new Scalable Sparse Regression for Model Discovery: The Fast Lane to Insight

Authors: Matthew Golden

Abstract: There exist endless examples of dynamical systems with vast available data and unsatisfying mathematical descriptions. Sparse regression applied to symbolic libraries has quickly emerged as a powerful tool for learning governing equations directly from data; these learned equations balance quantitative accuracy with qualitative simplicity and human interpretability. Here, I present a general purpose, model agnostic sparse regression algorithm that extends a recently proposed exhaustive search leveraging iterative Singular Value Decompositions (SVD). This accelerated scheme, Scalable Pruning for Rapid Identification of Null vecTors (SPRINT), uses bisection with analytic bounds to quickly identify optimal rank-1 modifications to null vectors. It is intended to maintain sensitivity to small coefficients and be of reasonable computational cost for large symbolic libraries. A calculation that would take the age of the universe with an exhaustive search but can be achieved in a day with SPRINT.

new Error-margin Analysis for Hidden Neuron Activation Labels

Authors: Abhilekha Dalal, Rushrukh Rayan, Pascal Hitzler

Abstract: Understanding how high-level concepts are represented within artificial neural networks is a fundamental challenge in the field of artificial intelligence. While existing literature in explainable AI emphasizes the importance of labeling neurons with concepts to understand their functioning, they mostly focus on identifying what stimulus activates a neuron in most cases, this corresponds to the notion of recall in information retrieval. We argue that this is only the first-part of a two-part job, it is imperative to also investigate neuron responses to other stimuli, i.e., their precision. We call this the neuron labels error margin.

new An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Enhance Transformer Performance in Genomic Selection for Crop Breeding

Authors: Renqi Chen, Wenwei Han, Haohao Zhang, Haoyang Su, Zhefan Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Hao Jiang, Wanli Ouyang, Nanqing Dong

Abstract: Genomic selection (GS), as a critical crop breeding strategy, plays a key role in enhancing food production and addressing the global hunger crisis. The predominant approaches in GS currently revolve around employing statistical methods for prediction. However, statistical methods often come with two main limitations: strong statistical priors and linear assumptions. A recent trend is to capture the non-linear relationships between markers by deep learning. However, as crop datasets are commonly long sequences with limited samples, the robustness of deep learning models, especially Transformers, remains a challenge. In this work, to unleash the unexplored potential of attention mechanism for the task of interest, we propose a simple yet effective Transformer-based framework that enables end-to-end training of the whole sequence. Via experiments on rice3k and wheat3k datasets, we show that, with simple tricks such as k-mer tokenization and random masking, Transformer can achieve overall superior performance against seminal methods on GS tasks of interest.

new Unveiling Hallucination in Text, Image, Video, and Audio Foundation Models: A Comprehensive Review

Authors: Pranab Sahoo, Prabhash Meharia, Akash Ghosh, Sriparna Saha, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: The rapid advancement of foundation models (FMs) across language, image, audio, and video domains has shown remarkable capabilities in diverse tasks. However, the proliferation of FMs brings forth a critical challenge: the potential to generate hallucinated outputs, particularly in high-stakes applications. The tendency of foundation models to produce hallucinated content arguably represents the biggest hindrance to their widespread adoption in real-world scenarios, especially in domains where reliability and accuracy are paramount. This survey paper presents a comprehensive overview of recent developments that aim to identify and mitigate the problem of hallucination in FMs, spanning text, image, video, and audio modalities. By synthesizing recent advancements in detecting and mitigating hallucination across various modalities, the paper aims to provide valuable insights for researchers, developers, and practitioners. Essentially, it establishes a clear framework encompassing definition, taxonomy, and detection strategies for addressing hallucination in multimodal foundation models, laying the foundation for future research in this pivotal area.

new A Comprehensive Survey on Data Augmentation

Authors: Zaitian Wang, Pengfei Wang, Kunpeng Liu, Pengyang Wang, Yanjie Fu, Chang-Tien Lu, Charu C. Aggarwal, Jian Pei, Yuanchun Zhou

Abstract: Data augmentation is a series of techniques that generate high-quality artificial data by manipulating existing data samples. By leveraging data augmentation techniques, AI models can achieve significantly improved applicability in tasks involving scarce or imbalanced datasets, thereby substantially enhancing AI models' generalization capabilities. Existing literature surveys only focus on a certain type of specific modality data, and categorize these methods from modality-specific and operation-centric perspectives, which lacks a consistent summary of data augmentation methods across multiple modalities and limits the comprehension of how existing data samples serve the data augmentation process. To bridge this gap, we propose a more enlightening taxonomy that encompasses data augmentation techniques for different common data modalities. Specifically, from a data-centric perspective, this survey proposes a modality-independent taxonomy by investigating how to take advantage of the intrinsic relationship between data samples, including single-wise, pair-wise, and population-wise sample data augmentation methods. Additionally, we categorize data augmentation methods across five data modalities through a unified inductive approach.

new A Survey of Generative Techniques for Spatial-Temporal Data Mining

Authors: Qianru Zhang, Haixin Wang, Cheng Long, Liangcai Su, Xingwei He, Jianlong Chang, Tailin Wu, Hongzhi Yin, Siu-Ming Yiu, Qi Tian, Christian S. Jensen

Abstract: This paper focuses on the integration of generative techniques into spatial-temporal data mining, considering the significant growth and diverse nature of spatial-temporal data. With the advancements in RNNs, CNNs, and other non-generative techniques, researchers have explored their application in capturing temporal and spatial dependencies within spatial-temporal data. However, the emergence of generative techniques such as LLMs, SSL, Seq2Seq and diffusion models has opened up new possibilities for enhancing spatial-temporal data mining further. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis of generative technique-based spatial-temporal methods and introduces a standardized framework specifically designed for the spatial-temporal data mining pipeline. By offering a detailed review and a novel taxonomy of spatial-temporal methodology utilizing generative techniques, the paper enables a deeper understanding of the various techniques employed in this field. Furthermore, the paper highlights promising future research directions, urging researchers to delve deeper into spatial-temporal data mining. It emphasizes the need to explore untapped opportunities and push the boundaries of knowledge to unlock new insights and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of spatial-temporal data mining. By integrating generative techniques and providing a standardized framework, the paper contributes to advancing the field and encourages researchers to explore the vast potential of generative techniques in spatial-temporal data mining.

new Enhancing Maritime Trajectory Forecasting via H3 Index and Causal Language Modelling (CLM)

Authors: Nicolas Drapier, Aladine Chetouani, Aur\'elien Chateigner

Abstract: The prediction of ship trajectories is a growing field of study in artificial intelligence. Traditional methods rely on the use of LSTM, GRU networks, and even Transformer architectures for the prediction of spatio-temporal series. This study proposes a viable alternative for predicting these trajectories using only GNSS positions. It considers this spatio-temporal problem as a natural language processing problem. The latitude/longitude coordinates of AIS messages are transformed into cell identifiers using the H3 index. Thanks to the pseudo-octal representation, it becomes easier for language models to learn the spatial hierarchy of the H3 index. The method is compared with a classical Kalman filter, widely used in the maritime domain, and introduces the Fr\'echet distance as the main evaluation metric. We show that it is possible to predict ship trajectories quite precisely up to 8 hours with 30 minutes of context. We demonstrate that this alternative works well enough to predict trajectories worldwide.

new When AI Eats Itself: On the Caveats of Data Pollution in the Era of Generative AI

Authors: Xiaodan Xing, Fadong Shi, Jiahao Huang, Yinzhe Wu, Yang Nan, Sheng Zhang, Yingying Fang, Mike Roberts, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb, Javier Del Ser, Guang Yang

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and large models are producing realistic outputs across various domains, such as images, text, speech, and music. Creating these advanced generative models requires significant resources, particularly large and high-quality datasets. To minimize training expenses, many algorithm developers use data created by the models themselves as a cost-effective training solution. However, not all synthetic data effectively improve model performance, necessitating a strategic balance in the use of real versus synthetic data to optimize outcomes. Currently, the previously well-controlled integration of real and synthetic data is becoming uncontrollable. The widespread and unregulated dissemination of synthetic data online leads to the contamination of datasets traditionally compiled through web scraping, now mixed with unlabeled synthetic data. This trend portends a future where generative AI systems may increasingly rely blindly on consuming self-generated data, raising concerns about model performance and ethical issues. What will happen if generative AI continuously consumes itself without discernment? What measures can we take to mitigate the potential adverse effects? There is a significant gap in the scientific literature regarding the impact of synthetic data use in generative AI, particularly in terms of the fusion of multimodal information. To address this research gap, this review investigates the consequences of integrating synthetic data blindly on training generative AI on both image and text modalities and explores strategies to mitigate these effects. The goal is to offer a comprehensive view of synthetic data's role, advocating for a balanced approach to its use and exploring practices that promote the sustainable development of generative AI technologies in the era of large models.

new Properties that allow or prohibit transferability of adversarial attacks among quantized networks

Authors: Abhishek Shrestha, J\"urgen Gro{\ss}mann

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples. Further, these adversarial examples are found to be transferable from the source network in which they are crafted to a black-box target network. As the trend of using deep learning on embedded devices grows, it becomes relevant to study the transferability properties of adversarial examples among compressed networks. In this paper, we consider quantization as a network compression technique and evaluate the performance of transfer-based attacks when the source and target networks are quantized at different bitwidths. We explore how algorithm specific properties affect transferability by considering various adversarial example generation algorithms. Furthermore, we examine transferability in a more realistic scenario where the source and target networks may differ in bitwidth and other model-related properties like capacity and architecture. We find that although quantization reduces transferability, certain attack types demonstrate an ability to enhance it. Additionally, the average transferability of adversarial examples among quantized versions of a network can be used to estimate the transferability to quantized target networks with varying capacity and architecture.

new Aggregate Representation Measure for Predictive Model Reusability

Authors: Vishwesh Sangarya, Richard Bradford, Jung-Eun Kim

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a predictive quantifier to estimate the retraining cost of a trained model in distribution shifts. The proposed Aggregated Representation Measure (ARM) quantifies the change in the model's representation from the old to new data distribution. It provides, before actually retraining the model, a single concise index of resources - epochs, energy, and carbon emissions - required for the retraining. This enables reuse of a model with a much lower cost than training a new model from scratch. The experimental results indicate that ARM reasonably predicts retraining costs for varying noise intensities and enables comparisons among multiple model architectures to determine the most cost-effective and sustainable option.

new Improving Label Error Detection and Elimination with Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Johannes Jakubik, Michael V\"ossing, Manil Maskey, Christopher W\"olfle, Gerhard Satzger

Abstract: Identifying and handling label errors can significantly enhance the accuracy of supervised machine learning models. Recent approaches for identifying label errors demonstrate that a low self-confidence of models with respect to a certain label represents a good indicator of an erroneous label. However, latest work has built on softmax probabilities to measure self-confidence. In this paper, we argue that -- as softmax probabilities do not reflect a model's predictive uncertainty accurately -- label error detection requires more sophisticated measures of model uncertainty. Therefore, we develop a range of novel, model-agnostic algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification-Based Label Error Detection (UQ-LED), which combine the techniques of confident learning (CL), Monte Carlo Dropout (MCD), model uncertainty measures (e.g., entropy), and ensemble learning to enhance label error detection. We comprehensively evaluate our algorithms on four image classification benchmark datasets in two stages. In the first stage, we demonstrate that our UQ-LED algorithms outperform state-of-the-art confident learning in identifying label errors. In the second stage, we show that removing all identified errors from the training data based on our approach results in higher accuracies than training on all available labeled data. Importantly, besides our contributions to the detection of label errors, we particularly propose a novel approach to generate realistic, class-dependent label errors synthetically. Overall, our study demonstrates that selectively cleaning datasets with UQ-LED algorithms leads to more accurate classifications than using larger, noisier datasets.

new LoRA Learns Less and Forgets Less

Authors: Dan Biderman, Jose Gonzalez Ortiz, Jacob Portes, Mansheej Paul, Philip Greengard, Connor Jennings, Daniel King, Sam Havens, Vitaliy Chiley, Jonathan Frankle, Cody Blakeney, John P. Cunningham

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a widely-used parameter-efficient finetuning method for large language models. LoRA saves memory by training only low rank perturbations to selected weight matrices. In this work, we compare the performance of LoRA and full finetuning on two target domains, programming and mathematics. We consider both the instruction finetuning ($\approx$100K prompt-response pairs) and continued pretraining ($\approx$10B unstructured tokens) data regimes. Our results show that, in most settings, LoRA substantially underperforms full finetuning. Nevertheless, LoRA exhibits a desirable form of regularization: it better maintains the base model's performance on tasks outside the target domain. We show that LoRA provides stronger regularization compared to common techniques such as weight decay and dropout; it also helps maintain more diverse generations. We show that full finetuning learns perturbations with a rank that is 10-100X greater than typical LoRA configurations, possibly explaining some of the reported gaps. We conclude by proposing best practices for finetuning with LoRA.

new Generalized Holographic Reduced Representations

Authors: Calvin Yeung, Zhuowen Zou, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: Deep learning has achieved remarkable success in recent years. Central to its success is its ability to learn representations that preserve task-relevant structure. However, massive energy, compute, and data costs are required to learn general representations. This paper explores Hyperdimensional Computing (HDC), a computationally and data-efficient brain-inspired alternative. HDC acts as a bridge between connectionist and symbolic approaches to artificial intelligence (AI), allowing explicit specification of representational structure as in symbolic approaches while retaining the flexibility of connectionist approaches. However, HDC's simplicity poses challenges for encoding complex compositional structures, especially in its binding operation. To address this, we propose Generalized Holographic Reduced Representations (GHRR), an extension of Fourier Holographic Reduced Representations (FHRR), a specific HDC implementation. GHRR introduces a flexible, non-commutative binding operation, enabling improved encoding of complex data structures while preserving HDC's desirable properties of robustness and transparency. In this work, we introduce the GHRR framework, prove its theoretical properties and its adherence to HDC properties, explore its kernel and binding characteristics, and perform empirical experiments showcasing its flexible non-commutativity, enhanced decoding accuracy for compositional structures, and improved memorization capacity compared to FHRR.

new Random Scaling and Momentum for Non-smooth Non-convex Optimization

Authors: Qinzi Zhang, Ashok Cutkosky

Abstract: Training neural networks requires optimizing a loss function that may be highly irregular, and in particular neither convex nor smooth. Popular training algorithms are based on stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGDM), for which classical analysis applies only if the loss is either convex or smooth. We show that a very small modification to SGDM closes this gap: simply scale the update at each time point by an exponentially distributed random scalar. The resulting algorithm achieves optimal convergence guarantees. Intriguingly, this result is not derived by a specific analysis of SGDM: instead, it falls naturally out of a more general framework for converting online convex optimization algorithms to non-convex optimization algorithms.

new An Autoencoder and Generative Adversarial Networks Approach for Multi-Omics Data Imbalanced Class Handling and Classification

Authors: Ibrahim Al-Hurani, Abedalrhman Alkhateeb, Salama Ikki

Abstract: In the relentless efforts in enhancing medical diagnostics, the integration of state-of-the-art machine learning methodologies has emerged as a promising research area. In molecular biology, there has been an explosion of data generated from multi-omics sequencing. The advent sequencing equipment can provide large number of complicated measurements per one experiment. Therefore, traditional statistical methods face challenging tasks when dealing with such high dimensional data. However, most of the information contained in these datasets is redundant or unrelated and can be effectively reduced to significantly fewer variables without losing much information. Dimensionality reduction techniques are mathematical procedures that allow for this reduction; they have largely been developed through statistics and machine learning disciplines. The other challenge in medical datasets is having an imbalanced number of samples in the classes, which leads to biased results in machine learning models. This study, focused on tackling these challenges in a neural network that incorporates autoencoder to extract latent space of the features, and Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) to generate synthetic samples. Latent space is the reduced dimensional space that captures the meaningful features of the original data. Our model starts with feature selection to select the discriminative features before feeding them to the neural network. Then, the model predicts the outcome of cancer for different datasets. The proposed model outperformed other existing models by scoring accuracy of 95.09% for bladder cancer dataset and 88.82% for the breast cancer dataset.

new Harmonizing Generalization and Personalization in Federated Prompt Learning

Authors: Tianyu Cui, Hongxia Li, Jingya Wang, Ye Shi

Abstract: Federated Prompt Learning (FPL) incorporates large pre-trained Vision-Language models (VLM) into federated learning through prompt tuning. The transferable representations and remarkable generalization capacity of VLM make them highly compatible with the integration of federated learning. Addressing data heterogeneity in federated learning requires personalization, but excessive focus on it across clients could compromise the model's ability to generalize effectively. To preserve the impressive generalization capability of VLM, it is crucial to strike a balance between personalization and generalization in FPL. To tackle this challenge, we proposed Federated Prompt Learning with CLIP Generalization and low-rank Personalization (FedPGP), which employs pre-trained CLIP to provide knowledge-guidance on the global prompt for improved generalization and incorporates a low-rank adaptation term to personalize the global prompt. Further, FedPGP integrates a prompt-wise contrastive loss to achieve knowledge guidance and personalized adaptation simultaneously, enabling a harmonious balance between personalization and generalization in FPL. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets to explore base-to-novel generalization in both category-level and domain-level scenarios with heterogeneous data, showing the superiority of FedPGP in balancing generalization and personalization.

new An Independent Implementation of Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms in Qiskit for Genomic Data

Authors: Navneet Singh, Shiva Raj Pokhrel

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the power of Quantum Machine Learning as we extend, implement and evaluate algorithms like Quantum Support Vector Classifier (QSVC), Pegasos-QSVC, Variational Quantum Circuits (VQC), and Quantum Neural Networks (QNN) in Qiskit with diverse feature mapping techniques for genomic sequence classification.

new LLM and Simulation as Bilevel Optimizers: A New Paradigm to Advance Physical Scientific Discovery

Authors: Pingchuan Ma, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Minghao Guo, Zhiqing Sun, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Daniela Rus, Chuang Gan, Wojciech Matusik

Abstract: Large Language Models have recently gained significant attention in scientific discovery for their extensive knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities. However, they encounter challenges in effectively simulating observational feedback and grounding it with language to propel advancements in physical scientific discovery. Conversely, human scientists undertake scientific discovery by formulating hypotheses, conducting experiments, and revising theories through observational analysis. Inspired by this, we propose to enhance the knowledge-driven, abstract reasoning abilities of LLMs with the computational strength of simulations. We introduce Scientific Generative Agent (SGA), a bilevel optimization framework: LLMs act as knowledgeable and versatile thinkers, proposing scientific hypotheses and reason about discrete components, such as physics equations or molecule structures; meanwhile, simulations function as experimental platforms, providing observational feedback and optimizing via differentiability for continuous parts, such as physical parameters. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate our framework's efficacy in constitutive law discovery and molecular design, unveiling novel solutions that differ from conventional human expectations yet remain coherent upon analysis.

new Online bipartite matching with imperfect advice

Authors: Davin Choo, Themis Gouleakis, Chun Kai Ling, Arnab Bhattacharyya

Abstract: We study the problem of online unweighted bipartite matching with $n$ offline vertices and $n$ online vertices where one wishes to be competitive against the optimal offline algorithm. While the classic RANKING algorithm of Karp et al. [1990] provably attains competitive ratio of $1-1/e > 1/2$, we show that no learning-augmented method can be both 1-consistent and strictly better than $1/2$-robust under the adversarial arrival model. Meanwhile, under the random arrival model, we show how one can utilize methods from distribution testing to design an algorithm that takes in external advice about the online vertices and provably achieves competitive ratio interpolating between any ratio attainable by advice-free methods and the optimal ratio of 1, depending on the advice quality.

new IBD-PSC: Input-level Backdoor Detection via Parameter-oriented Scaling Consistency

Authors: Linshan Hou, Ruili Feng, Zhongyun Hua, Wei Luo, Leo Yu Zhang, Yiming Li

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries can maliciously trigger model misclassifications by implanting a hidden backdoor during model training. This paper proposes a simple yet effective input-level backdoor detection (dubbed IBD-PSC) as a 'firewall' to filter out malicious testing images. Our method is motivated by an intriguing phenomenon, i.e., parameter-oriented scaling consistency (PSC), where the prediction confidences of poisoned samples are significantly more consistent than those of benign ones when amplifying model parameters. In particular, we provide theoretical analysis to safeguard the foundations of the PSC phenomenon. We also design an adaptive method to select BN layers to scale up for effective detection. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, verifying the effectiveness and efficiency of our IBD-PSC method and its resistance to adaptive attacks.

new Many-Shot In-Context Learning in Multimodal Foundation Models

Authors: Yixing Jiang, Jeremy Irvin, Ji Hun Wang, Muhammad Ahmed Chaudhry, Jonathan H. Chen, Andrew Y. Ng

Abstract: Large language models are well-known to be effective at few-shot in-context learning (ICL). Recent advancements in multimodal foundation models have enabled unprecedentedly long context windows, presenting an opportunity to explore their capability to perform ICL with many more demonstrating examples. In this work, we evaluate the performance of multimodal foundation models scaling from few-shot to many-shot ICL. We benchmark GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro across 10 datasets spanning multiple domains (natural imagery, medical imagery, remote sensing, and molecular imagery) and tasks (multi-class, multi-label, and fine-grained classification). We observe that many-shot ICL, including up to almost 2,000 multimodal demonstrating examples, leads to substantial improvements compared to few-shot (<100 examples) ICL across all of the datasets. Further, Gemini 1.5 Pro performance continues to improve log-linearly up to the maximum number of tested examples on many datasets. Given the high inference costs associated with the long prompts required for many-shot ICL, we also explore the impact of batching multiple queries in a single API call. We show that batching up to 50 queries can lead to performance improvements under zero-shot and many-shot ICL, with substantial gains in the zero-shot setting on multiple datasets, while drastically reducing per-query cost and latency. Finally, we measure ICL data efficiency of the models, or the rate at which the models learn from more demonstrating examples. We find that while GPT-4o and Gemini 1.5 Pro achieve similar zero-shot performance across the datasets, Gemini 1.5 Pro exhibits higher ICL data efficiency than GPT-4o on most datasets. Our results suggest that many-shot ICL could enable users to efficiently adapt multimodal foundation models to new applications and domains. Our codebase is publicly available at .


new Manifold Integrated Gradients: Riemannian Geometry for Feature Attribution

Authors: Eslam Zaher, Maciej Trzaskowski, Quan Nguyen, Fred Roosta

Abstract: In this paper, we dive into the reliability concerns of Integrated Gradients (IG), a prevalent feature attribution method for black-box deep learning models. We particularly address two predominant challenges associated with IG: the generation of noisy feature visualizations for vision models and the vulnerability to adversarial attributional attacks. Our approach involves an adaptation of path-based feature attribution, aligning the path of attribution more closely to the intrinsic geometry of the data manifold. Our experiments utilise deep generative models applied to several real-world image datasets. They demonstrate that IG along the geodesics conforms to the curved geometry of the Riemannian data manifold, generating more perceptually intuitive explanations and, subsequently, substantially increasing robustness to targeted attributional attacks.

new Active Learning with Fully Bayesian Neural Networks for Discontinuous and Nonstationary Data

Authors: Maxim Ziatdinov

Abstract: Active learning optimizes the exploration of large parameter spaces by strategically selecting which experiments or simulations to conduct, thus reducing resource consumption and potentially accelerating scientific discovery. A key component of this approach is a probabilistic surrogate model, typically a Gaussian Process (GP), which approximates an unknown functional relationship between control parameters and a target property. However, conventional GPs often struggle when applied to systems with discontinuities and non-stationarities, prompting the exploration of alternative models. This limitation becomes particularly relevant in physical science problems, which are often characterized by abrupt transitions between different system states and rapid changes in physical property behavior. Fully Bayesian Neural Networks (FBNNs) serve as a promising substitute, treating all neural network weights probabilistically and leveraging advanced Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques for direct sampling from the posterior distribution. This approach enables FBNNs to provide reliable predictive distributions, crucial for making informed decisions under uncertainty in the active learning setting. Although traditionally considered too computationally expensive for 'big data' applications, many physical sciences problems involve small amounts of data in relatively low-dimensional parameter spaces. Here, we assess the suitability and performance of FBNNs with the No-U-Turn Sampler for active learning tasks in the 'small data' regime, highlighting their potential to enhance predictive accuracy and reliability on test functions relevant to problems in physical sciences.

new Densely Distilling Cumulative Knowledge for Continual Learning

Authors: Zenglin Shi, Pei Liu, Tong Su, Yunpeng Wu, Kuien Liu, Yu Song, Meng Wang

Abstract: Continual learning, involving sequential training on diverse tasks, often faces catastrophic forgetting. While knowledge distillation-based approaches exhibit notable success in preventing forgetting, we pinpoint a limitation in their ability to distill the cumulative knowledge of all the previous tasks. To remedy this, we propose Dense Knowledge Distillation (DKD). DKD uses a task pool to track the model's capabilities. It partitions the output logits of the model into dense groups, each corresponding to a task in the task pool. It then distills all tasks' knowledge using all groups. However, using all the groups can be computationally expensive, we also suggest random group selection in each optimization step. Moreover, we propose an adaptive weighting scheme, which balances the learning of new classes and the retention of old classes, based on the count and similarity of the classes. Our DKD outperforms recent state-of-the-art baselines across diverse benchmarks and scenarios. Empirical analysis underscores DKD's ability to enhance model stability, promote flatter minima for improved generalization, and remains robust across various memory budgets and task orders. Moreover, it seamlessly integrates with other CL methods to boost performance and proves versatile in offline scenarios like model compression.

new Evaluating Algorithmic Bias in Models for Predicting Academic Performance of Filipino Students

Authors: Valdemar \v{S}v\'abensk\'y, M\'elina Verger, Maria Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Clarence James G. Monterozo, Ryan S. Baker, Miguel Zenon Nicanor Lerias Saavedra, S\'ebastien Lall\'e, Atsushi Shimada

Abstract: Algorithmic bias is a major issue in machine learning models in educational contexts. However, it has not yet been studied thoroughly in Asian learning contexts, and only limited work has considered algorithmic bias based on regional (sub-national) background. As a step towards addressing this gap, this paper examines the population of 5,986 students at a large university in the Philippines, investigating algorithmic bias based on students' regional background. The university used the Canvas learning management system (LMS) in its online courses across a broad range of domains. Over the period of three semesters, we collected 48.7 million log records of the students' activity in Canvas. We used these logs to train binary classification models that predict student grades from the LMS activity. The best-performing model reached AUC of 0.75 and weighted F1-score of 0.79. Subsequently, we examined the data for bias based on students' region. Evaluation using three metrics: AUC, weighted F1-score, and MADD showed consistent results across all demographic groups. Thus, no unfairness was observed against a particular student group in the grade predictions.

new Unsupervised Work Behavior Pattern Extraction Based on Hierarchical Probabilistic Model

Authors: Issei Saito, Tomoaki Nakamura, Toshiyuki Hatta, Wataru Fujita, Shintaro Watanabe, Shotaro Miwa

