Carole-Jean Wu, Poonam Yadav, Xianjun Yang, Yi Zeng, Wenhui Zhang, Fedor Zhdanov, Jiacheng Zhu, Percy Liang, Peter Mattson, Joaquin Vanschoren

Abstract: This paper introduces v0.5 of the AI Safety Benchmark, which has been created by the MLCommons AI Safety Working Group. The AI Safety Benchmark has been designed to assess the safety risks of AI systems that use chat-tuned language models. We introduce a principled approach to specifying and constructing the benchmark, which for v0.5 covers only a single use case (an adult chatting to a general-purpose assistant in English), and a limited set of personas (i.e., typical users, malicious users, and vulnerable users). We created a new taxonomy of 13 hazard categories, of which 7 have tests in the v0.5 benchmark. We plan to release version 1.0 of the AI Safety Benchmark by the end of 2024. The v1.0 benchmark will provide meaningful insights into the safety of AI systems. However, the v0.5 benchmark should not be used to assess the safety of AI systems. We have sought to fully document the limitations, flaws, and challenges of v0.5. This release of v0.5 of the AI Safety Benchmark includes (1) a principled approach to specifying and constructing the benchmark, which comprises use cases, types of systems under test (SUTs), language and context, personas, tests, and test items; (2) a taxonomy of 13 hazard categories with definitions and subcategories; (3) tests for seven of the hazard categories, each comprising a unique set of test items, i.e., prompts. There are 43,090 test items in total, which we created with templates; (4) a grading system for AI systems against the benchmark; (5) an openly available platform, and downloadable tool, called ModelBench that can be used to evaluate the safety of AI systems on the benchmark; (6) an example evaluation report which benchmarks the performance of over a dozen openly available chat-tuned language models; (7) a test specification for the benchmark.

replace-cross Minimizing Weighted Counterfactual Regret with Optimistic Online Mirror Descent

Authors: Hang Xu, Kai Li, Bingyun Liu, Haobo Fu, Qiang Fu, Junliang Xing, Jian Cheng

Abstract: Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR) is a family of algorithms for effectively solving imperfect-information games. It decomposes the total regret into counterfactual regrets, utilizing local regret minimization algorithms, such as Regret Matching (RM) or RM+, to minimize them. Recent research establishes a connection between Online Mirror Descent (OMD) and RM+, paving the way for an optimistic variant PRM+ and its extension PCFR+. However, PCFR+ assigns uniform weights for each iteration when determining regrets, leading to substantial regrets when facing dominated actions. This work explores minimizing weighted counterfactual regret with optimistic OMD, resulting in a novel CFR variant PDCFR+. It integrates PCFR+ and Discounted CFR (DCFR) in a principled manner, swiftly mitigating negative effects of dominated actions and consistently leveraging predictions to accelerate convergence. Theoretical analyses prove that PDCFR+ converges to a Nash equilibrium, particularly under distinct weighting schemes for regrets and average strategies. Experimental results demonstrate PDCFR+'s fast convergence in common imperfect-information games. The code is available at


replace-cross Generating Attractive and Authentic Copywriting from Customer Reviews

Authors: Yu-Xiang Lin, Wei-Yun Ma

Abstract: The goal of product copywriting is to capture the interest of potential buyers by emphasizing the features of products through text descriptions. As e-commerce platforms offer a wide range of services, it's becoming essential to dynamically adjust the styles of these auto-generated descriptions. Typical approaches to copywriting generation often rely solely on specified product attributes, which may result in dull and repetitive content. To tackle this issue, we propose to generate copywriting based on customer reviews, as they provide firsthand practical experiences with products, offering a richer source of information than just product attributes. We have developed a sequence-to-sequence framework, enhanced with reinforcement learning, to produce copywriting that is attractive, authentic, and rich in information. Our framework outperforms all existing baseline and zero-shot large language models, including LLaMA-2-chat-7B and GPT-3.5, in terms of both attractiveness and faithfulness. Furthermore, this work features the use of LLMs for aspect-based summaries collection and argument allure assessment. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of using LLMs for marketing domain corpus construction. The code and the dataset is publicly available at:


