new Untargeted Adversarial Attack on Knowledge Graph Embeddings

Authors: Tianzhe Zhao, Jiaoyan Chen, Yanchi Ru, Qika Lin, Yuxia Geng, Jun Liu

Abstract: Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) methods have achieved great success in handling various knowledge graph (KG) downstream tasks. However, KGE methods may learn biased representations on low-quality KGs that are prevalent in the real world. Some recent studies propose adversarial attacks to investigate the vulnerabilities of KGE methods, but their attackers are target-oriented with the KGE method and the target triples to predict are given in advance, which lacks practicability. In this work, we explore untargeted attacks with the aim of reducing the global performances of KGE methods over a set of unknown test triples and conducting systematic analyses on KGE robustness. Considering logic rules can effectively summarize the global structure of a KG, we develop rule-based attack strategies to enhance the attack efficiency. In particular,we consider adversarial deletion which learns rules, applying the rules to score triple importance and delete important triples, and adversarial addition which corrupts the learned rules and applies them for negative triples as perturbations. Extensive experiments on two datasets over three representative classes of KGE methods demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed untargeted attacks in diminishing the link prediction results. And we also find that different KGE methods exhibit different robustness to untargeted attacks. For example, the robustness of methods engaged with graph neural networks and logic rules depends on the density of the graph. But rule-based methods like NCRL are easily affected by adversarial addition attacks to capture negative rules

new On Constructing Algorithm Portfolios in Algorithm Selection for Computationally Expensive Black-box Optimization in the Fixed-budget Setting

Authors: Takushi Yoshikawa, Ryoji Tanabe

Abstract: Feature-based offline algorithm selection has shown its effectiveness in a wide range of optimization problems, including the black-box optimization problem. An algorithm selection system selects the most promising optimizer from an algorithm portfolio, which is a set of pre-defined optimizers. Thus, algorithm selection requires a well-constructed algorithm portfolio consisting of efficient optimizers complementary to each other. Although construction methods for the fixed-target setting have been well studied, those for the fixed-budget setting have received less attention. Here, the fixed-budget setting is generally used for computationally expensive optimization, where a budget of function evaluations is small. In this context, first, this paper points out some undesirable properties of experimental setups in previous studies. Then, this paper argues the importance of considering the number of function evaluations used in the sampling phase when constructing algorithm portfolios, whereas the previous studies ignored that. The results show that algorithm portfolios constructed by our approach perform significantly better than those by the previous approach.

new Manifold-based Incomplete Multi-view Clustering via Bi-Consistency Guidance

Authors: Huibing Wang, Mingze Yao, Yawei Chen, Yunqiu Xu, Haipeng Liu, Wei Jia, Xianping Fu, Yang Wang

Abstract: Incomplete multi-view clustering primarily focuses on dividing unlabeled data into corresponding categories with missing instances, and has received intensive attention due to its superiority in real applications. Considering the influence of incomplete data, the existing methods mostly attempt to recover data by adding extra terms. However, for the unsupervised methods, a simple recovery strategy will cause errors and outlying value accumulations, which will affect the performance of the methods. Broadly, the previous methods have not taken the effectiveness of recovered instances into consideration, or cannot flexibly balance the discrepancies between recovered data and original data. To address these problems, we propose a novel method termed Manifold-based Incomplete Multi-view clustering via Bi-consistency guidance (MIMB), which flexibly recovers incomplete data among various views, and attempts to achieve biconsistency guidance via reverse regularization. In particular, MIMB adds reconstruction terms to representation learning by recovering missing instances, which dynamically examines the latent consensus representation. Moreover, to preserve the consistency information among multiple views, MIMB implements a biconsistency guidance strategy with reverse regularization of the consensus representation and proposes a manifold embedding measure for exploring the hidden structure of the recovered data. Notably, MIMB aims to balance the importance of different views, and introduces an adaptive weight term for each view. Finally, an optimization algorithm with an alternating iteration optimization strategy is designed for final clustering. Extensive experimental results on 6 benchmark datasets are provided to confirm that MIMB can significantly obtain superior results as compared with several state-of-the-art baselines.

new Flow Score Distillation for Diverse Text-to-3D Generation

Authors: Runjie Yan, Kailu Wu, Kaisheng Ma

Abstract: Recent advancements in Text-to-3D generation have yielded remarkable progress, particularly through methods that rely on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS). While SDS exhibits the capability to create impressive 3D assets, it is hindered by its inherent maximum-likelihood-seeking essence, resulting in limited diversity in generation outcomes. In this paper, we discover that the Denoise Diffusion Implicit Models (DDIM) generation process (\ie PF-ODE) can be succinctly expressed using an analogue of SDS loss. One step further, one can see SDS as a generalized DDIM generation process. Following this insight, we show that the noise sampling strategy in the noise addition stage significantly restricts the diversity of generation results. To address this limitation, we present an innovative noise sampling approach and introduce a novel text-to-3D method called Flow Score Distillation (FSD). Our validation experiments across various text-to-image Diffusion Models demonstrate that FSD substantially enhances generation diversity without compromising quality.

new Learnable Privacy Neurons Localization in Language Models

Authors: Ruizhe Chen, Tianxiang Hu, Yang Feng, Zuozhu Liu

Abstract: Concerns regarding Large Language Models (LLMs) to memorize and disclose private information, particularly Personally Identifiable Information (PII), become prominent within the community. Many efforts have been made to mitigate the privacy risks. However, the mechanism through which LLMs memorize PII remains poorly understood. To bridge this gap, we introduce a pioneering method for pinpointing PII-sensitive neurons (privacy neurons) within LLMs. Our method employs learnable binary weight masks to localize specific neurons that account for the memorization of PII in LLMs through adversarial training. Our investigations discover that PII is memorized by a small subset of neurons across all layers, which shows the property of PII specificity. Furthermore, we propose to validate the potential in PII risk mitigation by deactivating the localized privacy neurons. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our neuron localization algorithm.

new Relative Counterfactual Contrastive Learning for Mitigating Pretrained Stance Bias in Stance Detection

Authors: Jiarui Zhang, Shaojuan Wu, Xiaowang Zhang, Zhiyong Feng

Abstract: Stance detection classifies stance relations (namely, Favor, Against, or Neither) between comments and targets. Pretrained language models (PLMs) are widely used to mine the stance relation to improve the performance of stance detection through pretrained knowledge. However, PLMs also embed ``bad'' pretrained knowledge concerning stance into the extracted stance relation semantics, resulting in pretrained stance bias. It is not trivial to measure pretrained stance bias due to its weak quantifiability. In this paper, we propose Relative Counterfactual Contrastive Learning (RCCL), in which pretrained stance bias is mitigated as relative stance bias instead of absolute stance bias to overtake the difficulty of measuring bias. Firstly, we present a new structural causal model for characterizing complicated relationships among context, PLMs and stance relations to locate pretrained stance bias. Then, based on masked language model prediction, we present a target-aware relative stance sample generation method for obtaining relative bias. Finally, we use contrastive learning based on counterfactual theory to mitigate pretrained stance bias and preserve context stance relation. Experiments show that the proposed method is superior to stance detection and debiasing baselines.

new Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting by Exemplar Selection in Task-oriented Dialogue System

Authors: Chen Chen, Ruizhe Li, Yuchen Hu, Yuanyuan Chen, Chengwei Qin, Qiang Zhang

Abstract: Intelligent task-oriented dialogue systems (ToDs) are expected to continuously acquire new knowledge, also known as Continual Learning (CL), which is crucial to fit ever-changing user needs. However, catastrophic forgetting dramatically degrades the model performance in face of a long streamed curriculum. In this paper, we aim to overcome the forgetting problem in ToDs and propose a method (HESIT) with hyper-gradient-based exemplar strategy, which samples influential exemplars for periodic retraining. Instead of unilaterally observing data or models, HESIT adopts a profound exemplar selection strategy that considers the general performance of the trained model when selecting exemplars for each task domain. Specifically, HESIT analyzes the training data influence by tracing their hyper-gradient in the optimization process. Furthermore, HESIT avoids estimating Hessian to make it compatible for ToDs with a large pre-trained model. Experimental results show that HESIT effectively alleviates catastrophic forgetting by exemplar selection, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on the largest CL benchmark of ToDs in terms of all metrics.

new Physics-incorporated Graph Neural Network for Multivariate Time Series Imputation

Authors: Guojun Liang, Prayag Tiwari, Slawomir Nowaczyk, Stefan Byttner

Abstract: Exploring the missing values is an essential but challenging issue due to the complex latent spatio-temporal correlation and dynamic nature of time series. Owing to the outstanding performance in dealing with structure learning potentials, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are often used to capture such complex spatio-temporal features in multivariate time series. However, these data-driven models often fail to capture the essential spatio-temporal relationships when significant signal corruption occurs. Additionally, calculating the high-order neighbor nodes in these models is of high computational complexity. To address these problems, we propose a novel higher-order spatio-temporal physics-incorporated GNN (HSPGNN). Firstly, the dynamic Laplacian matrix can be obtained by the spatial attention mechanism. Then, the generic inhomogeneous partial differential equation (PDE) of physical dynamic systems is used to construct the dynamic higher-order spatio-temporal GNN to obtain the missing time series values. Moreover, we estimate the missing impact by Normalizing Flows (NF) to evaluate the importance of each node in the graph for better explainability. Experimental results on four benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of HSPGNN and the superior performance when combining various order neighbor nodes. Also, graph-like optical flow, dynamic graphs, and missing impact can be obtained naturally by HSPGNN, which provides better dynamic analysis and explanation than traditional data-driven models. Our code is available at


new Large Language Models for Tuning Evolution Strategies

Authors: Oliver Kramer

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit world knowledge and inference capabilities, making them powerful tools for various applications. This paper proposes a feedback loop mechanism that leverages these capabilities to tune Evolution Strategies (ES) parameters effectively. The mechanism involves a structured process of providing programming instructions, executing the corresponding code, and conducting thorough analysis. This process is specifically designed for the optimization of ES parameters. The method operates through an iterative cycle, ensuring continuous refinement of the ES parameters. First, LLMs process the instructions to generate or modify the code. The code is then executed, and the results are meticulously logged. Subsequent analysis of these results provides insights that drive further improvements. An experiment on tuning the learning rates of ES using the LLaMA3 model demonstrate the feasibility of this approach. This research illustrates how LLMs can be harnessed to improve ES algorithms' performance and suggests broader applications for similar feedback loop mechanisms in various domains.

new Large Language Models in Wireless Application Design: In-Context Learning-enhanced Automatic Network Intrusion Detection

Authors: Han Zhang, Akram Bin Sediq, Ali Afana, Melike Erol-Kantarci

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), especially generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs), have recently demonstrated outstanding ability in information comprehension and problem-solving. This has motivated many studies in applying LLMs to wireless communication networks. In this paper, we propose a pre-trained LLM-empowered framework to perform fully automatic network intrusion detection. Three in-context learning methods are designed and compared to enhance the performance of LLMs. With experiments on a real network intrusion detection dataset, in-context learning proves to be highly beneficial in improving the task processing performance in a way that no further training or fine-tuning of LLMs is required. We show that for GPT-4, testing accuracy and F1-Score can be improved by 90%. Moreover, pre-trained LLMs demonstrate big potential in performing wireless communication-related tasks. Specifically, the proposed framework can reach an accuracy and F1-Score of over 95% on different types of attacks with GPT-4 using only 10 in-context learning examples.

new Generative modeling of Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditioners

Authors: Mou Li, He Wang, Peter K. Jimack

Abstract: We present a new deep learning paradigm for the generation of sparse approximate inverse (SPAI) preconditioners for matrix systems arising from the mesh-based discretization of elliptic differential operators. Our approach is based upon the observation that matrices generated in this manner are not arbitrary, but inherit properties from differential operators that they discretize. Consequently, we seek to represent a learnable distribution of high-performance preconditioners from a low-dimensional subspace through a carefully-designed autoencoder, which is able to generate SPAI preconditioners for these systems. The concept has been implemented on a variety of finite element discretizations of second- and fourth-order elliptic partial differential equations with highly promising results.

new A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on Sleep Stage Classification and Sleep Disorder Detection Using Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Tayab Uddin Wara, Ababil Hossain Fahad, Adri Shankar Das, Md. Mehedi Hasan Shawon

Abstract: Sleep is vital for people's physical and mental health, and sound sleep can help them focus on daily activities. Therefore, a sleep study that includes sleep patterns and disorders is crucial to enhancing our knowledge about individuals' health status. The findings on sleep stages and sleep disorders relied on polysomnography and self-report measures, and then the study went through clinical assessments by expert physicians. However, the evaluation process of sleep stage classification and sleep disorder has become more convenient with artificial intelligence applications and numerous investigations focusing on various datasets with advanced algorithms and techniques that offer improved computational ease and accuracy. This study aims to provide a comprehensive, systematic review and meta-analysis of the recent literature to analyze the different approaches and their outcomes in sleep studies, which includes works on sleep stages classification and sleep disorder detection using AI. In this review, 183 articles were initially selected from different journals, among which 80 records were enlisted for explicit review, ranging from 2016 to 2023. Brain waves were the most commonly employed body parameters for sleep staging and disorder studies. The convolutional neural network, the most widely used of the 34 distinct artificial intelligence models, comprised 27%. The other models included the long short-term memory, support vector machine, random forest, and recurrent neural network, which consisted of 11%, 6%, 6%, and 5% sequentially. For performance metrics, accuracy was widely used for a maximum of 83.75% of the cases, the F1 score of 45%, Kappa of 36.25%, Sensitivity of 31.25%, and Specificity of 30% of cases, along with the other metrics. This article would help physicians and researchers get the gist of AI's contribution to sleep studies and the feasibility of their intended work.

new ARDDQN: Attention Recurrent Double Deep Q-Network for UAV Coverage Path Planning and Data Harvesting

Authors: Praveen Kumar, Priyadarshni, Rajiv Misra

Abstract: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have gained popularity in data harvesting (DH) and coverage path planning (CPP) to survey a given area efficiently and collect data from aerial perspectives, while data harvesting aims to gather information from various Internet of Things (IoT) sensor devices, coverage path planning guarantees that every location within the designated area is visited with minimal redundancy and maximum efficiency. We propose the ARDDQN (Attention-based Recurrent Double Deep Q Network), which integrates double deep Q-networks (DDQN) with recurrent neural networks (RNNs) and an attention mechanism to generate path coverage choices that maximize data collection from IoT devices and to learn a control scheme for the UAV that generalizes energy restrictions. We employ a structured environment map comprising a compressed global environment map and a local map showing the UAV agent's locate efficiently scaling to large environments. We have compared Long short-term memory (LSTM), Bi-directional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM), Gated recurrent unit (GRU) and Bidirectional gated recurrent unit (Bi-GRU) as recurrent neural networks (RNN) to the result without RNN We propose integrating the LSTM with the Attention mechanism to the existing DDQN model, which works best on evolution parameters, i.e., data collection, landing, and coverage ratios for the CPP and data harvesting scenarios.

new GraSS: Combining Graph Neural Networks with Expert Knowledge for SAT Solver Selection

Authors: Zhanguang Zhang, Didier Chetelat, Joseph Cotnareanu, Amur Ghose, Wenyi Xiao, Hui-Ling Zhen, Yingxue Zhang, Jianye Hao, Mark Coates, Mingxuan Yuan

Abstract: Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problems are routinely solved by SAT solvers in real-life applications, yet solving time can vary drastically between solvers for the same instance. This has motivated research into machine learning models that can predict, for a given SAT instance, which solver to select among several options. Existing SAT solver selection methods all rely on some hand-picked instance features, which are costly to compute and ignore the structural information in SAT graphs. In this paper we present GraSS, a novel approach for automatic SAT solver selection based on tripartite graph representations of instances and a heterogeneous graph neural network (GNN) model. While GNNs have been previously adopted in other SAT-related tasks, they do not incorporate any domain-specific knowledge and ignore the runtime variation introduced by different clause orders. We enrich the graph representation with domain-specific decisions, such as novel node feature design, positional encodings for clauses in the graph, a GNN architecture tailored to our tripartite graphs and a runtime-sensitive loss function. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that this combination of raw representations and domain-specific choices leads to improvements in runtime for a pool of seven state-of-the-art solvers on both an industrial circuit design benchmark, and on instances from the 20-year Anniversary Track of the 2022 SAT Competition.

new Generative Artificial Intelligence: A Systematic Review and Applications

Authors: Sandeep Singh Sengar, Affan Bin Hasan, Sanjay Kumar, Fiona Carroll

Abstract: In recent years, the study of artificial intelligence (AI) has undergone a paradigm shift. This has been propelled by the groundbreaking capabilities of generative models both in supervised and unsupervised learning scenarios. Generative AI has shown state-of-the-art performance in solving perplexing real-world conundrums in fields such as image translation, medical diagnostics, textual imagery fusion, natural language processing, and beyond. This paper documents the systematic review and analysis of recent advancements and techniques in Generative AI with a detailed discussion of their applications including application-specific models. Indeed, the major impact that generative AI has made to date, has been in language generation with the development of large language models, in the field of image translation and several other interdisciplinary applications of generative AI. Moreover, the primary contribution of this paper lies in its coherent synthesis of the latest advancements in these areas, seamlessly weaving together contemporary breakthroughs in the field. Particularly, how it shares an exploration of the future trajectory for generative AI. In conclusion, the paper ends with a discussion of Responsible AI principles, and the necessary ethical considerations for the sustainability and growth of these generative models.

new Safety in Graph Machine Learning: Threats and Safeguards

Authors: Song Wang, Yushun Dong, Binchi Zhang, Zihan Chen, Xingbo Fu, Yinhan He, Cong Shen, Chuxu Zhang, Nitesh V. Chawla, Jundong Li

Abstract: Graph Machine Learning (Graph ML) has witnessed substantial advancements in recent years. With their remarkable ability to process graph-structured data, Graph ML techniques have been extensively utilized across diverse applications, including critical domains like finance, healthcare, and transportation. Despite their societal benefits, recent research highlights significant safety concerns associated with the widespread use of Graph ML models. Lacking safety-focused designs, these models can produce unreliable predictions, demonstrate poor generalizability, and compromise data confidentiality. In high-stakes scenarios such as financial fraud detection, these vulnerabilities could jeopardize both individuals and society at large. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize the development of safety-oriented Graph ML models to mitigate these risks and enhance public confidence in their applications. In this survey paper, we explore three critical aspects vital for enhancing safety in Graph ML: reliability, generalizability, and confidentiality. We categorize and analyze threats to each aspect under three headings: model threats, data threats, and attack threats. This novel taxonomy guides our review of effective strategies to protect against these threats. Our systematic review lays a groundwork for future research aimed at developing practical, safety-centered Graph ML models. Furthermore, we highlight the significance of safe Graph ML practices and suggest promising avenues for further investigation in this crucial area.

new Frugal Algorithm Selection

Authors: Erdem Ku\c{s}, \"Ozg\"ur Akg\"un, Nguyen Dang, Ian Miguel

Abstract: When solving decision and optimisation problems, many competing algorithms (model and solver choices) have complementary strengths. Typically, there is no single algorithm that works well for all instances of a problem. Automated algorithm selection has been shown to work very well for choosing a suitable algorithm for a given instance. However, the cost of training can be prohibitively large due to running candidate algorithms on a representative set of training instances. In this work, we explore reducing this cost by choosing a subset of the training instances on which to train. We approach this problem in three ways: using active learning to decide based on prediction uncertainty, augmenting the algorithm predictors with a timeout predictor, and collecting training data using a progressively increasing timeout. We evaluate combinations of these approaches on six datasets from ASLib and present the reduction in labelling cost achieved by each option.

new Flattened one-bit stochastic gradient descent: compressed distributed optimization with controlled variance

Authors: Alexander Stollenwerk, Laurent Jacques

Abstract: We propose a novel algorithm for distributed stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with compressed gradient communication in the parameter-server framework. Our gradient compression technique, named flattened one-bit stochastic gradient descent (FO-SGD), relies on two simple algorithmic ideas: (i) a one-bit quantization procedure leveraging the technique of dithering, and (ii) a randomized fast Walsh-Hadamard transform to flatten the stochastic gradient before quantization. As a result, the approximation of the true gradient in this scheme is biased, but it prevents commonly encountered algorithmic problems, such as exploding variance in the one-bit compression regime, deterioration of performance in the case of sparse gradients, and restrictive assumptions on the distribution of the stochastic gradients. In fact, we show SGD-like convergence guarantees under mild conditions. The compression technique can be used in both directions of worker-server communication, therefore admitting distributed optimization with full communication compression.

new AdaWaveNet: Adaptive Wavelet Network for Time Series Analysis

Authors: Han Yu, Peikun Guo, Akane Sano

Abstract: Time series data analysis is a critical component in various domains such as finance, healthcare, and meteorology. Despite the progress in deep learning for time series analysis, there remains a challenge in addressing the non-stationary nature of time series data. Traditional models, which are built on the assumption of constant statistical properties over time, often struggle to capture the temporal dynamics in realistic time series, resulting in bias and error in time series analysis. This paper introduces the Adaptive Wavelet Network (AdaWaveNet), a novel approach that employs Adaptive Wavelet Transformation for multi-scale analysis of non-stationary time series data. AdaWaveNet designed a lifting scheme-based wavelet decomposition and construction mechanism for adaptive and learnable wavelet transforms, which offers enhanced flexibility and robustness in analysis. We conduct extensive experiments on 10 datasets across 3 different tasks, including forecasting, imputation, and a newly established super-resolution task. The evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of AdaWaveNet over existing methods in all three tasks, which illustrates its potential in various real-world applications.

new Towards Modular LLMs by Building and Reusing a Library of LoRAs

Authors: Oleksiy Ostapenko, Zhan Su, Edoardo Maria Ponti, Laurent Charlin, Nicolas Le Roux, Matheus Pereira, Lucas Caccia, Alessandro Sordoni

Abstract: The growing number of parameter-efficient adaptations of a base large language model (LLM) calls for studying whether we can reuse such trained adapters to improve performance for new tasks. We study how to best build a library of adapters given multi-task data and devise techniques for both zero-shot and supervised task generalization through routing in such library. We benchmark existing approaches to build this library and introduce model-based clustering, MBC, a method that groups tasks based on the similarity of their adapter parameters, indirectly optimizing for transfer across the multi-task dataset. To re-use the library, we present a novel zero-shot routing mechanism, Arrow, which enables dynamic selection of the most relevant adapters for new inputs without the need for retraining. We experiment with several LLMs, such as Phi-2 and Mistral, on a wide array of held-out tasks, verifying that MBC-based adapters and Arrow routing lead to superior generalization to new tasks. We make steps towards creating modular, adaptable LLMs that can match or outperform traditional joint training.

new Graph Feedback Bandits with Similar Arms

Authors: Han Qi, Guo Fei, Li Zhu

Abstract: In this paper, we study the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem with graph feedback. Motivated by the clinical trials and recommendation problem, we assume that two arms are connected if and only if they are similar (i.e., their means are close enough). We establish a regret lower bound for this novel feedback structure and introduce two UCB-based algorithms: D-UCB with problem-independent regret upper bounds and C-UCB with problem-dependent upper bounds. Leveraging the similarity structure, we also consider the scenario where the number of arms increases over time. Practical applications related to this scenario include Q\&A platforms (Reddit, Stack Overflow, Quora) and product reviews in Amazon and Flipkart. Answers (product reviews) continually appear on the website, and the goal is to display the best answers (product reviews) at the top. When the means of arms are independently generated from some distribution, we provide regret upper bounds for both algorithms and discuss the sub-linearity of bounds in relation to the distribution of means. Finally, we conduct experiments to validate the theoretical results.

new Wind Power Prediction across Different Locations using Deep Domain Adaptive Learning

Authors: Md Saiful Islam Sajol, Md Shazid Islam, A S M Jahid Hasan, Md Saydur Rahman, Jubair Yusuf

Abstract: Accurate prediction of wind power is essential for the grid integration of this intermittent renewable source and aiding grid planners in forecasting available wind capacity. Spatial differences lead to discrepancies in climatological data distributions between two geographically dispersed regions, consequently making the prediction task more difficult. Thus, a prediction model that learns from the data of a particular climatic region can suffer from being less robust. A deep neural network (DNN) based domain adaptive approach is proposed to counter this drawback. Effective weather features from a large set of weather parameters are selected using a random forest approach. A pre-trained model from the source domain is utilized to perform the prediction task, assuming no source data is available during target domain prediction. The weights of only the last few layers of the DNN model are updated throughout the task, keeping the rest of the network unchanged, making the model faster compared to the traditional approaches. The proposed approach demonstrates higher accuracy ranging from 6.14% to even 28.44% compared to the traditional non-adaptive method.

new Trustworthy Actionable Perturbations

Authors: Jesse Friedbaum, Sudarshan Adiga, Ravi Tandon

Abstract: Counterfactuals, or modified inputs that lead to a different outcome, are an important tool for understanding the logic used by machine learning classifiers and how to change an undesirable classification. Even if a counterfactual changes a classifier's decision, however, it may not affect the true underlying class probabilities, i.e. the counterfactual may act like an adversarial attack and ``fool'' the classifier. We propose a new framework for creating modified inputs that change the true underlying probabilities in a beneficial way which we call Trustworthy Actionable Perturbations (TAP). This includes a novel verification procedure to ensure that TAP change the true class probabilities instead of acting adversarially. Our framework also includes new cost, reward, and goal definitions that are better suited to effectuating change in the real world. We present PAC-learnability results for our verification procedure and theoretically analyze our new method for measuring reward. We also develop a methodology for creating TAP and compare our results to those achieved by previous counterfactual methods.

new Learning from Imperfect Human Feedback: a Tale from Corruption-Robust Dueling

Authors: Yuwei Cheng, Fan Yao, Xuefeng Liu, Haifeng Xu

Abstract: This paper studies Learning from Imperfect Human Feedback (LIHF), motivated by humans' potential irrationality or imperfect perception of true preference. We revisit the classic dueling bandit problem as a model of learning from comparative human feedback, and enrich it by casting the imperfection in human feedback as agnostic corruption to user utilities. We start by identifying the fundamental limits of LIHF and prove a regret lower bound of $\Omega(\max\{T^{1/2},C\})$, even when the total corruption $C$ is known and when the corruption decays gracefully over time (i.e., user feedback becomes increasingly more accurate). We then turn to design robust algorithms applicable in real-world scenarios with arbitrary corruption and unknown $C$. Our key finding is that gradient-based algorithms enjoy a smooth efficiency-robustness tradeoff under corruption by varying their learning rates. Specifically, under general concave user utility, Dueling Bandit Gradient Descent (DBGD) of Yue and Joachims (2009) can be tuned to achieve regret $O(T^{1-\alpha} + T^{ \alpha} C)$ for any given parameter $\alpha \in (0, \frac{1}{4}]$. Additionally, this result enables us to pin down the regret lower bound of the standard DBGD (the $\alpha=1/4$ case) as $\Omega(T^{3/4})$ for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. For strongly concave user utility we show a better tradeoff: there is an algorithm that achieves $O(T^{\alpha} + T^{\frac{1}{2}(1-\alpha)}C)$ for any given $\alpha \in [\frac{1}{2},1)$. Our theoretical insights are corroborated by extensive experiments on real-world recommendation data.

new Towards Robust Policy: Enhancing Offline Reinforcement Learning with Adversarial Attacks and Defenses

Authors: Thanh Nguyen, Tung M. Luu, Tri Ton, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) addresses the challenge of expensive and high-risk data exploration inherent in RL by pre-training policies on vast amounts of offline data, enabling direct deployment or fine-tuning in real-world environments. However, this training paradigm can compromise policy robustness, leading to degraded performance in practical conditions due to observation perturbations or intentional attacks. While adversarial attacks and defenses have been extensively studied in deep learning, their application in offline RL is limited. This paper proposes a framework to enhance the robustness of offline RL models by leveraging advanced adversarial attacks and defenses. The framework attacks the actor and critic components by perturbing observations during training and using adversarial defenses as regularization to enhance the learned policy. Four attacks and two defenses are introduced and evaluated on the D4RL benchmark. The results show the vulnerability of both the actor and critic to attacks and the effectiveness of the defenses in improving policy robustness. This framework holds promise for enhancing the reliability of offline RL models in practical scenarios.

new The Power of Active Multi-Task Learning in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Authors: Ruitao Chen, Liwei Wang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has contributed to performance improvements in large language models. To tackle its reliance on substantial amounts of human-labeled data, a successful approach is multi-task representation learning, which involves learning a high-quality, low-dimensional representation from a wide range of source tasks. In this paper, we formulate RLHF as the contextual dueling bandit problem and assume a common linear representation. We demonstrate that the sample complexity of source tasks in multi-task RLHF can be reduced by considering task relevance and allocating different sample sizes to source tasks with varying task relevance. We further propose an algorithm to estimate task relevance by a small number of additional data and then learn a policy. We prove that to achieve $\varepsilon-$optimal, the sample complexity of the source tasks can be significantly reduced compared to uniform sampling. Additionally, the sample complexity of the target task is only linear in the dimension of the latent space, thanks to representation learning.

new OTLP: Output Thresholding Using Mixed Integer Linear Programming

Authors: Baran Koseoglu, Luca Traverso, Mohammed Topiwalla, Egor Kraev, Zoltan Szopory

Abstract: Output thresholding is the technique to search for the best threshold to be used during inference for any classifiers that can produce probability estimates on train and testing datasets. It is particularly useful in high imbalance classification problems where the default threshold is not able to refer to imbalance in class distributions and fail to give the best performance. This paper proposes OTLP, a thresholding framework using mixed integer linear programming which is model agnostic, can support different objective functions and different set of constraints for a diverse set of problems including both balanced and imbalanced classification problems. It is particularly useful in real world applications where the theoretical thresholding techniques are not able to address to product related requirements and complexity of the applications which utilize machine learning models. Through the use of Credit Card Fraud Detection Dataset, we evaluate the usefulness of the framework.

new SimAD: A Simple Dissimilarity-based Approach for Time Series Anomaly Detection

Authors: Zhijie Zhong, Zhiwen Yu, Xing Xi, Yue Xu, Jiahui Chen, Kaixiang Yang

Abstract: Despite the prevalence of reconstruction-based deep learning methods, time series anomaly detection remains challenging. Existing approaches often struggle with limited temporal contexts, inadequate representation of normal patterns, and flawed evaluation metrics, hindering their effectiveness in identifying aberrant behavior. To address these issues, we introduce $\textbf{{SimAD}}$, a $\textbf{{Sim}}$ple dissimilarity-based approach for time series $\textbf{{A}}$nomaly $\textbf{{D}}$etection. SimAD incorporates an advanced feature extractor adept at processing extended temporal windows, utilizes the EmbedPatch encoder to integrate normal behavioral patterns comprehensively, and introduces an innovative ContrastFusion module designed to accentuate distributional divergences between normal and abnormal data, thereby enhancing the robustness of anomaly discrimination. Additionally, we propose two robust evaluation metrics, UAff and NAff, addressing the limitations of existing metrics and demonstrating their reliability through theoretical and experimental analyses. Experiments across $\textbf{seven}$ diverse time series datasets demonstrate SimAD's superior performance compared to state-of-the-art methods, achieving relative improvements of $\textbf{19.85%}$ on F1, $\textbf{4.44%}$ on Aff-F1, $\textbf{77.79%}$ on NAff-F1, and $\textbf{9.69%}$ on AUC on six multivariate datasets. Code and pre-trained models are available at


new Predicting and Explaining Hearing Aid Usage Using Encoder-Decoder with Attention Mechanism and SHAP

Authors: Qiqi Su, Eleftheria Iliadou

Abstract: It is essential to understand the personal, behavioral, environmental, and other factors that correlate with optimal hearing aid fitting and hearing aid users' experiences in order to improve hearing loss patient satisfaction and quality of life, as well as reduce societal and financial burdens. This work proposes a novel framework that uses Encoder-decoder with attention mechanism (attn-ED) for predicting future hearing aid usage and SHAP to explain the factors contributing to this prediction. It has been demonstrated in experiments that attn-ED performs well at predicting future hearing aid usage, and that SHAP can be utilized to calculate the contribution of different factors affecting hearing aid usage. This framework aims to establish confidence that AI models can be utilized in the medical domain with the use of XAI methods. Moreover, the proposed framework can also assist clinicians in determining the nature of interventions.

new Joint Analysis of Single-Cell Data across Cohorts with Missing Modalities

Authors: Marianne Arriola, Weishen Pan, Manqi Zhou, Qiannan Zhang, Chang Su, Fei Wang

Abstract: Joint analysis of multi-omic single-cell data across cohorts has significantly enhanced the comprehensive analysis of cellular processes. However, most of the existing approaches for this purpose require access to samples with complete modality availability, which is impractical in many real-world scenarios. In this paper, we propose (Single-Cell Cross-Cohort Cross-Category) integration, a novel framework that learns unified cell representations under domain shift without requiring full-modality reference samples. Our generative approach learns rich cross-modal and cross-domain relationships that enable imputation of these missing modalities. Through experiments on real-world multi-omic datasets, we demonstrate that offers a robust solution to single-cell tasks such as cell type clustering, cell type classification, and feature imputation.

new A Dual Power Grid Cascading Failure Model for the Vulnerability Analysis

Authors: Tianxin Zhou, Xiang Li, Haibing Lu

Abstract: Considering the attacks against the power grid, one of the most effective approaches could be the attack to the transmission lines that leads to large cascading failures. Hence, the problem of locating the most critical or vulnerable transmission lines for a Power Grid Cascading Failure (PGCF) has drawn much attention from the research society. There exists many deterministic solutions and stochastic approximation algorithms aiming to analyze the power grid vulnerability. However, it has been challenging to reveal the correlations between the transmission lines to identify the critical ones. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of learning such correlations via attention mechanism inspired by the Transformer based models that were initially designated to learn the correlation of words in sentences. Multiple modifications and adjustments are proposed to support the attention mechanism producing an informative correlation matrix, the Attention Matrix. With the Attention Ranking algorithm, we are able to identify the most critical lines. The proposed Dual PGCF model provide a novel and effective analysis to improve the power grid resilience against cascading failure, which is proved by extensive experiment results.

new Smooth Kolmogorov Arnold networks enabling structural knowledge representation

Authors: Moein E. Samadi, Younes M\"uller, Andreas Schuppert

Abstract: Kolmogorov-Arnold Networks (KANs) offer an efficient and interpretable alternative to traditional multi-layer perceptron (MLP) architectures due to their finite network topology. However, according to the results of Kolmogorov and Vitushkin, the representation of generic smooth functions by KAN implementations using analytic functions constrained to a finite number of cutoff points cannot be exact. Hence, the convergence of KAN throughout the training process may be limited. This paper explores the relevance of smoothness in KANs, proposing that smooth, structurally informed KANs can achieve equivalence to MLPs in specific function classes. By leveraging inherent structural knowledge, KANs may reduce the data required for training and mitigate the risk of generating hallucinated predictions, thereby enhancing model reliability and performance in computational biomedicine.

new Sampling Strategies for Mitigating Bias in Face Synthesis Methods

Authors: Emmanouil Maragkoudakis, Symeon Papadopoulos, Iraklis Varlamis, Christos Diou

Abstract: Synthetically generated images can be used to create media content or to complement datasets for training image analysis models. Several methods have recently been proposed for the synthesis of high-fidelity face images; however, the potential biases introduced by such methods have not been sufficiently addressed. This paper examines the bias introduced by the widely popular StyleGAN2 generative model trained on the Flickr Faces HQ dataset and proposes two sampling strategies to balance the representation of selected attributes in the generated face images. We focus on two protected attributes, gender and age, and reveal that biases arise in the distribution of randomly sampled images against very young and very old age groups, as well as against female faces. These biases are also assessed for different image quality levels based on the GIQA score. To mitigate bias, we propose two alternative methods for sampling on selected lines or spheres of the latent space to increase the number of generated samples from the under-represented classes. The experimental results show a decrease in bias against underrepresented groups and a more uniform distribution of the protected features at different levels of image quality.

new On the Trajectory Regularity of ODE-based Diffusion Sampling

Authors: Defang Chen, Zhenyu Zhou, Can Wang, Chunhua Shen, Siwei Lyu

Abstract: Diffusion-based generative models use stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and their equivalent ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to establish a smooth connection between a complex data distribution and a tractable prior distribution. In this paper, we identify several intriguing trajectory properties in the ODE-based sampling process of diffusion models. We characterize an implicit denoising trajectory and discuss its vital role in forming the coupled sampling trajectory with a strong shape regularity, regardless of the generated content. We also describe a dynamic programming-based scheme to make the time schedule in sampling better fit the underlying trajectory structure. This simple strategy requires minimal modification to any given ODE-based numerical solvers and incurs negligible computational cost, while delivering superior performance in image generation, especially in $5\sim 10$ function evaluations.

new Generalized Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning with Envelope Updates in URLLC-enabled Vehicular Networks

Authors: Zijiang Yan, Hina Tabassum

Abstract: We develop a novel multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL) framework to jointly optimize wireless network selection and autonomous driving policies in a multi-band vehicular network operating on conventional sub-6GHz spectrum and Terahertz frequencies. The proposed framework is designed to 1. maximize the traffic flow and 2. minimize collisions by controlling the vehicle's motion dynamics (i.e., speed and acceleration), and enhance the ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC) while minimizing handoffs (HOs). We cast this problem as a multi-objective Markov Decision Process (MOMDP) and develop solutions for both predefined and unknown preferences of the conflicting objectives. Specifically, deep-Q-network and double deep-Q-network-based solutions are developed first that consider scalarizing the transportation and telecommunication rewards using predefined preferences. We then develop a novel envelope MORL solution which develop policies that address multiple objectives with unknown preferences to the agent. While this approach reduces reliance on scalar rewards, policy effectiveness varying with different preferences is a challenge. To address this, we apply a generalized version of the Bellman equation and optimize the convex envelope of multi-objective Q values to learn a unified parametric representation capable of generating optimal policies across all possible preference configurations. Following an initial learning phase, our agent can execute optimal policies under any specified preference or infer preferences from minimal data samples.Numerical results validate the efficacy of the envelope-based MORL solution and demonstrate interesting insights related to the inter-dependency of vehicle motion dynamics, HOs, and the communication data rate. The proposed policies enable autonomous vehicles to adopt safe driving behaviors with improved connectivity.

new GinAR: An End-To-End Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Model Suitable for Variable Missing

Authors: Chengqing Yu, Fei Wang, Zezhi Shao, Tangwen Qian, Zhao Zhang, Wei Wei, Yongjun Xu

Abstract: Multivariate time series forecasting (MTSF) is crucial for decision-making to precisely forecast the future values/trends, based on the complex relationships identified from historical observations of multiple sequences. Recently, Spatial-Temporal Graph Neural Networks (STGNNs) have gradually become the theme of MTSF model as their powerful capability in mining spatial-temporal dependencies, but almost of them heavily rely on the assumption of historical data integrity. In reality, due to factors such as data collector failures and time-consuming repairment, it is extremely challenging to collect the whole historical observations without missing any variable. In this case, STGNNs can only utilize a subset of normal variables and easily suffer from the incorrect spatial-temporal dependency modeling issue, resulting in the degradation of their forecasting performance. To address the problem, in this paper, we propose a novel Graph Interpolation Attention Recursive Network (named GinAR) to precisely model the spatial-temporal dependencies over the limited collected data for forecasting. In GinAR, it consists of two key components, that is, interpolation attention and adaptive graph convolution to take place of the fully connected layer of simple recursive units, and thus are capable of recovering all missing variables and reconstructing the correct spatial-temporal dependencies for recursively modeling of multivariate time series data, respectively. Extensive experiments conducted on five real-world datasets demonstrate that GinAR outperforms 11 SOTA baselines, and even when 90% of variables are missing, it can still accurately predict the future values of all variables.

new Improved Content Understanding With Effective Use of Multi-task Contrastive Learning

Authors: Akanksha Bindal, Sudarshan Ramanujam, Dave Golland, TJ Hazen, Tina Jiang, Fengyu Zhang, Peng Yan

Abstract: In enhancing LinkedIn core content recommendation models, a significant challenge lies in improving their semantic understanding capabilities. This paper addresses the problem by leveraging multi-task learning, a method that has shown promise in various domains. We fine-tune a pre-trained, transformer-based LLM using multi-task contrastive learning with data from a diverse set of semantic labeling tasks. We observe positive transfer, leading to superior performance across all tasks when compared to training independently on each. Our model outperforms the baseline on zero shot learning and offers improved multilingual support, highlighting its potential for broader application. The specialized content embeddings produced by our model outperform generalized embeddings offered by OpenAI on Linkedin dataset and tasks. This work provides a robust foundation for vertical teams across LinkedIn to customize and fine-tune the LLM to their specific applications. Our work offers insights and best practices for the field to build on.

new Unlock the Power of Algorithm Features: A Generalization Analysis for Algorithm Selection

Authors: Xingyu Wu, Yan Zhong, Jibin Wu, Yuxiao Huang, Shenghao Wu, Kay Chen Tan

Abstract: In the field of algorithm selection research, the discussion surrounding algorithm features has been significantly overshadowed by the emphasis on problem features. Although a few empirical studies have yielded evidence regarding the effectiveness of algorithm features, the potential benefits of incorporating algorithm features into algorithm selection models and their suitability for different scenarios remain unclear. It is evident that relying solely on empirical research cannot adequately elucidate the mechanisms underlying performance variations. In this paper, we address this gap by proposing the first provable guarantee for algorithm selection based on algorithm features, taking a generalization perspective. We analyze the benefits and costs associated with algorithm features and investigate how the generalization error is affected by several factors. Specifically, we examine adaptive and predefined algorithm features under transductive and inductive learning paradigms, respectively, and derive upper bounds for the generalization error based on their model's Rademacher complexity. Our theoretical findings not only provide tight upper bounds, but also offer analytical insights into the impact of various factors, including model complexity, the number of problem instances and candidate algorithms, model parameters and feature values, and distributional differences between the training and test sets. Notably, we demonstrate that algorithm feature-based models outperform traditional models relying solely on problem features in complex multi-algorithm scenarios in terms of generalization, and are particularly well-suited for deployment in scenarios under distribution shifts, where the generalization error exhibits a positive correlation with the chi-square distance between training and test sets.

new ReModels: Quantile Regression Averaging models

Authors: Grzegorz Zakrzewski, Kacper Skonieczka, Miko{\l}aj Ma{\l}ki\'nski, Jacek Ma\'ndziuk

Abstract: Electricity price forecasts play a crucial role in making key business decisions within the electricity markets. A focal point in this domain are probabilistic predictions, which delineate future price values in a more comprehensive manner than simple point forecasts. The golden standard in probabilistic approaches to predict energy prices is the Quantile Regression Averaging (QRA) method. In this paper, we present a Python package that encompasses the implementation of QRA, along with modifications of this approach that have appeared in the literature over the past few years. The proposed package also facilitates the acquisition and preparation of data related to electricity markets, as well as the evaluation of model predictions.

new Investigating KAN-Based Physics-Informed Neural Networks for EMI/EMC Simulations

Authors: Kun Qian, Mohamed Kheir

Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of employing Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) techniques, in particular KolmogorovArnold Networks (KANs), for facilitating Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) simulations. It introduces some common EM problem formulations and how they can be solved using AI-driven solutions instead of lengthy and complex full-wave numerical simulations. This research may open new horizons for green EMI simulation workflows with less energy consumption and feasible computational capacity.

new Adjacent Leader Decentralized Stochastic Gradient Descent

Authors: Haoze He, Jing Wang, Anna Choromanska

Abstract: This work focuses on the decentralized deep learning optimization framework. We propose Adjacent Leader Decentralized Gradient Descent (AL-DSGD), for improving final model performance, accelerating convergence, and reducing the communication overhead of decentralized deep learning optimizers. AL-DSGD relies on two main ideas. Firstly, to increase the influence of the strongest learners on the learning system it assigns weights to different neighbor workers according to both their performance and the degree when averaging among them, and it applies a corrective force on the workers dictated by both the currently best-performing neighbor and the neighbor with the maximal degree. Secondly, to alleviate the problem of the deterioration of the convergence speed and performance of the nodes with lower degrees, AL-DSGD relies on dynamic communication graphs, which effectively allows the workers to communicate with more nodes while keeping the degrees of the nodes low. Experiments demonstrate that AL-DSGD accelerates the convergence of the decentralized state-of-the-art techniques and improves their test performance especially in the communication constrained environments. We also theoretically prove the convergence of the proposed scheme. Finally, we release to the community a highly general and concise PyTorch-based library for distributed training of deep learning models that supports easy implementation of any distributed deep learning approach ((a)synchronous, (de)centralized).

new Preparing for Black Swans: The Antifragility Imperative for Machine Learning

Authors: Ming Jin

Abstract: Operating safely and reliably despite continual distribution shifts is vital for high-stakes machine learning applications. This paper builds upon the transformative concept of ``antifragility'' introduced by (Taleb, 2014) as a constructive design paradigm to not just withstand but benefit from volatility. We formally define antifragility in the context of online decision making as dynamic regret's strictly concave response to environmental variability, revealing limitations of current approaches focused on resisting rather than benefiting from nonstationarity. Our contribution lies in proposing potential computational pathways for engineering antifragility, grounding the concept in online learning theory and drawing connections to recent advancements in areas such as meta-learning, safe exploration, continual learning, multi-objective/quality-diversity optimization, and foundation models. By identifying promising mechanisms and future research directions, we aim to put antifragility on a rigorous theoretical foundation in machine learning. We further emphasize the need for clear guidelines, risk assessment frameworks, and interdisciplinary collaboration to ensure responsible application.

new Discrete-state Continuous-time Diffusion for Graph Generation

Authors: Zhe Xu, Ruizhong Qiu, Yuzhong Chen, Huiyuan Chen, Xiran Fan, Menghai Pan, Zhichen Zeng, Mahashweta Das, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Graph is a prevalent discrete data structure, whose generation has wide applications such as drug discovery and circuit design. Diffusion generative models, as an emerging research focus, have been applied to graph generation tasks. Overall, according to the space of states and time steps, diffusion generative models can be categorized into discrete-/continuous-state discrete-/continuous-time fashions. In this paper, we formulate the graph diffusion generation in a discrete-state continuous-time setting, which has never been studied in previous graph diffusion models. The rationale of such a formulation is to preserve the discrete nature of graph-structured data and meanwhile provide flexible sampling trade-offs between sample quality and efficiency. Analysis shows that our training objective is closely related to generation quality, and our proposed generation framework enjoys ideal invariant/equivariant properties concerning the permutation of node ordering. Our proposed model shows competitive empirical performance against state-of-the-art graph generation solutions on various benchmarks and, at the same time, can flexibly trade off the generation quality and efficiency in the sampling phase.

new Budgeted Recommendation with Delayed Feedback

Authors: Kweiguu Liu, Setareh Maghsudi

Abstract: In a conventional contextual multi-armed bandit problem, the feedback (or reward) is immediately observable after an action. Nevertheless, delayed feedback arises in numerous real-life situations and is particularly crucial in time-sensitive applications. The exploration-exploitation dilemma becomes particularly challenging under such conditions, as it couples with the interplay between delays and limited resources. Besides, a limited budget often aggravates the problem by restricting the exploration potential. A motivating example is the distribution of medical supplies at the early stage of COVID-19. The delayed feedback of testing results, thus insufficient information for learning, degraded the efficiency of resource allocation. Motivated by such applications, we study the effect of delayed feedback on constrained contextual bandits. We develop a decision-making policy, delay-oriented resource allocation with learning (DORAL), to optimize the resource expenditure in a contextual multi-armed bandit problem with arm-dependent delayed feedback.

new Review of deep learning models for crypto price prediction: implementation and evaluation

Authors: Jingyang Wu, Xinyi Zhang, Fangyixuan Huang, Haochen Zhou, Rohtiash Chandra

Abstract: There has been much interest in accurate cryptocurrency price forecast models by investors and researchers. Deep Learning models are prominent machine learning techniques that have transformed various fields and have shown potential for finance and economics. Although various deep learning models have been explored for cryptocurrency price forecasting, it is not clear which models are suitable due to high market volatility. In this study, we review the literature about deep learning for cryptocurrency price forecasting and evaluate novel deep learning models for cryptocurrency stock price prediction. Our deep learning models include variants of long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks, variants of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and the Transformer model. We evaluate univariate and multivariate approaches for multi-step ahead predicting of cryptocurrencies close-price. Our results show that the univariate LSTM model variants perform best for cryptocurrency predictions. We also carry out volatility analysis on the four cryptocurrencies which reveals significant fluctuations in their prices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, we investigate the prediction accuracy of two scenarios identified by different training sets for the models. First, we use the pre-COVID-19 datasets to model cryptocurrency close-price forecasting during the early period of COVID-19. Secondly, we utilise data from the COVID-19 period to predict prices for 2023 to 2024.

new On Robust Reinforcement Learning with Lipschitz-Bounded Policy Networks

Authors: Nicholas H. Barbara, Ruigang Wang, Ian R. Manchester

Abstract: This paper presents a study of robust policy networks in deep reinforcement learning. We investigate the benefits of policy parameterizations that naturally satisfy constraints on their Lipschitz bound, analyzing their empirical performance and robustness on two representative problems: pendulum swing-up and Atari Pong. We illustrate that policy networks with small Lipschitz bounds are significantly more robust to disturbances, random noise, and targeted adversarial attacks than unconstrained policies composed of vanilla multi-layer perceptrons or convolutional neural networks. Moreover, we find that choosing a policy parameterization with a non-conservative Lipschitz bound and an expressive, nonlinear layer architecture gives the user much finer control over the performance-robustness trade-off than existing state-of-the-art methods based on spectral normalization.

