new A Survey of Large Language Models for Graphs

Authors: Xubin Ren, Jiabin Tang, Dawei Yin, Nitesh Chawla, Chao Huang

Abstract: Graphs are an essential data structure utilized to represent relationships in real-world scenarios. Prior research has established that Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) deliver impressive outcomes in graph-centric tasks, such as link prediction and node classification. Despite these advancements, challenges like data sparsity and limited generalization capabilities continue to persist. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained attention in natural language processing. They excel in language comprehension and summarization. Integrating LLMs with graph learning techniques has attracted interest as a way to enhance performance in graph learning tasks. In this survey, we conduct an in-depth review of the latest state-of-the-art LLMs applied in graph learning and introduce a novel taxonomy to categorize existing methods based on their framework design. We detail four unique designs: i) GNNs as Prefix, ii) LLMs as Prefix, iii) LLMs-Graphs Integration, and iv) LLMs-Only, highlighting key methodologies within each category. We explore the strengths and limitations of each framework, and emphasize potential avenues for future research, including overcoming current integration challenges between LLMs and graph learning techniques, and venturing into new application areas. This survey aims to serve as a valuable resource for researchers and practitioners eager to leverage large language models in graph learning, and to inspire continued progress in this dynamic field. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at \url{}.


new CTRL: Continuous-Time Representation Learning on Temporal Heterogeneous Information Network

Authors: Chenglin Li, Yuanzhen Xie, Chenyun Yu, Lei Cheng, Bo Hu, Zang Li, Di Niu

Abstract: Inductive representation learning on temporal heterogeneous graphs is crucial for scalable deep learning on heterogeneous information networks (HINs) which are time-varying, such as citation networks. However, most existing approaches are not inductive and thus cannot handle new nodes or edges. Moreover, previous temporal graph embedding methods are often trained with the temporal link prediction task to simulate the link formation process of temporal graphs, while ignoring the evolution of high-order topological structures on temporal graphs. To fill these gaps, we propose a Continuous-Time Representation Learning (CTRL) model on temporal HINs. To preserve heterogeneous node features and temporal structures, CTRL integrates three parts in a single layer, they are 1) a \emph{heterogeneous attention} unit that measures the semantic correlation between nodes, 2) a \emph{edge-based Hawkes process} to capture temporal influence between heterogeneous nodes, and 3) \emph{dynamic centrality} that indicates the dynamic importance of a node. We train the CTRL model with a future event (a subgraph) prediction task to capture the evolution of the high-order network structure. Extensive experiments have been conducted on three benchmark datasets. The results demonstrate that our model significantly boosts performance and outperforms various state-of-the-art approaches. Ablation studies are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model design.

new A Methodology-Oriented Study of Catastrophic Forgetting in Incremental Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Ashutosh Kumar, Sonali Agarwal, D Jude Hemanth

Abstract: Human being and different species of animals having the skills to gather, transferring knowledge, processing, fine-tune and generating information throughout their lifetime. The ability of learning throughout their lifespan is referred as continuous learning which is using neurocognition mechanism. Consequently, in real world computational system of incremental learning autonomous agents also needs such continuous learning mechanism which provide retrieval of information and long-term memory consolidation. However, the main challenge in artificial intelligence is that the incremental learning of the autonomous agent when new data confronted. In such scenarios, the main concern is catastrophic forgetting(CF), i.e., while learning the sequentially, neural network underfits the old data when it confronted with new data. To tackle this CF problem many numerous studied have been proposed, however it is very difficult to compare their performance due to dissimilarity in their evaluation mechanism. Here we focus on the comparison of all algorithms which are having similar type of evaluation mechanism. Here we are comparing three types of incremental learning methods: (1) Exemplar based methods, (2) Memory based methods, and (3) Network based method. In this survey paper, methodology oriented study for catastrophic forgetting in incremental deep neural network is addressed. Furthermore, it contains the mathematical overview of impact-full methods which can be help researchers to deal with CF.

new Translating Expert Intuition into Quantifiable Features: Encode Investigator Domain Knowledge via LLM for Enhanced Predictive Analytics

Authors: Phoebe Jing, Yijing Gao, Yuanhang Zhang, Xianlong Zeng

Abstract: In the realm of predictive analytics, the nuanced domain knowledge of investigators often remains underutilized, confined largely to subjective interpretations and ad hoc decision-making. This paper explores the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to bridge this gap by systematically converting investigator-derived insights into quantifiable, actionable features that enhance model performance. We present a framework that leverages LLMs' natural language understanding capabilities to encode these red flags into a structured feature set that can be readily integrated into existing predictive models. Through a series of case studies, we demonstrate how this approach not only preserves the critical human expertise within the investigative process but also scales the impact of this knowledge across various prediction tasks. The results indicate significant improvements in risk assessment and decision-making accuracy, highlighting the value of blending human experiential knowledge with advanced machine learning techniques. This study paves the way for more sophisticated, knowledge-driven analytics in fields where expert insight is paramount.

new AdaKD: Dynamic Knowledge Distillation of ASR models using Adaptive Loss Weighting

Authors: Shreyan Ganguly, Roshan Nayak, Rakshith Rao, Ujan Deb, Prathosh AP

Abstract: Knowledge distillation, a widely used model compression technique, works on the basis of transferring knowledge from a cumbersome teacher model to a lightweight student model. The technique involves jointly optimizing the task specific and knowledge distillation losses with a weight assigned to them. Despite these weights playing a crucial role in the performance of the distillation process, current methods provide equal weight to both losses, leading to suboptimal performance. In this paper, we propose Adaptive Knowledge Distillation, a novel technique inspired by curriculum learning to adaptively weigh the losses at instance level. This technique goes by the notion that sample difficulty increases with teacher loss. Our method follows a plug-and-play paradigm that can be applied on top of any task-specific and distillation objectives. Experiments show that our method performs better than conventional knowledge distillation method and existing instance-level loss functions.

new ReActXGB: A Hybrid Binary Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Improved Performance and Computational Efficiency

Authors: Po-Hsun Chu, Ching-Han Chen

Abstract: Binary convolutional neural networks (BCNNs) provide a potential solution to reduce the memory requirements and computational costs associated with deep neural networks (DNNs). However, achieving a trade-off between performance and computational resources remains a significant challenge. Furthermore, the fully connected layer of BCNNs has evolved into a significant computational bottleneck. This is mainly due to the conventional practice of excluding the input layer and fully connected layer from binarization to prevent a substantial loss in accuracy. In this paper, we propose a hybrid model named ReActXGB, where we replace the fully convolutional layer of ReActNet-A with XGBoost. This modification targets to narrow the performance gap between BCNNs and real-valued networks while maintaining lower computational costs. Experimental results on the FashionMNIST benchmark demonstrate that ReActXGB outperforms ReActNet-A by 1.47% in top-1 accuracy, along with a reduction of 7.14% in floating-point operations (FLOPs) and 1.02% in model size.

new ExplainableDetector: Exploring Transformer-based Language Modeling Approach for SMS Spam Detection with Explainability Analysis

Authors: Mohammad Amaz Uddin, Muhammad Nazrul Islam, Leandros Maglaras, Helge Janicke, Iqbal H. Sarker

Abstract: SMS, or short messaging service, is a widely used and cost-effective communication medium that has sadly turned into a haven for unwanted messages, commonly known as SMS spam. With the rapid adoption of smartphones and Internet connectivity, SMS spam has emerged as a prevalent threat. Spammers have taken notice of the significance of SMS for mobile phone users. Consequently, with the emergence of new cybersecurity threats, the number of SMS spam has expanded significantly in recent years. The unstructured format of SMS data creates significant challenges for SMS spam detection, making it more difficult to successfully fight spam attacks in the cybersecurity domain. In this work, we employ optimized and fine-tuned transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve the problem of spam message detection. We use a benchmark SMS spam dataset for this spam detection and utilize several preprocessing techniques to get clean and noise-free data and solve the class imbalance problem using the text augmentation technique. The overall experiment showed that our optimized fine-tuned BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) variant model RoBERTa obtained high accuracy with 99.84\%. We also work with Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques to calculate the positive and negative coefficient scores which explore and explain the fine-tuned model transparency in this text-based spam SMS detection task. In addition, traditional Machine Learning (ML) models were also examined to compare their performance with the transformer-based models. This analysis describes how LLMs can make a good impact on complex textual-based spam data in the cybersecurity field.

new Automating Data Annotation under Strategic Human Agents: Risks and Potential Solutions

Authors: Tian Xie, Xueru Zhang

Abstract: As machine learning (ML) models are increasingly used in social domains to make consequential decisions about humans, they often have the power to reshape data distributions. Humans, as strategic agents, continuously adapt their behaviors in response to the learning system. As populations change dynamically, ML systems may need frequent updates to ensure high performance. However, acquiring high-quality human-annotated samples can be highly challenging and even infeasible in social domains. A common practice to address this issue is using the model itself to annotate unlabeled data samples. This paper investigates the long-term impacts when ML models are retrained with model-annotated samples when they incorporate human strategic responses. We first formalize the interactions between strategic agents and the model and then analyze how they evolve under such dynamic interactions. We find that agents are increasingly likely to receive positive decisions as the model gets retrained, whereas the proportion of agents with positive labels may decrease over time. We thus propose a refined retraining process to stabilize the dynamics. Last, we examine how algorithmic fairness can be affected by these retraining processes and find that enforcing common fairness constraints at every round may not benefit the disadvantaged group in the long run. Experiments on (semi-)synthetic and real data validate the theoretical findings.

new PHUDGE: Phi-3 as Scalable Judge

Authors: Mahesh Deshwal, Apoorva Chawla

Abstract: In this paper cum technical report, we present PHUDGE A fine tuned Phi3 model that achieved SOTA results in 4 tasks as Feedback Test, Feedback OOD, MT Human, Preference Test surpassing each and every existing model in latency and throughput. It shows very strong correlation not only with GPT4 but with Human annotators too in unseen data as well as in both absolute and relative grading tasks. We have not only addressed the usage of small LMs for cost effective production grade systems but have also shown that Causal modelling is not only slow in nature but sometimes it can hinder models learning capabilities and should be replaced by simpler tasks whenever we can to make the overall system faster and better. We show that by following systematic ML experimentation, thoughtful data augmentation and re purposing the problem itself, we can even beat 10x bigger models even with lesser training data. To the best of our knowledge, we are re the first one to experiment and showcase the usage of generalised version of Earth Movers Distance AKA Wasserstein distance by using Minkowski Distance with a penalty to control loss smoothing and can be used as a loss function instead of Cross Entropy to get stable training and better results for grading tasks.

new HGTDR: Advancing Drug Repurposing with Heterogeneous Graph Transformers

Authors: Ali Gharizadeh, Karim Abbasi, Amin Ghareyazi, Mohammad R. K. Mofrad, Hamid R. Rabiee

Abstract: Motivation: Drug repurposing is a viable solution for reducing the time and cost associated with drug development. However, thus far, the proposed drug repurposing approaches still need to meet expectations. Therefore, it is crucial to offer a systematic approach for drug repurposing to achieve cost savings and enhance human lives. In recent years, using biological network-based methods for drug repurposing has generated promising results. Nevertheless, these methods have limitations. Primarily, the scope of these methods is generally limited concerning the size and variety of data they can effectively handle. Another issue arises from the treatment of heterogeneous data, which needs to be addressed or converted into homogeneous data, leading to a loss of information. A significant drawback is that most of these approaches lack end-to-end functionality, necessitating manual implementation and expert knowledge in certain stages. Results: We propose a new solution, HGTDR (Heterogeneous Graph Transformer for Drug Repurposing), to address the challenges associated with drug repurposing. HGTDR is a three-step approach for knowledge graph-based drug re-purposing: 1) constructing a heterogeneous knowledge graph, 2) utilizing a heterogeneous graph transformer network, and 3) computing relationship scores using a fully connected network. By leveraging HGTDR, users gain the ability to manipulate input graphs, extract information from diverse entities, and obtain their desired output. In the evaluation step, we demonstrate that HGTDR performs comparably to previous methods. Furthermore, we review medical studies to validate our method's top ten drug repurposing suggestions, which have exhibited promising results. We also demon-strated HGTDR's capability to predict other types of relations through numerical and experimental validation, such as drug-protein and disease-protein inter-relations.

new Predicting Ship Responses in Different Seaways using a Generalizable Force Correcting Machine Learning Method

Authors: Kyle E. Marlantes, Piotr J. Bandyk, Kevin J. Maki

Abstract: A machine learning (ML) method is generalizable if it can make predictions on inputs which differ from the training dataset. For predictions of wave-induced ship responses, generalizability is an important consideration if ML methods are to be useful in design evaluations. Furthermore, the size of the training dataset has a significant impact on the practicality of a method, especially when training data is generated using high-fidelity numerical tools which are expensive. This paper considers a hybrid machine learning method which corrects the force in a low-fidelity equation of motion. The method is applied to two different case studies: the nonlinear responses of a Duffing equation subject to irregular excitation, and high-fidelity heave and pitch response data of a Fast Displacement Ship (FDS) in head seas. The generalizability of the method is determined in both cases by making predictions of the response in irregular wave conditions that differ from those in the training dataset. The influence that low-fidelity physics-based terms in the hybrid model have on generalizability is also investigated. The predictions are compared to two benchmarks: a linear physics-based model and a data-driven LSTM model. It is found that the hybrid method offers an improvement in prediction accuracy and generalizability when trained on a small dataset.

new Fighter flight trajectory prediction based on spatio-temporal graphcial attention network

Authors: Yao Sun (School of Aeronautical Engineering, Air Force Engineering University, Xi'an, China), Tengyu Jing (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an, China), Jiapeng Wang (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an, China), Wei Wang (School of Information and Communication Engineering, Xidian University, Xi'an, China)

Abstract: Quickly and accurately predicting the flight trajectory of a blue army fighter in close-range air combat helps a red army fighter gain a dominant situation, which is the winning factor in later air combat. However,due to the high speed and even hypersonic capabilities of advanced fighters, the diversity of tactical maneuvers,and the instantaneous nature of situational transitions,it is difficult to meet the requirements of practical combat applications in terms of prediction accuracy.To improve prediction accuracy,this paper proposes a spatio-temporal graph attention network (ST-GAT) using encoding and decoding structures to predict the flight trajectory. The encoder adopts a parallel structure of Transformer and GAT branches embedded with the multi-head self-attention mechanism in each front end. The Transformer branch network is used to extract the temporal characteristics of historical trajectories and capture the impact of the fighter's historical state on future trajectories, while the GAT branch network is used to extract spatial features in historical trajectories and capture potential spatial correlations between fighters.Then we concatenate the outputs of the two branches into a new feature vector and input it into a decoder composed of a fully connected network to predict the future position coordinates of the blue army fighter.The computer simulation results show that the proposed network significantly improves the prediction accuracy of flight trajectories compared to the enhanced CNN-LSTM network (ECNN-LSTM), with improvements of 47% and 34% in both ADE and FDE indicators,providing strong support for subsequent autonomous combat missions.

new POWQMIX: Weighted Value Factorization with Potentially Optimal Joint Actions Recognition for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Chang Huang, Junqiao Zhao, Shatong Zhu, Hongtu Zhou, Chen Ye, Tiantian Feng, Changjun Jiang

Abstract: Value function factorization methods are commonly used in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning, with QMIX receiving significant attention. Many QMIX-based methods introduce monotonicity constraints between the joint action value and individual action values to achieve decentralized execution. However, such constraints limit the representation capacity of value factorization, restricting the joint action values it can represent and hindering the learning of the optimal policy. To address this challenge, we propose the Potentially Optimal joint actions Weighted QMIX (POWQMIX) algorithm, which recognizes the potentially optimal joint actions and assigns higher weights to the corresponding losses of these joint actions during training. We theoretically prove that with such a weighted training approach the optimal policy is guaranteed to be recovered. Experiments in matrix games, predator-prey, and StarCraft II Multi-Agent Challenge environments demonstrate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art value-based multi-agent reinforcement learning methods.

new Feature Expansion and enhanced Compression for Class Incremental Learning

Authors: Quentin Ferdinand (ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC\_MATRIX), Gilles Le Chenadec (ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC\_MATRIX), Benoit Clement (CROSSING, ENSTA Bretagne, Lab-STICC\_MATRIX), Panagiotis Papadakis (Lab-STICC\_RAMBO, IMT Atlantique - INFO), Quentin Oliveau

Abstract: Class incremental learning consists in training discriminative models to classify an increasing number of classes over time. However, doing so using only the newly added class data leads to the known problem of catastrophic forgetting of the previous classes. Recently, dynamic deep learning architectures have been shown to exhibit a better stability-plasticity trade-off by dynamically adding new feature extractors to the model in order to learn new classes followed by a compression step to scale the model back to its original size, thus avoiding a growing number of parameters. In this context, we propose a new algorithm that enhances the compression of previous class knowledge by cutting and mixing patches of previous class samples with the new images during compression using our Rehearsal-CutMix method. We show that this new data augmentation reduces catastrophic forgetting by specifically targeting past class information and improving its compression. Extensive experiments performed on the CIFAR and ImageNet datasets under diverse incremental learning evaluation protocols demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art . The code will be made available upon publication of our work.

new DeepFMEA -- A Scalable Framework Harmonizing Process Expertise and Data-Driven PHM

Authors: Christoph Netsch, Till Sch\"ope, Benedikt Schindele, Joyam Jayakumar

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) based prognostics and health monitoring (PHM) tools provide new opportunities for manufacturers to operate and maintain their equipment in a risk-optimized manner and utilize it more sustainably along its lifecycle. Yet, in most industrial settings, data is often limited in quantity, and its quality can be inconsistent - both critical for developing and operating reliable ML models. To bridge this gap in practice, successfully industrialized PHM tools rely on the introduction of domain expertise as a prior, to enable sufficiently accurate predictions, while enhancing their interpretability. Thus, a key challenge while developing data-driven PHM tools involves translating the experience and process knowledge of maintenance personnel, development, and service engineers into a data structure. This structure must not only capture the diversity and variability of the expertise but also render this knowledge accessible for various data-driven algorithms. This results in data models that are heavily tailored towards a specific application and the failure modes the development team aims to detect or predict. The lack of a standardized approach limits developments' extensibility to new failure modes, their transferability to new applications, and it inhibits the utilization of standard data management and MLOps tools, increasing the burden on the development team. DeepFMEA draws inspiration from the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in its structured approach to the analysis of any technical system and the resulting standardized data model, while considering aspects that are crucial to capturing process and maintenance expertise in a way that is both intuitive to domain experts and the resulting information can be introduced as priors to ML algorithms.

new Mitigating federated learning contribution allocation instability through randomized aggregation

Authors: Arno Geimer, Beltran Fiz, Radu State

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a novel collaborative machine learning framework designed to preserve privacy while enabling the creation of robust models. This paradigm addresses a growing need for data security by allowing multiple participants to contribute to a model without exposing their individual datasets. A pivotal issue within this framework, however, concerns the fair and accurate attribution of contributions from various participants to the creation of the joint global model. Incorrect contribution distribution can erode trust among participants, result in inequitable compensation, and ultimately diminish the willingness of parties to engage or actively contribute to the federation. While several methods for remunerating participants have been proposed, little attention was given to the analysis of the stability of these methods when evaluating contributions, which is critical to ensure the long-term viability and fairness of FL systems. In this paper, we analyse this stability through the calculation of contributions by gradient-based model reconstruction techniques with Shapley values. Our investigation reveals that Shapley values fail to reflect baseline contributions, especially when employing different aggregation techniques. To address this issue, we extend on established aggregation techniques by introducing FedRandom, which is designed to sample contributions in a more equitable and distributed manner. We demonstrate that this approach not only serves as a viable aggregation technique but also significantly improves the accuracy of contribution assessment compared to traditional methods. Our results suggest that FedRandom enhances the overall fairness and stability of the federated learning system, making it a superior choice for federations with limited number of participants.

new Learning functions on symmetric matrices and point clouds via lightweight invariant features

Authors: Ben Blum-Smith (Teresa), Ningyuan (Teresa), Huang, Marco Cuturi, Soledad Villar

Abstract: In this work, we present a mathematical formulation for machine learning of (1) functions on symmetric matrices that are invariant with respect to the action of permutations by conjugation, and (2) functions on point clouds that are invariant with respect to rotations, reflections, and permutations of the points. To achieve this, we construct $O(n^2)$ invariant features derived from generators for the field of rational functions on $n\times n$ symmetric matrices that are invariant under joint permutations of rows and columns. We show that these invariant features can separate all distinct orbits of symmetric matrices except for a measure zero set; such features can be used to universally approximate invariant functions on almost all weighted graphs. For point clouds in a fixed dimension, we prove that the number of invariant features can be reduced, generically without losing expressivity, to $O(n)$, where $n$ is the number of points. We combine these invariant features with DeepSets to learn functions on symmetric matrices and point clouds with varying sizes. We empirically demonstrate the feasibility of our approach on molecule property regression and point cloud distance prediction.

new Conformalized Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Lena Podina, Mahdi Torabi Rad, Mohammad Kohandel

Abstract: Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are an influential method of solving differential equations and estimating their parameters given data. However, since they make use of neural networks, they provide only a point estimate of differential equation parameters, as well as the solution at any given point, without any measure of uncertainty. Ensemble and Bayesian methods have been previously applied to quantify the uncertainty of PINNs, but these methods may require making strong assumptions on the data-generating process, and can be computationally expensive. Here, we introduce Conformalized PINNs (C-PINNs) that, without making any additional assumptions, utilize the framework of conformal prediction to quantify the uncertainty of PINNs by providing intervals that have finite-sample, distribution-free statistical validity.

new Estimating Direct and Indirect Causal Effects of Spatiotemporal Interventions in Presence of Spatial Interference

Authors: Sahara Ali, Omar Faruque, Jianwu Wang

Abstract: Spatial interference (SI) occurs when the treatment at one location affects the outcomes at other locations. Accounting for spatial interference in spatiotemporal settings poses further challenges as interference violates the stable unit treatment value assumption, making it infeasible for standard causal inference methods to quantify the effects of time-varying treatment at spatially varying outcomes. In this paper, we first formalize the concept of spatial interference in case of time-varying treatment assignments by extending the potential outcome framework under the assumption of no unmeasured confounding. We then propose our deep learning based potential outcome model for spatiotemporal causal inference. We utilize latent factor modeling to reduce the bias due to time-varying confounding while leveraging the power of U-Net architecture to capture global and local spatial interference in data over time. Our causal estimators are an extension of average treatment effect (ATE) for estimating direct (DATE) and indirect effects (IATE) of spatial interference on treated and untreated data. Being the first of its kind deep learning based spatiotemporal causal inference technique, our approach shows advantages over several baseline methods based on the experiment results on two synthetic datasets, with and without spatial interference. Our results on real-world climate dataset also align with domain knowledge, further demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed method.

new Towards Energy-Aware Federated Learning via MARL: A Dual-Selection Approach for Model and Client

Authors: Jun Xia, Yiyu Shi

Abstract: Although Federated Learning (FL) is promising in knowledge sharing for heterogeneous Artificial Intelligence of Thing (AIoT) devices, their training performance and energy efficacy are severely restricted in practical battery-driven scenarios due to the ``wooden barrel effect'' caused by the mismatch between homogeneous model paradigms and heterogeneous device capability. As a result, due to various kinds of differences among devices, it is hard for existing FL methods to conduct training effectively in energy-constrained scenarios, such as the battery constraints of devices. To tackle the above issues, we propose an energy-aware FL framework named DR-FL, which considers the energy constraints in both clients and heterogeneous deep learning models to enable energy-efficient FL. Unlike Vanilla FL, DR-FL adopts our proposed Muti-Agents Reinforcement Learning (MARL)-based dual-selection method, which allows participated devices to make contributions to the global model effectively and adaptively based on their computing capabilities and energy capacities in a MARL-based manner. Experiments on various well-known datasets show that DR-FL can not only maximise knowledge sharing among heterogeneous models under the energy constraint of large-scale AIoT systems but also improve the model performance of each involved heterogeneous device.

new Modeling of Time-varying Wireless Communication Channel with Fading and Shadowing

Authors: Lee Youngmin, Ma Xiaomin, Lang S. I. D Andrew

Abstract: The real-time quantification of the effect of a wireless channel on the transmitting signal is crucial for the analysis and the intelligent design of wireless communication systems for various services. Recent mechanisms to model channel characteristics independent of coding, modulation, signal processing, etc., using deep learning neural networks are promising solutions. However, the current approaches are neither statistically accurate nor able to adapt to the changing environment. In this paper, we propose a new approach that combines a deep learning neural network with a mixture density network model to derive the conditional probability density function (PDF) of receiving power given a communication distance in general wireless communication systems. Furthermore, a deep transfer learning scheme is designed and implemented to allow the channel model to dynamically adapt to changes in communication environments. Extensive experiments on Nakagami fading channel model and Log-normal shadowing channel model with path loss and noise show that the new approach is more statistically accurate, faster, and more robust than the previous deep learning-based channel models.

new Generative Enzyme Design Guided by Functionally Important Sites and Small-Molecule Substrates

Authors: Zhenqiao Song, Yunlong Zhao, Wenxian Shi, Wengong Jin, Yang Yang, Lei Li

Abstract: Enzymes are genetically encoded biocatalysts capable of accelerating chemical reactions. How can we automatically design functional enzymes? In this paper, we propose EnzyGen, an approach to learn a unified model to design enzymes across all functional families. Our key idea is to generate an enzyme's amino acid sequence and their three-dimensional (3D) coordinates based on functionally important sites and substrates corresponding to a desired catalytic function. These sites are automatically mined from enzyme databases. EnzyGen consists of a novel interleaving network of attention and neighborhood equivariant layers, which captures both long-range correlation in an entire protein sequence and local influence from nearest amino acids in 3D space. To learn the generative model, we devise a joint training objective, including a sequence generation loss, a position prediction loss and an enzyme-substrate interaction loss. We further construct EnzyBench, a dataset with 3157 enzyme families, covering all available enzymes within the protein data bank (PDB). Experimental results show that our EnzyGen consistently achieves the best performance across all 323 testing families, surpassing the best baseline by 10.79% in terms of substrate binding affinity. These findings demonstrate EnzyGen's superior capability in designing well-folded and effective enzymes binding to specific substrates with high affinities.

new Data Valuation with Gradient Similarity

Authors: Nathaniel J. Evans, Gordon B. Mills, Guanming Wu, Xubo Song, Shannon McWeeney

Abstract: High-quality data is crucial for accurate machine learning and actionable analytics, however, mislabeled or noisy data is a common problem in many domains. Distinguishing low- from high-quality data can be challenging, often requiring expert knowledge and considerable manual intervention. Data Valuation algorithms are a class of methods that seek to quantify the value of each sample in a dataset based on its contribution or importance to a given predictive task. These data values have shown an impressive ability to identify mislabeled observations, and filtering low-value data can boost machine learning performance. In this work, we present a simple alternative to existing methods, termed Data Valuation with Gradient Similarity (DVGS). This approach can be easily applied to any gradient descent learning algorithm, scales well to large datasets, and performs comparably or better than baseline valuation methods for tasks such as corrupted label discovery and noise quantification. We evaluate the DVGS method on tabular, image and RNA expression datasets to show the effectiveness of the method across domains. Our approach has the ability to rapidly and accurately identify low-quality data, which can reduce the need for expert knowledge and manual intervention in data cleaning tasks.

new SeNMo: A Self-Normalizing Deep Learning Model for Enhanced Multi-Omics Data Analysis in Oncology

Authors: Asim Waqas, Aakash Tripathi, Sabeen Ahmed, Ashwin Mukund, Hamza Farooq, Matthew B. Schabath, Paul Stewart, Mia Naeini, Ghulam Rasool

Abstract: Multi-omics research has enhanced our understanding of cancer heterogeneity and progression. Investigating molecular data through multi-omics approaches is crucial for unraveling the complex biological mechanisms underlying cancer, thereby enabling effective diagnosis, treatment, and prevention strategies. However, predicting patient outcomes through integration of all available multi-omics data is an under-study research direction. Here, we present SeNMo (Self-normalizing Network for Multi-omics), a deep neural network trained on multi-omics data across 33 cancer types. SeNMo is efficient in handling multi-omics data characterized by high-width (many features) and low-length (fewer samples) attributes. We trained SeNMo for the task of overall survival using pan-cancer data involving 33 cancer sites from Genomics Data Commons (GDC). The training data includes gene expression, DNA methylation, miRNA expression, DNA mutations, protein expression modalities, and clinical data. We evaluated the model's performance in predicting overall survival using concordance index (C-Index). SeNMo performed consistently well in training regime, with the validation C-Index of 0.76 on GDC's public data. In the testing regime, SeNMo performed with a C-Index of 0.758 on a held-out test set. The model showed an average accuracy of 99.8% on the task of classifying the primary cancer type on the pan-cancer test cohort. SeNMo proved to be a mini-foundation model for multi-omics oncology data because it demonstrated robust performance, and adaptability not only across molecular data types but also on the classification task of predicting the primary cancer type of patients. SeNMo can be further scaled to any cancer site and molecular data type. We believe SeNMo and similar models are poised to transform the oncology landscape, offering hope for more effective, efficient, and patient-centric cancer care.

