new DETAIL: Task DEmonsTration Attribution for Interpretable In-context Learning

Authors: Zijian Zhou, Xiaoqiang Lin, Xinyi Xu, Alok Prakash, Daniela Rus, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) allows transformer-based language models that are pre-trained on general text to quickly learn a specific task with a few "task demonstrations" without updating their parameters, significantly boosting their flexibility and generality. ICL possesses many distinct characteristics from conventional machine learning, thereby requiring new approaches to interpret this learning paradigm. Taking the viewpoint of recent works showing that transformers learn in context by formulating an internal optimizer, we propose an influence function-based attribution technique, DETAIL, that addresses the specific characteristics of ICL. We empirically verify the effectiveness of our approach for demonstration attribution while being computationally efficient. Leveraging the results, we then show how DETAIL can help improve model performance in real-world scenarios through demonstration reordering and curation. Finally, we experimentally prove the wide applicability of DETAIL by showing our attribution scores obtained on white-box models are transferable to black-box models in improving model performance.

new Data Augmentation Method Utilizing Template Sentences for Variable Definition Extraction

Authors: Kotaro Nagayama, Shota Kato, Manabu Kano

Abstract: The extraction of variable definitions from scientific and technical papers is essential for understanding these documents. However, the characteristics of variable definitions, such as the length and the words that make up the definition, differ among fields, which leads to differences in the performance of existing extraction methods across fields. Although preparing training data specific to each field can improve the performance of the methods, it is costly to create high-quality training data. To address this challenge, this study proposes a new method that generates new definition sentences from template sentences and variable-definition pairs in the training data. The proposed method has been tested on papers about chemical processes, and the results show that the model trained with the definition sentences generated by the proposed method achieved a higher accuracy of 89.6%, surpassing existing models.

new Linking In-context Learning in Transformers to Human Episodic Memory

Authors: Li Ji-An, Corey Y. Zhou, Marcus K. Benna, Marcelo G. Mattar

Abstract: Understanding the connections between artificial and biological intelligent systems can reveal fundamental principles underlying general intelligence. While many artificial intelligence (AI) models have a neuroscience counterpart, such connections are largely missing in Transformer models and the self-attention mechanism. Here, we examine the relationship between attention heads and human episodic memory. We focus on the induction heads, which contribute to the in-context learning capabilities of Transformer-based large language models (LLMs). We demonstrate that induction heads are behaviorally, functionally, and mechanistically similar to the contextual maintenance and retrieval (CMR) model of human episodic memory. Our analyses of LLMs pre-trained on extensive text data show that CMR-like heads often emerge in the intermediate model layers and that their behavior qualitatively mirrors the memory biases seen in humans. Our findings uncover a parallel between the computational mechanisms of LLMs and human memory, offering valuable insights into both research fields.

new RE-Adapt: Reverse Engineered Adaptation of Large Language Models

Authors: William Fleshman, Benjamin Van Durme

Abstract: We introduce RE-Adapt, an approach to fine-tuning large language models on new domains without degrading any pre-existing instruction-tuning. We reverse engineer an adapter which isolates what an instruction-tuned model has learned beyond its corresponding pretrained base model. Importantly, this requires no additional data or training. We can then fine-tune the base model on a new domain and readapt it to instruction following with the reverse engineered adapter. RE-Adapt and our low-rank variant LoRE-Adapt both outperform other methods of fine-tuning, across multiple popular LLMs and datasets, even when the models are used in conjunction with retrieval-augmented generation.

new Extracting Prompts by Inverting LLM Outputs

Authors: Collin Zhang, John X. Morris, Vitaly Shmatikov

Abstract: We consider the problem of language model inversion: given outputs of a language model, we seek to extract the prompt that generated these outputs. We develop a new black-box method, output2prompt, that learns to extract prompts without access to the model's logits and without adversarial or jailbreaking queries. In contrast to previous work, output2prompt only needs outputs of normal user queries. To improve memory efficiency, output2prompt employs a new sparse encoding techique. We measure the efficacy of output2prompt on a variety of user and system prompts and demonstrate zero-shot transferability across different LLMs.

new AGRaME: Any-Granularity Ranking with Multi-Vector Embeddings

Authors: Revanth Gangi Reddy, Omar Attia, Yunyao Li, Heng Ji, Saloni Potdar

Abstract: Ranking is a fundamental and popular problem in search. However, existing ranking algorithms usually restrict the granularity of ranking to full passages or require a specific dense index for each desired level of granularity. Such lack of flexibility in granularity negatively affects many applications that can benefit from more granular ranking, such as sentence-level ranking for open-domain question-answering, or proposition-level ranking for attribution. In this work, we introduce the idea of any-granularity ranking, which leverages multi-vector embeddings to rank at varying levels of granularity while maintaining encoding at a single (coarser) level of granularity. We propose a multi-granular contrastive loss for training multi-vector approaches, and validate its utility with both sentences and propositions as ranking units. Finally, we demonstrate the application of proposition-level ranking to post-hoc citation addition in retrieval-augmented generation, surpassing the performance of prompt-driven citation generation.

new Aya 23: Open Weight Releases to Further Multilingual Progress

Authors: Viraat Aryabumi, John Dang, Dwarak Talupuru, Saurabh Dash, David Cairuz, Hangyu Lin, Bharat Venkitesh, Madeline Smith, Kelly Marchisio, Sebastian Ruder, Acyr Locatelli, Julia Kreutzer, Nick Frosst, Phil Blunsom, Marzieh Fadaee, Ahmet \"Ust\"un, Sara Hooker

Abstract: This technical report introduces Aya 23, a family of multilingual language models. Aya 23 builds on the recent release of the Aya model (\"Ust\"un et al., 2024), focusing on pairing a highly performant pre-trained model with the recently released Aya collection (Singh et al., 2024). The result is a powerful multilingual large language model serving 23 languages, expanding state-of-art language modeling capabilities to approximately half of the world's population. The Aya model covered 101 languages whereas Aya 23 is an experiment in depth vs breadth, exploring the impact of allocating more capacity to fewer languages that are included during pre-training. Aya 23 outperforms both previous massively multilingual models like Aya 101 for the languages it covers, as well as widely used models like Gemma, Mistral and Mixtral on an extensive range of discriminative and generative tasks. We release the open weights for both the 8B and 35B models as part of our continued commitment for expanding access to multilingual progress.

new CEEBERT: Cross-Domain Inference in Early Exit BERT

Authors: Divya Jyoti Bajpai, Manjesh Kumar Hanawal

Abstract: Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), like BERT, with self-supervision objectives exhibit remarkable performance and generalization across various tasks. However, they suffer in inference latency due to their large size. To address this issue, side branches are attached at intermediate layers, enabling early inference of samples without requiring them to pass through all layers. However, the challenge is to decide which layer to infer and exit each sample so that the accuracy and latency are balanced. Moreover, the distribution of the samples to be inferred may differ from that used for training necessitating cross-domain adaptation. We propose an online learning algorithm named Cross-Domain Inference in Early Exit BERT (CeeBERT) that dynamically determines early exits of samples based on the level of confidence at each exit point. CeeBERT learns optimal thresholds from domain-specific confidence observed at intermediate layers on the fly, eliminating the need for labeled data. Experimental results on five distinct datasets with BERT and ALBERT models demonstrate CeeBERT's ability to improve latency by reducing unnecessary computations with minimal drop in performance. By adapting to the threshold values, CeeBERT can speed up the BERT/ALBERT models by $2\times$ - $3.5\times$ with minimal drop in accuracy.

new Reframing Spatial Reasoning Evaluation in Language Models: A Real-World Simulation Benchmark for Qualitative Reasoning

Authors: Fangjun Li, David C. Hogg, Anthony G. Cohn

Abstract: Spatial reasoning plays a vital role in both human cognition and machine intelligence, prompting new research into language models' (LMs) capabilities in this regard. However, existing benchmarks reveal shortcomings in evaluating qualitative spatial reasoning (QSR). These benchmarks typically present oversimplified scenarios or unclear natural language descriptions, hindering effective evaluation. We present a novel benchmark for assessing QSR in LMs, which is grounded in realistic 3D simulation data, offering a series of diverse room layouts with various objects and their spatial relationships. This approach provides a more detailed and context-rich narrative for spatial reasoning evaluation, diverging from traditional, toy-task-oriented scenarios. Our benchmark encompasses a broad spectrum of qualitative spatial relationships, including topological, directional, and distance relations. These are presented with different viewing points, varied granularities, and density of relation constraints to mimic real-world complexities. A key contribution is our logic-based consistency-checking tool, which enables the assessment of multiple plausible solutions, aligning with real-world scenarios where spatial relationships are often open to interpretation. Our benchmark evaluation of advanced LMs reveals their strengths and limitations in spatial reasoning. They face difficulties with multi-hop spatial reasoning and interpreting a mix of different view descriptions, pointing to areas for future improvement.

new Promoting Constructive Deliberation: Reframing for Receptiveness

Authors: Gauri Kambhatla, Matthew Lease, Ashwin Rajadesingan

Abstract: To promote constructive discussion of controversial topics online, we propose automatic reframing of disagreeing responses to signal receptiveness while preserving meaning. Drawing on research from psychology, communications, and linguistics, we identify six strategies for reframing. We automatically reframe replies according to each strategy, using a dataset of Reddit comments and replies. Through human-centered experiments, we find that the replies generated with our framework are perceived to be significantly more receptive than the original replies, as well as a generic receptiveness baseline. We analyze and discuss the implications of our results and highlight applications to content moderation. Overall, we illustrate how transforming receptiveness, a particular social science construct, into a computational framework, can make LLM generations more aligned with human perceptions.

new Optimizing example selection for retrieval-augmented machine translation with translation memories

Authors: Maxime Bouthors, Josep Crego, Fran\c{c}ois Yvon

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented machine translation leverages examples from a translation memory by retrieving similar instances. These examples are used to condition the predictions of a neural decoder. We aim to improve the upstream retrieval step and consider a fixed downstream edit-based model: the multi-Levenshtein Transformer. The task consists of finding a set of examples that maximizes the overall coverage of the source sentence. To this end, we rely on the theory of submodular functions and explore new algorithms to optimize this coverage. We evaluate the resulting performance gains for the machine translation task.

new Grokked Transformers are Implicit Reasoners: A Mechanistic Journey to the Edge of Generalization

Authors: Boshi Wang, Xiang Yue, Yu Su, Huan Sun

Abstract: We study whether transformers can learn to implicitly reason over parametric knowledge, a skill that even the most capable language models struggle with. Focusing on two representative reasoning types, composition and comparison, we consistently find that transformers can learn implicit reasoning, but only through grokking, i.e., extended training far beyond overfitting. The levels of generalization also vary across reasoning types: when faced with out-of-distribution examples, transformers fail to systematically generalize for composition but succeed for comparison. We delve into the model's internals throughout training, conducting analytical experiments that reveal: 1) the mechanism behind grokking, such as the formation of the generalizing circuit and its relation to the relative efficiency of generalizing and memorizing circuits, and 2) the connection between systematicity and the configuration of the generalizing circuit. Our findings guide data and training setup to better induce implicit reasoning and suggest potential improvements to the transformer architecture, such as encouraging cross-layer knowledge sharing. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for a challenging reasoning task with a large search space, GPT-4-Turbo and Gemini-1.5-Pro based on non-parametric memory fail badly regardless of prompting styles or retrieval augmentation, while a fully grokked transformer can achieve near-perfect accuracy, showcasing the power of parametric memory for complex reasoning.

