new STAR: A Benchmark for Situated Reasoning in Real-World Videos

Authors: Bo Wu, Shoubin Yu, Zhenfang Chen, Joshua B Tenenbaum, Chuang Gan

Abstract: Reasoning in the real world is not divorced from situations. How to capture the present knowledge from surrounding situations and perform reasoning accordingly is crucial and challenging for machine intelligence. This paper introduces a new benchmark that evaluates the situated reasoning ability via situation abstraction and logic-grounded question answering for real-world videos, called Situated Reasoning in Real-World Videos (STAR Benchmark). This benchmark is built upon the real-world videos associated with human actions or interactions, which are naturally dynamic, compositional, and logical. The dataset includes four types of questions, including interaction, sequence, prediction, and feasibility. We represent the situations in real-world videos by hyper-graphs connecting extracted atomic entities and relations (e.g., actions, persons, objects, and relationships). Besides visual perception, situated reasoning also requires structured situation comprehension and logical reasoning. Questions and answers are procedurally generated. The answering logic of each question is represented by a functional program based on a situation hyper-graph. We compare various existing video reasoning models and find that they all struggle on this challenging situated reasoning task. We further propose a diagnostic neuro-symbolic model that can disentangle visual perception, situation abstraction, language understanding, and functional reasoning to understand the challenges of this benchmark.

new Fusion Intelligence: Confluence of Natural and Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Problem-Solving Efficiency

Authors: Rohan Reddy Kalavakonda (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL), Junjun Huan (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL), Peyman Dehghanzadeh (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL), Archit Jaiswal (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL), Soumyajit Mandal (Instrumentation Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY), Swarup Bhunia (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL)

Abstract: This paper introduces Fusion Intelligence (FI), a bio-inspired intelligent system, where the innate sensing, intelligence and unique actuation abilities of biological organisms such as bees and ants are integrated with the computational power of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This interdisciplinary field seeks to create systems that are not only smart but also adaptive and responsive in ways that mimic the nature. As FI evolves, it holds the promise of revolutionizing the way we approach complex problems, leveraging the best of both biological and digital worlds to create solutions that are more effective, sustainable, and harmonious with the environment. We demonstrate FI's potential to enhance agricultural IoT system performance through a simulated case study on improving insect pollination efficacy (entomophily).

new Human-AI Safety: A Descendant of Generative AI and Control Systems Safety

Authors: Andrea Bajcsy, Jaime F. Fisac

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) is interacting with people at an unprecedented scale, offering new avenues for immense positive impact, but also raising widespread concerns around the potential for individual and societal harm. Today, the predominant paradigm for human-AI safety focuses on fine-tuning the generative model's outputs to better agree with human-provided examples or feedback. In reality, however, the consequences of an AI model's outputs cannot be determined in an isolated context: they are tightly entangled with the responses and behavior of human users over time. In this position paper, we argue that meaningful safety assurances for these AI technologies can only be achieved by reasoning about how the feedback loop formed by the AI's outputs and human behavior may drive the interaction towards different outcomes. To this end, we envision a high-value window of opportunity to bridge the rapidly growing capabilities of generative AI and the dynamical safety frameworks from control theory, laying a new foundation for human-centered AI safety in the coming decades.

new Risk Management for Medical Devices via the Riskman Ontology & Shapes

Authors: Piotr Gorczyca, D\"orthe Arndt, Martin Diller, Pascal Kettmann, Stephan Mennicke, Hannes Strass

Abstract: We introduce the Riskman ontology & shapes for representing and analysing information about risk management for medical devices. Risk management is concerned with taking necessary precautions so a medical device does not cause harms for users or the environment. To date, risk management documentation is submitted to notified bodies (for certification) in the form of semi-structured natural language text. We propose to use classes from the Riskman ontology to logically model risk management documentation and to use the included SHACL constraints to check for syntactic completeness and conformity to relevant standards. In particular, the ontology is modelled after ISO 14971 and the recently published VDE Spec 90025. Our proposed methodology has the potential to save many person-hours for both manufacturers (when creating risk management documentation) as well as notified bodies (when assessing submitted applications for certification), and thus offers considerable benefits for healthcare and, by extension, society as a whole.

new "Hunt Takes Hare": Theming Games Through Game-Word Vector Translation

Authors: Rabii Youn\`es, Cook Michael

Abstract: A game's theme is an important part of its design -- it conveys narrative information, rhetorical messages, helps the player intuit strategies, aids in tutorialisation and more. Thematic elements of games are notoriously difficult for AI systems to understand and manipulate, however, and often rely on large amounts of hand-written interpretations and knowledge. In this paper we present a technique which connects game embeddings, a recent method for modelling game dynamics from log data, and word embeddings, which models semantic information about language. We explain two different approaches for using game embeddings in this way, and show evidence that game embeddings enhance the linguistic translations of game concepts from one theme to another, opening up exciting new possibilities for reasoning about the thematic elements of games in the future.

new Fine-Tuning Large Vision-Language Models as Decision-Making Agents via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yuexiang Zhai, Hao Bai, Zipeng Lin, Jiayi Pan, Shengbang Tong, Yifei Zhou, Alane Suhr, Saining Xie, Yann LeCun, Yi Ma, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Large vision-language models (VLMs) fine-tuned on specialized visual instruction-following data have exhibited impressive language reasoning capabilities across various scenarios. However, this fine-tuning paradigm may not be able to efficiently learn optimal decision-making agents in multi-step goal-directed tasks from interactive environments. To address this challenge, we propose an algorithmic framework that fine-tunes VLMs with reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, our framework provides a task description and then prompts the VLM to generate chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, enabling the VLM to efficiently explore intermediate reasoning steps that lead to the final text-based action. Next, the open-ended text output is parsed into an executable action to interact with the environment to obtain goal-directed task rewards. Finally, our framework uses these task rewards to fine-tune the entire VLM with RL. Empirically, we demonstrate that our proposed framework enhances the decision-making capabilities of VLM agents across various tasks, enabling 7b models to outperform commercial models such as GPT4-V or Gemini. Furthermore, we find that CoT reasoning is a crucial component for performance improvement, as removing the CoT reasoning results in a significant decrease in the overall performance of our method.

new How Far Are We From AGI

Authors: Tao Feng, Chuanyang Jin, Jingyu Liu, Kunlun Zhu, Haoqin Tu, Zirui Cheng, Guanyu Lin, Jiaxuan You

Abstract: The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly impacted human society, driving significant advancements in multiple sectors. Yet, the escalating demands on AI have highlighted the limitations of AI's current offerings, catalyzing a movement towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). AGI, distinguished by its ability to execute diverse real-world tasks with efficiency and effectiveness comparable to human intelligence, reflects a paramount milestone in AI evolution. While existing works have summarized specific recent advancements of AI, they lack a comprehensive discussion of AGI's definitions, goals, and developmental trajectories. Different from existing survey papers, this paper delves into the pivotal questions of our proximity to AGI and the strategies necessary for its realization through extensive surveys, discussions, and original perspectives. We start by articulating the requisite capability frameworks for AGI, integrating the internal, interface, and system dimensions. As the realization of AGI requires more advanced capabilities and adherence to stringent constraints, we further discuss necessary AGI alignment technologies to harmonize these factors. Notably, we emphasize the importance of approaching AGI responsibly by first defining the key levels of AGI progression, followed by the evaluation framework that situates the status-quo, and finally giving our roadmap of how to reach the pinnacle of AGI. Moreover, to give tangible insights into the ubiquitous impact of the integration of AI, we outline existing challenges and potential pathways toward AGI in multiple domains. In sum, serving as a pioneering exploration into the current state and future trajectory of AGI, this paper aims to foster a collective comprehension and catalyze broader public discussions among researchers and practitioners on AGI.

cross An AI System Evaluation Framework for Advancing AI Safety: Terminology, Taxonomy, Lifecycle Mapping

Authors: Boming Xia, Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Zhenchang Xing

Abstract: The advent of advanced AI underscores the urgent need for comprehensive safety evaluations, necessitating collaboration across communities (i.e., AI, software engineering, and governance). However, divergent practices and terminologies across these communities, combined with the complexity of AI systems-of which models are only a part-and environmental affordances (e.g., access to tools), obstruct effective communication and comprehensive evaluation. This paper proposes a framework for AI system evaluation comprising three components: 1) harmonised terminology to facilitate communication across communities involved in AI safety evaluation; 2) a taxonomy identifying essential elements for AI system evaluation; 3) a mapping between AI lifecycle, stakeholders, and requisite evaluations for accountable AI supply chain. This framework catalyses a deeper discourse on AI system evaluation beyond model-centric approaches.

cross Intrinsic Fairness-Accuracy Tradeoffs under Equalized Odds

Authors: Meiyu Zhong, Ravi Tandon

Abstract: With the growing adoption of machine learning (ML) systems in areas like law enforcement, criminal justice, finance, hiring, and admissions, it is increasingly critical to guarantee the fairness of decisions assisted by ML. In this paper, we study the tradeoff between fairness and accuracy under the statistical notion of equalized odds. We present a new upper bound on the accuracy (that holds for any classifier), as a function of the fairness budget. In addition, our bounds also exhibit dependence on the underlying statistics of the data, labels and the sensitive group attributes. We validate our theoretical upper bounds through empirical analysis on three real-world datasets: COMPAS, Adult, and Law School. Specifically, we compare our upper bound to the tradeoffs that are achieved by various existing fair classifiers in the literature. Our results show that achieving high accuracy subject to a low-bias could be fundamentally limited based on the statistical disparity across the groups.

cross Deep-learning-based clustering of OCT images for biomarker discovery in age-related macular degeneration (Pinnacle study report 4)

Authors: Robbie Holland, Rebecca Kaye, Ahmed M. Hagag, Oliver Leingang, Thomas R. P. Taylor, Hrvoje Bogunovi\'c, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Hendrik P. N. Scholl, Daniel Rueckert, Andrew J. Lotery, Sobha Sivaprasad, Martin J. Menten

Abstract: Diseases are currently managed by grading systems, where patients are stratified by grading systems into stages that indicate patient risk and guide clinical management. However, these broad categories typically lack prognostic value, and proposals for new biomarkers are currently limited to anecdotal observations. In this work, we introduce a deep-learning-based biomarker proposal system for the purpose of accelerating biomarker discovery in age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It works by first training a neural network using self-supervised contrastive learning to discover, without any clinical annotations, features relating to both known and unknown AMD biomarkers present in 46,496 retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. To interpret the discovered biomarkers, we partition the images into 30 subsets, termed clusters, that contain similar features. We then conduct two parallel 1.5-hour semi-structured interviews with two independent teams of retinal specialists that describe each cluster in clinical language. Overall, both teams independently identified clearly distinct characteristics in 27 of 30 clusters, of which 23 were related to AMD. Seven were recognised as known biomarkers already used in established grading systems and 16 depicted biomarker combinations or subtypes that are either not yet used in grading systems, were only recently proposed, or were unknown. Clusters separated incomplete from complete retinal atrophy, intraretinal from subretinal fluid and thick from thin choroids, and in simulation outperformed clinically-used grading systems in prognostic value. Overall, contrastive learning enabled the automatic proposal of AMD biomarkers that go beyond the set used by clinically established grading systems. Ultimately, we envision that equipping clinicians with discovery-oriented deep-learning tools can accelerate discovery of novel prognostic biomarkers.

cross Mask-based Invisible Backdoor Attacks on Object Detection

Authors: Shin Jeong Jin

Abstract: Deep learning models have achieved unprecedented performance in the domain of object detection, resulting in breakthroughs in areas such as autonomous driving and security. However, deep learning models are vulnerable to backdoor attacks. These attacks prompt models to behave similarly to standard models without a trigger; however, they act maliciously upon detecting a predefined trigger. Despite extensive research on backdoor attacks in image classification, their application to object detection remains relatively underexplored. Given the widespread application of object detection in critical real-world scenarios, the sensitivity and potential impact of these vulnerabilities cannot be overstated. In this study, we propose an effective invisible backdoor attack on object detection utilizing a mask-based approach. Three distinct attack scenarios were explored for object detection: object disappearance, object misclassification, and object generation attack. Through extensive experiments, we comprehensively examined the effectiveness of these attacks and tested certain defense methods to determine effective countermeasures.

cross ODFormer: Semantic Fundus Image Segmentation Using Transformer for Optic Nerve Head Detection

Authors: Jiayi Wang, Yi-An Mao, Xiaoyu Ma, Sicen Guo, Yuting Shao, Xiao Lv, Wenting Han, Mark Christopher, Linda M. Zangwill, Yanlong Bi, Rui Fan

Abstract: Optic nerve head (ONH) detection has been an important topic in the medical community for many years. Previous approaches in this domain primarily center on the analysis, localization, and detection of fundus images. However, the non-negligible discrepancy between fundus image datasets, all exclusively generated using a single type of fundus camera, challenges the generalizability of ONH detection approaches. Furthermore, despite the numerous recent semantic segmentation methods employing convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers, there is currently a lack of benchmarks for these state-of-the-art (SoTA) networks trained specifically for ONH detection. Therefore, in this article, we first introduce ODFormer, a network based on the Swin Transformer architecture. ODFormer is designed to enhance the extraction of correlation information between features, leading to improved generalizability. In our experimental evaluations, we compare our top-performing implementation with 13 SoTA CNNs and Transformers. The results indicate that our proposed ODFormer outperforms all other approaches in ONH detection. Subsequently, we release TongjiU-DCOD dataset, the first multi-resolution mixed fundus image dataset with corresponding ONH ground-truth annotations. This dataset comprises 400 fundus images captured using two different types of fundus cameras with varying resolutions. This diversity enhances the availability of data regularity information, contributing to the improved generalizability of the model. Moreover, we establish a benchmark to thoroughly evaluate the performance for ONH detection of SoTA networks designed for semantic segmentation with extensive experiments.

cross Computer aided diagnosis system for Alzheimers disease using principal component analysis and machine learning based approaches

Authors: Lilia Lazli

Abstract: Alzheimers disease (AD) is a severe neurological brain disorder. It is not curable, but earlier detection can help improve symptoms in a great deal. The machine learning based approaches are popular and well motivated models for medical image processing tasks such as computer-aided diagnosis. These techniques can improve the process for accurate diagnosis of AD. In this paper, we investigate the performance of these techniques for AD detection and classification using brain MRI and PET images from the OASIS database. The proposed system takes advantage of the artificial neural network and support vector machines as classifiers, and principal component analysis as a feature extraction technique. The results indicate that the combined scheme achieves good accuracy and offers a significant advantage over the other approaches.

cross Co-learning-aided Multi-modal-deep-learning Framework of Passive DOA Estimators for a Heterogeneous Hybrid Massive MIMO Receiver

Authors: Jiatong Bai, Feng Shu, Qinghe Zheng, Bo Xu, Baihua Shi, Yiwen Chen, Weibin Zhang, Xianpeng Wang

Abstract: Due to its excellent performance in rate and resolution, fully-digital (FD) massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna arrays has been widely applied in data transmission and direction of arrival (DOA) measurements, etc. But it confronts with two main challenges: high computational complexity and circuit cost. The two problems may be addressed well by hybrid analog-digital (HAD) structure. But there exists the problem of phase ambiguity for HAD, which leads to its low-efficiency or high-latency. Does exist there such a MIMO structure of owning low-cost, low-complexity and high time efficiency at the same time. To satisfy the three properties, a novel heterogeneous hybrid MIMO receiver structure of integrating FD and heterogeneous HAD ($\rm{H}^2$AD-FD) is proposed and corresponding multi-modal (MD)-learning framework is developed. The framework includes three major stages: 1) generate the candidate sets via root multiple signal classification (Root-MUSIC) or deep learning (DL); 2) infer the class of true solutions from candidate sets using machine learning (ML) methods; 3) fuse the two-part true solutions to achieve a better DOA estimation. The above process form two methods named MD-Root-MUSIC and MDDL. To improve DOA estimation accuracy and reduce the clustering complexity, a co-learning-aided MD framework is proposed to form two enhanced methods named CoMDDL and CoMD-RootMUSIC. Moreover, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for the proposed $\rm{H}^2$AD-FD structure is also derived. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed four methods could approach the CRLB for signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) > 0 dB and the proposed CoMDDL and MDDL perform better than CoMD-RootMUSIC and MD-RootMUSIC, particularly in the extremely low SNR region.

cross GAD: A Real-time Gait Anomaly Detection System with Online Adaptive Learning

Authors: Ming-Chang Lee, Jia-Chun Lin, Sokratis Katsikas

Abstract: Gait anomaly detection is a task that involves detecting deviations from a person's normal gait pattern. These deviations can indicate health issues and medical conditions in the healthcare domain, or fraudulent impersonation and unauthorized identity access in the security domain. A number of gait anomaly detection approaches have been introduced, but many of them require offline data preprocessing, offline model learning, setting parameters, and so on, which might restrict their effectiveness and applicability in real-world scenarios. To address these issues, this paper introduces GAD, a real-time gait anomaly detection system. GAD focuses on detecting anomalies within an individual's three-dimensional accelerometer readings based on dimensionality reduction and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Upon being launched, GAD begins collecting a gait segment from the user and training an anomaly detector to learn the user's walking pattern on the fly. If the subsequent model verification is successful, which involves validating the trained detector using the user's subsequent steps, the detector is employed to identify abnormalities in the user's subsequent gait readings at the user's request. The anomaly detector will be retained online to adapt to minor pattern changes and will undergo retraining as long as it cannot provide adequate prediction. We explored two methods for capturing users' gait segments: a personalized method tailored to each individual's step length, and a uniform method utilizing a fixed step length. Experimental results using an open-source gait dataset show that GAD achieves a higher detection accuracy ratio when combined with the personalized method.

cross Stressor Type Matters! -- Exploring Factors Influencing Cross-Dataset Generalizability of Physiological Stress Detection

Authors: Pooja Prajod, Bhargavi Mahesh, Elisabeth Andr\'e

Abstract: Automatic stress detection using heart rate variability (HRV) features has gained significant traction as it utilizes unobtrusive wearable sensors measuring signals like electrocardiogram (ECG) or blood volume pulse (BVP). However, detecting stress through such physiological signals presents a considerable challenge owing to the variations in recorded signals influenced by factors, such as perceived stress intensity and measurement devices. Consequently, stress detection models developed on one dataset may perform poorly on unseen data collected under different conditions. To address this challenge, this study explores the generalizability of machine learning models trained on HRV features for binary stress detection. Our goal extends beyond evaluating generalization performance; we aim to identify the characteristics of datasets that have the most significant influence on generalizability. We leverage four publicly available stress datasets (WESAD, SWELL-KW, ForDigitStress, VerBIO) that vary in at least one of the characteristics such as stress elicitation techniques, stress intensity, and sensor devices. Employing a cross-dataset evaluation approach, we explore which of these characteristics strongly influence model generalizability. Our findings reveal a crucial factor affecting model generalizability: stressor type. Models achieved good performance across datasets when the type of stressor (e.g., social stress in our case) remains consistent. Factors like stress intensity or brand of the measurement device had minimal impact on cross-dataset performance. Based on our findings, we recommend matching the stressor type when deploying HRV-based stress models in new environments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically investigate factors influencing the cross-dataset applicability of HRV-based stress models.

cross ECG-SMART-NET: A Deep Learning Architecture for Precise ECG Diagnosis of Occlusion Myocardial Infarction

Authors: Nathan T. Riek, Murat Akcakaya, Zeineb Bouzid, Tanmay Gokhale, Stephanie Helman, Karina Kraevsky-Philips, Rui Qi Ji, Ervin Sejdic, Jessica K. Z\`egre-Hemsey, Christian Martin-Gill, Clifton W. Callaway, Samir Saba, Salah Al-Zaiti

Abstract: In this paper we describe ECG-SMART-NET for identification of occlusion myocardial infarction (OMI). OMI is a severe form of heart attack characterized by complete blockage of one or more coronary arteries requiring immediate referral for cardiac catheterization to restore blood flow to the heart. Two thirds of OMI cases are difficult to visually identify from a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and can be potentially fatal if not identified in a timely fashion. Previous works on this topic are scarce, and current state-of-the-art evidence suggests that both random forests with engineered features and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are promising approaches to improve the ECG detection of OMI. While the ResNet architecture has been successfully adapted for use with ECG recordings, it is not ideally suited to capture informative temporal features within each lead and the spatial concordance or discordance across leads. We propose a clinically informed modification of the ResNet-18 architecture. The model first learns temporal features through temporal convolutional layers with 1xk kernels followed by a spatial convolutional layer, after the residual blocks, with 12x1 kernels to learn spatial features. The new ECG-SMART-NET was benchmarked against the original ResNet-18 and other state-of-the-art models on a multisite real-word clinical dataset that consists of 10,893 ECGs from 7,297 unique patients (rate of OMI = 6.5%). ECG-SMART-NET outperformed other models in the classification of OMI with a test AUC score of 0.889 +/- 0.027 and a test average precision score of 0.587 +/- 0.087.