new NetMamba: Efficient Network Traffic Classification via Pre-training Unidirectional Mamba

Authors: Tongze Wang, Xiaohui Xie, Wenduo Wang, Chuyi Wang, Youjian Zhao, Yong Cui

Abstract: Network traffic classification is a crucial research area aiming to enhance service quality, streamline network management, and bolster cybersecurity. To address the growing complexity of transmission encryption techniques, various machine learning and deep learning methods have been proposed. However, existing approaches encounter two main challenges. Firstly, they struggle with model inefficiency due to the quadratic complexity of the widely used Transformer architecture. Secondly, they suffer from unreliable traffic representation because of discarding important byte information while retaining unwanted biases. To address these challenges, we propose NetMamba, an efficient linear-time state space model equipped with a comprehensive traffic representation scheme. We replace the Transformer with our specially selected and improved Mamba architecture for the networking field to address efficiency issues. In addition, we design a scheme for traffic representation, which is used to extract valid information from massive traffic while removing biased information. Evaluation experiments on six public datasets encompassing three main classification tasks showcase NetMamba's superior classification performance compared to state-of-the-art baselines. It achieves up to 4.83\% higher accuracy and 4.64\% higher f1 score on encrypted traffic classification tasks. Additionally, NetMamba demonstrates excellent efficiency, improving inference speed by 2.24 times while maintaining comparably low memory usage. Furthermore, NetMamba exhibits superior few-shot learning abilities, achieving better classification performance with fewer labeled data. To the best of our knowledge, NetMamba is the first model to tailor the Mamba architecture for networking.

new Comparisons Are All You Need for Optimizing Smooth Functions

Authors: Chenyi Zhang, Tongyang Li

Abstract: When optimizing machine learning models, there are various scenarios where gradient computations are challenging or even infeasible. Furthermore, in reinforcement learning (RL), preference-based RL that only compares between options has wide applications, including reinforcement learning with human feedback in large language models. In this paper, we systematically study optimization of a smooth function $f\colon\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}$ only assuming an oracle that compares function values at two points and tells which is larger. When $f$ is convex, we give two algorithms using $\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon)$ and $\tilde{O}(n^{2})$ comparison queries to find an $\epsilon$-optimal solution, respectively. When $f$ is nonconvex, our algorithm uses $\tilde{O}(n/\epsilon^2)$ comparison queries to find an $\epsilon$-approximate stationary point. All these results match the best-known zeroth-order algorithms with function evaluation queries in $n$ dependence, thus suggest that \emph{comparisons are all you need for optimizing smooth functions using derivative-free methods}. In addition, we also give an algorithm for escaping saddle points and reaching an $\epsilon$-second order stationary point of a nonconvex $f$, using $\tilde{O}(n^{1.5}/\epsilon^{2.5})$ comparison queries.

new VCformer: Variable Correlation Transformer with Inherent Lagged Correlation for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Yingnan Yang, Qingling Zhu, Jianyong Chen

Abstract: Multivariate time series (MTS) forecasting has been extensively applied across diverse domains, such as weather prediction and energy consumption. However, current studies still rely on the vanilla point-wise self-attention mechanism to capture cross-variable dependencies, which is inadequate in extracting the intricate cross-correlation implied between variables. To fill this gap, we propose Variable Correlation Transformer (VCformer), which utilizes Variable Correlation Attention (VCA) module to mine the correlations among variables. Specifically, based on the stochastic process theory, VCA calculates and integrates the cross-correlation scores corresponding to different lags between queries and keys, thereby enhancing its ability to uncover multivariate relationships. Additionally, inspired by Koopman dynamics theory, we also develop Koopman Temporal Detector (KTD) to better address the non-stationarity in time series. The two key components enable VCformer to extract both multivariate correlations and temporal dependencies. Our extensive experiments on eight real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of VCformer, achieving top-tier performance compared to other state-of-the-art baseline models. Code is available at this repository:


new Interpreting a Semantic Segmentation Model for Coastline Detection

Authors: Conor O'Sullivan, Seamus Coveney, Xavier Monteys, Soumyabrata Dev

Abstract: We interpret a deep-learning semantic segmentation model used to classify coastline satellite images into land and water. This is to build trust in the model and gain new insight into the process of coastal water body extraction. Specifically, we seek to understand which spectral bands are important for predicting segmentation masks. This is done using a permutation importance approach. Results show that the NIR is the most important spectral band. Permuting this band lead to a decrease in accuracy of 38.12 percentage points. This is followed by Water Vapour, SWIR 1, and Blue bands with 2.58, 0.78 and 0.19 respectively. Water Vapour is not typically used in water indices and these results suggest it may be useful for water body extraction. Permuting, the Coastal Aerosol, Green, Red, RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4, and SWIR 2 bands did not decrease accuracy. This suggests they could be excluded from future model builds reducing complexity and computational requirements.

new Overcoming Data and Model Heterogeneities in Decentralized Federated Learning via Synthetic Anchors

Authors: Chun-Yin Huang, Kartik Srinivas, Xin Zhang, Xiaoxiao Li

Abstract: Conventional Federated Learning (FL) involves collaborative training of a global model while maintaining user data privacy. One of its branches, decentralized FL, is a serverless network that allows clients to own and optimize different local models separately, which results in saving management and communication resources. Despite the promising advancements in decentralized FL, it may reduce model generalizability due to lacking a global model. In this scenario, managing data and model heterogeneity among clients becomes a crucial problem, which poses a unique challenge that must be overcome: How can every client's local model learn generalizable representation in a decentralized manner? To address this challenge, we propose a novel Decentralized FL technique by introducing Synthetic Anchors, dubbed as DeSA. Based on the theory of domain adaptation and Knowledge Distillation (KD), we theoretically and empirically show that synthesizing global anchors based on raw data distribution facilitates mutual knowledge transfer. We further design two effective regularization terms for local training: 1) REG loss that regularizes the distribution of the client's latent embedding with the anchors and 2) KD loss that enables clients to learn from others. Through extensive experiments on diverse client data distributions, we showcase the effectiveness of DeSA in enhancing both inter- and intra-domain accuracy of each client.

new Learning More Generalized Experts by Merging Experts in Mixture-of-Experts

Authors: Sejik Park

Abstract: We observe that incorporating a shared layer in a mixture-of-experts can lead to performance degradation. This leads us to hypothesize that learning shared features poses challenges in deep learning, potentially caused by the same feature being learned as various different features. To address this issue, we track each expert's usage frequency and merge the two most frequently selected experts. We then update the least frequently selected expert using the combination of experts. This approach, combined with the subsequent learning of the router's expert selection, allows the model to determine if the most frequently selected experts have learned the same feature differently. If they have, the combined expert can be further trained to learn a more general feature. Consequently, our algorithm enhances transfer learning and mitigates catastrophic forgetting when applied to multi-domain task incremental learning.

new Hierarchical Selective Classification

Authors: Shani Goren, Ido Galil, Ran El-Yaniv

Abstract: Deploying deep neural networks for risk-sensitive tasks necessitates an uncertainty estimation mechanism. This paper introduces hierarchical selective classification, extending selective classification to a hierarchical setting. Our approach leverages the inherent structure of class relationships, enabling models to reduce the specificity of their predictions when faced with uncertainty. In this paper, we first formalize hierarchical risk and coverage, and introduce hierarchical risk-coverage curves. Next, we develop algorithms for hierarchical selective classification (which we refer to as "inference rules"), and propose an efficient algorithm that guarantees a target accuracy constraint with high probability. Lastly, we conduct extensive empirical studies on over a thousand ImageNet classifiers, revealing that training regimes such as CLIP, pretraining on ImageNet21k and knowledge distillation boost hierarchical selective performance.

new From Fourier to Neural ODEs: Flow matching for modeling complex systems

Authors: Xin Li, Jingdong Zhang, Qunxi Zhu, Chengli Zhao, Xue Zhang, Xiaojun Duan, Wei Lin

Abstract: Modeling complex systems using standard neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) often faces some essential challenges, including high computational costs and susceptibility to local optima. To address these challenges, we propose a simulation-free framework, called Fourier NODEs (FNODEs), that effectively trains NODEs by directly matching the target vector field based on Fourier analysis. Specifically, we employ the Fourier analysis to estimate temporal and potential high-order spatial gradients from noisy observational data. We then incorporate the estimated spatial gradients as additional inputs to a neural network. Furthermore, we utilize the estimated temporal gradient as the optimization objective for the output of the neural network. Later, the trained neural network generates more data points through an ODE solver without participating in the computational graph, facilitating more accurate estimations of gradients based on Fourier analysis. These two steps form a positive feedback loop, enabling accurate dynamics modeling in our framework. Consequently, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of training time, dynamics prediction, and robustness. Finally, we demonstrate the superior performance of our framework using a number of representative complex systems.

new Adaptive Online Experimental Design for Causal Discovery

Authors: Muhammad Qasim Elahi, Lai Wei, Murat Kocaoglu, Mahsa Ghasemi

Abstract: Causal discovery aims to uncover cause-and-effect relationships encoded in causal graphs by leveraging observational, interventional data, or their combination. The majority of existing causal discovery methods are developed assuming infinite interventional data. We focus on data interventional efficiency and formalize causal discovery from the perspective of online learning, inspired by pure exploration in bandit problems. A graph separating system, consisting of interventions that cut every edge of the graph at least once, is sufficient for learning causal graphs when infinite interventional data is available, even in the worst case. We propose a track-and-stop causal discovery algorithm that adaptively selects interventions from the graph separating system via allocation matching and learns the causal graph based on sampling history. Given any desired confidence value, the algorithm determines a termination condition and runs until it is met. We analyze the algorithm to establish a problem-dependent upper bound on the expected number of required interventional samples. Our proposed algorithm outperforms existing methods in simulations across various randomly generated causal graphs. It achieves higher accuracy, measured by the structural hamming distance (SHD) between the learned causal graph and the ground truth, with significantly fewer samples.

new Uncertainty-Aware PPG-2-ECG for Enhanced Cardiovascular Diagnosis using Diffusion Models

Authors: Omer Belhasin, Idan Kligvasser, George Leifman, Regev Cohen, Erin Rainaldi, Li-Fang Cheng, Nishant Verma, Paul Varghese, Ehud Rivlin, Michael Elad

Abstract: Analyzing the cardiovascular system condition via Electrocardiography (ECG) is a common and highly effective approach, and it has been practiced and perfected over many decades. ECG sensing is non-invasive and relatively easy to acquire, and yet it is still cumbersome for holter monitoring tests that may span over hours and even days. A possible alternative in this context is Photoplethysmography (PPG): An optically-based signal that measures blood volume fluctuations, as typically sensed by conventional ``wearable devices''. While PPG presents clear advantages in acquisition, convenience, and cost-effectiveness, ECG provides more comprehensive information, allowing for a more precise detection of heart conditions. This implies that a conversion from PPG to ECG, as recently discussed in the literature, inherently involves an unavoidable level of uncertainty. In this paper we introduce a novel methodology for addressing the PPG-2-ECG conversion, and offer an enhanced classification of cardiovascular conditions using the given PPG, all while taking into account the uncertainties arising from the conversion process. We provide a mathematical justification for our proposed computational approach, and present empirical studies demonstrating its superior performance compared to state-of-the-art baseline methods.

new Quantile Activation: departing from single point estimation for better generalization across distortions

Authors: Aditya Challa, Sravan Danda, Laurent Najman, Snehanshu Saha

Abstract: A classifier is, in its essence, a function which takes an input and returns the class of the input and implicitly assumes an underlying distribution. We argue in this article that one has to move away from this basic tenet to obtain generalisation across distributions. Specifically, the class of the sample should depend on the points from its context distribution for better generalisation across distributions. How does one achieve this? The key idea is to adapt the outputs of each neuron of the network to its context distribution. We propose quantile activation, QACT, which, in simple terms, outputs the relative quantile of the sample in its context distribution, instead of the actual values in traditional networks. The scope of this article is to validate the proposed activation across several experimental settings, and compare it with conventional techniques. For this, we use the datasets developed to test robustness against distortions CIFAR10C, CIFAR100C, MNISTC, TinyImagenetC, and show that we achieve a significantly higher generalisation across distortions than the conventional classifiers, across different architectures. Although this paper is only a proof of concept, we surprisingly find that this approach outperforms DINOv2(small) at large distortions, even though DINOv2 is trained with a far bigger network on a considerably larger dataset.

new Global Convergence of Decentralized Retraction-Free Optimization on the Stiefel Manifold

Authors: Youbang Sun, Shixiang Chen, Alfredo Garcia, Shahin Shahrampour

Abstract: Many classical and modern machine learning algorithms require solving optimization tasks under orthogonal constraints. Solving these tasks often require calculating retraction-based gradient descent updates on the corresponding Riemannian manifold, which can be computationally expensive. Recently Ablin et al. proposed an infeasible retraction-free algorithm, which is significantly more efficient. In this paper, we study the decentralized non-convex optimization task over a network of agents on the Stiefel manifold with retraction-free updates. We propose \textbf{D}ecentralized \textbf{R}etraction-\textbf{F}ree \textbf{G}radient \textbf{T}racking (DRFGT) algorithm, and show that DRFGT exhibits ergodic $\mathcal{O}(1/K)$ convergence rate, the same rate of convergence as the centralized, retraction-based methods. We also provide numerical experiments demonstrating that DRFGT performs on par with the state-of-the-art retraction based methods with substantially reduced computational overhead.

new How to integrate cloud service, data analytic and machine learning technique to reduce cyber risks associated with the modern cloud based infrastructure

Authors: Upakar Bhatta

Abstract: The combination of cloud technology, machine learning, and data visualization techniques allows hybrid enterprise networks to hold massive volumes of data and provide employees and customers easy access to these cloud data. These massive collections of complex data sets are facing security challenges. While cloud platforms are more vulnerable to security threats and traditional security technologies are unable to cope with the rapid data explosion in cloud platforms, machine learning powered security solutions and data visualization techniques are playing instrumental roles in detecting security threat, data breaches, and automatic finding software vulnerabilities. The purpose of this paper is to present some of the widely used cloud services, machine learning techniques and data visualization approach and demonstrate how to integrate cloud service, data analytic and machine learning techniques that can be used to detect and reduce cyber risks associated with the modern cloud based infrastructure. In this paper I applied the machine learning supervised classifier to design a model based on well-known UNSW-NB15 dataset to predict the network behavior metrics and demonstrated how data analytics techniques can be integrated to visualize network traffics.

new Switched Flow Matching: Eliminating Singularities via Switching ODEs

Authors: Qunxi Zhu, Wei Lin

Abstract: Continuous-time generative models, such as Flow Matching (FM), construct probability paths to transport between one distribution and another through the simulation-free learning of the neural ordinary differential equations (ODEs). During inference, however, the learned model often requires multiple neural network evaluations to accurately integrate the flow, resulting in a slow sampling speed. We attribute the reason to the inherent (joint) heterogeneity of source and/or target distributions, namely the singularity problem, which poses challenges for training the neural ODEs effectively. To address this issue, we propose a more general framework, termed Switched FM (SFM), that eliminates singularities via switching ODEs, as opposed to using a uniform ODE in FM. Importantly, we theoretically show that FM cannot transport between two simple distributions due to the existence and uniqueness of initial value problems of ODEs, while these limitations can be well tackled by SFM. From an orthogonal perspective, our framework can seamlessly integrate with the existing advanced techniques, such as minibatch optimal transport, to further enhance the straightness of the flow, yielding a more efficient sampling process with reduced costs. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly proposed SFM through several numerical examples.

new Novel Interpretable and Robust Web-based AI Platform for Phishing Email Detection

Authors: Abdulla Al-Subaiey, Mohammed Al-Thani, Naser Abdullah Alam, Kaniz Fatema Antora, Amith Khandakar, SM Ashfaq Uz Zaman

Abstract: Phishing emails continue to pose a significant threat, causing financial losses and security breaches. This study addresses limitations in existing research, such as reliance on proprietary datasets and lack of real-world application, by proposing a high-performance machine learning model for email classification. Utilizing a comprehensive and largest available public dataset, the model achieves a f1 score of 0.99 and is designed for deployment within relevant applications. Additionally, Explainable AI (XAI) is integrated to enhance user trust. This research offers a practical and highly accurate solution, contributing to the fight against phishing by empowering users with a real-time web-based application for phishing email detection.

new Geometry-Aware Instrumental Variable Regression

Authors: Heiner Kremer, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: Instrumental variable (IV) regression can be approached through its formulation in terms of conditional moment restrictions (CMR). Building on variants of the generalized method of moments, most CMR estimators are implicitly based on approximating the population data distribution via reweightings of the empirical sample. While for large sample sizes, in the independent identically distributed (IID) setting, reweightings can provide sufficient flexibility, they might fail to capture the relevant information in presence of corrupted data or data prone to adversarial attacks. To address these shortcomings, we propose the Sinkhorn Method of Moments, an optimal transport-based IV estimator that takes into account the geometry of the data manifold through data-derivative information. We provide a simple plug-and-play implementation of our method that performs on par with related estimators in standard settings but improves robustness against data corruption and adversarial attacks.

new Movie Revenue Prediction using Machine Learning Models

Authors: Vikranth Udandarao, Pratyush Gupta

Abstract: In the contemporary film industry, accurately predicting a movie's earnings is paramount for maximizing profitability. This project aims to develop a machine learning model for predicting movie earnings based on input features like the movie name, the MPAA rating of the movie, the genre of the movie, the year of release of the movie, the IMDb Rating, the votes by the watchers, the director, the writer and the leading cast, the country of production of the movie, the budget of the movie, the production company and the runtime of the movie. Through a structured methodology involving data collection, preprocessing, analysis, model selection, evaluation, and improvement, a robust predictive model is constructed. Linear Regression, Decision Trees, Random Forest Regression, Bagging, XGBoosting and Gradient Boosting have been trained and tested. Model improvement strategies include hyperparameter tuning and cross-validation. The resulting model offers promising accuracy and generalization, facilitating informed decision-making in the film industry to maximize profits.

new On the Expressivity of Recurrent Neural Cascades with Identity

Authors: Nadezda A. Knorozova, Alessandro Ronca

Abstract: Recurrent Neural Cascades (RNC) are the class of recurrent neural networks with no cyclic dependencies among recurrent neurons. Their subclass RNC+ with positive recurrent weights has been shown to be closely connected to the star-free regular languages, which are the expressivity of many well-established temporal logics. The existing expressivity results show that the regular languages captured by RNC+ are the star-free ones, and they leave open the possibility that RNC+ may capture languages beyond regular. We exclude this possibility for languages that include an identity element, i.e., an input that can occur an arbitrary number of times without affecting the output. Namely, in the presence of an identity element, we show that the languages captured by RNC+ are exactly the star-free regular languages. Identity elements are ubiquitous in temporal patterns, and hence our results apply to a large number of applications. The implications of our results go beyond expressivity. At their core, we establish a close structural correspondence between RNC+ and semiautomata cascades, showing that every neuron can be equivalently captured by a three-state semiautomaton. A notable consequence of this result is that RNC+ are no more succinct than cascades of three-state semiautomata.

new The Limits and Potentials of Local SGD for Distributed Heterogeneous Learning with Intermittent Communication

Authors: Kumar Kshitij Patel, Margalit Glasgow, Ali Zindari, Lingxiao Wang, Sebastian U. Stich, Ziheng Cheng, Nirmit Joshi, Nathan Srebro

Abstract: Local SGD is a popular optimization method in distributed learning, often outperforming other algorithms in practice, including mini-batch SGD. Despite this success, theoretically proving the dominance of local SGD in settings with reasonable data heterogeneity has been difficult, creating a significant gap between theory and practice. In this paper, we provide new lower bounds for local SGD under existing first-order data heterogeneity assumptions, showing that these assumptions are insufficient to prove the effectiveness of local update steps. Furthermore, under these same assumptions, we demonstrate the min-max optimality of accelerated mini-batch SGD, which fully resolves our understanding of distributed optimization for several problem classes. Our results emphasize the need for better models of data heterogeneity to understand the effectiveness of local SGD in practice. Towards this end, we consider higher-order smoothness and heterogeneity assumptions, providing new upper bounds that imply the dominance of local SGD over mini-batch SGD when data heterogeneity is low.

new Do No Harm: A Counterfactual Approach to Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Sean Vaskov, Wilko Schwarting, Chris L. Baker

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) for control has become increasingly popular due to its ability to learn rich feedback policies that take into account uncertainty and complex representations of the environment. When considering safety constraints, constrained optimization approaches, where agents are penalized for constraint violations, are commonly used. In such methods, if agents are initialized in, or must visit, states where constraint violation might be inevitable, it is unclear how much they should be penalized. We address this challenge by formulating a constraint on the counterfactual harm of the learned policy compared to a default, safe policy. In a philosophical sense this formulation only penalizes the learner for constraint violations that it caused; in a practical sense it maintains feasibility of the optimal control problem. We present simulation studies on a rover with uncertain road friction and a tractor-trailer parking environment that demonstrate our constraint formulation enables agents to learn safer policies than contemporary constrained RL methods.

new Interpretable Machine Learning Enhances Disease Prognosis: Applications on COVID-19 and Onward

Authors: Ke Ma, Jinzhi Shen

Abstract: In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the integration of interpretable machine learning techniques has garnered significant attention, offering transparent and understandable insights crucial for informed clinical decision making. This literature review delves into the applications of interpretable machine learning in predicting the prognosis of respiratory diseases, particularly focusing on COVID-19 and its implications for future research and clinical practice. We reviewed various machine learning models that are not only capable of incorporating existing clinical domain knowledge but also have the learning capability to explore new information from the data. These models and experiences not only aid in managing the current crisis but also hold promise for addressing future disease outbreaks. By harnessing interpretable machine learning, healthcare systems can enhance their preparedness and response capabilities, thereby improving patient outcomes and mitigating the impact of respiratory diseases in the years to come.

new Conditionally-Conjugate Gaussian Process Factor Analysis for Spike Count Data via Data Augmentation

Authors: Yididiya Y. Nadew, Xuhui Fan, Christopher J. Quinn

Abstract: Gaussian process factor analysis (GPFA) is a latent variable modeling technique commonly used to identify smooth, low-dimensional latent trajectories underlying high-dimensional neural recordings. Specifically, researchers model spiking rates as Gaussian observations, resulting in tractable inference. Recently, GPFA has been extended to model spike count data. However, due to the non-conjugacy of the likelihood, the inference becomes intractable. Prior works rely on either black-box inference techniques, numerical integration or polynomial approximations of the likelihood to handle intractability. To overcome this challenge, we propose a conditionally-conjugate Gaussian process factor analysis (ccGPFA) resulting in both analytically and computationally tractable inference for modeling neural activity from spike count data. In particular, we develop a novel data augmentation based method that renders the model conditionally conjugate. Consequently, our model enjoys the advantage of simple closed-form updates using a variational EM algorithm. Furthermore, due to its conditional conjugacy, we show our model can be readily scaled using sparse Gaussian Processes and accelerated inference via natural gradients. To validate our method, we empirically demonstrate its efficacy through experiments.

new Learning Regularities from Data using Spiking Functions: A Theory

Authors: Canlin Zhang, Xiuwen Liu

Abstract: Deep neural networks trained in an end-to-end manner are proven to be efficient in a wide range of machine learning tasks. However, there is one drawback of end-to-end learning: The learned features and information are implicitly represented in neural network parameters, which cannot be used as regularities, concepts or knowledge to explicitly represent the data probability distribution. To resolve this issue, we propose in this paper a new machine learning theory, which defines in mathematics what are regularities. Briefly, regularities are concise representations of the non-random features, or 'non-randomness' in the data probability distribution. Combining with information theory, we claim that regularities can also be regarded as a small amount of information encoding a large amount of information. Our theory is based on spiking functions. That is, if a function can react to, or spike on specific data samples more frequently than random noise inputs, we say that such a function discovers non-randomness from the data distribution, and encodes the non-randomness into regularities. Our theory also discusses applying multiple spiking functions to the same data distribution. In this process, we claim that the 'best' regularities, or the optimal spiking functions, are those who can capture the largest amount of information from the data distribution, and then encode the captured information in the most concise way. Theorems and hypotheses are provided to describe in mathematics what are 'best' regularities and optimal spiking functions. Finally, we propose a machine learning approach, which can potentially obtain the optimal spiking functions regarding the given dataset in practice.

new Approximation and Gradient Descent Training with Neural Networks

Authors: G. Welper

Abstract: It is well understood that neural networks with carefully hand-picked weights provide powerful function approximation and that they can be successfully trained in over-parametrized regimes. Since over-parametrization ensures zero training error, these two theories are not immediately compatible. Recent work uses the smoothness that is required for approximation results to extend a neural tangent kernel (NTK) optimization argument to an under-parametrized regime and show direct approximation bounds for networks trained by gradient flow. Since gradient flow is only an idealization of a practical method, this paper establishes analogous results for networks trained by gradient descent.

new QComp: A QSAR-Based Data Completion Framework for Drug Discovery

Authors: Bingjia Yang, Yunsie Chung, Archer Y. Yang, Bo Yuan, Xiang Yu

Abstract: In drug discovery, in vitro and in vivo experiments reveal biochemical activities related to the efficacy and toxicity of compounds. The experimental data accumulate into massive, ever-evolving, and sparse datasets. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationship (QSAR) models, which predict biochemical activities using only the structural information of compounds, face challenges in integrating the evolving experimental data as studies progress. We develop QSAR-Complete (QComp), a data completion framework to address this issue. Based on pre-existing QSAR models, QComp utilizes the correlation inherent in experimental data to enhance prediction accuracy across various tasks. Moreover, QComp emerges as a promising tool for guiding the optimal sequence of experiments by quantifying the reduction in statistical uncertainty for specific endpoints, thereby aiding in rational decision-making throughout the drug discovery process.

new Efficiency optimization of large-scale language models based on deep learning in natural language processing tasks

Authors: Taiyuan Mei, Yun Zi, Xiaohan Cheng, Zijun Gao, Qi Wang, Haowei Yang

Abstract: The internal structure and operation mechanism of large-scale language models are analyzed theoretically, especially how Transformer and its derivative architectures can restrict computing efficiency while capturing long-term dependencies. Further, we dig deep into the efficiency bottleneck of the training phase, and evaluate in detail the contribution of adaptive optimization algorithms (such as AdamW), massively parallel computing techniques, and mixed precision training strategies to accelerate convergence and reduce memory footprint. By analyzing the mathematical principles and implementation details of these algorithms, we reveal how they effectively improve training efficiency in practice. In terms of model deployment and inference optimization, this paper systematically reviews the latest advances in model compression techniques, focusing on strategies such as quantification, pruning, and knowledge distillation. By comparing the theoretical frameworks of these techniques and their effects in different application scenarios, we demonstrate their ability to significantly reduce model size and inference delay while maintaining model prediction accuracy. In addition, this paper critically examines the limitations of current efficiency optimization methods, such as the increased risk of overfitting, the control of performance loss after compression, and the problem of algorithm generality, and proposes some prospects for future research. In conclusion, this study provides a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding the efficiency optimization of large-scale language models.

new Adaptive Batch Normalization Networks for Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Shao-Yuan Lo, Vishal M. Patel

Abstract: Deep networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples. Adversarial Training (AT) has been a standard foundation of modern adversarial defense approaches due to its remarkable effectiveness. However, AT is extremely time-consuming, refraining it from wide deployment in practical applications. In this paper, we aim at a non-AT defense: How to design a defense method that gets rid of AT but is still robust against strong adversarial attacks? To answer this question, we resort to adaptive Batch Normalization (BN), inspired by the recent advances in test-time domain adaptation. We propose a novel defense accordingly, referred to as the Adaptive Batch Normalization Network (ABNN). ABNN employs a pre-trained substitute model to generate clean BN statistics and sends them to the target model. The target model is exclusively trained on clean data and learns to align the substitute model's BN statistics. Experimental results show that ABNN consistently improves adversarial robustness against both digital and physically realizable attacks on both image and video datasets. Furthermore, ABNN can achieve higher clean data performance and significantly lower training time complexity compared to AT-based approaches.

new Feasibility Consistent Representation Learning for Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhepeng Cen, Yihang Yao, Zuxin Liu, Ding Zhao

Abstract: In the field of safe reinforcement learning (RL), finding a balance between satisfying safety constraints and optimizing reward performance presents a significant challenge. A key obstacle in this endeavor is the estimation of safety constraints, which is typically more difficult than estimating a reward metric due to the sparse nature of the constraint signals. To address this issue, we introduce a novel framework named Feasibility Consistent Safe Reinforcement Learning (FCSRL). This framework combines representation learning with feasibility-oriented objectives to identify and extract safety-related information from the raw state for safe RL. Leveraging self-supervised learning techniques and a more learnable safety metric, our approach enhances the policy learning and constraint estimation. Empirical evaluations across a range of vector-state and image-based tasks demonstrate that our method is capable of learning a better safety-aware embedding and achieving superior performance than previous representation learning baselines.

new Highway Graph to Accelerate Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zidu Yin, Zhen Zhang, Dong Gong, Stefano V. Albrecht, Javen Q. Shi

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms often suffer from low training efficiency. A strategy to mitigate this issue is to incorporate a model-based planning algorithm, such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) or Value Iteration (VI), into the environmental model. The major limitation of VI is the need to iterate over a large tensor. These still lead to intensive computations. We focus on improving the training efficiency of RL algorithms by improving the efficiency of the value learning process. For the deterministic environments with discrete state and action spaces, a non-branching sequence of transitions moves the agent without deviating from intermediate states, which we call a highway. On such non-branching highways, the value-updating process can be merged as a one-step process instead of iterating the value step-by-step. Based on this observation, we propose a novel graph structure, named highway graph, to model the state transition. Our highway graph compresses the transition model into a concise graph, where edges can represent multiple state transitions to support value propagation across multiple time steps in each iteration. We thus can obtain a more efficient value learning approach by facilitating the VI algorithm on highway graphs. By integrating the highway graph into RL (as a model-based off-policy RL method), the RL training can be remarkably accelerated in the early stages (within 1 million frames). Comparison against various baselines on four categories of environments reveals that our method outperforms both representative and novel model-free and model-based RL algorithms, demonstrating 10 to more than 150 times more efficiency while maintaining an equal or superior expected return, as confirmed by carefully conducted analyses. Moreover, a deep neural network-based agent is trained using the highway graph, resulting in better generalization and lower storage costs.

new Degree of Irrationality: Sentiment and Implied Volatility Surface

Authors: Jiahao Weng, Yan Xie

Abstract: In this study, we constructed daily high-frequency sentiment data and used the VAR method to attempt to predict the next day's implied volatility surface. We utilized 630,000 text data entries from the East Money Stock Forum from 2014 to 2023 and employed deep learning methods such as BERT and LSTM to build daily market sentiment indicators. By applying FFT and EMD methods for sentiment decomposition, we found that high-frequency sentiment had a stronger correlation with at-the-money (ATM) options' implied volatility, while low-frequency sentiment was more strongly correlated with deep out-of-the-money (DOTM) options' implied volatility. Further analysis revealed that the shape of the implied volatility surface contains richer market sentiment information beyond just market panic. We demonstrated that incorporating this sentiment information can improve the accuracy of implied volatility surface predictions.

new Contactless Polysomnography: What Radio Waves Tell Us about Sleep

Authors: Hao He, Chao Li, Wolfgang Ganglberger, Kaileigh Gallagher, Rumen Hristov, Michail Ouroutzoglou, Haoqi Sun, Jimeng Sun, Brandon Westover, Dina Katabi

Abstract: The ability to assess sleep at home, capture sleep stages, and detect the occurrence of apnea (without on-body sensors) simply by analyzing the radio waves bouncing off people's bodies while they sleep is quite powerful. Such a capability would allow for longitudinal data collection in patients' homes, informing our understanding of sleep and its interaction with various diseases and their therapeutic responses, both in clinical trials and routine care. In this article, we develop an advanced machine learning algorithm for passively monitoring sleep and nocturnal breathing from radio waves reflected off people while asleep. Validation results in comparison with the gold standard (i.e., polysomnography) (n=849) demonstrate that the model captures the sleep hypnogram (with an accuracy of 81% for 30-second epochs categorized into Wake, Light Sleep, Deep Sleep, or REM), detects sleep apnea (AUROC = 0.88), and measures the patient's Apnea-Hypopnea Index (ICC=0.95; 95% CI = [0.93, 0.97]). Notably, the model exhibits equitable performance across race, sex, and age. Moreover, the model uncovers informative interactions between sleep stages and a range of diseases including neurological, psychiatric, cardiovascular, and immunological disorders. These findings not only hold promise for clinical practice and interventional trials but also underscore the significance of sleep as a fundamental component in understanding and managing various diseases.

new Learning Future Representation with Synthetic Observations for Sample-efficient Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Xin Liu, Yaran Chen, Dongbin Zhao

Abstract: In visual Reinforcement Learning (RL), upstream representation learning largely determines the effect of downstream policy learning. Employing auxiliary tasks allows the agent to enhance visual representation in a targeted manner, thereby improving the sample efficiency and performance of downstream RL. Prior advanced auxiliary tasks all focus on how to extract as much information as possible from limited experience (including observations, actions, and rewards) through their different auxiliary objectives, whereas in this article, we first start from another perspective: auxiliary training data. We try to improve auxiliary representation learning for RL by enriching auxiliary training data, proposing \textbf{L}earning \textbf{F}uture representation with \textbf{S}ynthetic observations \textbf{(LFS)}, a novel self-supervised RL approach. Specifically, we propose a training-free method to synthesize observations that may contain future information, as well as a data selection approach to eliminate unqualified synthetic noise. The remaining synthetic observations and real observations then serve as the auxiliary data to achieve a clustering-based temporal association task for representation learning. LFS allows the agent to access and learn observations that have not yet appeared in advance, so as to quickly understand and exploit them when they occur later. In addition, LFS does not rely on rewards or actions, which means it has a wider scope of application (e.g., learning from video) than recent advanced auxiliary tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our LFS exhibits state-of-the-art RL sample efficiency on challenging continuous control and enables advanced visual pre-training based on action-free video demonstrations.

new A General Theory for Compositional Generalization

Authors: Jingwen Fu, Zhizheng Zhang, Yan Lu, Nanning Zheng

Abstract: Compositional Generalization (CG) embodies the ability to comprehend novel combinations of familiar concepts, representing a significant cognitive leap in human intellectual advancement. Despite its critical importance, the deep neural network (DNN) faces challenges in addressing the compositional generalization problem, prompting considerable research interest. However, existing theories often rely on task-specific assumptions, constraining the comprehensive understanding of CG. This study aims to explore compositional generalization from a task-agnostic perspective, offering a complementary viewpoint to task-specific analyses. The primary challenge is to define CG without overly restricting its scope, a feat achieved by identifying its fundamental characteristics and basing the definition on them. Using this definition, we seek to answer the question "what does the ultimate solution to CG look like?" through the following theoretical findings: 1) the first No Free Lunch theorem in CG, indicating the absence of general solutions; 2) a novel generalization bound applicable to any CG problem, specifying the conditions for an effective CG solution; and 3) the introduction of the generative effect to enhance understanding of CG problems and their solutions. This paper's significance lies in providing a general theory for CG problems, which, when combined with prior theorems under task-specific scenarios, can lead to a comprehensive understanding of CG.

new Erasing the Bias: Fine-Tuning Foundation Models for Semi-Supervised Learning

Authors: Kai Gan, Tong Wei

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has witnessed remarkable progress, resulting in the emergence of numerous method variations. However, practitioners often encounter challenges when attempting to deploy these methods due to their subpar performance. In this paper, we present a novel SSL approach named FineSSL that significantly addresses this limitation by adapting pre-trained foundation models. We identify the aggregated biases and cognitive deviation problems inherent in foundation models, and propose a simple yet effective solution by imposing balanced margin softmax and decoupled label smoothing. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that FineSSL sets a new state of the art for SSL on multiple benchmark datasets, reduces the training cost by over six times, and can seamlessly integrate various fine-tuning and modern SSL algorithms. The source code is available at


new Fed-Credit: Robust Federated Learning with Credibility Management

Authors: Jiayan Chen, Zhirong Qian, Tianhui Meng, Xitong Gao, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia

Abstract: Aiming at privacy preservation, Federated Learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning approach enabling model training on decentralized devices or data sources. The learning mechanism of FL relies on aggregating parameter updates from individual clients. However, this process may pose a potential security risk due to the presence of malicious devices. Existing solutions are either costly due to the use of compute-intensive technology, or restrictive for reasons of strong assumptions such as the prior knowledge of the number of attackers and how they attack. Few methods consider both privacy constraints and uncertain attack scenarios. In this paper, we propose a robust FL approach based on the credibility management scheme, called Fed-Credit. Unlike previous studies, our approach does not require prior knowledge of the nodes and the data distribution. It maintains and employs a credibility set, which weighs the historical clients' contributions based on the similarity between the local models and global model, to adjust the global model update. The subtlety of Fed-Credit is that the time decay and attitudinal value factor are incorporated into the dynamic adjustment of the reputation weights and it boasts a computational complexity of O(n) (n is the number of the clients). We conducted extensive experiments on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets under 5 types of attacks. The results exhibit superior accuracy and resilience against adversarial attacks, all while maintaining comparatively low computational complexity. Among these, on the Non-IID CIFAR-10 dataset, our algorithm exhibited performance enhancements of 19.5% and 14.5%, respectively, in comparison to the state-of-the-art algorithm when dealing with two types of data poisoning attacks.

new Uncertainty of interpretability in Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Comparative Analysis of Statistical, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning Models

Authors: Cheng Chen, Lei Fan

Abstract: Landslide susceptibility mapping (LSM) is crucial for identifying high-risk areas and informing prevention strategies. This study investigates the interpretability of statistical, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL) models in predicting landslide susceptibility. This is achieved by incorporating various relevant interpretation methods and two types of input factors: a comprehensive set of 19 contributing factors that are statistically relevant to landslides, as well as a dedicated set of 9 triggering factors directly associated with triggering landslides. Given that model performance is a crucial metric in LSM, our investigations into interpretability naturally involve assessing and comparing LSM accuracy across different models considered. In our investigation, the convolutional neural network model achieved the highest accuracy (0.8447 with 19 factors; 0.8048 with 9 factors), while Extreme Gradient Boosting and Support Vector Machine also demonstrated strong predictive capabilities, outperforming conventional statistical models. These findings indicate that DL and sophisticated ML algorithms can effectively capture the complex relationships between input factors and landslide occurrence. However, the interpretability of predictions varied among different models, particularly when using the broader set of 19 contributing factors. Explanation methods like SHAP, LIME, and DeepLIFT also led to variations in interpretation results. Using a comprehensive set of 19 contributing factors improved prediction accuracy but introduced complexities and inconsistency in model interpretations. Focusing on a dedicated set of 9 triggering factors sacrificed some predictive power but enhanced interpretability, as evidenced by more consistent key factors identified across various models and alignment with the findings of field investigation reports....

new Efficient Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning by Planning

Authors: Qihan Liu, Jianing Ye, Xiaoteng Ma, Jun Yang, Bin Liang, Chongjie Zhang

Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) algorithms have accomplished remarkable breakthroughs in solving large-scale decision-making tasks. Nonetheless, most existing MARL algorithms are model-free, limiting sample efficiency and hindering their applicability in more challenging scenarios. In contrast, model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL), particularly algorithms integrating planning, such as MuZero, has demonstrated superhuman performance with limited data in many tasks. Hence, we aim to boost the sample efficiency of MARL by adopting model-based approaches. However, incorporating planning and search methods into multi-agent systems poses significant challenges. The expansive action space of multi-agent systems often necessitates leveraging the nearly-independent property of agents to accelerate learning. To tackle this issue, we propose the MAZero algorithm, which combines a centralized model with Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) for policy search. We design a novel network structure to facilitate distributed execution and parameter sharing. To enhance search efficiency in deterministic environments with sizable action spaces, we introduce two novel techniques: Optimistic Search Lambda (OS($\lambda$)) and Advantage-Weighted Policy Optimization (AWPO). Extensive experiments on the SMAC benchmark demonstrate that MAZero outperforms model-free approaches in terms of sample efficiency and provides comparable or better performance than existing model-based methods in terms of both sample and computational efficiency. Our code is available at


new Inverse Design of Metal-Organic Frameworks Using Quantum Natural Language Processing

Authors: Shinyoung Kang, Jihan Kim

Abstract: In this study, we explore the potential of using quantum natural language processing (QNLP) to inverse design metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with targeted properties. Specifically, by analyzing 150 hypothetical MOF structures consisting of 10 metal nodes and 15 organic ligands, we categorize these structures into four distinct classes for pore volume and $H_{2}$ uptake values. We then compare various QNLP models (i.e. the bag-of-words, DisCoCat (Distributional Compositional Categorical), and sequence-based models) to identify the most effective approach to process the MOF dataset. Using a classical simulator provided by the IBM Qiskit, the bag-of-words model is identified to be the optimum model, achieving validation accuracies of 85.7% and 86.7% for binary classification tasks on pore volume and $H_{2}$ uptake, respectively. Further, we developed multi-class classification models tailored to the probabilistic nature of quantum circuits, with average test accuracies of 88.4% and 80.7% across different classes for pore volume and $H_{2}$ uptake datasets. Finally, the performance of generating MOF with target properties showed accuracies of 93.5% for pore volume and 89% for $H_{2}$ uptake, respectively. Although our investigation covers only a fraction of the vast MOF search space, it marks a promising first step towards using quantum computing for materials design, offering a new perspective through which to explore the complex landscape of MOFs.

new Reward-Punishment Reinforcement Learning with Maximum Entropy

Authors: Jiexin Wang, Eiji Uchibe

Abstract: We introduce the ``soft Deep MaxPain'' (softDMP) algorithm, which integrates the optimization of long-term policy entropy into reward-punishment reinforcement learning objectives. Our motivation is to facilitate a smoother variation of operators utilized in the updating of action values beyond traditional ``max'' and ``min'' operators, where the goal is enhancing sample efficiency and robustness. We also address two unresolved issues from the previous Deep MaxPain method. Firstly, we investigate how the negated (``flipped'') pain-seeking sub-policy, derived from the punishment action value, collaborates with the ``min'' operator to effectively learn the punishment module and how softDMP's smooth learning operator provides insights into the ``flipping'' trick. Secondly, we tackle the challenge of data collection for learning the punishment module to mitigate inconsistencies arising from the involvement of the ``flipped'' sub-policy (pain-avoidance sub-policy) in the unified behavior policy. We empirically explore the first issue in two discrete Markov Decision Process (MDP) environments, elucidating the crucial advancements of the DMP approach and the necessity for soft treatments on the hard operators. For the second issue, we propose a probabilistic classifier based on the ratio of the pain-seeking sub-policy to the sum of the pain-seeking and goal-reaching sub-policies. This classifier assigns roll-outs to separate replay buffers for updating reward and punishment action-value functions, respectively. Our framework demonstrates superior performance in Turtlebot 3's maze navigation tasks under the ROS Gazebo simulation.

new TinyLLaVA Factory: A Modularized Codebase for Small-scale Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Junlong Jia, Ying Hu, Xi Weng, Yiming Shi, Miao Li, Xingjian Zhang, Baichuan Zhou, Ziyu Liu, Jie Luo, Lei Huang, Ji Wu

Abstract: We present TinyLLaVA Factory, an open-source modular codebase for small-scale large multimodal models (LMMs) with a focus on simplicity of code implementations, extensibility of new features, and reproducibility of training results. Following the design philosophy of the factory pattern in software engineering, TinyLLaVA Factory modularizes the entire system into interchangeable components, with each component integrating a suite of cutting-edge models and methods, meanwhile leaving room for extensions to more features. In addition to allowing users to customize their own LMMs, TinyLLaVA Factory provides popular training recipes to let users pretrain and finetune their models with less coding effort. Empirical experiments validate the effectiveness of our codebase. The goal of TinyLLaVA Factory is to assist researchers and practitioners in exploring the wide landscape of designing and training small-scale LMMs with affordable computational resources.

new LSEnet: Lorentz Structural Entropy Neural Network for Deep Graph Clustering

Authors: Li Sun, Zhenhao Huang, Hao Peng, Yujie Wang, Chunyang Liu, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Graph clustering is a fundamental problem in machine learning. Deep learning methods achieve the state-of-the-art results in recent years, but they still cannot work without predefined cluster numbers. Such limitation motivates us to pose a more challenging problem of graph clustering with unknown cluster number. We propose to address this problem from a fresh perspective of graph information theory (i.e., structural information). In the literature, structural information has not yet been introduced to deep clustering, and its classic definition falls short of discrete formulation and modeling node features. In this work, we first formulate a differentiable structural information (DSI) in the continuous realm, accompanied by several theoretical results. By minimizing DSI, we construct the optimal partitioning tree where densely connected nodes in the graph tend to have the same assignment, revealing the cluster structure. DSI is also theoretically presented as a new graph clustering objective, not requiring the predefined cluster number. Furthermore, we design a neural LSEnet in the Lorentz model of hyperbolic space, where we integrate node features to structural information via manifold-valued graph convolution. Extensive empirical results on real graphs show the superiority of our approach.

new FedCAda: Adaptive Client-Side Optimization for Accelerated and Stable Federated Learning

Authors: Liuzhi Zhou, Yu He, Kun Zhai, Xiang Liu, Sen Liu, Xingjun Ma, Guangnan Ye, Yu-Gang Jiang, Hongfeng Chai

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a prominent approach for collaborative training of machine learning models across distributed clients while preserving data privacy. However, the quest to balance acceleration and stability becomes a significant challenge in FL, especially on the client-side. In this paper, we introduce FedCAda, an innovative federated client adaptive algorithm designed to tackle this challenge. FedCAda leverages the Adam algorithm to adjust the correction process of the first moment estimate $m$ and the second moment estimate $v$ on the client-side and aggregate adaptive algorithm parameters on the server-side, aiming to accelerate convergence speed and communication efficiency while ensuring stability and performance. Additionally, we investigate several algorithms incorporating different adjustment functions. This comparative analysis revealed that due to the limited information contained within client models from other clients during the initial stages of federated learning, more substantial constraints need to be imposed on the parameters of the adaptive algorithm. As federated learning progresses and clients gather more global information, FedCAda gradually diminishes the impact on adaptive parameters. These findings provide insights for enhancing the robustness and efficiency of algorithmic improvements. Through extensive experiments on computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP) datasets, we demonstrate that FedCAda outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of adaptability, convergence, stability, and overall performance. This work contributes to adaptive algorithms for federated learning, encouraging further exploration.

new A Three-Phase Analysis of Synergistic Effects During Co-pyrolysis of Algae and Wood for Biochar Yield Using Machine Learning

Authors: Subhadeep Chakrabarti, Saish Shinde

Abstract: Pyrolysis techniques have served to be a groundbreaking technique for effectively utilising natural and man-made biomass products like plastics, wood, crop residue, fruit peels etc. Recent advancements have shown a greater yield of essential products like biochar, bio-oil and other non-condensable gases by blending different biomasses in a certain ratio. This synergy effect of combining two pyrolytic raw materials i.e co-pyrolysis of algae and wood biomass has been systematically studied and grouped into 3 phases in this research paper-kinetic analysis of co-pyrolysis, correlation among proximate and ultimate analysis with bio-char yield and lastly grouping of different weight ratios based on biochar yield up to a certain percentage. Different ML and DL algorithms have been utilized for regression and classification techniques to give a comprehensive overview of the effect of the synergy of two different biomass materials on biochar yield. For the first phase, the best prediction of biochar yield was obtained by using a decision tree regressor with a perfect MSE score of 0.00, followed by a gradient-boosting regressor. The second phase was analyzed using both ML and DL techniques. Within ML, SVR proved to be the most convenient model with an accuracy score of 0.972 with DNN employed for deep learning technique. Finally, for the third phase, binary classification was applied to biochar yield with and without heating rate for biochar yield percentage above and below 40%. The best technique for ML was Support Vector followed by Random forest while ANN was the most suitable Deep Learning Technique.

new Federated Learning with Incomplete Sensing Modalities

Authors: Adiba Orzikulova, Jaehyun Kwak, Jaemin Shin, Sung-Ju Lee

Abstract: Many mobile sensing applications utilize data from various modalities, including motion and physiological sensors in mobile and wearable devices. Federated Learning (FL) is particularly suitable for these applications thanks to its privacy-preserving feature. However, challenges such as limited battery life, poor network conditions, and sensor malfunctions can restrict the use of all available modalities for local model training. Additionally, existing multimodal FL systems also struggle with scalability and efficiency as the number of modality sources increases. To address these issues, we introduce FLISM, a framework designed to enable multimodal FL with incomplete modalities. FLISM leverages simulation technique to learn robust representations that can handle missing modalities and transfers model knowledge across clients with varying set of modalities. The evaluation results using three real-world datasets and simulations demonstrate FLISM's effective balance between model performance and system efficiency. It shows an average improvement of .067 in F1-score, while also reducing communication (2.69x faster) and computational (2.28x more efficient) overheads compared to existing methods addressing incomplete modalities. Moreover, in simulated scenarios involving tasks with a larger number of modalities, FLISM achieves a significant speedup of 3.23x~85.10x in communication and 3.73x~32.29x in computational efficiency.

