new CausalPlayground: Addressing Data-Generation Requirements in Cutting-Edge Causality Research

Authors: Andreas W M Sauter, Erman Acar, Aske Plaat

Abstract: Research on causal effects often relies on synthetic data due to the scarcity of real-world datasets with ground-truth effects. Since current data-generating tools do not always meet all requirements for state-of-the-art research, ad-hoc methods are often employed. This leads to heterogeneity among datasets and delays research progress. We address the shortcomings of current data-generating libraries by introducing CausalPlayground, a Python library that provides a standardized platform for generating, sampling, and sharing structural causal models (SCMs). CausalPlayground offers fine-grained control over SCMs, interventions, and the generation of datasets of SCMs for learning and quantitative research. Furthermore, by integrating with Gymnasium, the standard framework for reinforcement learning (RL) environments, we enable online interaction with the SCMs. Overall, by introducing CausalPlayground we aim to foster more efficient and comparable research in the field. All code and API documentation is available at


new The Role of Emotions in Informational Support Question-Response Pairs in Online Health Communities: A Multimodal Deep Learning Approach

Authors: Mohsen Jozani, Jason A. Williams, Ahmed Aleroud, Sarbottam Bhagat

Abstract: This study explores the relationship between informational support seeking questions, responses, and helpfulness ratings in online health communities. We created a labeled data set of question-response pairs and developed multimodal machine learning and deep learning models to reliably predict informational support questions and responses. We employed explainable AI to reveal the emotions embedded in informational support exchanges, demonstrating the importance of emotion in providing informational support. This complex interplay between emotional and informational support has not been previously researched. The study refines social support theory and lays the groundwork for the development of user decision aids. Further implications are discussed.

new Mamo: a Mathematical Modeling Benchmark with Solvers

Authors: Xuhan Huang, Qingning Shen, Yan Hu, Anningzhe Gao, Benyou Wang

Abstract: Mathematical modeling involves representing real-world phenomena, systems, or problems using mathematical expressions and equations to analyze, understand, and predict their behavior. Given that this process typically requires experienced experts, there is an interest in exploring whether Large Language Models (LLMs) can undertake mathematical modeling to potentially decrease human labor. To evaluate of LLMs in mathematical modeling, we introduce a new benchmark, Mamo, that transcends traditional result-oriented assessments. Unlike conventional methods that primarily assess LLMs based on the accuracy of solutions to mathematical problems, our approach offers deeper insight into the modeling process itself. By focusing on the processes LLMs undertake rather than the correctness of their final solutions, Mamo pioneers a novel evaluation paradigm. This shift underscores the importance of understanding the inherent modeling capabilities of LLMs, paving the way for a more nuanced and comprehensive analysis of their problem-solving strategies. Our work marks a significant advancement in the field, suggesting a new direction for future research by emphasizing the evaluation of LLMs' modeling processes over the mere correctness of answers. This benchmark not only facilitates a better understanding of LLMs' mathematical modeling capabilities but also sets a new standard for evaluating their performance in complex problem-solving scenarios.

new How Reliable AI Chatbots are for Disease Prediction from Patient Complaints?

Authors: Ayesha Siddika Nipu, K M Sajjadul Islam, Praveen Madiraju

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) are gaining traction in healthcare for their potential to automate patient interactions and aid clinical decision-making. This study examines the reliability of AI chatbots, specifically GPT 4.0, Claude 3 Opus, and Gemini Ultra 1.0, in predicting diseases from patient complaints in the emergency department. The methodology includes few-shot learning techniques to evaluate the chatbots' effectiveness in disease prediction. We also fine-tune the transformer-based model BERT and compare its performance with the AI chatbots. Results suggest that GPT 4.0 achieves high accuracy with increased few-shot data, while Gemini Ultra 1.0 performs well with fewer examples, and Claude 3 Opus maintains consistent performance. BERT's performance, however, is lower than all the chatbots, indicating limitations due to limited labeled data. Despite the chatbots' varying accuracy, none of them are sufficiently reliable for critical medical decision-making, underscoring the need for rigorous validation and human oversight. This study reflects that while AI chatbots have potential in healthcare, they should complement, not replace, human expertise to ensure patient safety. Further refinement and research are needed to improve AI-based healthcare applications' reliability for disease prediction.

new Multiple Realizability and the Rise of Deep Learning

Authors: Sam Whitman McGrath, Jacob Russin

Abstract: The multiple realizability thesis holds that psychological states may be implemented in a diversity of physical systems. The deep learning revolution seems to be bringing this possibility to life, offering the most plausible examples of man-made realizations of sophisticated cognitive functions to date. This paper explores the implications of deep learning models for the multiple realizability thesis. Among other things, it challenges the widely held view that multiple realizability entails that the study of the mind can and must be pursued independently of the study of its implementation in the brain or in artificial analogues. Although its central contribution is philosophical, the paper has substantial methodological upshots for contemporary cognitive science, suggesting that deep neural networks may play a crucial role in formulating and evaluating hypotheses about cognition, even if they are interpreted as implementation-level models. In the age of deep learning, multiple realizability possesses a renewed significance.

new Goals as Reward-Producing Programs

Authors: Guy Davidson, Graham Todd, Julian Togelius, Todd M. Gureckis, Brenden M. Lake

Abstract: People are remarkably capable of generating their own goals, beginning with child's play and continuing into adulthood. Despite considerable empirical and computational work on goals and goal-oriented behavior, models are still far from capturing the richness of everyday human goals. Here, we bridge this gap by collecting a dataset of human-generated playful goals, modeling them as reward-producing programs, and generating novel human-like goals through program synthesis. Reward-producing programs capture the rich semantics of goals through symbolic operations that compose, add temporal constraints, and allow for program execution on behavioral traces to evaluate progress. To build a generative model of goals, we learn a fitness function over the infinite set of possible goal programs and sample novel goals with a quality-diversity algorithm. Human evaluators found that model-generated goals, when sampled from partitions of program space occupied by human examples, were indistinguishable from human-created games. We also discovered that our model's internal fitness scores predict games that are evaluated as more fun to play and more human-like.

new "Turing Tests" For An AI Scientist

Authors: Xiaoxin Yin

Abstract: While LLMs have shown impressive capabilities in solving math or coding problems, the ability to make scientific discoveries remains a distinct challenge. This paper proposes a "Turing test for an AI scientist" to assess whether an AI agent can conduct scientific research independently, without relying on human-generated knowledge. Drawing inspiration from the historical development of science, we propose seven benchmark tests that evaluate an AI agent's ability to make groundbreaking discoveries in various scientific domains. These tests include inferring the heliocentric model from celestial observations, discovering the laws of motion in a simulated environment, deriving the differential equation governing vibrating strings, inferring Maxwell's equations from electrodynamics simulations, inventing numerical methods for initial value problems, discovering Huffman coding for data compression, and developing efficient sorting algorithms. To ensure the validity of these tests, the AI agent is provided with interactive libraries or datasets specific to each problem, without access to human knowledge that could potentially contain information about the target discoveries. The ultimate goal is to create an AI scientist capable of making novel and impactful scientific discoveries, surpassing the best human experts in their respective fields. These "Turing tests" serve as intermediate milestones, assessing the AI agent's ability to make discoveries that were groundbreaking in their time. If an AI agent can pass the majority of these seven tests, it would indicate significant progress towards building an AI scientist, paving the way for future advancements in autonomous scientific discovery. This paper aims to establish a benchmark for the capabilities of AI in scientific research and to stimulate further research in this exciting field.

new Large Language Models (LLMs) Assisted Wireless Network Deployment in Urban Settings

Authors: Nurullah Sevim, Mostafa Ibrahim, Sabit Ekin

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized language understanding and human-like text generation, drawing interest from many other fields with this question in mind: What else are the LLMs capable of? Despite their widespread adoption, ongoing research continues to explore new ways to integrate LLMs into diverse systems. This paper explores new techniques to harness the power of LLMs for 6G (6th Generation) wireless communication technologies, a domain where automation and intelligent systems are pivotal. The inherent adaptability of LLMs to domain-specific tasks positions them as prime candidates for enhancing wireless systems in the 6G landscape. We introduce a novel Reinforcement Learning (RL) based framework that leverages LLMs for network deployment in wireless communications. Our approach involves training an RL agent, utilizing LLMs as its core, in an urban setting to maximize coverage. The agent's objective is to navigate the complexities of urban environments and identify the network parameters for optimal area coverage. Additionally, we integrate LLMs with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) to capitalize on their strengths while mitigating their limitations. The Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) algorithm is employed for training purposes. The results suggest that LLM-assisted models can outperform CNN-based models in some cases while performing at least as well in others.

new Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence: Synergies and Conflicts

Authors: Leon Witt, Armando Teles Fortes, Kentaroh Toyoda, Wojciech Samek, Dan Li

Abstract: Blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have emerged as transformative forces in their respective domains. This paper explores synergies and challenges between these two technologies. Our research analyses the biggest projects combining blockchain and AI, based on market capitalization, and derives a novel framework to categorize contemporary and future use cases. Despite the theoretical compatibility, current real-world applications combining blockchain and AI remain in their infancy.

new COTET: Cross-view Optimal Transport for Knowledge Graph Entity Typing

Authors: Zhiwei Hu, V\'ictor Guti\'errez-Basulto, Zhiliang Xiang, Ru Li, Jeff Z. Pan

Abstract: Knowledge graph entity typing (KGET) aims to infer missing entity type instances in knowledge graphs. Previous research has predominantly centered around leveraging contextual information associated with entities, which provides valuable clues for inference. However, they have long ignored the dual nature of information inherent in entities, encompassing both high-level coarse-grained cluster knowledge and fine-grained type knowledge. This paper introduces Cross-view Optimal Transport for knowledge graph Entity Typing (COTET), a method that effectively incorporates the information on how types are clustered into the representation of entities and types. COTET comprises three modules: i) Multi-view Generation and Encoder, which captures structured knowledge at different levels of granularity through entity-type, entity-cluster, and type-cluster-type perspectives; ii) Cross-view Optimal Transport, transporting view-specific embeddings to a unified space by minimizing the Wasserstein distance from a distributional alignment perspective; iii) Pooling-based Entity Typing Prediction, employing a mixture pooling mechanism to aggregate prediction scores from diverse neighbors of an entity. Additionally, we introduce a distribution-based loss function to mitigate the occurrence of false negatives during training. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of COTET when compared to existing baselines.

new ConcertoRL: An Innovative Time-Interleaved Reinforcement Learning Approach for Enhanced Control in Direct-Drive Tandem-Wing Vehicles

Authors: Minghao Zhang, Bifeng Song, Changhao Chen, Xinyu Lang

Abstract: In control problems for insect-scale direct-drive experimental platforms under tandem wing influence, the primary challenge facing existing reinforcement learning models is their limited safety in the exploration process and the stability of the continuous training process. We introduce the ConcertoRL algorithm to enhance control precision and stabilize the online training process, which consists of two main innovations: a time-interleaved mechanism to interweave classical controllers with reinforcement learning-based controllers aiming to improve control precision in the initial stages, a policy composer organizes the experience gained from previous learning to ensure the stability of the online training process. This paper conducts a series of experiments. First, experiments incorporating the time-interleaved mechanism demonstrate a substantial performance boost of approximately 70% over scenarios without reinforcement learning enhancements and a 50% increase in efficiency compared to reference controllers with doubled control frequencies. These results highlight the algorithm's ability to create a synergistic effect that exceeds the sum of its parts.

new Dynamic Model Predictive Shielding for Provably Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Arko Banerjee, Kia Rahmani, Joydeep Biswas, Isil Dillig

Abstract: Among approaches for provably safe reinforcement learning, Model Predictive Shielding (MPS) has proven effective at complex tasks in continuous, high-dimensional state spaces, by leveraging a backup policy to ensure safety when the learned policy attempts to take risky actions. However, while MPS can ensure safety both during and after training, it often hinders task progress due to the conservative and task-oblivious nature of backup policies. This paper introduces Dynamic Model Predictive Shielding (DMPS), which optimizes reinforcement learning objectives while maintaining provable safety. DMPS employs a local planner to dynamically select safe recovery actions that maximize both short-term progress as well as long-term rewards. Crucially, the planner and the neural policy play a synergistic role in DMPS. When planning recovery actions for ensuring safety, the planner utilizes the neural policy to estimate long-term rewards, allowing it to observe beyond its short-term planning horizon. Conversely, the neural policy under training learns from the recovery plans proposed by the planner, converging to policies that are both high-performing and safe in practice. This approach guarantees safety during and after training, with bounded recovery regret that decreases exponentially with planning horizon depth. Experimental results demonstrate that DMPS converges to policies that rarely require shield interventions after training and achieve higher rewards compared to several state-of-the-art baselines.

new Image-of-Thought Prompting for Visual Reasoning Refinement in Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Qiji Zhou, Ruochen Zhou, Zike Hu, Panzhong Lu, Siyang Gao, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Recent advancements in Chain-of-Thought (CoT) and related rationale-based works have significantly improved the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in complex reasoning tasks. With the evolution of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), enhancing their capability to tackle complex multimodal reasoning problems is a crucial frontier. However, incorporating multimodal rationales in CoT has yet to be thoroughly investigated. We propose the Image-of-Thought (IoT) prompting method, which helps MLLMs to extract visual rationales step-by-step. Specifically, IoT prompting can automatically design critical visual information extraction operations based on the input images and questions. Each step of visual information refinement identifies specific visual rationales that support answers to complex visual reasoning questions. Beyond the textual CoT, IoT simultaneously utilizes visual and textual rationales to help MLLMs understand complex multimodal information. IoT prompting has improved zero-shot visual reasoning performance across various visual understanding tasks in different MLLMs. Moreover, the step-by-step visual feature explanations generated by IoT prompting elucidate the visual reasoning process, aiding in analyzing the cognitive processes of large multimodal models

new FiDeLiS: Faithful Reasoning in Large Language Model for Knowledge Graph Question Answering

Authors: Yuan Sui, Yufei He, Nian Liu, Xiaoxin He, Kun Wang, Bryan Hooi

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in various applications, they often struggle with hallucinations, especially in scenarios that require deep and responsible reasoning. These issues could be partially mitigate by integrating external knowledge graphs (KG) in LLM reasoning. However, the method of their incorporation is still largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose a retrieval-exploration interactive method, FiDelis to handle intermediate steps of reasoning grounded by KGs. Specifically, we propose Path-RAG module for recalling useful intermediate knowledge from KG for LLM reasoning. We incorporate the logic and common-sense reasoning of LLMs and topological connectivity of KGs into the knowledge retrieval process, which provides more accurate recalling performance. Furthermore, we propose to leverage deductive reasoning capabilities of LLMs as a better criterion to automatically guide the reasoning process in a stepwise and generalizable manner. Deductive verification serve as precise indicators for when to cease further reasoning, thus avoiding misleading the chains of reasoning and unnecessary computation. Extensive experiments show that our method, as a training-free method with lower computational cost and better generality outperforms the existing strong baselines in three benchmarks.

new Learning To Play Atari Games Using Dueling Q-Learning and Hebbian Plasticity

Authors: Md Ashfaq Salehin

Abstract: In this work, an advanced deep reinforcement learning architecture is used to train neural network agents playing atari games. Given only the raw game pixels, action space, and reward information, the system can train agents to play any Atari game. At first, this system uses advanced techniques like deep Q-networks and dueling Q-networks to train efficient agents, the same techniques used by DeepMind to train agents that beat human players in Atari games. As an extension, plastic neural networks are used as agents, and their feasibility is analyzed in this scenario. The plasticity implementation was based on backpropagation and the Hebbian update rule. Plastic neural networks have excellent features like lifelong learning after the initial training, which makes them highly suitable in adaptive learning environments. As a new analysis of plasticity in this context, this work might provide valuable insights and direction for future works.

new On the Brittle Foundations of ReAct Prompting for Agentic Large Language Models

Authors: Mudit Verma, Siddhant Bhambri, Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract: The reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) remain a topic of debate. Some methods such as ReAct-based prompting, have gained popularity for claiming to enhance sequential decision-making abilities of agentic LLMs. However, it is unclear what is the source of improvement in LLM reasoning with ReAct based prompting. In this paper we examine these claims of ReAct based prompting in improving agentic LLMs for sequential decision-making. By introducing systematic variations to the input prompt we perform a sensitivity analysis along the claims of ReAct and find that the performance is minimally influenced by the "interleaving reasoning trace with action execution" or the content of the generated reasoning traces in ReAct, contrary to original claims and common usage. Instead, the performance of LLMs is driven by the similarity between input example tasks and queries, implicitly forcing the prompt designer to provide instance-specific examples which significantly increases the cognitive burden on the human. Our investigation shows that the perceived reasoning abilities of LLMs stem from the exemplar-query similarity and approximate retrieval rather than any inherent reasoning abilities.

new Nondeterministic Causal Models

Authors: Sander Beckers

Abstract: I generalize acyclic deterministic structural equation models to the nondeterministic case and argue that it offers an improved semantics for counterfactuals. The standard, deterministic, semantics developed by Halpern (and based on the initial proposal of Galles & Pearl) assumes that for each assignment of values to parent variables there is a unique assignment to their child variable, and it assumes that the actual world (an assignment of values to all variables of a model) specifies a unique counterfactual world for each intervention. Both assumptions are unrealistic, and therefore I drop both of them in my proposal. I do so by allowing multi-valued functions in the structural equations. In addition, I adjust the semantics so that the solutions to the equations that obtained in the actual world are preserved in any counterfactual world. I motivate the resulting logic by comparing it to the standard one by Halpern and to more recent proposals that are closer to mine. Finally, I extend these models to the probabilistic case and show that they open up the way to identifying counterfactuals even in Causal Bayesian Networks.

new Prompt-Time Ontology-Driven Symbolic Knowledge Capture with Large Language Models

Authors: Tolga \c{C}\"opl\"u, Arto Bendiken, Andrii Skomorokhov, Eduard Bateiko, Stephen Cobb

Abstract: In applications such as personal assistants, large language models (LLMs) must consider the user's personal information and preferences. However, LLMs lack the inherent ability to learn from user interactions. This paper explores capturing personal information from user prompts using ontology and knowledge-graph approaches. We use a subset of the KNOW ontology, which models personal information, to train the language model on these concepts. We then evaluate the success of knowledge capture using a specially constructed dataset. Our code and datasets are publicly available at


new Formally Verifying Deep Reinforcement Learning Controllers with Lyapunov Barrier Certificates

Authors: Udayan Mandal, Guy Amir, Haoze Wu, Ieva Daukantas, Fletcher Lee Newell, Umberto J. Ravaioli, Baoluo Meng, Michael Durling, Milan Ganai, Tobey Shim, Guy Katz, Clark Barrett

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) is a powerful machine learning paradigm for generating agents that control autonomous systems. However, the "black box" nature of DRL agents limits their deployment in real-world safety-critical applications. A promising approach for providing strong guarantees on an agent's behavior is to use Neural Lyapunov Barrier (NLB) certificates, which are learned functions over the system whose properties indirectly imply that an agent behaves as desired. However, NLB-based certificates are typically difficult to learn and even more difficult to verify, especially for complex systems. In this work, we present a novel method for training and verifying NLB-based certificates for discrete-time systems. Specifically, we introduce a technique for certificate composition, which simplifies the verification of highly-complex systems by strategically designing a sequence of certificates. When jointly verified with neural network verification engines, these certificates provide a formal guarantee that a DRL agent both achieves its goals and avoids unsafe behavior. Furthermore, we introduce a technique for certificate filtering, which significantly simplifies the process of producing formally verified certificates. We demonstrate the merits of our approach with a case study on providing safety and liveness guarantees for a DRL-controlled spacecraft.

new Meanings and Feelings of Large Language Models: Observability of Latent States in Generative AI

Authors: Tian Yu Liu, Stefano Soatto, Matteo Marchi, Pratik Chaudhari, Paulo Tabuada

Abstract: We tackle the question of whether Large Language Models (LLMs), viewed as dynamical systems with state evolving in the embedding space of symbolic tokens, are observable. That is, whether there exist multiple 'mental' state trajectories that yield the same sequence of generated tokens, or sequences that belong to the same Nerode equivalence class ('meaning'). If not observable, mental state trajectories ('experiences') evoked by an input ('perception') or by feedback from the model's own state ('thoughts') could remain self-contained and evolve unbeknown to the user while being potentially accessible to the model provider. Such "self-contained experiences evoked by perception or thought" are akin to what the American Psychological Association (APA) defines as 'feelings'. Beyond the lexical curiosity, we show that current LLMs implemented by autoregressive Transformers cannot have 'feelings' according to this definition: The set of state trajectories indistinguishable from the tokenized output is a singleton. But if there are 'system prompts' not visible to the user, then the set of indistinguishable trajectories becomes non-trivial, and there can be multiple state trajectories that yield the same verbalized output. We prove these claims analytically, and show examples of modifications to standard LLMs that engender such 'feelings.' Our analysis sheds light on possible designs that would enable a model to perform non-trivial computation that is not visible to the user, as well as on controls that the provider of services using the model could take to prevent unintended behavior.

new ChatScene: Knowledge-Enabled Safety-Critical Scenario Generation for Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Jiawei Zhang, Chejian Xu, Bo Li

Abstract: We present ChatScene, a Large Language Model (LLM)-based agent that leverages the capabilities of LLMs to generate safety-critical scenarios for autonomous vehicles. Given unstructured language instructions, the agent first generates textually described traffic scenarios using LLMs. These scenario descriptions are subsequently broken down into several sub-descriptions for specified details such as behaviors and locations of vehicles. The agent then distinctively transforms the textually described sub-scenarios into domain-specific languages, which then generate actual code for prediction and control in simulators, facilitating the creation of diverse and complex scenarios within the CARLA simulation environment. A key part of our agent is a comprehensive knowledge retrieval component, which efficiently translates specific textual descriptions into corresponding domain-specific code snippets by training a knowledge database containing the scenario description and code pairs. Extensive experimental results underscore the efficacy of ChatScene in improving the safety of autonomous vehicles. For instance, the scenarios generated by ChatScene show a 15% increase in collision rates compared to state-of-the-art baselines when tested against different reinforcement learning-based ego vehicles. Furthermore, we show that by using our generated safety-critical scenarios to fine-tune different RL-based autonomous driving models, they can achieve a 9% reduction in collision rates, surpassing current SOTA methods. ChatScene effectively bridges the gap between textual descriptions of traffic scenarios and practical CARLA simulations, providing a unified way to conveniently generate safety-critical scenarios for safety testing and improvement for AVs.

new A finite time analysis of distributed Q-learning

Authors: Han-Dong Lim, Donghwan Lee

Abstract: Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) has witnessed a remarkable surge in interest, fueled by the empirical success achieved in applications of single-agent reinforcement learning (RL). In this study, we consider a distributed Q-learning scenario, wherein a number of agents cooperatively solve a sequential decision making problem without access to the central reward function which is an average of the local rewards. In particular, we study finite-time analysis of a distributed Q-learning algorithm, and provide a new sample complexity result of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}\left( \min\left\{\frac{1}{\epsilon^2}\frac{t_{\text{mix}}}{(1-\gamma)^6 d_{\min}^4 } ,\frac{1}{\epsilon}\frac{\sqrt{|\gS||\gA|}}{(1-\sigma_2(\boldsymbol{W}))(1-\gamma)^4 d_{\min}^3} \right\}\right)$ under tabular lookup

new ALI-Agent: Assessing LLMs' Alignment with Human Values via Agent-based Evaluation

Authors: Jingnan Zheng, Han Wang, An Zhang, Tai D. Nguyen, Jun Sun, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can elicit unintended and even harmful content when misaligned with human values, posing severe risks to users and society. To mitigate these risks, current evaluation benchmarks predominantly employ expert-designed contextual scenarios to assess how well LLMs align with human values. However, the labor-intensive nature of these benchmarks limits their test scope, hindering their ability to generalize to the extensive variety of open-world use cases and identify rare but crucial long-tail risks. Additionally, these static tests fail to adapt to the rapid evolution of LLMs, making it hard to evaluate timely alignment issues. To address these challenges, we propose ALI-Agent, an evaluation framework that leverages the autonomous abilities of LLM-powered agents to conduct in-depth and adaptive alignment assessments. ALI-Agent operates through two principal stages: Emulation and Refinement. During the Emulation stage, ALI-Agent automates the generation of realistic test scenarios. In the Refinement stage, it iteratively refines the scenarios to probe long-tail risks. Specifically, ALI-Agent incorporates a memory module to guide test scenario generation, a tool-using module to reduce human labor in tasks such as evaluating feedback from target LLMs, and an action module to refine tests. Extensive experiments across three aspects of human values--stereotypes, morality, and legality--demonstrate that ALI-Agent, as a general evaluation framework, effectively identifies model misalignment. Systematic analysis also validates that the generated test scenarios represent meaningful use cases, as well as integrate enhanced measures to probe long-tail risks. Our code is available at


new Large Language Models-guided Dynamic Adaptation for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Authors: Jiapu Wang, Kai Sun, Linhao Luo, Wei Wei, Yongli Hu, Alan Wee-Chung Liew, Shirui Pan, Baocai Yin

Abstract: Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning (TKGR) is the process of utilizing temporal information to capture complex relations within a Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) to infer new knowledge. Conventional methods in TKGR typically depend on deep learning algorithms or temporal logical rules. However, deep learning-based TKGRs often lack interpretability, whereas rule-based TKGRs struggle to effectively learn temporal rules that capture temporal patterns. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated extensive knowledge and remarkable proficiency in temporal reasoning. Consequently, the employment of LLMs for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning (TKGR) has sparked increasing interest among researchers. Nonetheless, LLMs are known to function as black boxes, making it challenging to comprehend their reasoning process. Additionally, due to the resource-intensive nature of fine-tuning, promptly updating LLMs to integrate evolving knowledge within TKGs for reasoning is impractical. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a Large Language Models-guided Dynamic Adaptation (LLM-DA) method for reasoning on TKGs. Specifically, LLM-DA harnesses the capabilities of LLMs to analyze historical data and extract temporal logical rules. These rules unveil temporal patterns and facilitate interpretable reasoning. To account for the evolving nature of TKGs, a dynamic adaptation strategy is proposed to update the LLM-generated rules with the latest events. This ensures that the extracted rules always incorporate the most recent knowledge and better generalize to the predictions on future events. Experimental results show that without the need of fine-tuning, LLM-DA significantly improves the accuracy of reasoning over several common datasets, providing a robust framework for TKGR tasks.

new Human-Agent Cooperation in Games under Incomplete Information through Natural Language Communication

Authors: Shenghui Chen, Daniel Fried, Ufuk Topcu

Abstract: Developing autonomous agents that can strategize and cooperate with humans under information asymmetry is challenging without effective communication in natural language. We introduce a shared-control game, where two players collectively control a token in alternating turns to achieve a common objective under incomplete information. We formulate a policy synthesis problem for an autonomous agent in this game with a human as the other player. To solve this problem, we propose a communication-based approach comprising a language module and a planning module. The language module translates natural language messages into and from a finite set of flags, a compact representation defined to capture player intents. The planning module leverages these flags to compute a policy using an asymmetric information-set Monte Carlo tree search with flag exchange algorithm we present. We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach in a testbed based on Gnomes at Night, a search-and-find maze board game. Results of human subject experiments show that communication narrows the information gap between players and enhances human-agent cooperation efficiency with fewer turns.

new Tell my why: Training preferences-based RL with human preferences and step-level explanations

Authors: Jakob Karalus

Abstract: Human-in-the-loop reinforcement learning (HRL) allows the training of agents through various interfaces, even for non-expert humans. Recently, preference-based methods (PBRL), where the human has to give his preference over two trajectories, increased in popularity since they allow training in domains where more direct feedback is hard to formulate. However, the current PBRL methods have limitations and do not provide humans with an expressive interface for giving feedback. With this work, we propose a new preference-based learning method that provides humans with a more expressive interface to provide their preference over trajectories and a factual explanation (or annotation of why they have this preference). These explanations allow the human to explain what parts of the trajectory are most relevant for the preference. We allow the expression of the explanations over individual trajectory steps. We evaluate our method in various simulations using a simulated human oracle (with realistic restrictions), and our results show that our extended feedback can improve the speed of learning. Code & data:

new Deep Reinforcement Learning for 5*5 Multiplayer Go

Authors: Brahim Driss, J\'er\^ome Arjonilla, Hui Wang, Abdallah Saffidine, Tristan Cazenave

Abstract: In recent years, much progress has been made in computer Go and most of the results have been obtained thanks to search algorithms (Monte Carlo Tree Search) and Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). In this paper, we propose to use and analyze the latest algorithms that use search and DRL (AlphaZero and Descent algorithms) to automatically learn to play an extended version of the game of Go with more than two players. We show that using search and DRL we were able to improve the level of play, even though there are more than two players.

new Towards Efficient LLM Grounding for Embodied Multi-Agent Collaboration

Authors: Yang Zhang, Shixin Yang, Chenjia Bai, Fei Wu, Xiu Li, Xuelong Li, Zhen Wang

Abstract: Grounding the reasoning ability of large language models (LLMs) for embodied tasks is challenging due to the complexity of the physical world. Especially, LLM planning for multi-agent collaboration requires communication of agents or credit assignment as the feedback to re-adjust the proposed plans and achieve effective coordination. However, existing methods that overly rely on physical verification or self-reflection suffer from excessive and inefficient querying of LLMs. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for multi-agent collaboration that introduces Reinforced Advantage feedback (ReAd) for efficient self-refinement of plans. Specifically, we perform critic regression to learn a sequential advantage function from LLM-planned data, and then treat the LLM planner as an optimizer to generate actions that maximize the advantage function. It endows the LLM with the foresight to discern whether the action contributes to accomplishing the final task. We provide theoretical analysis by extending advantage-weighted regression in reinforcement learning to multi-agent systems. Experiments on Overcooked-AI and a difficult variant of RoCoBench show that ReAd surpasses baselines in success rate, and also significantly decreases the interaction steps of agents and query rounds of LLMs, demonstrating its high efficiency for grounding LLMs. More results are given at \url{}.


new DeepSeek-Prover: Advancing Theorem Proving in LLMs through Large-Scale Synthetic Data

Authors: Huajian Xin, Daya Guo, Zhihong Shao, Zhizhou Ren, Qihao Zhu, Bo Liu, Chong Ruan, Wenda Li, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Proof assistants like Lean have revolutionized mathematical proof verification, ensuring high accuracy and reliability. Although large language models (LLMs) show promise in mathematical reasoning, their advancement in formal theorem proving is hindered by a lack of training data. To address this issue, we introduce an approach to generate extensive Lean 4 proof data derived from high-school and undergraduate-level mathematical competition problems. This approach involves translating natural language problems into formal statements, filtering out low-quality statements, and generating proofs to create synthetic data. After fine-tuning the DeepSeekMath 7B model on this synthetic dataset, which comprises 8 million formal statements with proofs, our model achieved whole-proof generation accuracies of 46.3% with 64 samples and 52% cumulatively on the Lean 4 miniF2F test, surpassing the baseline GPT-4 at 23.0% with 64 samples and a tree search reinforcement learning method at 41.0%. Additionally, our model successfully proved 5 out of 148 problems in the Lean 4 Formalized International Mathematical Olympiad (FIMO) benchmark, while GPT-4 failed to prove any. These results demonstrate the potential of leveraging large-scale synthetic data to enhance theorem-proving capabilities in LLMs. Both the synthetic dataset and the model will be made available to facilitate further research in this promising field.

new Mixture of Public and Private Distributions in Imperfect Information Games

Authors: J\'er\^ome Arjonilla, Abdallah Saffidine, Tristan Cazenave

Abstract: In imperfect information games (e.g. Bridge, Skat, Poker), one of the fundamental considerations is to infer the missing information while at the same time avoiding the disclosure of private information. Disregarding the issue of protecting private information can lead to a highly exploitable performance. Yet, excessive attention to it leads to hesitations that are no longer consistent with our private information. In our work, we show that to improve performance, one must choose whether to use a player's private information. We extend our work by proposing a new belief distribution depending on the amount of private and public information desired. We empirically demonstrate an increase in performance and, with the aim of further improving performance, the new distribution should be used according to the position in the game. Our experiments have been done on multiple benchmarks and in multiple determinization-based algorithms (PIMC and IS-MCTS).

new stl2vec: Semantic and Interpretable Vector Representation of Temporal Logic

Authors: Gaia Saveri, Laura Nenzi, Luca Bortolussi, Jan K\v{r}et\'insk\'y

Abstract: Integrating symbolic knowledge and data-driven learning algorithms is a longstanding challenge in Artificial Intelligence. Despite the recognized importance of this task, a notable gap exists due to the discreteness of symbolic representations and the continuous nature of machine-learning computations. One of the desired bridges between these two worlds would be to define semantically grounded vector representation (feature embedding) of logic formulae, thus enabling to perform continuous learning and optimization in the semantic space of formulae. We tackle this goal for knowledge expressed in Signal Temporal Logic (STL) and devise a method to compute continuous embeddings of formulae with several desirable properties: the embedding (i) is finite-dimensional, (ii) faithfully reflects the semantics of the formulae, (iii) does not require any learning but instead is defined from basic principles, (iv) is interpretable. Another significant contribution lies in demonstrating the efficacy of the approach in two tasks: learning model checking, where we predict the probability of requirements being satisfied in stochastic processes; and integrating the embeddings into a neuro-symbolic framework, to constrain the output of a deep-learning generative model to comply to a given logical specification.

new Explainable Few-shot Knowledge Tracing

Authors: Haoxuan Li, Jifan Yu, Yuanxin Ouyang, Zhuang Liu, Wenge Rong, Juanzi Li, Zhang Xiong

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT), aiming to mine students' mastery of knowledge by their exercise records and predict their performance on future test questions, is a critical task in educational assessment. While researchers achieved tremendous success with the rapid development of deep learning techniques, current knowledge tracing tasks fall into the cracks from real-world teaching scenarios. Relying heavily on extensive student data and solely predicting numerical performances differs from the settings where teachers assess students' knowledge state from limited practices and provide explanatory feedback. To fill this gap, we explore a new task formulation: Explainable Few-shot Knowledge Tracing. By leveraging the powerful reasoning and generation abilities of large language models (LLMs), we then propose a cognition-guided framework that can track the student knowledge from a few student records while providing natural language explanations. Experimental results from three widely used datasets show that LLMs can perform comparable or superior to competitive deep knowledge tracing methods. We also discuss potential directions and call for future improvements in relevant topics.

new Large Language Models for Explainable Decisions in Dynamic Digital Twins

Authors: Nan Zhang, Christian Vergara-Marcillo, Georgios Diamantopoulos, Jingran Shen, Nikos Tziritas, Rami Bahsoon, Georgios Theodoropoulos

Abstract: Dynamic data-driven Digital Twins (DDTs) can enable informed decision-making and provide an optimisation platform for the underlying system. By leveraging principles of Dynamic Data-Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS), DDTs can formulate computational modalities for feedback loops, model updates and decision-making, including autonomous ones. However, understanding autonomous decision-making often requires technical and domain-specific knowledge. This paper explores using large language models (LLMs) to provide an explainability platform for DDTs, generating natural language explanations of the system's decision-making by leveraging domain-specific knowledge bases. A case study from smart agriculture is presented.

new Proving Theorems Recursively

Authors: Haiming Wang, Huajian Xin, Zhengying Liu, Wenda Li, Yinya Huang, Jianqiao Lu, Zhicheng Yang, Jing Tang, Jian Yin, Zhenguo Li, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Recent advances in automated theorem proving leverages language models to explore expanded search spaces by step-by-step proof generation. However, such approaches are usually based on short-sighted heuristics (e.g., log probability or value function scores) that potentially lead to suboptimal or even distracting subgoals, preventing us from finding longer proofs. To address this challenge, we propose POETRY (PrOvE Theorems RecursivelY), which proves theorems in a recursive, level-by-level manner in the Isabelle theorem prover. Unlike previous step-by-step methods, POETRY searches for a verifiable sketch of the proof at each level and focuses on solving the current level's theorem or conjecture. Detailed proofs of intermediate conjectures within the sketch are temporarily replaced by a placeholder tactic called sorry, deferring their proofs to subsequent levels. This approach allows the theorem to be tackled incrementally by outlining the overall theorem at the first level and then solving the intermediate conjectures at deeper levels. Experiments are conducted on the miniF2F and PISA datasets and significant performance gains are observed in our POETRY approach over state-of-the-art methods. POETRY on miniF2F achieves an average proving success rate improvement of 5.1%. Moreover, we observe a substantial increase in the maximum proof length found by POETRY, from 10 to 26.

new LARS-VSA: A Vector Symbolic Architecture For Learning with Abstract Rules

Authors: Mohamed Mejri, Chandramouli Amarnath, Abhijit Chatterjee

Abstract: Human cognition excels at symbolic reasoning, deducing abstract rules from limited samples. This has been explained using symbolic and connectionist approaches, inspiring the development of a neuro-symbolic architecture that combines both paradigms. In parallel, recent studies have proposed the use of a "relational bottleneck" that separates object-level features from abstract rules, allowing learning from limited amounts of data . While powerful, it is vulnerable to the curse of compositionality meaning that object representations with similar features tend to interfere with each other. In this paper, we leverage hyperdimensional computing, which is inherently robust to such interference to build a compositional architecture. We adapt the "relational bottleneck" strategy to a high-dimensional space, incorporating explicit vector binding operations between symbols and relational representations. Additionally, we design a novel high-dimensional attention mechanism that leverages this relational representation. Our system benefits from the low overhead of operations in hyperdimensional space, making it significantly more efficient than the state of the art when evaluated on a variety of test datasets, while maintaining higher or equal accuracy.

new AndroidWorld: A Dynamic Benchmarking Environment for Autonomous Agents

Authors: Christopher Rawles, Sarah Clinckemaillie, Yifan Chang, Jonathan Waltz, Gabrielle Lau, Marybeth Fair, Alice Li, William Bishop, Wei Li, Folawiyo Campbell-Ajala, Daniel Toyama, Robert Berry, Divya Tyamagundlu, Timothy Lillicrap, Oriana Riva

Abstract: Autonomous agents that execute human tasks by controlling computers can enhance human productivity and application accessibility. Yet, progress in this field will be driven by realistic and reproducible benchmarks. We present AndroidWorld, a fully functioning Android environment that provides reward signals for 116 programmatic task workflows across 20 real world Android applications. Unlike existing interactive environments, which provide a static test set, AndroidWorld dynamically constructs tasks that are parameterized and expressed in natural language in unlimited ways, thus enabling testing on a much larger and realistic suite of tasks. Reward signals are derived from the computer's system state, making them durable across task variations and extensible across different apps. To demonstrate AndroidWorld's benefits and mode of operation, we introduce a new computer control agent, M3A. M3A can complete 30.6% of the AndroidWorld's tasks, leaving ample room for future work. Furthermore, we adapt a popular desktop web agent to work on Android, which we find to be less effective on mobile, suggesting future research is needed to achieve universal, cross-domain agents. Finally, we conduct a robustness analysis by testing M3A against a range of task variations on a representative subset of tasks, demonstrating that variations in task parameters can significantly alter the complexity of a task and therefore an agent's performance, highlighting the importance of testing agents under diverse conditions. AndroidWorld and the experiments in this paper are available at


new Discretization of continuous input spaces in the hippocampal autoencoder

Authors: Adrian F. Amil, Ismael T. Freire, Paul F. M. J. Verschure

Abstract: The hippocampus has been associated with both spatial cognition and episodic memory formation, but integrating these functions into a unified framework remains challenging. Here, we demonstrate that forming discrete memories of visual events in sparse autoencoder neurons can produce spatial tuning similar to hippocampal place cells. We then show that the resulting very high-dimensional code enables neurons to discretize and tile the underlying image space with minimal overlap. Additionally, we extend our results to the auditory domain, showing that neurons similarly tile the frequency space in an experience-dependent manner. Lastly, we show that reinforcement learning agents can effectively perform various visuo-spatial cognitive tasks using these sparse, very high-dimensional representations.

new CityGPT: Towards Urban IoT Learning, Analysis and Interaction with Multi-Agent System

Authors: Qinghua Guan, Jinhui Ouyang, Di Wu, Weiren Yu

Abstract: The spatiotemporal data generated by massive sensors in the Internet of Things (IoT) is extremely dynamic, heterogeneous, large scale and time-dependent. It poses great challenges (e.g. accuracy, reliability, and stability) in real-time analysis and decision making for different IoT applications. The complexity of IoT data prevents the common people from gaining a deeper understanding of it. Agentized systems help address the lack of data insight for the common people. We propose a generic framework, namely CityGPT, to facilitate the learning and analysis of IoT time series with an end-to-end paradigm. CityGPT employs three agents to accomplish the spatiotemporal analysis of IoT data. The requirement agent facilitates user inputs based on natural language. Then, the analysis tasks are decomposed into temporal and spatial analysis processes, completed by corresponding data analysis agents (temporal and spatial agents). Finally, the spatiotemporal fusion agent visualizes the system's analysis results by receiving analysis results from data analysis agents and invoking sub-visualization agents, and can provide corresponding textual descriptions based on user demands. To increase the insight for common people using our framework, we have agnentized the framework, facilitated by a large language model (LLM), to increase the data comprehensibility. Our evaluation results on real-world data with different time dependencies show that the CityGPT framework can guarantee robust performance in IoT computing.

new Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Legal Data Mining

Authors: Aniket Deroy, Naksatra Kumar Bailung, Kripabandhu Ghosh, Saptarshi Ghosh, Abhijnan Chakraborty

Abstract: Despite the availability of vast amounts of data, legal data is often unstructured, making it difficult even for law practitioners to ingest and comprehend the same. It is important to organise the legal information in a way that is useful for practitioners and downstream automation tasks. The word ontology was used by Greek philosophers to discuss concepts of existence, being, becoming and reality. Today, scientists use this term to describe the relation between concepts, data, and entities. A great example for a working ontology was developed by Dhani and Bhatt. This ontology deals with Indian court cases on intellectual property rights (IPR) The future of legal ontologies is likely to be handled by computer experts and legal experts alike.

new HTN-Based Tutors: A New Intelligent Tutoring Framework Based on Hierarchical Task Networks

Authors: Momin N. Siddiqui, Adit Gupta, Jennifer M. Reddig, Christopher J. Maclellan

Abstract: Intelligent tutors have shown success in delivering a personalized and adaptive learning experience. However, there exist challenges regarding the granularity of knowledge in existing frameworks and the resulting instructions they can provide. To address these issues, we propose HTN-based tutors, a new intelligent tutoring framework that represents expert models using Hierarchical Task Networks (HTNs). Like other tutoring frameworks, it allows flexible encoding of different problem-solving strategies while providing the additional benefit of a hierarchical knowledge organization. We leverage the latter to create tutors that can adapt the granularity of their scaffolding. This organization also aligns well with the compositional nature of skills.

new Intervention and Conditioning in Causal Bayesian Networks

Authors: Sainyam Galhotra, Joseph Y. Halpern

Abstract: Causal models are crucial for understanding complex systems and identifying causal relationships among variables. Even though causal models are extremely popular, conditional probability calculation of formulas involving interventions pose significant challenges. In case of Causal Bayesian Networks (CBNs), Pearl assumes autonomy of mechanisms that determine interventions to calculate a range of probabilities. We show that by making simple yet often realistic independence assumptions, it is possible to uniquely estimate the probability of an interventional formula (including the well-studied notions of probability of sufficiency and necessity). We discuss when these assumptions are appropriate. Importantly, in many cases of interest, when the assumptions are appropriate, these probability estimates can be evaluated using observational data, which carries immense significance in scenarios where conducting experiments is impractical or unfeasible.

cross A Three-Phase Analysis of Synergistic Effects During Co-pyrolysis of Algae and Wood for Biochar Yield Using Machine Learning

Authors: Subhadeep Chakrabarti, Saish Shinde

Abstract: Pyrolysis techniques have served to be a groundbreaking technique for effectively utilising natural and man-made biomass products like plastics, wood, crop residue, fruit peels etc. Recent advancements have shown a greater yield of essential products like biochar, bio-oil and other non-condensable gases by blending different biomasses in a certain ratio. This synergy effect of combining two pyrolytic raw materials i.e co-pyrolysis of algae and wood biomass has been systematically studied and grouped into 3 phases in this research paper-kinetic analysis of co-pyrolysis, correlation among proximate and ultimate analysis with bio-char yield and lastly grouping of different weight ratios based on biochar yield up to a certain percentage. Different ML and DL algorithms have been utilized for regression and classification techniques to give a comprehensive overview of the effect of the synergy of two different biomass materials on biochar yield. For the first phase, the best prediction of biochar yield was obtained by using a decision tree regressor with a perfect MSE score of 0.00, followed by a gradient-boosting regressor. The second phase was analyzed using both ML and DL techniques. Within ML, SVR proved to be the most convenient model with an accuracy score of 0.972 with DNN employed for deep learning technique. Finally, for the third phase, binary classification was applied to biochar yield with and without heating rate for biochar yield percentage above and below 40%. The best technique for ML was Support Vector followed by Random forest while ANN was the most suitable Deep Learning Technique.

cross Multilingual Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with Hybrid CTC/RNN-T Fast Conformer

Authors: Maxime Burchi, Krishna C. Puvvada, Jagadeesh Balam, Boris Ginsburg, Radu Timofte

Abstract: Humans are adept at leveraging visual cues from lip movements for recognizing speech in adverse listening conditions. Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) models follow similar approach to achieve robust speech recognition in noisy conditions. In this work, we present a multilingual AVSR model incorporating several enhancements to improve performance and audio noise robustness. Notably, we adapt the recently proposed Fast Conformer model to process both audio and visual modalities using a novel hybrid CTC/RNN-T architecture. We increase the amount of audio-visual training data for six distinct languages, generating automatic transcriptions of unlabelled multilingual datasets (VoxCeleb2 and AVSpeech). Our proposed model achieves new state-of-the-art performance on the LRS3 dataset, reaching WER of 0.8%. On the recently introduced MuAViC benchmark, our model yields an absolute average-WER reduction of 11.9% in comparison to the original baseline. Finally, we demonstrate the ability of the proposed model to perform audio-only, visual-only, and audio-visual speech recognition at test time.

cross Sketch2Prototype: Rapid Conceptual Design Exploration and Prototyping with Generative AI

Authors: Kristen M. Edwards, Brandon Man, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: Sketch2Prototype is an AI-based framework that transforms a hand-drawn sketch into a diverse set of 2D images and 3D prototypes through sketch-to-text, text-to-image, and image-to-3D stages. This framework, shown across various sketches, rapidly generates text, image, and 3D modalities for enhanced early-stage design exploration. We show that using text as an intermediate modality outperforms direct sketch-to-3D baselines for generating diverse and manufacturable 3D models. We find limitations in current image-to-3D techniques, while noting the value of the text modality for user-feedback and iterative design augmentation.

cross A Novel Feature Map Enhancement Technique Integrating Residual CNN and Transformer for Alzheimer Diseases Diagnosis

Authors: Saddam Hussain Khan (Artificial Intelligence Lab, Department of Computer Systems Engineering, University of Engineering,Applied Sciences)

Abstract: Alzheimer diseases (ADs) involves cognitive decline and abnormal brain protein accumulation, necessitating timely diagnosis for effective treatment. Therefore, CAD systems leveraging deep learning advancements have demonstrated success in AD detection but pose computational intricacies and the dataset minor contrast, structural, and texture variations. In this regard, a novel hybrid FME-Residual-HSCMT technique is introduced, comprised of residual CNN and Transformer concepts to capture global and local fine-grained AD analysis in MRI. This approach integrates three distinct elements: a novel CNN Meet Transformer (HSCMT), customized residual learning CNN, and a new Feature Map Enhancement (FME) strategy to learn diverse morphological, contrast, and texture variations of ADs. The proposed HSCMT at the initial stage utilizes stem convolution blocks that are integrated with CMT blocks followed by systematic homogenous and structural (HS) operations. The customized CMT block encapsulates each element with global contextual interactions through multi-head attention and facilitates computational efficiency through lightweight. Moreover, inverse residual and stem CNN in customized CMT enables effective extraction of local texture information and handling vanishing gradients. Furthermore, in the FME strategy, residual CNN blocks utilize TL-based generated auxiliary and are combined with the proposed HSCMT channels at the target level to achieve diverse enriched feature space. Finally, diverse enhanced channels are fed into a novel spatial attention mechanism for optimal pixel selection to reduce redundancy and discriminate minor contrast and texture inter-class variation. The proposed achieves an F1-score (98.55%), an accuracy of 98.42% and a sensitivity of 98.50%, a precision of 98.60% on the standard Kaggle dataset, and demonstrates outperformance existing ViTs and CNNs methods.

cross BERT vs GPT for financial engineering

Authors: Edward Sharkey, Philip Treleaven

Abstract: The paper benchmarks several Transformer models [4], to show how these models can judge sentiment from a news event. This signal can then be used for downstream modelling and signal identification for commodity trading. We find that fine-tuned BERT models outperform fine-tuned or vanilla GPT models on this task. Transformer models have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP) in recent years, achieving state-of-the-art results on various tasks such as machine translation, text summarization, question answering, and natural language generation. Among the most prominent transformer models are Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT), which differ in their architectures and objectives. A CopBERT model training data and process overview is provided. The CopBERT model outperforms similar domain specific BERT trained models such as FinBERT. The below confusion matrices show the performance on CopBERT & CopGPT respectively. We see a ~10 percent increase in f1_score when compare CopBERT vs GPT4 and 16 percent increase vs CopGPT. Whilst GPT4 is dominant It highlights the importance of considering alternatives to GPT models for financial engineering tasks, given risks of hallucinations, and challenges with interpretability. We unsurprisingly see the larger LLMs outperform the BERT models, with predictive power. In summary BERT is partially the new XGboost, what it lacks in predictive power it provides with higher levels of interpretability. Concluding that BERT models might not be the next XGboost [2], but represent an interesting alternative for financial engineering tasks, that require a blend of interpretability and accuracy.

cross Research information in the light of artificial intelligence: quality and data ecologies

Authors: Otmane Azeroual, Tibor Koltay

Abstract: This paper presents multi- and interdisciplinary approaches for finding the appropriate AI technologies for research information. Professional research information management (RIM) is becoming increasingly important as an expressly data-driven tool for researchers. It is not only the basis of scientific knowledge processes, but also related to other data. A concept and a process model of the elementary phases from the start of the project to the ongoing operation of the AI methods in the RIM is presented, portraying the implementation of an AI project, meant to enable universities and research institutions to support their researchers in dealing with incorrect and incomplete research information, while it is being stored in their RIMs. Our aim is to show how research information harmonizes with the challenges of data literacy and data quality issues, related to AI, also wanting to underline that any project can be successful if the research institutions and various departments of universities, involved work together and appropriate support is offered to improve research information and data management.

cross An Assessment of Model-On-Model Deception

Authors: Julius Heitkoetter, Michael Gerovitch, Laker Newhouse

Abstract: The trustworthiness of highly capable language models is put at risk when they are able to produce deceptive outputs. Moreover, when models are vulnerable to deception it undermines reliability. In this paper, we introduce a method to investigate complex, model-on-model deceptive scenarios. We create a dataset of over 10,000 misleading explanations by asking Llama-2 7B, 13B, 70B, and GPT-3.5 to justify the wrong answer for questions in the MMLU. We find that, when models read these explanations, they are all significantly deceived. Worryingly, models of all capabilities are successful at misleading others, while more capable models are only slightly better at resisting deception. We recommend the development of techniques to detect and defend against deception.

cross RAGE Against the Machine: Retrieval-Augmented LLM Explanations

Authors: Joel Rorseth, Parke Godfrey, Lukasz Golab, Divesh Srivastava, Jaroslaw Szlichta

Abstract: This paper demonstrates RAGE, an interactive tool for explaining Large Language Models (LLMs) augmented with retrieval capabilities; i.e., able to query external sources and pull relevant information into their input context. Our explanations are counterfactual in the sense that they identify parts of the input context that, when removed, change the answer to the question posed to the LLM. RAGE includes pruning methods to navigate the vast space of possible explanations, allowing users to view the provenance of the produced answers.

cross Large Language Models for Education: A Survey

Authors: Hanyi Xu, Wensheng Gan, Zhenlian Qi, Jiayang Wu, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has a profound impact on traditional education. In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have been increasingly used in various applications such as natural language processing, computer vision, speech recognition, and autonomous driving. LLMs have also been applied in many fields, including recommendation, finance, government, education, legal affairs, and finance. As powerful auxiliary tools, LLMs incorporate various technologies such as deep learning, pre-training, fine-tuning, and reinforcement learning. The use of LLMs for smart education (LLMEdu) has been a significant strategic direction for countries worldwide. While LLMs have shown great promise in improving teaching quality, changing education models, and modifying teacher roles, the technologies are still facing several challenges. In this paper, we conduct a systematic review of LLMEdu, focusing on current technologies, challenges, and future developments. We first summarize the current state of LLMEdu and then introduce the characteristics of LLMs and education, as well as the benefits of integrating LLMs into education. We also review the process of integrating LLMs into the education industry, as well as the introduction of related technologies. Finally, we discuss the challenges and problems faced by LLMEdu, as well as prospects for future optimization of LLMEdu.

cross DuetRAG: Collaborative Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Dian Jiao, Li Cai, Jingsheng Huang, Wenqiao Zhang, Siliang Tang, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) methods augment the input of Large Language Models (LLMs) with relevant retrieved passages, reducing factual errors in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, contemporary RAG approaches suffer from irrelevant knowledge retrieval issues in complex domain questions (e.g., HotPot QA) due to the lack of corresponding domain knowledge, leading to low-quality generations. To address this issue, we propose a novel Collaborative Retrieval-Augmented Generation framework, DuetRAG. Our bootstrapping philosophy is to simultaneously integrate the domain fintuning and RAG models to improve the knowledge retrieval quality, thereby enhancing generation quality. Finally, we demonstrate DuetRAG' s matches with expert human researchers on HotPot QA.

cross A Survey on Recent Advances in Conversational Data Generation

Authors: Heydar Soudani, Roxana Petcu, Evangelos Kanoulas, Faegheh Hasibi

Abstract: Recent advancements in conversational systems have significantly enhanced human-machine interactions across various domains. However, training these systems is challenging due to the scarcity of specialized dialogue data. Traditionally, conversational datasets were created through crowdsourcing, but this method has proven costly, limited in scale, and labor-intensive. As a solution, the development of synthetic dialogue data has emerged, utilizing techniques to augment existing datasets or convert textual resources into conversational formats, providing a more efficient and scalable approach to dataset creation. In this survey, we offer a systematic and comprehensive review of multi-turn conversational data generation, focusing on three types of dialogue systems: open domain, task-oriented, and information-seeking. We categorize the existing research based on key components like seed data creation, utterance generation, and quality filtering methods, and introduce a general framework that outlines the main principles of conversation data generation systems. Additionally, we examine the evaluation metrics and methods for assessing synthetic conversational data, address current challenges in the field, and explore potential directions for future research. Our goal is to accelerate progress for researchers and practitioners by presenting an overview of state-of-the-art methods and highlighting opportunities to further research in this area.

cross MathDivide: Improved mathematical reasoning by large language models

Authors: Saksham Sahai Srivastava, Ashutosh Gandhi

Abstract: Large language models have been proven to be capable of handling complex linguistic and cognitive tasks. Therefore their usage has been extended to tasks requiring logical reasoning ability such as Mathematics. In this paper, we propose a prompting technique called MathDivide that breaks down the mathematical problem into simpler subproblems. Each of the subproblems is formulated as an algebraic expression whose value is evaluated by the Python code generated by the LLM for the corresponding algebraic expression. The values fed to the Python code are the numerical values provided in the problem statement. The solutions for the subproblems are composed together to obtain the final answer for the problem statement. Finally, the final answer is compared to the correct answer. If the final answer matches the correct answer, it is produced as output else a refinement prompt is fed to the LLM. We experiment with this prompting technique on both closed-source LLM models and open-source LLM models using GSM8K dataset. The results obtained demonstrate that MathDivide was able to significantly outperform the leading prompting technique called Math-prompter.

cross Understanding the Rare Inflammatory Disease Using Large Language Models and Social Media Data

Authors: Nan Miles Xi, Hong-Long Ji, Lin Wang

Abstract: Sarcoidosis is a rare inflammatory disease characterized by the formation of granulomas in various organs. The disease presents diagnostic and treatment challenges due to its diverse manifestations and unpredictable nature. In this study, we employed a Large Language Model (LLM) to analyze sarcoidosis-related discussions on the social media platform Reddit. Our findings underscore the efficacy of LLMs in accurately identifying sarcoidosis-related content. We discovered a wide array of symptoms reported by patients, with fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, and shortness of breath as the most prevalent. Prednisone was the most prescribed medication, while infliximab showed the highest effectiveness in improving prognoses. Notably, our analysis revealed disparities in prognosis based on age and gender, with women and younger patients experiencing good and polarized outcomes, respectively. Furthermore, unsupervised clustering identified three distinct patient subgroups (phenotypes) with unique symptom profiles, prognostic outcomes, and demographic distributions. Finally, sentiment analysis revealed a moderate negative impact on patients' mental health post-diagnosis, particularly among women and younger individuals. Our study represents the first application of LLMs to understand sarcoidosis through social media data. It contributes to understanding the disease by providing data-driven insights into its manifestations, treatments, prognoses, and impact on patients' lives. Our findings have direct implications for improving personalized treatment strategies and enhancing the quality of care for individuals living with sarcoidosis.

cross Auto FAQ Generation

Authors: Anjaneya Teja Kalvakolanu, NagaSai Chandra, Michael Fekadu

Abstract: FAQ documents are commonly used with text documents and websites to provide important information in the form of question answer pairs to either aid in reading comprehension or provide a shortcut to the key ideas. We suppose that salient sentences from a given document serve as a good proxy fro the answers to an aggregated set of FAQs from readers. We propose a system for generating FAQ documents that extract the salient questions and their corresponding answers from sizeable text documents scraped from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. We use existing text summarization, sentence ranking via the Text rank algorithm, and question-generation tools to create an initial set of questions and answers. Finally, we apply some heuristics to filter out invalid questions. We use human evaluation to rate the generated questions on grammar, whether the question is meaningful, and whether the question's answerability is present within a summarized context. On average, participants thought 71 percent of the questions were meaningful.

cross News Recommendation with Category Description by a Large Language Model

Authors: Yuki Yada, Hayato Yamana

Abstract: Personalized news recommendations are essential for online news platforms to assist users in discovering news articles that match their interests from a vast amount of online content. Appropriately encoded content features, such as text, categories, and images, are essential for recommendations. Among these features, news categories, such as tv-golden-globe, finance-real-estate, and news-politics, play an important role in understanding news content, inspiring us to enhance the categories' descriptions. In this paper, we propose a novel method that automatically generates informative category descriptions using a large language model (LLM) without manual effort or domain-specific knowledge and incorporates them into recommendation models as additional information. In our comprehensive experimental evaluations using the MIND dataset, our method successfully achieved 5.8% improvement at most in AUC compared with baseline approaches without the LLM's generated category descriptions for the state-of-the-art content-based recommendation models including NAML, NRMS, and NPA. These results validate the effectiveness of our approach. The code is available at


cross Control Token with Dense Passage Retrieval

Authors: Juhwan Lee, Jisu Kim

Abstract: This study addresses the hallucination problem in large language models (LLMs). We adopted Retrieval-Augmented Generation(RAG) (Lewis et al., 2020), a technique that involves embedding relevant information in the prompt to obtain accurate answers. However, RAG also faced inherent issues in retrieving correct information. To address this, we employed the Dense Passage Retrieval(DPR) (Karpukhin et al., 2020) model for fetching domain-specific documents related to user queries. Despite this, the DPR model still lacked accuracy in document retrieval. We enhanced the DPR model by incorporating control tokens, achieving significantly superior performance over the standard DPR model, with a 13% improvement in Top-1 accuracy and a 4% improvement in Top-20 accuracy.

cross METAREFLECTION: Learning Instructions for Language Agents using Past Reflections

Authors: Priyanshu Gupta, Shashank Kirtania, Ananya Singha, Sumit Gulwani, Arjun Radhakrishna, Sherry Shi, Gustavo Soares

Abstract: Despite the popularity of Large Language Models (LLMs), crafting specific prompts for LLMs to perform particular tasks remains challenging. Users often engage in multiple conversational turns with an LLM-based agent to accomplish their intended task. Recent studies have demonstrated that linguistic feedback, in the form of self-reflections generated by the model, can work as reinforcement during these conversations, thus enabling quicker convergence to the desired outcome. Motivated by these findings, we introduce METAREFLECTION, a novel technique that learns general prompt instructions for a specific domain from individual self-reflections gathered during a training phase. We evaluate our technique in two domains: Infrastructure as Code (IAC) vulnerability detection and question-answering (QA) using REACT and COT. Our results demonstrate a notable improvement, with METARELECTION outperforming GPT-4 by 16.82% (IAC), 31.33% (COT), and 15.42% (REACT), underscoring the potential of METAREFLECTION as a viable method for enhancing the efficiency of LLMs.

cross UCCIX: Irish-eXcellence Large Language Model

Authors: Khanh-Tung Tran, Barry O'Sullivan, Hoang D. Nguyen

Abstract: The development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has predominantly focused on high-resource languages, leaving extremely low-resource languages like Irish with limited representation. This work presents UCCIX, a pioneering effort on the development of an open-source Irish-based LLM. We propose a novel framework for continued pre-training of LLMs specifically adapted for extremely low-resource languages, requiring only a fraction of the textual data typically needed for training LLMs according to scaling laws. Our model, based on Llama 2-13B, outperforms much larger models on Irish language tasks with up to 12% performance improvement, showcasing the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach. We also contribute comprehensive Irish benchmarking datasets, including IrishQA, a question-answering dataset, and Irish version of MT-bench. These datasets enable rigorous evaluation and facilitate future research in Irish LLM systems. Our work aims to preserve and promote the Irish language, knowledge, and culture of Ireland in the digital era while providing a framework for adapting LLMs to other indigenous languages.

cross Unveiling Social Media Comments with a Novel Named Entity Recognition System for Identity Groups

Authors: Andr\'es Carvallo, Tamara Quiroga, Carlos Aspillaga, Marcelo Mendoza

Abstract: While civilized users employ social media to stay informed and discuss daily occurrences, haters perceive these platforms as fertile ground for attacking groups and individuals. The prevailing approach to counter this phenomenon involves detecting such attacks by identifying toxic language. Effective platform measures aim to report haters and block their network access. In this context, employing hate speech detection methods aids in identifying these attacks amidst vast volumes of text, which are impossible for humans to analyze manually. In our study, we expand upon the usual hate speech detection methods, typically based on text classifiers, to develop a Named Entity Recognition (NER) System for Identity Groups. To achieve this, we created a dataset that allows extending a conventional NER to recognize identity groups. Consequently, our tool not only detects whether a sentence contains an attack but also tags the sentence tokens corresponding to the mentioned group. Results indicate that the model performs competitively in identifying groups with an average f1-score of 0.75, outperforming in identifying ethnicity attack spans with an f1-score of 0.80 compared to other identity groups. Moreover, the tool shows an outstanding generalization capability to minority classes concerning sexual orientation and gender, achieving an f1-score of 0.77 and 0.72, respectively. We tested the utility of our tool in a case study on social media, annotating and comparing comments from Facebook related to news mentioning identity groups. The case study reveals differences in the types of attacks recorded, effectively detecting named entities related to the categories of the analyzed news articles. Entities are accurately tagged within their categories, with a negligible error rate for inter-category tagging.

cross Divergent Creativity in Humans and Large Language Models

Authors: Antoine Bellemare-Pepin (CoCo Lab, Psychology department, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal, Montreal, QC, Canada, Music department, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada), Fran\c{c}ois Lespinasse (Sociology and Anthropology department, Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada), Philipp Th\"olke (CoCo Lab, Psychology department, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal, Montreal, QC, Canada), Yann Harel (CoCo Lab, Psychology department, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal, Montreal, QC, Canada), Kory Mathewson (Mila), Jay A. Olson (Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Mississauga, Mississauga, ON, Canada), Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Department of Computer Science and Operations Research, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal, Montreal, QC, Canada), Karim Jerbi (CoCo Lab, Psychology department, Universit\'e de Montr\'eal, Montreal, QC, Canada, UNIQUE Center)

Abstract: The recent surge in the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to claims that they are approaching a level of creativity akin to human capabilities. This idea has sparked a blend of excitement and apprehension. However, a critical piece that has been missing in this discourse is a systematic evaluation of LLM creativity, particularly in comparison to human divergent thinking. To bridge this gap, we leverage recent advances in creativity science to build a framework for in-depth analysis of divergent creativity in both state-of-the-art LLMs and a substantial dataset of 100,000 humans. We found evidence suggesting that LLMs can indeed surpass human capabilities in specific creative tasks such as divergent association and creative writing. Our quantitative benchmarking framework opens up new paths for the development of more creative LLMs, but it also encourages more granular inquiries into the distinctive elements that constitute human inventive thought processes, compared to those that can be artificially generated.

cross Amplifying Aspect-Sentence Awareness: A Novel Approach for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Adamu Lawan, Juhua Pu, Haruna Yunusa, Jawad Muhammad, Aliyu Umar

Abstract: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is increasingly crucial in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for applications such as customer feedback analysis and product recommendation systems. ABSA goes beyond traditional sentiment analysis by extracting sentiments related to specific aspects mentioned in the text; existing attention-based models often need help to effectively connect aspects with context due to language complexity and multiple sentiment polarities in a single sentence. Recent research underscores the value of integrating syntactic information, such as dependency trees, to understand long-range syntactic relationships better and link aspects with context. Despite these advantages, challenges persist, including sensitivity to parsing errors and increased computational complexity when combining syntactic and semantic information. To address these issues, we propose Amplifying Aspect-Sentence Awareness (A3SN), a novel technique designed to enhance ABSA through amplifying aspect-sentence awareness attention. Following the transformer's standard process, our innovative approach incorporates multi-head attention mechanisms to augment the model with sentence and aspect semantic information. We added another multi-head attention module: amplify aspect-sentence awareness attention. By doubling its focus between the sentence and aspect, we effectively highlighted aspect importance within the sentence context. This enables accurate capture of subtle relationships and dependencies. Additionally, gated fusion integrates feature representations from multi-head and amplified aspect-sentence awareness attention mechanisms, which is essential for ABSA. Experimental results across three benchmark datasets demonstrate A3SN's effectiveness and outperform state-of-the-art (SOTA) baseline models.

cross QCRD: Quality-guided Contrastive Rationale Distillation for Large Language Models

Authors: Wei Wang, Zhaowei Li, Qi Xu, Yiqing Cai, Hang Song, Qi Qi, Ran Zhou, Zhida Huang, Tao Wang, Li Xiao

Abstract: Deploying large language models (LLMs) poses challenges in terms of resource limitations and inference efficiency. To address these challenges, recent research has focused on using smaller task-specific language models, which are enhanced by distilling the knowledge rationales generated by LLMs. However, previous works mostly emphasize the effectiveness of positive knowledge, while overlooking the knowledge noise and the exploration of negative knowledge. In this paper, we first propose a general approach called quality-guided contrastive rationale distillation for reasoning capacity learning, considering contrastive learning perspectives. For the learning of positive knowledge, we collect positive rationales through self-consistency to denoise the LLM rationales generated by temperature sampling. For the negative knowledge distillation, we generate negative rationales using temperature sampling for the iteration-before smaller language models themselves. Finally, a contrastive loss is designed to better distill the positive and negative rationales into the smaller language model, where an online-update discriminator is used to judge the qualities of rationales and assign weights for better optimizing the training process. Through extensive experiments on multiple reasoning tasks, we demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms the previous distillation methods and produces higher-quality rationales.

cross Assisted Debate Builder with Large Language Models

Authors: Elliot Faugier, Fr\'ed\'eric Armetta, Angela Bonifati, Bruno Yun

Abstract: We introduce ADBL2, an assisted debate builder tool. It is based on the capability of large language models to generalise and perform relation-based argument mining in a wide-variety of domains. It is the first open-source tool that leverages relation-based mining for (1) the verification of pre-established relations in a debate and (2) the assisted creation of new arguments by means of large language models. ADBL2 is highly modular and can work with any open-source large language models that are used as plugins. As a by-product, we also provide the first fine-tuned Mistral-7B large language model for relation-based argument mining, usable by ADBL2, which outperforms existing approaches for this task with an overall F1-score of 90.59% across all domains.

cross Continued Pretraining for Domain Adaptation of Wav2vec2.0 in Automatic Speech Recognition for Elementary Math Classroom Settings

Authors: Ahmed Adel Attia, Dorottya Demszky, Tolulope Ogunremi, Jing Liu, Carol Espy-Wilson

Abstract: Creating Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems that are robust and resilient to classroom conditions is paramount to the development of AI tools to aid teachers and students. In this work, we study the efficacy of continued pretraining (CPT) in adapting Wav2vec2.0 to the classroom domain. We show that CPT is a powerful tool in that regard and reduces the Word Error Rate (WER) of Wav2vec2.0-based models by upwards of 10%. More specifically, CPT improves the model's robustness to different noises, microphones, classroom conditions as well as classroom demographics. Our CPT models show improved ability to generalize to different demographics unseen in the labeled finetuning data.

cross A Comprehensive Survey of Accelerated Generation Techniques in Large Language Models

Authors: Mahsa Khoshnoodi, Vinija Jain, Mingye Gao, Malavika Srikanth, Aman Chadha

Abstract: Despite the crucial importance of accelerating text generation in large language models (LLMs) for efficiently producing content, the sequential nature of this process often leads to high inference latency, posing challenges for real-time applications. Various techniques have been proposed and developed to address these challenges and improve efficiency. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of accelerated generation techniques in autoregressive language models, aiming to understand the state-of-the-art methods and their applications. We categorize these techniques into several key areas: speculative decoding, early exiting mechanisms, and non-autoregressive methods. We discuss each category's underlying principles, advantages, limitations, and recent advancements. Through this survey, we aim to offer insights into the current landscape of techniques in LLMs and provide guidance for future research directions in this critical area of natural language processing.