cross Deep Neural Operator Enabled Digital Twin Modeling for Additive Manufacturing

Authors: Ning Liu, Xuxiao Li, Manoj R. Rajanna, Edward W. Reutzel, Brady Sawyer, Prahalada Rao, Jim Lua, Nam Phan, Yue Yu

Abstract: A digital twin (DT), with the components of a physics-based model, a data-driven model, and a machine learning (ML) enabled efficient surrogate, behaves as a virtual twin of the real-world physical process. In terms of Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) based additive manufacturing (AM), a DT can predict the current and future states of the melt pool and the resulting defects corresponding to the input laser parameters, evolve itself by assimilating in-situ sensor data, and optimize the laser parameters to mitigate defect formation. In this paper, we present a deep neural operator enabled computational framework of the DT for closed-loop feedback control of the L-PBF process. This is accomplished by building a high-fidelity computational model to accurately represent the melt pool states, an efficient surrogate model to approximate the melt pool solution field, followed by an physics-based procedure to extract information from the computed melt pool simulation that can further be correlated to the defect quantities of interest (e.g., surface roughness). In particular, we leverage the data generated from the high-fidelity physics-based model and train a series of Fourier neural operator (FNO) based ML models to effectively learn the relation between the input laser parameters and the corresponding full temperature field of the melt pool. Subsequently, a set of physics-informed variables such as the melt pool dimensions and the peak temperature can be extracted to compute the resulting defects. An optimization algorithm is then exercised to control laser input and minimize defects. On the other hand, the constructed DT can also evolve with the physical twin via offline finetuning and online material calibration. Finally, a probabilistic framework is adopted for uncertainty quantification. The developed DT is envisioned to guide the AM process and facilitate high-quality manufacturing.

cross Error-margin Analysis for Hidden Neuron Activation Labels

Authors: Abhilekha Dalal, Rushrukh Rayan, Pascal Hitzler

Abstract: Understanding how high-level concepts are represented within artificial neural networks is a fundamental challenge in the field of artificial intelligence. While existing literature in explainable AI emphasizes the importance of labeling neurons with concepts to understand their functioning, they mostly focus on identifying what stimulus activates a neuron in most cases, this corresponds to the notion of recall in information retrieval. We argue that this is only the first-part of a two-part job, it is imperative to also investigate neuron responses to other stimuli, i.e., their precision. We call this the neuron labels error margin.

cross An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Enhance Transformer Performance in Genomic Selection for Crop Breeding

Authors: Renqi Chen, Wenwei Han, Haohao Zhang, Haoyang Su, Zhefan Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Hao Jiang, Wanli Ouyang, Nanqing Dong

Abstract: Genomic selection (GS), as a critical crop breeding strategy, plays a key role in enhancing food production and addressing the global hunger crisis. The predominant approaches in GS currently revolve around employing statistical methods for prediction. However, statistical methods often come with two main limitations: strong statistical priors and linear assumptions. A recent trend is to capture the non-linear relationships between markers by deep learning. However, as crop datasets are commonly long sequences with limited samples, the robustness of deep learning models, especially Transformers, remains a challenge. In this work, to unleash the unexplored potential of attention mechanism for the task of interest, we propose a simple yet effective Transformer-based framework that enables end-to-end training of the whole sequence. Via experiments on rice3k and wheat3k datasets, we show that, with simple tricks such as k-mer tokenization and random masking, Transformer can achieve overall superior performance against seminal methods on GS tasks of interest.

cross Factual Serialization Enhancement: A Key Innovation for Chest X-ray Report Generation

Authors: Kang Liu, Zhuoqi Ma, Mengmeng Liu, Zhicheng Jiao, Xiaolu Kang, Qiguang Miao, Kun Xie

Abstract: The automation of writing imaging reports is a valuable tool for alleviating the workload of radiologists. Crucial steps in this process involve the cross-modal alignment between medical images and reports, as well as the retrieval of similar historical cases. However, the presence of presentation-style vocabulary (e.g., sentence structure and grammar) in reports poses challenges for cross-modal alignment. Additionally, existing methods for similar historical cases retrieval face suboptimal performance owing to the modal gap issue. In response, this paper introduces a novel method, named Factual Serialization Enhancement (FSE), for chest X-ray report generation. FSE begins with the structural entities approach to eliminate presentation-style vocabulary in reports, providing specific input for our model. Then, uni-modal features are learned through cross-modal alignment between images and factual serialization in reports. Subsequently, we present a novel approach to retrieve similar historical cases from the training set, leveraging aligned image features. These features implicitly preserve semantic similarity with their corresponding reference reports, enabling us to calculate similarity solely among aligned features. This effectively eliminates the modal gap issue for knowledge retrieval without the requirement for disease labels. Finally, the cross-modal fusion network is employed to query valuable information from these cases, enriching image features and aiding the text decoder in generating high-quality reports. Experiments on MIMIC-CXR and IU X-ray datasets from both specific and general scenarios demonstrate the superiority of FSE over state-of-the-art approaches in both natural language generation and clinical efficacy metrics.

cross Training Deep Learning Models with Hybrid Datasets for Robust Automatic Target Detection on real SAR images

Authors: Benjamin Camus (DGA.MI), Th\'eo Voillemin (DGA.MI), Corentin Le Barbu (DGA.MI), Jean-Christophe Louvign\'e (DGA.MI), Carole Belloni (DGA.MI), Emmanuel Vall\'ee (DGA.MI)

Abstract: In this work, we propose to tackle several challenges hindering the development of Automatic Target Detection (ATD) algorithms for ground targets in SAR images. To address the lack of representative training data, we propose a Deep Learning approach to train ATD models with synthetic target signatures produced with the MOCEM simulator. We define an incrustation pipeline to incorporate synthetic targets into real backgrounds. Using this hybrid dataset, we train ATD models specifically tailored to bridge the domain gap between synthetic and real data. Our approach notably relies on massive physics-based data augmentation techniques and Adversarial Training of two deep-learning detection architectures. We then test these models on several datasets, including (1) patchworks of real SAR images, (2) images with the incrustation of real targets in real backgrounds, and (3) images with the incrustation of synthetic background objects in real backgrounds. Results show that the produced hybrid datasets are exempt from image overlay bias. Our approach can reach up to 90% of Average Precision on real data while exclusively using synthetic targets for training.

cross Unveiling Hallucination in Text, Image, Video, and Audio Foundation Models: A Comprehensive Review

Authors: Pranab Sahoo, Prabhash Meharia, Akash Ghosh, Sriparna Saha, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: The rapid advancement of foundation models (FMs) across language, image, audio, and video domains has shown remarkable capabilities in diverse tasks. However, the proliferation of FMs brings forth a critical challenge: the potential to generate hallucinated outputs, particularly in high-stakes applications. The tendency of foundation models to produce hallucinated content arguably represents the biggest hindrance to their widespread adoption in real-world scenarios, especially in domains where reliability and accuracy are paramount. This survey paper presents a comprehensive overview of recent developments that aim to identify and mitigate the problem of hallucination in FMs, spanning text, image, video, and audio modalities. By synthesizing recent advancements in detecting and mitigating hallucination across various modalities, the paper aims to provide valuable insights for researchers, developers, and practitioners. Essentially, it establishes a clear framework encompassing definition, taxonomy, and detection strategies for addressing hallucination in multimodal foundation models, laying the foundation for future research in this pivotal area.

cross A Comprehensive Survey on Data Augmentation

Authors: Zaitian Wang, Pengfei Wang, Kunpeng Liu, Pengyang Wang, Yanjie Fu, Chang-Tien Lu, Charu C. Aggarwal, Jian Pei, Yuanchun Zhou

Abstract: Data augmentation is a series of techniques that generate high-quality artificial data by manipulating existing data samples. By leveraging data augmentation techniques, AI models can achieve significantly improved applicability in tasks involving scarce or imbalanced datasets, thereby substantially enhancing AI models' generalization capabilities. Existing literature surveys only focus on a certain type of specific modality data, and categorize these methods from modality-specific and operation-centric perspectives, which lacks a consistent summary of data augmentation methods across multiple modalities and limits the comprehension of how existing data samples serve the data augmentation process. To bridge this gap, we propose a more enlightening taxonomy that encompasses data augmentation techniques for different common data modalities. Specifically, from a data-centric perspective, this survey proposes a modality-independent taxonomy by investigating how to take advantage of the intrinsic relationship between data samples, including single-wise, pair-wise, and population-wise sample data augmentation methods. Additionally, we categorize data augmentation methods across five data modalities through a unified inductive approach.

cross A Survey of Generative Techniques for Spatial-Temporal Data Mining

Authors: Qianru Zhang, Haixin Wang, Cheng Long, Liangcai Su, Xingwei He, Jianlong Chang, Tailin Wu, Hongzhi Yin, Siu-Ming Yiu, Qi Tian, Christian S. Jensen

Abstract: This paper focuses on the integration of generative techniques into spatial-temporal data mining, considering the significant growth and diverse nature of spatial-temporal data. With the advancements in RNNs, CNNs, and other non-generative techniques, researchers have explored their application in capturing temporal and spatial dependencies within spatial-temporal data. However, the emergence of generative techniques such as LLMs, SSL, Seq2Seq and diffusion models has opened up new possibilities for enhancing spatial-temporal data mining further. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of generative technique-based spatial-temporal methods and introduces a standardized framework specifically designed for the spatial-temporal data mining pipeline. By offering a detailed review and a novel taxonomy of spatial-temporal methodology utilizing generative techniques, the paper enables a deeper understanding of the various techniques employed in this field. Furthermore, the paper highlights promising future research directions, urging researchers to delve deeper into spatial-temporal data mining. It emphasizes the need to explore untapped opportunities and push the boundaries of knowledge to unlock new insights and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of spatial-temporal data mining. By integrating generative techniques and providing a standardized framework, the paper contributes to advancing the field and encourages researchers to explore the vast potential of generative techniques in spatial-temporal data mining.

cross SQL-to-Schema Enhances Schema Linking in Text-to-SQL

Authors: Sun Yang, Qiong Su, Zhishuai Li, Ziyue Li, Hangyu Mao, Chenxi Liu, Rui Zhao

Abstract: In sophisticated existing Text-to-SQL methods exhibit errors in various proportions, including schema-linking errors (incorrect columns, tables, or extra columns), join errors, nested errors, and group-by errors. Consequently, there is a critical need to filter out unnecessary tables and columns, directing the language models attention to relevant tables and columns with schema-linking, to reduce errors during SQL generation. Previous approaches have involved sorting tables and columns based on their relevance to the question, selecting the top-ranked ones for sorting, or directly identifying the necessary tables and columns for SQL generation. However, these methods face challenges such as lengthy model training times, high consumption of expensive GPT-4 tokens in few-shot prompts, or suboptimal performance in schema linking. Therefore, we propose an inventive schema linking method in two steps: Firstly, generate an initial SQL query by utilizing the complete database schema. Subsequently, extract tables and columns from the initial SQL query to create a concise schema. Using CodeLlama-34B, when comparing the schemas obtained by mainstream methods with ours for SQL generation, our schema performs optimally. Leveraging GPT4, our SQL generation method achieved results that are comparable to mainstream Text-to-SQL methods on the Spider dataset.

cross Simplicity within biological complexity

Authors: Natasa Przulj, Noel Malod-Dognin

Abstract: Heterogeneous, interconnected, systems-level, molecular data have become increasingly available and key in precision medicine. We need to utilize them to better stratify patients into risk groups, discover new biomarkers and targets, repurpose known and discover new drugs to personalize medical treatment. Existing methodologies are limited and a paradigm shift is needed to achieve quantitative and qualitative breakthroughs. In this perspective paper, we survey the literature and argue for the development of a comprehensive, general framework for embedding of multi-scale molecular network data that would enable their explainable exploitation in precision medicine in linear time. Network embedding methods map nodes to points in low-dimensional space, so that proximity in the learned space reflects the network's topology-function relationships. They have recently achieved unprecedented performance on hard problems of utilizing few omic data in various biomedical applications. However, research thus far has been limited to special variants of the problems and data, with the performance depending on the underlying topology-function network biology hypotheses, the biomedical applications and evaluation metrics. The availability of multi-omic data, modern graph embedding paradigms and compute power call for a creation and training of efficient, explainable and controllable models, having no potentially dangerous, unexpected behaviour, that make a qualitative breakthrough. We propose to develop a general, comprehensive embedding framework for multi-omic network data, from models to efficient and scalable software implementation, and to apply it to biomedical informatics. It will lead to a paradigm shift in computational and biomedical understanding of data and diseases that will open up ways to solving some of the major bottlenecks in precision medicine and other domains.

cross Enhancing Maritime Trajectory Forecasting via H3 Index and Causal Language Modelling (CLM)

Authors: Nicolas Drapier, Aladine Chetouani, Aur\'elien Chateigner

Abstract: The prediction of ship trajectories is a growing field of study in artificial intelligence. Traditional methods rely on the use of LSTM, GRU networks, and even Transformer architectures for the prediction of spatio-temporal series. This study proposes a viable alternative for predicting these trajectories using only GNSS positions. It considers this spatio-temporal problem as a natural language processing problem. The latitude/longitude coordinates of AIS messages are transformed into cell identifiers using the H3 index. Thanks to the pseudo-octal representation, it becomes easier for language models to learn the spatial hierarchy of the H3 index. The method is compared with a classical Kalman filter, widely used in the maritime domain, and introduces the Fr\'echet distance as the main evaluation metric. We show that it is possible to predict ship trajectories quite precisely up to 8 hours with 30 minutes of context. We demonstrate that this alternative works well enough to predict trajectories worldwide.

cross When AI Eats Itself: On the Caveats of Data Pollution in the Era of Generative AI

Authors: Xiaodan Xing, Fadong Shi, Jiahao Huang, Yinzhe Wu, Yang Nan, Sheng Zhang, Yingying Fang, Mike Roberts, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb, Javier Del Ser, Guang Yang

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and large models are producing realistic outputs across various domains, such as images, text, speech, and music. Creating these advanced generative models requires significant resources, particularly large and high-quality datasets. To minimize training expenses, many algorithm developers use data created by the models themselves as a cost-effective training solution. However, not all synthetic data effectively improve model performance, necessitating a strategic balance in the use of real versus synthetic data to optimize outcomes. Currently, the previously well-controlled integration of real and synthetic data is becoming uncontrollable. The widespread and unregulated dissemination of synthetic data online leads to the contamination of datasets traditionally compiled through web scraping, now mixed with unlabeled synthetic data. This trend portends a future where generative AI systems may increasingly rely blindly on consuming self-generated data, raising concerns about model performance and ethical issues. What will happen if generative AI continuously consumes itself without discernment? What measures can we take to mitigate the potential adverse effects? There is a significant gap in the scientific literature regarding the impact of synthetic data use in generative AI, particularly in terms of the fusion of multimodal information. To address this research gap, this review investigates the consequences of integrating synthetic data blindly on training generative AI on both image and text modalities and explores strategies to mitigate these effects. The goal is to offer a comprehensive view of synthetic data's role, advocating for a balanced approach to its use and exploring practices that promote the sustainable development of generative AI technologies in the era of large models.

cross Properties that allow or prohibit transferability of adversarial attacks among quantized networks

Authors: Abhishek Shrestha, J\"urgen Gro{\ss}mann

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples. Further, these adversarial examples are found to be transferable from the source network in which they are crafted to a black-box target network. As the trend of using deep learning on embedded devices grows, it becomes relevant to study the transferability properties of adversarial examples among compressed networks. In this paper, we consider quantization as a network compression technique and evaluate the performance of transfer-based attacks when the source and target networks are quantized at different bitwidths. We explore how algorithm specific properties affect transferability by considering various adversarial example generation algorithms. Furthermore, we examine transferability in a more realistic scenario where the source and target networks may differ in bitwidth and other model-related properties like capacity and architecture. We find that although quantization reduces transferability, certain attack types demonstrate an ability to enhance it. Additionally, the average transferability of adversarial examples among quantized versions of a network can be used to estimate the transferability to quantized target networks with varying capacity and architecture.

cross Aggregate Representation Measure for Predictive Model Reusability

Authors: Vishwesh Sangarya, Richard Bradford, Jung-Eun Kim

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a predictive quantifier to estimate the retraining cost of a trained model in distribution shifts. The proposed Aggregated Representation Measure (ARM) quantifies the change in the model's representation from the old to new data distribution. It provides, before actually retraining the model, a single concise index of resources - epochs, energy, and carbon emissions - required for the retraining. This enables reuse of a model with a much lower cost than training a new model from scratch. The experimental results indicate that ARM reasonably predicts retraining costs for varying noise intensities and enables comparisons among multiple model architectures to determine the most cost-effective and sustainable option.

cross Improving Label Error Detection and Elimination with Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Johannes Jakubik, Michael V\"ossing, Manil Maskey, Christopher W\"olfle, Gerhard Satzger

Abstract: Identifying and handling label errors can significantly enhance the accuracy of supervised machine learning models. Recent approaches for identifying label errors demonstrate that a low self-confidence of models with respect to a certain label represents a good indicator of an erroneous label. However, latest work has built on softmax probabilities to measure self-confidence. In this paper, we argue that -- as softmax probabilities do not reflect a model's predictive uncertainty accurately -- label error detection requires more sophisticated measures of model uncertainty. Therefore, we develop a range of novel, model-agnostic algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification-Based Label Error Detection (UQ-LED), which combine the techniques of confident learning (CL), Monte Carlo Dropout (MCD), model uncertainty measures (e.g., entropy), and ensemble learning to enhance label error detection. We comprehensively evaluate our algorithms on four image classification benchmark datasets in two stages. In the first stage, we demonstrate that our UQ-LED algorithms outperform state-of-the-art confident learning in identifying label errors. In the second stage, we show that removing all identified errors from the training data based on our approach results in higher accuracies than training on all available labeled data. Importantly, besides our contributions to the detection of label errors, we particularly propose a novel approach to generate realistic, class-dependent label errors synthetically. Overall, our study demonstrates that selectively cleaning datasets with UQ-LED algorithms leads to more accurate classifications than using larger, noisier datasets.

cross Elements of World Knowledge (EWOK): A cognition-inspired framework for evaluating basic world knowledge in language models

Authors: Anna A. Ivanova, Aalok Sathe, Benjamin Lipkin, Unnathi Kumar, Setayesh Radkani, Thomas H. Clark, Carina Kauf, Jennifer Hu, R. T. Pramod, Gabriel Grand, Vivian Paulun, Maria Ryskina, Ekin Akyurek, Ethan Wilcox, Nafisa Rashid, Leshem Chosen, Roger Levy, Evelina Fedorenko, Joshua Tenenbaum, Jacob Andreas

Abstract: The ability to build and leverage world models is essential for a general-purpose AI agent. Testing such capabilities is hard, in part because the building blocks of world models are ill-defined. We present Elements of World Knowledge (EWOK), a framework for evaluating world modeling in language models by testing their ability to use knowledge of a concept to match a target text with a plausible/implausible context. EWOK targets specific concepts from multiple knowledge domains known to be vital for world modeling in humans. Domains range from social interactions (help/hinder) to spatial relations (left/right). Both, contexts and targets are minimal pairs. Objects, agents, and locations in the items can be flexibly filled in enabling easy generation of multiple controlled datasets. We then introduce EWOK-CORE-1.0, a dataset of 4,374 items covering 11 world knowledge domains. We evaluate 20 openweights large language models (1.3B--70B parameters) across a battery of evaluation paradigms along with a human norming study comprising 12,480 measurements. The overall performance of all tested models is worse than human performance, with results varying drastically across domains. These data highlight simple cases where even large models fail and present rich avenues for targeted research on LLM world modeling capabilities.

cross CLASSP: a Biologically-Inspired Approach to Continual Learning through Adjustment Suppression and Sparsity Promotion

