new AmazUtah_NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: A MultiChoice Question Answering System for Commonsense Defying Reasoning

Authors: Mina Ghashami, Soumya Smruti Mishra

Abstract: The SemEval 2024 BRAINTEASER task represents a pioneering venture in Natural Language Processing (NLP) by focusing on lateral thinking, a dimension of cognitive reasoning that is often overlooked in traditional linguistic analyses. This challenge comprises of Sentence Puzzle and Word Puzzle subtasks and aims to test language models' capacity for divergent thinking. In this paper, we present our approach to the BRAINTEASER task. We employ a holistic strategy by leveraging cutting-edge pre-trained models in multiple choice architecture, and diversify the training data with Sentence and Word Puzzle datasets. To gain further improvement, we fine-tuned the model with synthetic humor/jokes dataset and the RiddleSense dataset which helped augmenting the model's lateral thinking abilities. Empirical results show that our approach achieve 92.5\% accuracy in Sentence Puzzle subtask and 80.2\% accuracy in Word Puzzle subtask.

new Thinking Fair and Slow: On the Efficacy of Structured Prompts for Debiasing Language Models

Authors: Shaz Furniturewala, Surgan Jandial, Abhinav Java, Pragyan Banerjee, Simra Shahid, Sumit Bhatia, Kokil Jaidka

Abstract: Existing debiasing techniques are typically training-based or require access to the model's internals and output distributions, so they are inaccessible to end-users looking to adapt LLM outputs for their particular needs. In this study, we examine whether structured prompting techniques can offer opportunities for fair text generation. We evaluate a comprehensive end-user-focused iterative framework of debiasing that applies System 2 thinking processes for prompts to induce logical, reflective, and critical text generation, with single, multi-step, instruction, and role-based variants. By systematically evaluating many LLMs across many datasets and different prompting strategies, we show that the more complex System 2-based Implicative Prompts significantly improve over other techniques demonstrating lower mean bias in the outputs with competitive performance on the downstream tasks. Our work offers research directions for the design and the potential of end-user-focused evaluative frameworks for LLM use.

new Retrieving and Refining: A Hybrid Framework with Large Language Models for Rare Disease Identification

Authors: Jinge Wu, Hang Dong, Zexi Li, Arijit Patra, Honghan Wu

Abstract: The infrequency and heterogeneity of clinical presentations in rare diseases often lead to underdiagnosis and their exclusion from structured datasets. This necessitates the utilization of unstructured text data for comprehensive analysis. However, the manual identification from clinical reports is an arduous and intrinsically subjective task. This study proposes a novel hybrid approach that synergistically combines a traditional dictionary-based natural language processing (NLP) tool with the powerful capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to enhance the identification of rare diseases from unstructured clinical notes. We comprehensively evaluate various prompting strategies on six large language models (LLMs) of varying sizes and domains (general and medical). This evaluation encompasses zero-shot, few-shot, and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) techniques to enhance the LLMs' ability to reason about and understand contextual information in patient reports. The results demonstrate effectiveness in rare disease identification, highlighting the potential for identifying underdiagnosed patients from clinical notes.

new Simultaneous Masking, Not Prompting Optimization: A Paradigm Shift in Fine-tuning LLMs for Simultaneous Translation

Authors: Matthew Raffel, Victor Agostinelli, Lizhong Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in various language processing tasks, motivating their adoption in simultaneous translation. Current fine-tuning methods to adapt LLMs for simultaneous translation focus on prompting optimization strategies using either data augmentation or prompt structure modifications. However, these methods suffer from several issues, such as an unnecessarily expanded training set, computational inefficiency from dumping the KV cache, increased prompt sizes, or restriction to a single decision policy. To eliminate these issues, we propose a new paradigm in fine-tuning LLMs for simultaneous translation, called SimulMask. It utilizes a novel attention mask technique that models simultaneous translation during fine-tuning by masking attention connections under a desired decision policy. Applying the proposed SimulMask on a Falcon LLM for the IWSLT 2017 dataset, we have observed a significant translation quality improvement compared to state-of-the-art prompting optimization strategies on three language pairs when averaged across four different latency regimes while reducing the computational cost.

new Navigating Public Sentiment in the Circular Economy through Topic Modelling and Hyperparameter Optimisation

Authors: Junhao Song, Yingfang Yuan, Kaiwen Chang, Bing Xu, Jin Xuan, Wei Pang

Abstract: To advance the circular economy (CE), it is crucial to gain insights into the evolution of public sentiments, cognitive pathways of the masses concerning circular products and digital technology, and recognise the primary concerns. To achieve this, we collected data related to the CE from diverse platforms including Twitter, Reddit, and The Guardian. This comprehensive data collection spanned across three distinct strata of the public: the general public, professionals, and official sources. Subsequently, we utilised three topic models on the collected data. Topic modelling represents a type of data-driven and machine learning approach for text mining, capable of automatically categorising a large number of documents into distinct semantic groups. Simultaneously, these groups are described by topics, and these topics can aid in understanding the semantic content of documents at a high level. However, the performance of topic modelling may vary depending on different hyperparameter values. Therefore, in this study, we proposed a framework for topic modelling with hyperparameter optimisation for CE and conducted a series of systematic experiments to ensure that topic models are set with appropriate hyperparameters and to gain insights into the correlations between the CE and public opinion based on well-established models. The results of this study indicate that concerns about sustainability and economic impact persist across all three datasets. Official sources demonstrate a higher level of engagement with the application and regulation of CE. To the best of our knowledge, this study is pioneering in investigating various levels of public opinions concerning CE through topic modelling with the exploration of hyperparameter optimisation.

new Participle-Prepended Nominals Have Lower Entropy Than Nominals Appended After the Participle

Authors: Kristie Denlinger, Stephen Wechsler, Kyle Mahowald

Abstract: English allows for both compounds (e.g., London-made) and phrasal paraphrases (e.g., made in London). While these constructions have roughly the same truth-conditional meaning, we hypothesize that the compound allows less freedom to express the nature of the semantic relationship between the participle and the pre-participle nominal. We thus predict that the pre-participle slot is more constrained than the equivalent position in the phrasal construction. We test this prediction in a large corpus by measuring the entropy of corresponding nominal slots, conditional on the participle used. That is, we compare the entropy of $\alpha$ in compound construction slots like $\alpha$-[V]ed to the entropy of $\alpha$ in phrasal constructions like [V]ed by $\alpha$ for a given verb V. As predicted, there is significantly lower entropy in the compound construction than in the phrasal construction. We consider how these predictions follow from more general grammatical properties and processing factors.

new Rethinking ChatGPT's Success: Usability and Cognitive Behaviors Enabled by Auto-regressive LLMs' Prompting

Authors: Xinzhe Li, Ming Liu

Abstract: Over the last decade, a wide range of training and deployment strategies for Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged. Among these, the prompting paradigms of Auto-regressive LLMs (AR-LLMs) have catalyzed a significant surge in Artificial Intelligence (AI). This paper aims to emphasize the significance of utilizing free-form modalities (forms of input and output) and verbal free-form contexts as user-directed channels (methods for transforming modalities) for downstream deployment. Specifically, we analyze the structure of modalities within both two types of LLMs and six task-specific channels during deployment. From the perspective of users, our analysis introduces and applies the analytical metrics of task customizability, transparency, and complexity to gauge their usability, highlighting the superior nature of AR-LLMs' prompting paradigms. Moreover, we examine the stimulation of diverse cognitive behaviors in LLMs through the adoption of free-form text and verbal contexts, mirroring human linguistic expressions of such behaviors. We then detail four common cognitive behaviors to underscore how AR-LLMs' prompting successfully imitate human-like behaviors using this free-form modality and channel. Lastly, the potential for improving LLM deployment, both as autonomous agents and within multi-agent systems, is identified via cognitive behavior concepts and principles.

new CNER: A tool Classifier of Named-Entity Relationships

Authors: Jefferson A. Pe\~na Torres, Ra\'ul E. Guti\'errez De Pi\~nerez

Abstract: We introduce CNER, an ensemble of capable tools for extraction of semantic relationships between named entities in Spanish language. Built upon a container-based architecture, CNER integrates different Named entity recognition and relation extraction tools with a user-friendly interface that allows users to input free text or files effortlessly, facilitating streamlined analysis. Developed as a prototype version for the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Group at Universidad del Valle, CNER serves as a practical educational resource, illustrating how machine learning techniques can effectively tackle diverse NLP tasks in Spanish. Our preliminary results reveal the promising potential of CNER in advancing the understanding and development of NLP tools, particularly within Spanish-language contexts.

new Automatic News Generation and Fact-Checking System Based on Language Processing

Authors: Xirui Peng, Qiming Xu, Zheng Feng, Haopeng Zhao, Lianghao Tan, Yan Zhou, Zecheng Zhang, Chenwei Gong, Yingqiao Zheng

Abstract: This paper explores an automatic news generation and fact-checking system based on language processing, aimed at enhancing the efficiency and quality of news production while ensuring the authenticity and reliability of the news content. With the rapid development of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and deep learning technologies, automatic news generation systems are capable of extracting key information from massive data and generating well-structured, fluent news articles. Meanwhile, by integrating fact-checking technology, the system can effectively prevent the spread of false news and improve the accuracy and credibility of news. This study details the key technologies involved in automatic news generation and factchecking, including text generation, information extraction, and the application of knowledge graphs, and validates the effectiveness of these technologies through experiments. Additionally, the paper discusses the future development directions of automatic news generation and fact-checking systems, emphasizing the importance of further integration and innovation of technologies. The results show that with continuous technological optimization and practical application, these systems will play an increasingly important role in the future news industry, providing more efficient and reliable news services.

new Language Models can Evaluate Themselves via Probability Discrepancy

Authors: Tingyu Xia, Bowen Yu, Yuan Wu, Yi Chang, Chang Zhou

Abstract: In this paper, we initiate our discussion by demonstrating how Large Language Models (LLMs), when tasked with responding to queries, display a more even probability distribution in their answers if they are more adept, as opposed to their less skilled counterparts. Expanding on this foundational insight, we propose a new self-evaluation method ProbDiff for assessing the efficacy of various LLMs. This approach obviates the necessity for an additional evaluation model or the dependence on external, proprietary models like GPT-4 for judgment. It uniquely utilizes the LLMs being tested to compute the probability discrepancy between the initial response and its revised versions. A higher discrepancy for a given query between two LLMs indicates a relatively weaker capability. Our findings reveal that ProbDiff achieves results on par with those obtained from evaluations based on GPT-4, spanning a range of scenarios that include natural language generation (NLG) tasks such as translation, summarization, and our proposed Xiaohongshu blog writing task, and benchmarks for LLM evaluation like AlignBench, MT-Bench, and AlpacaEval, across LLMs of varying magnitudes.