new Factors Shaping Financial Success: A Deep Dive into Influencing Variables

Authors: Michael Zhou, Ramin Ramezani

Abstract: This paper explores various socioeconomic factors that contribute to individual financial success using machine learning algorithms and approaches. Financial success, a critical aspect of all individual's well-being, is a complex concept influenced by a plethora of different factors. This study aims to understand the true determinants of financial success. It examines the survey data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics [1], consisting of a sample of 8,984 individuals's longitudinal data over years. The dataset comprises income variables and a large set of socioeconomic variables of individuals. An in-depth analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in financial success research, highlights the potential of leveraging longitudinal data to enhance prediction accuracy, and provides valuable insights into how various socioeconomic factors influence financial success. The findings underscore the significant influence of highest education degree, occupation and gender as the top three determinants of individual income among socioeconomic factors examined. Yearly working hours, age and work tenure emerge as three secondary influencing factors, and all other factors including parental household income, industry, parents' highest grade and others are identified as tertiary factors. These insights allow researchers to better understand the complex nature of financial success and enable policymakers to grasp the underlying dynamics shaping aspirations, decision-making, and the broader socio-economic fabric of society. This comprehension is crucial for fostering financial success among individuals and advancing broader societal well-being.

new Smart Sampling: Self-Attention and Bootstrapping for Improved Ensembled Q-Learning

Authors: Muhammad Junaid Khan, Syed Hammad Ahmed, Gita Sukthankar

Abstract: We present a novel method aimed at enhancing the sample efficiency of ensemble Q learning. Our proposed approach integrates multi-head self-attention into the ensembled Q networks while bootstrapping the state-action pairs ingested by the ensemble. This not only results in performance improvements over the original REDQ (Chen et al. 2021) and its variant DroQ (Hi-raoka et al. 2022), thereby enhancing Q predictions, but also effectively reduces both the average normalized bias and standard deviation of normalized bias within Q-function ensembles. Importantly, our method also performs well even in scenarios with a low update-to-data (UTD) ratio. Notably, the implementation of our proposed method is straightforward, requiring minimal modifications to the base model.

new Airport Delay Prediction with Temporal Fusion Transformers

Authors: Ke Liu, Kaijing Ding, Xi Cheng, Jianan Chen, Siyuan Feng, Hui Lin, Jilin Song, Chen Zhu

Abstract: Since flight delay hurts passengers, airlines, and airports, its prediction becomes crucial for the decision-making of all stakeholders in the aviation industry and thus has been attempted by various previous research. However, previous delay predictions are often categorical and at a highly aggregated level. To improve that, this study proposes to apply the novel Temporal Fusion Transformer model and predict numerical airport arrival delays at quarter hour level for U.S. top 30 airports. Inputs to our model include airport demand and capacity forecasts, historic airport operation efficiency information, airport wind and visibility conditions, as well as enroute weather and traffic conditions. The results show that our model achieves satisfactory performance measured by small prediction errors on the test set. In addition, the interpretability analysis of the model outputs identifies the important input factors for delay prediction.

new Distance-Restricted Explanations: Theoretical Underpinnings & Efficient Implementation

Authors: Yacine Izza, Xuanxiang Huang, Antonio Morgado, Jordi Planes, Alexey Ignatiev, Joao Marques-Silva

Abstract: The uses of machine learning (ML) have snowballed in recent years. In many cases, ML models are highly complex, and their operation is beyond the understanding of human decision-makers. Nevertheless, some uses of ML models involve high-stakes and safety-critical applications. Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to help human decision-makers in understanding the operation of such complex ML models, thus eliciting trust in their operation. Unfortunately, the majority of past XAI work is based on informal approaches, that offer no guarantees of rigor. Unsurprisingly, there exists comprehensive experimental and theoretical evidence confirming that informal methods of XAI can provide human-decision makers with erroneous information. Logic-based XAI represents a rigorous approach to explainability; it is model-based and offers the strongest guarantees of rigor of computed explanations. However, a well-known drawback of logic-based XAI is the complexity of logic reasoning, especially for highly complex ML models. Recent work proposed distance-restricted explanations, i.e. explanations that are rigorous provided the distance to a given input is small enough. Distance-restricted explainability is tightly related with adversarial robustness, and it has been shown to scale for moderately complex ML models, but the number of inputs still represents a key limiting factor. This paper investigates novel algorithms for scaling up the performance of logic-based explainers when computing and enumerating ML model explanations with a large number of inputs.

new Deep Reinforcement Learning for Real-Time Ground Delay Program Revision and Corresponding Flight Delay Assignments

Authors: Ke Liu, Fan Hu, Hui Lin, Xi Cheng, Jianan Chen, Jilin Song, Siyuan Feng, Gaofeng Su, Chen Zhu

Abstract: This paper explores the optimization of Ground Delay Programs (GDP), a prevalent Traffic Management Initiative used in Air Traffic Management (ATM) to reconcile capacity and demand discrepancies at airports. Employing Reinforcement Learning (RL) to manage the inherent uncertainties in the national airspace system-such as weather variability, fluctuating flight demands, and airport arrival rates-we developed two RL models: Behavioral Cloning (BC) and Conservative Q-Learning (CQL). These models are designed to enhance GDP efficiency by utilizing a sophisticated reward function that integrates ground and airborne delays and terminal area congestion. We constructed a simulated single-airport environment, SAGDP_ENV, which incorporates real operational data along with predicted uncertainties to facilitate realistic decision-making scenarios. Utilizing the whole year 2019 data from Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR), our models aimed to preemptively set airport program rates. Despite thorough modeling and simulation, initial outcomes indicated that the models struggled to learn effectively, attributed potentially to oversimplified environmental assumptions. This paper discusses the challenges encountered, evaluates the models' performance against actual operational data, and outlines future directions to refine RL applications in ATM.

new No-Regret Learning of Nash Equilibrium for Black-Box Games via Gaussian Processes

Authors: Minbiao Han, Fengxue Zhang, Yuxin Chen

Abstract: This paper investigates the challenge of learning in black-box games, where the underlying utility function is unknown to any of the agents. While there is an extensive body of literature on the theoretical analysis of algorithms for computing the Nash equilibrium with complete information about the game, studies on Nash equilibrium in black-box games are less common. In this paper, we focus on learning the Nash equilibrium when the only available information about an agent's payoff comes in the form of empirical queries. We provide a no-regret learning algorithm that utilizes Gaussian processes to identify the equilibrium in such games. Our approach not only ensures a theoretical convergence rate but also demonstrates effectiveness across a variety collection of games through experimental validation.

new Could Chemical LLMs benefit from Message Passing

Authors: Jiaqing Xie, Ziheng Chi

Abstract: Pretrained language models (LMs) showcase significant capabilities in processing molecular text, while concurrently, message passing neural networks (MPNNs) demonstrate resilience and versatility in the domain of molecular science. Despite these advancements, we find there are limited studies investigating the bidirectional interactions between molecular structures and their corresponding textual representations. Therefore, in this paper, we propose two strategies to evaluate whether an information integration can enhance the performance: contrast learning, which involves utilizing an MPNN to supervise the training of the LM, and fusion, which exploits information from both models. Our empirical analysis reveals that the integration approaches exhibit superior performance compared to baselines when applied to smaller molecular graphs, while these integration approaches do not yield performance enhancements on large scale graphs.

new Towards Principled Evaluations of Sparse Autoencoders for Interpretability and Control

Authors: Aleksandar Makelov, George Lange, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Disentangling model activations into meaningful features is a central problem in interpretability. However, the lack of ground-truth for these features in realistic scenarios makes the validation of recent approaches, such as sparse dictionary learning, elusive. To overcome this, we propose a framework to evaluate feature dictionaries in the context of specific tasks, by comparing them against \emph{supervised} feature dictionaries. First, we demonstrate that supervised dictionaries achieve excellent approximation, control and interpretability of model computations on the task. Second, we use the supervised dictionaries to develop and contextualize evaluations of unsupervised dictionaries along the same three axes. We apply this framework to the indirect object identification task (IOI) using GPT-2 Small, with sparse autoencoders (SAEs) trained on either the IOI or OpenWebText datasets. We find that these SAEs capture interpretable features for the IOI task, but they are not as successful as supervised features in controlling the model. Finally, we observe two qualitative phenomena in SAE training: feature occlusion (where a causally relevant concept is robustly overshadowed by even slightly higher-magnitude ones in the learned features), and feature over-splitting (where binary features split into many smaller features without clear interpretation). We hope that our framework will be a useful step towards more objective and grounded evaluations of sparse dictionary learning methods.

new CIER: A Novel Experience Replay Approach with Causal Inference in Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jingwen Wang, Dehui Du, Yida Li, Yiyang Li, Yikang Chen

Abstract: In the training process of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), agents require repetitive interactions with the environment. With an increase in training volume and model complexity, it is still a challenging problem to enhance data utilization and explainability of DRL training. This paper addresses these challenges by focusing on the temporal correlations within the time dimension of time series. We propose a novel approach to segment multivariate time series into meaningful subsequences and represent the time series based on these subsequences. Furthermore, the subsequences are employed for causal inference to identify fundamental causal factors that significantly impact training outcomes. We design a module to provide feedback on the causality during DRL training. Several experiments demonstrate the feasibility of our approach in common environments, confirming its ability to enhance the effectiveness of DRL training and impart a certain level of explainability to the training process. Additionally, we extended our approach with priority experience replay algorithm, and experimental results demonstrate the continued effectiveness of our approach.

new TFWT: Tabular Feature Weighting with Transformer

Authors: Xinhao Zhang, Zaitian Wang, Lu Jiang, Wanfu Gao, Pengfei Wang, Kunpeng Liu

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel feature weighting method to address the limitation of existing feature processing methods for tabular data. Typically the existing methods assume equal importance across all samples and features in one dataset. This simplified processing methods overlook the unique contributions of each feature, and thus may miss important feature information. As a result, it leads to suboptimal performance in complex datasets with rich features. To address this problem, we introduce Tabular Feature Weighting with Transformer, a novel feature weighting approach for tabular data. Our method adopts Transformer to capture complex feature dependencies and contextually assign appropriate weights to discrete and continuous features. Besides, we employ a reinforcement learning strategy to further fine-tune the weighting process. Our extensive experimental results across various real-world datasets and diverse downstream tasks show the effectiveness of TFWT and highlight the potential for enhancing feature weighting in tabular data analysis.

new Tackling Prevalent Conditions in Unsupervised Combinatorial Optimization: Cardinality, Minimum, Covering, and More

Authors: Fanchen Bu, Hyeonsoo Jo, Soo Yong Lee, Sungsoo Ahn, Kijung Shin

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization (CO) is naturally discrete, making machine learning based on differentiable optimization inapplicable. Karalias & Loukas (2020) adapted the probabilistic method to incorporate CO into differentiable optimization. Their work ignited the research on unsupervised learning for CO, composed of two main components: probabilistic objectives and derandomization. However, each component confronts unique challenges. First, deriving objectives under various conditions (e.g., cardinality constraints and minimum) is nontrivial. Second, the derandomization process is underexplored, and the existing derandomization methods are either random sampling or naive rounding. In this work, we aim to tackle prevalent (i.e., commonly involved) conditions in unsupervised CO. First, we concretize the targets for objective construction and derandomization with theoretical justification. Then, for various conditions commonly involved in different CO problems, we derive nontrivial objectives and derandomization to meet the targets. Finally, we apply the derivations to various CO problems. Via extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs, we validate the correctness of our derivations and show our empirical superiority w.r.t. both optimization quality and speed.

new DGCformer: Deep Graph Clustering Transformer for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Qinshuo Liu, Yanwen Fang, Pengtao Jiang, Guodong Li

Abstract: Multivariate time series forecasting tasks are usually conducted in a channel-dependent (CD) way since it can incorporate more variable-relevant information. However, it may also involve a lot of irrelevant variables, and this even leads to worse performance than the channel-independent (CI) strategy. This paper combines the strengths of both strategies and proposes the Deep Graph Clustering Transformer (DGCformer) for multivariate time series forecasting. Specifically, it first groups these relevant variables by a graph convolutional network integrated with an autoencoder, and a former-latter masked self-attention mechanism is then considered with the CD strategy being applied to each group of variables while the CI one for different groups. Extensive experimental results on eight datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method against state-of-the-art models, and our code will be publicly available upon acceptance.

new Safety Constrained Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Active Voltage Control

Authors: Yang Qu, Jinming Ma, Feng Wu

Abstract: Active voltage control presents a promising avenue for relieving power congestion and enhancing voltage quality, taking advantage of the distributed controllable generators in the power network, such as roof-top photovoltaics. While Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has emerged as a compelling approach to address this challenge, existing MARL approaches tend to overlook the constrained optimization nature of this problem, failing in guaranteeing safety constraints. In this paper, we formalize the active voltage control problem as a constrained Markov game and propose a safety-constrained MARL algorithm. We expand the primal-dual optimization RL method to multi-agent settings, and augment it with a novel approach of double safety estimation to learn the policy and to update the Lagrange-multiplier. In addition, we proposed different cost functions and investigated their influences on the behavior of our constrained MARL method. We evaluate our approach in the power distribution network simulation environment with real-world scale scenarios. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with the state-of-the-art MARL methods.

new Understanding the performance gap between online and offline alignment algorithms

Authors: Yunhao Tang, Daniel Zhaohan Guo, Zeyu Zheng, Daniele Calandriello, Yuan Cao, Eugene Tarassov, R\'emi Munos, Bernardo \'Avila Pires, Michal Valko, Yong Cheng, Will Dabney

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is the canonical framework for large language model alignment. However, rising popularity in offline alignment algorithms challenge the need for on-policy sampling in RLHF. Within the context of reward over-optimization, we start with an opening set of experiments that demonstrate the clear advantage of online methods over offline methods. This prompts us to investigate the causes to the performance discrepancy through a series of carefully designed experimental ablations. We show empirically that hypotheses such as offline data coverage and data quality by itself cannot convincingly explain the performance difference. We also find that while offline algorithms train policy to become good at pairwise classification, it is worse at generations; in the meantime the policies trained by online algorithms are good at generations while worse at pairwise classification. This hints at a unique interplay between discriminative and generative capabilities, which is greatly impacted by the sampling process. Lastly, we observe that the performance discrepancy persists for both contrastive and non-contrastive loss functions, and appears not to be addressed by simply scaling up policy networks. Taken together, our study sheds light on the pivotal role of on-policy sampling in AI alignment, and hints at certain fundamental challenges of offline alignment algorithms.

new Improving the Real-Data Driven Network Evaluation Model for Digital Twin Networks

Authors: Hyeju Shin, Ibrahim Aliyu, Abubakar Isah, Jinsul Kim

Abstract: With the emergence and proliferation of new forms of large-scale services such as smart homes, virtual reality/augmented reality, the increasingly complex networks are raising concerns about significant operational costs. As a result, the need for network management automation is emphasized, and Digital Twin Networks (DTN) technology is expected to become the foundation technology for autonomous networks. DTN has the advantage of being able to operate and system networks based on real-time collected data in a closed-loop system, and currently it is mainly designed for optimization scenarios. To improve network performance in optimization scenarios, it is necessary to select appropriate configurations and perform accurate performance evaluation based on real data. However, most network evaluation models currently use simulation data. Meanwhile, according to DTN standards documents, artificial intelligence (AI) models can ensure scalability, real-time performance, and accuracy in large-scale networks. Various AI research and standardization work is ongoing to optimize the use of DTN. When designing AI models, it is crucial to consider the characteristics of the data. This paper presents an autoencoder-based skip connected message passing neural network (AE-SMPN) as a network evaluation model using real network data. The model is created by utilizing graph neural network (GNN) with recurrent neural network (RNN) models to capture the spatiotemporal features of network data. Additionally, an AutoEncoder (AE) is employed to extract initial features. The neural network was trained using the real DTN dataset provided by the Barcelona Neural Networking Center (BNN-UPC), and the paper presents the analysis of the model structure along with experimental results.

new Gradient Boosting Mapping for Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Extraction

Authors: Anri Patron, Ayush Prasad, Hoang Phuc Hau Luu, Kai Puolam\"aki

Abstract: A fundamental problem in supervised learning is to find a good set of features or distance measures. If the new set of features is of lower dimensionality and can be obtained by a simple transformation of the original data, they can make the model understandable, reduce overfitting, and even help to detect distribution drift. We propose a supervised dimensionality reduction method Gradient Boosting Mapping (GBMAP), where the outputs of weak learners -- defined as one-layer perceptrons -- define the embedding. We show that the embedding coordinates provide better features for the supervised learning task, making simple linear models competitive with the state-of-the-art regressors and classifiers. We also use the embedding to find a principled distance measure between points. The features and distance measures automatically ignore directions irrelevant to the supervised learning task. We also show that we can reliably detect out-of-distribution data points with potentially large regression or classification errors. GBMAP is fast and works in seconds for dataset of million data points or hundreds of features. As a bonus, GBMAP provides a regression and classification performance comparable to the state-of-the-art supervised learning methods.

new Learning Decision Policies with Instrumental Variables through Double Machine Learning

Authors: Daqian Shao, Ashkan Soleymani, Francesco Quinzan, Marta Kwiatkowska

Abstract: A common issue in learning decision-making policies in data-rich settings is spurious correlations in the offline dataset, which can be caused by hidden confounders. Instrumental variable (IV) regression, which utilises a key unconfounded variable known as the instrument, is a standard technique for learning causal relationships between confounded action, outcome, and context variables. Most recent IV regression algorithms use a two-stage approach, where a deep neural network (DNN) estimator learnt in the first stage is directly plugged into the second stage, in which another DNN is used to estimate the causal effect. Naively plugging the estimator can cause heavy bias in the second stage, especially when regularisation bias is present in the first stage estimator. We propose DML-IV, a non-linear IV regression method that reduces the bias in two-stage IV regressions and effectively learns high-performing policies. We derive a novel learning objective to reduce bias and design the DML-IV algorithm following the double/debiased machine learning (DML) framework. The learnt DML-IV estimator has strong convergence rate and $O(N^{-1/2})$ suboptimality guarantees that match those when the dataset is unconfounded. DML-IV outperforms state-of-the-art IV regression methods on IV regression benchmarks and learns high-performing policies in the presence of instruments.

new Falcon 7b for Software Mention Detection in Scholarly Documents

Authors: AmeerAli Khan, Qusai Ramadan, Cong Yang, Zeyd Boukhers

Abstract: This paper aims to tackle the challenge posed by the increasing integration of software tools in research across various disciplines by investigating the application of Falcon-7b for the detection and classification of software mentions within scholarly texts. Specifically, the study focuses on solving Subtask I of the Software Mention Detection in Scholarly Publications (SOMD), which entails identifying and categorizing software mentions from academic literature. Through comprehensive experimentation, the paper explores different training strategies, including a dual-classifier approach, adaptive sampling, and weighted loss scaling, to enhance detection accuracy while overcoming the complexities of class imbalance and the nuanced syntax of scholarly writing. The findings highlight the benefits of selective labelling and adaptive sampling in improving the model's performance. However, they also indicate that integrating multiple strategies does not necessarily result in cumulative improvements. This research offers insights into the effective application of large language models for specific tasks such as SOMD, underlining the importance of tailored approaches to address the unique challenges presented by academic text analysis.

new EEG-Features for Generalized Deepfake Detection

Authors: Arian Beckmann, Tilman Stephani, Felix Klotzsche, Yonghao Chen, Simon M. Hofmann, Arno Villringer, Michael Gaebler, Vadim Nikulin, Sebastian Bosse, Peter Eisert, Anna Hilsmann

Abstract: Since the advent of Deepfakes in digital media, the development of robust and reliable detection mechanism is urgently called for. In this study, we explore a novel approach to Deepfake detection by utilizing electroencephalography (EEG) measured from the neural processing of a human participant who viewed and categorized Deepfake stimuli from the FaceForensics++ datset. These measurements serve as input features to a binary support vector classifier, trained to discriminate between real and manipulated facial images. We examine whether EEG data can inform Deepfake detection and also if it can provide a generalized representation capable of identifying Deepfakes beyond the training domain. Our preliminary results indicate that human neural processing signals can be successfully integrated into Deepfake detection frameworks and hint at the potential for a generalized neural representation of artifacts in computer generated faces. Moreover, our study provides next steps towards the understanding of how digital realism is embedded in the human cognitive system, possibly enabling the development of more realistic digital avatars in the future.

new Self-Distillation Improves DNA Sequence Inference

Authors: Tong Yu, Lei Cheng, Ruslan Khalitov, Erland Brandser Olsson, Zhirong Yang

Abstract: Self-supervised pretraining (SSP) has been recognized as a method to enhance prediction accuracy in various downstream tasks. However, its efficacy for DNA sequences remains somewhat constrained. This limitation stems primarily from the fact that most existing SSP approaches in genomics focus on masked language modeling of individual sequences, neglecting the crucial aspect of encoding statistics across multiple sequences. To overcome this challenge, we introduce an innovative deep neural network model, which incorporates collaborative learning between a `student' and a `teacher' subnetwork. In this model, the student subnetwork employs masked learning on nucleotides and progressively adapts its parameters to the teacher subnetwork through an exponential moving average approach. Concurrently, both subnetworks engage in contrastive learning, deriving insights from two augmented representations of the input sequences. This self-distillation process enables our model to effectively assimilate both contextual information from individual sequences and distributional data across the sequence population. We validated our approach with preliminary pretraining using the human reference genome, followed by applying it to 20 downstream inference tasks. The empirical results from these experiments demonstrate that our novel method significantly boosts inference performance across the majority of these tasks. Our code is available at


new Generalizing Knowledge Graph Embedding with Universal Orthogonal Parameterization

Authors: Rui Li, Chaozhuo Li, Yanming Shen, Zeyu Zhang, Xu Chen

Abstract: Recent advances in knowledge graph embedding (KGE) rely on Euclidean/hyperbolic orthogonal relation transformations to model intrinsic logical patterns and topological structures. However, existing approaches are confined to rigid relational orthogonalization with restricted dimension and homogeneous geometry, leading to deficient modeling capability. In this work, we move beyond these approaches in terms of both dimension and geometry by introducing a powerful framework named GoldE, which features a universal orthogonal parameterization based on a generalized form of Householder reflection. Such parameterization can naturally achieve dimensional extension and geometric unification with theoretical guarantees, enabling our framework to simultaneously capture crucial logical patterns and inherent topological heterogeneity of knowledge graphs. Empirically, GoldE achieves state-of-the-art performance on three standard benchmarks. Codes are available at


new Learning Multi-Agent Communication from Graph Modeling Perspective

Authors: Shengchao Hu, Li Shen, Ya Zhang, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: In numerous artificial intelligence applications, the collaborative efforts of multiple intelligent agents are imperative for the successful attainment of target objectives. To enhance coordination among these agents, a distributed communication framework is often employed. However, information sharing among all agents proves to be resource-intensive, while the adoption of a manually pre-defined communication architecture imposes limitations on inter-agent communication, thereby constraining the potential for collaborative efforts. In this study, we introduce a novel approach wherein we conceptualize the communication architecture among agents as a learnable graph. We formulate this problem as the task of determining the communication graph while enabling the architecture parameters to update normally, thus necessitating a bi-level optimization process. Utilizing continuous relaxation of the graph representation and incorporating attention units, our proposed approach, CommFormer, efficiently optimizes the communication graph and concurrently refines architectural parameters through gradient descent in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments on a variety of cooperative tasks substantiate the robustness of our model across diverse cooperative scenarios, where agents are able to develop more coordinated and sophisticated strategies regardless of changes in the number of agents.

new Improving Transformers with Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention

Authors: Da Xiao, Qingye Meng, Shengping Li, Xingyuan Yuan

Abstract: Multi-Head Attention (MHA) is a key component of Transformer. In MHA, attention heads work independently, causing problems such as low-rank bottleneck of attention score matrices and head redundancy. We propose Dynamically Composable Multi-Head Attention (DCMHA), a parameter and computation efficient attention architecture that tackles the shortcomings of MHA and increases the expressive power of the model by dynamically composing attention heads. At the core of DCMHA is a $\it{Compose}$ function that transforms the attention score and weight matrices in an input-dependent way. DCMHA can be used as a drop-in replacement of MHA in any transformer architecture to obtain the corresponding DCFormer. DCFormer significantly outperforms Transformer on different architectures and model scales in language modeling, matching the performance of models with ~1.7x-2.0x compute. For example, DCPythia-6.9B outperforms open source Pythia-12B on both pretraining perplexity and downstream task evaluation. The code and models are available at


new Python-Based Reinforcement Learning on Simulink Models

Authors: Georg Sch\"afer, Max Schirl, Jakob Rehrl, Stefan Huber, Simon Hirlaender

Abstract: This paper proposes a framework for training Reinforcement Learning agents using Python in conjunction with Simulink models. Leveraging Python's superior customization options and popular libraries like Stable Baselines3, we aim to bridge the gap between the established Simulink environment and the flexibility of Python for training bleeding edge agents. Our approach is demonstrated on the Quanser Aero 2, a versatile dual-rotor helicopter. We show that policies trained on Simulink models can be seamlessly transferred to the real system, enabling efficient development and deployment of Reinforcement Learning agents for control tasks. Through systematic integration steps, including C-code generation from Simulink, DLL compilation, and Python interface development, we establish a robust framework for training agents on Simulink models. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, surpassing previous efforts and highlighting the potential of combining Simulink with Python for Reinforcement Learning research and applications.

new Risks and Opportunities of Open-Source Generative AI

Authors: Francisco Eiras, Aleksander Petrov, Bertie Vidgen, Christian Schroeder, Fabio Pizzati, Katherine Elkins, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Adel Bibi, Aaron Purewal, Csaba Botos, Fabro Steibel, Fazel Keshtkar, Fazl Barez, Genevieve Smith, Gianluca Guadagni, Jon Chun, Jordi Cabot, Joseph Imperial, Juan Arturo Nolazco, Lori Landay, Matthew Jackson, Phillip H. S. Torr, Trevor Darrell, Yong Lee, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: Applications of Generative AI (Gen AI) are expected to revolutionize a number of different areas, ranging from science & medicine to education. The potential for these seismic changes has triggered a lively debate about the potential risks of the technology, and resulted in calls for tighter regulation, in particular from some of the major tech companies who are leading in AI development. This regulation is likely to put at risk the budding field of open-source generative AI. Using a three-stage framework for Gen AI development (near, mid and long-term), we analyze the risks and opportunities of open-source generative AI models with similar capabilities to the ones currently available (near to mid-term) and with greater capabilities (long-term). We argue that, overall, the benefits of open-source Gen AI outweigh its risks. As such, we encourage the open sourcing of models, training and evaluation data, and provide a set of recommendations and best practices for managing risks associated with open-source generative AI.

new Towards Geometry-Aware Pareto Set Learning for Neural Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Yongfan Lu, Zixiang Di, Bingdong Li, Shengcai Liu, Hong Qian, Peng Yang, Ke Tang, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) problems are prevalent in various real-world applications. Most existing neural methods for MOCO problems rely solely on decomposition and utilize precise hypervolume to enhance diversity. However, these methods often approximate only limited regions of the Pareto front and spend excessive time on diversity enhancement because of ambiguous decomposition and time-consuming hypervolume calculation. To address these limitations, we design a Geometry-Aware Pareto set Learning algorithm named GAPL, which provides a novel geometric perspective for neural MOCO via a Pareto attention model based on hypervolume expectation maximization. In addition, we propose a hypervolume residual update strategy to enable the Pareto attention model to capture both local and non-local information of the Pareto set/front. We also design a novel inference approach to further improve quality of the solution set and speed up hypervolume calculation and local subset selection. Experimental results on three classic MOCO problems demonstrate that our GAPL outperforms state-of-the-art neural baselines via superior decomposition and efficient diversity enhancement.

new vMFER: Von Mises-Fisher Experience Resampling Based on Uncertainty of Gradient Directions for Policy Improvement

Authors: Yiwen Zhu, Jinyi Liu, Wenya Wei, Qianyi Fu, Yujing Hu, Zhou Fang, Bo An, Jianye Hao, Tangjie Lv, Changjie Fan

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a widely employed technique in decision-making problems, encompassing two fundamental operations -- policy evaluation and policy improvement. Enhancing learning efficiency remains a key challenge in RL, with many efforts focused on using ensemble critics to boost policy evaluation efficiency. However, when using multiple critics, the actor in the policy improvement process can obtain different gradients. Previous studies have combined these gradients without considering their disagreements. Therefore, optimizing the policy improvement process is crucial to enhance learning efficiency. This study focuses on investigating the impact of gradient disagreements caused by ensemble critics on policy improvement. We introduce the concept of uncertainty of gradient directions as a means to measure the disagreement among gradients utilized in the policy improvement process. Through measuring the disagreement among gradients, we find that transitions with lower uncertainty of gradient directions are more reliable in the policy improvement process. Building on this analysis, we propose a method called von Mises-Fisher Experience Resampling (vMFER), which optimizes the policy improvement process by resampling transitions and assigning higher confidence to transitions with lower uncertainty of gradient directions. Our experiments demonstrate that vMFER significantly outperforms the benchmark and is particularly well-suited for ensemble structures in RL.

new Certifying Robustness of Graph Convolutional Networks for Node Perturbation with Polyhedra Abstract Interpretation

Authors: Boqi Chen, Krist\'of Marussy, Oszk\'ar Semer\'ath, Gunter Mussbacher, D\'aniel Varr\'o

Abstract: Graph convolutional neural networks (GCNs) are powerful tools for learning graph-based knowledge representations from training data. However, they are vulnerable to small perturbations in the input graph, which makes them susceptible to input faults or adversarial attacks. This poses a significant problem for GCNs intended to be used in critical applications, which need to provide certifiably robust services even in the presence of adversarial perturbations. We propose an improved GCN robustness certification technique for node classification in the presence of node feature perturbations. We introduce a novel polyhedra-based abstract interpretation approach to tackle specific challenges of graph data and provide tight upper and lower bounds for the robustness of the GCN. Experiments show that our approach simultaneously improves the tightness of robustness bounds as well as the runtime performance of certification. Moreover, our method can be used during training to further improve the robustness of GCNs.