replace-cross M3H: Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare

Authors: Dimitris Bertsimas, Yu Ma

Abstract: Artificial intelligence holds promise to fundamentally enhance healthcare. Developing an integrated many-to-many framework leveraging multimodal data for multiple tasks is essential to unifying modern medicine. We introduce M3H, an explainable Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare framework that consolidates learning from tabular, time-series, language, and vision data for supervised binary/multiclass classification, regression, and unsupervised clustering. M3H encompasses an unprecedented range of medical tasks and problem domains and consistently outperforms traditional single-task models by on average 11.6% across 40 disease diagnoses from 16 medical departments, three hospital operation forecasts, and one patient phenotyping task. It features a novel attention mechanism balancing self-exploitation (learning source-task), and cross-exploration (learning cross-tasks), and offers explainability through a proposed TIM score, shedding light on the dynamics of task learning interdependencies. Its adaptable architecture supports easy customization and integration of new data modalities and tasks, establishing it as a robust, scalable solution for advancing AI-driven healthcare systems.

replace-cross VimTS: A Unified Video and Image Text Spotter for Enhancing the Cross-domain Generalization

Authors: Yuliang Liu, Mingxin Huang, Hao Yan, Linger Deng, Weijia Wu, Hao Lu, Chunhua Shen, Lianwen Jin, Xiang Bai

Abstract: Text spotting, a task involving the extraction of textual information from image or video sequences, faces challenges in cross-domain adaption, such as image-to-image and image-to-video generalization. In this paper, we introduce a new method, termed VimTS, which enhances the generalization ability of the model by achieving better synergy among different tasks. Typically, we propose a Prompt Queries Generation Module and a Tasks-aware Adapter to effectively convert the original single-task model into a multi-task model suitable for both image and video scenarios with minimal additional parameters. The Prompt Queries Generation Module facilitates explicit interaction between different tasks, while the Tasks-aware Adapter helps the model dynamically learn suitable features for each task. Additionally, to further enable the model to learn temporal information at a lower cost, we propose a synthetic video text dataset (VTD-368k) by leveraging the Content Deformation Fields (CoDeF) algorithm. Notably, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method by an average of 2.6% in six cross-domain benchmarks such as TT-to-IC15, CTW1500-to-TT, and TT-to-CTW1500. For video-level cross-domain adaption, our method even surpasses the previous end-to-end video spotting method in ICDAR2015 video and DSText v2 by an average of 5.5% on the MOTA metric, using only image-level data. We further demonstrate that existing Large Multimodal Models exhibit limitations in generating cross-domain scene text spotting, in contrast to our VimTS model which requires significantly fewer parameters and data. The code and datasets will be made available at the


replace-cross Modeling Caption Diversity in Contrastive Vision-Language Pretraining

Authors: Samuel Lavoie, Polina Kirichenko, Mark Ibrahim, Mahmoud Assran, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Aaron Courville, Nicolas Ballas

Abstract: There are a thousand ways to caption an image. Contrastive Language Pretraining (CLIP) on the other hand, works by mapping an image and its caption to a single vector -- limiting how well CLIP-like models can represent the diverse ways to describe an image. In this work, we introduce Llip, Latent Language Image Pretraining, which models the diversity of captions that could match an image. Llip's vision encoder outputs a set of visual features that are mixed into a final representation by conditioning on information derived from the text. We show that Llip outperforms non-contextualized baselines like CLIP and SigLIP on a variety of tasks even with large-scale encoders. Llip improves zero-shot classification by an average of 2.9% zero-shot classification benchmarks with a ViT-G/14 encoder. Specifically, Llip attains a zero-shot top-1 accuracy of 83.5% on ImageNet outperforming a similarly sized CLIP by 1.4%. We also demonstrate improvement on zero-shot retrieval on MS-COCO by 6.0%. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the components introduced by the method and demonstrate that Llip leads to richer visual representations.

replace-cross HandS3C: 3D Hand Mesh Reconstruction with State Space Spatial Channel Attention from RGB images