new Towards Better Question Generation in QA-Based Event Extraction

Authors: Zijin Hong, Jian Liu

Abstract: Event Extraction (EE) is an essential information extraction task that aims to extract event-related information from unstructured texts. The paradigm of this task has shifted from conventional classification-based methods to more contemporary question-answering (QA)-based approaches. However, in QA-based EE, the questions' quality dramatically affects the extraction accuracy, and how to generate high-quality questions for QA-based EE still remains a challenge. In this work, to tackle this challenge, we suggest four criteria to evaluate the quality of a question and propose a reinforcement learning method for QA-Based EE that can generate fluent, generalizable, and context-dependent questions and provides clear guidance to QA models. The extensive experiments conducted on ACE and RAMS datasets have strongly validated our approach's effectiveness, which also demonstrates its robustness in scenarios with limited training data.

new Smart Expert System: Large Language Models as Text Classifiers

Authors: Zhiqiang Wang, Yiran Pang, Yanbin Lin

Abstract: Text classification is a fundamental task in Natural Language Processing (NLP), and the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized the field. This paper introduces the Smart Expert System, a novel approach that leverages LLMs as text classifiers. The system simplifies the traditional text classification workflow, eliminating the need for extensive preprocessing and domain expertise. The performance of several LLMs, machine learning (ML) algorithms, and neural network (NN) based structures is evaluated on four datasets. Results demonstrate that certain LLMs surpass traditional methods in sentiment analysis, spam SMS detection and multi-label classification. Furthermore, it is shown that the system's performance can be further enhanced through few-shot or fine-tuning strategies, making the fine-tuned model the top performer across all datasets. Source code and datasets are available in this GitHub repository:


new Benchmarking Large Language Models on CFLUE -- A Chinese Financial Language Understanding Evaluation Dataset

Authors: Jie Zhu, Junhui Li, Yalong Wen, Lifan Guo

Abstract: In light of recent breakthroughs in large language models (LLMs) that have revolutionized natural language processing (NLP), there is an urgent need for new benchmarks to keep pace with the fast development of LLMs. In this paper, we propose CFLUE, the Chinese Financial Language Understanding Evaluation benchmark, designed to assess the capability of LLMs across various dimensions. Specifically, CFLUE provides datasets tailored for both knowledge assessment and application assessment. In knowledge assessment, it consists of 38K+ multiple-choice questions with associated solution explanations. These questions serve dual purposes: answer prediction and question reasoning. In application assessment, CFLUE features 16K+ test instances across distinct groups of NLP tasks such as text classification, machine translation, relation extraction, reading comprehension, and text generation. Upon CFLUE, we conduct a thorough evaluation of representative LLMs. The results reveal that only GPT-4 and GPT-4-turbo achieve an accuracy exceeding 60\% in answer prediction for knowledge assessment, suggesting that there is still substantial room for improvement in current LLMs. In application assessment, although GPT-4 and GPT-4-turbo are the top two performers, their considerable advantage over lightweight LLMs is noticeably diminished. The datasets and scripts associated with CFLUE are openly accessible at


new Language Models can Exploit Cross-Task In-context Learning for Data-Scarce Novel Tasks

Authors: Anwoy Chatterjee, Eshaan Tanwar, Subhabrata Dutta, Tanmoy Chakraborty

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed NLP with their remarkable In-context Learning (ICL) capabilities. Automated assistants based on LLMs are gaining popularity; however, adapting them to novel tasks is still challenging. While colossal models excel in zero-shot performance, their computational demands limit widespread use, and smaller language models struggle without context. This paper investigates whether LLMs can generalize from labeled examples of predefined tasks to novel tasks. Drawing inspiration from biological neurons and the mechanistic interpretation of the Transformer architecture, we explore the potential for information sharing across tasks. We design a cross-task prompting setup with three LLMs and show that LLMs achieve significant performance improvements despite no examples from the target task in the context. Cross-task prompting leads to a remarkable performance boost of 107% for LLaMA-2 7B, 18.6% for LLaMA-2 13B, and 3.2% for GPT 3.5 on average over zero-shot prompting, and performs comparable to standard in-context learning. The effectiveness of generating pseudo-labels for in-task examples is demonstrated, and our analyses reveal a strong correlation between the effect of cross-task examples and model activation similarities in source and target input tokens. This paper offers a first-of-its-kind exploration of LLMs' ability to solve novel tasks based on contextual signals from different task examples.

new A Hard Nut to Crack: Idiom Detection with Conversational Large Language Models

Authors: Francesca De Luca Fornaciari, Bego\~na Altuna, Itziar Gonzalez-Dios, Maite Melero

Abstract: In this work, we explore idiomatic language processing with Large Language Models (LLMs). We introduce the Idiomatic language Test Suite IdioTS, a new dataset of difficult examples specifically designed by language experts to assess the capabilities of LLMs to process figurative language at sentence level. We propose a comprehensive evaluation methodology based on an idiom detection task, where LLMs are prompted with detecting an idiomatic expression in a given English sentence. We present a thorough automatic and manual evaluation of the results and an extensive error analysis.

new RDRec: Rationale Distillation for LLM-based Recommendation

Authors: Xinfeng Wang, Jin Cui, Yoshimi Suzuki, Fumiyo Fukumoto

Abstract: Large language model (LLM)-based recommender models that bridge users and items through textual prompts for effective semantic reasoning have gained considerable attention. However, few methods consider the underlying rationales behind interactions, such as user preferences and item attributes, limiting the reasoning capability of LLMs for recommendations. This paper proposes a rationale distillation recommender (RDRec), a compact model designed to learn rationales generated by a larger language model (LM). By leveraging rationales from reviews related to users and items, RDRec remarkably specifies their profiles for recommendations. Experiments show that RDRec achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in both top-N and sequential recommendations. Our source code is released at


new Feature-based Low-Rank Compression of Large Language Models via Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Yixin Ji, Yang Xiang, Juntao Li, Wei Chen, Zhongyi Liu, Kehai Chen, Min Zhang

Abstract: In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have driven advances in natural language processing. Still, their growing scale has increased the computational burden, necessitating a balance between efficiency and performance. Low-rank compression, a promising technique, reduces non-essential parameters by decomposing weight matrices into products of two low-rank matrices. Yet, its application in LLMs has not been extensively studied. The key to low-rank compression lies in low-rank factorization and low-rank dimensions allocation. To address the challenges of low-rank compression in LLMs, we conduct empirical research on the low-rank characteristics of large models. We propose a low-rank compression method suitable for LLMs. This approach involves precise estimation of feature distributions through pooled covariance matrices and a Bayesian optimization strategy for allocating low-rank dimensions. Experiments on the LLaMA-2 models demonstrate that our method outperforms existing strong structured pruning and low-rank compression techniques in maintaining model performance at the same compression ratio.

new Specialising and Analysing Instruction-Tuned and Byte-Level Language Models for Organic Reaction Prediction

Authors: Jiayun Pang, Ivan Vuli\'c

Abstract: Transformer-based encoder-decoder models have demonstrated impressive results in chemical reaction prediction tasks. However, these models typically rely on pretraining using tens of millions of unlabelled molecules, which can be time-consuming and GPU-intensive. One of the central questions we aim to answer in this work is: Can FlanT5 and ByT5, the encode-decoder models pretrained solely on language data, be effectively specialised for organic reaction prediction through task-specific fine-tuning? We conduct a systematic empirical study on several key issues of the process, including tokenisation, the impact of (SMILES-oriented) pretraining, fine-tuning sample efficiency, and decoding algorithms at inference. Our key findings indicate that although being pretrained only on language tasks, FlanT5 and ByT5 provide a solid foundation to fine-tune for reaction prediction, and thus become `chemistry domain compatible' in the process. This suggests that GPU-intensive and expensive pretraining on a large dataset of unlabelled molecules may be useful yet not essential to leverage the power of language models for chemistry. All our models achieve comparable Top-1 and Top-5 accuracy although some variation across different models does exist. Notably, tokenisation and vocabulary trimming slightly affect final performance but can speed up training and inference; The most efficient greedy decoding strategy is very competitive while only marginal gains can be achieved from more sophisticated decoding algorithms. In summary, we evaluate FlanT5 and ByT5 across several dimensions and benchmark their impact on organic reaction prediction, which may guide more effective use of these state-of-the-art language models for chemistry-related tasks in the future.

new Dynamic data sampler for cross-language transfer learning in large language models

Authors: Yudong Li, Yuhao Feng, Wen Zhou, Zhe Zhao, Linlin Shen, Cheng Hou, Xianxu Hou

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention in the field of natural language processing (NLP) due to their wide range of applications. However, training LLMs for languages other than English poses significant challenges, due to the difficulty in acquiring large-scale corpus and the requisite computing resources. In this paper, we propose ChatFlow, a cross-language transfer-based LLM, to address these challenges and train large Chinese language models in a cost-effective manner. We employ a mix of Chinese, English, and parallel corpus to continuously train the LLaMA2 model, aiming to align cross-language representations and facilitate the knowledge transfer specifically to the Chinese language model. In addition, we use a dynamic data sampler to progressively transition the model from unsupervised pre-training to supervised fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach accelerates model convergence and achieves superior performance. We evaluate ChatFlow on popular Chinese and English benchmarks, the results indicate that it outperforms other Chinese models post-trained on LLaMA-2-7B.

new DeepPavlov at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Leveraging Transfer Learning for Detecting Boundaries of Machine-Generated Texts

Authors: Anastasia Voznyuk, Vasily Konovalov

Abstract: The Multigenerator, Multidomain, and Multilingual Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection shared task in the SemEval-2024 competition aims to tackle the problem of misusing collaborative human-AI writing. Although there are a lot of existing detectors of AI content, they are often designed to give a binary answer and thus may not be suitable for more nuanced problem of finding the boundaries between human-written and machine-generated texts, while hybrid human-AI writing becomes more and more popular. In this paper, we address the boundary detection problem. Particularly, we present a pipeline for augmenting data for supervised fine-tuning of DeBERTaV3. We receive new best MAE score, according to the leaderboard of the competition, with this pipeline.

new Medical Dialogue: A Survey of Categories, Methods, Evaluation and Challenges

Authors: Xiaoming Shi, Zeming Liu, Li Du, Yuxuan Wang, Hongru Wang, Yuhang Guo, Tong Ruan, Jie Xu, Shaoting Zhang

Abstract: This paper surveys and organizes research works on medical dialog systems, which is an important yet challenging task. Although these systems have been surveyed in the medical community from an application perspective, a systematic review from a rigorous technical perspective has to date remained noticeably absent. As a result, an overview of the categories, methods, and evaluation of medical dialogue systems remain limited and underspecified, hindering the further improvement of this area. To fill this gap, we investigate an initial pool of 325 papers from well-known computer science, and natural language processing conferences and journals, and make an overview. Recently, large language models have shown strong model capacity on downstream tasks, which also reshaped medical dialog systems' foundation. Despite the alluring practical application value, current medical dialogue systems still suffer from problems. To this end, this paper lists the grand challenges of medical dialog systems, especially of large language models.