new Adversarially Diversified Rehearsal Memory (ADRM): Mitigating Memory Overfitting Challenge in Continual Learning

Authors: Hikmat Khan, Ghulam Rasool, Nidhal Carla Bouaynaya

Abstract: Continual learning focuses on learning non-stationary data distribution without forgetting previous knowledge. Rehearsal-based approaches are commonly used to combat catastrophic forgetting. However, these approaches suffer from a problem called "rehearsal memory overfitting, " where the model becomes too specialized on limited memory samples and loses its ability to generalize effectively. As a result, the effectiveness of the rehearsal memory progressively decays, ultimately resulting in catastrophic forgetting of the learned tasks. We introduce the Adversarially Diversified Rehearsal Memory (ADRM) to address the memory overfitting challenge. This novel method is designed to enrich memory sample diversity and bolster resistance against natural and adversarial noise disruptions. ADRM employs the FGSM attacks to introduce adversarially modified memory samples, achieving two primary objectives: enhancing memory diversity and fostering a robust response to continual feature drifts in memory samples. Our contributions are as follows: Firstly, ADRM addresses overfitting in rehearsal memory by employing FGSM to diversify and increase the complexity of the memory buffer. Secondly, we demonstrate that ADRM mitigates memory overfitting and significantly improves the robustness of CL models, which is crucial for safety-critical applications. Finally, our detailed analysis of features and visualization demonstrates that ADRM mitigates feature drifts in CL memory samples, significantly reducing catastrophic forgetting and resulting in a more resilient CL model. Additionally, our in-depth t-SNE visualizations of feature distribution and the quantification of the feature similarity further enrich our understanding of feature representation in existing CL approaches. Our code is publically available at


new Towards Graph Contrastive Learning: A Survey and Beyond

Authors: Wei Ju, Yifan Wang, Yifang Qin, Zhengyang Mao, Zhiping Xiao, Junyu Luo, Junwei Yang, Yiyang Gu, Dongjie Wang, Qingqing Long, Siyu Yi, Xiao Luo, Ming Zhang

Abstract: In recent years, deep learning on graphs has achieved remarkable success in various domains. However, the reliance on annotated graph data remains a significant bottleneck due to its prohibitive cost and time-intensive nature. To address this challenge, self-supervised learning (SSL) on graphs has gained increasing attention and has made significant progress. SSL enables machine learning models to produce informative representations from unlabeled graph data, reducing the reliance on expensive labeled data. While SSL on graphs has witnessed widespread adoption, one critical component, Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL), has not been thoroughly investigated in the existing literature. Thus, this survey aims to fill this gap by offering a dedicated survey on GCL. We provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamental principles of GCL, including data augmentation strategies, contrastive modes, and contrastive optimization objectives. Furthermore, we explore the extensions of GCL to other aspects of data-efficient graph learning, such as weakly supervised learning, transfer learning, and related scenarios. We also discuss practical applications spanning domains such as drug discovery, genomics analysis, recommender systems, and finally outline the challenges and potential future directions in this field.

new Quantifying In-Context Reasoning Effects and Memorization Effects in LLMs

Authors: Siyu Lou, Yuntian Chen, Xiaodan Liang, Liang Lin, Quanshi Zhang

Abstract: In this study, we propose an axiomatic system to define and quantify the precise memorization and in-context reasoning effects used by the large language model (LLM) for language generation. These effects are formulated as non-linear interactions between tokens/words encoded by the LLM. Specifically, the axiomatic system enables us to categorize the memorization effects into foundational memorization effects and chaotic memorization effects, and further classify in-context reasoning effects into enhanced inference patterns, eliminated inference patterns, and reversed inference patterns. Besides, the decomposed effects satisfy the sparsity property and the universal matching property, which mathematically guarantee that the LLM's confidence score can be faithfully decomposed into the memorization effects and in-context reasoning effects. Experiments show that the clear disentanglement of memorization effects and in-context reasoning effects enables a straightforward examination of detailed inference patterns encoded by LLMs.

new Out-of-Distribution Detection with a Single Unconditional Diffusion Model

Authors: Alvin Heng, Alexandre H. Thiery, Harold Soh

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is a critical task in machine learning that seeks to identify abnormal samples. Traditionally, unsupervised methods utilize a deep generative model for OOD detection. However, such approaches necessitate a different model when evaluating abnormality against a new distribution. With the emergence of foundational generative models, this paper explores whether a single generalist model can also perform OOD detection across diverse tasks. To that end, we introduce our method, Diffusion Paths, (DiffPath) in this work. DiffPath proposes to utilize a single diffusion model originally trained to perform unconditional generation for OOD detection. Specifically, we introduce a novel technique of measuring the rate-of-change and curvature of the diffusion paths connecting samples to the standard normal. Extensive experiments show that with a single model, DiffPath outperforms prior work on a variety of OOD tasks involving different distributions. Our code is publicly available at


new Vertical Federated Learning Hybrid Local Pre-training

Authors: Wenguo Li, Xinling Guo, Xu Jiao, Tiancheng Huang, Xiaoran Yan, Yao Yang

Abstract: Vertical Federated Learning (VFL), which has a broad range of real-world applications, has received much attention in both academia and industry. Enterprises aspire to exploit more valuable features of the same users from diverse departments to boost their model prediction skills. VFL addresses this demand and concurrently secures individual parties from exposing their raw data. However, conventional VFL encounters a bottleneck as it only leverages aligned samples, whose size shrinks with more parties involved, resulting in data scarcity and the waste of unaligned data. To address this problem, we propose a novel VFL Hybrid Local Pre-training (VFLHLP) approach. VFLHLP first pre-trains local networks on the local data of participating parties. Then it utilizes these pre-trained networks to adjust the sub-model for the labeled party or enhance representation learning for other parties during downstream federated learning on aligned data, boosting the performance of federated models.

new Sparse Attention-driven Quality Prediction for Production Process Optimization in Digital Twins

Authors: Yanlei Yin, Lihua Wang, Wenbo Wang, Dinh Thai Hoang

Abstract: In the process industry, optimizing production lines for long-term efficiency requires real-time monitoring and analysis of operation states to fine-tune production line parameters. However, the complexity in operational logic and the intricate coupling of production process parameters make it difficult to develop an accurate mathematical model for the entire process, thus hindering the deployment of efficient optimization mechanisms. In view of these difficulties, we propose to deploy a digital twin of the production line by digitally abstracting its physical layout and operational logic. By iteratively mapping the real-world data reflecting equipment operation status and product quality inspection in the digital twin, we adopt a quality prediction model for production process based on self-attention-enabled temporal convolutional neural networks. This model enables the data-driven state evolution of the digital twin. The digital twin takes a role of aggregating the information of actual operating conditions and the results of quality-sensitive analysis, which facilitates the optimization of process production quality with virtual-reality evolution under multi-dimensional constraints. Leveraging the digital twin model as an information-flow carrier, we extract temporal features from key process indicators and establish a production process quality prediction model based on the proposed composite neural network. Our operation experiments on a specific tobacco shredding line demonstrate that the proposed digital twin-based production process optimization method fosters seamless integration between virtual and real production lines. This integration achieves an average operating status prediction accuracy of over 98\% and near-optimal production process control.

new Ensemble and Mixture-of-Experts DeepONets For Operator Learning

Authors: Ramansh Sharma, Varun Shankar

Abstract: We present a novel deep operator network (DeepONet) architecture for operator learning, the ensemble DeepONet, that allows for enriching the trunk network of a single DeepONet with multiple distinct trunk networks. This trunk enrichment allows for greater expressivity and generalization capabilities over a range of operator learning problems. We also present a spatial mixture-of-experts (MoE) DeepONet trunk network architecture that utilizes a partition-of-unity (PoU) approximation to promote spatial locality and model sparsity in the operator learning problem. We first prove that both the ensemble and PoU-MoE DeepONets are universal approximators. We then demonstrate that ensemble DeepONets containing a trunk ensemble of a standard trunk, the PoU-MoE trunk, and/or a proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) trunk can achieve 2-4x lower relative $\ell_2$ errors than standard DeepONets and POD-DeepONets on both standard and challenging new operator learning problems involving partial differential equations (PDEs) in two and three dimensions. Our new PoU-MoE formulation provides a natural way to incorporate spatial locality and model sparsity into any neural network architecture, while our new ensemble DeepONet provides a powerful and general framework for incorporating basis enrichment in scientific machine learning architectures for operator learning.

new Information Leakage from Embedding in Large Language Models

Authors: Zhipeng Wang, Anda Cheng, Yinggui Wang, Lei Wang

Abstract: The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) has raised concerns regarding data privacy. This study aims to investigate the potential for privacy invasion through input reconstruction attacks, in which a malicious model provider could potentially recover user inputs from embeddings. We first propose two base methods to reconstruct original texts from a model's hidden states. We find that these two methods are effective in attacking the embeddings from shallow layers, but their effectiveness decreases when attacking embeddings from deeper layers. To address this issue, we then present Embed Parrot, a Transformer-based method, to reconstruct input from embeddings in deep layers. Our analysis reveals that Embed Parrot effectively reconstructs original inputs from the hidden states of ChatGLM-6B and Llama2-7B, showcasing stable performance across various token lengths and data distributions. To mitigate the risk of privacy breaches, we introduce a defense mechanism to deter exploitation of the embedding reconstruction process. Our findings emphasize the importance of safeguarding user privacy in distributed learning systems and contribute valuable insights to enhance the security protocols within such environments.

new On Efficient and Statistical Quality Estimation for Data Annotation

Authors: Jan-Christoph Klie, Rahul Nair, Juan Haladjian, Marc Kirchner

Abstract: Annotated datasets are an essential ingredient to train, evaluate, compare and productionalize supervised machine learning models. It is therefore imperative that annotations are of high quality. For their creation, good quality management and thereby reliable quality estimates are needed. Then, if quality is insufficient during the annotation process, rectifying measures can be taken to improve it. Quality estimation is often performed by having experts manually label instances as correct or incorrect. But checking all annotated instances tends to be expensive. Therefore, in practice, usually only subsets are inspected; sizes are chosen mostly without justification or regard to statistical power and more often than not, are relatively small. Basing estimates on small sample sizes, however, can lead to imprecise values for the error rate. Using unnecessarily large sample sizes costs money that could be better spent, for instance on more annotations. Therefore, we first describe in detail how to use confidence intervals for finding the minimal sample size needed to estimate the annotation error rate. Then, we propose applying acceptance sampling as an alternative to error rate estimation We show that acceptance sampling can reduce the required sample sizes up to 50% while providing the same statistical guarantees.

new Data Contamination Calibration for Black-box LLMs

Authors: Wentao Ye, Jiaqi Hu, Liyao Li, Haobo Wang, Gang Chen, Junbo Zhao

Abstract: The rapid advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) tightly associate with the expansion of the training data size. However, the unchecked ultra-large-scale training sets introduce a series of potential risks like data contamination, i.e. the benchmark data is used for training. In this work, we propose a holistic method named Polarized Augment Calibration (PAC) along with a new to-be-released dataset to detect the contaminated data and diminish the contamination effect. PAC extends the popular MIA (Membership Inference Attack) -- from machine learning community -- by forming a more global target at detecting training data to Clarify invisible training data. As a pioneering work, PAC is very much plug-and-play that can be integrated with most (if not all) current white- and black-box LLMs. By extensive experiments, PAC outperforms existing methods by at least 4.5%, towards data contamination detection on more 4 dataset formats, with more than 10 base LLMs. Besides, our application in real-world scenarios highlights the prominent presence of contamination and related issues.

new Distinguished In Uniform: Self Attention Vs. Virtual Nodes

Authors: Eran Rosenbluth, Jan T\"onshoff, Martin Ritzert, Berke Kisin, Martin Grohe

Abstract: Graph Transformers (GTs) such as SAN and GPS are graph processing models that combine Message-Passing GNNs (MPGNNs) with global Self-Attention. They were shown to be universal function approximators, with two reservations: 1. The initial node features must be augmented with certain positional encodings. 2. The approximation is non-uniform: Graphs of different sizes may require a different approximating network. We first clarify that this form of universality is not unique to GTs: Using the same positional encodings, also pure MPGNNs and even 2-layer MLPs are non-uniform universal approximators. We then consider uniform expressivity: The target function is to be approximated by a single network for graphs of all sizes. There, we compare GTs to the more efficient MPGNN + Virtual Node architecture. The essential difference between the two model definitions is in their global computation method -- Self-Attention Vs Virtual Node. We prove that none of the models is a uniform-universal approximator, before proving our main result: Neither model's uniform expressivity subsumes the other's. We demonstrate the theory with experiments on synthetic data. We further augment our study with real-world datasets, observing mixed results which indicate no clear ranking in practice as well.

new Exploring Commonalities in Explanation Frameworks: A Multi-Domain Survey Analysis

Authors: Eduard Barbu, Marharytha Domnich, Raul Vicente, Nikos Sakkas, Andr\'e Morim

Abstract: This study presents insights gathered from surveys and discussions with specialists in three domains, aiming to find essential elements for a universal explanation framework that could be applied to these and other similar use cases. The insights are incorporated into a software tool that utilizes GP algorithms, known for their interpretability. The applications analyzed include a medical scenario (involving predictive ML), a retail use case (involving prescriptive ML), and an energy use case (also involving predictive ML). We interviewed professionals from each sector, transcribing their conversations for further analysis. Additionally, experts and non-experts in these fields filled out questionnaires designed to probe various dimensions of explanatory methods. The findings indicate a universal preference for sacrificing a degree of accuracy in favor of greater explainability. Additionally, we highlight the significance of feature importance and counterfactual explanations as critical components of such a framework. Our questionnaires are publicly available to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge in the field of XAI.

new Conditional Shift-Robust Conformal Prediction for Graph Neural Network

Authors: S. Akansha

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as potent tools for predicting outcomes in graph-structured data. Despite their efficacy, a significant drawback of GNNs lies in their limited ability to provide robust uncertainty estimates, posing challenges to their reliability in contexts where errors carry significant consequences. Moreover, GNNs typically excel in in-distribution settings, assuming that training and test data follow identical distributions: a condition often unmet in real-world graph data scenarios. In this article, we leverage conformal prediction, a widely recognized statistical technique for quantifying uncertainty by transforming predictive model outputs into prediction sets, to address uncertainty quantification in GNN predictions amidst conditional shift \footnote{Representing the change in conditional probability distribution $P(label |input)$ from source domain to target domain.} in graph-based semi-supervised learning (SSL). Additionally, we propose a novel loss function aimed at refining model predictions by minimizing conditional shift in latent stages. Termed Conditional Shift Robust (CondSR) conformal prediction for GNNs, our approach CondSR is model-agnostic and adaptable to various classification models. We validate the effectiveness of our method on standard graph benchmark datasets, integrating it with state-of-the-art GNNs in node classification tasks. The code implementation is publicly available for further exploration and experimentation.

new Robust Deep Reinforcement Learning with Adaptive Adversarial Perturbations in Action Space

Authors: Qianmei Liu, Yufei Kuang, Jie Wang

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms can suffer from modeling errors between the simulation and the real world. Many studies use adversarial learning to generate perturbation during training process to model the discrepancy and improve the robustness of DRL. However, most of these approaches use a fixed parameter to control the intensity of the adversarial perturbation, which can lead to a trade-off between average performance and robustness. In fact, finding the optimal parameter of the perturbation is challenging, as excessive perturbations may destabilize training and compromise agent performance, while insufficient perturbations may not impart enough information to enhance robustness. To keep the training stable while improving robustness, we propose a simple but effective method, namely, Adaptive Adversarial Perturbation (A2P), which can dynamically select appropriate adversarial perturbations for each sample. Specifically, we propose an adaptive adversarial coefficient framework to adjust the effect of the adversarial perturbation during training. By designing a metric for the current intensity of the perturbation, our method can calculate the suitable perturbation levels based on the current relative performance. The appealing feature of our method is that it is simple to deploy in real-world applications and does not require accessing the simulator in advance. The experiments in MuJoCo show that our method can improve the training stability and learn a robust policy when migrated to different test environments. The code is available at


new Scrutinize What We Ignore: Reining Task Representation Shift In Context-Based Offline Meta Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Hai Zhang, Boyuan Zheng, Anqi Guo, Tianying Ji, Pheng-Ann Heng, Junqiao Zhao, Lanqing Li

Abstract: Offline meta reinforcement learning (OMRL) has emerged as a promising approach for interaction avoidance and strong generalization performance by leveraging pre-collected data and meta-learning techniques. Previous context-based approaches predominantly rely on the intuition that maximizing the mutual information between the task and the task representation ($I(Z;M)$) can lead to performance improvements. Despite achieving attractive results, the theoretical justification of performance improvement for such intuition has been lacking. Motivated by the return discrepancy scheme in the model-based RL field, we find that maximizing $I(Z;M)$ can be interpreted as consistently raising the lower bound of the expected return for a given policy conditioning on the optimal task representation. However, this optimization process ignores the task representation shift between two consecutive updates, which may lead to performance improvement collapse. To address this problem, we turn to use the framework of performance difference bound to consider the impacts of task representation shift explicitly. We demonstrate that by reining the task representation shift, it is possible to achieve monotonic performance improvements, thereby showcasing the advantage against previous approaches. To make it practical, we design an easy yet highly effective algorithm RETRO (\underline{RE}ining \underline{T}ask \underline{R}epresentation shift in context-based \underline{O}ffline meta reinforcement learning) with only adding one line of code compared to the backbone. Empirical results validate its state-of-the-art (SOTA) asymptotic performance, training stability and training-time consumption on MuJoCo and MetaWorld benchmarks.

new Adaptive Extraction Network for Multivariate Long Sequence Time-Series Forecasting

Authors: Dandan Zhang, Yun Wang

Abstract: Models employing CNN architecture have made significant progress in multivariate long sequence time-series forecasting (MLSTF), particularly in modeling local time series characteristics. However, during the MLSTF process, extracting the global time series patterns and understanding the correlations among different variables are highly significant. To address this challenge, we introduce multi-resolution convolution and deformable convolution operations. By enlarging the receptive field using convolution kernels with different dilation factors to capture temporal correlation information across different resolutions, and adaptively adjusting the sampling positions through additional offset vectors, we enhance the network's ability to capture correlated features between variables. Building upon this, we propose ATVCNet, an adaptive temporal-variable convolutional network designed to effectively model the local/global temporal dependencies and inter-variable dependencies of multivariate time series. Specifically, extracting and fusing time series features at different resolutions, captures both local contextual information and global patterns in the time series. The designed inter-variable feature adaptive extraction module captures the correlation among different variables in the time series. We evaluated the performance of ATVCNet across eight real-world datasets. The results indicate that ATVCNet achieved a performance improvement of approximately 63.4% over state-of-the-art MLSTF models.

new Energy-Efficient Federated Edge Learning with Streaming Data: A Lyapunov Optimization Approach

Authors: Chung-Hsuan Hu, Zheng Chen, Erik G. Larsson

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has received significant attention in recent years for its advantages in efficient training of machine learning models across distributed clients without disclosing user-sensitive data. Specifically, in federated edge learning (FEEL) systems, the time-varying nature of wireless channels introduces inevitable system dynamics in the communication process, thereby affecting training latency and energy consumption. In this work, we further consider a streaming data scenario where new training data samples are randomly generated over time at edge devices. Our goal is to develop a dynamic scheduling and resource allocation algorithm to address the inherent randomness in data arrivals and resource availability under long-term energy constraints. To achieve this, we formulate a stochastic network optimization problem and use the Lyapunov drift-plus-penalty framework to obtain a dynamic resource management design. Our proposed algorithm makes adaptive decisions on device scheduling, computational capacity adjustment, and allocation of bandwidth and transmit power in every round. We provide convergence analysis for the considered setting with heterogeneous data and time-varying objective functions, which supports the rationale behind our proposed scheduling design. The effectiveness of our scheme is verified through simulation results, demonstrating improved learning performance and energy efficiency as compared to baseline schemes.

new Channel Balance Interpolation in the Lightning Network via Machine Learning

Authors: Vincent, Emanuele Rossi, Vikash Singh

Abstract: The Bitcoin Lightning Network is a Layer 2 payment protocol that addresses Bitcoin's scalability by facilitating quick and cost effective transactions through payment channels. This research explores the feasibility of using machine learning models to interpolate channel balances within the network, which can be used for optimizing the network's pathfinding algorithms. While there has been much exploration in balance probing and multipath payment protocols, predicting channel balances using solely node and channel features remains an uncharted area. This paper evaluates the performance of several machine learning models against two heuristic baselines and investigates the predictive capabilities of various features. Our model performs favorably in experimental evaluation, outperforming by 10% against an equal split baseline where both edges are assigned half of the channel capacity.

new Is Mamba Compatible with Trajectory Optimization in Offline Reinforcement Learning?

Authors: Yang Dai, Oubo Ma, Longfei Zhang, Xingxing Liang, Shengchao Hu, Mengzhu Wang, Shouling Ji, Jincai Huang, Li Shen

Abstract: Transformer-based trajectory optimization methods have demonstrated exceptional performance in offline Reinforcement Learning (offline RL), yet it poses challenges due to substantial parameter size and limited scalability, which is particularly critical in sequential decision-making scenarios where resources are constrained such as in robots and drones with limited computational power. Mamba, a promising new linear-time sequence model, offers performance on par with transformers while delivering substantially fewer parameters on long sequences. As it remains unclear whether Mamba is compatible with trajectory optimization, this work aims to conduct comprehensive experiments to explore the potential of Decision Mamba in offline RL (dubbed DeMa) from the aspect of data structures and network architectures with the following insights: (1) Long sequences impose a significant computational burden without contributing to performance improvements due to the fact that DeMa's focus on sequences diminishes approximately exponentially. Consequently, we introduce a Transformer-like DeMa as opposed to an RNN-like DeMa. (2) For the components of DeMa, we identify that the hidden attention mechanism is key to its success, which can also work well with other residual structures and does not require position embedding. Extensive evaluations from eight Atari games demonstrate that our specially designed DeMa is compatible with trajectory optimization and surpasses previous state-of-the-art methods, outdoing Decision Transformer (DT) by 80\% with 30\% fewer parameters, and exceeds DT in MuJoCo with only a quarter of the parameters.

new PATE: Proximity-Aware Time series anomaly Evaluation

Authors: Ramin Ghorbani, Marcel J. T. Reinders, David M. J. Tax

Abstract: Evaluating anomaly detection algorithms in time series data is critical as inaccuracies can lead to flawed decision-making in various domains where real-time analytics and data-driven strategies are essential. Traditional performance metrics assume iid data and fail to capture the complex temporal dynamics and specific characteristics of time series anomalies, such as early and delayed detections. We introduce Proximity-Aware Time series anomaly Evaluation (PATE), a novel evaluation metric that incorporates the temporal relationship between prediction and anomaly intervals. PATE uses proximity-based weighting considering buffer zones around anomaly intervals, enabling a more detailed and informed assessment of a detection. Using these weights, PATE computes a weighted version of the area under the Precision and Recall curve. Our experiments with synthetic and real-world datasets show the superiority of PATE in providing more sensible and accurate evaluations than other evaluation metrics. We also tested several state-of-the-art anomaly detectors across various benchmark datasets using the PATE evaluation scheme. The results show that a common metric like Point-Adjusted F1 Score fails to characterize the detection performances well, and that PATE is able to provide a more fair model comparison. By introducing PATE, we redefine the understanding of model efficacy that steers future studies toward developing more effective and accurate detection models.

new An Active Learning Framework with a Class Balancing Strategy for Time Series Classification

Authors: Shemonto Das

Abstract: Training machine learning models for classification tasks often requires labeling numerous samples, which is costly and time-consuming, especially in time series analysis. This research investigates Active Learning (AL) strategies to reduce the amount of labeled data needed for effective time series classification. Traditional AL techniques cannot control the selection of instances per class for labeling, leading to potential bias in classification performance and instance selection, particularly in imbalanced time series datasets. To address this, we propose a novel class-balancing instance selection algorithm integrated with standard AL strategies. Our approach aims to select more instances from classes with fewer labeled examples, thereby addressing imbalance in time series datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our AL framework in selecting informative data samples for two distinct domains of tactile texture recognition and industrial fault detection. In robotics, our method achieves high-performance texture categorization while significantly reducing labeled training data requirements to 70%. We also evaluate the impact of different sliding window time intervals on robotic texture classification using AL strategies. In synthetic fiber manufacturing, we adapt AL techniques to address the challenge of fault classification, aiming to minimize data annotation cost and time for industries. We also address real-life class imbalances in the multiclass industrial anomalous dataset using our class-balancing instance algorithm integrated with AL strategies. Overall, this thesis highlights the potential of our AL framework across these two distinct domains.

new Building Temporal Kernels with Orthogonal Polynomials

Authors: Yan Ru Pei, Olivier Coenen

Abstract: We introduce a class of models named PLEIADES (PoLynomial Expansion In Adaptive Distributed Event-based Systems), which contains temporal convolution kernels generated from orthogonal polynomial basis functions. We focus on interfacing these networks with event-based data to perform online spatiotemporal classification and detection with low latency. By virtue of using structured temporal kernels and event-based data, we have the freedom to vary the sample rate of the data along with the discretization step-size of the network without additional finetuning. We experimented with three event-based benchmarks and obtained state-of-the-art results on all three by large margins with significantly smaller memory and compute costs. We achieved: 1) 99.59% accuracy with 192K parameters on the DVS128 hand gesture recognition dataset and 100% with a small additional output filter; 2) 99.58% test accuracy with 277K parameters on the AIS 2024 eye tracking challenge; and 3) 0.556 mAP with 576k parameters on the PROPHESEE 1 Megapixel Automotive Detection Dataset.

new Multi-order Graph Clustering with Adaptive Node-level Weight Learning

Authors: Ye Liu, Xuelei Lin, Yejia Chen, Reynold Cheng

Abstract: Current graph clustering methods emphasize individual node and edge con nections, while ignoring higher-order organization at the level of motif. Re cently, higher-order graph clustering approaches have been designed by motif based hypergraphs. However, these approaches often suffer from hypergraph fragmentation issue seriously, which degrades the clustering performance greatly. Moreover, real-world graphs usually contain diverse motifs, with nodes participating in multiple motifs. A key challenge is how to achieve precise clustering results by integrating information from multiple motifs at the node level. In this paper, we propose a multi-order graph clustering model (MOGC) to integrate multiple higher-order structures and edge connections at node level. MOGC employs an adaptive weight learning mechanism to au tomatically adjust the contributions of different motifs for each node. This not only tackles hypergraph fragmentation issue but enhances clustering accuracy. MOGC is efficiently solved by an alternating minimization algo rithm. Experiments on seven real-world datasets illustrate the effectiveness of MOGC.

new Training Data Attribution via Approximate Unrolled Differentation

Authors: Juhan Bae, Wu Lin, Jonathan Lorraine, Roger Grosse

Abstract: Many training data attribution (TDA) methods aim to estimate how a model's behavior would change if one or more data points were removed from the training set. Methods based on implicit differentiation, such as influence functions, can be made computationally efficient, but fail to account for underspecification, the implicit bias of the optimization algorithm, or multi-stage training pipelines. By contrast, methods based on unrolling address these issues but face scalability challenges. In this work, we connect the implicit-differentiation-based and unrolling-based approaches and combine their benefits by introducing Source, an approximate unrolling-based TDA method that is computed using an influence-function-like formula. While being computationally efficient compared to unrolling-based approaches, Source is suitable in cases where implicit-differentiation-based approaches struggle, such as in non-converged models and multi-stage training pipelines. Empirically, Source outperforms existing TDA techniques in counterfactual prediction, especially in settings where implicit-differentiation-based approaches fall short.

new Optimistic Query Routing in Clustering-based Approximate Maximum Inner Product Search

Authors: Sebastian Bruch, Aditya Krishnan, Franco Maria Nardini

Abstract: Clustering-based nearest neighbor search is a simple yet effective method in which data points are partitioned into geometric shards to form an index, and only a few shards are searched during query processing to find an approximate set of top-$k$ vectors. Even though the search efficacy is heavily influenced by the algorithm that identifies the set of shards to probe, it has received little attention in the literature. This work attempts to bridge that gap by studying the problem of routing in clustering-based maximum inner product search (MIPS). We begin by unpacking existing routing protocols and notice the surprising contribution of optimism. We then take a page from the sequential decision making literature and formalize that insight following the principle of ``optimism in the face of uncertainty.'' In particular, we present a new framework that incorporates the moments of the distribution of inner products within each shard to optimistically estimate the maximum inner product. We then present a simple instance of our algorithm that uses only the first two moments to reach the same accuracy as state-of-the-art routers such as \scann by probing up to $50%$ fewer points on a suite of benchmark MIPS datasets. Our algorithm is also space-efficient: we design a sketch of the second moment whose size is independent of the number of points and in practice requires storing only $O(1)$ additional vectors per shard.

cross Block Selective Reprogramming for On-device Training of Vision Transformers

Authors: Sreetama Sarkar, Souvik Kundu, Kai Zheng, Peter A. Beerel

Abstract: The ubiquity of vision transformers (ViTs) for various edge applications, including personalized learning, has created the demand for on-device fine-tuning. However, training with the limited memory and computation power of edge devices remains a significant challenge. In particular, the memory required for training is much higher than that needed for inference, primarily due to the need to store activations across all layers in order to compute the gradients needed for weight updates. Previous works have explored reducing this memory requirement via frozen-weight training as well storing the activations in a compressed format. However, these methods are deemed inefficient due to their inability to provide training or inference speedup. In this paper, we first investigate the limitations of existing on-device training methods aimed at reducing memory and compute requirements. We then present block selective reprogramming (BSR) in which we fine-tune only a fraction of total blocks of a pre-trained model and selectively drop tokens based on self-attention scores of the frozen layers. To show the efficacy of BSR, we present extensive evaluations on ViT-B and DeiT-S with five different datasets. Compared to the existing alternatives, our approach simultaneously reduces training memory by up to 1.4x and compute cost by up to 2x while maintaining similar accuracy. We also showcase results for Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) models, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach in multitask learning scenarios.

cross Statistical Mechanics and Artificial Neural Networks: Principles, Models, and Applications

Authors: Lucas B\"ottcher, Gregory Wheeler

Abstract: The field of neuroscience and the development of artificial neural networks (ANNs) have mutually influenced each other, drawing from and contributing to many concepts initially developed in statistical mechanics. Notably, Hopfield networks and Boltzmann machines are versions of the Ising model, a model extensively studied in statistical mechanics for over a century. In the first part of this chapter, we provide an overview of the principles, models, and applications of ANNs, highlighting their connections to statistical mechanics and statistical learning theory. Artificial neural networks can be seen as high-dimensional mathematical functions, and understanding the geometric properties of their loss landscapes (i.e., the high-dimensional space on which one wishes to find extrema or saddles) can provide valuable insights into their optimization behavior, generalization abilities, and overall performance. Visualizing these functions can help us design better optimization methods and improve their generalization abilities. Thus, the second part of this chapter focuses on quantifying geometric properties and visualizing loss functions associated with deep ANNs.

cross Foundation Models for Education: Promises and Prospects

Authors: Tianlong Xu, Richard Tong, Jing Liang, Xing Fan, Haoyang Li, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: With the advent of foundation models like ChatGPT, educators are excited about the transformative role that AI might play in propelling the next education revolution. The developing speed and the profound impact of foundation models in various industries force us to think deeply about the changes they will make to education, a domain that is critically important for the future of humans. In this paper, we discuss the strengths of foundation models, such as personalized learning, education inequality, and reasoning capabilities, as well as the development of agent architecture tailored for education, which integrates AI agents with pedagogical frameworks to create adaptive learning environments. Furthermore, we highlight the risks and opportunities of AI overreliance and creativity. Lastly, we envision a future where foundation models in education harmonize human and AI capabilities, fostering a dynamic, inclusive, and adaptive educational ecosystem.

cross LIFL: A Lightweight, Event-driven Serverless Platform for Federated Learning

Authors: Shixiong Qi, K. K. Ramakrishnan, Myungjin Lee

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) typically involves a large-scale, distributed system with individual user devices/servers training models locally and then aggregating their model updates on a trusted central server. Existing systems for FL often use an always-on server for model aggregation, which can be inefficient in terms of resource utilization. They may also be inelastic in their resource management. This is particularly exacerbated when aggregating model updates at scale in a highly dynamic environment with varying numbers of heterogeneous user devices/servers. We present LIFL, a lightweight and elastic serverless cloud platform with fine-grained resource management for efficient FL aggregation at scale. LIFL is enhanced by a streamlined, event-driven serverless design that eliminates the individual heavy-weight message broker and replaces inefficient container-based sidecars with lightweight eBPF-based proxies. We leverage shared memory processing to achieve high-performance communication for hierarchical aggregation, which is commonly adopted to speed up FL aggregation at scale. We further introduce locality-aware placement in LIFL to maximize the benefits of shared memory processing. LIFL precisely scales and carefully reuses the resources for hierarchical aggregation to achieve the highest degree of parallelism while minimizing the aggregation time and resource consumption. Our experimental results show that LIFL achieves significant improvement in resource efficiency and aggregation speed for supporting FL at scale, compared to existing serverful and serverless FL systems.

cross Adaptation of XAI to Auto-tuning for Numerical Libraries

Authors: Shota Aoki, Takahiro Katagiri, Satoshi Ohshima, Masatoshi Kawai, Toru Nagai, Tetsuya Hoshino

Abstract: Concerns have arisen regarding the unregulated utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) outputs, potentially leading to various societal issues. While humans routinely validate information, manually inspecting the vast volumes of AI-generated results is impractical. Therefore, automation and visualization are imperative. In this context, Explainable AI (XAI) technology is gaining prominence, aiming to streamline AI model development and alleviate the burden of explaining AI outputs to users. Simultaneously, software auto-tuning (AT) technology has emerged, aiming to reduce the man-hours required for performance tuning in numerical calculations. AT is a potent tool for cost reduction during parameter optimization and high-performance programming for numerical computing. The synergy between AT mechanisms and AI technology is noteworthy, with AI finding extensive applications in AT. However, applying AI to AT mechanisms introduces challenges in AI model explainability. This research focuses on XAI for AI models when integrated into two different processes for practical numerical computations: performance parameter tuning of accuracy-guaranteed numerical calculations and sparse iterative algorithm.

cross Bottleneck-Minimal Indexing for Generative Document Retrieval

Authors: Xin Du, Lixin Xiu, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii

Abstract: We apply an information-theoretic perspective to reconsider generative document retrieval (GDR), in which a document $x \in X$ is indexed by $t \in T$, and a neural autoregressive model is trained to map queries $Q$ to $T$. GDR can be considered to involve information transmission from documents $X$ to queries $Q$, with the requirement to transmit more bits via the indexes $T$. By applying Shannon's rate-distortion theory, the optimality of indexing can be analyzed in terms of the mutual information, and the design of the indexes $T$ can then be regarded as a {\em bottleneck} in GDR. After reformulating GDR from this perspective, we empirically quantify the bottleneck underlying GDR. Finally, using the NQ320K and MARCO datasets, we evaluate our proposed bottleneck-minimal indexing method in comparison with various previous indexing methods, and we show that it outperforms those methods.

cross Benchmark Early and Red Team Often: A Framework for Assessing and Managing Dual-Use Hazards of AI Foundation Models

Authors: Anthony M. Barrett, Krystal Jackson, Evan R. Murphy, Nada Madkour, Jessica Newman

Abstract: A concern about cutting-edge or "frontier" AI foundation models is that an adversary may use the models for preparing chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, (CBRN), cyber, or other attacks. At least two methods can identify foundation models with potential dual-use capability; each has advantages and disadvantages: A. Open benchmarks (based on openly available questions and answers), which are low-cost but accuracy-limited by the need to omit security-sensitive details; and B. Closed red team evaluations (based on private evaluation by CBRN and cyber experts), which are higher-cost but can achieve higher accuracy by incorporating sensitive details. We propose a research and risk-management approach using a combination of methods including both open benchmarks and closed red team evaluations, in a way that leverages advantages of both methods. We recommend that one or more groups of researchers with sufficient resources and access to a range of near-frontier and frontier foundation models run a set of foundation models through dual-use capability evaluation benchmarks and red team evaluations, then analyze the resulting sets of models' scores on benchmark and red team evaluations to see how correlated those are. If, as we expect, there is substantial correlation between the dual-use potential benchmark scores and the red team evaluation scores, then implications include the following: The open benchmarks should be used frequently during foundation model development as a quick, low-cost measure of a model's dual-use potential; and if a particular model gets a high score on the dual-use potential benchmark, then more in-depth red team assessments of that model's dual-use capability should be performed. We also discuss limitations and mitigations for our approach, e.g., if model developers try to game benchmarks by including a version of benchmark test data in a model's training data.

cross Data-Driven Revenue Management for Air Cargo

Authors: Ezgi Eren, Jiabing Li

Abstract: It is well-recognized that Air Cargo revenue management is quite different from its passenger airline counterpart. Inherent demand volatility due to short booking horizon and lumpy shipments, multi-dimensionality and uncertainty of capacity as well as the flexibility in routing are a few of the challenges to be handled for Air Cargo revenue management. In this paper, we present a data-driven revenue management approach which is well-designed to handle the challenges associated with Air Cargo industry. We present findings from simulations tailored to Air Cargo setting and compare different scenarios for handling of weight and volume bid prices. Our results show that running our algorithm independently to generate weight and volume bid prices and summing the weight and volume bid prices into price optimization works the best by outperforming other strategies with more than 3% revenue gap.

cross A Comparative Study of Garment Draping Techniques

Authors: Prerana Achar, Mayank Patel, Anushka Mulik, Neha Katre, Stevina Dias, Chirag Raman

Abstract: We present a comparison review that evaluates popular techniques for garment draping for 3D fashion design, virtual try-ons, and animations. A comparative study is performed between various methods for garment draping of clothing over the human body. These include numerous models, such as physics and machine learning based techniques, collision handling, and more. Performance evaluations and trade-offs are discussed to ensure informed decision-making when choosing the most appropriate approach. These methods aim to accurately represent deformations and fine wrinkles of digital garments, considering the factors of data requirements, and efficiency, to produce realistic results. The research can be insightful to researchers, designers, and developers in visualizing dynamic multi-layered 3D clothing.

cross Jill Watson: A Virtual Teaching Assistant powered by ChatGPT

Authors: Karan Taneja, Pratyusha Maiti, Sandeep Kakar, Pranav Guruprasad, Sanjeev Rao, Ashok K. Goel

Abstract: Conversational AI agents often require extensive datasets for training that are not publicly released, are limited to social chit-chat or handling a specific domain, and may not be easily extended to accommodate the latest advances in AI technologies. This paper introduces Jill Watson, a conversational Virtual Teaching Assistant (VTA) leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT. Jill Watson based on ChatGPT requires no prior training and uses a modular design to allow the integration of new APIs using a skill-based architecture inspired by XiaoIce. Jill Watson is also well-suited for intelligent textbooks as it can process and converse using multiple large documents. We exclusively utilize publicly available resources for reproducibility and extensibility. Comparative analysis shows that our system outperforms the legacy knowledge-based Jill Watson as well as the OpenAI Assistants service. We employ many safety measures that reduce instances of hallucinations and toxicity. The paper also includes real-world examples from a classroom setting that demonstrate different features of Jill Watson and its effectiveness.

cross FeMLoc: Federated Meta-learning for Adaptive Wireless Indoor Localization Tasks in IoT Networks

Authors: Yaya Etiabi, Wafa Njima, El Mehdi Amhoud

Abstract: The rapid growth of the Internet of Things fosters collaboration among connected devices for tasks like indoor localization. However, existing indoor localization solutions struggle with dynamic and harsh conditions, requiring extensive data collection and environment-specific calibration. These factors impede cooperation, scalability, and the utilization of prior research efforts. To address these challenges, we propose FeMLoc, a federated meta-learning framework for localization. FeMLoc operates in two stages: (i) collaborative meta-training where a global meta-model is created by training on diverse localization datasets from edge devices. (ii) Rapid adaptation for new environments, where the pre-trained global meta-model initializes the localization model, requiring only minimal fine-tuning with a small amount of new data. In this paper, we provide a detailed technical overview of FeMLoc, highlighting its unique approach to privacy-preserving meta-learning in the context of indoor localization. Our performance evaluation demonstrates the superiority of FeMLoc over state-of-the-art methods, enabling swift adaptation to new indoor environments with reduced calibration effort. Specifically, FeMLoc achieves up to 80.95% improvement in localization accuracy compared to the conventional baseline neural network (NN) approach after only 100 gradient steps. Alternatively, for a target accuracy of around 5m, FeMLoc achieves the same level of accuracy up to 82.21% faster than the baseline NN approach. This translates to FeMLoc requiring fewer training iterations, thereby significantly reducing fingerprint data collection and calibration efforts. Moreover, FeMLoc exhibits enhanced scalability, making it well-suited for location-aware massive connectivity driven by emerging wireless communication technologies.

cross Prompt Exploration with Prompt Regression

Authors: Michael Feffer, Ronald Xu, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: In the advent of democratized usage of large language models (LLMs), there is a growing desire to systematize LLM prompt creation and selection processes beyond iterative trial-and-error. Prior works majorly focus on searching the space of prompts without accounting for relations between prompt variations. Here we propose a framework, Prompt Exploration with Prompt Regression (PEPR), to predict the effect of prompt combinations given results for individual prompt elements as well as a simple method to select an effective prompt for a given use-case. We evaluate our approach with open-source LLMs of different sizes on several different tasks.

cross LLM-based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning: Current and Future Directions

Authors: Chuanneng Sun, Songjun Huang, Dario Pompili

Abstract: In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great abilities in various tasks, including question answering, arithmetic problem solving, and poem writing, among others. Although research on LLM-as-an-agent has shown that LLM can be applied to Reinforcement Learning (RL) and achieve decent results, the extension of LLM-based RL to Multi-Agent System (MAS) is not trivial, as many aspects, such as coordination and communication between agents, are not considered in the RL frameworks of a single agent. To inspire more research on LLM-based MARL, in this letter, we survey the existing LLM-based single-agent and multi-agent RL frameworks and provide potential research directions for future research. In particular, we focus on the cooperative tasks of multiple agents with a common goal and communication among them. We also consider human-in/on-the-loop scenarios enabled by the language component in the framework.

cross Dynamic Embeddings with Task-Oriented prompting

Authors: Allmin Balloccu, Jack Zhang

Abstract: This paper introduces Dynamic Embeddings with Task-Oriented prompting (DETOT), a novel approach aimed at improving the adaptability and efficiency of machine learning models by implementing a flexible embedding layer. Unlike traditional static embeddings [14], DETOT dynamically adjusts embeddings based on task-specific requirements and performance feedback, optimizing input data representation for individual tasks [4]. This method enhances both accuracy and computational performance by tailoring the representation layer to meet the unique needs of each task. The structure of DETOT is detailed, highlighting its task-specific adaptation, continuous feedback loop, and mechanisms for preventing overfitting. Empirical evaluations demonstrate its superiority over existing methods.

cross Latent State Estimation Helps UI Agents to Reason

Authors: William E Bishop, Alice Li, Christopher Rawles, Oriana Riva

Abstract: A common problem for agents operating in real-world environments is that the response of an environment to their actions may be non-deterministic and observed through noise. This renders environmental state and progress towards completing a task latent. Despite recent impressive demonstrations of LLM's reasoning abilities on various benchmarks, whether LLMs can build estimates of latent state and leverage them for reasoning has not been explicitly studied. We investigate this problem in the real-world domain of autonomous UI agents. We establish that appropriately prompting LLMs in a zero-shot manner can be formally understood as forming point estimates of latent state in a textual space. In the context of autonomous UI agents we then show that LLMs used in this manner are more than $76\%$ accurate at inferring various aspects of latent state, such as performed (vs. commanded) actions and task progression. Using both public and internal benchmarks and three reasoning methods (zero-shot, CoT-SC & ReAct), we show that LLM-powered agents that explicitly estimate and reason about latent state are able to successfully complete up to 1.6x more tasks than those that do not.

cross Flexible Motion In-betweening with Diffusion Models

Authors: Setareh Cohan, Guy Tevet, Daniele Reda, Xue Bin Peng, Michiel van de Panne

Abstract: Motion in-betweening, a fundamental task in character animation, consists of generating motion sequences that plausibly interpolate user-provided keyframe constraints. It has long been recognized as a labor-intensive and challenging process. We investigate the potential of diffusion models in generating diverse human motions guided by keyframes. Unlike previous inbetweening methods, we propose a simple unified model capable of generating precise and diverse motions that conform to a flexible range of user-specified spatial constraints, as well as text conditioning. To this end, we propose Conditional Motion Diffusion In-betweening (CondMDI) which allows for arbitrary dense-or-sparse keyframe placement and partial keyframe constraints while generating high-quality motions that are diverse and coherent with the given keyframes. We evaluate the performance of CondMDI on the text-conditioned HumanML3D dataset and demonstrate the versatility and efficacy of diffusion models for keyframe in-betweening. We further explore the use of guidance and imputation-based approaches for inference-time keyframing and compare CondMDI against these methods.

cross RuleFuser: Injecting Rules in Evidential Networks for Robust Out-of-Distribution Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Jay Patrikar, Sushant Veer, Apoorva Sharma, Marco Pavone, Sebastian Scherer

Abstract: Modern neural trajectory predictors in autonomous driving are developed using imitation learning (IL) from driving logs. Although IL benefits from its ability to glean nuanced and multi-modal human driving behaviors from large datasets, the resulting predictors often struggle with out-of-distribution (OOD) scenarios and with traffic rule compliance. On the other hand, classical rule-based predictors, by design, can predict traffic rule satisfying behaviors while being robust to OOD scenarios, but these predictors fail to capture nuances in agent-to-agent interactions and human driver's intent. In this paper, we present RuleFuser, a posterior-net inspired evidential framework that combines neural predictors with classical rule-based predictors to draw on the complementary benefits of both, thereby striking a balance between performance and traffic rule compliance. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated on the real-world nuPlan dataset where RuleFuser leverages the higher performance of the neural predictor in in-distribution (ID) scenarios and the higher safety offered by the rule-based predictor in OOD scenarios.

cross OpenRLHF: An Easy-to-use, Scalable and High-performance RLHF Framework

Authors: Jian Hu, Xibin Wu, Weixun Wang, Xianyu, Dehao Zhang, Yu Cao

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) continue to grow by scaling laws, reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has gained significant attention due to its outstanding performance. However, unlike pretraining or fine-tuning a single model, scaling reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) for training large language models poses coordination challenges across four models. We present OpenRLHF, an open-source framework enabling efficient RLHF scaling. Unlike existing RLHF frameworks that co-locate four models on the same GPUs, OpenRLHF re-designs scheduling for the models beyond 70B parameters using Ray, vLLM, and DeepSpeed, leveraging improved resource utilization and diverse training approaches. Integrating seamlessly with Hugging Face, OpenRLHF provides an out-of-the-box solution with optimized algorithms and launch scripts, which ensures user-friendliness. OpenRLHF implements RLHF, DPO, rejection sampling, and other alignment techniques. Empowering state-of-the-art LLM development, OpenRLHF's code is available at


cross Accelerating Multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo Using Machine Learning Models

Authors: Sohail Reddy, Hillary Fairbanks

Abstract: This work presents an efficient approach for accelerating multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling for large-scale problems using low-fidelity machine learning models. While conventional techniques for large-scale Bayesian inference often substitute computationally expensive high-fidelity models with machine learning models, thereby introducing approximation errors, our approach offers a computationally efficient alternative by augmenting high-fidelity models with low-fidelity ones within a hierarchical framework. The multilevel approach utilizes the low-fidelity machine learning model (MLM) for inexpensive evaluation of proposed samples thereby improving the acceptance of samples by the high-fidelity model. The hierarchy in our multilevel algorithm is derived from geometric multigrid hierarchy. We utilize an MLM to acclerate the coarse level sampling. Training machine learning model for the coarsest level significantly reduces the computational cost associated with generating training data and training the model. We present an MCMC algorithm to accelerate the coarsest level sampling using MLM and account for the approximation error introduced. We provide theoretical proofs of detailed balance and demonstrate that our multilevel approach constitutes a consistent MCMC algorithm. Additionally, we derive conditions on the accuracy of the machine learning model to facilitate more efficient hierarchical sampling. Our technique is demonstrated on a standard benchmark inference problem in groundwater flow, where we estimate the probability density of a quantity of interest using a four-level MCMC algorithm. Our proposed algorithm accelerates multilevel sampling by a factor of two while achieving similar accuracy compared to sampling using the standard multilevel algorithm.

cross Biathlon: Harnessing Model Resilience for Accelerating ML Inference Pipelines