cross Using Combinatorial Optimization to Design a High quality LLM Solution

Authors: Samuel Ackerman, Eitan Farchi, Rami Katan, Orna Raz

Abstract: We introduce a novel LLM based solution design approach that utilizes combinatorial optimization and sampling. Specifically, a set of factors that influence the quality of the solution are identified. They typically include factors that represent prompt types, LLM inputs alternatives, and parameters governing the generation and design alternatives. Identifying the factors that govern the LLM solution quality enables the infusion of subject matter expert knowledge. Next, a set of interactions between the factors are defined and combinatorial optimization is used to create a small subset $P$ that ensures all desired interactions occur in $P$. Each element $p \in P$ is then developed into an appropriate benchmark. Applying the alternative solutions on each combination, $p \in P$ and evaluating the results facilitate the design of a high quality LLM solution pipeline. The approach is especially applicable when the design and evaluation of each benchmark in $P$ is time-consuming and involves manual steps and human evaluation. Given its efficiency the approach can also be used as a baseline to compare and validate an autoML approach that searches over the factors governing the solution.

cross IM-RAG: Multi-Round Retrieval-Augmented Generation Through Learning Inner Monologues

Authors: Diji Yang, Jinmeng Rao, Kezhen Chen, Xiaoyuan Guo, Yawen Zhang, Jie Yang, Yi Zhang

Abstract: Although the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) paradigms can use external knowledge to enhance and ground the outputs of Large Language Models (LLMs) to mitigate generative hallucinations and static knowledge base problems, they still suffer from limited flexibility in adopting Information Retrieval (IR) systems with varying capabilities, constrained interpretability during the multi-round retrieval process, and a lack of end-to-end optimization. To address these challenges, we propose a novel LLM-centric approach, IM-RAG, that integrates IR systems with LLMs to support multi-round RAG through learning Inner Monologues (IM, i.e., the human inner voice that narrates one's thoughts). During the IM process, the LLM serves as the core reasoning model (i.e., Reasoner) to either propose queries to collect more information via the Retriever or to provide a final answer based on the conversational context. We also introduce a Refiner that improves the outputs from the Retriever, effectively bridging the gap between the Reasoner and IR modules with varying capabilities and fostering multi-round communications. The entire IM process is optimized via Reinforcement Learning (RL) where a Progress Tracker is incorporated to provide mid-step rewards, and the answer prediction is further separately optimized via Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT). We conduct extensive experiments with the HotPotQA dataset, a popular benchmark for retrieval-based, multi-step question-answering. The results show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance while providing high flexibility in integrating IR modules as well as strong interpretability exhibited in the learned inner monologues.

cross Intelligent Tutor: Leveraging ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot Studio to Deliver a Generative AI Student Support and Feedback System within Teams

Authors: Wei-Yu Chen

Abstract: This study explores the integration of the ChatGPT API with GPT-4 model and Microsoft Copilot Studio on the Microsoft Teams platform to develop an intelligent tutoring system. Designed to provide instant support to students, the system dynamically adjusts educational content in response to the learners' progress and feedback. Utilizing advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, it interprets student inquiries, offers tailored feedback, and facilitates the educational journey. Initial implementation highlights the system's potential in boosting students' motivation and engagement, while equipping educators with critical insights into the learning process, thus promoting tailored educational experiences and enhancing instructional effectiveness.

cross A survey on fairness of large language models in e-commerce: progress, application, and challenge

Authors: Qingyang Ren, Zilin Jiang, Jinghan Cao, Sijia Li, Chiqu Li, Yiyang Liu, Shuning Huo, Tiange He

Abstract: This survey explores the fairness of large language models (LLMs) in e-commerce, examining their progress, applications, and the challenges they face. LLMs have become pivotal in the e-commerce domain, offering innovative solutions and enhancing customer experiences. This work presents a comprehensive survey on the applications and challenges of LLMs in e-commerce. The paper begins by introducing the key principles underlying the use of LLMs in e-commerce, detailing the processes of pretraining, fine-tuning, and prompting that tailor these models to specific needs. It then explores the varied applications of LLMs in e-commerce, including product reviews, where they synthesize and analyze customer feedback; product recommendations, where they leverage consumer data to suggest relevant items; product information translation, enhancing global accessibility; and product question and answer sections, where they automate customer support. The paper critically addresses the fairness challenges in e-commerce, highlighting how biases in training data and algorithms can lead to unfair outcomes, such as reinforcing stereotypes or discriminating against certain groups. These issues not only undermine consumer trust, but also raise ethical and legal concerns. Finally, the work outlines future research directions, emphasizing the need for more equitable and transparent LLMs in e-commerce. It advocates for ongoing efforts to mitigate biases and improve the fairness of these systems, ensuring they serve diverse global markets effectively and ethically. Through this comprehensive analysis, the survey provides a holistic view of the current landscape of LLMs in e-commerce, offering insights into their potential and limitations, and guiding future endeavors in creating fairer and more inclusive e-commerce environments.

cross Leveraging Human Revisions for Improving Text-to-Layout Models

Authors: Amber Xie, Chin-Yi Cheng, Forrest Huang, Yang Li

Abstract: Learning from human feedback has shown success in aligning large, pretrained models with human values. Prior works have mostly focused on learning from high-level labels, such as preferences between pairs of model outputs. On the other hand, many domains could benefit from more involved, detailed feedback, such as revisions, explanations, and reasoning of human users. Our work proposes using nuanced feedback through the form of human revisions for stronger alignment. In this paper, we ask expert designers to fix layouts generated from a generative layout model that is pretrained on a large-scale dataset of mobile screens. Then, we train a reward model based on how human designers revise these generated layouts. With the learned reward model, we optimize our model with reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). Our method, Revision-Aware Reward Models ($\method$), allows a generative text-to-layout model to produce more modern, designer-aligned layouts, showing the potential for utilizing human revisions and stronger forms of feedback in improving generative models.

cross DuetSim: Building User Simulator with Dual Large Language Models for Task-Oriented Dialogues

Authors: Xiang Luo, Zhiwen Tang, Jin Wang, Xuejie Zhang

Abstract: User Simulators play a pivotal role in training and evaluating task-oriented dialogue systems. Traditional user simulators typically rely on human-engineered agendas, resulting in generated responses that often lack diversity and spontaneity. Although large language models (LLMs) exhibit a remarkable capacity for generating coherent and contextually appropriate utterances, they may fall short when tasked with generating responses that effectively guide users towards their goals, particularly in dialogues with intricate constraints and requirements. This paper introduces DuetSim, a novel framework designed to address the intricate demands of task-oriented dialogues by leveraging LLMs. DuetSim stands apart from conventional approaches by employing two LLMs in tandem: one dedicated to response generation and the other focused on verification. This dual LLM approach empowers DuetSim to produce responses that not only exhibit diversity but also demonstrate accuracy and are preferred by human users. We validate the efficacy of our method through extensive experiments conducted on the MultiWOZ dataset, highlighting improvements in response quality and correctness, largely attributed to the incorporation of the second LLM. Our code is accessible at:


cross Crowdsourcing with Enhanced Data Quality Assurance: An Efficient Approach to Mitigate Resource Scarcity Challenges in Training Large Language Models for Healthcare

Authors: P. Barai, G. Leroy, P. Bisht, J. M. Rothman, S. Lee, J. Andrews, S. A. Rice, A. Ahmed

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated immense potential in artificial intelligence across various domains, including healthcare. However, their efficacy is hindered by the need for high-quality labeled data, which is often expensive and time-consuming to create, particularly in low-resource domains like healthcare. To address these challenges, we propose a crowdsourcing (CS) framework enriched with quality control measures at the pre-, real-time-, and post-data gathering stages. Our study evaluated the effectiveness of enhancing data quality through its impact on LLMs (Bio-BERT) for predicting autism-related symptoms. The results show that real-time quality control improves data quality by 19 percent compared to pre-quality control. Fine-tuning Bio-BERT using crowdsourced data generally increased recall compared to the Bio-BERT baseline but lowered precision. Our findings highlighted the potential of crowdsourcing and quality control in resource-constrained environments and offered insights into optimizing healthcare LLMs for informed decision-making and improved patient care.

cross Faithful Attention Explainer: Verbalizing Decisions Based on Discriminative Features

Authors: Yao Rong, David Sheerer, Enkelejda Kasneci

Abstract: In recent years, model explanation methods have been designed to interpret model decisions faithfully and intuitively so that users can easily understand them. In this paper, we propose a framework, Faithful Attention Explainer (FAE), capable of generating faithful textual explanations regarding the attended-to features. Towards this goal, we deploy an attention module that takes the visual feature maps from the classifier for sentence generation. Furthermore, our method successfully learns the association between features and words, which allows a novel attention enforcement module for attention explanation. Our model achieves promising performance in caption quality metrics and a faithful decision-relevance metric on two datasets (CUB and ACT-X). In addition, we show that FAE can interpret gaze-based human attention, as human gaze indicates the discriminative features that humans use for decision-making, demonstrating the potential of deploying human gaze for advanced human-AI interaction.

cross Autonomous Workflow for Multimodal Fine-Grained Training Assistants Towards Mixed Reality

Authors: Jiahuan Pei, Irene Viola, Haochen Huang, Junxiao Wang, Moonisa Ahsan, Fanghua Ye, Jiang Yiming, Yao Sai, Di Wang, Zhumin Chen, Pengjie Ren, Pablo Cesar

Abstract: Autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) agents have emerged as promising protocols for automatically understanding the language-based environment, particularly with the exponential development of large language models (LLMs). However, a fine-grained, comprehensive understanding of multimodal environments remains under-explored. This work designs an autonomous workflow tailored for integrating AI agents seamlessly into extended reality (XR) applications for fine-grained training. We present a demonstration of a multimodal fine-grained training assistant for LEGO brick assembly in a pilot XR environment. Specifically, we design a cerebral language agent that integrates LLM with memory, planning, and interaction with XR tools and a vision-language agent, enabling agents to decide their actions based on past experiences. Furthermore, we introduce LEGO-MRTA, a multimodal fine-grained assembly dialogue dataset synthesized automatically in the workflow served by a commercial LLM. This dataset comprises multimodal instruction manuals, conversations, XR responses, and vision question answering. Last, we present several prevailing open-resource LLMs as benchmarks, assessing their performance with and without fine-tuning on the proposed dataset. We anticipate that the broader impact of this workflow will advance the development of smarter assistants for seamless user interaction in XR environments, fostering research in both AI and HCI communities.

cross SIGMA: An Open-Source Interactive System for Mixed-Reality Task Assistance Research

Authors: Dan Bohus, Sean Andrist, Nick Saw, Ann Paradiso, Ishani Chakraborty, Mahdi Rad

Abstract: We introduce an open-source system called SIGMA (short for "Situated Interactive Guidance, Monitoring, and Assistance") as a platform for conducting research on task-assistive agents in mixed-reality scenarios. The system leverages the sensing and rendering affordances of a head-mounted mixed-reality device in conjunction with large language and vision models to guide users step by step through procedural tasks. We present the system's core capabilities, discuss its overall design and implementation, and outline directions for future research enabled by the system. SIGMA is easily extensible and provides a useful basis for future research at the intersection of mixed reality and AI. By open-sourcing an end-to-end implementation, we aim to lower the barrier to entry, accelerate research in this space, and chart a path towards community-driven end-to-end evaluation of large language, vision, and multimodal models in the context of real-world interactive applications.

cross Can formal argumentative reasoning enhance LLMs performances?

Authors: Federico Castagna, Isabel Sassoon, Simon Parsons

Abstract: Recent years witnessed significant performance advancements in deep-learning-driven natural language models, with a strong focus on the development and release of Large Language Models (LLMs). These improvements resulted in better quality AI-generated output but rely on resource-expensive training and upgrading of models. Although different studies have proposed a range of techniques to enhance LLMs without retraining, none have considered computational argumentation as an option. This is a missed opportunity since computational argumentation is an intuitive mechanism that formally captures agents' interactions and the information conflict that may arise during such interplays, and so it seems well-suited for boosting the reasoning and conversational abilities of LLMs in a seamless manner. In this paper, we present a pipeline (MQArgEng) and preliminary study to evaluate the effect of introducing computational argumentation semantics on the performance of LLMs. Our experiment's goal was to provide a proof-of-concept and a feasibility analysis in order to foster (or deter) future research towards a fully-fledged argumentation engine plugin for LLMs. Exploratory results using the MT-Bench indicate that MQArgEng provides a moderate performance gain in most of the examined topical categories and, as such, show promise and warrant further research.

cross Enhancing Dialogue State Tracking Models through LLM-backed User-Agents Simulation

Authors: Cheng Niu, Xingguang Wang, Xuxin Cheng, Juntong Song, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is designed to monitor the evolving dialogue state in the conversations and plays a pivotal role in developing task-oriented dialogue systems. However, obtaining the annotated data for the DST task is usually a costly endeavor. In this paper, we focus on employing LLMs to generate dialogue data to reduce dialogue collection and annotation costs. Specifically, GPT-4 is used to simulate the user and agent interaction, generating thousands of dialogues annotated with DST labels. Then a two-stage fine-tuning on LLaMA 2 is performed on the generated data and the real data for the DST prediction. Experimental results on two public DST benchmarks show that with the generated dialogue data, our model performs better than the baseline trained solely on real data. In addition, our approach is also capable of adapting to the dynamic demands in real-world scenarios, generating dialogues in new domains swiftly. After replacing dialogue segments in any domain with the corresponding generated ones, the model achieves comparable performance to the model trained on real data.

cross An Explanatory Model Steering System for Collaboration between Domain Experts and AI

Authors: Aditya Bhattacharya, Simone Stumpf, Katrien Verbert

Abstract: With the increasing adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems in high-stake domains, such as healthcare, effective collaboration between domain experts and AI is imperative. To facilitate effective collaboration between domain experts and AI systems, we introduce an Explanatory Model Steering system that allows domain experts to steer prediction models using their domain knowledge. The system includes an explanation dashboard that combines different types of data-centric and model-centric explanations and allows prediction models to be steered through manual and automated data configuration approaches. It allows domain experts to apply their prior knowledge for configuring the underlying training data and refining prediction models. Additionally, our model steering system has been evaluated for a healthcare-focused scenario with 174 healthcare experts through three extensive user studies. Our findings highlight the importance of involving domain experts during model steering, ultimately leading to improved human-AI collaboration.

cross Surgical Feature-Space Decomposition of LLMs: Why, When and How?

Authors: Arnav Chavan, Nahush Lele, Deepak Gupta

Abstract: Low-rank approximations, of the weight and feature space can enhance the performance of deep learning models, whether in terms of improving generalization or reducing the latency of inference. However, there is no clear consensus yet on \emph{how}, \emph{when} and \emph{why} these approximations are helpful for large language models (LLMs). In this work, we empirically study the efficacy of weight and feature space decomposition in transformer-based LLMs. We demonstrate that surgical decomposition not only provides critical insights into the trade-off between compression and language modelling performance, but also sometimes enhances commonsense reasoning performance of LLMs. Our empirical analysis identifies specific network segments that intrinsically exhibit a low-rank structure. Furthermore, we extend our investigation to the implications of low-rank approximations on model bias. Overall, our findings offer a novel perspective on optimizing LLMs, presenting the low-rank approximation not only as a tool for performance enhancements, but also as a means to potentially rectify biases within these models. Our code is available at \href{}{GitHub}.


cross Assessing Political Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Luca Rettenberger, Markus Reischl, Mark Schutera

Abstract: The assessment of societal biases within Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a critical concern in the contemporary discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) ethics and their impact. Especially, recognizing and considering political biases is important for practical applications to gain a deeper understanding of the possibilities and behaviors and to prevent unwanted statements. As the upcoming elections of the European Parliament will not remain unaffected by LLMs, we evaluate the bias of the current most popular open-source models concerning political issues within the European Union (EU) from a German perspective. To do so, we use the "Wahl-O-Mat", a voting advice application used in Germany, to determine which political party is the most aligned for the respective LLM. We show that larger models, such as Llama3-70B, tend to align more closely with left-leaning political parties like GR\"UNE and Volt, while smaller models often remain neutral, particularly in English. This highlights the nuanced behavior of LLMs and the importance of language in shaping their political stances. Our findings underscore the importance of rigorously assessing and addressing societal bias in LLMs to safeguard the integrity and fairness of applications that employ the power of modern machine learning methods.

cross StoryVerse: Towards Co-authoring Dynamic Plot with LLM-based Character Simulation via Narrative Planning

Authors: Yi Wang, Qian Zhou, David Ledo

Abstract: Automated plot generation for games enhances the player's experience by providing rich and immersive narrative experience that adapts to the player's actions. Traditional approaches adopt a symbolic narrative planning method which limits the scale and complexity of the generated plot by requiring extensive knowledge engineering work. Recent advancements use Large Language Models (LLMs) to drive the behavior of virtual characters, allowing plots to emerge from interactions between characters and their environments. However, the emergent nature of such decentralized plot generation makes it difficult for authors to direct plot progression. We propose a novel plot creation workflow that mediates between a writer's authorial intent and the emergent behaviors from LLM-driven character simulation, through a novel authorial structure called "abstract acts". The writers define high-level plot outlines that are later transformed into concrete character action sequences via an LLM-based narrative planning process, based on the game world state. The process creates "living stories" that dynamically adapt to various game world states, resulting in narratives co-created by the author, character simulation, and player. We present StoryVerse as a proof-of-concept system to demonstrate this plot creation workflow. We showcase the versatility of our approach with examples in different stories and game environments.

cross Case-Based Reasoning Approach for Solving Financial Question Answering

Authors: Yikyung Kim, Jay-Yoon Lee

Abstract: Measuring a machine's understanding of human language often involves assessing its reasoning skills, i.e. logical process of deriving answers to questions. While recent language models have shown remarkable proficiency in text based tasks, their efficacy in complex reasoning problems involving heterogeneous information such as text, tables, and numbers remain uncertain. Addressing this gap, FinQA introduced a numerical reasoning dataset for financial documents and simultaneously proposed a program generation approach . Our investigation reveals that half of the errors (48%) stem from incorrect operations being generated. To address this issue, we propose a novel approach to tackle numerical reasoning problems using case based reasoning (CBR), an artificial intelligence paradigm that provides problem solving guidance by offering similar cases (i.e. similar questions and corresponding logical programs). Our model retrieves relevant cases to address a given question, and then generates an answer based on the retrieved cases and contextual information. Through experiments on the FinQA dataset, we demonstrate competitive performance of our approach and additionally show that by expanding case repository, we can help solving complex multi step programs which FinQA showed weakness of.

cross CoLay: Controllable Layout Generation through Multi-conditional Latent Diffusion

Authors: Chin-Yi Cheng, Ruiqi Gao, Forrest Huang, Yang Li

Abstract: Layout design generation has recently gained significant attention due to its potential applications in various fields, including UI, graphic, and floor plan design. However, existing models face two main challenges that limits their adoption in practice. Firstly, the limited expressiveness of individual condition types used in previous works restricts designers' ability to convey complex design intentions and constraints. Secondly, most existing models focus on generating labels and coordinates, while real layouts contain a range of style properties. To address these limitations, we propose a novel framework, CoLay, that integrates multiple condition types and generates complex layouts with diverse style properties. Our approach outperforms prior works in terms of generation quality and condition satisfaction while empowering users to express their design intents using a flexible combination of modalities, including natural language prompts, layout guidelines, element types, and partially completed designs.

cross Human-Generative AI Collaborative Problem Solving Who Leads and How Students Perceive the Interactions

Authors: Gaoxia Zhu, Vidya Sudarshan, Jason Fok Kow, Yew Soon Ong

Abstract: This research investigates distinct human-generative AI collaboration types and students' interaction experiences when collaborating with generative AI (i.e., ChatGPT) for problem-solving tasks and how these factors relate to students' sense of agency and perceived collaborative problem solving. By analyzing the surveys and reflections of 79 undergraduate students, we identified three human-generative AI collaboration types: even contribution, human leads, and AI leads. Notably, our study shows that 77.21% of students perceived they led or had even contributed to collaborative problem-solving when collaborating with ChatGPT. On the other hand, 15.19% of the human participants indicated that the collaborations were led by ChatGPT, indicating a potential tendency for students to rely on ChatGPT. Furthermore, 67.09% of students perceived their interaction experiences with ChatGPT to be positive or mixed. We also found a positive correlation between positive interaction experience and a sense of positive agency. The results of this study contribute to our understanding of the collaboration between students and generative AI and highlight the need to study further why some students let ChatGPT lead collaborative problem-solving and how to enhance their interaction experience through curriculum and technology design.

cross SemEval-2024 Task 3: Multimodal Emotion Cause Analysis in Conversations

Authors: Fanfan Wang, Heqing Ma, Jianfei Yu, Rui Xia, Erik Cambria

Abstract: The ability to understand emotions is an essential component of human-like artificial intelligence, as emotions greatly influence human cognition, decision making, and social interactions. In addition to emotion recognition in conversations, the task of identifying the potential causes behind an individual's emotional state in conversations, is of great importance in many application scenarios. We organize SemEval-2024 Task 3, named Multimodal Emotion Cause Analysis in Conversations, which aims at extracting all pairs of emotions and their corresponding causes from conversations. Under different modality settings, it consists of two subtasks: Textual Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations (TECPE) and Multimodal Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction in Conversations (MECPE). The shared task has attracted 143 registrations and 216 successful submissions. In this paper, we introduce the task, dataset and evaluation settings, summarize the systems of the top teams, and discuss the findings of the participants.

cross Human-Centered LLM-Agent User Interface: A Position Paper

Authors: Daniel Chin, Yuxuan Wang, Gus Xia

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) -in-the-loop applications have been shown to effectively interpret the human user's commands, make plans, and operate external tools/systems accordingly. Still, the operation scope of the LLM agent is limited to passively following the user, requiring the user to frame his/her needs with regard to the underlying tools/systems. We note that the potential of an LLM-Agent User Interface (LAUI) is much greater. A user mostly ignorant to the underlying tools/systems should be able to work with a LAUI to discover an emergent workflow. Contrary to the conventional way of designing an explorable GUI to teach the user a predefined set of ways to use the system, in the ideal LAUI, the LLM agent is initialized to be proficient with the system, proactively studies the user and his/her needs, and proposes new interaction schemes to the user. To illustrate LAUI, we present Flute X GPT, a concrete example using an LLM agent, a prompt manager, and a flute-tutoring multi-modal software-hardware system to facilitate the complex, real-time user experience of learning to play the flute.

cross Towards Contactless Elevators with TinyML using CNN-based Person Detection and Keyword Spotting

Authors: Anway S. Pimpalkar, Deeplaxmi V. Niture

Abstract: This study presents a proof of concept for a contactless elevator operation system aimed at minimizing human intervention while enhancing safety, intelligence, and efficiency. A microcontroller-based edge device executing tiny Machine Learning (tinyML) inferences is developed for elevator operation. Using person detection and keyword spotting algorithms, the system offers cost-effective and robust units requiring minimal infrastructural changes. The design incorporates preprocessing steps and quantized convolutional neural networks in a multitenant framework to optimize accuracy and response time. Results show a person detection accuracy of 83.34% and keyword spotting efficacy of 80.5%, with an overall latency under 5 seconds, indicating effectiveness in real-world scenarios. Unlike current high-cost and inconsistent contactless technologies, this system leverages tinyML to provide a cost-effective, reliable, and scalable solution, enhancing user safety and operational efficiency without significant infrastructural changes. The study highlights promising results, though further exploration is needed for scalability and integration with existing systems. The demonstrated energy efficiency, simplicity, and safety benefits suggest that tinyML adoption could revolutionize elevator systems, serving as a model for future technological advancements. This technology could significantly impact public health and convenience in multi-floor buildings by reducing physical contact and improving operational efficiency, particularly relevant in the context of pandemics or hygiene concerns.

cross Large Language Models Can Infer Personality from Free-Form User Interactions

Authors: Heinrich Peters, Moran Cerf, Sandra C. Matz

Abstract: This study investigates the capacity of Large Language Models (LLMs) to infer the Big Five personality traits from free-form user interactions. The results demonstrate that a chatbot powered by GPT-4 can infer personality with moderate accuracy, outperforming previous approaches drawing inferences from static text content. The accuracy of inferences varied across different conversational settings. Performance was highest when the chatbot was prompted to elicit personality-relevant information from users (mean r=.443, range=[.245, .640]), followed by a condition placing greater emphasis on naturalistic interaction (mean r=.218, range=[.066, .373]). Notably, the direct focus on personality assessment did not result in a less positive user experience, with participants reporting the interactions to be equally natural, pleasant, engaging, and humanlike across both conditions. A chatbot mimicking ChatGPT's default behavior of acting as a helpful assistant led to markedly inferior personality inferences and lower user experience ratings but still captured psychologically meaningful information for some of the personality traits (mean r=.117, range=[-.004, .209]). Preliminary analyses suggest that the accuracy of personality inferences varies only marginally across different socio-demographic subgroups. Our results highlight the potential of LLMs for psychological profiling based on conversational interactions. We discuss practical implications and ethical challenges associated with these findings.

cross MeteoRA: Multiple-tasks Embedded LoRA for Large Language Models

Authors: Jingwei Xu, Junyu Lai, Yunpeng Huang

Abstract: The \textit{pretrain+fine-tune} paradigm is foundational in deploying large language models (LLMs) across a diverse range of downstream applications. Among these, Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) stands out for its parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), producing numerous off-the-shelf task-specific LoRA adapters. However, this approach requires explicit task intention selection, posing challenges for automatic task sensing and switching during inference with multiple existing LoRA adapters embedded in a single LLM. In this work, we introduce \textbf{\method} (\textbf{M}ultiple-\textbf{T}asks embedded \textbf{LoRA}), a scalable multi-knowledge LoRA fusion framework designed for LLMs. \method\ integrates various LoRA adapters in a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) style into the base LLM, enabling the model to automatically select the most pertinent adapter based on the task input. This advancement significantly enhances the LLM's capability to handle composite tasks that require different adapters to solve various components of the problem. Our evaluations, featuring the LlaMA2-13B and LlaMA3-8B base models equipped with off-the-shelf 28 LoRA adapters through \method, demonstrate equivalent performance with the individual adapters. Furthermore, both base models equipped with \method\ achieve superior performance in sequentially solving composite tasks with ten problems in only a single inference process, highlighting the ability of timely intention switching in \method\ embedded LLMs.

cross Large Language Models for Medicine: A Survey

Authors: Yanxin Zheng, Wensheng Gan, Zefeng Chen, Zhenlian Qi, Qian Liang, Philip S. Yu

Abstract: To address challenges in the digital economy's landscape of digital intelligence, large language models (LLMs) have been developed. Improvements in computational power and available resources have significantly advanced LLMs, allowing their integration into diverse domains for human life. Medical LLMs are essential application tools with potential across various medical scenarios. In this paper, we review LLM developments, focusing on the requirements and applications of medical LLMs. We provide a concise overview of existing models, aiming to explore advanced research directions and benefit researchers for future medical applications. We emphasize the advantages of medical LLMs in applications, as well as the challenges encountered during their development. Finally, we suggest directions for technical integration to mitigate challenges and potential research directions for the future of medical LLMs, aiming to meet the demands of the medical field better.

cross Can Github issues be solved with Tree Of Thoughts?

Authors: Ricardo La Rosa, Corey Hulse, Bangdi Liu

Abstract: While there have been extensive studies in code generation by large language models (LLM), where benchmarks like HumanEval have been surpassed with an impressive 96.3% success rate, these benchmarks predominantly judge a model's performance on basic function-level code generation and lack the critical thinking and concept of scope required of real-world scenarios such as solving GitHub issues. This research introduces the application of the Tree of Thoughts (ToT) language model reasoning framework for enhancing the decision-making and problem-solving abilities of LLMs for this complex task. Compared to traditional input-output (IO) prompting and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) techniques, ToT is designed to improve performance by facilitating a structured exploration of multiple reasoning trajectories and enabling self-assessment of potential solutions. We experimentally deploy ToT in tackling a Github issue contained within an instance of the SWE-bench. However, our results reveal that the ToT framework alone is not enough to give LLMs the critical reasoning capabilities to outperform existing methods. In this paper we analyze the potential causes of these shortcomings and identify key areas for improvement such as deepening the thought process and introducing agentic capabilities. The insights of this research are aimed at informing future directions for refining the application of ToT and better harnessing the potential of LLMs in real-world problem-solving scenarios.

cross The AI Community Building the Future? A Quantitative Analysis of Development Activity on Hugging Face Hub

Authors: Cailean Osborne, Jennifer Ding, Hannah Rose Kirk

Abstract: Open source developers have emerged as key actors in the political economy of artificial intelligence (AI), with open model development being recognised as an alternative to closed-source AI development. However, we still have a limited understanding of collaborative practices in open source AI. This paper responds to this gap with a three-part quantitative analysis of development activity on the Hugging Face (HF) Hub, a popular platform for building, sharing, and demonstrating models. First, we find that various types of activity across 348,181 model, 65,761 dataset, and 156,642 space repositories exhibit right-skewed distributions. Activity is extremely imbalanced between repositories; for example, over 70% of models have 0 downloads, while 1% account for 99% of downloads. Second, we analyse a snapshot of the social network structure of collaboration on models, finding that the community has a core-periphery structure, with a core of prolific developers and a majority of isolate developers (89%). Upon removing isolates, collaboration is characterised by high reciprocity regardless of developers' network positions. Third, we examine model adoption through the lens of model usage in spaces, finding that a minority of models, developed by a handful of companies, are widely used on the HF Hub. Overall, we find that various types of activity on the HF Hub are characterised by Pareto distributions, congruent with prior observations about OSS development patterns on platforms like GitHub. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of the findings and recommendations for (open source) AI researchers, developers, and policymakers.

cross RNG: Reducing Multi-level Noise and Multi-grained Semantic Gap for Joint Multimodal Aspect-Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Yaxin Liu, Yan Zhou, Ziming Li, Jinchuan Zhang, Yu Shang, Chenyang Zhang, Songlin Hu

Abstract: As an important multimodal sentiment analysis task, Joint Multimodal Aspect-Sentiment Analysis (JMASA), aiming to jointly extract aspect terms and their associated sentiment polarities from the given text-image pairs, has gained increasing concerns. Existing works encounter two limitations: (1) multi-level modality noise, i.e., instance- and feature-level noise; and (2) multi-grained semantic gap, i.e., coarse- and fine-grained gap. Both issues may interfere with accurate identification of aspect-sentiment pairs. To address these limitations, we propose a novel framework named RNG for JMASA. Specifically, to simultaneously reduce multi-level modality noise and multi-grained semantic gap, we design three constraints: (1) Global Relevance Constraint (GR-Con) based on text-image similarity for instance-level noise reduction, (2) Information Bottleneck Constraint (IB-Con) based on the Information Bottleneck (IB) principle for feature-level noise reduction, and (3) Semantic Consistency Constraint (SC-Con) based on mutual information maximization in a contrastive learning way for multi-grained semantic gap reduction. Extensive experiments on two datasets validate our new state-of-the-art performance.

cross StatAvg: Mitigating Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning for Intrusion Detection Systems

Authors: Pavlos S. Bouzinis, Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, Ioannis Makris, Thomas Lagkas, Vasileios Argyriou, Georgios Th. Papadopoulos, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis, George K. Karagiannidis

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a decentralized learning technique that enables participating devices to collaboratively build a shared Machine Leaning (ML) or Deep Learning (DL) model without revealing their raw data to a third party. Due to its privacy-preserving nature, FL has sparked widespread attention for building Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) within the realm of cybersecurity. However, the data heterogeneity across participating domains and entities presents significant challenges for the reliable implementation of an FL-based IDS. In this paper, we propose an effective method called Statistical Averaging (StatAvg) to alleviate non-independently and identically (non-iid) distributed features across local clients' data in FL. In particular, StatAvg allows the FL clients to share their individual data statistics with the server, which then aggregates this information to produce global statistics. The latter are shared with the clients and used for universal data normalisation. It is worth mentioning that StatAvg can seamlessly integrate with any FL aggregation strategy, as it occurs before the actual FL training process. The proposed method is evaluated against baseline approaches using datasets for network and host Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered IDS. The experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of StatAvg in mitigating non-iid feature distributions across the FL clients compared to the baseline methods.

cross Digital Health and Indoor Air Quality: An IoT-Driven Human-Centred Visualisation Platform for Behavioural Change and Technology Acceptance

Authors: Rameez Raja Kureshi, Bhupesh Kumar Mishra, Dhavalkumar Thakker, Suvodeep Mazumdar, Xiao Li

Abstract: The detrimental effects of air pollutants on human health have prompted increasing concerns regarding indoor air quality (IAQ). The emergence of digital health interventions and citizen science initiatives has provided new avenues for raising awareness, improving IAQ, and promoting behavioural changes. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) offers a theoretical framework to understand user acceptance and adoption of IAQ technology. This paper presents a case study using the COM-B model and Internet of Things (IoT) technology to design a human-centred digital visualisation platform, leading to behavioural changes and improved IAQ. The study also investigates users' acceptance and adoption of the technology, focusing on their experiences, expectations, and the impact on IAQ. Integrating IAQ sensing, digital health-related interventions, citizen science, and the TAM model offers opportunities to address IAQ challenges, enhance public health, and foster sustainable indoor environments. The analytical results show that factors such as human behaviour, indoor activities, and awareness play crucial roles in shaping IAQ.

cross Exploring Teachers' Perception of Artificial Intelligence: The Socio-emotional Deficiency as Opportunities and Challenges in Human-AI Complementarity in K-12 Education

Authors: Soon-young Oh, Yongsu Ahn

Abstract: In schools, teachers play a multitude of roles, serving as educators, counselors, decision-makers, and members of the school community. With recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), there is increasing discussion about how AI can assist, complement, and collaborate with teachers. To pave the way for better teacher-AI complementary relationships in schools, our study aims to expand the discourse on teacher-AI complementarity by seeking educators' perspectives on the potential strengths and limitations of AI across a spectrum of responsibilities. Through a mixed method using a survey with 100 elementary school teachers in South Korea and in-depth interviews with 12 teachers, our findings indicate that teachers anticipate AI's potential to complement human teachers by automating administrative tasks and enhancing personalized learning through advanced intelligence. Interestingly, the deficit of AI's socio-emotional capabilities has been perceived as both challenges and opportunities. Overall, our study demonstrates the nuanced perception of teachers and different levels of expectations over their roles, challenging the need for decisions about AI adoption tailored to educators' preferences and concerns.

cross Lockpicking LLMs: A Logit-Based Jailbreak Using Token-level Manipulation

Authors: Yuxi Li, Yi Liu, Yuekang Li, Ling Shi, Gelei Deng, Shengquan Chen, Kailong Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have transformed the field of natural language processing, but they remain susceptible to jailbreaking attacks that exploit their capabilities to generate unintended and potentially harmful content. Existing token-level jailbreaking techniques, while effective, face scalability and efficiency challenges, especially as models undergo frequent updates and incorporate advanced defensive measures. In this paper, we introduce JailMine, an innovative token-level manipulation approach that addresses these limitations effectively. JailMine employs an automated "mining" process to elicit malicious responses from LLMs by strategically selecting affirmative outputs and iteratively reducing the likelihood of rejection. Through rigorous testing across multiple well-known LLMs and datasets, we demonstrate JailMine's effectiveness and efficiency, achieving a significant average reduction of 86% in time consumed while maintaining high success rates averaging 95%, even in the face of evolving defensive strategies. Our work contributes to the ongoing effort to assess and mitigate the vulnerability of LLMs to jailbreaking attacks, underscoring the importance of continued vigilance and proactive measures to enhance the security and reliability of these powerful language models.

cross A Novel Method for News Article Event-Based Embedding

Authors: Koren Ishlach, Itzhak Ben-David, Michael Fire, Lior Rokach

Abstract: Embedding news articles is a crucial tool for multiple fields, such as media bias detection, identifying fake news, and news recommendations. However, existing news embedding methods are not optimized for capturing the latent context of news events. In many cases, news embedding methods rely on full-textual information and neglect the importance of time-relevant embedding generation. Here, we aim to address these shortcomings by presenting a novel lightweight method that optimizes news embedding generation by focusing on the entities and themes mentioned in the articles and their historical connections to specific events. We suggest a method composed of three stages. First, we process and extract the events, entities, and themes for the given news articles. Second, we generate periodic time embeddings for themes and entities by training timely separated GloVe models on current and historical data. Lastly, we concatenate the news embeddings generated by two distinct approaches: Smooth Inverse Frequency (SIF) for article-level vectors and Siamese Neural Networks for embeddings with nuanced event-related information. To test and evaluate our method, we leveraged over 850,000 news articles and 1,000,000 events from the GDELT project. For validation purposes, we conducted a comparative analysis of different news embedding generation methods, applying them twice to a shared event detection task - first on articles published within the same day and subsequently on those published within the same month. Our experiments show that our method significantly improves the Precision-Recall (PR) AUC across all tasks and datasets. Specifically, we observed an average PR AUC improvement of 2.15% and 2.57% compared to SIF, as well as 2.57% and 2.43% compared to the semi-supervised approach for daily and monthly shared event detection tasks, respectively.

cross GPT-4 Jailbreaks Itself with Near-Perfect Success Using Self-Explanation

Authors: Govind Ramesh, Yao Dou, Wei Xu

Abstract: Research on jailbreaking has been valuable for testing and understanding the safety and security issues of large language models (LLMs). In this paper, we introduce Iterative Refinement Induced Self-Jailbreak (IRIS), a novel approach that leverages the reflective capabilities of LLMs for jailbreaking with only black-box access. Unlike previous methods, IRIS simplifies the jailbreaking process by using a single model as both the attacker and target. This method first iteratively refines adversarial prompts through self-explanation, which is crucial for ensuring that even well-aligned LLMs obey adversarial instructions. IRIS then rates and enhances the output given the refined prompt to increase its harmfulness. We find IRIS achieves jailbreak success rates of 98% on GPT-4 and 92% on GPT-4 Turbo in under 7 queries. It significantly outperforms prior approaches in automatic, black-box and interpretable jailbreaking, while requiring substantially fewer queries, thereby establishing a new standard for interpretable jailbreaking methods.

cross Children's Mental Models of Generative Visual and Text Based AI Models

Authors: Eliza Kosoy, Soojin Jeong, Anoop Sinha, Alison Gopnik, Tanya Kraljic

Abstract: In this work we investigate how children ages 5-12 perceive, understand, and use generative AI models such as a text-based LLMs ChatGPT and a visual-based model DALL-E. Generative AI is newly being used widely since chatGPT. Children are also building mental models of generative AI. Those haven't been studied before and it is also the case that the children's models are dynamic as they use the tools, even with just very short usage. Upon surveying and experimentally observing over 40 children ages 5-12, we found that children generally have a very positive outlook towards AI and are excited about the ways AI may benefit and aid them in their everyday lives. In a forced choice, children robustly associated AI with positive adjectives versus negative ones. We also categorize what children are querying AI models for and find that children search for more imaginative things that don't exist when using a visual-based AI and not when using a text-based one. Our follow-up study monitored children's responses and feelings towards AI before and after interacting with GenAI models. We even find that children find AI to be less scary after interacting with it. We hope that these findings will shine a light on children's mental models of AI and provide insight for how to design the best possible tools for children who will inevitably be using AI in their lifetimes. The motivation of this work is to bridge the gap between Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Psychology in an effort to study the effects of AI on society. We aim to identify the gaps in humans' mental models of what AI is and how it works. Previous work has investigated how both adults and children perceive various kinds of robots, computers, and other technological concepts. However, there is very little work investigating these concepts for generative AI models and not simply embodied robots or physical technology.

cross A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Gait-Based Neurodegenerative Disease Diagnosis

Authors: Haocong Rao, Minlin Zeng, Xuejiao Zhao, Chunyan Miao

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed an increasing global population affected by neurodegenerative diseases (NDs), which traditionally require extensive healthcare resources and human effort for medical diagnosis and monitoring. As a crucial disease-related motor symptom, human gait can be exploited to characterize different NDs. The current advances in artificial intelligence (AI) models enable automatic gait analysis for NDs identification and classification, opening a new avenue to facilitate faster and more cost-effective diagnosis of NDs. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey on recent progress of machine learning and deep learning based AI techniques applied to diagnosis of five typical NDs through gait. We provide an overview of the process of AI-assisted NDs diagnosis, and present a systematic taxonomy of existing gait data and AI models. Through an extensive review and analysis of 164 studies, we identify and discuss the challenges, potential solutions, and future directions in this field. Finally, we envision the prospective utilization of 3D skeleton data for human gait representation and the development of more efficient AI models for NDs diagnosis. We provide a public resource repository to track and facilitate developments in this emerging field:


cross The 2nd FutureDial Challenge: Dialog Systems with Retrieval Augmented Generation (FutureDial-RAG)

Authors: Yucheng Cai, Si Chen, Yi Huang, Junlan Feng, Zhijian Ou

Abstract: The 2nd FutureDial Challenge: Dialog Systems with Retrieval Augmented Generation (FutureDial-RAG), Co-located with SLT 2024

cross Multi-domain Knowledge Graph Collaborative Pre-training and Prompt Tuning for Diverse Downstream Tasks

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Binbin Hu, Zhuo Chen, Lingbing Guo, Ziqi Liu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Lei Liang, Huajun Chen, Wen Zhang

Abstract: Knowledge graphs (KGs) provide reliable external knowledge for a wide variety of AI tasks in the form of structured triples. Knowledge graph pre-training (KGP) aims to pre-train neural networks on large-scale KGs and provide unified interfaces to enhance different downstream tasks, which is a key direction for KG management, maintenance, and applications. Existing works often focus on purely research questions in open domains, or they are not open source due to data security and privacy in real scenarios. Meanwhile, existing studies have not explored the training efficiency and transferability of KGP models in depth. To address these problems, We propose a framework MuDoK to achieve multi-domain collaborative pre-training and efficient prefix prompt tuning to serve diverse downstream tasks like recommendation and text understanding. Our design is a plug-and-play prompt learning approach that can be flexibly adapted to different downstream task backbones. In response to the lack of open-source benchmarks, we constructed a new multi-domain KGP benchmark called KPI with two large-scale KGs and six different sub-domain tasks to evaluate our method and open-sourced it for subsequent research. We evaluated our approach based on constructed KPI benchmarks using diverse backbone models in heterogeneous downstream tasks. The experimental results show that our framework brings significant performance gains, along with its generality, efficiency, and transferability.

cross FedASTA: Federated adaptive spatial-temporal attention for traffic flow prediction

Authors: Kaiyuan Li, Yihan Zhang, Xinlei Chen

Abstract: Mobile devices and the Internet of Things (IoT) devices nowadays generate a large amount of heterogeneous spatial-temporal data. It remains a challenging problem to model the spatial-temporal dynamics under privacy concern. Federated learning (FL) has been proposed as a framework to enable model training across distributed devices without sharing original data which reduce privacy concern. Personalized federated learning (PFL) methods further address data heterogenous problem. However, these methods don't consider natural spatial relations among nodes. For the sake of modeling spatial relations, Graph Neural Netowork (GNN) based FL approach have been proposed. But dynamic spatial-temporal relations among edge nodes are not taken into account. Several approaches model spatial-temporal dynamics in a centralized environment, while less effort has been made under federated setting. To overcome these challeges, we propose a novel Federated Adaptive Spatial-Temporal Attention (FedASTA) framework to model the dynamic spatial-temporal relations. On the client node, FedASTA extracts temporal relations and trend patterns from the decomposed terms of original time series. Then, on the server node, FedASTA utilize trend patterns from clients to construct adaptive temporal-spatial aware graph which captures dynamic correlation between clients. Besides, we design a masked spatial attention module with both static graph and constructed adaptive graph to model spatial dependencies among clients. Extensive experiments on five real-world public traffic flow datasets demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-art performance in federated scenario. In addition, the experiments made in centralized setting show the effectiveness of our novel adaptive graph construction approach compared with other popular dynamic spatial-temporal aware methods.

cross Graph neural networks informed locally by thermodynamics

Authors: Alicia Tierz, Iciar Alfaro, David Gonz\'alez, Francisco Chinesta, El\'ias Cueto

Abstract: Thermodynamics-informed neural networks employ inductive biases for the enforcement of the first and second principles of thermodynamics. To construct these biases, a metriplectic evolution of the system is assumed. This provides excellent results, when compared to uninformed, black box networks. While the degree of accuracy can be increased in one or two orders of magnitude, in the case of graph networks, this requires assembling global Poisson and dissipation matrices, which breaks the local structure of such networks. In order to avoid this drawback, a local version of the metriplectic biases has been developed in this work, which avoids the aforementioned matrix assembly, thus preserving the node-by-node structure of the graph networks. We apply this framework for examples in the fields of solid and fluid mechanics. Our approach demonstrates significant computational efficiency and strong generalization capabilities, accurately making inferences on examples significantly different from those encountered during training.

cross KPG: Key Propagation Graph Generator for Rumor Detection based on Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Yusong Zhang, Kun Xie, Xingyi Zhang, Xiangyu Dong, Sibo Wang

Abstract: The proliferation of rumors on social media platforms during significant events, such as the US elections and the COVID-19 pandemic, has a profound impact on social stability and public health. Existing approaches for rumor detection primarily rely on propagation graphs to enhance model effectiveness. However, the presence of noisy and irrelevant structures during the propagation process limits the efficacy of these approaches. To tackle this issue, techniques such as weight adjustment and data augmentation have been proposed. However, these techniques heavily depend on rich original propagation structures, thus hindering performance when dealing with rumors that lack sufficient propagation information in the early propagation stages. In this paper, we propose Key Propagation Graph Generator (KPG), a novel reinforcement learning-based rumor detection framework that generates contextually coherent and informative propagation patterns for events with insufficient topology information, while also identifies indicative substructures for events with redundant and noisy propagation structures. KPG consists of two key components: the Candidate Response Generator (CRG) and the Ending Node Selector (ENS). CRG learns the latent distribution from refined propagation patterns, filtering out noise and generating new candidates for ENS. Simultaneously, ENS identifies the most influential substructures within propagation graphs and generates training data for CRG. Moreover, we introduce an end-to-end framework that utilizes rewards to guide the entire training process via a pre-trained graph neural network. Extensive experiments conducted on four datasets demonstrate the superiority of our KPG compared to the state-of-the-art approaches.

cross Presentations are not always linear! GNN meets LLM for Document-to-Presentation Transformation with Attribution

Authors: Himanshu Maheshwari, Sambaran Bandyopadhyay, Aparna Garimella, Anandhavelu Natarajan

Abstract: Automatically generating a presentation from the text of a long document is a challenging and useful problem. In contrast to a flat summary, a presentation needs to have a better and non-linear narrative, i.e., the content of a slide can come from different and non-contiguous parts of the given document. However, it is difficult to incorporate such non-linear mapping of content to slides and ensure that the content is faithful to the document. LLMs are prone to hallucination and their performance degrades with the length of the input document. Towards this, we propose a novel graph based solution where we learn a graph from the input document and use a combination of graph neural network and LLM to generate a presentation with attribution of content for each slide. We conduct thorough experiments to show the merit of our approach compared to directly using LLMs for this task.

cross Better Simulations for Validating Causal Discovery with the DAG-Adaptation of the Onion Method

Authors: Bryan Andrews, Erich Kummerfeld

Abstract: The number of artificial intelligence algorithms for learning causal models from data is growing rapidly. Most ``causal discovery'' or ``causal structure learning'' algorithms are primarily validated through simulation studies. However, no widely accepted simulation standards exist and publications often report conflicting performance statistics -- even when only considering publications that simulate data from linear models. In response, several manuscripts have criticized a popular simulation design for validating algorithms in the linear case. We propose a new simulation design for generating linear models for directed acyclic graphs (DAGs): the DAG-adaptation of the Onion (DaO) method. DaO simulations are fundamentally different from existing simulations because they prioritize the distribution of correlation matrices rather than the distribution of linear effects. Specifically, the DaO method uniformly samples the space of all correlation matrices consistent with (i.e. Markov to) a DAG. We also discuss how to sample DAGs and present methods for generating DAGs with scale-free in-degree or out-degree. We compare the DaO method against two alternative simulation designs and provide implementations of the DaO method in Python and R: We advocate for others to adopt DaO simulations as a fair universal benchmark.


cross Evaluating AI-generated code for C++, Fortran, Go, Java, Julia, Matlab, Python, R, and Rust

Authors: Patrick Diehl, Noujoud Nader, Steve Brandt, Hartmut Kaiser

Abstract: This study evaluates the capabilities of ChatGPT versions 3.5 and 4 in generating code across a diverse range of programming languages. Our objective is to assess the effectiveness of these AI models for generating scientific programs. To this end, we asked ChatGPT to generate three distinct codes: a simple numerical integration, a conjugate gradient solver, and a parallel 1D stencil-based heat equation solver. The focus of our analysis was on the compilation, runtime performance, and accuracy of the codes. While both versions of ChatGPT successfully created codes that compiled and ran (with some help), some languages were easier for the AI to use than others (possibly because of the size of the training sets used). Parallel codes -- even the simple example we chose to study here -- also difficult for the AI to generate correctly.

cross Towards Retrieval-Augmented Architectures for Image Captioning

Authors: Sara Sarto, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Alessandro Nicolosi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: The objective of image captioning models is to bridge the gap between the visual and linguistic modalities by generating natural language descriptions that accurately reflect the content of input images. In recent years, researchers have leveraged deep learning-based models and made advances in the extraction of visual features and the design of multimodal connections to tackle this task. This work presents a novel approach towards developing image captioning models that utilize an external kNN memory to improve the generation process. Specifically, we propose two model variants that incorporate a knowledge retriever component that is based on visual similarities, a differentiable encoder to represent input images, and a kNN-augmented language model to predict tokens based on contextual cues and text retrieved from the external memory. We experimentally validate our approach on COCO and nocaps datasets and demonstrate that incorporating an explicit external memory can significantly enhance the quality of captions, especially with a larger retrieval corpus. This work provides valuable insights into retrieval-augmented captioning models and opens up new avenues for improving image captioning at a larger scale.

cross Enhancing Interaction Modeling with Agent Selection and Physical Methods for Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Shiji Huang, Lei Ye, Min Chen, Wenhai Luo, Chenqi Xu, Deyuan Liang, Dihong Wang

Abstract: In this study, we address the limitations inherent in most existing vehicle trajectory prediction methodologies that indiscriminately incorporate all agents within a predetermined proximity when accounting for inter-agent interactions. These approaches commonly employ attention-based architecture or graph neural networks for encoding interactions, which introduces three challenges: (i) The indiscriminate selection of all nearby agents substantially escalates the computational demands of the model, particularly in those interaction-rich scenarios. (ii) Moreover, the simplistic feature extraction of current time agents falls short of adequately capturing the nuanced dynamics of interactions. (iii) Compounded by the inherently low interpretability of attention mechanism and graph neural networks, there is a propensity for the model to allocate unreliable correlation coefficients to certain agents, adversely impacting the accuracy of trajectory predictions. To mitigate these issues, we introduce ASPILin, a novel approach that enhances the selection of interacting agents by considering their current and future lanes, extending this consideration across all historical frames. Utilizing the states of the agents, we estimate the nearest future distance between agents and the time needed to reach this distance. Then, combine these with their current distances to derive a physical correlation coefficient to encode interactions. Experiments conducted on popular trajectory prediction datasets demonstrate that our method is efficient and straightforward, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods.

cross Non-autoregressive real-time Accent Conversion model with voice cloning

Authors: Vladimir Nechaev, Sergey Kosyakov

Abstract: Currently, the development of Foreign Accent Conversion (FAC) models utilizes deep neural network architectures, as well as ensembles of neural networks for speech recognition and speech generation. The use of these models is limited by architectural features, which does not allow flexible changes in the timbre of the generated speech and requires the accumulation of context, leading to increased delays in generation and makes these systems unsuitable for use in real-time multi-user communication scenarios. We have developed the non-autoregressive model for real-time accent conversion with voice cloning. The model generates native-sounding L1 speech with minimal latency based on input L2 accented speech. The model consists of interconnected modules for extracting accent, gender, and speaker embeddings, converting speech, generating spectrograms, and decoding the resulting spectrogram into an audio signal. The model has the ability to save, clone and change the timbre, gender and accent of the speaker's voice in real time. The results of the objective assessment show that the model improves speech quality, leading to enhanced recognition performance in existing ASR systems. The results of subjective tests show that the proposed accent and gender encoder improves the generation quality. The developed model demonstrates high-quality low-latency accent conversion, voice cloning, and speech enhancement capabilities, making it suitable for real-time multi-user communication scenarios.

cross FairLENS: Assessing Fairness in Law Enforcement Speech Recognition

Authors: Yicheng Wang, Mark Cusick, Mohamed Laila, Kate Puech, Zhengping Ji, Xia Hu, Michael Wilson, Noah Spitzer-Williams, Michael Wheeler, Yasser Ibrahim

Abstract: Automatic speech recognition (ASR) techniques have become powerful tools, enhancing efficiency in law enforcement scenarios. To ensure fairness for demographic groups in different acoustic environments, ASR engines must be tested across a variety of speakers in realistic settings. However, describing the fairness discrepancies between models with confidence remains a challenge. Meanwhile, most public ASR datasets are insufficient to perform a satisfying fairness evaluation. To address the limitations, we built FairLENS - a systematic fairness evaluation framework. We propose a novel and adaptable evaluation method to examine the fairness disparity between different models. We also collected a fairness evaluation dataset covering multiple scenarios and demographic dimensions. Leveraging this framework, we conducted fairness assessments on 1 open-source and 11 commercially available state-of-the-art ASR models. Our results reveal that certain models exhibit more biases than others, serving as a fairness guideline for users to make informed choices when selecting ASR models for a given real-world scenario. We further explored model biases towards specific demographic groups and observed that shifts in the acoustic domain can lead to the emergence of new biases.

cross Interpretable Spatio-Temporal Embedding for Brain Structural-Effective Network with Ordinary Differential Equation

Authors: Haoteng Tang, Guodong Liu, Siyuan Dai, Kai Ye, Kun Zhao, Wenlu Wang, Carl Yang, Lifang He, Alex Leow, Paul Thompson, Heng Huang, Liang Zhan

Abstract: The MRI-derived brain network serves as a pivotal instrument in elucidating both the structural and functional aspects of the brain, encompassing the ramifications of diseases and developmental processes. However, prevailing methodologies, often focusing on synchronous BOLD signals from functional MRI (fMRI), may not capture directional influences among brain regions and rarely tackle temporal functional dynamics. In this study, we first construct the brain-effective network via the dynamic causal model. Subsequently, we introduce an interpretable graph learning framework termed Spatio-Temporal Embedding ODE (STE-ODE). This framework incorporates specifically designed directed node embedding layers, aiming at capturing the dynamic interplay between structural and effective networks via an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model, which characterizes spatial-temporal brain dynamics. Our framework is validated on several clinical phenotype prediction tasks using two independent publicly available datasets (HCP and OASIS). The experimental results clearly demonstrate the advantages of our model compared to several state-of-the-art methods.

cross CamViG: Camera Aware Image-to-Video Generation with Multimodal Transformers

Authors: Andrew Marmon, Grant Schindler, Jos\'e Lezama, Dan Kondratyuk, Bryan Seybold, Irfan Essa

Abstract: We extend multimodal transformers to include 3D camera motion as a conditioning signal for the task of video generation. Generative video models are becoming increasingly powerful, thus focusing research efforts on methods of controlling the output of such models. We propose to add virtual 3D camera controls to generative video methods by conditioning generated video on an encoding of three-dimensional camera movement over the course of the generated video. Results demonstrate that we are (1) able to successfully control the camera during video generation, starting from a single frame and a camera signal, and (2) we demonstrate the accuracy of the generated 3D camera paths using traditional computer vision methods.

cross Practical and efficient quantum circuit synthesis and transpiling with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: David Kremer, Victor Villar, Hanhee Paik, Ivan Duran, Ismael Faro, Juan Cruz-Benito

Abstract: This paper demonstrates the integration of Reinforcement Learning (RL) into quantum transpiling workflows, significantly enhancing the synthesis and routing of quantum circuits. By employing RL, we achieve near-optimal synthesis of Linear Function, Clifford, and Permutation circuits, up to 9, 11 and 65 qubits respectively, while being compatible with native device instruction sets and connectivity constraints, and orders of magnitude faster than optimization methods such as SAT solvers. We also achieve significant reductions in two-qubit gate depth and count for circuit routing up to 133 qubits with respect to other routing heuristics such as SABRE. We find the method to be efficient enough to be useful in practice in typical quantum transpiling pipelines. Our results set the stage for further AI-powered enhancements of quantum computing workflows.

cross Empowering Urban Traffic Management: Elevated 3D LiDAR for Data Collection and Advanced Object Detection Analysis

Authors: Nawfal Guefrachi, Hakim Ghazzai, Ahmad Alsharoa

Abstract: The 3D object detection capabilities in urban environments have been enormously improved by recent developments in Light Detection and Range (LiDAR) technology. This paper presents a novel framework that transforms the detection and analysis of 3D objects in traffic scenarios by utilizing the power of elevated LiDAR sensors. We are presenting our methodology's remarkable capacity to collect complex 3D point cloud data, which allows us to accurately and in detail capture the dynamics of urban traffic. Due to the limitation in obtaining real-world traffic datasets, we utilize the simulator to generate 3D point cloud for specific scenarios. To support our experimental analysis, we firstly simulate various 3D point cloud traffic-related objects. Then, we use this dataset as a basis for training and evaluating our 3D object detection models, in identifying and monitoring both vehicles and pedestrians in simulated urban traffic environments. Next, we fine tune the Point Voxel-Region-based Convolutional Neural Network (PV-RCNN) architecture, making it more suited to handle and understand the massive volumes of point cloud data generated by our urban traffic simulations. Our results show the effectiveness of the proposed solution in accurately detecting objects in traffic scenes and highlight the role of LiDAR in improving urban safety and advancing intelligent transportation systems.

cross Paired Autoencoders for Inverse Problems

Authors: Matthias Chung, Emma Hart, Julianne Chung, Bas Peters, Eldad Haber

Abstract: We consider the solution of nonlinear inverse problems where the forward problem is a discretization of a partial differential equation. Such problems are notoriously difficult to solve in practice and require minimizing a combination of a data-fit term and a regularization term. The main computational bottleneck of typical algorithms is the direct estimation of the data misfit. Therefore, likelihood-free approaches have become appealing alternatives. Nonetheless, difficulties in generalization and limitations in accuracy have hindered their broader utility and applicability. In this work, we use a paired autoencoder framework as a likelihood-free estimator for inverse problems. We show that the use of such an architecture allows us to construct a solution efficiently and to overcome some known open problems when using likelihood-free estimators. In particular, our framework can assess the quality of the solution and improve on it if needed. We demonstrate the viability of our approach using examples from full waveform inversion and inverse electromagnetic imaging.

cross Transfer Learning Approach for Railway Technical Map (RTM) Component Identification

Authors: Obadage Rochana Rumalshan, Pramuka Weerasinghe, Mohamed Shaheer, Prabhath Gunathilake, Erunika Dayaratna

Abstract: The extreme popularity over the years for railway transportation urges the necessity to maintain efficient railway management systems around the globe. Even though, at present, there exist a large collection of Computer Aided Designed Railway Technical Maps (RTMs) but available only in the portable document format (PDF). Using Deep Learning and Optical Character Recognition techniques, this research work proposes a generic system to digitize the relevant map component data from a given input image and create a formatted text file per image. Out of YOLOv3, SSD and Faster-RCNN object detection models used, Faster-RCNN yields the highest mean Average Precision (mAP) and the highest F1 score values 0.68 and 0.76 respectively. Further it is proven from the results obtained that, one can improve the results with OCR when the text containing image is being sent through a sophisticated pre-processing pipeline to remove distortions.

cross A Survey of Robotic Language Grounding: Tradeoffs Between Symbols and Embeddings

Authors: Vanya Cohen, Jason Xinyu Liu, Raymond Mooney, Stefanie Tellex, David Watkins

Abstract: With large language models, robots can understand language more flexibly and more capable than ever before. This survey reviews recent literature and situates it into a spectrum with two poles: 1) mapping between language and some manually defined formal representation of meaning, and 2) mapping between language and high-dimensional vector spaces that translate directly to low-level robot policy. Using a formal representation allows the meaning of the language to be precisely represented, limits the size of the learning problem, and leads to a framework for interpretability and formal safety guarantees. Methods that embed language and perceptual data into high-dimensional spaces avoid this manually specified symbolic structure and thus have the potential to be more general when fed enough data but require more data and computing to train. We discuss the benefits and tradeoffs of each approach and finish by providing directions for future work that achieves the best of both worlds.

cross Traffic control using intelligent timing of traffic lights with reinforcement learning technique and real-time processing of surveillance camera images

Authors: Mahdi Jamebozorg, Mohsen Hami, Sajjad Deh Deh Jani

Abstract: Optimal management of traffic light timing is one of the most effective factors in reducing urban traffic. In most old systems, fixed timing was used along with human factors to control traffic, which is not very efficient in terms of time and cost. Nowadays, methods in the field of traffic management are based on the use of artificial intelligence. In this method, by using real-time processing of video surveillance camera images along with reinforcement learning, the optimal timing of traffic lights is determined and applied according to several parameters. In the research, deep learning methods were used in vehicle detection using the YOLOv9-C model to estimate the number and other characteristics of vehicles such as speed. Finally, by modeling vehicles in an urban environment simulator at OpenAI Gym using multi-factor reinforcement learning and the DQN Rainbow algorithm, timing is applied to traffic lights at intersections. Additionally, the use of transfer learning along with retraining the model on images of Iranian cars has increased the accuracy of the model. The results of the proposed method show a model that is reasonably accurate in both parts of analyzing surveillance cameras and finding the optimal timing, and it has been observed that it has better accuracy than previous research.

cross Part-based Quantitative Analysis for Heatmaps

Authors: Osman Tursun, Sinan Kalkan, Simon Denman, Sridha Sridharan, Clinton Fookes

Abstract: Heatmaps have been instrumental in helping understand deep network decisions, and are a common approach for Explainable AI (XAI). While significant progress has been made in enhancing the informativeness and accessibility of heatmaps, heatmap analysis is typically very subjective and limited to domain experts. As such, developing automatic, scalable, and numerical analysis methods to make heatmap-based XAI more objective, end-user friendly, and cost-effective is vital. In addition, there is a need for comprehensive evaluation metrics to assess heatmap quality at a granular level.

cross Theoretical Analysis of Meta Reinforcement Learning: Generalization Bounds and Convergence Guarantees

Authors: Cangqing Wang, Mingxiu Sui, Dan Sun, Zecheng Zhang, Yan Zhou

Abstract: This research delves deeply into Meta Reinforcement Learning (Meta RL) through a exploration focusing on defining generalization limits and ensuring convergence. By employing a approach this article introduces an innovative theoretical framework to meticulously assess the effectiveness and performance of Meta RL algorithms. We present an explanation of generalization limits measuring how well these algorithms can adapt to learning tasks while maintaining consistent results. Our analysis delves into the factors that impact the adaptability of Meta RL revealing the relationship, between algorithm design and task complexity. Additionally we establish convergence assurances by proving conditions under which Meta RL strategies are guaranteed to converge towards solutions. We examine the convergence behaviors of Meta RL algorithms across scenarios providing a comprehensive understanding of the driving forces behind their long term performance. This exploration covers both convergence and real time efficiency offering a perspective, on the capabilities of these algorithms.

cross FAITH: Frequency-domain Attention In Two Horizons for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Ruiqi Li, Maowei Jiang, Kai Wang, Kaiduo Feng, Quangao Liu, Yue Sun, Xiufang Zhou

Abstract: Time Series Forecasting plays a crucial role in various fields such as industrial equipment maintenance, meteorology, energy consumption, traffic flow and financial investment. However, despite their considerable advantages over traditional statistical approaches, current deep learning-based predictive models often exhibit a significant deviation between their forecasting outcomes and the ground truth. This discrepancy is largely due to an insufficient emphasis on extracting the sequence's latent information, particularly its global information within the frequency domain and the relationship between different variables. To address this issue, we propose a novel model Frequency-domain Attention In Two Horizons, which decomposes time series into trend and seasonal components using a multi-scale sequence adaptive decomposition and fusion architecture, and processes them separately. FAITH utilizes Frequency Channel feature Extraction Module and Frequency Temporal feature Extraction Module to capture inter-channel relationships and temporal global information in the sequence, significantly improving its ability to handle long-term dependencies and complex patterns. Furthermore, FAITH achieves theoretically linear complexity by modifying the time-frequency domain transformation method, effectively reducing computational costs. Extensive experiments on 6 benchmarks for long-term forecasting and 3 benchmarks for short-term forecasting demonstrate that FAITH outperforms existing models in many fields, such as electricity, weather and traffic, proving its effectiveness and superiority both in long-term and short-term time series forecasting tasks. Our codes and data are available at


cross Adversarial Training via Adaptive Knowledge Amalgamation of an Ensemble of Teachers

Authors: Shayan Mohajer Hamidi, Linfeng Ye

Abstract: Adversarial training (AT) is a popular method for training robust deep neural networks (DNNs) against adversarial attacks. Yet, AT suffers from two shortcomings: (i) the robustness of DNNs trained by AT is highly intertwined with the size of the DNNs, posing challenges in achieving robustness in smaller models; and (ii) the adversarial samples employed during the AT process exhibit poor generalization, leaving DNNs vulnerable to unforeseen attack types. To address these dual challenges, this paper introduces adversarial training via adaptive knowledge amalgamation of an ensemble of teachers (AT-AKA). In particular, we generate a diverse set of adversarial samples as the inputs to an ensemble of teachers; and then, we adaptively amalgamate the logtis of these teachers to train a generalized-robust student. Through comprehensive experiments, we illustrate the superior efficacy of AT-AKA over existing AT methods and adversarial robustness distillation techniques against cutting-edge attacks, including AutoAttack.

cross DEGAP: Dual Event-Guided Adaptive Prefixes for Templated-Based Event Argument Extraction Model with Slot Querying

Authors: Guanghui Wang, Dexi Liu, Qizhi Wan, Xiping Liu, Wanlong Liu

Abstract: Recent advancements in event argument extraction (EAE) involve incorporating beneficial auxiliary information into models during training and inference, such as retrieved instances and event templates. Additionally, some studies introduce learnable prefix vectors to models. These methods face three challenges: (1) insufficient utilization of relevant event instances due to deficiencies in retrieval; (2) neglect of important information provided by relevant event templates; (3) the advantages of prefixes are constrained due to their inability to meet the specific informational needs of EAE. In this work, we propose DEGAP, which addresses the above challenges through two simple yet effective components: (1) dual prefixes, where the instance-oriented prefix and template-oriented prefix are trained to learn information from different event instances and templates, respectively, and then provide relevant information as cues to EAE model without retrieval; (2) event-guided adaptive gating mechanism, which guides the prefixes based on the target event to fully leverage their advantages. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves new state-of-the-art performance on four datasets (ACE05, RAMS, WIKIEVENTS, and MLEE). Further analysis verifies the importance of the proposed design and the effectiveness of the main components.

cross Time-Series Forecasting and Sequence Learning Using Memristor-based Reservoir System

Authors: Abdullah M. Zyarah, Dhireesha Kudithipudi

Abstract: Pushing the frontiers of time-series information processing in ever-growing edge devices with stringent resources has been impeded by the system's ability to process information and learn locally on the device. Local processing and learning typically demand intensive computations and massive storage as the process involves retrieving information and tuning hundreds of parameters back in time. In this work, we developed a memristor-based echo state network accelerator that features efficient temporal data processing and in-situ online learning. The proposed design is benchmarked using various datasets involving real-world tasks, such as forecasting the load energy consumption and weather conditions. The experimental results illustrate that the hardware model experiences a marginal degradation (~4.8%) in performance as compared to the software model. This is mainly attributed to the limited precision and dynamic range of network parameters when emulated using memristor devices. The proposed system is evaluated for lifespan, robustness, and energy-delay product. It is observed that the system demonstrates a reasonable robustness for device failure below 10%, which may occur due to stuck-at faults. Furthermore, 246X reduction in energy consumption is achieved when compared to a custom CMOS digital design implemented at the same technology node.

cross How to Trace Latent Generative Model Generated Images without Artificial Watermark?