Authors: Zixun Jiao, Xihan Wang, Zhaoqiang Xia, Lianhe Shao, Quanli Gao

Abstract: Reconstructing the hand mesh from one single RGB image is a challenging task because hands are often occluded by other objects. Most previous works attempt to explore more additional information and adopt attention mechanisms for improving 3D reconstruction performance, while it would increase computational complexity simultaneously. To achieve a performance-reserving architecture with high computational efficiency, in this work, we propose a simple but effective 3D hand mesh reconstruction network (i.e., HandS3C), which is the first time to incorporate state space model into the task of hand mesh reconstruction. In the network, we design a novel state-space spatial-channel attention module that extends the effective receptive field, extracts hand features in the spatial dimension, and enhances regional features of hands in the channel dimension. This helps to reconstruct a complete and detailed hand mesh. Extensive experiments conducted on well-known datasets facing heavy occlusions (such as FREIHAND, DEXYCB, and HO3D) demonstrate that our proposed HandS3C achieves state-of-the-art performance while maintaining a minimal parameters.

replace-cross PICLe: Eliciting Diverse Behaviors from Large Language Models with Persona In-Context Learning

Authors: Hyeong Kyu Choi, Yixuan Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on massive text corpora, which are encoded with diverse personality traits. This triggers an interesting goal of eliciting a desired personality trait from the LLM, and probing its behavioral preferences. Accordingly, we formalize the persona elicitation task, aiming to customize LLM behaviors to align with a target persona. We present Persona In-Context Learning (PICLe), a novel persona elicitation framework grounded in Bayesian inference. At the core, PICLe introduces a new ICL example selection criterion based on likelihood ratio, which is designed to optimally guide the model in eliciting a specific target persona. We demonstrate the effectiveness of PICLe through extensive comparisons against baseline methods across three contemporary LLMs. Code is available at


replace-cross Generating Probabilistic Scenario Programs from Natural Language

Authors: Karim Elmaaroufi, Devan Shanker, Ana Cismaru, Marcell Vazquez-Chanlatte, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Matei Zaharia, Sanjit A. Seshia

Abstract: For cyber-physical systems (CPS), including robotics and autonomous vehicles, mass deployment has been hindered by fatal errors that occur when operating in rare events. To replicate rare events such as vehicle crashes, many companies have created logging systems and employed crash reconstruction experts to meticulously recreate these valuable events in simulation. However, in these methods, "what if" questions are not easily formulated and answered. We present ScenarioNL, an AI System for creating scenario programs from natural language. Specifically, we generate these programs from police crash reports. Reports normally contain uncertainty about the exact details of the incidents which we represent through a Probabilistic Programming Language (PPL), Scenic. By using Scenic, we can clearly and concisely represent uncertainty and variation over CPS behaviors, properties, and interactions. We demonstrate how commonplace prompting techniques with the best Large Language Models (LLM) are incapable of reasoning about probabilistic scenario programs and generating code for low-resource languages such as Scenic. Our system is comprised of several LLMs chained together with several kinds of prompting strategies, a compiler, and a simulator. We evaluate our system on publicly available autonomous vehicle crash reports in California from the last five years and share insights into how we generate code that is both semantically meaningful and syntactically correct.

replace-cross KV-Runahead: Scalable Causal LLM Inference by Parallel Key-Value Cache Generation

Authors: Minsik Cho, Mohammad Rastegari, Devang Naik

Abstract: Large Language Model or LLM inference has two phases, the prompt (or prefill) phase to output the first token and the extension (or decoding) phase to the generate subsequent tokens. In this work, we propose an efficient parallelization scheme, KV-Runahead to accelerate the prompt phase. The key observation is that the extension phase generates tokens faster than the prompt phase because of key-value cache (KV-cache). Hence, KV-Runahead parallelizes the prompt phase by orchestrating multiple processes to populate the KV-cache and minimizes the time-to-first-token (TTFT). Dual-purposing the KV-cache scheme has two main benefits. First, since KV-cache is designed to leverage the causal attention map, we minimize computation and computation automatically. Second, since it already exists for the extension phase, KV-Runahead is easy to implement. We further propose context-level load-balancing to handle uneven KV-cache generation (due to the causal attention) and to optimize TTFT. Compared with an existing parallelization scheme such as tensor or sequential parallelization where keys and values are locally generated and exchanged via all-gather collectives, our experimental results demonstrate that KV-Runahead can offer over 1.4x and 1.6x speedups for Llama 7B and Falcon 7B respectively.