Authors: Chaokun Chang, Eric Lo, Chunxiao Ye

Abstract: Machine learning inference pipelines commonly encountered in data science and industries often require real-time responsiveness due to their user-facing nature. However, meeting this requirement becomes particularly challenging when certain input features require aggregating a large volume of data online. Recent literature on interpretable machine learning reveals that most machine learning models exhibit a notable degree of resilience to variations in input. This suggests that machine learning models can effectively accommodate approximate input features with minimal discernible impact on accuracy. In this paper, we introduce Biathlon, a novel ML serving system that leverages the inherent resilience of models and determines the optimal degree of approximation for each aggregation feature. This approach enables maximum speedup while ensuring a guaranteed bound on accuracy loss. We evaluate Biathlon on real pipelines from both industry applications and data science competitions, demonstrating its ability to meet real-time latency requirements by achieving 5.3x to 16.6x speedup with almost no accuracy loss.

cross Discovering Physics-Informed Neural Networks Model for Solving Partial Differential Equations through Evolutionary Computation

Authors: Bo Zhang, Chao Yang

Abstract: In recent years, the researches about solving partial differential equations (PDEs) based on artificial neural network have attracted considerable attention. In these researches, the neural network models are usually designed depend on human experience or trial and error. Despite the emergence of several model searching methods, these methods primarily concentrate on optimizing the hyperparameters of fully connected neural network model based on the framework of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), and the corresponding search spaces are relatively restricted, thereby limiting the exploration of superior models. This article proposes an evolutionary computation method aimed at discovering the PINNs model with higher approximation accuracy and faster convergence rate. In addition to searching the numbers of layers and neurons per hidden layer, this method concurrently explores the optimal shortcut connections between the layers and the novel parametric activation functions expressed by the binary trees. In evolution, the strategy about dynamic population size and training epochs (DPSTE) is adopted, which significantly increases the number of models to be explored and facilitates the discovery of models with fast convergence rate. In experiments, the performance of different models that are searched through Bayesian optimization, random search and evolution is compared in solving Klein-Gordon, Burgers, and Lam\'e equations. The experimental results affirm that the models discovered by the proposed evolutionary computation method generally exhibit superior approximation accuracy and convergence rate, and these models also show commendable generalization performance with respect to the source term, initial and boundary conditions, equation coefficient and computational domain. The corresponding code is available at


cross Excess Delay from GDP: Measurement and Causal Analysis

Authors: Ke Liu, Mark Hansen

Abstract: Ground Delay Programs (GDPs) have been widely used to resolve excessive demand-capacity imbalances at arrival airports by shifting foreseen airborne delay to pre-departure ground delay. While offering clear safety and efficiency benefits, GDPs may also create additional delay because of imperfect execution and uncertainty in predicting arrival airport capacity. This paper presents a methodology for measuring excess delay resulting from individual GDPs and investigates factors that influence excess delay using regularized regression models. We measured excess delay for 1210 GDPs from 33 U.S. airports in 2019. On a per-restricted flight basis, the mean excess delay is 35.4 min with std of 20.6 min. In our regression analysis of the variation in excess delay, ridge regression is found to perform best. The factors affecting excess delay include time variations during gate out and taxi out for flights subject to the GDP, program rate setting and revisions, and GDP time duration.

cross Lag Selection for Univariate Time Series Forecasting using Deep Learning: An Empirical Study

Authors: Jos\'e Leites, Vitor Cerqueira, Carlos Soares

Abstract: Most forecasting methods use recent past observations (lags) to model the future values of univariate time series. Selecting an adequate number of lags is important for training accurate forecasting models. Several approaches and heuristics have been devised to solve this task. However, there is no consensus about what the best approach is. Besides, lag selection procedures have been developed based on local models and classical forecasting techniques such as ARIMA. We bridge this gap in the literature by carrying out an extensive empirical analysis of different lag selection methods. We focus on deep learning methods trained in a global approach, i.e., on datasets comprising multiple univariate time series. The experiments were carried out using three benchmark databases that contain a total of 2411 univariate time series. The results indicate that the lag size is a relevant parameter for accurate forecasts. In particular, excessively small or excessively large lag sizes have a considerable negative impact on forecasting performance. Cross-validation approaches show the best performance for lag selection, but this performance is comparable with simple heuristics.

cross Advancing fNIRS Neuroimaging through Synthetic Data Generation and Machine Learning Applications

Authors: Eitan Waks

Abstract: This study presents an integrated approach for advancing functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) neuroimaging through the synthesis of data and application of machine learning models. By addressing the scarcity of high-quality neuroimaging datasets, this work harnesses Monte Carlo simulations and parametric head models to generate a comprehensive synthetic dataset, reflecting a wide spectrum of conditions. We developed a containerized environment employing Docker and Xarray for standardized and reproducible data analysis, facilitating meaningful comparisons across different signal processing modalities. Additionally, a cloud-based infrastructure is established for scalable data generation and processing, enhancing the accessibility and quality of neuroimaging data. The combination of synthetic data generation with machine learning techniques holds promise for improving the accuracy, efficiency, and applicability of fNIRS tomography, potentially revolutionizing diagnostics and treatment strategies for neurological conditions. The methodologies and infrastructure developed herein set new standards in data simulation and analysis, paving the way for future research in neuroimaging and the broader biomedical engineering field.

cross WisPerMed at "Discharge Me!": Advancing Text Generation in Healthcare with Large Language Models, Dynamic Expert Selection, and Priming Techniques on MIMIC-IV

Authors: Hendrik Damm, Tabea M. G. Pakull, Bahad{\i}r Ery{\i}lmaz, Helmut Becker, Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir, Henning Sch\"afer, Sergej Schultenk\"amper, Christoph M. Friedrich

Abstract: This study aims to leverage state of the art language models to automate generating the "Brief Hospital Course" and "Discharge Instructions" sections of Discharge Summaries from the MIMIC-IV dataset, reducing clinicians' administrative workload. We investigate how automation can improve documentation accuracy, alleviate clinician burnout, and enhance operational efficacy in healthcare facilities. This research was conducted within our participation in the Shared Task Discharge Me! at BioNLP @ ACL 2024. Various strategies were employed, including few-shot learning, instruction tuning, and Dynamic Expert Selection (DES), to develop models capable of generating the required text sections. Notably, utilizing an additional clinical domain-specific dataset demonstrated substantial potential to enhance clinical language processing. The DES method, which optimizes the selection of text outputs from multiple predictions, proved to be especially effective. It achieved the highest overall score of 0.332 in the competition, surpassing single-model outputs. This finding suggests that advanced deep learning methods in combination with DES can effectively automate parts of electronic health record documentation. These advancements could enhance patient care by freeing clinician time for patient interactions. The integration of text selection strategies represents a promising avenue for further research.

cross Cross-Language Assessment of Mathematical Capability of ChatGPT

Authors: Gargi Sathe, Aneesh Shamraj, Aditya Surve, Nahush Patil, Kumkum Saxena

Abstract: This paper presents an evaluation of the mathematical capability of ChatGPT across diverse languages like Hindi, Gujarati, and Marathi. ChatGPT, based on GPT-3.5 by OpenAI, has garnered significant attention for its natural language understanding and generation abilities. However, its performance in solving mathematical problems across multiple natural languages remains a comparatively unexplored area, especially in regional Indian languages. In this paper, we explore those capabilities as well as using chain-of-thought prompting to figure out if it increases the accuracy of responses as much as it does in the English language and provide insights into the current limitations.

cross Action Controlled Paraphrasing

Authors: Ning Shi, Zijun Wu, Lili Mou

Abstract: Recent studies have demonstrated the potential to control paraphrase generation, such as through syntax, which has broad applications in various downstream tasks. However, these methods often require detailed parse trees or syntactic exemplars, which are not user-friendly. Furthermore, an inference gap exists, as control specifications are only available during training but not inference. In this work, we propose a new setup for controlled paraphrasing. Specifically, we represent user-intended actions as action tokens, allowing embedding and concatenating them with text embeddings, thus flowing together to a self-attention encoder for representation fusion. To address the inference gap, we introduce an optional action token as a placeholder that encourages the model to determine the appropriate action when control specifications are inaccessible. Experimental results show that our method successfully enables specific action-controlled paraphrasing and preserves the same or even better performance compared to conventional uncontrolled methods when actions are not given. Our findings thus promote the concept of optional action control for a more user-centered design via representation learning.

cross Medical Image Analysis for Detection, Treatment and Planning of Disease using Artificial Intelligence Approaches

Authors: Nand Lal Yadav, Satyendra Singh, Rajesh Kumar, Sudhakar Singh

Abstract: X-ray is one of the prevalent image modalities for the detection and diagnosis of the human body. X-ray provides an actual anatomical structure of an organ present with disease or absence of disease. Segmentation of disease in chest X-ray images is essential for the diagnosis and treatment. In this paper, a framework for the segmentation of X-ray images using artificial intelligence techniques has been discussed. Here data has been pre-processed and cleaned followed by segmentation using SegNet and Residual Net approaches to X-ray images. Finally, segmentation has been evaluated using well known metrics like Loss, Dice Coefficient, Jaccard Coefficient, Precision, Recall, Binary Accuracy, and Validation Accuracy. The experimental results reveal that the proposed approach performs better in all respect of well-known parameters with 16 batch size and 50 epochs. The value of validation accuracy, precision, and recall of SegNet and Residual Unet models are 0.9815, 0.9699, 0.9574, and 0.9901, 0.9864, 0.9750 respectively.

cross The CAP Principle for LLM Serving

Authors: Pai Zeng, Zhenyu Ning, Jieru Zhao, Weihao Cui, Mengwei Xu, Liwei Guo, Xusheng Chen, Yizhou Shan

Abstract: We survey the large language model (LLM) serving area to understand the intricate dynamics between cost-efficiency and accuracy, which is magnified by the growing need for longer contextual understanding when deploying models at a massive scale. Our findings reveal that works in this space optimize along three distinct but conflicting goals: improving serving context length (C), improving serving accuracy (A), and improving serving performance (P). Drawing inspiration from the CAP theorem in databases, we propose a CAP principle for LLM serving, which suggests that any optimization can improve at most two of these three goals simultaneously. Our survey categorizes existing works within this framework. We find the definition and continuity of user-perceived measurement metrics are crucial in determining whether a goal has been met, akin to prior CAP databases in the wild. We recognize the CAP principle for LLM serving as a guiding principle, rather than a formal theorem, to inform designers of the inherent and dynamic trade-offs in serving models. As serving accuracy and performance have been extensively studied, this survey focuses on works that extend serving context length and address the resulting challenges.

cross Causal Customer Churn Analysis with Low-rank Tensor Block Hazard Model

Authors: Chenyin Gao, Zhiming Zhang, Shu Yang

Abstract: This study introduces an innovative method for analyzing the impact of various interventions on customer churn, using the potential outcomes framework. We present a new causal model, the tensorized latent factor block hazard model, which incorporates tensor completion methods for a principled causal analysis of customer churn. A crucial element of our approach is the formulation of a 1-bit tensor completion for the parameter tensor. This captures hidden customer characteristics and temporal elements from churn records, effectively addressing the binary nature of churn data and its time-monotonic trends. Our model also uniquely categorizes interventions by their similar impacts, enhancing the precision and practicality of implementing customer retention strategies. For computational efficiency, we apply a projected gradient descent algorithm combined with spectral clustering. We lay down the theoretical groundwork for our model, including its non-asymptotic properties. The efficacy and superiority of our model are further validated through comprehensive experiments on both simulated and real-world applications.

cross PDE Control Gym: A Benchmark for Data-Driven Boundary Control of Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Luke Bhan, Yuexin Bian, Miroslav Krstic, Yuanyuan Shi

Abstract: Over the last decade, data-driven methods have surged in popularity, emerging as valuable tools for control theory. As such, neural network approximations of control feedback laws, system dynamics, and even Lyapunov functions have attracted growing attention. With the ascent of learning based control, the need for accurate, fast, and easy-to-use benchmarks has increased. In this work, we present the first learning-based environment for boundary control of PDEs. In our benchmark, we introduce three foundational PDE problems - a 1D transport PDE, a 1D reaction-diffusion PDE, and a 2D Navier-Stokes PDE - whose solvers are bundled in an user-friendly reinforcement learning gym. With this gym, we then present the first set of model-free, reinforcement learning algorithms for solving this series of benchmark problems, achieving stability, although at a higher cost compared to model-based PDE backstepping. With the set of benchmark environments and detailed examples, this work significantly lowers the barrier to entry for learning-based PDE control - a topic largely unexplored by the data-driven control community. The entire benchmark is available on Github along with detailed documentation and the presented reinforcement learning models are open sourced.

cross How big is Big Data?

Authors: Daniel T. Speckhard, Tim Bechtel, Luca M. Ghiringhelli, Martin Kuban, Santiago Rigamonti, Claudia Draxl

Abstract: Big data has ushered in a new wave of predictive power using machine learning models. In this work, we assess what {\it big} means in the context of typical materials-science machine-learning problems. This concerns not only data volume, but also data quality and veracity as much as infrastructure issues. With selected examples, we ask (i) how models generalize to similar datasets, (ii) how high-quality datasets can be gathered from heterogenous sources, (iii) how the feature set and complexity of a model can affect expressivity, and (iv) what infrastructure requirements are needed to create larger datasets and train models on them. In sum, we find that big data present unique challenges along very different aspects that should serve to motivate further work.

cross Exploring speech style spaces with language models: Emotional TTS without emotion labels

Authors: Shreeram Suresh Chandra, Zongyang Du, Berrak Sisman

Abstract: Many frameworks for emotional text-to-speech (E-TTS) rely on human-annotated emotion labels that are often inaccurate and difficult to obtain. Learning emotional prosody implicitly presents a tough challenge due to the subjective nature of emotions. In this study, we propose a novel approach that leverages text awareness to acquire emotional styles without the need for explicit emotion labels or text prompts. We present TEMOTTS, a two-stage framework for E-TTS that is trained without emotion labels and is capable of inference without auxiliary inputs. Our proposed method performs knowledge transfer between the linguistic space learned by BERT and the emotional style space constructed by global style tokens. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, showcasing improvements in emotional accuracy and naturalness. This is one of the first studies to leverage the emotional correlation between spoken content and expressive delivery for emotional TTS.

cross Large Language Models are Biased Reinforcement Learners

Authors: William M. Hayes, Nicolas Yax, Stefano Palminteri

Abstract: In-context learning enables large language models (LLMs) to perform a variety of tasks, including learning to make reward-maximizing choices in simple bandit tasks. Given their potential use as (autonomous) decision-making agents, it is important to understand how these models perform such reinforcement learning (RL) tasks and the extent to which they are susceptible to biases. Motivated by the fact that, in humans, it has been widely documented that the value of an outcome depends on how it compares to other local outcomes, the present study focuses on whether similar value encoding biases apply to how LLMs encode rewarding outcomes. Results from experiments with multiple bandit tasks and models show that LLMs exhibit behavioral signatures of a relative value bias. Adding explicit outcome comparisons to the prompt produces opposing effects on performance, enhancing maximization in trained choice sets but impairing generalization to new choice sets. Computational cognitive modeling reveals that LLM behavior is well-described by a simple RL algorithm that incorporates relative values at the outcome encoding stage. Lastly, we present preliminary evidence that the observed biases are not limited to fine-tuned LLMs, and that relative value processing is detectable in the final hidden layer activations of a raw, pretrained model. These findings have important implications for the use of LLMs in decision-making applications.

cross Quantum Neural Networks for Solving Power System Transient Simulation Problem

Authors: Mohammadreza Soltaninia, Junpeng Zhan

Abstract: Quantum computing, leveraging principles of quantum mechanics, represents a transformative approach in computational methodologies, offering significant enhancements over traditional classical systems. This study tackles the complex and computationally demanding task of simulating power system transients through solving differential algebraic equations (DAEs). We introduce two novel Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs): the Sinusoidal-Friendly QNN and the Polynomial-Friendly QNN, proposing them as effective alternatives to conventional simulation techniques. Our application of these QNNs successfully simulates two small power systems, demonstrating their potential to achieve good accuracy. We further explore various configurations, including time intervals, training points, and the selection of classical optimizers, to optimize the solving of DAEs using QNNs. This research not only marks a pioneering effort in applying quantum computing to power system simulations but also expands the potential of quantum technologies in addressing intricate engineering challenges.

cross MAML-en-LLM: Model Agnostic Meta-Training of LLMs for Improved In-Context Learning

Authors: Sanchit Sinha, Yuguang Yue, Victor Soto, Mayank Kulkarni, Jianhua Lu, Aidong Zhang

Abstract: Adapting large language models (LLMs) to unseen tasks with in-context training samples without fine-tuning remains an important research problem. To learn a robust LLM that adapts well to unseen tasks, multiple meta-training approaches have been proposed such as MetaICL and MetaICT, which involve meta-training pre-trained LLMs on a wide variety of diverse tasks. These meta-training approaches essentially perform in-context multi-task fine-tuning and evaluate on a disjointed test set of tasks. Even though they achieve impressive performance, their goal is never to compute a truly general set of parameters. In this paper, we propose MAML-en-LLM, a novel method for meta-training LLMs, which can learn truly generalizable parameters that not only perform well on disjointed tasks but also adapts to unseen tasks. We see an average increase of 2% on unseen domains in the performance while a massive 4% improvement on adaptation performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that MAML-en-LLM outperforms baselines in settings with limited amount of training data on both seen and unseen domains by an average of 2%. Finally, we discuss the effects of type of tasks, optimizers and task complexity, an avenue barely explored in meta-training literature. Exhaustive experiments across 7 task settings along with two data settings demonstrate that models trained with MAML-en-LLM outperform SOTA meta-training approaches.

cross Deep Dive into Model-free Reinforcement Learning for Biological and Robotic Systems: Theory and Practice

Authors: Yusheng Jiao, Feng Ling, Sina Heydari, Nicolas Heess, Josh Merel, Eva Kanso

Abstract: Animals and robots exist in a physical world and must coordinate their bodies to achieve behavioral objectives. With recent developments in deep reinforcement learning, it is now possible for scientists and engineers to obtain sensorimotor strategies (policies) for specific tasks using physically simulated bodies and environments. However, the utility of these methods goes beyond the constraints of a specific task; they offer an exciting framework for understanding the organization of an animal sensorimotor system in connection to its morphology and physical interaction with the environment, as well as for deriving general design rules for sensing and actuation in robotic systems. Algorithms and code implementing both learning agents and environments are increasingly available, but the basic assumptions and choices that go into the formulation of an embodied feedback control problem using deep reinforcement learning may not be immediately apparent. Here, we present a concise exposition of the mathematical and algorithmic aspects of model-free reinforcement learning, specifically through the use of \textit{actor-critic} methods, as a tool for investigating the feedback control underlying animal and robotic behavior.

cross Efficient Prompt Tuning by Multi-Space Projection and Prompt Fusion

Authors: Pengxiang Lan, Enneng Yang, Yuting Liu, Guibing Guo, Linying Jiang, Jianzhe Zhao, Xingwei Wang

Abstract: Prompt tuning is a promising method to fine-tune a pre-trained language model without retraining its large-scale parameters. Instead, it attaches a soft prompt to the input text, whereby downstream tasks can be well adapted by merely learning the embeddings of prompt tokens. Nevertheless, existing methods still suffer from two challenges: (i) they are hard to balance accuracy and efficiency. A longer (shorter) soft prompt generally leads to a better (worse) accuracy but at the cost of more (less) training time. (ii) The performance may not be consistent when adapting to different downstream tasks. We attribute it to the same embedding space but responsible for different requirements of downstream tasks. To address these issues, we propose an Efficient Prompt Tuning method (EPT) by multi-space projection and prompt fusion. Specifically, it decomposes a given soft prompt into a shorter prompt and two low-rank matrices, whereby the number of parameters is greatly reduced as well as the training time. The accuracy is also enhanced by leveraging low-rank matrices and the short prompt as additional knowledge sources to enrich the semantics of the original short prompt. In addition, we project the soft prompt into multiple subspaces to improve the performance consistency, and then adaptively learn the combination weights of different spaces through a gating network. Experimental experiments on 13 natural language processing downstream tasks show that our method significantly and consistently outperforms 11 comparison methods with the relative percentage of improvements up to 28.8%, and training time decreased by 14%.

cross Automated Coastline Extraction Using Edge Detection Algorithms

Authors: Conor O'Sullivan, Seamus Coveney, Xavier Monteys, Soumyabrata Dev

Abstract: We analyse the effectiveness of edge detection algorithms for the purpose of automatically extracting coastlines from satellite images. Four algorithms - Canny, Sobel, Scharr and Prewitt are compared visually and using metrics. With an average SSIM of 0.8, Canny detected edges that were closest to the reference edges. However, the algorithm had difficulty distinguishing noisy edges, e.g. due to development, from coastline edges. In addition, histogram equalization and Gaussian blur were shown to improve the effectiveness of the edge detection algorithms by up to 1.5 and 1.6 times respectively.

cross The Effectiveness of Edge Detection Evaluation Metrics for Automated Coastline Detection

Authors: Conor O'Sullivan, Seamus Coveney, Xavier Monteys, Soumyabrata Dev

Abstract: We analyse the effectiveness of RMSE, PSNR, SSIM and FOM for evaluating edge detection algorithms used for automated coastline detection. Typically, the accuracy of detected coastlines is assessed visually. This can be impractical on a large scale leading to the need for objective evaluation metrics. Hence, we conduct an experiment to find reliable metrics. We apply Canny edge detection to 95 coastline satellite images across 49 testing locations. We vary the Hysteresis thresholds and compare metric values to a visual analysis of detected edges. We found that FOM was the most reliable metric for selecting the best threshold. It could select a better threshold 92.6% of the time and the best threshold 66.3% of the time. This is compared RMSE, PSNR and SSIM which could select the best threshold 6.3%, 6.3% and 11.6% of the time respectively. We provide a reason for these results by reformulating RMSE, PSNR and SSIM in terms of confusion matrix measures. This suggests these metrics not only fail for this experiment but are not useful for evaluating edge detection in general.

cross MSNER: A Multilingual Speech Dataset for Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Quentin Meeus, Marie-Francine Moens, Hugo Van hamme

Abstract: While extensively explored in text-based tasks, Named Entity Recognition (NER) remains largely neglected in spoken language understanding. Existing resources are limited to a single, English-only dataset. This paper addresses this gap by introducing MSNER, a freely available, multilingual speech corpus annotated with named entities. It provides annotations to the VoxPopuli dataset in four languages (Dutch, French, German, and Spanish). We have also releasing an efficient annotation tool that leverages automatic pre-annotations for faster manual refinement. This results in 590 and 15 hours of silver-annotated speech for training and validation, alongside a 17-hour, manually-annotated evaluation set. We further provide an analysis comparing silver and gold annotations. Finally, we present baseline NER models to stimulate further research on this newly available dataset.

cross Certified Robust Accuracy of Neural Networks Are Bounded due to Bayes Errors

Authors: Ruihan Zhang, Jun Sun

Abstract: Adversarial examples pose a security threat to many critical systems built on neural networks. While certified training improves robustness, it also decreases accuracy noticeably. Despite various proposals for addressing this issue, the significant accuracy drop remains. More importantly, it is not clear whether there is a certain fundamental limit on achieving robustness whilst maintaining accuracy. In this work, we offer a novel perspective based on Bayes errors. By adopting Bayes error to robustness analysis, we investigate the limit of certified robust accuracy, taking into account data distribution uncertainties. We first show that the accuracy inevitably decreases in the pursuit of robustness due to changed Bayes error in the altered data distribution. Subsequently, we establish an upper bound for certified robust accuracy, considering the distribution of individual classes and their boundaries. Our theoretical results are empirically evaluated on real-world datasets and are shown to be consistent with the limited success of existing certified training results, \emph{e.g.}, for CIFAR10, our analysis results in an upper bound (of certified robust accuracy) of 67.49\%, meanwhile existing approaches are only able to increase it from 53.89\% in 2017 to 62.84\% in 2023.

cross Reproducibility Study of CDUL: CLIP-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification

Authors: Manan Shah, Yash Bhalgat

Abstract: This report is a reproducibility study of the paper "CDUL: CLIP-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification" (Abdelfattah et al, ICCV 2023). Our report makes the following contributions: (1) We provide a reproducible, well commented and open-sourced code implementation for the entire method specified in the original paper. (2) We try to verify the effectiveness of the novel aggregation strategy which uses the CLIP model to initialize the pseudo labels for the subsequent unsupervised multi-label image classification task. (3) We try to verify the effectiveness of the gradient-alignment training method specified in the original paper, which is used to update the network parameters and pseudo labels. The code can be found at


cross Securing Health Data on the Blockchain: A Differential Privacy and Federated Learning Framework

Authors: Daniel Commey, Sena Hounsinou, Garth V. Crosby

Abstract: This study proposes a framework to enhance privacy in Blockchain-based Internet of Things (BIoT) systems used in the healthcare sector. The framework addresses the challenge of leveraging health data for analytics while protecting patient privacy. To achieve this, the study integrates Differential Privacy (DP) with Federated Learning (FL) to protect sensitive health data collected by IoT nodes. The proposed framework utilizes dynamic personalization and adaptive noise distribution strategies to balance privacy and data utility. Additionally, blockchain technology ensures secure and transparent aggregation and storage of model updates. Experimental results on the SVHN dataset demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves strong privacy guarantees against various attack scenarios while maintaining high accuracy in health analytics tasks. For 15 rounds of federated learning with an epsilon value of 8.0, the model obtains an accuracy of 64.50%. The blockchain integration, utilizing Ethereum, Ganache,, and IPFS, exhibits an average transaction latency of around 6 seconds and consistent gas consumption across rounds, validating the practicality and feasibility of the proposed approach.

cross Continuous Predictive Modeling of Clinical Notes and ICD Codes in Patient Health Records

Authors: Mireia Hernandez Caralt, Clarence Boon Liang Ng, Marek Rei

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHR) serve as a valuable source of patient information, offering insights into medical histories, treatments, and outcomes. Previous research has developed systems for detecting applicable ICD codes that should be assigned while writing a given EHR document, mainly focusing on discharge summaries written at the end of a hospital stay. In this work, we investigate the potential of predicting these codes for the whole patient stay at different time points during their stay, even before they are officially assigned by clinicians. The development of methods to predict diagnoses and treatments earlier in advance could open opportunities for predictive medicine, such as identifying disease risks sooner, suggesting treatments, and optimizing resource allocation. Our experiments show that predictions regarding final ICD codes can be made already two days after admission and we propose a custom model that improves performance on this early prediction task.

cross Morphological Prototyping for Unsupervised Slide Representation Learning in Computational Pathology

Authors: Andrew H. Song, Richard J. Chen, Tong Ding, Drew F. K. Williamson, Guillaume Jaume, Faisal Mahmood

Abstract: Representation learning of pathology whole-slide images (WSIs) has been has primarily relied on weak supervision with Multiple Instance Learning (MIL). However, the slide representations resulting from this approach are highly tailored to specific clinical tasks, which limits their expressivity and generalization, particularly in scenarios with limited data. Instead, we hypothesize that morphological redundancy in tissue can be leveraged to build a task-agnostic slide representation in an unsupervised fashion. To this end, we introduce PANTHER, a prototype-based approach rooted in the Gaussian mixture model that summarizes the set of WSI patches into a much smaller set of morphological prototypes. Specifically, each patch is assumed to have been generated from a mixture distribution, where each mixture component represents a morphological exemplar. Utilizing the estimated mixture parameters, we then construct a compact slide representation that can be readily used for a wide range of downstream tasks. By performing an extensive evaluation of PANTHER on subtyping and survival tasks using 13 datasets, we show that 1) PANTHER outperforms or is on par with supervised MIL baselines and 2) the analysis of morphological prototypes brings new qualitative and quantitative insights into model interpretability.

cross Hummer: Towards Limited Competitive Preference Dataset

Authors: Li Jiang, Yusen Wu, Junwu Xiong, Jingqing Ruan, Yichuan Ding, Qingpei Guo, Zujie Wen, Jun Zhou, Xiaotie Deng

Abstract: Preference datasets are essential for incorporating human preferences into pre-trained language models, playing a key role in the success of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback. However, these datasets often demonstrate conflicting alignment objectives, leading to increased vulnerability to jailbreak attacks and challenges in adapting downstream tasks to prioritize specific alignment objectives without negatively impacting others. In this work, we introduce a novel statistical metric, Alignment Dimension Conflict, to quantify the degree of conflict within preference datasets. We then present \texttt{Hummer} and its fine-grained variant, \texttt{Hummer-F}, as innovative pairwise preference datasets with reduced-conflict alignment objectives. \texttt{Hummer} is built based on UltraFeedback and is enhanced by AI feedback from GPT-4, marking as the first preference dataset aimed at reducing the competition between alignment objectives. Furthermore, we develop reward models, HummerRM and HummerRM-F, which employ a hybrid sampling approach to balance diverse alignment objectives effectively. This sampling method positions HummerRM as an ideal model for domain-specific further fine-tuning and reducing vulnerabilities to attacks.

cross Auto-Platoon : Freight by example

Authors: Tharun V. Puthanveettil, Abhijay Singh, Yashveer Jain, Vinay Bukka, Sameer Arjun S

Abstract: The work introduces a bio-inspired leader-follower system based on an innovative mechanism proposed as software latching that aims to improve collaboration and coordination between a leader agent and the associated autonomous followers. The system utilizes software latching to establish real-time communication and synchronization between the leader and followers. A layered architecture is proposed, encompassing perception, decision-making, and control modules. Challenges such as uncertainty, dynamic environments, and communication latency are addressed using Deep learning and real-time data processing pipelines. The follower robot is equipped with sensors and communication modules that enable it to track and trace the agent of interest or avoid obstacles. The followers track the leader and dynamically avoid obstacles while maintaining a safe distance from it. The experimental results demonstrate the proposed system's effectiveness, making it a promising solution for achieving success in tasks that demand multi-robot systems capable of navigating complex dynamic environments.

cross Advancing 6-DoF Instrument Pose Estimation in Variable X-Ray Imaging Geometries

Authors: Christiaan G. A. Viviers, Lena Filatova, Maurice Termeer, Peter H. N. de With, Fons van der Sommen

Abstract: Accurate 6-DoF pose estimation of surgical instruments during minimally invasive surgeries can substantially improve treatment strategies and eventual surgical outcome. Existing deep learning methods have achieved accurate results, but they require custom approaches for each object and laborious setup and training environments often stretching to extensive simulations, whilst lacking real-time computation. We propose a general-purpose approach of data acquisition for 6-DoF pose estimation tasks in X-ray systems, a novel and general purpose YOLOv5-6D pose architecture for accurate and fast object pose estimation and a complete method for surgical screw pose estimation under acquisition geometry consideration from a monocular cone-beam X-ray image. The proposed YOLOv5-6D pose model achieves competitive results on public benchmarks whilst being considerably faster at 42 FPS on GPU. In addition, the method generalizes across varying X-ray acquisition geometry and semantic image complexity to enable accurate pose estimation over different domains. Finally, the proposed approach is tested for bone-screw pose estimation for computer-aided guidance during spine surgeries. The model achieves a 92.41% by the 0.1 ADD-S metric, demonstrating a promising approach for enhancing surgical precision and patient outcomes. The code for YOLOv5-6D is publicly available at


cross Semantic Trajectory Data Mining with LLM-Informed POI Classification

Authors: Yifan Liu, Chenchen Kuai, Haoxuan Ma, Xishun Liao, Brian Yueshuai He, Jiaqi Ma

Abstract: Human travel trajectory mining is crucial for transportation systems, enhancing route optimization, traffic management, and the study of human travel patterns. Previous rule-based approaches without the integration of semantic information show a limitation in both efficiency and accuracy. Semantic information, such as activity types inferred from Points of Interest (POI) data, can significantly enhance the quality of trajectory mining. However, integrating these insights is challenging, as many POIs have incomplete feature information, and current learning-based POI algorithms require the integrity of datasets to do the classification. In this paper, we introduce a novel pipeline for human travel trajectory mining. Our approach first leverages the strong inferential and comprehension capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to annotate POI with activity types and then uses a Bayesian-based algorithm to infer activity for each stay point in a trajectory. In our evaluation using the OpenStreetMap (OSM) POI dataset, our approach achieves a 93.4% accuracy and a 96.1% F-1 score in POI classification, and a 91.7% accuracy with a 92.3% F-1 score in activity inference.

cross Optimization of Worker Scheduling at Logistics Depots Using Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing

Authors: Jinxin Xu, Haixin Wu, Yu Cheng, Liyang Wang, Xin Yang, Xintong Fu, Yuelong Su

Abstract: This paper addresses the optimization of scheduling for workers at a logistics depot using a combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing algorithm. The efficient scheduling of permanent and temporary workers is crucial for optimizing the efficiency of the logistics depot while minimizing labor usage. The study begins by establishing a 0-1 integer linear programming model, with decision variables determining the scheduling of permanent and temporary workers for each time slot on a given day. The objective function aims to minimize person-days, while constraints ensure fulfillment of hourly labor requirements, limit workers to one time slot per day, cap consecutive working days for permanent workers, and maintain non-negativity and integer constraints. The model is then solved using genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. Results indicate that, for this problem, genetic algorithms outperform simulated annealing in terms of solution quality. The optimal solution reveals a minimum of 29857 person-days.

cross Configurable Mirror Descent: Towards a Unification of Decision Making

Authors: Pengdeng Li, Shuxin Li, Chang Yang, Xinrun Wang, Shuyue Hu, Xiao Huang, Hau Chan, Bo An

Abstract: Decision-making problems, categorized as single-agent, e.g., Atari, cooperative multi-agent, e.g., Hanabi, competitive multi-agent, e.g., Hold'em poker, and mixed cooperative and competitive, e.g., football, are ubiquitous in the real world. Various methods are proposed to address the specific decision-making problems. Despite the successes in specific categories, these methods typically evolve independently and cannot generalize to other categories. Therefore, a fundamental question for decision-making is: \emph{Can we develop \textbf{a single algorithm} to tackle \textbf{ALL} categories of decision-making problems?} There are several main challenges to address this question: i) different decision-making categories involve different numbers of agents and different relationships between agents, ii) different categories have different solution concepts and evaluation measures, and iii) there lacks a comprehensive benchmark covering all the categories. This work presents a preliminary attempt to address the question with three main contributions. i) We propose the generalized mirror descent (GMD), a generalization of MD variants, which considers multiple historical policies and works with a broader class of Bregman divergences. ii) We propose the configurable mirror descent (CMD) where a meta-controller is introduced to dynamically adjust the hyper-parameters in GMD conditional on the evaluation measures. iii) We construct the \textsc{GameBench} with 15 academic-friendly games across different decision-making categories. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CMD achieves empirically competitive or better outcomes compared to baselines while providing the capability of exploring diverse dimensions of decision making.

cross Asymptotic theory of in-context learning by linear attention

Authors: Yue M. Lu, Mary I. Letey, Jacob A. Zavatone-Veth, Anindita Maiti, Cengiz Pehlevan

Abstract: Transformers have a remarkable ability to learn and execute tasks based on examples provided within the input itself, without explicit prior training. It has been argued that this capability, known as in-context learning (ICL), is a cornerstone of Transformers' success, yet questions about the necessary sample complexity, pretraining task diversity, and context length for successful ICL remain unresolved. Here, we provide a precise answer to these questions in an exactly solvable model of ICL of a linear regression task by linear attention. We derive sharp asymptotics for the learning curve in a phenomenologically-rich scaling regime where the token dimension is taken to infinity; the context length and pretraining task diversity scale proportionally with the token dimension; and the number of pretraining examples scales quadratically. We demonstrate a double-descent learning curve with increasing pretraining examples, and uncover a phase transition in the model's behavior between low and high task diversity regimes: In the low diversity regime, the model tends toward memorization of training tasks, whereas in the high diversity regime, it achieves genuine in-context learning and generalization beyond the scope of pretrained tasks. These theoretical insights are empirically validated through experiments with both linear attention and full nonlinear Transformer architectures.

cross Foundation Model for Chemical Process Modeling: Meta-Learning with Physics-Informed Adaptation

Authors: Zihao Wang, Zhe Wu

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a novel application of foundation models in the domain of nonlinear chemical process modeling. Given the challenges of obtaining accurate first-principles models for real-world chemical processes and the inefficiency of rebuilding and retraining models for new chemical processes, we pose a pivotal question: What if we could develop a single, universal neural network (i.e., foundation model) capable of rapidly adapting to modeling any new chemical process? To address this question, we propose a meta-learning-based approach using Reptile to construct the foundation model, followed by physics-informed adaptation to fine-tune it to new modeling tasks using only a few data samples. To assess the effectiveness of our methodology, we construct a foundation model for various chemical reactions in three classical generic reactors, including continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs), batch reactors (BRs), and plug flow reactors (PFRs). Our approach outperforms conventional methods such as data-driven learning, physics-informed learning, transfer learning, and pure meta-learning in a few-shot setting. Furthermore, our method achieves rapid adaptation to new CSTRs, BRs, and PFRs using only a few data samples from the designated tasks. Source code is available at


cross From SHAP Scores to Feature Importance Scores

Authors: Olivier Letoffe, Xuanxiang Huang, Nicholas Asher, Joao Marques-Silva

Abstract: A central goal of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is to assign relative importance to the features of a Machine Learning (ML) model given some prediction. The importance of this task of explainability by feature attribution is illustrated by the ubiquitous recent use of tools such as SHAP and LIME. Unfortunately, the exact computation of feature attributions, using the game-theoretical foundation underlying SHAP and LIME, can yield manifestly unsatisfactory results, that tantamount to reporting misleading relative feature importance. Recent work targeted rigorous feature attribution, by studying axiomatic aggregations of features based on logic-based definitions of explanations by feature selection. This paper shows that there is an essential relationship between feature attribution and a priori voting power, and that those recently proposed axiomatic aggregations represent a few instantiations of the range of power indices studied in the past. Furthermore, it remains unclear how some of the most widely used power indices might be exploited as feature importance scores (FISs), i.e. the use of power indices in XAI, and which of these indices would be the best suited for the purposes of XAI by feature attribution, namely in terms of not producing results that could be deemed as unsatisfactory. This paper proposes novel desirable properties that FISs should exhibit. In addition, the paper also proposes novel FISs exhibiting the proposed properties. Finally, the paper conducts a rigorous analysis of the best-known power indices in terms of the proposed properties.

cross Uni-Mol Docking V2: Towards Realistic and Accurate Binding Pose Prediction

Authors: Eric Alcaide, Zhifeng Gao, Guolin Ke, Yaqi Li, Linfeng Zhang, Hang Zheng, Gengmo Zhou

Abstract: In recent years, machine learning (ML) methods have emerged as promising alternatives for molecular docking, offering the potential for high accuracy without incurring prohibitive computational costs. However, recent studies have indicated that these ML models may overfit to quantitative metrics while neglecting the physical constraints inherent in the problem. In this work, we present Uni-Mol Docking V2, which demonstrates a remarkable improvement in performance, accurately predicting the binding poses of 77+% of ligands in the PoseBusters benchmark with an RMSD value of less than 2.0 {\AA}, and 75+% passing all quality checks. This represents a significant increase from the 62% achieved by the previous Uni-Mol Docking model. Notably, our Uni-Mol Docking approach generates chemically accurate predictions, circumventing issues such as chirality inversions and steric clashes that have plagued previous ML models. Furthermore, we observe enhanced performance in terms of high-quality predictions (RMSD values of less than 1.0 {\AA} and 1.5 {\AA}) and physical soundness when Uni-Mol Docking is combined with more physics-based methods like Uni-Dock. Our results represent a significant advancement in the application of artificial intelligence for scientific research, adopting a holistic approach to ligand docking that is well-suited for industrial applications in virtual screening and drug design. The code, data and service for Uni-Mol Docking are publicly available for use and further development in


cross Exploring Ordinality in Text Classification: A Comparative Study of Explicit and Implicit Techniques

Authors: Siva Rajesh Kasa, Aniket Goel, Karan Gupta, Sumegh Roychowdhury, Anish Bhanushali, Nikhil Pattisapu, Prasanna Srinivasa Murthy

Abstract: Ordinal Classification (OC) is a widely encountered challenge in Natural Language Processing (NLP), with applications in various domains such as sentiment analysis, rating prediction, and more. Previous approaches to tackle OC have primarily focused on modifying existing or creating novel loss functions that \textbf{explicitly} account for the ordinal nature of labels. However, with the advent of Pretrained Language Models (PLMs), it became possible to tackle ordinality through the \textbf{implicit} semantics of the labels as well. This paper provides a comprehensive theoretical and empirical examination of both these approaches. Furthermore, we also offer strategic recommendations regarding the most effective approach to adopt based on specific settings.

cross General bounds on the quality of Bayesian coresets

Authors: Trevor Campbell

Abstract: Bayesian coresets speed up posterior inference in the large-scale data regime by approximating the full-data log-likelihood function with a surrogate log-likelihood based on a small, weighted subset of the data. But while Bayesian coresets and methods for construction are applicable in a wide range of models, existing theoretical analysis of the posterior inferential error incurred by coreset approximations only apply in restrictive settings -- i.e., exponential family models, or models with strong log-concavity and smoothness assumptions. This work presents general upper and lower bounds on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence of coreset approximations that reflect the full range of applicability of Bayesian coresets. The lower bounds require only mild model assumptions typical of Bayesian asymptotic analyses, while the upper bounds require the log-likelihood functions to satisfy a generalized subexponentiality criterion that is weaker than conditions used in earlier work. The lower bounds are applied to obtain fundamental limitations on the quality of coreset approximations, and to provide a theoretical explanation for the previously-observed poor empirical performance of importance sampling-based construction methods. The upper bounds are used to analyze the performance of recent subsample-optimize methods. The flexibility of the theory is demonstrated in validation experiments involving multimodal, unidentifiable, heavy-tailed Bayesian posterior distributions.

cross Guided Multi-objective Generative AI to Enhance Structure-based Drug Design

Authors: Amit Kadan, Kevin Ryczko, Adrian Roitberg, Takeshi Yamazaki

Abstract: Generative AI has the potential to revolutionize drug discovery. Yet, despite recent advances in machine learning, existing models cannot generate molecules that satisfy all desired physicochemical properties. Herein, we describe IDOLpro, a novel generative chemistry AI combining deep diffusion with multi-objective optimization for structure-based drug design. The latent variables of the diffusion model are guided by differentiable scoring functions to explore uncharted chemical space and generate novel ligands in silico, optimizing a plurality of target physicochemical properties. We demonstrate its effectiveness by generating ligands with optimized binding affinity and synthetic accessibility on two benchmark sets. IDOLpro produces ligands with binding affinities over 10% higher than the next best state-of-the-art on each test set. On a test set of experimental complexes, IDOLpro is the first to surpass the performance of experimentally observed ligands. IDOLpro can accommodate other scoring functions (e.g. ADME-Tox) to accelerate hit-finding, hit-to-lead, and lead optimization for drug discovery.

cross Application of time-series quantum generative model to financial data

Authors: Shun Okumura, Masayuki Ohzeki, Masaya Abe

Abstract: Despite proposing a quantum generative model for time series that successfully learns correlated series with multiple Brownian motions, the model has not been adapted and evaluated for financial problems. In this study, a time-series generative model was applied as a quantum generative model to actual financial data. Future data for two correlated time series were generated and compared with classical methods such as long short-term memory and vector autoregression. Furthermore, numerical experiments were performed to complete missing values. Based on the results, we evaluated the practical applications of the time-series quantum generation model. It was observed that fewer parameter values were required compared with the classical method. In addition, the quantum time-series generation model was feasible for both stationary and nonstationary data. These results suggest that several parameters can be applied to various types of time-series data.

cross Counterfactual Explanation-Based Badminton Motion Guidance Generation Using Wearable Sensors

Authors: Minwoo Seong, Gwangbin Kim, Yumin Kang, Junhyuk Jang, Joseph DelPreto, SeungJun Kim

Abstract: This study proposes a framework for enhancing the stroke quality of badminton players by generating personalized motion guides, utilizing a multimodal wearable dataset. These guides are based on counterfactual algorithms and aim to reduce the performance gap between novice and expert players. Our approach provides joint-level guidance through visualizable data to assist players in improving their movements without requiring expert knowledge. The method was evaluated against a traditional algorithm using metrics to assess validity, proximity, and plausibility, including arithmetic measures and motion-specific evaluation metrics. Our evaluation demonstrates that the proposed framework can generate motions that maintain the essence of original movements while enhancing stroke quality, providing closer guidance than direct expert motion replication. The results highlight the potential of our approach for creating personalized sports motion guides by generating counterfactual motion guidance for arbitrary input motion samples of badminton strokes.

cross Beyond MLE: Investigating SEARNN for Low-Resourced Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Chris Emezue

Abstract: Structured prediction tasks, like machine translation, involve learning functions that map structured inputs to structured outputs. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have historically been a popular choice for such tasks, including in natural language processing (NLP) applications. However, training RNNs using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) has its limitations, including exposure bias and a mismatch between training and testing metrics. SEARNN, based on the learning to search (L2S) framework, has been proposed as an alternative to MLE for RNN training. This project explored the potential of SEARNN to improve machine translation for low-resourced African languages -- a challenging task characterized by limited training data availability and the morphological complexity of the languages. Through experiments conducted on translation for English to Igbo, French to \ewe, and French to \ghomala directions, this project evaluated the efficacy of SEARNN over MLE in addressing the unique challenges posed by these languages. With an average BLEU score improvement of $5.4$\% over the MLE objective, we proved that SEARNN is indeed a viable algorithm to effectively train RNNs on machine translation for low-resourced languages.

cross SSAMBA: Self-Supervised Audio Representation Learning with Mamba State Space Model

Authors: Siavash Shams, Sukru Samet Dindar, Xilin Jiang, Nima Mesgarani

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized deep learning across various tasks, including audio representation learning, due to their powerful modeling capabilities. However, they often suffer from quadratic complexity in both GPU memory usage and computational inference time, affecting their efficiency. Recently, state space models (SSMs) like Mamba have emerged as a promising alternative, offering a more efficient approach by avoiding these complexities. Given these advantages, we explore the potential of SSM-based models in audio tasks. In this paper, we introduce Self-Supervised Audio Mamba (SSAMBA), the first self-supervised, attention-free, and SSM-based model for audio representation learning. SSAMBA leverages the bidirectional Mamba to capture complex audio patterns effectively. We incorporate a self-supervised pretraining framework that optimizes both discriminative and generative objectives, enabling the model to learn robust audio representations from large-scale, unlabeled datasets. We evaluated SSAMBA on various tasks such as audio classification, keyword spotting, and speaker identification. Our results demonstrate that SSAMBA outperforms the Self-Supervised Audio Spectrogram Transformer (SSAST) in most tasks. Notably, SSAMBA is approximately 92.7% faster in batch inference speed and 95.4% more memory-efficient than SSAST for the tiny model size with an input token size of 22k. These efficiency gains, combined with superior performance, underscore the effectiveness of SSAMBA's architectural innovation, making it a compelling choice for a wide range of audio processing applications.

cross Alternators For Sequence Modeling

Authors: Mohammad Reza Rezaei, Adji Bousso Dieng

Abstract: This paper introduces alternators, a novel family of non-Markovian dynamical models for sequences. An alternator features two neural networks: the observation trajectory network (OTN) and the feature trajectory network (FTN). The OTN and the FTN work in conjunction, alternating between outputting samples in the observation space and some feature space, respectively, over a cycle. The parameters of the OTN and the FTN are not time-dependent and are learned via a minimum cross-entropy criterion over the trajectories. Alternators are versatile. They can be used as dynamical latent-variable generative models or as sequence-to-sequence predictors. When alternators are used as generative models, the FTN produces interpretable low-dimensional latent variables that capture the dynamics governing the observations. When alternators are used as sequence-to-sequence predictors, the FTN learns to predict the observed features. In both cases, the OTN learns to produce sequences that match the data. Alternators can uncover the latent dynamics underlying complex sequential data, accurately forecast and impute missing data, and sample new trajectories. We showcase the capabilities of alternators in three applications. We first used alternators to model the Lorenz equations, often used to describe chaotic behavior. We then applied alternators to Neuroscience, to map brain activity to physical activity. Finally, we applied alternators to Climate Science, focusing on sea-surface temperature forecasting. In all our experiments, we found alternators are stable to train, fast to sample from, yield high-quality generated samples and latent variables, and outperform strong baselines such as neural ODEs and diffusion models in the domains we studied.

cross Depth Prompting for Sensor-Agnostic Depth Estimation

Authors: Jin-Hwi Park, Chanhwi Jeong, Junoh Lee, Hae-Gon Jeon

Abstract: Dense depth maps have been used as a key element of visual perception tasks. There have been tremendous efforts to enhance the depth quality, ranging from optimization-based to learning-based methods. Despite the remarkable progress for a long time, their applicability in the real world is limited due to systematic measurement biases such as density, sensing pattern, and scan range. It is well-known that the biases make it difficult for these methods to achieve their generalization. We observe that learning a joint representation for input modalities (e.g., images and depth), which most recent methods adopt, is sensitive to the biases. In this work, we disentangle those modalities to mitigate the biases with prompt engineering. For this, we design a novel depth prompt module to allow the desirable feature representation according to new depth distributions from either sensor types or scene configurations. Our depth prompt can be embedded into foundation models for monocular depth estimation. Through this embedding process, our method helps the pretrained model to be free from restraint of depth scan range and to provide absolute scale depth maps. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through extensive evaluations. Source code is publicly available at .