new Layer-Condensed KV Cache for Efficient Inference of Large Language Models

Authors: Haoyi Wu, Kewei Tu

Abstract: Huge memory consumption has been a major bottleneck for deploying high-throughput large language models in real-world applications. In addition to the large number of parameters, the key-value (KV) cache for the attention mechanism in the transformer architecture consumes a significant amount of memory, especially when the number of layers is large for deep language models. In this paper, we propose a novel method that only computes and caches the KVs of a small number of layers, thus significantly saving memory consumption and improving inference throughput. Our experiments on large language models show that our method achieves up to 26$\times$ higher throughput than standard transformers and competitive performance in language modeling and downstream tasks. In addition, our method is orthogonal to existing transformer memory-saving techniques, so it is straightforward to integrate them with our model, achieving further improvement in inference efficiency. Our code is available at


new SPOR: A Comprehensive and Practical Evaluation Method for Compositional Generalization in Data-to-Text Generation

Authors: Ziyao Xu, Houfeng Wang

Abstract: Compositional generalization is an important ability of language models and has many different manifestations. For data-to-text generation, previous research on this ability is limited to a single manifestation called Systematicity and lacks consideration of large language models (LLMs), which cannot fully cover practical application scenarios. In this work, we propose SPOR, a comprehensive and practical evaluation method for compositional generalization in data-to-text generation. SPOR includes four aspects of manifestations (Systematicity, Productivity, Order invariance, and Rule learnability) and allows high-quality evaluation without additional manual annotations based on existing datasets. We demonstrate SPOR on two different datasets and evaluate some existing language models including LLMs. We find that the models are deficient in various aspects of the evaluation and need further improvement. Our work shows the necessity for comprehensive research on different manifestations of compositional generalization in data-to-text generation and provides a framework for evaluation.

new Realistic Evaluation of Toxicity in Large Language Models

Authors: Tinh Son Luong, Thanh-Thien Le, Linh Ngo Van, Thien Huu Nguyen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have become integral to our professional workflows and daily lives. Nevertheless, these machine companions of ours have a critical flaw: the huge amount of data which endows them with vast and diverse knowledge, also exposes them to the inevitable toxicity and bias. While most LLMs incorporate defense mechanisms to prevent the generation of harmful content, these safeguards can be easily bypassed with minimal prompt engineering. In this paper, we introduce the new Thoroughly Engineered Toxicity (TET) dataset, comprising manually crafted prompts designed to nullify the protective layers of such models. Through extensive evaluations, we demonstrate the pivotal role of TET in providing a rigorous benchmark for evaluation of toxicity awareness in several popular LLMs: it highlights the toxicity in the LLMs that might remain hidden when using normal prompts, thus revealing subtler issues in their behavior.

new Revolutionizing Process Mining: A Novel Architecture for ChatGPT Integration and Enhanced User Experience through Optimized Prompt Engineering

Authors: Mehrdad Agha Mohammad Ali Kermani, Hamid Reza Seddighi, Mehrdad Maghsoudi

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of business process management, there is a growing need for analytical tools that can transform complex data into actionable insights. This research introduces a novel approach by integrating Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, into process mining tools, making process analytics more accessible to a wider audience. The study aims to investigate how ChatGPT enhances analytical capabilities, improves user experience, increases accessibility, and optimizes the architectural frameworks of process mining tools. The key innovation of this research lies in developing a tailored prompt engineering strategy for each process mining submodule, ensuring that the AI-generated outputs are accurate and relevant to the context. The integration architecture follows an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process, which includes various process mining engine modules and utilizes zero-shot and optimized prompt engineering techniques. ChatGPT is connected via APIs and receives structured outputs from the process mining modules, enabling conversational interactions. To validate the effectiveness of this approach, the researchers used data from 17 companies that employ BehfaLab's Process Mining Tool. The results showed significant improvements in user experience, with an expert panel rating 72% of the results as "Good". This research contributes to the advancement of business process analysis methodologies by combining process mining with artificial intelligence. Future research directions include further optimization of prompt engineering, exploration of integration with other AI technologies, and assessment of scalability across various business environments. This study paves the way for continuous innovation at the intersection of process mining and artificial intelligence, promising to revolutionize the way businesses analyze and optimize their processes.

new Empowering Prior to Court Legal Analysis: A Transparent and Accessible Dataset for Defensive Statement Classification and Interpretation

Authors: Yannis Spyridis, Jean-Paul, Haneen Deeb, Vasileios Argyriou

Abstract: The classification of statements provided by individuals during police interviews is a complex and significant task within the domain of natural language processing (NLP) and legal informatics. The lack of extensive domain-specific datasets raises challenges to the advancement of NLP methods in the field. This paper aims to address some of the present challenges by introducing a novel dataset tailored for classification of statements made during police interviews, prior to court proceedings. Utilising the curated dataset for training and evaluation, we introduce a fine-tuned DistilBERT model that achieves state-of-the-art performance in distinguishing truthful from deceptive statements. To enhance interpretability, we employ explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) methods to offer explainability through saliency maps, that interpret the model's decision-making process. Lastly, we present an XAI interface that empowers both legal professionals and non-specialists to interact with and benefit from our system. Our model achieves an accuracy of 86%, and is shown to outperform a custom transformer architecture in a comparative study. This holistic approach advances the accessibility, transparency, and effectiveness of statement analysis, with promising implications for both legal practice and research.

new Persian Pronoun Resolution: Leveraging Neural Networks and Language Models

Authors: Hassan Haji Mohammadi, Alireza Talebpour, Ahmad Mahmoudi Aznaveh, Samaneh Yazdani

Abstract: Coreference resolution, critical for identifying textual entities referencing the same entity, faces challenges in pronoun resolution, particularly identifying pronoun antecedents. Existing methods often treat pronoun resolution as a separate task from mention detection, potentially missing valuable information. This study proposes the first end-to-end neural network system for Persian pronoun resolution, leveraging pre-trained Transformer models like ParsBERT. Our system jointly optimizes both mention detection and antecedent linking, achieving a 3.37 F1 score improvement over the previous state-of-the-art system (which relied on rule-based and statistical methods) on the Mehr corpus. This significant improvement demonstrates the effectiveness of combining neural networks with linguistic models, potentially marking a significant advancement in Persian pronoun resolution and paving the way for further research in this under-explored area.

new INDUS: Effective and Efficient Language Models for Scientific Applications

Authors: Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, Aashka Trivedi, Masayasu Muraoka, Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian, Takuma Udagawa, Iksha Gurung, Rong Zhang, Bharath Dandala, Rahul Ramachandran, Manil Maskey, Kayleen Bugbee, Mike Little, Elizabeth Fancher, Lauren Sanders, Sylvain Costes, Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma, Kelly Lockhart, Thomas Allen, Felix Grazes, Megan Ansdel, Alberto Accomazzi, Yousef El-Kurdi, Davis Wertheimer, Birgit Pfitzmann, Cesar Berrospi Ramis, Michele Dolfi, Rafael Teixeira de Lima, Panos Vegenas, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Peter Staar, Sanaz Vahidinia, Ryan McGranaghan, Armin Mehrabian, Tsendgar Lee

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) trained on general domain corpora showed remarkable results on natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, previous research demonstrated LLMs trained using domain-focused corpora perform better on specialized tasks. Inspired by this pivotal insight, we developed INDUS, a comprehensive suite of LLMs tailored for the Earth science, biology, physics, heliophysics, planetary sciences and astrophysics domains and trained using curated scientific corpora drawn from diverse data sources. The suite of models include: (1) an encoder model trained using domain-specific vocabulary and corpora to address natural language understanding tasks, (2) a contrastive-learning-based general text embedding model trained using a diverse set of datasets drawn from multiple sources to address information retrieval tasks and (3) smaller versions of these models created using knowledge distillation techniques to address applications which have latency or resource constraints. We also created three new scientific benchmark datasets namely, CLIMATE-CHANGE-NER (entity-recognition), NASA-QA (extractive QA) and NASA-IR (IR) to accelerate research in these multi-disciplinary fields. Finally, we show that our models outperform both general-purpose encoders (RoBERTa) and existing domain-specific encoders (SciBERT) on these new tasks as well as existing benchmark tasks in the domains of interest.

new Feature-Adaptive and Data-Scalable In-Context Learning

Authors: Jiahao Li, Quan Wang, Licheng Zhang, Guoqing Jin, Zhendong Mao

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL), which promotes inference with several demonstrations, has become a widespread paradigm to stimulate LLM capabilities for downstream tasks. Due to context length constraints, it cannot be further improved in spite of more training data, and general features directly from LLMs in ICL are not adaptive to the specific downstream task. In this paper, we propose a feature-adaptive and data-scalable in-context learning framework (FADS-ICL), which can leverage task-adaptive features to promote inference on the downstream task, with the supervision of beyond-context samples. Specifically, it first extracts general features of beyond-context samples via the LLM with ICL input form one by one, and introduces a task-specific modulator to perform feature refinement and prediction after fitting a specific downstream task. We conduct extensive experiments on FADS-ICL under varying data settings (4$\sim$128 shots) and LLM scale (0.8$\sim$70B) settings. Experimental results show that FADS-ICL consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin under all settings, verifying the effectiveness and superiority of FADS-ICL. For example, under the 1.5B and 32 shots setting, FADS-ICL can achieve \textbf{+14.3} average accuracy from feature adaptation over vanilla ICL on 10 datasets, with \textbf{+6.2} average accuracy over the previous state-of-the-art method, and the performance can further improve with increasing training data. Code and data are publicly available at \url{}.


new SBAAM! Eliminating Transcript Dependency in Automatic Subtitling

Authors: Marco Gaido, Sara Papi, Matteo Negri, Mauro Cettolo, Luisa Bentivogli

Abstract: Subtitling plays a crucial role in enhancing the accessibility of audiovisual content and encompasses three primary subtasks: translating spoken dialogue, segmenting translations into concise textual units, and estimating timestamps that govern their on-screen duration. Past attempts to automate this process rely, to varying degrees, on automatic transcripts, employed diversely for the three subtasks. In response to the acknowledged limitations associated with this reliance on transcripts, recent research has shifted towards transcription-free solutions for translation and segmentation, leaving the direct generation of timestamps as uncharted territory. To fill this gap, we introduce the first direct model capable of producing automatic subtitles, entirely eliminating any dependence on intermediate transcripts also for timestamp prediction. Experimental results, backed by manual evaluation, showcase our solution's new state-of-the-art performance across multiple language pairs and diverse conditions.

new ActiveLLM: Large Language Model-based Active Learning for Textual Few-Shot Scenarios

Authors: Markus Bayer, Christian Reuter

Abstract: Active learning is designed to minimize annotation efforts by prioritizing instances that most enhance learning. However, many active learning strategies struggle with a 'cold start' problem, needing substantial initial data to be effective. This limitation often reduces their utility for pre-trained models, which already perform well in few-shot scenarios. To address this, we introduce ActiveLLM, a novel active learning approach that leverages large language models such as GPT-4, Llama 3, and Mistral Large for selecting instances. We demonstrate that ActiveLLM significantly enhances the classification performance of BERT classifiers in few-shot scenarios, outperforming both traditional active learning methods and the few-shot learning method SetFit. Additionally, ActiveLLM can be extended to non-few-shot scenarios, allowing for iterative selections. In this way, ActiveLLM can even help other active learning strategies to overcome their cold start problem. Our results suggest that ActiveLLM offers a promising solution for improving model performance across various learning setups.