Authors: Oswaldo Ludwig

Abstract: This paper introduces a new biologically-inspired training method named Continual Learning through Adjustment Suppression and Sparsity Promotion (CLASSP). CLASSP is based on two main principles observed in neuroscience, particularly in the context of synaptic transmission and Long-Term Potentiation (LTP). The first principle is a decay rate over the weight adjustment, which is implemented as a generalization of the AdaGrad optimization algorithm. This means that weights that have received many updates should have lower learning rates as they likely encode important information about previously seen data. However, this principle results in a diffuse distribution of updates throughout the model, as it promotes updates for weights that haven't been previously updated, while a sparse update distribution is preferred to leave weights unassigned for future tasks. Therefore, the second principle introduces a threshold on the loss gradient. This promotes sparse learning by updating a weight only if the loss gradient with respect to that weight is above a certain threshold, i.e. only updating weights with a significant impact on the current loss. Both principles reflect phenomena observed in LTP, where a threshold effect and a gradual saturation of potentiation have been observed. CLASSP is implemented in a Python/PyTorch class, making it applicable to any model. When compared with Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) using Computer Vision datasets, CLASSP demonstrates superior performance in terms of accuracy and memory footprint.

cross Detecting Continuous Integration Skip : A Reinforcement Learning-based Approach

Authors: Hajer Mhalla, Mohamed Aymen Saied

Abstract: The software industry is experiencing a surge in the adoption of Continuous Integration (CI) practices, both in commercial and open-source environments. CI practices facilitate the seamless integration of code changes by employing automated building and testing processes. Some frameworks, such as Travis CI and GitHub Actions have significantly contributed to simplifying and enhancing the CI process, rendering it more accessible and efficient for development teams. Despite the availability these CI tools , developers continue to encounter difficulties in accurately flagging commits as either suitable for CI execution or as candidates for skipping especially for large projects with many dependencies. Inaccurate flagging of commits can lead to resource-intensive test and build processes, as even minor commits may inadvertently trigger the Continuous Integration process. The problem of detecting CI-skip commits, can be modeled as binary classification task where we decide to either build a commit or to skip it. This study proposes a novel solution that leverages Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques to construct an optimal Decision Tree classifier that addresses the imbalanced nature of the data. We evaluate our solution by running a within and a cross project validation benchmark on diverse range of Open-Source projects hosted on GitHub which showcased superior results when compared with existing state-of-the-art methods.

cross LoRA Learns Less and Forgets Less

Authors: Dan Biderman, Jose Gonzalez Ortiz, Jacob Portes, Mansheej Paul, Philip Greengard, Connor Jennings, Daniel King, Sam Havens, Vitaliy Chiley, Jonathan Frankle, Cody Blakeney, John P. Cunningham

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a widely-used parameter-efficient finetuning method for large language models. LoRA saves memory by training only low rank perturbations to selected weight matrices. In this work, we compare the performance of LoRA and full finetuning on two target domains, programming and mathematics. We consider both the instruction finetuning ($\approx$100K prompt-response pairs) and continued pretraining ($\approx$10B unstructured tokens) data regimes. Our results show that, in most settings, LoRA substantially underperforms full finetuning. Nevertheless, LoRA exhibits a desirable form of regularization: it better maintains the base model's performance on tasks outside the target domain. We show that LoRA provides stronger regularization compared to common techniques such as weight decay and dropout; it also helps maintain more diverse generations. We show that full finetuning learns perturbations with a rank that is 10-100X greater than typical LoRA configurations, possibly explaining some of the reported gaps. We conclude by proposing best practices for finetuning with LoRA.

cross Simulating Policy Impacts: Developing a Generative Scenario Writing Method to Evaluate the Perceived Effects of Regulation

Authors: Julia Barnett, Kimon Kieslich, Nicholas Diakopoulos

Abstract: The rapid advancement of AI technologies yields numerous future impacts on individuals and society. Policy-makers are therefore tasked to react quickly and establish policies that mitigate those impacts. However, anticipating the effectiveness of policies is a difficult task, as some impacts might only be observable in the future and respective policies might not be applicable to the future development of AI. In this work we develop a method for using large language models (LLMs) to evaluate the efficacy of a given piece of policy at mitigating specified negative impacts. We do so by using GPT-4 to generate scenarios both pre- and post-introduction of policy and translating these vivid stories into metrics based on human perceptions of impacts. We leverage an already established taxonomy of impacts of generative AI in the media environment to generate a set of scenario pairs both mitigated and non-mitigated by the transparency legislation of Article 50 of the EU AI Act. We then run a user study (n=234) to evaluate these scenarios across four risk-assessment dimensions: severity, plausibility, magnitude, and specificity to vulnerable populations. We find that this transparency legislation is perceived to be effective at mitigating harms in areas such as labor and well-being, but largely ineffective in areas such as social cohesion and security. Through this case study on generative AI harms we demonstrate the efficacy of our method as a tool to iterate on the effectiveness of policy on mitigating various negative impacts. We expect this method to be useful to researchers or other stakeholders who want to brainstorm the potential utility of different pieces of policy or other mitigation strategies.

cross From Local to Global Order: A Theory of Neural Synaptic Balance

Authors: Pierre Baldi, Alireza Rahmansetayesh

Abstract: We develop a theory of neural synaptic balance and how it can emerge or be enforced in neural networks. For a given additive cost function $R$ (regularizer), a neuron is said to be in balance if the total cost of its input weights is equal to the total cost of its output weights. The basic example is provided by feedforward networks of ReLU units trained with $L_2$ regularizers, which exhibit balance after proper training. The theory explains this phenomenon and extends it in several directions. The first direction is the extension to bilinear and other activation functions. The second direction is the extension to more general regularizers, including all $L_p$ ($p>0$) regularizers. The third direction is the extension to non-layered architectures, recurrent architectures, convolutional architectures, as well as architectures with mixed activation functions. The theory is based on two local neuronal operations: scaling which is commutative, and balancing which is not commutative. Finally, and most importantly, given any initial set of weights, when local balancing operations are applied to each neuron in a stochastic manner, global order always emerges through the convergence of the stochastic balancing algorithm to the same unique set of balanced weights. The reason for this convergence is the existence of an underlying strictly convex optimization problem where the relevant variables are constrained to a linear, only architecture-dependent, manifold. The theory is corroborated through various simulations carried out on benchmark data sets. Scaling and balancing operations are entirely local and thus physically plausible in biological and neuromorphic networks.

cross Generalized Holographic Reduced Representations

Authors: Calvin Yeung, Zhuowen Zou, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in recent years. Central to its success is its ability to learn representations that preserve task-relevant structure. However, massive energy, compute, and data costs are required to learn general representations. This paper explores Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC), a computationally and data-efficient brain-inspired alternative. HDC acts as a bridge between connectionist and symbolic approaches to artificial intelligence (AI), allowing explicit specification of representational structure as in symbolic approaches while retaining the flexibility of connectionist approaches. However, HDC's simplicity poses challenges for encoding complex compositional structures, especially in its binding operation. To address this, we propose Generalized Holographic Reduced Representations (GHRR), an extension of Fourier Holographic Reduced Representations (FHRR), a specific HDC implementation. GHRR introduces a flexible, non-commutative binding operation, enabling improved encoding of complex data structures while preserving HDC's desirable properties of robustness and transparency. In this work, we introduce the GHRR framework, prove its theoretical properties and its adherence to HDC properties, explore its kernel and binding characteristics, and perform empirical experiments showcasing its flexible non-commutativity, enhanced decoding accuracy for compositional structures, and improved memorization capacity compared to FHRR.

cross Modeling User Preferences via Brain-Computer Interfacing

Authors: Luis A. Leiva, Javier Ttraver, Alexandra Kawala-Sterniuk, Tuukka Ruotsalo

Abstract: Present Brain-Computer Interfacing (BCI) technology allows inference and detection of cognitive and affective states, but fairly little has been done to study scenarios in which such information can facilitate new applications that rely on modeling human cognition. One state that can be quantified from various physiological signals is attention. Estimates of human attention can be used to reveal preferences and novel dimensions of user experience. Previous approaches have tackled these incredibly challenging tasks using a variety of behavioral signals, from dwell-time to click-through data, and computational models of visual correspondence to these behavioral signals. However, behavioral signals are only rough estimations of the real underlying attention and affective preferences of the users. Indeed, users may attend to some content simply because it is salient, but not because it is really interesting, or simply because it is outrageous. With this paper, we put forward a research agenda and example work using BCI to infer users' preferences, their attentional correlates towards visual content, and their associations with affective experience. Subsequently, we link these to relevant applications, such as information retrieval, personalized steering of generative models, and crowdsourcing population estimates of affective experiences.

cross No More Mumbles: Enhancing Robot Intelligibility through Speech Adaptation

Authors: Qiaoqiao Ren, Yuanbo Hou, Dick Botteldooren, Tony Belpaeme

Abstract: Spoken language interaction is at the heart of interpersonal communication, and people flexibly adapt their speech to different individuals and environments. It is surprising that robots, and by extension other digital devices, are not equipped to adapt their speech and instead rely on fixed speech parameters, which often hinder comprehension by the user. We conducted a speech comprehension study involving 39 participants who were exposed to different environmental and contextual conditions. During the experiment, the robot articulated words using different vocal parameters, and the participants were tasked with both recognising the spoken words and rating their subjective impression of the robot's speech. The experiment's primary outcome shows that spaces with good acoustic quality positively correlate with intelligibility and user experience. However, increasing the distance between the user and the robot exacerbated the user experience, while distracting background sounds significantly reduced speech recognition accuracy and user satisfaction. We next built an adaptive voice for the robot. For this, the robot needs to know how difficult it is for a user to understand spoken language in a particular setting. We present a prediction model that rates how annoying the ambient acoustic environment is and, consequentially, how hard it is to understand someone in this setting. Then, we develop a convolutional neural network model to adapt the robot's speech parameters to different users and spaces, while taking into account the influence of ambient acoustics on intelligibility. Finally, we present an evaluation with 27 users, demonstrating superior intelligibility and user experience with adaptive voice parameters compared to fixed voice.

cross SOK-Bench: A Situated Video Reasoning Benchmark with Aligned Open-World Knowledge

Authors: Andong Wang, Bo Wu, Sunli Chen, Zhenfang Chen, Haotian Guan, Wei-Ning Lee, Li Erran Li, Joshua B Tenenbaum, Chuang Gan

Abstract: Learning commonsense reasoning from visual contexts and scenes in real-world is a crucial step toward advanced artificial intelligence. However, existing video reasoning benchmarks are still inadequate since they were mainly designed for factual or situated reasoning and rarely involve broader knowledge in the real world. Our work aims to delve deeper into reasoning evaluations, specifically within dynamic, open-world, and structured context knowledge. We propose a new benchmark (SOK-Bench), consisting of 44K questions and 10K situations with instance-level annotations depicted in the videos. The reasoning process is required to understand and apply situated knowledge and general knowledge for problem-solving. To create such a dataset, we propose an automatic and scalable generation method to generate question-answer pairs, knowledge graphs, and rationales by instructing the combinations of LLMs and MLLMs. Concretely, we first extract observable situated entities, relations, and processes from videos for situated knowledge and then extend to open-world knowledge beyond the visible content. The task generation is facilitated through multiple dialogues as iterations and subsequently corrected and refined by our designed self-promptings and demonstrations. With a corpus of both explicit situated facts and implicit commonsense, we generate associated question-answer pairs and reasoning processes, finally followed by manual reviews for quality assurance. We evaluated recent mainstream large vision-language models on the benchmark and found several insightful conclusions. For more information, please refer to our benchmark at

cross Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo M. Ponti, Shay B. Cohen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often exhibit undesirable behaviours, such as generating untruthful or biased content. Editing their internal representations has been shown to be effective in mitigating such behaviours on top of the existing alignment methods. We propose a novel inference-time editing method, namely spectral editing of activations (SEA), to project the input representations into directions with maximal covariance with the positive demonstrations (e.g., truthful) while minimising covariance with the negative demonstrations (e.g., hallucinated). We also extend our method to non-linear editing using feature functions. We run extensive experiments on benchmarks concerning truthfulness and bias with six open-source LLMs of different sizes and model families. The results demonstrate the superiority of SEA in effectiveness, generalisation to similar tasks, as well as inference and data efficiency. We also show that SEA editing only has a limited negative impact on other model capabilities.

cross Many Hands Make Light Work: Task-Oriented Dialogue System with Module-Based Mixture-of-Experts

Authors: Ruolin Su, Biing-Hwang Juang

Abstract: Task-oriented dialogue systems are broadly used in virtual assistants and other automated services, providing interfaces between users and machines to facilitate specific tasks. Nowadays, task-oriented dialogue systems have greatly benefited from pre-trained language models (PLMs). However, their task-solving performance is constrained by the inherent capacities of PLMs, and scaling these models is expensive and complex as the model size becomes larger. To address these challenges, we propose Soft Mixture-of-Expert Task-Oriented Dialogue system (SMETOD) which leverages an ensemble of Mixture-of-Experts (MoEs) to excel at subproblems and generate specialized outputs for task-oriented dialogues. SMETOD also scales up a task-oriented dialogue system with simplicity and flexibility while maintaining inference efficiency. We extensively evaluate our model on three benchmark functionalities: intent prediction, dialogue state tracking, and dialogue response generation. Experimental results demonstrate that SMETOD achieves state-of-the-art performance on most evaluated metrics. Moreover, comparisons against existing strong baselines show that SMETOD has a great advantage in the cost of inference and correctness in problem-solving.

cross Unsupervised Extractive Dialogue Summarization in Hyperdimensional Space

Authors: Seongmin Park, Kyungho Kim, Jaejin Seo, Jihwa Lee

Abstract: We present HyperSum, an extractive summarization framework that captures both the efficiency of traditional lexical summarization and the accuracy of contemporary neural approaches. HyperSum exploits the pseudo-orthogonality that emerges when randomly initializing vectors at extremely high dimensions ("blessing of dimensionality") to construct representative and efficient sentence embeddings. Simply clustering the obtained embeddings and extracting their medoids yields competitive summaries. HyperSum often outperforms state-of-the-art summarizers -- in terms of both summary accuracy and faithfulness -- while being 10 to 100 times faster. We open-source HyperSum as a strong baseline for unsupervised extractive summarization.

cross Optimization Techniques for Sentiment Analysis Based on LLM (GPT-3)

Authors: Tong Zhan, Chenxi Shi, Yadong Shi, Huixiang Li, Yiyu Lin

Abstract: With the rapid development of natural language processing (NLP) technology, large-scale pre-trained language models such as GPT-3 have become a popular research object in NLP field. This paper aims to explore sentiment analysis optimization techniques based on large pre-trained language models such as GPT-3 to improve model performance and effect and further promote the development of natural language processing (NLP). By introducing the importance of sentiment analysis and the limitations of traditional methods, GPT-3 and Fine-tuning techniques are introduced in this paper, and their applications in sentiment analysis are explained in detail. The experimental results show that the Fine-tuning technique can optimize GPT-3 model and obtain good performance in sentiment analysis task. This study provides an important reference for future sentiment analysis using large-scale language models.

cross An Independent Implementation of Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms in Qiskit for Genomic Data

Authors: Navneet Singh, Shiva Raj Pokhrel

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the power of Quantum Machine Learning as we extend, implement and evaluate algorithms like Quantum Support Vector Classifier (QSVC), Pegasos-QSVC, Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC), and Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) in Qiskit with diverse feature mapping techniques for genomic sequence classification.

cross LLM and Simulation as Bilevel Optimizers: A New Paradigm to Advance Physical Scientific Discovery

Authors: Pingchuan Ma, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Minghao Guo, Zhiqing Sun, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Daniela Rus, Chuang Gan, Wojciech Matusik

Abstract: Large Language Models have recently gained significant attention in scientific discovery for their extensive knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities. However, they encounter challenges in effectively simulating observational feedback and grounding it with language to propel advancements in physical scientific discovery. Conversely, human scientists undertake scientific discovery by formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and revising theories through observational analysis. Inspired by this, we propose to enhance the knowledge-driven, abstract reasoning abilities of LLMs with the computational strength of simulations. We introduce Scientific Generative Agent (SGA), a bilevel optimization framework: LLMs act as knowledgeable and versatile thinkers, proposing scientific hypotheses and reason about discrete components, such as physics equations or molecule structures; meanwhile, simulations function as experimental platforms, providing observational feedback and optimizing via differentiability for continuous parts, such as physical parameters. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate our framework's efficacy in constitutive law discovery and molecular design, unveiling novel solutions that differ from conventional human expectations yet remain coherent upon analysis.

cross Online bipartite matching with imperfect advice

Authors: Davin Choo, Themis Gouleakis, Chun Kai Ling, Arnab Bhattacharyya

Abstract: We study the problem of online unweighted bipartite matching with $n$ offline vertices and $n$ online vertices where one wishes to be competitive against the optimal offline algorithm. While the classic RANKING algorithm of Karp et al. [1990] provably attains competitive ratio of $1-1/e > 1/2$, we show that no learning-augmented method can be both 1-consistent and strictly better than $1/2$-robust under the adversarial arrival model. Meanwhile, under the random arrival model, we show how one can utilize methods from distribution testing to design an algorithm that takes in external advice about the online vertices and provably achieves competitive ratio interpolating between any ratio attainable by advice-free methods and the optimal ratio of 1, depending on the advice quality.

cross Many-Shot In-Context Learning in Multimodal Foundation Models

Authors: Yixing Jiang, Jeremy Irvin, Ji Hun Wang, Muhammad Ahmed Chaudhry, Jonathan H. Chen, Andrew Y. Ng

Abstract: Large language models are well-known to be effective at few-shot in-context learning (ICL). Recent advancements in multimodal foundation models have enabled unprecedentedly long context windows, presenting an opportunity to explore their capability to perform ICL with many more demonstrating examples. In this work, we evaluate the performance of multimodal foundation models scaling from few-shot to many-shot ICL. We benchmark GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro across 10 datasets spanning multiple domains (natural imagery, medical imagery, remote sensing, and molecular imagery) and tasks (multi-class, multi-label, and fine-grained classification). We observe that many-shot ICL, including up to almost 2,000 multimodal demonstrating examples, leads to substantial improvements compared to few-shot (<100 examples) ICL across all of the datasets. Further, Gemini 1.5 Pro performance continues to improve log-linearly up to the maximum number of tested examples on many datasets. Given the high inference costs associated with the long prompts required for many-shot ICL, we also explore the impact of batching multiple queries in a single API call. We show that batching up to 50 queries can lead to performance improvements under zero-shot and many-shot ICL, with substantial gains in the zero-shot setting on multiple datasets, while drastically reducing per-query cost and latency. Finally, we measure ICL data efficiency of the models, or the rate at which the models learn from more demonstrating examples. We find that while GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro achieve similar zero-shot performance across the datasets, Gemini 1.5 Pro exhibits higher ICL data efficiency than GPT-4o on most datasets. Our results suggest that many-shot ICL could enable users to efficiently adapt multimodal foundation models to new applications and domains. Our codebase is publicly available at .


cross Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Solar Coronal Holes Using Computer Vision and LSTM Networks

Authors: Juyoung Yun, Jungmin Shin

Abstract: In the era of space exploration, coronal holes on the sun play a significant role due to their impact on satellites and aircraft through their open magnetic fields and increased solar wind emissions. This study employs computer vision techniques to detect coronal hole regions and estimate their sizes using imagery from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Additionally, we utilize deep learning methods, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, to analyze trends in the area of coronal holes and predict their areas across various solar regions over a span of seven days. By examining time series data, we aim to identify patterns in coronal hole behavior and understand their potential effects on space weather. This research enhances our ability to anticipate and prepare for space weather events that could affect Earth's technological systems.

cross MediSyn: Text-Guided Diffusion Models for Broad Medical 2D and 3D Image Synthesis

Authors: Joseph Cho, Cyril Zakka, Rohan Shad, Ross Wightman, Akshay Chaudhari, William Hiesinger

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently gained significant traction due to their ability to generate high-fidelity and diverse images and videos conditioned on text prompts. In medicine, this application promises to address the critical challenge of data scarcity, a consequence of barriers in data sharing, stringent patient privacy regulations, and disparities in patient population and demographics. By generating realistic and varying medical 2D and 3D images, these models offer a rich, privacy-respecting resource for algorithmic training and research. To this end, we introduce MediSyn, a pair of instruction-tuned text-guided latent diffusion models with the ability to generate high-fidelity and diverse medical 2D and 3D images across specialties and modalities. Through established metrics, we show significant improvement in broad medical image and video synthesis guided by text prompts.

cross Enhancing Semantics in Multimodal Chain of Thought via Soft Negative Sampling