new Can we Defend Against the Unknown? An Empirical Study About Threshold Selection for Neural Network Monitoring

Authors: Khoi Tran Dang, Kevin Delmas, J\'er\'emie Guiochet, Joris Gu\'erin

Abstract: With the increasing use of neural networks in critical systems, runtime monitoring becomes essential to reject unsafe predictions during inference. Various techniques have emerged to establish rejection scores that maximize the separability between the distributions of safe and unsafe predictions. The efficacy of these approaches is mostly evaluated using threshold-agnostic metrics, such as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. However, in real-world applications, an effective monitor also requires identifying a good threshold to transform these scores into meaningful binary decisions. Despite the pivotal importance of threshold optimization, this problem has received little attention. A few studies touch upon this question, but they typically assume that the runtime data distribution mirrors the training distribution, which is a strong assumption as monitors are supposed to safeguard a system against potentially unforeseen threats. In this work, we present rigorous experiments on various image datasets to investigate: 1. The effectiveness of monitors in handling unforeseen threats, which are not available during threshold adjustments. 2. Whether integrating generic threats into the threshold optimization scheme can enhance the robustness of monitors.

new Gradient Estimation and Variance Reduction in Stochastic and Deterministic Models

Authors: Ronan Keane

Abstract: It seems that in the current age, computers, computation, and data have an increasingly important role to play in scientific research and discovery. This is reflected in part by the rise of machine learning and artificial intelligence, which have become great areas of interest not just for computer science but also for many other fields of study. More generally, there have been trends moving towards the use of bigger, more complex and higher capacity models. It also seems that stochastic models, and stochastic variants of existing deterministic models, have become important research directions in various fields. For all of these types of models, gradient-based optimization remains as the dominant paradigm for model fitting, control, and more. This dissertation considers unconstrained, nonlinear optimization problems, with a focus on the gradient itself, that key quantity which enables the solution of such problems. In chapter 1, we introduce the notion of reverse differentiation, a term which describes the body of techniques which enables the efficient computation of gradients. We cover relevant techniques both in the deterministic and stochastic cases. We present a new framework for calculating the gradient of problems which involve both deterministic and stochastic elements. In chapter 2, we analyze the properties of the gradient estimator, with a focus on those properties which are typically assumed in convergence proofs of optimization algorithms. Chapter 3 gives various examples of applying our new gradient estimator. We further explore the idea of working with piecewise continuous models, that is, models with distinct branches and if statements which define what specific branch to use.

new Expensive Multi-Objective Bayesian Optimization Based on Diffusion Models

Authors: Bingdong Li, Zixiang Di, Yongfan Lu, Hong Qian, Feng Wang, Peng Yang, Ke Tang, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-objective Bayesian optimization (MOBO) has shown promising performance on various expensive multi-objective optimization problems (EMOPs). However, effectively modeling complex distributions of the Pareto optimal solutions is difficult with limited function evaluations. Existing Pareto set learning algorithms may exhibit considerable instability in such expensive scenarios, leading to significant deviations between the obtained solution set and the Pareto set (PS). In this paper, we propose a novel Composite Diffusion Model based Pareto Set Learning algorithm, namely CDM-PSL, for expensive MOBO. CDM-PSL includes both unconditional and conditional diffusion model for generating high-quality samples. Besides, we introduce an information entropy based weighting method to balance different objectives of EMOPs. This method is integrated with the guiding strategy, ensuring that all the objectives are appropriately balanced and given due consideration during the optimization process; Extensive experimental results on both synthetic benchmarks and real-world problems demonstrates that our proposed algorithm attains superior performance compared with various state-of-the-art MOBO algorithms.

new Beyond Scaling Laws: Understanding Transformer Performance with Associative Memory

Authors: Xueyan Niu, Bo Bai, Lei Deng, Wei Han

Abstract: Increasing the size of a Transformer model does not always lead to enhanced performance. This phenomenon cannot be explained by the empirical scaling laws. Furthermore, improved generalization ability occurs as the model memorizes the training samples. We present a theoretical framework that sheds light on the memorization process and performance dynamics of transformer-based language models. We model the behavior of Transformers with associative memories using Hopfield networks, such that each transformer block effectively conducts an approximate nearest-neighbor search. Based on this, we design an energy function analogous to that in the modern continuous Hopfield network which provides an insightful explanation for the attention mechanism. Using the majorization-minimization technique, we construct a global energy function that captures the layered architecture of the Transformer. Under specific conditions, we show that the minimum achievable cross-entropy loss is bounded from below by a constant approximately equal to 1. We substantiate our theoretical results by conducting experiments with GPT-2 on various data sizes, as well as training vanilla Transformers on a dataset of 2M tokens.

new Reinformer: Max-Return Sequence Modeling for offline RL

Authors: Zifeng Zhuang, Dengyun Peng, jinxin Liu, Ziqi Zhang, Donglin Wang

Abstract: As a data-driven paradigm, offline reinforcement learning (RL) has been formulated as sequence modeling that conditions on the hindsight information including returns, goal or future trajectory. Although promising, this supervised paradigm overlooks the core objective of RL that maximizes the return. This overlook directly leads to the lack of trajectory stitching capability that affects the sequence model learning from sub-optimal data. In this work, we introduce the concept of max-return sequence modeling which integrates the goal of maximizing returns into existing sequence models. We propose Reinforced Transformer (Reinformer), indicating the sequence model is reinforced by the RL objective. Reinformer additionally incorporates the objective of maximizing returns in the training phase, aiming to predict the maximum future return within the distribution. During inference, this in-distribution maximum return will guide the selection of optimal actions. Empirically, Reinformer is competitive with classical RL methods on the D4RL benchmark and outperforms state-of-the-art sequence model particularly in trajectory stitching ability. Code is public at \url{}.


new Energy-based Hopfield Boosting for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Claus Hofmann, Simon Schmid, Bernhard Lehner, Daniel Klotz, Sepp Hochreiter

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is critical when deploying machine learning models in the real world. Outlier exposure methods, which incorporate auxiliary outlier data in the training process, can drastically improve OOD detection performance compared to approaches without advanced training strategies. We introduce Hopfield Boosting, a boosting approach, which leverages modern Hopfield energy (MHE) to sharpen the decision boundary between the in-distribution and OOD data. Hopfield Boosting encourages the model to concentrate on hard-to-distinguish auxiliary outlier examples that lie close to the decision boundary between in-distribution and auxiliary outlier data. Our method achieves a new state-of-the-art in OOD detection with outlier exposure, improving the FPR95 metric from 2.28 to 0.92 on CIFAR-10 and from 11.76 to 7.94 on CIFAR-100.

new Jacobian Regularizer-based Neural Granger Causality

Authors: Wanqi Zhou, Shuanghao Bai, Shujian Yu, Qibin Zhao, Badong Chen

Abstract: With the advancement of neural networks, diverse methods for neural Granger causality have emerged, which demonstrate proficiency in handling complex data, and nonlinear relationships. However, the existing framework of neural Granger causality has several limitations. It requires the construction of separate predictive models for each target variable, and the relationship depends on the sparsity on the weights of the first layer, resulting in challenges in effectively modeling complex relationships between variables as well as unsatisfied estimation accuracy of Granger causality. Moreover, most of them cannot grasp full-time Granger causality. To address these drawbacks, we propose a Jacobian Regularizer-based Neural Granger Causality (JRNGC) approach, a straightforward yet highly effective method for learning multivariate summary Granger causality and full-time Granger causality by constructing a single model for all target variables. Specifically, our method eliminates the sparsity constraints of weights by leveraging an input-output Jacobian matrix regularizer, which can be subsequently represented as the weighted causal matrix in the post-hoc analysis. Extensive experiments show that our proposed approach achieves competitive performance with the state-of-the-art methods for learning summary Granger causality and full-time Granger causality while maintaining lower model complexity and high scalability.

new Towards Enhanced RAC Accessibility: Leveraging Datasets and LLMs

Authors: Edison Jair Bejarano Sepulveda, Nicolai Potes Hector, Santiago Pineda Montoya, Felipe Ivan Rodriguez, Jaime Enrique Orduy, Alec Rosales Cabezas, Danny Traslavi\~na Navarrete, Sergio Madrid Farfan

Abstract: This paper explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to make the Aeronautical Regulations of Colombia (RAC) more accessible. Given the complexity and extensive technicality of the RAC, this study introduces a novel approach to simplifying these regulations for broader understanding. By developing the first-ever RAC database, which contains 24,478 expertly labeled question-and-answer pairs, and fine-tuning LLMs specifically for RAC applications, the paper outlines the methodology for dataset assembly, expert-led annotation, and model training. Utilizing the Gemma1.1 2b model along with advanced techniques like Unsloth for efficient VRAM usage and flash attention mechanisms, the research aims to expedite training processes. This initiative establishes a foundation to enhance the comprehensibility and accessibility of RAC, potentially benefiting novices and reducing dependence on expert consultations for navigating the aviation industry's regulatory landscape. You can visit the dataset ( and the model ( here.


new A Brief Introduction to Causal Inference in Machine Learning

Authors: Kyunghyun Cho

Abstract: This is a lecture note produced for DS-GA 3001.003 "Special Topics in DS - Causal Inference in Machine Learning" at the Center for Data Science, New York University in Spring, 2024. This course was created to target master's and PhD level students with basic background in machine learning but who were not exposed to causal inference or causal reasoning in general previously. In particular, this course focuses on introducing such students to expand their view and knowledge of machine learning to incorporate causal reasoning, as this aspect is at the core of so-called out-of-distribution generalization (or lack thereof.)

cross BubbleID: A Deep Learning Framework for Bubble Interface Dynamics Analysis

Authors: Christy Dunlap, Changgen Li, Hari Pandey, Ngan Le, Han Hu

Abstract: This paper presents BubbleID, a sophisticated deep learning architecture designed to comprehensively identify both static and dynamic attributes of bubbles within sequences of boiling images. By amalgamating segmentation powered by Mask R-CNN with SORT-based tracking techniques, the framework is capable of analyzing each bubble's location, dimensions, interface shape, and velocity over its lifetime, and capturing dynamic events such as bubble departure. BubbleID is trained and tested on boiling images across diverse heater surfaces and operational settings. This paper also offers a comparative analysis of bubble interface dynamics prior to and post-critical heat flux (CHF) conditions.

cross LLAniMAtion: LLAMA Driven Gesture Animation

Authors: Jonathan Windle, Iain Matthews, Sarah Taylor

Abstract: Co-speech gesturing is an important modality in conversation, providing context and social cues. In character animation, appropriate and synchronised gestures add realism, and can make interactive agents more engaging. Historically, methods for automatically generating gestures were predominantly audio-driven, exploiting the prosodic and speech-related content that is encoded in the audio signal. In this paper we instead experiment with using LLM features for gesture generation that are extracted from text using LLAMA2. We compare against audio features, and explore combining the two modalities in both objective tests and a user study. Surprisingly, our results show that LLAMA2 features on their own perform significantly better than audio features and that including both modalities yields no significant difference to using LLAMA2 features in isolation. We demonstrate that the LLAMA2 based model can generate both beat and semantic gestures without any audio input, suggesting LLMs can provide rich encodings that are well suited for gesture generation.

cross HRNet: Differentially Private Hierarchical and Multi-Resolution Network for Human Mobility Data Synthesization

Authors: Shun Takagi, Li Xiong, Fumiyuki Kato, Yang Cao, Masatoshi Yoshikawa

Abstract: Human mobility data offers valuable insights for many applications such as urban planning and pandemic response, but its use also raises privacy concerns. In this paper, we introduce the Hierarchical and Multi-Resolution Network (HRNet), a novel deep generative model specifically designed to synthesize realistic human mobility data while guaranteeing differential privacy. We first identify the key difficulties inherent in learning human mobility data under differential privacy. In response to these challenges, HRNet integrates three components: a hierarchical location encoding mechanism, multi-task learning across multiple resolutions, and private pre-training. These elements collectively enhance the model's ability under the constraints of differential privacy. Through extensive comparative experiments utilizing a real-world dataset, HRNet demonstrates a marked improvement over existing methods in balancing the utility-privacy trade-off.

cross Comparative analysis of neural network architectures for short-term FOREX forecasting

Authors: Theodoros Zafeiriou, Dimitris Kalles

Abstract: The present document delineates the analysis, design, implementation, and benchmarking of various neural network architectures within a short-term frequency prediction system for the foreign exchange market (FOREX). Our aim is to simulate the judgment of the human expert (technical analyst) using a system that responds promptly to changes in market conditions, thus enabling the optimization of short-term trading strategies. We designed and implemented a series of LSTM neural network architectures which are taken as input the exchange rate values and generate the short-term market trend forecasting signal and an ANN custom architecture based on technical analysis indicator simulators We performed a comparative analysis of the results and came to useful conclusions regarding the suitability of each architecture and the cost in terms of time and computational power to implement them. The ANN custom architecture produces better prediction quality with higher sensitivity using fewer resources and spending less time than LSTM architectures. The ANN custom architecture appears to be ideal for use in low-power computing systems and for use cases that need fast decisions with the least possible computational cost.

cross Autonomous Sparse Mean-CVaR Portfolio Optimization

Authors: Yizun Lin, Yangyu Zhang, Zhao-Rong Lai, Cheng Li

Abstract: The $\ell_0$-constrained mean-CVaR model poses a significant challenge due to its NP-hard nature, typically tackled through combinatorial methods characterized by high computational demands. From a markedly different perspective, we propose an innovative autonomous sparse mean-CVaR portfolio model, capable of approximating the original $\ell_0$-constrained mean-CVaR model with arbitrary accuracy. The core idea is to convert the $\ell_0$ constraint into an indicator function and subsequently handle it through a tailed approximation. We then propose a proximal alternating linearized minimization algorithm, coupled with a nested fixed-point proximity algorithm (both convergent), to iteratively solve the model. Autonomy in sparsity refers to retaining a significant portion of assets within the selected asset pool during adjustments in pool size. Consequently, our framework offers a theoretically guaranteed approximation of the $\ell_0$-constrained mean-CVaR model, improving computational efficiency while providing a robust asset selection scheme.

cross Radio Resource Management and Path Planning in Intelligent Transportation Systems via Reinforcement Learning for Environmental Sustainability

Authors: S. Norouzi, N. Azarasa, M. R. Abedi, N. Mokari, S. E. Seyedabrishami, H. Saeedi, E. A. Jorswieck

Abstract: Efficient and dynamic path planning has become an important topic for urban areas with larger density of connected vehicles (CV) which results in reduction of travel time and directly contributes to environmental sustainability through reducing energy consumption. CVs exploit the cellular wireless vehicle-to-everything (C-V2X) communication technology to disseminate the vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) messages to the Base-station (BS) to improve situation awareness on urban roads. In this paper, we investigate radio resource management (RRM) in such a framework to minimize the age of information (AoI) so as to enhance path planning results. We use the fact that V2I messages with lower AoI value result in less error in estimating the road capacity and more accurate path planning. Through simulations, we compare road travel times and volume over capacity (V/C) against different levels of AoI and demonstrate the promising performance of the proposed framework.

cross Comparative Study of Bitcoin Price Prediction

Authors: Ali Mohammadjafari

Abstract: Prediction of stock prices has been a crucial and challenging task, especially in the case of highly volatile digital currencies such as Bitcoin. This research examineS the potential of using neural network models, namely LSTMs and GRUs, to forecast Bitcoin's price movements. We employ five-fold cross-validation to enhance generalization and utilize L2 regularization to reduce overfitting and noise. Our study demonstrates that the GRUs models offer better accuracy than LSTMs model for predicting Bitcoin's price. Specifically, the GRU model has an MSE of 4.67, while the LSTM model has an MSE of 6.25 when compared to the actual prices in the test set data. This finding indicates that GRU models are better equipped to process sequential data with long-term dependencies, a characteristic of financial time series data such as Bitcoin prices. In summary, our results provide valuable insights into the potential of neural network models for accurate Bitcoin price prediction and emphasize the importance of employing appropriate regularization techniques to enhance model performance.

cross Graph Neural Networks for Parameterized Quantum Circuits Expressibility Estimation

Authors: Shamminuj Aktar, Andreas B\"artschi, Diane Oyen, Stephan Eidenbenz, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy

Abstract: Parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) are fundamental to quantum machine learning (QML), quantum optimization, and variational quantum algorithms (VQAs). The expressibility of PQCs is a measure that determines their capability to harness the full potential of the quantum state space. It is thus a crucial guidepost to know when selecting a particular PQC ansatz. However, the existing technique for expressibility computation through statistical estimation requires a large number of samples, which poses significant challenges due to time and computational resource constraints. This paper introduces a novel approach for expressibility estimation of PQCs using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). We demonstrate the predictive power of our GNN model with a dataset consisting of 25,000 samples from the noiseless IBM QASM Simulator and 12,000 samples from three distinct noisy quantum backends. The model accurately estimates expressibility, with root mean square errors (RMSE) of 0.05 and 0.06 for the noiseless and noisy backends, respectively. We compare our model's predictions with reference circuits [Sim and others, QuTe'2019] and IBM Qiskit's hardware-efficient ansatz sets to further evaluate our model's performance. Our experimental evaluation in noiseless and noisy scenarios reveals a close alignment with ground truth expressibility values, highlighting the model's efficacy. Moreover, our model exhibits promising extrapolation capabilities, predicting expressibility values with low RMSE for out-of-range qubit circuits trained solely on only up to 5-qubit circuit sets. This work thus provides a reliable means of efficiently evaluating the expressibility of diverse PQCs on noiseless simulators and hardware.

cross Can machine learning unlock new insights into high-frequency trading?

Authors: G. Ibikunle, B. Moews, K. Rzayev

Abstract: We design and train machine learning models to capture the nonlinear interactions between financial market dynamics and high-frequency trading (HFT) activity. In doing so, we introduce new metrics to identify liquidity-demanding and -supplying HFT strategies. Both types of HFT strategies increase activity in response to information events and decrease it when trading speed is restricted, with liquidity-supplying strategies demonstrating greater responsiveness. Liquidity-demanding HFT is positively linked with latency arbitrage opportunities, whereas liquidity-supplying HFT is negatively related, aligning with theoretical expectations. Our metrics have implications for understanding the information production process in financial markets.

cross AI-Cybersecurity Education Through Designing AI-based Cyberharassment Detection Lab

Authors: Ebuka Okpala, Nishant Vishwamitra, Keyan Guo, Song Liao, Long Cheng, Hongxin Hu, Yongkai Wu, Xiaohong Yuan, Jeannette Wade, Sajad Khorsandroo

Abstract: Cyberharassment is a critical, socially relevant cybersecurity problem because of the adverse effects it can have on targeted groups or individuals. While progress has been made in understanding cyber-harassment, its detection, attacks on artificial intelligence (AI) based cyberharassment systems, and the social problems in cyberharassment detectors, little has been done in designing experiential learning educational materials that engage students in this emerging social cybersecurity in the era of AI. Experiential learning opportunities are usually provided through capstone projects and engineering design courses in STEM programs such as computer science. While capstone projects are an excellent example of experiential learning, given the interdisciplinary nature of this emerging social cybersecurity problem, it can be challenging to use them to engage non-computing students without prior knowledge of AI. Because of this, we were motivated to develop a hands-on lab platform that provided experiential learning experiences to non-computing students with little or no background knowledge in AI and discussed the lessons learned in developing this lab. In this lab used by social science students at North Carolina A&T State University across two semesters (spring and fall) in 2022, students are given a detailed lab manual and are to complete a set of well-detailed tasks. Through this process, students learn AI concepts and the application of AI for cyberharassment detection. Using pre- and post-surveys, we asked students to rate their knowledge or skills in AI and their understanding of the concepts learned. The results revealed that the students moderately understood the concepts of AI and cyberharassment.

cross LATTE: an atomic environment descriptor based on Cartesian tensor contractions

Authors: Franco Pellegrini, Stefano de Gironcoli, Emine K\"u\c{c}\"ukbenli

Abstract: We propose a new descriptor for local atomic environments, to be used in combination with machine learning models for the construction of interatomic potentials. The Local Atomic Tensors Trainable Expansion (LATTE) allows for the efficient construction of a variable number of many-body terms with learnable parameters, resulting in a descriptor that is efficient, expressive, and can be scaled to suit different accuracy and computational cost requirements. We compare this new descriptor to existing ones on several systems, showing it to be competitive with very fast potentials at one end of the spectrum, and extensible to an accuracy close to the state of the art.

cross Comparative Analysis of AWS Model Deployment Services

Authors: Rahul Bagai

Abstract: Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers three important Model Deployment Services for model developers: SageMaker, Lambda, and Elastic Container Service (ECS). These services have critical advantages and disadvantages, influencing model developer's adoption decisions. This comparative analysis reviews the merits and drawbacks of these services. This analysis found that Lambda AWS service leads in efficiency, autoscaling aspects, and integration during model development. However, ECS was found to be outstanding in terms of flexibility, scalability, and infrastructure control; conversely, ECS is better suited when it comes to managing complex container environments during model development, as well as addressing budget concerns -- it is, therefore, the preferred option for model developers whose objective is to achieve complete freedom and framework flexibility with horizontal scaling. ECS is better suited to ensuring performance requirements align with project goals and constraints. The AWS service selection process considered factors that include but are not limited to load balance and cost-effectiveness. ECS is a better choice when model development begins from the abstract. It offers unique benefits, such as the ability to scale horizontally and vertically, making it the best preferable tool for model deployment.

cross Do Bayesian imaging methods report trustworthy probabilities?

Authors: David Y. W. Thong, Charlesquin Kemajou Mbakam, Marcelo Pereyra

Abstract: Bayesian statistics is a cornerstone of imaging sciences, underpinning many and varied approaches from Markov random fields to score-based denoising diffusion models. In addition to powerful image estimation methods, the Bayesian paradigm also provides a framework for uncertainty quantification and for using image data as quantitative evidence. These probabilistic capabilities are important for the rigorous interpretation of experimental results and for robust interfacing of quantitative imaging pipelines with scientific and decision-making processes. However, are the probabilities delivered by existing Bayesian imaging methods meaningful under replication of an experiment, or are they only meaningful as subjective measures of belief? This paper presents a Monte Carlo method to explore this question. We then leverage the proposed Monte Carlo method and run a large experiment requiring 1,000 GPU-hours to probe the accuracy of five canonical Bayesian imaging methods that are representative of some of the main Bayesian imaging strategies from the past decades (a score-based denoising diffusion technique, a plug-and-play Langevin algorithm utilising a Lipschitz-regularised DnCNN denoiser, a Bayesian method with a dictionary-based prior trained subject to a log-concavity constraint, an empirical Bayesian method with a total-variation prior, and a hierarchical Bayesian Gibbs sampler based on a Gaussian Markov random field model). We find that, a few cases, the probabilities reported by modern Bayesian imaging techniques are in broad agreement with long-term averages as observed over a large number of replication of an experiment, but existing Bayesian imaging methods are generally not able to deliver reliable uncertainty quantification results.

cross Probabilistic Flux Limiters

Authors: Nga T. T. Nguyen-Fotiadis, Robert Chiodi, Michael McKerns, Daniel Livescu, Andrew Sornborger

Abstract: The stable numerical integration of shocks in compressible flow simulations relies on the reduction or elimination of Gibbs phenomena (unstable, spurious oscillations). A popular method to virtually eliminate Gibbs oscillations caused by numerical discretization in under-resolved simulations is to use a flux limiter. A wide range of flux limiters has been studied in the literature, with recent interest in their optimization via machine learning methods trained on high-resolution datasets. The common use of flux limiters in numerical codes as plug-and-play blackbox components makes them key targets for design improvement. Moreover, while aleatoric (inherent randomness) and epistemic (lack of knowledge) uncertainty is commonplace in fluid dynamical systems, these effects are generally ignored in the design of flux limiters. Even for deterministic dynamical models, numerical uncertainty is introduced via coarse-graining required by insufficient computational power to solve all scales of motion. Here, we introduce a conceptually distinct type of flux limiter that is designed to handle the effects of randomness in the model and uncertainty in model parameters. This new, {\it probabilistic flux limiter}, learned with high-resolution data, consists of a set of flux limiting functions with associated probabilities, which define the frequencies of selection for their use. Using the example of Burgers' equation, we show that a machine learned, probabilistic flux limiter may be used in a shock capturing code to more accurately capture shock profiles. In particular, we show that our probabilistic flux limiter outperforms standard limiters, and can be successively improved upon (up to a point) by expanding the set of probabilistically chosen flux limiting functions.

cross Barren plateaus induced by the dimension of qudits

Authors: Lucas Friedrich, Tiago de Souza Farias, Jonas Maziero

Abstract: Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) have emerged as pivotal strategies for attaining quantum advantages in diverse scientific and technological domains, notably within Quantum Neural Networks. However, despite their potential, VQAs encounter significant obstacles, chief among them being the gradient vanishing problem, commonly referred to as barren plateaus. In this study, we unveil a direct correlation between the dimension of qudits and the occurrence of barren plateaus, a connection previously overlooked. Through meticulous analysis, we demonstrate that existing literature implicitly suggests the intrinsic influence of qudit dimensionality on barren plateaus. To instantiate these findings, we present numerical results that exemplify the impact of qudit dimensionality on barren plateaus. Additionally, despite the proposition of various error mitigation techniques, our results call for further scrutiny about their efficacy in the context of VQAs with qudits.

cross Who's in and who's out? A case study of multimodal CLIP-filtering in DataComp

Authors: Rachel Hong, William Agnew, Tadayoshi Kohno, Jamie Morgenstern

Abstract: As training datasets become increasingly drawn from unstructured, uncontrolled environments such as the web, researchers and industry practitioners have increasingly relied upon data filtering techniques to "filter out the noise" of web-scraped data. While datasets have been widely shown to reflect the biases and values of their creators, in this paper we contribute to an emerging body of research that assesses the filters used to create these datasets. We show that image-text data filtering also has biases and is value-laden, encoding specific notions of what is counted as "high-quality" data. In our work, we audit a standard approach of image-text CLIP-filtering on the academic benchmark DataComp's CommonPool by analyzing discrepancies of filtering through various annotation techniques across multiple modalities of image, text, and website source. We find that data relating to several imputed demographic groups -- such as LGBTQ+ people, older women, and younger men -- are associated with higher rates of exclusion. Moreover, we demonstrate cases of exclusion amplification: not only are certain marginalized groups already underrepresented in the unfiltered data, but CLIP-filtering excludes data from these groups at higher rates. The data-filtering step in the machine learning pipeline can therefore exacerbate representation disparities already present in the data-gathering step, especially when existing filters are designed to optimize a specifically-chosen downstream performance metric like zero-shot image classification accuracy. Finally, we show that the NSFW filter fails to remove sexually-explicit content from CommonPool, and that CLIP-filtering includes several categories of copyrighted content at high rates. Our conclusions point to a need for fundamental changes in dataset creation and filtering practices.

cross Interpreting Latent Student Knowledge Representations in Programming Assignments

Authors: Nigel Fernandez, Andrew Lan

Abstract: Recent advances in artificial intelligence for education leverage generative large language models, including using them to predict open-ended student responses rather than their correctness only. However, the black-box nature of these models limits the interpretability of the learned student knowledge representations. In this paper, we conduct a first exploration into interpreting latent student knowledge representations by presenting InfoOIRT, an Information regularized Open-ended Item Response Theory model, which encourages the latent student knowledge states to be interpretable while being able to generate student-written code for open-ended programming questions. InfoOIRT maximizes the mutual information between a fixed subset of latent knowledge states enforced with simple prior distributions and generated student code, which encourages the model to learn disentangled representations of salient syntactic and semantic code features including syntactic styles, mastery of programming skills, and code structures. Through experiments on a real-world programming education dataset, we show that InfoOIRT can both accurately generate student code and lead to interpretable student knowledge representations.

cross Additive-Effect Assisted Learning

Authors: Jiawei Zhang, Yuhong Yang, Jie Ding

Abstract: It is quite popular nowadays for researchers and data analysts holding different datasets to seek assistance from each other to enhance their modeling performance. We consider a scenario where different learners hold datasets with potentially distinct variables, and their observations can be aligned by a nonprivate identifier. Their collaboration faces the following difficulties: First, learners may need to keep data values or even variable names undisclosed due to, e.g., commercial interest or privacy regulations; second, there are restrictions on the number of transmission rounds between them due to e.g., communication costs. To address these challenges, we develop a two-stage assisted learning architecture for an agent, Alice, to seek assistance from another agent, Bob. In the first stage, we propose a privacy-aware hypothesis testing-based screening method for Alice to decide on the usefulness of the data from Bob, in a way that only requires Bob to transmit sketchy data. Once Alice recognizes Bob's usefulness, Alice and Bob move to the second stage, where they jointly apply a synergistic iterative model training procedure. With limited transmissions of summary statistics, we show that Alice can achieve the oracle performance as if the training were from centralized data, both theoretically and numerically.

cross Compositional Text-to-Image Generation with Dense Blob Representations

Authors: Weili Nie, Sifei Liu, Morteza Mardani, Chao Liu, Benjamin Eckart, Arash Vahdat