new ECR-Chain: Advancing Generative Language Models to Better Emotion-Cause Reasoners through Reasoning Chains

Authors: Zhaopei Huang, Jinming Zhao, Qin Jin

Abstract: Understanding the process of emotion generation is crucial for analyzing the causes behind emotions. Causal Emotion Entailment (CEE), an emotion-understanding task, aims to identify the causal utterances in a conversation that stimulate the emotions expressed in a target utterance. However, current works in CEE mainly focus on modeling semantic and emotional interactions in conversations, neglecting the exploration of the emotion-generation process. This hinders the models from deeply understanding emotions, restricting their ability to produce explainable predictions. In this work, inspired by the emotion generation process of "stimulus-appraisal-emotion" in the cognitive appraisal theory, we introduce a step-by-step reasoning method, Emotion-Cause Reasoning Chain (ECR-Chain), to infer the stimulus from the target emotional expressions in conversations. Specifically, we first introduce the ECR-Chain to ChatGPT via few-shot prompting, which significantly improves its performance on the CEE task. We further propose an automated construction process to utilize ChatGPT in building an ECR-Chain set, which can enhance the reasoning abilities of smaller models through supervised training and assist the Vicuna-7B model in achieving state-of-the-art CEE performance. Moreover, our methods can enable these generative language models to effectively perform emotion-cause reasoning in an explainable manner. Our code, data and more details are at


new Tailoring Vaccine Messaging with Common-Ground Opinions

Authors: Rickard Stureborg, Sanxing Chen, Ruoyu Xie, Aayushi Patel, Christopher Li, Chloe Qinyu Zhu, Tingnan Hu, Jun Yang, Bhuwan Dhingra

Abstract: One way to personalize chatbot interactions is by establishing common ground with the intended reader. A domain where establishing mutual understanding could be particularly impactful is vaccine concerns and misinformation. Vaccine interventions are forms of messaging which aim to answer concerns expressed about vaccination. Tailoring responses in this domain is difficult, since opinions often have seemingly little ideological overlap. We define the task of tailoring vaccine interventions to a Common-Ground Opinion (CGO). Tailoring responses to a CGO involves meaningfully improving the answer by relating it to an opinion or belief the reader holds. In this paper we introduce TAILOR-CGO, a dataset for evaluating how well responses are tailored to provided CGOs. We benchmark several major LLMs on this task; finding GPT-4-Turbo performs significantly better than others. We also build automatic evaluation metrics, including an efficient and accurate BERT model that outperforms finetuned LLMs, investigate how to successfully tailor vaccine messaging to CGOs, and provide actionable recommendations from this investigation. Code and model weights: Dataset:


new COGNET-MD, an evaluation framework and dataset for Large Language Model benchmarks in the medical domain

Authors: Dimitrios P. Panagoulias, Persephone Papatheodosiou, Anastasios P. Palamidas, Mattheos Sanoudos, Evridiki Tsoureli-Nikita, Maria Virvou, George A. Tsihrintzis

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) constitute a breakthrough state-of-the-art Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology which is rapidly evolving and promises to aid in medical diagnosis either by assisting doctors or by simulating a doctor's workflow in more advanced and complex implementations. In this technical paper, we outline Cognitive Network Evaluation Toolkit for Medical Domains (COGNET-MD), which constitutes a novel benchmark for LLM evaluation in the medical domain. Specifically, we propose a scoring-framework with increased difficulty to assess the ability of LLMs in interpreting medical text. The proposed framework is accompanied with a database of Multiple Choice Quizzes (MCQs). To ensure alignment with current medical trends and enhance safety, usefulness, and applicability, these MCQs have been constructed in collaboration with several associated medical experts in various medical domains and are characterized by varying degrees of difficulty. The current (first) version of the database includes the medical domains of Psychiatry, Dentistry, Pulmonology, Dermatology and Endocrinology, but it will be continuously extended and expanded to include additional medical domains.

new GenToC: Leveraging Partially-Labeled Data for Product Attribute-Value Identification

Authors: D. Subhalingam, Keshav Kolluru, Mausam, Saurabh Singal

Abstract: In the e-commerce domain, the accurate extraction of attribute-value pairs from product listings (e.g., Brand: Apple) is crucial for enhancing search and recommendation systems. The automation of this extraction process is challenging due to the vast diversity of product categories and their respective attributes, compounded by the lack of extensive, accurately annotated training datasets and the demand for low latency to meet the real-time needs of e-commerce platforms. To address these challenges, we introduce GenToC, a novel two-stage model for extracting attribute-value pairs from product titles. GenToC is designed to train with partially-labeled data, leveraging incomplete attribute-value pairs and obviating the need for a fully annotated dataset. Moreover, we introduce a bootstrapping method that enables GenToC to progressively refine and expand its training dataset. This enhancement substantially improves the quality of data available for training other neural network models that are typically faster but are inherently less capable than GenToC in terms of their capacity to handle partially-labeled data. By supplying an enriched dataset for training, GenToC significantly advances the performance of these alternative models, making them more suitable for real-time deployment. Our results highlight the unique capability of GenToC to learn from a limited set of labeled data and to contribute to the training of more efficient models, marking a significant leap forward in the automated extraction of attribute-value pairs from product titles. GenToC has been successfully integrated into India's largest B2B e-commerce platform,, achieving a significant increase of 21.1% in recall over the existing deployed system while maintaining a high precision of 89.5% in this challenging task.

new A Survey on Large Language Models with Multilingualism: Recent Advances and New Frontiers

Authors: Kaiyu Huang, Fengran Mo, Hongliang Li, You Li, Yuanchi Zhang, Weijian Yi, Yulong Mao, Jinchen Liu, Yuzhuang Xu, Jinan Xu, Jian-Yun Nie, Yang Liu

Abstract: The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrates remarkable multilingual capabilities in natural language processing, attracting global attention in both academia and industry. To mitigate potential discrimination and enhance the overall usability and accessibility for diverse language user groups, it is important for the development of language-fair technology. Despite the breakthroughs of LLMs, the investigation into the multilingual scenario remains insufficient, where a comprehensive survey to summarize recent approaches, developments, limitations, and potential solutions is desirable. To this end, we provide a survey with multiple perspectives on the utilization of LLMs in the multilingual scenario. We first rethink the transitions between previous and current research on pre-trained language models. Then we introduce several perspectives on the multilingualism of LLMs, including training and inference methods, model security, multi-domain with language culture, and usage of datasets. We also discuss the major challenges that arise in these aspects, along with possible solutions. Besides, we highlight future research directions that aim at further enhancing LLMs with multilingualism. The survey aims to help the research community address multilingual problems and provide a comprehensive understanding of the core concepts, key techniques, and latest developments in multilingual natural language processing based on LLMs.

cross Memory-efficient Energy-adaptive Inference of Pre-Trained Models on Batteryless Embedded Systems

Authors: Pietro Farina, Subrata Biswas, Eren Y{\i}ld{\i}z, Khakim Akhunov, Saad Ahmed, Bashima Islam, Kas{\i}m Sinan Y{\i}ld{\i}r{\i}m

Abstract: Batteryless systems frequently face power failures, requiring extra runtime buffers to maintain inference progress and leaving only a memory space for storing ultra-tiny deep neural networks (DNNs). Besides, making these models responsive to stochastic energy harvesting dynamics during inference requires a balance between inference accuracy, latency, and energy overhead. Recent works on compression mostly focus on time and memory, but often ignore energy dynamics or significantly reduce the accuracy of pre-trained DNNs. Existing energy-adaptive inference works modify the architecture of pre-trained models and have significant memory overhead. Thus, energy-adaptive and accurate inference of pre-trained DNNs on batteryless devices with extreme memory constraints is more challenging than traditional microcontrollers. We combat these issues by proposing FreeML, a framework to optimize pre-trained DNN models for memory-efficient and energy-adaptive inference on batteryless systems. FreeML comprises (1) a novel compression technique to reduce the model footprint and runtime memory requirements simultaneously, making them executable on extremely memory-constrained batteryless platforms; and (2) the first early exit mechanism that uses a single exit branch for all exit points to terminate inference at any time, making models energy-adaptive with minimal memory overhead. Our experiments showed that FreeML reduces the model sizes by up to $95 \times$, supports adaptive inference with a $2.03-19.65 \times$ less memory overhead, and provides significant time and energy benefits with only a negligible accuracy drop compared to the state-of-the-art.

cross A Hybrid Deep Learning Framework for Stock Price Prediction Considering the Investor Sentiment of Online Forum Enhanced by Popularity

Authors: Huiyu Li, Junhua Hu

Abstract: Stock price prediction has always been a difficult task for forecasters. Using cutting-edge deep learning techniques, stock price prediction based on investor sentiment extracted from online forums has become feasible. We propose a novel hybrid deep learning framework for predicting stock prices. The framework leverages the XLNET model to analyze the sentiment conveyed in user posts on online forums, combines these sentiments with the post popularity factor to compute daily group sentiments, and integrates this information with stock technical indicators into an improved BiLSTM-highway model for stock price prediction. Through a series of comparative experiments involving four stocks on the Chinese stock market, it is demonstrated that the hybrid framework effectively predicts stock prices. This study reveals the necessity of analyzing investors' textual views for stock price prediction.

cross UniCL: A Universal Contrastive Learning Framework for Large Time Series Models

Authors: Jiawei Li, Jingshu Peng, Haoyang Li, Lei Chen

Abstract: Time-series analysis plays a pivotal role across a range of critical applications, from finance to healthcare, which involves various tasks, such as forecasting and classification. To handle the inherent complexities of time-series data, such as high dimensionality and noise, traditional supervised learning methods first annotate extensive labels for time-series data in each task, which is very costly and impractical in real-world applications. In contrast, pre-trained foundation models offer a promising alternative by leveraging unlabeled data to capture general time series patterns, which can then be fine-tuned for specific tasks. However, existing approaches to pre-training such models typically suffer from high-bias and low-generality issues due to the use of predefined and rigid augmentation operations and domain-specific data training. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces UniCL, a universal and scalable contrastive learning framework designed for pretraining time-series foundation models across cross-domain datasets. Specifically, we propose a unified and trainable time-series augmentation operation to generate pattern-preserved, diverse, and low-bias time-series data by leveraging spectral information. Besides, we introduce a scalable augmentation algorithm capable of handling datasets with varying lengths, facilitating cross-domain pretraining. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets across eleven domains validate the effectiveness of UniCL, demonstrating its high generalization on time-series analysis across various fields.

cross SynDy: Synthetic Dynamic Dataset Generation Framework for Misinformation Tasks