Abstract: Evolving consumer demands and market trends have led to businesses increasingly embracing a production approach that prioritizes flexibility and customization. Consequently, factory workers must engage in tasks that are more complex than before. Thus, productivity depends on each worker's skills in assembling products. Therefore, analyzing the behavior of a worker is crucial for work improvement. However, manual analysis is time consuming and does not provide quick and accurate feedback. Machine learning have been attempted to automate the analyses; however, most of these methods need several labels for training. To this end, we extend the Gaussian process hidden semi-Markov model (GP-HSMM), to enable the rapid and automated analysis of worker behavior without pre-training. The model does not require labeled data and can automatically and accurately segment continuous motions into motion classes. The proposed model is a probabilistic model that hierarchically connects GP-HSMM and HSMM, enabling the extraction of behavioral patterns with different granularities. Furthermore, it mutually infers the parameters between the GP-HSMM and HSMM, resulting in accurate motion pattern extraction. We applied the proposed method to motion data in which workers assembled products at an actual production site. The accuracy of behavior pattern extraction was evaluated using normalized Levenshtein distance (NLD). The smaller the value of NLD, the more accurate is the pattern extraction. The NLD of motion patterns captured by GP-HSMM and HSMM layers in our proposed method was 0.50 and 0.33, respectively, which are the smallest compared to that of the baseline methods.

new Advances in Robust Federated Learning: Heterogeneity Considerations

Authors: Chuan Chen, Tianchi Liao, Xiaojun Deng, Zihou Wu, Sheng Huang, Zibin Zheng

Abstract: In the field of heterogeneous federated learning (FL), the key challenge is to efficiently and collaboratively train models across multiple clients with different data distributions, model structures, task objectives, computational capabilities, and communication resources. This diversity leads to significant heterogeneity, which increases the complexity of model training. In this paper, we first outline the basic concepts of heterogeneous federated learning and summarize the research challenges in federated learning in terms of five aspects: data, model, task, device, and communication. In addition, we explore how existing state-of-the-art approaches cope with the heterogeneity of federated learning, and categorize and review these approaches at three different levels: data-level, model-level, and architecture-level. Subsequently, the paper extensively discusses privacy-preserving strategies in heterogeneous federated learning environments. Finally, the paper discusses current open issues and directions for future research, aiming to promote the further development of heterogeneous federated learning.

new Hyperplane Arrangements and Fixed Points in Iterated PWL Neural Networks

Authors: Hans-Peter Beise

Abstract: We leverage the framework of hyperplane arrangements to analyze potential regions of (stable) fixed points. We provide an upper bound on the number of fixed points for multi-layer neural networks equipped with piecewise linear (PWL) activation functions with arbitrary many linear pieces. The theoretical optimality of the exponential growth in the number of layers of the latter bound is shown. Specifically, we also derive a sharper upper bound on the number of stable fixed points for one-hidden-layer networks with hard tanh activation.

new MTLComb: multi-task learning combining regression and classification tasks for joint feature selection

Authors: Han Cao, Sivanesan Rajan, Bianka Hahn, Ersoy Kocak, Daniel Durstewitz, Emanuel Schwarz, Verena Schneider-Lindner

Abstract: Multi-task learning (MTL) is a learning paradigm that enables the simultaneous training of multiple communicating algorithms. Although MTL has been successfully applied to ether regression or classification tasks alone, incorporating mixed types of tasks into a unified MTL framework remains challenging, primarily due to variations in the magnitudes of losses associated with different tasks. This challenge, particularly evident in MTL applications with joint feature selection, often results in biased selections. To overcome this obstacle, we propose a provable loss weighting scheme that analytically determines the optimal weights for balancing regression and classification tasks. This scheme significantly mitigates the otherwise biased feature selection. Building upon this scheme, we introduce MTLComb, an MTL algorithm and software package encompassing optimization procedures, training protocols, and hyperparameter estimation procedures. MTLComb is designed for learning shared predictors among tasks of mixed types. To showcase the efficacy of MTLComb, we conduct tests on both simulated data and biomedical studies pertaining to sepsis and schizophrenia.

new Balancing Similarity and Complementarity for Federated Learning

Authors: Kunda Yan, Sen Cui, Abudukelimu Wuerkaixi, Jingfeng Zhang, Bo Han, Gang Niu, Masashi Sugiyama, Changshui Zhang

Abstract: In mobile and IoT systems, Federated Learning (FL) is increasingly important for effectively using data while maintaining user privacy. One key challenge in FL is managing statistical heterogeneity, such as non-i.i.d. data, arising from numerous clients and diverse data sources. This requires strategic cooperation, often with clients having similar characteristics. However, we are interested in a fundamental question: does achieving optimal cooperation necessarily entail cooperating with the most similar clients? Typically, significant model performance improvements are often realized not by partnering with the most similar models, but through leveraging complementary data. Our theoretical and empirical analyses suggest that optimal cooperation is achieved by enhancing complementarity in feature distribution while restricting the disparity in the correlation between features and targets. Accordingly, we introduce a novel framework, \texttt{FedSaC}, which balances similarity and complementarity in FL cooperation. Our framework aims to approximate an optimal cooperation network for each client by optimizing a weighted sum of model similarity and feature complementarity. The strength of \texttt{FedSaC} lies in its adaptability to various levels of data heterogeneity and multimodal scenarios. Our comprehensive unimodal and multimodal experiments demonstrate that \texttt{FedSaC} markedly surpasses other state-of-the-art FL methods.

new Federated Learning for Misbehaviour Detection with Variational Autoencoders and Gaussian Mixture Models

Authors: Enrique M\'armol Campos, Aurora Gonz\'alez Vidal, Jos\'e Luis Hern\'andez Ramos, Antonio Skarmeta

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) has become an attractive approach to collaboratively train Machine Learning (ML) models while data sources' privacy is still preserved. However, most of existing FL approaches are based on supervised techniques, which could require resource-intensive activities and human intervention to obtain labelled datasets. Furthermore, in the scope of cyberattack detection, such techniques are not able to identify previously unknown threats. In this direction, this work proposes a novel unsupervised FL approach for the identification of potential misbehavior in vehicular environments. We leverage the computing capabilities of public cloud services for model aggregation purposes, and also as a central repository of misbehavior events, enabling cross-vehicle learning and collective defense strategies. Our solution integrates the use of Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) and Variational Autoencoders (VAE) on the VeReMi dataset in a federated environment, where each vehicle is intended to train only with its own data. Furthermore, we use Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBM) for pre-training purposes, and Fedplus as aggregation function to enhance model's convergence. Our approach provides better performance (more than 80 percent) compared to recent proposals, which are usually based on supervised techniques and artificial divisions of the VeReMi dataset.

new A Machine Learning Approach for Simultaneous Demapping of QAM and APSK Constellations

Authors: Arwin Gansekoele, Alexios Balatsoukas-Stimming, Tom Brusse, Mark Hoogendoorn, Sandjai Bhulai, Rob van der Mei

Abstract: As telecommunication systems evolve to meet increasing demands, integrating deep neural networks (DNNs) has shown promise in enhancing performance. However, the trade-off between accuracy and flexibility remains challenging when replacing traditional receivers with DNNs. This paper introduces a novel probabilistic framework that allows a single DNN demapper to demap multiple QAM and APSK constellations simultaneously. We also demonstrate that our framework allows exploiting hierarchical relationships in families of constellations. The consequence is that we need fewer neural network outputs to encode the same function without an increase in Bit Error Rate (BER). Our simulation results confirm that our approach approaches the optimal demodulation error bound under an Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel for multiple constellations. Thereby, we address multiple important issues in making DNNs flexible enough for practical use as receivers.

new Scaling convolutional neural networks achieves expert-level seizure detection in neonatal EEG

Authors: Robert Hogan, Sean R. Mathieson, Aurel Luca, Soraia Ventura, Sean Griffin, Geraldine B. Boylan, John M. O'Toole

Abstract: Background: Neonatal seizures are a neurological emergency that require urgent treatment. They are hard to diagnose clinically and can go undetected if EEG monitoring is unavailable. EEG interpretation requires specialised expertise which is not widely available. Algorithms to detect EEG seizures can address this limitation but have yet to reach widespread clinical adoption. Methods: Retrospective EEG data from 332 neonates was used to develop and validate a seizure-detection model. The model was trained and tested with a development dataset ($n=202$) that was annotated with over 12k seizure events on a per-channel basis. This dataset was used to develop a convolutional neural network (CNN) using a modern architecture and training methods. The final model was then validated on two independent multi-reviewer datasets ($n=51$ and $n=79$). Results: Increasing dataset and model size improved model performance: Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) and Pearson's correlation ($r$) increased by up to 50% with data scaling and up to 15% with model scaling. Over 50k hours of annotated single-channel EEG was used for training a model with 21 million parameters. State-of-the-art was achieved on an open-access dataset (MCC=0.764, $r=0.824$, and AUC=0.982). The CNN attains expert-level performance on both held-out validation sets, with no significant difference in inter-rater agreement among the experts and among experts and algorithm ($\Delta \kappa < -0.095$, $p>0.05$). Conclusion: With orders of magnitude increases in data and model scale we have produced a new state-of-the-art model for neonatal seizure detection. Expert-level equivalence on completely unseen data, a first in this field, provides a strong indication that the model is ready for further clinical validation.

new Predicting Solar Heat Production to Optimize Renewable Energy Usage

Authors: Tatiana Boura, Natalia Koliou, George Meramveliotakis, Stasinos Konstantopoulos, George Kosmadakis

Abstract: Utilizing solar energy to meet space heating and domestic hot water demand is very efficient (in terms of environmental footprint as well as cost), but in order to ensure that user demand is entirely covered throughout the year needs to be complemented with auxiliary heating systems, typically boilers and heat pumps. Naturally, the optimal control of such a system depends on an accurate prediction of solar thermal production. Experimental testing and physics-based numerical models are used to find a collector's performance curve - the mapping from solar radiation and other external conditions to heat production - but this curve changes over time once the collector is exposed to outdoor conditions. In order to deploy advanced control strategies in small domestic installations, we present an approach that uses machine learning to automatically construct and continuously adapt a model that predicts heat production. Our design is driven by the need to (a) construct and adapt models using supervision that can be extracted from low-cost instrumentation, avoiding extreme accuracy and reliability requirements; and (b) at inference time, use inputs that are typically provided in publicly available weather forecasts. Recent developments in attention-based machine learning, as well as careful adaptation of the training setup to the specifics of the task, have allowed us to design a machine learning-based solution that covers our requirements. We present positive empirical results for the predictive accuracy of our solution, and discuss the impact of these results on the end-to-end system.

new Zero-Shot Hierarchical Classification on the Common Procurement Vocabulary Taxonomy

Authors: Federico Moiraghi, Matteo Palmonari, Davide Allavena, Federico Morando

Abstract: Classifying public tenders is a useful task for both companies that are invited to participate and for inspecting fraudulent activities. To facilitate the task for both participants and public administrations, the European Union presented a common taxonomy (\textit{Common Procurement Vocabulary}, CPV) which is mandatory for tenders of certain importance; however, the contracts in which a CPV label is mandatory are the minority compared to all the Public Administrations activities. Classifying over a real-world taxonomy introduces some difficulties that can not be ignored. First of all, some fine-grained classes have an insufficient (if any) number of observations in the training set, while other classes are far more frequent (even thousands of times) than the average. To overcome those difficulties, we present a zero-shot approach, based on a pre-trained language model that relies only on label description and respects the label taxonomy. To train our proposed model, we used industrial data, which comes from \url{}, a service by \href{}{SpazioDati s.r.l}. that collects public contracts stipulated in Italy in the last 25 years. Results show that the proposed model achieves better performance in classifying low-frequent classes compared to three different baselines, and is also able to predict never-seen classes.


new Reward Centering

Authors: Abhishek Naik, Yi Wan, Manan Tomar, Richard S. Sutton

Abstract: We show that discounted methods for solving continuing reinforcement learning problems can perform significantly better if they center their rewards by subtracting out the rewards' empirical average. The improvement is substantial at commonly used discount factors and increases further as the discount factor approaches one. In addition, we show that if a problem's rewards are shifted by a constant, then standard methods perform much worse, whereas methods with reward centering are unaffected. Estimating the average reward is straightforward in the on-policy setting; we propose a slightly more sophisticated method for the off-policy setting. Reward centering is a general idea, so we expect almost every reinforcement-learning algorithm to benefit by the addition of reward centering.

new Machine Learning-Based Path Loss Modeling with Simplified Features

Authors: Jonathan Ethier, Mathieu Chateauvert

Abstract: Propagation modeling is a crucial tool for successful wireless deployments and spectrum planning with the demand for high modeling accuracy continuing to grow. Recognizing that detailed knowledge of the physical environment (terrain and clutter) is essential, we propose a novel approach that uses environmental information for predictions. Instead of relying on complex, detail-intensive models, we explore the use of simplified scalar features involving the total obstruction depth along the direct path from transmitter to receiver. Obstacle depth offers a streamlined, yet surprisingly accurate, method for predicting wireless signal propagation, providing a practical solution for efficient and effective wireless network planning.

new $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$: Off-Policy Estimation with Pairs of Policies

Authors: Olivier Jeunen, Aleksei Ustimenko

Abstract: The off-policy paradigm casts recommendation as a counterfactual decision-making task, allowing practitioners to unbiasedly estimate online metrics using offline data. This leads to effective evaluation metrics, as well as learning procedures that directly optimise online success. Nevertheless, the high variance that comes with unbiasedness is typically the crux that complicates practical applications. An important insight is that the difference between policy values can often be estimated with significantly reduced variance, if said policies have positive covariance. This allows us to formulate a pairwise off-policy estimation task: $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$. $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$ subsumes the common use-case of estimating improvements of a learnt policy over a production policy, using data collected by a stochastic logging policy. We introduce $\Delta\text{-}{\rm OPE}$ methods based on the widely used Inverse Propensity Scoring estimator and its extensions. Moreover, we characterise a variance-optimal additive control variate that further enhances efficiency. Simulated, offline, and online experiments show that our methods significantly improve performance for both evaluation and learning tasks.

new The Real Price of Bandit Information in Multiclass Classification

Authors: Liad Erez, Alon Cohen, Tomer Koren, Yishay Mansour, Shay Moran

Abstract: We revisit the classical problem of multiclass classification with bandit feedback (Kakade, Shalev-Shwartz and Tewari, 2008), where each input classifies to one of $K$ possible labels and feedback is restricted to whether the predicted label is correct or not. Our primary inquiry is with regard to the dependency on the number of labels $K$, and whether $T$-step regret bounds in this setting can be improved beyond the $\smash{\sqrt{KT}}$ dependence exhibited by existing algorithms. Our main contribution is in showing that the minimax regret of bandit multiclass is in fact more nuanced, and is of the form $\smash{\widetilde{\Theta}\left(\min \left\{|\mathcal{H}| + \sqrt{T}, \sqrt{KT \log |{\mathcal{H}|}} \right\} \right) }$, where $\mathcal{H}$ is the underlying (finite) hypothesis class. In particular, we present a new bandit classification algorithm that guarantees regret $\smash{\widetilde{O}(|\mathcal{H}|+\sqrt{T})}$, improving over classical algorithms for moderately-sized hypothesis classes, and give a matching lower bound establishing tightness of the upper bounds (up to log-factors) in all parameter regimes.

new A finite-sample generalization bound for stable LPV systems

Authors: Daniel Racz, Martin Gonzalez, Mihaly Petreczky, Andras Benczur, Balint Daroczy

Abstract: One of the main theoretical challenges in learning dynamical systems from data is providing upper bounds on the generalization error, that is, the difference between the expected prediction error and the empirical prediction error measured on some finite sample. In machine learning, a popular class of such bounds are the so-called Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) bounds. In this paper, we derive a PAC bound for stable continuous-time linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems. Our bound depends on the H2 norm of the chosen class of the LPV systems, but does not depend on the time interval for which the signals are considered.

new LaT-PFN: A Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture for In-context Time-series Forecasting

Authors: Stijn Verdenius, Andrea Zerio, Roy L. M. Wang

Abstract: We introduce LatentTimePFN (LaT-PFN), a foundational Time Series model with a strong embedding space that enables zero-shot forecasting. To achieve this, we perform in-context learning in latent space utilizing a novel integration of the Prior-data Fitted Networks (PFN) and Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) frameworks. We leverage the JEPA framework to create a prediction-optimized latent representation of the underlying stochastic process that generates time series and combines it with contextual learning, using a PFN. Furthermore, we improve on preceding works by utilizing related time series as a context and introducing an abstract time axis. This drastically reduces training time and increases the versatility of the model by allowing any time granularity and forecast horizon. We show that this results in superior zero-shot predictions compared to established baselines. We also demonstrate our latent space produces informative embeddings of both individual time steps and fixed-length summaries of entire series. Finally, we observe the emergence of multi-step patch embeddings without explicit training, suggesting the model actively learns discrete tokens that encode local structures in the data, analogous to vision transformers.

new The Effect of Quantization in Federated Learning: A R\'enyi Differential Privacy Perspective

Authors: Tianqu Kang, Lumin Liu, Hengtao He, Jun Zhang, S. H. Song, Khaled B. Letaief

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging paradigm that holds great promise for privacy-preserving machine learning using distributed data. To enhance privacy, FL can be combined with Differential Privacy (DP), which involves adding Gaussian noise to the model weights. However, FL faces a significant challenge in terms of large communication overhead when transmitting these model weights. To address this issue, quantization is commonly employed. Nevertheless, the presence of quantized Gaussian noise introduces complexities in understanding privacy protection. This research paper investigates the impact of quantization on privacy in FL systems. We examine the privacy guarantees of quantized Gaussian mechanisms using R\'enyi Differential Privacy (RDP). By deriving the privacy budget of quantized Gaussian mechanisms, we demonstrate that lower quantization bit levels provide improved privacy protection. To validate our theoretical findings, we employ Membership Inference Attacks (MIA), which gauge the accuracy of privacy leakage. The numerical results align with our theoretical analysis, confirming that quantization can indeed enhance privacy protection. This study not only enhances our understanding of the correlation between privacy and communication in FL but also underscores the advantages of quantization in preserving privacy.

new Asynchronous Federated Stochastic Optimization with Exact Averaging for Heterogeneous Local Objectives

Authors: Charikleia Iakovidou, Kibaek Kim

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) was recently proposed to securely train models with data held over multiple locations ("clients") under the coordination of a central server. Two major challenges hindering the performance of FL algorithms are long training times caused by straggling clients and a decrease in training accuracy induced by non-iid local distributions ("client drift"). In this work we propose and analyze AREA, a new stochastic (sub)gradient algorithm that is robust to client drift and utilizes asynchronous communication to speed up convergence in the presence of stragglers. Moreover, AREA is, to the best of our knowledge, the first method that is both guaranteed to converge under arbitrarily long delays, and converges to an error neighborhood whose size depends only on the variance of the stochastic (sub)gradients used and thus is independent of both the heterogeneity between the local datasets and the length of client delays, without the use of delay-adaptive stepsizes. Our numerical results confirm our theoretical analysis and suggest that AREA outperforms state-of-the-art methods when local data are highly non-iid.

new Relational DNN Verification With Cross Executional Bound Refinement

Authors: Debangshu Banerjee, Gagandeep Singh

Abstract: We focus on verifying relational properties defined over deep neural networks (DNNs) such as robustness against universal adversarial perturbations (UAP), certified worst-case hamming distance for binary string classifications, etc. Precise verification of these properties requires reasoning about multiple executions of the same DNN. However, most of the existing works in DNN verification only handle properties defined over single executions and as a result, are imprecise for relational properties. Though few recent works for relational DNN verification, capture linear dependencies between the inputs of multiple executions, they do not leverage dependencies between the outputs of hidden layers producing imprecise results. We develop a scalable relational verifier RACoon that utilizes cross-execution dependencies at all layers of the DNN gaining substantial precision over SOTA baselines on a wide range of datasets, networks, and relational properties.

new Comparative Analysis of Predicting Subsequent Steps in H\'enon Map

Authors: Vismaya V S, Alok Hareendran, Bharath V Nair, Sishu Shankar Muni, Martin Lellep

Abstract: This paper explores the prediction of subsequent steps in H\'enon Map using various machine learning techniques. The H\'enon map, well known for its chaotic behaviour, finds applications in various fields including cryptography, image encryption, and pattern recognition. Machine learning methods, particularly deep learning, are increasingly essential for understanding and predicting chaotic phenomena. This study evaluates the performance of different machine learning models including Random Forest, Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Feed Forward Neural Networks (FNN) in predicting the evolution of the H\'enon map. Results indicate that LSTM network demonstrate superior predictive accuracy, particularly in extreme event prediction. Furthermore, a comparison between LSTM and FNN models reveals the LSTM's advantage, especially for longer prediction horizons and larger datasets. This research underscores the significance of machine learning in elucidating chaotic dynamics and highlights the importance of model selection and dataset size in forecasting subsequent steps in chaotic systems.

new GPT Store Mining and Analysis

Authors: Dongxun Su, Yanjie Zhao, Xinyi Hou, Shenao Wang, Haoyu Wang

Abstract: As a pivotal extension of the renowned ChatGPT, the GPT Store serves as a dynamic marketplace for various Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models, shaping the frontier of conversational AI. This paper presents an in-depth measurement study of the GPT Store, with a focus on the categorization of GPTs by topic, factors influencing GPT popularity, and the potential security risks. Our investigation starts with assessing the categorization of GPTs in the GPT Store, analyzing how they are organized by topics, and evaluating the effectiveness of the classification system. We then examine the factors that affect the popularity of specific GPTs, looking into user preferences, algorithmic influences, and market trends. Finally, the study delves into the security risks of the GPT Store, identifying potential threats and evaluating the robustness of existing security measures. This study offers a detailed overview of the GPT Store's current state, shedding light on its operational dynamics and user interaction patterns. Our findings aim to enhance understanding of the GPT ecosystem, providing valuable insights for future research, development, and policy-making in generative AI.

new SMLP: Symbolic Machine Learning Prover (User Manual)

Authors: Franz Brau{\ss}e, Zurab Khasidashvili, Konstantin Korovin

Abstract: SMLP: Symbolic Machine Learning Prover an open source tool for exploration and optimization of systems represented by machine learning models. SMLP uses symbolic reasoning for ML model exploration and optimization under verification and stability constraints, based on SMT, constraint and NN solvers. In addition its exploration methods are guided by probabilistic and statistical methods. SMLP is a general purpose tool that requires only data suitable for ML modelling in the csv format (usually samples of the system's input/output). SMLP has been applied at Intel for analyzing and optimizing hardware designs at the analog level. Currently SMLP supports NNs, polynomial and tree models, and uses SMT solvers for reasoning and optimization at the backend, integration of specialized NN solvers is in progress.

new Low-Rank Adaptation of Time Series Foundational Models for Out-of-Domain Modality Forecasting

Authors: Divij Gupta, Anubhav Bhatti, Suraj Parmar, Chen Dan, Yuwei Liu, Bingjie Shen, San Lee

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a widely used technique for fine-tuning large pre-trained or foundational models across different modalities and tasks. However, its application to time series data, particularly within foundational models, remains underexplored. This paper examines the impact of LoRA on contemporary time series foundational models: Lag-Llama, MOIRAI, and Chronos. We demonstrate LoRA's fine-tuning potential for forecasting the vital signs of sepsis patients in intensive care units (ICUs), emphasizing the models' adaptability to previously unseen, out-of-domain modalities. Integrating LoRA aims to enhance forecasting performance while reducing inefficiencies associated with fine-tuning large models on limited domain-specific data. Our experiments show that LoRA fine-tuning of time series foundational models significantly improves forecasting, achieving results comparable to state-of-the-art models trained from scratch on similar modalities. We conduct comprehensive ablation studies to demonstrate the trade-offs between the number of tunable parameters and forecasting performance and assess the impact of varying LoRA matrix ranks on model performance.

new ENADPool: The Edge-Node Attention-based Differentiable Pooling for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Zhehan Zhao, Lu Bai, Lixin Cui, Ming Li, Yue Wang, Lixiang Xu, Edwin R. Hancock

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are powerful tools for graph classification. One important operation for GNNs is the downsampling or pooling that can learn effective embeddings from the node representations. In this paper, we propose a new hierarchical pooling operation, namely the Edge-Node Attention-based Differentiable Pooling (ENADPool), for GNNs to learn effective graph representations. Unlike the classical hierarchical pooling operation that is based on the unclear node assignment and simply computes the averaged feature over the nodes of each cluster, the proposed ENADPool not only employs a hard clustering strategy to assign each node into an unique cluster, but also compress the node features as well as their edge connectivity strengths into the resulting hierarchical structure based on the attention mechanism after each pooling step. As a result, the proposed ENADPool simultaneously identifies the importance of different nodes within each separated cluster and edges between corresponding clusters, that significantly addresses the shortcomings of the uniform edge-node based structure information aggregation arising in the classical hierarchical pooling operation. Moreover, to mitigate the over-smoothing problem arising in existing GNNs, we propose a Multi-distance GNN (MD-GNN) model associated with the proposed ENADPool operation, allowing the nodes to actively and directly receive the feature information from neighbors at different random walk steps. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the MD-GNN associated with the proposed ENADPool.

new Two-Phase Dynamics of Interactions Explains the Starting Point of a DNN Learning Over-Fitted Features

Authors: Junpeng Zhang, Qing Li, Liang Lin, Quanshi Zhang

Abstract: This paper investigates the dynamics of a deep neural network (DNN) learning interactions. Previous studies have discovered and mathematically proven that given each input sample, a well-trained DNN usually only encodes a small number of interactions (non-linear relationships) between input variables in the sample. A series of theorems have been derived to prove that we can consider the DNN's inference equivalent to using these interactions as primitive patterns for inference. In this paper, we discover the DNN learns interactions in two phases. The first phase mainly penalizes interactions of medium and high orders, and the second phase mainly learns interactions of gradually increasing orders. We can consider the two-phase phenomenon as the starting point of a DNN learning over-fitted features. Such a phenomenon has been widely shared by DNNs with various architectures trained for different tasks. Therefore, the discovery of the two-phase dynamics provides a detailed mechanism for how a DNN gradually learns different inference patterns (interactions). In particular, we have also verified the claim that high-order interactions have weaker generalization power than low-order interactions. Thus, the discovered two-phase dynamics also explains how the generalization power of a DNN changes during the training process.

new On Partially Unitary Learning

Authors: Mikhail Gennadievich Belov, Vladislav Gennadievich Malyshkin

Abstract: The problem of an optimal mapping between Hilbert spaces $IN$ of $\left|\psi\right\rangle$ and $OUT$ of $\left|\phi\right\rangle$ based on a set of wavefunction measurements (within a phase) $\psi_l \to \phi_l$, $l=1\dots M$, is formulated as an optimization problem maximizing the total fidelity $\sum_{l=1}^{M} \omega^{(l)} \left|\langle\phi_l|\mathcal{U}|\psi_l\rangle\right|^2$ subject to probability preservation constraints on $\mathcal{U}$ (partial unitarity). Constructed operator $\mathcal{U}$ can be considered as a $IN$ to $OUT$ quantum channel; it is a partially unitary rectangular matrix of the dimension $\dim(OUT) \times \dim(IN)$ transforming operators as $A^{OUT}=\mathcal{U} A^{IN} \mathcal{U}^{\dagger}$. An iteration algorithm finding the global maximum of this optimization problem is developed and it's application to a number of problems is demonstrated. A software product implementing the algorithm is available from the authors.