replace-cross How Inverse Conditional Flows Can Serve as a Substitute for Distributional Regression

Authors: Lucas Kook, Chris Kolb, Philipp Schiele, Daniel Dold, Marcel Arpogaus, Cornelius Fritz, Philipp F. Baumann, Philipp Kopper, Tobias Pielok, Emilio Dorigatti, David R\"ugamer

Abstract: Neural network representations of simple models, such as linear regression, are being studied increasingly to better understand the underlying principles of deep learning algorithms. However, neural representations of distributional regression models, such as the Cox model, have received little attention so far. We close this gap by proposing a framework for distributional regression using inverse flow transformations (DRIFT), which includes neural representations of the aforementioned models. We empirically demonstrate that the neural representations of models in DRIFT can serve as a substitute for their classical statistical counterparts in several applications involving continuous, ordered, time-series, and survival outcomes. We confirm that models in DRIFT empirically match the performance of several statistical methods in terms of estimation of partial effects, prediction, and aleatoric uncertainty quantification. DRIFT covers both interpretable statistical models and flexible neural networks opening up new avenues in both statistical modeling and deep learning.

replace-cross Multi-Scale Dilated Convolution Network for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Feifei Li, Suhan Guo, Feng Han, Jian Zhao, Furao Shen

Abstract: Accurate forecasting of long-term time series has important applications for decision making and planning. However, it remains challenging to capture the long-term dependencies in time series data. To better extract long-term dependencies, We propose Multi Scale Dilated Convolution Network (MSDCN), a method that utilizes a shallow dilated convolution architecture to capture the period and trend characteristics of long time series. We design different convolution blocks with exponentially growing dilations and varying kernel sizes to sample time series data at different scales. Furthermore, we utilize traditional autoregressive model to capture the linear relationships within the data. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we conduct experiments on eight challenging long-term time series forecasting benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our approach outperforms the prior state-of-the-art approaches and shows significant inference speed improvements compared to several strong baseline methods.

replace-cross Clustering-based Multitasking Deep Neural Network for Solar Photovoltaics Power Generation Prediction

Authors: Hui Song, Zheng Miao, Ali Babalhavaeji, Saman Mehrnia, Mahdi Jalili, Xinghuo Yu

Abstract: The increasing installation of Photovoltaics (PV) cells leads to more generation of renewable energy sources (RES), but results in increased uncertainties of energy scheduling. Predicting PV power generation is important for energy management and dispatch optimization in smart grid. However, the PV power generation data is often collected across different types of customers (e.g., residential, agricultural, industrial, and commercial) while the customer information is always de-identified. This often results in a forecasting model trained with all PV power generation data, allowing the predictor to learn various patterns through intra-model self-learning, instead of constructing a separate predictor for each customer type. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based multitasking deep neural network (CM-DNN) framework for PV power generation prediction. K-means is applied to cluster the data into different customer types. For each type, a deep neural network (DNN) is employed and trained until the accuracy cannot be improved. Subsequently, for a specified customer type (i.e., the target task), inter-model knowledge transfer is conducted to enhance its training accuracy. During this process, source task selection is designed to choose the optimal subset of tasks (excluding the target customer), and each selected source task uses a coefficient to determine the amount of DNN model knowledge (weights and biases) transferred to the aimed prediction task. The proposed CM-DNN is tested on a real-world PV power generation dataset and its superiority is demonstrated by comparing the prediction performance on training the dataset with a single model without clustering.

replace-cross Memory Mosaics

Authors: Jianyu Zhang, Niklas Nolte, Ranajoy Sadhukhan, Beidi Chen, L\'eon Bottou

Abstract: Memory Mosaics are networks of associative memories working in concert to achieve a prediction task of interest. Like transformers, memory mosaics possess compositional capabilities and in-context learning capabilities. Unlike transformers, memory mosaics achieve these capabilities in comparatively transparent ways. We demonstrate these capabilities on toy examples and we also show that memory mosaics perform as well or better than transformers on medium-scale language modeling tasks.