Authors: Michael Shliselberg, Ashkan Kazemi, Scott A. Hale, Shiri Dori-Hacohen

Abstract: Diaspora communities are disproportionately impacted by off-the-radar misinformation and often neglected by mainstream fact-checking efforts, creating a critical need to scale-up efforts of nascent fact-checking initiatives. In this paper we present SynDy, a framework for Synthetic Dynamic Dataset Generation to leverage the capabilities of the largest frontier Large Language Models (LLMs) to train local, specialized language models. To the best of our knowledge, SynDy is the first paper utilizing LLMs to create fine-grained synthetic labels for tasks of direct relevance to misinformation mitigation, namely Claim Matching, Topical Clustering, and Claim Relationship Classification. SynDy utilizes LLMs and social media queries to automatically generate distantly-supervised, topically-focused datasets with synthetic labels on these three tasks, providing essential tools to scale up human-led fact-checking at a fraction of the cost of human-annotated data. Training on SynDy's generated labels shows improvement over a standard baseline and is not significantly worse compared to training on human labels (which may be infeasible to acquire). SynDy is being integrated into Meedan's chatbot tiplines that are used by over 50 organizations, serve over 230K users annually, and automatically distribute human-written fact-checks via messaging apps such as WhatsApp. SynDy will also be integrated into our deployed Co-Insights toolkit, enabling low-resource organizations to launch tiplines for their communities. Finally, we envision SynDy enabling additional fact-checking tools such as matching new misinformation claims to high-quality explainers on common misinformation topics.

cross SignLLM: Sign Languages Production Large Language Models

Authors: Sen Fang, Lei Wang, Ce Zheng, Yapeng Tian, Chen Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the first comprehensive multilingual sign language dataset named Prompt2Sign, which builds from public data including American Sign Language (ASL) and seven others. Our dataset transforms a vast array of videos into a streamlined, model-friendly format, optimized for training with translation models like seq2seq and text2text. Building on this new dataset, we propose SignLLM, the first multilingual Sign Language Production (SLP) model, which includes two novel multilingual SLP modes that allow for the generation of sign language gestures from input text or prompt. Both of the modes can use a new loss and a module based on reinforcement learning, which accelerates the training by enhancing the model's capability to autonomously sample high-quality data. We present benchmark results of SignLLM, which demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on SLP tasks across eight sign languages.

cross Empowering Small-Scale Knowledge Graphs: A Strategy of Leveraging General-Purpose Knowledge Graphs for Enriched Embeddings

Authors: Albert Sawczyn, Jakub Binkowski, Piotr Bielak, Tomasz Kajdanowicz

Abstract: Knowledge-intensive tasks pose a significant challenge for Machine Learning (ML) techniques. Commonly adopted methods, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), often exhibit limitations when applied to such tasks. Nevertheless, there have been notable endeavours to mitigate these challenges, with a significant emphasis on augmenting LLMs through Knowledge Graphs (KGs). While KGs provide many advantages for representing knowledge, their development costs can deter extensive research and applications. Addressing this limitation, we introduce a framework for enriching embeddings of small-scale domain-specific Knowledge Graphs with well-established general-purpose KGs. Adopting our method, a modest domain-specific KG can benefit from a performance boost in downstream tasks when linked to a substantial general-purpose KG. Experimental evaluations demonstrate a notable enhancement, with up to a 44% increase observed in the Hits@10 metric. This relatively unexplored research direction can catalyze more frequent incorporation of KGs in knowledge-intensive tasks, resulting in more robust, reliable ML implementations, which hallucinates less than prevalent LLM solutions. Keywords: knowledge graph, knowledge graph completion, entity alignment, representation learning, machine learning

cross Observational Scaling Laws and the Predictability of Language Model Performance

Authors: Yangjun Ruan, Chris J. Maddison, Tatsunori Hashimoto

Abstract: Understanding how language model performance varies with scale is critical to benchmark and algorithm development. Scaling laws are one approach to building this understanding, but the requirement of training models across many different scales has limited their use. We propose an alternative, observational approach that bypasses model training and instead builds scaling laws from ~80 publically available models. Building a single scaling law from multiple model families is challenging due to large variations in their training compute efficiencies and capabilities. However, we show that these variations are consistent with a simple, generalized scaling law where language model performance is a function of a low-dimensional capability space, and model families only vary in their efficiency in converting training compute to capabilities. Using this approach, we show the surprising predictability of complex scaling phenomena: we show that several emergent phenomena follow a smooth, sigmoidal behavior and are predictable from small models; we show that the agent performance of models such as GPT-4 can be precisely predicted from simpler non-agentic benchmarks; and we show how to predict the impact of post-training interventions like Chain-of-Thought and Self-Consistency as language model capabilities continue to improve.

replace Data-Informed Global Sparseness in Attention Mechanisms for Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Ileana Rugina, Rumen Dangovski, Li Jing, Preslav Nakov, Marin Solja\v{c}i\'c

Abstract: Attention mechanisms play a crucial role in the neural revolution of Natural Language Processing (NLP). With the growth of attention-based models, several pruning techniques have been developed to identify and exploit sparseness, making these models more efficient. Most efforts focus on hard-coding attention patterns or pruning attention weights based on training data. We propose Attention Pruning (AP), a framework that observes attention patterns in a fixed dataset and generates a global sparseness mask. AP saves 90% of attention computation for language modeling and about 50% for machine translation and GLUE tasks, maintaining result quality. Our method reveals important distinctions between self- and cross-attention patterns, guiding future NLP research. Our framework can reduce both latency and memory requirements for any attention-based model, aiding in the development of improved models for existing or new NLP applications. We have demonstrated this with encoder and autoregressive transformer models using Triton GPU kernels and make our code publicly available at


replace FOLIO: Natural Language Reasoning with First-Order Logic

Authors: Simeng Han, Hailey Schoelkopf, Yilun Zhao, Zhenting Qi, Martin Riddell, Wenfei Zhou, James Coady, David Peng, Yujie Qiao, Luke Benson, Lucy Sun, Alex Wardle-Solano, Hannah Szabo, Ekaterina Zubova, Matthew Burtell, Jonathan Fan, Yixin Liu, Brian Wong, Malcolm Sailor, Ansong Ni, Linyong Nan, Jungo Kasai, Tao Yu, Rui Zhang, Alexander R. Fabbri, Wojciech Kryscinski, Semih Yavuz, Ye Liu, Xi Victoria Lin, Shafiq Joty, Yingbo Zhou, Caiming Xiong, Rex Ying, Arman Cohan, Dragomir Radev

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance on a variety of natural language understanding tasks. However, existing benchmarks are inadequate in measuring the complex logical reasoning capabilities of a model. We present FOLIO, a human-annotated, logically complex and diverse dataset for reasoning in natural language (NL), equipped with first-order logic (FOL) annotations. FOLIO consists of 1,430 examples (unique conclusions), each paired with one of 487 sets of premises used to deductively reason for the validity of each conclusion. The logical correctness of the premises and conclusions is ensured by their FOL annotations, which are automatically verified by an FOL inference engine. In addition to the main NL reasoning task, NL-FOL pairs in FOLIO constitute a new NL-FOL translation dataset. Our experiments on FOLIO systematically evaluate the FOL reasoning ability of supervised fine-tuning on medium-sized language models. For both NL reasoning and NL-FOL translation, we benchmark multiple state-of-the-art language models. Our results show that a subset of FOLIO presents a challenge for one of the most capable {Large Language Model (LLM)} publicly available, GPT-4.

replace ANALOGYKB: Unlocking Analogical Reasoning of Language Models with A Million-scale Knowledge Base

Authors: Siyu Yuan, Jiangjie Chen, Changzhi Sun, Jiaqing Liang, Yanghua Xiao, Deqing Yang

Abstract: Analogical reasoning is a fundamental cognitive ability of humans. However, current language models (LMs) still struggle to achieve human-like performance in analogical reasoning tasks due to a lack of resources for model training. In this work, we address this gap by proposing ANALOGYKB, a million-scale analogy knowledge base (KB) derived from existing knowledge graphs (KGs). ANALOGYKB identifies two types of analogies from the KGs: 1) analogies of the same relations, which can be directly extracted from the KGs, and 2) analogies of analogous relations, which are identified with a selection and filtering pipeline enabled by large language models (LLMs), followed by minor human efforts for data quality control. Evaluations on a series of datasets of two analogical reasoning tasks (analogy recognition and generation) demonstrate that ANALOGYKB successfully enables both smaller LMs and LLMs to gain better analogical reasoning capabilities.

replace Optimize Weight Rounding via Signed Gradient Descent for the Quantization of LLMs

Authors: Wenhua Cheng, Weiwei Zhang, Haihao Shen, Yiyang Cai, Xin He, Kaokao Lv, Yi Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in language-related tasks. However, their deployment presents significant challenges due to their substantial memory and storage requirements. To address this challenge, weight-only quantization has emerged as a promising solution. Previous research has indicated that fine-tuning through up and down rounding can enhance performance. In this study, we introduce SignRound, a method that utilizes signed gradient descent (SignSGD) to optimize rounding values and weight clipping within just 200 steps, combining the strengths of both Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) and Post-Training Quantization (PTQ). SignRound achieves outstanding results compared to recent methods across 2 to 4 bits, while maintaining low tuning costs and without introducing any additional inference overhead. For instance, SignRound led to absolute average accuracy improvements ranging from 6.91\% to 33.22\% at 2 bits. Furthermore, it demonstrates robust generalization to various recent models and achieves near-lossless quantization in most scenarios at 4 bits. The source code is publicly available at \url{}.


replace Large Language Models can Contrastively Refine their Generation for Better Sentence Representation Learning

Authors: Huiming Wang, Zhaodonghui Li, Liying Cheng, Soh De Wen, Lidong Bing

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a groundbreaking technology and their unparalleled text generation capabilities have sparked interest in their application to the fundamental sentence representation learning task. Existing methods have explored utilizing LLMs as data annotators to generate synthesized data for training contrastive learning based sentence embedding models such as SimCSE. However, since contrastive learning models are sensitive to the quality of sentence pairs, the effectiveness of these methods is largely influenced by the content generated from LLMs, highlighting the need for more refined generation in the context of sentence representation learning. Building upon this premise, we propose MultiCSR, a multi-level contrastive sentence representation learning framework that decomposes the process of prompting LLMs to generate a corpus for training base sentence embedding models into three stages (i.e., sentence generation, sentence pair construction, in-batch training) and refines the generated content at these three distinct stages, ensuring only high-quality sentence pairs are utilized to train a base contrastive learning model. Our extensive experiments reveal that MultiCSR enables a less advanced LLM to surpass the performance of ChatGPT, while applying it to ChatGPT achieves better state-of-the-art results. Comprehensive analyses further underscore the potential of our framework in various application scenarios and achieving better sentence representation learning with LLMs.

replace Temporal Knowledge Question Answering via Abstract Reasoning Induction

Authors: Ziyang Chen, Dongfang Li, Xiang Zhao, Baotian Hu, Min Zhang

Abstract: In this study, we address the challenge of enhancing temporal knowledge reasoning in Large Language Models (LLMs). LLMs often struggle with this task, leading to the generation of inaccurate or misleading responses. This issue mainly arises from their limited ability to handle evolving factual knowledge and complex temporal logic. To overcome these limitations, we propose Abstract Reasoning Induction (ARI) framework, which divides temporal reasoning into two distinct phases: Knowledge-agnostic and Knowledge-based. This framework offers factual knowledge support to LLMs while minimizing the incorporation of extraneous noisy data. Concurrently, informed by the principles of constructivism, ARI provides LLMs the capability to engage in proactive, self-directed learning from both correct and incorrect historical reasoning samples. By teaching LLMs to actively construct knowledge and methods, it can significantly boosting their temporal reasoning abilities. Our approach achieves remarkable improvements, with relative gains of 29.7% and 9.27% on two temporal QA datasets, underscoring its efficacy in advancing temporal reasoning in LLMs. The code can be found at


replace RAGTruth: A Hallucination Corpus for Developing Trustworthy Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