new Automated Federated Learning via Informed Pruning

Authors: Christian Intern\`o, Elena Raponi, Niki van Stein, Thomas B\"ack, Markus Olhofer, Yaochu Jin, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) represents a pivotal shift in machine learning (ML) as it enables collaborative training of local ML models coordinated by a central aggregator, all without the need to exchange local data. However, its application on edge devices is hindered by limited computational capabilities and data communication challenges, compounded by the inherent complexity of Deep Learning (DL) models. Model pruning is identified as a key technique for compressing DL models on devices with limited resources. Nonetheless, conventional pruning techniques typically rely on manually crafted heuristics and demand human expertise to achieve a balance between model size, speed, and accuracy, often resulting in sub-optimal solutions. In this study, we introduce an automated federated learning approach utilizing informed pruning, called AutoFLIP, which dynamically prunes and compresses DL models within both the local clients and the global server. It leverages a federated loss exploration phase to investigate model gradient behavior across diverse datasets and losses, providing insights into parameter significance. Our experiments showcase notable enhancements in scenarios with strong non-IID data, underscoring AutoFLIP's capacity to tackle computational constraints and achieve superior global convergence.

new HW-GPT-Bench: Hardware-Aware Architecture Benchmark for Language Models

Authors: Rhea Sanjay Sukthanker, Arber Zela, Benedikt Staffler, Jorg K. H. Franke, Frank Hutter

Abstract: The expanding size of language models has created the necessity for a comprehensive examination across various dimensions that reflect the desiderata with respect to the tradeoffs between various hardware metrics, such as latency, energy consumption, GPU memory usage, and performance. There is a growing interest in establishing Pareto frontiers for different language model configurations to identify optimal models with specified hardware constraints. Notably, architectures that excel in latency on one device may not perform optimally on another. However, exhaustive training and evaluation of numerous architectures across diverse hardware configurations is computationally prohibitive. To this end, we propose HW-GPT-Bench, a hardware-aware language model surrogate benchmark, where we leverage weight-sharing techniques from Neural Architecture Search (NAS) to efficiently train a supernet proxy, encompassing language models of varying scales in a single model. We conduct profiling of these models across 13 devices, considering 5 hardware metrics and 3 distinct model scales. Finally, we showcase the usability of HW-GPT-Bench using 8 different multi-objective NAS algorithms and evaluate the quality of the resultant Pareto fronts. Through this benchmark, our objective is to propel and expedite research in the advancement of multi-objective methods for NAS and structural pruning in large language models.

new Stochastic Q-learning for Large Discrete Action Spaces

Authors: Fares Fourati, Vaneet Aggarwal, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

Abstract: In complex environments with large discrete action spaces, effective decision-making is critical in reinforcement learning (RL). Despite the widespread use of value-based RL approaches like Q-learning, they come with a computational burden, necessitating the maximization of a value function over all actions in each iteration. This burden becomes particularly challenging when addressing large-scale problems and using deep neural networks as function approximators. In this paper, we present stochastic value-based RL approaches which, in each iteration, as opposed to optimizing over the entire set of $n$ actions, only consider a variable stochastic set of a sublinear number of actions, possibly as small as $\mathcal{O}(\log(n))$. The presented stochastic value-based RL methods include, among others, Stochastic Q-learning, StochDQN, and StochDDQN, all of which integrate this stochastic approach for both value-function updates and action selection. The theoretical convergence of Stochastic Q-learning is established, while an analysis of stochastic maximization is provided. Moreover, through empirical validation, we illustrate that the various proposed approaches outperform the baseline methods across diverse environments, including different control problems, achieving near-optimal average returns in significantly reduced time.

cross An AI System Evaluation Framework for Advancing AI Safety: Terminology, Taxonomy, Lifecycle Mapping

Authors: Boming Xia, Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Zhenchang Xing

Abstract: The advent of advanced AI underscores the urgent need for comprehensive safety evaluations, necessitating collaboration across communities (i.e., AI, software engineering, and governance). However, divergent practices and terminologies across these communities, combined with the complexity of AI systems-of which models are only a part-and environmental affordances (e.g., access to tools), obstruct effective communication and comprehensive evaluation. This paper proposes a framework for AI system evaluation comprising three components: 1) harmonised terminology to facilitate communication across communities involved in AI safety evaluation; 2) a taxonomy identifying essential elements for AI system evaluation; 3) a mapping between AI lifecycle, stakeholders, and requisite evaluations for accountable AI supply chain. This framework catalyses a deeper discourse on AI system evaluation beyond model-centric approaches.

cross Machine Learning in Short-Reach Optical Systems: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Chen Shao, Syed Moktacim Billah, Elias Giacoumidis, Shi Li, Jialei Li, Prashasti Sahu, Andre Richter, Tobias Kaefer, Michael Faerber

Abstract: In recent years, extensive research has been conducted to explore the utilization of machine learning algorithms in various direct-detected and self-coherent short-reach communication applications. These applications encompass a wide range of tasks, including bandwidth request prediction, signal quality monitoring, fault detection, traffic prediction, and digital signal processing (DSP)-based equalization. As a versatile approach, machine learning demonstrates the ability to address stochastic phenomena in optical systems networks where deterministic methods may fall short. However, when it comes to DSP equalization algorithms, their performance improvements are often marginal, and their complexity is prohibitively high, especially in cost-sensitive short-reach communications scenarios such as passive optical networks (PONs). They excel in capturing temporal dependencies, handling irregular or nonlinear patterns effectively, and accommodating variable time intervals. Within this extensive survey, we outline the application of machine learning techniques in short-reach communications, specifically emphasizing their utilization in high-bandwidth demanding PONs. Notably, we introduce a novel taxonomy for time-series methods employed in machine learning signal processing, providing a structured classification framework. Our taxonomy categorizes current time series methods into four distinct groups: traditional methods, Fourier convolution-based methods, transformer-based models, and time-series convolutional networks. Finally, we highlight prospective research directions within this rapidly evolving field and outline specific solutions to mitigate the complexity associated with hardware implementations. We aim to pave the way for more practical and efficient deployment of machine learning approaches in short-reach optical communication systems by addressing complexity concerns.

cross An EM Body Model for Device-Free Localization with Multiple Antenna Receivers: A First Study

Authors: Vittorio Rampa, Federica Fieramosca, Stefano Savazzi, Michele D'Amico

Abstract: Device-Free Localization (DFL) employs passive radio techniques capable to detect and locate people without imposing them to wear any electronic device. By exploiting the Integrated Sensing and Communication paradigm, DFL networks employ Radio Frequency (RF) nodes to measure the excess attenuation introduced by the subjects (i.e., human bodies) moving inside the monitored area, and to estimate their positions and movements. Physical, statistical, and ElectroMagnetic (EM) models have been proposed in the literature to estimate the body positions according to the RF signals collected by the nodes. These body models usually employ a single-antenna processing for localization purposes. However, the availability of low-cost multi-antenna devices such as those used for WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) applications and the timely development of array-based body models, allow us to employ array-based processing techniques in DFL networks. By exploiting a suitable array-capable EM body model, this paper proposes an array-based framework to improve people sensing and localization. In particular, some simulations are proposed and discussed to compare the model results in both single- and multi-antenna scenarios. The proposed framework paves the way for a wider use of multi-antenna devices (e.g., those employed in current IEEE 802.11ac/ax/be and forthcoming IEEE 802.11be networks) and novel beamforming algorithms for DFL scenarios.

cross KID-PPG: Knowledge Informed Deep Learning for Extracting Heart Rate from a Smartwatch

Authors: Christodoulos Kechris, Jonathan Dan, Jose Miranda, David Atienza

Abstract: Accurate extraction of heart rate from photoplethysmography (PPG) signals remains challenging due to motion artifacts and signal degradation. Although deep learning methods trained as a data-driven inference problem offer promising solutions, they often underutilize existing knowledge from the medical and signal processing community. In this paper, we address three shortcomings of deep learning models: motion artifact removal, degradation assessment, and physiologically plausible analysis of the PPG signal. We propose KID-PPG, a knowledge-informed deep learning model that integrates expert knowledge through adaptive linear filtering, deep probabilistic inference, and data augmentation. We evaluate KID-PPG on the PPGDalia dataset, achieving an average mean absolute error of 2.85 beats per minute, surpassing existing reproducible methods. Our results demonstrate a significant performance improvement in heart rate tracking through the incorporation of prior knowledge into deep learning models. This approach shows promise in enhancing various biomedical applications by incorporating existing expert knowledge in deep learning models.

cross Using In-Service Train Vibration for Detecting Railway Maintenance Needs

Authors: Irene Alisjahbana

Abstract: The need for the maintenance of railway track systems have been increasing. Traditional methods that are currently being used are either inaccurate, labor and time intensive, or does not enable continuous monitoring of the system. As a result, in-service train vibrations have been shown to be a cheaper alternative for monitoring of railway track systems. In this paper, a method is proposed to detect different maintenance needs of railway track systems using a single pass of train direction. The DR-Train dataset that is publicly available was used. Results show that by using a simple classifier such as the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) algorithm, the signal energy features of the acceleration data can achieve 76\% accuracy on two types of maintenance needs, tamping and surfacing. The results show that the transverse direction is able to more accurately detect maintenance needs, and triaxial accelerometer can give further information on the maintenance needs. Furthermore, this paper demonstrates the use of multi-label classification to detect multiple types of maintenance needs simultaneously. The results show multi-label classification performs only slightly worse than the simple binary classification (72\% accuracy) and that this can be a simple method that can easily be deployed in areas that have a history of many maintenance issues.

cross GAD: A Real-time Gait Anomaly Detection System with Online Adaptive Learning

Authors: Ming-Chang Lee, Jia-Chun Lin, Sokratis Katsikas

Abstract: Gait anomaly detection is a task that involves detecting deviations from a person's normal gait pattern. These deviations can indicate health issues and medical conditions in the healthcare domain, or fraudulent impersonation and unauthorized identity access in the security domain. A number of gait anomaly detection approaches have been introduced, but many of them require offline data preprocessing, offline model learning, setting parameters, and so on, which might restrict their effectiveness and applicability in real-world scenarios. To address these issues, this paper introduces GAD, a real-time gait anomaly detection system. GAD focuses on detecting anomalies within an individual's three-dimensional accelerometer readings based on dimensionality reduction and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM). Upon being launched, GAD begins collecting a gait segment from the user and training an anomaly detector to learn the user's walking pattern on the fly. If the subsequent model verification is successful, which involves validating the trained detector using the user's subsequent steps, the detector is employed to identify abnormalities in the user's subsequent gait readings at the user's request. The anomaly detector will be retained online to adapt to minor pattern changes and will undergo retraining as long as it cannot provide adequate prediction. We explored two methods for capturing users' gait segments: a personalized method tailored to each individual's step length, and a uniform method utilizing a fixed step length. Experimental results using an open-source gait dataset show that GAD achieves a higher detection accuracy ratio when combined with the personalized method.

cross MEET: Mixture of Experts Extra Tree-Based sEMG Hand Gesture Identification

Authors: Naveen Gehlot, Ashutosh Jena, Rajesh Kumar, Mahipal Bukya

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant advances in recent years and opened up new possibilities in exploring applications in various fields such as biomedical, robotics, education, industry, etc. Among these fields, human hand gesture recognition is a subject of study that has recently emerged as a research interest in robotic hand control using electromyography (EMG). Surface electromyography (sEMG) is a primary technique used in EMG, which is popular due to its non-invasive nature and is used to capture gesture movements using signal acquisition devices placed on the surface of the forearm. Moreover, these signals are pre-processed to extract significant handcrafted features through time and frequency domain analysis. These are helpful and act as input to machine learning (ML) models to identify hand gestures. However, handling multiple classes and biases are major limitations that can affect the performance of an ML model. Therefore, to address this issue, a new mixture of experts extra tree (MEET) model is proposed to identify more accurate and effective hand gesture movements. This model combines individual ML models referred to as experts, each focusing on a minimal class of two. Moreover, a fully trained model known as the gate is employed to weigh the output of individual expert models. This amalgamation of the expert models with the gate model is known as a mixture of experts extra tree (MEET) model. In this study, four subjects with six hand gesture movements have been considered and their identification is evaluated among eleven models, including the MEET classifier. Results elucidate that the MEET classifier performed best among other algorithms and identified hand gesture movement accurately.

cross Stressor Type Matters! -- Exploring Factors Influencing Cross-Dataset Generalizability of Physiological Stress Detection

Authors: Pooja Prajod, Bhargavi Mahesh, Elisabeth Andr\'e

Abstract: Automatic stress detection using heart rate variability (HRV) features has gained significant traction as it utilizes unobtrusive wearable sensors measuring signals like electrocardiogram (ECG) or blood volume pulse (BVP). However, detecting stress through such physiological signals presents a considerable challenge owing to the variations in recorded signals influenced by factors, such as perceived stress intensity and measurement devices. Consequently, stress detection models developed on one dataset may perform poorly on unseen data collected under different conditions. To address this challenge, this study explores the generalizability of machine learning models trained on HRV features for binary stress detection. Our goal extends beyond evaluating generalization performance; we aim to identify the characteristics of datasets that have the most significant influence on generalizability. We leverage four publicly available stress datasets (WESAD, SWELL-KW, ForDigitStress, VerBIO) that vary in at least one of the characteristics such as stress elicitation techniques, stress intensity, and sensor devices. Employing a cross-dataset evaluation approach, we explore which of these characteristics strongly influence model generalizability. Our findings reveal a crucial factor affecting model generalizability: stressor type. Models achieved good performance across datasets when the type of stressor (e.g., social stress in our case) remains consistent. Factors like stress intensity or brand of the measurement device had minimal impact on cross-dataset performance. Based on our findings, we recommend matching the stressor type when deploying HRV-based stress models in new environments. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to systematically investigate factors influencing the cross-dataset applicability of HRV-based stress models.

cross Detecting 5G Narrowband Jammers with CNN, k-nearest Neighbors, and Support Vector Machines

Authors: Matteo Varotto, Florian Heinrichs, Timo Schuerg, Stefano Tomasin, Stefan Valentin

Abstract: 5G cellular networks are particularly vulnerable against narrowband jammers that target specific control sub-channels in the radio signal. One mitigation approach is to detect such jamming attacks with an online observation system, based on machine learning. We propose to detect jamming at the physical layer with a pre-trained machine learning model that performs binary classification. Based on data from an experimental 5G network, we study the performance of different classification models. A convolutional neural network will be compared to support vector machines and k-nearest neighbors, where the last two methods are combined with principal component analysis. The obtained results show substantial differences in terms of classification accuracy and computation time.

cross One-Class Classification as GLRT for Jamming Detection in Private 5G Networks

Authors: Matteo Varotto, Stefan Valentin, Francesco Ardizzon, Samuele Marzotto, Stefano Tomasin

Abstract: 5G mobile networks are vulnerable to jamming attacks that may jeopardize valuable applications such as industry automation. In this paper, we propose to analyze radio signals with a dedicated device to detect jamming attacks. We pursue a learning approach, with the detector being a CNN implementing a GLRT. To this end, the CNN is trained as a two-class classifier using two datasets: one of real legitimate signals and another generated artificially so that the resulting classifier implements the GLRT. The artificial dataset is generated mimicking different types of jamming signals. We evaluate the performance of this detector using experimental data obtained from a private 5G network and several jamming signals, showing the technique's effectiveness in detecting the attacks.

cross Detection of Sleep Oxygen Desaturations from Electroencephalogram Signals

Authors: Shashank Manjunath, Aarti Sathyanarayana

Abstract: In this work, we leverage machine learning techniques to identify potential biomarkers of oxygen desaturation during sleep exclusively from electroencephalogram (EEG) signals in pediatric patients with sleep apnea. Development of a machine learning technique which can successfully identify EEG signals from patients with sleep apnea as well as identify latent EEG signals which come from subjects who experience oxygen desaturations but do not themselves occur during oxygen desaturation events would provide a strong step towards developing a brain-based biomarker for sleep apnea in order to aid with easier diagnosis of this disease. We leverage a large corpus of data, and show that machine learning enables us to classify EEG signals as occurring during oxygen desaturations or not occurring during oxygen desaturations with an average 66.8% balanced accuracy. We furthermore investigate the ability of machine learning models to identify subjects who experience oxygen desaturations from EEG data that does not occur during oxygen desaturations. We conclude that there is a potential biomarker for oxygen desaturation in EEG data.

cross ECG-SMART-NET: A Deep Learning Architecture for Precise ECG Diagnosis of Occlusion Myocardial Infarction

Authors: Nathan T. Riek, Murat Akcakaya, Zeineb Bouzid, Tanmay Gokhale, Stephanie Helman, Karina Kraevsky-Philips, Rui Qi Ji, Ervin Sejdic, Jessica K. Z\`egre-Hemsey, Christian Martin-Gill, Clifton W. Callaway, Samir Saba, Salah Al-Zaiti

Abstract: In this paper we describe ECG-SMART-NET for identification of occlusion myocardial infarction (OMI). OMI is a severe form of heart attack characterized by complete blockage of one or more coronary arteries requiring immediate referral for cardiac catheterization to restore blood flow to the heart. Two thirds of OMI cases are difficult to visually identify from a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) and can be potentially fatal if not identified in a timely fashion. Previous works on this topic are scarce, and current state-of-the-art evidence suggests that both random forests with engineered features and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are promising approaches to improve the ECG detection of OMI. While the ResNet architecture has been successfully adapted for use with ECG recordings, it is not ideally suited to capture informative temporal features within each lead and the spatial concordance or discordance across leads. We propose a clinically informed modification of the ResNet-18 architecture. The model first learns temporal features through temporal convolutional layers with 1xk kernels followed by a spatial convolutional layer, after the residual blocks, with 12x1 kernels to learn spatial features. The new ECG-SMART-NET was benchmarked against the original ResNet-18 and other state-of-the-art models on a multisite real-word clinical dataset that consists of 10,893 ECGs from 7,297 unique patients (rate of OMI = 6.5%). ECG-SMART-NET outperformed other models in the classification of OMI with a test AUC score of 0.889 +/- 0.027 and a test average precision score of 0.587 +/- 0.087.

cross Dynamic GNNs for Precise Seizure Detection and Classification from EEG Data

Authors: Arash Hajisafi, Haowen Lin, Yao-Yi Chiang, Cyrus Shahabi

Abstract: Diagnosing epilepsy requires accurate seizure detection and classification, but traditional manual EEG signal analysis is resource-intensive. Meanwhile, automated algorithms often overlook EEG's geometric and semantic properties critical for interpreting brain activity. This paper introduces NeuroGNN, a dynamic Graph Neural Network (GNN) framework that captures the dynamic interplay between the EEG electrode locations and the semantics of their corresponding brain regions. The specific brain region where an electrode is placed critically shapes the nature of captured EEG signals. Each brain region governs distinct cognitive functions, emotions, and sensory processing, influencing both the semantic and spatial relationships within the EEG data. Understanding and modeling these intricate brain relationships are essential for accurate and meaningful insights into brain activity. This is precisely where the proposed NeuroGNN framework excels by dynamically constructing a graph that encapsulates these evolving spatial, temporal, semantic, and taxonomic correlations to improve precision in seizure detection and classification. Our extensive experiments with real-world data demonstrate that NeuroGNN significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art models.

cross GaitMotion: A Multitask Dataset for Pathological Gait Forecasting

Authors: Wenwen Zhang, Hao Zhang, Zenan Jiang, Jing Wang, Amir Servati, Peyman Servati

Abstract: Gait benchmark empowers uncounted encouraging research fields such as gait recognition, humanoid locomotion, etc. Despite the growing focus on gait analysis, the research community is hindered by the limitations of the currently available databases, which mostly consist of videos or images with limited labeling. In this paper, we introduce GaitMotion, a multitask dataset leveraging wearable sensors to capture the patients' real-time movement with pathological gait. This dataset offers extensive ground-truth labeling for multiple tasks, including step/stride segmentation and step/stride length prediction, empowers researchers with a more holistic understanding of gait disturbances linked to neurological impairments. The wearable gait analysis suit captures the gait cycle, pattern, and parameters for both normal and pathological subjects. This data may prove beneficial for healthcare products focused on patient progress monitoring and post-disease recovery, as well as for forensics technologies aimed at person reidentification, and biomechanics research to aid in the development of humanoid robotics. Moreover, the analysis has considered the drift in data distribution across individual subjects. This drift can be attributed to each participant's unique behavioral habits or potential displacement of the sensor. Stride length variance for normal, Parkinson's, and stroke patients are compared to recognize the pathological walking pattern. As the baseline and benchmark, we provide an error of 14.1, 13.3, and 12.2 centimeters of stride length prediction for normal, Parkinson's, and Stroke gaits separately. We also analyzed the gait characteristics for normal and pathological gaits in terms of the gait cycle and gait parameters.

cross FunnelNet: An End-to-End Deep Learning Framework to Monitor Digital Heart Murmur in Real-Time

Authors: Md Jobayer, Md. Mehedi Hasan Shawon, Md Rakibul Hasan, Shreya Ghosh, Tom Gedeon, Md Zakir Hossain

Abstract: Objective: Heart murmurs are abnormal sounds caused by turbulent blood flow within the heart. Several diagnostic methods are available to detect heart murmurs and their severity, such as cardiac auscultation, echocardiography, phonocardiogram (PCG), etc. However, these methods have limitations, including extensive training and experience among healthcare providers, cost and accessibility of echocardiography, as well as noise interference and PCG data processing. This study aims to develop a novel end-to-end real-time heart murmur detection approach using traditional and depthwise separable convolutional networks. Methods: Continuous wavelet transform (CWT) was applied to extract meaningful features from the PCG data. The proposed network has three parts: the Squeeze net, the Bottleneck, and the Expansion net. The Squeeze net generates a compressed data representation, whereas the Bottleneck layer reduces computational complexity using a depthwise-separable convolutional network. The Expansion net is responsible for up-sampling the compressed data to a higher dimension, capturing tiny details of the representative data. Results: For evaluation, we used four publicly available datasets and achieved state-of-the-art performance in all datasets. Furthermore, we tested our proposed network on two resource-constrained devices: a Raspberry PI and an Android device, stripping it down into a tiny machine learning model (TinyML), achieving a maximum of 99.70%. Conclusion: The proposed model offers a deep learning framework for real-time accurate heart murmur detection within limited resources. Significance: It will significantly result in more accessible and practical medical services and reduced diagnosis time to assist medical professionals. The code is publicly available at TBA.

cross Restless Bandit Problem with Rewards Generated by a Linear Gaussian Dynamical System

Authors: Jonathan Gornet, Bruno Sinopoli

Abstract: The stochastic multi-armed bandit problem studies decision-making under uncertainty. In the problem, the learner interacts with an environment by choosing an action at each round, where a round is an instance of an interaction. In response, the environment reveals a reward, which is sampled from a stochastic process, to the learner. The goal of the learner is to maximize cumulative reward. A specific variation of the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem is the restless bandit, where the reward for each action is sampled from a Markov chain. The restless bandit with a discrete state-space is a well-studied problem, but to the best of our knowledge, not many results exist for the continuous state-space version which has many applications such as hyperparameter optimization. In this work, we tackle the restless bandit with continuous state-space by assuming the rewards are the inner product of an action vector and a state vector generated by a linear Gaussian dynamical system. To predict the reward for each action, we propose a method that takes a linear combination of previously observed rewards for predicting each action's next reward. We show that, regardless of the sequence of previous actions chosen, the reward sampled for any previously chosen action can be used for predicting another action's future reward, i.e. the reward sampled for action 1 at round $t-1$ can be used for predicting the reward for action $2$ at round $t$. This is accomplished by designing a modified Kalman filter with a matrix representation that can be learned for reward prediction. Numerical evaluations are carried out on a set of linear Gaussian dynamical systems.

cross Training Deep Learning Models with Hybrid Datasets for Robust Automatic Target Detection on real SAR images

Authors: Benjamin Camus (DGA.MI), Th\'eo Voillemin (DGA.MI), Corentin Le Barbu (DGA.MI), Jean-Christophe Louvign\'e (DGA.MI), Carole Belloni (DGA.MI), Emmanuel Vall\'ee (DGA.MI)

Abstract: In this work, we propose to tackle several challenges hindering the development of Automatic Target Detection (ATD) algorithms for ground targets in SAR images. To address the lack of representative training data, we propose a Deep Learning approach to train ATD models with synthetic target signatures produced with the MOCEM simulator. We define an incrustation pipeline to incorporate synthetic targets into real backgrounds. Using this hybrid dataset, we train ATD models specifically tailored to bridge the domain gap between synthetic and real data. Our approach notably relies on massive physics-based data augmentation techniques and Adversarial Training of two deep-learning detection architectures. We then test these models on several datasets, including (1) patchworks of real SAR images, (2) images with the incrustation of real targets in real backgrounds, and (3) images with the incrustation of synthetic background objects in real backgrounds. Results show that the produced hybrid datasets are exempt from image overlay bias. Our approach can reach up to 90% of Average Precision on real data while exclusively using synthetic targets for training.

cross Learning Generalized Medical Image Representations through Image-Graph Contrastive Pretraining

Authors: Sameer Khanna, Daniel Michael, Marinka Zitnik, Pranav Rajpurkar

Abstract: Medical image interpretation using deep learning has shown promise but often requires extensive expert-annotated datasets. To reduce this annotation burden, we develop an Image-Graph Contrastive Learning framework that pairs chest X-rays with structured report knowledge graphs automatically extracted from radiology notes. Our approach uniquely encodes the disconnected graph components via a relational graph convolution network and transformer attention. In experiments on the CheXpert dataset, this novel graph encoding strategy enabled the framework to outperform existing methods that use image-text contrastive learning in 1% linear evaluation and few-shot settings, while achieving comparable performance to radiologists. By exploiting unlabeled paired images and text, our framework demonstrates the potential of structured clinical insights to enhance contrastive learning for medical images. This work points toward reducing demands on medical experts for annotations, improving diagnostic precision, and advancing patient care through robust medical image understanding.

cross Elements of World Knowledge (EWOK): A cognition-inspired framework for evaluating basic world knowledge in language models

Authors: Anna A. Ivanova, Aalok Sathe, Benjamin Lipkin, Unnathi Kumar, Setayesh Radkani, Thomas H. Clark, Carina Kauf, Jennifer Hu, R. T. Pramod, Gabriel Grand, Vivian Paulun, Maria Ryskina, Ekin Akyurek, Ethan Wilcox, Nafisa Rashid, Leshem Chosen, Roger Levy, Evelina Fedorenko, Joshua Tenenbaum, Jacob Andreas