new Eliciting Informative Text Evaluations with Large Language Models

Authors: Yuxuan Lu, Shengwei Xu, Yichi Zhang, Yuqing Kong, Grant Schoenebeck

Abstract: Peer prediction mechanisms motivate high-quality feedback with provable guarantees. However, current methods only apply to rather simple reports, like multiple-choice or scalar numbers. We aim to broaden these techniques to the larger domain of text-based reports, drawing on the recent developments in large language models. This vastly increases the applicability of peer prediction mechanisms as textual feedback is the norm in a large variety of feedback channels: peer reviews, e-commerce customer reviews, and comments on social media. We introduce two mechanisms, the Generative Peer Prediction Mechanism (GPPM) and the Generative Synopsis Peer Prediction Mechanism (GSPPM). These mechanisms utilize LLMs as predictors, mapping from one agent's report to a prediction of her peer's report. Theoretically, we show that when the LLM prediction is sufficiently accurate, our mechanisms can incentivize high effort and truth-telling as an (approximate) Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Empirically, we confirm the efficacy of our mechanisms through experiments conducted on two real datasets: the Yelp review dataset and the ICLR OpenReview dataset. We highlight the results that on the ICLR dataset, our mechanisms can differentiate three quality levels -- human-written reviews, GPT-4-generated reviews, and GPT-3.5-generated reviews in terms of expected scores. Additionally, GSPPM penalizes LLM-generated reviews more effectively than GPPM.

new Contrastive and Consistency Learning for Neural Noisy-Channel Model in Spoken Language Understanding

Authors: Suyoung Kim, Jiyeon Hwang, Ho-Young Jung

Abstract: Recently, deep end-to-end learning has been studied for intent classification in Spoken Language Understanding (SLU). However, end-to-end models require a large amount of speech data with intent labels, and highly optimized models are generally sensitive to the inconsistency between the training and evaluation conditions. Therefore, a natural language understanding approach based on Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) remains attractive because it can utilize a pre-trained general language model and adapt to the mismatch of the speech input environment. Using this module-based approach, we improve a noisy-channel model to handle transcription inconsistencies caused by ASR errors. We propose a two-stage method, Contrastive and Consistency Learning (CCL), that correlates error patterns between clean and noisy ASR transcripts and emphasizes the consistency of the latent features of the two transcripts. Experiments on four benchmark datasets show that CCL outperforms existing methods and improves the ASR robustness in various noisy environments. Code is available at


new CHARP: Conversation History AwaReness Probing for Knowledge-grounded Dialogue Systems

Authors: Abbas Ghaddar, David Alfonso-Hermelo, Philippe Langlais, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Boxing Chen, Prasanna Parthasarathi

Abstract: In this work, we dive deep into one of the popular knowledge-grounded dialogue benchmarks that focus on faithfulness, FaithDial. We show that a significant portion of the FaithDial data contains annotation artifacts, which may bias models towards completely ignoring the conversation history. We therefore introduce CHARP, a diagnostic test set, designed for an improved evaluation of hallucinations in conversational model. CHARP not only measures hallucination but also the compliance of the models to the conversation task. Our extensive analysis reveals that models primarily exhibit poor performance on CHARP due to their inability to effectively attend to and reason over the conversation history. Furthermore, the evaluation methods of FaithDial fail to capture these shortcomings, neglecting the conversational history. Our findings indicate that there is substantial room for contribution in both dataset creation and hallucination evaluation for knowledge-grounded dialogue, and that CHARP can serve as a tool for monitoring the progress in this particular research area. CHARP is publicly available at


new Generalizable and Scalable Multistage Biomedical Concept Normalization Leveraging Large Language Models

Authors: Nicholas J Dobbins

Abstract: Background: Biomedical entity normalization is critical to biomedical research because the richness of free-text clinical data, such as progress notes, can often be fully leveraged only after translating words and phrases into structured and coded representations suitable for analysis. Large Language Models (LLMs), in turn, have shown great potential and high performance in a variety of natural language processing (NLP) tasks, but their application for normalization remains understudied. Methods: We applied both proprietary and open-source LLMs in combination with several rule-based normalization systems commonly used in biomedical research. We used a two-step LLM integration approach, (1) using an LLM to generate alternative phrasings of a source utterance, and (2) to prune candidate UMLS concepts, using a variety of prompting methods. We measure results by $F_{\beta}$, where we favor recall over precision, and F1. Results: We evaluated a total of 5,523 concept terms and text contexts from a publicly available dataset of human-annotated biomedical abstracts. Incorporating GPT-3.5-turbo increased overall $F_{\beta}$ and F1 in normalization systems +9.5 and +7.3 (MetaMapLite), +13.9 and +10.9 (QuickUMLS), and +10.5 and +10.3 (BM25), while the open-source Vicuna model achieved +10.8 and +12.2 (MetaMapLite), +14.7 and +15 (QuickUMLS), and +15.6 and +18.7 (BM25). Conclusions: Existing general-purpose LLMs, both propriety and open-source, can be leveraged at scale to greatly improve normalization performance using existing tools, with no fine-tuning.

new Efficient Biomedical Entity Linking: Clinical Text Standardization with Low-Resource Techniques

Authors: Akshit Achara, Sanand Sasidharan, Gagan N

Abstract: Clinical text is rich in information, with mentions of treatment, medication and anatomy among many other clinical terms. Multiple terms can refer to the same core concepts which can be referred as a clinical entity. Ontologies like the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) are developed and maintained to store millions of clinical entities including the definitions, relations and other corresponding information. These ontologies are used for standardization of clinical text by normalizing varying surface forms of a clinical term through Biomedical entity linking. With the introduction of transformer-based language models, there has been significant progress in Biomedical entity linking. In this work, we focus on learning through synonym pairs associated with the entities. As compared to the existing approaches, our approach significantly reduces the training data and resource consumption. Moreover, we propose a suite of context-based and context-less reranking techniques for performing the entity disambiguation. Overall, we achieve similar performance to the state-of-the-art zero-shot and distant supervised entity linking techniques on the Medmentions dataset, the largest annotated dataset on UMLS, without any domain-based training. Finally, we show that retrieval performance alone might not be sufficient as an evaluation metric and introduce an article level quantitative and qualitative analysis to reveal further insights on the performance of entity linking methods.

new Machine Unlearning in Large Language Models

Authors: Saaketh Koundinya Gundavarapu, Shreya Agarwal, Arushi Arora, Chandana Thimmalapura Jagadeeshaiah

Abstract: Machine unlearning, a novel area within artificial intelligence, focuses on addressing the challenge of selectively forgetting or reducing undesirable knowledge or behaviors in machine learning models, particularly in the context of large language models (LLMs). This paper introduces a methodology to align LLMs, such as Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models, with ethical, privacy, and safety standards by leveraging the gradient ascent algorithm for knowledge unlearning. Our approach aims to selectively erase or modify learned information in LLMs, targeting harmful responses and copyrighted content. This paper presents a dual-pronged approach to enhance the ethical and safe behavior of large language models (LLMs) by addressing the issues of harmful responses and copyrighted content. To mitigate harmful responses, we applied gradient ascent on the PKU dataset, achieving a 75\% reduction in harmful responses for Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models (OPT1.3b and OPT2.7b) \citet{zhang2022opt} while retaining previous knowledge using the TruthfulQA dataset \citet{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2109-07958}. For handling copyrighted content, we constructed a custom dataset based on the Lord of the Rings corpus and aligned LLMs (OPT1.3b and OPT2.7b) \citet{zhang2022opt} through LoRA: Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Language Models \citet{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2106-09685} finetuning. Subsequently, we employed gradient ascent to unlearn the Lord of the Rings content, resulting in a remarkable reduction in the presence of copyrighted material. To maintain a diverse knowledge base, we utilized the Book Corpus dataset. Additionally, we propose a new evaluation technique for assessing the effectiveness of harmful unlearning.

new A Solution-based LLM API-using Methodology for Academic Information Seeking

Authors: Yuanchun Wang, Jifan Yu, Zijun Yao, Jing Zhang, Yuyang Xie, Shangqing Tu, Yiyang Fu, Youhe Feng, Jinkai Zhang, Jingyao Zhang, Bowen Huang, Yuanyao Li, Huihui Yuan, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li, Jie Tang

Abstract: Applying large language models (LLMs) for academic API usage shows promise in reducing researchers' academic information seeking efforts. However, current LLM API-using methods struggle with complex API coupling commonly encountered in academic queries. To address this, we introduce SoAy, a solution-based LLM API-using methodology for academic information seeking. It uses code with a solution as the reasoning method, where a solution is a pre-constructed API calling sequence. The addition of the solution reduces the difficulty for the model to understand the complex relationships between APIs. Code improves the efficiency of reasoning. To evaluate SoAy, we introduce SoAyBench, an evaluation benchmark accompanied by SoAyEval, built upon a cloned environment of APIs from AMiner. Experimental results demonstrate a 34.58-75.99\% performance improvement compared to state-of-the-art LLM API-based baselines. All datasets, codes, tuned models, and deployed online services are publicly accessible at


new VB-LoRA: Extreme Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning with Vector Banks

Authors: Yang Li, Shaobo Han, Shihao Ji

Abstract: As the adoption of large language models increases and the need for per-user or per-task model customization grows, the parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and its variants, incur substantial storage and transmission costs. To further reduce stored parameters, we introduce a "divide-and-share" paradigm that breaks the barriers of low-rank decomposition across matrix dimensions, modules and layers by sharing parameters globally via a \textit{vector bank}. As an instantiation of the paradigm to LoRA, our proposed VB-LoRA composites \textit{all} the low-rank matrices of LoRA from a shared \textit{vector bank} with a differentiable top-$k$ admixture module. VB-LoRA achieves extreme parameter efficiency while maintaining comparable or better performance compared to state-of-the-art PEFT methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of VB-LoRA on natural language understanding, natural language generation, and instruction tuning tasks. When fine-tuning the Llama2-13B model, VB-LoRA only uses 0.4\% of LoRA's stored parameters yet attaining superior results. Our source code is available at \url{}.


new An Evaluation of Estimative Uncertainty in Large Language Models

Authors: Zhisheng Tang, Ke Shen, Mayank Kejriwal

Abstract: Words of estimative probability (WEPs), such as ''maybe'' or ''probably not'' are ubiquitous in natural language for communicating estimative uncertainty, compared with direct statements involving numerical probability. Human estimative uncertainty, and its calibration with numerical estimates, has long been an area of study -- including by intelligence agencies like the CIA. This study compares estimative uncertainty in commonly used large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and ERNIE-4 to that of humans, and to each other. Here we show that LLMs like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 align with human estimates for some, but not all, WEPs presented in English. Divergence is also observed when the LLM is presented with gendered roles and Chinese contexts. Further study shows that an advanced LLM like GPT-4 can consistently map between statistical and estimative uncertainty, but a significant performance gap remains. The results contribute to a growing body of research on human-LLM alignment.