Authors: Zhenting Wang, Vikash Sehwag, Chen Chen, Lingjuan Lyu, Dimitris N. Metaxas, Shiqing Ma

Abstract: Latent generative models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) have become more and more popular, but concerns have arisen regarding potential misuse related to images generated by these models. It is, therefore, necessary to analyze the origin of images by inferring if a particular image was generated by a specific latent generative model. Most existing methods (e.g., image watermark and model fingerprinting) require extra steps during training or generation. These requirements restrict their usage on the generated images without such extra operations, and the extra required operations might compromise the quality of the generated images. In this work, we ask whether it is possible to effectively and efficiently trace the images generated by a specific latent generative model without the aforementioned requirements. To study this problem, we design a latent inversion based method called LatentTracer to trace the generated images of the inspected model by checking if the examined images can be well-reconstructed with an inverted latent input. We leverage gradient based latent inversion and identify a encoder-based initialization critical to the success of our approach. Our experiments on the state-of-the-art latent generative models, such as Stable Diffusion, show that our method can distinguish the images generated by the inspected model and other images with a high accuracy and efficiency. Our findings suggest the intriguing possibility that today's latent generative generated images are naturally watermarked by the decoder used in the source models. Code:


cross Collaboration of Teachers for Semi-supervised Object Detection

Authors: Liyu Chen, Huaao Tang, Yi Wen, Hanting Chen, Wei Li, Junchao Liu, Jie Hu

Abstract: Recent semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) has achieved remarkable progress by leveraging unlabeled data for training. Mainstream SSOD methods rely on Consistency Regularization methods and Exponential Moving Average (EMA), which form a cyclic data flow. However, the EMA updating training approach leads to weight coupling between the teacher and student models. This coupling in a cyclic data flow results in a decrease in the utilization of unlabeled data information and the confirmation bias on low-quality or erroneous pseudo-labels. To address these issues, we propose the Collaboration of Teachers Framework (CTF), which consists of multiple pairs of teacher and student models for training. In the learning process of CTF, the Data Performance Consistency Optimization module (DPCO) informs the best pair of teacher models possessing the optimal pseudo-labels during the past training process, and these most reliable pseudo-labels generated by the best performing teacher would guide the other student models. As a consequence, this framework greatly improves the utilization of unlabeled data and prevents the positive feedback cycle of unreliable pseudo-labels. The CTF achieves outstanding results on numerous SSOD datasets, including a 0.71% mAP improvement on the 10% annotated COCO dataset and a 0.89% mAP improvement on the VOC dataset compared to LabelMatch and converges significantly faster. Moreover, the CTF is plug-and-play and can be integrated with other mainstream SSOD methods.

cross 360Zhinao Technical Report

Authors: 360Zhinao Team

Abstract: We present 360Zhinao models with 7B parameter size and context lengths spanning 4K, 32K and 360K, all available at For rapid development in pretraining, we establish a stable and sensitive ablation environment to evaluate and compare experiment runs with minimal model size. Under such guidance, we perfect our data cleaning and composition strategies to pretrain $\texttt{360Zhinao-7B-Base}$ on 3.4T tokens. We also mainly emphasize data during alignment, where we strive to balance quantity and quality with filtering and reformatting. With tailored data, 360Zhinao-7B's context window is easily extended to 32K and 360K. RMs and RLHF are trained following SFT and credibly applied to specific tasks. All together these contributions lead to 360Zhinao-7B's competitive performance among models of similar size.


cross NFCL: Simply interpretable neural networks for a short-term multivariate forecasting

Authors: Wonkeun Jo, Dongil Kim

Abstract: Multivariate time-series forecasting (MTSF) stands as a compelling field within the machine learning community. Diverse neural network based methodologies deployed in MTSF applications have demonstrated commendable efficacy. Despite the advancements in model performance, comprehending the rationale behind the model's behavior remains an enigma. Our proposed model, the Neural ForeCasting Layer (NFCL), employs a straightforward amalgamation of neural networks. This uncomplicated integration ensures that each neural network contributes inputs and predictions independently, devoid of interference from other inputs. Consequently, our model facilitates a transparent explication of forecast results. This paper introduces NFCL along with its diverse extensions. Empirical findings underscore NFCL's superior performance compared to nine benchmark models across 15 available open datasets. Notably, NFCL not only surpasses competitors but also provides elucidation for its predictions. In addition, Rigorous experimentation involving diverse model structures bolsters the justification of NFCL's unique configuration.

cross A theory of neural emulators

Authors: Catalin C. Mitelut

Abstract: A central goal in neuroscience is to provide explanations for how animal nervous systems can generate actions and cognitive states such as consciousness while artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) seek to provide models that are increasingly better at prediction. Despite many decades of research we have made limited progress on providing neuroscience explanations yet there is an increased use of AI and ML methods in neuroscience for prediction of behavior and even cognitive states. Here we propose emulator theory (ET) and neural emulators as circuit- and scale-independent predictive models of biological brain activity and emulator theory (ET) as an alternative research paradigm in neuroscience. ET proposes that predictive models trained solely on neural dynamics and behaviors can generate functionally indistinguishable systems from their sources. That is, compared to the biological organisms which they model, emulators may achieve indistinguishable behavior and cognitive states - including consciousness - without any mechanistic explanations. We posit ET via several conjectures, discuss the nature of endogenous and exogenous activation of neural circuits, and discuss neural causality of phenomenal states. ET provides the conceptual and empirical framework for prediction-based models of neural dynamics and behavior without explicit representations of idiosyncratically evolved nervous systems.

cross Dynamic Context Adaptation and Information Flow Control in Transformers: Introducing the Evaluator Adjuster Unit and Gated Residual Connections

Authors: Sahil Rajesh Dhayalkar

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized various domains of artificial intelligence due to their unique ability to model long-range dependencies in data. However, they lack in nuanced, context-dependent modulation of features and information flow. This paper introduces two significant enhancements to the transformer architecture - the Evaluator Adjuster Unit (EAU) and Gated Residual Connections (GRC) - designed to address these limitations. The EAU dynamically modulates attention outputs based on the relevance of the input context, allowing for more adaptive response patterns. Concurrently, the GRC modifies the transformer's residual connections through a gating mechanism that selectively controls the information flow, thereby enhancing the network's ability to focus on contextually important features. We evaluate the performance of these enhancements across several benchmarks in natural language processing. Our results demonstrate improved adaptability and efficiency, suggesting that these modifications could set new standards for designing flexible and context-aware transformer models.

cross A New Era in Human Factors Engineering: A Survey of the Applications and Prospects of Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Li Fan, Lee Ching-Hung, Han Su, Feng Shanshan, Jiang Zhuoxuan, Sun Zhu

Abstract: In recent years, the potential applications of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) in fields such as healthcare, social psychology, and industrial design have attracted wide research attention, providing new directions for human factors research. For instance, LMM-based smart systems have become novel research subjects of human factors studies, and LMM introduces new research paradigms and methodologies to this field. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the applications, challenges, and future prospects of LMM in the domain of human factors and ergonomics through an expert-LMM collaborated literature review. Specifically, a novel literature review method is proposed, and research studies of LMM-based accident analysis, human modelling and intervention design are introduced. Subsequently, the paper discusses future trends of the research paradigm and challenges of human factors and ergonomics studies in the era of LMMs. It is expected that this study can provide a valuable perspective and serve as a reference for integrating human factors with artificial intelligence.

cross Disperse-Then-Merge: Pushing the Limits of Instruction Tuning via Alignment Tax Reduction

Authors: Tingchen Fu, Deng Cai, Lemao Liu, Shuming Shi, Rui Yan

Abstract: Supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on instruction-following corpus is a crucial approach toward the alignment of large language models (LLMs). However, the performance of LLMs on standard knowledge and reasoning benchmarks tends to suffer from deterioration at the latter stage of the SFT process, echoing the phenomenon of alignment tax. Through our pilot study, we put a hypothesis that the data biases are probably one cause behind the phenomenon. To address the issue, we introduce a simple disperse-then-merge framework. To be concrete, we disperse the instruction-following data into portions and train multiple sub-models using different data portions. Then we merge multiple models into a single one via model merging techniques. Despite its simplicity, our framework outperforms various sophisticated methods such as data curation and training regularization on a series of standard knowledge and reasoning benchmarks.

cross Task-agnostic Decision Transformer for Multi-type Agent Control with Federated Split Training

Authors: Zhiyuan Wang, Bokui Chen, Xiaoyang Qu, Zhenhou Hong, Jing Xiao, Jianzong Wang

Abstract: With the rapid advancements in artificial intelligence, the development of knowledgeable and personalized agents has become increasingly prevalent. However, the inherent variability in state variables and action spaces among personalized agents poses significant aggregation challenges for traditional federated learning algorithms. To tackle these challenges, we introduce the Federated Split Decision Transformer (FSDT), an innovative framework designed explicitly for AI agent decision tasks. The FSDT framework excels at navigating the intricacies of personalized agents by harnessing distributed data for training while preserving data privacy. It employs a two-stage training process, with local embedding and prediction models on client agents and a global transformer decoder model on the server. Our comprehensive evaluation using the benchmark D4RL dataset highlights the superior performance of our algorithm in federated split learning for personalized agents, coupled with significant reductions in communication and computational overhead compared to traditional centralized training approaches. The FSDT framework demonstrates strong potential for enabling efficient and privacy-preserving collaborative learning in applications such as autonomous driving decision systems. Our findings underscore the efficacy of the FSDT framework in effectively leveraging distributed offline reinforcement learning data to enable powerful multi-type agent decision systems.

cross Input Guided Multiple Deconstruction Single Reconstruction neural network models for Matrix Factorization

Authors: Prasun Dutta, Rajat K. De

Abstract: Referring back to the original text in the course of hierarchical learning is a common human trait that ensures the right direction of learning. The models developed based on the concept of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF), in this paper are inspired by this idea. They aim to deal with high-dimensional data by discovering its low rank approximation by determining a unique pair of factor matrices. The model, named Input Guided Multiple Deconstruction Single Reconstruction neural network for Non-negative Matrix Factorization (IG-MDSR-NMF), ensures the non-negativity constraints of both factors. Whereas Input Guided Multiple Deconstruction Single Reconstruction neural network for Relaxed Non-negative Matrix Factorization (IG-MDSR-RNMF) introduces a novel idea of factorization with only the basis matrix adhering to the non-negativity criteria. This relaxed version helps the model to learn more enriched low dimensional embedding of the original data matrix. The competency of preserving the local structure of data in its low rank embedding produced by both the models has been appropriately verified. The superiority of low dimensional embedding over that of the original data justifying the need for dimension reduction has been established. The primacy of both the models has also been validated by comparing their performances separately with that of nine other established dimension reduction algorithms on five popular datasets. Moreover, computational complexity of the models and convergence analysis have also been presented testifying to the supremacy of the models.

cross Analogical proportions II

Authors: Christian Anti\'c

Abstract: Analogical reasoning is the ability to detect parallels between two seemingly distant objects or situations, a fundamental human capacity used for example in commonsense reasoning, learning, and creativity which is believed by many researchers to be at the core of human and artificial general intelligence. Analogical proportions are expressions of the form ``$a$ is to $b$ what $c$ is to $d$'' at the core of analogical reasoning. The author has recently introduced an abstract algebraic framework of analogical proportions within the general setting of universal algebra. It is the purpose of this paper to further develop the mathematical theory of analogical proportions within that framework as motivated by the fact that it has already been successfully applied to logic program synthesis in artificial intelligence.

cross Class-Conditional self-reward mechanism for improved Text-to-Image models

Authors: Safouane El Ghazouali, Arnaud Gucciardi, Umberto Michelucci

Abstract: Self-rewarding have emerged recently as a powerful tool in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), allowing language models to generate high-quality relevant responses by providing their own rewards during training. This innovative technique addresses the limitations of other methods that rely on human preferences. In this paper, we build upon the concept of self-rewarding models and introduce its vision equivalent for Text-to-Image generative AI models. This approach works by fine-tuning diffusion model on a self-generated self-judged dataset, making the fine-tuning more automated and with better data quality. The proposed mechanism makes use of other pre-trained models such as vocabulary based-object detection, image captioning and is conditioned by the a set of object for which the user might need to improve generated data quality. The approach has been implemented, fine-tuned and evaluated on stable diffusion and has led to a performance that has been evaluated to be at least 60\% better than existing commercial and research Text-to-image models. Additionally, the built self-rewarding mechanism allowed a fully automated generation of images, while increasing the visual quality of the generated images and also more efficient following of prompt instructions. The code used in this work is freely available on


cross Why do explanations fail? A typology and discussion on failures in XAI

Authors: Clara Bove, Thibault Laugel, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Charles Tijus, Marcin Detyniecki

Abstract: As Machine Learning (ML) models achieve unprecedented levels of performance, the XAI domain aims at making these models understandable by presenting end-users with intelligible explanations. Yet, some existing XAI approaches fail to meet expectations: several issues have been reported in the literature, generally pointing out either technical limitations or misinterpretations by users. In this paper, we argue that the resulting harms arise from a complex overlap of multiple failures in XAI, which existing ad-hoc studies fail to capture. This work therefore advocates for a holistic perspective, presenting a systematic investigation of limitations of current XAI methods and their impact on the interpretation of explanations. By distinguishing between system-specific and user-specific failures, we propose a typological framework that helps revealing the nuanced complexities of explanation failures. Leveraging this typology, we also discuss some research directions to help AI practitioners better understand the limitations of XAI systems and enhance the quality of ML explanations.

cross Generative AI: The power of the new education

Authors: Sergio Altares-L\'opez, Jos\'e M. Bengochea-Guevara, Carlos Ranz, H\'ector Montes, Angela Ribeiro

Abstract: The effective integration of generative artificial intelligence in education is a fundamental aspect to prepare future generations. This study proposes an accelerated learning methodology in artificial intelligence, focused on its generative capacity, as a way to achieve this goal. It recognizes the challenge of getting teachers to engage with new technologies and adapt their methods in all subjects, not just those related to AI. This methodology not only promotes interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but also facilitates student understanding of the ethical uses and risks associated with AI. Students' perceptions of generative AI are examined, addressing their emotions towards its evolution, evaluation of its ethical implications, and everyday use of AI tools. In addition, AI applications commonly used by students and their integration into other disciplines are investigated. The study aims to provide educators with a deeper understanding of students' perceptions of AI and its relevance in society and in their future career paths.

cross Non-Deterministic Planning for Hyperproperty Verification

Authors: Raven Beutner, Bernd Finkbeiner

Abstract: Non-deterministic planning aims to find a policy that achieves a given objective in an environment where actions have uncertain effects, and the agent - potentially - only observes parts of the current state. Hyperproperties are properties that relate multiple paths of a system and can, e.g., capture security and information-flow policies. Popular logics for expressing temporal hyperproperties - such as HyperLTL - extend LTL by offering selective quantification over executions of a system. In this paper, we show that planning offers a powerful intermediate language for the automated verification of hyperproperties. Concretely, we present an algorithm that, given a HyperLTL verification problem, constructs a non-deterministic multi-agent planning instance (in the form of a QDec-POMDP) that, when admitting a plan, implies the satisfaction of the verification problem. We show that for large fragments of HyperLTL, the resulting planning instance corresponds to a classical, FOND, or POND planning problem. We implement our encoding in a prototype verification tool and report on encouraging experimental results.

cross Multi-Scale Feature Fusion Quantum Depthwise Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification

Authors: Yixiong Chen, Weichuan Fang

Abstract: In recent years, with the development of quantum machine learning, quantum neural networks (QNNs) have gained increasing attention in the field of natural language processing (NLP) and have achieved a series of promising results. However, most existing QNN models focus on the architectures of quantum recurrent neural network (QRNN) and self-attention mechanism (QSAM). In this work, we propose a novel QNN model based on quantum convolution. We develop the quantum depthwise convolution that significantly reduces the number of parameters and lowers computational complexity. We also introduce the multi-scale feature fusion mechanism to enhance model performance by integrating word-level and sentence-level features. Additionally, we propose the quantum word embedding and quantum sentence embedding, which provide embedding vectors more efficiently. Through experiments on two benchmark text classification datasets, we demonstrate our model outperforms a wide range of state-of-the-art QNN models. Notably, our model achieves a new state-of-the-art test accuracy of 96.77% on the RP dataset. We also show the advantages of our quantum model over its classical counterparts in its ability to improve test accuracy using fewer parameters. Finally, an ablation test confirms the effectiveness of the multi-scale feature fusion mechanism and quantum depthwise convolution in enhancing model performance.

cross Beyond Trend and Periodicity: Guiding Time Series Forecasting with Textual Cues

Authors: Zhijian Xu, Yuxuan Bian, Jianyuan Zhong, Xiangyu Wen, Qiang Xu

Abstract: This work introduces a novel Text-Guided Time Series Forecasting (TGTSF) task. By integrating textual cues, such as channel descriptions and dynamic news, TGTSF addresses the critical limitations of traditional methods that rely purely on historical data. To support this task, we propose TGForecaster, a robust baseline model that fuses textual cues and time series data using cross-attention mechanisms. We then present four meticulously curated benchmark datasets to validate the proposed framework, ranging from simple periodic data to complex, event-driven fluctuations. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that TGForecaster consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting the transformative potential of incorporating textual information into time series forecasting. This work not only pioneers a novel forecasting task but also establishes a new benchmark for future research, driving advancements in multimodal data integration for time series models.

cross End-to-End Real-World Polyphonic Piano Audio-to-Score Transcription with Hierarchical Decoding

Authors: Wei Zeng, Xian He, Ye Wang

Abstract: Piano audio-to-score transcription (A2S) is an important yet underexplored task with extensive applications for music composition, practice, and analysis. However, existing end-to-end piano A2S systems faced difficulties in retrieving bar-level information such as key and time signatures, and have been trained and evaluated with only synthetic data. To address these limitations, we propose a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) model with a hierarchical decoder that aligns with the hierarchical structure of musical scores, enabling the transcription of score information at both the bar and note levels by multi-task learning. To bridge the gap between synthetic data and recordings of human performance, we propose a two-stage training scheme, which involves pre-training the model using an expressive performance rendering (EPR) system on synthetic audio, followed by fine-tuning the model using recordings of human performance. To preserve the voicing structure for score reconstruction, we propose a pre-processing method for **Kern scores in scenarios with an unconstrained number of voices. Experimental results support the effectiveness of our proposed approaches, in terms of both transcription performance on synthetic audio data in comparison to the current state-of-the-art, and the first experiment on human recordings.

cross Attention Mechanisms Don't Learn Additive Models: Rethinking Feature Importance for Transformers

Authors: Tobias Leemann, Alina Fastowski, Felix Pfeiffer, Gjergji Kasneci

Abstract: We address the critical challenge of applying feature attribution methods to the transformer architecture, which dominates current applications in natural language processing and beyond. Traditional attribution methods to explainable AI (XAI) explicitly or implicitly rely on linear or additive surrogate models to quantify the impact of input features on a model's output. In this work, we formally prove an alarming incompatibility: transformers are structurally incapable to align with popular surrogate models for feature attribution, undermining the grounding of these conventional explanation methodologies. To address this discrepancy, we introduce the Softmax-Linked Additive Log-Odds Model (SLALOM), a novel surrogate model specifically designed to align with the transformer framework. Unlike existing methods, SLALOM demonstrates the capacity to deliver a range of faithful and insightful explanations across both synthetic and real-world datasets. Showing that diverse explanations computed from SLALOM outperform common surrogate explanations on different tasks, we highlight the need for task-specific feature attributions rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

cross Annotation-Efficient Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yuu Jinnai, Ukyo Honda

Abstract: Preference optimization is a standard approach to fine-tuning large language models to align with human preferences. The quality, diversity, and quantity of the preference dataset are critical to the effectiveness of preference optimization. However, obtaining a large amount of high-quality and diverse preference annotations is difficult in many applications. This raises the question of how to use the limited annotation budget to create an effective preference dataset. To this end, we propose Annotation-Efficient Preference Optimization (AEPO). Instead of exhaustively annotating preference over all available response texts, AEPO selects a subset of responses that maximizes quality and diversity from the available responses, and then annotates preference over the selected ones. In this way, AEPO focuses the annotation budget on labeling preference over a smaller subset of responses with diversity and of high quality. We evaluate the performance of Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) using AEPO and show that it outperforms models trained using a standard DPO with the same annotation budget. Our code is available at


cross HighwayLLM: Decision-Making and Navigation in Highway Driving with RL-Informed Language Model

Authors: Mustafa Yildirim, Barkin Dagda, Saber Fallah

Abstract: Autonomous driving is a complex task which requires advanced decision making and control algorithms. Understanding the rationale behind the autonomous vehicles' decision is crucial to ensure their safe and effective operation on highway driving. This study presents a novel approach, HighwayLLM, which harnesses the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) to predict the future waypoints for ego-vehicle's navigation. Our approach also utilizes a pre-trained Reinforcement Learning (RL) model to serve as a high-level planner, making decisions on appropriate meta-level actions. The HighwayLLM combines the output from the RL model and the current state information to make safe, collision-free, and explainable predictions for the next states, thereby constructing a trajectory for the ego-vehicle. Subsequently, a PID-based controller guides the vehicle to the waypoints predicted by the LLM agent. This integration of LLM with RL and PID enhances the decision-making process and provides interpretability for highway autonomous driving.

cross Large Language Models are Effective Priors for Causal Graph Discovery

Authors: Victor-Alexandru Darvariu, Stephen Hailes, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: Causal structure discovery from observations can be improved by integrating background knowledge provided by an expert to reduce the hypothesis space. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have begun to be considered as sources of prior information given the low cost of querying them relative to a human expert. In this work, firstly, we propose a set of metrics for assessing LLM judgments for causal graph discovery independently of the downstream algorithm. Secondly, we systematically study a set of prompting designs that allows the model to specify priors about the structure of the causal graph. Finally, we present a general methodology for the integration of LLM priors in graph discovery algorithms, finding that they help improve performance on common-sense benchmarks and especially when used for assessing edge directionality. Our work highlights the potential as well as the shortcomings of the use of LLMs in this problem space.

cross The Influencer Next Door: How Misinformation Creators Use GenAI

Authors: Amelia Hassoun, Ariel Abonizio, Beth Goldberg, Katy Osborn, Cameron Wu

Abstract: Advances in generative AI (GenAI) have raised concerns about detecting and discerning AI-generated content from human-generated content. Most existing literature assumes a paradigm where 'expert' organized disinformation creators and flawed AI models deceive 'ordinary' users. Based on longitudinal ethnographic research with misinformation creators and consumers between 2022-2023, we instead find that GenAI supports bricolage work, where non-experts increasingly use GenAI to remix, repackage, and (re)produce content to meet their personal needs and desires. This research yielded four key findings: First, participants primarily used GenAI for creation, rather than truth-seeking. Second, a spreading 'influencer millionaire' narrative drove participants to become content creators, using GenAI as a productivity tool to generate a volume of (often misinformative) content. Third, GenAI lowered the barrier to entry for content creation across modalities, enticing consumers to become creators and significantly increasing existing creators' output. Finally, participants used Gen AI to learn and deploy marketing tactics to expand engagement and monetize their content. We argue for shifting analysis from the public as consumers of AI content to bricoleurs who use GenAI creatively, often without a detailed understanding of its underlying technology. We analyze how these understudied emergent uses of GenAI produce new or accelerated misinformation harms, and their implications for AI products, platforms and policies.

cross MotionCraft: Physics-based Zero-Shot Video Generation

Authors: Luca Savant Aira, Antonio Montanaro, Emanuele Aiello, Diego Valsesia, Enrico Magli

Abstract: Generating videos with realistic and physically plausible motion is one of the main recent challenges in computer vision. While diffusion models are achieving compelling results in image generation, video diffusion models are limited by heavy training and huge models, resulting in videos that are still biased to the training dataset. In this work we propose MotionCraft, a new zero-shot video generator to craft physics-based and realistic videos. MotionCraft is able to warp the noise latent space of an image diffusion model, such as Stable Diffusion, by applying an optical flow derived from a physics simulation. We show that warping the noise latent space results in coherent application of the desired motion while allowing the model to generate missing elements consistent with the scene evolution, which would otherwise result in artefacts or missing content if the flow was applied in the pixel space. We compare our method with the state-of-the-art Text2Video-Zero reporting qualitative and quantitative improvements, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach to generate videos with finely-prescribed complex motion dynamics. Project page:


cross Navigating User Experience of ChatGPT-based Conversational Recommender Systems: The Effects of Prompt Guidance and Recommendation Domain

Authors: Yizhe Zhang, Yucheng Jin, Li Chen, Ting Yang

Abstract: Conversational recommender systems (CRS) enable users to articulate their preferences and provide feedback through natural language. With the advent of large language models (LLMs), the potential to enhance user engagement with CRS and augment the recommendation process with LLM-generated content has received increasing attention. However, the efficacy of LLM-powered CRS is contingent upon the use of prompts, and the subjective perception of recommendation quality can differ across various recommendation domains. Therefore, we have developed a ChatGPT-based CRS to investigate the impact of these two factors, prompt guidance (PG) and recommendation domain (RD), on the overall user experience of the system. We conducted an online empirical study (N = 100) by employing a mixed-method approach that utilized a between-subjects design for the variable of PG (with vs. without) and a within-subjects design for RD (book recommendations vs. job recommendations). The findings reveal that PG can substantially enhance the system's explainability, adaptability, perceived ease of use, and transparency. Moreover, users are inclined to perceive a greater sense of novelty and demonstrate a higher propensity to engage with and try recommended items in the context of book recommendations as opposed to job recommendations. Furthermore, the influence of PG on certain user experience metrics and interactive behaviors appears to be modulated by the recommendation domain, as evidenced by the interaction effects between the two examined factors. This work contributes to the user-centered evaluation of ChatGPT-based CRS by investigating two prominent factors and offers practical design guidance.

cross AI-Assisted Assessment of Coding Practices in Modern Code Review

Authors: Manushree Vijayvergiya, Ma{\l}gorzata Salawa, Ivan Budiseli\'c, Dan Zheng, Pascal Lamblin, Marko Ivankovi\'c, Juanjo Carin, Mateusz Lewko, Jovan Andonov, Goran Petrovi\'c, Daniel Tarlow, Petros Maniatis, Ren\'e Just

Abstract: Modern code review is a process in which an incremental code contribution made by a code author is reviewed by one or more peers before it is committed to the version control system. An important element of modern code review is verifying that code contributions adhere to best practices. While some of these best practices can be automatically verified, verifying others is commonly left to human reviewers. This paper reports on the development, deployment, and evaluation of AutoCommenter, a system backed by a large language model that automatically learns and enforces coding best practices. We implemented AutoCommenter for four programming languages (C++, Java, Python, and Go) and evaluated its performance and adoption in a large industrial setting. Our evaluation shows that an end-to-end system for learning and enforcing coding best practices is feasible and has a positive impact on the developer workflow. Additionally, this paper reports on the challenges associated with deploying such a system to tens of thousands of developers and the corresponding lessons learned.

cross CPE-Identifier: Automated CPE identification and CVE summaries annotation with Deep Learning and NLP

Authors: Wanyu Hu, Vrizlynn L. L. Thing

Abstract: With the drastic increase in the number of new vulnerabilities in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) every year, the workload for NVD analysts to associate the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) with the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) summaries becomes increasingly laborious and slow. The delay causes organisations, which depend on NVD for vulnerability management and security measurement, to be more vulnerable to zero-day attacks. Thus, it is essential to come out with a technique and tool to extract the CPEs in the CVE summaries accurately and quickly. In this work, we propose the CPE-Identifier system, an automated CPE annotating and extracting system, from the CVE summaries. The system can be used as a tool to identify CPE entities from new CVE text inputs. Moreover, we also automate the data generating and labeling processes using deep learning models. Due to the complexity of the CVE texts, new technical terminologies appear frequently. To identify novel words in future CVE texts, we apply Natural Language Processing (NLP) Named Entity Recognition (NER), to identify new technical jargons in the text. Our proposed model achieves an F1 score of 95.48%, an accuracy score of 99.13%, a precision of 94.83%, and a recall of 96.14%. We show that it outperforms prior works on automated CVE-CPE labeling by more than 9% on all metrics.

cross PDMLP: Patch-based Decomposed MLP for Long-Term Time Series Forecastin

Authors: Peiwang Tang, Weitai Zhang

Abstract: Recent studies have attempted to refine the Transformer architecture to demonstrate its effectiveness in Long-Term Time Series Forecasting (LTSF) tasks. Despite surpassing many linear forecasting models with ever-improving performance, we remain skeptical of Transformers as a solution for LTSF. We attribute the effectiveness of these models largely to the adopted Patch mechanism, which enhances sequence locality to an extent yet fails to fully address the loss of temporal information inherent to the permutation-invariant self-attention mechanism. Further investigation suggests that simple linear layers augmented with the Patch mechanism may outperform complex Transformer-based LTSF models. Moreover, diverging from models that use channel independence, our research underscores the importance of cross-variable interactions in enhancing the performance of multivariate time series forecasting. The interaction information between variables is highly valuable but has been misapplied in past studies, leading to suboptimal cross-variable models. Based on these insights, we propose a novel and simple Patch-based Decomposed MLP (PDMLP) for LTSF tasks. Specifically, we employ simple moving averages to extract smooth components and noise-containing residuals from time series data, engaging in semantic information interchange through channel mixing and specializing in random noise with channel independence processing. The PDMLP model consistently achieves state-of-the-art results on several real-world datasets. We hope this surprising finding will spur new research directions in the LTSF field and pave the way for more efficient and concise solutions.

cross Safety Alignment for Vision Language Models

Authors: Zhendong Liu, Yuanbi Nie, Yingshui Tan, Xiangyu Yue, Qiushi Cui, Chongjun Wang, Xiaoyong Zhu, Bo Zheng

Abstract: Benefiting from the powerful capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), pre-trained visual encoder models connected to an LLMs can realize Vision Language Models (VLMs). However, existing research shows that the visual modality of VLMs is vulnerable, with attackers easily bypassing LLMs' safety alignment through visual modality features to launch attacks. To address this issue, we enhance the existing VLMs' visual modality safety alignment by adding safety modules, including a safety projector, safety tokens, and a safety head, through a two-stage training process, effectively improving the model's defense against risky images. For example, building upon the LLaVA-v1.5 model, we achieve a safety score of 8.26, surpassing the GPT-4V on the Red Teaming Visual Language Models (RTVLM) benchmark. Our method boasts ease of use, high flexibility, and strong controllability, and it enhances safety while having minimal impact on the model's general performance. Moreover, our alignment strategy also uncovers some possible risky content within commonly used open-source multimodal datasets. Our code will be open sourced after the anonymous review.

cross Bond Graphs for multi-physics informed Neural Networks for multi-variate time series

Authors: Alexis-Raja Brachet, Pierre-Yves Richard, C\'eline Hudelot

Abstract: In the trend of hybrid Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, Physic Informed Machine Learning has seen a growing interest. It operates mainly by imposing a data, learning or inductive bias with simulation data, Partial Differential Equations or equivariance and invariance properties. While these models have shown great success on tasks involving one physical domain such as fluid dynamics, existing methods still struggle on tasks with complex multi-physical and multi-domain phenomena. To address this challenge, we propose to leverage Bond Graphs, a multi-physics modeling approach together with Graph Neural Network. We thus propose Neural Bond Graph Encoder (NBgE), a model agnostic physical-informed encoder tailored for multi-physics systems. It provides an unified framework for any multi-physics informed AI with a graph encoder readable for any deep learning model. Our experiments on two challenging multi-domain physical systems - a Direct Current Motor and the Respiratory system - demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a multi-variate time series forecasting task.

cross From the evolution of public data ecosystems to the evolving horizons of the forward-looking intelligent public data ecosystem empowered by emerging technologies

Authors: Anastasija Nikiforova, Martin Lnenicka, Petar Mili\'c, Mariusz Luterek, Manuel Pedro Rodr\'iguez Bol\'ivar

Abstract: Public data ecosystems (PDEs) represent complex socio-technical systems crucial for optimizing data use in the public sector and outside it. Recognizing their multifaceted nature, previous research pro-posed a six-generation Evolutionary Model of Public Data Ecosystems (EMPDE). Designed as a result of a systematic literature review on the topic spanning three decade, this model, while theoretically robust, necessitates empirical validation to enhance its practical applicability. This study addresses this gap by validating the theoretical model through a real-life examination in five European countries - Latvia, Serbia, Czech Republic, Spain, and Poland. This empirical validation provides insights into PDEs dynamics and variations of implementations across contexts, particularly focusing on the 6th generation of forward-looking PDE generation named "Intelligent Public Data Generation" that represents a paradigm shift driven by emerging technologies such as cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing tools, Generative AI, and Large Language Models (LLM) with potential to contribute to both automation and augmentation of business processes within these ecosystems. By transcending their traditional status as a mere component, evolving into both an actor and a stakeholder simultaneously, these technologies catalyze innovation and progress, enhancing PDE management strategies to align with societal, regulatory, and technical imperatives in the digital era.

cross Audio Mamba: Pretrained Audio State Space Model For Audio Tagging

Authors: Jiaju Lin, Haoxuan Hu

Abstract: Audio tagging is an important task of mapping audio samples to their corresponding categories. Recently endeavours that exploit transformer models in this field have achieved great success. However, the quadratic self-attention cost limits the scaling of audio transformer models and further constrains the development of more universal audio models. In this paper, we attempt to solve this problem by proposing Audio Mamba, a self-attention-free approach that captures long audio spectrogram dependency with state space models. Our experimental results on two audio-tagging datasets demonstrate the parameter efficiency of Audio Mamba, it achieves comparable results to SOTA audio spectrogram transformers with one third parameters.

cross Curriculum Direct Preference Optimization for Diffusion and Consistency Models

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Vlad Hondru, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Nicu Sebe, Mubarak Shah

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has been proposed as an effective and efficient alternative to reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). In this paper, we propose a novel and enhanced version of DPO based on curriculum learning for text-to-image generation. Our method is divided into two training stages. First, a ranking of the examples generated for each prompt is obtained by employing a reward model. Then, increasingly difficult pairs of examples are sampled and provided to a text-to-image generative (diffusion or consistency) model. Generated samples that are far apart in the ranking are considered to form easy pairs, while those that are close in the ranking form hard pairs. In other words, we use the rank difference between samples as a measure of difficulty. The sampled pairs are split into batches according to their difficulty levels, which are gradually used to train the generative model. Our approach, Curriculum DPO, is compared against state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches on three benchmarks, outperforming the competing methods in terms of text alignment, aesthetics and human preference. Our code is available at


cross Knowledge Graph Reasoning with Self-supervised Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Ying Ma, Owen Burns, Mingqiu Wang, Gang Li, Nan Du, Laurent El Shafey, Liqiang Wang, Izhak Shafran, Hagen Soltau

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is an effective method of finding reasoning pathways in incomplete knowledge graphs (KGs). To overcome the challenges of a large action space, a self-supervised pre-training method is proposed to warm up the policy network before the RL training stage. To alleviate the distributional mismatch issue in general self-supervised RL (SSRL), in our supervised learning (SL) stage, the agent selects actions based on the policy network and learns from generated labels; this self-generation of labels is the intuition behind the name self-supervised. With this training framework, the information density of our SL objective is increased and the agent is prevented from getting stuck with the early rewarded paths. Our self-supervised RL (SSRL) method improves the performance of RL by pairing it with the wide coverage achieved by SL during pretraining, since the breadth of the SL objective makes it infeasible to train an agent with that alone. We show that our SSRL model meets or exceeds current state-of-the-art results on all Hits@k and mean reciprocal rank (MRR) metrics on four large benchmark KG datasets. This SSRL method can be used as a plug-in for any RL architecture for a KGR task. We adopt two RL architectures, i.e., MINERVA and MultiHopKG as our baseline RL models and experimentally show that our SSRL model consistently outperforms both baselines on all of these four KG reasoning tasks. Full code for the paper available at


cross How to set AdamW's weight decay as you scale model and dataset size

Authors: Xi Wang, Laurence Aitchison

Abstract: We show that weights learned by AdamW can be understood as an exponential moving average (EMA) of recent updates. This gives critical insights for how to set the weight decay in AdamW, and how the weight decay should scale with model and dataset size. In particular, the key hyperparameter for an exponential moving average is the EMA timescale. Intuitively, the EMA timescale can be understood as the number of recent iterations the EMA averages over. Given a fixed learning rate, there is a one-to-one mapping from the EMA timescale to the usual weight decay hyperparameter. Thus, choosing an EMA timescale implicitly sets the weight decay. Importantly, there are natural guidelines for sensible values for the EMA timescale: we need to average over all datapoints, so the EMA timescale should not be (much) smaller than 1 epoch, and we need to forget early updates, so the EMA timescale should not be (much) bigger than the total number of training epochs. In our experiments, we find that optimal EMA timescales are consistent with these guidelines, as are the hyperparameters chosen in recent large-scale LLM pretraining runs (e.g.\ Llama 1+2 and Stable LM). Critically, these guidelines suggest that the optimal EMA timescale should not change (much) as we scale the model and dataset. That implies that as the dataset size increases, the optimal weight decay should fall. Moreover, as the model size increases, the optimal weight decay should also increase (if we follow the muP recommendation for scaling the learning rate).

cross Uncertainty-aware Evaluation of Auxiliary Anomalies with the Expected Anomaly Posterior

Authors: Lorenzo Perini, Maja Rudolph, Sabrina Schmedding, Chen Qiu

Abstract: Anomaly detection is the task of identifying examples that do not behave as expected. Because anomalies are rare and unexpected events, collecting real anomalous examples is often challenging in several applications. In addition, learning an anomaly detector with limited (or no) anomalies often yields poor prediction performance. One option is to employ auxiliary synthetic anomalies to improve the model training. However, synthetic anomalies may be of poor quality: anomalies that are unrealistic or indistinguishable from normal samples may deteriorate the detector's performance. Unfortunately, no existing methods quantify the quality of auxiliary anomalies. We fill in this gap and propose the expected anomaly posterior (EAP), an uncertainty-based score function that measures the quality of auxiliary anomalies by quantifying the total uncertainty of an anomaly detector. Experimentally on 40 benchmark datasets of images and tabular data, we show that EAP outperforms 12 adapted data quality estimators in the majority of cases.

cross Rethinking and Accelerating Graph Condensation: A Training-Free Approach with Class Partition

Authors: Xinyi Gao, Tong Chen, Wentao Zhang, Junliang Yu, Guanhua Ye, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Hongzhi Yin

Abstract: The increasing prevalence of large-scale graphs poses a significant challenge for graph neural network training, attributed to their substantial computational requirements. In response, graph condensation (GC) emerges as a promising data-centric solution aiming to substitute the large graph with a small yet informative condensed graph to facilitate data-efficient GNN training. However, existing GC methods suffer from intricate optimization processes, necessitating excessive computing resources. In this paper, we revisit existing GC optimization strategies and identify two pervasive issues: 1. various GC optimization strategies converge to class-level node feature matching between the original and condensed graphs, making the optimization target coarse-grained despite the complex computations; 2. to bridge the original and condensed graphs, existing GC methods rely on a Siamese graph network architecture that requires time-consuming bi-level optimization with iterative gradient computations. To overcome these issues, we propose a training-free GC framework termed Class-partitioned Graph Condensation (CGC), which refines the node feature matching from the class-to-class paradigm into a novel class-to-node paradigm. Remarkably, this refinement also simplifies the GC optimization as a class partition problem, which can be efficiently solved by any clustering methods. Moreover, CGC incorporates a pre-defined graph structure to enable a closed-form solution for condensed node features, eliminating the back-and-forth gradient descent in existing GC approaches without sacrificing accuracy. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CGC achieves state-of-the-art performance with a more efficient condensation process. For instance, compared with the seminal GC method (i.e., GCond), CGC condenses the largest Reddit graph within 10 seconds, achieving a 2,680X speedup and a 1.4% accuracy increase.

cross VAE-Var: Variational-Autoencoder-Enhanced Variational Assimilation

Authors: Yi Xiao, Qilong Jia, Wei Xue, Lei Bai

Abstract: Data assimilation refers to a set of algorithms designed to compute the optimal estimate of a system's state by refining the prior prediction (known as background states) using observed data. Variational assimilation methods rely on the maximum likelihood approach to formulate a variational cost, with the optimal state estimate derived by minimizing this cost. Although traditional variational methods have achieved great success and have been widely used in many numerical weather prediction centers, they generally assume Gaussian errors in the background states, which limits the accuracy of these algorithms due to the inherent inaccuracies of this assumption. In this paper, we introduce VAE-Var, a novel variational algorithm that leverages a variational autoencoder (VAE) to model a non-Gaussian estimate of the background error distribution. We theoretically derive the variational cost under the VAE estimation and present the general formulation of VAE-Var; we implement VAE-Var on low-dimensional chaotic systems and demonstrate through experimental results that VAE-Var consistently outperforms traditional variational assimilation methods in terms of accuracy across various observational settings.

cross Traffic Scenario Logic: A Spatial-Temporal Logic for Modeling and Reasoning of Urban Traffic Scenarios

Authors: Ruolin Wang, Yuejiao Xu, Jianmin Ji

Abstract: Formal representations of traffic scenarios can be used to generate test cases for the safety verification of autonomous driving. However, most existing methods are limited in highway or highly simplified intersection scenarios due to the intricacy and diversity of traffic scenarios. In response, we propose Traffic Scenario Logic (TSL), which is a spatial-temporal logic designed for modeling and reasoning of urban pedestrian-free traffic scenarios. TSL provides a formal representation of the urban road network that can be derived from OpenDRIVE, i.e., the de facto industry standard of high-definition maps for autonomous driving, enabling the representation of a broad range of traffic scenarios. We implemented the reasoning of TSL using Telingo, i.e., a solver for temporal programs based on the Answer Set Programming, and tested it on different urban road layouts. Demonstrations show the effectiveness of TSL in test scenario generation and its potential value in areas like decision-making and control verification of autonomous driving.

cross ComboStoc: Combinatorial Stochasticity for Diffusion Generative Models

Authors: Rui Xu, Jiepeng Wang, Hao Pan, Yang Liu, Xin Tong, Shiqing Xin, Changhe Tu, Taku Komura, Wenping Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we study an under-explored but important factor of diffusion generative models, i.e., the combinatorial complexity. Data samples are generally high-dimensional, and for various structured generation tasks, there are additional attributes which are combined to associate with data samples. We show that the space spanned by the combination of dimensions and attributes is insufficiently sampled by existing training scheme of diffusion generative models, causing degraded test time performance. We present a simple fix to this problem by constructing stochastic processes that fully exploit the combinatorial structures, hence the name ComboStoc. Using this simple strategy, we show that network training is significantly accelerated across diverse data modalities, including images and 3D structured shapes. Moreover, ComboStoc enables a new way of test time generation which uses insynchronized time steps for different dimensions and attributes, thus allowing for varying degrees of control over them.

cross Transfer of Safety Controllers Through Learning Deep Inverse Dynamics Model

Authors: Alireza Nadali, Ashutosh Trivedi, Majid Zamani

Abstract: Control barrier certificates have proven effective in formally guaranteeing the safety of the control systems. However, designing a control barrier certificate is a time-consuming and computationally expensive endeavor that requires expert input in the form of domain knowledge and mathematical maturity. Additionally, when a system undergoes slight changes, the new controller and its correctness certificate need to be recomputed, incurring similar computational challenges as those faced during the design of the original controller. Prior approaches have utilized transfer learning to transfer safety guarantees in the form of a barrier certificate while maintaining the control invariant. Unfortunately, in practical settings, the source and the target environments often deviate substantially in their control inputs, rendering the aforementioned approach impractical. To address this challenge, we propose integrating \emph{inverse dynamics} -- a neural network that suggests required action given a desired successor state -- of the target system with the barrier certificate of the source system to provide formal proof of safety. In addition, we propose a validity condition that, when met, guarantees correctness of the controller. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through three case studies.

cross CG-FedLLM: How to Compress Gradients in Federated Fune-tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Huiwen Wu, Xiaohan Li, Deyi Zhang, Xiaogang Xu, Jiafei Wu, Puning Zhao, Zhe Liu

Abstract: The success of current Large-Language Models (LLMs) hinges on extensive training data that is collected and stored centrally, called Centralized Learning (CL). However, such a collection manner poses a privacy threat, and one potential solution is Federated Learning (FL), which transfers gradients, not raw data, among clients. Unlike traditional networks, FL for LLMs incurs significant communication costs due to their tremendous parameters. This study introduces an innovative approach to compress gradients to improve communication efficiency during LLM FL, formulating the new FL pipeline named CG-FedLLM. This approach integrates an encoder on the client side to acquire the compressed gradient features and a decoder on the server side to reconstruct the gradients. We also developed a novel training strategy that comprises Temporal-ensemble Gradient-Aware Pre-training (TGAP) to identify characteristic gradients of the target model and Federated AutoEncoder-Involved Fine-tuning (FAF) to compress gradients adaptively. Extensive experiments confirm that our approach reduces communication costs and improves performance (e.g., average 3 points increment compared with traditional CL- and FL-based fine-tuning with LlaMA on a well-recognized benchmark, C-Eval). This improvement is because our encoder-decoder, trained via TGAP and FAF, can filter gradients while selectively preserving critical features. Furthermore, we present a series of experimental analyses focusing on the signal-to-noise ratio, compression rate, and robustness within this privacy-centric framework, providing insight into developing more efficient and secure LLMs.

cross GameVLM: A Decision-making Framework for Robotic Task Planning Based on Visual Language Models and Zero-sum Games

Authors: Aoran Mei, Jianhua Wang, Guo-Niu Zhu, Zhongxue Gan

Abstract: With their prominent scene understanding and reasoning capabilities, pre-trained visual-language models (VLMs) such as GPT-4V have attracted increasing attention in robotic task planning. Compared with traditional task planning strategies, VLMs are strong in multimodal information parsing and code generation and show remarkable efficiency. Although VLMs demonstrate great potential in robotic task planning, they suffer from challenges like hallucination, semantic complexity, and limited context. To handle such issues, this paper proposes a multi-agent framework, i.e., GameVLM, to enhance the decision-making process in robotic task planning. In this study, VLM-based decision and expert agents are presented to conduct the task planning. Specifically, decision agents are used to plan the task, and the expert agent is employed to evaluate these task plans. Zero-sum game theory is introduced to resolve inconsistencies among different agents and determine the optimal solution. Experimental results on real robots demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework, with an average success rate of 83.3%.

cross A Dynamic Model of Performative Human-ML Collaboration: Theory and Empirical Evidence

Authors: Tom S\"uhr, Samira Samadi, Chiara Farronato

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) models are increasingly used in various applications, from recommendation systems in e-commerce to diagnosis prediction in healthcare. In this paper, we present a novel dynamic framework for thinking about the deployment of ML models in a performative, human-ML collaborative system. In our framework, the introduction of ML recommendations changes the data generating process of human decisions, which are only a proxy to the ground truth and which are then used to train future versions of the model. We show that this dynamic process in principle can converge to different stable points, i.e. where the ML model and the Human+ML system have the same performance. Some of these stable points are suboptimal with respect to the actual ground truth. We conduct an empirical user study with 1,408 participants to showcase this process. In the study, humans solve instances of the knapsack problem with the help of machine learning predictions. This is an ideal setting because we can see how ML models learn to imitate human decisions and how this learning process converges to a stable point. We find that for many levels of ML performance, humans can improve the ML predictions to dynamically reach an equilibrium performance that is around 92% of the maximum knapsack value. We also find that the equilibrium performance could be even higher if humans rationally followed the ML recommendations. Finally, we test whether monetary incentives can increase the quality of human decisions, but we fail to find any positive effect. Our results have practical implications for the deployment of ML models in contexts where human decisions may deviate from the indisputable ground truth.

cross Counterfactual Gradients-based Quantification of Prediction Trust in Neural Networks

Authors: Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib

Abstract: The widespread adoption of deep neural networks in machine learning calls for an objective quantification of esoteric trust. In this paper we propose GradTrust, a classification trust measure for large-scale neural networks at inference. The proposed method utilizes variance of counterfactual gradients, i.e. the required changes in the network parameters if the label were different. We show that GradTrust is superior to existing techniques for detecting misprediction rates on $50000$ images from ImageNet validation dataset. Depending on the network, GradTrust detects images where either the ground truth is incorrect or ambiguous, or the classes are co-occurring. We extend GradTrust to Video Action Recognition on Kinetics-400 dataset. We showcase results on $14$ architectures pretrained on ImageNet and $5$ architectures pretrained on Kinetics-400. We observe the following: (i) simple methodologies like negative log likelihood and margin classifiers outperform state-of-the-art uncertainty and out-of-distribution detection techniques for misprediction rates, and (ii) the proposed GradTrust is in the Top-2 performing methods on $37$ of the considered $38$ experimental modalities. The code is available at:


cross No Filter: Cultural and Socioeconomic Diversityin Contrastive Vision-Language Models

Authors: Ang\'eline Pouget, Lucas Beyer, Emanuele Bugliarello, Xiao Wang, Andreas Peter Steiner, Xiaohua Zhai, Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin

Abstract: We study cultural and socioeconomic diversity in contrastive vision-language models (VLMs). Using a broad range of benchmark datasets and evaluation metrics, we bring to attention several important findings. First, the common filtering of training data to English image-text pairs disadvantages communities of lower socioeconomic status and negatively impacts cultural understanding. Notably, this performance gap is not captured by -- and even at odds with -- the currently popular evaluation metrics derived from the Western-centric ImageNet and COCO datasets. Second, pretraining with global, unfiltered data before fine-tuning on English content can improve cultural understanding without sacrificing performance on said popular benchmarks. Third, we introduce the task of geo-localization as a novel evaluation metric to assess cultural diversity in VLMs. Our work underscores the value of using diverse data to create more inclusive multimodal systems and lays the groundwork for developing VLMs that better represent global perspectives.

cross Robust Disaster Assessment from Aerial Imagery Using Text-to-Image Synthetic Data

Authors: Tarun Kalluri, Jihyeon Lee, Kihyuk Sohn, Sahil Singla, Manmohan Chandraker, Joseph Xu, Jeremiah Liu

Abstract: We present a simple and efficient method to leverage emerging text-to-image generative models in creating large-scale synthetic supervision for the task of damage assessment from aerial images. While significant recent advances have resulted in improved techniques for damage assessment using aerial or satellite imagery, they still suffer from poor robustness to domains where manual labeled data is unavailable, directly impacting post-disaster humanitarian assistance in such under-resourced geographies. Our contribution towards improving domain robustness in this scenario is two-fold. Firstly, we leverage the text-guided mask-based image editing capabilities of generative models and build an efficient and easily scalable pipeline to generate thousands of post-disaster images from low-resource domains. Secondly, we propose a simple two-stage training approach to train robust models while using manual supervision from different source domains along with the generated synthetic target domain data. We validate the strength of our proposed framework under cross-geography domain transfer setting from xBD and SKAI images in both single-source and multi-source settings, achieving significant improvements over a source-only baseline in each case.

cross Efficient Two-Stage Gaussian Process Regression Via Automatic Kernel Search and Subsampling

Authors: Shifan Zhao (Carl), Jiaying Lu (Carl), Ji Yang (Carl), Edmond Chow, Yuanzhe Xi

Abstract: Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) is widely used in statistics and machine learning for prediction tasks requiring uncertainty measures. Its efficacy depends on the appropriate specification of the mean function, covariance kernel function, and associated hyperparameters. Severe misspecifications can lead to inaccurate results and problematic consequences, especially in safety-critical applications. However, a systematic approach to handle these misspecifications is lacking in the literature. In this work, we propose a general framework to address these issues. Firstly, we introduce a flexible two-stage GPR framework that separates mean prediction and uncertainty quantification (UQ) to prevent mean misspecification, which can introduce bias into the model. Secondly, kernel function misspecification is addressed through a novel automatic kernel search algorithm, supported by theoretical analysis, that selects the optimal kernel from a candidate set. Additionally, we propose a subsampling-based warm-start strategy for hyperparameter initialization to improve efficiency and avoid hyperparameter misspecification. With much lower computational cost, our subsampling-based strategy can yield competitive or better performance than training exclusively on the full dataset. Combining all these components, we recommend two GPR methods-exact and scalable-designed to match available computational resources and specific UQ requirements. Extensive evaluation on real-world datasets, including UCI benchmarks and a safety-critical medical case study, demonstrates the robustness and precision of our methods.

cross Towards Explainable Test Case Prioritisation with Learning-to-Rank Models

Authors: Aurora Ram\'irez, Mario Berrios, Jos\'e Ra\'ul Romero, Robert Feldt

Abstract: Test case prioritisation (TCP) is a critical task in regression testing to ensure quality as software evolves. Machine learning has become a common way to achieve it. In particular, learning-to-rank (LTR) algorithms provide an effective method of ordering and prioritising test cases. However, their use poses a challenge in terms of explainability, both globally at the model level and locally for particular results. Here, we present and discuss scenarios that require different explanations and how the particularities of TCP (multiple builds over time, test case and test suite variations, etc.) could influence them. We include a preliminary experiment to analyse the similarity of explanations, showing that they do not only vary depending on test case-specific predictions, but also on the relative ranks.

cross xRAG: Extreme Context Compression for Retrieval-augmented Generation with One Token

Authors: Xin Cheng, Xun Wang, Xingxing Zhang, Tao Ge, Si-Qing Chen, Furu Wei, Huishuai Zhang, Dongyan Zhao

Abstract: This paper introduces xRAG, an innovative context compression method tailored for retrieval-augmented generation. xRAG reinterprets document embeddings in dense retrieval--traditionally used solely for retrieval--as features from the retrieval modality. By employing a modality fusion methodology, xRAG seamlessly integrates these embeddings into the language model representation space, effectively eliminating the need for their textual counterparts and achieving an extreme compression rate. In xRAG, the only trainable component is the modality bridge, while both the retriever and the language model remain frozen. This design choice allows for the reuse of offline-constructed document embeddings and preserves the plug-and-play nature of retrieval augmentation. Experimental results demonstrate that xRAG achieves an average improvement of over 10% across six knowledge-intensive tasks, adaptable to various language model backbones, ranging from a dense 7B model to an 8x7B Mixture of Experts configuration. xRAG not only significantly outperforms previous context compression methods but also matches the performance of uncompressed models on several datasets, while reducing overall FLOPs by a factor of 3.53. Our work pioneers new directions in retrieval-augmented generation from the perspective of multimodality fusion, and we hope it lays the foundation for future efficient and scalable retrieval-augmented systems

cross Generalizing Weather Forecast to Fine-grained Temporal Scales via Physics-AI Hybrid Modeling

Authors: Wanghan Xu, Fenghua Ling, Wenlong Zhang, Tao Han, Hao Chen, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai

Abstract: Data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) models have made significant advancements in weather forecasting, particularly in medium-range and nowcasting. However, most data-driven weather forecasting models are black-box systems that focus on learning data mapping rather than fine-grained physical evolution in the time dimension. Consequently, the limitations in the temporal scale of datasets prevent these models from forecasting at finer time scales. This paper proposes a physics-AI hybrid model (i.e., WeatherGFT) which Generalizes weather forecasts to Finer-grained Temporal scales beyond training dataset. Specifically, we employ a carefully designed PDE kernel to simulate physical evolution on a small time scale (e.g., 300 seconds) and use a parallel neural networks with a learnable router for bias correction. Furthermore, we introduce a lead time-aware training framework to promote the generalization of the model at different lead times. The weight analysis of physics-AI modules indicates that physics conducts major evolution while AI performs corrections adaptively. Extensive experiments show that WeatherGFT trained on an hourly dataset, achieves state-of-the-art performance across multiple lead times and exhibits the capability to generalize 30-minute forecasts.

cross Slaves to the Law of Large Numbers: An Asymptotic Equipartition Property for Perplexity in Generative Language Models

Authors: Raghu Mudumbai, Tyler Bell

Abstract: We propose a new asymptotic equipartition property for the perplexity of a large piece of text generated by a language model and present theoretical arguments for this property. Perplexity, defined as a inverse likelihood function, is widely used as a performance metric for training language models. Our main result states that the logarithmic perplexity of any large text produced by a language model must asymptotically converge to the average entropy of its token distributions. This means that language models are constrained to only produce outputs from a ``typical set", which we show, is a vanishingly small subset of all possible grammatically correct outputs. We present preliminary experimental results from an open-source language model to support our theoretical claims. This work has possible practical applications for understanding and improving ``AI detection" tools and theoretical implications for the uniqueness, predictability and creative potential of generative models.

cross Dense Connector for MLLMs

Authors: Huanjin Yao, Wenhao Wu, Taojiannan Yang, YuXin Song, Mengxi Zhang, Haocheng Feng, Yifan Sun, Zhiheng Li, Wanli Ouyang, Jingdong Wang

Abstract: Do we fully leverage the potential of visual encoder in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs)? The recent outstanding performance of MLLMs in multimodal understanding has garnered broad attention from both academia and industry. In the current MLLM rat race, the focus seems to be predominantly on the linguistic side. We witness the rise of larger and higher-quality instruction datasets, as well as the involvement of larger-sized LLMs. Yet, scant attention has been directed towards the visual signals utilized by MLLMs, often assumed to be the final high-level features extracted by a frozen visual encoder. In this paper, we introduce the Dense Connector - a simple, effective, and plug-and-play vision-language connector that significantly enhances existing MLLMs by leveraging multi-layer visual features, with minimal additional computational overhead. Furthermore, our model, trained solely on images, showcases remarkable zero-shot capabilities in video understanding as well. Experimental results across various vision encoders, image resolutions, training dataset scales, varying sizes of LLMs (2.7B->70B), and diverse architectures of MLLMs (e.g., LLaVA and Mini-Gemini) validate the versatility and scalability of our approach, achieving state-of-the-art performance on across 19 image and video benchmarks. We hope that this work will provide valuable experience and serve as a basic module for future MLLM development.

cross Perceptual Fairness in Image Restoration

Authors: Guy Ohayon, Michael Elad, Tomer Michaeli

Abstract: Fairness in image restoration tasks is the desire to treat different sub-groups of images equally well. Existing definitions of fairness in image restoration are highly restrictive. They consider a reconstruction to be a correct outcome for a group (e.g., women) only if it falls within the group's set of ground truth images (e.g., natural images of women); otherwise, it is considered entirely incorrect. Consequently, such definitions are prone to controversy, as errors in image restoration can manifest in various ways. In this work we offer an alternative approach towards fairness in image restoration, by considering the Group Perceptual Index (GPI), which we define as the statistical distance between the distribution of the group's ground truth images and the distribution of their reconstructions. We assess the fairness of an algorithm by comparing the GPI of different groups, and say that it achieves perfect Perceptual Fairness (PF) if the GPIs of all groups are identical. We motivate and theoretically study our new notion of fairness, draw its connection to previous ones, and demonstrate its utility on state-of-the-art face image super-resolution algorithms.

cross Leveraging 2D Information for Long-term Time Series Forecasting with Vanilla Transformers

Authors: Xin Cheng, Xiuying Chen, Shuqi Li, Di Luo, Xun Wang, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan

Abstract: Time series prediction is crucial for understanding and forecasting complex dynamics in various domains, ranging from finance and economics to climate and healthcare. Based on Transformer architecture, one approach involves encoding multiple variables from the same timestamp into a single temporal token to model global dependencies. In contrast, another approach embeds the time points of individual series into separate variate tokens. The former method faces challenges in learning variate-centric representations, while the latter risks missing essential temporal information critical for accurate forecasting. In our work, we introduce GridTST, a model that combines the benefits of two approaches using innovative multi-directional attentions based on a vanilla Transformer. We regard the input time series data as a grid, where the $x$-axis represents the time steps and the $y$-axis represents the variates. A vertical slicing of this grid combines the variates at each time step into a \textit{time token}, while a horizontal slicing embeds the individual series across all time steps into a \textit{variate token}. Correspondingly, a \textit{horizontal attention mechanism} focuses on time tokens to comprehend the correlations between data at various time steps, while a \textit{vertical}, variate-aware \textit{attention} is employed to grasp multivariate correlations. This combination enables efficient processing of information across both time and variate dimensions, thereby enhancing the model's analytical strength. % We also integrate the patch technique, segmenting time tokens into subseries-level patches, ensuring that local semantic information is retained in the embedding. The GridTST model consistently delivers state-of-the-art performance across various real-world datasets.

cross Babysit A Language Model From Scratch: Interactive Language Learning by Trials and Demonstrations

Authors: Ziqiao Ma, Zekun Wang, Joyce Chai

Abstract: Humans are efficient language learners and inherently social creatures. Our language development is largely shaped by our social interactions, for example, the demonstration and feedback from caregivers. Contrary to human language learning, recent advancements in large language models have primarily adopted a non-interactive training paradigm, and refined pre-trained models through feedback afterward. In this work, we aim to examine how corrective feedback from interactions influences neural language acquisition from the ground up through systematically controlled experiments, assessing whether it contributes to learning efficiency in language models. We introduce a trial-and-demonstration (TnD) learning framework that incorporates three components: student trials, teacher demonstrations, and a reward conditioned on language competence at various developmental stages. Our experiments reveal that the TnD approach accelerates word acquisition for student models of equal and smaller numbers of parameters, and we highlight the significance of both trials and demonstrations. We further show that the teacher's choices of words influence students' word-specific learning efficiency, and a practice-makes-perfect effect is evident by a strong correlation between the frequency of words in trials and their respective learning curves. Our findings suggest that interactive language learning, with teacher demonstrations and student trials, can facilitate efficient word learning in language models.

cross Federated Learning in Healthcare: Model Misconducts, Security, Challenges, Applications, and Future Research Directions -- A Systematic Review

Authors: Md Shahin Ali, Md Manjurul Ahsan, Lamia Tasnim, Sadia Afrin, Koushik Biswas, Md Maruf Hossain, Md Mahfuz Ahmed, Ronok Hashan, Md Khairul Islam, Shivakumar Raman

Abstract: Data privacy has become a major concern in healthcare due to the increasing digitization of medical records and data-driven medical research. Protecting sensitive patient information from breaches and unauthorized access is critical, as such incidents can have severe legal and ethical complications. Federated Learning (FL) addresses this concern by enabling multiple healthcare institutions to collaboratively learn from decentralized data without sharing it. FL's scope in healthcare covers areas such as disease prediction, treatment customization, and clinical trial research. However, implementing FL poses challenges, including model convergence in non-IID (independent and identically distributed) data environments, communication overhead, and managing multi-institutional collaborations. A systematic review of FL in healthcare is necessary to evaluate how effectively FL can provide privacy while maintaining the integrity and usability of medical data analysis. In this study, we analyze existing literature on FL applications in healthcare. We explore the current state of model security practices, identify prevalent challenges, and discuss practical applications and their implications. Additionally, the review highlights promising future research directions to refine FL implementations, enhance data security protocols, and expand FL's use to broader healthcare applications, which will benefit future researchers and practitioners.

cross Semantic Density: Uncertainty Quantification in Semantic Space for Large Language Models

Authors: Xin Qiu, Risto Miikkulainen

Abstract: With the widespread application of Large Language Models (LLMs) to various domains, concerns regarding the trustworthiness of LLMs in safety-critical scenarios have been raised, due to their unpredictable tendency to hallucinate and generate misinformation. Existing LLMs do not have an inherent functionality to provide the users with an uncertainty metric for each response it generates, making it difficult to evaluate trustworthiness. Although a number of works aim to develop uncertainty quantification methods for LLMs, they have fundamental limitations, such as being restricted to classification tasks, requiring additional training and data, considering only lexical instead of semantic information, and being prompt-wise but not response-wise. A new framework is proposed in this paper to address these issues. Semantic density extracts uncertainty information for each response from a probability distribution perspective in semantic space. It has no restriction on task types and is "off-the-shelf" for new models and tasks. Experiments on seven state-of-the-art LLMs, including the latest Llama 3 and Mixtral-8x22B models, on four free-form question-answering benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance and robustness of semantic density compared to prior approaches.

cross Just rotate it! Uncertainty estimation in closed-source models via multiple queries

Authors: Konstantinos Pitas, Julyan Arbel

Abstract: We propose a simple and effective method to estimate the uncertainty of closed-source deep neural network image classification models. Given a base image, our method creates multiple transformed versions and uses them to query the top-1 prediction of the closed-source model. We demonstrate significant improvements in the calibration of uncertainty estimates compared to the naive baseline of assigning 100\% confidence to all predictions. While we initially explore Gaussian perturbations, our empirical findings indicate that natural transformations, such as rotations and elastic deformations, yield even better-calibrated predictions. Furthermore, through empirical results and a straightforward theoretical analysis, we elucidate the reasons behind the superior performance of natural transformations over Gaussian noise. Leveraging these insights, we propose a transfer learning approach that further improves our calibration results.

cross Scaling-laws for Large Time-series Models

Authors: Thomas D. P. Edwards, James Alvey, Justin Alsing, Nam H. Nguyen, Benjamin D. Wandelt

Abstract: Scaling laws for large language models (LLMs) have provided useful guidance on how to train ever larger models for predictable performance gains. Time series forecasting shares a similar sequential structure to language, and is amenable to large-scale transformer architectures. Here we show that foundational decoder-only time series transformer models exhibit analogous scaling-behavior to LLMs, while architectural details (aspect ratio and number of heads) have a minimal effect over broad ranges. We assemble a large corpus of heterogenous time series data on which to train, and establish, for the first time, power-law scaling relations with respect to parameter count, dataset size, and training compute, spanning five orders of magnitude.

cross DeepNcode: Encoding-Based Protection against Bit-Flip Attacks on Neural Networks

Authors: Patrik Vel\v{c}ick\'y, Jakub Breier, Xiaolu Hou, Mladen Kova\v{c}evi\'c

Abstract: Fault injection attacks are a potent threat against embedded implementations of neural network models. Several attack vectors have been proposed, such as misclassification, model extraction, and trojan/backdoor planting. Most of these attacks work by flipping bits in the memory where quantized model parameters are stored. In this paper, we introduce an encoding-based protection method against bit-flip attacks on neural networks, titled DeepNcode. We experimentally evaluate our proposal with several publicly available models and datasets, by using state-of-the-art bit-flip attacks: BFA, T-BFA, and TA-LBF. Our results show an increase in protection margin of up to $7.6\times$ for $4-$bit and $12.4\times$ for $8-$bit quantized networks. Memory overheads start at $50\%$ of the original network size, while the time overheads are negligible. Moreover, DeepNcode does not require retraining and does not change the original accuracy of the model.

cross LOGIN: A Large Language Model Consulted Graph Neural Network Training Framework

Authors: Yiran Qiao, Xiang Ao, Yang Liu, Jiarong Xu, Xiaoqian Sun, Qing He

Abstract: Recent prevailing works on graph machine learning typically follow a similar methodology that involves designing advanced variants of graph neural networks (GNNs) to maintain the superior performance of GNNs on different graphs. In this paper, we aim to streamline the GNN design process and leverage the advantages of Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the performance of GNNs on downstream tasks. We formulate a new paradigm, coined "LLMs-as-Consultants," which integrates LLMs with GNNs in an interactive manner. A framework named LOGIN (LLM Consulted GNN training) is instantiated, empowering the interactive utilization of LLMs within the GNN training process. First, we attentively craft concise prompts for spotted nodes, carrying comprehensive semantic and topological information, and serving as input to LLMs. Second, we refine GNNs by devising a complementary coping mechanism that utilizes the responses from LLMs, depending on their correctness. We empirically evaluate the effectiveness of LOGIN on node classification tasks across both homophilic and heterophilic graphs. The results illustrate that even basic GNN architectures, when employed within the proposed LLMs-as-Consultants paradigm, can achieve comparable performance to advanced GNNs with intricate designs. Our codes are available at


cross Just rephrase it! Uncertainty estimation in closed-source language models via multiple rephrased queries

Authors: Adam Yang, Chen Chen, Konstantinos Pitas

Abstract: State-of-the-art large language models are sometimes distributed as open-source software but are also increasingly provided as a closed-source service. These closed-source large-language models typically see the widest usage by the public, however, they often do not provide an estimate of their uncertainty when responding to queries. As even the best models are prone to ``hallucinating" false information with high confidence, a lack of a reliable estimate of uncertainty limits the applicability of these models in critical settings. We explore estimating the uncertainty of closed-source LLMs via multiple rephrasings of an original base query. Specifically, we ask the model, multiple rephrased questions, and use the similarity of the answers as an estimate of uncertainty. We diverge from previous work in i) providing rules for rephrasing that are simple to memorize and use in practice ii) proposing a theoretical framework for why multiple rephrased queries obtain calibrated uncertainty estimates. Our method demonstrates significant improvements in the calibration of uncertainty estimates compared to the baseline and provides intuition as to how query strategies should be designed for optimal test calibration.

cross TOPA: Extend Large Language Models for Video Understanding via Text-Only Pre-Alignment

Authors: Wei Li, Hehe Fan, Yongkang Wong, Mohan Kankanhalli, Yi Yang

Abstract: Recent advancements in image understanding have benefited from the extensive use of web image-text pairs. However, video understanding remains a challenge despite the availability of substantial web video-text data. This difficulty primarily arises from the inherent complexity of videos and the inefficient language supervision in recent web-collected video-text datasets. In this paper, we introduce Text-Only Pre-Alignment (TOPA), a novel approach to extend large language models (LLMs) for video understanding, without the need for pre-training on real video data. Specifically, we first employ an advanced LLM to automatically generate Textual Videos comprising continuous textual frames, along with corresponding annotations to simulate real video-text data. Then, these annotated textual videos are used to pre-align a language-only LLM with the video modality. To bridge the gap between textual and real videos, we employ the CLIP model as the feature extractor to align image and text modalities. During text-only pre-alignment, the continuous textual frames, encoded as a sequence of CLIP text features, are analogous to continuous CLIP image features, thus aligning the LLM with real video representation. Extensive experiments, including zero-shot evaluation and finetuning on various video understanding tasks, demonstrate that TOPA is an effective and efficient framework for aligning video content with LLMs. In particular, without training on any video data, the TOPA-Llama2-13B model achieves a Top-1 accuracy of 51.0% on the challenging long-form video understanding benchmark, Egoschema. This performance surpasses previous video-text pre-training approaches and proves competitive with recent GPT-3.5-based video agents.

cross Vikhr: The Family of Open-Source Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models for Russian

Authors: Aleksandr Nikolich, Konstantin Korolev, Artem Shelmanov

Abstract: There has been a surge in the development of various Large Language Models (LLMs). However, text generation for languages other than English often faces significant challenges, including poor generation quality and the reduced computational performance due to the disproportionate representation of tokens in model's vocabulary. In this work, we address these issues and introduce Vikhr, a new state-of-the-art open-source instruction-tuned LLM designed specifically for the Russian language. Unlike previous efforts for Russian that utilize computationally inexpensive LoRA adapters on top of English-oriented models, Vikhr features an adapted tokenizer vocabulary and undergoes the continued pre-training and instruction tuning of all weights. This approach not only enhances the model's performance but also significantly improves its computational and contextual efficiency. The remarkable performance of Vikhr across various Russian-language benchmarks can also be attributed to our efforts in expanding instruction datasets and corpora for continued pre-training. Vikhr not only sets the new state of the art among open-source LLMs for Russian, but even outperforms some proprietary closed-source models on certain benchmarks. The model weights, instruction sets, and code are publicly available

cross Chain of Targeted Verification Questions to Improve the Reliability of Code Generated by LLMs