Abstract: The ability to build and leverage world models is essential for a general-purpose AI agent. Testing such capabilities is hard, in part because the building blocks of world models are ill-defined. We present Elements of World Knowledge (EWOK), a framework for evaluating world modeling in language models by testing their ability to use knowledge of a concept to match a target text with a plausible/implausible context. EWOK targets specific concepts from multiple knowledge domains known to be vital for world modeling in humans. Domains range from social interactions (help/hinder) to spatial relations (left/right). Both, contexts and targets are minimal pairs. Objects, agents, and locations in the items can be flexibly filled in enabling easy generation of multiple controlled datasets. We then introduce EWOK-CORE-1.0, a dataset of 4,374 items covering 11 world knowledge domains. We evaluate 20 openweights large language models (1.3B--70B parameters) across a battery of evaluation paradigms along with a human norming study comprising 12,480 measurements. The overall performance of all tested models is worse than human performance, with results varying drastically across domains. These data highlight simple cases where even large models fail and present rich avenues for targeted research on LLM world modeling capabilities.

cross CLASSP: a Biologically-Inspired Approach to Continual Learning through Adjustment Suppression and Sparsity Promotion

Authors: Oswaldo Ludwig

Abstract: This paper introduces a new biologically-inspired training method named Continual Learning through Adjustment Suppression and Sparsity Promotion (CLASSP). CLASSP is based on two main principles observed in neuroscience, particularly in the context of synaptic transmission and Long-Term Potentiation (LTP). The first principle is a decay rate over the weight adjustment, which is implemented as a generalization of the AdaGrad optimization algorithm. This means that weights that have received many updates should have lower learning rates as they likely encode important information about previously seen data. However, this principle results in a diffuse distribution of updates throughout the model, as it promotes updates for weights that haven't been previously updated, while a sparse update distribution is preferred to leave weights unassigned for future tasks. Therefore, the second principle introduces a threshold on the loss gradient. This promotes sparse learning by updating a weight only if the loss gradient with respect to that weight is above a certain threshold, i.e. only updating weights with a significant impact on the current loss. Both principles reflect phenomena observed in LTP, where a threshold effect and a gradual saturation of potentiation have been observed. CLASSP is implemented in a Python/PyTorch class, making it applicable to any model. When compared with Elastic Weight Consolidation (EWC) using Computer Vision datasets, CLASSP demonstrates superior performance in terms of accuracy and memory footprint.

cross HMAR: Hierarchical Masked Attention for Multi-Behaviour Recommendation

Authors: Shereen Elsayed, Ahmed Rashed, Lars Schmidt-Thieme

Abstract: In the context of recommendation systems, addressing multi-behavioral user interactions has become vital for understanding the evolving user behavior. Recent models utilize techniques like graph neural networks and attention mechanisms for modeling diverse behaviors, but capturing sequential patterns in historical interactions remains challenging. To tackle this, we introduce Hierarchical Masked Attention for multi-behavior recommendation (HMAR). Specifically, our approach applies masked self-attention to items of the same behavior, followed by self-attention across all behaviors. Additionally, we propose historical behavior indicators to encode the historical frequency of each items behavior in the input sequence. Furthermore, the HMAR model operates in a multi-task setting, allowing it to learn item behaviors and their associated ranking scores concurrently. Extensive experimental results on four real-world datasets demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Our code and datasets are available here (


cross Fast Two-Time-Scale Stochastic Gradient Method with Applications in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Sihan Zeng, Thinh T. Doan

Abstract: Two-time-scale optimization is a framework introduced in Zeng et al. (2024) that abstracts a range of policy evaluation and policy optimization problems in reinforcement learning (RL). Akin to bi-level optimization under a particular type of stochastic oracle, the two-time-scale optimization framework has an upper level objective whose gradient evaluation depends on the solution of a lower level problem, which is to find the root of a strongly monotone operator. In this work, we propose a new method for solving two-time-scale optimization that achieves significantly faster convergence than the prior arts. The key idea of our approach is to leverage an averaging step to improve the estimates of the operators in both lower and upper levels before using them to update the decision variables. These additional averaging steps eliminate the direct coupling between the main variables, enabling the accelerated performance of our algorithm. We characterize the finite-time convergence rates of the proposed algorithm under various conditions of the underlying objective function, including strong convexity, convexity, Polyak-Lojasiewicz condition, and general non-convexity. These rates significantly improve over the best-known complexity of the standard two-time-scale stochastic approximation algorithm. When applied to RL, we show how the proposed algorithm specializes to novel online sample-based methods that surpass or match the performance of the existing state of the art. Finally, we support our theoretical results with numerical simulations in RL.

cross From Local to Global Order: A Theory of Neural Synaptic Balance

Authors: Pierre Baldi, Alireza Rahmansetayesh

Abstract: We develop a theory of neural synaptic balance and how it can emerge or be enforced in neural networks. For a given additive cost function $R$ (regularizer), a neuron is said to be in balance if the total cost of its input weights is equal to the total cost of its output weights. The basic example is provided by feedforward networks of ReLU units trained with $L_2$ regularizers, which exhibit balance after proper training. The theory explains this phenomenon and extends it in several directions. The first direction is the extension to bilinear and other activation functions. The second direction is the extension to more general regularizers, including all $L_p$ ($p>0$) regularizers. The third direction is the extension to non-layered architectures, recurrent architectures, convolutional architectures, as well as architectures with mixed activation functions. The theory is based on two local neuronal operations: scaling which is commutative, and balancing which is not commutative. Finally, and most importantly, given any initial set of weights, when local balancing operations are applied to each neuron in a stochastic manner, global order always emerges through the convergence of the stochastic balancing algorithm to the same unique set of balanced weights. The reason for this convergence is the existence of an underlying strictly convex optimization problem where the relevant variables are constrained to a linear, only architecture-dependent, manifold. The theory is corroborated through various simulations carried out on benchmark data sets. Scaling and balancing operations are entirely local and thus physically plausible in biological and neuromorphic networks.

cross Point2SSM++: Self-Supervised Learning of Anatomical Shape Models from Point Clouds

Authors: Jadie Adams, Shireen Elhabian

Abstract: Correspondence-based statistical shape modeling (SSM) stands as a powerful technology for morphometric analysis in clinical research. SSM facilitates population-level characterization and quantification of anatomical shapes such as bones and organs, aiding in pathology and disease diagnostics and treatment planning. Despite its potential, SSM remains under-utilized in medical research due to the significant overhead associated with automatic construction methods, which demand complete, aligned shape surface representations. Additionally, optimization-based techniques rely on bias-inducing assumptions or templates and have prolonged inference times as the entire cohort is simultaneously optimized. To overcome these challenges, we introduce Point2SSM++, a principled, self-supervised deep learning approach that directly learns correspondence points from point cloud representations of anatomical shapes. Point2SSM++ is robust to misaligned and inconsistent input, providing SSM that accurately samples individual shape surfaces while effectively capturing population-level statistics. Additionally, we present principled extensions of Point2SSM++ to adapt it for dynamic spatiotemporal and multi-anatomy use cases, demonstrating the broad versatility of the Point2SSM++ framework. Furthermore, we present extensions of Point2SSM++ tailored for dynamic spatiotemporal and multi-anatomy scenarios, showcasing the broad versatility of the framework. Through extensive validation across diverse anatomies, evaluation metrics, and clinically relevant downstream tasks, we demonstrate Point2SSM++'s superiority over existing state-of-the-art deep learning models and traditional approaches. Point2SSM++ substantially enhances the feasibility of SSM generation and significantly broadens its array of potential clinical applications.

cross Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo M. Ponti, Shay B. Cohen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often exhibit undesirable behaviours, such as generating untruthful or biased content. Editing their internal representations has been shown to be effective in mitigating such behaviours on top of the existing alignment methods. We propose a novel inference-time editing method, namely spectral editing of activations (SEA), to project the input representations into directions with maximal covariance with the positive demonstrations (e.g., truthful) while minimising covariance with the negative demonstrations (e.g., hallucinated). We also extend our method to non-linear editing using feature functions. We run extensive experiments on benchmarks concerning truthfulness and bias with six open-source LLMs of different sizes and model families. The results demonstrate the superiority of SEA in effectiveness, generalisation to similar tasks, as well as inference and data efficiency. We also show that SEA editing only has a limited negative impact on other model capabilities.

cross NIFTY Financial News Headlines Dataset

Authors: Raeid Saqur, Ken Kato, Nicholas Vinden, Frank Rudzicz

Abstract: We introduce and make publicly available the NIFTY Financial News Headlines dataset, designed to facilitate and advance research in financial market forecasting using large language models (LLMs). This dataset comprises two distinct versions tailored for different modeling approaches: (i) NIFTY-LM, which targets supervised fine-tuning (SFT) of LLMs with an auto-regressive, causal language-modeling objective, and (ii) NIFTY-RL, formatted specifically for alignment methods (like reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF)) to align LLMs via rejection sampling and reward modeling. Each dataset version provides curated, high-quality data incorporating comprehensive metadata, market indices, and deduplicated financial news headlines systematically filtered and ranked to suit modern LLM frameworks. We also include experiments demonstrating some applications of the dataset in tasks like stock price movement and the role of LLM embeddings in information acquisition/richness. The NIFTY dataset along with utilities (like truncating prompt's context length systematically) are available on Hugging Face at


cross Analysis of the BraTS 2023 Intracranial Meningioma Segmentation Challenge

Authors: Dominic LaBella, Ujjwal Baid, Omaditya Khanna, Shan McBurney-Lin, Ryan McLean, Pierre Nedelec, Arif Rashid, Nourel Hoda Tahon, Talissa Altes, Radhika Bhalerao, Yaseen Dhemesh, Devon Godfrey, Fathi Hilal, Scott Floyd, Anastasia Janas, Anahita Fathi Kazerooni, John Kirkpatrick, Collin Kent, Florian Kofler, Kevin Leu, Nazanin Maleki, Bjoern Menze, Maxence Pajot, Zachary J. Reitman, Jeffrey D. Rudie, Rachit Saluja, Yury Velichko, Chunhao Wang, Pranav Warman, Maruf Adewole, Jake Albrecht, Udunna Anazodo, Syed Muhammad Anwar, Timothy Bergquist, Sully Francis Chen, Verena Chung, Gian-Marco Conte, Farouk Dako, James Eddy, Ivan Ezhov, Nastaran Khalili, Juan Eugenio Iglesias, Zhifan Jiang, Elaine Johanson, Koen Van Leemput, Hongwei Bran Li, Marius George Linguraru, Xinyang Liu, Aria Mahtabfar, Zeke Meier, Ahmed W. Moawad, John Mongan, Marie Piraud, Russell Takeshi Shinohara, Walter F. Wiggins, Aly H. Abayazeed, Rachel Akinola, Andr\'as Jakab, Michel Bilello, Maria Correia de Verdier, Priscila Crivellaro, Christos Davatzikos, Keyvan Farahani, John Freymann, Christopher Hess, Raymond Huang, Philipp Lohmann, Mana Moassefi, Matthew W. Pease, Phillipp Vollmuth, Nico Sollmann, David Diffley, Khanak K. Nandolia, Daniel I. Warren, Ali Hussain, Pascal Fehringer, Yulia Bronstein, Lisa Deptula, Evan G. Stein, Mahsa Taherzadeh, Eduardo Portela de Oliveira, Aoife Haughey, Marinos Kontzialis, Luca Saba, Benjamin Turner, Melanie M. T. Br\"u{\ss}eler, Shehbaz Ansari, Athanasios Gkampenis, David Maximilian Weiss, Aya Mansour, Islam H. Shawali, Nikolay Yordanov, Joel M. Stein, Roula Hourani, Mohammed Yahya Moshebah, Ahmed Magdy Abouelatta, Tanvir Rizvi, Klara Willms, Dann C. Martin, Abdullah Okar, Gennaro D'Anna, Ahmed Taha, Yasaman Sharifi, Shahriar Faghani, Dominic Kite, Marco Pinho, Muhammad Ammar Haider, Alejandro Aristizabal, Alexandros Karargyris, Hasan Kassem, Sarthak Pati, Micah Sheller, Michelle Alonso-Basanta, Javier Villanueva-Meyer, Andreas M. Rauschecker, Ayman Nada, Mariam Aboian, Adam E. Flanders, Benedikt Wiestler, Spyridon Bakas, Evan Calabrese

Abstract: We describe the design and results from the BraTS 2023 Intracranial Meningioma Segmentation Challenge. The BraTS Meningioma Challenge differed from prior BraTS Glioma challenges in that it focused on meningiomas, which are typically benign extra-axial tumors with diverse radiologic and anatomical presentation and a propensity for multiplicity. Nine participating teams each developed deep-learning automated segmentation models using image data from the largest multi-institutional systematically expert annotated multilabel multi-sequence meningioma MRI dataset to date, which included 1000 training set cases, 141 validation set cases, and 283 hidden test set cases. Each case included T2, T2/FLAIR, T1, and T1Gd brain MRI sequences with associated tumor compartment labels delineating enhancing tumor, non-enhancing tumor, and surrounding non-enhancing T2/FLAIR hyperintensity. Participant automated segmentation models were evaluated and ranked based on a scoring system evaluating lesion-wise metrics including dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and 95% Hausdorff Distance. The top ranked team had a lesion-wise median dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.976, 0.976, and 0.964 for enhancing tumor, tumor core, and whole tumor, respectively and a corresponding average DSC of 0.899, 0.904, and 0.871, respectively. These results serve as state-of-the-art benchmarks for future pre-operative meningioma automated segmentation algorithms. Additionally, we found that 1286 of 1424 cases (90.3%) had at least 1 compartment voxel abutting the edge of the skull-stripped image edge, which requires further investigation into optimal pre-processing face anonymization steps.

cross Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Solar Coronal Holes Using Computer Vision and LSTM Networks

Authors: Juyoung Yun, Jungmin Shin

Abstract: In the era of space exploration, coronal holes on the sun play a significant role due to their impact on satellites and aircraft through their open magnetic fields and increased solar wind emissions. This study employs computer vision techniques to detect coronal hole regions and estimate their sizes using imagery from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Additionally, we utilize deep learning methods, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, to analyze trends in the area of coronal holes and predict their areas across various solar regions over a span of seven days. By examining time series data, we aim to identify patterns in coronal hole behavior and understand their potential effects on space weather. This research enhances our ability to anticipate and prepare for space weather events that could affect Earth's technological systems.

cross MediSyn: Text-Guided Diffusion Models for Broad Medical 2D and 3D Image Synthesis

Authors: Joseph Cho, Cyril Zakka, Rohan Shad, Ross Wightman, Akshay Chaudhari, William Hiesinger

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently gained significant traction due to their ability to generate high-fidelity and diverse images and videos conditioned on text prompts. In medicine, this application promises to address the critical challenge of data scarcity, a consequence of barriers in data sharing, stringent patient privacy regulations, and disparities in patient population and demographics. By generating realistic and varying medical 2D and 3D images, these models offer a rich, privacy-respecting resource for algorithmic training and research. To this end, we introduce MediSyn, a pair of instruction-tuned text-guided latent diffusion models with the ability to generate high-fidelity and diverse medical 2D and 3D images across specialties and modalities. Through established metrics, we show significant improvement in broad medical image and video synthesis guided by text prompts.

cross Automating the Training and Deployment of Models in MLOps by Integrating Systems with Machine Learning

Authors: Penghao Liang, Bo Song, Xiaoan Zhan, Zhou Chen, Jiaqiang Yuan

Abstract: This article introduces the importance of machine learning in real-world applications and explores the rise of MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) and its importance for solving challenges such as model deployment and performance monitoring. By reviewing the evolution of MLOps and its relationship to traditional software development methods, the paper proposes ways to integrate the system into machine learning to solve the problems faced by existing MLOps and improve productivity. This paper focuses on the importance of automated model training, and the method to ensure the transparency and repeatability of the training process through version control system. In addition, the challenges of integrating machine learning components into traditional CI/CD pipelines are discussed, and solutions such as versioning environments and containerization are proposed. Finally, the paper emphasizes the importance of continuous monitoring and feedback loops after model deployment to maintain model performance and reliability. Using case studies and best practices from Netflix, the article presents key strategies and lessons learned for successful implementation of MLOps practices, providing valuable references for other organizations to build and optimize their own MLOps practices.

cross Parallel Backpropagation for Shared-Feature Visualization

Authors: Alexander Lappe, Anna Bogn\'ar, Ghazaleh Ghamkhari Nejad, Albert Mukovskiy, Lucas Martini, Martin A. Giese, Rufin Vogels

Abstract: High-level visual brain regions contain subareas in which neurons appear to respond more strongly to examples of a particular semantic category, like faces or bodies, rather than objects. However, recent work has shown that while this finding holds on average, some out-of-category stimuli also activate neurons in these regions. This may be due to visual features common among the preferred class also being present in other images. Here, we propose a deep-learning-based approach for visualizing these features. For each neuron, we identify relevant visual features driving its selectivity by modelling responses to images based on latent activations of a deep neural network. Given an out-of-category image which strongly activates the neuron, our method first identifies a reference image from the preferred category yielding a similar feature activation pattern. We then backpropagate latent activations of both images to the pixel level, while enhancing the identified shared dimensions and attenuating non-shared features. The procedure highlights image regions containing shared features driving responses of the model neuron. We apply the algorithm to novel recordings from body-selective regions in macaque IT cortex in order to understand why some images of objects excite these neurons. Visualizations reveal object parts which resemble parts of a macaque body, shedding light on neural preference of these objects.

cross Nearly Minimax Optimal Regret for Multinomial Logistic Bandit

Authors: Joongkyu Lee, Min-hwan Oh

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the contextual multinomial logit (MNL) bandit problem in which a learning agent sequentially selects an assortment based on contextual information, and user feedback follows an MNL choice model. There has been a significant discrepancy between lower and upper regret bounds, particularly regarding the feature dimension $d$ and the maximum assortment size $K$. Additionally, the variation in reward structures between these bounds complicates the quest for optimality. Under uniform rewards, where all items have the same expected reward, we establish a regret lower bound of $\Omega(d\sqrt{\smash[b]{T/K}})$ and propose a constant-time algorithm, OFU-MNL+, that achieves a matching upper bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\sqrt{\smash[b]{T/K}})$. Under non-uniform rewards, we prove a lower bound of $\Omega(d\sqrt{T})$ and an upper bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(d\sqrt{T})$, also achievable by OFU-MNL+. Our empirical studies support these theoretical findings. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work in the MNL contextual bandit literature to prove minimax optimality -- for either uniform or non-uniform reward setting -- and to propose a computationally efficient algorithm that achieves this optimality up to logarithmic factors.

cross Simultaneous Identification of Sparse Structures and Communities in Heterogeneous Graphical Models

Authors: Dapeng Shi, Tiandong Wang, Zhiliang Ying

Abstract: Exploring and detecting community structures hold significant importance in genetics, social sciences, neuroscience, and finance. Especially in graphical models, community detection can encourage the exploration of sets of variables with group-like properties. In this paper, within the framework of Gaussian graphical models, we introduce a novel decomposition of the underlying graphical structure into a sparse part and low-rank diagonal blocks (non-overlapped communities). We illustrate the significance of this decomposition through two modeling perspectives and propose a three-stage estimation procedure with a fast and efficient algorithm for the identification of the sparse structure and communities. Also on the theoretical front, we establish conditions for local identifiability and extend the traditional irrepresentability condition to an adaptive form by constructing an effective norm, which ensures the consistency of model selection for the adaptive $\ell_1$ penalized estimator in the second stage. Moreover, we also provide the clustering error bound for the K-means procedure in the third stage. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over existing approaches in estimating graph structures. Furthermore, we apply our method to the stock return data, revealing its capability to accurately identify non-overlapped community structures.

cross Towards Realistic Incremental Scenario in Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Jihwan Kwak, Sungmin Cha, Taesup Moon

Abstract: This paper addresses the unrealistic aspect of the commonly adopted Continuous Incremental Semantic Segmentation (CISS) scenario, termed overlapped. We point out that overlapped allows the same image to reappear in future tasks with different pixel labels, which is far from practical incremental learning scenarios. Moreover, we identified that this flawed scenario may lead to biased results for two commonly used techniques in CISS, pseudo-labeling and exemplar memory, resulting in unintended advantages or disadvantages for certain techniques. To mitigate this, a practical scenario called partitioned is proposed, in which the dataset is first divided into distinct subsets representing each class, and then the subsets are assigned to each corresponding task. This efficiently addresses the issue above while meeting the requirement of CISS scenario, such as capturing the background shifts. Furthermore, we identify and address the code implementation issues related to retrieving data from the exemplar memory, which was ignored in previous works. Lastly, we introduce a simple yet competitive memory-based baseline, MiB-AugM, that handles background shifts of current tasks in the exemplar memory. This baseline achieves state-of-the-art results across multiple tasks involving learning numerous new classes.

cross Rethinking Multi-User Semantic Communications with Deep Generative Models

Authors: Eleonora Grassucci, Jinho Choi, Jihong Park, Riccardo F. Gramaccioni, Giordano Cicchetti, Danilo Comminiello

Abstract: In recent years, novel communication strategies have emerged to face the challenges that the increased number of connected devices and the higher quality of transmitted information are posing. Among them, semantic communication obtained promising results especially when combined with state-of-the-art deep generative models, such as large language or diffusion models, able to regenerate content from extremely compressed semantic information. However, most of these approaches focus on single-user scenarios processing the received content at the receiver on top of conventional communication systems. In this paper, we propose to go beyond these methods by developing a novel generative semantic communication framework tailored for multi-user scenarios. This system assigns the channel to users knowing that the lost information can be filled in with a diffusion model at the receivers. Under this innovative perspective, OFDMA systems should not aim to transmit the largest part of information, but solely the bits necessary to the generative model to semantically regenerate the missing ones. The thorough experimental evaluation shows the capabilities of the novel diffusion model and the effectiveness of the proposed framework, leading towards a GenAI-based next generation of communications.

cross Whole-Song Hierarchical Generation of Symbolic Music Using Cascaded Diffusion Models

Authors: Ziyu Wang, Lejun Min, Gus Xia

Abstract: Recent deep music generation studies have put much emphasis on long-term generation with structures. However, we are yet to see high-quality, well-structured whole-song generation. In this paper, we make the first attempt to model a full music piece under the realization of compositional hierarchy. With a focus on symbolic representations of pop songs, we define a hierarchical language, in which each level of hierarchy focuses on the semantics and context dependency at a certain music scope. The high-level languages reveal whole-song form, phrase, and cadence, whereas the low-level languages focus on notes, chords, and their local patterns. A cascaded diffusion model is trained to model the hierarchical language, where each level is conditioned on its upper levels. Experiments and analysis show that our model is capable of generating full-piece music with recognizable global verse-chorus structure and cadences, and the music quality is higher than the baselines. Additionally, we show that the proposed model is controllable in a flexible way. By sampling from the interpretable hierarchical languages or adjusting pre-trained external representations, users can control the music flow via various features such as phrase harmonic structures, rhythmic patterns, and accompaniment texture.

cross Moreau Envelope for Nonconvex Bi-Level Optimization: A Single-loop and Hessian-free Solution Strategy

Authors: Risheng Liu, Zhu Liu, Wei Yao, Shangzhi Zeng, Jin Zhang

Abstract: This work focuses on addressing two major challenges in the context of large-scale nonconvex Bi-Level Optimization (BLO) problems, which are increasingly applied in machine learning due to their ability to model nested structures. These challenges involve ensuring computational efficiency and providing theoretical guarantees. While recent advances in scalable BLO algorithms have primarily relied on lower-level convexity simplification, our work specifically tackles large-scale BLO problems involving nonconvexity in both the upper and lower levels. We simultaneously address computational and theoretical challenges by introducing an innovative single-loop gradient-based algorithm, utilizing the Moreau envelope-based reformulation, and providing non-asymptotic convergence analysis for general nonconvex BLO problems. Notably, our algorithm relies solely on first-order gradient information, enhancing its practicality and efficiency, especially for large-scale BLO learning tasks. We validate our approach's effectiveness through experiments on various synthetic problems, two typical hyper-parameter learning tasks, and a real-world neural architecture search application, collectively demonstrating its superior performance.

cross A Unified Deep Transfer Learning Model for Accurate IoT Localization in Diverse Environments

Authors: Abdullahi Isa Ahmed, Yaya Etiabi, Ali Waqar Azim, El Mehdi Amhoud

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is an ever-evolving technological paradigm that is reshaping industries and societies globally. Real-time data collection, analysis, and decision-making facilitated by localization solutions form the foundation for location-based services, enabling them to support critical functions within diverse IoT ecosystems. However, most existing works on localization focus on single environment, resulting in the development of multiple models to support multiple environments. In the context of smart cities, these raise costs and complexity due to the dynamicity of such environments. To address these challenges, this paper presents a unified indoor-outdoor localization solution that leverages transfer learning (TL) schemes to build a single deep learning model. The model accurately predicts the localization of IoT devices in diverse environments. The performance evaluation shows that by adopting an encoder-based TL scheme, we can improve the baseline model by about 17.18% in indoor environments and 9.79% in outdoor environments.

cross Generative Design through Quality-Diversity Data Synthesis and Language Models

Authors: Adam Gaier, James Stoddart, Lorenzo Villaggi, Shyam Sudhakaran

Abstract: Two fundamental challenges face generative models in engineering applications: the acquisition of high-performing, diverse datasets, and the adherence to precise constraints in generated designs. We propose a novel approach combining optimization, constraint satisfaction, and language models to tackle these challenges in architectural design. Our method uses Quality-Diversity (QD) to generate a diverse, high-performing dataset. We then fine-tune a language model with this dataset to generate high-level designs. These designs are then refined into detailed, constraint-compliant layouts using the Wave Function Collapse algorithm. Our system demonstrates reliable adherence to textual guidance, enabling the generation of layouts with targeted architectural and performance features. Crucially, our results indicate that data synthesized through the evolutionary search of QD not only improves overall model performance but is essential for the model's ability to closely adhere to textual guidance. This improvement underscores the pivotal role evolutionary computation can play in creating the datasets key to training generative models for design. Web article at


cross ROCOv2: Radiology Objects in COntext Version 2, an Updated Multimodal Image Dataset

Authors: Johannes R\"uckert, Louise Bloch, Raphael Br\"ungel, Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir, Henning Sch\"afer, Cynthia S. Schmidt, Sven Koitka, Obioma Pelka, Asma Ben Abacha, Alba G. Seco de Herrera, Henning M\"uller, Peter A. Horn, Felix Nensa, Christoph M. Friedrich

Abstract: Automated medical image analysis systems often require large amounts of training data with high quality labels, which are difficult and time consuming to generate. This paper introduces Radiology Object in COntext version 2 (ROCOv2), a multimodal dataset consisting of radiological images and associated medical concepts and captions extracted from the PMC Open Access subset. It is an updated version of the ROCO dataset published in 2018, and adds 35,705 new images added to PMC since 2018. It further provides manually curated concepts for imaging modalities with additional anatomical and directional concepts for X-rays. The dataset consists of 79,789 images and has been used, with minor modifications, in the concept detection and caption prediction tasks of ImageCLEFmedical Caption 2023. The dataset is suitable for training image annotation models based on image-caption pairs, or for multi-label image classification using Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) concepts provided with each image. In addition, it can serve for pre-training of medical domain models, and evaluation of deep learning models for multi-task learning.