Abstract: Existing text-to-image models struggle to follow complex text prompts, raising the need for extra grounding inputs for better controllability. In this work, we propose to decompose a scene into visual primitives - denoted as dense blob representations - that contain fine-grained details of the scene while being modular, human-interpretable, and easy-to-construct. Based on blob representations, we develop a blob-grounded text-to-image diffusion model, termed BlobGEN, for compositional generation. Particularly, we introduce a new masked cross-attention module to disentangle the fusion between blob representations and visual features. To leverage the compositionality of large language models (LLMs), we introduce a new in-context learning approach to generate blob representations from text prompts. Our extensive experiments show that BlobGEN achieves superior zero-shot generation quality and better layout-guided controllability on MS-COCO. When augmented by LLMs, our method exhibits superior numerical and spatial correctness on compositional image generation benchmarks. Project page:


cross Thompson Sampling for Infinite-Horizon Discounted Decision Processes

Authors: Daniel Adelman, Cagla Keceli, Alba V. Olivares Nadal

Abstract: We model a Markov decision process, parametrized by an unknown parameter, and study the asymptotic behavior of a sampling-based algorithm, called Thompson sampling. The standard definition of regret is not always suitable to evaluate a policy, especially when the underlying chain structure is general. We show that the standard (expected) regret can grow (super-)linearly and fails to capture the notion of learning in realistic settings with non-trivial state evolution. By decomposing the standard (expected) regret, we develop a new metric, called the expected residual regret, which forgets the immutable consequences of past actions. Instead, it measures regret against the optimal reward moving forward from the current period. We show that the expected residual regret of the Thompson sampling algorithm is upper bounded by a term which converges exponentially fast to 0. We present conditions under which the posterior sampling error of Thompson sampling converges to 0 almost surely. We then introduce the probabilistic version of the expected residual regret and present conditions under which it converges to 0 almost surely. Thus, we provide a viable concept of learning for sampling algorithms which will serve useful in broader settings than had been considered previously.

cross Scalable Subsampling Inference for Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Kejin Wu, Dimitris N. Politis

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNN) has received increasing attention in machine learning applications in the last several years. Recently, a non-asymptotic error bound has been developed to measure the performance of the fully connected DNN estimator with ReLU activation functions for estimating regression models. The paper at hand gives a small improvement on the current error bound based on the latest results on the approximation ability of DNN. More importantly, however, a non-random subsampling technique--scalable subsampling--is applied to construct a `subagged' DNN estimator. Under regularity conditions, it is shown that the subagged DNN estimator is computationally efficient without sacrificing accuracy for either estimation or prediction tasks. Beyond point estimation/prediction, we propose different approaches to build confidence and prediction intervals based on the subagged DNN estimator. In addition to being asymptotically valid, the proposed confidence/prediction intervals appear to work well in finite samples. All in all, the scalable subsampling DNN estimator offers the complete package in terms of statistical inference, i.e., (a) computational efficiency; (b) point estimation/prediction accuracy; and (c) allowing for the construction of practically useful confidence and prediction intervals.

cross Predicting NVIDIA's Next-Day Stock Price: A Comparative Analysis of LSTM, MLP, ARIMA, and ARIMA-GARCH Models

Authors: Yiluan Xing, Chao Yan, Cathy Chang Xie

Abstract: Forecasting stock prices remains a considerable challenge in financial markets, bearing significant implications for investors, traders, and financial institutions. Amid the ongoing AI revolution, NVIDIA has emerged as a key player driving innovation across various sectors. Given its prominence, we chose NVIDIA as the subject of our study.

cross Differentially Private Federated Learning: A Systematic Review

Authors: Jie Fu, Yuan Hong, Xinpeng Ling, Leixia Wang, Xun Ran, Zhiyu Sun, Wendy Hui Wang, Zhili Chen, Yang Cao

Abstract: In recent years, privacy and security concerns in machine learning have promoted trusted federated learning to the forefront of research. Differential privacy has emerged as the de facto standard for privacy protection in federated learning due to its rigorous mathematical foundation and provable guarantee. Despite extensive research on algorithms that incorporate differential privacy within federated learning, there remains an evident deficiency in systematic reviews that categorize and synthesize these studies. Our work presents a systematic overview of the differentially private federated learning. Existing taxonomies have not adequately considered objects and level of privacy protection provided by differential privacy in federated learning. To rectify this gap, we propose a new taxonomy of differentially private federated learning based on definition and guarantee of differential privacy and federated scenarios. Our classification allows for a clear delineation of the protected objects across various differential privacy models and their respective neighborhood levels within federated learning environments. Furthermore, we explore the applications of differential privacy in federated learning scenarios. Our findings provide valuable insights into privacy-preserving federated learning and suggest practical directions for future research.

cross Are Generics and Negativity about Social Groups Common on Social Media? A Comparative Analysis of Twitter (X) Data

Authors: Uwe Peters, Ignacio Ojea Quintana

Abstract: Generics (unquantified generalizations) are thought to be pervasive in communication and when they are about social groups, this may offend and polarize people because generics gloss over variations between individuals. Generics about social groups might be particularly common on Twitter (X). This remains unexplored, however. Using machine learning (ML) techniques, we therefore developed an automatic classifier for social generics, applied it to more than a million tweets about people, and analyzed the tweets. We found that most tweets (78%) about people contained no generics. However, tweets with social generics received more 'likes' and retweets. Furthermore, while recent psychological research may lead to the prediction that tweets with generics about political groups are more common than tweets with generics about ethnic groups, we found the opposite. However, consistent with recent claims that political animosity is less constrained by social norms than animosity against gender and ethnic groups, negative tweets with generics about political groups were significantly more prevalent and retweeted than negative tweets about ethnic groups. Our study provides the first ML-based insights into the use and impact of social generics on Twitter.

cross Abnormal Respiratory Sound Identification Using Audio-Spectrogram Vision Transformer

Authors: Whenty Ariyanti, Kai-Chun Liu, Kuan-Yu Chen, Yu Tsao

Abstract: Respiratory disease, the third leading cause of deaths globally, is considered a high-priority ailment requiring significant research on identification and treatment. Stethoscope-recorded lung sounds and artificial intelligence-powered devices have been used to identify lung disorders and aid specialists in making accurate diagnoses. In this study, audio-spectrogram vision transformer (AS-ViT), a new approach for identifying abnormal respiration sounds, was developed. The sounds of the lungs are converted into visual representations called spectrograms using a technique called short-time Fourier transform (STFT). These images are then analyzed using a model called vision transformer to identify different types of respiratory sounds. The classification was carried out using the ICBHI 2017 database, which includes various types of lung sounds with different frequencies, noise levels, and backgrounds. The proposed AS-ViT method was evaluated using three metrics and achieved 79.1% and 59.8% for 60:40 split ratio and 86.4% and 69.3% for 80:20 split ratio in terms of unweighted average recall and overall scores respectively for respiratory sound detection, surpassing previous state-of-the-art results.

cross UnMarker: A Universal Attack on Defensive Watermarking

Authors: Andre Kassis, Urs Hengartner

Abstract: Reports regarding the misuse of $\textit{Generative AI}$ ($\textit{GenAI}$) to create harmful deepfakes are emerging daily. Recently, defensive watermarking, which enables $\textit{GenAI}$ providers to hide fingerprints in their images to later use for deepfake detection, has been on the rise. Yet, its potential has not been fully explored. We present $\textit{UnMarker}$ -- the first practical $\textit{universal}$ attack on defensive watermarking. Unlike existing attacks, $\textit{UnMarker}$ requires no detector feedback, no unrealistic knowledge of the scheme or similar models, and no advanced denoising pipelines that may not be available. Instead, being the product of an in-depth analysis of the watermarking paradigm revealing that robust schemes must construct their watermarks in the spectral amplitudes, $\textit{UnMarker}$ employs two novel adversarial optimizations to disrupt the spectra of watermarked images, erasing the watermarks. Evaluations against the $\textit{SOTA}$ prove its effectiveness, not only defeating traditional schemes while retaining superior quality compared to existing attacks but also breaking $\textit{semantic}$ watermarks that alter the image's structure, reducing the best detection rate to $43\%$ and rendering them useless. To our knowledge, $\textit{UnMarker}$ is the first practical attack on $\textit{semantic}$ watermarks, which have been deemed the future of robust watermarking. $\textit{UnMarker}$ casts doubts on the very penitential of this countermeasure and exposes its paradoxical nature as designing schemes for robustness inevitably compromises other robustness aspects.

cross PromptMind Team at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Improving Clinical Text Correction with Error Categorization and LLM Ensembles

Authors: Satya Kesav Gundabathula, Sriram R Kolar

Abstract: This paper describes our approach to the MEDIQA-CORR shared task, which involves error detection and correction in clinical notes curated by medical professionals. This task involves handling three subtasks: detecting the presence of errors, identifying the specific sentence containing the error, and correcting it. Through our work, we aim to assess the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on a vast corpora of internet data that contain both factual and unreliable information. We propose to comprehensively address all subtasks together, and suggest employing a unique prompt-based in-context learning strategy. We will evaluate its efficacy in this specialized task demanding a combination of general reasoning and medical knowledge. In medical systems where prediction errors can have grave consequences, we propose leveraging self-consistency and ensemble methods to enhance error correction and error detection performance.

cross How to Surprisingly Consider Recommendations? A Knowledge-Graph-based Approach Relying on Complex Network Metrics

Authors: Oliver Baumann, Durgesh Nandini, Anderson Rossanez, Mirco Schoenfeld, Julio Cesar dos Reis

Abstract: Traditional recommendation proposals, including content-based and collaborative filtering, usually focus on similarity between items or users. Existing approaches lack ways of introducing unexpectedness into recommendations, prioritizing globally popular items over exposing users to unforeseen items. This investigation aims to design and evaluate a novel layer on top of recommender systems suited to incorporate relational information and suggest items with a user-defined degree of surprise. We propose a Knowledge Graph (KG) based recommender system by encoding user interactions on item catalogs. Our study explores whether network-level metrics on KGs can influence the degree of surprise in recommendations. We hypothesize that surprisingness correlates with certain network metrics, treating user profiles as subgraphs within a larger catalog KG. The achieved solution reranks recommendations based on their impact on structural graph metrics. Our research contributes to optimizing recommendations to reflect the metrics. We experimentally evaluate our approach on two datasets of LastFM listening histories and synthetic Netflix viewing profiles. We find that reranking items based on complex network metrics leads to a more unexpected and surprising composition of recommendation lists.

cross Universal replication of chaotic characteristics by classical and quantum machine learning

Authors: Sheng-Chen Bai, Shi-Ju Ran

Abstract: Replicating chaotic characteristics of non-linear dynamics by machine learning (ML) has recently drawn wide attentions. In this work, we propose that a ML model, trained to predict the state one-step-ahead from several latest historic states, can accurately replicate the bifurcation diagram and the Lyapunov exponents of discrete dynamic systems. The characteristics for different values of the hyper-parameters are captured universally by a single ML model, while the previous works considered training the ML model independently by fixing the hyper-parameters to be specific values. Our benchmarks on the one- and two-dimensional Logistic maps show that variational quantum circuit can reproduce the long-term characteristics with higher accuracy than the long short-term memory (a well-recognized classical ML model). Our work reveals an essential difference between the ML for the chaotic characteristics and that for standard tasks, from the perspective of the relation between performance and model complexity. Our results suggest that quantum circuit model exhibits potential advantages on mitigating over-fitting, achieving higher accuracy and stability.

cross Shape-aware synthesis of pathological lung CT scans using CycleGAN for enhanced semi-supervised lung segmentation

Authors: Rezkellah Noureddine Khiati, Pierre-Yves Brillet, Aur\'elien Justet, Radu Ispa, Catalin Fetita

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of pathological lung segmentation, a significant challenge in medical image analysis, particularly pronounced in cases of peripheral opacities (severe fibrosis and consolidation) because of the textural similarity between lung tissue and surrounding areas. To overcome these challenges, this paper emphasizes the use of CycleGAN for unpaired image-to-image translation, in order to provide an augmentation method able to generate fake pathological images matching an existing ground truth. Although previous studies have employed CycleGAN, they often neglect the challenge of shape deformation, which is crucial for accurate medical image segmentation. Our work introduces an innovative strategy that incorporates additional loss functions. Specifically, it proposes an L1 loss based on the lung surrounding which shape is constrained to remain unchanged at the transition from the healthy to pathological domains. The lung surrounding is derived based on ground truth lung masks available in the healthy domain. Furthermore, preprocessing steps, such as cropping based on ribs/vertebra locations, are applied to refine the input for the CycleGAN, ensuring that the network focus on the lung region. This is essential to avoid extraneous biases, such as the zoom effect bias, which can divert attention from the main task. The method is applied to enhance in semi-supervised manner the lung segmentation process by employing a U-Net model trained with on-the-fly data augmentation incorporating synthetic pathological tissues generated by the CycleGAN model. Preliminary results from this research demonstrate significant qualitative and quantitative improvements, setting a new benchmark in the field of pathological lung segmentation. Our code is available at


cross PTPI-DL-ROMs: pre-trained physics-informed deep learning-based reduced order models for nonlinear parametrized PDEs

Authors: Simone Brivio, Stefania Fresca, Andrea Manzoni

Abstract: The coupling of Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and deep learning-based ROMs (DL-ROMs) has proved to be a successful strategy to construct non-intrusive, highly accurate, surrogates for the real time solution of parametric nonlinear time-dependent PDEs. Inexpensive to evaluate, POD-DL-ROMs are also relatively fast to train, thanks to their limited complexity. However, POD-DL-ROMs account for the physical laws governing the problem at hand only through the training data, that are usually obtained through a full order model (FOM) relying on a high-fidelity discretization of the underlying equations. Moreover, the accuracy of POD-DL-ROMs strongly depends on the amount of available data. In this paper, we consider a major extension of POD-DL-ROMs by enforcing the fulfillment of the governing physical laws in the training process -- that is, by making them physics-informed -- to compensate for possible scarce and/or unavailable data and improve the overall reliability. To do that, we first complement POD-DL-ROMs with a trunk net architecture, endowing them with the ability to compute the problem's solution at every point in the spatial domain, and ultimately enabling a seamless computation of the physics-based loss by means of the strong continuous formulation. Then, we introduce an efficient training strategy that limits the notorious computational burden entailed by a physics-informed training phase. In particular, we take advantage of the few available data to develop a low-cost pre-training procedure; then, we fine-tune the architecture in order to further improve the prediction reliability. Accuracy and efficiency of the resulting pre-trained physics-informed DL-ROMs (PTPI-DL-ROMs) are then assessed on a set of test cases ranging from non-affinely parametrized advection-diffusion-reaction equations, to nonlinear problems like the Navier-Stokes equations for fluid flows.

cross Hearing Touch: Audio-Visual Pretraining for Contact-Rich Manipulation

Authors: Jared Mejia, Victoria Dean, Tess Hellebrekers, Abhinav Gupta

Abstract: Although pre-training on a large amount of data is beneficial for robot learning, current paradigms only perform large-scale pretraining for visual representations, whereas representations for other modalities are trained from scratch. In contrast to the abundance of visual data, it is unclear what relevant internet-scale data may be used for pretraining other modalities such as tactile sensing. Such pretraining becomes increasingly crucial in the low-data regimes common in robotics applications. In this paper, we address this gap by using contact microphones as an alternative tactile sensor. Our key insight is that contact microphones capture inherently audio-based information, allowing us to leverage large-scale audio-visual pretraining to obtain representations that boost the performance of robotic manipulation. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first approach leveraging large-scale multisensory pre-training for robotic manipulation. For supplementary information including videos of real robot experiments, please see


cross Optimizing Deep Reinforcement Learning for American Put Option Hedging

Authors: Reilly Pickard, F. Wredenhagen, Y. Lawryshyn

Abstract: This paper contributes to the existing literature on hedging American options with Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). The study first investigates hyperparameter impact on hedging performance, considering learning rates, training episodes, neural network architectures, training steps, and transaction cost penalty functions. Results highlight the importance of avoiding certain combinations, such as high learning rates with a high number of training episodes or low learning rates with few training episodes and emphasize the significance of utilizing moderate values for optimal outcomes. Additionally, the paper warns against excessive training steps to prevent instability and demonstrates the superiority of a quadratic transaction cost penalty function over a linear version. This study then expands upon the work of Pickard et al. (2024), who utilize a Chebyshev interpolation option pricing method to train DRL agents with market calibrated stochastic volatility models. While the results of Pickard et al. (2024) showed that these DRL agents achieve satisfactory performance on empirical asset paths, this study introduces a novel approach where new agents at weekly intervals to newly calibrated stochastic volatility models. Results show DRL agents re-trained using weekly market data surpass the performance of those trained solely on the sale date. Furthermore, the paper demonstrates that both single-train and weekly-train DRL agents outperform the Black-Scholes Delta method at transaction costs of 1% and 3%. This practical relevance suggests that practitioners can leverage readily available market data to train DRL agents for effective hedging of options in their portfolios.

cross GN-SINDy: Greedy Sampling Neural Network in Sparse Identification of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Ali Forootani, Peter Benner

Abstract: The sparse identification of nonlinear dynamical systems (SINDy) is a data-driven technique employed for uncovering and representing the fundamental dynamics of intricate systems based on observational data. However, a primary obstacle in the discovery of models for nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) lies in addressing the challenges posed by the curse of dimensionality and large datasets. Consequently, the strategic selection of the most informative samples within a given dataset plays a crucial role in reducing computational costs and enhancing the effectiveness of SINDy-based algorithms. To this aim, we employ a greedy sampling approach to the snapshot matrix of a PDE to obtain its valuable samples, which are suitable to train a deep neural network (DNN) in a SINDy framework. SINDy based algorithms often consist of a data collection unit, constructing a dictionary of basis functions, computing the time derivative, and solving a sparse identification problem which ends to regularised least squares minimization. In this paper, we extend the results of a SINDy based deep learning model discovery (DeePyMoD) approach by integrating greedy sampling technique in its data collection unit and new sparsity promoting algorithms in the least squares minimization unit. In this regard we introduce the greedy sampling neural network in sparse identification of nonlinear partial differential equations (GN-SINDy) which blends a greedy sampling method, the DNN, and the SINDy algorithm. In the implementation phase, to show the effectiveness of GN-SINDy, we compare its results with DeePyMoD by using a Python package that is prepared for this purpose on numerous PDE discovery

cross A Fast and Scalable Pathwise-Solver for Group Lasso and Elastic Net Penalized Regression via Block-Coordinate Descent

Authors: James Yang, Trevor Hastie

Abstract: We develop fast and scalable algorithms based on block-coordinate descent to solve the group lasso and the group elastic net for generalized linear models along a regularization path. Special attention is given when the loss is the usual least squares loss (Gaussian loss). We show that each block-coordinate update can be solved efficiently using Newton's method and further improved using an adaptive bisection method, solving these updates with a quadratic convergence rate. Our benchmarks show that our package adelie performs 3 to 10 times faster than the next fastest package on a wide array of both simulated and real datasets. Moreover, we demonstrate that our package is a competitive lasso solver as well, matching the performance of the popular lasso package glmnet.

cross Optimal design of experiments in the context of machine-learning inter-atomic potentials: improving the efficiency and transferability of kernel based methods

Authors: Bartosz Barzdajn, Christopher P. Race

Abstract: Data-driven, machine learning (ML) models of atomistic interactions are often based on flexible and non-physical functions that can relate nuanced aspects of atomic arrangements into predictions of energies and forces. As a result, these potentials are as good as the training data (usually results of so-called ab initio simulations) and we need to make sure that we have enough information for a model to become sufficiently accurate, reliable and transferable. The main challenge stems from the fact that descriptors of chemical environments are often sparse high-dimensional objects without a well-defined continuous metric. Therefore, it is rather unlikely that any ad hoc method of choosing training examples will be indiscriminate, and it will be easy to fall into the trap of confirmation bias, where the same narrow and biased sampling is used to generate train- and test- sets. We will demonstrate that classical concepts of statistical planning of experiments and optimal design can help to mitigate such problems at a relatively low computational cost. The key feature of the method we will investigate is that they allow us to assess the informativeness of data (how much we can improve the model by adding/swapping a training example) and verify if the training is feasible with the current set before obtaining any reference energies and forces -- a so-called off-line approach. In other words, we are focusing on an approach that is easy to implement and doesn't require sophisticated frameworks that involve automated access to high-performance computational (HPC).

cross Drift Detection: Introducing Gaussian Split Detector

Authors: Maxime Fuccellaro, Laurent Simon, Akka Zemmari

Abstract: Recent research yielded a wide array of drift detectors. However, in order to achieve remarkable performance, the true class labels must be available during the drift detection phase. This paper targets at detecting drift when the ground truth is unknown during the detection phase. To that end, we introduce Gaussian Split Detector (GSD) a novel drift detector that works in batch mode. GSD is designed to work when the data follow a normal distribution and makes use of Gaussian mixture models to monitor changes in the decision boundary. The algorithm is designed to handle multi-dimension data streams and to work without the ground truth labels during the inference phase making it pertinent for real world use. In an extensive experimental study on real and synthetic datasets, we evaluate our detector against the state of the art. We show that our detector outperforms the state of the art in detecting real drift and in ignoring virtual drift which is key to avoid false alarms.

cross Output-decomposed Learning of Mealy Machines

Authors: Rick Koenders, Joshua Moerman

Abstract: We present an active automata learning algorithm which learns a decomposition of a finite state machine, based on projecting onto individual outputs. This is dual to a recent compositional learning algorithm by Labbaf et al. (2023). When projecting the outputs to a smaller set, the model itself is reduced in size. By having several such projections, we do not lose any information and the full system can be reconstructed. Depending on the structure of the system this reduces the number of queries drastically, as shown by a preliminary evaluation of the algorithm.

cross Beyond the Black Box: Do More Complex Models Provide Superior XAI Explanations?

Authors: Mateusz Cedro, Marcin Chlebus

Abstract: The increasing complexity of Artificial Intelligence models poses challenges to interpretability, particularly in the healthcare sector. This study investigates the impact of deep learning model complexity and Explainable AI (XAI) efficacy, utilizing four ResNet architectures (ResNet-18, 34, 50, 101). Through methodical experimentation on 4,369 lung X-ray images of COVID-19-infected and healthy patients, the research evaluates models' classification performance and the relevance of corresponding XAI explanations with respect to the ground-truth disease masks. Results indicate that the increase in model complexity is associated with a decrease in classification accuracy and AUC-ROC scores (ResNet-18: 98.4%, 0.997; ResNet-101: 95.9%, 0.988). Notably, in eleven out of twelve statistical tests performed, no statistically significant differences occurred between XAI quantitative metrics - Relevance Rank Accuracy and the proposed Positive Attribution Ratio - across trained models. These results suggest that increased model complexity does not consistently lead to higher performance or relevance of explanations for models' decision-making processes.

cross Promoting AI Equity in Science: Generalized Domain Prompt Learning for Accessible VLM Research

Authors: Qinglong Cao, Yuntian Chen, Lu Lu, Hao Sun, Zhenzhong Zeng, Xiaokang Yang, Dongxiao Zhang

Abstract: Large-scale Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated exceptional performance in natural vision tasks, motivating researchers across domains to explore domain-specific VLMs. However, the construction of powerful domain-specific VLMs demands vast amounts of annotated data, substantial electrical energy, and computing resources, primarily accessible to industry, yet hindering VLM research in academia. To address this challenge and foster sustainable and equitable VLM research, we present the Generalized Domain Prompt Learning (GDPL) framework. GDPL facilitates the transfer of VLMs' robust recognition capabilities from natural vision to specialized domains, without the need for extensive data or resources. By leveraging small-scale domain-specific foundation models and minimal prompt samples, GDPL empowers the language branch with domain knowledge through quaternion networks, uncovering cross-modal relationships between domain-specific vision features and natural vision-based contextual embeddings. Simultaneously, GDPL guides the vision branch into specific domains through hierarchical propagation of generated vision prompt features, grounded in well-matched vision-language relations. Furthermore, to fully harness the domain adaptation potential of VLMs, we introduce a novel low-rank adaptation approach. Extensive experiments across diverse domains like remote sensing, medical imaging, geology, Synthetic Aperture Radar, and fluid dynamics, validate the efficacy of GDPL, demonstrating its ability to achieve state-of-the-art domain recognition performance in a prompt learning paradigm. Our framework paves the way for sustainable and inclusive VLM research, transcending the barriers between academia and industry.

cross Investigating Design Choices in Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures for General Audio Representation Learning

Authors: Alain Riou, Stefan Lattner, Ga\"etan Hadjeres, Geoffroy Peeters

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of self-supervised general-purpose audio representation learning. We explore the use of Joint-Embedding Predictive Architectures (JEPA) for this task, which consists of splitting an input mel-spectrogram into two parts (context and target), computing neural representations for each, and training the neural network to predict the target representations from the context representations. We investigate several design choices within this framework and study their influence through extensive experiments by evaluating our models on various audio classification benchmarks, including environmental sounds, speech and music downstream tasks. We focus notably on which part of the input data is used as context or target and show experimentally that it significantly impacts the model's quality. In particular, we notice that some effective design choices in the image domain lead to poor performance on audio, thus highlighting major differences between these two modalities.

cross Byzantine-Resilient Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning Without Privacy Compromises

Authors: Yue Xia, Christoph Hofmeister, Maximilian Egger, Rawad Bitar

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) shows great promise in large scale machine learning, but brings new risks in terms of privacy and security. We propose ByITFL, a novel scheme for FL that provides resilience against Byzantine users while keeping the users' data private from the federator and private from other users. The scheme builds on the preexisting non-private FLTrust scheme, which tolerates malicious users through trust scores (TS) that attenuate or amplify the users' gradients. The trust scores are based on the ReLU function, which we approximate by a polynomial. The distributed and privacy-preserving computation in ByITFL is designed using a combination of Lagrange coded computing, verifiable secret sharing and re-randomization steps. ByITFL is the first Byzantine resilient scheme for FL with full information-theoretic privacy.

cross Weakly-supervised causal discovery based on fuzzy knowledge and complex data complementarity

Authors: Wenrui Li, Wei Zhang, Qinghao Zhang, Xuegong Zhang, Xiaowo Wang

Abstract: Causal discovery based on observational data is important for deciphering the causal mechanism behind complex systems. However, the effectiveness of existing causal discovery methods is limited due to inferior prior knowledge, domain inconsistencies, and the challenges of high-dimensional datasets with small sample sizes. To address this gap, we propose a novel weakly-supervised fuzzy knowledge and data co-driven causal discovery method named KEEL. KEEL adopts a fuzzy causal knowledge schema to encapsulate diverse types of fuzzy knowledge, and forms corresponding weakened constraints. This schema not only lessens the dependency on expertise but also allows various types of limited and error-prone fuzzy knowledge to guide causal discovery. It can enhance the generalization and robustness of causal discovery, especially in high-dimensional and small-sample scenarios. In addition, we integrate the extended linear causal model (ELCM) into KEEL for dealing with the multi-distribution and incomplete data. Extensive experiments with different datasets demonstrate the superiority of KEEL over several state-of-the-art methods in accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency. For causal discovery in real protein signal transduction processes, KEEL outperforms the benchmark method with limited data. In summary, KEEL is effective to tackle the causal discovery tasks with higher accuracy while alleviating the requirement for extensive domain expertise.

cross Using autoencoders and deep transfer learning to determine the stellar parameters of 286 CARMENES M dwarfs

Authors: P. Mas-Buitrago, A. Gonz\'alez-Marcos, E. Solano, V. M. Passegger, M. Cort\'es-Contreras, J. Ordieres-Mer\'e, A. Bello-Garc\'ia, J. A. Caballero, A. Schweitzer, H. M. Tabernero, D. Montes, C. Cifuentes

Abstract: Deep learning (DL) techniques are a promising approach among the set of methods used in the ever-challenging determination of stellar parameters in M dwarfs. In this context, transfer learning could play an important role in mitigating uncertainties in the results due to the synthetic gap (i.e. difference in feature distributions between observed and synthetic data). We propose a feature-based deep transfer learning (DTL) approach based on autoencoders to determine stellar parameters from high-resolution spectra. Using this methodology, we provide new estimations for the effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity, and projected rotational velocity for 286 M dwarfs observed by the CARMENES survey. Using autoencoder architectures, we projected synthetic PHOENIX-ACES spectra and observed CARMENES spectra onto a new feature space of lower dimensionality in which the differences between the two domains are reduced. We used this low-dimensional new feature space as input for a convolutional neural network to obtain the stellar parameter determinations. We performed an extensive analysis of our estimated stellar parameters, ranging from 3050 to 4300 K, 4.7 to 5.1 dex, and -0.53 to 0.25 dex for Teff, logg, and [Fe/H], respectively. Our results are broadly consistent with those of recent studies using CARMENES data, with a systematic deviation in our Teff scale towards hotter values for estimations above 3750 K. Furthermore, our methodology mitigates the deviations in metallicity found in previous DL techniques due to the synthetic gap. We consolidated a DTL-based methodology to determine stellar parameters in M dwarfs from synthetic spectra, with no need for high-quality measurements involved in the knowledge transfer. These results suggest the great potential of DTL to mitigate the differences in feature distributions between the observations and the PHOENIX-ACES spectra.

cross Full Line Code Completion: Bringing AI to Desktop

Authors: Anton Semenkin, Vitaliy Bibaev, Yaroslav Sokolov, Kirill Krylov, Alexey Kalina, Anna Khannanova, Danila Savenkov, Darya Rovdo, Igor Davidenko, Kirill Karnaukhov, Maxim Vakhrushev, Mikhail Kostyukov, Mikhail Podvitskii, Petr Surkov, Yaroslav Golubev, Nikita Povarov, Timofey Bryksin