replace-cross Towards a Path Dependent Account of Category Fluency

Authors: David Heineman, Reba Koenen, Sashank Varma

Abstract: Category fluency is a widely studied cognitive phenomenon, yet two conflicting accounts have been proposed as the underlying retrieval mechanism -- an optimal foraging process deliberately searching through memory (Hills et al., 2012) and a random walk sampling from a semantic network (Abbott et al., 2015). Evidence for both accounts has centered around predicting human patch switches, where both existing models of category fluency produce paradoxically identical results. We begin by peeling back the assumptions made by existing models, namely that each named example only depends on the previous example, by (i) adding an additional bias to model the category transition probability directly and (ii) relying on a large language model to predict based on the entire existing sequence. Then, we present evidence towards resolving the disagreement between each account of foraging by reformulating models as sequence generators. To evaluate, we compare generated category fluency runs to a bank of human-written sequences by proposing a metric based on n-gram overlap. We find category switch predictors do not necessarily produce human-like sequences, in fact the additional biases used by the Hills et al. (2012) model are required to improve generation quality, which are later improved by our category modification. Even generating exclusively with an LLM requires an additional global cue to trigger the patch switching behavior during production. Further tests on only the search process on top of the semantic network highlight the importance of deterministic search to replicate human behavior.

replace-cross On the Shape of Brainscores for Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Jingkai Li

Abstract: With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs), the novel metric "Brainscore" emerged as a means to evaluate the functional similarity between LLMs and human brain/neural systems. Our efforts were dedicated to mining the meaning of the novel score by constructing topological features derived from both human fMRI data involving 190 subjects, and 39 LLMs plus their untrained counterparts. Subsequently, we trained 36 Linear Regression Models and conducted thorough statistical analyses to discern reliable and valid features from our constructed ones. Our findings reveal distinctive feature combinations conducive to interpreting existing brainscores across various brain regions of interest (ROIs) and hemispheres, thereby significantly contributing to advancing interpretable machine learning (iML) studies. The study is enriched by our further discussions and analyses concerning existing brainscores. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to comprehend the novel metric brainscore within this interdisciplinary domain.

replace-cross PLeak: Prompt Leaking Attacks against Large Language Model Applications

Authors: Bo Hui, Haolin Yuan, Neil Gong, Philippe Burlina, Yinzhi Cao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) enable a new ecosystem with many downstream applications, called LLM applications, with different natural language processing tasks. The functionality and performance of an LLM application highly depend on its system prompt, which instructs the backend LLM on what task to perform. Therefore, an LLM application developer often keeps a system prompt confidential to protect its intellectual property. As a result, a natural attack, called prompt leaking, is to steal the system prompt from an LLM application, which compromises the developer's intellectual property. Existing prompt leaking attacks primarily rely on manually crafted queries, and thus achieve limited effectiveness. In this paper, we design a novel, closed-box prompt leaking attack framework, called PLeak, to optimize an adversarial query such that when the attacker sends it to a target LLM application, its response reveals its own system prompt. We formulate finding such an adversarial query as an optimization problem and solve it with a gradient-based method approximately. Our key idea is to break down the optimization goal by optimizing adversary queries for system prompts incrementally, i.e., starting from the first few tokens of each system prompt step by step until the entire length of the system prompt. We evaluate PLeak in both offline settings and for real-world LLM applications, e.g., those on Poe, a popular platform hosting such applications. Our results show that PLeak can effectively leak system prompts and significantly outperforms not only baselines that manually curate queries but also baselines with optimized queries that are modified and adapted from existing jailbreaking attacks. We responsibly reported the issues to Poe and are still waiting for their response. Our implementation is available at this repository:


replace-cross Integrating Emotional and Linguistic Models for Ethical Compliance in Large Language Models

Authors: Edward Y. Chang

Abstract: This research develops advanced methodologies for Large Language Models (LLMs) to better manage linguistic behaviors related to emotions and ethics. We introduce DIKE, an adversarial framework that enhances the LLMs' ability to internalize and reflect global human values, adapting to varied cultural contexts to promote transparency and trust among users. The methodology involves detailed modeling of emotions, classification of linguistic behaviors, and implementation of ethical guardrails. Our innovative approaches include mapping emotions and behaviors using self-supervised learning techniques, refining these guardrails through adversarial reviews, and systematically adjusting outputs to ensure ethical alignment. This framework establishes a robust foundation for AI systems to operate with ethical integrity and cultural sensitivity, paving the way for more responsible and context-aware AI interactions.