cross Natural Language Can Help Bridge the Sim2Real Gap

Authors: Albert Yu, Adeline Foote, Raymond Mooney, Roberto Mart\'in-Mart\'in

Abstract: The main challenge in learning image-conditioned robotic policies is acquiring a visual representation conducive to low-level control. Due to the high dimensionality of the image space, learning a good visual representation requires a considerable amount of visual data. However, when learning in the real world, data is expensive. Sim2Real is a promising paradigm for overcoming data scarcity in the real-world target domain by using a simulator to collect large amounts of cheap data closely related to the target task. However, it is difficult to transfer an image-conditioned policy from sim to real when the domains are very visually dissimilar. To bridge the sim2real visual gap, we propose using natural language descriptions of images as a unifying signal across domains that captures the underlying task-relevant semantics. Our key insight is that if two image observations from different domains are labeled with similar language, the policy should predict similar action distributions for both images. We demonstrate that training the image encoder to predict the language description or the distance between descriptions of a sim or real image serves as a useful, data-efficient pretraining step that helps learn a domain-invariant image representation. We can then use this image encoder as the backbone of an IL policy trained simultaneously on a large amount of simulated and a handful of real demonstrations. Our approach outperforms widely used prior sim2real methods and strong vision-language pretraining baselines like CLIP and R3M by 25 to 40%.

cross Listen Again and Choose the Right Answer: A New Paradigm for Automatic Speech Recognition with Large Language Models

Authors: Yuchen Hu, Chen Chen, Chengwei Qin, Qiushi Zhu, Eng Siong Chng, Ruizhe Li

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have promoted generative error correction (GER) for automatic speech recognition (ASR), which aims to predict the ground-truth transcription from the decoded N-best hypotheses. Thanks to the strong language generation ability of LLMs and rich information in the N-best list, GER shows great effectiveness in enhancing ASR results. However, it still suffers from two limitations: 1) LLMs are unaware of the source speech during GER, which may lead to results that are grammatically correct but violate the source speech content, 2) N-best hypotheses usually only vary in a few tokens, making it redundant to send all of them for GER, which could confuse LLM about which tokens to focus on and thus lead to increased miscorrection. In this paper, we propose ClozeGER, a new paradigm for ASR generative error correction. First, we introduce a multimodal LLM (i.e., SpeechGPT) to receive source speech as extra input to improve the fidelity of correction output. Then, we reformat GER as a cloze test with logits calibration to remove the input information redundancy and simplify GER with clear instructions. Experiments show that ClozeGER achieves a new breakthrough over vanilla GER on 9 popular ASR datasets.

cross SynthesizRR: Generating Diverse Datasets with Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Abhishek Divekar, Greg Durrett

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are versatile and can address many tasks, but for computational efficiency, it is often desirable to distill their capabilities into smaller student models. One way to do this for classification tasks is via dataset synthesis, which can be accomplished by generating examples of each label from the LLM. Prior approaches to synthesis use few-shot prompting, which relies on the LLM's parametric knowledge to generate usable examples. However, this leads to issues of repetition, bias towards popular entities, and stylistic differences from human text. In this work, we propose Synthesize by Retrieval and Refinement (SynthesizRR), which uses retrieval augmentation to introduce variety into the dataset synthesis process: as retrieved passages vary, the LLM is "seeded" with different content to generate its examples. We empirically study the synthesis of six datasets, covering topic classification, sentiment analysis, tone detection, and humor, requiring complex synthesis strategies. We find SynthesizRR greatly improves lexical and semantic diversity, similarity to human-written text, and distillation performance, when compared to standard 32-shot prompting and six baseline approaches.

cross A novel Reservoir Architecture for Periodic Time Series Prediction

Authors: Zhongju Yuan, Geraint Wiggins, Dick Botteldooren

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach to predicting periodic time series using reservoir computing. The model is tailored to deliver precise forecasts of rhythms, a crucial aspect for tasks such as generating musical rhythm. Leveraging reservoir computing, our proposed method is ultimately oriented towards predicting human perception of rhythm. Our network accurately predicts rhythmic signals within the human frequency perception range. The model architecture incorporates primary and intermediate neurons tasked with capturing and transmitting rhythmic information. Two parameter matrices, denoted as c and k, regulate the reservoir's overall dynamics. We propose a loss function to adapt c post-training and introduce a dynamic selection (DS) mechanism that adjusts $k$ to focus on areas with outstanding contributions. Experimental results on a diverse test set showcase accurate predictions, further improved through real-time tuning of the reservoir via c and k. Comparative assessments highlight its superior performance compared to conventional models.

cross Estimating a Function and Its Derivatives Under a Smoothness Condition

Authors: Eunji Lim

Abstract: We consider the problem of estimating an unknown function f* and its partial derivatives from a noisy data set of n observations, where we make no assumptions about f* except that it is smooth in the sense that it has square integrable partial derivatives of order m. A natural candidate for the estimator of f* in such a case is the best fit to the data set that satisfies a certain smoothness condition. This estimator can be seen as a least squares estimator subject to an upper bound on some measure of smoothness. Another useful estimator is the one that minimizes the degree of smoothness subject to an upper bound on the average of squared errors. We prove that these two estimators are computable as solutions to quadratic programs, establish the consistency of these estimators and their partial derivatives, and study the convergence rate as n increases to infinity. The effectiveness of the estimators is illustrated numerically in a setting where the value of a stock option and its second derivative are estimated as functions of the underlying stock price.

cross Scalarisation-based risk concepts for robust multi-objective optimisation

Authors: Ben Tu, Nikolas Kantas, Robert M. Lee, Behrang Shafei

Abstract: Robust optimisation is a well-established framework for optimising functions in the presence of uncertainty. The inherent goal of this problem is to identify a collection of inputs whose outputs are both desirable for the decision maker, whilst also being robust to the underlying uncertainties in the problem. In this work, we study the multi-objective extension of this problem from a computational standpoint. We identify that the majority of all robust multi-objective algorithms rely on two key operations: robustification and scalarisation. Robustification refers to the strategy that is used to marginalise over the uncertainty in the problem. Whilst scalarisation refers to the procedure that is used to encode the relative importance of each objective. As these operations are not necessarily commutative, the order that they are performed in has an impact on the resulting solutions that are identified and the final decisions that are made. This work aims to give an exposition on the philosophical differences between these two operations and highlight when one should opt for one ordering over the other. As part of our analysis, we showcase how many existing risk concepts can be easily integrated into the specification and solution of a robust multi-objective optimisation problem. Besides this, we also demonstrate how one can principally define the notion of a robust Pareto front and a robust performance metric based on our robustify and scalarise methodology. To illustrate the efficacy of these new ideas, we present two insightful numerical case studies which are based on real-world data sets.

cross Random ReLU Neural Networks as Non-Gaussian Processes

Authors: Rahul Parhi, Pakshal Bohra, Ayoub El Biari, Mehrsa Pourya, Michael Unser

Abstract: We consider a large class of shallow neural networks with randomly initialized parameters and rectified linear unit activation functions. We prove that these random neural networks are well-defined non-Gaussian processes. As a by-product, we demonstrate that these networks are solutions to stochastic differential equations driven by impulsive white noise (combinations of random Dirac measures). These processes are parameterized by the law of the weights and biases as well as the density of activation thresholds in each bounded region of the input domain. We prove that these processes are isotropic and wide-sense self-similar with Hurst exponent $3/2$. We also derive a remarkably simple closed-form expression for their autocovariance function. Our results are fundamentally different from prior work in that we consider a non-asymptotic viewpoint: The number of neurons in each bounded region of the input domain (i.e., the width) is itself a random variable with a Poisson law with mean proportional to the density parameter. Finally, we show that, under suitable hypotheses, as the expected width tends to infinity, these processes can converge in law not only to Gaussian processes, but also to non-Gaussian processes depending on the law of the weights. Our asymptotic results provide a new take on several classical results (wide networks converge to Gaussian processes) as well as some new ones (wide networks can converge to non-Gaussian processes).

cross Influencer Cartels

Authors: Marit Hinnosaar, Toomas Hinnosaar

Abstract: Social media influencers account for a growing share of marketing worldwide. We demonstrate the existence of a novel form of market failure in this advertising market: influencer cartels, where groups of influencers collude to increase their advertising revenue by inflating their engagement. Our theoretical model shows that influencer cartels can improve consumer welfare if they expand social media engagement to the target audience, or reduce welfare if they divert engagement to less relevant audiences. We validate the model empirically using novel data on influencer cartels combined with machine learning tools, and derive policy implications for how to maximize consumer welfare.

cross DocuMint: Docstring Generation for Python using Small Language Models

Authors: Bibek Poudel, Adam Cook, Sekou Traore, Shelah Ameli

Abstract: Effective communication, specifically through documentation, is the beating heart of collaboration among contributors in software development. Recent advancements in language models (LMs) have enabled the introduction of a new type of actor in that ecosystem: LM-powered assistants capable of code generation, optimization, and maintenance. Our study investigates the efficacy of small language models (SLMs) for generating high-quality docstrings by assessing accuracy, conciseness, and clarity, benchmarking performance quantitatively through mathematical formulas and qualitatively through human evaluation using Likert scale. Further, we introduce DocuMint, as a large-scale supervised fine-tuning dataset with 100,000 samples. In quantitative experiments, Llama 3 8B achieved the best performance across all metrics, with conciseness and clarity scores of 0.605 and 64.88, respectively. However, under human evaluation, CodeGemma 7B achieved the highest overall score with an average of 8.3 out of 10 across all metrics. Fine-tuning the CodeGemma 2B model using the DocuMint dataset led to significant improvements in performance across all metrics, with gains of up to 22.5% in conciseness. The fine-tuned model and the dataset can be found in HuggingFace and the code can be found in the repository.

cross PRISM: A Multi-Modal Generative Foundation Model for Slide-Level Histopathology

Authors: George Shaikovski, Adam Casson, Kristen Severson, Eric Zimmermann, Yi Kan Wang, Jeremy D. Kunz, Juan A. Retamero, Gerard Oakley, David Klimstra, Christopher Kanan, Matthew Hanna, Michal Zelechowski, Julian Viret, Neil Tenenholtz, James Hall, Nicolo Fusi, Razik Yousfi, Peter Hamilton, William A. Moye, Eugene Vorontsov, Siqi Liu, Thomas J. Fuchs

Abstract: Foundation models in computational pathology promise to unlock the development of new clinical decision support systems and models for precision medicine. However, there is a mismatch between most clinical analysis, which is defined at the level of one or more whole slide images, and foundation models to date, which process the thousands of image tiles contained in a whole slide image separately. The requirement to train a network to aggregate information across a large number of tiles in multiple whole slide images limits these models' impact. In this work, we present a slide-level foundation model for H&E-stained histopathology, PRISM, that builds on Virchow tile embeddings and leverages clinical report text for pre-training. Using the tile embeddings, PRISM produces slide-level embeddings with the ability to generate clinical reports, resulting in several modes of use. Using text prompts, PRISM achieves zero-shot cancer detection and sub-typing performance approaching and surpassing that of a supervised aggregator model. Using the slide embeddings with linear classifiers, PRISM surpasses supervised aggregator models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that fine-tuning of the PRISM slide encoder yields label-efficient training for biomarker prediction, a task that typically suffers from low availability of training data; an aggregator initialized with PRISM and trained on as little as 10% of the training data can outperform a supervised baseline that uses all of the data.

cross Architectures and random properties of symplectic quantum circuits

Authors: Diego Garc\'ia-Mart\'in, Paolo Braccia, M. Cerezo

Abstract: Parametrized and random unitary (or orthogonal) $n$-qubit circuits play a central role in quantum information. As such, one could naturally assume that circuits implementing symplectic transformation would attract similar attention. However, this is not the case, as $\mathbb{SP}(d/2)$ -- the group of $d\times d$ unitary symplectic matrices -- has thus far been overlooked. In this work, we aim at starting to right this wrong. We begin by presenting a universal set of generators $\mathcal{G}$ for the symplectic algebra $i\mathfrak{sp}(d/2)$, consisting of one- and two-qubit Pauli operators acting on neighboring sites in a one-dimensional lattice. Here, we uncover two critical differences between such set, and equivalent ones for unitary and orthogonal circuits. Namely, we find that the operators in $\mathcal{G}$ cannot generate arbitrary local symplectic unitaries and that they are not translationally invariant. We then review the Schur-Weyl duality between the symplectic group and the Brauer algebra, and use tools from Weingarten calculus to prove that Pauli measurements at the output of Haar random symplectic circuits can converge to Gaussian processes. As a by-product, such analysis provides us with concentration bounds for Pauli measurements in circuits that form $t$-designs over $\mathbb{SP}(d/2)$. To finish, we present tensor-network tools to analyze shallow random symplectic circuits, and we use these to numerically show that computational-basis measurements anti-concentrate at logarithmic depth.

cross Sharpness-Aware Minimization in Genetic Programming

Authors: Illya Bakurov, Nathan Haut, Wolfgang Banzhaf

Abstract: Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) was recently introduced as a regularization procedure for training deep neural networks. It simultaneously minimizes the fitness (or loss) function and the so-called fitness sharpness. The latter serves as a %connection between the geometry of the fitness landscape measure of the nonlinear behavior of a solution %and generalization and does so by finding solutions that lie in neighborhoods having uniformly similar loss values across all fitness cases. In this contribution, we adapt SAM for tree Genetic Programming (TGP) by exploring the semantic neighborhoods of solutions using two simple approaches By capitalizing upon perturbing input and output of program trees, sharpness can be estimated and used as a second optimization criterion during the evolution. To better understand the impact of this variant of SAM on TGP, we collect numerous indicators of the evolutionary process, including generalization ability, complexity, diversity, and a recently proposed genotype-phenotype mapping to study the amount of redundancy in trees. The experimental results demonstrate that using any of the two proposed SAM adaptations in TGP allows (i) a significant reduction of tree sizes in the population and (ii) a decrease in redundancy of the trees. When assessed on real-world benchmarks, the generalization ability of the elite solutions does not deteriorate.

cross Quantum Vision Transformers for Quark-Gluon Classification

Authors: Mar\c{c}al Comajoan Cara, Gopal Ramesh Dahale, Zhongtian Dong, Roy T. Forestano, Sergei Gleyzer, Daniel Justice, Kyoungchul Kong, Tom Magorsch, Konstantin T. Matchev, Katia Matcheva, Eyup B. Unlu

Abstract: We introduce a hybrid quantum-classical vision transformer architecture, notable for its integration of variational quantum circuits within both the attention mechanism and the multi-layer perceptrons. The research addresses the critical challenge of computational efficiency and resource constraints in analyzing data from the upcoming High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, presenting the architecture as a potential solution. In particular, we evaluate our method by applying the model to multi-detector jet images from CMS Open Data. The goal is to distinguish quark-initiated from gluon-initiated jets. We successfully train the quantum model and evaluate it via numerical simulations. Using this approach, we achieve classification performance almost on par with the one obtained with the completely classical architecture, considering a similar number of parameters.

cross Fine-Tuning Large Vision-Language Models as Decision-Making Agents via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yuexiang Zhai, Hao Bai, Zipeng Lin, Jiayi Pan, Shengbang Tong, Yifei Zhou, Alane Suhr, Saining Xie, Yann LeCun, Yi Ma, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Large vision-language models (VLMs) fine-tuned on specialized visual instruction-following data have exhibited impressive language reasoning capabilities across various scenarios. However, this fine-tuning paradigm may not be able to efficiently learn optimal decision-making agents in multi-step goal-directed tasks from interactive environments. To address this challenge, we propose an algorithmic framework that fine-tunes VLMs with reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, our framework provides a task description and then prompts the VLM to generate chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, enabling the VLM to efficiently explore intermediate reasoning steps that lead to the final text-based action. Next, the open-ended text output is parsed into an executable action to interact with the environment to obtain goal-directed task rewards. Finally, our framework uses these task rewards to fine-tune the entire VLM with RL. Empirically, we demonstrate that our proposed framework enhances the decision-making capabilities of VLM agents across various tasks, enabling 7b models to outperform commercial models such as GPT4-V or Gemini. Furthermore, we find that CoT reasoning is a crucial component for performance improvement, as removing the CoT reasoning results in a significant decrease in the overall performance of our method.

cross Conformal Alignment: Knowing When to Trust Foundation Models with Guarantees

Authors: Yu Gui, Ying Jin, Zhimei Ren

Abstract: Before deploying outputs from foundation models in high-stakes tasks, it is imperative to ensure that they align with human values. For instance, in radiology report generation, reports generated by a vision-language model must align with human evaluations before their use in medical decision-making. This paper presents Conformal Alignment, a general framework for identifying units whose outputs meet a user-specified alignment criterion. It is guaranteed that on average, a prescribed fraction of selected units indeed meet the alignment criterion, regardless of the foundation model or the data distribution. Given any pre-trained model and new units with model-generated outputs, Conformal Alignment leverages a set of reference data with ground-truth alignment status to train an alignment predictor. It then selects new units whose predicted alignment scores surpass a data-dependent threshold, certifying their corresponding outputs as trustworthy. Through applications to question answering and radiology report generation, we demonstrate that our method is able to accurately identify units with trustworthy outputs via lightweight training over a moderate amount of reference data. En route, we investigate the informativeness of various features in alignment prediction and combine them with standard models to construct the alignment predictor.

cross Optimal Aggregation of Prediction Intervals under Unsupervised Domain Shift

Authors: Jiawei Ge, Debarghya Mukherjee, Jianqing Fan

Abstract: As machine learning models are increasingly deployed in dynamic environments, it becomes paramount to assess and quantify uncertainties associated with distribution shifts. A distribution shift occurs when the underlying data-generating process changes, leading to a deviation in the model's performance. The prediction interval, which captures the range of likely outcomes for a given prediction, serves as a crucial tool for characterizing uncertainties induced by their underlying distribution. In this paper, we propose methodologies for aggregating prediction intervals to obtain one with minimal width and adequate coverage on the target domain under unsupervised domain shift, under which we have labeled samples from a related source domain and unlabeled covariates from the target domain. Our analysis encompasses scenarios where the source and the target domain are related via i) a bounded density ratio, and ii) a measure-preserving transformation. Our proposed methodologies are computationally efficient and easy to implement. Beyond illustrating the performance of our method through a real-world dataset, we also delve into the theoretical details. This includes establishing rigorous theoretical guarantees, coupled with finite sample bounds, regarding the coverage and width of our prediction intervals. Our approach excels in practical applications and is underpinned by a solid theoretical framework, ensuring its reliability and effectiveness across diverse contexts.

cross How Far Are We From AGI

Authors: Tao Feng, Chuanyang Jin, Jingyu Liu, Kunlun Zhu, Haoqin Tu, Zirui Cheng, Guanyu Lin, Jiaxuan You

Abstract: The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly impacted human society, driving significant advancements in multiple sectors. Yet, the escalating demands on AI have highlighted the limitations of AI's current offerings, catalyzing a movement towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). AGI, distinguished by its ability to execute diverse real-world tasks with efficiency and effectiveness comparable to human intelligence, reflects a paramount milestone in AI evolution. While existing works have summarized specific recent advancements of AI, they lack a comprehensive discussion of AGI's definitions, goals, and developmental trajectories. Different from existing survey papers, this paper delves into the pivotal questions of our proximity to AGI and the strategies necessary for its realization through extensive surveys, discussions, and original perspectives. We start by articulating the requisite capability frameworks for AGI, integrating the internal, interface, and system dimensions. As the realization of AGI requires more advanced capabilities and adherence to stringent constraints, we further discuss necessary AGI alignment technologies to harmonize these factors. Notably, we emphasize the importance of approaching AGI responsibly by first defining the key levels of AGI progression, followed by the evaluation framework that situates the status-quo, and finally giving our roadmap of how to reach the pinnacle of AGI. Moreover, to give tangible insights into the ubiquitous impact of the integration of AI, we outline existing challenges and potential pathways toward AGI in multiple domains. In sum, serving as a pioneering exploration into the current state and future trajectory of AGI, this paper aims to foster a collective comprehension and catalyze broader public discussions among researchers and practitioners on AGI.

cross TRANSIC: Sim-to-Real Policy Transfer by Learning from Online Correction

Authors: Yunfan Jiang, Chen Wang, Ruohan Zhang, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei

Abstract: Learning in simulation and transferring the learned policy to the real world has the potential to enable generalist robots. The key challenge of this approach is to address simulation-to-reality (sim-to-real) gaps. Previous methods often require domain-specific knowledge a priori. We argue that a straightforward way to obtain such knowledge is by asking humans to observe and assist robot policy execution in the real world. The robots can then learn from humans to close various sim-to-real gaps. We propose TRANSIC, a data-driven approach to enable successful sim-to-real transfer based on a human-in-the-loop framework. TRANSIC allows humans to augment simulation policies to overcome various unmodeled sim-to-real gaps holistically through intervention and online correction. Residual policies can be learned from human corrections and integrated with simulation policies for autonomous execution. We show that our approach can achieve successful sim-to-real transfer in complex and contact-rich manipulation tasks such as furniture assembly. Through synergistic integration of policies learned in simulation and from humans, TRANSIC is effective as a holistic approach to addressing various, often coexisting sim-to-real gaps. It displays attractive properties such as scaling with human effort. Videos and code are available at


replace VREN: Volleyball Rally Dataset with Expression Notation Language

Authors: Haotian Xia, Rhys Tracy, Yun Zhao, Erwan Fraisse, Yuan-Fang Wang, Linda Petzold

Abstract: This research is intended to accomplish two goals: The first goal is to curate a large and information rich dataset that contains crucial and succinct summaries on the players' actions and positions and the back-and-forth travel patterns of the volleyball in professional and NCAA Div-I indoor volleyball games. While several prior studies have aimed to create similar datasets for other sports (e.g. badminton and soccer), creating such a dataset for indoor volleyball is not yet realized. The second goal is to introduce a volleyball descriptive language to fully describe the rally processes in the games and apply the language to our dataset. Based on the curated dataset and our descriptive sports language, we introduce three tasks for automated volleyball action and tactic analysis using our dataset: (1) Volleyball Rally Prediction, aimed at predicting the outcome of a rally and helping players and coaches improve decision-making in practice, (2) Setting Type and Hitting Type Prediction, to help coaches and players prepare more effectively for the game, and (3) Volleyball Tactics and Attacking Zone Statistics, to provide advanced volleyball statistics and help coaches understand the game and opponent's tactics better. We conducted case studies to show how experimental results can provide insights to the volleyball analysis community. Furthermore, experimental evaluation based on real-world data establishes a baseline for future studies and applications of our dataset and language. This study bridges the gap between the indoor volleyball field and computer science. The dataset is available at:


replace DC4L: Distribution Shift Recovery via Data-Driven Control for Deep Learning Models

Authors: Vivian Lin, Kuk Jin Jang, Souradeep Dutta, Michele Caprio, Oleg Sokolsky, Insup Lee

Abstract: Deep neural networks have repeatedly been shown to be non-robust to the uncertainties of the real world, even to naturally occurring ones. A vast majority of current approaches have focused on data-augmentation methods to expand the range of perturbations that the classifier is exposed to while training. A relatively unexplored avenue that is equally promising involves sanitizing an image as a preprocessing step, depending on the nature of perturbation. In this paper, we propose to use control for learned models to recover from distribution shifts online. Specifically, our method applies a sequence of semantic-preserving transformations to bring the shifted data closer in distribution to the training set, as measured by the Wasserstein distance. Our approach is to 1) formulate the problem of distribution shift recovery as a Markov decision process, which we solve using reinforcement learning, 2) identify a minimum condition on the data for our method to be applied, which we check online using a binary classifier, and 3) employ dimensionality reduction through orthonormal projection to aid in our estimates of the Wasserstein distance. We provide theoretical evidence that orthonormal projection preserves characteristics of the data at the distributional level. We apply our distribution shift recovery approach to the ImageNet-C benchmark for distribution shifts, demonstrating an improvement in average accuracy of up to 14.21% across a variety of state-of-the-art ImageNet classifiers. We further show that our method generalizes to composites of shifts from the ImageNet-C benchmark, achieving improvements in average accuracy of up to 9.81%. Finally, we test our method on CIFAR-100-C and report improvements of up to 8.25%.

replace Goal-conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning through State Space Partitioning

Authors: Mianchu Wang, Yue Jin, Giovanni Montana

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to infer sequential decision policies using only offline datasets. This is a particularly difficult setup, especially when learning to achieve multiple different goals or outcomes under a given scenario with only sparse rewards. For offline learning of goal-conditioned policies via supervised learning, previous work has shown that an advantage weighted log-likelihood loss guarantees monotonic policy improvement. In this work we argue that, despite its benefits, this approach is still insufficient to fully address the distribution shift and multi-modality problems. The latter is particularly severe in long-horizon tasks where finding a unique and optimal policy that goes from a state to the desired goal is challenging as there may be multiple and potentially conflicting solutions. To tackle these challenges, we propose a complementary advantage-based weighting scheme that introduces an additional source of inductive bias: given a value-based partitioning of the state space, the contribution of actions expected to lead to target regions that are easier to reach, compared to the final goal, is further increased. Empirically, we demonstrate that the proposed approach, Dual-Advantage Weighted Offline Goal-conditioned RL (DAWOG), outperforms several competing offline algorithms in commonly used benchmarks. Analytically, we offer a guarantee that the learnt policy is never worse than the underlying behaviour policy.

replace Synthpop++: A Hybrid Framework for Generating A Country-scale Synthetic Population

Authors: Bhavesh Neekhra, Kshitij Kapoor, Debayan Gupta

Abstract: Population censuses are vital to public policy decision-making. They provide insight into human resources, demography, culture, and economic structure at local, regional, and national levels. However, such surveys are very expensive (especially for low and middle-income countries with high populations, such as India), time-consuming, and may also raise privacy concerns, depending upon the kinds of data collected. In light of these issues, we introduce SynthPop++, a novel hybrid framework, which can combine data from multiple real-world surveys (with different, partially overlapping sets of attributes) to produce a real-scale synthetic population of humans. Critically, our population maintains family structures comprising individuals with demographic, socioeconomic, health, and geolocation attributes: this means that our ``fake'' people live in realistic locations, have realistic families, etc. Such data can be used for a variety of purposes: we explore one such use case, Agent-based modelling of infectious disease in India. To gauge the quality of our synthetic population, we use both machine learning and statistical metrics. Our experimental results show that synthetic population can realistically simulate the population for various administrative units of India, producing real-scale, detailed data at the desired level of zoom -- from cities, to districts, to states, eventually combining to form a country-scale synthetic population.

replace OpenBox: A Python Toolkit for Generalized Black-box Optimization

Authors: Huaijun Jiang, Yu Shen, Yang Li, Beicheng Xu, Sixian Du, Wentao Zhang, Ce Zhang, Bin Cui

Abstract: Black-box optimization (BBO) has a broad range of applications, including automatic machine learning, experimental design, and database knob tuning. However, users still face challenges when applying BBO methods to their problems at hand with existing software packages in terms of applicability, performance, and efficiency. This paper presents OpenBox, an open-source BBO toolkit with improved usability. It implements user-friendly interfaces and visualization for users to define and manage their tasks. The modular design behind OpenBox facilitates its flexible deployment in existing systems. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of OpenBox over existing systems. The source code of OpenBox is available at


replace Exploring the Complexity of Deep Neural Networks through Functional Equivalence