new RAEE: A Training-Free Retrieval-Augmented Early Exiting Framework for Efficient Inference

Authors: Lianming Huang, Shangyu Wu, Yufei Cui, Ying Xiong, Xue Liu, Tei-Wei Kuo, Nan Guan, Chun Jason Xue

Abstract: Deploying large language model inference remains challenging due to their high computational overhead. Early exiting accelerates model inference by adaptively reducing the number of inference layers. Existing methods require training internal classifiers to determine whether to exit at each intermediate layer. However, such classifier-based early exiting frameworks require significant effort to design and train the classifiers. To address these limitations, this paper proposes RAEE, a training-free Retrieval-Augmented Early Exiting framework for efficient inference. First, this paper demonstrates that the early exiting problem can be modeled as a distribution prediction problem, where the distribution is approximated using similar data's existing information. Next, the paper details the process of collecting existing information to build the retrieval database. Finally, based on the pre-built retrieval database, RAEE leverages the retrieved similar data's exiting information to guide the backbone model to exit at the layer, which is predicted by the approximated distribution. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed RAEE can significantly accelerate inference. RAEE also achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on 8 classification tasks.

new Cross-Task Defense: Instruction-Tuning LLMs for Content Safety

Authors: Yu Fu, Wen Xiao, Jia Chen, Jiachen Li, Evangelos Papalexakis, Aichi Chien, Yue Dong

Abstract: Recent studies reveal that Large Language Models (LLMs) face challenges in balancing safety with utility, particularly when processing long texts for NLP tasks like summarization and translation. Despite defenses against malicious short questions, the ability of LLMs to safely handle dangerous long content, such as manuals teaching illicit activities, remains unclear. Our work aims to develop robust defenses for LLMs in processing malicious documents alongside benign NLP task queries. We introduce a defense dataset comprised of safety-related examples and propose single-task and mixed-task losses for instruction tuning. Our empirical results demonstrate that LLMs can significantly enhance their capacity to safely manage dangerous content with appropriate instruction tuning. Additionally, strengthening the defenses of tasks most susceptible to misuse is effective in protecting LLMs against processing harmful information. We also observe that trade-offs between utility and safety exist in defense strategies, where Llama2, utilizing our proposed approach, displays a significantly better balance compared to Llama1.

new Decoding at the Speed of Thought: Harnessing Parallel Decoding of Lexical Units for LLMs

Authors: Chenxi Sun, Hongzhi Zhang, Zijia Lin, Jingyuan Zhang, Fuzheng Zhang, Zhongyuan Wang, Bin Chen, Chengru Song, Di Zhang, Kun Gai, Deyi Xiong

Abstract: Large language models have demonstrated exceptional capability in natural language understanding and generation. However, their generation speed is limited by the inherently sequential nature of their decoding process, posing challenges for real-time applications. This paper introduces Lexical Unit Decoding (LUD), a novel decoding methodology implemented in a data-driven manner, accelerating the decoding process without sacrificing output quality. The core of our approach is the observation that a pre-trained language model can confidently predict multiple contiguous tokens, forming the basis for a \textit{lexical unit}, in which these contiguous tokens could be decoded in parallel. Extensive experiments validate that our method substantially reduces decoding time while maintaining generation quality, i.e., 33\% speed up on natural language generation with no quality loss, and 30\% speed up on code generation with a negligible quality loss of 3\%. Distinctively, LUD requires no auxiliary models and does not require changes to existing architectures. It can also be integrated with other decoding acceleration methods, thus achieving an even more pronounced inference efficiency boost. We posit that the foundational principles of LUD could define a new decoding paradigm for future language models, enhancing their applicability for a broader spectrum of applications. All codes are be publicly available at Keywords: Parallel Decoding, Lexical Unit Decoding, Large Language Model


new DeTikZify: Synthesizing Graphics Programs for Scientific Figures and Sketches with TikZ

Authors: Jonas Belouadi, Steffen Eger, Simone Paolo Ponzetto

Abstract: Creating high-quality scientific figures can be time-consuming and challenging, even though sketching ideas on paper is relatively easy. Furthermore, recreating existing figures that are not stored in formats preserving semantic information is equally complex. To tackle this problem, we introduce DeTikZify, a novel multimodal language model that automatically synthesizes scientific figures as semantics-preserving TikZ graphics programs based on sketches and existing figures. To achieve this, we create three new datasets: DaTikZv2, the largest TikZ dataset to date, containing over 360k human-created TikZ graphics; SketchFig, a dataset that pairs hand-drawn sketches with their corresponding scientific figures; and SciCap++, a collection of diverse scientific figures and associated metadata. We train DeTikZify on SciCap++ and DaTikZv2, along with synthetically generated sketches learned from SketchFig. We also introduce an MCTS-based inference algorithm that enables DeTikZify to iteratively refine its outputs without the need for additional training. Through both automatic and human evaluation, we demonstrate that DeTikZify outperforms commercial Claude 3 and GPT-4V in synthesizing TikZ programs, with the MCTS algorithm effectively boosting its performance. We make our code, models, and datasets publicly available.

new Before Generation, Align it! A Novel and Effective Strategy for Mitigating Hallucinations in Text-to-SQL Generation

Authors: Ge Qu, Jinyang Li, Bowen Li, Bowen Qin, Nan Huo, Chenhao Ma, Reynold Cheng

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) driven by In-Context Learning (ICL) have significantly improved the performance of text-to-SQL. Previous methods generally employ a two-stage reasoning framework, namely 1) schema linking and 2) logical synthesis, making the framework not only effective but also interpretable. Despite these advancements, the inherent bad nature of the generalization of LLMs often results in hallucinations, which limits the full potential of LLMs. In this work, we first identify and categorize the common types of hallucinations at each stage in text-to-SQL. We then introduce a novel strategy, Task Alignment (TA), designed to mitigate hallucinations at each stage. TA encourages LLMs to take advantage of experiences from similar tasks rather than starting the tasks from scratch. This can help LLMs reduce the burden of generalization, thereby mitigating hallucinations effectively. We further propose TA-SQL, a text-to-SQL framework based on this strategy. The experimental results and comprehensive analysis demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our framework. Specifically, it enhances the performance of the GPT-4 baseline by 21.23% relatively on BIRD dev and it yields significant improvements across six models and four mainstream, complex text-to-SQL benchmarks.

new Are Long-LLMs A Necessity For Long-Context Tasks?

Authors: Hongjin Qian, Zheng Liu, Peitian Zhang, Kelong Mao, Yujia Zhou, Xu Chen, Zhicheng Dou

Abstract: The learning and deployment of long-LLMs remains a challenging problem despite recent progresses. In this work, we argue that the long-LLMs are not a necessity to solve long-context tasks, as common long-context tasks are short-context solvable, i.e. they can be solved by purely working with oracle short-contexts within the long-context tasks' inputs. On top of this argument, we propose a framework called LC-Boost (Long-Context Bootstrapper), which enables a short-LLM to address the long-context tasks in a bootstrapping manner. In our framework, the short-LLM prompts itself to reason for two critical decisions: 1) how to access to the appropriate part of context within the input, 2) how to make effective use of the accessed context. By adaptively accessing and utilizing the context based on the presented tasks, LC-Boost can serve as a general framework to handle diversified long-context processing problems. We comprehensively evaluate different types of tasks from popular long-context benchmarks, where LC-Boost is able to achieve a substantially improved performance with a much smaller consumption of resource.

new Stacking Your Transformers: A Closer Look at Model Growth for Efficient LLM Pre-Training

Authors: Wenyu Du, Tongxu Luo, Zihan Qiu, Zeyu Huang, Yikang Shen, Reynold Cheng, Yike Guo, Jie Fu

Abstract: LLMs are computationally expensive to pre-train due to their large scale. Model growth emerges as a promising approach by leveraging smaller models to accelerate the training of larger ones. However, the viability of these model growth methods in efficient LLM pre-training remains underexplored. This work identifies three critical $\underline{\textit{O}}$bstacles: ($\textit{O}$1) lack of comprehensive evaluation, ($\textit{O}$2) untested viability for scaling, and ($\textit{O}$3) lack of empirical guidelines. To tackle $\textit{O}$1, we summarize existing approaches into four atomic growth operators and systematically evaluate them in a standardized LLM pre-training setting. Our findings reveal that a depthwise stacking operator, called $G_{\text{stack}}$, exhibits remarkable acceleration in training, leading to decreased loss and improved overall performance on eight standard NLP benchmarks compared to strong baselines. Motivated by these promising results, we conduct extensive experiments to delve deeper into $G_{\text{stack}}$ to address $\textit{O}$2 and $\textit{O}$3. For $\textit{O}$2 (untested scalability), our study shows that $G_{\text{stack}}$ is scalable and consistently performs well, with experiments up to 7B LLMs after growth and pre-training LLMs with 750B tokens. For example, compared to a conventionally trained 7B model using 300B tokens, our $G_{\text{stack}}$ model converges to the same loss with 194B tokens, resulting in a 54.6\% speedup. We further address $\textit{O}$3 (lack of empirical guidelines) by formalizing guidelines to determine growth timing and growth factor for $G_{\text{stack}}$, making it practical in general LLM pre-training. We also provide in-depth discussions and comprehensive ablation studies of $G_{\text{stack}}$. Our code and pre-trained model are available at $\href{}{}$.


new Organic Data-Driven Approach for Turkish Grammatical Error Correction and LLMs

Authors: As{\i}m Ersoy, Olcay Taner Y{\i}ld{\i}z

Abstract: Grammatical Error Correction has seen significant progress with the recent advancements in deep learning. As those methods require huge amounts of data, synthetic datasets are being built to fill this gap. Unfortunately, synthetic datasets are not organic enough in some cases and even require clean data to start with. Furthermore, most of the work that has been done is focused mostly on English. In this work, we introduce a new organic data-driven approach, clean insertions, to build parallel Turkish Grammatical Error Correction datasets from any organic data, and to clean the data used for training Large Language Models. We achieve state-of-the-art results on two Turkish Grammatical Error Correction test sets out of the three publicly available ones. We also show the effectiveness of our method on the training losses of training language models.

new Decompose and Aggregate: A Step-by-Step Interpretable Evaluation Framework

Authors: Minzhi Li, Zhengyuan Liu, Shumin Deng, Shafiq Joty, Nancy F. Chen, Min-Yen Kan

Abstract: The acceleration of Large Language Models (LLMs) research has opened up new possibilities for evaluating generated texts. They serve as scalable and economical evaluators, but the question of how reliable these evaluators are has emerged as a crucial research question. Prior research efforts in the meta-evaluation of LLMs as judges limit the prompting of an LLM to a single use to obtain a final evaluation decision. They then compute the agreement between LLMs' outputs and human labels. This lacks interpretability in understanding the evaluation capability of LLMs. In light of this challenge, we propose Decompose and Aggregate, which breaks down the evaluation process into different stages based on pedagogical practices. Our experiments illustrate that it not only provides a more interpretable window for how well LLMs evaluate, but also leads to improvements up to 39.6% for different LLMs on a variety of meta-evaluation benchmarks.