Authors: Guangmin Zheng, Jin Wang, Xiaobing Zhou, Xuejie Zhang

Abstract: Chain of thought (CoT) has proven useful for problems requiring complex reasoning. Many of these problems are both textual and multimodal. Given the inputs in different modalities, a model generates a rationale and then uses it to answer a question. Because of the hallucination issue, the generated soft negative rationales with high textual quality but illogical semantics do not always help improve answer accuracy. This study proposes a rationale generation method using soft negative sampling (SNSE-CoT) to mitigate hallucinations in multimodal CoT. Five methods were applied to generate soft negative samples that shared highly similar text but had different semantics from the original. Bidirectional margin loss (BML) was applied to introduce them into the traditional contrastive learning framework that involves only positive and negative samples. Extensive experiments on the ScienceQA dataset demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method. Code and data are released at


cross IGOT: Information Gain Optimized Tokenizer on Domain Adaptive Pretraining

Authors: Dawei Feng, Yihai Zhang, Zhixuan Xu

Abstract: Pretrained Large Language Models (LLM) such as ChatGPT, Claude, etc. have demonstrated strong capabilities in various fields of natural language generation. However, there are still many problems when using LLM in specialized domain-specific fields. When using generative AI to process downstream tasks, a common approach is to add new knowledge (e.g., private domain knowledge, cutting-edge information) to a pretrained model through continued training or fine-tuning. However, whether there is a universal paradigm for domain adaptation training is still an open question. In this article, we proposed Information Gain Optimized Tokenizer (IGOT), which analyzes the special token set of downstream tasks, constructs a new subset using heuristic function $\phi$ with the special token and its information gain, to build new domain-specific tokenizer, and continues pretraining on the downstream task data. We explored the many positive effects of this method's customized tokenizer on domain-adaptive pretraining and verified this method can perform better than the ordinary method of just collecting data and fine-tuning. Based on our experiment, the continued pretraining process of IGOT with LLaMA-7B achieved 11.9\% token saving, 12.2\% training time saving, and 5.8\% maximum GPU VRAM usage saving, combined with the T5 model, we can even reach a 31.5\% of training time saving, making porting general generative AI to specific domains more effective than before. In domain-specific tasks, supervised $IGOT_\tau$ shows great performance on reducing both the convergence radius and convergence point during keep pretraining.

cross Box-Free Model Watermarks Are Prone to Black-Box Removal Attacks

Authors: Haonan An, Guang Hua, Zhiping Lin, Yuguang Fang

Abstract: Box-free model watermarking is an emerging technique to safeguard the intellectual property of deep learning models, particularly those for low-level image processing tasks. Existing works have verified and improved its effectiveness in several aspects. However, in this paper, we reveal that box-free model watermarking is prone to removal attacks, even under the real-world threat model such that the protected model and the watermark extractor are in black boxes. Under this setting, we carry out three studies. 1) We develop an extractor-gradient-guided (EGG) remover and show its effectiveness when the extractor uses ReLU activation only. 2) More generally, for an unknown extractor, we leverage adversarial attacks and design the EGG remover based on the estimated gradients. 3) Under the most stringent condition that the extractor is inaccessible, we design a transferable remover based on a set of private proxy models. In all cases, the proposed removers can successfully remove embedded watermarks while preserving the quality of the processed images, and we also demonstrate that the EGG remover can even replace the watermarks. Extensive experimental results verify the effectiveness and generalizability of the proposed attacks, revealing the vulnerabilities of the existing box-free methods and calling for further research.

cross Hyperplane Arrangements and Fixed Points in Iterated PWL Neural Networks

Authors: Hans-Peter Beise

Abstract: We leverage the framework of hyperplane arrangements to analyze potential regions of (stable) fixed points. We provide an upper bound on the number of fixed points for multi-layer neural networks equipped with piecewise linear (PWL) activation functions with arbitrary many linear pieces. The theoretical optimality of the exponential growth in the number of layers of the latter bound is shown. Specifically, we also derive a sharper upper bound on the number of stable fixed points for one-hidden-layer networks with hard tanh activation.

cross Generative Unlearning for Any Identity

Authors: Juwon Seo, Sung-Hoon Lee, Tae-Young Lee, Seungjun Moon, Gyeong-Moon Park

Abstract: Recent advances in generative models trained on large-scale datasets have made it possible to synthesize high-quality samples across various domains. Moreover, the emergence of strong inversion networks enables not only a reconstruction of real-world images but also the modification of attributes through various editing methods. However, in certain domains related to privacy issues, e.g., human faces, advanced generative models along with strong inversion methods can lead to potential misuses. In this paper, we propose an essential yet under-explored task called generative identity unlearning, which steers the model not to generate an image of a specific identity. In the generative identity unlearning, we target the following objectives: (i) preventing the generation of images with a certain identity, and (ii) preserving the overall quality of the generative model. To satisfy these goals, we propose a novel framework, Generative Unlearning for Any Identity (GUIDE), which prevents the reconstruction of a specific identity by unlearning the generator with only a single image. GUIDE consists of two parts: (i) finding a target point for optimization that un-identifies the source latent code and (ii) novel loss functions that facilitate the unlearning procedure while less affecting the learned distribution. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in the generative machine unlearning task. The code is available at


cross DiffAM: Diffusion-based Adversarial Makeup Transfer for Facial Privacy Protection

Authors: Yuhao Sun, Lingyun Yu, Hongtao Xie, Jiaming Li, Yongdong Zhang

Abstract: With the rapid development of face recognition (FR) systems, the privacy of face images on social media is facing severe challenges due to the abuse of unauthorized FR systems. Some studies utilize adversarial attack techniques to defend against malicious FR systems by generating adversarial examples. However, the generated adversarial examples, i.e., the protected face images, tend to suffer from subpar visual quality and low transferability. In this paper, we propose a novel face protection approach, dubbed DiffAM, which leverages the powerful generative ability of diffusion models to generate high-quality protected face images with adversarial makeup transferred from reference images. To be specific, we first introduce a makeup removal module to generate non-makeup images utilizing a fine-tuned diffusion model with guidance of textual prompts in CLIP space. As the inverse process of makeup transfer, makeup removal can make it easier to establish the deterministic relationship between makeup domain and non-makeup domain regardless of elaborate text prompts. Then, with this relationship, a CLIP-based makeup loss along with an ensemble attack strategy is introduced to jointly guide the direction of adversarial makeup domain, achieving the generation of protected face images with natural-looking makeup and high black-box transferability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that DiffAM achieves higher visual quality and attack success rates with a gain of 12.98% under black-box setting compared with the state of the arts. The code will be available at


cross MTLComb: multi-task learning combining regression and classification tasks for joint feature selection

Authors: Han Cao, Sivanesan Rajan, Bianka Hahn, Ersoy Kocak, Daniel Durstewitz, Emanuel Schwarz, Verena Schneider-Lindner

Abstract: Multi-task learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm that enables the simultaneous training of multiple communicating algorithms. Although MTL has been successfully applied to ether regression or classification tasks alone, incorporating mixed types of tasks into a unified MTL framework remains challenging, primarily due to variations in the magnitudes of losses associated with different tasks. This challenge, particularly evident in MTL applications with joint feature selection, often results in biased selections. To overcome this obstacle, we propose a provable loss weighting scheme that analytically determines the optimal weights for balancing regression and classification tasks. This scheme significantly mitigates the otherwise biased feature selection. Building upon this scheme, we introduce MTLComb, an MTL algorithm and software package encompassing optimization procedures, training protocols, and hyperparameter estimation procedures. MTLComb is designed for learning shared predictors among tasks of mixed types. To showcase the efficacy of MTLComb, we conduct tests on both simulated data and biomedical studies pertaining to sepsis and schizophrenia.

cross Whole-Song Hierarchical Generation of Symbolic Music Using Cascaded Diffusion Models

Authors: Ziyu Wang, Lejun Min, Gus Xia

Abstract: Recent deep music generation studies have put much emphasis on long-term generation with structures. However, we are yet to see high-quality, well-structured whole-song generation. In this paper, we make the first attempt to model a full music piece under the realization of compositional hierarchy. With a focus on symbolic representations of pop songs, we define a hierarchical language, in which each level of hierarchy focuses on the semantics and context dependency at a certain music scope. The high-level languages reveal whole-song form, phrase, and cadence, whereas the low-level languages focus on notes, chords, and their local patterns. A cascaded diffusion model is trained to model the hierarchical language, where each level is conditioned on its upper levels. Experiments and analysis show that our model is capable of generating full-piece music with recognizable global verse-chorus structure and cadences, and the music quality is higher than the baselines. Additionally, we show that the proposed model is controllable in a flexible way. By sampling from the interpretable hierarchical languages or adjusting pre-trained external representations, users can control the music flow via various features such as phrase harmonic structures, rhythmic patterns, and accompaniment texture.

cross Unveiling the Potential: Harnessing Deep Metric Learning to Circumvent Video Streaming Encryption

Authors: Arwin Gansekoele, Tycho Bot, Rob van der Mei, Sandjai Bhulai, Mark Hoogendoorn

Abstract: Encryption on the internet with the shift to HTTPS has been an important step to improve the privacy of internet users. However, there is an increasing body of work about extracting information from encrypted internet traffic without having to decrypt it. Such attacks bypass security guarantees assumed to be given by HTTPS and thus need to be understood. Prior works showed that the variable bitrates of video streams are sufficient to identify which video someone is watching. These works generally have to make trade-offs in aspects such as accuracy, scalability, robustness, etc. These trade-offs complicate the practical use of these attacks. To that end, we propose a deep metric learning framework based on the triplet loss method. Through this framework, we achieve robust, generalisable, scalable and transferable encrypted video stream detection. First, the triplet loss is better able to deal with video streams not seen during training. Second, our approach can accurately classify videos not seen during training. Third, we show that our method scales well to a dataset of over 1000 videos. Finally, we show that a model trained on video streams over Chrome can also classify streams over Firefox. Our results suggest that this side-channel attack is more broadly applicable than originally thought. We provide our code alongside a diverse and up-to-date dataset for future research.

cross A Machine Learning Approach for Simultaneous Demapping of QAM and APSK Constellations

Authors: Arwin Gansekoele, Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming, Tom Brusse, Mark Hoogendoorn, Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei

Abstract: As telecommunication systems evolve to meet increasing demands, integrating deep neural networks (DNNs) has shown promise in enhancing performance. However, the trade-off between accuracy and flexibility remains challenging when replacing traditional receivers with DNNs. This paper introduces a novel probabilistic framework that allows a single DNN demapper to demap multiple QAM and APSK constellations simultaneously. We also demonstrate that our framework allows exploiting hierarchical relationships in families of constellations. The consequence is that we need fewer neural network outputs to encode the same function without an increase in Bit Error Rate (BER). Our simulation results confirm that our approach approaches the optimal demodulation error bound under an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel for multiple constellations. Thereby, we address multiple important issues in making DNNs flexible enough for practical use as receivers.

cross MiniMaxAD: A Lightweight Autoencoder for Feature-Rich Anomaly Detection

Authors: Fengjie Wang, Chengming Liu, Lei Shi, Pang Haibo

Abstract: Previous unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) methods often struggle with significant intra-class diversity; i.e., a class in a dataset contains multiple subclasses, which we categorize as Feature-Rich Anomaly Detection Datasets (FRADs). This is evident in applications such as unified setting and unmanned supermarket scenarios. To address this challenge, we developed MiniMaxAD: a lightweight autoencoder designed to efficiently compress and memorize extensive information from normal images. Our model utilizes a large kernel convolutional network equipped with a Global Response Normalization (GRN) unit and employs a multi-scale feature reconstruction strategy. The GRN unit significantly increases the upper limit of the network's capacity, while the large kernel convolution facilitates the extraction of highly abstract patterns, leading to compact normal feature modeling. Additionally, we introduce an Adaptive Contraction Loss (ADCLoss), tailored to FRADs to overcome the limitations of global cosine distance loss. MiniMaxAD was comprehensively tested across six challenging UAD benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art results in four and highly competitive outcomes in the remaining two. Notably, our model achieved a detection AUROC of up to 97.0\% in ViSA under the unified setting. Moreover, it not only achieved state-of-the-art performance in unmanned supermarket tasks but also exhibited an inference speed 37 times faster than the previous best method, demonstrating its effectiveness in complex UAD tasks.

cross Detecting Domain Shift in Multiple Instance Learning for Digital Pathology Using Fr\'echet Domain Distance

Authors: Milda Pocevi\v{c}i\=ut\.e, Gabriel Eilertsen, Stina Garvin, Claes Lundstr\"om

Abstract: Multiple-instance learning (MIL) is an attractive approach for digital pathology applications as it reduces the costs related to data collection and labelling. However, it is not clear how sensitive MIL is to clinically realistic domain shifts, i.e., differences in data distribution that could negatively affect performance, and if already existing metrics for detecting domain shifts work well with these algorithms. We trained an attention-based MIL algorithm to classify whether a whole-slide image of a lymph node contains breast tumour metastases. The algorithm was evaluated on data from a hospital in a different country and various subsets of this data that correspond to different levels of domain shift. Our contributions include showing that MIL for digital pathology is affected by clinically realistic differences in data, evaluating which features from a MIL model are most suitable for detecting changes in performance, and proposing an unsupervised metric named Fr\'echet Domain Distance (FDD) for quantification of domain shifts. Shift measure performance was evaluated through the mean Pearson correlation to change in classification performance, where FDD achieved 0.70 on 10-fold cross-validation models. The baselines included Deep ensemble, Difference of Confidence, and Representation shift which resulted in 0.45, -0.29, and 0.56 mean Pearson correlation, respectively. FDD could be a valuable tool for care providers and vendors who need to verify if a MIL system is likely to perform reliably when implemented at a new site, without requiring any additional annotations from pathologists.

cross DEBATE: Devil's Advocate-Based Assessment and Text Evaluation

Authors: Alex Kim, Keonwoo Kim, Sangwon Yoon

Abstract: As natural language generation (NLG) models have become prevalent, systematically assessing the quality of machine-generated texts has become increasingly important. Recent studies introduce LLM-based evaluators that operate as reference-free metrics, demonstrating their capability to adeptly handle novel tasks. However, these models generally rely on a single-agent approach, which, we argue, introduces an inherent limit to their performance. This is because there exist biases in LLM agent's responses, including preferences for certain text structure or content. In this work, we propose DEBATE, an NLG evaluation framework based on multi-agent scoring system augmented with a concept of Devil's Advocate. Within the framework, one agent is instructed to criticize other agents' arguments, potentially resolving the bias in LLM agent's answers. DEBATE substantially outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods in two meta-evaluation benchmarks in NLG evaluation, SummEval and TopicalChat. We also show that the extensiveness of debates among agents and the persona of an agent can influence the performance of evaluators.

cross SciQAG: A Framework for Auto-Generated Scientific Question Answering Dataset with Fine-grained Evaluation

Authors: Yuwei Wan, Aswathy Ajith, Yixuan Liu, Ke Lu, Clara Grazian, Bram Hoex, Wenjie Zhang, Chunyu Kit, Tong Xie, Ian Foster

Abstract: The use of question-answer (QA) pairs for training and evaluating large language models (LLMs) has attracted considerable attention. Yet few available QA datasets are based on knowledge from the scientific literature. Here we bridge this gap by presenting Automatic Generation of Scientific Question Answers (SciQAG), a framework for automatic generation and evaluation of scientific QA pairs sourced from published scientific literature. We fine-tune an open-source LLM to generate \num{960000} scientific QA pairs from full-text scientific papers and propose a five-dimensional metric to evaluate the quality of the generated QA pairs. We show via LLM-based evaluation that the generated QA pairs consistently achieve an average score of 2.5 out of 3 across five dimensions, indicating that our framework can distill key knowledge from papers into high-quality QA pairs at scale. We make the dataset, models, and evaluation codes publicly available.

cross Predicting Solar Heat Production to Optimize Renewable Energy Usage

Authors: Tatiana Boura, Natalia Koliou, George Meramveliotakis, Stasinos Konstantopoulos, George Kosmadakis

Abstract: Utilizing solar energy to meet space heating and domestic hot water demand is very efficient (in terms of environmental footprint as well as cost), but in order to ensure that user demand is entirely covered throughout the year needs to be complemented with auxiliary heating systems, typically boilers and heat pumps. Naturally, the optimal control of such a system depends on an accurate prediction of solar thermal production. Experimental testing and physics-based numerical models are used to find a collector's performance curve - the mapping from solar radiation and other external conditions to heat production - but this curve changes over time once the collector is exposed to outdoor conditions. In order to deploy advanced control strategies in small domestic installations, we present an approach that uses machine learning to automatically construct and continuously adapt a model that predicts heat production. Our design is driven by the need to (a) construct and adapt models using supervision that can be extracted from low-cost instrumentation, avoiding extreme accuracy and reliability requirements; and (b) at inference time, use inputs that are typically provided in publicly available weather forecasts. Recent developments in attention-based machine learning, as well as careful adaptation of the training setup to the specifics of the task, have allowed us to design a machine learning-based solution that covers our requirements. We present positive empirical results for the predictive accuracy of our solution, and discuss the impact of these results on the end-to-end system.

cross FinTextQA: A Dataset for Long-form Financial Question Answering

Authors: Jian Chen, Peilin Zhou, Yining Hua, Yingxin Loh, Kehui Chen, Ziyuan Li, Bing Zhu, Junwei Liang

Abstract: Accurate evaluation of financial question answering (QA) systems necessitates a comprehensive dataset encompassing diverse question types and contexts. However, current financial QA datasets lack scope diversity and question complexity. This work introduces FinTextQA, a novel dataset for long-form question answering (LFQA) in finance. FinTextQA comprises 1,262 high-quality, source-attributed QA pairs extracted and selected from finance textbooks and government agency websites.Moreover, we developed a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)-based LFQA system, comprising an embedder, retriever, reranker, and generator. A multi-faceted evaluation approach, including human ranking, automatic metrics, and GPT-4 scoring, was employed to benchmark the performance of different LFQA system configurations under heightened noisy conditions. The results indicate that: (1) Among all compared generators, Baichuan2-7B competes closely with GPT-3.5-turbo in accuracy score; (2) The most effective system configuration on our dataset involved setting the embedder, retriever, reranker, and generator as Ada2, Automated Merged Retrieval, Bge-Reranker-Base, and Baichuan2-7B, respectively; (3) models are less susceptible to noise after the length of contexts reaching a specific threshold.

cross Histopathology Foundation Models Enable Accurate Ovarian Cancer Subtype Classification

Authors: Jack Breen, Katie Allen, Kieran Zucker, Lucy Godson, Nicolas M. Orsi, Nishant Ravikumar

Abstract: Large pretrained transformers are increasingly being developed as generalised foundation models which can underpin powerful task-specific artificial intelligence models. Histopathology foundation models show promise across many tasks, but analyses have been limited by arbitrary hyperparameters that were not tuned to the specific task/dataset. We report the most rigorous single-task validation conducted to date of a histopathology foundation model, and the first performed in ovarian cancer subtyping. Attention-based multiple instance learning classifiers were compared using vision transformer and ResNet features generated through varied preprocessing and pretraining procedures. The training set consisted of 1864 whole slide images from 434 ovarian carcinoma cases at Leeds Hospitals. Five-class classification performance was evaluated through five-fold cross-validation, and these cross-validation models were ensembled for evaluation on a hold-out test set and an external set from the Transcanadian study. Reporting followed the TRIPOD+AI checklist. The vision transformer-based histopathology foundation model, UNI, performed best in every evaluation, with five-class balanced accuracies of 88% and 93% in hold-out internal and external testing, compared to the best ResNet model scores of 68% and 81%, respectively. Normalisations and augmentations aided the generalisability of ResNet-based models, but these still did not match the performance of UNI, which gave the best external performance in any ovarian cancer subtyping study to date. Histopathology foundation models offer a clear benefit to subtyping, improving classification performance to a degree where clinical utility is tangible, albeit with an increased computational burden. Such models could provide a second opinion in challenging cases and may improve the accuracy, objectivity, and efficiency of pathological diagnoses overall.

cross Reward Centering

Authors: Abhishek Naik, Yi Wan, Manan Tomar, Richard S. Sutton

Abstract: We show that discounted methods for solving continuing reinforcement learning problems can perform significantly better if they center their rewards by subtracting out the rewards' empirical average. The improvement is substantial at commonly used discount factors and increases further as the discount factor approaches one. In addition, we show that if a problem's rewards are shifted by a constant, then standard methods perform much worse, whereas methods with reward centering are unaffected. Estimating the average reward is straightforward in the on-policy setting; we propose a slightly more sophisticated method for the off-policy setting. Reward centering is a general idea, so we expect almost every reinforcement-learning algorithm to benefit by the addition of reward centering.