Abstract: In recent years, several industrial solutions for the problem of multi-token code completion have appeared, each making a great advance in the area but mostly focusing on cloud-based runtime and avoiding working on the end user's device. In this work, we describe our approach for building a multi-token code completion feature for the JetBrains' IntelliJ Platform, which we call Full Line Code Completion. The feature suggests only syntactically correct code and works fully locally, i.e., data querying and the generation of suggestions happens on the end user's machine. We share important time and memory-consumption restrictions, as well as design principles that a code completion engine should satisfy. Working entirely on the end user's device, our code completion engine enriches user experience while being not only fast and compact but also secure. We share a number of useful techniques to meet the stated development constraints and also describe offline and online evaluation pipelines that allowed us to make better decisions. Our online evaluation shows that the usage of the tool leads to 1.5 times more code in the IDE being produced by code completion. The described solution was initially started with the help of researchers and was bundled into two JetBrains' IDEs - PyCharm Pro and DataSpell - at the end of 2023, so we believe that this work is useful for bridging academia and industry, providing researchers with the knowledge of what happens when complex research-based solutions are integrated into real products.

cross Data-driven Force Observer for Human-Robot Interaction with Series Elastic Actuators using Gaussian Processes

Authors: Samuel Tesfazgi, Markus Ke{\ss}ler, Emilio Trigili, Armin Lederer, Sandra Hirche

Abstract: Ensuring safety and adapting to the user's behavior are of paramount importance in physical human-robot interaction. Thus, incorporating elastic actuators in the robot's mechanical design has become popular, since it offers intrinsic compliance and additionally provide a coarse estimate for the interaction force by measuring the deformation of the elastic components. While observer-based methods have been shown to improve these estimates, they rely on accurate models of the system, which are challenging to obtain in complex operating environments. In this work, we overcome this issue by learning the unknown dynamics components using Gaussian process (GP) regression. By employing the learned model in a Bayesian filtering framework, we improve the estimation accuracy and additionally obtain an observer that explicitly considers local model uncertainty in the confidence measure of the state estimate. Furthermore, we derive guaranteed estimation error bounds, thus, facilitating the use in safety-critical applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach experimentally in a human-exoskeleton interaction scenario.

cross Addressing Misspecification in Simulation-based Inference through Data-driven Calibration

Authors: Antoine Wehenkel, Juan L. Gamella, Ozan Sener, Jens Behrmann, Guillermo Sapiro, Marco Cuturi, J\"orn-Henrik Jacobsen

Abstract: Driven by steady progress in generative modeling, simulation-based inference (SBI) has enabled inference over stochastic simulators. However, recent work has demonstrated that model misspecification can harm SBI's reliability. This work introduces robust posterior estimation (ROPE), a framework that overcomes model misspecification with a small real-world calibration set of ground truth parameter measurements. We formalize the misspecification gap as the solution of an optimal transport problem between learned representations of real-world and simulated observations. Assuming the prior distribution over the parameters of interest is known and well-specified, our method offers a controllable balance between calibrated uncertainty and informative inference under all possible misspecifications of the simulator. Our empirical results on four synthetic tasks and two real-world problems demonstrate that ROPE outperforms baselines and consistently returns informative and calibrated credible intervals.

cross Hierarchical Resource Partitioning on Modern GPUs: A Reinforcement Learning Approach

Authors: Urvij Saroliya, Eishi Arima, Dai Liu, Martin Schulz

Abstract: GPU-based heterogeneous architectures are now commonly used in HPC clusters. Due to their architectural simplicity specialized for data-level parallelism, GPUs can offer much higher computational throughput and memory bandwidth than CPUs in the same generation do. However, as the available resources in GPUs have increased exponentially over the past decades, it has become increasingly difficult for a single program to fully utilize them. As a consequence, the industry has started supporting several resource partitioning features in order to improve the resource utilization by co-scheduling multiple programs on the same GPU die at the same time. Driven by the technological trend, this paper focuses on hierarchical resource partitioning on modern GPUs, and as an example, we utilize a combination of two different features available on recent NVIDIA GPUs in a hierarchical manner: MPS (Multi-Process Service), a finer-grained logical partitioning; and MIG (Multi-Instance GPU), a coarse-grained physical partitioning. We propose a method for comprehensively co-optimizing the setup of hierarchical partitioning and the selection of co-scheduling groups from a given set of jobs, based on reinforcement learning using their profiles. Our thorough experimental results demonstrate that our approach can successfully set up job concurrency, partitioning, and co-scheduling group selections simultaneously. This results in a maximum throughput improvement by a factor of 1.87 compared to the time-sharing scheduling.

cross Distributed Threat Intelligence at the Edge Devices: A Large Language Model-Driven Approach

Authors: Syed Mhamudul Hasan, Alaa M. Alotaibi, Sajedul Talukder, Abdur R. Shahid

Abstract: With the proliferation of edge devices, there is a significant increase in attack surface on these devices. The decentralized deployment of threat intelligence on edge devices, coupled with adaptive machine learning techniques such as the in-context learning feature of large language models (LLMs), represents a promising paradigm for enhancing cybersecurity on low-powered edge devices. This approach involves the deployment of lightweight machine learning models directly onto edge devices to analyze local data streams, such as network traffic and system logs, in real-time. Additionally, distributing computational tasks to an edge server reduces latency and improves responsiveness while also enhancing privacy by processing sensitive data locally. LLM servers can enable these edge servers to autonomously adapt to evolving threats and attack patterns, continuously updating their models to improve detection accuracy and reduce false positives. Furthermore, collaborative learning mechanisms facilitate peer-to-peer secure and trustworthy knowledge sharing among edge devices, enhancing the collective intelligence of the network and enabling dynamic threat mitigation measures such as device quarantine in response to detected anomalies. The scalability and flexibility of this approach make it well-suited for diverse and evolving network environments, as edge devices only send suspicious information such as network traffic and system log changes, offering a resilient and efficient solution to combat emerging cyber threats at the network edge. Thus, our proposed framework can improve edge computing security by providing better security in cyber threat detection and mitigation by isolating the edge devices from the network.

cross Stable Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Policies from Control Lyapunov Landscapes

Authors: Samuel Tesfazgi, Leonhard Sprandl, Armin Lederer, Sandra Hirche

Abstract: Learning from expert demonstrations to flexibly program an autonomous system with complex behaviors or to predict an agent's behavior is a powerful tool, especially in collaborative control settings. A common method to solve this problem is inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), where the observed agent, e.g., a human demonstrator, is assumed to behave according to the optimization of an intrinsic cost function that reflects its intent and informs its control actions. While the framework is expressive, it is also computationally demanding and generally lacks convergence guarantees. We therefore propose a novel, stability-certified IRL approach by reformulating the cost function inference problem to learning control Lyapunov functions (CLF) from demonstrations data. By additionally exploiting closed-form expressions for associated control policies, we are able to efficiently search the space of CLFs by observing the attractor landscape of the induced dynamics. For the construction of the inverse optimal CLFs, we use a Sum of Squares and formulate a convex optimization problem. We present a theoretical analysis of the optimality properties provided by the CLF and evaluate our approach using both simulated and real-world data.

cross EfficientTrain++: Generalized Curriculum Learning for Efficient Visual Backbone Training

Authors: Yulin Wang, Yang Yue, Rui Lu, Yizeng Han, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: The superior performance of modern visual backbones usually comes with a costly training procedure. We contribute to this issue by generalizing the idea of curriculum learning beyond its original formulation, i.e., training models using easier-to-harder data. Specifically, we reformulate the training curriculum as a soft-selection function, which uncovers progressively more difficult patterns within each example during training, instead of performing easier-to-harder sample selection. Our work is inspired by an intriguing observation on the learning dynamics of visual backbones: during the earlier stages of training, the model predominantly learns to recognize some 'easier-to-learn' discriminative patterns in the data. These patterns, when observed through frequency and spatial domains, incorporate lower-frequency components, and the natural image contents without distortion or data augmentation. Motivated by these findings, we propose a curriculum where the model always leverages all the training data at every learning stage, yet the exposure to the 'easier-to-learn' patterns of each example is initiated first, with harder patterns gradually introduced as training progresses. To implement this idea in a computationally efficient way, we introduce a cropping operation in the Fourier spectrum of the inputs, enabling the model to learn from only the lower-frequency components. Then we show that exposing the contents of natural images can be readily achieved by modulating the intensity of data augmentation. Finally, we integrate these aspects and design curriculum schedules with tailored search algorithms. The resulting method, EfficientTrain++, is simple, general, yet surprisingly effective. It reduces the training time of a wide variety of popular models by 1.5-3.0x on ImageNet-1K/22K without sacrificing accuracy. It also demonstrates efficacy in self-supervised learning (e.g., MAE).

cross Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) for Time Series Analysis

Authors: Cristian J. Vaca-Rubio, Luis Blanco, Roberto Pereira, M\`arius Caus

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel application of Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) to time series forecasting, leveraging their adaptive activation functions for enhanced predictive modeling. Inspired by the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation theorem, KANs replace traditional linear weights with spline-parametrized univariate functions, allowing them to learn activation patterns dynamically. We demonstrate that KANs outperforms conventional Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) in a real-world satellite traffic forecasting task, providing more accurate results with considerably fewer number of learnable parameters. We also provide an ablation study of KAN-specific parameters impact on performance. The proposed approach opens new avenues for adaptive forecasting models, emphasizing the potential of KANs as a powerful tool in predictive analytics.

cross Prospects of Privacy Advantage in Quantum Machine Learning

Authors: Jamie Heredge, Niraj Kumar, Dylan Herman, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Romina Yalovetzky, Shree Hari Sureshbabu, Marco Pistoia

Abstract: Ensuring data privacy in machine learning models is critical, particularly in distributed settings where model gradients are typically shared among multiple parties to allow collaborative learning. Motivated by the increasing success of recovering input data from the gradients of classical models, this study addresses a central question: How hard is it to recover the input data from the gradients of quantum machine learning models? Focusing on variational quantum circuits (VQC) as learning models, we uncover the crucial role played by the dynamical Lie algebra (DLA) of the VQC ansatz in determining privacy vulnerabilities. While the DLA has previously been linked to the classical simulatability and trainability of VQC models, this work, for the first time, establishes its connection to the privacy of VQC models. In particular, we show that properties conducive to the trainability of VQCs, such as a polynomial-sized DLA, also facilitate the extraction of detailed snapshots of the input. We term this a weak privacy breach, as the snapshots enable training VQC models for distinct learning tasks without direct access to the original input. Further, we investigate the conditions for a strong privacy breach where the original input data can be recovered from these snapshots by classical or quantum-assisted polynomial time methods. We establish conditions on the encoding map such as classical simulatability, overlap with DLA basis, and its Fourier frequency characteristics that enable such a privacy breach of VQC models. Our findings thus play a crucial role in detailing the prospects of quantum privacy advantage by guiding the requirements for designing quantum machine learning models that balance trainability with robust privacy protection.

cross CinePile: A Long Video Question Answering Dataset and Benchmark

Authors: Ruchit Rawal, Khalid Saifullah, Ronen Basri, David Jacobs, Gowthami Somepalli, Tom Goldstein

Abstract: Current datasets for long-form video understanding often fall short of providing genuine long-form comprehension challenges, as many tasks derived from these datasets can be successfully tackled by analyzing just one or a few random frames from a video. To address this issue, we present a novel dataset and benchmark, CinePile, specifically designed for authentic long-form video understanding. This paper details our innovative approach for creating a question-answer dataset, utilizing advanced LLMs with human-in-the-loop and building upon human-generated raw data. Our comprehensive dataset comprises 305,000 multiple-choice questions (MCQs), covering various visual and multimodal aspects, including temporal comprehension, understanding human-object interactions, and reasoning about events or actions within a scene. Additionally, we evaluate recent video-centric LLMs, both open-source and proprietary, on the test split of our dataset. The findings reveal that even state-of-the-art video-centric LLMs significantly lag behind human performance in these tasks, highlighting the complexity and challenge inherent in video understanding. The dataset is available at


cross Stability and Diversity in Collective Adaptation

Authors: Yuzuru Sato, Eizo Akiyama, James P. Crutchfield

Abstract: We derive a class of macroscopic differential equations that describe collective adaptation, starting from a discrete-time stochastic microscopic model. The behavior of each agent is a dynamic balance between adaptation that locally achieves the best action and memory loss that leads to randomized behavior. We show that, although individual agents interact with their environment and other agents in a purely self-interested way, macroscopic behavior can be interpreted as game dynamics. Application to several familiar, explicit game interactions shows that the adaptation dynamics exhibits a diversity of collective behaviors. The simplicity of the assumptions underlying the macroscopic equations suggests that these behaviors should be expected broadly in collective adaptation. We also analyze the adaptation dynamics from an information-theoretic viewpoint and discuss self-organization induced by information flux between agents, giving a novel view of collective adaptation.

replace Effectiveness of Tree-based Ensembles for Anomaly Discovery: Insights, Batch and Streaming Active Learning

Authors: Shubhomoy Das, Md Rakibul Islam, Nitthilan Kannappan Jayakodi, Janardhan Rao Doppa

Abstract: In many real-world AD applications including computer security and fraud prevention, the anomaly detector must be configurable by the human analyst to minimize the effort on false positives. One important way to configure the detector is by providing true labels (nominal or anomaly) for a few instances. Recent work on active anomaly discovery has shown that greedily querying the top-scoring instance and tuning the weights of ensemble detectors based on label feedback allows us to quickly discover true anomalies. This paper makes four main contributions to improve the state-of-the-art in anomaly discovery using tree-based ensembles. First, we provide an important insight that explains the practical successes of unsupervised tree-based ensembles and active learning based on greedy query selection strategy. We also present empirical results on real-world data to support our insights and theoretical analysis to support active learning. Second, we develop a novel batch active learning algorithm to improve the diversity of discovered anomalies based on a formalism called compact description to describe the discovered anomalies. Third, we develop a novel active learning algorithm to handle streaming data setting. We present a data drift detection algorithm that not only detects the drift robustly, but also allows us to take corrective actions to adapt the anomaly detector in a principled manner. Fourth, we present extensive experiments to evaluate our insights and our tree-based active anomaly discovery algorithms in both batch and streaming data settings. Our results show that active learning allows us to discover significantly more anomalies than state-of-the-art unsupervised baselines, our batch active learning algorithm discovers diverse anomalies, and our algorithms under the streaming-data setup are competitive with the batch setup.

replace FDive: Learning Relevance Models using Pattern-based Similarity Measures

Authors: Frederik L. Dennig, Tom Polk, Zudi Lin, Tobias Schreck, Hanspeter Pfister, Michael Behrisch

Abstract: The detection of interesting patterns in large high-dimensional datasets is difficult because of their dimensionality and pattern complexity. Therefore, analysts require automated support for the extraction of relevant patterns. In this paper, we present FDive, a visual active learning system that helps to create visually explorable relevance models, assisted by learning a pattern-based similarity. We use a small set of user-provided labels to rank similarity measures, consisting of feature descriptor and distance function combinations, by their ability to distinguish relevant from irrelevant data. Based on the best-ranked similarity measure, the system calculates an interactive Self-Organizing Map-based relevance model, which classifies data according to the cluster affiliation. It also automatically prompts further relevance feedback to improve its accuracy. Uncertain areas, especially near the decision boundaries, are highlighted and can be refined by the user. We evaluate our approach by comparison to state-of-the-art feature selection techniques and demonstrate the usefulness of our approach by a case study classifying electron microscopy images of brain cells. The results show that FDive enhances both the quality and understanding of relevance models and can thus lead to new insights for brain research.

replace Sum-of-norms clustering does not separate nearby balls

Authors: Alexander Dunlap, Jean-Christophe Mourrat

Abstract: Sum-of-norms clustering is a popular convexification of $K$-means clustering. We show that, if the dataset is made of a large number of independent random variables distributed according to the uniform measure on the union of two disjoint balls of unit radius, and if the balls are sufficiently close to one another, then sum-of-norms clustering will typically fail to recover the decomposition of the dataset into two clusters. As the dimension tends to infinity, this happens even when the distance between the centers of the two balls is taken to be as large as $2\sqrt{2}$. In order to show this, we introduce and analyze a continuous version of sum-of-norms clustering, where the dataset is replaced by a general measure. In particular, we state and prove a local-global characterization of the clustering that seems to be new even in the case of discrete datapoints.

replace Environment Design for Inverse Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Thomas Kleine Buening, Victor Villin, Christos Dimitrakakis

Abstract: Learning a reward function from demonstrations suffers from low sample-efficiency. Even with abundant data, current inverse reinforcement learning methods that focus on learning from a single environment can fail to handle slight changes in the environment dynamics. We tackle these challenges through adaptive environment design. In our framework, the learner repeatedly interacts with the expert, with the former selecting environments to identify the reward function as quickly as possible from the expert's demonstrations in said environments. This results in improvements in both sample-efficiency and robustness, as we show experimentally, for both exact and approximate inference.

replace Condensed Gradient Boosting

Authors: Seyedsaman Emami, Gonzalo Mart\'inez-Mu\~noz

Abstract: This paper presents a computationally efficient variant of gradient boosting for multi-class classification and multi-output regression tasks. Standard gradient boosting uses a 1-vs-all strategy for classifications tasks with more than two classes. This strategy translates in that one tree per class and iteration has to be trained. In this work, we propose the use of multi-output regressors as base models to handle the multi-class problem as a single task. In addition, the proposed modification allows the model to learn multi-output regression problems. An extensive comparison with other multi-ouptut based gradient boosting methods is carried out in terms of generalization and computational efficiency. The proposed method showed the best trade-off between generalization ability and training and predictions speeds.

replace An Efficient Stochastic Algorithm for Decentralized Nonconvex-Strongly-Concave Minimax Optimization

Authors: Lesi Chen, Haishan Ye, Luo Luo

Abstract: This paper studies the stochastic nonconvex-strongly-concave minimax optimization over a multi-agent network. We propose an efficient algorithm, called Decentralized Recursive gradient descEnt Ascent Method (DREAM), which achieves the best-known theoretical guarantee for finding the $\epsilon$-stationary points. Concretely, it requires $\mathcal{O}(\min (\kappa^3\epsilon^{-3},\kappa^2 \sqrt{N} \epsilon^{-2} ))$ stochastic first-order oracle (SFO) calls and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\kappa^2 \epsilon^{-2})$ communication rounds, where $\kappa$ is the condition number and $N$ is the total number of individual functions. Our numerical experiments also validate the superiority of DREAM over previous methods.

replace Machine Learning Strategies to Improve Generalization in EEG-based Emotion Assessment: a Systematic Review

Authors: Andrea Apicella, Pasquale Arpaia, Giovanni D'Errico, Davide Marocco, Giovanna Mastrati, Nicola Moccaldi, Roberto Prevete

Abstract: A systematic review on machine-learning strategies for improving generalizability (cross-subjects and cross-sessions) electroencephalography (EEG) based in emotion classification was realized. In this context, the non-stationarity of EEG signals is a critical issue and can lead to the Dataset Shift problem. Several architectures and methods have been proposed to address this issue, mainly based on transfer learning methods. 418 papers were retrieved from the Scopus, IEEE Xplore and PubMed databases through a search query focusing on modern machine learning techniques for generalization in EEG-based emotion assessment. Among these papers, 75 were found eligible based on their relevance to the problem. Studies lacking a specific cross-subject and cross-session validation strategy and making use of other biosignals as support were excluded. On the basis of the selected papers' analysis, a taxonomy of the studies employing Machine Learning (ML) methods was proposed, together with a brief discussion on the different ML approaches involved. The studies with the best results in terms of average classification accuracy were identified, supporting that transfer learning methods seem to perform better than other approaches. A discussion is proposed on the impact of (i) the emotion theoretical models and (ii) psychological screening of the experimental sample on the classifier performances.

replace One-shot Generative Data Augmentation with Bounded Divergence for UAV Identification in Limited RF Environments

Authors: Amir Kazemi, Salar Basiri, Volodymyr Kindratenko, Srinivasa Salapaka

Abstract: This work addresses the pressing need for cybersecurity in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), particularly focusing on the challenges of identifying UAVs using radiofrequency (RF) fingerprinting in constrained environments. The complexity and variability of RF signals, influenced by environmental interference and hardware imperfections, often render traditional RF-based identification methods ineffective. To address these complications, the study introduces the rigorous use of one-shot generative methods for augmenting transformed RF signals, offering a significant improvement in UAV identification. This approach shows promise in low-data regimes, outperforming deep generative methods like conditional generative adversarial networks (GANs) and variational autoencoders (VAEs). The paper provides a theoretical guarantee for the effectiveness of one-shot generative models in augmenting limited data, setting a precedent for their application in limited RF environments. This research not only contributes to the cybersecurity of UAVs but also rigorously broadens the scope of machine learning techniques in data-constrained scenarios, which may include atypical complex sequences beyond images and videos.

replace A Deep Probabilistic Spatiotemporal Framework for Dynamic Graph Representation Learning with Application to Brain Disorder Identification

Authors: Sin-Yee Yap, Junn Yong Loo, Chee-Ming Ting, Fuad Noman, Raphael C. -W. Phan, Adeel Razi, David L. Dowe

Abstract: Recent applications of pattern recognition techniques on brain connectome classification using functional connectivity (FC) are shifting towards acknowledging the non-Euclidean topology and causal dynamics of brain connectivity across time. In this paper, a deep spatiotemporal variational Bayes (DSVB) framework is proposed to learn time-varying topological structures in dynamic FC networks for identifying autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in human participants. The framework incorporates a spatial-aware recurrent neural network with an attention-based message passing scheme to capture rich spatiotemporal patterns across dynamic FC networks. To overcome model overfitting on limited training datasets, an adversarial training strategy is introduced to learn graph embedding models that generalize well to unseen brain networks. Evaluation on the ABIDE resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging dataset shows that our proposed framework substantially outperforms state-of-the-art methods in identifying patients with ASD. Dynamic FC analyses with DSVB-learned embeddings reveal apparent group differences between ASD and healthy controls in brain network connectivity patterns and switching dynamics of brain states.

replace A 4D Hybrid Algorithm to Scale Parallel Training to Thousands of GPUs

Authors: Siddharth Singh, Prajwal Singhania, Aditya K. Ranjan, Zack Sating, Abhinav Bhatele

Abstract: Heavy communication, in particular, collective operations, can become a critical performance bottleneck in scaling the training of billion-parameter neural networks to large-scale parallel systems. This paper introduces a four-dimensional (4D) approach to optimize communication in parallel training. This 4D approach is a hybrid of 3D tensor and data parallelism, and is implemented in the AxoNN framework. In addition, we employ two key strategies to further minimize communication overheads. First, we aggressively overlap expensive collective operations (reduce-scatter, all-gather, and all-reduce) with computation. Second, we develop an analytical model to identify high-performing configurations within the large search space defined by our 4D algorithm. This model empowers practitioners by simplifying the tuning process for their specific training workloads. When training an 80-billion parameter GPT on 1024 GPUs of Perlmutter, AxoNN surpasses Megatron-LM, a state-of-the-art framework, by a significant 26%. Additionally, it achieves a significantly high 57% of the theoretical peak FLOP/s or 182 PFLOP/s in total.

replace Locally Adaptive Federated Learning

Authors: Sohom Mukherjee, Nicolas Loizou, Sebastian U. Stich

Abstract: Federated learning is a paradigm of distributed machine learning in which multiple clients coordinate with a central server to learn a model, without sharing their own training data. Standard federated optimization methods such as Federated Averaging (FedAvg) ensure balance among the clients by using the same stepsize for local updates on all clients. However, this means that all clients need to respect the global geometry of the function which could yield slow convergence. In this work, we propose locally adaptive federated learning algorithms, that leverage the local geometric information for each client function. We show that such locally adaptive methods with uncoordinated stepsizes across all clients can be particularly efficient in interpolated (overparameterized) settings, and analyze their convergence in the presence of heterogeneous data for convex and strongly convex settings. We validate our theoretical claims by performing illustrative experiments for both i.i.d. non-i.i.d. cases. Our proposed algorithms match the optimization performance of tuned FedAvg in the convex setting, outperform FedAvg as well as state-of-the-art adaptive federated algorithms like FedAMS for non-convex experiments, and come with superior generalization performance.

replace A Deep Learning Approach for Overall Survival Prediction in Lung Cancer with Missing Values

Authors: Camillo Maria Caruso, Valerio Guarrasi, Sara Ramella, Paolo Soda

Abstract: In the field of lung cancer research, particularly in the analysis of overall survival (OS), artificial intelligence (AI) serves crucial roles with specific aims. Given the prevalent issue of missing data in the medical domain, our primary objective is to develop an AI model capable of dynamically handling this missing data. Additionally, we aim to leverage all accessible data, effectively analyzing both uncensored patients who have experienced the event of interest and censored patients who have not, by embedding a specialized technique within our AI model, not commonly utilized in other AI tasks. Through the realization of these objectives, our model aims to provide precise OS predictions for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients, thus overcoming these significant challenges. We present a novel approach to survival analysis with missing values in the context of NSCLC, which exploits the strengths of the transformer architecture to account only for available features without requiring any imputation strategy. More specifically, this model tailors the transformer architecture to tabular data by adapting its feature embedding and masked self-attention to mask missing data and fully exploit the available ones. By making use of ad-hoc designed losses for OS, it is able to account for both censored and uncensored patients, as well as changes in risks over time. We compared our method with state-of-the-art models for survival analysis coupled with different imputation strategies. We evaluated the results obtained over a period of 6 years using different time granularities obtaining a Ct-index, a time-dependent variant of the C-index, of 71.97, 77.58 and 80.72 for time units of 1 month, 1 year and 2 years, respectively, outperforming all state-of-the-art methods regardless of the imputation method used.

replace On Gradient-like Explanation under a Black-box Setting: When Black-box Explanations Become as Good as White-box

Authors: Yi Cai, Gerhard Wunder

Abstract: Attribution methods shed light on the explainability of data-driven approaches such as deep learning models by uncovering the most influential features in a to-be-explained decision. While determining feature attributions via gradients delivers promising results, the internal access required for acquiring gradients can be impractical under safety concerns, thus limiting the applicability of gradient-based approaches. In response to such limited flexibility, this paper presents \methodAbr~(gradient-estimation-based explanation), an approach that produces gradient-like explanations through only query-level access. The proposed approach holds a set of fundamental properties for attribution methods, which are mathematically rigorously proved, ensuring the quality of its explanations. In addition to the theoretical analysis, with a focus on image data, the experimental results empirically demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over state-of-the-art black-box methods and its competitive performance compared to methods with full access.

replace Graph Distillation with Eigenbasis Matching

Authors: Yang Liu, Deyu Bo, Chuan Shi

Abstract: The increasing amount of graph data places requirements on the efficient training of graph neural networks (GNNs). The emerging graph distillation (GD) tackles this challenge by distilling a small synthetic graph to replace the real large graph, ensuring GNNs trained on real and synthetic graphs exhibit comparable performance. However, existing methods rely on GNN-related information as supervision, including gradients, representations, and trajectories, which have two limitations. First, GNNs can affect the spectrum (i.e., eigenvalues) of the real graph, causing spectrum bias in the synthetic graph. Second, the variety of GNN architectures leads to the creation of different synthetic graphs, requiring traversal to obtain optimal performance. To tackle these issues, we propose Graph Distillation with Eigenbasis Matching (GDEM), which aligns the eigenbasis and node features of real and synthetic graphs. Meanwhile, it directly replicates the spectrum of the real graph and thus prevents the influence of GNNs. Moreover, we design a discrimination constraint to balance the effectiveness and generalization of GDEM. Theoretically, the synthetic graphs distilled by GDEM are restricted spectral approximations of the real graphs. Extensive experiments demonstrate that GDEM outperforms state-of-the-art GD methods with powerful cross-architecture generalization ability and significant distillation efficiency. Our code is available at


replace Equipping Federated Graph Neural Networks with Structure-aware Group Fairness

Authors: Nan Cui, Xiuling Wang, Wendy Hui Wang, Violet Chen, Yue Ning

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely used for various types of graph data processing and analytical tasks in different domains. Training GNNs over centralized graph data can be infeasible due to privacy concerns and regulatory restrictions. Thus, federated learning (FL) becomes a trending solution to address this challenge in a distributed learning paradigm. However, as GNNs may inherit historical bias from training data and lead to discriminatory predictions, the bias of local models can be easily propagated to the global model in distributed settings. This poses a new challenge in mitigating bias in federated GNNs. To address this challenge, we propose $\text{F}^2$GNN, a Fair Federated Graph Neural Network, that enhances group fairness of federated GNNs. As bias can be sourced from both data and learning algorithms, $\text{F}^2$GNN aims to mitigate both types of bias under federated settings. First, we provide theoretical insights on the connection between data bias in a training graph and statistical fairness metrics of the trained GNN models. Based on the theoretical analysis, we design $\text{F}^2$GNN which contains two key components: a fairness-aware local model update scheme that enhances group fairness of the local models on the client side, and a fairness-weighted global model update scheme that takes both data bias and fairness metrics of local models into consideration in the aggregation process. We evaluate $\text{F}^2$GNN empirically versus a number of baseline methods, and demonstrate that $\text{F}^2$GNN outperforms these baselines in terms of both fairness and model accuracy.

replace A Spectral Condition for Feature Learning

Authors: Greg Yang, James B. Simon, Jeremy Bernstein

Abstract: The push to train ever larger neural networks has motivated the study of initialization and training at large network width. A key challenge is to scale training so that a network's internal representations evolve nontrivially at all widths, a process known as feature learning. Here, we show that feature learning is achieved by scaling the spectral norm of weight matrices and their updates like $\sqrt{\texttt{fan-out}/\texttt{fan-in}}$, in contrast to widely used but heuristic scalings based on Frobenius norm and entry size. Our spectral scaling analysis also leads to an elementary derivation of \emph{maximal update parametrization}. All in all, we aim to provide the reader with a solid conceptual understanding of feature learning in neural networks.

replace Uncertainty Quantification in Multivariable Regression for Material Property Prediction with Bayesian Neural Networks

Authors: Longze Li, Jiang Chang, Aleksandar Vakanski, Yachun Wang, Tiankai Yao, Min Xian