new Detection and Positive Reconstruction of Cognitive Distortion sentences: Mandarin Dataset and Evaluation

Authors: Shuya Lin, Yuxiong Wang, Jonathan Dong, Shiguang Ni

Abstract: This research introduces a Positive Reconstruction Framework based on positive psychology theory. Overcoming negative thoughts can be challenging, our objective is to address and reframe them through a positive reinterpretation. To tackle this challenge, a two-fold approach is necessary: identifying cognitive distortions and suggesting a positively reframed alternative while preserving the original thought's meaning. Recent studies have investigated the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models in English for each stage of this process. In this study, we emphasize the theoretical foundation for the Positive Reconstruction Framework, grounded in broaden-and-build theory. We provide a shared corpus containing 4001 instances for detecting cognitive distortions and 1900 instances for positive reconstruction in Mandarin. Leveraging recent NLP techniques, including transfer learning, fine-tuning pretrained networks, and prompt engineering, we demonstrate the effectiveness of automated tools for both tasks. In summary, our study contributes to multilingual positive reconstruction, highlighting the effectiveness of NLP in cognitive distortion detection and positive reconstruction.

new BiSup: Bidirectional Quantization Error Suppression for Large Language Models

Authors: Minghui Zou, Ronghui Guo, Sai Zhang, Xiaowang Zhang, Zhiyong Feng

Abstract: As the size and context length of Large Language Models (LLMs) grow, weight-activation quantization has emerged as a crucial technique for efficient deployment of LLMs. Compared to weight-only quantization, weight-activation quantization presents greater challenges due to the presence of outliers in activations. Existing methods have made significant progress by exploring mixed-precision quantization and outlier suppression. However, these methods primarily focus on optimizing the results of single matrix multiplication, neglecting the bidirectional propagation of quantization errors in LLMs. Specifically, errors accumulate vertically within the same token through layers, and diffuse horizontally across different tokens due to self-attention mechanisms. To address this issue, we introduce BiSup, a Bidirectional quantization error Suppression method. By constructing appropriate optimizable parameter spaces, BiSup utilizes a small amount of data for quantization-aware parameter-efficient fine-tuning to suppress the error vertical accumulation. Besides, BiSup employs prompt mixed-precision quantization strategy, which preserves high precision for the key-value cache of system prompts, to mitigate the error horizontal diffusion. Extensive experiments on Llama and Qwen families demonstrate that BiSup can improve performance over two state-of-the-art methods (the average WikiText2 perplexity decreases from 13.26 to 9.41 for Atom and from 14.33 to 7.85 for QuaRot under the W3A3-g128 configuration), further facilitating the practical applications of low-bit weight-activation quantization.

new UnKE: Unstructured Knowledge Editing in Large Language Models

Authors: Jingcheng Deng, Zihao Wei, Liang Pang, Hanxing Ding, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Recent knowledge editing methods have primarily focused on modifying structured knowledge in large language models, heavily relying on the assumption that structured knowledge is stored as key-value pairs locally in MLP layers or specific neurons. However, this task setting overlooks the fact that a significant portion of real-world knowledge is stored in an unstructured format, characterized by long-form content, noise, and a complex yet comprehensive nature. The "knowledge locating" and "term-driven optimization" techniques conducted from the assumption used in previous methods (e.g., MEMIT) are ill-suited for unstructured knowledge. To address these challenges, we propose a novel unstructured knowledge editing method, namely UnKE, which extends previous assumptions in the layer dimension and token dimension. Firstly, in the layer dimension, we discard the "knowledge locating" step and treat first few layers as the key, which expand knowledge storage through layers to break the "knowledge stored locally" assumption. Next, we replace "term-driven optimization" with "cause-driven optimization" across all inputted tokens in the token dimension, directly optimizing the last layer of the key generator to perform editing to generate the required key vectors. By utilizing key-value pairs at the layer level, UnKE effectively represents and edits complex and comprehensive unstructured knowledge, leveraging the potential of both the MLP and attention layers. Results on newly proposed unstructure knowledge editing dataset (UnKEBench) and traditional structured datasets demonstrate that UnKE achieves remarkable performance, surpassing strong baselines.

new Large Language Models can Deliver Accurate and Interpretable Time Series Anomaly Detection

Authors: Jun Liu, Chaoyun Zhang, Jiaxu Qian, Minghua Ma, Si Qin, Chetan Bansal, Qingwei Lin, Saravan Rajmohan, Dongmei Zhang

Abstract: Time series anomaly detection (TSAD) plays a crucial role in various industries by identifying atypical patterns that deviate from standard trends, thereby maintaining system integrity and enabling prompt response measures. Traditional TSAD models, which often rely on deep learning, require extensive training data and operate as black boxes, lacking interpretability for detected anomalies. To address these challenges, we propose LLMAD, a novel TSAD method that employs Large Language Models (LLMs) to deliver accurate and interpretable TSAD results. LLMAD innovatively applies LLMs for in-context anomaly detection by retrieving both positive and negative similar time series segments, significantly enhancing LLMs' effectiveness. Furthermore, LLMAD employs the Anomaly Detection Chain-of-Thought (AnoCoT) approach to mimic expert logic for its decision-making process. This method further enhances its performance and enables LLMAD to provide explanations for their detections through versatile perspectives, which are particularly important for user decision-making. Experiments on three datasets indicate that our LLMAD achieves detection performance comparable to state-of-the-art deep learning methods while offering remarkable interpretability for detections. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that directly employs LLMs for TSAD.

new Leveraging Logical Rules in Knowledge Editing: A Cherry on the Top

Authors: Keyuan Cheng, Muhammad Asif Ali, Shu Yang, Gang Ling, Yuxuan Zhai, Haoyang Fei, Ke Xu, Lu Yu, Lijie Hu, Di Wang

Abstract: Multi-hop Question Answering (MQA) under knowledge editing (KE) is a key challenge in Large Language Models (LLMs). While best-performing solutions in this domain use a plan and solve paradigm to split a question into sub-questions followed by response generation, we claim that this approach is sub-optimal as it fails for hard to decompose questions, and it does not explicitly cater to correlated knowledge updates resulting as a consequence of knowledge edits. This has a detrimental impact on the overall consistency of the updated knowledge. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel framework named RULE-KE, i.e., RULE based Knowledge Editing, which is a cherry on the top for augmenting the performance of all existing MQA methods under KE. Specifically, RULE-KE leverages rule discovery to discover a set of logical rules. Then, it uses these discovered rules to update knowledge about facts highly correlated with the edit. Experimental evaluation using existing and newly curated datasets (i.e., RKE-EVAL) shows that RULE-KE helps augment both performances of parameter-based and memory-based solutions up to 92% and 112.9%, respectively.

new Benchmarking Pre-trained Large Language Models' Potential Across Urdu NLP tasks

Authors: Munief Hassan Tahir, Sana Shams, Layba Fiaz, Farah Adeeba, Sarmad Hussain

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained on multilingual data have revolutionized natural language processing research, by transitioning from languages and task specific model pipelines to a single model adapted on a variety of tasks. However majority of existing multilingual NLP benchmarks for LLMs provide evaluation data in only few languages with little linguistic diversity. In addition these benchmarks lack quality assessment against the respective state-of the art models. This study presents an in-depth examination of prominent LLMs; GPT-3.5-turbo, Llama2-7B-Chat, Bloomz 7B1 and Bloomz 3B, across 14 tasks using 15 Urdu datasets, in a zero-shot setting, and their performance against state-of-the-art (SOTA) models, has been compared and analysed. Our experiments show that SOTA models surpass all the encoder-decoder pre-trained language models in all Urdu NLP tasks with zero-shot learning. Our results further show that LLMs with fewer parameters, but more language specific data in the base model perform better than larger computational models, but low language data.

new Linearly Controlled Language Generation with Performative Guarantees

Authors: Emily Cheng, Marco Baroni, Carmen Amo Alonso

Abstract: The increasing prevalence of Large Language Models (LMs) in critical applications highlights the need for controlled language generation strategies that are not only computationally efficient but that also enjoy performance guarantees. To achieve this, we use a common model of concept semantics as linearly represented in an LM's latent space. In particular, we take the view that natural language generation traces a trajectory in this continuous semantic space, realized by the language model's hidden activations. This view permits a control-theoretic treatment of text generation in latent space, in which we propose a lightweight, gradient-free intervention that dynamically steers trajectories away from regions corresponding to undesired meanings. Crucially, we show that this intervention, which we compute in closed form, is guaranteed (in probability) to steer the output into the allowed region. Finally, we demonstrate on a toxicity avoidance objective that the intervention steers language away from undesired content while maintaining text quality.

new Emergence of a High-Dimensional Abstraction Phase in Language Transformers

Authors: Emily Cheng, Diego Doimo, Corentin Kervadec, Iuri Macocco, Jade Yu, Alessandro Laio, Marco Baroni

Abstract: A language model (LM) is a mapping from a linguistic context to an output token. However, much remains to be known about this mapping, including how its geometric properties relate to its function. We take a high-level geometric approach to its analysis, observing, across five pre-trained transformer-based LMs and three input datasets, a distinct phase characterized by high intrinsic dimensionality. During this phase, representations (1) correspond to the first full linguistic abstraction of the input; (2) are the first to viably transfer to downstream tasks; (3) predict each other across different LMs. Moreover, we find that an earlier onset of the phase strongly predicts better language modelling performance. In short, our results suggest that a central high-dimensionality phase underlies core linguistic processing in many common LM architectures.

new Mosaic Memory: Fuzzy Duplication in Copyright Traps for Large Language Models

Authors: Igor Shilov, Matthieu Meeus, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye

Abstract: The immense datasets used to develop Large Language Models (LLMs) often include copyright-protected content, typically without the content creator's consent. Copyright traps have been proposed to be injected into the original content, improving content detectability in newly released LLMs. Traps, however, rely on the exact duplication of a unique text sequence, leaving them vulnerable to commonly deployed data deduplication techniques. We here propose the generation of fuzzy copyright traps, featuring slight modifications across duplication. When injected in the fine-tuning data of a 1.3B LLM, we show fuzzy trap sequences to be memorized nearly as well as exact duplicates. Specifically, the Membership Inference Attack (MIA) ROC AUC only drops from 0.90 to 0.87 when 4 tokens are replaced across the fuzzy duplicates. We also find that selecting replacement positions to minimize the exact overlap between fuzzy duplicates leads to similar memorization, while making fuzzy duplicates highly unlikely to be removed by any deduplication process. Lastly, we argue that the fact that LLMs memorize across fuzzy duplicates challenges the study of LLM memorization relying on naturally occurring duplicates. Indeed, we find that the commonly used training dataset, The Pile, contains significant amounts of fuzzy duplicates. This introduces a previously unexplored confounding factor in post-hoc studies of LLM memorization, and questions the effectiveness of (exact) data deduplication as a privacy protection technique.