cross A Novel Cartography-Based Curriculum Learning Method Applied on RoNLI: The First Romanian Natural Language Inference Corpus

Authors: Eduard Poesina, Cornelia Caragea, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: Natural language inference (NLI), the task of recognizing the entailment relationship in sentence pairs, is an actively studied topic serving as a proxy for natural language understanding. Despite the relevance of the task in building conversational agents and improving text classification, machine translation and other NLP tasks, to the best of our knowledge, there is no publicly available NLI corpus for the Romanian language. To this end, we introduce the first Romanian NLI corpus (RoNLI) comprising 58K training sentence pairs, which are obtained via distant supervision, and 6K validation and test sentence pairs, which are manually annotated with the correct labels. We conduct experiments with multiple machine learning methods based on distant learning, ranging from shallow models based on word embeddings to transformer-based neural networks, to establish a set of competitive baselines. Furthermore, we improve on the best model by employing a new curriculum learning strategy based on data cartography. Our dataset and code to reproduce the baselines are available


cross PULL: PU-Learning-based Accurate Link Prediction

Authors: Junghun Kim, Ka Hyun Park, Hoyoung Yoon, U Kang

Abstract: Given an edge-incomplete graph, how can we accurately find the missing links? The link prediction in edge-incomplete graphs aims to discover the missing relations between entities when their relationships are represented as a graph. Edge-incomplete graphs are prevalent in real-world due to practical limitations, such as not checking all users when adding friends in a social network. Addressing the problem is crucial for various tasks, including recommending friends in social networks and finding references in citation networks. However, previous approaches rely heavily on the given edge-incomplete (observed) graph, making it challenging to consider the missing (unobserved) links during training. In this paper, we propose PULL (PU-Learning-based Link predictor), an accurate link prediction method based on the positive-unlabeled (PU) learning. PULL treats the observed edges in the training graph as positive examples, and the unconnected node pairs as unlabeled ones. PULL effectively prevents the link predictor from overfitting to the observed graph by proposing latent variables for every edge, and leveraging the expected graph structure with respect to the variables. Extensive experiments on five real-world datasets show that PULL consistently outperforms the baselines for predicting links in edge-incomplete graphs.

cross Effective Clustering on Large Attributed Bipartite Graphs

Authors: Renchi Yang, Yidu Wu, Xiaoyang Lin, Qichen Wang, Tsz Nam Chan, Jieming Shi

Abstract: Attributed bipartite graphs (ABGs) are an expressive data model for describing the interactions between two sets of heterogeneous nodes that are associated with rich attributes, such as customer-product purchase networks and author-paper authorship graphs. Partitioning the target node set in such graphs into k disjoint clusters (referred to as k-ABGC) finds widespread use in various domains, including social network analysis, recommendation systems, information retrieval, and bioinformatics. However, the majority of existing solutions towards k-ABGC either overlook attribute information or fail to capture bipartite graph structures accurately, engendering severely compromised result quality. The severity of these issues is accentuated in real ABGs, which often encompass millions of nodes and a sheer volume of attribute data, rendering effective k-ABGC over such graphs highly challenging. In this paper, we propose TPO, an effective and efficient approach to k-ABGC that achieves superb clustering performance on multiple real datasets. TPO obtains high clustering quality through two major contributions: (i) a novel formulation and transformation of the k-ABGC problem based on multi-scale attribute affinity specialized for capturing attribute affinities between nodes with the consideration of their multi-hop connections in ABGs, and (ii) a highly efficient solver that includes a suite of carefully-crafted optimizations for sidestepping explicit affinity matrix construction and facilitating faster convergence. Extensive experiments, comparing TPO against 19 baselines over 5 real ABGs, showcase the superior clustering quality of TPO measured against ground-truth labels. Moreover, compared to the state of the arts, TPO is often more than 40x faster over both small and large ABGs.

cross Nonequilbrium physics of generative diffusion models

Authors: Zhendong Yu, Haiping Huang

Abstract: Generative diffusion models apply the concept of Langevin dynamics in physics to machine leaning, attracting a lot of interest from industrial application, but a complete picture about inherent mechanisms is still lacking. In this paper, we provide a transparent physics analysis of the diffusion models, deriving the fluctuation theorem, entropy production, Franz-Parisi potential to understand the intrinsic phase transitions discovered recently. Our analysis is rooted in non-equlibrium physics and concepts from equilibrium physics, i.e., treating both forward and backward dynamics as a Langevin dynamics, and treating the reverse diffusion generative process as a statistical inference, where the time-dependent state variables serve as quenched disorder studied in spin glass theory. This unified principle is expected to guide machine learning practitioners to design better algorithms and theoretical physicists to link the machine learning to non-equilibrium thermodynamics.

cross Chasing COMET: Leveraging Minimum Bayes Risk Decoding for Self-Improving Machine Translation

Authors: Kamil Guttmann, Miko{\l}aj Pokrywka, Adrian Charkiewicz, Artur Nowakowski

Abstract: This paper explores Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) decoding for self-improvement in machine translation (MT), particularly for domain adaptation and low-resource languages. We implement the self-improvement process by fine-tuning the model on its MBR-decoded forward translations. By employing COMET as the MBR utility metric, we aim to achieve the reranking of translations that better aligns with human preferences. The paper explores the iterative application of this approach and the potential need for language-specific MBR utility metrics. The results demonstrate significant enhancements in translation quality for all examined language pairs, including successful application to domain-adapted models and generalisation to low-resource settings. This highlights the potential of COMET-guided MBR for efficient MT self-improvement in various scenarios.

cross WisPerMed at BioLaySumm: Adapting Autoregressive Large Language Models for Lay Summarization of Scientific Articles

Authors: Tabea M. G. Pakull, Hendrik Damm, Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir, Henning Sch\"afer, Peter A. Horn, Christoph M. Friedrich

Abstract: This paper details the efforts of the WisPerMed team in the BioLaySumm2024 Shared Task on automatic lay summarization in the biomedical domain, aimed at making scientific publications accessible to non-specialists. Large language models (LLMs), specifically the BioMistral and Llama3 models, were fine-tuned and employed to create lay summaries from complex scientific texts. The summarization performance was enhanced through various approaches, including instruction tuning, few-shot learning, and prompt variations tailored to incorporate specific context information. The experiments demonstrated that fine-tuning generally led to the best performance across most evaluated metrics. Few-shot learning notably improved the models' ability to generate relevant and factually accurate texts, particularly when using a well-crafted prompt. Additionally, a Dynamic Expert Selection (DES) mechanism to optimize the selection of text outputs based on readability and factuality metrics was developed. Out of 54 participants, the WisPerMed team reached the 4th place, measured by readability, factuality, and relevance. Determined by the overall score, our approach improved upon the baseline by approx. 5.5 percentage points and was only approx 1.5 percentage points behind the first place.

cross Shallow Recurrent Decoder for Reduced Order Modeling of Plasma Dynamics

Authors: J. Nathan Kutz, Maryam Reza, Farbod Faraji, Aaron Knoll

Abstract: Reduced order models are becoming increasingly important for rendering complex and multiscale spatio-temporal dynamics computationally tractable. The computational efficiency of such surrogate models is especially important for design, exhaustive exploration and physical understanding. Plasma simulations, in particular those applied to the study of ${\bf E}\times {\bf B}$ plasma discharges and technologies, such as Hall thrusters, require substantial computational resources in order to resolve the multidimentional dynamics that span across wide spatial and temporal scales. Although high-fidelity computational tools are available to simulate such systems over limited conditions and in highly simplified geometries, simulations of full-size systems and/or extensive parametric studies over many geometric configurations and under different physical conditions are computationally intractable with conventional numerical tools. Thus, scientific studies and industrially oriented modeling of plasma systems, including the important ${\bf E}\times {\bf B}$ technologies, stand to significantly benefit from reduced order modeling algorithms. We develop a model reduction scheme based upon a {\em Shallow REcurrent Decoder} (SHRED) architecture. The scheme uses a neural network for encoding limited sensor measurements in time (sequence-to-sequence encoding) to full state-space reconstructions via a decoder network. Based upon the theory of separation of variables, the SHRED architecture is capable of (i) reconstructing full spatio-temporal fields with as little as three point sensors, even the fields that are not measured with sensor feeds but that are in dynamic coupling with the measured field, and (ii) forecasting the future state of the system using neural network roll-outs from the trained time encoding model.

cross Strategy-Proof Auctions through Conformal Prediction

Authors: Roy Maor Lotan, Inbal Talgam-Chohen, Yaniv Romano

Abstract: Auctions are key for maximizing sellers' revenue and ensuring truthful bidding among buyers. Recently, an approach known as differentiable economics based on deep learning shows promise in learning optimal auction mechanisms for multiple items and participants. However, this approach has no guarantee of strategy-proofness at test time. Strategy-proofness is crucial as it ensures that buyers are incentivized to bid their true valuations, leading to optimal and fair auction outcomes without the risk of manipulation. Building on conformal prediction, we introduce a novel approach to achieve strategy-proofness with rigorous statistical guarantees. The key novelties of our method are: (i) the formulation of a regret prediction model, used to quantify at test time violations of strategy-proofness; and (ii) an auction acceptance rule that leverages the predicted regret to ensure that for a new auction, the data-driven mechanism meets the strategy-proofness requirement with high probability (e.g., 99\%). Numerical experiments demonstrate the necessity for rigorous guarantees, the validity of our theoretical results, and the applicability of our proposed method.

cross Parallelization of the K-Means Algorithm with Applications to Big Data Clustering

Authors: Ashish Srivastava, Mohammed Nawfal

Abstract: The K-Means clustering using LLoyd's algorithm is an iterative approach to partition the given dataset into K different clusters. The algorithm assigns each point to the cluster based on the following objective function \[\ \min \Sigma_{i=1}^{n}||x_i-\mu_{x_i}||^2\] The serial algorithm involves iterative steps where we compute the distance of each datapoint from the centroids and assign the datapoint to the nearest centroid. This approach is essentially known as the expectation-maximization step. Clustering involves extensive computations to calculate distances at each iteration, which increases as the number of data points increases. This provides scope for parallelism. However, we must ensure that in a parallel process, each thread has access to the updated centroid value and no racing condition exists on any centroid values. We will compare two different approaches in this project. The first approach is an OpenMP flat synchronous method where all processes are run in parallel, and we use synchronization to ensure safe updates of clusters. The second approach we adopt is a GPU based parallelization approach using OpenACC wherein we will try to make use of GPU architecture to parallelize chunks of the algorithm to observe decreased computation time. We will analyze metrics such as speed up, efficiency,time taken with varying data points, and number of processes to compare the two approaches and understand the relative performance improvement we can get.

cross Noise-tolerant learnability of shallow quantum circuits from statistics and the cost of quantum pseudorandomness

Authors: Chirag Wadhwa, Mina Doosti

Abstract: This work studies the learnability of unknown quantum circuits in the near term. We prove the natural robustness of quantum statistical queries for learning quantum processes and provide an efficient way to benchmark various classes of noise from statistics, which gives us a powerful framework for developing noise-tolerant algorithms. We adapt a learning algorithm for constant-depth quantum circuits to the quantum statistical query setting with a small overhead in the query complexity. We prove average-case lower bounds for learning random quantum circuits of logarithmic and higher depths within diamond distance with statistical queries. Additionally, we show the hardness of the quantum threshold search problem from quantum statistical queries and discuss its implications for the learnability of shallow quantum circuits. Finally, we prove that pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs) cannot be constructed using circuits of constant depth by constructing an efficient distinguisher and proving a new variation of the quantum no-free lunch theorem.

cross Alzheimer's Magnetic Resonance Imaging Classification Using Deep and Meta-Learning Models

Authors: Nida Nasir, Muneeb Ahmed, Neda Afreen, Mustafa Sameer

Abstract: Deep learning, a cutting-edge machine learning approach, outperforms traditional machine learning in identifying intricate structures in complex high-dimensional data, particularly in the domain of healthcare. This study focuses on classifying Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) data for Alzheimer's disease (AD) by leveraging deep learning techniques characterized by state-of-the-art CNNs. Brain imaging techniques such as MRI have enabled the measurement of pathophysiological brain changes related to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly, and it is an irreversible brain illness that causes gradual cognitive function disorder. In this paper, we train some benchmark deep models individually for the approach of the solution and later use an ensembling approach to combine the effect of multiple CNNs towards the observation of higher recall and accuracy. Here, the model's effectiveness is evaluated using various methods, including stacking, majority voting, and the combination of models with high recall values. The majority voting performs better than the alternative modelling approach as the majority voting approach typically reduces the variance in the predictions. We report a test accuracy of 90% with a precision score of 0.90 and a recall score of 0.89 in our proposed approach. In future, this study can be extended to incorporate other types of medical data, including signals, images, and other data. The same or alternative datasets can be used with additional classifiers, neural networks, and AI techniques to enhance Alzheimer's detection.

cross MoRA: High-Rank Updating for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors: Ting Jiang, Shaohan Huang, Shengyue Luo, Zihan Zhang, Haizhen Huang, Furu Wei, Weiwei Deng, Feng Sun, Qi Zhang, Deqing Wang, Fuzhen Zhuang

Abstract: Low-rank adaptation is a popular parameter-efficient fine-tuning method for large language models. In this paper, we analyze the impact of low-rank updating, as implemented in LoRA. Our findings suggest that the low-rank updating mechanism may limit the ability of LLMs to effectively learn and memorize new knowledge. Inspired by this observation, we propose a new method called MoRA, which employs a square matrix to achieve high-rank updating while maintaining the same number of trainable parameters. To achieve it, we introduce the corresponding non-parameter operators to reduce the input dimension and increase the output dimension for the square matrix. Furthermore, these operators ensure that the weight can be merged back into LLMs, which makes our method can be deployed like LoRA. We perform a comprehensive evaluation of our method across five tasks: instruction tuning, mathematical reasoning, continual pretraining, memory and pretraining. Our method outperforms LoRA on memory-intensive tasks and achieves comparable performance on other tasks.

cross Bangladeshi Native Vehicle Detection in Wild

Authors: Bipin Saha, Md. Johirul Islam, Shaikh Khaled Mostaque, Aditya Bhowmik, Tapodhir Karmakar Taton, Md. Nakib Hayat Chowdhury, Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz

Abstract: The success of autonomous navigation relies on robust and precise vehicle recognition, hindered by the scarcity of region-specific vehicle detection datasets, impeding the development of context-aware systems. To advance terrestrial object detection research, this paper proposes a native vehicle detection dataset for the most commonly appeared vehicle classes in Bangladesh. 17 distinct vehicle classes have been taken into account, with fully annotated 81542 instances of 17326 images. Each image width is set to at least 1280px. The dataset's average vehicle bounding box-to-image ratio is 4.7036. This Bangladesh Native Vehicle Dataset (BNVD) has accounted for several geographical, illumination, variety of vehicle sizes, and orientations to be more robust on surprised scenarios. In the context of examining the BNVD dataset, this work provides a thorough assessment with four successive You Only Look Once (YOLO) models, namely YOLO v5, v6, v7, and v8. These dataset's effectiveness is methodically evaluated and contrasted with other vehicle datasets already in use. The BNVD dataset exhibits mean average precision(mAP) at 50% intersection over union (IoU) is 0.848 corresponding precision and recall values of 0.841 and 0.774. The research findings indicate a mAP of 0.643 at an IoU range of 0.5 to 0.95. The experiments show that the BNVD dataset serves as a reliable representation of vehicle distribution and presents considerable complexities.

cross Accelerating Relative Entropy Coding with Space Partitioning

Authors: Jiajun He, Gergely Flamich, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Relative entropy coding (REC) algorithms encode a random sample following a target distribution $Q$, using a coding distribution $P$ shared between the sender and receiver. Sadly, general REC algorithms suffer from prohibitive encoding times, at least on the order of $2^{D_{\text{KL}}[Q||P]}$, and faster algorithms are limited to very specific settings. This work addresses this issue by introducing a REC scheme utilizing space partitioning to reduce runtime in practical scenarios. We provide theoretical analyses of our method and demonstrate its effectiveness with both toy examples and practical applications. Notably, our method successfully handles REC tasks with $D_{\text{KL}}[Q||P]$ about three times what previous methods can manage and reduces the compression rate by approximately 5-15\% in VAE-based lossless compression on MNIST and INR-based lossy compression on CIFAR-10 compared to previous methods, significantly improving the practicality of REC for neural compression.

cross Metacognitive Capabilities of LLMs: An Exploration in Mathematical Problem Solving

Authors: Aniket Didolkar, Anirudh Goyal, Nan Rosemary Ke, Siyuan Guo, Michal Valko, Timothy Lillicrap, Danilo Rezende, Yoshua Bengio, Michael Mozer, Sanjeev Arora

Abstract: Metacognitive knowledge refers to humans' intuitive knowledge of their own thinking and reasoning processes. Today's best LLMs clearly possess some reasoning processes. The paper gives evidence that they also have metacognitive knowledge, including ability to name skills and procedures to apply given a task. We explore this primarily in context of math reasoning, developing a prompt-guided interaction procedure to get a powerful LLM to assign sensible skill labels to math questions, followed by having it perform semantic clustering to obtain coarser families of skill labels. These coarse skill labels look interpretable to humans. To validate that these skill labels are meaningful and relevant to the LLM's reasoning processes we perform the following experiments. (a) We ask GPT-4 to assign skill labels to training questions in math datasets GSM8K and MATH. (b) When using an LLM to solve the test questions, we present it with the full list of skill labels and ask it to identify the skill needed. Then it is presented with randomly selected exemplar solved questions associated with that skill label. This improves accuracy on GSM8k and MATH for several strong LLMs, including code-assisted models. The methodology presented is domain-agnostic, even though this article applies it to math problems.

cross Modeling citation worthiness by using attention-based bidirectional long short-term memory networks and interpretable models

Authors: Tong Zeng, Daniel E. Acuna

Abstract: Scientist learn early on how to cite scientific sources to support their claims. Sometimes, however, scientists have challenges determining where a citation should be situated -- or, even worse, fail to cite a source altogether. Automatically detecting sentences that need a citation (i.e., citation worthiness) could solve both of these issues, leading to more robust and well-constructed scientific arguments. Previous researchers have applied machine learning to this task but have used small datasets and models that do not take advantage of recent algorithmic developments such as attention mechanisms in deep learning. We hypothesize that we can develop significantly accurate deep learning architectures that learn from large supervised datasets constructed from open access publications. In this work, we propose a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) network with attention mechanism and contextual information to detect sentences that need citations. We also produce a new, large dataset (PMOA-CITE) based on PubMed Open Access Subset, which is orders of magnitude larger than previous datasets. Our experiments show that our architecture achieves state of the art performance on the standard ACL-ARC dataset ($F_{1}=0.507$) and exhibits high performance ($F_{1}=0.856$) on the new PMOA-CITE. Moreover, we show that it can transfer learning across these datasets. We further use interpretable models to illuminate how specific language is used to promote and inhibit citations. We discover that sections and surrounding sentences are crucial for our improved predictions. We further examined purported mispredictions of the model, and uncovered systematic human mistakes in citation behavior and source data. This opens the door for our model to check documents during pre-submission and pre-archival procedures. We make this new dataset, the code, and a web-based tool available to the community.

cross Octo: An Open-Source Generalist Robot Policy

Authors: Octo Model Team, Dibya Ghosh, Homer Walke, Karl Pertsch, Kevin Black, Oier Mees, Sudeep Dasari, Joey Hejna, Tobias Kreiman, Charles Xu, Jianlan Luo, You Liang Tan, Pannag Sanketi, Quan Vuong, Ted Xiao, Dorsa Sadigh, Chelsea Finn, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Large policies pretrained on diverse robot datasets have the potential to transform robotic learning: instead of training new policies from scratch, such generalist robot policies may be finetuned with only a little in-domain data, yet generalize broadly. However, to be widely applicable across a range of robotic learning scenarios, environments, and tasks, such policies need to handle diverse sensors and action spaces, accommodate a variety of commonly used robotic platforms, and finetune readily and efficiently to new domains. In this work, we aim to lay the groundwork for developing open-source, widely applicable, generalist policies for robotic manipulation. As a first step, we introduce Octo, a large transformer-based policy trained on 800k trajectories from the Open X-Embodiment dataset, the largest robot manipulation dataset to date. It can be instructed via language commands or goal images and can be effectively finetuned to robot setups with new sensory inputs and action spaces within a few hours on standard consumer GPUs. In experiments across 9 robotic platforms, we demonstrate that Octo serves as a versatile policy initialization that can be effectively finetuned to new observation and action spaces. We also perform detailed ablations of design decisions for the Octo model, from architecture to training data, to guide future research on building generalist robot models.

cross Adapting Large Multimodal Models to Distribution Shifts: The Role of In-Context Learning

Authors: Guanglin Zhou, Zhongyi Han, Shiming Chen, Biwei Huang, Liming Zhu, Salman Khan, Xin Gao, Lina Yao

Abstract: Recent studies indicate that large multimodal models (LMMs) are highly robust against natural distribution shifts, often surpassing previous baselines. Despite this, domain-specific adaptation is still necessary, particularly in specialized areas like healthcare. Due to the impracticality of fine-tuning LMMs given their vast parameter space, this work investigates in-context learning (ICL) as an effective alternative for enhancing LMMs' adaptability. We find that the success of ICL heavily relies on the choice of demonstration, mirroring challenges seen in large language models but introducing unique complexities for LMMs facing distribution shifts. Our study addresses this by evaluating an unsupervised ICL method, TopKNearestPR, which selects in-context examples through a nearest example search based on feature similarity. We uncover that its effectiveness is limited by the deficiencies of pre-trained vision encoders under distribution shift scenarios. To address these challenges, we propose InvariantSelectPR, a novel method leveraging Class-conditioned Contrastive Invariance (CCI) for more robust demonstration selection. Specifically, CCI enhances pre-trained vision encoders by improving their discriminative capabilities across different classes and ensuring invariance to domain-specific variations. This enhancement allows the encoders to effectively identify and retrieve the most informative examples, which are then used to guide LMMs in adapting to new query samples under varying distributions. Our experiments show that InvariantSelectPR substantially improves the adaptability of LMMs, achieving significant performance gains on benchmark datasets, with a 34.2%$\uparrow$ accuracy increase in 7-shot on Camelyon17 and 16.9%$\uparrow$ increase in 7-shot on HAM10000 compared to the baseline zero-shot performance.

cross Images that Sound: Composing Images and Sounds on a Single Canvas

Authors: Ziyang Chen, Daniel Geng, Andrew Owens

Abstract: Spectrograms are 2D representations of sound that look very different from the images found in our visual world. And natural images, when played as spectrograms, make unnatural sounds. In this paper, we show that it is possible to synthesize spectrograms that simultaneously look like natural images and sound like natural audio. We call these spectrograms images that sound. Our approach is simple and zero-shot, and it leverages pre-trained text-to-image and text-to-spectrogram diffusion models that operate in a shared latent space. During the reverse process, we denoise noisy latents with both the audio and image diffusion models in parallel, resulting in a sample that is likely under both models. Through quantitative evaluations and perceptual studies, we find that our method successfully generates spectrograms that align with a desired audio prompt while also taking the visual appearance of a desired image prompt. Please see our project page for video results:


replace LIMEtree: Consistent and Faithful Multi-class Explanations

Authors: Kacper Sokol, Peter Flach

Abstract: Explainable artificial intelligence provides tools to better understand predictive models and their decisions, but many such methods are limited to producing insights with respect to a single class. When generating explanations for several classes, reasoning over them to obtain a complete view may be difficult since they can present competing or contradictory evidence. To address this challenge we introduce the novel paradigm of multi-class explanations. We outline the theory behind such techniques and propose a local surrogate model based on multi-output regression trees -- called LIMEtree -- that offers faithful and consistent explanations of multiple classes for individual predictions while being post-hoc, model-agnostic and data-universal. On top of strong fidelity guarantees, our implementation delivers a range of diverse explanation types, including counterfactual statements favoured in the literature. We evaluate our algorithm with respect to explainability desiderata, through quantitative experiments and via a pilot user study, on image and tabular data classification tasks, comparing it to LIME, which is a state-of-the-art surrogate explainer. Our contributions demonstrate the benefits of multi-class explanations and wide-ranging advantages of our method across a diverse set of scenarios.

replace Improving Graph Property Prediction with Generalized Readout Functions

Authors: Eric Alcaide

Abstract: Graph property prediction is drawing increasing attention in the recent years due to the fact that graphs are one of the most general data structures since they can contain an arbitrary number of nodes and connections between them, and it is the backbone for many different tasks like classification and regression on such kind of data (networks, molecules, knowledge bases, ...). We introduce a novel generalized global pooling layer to mitigate the information loss that typically occurs at the Readout phase in Message-Passing Neural Networks. This novel layer is parametrized by two values ($\beta$ and $p$) which can optionally be learned, and the transformation it performs can revert to several already popular readout functions (mean, max and sum) under certain settings, which can be specified. To showcase the superior expressiveness and performance of this novel technique, we test it in a popular graph property prediction task by taking the current best-performing architecture and using our readout layer as a drop-in replacement and we report new state of the art results. The code to reproduce the experiments can be accessed here:


replace Decision Machines: An Extension of Decision Trees

Authors: Jinxiong Zhang

Abstract: Here is a compact representation of binary decision trees. %to overcome these deficiencies. We explicitly formulate the dependence of prediction on binary tests for binary trees and construct a procedure to guide the input sample from the root to the leaf node. And we interpret decision tree as a model combination method. Then we approximate this formulation via continuous functions.

replace Deep Learning meets Nonparametric Regression: Are Weight-Decayed DNNs Locally Adaptive?

Authors: Kaiqi Zhang, Yu-Xiang Wang

Abstract: We study the theory of neural network (NN) from the lens of classical nonparametric regression problems with a focus on NN's ability to adaptively estimate functions with heterogeneous smoothness -- a property of functions in Besov or Bounded Variation (BV) classes. Existing work on this problem requires tuning the NN architecture based on the function spaces and sample size. We consider a "Parallel NN" variant of deep ReLU networks and show that the standard $\ell_2$ regularization is equivalent to promoting the $\ell_p$-sparsity ($0

replace Improving Diffusion Models for Inverse Problems using Manifold Constraints

Authors: Hyungjin Chung, Byeongsu Sim, Dohoon Ryu, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Recently, diffusion models have been used to solve various inverse problems in an unsupervised manner with appropriate modifications to the sampling process. However, the current solvers, which recursively apply a reverse diffusion step followed by a projection-based measurement consistency step, often produce suboptimal results. By studying the generative sampling path, here we show that current solvers throw the sample path off the data manifold, and hence the error accumulates. To address this, we propose an additional correction term inspired by the manifold constraint, which can be used synergistically with the previous solvers to make the iterations close to the manifold. The proposed manifold constraint is straightforward to implement within a few lines of code, yet boosts the performance by a surprisingly large margin. With extensive experiments, we show that our method is superior to the previous methods both theoretically and empirically, producing promising results in many applications such as image inpainting, colorization, and sparse-view computed tomography. Code available


replace Modeling the Data-Generating Process is Necessary for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Authors: Jivat Neet Kaur, Emre Kiciman, Amit Sharma

Abstract: Recent empirical studies on domain generalization (DG) have shown that DG algorithms that perform well on some distribution shifts fail on others, and no state-of-the-art DG algorithm performs consistently well on all shifts. Moreover, real-world data often has multiple distribution shifts over different attributes; hence we introduce multi-attribute distribution shift datasets and find that the accuracy of existing DG algorithms falls even further. To explain these results, we provide a formal characterization of generalization under multi-attribute shifts using a canonical causal graph. Based on the relationship between spurious attributes and the classification label, we obtain realizations of the canonical causal graph that characterize common distribution shifts and show that each shift entails different independence constraints over observed variables. As a result, we prove that any algorithm based on a single, fixed constraint cannot work well across all shifts, providing theoretical evidence for mixed empirical results on DG algorithms. Based on this insight, we develop Causally Adaptive Constraint Minimization (CACM), an algorithm that uses knowledge about the data-generating process to adaptively identify and apply the correct independence constraints for regularization. Results on fully synthetic, MNIST, small NORB, and Waterbirds datasets, covering binary and multi-valued attributes and labels, show that adaptive dataset-dependent constraints lead to the highest accuracy on unseen domains whereas incorrect constraints fail to do so. Our results demonstrate the importance of modeling the causal relationships inherent in the data-generating process.

replace Enhance Sample Efficiency and Robustness of End-to-end Urban Autonomous Driving via Semantic Masked World Model

Authors: Zeyu Gao, Yao Mu, Chen Chen, Jingliang Duan, Shengbo Eben Li, Ping Luo, Yanfeng Lu

Abstract: End-to-end autonomous driving provides a feasible way to automatically maximize overall driving system performance by directly mapping the raw pixels from a front-facing camera to control signals. Recent advanced methods construct a latent world model to map the high dimensional observations into compact latent space. However, the latent states embedded by the world model proposed in previous works may contain a large amount of task-irrelevant information, resulting in low sampling efficiency and poor robustness to input perturbations. Meanwhile, the training data distribution is usually unbalanced, and the learned policy is challenging to cope with the corner cases during the driving process. To solve the above challenges, we present a SEMantic Masked recurrent world model (SEM2), which introduces a semantic filter to extract key driving-relevant features and make decisions via the filtered features, and is trained with a multi-source data sampler, which aggregates common data and multiple corner case data in a single batch, to balance the data distribution. Extensive experiments on CARLA show our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of sample efficiency and robustness to input permutations.

replace Toward the application of XAI methods in EEG-based systems

Authors: Andrea Apicella, Francesco Isgr\`o, Andrea Pollastro, Roberto Prevete

Abstract: An interesting case of the well-known Dataset Shift Problem is the classification of Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals in the context of Brain-Computer Interface (BCI). The non-stationarity of EEG signals can lead to poor generalisation performance in BCI classification systems used in different sessions, also from the same subject. In this paper, we start from the hypothesis that the Dataset Shift problem can be alleviated by exploiting suitable eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) methods to locate and transform the relevant characteristics of the input for the goal of classification. In particular, we focus on an experimental analysis of explanations produced by several XAI methods on an ML system trained on a typical EEG dataset for emotion recognition. Results show that many relevant components found by XAI methods are shared across the sessions and can be used to build a system able to generalise better. However, relevant components of the input signal also appear to be highly dependent on the input itself.

replace ExcelFormer: Can a DNN be a Sure Bet for Tabular Prediction?

Authors: Jintai Chen, Jiahuan Yan, Qiyuan Chen, Danny Ziyi Chen, Jian Wu, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Data organized in tabular format is ubiquitous in real-world applications, and users often craft tables with biased feature definitions and flexibly set prediction targets of their interests. Thus, a rapid development of a robust, effective, dataset-versatile, user-friendly tabular prediction approach is highly desired. While Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDTs) and existing deep neural networks (DNNs) have been extensively utilized by professional users, they present several challenges for casual users, particularly: (i) the dilemma of model selection due to their different dataset preferences, and (ii) the need for heavy hyperparameter searching, failing which their performances are deemed inadequate. In this paper, we delve into this question: Can we develop a deep learning model that serves as a "sure bet" solution for a wide range of tabular prediction tasks, while also being user-friendly for casual users? We delve into three key drawbacks of deep tabular models, encompassing: (P1) lack of rotational variance property, (P2) large data demand, and (P3) over-smooth solution. We propose ExcelFormer, addressing these challenges through a semi-permeable attention module that effectively constrains the influence of less informative features to break the DNNs' rotational invariance property (for P1), data augmentation approaches tailored for tabular data (for P2), and attentive feedforward network to boost the model fitting capability (for P3). These designs collectively make ExcelFormer a "sure bet" solution for diverse tabular datasets. Extensive and stratified experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms previous approaches across diverse tabular data prediction tasks, and this framework can be friendly to casual users, offering ease of use without the heavy hyperparameter tuning.

replace An Analysis of Quantile Temporal-Difference Learning

Authors: Mark Rowland, R\'emi Munos, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Yunhao Tang, Georg Ostrovski, Anna Harutyunyan, Karl Tuyls, Marc G. Bellemare, Will Dabney

Abstract: We analyse quantile temporal-difference learning (QTD), a distributional reinforcement learning algorithm that has proven to be a key component in several successful large-scale applications of reinforcement learning. Despite these empirical successes, a theoretical understanding of QTD has proven elusive until now. Unlike classical TD learning, which can be analysed with standard stochastic approximation tools, QTD updates do not approximate contraction mappings, are highly non-linear, and may have multiple fixed points. The core result of this paper is a proof of convergence to the fixed points of a related family of dynamic programming procedures with probability 1, putting QTD on firm theoretical footing. The proof establishes connections between QTD and non-linear differential inclusions through stochastic approximation theory and non-smooth analysis.

replace Provable Unrestricted Adversarial Training without Compromise with Generalizability

Authors: Lilin Zhang, Ning Yang, Yanchao Sun, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Adversarial training (AT) is widely considered as the most promising strategy to defend against adversarial attacks and has drawn increasing interest from researchers. However, the existing AT methods still suffer from two challenges. First, they are unable to handle unrestricted adversarial examples (UAEs), which are built from scratch, as opposed to restricted adversarial examples (RAEs), which are created by adding perturbations bound by an $l_p$ norm to observed examples. Second, the existing AT methods often achieve adversarial robustness at the expense of standard generalizability (i.e., the accuracy on natural examples) because they make a tradeoff between them. To overcome these challenges, we propose a unique viewpoint that understands UAEs as imperceptibly perturbed unobserved examples. Also, we find that the tradeoff results from the separation of the distributions of adversarial examples and natural examples. Based on these ideas, we propose a novel AT approach called Provable Unrestricted Adversarial Training (PUAT), which can provide a target classifier with comprehensive adversarial robustness against both UAE and RAE, and simultaneously improve its standard generalizability. Particularly, PUAT utilizes partially labeled data to achieve effective UAE generation by accurately capturing the natural data distribution through a novel augmented triple-GAN. At the same time, PUAT extends the traditional AT by introducing the supervised loss of the target classifier into the adversarial loss and achieves the alignment between the UAE distribution, the natural data distribution, and the distribution learned by the classifier, with the collaboration of the augmented triple-GAN. Finally, the solid theoretical analysis and extensive experiments conducted on widely-used benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of PUAT.

replace Constrained Online Two-stage Stochastic Optimization: Near Optimal Algorithms via Adversarial Learning

Authors: Jiashuo Jiang

Abstract: We consider an online two-stage stochastic optimization with long-term constraints over a finite horizon of $T$ periods. At each period, we take the first-stage action, observe a model parameter realization and then take the second-stage action from a feasible set that depends both on the first-stage decision and the model parameter. We aim to minimize the cumulative objective value while guaranteeing that the long-term average second-stage decision belongs to a set. We develop online algorithms for the online two-stage problem from adversarial learning algorithms. Also, the regret bound of our algorithm cam be reduced to the regret bound of embedded adversarial learning algorithms. Based on our framework, we obtain new results under various settings. When the model parameter at each period is drawn from identical distributions, we derive \textit{state-of-art} $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret that improves previous bounds under special cases. Our algorithm is also robust to adversarial corruptions of model parameter realizations. When the model parameters are drawn from unknown non-stationary distributions and we are given machine-learned predictions of the distributions, we develop a new algorithm from our framework with a regret $O(W_T+\sqrt{T})$, where $W_T$ measures the total inaccuracy of the machine-learned predictions.

replace Monte Carlo Neural PDE Solver for Learning PDEs via Probabilistic Representation

Authors: Rui Zhang, Qi Meng, Rongchan Zhu, Yue Wang, Wenlei Shi, Shihua Zhang, Zhi-Ming Ma, Tie-Yan Liu

Abstract: In scenarios with limited available data, training the function-to-function neural PDE solver in an unsupervised manner is essential. However, the efficiency and accuracy of existing methods are constrained by the properties of numerical algorithms, such as finite difference and pseudo-spectral methods, integrated during the training stage. These methods necessitate careful spatiotemporal discretization to achieve reasonable accuracy, leading to significant computational challenges and inaccurate simulations, particularly in cases with substantial spatiotemporal variations. To address these limitations, we propose the Monte Carlo Neural PDE Solver (MCNP Solver) for training unsupervised neural solvers via the PDEs' probabilistic representation, which regards macroscopic phenomena as ensembles of random particles. Compared to other unsupervised methods, MCNP Solver naturally inherits the advantages of the Monte Carlo method, which is robust against spatiotemporal variations and can tolerate coarse step size. In simulating the trajectories of particles, we employ Heun's method for the convection process and calculate the expectation via the probability density function of neighbouring grid points during the diffusion process. These techniques enhance accuracy and circumvent the computational issues associated with Monte Carlo sampling. Our numerical experiments on convection-diffusion, Allen-Cahn, and Navier-Stokes equations demonstrate significant improvements in accuracy and efficiency compared to other unsupervised baselines. The source code will be publicly available at:


replace Learnability with Time-Sharing Computational Resource Concerns

Authors: Zhi-Hua Zhou

Abstract: Conventional theoretical machine learning studies generally assume explicitly or implicitly that there are enough or even infinitely supplied computational resources. In real practice, however, computational resources are usually limited, and the performance of machine learning depends not only on how many data have been received, but also on how many data can be handled subject to computational resources available. Note that most current ``intelligent supercomputing'' facilities work like exclusive operating systems, where a fixed amount of resources are allocated to a machine learning task without adaptive scheduling strategies considering important factors such as the learning performance demands and learning process status. In this article, we introduce the notion of machine learning throughput, define Computational Resource Efficient Learning (CoRE-Learning), and present a theoretical framework that takes into account the influence of computational resources in learning theory. This framework can be naturally applied to stream learning where the incoming data streams can be potentially endless with overwhelming size and it is impractical to assume that all received data can be handled in time. It may also provide a theoretical perspective for the design of intelligent supercomputing operating systems.

replace MGL2Rank: Learning to Rank the Importance of Nodes in Road Networks Based on Multi-Graph Fusion

Authors: Ming Xu, Jing Zhang

Abstract: The identification of important nodes with strong propagation capabilities in road networks is a vital topic in urban planning. Existing methods for evaluating the importance of nodes in traffic networks only consider topological information and traffic volumes, the diversity of the traffic characteristics in road networks, such as the number of lanes and average speed of road segments, is ignored, thus limiting their performance. To solve this problem, we propose a graph learning-based framework (MGL2Rank) that integrates the rich characteristics of road networks to rank the importance of nodes. This framework comprises an embedding module containing a sampling algorithm (MGWalk) and an encoder network to learn the latent representations for each road segment. MGWalk utilizes multigraph fusion to capture the topology of road networks and establish associations between road segments based on their attributes. The obtained node representation is then used to learn the importance ranking of the road segments. Finally, a synthetic dataset is constructed for ranking tasks based on the regional road network of Shenyang City, and the ranking results on this dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. The data and source code for MGL2Rank are available at


replace Beyond Regular Grids: Fourier-Based Neural Operators on Arbitrary Domains

Authors: Levi Lingsch, Mike Y. Michelis, Emmanuel de Bezenac, Sirani M. Perera, Robert K. Katzschmann, Siddhartha Mishra

Abstract: The computational efficiency of many neural operators, widely used for learning solutions of PDEs, relies on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) for performing spectral computations. As the FFT is limited to equispaced (rectangular) grids, this limits the efficiency of such neural operators when applied to problems where the input and output functions need to be processed on general non-equispaced point distributions. Leveraging the observation that a limited set of Fourier (Spectral) modes suffice to provide the required expressivity of a neural operator, we propose a simple method, based on the efficient direct evaluation of the underlying spectral transformation, to extend neural operators to arbitrary domains. An efficient implementation* of such direct spectral evaluations is coupled with existing neural operator models to allow the processing of data on arbitrary non-equispaced distributions of points. With extensive empirical evaluation, we demonstrate that the proposed method allows us to extend neural operators to arbitrary point distributions with significant gains in training speed over baselines while retaining or improving the accuracy of Fourier neural operators (FNOs) and related neural operators.

replace Quantifying Representation Reliability in Self-Supervised Learning Models

Authors: Young-Jin Park, Hao Wang, Shervin Ardeshir, Navid Azizan

Abstract: Self-supervised learning models extract general-purpose representations from data. Quantifying the reliability of these representations is crucial, as many downstream models rely on them as input for their own tasks. To this end, we introduce a formal definition of representation reliability: the representation for a given test point is considered to be reliable if the downstream models built on top of that representation can consistently generate accurate predictions for that test point. However, accessing downstream data to quantify the representation reliability is often infeasible or restricted due to privacy concerns. We propose an ensemble-based method for estimating the representation reliability without knowing the downstream tasks a priori. Our method is based on the concept of neighborhood consistency across distinct pre-trained representation spaces. The key insight is to find shared neighboring points as anchors to align these representation spaces before comparing them. We demonstrate through comprehensive numerical experiments that our method effectively captures the representation reliability with a high degree of correlation, achieving robust and favorable performance compared with baseline methods.

replace Inference-time Stochastic Ranking with Risk Control

Authors: Ruocheng Guo, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Ton, Yang Liu, Hang Li

Abstract: Learning to Rank (LTR) methods are vital in online economies, affecting users and item providers. Fairness in LTR models is crucial to allocate exposure proportionally to item relevance. Widely used deterministic LTR models can lead to unfair exposure distribution, especially when items with the same relevance receive slightly different ranking scores. Stochastic LTR models, incorporating the Plackett-Luce (PL) ranking model, address fairness issues but suffer from high training cost. In addition, they cannot provide guarantees on the utility or fairness, which can lead to dramatic degraded utility when optimized for fairness. To overcome these limitations, we propose Inference-time Stochastic Ranking with Risk Control (ISRR), a novel method that performs stochastic ranking at inference time with guanranteed utility or fairness given pretrained scoring functions from deterministic or stochastic LTR models. Comprehensive experimental results on three widely adopted datasets demonstrate that our proposed method achieves utility and fairness comparable to existing stochastic ranking methods with much lower computational cost. In addition, results verify that our method provides finite-sample guarantee on utility and fairness. This advancement represents a significant contribution to the field of stochastic ranking and fair LTR with promising real-world applications.

replace Class-Imbalanced Graph Learning without Class Rebalancing

Authors: Zhining Liu, Ruizhong Qiu, Zhichen Zeng, Hyunsik Yoo, David Zhou, Zhe Xu, Yada Zhu, Kommy Weldemariam, Jingrui He, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Class imbalance is prevalent in real-world node classification tasks and poses great challenges for graph learning models. Most existing studies are rooted in a class-rebalancing (CR) perspective and address class imbalance with class-wise reweighting or resampling. In this work, we approach the root cause of class-imbalance bias from an topological paradigm. Specifically, we theoretically reveal two fundamental phenomena in the graph topology that greatly exacerbate the predictive bias stemming from class imbalance. On this basis, we devise a lightweight topological augmentation framework BAT to mitigate the class-imbalance bias without class rebalancing. Being orthogonal to CR, BAT can function as an efficient plug-and-play module that can be seamlessly combined with and significantly boost existing CR techniques. Systematic experiments on real-world imbalanced graph learning tasks show that BAT can deliver up to 46.27% performance gain and up to 72.74% bias reduction over existing techniques. Code, examples, and documentations are available at


replace TransGNN: Harnessing the Collaborative Power of Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems

Authors: Peiyan Zhang, Yuchen Yan, Xi Zhang, Chaozhuo Li, Senzhang Wang, Feiran Huang, Sunghun Kim

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as promising solutions for collaborative filtering (CF) through the modeling of user-item interaction graphs. The nucleus of existing GNN-based recommender systems involves recursive message passing along user-item interaction edges to refine encoded embeddings. Despite their demonstrated effectiveness, current GNN-based methods encounter challenges of limited receptive fields and the presence of noisy "interest-irrelevant" connections. In contrast, Transformer-based methods excel in aggregating information adaptively and globally. Nevertheless, their application to large-scale interaction graphs is hindered by inherent complexities and challenges in capturing intricate, entangled structural information. In this paper, we propose TransGNN, a novel model that integrates Transformer and GNN layers in an alternating fashion to mutually enhance their capabilities. Specifically, TransGNN leverages Transformer layers to broaden the receptive field and disentangle information aggregation from edges, which aggregates information from more relevant nodes, thereby enhancing the message passing of GNNs. Additionally, to capture graph structure information effectively, positional encoding is meticulously designed and integrated into GNN layers to encode such structural knowledge into node attributes, thus enhancing the Transformer's performance on graphs. Efficiency considerations are also alleviated by proposing the sampling of the most relevant nodes for the Transformer, along with two efficient sample update strategies to reduce complexity. Furthermore, theoretical analysis demonstrates that TransGNN offers increased expressiveness compared to GNNs, with only a marginal increase in linear complexity. Extensive experiments on five public datasets validate the effectiveness and efficiency of TransGNN.

replace Boosting Fair Classifier Generalization through Adaptive Priority Reweighing

Authors: Zhihao Hu, Yiran Xu, Mengnan Du, Jindong Gu, Xinmei Tian, Fengxiang He

Abstract: With the increasing penetration of machine learning applications in critical decision-making areas, calls for algorithmic fairness are more prominent. Although there have been various modalities to improve algorithmic fairness through learning with fairness constraints, their performance does not generalize well in the test set. A performance-promising fair algorithm with better generalizability is needed. This paper proposes a novel adaptive reweighing method to eliminate the impact of the distribution shifts between training and test data on model generalizability. Most previous reweighing methods propose to assign a unified weight for each (sub)group. Rather, our method granularly models the distance from the sample predictions to the decision boundary. Our adaptive reweighing method prioritizes samples closer to the decision boundary and assigns a higher weight to improve the generalizability of fair classifiers. Extensive experiments are performed to validate the generalizability of our adaptive priority reweighing method for accuracy and fairness measures (i.e., equal opportunity, equalized odds, and demographic parity) in tabular benchmarks. We also highlight the performance of our method in improving the fairness of language and vision models. The code is available at


replace SI-SD: Sleep Interpreter through awake-guided cross-subject Semantic Decoding

Authors: Hui Zheng, Zhong-Tao Chen, Hai-Teng Wang, Jian-Yang Zhou, Lin Zheng, Pei-Yang Lin, Yun-Zhe Liu

Abstract: Understanding semantic content from brain activity during sleep represents a major goal in neuroscience. While studies in rodents have shown spontaneous neural reactivation of memories during sleep, capturing the semantic content of human sleep poses a significant challenge due to the absence of well-annotated sleep datasets and the substantial differences in neural patterns between wakefulness and sleep. To address these challenges, we designed a novel cognitive neuroscience experiment and collected a comprehensive, well-annotated electroencephalography (EEG) dataset from 134 subjects during both wakefulness and sleep. Leveraging this benchmark dataset, we developed SI-SD that enhances sleep semantic decoding through the position-wise alignment of neural latent sequence between wakefulness and sleep. In the 15-way classification task, our model achieves 24.12% and 21.39% top-1 accuracy on unseen subjects for NREM 2/3 and REM sleep, respectively, surpassing all other baselines. With additional fine-tuning, decoding performance improves to 30.32% and 31.65%, respectively. Besides, inspired by previous neuroscientific findings, we systematically analyze how the "Slow Oscillation" event impacts decoding performance in NREM 2/3 sleep -- decoding performance on unseen subjects further improves to 40.02%. Together, our findings and methodologies contribute to a promising neuro-AI framework for decoding brain activity during sleep.

replace Balancing Both Behavioral Quality and Diversity in Unsupervised Skill Discovery

Authors: Xin Liu, Yaran Chen, Dongbin Zhao

Abstract: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessible. Unsupervised skill discovery seeks to dig out diverse and exploratory skills without extrinsic reward, with the discovered skills efficiently adapting to multiple downstream tasks in various ways. However, recent advanced methods struggle to well balance behavioral exploration and diversity, particularly when the agent dynamics are complex and potential skills are hard to discern (e.g., robot behavior discovery). In this paper, we propose \textbf{Co}ntrastive \textbf{m}ulti-objective \textbf{S}kill \textbf{D}iscovery \textbf{(ComSD)} which discovers exploratory and diverse behaviors through a novel intrinsic incentive, named contrastive multi-objective reward. It contains a novel diversity reward based on contrastive learning to effectively drive agents to discern existing skills, and a particle-based exploration reward to access and learn new behaviors. Moreover, a novel dynamic weighting mechanism between the above two rewards is proposed for diversity-exploration balance, which further improves behavioral quality. Extensive experiments and analysis demonstrate that ComSD can generate diverse behaviors at different exploratory levels for complex multi-joint robots, enabling state-of-the-art performance across 32 challenging downstream adaptation tasks, which recent advanced methods cannot. Codes will be opened after publication.

replace Improved prediction of ligand-protein binding affinities by meta-modeling

Authors: Ho-Joon Lee, Prashant S. Emani, Mark B. Gerstein

Abstract: The accurate screening of candidate drug ligands against target proteins through computational approaches is of prime interest to drug development efforts. Such virtual screening depends in part on methods to predict the binding affinity between ligands and proteins. Many computational models for binding affinity prediction have been developed, but with varying results across targets. Given that ensembling or meta-modeling methods have shown great promise in reducing model-specific biases, we develop a framework to integrate published force-field-based empirical docking and sequence-based deep learning models. In building this framework, we evaluate many combinations of individual base models, training databases, and several meta-modeling approaches. We show that many of our meta-models significantly improve affinity predictions over base models. Our best meta-models achieve comparable performance to state-of-the-art deep learning tools exclusively based on structures, while allowing for improved database scalability and flexibility through the explicit inclusion of features such as physicochemical properties or molecular descriptors. Overall, we demonstrate that diverse modeling approaches can be ensembled together to gain improvement in binding affinity prediction.