cross Listen Again and Choose the Right Answer: A New Paradigm for Automatic Speech Recognition with Large Language Models

Authors: Yuchen Hu, Chen Chen, Chengwei Qin, Qiushi Zhu, Eng Siong Chng, Ruizhe Li

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have promoted generative error correction (GER) for automatic speech recognition (ASR), which aims to predict the ground-truth transcription from the decoded N-best hypotheses. Thanks to the strong language generation ability of LLMs and rich information in the N-best list, GER shows great effectiveness in enhancing ASR results. However, it still suffers from two limitations: 1) LLMs are unaware of the source speech during GER, which may lead to results that are grammatically correct but violate the source speech content, 2) N-best hypotheses usually only vary in a few tokens, making it redundant to send all of them for GER, which could confuse LLM about which tokens to focus on and thus lead to increased miscorrection. In this paper, we propose ClozeGER, a new paradigm for ASR generative error correction. First, we introduce a multimodal LLM (i.e., SpeechGPT) to receive source speech as extra input to improve the fidelity of correction output. Then, we reformat GER as a cloze test with logits calibration to remove the input information redundancy and simplify GER with clear instructions. Experiments show that ClozeGER achieves a new breakthrough over vanilla GER on 9 popular ASR datasets.

cross The Real Price of Bandit Information in Multiclass Classification

Authors: Liad Erez, Alon Cohen, Tomer Koren, Yishay Mansour, Shay Moran

Abstract: We revisit the classical problem of multiclass classification with bandit feedback (Kakade, Shalev-Shwartz and Tewari, 2008), where each input classifies to one of $K$ possible labels and feedback is restricted to whether the predicted label is correct or not. Our primary inquiry is with regard to the dependency on the number of labels $K$, and whether $T$-step regret bounds in this setting can be improved beyond the $\smash{\sqrt{KT}}$ dependence exhibited by existing algorithms. Our main contribution is in showing that the minimax regret of bandit multiclass is in fact more nuanced, and is of the form $\smash{\widetilde{\Theta}\left(\min \left\{|\mathcal{H}| + \sqrt{T}, \sqrt{KT \log |{\mathcal{H}|}} \right\} \right) }$, where $\mathcal{H}$ is the underlying (finite) hypothesis class. In particular, we present a new bandit classification algorithm that guarantees regret $\smash{\widetilde{O}(|\mathcal{H}|+\sqrt{T})}$, improving over classical algorithms for moderately-sized hypothesis classes, and give a matching lower bound establishing tightness of the upper bounds (up to log-factors) in all parameter regimes.

cross SynthesizRR: Generating Diverse Datasets with Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Abhishek Divekar, Greg Durrett

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are versatile and can address many tasks, but for computational efficiency, it is often desirable to distill their capabilities into smaller student models. One way to do this for classification tasks is via dataset synthesis, which can be accomplished by generating examples of each label from the LLM. Prior approaches to synthesis use few-shot prompting, which relies on the LLM's parametric knowledge to generate usable examples. However, this leads to issues of repetition, bias towards popular entities, and stylistic differences from human text. In this work, we propose Synthesize by Retrieval and Refinement (SynthesizRR), which uses retrieval augmentation to introduce variety into the dataset synthesis process: as retrieved passages vary, the LLM is "seeded" with different content to generate its examples. We empirically study the synthesis of six datasets, covering topic classification, sentiment analysis, tone detection, and humor, requiring complex synthesis strategies. We find SynthesizRR greatly improves lexical and semantic diversity, similarity to human-written text, and distillation performance, when compared to standard 32-shot prompting and six baseline approaches.

cross Global Benchmark Database

Authors: Markus Iser, Christoph Jabs

Abstract: This paper presents Global Benchmark Database (GBD), a comprehensive suite of tools for provisioning and sustainably maintaining benchmark instances and their metadata. The availability of benchmark metadata is essential for many tasks in empirical research, e.g., for the data-driven compilation of benchmarks, the domain-specific analysis of runtime experiments, or the instance-specific selection of solvers. In this paper, we introduce the data model of GBD as well as its interfaces and provide examples of how to interact with them. We also demonstrate the integration of custom data sources and explain how to extend GBD with additional problem domains, instance formats and feature extractors.

cross HecVL: Hierarchical Video-Language Pretraining for Zero-shot Surgical Phase Recognition

Authors: Kun Yuan, Vinkle Srivastav, Nassir Navab, Nicolas Padoy

Abstract: Natural language could play an important role in developing generalist surgical models by providing a broad source of supervision from raw texts. This flexible form of supervision can enable the model's transferability across datasets and tasks as natural language can be used to reference learned visual concepts or describe new ones. In this work, we present HecVL, a novel hierarchical video-language pretraining approach for building a generalist surgical model. Specifically, we construct a hierarchical video-text paired dataset by pairing the surgical lecture video with three hierarchical levels of texts: at clip-level, atomic actions using transcribed audio texts; at phase-level, conceptual text summaries; and at video-level, overall abstract text of the surgical procedure. Then, we propose a novel fine-to-coarse contrastive learning framework that learns separate embedding spaces for the three video-text hierarchies using a single model. By disentangling embedding spaces of different hierarchical levels, the learned multi-modal representations encode short-term and long-term surgical concepts in the same model. Thanks to the injected textual semantics, we demonstrate that the HecVL approach can enable zero-shot surgical phase recognition without any human annotation. Furthermore, we show that the same HecVL model for surgical phase recognition can be transferred across different surgical procedures and medical centers.

cross An Integrated Framework for Multi-Granular Explanation of Video Summarization

Authors: Konstantinos Tsigos, Evlampios Apostolidis, Vasileios Mezaris

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an integrated framework for multi-granular explanation of video summarization. This framework integrates methods for producing explanations both at the fragment level (indicating which video fragments influenced the most the decisions of the summarizer) and the more fine-grained visual object level (highlighting which visual objects were the most influential for the summarizer). To build this framework, we extend our previous work on this field, by investigating the use of a model-agnostic, perturbation-based approach for fragment-level explanation of the video summarization results, and introducing a new method that combines the results of video panoptic segmentation with an adaptation of a perturbation-based explanation approach to produce object-level explanations. The performance of the developed framework is evaluated using a state-of-the-art summarization method and two datasets for benchmarking video summarization. The findings of the conducted quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the ability of our framework to spot the most and least influential fragments and visual objects of the video for the summarizer, and to provide a comprehensive set of visual-based explanations about the output of the summarization process.

cross Revisiting Deep Audio-Text Retrieval Through the Lens of Transportation

Authors: Manh Luong, Khai Nguyen, Nhat Ho, Reza Haf, Dinh Phung, Lizhen Qu

Abstract: The Learning-to-match (LTM) framework proves to be an effective inverse optimal transport approach for learning the underlying ground metric between two sources of data, facilitating subsequent matching. However, the conventional LTM framework faces scalability challenges, necessitating the use of the entire dataset each time the parameters of the ground metric are updated. In adapting LTM to the deep learning context, we introduce the mini-batch Learning-to-match (m-LTM) framework for audio-text retrieval problems. This framework leverages mini-batch subsampling and Mahalanobis-enhanced family of ground metrics. Moreover, to cope with misaligned training data in practice, we propose a variant using partial optimal transport to mitigate the harm of misaligned data pairs in training data. We conduct extensive experiments on audio-text matching problems using three datasets: AudioCaps, Clotho, and ESC-50. Results demonstrate that our proposed method is capable of learning rich and expressive joint embedding space, which achieves SOTA performance. Beyond this, the proposed m-LTM framework is able to close the modality gap across audio and text embedding, which surpasses both triplet and contrastive loss in the zero-shot sound event detection task on the ESC-50 dataset. Notably, our strategy of employing partial optimal transport with m-LTM demonstrates greater noise tolerance than contrastive loss, especially under varying noise ratios in training data on the AudioCaps dataset. Our code is available at


cross LaT-PFN: A Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture for In-context Time-series Forecasting

Authors: Stijn Verdenius, Andrea Zerio, Roy L. M. Wang

Abstract: We introduce LatentTimePFN (LaT-PFN), a foundational Time Series model with a strong embedding space that enables zero-shot forecasting. To achieve this, we perform in-context learning in latent space utilizing a novel integration of the Prior-data Fitted Networks (PFN) and Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) frameworks. We leverage the JEPA framework to create a prediction-optimized latent representation of the underlying stochastic process that generates time series and combines it with contextual learning, using a PFN. Furthermore, we improve on preceding works by utilizing related time series as a context and introducing an abstract time axis. This drastically reduces training time and increases the versatility of the model by allowing any time granularity and forecast horizon. We show that this results in superior zero-shot predictions compared to established baselines. We also demonstrate our latent space produces informative embeddings of both individual time steps and fixed-length summaries of entire series. Finally, we observe the emergence of multi-step patch embeddings without explicit training, suggesting the model actively learns discrete tokens that encode local structures in the data, analogous to vision transformers.

cross A novel Reservoir Architecture for Periodic Time Series Prediction

Authors: Zhongju Yuan, Geraint Wiggins, Dick Botteldooren

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to predicting periodic time series using reservoir computing. The model is tailored to deliver precise forecasts of rhythms, a crucial aspect for tasks such as generating musical rhythm. Leveraging reservoir computing, our proposed method is ultimately oriented towards predicting human perception of rhythm. Our network accurately predicts rhythmic signals within the human frequency perception range. The model architecture incorporates primary and intermediate neurons tasked with capturing and transmitting rhythmic information. Two parameter matrices, denoted as c and k, regulate the reservoir's overall dynamics. We propose a loss function to adapt c post-training and introduce a dynamic selection (DS) mechanism that adjusts $k$ to focus on areas with outstanding contributions. Experimental results on a diverse test set showcase accurate predictions, further improved through real-time tuning of the reservoir via c and k. Comparative assessments highlight its superior performance compared to conventional models.

cross Red Teaming Language Models for Contradictory Dialogues

Authors: Xiaofei Wen, Bangzheng Li, Tenghao Huang, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Most language models currently available are prone to self-contradiction during dialogues. To mitigate this issue, this study explores a novel contradictory dialogue processing task that aims to detect and modify contradictory statements in a conversation. This task is inspired by research on context faithfulness and dialogue comprehension, which have demonstrated that the detection and understanding of contradictions often necessitate detailed explanations. We develop a dataset comprising contradictory dialogues, in which one side of the conversation contradicts itself. Each dialogue is accompanied by an explanatory label that highlights the location and details of the contradiction. With this dataset, we present a Red Teaming framework for contradictory dialogue processing. The framework detects and attempts to explain the dialogue, then modifies the existing contradictory content using the explanation. Our experiments demonstrate that the framework improves the ability to detect contradictory dialogues and provides valid explanations. Additionally, it showcases distinct capabilities for modifying such dialogues. Our study highlights the importance of the logical inconsistency problem in conversational AI.

cross StyloAI: Distinguishing AI-Generated Content with Stylometric Analysis

Authors: Chidimma Opara

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) capable of generating realistic texts and images has sparked ethical concerns across various sectors. In response, researchers in academia and industry are actively exploring methods to distinguish AI-generated content from human-authored material. However, a crucial question remains: What are the unique characteristics of AI-generated text? Addressing this gap, this study proposes StyloAI, a data-driven model that uses 31 stylometric features to identify AI-generated texts by applying a Random Forest classifier on two multi-domain datasets. StyloAI achieves accuracy rates of 81% and 98% on the test set of the AuTextification dataset and the Education dataset, respectively. This approach surpasses the performance of existing state-of-the-art models and provides valuable insights into the differences between AI-generated and human-authored texts.

cross Towards Consistent and Explainable Motion Prediction using Heterogeneous Graph Attention

Authors: Tobias Demmler, Andreas Tamke, Thao Dang, Karsten Haug, Lars Mikelsons

Abstract: In autonomous driving, accurately interpreting the movements of other road users and leveraging this knowledge to forecast future trajectories is crucial. This is typically achieved through the integration of map data and tracked trajectories of various agents. Numerous methodologies combine this information into a singular embedding for each agent, which is then utilized to predict future behavior. However, these approaches have a notable drawback in that they may lose exact location information during the encoding process. The encoding still includes general map information. However, the generation of valid and consistent trajectories is not guaranteed. This can cause the predicted trajectories to stray from the actual lanes. This paper introduces a new refinement module designed to project the predicted trajectories back onto the actual map, rectifying these discrepancies and leading towards more consistent predictions. This versatile module can be readily incorporated into a wide range of architectures. Additionally, we propose a novel scene encoder that handles all relations between agents and their environment in a single unified heterogeneous graph attention network. By analyzing the attention values on the different edges in this graph, we can gain unique insights into the neural network's inner workings leading towards a more explainable prediction.

cross PIR: Remote Sensing Image-Text Retrieval with Prior Instruction Representation Learning

Authors: Jiancheng Pan, Muyuan Ma, Qing Ma, Cong Bai, Shengyong Chen

Abstract: Remote sensing image-text retrieval constitutes a foundational aspect of remote sensing interpretation tasks, facilitating the alignment of vision and language representations. This paper introduces a prior instruction representation (PIR) learning paradigm that draws on prior knowledge to instruct adaptive learning of vision and text representations. Based on PIR, a domain-adapted remote sensing image-text retrieval framework PIR-ITR is designed to address semantic noise issues in vision-language understanding tasks. However, with massive additional data for pre-training the vision-language foundation model, remote sensing image-text retrieval is further developed into an open-domain retrieval task. Continuing with the above, we propose PIR-CLIP, a domain-specific CLIP-based framework for remote sensing image-text retrieval, to address semantic noise in remote sensing vision-language representations and further improve open-domain retrieval performance. In vision representation, Vision Instruction Representation (VIR) based on Spatial-PAE utilizes the prior-guided knowledge of the remote sensing scene recognition by building a belief matrix to select key features for reducing the impact of semantic noise. In text representation, Language Cycle Attention (LCA) based on Temporal-PAE uses the previous time step to cyclically activate the current time step to enhance text representation capability. A cluster-wise Affiliation Loss (AL) is proposed to constrain the inter-classes and to reduce the semantic confusion zones in the common subspace. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that PIR could enhance vision and text representations and outperform the state-of-the-art methods of closed-domain and open-domain retrieval on two benchmark datasets, RSICD and RSITMD.

cross SMLP: Symbolic Machine Learning Prover (User Manual)

Authors: Franz Brau{\ss}e, Zurab Khasidashvili, Konstantin Korovin

Abstract: SMLP: Symbolic Machine Learning Prover an open source tool for exploration and optimization of systems represented by machine learning models. SMLP uses symbolic reasoning for ML model exploration and optimization under verification and stability constraints, based on SMT, constraint and NN solvers. In addition its exploration methods are guided by probabilistic and statistical methods. SMLP is a general purpose tool that requires only data suitable for ML modelling in the csv format (usually samples of the system's input/output). SMLP has been applied at Intel for analyzing and optimizing hardware designs at the analog level. Currently SMLP supports NNs, polynomial and tree models, and uses SMT solvers for reasoning and optimization at the backend, integration of specialized NN solvers is in progress.

cross Low-Rank Adaptation of Time Series Foundational Models for Out-of-Domain Modality Forecasting

Authors: Divij Gupta, Anubhav Bhatti, Suraj Parmar, Chen Dan, Yuwei Liu, Bingjie Shen, San Lee

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a widely used technique for fine-tuning large pre-trained or foundational models across different modalities and tasks. However, its application to time series data, particularly within foundational models, remains underexplored. This paper examines the impact of LoRA on contemporary time series foundational models: Lag-Llama, MOIRAI, and Chronos. We demonstrate LoRA's fine-tuning potential for forecasting the vital signs of sepsis patients in intensive care units (ICUs), emphasizing the models' adaptability to previously unseen, out-of-domain modalities. Integrating LoRA aims to enhance forecasting performance while reducing inefficiencies associated with fine-tuning large models on limited domain-specific data. Our experiments show that LoRA fine-tuning of time series foundational models significantly improves forecasting, achieving results comparable to state-of-the-art models trained from scratch on similar modalities. We conduct comprehensive ablation studies to demonstrate the trade-offs between the number of tunable parameters and forecasting performance and assess the impact of varying LoRA matrix ranks on model performance.

cross ENADPool: The Edge-Node Attention-based Differentiable Pooling for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Zhehan Zhao, Lu Bai, Lixin Cui, Ming Li, Yue Wang, Lixiang Xu, Edwin R. Hancock

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are powerful tools for graph classification. One important operation for GNNs is the downsampling or pooling that can learn effective embeddings from the node representations. In this paper, we propose a new hierarchical pooling operation, namely the Edge-Node Attention-based Differentiable Pooling (ENADPool), for GNNs to learn effective graph representations. Unlike the classical hierarchical pooling operation that is based on the unclear node assignment and simply computes the averaged feature over the nodes of each cluster, the proposed ENADPool not only employs a hard clustering strategy to assign each node into an unique cluster, but also compress the node features as well as their edge connectivity strengths into the resulting hierarchical structure based on the attention mechanism after each pooling step. As a result, the proposed ENADPool simultaneously identifies the importance of different nodes within each separated cluster and edges between corresponding clusters, that significantly addresses the shortcomings of the uniform edge-node based structure information aggregation arising in the classical hierarchical pooling operation. Moreover, to mitigate the over-smoothing problem arising in existing GNNs, we propose a Multi-distance GNN (MD-GNN) model associated with the proposed ENADPool operation, allowing the nodes to actively and directly receive the feature information from neighbors at different random walk steps. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the MD-GNN associated with the proposed ENADPool.

cross Keep It Private: Unsupervised Privatization of Online Text

Authors: Calvin Bao, Marine Carpuat

Abstract: Authorship obfuscation techniques hold the promise of helping people protect their privacy in online communications by automatically rewriting text to hide the identity of the original author. However, obfuscation has been evaluated in narrow settings in the NLP literature and has primarily been addressed with superficial edit operations that can lead to unnatural outputs. In this work, we introduce an automatic text privatization framework that fine-tunes a large language model via reinforcement learning to produce rewrites that balance soundness, sense, and privacy. We evaluate it extensively on a large-scale test set of English Reddit posts by 68k authors composed of short-medium length texts. We study how the performance changes among evaluative conditions including authorial profile length and authorship detection strategy. Our method maintains high text quality according to both automated metrics and human evaluation, and successfully evades several automated authorship attacks.

cross Two-Phase Dynamics of Interactions Explains the Starting Point of a DNN Learning Over-Fitted Features

Authors: Junpeng Zhang, Qing Li, Liang Lin, Quanshi Zhang

Abstract: This paper investigates the dynamics of a deep neural network (DNN) learning interactions. Previous studies have discovered and mathematically proven that given each input sample, a well-trained DNN usually only encodes a small number of interactions (non-linear relationships) between input variables in the sample. A series of theorems have been derived to prove that we can consider the DNN's inference equivalent to using these interactions as primitive patterns for inference. In this paper, we discover the DNN learns interactions in two phases. The first phase mainly penalizes interactions of medium and high orders, and the second phase mainly learns interactions of gradually increasing orders. We can consider the two-phase phenomenon as the starting point of a DNN learning over-fitted features. Such a phenomenon has been widely shared by DNNs with various architectures trained for different tasks. Therefore, the discovery of the two-phase dynamics provides a detailed mechanism for how a DNN gradually learns different inference patterns (interactions). In particular, we have also verified the claim that high-order interactions have weaker generalization power than low-order interactions. Thus, the discovered two-phase dynamics also explains how the generalization power of a DNN changes during the training process.

cross Automated Federated Learning via Informed Pruning

Authors: Christian Intern\`o, Elena Raponi, Niki van Stein, Thomas B\"ack, Markus Olhofer, Yaochu Jin, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) represents a pivotal shift in machine learning (ML) as it enables collaborative training of local ML models coordinated by a central aggregator, all without the need to exchange local data. However, its application on edge devices is hindered by limited computational capabilities and data communication challenges, compounded by the inherent complexity of Deep Learning (DL) models. Model pruning is identified as a key technique for compressing DL models on devices with limited resources. Nonetheless, conventional pruning techniques typically rely on manually crafted heuristics and demand human expertise to achieve a balance between model size, speed, and accuracy, often resulting in sub-optimal solutions. In this study, we introduce an automated federated learning approach utilizing informed pruning, called AutoFLIP, which dynamically prunes and compresses DL models within both the local clients and the global server. It leverages a federated loss exploration phase to investigate model gradient behavior across diverse datasets and losses, providing insights into parameter significance. Our experiments showcase notable enhancements in scenarios with strong non-IID data, underscoring AutoFLIP's capacity to tackle computational constraints and achieve superior global convergence.