Authors: Sylvain Kouemo Ngassom, Arghavan Moradi Dakhel, Florian Tambon, Foutse Khomh

Abstract: LLM-based assistants, such as GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT, have the potential to generate code that fulfills a programming task described in a natural language description, referred to as a prompt. The widespread accessibility of these assistants enables users with diverse backgrounds to generate code and integrate it into software projects. However, studies show that code generated by LLMs is prone to bugs and may miss various corner cases in task specifications. Presenting such buggy code to users can impact their reliability and trust in LLM-based assistants. Moreover, significant efforts are required by the user to detect and repair any bug present in the code, especially if no test cases are available. In this study, we propose a self-refinement method aimed at improving the reliability of code generated by LLMs by minimizing the number of bugs before execution, without human intervention, and in the absence of test cases. Our approach is based on targeted Verification Questions (VQs) to identify potential bugs within the initial code. These VQs target various nodes within the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the initial code, which have the potential to trigger specific types of bug patterns commonly found in LLM-generated code. Finally, our method attempts to repair these potential bugs by re-prompting the LLM with the targeted VQs and the initial code. Our evaluation, based on programming tasks in the CoderEval dataset, demonstrates that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods by decreasing the number of targeted errors in the code between 21% to 62% and improving the number of executable code instances to 13%.

cross eXmY: A Data Type and Technique for Arbitrary Bit Precision Quantization

Authors: Aditya Agrawal, Matthew Hedlund, Blake Hechtman

Abstract: eXmY is a novel data type for quantization of ML models. It supports both arbitrary bit widths and arbitrary integer and floating point formats. For example, it seamlessly supports 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 bit formats. For a specific bit width, say 7, it defines all possible formats e.g. e0m6, e1m5, e2m4, e3m3, e4m2, e5m1 and e6m0. For non-power of two bit widths e.g. 5, 6, 7, we created a novel encoding and decoding scheme which achieves perfect compression, byte addressability and is amenable to sharding and vector processing. We implemented libraries for emulation, encoding and decoding tensors and checkpoints in C++, TensorFlow, JAX and PAX. For optimal performance, the codecs use SIMD instructions on CPUs and vector instructions on TPUs and GPUs. eXmY is also a technique and exploits the statistical distribution of exponents in tensors. It can be used to quantize weights, static and dynamic activations, gradients, master weights and optimizer state. It can reduce memory (CPU DRAM and accelerator HBM), network and disk storage and transfers. It can increase multi tenancy and accelerate compute. eXmY has been deployed in production for almost 2 years.

cross Spectral Adapter: Fine-Tuning in Spectral Space

Authors: Fangzhao Zhang, Mert Pilanci

Abstract: Recent developments in Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods for pretrained deep neural networks have captured widespread interest. In this work, we study the enhancement of current PEFT methods by incorporating the spectral information of pretrained weight matrices into the fine-tuning procedure. We investigate two spectral adaptation mechanisms, namely additive tuning and orthogonal rotation of the top singular vectors, both are done via first carrying out Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of pretrained weights and then fine-tuning the top spectral space. We provide a theoretical analysis of spectral fine-tuning and show that our approach improves the rank capacity of low-rank adapters given a fixed trainable parameter budget. We show through extensive experiments that the proposed fine-tuning model enables better parameter efficiency and tuning performance as well as benefits multi-adapter fusion. The code will be open-sourced for reproducibility.

cross What is Your Data Worth to GPT? LLM-Scale Data Valuation with Influence Functions

Authors: Sang Keun Choe, Hwijeen Ahn, Juhan Bae, Kewen Zhao, Minsoo Kang, Youngseog Chung, Adithya Pratapa, Willie Neiswanger, Emma Strubell, Teruko Mitamura, Jeff Schneider, Eduard Hovy, Roger Grosse, Eric Xing

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are trained on a vast amount of human-written data, but data providers often remain uncredited. In response to this issue, data valuation (or data attribution), which quantifies the contribution or value of each data to the model output, has been discussed as a potential solution. Nevertheless, applying existing data valuation methods to recent LLMs and their vast training datasets has been largely limited by prohibitive compute and memory costs. In this work, we focus on influence functions, a popular gradient-based data valuation method, and significantly improve its scalability with an efficient gradient projection strategy called LoGra that leverages the gradient structure in backpropagation. We then provide a theoretical motivation of gradient projection approaches to influence functions to promote trust in the data valuation process. Lastly, we lower the barrier to implementing data valuation systems by introducing LogIX, a software package that can transform existing training code into data valuation code with minimal effort. In our data valuation experiments, LoGra achieves competitive accuracy against more expensive baselines while showing up to 6,500x improvement in throughput and 5x reduction in GPU memory usage when applied to Llama3-8B-Instruct and the 1B-token dataset.

cross Uncertainty-Aware DRL for Autonomous Vehicle Crowd Navigation in Shared Space

Authors: Mahsa Golchoubian, Moojan Ghafurian, Kerstin Dautenhahn, Nasser Lashgarian Azad

Abstract: Safe, socially compliant, and efficient navigation of low-speed autonomous vehicles (AVs) in pedestrian-rich environments necessitates considering pedestrians' future positions and interactions with the vehicle and others. Despite the inevitable uncertainties associated with pedestrians' predicted trajectories due to their unobserved states (e.g., intent), existing deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms for crowd navigation often neglect these uncertainties when using predicted trajectories to guide policy learning. This omission limits the usability of predictions when diverging from ground truth. This work introduces an integrated prediction and planning approach that incorporates the uncertainties of predicted pedestrian states in the training of a model-free DRL algorithm. A novel reward function encourages the AV to respect pedestrians' personal space, decrease speed during close approaches, and minimize the collision probability with their predicted paths. Unlike previous DRL methods, our model, designed for AV operation in crowded spaces, is trained in a novel simulation environment that reflects realistic pedestrian behaviour in a shared space with vehicles. Results show a 40% decrease in collision rate and a 15% increase in minimum distance to pedestrians compared to the state of the art model that does not account for prediction uncertainty. Additionally, the approach outperforms model predictive control methods that incorporate the same prediction uncertainties in terms of both performance and computational time, while producing trajectories closer to human drivers in similar scenarios.

cross CIVICS: Building a Dataset for Examining Culturally-Informed Values in Large Language Models

Authors: Giada Pistilli, Alina Leidinger, Yacine Jernite, Atoosa Kasirzadeh, Alexandra Sasha Luccioni, Margaret Mitchell

Abstract: This paper introduces the "CIVICS: Culturally-Informed & Values-Inclusive Corpus for Societal impacts" dataset, designed to evaluate the social and cultural variation of Large Language Models (LLMs) across multiple languages and value-sensitive topics. We create a hand-crafted, multilingual dataset of value-laden prompts which address specific socially sensitive topics, including LGBTQI rights, social welfare, immigration, disability rights, and surrogacy. CIVICS is designed to generate responses showing LLMs' encoded and implicit values. Through our dynamic annotation processes, tailored prompt design, and experiments, we investigate how open-weight LLMs respond to value-sensitive issues, exploring their behavior across diverse linguistic and cultural contexts. Using two experimental set-ups based on log-probabilities and long-form responses, we show social and cultural variability across different LLMs. Specifically, experiments involving long-form responses demonstrate that refusals are triggered disparately across models, but consistently and more frequently in English or translated statements. Moreover, specific topics and sources lead to more pronounced differences across model answers, particularly on immigration, LGBTQI rights, and social welfare. As shown by our experiments, the CIVICS dataset aims to serve as a tool for future research, promoting reproducibility and transparency across broader linguistic settings, and furthering the development of AI technologies that respect and reflect global cultural diversities and value pluralism. The CIVICS dataset and tools will be made available upon publication under open licenses; an anonymized version is currently available at


cross Mitigating Interference in the Knowledge Continuum through Attention-Guided Incremental Learning

Authors: Prashant Bhat, Bharath Renjith, Elahe Arani, Bahram Zonooz

Abstract: Continual learning (CL) remains a significant challenge for deep neural networks, as it is prone to forgetting previously acquired knowledge. Several approaches have been proposed in the literature, such as experience rehearsal, regularization, and parameter isolation, to address this problem. Although almost zero forgetting can be achieved in task-incremental learning, class-incremental learning remains highly challenging due to the problem of inter-task class separation. Limited access to previous task data makes it difficult to discriminate between classes of current and previous tasks. To address this issue, we propose `Attention-Guided Incremental Learning' (AGILE), a novel rehearsal-based CL approach that incorporates compact task attention to effectively reduce interference between tasks. AGILE utilizes lightweight, learnable task projection vectors to transform the latent representations of a shared task attention module toward task distribution. Through extensive empirical evaluation, we show that AGILE significantly improves generalization performance by mitigating task interference and outperforming rehearsal-based approaches in several CL scenarios. Furthermore, AGILE can scale well to a large number of tasks with minimal overhead while remaining well-calibrated with reduced task-recency bias.

cross DirectMultiStep: Direct Route Generation for Multi-Step Retrosynthesis

Authors: Yu Shee, Haote Li, Anton Morgunov, Victor Batista

Abstract: Traditional computer-aided synthesis planning (CASP) methods rely on iterative single-step predictions, leading to exponential search space growth that limits efficiency and scalability. We introduce a transformer-based model that directly generates multi-step synthetic routes as a single string by conditionally predicting each molecule based on all preceding ones. The model accommodates specific conditions such as the desired number of steps and starting materials, outperforming state-of-the-art methods on the PaRoutes dataset with a 2.2x improvement in Top-1 accuracy on the n$_1$ test set and a 3.3x improvement on the n$_5$ test set. It also successfully predicts routes for FDA-approved drugs not included in the training data, showcasing its generalization capabilities. While the current suboptimal diversity of the training set may impact performance on less common reaction types, our approach presents a promising direction towards fully automated retrosynthetic planning.

cross Analysis of Corrected Graph Convolutions

Authors: Robert Wang, Aseem Baranwal, Kimon Fountoulakis

Abstract: Machine learning for node classification on graphs is a prominent area driven by applications such as recommendation systems. State-of-the-art models often use multiple graph convolutions on the data, as empirical evidence suggests they can enhance performance. However, it has been shown empirically and theoretically, that too many graph convolutions can degrade performance significantly, a phenomenon known as oversmoothing. In this paper, we provide a rigorous theoretical analysis, based on the contextual stochastic block model (CSBM), of the performance of vanilla graph convolution from which we remove the principal eigenvector to avoid oversmoothing. We perform a spectral analysis for $k$ rounds of corrected graph convolutions, and we provide results for partial and exact classification. For partial classification, we show that each round of convolution can reduce the misclassification error exponentially up to a saturation level, after which performance does not worsen. For exact classification, we show that the separability threshold can be improved exponentially up to $O({\log{n}}/{\log\log{n}})$ corrected convolutions.

cross Evaluating Large Language Models with Human Feedback: Establishing a Swedish Benchmark

Authors: Birger Moell

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant capabilities across numerous applications. However, the performance of these models in languages with fewer resources, such as Swedish, remains under-explored. This study introduces a comprehensive human benchmark to assess the efficacy of prominent LLMs in understanding and generating Swedish language texts using forced choice ranking. We employ a modified version of the ChatbotArena benchmark, incorporating human feedback to evaluate eleven different models, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, various Claude and Llama models, and bespoke models like Dolphin-2.9-llama3b-8b-flashback and BeagleCatMunin. These models were chosen based on their performance on LMSYS chatbot arena and the Scandeval benchmarks. We release the benchmark as a tool to improve our understanding of language model performance in Swedish with the hopes that it will be widely used. We aim to create a leaderboard once sufficient data has been collected and analysed.

cross RadarOcc: Robust 3D Occupancy Prediction with 4D Imaging Radar

Authors: Fangqiang Ding, Xiangyu Wen, Yunzhou Zhu, Yiming Li, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu

Abstract: 3D occupancy-based perception pipeline has significantly advanced autonomous driving by capturing detailed scene descriptions and demonstrating strong generalizability across various object categories and shapes. Current methods predominantly rely on LiDAR or camera inputs for 3D occupancy prediction. These methods are susceptible to adverse weather conditions, limiting the all-weather deployment of self-driving cars. To improve perception robustness, we leverage the recent advances in automotive radars and introduce a novel approach that utilizes 4D imaging radar sensors for 3D occupancy prediction. Our method, RadarOcc, circumvents the limitations of sparse radar point clouds by directly processing the 4D radar tensor, thus preserving essential scene details. RadarOcc innovatively addresses the challenges associated with the voluminous and noisy 4D radar data by employing Doppler bins descriptors, sidelobe-aware spatial sparsification, and range-wise self-attention mechanisms. To minimize the interpolation errors associated with direct coordinate transformations, we also devise a spherical-based feature encoding followed by spherical-to-Cartesian feature aggregation. We benchmark various baseline methods based on distinct modalities on the public K-Radar dataset. The results demonstrate RadarOcc's state-of-the-art performance in radar-based 3D occupancy prediction and promising results even when compared with LiDAR- or camera-based methods. Additionally, we present qualitative evidence of the superior performance of 4D radar in adverse weather conditions and explore the impact of key pipeline components through ablation studies.

cross Towards a Unified Framework for Evaluating Explanations

Authors: Juan D. Pinto, Luc Paquette

Abstract: The challenge of creating interpretable models has been taken up by two main research communities: ML researchers primarily focused on lower-level explainability methods that suit the needs of engineers, and HCI researchers who have more heavily emphasized user-centered approaches often based on participatory design methods. This paper reviews how these communities have evaluated interpretability, identifying overlaps and semantic misalignments. We propose moving towards a unified framework of evaluation criteria and lay the groundwork for such a framework by articulating the relationships between existing criteria. We argue that explanations serve as mediators between models and stakeholders, whether for intrinsically interpretable models or opaque black-box models analyzed via post-hoc techniques. We further argue that useful explanations require both faithfulness and intelligibility. Explanation plausibility is a prerequisite for intelligibility, while stability is a prerequisite for explanation faithfulness. We illustrate these criteria, as well as specific evaluation methods, using examples from an ongoing study of an interpretable neural network for predicting a particular learner behavior.

cross Unlearning Information Bottleneck: Machine Unlearning of Systematic Patterns and Biases

Authors: Ling Han, Hao Huang, Dustin Scheinost, Mary-Anne Hartley, Mar\'ia Rodr\'iguez Mart\'inez

Abstract: Effective adaptation to distribution shifts in training data is pivotal for sustaining robustness in neural networks, especially when removing specific biases or outdated information, a process known as machine unlearning. Traditional approaches typically assume that data variations are random, which makes it difficult to adjust the model parameters accurately to remove patterns and characteristics from unlearned data. In this work, we present Unlearning Information Bottleneck (UIB), a novel information-theoretic framework designed to enhance the process of machine unlearning that effectively leverages the influence of systematic patterns and biases for parameter adjustment. By proposing a variational upper bound, we recalibrate the model parameters through a dynamic prior that integrates changes in data distribution with an affordable computational cost, allowing efficient and accurate removal of outdated or unwanted data patterns and biases. Our experiments across various datasets, models, and unlearning methods demonstrate that our approach effectively removes systematic patterns and biases while maintaining the performance of models post-unlearning.

cross Two Heads are Better Than One: Neural Networks Quantization with 2D Hilbert Curve-based Output Representation

Authors: Mykhailo Uss, Ruslan Yermolenko, Olena Kolodiazhna, Oleksii Shashko, Ivan Safonov, Volodymyr Savin, Yoonjae Yeo, Seowon Ji, Jaeyun Jeong

Abstract: Quantization is widely used to increase deep neural networks' (DNN) memory, computation, and power efficiency. Various techniques, such as post-training quantization and quantization-aware training, have been proposed to improve quantization quality. We introduce a novel approach for DNN quantization that uses a redundant representation of DNN's output. We represent the target quantity as a point on a 2D parametric curve. The DNN model is modified to predict 2D points that are mapped back to the target quantity at a post-processing stage. We demonstrate that this mapping can reduce quantization error. For the low-order parametric Hilbert curve, Depth-From-Stereo task, and two models represented by U-Net architecture and vision transformer, we achieved a quantization error reduction by about 5 times for the INT8 model at both CPU and DSP delegates. This gain comes with a minimal inference time increase (less than 7%). Our approach can be applied to other tasks, including segmentation, object detection, and key-points prediction.

cross Trajectory Volatility for Out-of-Distribution Detection in Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Yiming Wang, Pei Zhang, Baosong Yang, Derek F. Wong, Zhuosheng Zhang, Rui Wang

Abstract: Real-world data deviating from the independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) assumption of in-distribution training data poses security threats to deep networks, thus advancing out-of-distribution (OOD) detection algorithms. Detection methods in generative language models (GLMs) mainly focus on uncertainty estimation and embedding distance measurement, with the latter proven to be most effective in traditional linguistic tasks like summarization and translation. However, another complex generative scenario mathematical reasoning poses significant challenges to embedding-based methods due to its high-density feature of output spaces, but this feature causes larger discrepancies in the embedding shift trajectory between different samples in latent spaces. Hence, we propose a trajectory-based method TV score, which uses trajectory volatility for OOD detection in mathematical reasoning. Experiments show that our method outperforms all traditional algorithms on GLMs under mathematical reasoning scenarios and can be extended to more applications with high-density features in output spaces, such as multiple-choice questions.

cross How Many Bytes Can You Take Out Of Brain-To-Text Decoding?

Authors: Richard Antonello, Nihita Sarma, Jerry Tang, Jiaru Song, Alexander Huth

Abstract: Brain-computer interfaces have promising medical and scientific applications for aiding speech and studying the brain. In this work, we propose an information-based evaluation metric for brain-to-text decoders. Using this metric, we examine two methods to augment existing state-of-the-art continuous text decoders. We show that these methods, in concert, can improve brain decoding performance by upwards of 40% when compared to a baseline model. We further examine the informatic properties of brain-to-text decoders and show empirically that they have Zipfian power law dynamics. Finally, we provide an estimate for the idealized performance of an fMRI-based text decoder. We compare this idealized model to our current model, and use our information-based metric to quantify the main sources of decoding error. We conclude that a practical brain-to-text decoder is likely possible given further algorithmic improvements.

cross Your Large Language Models Are Leaving Fingerprints

Authors: Hope McGovern, Rickard Stureborg, Yoshi Suhara, Dimitris Alikaniotis

Abstract: It has been shown that finetuned transformers and other supervised detectors effectively distinguish between human and machine-generated text in some situations arXiv:2305.13242, but we find that even simple classifiers on top of n-gram and part-of-speech features can achieve very robust performance on both in- and out-of-domain data. To understand how this is possible, we analyze machine-generated output text in five datasets, finding that LLMs possess unique fingerprints that manifest as slight differences in the frequency of certain lexical and morphosyntactic features. We show how to visualize such fingerprints, describe how they can be used to detect machine-generated text and find that they are even robust across textual domains. We find that fingerprints are often persistent across models in the same model family (e.g. llama-13b vs. llama-65b) and that models fine-tuned for chat are easier to detect than standard language models, indicating that LLM fingerprints may be directly induced by the training data.

cross $T^2$ of Thoughts: Temperature Tree Elicits Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Chengkun Cai, Xu Zhao, Yucheng Du, Haoliang Liu, Lei Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools in artificial intelligence, especially in complex decision-making scenarios, but their static problem-solving strategies often limit their adaptability to dynamic environments. We explore the enhancement of reasoning capabilities in LLMs through Temperature Tree ($T^2$) prompting via Particle Swarm Optimization, termed as $T^2$ of Thoughts ($T^2oT$). The primary focus is on enhancing decision-making processes by dynamically adjusting search parameters, especially temperature, to improve accuracy without increasing computational demands. We empirically validate that our hybrid $T^2oT$ approach yields enhancements in, single-solution accuracy, multi-solution generation and text generation quality. Our findings suggest that while dynamic search depth adjustments based on temperature can yield mixed results, a fixed search depth, when coupled with adaptive capabilities of $T^2oT$, provides a more reliable and versatile problem-solving strategy. This work highlights the potential for future explorations in optimizing algorithmic interactions with foundational language models, particularly illustrated by our development for the Game of 24 and Creative Writing tasks.

cross Learning to Transform Dynamically for Better Adversarial Transferability

Authors: Rongyi Zhu, Zeliang Zhang, Susan Liang, Zhuo Liu, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: Adversarial examples, crafted by adding perturbations imperceptible to humans, can deceive neural networks. Recent studies identify the adversarial transferability across various models, \textit{i.e.}, the cross-model attack ability of adversarial samples. To enhance such adversarial transferability, existing input transformation-based methods diversify input data with transformation augmentation. However, their effectiveness is limited by the finite number of available transformations. In our study, we introduce a novel approach named Learning to Transform (L2T). L2T increases the diversity of transformed images by selecting the optimal combination of operations from a pool of candidates, consequently improving adversarial transferability. We conceptualize the selection of optimal transformation combinations as a trajectory optimization problem and employ a reinforcement learning strategy to effectively solve the problem. Comprehensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset, as well as practical tests with Google Vision and GPT-4V, reveal that L2T surpasses current methodologies in enhancing adversarial transferability, thereby confirming its effectiveness and practical significance. The code is available at


cross Exclusively Penalized Q-learning for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Junghyuk Yeom, Yonghyeon Jo, Jungmo Kim, Sanghyeon Lee, Seungyul Han

Abstract: Constraint-based offline reinforcement learning (RL) involves policy constraints or imposing penalties on the value function to mitigate overestimation errors caused by distributional shift. This paper focuses on a limitation in existing offline RL methods with penalized value function, indicating the potential for underestimation bias due to unnecessary bias introduced in the value function. To address this concern, we propose Exclusively Penalized Q-learning (EPQ), which reduces estimation bias in the value function by selectively penalizing states that are prone to inducing estimation errors. Numerical results show that our method significantly reduces underestimation bias and improves performance in various offline control tasks compared to other offline RL methods

cross High-dimensional Learning with Noisy Labels

Authors: Aymane El Firdoussi, Mohamed El Amine Seddik

Abstract: This paper provides theoretical insights into high-dimensional binary classification with class-conditional noisy labels. Specifically, we study the behavior of a linear classifier with a label noisiness aware loss function, when both the dimension of data $p$ and the sample size $n$ are large and comparable. Relying on random matrix theory by supposing a Gaussian mixture data model, the performance of the linear classifier when $p,n\to \infty$ is shown to converge towards a limit, involving scalar statistics of the data. Importantly, our findings show that the low-dimensional intuitions to handle label noise do not hold in high-dimension, in the sense that the optimal classifier in low-dimension dramatically fails in high-dimension. Based on our derivations, we design an optimized method that is shown to be provably more efficient in handling noisy labels in high dimensions. Our theoretical conclusions are further confirmed by experiments on real datasets, where we show that our optimized approach outperforms the considered baselines.

cross Attending to Topological Spaces: The Cellular Transformer

Authors: Rub\'en Ballester, Pablo Hern\'andez-Garc\'ia, Mathilde Papillon, Claudio Battiloro, Nina Miolane, Tolga Birdal, Carles Casacuberta, Sergio Escalera, Mustafa Hajij

Abstract: Topological Deep Learning seeks to enhance the predictive performance of neural network models by harnessing topological structures in input data. Topological neural networks operate on spaces such as cell complexes and hypergraphs, that can be seen as generalizations of graphs. In this work, we introduce the Cellular Transformer (CT), a novel architecture that generalizes graph-based transformers to cell complexes. First, we propose a new formulation of the usual self- and cross-attention mechanisms, tailored to leverage incidence relations in cell complexes, e.g., edge-face and node-edge relations. Additionally, we propose a set of topological positional encodings specifically designed for cell complexes. By transforming three graph datasets into cell complex datasets, our experiments reveal that CT not only achieves state-of-the-art performance, but it does so without the need for more complex enhancements such as virtual nodes, in-domain structural encodings, or graph rewiring.

cross Distributed Speculative Inference of Large Language Models

Authors: Nadav Timor, Jonathan Mamou, Daniel Korat, Moshe Berchansky, Oren Pereg, Moshe Wasserblat, Tomer Galanti, Michal Gordon, David Harel

Abstract: Accelerating the inference of large language models (LLMs) is an important challenge in artificial intelligence. This paper introduces distributed speculative inference (DSI), a novel distributed inference algorithm that is provably faster than speculative inference (SI) [leviathan2023fast, chen2023accelerating, miao2023specinfer] and traditional autoregressive inference (non-SI). Like other SI algorithms, DSI works on frozen LLMs, requiring no training or architectural modifications, and it preserves the target distribution. Prior studies on SI have demonstrated empirical speedups (compared to non-SI) but require a fast and accurate drafter LLM. In practice, off-the-shelf LLMs often do not have matching drafters that are sufficiently fast and accurate. We show a gap: SI gets slower than non-SI when using slower or less accurate drafters. We close this gap by proving that DSI is faster than both SI and non-SI given any drafters. By orchestrating multiple instances of the target and drafters, DSI is not only faster than SI but also supports LLMs that cannot be accelerated with SI. Our simulations show speedups of off-the-shelf LLMs in realistic settings: DSI is 1.29-1.92x faster than SI.

cross Deep Learning for Protein-Ligand Docking: Are We There Yet?

Authors: Alex Morehead, Nabin Giri, Jian Liu, Jianlin Cheng

Abstract: The effects of ligand binding on protein structures and their in vivo functions carry numerous implications for modern biomedical research and biotechnology development efforts such as drug discovery. Although several deep learning (DL) methods and benchmarks designed for protein-ligand docking have recently been introduced, to date no prior works have systematically studied the behavior of docking methods within the practical context of (1) predicted (apo) protein structures, (2) multiple ligands concurrently binding to a given target protein, and (3) having no prior knowledge of binding pockets. To enable a deeper understanding of docking methods' real-world utility, we introduce PoseBench, the first comprehensive benchmark for practical protein-ligand docking. PoseBench enables researchers to rigorously and systematically evaluate DL docking methods for apo-to-holo protein-ligand docking and protein-ligand structure generation using both single and multi-ligand benchmark datasets, the latter of which we introduce for the first time to the DL community. Empirically, using PoseBench, we find that all recent DL docking methods but one fail to generalize to multi-ligand protein targets and also that template-based docking algorithms perform equally well or better for multi-ligand docking as recent single-ligand DL docking methods, suggesting areas of improvement for future work. Code, data, tutorials, and benchmark results are available at


cross Offline Reinforcement Learning from Datasets with Structured Non-Stationarity

Authors: Johannes Ackermann, Takayuki Osa, Masashi Sugiyama

Abstract: Current Reinforcement Learning (RL) is often limited by the large amount of data needed to learn a successful policy. Offline RL aims to solve this issue by using transitions collected by a different behavior policy. We address a novel Offline RL problem setting in which, while collecting the dataset, the transition and reward functions gradually change between episodes but stay constant within each episode. We propose a method based on Contrastive Predictive Coding that identifies this non-stationarity in the offline dataset, accounts for it when training a policy, and predicts it during evaluation. We analyze our proposed method and show that it performs well in simple continuous control tasks and challenging, high-dimensional locomotion tasks. We show that our method often achieves the oracle performance and performs better than baselines.

cross Configuring Data Augmentations to Reduce Variance Shift in Positional Embedding of Vision Transformers

Authors: Bum Jun Kim, Sang Woo Kim

Abstract: Vision transformers (ViTs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in a variety of vision tasks. Despite their promising capabilities, training a ViT requires a large amount of diverse data. Several studies empirically found that using rich data augmentations, such as Mixup, Cutmix, and random erasing, is critical to the successful training of ViTs. Now, the use of rich data augmentations has become a standard practice in the current state. However, we report a vulnerability to this practice: Certain data augmentations such as Mixup cause a variance shift in the positional embedding of ViT, which has been a hidden factor that degrades the performance of ViT during the test phase. We claim that achieving a stable effect from positional embedding requires a specific condition on the image, which is often broken for the current data augmentation methods. We provide a detailed analysis of this problem as well as the correct configuration for these data augmentations to remove the side effects of variance shift. Experiments showed that adopting our guidelines improves the performance of ViTs compared with the current configuration of data augmentations.

cross Knowledge Localization: Mission Not Accomplished? Enter Query Localization!

Authors: Yuheng Chen, Pengfei Cao, Yubo Chen, Kang Liu, Jun Zhao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) store extensive factual knowledge, but the mechanisms behind how they store and express this knowledge remain unclear. The Knowledge Neuron (KN) thesis is a prominent theory for explaining these mechanisms. This theory is based on the knowledge localization (KL) assumption, which suggests that a fact can be localized to a few knowledge storage units, namely knowledge neurons. However, this assumption may be overly strong regarding knowledge storage and neglects knowledge expression mechanisms. Thus, we re-examine the KL assumption and confirm the existence of facts that do not adhere to it from both statistical and knowledge modification perspectives. Furthermore, we propose the Query Localization (QL) assumption. (1) Query-KN Mapping: The localization results are associated with the query rather than the fact. (2) Dynamic KN Selection: The attention module contributes to the selection of KNs for answering a query. Based on this, we further propose the Consistency-Aware KN modification method, which improves the performance of knowledge modification. We conduct 39 sets of experiments, along with additional visualization experiments, to rigorously validate our conclusions.

cross The Disappearance of Timestep Embedding in Modern Time-Dependent Neural Networks

Authors: Bum Jun Kim, Yoshinobu Kawahara, Sang Woo Kim

Abstract: Dynamical systems are often time-varying, whose modeling requires a function that evolves with respect to time. Recent studies such as the neural ordinary differential equation proposed a time-dependent neural network, which provides a neural network varying with respect to time. However, we claim that the architectural choice to build a time-dependent neural network significantly affects its time-awareness but still lacks sufficient validation in its current states. In this study, we conduct an in-depth analysis of the architecture of modern time-dependent neural networks. Here, we report a vulnerability of vanishing timestep embedding, which disables the time-awareness of a time-dependent neural network. Furthermore, we find that this vulnerability can also be observed in diffusion models because they employ a similar architecture that incorporates timestep embedding to discriminate between different timesteps during a diffusion process. Our analysis provides a detailed description of this phenomenon as well as several solutions to address the root cause. Through experiments on neural ordinary differential equations and diffusion models, we observed that ensuring alive time-awareness via proposed solutions boosted their performance, which implies that their current implementations lack sufficient time-dependency.

cross AlignGPT: Multi-modal Large Language Models with Adaptive Alignment Capability

Authors: Fei Zhao, Taotian Pang, Chunhui Li, Zhen Wu, Junjie Guo, Shangyu Xing, Xinyu Dai

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) are widely regarded as crucial in the exploration of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). The core of MLLMs lies in their capability to achieve cross-modal alignment. To attain this goal, current MLLMs typically follow a two-phase training paradigm: the pre-training phase and the instruction-tuning phase. Despite their success, there are shortcomings in the modeling of alignment capabilities within these models. Firstly, during the pre-training phase, the model usually assumes that all image-text pairs are uniformly aligned, but in fact the degree of alignment between different image-text pairs is inconsistent. Secondly, the instructions currently used for finetuning incorporate a variety of tasks, different tasks's instructions usually require different levels of alignment capabilities, but previous MLLMs overlook these differentiated alignment needs. To tackle these issues, we propose a new multimodal large language model AlignGPT. In the pre-training stage, instead of treating all image-text pairs equally, we assign different levels of alignment capabilities to different image-text pairs. Then, in the instruction-tuning phase, we adaptively combine these different levels of alignment capabilities to meet the dynamic alignment needs of different instructions. Extensive experimental results show that our model achieves competitive performance on 12 benchmarks.

cross Automated Loss function Search for Class-imbalanced Node Classification

Authors: Xinyu Guo, Kai Wu, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jing Liu

Abstract: Class-imbalanced node classification tasks are prevalent in real-world scenarios. Due to the uneven distribution of nodes across different classes, learning high-quality node representations remains a challenging endeavor. The engineering of loss functions has shown promising potential in addressing this issue. It involves the meticulous design of loss functions, utilizing information about the quantities of nodes in different categories and the network's topology to learn unbiased node representations. However, the design of these loss functions heavily relies on human expert knowledge and exhibits limited adaptability to specific target tasks. In this paper, we introduce a high-performance, flexible, and generalizable automated loss function search framework to tackle this challenge. Across 15 combinations of graph neural networks and datasets, our framework achieves a significant improvement in performance compared to state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, we observe that homophily in graph-structured data significantly contributes to the transferability of the proposed framework.

cross Learning Geospatial Region Embedding with Heterogeneous Graph

Authors: Xingchen Zou, Jiani Huang, Xixuan Hao, Yuhao Yang, Haomin Wen, Yibo Yan, Chao Huang, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: Learning effective geospatial embeddings is crucial for a series of geospatial applications such as city analytics and earth monitoring. However, learning comprehensive region representations presents two significant challenges: first, the deficiency of effective intra-region feature representation; and second, the difficulty of learning from intricate inter-region dependencies. In this paper, we present GeoHG, an effective heterogeneous graph structure for learning comprehensive region embeddings for various downstream tasks. Specifically, we tailor satellite image representation learning through geo-entity segmentation and point-of-interest (POI) integration for expressive intra-regional features. Furthermore, GeoHG unifies informative spatial interdependencies and socio-environmental attributes into a powerful heterogeneous graph to encourage explicit modeling of higher-order inter-regional relationships. The intra-regional features and inter-regional correlations are seamlessly integrated by a model-agnostic graph learning framework for diverse downstream tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of GeoHG in geo-prediction tasks compared to existing methods, even under extreme data scarcity (with just 5% of training data). With interpretable region representations, GeoHG exhibits strong generalization capabilities across regions. We will release code and data upon paper notification.

cross Imagery as Inquiry: Exploring A Multimodal Dataset for Conversational Recommendation

Authors: Se-eun Yoon, Hyunsik Jeon, Julian McAuley

Abstract: We introduce a multimodal dataset where users express preferences through images. These images encompass a broad spectrum of visual expressions ranging from landscapes to artistic depictions. Users request recommendations for books or music that evoke similar feelings to those captured in the images, and recommendations are endorsed by the community through upvotes. This dataset supports two recommendation tasks: title generation and multiple-choice selection. Our experiments with large foundation models reveal their limitations in these tasks. Particularly, vision-language models show no significant advantage over language-only counterparts that use descriptions, which we hypothesize is due to underutilized visual capabilities. To better harness these abilities, we propose the chain-of-imagery prompting, which results in notable improvements. We release our code and datasets.

cross Minimum number of neurons in fully connected layers of a given neural network (the first approximation)

Authors: Oleg I. Berngardt

Abstract: This paper presents an algorithm for searching for the minimum number of neurons in fully connected layers of an arbitrary network solving given problem, which does not require multiple training of the network with different number of neurons. The algorithm is based at training the initial wide network using the cross-validation method over at least two folds. Then by using truncated singular value decomposition autoencoder inserted after the studied layer of trained network we search the minimum number of neurons in inference only mode of the network. It is shown that the minimum number of neurons in a fully connected layer could be interpreted not as network hyperparameter associated with the other hyperparameters of the network, but as internal (latent) property of the solution, determined by the network architecture, the training dataset, layer position, and the quality metric used. So the minimum number of neurons can be estimated for each hidden fully connected layer independently. The proposed algorithm is the first approximation for estimating the minimum number of neurons in the layer, since, on the one hand, the algorithm does not guarantee that a neural network with the found number of neurons can be trained to the required quality, and on the other hand, it searches for the minimum number of neurons in a limited class of possible solutions. The solution was tested on several datasets in classification and regression problems.

cross Real Time Deep Learning Weapon Detection Techniques for Mitigating Lone Wolf Attacks

Authors: Kambhatla Akhila, Khaled R Ahmed

Abstract: Firearm Shootings and stabbings attacks are intense and result in severe trauma and threat to public safety. Technology is needed to prevent lone-wolf attacks without human supervision. Hence designing an automatic weapon detection using deep learning, is an optimized solution to localize and detect the presence of weapon objects using Neural Networks. This research focuses on both unified and II-stage object detectors whose resultant model not only detects the presence of weapons but also classifies with respective to its weapon classes, including handgun, knife, revolver, and rifle, along with person detection. This research focuses on (You Look Only Once) family and Faster RCNN family for model validation and training. Pruning and Ensembling techniques were applied to YOLOv5 to enhance their speed and performance. models achieve the highest score of 78% with an inference speed of 8.1ms. However, Faster R-CNN models achieve the highest AP 89%.

cross Super Tiny Language Models

Authors: Dylan Hillier, Leon Guertler, Cheston Tan, Palaash Agrawal, Chen Ruirui, Bobby Cheng

Abstract: The rapid advancement of large language models (LLMs) has led to significant improvements in natural language processing but also poses challenges due to their high computational and energy demands. This paper introduces a series of research efforts focused on Super Tiny Language Models (STLMs), which aim to deliver high performance with significantly reduced parameter counts. We explore innovative techniques such as byte-level tokenization with a pooling mechanism, weight tying, and efficient training strategies. These methods collectively reduce the parameter count by $90\%$ to $95\%$ compared to traditional models while maintaining competitive performance. This series of papers will explore into various subproblems, including tokenizer-free models, self-play based training, and alternative training objectives, targeting models with 10M, 50M, and 100M parameters. Our ultimate goal is to make high-performance language models more accessible and practical for a wide range of applications.

cross Self-Taught Recognizer: Toward Unsupervised Adaptation for Speech Foundation Models

Authors: Yuchen Hu, Chen Chen, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Chengwei Qin, Pin-Yu Chen, Eng Siong Chng, Chao Zhang

Abstract: We propose an unsupervised adaptation framework, Self-TAught Recognizer (STAR), which leverages unlabeled data to enhance the robustness of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems in diverse target domains, such as noise and accents. STAR is developed for prevalent speech foundation models based on Transformer-related architecture with auto-regressive decoding (e.g., Whisper, Canary). Specifically, we propose a novel indicator that empirically integrates step-wise information during decoding to assess the token-level quality of pseudo labels without ground truth, thereby guiding model updates for effective unsupervised adaptation. Experimental results show that STAR achieves an average of 13.5% relative reduction in word error rate across 14 target domains, and it sometimes even approaches the upper-bound performance of supervised adaptation. Surprisingly, we also observe that STAR prevents the adapted model from the common catastrophic forgetting problem without recalling source-domain data. Furthermore, STAR exhibits high data efficiency that only requires less than one-hour unlabeled data, and seamless generality to alternative large speech models and speech translation tasks. Our code aims to open source to the research communities.

cross Certified Robustness against Sparse Adversarial Perturbations via Data Localization

Authors: Ambar Pal, Ren\'e Vidal, Jeremias Sulam

Abstract: Recent work in adversarial robustness suggests that natural data distributions are localized, i.e., they place high probability in small volume regions of the input space, and that this property can be utilized for designing classifiers with improved robustness guarantees for $\ell_2$-bounded perturbations. Yet, it is still unclear if this observation holds true for more general metrics. In this work, we extend this theory to $\ell_0$-bounded adversarial perturbations, where the attacker can modify a few pixels of the image but is unrestricted in the magnitude of perturbation, and we show necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of $\ell_0$-robust classifiers. Theoretical certification approaches in this regime essentially employ voting over a large ensemble of classifiers. Such procedures are combinatorial and expensive or require complicated certification techniques. In contrast, a simple classifier emerges from our theory, dubbed Box-NN, which naturally incorporates the geometry of the problem and improves upon the current state-of-the-art in certified robustness against sparse attacks for the MNIST and Fashion-MNIST datasets.

cross Graphlets correct for the topological information missed by random walks

Authors: Sam F. L. Windels, Noel Malod-Dognin, Natasa Przulj

Abstract: Random walks are widely used for mining networks due to the computational efficiency of computing them. For instance, graph representation learning learns a d-dimensional embedding space, so that the nodes that tend to co-occur on random walks (a proxy of being in the same network neighborhood) are close in the embedding space. Specific local network topology (i.e., structure) influences the co-occurrence of nodes on random walks, so random walks of limited length capture only partial topological information, hence diminishing the performance of downstream methods. We explicitly capture all topological neighborhood information and improve performance by introducing orbit adjacencies that quantify the adjacencies of two nodes as co-occurring on a given pair of graphlet orbits, which are symmetric positions on graphlets (small, connected, non-isomorphic, induced subgraphs of a large network). Importantly, we mathematically prove that random walks on up to k nodes capture only a subset of all the possible orbit adjacencies for up to k-node graphlets. Furthermore, we enable orbit adjacency-based analysis of networks by developing an efficient GRaphlet-orbit ADjacency COunter (GRADCO), which exhaustively computes all 28 orbit adjacency matrices for up to four-node graphlets. Note that four-node graphlets suffice, because real networks are usually small-world. In large networks on around 20,000 nodes, GRADCOcomputesthe28matricesinminutes. Onsixrealnetworksfromvarious domains, we compare the performance of node-label predictors obtained by using the network embeddings based on our orbit adjacencies to those based on random walks. We find that orbit adjacencies, which include those unseen by random walks, outperform random walk-based adjacencies, demonstrating the importance of the inclusion of the topological neighborhood information that is unseen by random walks.

cross Enhanced Object Tracking by Self-Supervised Auxiliary Depth Estimation Learning

Authors: Zhenyu Wei, Yujie He, Zhanchuan Cai

Abstract: RGB-D tracking significantly improves the accuracy of object tracking. However, its dependency on real depth inputs and the complexity involved in multi-modal fusion limit its applicability across various scenarios. The utilization of depth information in RGB-D tracking inspired us to propose a new method, named MDETrack, which trains a tracking network with an additional capability to understand the depth of scenes, through supervised or self-supervised auxiliary Monocular Depth Estimation learning. The outputs of MDETrack's unified feature extractor are fed to the side-by-side tracking head and auxiliary depth estimation head, respectively. The auxiliary module will be discarded in inference, thus keeping the same inference speed. We evaluated our models with various training strategies on multiple datasets, and the results show an improved tracking accuracy even without real depth. Through these findings we highlight the potential of depth estimation in enhancing object tracking performance.

cross Awesome Multi-modal Object Tracking

Authors: Chunhui Zhang, Li Liu, Hao Wen, Xi Zhou, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Multi-modal object tracking (MMOT) is an emerging field that combines data from various modalities, \eg vision (RGB), depth, thermal infrared, event, language and audio, to estimate the state of an arbitrary object in a video sequence. It is of great significance for many applications such as autonomous driving and intelligent surveillance. In recent years, MMOT has received more and more attention. However, existing MMOT algorithms mainly focus on two modalities (\eg RGB+depth, RGB+thermal infrared, and RGB+language). To leverage more modalities, some recent efforts have been made to learn a unified visual object tracking model for any modality. Additionally, some large-scale multi-modal tracking benchmarks have been established by simultaneously providing more than two modalities, such as vision-language-audio (\eg WebUAV-3M) and vision-depth-language (\eg UniMod1K). To track the latest progress in MMOT, we conduct a comprehensive investigation in this report. Specifically, we first divide existing MMOT tasks into five main categories, \ie RGBL tracking, RGBE tracking, RGBD tracking, RGBT tracking, and miscellaneous (RGB+X), where X can be any modality, such as language, depth, and event. Then, we analyze and summarize each MMOT task, focusing on widely used datasets and mainstream tracking algorithms based on their technical paradigms (\eg self-supervised learning, prompt learning, knowledge distillation, generative models, and state space models). Finally, we maintain a continuously updated paper list for MMOT at


cross GLaD: Synergizing Molecular Graphs and Language Descriptors for Enhanced Power Conversion Efficiency Prediction in Organic Photovoltaic Devices

Authors: Thao Nguyen, Tiara Torres-Flores, Changhyun Hwang, Carl Edwards, Ying Diao, Heng Ji

Abstract: This paper presents a novel approach for predicting Power Conversion Efficiency (PCE) of Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) devices, called GLaD: synergizing molecular Graphs and Language Descriptors for enhanced PCE prediction. Due to the lack of high-quality experimental data, we collect a dataset consisting of 500 pairs of OPV donor and acceptor molecules along with their corresponding PCE values, which we utilize as the training data for our predictive model. In this low-data regime, GLaD leverages properties learned from large language models (LLMs) pretrained on extensive scientific literature to enrich molecular structural representations, allowing for a multimodal representation of molecules. GLaD achieves precise predictions of PCE, thereby facilitating the synthesis of new OPV molecules with improved efficiency. Furthermore, GLaD showcases versatility, as it applies to a range of molecular property prediction tasks (BBBP, BACE, ClinTox, and SIDER), not limited to those concerning OPV materials. Especially, GLaD proves valuable for tasks in low-data regimes within the chemical space, as it enriches molecular representations by incorporating molecular property descriptions learned from large-scale pretraining. This capability is significant in real-world scientific endeavors like drug and material discovery, where access to comprehensive data is crucial for informed decision-making and efficient exploration of the chemical space.

cross Agent Planning with World Knowledge Model

Authors: Shuofei Qiao, Runnan Fang, Ningyu Zhang, Yuqi Zhu, Xiang Chen, Shumin Deng, Yong Jiang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Recent endeavors towards directly using large language models (LLMs) as agent models to execute interactive planning tasks have shown commendable results. Despite their achievements, however, they still struggle with brainless trial-and-error in global planning and generating hallucinatory actions in local planning due to their poor understanding of the ''real'' physical world. Imitating humans' mental world knowledge model which provides global prior knowledge before the task and maintains local dynamic knowledge during the task, in this paper, we introduce parametric World Knowledge Model (WKM) to facilitate agent planning. Concretely, we steer the agent model to self-synthesize knowledge from both expert and sampled trajectories. Then we develop WKM, providing prior task knowledge to guide the global planning and dynamic state knowledge to assist the local planning. Experimental results on three complex real-world simulated datasets with three state-of-the-art open-source LLMs, Mistral-7B, Gemma-7B, and Llama-3-8B, demonstrate that our method can achieve superior performance compared to various strong baselines. Besides, we analyze to illustrate that our WKM can effectively alleviate the blind trial-and-error and hallucinatory action issues, providing strong support for the agent's understanding of the world. Other interesting findings include: 1) our instance-level task knowledge can generalize better to unseen tasks, 2) weak WKM can guide strong agent model planning, and 3) unified WKM training has promising potential for further development. Code will be available at


cross A Behavior-Aware Approach for Deep Reinforcement Learning in Non-stationary Environments without Known Change Points

Authors: Zihe Liu, Jie Lu, Guangquan Zhang, Junyu Xuan

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning is used in various domains, but usually under the assumption that the environment has stationary conditions like transitions and state distributions. When this assumption is not met, performance suffers. For this reason, tracking continuous environmental changes and adapting to unpredictable conditions is challenging yet crucial because it ensures that systems remain reliable and flexible in practical scenarios. Our research introduces Behavior-Aware Detection and Adaptation (BADA), an innovative framework that merges environmental change detection with behavior adaptation. The key inspiration behind our method is that policies exhibit different global behaviors in changing environments. Specifically, environmental changes are identified by analyzing variations between behaviors using Wasserstein distances without manually set thresholds. The model adapts to the new environment through behavior regularization based on the extent of changes. The results of a series of experiments demonstrate better performance relative to several current algorithms. This research also indicates significant potential for tackling this long-standing challenge.

cross Understanding the Training and Generalization of Pretrained Transformer for Sequential Decision Making

Authors: Hanzhao Wang, Yu Pan, Fupeng Sun, Shang Liu, Kalyan Talluri, Guanting Chen, Xiaocheng Li

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the supervised pretrained transformer for a class of sequential decision-making problems. The class of considered problems is a subset of the general formulation of reinforcement learning in that there is no transition probability matrix, and the class of problems covers bandits, dynamic pricing, and newsvendor problems as special cases. Such a structure enables the use of optimal actions/decisions in the pretraining phase, and the usage also provides new insights for the training and generalization of the pretrained transformer. We first note that the training of the transformer model can be viewed as a performative prediction problem, and the existing methods and theories largely ignore or cannot resolve the arisen out-of-distribution issue. We propose a natural solution that includes the transformer-generated action sequences in the training procedure, and it enjoys better properties both numerically and theoretically. The availability of the optimal actions in the considered tasks also allows us to analyze the properties of the pretrained transformer as an algorithm and explains why it may lack exploration and how this can be automatically resolved. Numerically, we categorize the advantages of the pretrained transformer over the structured algorithms such as UCB and Thompson sampling into three cases: (i) it better utilizes the prior knowledge in the pretraining data; (ii) it can elegantly handle the misspecification issue suffered by the structured algorithms; (iii) for short time horizon such as $T\le50$, it behaves more greedy and enjoys much better regret than the structured algorithms which are designed for asymptotic optimality.

cross Variational Delayed Policy Optimization

Authors: Qingyuan Wu, Simon Sinong Zhan, Yixuan Wang, Yuhui Wang, Chung-Wei Lin, Chen Lv, Qi Zhu, Chao Huang

Abstract: In environments with delayed observation, state augmentation by including actions within the delay window is adopted to retrieve Markovian property to enable reinforcement learning (RL). However, state-of-the-art (SOTA) RL techniques with Temporal-Difference (TD) learning frameworks often suffer from learning inefficiency, due to the significant expansion of the augmented state space with the delay. To improve learning efficiency without sacrificing performance, this work introduces a novel framework called Variational Delayed Policy Optimization (VDPO), which reformulates delayed RL as a variational inference problem. This problem is further modelled as a two-step iterative optimization problem, where the first step is TD learning in the delay-free environment with a small state space, and the second step is behaviour cloning which can be addressed much more efficiently than TD learning. We not only provide a theoretical analysis of VDPO in terms of sample complexity and performance, but also empirically demonstrate that VDPO can achieve consistent performance with SOTA methods, with a significant enhancement of sample efficiency (approximately 50\% less amount of samples) in the MuJoCo benchmark.

cross Boosting Medical Image-based Cancer Detection via Text-guided Supervision from Reports

Authors: Guangyu Guo, Jiawen Yao, Yingda Xia, Tony C. W. Mok, Zhilin Zheng, Junwei Han, Le Lu, Dingwen Zhang, Jian Zhou, Ling Zhang

Abstract: The absence of adequately sufficient expert-level tumor annotations hinders the effectiveness of supervised learning based opportunistic cancer screening on medical imaging. Clinical reports (that are rich in descriptive textual details) can offer a "free lunch'' supervision information and provide tumor location as a type of weak label to cope with screening tasks, thus saving human labeling workloads, if properly leveraged. However, predicting cancer only using such weak labels can be very changeling since tumors are usually presented in small anatomical regions compared to the whole 3D medical scans. Weakly semi-supervised learning (WSSL) utilizes a limited set of voxel-level tumor annotations and incorporates alongside a substantial number of medical images that have only off-the-shelf clinical reports, which may strike a good balance between minimizing expert annotation workload and optimizing screening efficacy. In this paper, we propose a novel text-guided learning method to achieve highly accurate cancer detection results. Through integrating diagnostic and tumor location text prompts into the text encoder of a vision-language model (VLM), optimization of weakly supervised learning can be effectively performed in the latent space of VLM, thereby enhancing the stability of training. Our approach can leverage clinical knowledge by large-scale pre-trained VLM to enhance generalization ability, and produce reliable pseudo tumor masks to improve cancer detection. Our extensive quantitative experimental results on a large-scale cancer dataset, including 1,651 unique patients, validate that our approach can reduce human annotation efforts by at least 70% while maintaining comparable cancer detection accuracy to competing fully supervised methods (AUC value 0.961 versus 0.966).

cross ZipCache: Accurate and Efficient KV Cache Quantization with Salient Token Identification

Authors: Yefei He, Luoming Zhang, Weijia Wu, Jing Liu, Hong Zhou, Bohan Zhuang

Abstract: KV cache stores key and value states from previous tokens to avoid re-computation, yet it demands substantial storage space, especially for long sequences. Adaptive KV cache compression seeks to discern the saliency of tokens, preserving vital information while aggressively compressing those of less importance. However, previous methods of this approach exhibit significant performance degradation at high compression ratios due to inaccuracies in identifying salient tokens. In this paper, we present ZipCache, an accurate and efficient KV cache quantization method for LLMs. First, we construct a strong baseline for quantizing KV cache. Through the proposed channel-separable tokenwise quantization scheme, the memory overhead of quantization parameters are substantially reduced compared to fine-grained groupwise quantization. To enhance the compression ratio, we propose normalized attention score as an effective metric for identifying salient tokens by considering the lower triangle characteristics of the attention matrix. Moreover, we develop an efficient approximation method that decouples the saliency metric from full attention scores, enabling compatibility with fast attention implementations like FlashAttention. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ZipCache achieves superior compression ratios, fast generation speed and minimal performance losses compared with previous KV cache compression methods. For instance, when evaluating Mistral-7B model on GSM8k dataset, ZipCache is capable of compressing the KV cache by $4.98\times$, with only a $0.38\%$ drop in accuracy. In terms of efficiency, ZipCache also showcases a $37.3\%$ reduction in prefill-phase latency, a $56.9\%$ reduction in decoding-phase latency, and a $19.8\%$ reduction in GPU memory usage when evaluating LLaMA3-8B model with a input length of $4096$.

cross Let's Fuse Step by Step: A Generative Fusion Decoding Algorithm with LLMs for Multi-modal Text Recognition

Authors: Chan-Jan Hsu, Yi-Chang Chen, Feng-Ting Liao, Pei-Chen Ho, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Po-Chun Hsu, Da-shan Shiu

Abstract: We introduce ``Generative Fusion Decoding'' (GFD), a novel shallow fusion framework, utilized to integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) into multi-modal text recognition systems such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and optical character recognition (OCR). We derive the formulas necessary to enable GFD to operate across mismatched token spaces of different models by mapping text token space to byte token space, enabling seamless fusion during the decoding process. The framework is plug-and-play, compatible with various auto-regressive models, and does not require re-training for feature alignment, thus overcoming limitations of previous fusion techniques. We highlight three main advantages of GFD: First, by simplifying the complexity of aligning different model sample spaces, GFD allows LLMs to correct errors in tandem with the recognition model, reducing computation latencies. Second, the in-context learning ability of LLMs is fully capitalized by GFD, increasing robustness in long-form speech recognition and instruction aware speech recognition. Third, GFD enables fusing recognition models deficient in Chinese text recognition with LLMs extensively trained on Chinese. Our evaluation demonstrates that GFD significantly improves performance in ASR and OCR tasks, with ASR reaching state-of-the-art in the NTUML2021 benchmark. GFD provides a significant step forward in model integration, offering a unified solution that could be widely applicable to leveraging existing pre-trained models through step by step fusion.

cross Graph Sparsification via Mixture of Graphs

Authors: Guibin Zhang, Xiangguo Sun, Yanwei Yue, Kun Wang, Tianlong Chen, Shirui Pan

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have demonstrated superior performance across various graph learning tasks but face significant computational challenges when applied to large-scale graphs. One effective approach to mitigate these challenges is graph sparsification, which involves removing non-essential edges to reduce computational overhead. However, previous graph sparsification methods often rely on a single global sparsity setting and uniform pruning criteria, failing to provide customized sparsification schemes for each node's complex local context. In this paper, we introduce Mixture-of-Graphs (MoG), leveraging the concept of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE), to dynamically select tailored pruning solutions for each node. Specifically, MoG incorporates multiple sparsifier experts, each characterized by unique sparsity levels and pruning criteria, and selects the appropriate experts for each node. Subsequently, MoG performs a mixture of the sparse graphs produced by different experts on the Grassmann manifold to derive an optimal sparse graph. One notable property of MoG is its entirely local nature, as it depends on the specific circumstances of each individual node. Extensive experiments on four large-scale OGB datasets and two superpixel datasets, equipped with five GNN backbones, demonstrate that MoG (I) identifies subgraphs at higher sparsity levels ($8.67\%\sim 50.85\%$), with performance equal to or better than the dense graph, (II) achieves $1.47-2.62\times$ speedup in GNN inference with negligible performance drop, and (III) boosts ``top-student'' GNN performance ($1.02\%\uparrow$ on RevGNN+\textsc{ogbn-proteins} and $1.74\%\uparrow$ on DeeperGCN+\textsc{ogbg-ppa}).

cross Reassessing Evaluation Functions in Algorithmic Recourse: An Empirical Study from a Human-Centered Perspective

Authors: Tomu Tominaga, Naomi Yamashita, Takeshi Kurashima

Abstract: In this study, we critically examine the foundational premise of algorithmic recourse - a process of generating counterfactual action plans (i.e., recourses) assisting individuals to reverse adverse decisions made by AI systems. The assumption underlying algorithmic recourse is that individuals accept and act on recourses that minimize the gap between their current and desired states. This assumption, however, remains empirically unverified. To address this issue, we conducted a user study with 362 participants and assessed whether minimizing the distance function, a metric of the gap between the current and desired states, indeed prompts them to accept and act upon suggested recourses. Our findings reveal a nuanced landscape: participants' acceptance of recourses did not correlate with the recourse distance. Moreover, participants' willingness to act upon recourses peaked at the minimal recourse distance but was otherwise constant. These findings cast doubt on the prevailing assumption of algorithmic recourse research and signal the need to rethink the evaluation functions to pave the way for human-centered recourse generation.

cross A Gap in Time: The Challenge of Processing Heterogeneous IoT Point Data in Buildings

Authors: Xiachong Lin, Arian Prabowo, Imran Razzak, Hao Xue, Matthew Amos, Sam Behrens, Stephen White, Flora D. Salim

Abstract: The growing need for sustainable energy solutions has driven the integration of digitalized buildings into the power grid, utilizing Internet-of-Things technology to optimize building performance and energy efficiency. However, incorporating IoT point data within deep-learning frameworks for energy management presents a complex challenge, predominantly due to the inherent data heterogeneity. This paper comprehensively analyzes the multifaceted heterogeneity present in real-world building IoT data streams. We meticulously dissect the heterogeneity across multiple dimensions, encompassing ontology, etiology, temporal irregularity, spatial diversity, and their combined effects on the IoT point data distribution. In addition, experiments using state-of-the-art forecasting models are conducted to evaluate their impacts on the performance of deep-learning models for forecasting tasks. By charting the diversity along these dimensions, we illustrate the challenges and delineate pathways for future research to leverage this heterogeneity as a resource rather than a roadblock. This exploration sets the stage for advancing the predictive abilities of deep-learning algorithms and catalyzing the evolution of intelligent energy-efficient buildings.

cross Multi-Representation Genetic Programming: A Case Study on Tree-based and Linear Representations

Authors: Zhixing Huang, Yi Mei, Fangfang Zhang, Mengjie Zhang, Wolfgang Banzhaf

Abstract: Existing genetic programming (GP) methods are typically designed based on a certain representation, such as tree-based or linear representations. These representations show various pros and cons in different domains. However, due to the complicated relationships among representation and fitness landscapes of GP, it is hard to intuitively determine which GP representation is the most suitable for solving a certain problem. Evolving programs (or models) with multiple representations simultaneously can alternatively search on different fitness landscapes since representations are highly related to the search space that essentially defines the fitness landscape. Fully using the latent synergies among different GP individual representations might be helpful for GP to search for better solutions. However, existing GP literature rarely investigates the simultaneous effective use of evolving multiple representations. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a multi-representation GP algorithm based on tree-based and linear representations, which are two commonly used GP representations. In addition, we develop a new cross-representation crossover operator to harness the interplay between tree-based and linear representations. Empirical results show that navigating the learned knowledge between basic tree-based and linear representations successfully improves the effectiveness of GP with solely tree-based or linear representation in solving symbolic regression and dynamic job shop scheduling problems.

cross Sparse $L^1$-Autoencoders for Scientific Data Compression

Authors: Matthias Chung, Rick Archibald, Paul Atzberger, Jack Michael Solomon

Abstract: Scientific datasets present unique challenges for machine learning-driven compression methods, including more stringent requirements on accuracy and mitigation of potential invalidating artifacts. Drawing on results from compressed sensing and rate-distortion theory, we introduce effective data compression methods by developing autoencoders using high dimensional latent spaces that are $L^1$-regularized to obtain sparse low dimensional representations. We show how these information-rich latent spaces can be used to mitigate blurring and other artifacts to obtain highly effective data compression methods for scientific data. We demonstrate our methods for short angle scattering (SAS) datasets showing they can achieve compression ratios around two orders of magnitude and in some cases better. Our compression methods show promise for use in addressing current bottlenecks in transmission, storage, and analysis in high-performance distributed computing environments. This is central to processing the large volume of SAS data being generated at shared experimental facilities around the world to support scientific investigations. Our approaches provide general ways for obtaining specialized compression methods for targeted scientific datasets.

cross A fast algorithm to minimize prediction loss of the optimal solution in inverse optimization problem of MILP

Authors: Akira Kitaoka

Abstract: This paper tackles the problem of minimizing the prediction loss of the optimal solution (PLS) of the MILP with given data, which is one of the inverse optimization problems. While existing methods can approximately solve this problem, their implementation in the high-dimensional case to minimize the PLS is computationally expensive because they are inefficient in reducing the prediction loss of weights (PLW). We propose a fast algorithm for minimizing the PLS of MILP. To demonstrate this property, we attribute the problem of minimizing the PLS to that of minimizing the suboptimality loss (SL), which is convex. If the PLS does not vanish, we can adapt the SL to have the estimated loss (SPO loss) with a positive lower bound, which enables us to evaluate the PLW. Consequently, we prove that the proposed algorithm can effectively reduce the PLW and achieve the minimum value of PLS. Our numerical experiments demonstrated that our algorithm successfully achieved the minimum PLS. Compared to existing methods, our algorithm exhibited a smaller dimensionality effect and minimized the PLS in less than 1/7 the number of iterations. Especially in high dimensions, our algorithm significantly improved the PLS by more than two orders of magnitude compared to existing algorithms.

cross Co-Representation Neural Hypergraph Diffusion for Edge-Dependent Node Classification

Authors: Yijia Zheng, Marcel Worring

Abstract: Hypergraphs are widely employed to represent complex higher-order relationships in real-world applications. Most hypergraph learning research focuses on node- or edge-level tasks. A practically relevant but more challenging task, edge-dependent node classification (ENC), is only recently proposed. In ENC, a node can have different labels across different hyperedges, which requires the modeling of node-hyperedge pairs instead of single nodes or hyperedges. Existing solutions for this task are based on message passing and model within-edge and within-node interactions as multi-input single-output functions. This brings three limitations: (1) non-adaptive representation size, (2) node/edge agnostic messages, and (3) insufficient interactions among nodes or hyperedges. To tackle these limitations, we develop CoNHD, a new solution based on hypergraph diffusion. Specifically, we first extend hypergraph diffusion using node-hyperedge co-representations. This extension explicitly models both within-edge and within-node interactions as multi-input multi-output functions using two equivariant diffusion operators. To avoid handcrafted regularization functions, we propose a neural implementation for the co-representation hypergraph diffusion process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed CoNHD model.

cross Variational Bayes for Federated Continual Learning

Authors: Dezhong Yao, Sanmu Li, Yutong Dai, Zhiqiang Xu, Shengshan Hu, Peilin Zhao, Lichao Sun

Abstract: Federated continual learning (FCL) has received increasing attention due to its potential in handling real-world streaming data, characterized by evolving data distributions and varying client classes over time. The constraints of storage limitations and privacy concerns confine local models to exclusively access the present data within each learning cycle. Consequently, this restriction induces performance degradation in model training on previous data, termed "catastrophic forgetting". However, existing FCL approaches need to identify or know changes in data distribution, which is difficult in the real world. To release these limitations, this paper directs attention to a broader continuous framework. Within this framework, we introduce Federated Bayesian Neural Network (FedBNN), a versatile and efficacious framework employing a variational Bayesian neural network across all clients. Our method continually integrates knowledge from local and historical data distributions into a single model, adeptly learning from new data distributions while retaining performance on historical distributions. We rigorously evaluate FedBNN's performance against prevalent methods in federated learning and continual learning using various metrics. Experimental analyses across diverse datasets demonstrate that FedBNN achieves state-of-the-art results in mitigating forgetting.

cross Dynamic Mixture of Experts: An Auto-Tuning Approach for Efficient Transformer Models

Authors: Yongxin Guo, Zhenglin Cheng, Xiaoying Tang, Tao Lin

Abstract: The Sparse Mixture of Experts (SMoE) has been widely employed to enhance the efficiency of training and inference for Transformer-based foundational models, yielding promising results. However, the performance of SMoE heavily depends on the choice of hyper-parameters, such as the number of experts and the number of experts to be activated (referred to as top-k), resulting in significant computational overhead due to the extensive model training by searching over various hyper-parameter configurations. As a remedy, we introduce the Dynamic Mixture of Experts (DynMoE) technique. DynMoE incorporates (1) a novel gating method that enables each token to automatically determine the number of experts to activate. (2) An adaptive process automatically adjusts the number of experts during training. Extensive numerical results across Vision, Language, and Vision-Language tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to achieve competitive performance compared to GMoE for vision and language tasks, and MoE-LLaVA for vision-language tasks, while maintaining efficiency by activating fewer parameters. Our code is available at


cross AdaGMLP: AdaBoosting GNN-to-MLP Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Weigang Lu, Ziyu Guan, Wei Zhao, Yaming Yang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have revolutionized graph-based machine learning, but their heavy computational demands pose challenges for latency-sensitive edge devices in practical industrial applications. In response, a new wave of methods, collectively known as GNN-to-MLP Knowledge Distillation, has emerged. They aim to transfer GNN-learned knowledge to a more efficient MLP student, which offers faster, resource-efficient inference while maintaining competitive performance compared to GNNs. However, these methods face significant challenges in situations with insufficient training data and incomplete test data, limiting their applicability in real-world applications. To address these challenges, we propose AdaGMLP, an AdaBoosting GNN-to-MLP Knowledge Distillation framework. It leverages an ensemble of diverse MLP students trained on different subsets of labeled nodes, addressing the issue of insufficient training data. Additionally, it incorporates a Node Alignment technique for robust predictions on test data with missing or incomplete features. Our experiments on seven benchmark datasets with different settings demonstrate that AdaGMLP outperforms existing G2M methods, making it suitable for a wide range of latency-sensitive real-world applications. We have submitted our code to the GitHub repository (


cross Autoregressive Image Diffusion: Generating Image Sequence and Application in MRI

Authors: Guanxiong Luo, Shoujin Huang, Martin Uecker

Abstract: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a widely used non-invasive imaging modality. However, a persistent challenge lies in balancing image quality with imaging speed. This trade-off is primarily constrained by k-space measurements, which traverse specific trajectories in the spatial Fourier domain (k-space). These measurements are often undersampled to shorten acquisition times, resulting in image artifacts and compromised quality. Generative models learn image distributions and can be used to reconstruct high-quality images from undersampled k-space data. In this work, we present the autoregressive image diffusion (AID) model for image sequences and use it to sample the posterior for accelerated MRI reconstruction. The algorithm incorporates both undersampled k-space and pre-existing information. Models trained with fastMRI dataset are evaluated comprehensively. The results show that the AID model can robustly generate sequentially coherent image sequences. In 3D and dynamic MRI, the AID can outperform the standard diffusion model and reduce hallucinations, due to the learned inter-image dependencies.

cross LucidPPN: Unambiguous Prototypical Parts Network for User-centric Interpretable Computer Vision

Authors: Mateusz Pach, Dawid Rymarczyk, Koryna Lewandowska, Jacek Tabor, Bartosz Zieli\'nski

Abstract: Prototypical parts networks combine the power of deep learning with the explainability of case-based reasoning to make accurate, interpretable decisions. They follow the this looks like that reasoning, representing each prototypical part with patches from training images. However, a single image patch comprises multiple visual features, such as color, shape, and texture, making it difficult for users to identify which feature is important to the model. To reduce this ambiguity, we introduce the Lucid Prototypical Parts Network (LucidPPN), a novel prototypical parts network that separates color prototypes from other visual features. Our method employs two reasoning branches: one for non-color visual features, processing grayscale images, and another focusing solely on color information. This separation allows us to clarify whether the model's decisions are based on color, shape, or texture. Additionally, LucidPPN identifies prototypical parts corresponding to semantic parts of classified objects, making comparisons between data classes more intuitive, e.g., when two bird species might differ primarily in belly color. Our experiments demonstrate that the two branches are complementary and together achieve results comparable to baseline methods. More importantly, LucidPPN generates less ambiguous prototypical parts, enhancing user understanding.

cross Doubly-Dynamic ISAC Precoding for Vehicular Networks: A Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning (CDRL) Approach

Authors: Zonghui Yang, Shijian Gao, Xiang Cheng

Abstract: Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) technology is essential for enabling the vehicular networks. However, the communication channel in this scenario exhibits time-varying characteristics, and the potential targets may move rapidly, creating a doubly-dynamic phenomenon. This nature poses a challenge for real-time precoder design. While optimization-based solutions are widely researched, they are complex and heavily rely on perfect prior information, which is impractical in double dynamics. To address this challenge, we propose using constrained deep reinforcement learning (CDRL) to facilitate dynamic updates to the ISAC precoder design. Additionally, the primal dual-deep deterministic policy gradient (PD-DDPG) and Wolpertinger architecture are tailored to efficiently train the algorithm under complex constraints and variable numbers of users. The proposed scheme not only adapts to the dynamics based on observations but also leverages environmental information to enhance performance and reduce complexity. Its superiority over existing candidates has been validated through experiments.

cross JiuZhang3.0: Efficiently Improving Mathematical Reasoning by Training Small Data Synthesis Models

Authors: Kun Zhou, Beichen Zhang, Jiapeng Wang, Zhipeng Chen, Wayne Xin Zhao, Jing Sha, Zhichao Sheng, Shijin Wang, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Mathematical reasoning is an important capability of large language models~(LLMs) for real-world applications. To enhance this capability, existing work either collects large-scale math-related texts for pre-training, or relies on stronger LLMs (\eg GPT-4) to synthesize massive math problems. Both types of work generally lead to large costs in training or synthesis. To reduce the cost, based on open-source available texts, we propose an efficient way that trains a small LLM for math problem synthesis, to efficiently generate sufficient high-quality pre-training data. To achieve it, we create a dataset using GPT-4 to distill its data synthesis capability into the small LLM. Concretely, we craft a set of prompts based on human education stages to guide GPT-4, to synthesize problems covering diverse math knowledge and difficulty levels. Besides, we adopt the gradient-based influence estimation method to select the most valuable math-related texts. The both are fed into GPT-4 for creating the knowledge distillation dataset to train the small LLM. We leverage it to synthesize 6 million math problems for pre-training our JiuZhang3.0 model, which only needs to invoke GPT-4 API 9.3k times and pre-train on 4.6B data. Experimental results have shown that JiuZhang3.0 achieves state-of-the-art performance on several mathematical reasoning datasets, under both natural language reasoning and tool manipulation settings. Our code and data will be publicly released in \url{}.


cross MiniCache: KV Cache Compression in Depth Dimension for Large Language Models

Authors: Akide Liu, Jing Liu, Zizheng Pan, Yefei He, Gholamreza Haffari, Bohan Zhuang

Abstract: A critical approach for efficiently deploying computationally demanding large language models (LLMs) is Key-Value (KV) caching. The KV cache stores key-value states of previously generated tokens, significantly reducing the need for repetitive computations and thereby lowering latency in autoregressive generation. However, the size of the KV cache grows linearly with sequence length, posing challenges for applications requiring long context input and extensive sequence generation. In this paper, we present a simple yet effective approach, called MiniCache, to compress the KV cache across layers from a novel depth perspective, significantly reducing the memory footprint for LLM inference. Our approach is based on the observation that KV cache states exhibit high similarity between the adjacent layers in the middle-to-deep portion of LLMs. To facilitate merging, we propose disentangling the states into the magnitude and direction components, interpolating the directions of the state vectors while preserving their lengths unchanged. Furthermore, we introduce a token retention strategy to keep highly distinct state pairs unmerged, thus preserving the information with minimal additional storage overhead. Our MiniCache is training-free and general, complementing existing KV cache compression strategies, such as quantization and sparsity. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of MiniCache utilizing various models including LLaMA-2, LLaMA-3, Phi-3, Mistral, and Mixtral across multiple benchmarks, demonstrating its exceptional performance in achieving superior compression ratios and high throughput. On the ShareGPT dataset, LLaMA-2-7B with 4-bit MiniCache achieves a remarkable compression ratio of up to 5.02x, enhances inference throughput by approximately 5x, and reduces the memory footprint by 41% compared to the FP16 full cache baseline, all while maintaining near-lossless performance.

cross State-Constrained Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Charles A. Hepburn, Yue Jin, Giovanni Montana

Abstract: Traditional offline reinforcement learning methods predominantly operate in a batch-constrained setting. This confines the algorithms to a specific state-action distribution present in the dataset, reducing the effects of distributional shift but restricting the algorithm greatly. In this paper, we alleviate this limitation by introducing a novel framework named \emph{state-constrained} offline reinforcement learning. By exclusively focusing on the dataset's state distribution, our framework significantly enhances learning potential and reduces previous limitations. The proposed setting not only broadens the learning horizon but also improves the ability to combine different trajectories from the dataset effectively, a desirable property inherent in offline reinforcement learning. Our research is underpinned by solid theoretical findings that pave the way for subsequent advancements in this domain. Additionally, we introduce StaCQ, a deep learning algorithm that is both performance-driven on the D4RL benchmark datasets and closely aligned with our theoretical propositions. StaCQ establishes a strong baseline for forthcoming explorations in state-constrained offline reinforcement learning.

cross CoMERA: Computing- and Memory-Efficient Training via Rank-Adaptive Tensor Optimization

Authors: Zi Yang, Samridhi Choudhary, Xinfeng Xie, Cao Gao, Siegfried Kunzmann, Zheng Zhang

Abstract: Training large AI models such as deep learning recommendation systems and foundation language (or multi-modal) models costs massive GPUs and computing time. The high training cost has become only affordable to big tech companies, meanwhile also causing increasing concerns about the environmental impact. This paper presents CoMERA, a Computing- and Memory-Efficient training method via Rank-Adaptive tensor optimization. CoMERA achieves end-to-end rank-adaptive tensor-compressed training via a multi-objective optimization formulation, and improves the training to provide both a high compression ratio and excellent accuracy in the training process. Our optimized numerical computation (e.g., optimized tensorized embedding and tensor-vector contractions) and GPU implementation eliminate part of the run-time overhead in the tensorized training on GPU. This leads to, for the first time, $2-3\times$ speedup per training epoch compared with standard training. CoMERA also outperforms the recent GaLore in terms of both memory and computing efficiency. Specifically, CoMERA is $2\times$ faster per training epoch and $9\times$ more memory-efficient than GaLore on a tested six-encoder transformer with single-batch training. With further HPC optimization, CoMERA may significantly reduce the training cost of large language models.

cross Can Large Language Models Create New Knowledge for Spatial Reasoning Tasks?