replace A New Baseline Assumption of Integated Gradients Based on Shaply value

Authors: Shuyang Liu, Zixuan Chen, Ge Shi, Ji Wang, Changjie Fan, Yu Xiong, Runze Wu Yujing Hu, Ze Ji, Yang Gao

Abstract: Efforts to decode deep neural networks (DNNs) often involve mapping their predictions back to the input features. Among these methods, Integrated Gradients (IG) has emerged as a significant technique. The selection of appropriate baselines in IG is crucial for crafting meaningful and unbiased explanations of model predictions in diverse settings. The standard approach of utilizing a single baseline, however, is frequently inadequate, prompting the need for multiple baselines. Leveraging the natural link between IG and the Aumann-Shapley Value, we provide a novel outlook on baseline design. Theoretically, we demonstrate that under certain assumptions, a collection of baselines aligns with the coalitions described by the Shapley Value. Building on this insight, we develop a new baseline method called Shapley Integrated Gradients (SIG), which uses proportional sampling to mirror the Shapley Value computation process. Simulations conducted in GridWorld validate that SIG effectively emulates the distribution of Shapley Values. Moreover, empirical tests on various image processing tasks show that SIG surpasses traditional IG baseline methods by offering more precise estimates of feature contributions, providing consistent explanations across different applications, and ensuring adaptability to diverse data types with negligible additional computational demand.

replace Revisiting Plasticity in Visual Reinforcement Learning: Data, Modules and Training Stages

Authors: Guozheng Ma, Lu Li, Sen Zhang, Zixuan Liu, Zhen Wang, Yixin Chen, Li Shen, Xueqian Wang, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Plasticity, the ability of a neural network to evolve with new data, is crucial for high-performance and sample-efficient visual reinforcement learning (VRL). Although methods like resetting and regularization can potentially mitigate plasticity loss, the influences of various components within the VRL framework on the agent's plasticity are still poorly understood. In this work, we conduct a systematic empirical exploration focusing on three primary underexplored facets and derive the following insightful conclusions: (1) data augmentation is essential in maintaining plasticity; (2) the critic's plasticity loss serves as the principal bottleneck impeding efficient training; and (3) without timely intervention to recover critic's plasticity in the early stages, its loss becomes catastrophic. These insights suggest a novel strategy to address the high replay ratio (RR) dilemma, where exacerbated plasticity loss hinders the potential improvements of sample efficiency brought by increased reuse frequency. Rather than setting a static RR for the entire training process, we propose Adaptive RR, which dynamically adjusts the RR based on the critic's plasticity level. Extensive evaluations indicate that Adaptive RR not only avoids catastrophic plasticity loss in the early stages but also benefits from more frequent reuse in later phases, resulting in superior sample efficiency.

replace Interpretable Diffusion via Information Decomposition

Authors: Xianghao Kong, Ollie Liu, Han Li, Dani Yogatama, Greg Ver Steeg

Abstract: Denoising diffusion models enable conditional generation and density modeling of complex relationships like images and text. However, the nature of the learned relationships is opaque making it difficult to understand precisely what relationships between words and parts of an image are captured, or to predict the effect of an intervention. We illuminate the fine-grained relationships learned by diffusion models by noticing a precise relationship between diffusion and information decomposition. Exact expressions for mutual information and conditional mutual information can be written in terms of the denoising model. Furthermore, pointwise estimates can be easily estimated as well, allowing us to ask questions about the relationships between specific images and captions. Decomposing information even further to understand which variables in a high-dimensional space carry information is a long-standing problem. For diffusion models, we show that a natural non-negative decomposition of mutual information emerges, allowing us to quantify informative relationships between words and pixels in an image. We exploit these new relations to measure the compositional understanding of diffusion models, to do unsupervised localization of objects in images, and to measure effects when selectively editing images through prompt interventions.

replace When Machine Learning Models Leak: An Exploration of Synthetic Training Data

Authors: Manel Slokom, Peter-Paul de Wolf, Martha Larson

Abstract: We investigate an attack on a machine learning model that predicts whether a person or household will relocate in the next two years, i.e., a propensity-to-move classifier. The attack assumes that the attacker can query the model to obtain predictions and that the marginal distribution of the data on which the model was trained is publicly available. The attack also assumes that the attacker has obtained the values of non-sensitive attributes for a certain number of target individuals. The objective of the attack is to infer the values of sensitive attributes for these target individuals. We explore how replacing the original data with synthetic data when training the model impacts how successfully the attacker can infer sensitive attributes.

replace A Framework for Inference Inspired by Human Memory Mechanisms

Authors: Xiangyu Zeng, Jie Lin, Piao Hu, Ruizheng Huang, Zhicheng Zhang

Abstract: How humans and machines make sense of current inputs for relation reasoning and question-answering while putting the perceived information into context of our past memories, has been a challenging conundrum in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Inspired by human brain's memory system and cognitive architectures, we propose a PMI framework that consists of perception, memory and inference components. Notably, the memory module comprises working and long-term memory, with the latter endowed with a higher-order structure to retain extensive and complex relational knowledge and experience. Through a differentiable competitive write access, current perceptions update working memory, which is later merged with long-term memory via outer product associations, reducing information conflicts and averting memory overflow. In the inference module, relevant information is retrieved from two separate memory origins and associatively integrated to attain a more comprehensive and precise interpretation of current perceptions. We exploratively apply our PMI to improve prevailing Transformers and CNN models on question-answering tasks like bAbI-20k and Sort-of-CLEVR datasets, as well as detecting equilateral triangles, language modeling and image classification tasks, and in each case, our PMI enhancements consistently outshine their original counterparts significantly. Visualization analyses reveal that relational memory consolidation, along with the interaction and integration of information from diverse memory sources, substantially contributes to the model effectiveness on inference tasks.

replace Comparative Analysis of Optimization Strategies for K-means Clustering in Big Data Contexts: A Review

Authors: Ravil Mussabayev, Rustam Mussabayev

Abstract: This paper presents a comparative analysis of different optimization techniques for the K-means algorithm in the context of big data. K-means is a widely used clustering algorithm, but it can suffer from scalability issues when dealing with large datasets. The paper explores different approaches to overcome these issues, including parallelization, approximation, and sampling methods. The authors evaluate the performance of various clustering techniques on a large number of benchmark datasets, comparing them according to the dominance criterion provided by the "less is more" approach (LIMA), i.e., simultaneously along the dimensions of speed, clustering quality, and simplicity. The results show that different techniques are more suitable for different types of datasets and provide insights into the trade-offs between speed and accuracy in K-means clustering for big data. Overall, the paper offers a comprehensive guide for practitioners and researchers on how to optimize K-means for big data applications.

replace Pre-Training on Large-Scale Generated Docking Conformations with HelixDock to Unlock the Potential of Protein-ligand Structure Prediction Models

Authors: Lihang Liu, Shanzhuo Zhang, Donglong He, Xianbin Ye, Jingbo Zhou, Xiaonan Zhang, Yaoyao Jiang, Weiming Diao, Hang Yin, Hua Chai, Fan Wang, Jingzhou He, Liang Zheng, Yonghui Li, Xiaomin Fang

Abstract: Protein-ligand structure prediction is an essential task in drug discovery, predicting the binding interactions between small molecules (ligands) and target proteins (receptors). Recent advances have incorporated deep learning techniques to improve the accuracy of protein-ligand structure prediction. Nevertheless, the experimental validation of docking conformations remains costly, it raises concerns regarding the generalizability of these deep learning-based methods due to the limited training data. In this work, we show that by pre-training on a large-scale docking conformation generated by traditional physics-based docking tools and then fine-tuning with a limited set of experimentally validated receptor-ligand complexes, we can obtain a protein-ligand structure prediction model with outstanding performance. Specifically, this process involved the generation of 100 million docking conformations for protein-ligand pairings, an endeavor consuming roughly 1 million CPU core days. The proposed model, HelixDock, aims to acquire the physical knowledge encapsulated by the physics-based docking tools during the pre-training phase. HelixDock has been rigorously benchmarked against both physics-based and deep learning-based baselines, demonstrating its exceptional precision and robust transferability in predicting binding confirmation. In addition, our investigation reveals the scaling laws governing pre-trained protein-ligand structure prediction models, indicating a consistent enhancement in performance with increases in model parameters and the volume of pre-training data. Moreover, we applied HelixDock to several drug discovery-related tasks to validate its practical utility. HelixDock demonstrates outstanding capabilities on both cross-docking and structure-based virtual screening benchmarks.

replace SiDA-MoE: Sparsity-Inspired Data-Aware Serving for Efficient and Scalable Large Mixture-of-Experts Models

Authors: Zhixu Du, Shiyu Li, Yuhao Wu, Xiangyu Jiang, Jingwei Sun, Qilin Zheng, Yongkai Wu, Ang Li, Hai "Helen" Li, Yiran Chen

Abstract: Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) has emerged as a favorable architecture in the era of large models due to its inherent advantage, i.e., enlarging model capacity without incurring notable computational overhead. Yet, the realization of such benefits often results in ineffective GPU memory utilization, as large portions of the model parameters remain dormant during inference. Moreover, the memory demands of large models consistently outpace the memory capacity of contemporary GPUs. Addressing this, we introduce SiDA-MoE ($\textbf{S}$parsity-$\textbf{i}$nspired $\textbf{D}$ata-$\textbf{A}$ware), an efficient inference approach tailored for large MoE models. SiDA-MoE judiciously exploits both the system's main memory, which is now abundant and readily scalable, and GPU memory by capitalizing on the inherent sparsity on expert activation in MoE models. By adopting a data-aware perspective, SiDA-MoE achieves enhanced model efficiency with a neglectable performance drop. Specifically, SiDA-MoE attains a remarkable speedup in MoE inference with up to $3.93\times$ throughput increasing, up to $72\%$ latency reduction, and up to $80\%$ GPU memory saving with down to $1\%$ performance drop. This work paves the way for scalable and efficient deployment of large MoE models, even with constrained resources. Code is available at:


replace GIST: Generated Inputs Sets Transferability in Deep Learning

Authors: Florian Tambon, Foutse Khomh, Giuliano Antoniol

Abstract: To foster the verifiability and testability of Deep Neural Networks (DNN), an increasing number of methods for test case generation techniques are being developed. When confronted with testing DNN models, the user can apply any existing test generation technique. However, it needs to do so for each technique and each DNN model under test, which can be expensive. Therefore, a paradigm shift could benefit this testing process: rather than regenerating the test set independently for each DNN model under test, we could transfer from existing DNN models. This paper introduces GIST (Generated Inputs Sets Transferability), a novel approach for the efficient transfer of test sets. Given a property selected by a user (e.g., neurons covered, faults), GIST enables the selection of good test sets from the point of view of this property among available test sets. This allows the user to recover similar properties on the transferred test sets as he would have obtained by generating the test set from scratch with a test cases generation technique. Experimental results show that GIST can select effective test sets for the given property to transfer. Moreover, GIST scales better than reapplying test case generation techniques from scratch on DNN models under test.

replace Tactics2D: A Highly Modular and Extensible Simulator for Driving Decision-making

Authors: Yueyuan Li, Songan Zhang, Mingyang Jiang, Xingyuan Chen, Yeqiang Qian, Chunxiang Wang, Ming Yang

Abstract: Simulation is a prospective method for generating diverse and realistic traffic scenarios to aid in the development of driving decision-making systems. However, existing simulators often fall short in diverse scenarios or interactive behavior models for traffic participants. This deficiency underscores the need for a flexible, reliable, user-friendly open-source simulator. Addressing this challenge, Tactics2D adopts a modular approach to traffic scenario construction, encompassing road elements, traffic regulations, behavior models, physics simulations for vehicles, and event detection mechanisms. By integrating numerous commonly utilized algorithms and configurations, Tactics2D empowers users to construct their driving scenarios effortlessly, just like assembling building blocks. Users can effectively evaluate the performance of driving decision-making models across various scenarios by leveraging both public datasets and user-collected real-world data. For access to the source code and community support, please visit the official GitHub page for Tactics2D at


replace On the Communication Complexity of Decentralized Bilevel Optimization

Authors: Yihan Zhang, My T. Thai, Jie Wu, Hongchang Gao

Abstract: Decentralized bilevel optimization has been actively studied in the past few years since it has widespread applications in machine learning. However, existing algorithms suffer from large communication complexity caused by the estimation of stochastic hypergradient, limiting their application to real-world tasks. To address this issue, we develop a novel decentralized stochastic bilevel gradient descent algorithm under the heterogeneous setting, which enjoys a small communication cost in each round and a small number of communication rounds. As such, it can achieve a much better communication complexity than existing algorithms without any strong assumptions regarding heterogeneity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first stochastic algorithm achieving these theoretical results under the heterogeneous setting. At last, the experimental results confirm the efficacy of our algorithm.

replace Continual Learning of Diffusion Models with Generative Distillation

Authors: Sergi Masip, Pau Rodriguez, Tinne Tuytelaars, Gido M. van de Ven

Abstract: Diffusion models are powerful generative models that achieve state-of-the-art performance in image synthesis. However, training them demands substantial amounts of data and computational resources. Continual learning would allow for incrementally learning new tasks and accumulating knowledge, thus enabling the reuse of trained models for further learning. One potentially suitable continual learning approach is generative replay, where a copy of a generative model trained on previous tasks produces synthetic data that are interleaved with data from the current task. However, standard generative replay applied to diffusion models results in a catastrophic loss in denoising capabilities. In this paper, we propose generative distillation, an approach that distils the entire reverse process of a diffusion model. We demonstrate that our approach substantially improves the continual learning performance of generative replay with only a modest increase in the computational costs.

replace Hot PATE: Private Aggregation of Distributions for Diverse Task

Authors: Edith Cohen, Benjamin Cohen-Wang, Xin Lyu, Jelani Nelson, Tamas Sarlos, Uri Stemmer

Abstract: The Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles (PATE) framework is a versatile approach to privacy-preserving machine learning. In PATE, teacher models that are not privacy-preserving are trained on distinct portions of sensitive data. Privacy-preserving knowledge transfer to a student model is then facilitated by privately aggregating teachers' predictions on new examples. Employing PATE with generative auto-regressive models presents both challenges and opportunities. These models excel in open ended \emph{diverse} (aka hot) tasks with multiple valid responses. Moreover, the knowledge of models is often encapsulated in the response distribution itself and preserving this diversity is critical for fluid and effective knowledge transfer from teachers to student. In all prior designs, higher diversity resulted in lower teacher agreement and thus -- a tradeoff between diversity and privacy. Prior works with PATE thus focused on non-diverse settings or limiting diversity to improve utility. We propose \emph{hot PATE}, a design tailored for the diverse setting. In hot PATE, each teacher model produces a response distribution that can be highly diverse. We mathematically model the notion of \emph{preserving diversity} and propose an aggregation method, \emph{coordinated ensembles}, that preserves privacy and transfers diversity with \emph{no penalty} to privacy or efficiency. We demonstrate empirically the benefits of hot PATE for in-context learning via prompts and potential to unleash more of the capabilities of generative models.

replace Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection

Authors: Yongqi Dong, Lanxin Zhang, Haneen Farah, Arkady Zgonnikov, Bart van Arem

Abstract: Detecting abnormal driving behavior is critical for road traffic safety and the evaluation of drivers' behavior. With the advancement of machine learning (ML) algorithms and the accumulation of naturalistic driving data, many ML models have been adopted for abnormal driving behavior detection. Most existing ML-based detectors rely on (fully) supervised ML methods, which require substantial labeled data. However, ground truth labels are not always available in the real world, and labeling large amounts of data is tedious. Thus, there is a need to explore unsupervised or semi-supervised methods to make the anomaly detection process more feasible and efficient. To fill this research gap, this study analyzes large-scale real-world data revealing several abnormal driving behaviors (e.g., sudden acceleration, rapid lane-changing) and develops a Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines (HELM) based semi-supervised ML method using partly labeled data to accurately detect the identified abnormal driving behaviors. Moreover, previous ML-based approaches predominantly utilize basic vehicle motion features (such as velocity and acceleration) to label and detect abnormal driving behaviors, while this study seeks to introduce Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) as the input features for ML models to improve the detection performance. Results from extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised ML model with the introduced SSMs serving as important features. The proposed semi-supervised ML method outperforms other baseline semi-supervised or unsupervised methods regarding various metrics, e.g., delivering the best accuracy at 99.58% and the best F-1 measure at 0.9913. The ablation study further highlights the significance of SSMs for advancing detection performance.

replace Can a Transformer Represent a Kalman Filter?

Authors: Gautam Goel, Peter Bartlett

Abstract: Transformers are a class of autoregressive deep learning architectures which have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in various vision, language, and robotics tasks. We revisit the problem of Kalman Filtering in linear dynamical systems and show that Transformers can approximate the Kalman Filter in a strong sense. Specifically, for any observable LTI system we construct an explicit causally-masked Transformer which implements the Kalman Filter, up to a small additive error which is bounded uniformly in time; we call our construction the Transformer Filter. Our construction is based on a two-step reduction. We first show that a softmax self-attention block can exactly represent a Nadaraya-Watson kernel smoothing estimator with a Gaussian kernel. We then show that this estimator closely approximates the Kalman Filter. We also investigate how the Transformer Filter can be used for measurement-feedback control and prove that the resulting nonlinear controllers closely approximate the performance of standard optimal control policies such as the LQG controller.

replace Global Rewards in Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Mobility on Demand Systems

Authors: Heiko Hoppe, Tobias Enders, Quentin Cappart, Maximilian Schiffer

Abstract: We study vehicle dispatching in autonomous mobility on demand (AMoD) systems, where a central operator assigns vehicles to customer requests or rejects these with the aim of maximizing its total profit. Recent approaches use multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (MADRL) to realize scalable yet performant algorithms, but train agents based on local rewards, which distorts the reward signal with respect to the system-wide profit, leading to lower performance. We therefore propose a novel global-rewards-based MADRL algorithm for vehicle dispatching in AMoD systems, which resolves so far existing goal conflicts between the trained agents and the operator by assigning rewards to agents leveraging a counterfactual baseline. Our algorithm shows statistically significant improvements across various settings on real-world data compared to state-of-the-art MADRL algorithms with local rewards. We further provide a structural analysis which shows that the utilization of global rewards can improve implicit vehicle balancing and demand forecasting abilities. Our code is available at


replace DIRECT: Deep Active Learning under Imbalance and Label Noise

Authors: Shyam Nuggehalli, Jifan Zhang, Lalit Jain, Robert Nowak

Abstract: Class imbalance is a prevalent issue in real world machine learning applications, often leading to poor performance in rare and minority classes. With an abundance of wild unlabeled data, active learning is perhaps the most effective technique in solving the problem at its root -- collecting a more balanced and informative set of labeled examples during annotation. Label noise is another common issue in data annotation jobs, which is especially challenging for active learning methods. In this work, we conduct the first study of active learning under both class imbalance and label noise. We propose a novel algorithm that robustly identifies the class separation threshold and annotates the most uncertain examples that are closest from it. Through a novel reduction to one-dimensional active learning, our algorithm DIRECT is able to leverage the classic active learning literature to address issues such as batch labeling and tolerance towards label noise. We present extensive experiments on imbalanced datasets with and without label noise. Our results demonstrate that DIRECT can save more than 60% of the annotation budget compared to state-of-art active learning algorithms and more than 80% of annotation budget compared to random sampling.

replace Engineered Ordinary Differential Equations as Classification Algorithm (EODECA): thorough characterization and testing

Authors: Raffaele Marino, Lorenzo Buffoni, Lorenzo Chicchi, Lorenzo Giambagli, Duccio Fanelli

Abstract: EODECA (Engineered Ordinary Differential Equations as Classification Algorithm) is a novel approach at the intersection of machine learning and dynamical systems theory, presenting a unique framework for classification tasks [1]. This method stands out with its dynamical system structure, utilizing ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to efficiently handle complex classification challenges. The paper delves into EODECA's dynamical properties, emphasizing its resilience against random perturbations and robust performance across various classification scenarios. Notably, EODECA's design incorporates the ability to embed stable attractors in the phase space, enhancing reliability and allowing for reversible dynamics. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive analysis by expanding on the work [1], and employing a Euler discretization scheme. In particular, we evaluate EODECA's performance across five distinct classification problems, examining its adaptability and efficiency. Significantly, we demonstrate EODECA's effectiveness on the MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets, achieving impressive accuracies of $98.06\%$ and $88.21\%$, respectively. These results are comparable to those of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), underscoring EODECA's potential in complex data processing tasks. We further explore the model's learning journey, assessing its evolution in both pre and post training environments and highlighting its ability to navigate towards stable attractors. The study also investigates the invertibility of EODECA, shedding light on its decision-making processes and internal workings. This paper presents a significant step towards a more transparent and robust machine learning paradigm, bridging the gap between machine learning algorithms and dynamical systems methodologies.

replace Calibration Attacks: A Comprehensive Study of Adversarial Attacks on Model Confidence

Authors: Stephen Obadinma, Xiaodan Zhu, Hongyu Guo

Abstract: In this work, we highlight and perform a comprehensive study on calibration attacks, a form of adversarial attacks that aim to trap victim models to be heavily miscalibrated without altering their predicted labels, hence endangering the trustworthiness of the models and follow-up decision making based on their confidence. We propose four typical forms of calibration attacks: underconfidence, overconfidence, maximum miscalibration, and random confidence attacks, conducted in both the black-box and white-box setups. We demonstrate that the attacks are highly effective on both convolutional and attention-based models: with a small number of queries, they seriously skew confidence without changing the predictive performance. Given the potential danger, we further investigate the effectiveness of a wide range of adversarial defence and recalibration methods, including our proposed defences specifically designed for calibration attacks to mitigate the harm. From the ECE and KS scores, we observe that there are still significant limitations in handling calibration attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first dedicated study that provides a comprehensive investigation on calibration-focused attacks. We hope this study helps attract more attention to these types of attacks and hence hamper their potential serious damages. To this end, this work also provides detailed analyses to understand the characteristics of the attacks.

replace Active Label Correction for Building LLM-based Modular AI Systems

Authors: Karan Taneja, Ashok Goel

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have been used to build modular AI systems such as HuggingGPT, Microsoft Bing Chat, and more. To improve such systems after deployment using the data collected from human interactions, each module can be replaced by a fine-tuned model but the annotations received from LLMs are low quality. We propose that active label correction can be used to improve the data quality by only examining a fraction of the dataset. In this paper, we analyze the noise in datasets annotated by ChatGPT and study denoising it with human feedback. Our results show that active label correction can lead to oracle performance with feedback on fewer examples than the number of noisy examples in the dataset across three different NLP tasks.

replace Exploration and Anti-Exploration with Distributional Random Network Distillation

Authors: Kai Yang, Jian Tao, Jiafei Lyu, Xiu Li

Abstract: Exploration remains a critical issue in deep reinforcement learning for an agent to attain high returns in unknown environments. Although the prevailing exploration Random Network Distillation (RND) algorithm has been demonstrated to be effective in numerous environments, it often needs more discriminative power in bonus allocation. This paper highlights the "bonus inconsistency" issue within RND, pinpointing its primary limitation. To address this issue, we introduce the Distributional RND (DRND), a derivative of the RND. DRND enhances the exploration process by distilling a distribution of random networks and implicitly incorporating pseudo counts to improve the precision of bonus allocation. This refinement encourages agents to engage in more extensive exploration. Our method effectively mitigates the inconsistency issue without introducing significant computational overhead. Both theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach over the original RND algorithm. Our method excels in challenging online exploration scenarios and effectively serves as an anti-exploration mechanism in D4RL offline tasks. Our code is publicly available at


replace PatchAD: A Lightweight Patch-based MLP-Mixer for Time Series Anomaly Detection

Authors: Zhijie Zhong, Zhiwen Yu, Yiyuan Yang, Weizheng Wang, Kaixiang Yang

Abstract: Anomaly detection in time series analysis is a pivotal task, yet it poses the challenge of discerning normal and abnormal patterns in label-deficient scenarios. While prior studies have largely employed reconstruction-based approaches, which limits the models' representational capacities. Moreover, existing deep learning-based methods are not sufficiently lightweight. Addressing these issues, we present PatchAD, our novel, highly efficient multiscale patch-based MLP-Mixer architecture that utilizes contrastive learning for representation extraction and anomaly detection. With its four distinct MLP Mixers and innovative dual project constraint module, PatchAD mitigates potential model degradation and offers a lightweight solution, requiring only $3.2$MB. Its efficacy is demonstrated by state-of-the-art results across $9$ datasets sourced from different application scenarios, outperforming over $30$ comparative algorithms. PatchAD significantly improves the classical F1 score by $50.5\%$, the Aff-F1 score by $7.8\%$, and the AUC by $10.0\%$. The code is publicly available. \url{}


replace Stable and Safe Human-aligned Reinforcement Learning through Neural Ordinary Differential Equations

Authors: Liqun Zhao, Keyan Miao, Konstantinos Gatsis, Antonis Papachristodoulou

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) excels in applications such as video games, but ensuring safety as well as the ability to achieve the specified goals remains challenging when using RL for real-world problems, such as human-aligned tasks where human safety is paramount. This paper provides safety and stability definitions for such human-aligned tasks, and then proposes an algorithm that leverages neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) to predict human and robot movements and integrates the control barrier function (CBF) and control Lyapunov function (CLF) with the actor-critic method to help to maintain the safety and stability for human-aligned tasks. Simulation results show that the algorithm helps the controlled robot to reach the desired goal state with fewer safety violations and better sample efficiency compared to other methods in a human-aligned task.

replace Calibration-then-Calculation: A Variance Reduced Metric Framework in Deep Click-Through Rate Prediction Models

Authors: Yewen Fan, Nian Si, Xiangchen Song, Kun Zhang

Abstract: The adoption of deep learning across various fields has been extensive, yet there is a lack of focus on evaluating the performance of deep learning pipelines. Typically, with the increased use of large datasets and complex models, the training process is run only once and the result is compared to previous benchmarks. This practice can lead to imprecise comparisons due to the variance in neural network evaluation metrics, which stems from the inherent randomness in the training process. Traditional solutions, such as running the training process multiple times, are often infeasible due to computational constraints. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric framework, the Calibrated Loss Metric, designed to address this issue by reducing the variance present in its conventional counterpart. Consequently, this new metric enhances the accuracy in detecting effective modeling improvements. Our approach is substantiated by theoretical justifications and extensive experimental validations within the context of Deep Click-Through Rate Prediction Models.

replace Scheduled Curiosity-Deep Dyna-Q: Efficient Exploration for Dialog Policy Learning

Authors: Xuecheng Niu, Akinori Ito, Takashi Nose

Abstract: Training task-oriented dialog agents based on reinforcement learning is time-consuming and requires a large number of interactions with real users. How to grasp dialog policy within limited dialog experiences remains an obstacle that makes the agent training process less efficient. In addition, most previous frameworks start training by randomly choosing training samples, which differs from the human learning method and hurts the efficiency and stability of training. Therefore, we propose Scheduled Curiosity-Deep Dyna-Q (SC-DDQ), a curiosity-driven curriculum learning framework based on a state-of-the-art model-based reinforcement learning dialog model, Deep Dyna-Q (DDQ). Furthermore, we designed learning schedules for SC-DDQ and DDQ, respectively, following two opposite training strategies: classic curriculum learning and its reverse version. Our results show that by introducing scheduled learning and curiosity, the new framework leads to a significant improvement over the DDQ and Deep Q-learning(DQN). Surprisingly, we found that traditional curriculum learning was not always effective. Specifically, according to the experimental results, the easy-first and difficult-first strategies are more suitable for SC-DDQ and DDQ. To analyze our results, we adopted the entropy of sampled actions to depict action exploration and found that training strategies with high entropy in the first stage and low entropy in the last stage lead to better performance.

replace Towards Optimal Adversarial Robust Q-learning with Bellman Infinity-error

Authors: Haoran Li, Zicheng Zhang, Wang Luo, Congying Han, Yudong Hu, Tiande Guo, Shichen Liao

Abstract: Establishing robust policies is essential to counter attacks or disturbances affecting deep reinforcement learning (DRL) agents. Recent studies explore state-adversarial robustness and suggest the potential lack of an optimal robust policy (ORP), posing challenges in setting strict robustness constraints. This work further investigates ORP: At first, we introduce a consistency assumption of policy (CAP) stating that optimal actions in the Markov decision process remain consistent with minor perturbations, supported by empirical and theoretical evidence. Building upon CAP, we crucially prove the existence of a deterministic and stationary ORP that aligns with the Bellman optimal policy. Furthermore, we illustrate the necessity of $L^{\infty}$-norm when minimizing Bellman error to attain ORP. This finding clarifies the vulnerability of prior DRL algorithms that target the Bellman optimal policy with $L^{1}$-norm and motivates us to train a Consistent Adversarial Robust Deep Q-Network (CAR-DQN) by minimizing a surrogate of Bellman Infinity-error. The top-tier performance of CAR-DQN across various benchmarks validates its practical effectiveness and reinforces the soundness of our theoretical analysis.

replace Deep Equilibrium Models are Almost Equivalent to Not-so-deep Explicit Models for High-dimensional Gaussian Mixtures

Authors: Zenan Ling, Longbo Li, Zhanbo Feng, Yixuan Zhang, Feng Zhou, Robert C. Qiu, Zhenyu Liao

Abstract: Deep equilibrium models (DEQs), as a typical implicit neural network, have demonstrated remarkable success on various tasks. There is, however, a lack of theoretical understanding of the connections and differences between implicit DEQs and explicit neural network models. In this paper, leveraging recent advances in random matrix theory (RMT), we perform an in-depth analysis on the eigenspectra of the conjugate kernel (CK) and neural tangent kernel (NTK) matrices for implicit DEQs, when the input data are drawn from a high-dimensional Gaussian mixture. We prove, in this setting, that the spectral behavior of these Implicit-CKs and NTKs depend on the DEQ activation function and initial weight variances, but only via a system of four nonlinear equations. As a direct consequence of this theoretical result, we demonstrate that a shallow explicit network can be carefully designed to produce the same CK or NTK as a given DEQ. Despite derived here for Gaussian mixture data, empirical results show the proposed theory and design principle also apply to popular real-world datasets.

replace Simplifying Hypergraph Neural Networks

Authors: Bohan Tang, Zexi Liu, Keyue Jiang, Siheng Chen, Xiaowen Dong

Abstract: Hypergraphs, with hyperedges connecting multiple nodes, are crucial for modelling higher-order interactions in real-world data. In frameworks utilising hypergraphs for downstream tasks, a task-specific model is typically paired with a hypergraph neural network (HNN). HNNs enhance the task-specific model by generating node features with hypergraph structural information via message passing. However, the training for HNNs is often computationally intensive, which limits their practical use. To tackle this challenge, we propose an alternative approach by integrating hypergraph structural information into node features using a training-free model called simplified hypergraph neural network (SHNN) that only contains a predefined propagation step. We theoretically show the efficiency and effectiveness of SHNN by showing that: 1) It largely reduces the training complexity when solving hypergraph-related downstream tasks compared to existing HNNs; 2) It utilises as much information as existing HNNs for node feature generation; and 3) It is robust against the oversmoothing issue while using long-range interactions. Experiments in node classification and hyperedge prediction showcase that, compared to state-of-the-art HNNs, SHNN leads to both competitive performance and superior training efficiency. Notably, on Cora-CA, the SHNN-based framework achieves the highest node classification accuracy with just 2% training time of the best baseline.

replace Loss Landscape of Shallow ReLU-like Neural Networks: Stationary Points, Saddle Escaping, and Network Embedding

Authors: Zhengqing Wu, Berfin Simsek, Francois Ged

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the loss landscape of one-hidden-layer neural networks with ReLU-like activation functions trained with the empirical squared loss. As the activation function is non-differentiable, it is so far unclear how to completely characterize the stationary points. We propose the conditions for stationarity that apply to both non-differentiable and differentiable cases. Additionally, we show that, if a stationary point does not contain "escape neurons", which are defined with first-order conditions, then it must be a local minimum. Moreover, for the scalar-output case, the presence of an escape neuron guarantees that the stationary point is not a local minimum. Our results refine the description of the saddle-to-saddle training process starting from infinitesimally small (vanishing) initialization for shallow ReLU-like networks, linking saddle escaping directly with the parameter changes of escape neurons. Moreover, we are also able to fully discuss how network embedding, which is to instantiate a narrower network within a wider network, reshapes the stationary points.

replace Sign Rank Limitations for Inner Product Graph Decoders

Authors: Su Hyeong Lee, Qingqi Zhang, Risi Kondor

Abstract: Inner product-based decoders are among the most influential frameworks used to extract meaningful data from latent embeddings. However, such decoders have shown limitations in representation capacity in numerous works within the literature, which have been particularly notable in graph reconstruction problems. In this paper, we provide the first theoretical elucidation of this pervasive phenomenon in graph data, and suggest straightforward modifications to circumvent this issue without deviating from the inner product framework.

replace ResQuNNs:Towards Enabling Deep Learning in Quantum Convolution Neural Networks

Authors: Muhammad Kashif, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel framework for enhancing the performance of Quanvolutional Neural Networks (QuNNs) by introducing trainable quanvolutional layers and addressing the critical challenges associated with them. Traditional quanvolutional layers, although beneficial for feature extraction, have largely been static, offering limited adaptability. Unlike state-of-the-art, our research overcomes this limitation by enabling training within these layers, significantly increasing the flexibility and potential of QuNNs. However, the introduction of multiple trainable quanvolutional layers induces complexities in gradient-based optimization, primarily due to the difficulty in accessing gradients across these layers. To resolve this, we propose a novel architecture, Residual Quanvolutional Neural Networks (ResQuNNs), leveraging the concept of residual learning, which facilitates the flow of gradients by adding skip connections between layers. By inserting residual blocks between quanvolutional layers, we ensure enhanced gradient access throughout the network, leading to improved training performance. Moreover, we provide empirical evidence on the strategic placement of these residual blocks within QuNNs. Through extensive experimentation, we identify an efficient configuration of residual blocks, which enables gradients across all the layers in the network that eventually results in efficient training. Our findings suggest that the precise location of residual blocks plays a crucial role in maximizing the performance gains in QuNNs. Our results mark a substantial step forward in the evolution of quantum deep learning, offering new avenues for both theoretical development and practical quantum computing applications.

replace UniST: A Prompt-Empowered Universal Model for Urban Spatio-Temporal Prediction

Authors: Yuan Yuan, Jingtao Ding, Jie Feng, Depeng Jin, Yong Li

Abstract: Urban spatio-temporal prediction is crucial for informed decision-making, such as transportation management, resource optimization, and urban planning. Although pretrained foundation models for natural languages have experienced remarkable breakthroughs, wherein one general-purpose model can tackle multiple tasks across various domains, urban spatio-temporal modeling lags behind. Existing approaches for urban prediction are usually tailored for specific spatio-temporal scenarios, requiring task-specific model designs and extensive in-domain training data. In this work, we propose a universal model, UniST, for urban spatio-temporal prediction. Drawing inspiration from large language models, UniST achieves success through: (i) flexibility towards diverse spatio-temporal data characteristics, (ii) effective generative pre-training with elaborated masking strategies to capture complex spatio-temporal relationships, (iii) spatio-temporal knowledge-guided prompts that align and leverage intrinsic and shared knowledge across scenarios. These designs together unlock the potential of a one-for-all model for spatio-temporal prediction with powerful generalization capability. Extensive experiments on 15 cities and 6 domains demonstrate the universality of UniST in advancing state-of-the-art prediction performance, especially in few-shot and zero-shot scenarios.

replace E2USD: Efficient-yet-effective Unsupervised State Detection for Multivariate Time Series

Authors: Zhichen Lai, Huan Li, Dalin Zhang, Yan Zhao, Weizhu Qian, Christian S. Jensen

Abstract: Cyber-physical system sensors emit multivariate time series (MTS) that monitor physical system processes. Such time series generally capture unknown numbers of states, each with a different duration, that correspond to specific conditions, e.g., "walking" or "running" in human-activity monitoring. Unsupervised identification of such states facilitates storage and processing in subsequent data analyses, as well as enhances result interpretability. Existing state-detection proposals face three challenges. First, they introduce substantial computational overhead, rendering them impractical in resourceconstrained or streaming settings. Second, although state-of-the-art (SOTA) proposals employ contrastive learning for representation, insufficient attention to false negatives hampers model convergence and accuracy. Third, SOTA proposals predominantly only emphasize offline non-streaming deployment, we highlight an urgent need to optimize online streaming scenarios. We propose E2Usd that enables efficient-yet-accurate unsupervised MTS state detection. E2Usd exploits a Fast Fourier Transform-based Time Series Compressor (fftCompress) and a Decomposed Dual-view Embedding Module (ddEM) that together encode input MTSs at low computational overhead. Additionally, we propose a False Negative Cancellation Contrastive Learning method (fnccLearning) to counteract the effects of false negatives and to achieve more cluster-friendly embedding spaces. To reduce computational overhead further in streaming settings, we introduce Adaptive Threshold Detection (adaTD). Comprehensive experiments with six baselines and six datasets offer evidence that E2Usd is capable of SOTA accuracy at significantly reduced computational overhead.

replace A Temporal Stochastic Bias Correction using a Machine Learning Attention model

Authors: Omer Nivron, Damon J. Wischik, Mathieu Vrac, Emily Shuckburgh, Alex T. Archibald

Abstract: Climate models are biased with respect to real-world observations. They usually need to be adjusted before being used in impact studies. The suite of statistical methods that enable such adjustments is called bias correction (BC). However, BC methods currently struggle to adjust temporal biases. Because they mostly disregard the dependence between consecutive time points. As a result, climate statistics with long-range temporal properties, such as heatwave duration and frequency, cannot be corrected accurately. This makes it more difficult to produce reliable impact studies on such climate statistics. This paper offers a novel BC methodology to correct temporal biases. This is made possible by rethinking the philosophy behind BC. We will introduce BC as a time-indexed regression task with stochastic outputs. Rethinking BC enables us to adapt state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) attention models and thereby learn different types of biases, including temporal asynchronicities. With a case study of heatwave duration statistics in Abuja, Nigeria, and Tokyo, Japan, we show more accurate results than current climate model outputs and alternative BC methods.

replace Differentially Private Fair Binary Classifications

Authors: Hrad Ghoukasian, Shahab Asoodeh

Abstract: In this work, we investigate binary classification under the constraints of both differential privacy and fairness. We first propose an algorithm based on the decoupling technique for learning a classifier with only fairness guarantee. This algorithm takes in classifiers trained on different demographic groups and generates a single classifier satisfying statistical parity. We then refine this algorithm to incorporate differential privacy. The performance of the final algorithm is rigorously examined in terms of privacy, fairness, and utility guarantees. Empirical evaluations conducted on the Adult and Credit Card datasets illustrate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of fairness guarantees, while maintaining the same level of privacy and utility.

replace RAGFormer: Learning Semantic Attributes and Topological Structure for Fraud Detection

Authors: Haolin Li, Shuyang Jiang, Lifeng Zhang, Siyuan Du, Guangnan Ye, Hongfeng Chai

Abstract: Fraud detection remains a challenging task due to the complex and deceptive nature of fraudulent activities. Current approaches primarily concentrate on learning only one perspective of the graph: either the topological structure of the graph or the attributes of individual nodes. However, we conduct empirical studies to reveal that these two types of features, while nearly orthogonal, are each independently effective. As a result, previous methods can not fully capture the comprehensive characteristics of the fraud graph. To address this dilemma, we present a novel framework called Relation-Aware GNN with transFormer~(RAGFormer) which simultaneously embeds both semantic and topological features into a target node. The simple yet effective network consists of a semantic encoder, a topology encoder, and an attention fusion module. The semantic encoder utilizes Transformer to learn semantic features and node interactions across different relations. We introduce Relation-Aware GNN as the topology encoder to learn topological features and node interactions within each relation. These two complementary features are interleaved through an attention fusion module to support prediction by both orthogonal features. Extensive experiments on two popular public datasets demonstrate that RAGFormer achieves state-of-the-art performance. The significant improvement of RAGFormer in an industrial credit card fraud detection dataset further validates the applicability of our method in real-world business scenarios.

replace STG-Mamba: Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning via Selective State Space Model

Authors: Lincan Li, Hanchen Wang, Wenjie Zhang, Adelle Coster

Abstract: Spatial-Temporal Graph (STG) data is characterized as dynamic, heterogenous, and non-stationary, leading to the continuous challenge of spatial-temporal graph learning. In the past few years, various GNN-based methods have been proposed to solely focus on mimicking the relationships among node individuals of the STG network, ignoring the significance of modeling the intrinsic features that exist in STG system over time. In contrast, modern Selective State Space Models (SSSMs) present a new approach which treat STG Network as a system, and meticulously explore the STG system's dynamic state evolution across temporal dimension. In this work, we introduce Spatial-Temporal Graph Mamba (STG-Mamba) as the first exploration of leveraging the powerful selective state space models for STG learning by treating STG Network as a system, and employing the Spatial-Temporal Selective State Space Module (ST-S3M) to precisely focus on the selected STG latent features. Furthermore, to strengthen GNN's ability of modeling STG data under the setting of selective state space models, we propose Kalman Filtering Graph Neural Networks (KFGN) for dynamically integrate and upgrade the STG embeddings from different temporal granularities through a learnable Kalman Filtering statistical theory-based approach. Extensive empirical studies are conducted on three benchmark STG forecasting datasets, demonstrating the performance superiority and computational efficiency of STG-Mamba. It not only surpasses existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of STG forecasting performance, but also effectively alleviate the computational bottleneck of large-scale graph networks in reducing the computational cost of FLOPs and test inference time. The implementation code is available at: \url{}.


replace Cluster-Based Normalization Layer for Neural Networks

Authors: Bilal Faye, Hanane Azzag, Mustapha Lebbah

Abstract: Deep learning grapples with challenges in training neural networks, notably internal covariate shift and label shift. Conventional normalization techniques like Batch Normalization (BN) partially mitigate these issues but are hindered by constraints such as dependency on batch size and distribution assumptions. Similarly, mixture normalization (MN) encounters computational barriers in handling diverse Gaussian distributions. This paper introduces Cluster-based Normalization (CB-Norm), presenting two variants: Supervised Cluster-based Normalization (SCB-Norm) and Unsupervised Cluster-based Normalization (UCB-Norm), offering a pioneering single-step normalization strategy. CB-Norm employs a Gaussian mixture model to address gradient stability and learning acceleration challenges. SCB-Norm utilizes predefined data partitioning, termed clusters, for supervised normalization, while UCB-Norm adaptively clusters neuron activations during training, eliminating reliance on predefined partitions. This approach simultaneously tackles clustering and resolution tasks within neural networks, reducing computational complexity compared to existing methods. CB-Norm outperforms traditional techniques like BN and MN, enhancing neural network performance across diverse learning scenarios.

replace Impact of Fairness Regulations on Institutions' Policies and Population Qualifications

Authors: Hamidreza Montaseri, Amin Gohari

Abstract: The proliferation of algorithmic systems has fueled discussions surrounding the regulation and control of their social impact. Herein, we consider a system whose primary objective is to maximize utility by selecting the most qualified individuals. To promote demographic parity in the selection algorithm, we consider penalizing discrimination across social groups. We examine conditions under which a discrimination penalty can effectively reduce disparity in the selection. Additionally, we explore the implications of such a penalty when individual qualifications may evolve over time in response to the imposed penalizing policy. We identify scenarios where the penalty could hinder the natural attainment of equity within the population. Moreover, we propose certain conditions that can counteract this undesirable outcome, thus ensuring fairness.

replace Control Theoretic Approach to Fine-Tuning and Transfer Learning

Authors: Erkan Bayram, Shenyu Liu, Mohamed-Ali Belabbas, Tamer Ba\c{s}ar

Abstract: Given a training set in the form of a paired $(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y})$, we say that the control system $\dot x = f(x,u)$ has learned the paired set via the control $u^*$ if the system steers each point of $\mathcal{X}$ to its corresponding target in $\mathcal{Y}$. If the training set is expanded, most existing methods for finding a new control $u^*$ require starting from scratch, resulting in a quadratic increase in complexity with the number of points. To overcome this limitation, we introduce the concept of $\textit{ tuning without forgetting}$. We develop $\textit{an iterative algorithm}$ to tune the control $u^*$ when the training set expands, whereby points already in the paired set are still matched, and new training samples are learned. At each update of our method, the control $u^*$ is projected onto the kernel of the end-point mapping generated by the controlled dynamics at the learned samples. It ensures keeping the end-points for the previously learned samples constant while iteratively learning additional samples.

replace ST-Mamba: Spatial-Temporal Selective State Space Model for Traffic Flow Prediction

Authors: Zhiqi Shao, Michael G. H. Bell, Ze Wang, D. Glenn Geers, Haoning Xi, Junbin Gao

Abstract: Traffic flow prediction, a critical aspect of intelligent transportation systems, has been increasingly popular in the field of artificial intelligence, driven by the availability of extensive traffic data. The current challenges of traffic flow prediction lie in integrating diverse factors while balancing the trade-off between computational complexity and the precision necessary for effective long-range and large-scale predictions. To address these challenges, we introduce a Spatial-Temporal Selective State Space (ST-Mamba) model, which is the first to leverage the power of spatial-temporal learning in traffic flow prediction without using graph modeling. The ST-Mamba model can effectively capture the long-range dependency for traffic flow data, thereby avoiding the issue of over-smoothing. The proposed ST-Mamba model incorporates an effective Spatial-Temporal Mixer (ST-Mixer) to seamlessly integrate spatial and temporal data processing into a unified framework and employs a Spatial-Temporal Selective State Space (ST-SSM) block to improve computational efficiency. The proposed ST-Mamba model, specifically designed for spatial-temporal data, simplifies processing procedure and enhances generalization capabilities, thereby significantly improving the accuracy of long-range traffic flow prediction. Compared to the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) model, the proposed ST-Mamba model achieves a 61.11\% improvement in computational speed and increases prediction accuracy by 0.67\%. Extensive experiments with real-world traffic datasets demonstrate that the \textsf{ST-Mamba} model sets a new benchmark in traffic flow prediction, achieving SOTA performance in computational efficiency for both long- and short-range predictions and significantly improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of traffic management.

replace A Notion of Uniqueness for the Adversarial Bayes Classifier

Authors: Natalie S. Frank

Abstract: We propose a new notion of uniqueness for the adversarial Bayes classifier in the setting of binary classification. Analyzing this concept produces a simple procedure for computing all adversarial Bayes classifiers for a well-motivated family of one dimensional data distributions. This characterization is then leveraged to show that as the perturbation radius increases, certain the regularity of adversarial Bayes classifiers improves. Various examples demonstrate that the boundary of the adversarial Bayes classifier frequently lies near the boundary of the Bayes classifier.

replace Deep Learning for Melt Pool Depth Contour Prediction From Surface Thermal Images via Vision Transformers

Authors: Francis Ogoke, Peter Myung-Won Pak, Alexander Myers, Guadalupe Quirarte, Jack Beuth, Jonathan Malen, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: Insufficient overlap between the melt pools produced during Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF) can lead to lack-of-fusion defects and deteriorated mechanical and fatigue performance. In-situ monitoring of the melt pool subsurface morphology requires specialized equipment that may not be readily accessible or scalable. Therefore, we introduce a machine learning framework to correlate in-situ two-color thermal images observed via high-speed color imaging to the two-dimensional profile of the melt pool cross-section. Specifically, we employ a hybrid CNN-Transformer architecture to establish a correlation between single bead off-axis thermal image sequences and melt pool cross-section contours measured via optical microscopy. In this architecture, a ResNet model embeds the spatial information contained within the thermal images to a latent vector, while a Transformer model correlates the sequence of embedded vectors to extract temporal information. Our framework is able to model the curvature of the subsurface melt pool structure, with improved performance in high energy density regimes compared to analytical melt pool models. The performance of this model is evaluated through dimensional and geometric comparisons to the corresponding experimental melt pool observations.

replace Explicitly Modeling Universality into Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Jingyao Wang, Wenwen Qiang, Changwen Zheng

Abstract: The goal of universality in self-supervised learning (SSL) is to learn universal representations from unlabeled data and achieve excellent performance on all samples and tasks. However, these methods lack explicit modeling of the universality in the learning objective, and the related theoretical understanding remains limited. This may cause models to overfit in data-scarce situations and generalize poorly in real life. To address these issues, we provide a theoretical definition of universality in SSL, which constrains both the learning and evaluation universality of the SSL models from the perspective of discriminability, transferability, and generalization. Then, we propose a $\sigma$-measurement to help quantify the score of one SSL model's universality. Based on the definition and measurement, we propose a general SSL framework, called GeSSL, to explicitly model universality into SSL. It introduces a self-motivated target based on $\sigma$-measurement, which enables the model to find the optimal update direction towards universality. Extensive theoretical and empirical evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of GeSSL.