cross Faces that Speak: Jointly Synthesising Talking Face and Speech from Text

Authors: Youngjoon Jang, Ji-Hoon Kim, Junseok Ahn, Doyeop Kwak, Hong-Sun Yang, Yoon-Cheol Ju, Il-Hwan Kim, Byeong-Yeol Kim, Joon Son Chung

Abstract: The goal of this work is to simultaneously generate natural talking faces and speech outputs from text. We achieve this by integrating Talking Face Generation (TFG) and Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems into a unified framework. We address the main challenges of each task: (1) generating a range of head poses representative of real-world scenarios, and (2) ensuring voice consistency despite variations in facial motion for the same identity. To tackle these issues, we introduce a motion sampler based on conditional flow matching, which is capable of high-quality motion code generation in an efficient way. Moreover, we introduce a novel conditioning method for the TTS system, which utilises motion-removed features from the TFG model to yield uniform speech outputs. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that our method effectively creates natural-looking talking faces and speech that accurately match the input text. To our knowledge, this is the first effort to build a multimodal synthesis system that can generalise to unseen identities.

cross FFF: Fixing Flawed Foundations in contrastive pre-training results in very strong Vision-Language models

Authors: Adrian Bulat, Yassine Ouali, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

Abstract: Despite noise and caption quality having been acknowledged as important factors impacting vision-language contrastive pre-training, in this paper, we show that the full potential of improving the training process by addressing such issues is yet to be realized. Specifically, we firstly study and analyze two issues affecting training: incorrect assignment of negative pairs, and low caption quality and diversity. Then, we devise effective solutions for addressing both problems, which essentially require training with multiple true positive pairs. Finally, we propose training with sigmoid loss to address such a requirement. We show very large gains over the current state-of-the-art for both image recognition ($\sim +6\%$ on average over 11 datasets) and image retrieval ($\sim +19\%$ on Flickr30k and $\sim +15\%$ on MSCOCO).

cross Timeline-based Sentence Decomposition with In-Context Learning for Temporal Fact Extraction

Authors: Jianhao Chen, Haoyuan Ouyang, Junyang Ren, Wentao Ding, Wei Hu, Yuzhong Qu

Abstract: Facts extraction is pivotal for constructing knowledge graphs. Recently, the increasing demand for temporal facts in downstream tasks has led to the emergence of the task of temporal fact extraction. In this paper, we specifically address the extraction of temporal facts from natural language text. Previous studies fail to handle the challenge of establishing time-to-fact correspondences in complex sentences. To overcome this hurdle, we propose a timeline-based sentence decomposition strategy using large language models (LLMs) with in-context learning, ensuring a fine-grained understanding of the timeline associated with various facts. In addition, we evaluate the performance of LLMs for direct temporal fact extraction and get unsatisfactory results. To this end, we introduce TSDRE, a method that incorporates the decomposition capabilities of LLMs into the traditional fine-tuning of smaller pre-trained language models (PLMs). To support the evaluation, we construct ComplexTRED, a complex temporal fact extraction dataset. Our experiments show that TSDRE achieves state-of-the-art results on both HyperRED-Temporal and ComplexTRED datasets.

cross Societal Adaptation to Advanced AI

Authors: Jamie Bernardi, Gabriel Mukobi, Hilary Greaves, Lennart Heim, Markus Anderljung

Abstract: Existing strategies for managing risks from advanced AI systems often focus on affecting what AI systems are developed and how they diffuse. However, this approach becomes less feasible as the number of developers of advanced AI grows, and impedes beneficial use-cases as well as harmful ones. In response, we urge a complementary approach: increasing societal adaptation to advanced AI, that is, reducing the expected negative impacts from a given level of diffusion of a given AI capability. We introduce a conceptual framework which helps identify adaptive interventions that avoid, defend against and remedy potentially harmful uses of AI systems, illustrated with examples in election manipulation, cyberterrorism, and loss of control to AI decision-makers. We discuss a three-step cycle that society can implement to adapt to AI. Increasing society's ability to implement this cycle builds its resilience to advanced AI. We conclude with concrete recommendations for governments, industry, and third-parties.

cross HW-GPT-Bench: Hardware-Aware Architecture Benchmark for Language Models

Authors: Rhea Sanjay Sukthanker, Arber Zela, Benedikt Staffler, Jorg K. H. Franke, Frank Hutter

Abstract: The expanding size of language models has created the necessity for a comprehensive examination across various dimensions that reflect the desiderata with respect to the tradeoffs between various hardware metrics, such as latency, energy consumption, GPU memory usage, and performance. There is a growing interest in establishing Pareto frontiers for different language model configurations to identify optimal models with specified hardware constraints. Notably, architectures that excel in latency on one device may not perform optimally on another. However, exhaustive training and evaluation of numerous architectures across diverse hardware configurations is computationally prohibitive. To this end, we propose HW-GPT-Bench, a hardware-aware language model surrogate benchmark, where we leverage weight-sharing techniques from Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to efficiently train a supernet proxy, encompassing language models of varying scales in a single model. We conduct profiling of these models across 13 devices, considering 5 hardware metrics and 3 distinct model scales. Finally, we showcase the usability of HW-GPT-Bench using 8 different multi-objective NAS algorithms and evaluate the quality of the resultant Pareto fronts. Through this benchmark, our objective is to propel and expedite research in the advancement of multi-objective methods for NAS and structural pruning in large language models.

cross Conformal Alignment: Knowing When to Trust Foundation Models with Guarantees

Authors: Yu Gui, Ying Jin, Zhimei Ren

Abstract: Before deploying outputs from foundation models in high-stakes tasks, it is imperative to ensure that they align with human values. For instance, in radiology report generation, reports generated by a vision-language model must align with human evaluations before their use in medical decision-making. This paper presents Conformal Alignment, a general framework for identifying units whose outputs meet a user-specified alignment criterion. It is guaranteed that on average, a prescribed fraction of selected units indeed meet the alignment criterion, regardless of the foundation model or the data distribution. Given any pre-trained model and new units with model-generated outputs, Conformal Alignment leverages a set of reference data with ground-truth alignment status to train an alignment predictor. It then selects new units whose predicted alignment scores surpass a data-dependent threshold, certifying their corresponding outputs as trustworthy. Through applications to question answering and radiology report generation, we demonstrate that our method is able to accurately identify units with trustworthy outputs via lightweight training over a moderate amount of reference data. En route, we investigate the informativeness of various features in alignment prediction and combine them with standard models to construct the alignment predictor.

cross 4D Panoptic Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Jingkang Yang, Jun Cen, Wenxuan Peng, Shuai Liu, Fangzhou Hong, Xiangtai Li, Kaiyang Zhou, Qifeng Chen, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: We are living in a three-dimensional space while moving forward through a fourth dimension: time. To allow artificial intelligence to develop a comprehensive understanding of such a 4D environment, we introduce 4D Panoptic Scene Graph (PSG-4D), a new representation that bridges the raw visual data perceived in a dynamic 4D world and high-level visual understanding. Specifically, PSG-4D abstracts rich 4D sensory data into nodes, which represent entities with precise location and status information, and edges, which capture the temporal relations. To facilitate research in this new area, we build a richly annotated PSG-4D dataset consisting of 3K RGB-D videos with a total of 1M frames, each of which is labeled with 4D panoptic segmentation masks as well as fine-grained, dynamic scene graphs. To solve PSG-4D, we propose PSG4DFormer, a Transformer-based model that can predict panoptic segmentation masks, track masks along the time axis, and generate the corresponding scene graphs via a relation component. Extensive experiments on the new dataset show that our method can serve as a strong baseline for future research on PSG-4D. In the end, we provide a real-world application example to demonstrate how we can achieve dynamic scene understanding by integrating a large language model into our PSG-4D system.

cross Stochastic Q-learning for Large Discrete Action Spaces

Authors: Fares Fourati, Vaneet Aggarwal, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Abstract: In complex environments with large discrete action spaces, effective decision-making is critical in reinforcement learning (RL). Despite the widespread use of value-based RL approaches like Q-learning, they come with a computational burden, necessitating the maximization of a value function over all actions in each iteration. This burden becomes particularly challenging when addressing large-scale problems and using deep neural networks as function approximators. In this paper, we present stochastic value-based RL approaches which, in each iteration, as opposed to optimizing over the entire set of $n$ actions, only consider a variable stochastic set of a sublinear number of actions, possibly as small as $\mathcal{O}(\log(n))$. The presented stochastic value-based RL methods include, among others, Stochastic Q-learning, StochDQN, and StochDDQN, all of which integrate this stochastic approach for both value-function updates and action selection. The theoretical convergence of Stochastic Q-learning is established, while an analysis of stochastic maximization is provided. Moreover, through empirical validation, we illustrate that the various proposed approaches outperform the baseline methods across diverse environments, including different control problems, achieving near-optimal average returns in significantly reduced time.

cross TRANSIC: Sim-to-Real Policy Transfer by Learning from Online Correction

Authors: Yunfan Jiang, Chen Wang, Ruohan Zhang, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei

Abstract: Learning in simulation and transferring the learned policy to the real world has the potential to enable generalist robots. The key challenge of this approach is to address simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) gaps. Previous methods often require domain-specific knowledge a priori. We argue that a straightforward way to obtain such knowledge is by asking humans to observe and assist robot policy execution in the real world. The robots can then learn from humans to close various sim-to-real gaps. We propose TRANSIC, a data-driven approach to enable successful sim-to-real transfer based on a human-in-the-loop framework. TRANSIC allows humans to augment simulation policies to overcome various unmodeled sim-to-real gaps holistically through intervention and online correction. Residual policies can be learned from human corrections and integrated with simulation policies for autonomous execution. We show that our approach can achieve successful sim-to-real transfer in complex and contact-rich manipulation tasks such as furniture assembly. Through synergistic integration of policies learned in simulation and from humans, TRANSIC is effective as a holistic approach to addressing various, often coexisting sim-to-real gaps. It displays attractive properties such as scaling with human effort. Videos and code are available at


replace Scaling the weight parameters in Markov logic networks and relational logistic regression models

Authors: Felix Weitk\"amper

Abstract: We consider Markov logic networks and relational logistic regression as two fundamental representation formalisms in statistical relational artificial intelligence that use weighted formulas in their specification. However, Markov logic networks are based on undirected graphs, while relational logistic regression is based on directed acyclic graphs. We show that when scaling the weight parameters with the domain size, the asymptotic behaviour of a relational logistic regression model is transparently controlled by the parameters, and we supply an algorithm to compute asymptotic probabilities. We also show using two examples that this is not true for Markov logic networks. We also discuss using several examples, mainly from the literature, how the application context can help the user to decide when such scaling is appropriate and when using the raw unscaled parameters might be preferable. We highlight random sampling as a particularly promising area of application for scaled models and expound possible avenues for further research.

replace Probabilities of the third type: Statistical Relational Learning and Reasoning with Relative Frequencies

Authors: Felix Weitk\"amper

Abstract: Dependencies on the relative frequency of a state in the domain are common when modelling probabilistic dependencies on relational data. For instance, the likelihood of a school closure during an epidemic might depend on the proportion of infected pupils exceeding a threshold. Often, rather than depending on discrete thresholds, dependencies are continuous: for instance, the likelihood of any one mosquito bite transmitting an illness depends on the proportion of carrier mosquitoes. Current approaches usually only consider probabilities over possible worlds rather than over domain elements themselves. An exception are the recently introduced Lifted Bayesian Networks for Conditional Probability Logic, which express discrete dependencies on probabilistic data. We introduce functional lifted Bayesian networks, a formalism that explicitly incorporates continuous dependencies on relative frequencies into statistical relational artificial intelligence. and compare and contrast them with ifted Bayesian Networks for Conditional Probability Logic. Incorporating relative frequencies is not only beneficial to modelling; it also provides a more rigorous approach to learning problems where training and test or application domains have different sizes. To this end, we provide a representation of the asymptotic probability distributions induced by functional lifted Bayesian networks on domains of increasing sizes. Since that representation has well-understood scaling behaviour across domain sizes, it can be used to estimate parameters for a large domain consistently from randomly sampled subpopulations. Furthermore, we show that in parametric families of FLBN, convergence is uniform in the parameters, which ensures a meaningful dependence of the asymptotic probabilities on the parameters of the model.

replace How should I compute my candidates? A taxonomy and classification of diagnosis computation algorithms

Authors: Patrick Rodler

Abstract: This work proposes a taxonomy for diagnosis computation methods which allows their standardized assessment, classification and comparison. The aim is to (i) give researchers and practitioners an impression of the diverse landscape of available diagnostic techniques, (ii) allow them to easily retrieve the main features as well as pros and cons of the approaches, (iii) enable an easy and clear comparison of the techniques based on their characteristics wrt. a list of important and well-defined properties, and (iv) facilitate the selection of the "right" algorithm to adopt for a particular problem case, e.g., in practical diagnostic settings, for comparison in experimental evaluations, or for reuse, modification, extension, or improvement in the course of research.

replace The generalised distribution semantics and projective families of distributions

Authors: Felix Weitk\"amper

Abstract: We generalise the distribution semantics underpinning probabilistic logic programming by distilling its essential concept, the separation of a free random component and a deterministic part. This abstracts the core ideas beyond logic programming as such to encompass frameworks from probabilistic databases, probabilistic finite model theory and discrete lifted Bayesian networks. To demonstrate the usefulness of such a general approach, we completely characterise the projective families of distributions representable in the generalised distribution semantics and we demonstrate both that large classes of interesting projective families cannot be represented in a generalised distribution semantics and that already a very limited fragment of logic programming (acyclic determinate logic programs) in the determinsitic part suffices to represent all those projective families that are representable in the generalised distribution semantics at all.

replace Neurosymbolic AI for Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs: A Survey

Authors: Lauren Nicole DeLong (The University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, Artificial Intelligence,its Applications Institute), Ramon Fern\'andez Mir (The University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, Artificial Intelligence,its Applications Institute), Jacques D. Fleuriot (The University of Edinburgh School of Informatics, Artificial Intelligence,its Applications Institute)

Abstract: Neurosymbolic AI is an increasingly active area of research that combines symbolic reasoning methods with deep learning to leverage their complementary benefits. As knowledge graphs are becoming a popular way to represent heterogeneous and multi-relational data, methods for reasoning on graph structures have attempted to follow this neurosymbolic paradigm. Traditionally, such approaches have utilized either rule-based inference or generated representative numerical embeddings from which patterns could be extracted. However, several recent studies have attempted to bridge this dichotomy to generate models that facilitate interpretability, maintain competitive performance, and integrate expert knowledge. Therefore, we survey methods that perform neurosymbolic reasoning tasks on knowledge graphs and propose a novel taxonomy by which we can classify them. Specifically, we propose three major categories: (1) logically-informed embedding approaches, (2) embedding approaches with logical constraints, and (3) rule learning approaches. Alongside the taxonomy, we provide a tabular overview of the approaches and links to their source code, if available, for more direct comparison. Finally, we discuss the unique characteristics and limitations of these methods, then propose several prospective directions toward which this field of research could evolve.

replace The WHY in Business Processes: Discovery of Causal Execution Dependencies

Authors: Fabiana Fournier, Lior Limonad, Inna Skarbovsky, Yuval David

Abstract: Unraveling the causal relationships among the execution of process activities is a crucial element in predicting the consequences of process interventions and making informed decisions regarding process improvements. Process discovery algorithms exploit time precedence as their main source of model derivation. Hence, a causal view can supplement process discovery, being a new perspective in which relations reflect genuine cause-effect dependencies among the tasks. This calls for faithful new techniques to discover the causal execution dependencies among the tasks in the process. To this end, our work offers a systematic approach to the unveiling of the causal business process by leveraging an existing causal discovery algorithm over activity timing. In addition, this work delves into a set of conditions under which process mining discovery algorithms generate a model that is incongruent with the causal business process model, and shows how the latter model can be methodologically employed for a sound analysis of the process. Our methodology searches for such discrepancies between the two models in the context of three causal patterns, and derives a new view in which these inconsistencies are annotated over the mined process model. We demonstrate our methodology employing two open process mining algorithms, the IBM Process Mining tool, and the LiNGAM causal discovery technique. We apply it on a synthesized dataset and on two open benchmark data sets.

replace ShennongAlpha: an AI-driven sharing and collaboration platform for intelligent curation, acquisition, and translation of natural medicinal material knowledge

Authors: Zijie Yang, Yongjing Yin, Chaojun Kong, Tiange Chi, Wufan Tao, Yue Zhang, Tian Xu

Abstract: Natural Medicinal Materials (NMMs) have a long history of global clinical applications and a wealth of records and knowledge. Although NMMs are a major source for drug discovery and clinical application, the utilization and sharing of NMM knowledge face crucial challenges, including the standardized description of critical information, efficient curation and acquisition, and language barriers. To address these, we developed ShennongAlpha, an AI-driven sharing and collaboration platform for intelligent knowledge curation, acquisition, and translation. For standardized knowledge curation, the platform introduced a Systematic Nomenclature to enable accurate differentiation and identification of NMMs. More than fourteen thousand Chinese NMMs have been curated into the platform along with their knowledge. Furthermore, the platform pioneered chat-based knowledge acquisition, standardized machine translation, and collaborative knowledge updating. Together, our study represents the first major advance in leveraging AI to empower NMM knowledge sharing, which not only marks a novel application of AI for Science, but also will significantly benefit the global biomedical, pharmaceutical, physician, and patient communities.

replace Results about sets of desirable gamble sets

Authors: Catrin Campbell-Moore

Abstract: Coherent sets of desirable gamble sets is used as a model for representing an agents opinions and choice preferences under uncertainty. In this paper we provide some results about the axioms required for coherence and the natural extension of a given set of desirable gamble sets. We also show that coherent sets of desirable gamble sets can be represented by a proper filter of coherent sets of desirable gambles.

replace-cross A Theoretical Computer Science Perspective on Free Will

Authors: Manuel Blum, Lenore Blum

Abstract: We consider the paradoxical concept of free will from the perspective of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), a branch of mathematics concerned with understanding the underlying principles of computation and complexity, including the implications and surprising consequences of resource limitations.

replace-cross Enhancing Small Medical Learners with Privacy-preserving Contextual Prompting

Authors: Xinlu Zhang, Shiyang Li, Xianjun Yang, Chenxin Tian, Yao Qin, Linda Ruth Petzold

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable medical expertise, but data privacy concerns impede their direct use in healthcare environments. Although offering improved data privacy protection, domain-specific small language models (SLMs) often underperform LLMs, emphasizing the need for methods that reduce this performance gap while alleviating privacy concerns. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective method that harnesses LLMs' medical proficiency to boost SLM performance in medical tasks under privacy-restricted scenarios. Specifically, we mitigate patient privacy issues by extracting keywords from medical data and prompting the LLM to generate a medical knowledge-intensive context by simulating clinicians' thought processes. This context serves as additional input for SLMs, augmenting their decision-making capabilities. Our method significantly enhances performance in both few-shot and full training settings across three medical knowledge-intensive tasks, achieving up to a 22.57% increase in absolute accuracy compared to SLM fine-tuning without context, and sets new state-of-the-art results in two medical tasks within privacy-restricted scenarios. Further out-of-domain testing and experiments in two general domain datasets showcase its generalizability and broad applicability. Our code can be found at


replace-cross BEIR-PL: Zero Shot Information Retrieval Benchmark for the Polish Language

Authors: Konrad Wojtasik, Vadim Shishkin, Kacper Wo{\l}owiec, Arkadiusz Janz, Maciej Piasecki

Abstract: The BEIR dataset is a large, heterogeneous benchmark for Information Retrieval (IR) in zero-shot settings, garnering considerable attention within the research community. However, BEIR and analogous datasets are predominantly restricted to the English language. Our objective is to establish extensive large-scale resources for IR in the Polish language, thereby advancing the research in this NLP area. In this work, inspired by mMARCO and Mr.~TyDi datasets, we translated all accessible open IR datasets into Polish, and we introduced the BEIR-PL benchmark -- a new benchmark which comprises 13 datasets, facilitating further development, training and evaluation of modern Polish language models for IR tasks. We executed an evaluation and comparison of numerous IR models on the newly introduced BEIR-PL benchmark. Furthermore, we publish pre-trained open IR models for Polish language,d marking a pioneering development in this field. Additionally, the evaluation revealed that BM25 achieved significantly lower scores for Polish than for English, which can be attributed to high inflection and intricate morphological structure of the Polish language. Finally, we trained various re-ranking models to enhance the BM25 retrieval, and we compared their performance to identify their unique characteristic features. To ensure accurate model comparisons, it is necessary to scrutinise individual results rather than to average across the entire benchmark. Thus, we thoroughly analysed the outcomes of IR models in relation to each individual data subset encompassed by the BEIR benchmark. The benchmark data is available at URL {\bf}.