Authors: Cheng Niu, Yuanhao Wu, Juno Zhu, Siliang Xu, Kashun Shum, Randy Zhong, Juntong Song, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has become a main technique for alleviating hallucinations in large language models (LLMs). Despite the integration of RAG, LLMs may still present unsupported or contradictory claims to the retrieved contents. In order to develop effective hallucination prevention strategies under RAG, it is important to create benchmark datasets that can measure the extent of hallucination. This paper presents RAGTruth, a corpus tailored for analyzing word-level hallucinations in various domains and tasks within the standard RAG frameworks for LLM applications. RAGTruth comprises nearly 18,000 naturally generated responses from diverse LLMs using RAG. These responses have undergone meticulous manual annotations at both the individual cases and word levels, incorporating evaluations of hallucination intensity. We not only benchmark hallucination frequencies across different LLMs, but also critically assess the effectiveness of several existing hallucination detection methodologies. Furthermore, we show that using a high-quality dataset such as RAGTruth, it is possible to finetune a relatively small LLM and achieve a competitive level of performance in hallucination detection when compared to the existing prompt-based approaches using state-of-the-art large language models such as GPT-4.

replace Are self-explanations from Large Language Models faithful?

Authors: Andreas Madsen, Sarath Chandar, Siva Reddy

Abstract: Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) excel at many tasks and will even explain their reasoning, so-called self-explanations. However, convincing and wrong self-explanations can lead to unsupported confidence in LLMs, thus increasing risk. Therefore, it's important to measure if self-explanations truly reflect the model's behavior. Such a measure is called interpretability-faithfulness and is challenging to perform since the ground truth is inaccessible, and many LLMs only have an inference API. To address this, we propose employing self-consistency checks to measure faithfulness. For example, if an LLM says a set of words is important for making a prediction, then it should not be able to make its prediction without these words. While self-consistency checks are a common approach to faithfulness, they have not previously been successfully applied to LLM self-explanations for counterfactual, feature attribution, and redaction explanations. Our results demonstrate that faithfulness is explanation, model, and task-dependent, showing self-explanations should not be trusted in general. For example, with sentiment classification, counterfactuals are more faithful for Llama2, feature attribution for Mistral, and redaction for Falcon 40B.

replace TeenyTinyLlama: open-source tiny language models trained in Brazilian Portuguese

Authors: Nicholas Kluge Corr\^ea, Sophia Falk, Shiza Fatimah, Aniket Sen, Nythamar de Oliveira

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language processing, but their progress has yet to be equal across languages. While most LLMs are trained in high-resource languages like English, multilingual models generally underperform monolingual ones. Additionally, aspects of their multilingual foundation sometimes restrict the byproducts they produce, like computational demands and licensing regimes. In this study, we document the development of open-foundation models tailored for use in low-resource settings, their limitations, and their benefits. This is the TeenyTinyLlama pair: two compact models for Brazilian Portuguese text generation. We release them under the permissive Apache 2.0 license on GitHub and Hugging Face for community use and further development. See


replace PipeNet: Question Answering with Semantic Pruning over Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Ying Su, Jipeng Zhang, Yangqiu Song, Tong Zhang

Abstract: It is well acknowledged that incorporating explicit knowledge graphs (KGs) can benefit question answering. Existing approaches typically follow a grounding-reasoning pipeline in which entity nodes are first grounded for the query (question and candidate answers), and then a reasoning module reasons over the matched multi-hop subgraph for answer prediction. Although the pipeline largely alleviates the issue of extracting essential information from giant KGs, efficiency is still an open challenge when scaling up hops in grounding the subgraphs. In this paper, we target at finding semantically related entity nodes in the subgraph to improve the efficiency of graph reasoning with KG. We propose a grounding-pruning-reasoning pipeline to prune noisy nodes, remarkably reducing the computation cost and memory usage while also obtaining decent subgraph representation. In detail, the pruning module first scores concept nodes based on the dependency distance between matched spans and then prunes the nodes according to score ranks. To facilitate the evaluation of pruned subgraphs, we also propose a graph attention network (GAT) based module to reason with the subgraph data. Experimental results on CommonsenseQA and OpenBookQA demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

replace Speech Translation with Speech Foundation Models and Large Language Models: What is There and What is Missing?

Authors: Marco Gaido, Sara Papi, Matteo Negri, Luisa Bentivogli

Abstract: The field of natural language processing (NLP) has recently witnessed a transformative shift with the emergence of foundation models, particularly Large Language Models (LLMs) that have revolutionized text-based NLP. This paradigm has extended to other modalities, including speech, where researchers are actively exploring the combination of Speech Foundation Models (SFMs) and LLMs into single, unified models capable of addressing multimodal tasks. Among such tasks, this paper focuses on speech-to-text translation (ST). By examining the published papers on the topic, we propose a unified view of the architectural solutions and training strategies presented so far, highlighting similarities and differences among them. Based on this examination, we not only organize the lessons learned but also show how diverse settings and evaluation approaches hinder the identification of the best-performing solution for each architectural building block and training choice. Lastly, we outline recommendations for future works on the topic aimed at better understanding the strengths and weaknesses of the SFM+LLM solutions for ST.

replace Multi-modal Stance Detection: New Datasets and Model

Authors: Bin Liang, Ang Li, Jingqian Zhao, Lin Gui, Min Yang, Yue Yu, Kam-Fai Wong, Ruifeng Xu

Abstract: Stance detection is a challenging task that aims to identify public opinion from social media platforms with respect to specific targets. Previous work on stance detection largely focused on pure texts. In this paper, we study multi-modal stance detection for tweets consisting of texts and images, which are prevalent in today's fast-growing social media platforms where people often post multi-modal messages. To this end, we create five new multi-modal stance detection datasets of different domains based on Twitter, in which each example consists of a text and an image. In addition, we propose a simple yet effective Targeted Multi-modal Prompt Tuning framework (TMPT), where target information is leveraged to learn multi-modal stance features from textual and visual modalities. Experimental results on our three benchmark datasets show that the proposed TMPT achieves state-of-the-art performance in multi-modal stance detection.

replace Biomedical Entity Linking as Multiple Choice Question Answering

Authors: Zhenxi Lin, Ziheng Zhang, Xian Wu, Yefeng Zheng

Abstract: Although biomedical entity linking (BioEL) has made significant progress with pre-trained language models, challenges still exist for fine-grained and long-tailed entities. To address these challenges, we present BioELQA, a novel model that treats Biomedical Entity Linking as Multiple Choice Question Answering. BioELQA first obtains candidate entities with a fast retriever, jointly presents the mention and candidate entities to a generator, and then outputs the predicted symbol associated with its chosen entity. This formulation enables explicit comparison of different candidate entities, thus capturing fine-grained interactions between mentions and entities, as well as among entities themselves. To improve generalization for long-tailed entities, we retrieve similar labeled training instances as clues and concatenate the input with retrieved instances for the generator. Extensive experimental results show that BioELQA outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on several datasets.

replace ConspEmoLLM: Conspiracy Theory Detection Using an Emotion-Based Large Language Model

Authors: Zhiwei Liu, Boyang Liu, Paul Thompson, Kailai Yang, Sophia Ananiadou

Abstract: The internet has brought both benefits and harms to society. A prime example of the latter is misinformation, including conspiracy theories, which flood the web. Recent advances in natural language processing, particularly the emergence of large language models (LLMs), have improved the prospects of accurate misinformation detection. However, most LLM-based approaches to conspiracy theory detection focus only on binary classification and fail to account for the important relationship between misinformation and affective features (i.e., sentiment and emotions). Driven by a comprehensive analysis of conspiracy text that reveals its distinctive affective features, we propose ConspEmoLLM, the first open-source LLM that integrates affective information and is able to perform diverse tasks relating to conspiracy theories. These tasks include not only conspiracy theory detection, but also classification of theory type and detection of related discussion (e.g., opinions towards theories). ConspEmoLLM is fine-tuned based on an emotion-oriented LLM using our novel ConDID dataset, which includes five tasks to support LLM instruction tuning and evaluation. We demonstrate that when applied to these tasks, ConspEmoLLM largely outperforms several open-source general domain LLMs and ChatGPT, as well as an LLM that has been fine-tuned using ConDID, but which does not use affective features. This project will be released on


replace Counting-Stars: A Multi-evidence, Position-aware, and Scalable Benchmark for Evaluating Long-Context Large Language Models

Authors: Mingyang Song, Mao Zheng, Xuan Luo

Abstract: While recent research endeavors have focused on developing Large Language Models (LLMs) with robust long-context capabilities, due to the lack of long-context benchmarks, relatively little is known about how well the performance of long-context LLMs. To address this gap, we propose a multi-evidence, position-aware, and scalable benchmark for evaluating long-context LLMs, named Counting-Stars, which evaluates long-context LLMs by using two tasks: multi-evidence acquisition and multi-evidence reasoning. Based on the Counting-Stars test, we conduct experiments to evaluate long-context LLMs (i.e., GPT-4 Turbo, Gemini 1.5 Pro, Claude3 Opus, GLM-4, and Moonshot-v1). Experimental results demonstrate that Gemini 1.5 Pro achieves the best overall results, while the performance of GPT-4 Turbo is the most stable across various tasks. Furthermore, our analysis of these LLMs, which are extended to handle long-context scenarios, indicates that there is potential for improvement as the length of the input context and the intricacy of the tasks are increasing.

replace Player-Driven Emergence in LLM-Driven Game Narrative

Authors: Xiangyu Peng, Jessica Quaye, Weijia Xu, Portia Botchway, Chris Brockett, Bill Dolan, Nebojsa Jojic, Gabriel DesGarennes, Ken Lobb, Michael Xu, Jorge Leandro, Claire Jin, Sudha Rao

Abstract: We explore how interaction with large language models (LLMs) can give rise to emergent behaviors, empowering players to participate in the evolution of game narratives. Our testbed is a text-adventure game in which players attempt to solve a mystery under a fixed narrative premise, but can freely interact with non-player characters generated by GPT-4, a large language model. We recruit 28 gamers to play the game and use GPT-4 to automatically convert the game logs into a node-graph representing the narrative in the player's gameplay. We find that through their interactions with the non-deterministic behavior of the LLM, players are able to discover interesting new emergent nodes that were not a part of the original narrative but have potential for being fun and engaging. Players that created the most emergent nodes tended to be those that often enjoy games that facilitate discovery, exploration and experimentation.

replace OpenLLM-Ro -- Technical Report on Open-source Romanian LLMs

Authors: Mihai Masala, Denis C. Ilie-Ablachim, Dragos Corlatescu, Miruna Zavelca, Marius Leordeanu, Horia Velicu, Marius Popescu, Mihai Dascalu, Traian Rebedea