replace CTD4 -- A Deep Continuous Distributional Actor-Critic Agent with a Kalman Fusion of Multiple Critics

Authors: David Valencia, Henry Williams, Trevor Gee, Bruce A MacDonald, Minas Liarokapis

Abstract: Categorical Distributional Reinforcement Learning (CDRL) has demonstrated superior sample efficiency in learning complex tasks compared to conventional Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches. However, the practical application of CDRL is encumbered by challenging projection steps, detailed parameter tuning, and domain knowledge. This paper addresses these challenges by introducing a pioneering Continuous Distributional Model-Free RL algorithm tailored for continuous action spaces. The proposed algorithm simplifies the implementation of distributional RL, adopting an actor-critic architecture wherein the critic outputs a continuous probability distribution. Additionally, we propose an ensemble of multiple critics fused through a Kalman fusion mechanism to mitigate overestimation bias. Through a series of experiments, we validate that our proposed method is easy to train and serves as a sample-efficient solution for executing complex continuous-control tasks.

replace Boosting MLPs with a Coarsening Strategy for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Nannan Bian, Minhong Zhu, Li Chen, Weiran Cai

Abstract: Deep learning methods have been exerting their strengths in long-term time series forecasting. However, they often struggle to strike a balance between expressive power and computational efficiency. Resorting to multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) provides a compromising solution, yet they suffer from two critical problems caused by the intrinsic point-wise mapping mode, in terms of deficient contextual dependencies and inadequate information bottleneck. Here, we propose the Coarsened Perceptron Network (CP-Net), featured by a coarsening strategy that alleviates the above problems associated with the prototype MLPs by forming information granules in place of solitary temporal points. The CP-Net utilizes primarily a two-stage framework for extracting semantic and contextual patterns, which preserves correlations over larger timespans and filters out volatile noises. This is further enhanced by a multi-scale setting, where patterns of diverse granularities are fused towards a comprehensive prediction. Based purely on convolutions of structural simplicity, CP-Net is able to maintain a linear computational complexity and low runtime, while demonstrates an improvement of 4.1% compared with the SOTA method on seven forecasting benchmarks.

replace Driving down Poisson error can offset classification error in clinical tasks

Authors: Charles B. Delahunt, Courosh Mehanian, Matthew P. Horning

Abstract: Medical machine learning algorithms are typically evaluated based on accuracy vs. a clinician-defined ground truth, a reasonable initial choice since trained clinicians are usually better classifiers than ML models. However, this metric does not fully capture the actual clinical task: it neglects the fact that humans, even with perfect accuracy, are subject to non-trivial error from the Poisson statistics of rare events, because clinical protocols often specify a relatively small sample size. For example, to quantitate malaria on a thin blood film a clinician examines only 2000 red blood cells (0.0004 uL), which can yield large Poisson variation in the actual number of parasites present, so that a perfect human's count can differ substantially from the true average load. In contrast, an ML system may be less accurate on an object level, but it may also have the option to examine more blood (e.g. 0.1 uL, or 250x). Then while its parasite identification error is higher, the Poisson variability of its estimate is lower due to larger sample size. To qualify for clinical deployment, an ML system's performance must match current standard of care, typically a very demanding target. To achieve this, it may be possible to offset the ML system's lower accuracy by increasing its sample size to reduce Poisson error, and thus attain the same net clinical performance as a perfectly accurate human limited by smaller sample size. In this paper, we analyse the mathematics of the relationship between Poisson error, classification error, and total error. This mathematical toolkit enables teams optimizing ML systems to leverage a relative strength (larger sample sizes) to offset a relative weakness (classification accuracy). We illustrate the methods with two concrete examples: diagnosis and quantitation of malaria on blood films.

replace Robust Semi-supervised Learning by Wisely Leveraging Open-set Data

Authors: Yang Yang, Nan Jiang, Yi Xu, De-Chuan Zhan

Abstract: Open-set Semi-supervised Learning (OSSL) holds a realistic setting that unlabeled data may come from classes unseen in the labeled set, i.e., out-of-distribution (OOD) data, which could cause performance degradation in conventional SSL models. To handle this issue, except for the traditional in-distribution (ID) classifier, some existing OSSL approaches employ an extra OOD detection module to avoid the potential negative impact of the OOD data. Nevertheless, these approaches typically employ the entire set of open-set data during their training process, which may contain data unfriendly to the OSSL task that can negatively influence the model performance. This inspires us to develop a robust open-set data selection strategy for OSSL. Through a theoretical understanding from the perspective of learning theory, we propose Wise Open-set Semi-supervised Learning (WiseOpen), a generic OSSL framework that selectively leverages the open-set data for training the model. By applying a gradient-variance-based selection mechanism, WiseOpen exploits a friendly subset instead of the whole open-set dataset to enhance the model's capability of ID classification. Moreover, to reduce the computational expense, we also propose two practical variants of WiseOpen by adopting low-frequency update and loss-based selection respectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of WiseOpen in comparison with the state-of-the-art.

replace HGTDR: Advancing Drug Repurposing with Heterogeneous Graph Transformers

Authors: Ali Gharizadeh, Karim Abbasi, Amin Ghareyazi, Mohammad R. K. Mofrad, Hamid R. Rabiee

Abstract: Motivation: Drug repurposing is a viable solution for reducing the time and cost associated with drug development. However, thus far, the proposed drug repurposing approaches still need to meet expectations. Therefore, it is crucial to offer a systematic approach for drug repurposing to achieve cost savings and enhance human lives. In recent years, using biological network-based methods for drug repurposing has generated promising results. Nevertheless, these methods have limitations. Primarily, the scope of these methods is generally limited concerning the size and variety of data they can effectively handle. Another issue arises from the treatment of heterogeneous data, which needs to be addressed or converted into homogeneous data, leading to a loss of information. A significant drawback is that most of these approaches lack end-to-end functionality, necessitating manual implementation and expert knowledge in certain stages. Results: We propose a new solution, HGTDR (Heterogeneous Graph Transformer for Drug Repurposing), to address the challenges associated with drug repurposing. HGTDR is a three-step approach for knowledge graph-based drug re-purposing: 1) constructing a heterogeneous knowledge graph, 2) utilizing a heterogeneous graph transformer network, and 3) computing relationship scores using a fully connected network. By leveraging HGTDR, users gain the ability to manipulate input graphs, extract information from diverse entities, and obtain their desired output. In the evaluation step, we demonstrate that HGTDR performs comparably to previous methods. Furthermore, we review medical studies to validate our method's top ten drug repurposing suggestions, which have exhibited promising results. We also demon-strated HGTDR's capability to predict other types of relations through numerical and experimental validation, such as drug-protein and disease-protein inter-relations.

replace Towards Principled Evaluations of Sparse Autoencoders for Interpretability and Control

Authors: Aleksandar Makelov, George Lange, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Disentangling model activations into meaningful features is a central problem in interpretability. However, the absence of ground-truth for these features in realistic scenarios makes validating recent approaches, such as sparse dictionary learning, elusive. To address this challenge, we propose a framework for evaluating feature dictionaries in the context of specific tasks, by comparing them against \emph{supervised} feature dictionaries. First, we demonstrate that supervised dictionaries achieve excellent approximation, control, and interpretability of model computations on the task. Second, we use the supervised dictionaries to develop and contextualize evaluations of unsupervised dictionaries along the same three axes. We apply this framework to the indirect object identification (IOI) task using GPT-2 Small, with sparse autoencoders (SAEs) trained on either the IOI or OpenWebText datasets. We find that these SAEs capture interpretable features for the IOI task, but they are less successful than supervised features in controlling the model. Finally, we observe two qualitative phenomena in SAE training: feature occlusion (where a causally relevant concept is robustly overshadowed by even slightly higher-magnitude ones in the learned features), and feature over-splitting (where binary features split into many smaller, less interpretable features). We hope that our framework will provide a useful step towards more objective and grounded evaluations of sparse dictionary learning methods.

replace Reinformer: Max-Return Sequence Modeling for Offline RL

Authors: Zifeng Zhuang, Dengyun Peng, Jinxin Liu, Ziqi Zhang, Donglin Wang

Abstract: As a data-driven paradigm, offline reinforcement learning (RL) has been formulated as sequence modeling that conditions on the hindsight information including returns, goal or future trajectory. Although promising, this supervised paradigm overlooks the core objective of RL that maximizes the return. This overlook directly leads to the lack of trajectory stitching capability that affects the sequence model learning from sub-optimal data. In this work, we introduce the concept of max-return sequence modeling which integrates the goal of maximizing returns into existing sequence models. We propose Reinforced Transformer (Reinformer), indicating the sequence model is reinforced by the RL objective. Reinformer additionally incorporates the objective of maximizing returns in the training phase, aiming to predict the maximum future return within the distribution. During inference, this in-distribution maximum return will guide the selection of optimal actions. Empirically, Reinformer is competitive with classical RL methods on the D4RL benchmark and outperforms state-of-the-art sequence model particularly in trajectory stitching ability. Code is public at \url{}.


replace Perception Without Vision for Trajectory Prediction: Ego Vehicle Dynamics as Scene Representation for Efficient Active Learning in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Ross Greer, Mohan Trivedi

Abstract: This study investigates the use of trajectory and dynamic state information for efficient data curation in autonomous driving machine learning tasks. We propose methods for clustering trajectory-states and sampling strategies in an active learning framework, aiming to reduce annotation and data costs while maintaining model performance. Our approach leverages trajectory information to guide data selection, promoting diversity in the training data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods on the trajectory prediction task using the nuScenes dataset, showing consistent performance gains over random sampling across different data pool sizes, and even reaching sub-baseline displacement errors at just 50% of the data cost. Our results suggest that sampling typical data initially helps overcome the ''cold start problem,'' while introducing novelty becomes more beneficial as the training pool size increases. By integrating trajectory-state-informed active learning, we demonstrate that more efficient and robust autonomous driving systems are possible and practical using low-cost data curation strategies.

replace DemOpts: Fairness corrections in COVID-19 case prediction models

Authors: Naman Awasthi, Saad Abrar, Daniel Smolyak, Vanessa Frias-Martinez

Abstract: COVID-19 forecasting models have been used to inform decision making around resource allocation and intervention decisions e.g., hospital beds or stay-at-home orders. State of the art deep learning models often use multimodal data such as mobility or socio-demographic data to enhance COVID-19 case prediction models. Nevertheless, related work has revealed under-reporting bias in COVID-19 cases as well as sampling bias in mobility data for certain minority racial and ethnic groups, which could in turn affect the fairness of the COVID-19 predictions along race labels. In this paper, we show that state of the art deep learning models output mean prediction errors that are significantly different across racial and ethnic groups; and which could, in turn, support unfair policy decisions. We also propose a novel de-biasing method, DemOpts, to increase the fairness of deep learning based forecasting models trained on potentially biased datasets. Our results show that DemOpts can achieve better error parity that other state of the art de-biasing approaches, thus effectively reducing the differences in the mean error distributions across more racial and ethnic groups.

replace An Embarrassingly Simple Approach to Enhance Transformer Performance in Genomic Selection for Crop Breeding

Authors: Renqi Chen, Wenwei Han, Haohao Zhang, Haoyang Su, Zhefan Wang, Xiaolei Liu, Hao Jiang, Wanli Ouyang, Nanqing Dong

Abstract: Genomic selection (GS), as a critical crop breeding strategy, plays a key role in enhancing food production and addressing the global hunger crisis. The predominant approaches in GS currently revolve around employing statistical methods for prediction. However, statistical methods often come with two main limitations: strong statistical priors and linear assumptions. A recent trend is to capture the non-linear relationships between markers by deep learning. However, as crop datasets are commonly long sequences with limited samples, the robustness of deep learning models, especially Transformers, remains a challenge. In this work, to unleash the unexplored potential of attention mechanism for the task of interest, we propose a simple yet effective Transformer-based framework that enables end-to-end training of the whole sequence. Via experiments on rice3k and wheat3k datasets, we show that, with simple tricks such as k-mer tokenization and random masking, Transformer can achieve overall superior performance against seminal methods on GS tasks of interest.

replace Unveiling Hallucination in Text, Image, Video, and Audio Foundation Models: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Pranab Sahoo, Prabhash Meharia, Akash Ghosh, Sriparna Saha, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: The rapid advancement of foundation models (FMs) across language, image, audio, and video domains has shown remarkable capabilities in diverse tasks. However, the proliferation of FMs brings forth a critical challenge: the potential to generate hallucinated outputs, particularly in high-stakes applications. The tendency of foundation models to produce hallucinated content arguably represents the biggest hindrance to their widespread adoption in real-world scenarios, especially in domains where reliability and accuracy are paramount. This survey paper presents a comprehensive overview of recent developments that aim to identify and mitigate the problem of hallucination in FMs, spanning text, image, video, and audio modalities. By synthesizing recent advancements in detecting and mitigating hallucination across various modalities, the paper aims to provide valuable insights for researchers, developers, and practitioners. Essentially, it establishes a clear framework encompassing definition, taxonomy, and detection strategies for addressing hallucination in multimodal foundation models, laying the foundation for future research in this pivotal area.

replace Online bipartite matching with imperfect advice

Authors: Davin Choo, Themis Gouleakis, Chun Kai Ling, Arnab Bhattacharyya

Abstract: We study the problem of online unweighted bipartite matching with $n$ offline vertices and $n$ online vertices where one wishes to be competitive against the optimal offline algorithm. While the classic RANKING algorithm of Karp et al. [1990] provably attains competitive ratio of $1-1/e > 1/2$, we show that no learning-augmented method can be both 1-consistent and strictly better than $1/2$-robust under the adversarial arrival model. Meanwhile, under the random arrival model, we show how one can utilize methods from distribution testing to design an algorithm that takes in external advice about the online vertices and provably achieves competitive ratio interpolating between any ratio attainable by advice-free methods and the optimal ratio of 1, depending on the advice quality.

replace IBD-PSC: Input-level Backdoor Detection via Parameter-oriented Scaling Consistency

Authors: Linshan Hou, Ruili Feng, Zhongyun Hua, Wei Luo, Leo Yu Zhang, Yiming Li

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where adversaries can maliciously trigger model misclassifications by implanting a hidden backdoor during model training. This paper proposes a simple yet effective input-level backdoor detection (dubbed IBD-PSC) as a 'firewall' to filter out malicious testing images. Our method is motivated by an intriguing phenomenon, i.e., parameter-oriented scaling consistency (PSC), where the prediction confidences of poisoned samples are significantly more consistent than those of benign ones when amplifying model parameters. In particular, we provide theoretical analysis to safeguard the foundations of the PSC phenomenon. We also design an adaptive method to select BN layers to scale up for effective detection. Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, verifying the effectiveness and efficiency of our IBD-PSC method and its resistance to adaptive attacks.

replace A finite-sample generalization bound for stable LPV systems

Authors: Daniel Racz, Martin Gonzalez, Mihaly Petreczky, Andras Benczur, Balint Daroczy

Abstract: One of the main theoretical challenges in learning dynamical systems from data is providing upper bounds on the generalization error, that is, the difference between the expected prediction error and the empirical prediction error measured on some finite sample. In machine learning, a popular class of such bounds are the so-called Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) bounds. In this paper, we derive a PAC bound for stable continuous-time linear parameter-varying (LPV) systems. Our bound depends on the H2 norm of the chosen class of the LPV systems, but does not depend on the time interval for which the signals are considered.

replace Using Degeneracy in the Loss Landscape for Mechanistic Interpretability

Authors: Lucius Bushnaq, Jake Mendel, Stefan Heimersheim, Dan Braun, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Kaarel H\"anni, Cindy Wu, Marius Hobbhahn

Abstract: Mechanistic Interpretability aims to reverse engineer the algorithms implemented by neural networks by studying their weights and activations. An obstacle to reverse engineering neural networks is that many of the parameters inside a network are not involved in the computation being implemented by the network. These degenerate parameters may obfuscate internal structure. Singular learning theory teaches us that neural network parameterizations are biased towards being more degenerate, and parameterizations with more degeneracy are likely to generalize further. We identify 3 ways that network parameters can be degenerate: linear dependence between activations in a layer; linear dependence between gradients passed back to a layer; ReLUs which fire on the same subset of datapoints. We also present a heuristic argument that modular networks are likely to be more degenerate, and we develop a metric for identifying modules in a network that is based on this argument. We propose that if we can represent a neural network in a way that is invariant to reparameterizations that exploit the degeneracies, then this representation is likely to be more interpretable, and we provide some evidence that such a representation is likely to have sparser interactions. We introduce the Interaction Basis, a tractable technique to obtain a representation that is invariant to degeneracies from linear dependence of activations or Jacobians.

replace The Local Interaction Basis: Identifying Computationally-Relevant and Sparsely Interacting Features in Neural Networks

Authors: Lucius Bushnaq, Stefan Heimersheim, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Dan Braun, Jake Mendel, Kaarel H\"anni, Avery Griffin, J\"orn St\"ohler, Magdalena Wache, Marius Hobbhahn

Abstract: Mechanistic interpretability aims to understand the behavior of neural networks by reverse-engineering their internal computations. However, current methods struggle to find clear interpretations of neural network activations because a decomposition of activations into computational features is missing. Individual neurons or model components do not cleanly correspond to distinct features or functions. We present a novel interpretability method that aims to overcome this limitation by transforming the activations of the network into a new basis - the Local Interaction Basis (LIB). LIB aims to identify computational features by removing irrelevant activations and interactions. Our method drops irrelevant activation directions and aligns the basis with the singular vectors of the Jacobian matrix between adjacent layers. It also scales features based on their importance for downstream computation, producing an interaction graph that shows all computationally-relevant features and interactions in a model. We evaluate the effectiveness of LIB on modular addition and CIFAR-10 models, finding that it identifies more computationally-relevant features that interact more sparsely, compared to principal component analysis. However, LIB does not yield substantial improvements in interpretability or interaction sparsity when applied to language models. We conclude that LIB is a promising theory-driven approach for analyzing neural networks, but in its current form is not applicable to large language models.

replace-cross Dynamics of specialization in neural modules under resource constraints

Authors: Gabriel B\'ena, Dan F. M. Goodman

Abstract: It has long been believed that the brain is highly modular both in terms of structure and function, although recent evidence has led some to question the extent of both types of modularity. We used artificial neural networks to test the hypothesis that structural modularity is sufficient to guarantee functional specialization, and find that in general, this doesn't necessarily hold. We then systematically tested which features of the environment and network do lead to the emergence of specialization. We used a simple toy environment, task and network, allowing us precise control, and show that in this setup, several distinct measures of specialization give qualitatively similar results. We further find that in this setup (1) specialization can only emerge in environments where features of that environment are meaningfully separable, (2) specialization preferentially emerges when the network is strongly resource-constrained, and (3) these findings are qualitatively similar across the different variations of network architectures that we tested, but that the quantitative relationships depend on the precise architecture. Finally, we show that functional specialization varies dynamically across time, and demonstrate that these dynamics depend on both the timing and bandwidth of information flow in the network. We conclude that a static notion of specialization, based on structural modularity, is likely too simple a framework for understanding intelligence in situations of real-world complexity, from biology to brain-inspired neuromorphic systems. We propose that thoroughly stress testing candidate definitions of functional modularity in simplified scenarios before extending to more complex data, network models and electrophysiological recordings is likely to be a fruitful approach.

replace-cross Fair Active Learning: Solving the Labeling Problem in Insurance

Authors: Romuald Elie, Caroline Hillairet, Fran\c{c}ois Hu, Marc Juillard

Abstract: This paper addresses significant obstacles that arise from the widespread use of machine learning models in the insurance industry, with a specific focus on promoting fairness. The initial challenge lies in effectively leveraging unlabeled data in insurance while reducing the labeling effort and emphasizing data relevance through active learning techniques. The paper explores various active learning sampling methodologies and evaluates their impact on both synthetic and real insurance datasets. This analysis highlights the difficulty of achieving fair model inferences, as machine learning models may replicate biases and discrimination found in the underlying data. To tackle these interconnected challenges, the paper introduces an innovative fair active learning method. The proposed approach samples informative and fair instances, achieving a good balance between model predictive performance and fairness, as confirmed by numerical experiments on insurance datasets.

replace-cross On the limitations of data-based price discrimination

Authors: Haitian Xie, Ying Zhu, Denis Shishkin

Abstract: Recent technological advances have enabled firms to use data to price discriminate. This paper studies third-degree price discrimination (3PD) based on a random sample of valuation and covariate data, where the covariate is continuous, and the distribution of the data is unknown to the seller. We first propose a $K$-markets empirical revenue maximization (ERM) strategy and study its rates of convergence in revenue. We then establish the fundamental information-theoretic limitation of any data-based pricing strategy and show that the $K$-markets ERM and the uniform (i.e., $1$-market) ERM strategies generate revenue converging to that of the true-distribution 3PD and uniform optima, respectively, at the optimal rate. A key takeaway from our information-theoretic limitation results is that, no sample-based 3PD strategy is able to escape from the curse of dimensionality and hence the $K$-markets ERM strategy is not an exception. This result prompts us to compare the revenues from the $K$-markets ERM and the uniform ERM in more specific cases. This comparison is ambiguous, in contrast to the classic pricing problem with a known distribution where third-degree price discrimination is at least as good as uniform pricing in generating revenue.

replace-cross Diffusion Posterior Sampling for General Noisy Inverse Problems

Authors: Hyungjin Chung, Jeongsol Kim, Michael T. Mccann, Marc L. Klasky, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Diffusion models have been recently studied as powerful generative inverse problem solvers, owing to their high quality reconstructions and the ease of combining existing iterative solvers. However, most works focus on solving simple linear inverse problems in noiseless settings, which significantly under-represents the complexity of real-world problems. In this work, we extend diffusion solvers to efficiently handle general noisy (non)linear inverse problems via approximation of the posterior sampling. Interestingly, the resulting posterior sampling scheme is a blended version of diffusion sampling with the manifold constrained gradient without a strict measurement consistency projection step, yielding a more desirable generative path in noisy settings compared to the previous studies. Our method demonstrates that diffusion models can incorporate various measurement noise statistics such as Gaussian and Poisson, and also efficiently handle noisy nonlinear inverse problems such as Fourier phase retrieval and non-uniform deblurring. Code available at


replace-cross Teal: Learning-Accelerated Optimization of WAN Traffic Engineering

Authors: Zhiying Xu, Francis Y. Yan, Rachee Singh, Justin T. Chiu, Alexander M. Rush, Minlan Yu

Abstract: The rapid expansion of global cloud wide-area networks (WANs) has posed a challenge for commercial optimization engines to efficiently solve network traffic engineering (TE) problems at scale. Existing acceleration strategies decompose TE optimization into concurrent subproblems but realize limited parallelism due to an inherent tradeoff between run time and allocation performance. We present Teal, a learning-based TE algorithm that leverages the parallel processing power of GPUs to accelerate TE control. First, Teal designs a flow-centric graph neural network (GNN) to capture WAN connectivity and network flows, learning flow features as inputs to downstream allocation. Second, to reduce the problem scale and make learning tractable, Teal employs a multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm to independently allocate each traffic demand while optimizing a central TE objective. Finally, Teal fine-tunes allocations with ADMM (Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers), a highly parallelizable optimization algorithm for reducing constraint violations such as overutilized links. We evaluate Teal using traffic matrices from Microsoft's WAN. On a large WAN topology with >1,700 nodes, Teal generates near-optimal flow allocations while running several orders of magnitude faster than the production optimization engine. Compared with other TE acceleration schemes, Teal satisfies 6--32% more traffic demand and yields 197--625x speedups.

replace-cross RulE: Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Rule Embedding

Authors: Xiaojuan Tang, Song-Chun Zhu, Yitao Liang, Muhan Zhang

Abstract: Knowledge graph (KG) reasoning is an important problem for knowledge graphs. In this paper, we propose a novel and principled framework called \textbf{RulE} (stands for {Rul}e {E}mbedding) to effectively leverage logical rules to enhance KG reasoning. Unlike knowledge graph embedding (KGE) methods, RulE learns rule embeddings from existing triplets and first-order {rules} by jointly representing \textbf{entities}, \textbf{relations} and \textbf{logical rules} in a unified embedding space. Based on the learned rule embeddings, a confidence score can be calculated for each rule, reflecting its consistency with the observed triplets. This allows us to perform logical rule inference in a soft way, thus alleviating the brittleness of logic. On the other hand, RulE injects prior logical rule information into the embedding space, enriching and regularizing the entity/relation embeddings. This makes KGE alone perform better too. RulE is conceptually simple and empirically effective. We conduct extensive experiments to verify each component of RulE. Results on multiple benchmarks reveal that our model outperforms the majority of existing embedding-based and rule-based approaches.

replace-cross Online Distribution Shift Detection via Recency Prediction

Authors: Rachel Luo, Rohan Sinha, Yixiao Sun, Ali Hindy, Shengjia Zhao, Silvio Savarese, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

Abstract: When deploying modern machine learning-enabled robotic systems in high-stakes applications, detecting distribution shift is critical. However, most existing methods for detecting distribution shift are not well-suited to robotics settings, where data often arrives in a streaming fashion and may be very high-dimensional. In this work, we present an online method for detecting distribution shift with guarantees on the false positive rate - i.e., when there is no distribution shift, our system is very unlikely (with probability $< \epsilon$) to falsely issue an alert; any alerts that are issued should therefore be heeded. Our method is specifically designed for efficient detection even with high dimensional data, and it empirically achieves up to 11x faster detection on realistic robotics settings compared to prior work while maintaining a low false negative rate in practice (whenever there is a distribution shift in our experiments, our method indeed emits an alert). We demonstrate our approach in both simulation and hardware for a visual servoing task, and show that our method indeed issues an alert before a failure occurs.

replace-cross Blessings and Curses of Covariate Shifts: Adversarial Learning Dynamics, Directional Convergence, and Equilibria

Authors: Tengyuan Liang

Abstract: Covariate distribution shifts and adversarial perturbations present robustness challenges to the conventional statistical learning framework: mild shifts in the test covariate distribution can significantly affect the performance of the statistical model learned based on the training distribution. The model performance typically deteriorates when extrapolation happens: namely, covariates shift to a region where the training distribution is scarce, and naturally, the learned model has little information. For robustness and regularization considerations, adversarial perturbation techniques are proposed as a remedy; however, careful study needs to be carried out about what extrapolation region adversarial covariate shift will focus on, given a learned model. This paper precisely characterizes the extrapolation region, examining both regression and classification in an infinite-dimensional setting. We study the implications of adversarial covariate shifts to subsequent learning of the equilibrium -- the Bayes optimal model -- in a sequential game framework. We exploit the dynamics of the adversarial learning game and reveal the curious effects of the covariate shift to equilibrium learning and experimental design. In particular, we establish two directional convergence results that exhibit distinctive phenomena: (1) a blessing in regression, the adversarial covariate shifts in an exponential rate to an optimal experimental design for rapid subsequent learning; (2) a curse in classification, the adversarial covariate shifts in a subquadratic rate to the hardest experimental design trapping subsequent learning.

replace-cross Robust Design and Evaluation of Predictive Algorithms under Unobserved Confounding

Authors: Ashesh Rambachan, Amanda Coston, Edward Kennedy

Abstract: Predictive algorithms inform consequential decisions in settings where the outcome is selectively observed given choices made by human decision makers. We propose a unified framework for the robust design and evaluation of predictive algorithms in selectively observed data. We impose general assumptions on how much the outcome may vary on average between unselected and selected units conditional on observed covariates and identified nuisance parameters, formalizing popular empirical strategies for imputing missing data such as proxy outcomes and instrumental variables. We develop debiased machine learning estimators for the bounds on a large class of predictive performance estimands, such as the conditional likelihood of the outcome, a predictive algorithm's mean square error, true/false positive rate, and many others, under these assumptions. In an administrative dataset from a large Australian financial institution, we illustrate how varying assumptions on unobserved confounding leads to meaningful changes in default risk predictions and evaluations of credit scores across sensitive groups.

replace-cross Variational Inference: Posterior Threshold Improves Network Clustering Accuracy in Sparse Regimes

Authors: Xuezhen Li, Can M. Le

Abstract: Variational inference has been widely used in machine learning literature to fit various Bayesian models. In network analysis, this method has been successfully applied to solve the community detection problems. Although these results are promising, their theoretical support is only for relatively dense networks, an assumption that may not hold for real networks. In addition, it has been shown recently that the variational loss surface has many saddle points, which may severely affect its performance, especially when applied to sparse networks. This paper proposes a simple way to improve the variational inference method by hard thresholding the posterior of the community assignment after each iteration. Using a random initialization that correlates with the true community assignment, we show that the proposed method converges and can accurately recover the true community labels, even when the average node degree of the network is bounded. Extensive numerical study further confirms the advantage of the proposed method over the classical variational inference and another state-of-the-art algorithm.

replace-cross Tracking the industrial growth of modern China with high-resolution panchromatic imagery: A sequential convolutional approach

Authors: Ethan Brewer, Zhonghui Lv, Dan Runfola

Abstract: Due to insufficient or difficult to obtain data on development in inaccessible regions, remote sensing data is an important tool for interested stakeholders to collect information on economic growth. To date, no studies have utilized deep learning to estimate industrial growth at the level of individual sites. In this study, we harness high-resolution panchromatic imagery to estimate development over time at 419 industrial sites in the People's Republic of China using a multi-tier computer vision framework. We present two methods for approximating development: (1) structural area coverage estimated through a Mask R-CNN segmentation algorithm, and (2) imputing development directly with visible & infrared radiance from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). Labels generated from these methods are comparatively evaluated and tested. On a dataset of 2,078 50 cm resolution images spanning 19 years, the results indicate that two dimensions of industrial development can be estimated using high-resolution daytime imagery, including (a) the total square meters of industrial development (average error of 0.021 $\textrm{km}^2$), and (b) the radiance of lights (average error of 9.8 $\mathrm{\frac{nW}{cm^{2}sr}}$). Trend analysis of the techniques reveal estimates from a Mask R-CNN-labeled CNN-LSTM track ground truth measurements most closely. The Mask R-CNN estimates positive growth at every site from the oldest image to the most recent, with an average change of 4,084 $\textrm{m}^2$.

replace-cross PECAN: A Deterministic Certified Defense Against Backdoor Attacks

Authors: Yuhao Zhang, Aws Albarghouthi, Loris D'Antoni

Abstract: Neural networks are vulnerable to backdoor poisoning attacks, where the attackers maliciously poison the training set and insert triggers into the test input to change the prediction of the victim model. Existing defenses for backdoor attacks either provide no formal guarantees or come with expensive-to-compute and ineffective probabilistic guarantees. We present PECAN, an efficient and certified approach for defending against backdoor attacks. The key insight powering PECAN is to apply off-the-shelf test-time evasion certification techniques on a set of neural networks trained on disjoint partitions of the data. We evaluate PECAN on image classification and malware detection datasets. Our results demonstrate that PECAN can (1) significantly outperform the state-of-the-art certified backdoor defense, both in defense strength and efficiency, and (2) on real back-door attacks, PECAN can reduce attack success rate by order of magnitude when compared to a range of baselines from the literature.

replace-cross EduceLab-Scrolls: Verifiable Recovery of Text from Herculaneum Papyri using X-ray CT

Authors: Stephen Parsons, C. Seth Parker, Christy Chapman, Mami Hayashida, W. Brent Seales

Abstract: We present a complete software pipeline for revealing the hidden texts of the Herculaneum papyri using X-ray CT images. This enhanced virtual unwrapping pipeline combines machine learning with a novel geometric framework linking 3D and 2D images. We also present EduceLab-Scrolls, a comprehensive open dataset representing two decades of research effort on this problem. EduceLab-Scrolls contains a set of volumetric X-ray CT images of both small fragments and intact, rolled scrolls. The dataset also contains 2D image labels that are used in the supervised training of an ink detection model. Labeling is enabled by aligning spectral photography of scroll fragments with X-ray CT images of the same fragments, thus creating a machine-learnable mapping between image spaces and modalities. This alignment permits supervised learning for the detection of "invisible" carbon ink in X-ray CT, a task that is "impossible" even for human expert labelers. To our knowledge, this is the first aligned dataset of its kind and is the largest dataset ever released in the heritage domain. Our method is capable of revealing accurate lines of text on scroll fragments with known ground truth. Revealed text is verified using visual confirmation, quantitative image metrics, and scholarly review. EduceLab-Scrolls has also enabled the discovery, for the first time, of hidden texts from the Herculaneum papyri, which we present here. We anticipate that the EduceLab-Scrolls dataset will generate more textual discovery as research continues.

replace-cross Accelerating Hybrid Federated Learning Convergence under Partial Participation

Authors: Jieming Bian, Lei Wang, Kun Yang, Cong Shen, Jie Xu

Abstract: Over the past few years, Federated Learning (FL) has become a popular distributed machine learning paradigm. FL involves a group of clients with decentralized data who collaborate to learn a common model under the coordination of a centralized server, with the goal of protecting clients' privacy by ensuring that local datasets never leave the clients and that the server only performs model aggregation. However, in realistic scenarios, the server may be able to collect a small amount of data that approximately mimics the population distribution and has stronger computational ability to perform the learning process. To address this, we focus on the hybrid FL framework in this paper. While previous hybrid FL work has shown that the alternative training of clients and server can increase convergence speed, it has focused on the scenario where clients fully participate and ignores the negative effect of partial participation. In this paper, we provide theoretical analysis of hybrid FL under clients' partial participation to validate that partial participation is the key constraint on convergence speed. We then propose a new algorithm called FedCLG, which investigates the two-fold role of the server in hybrid FL. Firstly, the server needs to process the training steps using its small amount of local datasets. Secondly, the server's calculated gradient needs to guide the participated clients' training and the server's aggregation. We validate our theoretical findings through numerical experiments, which show that our proposed method FedCLG outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Generating with Confidence: Uncertainty Quantification for Black-box Large Language Models

Authors: Zhen Lin, Shubhendu Trivedi, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) specializing in natural language generation (NLG) have recently started exhibiting promising capabilities across a variety of domains. However, gauging the trustworthiness of responses generated by LLMs remains an open challenge, with limited research on uncertainty quantification (UQ) for NLG. Furthermore, existing literature typically assumes white-box access to language models, which is becoming unrealistic either due to the closed-source nature of the latest LLMs or computational constraints. In this work, we investigate UQ in NLG for *black-box* LLMs. We first differentiate *uncertainty* vs *confidence*: the former refers to the ``dispersion'' of the potential predictions for a fixed input, and the latter refers to the confidence on a particular prediction/generation. We then propose and compare several confidence/uncertainty measures, applying them to *selective NLG* where unreliable results could either be ignored or yielded for further assessment. Experiments were carried out with several popular LLMs on question-answering datasets (for evaluation purposes). Results reveal that a simple measure for the semantic dispersion can be a reliable predictor of the quality of LLM responses, providing valuable insights for practitioners on uncertainty management when adopting LLMs. The code to replicate our experiments is available at


replace-cross Overcoming the Stability Gap in Continual Learning

Authors: Md Yousuf Harun, Christopher Kanan

Abstract: Pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) are being widely deployed by industry for making business decisions and to serve users; however, a major problem is model decay, where the DNN's predictions become more erroneous over time, resulting in revenue loss or unhappy users. To mitigate model decay, DNNs are retrained from scratch using old and new data. This is computationally expensive, so retraining happens only once performance has significantly decreased. Here, we study how continual learning (CL) could potentially overcome model decay in large pre-trained DNNs and also greatly reduce computational costs for keeping DNNs up-to-date. We identify the ``stability gap'' as a major obstacle in our setting. The stability gap refers to a phenomenon where learning new data causes large drops in performance for past tasks before CL mitigation methods eventually compensate for this drop. We test two hypotheses for why the stability gap occurs and identify a method that vastly reduces this gap. In large-scale experiments for both easy and hard CL distributions (e.g., class incremental learning), we demonstrate that our method reduces the stability gap and greatly increases computational efficiency. Our work aligns CL with the goals of the production setting, where CL is needed for many applications.

replace-cross MultiLegalPile: A 689GB Multilingual Legal Corpus

Authors: Joel Niklaus, Veton Matoshi, Matthias St\"urmer, Ilias Chalkidis, Daniel E. Ho

Abstract: Large, high-quality datasets are crucial for training Large Language Models (LLMs). However, so far, there are few datasets available for specialized critical domains such as law and the available ones are often only for the English language. We curate and release MultiLegalPile, a 689GB corpus in 24 languages from 17 jurisdictions. The MultiLegalPile corpus, which includes diverse legal data sources with varying licenses, allows for pretraining NLP models under fair use, with more permissive licenses for the Eurlex Resources and Legal mC4 subsets. We pretrain two RoBERTa models and one Longformer multilingually, and 24 monolingual models on each of the language-specific subsets and evaluate them on LEXTREME. Additionally, we evaluate the English and multilingual models on LexGLUE. Our multilingual models set a new SotA on LEXTREME and our English models on LexGLUE. We release the dataset, the trained models, and all of the code under the most open possible licenses.

replace-cross Unsupervised Statistical Feature-Guided Diffusion Model for Sensor-based Human Activity Recognition

Authors: Si Zuo, Vitor Fortes Rey, Sungho Suh, Stephan Sigg, Paul Lukowicz

Abstract: Human activity recognition (HAR) from on-body sensors is a core functionality in many AI applications: from personal health, through sports and wellness to Industry 4.0. A key problem holding up progress in wearable sensor-based HAR, compared to other ML areas, such as computer vision, is the unavailability of diverse and labeled training data. Particularly, while there are innumerable annotated images available in online repositories, freely available sensor data is sparse and mostly unlabeled. We propose an unsupervised statistical feature-guided diffusion model specifically optimized for wearable sensor-based human activity recognition with devices such as inertial measurement unit (IMU) sensors. The method generates synthetic labeled time-series sensor data without relying on annotated training data. Thereby, it addresses the scarcity and annotation difficulties associated with real-world sensor data. By conditioning the diffusion model on statistical information such as mean, standard deviation, Z-score, and skewness, we generate diverse and representative synthetic sensor data. We conducted experiments on public human activity recognition datasets and compared the method to conventional oversampling and state-of-the-art generative adversarial network methods. Experimental results demonstrate that this can improve the performance of human activity recognition and outperform existing techniques.

replace-cross FlakyFix: Using Large Language Models for Predicting Flaky Test Fix Categories and Test Code Repair

Authors: Sakina Fatima, Hadi Hemmati, Lionel Briand

Abstract: Flaky tests are problematic because they non-deterministically pass or fail for the same software version under test, causing confusion and wasting development effort. While machine learning models have been used to predict flakiness and its root causes, there is much less work on providing support to fix the problem. To address this gap, in this paper, we focus on predicting the type of fix that is required to remove flakiness and then repair the test code on that basis. We do this for a subset of flaky test cases where the root cause of flakiness is in the test case itself and not in the production code. Our key idea is to guide the repair process with additional knowledge about the test's flakiness in the form of its predicted fix category. Thus, we first propose a framework that automatically generates labeled datasets for 13 fix categories and trains models to predict the fix category of a flaky test by analyzing the test code only. Our experimental results using code models and few-shot learning show that we can correctly predict most of the fix categories. To show the usefulness of such fix category labels for automatically repairing flakiness, in addition to informing testers, we augment a Large Language Model (LLM) like GPT with such extra knowledge to ask the LLM for repair suggestions. The results show that our suggested fix category labels, complemented with in-context learning, significantly enhance the capability of GPT 3.5 Turbo in generating fixes for flaky tests. Based on the execution and analysis of a sample of GPT-repaired flaky tests, we estimate that a large percentage of such repairs, (roughly between 70% and 90%) can be expected to pass. For the failing repaired tests, on average, 16% of the test code needs to be further changed for them to pass.

replace-cross On the sample complexity of parameter estimation in logistic regression with normal design

Authors: Daniel Hsu, Arya Mazumdar

Abstract: The logistic regression model is one of the most popular data generation model in noisy binary classification problems. In this work, we study the sample complexity of estimating the parameters of the logistic regression model up to a given $\ell_2$ error, in terms of the dimension and the inverse temperature, with standard normal covariates. The inverse temperature controls the signal-to-noise ratio of the data generation process. While both generalization bounds and asymptotic performance of the maximum-likelihood estimator for logistic regression are well-studied, the non-asymptotic sample complexity that shows the dependence on error and the inverse temperature for parameter estimation is absent from previous analyses. We show that the sample complexity curve has two change-points in terms of the inverse temperature, clearly separating the low, moderate, and high temperature regimes.

replace-cross A Hybrid Machine Learning Model for Classifying Gene Mutations in Cancer using LSTM, BiLSTM, CNN, GRU, and GloVe

Authors: Sanad Aburass, Osama Dorgham, Jamil Al Shaqsi

Abstract: In our study, we introduce a novel hybrid ensemble model that synergistically combines LSTM, BiLSTM, CNN, GRU, and GloVe embeddings for the classification of gene mutations in cancer. This model was rigorously tested using Kaggle's Personalized Medicine: Redefining Cancer Treatment dataset, demonstrating exceptional performance across all evaluation metrics. Notably, our approach achieved a training accuracy of 80.6%, precision of 81.6%, recall of 80.6%, and an F1 score of 83.1%, alongside a significantly reduced Mean Squared Error (MSE) of 2.596. These results surpass those of advanced transformer models and their ensembles, showcasing our model's superior capability in handling the complexities of gene mutation classification. The accuracy and efficiency of gene mutation classification are paramount in the era of precision medicine, where tailored treatment plans based on individual genetic profiles can dramatically improve patient outcomes and save lives. Our model's remarkable performance highlights its potential in enhancing the precision of cancer diagnoses and treatments, thereby contributing significantly to the advancement of personalized healthcare.

replace-cross A Comprehensive Study of Machine Learning Techniques for Log-Based Anomaly Detection

Authors: Shan Ali, Chaima Boufaied, Domenico Bianculli, Paula Branco, Lionel Briand

Abstract: Growth in system complexity increases the need for automated techniques dedicated to different log analysis tasks such as Log-based Anomaly Detection (LAD). The latter has been widely addressed in the literature, mostly by means of a variety of deep learning techniques. Despite their many advantages, that focus on deep learning techniques is somewhat arbitrary as traditional Machine Learning (ML) techniques may perform well in many cases, depending on the context and datasets. In the same vein, semi-supervised techniques deserve the same attention as supervised techniques since the former have clear practical advantages. Further, current evaluations mostly rely on the assessment of detection accuracy. However, this is not enough to decide whether or not a specific ML technique is suitable to address the LAD problem in a given context. Other aspects to consider include training and prediction times as well as the sensitivity to hyperparameter tuning, which in practice matters to engineers. In this paper, we present a comprehensive empirical study, in which we evaluate supervised and semi-supervised, traditional and deep ML techniques w.r.t. four evaluation criteria: detection accuracy, time performance, sensitivity of detection accuracy and time performance to hyperparameter tuning. The experimental results show that supervised traditional and deep ML techniques fare similarly in terms of their detection accuracy and prediction time. Moreover, overall, sensitivity analysis to hyperparameter tuning w.r.t. detection accuracy shows that supervised traditional ML techniques are less sensitive than deep learning techniques. Further, semi-supervised techniques yield significantly worse detection accuracy than supervised techniques.

replace-cross A Novel Convolutional Neural Network Architecture with a Continuous Symmetry

Authors: Yao Liu, Hang Shao, Bing Bai

Abstract: This paper introduces a new Convolutional Neural Network (ConvNet) architecture inspired by a class of partial differential equations (PDEs) called quasi-linear hyperbolic systems. With comparable performance on the image classification task, it allows for the modification of the weights via a continuous group of symmetry. This is a significant shift from traditional models where the architecture and weights are essentially fixed. We wish to promote the (internal) symmetry as a new desirable property for a neural network, and to draw attention to the PDE perspective in analyzing and interpreting ConvNets in the broader Deep Learning community.

replace-cross Flamingo: Multi-Round Single-Server Secure Aggregation with Applications to Private Federated Learning

Authors: Yiping Ma, Jess Woods, Sebastian Angel, Antigoni Polychroniadou, Tal Rabin

Abstract: This paper introduces Flamingo, a system for secure aggregation of data across a large set of clients. In secure aggregation, a server sums up the private inputs of clients and obtains the result without learning anything about the individual inputs beyond what is implied by the final sum. Flamingo focuses on the multi-round setting found in federated learning in which many consecutive summations (averages) of model weights are performed to derive a good model. Previous protocols, such as Bell et al. (CCS '20), have been designed for a single round and are adapted to the federated learning setting by repeating the protocol multiple times. Flamingo eliminates the need for the per-round setup of previous protocols, and has a new lightweight dropout resilience protocol to ensure that if clients leave in the middle of a sum the server can still obtain a meaningful result. Furthermore, Flamingo introduces a new way to locally choose the so-called client neighborhood introduced by Bell et al. These techniques help Flamingo reduce the number of interactions between clients and the server, resulting in a significant reduction in the end-to-end runtime for a full training session over prior work. We implement and evaluate Flamingo and show that it can securely train a neural network on the (Extended) MNIST and CIFAR-100 datasets, and the model converges without a loss in accuracy, compared to a non-private federated learning system.

replace-cross Anonymity at Risk? Assessing Re-Identification Capabilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Alex Nyffenegger, Matthias St\"urmer, Joel Niklaus

Abstract: Anonymity of both natural and legal persons in court rulings is a critical aspect of privacy protection in the European Union and Switzerland. With the advent of LLMs, concerns about large-scale re-identification of anonymized persons are growing. In accordance with the Federal Supreme Court of Switzerland, we explore the potential of LLMs to re-identify individuals in court rulings by constructing a proof-of-concept using actual legal data from the Swiss federal supreme court. Following the initial experiment, we constructed an anonymized Wikipedia dataset as a more rigorous testing ground to further investigate the findings. With the introduction and application of the new task of re-identifying people in texts, we also introduce new metrics to measure performance. We systematically analyze the factors that influence successful re-identifications, identifying model size, input length, and instruction tuning among the most critical determinants. Despite high re-identification rates on Wikipedia, even the best LLMs struggled with court decisions. The complexity is attributed to the lack of test datasets, the necessity for substantial training resources, and data sparsity in the information used for re-identification. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that re-identification using LLMs may not be feasible for now, but as the proof-of-concept on Wikipedia showed, it might become possible in the future. We hope that our system can help enhance the confidence in the security of anonymized decisions, thus leading to the courts being more confident to publish decisions.

replace-cross Learning Structure-from-Motion with Graph Attention Networks

Authors: Lucas Brynte, Jos\'e Pedro Iglesias, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl

Abstract: In this paper we tackle the problem of learning Structure-from-Motion (SfM) through the use of graph attention networks. SfM is a classic computer vision problem that is solved though iterative minimization of reprojection errors, referred to as Bundle Adjustment (BA), starting from a good initialization. In order to obtain a good enough initialization to BA, conventional methods rely on a sequence of sub-problems (such as pairwise pose estimation, pose averaging or triangulation) which provide an initial solution that can then be refined using BA. In this work we replace these sub-problems by learning a model that takes as input the 2D keypoints detected across multiple views, and outputs the corresponding camera poses and 3D keypoint coordinates. Our model takes advantage of graph neural networks to learn SfM-specific primitives, and we show that it can be used for fast inference of the reconstruction for new and unseen sequences. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms competing learning-based methods, and challenges COLMAP while having lower runtime. Our code is available at


replace-cross Large Intestine 3D Shape Refinement Using Point Diffusion Models for Digital Phantom Generation

Authors: Kaouther Mouheb, Mobina Ghojogh Nejad, Lavsen Dahal, Ehsan Samei, Kyle J. Lafata, W. Paul Segars, Joseph Y. Lo

Abstract: Accurate 3D modeling of human organs plays a crucial role in building computational phantoms for virtual imaging trials. However, generating anatomically plausible reconstructions of organ surfaces from computed tomography scans remains challenging for many structures in the human body. This challenge is particularly evident when dealing with the large intestine. In this study, we leverage recent advancements in geometric deep learning and denoising diffusion probabilistic models to refine the segmentation results of the large intestine. We begin by representing the organ as point clouds sampled from the surface of the 3D segmentation mask. Subsequently, we employ a hierarchical variational autoencoder to obtain global and local latent representations of the organ's shape. We train two conditional denoising diffusion models in the hierarchical latent space to perform shape refinement. To further enhance our method, we incorporate a state-of-the-art surface reconstruction model, allowing us to generate smooth meshes from the obtained complete point clouds. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in capturing both the global distribution of the organ's shape and its fine details. Our complete refinement pipeline demonstrates remarkable enhancements in surface representation compared to the initial segmentation, reducing the Chamfer distance by 70%, the Hausdorff distance by 32%, and the Earth Mover's distance by 6%. By combining geometric deep learning, denoising diffusion models, and advanced surface reconstruction techniques, our proposed method offers a promising solution for accurately modeling the large intestine's surface and can easily be extended to other anatomical structures.