Authors: Thomas Greatrix, Roger Whitaker, Liam Turner, Walter Colombo

Abstract: The potential for Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate new information offers a potential step change for research and innovation. This is challenging to assert as it can be difficult to determine what an LLM has previously seen during training, making "newness" difficult to substantiate. In this paper we observe that LLMs are able to perform sophisticated reasoning on problems with a spatial dimension, that they are unlikely to have previously directly encountered. While not perfect, this points to a significant level of understanding that state-of-the-art LLMs can now achieve, supporting the proposition that LLMs are able to yield significant emergent properties. In particular, Claude 3 is found to perform well in this regard.

cross Perception of Knowledge Boundary for Large Language Models through Semi-open-ended Question Answering

Authors: Zhihua Wen, Zhiliang Tian, Zexin Jian, Zhen Huang, Pei Ke, Yifu Gao, Minlie Huang, Dongsheng Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are widely used for knowledge-seeking yet suffer from hallucinations. The knowledge boundary (KB) of an LLM limits its factual understanding, beyond which it may begin to hallucinate. Investigating the perception of LLMs' KB is crucial for detecting hallucinations and LLMs' reliable generation. Current studies perceive LLMs' KB on questions with a concrete answer (close-ended questions) while paying limited attention to semi-open-ended questions (SoeQ) that correspond to many potential answers. Some researchers achieve it by judging whether the question is answerable or not. However, this paradigm is unsuitable for SoeQ, which are usually partially answerable, containing both answerable and ambiguous (unanswerable) answers. Ambiguous answers are essential for knowledge-seeking, but they may go beyond the KB of LLMs. In this paper, we perceive the LLMs' KB with SoeQ by discovering more ambiguous answers. First, we apply an LLM-based approach to construct SoeQ and obtain answers from a target LLM. Unfortunately, the output probabilities of mainstream black-box LLMs are inaccessible to sample for low-probability ambiguous answers. Therefore, we apply an open-sourced auxiliary model to explore ambiguous answers for the target LLM. We calculate the nearest semantic representation for existing answers to estimate their probabilities, with which we reduce the generation probability of high-probability answers to achieve a more effective generation. Finally, we compare the results from the RAG-based evaluation and LLM self-evaluation to categorize four types of ambiguous answers that are beyond the KB of the target LLM. Following our method, we construct a dataset to perceive the KB for GPT-4. We find that GPT-4 performs poorly on SoeQ and is often unaware of its KB. Besides, our auxiliary model, LLaMA-2-13B, is effective in discovering more ambiguous answers.

cross Reliable Trajectory Prediction and Uncertainty Quantification with Conditioned Diffusion Models

Authors: Marion Neumeier, Sebastian Dorn, Michael Botsch, Wolfgang Utschick

Abstract: This work introduces the conditioned Vehicle Motion Diffusion (cVMD) model, a novel network architecture for highway trajectory prediction using diffusion models. The proposed model ensures the drivability of the predicted trajectory by integrating non-holonomic motion constraints and physical constraints into the generative prediction module. Central to the architecture of cVMD is its capacity to perform uncertainty quantification, a feature that is crucial in safety-critical applications. By integrating the quantified uncertainty into the prediction process, the cVMD's trajectory prediction performance is improved considerably. The model's performance was evaluated using the publicly available highD dataset. Experiments show that the proposed architecture achieves competitive trajectory prediction accuracy compared to state-of-the-art models, while providing guaranteed drivable trajectories and uncertainty quantification.

cross Emotion Identification for French in Written Texts: Considering their Modes of Expression as a Step Towards Text Complexity Analysis

Authors: Aline \'Etienne, Delphine Battistelli, Gw\'enol\'e Lecorv\'e

Abstract: The objective of this paper is to predict (A) whether a sentence in a written text expresses an emotion, (B) the mode(s) in which it is expressed, (C) whether it is basic or complex, and (D) its emotional category. One of our major contributions, through a dataset and a model, is to integrate the fact that an emotion can be expressed in different modes: from a direct mode, essentially lexicalized, to a more indirect mode, where emotions will only be suggested, a mode that NLP approaches generally don't take into account. Another originality is that the scope is on written texts, as opposed usual work focusing on conversational (often multi-modal) data. In this context, modes of expression are seen as a factor towards the automatic analysis of complexity in texts. Experiments on French texts show acceptable results compared to the human annotators' agreement, and outperforming results compared to using a large language model with in-context learning (i.e. no fine-tuning).

cross Instruction Tuning With Loss Over Instructions

Authors: Zhengyan Shi, Adam X. Yang, Bin Wu, Laurence Aitchison, Emine Yilmaz, Aldo Lipani

Abstract: Instruction tuning plays a crucial role in shaping the outputs of language models (LMs) to desired styles. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective method, Instruction Modelling (IM), which trains LMs by applying a loss function to the instruction and prompt part rather than solely to the output part. Through experiments across 21 diverse benchmarks, we show that, in many scenarios, IM can effectively improve the LM performance on both NLP tasks (e.g., MMLU, TruthfulQA, and HumanEval) and open-ended generation benchmarks (e.g., MT-Bench and AlpacaEval). Remarkably, in the most advantageous case, IM boosts model performance on AlpacaEval 1.0 by over 100%. We identify two key factors influencing the effectiveness of IM: (1) The ratio between instruction length and output length in the training data; and (2) The number of training examples. We observe that IM is especially beneficial when trained on datasets with lengthy instructions paired with brief outputs, or under the Superficial Alignment Hypothesis (SAH) where a small amount of training examples are used for instruction tuning. Further analysis substantiates our hypothesis that the improvement can be attributed to reduced overfitting to instruction tuning datasets. Our work provides practical guidance for instruction tuning LMs, especially in low-resource scenarios.

cross SpGesture: Source-Free Domain-adaptive sEMG-based Gesture Recognition with Jaccard Attentive Spiking Neural Network

Authors: Weiyu Guo, Ying Sun, Yijie Xu, Ziyue Qiao, Yongkui Yang, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Surface electromyography (sEMG) based gesture recognition offers a natural and intuitive interaction modality for wearable devices. Despite significant advancements in sEMG-based gesture-recognition models, existing methods often suffer from high computational latency and increased energy consumption. Additionally, the inherent instability of sEMG signals, combined with their sensitivity to distribution shifts in real-world settings, compromises model robustness. To tackle these challenges, we propose a novel SpGesture framework based on Spiking Neural Networks, which possesses several unique merits compared with existing methods: (1) Robustness: By utilizing membrane potential as a memory list, we pioneer the introduction of Source-Free Domain Adaptation into SNN for the first time. This enables SpGesture to mitigate the accuracy degradation caused by distribution shifts. (2) High Accuracy: With a novel Spiking Jaccard Attention, SpGesture enhances the SNNs' ability to represent sEMG features, leading to a notable rise in system accuracy. To validate SpGesture's performance, we collected a new sEMG gesture dataset which has different forearm postures, where SpGesture achieved the highest accuracy among the baselines ($89.26\%$). Moreover, the actual deployment on the CPU demonstrated a system latency below 100ms, well within real-time requirements. This impressive performance showcases SpGesture's potential to enhance the applicability of sEMG in real-world scenarios. The code is available at


cross Motion-based video compression for resource-constrained camera traps

Authors: Malika Nisal Ratnayake, Lex Gallon, Adel N. Toosi, Alan Dorin

Abstract: Field-captured video allows for detailed studies of spatiotemporal aspects of animal locomotion, decision-making, and environmental interactions. However, despite the affordability of data capture with mass-produced hardware, storage, processing, and transmission overheads pose a significant hurdle to acquiring high-resolution video from field-deployed camera traps. Therefore, efficient compression algorithms are crucial for monitoring with camera traps that have limited access to power, storage, and bandwidth. In this article, we introduce a new motion analysis-based video compression algorithm designed to run on camera trap devices. We implemented and tested this algorithm using a case study of insect-pollinator motion tracking. The algorithm identifies and stores only image regions depicting motion relevant to pollination monitoring, reducing the overall data size by an average of 84% across a diverse set of test datasets while retaining the information necessary for relevant behavioural analysis. The methods outlined in this paper facilitate the broader application of computer vision-enabled, low-powered camera trap devices for remote, in-situ video-based animal motion monitoring.

cross Unraveling overoptimism and publication bias in ML-driven science

Authors: Pouria Saidi, Gautam Dasarathy, Visar Berisha

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) is increasingly used across many disciplines with impressive reported results across many domain areas. However, recent studies suggest that the published performance of ML models are often overoptimistic and not reflective of true accuracy were these models to be deployed. Validity concerns are underscored by findings of a concerning inverse relationship between sample size and reported accuracy in published ML models across several domains. This is in contrast with the theory of learning curves in ML, where we expect accuracy to improve or stay the same with increasing sample size. This paper investigates the factors contributing to overoptimistic accuracy reports in ML-based science, focusing on data leakage and publication bias. Our study introduces a novel stochastic model for observed accuracy, integrating parametric learning curves and the above biases. We then construct an estimator based on this model that corrects for these biases in observed data. Theoretical and empirical results demonstrate that this framework can estimate the underlying learning curve that gives rise to the observed overoptimistic results, thereby providing more realistic performance assessments of ML performance from a collection of published results. We apply the model to various meta-analyses in the digital health literature, including neuroimaging-based and speech-based classifications of several neurological conditions. Our results indicate prevalent overoptimism across these fields and we estimate the inherent limits of ML-based prediction in each domain.

cross PipeFusion: Displaced Patch Pipeline Parallelism for Inference of Diffusion Transformer Models

Authors: Jiannan Wang, Jiarui Fang, Aoyu Li, PengCheng Yang

Abstract: This paper introduces PipeFusion, a novel approach that harnesses multi-GPU parallelism to address the high computational and latency challenges of generating high-resolution images with diffusion transformers (DiT) models. PipeFusion splits images into patches and distributes the network layers across multiple devices. It employs a pipeline parallel manner to orchestrate communication and computations. By leveraging the high similarity between the input from adjacent diffusion steps, PipeFusion eliminates the waiting time in the pipeline by reusing the one-step stale feature maps to provide context for the current step. Our experiments demonstrate that it can generate higher image resolution where existing DiT parallel approaches meet OOM. PipeFusion significantly reduces the required communication bandwidth, enabling DiT inference to be hosted on GPUs connected via PCIe rather than the more costly NVLink infrastructure, which substantially lowers the overall operational expenses for serving DiT models. Our code is publicly available at


cross RaFe: Ranking Feedback Improves Query Rewriting for RAG

Authors: Shengyu Mao, Yong Jiang, Boli Chen, Xiao Li, Peng Wang, Xinyu Wang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) and Retrieval Augmentation Generation (RAG) techniques have evolved, query rewriting has been widely incorporated into the RAG system for downstream tasks like open-domain QA. Many works have attempted to utilize small models with reinforcement learning rather than costly LLMs to improve query rewriting. However, current methods require annotations (e.g., labeled relevant documents or downstream answers) or predesigned rewards for feedback, which lack generalization, and fail to utilize signals tailored for query rewriting. In this paper, we propose ours, a framework for training query rewriting models free of annotations. By leveraging a publicly available reranker, ours~provides feedback aligned well with the rewriting objectives. Experimental results demonstrate that ours~can obtain better performance than baselines.

cross Exploring the use of a Large Language Model for data extraction in systematic reviews: a rapid feasibility study

Authors: Lena Schmidt, Kaitlyn Hair, Sergio Graziozi, Fiona Campbell, Claudia Kapp, Alireza Khanteymoori, Dawn Craig, Mark Engelbert, James Thomas

Abstract: This paper describes a rapid feasibility study of using GPT-4, a large language model (LLM), to (semi)automate data extraction in systematic reviews. Despite the recent surge of interest in LLMs there is still a lack of understanding of how to design LLM-based automation tools and how to robustly evaluate their performance. During the 2023 Evidence Synthesis Hackathon we conducted two feasibility studies. Firstly, to automatically extract study characteristics from human clinical, animal, and social science domain studies. We used two studies from each category for prompt-development; and ten for evaluation. Secondly, we used the LLM to predict Participants, Interventions, Controls and Outcomes (PICOs) labelled within 100 abstracts in the EBM-NLP dataset. Overall, results indicated an accuracy of around 80%, with some variability between domains (82% for human clinical, 80% for animal, and 72% for studies of human social sciences). Causal inference methods and study design were the data extraction items with the most errors. In the PICO study, participants and intervention/control showed high accuracy (>80%), outcomes were more challenging. Evaluation was done manually; scoring methods such as BLEU and ROUGE showed limited value. We observed variability in the LLMs predictions and changes in response quality. This paper presents a template for future evaluations of LLMs in the context of data extraction for systematic review automation. Our results show that there might be value in using LLMs, for example as second or third reviewers. However, caution is advised when integrating models such as GPT-4 into tools. Further research on stability and reliability in practical settings is warranted for each type of data that is processed by the LLM.

cross Worldwide Federated Training of Language Models

Authors: Alex Iacob, Lorenzo Sani, Bill Marino, Preslav Aleksandrov, Nicholas Donald Lane

Abstract: The reliance of language model training on massive amounts of computation and vast datasets scraped from potentially low-quality, copyrighted, or sensitive data has come into question practically, legally, and ethically. Federated learning provides a plausible alternative by enabling previously untapped data to be voluntarily gathered from collaborating organizations. However, when scaled globally, federated learning requires collaboration across heterogeneous legal, security, and privacy regimes while accounting for the inherent locality of language data; this further exacerbates the established challenge of federated statistical heterogeneity. We propose a Worldwide Federated Language Model Training~(WorldLM) system based on federations of federations, where each federation has the autonomy to account for factors such as its industry, operating jurisdiction, or competitive environment. WorldLM enables such autonomy in the presence of statistical heterogeneity via partial model localization by allowing sub-federations to attentively aggregate key layers from their constituents. Furthermore, it can adaptively share information across federations via residual layer embeddings. Evaluations of language modeling on naturally heterogeneous datasets show that WorldLM outperforms standard federations by up to $1.91\times$, approaches the personalized performance of fully local models, and maintains these advantages under privacy-enhancing techniques.

cross JointRF: End-to-End Joint Optimization for Dynamic Neural Radiance Field Representation and Compression

Authors: Zihan Zheng, Houqiang Zhong, Qiang Hu, Xiaoyun Zhang, Li Song, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) excels in photo-realistically static scenes, inspiring numerous efforts to facilitate volumetric videos. However, rendering dynamic and long-sequence radiance fields remains challenging due to the significant data required to represent volumetric videos. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end joint optimization scheme of dynamic NeRF representation and compression, called JointRF, thus achieving significantly improved quality and compression efficiency against the previous methods. Specifically, JointRF employs a compact residual feature grid and a coefficient feature grid to represent the dynamic NeRF. This representation handles large motions without compromising quality while concurrently diminishing temporal redundancy. We also introduce a sequential feature compression subnetwork to further reduce spatial-temporal redundancy. Finally, the representation and compression subnetworks are end-to-end trained combined within the JointRF. Extensive experiments demonstrate that JointRF can achieve superior compression performance across various datasets.

cross Segformer++: Efficient Token-Merging Strategies for High-Resolution Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Daniel Kienzle, Marco Kantonis, Robin Sch\"on, Rainer Lienhart

Abstract: Utilizing transformer architectures for semantic segmentation of high-resolution images is hindered by the attention's quadratic computational complexity in the number of tokens. A solution to this challenge involves decreasing the number of tokens through token merging, which has exhibited remarkable enhancements in inference speed, training efficiency, and memory utilization for image classification tasks. In this paper, we explore various token merging strategies within the framework of the Segformer architecture and perform experiments on multiple semantic segmentation and human pose estimation datasets. Notably, without model re-training, we, for example, achieve an inference acceleration of 61% on the Cityscapes dataset while maintaining the mIoU performance. Consequently, this paper facilitates the deployment of transformer-based architectures on resource-constrained devices and in real-time applications.

cross Poisson Variational Autoencoder

Authors: Hadi Vafaii, Dekel Galor, Jacob L. Yates

Abstract: Variational autoencoders (VAE) employ Bayesian inference to interpret sensory inputs, mirroring processes that occur in primate vision across both ventral (Higgins et al., 2021) and dorsal (Vafaii et al., 2023) pathways. Despite their success, traditional VAEs rely on continuous latent variables, which deviates sharply from the discrete nature of biological neurons. Here, we developed the Poisson VAE (P-VAE), a novel architecture that combines principles of predictive coding with a VAE that encodes inputs into discrete spike counts. Combining Poisson-distributed latent variables with predictive coding introduces a metabolic cost term in the model loss function, suggesting a relationship with sparse coding which we verify empirically. Additionally, we analyze the geometry of learned representations, contrasting the P-VAE to alternative VAE models. We find that the P-VAEencodes its inputs in relatively higher dimensions, facilitating linear separability of categories in a downstream classification task with a much better (5x) sample efficiency. Our work provides an interpretable computational framework to study brain-like sensory processing and paves the way for a deeper understanding of perception as an inferential process.

cross MagicDrive3D: Controllable 3D Generation for Any-View Rendering in Street Scenes

Authors: Ruiyuan Gao, Kai Chen, Zhihao Li, Lanqing Hong, Zhenguo Li, Qiang Xu

Abstract: While controllable generative models for images and videos have achieved remarkable success, high-quality models for 3D scenes, particularly in unbounded scenarios like autonomous driving, remain underdeveloped due to high data acquisition costs. In this paper, we introduce MagicDrive3D, a novel pipeline for controllable 3D street scene generation that supports multi-condition control, including BEV maps, 3D objects, and text descriptions. Unlike previous methods that reconstruct before training the generative models, MagicDrive3D first trains a video generation model and then reconstructs from the generated data. This innovative approach enables easily controllable generation and static scene acquisition, resulting in high-quality scene reconstruction. To address the minor errors in generated content, we propose deformable Gaussian splatting with monocular depth initialization and appearance modeling to manage exposure discrepancies across viewpoints. Validated on the nuScenes dataset, MagicDrive3D generates diverse, high-quality 3D driving scenes that support any-view rendering and enhance downstream tasks like BEV segmentation. Our results demonstrate the framework's superior performance, showcasing its transformative potential for autonomous driving simulation and beyond.

cross SLIFER: Investigating Performance and Robustness of Malware Detection Pipelines

Authors: Andrea Ponte, Dmitrijs Trizna, Luca Demetrio, Battista Biggio, Fabio Roli

Abstract: As a result of decades of research, Windows malware detection is approached through a plethora of techniques. However, there is an ongoing mismatch between academia -- which pursues an optimal performances in terms of detection rate and low false alarms -- and the requirements of real-world scenarios. In particular, academia focuses on combining static and dynamic analysis within a single or ensemble of models, falling into several pitfalls like (i) firing dynamic analysis without considering the computational burden it requires; (ii) discarding impossible-to-analyse samples; and (iii) analysing robustness against adversarial attacks without considering that malware detectors are complemented with more non-machine-learning components. Thus, in this paper we propose SLIFER, a novel Windows malware detection pipeline sequentially leveraging both static and dynamic analysis, interrupting computations as soon as one module triggers an alarm, requiring dynamic analysis only when needed. Contrary to the state of the art, we investigate how to deal with samples resistance to analysis, showing how much they impact performances, concluding that it is better to flag them as legitimate to not drastically increase false alarms. Lastly, we perform a robustness evaluation of SLIFER leveraging content-injections attacks, and we show that, counter-intuitively, attacks are blocked more by YARA rules than dynamic analysis due to byte artifacts created while optimizing the adversarial strategy.

cross End-to-End User-Defined Keyword Spotting using Shifted Delta Coefficients

Authors: Kesavaraj V, Anuprabha M, Anil Kumar Vuppala

Abstract: Identifying user-defined keywords is crucial for personalizing interactions with smart devices. Previous approaches of user-defined keyword spotting (UDKWS) have relied on short-term spectral features such as mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) to detect the spoken keyword. However, these features may face challenges in accurately identifying closely related pronunciation of audio-text pairs, due to their limited capability in capturing the temporal dynamics of the speech signal. To address this challenge, we propose to use shifted delta coefficients (SDC) which help in capturing pronunciation variability (transition between connecting phonemes) by incorporating long-term temporal information. The performance of the SDC feature is compared with various baseline features across four different datasets using a cross-attention based end-to-end system. Additionally, various configurations of SDC are explored to find the suitable temporal context for the UDKWS task. The experimental results reveal that the SDC feature outperforms the MFCC baseline feature, exhibiting an improvement of 8.32% in area under the curve (AUC) and 8.69% in terms of equal error rate (EER) on the challenging Libriphrase-hard dataset. Moreover, the proposed approach demonstrated superior performance when compared to state-of-the-art UDKWS techniques.

cross Enhanced Spatiotemporal Prediction Using Physical-guided And Frequency-enhanced Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Xuanle Zhao, Yue Sun, Tielin Zhang, Bo Xu

Abstract: Spatiotemporal prediction plays an important role in solving natural problems and processing video frames, especially in weather forecasting and human action recognition. Recent advances attempt to incorporate prior physical knowledge into the deep learning framework to estimate the unknown governing partial differential equations (PDEs), which have shown promising results in spatiotemporal prediction tasks. However, previous approaches only restrict neural network architectures or loss functions to acquire physical or PDE features, which decreases the representative capacity of a neural network. Meanwhile, the updating process of the physical state cannot be effectively estimated. To solve the above mentioned problems, this paper proposes a physical-guided neural network, which utilizes the frequency-enhanced Fourier module and moment loss to strengthen the model's ability to estimate the spatiotemporal dynamics. Furthermore, we propose an adaptive second-order Runge-Kutta method with physical constraints to model the physical states more precisely. We evaluate our model on both spatiotemporal and video prediction tasks. The experimental results show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods and performs best in several datasets, with a much smaller parameter count.

cross Explainable automatic industrial carbon footprint estimation from bank transaction classification using natural language processing

Authors: Jaime Gonz\'alez-Gonz\'alez, Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, \'Oscar Barba-Seara

Abstract: Concerns about the effect of greenhouse gases have motivated the development of certification protocols to quantify the industrial carbon footprint (CF). These protocols are manual, work-intensive, and expensive. All of the above have led to a shift towards automatic data-driven approaches to estimate the CF, including Machine Learning (ML) solutions. Unfortunately, the decision-making processes involved in these solutions lack transparency from the end user's point of view, who must blindly trust their outcomes compared to intelligible traditional manual approaches. In this research, manual and automatic methodologies for CF estimation were reviewed, taking into account their transparency limitations. This analysis led to the proposal of a new explainable ML solution for automatic CF calculations through bank transaction classification. Consideration should be given to the fact that no previous research has considered the explainability of bank transaction classification for this purpose. For classification, different ML models have been employed based on their promising performance in the literature, such as Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, and Recursive Neural Networks. The results obtained were in the 90 % range for accuracy, precision, and recall evaluation metrics. From their decision paths, the proposed solution estimates the CO2 emissions associated with bank transactions. The explainability methodology is based on an agnostic evaluation of the influence of the input terms extracted from the descriptions of transactions using locally interpretable models. The explainability terms were automatically validated using a similarity metric over the descriptions of the target categories. Conclusively, the explanation performance is satisfactory in terms of the proximity of the explanations to the associated activity sector descriptions.

cross SIAVC: Semi-Supervised Framework for Industrial Accident Video Classification

Authors: Zuoyong Li, Qinghua Lin, Haoyi Fan, Tiesong Zhao, David Zhang

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning suffers from the imbalance of labeled and unlabeled training data in the video surveillance scenario. In this paper, we propose a new semi-supervised learning method called SIAVC for industrial accident video classification. Specifically, we design a video augmentation module called the Super Augmentation Block (SAB). SAB adds Gaussian noise and randomly masks video frames according to historical loss on the unlabeled data for model optimization. Then, we propose a Video Cross-set Augmentation Module (VCAM) to generate diverse pseudo-label samples from the high-confidence unlabeled samples, which alleviates the mismatch of sampling experience and provides high-quality training data. Additionally, we construct a new industrial accident surveillance video dataset with frame-level annotation, namely ECA9, to evaluate our proposed method. Compared with the state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning based methods, SIAVC demonstrates outstanding video classification performance, achieving 88.76\% and 89.13\% accuracy on ECA9 and Fire Detection datasets, respectively. The source code and the constructed dataset ECA9 will be released in \url{}.


cross Towards Realistic Long-tailed Semi-supervised Learning in an Open World

Authors: Yuanpeng He, Lijian Li

Abstract: Open-world long-tailed semi-supervised learning (OLSSL) has increasingly attracted attention. However, existing OLSSL algorithms generally assume that the distributions between known and novel categories are nearly identical. Against this backdrop, we construct a more \emph{Realistic Open-world Long-tailed Semi-supervised Learning} (\textbf{ROLSSL}) setting where there is no premise on the distribution relationships between known and novel categories. Furthermore, even within the known categories, the number of labeled samples is significantly smaller than that of the unlabeled samples, as acquiring valid annotations is often prohibitively costly in the real world. Under the proposed ROLSSL setting, we propose a simple yet potentially effective solution called dual-stage post-hoc logit adjustments. The proposed approach revisits the logit adjustment strategy by considering the relationships among the frequency of samples, the total number of categories, and the overall size of data. Then, it estimates the distribution of unlabeled data for both known and novel categories to dynamically readjust the corresponding predictive probabilities, effectively mitigating category bias during the learning of known and novel classes with more selective utilization of imbalanced unlabeled data. Extensive experiments on datasets such as CIFAR100 and ImageNet100 have demonstrated performance improvements of up to 50.1\%, validating the superiority of our proposed method and establishing a strong baseline for this task. For further researches, the anonymous link to the experimental code is at \href{}{\textcolor{brightpink}{}}


cross Explaining Black-box Model Predictions via Two-level Nested Feature Attributions with Consistency Property

Authors: Yuya Yoshikawa, Masanari Kimura, Ryotaro Shimizu, Yuki Saito

Abstract: Techniques that explain the predictions of black-box machine learning models are crucial to make the models transparent, thereby increasing trust in AI systems. The input features to the models often have a nested structure that consists of high- and low-level features, and each high-level feature is decomposed into multiple low-level features. For such inputs, both high-level feature attributions (HiFAs) and low-level feature attributions (LoFAs) are important for better understanding the model's decision. In this paper, we propose a model-agnostic local explanation method that effectively exploits the nested structure of the input to estimate the two-level feature attributions simultaneously. A key idea of the proposed method is to introduce the consistency property that should exist between the HiFAs and LoFAs, thereby bridging the separate optimization problems for estimating them. Thanks to this consistency property, the proposed method can produce HiFAs and LoFAs that are both faithful to the black-box models and consistent with each other, using a smaller number of queries to the models. In experiments on image classification in multiple instance learning and text classification using language models, we demonstrate that the HiFAs and LoFAs estimated by the proposed method are accurate, faithful to the behaviors of the black-box models, and provide consistent explanations.

cross ArchesWeather: An efficient AI weather forecasting model at 1.5{\deg} resolution

Authors: Guillaume Couairon, Christian Lessig, Anastase Charantonis, Claire Monteleoni

Abstract: One of the guiding principles for designing AI-based weather forecasting systems is to embed physical constraints as inductive priors in the neural network architecture. A popular prior is locality, where the atmospheric data is processed with local neural interactions, like 3D convolutions or 3D local attention windows as in Pangu-Weather. On the other hand, some works have shown great success in weather forecasting without this locality principle, at the cost of a much higher parameter count. In this paper, we show that the 3D local processing in Pangu-Weather is computationally sub-optimal. We design ArchesWeather, a transformer model that combines 2D attention with a column-wise attention-based feature interaction module, and demonstrate that this design improves forecasting skill. ArchesWeather is trained at 1.5{\deg} resolution and 24h lead time, with a training budget of a few GPU-days and a lower inference cost than competing methods. An ensemble of two of our best models shows competitive RMSE scores with the IFS HRES and outperforms the 1.4{\deg} 50-members NeuralGCM ensemble for one day ahead forecasting. Code and models will be made publicly available at


cross Exploring Alignment in Shared Cross-lingual Spaces

Authors: Basel Mousi, Nadir Durrani, Fahim Dalvi, Majd Hawasly, Ahmed Abdelali

Abstract: Despite their remarkable ability to capture linguistic nuances across diverse languages, questions persist regarding the degree of alignment between languages in multilingual embeddings. Drawing inspiration from research on high-dimensional representations in neural language models, we employ clustering to uncover latent concepts within multilingual models. Our analysis focuses on quantifying the \textit{alignment} and \textit{overlap} of these concepts across various languages within the latent space. To this end, we introduce two metrics \CA{} and \CO{} aimed at quantifying these aspects, enabling a deeper exploration of multilingual embeddings. Our study encompasses three multilingual models (\texttt{mT5}, \texttt{mBERT}, and \texttt{XLM-R}) and three downstream tasks (Machine Translation, Named Entity Recognition, and Sentiment Analysis). Key findings from our analysis include: i) deeper layers in the network demonstrate increased cross-lingual \textit{alignment} due to the presence of language-agnostic concepts, ii) fine-tuning of the models enhances \textit{alignment} within the latent space, and iii) such task-specific calibration helps in explaining the emergence of zero-shot capabilities in the models.\footnote{The code is available at \url{}}


cross Regressor-free Molecule Generation to Support Drug Response Prediction

Authors: Kun Li, Xiuwen Gong, Shirui Pan, Jia Wu, Bo Du, Wenbin Hu

Abstract: Drug response prediction (DRP) is a crucial phase in drug discovery, and the most important metric for its evaluation is the IC50 score. DRP results are heavily dependent on the quality of the generated molecules. Existing molecule generation methods typically employ classifier-based guidance, enabling sampling within the IC50 classification range. However, these methods fail to ensure the sampling space range's effectiveness, generating numerous ineffective molecules. Through experimental and theoretical study, we hypothesize that conditional generation based on the target IC50 score can obtain a more effective sampling space. As a result, we introduce regressor-free guidance molecule generation to ensure sampling within a more effective space and support DRP. Regressor-free guidance combines a diffusion model's score estimation with a regression controller model's gradient based on number labels. To effectively map regression labels between drugs and cell lines, we design a common-sense numerical knowledge graph that constrains the order of text representations. Experimental results on the real-world dataset for the DRP task demonstrate our method's effectiveness in drug discovery. The code is available at:


cross Causal Effect Identification in a Sub-Population with Latent Variables

Authors: Amir Mohammad Abouei, Ehsan Mokhtarian, Negar Kiyavash, Matthias Grossglauser

Abstract: The s-ID problem seeks to compute a causal effect in a specific sub-population from the observational data pertaining to the same sub population (Abouei et al., 2023). This problem has been addressed when all the variables in the system are observable. In this paper, we consider an extension of the s-ID problem that allows for the presence of latent variables. To tackle the challenges induced by the presence of latent variables in a sub-population, we first extend the classical relevant graphical definitions, such as c-components and Hedges, initially defined for the so-called ID problem (Pearl, 1995; Tian & Pearl, 2002), to their new counterparts. Subsequently, we propose a sound algorithm for the s-ID problem with latent variables.

cross UDKAG: Augmenting Large Vision-Language Models with Up-to-Date Knowledge

Authors: Chuanhao Li, Zhen Li, Chenchen Jing, Shuo Liu, Wenqi Shao, Yuwei Wu, Ping Luo, Yu Qiao, Kaipeng Zhang

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs) are ignorant of the up-to-date knowledge, such as LLaVA series, because they cannot be updated frequently due to the large amount of resources required, and therefore fail in many cases. For example, if a LVLM was released on January 2024, and it wouldn't know the detailed plot of the new movie Dune 2, which wasn't released until February 2024. To solve the problem, a promising solution is to provide LVLMs with up-to-date knowledge via internet search during inference, i.e., internet-augmented generation (IAG), which is already integrated in some closed-source commercial LVLMs such as GPT-4V. However, the specific mechanics underpinning them remain a mystery. In this paper, we propose a plug-and-play framework, for augmenting existing LVLMs in handling visual question answering (VQA) about up-to-date knowledge, dubbed UDKAG. A hierarchical filtering model is trained to effectively and efficiently find the most helpful content from the websites returned by a search engine to prompt LVLMs with up-to-date knowledge. To train the model and evaluate our framework's performance, we propose a pipeline to automatically generate news-related VQA samples to construct a dataset, dubbed UDK-VQA. A multi-model voting mechanism is introduced to label the usefulness of website/content for VQA samples to construct the training set. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, outperforming GPT-4V by about 25% in accuracy.

cross Subtle Biases Need Subtler Measures: Dual Metrics for Evaluating Representative and Affinity Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Sarfaroz Yunusov, Ali Emami

Abstract: Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) has often neglected subtle biases that, although less apparent, can significantly influence the models' outputs toward particular social narratives. This study addresses two such biases within LLMs: \textit{representative bias}, which denotes a tendency of LLMs to generate outputs that mirror the experiences of certain identity groups, and \textit{affinity bias}, reflecting the models' evaluative preferences for specific narratives or viewpoints. We introduce two novel metrics to measure these biases: the Representative Bias Score (RBS) and the Affinity Bias Score (ABS), and present the Creativity-Oriented Generation Suite (CoGS), a collection of open-ended tasks such as short story writing and poetry composition, designed with customized rubrics to detect these subtle biases. Our analysis uncovers marked representative biases in prominent LLMs, with a preference for identities associated with being white, straight, and men. Furthermore, our investigation of affinity bias reveals distinctive evaluative patterns within each model, akin to `bias fingerprints'. This trend is also seen in human evaluators, highlighting a complex interplay between human and machine bias perceptions.

cross Concept Visualization: Explaining the CLIP Multi-modal Embedding Using WordNet

Authors: Loris Giulivi, Giacomo Boracchi

Abstract: Advances in multi-modal embeddings, and in particular CLIP, have recently driven several breakthroughs in Computer Vision (CV). CLIP has shown impressive performance on a variety of tasks, yet, its inherently opaque architecture may hinder the application of models employing CLIP as backbone, especially in fields where trust and model explainability are imperative, such as in the medical domain. Current explanation methodologies for CV models rely on Saliency Maps computed through gradient analysis or input perturbation. However, these Saliency Maps can only be computed to explain classes relevant to the end task, often smaller in scope than the backbone training classes. In the context of models implementing CLIP as their vision backbone, a substantial portion of the information embedded within the learned representations is thus left unexplained. In this work, we propose Concept Visualization (ConVis), a novel saliency methodology that explains the CLIP embedding of an image by exploiting the multi-modal nature of the embeddings. ConVis makes use of lexical information from WordNet to compute task-agnostic Saliency Maps for any concept, not limited to concepts the end model was trained on. We validate our use of WordNet via an out of distribution detection experiment, and test ConVis on an object localization benchmark, showing that Concept Visualizations correctly identify and localize the image's semantic content. Additionally, we perform a user study demonstrating that our methodology can give users insight on the model's functioning.

cross PrivCirNet: Efficient Private Inference via Block Circulant Transformation

Authors: Tianshi Xu, Lemeng Wu, Runsheng Wang, Meng Li

Abstract: Homomorphic encryption (HE)-based deep neural network (DNN) inference protects data and model privacy but suffers from significant computation overhead. We observe transforming the DNN weights into circulant matrices converts general matrix-vector multiplications into HE-friendly 1-dimensional convolutions, drastically reducing the HE computation cost. Hence, in this paper, we propose \method, a protocol/network co-optimization framework based on block circulant transformation. At the protocol level, PrivCirNet customizes the HE encoding algorithm that is fully compatible with the block circulant transformation and reduces the computation latency in proportion to the block size. At the network level, we propose a latency-aware formulation to search for the layer-wise block size assignment based on second-order information. PrivCirNet also leverages layer fusion to further reduce the inference cost. We compare PrivCirNet with the state-of-the-art HE-based framework Bolt (IEEE S\&P 2024) and the HE-friendly pruning method SpENCNN (ICML 2023). For ResNet-18 and Vision Transformer (ViT) on Tiny ImageNet, PrivCirNet reduces latency by $5.0\times$ and $1.3\times$ with iso-accuracy over Bolt, respectively, and improves accuracy by $4.1\%$ and $12\%$ over SpENCNN, respectively. For MobileNetV2 on ImageNet, PrivCirNet achieves $1.7\times$ lower latency and $4.2\%$ better accuracy over Bolt and SpENCNN, respectively. Our code and checkpoints are available in the supplementary materials.

cross PoseCrafter: One-Shot Personalized Video Synthesis Following Flexible Poses

Authors: Yong Zhong, Min Zhao, Zebin You, Xiaofeng Yu, Changwang Zhang, Chongxuan Li

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce PoseCrafter, a one-shot method for personalized video generation following the control of flexible poses. Built upon Stable Diffusion and ControlNet, we carefully design an inference process to produce high-quality videos without the corresponding ground-truth frames. First, we select an appropriate reference frame from the training video and invert it to initialize all latent variables for generation. Then, we insert the corresponding training pose into the target pose sequences to enhance faithfulness through a trained temporal attention module. Furthermore, to alleviate the face and hand degradation resulting from discrepancies between poses of training videos and inference poses, we implement simple latent editing through an affine transformation matrix involving facial and hand landmarks. Extensive experiments on several datasets demonstrate that PoseCrafter achieves superior results to baselines pre-trained on a vast collection of videos under 8 commonly used metrics. Besides, PoseCrafter can follow poses from different individuals or artificial edits and simultaneously retain the human identity in an open-domain training video.

cross Integer Scale: A Free Lunch for Faster Fine-grained Quantization of LLMs

Authors: Qingyuan Li, Ran Meng, Yiduo Li, Bo Zhang, Yifan Lu, Yerui Sun, Lin Ma, Yuchen Xie

Abstract: We introduce Integer Scale, a novel post-training quantization scheme for large language models that effectively resolves the inference bottleneck in current fine-grained quantization approaches while maintaining similar accuracies. Integer Scale is a free lunch as it requires no extra calibration or fine-tuning which will otherwise incur additional costs. It can be used plug-and-play for most fine-grained quantization methods. Its integration results in at most 1.85x end-to-end speed boost over the original counterpart with comparable accuracy. Additionally, due to the orchestration of the proposed Integer Scale and fine-grained quantization, we resolved the quantization difficulty for Mixtral-8x7B and LLaMA-3 models with negligible performance degradation, and it comes with an end-to-end speed boost of 2.13x, and 2.31x compared with their FP16 versions respectively.

cross A FAIR and Free Prompt-based Research Assistant

Authors: Mahsa Shamsabadi, Jennifer D'Souza

Abstract: This demo will present the Research Assistant (RA) tool developed to assist with six main types of research tasks defined as standardized instruction templates, instantiated with user input, applied finally as prompts to well-known--for their sophisticated natural language processing abilities--AI tools, such as ChatGPT ( and Gemini ( The six research tasks addressed by RA are: creating FAIR research comparisons, ideating research topics, drafting grant applications, writing scientific blogs, aiding preliminary peer reviews, and formulating enhanced literature search queries. RA's reliance on generative AI tools like ChatGPT or Gemini means the same research task assistance can be offered in any scientific discipline. We demonstrate its versatility by sharing RA outputs in Computer Science, Virology, and Climate Science, where the output with the RA tool assistance mirrored that from a domain expert who performed the same research task.


cross Logical Characterizations of Recurrent Graph Neural Networks with Reals and Floats

Authors: Veeti Ahvonen, Damian Heiman, Antti Kuusisto, Carsten Lutz

Abstract: In pioneering work from 2019, Barcel\'o and coauthors identified logics that precisely match the expressive power of constant iteration-depth graph neural networks (GNNs) relative to properties definable in first-order logic. In this article, we give exact logical characterizations of recurrent GNNs in two scenarios: (1) in the setting with floating-point numbers and (2) with reals. For floats, the formalism matching recurrent GNNs is a rule-based modal logic with counting, while for reals we use a suitable infinitary modal logic, also with counting. These results give exact matches between logics and GNNs in the recurrent setting without relativising to a background logic in either case, but using some natural assumptions about floating-point arithmetic. Applying our characterizations, we also prove that, relative to graph properties definable in monadic second-order logic (MSO), our infinitary and rule-based logics are equally expressive. This implies that recurrent GNNs with reals and floats have the same expressive power over MSO-definable properties and shows that, for such properties, also recurrent GNNs with reals are characterized by a (finitary!) rule-based modal logic. In the general case, in contrast, the expressive power with floats is weaker than with reals. In addition to logic-oriented results, we also characterize recurrent GNNs, with both reals and floats, via distributed automata, drawing links to distributed computing models.

cross ShapeFormer: Shapelet Transformer for Multivariate Time Series Classification

Authors: Xuan-May Le, Ling Luo, Uwe Aickelin, Minh-Tuan Tran

Abstract: Multivariate time series classification (MTSC) has attracted significant research attention due to its diverse real-world applications. Recently, exploiting transformers for MTSC has achieved state-of-the-art performance. However, existing methods focus on generic features, providing a comprehensive understanding of data, but they ignore class-specific features crucial for learning the representative characteristics of each class. This leads to poor performance in the case of imbalanced datasets or datasets with similar overall patterns but differing in minor class-specific details. In this paper, we propose a novel Shapelet Transformer (ShapeFormer), which comprises class-specific and generic transformer modules to capture both of these features. In the class-specific module, we introduce the discovery method to extract the discriminative subsequences of each class (i.e. shapelets) from the training set. We then propose a Shapelet Filter to learn the difference features between these shapelets and the input time series. We found that the difference feature for each shapelet contains important class-specific features, as it shows a significant distinction between its class and others. In the generic module, convolution filters are used to extract generic features that contain information to distinguish among all classes. For each module, we employ the transformer encoder to capture the correlation between their features. As a result, the combination of two transformer modules allows our model to exploit the power of both types of features, thereby enhancing the classification performance. Our experiments on 30 UEA MTSC datasets demonstrate that ShapeFormer has achieved the highest accuracy ranking compared to state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at


cross Explaining Multi-modal Large Language Models by Analyzing their Vision Perception

Authors: Loris Giulivi, Giacomo Boracchi

Abstract: Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating content across various modalities, such as images and text. However, their interpretability remains a challenge, hindering their adoption in critical applications. This research proposes a novel approach to enhance the interpretability of MLLMs by focusing on the image embedding component. We combine an open-world localization model with a MLLM, thus creating a new architecture able to simultaneously produce text and object localization outputs from the same vision embedding. The proposed architecture greatly promotes interpretability, enabling us to design a novel saliency map to explain any output token, to identify model hallucinations, and to assess model biases through semantic adversarial perturbations.

cross TimeMixer: Decomposable Multiscale Mixing for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Shiyu Wang, Haixu Wu, Xiaoming Shi, Tengge Hu, Huakun Luo, Lintao Ma, James Y. Zhang, Jun Zhou

Abstract: Time series forecasting is widely used in extensive applications, such as traffic planning and weather forecasting. However, real-world time series usually present intricate temporal variations, making forecasting extremely challenging. Going beyond the mainstream paradigms of plain decomposition and multiperiodicity analysis, we analyze temporal variations in a novel view of multiscale-mixing, which is based on an intuitive but important observation that time series present distinct patterns in different sampling scales. The microscopic and the macroscopic information are reflected in fine and coarse scales respectively, and thereby complex variations can be inherently disentangled. Based on this observation, we propose TimeMixer as a fully MLP-based architecture with Past-Decomposable-Mixing (PDM) and Future-Multipredictor-Mixing (FMM) blocks to take full advantage of disentangled multiscale series in both past extraction and future prediction phases. Concretely, PDM applies the decomposition to multiscale series and further mixes the decomposed seasonal and trend components in fine-to-coarse and coarse-to-fine directions separately, which successively aggregates the microscopic seasonal and macroscopic trend information. FMM further ensembles multiple predictors to utilize complementary forecasting capabilities in multiscale observations. Consequently, TimeMixer is able to achieve consistent state-of-the-art performances in both long-term and short-term forecasting tasks with favorable run-time efficiency.

cross Which Experiences Are Influential for RL Agents? Efficiently Estimating The Influence of Experiences

Authors: Takuya Hiraoka, Guanquan Wang, Takashi Onishi, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka

Abstract: In reinforcement learning (RL) with experience replay, experiences stored in a replay buffer influence the RL agent's performance. Information about the influence of these experiences is valuable for various purposes, such as identifying experiences that negatively influence poorly performing RL agents. One method for estimating the influence of experiences is the leave-one-out (LOO) method. However, this method is usually computationally prohibitive. In this paper, we present Policy Iteration with Turn-over Dropout (PIToD), which efficiently estimates the influence of experiences. We evaluate how accurately PIToD estimates the influence of experiences and its efficiency compared to LOO. We then apply PIToD to amend poorly performing RL agents, i.e., we use PIToD to estimate negatively influential experiences for the RL agents and to delete the influence of these experiences. We show that RL agents' performance is significantly improved via amendments with PIToD.

cross Reinforcement Learning for Fine-tuning Text-to-speech Diffusion Models

Authors: Jingyi Chen, Ju-Seung Byun, Micha Elsner, Andrew Perrault

Abstract: Recent advancements in generative models have sparked significant interest within the machine learning community. Particularly, diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in synthesizing images and speech. Studies such as those by Lee et al. [19], Black et al. [4], Wang et al. [36], and Fan et al. [8] illustrate that Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) can enhance diffusion models for image synthesis. However, due to architectural differences between these models and those employed in speech synthesis, it remains uncertain whether RLHF could similarly benefit speech synthesis models. In this paper, we explore the practical application of RLHF to diffusion-based text-to-speech synthesis, leveraging the mean opinion score (MOS) as predicted by UTokyo-SaruLab MOS prediction system [29] as a proxy loss. We introduce diffusion model loss-guided RL policy optimization (DLPO) and compare it against other RLHF approaches, employing the NISQA speech quality and naturalness assessment model [21] and human preference experiments for further evaluation. Our results show that RLHF can enhance diffusion-based text-to-speech synthesis models, and, moreover, DLPO can better improve diffusion models in generating natural and high quality speech audios.

cross Efficient Medical Question Answering with Knowledge-Augmented Question Generation

Authors: Julien Khlaut, Corentin Dancette, Elodie Ferreres, Alaedine Bennani, Paul H\'erent, Pierre Manceron

Abstract: In the expanding field of language model applications, medical knowledge representation remains a significant challenge due to the specialized nature of the domain. Large language models, such as GPT-4, obtain reasonable scores on medical question answering tasks, but smaller models are far behind. In this work, we introduce a method to improve the proficiency of a small language model in the medical domain by employing a two-fold approach. We first fine-tune the model on a corpus of medical textbooks. Then, we use GPT-4 to generate questions similar to the downstream task, prompted with textbook knowledge, and use them to fine-tune the model. Additionally, we introduce ECN-QA, a novel medical question answering dataset containing ``progressive questions'' composed of related sequential questions. We show the benefits of our training strategy on this dataset. The study's findings highlight the potential of small language models in the medical domain when appropriately fine-tuned. The code and weights are available at


cross Implicit In-context Learning

Authors: Zhuowei Li, Zihao Xu, Ligong Han, Yunhe Gao, Song Wen, Di Liu, Hao Wang, Dimitris N. Metaxas

Abstract: In-context Learning (ICL) empowers large language models (LLMs) to adapt to unseen tasks during inference by prefixing a few demonstration examples prior to test queries. Despite its versatility, ICL incurs substantial computational and memory overheads compared to zero-shot learning and is susceptible to the selection and order of demonstration examples. In this work, we introduce Implicit In-context Learning (I2CL), an innovative paradigm that addresses the challenges associated with traditional ICL by absorbing demonstration examples within the activation space. I2CL first generates a condensed vector representation, namely a context vector, from the demonstration examples. It then integrates the context vector during inference by injecting a linear combination of the context vector and query activations into the model's residual streams. Empirical evaluation on nine real-world tasks across three model architectures demonstrates that I2CL achieves few-shot performance with zero-shot cost and exhibits robustness against the variation of demonstration examples. Furthermore, I2CL facilitates a novel representation of "task-ids", enhancing task similarity detection and enabling effective transfer learning. We provide a comprehensive analysis of I2CL, offering deeper insights into its mechanisms and broader implications for ICL. The source code is available at:


cross Fisher Flow Matching for Generative Modeling over Discrete Data

Authors: Oscar Davis, Samuel Kessler, Mircea Petrache, {\.I}smail {\.I}lkan Ceylan, Avishek Joey Bose

Abstract: Generative modeling over discrete data has recently seen numerous success stories, with applications spanning language modeling, biological sequence design, and graph-structured molecular data. The predominant generative modeling paradigm for discrete data is still autoregressive, with more recent alternatives based on diffusion or flow-matching falling short of their impressive performance in continuous data settings, such as image or video generation. In this work, we introduce Fisher-Flow, a novel flow-matching model for discrete data. Fisher-Flow takes a manifestly geometric perspective by considering categorical distributions over discrete data as points residing on a statistical manifold equipped with its natural Riemannian metric: the $\textit{Fisher-Rao metric}$. As a result, we demonstrate discrete data itself can be continuously reparameterised to points on the positive orthant of the $d$-hypersphere $\mathbb{S}^d_+$, which allows us to define flows that map any source distribution to target in a principled manner by transporting mass along (closed-form) geodesics of $\mathbb{S}^d_+$. Furthermore, the learned flows in Fisher-Flow can be further bootstrapped by leveraging Riemannian optimal transport leading to improved training dynamics. We prove that the gradient flow induced by Fisher-Flow is optimal in reducing the forward KL divergence. We evaluate Fisher-Flow on an array of synthetic and diverse real-world benchmarks, including designing DNA Promoter, and DNA Enhancer sequences. Empirically, we find that Fisher-Flow improves over prior diffusion and flow-matching models on these benchmarks.

cross Efficiency for Free: Ideal Data Are Transportable Representations

Authors: Peng Sun, Yi Jiang, Tao Lin

Abstract: Data, the seminal opportunity and challenge in modern machine learning, currently constrains the scalability of representation learning and impedes the pace of model evolution. Existing paradigms tackle the issue of learning efficiency over massive datasets from the perspective of self-supervised learning and dataset distillation independently, while neglecting the untapped potential of accelerating representation learning from an intermediate standpoint. In this work, we delve into defining the ideal data properties from both optimization and generalization perspectives. We propose that model-generated representations, despite being trained on diverse tasks and architectures, converge to a shared linear space, facilitating effective linear transport between models. Furthermore, we demonstrate that these representations exhibit properties conducive to the formation of ideal data. The theoretical/empirical insights therein inspire us to propose a Representation Learning Accelerator (ReLA), which leverages a task- and architecture-agnostic, yet publicly available, free model to form a dynamic data subset and thus accelerate (self-)supervised learning. For instance, employing a CLIP ViT B/16 as a prior model for dynamic data generation, ReLA-aided BYOL can train a ResNet-50 from scratch with 50% of ImageNet-1K, yielding performance surpassing that of training on the full dataset. Additionally, employing a ResNet-18 pre-trained on CIFAR-10 can enhance ResNet-50 training on 10% of ImageNet-1K, resulting in a 7.7% increase in accuracy.

cross A Declarative System for Optimizing AI Workloads

Authors: Chunwei Liu, Matthew Russo, Michael Cafarella, Lei Cao, Peter Baille Chen, Zui Chen, Michael Franklin, Tim Kraska, Samuel Madden, Gerardo Vitagliano

Abstract: Modern AI models provide the key to a long-standing dream: processing analytical queries about almost any kind of data. Until recently, it was difficult and expensive to extract facts from company documents, data from scientific papers, or insights from image and video corpora. Today's models can accomplish these tasks with high accuracy. However, a programmer who wants to answer a substantive AI-powered query must orchestrate large numbers of models, prompts, and data operations. For even a single query, the programmer has to make a vast number of decisions such as the choice of model, the right inference method, the most cost-effective inference hardware, the ideal prompt design, and so on. The optimal set of decisions can change as the query changes and as the rapidly-evolving technical landscape shifts. In this paper we present Palimpzest, a system that enables anyone to process AI-powered analytical queries simply by defining them in a declarative language. The system uses its cost optimization framework -- which explores the search space of AI models, prompting techniques, and related foundation model optimizations -- to implement the query with the best trade-offs between runtime, financial cost, and output data quality. We describe the workload of AI-powered analytics tasks, the optimization methods that Palimpzest uses, and the prototype system itself. We evaluate Palimpzest on tasks in Legal Discovery, Real Estate Search, and Medical Schema Matching. We show that even our simple prototype offers a range of appealing plans, including one that is 3.3x faster, 2.9x cheaper, and offers better data quality than the baseline method. With parallelism enabled, Palimpzest can produce plans with up to a 90.3x speedup at 9.1x lower cost relative to a single-threaded GPT-4 baseline, while obtaining an F1-score within 83.5% of the baseline. These require no additional work by the user.

cross High Fidelity Scene Text Synthesis

Authors: Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Abstract: Scene text synthesis involves rendering specified texts onto arbitrary images. Current methods typically formulate this task in an end-to-end manner but lack effective character-level guidance during training. Besides, their text encoders, pre-trained on a single font type, struggle to adapt to the diverse font styles encountered in practical applications. Consequently, these methods suffer from character distortion, repetition, and absence, particularly in polystylistic scenarios. To this end, this paper proposes DreamText for high-fidelity scene text synthesis. Our key idea is to reconstruct the diffusion training process, introducing more refined guidance tailored to this task, to expose and rectify the model's attention at the character level and strengthen its learning of text regions. This transformation poses a hybrid optimization challenge, involving both discrete and continuous variables. To effectively tackle this challenge, we employ a heuristic alternate optimization strategy. Meanwhile, we jointly train the text encoder and generator to comprehensively learn and utilize the diverse font present in the training dataset. This joint training is seamlessly integrated into the alternate optimization process, fostering a synergistic relationship between learning character embedding and re-estimating character attention. Specifically, in each step, we first encode potential character-generated position information from cross-attention maps into latent character masks. These masks are then utilized to update the representation of specific characters in the current step, which, in turn, enables the generator to correct the character's attention in the subsequent steps. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the superiority of our method to the state of the art.

cross G3: An Effective and Adaptive Framework for Worldwide Geolocalization Using Large Multi-Modality Models

Authors: Pengyue Jia, Yiding Liu, Xiaopeng Li, Xiangyu Zhao, Yuhao Wang, Yantong Du, Xiao Han, Xuetao Wei, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin

Abstract: Worldwide geolocalization aims to locate the precise location at the coordinate level of photos taken anywhere on the Earth. It is very challenging due to 1) the difficulty of capturing subtle location-aware visual semantics, and 2) the heterogeneous geographical distribution of image data. As a result, existing studies have clear limitations when scaled to a worldwide context. They may easily confuse distant images with similar visual contents, or cannot adapt to various locations worldwide with different amounts of relevant data. To resolve these limitations, we propose G3, a novel framework based on Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG). In particular, G3 consists of three steps, i.e., Geo-alignment, Geo-diversification, and Geo-verification to optimize both retrieval and generation phases of worldwide geolocalization. During Geo-alignment, our solution jointly learns expressive multi-modal representations for images, GPS and textual descriptions, which allows us to capture location-aware semantics for retrieving nearby images for a given query. During Geo-diversification, we leverage a prompt ensembling method that is robust to inconsistent retrieval performance for different image queries. Finally, we combine both retrieved and generated GPS candidates in Geo-verification for location prediction. Experiments on two well-established datasets IM2GPS3k and YFCC4k verify the superiority of G3 compared to other state-of-the-art methods.

cross Evolution and learning in differentiable robots

Authors: Luke Strgar, David Matthews, Tyler Hummer, Sam Kriegman

Abstract: The automatic design of robots has existed for 30 years but has been constricted by serial non-differentiable design evaluations, premature convergence to simple bodies or clumsy behaviors, and a lack of sim2real transfer to physical machines. Thus, here we employ massively-parallel differentiable simulations to rapidly and simultaneously optimize individual neural control of behavior across a large population of candidate body plans and return a fitness score for each design based on the performance of its fully optimized behavior. Non-differentiable changes to the mechanical structure of each robot in the population -- mutations that rearrange, combine, add, or remove body parts -- were applied by a genetic algorithm in an outer loop of search, generating a continuous flow of novel morphologies with highly-coordinated and graceful behaviors honed by gradient descent. This enabled the exploration of several orders-of-magnitude more designs than all previous methods, despite the fact that robots here have the potential to be much more complex, in terms of number of independent motors, than those in prior studies. We found that evolution reliably produces ``increasingly differentiable'' robots: body plans that smooth the loss landscape in which learning operates and thereby provide better training paths toward performant behaviors. Finally, one of the highly differentiable morphologies discovered in simulation was realized as a physical robot and shown to retain its optimized behavior. This provides a cyberphysical platform to investigate the relationship between evolution and learning in biological systems and broadens our understanding of how a robot's physical structure can influence the ability to train policies for it. Videos and code at


cross Towards Educator-Driven Tutor Authoring: Generative AI Approaches for Creating Intelligent Tutor Interfaces

Authors: Tommaso Calo, Christopher J. MacLellan

Abstract: Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) have shown great potential in delivering personalized and adaptive education, but their widespread adoption has been hindered by the need for specialized programming and design skills. Existing approaches overcome the programming limitations with no-code authoring through drag and drop, however they assume that educators possess the necessary skills to design effective and engaging tutor interfaces. To address this assumption we introduce generative AI capabilities to assist educators in creating tutor interfaces that meet their needs while adhering to design principles. Our approach leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) and prompt engineering to generate tutor layout and contents based on high-level requirements provided by educators as inputs. However, to allow them to actively participate in the design process, rather than relying entirely on AI-generated solutions, we allow generation both at the entire interface level and at the individual component level. The former provides educators with a complete interface that can be refined using direct manipulation, while the latter offers the ability to create specific elements to be added to the tutor interface. A small-scale comparison shows the potential of our approach to enhance the efficiency of tutor interface design. Moving forward, we raise critical questions for assisting educators with generative AI capabilities to create personalized, effective, and engaging tutors, ultimately enhancing their adoption.

cross Towards Cross-modal Backward-compatible Representation Learning for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Young Kyun Jang, Ser-nam Lim

Abstract: Modern retrieval systems often struggle with upgrading to new and more powerful models due to the incompatibility of embeddings between the old and new models. This necessitates a costly process known as backfilling, which involves re-computing the embeddings for a large number of data samples. In vision, Backward-compatible Training (BT) has been proposed to ensure that the new model aligns with the old model's embeddings. This paper extends the concept of vision-only BT to the field of cross-modal retrieval, marking the first attempt to address Cross-modal BT (XBT). Our goal is to achieve backward-compatibility between Vision-Language Pretraining (VLP) models, such as CLIP, for the cross-modal retrieval task. To address XBT challenges, we propose an efficient solution: a projection module that maps the new model's embeddings to those of the old model. This module, pretrained solely with text data, significantly reduces the number of image-text pairs required for XBT learning, and, once it is pretrained, it avoids using the old model during training. Furthermore, we utilize parameter-efficient training strategies that improve efficiency and preserve the off-the-shelf new model's knowledge by avoiding any modifications. Experimental results on cross-modal retrieval datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of XBT and its potential to enable backfill-free upgrades when a new VLP model emerges.

cross StyleX: A Trainable Metric for X-ray Style Distances

Authors: Dominik Eckert, Christopher Syben, Christian H\"ummer, Ludwig Ritschl, Steffen Kappler, Sebastian Stober

Abstract: The progression of X-ray technology introduces diverse image styles that need to be adapted to the preferences of radiologists. To support this task, we introduce a novel deep learning-based metric that quantifies style differences of non-matching image pairs. At the heart of our metric is an encoder capable of generating X-ray image style representations. This encoder is trained without any explicit knowledge of style distances by exploiting Simple Siamese learning. During inference, the style representations produced by the encoder are used to calculate a distance metric for non-matching image pairs. Our experiments investigate the proposed concept for a disclosed reproducible and a proprietary image processing pipeline along two dimensions: First, we use a t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) analysis to illustrate that the encoder outputs provide meaningful and discriminative style representations. Second, the proposed metric calculated from the encoder outputs is shown to quantify style distances for non-matching pairs in good alignment with the human perception. These results confirm that our proposed method is a promising technique to quantify style differences, which can be used for guided style selection as well as automatic optimization of image pipeline parameters.

cross Decision-Focused Forecasting: Decision Losses for Multistage Optimisation

Authors: Egon Per\v{s}ak, Miguel F. Anjos

Abstract: Decision-focused learning has emerged as a promising approach for decision making under uncertainty by training the upstream predictive aspect of the pipeline with respect to the quality of the downstream decisions. Most existing work has focused on single stage problems. Many real-world decision problems are more appropriately modelled using multistage optimisation as contextual information such as prices or demand is revealed over time and decisions now have a bearing on future decisions. We propose decision-focused forecasting, a multiple-implicitlayer model which in its training accounts for the intertemporal decision effects of forecasts using differentiable optimisation. The recursive model reflects a fully differentiable multistage optimisation approach. We present an analysis of the gradients produced by this model showing the adjustments made to account for the state-path caused by forecasting. We demonstrate an application of the model to an energy storage arbitrage task and report that our model outperforms existing approaches.

cross HC-GAE: The Hierarchical Cluster-based Graph Auto-Encoder for Graph Representation Learning

Authors: Zhuo Xu, Lu Bai, Lixin Cui, Ming Li, Yue Wang, Edwin R. Hancock

Abstract: Graph Auto-Encoders (GAEs) are powerful tools for graph representation learning. In this paper, we develop a novel Hierarchical Cluster-based GAE (HC-GAE), that can learn effective structural characteristics for graph data analysis. To this end, during the encoding process, we commence by utilizing the hard node assignment to decompose a sample graph into a family of separated subgraphs. We compress each subgraph into a coarsened node, transforming the original graph into a coarsened graph. On the other hand, during the decoding process, we adopt the soft node assignment to reconstruct the original graph structure by expanding the coarsened nodes. By hierarchically performing the above compressing procedure during the decoding process as well as the expanding procedure during the decoding process, the proposed HC-GAE can effectively extract bidirectionally hierarchical structural features of the original sample graph. Furthermore, we re-design the loss function that can integrate the information from either the encoder or the decoder. Since the associated graph convolution operation of the proposed HC-GAE is restricted in each individual separated subgraph and cannot propagate the node information between different subgraphs, the proposed HC-GAE can significantly reduce the over-smoothing problem arising in the classical convolution-based GAEs. The proposed HC-GAE can generate effective representations for either node classification or graph classification, and the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness on real-world datasets.

cross Iterative Causal Segmentation: Filling the Gap between Market Segmentation and Marketing Strategy

Authors: Kaihua Ding, Jingsong Cui, Mohammad Soltani, Jing Jin

Abstract: The field of causal Machine Learning (ML) has made significant strides in recent years. Notable breakthroughs include methods such as meta learners (arXiv:1706.03461v6) and heterogeneous doubly robust estimators (arXiv:2004.14497) introduced in the last five years. Despite these advancements, the field still faces challenges, particularly in managing tightly coupled systems where both the causal treatment variable and a confounding covariate must serve as key decision-making indicators. This scenario is common in applications of causal ML for marketing, such as marketing segmentation and incremental marketing uplift. In this work, we present our formally proven algorithm, iterative causal segmentation, to address this issue.

cross TopoLogic: An Interpretable Pipeline for Lane Topology Reasoning on Driving Scenes

Authors: Yanping Fu, Wenbin Liao, Xinyuan Liu, Hang xu, Yike Ma, Feng Dai, Yucheng Zhang

Abstract: As an emerging task that integrates perception and reasoning, topology reasoning in autonomous driving scenes has recently garnered widespread attention. However, existing work often emphasizes "perception over reasoning": they typically boost reasoning performance by enhancing the perception of lanes and directly adopt MLP to learn lane topology from lane query. This paradigm overlooks the geometric features intrinsic to the lanes themselves and are prone to being influenced by inherent endpoint shifts in lane detection. To tackle this issue, we propose an interpretable method for lane topology reasoning based on lane geometric distance and lane query similarity, named TopoLogic. This method mitigates the impact of endpoint shifts in geometric space, and introduces explicit similarity calculation in semantic space as a complement. By integrating results from both spaces, our methods provides more comprehensive information for lane topology. Ultimately, our approach significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods on the mainstream benchmark OpenLane-V2 (23.9 v.s. 10.9 in TOP$_{ll}$ and 44.1 v.s. 39.8 in OLS on subset_A. Additionally, our proposed geometric distance topology reasoning method can be incorporated into well-trained models without re-training, significantly boost the performance of lane topology reasoning. The code is released at


cross MultiCast: Zero-Shot Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Using LLMs

Authors: Georgios Chatzigeorgakidis, Konstantinos Lentzos, Dimitrios Skoutas

Abstract: Predicting future values in multivariate time series is vital across various domains. This work explores the use of large language models (LLMs) for this task. However, LLMs typically handle one-dimensional data. We introduce MultiCast, a zero-shot LLM-based approach for multivariate time series forecasting. It allows LLMs to receive multivariate time series as input, through three novel token multiplexing solutions that effectively reduce dimensionality while preserving key repetitive patterns. Additionally, a quantization scheme helps LLMs to better learn these patterns, while significantly reducing token use for practical applications. We showcase the performance of our approach in terms of RMSE and execution time against state-of-the-art approaches on three real-world datasets.