replace-cross A blind spot for large language models: Supradiegetic linguistic information

Authors: Julia Witte Zimmerman, Denis Hudon, Kathryn Cramer, Jonathan St. Onge, Mikaela Fudolig, Milo Z. Trujillo, Christopher M. Danforth, Peter Sheridan Dodds

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT reflect profound changes in the field of Artificial Intelligence, achieving a linguistic fluency that is impressively, even shockingly, human-like. The extent of their current and potential capabilities is an active area of investigation by no means limited to scientific researchers. It is common for people to frame the training data for LLMs as "text" or even "language". We examine the details of this framing using ideas from several areas, including linguistics, embodied cognition, cognitive science, mathematics, and history. We propose that considering what it is like to be an LLM like ChatGPT, as Nagel might have put it, can help us gain insight into its capabilities in general, and in particular, that its exposure to linguistic training data can be productively reframed as exposure to the diegetic information encoded in language, and its deficits can be reframed as ignorance of extradiegetic information, including supradiegetic linguistic information. Supradiegetic linguistic information consists of those arbitrary aspects of the physical form of language that are not derivable from the one-dimensional relations of context -- frequency, adjacency, proximity, co-occurrence -- that LLMs like ChatGPT have access to. Roughly speaking, the diegetic portion of a word can be thought of as its function, its meaning, as the information in a theoretical vector in a word embedding, while the supradiegetic portion of the word can be thought of as its form, like the shapes of its letters or the sounds of its syllables. We use these concepts to investigate why LLMs like ChatGPT have trouble handling palindromes, the visual characteristics of symbols, translating Sumerian cuneiform, and continuing integer sequences.

replace-cross MagicBrush: A Manually Annotated Dataset for Instruction-Guided Image Editing

Authors: Kai Zhang, Lingbo Mo, Wenhu Chen, Huan Sun, Yu Su

Abstract: Text-guided image editing is widely needed in daily life, ranging from personal use to professional applications such as Photoshop. However, existing methods are either zero-shot or trained on an automatically synthesized dataset, which contains a high volume of noise. Thus, they still require lots of manual tuning to produce desirable outcomes in practice. To address this issue, we introduce MagicBrush (, the first large-scale, manually annotated dataset for instruction-guided real image editing that covers diverse scenarios: single-turn, multi-turn, mask-provided, and mask-free editing. MagicBrush comprises over 10K manually annotated triplets (source image, instruction, target image), which supports trainining large-scale text-guided image editing models. We fine-tune InstructPix2Pix on MagicBrush and show that the new model can produce much better images according to human evaluation. We further conduct extensive experiments to evaluate current image editing baselines from multiple dimensions including quantitative, qualitative, and human evaluations. The results reveal the challenging nature of our dataset and the gap between current baselines and real-world editing needs.


replace-cross MIMIC: Masked Image Modeling with Image Correspondences

Authors: Kalyani Marathe, Mahtab Bigverdi, Nishat Khan, Tuhin Kundu, Patrick Howe, Sharan Ranjit S, Anand Bhattad, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Linda G. Shapiro, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: Dense pixel-specific representation learning at scale has been bottlenecked due to the unavailability of large-scale multi-view datasets. Current methods for building effective pretraining datasets heavily rely on annotated 3D meshes, point clouds, and camera parameters from simulated environments, preventing them from building datasets from real-world data sources where such metadata is lacking. We propose a pretraining dataset-curation approach that does not require any additional annotations. Our method allows us to generate multi-view datasets from both real-world videos and simulated environments at scale. Specifically, we experiment with two scales: MIMIC-1M with 1.3M and MIMIC-3M with 3.1M multi-view image pairs. We train multiple models with different masked image modeling objectives to showcase the following findings: Representations trained on our automatically generated MIMIC-3M outperform those learned from expensive crowdsourced datasets (ImageNet-1K) and those learned from synthetic environments (MULTIVIEW-HABITAT) on two dense geometric tasks: depth estimation on NYUv2 (1.7%), and surface normals estimation on Taskonomy (2.05%). For dense tasks which also require object understanding, we outperform MULTIVIEW-HABITAT, on semantic segmentation on ADE20K (3.89%), pose estimation on MSCOCO (9.4%), and reduce the gap with models pre-trained on the object-centric expensive ImageNet-1K. We outperform even when the representations are frozen, and when downstream training data is limited to few-shot. Larger dataset (MIMIC-3M) significantly improves performance, which is promising since our curation method can arbitrarily scale to produce even larger datasets. MIMIC code, dataset, and pretrained models are open-sourced at


replace-cross Lookbehind-SAM: k steps back, 1 step forward

Authors: Gon\c{c}alo Mordido, Pranshu Malviya, Aristide Baratin, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) methods have gained increasing popularity by formulating the problem of minimizing both loss value and loss sharpness as a minimax objective. In this work, we increase the efficiency of the maximization and minimization parts of SAM's objective to achieve a better loss-sharpness trade-off. By taking inspiration from the Lookahead optimizer, which uses multiple descent steps ahead, we propose Lookbehind, which performs multiple ascent steps behind to enhance the maximization step of SAM and find a worst-case perturbation with higher loss. Then, to mitigate the variance in the descent step arising from the gathered gradients across the multiple ascent steps, we employ linear interpolation to refine the minimization step. Lookbehind leads to a myriad of benefits across a variety of tasks. Particularly, we show increased generalization performance, greater robustness against noisy weights, as well as improved learning and less catastrophic forgetting in lifelong learning settings. Our code is available at


replace-cross Incremental Learning of Humanoid Robot Behavior from Natural Interaction and Large Language Models

Authors: Leonard B\"armann, Rainer Kartmann, Fabian Peller-Konrad, Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel, Tamim Asfour

Abstract: Natural-language dialog is key for intuitive human-robot interaction. It can be used not only to express humans' intents, but also to communicate instructions for improvement if a robot does not understand a command correctly. Of great importance is to endow robots with the ability to learn from such interaction experience in an incremental way to allow them to improve their behaviors or avoid mistakes in the future. In this paper, we propose a system to achieve incremental learning of complex behavior from natural interaction, and demonstrate its implementation on a humanoid robot. Building on recent advances, we present a system that deploys Large Language Models (LLMs) for high-level orchestration of the robot's behavior, based on the idea of enabling the LLM to generate Python statements in an interactive console to invoke both robot perception and action. The interaction loop is closed by feeding back human instructions, environment observations, and execution results to the LLM, thus informing the generation of the next statement. Specifically, we introduce incremental prompt learning, which enables the system to interactively learn from its mistakes. For that purpose, the LLM can call another LLM responsible for code-level improvements of the current interaction based on human feedback. The improved interaction is then saved in the robot's memory, and thus retrieved on similar requests. We integrate the system in the robot cognitive architecture of the humanoid robot ARMAR-6 and evaluate our methods both quantitatively (in simulation) and qualitatively (in simulation and real-world) by demonstrating generalized incrementally-learned knowledge.

replace-cross Improved Baselines with Visual Instruction Tuning

Authors: Haotian Liu, Chunyuan Li, Yuheng Li, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: Large multimodal models (LMM) have recently shown encouraging progress with visual instruction tuning. In this note, we show that the fully-connected vision-language cross-modal connector in LLaVA is surprisingly powerful and data-efficient. With simple modifications to LLaVA, namely, using CLIP-ViT-L-336px with an MLP projection and adding academic-task-oriented VQA data with simple response formatting prompts, we establish stronger baselines that achieve state-of-the-art across 11 benchmarks. Our final 13B checkpoint uses merely 1.2M publicly available data, and finishes full training in ~1 day on a single 8-A100 node. We hope this can make state-of-the-art LMM research more accessible. Code and model will be publicly available.

replace-cross GOPlan: Goal-conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning by Planning with Learned Models

Authors: Mianchu Wang, Rui Yang, Xi Chen, Hao Sun, Meng Fang, Giovanni Montana

Abstract: Offline Goal-Conditioned RL (GCRL) offers a feasible paradigm for learning general-purpose policies from diverse and multi-task offline datasets. Despite notable recent progress, the predominant offline GCRL methods, mainly model-free, face constraints in handling limited data and generalizing to unseen goals. In this work, we propose Goal-conditioned Offline Planning (GOPlan), a novel model-based framework that contains two key phases: (1) pretraining a prior policy capable of capturing multi-modal action distribution within the multi-goal dataset; (2) employing the reanalysis method with planning to generate imagined trajectories for funetuning policies. Specifically, we base the prior policy on an advantage-weighted conditioned generative adversarial network, which facilitates distinct mode separation, mitigating the pitfalls of out-of-distribution (OOD) actions. For further policy optimization, the reanalysis method generates high-quality imaginary data by planning with learned models for both intra-trajectory and inter-trajectory goals. With thorough experimental evaluations, we demonstrate that GOPlan achieves state-of-the-art performance on various offline multi-goal navigation and manipulation tasks. Moreover, our results highlight the superior ability of GOPlan to handle small data budgets and generalize to OOD goals.

replace-cross Mesh Neural Cellular Automata

Authors: Ehsan Pajouheshgar, Yitao Xu, Alexander Mordvintsev, Eyvind Niklasson, Tong Zhang, Sabine S\"usstrunk

Abstract: Texture modeling and synthesis are essential for enhancing the realism of virtual environments. Methods that directly synthesize textures in 3D offer distinct advantages to the UV-mapping-based methods as they can create seamless textures and align more closely with the ways textures form in nature. We propose Mesh Neural Cellular Automata (MeshNCA), a method that directly synthesizes dynamic textures on 3D meshes without requiring any UV maps. MeshNCA is a generalized type of cellular automata that can operate on a set of cells arranged on non-grid structures such as the vertices of a 3D mesh. MeshNCA accommodates multi-modal supervision and can be trained using different targets such as images, text prompts, and motion vector fields. Only trained on an Icosphere mesh, MeshNCA shows remarkable test-time generalization and can synthesize textures on unseen meshes in real time. We conduct qualitative and quantitative comparisons to demonstrate that MeshNCA outperforms other 3D texture synthesis methods in terms of generalization and producing high-quality textures. Moreover, we introduce a way of grafting trained MeshNCA instances, enabling interpolation between textures. MeshNCA allows several user interactions including texture density/orientation controls, grafting/regenerate brushes, and motion speed/direction controls. Finally, we implement the forward pass of our MeshNCA model using the WebGL shading language and showcase our trained models in an online interactive demo, which is accessible on personal computers and smartphones and is available at


replace-cross ALBA: Adaptive Language-based Assessments for Mental Health

Authors: Vasudha Varadarajan, Sverker Sikstr\"om, Oscar N. E. Kjell, H. Andrew Schwartz

Abstract: Mental health issues differ widely among individuals, with varied signs and symptoms. Recently, language-based assessments have shown promise in capturing this diversity, but they require a substantial sample of words per person for accuracy. This work introduces the task of Adaptive Language-Based Assessment ALBA, which involves adaptively ordering questions while also scoring an individual's latent psychological trait using limited language responses to previous questions. To this end, we develop adaptive testing methods under two psychometric measurement theories: Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory. We empirically evaluate ordering and scoring strategies, organizing into two new methods: a semi-supervised item response theory-based method ALIRT and a supervised Actor-Critic model. While we found both methods to improve over non-adaptive baselines, We found ALIRT to be the most accurate and scalable, achieving the highest accuracy with fewer questions (e.g., Pearson r ~ 0.93 after only 3 questions as compared to typically needing at least 7 questions). In general, adaptive language-based assessments of depression and anxiety were able to utilize a smaller sample of language without compromising validity or large computational costs.

replace-cross Testing learning-enabled cyber-physical systems with Large-Language Models: A Formal Approach

Authors: Xi Zheng, Aloysius K. Mok, Ruzica Piskac, Yong Jae Lee, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Dakai Zhu, Oleg Sokolsky, Insup Lee

Abstract: The integration of machine learning (ML) into cyber-physical systems (CPS) offers significant benefits, including enhanced efficiency, predictive capabilities, real-time responsiveness, and the enabling of autonomous operations. This convergence has accelerated the development and deployment of a range of real-world applications, such as autonomous vehicles, delivery drones, service robots, and telemedicine procedures. However, the software development life cycle (SDLC) for AI-infused CPS diverges significantly from traditional approaches, featuring data and learning as two critical components. Existing verification and validation techniques are often inadequate for these new paradigms. In this study, we pinpoint the main challenges in ensuring formal safety for learningenabled CPS.We begin by examining testing as the most pragmatic method for verification and validation, summarizing the current state-of-the-art methodologies. Recognizing the limitations in current testing approaches to provide formal safety guarantees, we propose a roadmap to transition from foundational probabilistic testing to a more rigorous approach capable of delivering formal assurance.

replace-cross NID-SLAM: Neural Implicit Representation-based RGB-D SLAM in dynamic environments

Authors: Ziheng Xu, Jianwei Niu, Qingfeng Li, Tao Ren, Chen Chen

Abstract: Neural implicit representations have been explored to enhance visual SLAM algorithms, especially in providing high-fidelity dense map. Existing methods operate robustly in static scenes but struggle with the disruption caused by moving objects. In this paper we present NID-SLAM, which significantly improves the performance of neural SLAM in dynamic environments. We propose a new approach to enhance inaccurate regions in semantic masks, particularly in marginal areas. Utilizing the geometric information present in depth images, this method enables accurate removal of dynamic objects, thereby reducing the probability of camera drift. Additionally, we introduce a keyframe selection strategy for dynamic scenes, which enhances camera tracking robustness against large-scale objects and improves the efficiency of mapping. Experiments on publicly available RGB-D datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms competitive neural SLAM approaches in tracking accuracy and mapping quality in dynamic environments.

replace-cross Should agentic conversational AI change how we think about ethics? Characterising an interactional ethics centred on respect

Authors: Lize Alberts, Geoff Keeling, Amanda McCroskery

Abstract: With the growing popularity of conversational agents based on large language models (LLMs), we need to ensure their behaviour is ethical and appropriate. Work in this area largely centres around the 'HHH' criteria: making outputs more helpful and honest, and avoiding harmful (biased, toxic, or inaccurate) statements. Whilst this semantic focus is useful when viewing LLM agents as mere mediums or output-generating systems, it fails to account for pragmatic factors that can make the same speech act seem more or less tactless or inconsiderate in different social situations. With the push towards agentic AI, wherein systems become increasingly proactive in chasing goals and performing actions in the world, considering the pragmatics of interaction becomes essential. We propose an interactional approach to ethics that is centred on relational and situational factors. We explore what it means for a system, as a social actor, to treat an individual respectfully in a (series of) interaction(s). Our work anticipates a set of largely unexplored risks at the level of situated social interaction, and offers practical suggestions to help agentic LLM technologies treat people well.

replace-cross Querying Easily Flip-flopped Samples for Deep Active Learning

Authors: Seong Jin Cho, Gwangsu Kim, Junghyun Lee, Jinwoo Shin, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: Active learning is a machine learning paradigm that aims to improve the performance of a model by strategically selecting and querying unlabeled data. One effective selection strategy is to base it on the model's predictive uncertainty, which can be interpreted as a measure of how informative a sample is. The sample's distance to the decision boundary is a natural measure of predictive uncertainty, but it is often intractable to compute, especially for complex decision boundaries formed in multiclass classification tasks. To address this issue, this paper proposes the {\it least disagree metric} (LDM), defined as the smallest probability of disagreement of the predicted label, and an estimator for LDM proven to be asymptotically consistent under mild assumptions. The estimator is computationally efficient and can be easily implemented for deep learning models using parameter perturbation. The LDM-based active learning is performed by querying unlabeled data with the smallest LDM. Experimental results show that our LDM-based active learning algorithm obtains state-of-the-art overall performance on all considered datasets and deep architectures.

replace-cross HyperSense: Hyperdimensional Intelligent Sensing for Energy-Efficient Sparse Data Processing

Authors: Sanggeon Yun, Hanning Chen, Ryozo Masukawa, Hamza Errahmouni Barkam, Andrew Ding, Wenjun Huang, Arghavan Rezvani, Shaahin Angizi, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: Introducing HyperSense, our co-designed hardware and software system efficiently controls Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) modules' data generation rate based on object presence predictions in sensor data. Addressing challenges posed by escalating sensor quantities and data rates, HyperSense reduces redundant digital data using energy-efficient low-precision ADC, diminishing machine learning system costs. Leveraging neurally-inspired HyperDimensional Computing (HDC), HyperSense analyzes real-time raw low-precision sensor data, offering advantages in handling noise, memory-centricity, and real-time learning. Our proposed HyperSense model combines high-performance software for object detection with real-time hardware prediction, introducing the novel concept of Intelligent Sensor Control. Comprehensive software and hardware evaluations demonstrate our solution's superior performance, evidenced by the highest Area Under the Curve (AUC) and sharpest Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curve among lightweight models. Hardware-wise, our FPGA-based domain-specific accelerator tailored for HyperSense achieves a 5.6x speedup compared to YOLOv4 on NVIDIA Jetson Orin while showing up to 92.1% energy saving compared to the conventional system. These results underscore HyperSense's effectiveness and efficiency, positioning it as a promising solution for intelligent sensing and real-time data processing across diverse applications.

replace-cross Training-Free Consistent Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Yoad Tewel, Omri Kaduri, Rinon Gal, Yoni Kasten, Lior Wolf, Gal Chechik, Yuval Atzmon

Abstract: Text-to-image models offer a new level of creative flexibility by allowing users to guide the image generation process through natural language. However, using these models to consistently portray the same subject across diverse prompts remains challenging. Existing approaches fine-tune the model to teach it new words that describe specific user-provided subjects or add image conditioning to the model. These methods require lengthy per-subject optimization or large-scale pre-training. Moreover, they struggle to align generated images with text prompts and face difficulties in portraying multiple subjects. Here, we present ConsiStory, a training-free approach that enables consistent subject generation by sharing the internal activations of the pretrained model. We introduce a subject-driven shared attention block and correspondence-based feature injection to promote subject consistency between images. Additionally, we develop strategies to encourage layout diversity while maintaining subject consistency. We compare ConsiStory to a range of baselines, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on subject consistency and text alignment, without requiring a single optimization step. Finally, ConsiStory can naturally extend to multi-subject scenarios, and even enable training-free personalization for common objects.

replace-cross GenTranslate: Large Language Models are Generative Multilingual Speech and Machine Translators

Authors: Yuchen Hu, Chen Chen, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Ruizhe Li, Dong Zhang, Zhehuai Chen, Eng Siong Chng

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have stepped forward the development of multilingual speech and machine translation by its reduced representation errors and incorporated external knowledge. However, both translation tasks typically utilize beam search decoding and top-1 hypothesis selection for inference. These techniques struggle to fully exploit the rich information in the diverse N-best hypotheses, making them less optimal for translation tasks that require a single, high-quality output sequence. In this paper, we propose a new generative paradigm for translation tasks, namely "GenTranslate", which builds upon LLMs to generate better results from the diverse translation versions in N-best list. Leveraging the rich linguistic knowledge and strong reasoning abilities of LLMs, our new paradigm can integrate the rich information in N-best candidates to generate a higher-quality translation result. Furthermore, to support LLM finetuning, we build and release a HypoTranslate dataset that contains over 592K hypotheses-translation pairs in 11 languages. Experiments on various speech and machine translation benchmarks (e.g., FLEURS, CoVoST-2, WMT) demonstrate that our GenTranslate significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art model.

replace-cross Generalization or Memorization: Data Contamination and Trustworthy Evaluation for Large Language Models