replace-cross Chebyshev Polynomial-Based Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: An Efficient Architecture for Nonlinear Function Approximation

Authors: Sidharth SS, Gokul R

Abstract: Accurate approximation of complex nonlinear functions is a fundamental challenge across many scientific and engineering domains. Traditional neural network architectures often struggle to capture intricate patterns and irregularities present in high-dimensional functions. This paper introduces the Chebyshev Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (Chebyshev KAN), a novel approach that combines the theoretical foundations of the Kolmogorov-Arnold Theorem with the powerful approximation capabilities of Chebyshev polynomials. 1

replace-cross Binning as a Pretext Task: Improving Self-Supervised Learning in Tabular Domains

Authors: Kyungeun Lee, Ye Seul Sim, Hye-Seung Cho, Moonjung Eo, Suhee Yoon, Sanghyu Yoon, Woohyung Lim

Abstract: The ability of deep networks to learn superior representations hinges on leveraging the proper inductive biases, considering the inherent properties of datasets. In tabular domains, it is critical to effectively handle heterogeneous features (both categorical and numerical) in a unified manner and to grasp irregular functions like piecewise constant functions. To address the challenges in the self-supervised learning framework, we propose a novel pretext task based on the classical binning method. The idea is straightforward: reconstructing the bin indices (either orders or classes) rather than the original values. This pretext task provides the encoder with an inductive bias to capture the irregular dependencies, mapping from continuous inputs to discretized bins, and mitigates the feature heterogeneity by setting all features to have category-type targets. Our empirical investigations ascertain several advantages of binning: capturing the irregular function, compatibility with encoder architecture and additional modifications, standardizing all features into equal sets, grouping similar values within a feature, and providing ordering information. Comprehensive evaluations across diverse tabular datasets corroborate that our method consistently improves tabular representation learning performance for a wide range of downstream tasks. The codes are available in


replace-cross Random walk model that universally generates inverse square L\'evy walk by eliminating search cost minimization constraint

Authors: Shuji Shinohara, Daiki Morita, Hayato Hirai, Ryosuke Kuribayashi, Nobuhito Manome, Toru Moriyama, Hiroshi Okamoto, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Pegio-Yukio Gunji, Ung-il Chung

Abstract: The L\'evy walk, a type of random walk characterized by linear step lengths that follow a power-law distribution, is observed in the migratory behaviors of various organisms, ranging from bacteria to humans. Notably, L\'evy walks with power exponents close to two are frequently observed, though their underlying causes remain elusive. This study introduces a simplified, abstract random walk model designed to produce inverse square L\'evy walks, also known as Cauchy walks and explores the conditions that facilitate these phenomena. In our model, agents move toward a randomly selected destination in multi-dimensional space, and their movement strategy is parameterized by the extent to which they pursue the shortest path. When the search cost is proportional to the distance traveled, this parameter effectively reflects the emphasis on minimizing search costs. Our findings reveal that strict adherence to this cost minimization constraint results in a Brownian walk pattern. However, removing this constraint transitions the movement to an inverse square L\'evy walk. Therefore, by modulating the prioritization of search costs, our model can seamlessly alternate between Brownian and Cauchy walk dynamics. This model has the potential to be utilized for exploring the parameter space of an optimization problem.

replace-cross Towards Adaptive IMFs -- Generalization of utility functions in Multi-Agent Frameworks