cross Policy Gradient Methods for Risk-Sensitive Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Provable Convergence

Authors: Minheng Xiao, Xian Yu, Lei Ying

Abstract: Risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL) is crucial for maintaining reliable performance in many high-stakes applications. While most RL methods aim to learn a point estimate of the random cumulative cost, distributional RL (DRL) seeks to estimate the entire distribution of it. The distribution provides all necessary information about the cost and leads to a unified framework for handling various risk measures in a risk-sensitive setting. However, developing policy gradient methods for risk-sensitive DRL is inherently more complex as it pertains to finding the gradient of a probability measure. This paper introduces a policy gradient method for risk-sensitive DRL with general coherent risk measures, where we provide an analytical form of the probability measure's gradient. We further prove the local convergence of the proposed algorithm under mild smoothness assumptions. For practical use, we also design a categorical distributional policy gradient algorithm (CDPG) based on categorical distributional policy evaluation and trajectory-based gradient estimation. Through experiments on a stochastic cliff-walking environment, we illustrate the benefits of considering a risk-sensitive setting in DRL.

cross Extreme Solar Flare Prediction Using Residual Networks with HMI Magnetograms and Intensitygrams

Authors: Juyoung Yun, Jungmin Shin

Abstract: Solar flares, especially C, M, and X class, pose significant risks to satellite operations, communication systems, and power grids. We present a novel approach for predicting extreme solar flares using HMI intensitygrams and magnetograms. By detecting sunspots from intensitygrams and extracting magnetic field patches from magnetograms, we train a Residual Network (ResNet) to classify extreme class flares. Our model demonstrates high accuracy, offering a robust tool for predicting extreme solar flares and improving space weather forecasting. Additionally, we show that HMI magnetograms provide more useful data for deep learning compared to other SDO AIA images by better capturing features critical for predicting flare magnitudes. This study underscores the importance of identifying magnetic fields in solar flare prediction, marking a significant advancement in solar activity prediction with practical implications for mitigating space weather impacts.

cross A Transformer-Based Approach for Smart Invocation of Automatic Code Completion

Authors: Aral de Moor, Arie van Deursen, Maliheh Izadi

Abstract: Transformer-based language models are highly effective for code completion, with much research dedicated to enhancing the content of these completions. Despite their effectiveness, these models come with high operational costs and can be intrusive, especially when they suggest too often and interrupt developers who are concentrating on their work. Current research largely overlooks how these models interact with developers in practice and neglects to address when a developer should receive completion suggestions. To tackle this issue, we developed a machine learning model that can accurately predict when to invoke a code completion tool given the code context and available telemetry data. To do so, we collect a dataset of 200k developer interactions with our cross-IDE code completion plugin and train several invocation filtering models. Our results indicate that our small-scale transformer model significantly outperforms the baseline while maintaining low enough latency. We further explore the search space for integrating additional telemetry data into a pre-trained transformer directly and obtain promising results. To further demonstrate our approach's practical potential, we deployed the model in an online environment with 34 developers and provided real-world insights based on 74k actual invocations.

cross Axioms for AI Alignment from Human Feedback

Authors: Luise Ge, Daniel Halpern, Evi Micha, Ariel D. Procaccia, Itai Shapira, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Junlin Wu

Abstract: In the context of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), the reward function is generally derived from maximum likelihood estimation of a random utility model based on pairwise comparisons made by humans. The problem of learning a reward function is one of preference aggregation that, we argue, largely falls within the scope of social choice theory. From this perspective, we can evaluate different aggregation methods via established axioms, examining whether these methods meet or fail well-known standards. We demonstrate that both the Bradley-Terry-Luce Model and its broad generalizations fail to meet basic axioms. In response, we develop novel rules for learning reward functions with strong axiomatic guarantees. A key innovation from the standpoint of social choice is that our problem has a linear structure, which greatly restricts the space of feasible rules and leads to a new paradigm that we call linear social choice.

cross WISE: Rethinking the Knowledge Memory for Lifelong Model Editing of Large Language Models

Authors: Peng Wang, Zexi Li, Ningyu Zhang, Ziwen Xu, Yunzhi Yao, Yong Jiang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) need knowledge updates to meet the ever-growing world facts and correct the hallucinated responses, facilitating the methods of lifelong model editing. Where the updated knowledge resides in memories is a fundamental question for model editing. In this paper, we find that editing either long-term memory (direct model parameters) or working memory (non-parametric knowledge of neural network activations/representations by retrieval) will result in an impossible triangle -- reliability, generalization, and locality can not be realized together in the lifelong editing settings. For long-term memory, directly editing the parameters will cause conflicts with irrelevant pretrained knowledge or previous edits (poor reliability and locality). For working memory, retrieval-based activations can hardly make the model understand the edits and generalize (poor generalization). Therefore, we propose WISE to bridge the gap between memories. In WISE, we design a dual parametric memory scheme, which consists of the main memory for the pretrained knowledge and a side memory for the edited knowledge. We only edit the knowledge in the side memory and train a router to decide which memory to go through when given a query. For continual editing, we devise a knowledge-sharding mechanism where different sets of edits reside in distinct subspaces of parameters, and are subsequently merged into a shared memory without conflicts. Extensive experiments show that WISE can outperform previous model editing methods and overcome the impossible triangle under lifelong model editing of question answering, hallucination, and out-of-distribution settings across trending LLM architectures, e.g., GPT, LLaMA, and Mistral. Code will be released at


cross Unified Neural Backdoor Removal with Only Few Clean Samples through Unlearning and Relearning

Authors: Nay Myat Min, Long H. Pham, Jun Sun

Abstract: The application of deep neural network models in various security-critical applications has raised significant security concerns, particularly the risk of backdoor attacks. Neural backdoors pose a serious security threat as they allow attackers to maliciously alter model behavior. While many defenses have been explored, existing approaches are often bounded by model-specific constraints, or necessitate complex alterations to the training process, or fall short against diverse backdoor attacks. In this work, we introduce a novel method for comprehensive and effective elimination of backdoors, called ULRL (short for UnLearn and ReLearn for backdoor removal). ULRL requires only a small set of clean samples and works effectively against all kinds of backdoors. It first applies unlearning for identifying suspicious neurons and then targeted neural weight tuning for backdoor mitigation (i.e., by promoting significant weight deviation on the suspicious neurons). Evaluated against 12 different types of backdoors, ULRL is shown to significantly outperform state-of-the-art methods in eliminating backdoors whilst preserving the model utility.

cross Generative Plant Growth Simulation from Sequence-Informed Environmental Conditions

Authors: Mohamed Debbagh, Yixue Liu, Zhouzhou Zheng, Xintong Jiang, Shangpeng Sun, Mark Lefsrud

Abstract: A plant growth simulation can be characterized as a reconstructed visual representation of a plant or plant system. The phenotypic characteristics and plant structures are controlled by the scene environment and other contextual attributes. Considering the temporal dependencies and compounding effects of various factors on growth trajectories, we formulate a probabilistic approach to the simulation task by solving a frame synthesis and pattern recognition problem. We introduce a Sequence-Informed Plant Growth Simulation framework (SI-PGS) that employs a conditional generative model to implicitly learn a distribution of possible plant representations within a dynamic scene from a fusion of low dimensional temporal sensor and context data. Methods such as controlled latent sampling and recurrent output connections are used to improve coherence in plant structures between frames of predictions. In this work, we demonstrate that SI-PGS is able to capture temporal dependencies and continuously generate realistic frames of a plant scene.

cross Implicit Personalization in Language Models: A Systematic Study

Authors: Zhijing Jin, Nils Heil, Jiarui Liu, Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Yahang Qi, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Rada Mihalcea, Mrinmaya Sachan

Abstract: Implicit Personalization (IP) is a phenomenon of language models inferring a user's background from the implicit cues in the input prompts and tailoring the response based on this inference. While previous work has touched upon various instances of this problem, there lacks a unified framework to study this behavior. This work systematically studies IP through a rigorous mathematical formulation, a multi-perspective moral reasoning framework, and a set of case studies. Our theoretical foundation for IP relies on a structural causal model and introduces a novel method, indirect intervention, to estimate the causal effect of a mediator variable that cannot be directly intervened upon. Beyond the technical approach, we also introduce a set of moral reasoning principles based on three schools of moral philosophy to study when IP may or may not be ethically appropriate. Equipped with both mathematical and ethical insights, we present three diverse case studies illustrating the varied nature of the IP problem and offer recommendations for future research. Our code and data are at


cross PaGoDA: Progressive Growing of a One-Step Generator from a Low-Resolution Diffusion Teacher

Authors: Dongjun Kim, Chieh-Hsin Lai, Wei-Hsiang Liao, Yuhta Takida, Naoki Murata, Toshimitsu Uesaka, Yuki Mitsufuji, Stefano Ermon

Abstract: To accelerate sampling, diffusion models (DMs) are often distilled into generators that directly map noise to data in a single step. In this approach, the resolution of the generator is fundamentally limited by that of the teacher DM. To overcome this limitation, we propose Progressive Growing of Diffusion Autoencoder (PaGoDA), a technique to progressively grow the resolution of the generator beyond that of the original teacher DM. Our key insight is that a pre-trained, low-resolution DM can be used to deterministically encode high-resolution data to a structured latent space by solving the PF-ODE forward in time (data-to-noise), starting from an appropriately down-sampled image. Using this frozen encoder in an auto-encoder framework, we train a decoder by progressively growing its resolution. From the nature of progressively growing decoder, PaGoDA avoids re-training teacher/student models when we upsample the student model, making the whole training pipeline much cheaper. In experiments, we used our progressively growing decoder to upsample from the pre-trained model's 64x64 resolution to generate 512x512 samples, achieving 2x faster inference compared to single-step distilled Stable Diffusion like LCM. PaGoDA also achieved state-of-the-art FIDs on ImageNet across all resolutions from 64x64 to 512x512. Additionally, we demonstrated PaGoDA's effectiveness in solving inverse problems and enabling controllable generation.

cross HippoRAG: Neurobiologically Inspired Long-Term Memory for Large Language Models

Authors: Bernal Jim\'enez Guti\'errez, Yiheng Shu, Yu Gu, Michihiro Yasunaga, Yu Su

Abstract: In order to thrive in hostile and ever-changing natural environments, mammalian brains evolved to store large amounts of knowledge about the world and continually integrate new information while avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Despite the impressive accomplishments, large language models (LLMs), even with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), still struggle to efficiently and effectively integrate a large amount of new experiences after pre-training. In this work, we introduce HippoRAG, a novel retrieval framework inspired by the hippocampal indexing theory of human long-term memory to enable deeper and more efficient knowledge integration over new experiences. HippoRAG synergistically orchestrates LLMs, knowledge graphs, and the Personalized PageRank algorithm to mimic the different roles of neocortex and hippocampus in human memory. We compare HippoRAG with existing RAG methods on multi-hop question answering and show that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods remarkably, by up to 20%. Single-step retrieval with HippoRAG achieves comparable or better performance than iterative retrieval like IRCoT while being 10-30 times cheaper and 6-13 times faster, and integrating HippoRAG into IRCoT brings further substantial gains. Finally, we show that our method can tackle new types of scenarios that are out of reach of existing methods. Code and data are available at


cross From Explicit CoT to Implicit CoT: Learning to Internalize CoT Step by Step

Authors: Yuntian Deng, Yejin Choi, Stuart Shieber

Abstract: When leveraging language models for reasoning tasks, generating explicit chain-of-thought (CoT) steps often proves essential for achieving high accuracy in final outputs. In this paper, we investigate if models can be taught to internalize these CoT steps. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective method for internalizing CoT steps: starting with a model trained for explicit CoT reasoning, we gradually remove the intermediate steps and finetune the model. This process allows the model to internalize the intermediate reasoning steps, thus simplifying the reasoning process while maintaining high performance. Our approach enables a GPT-2 Small model to solve 9-by-9 multiplication with up to 99% accuracy, whereas standard training cannot solve beyond 4-by-4 multiplication. Furthermore, our method proves effective on larger language models, such as Mistral 7B, achieving over 50% accuracy on GSM8K without producing any intermediate steps.

cross Privileged Sensing Scaffolds Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Edward S. Hu, James Springer, Oleh Rybkin, Dinesh Jayaraman

Abstract: We need to look at our shoelaces as we first learn to tie them but having mastered this skill, can do it from touch alone. We call this phenomenon "sensory scaffolding": observation streams that are not needed by a master might yet aid a novice learner. We consider such sensory scaffolding setups for training artificial agents. For example, a robot arm may need to be deployed with just a low-cost, robust, general-purpose camera; yet its performance may improve by having privileged training-time-only access to informative albeit expensive and unwieldy motion capture rigs or fragile tactile sensors. For these settings, we propose "Scaffolder", a reinforcement learning approach which effectively exploits privileged sensing in critics, world models, reward estimators, and other such auxiliary components that are only used at training time, to improve the target policy. For evaluating sensory scaffolding agents, we design a new "S3" suite of ten diverse simulated robotic tasks that explore a wide range of practical sensor setups. Agents must use privileged camera sensing to train blind hurdlers, privileged active visual perception to help robot arms overcome visual occlusions, privileged touch sensors to train robot hands, and more. Scaffolder easily outperforms relevant prior baselines and frequently performs comparably even to policies that have test-time access to the privileged sensors. Website:


cross Synergistic Global-space Camera and Human Reconstruction from Videos

Authors: Yizhou Zhao, Tuanfeng Y. Wang, Bhiksha Raj, Min Xu, Jimei Yang, Chun-Hao Paul Huang

Abstract: Remarkable strides have been made in reconstructing static scenes or human bodies from monocular videos. Yet, the two problems have largely been approached independently, without much synergy. Most visual SLAM methods can only reconstruct camera trajectories and scene structures up to scale, while most HMR methods reconstruct human meshes in metric scale but fall short in reasoning with cameras and scenes. This work introduces Synergistic Camera and Human Reconstruction (SynCHMR) to marry the best of both worlds. Specifically, we design Human-aware Metric SLAM to reconstruct metric-scale camera poses and scene point clouds using camera-frame HMR as a strong prior, addressing depth, scale, and dynamic ambiguities. Conditioning on the dense scene recovered, we further learn a Scene-aware SMPL Denoiser to enhance world-frame HMR by incorporating spatio-temporal coherency and dynamic scene constraints. Together, they lead to consistent reconstructions of camera trajectories, human meshes, and dense scene point clouds in a common world frame. Project page:


cross Semantica: An Adaptable Image-Conditioned Diffusion Model

Authors: Manoj Kumar, Neil Houlsby, Emiel Hoogeboom

Abstract: We investigate the task of adapting image generative models to different datasets without finetuneing. To this end, we introduce Semantica, an image-conditioned diffusion model capable of generating images based on the semantics of a conditioning image. Semantica is trained exclusively on web-scale image pairs, that is it receives a random image from a webpage as conditional input and models another random image from the same webpage. Our experiments highlight the expressivity of pretrained image encoders and necessity of semantic-based data filtering in achieving high-quality image generation. Once trained, it can adaptively generate new images from a dataset by simply using images from that dataset as input. We study the transfer properties of Semantica on ImageNet, LSUN Churches, LSUN Bedroom and SUN397.

cross Adapting to Unknown Low-Dimensional Structures in Score-Based Diffusion Models

Authors: Gen Li, Yuling Yan

Abstract: This paper investigates score-based diffusion models when the underlying target distribution is concentrated on or near low-dimensional manifolds within the higher-dimensional space in which they formally reside, a common characteristic of natural image distributions. Despite previous efforts to understand the data generation process of diffusion models, existing theoretical support remains highly suboptimal in the presence of low-dimensional structure, which we strengthen in this paper. For the popular Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM), we find that the dependency of the error incurred within each denoising step on the ambient dimension $d$ is in general unavoidable. We further identify a unique design of coefficients that yields a converges rate at the order of $O(k^{2}/\sqrt{T})$ (up to log factors), where $k$ is the intrinsic dimension of the target distribution and $T$ is the number of steps. This represents the first theoretical demonstration that the DDPM sampler can adapt to unknown low-dimensional structures in the target distribution, highlighting the critical importance of coefficient design. All of this is achieved by a novel set of analysis tools that characterize the algorithmic dynamics in a more deterministic manner.

cross A Nurse is Blue and Elephant is Rugby: Cross Domain Alignment in Large Language Models Reveal Human-like Patterns

Authors: Asaf Yehudai, Taelin Karidi, Gabriel Stanovsky, Ariel Goldstein, Omri Abend

Abstract: Cross-domain alignment refers to the task of mapping a concept from one domain to another. For example, ``If a \textit{doctor} were a \textit{color}, what color would it be?''. This seemingly peculiar task is designed to investigate how people represent concrete and abstract concepts through their mappings between categories and their reasoning processes over those mappings. In this paper, we adapt this task from cognitive science to evaluate the conceptualization and reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) through a behavioral study. We examine several LLMs by prompting them with a cross-domain mapping task and analyzing their responses at both the population and individual levels. Additionally, we assess the models' ability to reason about their predictions by analyzing and categorizing their explanations for these mappings. The results reveal several similarities between humans' and models' mappings and explanations, suggesting that models represent concepts similarly to humans. This similarity is evident not only in the model representation but also in their behavior. Furthermore, the models mostly provide valid explanations and deploy reasoning paths that are similar to those of humans.

cross Generative Camera Dolly: Extreme Monocular Dynamic Novel View Synthesis

Authors: Basile Van Hoorick, Rundi Wu, Ege Ozguroglu, Kyle Sargent, Ruoshi Liu, Pavel Tokmakov, Achal Dave, Changxi Zheng, Carl Vondrick

Abstract: Accurate reconstruction of complex dynamic scenes from just a single viewpoint continues to be a challenging task in computer vision. Current dynamic novel view synthesis methods typically require videos from many different camera viewpoints, necessitating careful recording setups, and significantly restricting their utility in the wild as well as in terms of embodied AI applications. In this paper, we propose $\textbf{GCD}$, a controllable monocular dynamic view synthesis pipeline that leverages large-scale diffusion priors to, given a video of any scene, generate a synchronous video from any other chosen perspective, conditioned on a set of relative camera pose parameters. Our model does not require depth as input, and does not explicitly model 3D scene geometry, instead performing end-to-end video-to-video translation in order to achieve its goal efficiently. Despite being trained on synthetic multi-view video data only, zero-shot real-world generalization experiments show promising results in multiple domains, including robotics, object permanence, and driving environments. We believe our framework can potentially unlock powerful applications in rich dynamic scene understanding, perception for robotics, and interactive 3D video viewing experiences for virtual reality.

cross PuzzleAvatar: Assembling 3D Avatars from Personal Albums

Authors: Yuliang Xiu, Yufei Ye, Zhen Liu, Dimitrios Tzionas, Michael J. Black

Abstract: Generating personalized 3D avatars is crucial for AR/VR. However, recent text-to-3D methods that generate avatars for celebrities or fictional characters, struggle with everyday people. Methods for faithful reconstruction typically require full-body images in controlled settings. What if a user could just upload their personal "OOTD" (Outfit Of The Day) photo collection and get a faithful avatar in return? The challenge is that such casual photo collections contain diverse poses, challenging viewpoints, cropped views, and occlusion (albeit with a consistent outfit, accessories and hairstyle). We address this novel "Album2Human" task by developing PuzzleAvatar, a novel model that generates a faithful 3D avatar (in a canonical pose) from a personal OOTD album, while bypassing the challenging estimation of body and camera pose. To this end, we fine-tune a foundational vision-language model (VLM) on such photos, encoding the appearance, identity, garments, hairstyles, and accessories of a person into (separate) learned tokens and instilling these cues into the VLM. In effect, we exploit the learned tokens as "puzzle pieces" from which we assemble a faithful, personalized 3D avatar. Importantly, we can customize avatars by simply inter-changing tokens. As a benchmark for this new task, we collect a new dataset, called PuzzleIOI, with 41 subjects in a total of nearly 1K OOTD configurations, in challenging partial photos with paired ground-truth 3D bodies. Evaluation shows that PuzzleAvatar not only has high reconstruction accuracy, outperforming TeCH and MVDreamBooth, but also a unique scalability to album photos, and strong robustness. Our model and data will be public.

replace A Matrix-based Distance of Pythagorean Fuzzy Set and its Application in Medical Diagnosis

Authors: Yuanpeng He, Lijian Li, Tianxiang Zhan

Abstract: The pythagorean fuzzy set (PFS) which is developed based on intuitionistic fuzzy set, is more efficient in elaborating and disposing uncertainties in indeterminate situations, which is a very reason of that PFS is applied in various kinds of fields. How to measure the distance between two pythagorean fuzzy sets is still an open issue. Mnay kinds of methods have been proposed to present the of the question in former reaserches. However, not all of existing methods can accurately manifest differences among pythagorean fuzzy sets and satisfy the property of similarity. And some other kinds of methods neglect the relationship among three variables of pythagorean fuzzy set. To addrees the proplem, a new method of measuring distance is proposed which meets the requirements of axiom of distance measurement and is able to indicate the degree of distinction of PFSs well. Then some numerical examples are offered to to verify that the method of measuring distances can avoid the situation that some counter? intuitive and irrational results are produced and is more effective, reasonable and advanced than other similar methods. Besides, the proposed method of measuring distances between PFSs is applied in a real environment of application which is the medical diagnosis and is compared with other previous methods to demonstrate its superiority and efficiency. And the feasibility of the proposed method in handling uncertainties in practice is also proved at the same time.

replace No Compromise in Solution Quality: Speeding Up Belief-dependent Continuous POMDPs via Adaptive Multilevel Simplification

Authors: Andrey Zhitnikov, Ori Sztyglic, Vadim Indelman

Abstract: Continuous POMDPs with general belief-dependent rewards are notoriously difficult to solve online. In this paper, we present a complete provable theory of adaptive multilevel simplification for the setting of a given externally constructed belief tree and MCTS that constructs the belief tree on the fly using an exploration technique. Our theory allows to accelerate POMDP planning with belief-dependent rewards without any sacrifice in the quality of the obtained solution. We rigorously prove each theoretical claim in the proposed unified theory. Using the general theoretical results, we present three algorithms to accelerate continuous POMDP online planning with belief-dependent rewards. Our two algorithms, SITH-BSP and LAZY-SITH-BSP, can be utilized on top of any method that constructs a belief tree externally. The third algorithm, SITH-PFT, is an anytime MCTS method that permits to plug-in any exploration technique. All our methods are guaranteed to return exactly the same optimal action as their unsimplified equivalents. We replace the costly computation of information-theoretic rewards with novel adaptive upper and lower bounds which we derive in this paper, and are of independent interest. We show that they are easy to calculate and can be tightened by the demand of our algorithms. Our approach is general; namely, any bounds that monotonically converge to the reward can be utilized to achieve significant speedup without any loss in performance. Our theory and algorithms support the challenging setting of continuous states, actions, and observations. The beliefs can be parametric or general and represented by weighted particles. We demonstrate in simulation a significant speedup in planning compared to baseline approaches with guaranteed identical performance.

replace EconAgent: Large Language Model-Empowered Agents for Simulating Macroeconomic Activities

Authors: Nian Li, Chen Gao, Mingyu Li, Yong Li, Qingmin Liao

Abstract: The advent of artificial intelligence has led to a growing emphasis on data-driven modeling in macroeconomics, with agent-based modeling (ABM) emerging as a prominent bottom-up simulation paradigm. In ABM, agents (e.g., households, firms) interact within a macroeconomic environment, collectively generating market dynamics. Existing agent modeling typically employs predetermined rules or learning-based neural networks for decision-making. However, customizing each agent presents significant challenges, complicating the modeling of agent heterogeneity. Additionally, the influence of multi-period market dynamics and multifaceted macroeconomic factors are often overlooked in decision-making processes. In this work, we introduce EconAgent, a large language model-empowered agent with human-like characteristics for macroeconomic simulation. We first construct a simulation environment that incorporates various market dynamics driven by agents' decisions regarding work and consumption. Through the perception module, we create heterogeneous agents with distinct decision-making mechanisms. Furthermore, we model the impact of macroeconomic trends using a memory module, which allows agents to reflect on past individual experiences and market dynamics. Simulation experiments show that EconAgent can make realistic decisions, leading to more reasonable macroeconomic phenomena compared to existing rule-based or learning-based agents. Our codes are released at


replace Levels of AGI for Operationalizing Progress on the Path to AGI

Authors: Meredith Ringel Morris, Jascha Sohl-dickstein, Noah Fiedel, Tris Warkentin, Allan Dafoe, Aleksandra Faust, Clement Farabet, Shane Legg

Abstract: We propose a framework for classifying the capabilities and behavior of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) models and their precursors. This framework introduces levels of AGI performance, generality, and autonomy, providing a common language to compare models, assess risks, and measure progress along the path to AGI. To develop our framework, we analyze existing definitions of AGI, and distill six principles that a useful ontology for AGI should satisfy. With these principles in mind, we propose "Levels of AGI" based on depth (performance) and breadth (generality) of capabilities, and reflect on how current systems fit into this ontology. We discuss the challenging requirements for future benchmarks that quantify the behavior and capabilities of AGI models against these levels. Finally, we discuss how these levels of AGI interact with deployment considerations such as autonomy and risk, and emphasize the importance of carefully selecting Human-AI Interaction paradigms for responsible and safe deployment of highly capable AI systems.

replace Even-if Explanations: Formal Foundations, Priorities and Complexity

Authors: Gianvincenzo Alfano, Sergio Greco, Domenico Mandaglio, Francesco Parisi, Reza Shahbazian, Irina Trubitsyna

Abstract: EXplainable AI has received significant attention in recent years. Machine learning models often operate as black boxes, lacking explainability and transparency while supporting decision-making processes. Local post-hoc explainability queries attempt to answer why individual inputs are classified in a certain way by a given model. While there has been important work on counterfactual explanations, less attention has been devoted to semifactual ones. In this paper, we focus on local post-hoc explainability queries within the semifactual `even-if' thinking and their computational complexity among different classes of models, and show that both linear and tree-based models are strictly more interpretable than neural networks. After this, we introduce a preference-based framework that enables users to personalize explanations based on their preferences, both in the case of semifactuals and counterfactuals, enhancing interpretability and user-centricity. Finally, we explore the complexity of several interpretability problems in the proposed preference-based framework and provide algorithms for polynomial cases.

replace Causal Perception

Authors: Jose M. Alvarez, Salvatore Ruggieri

Abstract: Perception occurs when two individuals interpret the same information differently. Despite being a known phenomenon with implications for bias in decision-making, as individual experience determines interpretation, perception remains largely overlooked in machine learning (ML) research. Modern decision flows, whether partially or fully automated, involve human experts interacting with ML applications. How might we then, e.g., account for two experts that interpret differently a deferred instance or an explanation from a ML model? To account for perception, we first need to formulate it. In this work, we define perception under causal reasoning using structural causal models (SCM). Our framework formalizes individual experience as additional causal knowledge that comes with and is used by a human expert (read, decision maker). We present two kinds of causal perception, unfaithful and inconsistent, based on the SCM properties of faithfulness and consistency. Further, we motivate the importance of perception within fairness problems. We illustrate our framework through a series of decision flow examples involving ML applications and human experts.

replace Synergizing Spatial Optimization with Large Language Models for Open-Domain Urban Itinerary Planning

Authors: Yihong Tang, Zhaokai Wang, Ao Qu, Yihao Yan, Kebing Hou, Dingyi Zhuang, Xiaotong Guo, Jinhua Zhao, Zhan Zhao, Wei Ma

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the novel task of Open-domain Urban Itinerary Planning (OUIP), a paradigm designed to generate personalized urban itineraries from user requests articulated in natural language. This approach is different from traditional itinerary planning, which often restricts the granularity of user inputs, thus hindering genuine personalization. To this end, we present ItiNera, an OUIP system that synergizes spatial optimization with large language models (LLMs) to provide services that customize urban itineraries based on users' needs. Upon receiving the user's itinerary request, the LLM first decomposes it into detailed components, identifying key requirements, including preferences and dislikes. Then, we use these specifics to select candidate POIs from a large-scale collection using embedding-based Preference-aware POI Retrieval. Finally, a preference score-based Cluster-aware Spatial Optimization module clusters, filters, and orders these POIs, followed by the LLM for detailed POI selection and organization to craft a personalized, spatially coherent itinerary. Moreover, we created an LLM-based pipeline to update and personalize a user-owned POI database. This ensures up-to-date POI information, supports itinerary planning, pre-trip research, POI collection, recommendations, and more. To the best of our knowledge, this study marks the first integration of LLMs to innovate itinerary planning, with potential extensions for various urban travel and exploration activities. Offline and online evaluations demonstrate the capacity of our system to deliver more responsive, personalized, and spatially coherent itineraries than current solutions. Our system, deployed on an online platform, has attracted thousands of users for their urban travel planning.

replace MUSTARD: Mastering Uniform Synthesis of Theorem and Proof Data

Authors: Yinya Huang, Xiaohan Lin, Zhengying Liu, Qingxing Cao, Huajian Xin, Haiming Wang, Zhenguo Li, Linqi Song, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) have witnessed significant advancement in various tasks, including mathematical reasoning and theorem proving. As these two tasks require strict and formal multi-step inference, they are appealing domains for exploring the reasoning ability of LLMs but still face important challenges. Previous studies such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) have revealed the effectiveness of intermediate steps guidance. However, such step-wise annotation requires heavy labor, leading to insufficient training steps for current benchmarks. To fill this gap, this work introduces MUSTARD, a data generation framework that masters uniform synthesis of theorem and proof data of high quality and diversity. MUSTARD synthesizes data in three stages: (1) It samples a few mathematical concept seeds as the problem category. (2) Then, it prompts a generative language model with the sampled concepts to obtain both the problems and their step-wise formal solutions. (3) Lastly, the framework utilizes a proof assistant (e.g., Lean Prover) to filter the valid proofs. With the proposed MUSTARD, we present a theorem-and-proof benchmark MUSTARDSAUCE with 5,866 valid data points. Each data point contains an informal statement, an informal proof, and a translated formal proof that passes the prover validation. We perform extensive analysis and demonstrate that MUSTARD generates validated high-quality step-by-step data. We further apply the MUSTARDSAUCE for fine-tuning smaller language models. The fine-tuned Llama 2-7B achieves a 15.41% average relative performance gain in automated theorem proving, and 8.18% in math word problems. Codes and data are available at


replace LLMAuditor: A Framework for Auditing Large Language Models Using Human-in-the-Loop

Authors: Maryam Amirizaniani, Jihan Yao, Adrian Lavergne, Elizabeth Snell Okada, Aman Chadha, Tanya Roosta, Chirag Shah

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) become more pervasive across various users and scenarios, identifying potential issues when using these models becomes essential. Examples of such issues include: bias, inconsistencies, and hallucination. Although auditing the LLM for these problems is often warranted, such a process is neither easy nor accessible for most. An effective method is to probe the LLM using different versions of the same question. This could expose inconsistencies in its knowledge or operation, indicating potential for bias or hallucination. However, to operationalize this auditing method at scale, we need an approach to create those probes reliably and automatically. In this paper we propose the LLMAuditor framework which is an automatic, and scalable solution, where one uses a different LLM along with human-in-the-loop (HIL). This approach offers verifiability and transparency, while avoiding circular reliance on the same LLM, and increasing scientific rigor and generalizability. Specifically, LLMAuditor includes two phases of verification using humans: standardized evaluation criteria to verify responses, and a structured prompt template to generate desired probes. A case study using questions from the TruthfulQA dataset demonstrates that we can generate a reliable set of probes from one LLM that can be used to audit inconsistencies in a different LLM. This process is enhanced by our structured prompt template with HIL, which not only boosts the reliability of our approach in auditing but also yields the delivery of less hallucinated results. The novelty of our research stems from the development of a comprehensive, general-purpose framework that includes a HIL verified prompt template for auditing responses generated by LLMs.

replace Toward TransfORmers: Revolutionizing the Solution of Mixed Integer Programs with Transformers

Authors: Joshua F. Cooper, Seung Jin Choi, I. Esra Buyuktahtakin

Abstract: In this study, we introduce an innovative deep learning framework that employs a transformer model to address the challenges of mixed-integer programs, specifically focusing on the Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem (CLSP). Our approach, to our knowledge, is the first to utilize transformers to predict the binary variables of a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem. Specifically, our approach harnesses the encoder decoder transformer's ability to process sequential data, making it well-suited for predicting binary variables indicating production setup decisions in each period of the CLSP. This problem is inherently dynamic, and we need to handle sequential decision making under constraints. We present an efficient algorithm in which CLSP solutions are learned through a transformer neural network. The proposed post-processed transformer algorithm surpasses the state-of-the-art solver, CPLEX and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) in solution time, optimal gap, and percent infeasibility over 240K benchmark CLSP instances tested. After the ML model is trained, conducting inference on the model, reduces the MIP into a linear program (LP). This transforms the ML-based algorithm, combined with an LP solver, into a polynomial-time approximation algorithm to solve a well-known NP-Hard problem, with almost perfect solution quality.

replace Large Language Models as Urban Residents: An LLM Agent Framework for Personal Mobility Generation

Authors: Jiawei Wang, Renhe Jiang, Chuang Yang, Zengqing Wu, Makoto Onizuka, Ryosuke Shibasaki, Noboru Koshizuka, Chuan Xiao

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach using Large Language Models (LLMs) integrated into an agent framework for flexible and effective personal mobility generation. LLMs overcome the limitations of previous models by effectively processing semantic data and offering versatility in modeling various tasks. Our approach addresses three research questions: aligning LLMs with real-world urban mobility data, developing reliable activity generation strategies, and exploring LLM applications in urban mobility. The key technical contribution is a novel LLM agent framework that accounts for individual activity patterns and motivations, including a self-consistency approach to align LLMs with real-world activity data and a retrieval-augmented strategy for interpretable activity generation. We evaluate our LLM agent framework and compare it with state-of-the-art personal mobility generation approaches, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach and its potential applications in urban mobility. Overall, this study marks the pioneering work of designing an LLM agent framework for activity generation based on real-world human activity data, offering a promising tool for urban mobility analysis.

replace Identifying Causal Effects Under Functional Dependencies

Authors: Yizuo Chen, Adnan Darwiche

Abstract: We study the identification of causal effects, motivated by two improvements to identifiability which can be attained if one knows that some variables in a causal graph are functionally determined by their parents (without needing to know the specific functions). First, an unidentifiable causal effect may become identifiable when certain variables are functional. Second, certain functional variables can be excluded from being observed without affecting the identifiability of a causal effect, which may significantly reduce the number of needed variables in observational data. Our results are largely based on an elimination procedure which removes functional variables from a causal graph while preserving key properties in the resulting causal graph, including the identifiability of causal effects.

replace Clinical Reasoning over Tabular Data and Text with Bayesian Networks

Authors: Paloma Rabaey, Johannes Deleu, Stefan Heytens, Thomas Demeester

Abstract: Bayesian networks are well-suited for clinical reasoning on tabular data, but are less compatible with natural language data, for which neural networks provide a successful framework. This paper compares and discusses strategies to augment Bayesian networks with neural text representations, both in a generative and discriminative manner. This is illustrated with simulation results for a primary care use case (diagnosis of pneumonia) and discussed in a broader clinical context.

replace Embodied LLM Agents Learn to Cooperate in Organized Teams

Authors: Xudong Guo, Kaixuan Huang, Jiale Liu, Wenhui Fan, Natalia V\'elez, Qingyun Wu, Huazheng Wang, Thomas L. Griffiths, Mengdi Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as integral tools for reasoning, planning, and decision-making, drawing upon their extensive world knowledge and proficiency in language-related tasks. LLMs thus hold tremendous potential for natural language interaction within multi-agent systems to foster cooperation. However, LLM agents tend to over-report and comply with any instruction, which may result in information redundancy and confusion in multi-agent cooperation. Inspired by human organizations, this paper introduces a framework that imposes prompt-based organization structures on LLM agents to mitigate these problems. Through a series of experiments with embodied LLM agents and human-agent collaboration, our results highlight the impact of designated leadership on team efficiency, shedding light on the leadership qualities displayed by LLM agents and their spontaneous cooperative behaviors. Further, we harness the potential of LLMs to propose enhanced organizational prompts, via a Criticize-Reflect process, resulting in novel organization structures that reduce communication costs and enhance team efficiency.

replace LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-term Microscopic Traffic Simulation

Authors: Ke Guo, Zhenwei Miao, Wei Jing, Weiwei Liu, Weizi Li, Dayang Hao, Jia Pan

Abstract: Microscopic traffic simulation plays a crucial role in transportation engineering by providing insights into individual vehicle behavior and overall traffic flow. However, creating a realistic simulator that accurately replicates human driving behaviors in various traffic conditions presents significant challenges. Traditional simulators relying on heuristic models often fail to deliver accurate simulations due to the complexity of real-world traffic environments. Due to the covariate shift issue, existing imitation learning-based simulators often fail to generate stable long-term simulations. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called learner-aware supervised imitation learning to address the covariate shift problem in multi-agent imitation learning. By leveraging a variational autoencoder simultaneously modeling the expert and learner state distribution, our approach augments expert states such that the augmented state is aware of learner state distribution. Our method, applied to urban traffic simulation, demonstrates significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art baselines in both short-term microscopic and long-term macroscopic realism when evaluated on the real-world dataset pNEUMA.

replace Thought of Search: Planning with Language Models Through The Lens of Efficiency

Authors: Michael Katz, Harsha Kokel, Kavitha Srinivas, Shirin Sohrabi

Abstract: Among the most important properties of algorithms investigated in computer science are soundness, completeness, and complexity. These properties, however, are rarely analyzed for the vast collection of recently proposed methods for planning with large language models. In this work, we alleviate this gap. We analyse these properties of using LLMs for planning and highlight that recent trends abandon both soundness and completeness for the sake of inefficiency. We propose a significantly more efficient approach that can, at the same time, maintain both soundness and completeness. We exemplify on four representative search problems, comparing to the LLM-based solutions from the literature that attempt to solve these problems. We show that by using LLMs to produce the code for the search components we can solve the entire datasets with 100\% accuracy with only a few calls to the LLM. We argue for a responsible use of compute resources; urging research community to investigate sound and complete LLM-based approaches that uphold efficiency.

replace A Farewell to Harms: Risk Management for Medical Devices via the Riskman Ontology & Shapes

Authors: Piotr Gorczyca, D\"orthe Arndt, Martin Diller, Pascal Kettmann, Stephan Mennicke, Hannes Strass

Abstract: We introduce the Riskman ontology & shapes for representing and analysing information about risk management for medical devices. Risk management is concerned with taking necessary precautions so a medical device does not cause harms for users or the environment. To date, risk management documentation is submitted to notified bodies (for certification) in the form of semi-structured natural language text. We propose to use classes from the Riskman ontology to logically model risk management documentation and to use the included SHACL constraints to check for syntactic completeness and conformity to relevant standards. In particular, the ontology is modelled after ISO 14971 and the recently published VDE Spec 90025. Our proposed methodology has the potential to save many person-hours for both manufacturers (when creating risk management documentation) as well as notified bodies (when assessing submitted applications for certification), and thus offers considerable benefits for healthcare and, by extension, society as a whole.

replace-cross Zero-Knowledge Games

Authors: Ian Malloy

Abstract: In this paper we model a game such that all strategies are non-revealing, with imperfect recall and incomplete information. We also introduce a modified sliding-block code as a linear transformation which generates common knowledge of how informed a player is. Ultimately, we see that between two players in a zero-knowledge game where both players are informed, the utility of trust is established in the mixed strategy Nash equilibrium. A zero-knowledge game is one of trust and soundness, placing utility in being informed. For any player who may be uninformed, such players reveal they are uninformed.

replace-cross A Cascade Dual-Decoder Model for Joint Entity and Relation Extraction

Authors: Jian Cheng, Tian Zhang, Shuang Zhang, Huimin Ren, Guo Yu, Xiliang Zhang, Shangce Gao, Lianbo Ma

Abstract: In knowledge graph construction, a challenging issue is how to extract complex (e.g., overlapping) entities and relationships from a small amount of unstructured historical data. The traditional pipeline methods are to divide the extraction into two separate subtasks, which misses the potential interaction between the two subtasks and may lead to error propagation. In this work, we propose an effective cascade dual-decoder method to extract overlapping relational triples, which includes a text-specific relation decoder and a relation-corresponded entity decoder. Our approach is straightforward and it includes a text-specific relation decoder and a relation-corresponded entity decoder. The text-specific relation decoder detects relations from a sentence at the text level. That is, it does this according to the semantic information of the whole sentence. For each extracted relation, which is with trainable embedding, the relation-corresponded entity decoder detects the corresponding head and tail entities using a span-based tagging scheme. In this way, the overlapping triple problem can be tackled naturally. We conducted experiments on a real-world open-pit mine dataset and two public datasets to verify the method's generalizability. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and competitiveness of our proposed method and achieve better F1 scores under strict evaluation metrics. Our implementation is available at


replace-cross Translating Subgraphs to Nodes Makes Simple GNNs Strong and Efficient for Subgraph Representation Learning

Authors: Dongkwan Kim, Alice Oh

Abstract: Subgraph representation learning has emerged as an important problem, but it is by default approached with specialized graph neural networks on a large global graph. These models demand extensive memory and computational resources but challenge modeling hierarchical structures of subgraphs. In this paper, we propose Subgraph-To-Node (S2N) translation, a novel formulation for learning representations of subgraphs. Specifically, given a set of subgraphs in the global graph, we construct a new graph by coarsely transforming subgraphs into nodes. Demonstrating both theoretical and empirical evidence, S2N not only significantly reduces memory and computational costs compared to state-of-the-art models but also outperforms them by capturing both local and global structures of the subgraph. By leveraging graph coarsening methods, our method outperforms baselines even in a data-scarce setting with insufficient subgraphs. Our experiments on eight benchmarks demonstrate that fined-tuned models with S2N translation can process 183 -- 711 times more subgraph samples than state-of-the-art models at a better or similar performance level.

replace-cross GraphFramEx: Towards Systematic Evaluation of Explainability Methods for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Kenza Amara, Rex Ying, Zitao Zhang, Zhihao Han, Yinan Shan, Ulrik Brandes, Sebastian Schemm, Ce Zhang

Abstract: As one of the most popular machine learning models today, graph neural networks (GNNs) have attracted intense interest recently, and so does their explainability. Users are increasingly interested in a better understanding of GNN models and their outcomes. Unfortunately, today's evaluation frameworks for GNN explainability often rely on few inadequate synthetic datasets, leading to conclusions of limited scope due to a lack of complexity in the problem instances. As GNN models are deployed to more mission-critical applications, we are in dire need for a common evaluation protocol of explainability methods of GNNs. In this paper, we propose, to our best knowledge, the first systematic evaluation framework for GNN explainability, considering explainability on three different "user needs". We propose a unique metric that combines the fidelity measures and classifies explanations based on their quality of being sufficient or necessary. We scope ourselves to node classification tasks and compare the most representative techniques in the field of input-level explainability for GNNs. For the inadequate but widely used synthetic benchmarks, surprisingly shallow techniques such as personalized PageRank have the best performance for a minimum computation time. But when the graph structure is more complex and nodes have meaningful features, gradient-based methods are the best according to our evaluation criteria. However, none dominates the others on all evaluation dimensions and there is always a trade-off. We further apply our evaluation protocol in a case study for frauds explanation on eBay transaction graphs to reflect the production environment.

replace-cross Interaction Pattern Disentangling for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Shunyu Liu, Jie Song, Yihe Zhou, Na Yu, Kaixuan Chen, Zunlei Feng, Mingli Song

Abstract: Deep cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning has demonstrated its remarkable success over a wide spectrum of complex control tasks. However, recent advances in multi-agent learning mainly focus on value decomposition while leaving entity interactions still intertwined, which easily leads to over-fitting on noisy interactions between entities. In this work, we introduce a novel interactiOn Pattern disenTangling (OPT) method, to disentangle the entity interactions into interaction prototypes, each of which represents an underlying interaction pattern within a subgroup of the entities. OPT facilitates filtering the noisy interactions between irrelevant entities and thus significantly improves generalizability as well as interpretability. Specifically, OPT introduces a sparse disagreement mechanism to encourage sparsity and diversity among discovered interaction prototypes. Then the model selectively restructures these prototypes into a compact interaction pattern by an aggregator with learnable weights. To alleviate the training instability issue caused by partial observability, we propose to maximize the mutual information between the aggregation weights and the history behaviors of each agent. Experiments on single-task, multi-task and zero-shot benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed method yields results superior to the state-of-the-art counterparts. Our code is available at


replace-cross Sauron U-Net: Simple automated redundancy elimination in medical image segmentation via filter pruning

Authors: Juan Miguel Valverde, Artem Shatillo, Jussi Tohka

Abstract: We introduce Sauron, a filter pruning method that eliminates redundant feature maps of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Sauron optimizes, jointly with the loss function, a regularization term that promotes feature maps clustering at each convolutional layer by reducing the distance between feature maps. Sauron then eliminates the filters corresponding to the redundant feature maps by using automatically adjusted layer-specific thresholds. Unlike most filter pruning methods, Sauron requires minimal changes to typical neural network optimization because it prunes and optimizes CNNs jointly, which, in turn, accelerates the optimization over time. Moreover, unlike with other cluster-based approaches, the user does not need to specify the number of clusters in advance, a hyperparameter that is difficult to tune. We evaluated Sauron and five state-of-the-art filter pruning methods on four medical image segmentation tasks. This is an area where little attention has been paid to filter pruning, but where smaller CNN models are desirable for local deployment, mitigating privacy concerns associated with cloud-based solutions. Sauron was the only method that achieved a reduction in model size of over 90% without deteriorating substantially the performance. Sauron also achieved, overall, the fastest models at inference time in machines with and without GPUs. Finally, we show through experiments that the feature maps of models pruned with Sauron are highly interpretable, which is essential for medical image segmentation.

replace-cross GeONet: a neural operator for learning the Wasserstein geodesic

Authors: Andrew Gracyk, Xiaohui Chen

Abstract: Optimal transport (OT) offers a versatile framework to compare complex data distributions in a geometrically meaningful way. Traditional methods for computing the Wasserstein distance and geodesic between probability measures require mesh-specific domain discretization and suffer from the curse-of-dimensionality. We present GeONet, a mesh-invariant deep neural operator network that learns the non-linear mapping from the input pair of initial and terminal distributions to the Wasserstein geodesic connecting the two endpoint distributions. In the offline training stage, GeONet learns the saddle point optimality conditions for the dynamic formulation of the OT problem in the primal and dual spaces that are characterized by a coupled PDE system. The subsequent inference stage is instantaneous and can be deployed for real-time predictions in the online learning setting. We demonstrate that GeONet achieves comparable testing accuracy to the standard OT solvers on simulation examples and the MNIST dataset with considerably reduced inference-stage computational cost by orders of magnitude.

replace-cross On the Effectiveness of Hybrid Pooling in Mixup-Based Graph Learning for Language Processing

Authors: Zeming Dong, Qiang Hu, Zhenya Zhang, Yuejun Guo, Maxime Cordy, Mike Papadakis, Yves Le Traon, Jianjun Zhao

Abstract: Graph neural network (GNN)-based graph learning has been popular in natural language and programming language processing, particularly in text and source code classification. Typically, GNNs are constructed by incorporating alternating layers which learn transformations of graph node features, along with graph pooling layers that use graph pooling operators (e.g., Max-pooling) to effectively reduce the number of nodes while preserving the semantic information of the graph. Recently, to enhance GNNs in graph learning tasks, Manifold-Mixup, a data augmentation technique that produces synthetic graph data by linearly mixing a pair of graph data and their labels, has been widely adopted. However, the performance of Manifold-Mixup can be highly affected by graph pooling operators, and there have not been many studies that are dedicated to uncovering such affection. To bridge this gap, we take an early step to explore how graph pooling operators affect the performance of Mixup-based graph learning. To that end, we conduct a comprehensive empirical study by applying Manifold-Mixup to a formal characterization of graph pooling based on 11 graph pooling operations (9 hybrid pooling operators, 2 non-hybrid pooling operators). The experimental results on both natural language datasets (Gossipcop, Politifact) and programming language datasets (JAVA250, Python800) demonstrate that hybrid pooling operators are more effective for Manifold-Mixup than the standard Max-pooling and the state-of-the-art graph multiset transformer (GMT) pooling, in terms of producing more accurate and robust GNN models.

replace-cross Unifying O(3) Equivariant Neural Networks Design with Tensor-Network Formalism

Authors: Zimu Li, Zihan Pengmei, Han Zheng, Erik Thiede, Junyu Liu, Risi Kondor

Abstract: Many learning tasks, including learning potential energy surfaces from ab initio calculations, involve global spatial symmetries and permutational symmetry between atoms or general particles. Equivariant graph neural networks are a standard approach to such problems, with one of the most successful methods employing tensor products between various tensors that transform under the spatial group. However, as the number of different tensors and the complexity of relationships between them increase, maintaining parsimony and equivariance becomes increasingly challenging. In this paper, we propose using fusion diagrams, a technique widely employed in simulating SU($2$)-symmetric quantum many-body problems, to design new equivariant components for equivariant neural networks. This results in a diagrammatic approach to constructing novel neural network architectures. When applied to particles within a given local neighborhood, the resulting components, which we term "fusion blocks," serve as universal approximators of any continuous equivariant function defined in the neighborhood. We incorporate a fusion block into pre-existing equivariant architectures (Cormorant and MACE), leading to improved performance with fewer parameters on a range of challenging chemical problems. Furthermore, we apply group-equivariant neural networks to study non-adiabatic molecular dynamics of stilbene cis-trans isomerization. Our approach, which combines tensor networks with equivariant neural networks, suggests a potentially fruitful direction for designing more expressive equivariant neural networks.

replace-cross CSCD-NS: a Chinese Spelling Check Dataset for Native Speakers

Authors: Yong Hu, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou

Abstract: In this paper, we present CSCD-NS, the first Chinese spelling check (CSC) dataset designed for native speakers, containing 40,000 samples from a Chinese social platform. Compared with existing CSC datasets aimed at Chinese learners, CSCD-NS is ten times larger in scale and exhibits a distinct error distribution, with a significantly higher proportion of word-level errors. To further enhance the data resource, we propose a novel method that simulates the input process through an input method, generating large-scale and high-quality pseudo data that closely resembles the actual error distribution and outperforms existing methods. Moreover, we investigate the performance of various models in this scenario, including large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT. The result indicates that generative models underperform BERT-like classification models due to strict length and pronunciation constraints. The high prevalence of word-level errors also makes CSC for native speakers challenging enough, leaving substantial room for improvement.

replace-cross Deep Emotion Recognition in Textual Conversations: A Survey

Authors: Patr\'icia Pereira, Helena Moniz, Joao Paulo Carvalho

Abstract: While Emotion Recognition in Conversations (ERC) has seen a tremendous advancement in the last few years, new applications and implementation scenarios present novel challenges and opportunities. These range from leveraging the conversational context, speaker and emotion dynamics modelling, to interpreting common sense expressions, informal language and sarcasm, addressing challenges of real time ERC, recognizing emotion causes, different taxonomies across datasets, multilingual ERC to interpretability. This survey starts by introducing ERC, elaborating on the challenges and opportunities pertaining to this task. It proceeds with a description of the emotion taxonomies and a variety of ERC benchmark datasets employing such taxonomies. This is followed by descriptions of the most prominent works in ERC with explanations of the Deep Learning architectures employed. Then, it provides advisable ERC practices towards better frameworks, elaborating on methods to deal with subjectivity in annotations and modelling and methods to deal with the typically unbalanced ERC datasets. Finally, it presents systematic review tables comparing several works regarding the methods used and their performance. The survey highlights the advantage of leveraging techniques to address unbalanced data, the exploration of mixed emotions and the benefits of incorporating annotation subjectivity in the learning phase.

replace-cross Evaluation of Test-Time Adaptation Under Computational Time Constraints

Authors: Motasem Alfarra, Hani Itani, Alejandro Pardo, Shyma Alhuwaider, Merey Ramazanova, Juan C. P\'erez, Zhipeng Cai, Matthias M\"uller, Bernard Ghanem

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel online evaluation protocol for Test Time Adaptation (TTA) methods, which penalizes slower methods by providing them with fewer samples for adaptation. TTA methods leverage unlabeled data at test time to adapt to distribution shifts. Although many effective methods have been proposed, their impressive performance usually comes at the cost of significantly increased computation budgets. Current evaluation protocols overlook the effect of this extra computation cost, affecting their real-world applicability. To address this issue, we propose a more realistic evaluation protocol for TTA methods, where data is received in an online fashion from a constant-speed data stream, thereby accounting for the method's adaptation speed. We apply our proposed protocol to benchmark several TTA methods on multiple datasets and scenarios. Extensive experiments show that, when accounting for inference speed, simple and fast approaches can outperform more sophisticated but slower methods. For example, SHOT from 2020, outperforms the state-of-the-art method SAR from 2023 in this setting. Our results reveal the importance of developing practical TTA methods that are both accurate and efficient.

replace-cross A Rational Model of Dimension-reduced Human Categorization

Authors: Yifan Hong, Chen Wang

Abstract: Humans can categorize with only a few samples despite the numerous features. To mimic this ability, we propose a novel dimension-reduced category representation using a mixture of probabilistic principal component analyzers (mPPCA). Tests on the ${\tt CIFAR-10H}$ dataset demonstrate that mPPCA with only a single principal component for each category effectively predicts human categorization of natural images. We further impose a hierarchical prior on mPPCA to account for new category generalization. mPPCA captures human behavior in our experiments on images with simple size-color combinations. We also provide sufficient and necessary conditions when reducing dimensions in categorization is rational.

replace-cross On the Weight Dynamics of Deep Normalized Networks

Authors: Christian H. X. Ali Mehmeti-G\"opel, Michael Wand

Abstract: Recent studies have shown that high disparities in effective learning rates (ELRs) across layers in deep neural networks can negatively affect trainability. We formalize how these disparities evolve over time by modeling weight dynamics (evolution of expected gradient and weight norms) of networks with normalization layers, predicting the evolution of layer-wise ELR ratios. We prove that when training with any constant learning rate, ELR ratios converge to 1, despite initial gradient explosion. We identify a ``critical learning rate" beyond which ELR disparities widen, which only depends on current ELRs. To validate our findings, we devise a hyper-parameter-free warm-up method that successfully minimizes ELR spread quickly in theory and practice. Our experiments link ELR spread with trainability, a relationship that is most evident in very deep networks with significant gradient magnitude excursions.

replace-cross Carefully Blending Adversarial Training and Purification Improves Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Emanuele Ballarin, Alessio Ansuini, Luca Bortolussi

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel adversarial defence mechanism for image classification - CARSO - blending the paradigms of adversarial training and adversarial purification in a synergistic robustness-enhancing way. The method builds upon an adversarially-trained classifier, and learns to map its internal representation associated with a potentially perturbed input onto a distribution of tentative clean reconstructions. Multiple samples from such distribution are classified by the same adversarially-trained model, and an aggregation of its outputs finally constitutes the robust prediction of interest. Experimental evaluation by a well-established benchmark of strong adaptive attacks, across different image datasets, shows that CARSO is able to defend itself against adaptive end-to-end white-box attacks devised for stochastic defences. Paying a modest clean accuracy toll, our method improves by a significant margin the state-of-the-art for CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and TinyImageNet-200 $\ell_\infty$ robust classification accuracy against AutoAttack. Code, and instructions to obtain pre-trained models are available at .


replace-cross Automated identification and quantification of myocardial inflammatory infiltration in digital histological images to diagnose myocarditis

Authors: Yanyun Liu, Xiumeng Hua, Shouping Zhu, Congrui Wang, Xiao Chen, Yu Shi, Jiangping Song, Weihua Zhou

Abstract: This study aims to develop a new computational pathology approach that automates the identification and quantification of myocardial inflammatory infiltration in digital HE-stained images to provide a quantitative histological diagnosis of myocarditis.898 HE-stained whole slide images (WSIs) of myocardium from 154 heart transplant patients diagnosed with myocarditis or dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) were included in this study. An automated DL-based computational pathology approach was developed to identify nuclei and detect myocardial inflammatory infiltration, enabling the quantification of the lymphocyte nuclear density (LND) on myocardial WSIs. A cutoff value based on the quantification of LND was proposed to determine if the myocardial inflammatory infiltration was present. The performance of our approach was evaluated with a five-fold cross-validation experiment, tested with an internal test set from the myocarditis group, and confirmed by an external test from a double-blind trial group. An LND of 1.02/mm2 could distinguish WSIs with myocarditis from those without. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) in the five-fold cross-validation experiment were 0.899 plus or minus 0.035, 0.971 plus or minus 0.017, 0.728 plus or minus 0.073 and 0.849 plus or minus 0.044, respectively. For the internal test set, the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC were 0.887, 0.971, 0.737, and 0.854, respectively. The accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and AUC for the external test set reached 0.853, 0.846, 0.858, and 0.852, respectively. Our new approach provides accurate and reliable quantification of the LND of myocardial WSIs, facilitating automated quantitative diagnosis of myocarditis with HE-stained images.

replace-cross Dialogue Agents 101: A Beginner's Guide to Critical Ingredients for Designing Effective Conversational Systems

Authors: Shivani Kumar, Sumit Bhatia, Milan Aggarwal, Tanmoy Chakraborty

Abstract: Sharing ideas through communication with peers is the primary mode of human interaction. Consequently, extensive research has been conducted in the area of conversational AI, leading to an increase in the availability and diversity of conversational tasks, datasets, and methods. However, with numerous tasks being explored simultaneously, the current landscape of conversational AI becomes fragmented. Therefore, initiating a well-thought-out model for a dialogue agent can pose significant challenges for a practitioner. Towards highlighting the critical ingredients needed for a practitioner to design a dialogue agent from scratch, the current study provides a comprehensive overview of the primary characteristics of a dialogue agent, the supporting tasks, their corresponding open-domain datasets, and the methods used to benchmark these datasets. We observe that different methods have been used to tackle distinct dialogue tasks. However, building separate models for each task is costly and does not leverage the correlation among the several tasks of a dialogue agent. As a result, recent trends suggest a shift towards building unified foundation models. To this end, we propose UNIT, a UNified dIalogue dataseT constructed from conversations of existing datasets for different dialogue tasks capturing the nuances for each of them. We also examine the evaluation strategies used to measure the performance of dialogue agents and highlight the scope for future research in the area of conversational AI.

replace-cross Decision-Focused Learning: Foundations, State of the Art, Benchmark and Future Opportunities

Authors: Jayanta Mandi, James Kotary, Senne Berden, Maxime Mulamba, Victor Bucarey, Tias Guns, Ferdinando Fioretto

Abstract: Decision-focused learning (DFL) is an emerging paradigm that integrates machine learning (ML) and constrained optimization to enhance decision quality by training ML models in an end-to-end system. This approach shows significant potential to revolutionize combinatorial decision-making in real-world applications that operate under uncertainty, where estimating unknown parameters within decision models is a major challenge. This paper presents a comprehensive review of DFL, providing an in-depth analysis of both gradient-based and gradient-free techniques used to combine ML and constrained optimization. It evaluates the strengths and limitations of these techniques and includes an extensive empirical evaluation of eleven methods across seven problems. The survey also offers insights into recent advancements and future research directions in DFL. Code and benchmark:


replace-cross LaFiCMIL: Rethinking Large File Classification from the Perspective of Correlated Multiple Instance Learning

Authors: Tiezhu Sun, Weiguo Pian, Nadia Daoudi, Kevin Allix, Tegawend\'e F. Bissyand\'e, Jacques Klein

Abstract: Transfomer-based models have significantly advanced natural language processing, in particular the performance in text classification tasks. Nevertheless, these models face challenges in processing large files, primarily due to their input constraints, which are generally restricted to hundreds or thousands of tokens. Attempts to address this issue in existing models usually consist in extracting only a fraction of the essential information from lengthy inputs, while often incurring high computational costs due to their complex architectures. In this work, we address the challenge of classifying large files from the perspective of correlated multiple instance learning. We introduce LaFiCMIL, a method specifically designed for large file classification. LaFiCMIL is optimized for efficient operation on a single GPU, making it a versatile solution for binary, multi-class, and multi-label classification tasks. We conducted extensive experiments using seven diverse and comprehensive benchmark datasets to assess LaFiCMIL's effectiveness. By integrating BERT for feature extraction, LaFiCMIL demonstrates exceptional performance, setting new benchmarks across all datasets. A notable achievement of our approach is its ability to scale BERT to handle nearly 20,000 tokens while operating on a single GPU with 32GB of memory. This efficiency, coupled with its state-of-the-art performance, highlights LaFiCMIL's potential as a groundbreaking approach in the field of large file classification.

replace-cross RecycleGPT: An Autoregressive Language Model with Recyclable Module

Authors: Yufan Jiang, Qiaozhi He, Xiaomin Zhuang, Zhihua Wu, Kunpeng Wang, Wenlai Zhao, Guangwen Yang

Abstract: Existing large language models have to run K times to generate a sequence of K tokens. In this paper, we present RecycleGPT, a generative language model with fast decoding speed by recycling pre-generated model states without running the whole model in multiple steps. Our approach relies on the observation that adjacent tokens in a sequence usually have strong correlations and the next token in a sequence can be reasonably guessed or inferred based on the preceding ones. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in lowering inference latency, achieving up to 1.4x speedup while preserving high performance.

replace-cross On-Chip Hardware-Aware Quantization for Mixed Precision Neural Networks

Authors: Wei Huang, Haotong Qin, Yangdong Liu, Jingzhuo Liang, Yulun Zhang, Ying Li, Xianglong Liu

Abstract: Low-bit quantization emerges as one of the most promising compression approaches for deploying deep neural networks on edge devices. Mixed-precision quantization leverages a mixture of bit-widths to unleash the accuracy and efficiency potential of quantized models. However, existing mixed-precision quantization methods rely on simulations in high-performance devices to achieve accuracy and efficiency trade-offs in immense search spaces. This leads to a non-negligible gap between the estimated efficiency metrics and the actual hardware that makes quantized models far away from the optimal accuracy and efficiency, and also causes the quantization process to rely on additional high-performance devices. In this paper, we propose an On-Chip Hardware-Aware Quantization (OHQ) framework, performing hardware-aware mixed-precision quantization on deployed edge devices to achieve accurate and efficient computing. Specifically, for efficiency metrics, we built an On-Chip Quantization Aware pipeline, which allows the quantization process to perceive the actual hardware efficiency of the quantization operator and avoid optimization errors caused by inaccurate simulation. For accuracy metrics, we propose Mask-Guided Quantization Estimation technology to effectively estimate the accuracy impact of operators in the on-chip scenario, getting rid of the dependence of the quantization process on high computing power. By synthesizing insights from quantized models and hardware through linear optimization, we can obtain optimized bit-width configurations to achieve outstanding performance on accuracy and efficiency. We evaluate inference accuracy and acceleration with quantization for various architectures and compression ratios on hardware. OHQ achieves 70% and 73% accuracy for ResNet-18 and MobileNetV3, respectively, and can reduce latency by 15~30% compared to INT8 on real deployment.

replace-cross Optimize Weight Rounding via Signed Gradient Descent for the Quantization of LLMs

Authors: Wenhua Cheng, Weiwei Zhang, Haihao Shen, Yiyang Cai, Xin He, Kaokao Lv, Yi Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional proficiency in language-related tasks, but their deployment poses significant challenges due to substantial memory and storage requirements. Weight-only quantization has emerged as a promising solution to address these challenges. Previous research suggests that fine-tuning through up and down rounding can enhance performance. In this study, we introduce SignRound, a method that utilizes signed gradient descent (SignSGD) to optimize rounding values and weight clipping within just 200 steps. SignRound integrates the advantages of Quantization-Aware Training (QAT) and Post-Training Quantization (PTQ), achieving exceptional results across 2 to 4 bits while maintaining low tuning costs and avoiding additional inference overhead. For example, SignRound achieves absolute average accuracy improvements ranging from 6.91\% to 33.22\% at 2 bits. It also demonstrates robust generalization to recent models and achieves near-lossless quantization in most scenarios at 4 bits. The source code is publicly available at \url{}.


replace-cross A Systematic Literature Review of Computer Vision Applications in Robotized Wire Harness Assembly

Authors: Hao Wang, Omkar Salunkhe, Walter Quadrini, Dan L\"amkull, Fredrik Ore, M\'elanie Despeisse, Luca Fumagalli, Johan Stahre, Bj\"orn Johansson

Abstract: This article provides a systematic literature review of computer vision applications in robotized wire harness assembly.

replace-cross 2-Cats: 2D Copula Approximating Transforms

Authors: Flavio Figueiredo, Jos\'e Geraldo Fernandes, Jackson Silva, Renato M. Assun\c{c}\~ao

Abstract: Copulas are powerful statistical tools for capturing dependencies across data dimensions. Applying Copulas involves estimating independent marginals, a straightforward task, followed by the much more challenging task of determining a single copulating function, $C$, that links these marginals. For bivariate data, a copula takes the form of a two-increasing function $C: (u,v)\in \mathbb{I}^2 \rightarrow \mathbb{I}$, where $\mathbb{I} = [0, 1]$. This paper proposes 2-Cats, a Neural Network (NN) model that learns two-dimensional Copulas without relying on specific Copula families (e.g., Archimedean). Furthermore, via both theoretical properties of the model and a Lagrangian training approach, we show that 2-Cats meets the desiderata of Copula properties. Moreover, inspired by the literature on Physics-Informed Neural Networks and Sobolev Training, we further extend our training strategy to learn not only the output of a Copula but also its derivatives. Our proposed method exhibits superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art across various datasets while respecting (provably for most and approximately for a single other) properties of C.

replace-cross Asynchronous Graph Generator

Authors: Christopher P. Ley, Felipe Tobar

Abstract: We introduce the asynchronous graph generator (AGG), a novel graph attention network for imputation and prediction of multi-channel time series. Free from recurrent components or assumptions about temporal/spatial regularity, AGG encodes measurements, timestamps and channel-specific features directly in the nodes via learnable embeddings. Through an attention mechanism, these embeddings allow for discovering expressive relationships among the variables of interest in the form of a homogeneous graph. Once trained, AGG performs imputation by \emph{conditional attention generation}, i.e., by creating a new node conditioned on given timestamps and channel specification. The proposed AGG is compared to related methods in the literature and its performance is analysed from a data augmentation perspective. Our experiments reveal that AGG achieved state-of-the-art results in time series imputation, classification and prediction for the benchmark datasets \emph{Beijing Air Quality}, \emph{PhysioNet ICU 2012} and \emph{UCI localisation}, outperforming other recent attention-based networks.

replace-cross Can GPT-4 Replicate Empirical Software Engineering Research?