Authors: Yihong Dong, Xue Jiang, Huanyu Liu, Zhi Jin, Ge Li

Abstract: Recent statements about the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) are usually supported by evaluating on open-access benchmarks. Considering the vast size and wide-ranging sources of LLMs' training data, it could explicitly or implicitly include test data, leading to LLMs being more susceptible to data contamination. However, due to the opacity of training data, the black-box access of models, and the rapid growth of synthetic training data, detecting and mitigating data contamination for LLMs faces significant challenges. In this paper, we propose CDD, which stands for Contamination Detection via output Distribution for LLMs. CDD necessitates only the sampled texts to detect data contamination, by identifying the peakedness of LLM's output distribution. To mitigate the impact of data contamination in evaluation, we also present TED: Trustworthy Evaluation via output Distribution, based on the correction of LLM's output distribution. To facilitate this study, we introduce two benchmarks, i.e., DetCon and ComiEval, for data contamination detection and contamination mitigation evaluation tasks. Extensive experimental results show that CDD achieves the average relative improvements of 21.8\%-30.2\% over other contamination detection approaches in terms of Accuracy, F1 Score, and AUC metrics, and can effectively detect contamination caused by the variants of test data. TED significantly mitigates performance improvements up to 66.9\% attributed to data contamination across 24 settings and 21 contamination degrees. In real-world applications, we reveal that ChatGPT exhibits a high potential to suffer from data contamination on HumanEval benchmark.

replace-cross FSL-Rectifier: Rectify Outliers in Few-Shot Learning via Test-Time Augmentation

Authors: Yunwei Bai, Ying Kiat Tan, Tsuhan Chen

Abstract: Few-shot-learning (FSL) commonly requires a model to identify images (queries) that belong to classes unseen during training, based on a few labelled samples of the new classes (support set) as reference. As the test classes are novel, FSL is challenging with high generalization error with respect to the novel classes, where outliers query or support image during inference exacerbate the error further. So far, plenty of algorithms involve training data augmentation to improve the generalization capability of FSL models. In contrast, inspired by the fact that test samples are more relevant to the target domain, we believe that test-time augmentation may be more useful than training augmentation for FSL. In this work, to reduce the bias caused by unconventional test samples, we generate new test samples through combining them with similar train-class samples. Averaged representations of the test-time augmentation are then considered for few-shot classification. According to our experiments, by augmenting the support set and query with a few additional generated sample, we can achieve improvement for trained FSL models. Importantly, our method is universally compatible with different off-the-shelf FSL models, whose performance can be improved without extra dataset nor further training of the models themselves. Codes are available at


replace-cross Interpreting Key Mechanisms of Factual Recall in Transformer-Based Language Models

Authors: Ang Lv, Yuhan Chen, Kaiyi Zhang, Yulong Wang, Lifeng Liu, Ji-Rong Wen, Jian Xie, Rui Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we deeply explore several mechanisms employed by Transformer-based language models in factual recall tasks. In zero-shot scenarios, given a prompt like ``The capital of France is,'' task-specific attention heads extract the topic entity, such as ``France,'' from the context and pass it to subsequent MLPs to recall the required answer such as ``Paris.'' We introduce a novel analysis method aimed at decomposing the outputs of the MLP into components understandable by humans. Through this method, we quantify the function of the MLP layer following these task-specific heads. In the residual stream, it either erases or amplifies the information originating from individual heads. Moreover, it generates a component that redirects the residual stream towards the direction of its expected answer. These zero-shot mechanisms are also employed in few-shot scenarios. Additionally, we observed a widely existent anti-overconfidence mechanism in the final layer of models, which suppresses correct predictions. We mitigate this suppression by leveraging our interpretation to improve factual recall confidence. Our interpretations have been evaluated across various language models, including the GPT-2 families, 1.3B OPT, and 7B Llama-2, encompassing diverse tasks spanning various domains of factual knowledge.

replace-cross Permissible Knowledge Pooling

Authors: Huimin Dong

Abstract: Information pooling has been extensively formalised across various logical frameworks in distributed systems, characterized by diverse information-sharing patterns. These approaches generally adopt an intersection perspective, aggregating all possible information, regardless of whether it is known or unknown to the agents. In contrast, this work adopts a unique stance, emphasising that sharing knowledge means distributing what is known, rather than what remains uncertain. This paper introduces new modal logics for knowledge pooling and sharing, ranging from a novel language of knowledge pooling to a dynamic mechanism for knowledge sharing. It also outlines their axiomatizations and discusses a potential framework for permissible knowledge pooling.

replace-cross Protecting Your LLMs with Information Bottleneck

Authors: Zichuan Liu, Zefan Wang, Linjie Xu, Jinyu Wang, Lei Song, Tianchun Wang, Chunlin Chen, Wei Cheng, Jiang Bian

Abstract: The advent of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field of natural language processing, yet they might be attacked to produce harmful content. Despite efforts to ethically align LLMs, these are often fragile and can be circumvented by jailbreaking attacks through optimized or manual adversarial prompts. To address this, we introduce the Information Bottleneck Protector (IBProtector), a defense mechanism grounded in the information bottleneck principle, and we modify the objective to avoid trivial solutions. The IBProtector selectively compresses and perturbs prompts, facilitated by a lightweight and trainable extractor, preserving only essential information for the target LLMs to respond with the expected answer. Moreover, we further consider a situation where the gradient is not visible to be compatible with any LLM. Our empirical evaluations show that IBProtector outperforms current defense methods in mitigating jailbreak attempts, without overly affecting response quality or inference speed. Its effectiveness and adaptability across various attack methods and target LLMs underscore the potential of IBProtector as a novel, transferable defense that bolsters the security of LLMs without requiring modifications to the underlying models.

replace-cross From Matching to Generation: A Survey on Generative Information Retrieval

Authors: Xiaoxi Li, Jiajie Jin, Yujia Zhou, Yuyao Zhang, Peitian Zhang, Yutao Zhu, Zhicheng Dou

Abstract: Information Retrieval (IR) systems are crucial tools for users to access information, widely applied in scenarios like search engines, question answering, and recommendation systems. Traditional IR methods, based on similarity matching to return ranked lists of documents, have been reliable means of information acquisition, dominating the IR field for years. With the advancement of pre-trained language models, generative information retrieval (GenIR) has emerged as a novel paradigm, gaining increasing attention in recent years. Currently, research in GenIR can be categorized into two aspects: generative document retrieval (GR) and reliable response generation. GR leverages the generative model's parameters for memorizing documents, enabling retrieval by directly generating relevant document identifiers without explicit indexing. Reliable response generation, on the other hand, employs language models to directly generate the information users seek, breaking the limitations of traditional IR in terms of document granularity and relevance matching, offering more flexibility, efficiency, and creativity, thus better meeting practical needs. This paper aims to systematically review the latest research progress in GenIR. We will summarize the advancements in GR regarding model training, document identifier, incremental learning, downstream tasks adaptation, multi-modal GR and generative recommendation, as well as progress in reliable response generation in aspects of internal knowledge memorization, external knowledge augmentation, generating response with citations and personal information assistant. We also review the evaluation, challenges and future prospects in GenIR systems. This review aims to offer a comprehensive reference for researchers in the GenIR field, encouraging further development in this area.

replace-cross Fairness Without Demographics in Human-Centered Federated Learning

Authors: Shaily Roy, Harshit Sharma, Asif Salekin

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy, making it suitable for decentralized human-centered AI applications. However, a significant research gap remains in ensuring fairness in these systems. Current fairness strategies in FL require knowledge of bias-creating/sensitive attributes, clashing with FL's privacy principles. Moreover, in human-centered datasets, sensitive attributes may remain latent. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel bias mitigation approach inspired by "Fairness without Demographics" in machine learning. The presented approach achieves fairness without needing knowledge of sensitive attributes by minimizing the top eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix during training, ensuring equitable loss landscapes across FL participants. Notably, we introduce a novel FL aggregation scheme that promotes participating models based on error rates and loss landscape curvature attributes, fostering fairness across the FL system. This work represents the first approach to attaining "Fairness without Demographics" in human-centered FL. Through comprehensive evaluation, our approach demonstrates effectiveness in balancing fairness and efficacy across various real-world applications, FL setups, and scenarios involving single and multiple bias-inducing factors, representing a significant advancement in human-centered FL.

replace-cross PVF (Parameter Vulnerability Factor): A Quantitative Metric Measuring AI Vulnerability Against Parameter Corruptions

Authors: Xun Jiao, Fred Lin, Harish D. Dixit, Joel Coburn, Abhinav Pandey, Han Wang, Venkat Ramesh, Jianyu Huang, Wang Xu, Daniel Moore, Sriram Sankar

Abstract: Reliability of AI systems is a fundamental concern for the successful deployment and widespread adoption of AI technologies. Unfortunately, the escalating complexity and heterogeneity of AI hardware systems make them increasingly susceptible to hardware faults (e.g., bit flips) that can potentially corrupt model parameters. When this occurs during AI inference/servicing, it can potentially lead to incorrect or degraded model output for users, ultimately affecting the quality and reliability of AI services. In light of the escalating threat, it is crucial to address key questions: How vulnerable are AI models to parameter corruptions, and how do different components (such as modules, layers) of the models exhibit varying vulnerabilities to parameter corruptions? To systematically address this question, we propose a novel quantitative metric, Parameter Vulnerability Factor (PVF), inspired by architectural vulnerability factor (AVF) in computer architecture community, aiming to standardize the quantification of AI model vulnerability against parameter corruptions. We define a model parameter's PVF as the probability that a corruption in that particular model parameter will result in an incorrect output. In this paper, we present several use cases on applying PVF to three types of tasks/models during inference -- recommendation (DLRM), vision classification (CNN), and text classification (BERT), while presenting an in-depth vulnerability analysis on DLRM. PVF can provide pivotal insights to AI hardware designers in balancing the tradeoff between fault protection and performance/efficiency such as mapping vulnerable AI parameter components to well-protected hardware modules. PVF metric is applicable to any AI model and has a potential to help unify and standardize AI vulnerability/resilience evaluation practice.

replace-cross Generalized Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence and Its Deep Learning Applications

Authors: Mingfei Lu, Shujian Yu, Robert Jenssen, Badong Chen

Abstract: Divergence measures play a central role in machine learning and become increasingly essential in deep learning. However, valid and computationally efficient divergence measures for multiple (more than two) distributions are scarcely investigated. This becomes particularly crucial in areas where the simultaneous management of multiple distributions is both unavoidable and essential. Examples include clustering, multi-source domain adaptation or generalization, and multi-view learning, among others. Although calculating the mean of pairwise distances between any two distributions serves as a common way to quantify the total divergence among multiple distributions, it is crucial to acknowledge that this approach is not straightforward and requires significant computational resources. In this study, we introduce a new divergence measure for multiple distributions named the generalized Cauchy-Schwarz divergence (GCSD), which is inspired by the classic Cauchy-Schwarz divergence. Additionally, we provide a closed-form sample estimator based on kernel density estimation, making it convenient and straightforward to use in various machine-learning applications. Finally, we apply the proposed GCSD to two challenging machine learning tasks, namely deep learning-based clustering and the problem of multi-source domain adaptation. The experimental results showcase the impressive performance of GCSD in both tasks, highlighting its potential application in machine-learning areas that involve quantifying multiple distributions.

replace-cross Exploring Correlations of Self-Supervised Tasks for Graphs

Authors: Taoran Fang, Wei Zhou, Yifei Sun, Kaiqiao Han, Lvbin Ma, Yang Yang

Abstract: Graph self-supervised learning has sparked a research surge in training informative representations without accessing any labeled data. However, our understanding of graph self-supervised learning remains limited, and the inherent relationships between various self-supervised tasks are still unexplored. Our paper aims to provide a fresh understanding of graph self-supervised learning based on task correlations. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of the representations trained by one specific task on other tasks and define correlation values to quantify task correlations. Through this process, we unveil the task correlations between various self-supervised tasks and can measure their expressive capabilities, which are closely related to downstream performance. By analyzing the correlation values between tasks across various datasets, we reveal the complexity of task correlations and the limitations of existing multi-task learning methods. To obtain more capable representations, we propose Graph Task Correlation Modeling (GraphTCM) to illustrate the task correlations and utilize it to enhance graph self-supervised training. The experimental results indicate that our method significantly outperforms existing methods across various downstream tasks.

replace-cross DeepSeek-V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model

Authors: DeepSeek-AI

Abstract: We present DeepSeek-V2, a strong Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language model characterized by economical training and efficient inference. It comprises 236B total parameters, of which 21B are activated for each token, and supports a context length of 128K tokens. DeepSeek-V2 adopts innovative architectures including Multi-head Latent Attention (MLA) and DeepSeekMoE. MLA guarantees efficient inference through significantly compressing the Key-Value (KV) cache into a latent vector, while DeepSeekMoE enables training strong models at an economical cost through sparse computation. Compared with DeepSeek 67B, DeepSeek-V2 achieves significantly stronger performance, and meanwhile saves 42.5% of training costs, reduces the KV cache by 93.3%, and boosts the maximum generation throughput to 5.76 times. We pretrain DeepSeek-V2 on a high-quality and multi-source corpus consisting of 8.1T tokens, and further perform Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to fully unlock its potential. Evaluation results show that, even with only 21B activated parameters, DeepSeek-V2 and its chat versions still achieve top-tier performance among open-source models.

replace-cross TALC: Time-Aligned Captions for Multi-Scene Text-to-Video Generation

Authors: Hritik Bansal, Yonatan Bitton, Michal Yarom, Idan Szpektor, Aditya Grover, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Recent advances in diffusion-based generative modeling have led to the development of text-to-video (T2V) models that can generate high-quality videos conditioned on a text prompt. Most of these T2V models often produce single-scene video clips that depict an entity performing a particular action (e.g., `a red panda climbing a tree'). However, it is pertinent to generate multi-scene videos since they are ubiquitous in the real-world (e.g., `a red panda climbing a tree' followed by `the red panda sleeps on the top of the tree'). To generate multi-scene videos from the pretrained T2V model, we introduce Time-Aligned Captions (TALC) framework. Specifically, we enhance the text-conditioning mechanism in the T2V architecture to recognize the temporal alignment between the video scenes and scene descriptions. For instance, we condition the visual features of the earlier and later scenes of the generated video with the representations of the first scene description (e.g., `a red panda climbing a tree') and second scene description (e.g., `the red panda sleeps on the top of the tree'), respectively. As a result, we show that the T2V model can generate multi-scene videos that adhere to the multi-scene text descriptions and be visually consistent (e.g., entity and background). Further, we finetune the pretrained T2V model with multi-scene video-text data using the TALC framework. We show that the TALC-finetuned model outperforms the baseline methods by 15.5 points in the overall score, which averages visual consistency and text adherence using human evaluation. The project website is


replace-cross PPFlow: Target-aware Peptide Design with Torsional Flow Matching

Authors: Haitao Lin, Odin Zhang, Huifeng Zhao, Dejun Jiang, Lirong Wu, Zicheng Liu, Yufei Huang, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Therapeutic peptides have proven to have great pharmaceutical value and potential in recent decades. However, methods of AI-assisted peptide drug discovery are not fully explored. To fill the gap, we propose a target-aware peptide design method called \textsc{PPFlow}, based on conditional flow matching on torus manifolds, to model the internal geometries of torsion angles for the peptide structure design. Besides, we establish a protein-peptide binding dataset named PPBench2024 to fill the void of massive data for the task of structure-based peptide drug design and to allow the training of deep learning methods. Extensive experiments show that PPFlow reaches state-of-the-art performance in tasks of peptide drug generation and optimization in comparison with baseline models, and can be generalized to other tasks including docking and side-chain packing.

replace-cross Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection via Adaptive Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Method with Causal Inference for Sensor Signals

Authors: Xiangwei Chen, Ruliang Xiaoa, Zhixia Zeng, Zhipeng Qiu, Shi Zhang, Xin Du

Abstract: Semi-supervised anomaly detection for sensor signals is critical in ensuring system reliability in smart manufacturing. However, existing methods rely heavily on data correlation, neglecting causality and leading to potential misinterpretations due to confounding factors. Moreover, while current reinforcement learning-based methods can effectively identify known and unknown anomalies with limited labeled samples, these methods still face several challenges, such as under-utilization of priori knowledge, lack of model flexibility, and deficient reward feedback during environmental interactions. To address the above problems, this paper innovatively constructs a counterfactual causal reinforcement learning model, termed Triple-Assisted Causal Reinforcement Learning Anomaly Detector (Tri-CRLAD). The model leverages causal inference to extract the intrinsic causal feature in data, enhancing the agent's utilization of prior knowledge and improving its generalization capability. In addition, Tri-CRLAD features a triple decision support mechanism, including a sampling strategy based on historical similarity, an adaptive threshold smoothing adjustment strategy, and an adaptive decision reward mechanism. These mechanisms further enhance the flexibility and generalization ability of the model, enabling it to effectively respond to various complex and dynamically changing environments. Experimental results across seven diverse sensor signal datasets demonstrate that Tri-CRLAD outperforms nine state-of-the-art baseline methods. Notably, Tri-CRLAD achieves up to a 23\% improvement in anomaly detection stability with minimal known anomaly samples, highlighting its potential in semi-supervised anomaly detection scenarios. Our code is available at


replace-cross Learning Reward for Robot Skills Using Large Language Models via Self-Alignment

Authors: Yuwei Zeng, Yao Mu, Lin Shao

Abstract: Learning reward functions remains the bottleneck to equip a robot with a broad repertoire of skills. Large Language Models (LLM) contain valuable task-related knowledge that can potentially aid in the learning of reward functions. However, the proposed reward function can be imprecise, thus ineffective which requires to be further grounded with environment information. We proposed a method to learn rewards more efficiently in the absence of humans. Our approach consists of two components: We first use the LLM to propose features and parameterization of the reward, then update the parameters through an iterative self-alignment process. In particular, the process minimizes the ranking inconsistency between the LLM and the learnt reward functions based on the execution feedback. The method was validated on 9 tasks across 2 simulation environments. It demonstrates a consistent improvement over training efficacy and efficiency, meanwhile consuming significantly fewer GPT tokens compared to the alternative mutation-based method.

replace-cross On-device Online Learning and Semantic Management of TinyML Systems

Authors: Haoyu Ren, Xue Li, Darko Anicic, Thomas A. Runkler

Abstract: Recent advances in Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) empower low-footprint embedded devices for real-time on-device Machine Learning. While many acknowledge the potential benefits of TinyML, its practical implementation presents unique challenges. This study aims to bridge the gap between prototyping single TinyML models and developing reliable TinyML systems in production: (1) Embedded devices operate in dynamically changing conditions. Existing TinyML solutions primarily focus on inference, with models trained offline on powerful machines and deployed as static objects. However, static models may underperform in the real world due to evolving input data distributions. We propose online learning to enable training on constrained devices, adapting local models towards the latest field conditions. (2) Nevertheless, current on-device learning methods struggle with heterogeneous deployment conditions and the scarcity of labeled data when applied across numerous devices. We introduce federated meta-learning incorporating online learning to enhance model generalization, facilitating rapid learning. This approach ensures optimal performance among distributed devices by knowledge sharing. (3) Moreover, TinyML's pivotal advantage is widespread adoption. Embedded devices and TinyML models prioritize extreme efficiency, leading to diverse characteristics ranging from memory and sensors to model architectures. Given their diversity and non-standardized representations, managing these resources becomes challenging as TinyML systems scale up. We present semantic management for the joint management of models and devices at scale. We demonstrate our methods through a basic regression example and then assess them in three real-world TinyML applications: handwritten character image classification, keyword audio classification, and smart building presence detection, confirming our approaches' effectiveness.

replace-cross AI-Cybersecurity Education Through Designing AI-based Cyberharassment Detection Lab

Authors: Ebuka Okpala, Nishant Vishwamitra, Keyan Guo, Song Liao, Long Cheng, Hongxin Hu, Yongkai Wu, Xiaohong Yuan, Jeannette Wade, Sajad Khorsandroo

Abstract: Cyberharassment is a critical, socially relevant cybersecurity problem because of the adverse effects it can have on targeted groups or individuals. While progress has been made in understanding cyber-harassment, its detection, attacks on artificial intelligence (AI) based cyberharassment systems, and the social problems in cyberharassment detectors, little has been done in designing experiential learning educational materials that engage students in this emerging social cybersecurity in the era of AI. Experiential learning opportunities are usually provided through capstone projects and engineering design courses in STEM programs such as computer science. While capstone projects are an excellent example of experiential learning, given the interdisciplinary nature of this emerging social cybersecurity problem, it can be challenging to use them to engage non-computing students without prior knowledge of AI. Because of this, we were motivated to develop a hands-on lab platform that provided experiential learning experiences to non-computing students with little or no background knowledge in AI and discussed the lessons learned in developing this lab. In this lab used by social science students at North Carolina A&T State University across two semesters (spring and fall) in 2022, students are given a detailed lab manual and are to complete a set of well-detailed tasks. Through this process, students learn AI concepts and the application of AI for cyberharassment detection. Using pre- and post-surveys, we asked students to rate their knowledge or skills in AI and their understanding of the concepts learned. The results revealed that the students moderately understood the concepts of AI and cyberharassment.