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved almost human-like performance on various tasks. While some LLMs have been trained on multilingual data, most of the training data is in English. Hence, their performance in English greatly exceeds their performance in other languages. This document presents our approach to training and evaluating the first foundational and chat LLM specialized for Romanian.

replace SCI 3.0: A Web-based Schema Curation Interface for Graphical Event Representations

Authors: Reece Suchocki, Mary Martin, Martha Palmer, Susan Brown

Abstract: To understand the complexity of global events, one must navigate a web of interwoven sub-events, identifying those most impactful elements within the larger, abstract macro-event framework at play. This concept can be extended to the field of natural language processing (NLP) through the creation of structured event schemas which can serve as representations of these abstract events. Central to our approach is the Schema Curation Interface 3.0 (SCI 3.0), a web application that facilitates real-time editing of event schema properties within a generated graph e.g., adding, removing, or editing sub-events, entities, and relations directly through an interface.

replace An Analysis of Sentential Neighbors in Implicit Discourse Relation Prediction

Authors: Evi Judge, Reece Suchocki, Konner Syed

Abstract: Discourse relation classification is an especially difficult task without explicit context markers (Prasad et al., 2008). Current approaches to implicit relation prediction solely rely on two neighboring sentences being targeted, ignoring the broader context of their surrounding environments (Atwell et al., 2021). In this research, we propose three new methods in which to incorporate context in the task of sentence relation prediction: (1) Direct Neighbors (DNs), (2) Expanded Window Neighbors (EWNs), and (3) Part-Smart Random Neighbors (PSRNs). Our findings indicate that the inclusion of context beyond one discourse unit is harmful in the task of discourse relation classification.

replace Red Teaming Language Models for Contradictory Dialogues

Authors: Xiaofei Wen, Bangzheng Li, Tenghao Huang, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Most language models currently available are prone to self-contradiction during dialogues. To mitigate this issue, this study explores a novel contradictory dialogue processing task that aims to detect and modify contradictory statements in a conversation. This task is inspired by research on context faithfulness and dialogue comprehension, which have demonstrated that the detection and understanding of contradictions often necessitate detailed explanations. We develop a dataset comprising contradictory dialogues, in which one side of the conversation contradicts itself. Each dialogue is accompanied by an explanatory label that highlights the location and details of the contradiction. With this dataset, we present a Red Teaming framework for contradictory dialogue processing. The framework detects and attempts to explain the dialogue, then modifies the existing contradictory content using the explanation. Our experiments demonstrate that the framework improves the ability to detect contradictory dialogues and provides valid explanations. Additionally, it showcases distinct capabilities for modifying such dialogues. Our study highlights the importance of the logical inconsistency problem in conversational AI.

replace-cross Large language models can accurately predict searcher preferences

Authors: Paul Thomas, Seth Spielman, Nick Craswell, Bhaskar Mitra

Abstract: Relevance labels, which indicate whether a search result is valuable to a searcher, are key to evaluating and optimising search systems. The best way to capture the true preferences of users is to ask them for their careful feedback on which results would be useful, but this approach does not scale to produce a large number of labels. Getting relevance labels at scale is usually done with third-party labellers, who judge on behalf of the user, but there is a risk of low-quality data if the labeller doesn't understand user needs. To improve quality, one standard approach is to study real users through interviews, user studies and direct feedback, find areas where labels are systematically disagreeing with users, then educate labellers about user needs through judging guidelines, training and monitoring. This paper introduces an alternate approach for improving label quality. It takes careful feedback from real users, which by definition is the highest-quality first-party gold data that can be derived, and develops an large language model prompt that agrees with that data. We present ideas and observations from deploying language models for large-scale relevance labelling at Bing, and illustrate with data from TREC. We have found large language models can be effective, with accuracy as good as human labellers and similar capability to pick the hardest queries, best runs, and best groups. Systematic changes to the prompts make a difference in accuracy, but so too do simple paraphrases. To measure agreement with real searchers needs high-quality "gold" labels, but with these we find that models produce better labels than third-party workers, for a fraction of the cost, and these labels let us train notably better rankers.

replace-cross Identifying the Risks of LM Agents with an LM-Emulated Sandbox

Authors: Yangjun Ruan, Honghua Dong, Andrew Wang, Silviu Pitis, Yongchao Zhou, Jimmy Ba, Yann Dubois, Chris J. Maddison, Tatsunori Hashimoto

Abstract: Recent advances in Language Model (LM) agents and tool use, exemplified by applications like ChatGPT Plugins, enable a rich set of capabilities but also amplify potential risks - such as leaking private data or causing financial losses. Identifying these risks is labor-intensive, necessitating implementing the tools, setting up the environment for each test scenario manually, and finding risky cases. As tools and agents become more complex, the high cost of testing these agents will make it increasingly difficult to find high-stakes, long-tailed risks. To address these challenges, we introduce ToolEmu: a framework that uses an LM to emulate tool execution and enables the testing of LM agents against a diverse range of tools and scenarios, without manual instantiation. Alongside the emulator, we develop an LM-based automatic safety evaluator that examines agent failures and quantifies associated risks. We test both the tool emulator and evaluator through human evaluation and find that 68.8% of failures identified with ToolEmu would be valid real-world agent failures. Using our curated initial benchmark consisting of 36 high-stakes tools and 144 test cases, we provide a quantitative risk analysis of current LM agents and identify numerous failures with potentially severe outcomes. Notably, even the safest LM agent exhibits such failures 23.9% of the time according to our evaluator, underscoring the need to develop safer LM agents for real-world deployment.

replace-cross ScaLearn: Simple and Highly Parameter-Efficient Task Transfer by Learning to Scale

Authors: Markus Frohmann, Carolin Holtermann, Shahed Masoudian, Anne Lauscher, Navid Rekabsaz

Abstract: Multi-task learning (MTL) has shown considerable practical benefits, particularly when using language models (LMs). While this is commonly achieved by learning $n$ tasks under a joint optimization procedure, some methods, such as AdapterFusion, divide the problem into two stages: (i) task learning, where knowledge specific to a task is encapsulated within sets of parameters (e.g., adapters), and (ii) transfer, where this already learned knowledge is leveraged for a target task. This separation of concerns provides numerous benefits (e.g., promoting reusability). However, current two-stage MTL introduces a substantial number of additional parameters. We address this issue by leveraging the usefulness of linearly scaling the output representations of source adapters for transfer learning. We introduce ScaLearn, a simple and highly parameter-efficient two-stage MTL method that capitalizes on the knowledge of the source tasks by learning a minimal set of scaling parameters that enable effective transfer to a target task. Our experiments on three benchmarks (GLUE, SuperGLUE, and HumSet) and two encoder LMs show that ScaLearn consistently outperforms strong baselines with a small number of transfer parameters (~ $0.35$% of those of AdapterFusion). Remarkably, we observe that ScaLearn maintains its strong abilities even when further reducing parameters, achieving competitive results with only $8$ transfer parameters per target task. Our proposed approach thus demonstrates the power of simple scaling as a promise for more efficient task transfer.

replace-cross ViCor: Bridging Visual Understanding and Commonsense Reasoning with Large Language Models

Authors: Kaiwen Zhou, Kwonjoon Lee, Teruhisa Misu, Xin Eric Wang

Abstract: In our work, we explore the synergistic capabilities of pre-trained vision-and-language models (VLMs) and large language models (LLMs) on visual commonsense reasoning (VCR) problems. We find that VLMs and LLMs-based decision pipelines are good at different kinds of VCR problems. Pre-trained VLMs exhibit strong performance for problems involving understanding the literal visual content, which we noted as visual commonsense understanding (VCU). For problems where the goal is to infer conclusions beyond image content, which we noted as visual commonsense inference (VCI), VLMs face difficulties, while LLMs, given sufficient visual evidence, can use commonsense to infer the answer well. We empirically validate this by letting LLMs classify VCR problems into these two categories and show the significant difference between VLM and LLM with image caption decision pipelines on two subproblems. Moreover, we identify a challenge with VLMs' passive perception, which may miss crucial context information, leading to incorrect reasoning by LLMs. Based on these, we suggest a collaborative approach, named ViCor, where pre-trained LLMs serve as problem classifiers to analyze the problem category, then either use VLMs to answer the question directly or actively instruct VLMs to concentrate on and gather relevant visual elements to support potential commonsense inferences. We evaluate our framework on two VCR benchmark datasets and outperform all other methods that do not require in-domain fine-tuning.

replace-cross EasyGen: Easing Multimodal Generation with BiDiffuser and LLMs

Authors: Xiangyu Zhao, Bo Liu, Qijiong Liu, Guangyuan Shi, Xiao-Ming Wu

Abstract: We present EasyGen, an efficient model designed to enhance multimodal understanding and generation by harnessing the capabilities of diffusion models and large language models (LLMs), Unlike existing multimodal models that predominately depend on encoders like CLIP or ImageBind and need ample amounts of training data to bridge modalities,EasyGen leverages BiDiffuser,a bidirectional conditional diffusion model, to foster more efficient modality interactions. Easygen achieves text generation by training a projection layer linking BiDiffuser and an LLM, and facilities image generation by training an adapter to align the LLM's text space with the BiDiffuser's image space, Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative experiments show that EasyGen excels in data-efficient training, high-quality image generation, and extendibility, effectively addressing the challenges in multimodal generation. The source code is available at


replace-cross StableSSM: Alleviating the Curse of Memory in State-space Models through Stable Reparameterization

Authors: Shida Wang, Qianxiao Li

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the long-term memory learning capabilities of state-space models (SSMs) from the perspective of parameterization. We prove that state-space models without any reparameterization exhibit a memory limitation similar to that of traditional RNNs: the target relationships that can be stably approximated by state-space models must have an exponential decaying memory. Our analysis identifies this "curse of memory" as a result of the recurrent weights converging to a stability boundary, suggesting that a reparameterization technique can be effective. To this end, we introduce a class of reparameterization techniques for SSMs that effectively lift its memory limitations. Besides improving approximation capabilities, we further illustrate that a principled choice of reparameterization scheme can also enhance optimization stability. We validate our findings using synthetic datasets, language models and image classifications.

replace-cross Bypassing the Safety Training of Open-Source LLMs with Priming Attacks

Authors: Jason Vega, Isha Chaudhary, Changming Xu, Gagandeep Singh

Abstract: With the recent surge in popularity of LLMs has come an ever-increasing need for LLM safety training. In this paper, we investigate the fragility of SOTA open-source LLMs under simple, optimization-free attacks we refer to as $\textit{priming attacks}$, which are easy to execute and effectively bypass alignment from safety training. Our proposed attack improves the Attack Success Rate on Harmful Behaviors, as measured by Llama Guard, by up to $3.3\times$ compared to baselines. Source code and data are available at


replace-cross How Can Large Language Models Understand Spatial-Temporal Data?