Authors: Jenny T. Liang, Carmen Badea, Christian Bird, Robert DeLine, Denae Ford, Nicole Forsgren, Thomas Zimmermann

Abstract: Empirical software engineering research on production systems has brought forth a better understanding of the software engineering process for practitioners and researchers alike. However, only a small subset of production systems is studied, limiting the impact of this research. While software engineering practitioners could benefit from replicating research on their own data, this poses its own set of challenges, since performing replications requires a deep understanding of research methodologies and subtle nuances in software engineering data. Given that large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, show promise in tackling both software engineering- and science-related tasks, these models could help replicate and thus democratize empirical software engineering research. In this paper, we examine GPT-4's abilities to perform replications of empirical software engineering research on new data. We study their ability to surface assumptions made in empirical software engineering research methodologies, as well as their ability to plan and generate code for analysis pipelines on seven empirical software engineering papers. We perform a user study with 14 participants with software engineering research expertise, who evaluate GPT-4-generated assumptions and analysis plans (i.e., a list of module specifications) from the papers. We find that GPT-4 is able to surface correct assumptions, but struggles to generate ones that apply common knowledge about software engineering data. In a manual analysis of the generated code, we find that the GPT-4-generated code contains correct high-level logic, given a subset of the methodology. However, the code contains many small implementation-level errors, reflecting a lack of software engineering knowledge. Our findings have implications for leveraging LLMs for software engineering research as well as practitioner data scientists in software teams.

replace-cross Network Alignment with Transferable Graph Autoencoders

Authors: Jiashu He, Charilaos I. Kanatsoulis, Alejandro Ribeiro

Abstract: Network alignment is the task of establishing one-to-one correspondences between the nodes of different graphs and finds a plethora of applications in high-impact domains. However, this task is known to be NP-hard in its general form, and existing algorithms do not scale up as the size of the graphs increases. To tackle both challenges we propose a novel generalized graph autoencoder architecture, designed to extract powerful and robust node embeddings, that are tailored to the alignment task. We prove that the generated embeddings are associated with the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the graphs and can achieve more accurate alignment compared to classical spectral methods. Our proposed framework also leverages transfer learning and data augmentation to achieve efficient network alignment at a very large scale without retraining. Extensive experiments on both network and sub-network alignment with real-world graphs provide corroborating evidence supporting the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed approach.

replace-cross Uncovering Hidden Connections: Iterative Search and Reasoning for Video-grounded Dialog

Authors: Haoyu Zhang, Meng Liu, Yaowei Wang, Da Cao, Weili Guan, Liqiang Nie

Abstract: In contrast to conventional visual question answering, video-grounded dialog necessitates a profound understanding of both dialog history and video content for accurate response generation. Despite commendable progress made by existing approaches, they still face the challenges of incrementally understanding complex dialog history and assimilating video information. In response to these challenges, we present an iterative search and reasoning framework, which consists of a textual encoder, a visual encoder, and a generator. Specifically, we devise a path search and aggregation strategy in the textual encoder, mining core cues from dialog history that are pivotal to understanding the posed questions. Concurrently, our visual encoder harnesses an iterative reasoning network to extract and emphasize critical visual markers from videos, enhancing the depth of visual comprehension. Finally, we utilize the pre-trained GPT-2 model as our answer generator to decode the mined hidden clues into coherent and contextualized answers. Extensive experiments on three public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our proposed framework.

replace-cross Phenomenal Yet Puzzling: Testing Inductive Reasoning Capabilities of Language Models with Hypothesis Refinement

Authors: Linlu Qiu, Liwei Jiang, Ximing Lu, Melanie Sclar, Valentina Pyatkin, Chandra Bhagavatula, Bailin Wang, Yoon Kim, Yejin Choi, Nouha Dziri, Xiang Ren

Abstract: The ability to derive underlying principles from a handful of observations and then generalize to novel situations -- known as inductive reasoning -- is central to human intelligence. Prior work suggests that language models (LMs) often fall short on inductive reasoning, despite achieving impressive success on research benchmarks. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of the inductive reasoning capabilities of LMs through iterative hypothesis refinement, a technique that more closely mirrors the human inductive process than standard input-output prompting. Iterative hypothesis refinement employs a three-step process: proposing, selecting, and refining hypotheses in the form of textual rules. By examining the intermediate rules, we observe that LMs are phenomenal hypothesis proposers (i.e., generating candidate rules), and when coupled with a (task-specific) symbolic interpreter that is able to systematically filter the proposed set of rules, this hybrid approach achieves strong results across inductive reasoning benchmarks that require inducing causal relations, language-like instructions, and symbolic concepts. However, they also behave as puzzling inductive reasoners, showing notable performance gaps between rule induction (i.e., identifying plausible rules) and rule application (i.e., applying proposed rules to instances), suggesting that LMs are proposing hypotheses without being able to actually apply the rules. Through empirical and human analyses, we further reveal several discrepancies between the inductive reasoning processes of LMs and humans, shedding light on both the potentials and limitations of using LMs in inductive reasoning tasks.

replace-cross CompA: Addressing the Gap in Compositional Reasoning in Audio-Language Models

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Ashish Seth, Sonal Kumar, Utkarsh Tyagi, Chandra Kiran Evuru, S. Ramaneswaran, S. Sakshi, Oriol Nieto, Ramani Duraiswami, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: A fundamental characteristic of audio is its compositional nature. Audio-language models (ALMs) trained using a contrastive approach (e.g., CLAP) that learns a shared representation between audio and language modalities have improved performance in many downstream applications, including zero-shot audio classification, audio retrieval, etc. However, the ability of these models to effectively perform compositional reasoning remains largely unexplored and necessitates additional research. In this paper, we propose CompA, a collection of two expert-annotated benchmarks with a majority of real-world audio samples, to evaluate compositional reasoning in ALMs. Our proposed CompA-order evaluates how well an ALM understands the order or occurrence of acoustic events in audio, and CompA-attribute evaluates attribute-binding of acoustic events. An instance from either benchmark consists of two audio-caption pairs, where both audios have the same acoustic events but with different compositions. An ALM is evaluated on how well it matches the right audio to the right caption. Using this benchmark, we first show that current ALMs perform only marginally better than random chance, thereby struggling with compositional reasoning. Next, we propose CompA-CLAP, where we fine-tune CLAP using a novel learning method to improve its compositional reasoning abilities. To train CompA-CLAP, we first propose improvements to contrastive training with composition-aware hard negatives, allowing for more focused training. Next, we propose a novel modular contrastive loss that helps the model learn fine-grained compositional understanding and overcomes the acute scarcity of openly available compositional audios. CompA-CLAP significantly improves over all our baseline models on the CompA benchmark, indicating its superior compositional reasoning capabilities.

replace-cross Shape-aware Graph Spectral Learning

Authors: Junjie Xu, Enyan Dai, Dongsheng Luo, Xiang Zhang, Suhang Wang

Abstract: Spectral Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are gaining attention for their ability to surpass the limitations of message-passing GNNs. They rely on supervision from downstream tasks to learn spectral filters that capture the graph signal's useful frequency information. However, some works empirically show that the preferred graph frequency is related to the graph homophily level. This relationship between graph frequency and graphs with homophily/heterophily has not been systematically analyzed and considered in existing spectral GNNs. To mitigate this gap, we conduct theoretical and empirical analyses revealing a positive correlation between low-frequency importance and the homophily ratio, and a negative correlation between high-frequency importance and the homophily ratio. Motivated by this, we propose shape-aware regularization on a Newton Interpolation-based spectral filter that can (i) learn an arbitrary polynomial spectral filter and (ii) incorporate prior knowledge about the desired shape of the corresponding homophily level. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that NewtonNet can achieve graph spectral filters with desired shapes and superior performance on both homophilous and heterophilous datasets.

replace-cross From Identifiable Causal Representations to Controllable Counterfactual Generation: A Survey on Causal Generative Modeling

Authors: Aneesh Komanduri, Xintao Wu, Yongkai Wu, Feng Chen

Abstract: Deep generative models have shown tremendous capability in data density estimation and data generation from finite samples. While these models have shown impressive performance by learning correlations among features in the data, some fundamental shortcomings are their lack of explainability, tendency to induce spurious correlations, and poor out-of-distribution extrapolation. To remedy such challenges, recent work has proposed a shift toward causal generative models. Causal models offer several beneficial properties to deep generative models, such as distribution shift robustness, fairness, and interpretability. Structural causal models (SCMs) describe data-generating processes and model complex causal relationships and mechanisms among variables in a system. Thus, SCMs can naturally be combined with deep generative models. We provide a technical survey on causal generative modeling categorized into causal representation learning and controllable counterfactual generation methods. We focus on fundamental theory, methodology, drawbacks, datasets, and metrics. Then, we cover applications of causal generative models in fairness, privacy, out-of-distribution generalization, precision medicine, and biological sciences. Lastly, we discuss open problems and fruitful research directions for future work in the field.

replace-cross Document-Level In-Context Few-Shot Relation Extraction via Pre-Trained Language Models

Authors: Yilmazcan Ozyurt, Stefan Feuerriegel, Ce Zhang

Abstract: Document-level relation extraction aims at inferring structured human knowledge from textual documents. State-of-the-art methods for this task use pre-trained language models (LMs) via fine-tuning, yet fine-tuning is computationally expensive and cannot adapt to new relation types or new LMs. As a remedy, we leverage the generalization capabilities of pre-trained LMs and present a novel framework for document-level in-context few-shot relation extraction. Our framework has three strengths: it eliminates the need (1) for named entity recognition and (2) for human annotations of documents, and (3) it can be updated to new LMs without re-training. We evaluate our framework using DocRED, the largest publicly available dataset for document-level relation extraction, and demonstrate that our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance. We further show that our framework actually performs much better than the original labels from the development set of DocRED. Finally, we demonstrate that our complete framework yields consistent performance gains across diverse datasets and across different pre-trained LMs. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to reformulate the document-level relation extraction task as a tailored in-context few-shot learning paradigm.

replace-cross Managing extreme AI risks amid rapid progress

Authors: Yoshua Bengio, Geoffrey Hinton, Andrew Yao, Dawn Song, Pieter Abbeel, Trevor Darrell, Yuval Noah Harari, Ya-Qin Zhang, Lan Xue, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Gillian Hadfield, Jeff Clune, Tegan Maharaj, Frank Hutter, At{\i}l{\i}m G\"une\c{s} Baydin, Sheila McIlraith, Qiqi Gao, Ashwin Acharya, David Krueger, Anca Dragan, Philip Torr, Stuart Russell, Daniel Kahneman, Jan Brauner, S\"oren Mindermann

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is progressing rapidly, and companies are shifting their focus to developing generalist AI systems that can autonomously act and pursue goals. Increases in capabilities and autonomy may soon massively amplify AI's impact, with risks that include large-scale social harms, malicious uses, and an irreversible loss of human control over autonomous AI systems. Although researchers have warned of extreme risks from AI, there is a lack of consensus about how exactly such risks arise, and how to manage them. Society's response, despite promising first steps, is incommensurate with the possibility of rapid, transformative progress that is expected by many experts. AI safety research is lagging. Present governance initiatives lack the mechanisms and institutions to prevent misuse and recklessness, and barely address autonomous systems. In this short consensus paper, we describe extreme risks from upcoming, advanced AI systems. Drawing on lessons learned from other safety-critical technologies, we then outline a comprehensive plan combining technical research and development with proactive, adaptive governance mechanisms for a more commensurate preparation.

replace-cross LoRA Fine-tuning Efficiently Undoes Safety Training in Llama 2-Chat 70B

Authors: Simon Lermen, Charlie Rogers-Smith, Jeffrey Ladish

Abstract: AI developers often apply safety alignment procedures to prevent the misuse of their AI systems. For example, before Meta released Llama 2-Chat - a collection of instruction fine-tuned large language models - they invested heavily in safety training, incorporating extensive red-teaming and reinforcement learning from human feedback. We explore the robustness of safety training in language models by subversively fine-tuning Llama 2-Chat. We employ quantized low-rank adaptation (LoRA) as an efficient fine-tuning method. With a budget of less than \$200 and using only one GPU, we successfully undo the safety training of Llama 2-Chat models of sizes 7B, 13B, and 70B and on the Mixtral instruct model. Specifically, our fine-tuning technique significantly reduces the rate at which the model refuses to follow harmful instructions. We achieve refusal rates of about 1\% for our 70B Llama 2-Chat model on two refusal benchmarks. Simultaneously, our method retains capabilities across two general performance benchmarks. We show that subversive fine-tuning is practical and effective, and hence argue that evaluating risks from fine-tuning should be a core part of risk assessments for releasing model weights. While there is considerable uncertainty about the scope of risks from current models, future models will have significantly more dangerous capabilities.

replace-cross Sparse Training of Discrete Diffusion Models for Graph Generation

Authors: Yiming Qin, Clement Vignac, Pascal Frossard

Abstract: Generative graph models struggle to scale due to the need to predict the existence or type of edges between all node pairs. To address the resulting quadratic complexity, existing scalable models often impose restrictive assumptions such as a cluster structure within graphs, thus limiting their applicability. To address this, we introduce SparseDiff, a novel diffusion model based on the observation that almost all large graphs are sparse. By selecting a subset of edges, SparseDiff effectively leverages sparse graph representations both during the noising process and within the denoising network, which ensures that space complexity scales linearly with the number of chosen edges. During inference, SparseDiff progressively fills the adjacency matrix with the selected subsets of edges, mirroring the training process. Our model demonstrates state-of-the-art performance across multiple metrics on both small and large datasets, confirming its effectiveness and robustness across varying graph sizes. It also ensures faster convergence, particularly on larger graphs, achieving a fourfold speedup on the large Ego dataset compared to dense models, thereby paving the way for broader applications.

replace-cross Deep Bayesian Reinforcement Learning for Spacecraft Proximity Maneuvers and Docking

Authors: Desong Du, Naiming Qi, Yanfang Liu, Wei Pan

Abstract: In the pursuit of autonomous spacecraft proximity maneuvers and docking(PMD), we introduce a novel Bayesian actor-critic reinforcement learning algorithm to learn a control policy with the stability guarantee. The PMD task is formulated as a Markov decision process that reflects the relative dynamic model, the docking cone and the cost function. Drawing from the principles of Lyapunov theory, we frame the temporal difference learning as a constrained Gaussian process regression problem. This innovative approach allows the state-value function to be expressed as a Lyapunov function, leveraging the Gaussian process and deep kernel learning. We develop a novel Bayesian quadrature policy optimization procedure to analytically compute the policy gradient while integrating Lyapunov-based stability constraints. This integration is pivotal in satisfying the rigorous safety demands of spaceflight missions. The proposed algorithm has been experimentally evaluated on a spacecraft air-bearing testbed and shows impressive and promising performance.

replace-cross Omitted Labels in Causality: A Study of Paradoxes

Authors: Bijan Mazaheri, Siddharth Jain, Matthew Cook, Jehoshua Bruck

Abstract: We explore what we call ``omitted label contexts,'' in which training data is limited to a subset of the possible labels. This setting is common among specialized human experts or specific focused studies. We lean on well-studied paradoxes (Simpson's and Condorcet) to illustrate the more general difficulties of causal inference in omitted label contexts. Contrary to the fundamental principles on which much of causal inference is built, we show that ``correct'' adjustments sometimes require non-exchangeable treatment and control groups. These pitfalls lead us to the study networks of conclusions drawn from different contexts and the structures the form, proving an interesting connection between these networks and social choice theory.

replace-cross SynthEnsemble: A Fusion of CNN, Vision Transformer, and Hybrid Models for Multi-Label Chest X-Ray Classification

Authors: S. M. Nabil Ashraf, Md. Adyelullahil Mamun, Hasnat Md. Abdullah, Md. Golam Rabiul Alam

Abstract: Chest X-rays are widely used to diagnose thoracic diseases, but the lack of detailed information about these abnormalities makes it challenging to develop accurate automated diagnosis systems, which is crucial for early detection and effective treatment. To address this challenge, we employed deep learning techniques to identify patterns in chest X-rays that correspond to different diseases. We conducted experiments on the "ChestX-ray14" dataset using various pre-trained CNNs, transformers, hybrid(CNN+Transformer) models and classical models. The best individual model was the CoAtNet, which achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 84.2%. By combining the predictions of all trained models using a weighted average ensemble where the weight of each model was determined using differential evolution, we further improved the AUROC to 85.4%, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in this field. Our findings demonstrate the potential of deep learning techniques, particularly ensemble deep learning, for improving the accuracy of automatic diagnosis of thoracic diseases from chest X-rays. Code available at:


replace-cross Bring Your Own KG: Self-Supervised Program Synthesis for Zero-Shot KGQA

Authors: Dhruv Agarwal, Rajarshi Das, Sopan Khosla, Rashmi Gangadharaiah

Abstract: We present BYOKG, a universal question-answering (QA) system that can operate on any knowledge graph (KG), requires no human-annotated training data, and can be ready to use within a day -- attributes that are out-of-scope for current KGQA systems. BYOKG draws inspiration from the remarkable ability of humans to comprehend information present in an unseen KG through exploration -- starting at random nodes, inspecting the labels of adjacent nodes and edges, and combining them with their prior world knowledge. In BYOKG, exploration leverages an LLM-backed symbolic agent that generates a diverse set of query-program exemplars, which are then used to ground a retrieval-augmented reasoning procedure to predict programs for arbitrary questions. BYOKG is effective over both small- and large-scale graphs, showing dramatic gains in QA accuracy over a zero-shot baseline of 27.89 and 58.02 F1 on GrailQA and MetaQA, respectively. On GrailQA, we further show that our unsupervised BYOKG outperforms a supervised in-context learning method, demonstrating the effectiveness of exploration. Lastly, we find that performance of BYOKG reliably improves with continued exploration as well as improvements in the base LLM, notably outperforming a state-of-the-art fine-tuned model by 7.08 F1 on a sub-sampled zero-shot split of GrailQA.

replace-cross Adaptive Interventions with User-Defined Goals for Health Behavior Change

Authors: Aishwarya Mandyam, Matthew J\"orke, William Denton, Barbara E. Engelhardt, Emma Brunskill

Abstract: Promoting healthy lifestyle behaviors remains a major public health concern, particularly due to their crucial role in preventing chronic conditions such as cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Mobile health applications present a promising avenue for low-cost, scalable health behavior change promotion. Researchers are increasingly exploring adaptive algorithms that personalize interventions to each person's unique context. However, in empirical studies, mobile health applications often suffer from small effect sizes and low adherence rates, particularly in comparison to human coaching. Tailoring advice to a person's unique goals, preferences, and life circumstances is a critical component of health coaching that has been underutilized in adaptive algorithms for mobile health interventions. To address this, we introduce a new Thompson sampling algorithm that can accommodate personalized reward functions (i.e., goals, preferences, and constraints), while also leveraging data sharing across individuals to more quickly be able to provide effective recommendations. We prove that our modification incurs only a constant penalty on cumulative regret while preserving the sample complexity benefits of data sharing. We present empirical results on synthetic and semi-synthetic physical activity simulators, where in the latter we conducted an online survey to solicit preference data relating to physical activity, which we use to construct realistic reward models that leverages historical data from another study. Our algorithm achieves substantial performance improvements compared to baselines that do not share data or do not optimize for individualized rewards.

replace-cross Scaling User Modeling: Large-scale Online User Representations for Ads Personalization in Meta

Authors: Wei Zhang, Dai Li, Chen Liang, Fang Zhou, Zhongke Zhang, Xuewei Wang, Ru Li, Yi Zhou, Yaning Huang, Dong Liang, Kai Wang, Zhangyuan Wang, Zhengxing Chen, Fenggang Wu, Minghai Chen, Huayu Li, Yunnan Wu, Zhan Shu, Mindi Yuan, Sri Reddy

Abstract: Effective user representations are pivotal in personalized advertising. However, stringent constraints on training throughput, serving latency, and memory, often limit the complexity and input feature set of online ads ranking models. This challenge is magnified in extensive systems like Meta's, which encompass hundreds of models with diverse specifications, rendering the tailoring of user representation learning for each model impractical. To address these challenges, we present Scaling User Modeling (SUM), a framework widely deployed in Meta's ads ranking system, designed to facilitate efficient and scalable sharing of online user representation across hundreds of ads models. SUM leverages a few designated upstream user models to synthesize user embeddings from massive amounts of user features with advanced modeling techniques. These embeddings then serve as inputs to downstream online ads ranking models, promoting efficient representation sharing. To adapt to the dynamic nature of user features and ensure embedding freshness, we designed SUM Online Asynchronous Platform (SOAP), a latency free online serving system complemented with model freshness and embedding stabilization, which enables frequent user model updates and online inference of user embeddings upon each user request. We share our hands-on deployment experiences for the SUM framework and validate its superiority through comprehensive experiments. To date, SUM has been launched to hundreds of ads ranking models in Meta, processing hundreds of billions of user requests daily, yielding significant online metric gains and improved infrastructure efficiency.

replace-cross Morphology-Enhanced CAM-Guided SAM for weakly supervised Breast Lesion Segmentation

Authors: Xin Yue, Xiaoling Liu, Qing Zhao, Jianqiang Li, Changwei Song, Suqin Liu, Zhikai Yang, Guanghui Fu

Abstract: Ultrasound imaging plays a critical role in the early detection of breast cancer. Accurate identification and segmentation of lesions are essential steps in clinical practice, requiring methods to assist physicians in lesion segmentation. However, ultrasound lesion segmentation models based on supervised learning require extensive manual labeling, which is both time-consuming and labor-intensive. In this study, we present a novel framework for weakly supervised lesion segmentation in early breast ultrasound images. Our method uses morphological enhancement and class activation map (CAM)-guided localization. Finally, we employ the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a computer vision foundation model, for detailed segmentation. This approach does not require pixel-level annotation, thereby reducing the cost of data annotation. The performance of our method is comparable to supervised learning methods that require manual annotations, achieving a Dice score of 74.39% and outperforming comparative supervised models in terms of Hausdorff distance in the BUSI dataset. These results demonstrate that our framework effectively integrates weakly supervised learning with SAM, providing a promising solution for breast cancer image analysis. The code for this study is available at:


replace-cross Understanding the Countably Infinite: Neural Network Models of the Successor Function and its Acquisition

Authors: Vima Gupta, Sashank Varma

Abstract: As children enter elementary school, their understanding of the ordinal structure of numbers transitions from a memorized count list of the first 50-100 numbers to knowing the successor function and understanding the countably infinite. We investigate this developmental change in two neural network models that learn the successor function on the pairs (N, N+1) for N in (0, 98). The first uses a one-hot encoding of the input and output values and corresponds to children memorizing a count list, while the second model uses a place-value encoding and corresponds to children learning the language rules for naming numbers. The place-value model showed a predicted drop in representational similarity across tens boundaries. Counting across a tens boundary can be understood as a vector operation in 2D space, where the numbers with the same tens place are organized in a linearly separable manner, whereas those with the same ones place are grouped together. A curriculum learning simulation shows that, in the expanding numerical environment of the developing child, representations of smaller numbers continue to be sharpened even as larger numbers begin to be learned. These models set the stage for future work using recurrent architectures to move beyond learning the successor function to simulating the counting process more generally, and point towards a deeper understanding of what it means to understand the countably infinite.

replace-cross Efficient Pre-training for Localized Instruction Generation of Videos

Authors: Anil Batra, Davide Moltisanti, Laura Sevilla-Lara, Marcus Rohrbach, Frank Keller

Abstract: Procedural videos, exemplified by recipe demonstrations, are instrumental in conveying step-by-step instructions. However, understanding such videos is challenging as it involves the precise localization of steps and the generation of textual instructions. Manually annotating steps and writing instructions is costly, which limits the size of current datasets and hinders effective learning. Leveraging large but noisy video-transcript datasets for pre-training can boost performance but demands significant computational resources. Furthermore, transcripts contain irrelevant content and differ in style from human-written instructions. To mitigate these issues, we propose a novel technique, Sieve-&-Swap, to automatically generate high quality training data for the recipe domain: (i) Sieve filters irrelevant transcripts and (ii) Swap acquires high quality text by replacing transcripts with human-written instruction from a text-only recipe dataset. The resulting dataset is three orders of magnitude smaller than current web-scale datasets but enables efficient training of large-scale models. Alongside Sieve-&-Swap, we propose Procedure Transformer (ProcX), a model for end-to-end step localization and instruction generation for procedural videos. When pre-trained on our curated dataset, this model achieves state-of-the-art performance on YouCook2 and Tasty while using a fraction of the training data. Our code and dataset will be publicly released.

replace-cross Generative Powers of Ten

Authors: Xiaojuan Wang, Janne Kontkanen, Brian Curless, Steve Seitz, Ira Kemelmacher, Ben Mildenhall, Pratul Srinivasan, Dor Verbin, Aleksander Holynski

Abstract: We present a method that uses a text-to-image model to generate consistent content across multiple image scales, enabling extreme semantic zooms into a scene, e.g., ranging from a wide-angle landscape view of a forest to a macro shot of an insect sitting on one of the tree branches. We achieve this through a joint multi-scale diffusion sampling approach that encourages consistency across different scales while preserving the integrity of each individual sampling process. Since each generated scale is guided by a different text prompt, our method enables deeper levels of zoom than traditional super-resolution methods that may struggle to create new contextual structure at vastly different scales. We compare our method qualitatively with alternative techniques in image super-resolution and outpainting, and show that our method is most effective at generating consistent multi-scale content.

replace-cross Efficient Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Zhongwei Wan, Xin Wang, Che Liu, Samiul Alam, Yu Zheng, Jiachen Liu, Zhongnan Qu, Shen Yan, Yi Zhu, Quanlu Zhang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Mi Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in important tasks such as natural language understanding and language generation, and thus have the potential to make a substantial impact on our society. Such capabilities, however, come with the considerable resources they demand, highlighting the strong need to develop effective techniques for addressing their efficiency challenges. In this survey, we provide a systematic and comprehensive review of efficient LLMs research. We organize the literature in a taxonomy consisting of three main categories, covering distinct yet interconnected efficient LLMs topics from model-centric, data-centric, and framework-centric perspective, respectively. We have also created a GitHub repository where we organize the papers featured in this survey at We will actively maintain the repository and incorporate new research as it emerges. We hope our survey can serve as a valuable resource to help researchers and practitioners gain a systematic understanding of efficient LLMs research and inspire them to contribute to this important and exciting field.


replace-cross PySCIPOpt-ML: Embedding Trained Machine Learning Models into Mixed-Integer Programs

Authors: Mark Turner, Antonia Chmiela, Thorsten Koch, Michael Winkler

Abstract: A standard tool for modelling real-world optimisation problems is mixed-integer programming (MIP). However, for many of these problems, information about the relationships between variables is either incomplete or highly complex, making it difficult or even impossible to model the problem directly. To overcome these hurdles, machine learning (ML) predictors are often used to represent these relationships and are then embedded in the MIP as surrogate models. Due to the large amount of available ML frameworks and the complexity of many ML predictors, formulating such predictors into MIPs is a highly non-trivial task. In this paper, we introduce PySCIPOpt-ML, an open-source tool for the automatic formulation and embedding of trained ML predictors into MIPs. By directly interfacing with a broad range of commonly used ML frameworks and an open-source MIP solver, PySCIPOpt-ML provides a way to easily integrate ML constraints into optimisation problems. Alongside PySCIPOpt-ML, we introduce, SurrogateLIB, a library of MIP instances with embedded ML constraints, and present computational results over SurrogateLIB, providing intuition on the scale of ML predictors that can be practically embedded. The project is available at


replace-cross ALF: Adaptive Label Finetuning for Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Qishen Chen, Jianzhi Liu, Xinyu Lyu, Lianli Gao, Heng Tao Shen, Jingkuan Song

Abstract: Scene Graph Generation (SGG) endeavors to predict the relationships between subjects and objects in a given image. Nevertheless, the long-tail distribution of relations often leads to biased prediction on coarse labels, presenting a substantial hurdle in SGG. To address this issue, researchers focus on unbiased SGG and introduce data transfer methods to transfer coarse-grained predicates into fine-grained ones across the entire dataset. However, these methods encounter two primary challenges: 1) They overlook the inherent context constraints imposed by subject-object pairs, leading to erroneous relations transfer. 2) Additional retraining process are required after the data transfer, which incurs substantial computational costs. To overcome these limitations, we introduce the first plug-and-play one-stage data transfer pipeline in SGG, termed Adaptive Label Finetuning (ALF), which eliminates the need for extra retraining sessions and meanwhile significantly enhance models' relation recognition capability across various SGG benchmark approaches. Specifically, ALF consists of two components: Adaptive Label Construction (ALC) and Adaptive Iterative Learning (AIL). By imposing Predicate-Context Constraints within relation space, ALC adaptively re-ranks and selects candidate relations in reference to model's predictive logits utilizing the Restriction-Based Judgment techniques, achieving robust relation transfer. Supervised with labels transferred by ALC, AIL iteratively finetunes the SGG models in an auto-regressive manner, which mitigates the substantial computational costs arising from the retraining process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ALF achieves a 16% improvement in mR@100 compared to the typical SGG method Motif, with only a 6% increase in calculation costs compared to the state-of-the-art method IETrans.

replace-cross Ravnest: Decentralized Asynchronous Training on Heterogeneous Devices

Authors: Anirudh Rajiv Menon, Unnikrishnan Menon, Kailash Ahirwar

Abstract: Modern deep learning models, growing larger and more complex, have demonstrated exceptional generalization and accuracy due to training on huge datasets. This trend is expected to continue. However, the increasing size of these models poses challenges in training, as traditional centralized methods are limited by memory constraints at such scales. This paper proposes an asynchronous decentralized training paradigm for large modern deep learning models that harnesses the compute power of regular heterogeneous PCs with limited resources connected across the internet to achieve favourable performance metrics. Ravnest facilitates decentralized training by efficiently organizing compute nodes into clusters with similar data transfer rates and compute capabilities, without necessitating that each node hosts the entire model. These clusters engage in $\textit{Zero-Bubble Asynchronous Model Parallel}$ training, and a $\textit{Parallel Multi-Ring All-Reduce}$ method is employed to effectively execute global parameter averaging across all clusters. We have framed our asynchronous SGD loss function as a block structured optimization problem with delayed updates and derived an optimal convergence rate of $O\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{K}}\right)$. We further discuss linear speedup with respect to the number of participating clusters and the bound on the staleness parameter.

replace-cross Model Editing at Scale leads to Gradual and Catastrophic Forgetting

Authors: Akshat Gupta, Anurag Rao, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: Editing knowledge in large language models is an attractive capability to have which allows us to correct incorrectly learnt facts during pre-training, as well as update the model with an ever-growing list of new facts. While existing model editing techniques have shown promise, they are usually evaluated using metrics for reliability, specificity and generalization over one or few edits. We argue that for model editing to have practical utility, we must be able to make multiple edits to the same model. With this in mind, we evaluate the current model editing methods at scale, focusing on two state of the art methods: ROME and MEMIT. We find that as the model is edited sequentially with multiple facts, it continually forgets previously edited facts and the ability to perform downstream tasks. This forgetting happens in two phases -- an initial gradual but progressive forgetting phase followed by abrupt or catastrophic forgetting phase. Both gradual and catastrophic forgetting limit the usefulness of model editing methods at scale -- the former making model editing less effective as multiple edits are made to the model while the latter caps the scalability of such model editing methods. Our analysis also highlights other key limitations of ROME and MEMIT at scale. With our work, we push for the development and evaluation of model editing methods keeping scalability in mind.

replace-cross UOEP: User-Oriented Exploration Policy for Enhancing Long-Term User Experiences in Recommender Systems

Authors: Changshuo Zhang, Sirui Chen, Xiao Zhang, Sunhao Dai, Weijie Yu, Jun Xu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has gained traction for enhancing user long-term experiences in recommender systems by effectively exploring users' interests. However, modern recommender systems exhibit distinct user behavioral patterns among tens of millions of items, which increases the difficulty of exploration. For example, user behaviors with different activity levels require varying intensity of exploration, while previous studies often overlook this aspect and apply a uniform exploration strategy to all users, which ultimately hurts user experiences in the long run. To address these challenges, we propose User-Oriented Exploration Policy (UOEP), a novel approach facilitating fine-grained exploration among user groups. We first construct a distributional critic which allows policy optimization under varying quantile levels of cumulative reward feedbacks from users, representing user groups with varying activity levels. Guided by this critic, we devise a population of distinct actors aimed at effective and fine-grained exploration within its respective user group. To simultaneously enhance diversity and stability during the exploration process, we further introduce a population-level diversity regularization term and a supervision module. Experimental results on public recommendation datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms all other baselines in terms of long-term performance, validating its user-oriented exploration effectiveness. Meanwhile, further analyses reveal our approach's benefits of improved performance for low-activity users as well as increased fairness among users.

replace-cross Rethinking Spectral Graph Neural Networks with Spatially Adaptive Filtering

Authors: Jingwei Guo, Kaizhu Huang, Xinping Yi, Zixian Su, Rui Zhang

Abstract: Whilst spectral Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are theoretically well-founded in the spectral domain, their practical reliance on polynomial approximation implies a profound linkage to the spatial domain. As previous studies rarely examine spectral GNNs from the spatial perspective, their spatial-domain interpretability remains elusive, e.g., what information is essentially encoded by spectral GNNs in the spatial domain? In this paper, to answer this question, we investigate the theoretical connection between spectral filtering and spatial aggregation, unveiling an intrinsic interaction that spectral filtering implicitly leads the original graph to an adapted new graph, explicitly computed for spatial aggregation. Both theoretical and empirical investigations reveal that the adapted new graph not only exhibits non-locality but also accommodates signed edge weights to reflect label consistency among nodes. These findings thus highlight the interpretable role of spectral GNNs in the spatial domain and inspire us to rethink graph spectral filters beyond the fixed-order polynomials, which neglect global information. Built upon the theoretical findings, we revisit the state-of-the-art spectral GNNs and propose a novel Spatially Adaptive Filtering (SAF) framework, which leverages the adapted new graph by spectral filtering for an auxiliary non-local aggregation. Notably, our SAF comprehensively models both node similarity and dissimilarity from a global perspective, therefore alleviating persistent deficiencies of GNNs related to long-range dependencies and graph heterophily. Extensive experiments over 13 node classification benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our proposed framework to the state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross ChatQA: Surpassing GPT-4 on Conversational QA and RAG

Authors: Zihan Liu, Wei Ping, Rajarshi Roy, Peng Xu, Chankyu Lee, Mohammad Shoeybi, Bryan Catanzaro

Abstract: In this work, we introduce ChatQA, a suite of models that outperform GPT-4 on retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) and conversational question answering (QA). To enhance generation, we propose a two-stage instruction tuning method that significantly boosts the performance of RAG. For effective retrieval, we introduce a dense retriever optimized for conversational QA, which yields results comparable to the alternative state-of-the-art query rewriting models, while substantially reducing deployment costs. We also present the ChatRAG Bench, which encompasses ten datasets covering comprehensive evaluations on RAG, table-related QA, arithmetic calculations, and scenarios involving unanswerable questions. Our ChatQA-1.0-70B (score: 54.14), built on Llama2, a weaker foundation model than GPT-4, can slightly outperform GPT-4-0613 (score: 53.90) and GPT-4-Turbo-2024-04-09 (score: 54.03) on the ChatRAG Bench, without relying on any synthetic data from OpenAI GPT models. Notably, the Llama3-ChatQA-1.5-70B model surpasses the accuracy of GPT-4-Turbo-2024-04-09, achieving a 4.4% improvement. To advance research in this field, we open-sourced the model weights, instruction tuning data, ChatRAG Bench, and retriever for the community:


replace-cross Critical Data Size of Language Models from a Grokking Perspective

Authors: Xuekai Zhu, Yao Fu, Bowen Zhou, Zhouhan Lin

Abstract: We explore the critical data size in language models, a threshold that marks a fundamental shift from quick memorization to slow generalization. We formalize the phase transition under the grokking configuration into the Data Efficiency Hypothesis and identify data insufficiency, sufficiency, and surplus regimes in language models training dynamics. We develop a grokking configuration to reproduce grokking on simplistic language models stably by rescaling initialization and weight decay. We show that generalization occurs only when language models reach a critical size. We analyze grokking across sample-wise and model-wise, verifying the proposed data efficiency hypothesis. Our experiments reveal smoother phase transitions occurring at the critical dataset size for language datasets. As the model size increases, this critical point also becomes larger, indicating that larger models require more data. Our results deepen the understanding of language model training, offering a novel perspective on the role of data in the learning mechanism of language models.

replace-cross A Systematic Evaluation of Euclidean Alignment with Deep Learning for EEG Decoding

Authors: Bruna Junqueira, Bruno Aristimunha, Sylvain Chevallier, Raphael Y. de Camargo

Abstract: Electroencephalography (EEG) signals are frequently used for various Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) tasks. While Deep Learning (DL) techniques have shown promising results, they are hindered by the substantial data requirements. By leveraging data from multiple subjects, transfer learning enables more effective training of DL models. A technique that is gaining popularity is Euclidean Alignment (EA) due to its ease of use, low computational complexity, and compatibility with Deep Learning models. However, few studies evaluate its impact on the training performance of shared and individual DL models. In this work, we systematically evaluate the effect of EA combined with DL for decoding BCI signals. We used EA to train shared models with data from multiple subjects and evaluated its transferability to new subjects. Our experimental results show that it improves decoding in the target subject by 4.33% and decreases convergence time by more than 70%. We also trained individual models for each subject to use as a majority-voting ensemble classifier. In this scenario, using EA improved the 3-model ensemble accuracy by 3.7%. However, when compared to the shared model with EA, the ensemble accuracy was 3.62% lower.

replace-cross Cloud-based XAI Services for Assessing Open Repository Models Under Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Zerui Wang, Yan Liu

Abstract: The opacity of AI models necessitates both validation and evaluation before their integration into services. To investigate these models, explainable AI (XAI) employs methods that elucidate the relationship between input features and output predictions. The operations of XAI extend beyond the execution of a single algorithm, involving a series of activities that include preprocessing data, adjusting XAI to align with model parameters, invoking the model to generate predictions, and summarizing the XAI results. Adversarial attacks are well-known threats that aim to mislead AI models. The assessment complexity, especially for XAI, increases when open-source AI models are subject to adversarial attacks, due to various combinations. To automate the numerous entities and tasks involved in XAI-based assessments, we propose a cloud-based service framework that encapsulates computing components as microservices and organizes assessment tasks into pipelines. The current XAI tools are not inherently service-oriented. This framework also integrates open XAI tool libraries as part of the pipeline composition. We demonstrate the application of XAI services for assessing five quality attributes of AI models: (1) computational cost, (2) performance, (3) robustness, (4) explanation deviation, and (5) explanation resilience across computer vision and tabular cases. The service framework generates aggregated analysis that showcases the quality attributes for more than a hundred combination scenarios.

replace-cross LocMoE: A Low-Overhead MoE for Large Language Model Training

Authors: Jing Li, Zhijie Sun, Xuan He, Li Zeng, Yi Lin, Entong Li, Binfan Zheng, Rongqian Zhao, Xin Chen

Abstract: The Mixtures-of-Experts (MoE) model is a widespread distributed and integrated learning method for large language models (LLM), which is favored due to its ability to sparsify and expand models efficiently. However, the performance of MoE is limited by load imbalance and high latency of All-to-All communication, along with relatively redundant computation owing to large expert capacity. Load imbalance may result from existing routing policies that consistently tend to select certain experts. The frequent inter-node communication in the All-to-All procedure also significantly prolongs the training time. To alleviate the above performance problems, we propose a novel routing strategy that combines load balance and locality by converting partial inter-node communication to that of intra-node. Notably, we elucidate that there is a minimum threshold for expert capacity, calculated through the maximal angular deviation between the gating weights of the experts and the assigned tokens. We port these modifications on the PanGu-Sigma model based on the MindSpore framework with multi-level routing and conduct experiments on Ascend clusters. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed LocMoE reduces training time per epoch by 12.68% to 22.24% compared to classical routers, such as hash router and switch router, without impacting the model accuracy.

replace-cross Towards Interpretable Physical-Conceptual Catchment-Scale Hydrological Modeling using the Mass-Conserving-Perceptron

Authors: Yuan-Heng Wang, Hoshin V. Gupta

Abstract: We investigate the applicability of machine learning technologies to the development of parsimonious, interpretable, catchment-scale hydrologic models using directed-graph architectures based on the mass-conserving perceptron (MCP) as the fundamental computational unit. Here, we focus on architectural complexity (depth) at a single location, rather than universal applicability (breadth) across large samples of catchments. The goal is to discover a minimal representation (numbers of cell-states and flow paths) that represents the dominant processes that can explain the input-state-output behaviors of a given catchment, with particular emphasis given to simulating the full range (high, medium, and low) of flow dynamics. We find that a HyMod-like architecture with three cell-states and two major flow pathways achieves such a representation at our study location, but that the additional incorporation of an input-bypass mechanism significantly improves the timing and shape of the hydrograph, while the inclusion of bi-directional groundwater mass exchanges significantly enhances the simulation of baseflow. Overall, our results demonstrate the importance of using multiple diagnostic metrics for model evaluation, while highlighting the need for designing training metrics that are better suited to extracting information across the full range of flow dynamics. Further, they set the stage for interpretable regional-scale MCP-based hydrological modeling (using large sample data) by using neural architecture search to determine appropriate minimal representations for catchments in different hydroclimatic regimes.

replace-cross L-AutoDA: Leveraging Large Language Models for Automated Decision-based Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Ping Guo, Fei Liu, Xi Lin, Qingchuan Zhao, Qingfu Zhang

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of machine learning, adversarial attacks present a significant challenge to model robustness and security. Decision-based attacks, which only require feedback on the decision of a model rather than detailed probabilities or scores, are particularly insidious and difficult to defend against. This work introduces L-AutoDA (Large Language Model-based Automated Decision-based Adversarial Attacks), a novel approach leveraging the generative capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to automate the design of these attacks. By iteratively interacting with LLMs in an evolutionary framework, L-AutoDA automatically designs competitive attack algorithms efficiently without much human effort. We demonstrate the efficacy of L-AutoDA on CIFAR-10 dataset, showing significant improvements over baseline methods in both success rate and computational efficiency. Our findings underscore the potential of language models as tools for adversarial attack generation and highlight new avenues for the development of robust AI systems.

replace-cross Improving Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback with Efficient Reward Model Ensemble

Authors: Shun Zhang, Zhenfang Chen, Sunli Chen, Yikang Shen, Zhiqing Sun, Chuang Gan

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a widely adopted approach for aligning large language models with human values. However, RLHF relies on a reward model that is trained with a limited amount of human preference data, which could lead to inaccurate predictions. As a result, RLHF may produce outputs that are misaligned with human values. To mitigate this issue, we contribute a reward ensemble method that allows the reward model to make more accurate predictions. As using an ensemble of large language model-based reward models can be computationally and resource-expensive, we explore efficient ensemble methods including linear-layer ensemble and LoRA-based ensemble. Empirically, we run Best-of-$n$ and Proximal Policy Optimization with our ensembled reward models, and verify that our ensemble methods help improve the alignment performance of RLHF outputs.

replace-cross Building Expressive and Tractable Probabilistic Generative Models: A Review

Authors: Sahil Sidheekh, Sriraam Natarajan

Abstract: We present a comprehensive survey of the advancements and techniques in the field of tractable probabilistic generative modeling, primarily focusing on Probabilistic Circuits (PCs). We provide a unified perspective on the inherent trade-offs between expressivity and tractability, highlighting the design principles and algorithmic extensions that have enabled building expressive and efficient PCs, and provide a taxonomy of the field. We also discuss recent efforts to build deep and hybrid PCs by fusing notions from deep neural models, and outline the challenges and open questions that can guide future research in this evolving field.

replace-cross Human Expertise in Algorithmic Prediction

Authors: Rohan Alur, Manish Raghavan, Devavrat Shah

Abstract: We introduce a novel framework for incorporating human expertise into algorithmic predictions. Our approach focuses on the use of human judgment to distinguish inputs which `look the same' to any feasible predictive algorithm. We argue that this framing clarifies the problem of human/AI collaboration in prediction tasks, as experts often have access to information -- particularly subjective information -- which is not encoded in the algorithm's training data. We use this insight to develop a set of principled algorithms for selectively incorporating human feedback only when it improves the performance of any feasible predictor. We find empirically that although algorithms often outperform their human counterparts on average, human judgment can significantly improve algorithmic predictions on specific instances (which can be identified ex-ante). In an X-ray classification task, we find that this subset constitutes nearly 30% of the patient population. Our approach provides a natural way of uncovering this heterogeneity and thus enabling effective human-AI collaboration.

replace-cross Integrating Large Language Models in Causal Discovery: A Statistical Causal Approach

Authors: Masayuki Takayama, Tadahisa Okuda, Thong Pham, Tatsuyoshi Ikenoue, Shingo Fukuma, Shohei Shimizu, Akiyoshi Sannai

Abstract: In practical statistical causal discovery (SCD), embedding domain expert knowledge as constraints into the algorithm is significant for creating consistent meaningful causal models, despite the challenges in systematic acquisition of the background knowledge. To overcome these challenges, this paper proposes a novel methodology for causal inference, in which SCD methods and knowledge based causal inference (KBCI) with a large language model (LLM) are synthesized through ``statistical causal prompting (SCP)'' for LLMs and prior knowledge augmentation for SCD. Experiments have revealed that GPT-4 can cause the output of the LLM-KBCI and the SCD result with prior knowledge from LLM-KBCI to approach the ground truth, and that the SCD result can be further improved, if GPT-4 undergoes SCP. Furthermore, by using an unpublished real-world dataset, we have demonstrated that the background knowledge provided by the LLM can improve SCD on this dataset, even if this dataset has never been included in the training data of the LLM. The proposed approach can thus address challenges such as dataset biases and limitations, illustrating the potential of LLMs to improve data-driven causal inference across diverse scientific domains.

replace-cross Identifying and Improving Disability Bias in GPT-Based Resume Screening

Authors: Kate Glazko, Yusuf Mohammed, Ben Kosa, Venkatesh Potluri, Jennifer Mankoff

Abstract: As Generative AI rises in adoption, its use has expanded to include domains such as hiring and recruiting. However, without examining the potential of bias, this may negatively impact marginalized populations, including people with disabilities. To address this important concern, we present a resume audit study, in which we ask ChatGPT (specifically, GPT-4) to rank a resume against the same resume enhanced with an additional leadership award, scholarship, panel presentation, and membership that are disability related. We find that GPT-4 exhibits prejudice towards these enhanced CVs. Further, we show that this prejudice can be quantifiably reduced by training a custom GPTs on principles of DEI and disability justice. Our study also includes a unique qualitative analysis of the types of direct and indirect ableism GPT-4 uses to justify its biased decisions and suggest directions for additional bias mitigation work. Additionally, since these justifications are presumably drawn from training data containing real-world biased statements made by humans, our analysis suggests additional avenues for understanding and addressing human bias.

replace-cross Fractal Patterns May Illuminate the Success of Next-Token Prediction

Authors: Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Vinh Q. Tran, Mostafa Dehghani

Abstract: We study the fractal structure of language, aiming to provide a precise formalism for quantifying properties that may have been previously suspected but not formally shown. We establish that language is: (1) self-similar, exhibiting complexities at all levels of granularity, with no particular characteristic context length, and (2) long-range dependent (LRD), with a Hurst parameter of approximately H=0.7. Based on these findings, we argue that short-term patterns/dependencies in language, such as in paragraphs, mirror the patterns/dependencies over larger scopes, like entire documents. This may shed some light on how next-token prediction can capture the structure of text across multiple levels of granularity, from words and clauses to broader contexts and intents. In addition, we carry out an extensive analysis across different domains and architectures, showing that fractal parameters are robust. Finally, we demonstrate that the tiny variations in fractal parameters seen across LLMs improve upon perplexity-based bits-per-byte (BPB) in predicting their downstream performance. We hope these findings offer a fresh perspective on language and the mechanisms underlying the success of LLMs.

replace-cross Synergy-of-Thoughts: Eliciting Efficient Reasoning in Hybrid Language Models

Authors: Yu Shang, Yu Li, Fengli Xu, Yong Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive emergent abilities in a wide range of tasks, but still face challenges in handling complex reasoning problems. Previous works like chain-of-thought (CoT) and tree-of-thoughts (ToT) have predominately focused on enhancing accuracy, but overlook the rapidly increasing token cost, which could be particularly problematic for open-ended real-world tasks with huge solution spaces. Motivated by the dual process theory of human cognition, we propose "Synergy of Thoughts" (SoT) to unleash the synergistic potential of hybrid LLMs for efficient reasoning. By default, SoT uses smaller-scale language models to generate multiple low-cost reasoning thoughts, which resembles the parallel intuitions produced by System 1. If these intuitions exhibit conflicts, SoT will invoke the reflective reasoning of scaled-up language models to emulate the intervention of System 2, which will override the intuitive thoughts and rectify the reasoning process. This framework is model-agnostic and training-free, which can be flexibly implemented with various off-the-shelf LLMs. Experiments on six representative reasoning tasks show that SoT substantially reduces the token cost by 38.3%-75.1%, and simultaneously achieves state-of-the-art reasoning accuracy and solution diversity. Notably, the average token cost reduction on open-ended tasks reaches up to 69.1%. Code repo with all prompts will be released upon publication.

replace-cross Unified Training of Universal Time Series Forecasting Transformers

Authors: Gerald Woo, Chenghao Liu, Akshat Kumar, Caiming Xiong, Silvio Savarese, Doyen Sahoo

Abstract: Deep learning for time series forecasting has traditionally operated within a one-model-per-dataset framework, limiting its potential to leverage the game-changing impact of large pre-trained models. The concept of universal forecasting, emerging from pre-training on a vast collection of time series datasets, envisions a single Large Time Series Model capable of addressing diverse downstream forecasting tasks. However, constructing such a model poses unique challenges specific to time series data: i) cross-frequency learning, ii) accommodating an arbitrary number of variates for multivariate time series, and iii) addressing the varying distributional properties inherent in large-scale data. To address these challenges, we present novel enhancements to the conventional time series Transformer architecture, resulting in our proposed Masked Encoder-based Universal Time Series Forecasting Transformer (Moirai). Trained on our newly introduced Large-scale Open Time Series Archive (LOTSA) featuring over 27B observations across nine domains, Moirai achieves competitive or superior performance as a zero-shot forecaster when compared to full-shot models. Code, data, and model weights can be found at


replace-cross Vision-Language Models Provide Promptable Representations for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: William Chen, Oier Mees, Aviral Kumar, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Humans can quickly learn new behaviors by leveraging background world knowledge. In contrast, agents trained with reinforcement learning (RL) typically learn behaviors from scratch. We thus propose a novel approach that uses the vast amounts of general and indexable world knowledge encoded in vision-language models (VLMs) pre-trained on Internet-scale data for embodied RL. We initialize policies with VLMs by using them as promptable representations: embeddings that encode semantic features of visual observations based on the VLM's internal knowledge and reasoning capabilities, as elicited through prompts that provide task context and auxiliary information. We evaluate our approach on visually-complex, long horizon RL tasks in Minecraft and robot navigation in Habitat. We find that our policies trained on embeddings from off-the-shelf, general-purpose VLMs outperform equivalent policies trained on generic, non-promptable image embeddings. We also find our approach outperforms instruction-following methods and performs comparably to domain-specific embeddings. Finally, we show that our approach can use chain-of-thought prompting to produce representations of common-sense semantic reasoning, improving policy performance in novel scenes by 1.5 times.

replace-cross Verifiable evaluations of machine learning models using zkSNARKs

Authors: Tobin South, Alexander Camuto, Shrey Jain, Shayla Nguyen, Robert Mahari, Christian Paquin, Jason Morton, Alex 'Sandy' Pentland

Abstract: In a world of increasing closed-source commercial machine learning models, model evaluations from developers must be taken at face value. These benchmark results-whether over task accuracy, bias evaluations, or safety checks-are traditionally impossible to verify by a model end-user without the costly or impossible process of re-performing the benchmark on black-box model outputs. This work presents a method of verifiable model evaluation using model inference through zkSNARKs. The resulting zero-knowledge computational proofs of model outputs over datasets can be packaged into verifiable evaluation attestations showing that models with fixed private weights achieve stated performance or fairness metrics over public inputs. We present a flexible proving system that enables verifiable attestations to be performed on any standard neural network model with varying compute requirements. For the first time, we demonstrate this across a sample of real-world models and highlight key challenges and design solutions. This presents a new transparency paradigm in the verifiable evaluation of private models.

replace-cross Constrained Synthesis with Projected Diffusion Models

Authors: Jacob K Christopher, Stephen Baek, Ferdinando Fioretto

Abstract: This paper introduces an approach to endow generative diffusion processes the ability to satisfy and certify compliance with constraints and physical principles. The proposed method recast the traditional sampling process of generative diffusion models as a constrained optimization problem, steering the generated data distribution to remain within a specified region to ensure adherence to the given constraints. These capabilities are validated on applications featuring both convex and challenging, non-convex, constraints as well as ordinary differential equations, in domains spanning from synthesizing new materials with precise morphometric properties, generating physics-informed motion, optimizing paths in planning scenarios, and human motion synthesis.

replace-cross Link Prediction with Relational Hypergraphs

Authors: Xingyue Huang, Miguel Romero Orth, Pablo Barcel\'o, Michael M. Bronstein, \.Ismail \.Ilkan Ceylan

Abstract: Link prediction with knowledge graphs has been thoroughly studied in graph machine learning, leading to a rich landscape of graph neural network architectures with successful applications. Nonetheless, it remains challenging to transfer the success of these architectures to relational hypergraphs, where the task of link prediction is over $k$-ary relations, which is substantially harder than link prediction with knowledge graphs. In this paper, we propose a framework for link prediction with relational hypergraphs, unlocking applications of graph neural networks to fully relational structures. Theoretically, we conduct a thorough analysis of the expressive power of the resulting model architectures via corresponding relational Weisfeiler-Leman algorithms and also via logical expressiveness. Empirically, we validate the power of the proposed model architectures on various relational hypergraph benchmarks. The resulting model architectures substantially outperform every baseline for inductive link prediction, and lead to state-of-the-art results for transductive link prediction.

replace-cross Breaking Free: How to Hack Safety Guardrails in Black-Box Diffusion Models!

Authors: Shashank Kotyan, Po-Yuan Mao, Pin-Yu Chen, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas

Abstract: Deep neural networks can be exploited using natural adversarial samples, which do not impact human perception. Current approaches often rely on deep neural networks' white-box nature to generate these adversarial samples or synthetically alter the distribution of adversarial samples compared to the training distribution. In contrast, we propose EvoSeed, a novel evolutionary strategy-based algorithmic framework for generating photo-realistic natural adversarial samples. Our EvoSeed framework uses auxiliary Conditional Diffusion and Classifier models to operate in a black-box setting. We employ CMA-ES to optimize the search for an initial seed vector, which, when processed by the Conditional Diffusion Model, results in the natural adversarial sample misclassified by the Classifier Model. Experiments show that generated adversarial images are of high image quality, raising concerns about generating harmful content bypassing safety classifiers. Our research opens new avenues to understanding the limitations of current safety mechanisms and the risk of plausible attacks against classifier systems using image generation. Project Website can be accessed at:


replace-cross Simplifying Hypergraph Neural Networks

Authors: Bohan Tang, Zexi Liu, Keyue Jiang, Siheng Chen, Xiaowen Dong

Abstract: Hypergraphs are crucial for modeling higher-order interactions in real-world data. Hypergraph neural networks (HNNs) effectively utilise these structures by message passing to generate informative node features for various downstream tasks like node classification. However, the message passing block in existing HNNs typically requires a computationally intensive training process, which limits their practical use. To tackle this challenge, we propose an alternative approach by decoupling the usage of the hypergraph structural information from the model training stage. The proposed model, simplified hypergraph neural network (SHNN), contains a training-free message-passing block that can be precomputed before the training of SHNN, thereby reducing the computational burden. We theoretically support the efficiency and effectiveness of SHNN by showing that: 1) It is more training-efficient compared to existing HNNs; 2) It utilises as much information as existing HNNs for node feature generation; and 3) It is robust against the oversmoothing issue while using long-range interactions. Experiments based on six real-world hypergraph benchmarks in node classification and hyperlink prediction present that, compared to state-of-the-art HNNs, SHNN shows both competitive performance and superior training efficiency. Specifically, on Cora-CA, SHNN achieves the highest node classification accuracy with just 2% training time of the best baseline.

replace-cross Gradient Aligned Regression via Pairwise Losses

Authors: Dixian Zhu, Tianbao Yang, Livnat Jerby

Abstract: Regression is a fundamental task in machine learning that has garnered extensive attention over the past decades. The conventional approach for regression involves employing loss functions that primarily concentrate on aligning model prediction with the ground truth for each individual data sample. Recent research endeavors have introduced novel perspectives by incorporating label similarity to regression via imposing extra pairwise regularization on the latent feature space and demonstrated the effectiveness. However, there are two drawbacks for those approaches: i) their pairwise operation in latent feature space is computationally more expensive than conventional regression losses; ii) it lacks of theoretical justifications behind such regularization. In this work, we propose GAR (Gradient Aligned Regression) as a competitive alternative method in label space, which is constituted by a conventional regression loss and two pairwise label difference losses for gradient alignment including magnitude and direction. GAR enjoys: i) the same level efficiency as conventional regression loss because the quadratic complexity for the proposed pairwise losses can be reduced to linear complexity; ii) theoretical insights from learning the pairwise label difference to learning the gradient of the ground truth function. We limit our current scope as regression on the clean data setting without noises, outliers or distributional shifts, etc. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method practically on two synthetic datasets and on eight extensive real-world tasks from six benchmark datasets with other eight competitive baselines. Running time experiments demonstrate the superior efficiency of the proposed GAR over existing methods with pairwise regularization in latent feature space and ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of each component for GAR.

replace-cross Feature Mapping in Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs)

Authors: Chengxi Zeng, Tilo Burghardt, Alberto M Gambaruto

Abstract: In this paper, the training dynamics of PINNs with a feature mapping layer via the limiting Conjugate Kernel and Neural Tangent Kernel is investigated, shedding light on the convergence of PINNs; Although the commonly used Fourier-based feature mapping has achieved great success, we show its inadequacy in some physics scenarios. Via these two scopes, we propose conditionally positive definite Radial Basis Function as a better alternative. Lastly, we explore the feature mapping numerically in a wide neural networks. Our empirical results reveal the efficacy of our method in diverse forward and inverse problem sets. Composing feature functions is found to be a practical way to address the expressivity and generalisability trade-off, viz., tuning the bandwidth of the kernels and the surjectivity of the feature mapping function. This simple technique can be implemented for coordinate inputs and benefits the broader PINNs research.

replace-cross UFO: A UI-Focused Agent for Windows OS Interaction

Authors: Chaoyun Zhang, Liqun Li, Shilin He, Xu Zhang, Bo Qiao, Si Qin, Minghua Ma, Yu Kang, Qingwei Lin, Saravan Rajmohan, Dongmei Zhang, Qi Zhang

Abstract: We introduce UFO, an innovative UI-Focused agent to fulfill user requests tailored to applications on Windows OS, harnessing the capabilities of GPT-Vision. UFO employs a dual-agent framework to meticulously observe and analyze the graphical user interface (GUI) and control information of Windows applications. This enables the agent to seamlessly navigate and operate within individual applications and across them to fulfill user requests, even when spanning multiple applications. The framework incorporates a control interaction module, facilitating action grounding without human intervention and enabling fully automated execution. Consequently, UFO transforms arduous and time-consuming processes into simple tasks achievable solely through natural language commands. We conducted testing of UFO across 9 popular Windows applications, encompassing a variety of scenarios reflective of users' daily usage. The results, derived from both quantitative metrics and real-case studies, underscore the superior effectiveness of UFO in fulfilling user requests. To the best of our knowledge, UFO stands as the first UI agent specifically tailored for task completion within the Windows OS environment. The open-source code for UFO is available on


replace-cross InfoRM: Mitigating Reward Hacking in RLHF via Information-Theoretic Reward Modeling

Authors: Yuchun Miao, Sen Zhang, Liang Ding, Rong Bao, Lefei Zhang, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Despite the success of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) in aligning language models with human values, reward hacking, also termed reward overoptimization, remains a critical challenge. This issue primarily arises from reward misgeneralization, where reward models (RMs) compute reward using spurious features that are irrelevant to human preferences. In this work, we tackle this problem from an information-theoretic perspective and propose a framework for reward modeling, namely InfoRM, by introducing a variational information bottleneck objective to filter out irrelevant information. Notably, we further identify a correlation between overoptimization and outliers in the IB latent space of InfoRM, establishing it as a promising tool for detecting reward overoptimization. Inspired by this finding, we propose the Cluster Separation Index (CSI), which quantifies deviations in the IB latent space, as an indicator of reward overoptimization to facilitate the development of online mitigation strategies. Extensive experiments on a wide range of settings and RM scales (70M, 440M, 1.4B, and 7B) demonstrate the effectiveness of InfoRM. Further analyses reveal that InfoRM's overoptimization detection mechanism is not only effective but also robust across a broad range of datasets, signifying a notable advancement in the field of RLHF. The code will be released upon acceptance.

replace-cross AFaCTA: Assisting the Annotation of Factual Claim Detection with Reliable LLM Annotators

Authors: Jingwei Ni, Minjing Shi, Dominik Stammbach, Mrinmaya Sachan, Elliott Ash, Markus Leippold

Abstract: With the rise of generative AI, automated fact-checking methods to combat misinformation are becoming more and more important. However, factual claim detection, the first step in a fact-checking pipeline, suffers from two key issues that limit its scalability and generalizability: (1) inconsistency in definitions of the task and what a claim is, and (2) the high cost of manual annotation. To address (1), we review the definitions in related work and propose a unifying definition of factual claims that focuses on verifiability. To address (2), we introduce AFaCTA (Automatic Factual Claim deTection Annotator), a novel framework that assists in the annotation of factual claims with the help of large language models (LLMs). AFaCTA calibrates its annotation confidence with consistency along three predefined reasoning paths. Extensive evaluation and experiments in the domain of political speech reveal that AFaCTA can efficiently assist experts in annotating factual claims and training high-quality classifiers, and can work with or without expert supervision. Our analyses also result in PoliClaim, a comprehensive claim detection dataset spanning diverse political topics.

replace-cross Advanced Drug Interaction Event Prediction

Authors: Yingying Wang, Yun Xiong, Xixi Wu, Xiangguo Sun, Jiawei Zhang

Abstract: Predicting drug-drug interaction adverse events, so-called DDI events, is increasingly valuable as it facilitates the study of mechanisms underlying drug use or adverse reactions. Existing models often neglect the distinctive characteristics of individual event classes when integrating multi-source features, which contributes to systematic unfairness when dealing with highly imbalanced event samples. Moreover, the limited capacity of these models to abstract the unique attributes of each event subclass considerably hampers their application in predicting rare drug-drug interaction events with a limited sample size. Reducing dataset bias and abstracting event subclass characteristics are two unresolved challenges. Recently, prompt tuning with frozen pre-trained graph models, namely "pre-train, prompt, fine-tune" strategy, has demonstrated impressive performance in few-shot tasks. Motivated by this, we propose an advanced method as a solution to address these aforementioned challenges. Specifically, our proposed approach entails a hierarchical pre-training task that aims to capture crucial aspects of drug molecular structure and intermolecular interactions while effectively mitigating implicit dataset bias within the node embeddings. Furthermore, we construct a prototypical graph by strategically sampling data from distinct event types and design subgraph prompts utilizing pre-trained node features. Through comprehensive benchmark experiments, we validate the efficacy of our subgraph prompts in accurately representing event classes and achieve exemplary results in both overall and subclass prediction tasks.

replace-cross Where is the answer? Investigating Positional Bias in Language Model Knowledge Extraction

Authors: Kuniaki Saito, Kihyuk Sohn, Chen-Yu Lee, Yoshitaka Ushiku

Abstract: Large language models require updates to remain up-to-date or adapt to new domains by fine-tuning them with new documents. One key is memorizing the latest information in a way that the memorized information is extractable with a query prompt. However, LLMs suffer from a phenomenon called perplexity curse; despite minimizing document perplexity during fine-tuning, LLMs struggle to extract information through a prompt sentence. In this new knowledge acquisition and extraction, we find a very intriguing fact that LLMs can accurately answer questions about the first sentence, but they struggle to extract information described in the middle or end of the documents used for fine-tuning. Our study suggests that the auto-regressive training causes this issue; each token is prompted by reliance on all previous tokens, which hinders the model from recalling information from training documents by question prompts. To conduct the in-depth study, we publish both synthetic and real datasets, enabling the evaluation of the QA performance w.r.t. the position of the corresponding answer in a document. Our investigation shows that even a large model suffers from the perplexity curse, but regularization such as denoising auto-regressive loss can enhance the information extraction from diverse positions. These findings will be (i) a key to improving knowledge extraction from LLMs and (ii) new elements to discuss the trade-off between RAG and fine-tuning in adapting LLMs to a new domain.

replace-cross Aligning Individual and Collective Objectives in Multi-Agent Cooperation

Authors: Yang Li, Wenhao Zhang, Jianhong Wang, Shao Zhang, Yali Du, Ying Wen, Wei Pan

Abstract: Among the research topics in multi-agent learning, mixed-motive cooperation is one of the most prominent challenges, primarily due to the mismatch between individual and collective goals. The cutting-edge research is focused on incorporating domain knowledge into rewards and introducing additional mechanisms to incentivize cooperation. However, these approaches often face shortcomings such as the effort on manual design and the absence of theoretical groundings. To close this gap, we model the mixed-motive game as a differentiable game for the ease of illuminating the learning dynamics towards cooperation. More detailed, we introduce a novel optimization method named \textbf{\textit{A}}ltruistic \textbf{\textit{G}}radient \textbf{\textit{A}}djustment (\textbf{\textit{AgA}}) that employs gradient adjustments to progressively align individual and collective objectives. Furthermore, we theoretically prove that AgA effectively attracts gradients to stable fixed points of the collective objective while considering individual interests, and we validate these claims with empirical evidence. We evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithm AgA through benchmark environments for testing mixed-motive collaboration with small-scale agents such as the two-player public good game and the sequential social dilemma games, Cleanup and Harvest, as well as our self-developed large-scale environment in the game StarCraft II.

replace-cross SPRINQL: Sub-optimal Demonstrations driven Offline Imitation Learning

Authors: Huy Hoang, Tien Mai, Pradeep Varakantham

Abstract: We focus on offline imitation learning (IL), which aims to mimic an expert's behavior using demonstrations without any interaction with the environment. One of the main challenges in offline IL is the limited support of expert demonstrations, which typically cover only a small fraction of the state-action space. While it may not be feasible to obtain numerous expert demonstrations, it is often possible to gather a larger set of sub-optimal demonstrations. For example, in treatment optimization problems, there are varying levels of doctor treatments available for different chronic conditions. These range from treatment specialists and experienced general practitioners to less experienced general practitioners. Similarly, when robots are trained to imitate humans in routine tasks, they might learn from individuals with different levels of expertise and efficiency. In this paper, we propose an offline IL approach that leverages the larger set of sub-optimal demonstrations while effectively mimicking expert trajectories. Existing offline IL methods based on behavior cloning or distribution matching often face issues such as overfitting to the limited set of expert demonstrations or inadvertently imitating sub-optimal trajectories from the larger dataset. Our approach, which is based on inverse soft-Q learning, learns from both expert and sub-optimal demonstrations. It assigns higher importance (through learned weights) to aligning with expert demonstrations and lower importance to aligning with sub-optimal ones. A key contribution of our approach, called SPRINQL, is transforming the offline IL problem into a convex optimization over the space of Q functions. Through comprehensive experimental evaluations, we demonstrate that the SPRINQL algorithm achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on offline IL benchmarks. Code is available at


replace-cross ACE : Off-Policy Actor-Critic with Causality-Aware Entropy Regularization

Authors: Tianying Ji, Yongyuan Liang, Yan Zeng, Yu Luo, Guowei Xu, Jiawei Guo, Ruijie Zheng, Furong Huang, Fuchun Sun, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: The varying significance of distinct primitive behaviors during the policy learning process has been overlooked by prior model-free RL algorithms. Leveraging this insight, we explore the causal relationship between different action dimensions and rewards to evaluate the significance of various primitive behaviors during training. We introduce a causality-aware entropy term that effectively identifies and prioritizes actions with high potential impacts for efficient exploration. Furthermore, to prevent excessive focus on specific primitive behaviors, we analyze the gradient dormancy phenomenon and introduce a dormancy-guided reset mechanism to further enhance the efficacy of our method. Our proposed algorithm, ACE: Off-policy Actor-critic with Causality-aware Entropy regularization, demonstrates a substantial performance advantage across 29 diverse continuous control tasks spanning 7 domains compared to model-free RL baselines, which underscores the effectiveness, versatility, and efficient sample efficiency of our approach. Benchmark results and videos are available at


replace-cross Energy-efficiency Limits on Training AI Systems using Learning-in-Memory

Authors: Zihao Chen, Johannes Leugering, Gert Cauwenberghs, Shantanu Chakrabartty

Abstract: Learning-in-memory (LIM) is a recently proposed paradigm to overcome fundamental memory bottlenecks in training machine learning systems. While compute-in-memory (CIM) approaches can address the so-called memory-wall (i.e. energy dissipated due to repeated memory read access) they are agnostic to the energy dissipated due to repeated memory writes at the precision required for training (the update-wall), and they don't account for the energy dissipated when transferring information between short-term and long-term memories (the consolidation-wall). The LIM paradigm proposes that these bottlenecks, too, can be overcome if the energy barrier of physical memories is adaptively modulated such that the dynamics of memory updates and consolidation match the Lyapunov dynamics of gradient-descent training of an AI model. In this paper, we derive new theoretical lower bounds on energy dissipation when training AI systems using different LIM approaches. The analysis presented here is model-agnostic and highlights the trade-off between energy efficiency and the speed of training. The resulting non-equilibrium energy-efficiency bounds have a similar flavor as that of Landauer's energy-dissipation bounds. We also extend these limits by taking into account the number of floating-point operations (FLOPs) used for training, the size of the AI model, and the precision of the training parameters. Our projections suggest that the energy-dissipation lower-bound to train a brain scale AI system (comprising of $10^{15}$ parameters) using LIM is $10^8 \sim 10^9$ Joules, which is on the same magnitude the Landauer's adiabatic lower-bound and $6$ to $7$ orders of magnitude lower than the projections obtained using state-of-the-art AI accelerator hardware lower-bounds.

replace-cross Has the Deep Neural Network learned the Stochastic Process? A Wildfire Perspective

Authors: Harshit Kumar, Beomseok Kang, Biswadeep Chakraborty, Saibal Mukhopadhyay

Abstract: This paper presents the first systematic study of evalution of Deep Neural Network (DNN) designed and trained to predict the evolution of a stochastic dynamical system, using wildfire prediction as a case study. We show that traditional evaluation methods based on threshold based classification metrics and error-based scoring rules assess a DNN's ability to replicate the observed ground truth (GT), but do not measure the fidelity of the DNN's learning of the underlying stochastic process. To address this gap, we propose a new system property: Statistic-GT, representing the GT of the stochastic process, and an evaluation metric that exclusively assesses fidelity to Statistic-GT. Utilizing a synthetic dataset, we introduce a stochastic framework to characterize this property and establish criteria for a metric to be a valid measure of the proposed property. We formally show that Expected Calibration Error (ECE) tests the necessary condition for fidelity to Statistic-GT. We perform empirical experiments, differentiating ECE's behavior from conventional metrics and demonstrate that ECE exclusively measures fidelity to the stochastic process. Extending our analysis to real-world wildfire data, we highlight the limitations of traditional evaluation methods and discuss the utility of evaluating fidelity to the stochastic process alongside existing metrics.

replace-cross Reputational Algorithm Aversion

Authors: Gregory Weitzner

Abstract: People are often reluctant to incorporate information produced by algorithms into their decisions, a phenomenon called ``algorithm aversion''. This paper shows how algorithm aversion arises when the choice to follow an algorithm conveys information about a human's ability. I develop a model in which workers make forecasts of an uncertain outcome based on their own private information and an algorithm's signal. Low-skill workers receive worse information than the algorithm and hence should always follow the algorithm's signal, while high-skill workers receive better information than the algorithm and should sometimes override it. However, due to reputational concerns, low-skill workers inefficiently override the algorithm to increase the likelihood they are perceived as high-skill. The model provides a fully rational microfoundation for algorithm aversion that aligns with the broad concern that AI systems will displace many types of workers.

replace-cross Transductive Active Learning: Theory and Applications

Authors: Jonas H\"ubotter, Bhavya Sukhija, Lenart Treven, Yarden As, Andreas Krause