new Sparse Matrix in Large Language Model Fine-tuning

Authors: Haoze He, Juncheng Billy Li, Xuan Jiang, Heather Miller

Abstract: LoRA and its variants have become popular parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods due to their ability to avoid excessive computational costs. However, an accuracy gap often exists between PEFT methods and full fine-tuning (FT), and this gap has yet to be systematically studied. In this work, we introduce a method for selecting sparse sub-matrices that aim to minimize the performance gap between PEFT vs. full fine-tuning (FT) while also reducing both fine-tuning computational cost and memory cost. Our Sparse Matrix Tuning (SMT) method begins by identifying the most significant sub-matrices in the gradient update, updating only these blocks during the fine-tuning process. In our experiments, we demonstrate that SMT consistently surpasses other PEFT baseline (e.g. LoRA and DoRA) in fine-tuning popular large language models such as LLaMA across a broad spectrum of tasks, while reducing the GPU memory footprint by 67% compared to FT. We also examine how the performance of LoRA and DoRA tends to plateau and decline as the number of trainable parameters increases, in contrast, our SMT method does not suffer from such issue.

new Synergizing In-context Learning with Hints for End-to-end Task-oriented Dialog Systems

Authors: Vishal Vivek Saley, Rocktim Jyoti Das, Dinesh Raghu, Mausam

Abstract: Large language models (LLM) based end-to-end task-oriented dialog (TOD) systems built using few-shot (in-context) learning perform better than supervised models only when the train data is limited. This is due to the inherent ability of LLMs to learn any task with just a few demonstrations. As the number of train dialogs increases, supervised SoTA models surpass in-context learning LLMs as they learn to better align with the style of the system responses in the training data, which LLMs struggle to mimic. In response, we propose SyncTOD, which synergizes LLMs with useful hints about the task for improved alignment. At a high level, SyncTOD trains auxiliary models to provide these hints and select exemplars for the in-context prompts. With ChatGPT, SyncTOD achieves superior performance compared to LLM-based baselines and SoTA models in low-data settings, while retaining competitive performance in full-data settings

new Profiling checkpointing schedules in adjoint ST-AD

Authors: Laurent Hasco\"et, Jean-Luc Bouchot, Shreyas Sunil Gaikwad, Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan, Jan H\"uckelheim

Abstract: Checkpointing is a cornerstone of data-flow reversal in adjoint algorithmic differentiation. Checkpointing is a storage/recomputation trade-off that can be applied at different levels, one of which being the call tree. We are looking for good placements of checkpoints onto the call tree of a given application, to reduce run time and memory footprint of its adjoint. There is no known optimal solution to this problem other than a combinatorial search on all placements. We propose a heuristics based on run-time profiling of the adjoint code. We describe implementation of this profiling tool in an existing source-transformation AD tool. We demonstrate the interest of this approach on test cases taken from the MITgcm ocean and atmospheric global circulation model. We discuss the limitations of our approach and propose directions to lift them.

new Text Generation: A Systematic Literature Review of Tasks, Evaluation, and Challenges

Authors: Jonas Becker, Jan Philip Wahle, Bela Gipp, Terry Ruas

Abstract: Text generation has become more accessible than ever, and the increasing interest in these systems, especially those using large language models, has spurred an increasing number of related publications. We provide a systematic literature review comprising 244 selected papers between 2017 and 2024. This review categorizes works in text generation into five main tasks: open-ended text generation, summarization, translation, paraphrasing, and question answering. For each task, we review their relevant characteristics, sub-tasks, and specific challenges (e.g., missing datasets for multi-document summarization, coherence in story generation, and complex reasoning for question answering). Additionally, we assess current approaches for evaluating text generation systems and ascertain problems with current metrics. Our investigation shows nine prominent challenges common to all tasks and sub-tasks in recent text generation publications: bias, reasoning, hallucinations, misuse, privacy, interpretability, transparency, datasets, and computing. We provide a detailed analysis of these challenges, their potential solutions, and which gaps still require further engagement from the community. This systematic literature review targets two main audiences: early career researchers in natural language processing looking for an overview of the field and promising research directions, as well as experienced researchers seeking a detailed view of tasks, evaluation methodologies, open challenges, and recent mitigation strategies.

new GECKO: Generative Language Model for English, Code and Korean

Authors: Sungwoo Oh, Donggyu Kim

Abstract: We introduce GECKO, a bilingual large language model (LLM) optimized for Korean and English, along with programming languages. GECKO is pretrained on the balanced, high-quality corpus of Korean and English employing LLaMA architecture. In this report, we share the experiences of several efforts to build a better data pipeline for the corpus and to train our model. GECKO shows great efficiency in token generations for both Korean and English, despite its small size of vocabulary. We measure the performance on the representative benchmarks in terms of Korean, English and Code, and it exhibits great performance on KMMLU (Korean MMLU) and modest performance in English and Code, even with its smaller number of trained tokens compared to English-focused LLMs. GECKO is available to the open-source community under a permissive license. We hope our work offers a research baseline and practical insights for Korean LLM research. The model can be found at:


new EmpathicStories++: A Multimodal Dataset for Empathy towards Personal Experiences

Authors: Jocelyn Shen, Yubin Kim, Mohit Hulse, Wazeer Zulfikar, Sharifa Alghowinem, Cynthia Breazeal, Hae Won Park

Abstract: Modeling empathy is a complex endeavor that is rooted in interpersonal and experiential dimensions of human interaction, and remains an open problem within AI. Existing empathy datasets fall short in capturing the richness of empathy responses, often being confined to in-lab or acted scenarios, lacking longitudinal data, and missing self-reported labels. We introduce a new multimodal dataset for empathy during personal experience sharing: the EmpathicStories++ dataset ( containing 53 hours of video, audio, and text data of 41 participants sharing vulnerable experiences and reading empathically resonant stories with an AI agent. EmpathicStories++ is the first longitudinal dataset on empathy, collected over a month-long deployment of social robots in participants' homes, as participants engage in natural, empathic storytelling interactions with AI agents. We then introduce a novel task of predicting individuals' empathy toward others' stories based on their personal experiences, evaluated in two contexts: participants' own personal shared story context and their reflections on stories they read. We benchmark this task using state-of-the-art models to pave the way for future improvements in contextualized and longitudinal empathy modeling. Our work provides a valuable resource for further research in developing empathetic AI systems and understanding the intricacies of human empathy within genuine, real-world settings.


new Filtered Corpus Training (FiCT) Shows that Language Models can Generalize from Indirect Evidence

Authors: Abhinav Patil, Jaap Jumelet, Yu Ying Chiu, Andy Lapastora, Peter Shen, Lexie Wang, Clevis Willrich, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld

Abstract: This paper introduces Filtered Corpus Training, a method that trains language models (LMs) on corpora with certain linguistic constructions filtered out from the training data, and uses it to measure the ability of LMs to perform linguistic generalization on the basis of indirect evidence. We apply the method to both LSTM and Transformer LMs (of roughly comparable size), developing filtered corpora that target a wide range of linguistic phenomena. Our results show that while transformers are better qua LMs (as measured by perplexity), both models perform equally and surprisingly well on linguistic generalization measures, suggesting that they are capable of generalizing from indirect evidence.

new GPT is Not an Annotator: The Necessity of Human Annotation in Fairness Benchmark Construction

Authors: Virginia K. Felkner, Jennifer A. Thompson, Jonathan May

Abstract: Social biases in LLMs are usually measured via bias benchmark datasets. Current benchmarks have limitations in scope, grounding, quality, and human effort required. Previous work has shown success with a community-sourced, rather than crowd-sourced, approach to benchmark development. However, this work still required considerable effort from annotators with relevant lived experience. This paper explores whether an LLM (specifically, GPT-3.5-Turbo) can assist with the task of developing a bias benchmark dataset from responses to an open-ended community survey. We also extend the previous work to a new community and set of biases: the Jewish community and antisemitism. Our analysis shows that GPT-3.5-Turbo has poor performance on this annotation task and produces unacceptable quality issues in its output. Thus, we conclude that GPT-3.5-Turbo is not an appropriate substitute for human annotation in sensitive tasks related to social biases, and that its use actually negates many of the benefits of community-sourcing bias benchmarks.

new Scaling Laws for Discriminative Classification in Large Language Models

Authors: Dean Wyatte, Fatemeh Tahmasbi, Ming Li, Thomas Markovich

Abstract: Modern large language models (LLMs) represent a paradigm shift in what can plausibly be expected of machine learning models. The fact that LLMs can effectively generate sensible answers to a diverse range of queries suggests that they would be useful in customer support applications. While powerful, LLMs have been observed to be prone to hallucination which unfortunately makes their near term use in customer support applications challenging. To address this issue we present a system that allows us to use an LLM to augment our customer support advocates by re-framing the language modeling task as a discriminative classification task. In this framing, we seek to present the top-K best template responses for a customer support advocate to use when responding to a customer. We present the result of both offline and online experiments where we observed offline gains and statistically significant online lifts for our experimental system. Along the way, we present observed scaling curves for validation loss and top-K accuracy, resulted from model parameter ablation studies. We close by discussing the space of trade-offs with respect to model size, latency, and accuracy as well as and suggesting future applications to explore.

cross S-Eval: Automatic and Adaptive Test Generation for Benchmarking Safety Evaluation of Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaohan Yuan, Jinfeng Li, Dongxia Wang, Yuefeng Chen, Xiaofeng Mao, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Wenhai Wang, Kui Ren, Jingyi Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models have gained considerable attention for their revolutionary capabilities. However, there is also growing concern on their safety implications, making a comprehensive safety evaluation for LLMs urgently needed before model deployment. In this work, we propose S-Eval, a new comprehensive, multi-dimensional and open-ended safety evaluation benchmark. At the core of S-Eval is a novel LLM-based automatic test prompt generation and selection framework, which trains an expert testing LLM Mt combined with a range of test selection strategies to automatically construct a high-quality test suite for the safety evaluation. The key to the automation of this process is a novel expert safety-critique LLM Mc able to quantify the riskiness score of a LLM's response, and additionally produce risk tags and explanations. Besides, the generation process is also guided by a carefully designed risk taxonomy with four different levels, covering comprehensive and multi-dimensional safety risks of concern. Based on these, we systematically construct a new and large-scale safety evaluation benchmark for LLMs consisting of 220,000 evaluation prompts, including 20,000 base risk prompts (10,000 in Chinese and 10,000 in English) and 200, 000 corresponding attack prompts derived from 10 popular adversarial instruction attacks against LLMs. Moreover, considering the rapid evolution of LLMs and accompanied safety threats, S-Eval can be flexibly configured and adapted to include new risks, attacks and models. S-Eval is extensively evaluated on 20 popular and representative LLMs. The results confirm that S-Eval can better reflect and inform the safety risks of LLMs compared to existing benchmarks. We also explore the impacts of parameter scales, language environments, and decoding parameters on the evaluation, providing a systematic methodology for evaluating the safety of LLMs.

cross Structural Entities Extraction and Patient Indications Incorporation for Chest X-ray Report Generation

Authors: Kang Liu, Zhuoqi Ma, Xiaolu Kang, Zhusi Zhong, Zhicheng Jiao, Grayson Baird, Harrison Bai, Qiguang Miao