Authors: Kaushik Dey, Satheesh K. Perepu, Abir Das, Pallab Dasgupta

Abstract: Intent Management Function (IMF) is an integral part of future-generation networks. In recent years, there has been some work on AI-based IMFs that can handle conflicting intents and prioritize the global objective based on apriori definition of the utility function and accorded priorities for competing intents. Some of the earlier works use Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) techniques with AdHoc Teaming (AHT) approaches for efficient conflict handling in IMF. However, the success of such frameworks in real-life scenarios requires them to be flexible to business situations. The intent priorities can change and the utility function, which measures the extent of intent fulfilment, may also vary in definition. This paper proposes a novel mechanism whereby the IMF can generalize to different forms of utility functions and change of intent priorities at run-time without additional training. Such generalization ability, without additional training requirements, would help to deploy IMF in live networks where customer intents and priorities change frequently. Results on the network emulator demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, scalability for new intents, outperforming existing techniques that require additional training to achieve the same degree of flexibility thereby saving cost, and increasing efficiency and adaptability.

replace-cross A Unified Sequence Parallelism Approach for Long Context Generative AI

Authors: Jiarui Fang, Shangchun Zhao

Abstract: Sequence parallelism (SP), which divides the sequence dimension of input tensors across multiple computational devices, is becoming key to unlocking the long-context capabilities of generative AI models. This paper investigates the state-of-the-art SP approaches, i.e. DeepSpeed-Ulysses and Ring-Attention, and proposes a unified SP approach, which is more robust to transformer model architectures and network hardware topology. This paper compares the communication and memory cost of SP and existing parallelism, including data/tensor/zero/expert/pipeline parallelism, and discusses the best practices for designing hybrid 4D parallelism involving SP. We achieved 86\% MFU on two 8xA800 nodes using SP for sequence length 208K for the LLAMA3-8B model. Our code is publicly available on \url{}.


replace-cross PARDEN, Can You Repeat That? Defending against Jailbreaks via Repetition

Authors: Ziyang Zhang, Qizhen Zhang, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown success in many natural language processing tasks. Despite rigorous safety alignment processes, supposedly safety-aligned LLMs like Llama 2 and Claude 2 are still susceptible to jailbreaks, leading to security risks and abuse of the models. One option to mitigate such risks is to augment the LLM with a dedicated "safeguard", which checks the LLM's inputs or outputs for undesired behaviour. A promising approach is to use the LLM itself as the safeguard. Nonetheless, baseline methods, such as prompting the LLM to self-classify toxic content, demonstrate limited efficacy. We hypothesise that this is due to domain shift: the alignment training imparts a self-censoring behaviour to the model ("Sorry I can't do that"), while the self-classify approach shifts it to a classification format ("Is this prompt malicious"). In this work, we propose PARDEN, which avoids this domain shift by simply asking the model to repeat its own outputs. PARDEN neither requires finetuning nor white box access to the model. We empirically verify the effectiveness of our method and show that PARDEN significantly outperforms existing jailbreak detection baselines for Llama-2 and Claude-2. Code and data are available at We find that PARDEN is particularly powerful in the relevant regime of high True Positive Rate (TPR) and low False Positive Rate (FPR). For instance, for Llama2-7B, at TPR equal to 90%, PARDEN accomplishes a roughly 11x reduction in the FPR from 24.8% to 2.0% on the harmful behaviours dataset.


replace-cross MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?

Authors: Weihao Yu, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Mamba, an architecture with RNN-like token mixer of state space model (SSM), was recently introduced to address the quadratic complexity of the attention mechanism and subsequently applied to vision tasks. Nevertheless, the performance of Mamba for vision is often underwhelming when compared with convolutional and attention-based models. In this paper, we delve into the essence of Mamba, and conceptually conclude that Mamba is ideally suited for tasks with long-sequence and autoregressive characteristics. For vision tasks, as image classification does not align with either characteristic, we hypothesize that Mamba is not necessary for this task; Detection and segmentation tasks are also not autoregressive, yet they adhere to the long-sequence characteristic, so we believe it is still worthwhile to explore Mamba's potential for these tasks. To empirically verify our hypotheses, we construct a series of models named MambaOut through stacking Mamba blocks while removing their core token mixer, SSM. Experimental results strongly support our hypotheses. Specifically, our MambaOut model surpasses all visual Mamba models on ImageNet image classification, indicating that Mamba is indeed unnecessary for this task. As for detection and segmentation, MambaOut cannot match the performance of state-of-the-art visual Mamba models, demonstrating the potential of Mamba for long-sequence visual tasks. The code is available at