Authors: Guohao Shen

Abstract: We investigate the complexity of deep neural networks through the lens of functional equivalence, which posits that different parameterizations can yield the same network function. Leveraging the equivalence property, we present a novel bound on the covering number for deep neural networks, which reveals that the complexity of neural networks can be reduced. Additionally, we demonstrate that functional equivalence benefits optimization, as overparameterized networks tend to be easier to train since increasing network width leads to a diminishing volume of the effective parameter space. These findings can offer valuable insights into the phenomenon of overparameterization and have implications for understanding generalization and optimization in deep learning.

replace Lookbehind-SAM: k steps back, 1 step forward

Authors: Gon\c{c}alo Mordido, Pranshu Malviya, Aristide Baratin, Sarath Chandar

Abstract: Sharpness-aware minimization (SAM) methods have gained increasing popularity by formulating the problem of minimizing both loss value and loss sharpness as a minimax objective. In this work, we increase the efficiency of the maximization and minimization parts of SAM's objective to achieve a better loss-sharpness trade-off. By taking inspiration from the Lookahead optimizer, which uses multiple descent steps ahead, we propose Lookbehind, which performs multiple ascent steps behind to enhance the maximization step of SAM and find a worst-case perturbation with higher loss. Then, to mitigate the variance in the descent step arising from the gathered gradients across the multiple ascent steps, we employ linear interpolation to refine the minimization step. Lookbehind leads to a myriad of benefits across a variety of tasks. Particularly, we show increased generalization performance, greater robustness against noisy weights, as well as improved learning and less catastrophic forgetting in lifelong learning settings. Our code is available at


replace Rate-Optimal Policy Optimization for Linear Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Uri Sherman, Alon Cohen, Tomer Koren, Yishay Mansour

Abstract: We study regret minimization in online episodic linear Markov Decision Processes, and obtain rate-optimal $\widetilde O (\sqrt K)$ regret where $K$ denotes the number of episodes. Our work is the first to establish the optimal (w.r.t.~$K$) rate of convergence in the stochastic setting with bandit feedback using a policy optimization based approach, and the first to establish the optimal (w.r.t.~$K$) rate in the adversarial setup with full information feedback, for which no algorithm with an optimal rate guarantee is currently known.

replace ReMax: A Simple, Effective, and Efficient Reinforcement Learning Method for Aligning Large Language Models

Authors: Ziniu Li, Tian Xu, Yushun Zhang, Zhihang Lin, Yang Yu, Ruoyu Sun, Zhi-Quan Luo

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is key to aligning Large Language Models (LLMs), typically paired with the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm. While PPO is a powerful method designed for general reinforcement learning tasks, it is overly sophisticated for LLMs, leading to laborious hyper-parameter tuning and significant computation burdens. To make RLHF efficient, we present ReMax, which leverages 3 properties of RLHF: fast simulation, deterministic transitions, and trajectory-level rewards. These properties are not exploited in PPO, making it less suitable for RLHF. Building on the renowned REINFORCE algorithm, ReMax does not require training an additional value model as in PPO and is further enhanced with a new variance reduction technique. ReMax offers several benefits over PPO: it is simpler to implement, eliminates more than 4 hyper-parameters in PPO, reduces GPU memory usage, and shortens training time. ReMax can save about 46% GPU memory than PPO when training a 7B model and enables training on A800-80GB GPUs without the memory-saving offloading technique needed by PPO. Applying ReMax to a Mistral-7B model resulted in a 94.78% win rate on the AlpacaEval leaderboard and a 7.739 score on MT-bench, setting a new SOTA for open-source 7B models. These results show the effectiveness of ReMax while addressing the limitations of PPO in LLMs.

replace Image Clustering with External Guidance

Authors: Yunfan Li, Peng Hu, Dezhong Peng, Jiancheng Lv, Jianping Fan, Xi Peng

Abstract: The core of clustering is incorporating prior knowledge to construct supervision signals. From classic k-means based on data compactness to recent contrastive clustering guided by self-supervision, the evolution of clustering methods intrinsically corresponds to the progression of supervision signals. At present, substantial efforts have been devoted to mining internal supervision signals from data. Nevertheless, the abundant external knowledge such as semantic descriptions, which naturally conduces to clustering, is regrettably overlooked. In this work, we propose leveraging external knowledge as a new supervision signal to guide clustering, even though it seems irrelevant to the given data. To implement and validate our idea, we design an externally guided clustering method (Text-Aided Clustering, TAC), which leverages the textual semantics of WordNet to facilitate image clustering. Specifically, TAC first selects and retrieves WordNet nouns that best distinguish images to enhance the feature discriminability. Then, to improve image clustering performance, TAC collaborates text and image modalities by mutually distilling cross-modal neighborhood information. Experiments demonstrate that TAC achieves state-of-the-art performance on five widely used and three more challenging image clustering benchmarks, including the full ImageNet-1K dataset.

replace Machine Learning Infused Distributed Optimization for Coordinating Virtual Power Plant Assets

Authors: Meiyi Li, Javad Mohammadi

Abstract: Amid the increasing interest in the deployment of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), the Virtual Power Plant (VPP) has emerged as a pivotal tool for aggregating diverse DERs and facilitating their participation in wholesale energy markets. These VPP deployments have been fueled by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's Order 2222, which makes DERs and VPPs competitive across market segments. However, the diversity and decentralized nature of DERs present significant challenges to the scalable coordination of VPP assets. To address efficiency and speed bottlenecks, this paper presents a novel machine learning-assisted distributed optimization to coordinate VPP assets. Our method, named LOOP-MAC(Learning to Optimize the Optimization Process for Multi-agent Coordination), adopts a multi-agent coordination perspective where each VPP agent manages multiple DERs and utilizes neural network approximators to expedite the solution search. The LOOP-MAC method employs a gauge map to guarantee strict compliance with local constraints, effectively reducing the need for additional post-processing steps. Our results highlight the advantages of LOOP-MAC, showcasing accelerated solution times per iteration and significantly reduced convergence times. The LOOP-MAC method outperforms conventional centralized and distributed optimization methods in optimization tasks that require repetitive and sequential execution.

replace GOPlan: Goal-conditioned Offline Reinforcement Learning by Planning with Learned Models

Authors: Mianchu Wang, Rui Yang, Xi Chen, Hao Sun, Meng Fang, Giovanni Montana

Abstract: Offline Goal-Conditioned RL (GCRL) offers a feasible paradigm for learning general-purpose policies from diverse and multi-task offline datasets. Despite notable recent progress, the predominant offline GCRL methods, mainly model-free, face constraints in handling limited data and generalizing to unseen goals. In this work, we propose Goal-conditioned Offline Planning (GOPlan), a novel model-based framework that contains two key phases: (1) pretraining a prior policy capable of capturing multi-modal action distribution within the multi-goal dataset; (2) employing the reanalysis method with planning to generate imagined trajectories for funetuning policies. Specifically, we base the prior policy on an advantage-weighted conditioned generative adversarial network, which facilitates distinct mode separation, mitigating the pitfalls of out-of-distribution (OOD) actions. For further policy optimization, the reanalysis method generates high-quality imaginary data by planning with learned models for both intra-trajectory and inter-trajectory goals. With thorough experimental evaluations, we demonstrate that GOPlan achieves state-of-the-art performance on various offline multi-goal navigation and manipulation tasks. Moreover, our results highlight the superior ability of GOPlan to handle small data budgets and generalize to OOD goals.

replace Large Language Model-Enhanced Algorithm Selection: Towards Comprehensive Algorithm Representation

Authors: Xingyu Wu, Yan Zhong, Jibin Wu, Bingbing Jiang, Kay Chen Tan

Abstract: Algorithm selection, a critical process of automated machine learning, aims to identify the most suitable algorithm for solving a specific problem prior to execution. Mainstream algorithm selection techniques heavily rely on problem features, while the role of algorithm features remains largely unexplored. Due to the intrinsic complexity of algorithms, effective methods for universally extracting algorithm information are lacking. This paper takes a significant step towards bridging this gap by introducing Large Language Models (LLMs) into algorithm selection for the first time. By comprehending the code text, LLM not only captures the structural and semantic aspects of the algorithm, but also demonstrates contextual awareness and library function understanding. The high-dimensional algorithm representation extracted by LLM, after undergoing a feature selection module, is combined with the problem representation and passed to the similarity calculation module. The selected algorithm is determined by the matching degree between a given problem and different algorithms. Extensive experiments validate the performance superiority of the proposed model and the efficacy of each key module. Furthermore, we present a theoretical upper bound on model complexity, showcasing the influence of algorithm representation and feature selection modules. This provides valuable theoretical guidance for the practical implementation of our method.

replace More is Better in Modern Machine Learning: when Infinite Overparameterization is Optimal and Overfitting is Obligatory

Authors: James B. Simon, Dhruva Karkada, Nikhil Ghosh, Mikhail Belkin

Abstract: In our era of enormous neural networks, empirical progress has been driven by the philosophy that more is better. Recent deep learning practice has found repeatedly that larger model size, more data, and more computation (resulting in lower training loss) improves performance. In this paper, we give theoretical backing to these empirical observations by showing that these three properties hold in random feature (RF) regression, a class of models equivalent to shallow networks with only the last layer trained. Concretely, we first show that the test risk of RF regression decreases monotonically with both the number of features and the number of samples, provided the ridge penalty is tuned optimally. In particular, this implies that infinite width RF architectures are preferable to those of any finite width. We then proceed to demonstrate that, for a large class of tasks characterized by powerlaw eigenstructure, training to near-zero training loss is obligatory: near-optimal performance can only be achieved when the training error is much smaller than the test error. Grounding our theory in real-world data, we find empirically that standard computer vision tasks with convolutional neural tangent kernels clearly fall into this class. Taken together, our results tell a simple, testable story of the benefits of overparameterization, overfitting, and more data in random feature models.

replace Graph Attention-Based Symmetry Constraint Extraction for Analog Circuits

Authors: Qi Xu, Lijie Wang, Jing Wang, Lin Cheng, Song Chen, Yi Kang

Abstract: In recent years, analog circuits have received extensive attention and are widely used in many emerging applications. The high demand for analog circuits necessitates shorter circuit design cycles. To achieve the desired performance and specifications, various geometrical symmetry constraints must be carefully considered during the analog layout process. However, the manual labeling of these constraints by experienced analog engineers is a laborious and time-consuming process. To handle the costly runtime issue, we propose a graph-based learning framework to automatically extract symmetric constraints in analog circuit layout. The proposed framework leverages the connection characteristics of circuits and the devices' information to learn the general rules of symmetric constraints, which effectively facilitates the extraction of device-level constraints on circuit netlists. The experimental results demonstrate that compared to state-of-the-art symmetric constraint detection approaches, our framework achieves higher accuracy and F1-score.

replace $f$-Divergence Based Classification: Beyond the Use of Cross-Entropy

Authors: Nicola Novello, Andrea M. Tonello

Abstract: In deep learning, classification tasks are formalized as optimization problems often solved via the minimization of the cross-entropy. However, recent advancements in the design of objective functions allow the usage of the $f$-divergence to generalize the formulation of the optimization problem for classification. We adopt a Bayesian perspective and formulate the classification task as a maximum a posteriori probability problem. We propose a class of objective functions based on the variational representation of the $f$-divergence. Furthermore, driven by the challenge of improving the state-of-the-art approach, we propose a bottom-up method that leads us to the formulation of an objective function corresponding to a novel $f$-divergence referred to as shifted log (SL). We theoretically analyze the objective functions proposed and numerically test them in three application scenarios: toy examples, image datasets, and signal detection/decoding problems. The analyzed scenarios demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach and that the SL divergence achieves the highest classification accuracy in almost all the considered cases.

replace Querying Easily Flip-flopped Samples for Deep Active Learning

Authors: Seong Jin Cho, Gwangsu Kim, Junghyun Lee, Jinwoo Shin, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: Active learning is a machine learning paradigm that aims to improve the performance of a model by strategically selecting and querying unlabeled data. One effective selection strategy is to base it on the model's predictive uncertainty, which can be interpreted as a measure of how informative a sample is. The sample's distance to the decision boundary is a natural measure of predictive uncertainty, but it is often intractable to compute, especially for complex decision boundaries formed in multiclass classification tasks. To address this issue, this paper proposes the {\it least disagree metric} (LDM), defined as the smallest probability of disagreement of the predicted label, and an estimator for LDM proven to be asymptotically consistent under mild assumptions. The estimator is computationally efficient and can be easily implemented for deep learning models using parameter perturbation. The LDM-based active learning is performed by querying unlabeled data with the smallest LDM. Experimental results show that our LDM-based active learning algorithm obtains state-of-the-art overall performance on all considered datasets and deep architectures.

replace Differentially-Private Hierarchical Federated Learning

Authors: Frank Po-Chen Lin, Christopher Brinton

Abstract: While federated learning (FL) eliminates the transmission of raw data over a network, it is still vulnerable to privacy breaches from the communicated model parameters. In this work, we propose \underline{H}ierarchical \underline{F}ederated Learning with \underline{H}ierarchical \underline{D}ifferential \underline{P}rivacy ({\tt H$^2$FDP}), a DP-enhanced FL methodology for jointly optimizing privacy and performance in hierarchical networks. Building upon recent proposals for Hierarchical Differential Privacy (HDP), one of the key concepts of {\tt H$^2$FDP} is adapting DP noise injection at different layers of an established FL hierarchy -- edge devices, edge servers, and cloud servers -- according to the trust models within particular subnetworks. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the convergence behavior of {\tt H$^2$FDP}, revealing conditions on parameter tuning under which the training process converges sublinearly to a finite stationarity gap that depends on the network hierarchy, trust model, and target privacy level. Leveraging these relationships, we develop an adaptive control algorithm for {\tt H$^2$FDP} that tunes properties of local model training to minimize communication energy, latency, and the stationarity gap while striving to maintain a sub-linear convergence rate and meet desired privacy criteria. Subsequent numerical evaluations demonstrate that {\tt H$^2$FDP} obtains substantial improvements in these metrics over baselines for different privacy budgets, and validate the impact of different system configurations.

replace Randomized Confidence Bounds for Stochastic Partial Monitoring

Authors: Maxime Heuillet, Ola Ahmad, Audrey Durand

Abstract: The partial monitoring (PM) framework provides a theoretical formulation of sequential learning problems with incomplete feedback. On each round, a learning agent plays an action while the environment simultaneously chooses an outcome. The agent then observes a feedback signal that is only partially informative about the (unobserved) outcome. The agent leverages the received feedback signals to select actions that minimize the (unobserved) cumulative loss. In contextual PM, the outcomes depend on some side information that is observable by the agent before selecting the action on each round. In this paper, we consider the contextual and non-contextual PM settings with stochastic outcomes. We introduce a new class of PM strategies based on the randomization of deterministic confidence bounds. We also extend regret guarantees to settings where existing stochastic strategies are not applicable. Our experiments show that the proposed RandCBP and RandCBPsidestar strategies have favorable performance against state-of-the-art baselines in multiple PM games. To advocate for the adoption of the PM framework, we design a use case on the real-world problem of monitoring the error rate of any deployed classification system.

replace A Survey on Deep Learning and State-of-the-art Applications

Authors: Mohd Halim Mohd Noor, Ayokunle Olalekan Ige

Abstract: Deep learning, a branch of artificial intelligence, is a computational model that uses multiple layers of interconnected units (neurons) to learn intricate patterns and representations directly from raw input data. Empowered by this learning capability, it has become a powerful tool for solving complex problems and is the core driver of many groundbreaking technologies and innovations. Building a deep learning model is a challenging task due to the algorithm`s complexity and the dynamic nature of real-world problems. Several studies have reviewed deep learning concepts and applications. However, the studies mostly focused on the types of deep learning models and convolutional neural network architectures, offering limited coverage of the state-of-the-art of deep learning models and their applications in solving complex problems across different domains. Therefore, motivated by the limitations, this study aims to comprehensively review the state-of-the-art deep learning models in computer vision, natural language processing, time series analysis and pervasive computing. We highlight the key features of the models and their effectiveness in solving the problems within each domain. Furthermore, this study presents the fundamentals of deep learning, various deep learning model types and prominent convolutional neural network architectures. Finally, challenges and future directions in deep learning research are discussed to offer a broader perspective for future researchers.

replace Disguised Copyright Infringement of Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Yiwei Lu, Matthew Y. R. Yang, Zuoqiu Liu, Gautam Kamath, Yaoliang Yu

Abstract: Copyright infringement may occur when a generative model produces samples substantially similar to some copyrighted data that it had access to during the training phase. The notion of access usually refers to including copyrighted samples directly in the training dataset, which one may inspect to identify an infringement. We argue that such visual auditing largely overlooks a concealed copyright infringement, where one constructs a disguise that looks drastically different from the copyrighted sample yet still induces the effect of training Latent Diffusion Models on it. Such disguises only require indirect access to the copyrighted material and cannot be visually distinguished, thus easily circumventing the current auditing tools. In this paper, we provide a better understanding of such disguised copyright infringement by uncovering the disguises generation algorithm, the revelation of the disguises, and importantly, how to detect them to augment the existing toolbox. Additionally, we introduce a broader notion of acknowledgment for comprehending such indirect access.

replace Remembering Transformer for Continual Learning

Authors: Yuwei Sun, Ippei Fujisawa, Arthur Juliani, Jun Sakuma, Ryota Kanai

Abstract: Neural networks encounter the challenge of Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) in continual learning, where new task learning interferes with previously learned knowledge. Existing data fine-tuning and regularization methods necessitate task identity information during inference and cannot eliminate interference among different tasks, while soft parameter sharing approaches encounter the problem of an increasing model parameter size. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Remembering Transformer, inspired by the brain's Complementary Learning Systems (CLS). Remembering Transformer employs a mixture-of-adapters architecture and a generative model-based novelty detection mechanism in a pretrained Transformer to alleviate CF. Remembering Transformer dynamically routes task data to the most relevant adapter with enhanced parameter efficiency based on knowledge distillation. We conducted extensive experiments, including ablation studies on the novelty detection mechanism and model capacity of the mixture-of-adapters, in a broad range of class-incremental split tasks and permutation tasks. Our approach demonstrated SOTA performance surpassing the second-best method by 15.90% in the split tasks, reducing the memory footprint from 11.18M to 0.22M in the five splits CIFAR10 task.

replace Deep Regression Representation Learning with Topology

Authors: Shihao Zhang, kenji kawaguchi, Angela Yao

Abstract: Most works studying representation learning focus only on classification and neglect regression. Yet, the learning objectives and, therefore, the representation topologies of the two tasks are fundamentally different: classification targets class separation, leading to disconnected representations, whereas regression requires ordinality with respect to the target, leading to continuous representations. We thus wonder how the effectiveness of a regression representation is influenced by its topology, with evaluation based on the Information Bottleneck (IB) principle. The IB principle is an important framework that provides principles for learning effective representations. We establish two connections between it and the topology of regression representations. The first connection reveals that a lower intrinsic dimension of the feature space implies a reduced complexity of the representation Z. This complexity can be quantified as the conditional entropy of Z on the target Y, and serves as an upper bound on the generalization error. The second connection suggests a feature space that is topologically similar to the target space will better align with the IB principle. Based on these two connections, we introduce PH-Reg, a regularizer specific to regression that matches the intrinsic dimension and topology of the feature space with the target space. Experiments on synthetic and real-world regression tasks demonstrate the benefits of PH-Reg. Code:


replace Approximate Nearest Neighbour Search on Dynamic Datasets: An Investigation

Authors: Ben Harwood, Amir Dezfouli, Iadine Chades, Conrad Sanderson

Abstract: Approximate k-Nearest Neighbour (ANN) methods are often used for mining information and aiding machine learning on large scale high-dimensional datasets. ANN methods typically differ in the index structure used for accelerating searches, resulting in various recall/runtime trade-off points. For applications with static datasets, runtime constraints and dataset properties can be used to empirically select an ANN method with suitable operating characteristics. However, for applications with dynamic datasets, which are subject to frequent online changes (like addition of new samples), there is currently no consensus as to which ANN methods are most suitable. Traditional evaluation approaches do not consider the computational costs of updating the index structure, as well as the frequency and size of index updates. To address this, we empirically evaluate 5 popular ANN methods on two main applications (online data collection and online feature learning) while taking into account these considerations. Two dynamic datasets are used, derived from the SIFT1M dataset with 1 million samples and the DEEP1B dataset with 1 billion samples. The results indicate that the often used k-d trees method is not suitable on dynamic datasets as it is slower than a straightforward baseline exhaustive search method. For online data collection, the Hierarchical Navigable Small World Graphs method achieves a consistent speedup over baseline across a wide range of recall rates. For online feature learning, the Scalable Nearest Neighbours method is faster than baseline for recall rates below 75%.

replace Fairness Without Demographics in Human-Centered Federated Learning

Authors: Shaily Roy, Harshit Sharma, Asif Salekin

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative model training while preserving data privacy, making it suitable for decentralized human-centered AI applications. However, a significant research gap remains in ensuring fairness in these systems. Current fairness strategies in FL require knowledge of bias-creating/sensitive attributes, clashing with FL's privacy principles. Moreover, in human-centered datasets, sensitive attributes may remain latent. To tackle these challenges, we present a novel bias mitigation approach inspired by "Fairness without Demographics" in machine learning. The presented approach achieves fairness without needing knowledge of sensitive attributes by minimizing the top eigenvalue of the Hessian matrix during training, ensuring equitable loss landscapes across FL participants. Notably, we introduce a novel FL aggregation scheme that promotes participating models based on error rates and loss landscape curvature attributes, fostering fairness across the FL system. This work represents the first approach to attaining "Fairness without Demographics" in human-centered FL. Through comprehensive evaluation, our approach demonstrates effectiveness in balancing fairness and efficacy across various real-world applications, FL setups, and scenarios involving single and multiple bias-inducing factors, representing a significant advancement in human-centered FL.

replace UCB-driven Utility Function Search for Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yucheng Shi, Alexandros Agapitos, David Lynch, Giorgio Cruciata, Cengis Hasan, Hao Wang, Yayu Yao, Aleksandar Milenovic

Abstract: In Multi-objective Reinforcement Learning (MORL) agents are tasked with optimising decision-making behaviours that trade-off between multiple, possibly conflicting, objectives. MORL based on decomposition is a family of solution methods that employ a number of utility functions to decompose the multi-objective problem into individual single-objective problems solved simultaneously in order to approximate a Pareto front of policies. We focus on the case of linear utility functions parameterised by weight vectors w. We introduce a method based on Upper Confidence Bound to efficiently search for the most promising weight vectors during different stages of the learning process, with the aim of maximising the hypervolume of the resulting Pareto front. The proposed method is shown to outperform various MORL baselines on Mujoco benchmark problems across different random seeds. The code is online at:


replace Invariant Risk Minimization Is A Total Variation Model

Authors: Zhao-Rong Lai, Weiwen Wang

Abstract: Invariant risk minimization (IRM) is an arising approach to generalize invariant features to different environments in machine learning. While most related works focus on new IRM settings or new application scenarios, the mathematical essence of IRM remains to be properly explained. We verify that IRM is essentially a total variation based on $L^2$ norm (TV-$\ell_2$) of the learning risk with respect to the classifier variable. Moreover, we propose a novel IRM framework based on the TV-$\ell_1$ model. It not only expands the classes of functions that can be used as the learning risk, but also has robust performance in denoising and invariant feature preservation based on the coarea formula. We also illustrate some requirements for IRM-TV-$\ell_1$ to achieve out-of-distribution generalization. Experimental results show that the proposed framework achieves competitive performance in several benchmark machine learning scenarios.

replace EiG-Search: Generating Edge-Induced Subgraphs for GNN Explanation in Linear Time

Authors: Shengyao Lu, Bang Liu, Keith G. Mills, Jiao He, Di Niu

Abstract: Understanding and explaining the predictions of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), is crucial for enhancing their safety and trustworthiness. Subgraph-level explanations are gaining attention for their intuitive appeal. However, most existing subgraph-level explainers face efficiency challenges in explaining GNNs due to complex search processes. The key challenge is to find a balance between intuitiveness and efficiency while ensuring transparency. Additionally, these explainers usually induce subgraphs by nodes, which may introduce less-intuitive disconnected nodes in the subgraph-level explanations or omit many important subgraph structures. In this paper, we reveal that inducing subgraph explanations by edges is more comprehensive than other subgraph inducing techniques. We also emphasize the need of determining the subgraph explanation size for each data instance, as different data instances may involve different important substructures. Building upon these considerations, we introduce a training-free approach, named EiG-Search. We employ an efficient linear-time search algorithm over the edge-induced subgraphs, where the edges are ranked by an enhanced gradient-based importance. We conduct extensive experiments on a total of seven datasets, demonstrating its superior performance and efficiency both quantitatively and qualitatively over the leading baselines.

replace PhilHumans: Benchmarking Machine Learning for Personal Health

Authors: Vadim Liventsev, Vivek Kumar, Allmin Pradhap Singh Susaiyah, Zixiu Wu, Ivan Rodin, Asfand Yaar, Simone Balloccu, Marharyta Beraziuk, Sebastiano Battiato, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Aki H\"arm\"a, Rim Helaoui, Milan Petkovic, Diego Reforgiato Recupero, Ehud Reiter, Daniele Riboni, Raymond Sterling

Abstract: The use of machine learning in Healthcare has the potential to improve patient outcomes as well as broaden the reach and affordability of Healthcare. The history of other application areas indicates that strong benchmarks are essential for the development of intelligent systems. We present Personal Health Interfaces Leveraging HUman-MAchine Natural interactions (PhilHumans), a holistic suite of benchmarks for machine learning across different Healthcare settings - talk therapy, diet coaching, emergency care, intensive care, obstetric sonography - as well as different learning settings, such as action anticipation, timeseries modeling, insight mining, language modeling, computer vision, reinforcement learning and program synthesis

replace Generalized Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence and Its Deep Learning Applications

Authors: Mingfei Lu, Shujian Yu, Robert Jenssen, Badong Chen

Abstract: Divergence measures play a central role in machine learning and become increasingly essential in deep learning. However, valid and computationally efficient divergence measures for multiple (more than two) distributions are scarcely investigated. This becomes particularly crucial in areas where the simultaneous management of multiple distributions is both unavoidable and essential. Examples include clustering, multi-source domain adaptation or generalization, and multi-view learning, among others. Although calculating the mean of pairwise distances between any two distributions serves as a common way to quantify the total divergence among multiple distributions, it is crucial to acknowledge that this approach is not straightforward and requires significant computational resources. In this study, we introduce a new divergence measure for multiple distributions named the generalized Cauchy-Schwarz divergence (GCSD), which is inspired by the classic Cauchy-Schwarz divergence. Additionally, we provide a closed-form sample estimator based on kernel density estimation, making it convenient and straightforward to use in various machine-learning applications. Finally, we apply the proposed GCSD to two challenging machine learning tasks, namely deep learning-based clustering and the problem of multi-source domain adaptation. The experimental results showcase the impressive performance of GCSD in both tasks, highlighting its potential application in machine-learning areas that involve quantifying multiple distributions.