Abstract: The automated generation of imaging reports proves invaluable in alleviating the workload of radiologists. A clinically applicable reports generation algorithm should demonstrate its effectiveness in producing reports that accurately describe radiology findings and attend to patient-specific indications. In this paper, we introduce a novel method, \textbf{S}tructural \textbf{E}ntities extraction and patient indications \textbf{I}ncorporation (SEI) for chest X-ray report generation. Specifically, we employ a structural entities extraction (SEE) approach to eliminate presentation-style vocabulary in reports and improve the quality of factual entity sequences. This reduces the noise in the following cross-modal alignment module by aligning X-ray images with factual entity sequences in reports, thereby enhancing the precision of cross-modal alignment and further aiding the model in gradient-free retrieval of similar historical cases. Subsequently, we propose a cross-modal fusion network to integrate information from X-ray images, similar historical cases, and patient-specific indications. This process allows the text decoder to attend to discriminative features of X-ray images, assimilate historical diagnostic information from similar cases, and understand the examination intention of patients. This, in turn, assists in triggering the text decoder to produce high-quality reports. Experiments conducted on MIMIC-CXR validate the superiority of SEI over state-of-the-art approaches on both natural language generation and clinical efficacy metrics.

cross Data Mixing Made Efficient: A Bivariate Scaling Law for Language Model Pretraining

Authors: Ce Ge, Zhijian Ma, Daoyuan Chen, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding

Abstract: Large language models exhibit exceptional generalization capabilities, primarily attributed to the utilization of diversely sourced data. However, conventional practices in integrating this diverse data heavily rely on heuristic schemes, lacking theoretical guidance. This research tackles these limitations by investigating strategies based on low-cost proxies for data mixtures, with the aim of streamlining data curation to enhance training efficiency. Specifically, we propose a unified scaling law, termed BiMix, which accurately models the bivariate scaling behaviors of both data quantity and mixing proportions. We conduct systematic experiments and provide empirical evidence for the predictive power and fundamental principles of BiMix. Notably, our findings reveal that entropy-driven training-free data mixtures can achieve comparable or even better performance than more resource-intensive methods. We hope that our quantitative insights can shed light on further judicious research and development in cost-effective language modeling.

cross SliM-LLM: Salience-Driven Mixed-Precision Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Wei Huang, Haotong Qin, Yangdong Liu, Yawei Li, Xianglong Liu, Luca Benini, Michele Magno, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) achieve remarkable performance in natural language understanding but require substantial computation and memory resources. Post-training quantization (PTQ) is a powerful compression technique extensively investigated in LLMs. However, existing PTQ methods are still not ideal in terms of accuracy and efficiency, especially with below 4 bit-widths. Standard PTQ methods using group-wise quantization suffer difficulties in quantizing LLMs accurately to such low-bit, but advanced methods remaining high-precision weights element-wisely are hard to realize their theoretical hardware efficiency. This paper presents a Salience-Driven Mixed-Precision Quantization scheme for LLMs, namely SliM-LLM. The scheme exploits the salience distribution of weights to determine optimal bit-width and quantizers for accurate LLM quantization, while aligning bit-width partition to groups for compact memory usage and fast integer inference. Specifically, the proposed SliM-LLM mainly relies on two novel techniques: (1) Salience-Determined Bit Allocation utilizes the clustering characteristics of salience distribution to allocate the bit-widths of each group, increasing the accuracy of quantized LLMs and maintaining the inference efficiency; (2) Salience-Weighted Quantizer Calibration optimizes the parameters of the quantizer by considering the element-wise salience within the group, balancing the maintenance of salient information and minimization of errors. Comprehensive experiments show that SliM-LLM significantly improves the accuracy of LLMs at ultra-low bits, e.g., 2-bit LLaMA-7B achieves a 5.5-times memory-saving than original model on NVIDIA A800 GPUs, and 48% decrease of perplexity compared to the state-of-the-art gradient-free PTQ method. Moreover, SliM-LLM+, which is integrated from the extension of SliM-LLM with gradient-based quantizers, further reduces perplexity by 35.1%.

cross LOVA3: Learning to Visual Question Answering, Asking and Assessment

Authors: Henry Hengyuan Zhao, Pan Zhou, Difei Gao, Mike Zheng Shou

Abstract: Question answering, asking, and assessment are three innate human traits crucial for understanding the world and acquiring knowledge. By enhancing these capabilities, humans can more effectively utilize data, leading to better comprehension and learning outcomes. However, current Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) primarily focus on question answering, often neglecting the full potential of questioning and assessment skills. In this study, we introduce LOVA3, an innovative framework named ``Learning tO Visual Question Answering, Asking and Assessment,'' designed to equip MLLMs with these additional capabilities. Our approach involves the creation of two supplementary training tasks GenQA and EvalQA, aiming at fostering the skills of asking and assessing questions in the context of images. To develop the questioning ability, we compile a comprehensive set of multimodal foundational tasks. For assessment, we introduce a new benchmark called EvalQABench, comprising 64,000 training samples (split evenly between positive and negative samples) and 5,000 testing samples. We posit that enhancing MLLMs with the capabilities to answer, ask, and assess questions will improve their multimodal comprehension and lead to better performance. We validate our hypothesis by training an MLLM using the LOVA3 framework and testing it on 10 multimodal benchmarks. The results demonstrate consistent performance improvements, thereby confirming the efficacy of our approach.

cross In-context Time Series Predictor

Authors: Jiecheng Lu, Yan Sun, Shihao Yang

Abstract: Recent Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) demonstrate in-context learning ability to perform various functions based solely on the provided context, without updating model parameters. To fully utilize the in-context capabilities in time series forecasting (TSF) problems, unlike previous Transformer-based or LLM-based time series forecasting methods, we reformulate "time series forecasting tasks" as input tokens by constructing a series of (lookback, future) pairs within the tokens. This method aligns more closely with the inherent in-context mechanisms, and is more parameter-efficient without the need of using pre-trained LLM parameters. Furthermore, it addresses issues such as overfitting in existing Transformer-based TSF models, consistently achieving better performance across full-data, few-shot, and zero-shot settings compared to previous architectures.

cross OAC: Output-adaptive Calibration for Accurate Post-training Quantization

Authors: Ali Edalati (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab), Alireza Ghaffari (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University), Masoud Asgharian (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University), Lu Hou (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab), Boxing Chen (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab), Vahid Partovi Nia (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab)

Abstract: Deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) has major computational costs, due to their rapidly expanding size. Compression of LLMs reduces the memory footprint, latency, and energy required for their inference. Post-training Quantization (PTQ) techniques have been developed to compress LLMs while avoiding expensive re-training. Most PTQ approaches formulate the quantization error based on a layer-wise $\ell_2$ loss, ignoring the model output. Then, each layer is calibrated using its layer-wise Hessian to update the weights towards minimizing the $\ell_2$ quantization error. The Hessian is also used for detecting the most salient weights to quantization. Such PTQ approaches are prone to accuracy drop in low-precision quantization. We propose Output-adaptive Calibration (OAC) to incorporate the model output in the calibration process. We formulate the quantization error based on the distortion of the output cross-entropy loss. OAC approximates the output-adaptive Hessian for each layer under reasonable assumptions to reduce the computational complexity. The output-adaptive Hessians are used to update the weight matrices and detect the salient weights towards maintaining the model output. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines such as SpQR and BiLLM, especially, at extreme low-precision (2-bit and binary) quantization.

cross Dissociation of Faithful and Unfaithful Reasoning in LLMs

Authors: Evelyn Yee, Alice Li, Chenyu Tang, Yeon Ho Jung, Ramamohan Paturi, Leon Bergen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) improve their performance in downstream tasks when they generate Chain of Thought reasoning text before producing an answer. Our research investigates how LLMs recover from errors in Chain of Thought, reaching the correct final answer despite mistakes in the reasoning text. Through analysis of these error recovery behaviors, we find evidence for unfaithfulness in Chain of Thought, but we also identify many clear examples of faithful error recovery behaviors. We identify factors that shift LLM recovery behavior: LLMs recover more frequently from obvious errors and in contexts that provide more evidence for the correct answer. However, unfaithful recoveries show the opposite behavior, occurring more frequently for more difficult error positions. Our results indicate that there are distinct mechanisms driving faithful and unfaithful error recoveries. Our results challenge the view that LLM reasoning is a uniform, coherent process.

cross Towards Better Understanding of In-Context Learning Ability from In-Context Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Shang Liu, Zhongze Cai, Guanting Chen, Xiaocheng Li

Abstract: Predicting simple function classes has been widely used as a testbed for developing theory and understanding of the trained Transformer's in-context learning (ICL) ability. In this paper, we revisit the training of Transformers on linear regression tasks, and different from all the existing literature, we consider a bi-objective prediction task of predicting both the conditional expectation $\mathbb{E}[Y|X]$ and the conditional variance Var$(Y|X)$. This additional uncertainty quantification objective provides a handle to (i) better design out-of-distribution experiments to distinguish ICL from in-weight learning (IWL) and (ii) make a better separation between the algorithms with and without using the prior information of the training distribution. Theoretically, we show that the trained Transformer reaches near Bayes-optimum, suggesting the usage of the information of the training distribution. Our method can be extended to other cases. Specifically, with the Transformer's context window $S$, we prove a generalization bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{\min\{S, T\}/(n T)})$ on $n$ tasks with sequences of length $T$, providing sharper analysis compared to previous results of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{1/n})$. Empirically, we illustrate that while the trained Transformer behaves as the Bayes-optimal solution as a natural consequence of supervised training in distribution, it does not necessarily perform a Bayesian inference when facing task shifts, in contrast to the \textit{equivalence} between these two proposed in many existing literature. We also demonstrate the trained Transformer's ICL ability over covariates shift and prompt-length shift and interpret them as a generalization over a meta distribution.

cross OptLLM: Optimal Assignment of Queries to Large Language Models

Authors: Yueyue Liu, Hongyu Zhang, Yuantian Miao, Van-Hoang Le, Zhiqiang Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered considerable attention owing to their remarkable capabilities, leading to an increasing number of companies offering LLMs as services. Different LLMs achieve different performance at different costs. A challenge for users lies in choosing the LLMs that best fit their needs, balancing cost and performance. In this paper, we propose a framework for addressing the cost-effective query allocation problem for LLMs. Given a set of input queries and candidate LLMs, our framework, named OptLLM, provides users with a range of optimal solutions to choose from, aligning with their budget constraints and performance preferences, including options for maximizing accuracy and minimizing cost. OptLLM predicts the performance of candidate LLMs on each query using a multi-label classification model with uncertainty estimation and then iteratively generates a set of non-dominated solutions by destructing and reconstructing the current solution. To evaluate the effectiveness of OptLLM, we conduct extensive experiments on various types of tasks, including text classification, question answering, sentiment analysis, reasoning, and log parsing. Our experimental results demonstrate that OptLLM substantially reduces costs by 2.40% to 49.18% while achieving the same accuracy as the best LLM. Compared to other multi-objective optimization algorithms, OptLLM improves accuracy by 2.94% to 69.05% at the same cost or saves costs by 8.79% and 95.87% while maintaining the highest attainable accuracy.

cross Intelligent Go-Explore: Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Foundation Models