Abstract: We generalize active learning to address real-world settings with concrete prediction targets where sampling is restricted to an accessible region of the domain, while prediction targets may lie outside this region. We analyze a family of decision rules that sample adaptively to minimize uncertainty about prediction targets. We are the first to show, under general regularity assumptions, that such decision rules converge uniformly to the smallest possible uncertainty obtainable from the accessible data. We demonstrate their strong sample efficiency in two key applications: Active few-shot fine-tuning of large neural networks and safe Bayesian optimization, where they improve significantly upon the state-of-the-art.

replace-cross Don't Start from Scratch: Behavioral Refinement via Interpolant-based Policy Diffusion

Authors: Kaiqi Chen, Eugene Lim, Kelvin Lin, Yiyang Chen, Harold Soh

Abstract: Imitation learning empowers artificial agents to mimic behavior by learning from demonstrations. Recently, diffusion models, which have the ability to model high-dimensional and multimodal distributions, have shown impressive performance on imitation learning tasks. These models learn to shape a policy by diffusing actions (or states) from standard Gaussian noise. However, the target policy to be learned is often significantly different from Gaussian and this mismatch can result in poor performance when using a small number of diffusion steps (to improve inference speed) and under limited data. The key idea in this work is that initiating from a more informative source than Gaussian enables diffusion methods to mitigate the above limitations. We contribute both theoretical results, a new method, and empirical findings that show the benefits of using an informative source policy. Our method, which we call BRIDGER, leverages the stochastic interpolants framework to bridge arbitrary policies, thus enabling a flexible approach towards imitation learning. It generalizes prior work in that standard Gaussians can still be applied, but other source policies can be used if available. In experiments on challenging simulation benchmarks and on real robots, BRIDGER outperforms state-of-the-art diffusion policies. We provide further analysis on design considerations when applying BRIDGER.


replace-cross A Poisson-Gamma Dynamic Factor Model with Time-Varying Transition Dynamics

Authors: Jiahao Wang, Sikun Yang, Heinz Koeppl, Xiuzhen Cheng, Pengfei Hu, Guoming Zhang

Abstract: Probabilistic approaches for handling count-valued time sequences have attracted amounts of research attentions because their ability to infer explainable latent structures and to estimate uncertainties, and thus are especially suitable for dealing with \emph{noisy} and \emph{incomplete} count data. Among these models, Poisson-Gamma Dynamical Systems (PGDSs) are proven to be effective in capturing the evolving dynamics underlying observed count sequences. However, the state-of-the-art PGDS still fails to capture the \emph{time-varying} transition dynamics that are commonly observed in real-world count time sequences. To mitigate this gap, a non-stationary PGDS is proposed to allow the underlying transition matrices to evolve over time, and the evolving transition matrices are modeled by sophisticatedly-designed Dirichlet Markov chains. Leveraging Dirichlet-Multinomial-Beta data augmentation techniques, a fully-conjugate and efficient Gibbs sampler is developed to perform posterior simulation. Experiments show that, in comparison with related models, the proposed non-stationary PGDS achieves improved predictive performance due to its capacity to learn non-stationary dependency structure captured by the time-evolving transition matrices.

replace-cross Measuring Vision-Language STEM Skills of Neural Models

Authors: Jianhao Shen, Ye Yuan, Srbuhi Mirzoyan, Ming Zhang, Chenguang Wang

Abstract: We introduce a new challenge to test the STEM skills of neural models. The problems in the real world often require solutions, combining knowledge from STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). Unlike existing datasets, our dataset requires the understanding of multimodal vision-language information of STEM. Our dataset features one of the largest and most comprehensive datasets for the challenge. It includes 448 skills and 1,073,146 questions spanning all STEM subjects. Compared to existing datasets that often focus on examining expert-level ability, our dataset includes fundamental skills and questions designed based on the K-12 curriculum. We also add state-of-the-art foundation models such as CLIP and GPT-3.5-Turbo to our benchmark. Results show that the recent model advances only help master a very limited number of lower grade-level skills (2.5% in the third grade) in our dataset. In fact, these models are still well below (averaging 54.7%) the performance of elementary students, not to mention near expert-level performance. To understand and increase the performance on our dataset, we teach the models on a training split of our dataset. Even though we observe improved performance, the model performance remains relatively low compared to average elementary students. To solve STEM problems, we will need novel algorithmic innovations from the community.

replace-cross Prediction-Powered Ranking of Large Language Models

Authors: Ivi Chatzi, Eleni Straitouri, Suhas Thejaswi, Manuel Gomez Rodriguez

Abstract: Large language models are often ranked according to their level of alignment with human preferences -- a model is better than other models if its outputs are more frequently preferred by humans. One of the popular ways to elicit human preferences utilizes pairwise comparisons between the outputs provided by different models to the same inputs. However, since gathering pairwise comparisons by humans is costly and time-consuming, it has become a common practice to gather pairwise comparisons by a strong large language model -- a model strongly aligned with human preferences. Surprisingly, practitioners cannot currently measure the uncertainty that any mismatch between human and model preferences may introduce in the constructed rankings. In this work, we develop a statistical framework to bridge this gap. Given a (small) set of pairwise comparisons by humans and a large set of pairwise comparisons by a model, our framework provides a rank-set -- a set of possible ranking positions -- for each of the models under comparison. Moreover, it guarantees that, with a probability greater than or equal to a user-specified value, the rank-sets cover the true ranking consistent with the distribution of human pairwise preferences asymptotically. Using pairwise comparisons made by humans in the LMSYS Chatbot Arena platform and pairwise comparisons made by three strong large language models, we empirically demonstrate the effectivity of our framework and show that the rank-sets constructed using only pairwise comparisons by the strong large language models are often inconsistent with (the distribution of) human pairwise preferences.

replace-cross Towards Intent-Based Network Management: Large Language Models for Intent Extraction in 5G Core Networks

Authors: Dimitrios Michael Manias, Ali Chouman, Abdallah Shami

Abstract: The integration of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) into fifth-generation (5G) networks has made evident the limitations of network intelligence with ever-increasing, strenuous requirements for current and next-generation devices. This transition to ubiquitous intelligence demands high connectivity, synchronicity, and end-to-end communication between users and network operators, and will pave the way towards full network automation without human intervention. Intent-based networking is a key factor in the reduction of human actions, roles, and responsibilities while shifting towards novel extraction and interpretation of automated network management. This paper presents the development of a custom Large Language Model (LLM) for 5G and next-generation intent-based networking and provides insights into future LLM developments and integrations to realize end-to-end intent-based networking for fully automated network intelligence.

replace-cross Detecting AI-Generated Sentences in Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Texts: Challenges, Strategies, and Insights

Authors: Zijie Zeng, Shiqi Liu, Lele Sha, Zhuang Li, Kaixun Yang, Sannyuya Liu, Dragan Ga\v{s}evi\'c, Guanliang Chen

Abstract: This study explores the challenge of sentence-level AI-generated text detection within human-AI collaborative hybrid texts. Existing studies of AI-generated text detection for hybrid texts often rely on synthetic datasets. These typically involve hybrid texts with a limited number of boundaries. We contend that studies of detecting AI-generated content within hybrid texts should cover different types of hybrid texts generated in realistic settings to better inform real-world applications. Therefore, our study utilizes the CoAuthor dataset, which includes diverse, realistic hybrid texts generated through the collaboration between human writers and an intelligent writing system in multi-turn interactions. We adopt a two-step, segmentation-based pipeline: (i) detect segments within a given hybrid text where each segment contains sentences of consistent authorship, and (ii) classify the authorship of each identified segment. Our empirical findings highlight (1) detecting AI-generated sentences in hybrid texts is overall a challenging task because (1.1) human writers' selecting and even editing AI-generated sentences based on personal preferences adds difficulty in identifying the authorship of segments; (1.2) the frequent change of authorship between neighboring sentences within the hybrid text creates difficulties for segment detectors in identifying authorship-consistent segments; (1.3) the short length of text segments within hybrid texts provides limited stylistic cues for reliable authorship determination; (2) before embarking on the detection process, it is beneficial to assess the average length of segments within the hybrid text. This assessment aids in deciding whether (2.1) to employ a text segmentation-based strategy for hybrid texts with longer segments, or (2.2) to adopt a direct sentence-by-sentence classification strategy for those with shorter segments.

replace-cross Equipping Computational Pathology Systems with Artifact Processing Pipelines: A Showcase for Computation and Performance Trade-offs

Authors: Neel Kanwal, Farbod Khoraminia, Umay Kiraz, Andres Mosquera-Zamudio, Carlos Monteagudo, Emiel A. M. Janssen, Tahlita C. M. Zuiverloon, Chunmig Rong, Kjersti Engan

Abstract: Histopathology is a gold standard for cancer diagnosis under a microscopic examination. However, histological tissue processing procedures result in artifacts, which are ultimately transferred to the digitized version of glass slides, known as whole slide images (WSIs). Artifacts are diagnostically irrelevant areas and may result in wrong deep learning (DL) algorithms predictions. Therefore, detecting and excluding artifacts in the computational pathology (CPATH) system is essential for reliable automated diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a mixture of experts (MoE) scheme for detecting five notable artifacts, including damaged tissue, blur, folded tissue, air bubbles, and histologically irrelevant blood from WSIs. First, we train independent binary DL models as experts to capture particular artifact morphology. Then, we ensemble their predictions using a fusion mechanism. We apply probabilistic thresholding over the final probability distribution to improve the sensitivity of the MoE. We developed DL pipelines using two MoEs and two multiclass models of state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs). DCNNs-based MoE and ViTs-based MoE schemes outperformed simpler multiclass models and were tested on datasets from different hospitals and cancer types, where MoE using DCNNs yielded the best results. The proposed MoE yields 86.15% F1 and 97.93% sensitivity scores on unseen data, retaining less computational cost for inference than MoE using ViTs. This best performance of MoEs comes with relatively higher computational trade-offs than multiclass models. The proposed artifact detection pipeline will not only ensure reliable CPATH predictions but may also provide quality control.

replace-cross Large Language Models are Contrastive Reasoners

Authors: Liang Yao

Abstract: Prompting methods play a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of pre-trained large language models (LLMs). We explore how contrastive prompting (CP) significantly improves the ability of large language models to perform complex reasoning. We demonstrate that LLMs are decent contrastive reasoners by simply adding "Let's give a correct and a wrong answer." before LLMs provide answers. Experiments on various large language models show that zero-shot contrastive prompting improves performance on a range of arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning tasks without any hand-crafted few-shot examples, such as increasing the accuracy on GSM8K from 35.9% to 88.8% and AQUA-RAT from 41.3% to 62.2% with the state-of-the-art GPT-4 model. Our method not only surpasses zero-shot CoT and few-shot CoT in most arithmetic and commonsense reasoning tasks but also can seamlessly integrate with existing prompting methods, resulting in improved or comparable results when compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at


replace-cross AutoTRIZ: Artificial Ideation with TRIZ and Large Language Models

Authors: Shuo Jiang, Jianxi Luo

Abstract: Researchers and innovators have made enormous efforts in developing ideation methods, such as morphological analysis and design-by-analogy, to aid engineering design ideation for problem solving and innovation. Among these, the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) stands out as one of the most well-known approaches, widely applied for systematic innovation. However, the complexity of TRIZ resources and concepts, coupled with its reliance on users' knowledge, experience, and reasoning capabilities, limits its practicality. Therefore, we explore the recent advances of large language models (LLMs) for a generative approach to bridge this gap. This paper proposes AutoTRIZ, an artificial ideation tool that uses LLMs to automate and enhance the TRIZ methodology. By leveraging the broad knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities of LLMs, AutoTRIZ offers a novel approach for design automation and interpretable ideation with artificial intelligence. AutoTRIZ takes a problem statement from the user as its initial input, and automatically generates a solution report after the reasoning process. We demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of AutoTRIZ through consistency experiments in contradiction detection, and a case study comparing solutions generated by AutoTRIZ with the experts' analyses from the textbook. Moreover, the proposed LLM-based framework holds the potential for extension to automate other knowledge-based ideation methods, including SCAMPER, Design Heuristics, and Design-by-Analogy, paving the way for a new era of artificial ideation for design innovation.

replace-cross AdaptSFL: Adaptive Split Federated Learning in Resource-constrained Edge Networks

Authors: Zheng Lin, Guanqiao Qu, Wei Wei, Xianhao Chen, Kin K. Leung

Abstract: The increasing complexity of deep neural networks poses significant barriers to democratizing them to resource-limited edge devices. To address this challenge, split federated learning (SFL) has emerged as a promising solution by of floading the primary training workload to a server via model partitioning while enabling parallel training among edge devices. However, although system optimization substantially influences the performance of SFL under resource-constrained systems, the problem remains largely uncharted. In this paper, we provide a convergence analysis of SFL which quantifies the impact of model splitting (MS) and client-side model aggregation (MA) on the learning performance, serving as a theoretical foundation. Then, we propose AdaptSFL, a novel resource-adaptive SFL framework, to expedite SFL under resource-constrained edge computing systems. Specifically, AdaptSFL adaptively controls client-side MA and MS to balance communication-computing latency and training convergence. Extensive simulations across various datasets validate that our proposed AdaptSFL framework takes considerably less time to achieve a target accuracy than benchmarks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed strategies.

replace-cross LLaVA-PruMerge: Adaptive Token Reduction for Efficient Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Yuzhang Shang, Mu Cai, Bingxin Xu, Yong Jae Lee, Yan Yan

Abstract: Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have shown significant visual reasoning capabilities by connecting a visual encoder and a large language model. LMMs typically take in a fixed and large amount of visual tokens, such as the penultimate layer features in the CLIP visual encoder, as the prefix content. Recent LMMs incorporate more complex visual inputs, such as high-resolution images and videos, which further increases the number of visual tokens significantly. However, due to the inherent design of the Transformer architecture, the computational costs of these models tend to increase quadratically with the number of input tokens. To tackle this problem, we explore a token reduction mechanism that identifies significant spatial redundancy among visual tokens. In response, we propose PruMerge, a novel adaptive visual token reduction strategy that significantly reduces the number of visual tokens without compromising the performance of LMMs. Specifically, to metric the importance of each token, we exploit the sparsity observed in the visual encoder, characterized by the sparse distribution of attention scores between the class token and visual tokens. This sparsity enables us to dynamically select the most crucial visual tokens to retain. Subsequently, we cluster the selected (unpruned) tokens based on their key similarity and merge them with the unpruned tokens, effectively supplementing and enhancing their informational content. Empirically, when applied to LLaVA-1.5, our approach can compress the visual tokens by 14 times on average, and achieve comparable performance across diverse visual question-answering and reasoning tasks. Code and checkpoints are at


replace-cross Initialisation and Topology Effects in Decentralised Federated Learning

Authors: Arash Badie-Modiri, Chiara Boldrini, Lorenzo Valerio, J\'anos Kert\'esz, M\'arton Karsai

Abstract: Fully decentralised federated learning enables collaborative training of individual machine learning models on distributed devices on a communication network while keeping the training data localised. This approach enhances data privacy and eliminates both the single point of failure and the necessity for central coordination. Our research highlights that the effectiveness of decentralised federated learning is significantly influenced by the network topology of connected devices. We propose a strategy for uncoordinated initialisation of the artificial neural networks, which leverages the distribution of eigenvector centralities of the nodes of the underlying communication network, leading to a radically improved training efficiency. Additionally, our study explores the scaling behaviour and choice of environmental parameters under our proposed initialisation strategy. This work paves the way for more efficient and scalable artificial neural network training in a distributed and uncoordinated environment, offering a deeper understanding of the intertwining roles of network structure and learning dynamics.

replace-cross Imitating Cost-Constrained Behaviors in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Qian Shao, Pradeep Varakantham, Shih-Fen Cheng

Abstract: Complex planning and scheduling problems have long been solved using various optimization or heuristic approaches. In recent years, imitation learning that aims to learn from expert demonstrations has been proposed as a viable alternative to solving these problems. Generally speaking, imitation learning is designed to learn either the reward (or preference) model or directly the behavioral policy by observing the behavior of an expert. Existing work in imitation learning and inverse reinforcement learning has focused on imitation primarily in unconstrained settings (e.g., no limit on fuel consumed by the vehicle). However, in many real-world domains, the behavior of an expert is governed not only by reward (or preference) but also by constraints. For instance, decisions on self-driving delivery vehicles are dependent not only on the route preferences/rewards (depending on past demand data) but also on the fuel in the vehicle and the time available. In such problems, imitation learning is challenging as decisions are not only dictated by the reward model but are also dependent on a cost-constrained model. In this paper, we provide multiple methods that match expert distributions in the presence of trajectory cost constraints through (a) Lagrangian-based method; (b) Meta-gradients to find a good trade-off between expected return and minimizing constraint violation; and (c) Cost-violation-based alternating gradient. We empirically show that leading imitation learning approaches imitate cost-constrained behaviors poorly and our meta-gradient-based approach achieves the best performance.

replace-cross Streamlining Redundant Layers to Compress Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaodong Chen, Yuxuan Hu, Jing Zhang, Yanling Wang, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen

Abstract: This paper introduces LLM-Streamline, a novel layer pruning approach for large language models. It is based on the observation that different layers have varying impacts on hidden states, enabling the identification of less important layers. LLMStreamline comprises two parts: layer pruning, which removes consecutive layers with the lowest importance based on target sparsity, and layer replacement, where a lightweight network is trained to replace the pruned layers to mitigate performance loss. Additionally, a new metric called "stability" is proposed to address the limitations of accuracy in evaluating model compression. Experiments show that LLM-Streamline surpasses previous state-of-the-art pruning methods in both accuracy and stability.

replace-cross MineLand: Simulating Large-Scale Multi-Agent Interactions with Limited Multimodal Senses and Physical Needs

Authors: Xianhao Yu, Jiaqi Fu, Renjia Deng, Wenjuan Han

Abstract: While Vision-Language Models (VLMs) hold promise for tasks requiring extensive collaboration, traditional multi-agent simulators have facilitated rich explorations of an interactive artificial society that reflects collective behavior. However, these existing simulators face significant limitations. Firstly, they struggle with handling large numbers of agents due to high resource demands. Secondly, they often assume agents possess perfect information and limitless capabilities, hindering the ecological validity of simulated social interactions. To bridge this gap, we propose a multi-agent Minecraft simulator, MineLand, that bridges this gap by introducing three key features: large-scale scalability, limited multimodal senses, and physical needs. Our simulator supports 64 or more agents. Agents have limited visual, auditory, and environmental awareness, forcing them to actively communicate and collaborate to fulfill physical needs like food and resources. Additionally, we further introduce an AI agent framework, Alex, inspired by multitasking theory, enabling agents to handle intricate coordination and scheduling. Our experiments demonstrate that the simulator, the corresponding benchmark, and the AI agent framework contribute to more ecological and nuanced collective behavior.The source code of MineLand and Alex is openly available at


replace-cross Towards Stable Machine Learning Model Retraining via Slowly Varying Sequences

Authors: Dimitris Bertsimas, Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Yu Ma, Phevos Paschalidis

Abstract: We consider the task of retraining machine learning (ML) models when new batches of data become available. Existing methods focus largely on greedy approaches to find the best-performing model for each batch, without considering the stability of the model's structure across retraining iterations. In this study, we propose a methodology for finding sequences of ML models that are stable across retraining iterations. We develop a mixed-integer optimization formulation that is guaranteed to recover Pareto optimal models (in terms of the predictive power-stability trade-off) and an efficient polynomial-time algorithm that performs well in practice. We focus on retaining consistent analytical insights - which is important to model interpretability, ease of implementation, and fostering trust with users - by using custom-defined distance metrics that can be directly incorporated into the optimization problem. Our method shows stronger stability than greedily trained models with a small, controllable sacrifice in predictive power, as evidenced through a real-world case study in a major hospital system in Connecticut.

replace-cross MambaMixer: Efficient Selective State Space Models with Dual Token and Channel Selection

Authors: Ali Behrouz, Michele Santacatterina, Ramin Zabih

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning have mainly relied on Transformers due to their data dependency and ability to learn at scale. The attention module in these architectures, however, exhibits quadratic time and space in input size, limiting their scalability for long-sequence modeling. State Space Models (SSMs), and more specifically Selective SSMs (S6), with efficient hardware-aware implementation, have shown promising potential for long causal sequence modeling. They, however, use separate blocks for each channel and fail to filter irrelevant channels and capture inter-channel dependencies. Natural attempt to mix information across channels using MLP, attention, or SSMs results in further instability in the training of SSMs for large networks and/or nearly double the number of parameters. We present the MambaMixer block, a new SSM-based architecture with data-dependent weights that uses a dual selection mechanism across tokens and channels-called Selective Token and Channel Mixer. To mitigate doubling the number of parameters, we present a new non-causal heuristic of the S6 block using quasi-separable kernels with a hardware-friendly implementation. We further present an efficient variant of MambaMixer, called QSMixer, that mixes information along both sequence and embedding dimensions. As a proof of concept, we design Vision MambaMixer (ViM2) and Vision QSMixer (ViQS) architectures. To enhance their ability to capture spatial information in images, we present Switch of Scans (SoS) that dynamically uses a set of useful image scans to traverse image patches. We evaluate the performance of our methods in image classification, segmentation, and object detection. Our results underline the importance of selectively mixing across both tokens and channels and show the competitive (resp. superior) performance of our methods with well-established vision models (resp. SSM-based models).

replace-cross Measuring Social Norms of Large Language Models

Authors: Ye Yuan, Kexin Tang, Jianhao Shen, Ming Zhang, Chenguang Wang

Abstract: We present a new challenge to examine whether large language models understand social norms. In contrast to existing datasets, our dataset requires a fundamental understanding of social norms to solve. Our dataset features the largest set of social norm skills, consisting of 402 skills and 12,383 questions covering a wide set of social norms ranging from opinions and arguments to culture and laws. We design our dataset according to the K-12 curriculum. This enables the direct comparison of the social understanding of large language models to humans, more specifically, elementary students. While prior work generates nearly random accuracy on our benchmark, recent large language models such as GPT3.5-Turbo and LLaMA2-Chat are able to improve the performance significantly, only slightly below human performance. We then propose a multi-agent framework based on large language models to improve the models' ability to understand social norms. This method further improves large language models to be on par with humans. Given the increasing adoption of large language models in real-world applications, our finding is particularly important and presents a unique direction for future improvements.

replace-cross ReFT: Representation Finetuning for Language Models

Authors: Zhengxuan Wu, Aryaman Arora, Zheng Wang, Atticus Geiger, Dan Jurafsky, Christopher D. Manning, Christopher Potts

Abstract: Parameter-efficient finetuning (PEFT) methods seek to adapt large neural models via updates to a small number of weights. However, much prior interpretability work has shown that representations encode rich semantic information, suggesting that editing representations might be a more powerful alternative. We pursue this hypothesis by developing a family of Representation Finetuning (ReFT) methods. ReFT methods operate on a frozen base model and learn task-specific interventions on hidden representations. We define a strong instance of the ReFT family, Low-rank Linear Subspace ReFT (LoReFT), and we identify an ablation of this method that trades some performance for increased efficiency. Both are drop-in replacements for existing PEFTs and learn interventions that are 15x--65x more parameter-efficient than LoRA. We showcase LoReFT on eight commonsense reasoning tasks, four arithmetic reasoning tasks, instruction-tuning, and GLUE. In all these evaluations, our ReFTs deliver the best balance of efficiency and performance, and almost always outperform state-of-the-art PEFTs. We release a generic ReFT training library publicly at


replace-cross Who Evaluates the Evaluations? Objectively Scoring Text-to-Image Prompt Coherence Metrics with T2IScoreScore (TS2)

Authors: Michael Saxon, Fatima Jahara, Mahsa Khoshnoodi, Yujie Lu, Aditya Sharma, William Yang Wang

Abstract: With advances in the quality of text-to-image (T2I) models has come interest in benchmarking their prompt faithfulness-the semantic coherence of generated images to the prompts they were conditioned on. A variety of T2I faithfulness metrics have been proposed, leveraging advances in cross-modal embeddings and vision-language models (VLMs). However, these metrics are not rigorously compared and benchmarked, instead presented with correlation to human Likert scores over a set of easy-to-discriminate images against seemingly weak baselines. We introduce T2IScoreScore (TS2), a curated set of semantic error graphs containing a prompt and a set increasingly erroneous images. These allow us to rigorously judge whether a given prompt faithfulness metric can correctly order images with respect to their objective error count and significantly discriminate between different error nodes, using meta-metric scores derived from established statistical tests. Surprisingly, we find that the state-of-the-art VLM-based metrics (e.g., TIFA, DSG, LLMScore, VIEScore) we tested fail to significantly outperform simple (and supposedly worse) feature-based metrics like CLIPScore, particularly on a hard subset of naturally-occurring T2I model errors. TS2 will enable the development of better T2I prompt faithfulness metrics through more rigorous comparison of their conformity to expected orderings and separations under objective criteria.

replace-cross Rho-1: Not All Tokens Are What You Need

Authors: Zhenghao Lin, Zhibin Gou, Yeyun Gong, Xiao Liu, Yelong Shen, Ruochen Xu, Chen Lin, Yujiu Yang, Jian Jiao, Nan Duan, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Previous language model pre-training methods have uniformly applied a next-token prediction loss to all training tokens. Challenging this norm, we posit that ''Not all tokens in a corpus are equally important for language model training''. Our initial analysis examines token-level training dynamics of language model, revealing distinct loss patterns for different tokens. Leveraging these insights, we introduce a new language model called Rho-1. Unlike traditional LMs that learn to predict every next token in a corpus, Rho-1 employs Selective Language Modeling (SLM), which selectively trains on useful tokens that aligned with the desired distribution. This approach involves scoring pretraining tokens using a reference model, and then training the language model with a focused loss on tokens with higher scores. When continual pretraining on 15B OpenWebMath corpus, Rho-1 yields an absolute improvement in few-shot accuracy of up to 30% in 9 math tasks. After fine-tuning, Rho-1-1B and 7B achieved state-of-the-art results of 40.6% and 51.8% on MATH dataset, respectively - matching DeepSeekMath with only 3% of the pretraining tokens. Furthermore, when pretraining on 80B general tokens, Rho-1 achieves 6.8% average enhancement across 15 diverse tasks, increasing both efficiency and performance of the language model pre-training.

replace-cross Many-Shot In-Context Learning

Authors: Rishabh Agarwal, Avi Singh, Lei M. Zhang, Bernd Bohnet, Luis Rosias, Stephanie Chan, Biao Zhang, Ankesh Anand, Zaheer Abbas, Azade Nova, John D. Co-Reyes, Eric Chu, Feryal Behbahani, Aleksandra Faust, Hugo Larochelle

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel at few-shot in-context learning (ICL) -- learning from a few examples provided in context at inference, without any weight updates. Newly expanded context windows allow us to investigate ICL with hundreds or thousands of examples -- the many-shot regime. Going from few-shot to many-shot, we observe significant performance gains across a wide variety of generative and discriminative tasks. While promising, many-shot ICL can be bottlenecked by the available amount of human-generated examples. To mitigate this limitation, we explore two new settings: Reinforced and Unsupervised ICL. Reinforced ICL uses model-generated chain-of-thought rationales in place of human examples. Unsupervised ICL removes rationales from the prompt altogether, and prompts the model only with domain-specific questions. We find that both Reinforced and Unsupervised ICL can be quite effective in the many-shot regime, particularly on complex reasoning tasks. Finally, we demonstrate that, unlike few-shot learning, many-shot learning is effective at overriding pretraining biases, can learn high-dimensional functions with numerical inputs, and performs comparably to fine-tuning. Our analysis also reveals the limitations of next-token prediction loss as an indicator of downstream ICL performance.

replace-cross Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Language Model Policy Optimization

Authors: Akifumi Wachi, Thien Q. Tran, Rei Sato, Takumi Tanabe, Youhei Akimoto

Abstract: Safety and trustworthiness are indispensable requirements for real-world applications of AI systems using large language models (LLMs). This paper formulates human value alignment as an optimization problem of the language model policy to maximize reward under a safety constraint, and then proposes an algorithm, Stepwise Alignment for Constrained Policy Optimization (SACPO). One key idea behind SACPO, supported by theory, is that the optimal policy incorporating reward and safety can be directly obtained from a reward-aligned policy. Building on this key idea, SACPO aligns LLMs step-wise with each metric while leveraging simple yet powerful alignment algorithms such as direct preference optimization (DPO). SACPO offers several advantages, including simplicity, stability, computational efficiency, and flexibility of algorithms and datasets. Under mild assumptions, our theoretical analysis provides the upper bounds on optimality and safety constraint violation. Our experimental results show that SACPO can fine-tune Alpaca-7B better than the state-of-the-art method in terms of both helpfulness and harmlessness.

replace-cross Towards General Conceptual Model Editing via Adversarial Representation Engineering

Authors: Yihao Zhang, Zeming Wei, Jun Sun, Meng Sun

Abstract: Since the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has achieved remarkable success, understanding and controlling their internal complex mechanisms has become an urgent problem. Recent research has attempted to interpret their behaviors through the lens of inner representation. However, developing practical and efficient methods for applying these representations for general and flexible model editing remains challenging. In this work, we explore how to use representation engineering methods to guide the editing of LLMs by deploying a representation sensor as an oracle. We first identify the importance of a robust and reliable sensor during editing, then propose an Adversarial Representation Engineering (ARE) framework to provide a unified and interpretable approach for conceptual model editing without compromising baseline performance. Experiments on multiple model editing paradigms demonstrate the effectiveness of ARE in various settings. Code and data are available at


replace-cross SpaceByte: Towards Deleting Tokenization from Large Language Modeling

Authors: Kevin Slagle

Abstract: Tokenization is widely used in large language models because it significantly improves performance. However, tokenization imposes several disadvantages, such as performance biases, increased adversarial vulnerability, decreased character-level modeling performance, and increased modeling complexity. To address these disadvantages without sacrificing performance, we propose SpaceByte, a novel byte-level decoder architecture that closes the performance gap between byte-level and subword autoregressive language modeling. SpaceByte consists of a byte-level Transformer model, but with extra larger transformer blocks inserted in the middle of the layers. We find that performance is significantly improved by applying these larger blocks only after certain bytes, such as space characters, which typically denote word boundaries. Our experiments show that for a fixed training and inference compute budget, SpaceByte outperforms other byte-level architectures and roughly matches the performance of tokenized Transformer architectures.

replace-cross FMint: Bridging Human Designed and Data Pretrained Models for Differential Equation Foundation Model

Authors: Zezheng Song, Jiaxin Yuan, Haizhao Yang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a pre-trained foundation model \textbf{FMint} (\textbf{F}oundation \textbf{M}odel based on \textbf{In}i\textbf{t}ialization), designed to speed up large-scale simulations of various differential equations with high accuracy via error correction. Human-designed simulation algorithms excel at capturing the fundamental physics of engineering problems, but often need to balance the trade-off between accuracy and efficiency. While deep learning methods offer innovative solutions across numerous scientific fields, they frequently fall short in domain-specific knowledge. FMint bridges these gaps through conditioning on the initial coarse solutions obtained from conventional human-designed algorithms, and trained to obtain refined solutions for various differential equations. Based on the backbone of large language models, we adapt the in-context learning scheme to learn a universal error correction method for dynamical systems from given prompted sequences of coarse solutions. The model is pre-trained on a corpus of 600K ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and we conduct extensive experiments on both in-distribution and out-of-distribution tasks. FMint outperforms various baselines on large-scale simulation, and demonstrates its capability in generalization to unseen ODEs. Our approach achieves an accuracy improvement of 1 to 2 orders of magnitude over state-of-the-art dynamical system simulators, and delivers a 5X speedup compared to traditional numerical algorithms.

replace-cross MixLoRA: Enhancing Large Language Models Fine-Tuning with LoRA-based Mixture of Experts

Authors: Dengchun Li, Yingzi Ma, Naizheng Wang, Zhengmao Ye, Zhiyuan Cheng, Yinghao Tang, Yan Zhang, Lei Duan, Jie Zuo, Cal Yang, Mingjie Tang

Abstract: Fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) is a common practice to adapt pre-trained models for specific applications. While methods like LoRA have effectively addressed GPU memory constraints during fine-tuning, their performance often falls short, especially in multi-task scenarios. In contrast, Mixture-of-Expert (MoE) models, such as Mixtral 8x7B, demonstrate remarkable performance in multi-task learning scenarios while maintaining a reduced parameter count. However, the resource requirements of these MoEs remain challenging, particularly for consumer-grade GPUs with less than 24GB memory. To tackle these challenges, we propose MixLoRA, an approach to construct a resource-efficient sparse MoE model based on LoRA. MixLoRA inserts multiple LoRA-based experts within the feed-forward network block of a frozen pre-trained dense model and employs a commonly used top-k router. Unlike other LoRA-based MoE methods, MixLoRA enhances model performance by utilizing independent attention-layer LoRA adapters. Additionally, an auxiliary load balance loss is employed to address the imbalance problem of the router. Our evaluations show that MixLoRA improves about 9% accuracy compared to state-of-the-art PEFT methods in multi-task learning scenarios. We also propose a new high-throughput framework to alleviate the computation and memory bottlenecks during the training and inference of MOE models. This framework reduces GPU memory consumption by 40% and token computation latency by 30% during both training and inference.

replace-cross Wiki-LLaVA: Hierarchical Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Multimodal LLMs

Authors: Davide Caffagni, Federico Cocchi, Nicholas Moratelli, Sara Sarto, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

Abstract: Multimodal LLMs are the natural evolution of LLMs, and enlarge their capabilities so as to work beyond the pure textual modality. As research is being carried out to design novel architectures and vision-and-language adapters, in this paper we concentrate on endowing such models with the capability of answering questions that require external knowledge. Our approach, termed Wiki-LLaVA, aims at integrating an external knowledge source of multimodal documents, which is accessed through a hierarchical retrieval pipeline. Relevant passages, using this approach, are retrieved from the external knowledge source and employed as additional context for the LLM, augmenting the effectiveness and precision of generated dialogues. We conduct extensive experiments on datasets tailored for visual question answering with external data and demonstrate the appropriateness of our approach.

replace-cross Weak-to-Strong Extrapolation Expedites Alignment

Authors: Chujie Zheng, Ziqi Wang, Heng Ji, Minlie Huang, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: The open-source community is experiencing a surge in the release of large language models (LLMs) that are trained to follow instructions and align with human preference. However, further training to improve them still requires expensive computational resources and data annotations. Is it possible to bypass additional training and cost-effectively acquire better-aligned models? Inspired by the literature on model interpolation, we propose a simple method called ExPO to boost LLMs' alignment with human preference. Utilizing a model that has undergone alignment training (e.g., via DPO or RLHF) and its initial SFT checkpoint, ExPO directly obtains a better-aligned model by extrapolating from the weights of the initial and the aligned models, which implicitly optimizes the alignment objective via first-order approximation. Through experiments with twelve open-source LLMs on HuggingFace, we demonstrate that ExPO consistently improves off-the-shelf DPO/RLHF models, as evaluated on the mainstream LLM benchmarks AlpacaEval 2.0 and MT-Bench. Moreover, ExPO exhibits remarkable scalability across various model sizes (from 1.8B to 70B) and capabilities. Through controlled experiments and further empirical analyses, we shed light on the essence of ExPO amplifying the reward signal learned during alignment training. Our work demonstrates the efficacy of model extrapolation in expediting the alignment of LLMs with human preference, suggesting a promising direction for future research.

replace-cross Learning Visuotactile Skills with Two Multifingered Hands

Authors: Toru Lin, Yu Zhang, Qiyang Li, Haozhi Qi, Brent Yi, Sergey Levine, Jitendra Malik

Abstract: Aiming to replicate human-like dexterity, perceptual experiences, and motion patterns, we explore learning from human demonstrations using a bimanual system with multifingered hands and visuotactile data. Two significant challenges exist: the lack of an affordable and accessible teleoperation system suitable for a dual-arm setup with multifingered hands, and the scarcity of multifingered hand hardware equipped with touch sensing. To tackle the first challenge, we develop HATO, a low-cost hands-arms teleoperation system that leverages off-the-shelf electronics, complemented with a software suite that enables efficient data collection; the comprehensive software suite also supports multimodal data processing, scalable policy learning, and smooth policy deployment. To tackle the latter challenge, we introduce a novel hardware adaptation by repurposing two prosthetic hands equipped with touch sensors for research. Using visuotactile data collected from our system, we learn skills to complete long-horizon, high-precision tasks which are difficult to achieve without multifingered dexterity and touch feedback. Furthermore, we empirically investigate the effects of dataset size, sensing modality, and visual input preprocessing on policy learning. Our results mark a promising step forward in bimanual multifingered manipulation from visuotactile data. Videos, code, and datasets can be found at .


replace-cross HydraLoRA: An Asymmetric LoRA Architecture for Efficient Fine-Tuning

Authors: Chunlin Tian, Zhan Shi, Zhijiang Guo, Li Li, Chengzhong Xu

Abstract: Adapting Large Language Models (LLMs) to new tasks through fine-tuning has been made more efficient by the introduction of Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques, such as LoRA. However, these methods often underperform compared to full fine-tuning, particularly in scenarios involving complex datasets. This issue becomes even more pronounced in complex domains, highlighting the need for improved PEFT approaches that can achieve better performance. Through a series of experiments, we have uncovered two critical insights that shed light on the training and parameter inefficiency of LoRA. Building on these insights, we have developed HydraLoRA, a LoRA framework with an asymmetric structure that eliminates the need for domain expertise. Our experiments demonstrate that HydraLoRA outperforms other PEFT approaches, even those that rely on domain knowledge during the training and inference phases.

replace-cross HUGO -- Highlighting Unseen Grid Options: Combining Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Heuristic Target Topology Approach

Authors: Malte Lehna, Clara Holzh\"uter, Sven Tomforde, Christoph Scholz

Abstract: With the growth of Renewable Energy (RE) generation, the operation of power grids has become increasingly complex. One solution could be automated grid operation, where Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has repeatedly shown significant potential in Learning to Run a Power Network (L2RPN) challenges. However, only individual actions at the substation level have been subjected to topology optimization by most existing DRL algorithms. In contrast, we propose a more holistic approach by proposing specific Target Topologies (TTs) as actions. These topologies are selected based on their robustness. As part of this paper, we present a search algorithm to find the TTs and upgrade our previously developed DRL agent CurriculumAgent (CAgent) to a novel topology agent. We compare the upgrade to the previous CAgent and can increase their L2RPN score significantly by 10%. Further, we achieve a 25% better median survival time with our TTs included. Later analysis shows that almost all TTs are close to the base topology, explaining their robustness

replace-cross Self-Play Probabilistic Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yue Wu, Zhiqing Sun, Huizhuo Yuan, Kaixuan Ji, Yiming Yang, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Traditional reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) approaches relying on parametric models like the Bradley-Terry model fall short in capturing the intransitivity and irrationality in human preferences. Recent advancements suggest that directly working with preference probabilities can yield a more accurate reflection of human preferences, enabling more flexible and accurate language model alignment. In this paper, we propose a self-play-based method for language model alignment, which treats the problem as a constant-sum two-player game aimed at identifying the Nash equilibrium policy. Our approach, dubbed \textit{Self-play Probabilistic Preference Optimization} (SPPO), approximates the Nash equilibrium through iterative policy updates and enjoys a theoretical convergence guarantee. Our method can effectively increase the log-likelihood of the chosen response and decrease that of the rejected response, which cannot be trivially achieved by symmetric pairwise loss such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Identity Preference Optimization (IPO). In our experiments, using only 60k prompts (without responses) from the UltraFeedback dataset and without any prompt augmentation, by leveraging a pre-trained preference model PairRM with only 0.4B parameters, SPPO can obtain a model from fine-tuning Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 that achieves the state-of-the-art length-controlled win-rate of 28.53\% against GPT-4-Turbo on AlpacaEval 2.0. It also outperforms the (iterative) DPO and IPO on MT-Bench and the Open LLM Leaderboard. Notably, the strong performance of SPPO is achieved without additional external supervision (e.g., responses, preferences, etc.) from GPT-4 or other stronger language models.

replace-cross Explicitly Modeling Universality into Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Jingyao Wang, Wenwen Qiang, Zeen Song, Lingyu Si, Jiangmeng Li, Changwen Zheng, Bing Su

Abstract: The goal of universality in self-supervised learning (SSL) is to learn universal representations from unlabeled data and achieve excellent performance on all samples and tasks. However, these methods lack explicit modeling of the universality in the learning objective, and the related theoretical understanding remains limited. This may cause models to overfit in data-scarce situations and generalize poorly in real life. To address these issues, we provide a theoretical definition of universality in SSL, which constrains both the learning and evaluation universality of the SSL models from the perspective of discriminability, transferability, and generalization. Then, we propose a $\sigma$-measurement to help quantify the score of one SSL model's universality. Based on the definition and measurement, we propose a general SSL framework, called GeSSL, to explicitly model universality into SSL. It introduces a self-motivated target based on $\sigma$-measurement, which enables the model to find the optimal update direction towards universality. Extensive theoretical and empirical evaluations demonstrate the superior performance of GeSSL.

replace-cross Goal-conditioned reinforcement learning for ultrasound navigation guidance

Authors: Abdoul Aziz Amadou, Vivek Singh, Florin C. Ghesu, Young-Ho Kim, Laura Stanciulescu, Harshitha P. Sai, Puneet Sharma, Alistair Young, Ronak Rajani, Kawal Rhode

Abstract: Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) plays a pivotal role in cardiology for diagnostic and interventional procedures. However, using it effectively requires extensive training due to the intricate nature of image acquisition and interpretation. To enhance the efficiency of novice sonographers and reduce variability in scan acquisitions, we propose a novel ultrasound (US) navigation assistance method based on contrastive learning as goal-conditioned reinforcement learning (GCRL). We augment the previous framework using a novel contrastive patient batching method (CPB) and a data-augmented contrastive loss, both of which we demonstrate are essential to ensure generalization to anatomical variations across patients. The proposed framework enables navigation to both standard diagnostic as well as intricate interventional views with a single model. Our method was developed with a large dataset of 789 patients and obtained an average error of 6.56 mm in position and 9.36 degrees in angle on a testing dataset of 140 patients, which is competitive or superior to models trained on individual views. Furthermore, we quantitatively validate our method's ability to navigate to interventional views such as the Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) view used in LAA closure. Our approach holds promise in providing valuable guidance during transesophageal ultrasound examinations, contributing to the advancement of skill acquisition for cardiac ultrasound practitioners.

replace-cross Leveraging Prompt-Learning for Structured Information Extraction from Crohn's Disease Radiology Reports in a Low-Resource Language

Authors: Liam Hazan, Gili Focht, Naama Gavrielov, Roi Reichart, Talar Hagopian, Mary-Louise C. Greer, Ruth Cytter Kuint, Dan Turner, Moti Freiman

Abstract: Automatic conversion of free-text radiology reports into structured data using Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques is crucial for analyzing diseases on a large scale. While effective for tasks in widely spoken languages like English, generative large language models (LLMs) typically underperform with less common languages and can pose potential risks to patient privacy. Fine-tuning local NLP models is hindered by the skewed nature of real-world medical datasets, where rare findings represent a significant data imbalance. We introduce SMP-BERT, a novel prompt learning method that leverages the structured nature of reports to overcome these challenges. In our studies involving a substantial collection of Crohn's disease radiology reports in Hebrew (over 8,000 patients and 10,000 reports), SMP-BERT greatly surpassed traditional fine-tuning methods in performance, notably in detecting infrequent conditions (AUC: 0.99 vs 0.94, F1: 0.84 vs 0.34). SMP-BERT empowers more accurate AI diagnostics available for low-resource languages.

replace-cross Interpretable Vital Sign Forecasting with Model Agnostic Attention Maps

Authors: Yuwei Liu, Chen Dan, Anubhav Bhatti, Bingjie Shen, Divij Gupta, Suraj Parmar, San Lee

Abstract: Sepsis is a leading cause of mortality in intensive care units (ICUs), representing a substantial medical challenge. The complexity of analyzing diverse vital signs to predict sepsis further aggravates this issue. While deep learning techniques have been advanced for early sepsis prediction, their 'black-box' nature obscures the internal logic, impairing interpretability in critical settings like ICUs. This paper introduces a framework that combines a deep learning model with an attention mechanism that highlights the critical time steps in the forecasting process, thus improving model interpretability and supporting clinical decision-making. We show that the attention mechanism could be adapted to various black box time series forecasting models such as N-HiTS and N-BEATS. Our method preserves the accuracy of conventional deep learning models while enhancing interpretability through attention-weight-generated heatmaps. We evaluated our model on the eICU-CRD dataset, focusing on forecasting vital signs for sepsis patients. We assessed its performance using mean squared error (MSE) and dynamic time warping (DTW) metrics. We explored the attention maps of N-HiTS and N-BEATS, examining the differences in their performance and identifying crucial factors influencing vital sign forecasting.

replace-cross Anchored Answers: Unravelling Positional Bias in GPT-2's Multiple-Choice Questions

Authors: Ruizhe Li, Yanjun Gao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as the GPT-4 and LLaMA families, have demonstrated considerable success across diverse tasks, including multiple-choice questions (MCQs). However, these models exhibit a positional bias, particularly an even worse anchored bias in the GPT-2 family, where they consistently favour the first choice 'A' in MCQs during inference. This anchored bias challenges the integrity of GPT-2's decision-making process, as it skews performance based on the position rather than the content of the choices in MCQs. In this study, we utilise the mechanistic interpretability approach to identify the internal modules within GPT-2 models responsible for this bias. We focus on the Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) layers and attention heads, using the "logit lens" method to trace and modify the specific value vectors that contribute to the bias. By updating these vectors within MLP and recalibrating attention patterns to neutralise the preference for the first choice 'A', we effectively mitigate the anchored bias. Our interventions not only mitigate the bias but also improve the overall MCQ prediction accuracy for the GPT-2 family across various datasets. This work represents the first comprehensive mechanistic analysis of anchored bias in MCQs within the GPT-2 models, introducing targeted, minimal-intervention strategies that significantly enhance GPT2 model robustness and accuracy in MCQs. Our code is available at


replace-cross AlphaMath Almost Zero: process Supervision without process

Authors: Guoxin Chen, Minpeng Liao, Chengxi Li, Kai Fan

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have substantially enhanced their mathematical reasoning abilities. However, these models still struggle with complex problems that require multiple reasoning steps, frequently leading to logical or numerical errors. While numerical mistakes can be largely addressed by integrating a code interpreter, identifying logical errors within intermediate steps is more challenging. Moreover, manually annotating these steps for training is not only expensive but also labor-intensive, requiring the expertise of professional annotators. In our study, we introduce an innovative approach that bypasses the need for process annotations (from human or GPTs) by utilizing the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) framework. This technique automatically generates both the process supervision and the step-level evaluation signals. Our method iteratively trains the policy and value models, leveraging the capabilities of a well-pretrained LLM to progressively enhance its mathematical reasoning skills. Furthermore, we propose an efficient inference strategy-step-level beam search, where the value model is crafted to assist the policy model (i.e., LLM) in navigating more effective reasoning paths, rather than solely relying on prior probabilities. The experimental results on both in-domain and out-of-domain datasets demonstrate that even without GPT-4 or human-annotated process supervision, our AlphaMath framework achieves comparable or superior results to previous state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Conformal Validity Guarantees Exist for Any Data Distribution

Authors: Drew Prinster, Samuel Stanton, Anqi Liu, Suchi Saria

Abstract: As machine learning (ML) gains widespread adoption, practitioners are increasingly seeking means to quantify and control the risk these systems incur. This challenge is especially salient when ML systems have autonomy to collect their own data, such as in black-box optimization and active learning, where their actions induce sequential feedback-loop shifts in the data distribution. Conformal prediction has emerged as a promising approach to uncertainty and risk quantification, but prior variants' validity guarantees have assumed some form of ``quasi-exchangeability'' on the data distribution, thereby excluding many types of sequential shifts. In this paper we prove that conformal prediction can theoretically be extended to \textit{any} joint data distribution, not just exchangeable or quasi-exchangeable ones, although it is exceedingly impractical to compute in the most general case. For practical applications, we outline a procedure for deriving specific conformal algorithms for any data distribution, and we use this procedure to derive tractable algorithms for a series of ML-agent-induced covariate shifts. We evaluate the proposed algorithms empirically on synthetic black-box optimization and active learning tasks.

replace-cross Federated Document Visual Question Answering: A Pilot Study

Authors: Khanh Nguyen, Dimosthenis Karatzas

Abstract: An important handicap of document analysis research is that documents tend to be copyrighted or contain private information, which prohibits their open publication and the creation of centralised, large-scale document datasets. Instead, documents are scattered in private data silos, making extensive training over heterogeneous data a tedious task. In this work, we explore the use of a federated learning (FL) scheme as a way to train a shared model on decentralised private document data. We focus on the problem of Document VQA, a task particularly suited to this approach, as the type of reasoning capabilities required from the model can be quite different in diverse domains. Enabling training over heterogeneous document datasets can thus substantially enrich DocVQA models. We assemble existing DocVQA datasets from diverse domains to reflect the data heterogeneity in real-world applications. We explore the self-pretraining technique in this multi-modal setting, where the same data is used for both pretraining and finetuning, making it relevant for privacy preservation. We further propose combining self-pretraining with a Federated DocVQA training method using centralized adaptive optimization that outperforms the FedAvg baseline. With extensive experiments, we also present a multi-faceted analysis on training DocVQA models with FL, which provides insights for future research on this task. We show that our pretraining strategies can effectively learn and scale up under federated training with diverse DocVQA datasets and tuning hyperparameters is essential for practical document tasks under federation.

replace-cross Overview of the EHRSQL 2024 Shared Task on Reliable Text-to-SQL Modeling on Electronic Health Records

Authors: Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Seongsu Bae, Edward Choi

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are relational databases that store the entire medical histories of patients within hospitals. They record numerous aspects of patients' medical care, from hospital admission and diagnosis to treatment and discharge. While EHRs are vital sources of clinical data, exploring them beyond a predefined set of queries requires skills in query languages like SQL. To make information retrieval more accessible, one strategy is to build a question-answering system, possibly leveraging text-to-SQL models that can automatically translate natural language questions into corresponding SQL queries and use these queries to retrieve the answers. The EHRSQL 2024 shared task aims to advance and promote research in developing a question-answering system for EHRs using text-to-SQL modeling, capable of reliably providing requested answers to various healthcare professionals to improve their clinical work processes and satisfy their needs. Among more than 100 participants who applied to the shared task, eight teams were formed and completed the entire shared task requirement and demonstrated a wide range of methods to effectively solve this task. In this paper, we describe the task of reliable text-to-SQL modeling, the dataset, and the methods and results of the participants. We hope this shared task will spur further research and insights into developing reliable question-answering systems for EHRs.

replace-cross AIOS Compiler: LLM as Interpreter for Natural Language Programming and Flow Programming of AI Agents

Authors: Shuyuan Xu, Zelong Li, Kai Mei, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: Since their inception, programming languages have trended towards greater readability and lower barriers for programmers. Following this trend, natural language can be a promising type of programming language that provides great flexibility and usability and helps towards the democracy of programming. However, the inherent vagueness, ambiguity, and verbosity of natural language pose significant challenges in developing an interpreter that can accurately understand the programming logic and execute instructions written in natural language. Fortunately, recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in interpreting complex natural language. Inspired by this, we develop a novel system for Code Representation and Execution (CoRE), which employs LLM as interpreter to interpret and execute natural language instructions. The proposed system unifies natural language programming, pseudo-code programming, and flow programming under the same representation for constructing language agents, while LLM serves as the interpreter to interpret and execute the agent programs. In this paper, we begin with defining the programming syntax that structures natural language instructions logically. During the execution, we incorporate external memory to minimize redundancy. Furthermore, we equip the designed interpreter with the capability to invoke external tools, compensating for the limitations of LLM in specialized domains or when accessing real-time information. This work is open-source at,, and


replace-cross USP: A Unified Sequence Parallelism Approach for Long Context Generative AI

Authors: Jiarui Fang, Shangchun Zhao

Abstract: Sequence parallelism (SP), which divides the sequence dimension of input tensors across multiple computational devices, is becoming key to unlocking the long-context capabilities of generative AI models. This paper investigates the state-of-the-art SP approaches, i.e. DeepSpeed-Ulysses and Ring-Attention, and proposes a unified SP approach, which is more robust to transformer model architectures and network hardware topology. This paper compares the communication and memory cost of SP and existing parallelism, including data/tensor/zero/pipeline parallelism, and discusses the best practices for designing hybrid 4D parallelism involving SP. We achieved 47% MFU on two 8xA800 nodes using SP for the LLAMA3-8B model training using sequence length 208K. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross From Internet of Things Data to Business Processes: Challenges and a Framework

Authors: Juergen Mangler, Ronny Seiger, Janik-Vasily Benzin, Joscha Gr\"uger, Yusuf Kirikkayis, Florian Gallik, Lukas Malburg, Matthias Ehrendorfer, Yannis Bertrand, Marco Franceschetti, Barbara Weber, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, Ralph Bergmann, Estefan\'ia Serral Asensio, Manfred Reichert

Abstract: The IoT and Business Process Management (BPM) communities co-exist in many shared application domains, such as manufacturing and healthcare. The IoT community has a strong focus on hardware, connectivity and data; the BPM community focuses mainly on finding, controlling, and enhancing the structured interactions among the IoT devices in processes. While the field of Process Mining deals with the extraction of process models and process analytics from process event logs, the data produced by IoT sensors often is at a lower granularity than these process-level events. The fundamental questions about extracting and abstracting process-related data from streams of IoT sensor values are: (1) Which sensor values can be clustered together as part of process events?, (2) Which sensor values signify the start and end of such events?, (3) Which sensor values are related but not essential? This work proposes a framework to semi-automatically perform a set of structured steps to convert low-level IoT sensor data into higher-level process events that are suitable for process mining. The framework is meant to provide a generic sequence of abstract steps to guide the event extraction, abstraction, and correlation, with variation points for plugging in specific analysis techniques and algorithms for each step. To assess the completeness of the framework, we present a set of challenges, how they can be tackled through the framework, and an example on how to instantiate the framework in a real-world demonstration from the field of smart manufacturing. Based on this framework, future research can be conducted in a structured manner through refining and improving individual steps.

replace-cross Online bipartite matching with imperfect advice

Authors: Davin Choo, Themis Gouleakis, Chun Kai Ling, Arnab Bhattacharyya

Abstract: We study the problem of online unweighted bipartite matching with $n$ offline vertices and $n$ online vertices where one wishes to be competitive against the optimal offline algorithm. While the classic RANKING algorithm of Karp et al. [1990] provably attains competitive ratio of $1-1/e > 1/2$, we show that no learning-augmented method can be both 1-consistent and strictly better than $1/2$-robust under the adversarial arrival model. Meanwhile, under the random arrival model, we show how one can utilize methods from distribution testing to design an algorithm that takes in external advice about the online vertices and provably achieves competitive ratio interpolating between any ratio attainable by advice-free methods and the optimal ratio of 1, depending on the advice quality.

replace-cross Box-Free Model Watermarks Are Prone to Black-Box Removal Attacks

Authors: Haonan An, Guang Hua, Zhiping Lin, Yuguang Fang

Abstract: Box-free model watermarking is an emerging technique to safeguard the intellectual property of deep learning models, particularly those for low-level image processing tasks. Existing works have verified and improved its effectiveness in several aspects. However, in this paper, we reveal that box-free model watermarking is prone to removal attacks, even under the real-world threat model such that the protected model and the watermark extractor are in black boxes. Under this setting, we carry out three studies. 1) We develop an extractor-gradient-guided (EGG) remover and show its effectiveness when the extractor uses ReLU activation only. 2) More generally, for an unknown extractor, we leverage adversarial attacks and design the EGG remover based on the estimated gradients. 3) Under the most stringent condition that the extractor is inaccessible, we design a transferable remover based on a set of private proxy models. In all cases, the proposed removers can successfully remove embedded watermarks while preserving the quality of the processed images, and we also demonstrate that the EGG remover can even replace the watermarks. Extensive experimental results verify the effectiveness and generalizability of the proposed attacks, revealing the vulnerabilities of the existing box-free methods and calling for further research.

replace-cross MiniMaxAD: A Lightweight Autoencoder for Feature-Rich Anomaly Detection

Authors: Fengjie Wang, Chengming Liu, Lei Shi, Pang Haibo

Abstract: Previous unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) methods often struggle with significant intra-class diversity; i.e., a class in a dataset contains multiple subclasses, which we categorize as Feature-Rich Anomaly Detection Datasets (FRADs). This challenge is evident in applications such as unified setting and unmanned supermarket scenarios. To address this challenge, we developed MiniMaxAD, a lightweight autoencoder designed to efficiently compress and memorize extensive information from normal images. Our model employs a technique that enhances feature diversity, thereby increasing the effective capacity limit of the network. It also utilizes large kernel convolution to extract highly abstract patterns, which contribute to efficient and compact feature embedding. Moreover, we introduce an Adaptive Contraction Loss (ADCLoss), specifically tailored to FRADs, to address the limitations of the global cosine distance loss. In our methodology, any dataset can be unified under the framework of feature-rich anomaly detection, in a way that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. MiniMaxAD underwent comprehensive testing across six challenging UAD benchmarks, achieving state-of-the-art results in four and highly competitive outcomes in the remaining two. Notably, our model not only achieved state-of-the-art performance in unmanned supermarket tasks but also exhibited an inference speed 37 times faster than the previous best method, demonstrating its effectiveness in complex UAD tasks.

replace-cross LaT-PFN: A Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture for In-context Time-series Forecasting

Authors: Stijn Verdenius, Andrea Zerio, Roy L. M. Wang

Abstract: We introduce LatentTimePFN (LaT-PFN), a foundational Time Series model with a strong embedding space that enables zero-shot forecasting. To achieve this, we perform in-context learning in latent space utilizing a novel integration of the Prior-data Fitted Networks (PFN) and Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) frameworks. We leverage the JEPA framework to create a prediction-optimized latent representation of the underlying stochastic process that generates time series and combines it with contextual learning, using a PFN. Furthermore, we improve on preceding works by utilizing related time series as a context and introducing a normalized abstract time axis. This reduces training time and increases the versatility of the model by allowing any time granularity and forecast horizon. We show that this results in superior zero-shot predictions compared to established baselines. We also demonstrate our latent space produces informative embeddings of both individual time steps and fixed-length summaries of entire series. Finally, we observe the emergence of multi-step patch embeddings without explicit training, suggesting the model actively learns discrete tokens that encode local structures in the data, analogous to vision transformers.

replace-cross Conformal Alignment: Knowing When to Trust Foundation Models with Guarantees

Authors: Yu Gui, Ying Jin, Zhimei Ren

Abstract: Before deploying outputs from foundation models in high-stakes tasks, it is imperative to ensure that they align with human values. For instance, in radiology report generation, reports generated by a vision-language model must align with human evaluations before their use in medical decision-making. This paper presents Conformal Alignment, a general framework for identifying units whose outputs meet a user-specified alignment criterion. It is guaranteed that on average, a prescribed fraction of selected units indeed meet the alignment criterion, regardless of the foundation model or the data distribution. Given any pre-trained model and new units with model-generated outputs, Conformal Alignment leverages a set of reference data with ground-truth alignment status to train an alignment predictor. It then selects new units whose predicted alignment scores surpass a data-dependent threshold, certifying their corresponding outputs as trustworthy. Through applications to question answering and radiology report generation, we demonstrate that our method is able to accurately identify units with trustworthy outputs via lightweight training over a moderate amount of reference data. En route, we investigate the informativeness of various features in alignment prediction and combine them with standard models to construct the alignment predictor.

replace-cross Detecting Multimodal Situations with Insufficient Context and Abstaining from Baseless Predictions

Authors: Junzhang Liu, Zhecan Wang, Hammad Ayyubi, Haoxuan You, Chris Thomas, Rui Sun, Shih-Fu Chang, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Despite the widespread adoption of Vision-Language Understanding (VLU) benchmarks such as VQA v2, OKVQA, A-OKVQA, GQA, VCR, SWAG, and VisualCOMET, our analysis reveals a pervasive issue affecting their integrity: these benchmarks contain samples where answers rely on assumptions unsupported by the provided context. Training models on such data foster biased learning and hallucinations as models tend to make similar unwarranted assumptions. To address this issue, we collect contextual data for each sample whenever available and train a context selection module to facilitate evidence-based model predictions. Strong improvements across multiple benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. Further, we develop a general-purpose Context-AwaRe Abstention (CARA) detector to identify samples lacking sufficient context and enhance model accuracy by abstaining from responding if the required context is absent. CARA exhibits generalization to new benchmarks it wasn't trained on, underscoring its utility for future VLU benchmarks in detecting or cleaning samples with inadequate context. Finally, we curate a Context Ambiguity and Sufficiency Evaluation (CASE) set to benchmark the performance of insufficient context detectors. Overall, our work represents a significant advancement in ensuring that vision-language models generate trustworthy and evidence-based outputs in complex real-world scenarios.

replace-cross EyeFound: A Multimodal Generalist Foundation Model for Ophthalmic Imaging

Authors: Danli Shi, Weiyi Zhang, Xiaolan Chen, Yexin Liu, Jiancheng Yang, Siyu Huang, Yih Chung Tham, Yingfeng Zheng, Mingguang He

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is vital in ophthalmology, tackling tasks like diagnosis, classification, and visual question answering (VQA). However, existing AI models in this domain often require extensive annotation and are task-specific, limiting their clinical utility. While recent developments have brought about foundation models for ophthalmology, they are limited by the need to train separate weights for each imaging modality, preventing a comprehensive representation of multi-modal features. This highlights the need for versatile foundation models capable of handling various tasks and modalities in ophthalmology. To address this gap, we present EyeFound, a multimodal foundation model for ophthalmic images. Unlike existing models, EyeFound learns generalizable representations from unlabeled multimodal retinal images, enabling efficient model adaptation across multiple applications. Trained on 2.78 million images from 227 hospitals across 11 ophthalmic modalities, EyeFound facilitates generalist representations and diverse multimodal downstream tasks, even for detecting challenging rare diseases. It outperforms previous work RETFound in diagnosing eye diseases, predicting systemic disease incidents, and zero-shot multimodal VQA. EyeFound provides a generalizable solution to improve model performance and lessen the annotation burden on experts, facilitating widespread clinical AI applications for retinal imaging.

replace-cross A Novel Cartography-Based Curriculum Learning Method Applied on RoNLI: The First Romanian Natural Language Inference Corpus

Authors: Eduard Poesina, Cornelia Caragea, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Abstract: Natural language inference (NLI), the task of recognizing the entailment relationship in sentence pairs, is an actively studied topic serving as a proxy for natural language understanding. Despite the relevance of the task in building conversational agents and improving text classification, machine translation and other NLP tasks, to the best of our knowledge, there is no publicly available NLI corpus for the Romanian language. To this end, we introduce the first Romanian NLI corpus (RoNLI) comprising 58K training sentence pairs, which are obtained via distant supervision, and 6K validation and test sentence pairs, which are manually annotated with the correct labels. We conduct experiments with multiple machine learning methods based on distant learning, ranging from shallow models based on word embeddings to transformer-based neural networks, to establish a set of competitive baselines. Furthermore, we improve on the best model by employing a new curriculum learning strategy based on data cartography. Our dataset and code to reproduce the baselines are available at


replace-cross Building Temporal Kernels with Orthogonal Polynomials

Authors: Yan Ru Pei, Olivier Coenen

Abstract: We introduce a class of models named PLEIADES (PoLynomial Expansion In Adaptive Distributed Event-based Systems), which contains temporal convolution kernels generated from orthogonal polynomial basis functions. We focus on interfacing these networks with event-based data to perform online spatiotemporal classification and detection with low latency. By virtue of using structured temporal kernels and event-based data, we have the freedom to vary the sample rate of the data along with the discretization step-size of the network without additional finetuning. We experimented with three event-based benchmarks and obtained state-of-the-art results on all three by large margins with significantly smaller memory and compute costs. We achieved: 1) 99.59% accuracy with 192K parameters on the DVS128 hand gesture recognition dataset and 100% with a small additional output filter; 2) 99.58% test accuracy with 277K parameters on the AIS 2024 eye tracking challenge; and 3) 0.556 mAP with 576k parameters on the PROPHESEE 1 Megapixel Automotive Detection Dataset.

replace-cross Boosting X-formers with Structured Matrix for Long Sequence Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Zhicheng Zhang, Yong Wang, Shaoqi Tan, Bowei Xia, Yujie Luo

Abstract: Transformer-based models for long sequence time series forecasting (LSTF) problems have gained significant attention due to their exceptional forecasting precision. As the cornerstone of these models, the self-attention mechanism poses a challenge to efficient training and inference due to its quadratic time complexity. In this article, we propose a novel architectural design for Transformer-based models in LSTF, leveraging a substitution framework that incorporates Surrogate Attention Blocks and Surrogate FFN Blocks. The framework aims to boost any well-designed model's efficiency without sacrificing its accuracy. We further establish the equivalence of the Surrogate Attention Block to the self-attention mechanism in terms of both expressiveness and trainability. Through extensive experiments encompassing nine Transformer-based models across five time series tasks, we observe an average performance improvement of 9.45% while achieving a significant reduction in model size by 46%

replace-cross Like Humans to Few-Shot Learning through Knowledge Permeation of Vision and Text

Authors: Yuyu Jia, Qing Zhou, Wei Huang, Junyu Gao, Qi Wang

Abstract: Few-shot learning aims to generalize the recognizer from seen categories to an entirely novel scenario. With only a few support samples, several advanced methods initially introduce class names as prior knowledge for identifying novel classes. However, obstacles still impede achieving a comprehensive understanding of how to harness the mutual advantages of visual and textual knowledge. In this paper, we propose a coherent Bidirectional Knowledge Permeation strategy called BiKop, which is grounded in a human intuition: A class name description offers a general representation, whereas an image captures the specificity of individuals. BiKop primarily establishes a hierarchical joint general-specific representation through bidirectional knowledge permeation. On the other hand, considering the bias of joint representation towards the base set, we disentangle base-class-relevant semantics during training, thereby alleviating the suppression of potential novel-class-relevant information. Experiments on four challenging benchmarks demonstrate the remarkable superiority of BiKop. Our code will be publicly available.

replace-cross A Masked Semi-Supervised Learning Approach for Otago Micro Labels Recognition

Authors: Meng Shang, Lenore Dedeyne, Jolan Dupont, Laura Vercauteren, Nadjia Amini, Laurence Lapauw, Evelien Gielen, Sabine Verschueren, Carolina Varon, Walter De Raedt, Bart Vanrumste

Abstract: The Otago Exercise Program (OEP) serves as a vital rehabilitation initiative for older adults, aiming to enhance their strength and balance, and consequently prevent falls. While Human Activity Recognition (HAR) systems have been widely employed in recognizing the activities of individuals, existing systems focus on the duration of macro activities (i.e. a sequence of repetitions of the same exercise), neglecting the ability to discern micro activities (i.e. the individual repetitions of the exercises), in the case of OEP. This study presents a novel semi-supervised machine learning approach aimed at bridging this gap in recognizing the micro activities of OEP. To manage the limited dataset size, our model utilizes a Transformer encoder for feature extraction, subsequently classified by a Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN). Simultaneously, the Transformer encoder is employed for masked unsupervised learning to reconstruct input signals. Results indicate that the masked unsupervised learning task enhances the performance of the supervised learning (classification task), as evidenced by f1-scores surpassing the clinically applicable threshold of 0.8. From the micro activities, two clinically relevant outcomes emerge: counting the number of repetitions of each exercise and calculating the velocity during chair rising. These outcomes enable the automatic monitoring of exercise intensity and difficulty in the daily lives of older adults.

replace-cross FAdam: Adam is a natural gradient optimizer using diagonal empirical Fisher information

Authors: Dongseong Hwang

Abstract: This paper establishes a mathematical foundation for the Adam optimizer, elucidating its connection to natural gradient descent through Riemannian and information geometry. We rigorously analyze the diagonal empirical Fisher information matrix (FIM) in Adam, clarifying all detailed approximations and advocating for the use of log probability functions as loss, which should be based on discrete distributions, due to the limitations of empirical FIM. Our analysis uncovers flaws in the original Adam algorithm, leading to proposed corrections such as enhanced momentum calculations, adjusted bias corrections, adaptive epsilon, and gradient clipping. We refine the weight decay term based on our theoretical framework. Our modified algorithm, Fisher Adam (FAdam), demonstrates superior performance across diverse domains including LLM, ASR, and VQ-VAE, achieving state-of-the-art results in ASR.

replace-cross A Method on Searching Better Activation Functions

Authors: Haoyuan Sun, Zihao Wu, Bo Xia, Pu Chang, Zibin Dong, Yifu Yuan, Yongzhe Chang, Xueqian Wang

Abstract: The success of artificial neural networks (ANNs) hinges greatly on the judicious selection of an activation function, introducing non-linearity into network and enabling them to model sophisticated relationships in data. However, the search of activation functions has largely relied on empirical knowledge in the past, lacking theoretical guidance, which has hindered the identification of more effective activation functions. In this work, we offer a proper solution to such issue. Firstly, we theoretically demonstrate the existence of the worst activation function with boundary conditions (WAFBC) from the perspective of information entropy. Furthermore, inspired by the Taylor expansion form of information entropy functional, we propose the Entropy-based Activation Function Optimization (EAFO) methodology. EAFO methodology presents a novel perspective for designing static activation functions in deep neural networks and the potential of dynamically optimizing activation during iterative training. Utilizing EAFO methodology, we derive a novel activation function from ReLU, known as Correction Regularized ReLU (CRReLU). Experiments conducted with vision transformer and its variants on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet-1K datasets demonstrate the superiority of CRReLU over existing corrections of ReLU. Extensive empirical studies on task of large language model (LLM) fine-tuning, CRReLU exhibits superior performance compared to GELU, suggesting its broader potential for practical applications.