Abstract: With the increased use of data-driven approaches and machine learning-based methods in material science, the importance of reliable uncertainty quantification (UQ) of the predicted variables for informed decision-making cannot be overstated. UQ in material property prediction poses unique challenges, including the multi-scale and multi-physics nature of advanced materials, intricate interactions between numerous factors, limited availability of large curated datasets for model training, etc. Recently, Bayesian Neural Networks (BNNs) have emerged as a promising approach for UQ, offering a probabilistic framework for capturing uncertainties within neural networks. In this work, we introduce an approach for UQ within physics-informed BNNs, which integrates knowledge from governing laws in material modeling to guide the models toward physically consistent predictions. To evaluate the effectiveness of this approach, we present case studies for predicting the creep rupture life of steel alloys. Experimental validation with three datasets of collected measurements from creep tests demonstrates the ability of BNNs to produce accurate point and uncertainty estimates that are competitive or exceed the performance of the conventional method of Gaussian Process Regression. Similarly, we evaluated the suitability of BNNs for UQ in an active learning application and reported competitive performance. The most promising framework for creep life prediction is BNNs based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo approximation of the posterior distribution of network parameters, as it provided more reliable results in comparison to BNNs based on variational inference approximation or related NNs with probabilistic outputs. The codes are available at:


replace On the Second-Order Convergence of Biased Policy Gradient Algorithms

Authors: Siqiao Mu, Diego Klabjan

Abstract: Since the objective functions of reinforcement learning problems are typically highly nonconvex, it is desirable that policy gradient, the most popular algorithm, escapes saddle points and arrives at second-order stationary points. Existing results only consider vanilla policy gradient algorithms with unbiased gradient estimators, but practical implementations under the infinite-horizon discounted reward setting are biased due to finite-horizon sampling. Moreover, actor-critic methods, whose second-order convergence has not yet been established, are also biased due to the critic approximation of the value function. We provide a novel second-order analysis of biased policy gradient methods, including the vanilla gradient estimator computed from Monte-Carlo sampling of trajectories as well as the double-loop actor-critic algorithm, where in the inner loop the critic improves the approximation of the value function via TD(0) learning. Separately, we also establish the convergence of TD(0) on Markov chains irrespective of initial state distribution.

replace Towards Generalised Pre-Training of Graph Models

Authors: Alex O. Davies, Riku W. Green, Nirav S. Ajmeri, Telmo M. Silva Filho

Abstract: The principal benefit of unsupervised representation learning is that a pre-trained model can be fine-tuned where data or labels are scarce. Existing approaches for graph representation learning are domain specific, maintaining consistent node and edge features across the pre-training and target datasets. This has precluded transfer to multiple domains. In this work we present Topology Only Pre-Training, a graph pre-training method based on node and edge feature exclusion. Separating graph learning into two stages, topology and features, we use contrastive learning to pre-train models over multiple domains. These models show positive transfer on evaluation datasets from multiple domains, including domains not present in pre-training data. On 75% of experiments, ToP models perform significantly ($P \leq 0.01$) better than a supervised baseline. These results include when node and edge features are used in evaluation, where performance is significantly better on 85.7% of tasks compared to single-domain or non-pre-trained models. We further show that out-of-domain topologies can produce more useful pre-training than in-domain. We show better transfer from non-molecule pre-training, compared to molecule pre-training, on 79% of molecular benchmarks.

replace More is Better in Modern Machine Learning: when Infinite Overparameterization is Optimal and Overfitting is Obligatory

Authors: James B. Simon, Dhruva Karkada, Nikhil Ghosh, Mikhail Belkin

Abstract: In our era of enormous neural networks, empirical progress has been driven by the philosophy that more is better. Recent deep learning practice has found repeatedly that larger model size, more data, and more computation (resulting in lower training loss) improves performance. In this paper, we give theoretical backing to these empirical observations by showing that these three properties hold in random feature (RF) regression, a class of models equivalent to shallow networks with only the last layer trained. Concretely, we first show that the test risk of RF regression decreases monotonically with both the number of features and the number of samples, provided the ridge penalty is tuned optimally. In particular, this implies that infinite width RF architectures are preferable to those of any finite width. We then proceed to demonstrate that, for a large class of tasks characterized by powerlaw eigenstructure, training to near-zero training loss is obligatory: near-optimal performance can only be achieved when the training error is much smaller than the test error. Grounding our theory in real-world data, we find empirically that standard computer vision tasks with convolutional neural tangent kernels clearly fall into this class. Taken together, our results tell a simple, testable story of the benefits of overparameterization, overfitting, and more data in random feature models.

replace Information Modified K-Nearest Neighbor

Authors: Mohammad Ali Vahedifar, Azim Akhtarshenas, Maryam Sabbaghian, Mohammad Mohammadi Rafatpanah, Ramin Toosi

Abstract: The fundamental concept underlying K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is the classification of samples based on the majority through their nearest neighbors. Although distance and neighbors' labels are critical in KNN, traditional KNN treats all samples equally. However, some KNN variants weigh neighbors differently based on a specific rule, considering each neighbor's distance and label. Many KNN methodologies introduce complex algorithms that do not significantly outperform the traditional KNN, often leading to less satisfactory outcomes. The gap in reliably extracting information for accurately predicting true weights remains an open research challenge. In our proposed method, information-modified KNN (IMKNN), we bridge the gap by presenting a straightforward algorithm that achieves effective results. To this end, we introduce a classification method to improve the performance of the KNN algorithm. By exploiting mutual information (MI) and incorporating ideas from Shapley's values, we improve the traditional KNN performance in accuracy, precision, and recall, offering a more refined and effective solution. To evaluate the effectiveness of our method, it is compared with eight variants of KNN. We conduct experiments on 12 widely-used datasets, achieving 11.05\%, 12.42\%, and 12.07\% in accuracy, precision, and recall performance, respectively, compared to traditional KNN. Additionally, we compared IMKNN with traditional KNN across four large-scale datasets to highlight the distinct advantages of IMKNN in the impact of monotonicity, noise, density, subclusters, and skewed distributions. Our research indicates that IMKNN consistently surpasses other methods in diverse datasets.

replace Conformer-Based Speech Recognition On Extreme Edge-Computing Devices

Authors: Mingbin Xu, Alex Jin, Sicheng Wang, Mu Su, Tim Ng, Henry Mason, Shiyi Han, Zhihong Lei, Yaqiao Deng, Zhen Huang, Mahesh Krishnamoorthy

Abstract: With increasingly more powerful compute capabilities and resources in today's devices, traditionally compute-intensive automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been moving from the cloud to devices to better protect user privacy. However, it is still challenging to implement on-device ASR on resource-constrained devices, such as smartphones, smart wearables, and other smart home automation devices. In this paper, we propose a series of model architecture adaptions, neural network graph transformations, and numerical optimizations to fit an advanced Conformer based end-to-end streaming ASR system on resource-constrained devices without accuracy degradation. We achieve over 5.26 times faster than realtime (0.19 RTF) speech recognition on smart wearables while minimizing energy consumption and achieving state-of-the-art accuracy. The proposed methods are widely applicable to other transformer-based server-free AI applications. In addition, we provide a complete theory on optimal pre-normalizers that numerically stabilize layer normalization in any Lp-norm using any floating point precision.

replace lpNTK: Better Generalisation with Less Data via Sample Interaction During Learning

Authors: Shangmin Guo, Yi Ren, Stefano V. Albrecht, Kenny Smith

Abstract: Although much research has been done on proposing new models or loss functions to improve the generalisation of artificial neural networks (ANNs), less attention has been directed to the impact of the training data on generalisation. In this work, we start from approximating the interaction between samples, i.e. how learning one sample would modify the model's prediction on other samples. Through analysing the terms involved in weight updates in supervised learning, we find that labels influence the interaction between samples. Therefore, we propose the labelled pseudo Neural Tangent Kernel (lpNTK) which takes label information into consideration when measuring the interactions between samples. We first prove that lpNTK asymptotically converges to the empirical neural tangent kernel in terms of the Frobenius norm under certain assumptions. Secondly, we illustrate how lpNTK helps to understand learning phenomena identified in previous work, specifically the learning difficulty of samples and forgetting events during learning. Moreover, we also show that using lpNTK to identify and remove poisoning training samples does not hurt the generalisation performance of ANNs.

replace Generating Synthetic Health Sensor Data for Privacy-Preserving Wearable Stress Detection

Authors: Lucas Lange, Nils Wenzlitschke, Erhard Rahm

Abstract: Smartwatch health sensor data are increasingly utilized in smart health applications and patient monitoring, including stress detection. However, such medical data often comprise sensitive personal information and are resource-intensive to acquire for research purposes. In response to this challenge, we introduce the privacy-aware synthetization of multi-sensor smartwatch health readings related to moments of stress, employing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and Differential Privacy (DP) safeguards. Our method not only protects patient information but also enhances data availability for research. To ensure its usefulness, we test synthetic data from multiple GANs and employ different data enhancement strategies on an actual stress detection task. Our GAN-based augmentation methods demonstrate significant improvements in model performance, with private DP training scenarios observing an 11.90-15.48% increase in F1-score, while non-private training scenarios still see a 0.45% boost. These results underline the potential of differentially private synthetic data in optimizing utility-privacy trade-offs, especially with the limited availability of real training samples. Through rigorous quality assessments, we confirm the integrity and plausibility of our synthetic data, which, however, are significantly impacted when increasing privacy requirements.

replace A structured regression approach for evaluating model performance across intersectional subgroups

Authors: Christine Herlihy, Kimberly Truong, Alexandra Chouldechova, Miroslav Dudik

Abstract: Disaggregated evaluation is a central task in AI fairness assessment, where the goal is to measure an AI system's performance across different subgroups defined by combinations of demographic or other sensitive attributes. The standard approach is to stratify the evaluation data across subgroups and compute performance metrics separately for each group. However, even for moderately-sized evaluation datasets, sample sizes quickly get small once considering intersectional subgroups, which greatly limits the extent to which intersectional groups are included in analysis. In this work, we introduce a structured regression approach to disaggregated evaluation that we demonstrate can yield reliable system performance estimates even for very small subgroups. We provide corresponding inference strategies for constructing confidence intervals and explore how goodness-of-fit testing can yield insight into the structure of fairness-related harms experienced by intersectional groups. We evaluate our approach on two publicly available datasets, and several variants of semi-synthetic data. The results show that our method is considerably more accurate than the standard approach, especially for small subgroups, and demonstrate how goodness-of-fit testing helps identify the key factors that drive differences in performance.

replace MOMENT: A Family of Open Time-series Foundation Models

Authors: Mononito Goswami, Konrad Szafer, Arjun Choudhry, Yifu Cai, Shuo Li, Artur Dubrawski

Abstract: We introduce MOMENT, a family of open-source foundation models for general-purpose time series analysis. Pre-training large models on time series data is challenging due to (1) the absence of a large and cohesive public time series repository, and (2) diverse time series characteristics which make multi-dataset training onerous. Additionally, (3) experimental benchmarks to evaluate these models, especially in scenarios with limited resources, time, and supervision, are still in their nascent stages. To address these challenges, we compile a large and diverse collection of public time series, called the Time series Pile, and systematically tackle time series-specific challenges to unlock large-scale multi-dataset pre-training. Finally, we build on recent work to design a benchmark to evaluate time series foundation models on diverse tasks and datasets in limited supervision settings. Experiments on this benchmark demonstrate the effectiveness of our pre-trained models with minimal data and task-specific fine-tuning. Finally, we present several interesting empirical observations about large pre-trained time series models. Pre-trained models (AutonLab/MOMENT-1-large) and Time Series Pile (AutonLab/Timeseries-PILE) are available on Huggingface.

replace A Generalized Approach to Online Convex Optimization

Authors: Mohammad Pedramfar, Vaneet Aggarwal

Abstract: In this paper, we analyze the problem of online convex optimization in different settings. We show that any algorithm for online linear optimization with fully adaptive adversaries is an algorithm for online convex optimization. We also show that any such algorithm that requires full-information feedback may be transformed to an algorithm with semi-bandit feedback with comparable regret bound. We further show that algorithms that are designed for fully adaptive adversaries using deterministic semi-bandit feedback can obtain similar bounds using only stochastic semi-bandit feedback when facing oblivious adversaries. We use this to describe general meta-algorithms to convert first order algorithms to zeroth order algorithms with comparable regret bounds. Our framework allows us to analyze online optimization in various settings, such full-information feedback, bandit feedback, stochastic regret, adversarial regret and various forms of non-stationary regret.

replace Adaptive Federated Learning in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks with Independent Sampling

Authors: Jiaxiang Geng, Yanzhao Hou, Xiaofeng Tao, Juncheng Wang, Bing Luo

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) algorithms commonly sample a random subset of clients to address the straggler issue and improve communication efficiency. While recent works have proposed various client sampling methods, they have limitations in joint system and data heterogeneity design, which may not align with practical heterogeneous wireless networks. In this work, we advocate a new independent client sampling strategy to minimize the wall-clock training time of FL, while considering data heterogeneity and system heterogeneity in both communication and computation. We first derive a new convergence bound for non-convex loss functions with independent client sampling and then propose an adaptive bandwidth allocation scheme. Furthermore, we propose an efficient independent client sampling algorithm based on the upper bounds on the convergence rounds and the expected per-round training time, to minimize the wall-clock time of FL, while considering both the data and system heterogeneity. Experimental results under practical wireless network settings with real-world prototype demonstrate that the proposed independent sampling scheme substantially outperforms the current best sampling schemes under various training models and datasets.

replace PiShield: A PyTorch Package for Learning with Requirements

Authors: Mihaela C\u{a}t\u{a}lina Stoian, Alex Tatomir, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Eleonora Giunchiglia

Abstract: Deep learning models have shown their strengths in various application domains, however, they often struggle to meet safety requirements for their outputs. In this paper, we introduce PiShield, the first package ever allowing for the integration of the requirements into the neural networks' topology. PiShield guarantees compliance with these requirements, regardless of input. Additionally, it allows for integrating requirements both at inference and/or training time, depending on the practitioners' needs. Given the widespread application of deep learning, there is a growing need for frameworks allowing for the integration of the requirements across various domains. Here, we explore three application scenarios: functional genomics, autonomous driving, and tabular data generation.

replace Direct Alignment of Draft Model for Speculative Decoding with Chat-Fine-Tuned LLMs

Authors: Raghavv Goel, Mukul Gagrani, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Text generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is known to be memory bound due to the combination of their auto-regressive nature, huge parameter counts, and limited memory bandwidths, often resulting in low token rates. Speculative decoding has been proposed as a solution for LLM inference acceleration. However, since draft models are often unavailable in the modern open-source LLM families, e.g., for Llama 2 7B, training a high-quality draft model is required to enable inference acceleration via speculative decoding. In this paper, we propose a simple draft model training framework for direct alignment to chat-capable target models. With the proposed framework, we train Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M, a draft model for Llama 2 Chat 7B or larger, with only 1.64\% of the original size. Our training framework only consists of pretraining, distillation dataset generation, and finetuning with knowledge distillation, with no additional alignment procedure. For the finetuning step, we use instruction-response pairs generated by target model for distillation in plausible data distribution, and propose a new Total Variation Distance++ (TVD++) loss that incorporates variance reduction techniques inspired from the policy gradient method in reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M with speculative decoding achieves up to 2.3 block efficiency and 2.4$\times$ speed-up relative to autoregressive decoding on various tasks with no further task-specific fine-tuning.

replace A Short Survey on Importance Weighting for Machine Learning

Authors: Masanari Kimura, Hideitsu Hino

Abstract: Importance weighting is a fundamental procedure in statistics and machine learning that weights the objective function or probability distribution based on the importance of the instance in some sense. The simplicity and usefulness of the idea has led to many applications of importance weighting. For example, it is known that supervised learning under an assumption about the difference between the training and test distributions, called distribution shift, can guarantee statistically desirable properties through importance weighting by their density ratio. This survey summarizes the broad applications of importance weighting in machine learning and related research.

replace Rethinking Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning: Policy Imitation, Transferable Reward Recovery and Algebraic Equilibrium Proof

Authors: Yangchun Zhang, Qiang Liu, Weiming Li, Yirui Zhou

Abstract: Adversarial inverse reinforcement learning (AIRL) stands as a cornerstone approach in imitation learning, yet it faces criticisms from prior studies. In this paper, we rethink AIRL and respond to these criticisms. Criticism 1 lies in Inadequate Policy Imitation. We show that substituting the built-in algorithm with soft actor-critic (SAC) during policy updating (requires multi-iterations) significantly enhances the efficiency of policy imitation. Criticism 2 lies in Limited Performance in Transferable Reward Recovery Despite SAC Integration. While we find that SAC indeed exhibits a significant improvement in policy imitation, it introduces drawbacks to transferable reward recovery. We prove that the SAC algorithm itself is not feasible to disentangle the reward function comprehensively during the AIRL training process, and propose a hybrid framework, PPO-AIRL + SAC, for a satisfactory transfer effect. Criticism 3 lies in Unsatisfactory Proof from the Perspective of Potential Equilibrium. We reanalyze it from an algebraic theory perspective.

replace GeNet: A Graph Neural Network-based Anti-noise Task-Oriented Semantic Communication Paradigm

Authors: Chunhang Zheng, Kechao Cai

Abstract: Traditional approaches to semantic communication tasks rely on the knowledge of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to mitigate channel noise. Moreover, these methods necessitate training under specific SNR conditions, entailing considerable time and computational resources. In this paper, we propose GeNet, a Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based paradigm for semantic communication aimed at combating noise, thereby facilitating Task-Oriented Communication (TOC). We propose a novel approach where we first transform the input data image into graph structures. Then we leverage a GNN-based encoder to extract semantic information from the source data. This extracted semantic information is then transmitted through the channel. At the receiver's end, a GNN-based decoder is utilized to reconstruct the relevant semantic information from the source data for TOC. Through experimental evaluation, we show GeNet's effectiveness in anti-noise TOC while decoupling the SNR dependency. We further evaluate GeNet's performance by varying the number of nodes, revealing its versatility as a new paradigm for semantic communication. Additionally, we show GeNet's robustness to geometric transformations by testing it with different rotation angles, without resorting to data augmentation.

replace Lightweight Inference for Forward-Forward Algorithm

Authors: Amin Aminifar, Baichuan Huang, Azra Abtahi, Amir Aminifar

Abstract: The human brain performs tasks with an outstanding energy-efficiency, i.e., with approximately 20 Watts. The state-of-the-art Artificial/Deep Neural Networks (ANN/DNN), on the other hand, have recently been shown to consume massive amounts of energy. The training of these ANNs/DNNs is done almost exclusively based on the back-propagation algorithm, which is known to be biologically implausible. This has led to a new generation of forward-only techniques, including the Forward-Forward algorithm. In this paper, we propose a lightweight inference scheme specifically designed for DNNs trained using the Forward-Forward algorithm. We have evaluated our proposed lightweight inference scheme in the case of the MNIST and CIFAR datasets, as well as two real-world applications, namely, epileptic seizure detection and cardiac arrhythmia classification using wearable technologies, where complexity overheads/energy consumption is a major constraint, and demonstrate its relevance.

replace On the Necessity of Collaboration in Online Model Selection with Decentralized Data

Authors: Junfan Li, Zenglin Xu, Zheshun Wu, Irwin King

Abstract: We consider online model selection with decentralized data over $M$ clients, and study the necessity of collaboration among clients. Previous work omitted the problem and proposed various federated algorithms, while we provide a comprehensive answer from the perspective of computational constraints. We propose a federated algorithm and analyze the upper and lower bounds on the regret that show (i) collaboration is unnecessary in the absence of additional constraints on the problem; (ii) collaboration is necessary if the computational cost on each client is limited to $o(K)$, where $K$ is the number of candidate hypothesis spaces. We clarify the unnecessary nature of collaboration in previous federated algorithms, and improve the regret bounds of algorithms for distributed online multi-kernel learning at a smaller computational and communication cost. Our algorithm relies on three new techniques including an improved Bernstein's inequality for martingale, a federated online mirror descent framework, and decoupling model selection and predictions, which might be of independent interest.

replace Minimizing Weighted Counterfactual Regret with Optimistic Online Mirror Descent

Authors: Hang Xu, Kai Li, Bingyun Liu, Haobo Fu, Qiang Fu, Junliang Xing, Jian Cheng

Abstract: Counterfactual regret minimization (CFR) is a family of algorithms for effectively solving imperfect-information games. It decomposes the total regret into counterfactual regrets, utilizing local regret minimization algorithms, such as Regret Matching (RM) or RM+, to minimize them. Recent research establishes a connection between Online Mirror Descent (OMD) and RM+, paving the way for an optimistic variant PRM+ and its extension PCFR+. However, PCFR+ assigns uniform weights for each iteration when determining regrets, leading to substantial regrets when facing dominated actions. This work explores minimizing weighted counterfactual regret with optimistic OMD, resulting in a novel CFR variant PDCFR+. It integrates PCFR+ and Discounted CFR (DCFR) in a principled manner, swiftly mitigating negative effects of dominated actions and consistently leveraging predictions to accelerate convergence. Theoretical analyses prove that PDCFR+ converges to a Nash equilibrium, particularly under distinct weighting schemes for regrets and average strategies. Experimental results demonstrate PDCFR+'s fast convergence in common imperfect-information games. The code is available at


replace M3H: Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare

Authors: Dimitris Bertsimas, Yu Ma

Abstract: Artificial intelligence holds promise to fundamentally enhance healthcare. Developing an integrated many-to-many framework leveraging multimodal data for multiple tasks is essential to unifying modern medicine. We introduce M3H, an explainable Multimodal Multitask Machine Learning for Healthcare framework that consolidates learning from tabular, time-series, language, and vision data for supervised binary/multiclass classification, regression, and unsupervised clustering. M3H encompasses an unprecedented range of medical tasks and problem domains and consistently outperforms traditional single-task models by on average 11.6% across 40 disease diagnoses from 16 medical departments, three hospital operation forecasts, and one patient phenotyping task. It features a novel attention mechanism balancing self-exploitation (learning source-task), and cross-exploration (learning cross-tasks), and offers explainability through a proposed TIM score, shedding light on the dynamics of task learning interdependencies. Its adaptable architecture supports easy customization and integration of new data modalities and tasks, establishing it as a robust, scalable solution for advancing AI-driven healthcare systems.

replace Improved Forward-Forward Contrastive Learning

Authors: Gananath R

Abstract: The backpropagation algorithm, or backprop, is a widely utilized optimization technique in deep learning. While there's growing evidence suggesting that models trained with backprop can accurately explain neuronal data, no backprop-like method has yet been discovered in the biological brain for learning. Moreover, employing a naive implementation of backprop in the brain has several drawbacks. In 2022, Geoffrey Hinton proposed a biologically plausible learning method known as the Forward-Forward (FF) algorithm. Shortly after this paper, a modified version called FFCL was introduced. However, FFCL had limitations, notably being a three-stage learning system where the final stage still relied on regular backpropagation. In our approach, we address these drawbacks by eliminating the last two stages of FFCL and completely removing regular backpropagation. Instead, we rely solely on local updates, offering a more biologically plausible alternative.

replace How Inverse Conditional Flows Can Serve as a Substitute for Distributional Regression

Authors: Lucas Kook, Chris Kolb, Philipp Schiele, Daniel Dold, Marcel Arpogaus, Cornelius Fritz, Philipp F. Baumann, Philipp Kopper, Tobias Pielok, Emilio Dorigatti, David R\"ugamer

Abstract: Neural network representations of simple models, such as linear regression, are being studied increasingly to better understand the underlying principles of deep learning algorithms. However, neural representations of distributional regression models, such as the Cox model, have received little attention so far. We close this gap by proposing a framework for distributional regression using inverse flow transformations (DRIFT), which includes neural representations of the aforementioned models. We empirically demonstrate that the neural representations of models in DRIFT can serve as a substitute for their classical statistical counterparts in several applications involving continuous, ordered, time-series, and survival outcomes. We confirm that models in DRIFT empirically match the performance of several statistical methods in terms of estimation of partial effects, prediction, and aleatoric uncertainty quantification. DRIFT covers both interpretable statistical models and flexible neural networks opening up new avenues in both statistical modeling and deep learning.

replace Multi-Scale Dilated Convolution Network for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Feifei Li, Suhan Guo, Feng Han, Jian Zhao, Furao Shen

Abstract: Accurate forecasting of long-term time series has important applications for decision making and planning. However, it remains challenging to capture the long-term dependencies in time series data. To better extract long-term dependencies, We propose Multi Scale Dilated Convolution Network (MSDCN), a method that utilizes a shallow dilated convolution architecture to capture the period and trend characteristics of long time series. We design different convolution blocks with exponentially growing dilations and varying kernel sizes to sample time series data at different scales. Furthermore, we utilize traditional autoregressive model to capture the linear relationships within the data. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we conduct experiments on eight challenging long-term time series forecasting benchmark datasets. The experimental results show that our approach outperforms the prior state-of-the-art approaches and shows significant inference speed improvements compared to several strong baseline methods.

replace Clustering-based Multitasking Deep Neural Network for Solar Photovoltaics Power Generation Prediction

Authors: Hui Song, Zheng Miao, Ali Babalhavaeji, Saman Mehrnia, Mahdi Jalili, Xinghuo Yu

Abstract: The increasing installation of Photovoltaics (PV) cells leads to more generation of renewable energy sources (RES), but results in increased uncertainties of energy scheduling. Predicting PV power generation is important for energy management and dispatch optimization in smart grid. However, the PV power generation data is often collected across different types of customers (e.g., residential, agricultural, industrial, and commercial) while the customer information is always de-identified. This often results in a forecasting model trained with all PV power generation data, allowing the predictor to learn various patterns through intra-model self-learning, instead of constructing a separate predictor for each customer type. In this paper, we propose a clustering-based multitasking deep neural network (CM-DNN) framework for PV power generation prediction. K-means is applied to cluster the data into different customer types. For each type, a deep neural network (DNN) is employed and trained until the accuracy cannot be improved. Subsequently, for a specified customer type (i.e., the target task), inter-model knowledge transfer is conducted to enhance its training accuracy. During this process, source task selection is designed to choose the optimal subset of tasks (excluding the target customer), and each selected source task uses a coefficient to determine the amount of DNN model knowledge (weights and biases) transferred to the aimed prediction task. The proposed CM-DNN is tested on a real-world PV power generation dataset and its superiority is demonstrated by comparing the prediction performance on training the dataset with a single model without clustering.

replace Memory Mosaics

Authors: Jianyu Zhang, Niklas Nolte, Ranajoy Sadhukhan, Beidi Chen, L\'eon Bottou

Abstract: Memory Mosaics are networks of associative memories working in concert to achieve a prediction task of interest. Like transformers, memory mosaics possess compositional capabilities and in-context learning capabilities. Unlike transformers, memory mosaics achieve these capabilities in comparatively transparent ways. We demonstrate these capabilities on toy examples and we also show that memory mosaics perform as well or better than transformers on medium-scale language modeling tasks.

replace Chebyshev Polynomial-Based Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks: An Efficient Architecture for Nonlinear Function Approximation

Authors: Sidharth SS, Gokul R

Abstract: Accurate approximation of complex nonlinear functions is a fundamental challenge across many scientific and engineering domains. Traditional neural network architectures often struggle to capture intricate patterns and irregularities present in high-dimensional functions. This paper introduces the Chebyshev Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (Chebyshev KAN), a novel approach that combines the theoretical foundations of the Kolmogorov-Arnold Theorem with the powerful approximation capabilities of Chebyshev polynomials. 1

replace Binning as a Pretext Task: Improving Self-Supervised Learning in Tabular Domains

Authors: Kyungeun Lee, Ye Seul Sim, Hye-Seung Cho, Moonjung Eo, Suhee Yoon, Sanghyu Yoon, Woohyung Lim

Abstract: The ability of deep networks to learn superior representations hinges on leveraging the proper inductive biases, considering the inherent properties of datasets. In tabular domains, it is critical to effectively handle heterogeneous features (both categorical and numerical) in a unified manner and to grasp irregular functions like piecewise constant functions. To address the challenges in the self-supervised learning framework, we propose a novel pretext task based on the classical binning method. The idea is straightforward: reconstructing the bin indices (either orders or classes) rather than the original values. This pretext task provides the encoder with an inductive bias to capture the irregular dependencies, mapping from continuous inputs to discretized bins, and mitigates the feature heterogeneity by setting all features to have category-type targets. Our empirical investigations ascertain several advantages of binning: capturing the irregular function, compatibility with encoder architecture and additional modifications, standardizing all features into equal sets, grouping similar values within a feature, and providing ordering information. Comprehensive evaluations across diverse tabular datasets corroborate that our method consistently improves tabular representation learning performance for a wide range of downstream tasks. The codes are available in


replace Towards Adaptive IMFs -- Generalization of utility functions in Multi-Agent Frameworks

Authors: Kaushik Dey, Satheesh K. Perepu, Abir Das, Pallab Dasgupta

Abstract: Intent Management Function (IMF) is an integral part of future-generation networks. In recent years, there has been some work on AI-based IMFs that can handle conflicting intents and prioritize the global objective based on apriori definition of the utility function and accorded priorities for competing intents. Some of the earlier works use Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) techniques with AdHoc Teaming (AHT) approaches for efficient conflict handling in IMF. However, the success of such frameworks in real-life scenarios requires them to be flexible to business situations. The intent priorities can change and the utility function, which measures the extent of intent fulfilment, may also vary in definition. This paper proposes a novel mechanism whereby the IMF can generalize to different forms of utility functions and change of intent priorities at run-time without additional training. Such generalization ability, without additional training requirements, would help to deploy IMF in live networks where customer intents and priorities change frequently. Results on the network emulator demonstrate the efficacy of the approach, scalability for new intents, outperforming existing techniques that require additional training to achieve the same degree of flexibility thereby saving cost, and increasing efficiency and adaptability.