replace Exploring Correlations of Self-Supervised Tasks for Graphs

Authors: Taoran Fang, Wei Zhou, Yifei Sun, Kaiqiao Han, Lvbin Ma, Yang Yang

Abstract: Graph self-supervised learning has sparked a research surge in training informative representations without accessing any labeled data. However, our understanding of graph self-supervised learning remains limited, and the inherent relationships between various self-supervised tasks are still unexplored. Our paper aims to provide a fresh understanding of graph self-supervised learning based on task correlations. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of the representations trained by one specific task on other tasks and define correlation values to quantify task correlations. Through this process, we unveil the task correlations between various self-supervised tasks and can measure their expressive capabilities, which are closely related to downstream performance. By analyzing the correlation values between tasks across various datasets, we reveal the complexity of task correlations and the limitations of existing multi-task learning methods. To obtain more capable representations, we propose Graph Task Correlation Modeling (GraphTCM) to illustrate the task correlations and utilize it to enhance graph self-supervised training. The experimental results indicate that our method significantly outperforms existing methods across various downstream tasks.

replace Rectified Gaussian kernel multi-view k-means clustering

Authors: Kristina P. Sinaga

Abstract: In this paper, we show two new variants of multi-view k-means (MVKM) algorithms to address multi-view data. The general idea is to outline the distance between $h$-th view data points $x_i^h$ and $h$-th view cluster centers $a_k^h$ in a different manner of centroid-based approach. Unlike other methods, our proposed methods learn the multi-view data by calculating the similarity using Euclidean norm in the space of Gaussian-kernel, namely as multi-view k-means with exponent distance (MVKM-ED). By simultaneously aligning the stabilizer parameter $p$ and kernel coefficients $\beta^h$, the compression of Gaussian-kernel based weighted distance in Euclidean norm reduce the sensitivity of MVKM-ED. To this end, this paper designated as Gaussian-kernel multi-view k-means (GKMVKM) clustering algorithm. Numerical evaluation of five real-world multi-view data demonstrates the robustness and efficiency of our proposed MVKM-ED and GKMVKM approaches.

replace Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection via Adaptive Reinforcement Learning-Enabled Method with Causal Inference for Sensor Signals

Authors: Xiangwei Chen, Ruliang Xiaoa, Zhixia Zeng, Zhipeng Qiu, Shi Zhang, Xin Du

Abstract: Semi-supervised anomaly detection for sensor signals is critical in ensuring system reliability in smart manufacturing. However, existing methods rely heavily on data correlation, neglecting causality and leading to potential misinterpretations due to confounding factors. Moreover, while current reinforcement learning-based methods can effectively identify known and unknown anomalies with limited labeled samples, these methods still face several challenges, such as under-utilization of priori knowledge, lack of model flexibility, and deficient reward feedback during environmental interactions. To address the above problems, this paper innovatively constructs a counterfactual causal reinforcement learning model, termed Triple-Assisted Causal Reinforcement Learning Anomaly Detector (Tri-CRLAD). The model leverages causal inference to extract the intrinsic causal feature in data, enhancing the agent's utilization of prior knowledge and improving its generalization capability. In addition, Tri-CRLAD features a triple decision support mechanism, including a sampling strategy based on historical similarity, an adaptive threshold smoothing adjustment strategy, and an adaptive decision reward mechanism. These mechanisms further enhance the flexibility and generalization ability of the model, enabling it to effectively respond to various complex and dynamically changing environments. Experimental results across seven diverse sensor signal datasets demonstrate that Tri-CRLAD outperforms nine state-of-the-art baseline methods. Notably, Tri-CRLAD achieves up to a 23\% improvement in anomaly detection stability with minimal known anomaly samples, highlighting its potential in semi-supervised anomaly detection scenarios. Our code is available at


replace On-device Online Learning and Semantic Management of TinyML Systems

Authors: Haoyu Ren, Xue Li, Darko Anicic, Thomas A. Runkler

Abstract: Recent advances in Tiny Machine Learning (TinyML) empower low-footprint embedded devices for real-time on-device Machine Learning. While many acknowledge the potential benefits of TinyML, its practical implementation presents unique challenges. This study aims to bridge the gap between prototyping single TinyML models and developing reliable TinyML systems in production: (1) Embedded devices operate in dynamically changing conditions. Existing TinyML solutions primarily focus on inference, with models trained offline on powerful machines and deployed as static objects. However, static models may underperform in the real world due to evolving input data distributions. We propose online learning to enable training on constrained devices, adapting local models towards the latest field conditions. (2) Nevertheless, current on-device learning methods struggle with heterogeneous deployment conditions and the scarcity of labeled data when applied across numerous devices. We introduce federated meta-learning incorporating online learning to enhance model generalization, facilitating rapid learning. This approach ensures optimal performance among distributed devices by knowledge sharing. (3) Moreover, TinyML's pivotal advantage is widespread adoption. Embedded devices and TinyML models prioritize extreme efficiency, leading to diverse characteristics ranging from memory and sensors to model architectures. Given their diversity and non-standardized representations, managing these resources becomes challenging as TinyML systems scale up. We present semantic management for the joint management of models and devices at scale. We demonstrate our methods through a basic regression example and then assess them in three real-world TinyML applications: handwritten character image classification, keyword audio classification, and smart building presence detection, confirming our approaches' effectiveness.

replace Neural Collapse Meets Differential Privacy: Curious Behaviors of NoisyGD with Near-perfect Representation Learning

Authors: Chendi Wang, Yuqing Zhu, Weijie J. Su, Yu-Xiang Wang

Abstract: A recent study by De et al. (2022) has reported that large-scale representation learning through pre-training on a public dataset significantly enhances differentially private (DP) learning in downstream tasks, despite the high dimensionality of the feature space. To theoretically explain this phenomenon, we consider the setting of a layer-peeled model in representation learning, which results in interesting phenomena related to learned features in deep learning and transfer learning, known as Neural Collapse (NC). Within the framework of NC, we establish an error bound indicating that the misclassification error is independent of dimension when the distance between actual features and the ideal ones is smaller than a threshold. Additionally, the quality of the features in the last layer is empirically evaluated under different pre-trained models within the framework of NC, showing that a more powerful transformer leads to a better feature representation. Furthermore, we reveal that DP fine-tuning is less robust compared to fine-tuning without DP, particularly in the presence of perturbations. These observations are supported by both theoretical analyses and experimental evaluation. Moreover, to enhance the robustness of DP fine-tuning, we suggest several strategies, such as feature normalization or employing dimension reduction methods like Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Empirically, we demonstrate a significant improvement in testing accuracy by conducting PCA on the last-layer features.

replace Improving Transformers using Faithful Positional Encoding

Authors: Tsuyoshi Id\'e, Jokin Labaien, Pin-Yu Chen

Abstract: We propose a new positional encoding method for a neural network architecture called the Transformer. Unlike the standard sinusoidal positional encoding, our approach is based on solid mathematical grounds and has a guarantee of not losing information about the positional order of the input sequence. We show that the new encoding approach systematically improves the prediction performance in the time-series classification task.

replace-cross Scaling the weight parameters in Markov logic networks and relational logistic regression models

Authors: Felix Weitk\"amper

Abstract: We consider Markov logic networks and relational logistic regression as two fundamental representation formalisms in statistical relational artificial intelligence that use weighted formulas in their specification. However, Markov logic networks are based on undirected graphs, while relational logistic regression is based on directed acyclic graphs. We show that when scaling the weight parameters with the domain size, the asymptotic behaviour of a relational logistic regression model is transparently controlled by the parameters, and we supply an algorithm to compute asymptotic probabilities. We also show using two examples that this is not true for Markov logic networks. We also discuss using several examples, mainly from the literature, how the application context can help the user to decide when such scaling is appropriate and when using the raw unscaled parameters might be preferable. We highlight random sampling as a particularly promising area of application for scaled models and expound possible avenues for further research.

replace-cross Probabilities of the third type: Statistical Relational Learning and Reasoning with Relative Frequencies

Authors: Felix Weitk\"amper

Abstract: Dependencies on the relative frequency of a state in the domain are common when modelling probabilistic dependencies on relational data. For instance, the likelihood of a school closure during an epidemic might depend on the proportion of infected pupils exceeding a threshold. Often, rather than depending on discrete thresholds, dependencies are continuous: for instance, the likelihood of any one mosquito bite transmitting an illness depends on the proportion of carrier mosquitoes. Current approaches usually only consider probabilities over possible worlds rather than over domain elements themselves. An exception are the recently introduced Lifted Bayesian Networks for Conditional Probability Logic, which express discrete dependencies on probabilistic data. We introduce functional lifted Bayesian networks, a formalism that explicitly incorporates continuous dependencies on relative frequencies into statistical relational artificial intelligence. and compare and contrast them with ifted Bayesian Networks for Conditional Probability Logic. Incorporating relative frequencies is not only beneficial to modelling; it also provides a more rigorous approach to learning problems where training and test or application domains have different sizes. To this end, we provide a representation of the asymptotic probability distributions induced by functional lifted Bayesian networks on domains of increasing sizes. Since that representation has well-understood scaling behaviour across domain sizes, it can be used to estimate parameters for a large domain consistently from randomly sampled subpopulations. Furthermore, we show that in parametric families of FLBN, convergence is uniform in the parameters, which ensures a meaningful dependence of the asymptotic probabilities on the parameters of the model.

replace-cross A Framework for Improving the Reliability of Black-box Variational Inference

Authors: Manushi Welandawe, Michael Riis Andersen, Aki Vehtari, Jonathan H. Huggins

Abstract: Black-box variational inference (BBVI) now sees widespread use in machine learning and statistics as a fast yet flexible alternative to Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for approximate Bayesian inference. However, stochastic optimization methods for BBVI remain unreliable and require substantial expertise and hand-tuning to apply effectively. In this paper, we propose Robust and Automated Black-box VI (RABVI), a framework for improving the reliability of BBVI optimization. RABVI is based on rigorously justified automation techniques, includes just a small number of intuitive tuning parameters, and detects inaccurate estimates of the optimal variational approximation. RABVI adaptively decreases the learning rate by detecting convergence of the fixed--learning-rate iterates, then estimates the symmetrized Kullback--Leibler (KL) divergence between the current variational approximation and the optimal one. It also employs a novel optimization termination criterion that enables the user to balance desired accuracy against computational cost by comparing (i) the predicted relative decrease in the symmetrized KL divergence if a smaller learning were used and (ii) the predicted computation required to converge with the smaller learning rate. We validate the robustness and accuracy of RABVI through carefully designed simulation studies and on a diverse set of real-world model and data examples.

replace-cross Pulse Shape Simulation and Discrimination using Machine-Learning Techniques

Authors: Shubham Dutta, Sayan Ghosh, Satyaki Bhattacharya, Satyajit Saha

Abstract: An essential metric for the quality of a particle-identification experiment is its statistical power to discriminate between signal and background. Pulse shape discrimination (PSD) is a basic method for this purpose in many nuclear, high-energy and rare-event search experiments where scintillation detectors are used. Conventional techniques exploit the difference between decay-times of the pulses from signal and background events or pulse signals caused by different types of radiation quanta to achieve good discrimination. However, such techniques are efficient only when the total light-emission is sufficient to get a proper pulse profile. This is only possible when adequate amount of energy is deposited from recoil of the electrons or the nuclei of the scintillator materials caused by the incident particle on the detector. But, rare-event search experiments like direct search for dark matter do not always satisfy these conditions. Hence, it becomes imperative to have a method that can deliver a very efficient discrimination in these scenarios. Neural network based machine-learning algorithms have been used for classification problems in many areas of physics especially in high-energy experiments and have given better results compared to conventional techniques. We present the results of our investigations of two network based methods \viz Dense Neural Network and Recurrent Neural Network, for pulse shape discrimination and compare the same with conventional methods.

replace-cross CaloFlow for CaloChallenge Dataset 1

Authors: Claudius Krause, Ian Pang, David Shih

Abstract: CaloFlow is a new and promising approach to fast calorimeter simulation based on normalizing flows. Applying CaloFlow to the photon and charged pion Geant4 showers of Dataset 1 of the Fast Calorimeter Simulation Challenge 2022, we show how it can produce high-fidelity samples with a sampling time that is several orders of magnitude faster than Geant4. We demonstrate the fidelity of the samples using calorimeter shower images, histograms of high-level features, and aggregate metrics such as a classifier trained to distinguish CaloFlow from Geant4 samples.

replace-cross A Privacy Preserving System for Movie Recommendations Using Federated Learning

Authors: David Neumann, Andreas Lutz, Karsten M\"uller, Wojciech Samek

Abstract: Recommender systems have become ubiquitous in the past years. They solve the tyranny of choice problem faced by many users, and are utilized by many online businesses to drive engagement and sales. Besides other criticisms, like creating filter bubbles within social networks, recommender systems are often reproved for collecting considerable amounts of personal data. However, to personalize recommendations, personal information is fundamentally required. A recent distributed learning scheme called federated learning has made it possible to learn from personal user data without its central collection. Consequently, we present a recommender system for movie recommendations, which provides privacy and thus trustworthiness on multiple levels: First and foremost, it is trained using federated learning and thus, by its very nature, privacy-preserving, while still enabling users to benefit from global insights. Furthermore, a novel federated learning scheme, called FedQ, is employed, which not only addresses the problem of non-i.i.d.-ness and small local datasets, but also prevents input data reconstruction attacks by aggregating client updates early. Finally, to reduce the communication overhead, compression is applied, which significantly compresses the exchanged neural network parametrizations to a fraction of their original size. We conjecture that this may also improve data privacy through its lossy quantization stage.

replace-cross Uniform Pessimistic Risk and Optimal Portfolio

Authors: Sungchul Hong, Jong-June Jeon

Abstract: The optimal allocation of assets has been widely discussed with the theoretical analysis of risk measures, and pessimism is one of the most attractive approaches beyond the conventional optimal portfolio model. The $\alpha$-risk plays a crucial role in deriving a broad class of pessimistic optimal portfolios. However, estimating an optimal portfolio assessed by a pessimistic risk is still challenging due to the absence of a computationally tractable model. In this study, we propose an integral of $\alpha$-risk called the \textit{uniform pessimistic risk} and the computational algorithm to obtain an optimal portfolio based on the risk. Further, we investigate the theoretical properties of the proposed risk in view of three different approaches: multiple quantile regression, the proper scoring rule, and distributionally robust optimization. Real data analysis of three stock datasets (S\&P500, CSI500, KOSPI200) demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed risk and portfolio model.

replace-cross End-to-End Integration of Speech Separation and Voice Activity Detection for Low-Latency Diarization of Telephone Conversations

Authors: Giovanni Morrone, Samuele Cornell, Luca Serafini, Enrico Zovato, Alessio Brutti, Stefano Squartini

Abstract: Recent works show that speech separation guided diarization (SSGD) is an increasingly promising direction, mainly thanks to the recent progress in speech separation. It performs diarization by first separating the speakers and then applying voice activity detection (VAD) on each separated stream. In this work we conduct an in-depth study of SSGD in the conversational telephone speech (CTS) domain, focusing mainly on low-latency streaming diarization applications. We consider three state-of-the-art speech separation (SSep) algorithms and study their performance both in online and offline scenarios, considering non-causal and causal implementations as well as continuous SSep (CSS) windowed inference. We compare different SSGD algorithms on two widely used CTS datasets: CALLHOME and Fisher Corpus (Part 1 and 2) and evaluate both separation and diarization performance. To improve performance, a novel, causal and computationally efficient leakage removal algorithm is proposed, which significantly decreases false alarms. We also explore, for the first time, fully end-to-end SSGD integration between SSep and VAD modules. Crucially, this enables fine-tuning on real-world data for which oracle speakers sources are not available. In particular, our best model achieves 8.8% DER on CALLHOME, which outperforms the current state-of-the-art end-to-end neural diarization model, despite being trained on an order of magnitude less data and having significantly lower latency, i.e., 0.1 vs. 1 seconds. Finally, we also show that the separated signals can be readily used also for automatic speech recognition, reaching performance close to using oracle sources in some configurations.

replace-cross MIMIC: Masked Image Modeling with Image Correspondences

Authors: Kalyani Marathe, Mahtab Bigverdi, Nishat Khan, Tuhin Kundu, Patrick Howe, Sharan Ranjit S, Anand Bhattad, Aniruddha Kembhavi, Linda G. Shapiro, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: Dense pixel-specific representation learning at scale has been bottlenecked due to the unavailability of large-scale multi-view datasets. Current methods for building effective pretraining datasets heavily rely on annotated 3D meshes, point clouds, and camera parameters from simulated environments, preventing them from building datasets from real-world data sources where such metadata is lacking. We propose a pretraining dataset-curation approach that does not require any additional annotations. Our method allows us to generate multi-view datasets from both real-world videos and simulated environments at scale. Specifically, we experiment with two scales: MIMIC-1M with 1.3M and MIMIC-3M with 3.1M multi-view image pairs. We train multiple models with different masked image modeling objectives to showcase the following findings: Representations trained on our automatically generated MIMIC-3M outperform those learned from expensive crowdsourced datasets (ImageNet-1K) and those learned from synthetic environments (MULTIVIEW-HABITAT) on two dense geometric tasks: depth estimation on NYUv2 (1.7%), and surface normals estimation on Taskonomy (2.05%). For dense tasks which also require object understanding, we outperform MULTIVIEW-HABITAT, on semantic segmentation on ADE20K (3.89%), pose estimation on MSCOCO (9.4%), and reduce the gap with models pre-trained on the object-centric expensive ImageNet-1K. We outperform even when the representations are frozen, and when downstream training data is limited to few-shot. Larger dataset (MIMIC-3M) significantly improves performance, which is promising since our curation method can arbitrarily scale to produce even larger datasets. MIMIC code, dataset, and pretrained models are open-sourced at


replace-cross Foundation Model-oriented Robustness: Robust Image Model Evaluation with Pretrained Models

Authors: Peiyan Zhang, Haoyang Liu, Chaozhuo Li, Xing Xie, Sunghun Kim, Haohan Wang

Abstract: Machine learning has demonstrated remarkable performance over finite datasets, yet whether the scores over the fixed benchmarks can sufficiently indicate the model's performance in the real world is still in discussion. In reality, an ideal robust model will probably behave similarly to the oracle (e.g., the human users), thus a good evaluation protocol is probably to evaluate the models' behaviors in comparison to the oracle. In this paper, we introduce a new robustness measurement that directly measures the image classification model's performance compared with a surrogate oracle (i.e., a foundation model). Besides, we design a simple method that can accomplish the evaluation beyond the scope of the benchmarks. Our method extends the image datasets with new samples that are sufficiently perturbed to be distinct from the ones in the original sets, but are still bounded within the same image-label structure the original test image represents, constrained by a foundation model pretrained with a large amount of samples. As a result, our new method will offer us a new way to evaluate the models' robustness performance, free of limitations of fixed benchmarks or constrained perturbations, although scoped by the power of the oracle. In addition to the evaluation results, we also leverage our generated data to understand the behaviors of the model and our new evaluation strategies.

replace-cross Calorimeter shower superresolution

Authors: Ian Pang, John Andrew Raine, David Shih

Abstract: Calorimeter shower simulation is a major bottleneck in the Large Hadron Collider computational pipeline. There have been recent efforts to employ deep-generative surrogate models to overcome this challenge. However, many of best performing models have training and generation times that do not scale well to high-dimensional calorimeter showers. In this work, we introduce SuperCalo, a flow-based superresolution model, and demonstrate that high-dimensional fine-grained calorimeter showers can be quickly upsampled from coarse-grained showers. This novel approach presents a way to reduce computational cost, memory requirements and generation time associated with fast calorimeter simulation models. Additionally, we show that the showers upsampled by SuperCalo possess a high degree of variation. This allows a large number of high-dimensional calorimeter showers to be upsampled from much fewer coarse showers with high-fidelity, which results in additional reduction in generation time.

replace-cross The NFLikelihood: an unsupervised DNNLikelihood from Normalizing Flows

Authors: Humberto Reyes-Gonzalez, Riccardo Torre

Abstract: We propose the NFLikelihood, an unsupervised version, based on Normalizing Flows, of the DNNLikelihood proposed in Ref.[1]. We show, through realistic examples, how Autoregressive Flows, based on affine and rational quadratic spline bijectors, are able to learn complicated high-dimensional Likelihoods arising in High Energy Physics (HEP) analyses. We focus on a toy LHC analysis example already considered in the literature and on two Effective Field Theory fits of flavor and electroweak observables, whose samples have been obtained throught the HEPFit code. We discuss advantages and disadvantages of the unsupervised approach with respect to the supervised one and discuss possible interplays of the two.

replace-cross Improved Baselines with Visual Instruction Tuning

Authors: Haotian Liu, Chunyuan Li, Yuheng Li, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: Large multimodal models (LMM) have recently shown encouraging progress with visual instruction tuning. In this note, we show that the fully-connected vision-language cross-modal connector in LLaVA is surprisingly powerful and data-efficient. With simple modifications to LLaVA, namely, using CLIP-ViT-L-336px with an MLP projection and adding academic-task-oriented VQA data with simple response formatting prompts, we establish stronger baselines that achieve state-of-the-art across 11 benchmarks. Our final 13B checkpoint uses merely 1.2M publicly available data, and finishes full training in ~1 day on a single 8-A100 node. We hope this can make state-of-the-art LMM research more accessible. Code and model will be publicly available.

replace-cross Cell Maps Representation For Lung Adenocarcinoma Growth Patterns Classification In Whole Slide Images

Authors: Arwa Al-Rubaian, Gozde N. Gunesli, Wajd A. Althakfi, Ayesha Azam, Nasir Rajpoot, Shan E Ahmed Raza

Abstract: Lung adenocarcinoma is a morphologically heterogeneous disease, characterized by five primary histologic growth patterns. The quantity of these patterns can be related to tumor behavior and has a significant impact on patient prognosis. In this work, we propose a novel machine learning pipeline capable of classifying tissue tiles into one of the five patterns or as non-tumor, with an Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve (AUCROC) score of 0.97. Our model's strength lies in its comprehensive consideration of cellular spatial patterns, where it first generates cell maps from Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) whole slide images (WSIs), which are then fed into a convolutional neural network classification model. Exploiting these cell maps provides the model with robust generalizability to new data, achieving approximately 30% higher accuracy on unseen test-sets compared to current state of the art approaches. The insights derived from our model can be used to predict prognosis, enhancing patient outcomes.

replace-cross Towards Optimal Sobolev Norm Rates for the Vector-Valued Regularized Least-Squares Algorithm

Authors: Zhu Li, Dimitri Meunier, Mattes Mollenhauer, Arthur Gretton

Abstract: We present the first optimal rates for infinite-dimensional vector-valued ridge regression on a continuous scale of norms that interpolate between $L_2$ and the hypothesis space, which we consider as a vector-valued reproducing kernel Hilbert space. These rates allow to treat the misspecified case in which the true regression function is not contained in the hypothesis space. We combine standard assumptions on the capacity of the hypothesis space with a novel tensor product construction of vector-valued interpolation spaces in order to characterize the smoothness of the regression function. Our upper bound not only attains the same rate as real-valued kernel ridge regression, but also removes the assumption that the target regression function is bounded. For the lower bound, we reduce the problem to the scalar setting using a projection argument. We show that these rates are optimal in most cases and independent of the dimension of the output space. We illustrate our results for the special case of vector-valued Sobolev spaces.

replace-cross Robust Point Matching with Distance Profiles

Authors: YoonHaeng Hur, Yuehaw Khoo

Abstract: While matching procedures based on pairwise distances are conceptually appealing and thus favored in practice, theoretical guarantees for such procedures are rarely found in the literature. We propose and analyze matching procedures based on distance profiles that are easily implementable in practice, showing these procedures are robust to outliers and noise. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method using a real data example and provide simulation studies to complement the theoretical findings.

replace-cross Testing the Segment Anything Model on radiology data

Authors: Jos\'e Guilherme de Almeida, Nuno M. Rodrigues, Sara Silva, Nickolas Papanikolaou

Abstract: Deep learning models trained with large amounts of data have become a recent and effective approach to predictive problem solving -- these have become known as "foundation models" as they can be used as fundamental tools for other applications. While the paramount examples of image classification (earlier) and large language models (more recently) led the way, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) was recently proposed and stands as the first foundation model for image segmentation, trained on over 10 million images and with recourse to over 1 billion masks. However, the question remains -- what are the limits of this foundation? Given that magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stands as an important method of diagnosis, we sought to understand whether SAM could be used for a few tasks of zero-shot segmentation using MRI data. Particularly, we wanted to know if selecting masks from the pool of SAM predictions could lead to good segmentations. Here, we provide a critical assessment of the performance of SAM on magnetic resonance imaging data. We show that, while acceptable in a very limited set of cases, the overall trend implies that these models are insufficient for MRI segmentation across the whole volume, but can provide good segmentations in a few, specific slices. More importantly, we note that while foundation models trained on natural images are set to become key aspects of predictive modelling, they may prove ineffective when used on other imaging modalities.

replace-cross Data-Driven Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Digital Twin Perspective

Authors: Sunwoong Yang, Hojin Kim, Yoonpyo Hong, Kwanjung Yee, Romit Maulik, Namwoo Kang

Abstract: This study explores the potential of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for the realization of digital twins (DT) from various perspectives. First, various adaptive sampling approaches for collocation points are investigated to verify their effectiveness in the mesh-free framework of PINNs, which allows automated construction of virtual representation without manual mesh generation. Then, the overall performance of the data-driven PINNs (DD-PINNs) framework is examined, which can utilize the acquired datasets in DT scenarios. Its scalability to more general physics is validated within parametric Navier-Stokes equations, where PINNs do not need to be retrained as the Reynolds number varies. In addition, since datasets can be often collected from different fidelity/sparsity in practice, multi-fidelity DD-PINNs are also proposed and evaluated. They show remarkable prediction performance even in the extrapolation tasks, with $42\sim62\%$ improvement over the single-fidelity approach. Finally, the uncertainty quantification performance of multi-fidelity DD-PINNs is investigated by the ensemble method to verify their potential in DT, where an accurate measure of predictive uncertainty is critical. The DD-PINN frameworks explored in this study are found to be more suitable for DT scenarios than traditional PINNs from the above perspectives, bringing engineers one step closer to seamless DT realization.

replace-cross BrepGen: A B-rep Generative Diffusion Model with Structured Latent Geometry

Authors: Xiang Xu, Joseph G. Lambourne, Pradeep Kumar Jayaraman, Zhengqing Wang, Karl D. D. Willis, Yasutaka Furukawa

Abstract: This paper presents BrepGen, a diffusion-based generative approach that directly outputs a Boundary representation (B-rep) Computer-Aided Design (CAD) model. BrepGen represents a B-rep model as a novel structured latent geometry in a hierarchical tree. With the root node representing a whole CAD solid, each element of a B-rep model (i.e., a face, an edge, or a vertex) progressively turns into a child-node from top to bottom. B-rep geometry information goes into the nodes as the global bounding box of each primitive along with a latent code describing the local geometric shape. The B-rep topology information is implicitly represented by node duplication. When two faces share an edge, the edge curve will appear twice in the tree, and a T-junction vertex with three incident edges appears six times in the tree with identical node features. Starting from the root and progressing to the leaf, BrepGen employs Transformer-based diffusion models to sequentially denoise node features while duplicated nodes are detected and merged, recovering the B-Rep topology information. Extensive experiments show that BrepGen advances the task of CAD B-rep generation, surpassing existing methods on various benchmarks. Results on our newly collected furniture dataset further showcase its exceptional capability in generating complicated geometry. While previous methods were limited to generating simple prismatic shapes, BrepGen incorporates free-form and doubly-curved surfaces for the first time. Additional applications of BrepGen include CAD autocomplete and design interpolation. The code, pretrained models, and dataset are available at


replace-cross Efficient Data-Driven MPC for Demand Response of Commercial Buildings

Authors: Marie-Christine Par\'e, Vasken Dermardiros, Antoine Lesage-Landry

Abstract: Model predictive control (MPC) has been shown to significantly improve the energy efficiency of buildings while maintaining thermal comfort. Data-driven approaches based on neural networks have been proposed to facilitate system modelling. However, such approaches are generally nonconvex and result in computationally intractable optimization problems. In this work, we design a readily implementable energy management method for small commercial buildings. We then leverage our approach to formulate a real-time demand bidding strategy. We propose a data-driven and mixed-integer convex MPC which is solved via derivative-free optimization given a limited computational time of 5 minutes to respect operational constraints. We consider rooftop unit heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems with discrete controls to accurately model the operation of most commercial buildings. Our approach uses an input convex recurrent neural network to model the thermal dynamics. We apply our approach in several demand response (DR) settings, including a demand bidding, a time-of-use, and a critical peak rebate program. Controller performance is evaluated on a state-of-the-art building simulation. The proposed approach improves thermal comfort while reducing energy consumption and cost through DR participation, when compared to other data-driven approaches or a set-point controller.

replace-cross Red-Teaming for Generative AI: Silver Bullet or Security Theater?