replace-cross K-pop Lyric Translation: Dataset, Analysis, and Neural-Modelling

Authors: Haven Kim, Jongmin Jung, Dasaem Jeong, Juhan Nam

Abstract: Lyric translation, a field studied for over a century, is now attracting computational linguistics researchers. We identified two limitations in previous studies. Firstly, lyric translation studies have predominantly focused on Western genres and languages, with no previous study centering on K-pop despite its popularity. Second, the field of lyric translation suffers from a lack of publicly available datasets; to the best of our knowledge, no such dataset exists. To broaden the scope of genres and languages in lyric translation studies, we introduce a novel singable lyric translation dataset, approximately 89\% of which consists of K-pop song lyrics. This dataset aligns Korean and English lyrics line-by-line and section-by-section. We leveraged this dataset to unveil unique characteristics of K-pop lyric translation, distinguishing it from other extensively studied genres, and to construct a neural lyric translation model, thereby underscoring the importance of a dedicated dataset for singable lyric translations.

replace-cross A Model-Agnostic Graph Neural Network for Integrating Local and Global Information

Authors: Wenzhuo Zhou, Annie Qu, Keiland W. Cooper, Norbert Fortin, Babak Shahbaba

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved promising performance in a variety of graph-focused tasks. Despite their success, however, existing GNNs suffer from two significant limitations: a lack of interpretability in results due to their black-box nature, and an inability to learn representations of varying orders. To tackle these issues, we propose a novel \textbf{M}odel-\textbf{a}gnostic \textbf{G}raph Neural \textbf{Net}work (MaGNet) framework, which is able to effectively integrate information of various orders, extract knowledge from high-order neighbors, and provide meaningful and interpretable results by identifying influential compact graph structures. In particular, MaGNet consists of two components: an estimation model for the latent representation of complex relationships under graph topology, and an interpretation model that identifies influential nodes, edges, and node features. Theoretically, we establish the generalization error bound for MaGNet via empirical Rademacher complexity, and demonstrate its power to represent layer-wise neighborhood mixing. We conduct comprehensive numerical studies using simulated data to demonstrate the superior performance of MaGNet in comparison to several state-of-the-art alternatives. Furthermore, we apply MaGNet to a real-world case study aimed at extracting task-critical information from brain activity data, thereby highlighting its effectiveness in advancing scientific research.

replace-cross The Perception-Robustness Tradeoff in Deterministic Image Restoration

Authors: Guy Ohayon, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad

Abstract: We study the behavior of deterministic methods for solving inverse problems in imaging. These methods are commonly designed to achieve two goals: (1) attaining high perceptual quality, and (2) generating reconstructions that are consistent with the measurements. We provide a rigorous proof that the better a predictor satisfies these two requirements, the larger its Lipschitz constant must be, regardless of the nature of the degradation involved. In particular, to approach perfect perceptual quality and perfect consistency, the Lipschitz constant of the model must grow to infinity. This implies that such methods are necessarily more susceptible to adversarial attacks. We demonstrate our theory on single image super-resolution algorithms, addressing both noisy and noiseless settings. We also show how this undesired behavior can be leveraged to explore the posterior distribution, thereby allowing the deterministic model to imitate stochastic methods.

replace-cross Stable Attractors for Neural networks classification via Ordinary Differential Equations (SA-nODE)

Authors: Raffaele Marino, Lorenzo Giambagli, Lorenzo Chicchi, Lorenzo Buffoni, Duccio Fanelli

Abstract: A novel approach for supervised classification is presented which sits at the intersection of machine learning and dynamical systems theory. At variance with other methodologies that employ ordinary differential equations for classification purposes, the untrained model is a priori constructed to accommodate for a set of pre-assigned stationary stable attractors. Classifying amounts to steer the dynamics towards one of the planted attractors, depending on the specificity of the processed item supplied as an input. Asymptotically the system will hence converge on a specific point of the explored multi-dimensional space, flagging the category of the object to be eventually classified. Working in this context, the inherent ability to perform classification, as acquired ex post by the trained model, is ultimately reflected in the shaped basin of attractions associated to each of the target stable attractors. The performance of the proposed method is here challenged against simple toy models crafted for the purpose, as well as by resorting to well established reference standards. Although this method does not reach the performance of state-of-the-art deep learning algorithms, it illustrates that continuous dynamical systems with closed analytical interaction terms can serve as high-performance classifiers.

replace-cross Differentiable and accelerated spherical harmonic and Wigner transforms

Authors: Matthew A. Price, Jason D. McEwen

Abstract: Many areas of science and engineering encounter data defined on spherical manifolds. Modelling and analysis of spherical data often necessitates spherical harmonic transforms, at high degrees, and increasingly requires efficient computation of gradients for machine learning or other differentiable programming tasks. We develop novel algorithmic structures for accelerated and differentiable computation of generalised Fourier transforms on the sphere $\mathbb{S}^2$ and rotation group $\text{SO}(3)$, i.e. spherical harmonic and Wigner transforms, respectively. We present a recursive algorithm for the calculation of Wigner $d$-functions that is both stable to high harmonic degrees and extremely parallelisable. By tightly coupling this with separable spherical transforms, we obtain algorithms that exhibit an extremely parallelisable structure that is well-suited for the high throughput computing of modern hardware accelerators (e.g. GPUs). We also develop a hybrid automatic and manual differentiation approach so that gradients can be computed efficiently. Our algorithms are implemented within the JAX differentiable programming framework in the S2FFT software code. Numerous samplings of the sphere are supported, including equiangular and HEALPix sampling. Computational errors are at the order of machine precision for spherical samplings that admit a sampling theorem. When benchmarked against alternative C codes we observe up to a 400-fold acceleration. Furthermore, when distributing over multiple GPUs we achieve very close to optimal linear scaling with increasing number of GPUs due to the highly parallelised and balanced nature of our algorithms. Provided access to sufficiently many GPUs our transforms thus exhibit an unprecedented effective linear time complexity.

replace-cross Structured state-space models are deep Wiener models

Authors: Fabio Bonassi, Carl Andersson, Per Mattsson, Thomas B. Sch\"on

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to provide a system identification-friendly introduction to the Structured State-space Models (SSMs). These models have become recently popular in the machine learning community since, owing to their parallelizability, they can be efficiently and scalably trained to tackle extremely-long sequence classification and regression problems. Interestingly, SSMs appear as an effective way to learn deep Wiener models, which allows to reframe SSMs as an extension of a model class commonly used in system identification. In order to stimulate a fruitful exchange of ideas between the machine learning and system identification communities, we deem it useful to summarize the recent contributions on the topic in a structured and accessible form. At last, we highlight future research directions for which this community could provide impactful contributions.

replace-cross System-level Safety Guard: Safe Tracking Control through Uncertain Neural Network Dynamics Models

Authors: Xiao Li, Yutong Li, Anouck Girard, Ilya Kolmanovsky

Abstract: The Neural Network (NN), as a black-box function approximator, has been considered in many control and robotics applications. However, difficulties in verifying the overall system safety in the presence of uncertainties hinder the deployment of NN modules in safety-critical systems. In this paper, we leverage the NNs as predictive models for trajectory tracking of unknown dynamical systems. We consider controller design in the presence of both intrinsic uncertainty and uncertainties from other system modules. In this setting, we formulate the constrained trajectory tracking problem and show that it can be solved using Mixed-integer Linear Programming (MILP). The proposed MILP-based approach is empirically demonstrated in robot navigation and obstacle avoidance through simulations. The demonstration videos are available at


replace-cross Learn or Recall? Revisiting Incremental Learning with Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Junhao Zheng, Shengjie Qiu, Qianli Ma

Abstract: Incremental Learning (IL) has been a long-standing problem in both vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP) communities. In recent years, as Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have achieved remarkable progress in various NLP downstream tasks, utilizing PLMs as backbones has become a common practice in recent research of IL in NLP. Most assume that catastrophic forgetting is the biggest obstacle to achieving superior IL performance and propose various techniques to overcome this issue. However, we find that this assumption is problematic. Specifically, we revisit more than 20 methods on four classification tasks (Text Classification, Intent Classification, Relation Extraction, and Named Entity Recognition) under the two most popular IL settings (Class-Incremental and Task-Incremental) and reveal that most of them severely underestimate the inherent anti-forgetting ability of PLMs. Based on the observation, we propose a frustratingly easy method called SEQ* for IL with PLMs. The results show that SEQ* has competitive or superior performance compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) IL methods and requires considerably less trainable parameters and training time. These findings urge us to revisit the IL with PLMs and encourage future studies to have a fundamental understanding of the catastrophic forgetting in PLMs. The data, code and scripts are publicly available at


replace-cross Toward Deep Drum Source Separation

Authors: Alessandro Ilic Mezza, Riccardo Giampiccolo, Alberto Bernardini, Augusto Sarti

Abstract: In the past, the field of drum source separation faced significant challenges due to limited data availability, hindering the adoption of cutting-edge deep learning methods that have found success in other related audio applications. In this manuscript, we introduce StemGMD, a large-scale audio dataset of isolated single-instrument drum stems. Each audio clip is synthesized from MIDI recordings of expressive drums performances using ten real-sounding acoustic drum kits. Totaling 1224 hours, StemGMD is the largest audio dataset of drums to date and the first to comprise isolated audio clips for every instrument in a canonical nine-piece drum kit. We leverage StemGMD to develop LarsNet, a novel deep drum source separation model. Through a bank of dedicated U-Nets, LarsNet can separate five stems from a stereo drum mixture faster than real-time and is shown to significantly outperform state-of-the-art nonnegative spectro-temporal factorization methods.

replace-cross Image Restoration Through Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Bridge

Authors: Conghan Yue, Zhengwei Peng, Junlong Ma, Shiyan Du, Pengxu Wei, Dongyu Zhang

Abstract: Diffusion models exhibit powerful generative capabilities enabling noise mapping to data via reverse stochastic differential equations. However, in image restoration, the focus is on the mapping relationship from low-quality to high-quality images. Regarding this issue, we introduce the Generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Bridge (GOUB) model. By leveraging the natural mean-reverting property of the generalized OU process and further eliminating the variance of its steady-state distribution through the Doob's h-transform, we achieve diffusion mappings from point to point enabling the recovery of high-quality images from low-quality ones. Moreover, we unravel the fundamental mathematical essence shared by various bridge models, all of which are special instances of GOUB and empirically demonstrate the optimality of our proposed models. Additionally, we present the corresponding Mean-ODE model adept at capturing both pixel-level details and structural perceptions. Experimental outcomes showcase the state-of-the-art performance achieved by both models across diverse tasks, including inpainting, deraining, and super-resolution. Code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross FengWu-4DVar: Coupling the Data-driven Weather Forecasting Model with 4D Variational Assimilation

Authors: Yi Xiao, Lei Bai, Wei Xue, Kang Chen, Tao Han, Wanli Ouyang

Abstract: Weather forecasting is a crucial yet highly challenging task. With the maturity of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the emergence of data-driven weather forecasting models has opened up a new paradigm for the development of weather forecasting systems. Despite the significant successes that have been achieved (e.g., surpassing advanced traditional physical models for global medium-range forecasting), existing data-driven weather forecasting models still rely on the analysis fields generated by the traditional assimilation and forecasting system, which hampers the significance of data-driven weather forecasting models regarding both computational cost and forecasting accuracy. In this work, we explore the possibility of coupling the data-driven weather forecasting model with data assimilation by integrating the global AI weather forecasting model, FengWu, with one of the most popular assimilation algorithms, Four-Dimensional Variational (4DVar) assimilation, and develop an AI-based cyclic weather forecasting system, FengWu-4DVar. FengWu-4DVar can incorporate observational data into the data-driven weather forecasting model and consider the temporal evolution of atmospheric dynamics to obtain accurate analysis fields for making predictions in a cycling manner without the help of physical models. Owning to the auto-differentiation ability of deep learning models, FengWu-4DVar eliminates the need of developing the cumbersome adjoint model, which is usually required in the traditional implementation of the 4DVar algorithm. Experiments on the simulated observational dataset demonstrate that FengWu-4DVar is capable of generating reasonable analysis fields for making accurate and efficient iterative predictions.

replace-cross Metric Entropy-Free Sample Complexity Bounds for Sample Average Approximation in Convex Stochastic Programming

Authors: Hongcheng Liu, Jindong Tong

Abstract: This paper studies the sample average approximation (SAA) in solving convex or strongly convex stochastic programming problems. Under some common regularity conditions, we show -- perhaps for the first time -- that the SAA's sample complexity can be completely free from any quantification of metric entropy (such as the logarithm of the covering number), leading to a significantly more efficient rate with dimensionality $d$ than most existing results. From the newly established complexity bounds, an important revelation is that the SAA and the canonical stochastic mirror descent (SMD) method, two mainstream solution approaches to SP, entail almost identical rates of sample efficiency, rectifying a long-standing theoretical discrepancy of the SAA from the SMD by the order of $O(d)$. Furthermore, this paper explores non-Lipschitzian scenarios where the SAA maintains provable efficacy, whereas corresponding results for the SMD remain unexplored, indicating the potential of the SAA's better applicability in some irregular settings.

replace-cross Data-Driven Physics-Informed Neural Networks: A Digital Twin Perspective

Authors: Sunwoong Yang, Hojin Kim, Yoonpyo Hong, Kwanjung Yee, Romit Maulik, Namwoo Kang

Abstract: This study explores the potential of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) for the realization of digital twins (DT) from various perspectives. First, various adaptive sampling approaches for collocation points are investigated to verify their effectiveness in the mesh-free framework of PINNs, which allows automated construction of virtual representation without manual mesh generation. Then, the overall performance of the data-driven PINNs (DD-PINNs) framework is examined, which can utilize the acquired datasets in DT scenarios. Its scalability to more general physics is validated within parametric Navier-Stokes equations, where PINNs do not need to be retrained as the Reynolds number varies. In addition, since datasets can be often collected from different fidelity/sparsity in practice, multi-fidelity DD-PINNs are also proposed and evaluated. They show remarkable prediction performance even in the extrapolation tasks, with $42\sim62\%$ improvement over the single-fidelity approach. Finally, the uncertainty quantification performance of multi-fidelity DD-PINNs is investigated by the ensemble method to verify their potential in DT, where an accurate measure of predictive uncertainty is critical. The DD-PINN frameworks explored in this study are found to be more suitable for DT scenarios than traditional PINNs from the above perspectives, bringing engineers one step closer to seamless DT realization.

replace-cross Marabou 2.0: A Versatile Formal Analyzer of Neural Networks

Authors: Haoze Wu, Omri Isac, Aleksandar Zelji\'c, Teruhiro Tagomori, Matthew Daggitt, Wen Kokke, Idan Refaeli, Guy Amir, Kyle Julian, Shahaf Bassan, Pei Huang, Ori Lahav, Min Wu, Min Zhang, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Guy Katz, Clark Barrett

Abstract: This paper serves as a comprehensive system description of version 2.0 of the Marabou framework for formal analysis of neural networks. We discuss the tool's architectural design and highlight the major features and components introduced since its initial release.

replace-cross Bayesian Nonparametrics Meets Data-Driven Distributionally Robust Optimization

Authors: Nicola Bariletto, Nhat Ho

Abstract: Training machine learning and statistical models often involves optimizing a data-driven risk criterion. The risk is usually computed with respect to the empirical data distribution, but this may result in poor and unstable out-of-sample performance due to distributional uncertainty. In the spirit of distributionally robust optimization, we propose a novel robust criterion by combining insights from Bayesian nonparametric (i.e., Dirichlet process) theory and a recent decision-theoretic model of smooth ambiguity-averse preferences. First, we highlight novel connections with standard regularized empirical risk minimization techniques, among which Ridge and LASSO regressions. Then, we theoretically demonstrate the existence of favorable finite-sample and asymptotic statistical guarantees on the performance of the robust optimization procedure. For practical implementation, we propose and study tractable approximations of the criterion based on well-known Dirichlet process representations. We also show that the smoothness of the criterion naturally leads to standard gradient-based numerical optimization. Finally, we provide insights into the workings of our method by applying it to a variety of tasks based on simulated and real datasets.

replace-cross Rademacher Complexity of Neural ODEs via Chen-Fliess Series

Authors: Joshua Hanson, Maxim Raginsky

Abstract: We show how continuous-depth neural ODE models can be framed as single-layer, infinite-width nets using the Chen--Fliess series expansion for nonlinear ODEs. In this net, the output ``weights'' are taken from the signature of the control input -- a tool used to represent infinite-dimensional paths as a sequence of tensors -- which comprises iterated integrals of the control input over a simplex. The ``features'' are taken to be iterated Lie derivatives of the output function with respect to the vector fields in the controlled ODE model. The main result of this work applies this framework to derive compact expressions for the Rademacher complexity of ODE models that map an initial condition to a scalar output at some terminal time. The result leverages the straightforward analysis afforded by single-layer architectures. We conclude with some examples instantiating the bound for some specific systems and discuss potential follow-up work.

replace-cross Harm Amplification in Text-to-Image Models

Authors: Susan Hao, Renee Shelby, Yuchi Liu, Hansa Srinivasan, Mukul Bhutani, Burcu Karagol Ayan, Ryan Poplin, Shivani Poddar, Sarah Laszlo

Abstract: Text-to-image (T2I) models have emerged as a significant advancement in generative AI; however, there exist safety concerns regarding their potential to produce harmful image outputs even when users input seemingly safe prompts. This phenomenon, where T2I models generate harmful representations that were not explicit in the input, poses a potentially greater risk than adversarial prompts, leaving users unintentionally exposed to harms. Our paper addresses this issue by formalizing a definition for this phenomenon which we term harm amplification. We further contribute to the field by developing a framework of methodologies to quantify harm amplification in which we consider the harm of the model output in the context of user input. We then empirically examine how to apply these different methodologies to simulate real-world deployment scenarios including a quantification of disparate impacts across genders resulting from harm amplification. Together, our work aims to offer researchers tools to comprehensively address safety challenges in T2I systems and contribute to the responsible deployment of generative AI models.

replace-cross RSCNet: Dynamic CSI Compression for Cloud-based WiFi Sensing

Authors: Borna Barahimi, Hakam Singh, Hina Tabassum, Omer Waqar, Mohammad Omer

Abstract: WiFi-enabled Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices are evolving from mere communication devices to sensing instruments, leveraging Channel State Information (CSI) extraction capabilities. Nevertheless, resource-constrained IoT devices and the intricacies of deep neural networks necessitate transmitting CSI to cloud servers for sensing. Although feasible, this leads to considerable communication overhead. In this context, this paper develops a novel Real-time Sensing and Compression Network (RSCNet) which enables sensing with compressed CSI; thereby reducing the communication overheads. RSCNet facilitates optimization across CSI windows composed of a few CSI frames. Once transmitted to cloud servers, it employs Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) units to harness data from prior windows, thus bolstering both the sensing accuracy and CSI reconstruction. RSCNet adeptly balances the trade-off between CSI compression and sensing precision, thus streamlining real-time cloud-based WiFi sensing with reduced communication costs. Numerical findings demonstrate the gains of RSCNet over the existing benchmarks like SenseFi, showcasing a sensing accuracy of 97.4% with minimal CSI reconstruction error. Numerical results also show a computational analysis of the proposed RSCNet as a function of the number of CSI frames.

replace-cross REMEDI: Corrective Transformations for Improved Neural Entropy Estimation

Authors: Viktor Nilsson, Anirban Samaddar, Sandeep Madireddy, Pierre Nyquist

Abstract: Information theoretic quantities play a central role in machine learning. The recent surge in the complexity of data and models has increased the demand for accurate estimation of these quantities. However, as the dimension grows the estimation presents significant challenges, with existing methods struggling already in relatively low dimensions. To address this issue, in this work, we introduce $\texttt{REMEDI}$ for efficient and accurate estimation of differential entropy, a fundamental information theoretic quantity. The approach combines the minimization of the cross-entropy for simple, adaptive base models and the estimation of their deviation, in terms of the relative entropy, from the data density. Our approach demonstrates improvement across a broad spectrum of estimation tasks, encompassing entropy estimation on both synthetic and natural data. Further, we extend important theoretical consistency results to a more generalized setting required by our approach. We illustrate how the framework can be naturally extended to information theoretic supervised learning models, with a specific focus on the Information Bottleneck approach. It is demonstrated that the method delivers better accuracy compared to the existing methods in Information Bottleneck. In addition, we explore a natural connection between $\texttt{REMEDI}$ and generative modeling using rejection sampling and Langevin dynamics.

replace-cross Generation Meets Verification: Accelerating Large Language Model Inference with Smart Parallel Auto-Correct Decoding

Authors: Hanling Yi, Feng Lin, Hongbin Li, Peiyang Ning, Xiaotian Yu, Rong Xiao

Abstract: This research aims to accelerate the inference speed of large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters. We propose \textbf{S}mart \textbf{P}arallel \textbf{A}uto-\textbf{C}orrect d\textbf{E}coding (SPACE), an innovative approach designed for achieving lossless acceleration of LLMs. By integrating semi-autoregressive inference and speculative decoding capabilities, SPACE uniquely enables autoregressive LLMs to parallelize token generation and verification. This is realized through a specialized semi-autoregressive supervised fine-tuning process that equips existing LLMs with the ability to simultaneously predict multiple tokens. Additionally, an auto-correct decoding algorithm facilitates the simultaneous generation and verification of token sequences within a single model invocation. Through extensive experiments on a range of LLMs, SPACE has demonstrated inference speedup ranging from 2.7x-4.0x on HumanEval-X while maintaining output quality.

replace-cross Practice Makes Perfect: Planning to Learn Skill Parameter Policies

Authors: Nishanth Kumar, Tom Silver, Willie McClinton, Linfeng Zhao, Stephen Proulx, Tom\'as Lozano-P\'erez, Leslie Pack Kaelbling, Jennifer Barry

Abstract: One promising approach towards effective robot decision making in complex, long-horizon tasks is to sequence together parameterized skills. We consider a setting where a robot is initially equipped with (1) a library of parameterized skills, (2) an AI planner for sequencing together the skills given a goal, and (3) a very general prior distribution for selecting skill parameters. Once deployed, the robot should rapidly and autonomously learn to improve its performance by specializing its skill parameter selection policy to the particular objects, goals, and constraints in its environment. In this work, we focus on the active learning problem of choosing which skills to practice to maximize expected future task success. We propose that the robot should estimate the competence of each skill, extrapolate the competence (asking: "how much would the competence improve through practice?"), and situate the skill in the task distribution through competence-aware planning. This approach is implemented within a fully autonomous system where the robot repeatedly plans, practices, and learns without any environment resets. Through experiments in simulation, we find that our approach learns effective parameter policies more sample-efficiently than several baselines. Experiments in the real-world demonstrate our approach's ability to handle noise from perception and control and improve the robot's ability to solve two long-horizon mobile-manipulation tasks after a few hours of autonomous practice. Project website:


replace-cross HiGPT: Heterogeneous Graph Language Model

Authors: Jiabin Tang, Yuhao Yang, Wei Wei, Lei Shi, Long Xia, Dawei Yin, Chao Huang

Abstract: Heterogeneous graph learning aims to capture complex relationships and diverse relational semantics among entities in a heterogeneous graph to obtain meaningful representations for nodes and edges. Recent advancements in heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance by considering relation heterogeneity and using specialized message functions and aggregation rules. However, existing frameworks for heterogeneous graph learning have limitations in generalizing across diverse heterogeneous graph datasets. Most of these frameworks follow the "pre-train" and "fine-tune" paradigm on the same dataset, which restricts their capacity to adapt to new and unseen data. This raises the question: "Can we generalize heterogeneous graph models to be well-adapted to diverse downstream learning tasks with distribution shifts in both node token sets and relation type heterogeneity?'' To tackle those challenges, we propose HiGPT, a general large graph model with Heterogeneous graph instruction-tuning paradigm. Our framework enables learning from arbitrary heterogeneous graphs without the need for any fine-tuning process from downstream datasets. To handle distribution shifts in heterogeneity, we introduce an in-context heterogeneous graph tokenizer that captures semantic relationships in different heterogeneous graphs, facilitating model adaptation. We incorporate a large corpus of heterogeneity-aware graph instructions into our HiGPT, enabling the model to effectively comprehend complex relation heterogeneity and distinguish between various types of graph tokens. Furthermore, we introduce the Mixture-of-Thought (MoT) instruction augmentation paradigm to mitigate data scarcity by generating diverse and informative instructions. Through comprehensive evaluations, our proposed framework demonstrates exceptional performance in terms of generalization performance.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Convex Optimization Approach

Authors: Ather Gattami

Abstract: In this paper, we consider reinforcement learning of nonlinear systems with continuous state and action spaces. We present an episodic learning algorithm, where we for each episode use convex optimization to find a two-layer neural network approximation of the optimal $Q$-function. The convex optimization approach guarantees that the weights calculated at each episode are optimal, with respect to the given sampled states and actions of the current episode. For stable nonlinear systems, we show that the algorithm converges and that the converging parameters of the trained neural network can be made arbitrarily close to the optimal neural network parameters. In particular, if the regularization parameter in the training phase is given by $\rho$, then the parameters of the trained neural network converge to $w$, where the distance between $w$ and the optimal parameters $w^\star$ is bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\rho)$. That is, when the number of episodes goes to infinity, there exists a constant $C$ such that \[ \|w-w^\star\| \le C\rho. \] In particular, our algorithm converges arbitrarily close to the optimal neural network parameters as the regularization parameter goes to zero. As a consequence, our algorithm converges fast due to the polynomial-time convergence of convex optimization algorithms.

replace-cross False Positive Sampling-based Data Augmentation for Enhanced 3D Object Detection Accuracy

Authors: Jiyong Oh, Junhaeng Lee, Woongchan Byun, Minsang Kong, Sang Hun Lee

Abstract: Recent studies have focused on enhancing the performance of 3D object detection models. Among various approaches, ground-truth sampling has been proposed as an augmentation technique to address the challenges posed by limited ground-truth data. However, an inherent issue with ground-truth sampling is its tendency to increase false positives. Therefore, this study aims to overcome the limitations of ground-truth sampling and improve the performance of 3D object detection models by developing a new augmentation technique called false-positive sampling. False-positive sampling involves retraining the model using point clouds that are identified as false positives in the model's predictions. We propose an algorithm that utilizes both ground-truth and false-positive sampling and an algorithm for building the false-positive sample database. Additionally, we analyze the principles behind the performance enhancement due to false-positive sampling. Our experiments demonstrate that models utilizing false-positive sampling show a reduction in false positives and exhibit improved object detection performance. On the KITTI and Waymo Open datasets, models with false-positive sampling surpass the baseline models by a large margin.

replace-cross Are Targeted Messages More Effective?

Authors: Martin Grohe, Eran Rosenbluth

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNN) are deep learning architectures for graphs. Essentially, a GNN is a distributed message passing algorithm, which is controlled by parameters learned from data. It operates on the vertices of a graph: in each iteration, vertices receive a message on each incoming edge, aggregate these messages, and then update their state based on their current state and the aggregated messages. The expressivity of GNNs can be characterised in terms of certain fragments of first-order logic with counting and the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. The core GNN architecture comes in two different versions. In the first version, a message only depends on the state of the source vertex, whereas in the second version it depends on the states of the source and target vertices. In practice, both of these versions are used, but the theory of GNNs so far mostly focused on the first one. On the logical side, the two versions correspond to two fragments of first-order logic with counting that we call modal and guarded. The question whether the two versions differ in their expressivity has been mostly overlooked in the GNN literature and has only been asked recently (Grohe, LICS'23). We answer this question here. It turns out that the answer is not as straightforward as one might expect. By proving that the modal and guarded fragment of first-order logic with counting have the same expressivity over labelled undirected graphs, we show that in a non-uniform setting the two GNN versions have the same expressivity. However, we also prove that in a uniform setting the second version is strictly more expressive.

replace-cross Addressing the Regulatory Gap: Moving Towards an EU AI Audit Ecosystem Beyond the AIA by Including Civil Society

Authors: David Hartmann, Jos\'e Renato Laranjeira de Pereira, Chiara Streitb\"orger, Bettina Berendt

Abstract: The European legislature has proposed the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) to regulate platforms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) products. We review to what extent third-party audits are part of both laws and to what extent access to models and data is provided. By considering the value of third-party audits and third-party data access in an audit ecosystem, we identify a regulatory gap in that the Artificial Intelligence Act does not provide access to data for researchers and civil society. Our contributions to the literature include: (1) Defining an AI audit ecosystem that incorporates compliance and oversight. (2) Highlighting a regulatory gap within the DSA and AIA regulatory framework, preventing the establishment of an AI audit ecosystem. (3) Emphasizing that third-party audits by research and civil society must be part of that ecosystem and demand that the AIA include data and model access for certain AI products. We call for the DSA to provide NGOs and investigative journalists with data access to platforms by delegated acts and for adaptions and amendments of the AIA to provide third-party audits and data and model access at least for high-risk systems to close the regulatory gap. Regulations modeled after European Union AI regulations should enable data access and third-party audits, fostering an AI audit ecosystem that promotes compliance and oversight mechanisms.

replace-cross Derivative-informed neural operator acceleration of geometric MCMC for infinite-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems

Authors: Lianghao Cao, Thomas O'Leary-Roseberry, Omar Ghattas

Abstract: We propose an operator learning approach to accelerate geometric Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for solving infinite-dimensional Bayesian inverse problems (BIPs). While geometric MCMC employs high-quality proposals that adapt to posterior local geometry, it requires repeated computations of gradients and Hessians of the log-likelihood, which becomes prohibitive when the parameter-to-observable (PtO) map is defined through expensive-to-solve parametric partial differential equations (PDEs). We consider a delayed-acceptance geometric MCMC method driven by a neural operator surrogate of the PtO map, where the proposal exploits fast surrogate predictions of the log-likelihood and, simultaneously, its gradient and Hessian. To achieve a substantial speedup, the surrogate must accurately approximate the PtO map and its Jacobian, which often demands a prohibitively large number of PtO map samples via conventional operator learning methods. In this work, we present an extension of derivative-informed operator learning [O'Leary-Roseberry et al., J. Comput. Phys., 496 (2024)] that uses joint samples of the PtO map and its Jacobian. This leads to derivative-informed neural operator (DINO) surrogates that accurately predict the observables and posterior local geometry at a significantly lower training cost than conventional methods. Cost and error analysis for reduced basis DINO surrogates are provided. Numerical studies demonstrate that DINO-driven MCMC generates effective posterior samples 3--9 times faster than geometric MCMC and 60--97 times faster than prior geometry-based MCMC. Furthermore, the training cost of DINO surrogates breaks even compared to geometric MCMC after just 10--25 effective posterior samples.

replace-cross Detoxifying Large Language Models via Knowledge Editing

Authors: Mengru Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Ziwen Xu, Zekun Xi, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Qishen Zhang, Linyi Yang, Jindong Wang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: This paper investigates using knowledge editing techniques to detoxify Large Language Models (LLMs). We construct a benchmark, SafeEdit, which covers nine unsafe categories with various powerful attack prompts and equips comprehensive metrics for systematic evaluation. We conduct experiments with several knowledge editing approaches, indicating that knowledge editing has the potential to detoxify LLMs with a limited impact on general performance efficiently. Then, we propose a simple yet effective baseline, dubbed Detoxifying with Intraoperative Neural Monitoring (DINM), to diminish the toxicity of LLMs within a few tuning steps via only one instance. We further provide an in-depth analysis of the internal mechanism for various detoxifying approaches, demonstrating that previous methods like SFT and DPO may merely suppress the activations of toxic parameters, while DINM mitigates the toxicity of the toxic parameters to a certain extent, making permanent adjustments. We hope that these insights could shed light on future work of developing detoxifying approaches and the underlying knowledge mechanisms of LLMs. Code and benchmark are available at


replace-cross RALL-E: Robust Codec Language Modeling with Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Text-to-Speech Synthesis

Authors: Detai Xin, Xu Tan, Kai Shen, Zeqian Ju, Dongchao Yang, Yuancheng Wang, Shinnosuke Takamichi, Hiroshi Saruwatari, Shujie Liu, Jinyu Li, Sheng Zhao

Abstract: We present RALL-E, a robust language modeling method for text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis. While previous work based on large language models (LLMs) shows impressive performance on zero-shot TTS, such methods often suffer from poor robustness, such as unstable prosody (weird pitch and rhythm/duration) and a high word error rate (WER), due to the autoregressive prediction style of language models. The core idea behind RALL-E is chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, which decomposes the task into simpler steps to enhance the robustness of LLM-based TTS. To accomplish this idea, RALL-E first predicts prosody features (pitch and duration) of the input text and uses them as intermediate conditions to predict speech tokens in a CoT style. Second, RALL-E utilizes the predicted duration prompt to guide the computing of self-attention weights in Transformer to enforce the model to focus on the corresponding phonemes and prosody features when predicting speech tokens. Results of comprehensive objective and subjective evaluations demonstrate that, compared to a powerful baseline method VALL-E, RALL-E significantly improves the WER of zero-shot TTS from $5.6\%$ (without reranking) and $1.7\%$ (with reranking) to $2.5\%$ and $1.0\%$, respectively. Furthermore, we demonstrate that RALL-E correctly synthesizes sentences that are hard for VALL-E and reduces the error rate from $68\%$ to $4\%$.

replace-cross Humanoid-Gym: Reinforcement Learning for Humanoid Robot with Zero-Shot Sim2Real Transfer

Authors: Xinyang Gu, Yen-Jen Wang, Jianyu Chen

Abstract: Humanoid-Gym is an easy-to-use reinforcement learning (RL) framework based on Nvidia Isaac Gym, designed to train locomotion skills for humanoid robots, emphasizing zero-shot transfer from simulation to the real-world environment. Humanoid-Gym also integrates a sim-to-sim framework from Isaac Gym to Mujoco that allows users to verify the trained policies in different physical simulations to ensure the robustness and generalization of the policies. This framework is verified by RobotEra's XBot-S (1.2-meter tall humanoid robot) and XBot-L (1.65-meter tall humanoid robot) in a real-world environment with zero-shot sim-to-real transfer. The project website and source code can be found at:


replace-cross Language Model Prompt Selection via Simulation Optimization

Authors: Haoting Zhang, Jinghai He, Rhonda Righter, Zeyu Zheng

Abstract: With the advancement in generative language models, the selection of prompts has gained significant attention in recent years. A prompt is an instruction or description provided by the user, serving as a guide for the generative language model in content generation. Despite existing methods for prompt selection that are based on human labor, we consider facilitating this selection through simulation optimization, aiming to maximize a pre-defined score for the selected prompt. Specifically, we propose a two-stage framework. In the first stage, we determine a feasible set of prompts in sufficient numbers, where each prompt is represented by a moderate-dimensional vector. In the subsequent stage for evaluation and selection, we construct a surrogate model of the score regarding the moderate-dimensional vectors that represent the prompts. We propose sequentially selecting the prompt for evaluation based on this constructed surrogate model. We prove the consistency of the sequential evaluation procedure in our framework. We also conduct numerical experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed framework, providing practical instructions for implementation.

replace-cross EEGDiR: Electroencephalogram denoising network for temporal information storage and global modeling through Retentive Network

Authors: Bin Wang, Fei Deng, Peifan Jiang

Abstract: Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals play a pivotal role in clinical medicine, brain research, and neurological disease studies. However, susceptibility to various physiological and environmental artifacts introduces noise in recorded EEG data, impeding accurate analysis of underlying brain activity. Denoising techniques are crucial to mitigate this challenge. Recent advancements in deep learningbased approaches exhibit substantial potential for enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio of EEG data compared to traditional methods. In the realm of large-scale language models (LLMs), the Retentive Network (Retnet) infrastructure, prevalent for some models, demonstrates robust feature extraction and global modeling capabilities. Recognizing the temporal similarities between EEG signals and natural language, we introduce the Retnet from natural language processing to EEG denoising. This integration presents a novel approach to EEG denoising, opening avenues for a profound understanding of brain activities and accurate diagnosis of neurological diseases. Nonetheless, direct application of Retnet to EEG denoising is unfeasible due to the one-dimensional nature of EEG signals, while natural language processing deals with two-dimensional data. To facilitate Retnet application to EEG denoising, we propose the signal embedding method, transforming one-dimensional EEG signals into two dimensions for use as network inputs. Experimental results validate the substantial improvement in denoising effectiveness achieved by the proposed method.

replace-cross Learning Force Control for Legged Manipulation

Authors: Tifanny Portela, Gabriel B. Margolis, Yandong Ji, Pulkit Agrawal

Abstract: Controlling contact forces during interactions is critical for locomotion and manipulation tasks. While sim-to-real reinforcement learning (RL) has succeeded in many contact-rich problems, current RL methods achieve forceful interactions implicitly without explicitly regulating forces. We propose a method for training RL policies for direct force control without requiring access to force sensing. We showcase our method on a whole-body control platform of a quadruped robot with an arm. Such force control enables us to perform gravity compensation and impedance control, unlocking compliant whole-body manipulation. The learned whole-body controller with variable compliance makes it intuitive for humans to teleoperate the robot by only commanding the manipulator, and the robot's body adjusts automatically to achieve the desired position and force. Consequently, a human teleoperator can easily demonstrate a wide variety of loco-manipulation tasks. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first deployment of learned whole-body force control in legged manipulators, paving the way for more versatile and adaptable legged robots.

replace-cross Special Characters Attack: Toward Scalable Training Data Extraction From Large Language Models

Authors: Yang Bai, Ge Pei, Jindong Gu, Yong Yang, Xingjun Ma

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance on a wide range of tasks. However, recent studies have shown that LLMs can memorize training data and simple repeated tokens can trick the model to leak the data. In this paper, we take a step further and show that certain special characters or their combinations with English letters are stronger memory triggers, leading to more severe data leakage. The intuition is that, since LLMs are trained with massive data that contains a substantial amount of special characters (e.g. structural symbols {, } of JSON files, and @, # in emails and online posts), the model may memorize the co-occurrence between these special characters and the raw texts. This motivates us to propose a simple but effective Special Characters Attack (SCA) to induce training data leakage. Our experiments verify the high effectiveness of SCA against state-of-the-art LLMs: they can leak diverse training data, such as code corpus, web pages, and personally identifiable information, and sometimes generate non-stop outputs as a byproduct. We further show that the composition of the training data corpus can be revealed by inspecting the leaked data -- one crucial piece of information for pre-training high-performance LLMs. Our work can help understand the sensitivity of LLMs to special characters and identify potential areas for improvement.

replace-cross Improving Instruction Following in Language Models through Proxy-Based Uncertainty Estimation

Authors: JoonHo Lee, Jae Oh Woo, Juree Seok, Parisa Hassanzadeh, Wooseok Jang, JuYoun Son, Sima Didari, Baruch Gutow, Heng Hao, Hankyu Moon, Wenjun Hu, Yeong-Dae Kwon, Taehee Lee, Seungjai Min

Abstract: Assessing response quality to instructions in language models is vital but challenging due to the complexity of human language across different contexts. This complexity often results in ambiguous or inconsistent interpretations, making accurate assessment difficult. To address this issue, we propose a novel Uncertainty-aware Reward Model (URM) that introduces a robust uncertainty estimation for the quality of paired responses based on Bayesian approximation. Trained with preference datasets, our uncertainty-enabled proxy not only scores rewards for responses but also evaluates their inherent uncertainty. Empirical results demonstrate significant benefits of incorporating the proposed proxy into language model training. Our method boosts the instruction following capability of language models by refining data curation for training and improving policy optimization objectives, thereby surpassing existing methods by a large margin on benchmarks such as Vicuna and MT-bench. These findings highlight that our proposed approach substantially advances language model training and paves a new way of harnessing uncertainty within language models.

replace-cross Boolean matrix logic programming for active learning of gene functions in genome-scale metabolic network models

Authors: Lun Ai, Stephen H. Muggleton, Shi-Shun Liang, Geoff S. Baldwin

Abstract: Techniques to autonomously drive research have been prominent in Computational Scientific Discovery, while Synthetic Biology is a field of science that focuses on designing and constructing new biological systems for useful purposes. Here we seek to apply logic-based machine learning techniques to facilitate cellular engineering and drive biological discovery. Comprehensive databases of metabolic processes called genome-scale metabolic network models (GEMs) are often used to evaluate cellular engineering strategies to optimise target compound production. However, predicted host behaviours are not always correctly described by GEMs, often due to errors in the models. The task of learning the intricate genetic interactions within GEMs presents computational and empirical challenges. To address these, we describe a novel approach called Boolean Matrix Logic Programming (BMLP) by leveraging boolean matrices to evaluate large logic programs. We introduce a new system, $BMLP_{active}$, which efficiently explores the genomic hypothesis space by guiding informative experimentation through active learning. In contrast to sub-symbolic methods, $BMLP_{active}$ encodes a state-of-the-art GEM of a widely accepted bacterial host in an interpretable and logical representation using datalog logic programs. Notably, $BMLP_{active}$ can successfully learn the interaction between a gene pair with fewer training examples than random experimentation, overcoming the increase in experimental design space. $BMLP_{active}$ enables rapid optimisation of metabolic models to reliably engineer biological systems for producing useful compounds. It offers a realistic approach to creating a self-driving lab for microbial engineering.

replace-cross A geometric decomposition of finite games: Convergence vs. recurrence under exponential weights

Authors: Davide Legacci, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Bary Pradelski

Abstract: In view of the complexity of the dynamics of learning in games, we seek to decompose a game into simpler components where the dynamics' long-run behavior is well understood. A natural starting point for this is Helmholtz's theorem, which decomposes a vector field into a potential and an incompressible component. However, the geometry of game dynamics - and, in particular, the dynamics of exponential / multiplicative weights (EW) schemes - is not compatible with the Euclidean underpinnings of Helmholtz's theorem. This leads us to consider a specific Riemannian framework based on the so-called Shahshahani metric, and introduce the class of incompressible games, for which we establish the following results: First, in addition to being volume-preserving, the continuous-time EW dynamics in incompressible games admit a constant of motion and are Poincar\'e recurrent - i.e., almost every trajectory of play comes arbitrarily close to its starting point infinitely often. Second, we establish a deep connection with a well-known decomposition of games into a potential and harmonic component (where the players' objectives are aligned and anti-aligned respectively): a game is incompressible if and only if it is harmonic, implying in turn that the EW dynamics lead to Poincar\'e recurrence in harmonic games.

replace-cross PLA-SGCN: Protein-Ligand Binding Affinity Prediction by Integrating Similar Pairs and Semi-supervised Graph Convolutional Network

Authors: Karim Abbasi, Parvin Razzaghi, Amin Ghareyazi, Hamid R. Rabiee

Abstract: The protein-ligand binding affinity (PLA) prediction goal is to predict whether or not the ligand could bind to a protein sequence. Recently, in PLA prediction, deep learning has received much attention. Two steps are involved in deep learning-based approaches: feature extraction and task prediction step. Many deep learning-based approaches concentrate on introducing new feature extraction networks or integrating auxiliary knowledge like protein-protein interaction networks or gene ontology knowledge. Then, a task prediction network is designed simply using some fully connected layers. This paper aims to integrate retrieved similar hard protein-ligand pairs in PLA prediction (i.e., task prediction step) using a semi-supervised graph convolutional network (GCN). Hard protein-ligand pairs are retrieved for each input query sample based on the manifold smoothness constraint. Then, a graph is learned automatically in which each node is a protein-ligand pair, and each edge represents the similarity between pairs. In other words, an end-to-end framework is proposed that simultaneously retrieves hard similar samples, learns protein-ligand descriptor, learns the graph topology of the input sample with retrieved similar hard samples (learn adjacency matrix), and learns a semi-supervised GCN to predict the binding affinity (as task predictor). The training step adjusts the parameter values, and in the inference step, the learned model is fine-tuned for each input sample. To evaluate the proposed approach, it is applied to the four well-known PDBbind, Davis, KIBA, and BindingDB datasets. The results show that the proposed method significantly performs better than the comparable approaches.

replace-cross MambaOut: Do We Really Need Mamba for Vision?

Authors: Weihao Yu, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: Mamba, an architecture with RNN-like token mixer of state space model (SSM), was recently introduced to address the quadratic complexity of the attention mechanism and subsequently applied to vision tasks. Nevertheless, the performance of Mamba for vision is often underwhelming when compared with convolutional and attention-based models. In this paper, we delve into the essence of Mamba, and conceptually conclude that Mamba is ideally suited for tasks with long-sequence and autoregressive characteristics. For vision tasks, as image classification does not align with either characteristic, we hypothesize that Mamba is not necessary for this task; Detection and segmentation tasks are also not autoregressive, yet they adhere to the long-sequence characteristic, so we believe it is still worthwhile to explore Mamba's potential for these tasks. To empirically verify our hypotheses, we construct a series of models named MambaOut through stacking Mamba blocks while removing their core token mixer, SSM. Experimental results strongly support our hypotheses. Specifically, our MambaOut model surpasses all visual Mamba models on ImageNet image classification, indicating that Mamba is indeed unnecessary for this task. As for detection and segmentation, MambaOut cannot match the performance of state-of-the-art visual Mamba models, demonstrating the potential of Mamba for long-sequence visual tasks. The code is available at


replace-cross Differentially Private Federated Learning: A Systematic Review

Authors: Jie Fu, Yuan Hong, Xinpeng Ling, Leixia Wang, Xun Ran, Zhiyu Sun, Wendy Hui Wang, Zhili Chen, Yang Cao

Abstract: In recent years, privacy and security concerns in machine learning have promoted trusted federated learning to the forefront of research. Differential privacy has emerged as the de facto standard for privacy protection in federated learning due to its rigorous mathematical foundation and provable guarantee. Despite extensive research on algorithms that incorporate differential privacy within federated learning, there remains an evident deficiency in systematic reviews that categorize and synthesize these studies. Our work presents a systematic overview of the differentially private federated learning. Existing taxonomies have not adequately considered objects and level of privacy protection provided by various differential privacy models in federated learning. To rectify this gap, we propose a new taxonomy of differentially private federated learning based on definition and guarantee of various differential privacy models and federated scenarios. Our classification allows for a clear delineation of the protected objects across various differential privacy models and their respective neighborhood levels within federated learning environments. Furthermore, we explore the applications of differential privacy in federated learning scenarios. Our work provide valuable insights into privacy-preserving federated learning and suggest practical directions for future research.

replace-cross Motion Prediction with Gaussian Processes for Safe Human-Robot Interaction in Virtual Environments

Authors: Stanley Mugisha, Vamsi Krishna Guda, Christine Chevallereau, Damien Chablat, Matteo Zoppi

Abstract: Humans use collaborative robots as tools for accomplishing various tasks. The interaction between humans and robots happens in tight shared workspaces. However, these machines must be safe to operate alongside humans to minimize the risk of accidental collisions. Ensuring safety imposes many constraints, such as reduced torque and velocity limits during operation, thus increasing the time to accomplish many tasks. However, for applications such as using collaborative robots as haptic interfaces with intermittent contacts for virtual reality applications, speed limitations result in poor user experiences. This research aims to improve the efficiency of a collaborative robot while improving the safety of the human user. We used Gaussian process models to predict human hand motion and developed strategies for human intention detection based on hand motion and gaze to improve the time for the robot and human security in a virtual environment. We then studied the effect of prediction. Results from comparisons show that the prediction models improved the robot time by 3\% and safety by 17\%. When used alongside gaze, prediction with Gaussian process models resulted in an improvement of the robot time by 2\% and the safety by 13\%.

replace-cross AmazUtah_NLP at SemEval-2024 Task 9: A MultiChoice Question Answering System for Commonsense Defying Reasoning

Authors: Mina Ghashami, Soumya Smruti Mishra

Abstract: The SemEval 2024 BRAINTEASER task represents a pioneering venture in Natural Language Processing (NLP) by focusing on lateral thinking, a dimension of cognitive reasoning that is often overlooked in traditional linguistic analyses. This challenge comprises of Sentence Puzzle and Word Puzzle subtasks and aims to test language models' capacity for divergent thinking. In this paper, we present our approach to the BRAINTEASER task. We employ a holistic strategy by leveraging cutting-edge pre-trained models in multiple choice architecture, and diversify the training data with Sentence and Word Puzzle datasets. To gain further improvement, we fine-tuned the model with synthetic humor or jokes dataset and the RiddleSense dataset which helped augmenting the model's lateral thinking abilities. Empirical results show that our approach achieve 92.5% accuracy in Sentence Puzzle subtask and 80.2% accuracy in Word Puzzle subtask.

replace-cross Neural Optimization with Adaptive Heuristics for Intelligent Marketing System

Authors: Changshuai Wei, Benjamin Zelditch, Joyce Chen, Andre Assuncao Silva T Ribeiro, Jingyi Kenneth Tay, Borja Ocejo Elizondo, Keerthi Selvaraj, Aman Gupta, Licurgo Benemann De Almeida

Abstract: Computational marketing has become increasingly important in today's digital world, facing challenges such as massive heterogeneous data, multi-channel customer journeys, and limited marketing budgets. In this paper, we propose a general framework for marketing AI systems, the Neural Optimization with Adaptive Heuristics (NOAH) framework. NOAH is the first general framework for marketing optimization that considers both to-business (2B) and to-consumer (2C) products, as well as both owned and paid channels. We describe key modules of the NOAH framework, including prediction, optimization, and adaptive heuristics, providing examples for bidding and content optimization. We then detail the successful application of NOAH to LinkedIn's email marketing system, showcasing significant wins over the legacy ranking system. Additionally, we share details and insights that are broadly useful, particularly on: (i) addressing delayed feedback with lifetime value, (ii) performing large-scale linear programming with randomization, (iii) improving retrieval with audience expansion, (iv) reducing signal dilution in targeting tests, and (v) handling zero-inflated heavy-tail metrics in statistical testing.