replace Near-Optimal Regret in Linear MDPs with Aggregate Bandit Feedback

Authors: Asaf Cassel, Haipeng Luo, Aviv Rosenberg, Dmitry Sotnikov

Abstract: In many real-world applications, it is hard to provide a reward signal in each step of a Reinforcement Learning (RL) process and more natural to give feedback when an episode ends. To this end, we study the recently proposed model of RL with Aggregate Bandit Feedback (RL-ABF), where the agent only observes the sum of rewards at the end of an episode instead of each reward individually. Prior work studied RL-ABF only in tabular settings, where the number of states is assumed to be small. In this paper, we extend ABF to linear function approximation and develop two efficient algorithms with near-optimal regret guarantees: a value-based optimistic algorithm built on a new randomization technique with a Q-functions ensemble, and a policy optimization algorithm that uses a novel hedging scheme over the ensemble.

replace Secure Aggregation Meets Sparsification in Decentralized Learning

Authors: Sayan Biswas, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Rafael Pires, Rishi Sharma, Milos Vujasinovic

Abstract: Decentralized learning (DL) faces increased vulnerability to privacy breaches due to sophisticated attacks on machine learning (ML) models. Secure aggregation is a computationally efficient cryptographic technique that enables multiple parties to compute an aggregate of their private data while keeping their individual inputs concealed from each other and from any central aggregator. To enhance communication efficiency in DL, sparsification techniques are used, selectively sharing only the most crucial parameters or gradients in a model, thereby maintaining efficiency without notably compromising accuracy. However, applying secure aggregation to sparsified models in DL is challenging due to the transmission of disjoint parameter sets by distinct nodes, which can prevent masks from canceling out effectively. This paper introduces CESAR, a novel secure aggregation protocol for DL designed to be compatible with existing sparsification mechanisms. CESAR provably defends against honest-but-curious adversaries and can be formally adapted to counteract collusion between them. We provide a foundational understanding of the interaction between the sparsification carried out by the nodes and the proportion of the parameters shared under CESAR in both colluding and non-colluding environments, offering analytical insight into the working and applicability of the protocol. Experiments on a network with 48 nodes in a 3-regular topology show that with random subsampling, CESAR is always within 0.5% accuracy of decentralized parallel stochastic gradient descent (D-PSGD), while adding only 11% of data overhead. Moreover, it surpasses the accuracy on TopK by up to 0.3% on independent and identically distributed (IID) data.

replace A Unified Sequence Parallelism Approach for Long Context Generative AI

Authors: Jiarui Fang, Shangchun Zhao

Abstract: Sequence parallelism (SP), which divides the sequence dimension of input tensors across multiple computational devices, is becoming key to unlocking the long-context capabilities of generative AI models. This paper investigates the state-of-the-art SP approaches, i.e. DeepSpeed-Ulysses and Ring-Attention, and proposes a unified SP approach, which is more robust to transformer model architectures and network hardware topology. This paper compares the communication and memory cost of SP and existing parallelism, including data/tensor/zero/expert/pipeline parallelism, and discusses the best practices for designing hybrid 4D parallelism involving SP. We achieved 86\% MFU on two 8xA800 nodes using SP for sequence length 208K for the LLAMA3-8B model. Our code is publicly available on \url{}.


replace-cross On the role of surrogates in the efficient estimation of treatment effects with limited outcome data

Authors: Nathan Kallus, Xiaojie Mao

Abstract: In many experiments and observational studies, the outcome of interest is often difficult or expensive to observe, reducing effective sample sizes for estimating average treatment effects (ATEs) even when identifiable. We study how incorporating data on units for which only surrogate outcomes not of primary interest are observed can increase the precision of ATE estimation. We refrain from imposing stringent surrogacy conditions, which permit surrogates as perfect replacements for the target outcome. Instead, we supplement the available, albeit limited, observations of the target outcome (which by themselves identify the ATE) with abundant observations of surrogate outcomes, without any assumptions beyond random assignment and missingness and corresponding overlap conditions. To quantify the potential gains, we derive the difference in efficiency bounds on ATE estimation with and without surrogates, both when an overwhelming or comparable number of units have missing outcomes. We develop robust ATE estimation and inference methods that realize these efficiency gains. We empirically demonstrate the gains by studying the long-term-earning effects of job training.

replace-cross Finding Groups of Cross-Correlated Features in Bi-View Data

Authors: Miheer Dewaskar, John Palowitch, Mark He, Michael I. Love, Andrew B. Nobel

Abstract: Datasets in which measurements of two (or more) types are obtained from a common set of samples arise in many scientific applications. A common problem in the exploratory analysis of such data is to identify groups of features of different data types that are strongly associated. A bimodule is a pair (A,B) of feature sets from two data types such that the aggregate cross-correlation between the features in A and those in B is large. A bimodule (A,B) is stable if A coincides with the set of features that have significant aggregate correlation with the features in B, and vice-versa. This paper proposes an iterative-testing based bimodule search procedure (BSP) to identify stable bimodules. Compared to existing methods for detecting cross-correlated features, BSP was the best at recovering true bimodules with sufficient signal, while limiting the false discoveries. In addition, we applied BSP to the problem of expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL) analysis using data from the GTEx consortium. BSP identified several thousand SNP-gene bimodules. While many of the individual SNP-gene pairs appearing in the discovered bimodules were identified by standard eQTL methods, the discovered bimodules revealed genomic subnetworks that appeared to be biologically meaningful and worthy of further scientific investigation.

replace-cross Learning Linear Polytree Structural Equation Models

Authors: Xingmei Lou, Yu Hu, Xiaodong Li

Abstract: We are interested in the problem of learning the directed acyclic graph (DAG) when data are generated from a linear structural equation model (SEM) and the causal structure can be characterized by a polytree. Under the Gaussian polytree models, we study sufficient conditions on the sample sizes for the well-known Chow-Liu algorithm to exactly recover both the skeleton and the equivalence class of the polytree, which is uniquely represented by a CPDAG. On the other hand, necessary conditions on the required sample sizes for both skeleton and CPDAG recovery are also derived in terms of information-theoretic lower bounds, which match the respective sufficient conditions and thereby give a sharp characterization of the difficulty of these tasks. We also consider the problem of inverse correlation matrix estimation under the linear polytree models, and establish the estimation error bound in terms of the dimension and the total number of v-structures. We also consider an extension of group linear polytree models, in which each node represents a group of variables. Our theoretical findings are illustrated by comprehensive numerical simulations, and experiments on benchmark data also demonstrate the robustness of polytree learning when the true graphical structures can only be approximated by polytrees.

replace-cross Distributed DP-Helmet: Scalable Differentially Private Non-interactive Averaging of Single Layers

Authors: Moritz Kirschte, Sebastian Meiser, Saman Ardalan, Esfandiar Mohammadi

Abstract: In this work, we propose two differentially private, non-interactive, distributed learning algorithms in a framework called Distributed DP-Helmet. Our framework is based on what we coin blind averaging: each user locally learns and noises a model and all users then jointly compute the mean of their models via a secure summation protocol. We provide experimental evidence that blind averaging for SVMs and single Softmax-layer (Softmax-SLP) can have a strong utility-privacy tradeoff: we reach an accuracy of 86% on CIFAR-10 for $\varepsilon$ = 0.4 and 1,000 users, of 44% on CIFAR-100 for $\varepsilon$ = 1.2 and 100 users, and of 39% on federated EMNIST for $\varepsilon$ = 0.4 and 3,400 users, all after a SimCLR-based pretraining. As an ablation, we study the resilience of our approach to a strongly non-IID setting. On the theoretical side, we show that blind averaging preserves differential privacy if the objective function is smooth, Lipschitz, and strongly convex like SVMs. We show that these properties also hold for Softmax-SLP which is often used for last-layer fine-tuning such that for a fixed model size the privacy bound $\varepsilon$ of Softmax-SLP no longer depends on the number of classes. This marks a significant advantage in utility and privacy of Softmax-SLP over SVMs. Furthermore, in the limit blind averaging of hinge-loss SVMs convergences to a centralized learned SVM. The latter result is based on the representer theorem and can be seen as a blueprint for finding convergence for other empirical risk minimizers (ERM) like Softmax-SLP.

replace-cross Sample-optimal classical shadows for pure states

Authors: Daniel Grier, Hakop Pashayan, Luke Schaeffer

Abstract: We consider the classical shadows task for pure states in the setting of both joint and independent measurements. The task is to measure few copies of an unknown pure state $\rho$ in order to learn a classical description which suffices to later estimate expectation values of observables. Specifically, the goal is to approximate $\mathrm{Tr}(O \rho)$ for any Hermitian observable $O$ to within additive error $\epsilon$ provided $\mathrm{Tr}(O^2)\leq B$ and $\lVert O \rVert = 1$. Our main result applies to the joint measurement setting, where we show $\tilde{\Theta}(\sqrt{B}\epsilon^{-1} + \epsilon^{-2})$ samples of $\rho$ are necessary and sufficient to succeed with high probability. The upper bound is a quadratic improvement on the previous best sample complexity known for this problem. For the lower bound, we see that the bottleneck is not how fast we can learn the state but rather how much any classical description of $\rho$ can be compressed for observable estimation. In the independent measurement setting, we show that $\mathcal O(\sqrt{Bd} \epsilon^{-1} + \epsilon^{-2})$ samples suffice. Notably, this implies that the random Clifford measurements algorithm of Huang, Kueng, and Preskill, which is sample-optimal for mixed states, is not optimal for pure states. Interestingly, our result also uses the same random Clifford measurements but employs a different estimator.

replace-cross Unsupervised learning for structure detection in plastically deformed crystals

Authors: Armand Barbot, Riccardo Gatti

Abstract: Detecting structures at the particle scale within plastically deformed crystalline materials allows a better understanding of the occurring phenomena. While previous approaches mostly relied on applying hand-chosen criteria on different local parameters, these approaches could only detect already known structures.We introduce an unsupervised learning algorithm to automatically detect structures within a crystal under plastic deformation. This approach is based on a study developed for structural detection on colloidal materials. This algorithm has the advantage of being computationally fast and easy to implement. We show that by using local parameters based on bond-angle distributions, we are able to detect more structures and with a higher degree of precision than traditional hand-made criteria.

replace-cross On Finding Small Hyper-Gradients in Bilevel Optimization: Hardness Results and Improved Analysis

Authors: Lesi Chen, Jing Xu, Jingzhao Zhang

Abstract: Bilevel optimization reveals the inner structure of otherwise oblique optimization problems, such as hyperparameter tuning, neural architecture search, and meta-learning. A common goal in bilevel optimization is to minimize a hyper-objective that implicitly depends on the solution set of the lower-level function. Although this hyper-objective approach is widely used, its theoretical properties have not been thoroughly investigated in cases where the lower-level functions lack strong convexity. In this work, we first provide hardness results to show that the goal of finding stationary points of the hyper-objective for nonconvex-convex bilevel optimization can be intractable for zero-respecting algorithms. Then we study a class of tractable nonconvex-nonconvex bilevel problems when the lower-level function satisfies the Polyak-{\L}ojasiewicz (PL) condition. We show a simple first-order algorithm can achieve better complexity bounds of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-2})$, $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-4})$ and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\epsilon^{-6})$ in the deterministic, partially stochastic, and fully stochastic setting respectively.

replace-cross Faster Gradient-Free Algorithms for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization

Authors: Lesi Chen, Jing Xu, Luo Luo

Abstract: We consider the optimization problem of the form $\min_{x \in \mathbb{R}^d} f(x) \triangleq \mathbb{E}_{\xi} [F(x; \xi)]$, where the component $F(x;\xi)$ is $L$-mean-squared Lipschitz but possibly nonconvex and nonsmooth. The recently proposed gradient-free method requires at most $\mathcal{O}( L^4 d^{3/2} \epsilon^{-4} + \Delta L^3 d^{3/2} \delta^{-1} \epsilon^{-4})$ stochastic zeroth-order oracle complexity to find a $(\delta,\epsilon)$-Goldstein stationary point of objective function, where $\Delta = f(x_0) - \inf_{x \in \mathbb{R}^d} f(x)$ and $x_0$ is the initial point of the algorithm. This paper proposes a more efficient algorithm using stochastic recursive gradient estimators, which improves the complexity to $\mathcal{O}(L^3 d^{3/2} \epsilon^{-3}+ \Delta L^2 d^{3/2} \delta^{-1} \epsilon^{-3})$.

replace-cross Open-world Instance Segmentation: Top-down Learning with Bottom-up Supervision

Authors: Tarun Kalluri, Weiyao Wang, Heng Wang, Manmohan Chandraker, Lorenzo Torresani, Du Tran

Abstract: Many top-down architectures for instance segmentation achieve significant success when trained and tested on pre-defined closed-world taxonomy. However, when deployed in the open world, they exhibit notable bias towards seen classes and suffer from significant performance drop. In this work, we propose a novel approach for open world instance segmentation called bottom-Up and top-Down Open-world Segmentation (UDOS) that combines classical bottom-up segmentation algorithms within a top-down learning framework. UDOS first predicts parts of objects using a top-down network trained with weak supervision from bottom-up segmentations. The bottom-up segmentations are class-agnostic and do not overfit to specific taxonomies. The part-masks are then fed into affinity-based grouping and refinement modules to predict robust instance-level segmentations. UDOS enjoys both the speed and efficiency from the top-down architectures and the generalization ability to unseen categories from bottom-up supervision. We validate the strengths of UDOS on multiple cross-category as well as cross-dataset transfer tasks from 5 challenging datasets including MS-COCO, LVIS, ADE20k, UVO and OpenImages, achieving significant improvements over state-of-the-art across the board. Our code and models are available on our project page.

replace-cross An algorithmic framework for the optimization of deep neural networks architectures and hyperparameters

Authors: Julie Keisler (EDF R\&D OSIRIS, EDF R\&D, CRIStAL, CRIStAL), El-Ghazali Talbi (CRIStAL, CRIStAL), Sandra Claudel (EDF R\&D OSIRIS, EDF R\&D), Gilles Cabriel (EDF R\&D OSIRIS, EDF R\&D)

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an algorithmic framework to automatically generate efficient deep neural networks and optimize their associated hyperparameters. The framework is based on evolving directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), defining a more flexible search space than the existing ones in the literature. It allows mixtures of different classical operations: convolutions, recurrences and dense layers, but also more newfangled operations such as self-attention. Based on this search space we propose neighbourhood and evolution search operators to optimize both the architecture and hyper-parameters of our networks. These search operators can be used with any metaheuristic capable of handling mixed search spaces. We tested our algorithmic framework with an evolutionary algorithm on a time series prediction benchmark. The results demonstrate that our framework was able to find models outperforming the established baseline on numerous datasets.

replace-cross Bandits for Sponsored Search Auctions under Unknown Valuation Model: Case Study in E-Commerce Advertising

Authors: Danil Provodin, J\'er\'emie Joudioux, Eduard Duryev

Abstract: This paper presents a bidding system for sponsored search auctions under an unknown valuation model. This formulation assumes that the bidder's value is unknown, evolving arbitrarily, and observed only upon winning an auction. Unlike previous studies, we do not impose any assumptions on the nature of feedback and consider the problem of bidding in sponsored search auctions in its full generality. Our system is based on a bandit framework that is resilient to the black-box auction structure and delayed and batched feedback. To validate our proposed solution, we conducted a case study at Zalando, a leading fashion e-commerce company. We outline the development process and describe the promising outcomes of our bandits-based approach to increase profitability in sponsored search auctions. We discuss in detail the technical challenges that were overcome during the implementation, shedding light on the mechanisms that led to increased profitability.

replace-cross A Billion-scale Foundation Model for Remote Sensing Images

Authors: Keumgang Cha, Junghoon Seo, Taekyung Lee

Abstract: As the potential of foundation models in visual tasks has garnered significant attention, pretraining these models before downstream tasks has become a crucial step. The three key factors in pretraining foundation models are the pretraining method, the size of the pretraining dataset, and the number of model parameters. Recently, research in the remote sensing field has focused primarily on the pretraining method and the size of the dataset, with limited emphasis on the number of model parameters. This paper addresses this gap by examining the effect of increasing the number of model parameters on the performance of foundation models in downstream tasks such as rotated object detection and semantic segmentation. We pretrained foundation models with varying numbers of parameters, including 86M, 605.26M, 1.3B, and 2.4B, to determine whether performance in downstream tasks improved with an increase in parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first billion-scale foundation model in the remote sensing field. Furthermore, we propose an effective method for scaling up and fine-tuning a vision transformer in the remote sensing field. To evaluate general performance in downstream tasks, we employed the DOTA v2.0 and DIOR-R benchmark datasets for rotated object detection, and the Potsdam and LoveDA datasets for semantic segmentation. Experimental results demonstrated that, across all benchmark datasets and downstream tasks, the performance of the foundation models and data efficiency improved as the number of parameters increased. Moreover, our models achieve the state-of-the-art performance on several datasets including DIOR-R, Postdam, and LoveDA.

replace-cross Distribution-aware Fairness Test Generation

Authors: Sai Sathiesh Rajan, Ezekiel Soremekun, Yves Le Traon, Sudipta Chattopadhyay

Abstract: Ensuring that all classes of objects are detected with equal accuracy is essential in AI systems. For instance, being unable to identify any one class of objects could have fatal consequences in autonomous driving systems. Hence, ensuring the reliability of image recognition systems is crucial. This work addresses how to validate group fairness in image recognition software. We propose a distribution-aware fairness testing approach (called DistroFair) that systematically exposes class-level fairness violations in image classifiers via a synergistic combination of out-of-distribution (OOD) testing and semantic-preserving image mutation. DistroFair automatically learns the distribution (e.g., number/orientation) of objects in a set of images. Then it systematically mutates objects in the images to become OOD using three semantic-preserving image mutations - object deletion, object insertion and object rotation. We evaluate DistroFair using two well-known datasets (CityScapes and MS-COCO) and three major, commercial image recognition software (namely, Amazon Rekognition, Google Cloud Vision and Azure Computer Vision). Results show that about 21% of images generated by DistroFair reveal class-level fairness violations using either ground truth or metamorphic oracles. DistroFair is up to 2.3x more effective than two main baselines, i.e., (a) an approach which focuses on generating images only within the distribution (ID) and (b) fairness analysis using only the original image dataset. We further observed that DistroFair is efficient, it generates 460 images per hour, on average. Finally, we evaluate the semantic validity of our approach via a user study with 81 participants, using 30 real images and 30 corresponding mutated images generated by DistroFair. We found that images generated by DistroFair are 80% as realistic as real-world images.

replace-cross SGD-type Methods with Guaranteed Global Stability in Nonsmooth Nonconvex Optimization

Authors: Nachuan Xiao, Xiaoyin Hu, Kim-Chuan Toh

Abstract: In this paper, we focus on providing convergence guarantees for variants of the stochastic subgradient descent (SGD) method in minimizing nonsmooth nonconvex functions. We first develop a general framework to establish global stability for general stochastic subgradient methods, where the corresponding differential inclusion admits a coercive Lyapunov function. We prove that, with sufficiently small stepsizes and controlled noises, the iterates asymptotically stabilize around the stable set of its corresponding differential inclusion. Then we introduce a scheme for developing SGD-type methods with regularized update directions for the primal variables. Based on our developed framework, we prove the global stability of our proposed scheme under mild conditions. We further illustrate that our scheme yields variants of SGD-type methods, which enjoy guaranteed convergence in training nonsmooth neural networks. In particular, by employing the sign map to regularize the update directions, we propose a novel subgradient method named the Sign-map Regularized SGD method (SRSGD). Preliminary numerical experiments exhibit the high efficiency of SRSGD in training deep neural networks.

replace-cross Contributions of El Ni\~no Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Diversity to Low-Frequency Changes in ENSO Variance

Authors: Jakob Schl\"or, Felix Strnad, Antonietta Capotondi, Bedartha Goswami

Abstract: El Ni\~no Southern Oscillation (ENSO) diversity is characterized based on the longitudinal location of maximum sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) and amplitude in the tropical Pacific, as Central Pacific (CP) events are typically weaker than Eastern Pacific (EP) events. SSTA pattern and intensity undergo low-frequency modulations, affecting ENSO prediction skill and remote impacts. Yet, how different ENSO types contribute to these decadal variations and long-term variance trends remain uncertain. Here, we decompose the low-frequency changes of ENSO variance into contributions from ENSO diversity categories. We propose a fuzzy clustering of monthly SSTA to allow for non-binary event category memberships. Our approach identifies two La Ni\~na and three El Ni\~no categories and shows that the shift of ENSO variance in the mid-1970s is associated with an increasing likelihood of strong La Ni\~na and extreme El Ni\~no events.

replace-cross Dilated convolutional neural network for detecting extreme-mass-ratio inspirals

Authors: Tianyu Zhao, Yue Zhou, Ruijun Shi, Zhoujian Cao, Zhixiang Ren

Abstract: The detection of Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals (EMRIs) is intricate due to their complex waveforms, extended duration, and low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), making them more challenging to be identified compared to compact binary coalescences. While matched filtering-based techniques are known for their computational demands, existing deep learning-based methods primarily handle time-domain data and are often constrained by data duration and SNR. In addition, most existing work ignores time-delay interferometry (TDI) and applies the long-wavelength approximation in detector response calculations, thus limiting their ability to handle laser frequency noise. In this study, we introduce DECODE, an end-to-end model focusing on EMRI signal detection by sequence modeling in the frequency domain. Centered around a dilated causal convolutional neural network, trained on synthetic data considering TDI-1.5 detector response, DECODE can efficiently process a year's worth of multichannel TDI data with an SNR of around 50. We evaluate our model on 1-year data with accumulated SNR ranging from 50 to 120 and achieve a true positive rate of 96.3% at a false positive rate of 1%, keeping an inference time of less than 0.01 seconds. With the visualization of three showcased EMRI signals for interpretability and generalization, DECODE exhibits strong potential for future space-based gravitational wave data analyses.

replace-cross Leveraging Self-Supervised Vision Transformers for Segmentation-based Transfer Function Design

Authors: Dominik Engel, Leon Sick, Timo Ropinski

Abstract: In volume rendering, transfer functions are used to classify structures of interest, and to assign optical properties such as color and opacity. They are commonly defined as 1D or 2D functions that map simple features to these optical properties. As the process of designing a transfer function is typically tedious and unintuitive, several approaches have been proposed for their interactive specification. In this paper, we present a novel method to define transfer functions for volume rendering by leveraging the feature extraction capabilities of self-supervised pre-trained vision transformers. To design a transfer function, users simply select the structures of interest in a slice viewer, and our method automatically selects similar structures based on the high-level features extracted by the neural network. Contrary to previous learning-based transfer function approaches, our method does not require training of models and allows for quick inference, enabling an interactive exploration of the volume data. Our approach reduces the amount of necessary annotations by interactively informing the user about the current classification, so they can focus on annotating the structures of interest that still require annotation. In practice, this allows users to design transfer functions within seconds, instead of minutes. We compare our method to existing learning-based approaches in terms of annotation and compute time, as well as with respect to segmentation accuracy. Our accompanying video showcases the interactivity and effectiveness of our method.

replace-cross Language Models as Black-Box Optimizers for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Shihong Liu, Zhiqiu Lin, Samuel Yu, Ryan Lee, Tiffany Ling, Deepak Pathak, Deva Ramanan

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs) pre-trained on web-scale datasets have demonstrated remarkable capabilities on downstream tasks when fine-tuned with minimal data. However, many VLMs rely on proprietary data and are not open-source, which restricts the use of white-box approaches for fine-tuning. As such, we aim to develop a black-box approach to optimize VLMs through natural language prompts, thereby avoiding the need to access model parameters, feature embeddings, or even output logits. We propose employing chat-based LLMs to search for the best text prompt for VLMs. Specifically, we adopt an automatic hill-climbing procedure that converges to an effective prompt by evaluating the performance of current prompts and asking LLMs to refine them based on textual feedback, all within a conversational process without human-in-the-loop. In a challenging 1-shot image classification setup, our simple approach surpasses the white-box continuous prompting method (CoOp) by an average of 1.5% across 11 datasets including ImageNet. Our approach also outperforms both human-engineered and LLM-generated prompts. We highlight the advantage of conversational feedback that incorporates both positive and negative prompts, suggesting that LLMs can utilize the implicit gradient direction in textual feedback for a more efficient search. In addition, we find that the text prompts generated through our strategy are not only more interpretable but also transfer well across different VLM architectures in a black-box manner. Lastly, we apply our framework to optimize the state-of-the-art black-box VLM (DALL-E 3) for text-to-image generation, prompt inversion, and personalization.

replace-cross RealFill: Reference-Driven Generation for Authentic Image Completion

Authors: Luming Tang, Nataniel Ruiz, Qinghao Chu, Yuanzhen Li, Aleksander Holynski, David E. Jacobs, Bharath Hariharan, Yael Pritch, Neal Wadhwa, Kfir Aberman, Michael Rubinstein

Abstract: Recent advances in generative imagery have brought forth outpainting and inpainting models that can produce high-quality, plausible image content in unknown regions. However, the content these models hallucinate is necessarily inauthentic, since they are unaware of the true scene. In this work, we propose RealFill, a novel generative approach for image completion that fills in missing regions of an image with the content that should have been there. RealFill is a generative inpainting model that is personalized using only a few reference images of a scene. These reference images do not have to be aligned with the target image, and can be taken with drastically varying viewpoints, lighting conditions, camera apertures, or image styles. Once personalized, RealFill is able to complete a target image with visually compelling contents that are faithful to the original scene. We evaluate RealFill on a new image completion benchmark that covers a set of diverse and challenging scenarios, and find that it outperforms existing approaches by a large margin. Project page:


replace-cross Anytime-valid t-tests and confidence sequences for Gaussian means with unknown variance

Authors: Hongjian Wang, Aaditya Ramdas

Abstract: In 1976, Lai constructed a nontrivial confidence sequence for the mean $\mu$ of a Gaussian distribution with unknown variance $\sigma^2$. Curiously, he employed both an improper (right Haar) mixture over $\sigma$ and an improper (flat) mixture over $\mu$. Here, we elaborate carefully on the details of his construction, which use generalized nonintegrable martingales and an extended Ville's inequality. While this does yield a sequential t-test, it does not yield an "e-process" (due to the nonintegrability of his martingale). In this paper, we develop two new e-processes and confidence sequences for the same setting: one is a test martingale in a reduced filtration, while the other is an e-process in the canonical data filtration. These are respectively obtained by swapping Lai's flat mixture for a Gaussian mixture, and swapping the right Haar mixture over $\sigma$ with the maximum likelihood estimate under the null, as done in universal inference. We also analyze the width of resulting confidence sequences, which have a curious polynomial dependence on the error probability $\alpha$ that we prove to be not only unavoidable, but (for universal inference) even better than the classical fixed-sample t-test. Numerical experiments are provided along the way to compare and contrast the various approaches, including some recent suboptimal ones.

replace-cross Learning the dynamics of a one-dimensional plasma model with graph neural networks

Authors: Diogo D Carvalho, Diogo R Ferreira, Luis O Silva

Abstract: We explore the possibility of fully replacing a plasma physics kinetic simulator with a graph neural network-based simulator. We focus on this class of surrogate models given the similarity between their message-passing update mechanism and the traditional physics solver update, and the possibility of enforcing known physical priors into the graph construction and update. We show that our model learns the kinetic plasma dynamics of the one-dimensional plasma model, a predecessor of contemporary kinetic plasma simulation codes, and recovers a wide range of well-known kinetic plasma processes, including plasma thermalization, electrostatic fluctuations about thermal equilibrium, and the drag on a fast sheet and Landau damping. We compare the performance against the original plasma model in terms of run-time, conservation laws, and temporal evolution of key physical quantities. The limitations of the model are presented and possible directions for higher-dimensional surrogate models for kinetic plasmas are discussed.

replace-cross Non-parametric regression for robot learning on manifolds

Authors: P. C. Lopez-Custodio, K. Bharath, A. Kucukyilmaz, S. P. Preston

Abstract: Many of the tools available for robot learning were designed for Euclidean data. However, many applications in robotics involve manifold-valued data. A common example is orientation; this can be represented as a 3-by-3 rotation matrix or a quaternion, the spaces of which are non-Euclidean manifolds. In robot learning, manifold-valued data are often handled by relating the manifold to a suitable Euclidean space, either by embedding the manifold or by projecting the data onto one or several tangent spaces. These approaches can result in poor predictive accuracy, and convoluted algorithms. In this paper, we propose an "intrinsic" approach to regression that works directly within the manifold. It involves taking a suitable probability distribution on the manifold, letting its parameter be a function of a predictor variable, such as time, then estimating that function non-parametrically via a "local likelihood" method that incorporates a kernel. We name the method kernelised likelihood estimation. The approach is conceptually simple, and generally applicable to different manifolds. We implement it with three different types of manifold-valued data that commonly appear in robotics applications. The results of these experiments show better predictive accuracy than projection-based algorithms.

replace-cross Higher-Order Equivariant Neural Networks for Charge Density Prediction in Materials