Authors: Michael Feffer, Anusha Sinha, Wesley Hanwen Deng, Zachary C. Lipton, Hoda Heidari

Abstract: In response to rising concerns surrounding the safety, security, and trustworthiness of Generative AI (GenAI) models, practitioners and regulators alike have pointed to AI red-teaming as a key component of their strategies for identifying and mitigating these risks. However, despite AI red-teaming's central role in policy discussions and corporate messaging, significant questions remain about what precisely it means, what role it can play in regulation, and how it relates to conventional red-teaming practices as originally conceived in the field of cybersecurity. In this work, we identify recent cases of red-teaming activities in the AI industry and conduct an extensive survey of relevant research literature to characterize the scope, structure, and criteria for AI red-teaming practices. Our analysis reveals that prior methods and practices of AI red-teaming diverge along several axes, including the purpose of the activity (which is often vague), the artifact under evaluation, the setting in which the activity is conducted (e.g., actors, resources, and methods), and the resulting decisions it informs (e.g., reporting, disclosure, and mitigation). In light of our findings, we argue that while red-teaming may be a valuable big-tent idea for characterizing GenAI harm mitigations, and that industry may effectively apply red-teaming and other strategies behind closed doors to safeguard AI, gestures towards red-teaming (based on public definitions) as a panacea for every possible risk verge on security theater. To move toward a more robust toolbox of evaluations for generative AI, we synthesize our recommendations into a question bank meant to guide and scaffold future AI red-teaming practices.

replace-cross Training-Free Consistent Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Yoad Tewel, Omri Kaduri, Rinon Gal, Yoni Kasten, Lior Wolf, Gal Chechik, Yuval Atzmon

Abstract: Text-to-image models offer a new level of creative flexibility by allowing users to guide the image generation process through natural language. However, using these models to consistently portray the same subject across diverse prompts remains challenging. Existing approaches fine-tune the model to teach it new words that describe specific user-provided subjects or add image conditioning to the model. These methods require lengthy per-subject optimization or large-scale pre-training. Moreover, they struggle to align generated images with text prompts and face difficulties in portraying multiple subjects. Here, we present ConsiStory, a training-free approach that enables consistent subject generation by sharing the internal activations of the pretrained model. We introduce a subject-driven shared attention block and correspondence-based feature injection to promote subject consistency between images. Additionally, we develop strategies to encourage layout diversity while maintaining subject consistency. We compare ConsiStory to a range of baselines, and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on subject consistency and text alignment, without requiring a single optimization step. Finally, ConsiStory can naturally extend to multi-subject scenarios, and even enable training-free personalization for common objects.

replace-cross Towards Aligned Layout Generation via Diffusion Model with Aesthetic Constraints

Authors: Jian Chen, Ruiyi Zhang, Yufan Zhou, Rajiv Jain, Zhiqiang Xu, Ryan Rossi, Changyou Chen

Abstract: Controllable layout generation refers to the process of creating a plausible visual arrangement of elements within a graphic design (e.g., document and web designs) with constraints representing design intentions. Although recent diffusion-based models have achieved state-of-the-art FID scores, they tend to exhibit more pronounced misalignment compared to earlier transformer-based models. In this work, we propose the $\textbf{LA}$yout $\textbf{C}$onstraint diffusion mod$\textbf{E}$l (LACE), a unified model to handle a broad range of layout generation tasks, such as arranging elements with specified attributes and refining or completing a coarse layout design. The model is based on continuous diffusion models. Compared with existing methods that use discrete diffusion models, continuous state-space design can enable the incorporation of differentiable aesthetic constraint functions in training. For conditional generation, we introduce conditions via masked input. Extensive experiment results show that LACE produces high-quality layouts and outperforms existing state-of-the-art baselines.

replace-cross GenTranslate: Large Language Models are Generative Multilingual Speech and Machine Translators

Authors: Yuchen Hu, Chen Chen, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Ruizhe Li, Dong Zhang, Zhehuai Chen, Eng Siong Chng

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have stepped forward the development of multilingual speech and machine translation by its reduced representation errors and incorporated external knowledge. However, both translation tasks typically utilize beam search decoding and top-1 hypothesis selection for inference. These techniques struggle to fully exploit the rich information in the diverse N-best hypotheses, making them less optimal for translation tasks that require a single, high-quality output sequence. In this paper, we propose a new generative paradigm for translation tasks, namely "GenTranslate", which builds upon LLMs to generate better results from the diverse translation versions in N-best list. Leveraging the rich linguistic knowledge and strong reasoning abilities of LLMs, our new paradigm can integrate the rich information in N-best candidates to generate a higher-quality translation result. Furthermore, to support LLM finetuning, we build and release a HypoTranslate dataset that contains over 592K hypotheses-translation pairs in 11 languages. Experiments on various speech and machine translation benchmarks (e.g., FLEURS, CoVoST-2, WMT) demonstrate that our GenTranslate significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art model.

replace-cross Generalization or Memorization: Data Contamination and Trustworthy Evaluation for Large Language Models

Authors: Yihong Dong, Xue Jiang, Huanyu Liu, Zhi Jin, Ge Li

Abstract: Recent statements about the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) are usually supported by evaluating on open-access benchmarks. Considering the vast size and wide-ranging sources of LLMs' training data, it could explicitly or implicitly include test data, leading to LLMs being more susceptible to data contamination. However, due to the opacity of training data, the black-box access of models, and the rapid growth of synthetic training data, detecting and mitigating data contamination for LLMs faces significant challenges. In this paper, we propose CDD, which stands for Contamination Detection via output Distribution for LLMs. CDD necessitates only the sampled texts to detect data contamination, by identifying the peakedness of LLM's output distribution. To mitigate the impact of data contamination in evaluation, we also present TED: Trustworthy Evaluation via output Distribution, based on the correction of LLM's output distribution. To facilitate this study, we introduce two benchmarks, i.e., DetCon and ComiEval, for data contamination detection and contamination mitigation evaluation tasks. Extensive experimental results show that CDD achieves the average relative improvements of 21.8\%-30.2\% over other contamination detection approaches in terms of Accuracy, F1 Score, and AUC metrics, and can effectively detect contamination caused by the variants of test data. TED significantly mitigates performance improvements up to 66.9\% attributed to data contamination across 24 settings and 21 contamination degrees. In real-world applications, we reveal that ChatGPT exhibits a high potential to suffer from data contamination on HumanEval benchmark.

replace-cross FSL-Rectifier: Rectify Outliers in Few-Shot Learning via Test-Time Augmentation

Authors: Yunwei Bai, Ying Kiat Tan, Tsuhan Chen

Abstract: Few-shot-learning (FSL) commonly requires a model to identify images (queries) that belong to classes unseen during training, based on a few labelled samples of the new classes (support set) as reference. As the test classes are novel, FSL is challenging with high generalization error with respect to the novel classes, where outliers query or support image during inference exacerbate the error further. So far, plenty of algorithms involve training data augmentation to improve the generalization capability of FSL models. In contrast, inspired by the fact that test samples are more relevant to the target domain, we believe that test-time augmentation may be more useful than training augmentation for FSL. In this work, to reduce the bias caused by unconventional test samples, we generate new test samples through combining them with similar train-class samples. Averaged representations of the test-time augmentation are then considered for few-shot classification. According to our experiments, by augmenting the support set and query with a few additional generated sample, we can achieve improvement for trained FSL models. Importantly, our method is universally compatible with different off-the-shelf FSL models, whose performance can be improved without extra dataset nor further training of the models themselves. Codes are available at


replace-cross BurstAttention: An Efficient Distributed Attention Framework for Extremely Long Sequences

Authors: Sun Ao, Weilin Zhao, Xu Han, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Liu, Chuan Shi, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Effective attention modules have played a crucial role in the success of Transformer-based large language models (LLMs), but the quadratic time and memory complexities of these attention modules also pose a challenge when processing long sequences. One potential solution for the long sequence problem is to utilize distributed clusters to parallelize the computation of attention modules across multiple devices (e.g., GPUs). However, adopting a distributed approach inevitably introduces extra memory overheads to store local attention results and incurs additional communication costs to aggregate local results into global ones. In this paper, we propose a distributed attention framework named ``BurstAttention'' to optimize memory access and communication operations at both the global cluster and local device levels. In our experiments, we compare BurstAttention with other competitive distributed attention solutions for long sequence processing. The experimental results under different length settings demonstrate that BurstAttention offers significant advantages for processing long sequences compared with these competitive baselines, reducing 40% communication overheads and achieving 1.37 X speedup during training 128K sequence length on 32 X A100.

replace-cross Multi-Scale Protein Language Model for Unified Molecular Modeling

Authors: Kangjie Zheng, Siyu Long, Tianyu Lu, Junwei Yang, Xinyu Dai, Ming Zhang, Zaiqing Nie, Wei-Ying Ma, Hao Zhou

Abstract: Protein language models have demonstrated significant potential in the field of protein engineering. However, current protein language models primarily operate at the residue scale, which limits their ability to provide information at the atom level. This limitation prevents us from fully exploiting the capabilities of protein language models for applications involving both proteins and small molecules. In this paper, we propose ESM-AA (ESM All-Atom), a novel approach that enables atom-scale and residue-scale unified molecular modeling. ESM-AA achieves this by pre-training on multi-scale code-switch protein sequences and utilizing a multi-scale position encoding to capture relationships among residues and atoms. Experimental results indicate that ESM-AA surpasses previous methods in protein-molecule tasks, demonstrating the full utilization of protein language models. Further investigations reveal that through unified molecular modeling, ESM-AA not only gains molecular knowledge but also retains its understanding of proteins.

replace-cross An invitation to the sample complexity of quantum hypothesis testing

Authors: Hao-Chung Cheng, Nilanjana Datta, Nana Liu, Theshani Nuradha, Robert Salzmann, Mark M. Wilde

Abstract: Quantum hypothesis testing (QHT) has been traditionally studied from the information-theoretic perspective, wherein one is interested in the optimal decay rate of error probabilities as a function of the number of samples of an unknown state. In this paper, we study the sample complexity of QHT, wherein the goal is to determine the minimum number of samples needed to reach a desired error probability. By making use of the wealth of knowledge that already exists in the literature on QHT, we characterize the sample complexity of binary QHT in the symmetric and asymmetric settings, and we provide bounds on the sample complexity of multiple QHT. In more detail, we prove that the sample complexity of symmetric binary QHT depends logarithmically on the inverse error probability and inversely on the negative logarithm of the fidelity. As a counterpart of the quantum Stein's lemma, we also find that the sample complexity of asymmetric binary QHT depends logarithmically on the inverse type II error probability and inversely on the quantum relative entropy, provided that the type II error probability is sufficiently small. We then provide lower and upper bounds on the sample complexity of multiple QHT, with it remaining an intriguing open question to improve these bounds. The final part of our paper outlines and reviews how sample complexity of QHT is relevant to a broad swathe of research areas and can enhance understanding of many fundamental concepts, including quantum algorithms for simulation and search, quantum learning and classification, and foundations of quantum mechanics. As such, we view our paper as an invitation to researchers coming from different communities to study and contribute to the problem of sample complexity of QHT, and we outline a number of open directions for future research.

replace-cross Interpreting Key Mechanisms of Factual Recall in Transformer-Based Language Models

Authors: Ang Lv, Yuhan Chen, Kaiyi Zhang, Yulong Wang, Lifeng Liu, Ji-Rong Wen, Jian Xie, Rui Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we deeply explore several mechanisms employed by Transformer-based language models in factual recall tasks. In zero-shot scenarios, given a prompt like ``The capital of France is,'' task-specific attention heads extract the topic entity, such as ``France,'' from the context and pass it to subsequent MLPs to recall the required answer such as ``Paris.'' We introduce a novel analysis method aimed at decomposing the outputs of the MLP into components understandable by humans. Through this method, we quantify the function of the MLP layer following these task-specific heads. In the residual stream, it either erases or amplifies the information originating from individual heads. Moreover, it generates a component that redirects the residual stream towards the direction of its expected answer. These zero-shot mechanisms are also employed in few-shot scenarios. Additionally, we observed a widely existent anti-overconfidence mechanism in the final layer of models, which suppresses correct predictions. We mitigate this suppression by leveraging our interpretation to improve factual recall confidence. Our interpretations have been evaluated across various language models, including the GPT-2 families, 1.3B OPT, and 7B Llama-2, encompassing diverse tasks spanning various domains of factual knowledge.

replace-cross TRABSA: Interpretable Sentiment Analysis of Tweets using Attention-based BiLSTM and Twitter-RoBERTa

Authors: Md Abrar Jahin, Md Sakib Hossain Shovon, M. F. Mridha, Md Rashedul Islam, Yutaka Watanobe

Abstract: Sentiment analysis is crucial for understanding public opinion and consumer behavior. Existing models face challenges with linguistic diversity, generalizability, and explainability. We propose TRABSA, a hybrid framework integrating transformer-based architectures, attention mechanisms, and BiLSTM networks to address this. Leveraging RoBERTa-trained on 124M tweets, we bridge gaps in sentiment analysis benchmarks, ensuring state-of-the-art accuracy. Augmenting datasets with tweets from 32 countries and US states, we compare six word-embedding techniques and three lexicon-based labeling techniques, selecting the best for optimal sentiment analysis. TRABSA outperforms traditional ML and deep learning models with 94% accuracy and significant precision, recall, and F1-score gains. Evaluation across diverse datasets demonstrates consistent superiority and generalizability. SHAP and LIME analyses enhance interpretability, improving confidence in predictions. Our study facilitates pandemic resource management, aiding resource planning, policy formation, and vaccination tactics.

replace-cross A Mathematical Theory for Learning Semantic Languages by Abstract Learners

Authors: Kuo-Yu Liao, Cheng-Shang Chang, Y. -W. Peter Hong

Abstract: Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated the emergence of capabilities (learned skills) when the number of system parameters and the size of training data surpass certain thresholds. The exact mechanisms behind such phenomena are not fully understood and remain a topic of active research. Inspired by the skill-text bipartite graph model proposed by Arora and Goyal for modeling semantic languages, we develop a mathematical theory to explain the emergence of learned skills, taking the learning (or training) process into account. Our approach models the learning process for skills in the skill-text bipartite graph as an iterative decoding process in Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes and Irregular Repetition Slotted ALOHA (IRSA). Using density evolution analysis, we demonstrate the emergence of learned skills when the ratio of the number of training texts to the number of skills exceeds a certain threshold. Our analysis also yields a scaling law for testing errors relative to this ratio. Upon completion of the training, the association of learned skills can also be acquired to form a skill association graph. We use site percolation analysis to derive the conditions for the existence of a giant component in the skill association graph. Our analysis can also be extended to the setting with a hierarchy of skills, where a fine-tuned model is built upon a foundation model. It is also applicable to the setting with multiple classes of skills and texts. As an important application, we propose a method for semantic compression and discuss its connections to semantic communication.

replace-cross Guardians of the Quantum GAN

Authors: Archisman Ghosh, Debarshi Kundu, Avimita Chatterjee, Swaroop Ghosh

Abstract: Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks (qGANs) are at the forefront of image-generating quantum machine learning models. To accommodate the growing demand for Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices to train and infer quantum machine learning models, the number of third-party vendors offering quantum hardware as a service is expected to rise. This expansion introduces the risk of untrusted vendors potentially stealing proprietary information from the quantum machine learning models. To address this concern we propose a novel watermarking technique that exploits the noise signature embedded during the training phase of qGANs as a non-invasive watermark. The watermark is identifiable in the images generated by the qGAN allowing us to trace the specific quantum hardware used during training hence providing strong proof of ownership. To further enhance the security robustness, we propose the training of qGANs on a sequence of multiple quantum hardware, embedding a complex watermark comprising the noise signatures of all the training hardware that is difficult for adversaries to replicate. We also develop a machine learning classifier to extract this watermark robustly, thereby identifying the training hardware (or the suite of hardware) from the images generated by the qGAN validating the authenticity of the model. We note that the watermark signature is robust against inferencing on hardware different than the hardware that was used for training. We obtain watermark extraction accuracy of 100% and ~90% for training the qGAN on individual and multiple quantum hardware setups (and inferencing on different hardware), respectively. Since parameter evolution during training is strongly modulated by quantum noise, the proposed watermark can be extended to other quantum machine learning models as well.

replace-cross Differentiable Pareto-Smoothed Weighting for High-Dimensional Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Estimation

Authors: Yoichi Chikahara, Kansei Ushiyama

Abstract: There is a growing interest in estimating heterogeneous treatment effects across individuals using their high-dimensional feature attributes. Achieving high performance in such high-dimensional heterogeneous treatment effect estimation is challenging because in this setup, it is usual that some features induce sample selection bias while others do not but are predictive of potential outcomes. To avoid losing such predictive feature information, existing methods learn separate feature representations using inverse probability weighting (IPW). However, due to their numerically unstable IPW weights, these methods suffer from estimation bias under a finite sample setup. To develop a numerically robust estimator by weighted representation learning, we propose a differentiable Pareto-smoothed weighting framework that replaces extreme weight values in an end-to-end fashion. Our experimental results show that by effectively correcting the weight values, our proposed method outperforms the existing ones, including traditional weighting schemes. Our code is available at


replace-cross PVF (Parameter Vulnerability Factor): A Quantitative Metric Measuring AI Vulnerability Against Parameter Corruptions

Authors: Xun Jiao, Fred Lin, Harish D. Dixit, Joel Coburn, Abhinav Pandey, Han Wang, Venkat Ramesh, Jianyu Huang, Wang Xu, Daniel Moore, Sriram Sankar

Abstract: Reliability of AI systems is a fundamental concern for the successful deployment and widespread adoption of AI technologies. Unfortunately, the escalating complexity and heterogeneity of AI hardware systems make them increasingly susceptible to hardware faults (e.g., bit flips) that can potentially corrupt model parameters. When this occurs during AI inference/servicing, it can potentially lead to incorrect or degraded model output for users, ultimately affecting the quality and reliability of AI services. In light of the escalating threat, it is crucial to address key questions: How vulnerable are AI models to parameter corruptions, and how do different components (such as modules, layers) of the models exhibit varying vulnerabilities to parameter corruptions? To systematically address this question, we propose a novel quantitative metric, Parameter Vulnerability Factor (PVF), inspired by architectural vulnerability factor (AVF) in computer architecture community, aiming to standardize the quantification of AI model vulnerability against parameter corruptions. We define a model parameter's PVF as the probability that a corruption in that particular model parameter will result in an incorrect output. In this paper, we present several use cases on applying PVF to three types of tasks/models during inference -- recommendation (DLRM), vision classification (CNN), and text classification (BERT), while presenting an in-depth vulnerability analysis on DLRM. PVF can provide pivotal insights to AI hardware designers in balancing the tradeoff between fault protection and performance/efficiency such as mapping vulnerable AI parameter components to well-protected hardware modules. PVF metric is applicable to any AI model and has a potential to help unify and standardize AI vulnerability/resilience evaluation practice.

replace-cross TALC: Time-Aligned Captions for Multi-Scene Text-to-Video Generation

Authors: Hritik Bansal, Yonatan Bitton, Michal Yarom, Idan Szpektor, Aditya Grover, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Recent advances in diffusion-based generative modeling have led to the development of text-to-video (T2V) models that can generate high-quality videos conditioned on a text prompt. Most of these T2V models often produce single-scene video clips that depict an entity performing a particular action (e.g., `a red panda climbing a tree'). However, it is pertinent to generate multi-scene videos since they are ubiquitous in the real-world (e.g., `a red panda climbing a tree' followed by `the red panda sleeps on the top of the tree'). To generate multi-scene videos from the pretrained T2V model, we introduce Time-Aligned Captions (TALC) framework. Specifically, we enhance the text-conditioning mechanism in the T2V architecture to recognize the temporal alignment between the video scenes and scene descriptions. For instance, we condition the visual features of the earlier and later scenes of the generated video with the representations of the first scene description (e.g., `a red panda climbing a tree') and second scene description (e.g., `the red panda sleeps on the top of the tree'), respectively. As a result, we show that the T2V model can generate multi-scene videos that adhere to the multi-scene text descriptions and be visually consistent (e.g., entity and background). Further, we finetune the pretrained T2V model with multi-scene video-text data using the TALC framework. We show that the TALC-finetuned model outperforms the baseline methods by 15.5 points in the overall score, which averages visual consistency and text adherence using human evaluation. The project website is


replace-cross PPFlow: Target-aware Peptide Design with Torsional Flow Matching

Authors: Haitao Lin, Odin Zhang, Huifeng Zhao, Dejun Jiang, Lirong Wu, Zicheng Liu, Yufei Huang, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: Therapeutic peptides have proven to have great pharmaceutical value and potential in recent decades. However, methods of AI-assisted peptide drug discovery are not fully explored. To fill the gap, we propose a target-aware peptide design method called \textsc{PPFlow}, based on conditional flow matching on torus manifolds, to model the internal geometries of torsion angles for the peptide structure design. Besides, we establish a protein-peptide binding dataset named PPBench2024 to fill the void of massive data for the task of structure-based peptide drug design and to allow the training of deep learning methods. Extensive experiments show that PPFlow reaches state-of-the-art performance in tasks of peptide drug generation and optimization in comparison with baseline models, and can be generalized to other tasks including docking and side-chain packing.

replace-cross Ensuring UAV Safety: A Vision-only and Real-time Framework for Collision Avoidance Through Object Detection, Tracking, and Distance Estimation

Authors: Vasileios Karampinis, Anastasios Arsenos, Orfeas Filippopoulos, Evangelos Petrongonas, Christos Skliros, Dimitrios Kollias, Stefanos Kollias, Athanasios Voulodimos

Abstract: In the last twenty years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have garnered growing interest due to their expanding applications in both military and civilian domains. Detecting non-cooperative aerial vehicles with efficiency and estimating collisions accurately are pivotal for achieving fully autonomous aircraft and facilitating Advanced Air Mobility (AAM). This paper presents a deep-learning framework that utilizes optical sensors for the detection, tracking, and distance estimation of non-cooperative aerial vehicles. In implementing this comprehensive sensing framework, the availability of depth information is essential for enabling autonomous aerial vehicles to perceive and navigate around obstacles. In this work, we propose a method for estimating the distance information of a detected aerial object in real time using only the input of a monocular camera. In order to train our deep learning components for the object detection, tracking and depth estimation tasks we utilize the Amazon Airborne Object Tracking (AOT) Dataset. In contrast to previous approaches that integrate the depth estimation module into the object detector, our method formulates the problem as image-to-image translation. We employ a separate lightweight encoder-decoder network for efficient and robust depth estimation. In a nutshell, the object detection module identifies and localizes obstacles, conveying this information to both the tracking module for monitoring obstacle movement and the depth estimation module for calculating distances. Our approach is evaluated on the Airborne Object Tracking (AOT) dataset which is the largest (to the best of our knowledge) air-to-air airborne object dataset.

replace-cross Bridging the Gap: Protocol Towards Fair and Consistent Affect Analysis

Authors: Guanyu Hu, Eleni Papadopoulou, Dimitrios Kollias, Paraskevi Tzouveli, Jie Wei, Xinyu Yang

Abstract: The increasing integration of machine learning algorithms in daily life underscores the critical need for fairness and equity in their deployment. As these technologies play a pivotal role in decision-making, addressing biases across diverse subpopulation groups, including age, gender, and race, becomes paramount. Automatic affect analysis, at the intersection of physiology, psychology, and machine learning, has seen significant development. However, existing databases and methodologies lack uniformity, leading to biased evaluations. This work addresses these issues by analyzing six affective databases, annotating demographic attributes, and proposing a common protocol for database partitioning. Emphasis is placed on fairness in evaluations. Extensive experiments with baseline and state-of-the-art methods demonstrate the impact of these changes, revealing the inadequacy of prior assessments. The findings underscore the importance of considering demographic attributes in affect analysis research and provide a foundation for more equitable methodologies. Our annotations, code and pre-trained models are available at:


replace-cross AI-Cybersecurity Education Through Designing AI-based Cyberharassment Detection Lab

Authors: Ebuka Okpala, Nishant Vishwamitra, Keyan Guo, Song Liao, Long Cheng, Hongxin Hu, Yongkai Wu, Xiaohong Yuan, Jeannette Wade, Sajad Khorsandroo

Abstract: Cyberharassment is a critical, socially relevant cybersecurity problem because of the adverse effects it can have on targeted groups or individuals. While progress has been made in understanding cyber-harassment, its detection, attacks on artificial intelligence (AI) based cyberharassment systems, and the social problems in cyberharassment detectors, little has been done in designing experiential learning educational materials that engage students in this emerging social cybersecurity in the era of AI. Experiential learning opportunities are usually provided through capstone projects and engineering design courses in STEM programs such as computer science. While capstone projects are an excellent example of experiential learning, given the interdisciplinary nature of this emerging social cybersecurity problem, it can be challenging to use them to engage non-computing students without prior knowledge of AI. Because of this, we were motivated to develop a hands-on lab platform that provided experiential learning experiences to non-computing students with little or no background knowledge in AI and discussed the lessons learned in developing this lab. In this lab used by social science students at North Carolina A&T State University across two semesters (spring and fall) in 2022, students are given a detailed lab manual and are to complete a set of well-detailed tasks. Through this process, students learn AI concepts and the application of AI for cyberharassment detection. Using pre- and post-surveys, we asked students to rate their knowledge or skills in AI and their understanding of the concepts learned. The results revealed that the students moderately understood the concepts of AI and cyberharassment.