Authors: Cong Lu, Shengran Hu, Jeff Clune

Abstract: Go-Explore is a powerful family of algorithms designed to solve hard-exploration problems, built on the principle of archiving discovered states, and iteratively returning to and exploring from the most promising states. This approach has led to superhuman performance across a wide variety of challenging problems including Atari games and robotic control, but requires manually designing heuristics to guide exploration, which is time-consuming and infeasible in general. To resolve this, we propose Intelligent Go-Explore (IGE) which greatly extends the scope of the original Go-Explore by replacing these heuristics with the intelligence and internalized human notions of interestingness captured by giant foundation models (FMs). This provides IGE with a human-like ability to instinctively identify how interesting or promising any new state is (e.g. discovering new objects, locations, or behaviors), even in complex environments where heuristics are hard to define. Moreover, IGE offers the exciting and previously impossible opportunity to recognize and capitalize on serendipitous discoveries that cannot be predicted ahead of time. We evaluate IGE on a range of language-based tasks that require search and exploration. In Game of 24, a multistep mathematical reasoning problem, IGE reaches 100% success rate 70.8% faster than the best classic graph search baseline. Next, in BabyAI-Text, a challenging partially observable gridworld, IGE exceeds the previous SOTA with orders of magnitude fewer online samples. Finally, in TextWorld, we show the unique ability of IGE to succeed in settings requiring long-horizon exploration where prior SOTA FM agents like Reflexion completely fail. Overall, IGE combines the tremendous strengths of FMs and the powerful Go-Explore algorithm, opening up a new frontier of research into creating more generally capable agents with impressive exploration capabilities.

cross CulturePark: Boosting Cross-cultural Understanding in Large Language Models

Authors: Cheng Li, Damien Teney, Linyi Yang, Qingsong Wen, Xing Xie, Jindong Wang

Abstract: Cultural bias is pervasive in many large language models (LLMs), largely due to the deficiency of data representative of different cultures. Typically, cultural datasets and benchmarks are constructed either by extracting subsets of existing datasets or by aggregating from platforms such as Wikipedia and social media. However, these approaches are highly dependent on real-world data and human annotations, making them costly and difficult to scale. Inspired by cognitive theories on social communication, this paper introduces CulturePark, an LLM-powered multi-agent communication framework for cultural data collection. CulturePark simulates cross-cultural human communication with LLM-based agents playing roles in different cultures. It generates high-quality cross-cultural dialogues encapsulating human beliefs, norms, and customs. Using CulturePark, we generated 41,000 cultural samples to fine-tune eight culture-specific LLMs. We evaluated these models across three downstream tasks: content moderation, cultural alignment, and cultural education. Results show that for content moderation, our GPT-3.5-based models either match or outperform GPT-4 on datasets. Regarding cultural alignment, our models surpass GPT-4 on Hofstede's VSM 13 framework. Furthermore, for cultural education of human participants, our models demonstrate superior outcomes in both learning efficacy and user experience compared to GPT-4. CulturePark proves an important step in addressing cultural bias and advancing the democratization of AI, highlighting the critical role of culturally inclusive data in model training.

cross SOAP: Enhancing Efficiency of Generated Code via Self-Optimization

Authors: Dong Huang, Jianbo Dai, Han Weng, Puzhen Wu, Yuhao Qing, Jie M. Zhang, Heming Cui, Zhijiang Guo

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable progress in code generation, but their generated code often suffers from inefficiency, resulting in longer execution times and higher memory consumption. To address this issue, we propose Self Optimization based on OverheAd Profile (SOAP), a self-optimization framework that utilizes execution overhead profiles to improve the efficiency of LLM-generated code. SOAP first generates code using an LLM, then executes it locally to capture execution time and memory usage profiles. These profiles are fed back to the LLM, which then revises the code to reduce overhead. To evaluate the effectiveness of SOAP, we conduct extensive experiments on the EffiBench, HumanEval, and MBPP with 16 open-source and 6 closed-source models. Our evaluation results demonstrate that through iterative self-optimization, SOAP significantly enhances the efficiency of LLM-generated code. For example, the execution time (ET) of StarCoder2-15B for the EffiBench decreases from 0.93 (s) to 0.12 (s) which reduces 87.1% execution time requirement compared with the initial code. The total memory usage (TMU) of StarCoder2-15B also decreases from 22.02 (Mb*s) to 2.03 (Mb*s), which decreases 90.8% total memory consumption during the execution process. The source code of SOAP was released in


cross Denoising LM: Pushing the Limits of Error Correction Models for Speech Recognition

Authors: Zijin Gu, Tatiana Likhomanenko, He Bai, Erik McDermott, Ronan Collobert, Navdeep Jaitly

Abstract: Language models (LMs) have long been used to improve results of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, but they are unaware of the errors that ASR systems make. Error correction models are designed to fix ASR errors, however, they showed little improvement over traditional LMs mainly due to the lack of supervised training data. In this paper, we present Denoising LM (DLM), which is a $\textit{scaled}$ error correction model trained with vast amounts of synthetic data, significantly exceeding prior attempts meanwhile achieving new state-of-the-art ASR performance. We use text-to-speech (TTS) systems to synthesize audio, which is fed into an ASR system to produce noisy hypotheses, which are then paired with the original texts to train the DLM. DLM has several $\textit{key ingredients}$: (i) up-scaled model and data; (ii) usage of multi-speaker TTS systems; (iii) combination of multiple noise augmentation strategies; and (iv) new decoding techniques. With a Transformer-CTC ASR, DLM achieves 1.5% word error rate (WER) on $\textit{test-clean}$ and 3.3% WER on $\textit{test-other}$ on Librispeech, which to our knowledge are the best reported numbers in the setting where no external audio data are used and even match self-supervised methods which use external audio data. Furthermore, a single DLM is applicable to different ASRs, and greatly surpassing the performance of conventional LM based beam-search rescoring. These results indicate that properly investigated error correction models have the potential to replace conventional LMs, holding the key to a new level of accuracy in ASR systems.

cross DEEM: Diffusion Models Serve as the Eyes of Large Language Models for Image Perception

Authors: Run Luo, Yunshui Li, Longze Chen, Wanwei He, Ting-En Lin, Ziqiang Liu, Lei Zhang, Zikai Song, Xiaobo Xia, Tongliang Liu, Min Yang, Binyuan Hui

Abstract: The development of large language models (LLMs) has significantly advanced the emergence of large multimodal models (LMMs). While LMMs have achieved tremendous success by promoting the synergy between multimodal comprehension and creation, they often face challenges when confronted with out-of-distribution data. This is primarily due to their reliance on image encoders trained to encode images into task-relevant features, which may lead them to disregard irrelevant details. Delving into the modeling capabilities of diffusion models for images naturally prompts the question: Can diffusion models serve as the eyes of large language models for image perception? In this paper, we propose DEEM, a simple and effective approach that utilizes the generative feedback of diffusion models to align the semantic distributions of the image encoder. This addresses the drawbacks of previous methods that solely relied on image encoders like ViT, thereby enhancing the model's resilience against out-of-distribution samples and reducing visual hallucinations. Importantly, this is achieved without requiring additional training modules and with fewer training parameters. We extensively evaluated DEEM on both our newly constructed RobustVQA benchmark and another well-known benchmark, POPE, for object hallucination. Compared to the state-of-the-art interleaved content generation models, DEEM exhibits enhanced robustness and a superior capacity to alleviate model hallucinations while utilizing fewer trainable parameters, less pre-training data (10%), and a smaller base model size.

cross Towards Understanding How Transformer Perform Multi-step Reasoning with Matching Operation

Authors: Zhiwei Wang, Yunji Wang, Zhongwang Zhang, Zhangchen Zhou, Hui Jin, Tianyang Hu, Jiacheng Sun, Zhenguo Li, Yaoyu Zhang, Zhi-Qin John Xu

Abstract: Large language models have consistently struggled with complex reasoning tasks, such as mathematical problem-solving. Investigating the internal reasoning mechanisms of these models can help us design better model architectures and training strategies, ultimately enhancing their reasoning capabilities. In this study, we examine the matching mechanism employed by Transformer for multi-step reasoning on a constructed dataset. We investigate factors that influence the model's matching mechanism and discover that small initialization and post-LayerNorm can facilitate the formation of the matching mechanism, thereby enhancing the model's reasoning ability. Moreover, we propose a method to improve the model's reasoning capability by adding orthogonal noise. Finally, we investigate the parallel reasoning mechanism of Transformers and propose a conjecture on the upper bound of the model's reasoning ability based on this phenomenon. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of the reasoning processes in large language models and guide designing more effective reasoning architectures and training strategies.

cross Pipeline Parallelism with Controllable Memory

Authors: Penghui Qi, Xinyi Wan, Nyamdavaa Amar, Min Lin

Abstract: Pipeline parallelism has been widely explored, but most existing schedules lack a systematic methodology. In this paper, we propose a framework to decompose pipeline schedules as repeating a building block and we show that the lifespan of the building block decides the peak activation memory of the pipeline schedule. Guided by the observations, we find that almost all existing pipeline schedules, to the best of our knowledge, are memory inefficient. To address this, we introduce a family of memory efficient building blocks with controllable activation memory, which can reduce the peak activation memory to 1/2 of 1F1B without sacrificing efficiency, and even to 1/3 with comparable throughput. We can also achieve almost zero pipeline bubbles while maintaining the same activation memory as 1F1B. Our evaluations demonstrate that in pure pipeline parallelism settings, our methods outperform 1F1B by from 7% to 55% in terms of throughput. When employing a grid search over hybrid parallelism hyperparameters in practical scenarios, our proposed methods demonstrate a 16% throughput improvement over the 1F1B baseline for large language models.

cross Leveraging Large Language Models for Semantic Query Processing in a Scholarly Knowledge Graph

Authors: Runsong Jia, Bowen Zhang, Sergio J. Rodr\'iguez M\'endez, Pouya G. Omran

Abstract: The proposed research aims to develop an innovative semantic query processing system that enables users to obtain comprehensive information about research works produced by Computer Science (CS) researchers at the Australian National University (ANU). The system integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) with the ANU Scholarly Knowledge Graph (ASKG), a structured repository of all research-related artifacts produced at ANU in the CS field. Each artifact and its parts are represented as textual nodes stored in a Knowledge Graph (KG). To address the limitations of traditional scholarly KG construction and utilization methods, which often fail to capture fine-grained details, we propose a novel framework that integrates the Deep Document Model (DDM) for comprehensive document representation and the KG-enhanced Query Processing (KGQP) for optimized complex query handling. DDM enables a fine-grained representation of the hierarchical structure and semantic relationships within academic papers, while KGQP leverages the KG structure to improve query accuracy and efficiency with LLMs. By combining the ASKG with LLMs, our approach enhances knowledge utilization and natural language understanding capabilities. The proposed system employs an automatic LLM-SPARQL fusion to retrieve relevant facts and textual nodes from the ASKG. Initial experiments demonstrate that our framework is superior to baseline methods in terms of accuracy retrieval and query efficiency. We showcase the practical application of our framework in academic research scenarios, highlighting its potential to revolutionize scholarly knowledge management and discovery. This work empowers researchers to acquire and utilize knowledge from documents more effectively and provides a foundation for developing precise and reliable interactions with LLMs.

cross Learning Beyond Pattern Matching? Assaying Mathematical Understanding in LLMs