Authors: Teddy Koker, Keegan Quigley, Eric Taw, Kevin Tibbetts, Lin Li

Abstract: The calculation of electron density distribution using density functional theory (DFT) in materials and molecules is central to the study of their quantum and macro-scale properties, yet accurate and efficient calculation remains a long-standing challenge. We introduce ChargE3Net, an E(3)-equivariant graph neural network for predicting electron density in atomic systems. ChargE3Net enables the learning of higher-order equivariant feature to achieve high predictive accuracy and model expressivity. We show that ChargE3Net exceeds the performance of prior work on diverse sets of molecules and materials. When trained on the massive dataset of over 100K materials in the Materials Project database, our model is able to capture the complexity and variability in the data, leading to a significant 26.7% reduction in self-consistent iterations when used to initialize DFT calculations on unseen materials. Furthermore, we show that non-self-consistent DFT calculations using our predicted charge densities yield near-DFT performance on electronic and thermodynamic property prediction at a fraction of the computational cost. Further analysis attributes the greater predictive accuracy to improved modeling of systems with high angular variations. These results illuminate a pathway towards a machine learning-accelerated ab initio calculations for materials discovery.

replace-cross Measurement-driven neural-network training for integrated magnetic tunnel junction arrays

Authors: William A. Borders, Advait Madhavan, Matthew W. Daniels, Vasileia Georgiou, Martin Lueker-Boden, Tiffany S. Santos, Patrick M. Braganca, Mark D. Stiles, Jabez J. McClelland, Brian D. Hoskins

Abstract: The increasing scale of neural networks needed to support more complex applications has led to an increasing requirement for area- and energy-efficient hardware. One route to meeting the budget for these applications is to circumvent the von Neumann bottleneck by performing computation in or near memory. An inevitability of transferring neural networks onto hardware is that non-idealities such as device-to-device variations or poor device yield impact performance. Methods such as hardware-aware training, where substrate non-idealities are incorporated during network training, are one way to recover performance at the cost of solution generality. In this work, we demonstrate inference on hardware neural networks consisting of 20,000 magnetic tunnel junction arrays integrated on a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor chips that closely resembles market-ready spin transfer-torque magnetoresistive random access memory technology. Using 36 dies, each containing a crossbar array with its own non-idealities, we show that even a small number of defects in physically mapped networks significantly degrades the performance of networks trained without defects and show that, at the cost of generality, hardware-aware training accounting for specific defects on each die can recover to comparable performance with ideal networks. We then demonstrate a robust training method that extends hardware-aware training to statistics-aware training, producing network weights that perform well on most defective dies regardless of their specific defect locations. When evaluated on the 36 physical dies, statistics-aware trained solutions can achieve a mean misclassification error on the MNIST dataset that differs from the software-baseline by only 2 %. This statistics-aware training method could be generalized to networks with many layers that are mapped to hardware suited for industry-ready applications.

replace-cross Efficient and Scalable Graph Generation through Iterative Local Expansion

Authors: Andreas Bergmeister, Karolis Martinkus, Nathana\"el Perraudin, Roger Wattenhofer

Abstract: In the realm of generative models for graphs, extensive research has been conducted. However, most existing methods struggle with large graphs due to the complexity of representing the entire joint distribution across all node pairs and capturing both global and local graph structures simultaneously. To overcome these issues, we introduce a method that generates a graph by progressively expanding a single node to a target graph. In each step, nodes and edges are added in a localized manner through denoising diffusion, building first the global structure, and then refining the local details. The local generation avoids modeling the entire joint distribution over all node pairs, achieving substantial computational savings with subquadratic runtime relative to node count while maintaining high expressivity through multiscale generation. Our experiments show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on well-established benchmark datasets while successfully scaling to graphs with at least 5000 nodes. Our method is also the first to successfully extrapolate to graphs outside of the training distribution, showcasing a much better generalization capability over existing methods.

replace-cross State Derivative Normalization for Continuous-Time Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Jonas Weigand, Gerben I. Beintema, Jonas Ulmen, Daniel G\"orges, Roland T\'oth, Maarten Schoukens, Martin Ruskowski

Abstract: The importance of proper data normalization for deep neural networks is well known. However, in continuous-time state-space model estimation, it has been observed that improper normalization of either the hidden state or hidden state derivative of the model estimate, or even of the time interval can lead to numerical and optimization challenges with deep learning based methods. This results in a reduced model quality. In this contribution, we show that these three normalization tasks are inherently coupled. Due to the existence of this coupling, we propose a solution to all three normalization challenges by introducing a normalization constant at the state derivative level. We show that the appropriate choice of the normalization constant is related to the dynamics of the to-be-identified system and we derive multiple methods of obtaining an effective normalization constant. We compare and discuss all the normalization strategies on a benchmark problem based on experimental data from a cascaded tanks system and compare our results with other methods of the identification literature.

replace-cross TAnet: A New Temporal Attention Network for EEG-based Auditory Spatial Attention Decoding with a Short Decision Window

Authors: Yuting Ding, Fei Chen

Abstract: Auditory spatial attention detection (ASAD) is used to determine the direction of a listener's attention to a speaker by analyzing her/his electroencephalographic (EEG) signals. This study aimed to further improve the performance of ASAD with a short decision window (i.e., <1 s) rather than with long decision windows ranging from 1 to 5 seconds in previous studies. An end-to-end temporal attention network (i.e., TAnet) was introduced in this work. TAnet employs a multi-head attention (MHA) mechanism, which can more effectively capture the interactions among time steps in collected EEG signals and efficiently assign corresponding weights to those EEG time steps. Experiments demonstrated that, compared with the CNN-based method and recent ASAD methods, TAnet provided improved decoding performance in the KUL dataset, with decoding accuracies of 92.4% (decision window 0.1 s), 94.9% (0.25 s), 95.1% (0.3 s), 95.4% (0.4 s), and 95.5% (0.5 s) with short decision windows (i.e., <1 s). As a new ASAD model with a short decision window, TAnet can potentially facilitate the design of EEG-controlled intelligent hearing aids and sound recognition systems.

replace-cross A Single Graph Convolution Is All You Need: Efficient Grayscale Image Classification

Authors: Jacob Fein-Ashley, Tian Ye, Sachini Wickramasinghe, Bingyi Zhang, Rajgopal Kannan, Viktor Prasanna

Abstract: Image classifiers often rely on convolutional neural networks (CNN) for their tasks, which are inherently more heavyweight than multilayer perceptrons (MLPs), which can be problematic in real-time applications. Additionally, many image classification models work on both RGB and grayscale datasets. Classifiers that operate solely on grayscale images are much less common. Grayscale image classification has diverse applications, including but not limited to medical image classification and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR). Thus, we present a novel grayscale (single channel) image classification approach using a vectorized view of images. We exploit the lightweightness of MLPs by viewing images as a vector and reducing our problem setting to the grayscale image classification setting. We find that using a single graph convolutional layer batch-wise increases accuracy and reduces variance in the performance of our model. Moreover, we develop a customized accelerator on FPGA for the proposed model with several optimizations to improve its performance. Our experimental results on benchmark grayscale image datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model, achieving vastly lower latency (up to 16$\times$ less) and competitive or leading performance compared to other state-of-the-art image classification models on various domain-specific grayscale image classification datasets.

replace-cross Practitioners' Challenges and Perceptions of CI Build Failure Predictions at Atlassian

Authors: Yang Hong, Chakkrit Tantithamthavorn, Jirat Pasuksmit, Patanamon Thongtanunam, Arik Friedman, Xing Zhao, Anton Krasikov

Abstract: Continuous Integration (CI) build failures could significantly impact the software development process and teams, such as delaying the release of new features and reducing developers' productivity. In this work, we report on an empirical study that investigates CI build failures throughout product development at Atlassian. Our quantitative analysis found that the repository dimension is the key factor influencing CI build failures. In addition, our qualitative survey revealed that Atlassian developers perceive CI build failures as challenging issues in practice. Furthermore, we found that the CI build prediction can not only provide proactive insight into CI build failures but also facilitate the team's decision-making. Our study sheds light on the challenges and expectations involved in integrating CI build prediction tools into the Bitbucket environment, providing valuable insights for enhancing CI processes.

replace-cross Criterion Collapse and Loss Distribution Control

Authors: Matthew J. Holland

Abstract: In this work, we consider the notion of "criterion collapse," in which optimization of one metric implies optimality in another, with a particular focus on conditions for collapse into error probability minimizers under a wide variety of learning criteria, ranging from DRO and OCE risks (CVaR, tilted ERM) to non-monotonic criteria underlying recent ascent-descent algorithms explored in the literature (Flooding, SoftAD). We show how collapse in the context of losses with a Bernoulli distribution goes far beyond existing results for CVaR and DRO, then expand our scope to include surrogate losses, showing conditions where monotonic criteria such as tilted ERM cannot avoid collapse, whereas non-monotonic alternatives can.

replace-cross A Framework for Strategic Discovery of Credible Neural Network Surrogate Models under Uncertainty

Authors: Pratyush Kumar Singh, Kathryn A. Farrell-Maupin, Danial Faghihi

Abstract: The widespread integration of deep neural networks in developing data-driven surrogate models for high-fidelity simulations of complex physical systems highlights the critical necessity for robust uncertainty quantification techniques and credibility assessment methodologies, ensuring the reliable deployment of surrogate models in consequential decision-making. This study presents the Occam Plausibility Algorithm for surrogate models (OPAL-surrogate), providing a systematic framework to uncover predictive neural network-based surrogate models within the large space of potential models, including various neural network classes and choices of architecture and hyperparameters. The framework is grounded in hierarchical Bayesian inferences and employs model validation tests to evaluate the credibility and prediction reliability of the surrogate models under uncertainty. Leveraging these principles, OPAL-surrogate introduces a systematic and efficient strategy for balancing the trade-off between model complexity, accuracy, and prediction uncertainty. The effectiveness of OPAL-surrogate is demonstrated through two modeling problems, including the deformation of porous materials for building insulation and turbulent combustion flow for the ablation of solid fuels within hybrid rocket motors.

replace-cross Efficient Pruning of Large Language Model with Adaptive Estimation Fusion

Authors: Jun Liu, Chao Wu, Changdi Yang, Hao Tang, Haoye Dong, Zhenglun Kong, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Dong Huang, Yanzhi Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have become crucial for many generative downstream tasks, leading to an inevitable trend and significant challenge to deploy them efficiently on resource-constrained devices. Structured pruning is a widely used method to address this challenge. However, when dealing with the complex structure of the multiple decoder layers, general methods often employ common estimation approaches for pruning. These approaches lead to a decline in accuracy for specific downstream tasks. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet efficient method that adaptively models the importance of each substructure. Meanwhile, it can adaptively fuse coarse-grained and finegrained estimations based on the results from complex and multilayer structures. All aspects of our design seamlessly integrate into the endto-end pruning framework. Our experimental results, compared with state-of-the-art methods on mainstream datasets, demonstrate average accuracy improvements of 1.1%, 1.02%, 2.0%, and 1.2% for LLaMa-7B,Vicuna-7B, Baichuan-7B, and Bloom-7b1, respectively.

replace-cross Adversarial Nibbler: An Open Red-Teaming Method for Identifying Diverse Harms in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jessica Quaye, Alicia Parrish, Oana Inel, Charvi Rastogi, Hannah Rose Kirk, Minsuk Kahng, Erin van Liemt, Max Bartolo, Jess Tsang, Justin White, Nathan Clement, Rafael Mosquera, Juan Ciro, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Lora Aroyo

Abstract: With the rise of text-to-image (T2I) generative AI models reaching wide audiences, it is critical to evaluate model robustness against non-obvious attacks to mitigate the generation of offensive images. By focusing on ``implicitly adversarial'' prompts (those that trigger T2I models to generate unsafe images for non-obvious reasons), we isolate a set of difficult safety issues that human creativity is well-suited to uncover. To this end, we built the Adversarial Nibbler Challenge, a red-teaming methodology for crowdsourcing a diverse set of implicitly adversarial prompts. We have assembled a suite of state-of-the-art T2I models, employed a simple user interface to identify and annotate harms, and engaged diverse populations to capture long-tail safety issues that may be overlooked in standard testing. The challenge is run in consecutive rounds to enable a sustained discovery and analysis of safety pitfalls in T2I models. In this paper, we present an in-depth account of our methodology, a systematic study of novel attack strategies and discussion of safety failures revealed by challenge participants. We also release a companion visualization tool for easy exploration and derivation of insights from the dataset. The first challenge round resulted in over 10k prompt-image pairs with machine annotations for safety. A subset of 1.5k samples contains rich human annotations of harm types and attack styles. We find that 14% of images that humans consider harmful are mislabeled as ``safe'' by machines. We have identified new attack strategies that highlight the complexity of ensuring T2I model robustness. Our findings emphasize the necessity of continual auditing and adaptation as new vulnerabilities emerge. We are confident that this work will enable proactive, iterative safety assessments and promote responsible development of T2I models.

replace-cross Visual Whole-Body Control for Legged Loco-Manipulation

Authors: Minghuan Liu, Zixuan Chen, Xuxin Cheng, Yandong Ji, Ri-Zhao Qiu, Ruihan Yang, Xiaolong Wang

Abstract: We study the problem of mobile manipulation using legged robots equipped with an arm, namely legged loco-manipulation. The robot legs, while usually utilized for mobility, offer an opportunity to amplify the manipulation capabilities by conducting whole-body control. That is, the robot can control the legs and the arm at the same time to extend its workspace. We propose a framework that can conduct the whole-body control autonomously with visual observations. Our approach, namely Visual Whole-Body Control(VBC), is composed of a low-level policy using all degrees of freedom to track the body velocities along with the end-effector position, and a high-level policy proposing the velocities and end-effector position based on visual inputs. We train both levels of policies in simulation and perform Sim2Real transfer for real robot deployment. We perform extensive experiments and show significant improvements over baselines in picking up diverse objects in different configurations (heights, locations, orientations) and environments.

replace-cross Scaling Motion Forecasting Models with Ensemble Distillation

Authors: Scott Ettinger, Kratarth Goel, Avikalp Srivastava, Rami Al-Rfou

Abstract: Motion forecasting has become an increasingly critical component of autonomous robotic systems. Onboard compute budgets typically limit the accuracy of real-time systems. In this work we propose methods of improving motion forecasting systems subject to limited compute budgets by combining model ensemble and distillation techniques. The use of ensembles of deep neural networks has been shown to improve generalization accuracy in many application domains. We first demonstrate significant performance gains by creating a large ensemble of optimized single models. We then develop a generalized framework to distill motion forecasting model ensembles into small student models which retain high performance with a fraction of the computing cost. For this study we focus on the task of motion forecasting using real world data from autonomous driving systems. We develop ensemble models that are very competitive on the Waymo Open Motion Dataset (WOMD) and Argoverse leaderboards. From these ensembles, we train distilled student models which have high performance at a fraction of the compute costs. These experiments demonstrate distillation from ensembles as an effective method for improving accuracy of predictive models for robotic systems with limited compute budgets.

replace-cross PureForest: A Large-Scale Aerial Lidar and Aerial Imagery Dataset for Tree Species Classification in Monospecific Forests

Authors: Charles Gaydon, Floryne Roche

Abstract: Knowledge of tree species distribution is fundamental to managing forests. New deep learning approaches promise significant accuracy gains for forest mapping, and are becoming a critical tool for mapping multiple tree species at scale. To advance the field, deep learning researchers need large benchmark datasets with high-quality annotations. To this end, we present the PureForest dataset: a large-scale, open, multimodal dataset designed for tree species classification from both Aerial Lidar Scanning (ALS) point clouds and Very High Resolution (VHR) aerial images. Most current public Lidar datasets for tree species classification have low diversity as they only span a small area of a few dozen annotated hectares at most. In contrast, PureForest has 18 tree species grouped into 13 semantic classes, and spans 339 km$^2$ across 449 distinct monospecific forests, and is to date the largest and most comprehensive Lidar dataset for the identification of tree species. By making PureForest publicly available, we hope to provide a challenging benchmark dataset to support the development of deep learning approaches for tree species identification from Lidar and/or aerial imagery. In this data paper, we describe the annotation workflow, the dataset, the recommended evaluation methodology, and establish a baseline performance from both 3D and 2D modalities.

replace-cross Differentiable Pareto-Smoothed Weighting for High-Dimensional Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation

Authors: Yoichi Chikahara, Kansei Ushiyama

Abstract: There is a growing interest in estimating heterogeneous treatment effects across individuals using their high-dimensional feature attributes. Achieving high performance in such high-dimensional heterogeneous treatment effect estimation is challenging because in this setup, it is usual that some features induce sample selection bias while others do not but are predictive of potential outcomes. To avoid losing such predictive feature information, existing methods learn separate feature representations using inverse probability weighting (IPW). However, due to their numerically unstable IPW weights, these methods suffer from estimation bias under a finite sample setup. To develop a numerically robust estimator by weighted representation learning, we propose a differentiable Pareto-smoothed weighting framework that replaces extreme weight values in an end-to-end fashion. Our experimental results show that by effectively correcting the weight values, our proposed method outperforms the existing ones, including traditional weighting schemes.

replace-cross From Linear to Linearizable Optimization: A Novel Framework with Applications to Stationary and Non-stationary DR-submodular Optimization

Authors: Mohammad Pedramfar, Vaneet Aggarwal

Abstract: This paper introduces the notion of upper linearizable/quadratizable functions, a class that extends concavity and DR-submodularity in various settings, including monotone and non-monotone cases over different convex sets. A general meta-algorithm is devised to convert algorithms for linear/quadratic maximization into ones that optimize upper quadratizable functions, offering a unified approach to tackling concave and DR-submodular optimization problems. The paper extends these results to multiple feedback settings, facilitating conversions between semi-bandit/first-order feedback and bandit/zeroth-order feedback, as well as between first/zeroth-order feedback and semi-bandit/bandit feedback. Leveraging this framework, new algorithms are derived using existing results as base algorithms for convex optimization, improving upon state-of-the-art results in various cases. Dynamic and adaptive regret guarantees are obtained for DR-submodular maximization, marking the first algorithms to achieve such guarantees in these settings. Notably, the paper achieves these advancements with fewer assumptions compared to existing state-of-the-art results, underscoring its broad applicability and theoretical contributions to non-convex optimization.

replace-cross Modeling Caption Diversity in Contrastive Vision-Language Pretraining

Authors: Samuel Lavoie, Polina Kirichenko, Mark Ibrahim, Mahmoud Assran, Andrew Gordon Wilson, Aaron Courville, Nicolas Ballas

Abstract: There are a thousand ways to caption an image. Contrastive Language Pretraining (CLIP) on the other hand, works by mapping an image and its caption to a single vector -- limiting how well CLIP-like models can represent the diverse ways to describe an image. In this work, we introduce Llip, Latent Language Image Pretraining, which models the diversity of captions that could match an image. Llip's vision encoder outputs a set of visual features that are mixed into a final representation by conditioning on information derived from the text. We show that Llip outperforms non-contextualized baselines like CLIP and SigLIP on a variety of tasks even with large-scale encoders. Llip improves zero-shot classification by an average of 2.9% zero-shot classification benchmarks with a ViT-G/14 encoder. Specifically, Llip attains a zero-shot top-1 accuracy of 83.5% on ImageNet outperforming a similarly sized CLIP by 1.4%. We also demonstrate improvement on zero-shot retrieval on MS-COCO by 6.0%. We provide a comprehensive analysis of the components introduced by the method and demonstrate that Llip leads to richer visual representations.

replace-cross Dynamic Local Average Treatment Effects

Authors: Ravi B. Sojitra, Vasilis Syrgkanis

Abstract: We consider Dynamic Treatment Regimes (DTRs) with One Sided Noncompliance that arise in applications such as digital recommendations and adaptive medical trials. These are settings where decision makers encourage individuals to take treatments over time, but adapt encouragements based on previous encouragements, treatments, states, and outcomes. Importantly, individuals may not comply with encouragements based on unobserved confounders. For settings with binary treatments and encouragements, we provide nonparametric identification, estimation, and inference for Dynamic Local Average Treatment Effects (LATEs), which are expected values of multiple time period treatment contrasts for the respective complier subpopulations. Under standard assumptions in the Instrumental Variable and DTR literature, we show that one can identify Dynamic LATEs that correspond to treating at single time steps. Under an additional cross-period effect-compliance independence assumption, which is satisfied in Staggered Adoption settings and a generalization of them, which we define as Staggered Compliance settings, we identify Dynamic LATEs for treating in multiple time periods.

replace-cross Generating Probabilistic Scenario Programs from Natural Language

Authors: Karim Elmaaroufi, Devan Shanker, Ana Cismaru, Marcell Vazquez-Chanlatte, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Matei Zaharia, Sanjit A. Seshia

Abstract: For cyber-physical systems (CPS), including robotics and autonomous vehicles, mass deployment has been hindered by fatal errors that occur when operating in rare events. To replicate rare events such as vehicle crashes, many companies have created logging systems and employed crash reconstruction experts to meticulously recreate these valuable events in simulation. However, in these methods, "what if" questions are not easily formulated and answered. We present ScenarioNL, an AI System for creating scenario programs from natural language. Specifically, we generate these programs from police crash reports. Reports normally contain uncertainty about the exact details of the incidents which we represent through a Probabilistic Programming Language (PPL), Scenic. By using Scenic, we can clearly and concisely represent uncertainty and variation over CPS behaviors, properties, and interactions. We demonstrate how commonplace prompting techniques with the best Large Language Models (LLM) are incapable of reasoning about probabilistic scenario programs and generating code for low-resource languages such as Scenic. Our system is comprised of several LLMs chained together with several kinds of prompting strategies, a compiler, and a simulator. We evaluate our system on publicly available autonomous vehicle crash reports in California from the last five years and share insights into how we generate code that is both semantically meaningful and syntactically correct.

replace-cross ERATTA: Extreme RAG for Table To Answers with Large Language Models

Authors: Sohini Roychowdhury, Marko Krema, Anvar Mahammad, Brian Moore, Arijit Mukherjee, Punit Prakashchandra

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) with retrieval augmented-generation (RAG) have been the optimal choice for scalable generative AI solutions in the recent past. However, the choice of use-cases that incorporate RAG with LLMs have been either generic or extremely domain specific, thereby questioning the scalability and generalizability of RAG-LLM approaches. In this work, we propose a unique LLM-based system where multiple LLMs can be invoked to enable data authentication, user query routing, data retrieval and custom prompting for question answering capabilities from data tables that are highly varying and large in size. Our system is tuned to extract information from Enterprise-level data products and furnish real time responses under 10 seconds. One prompt manages user-to-data authentication followed by three prompts to route, fetch data and generate a customizable prompt natural language responses. Additionally, we propose a five metric scoring module that detects and reports hallucinations in the LLM responses. Our proposed system and scoring metrics achieve >90% confidence scores across hundreds of user queries in the sustainability, financial health and social media domains. Extensions to the proposed extreme RAG architectures can enable heterogeneous source querying using LLMs.

replace-cross Improving Automated Distractor Generation for Math Multiple-choice Questions with Overgenerate-and-rank

Authors: Alexander Scarlatos, Wanyong Feng, Digory Smith, Simon Woodhead, Andrew Lan

Abstract: Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are commonly used across all levels of math education since they can be deployed and graded at a large scale. A critical component of MCQs is the distractors, i.e., incorrect answers crafted to reflect student errors or misconceptions. Automatically generating them in math MCQs, e.g., with large language models, has been challenging. In this work, we propose a novel method to enhance the quality of generated distractors through overgenerate-and-rank, training a ranking model to predict how likely distractors are to be selected by real students. Experimental results on a real-world dataset and human evaluation with math teachers show that our ranking model increases alignment with human-authored distractors, although human-authored ones are still preferred over generated ones.

replace-cross Stability and Performance Analysis of Discrete-Time ReLU Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Sahel Vahedi Noori, Bin Hu, Geir Dullerud, Peter Seiler

Abstract: This paper presents sufficient conditions for the stability and $\ell_2$-gain performance of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) with ReLU activation functions. These conditions are derived by combining Lyapunov/dissipativity theory with Quadratic Constraints (QCs) satisfied by repeated ReLUs. We write a general class of QCs for repeated RELUs using known properties for the scalar ReLU. Our stability and performance condition uses these QCs along with a "lifted" representation for the ReLU RNN. We show that the positive homogeneity property satisfied by a scalar ReLU does not expand the class of QCs for the repeated ReLU. We present examples to demonstrate the stability / performance condition and study the effect of the lifting horizon.

replace-cross HMT: Hierarchical Memory Transformer for Long Context Language Processing

Authors: Zifan He, Zongyue Qin, Neha Prakriya, Yizhou Sun, Jason Cong

Abstract: Transformer-based large language models (LLM) have been widely used in language processing applications. However, most of them restrict the context window that permits the model to attend to every token in the inputs. Previous works in recurrent models can memorize past tokens to enable unlimited context and maintain effectiveness. However, they have "flat" memory architectures, which have limitations in selecting and filtering information. Since humans are good at learning and self-adjustment, we speculate that imitating brain memory hierarchy is beneficial for model memorization. We propose the Hierarchical Memory Transformer (HMT), a novel framework that enables and improves models' long-context processing ability by imitating human memorization behavior. Leveraging memory-augmented segment-level recurrence, we organize the memory hierarchy by preserving tokens from early input token segments, passing memory embeddings along the sequence, and recalling relevant information from history. Evaluating general language modeling (Wikitext-103, PG-19) and question-answering tasks (PubMedQA), we show that HMT steadily improves the long-context processing ability of context-constrained and long-context models. With an additional 0.5% - 2% of parameters, HMT can easily plug in and augment future LLMs to handle long context effectively. Our code is open-sourced on Github:


replace-cross On the Shape of Brainscores for Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Jingkai Li

Abstract: With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs), the novel metric "Brainscore" emerged as a means to evaluate the functional similarity between LLMs and human brain/neural systems. Our efforts were dedicated to mining the meaning of the novel score by constructing topological features derived from both human fMRI data involving 190 subjects, and 39 LLMs plus their untrained counterparts. Subsequently, we trained 36 Linear Regression Models and conducted thorough statistical analyses to discern reliable and valid features from our constructed ones. Our findings reveal distinctive feature combinations conducive to interpreting existing brainscores across various brain regions of interest (ROIs) and hemispheres, thereby significantly contributing to advancing interpretable machine learning (iML) studies. The study is enriched by our further discussions and analyses concerning existing brainscores. To our knowledge, this study represents the first attempt to comprehend the novel metric brainscore within this interdisciplinary domain.

replace-cross PLeak: Prompt Leaking Attacks against Large Language Model Applications

Authors: Bo Hui, Haolin Yuan, Neil Gong, Philippe Burlina, Yinzhi Cao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) enable a new ecosystem with many downstream applications, called LLM applications, with different natural language processing tasks. The functionality and performance of an LLM application highly depend on its system prompt, which instructs the backend LLM on what task to perform. Therefore, an LLM application developer often keeps a system prompt confidential to protect its intellectual property. As a result, a natural attack, called prompt leaking, is to steal the system prompt from an LLM application, which compromises the developer's intellectual property. Existing prompt leaking attacks primarily rely on manually crafted queries, and thus achieve limited effectiveness. In this paper, we design a novel, closed-box prompt leaking attack framework, called PLeak, to optimize an adversarial query such that when the attacker sends it to a target LLM application, its response reveals its own system prompt. We formulate finding such an adversarial query as an optimization problem and solve it with a gradient-based method approximately. Our key idea is to break down the optimization goal by optimizing adversary queries for system prompts incrementally, i.e., starting from the first few tokens of each system prompt step by step until the entire length of the system prompt. We evaluate PLeak in both offline settings and for real-world LLM applications, e.g., those on Poe, a popular platform hosting such applications. Our results show that PLeak can effectively leak system prompts and significantly outperforms not only baselines that manually curate queries but also baselines with optimized queries that are modified and adapted from existing jailbreaking attacks. We responsibly reported the issues to Poe and are still waiting for their response. Our implementation is available at this repository:


replace-cross MedConceptsQA: Open Source Medical Concepts QA Benchmark

Authors: Ofir Ben Shoham, Nadav Rappoport

Abstract: We present MedConceptsQA, a dedicated open source benchmark for medical concepts question answering. The benchmark comprises of questions of various medical concepts across different vocabularies: diagnoses, procedures, and drugs. The questions are categorized into three levels of difficulty: easy, medium, and hard. We conducted evaluations of the benchmark using various Large Language Models. Our findings show that pre-trained clinical Large Language Models achieved accuracy levels close to random guessing on this benchmark, despite being pre-trained on medical data. However, GPT-4 achieves an absolute average improvement of nearly 27%-37% (27% for zero-shot learning and 37% for few-shot learning) when compared to clinical Large Language Models. Our benchmark serves as a valuable resource for evaluating the understanding and reasoning of medical concepts by Large Language Models. Our benchmark is available at


replace-cross MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?

Authors: Weihao Yu, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Mamba, an architecture with RNN-like token mixer of state space model (SSM), was recently introduced to address the quadratic complexity of the attention mechanism and subsequently applied to vision tasks. Nevertheless, the performance of Mamba for vision is often underwhelming when compared with convolutional and attention-based models. In this paper, we delve into the essence of Mamba, and conceptually conclude that Mamba is ideally suited for tasks with long-sequence and autoregressive characteristics. For vision tasks, as image classification does not align with either characteristic, we hypothesize that Mamba is not necessary for this task; Detection and segmentation tasks are also not autoregressive, yet they adhere to the long-sequence characteristic, so we believe it is still worthwhile to explore Mamba's potential for these tasks. To empirically verify our hypotheses, we construct a series of models named MambaOut through stacking Mamba blocks while removing their core token mixer, SSM. Experimental results strongly support our hypotheses. Specifically, our MambaOut model surpasses all visual Mamba models on ImageNet image classification, indicating that Mamba is indeed unnecessary for this task. As for detection and segmentation, MambaOut cannot match the performance of state-of-the-art visual Mamba models, demonstrating the potential of Mamba for long-sequence visual tasks. The code is available at