Authors: Lei Liu, Shuo Yu, Runze Wang, Zhenxun Ma, Yanming Shen

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) dominate tasks like natural language processing and computer vision, harnessing their power for spatial-temporal forecasting remains challenging. The disparity between sequential text and complex spatial-temporal data hinders this application. To address this issue, this paper introduces STG-LLM, an innovative approach empowering LLMs for spatial-temporal forecasting. We tackle the data mismatch by proposing: 1) STG-Tokenizer: This spatial-temporal graph tokenizer transforms intricate graph data into concise tokens capturing both spatial and temporal relationships; 2) STG-Adapter: This minimalistic adapter, consisting of linear encoding and decoding layers, bridges the gap between tokenized data and LLM comprehension. By fine-tuning only a small set of parameters, it can effectively grasp the semantics of tokens generated by STG-Tokenizer, while preserving the original natural language understanding capabilities of LLMs. Extensive experiments on diverse spatial-temporal benchmark datasets show that STG-LLM successfully unlocks LLM potential for spatial-temporal forecasting. Remarkably, our approach achieves competitive performance on par with dedicated SOTA methods.

replace-cross Towards Understanding the Word Sensitivity of Attention Layers: A Study via Random Features

Authors: Simone Bombari, Marco Mondelli

Abstract: Understanding the reasons behind the exceptional success of transformers requires a better analysis of why attention layers are suitable for NLP tasks. In particular, such tasks require predictive models to capture contextual meaning which often depends on one or few words, even if the sentence is long. Our work studies this key property, dubbed word sensitivity (WS), in the prototypical setting of random features. We show that attention layers enjoy high WS, namely, there exists a vector in the space of embeddings that largely perturbs the random attention features map. The argument critically exploits the role of the softmax in the attention layer, highlighting its benefit compared to other activations (e.g., ReLU). In contrast, the WS of standard random features is of order $1/\sqrt{n}$, $n$ being the number of words in the textual sample, and thus it decays with the length of the context. We then translate these results on the word sensitivity into generalization bounds: due to their low WS, random features provably cannot learn to distinguish between two sentences that differ only in a single word; in contrast, due to their high WS, random attention features have higher generalization capabilities. We validate our theoretical results with experimental evidence over the BERT-Base word embeddings of the imdb review dataset.

replace-cross GeoEval: Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs and Multi-Modal Models on Geometry Problem-Solving

Authors: Jiaxin Zhang, Zhongzhi Li, Mingliang Zhang, Fei Yin, Chenglin Liu, Yashar Moshfeghi

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) and multi-modal models (MMs) have demonstrated their remarkable capabilities in problem-solving. Yet, their proficiency in tackling geometry math problems, which necessitates an integrated understanding of both textual and visual information, has not been thoroughly evaluated. To address this gap, we introduce the GeoEval benchmark, a comprehensive collection that includes a main subset of 2,000 problems, a 750 problems subset focusing on backward reasoning, an augmented subset of 2,000 problems, and a hard subset of 300 problems. This benchmark facilitates a deeper investigation into the performance of LLMs and MMs in solving geometry math problems. Our evaluation of ten LLMs and MMs across these varied subsets reveals that the WizardMath model excels, achieving a 55.67\% accuracy rate on the main subset but only a 6.00\% accuracy on the hard subset. This highlights the critical need for testing models against datasets on which they have not been pre-trained. Additionally, our findings indicate that GPT-series models perform more effectively on problems they have rephrased, suggesting a promising method for enhancing model capabilities.

replace-cross IDGenRec: LLM-RecSys Alignment with Textual ID Learning

Authors: Juntao Tan, Shuyuan Xu, Wenyue Hua, Yingqiang Ge, Zelong Li, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: Generative recommendation based on Large Language Models (LLMs) have transformed the traditional ranking-based recommendation style into a text-to-text generation paradigm. However, in contrast to standard NLP tasks that inherently operate on human vocabulary, current research in generative recommendations struggles to effectively encode recommendation items within the text-to-text framework using concise yet meaningful ID representations. To better align LLMs with recommendation needs, we propose IDGen, representing each item as a unique, concise, semantically rich, platform-agnostic textual ID using human language tokens. This is achieved by training a textual ID generator alongside the LLM-based recommender, enabling seamless integration of personalized recommendations into natural language generation. Notably, as user history is expressed in natural language and decoupled from the original dataset, our approach suggests the potential for a foundational generative recommendation model. Experiments show that our framework consistently surpasses existing models in sequential recommendation under standard experimental setting. Then, we explore the possibility of training a foundation recommendation model with the proposed method on data collected from 19 different datasets and tested its recommendation performance on 6 unseen datasets across different platforms under a completely zero-shot setting. The results show that the zero-shot performance of the pre-trained foundation model is comparable to or even better than some traditional recommendation models based on supervised training, showing the potential of the IDGen paradigm serving as the foundation model for generative recommendation. Code and data are open-sourced at


replace-cross Two-Stage Stance Labeling: User-Hashtag Heuristics with Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Joshua Melton, Shannon Reid, Gabriel Terejanu, Siddharth Krishnan

Abstract: The high volume and rapid evolution of content on social media present major challenges for studying the stance of social media users. In this work, we develop a two stage stance labeling method that utilizes the user-hashtag bipartite graph and the user-user interaction graph. In the first stage, a simple and efficient heuristic for stance labeling uses the user-hashtag bipartite graph to iteratively update the stance association of user and hashtag nodes via a label propagation mechanism. This set of soft labels is then integrated with the user-user interaction graph to train a graph neural network (GNN) model using semi-supervised learning. We evaluate this method on two large-scale datasets containing tweets related to climate change from June 2021 to June 2022 and gun control from January 2022 to January 2023. Our experiments demonstrate that enriching text-based embeddings of users with network information from the user interaction graph using our semi-supervised GNN method outperforms both classifiers trained on user textual embeddings and zero-shot classification using LLMs such as GPT4. We discuss the need for integrating nuanced understanding from social science with the scalability of computational methods to better understand how polarization on social media occurs for divisive issues such as climate change and gun control.

replace-cross Pose2Gest: A Few-Shot Model-Free Approach Applied In South Indian Classical Dance Gesture Recognition

Authors: Kavitha Raju, Nandini J. Warrier, Manu Madhavan, Selvi C., Arun B. Warrier, Thulasi Kumar

Abstract: The classical dances from India utilize a set of hand gestures known as Mudras, serving as the foundational elements of its posture vocabulary. Identifying these mudras represents a primary task in digitizing the dance performances. With Kathakali, a dance-drama, as the focus, this work addresses mudra recognition by framing it as a 24-class classification problem and proposes a novel vector-similarity-based approach leveraging pose estimation techniques. This method obviates the need for extensive training or fine-tuning, thus mitigating the issue of limited data availability common in similar AI applications. Achieving an accuracy rate of 92%, our approach demonstrates comparable or superior performance to existing model-training-based methodologies in this domain. Notably, it remains effective even with small datasets comprising just 1 or 5 samples, albeit with a slightly diminished performance. Furthermore, our system supports processing images, videos, and real-time streams, accommodating both hand-cropped and full-body images. As part of this research, we have curated and released a publicly accessible Hasta Mudra dataset, which applies to multiple South Indian art forms including Kathakali. The implementation of the proposed method is also made available as a web application.

replace-cross LLaVA Finds Free Lunch: Teaching Human Behavior Improves Content Understanding Abilities Of LLMs

Authors: Somesh Singh, Harini S I, Yaman K Singla, Veeky Baths, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Changyou Chen, Balaji Krishnamurthy

Abstract: Communication is defined as "Who says what to whom with what effect." A message from a communicator generates downstream receiver effects, also known as behavior. Receiver behavior, being a downstream effect of the message, carries rich signals about it. Even after carrying signals about the message, the behavior data is often ignored while training large language models. We show that training LLMs on receiver behavior can actually help improve their content-understanding abilities. Specifically, we show that training LLMs to predict the receiver behavior of likes and comments improves the LLM's performance on a wide variety of downstream content understanding tasks. We show this performance increase over 40 video and image understanding tasks over 23 benchmark datasets across both 0-shot and fine-tuning settings, outperforming many supervised baselines. Moreover, since receiver behavior, such as likes and comments, is collected by default on the internet and does not need any human annotations to be useful, the performance improvement we get after training on this data is essentially free-lunch. We release the receiver behavior cleaned comments and likes of 750k images and videos collected from multiple platforms along with our instruction-tuning data.

replace-cross SOK-Bench: A Situated Video Reasoning Benchmark with Aligned Open-World Knowledge

Authors: Andong Wang, Bo Wu, Sunli Chen, Zhenfang Chen, Haotian Guan, Wei-Ning Lee, Li Erran Li, Chuang Gan

Abstract: Learning commonsense reasoning from visual contexts and scenes in real-world is a crucial step toward advanced artificial intelligence. However, existing video reasoning benchmarks are still inadequate since they were mainly designed for factual or situated reasoning and rarely involve broader knowledge in the real world. Our work aims to delve deeper into reasoning evaluations, specifically within dynamic, open-world, and structured context knowledge. We propose a new benchmark (SOK-Bench), consisting of 44K questions and 10K situations with instance-level annotations depicted in the videos. The reasoning process is required to understand and apply situated knowledge and general knowledge for problem-solving. To create such a dataset, we propose an automatic and scalable generation method to generate question-answer pairs, knowledge graphs, and rationales by instructing the combinations of LLMs and MLLMs. Concretely, we first extract observable situated entities, relations, and processes from videos for situated knowledge and then extend to open-world knowledge beyond the visible content. The task generation is facilitated through multiple dialogues as iterations and subsequently corrected and refined by our designed self-promptings and demonstrations. With a corpus of both explicit situated facts and implicit commonsense, we generate associated question-answer pairs and reasoning processes, finally followed by manual reviews for quality assurance. We evaluated recent mainstream large vision-language models on the benchmark and found several insightful conclusions. For more information, please refer to our benchmark at

replace-cross Fine-Tuning Large Vision-Language Models as Decision-Making Agents via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yuexiang Zhai, Hao Bai, Zipeng Lin, Jiayi Pan, Shengbang Tong, Yifei Zhou, Alane Suhr, Saining Xie, Yann LeCun, Yi Ma, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Large vision-language models (VLMs) fine-tuned on specialized visual instruction-following data have exhibited impressive language reasoning capabilities across various scenarios. However, this fine-tuning paradigm may not be able to efficiently learn optimal decision-making agents in multi-step goal-directed tasks from interactive environments. To address this challenge, we propose an algorithmic framework that fine-tunes VLMs with reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, our framework provides a task description and then prompts the VLM to generate chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning, enabling the VLM to efficiently explore intermediate reasoning steps that lead to the final text-based action. Next, the open-ended text output is parsed into an executable action to interact with the environment to obtain goal-directed task rewards. Finally, our framework uses these task rewards to fine-tune the entire VLM with RL. Empirically, we demonstrate that our proposed framework enhances the decision-making capabilities of VLM agents across various tasks, enabling 7b models to outperform commercial models such as GPT4-V or Gemini. Furthermore, we find that CoT reasoning is a crucial component for performance improvement, as removing the CoT reasoning results in a significant decrease in the overall performance of our method.