Authors: Siyuan Guo, Aniket Didolkar, Nan Rosemary Ke, Anirudh Goyal, Ferenc Husz\'ar, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: We are beginning to see progress in language model assisted scientific discovery. Motivated by the use of LLMs as a general scientific assistant, this paper assesses the domain knowledge of LLMs through its understanding of different mathematical skills required to solve problems. In particular, we look at not just what the pre-trained model already knows, but how it learned to learn from information during in-context learning or instruction-tuning through exploiting the complex knowledge structure within mathematics. Motivated by the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), we propose \textit{NTKEval} to assess changes in LLM's probability distribution via training on different kinds of math data. Our systematic analysis finds evidence of domain understanding during in-context learning. By contrast, certain instruction-tuning leads to similar performance changes irrespective of training on different data, suggesting a lack of domain understanding across different skills.

cross Certifiably Robust RAG against Retrieval Corruption

Authors: Chong Xiang, Tong Wu, Zexuan Zhong, David Wagner, Danqi Chen, Prateek Mittal

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has been shown vulnerable to retrieval corruption attacks: an attacker can inject malicious passages into retrieval results to induce inaccurate responses. In this paper, we propose RobustRAG as the first defense framework against retrieval corruption attacks. The key insight of RobustRAG is an isolate-then-aggregate strategy: we get LLM responses from each passage in isolation and then securely aggregate these isolated responses. To instantiate RobustRAG, we design keyword-based and decoding-based algorithms for securely aggregating unstructured text responses. Notably, RobustRAG can achieve certifiable robustness: we can formally prove and certify that, for certain queries, RobustRAG can always return accurate responses, even when the attacker has full knowledge of our defense and can arbitrarily inject a small number of malicious passages. We evaluate RobustRAG on open-domain QA and long-form text generation datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness and generalizability across various tasks and datasets.

cross M4U: Evaluating Multilingual Understanding and Reasoning for Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Hongyu Wang, Jiayu Xu, Senwei Xie, Ruiping Wang, Jialin Li, Zhaojie Xie, Bin Zhang, Chuyan Xiong, Xilin Chen

Abstract: Multilingual multimodal reasoning is a core component in achieving human-level intelligence. However, most existing benchmarks for multilingual multimodal reasoning struggle to differentiate between models of varying performance; even language models without visual capabilities can easily achieve high scores. This leaves a comprehensive evaluation of leading multilingual multimodal models largely unexplored. In this work, we introduce M4U, a novel and challenging benchmark for assessing the capability of multi-discipline multilingual multimodal understanding and reasoning. M4U contains 8,931 samples covering 64 disciplines across 16 subfields in Science, Engineering, and Healthcare in Chinese, English, and German. Using M4U, we conduct extensive evaluations of 21 leading Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) and Large Language Models (LLMs) with external tools. The evaluation results show that the state-of-the-art model, GPT-4o, achieves only 47.6% average accuracy on M4U. Additionally, we observe that the leading LMMs exhibit significant language preferences. Our in-depth analysis indicates that leading LMMs, including GPT-4o, suffer performance degradation when prompted with cross-lingual multimodal questions, such as images with key textual information in Chinese while the question is in German. We believe that M4U can serve as a crucial tool for systematically evaluating LMMs based on their multilingual multimodal reasoning capabilities and monitoring their development. The homepage, codes and data are public available.

cross VDGD: Mitigating LVLM Hallucinations in Cognitive Prompts by Bridging the Visual Perception Gap

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, Sonal Kumar, Utkarsh Tyagi, Oriol Nieto, Zeyu Jin, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Recent interest in Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) for practical applications is moderated by the significant challenge of hallucination or the inconsistency between the factual information and the generated text. In this paper, we first perform an in-depth analysis of hallucinations and discover several novel insights about how and when LVLMs hallucinate. From our analysis, we show that: (1) The community's efforts have been primarily targeted towards reducing hallucinations related to visual recognition (VR) prompts (e.g., prompts that only require describing the image), thereby ignoring hallucinations for cognitive prompts (e.g., prompts that require additional skills like reasoning on contents of the image). (2) LVLMs lack visual perception, i.e., they can see but not necessarily understand or perceive the input image. We analyze responses to cognitive prompts and show that LVLMs hallucinate due to a perception gap: although LVLMs accurately recognize visual elements in the input image and possess sufficient cognitive skills, they struggle to respond accurately and hallucinate. To overcome this shortcoming, we propose Visual Description Grounded Decoding (VDGD), a simple, robust, and training-free method for alleviating hallucinations. Specifically, we first describe the image and add it as a prefix to the instruction. Next, during auto-regressive decoding, we sample from the plausible candidates according to their KL-Divergence (KLD) to the description, where lower KLD is given higher preference. Experimental results on several benchmarks and LVLMs show that VDGD improves significantly over other baselines in reducing hallucinations. We also propose VaLLu, a benchmark for the comprehensive evaluation of the cognitive capabilities of LVLMs.

cross Optimizing Large Language Models for OpenAPI Code Completion

Authors: Bohdan Petryshyn, Mantas Luko\v{s}evi\v{c}ius

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their utilization in code generation tasks have significantly reshaped the field of software development. Despite the remarkable efficacy of code completion solutions in mainstream programming languages, their performance lags when applied to less ubiquitous formats such as OpenAPI definitions. This study evaluates the OpenAPI completion performance of GitHub Copilot, a prevalent commercial code completion tool, and proposes a set of task-specific optimizations leveraging Meta's open-source model Code Llama. A semantics-aware OpenAPI completion benchmark proposed in this research is used to perform a series of experiments through which the impact of various prompt-engineering and fine-tuning techniques on the Code Llama model's performance is analyzed. The fine-tuned Code Llama model reaches a peak correctness improvement of 55.2% over GitHub Copilot despite utilizing 25 times fewer parameters than the commercial solution's underlying Codex model. Additionally, this research proposes an enhancement to a widely used code infilling training technique, addressing the issue of underperformance when the model is prompted with context sizes smaller than those used during training.

cross Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development

Authors: Pranab Sahoo, Ayush Kumar Singh, Sriparna Saha, Aman Chadha, Samrat Mondal

Abstract: The mining of adverse drug events (ADEs) is pivotal in pharmacovigilance, enhancing patient safety by identifying potential risks associated with medications, facilitating early detection of adverse events, and guiding regulatory decision-making. Traditional ADE detection methods are reliable but slow, not easily adaptable to large-scale operations, and offer limited information. With the exponential increase in data sources like social media content, biomedical literature, and Electronic Medical Records (EMR), extracting relevant ADE-related information from these unstructured texts is imperative. Previous ADE mining studies have focused on text-based methodologies, overlooking visual cues, limiting contextual comprehension, and hindering accurate interpretation. To address this gap, we present a MultiModal Adverse Drug Event (MMADE) detection dataset, merging ADE-related textual information with visual aids. Additionally, we introduce a framework that leverages the capabilities of LLMs and VLMs for ADE detection by generating detailed descriptions of medical images depicting ADEs, aiding healthcare professionals in visually identifying adverse events. Using our MMADE dataset, we showcase the significance of integrating visual cues from images to enhance overall performance. This approach holds promise for patient safety, ADE awareness, and healthcare accessibility, paving the way for further exploration in personalized healthcare.

replace HLDC: Hindi Legal Documents Corpus

Authors: Arnav Kapoor, Mudit Dhawan, Anmol Goel, T. H. Arjun, Akshala Bhatnagar, Vibhu Agrawal, Amul Agrawal, Arnab Bhattacharya, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Many populous countries including India are burdened with a considerable backlog of legal cases. Development of automated systems that could process legal documents and augment legal practitioners can mitigate this. However, there is a dearth of high-quality corpora that is needed to develop such data-driven systems. The problem gets even more pronounced in the case of low resource languages such as Hindi. In this resource paper, we introduce the Hindi Legal Documents Corpus (HLDC), a corpus of more than 900K legal documents in Hindi. Documents are cleaned and structured to enable the development of downstream applications. Further, as a use-case for the corpus, we introduce the task of bail prediction. We experiment with a battery of models and propose a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) based model for the same. MTL models use summarization as an auxiliary task along with bail prediction as the main task. Experiments with different models are indicative of the need for further research in this area. We release the corpus and model implementation code with this paper:


replace Marvelous Agglutinative Language Effect on Cross Lingual Transfer Learning

Authors: Wooyoung Kim, Chaerin Jo, Minjung Kim, Wooju Kim

Abstract: As for multilingual language models, it is important to select languages for training because of the curse of multilinguality. It is known that using languages with similar language structures is effective for cross lingual transfer learning. However, we demonstrate that using agglutinative languages such as Korean is more effective in cross lingual transfer learning. This is a great discovery that will change the training strategy of cross lingual transfer learning.

replace A Corpus for Sentence-level Subjectivity Detection on English News Articles

Authors: Francesco Antici, Andrea Galassi, Federico Ruggeri, Katerina Korre, Arianna Muti, Alessandra Bardi, Alice Fedotova, Alberto Barr\'on-Cede\~no

Abstract: We develop novel annotation guidelines for sentence-level subjectivity detection, which are not limited to language-specific cues. We use our guidelines to collect NewsSD-ENG, a corpus of 638 objective and 411 subjective sentences extracted from English news articles on controversial topics. Our corpus paves the way for subjectivity detection in English and across other languages without relying on language-specific tools, such as lexicons or machine translation. We evaluate state-of-the-art multilingual transformer-based models on the task in mono-, multi-, and cross-language settings. For this purpose, we re-annotate an existing Italian corpus. We observe that models trained in the multilingual setting achieve the best performance on the task.

replace PandaLM: An Automatic Evaluation Benchmark for LLM Instruction Tuning Optimization

Authors: Yidong Wang, Zhuohao Yu, Zhengran Zeng, Linyi Yang, Cunxiang Wang, Hao Chen, Chaoya Jiang, Rui Xie, Jindong Wang, Xing Xie, Wei Ye, Shikun Zhang, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Instruction tuning large language models (LLMs) remains a challenging task, owing to the complexity of hyperparameter selection and the difficulty involved in evaluating the tuned models. To determine the optimal hyperparameters, an automatic, robust, and reliable evaluation benchmark is essential. However, establishing such a benchmark is not a trivial task due to the challenges associated with evaluation accuracy and privacy protection. In response to these challenges, we introduce a judge large language model, named PandaLM, which is trained to distinguish the superior model given several LLMs. PandaLM's focus extends beyond just the objective correctness of responses, which is the main focus of traditional evaluation datasets. It addresses vital subjective factors such as relative conciseness, clarity, adherence to instructions, comprehensiveness, and formality. To ensure the reliability of PandaLM, we collect a diverse human-annotated test dataset, where all contexts are generated by humans and labels are aligned with human preferences. Our results indicate that PandaLM-7B achieves 93.75% of GPT-3.5's evaluation ability and 88.28% of GPT-4's in terms of F1-score on our test dataset. PandaLM enables the evaluation of LLM to be fairer but with less cost, evidenced by significant improvements achieved by models tuned through PandaLM compared to their counterparts trained with default Alpaca's hyperparameters. In addition, PandaLM does not depend on API-based evaluations, thus avoiding potential data leakage. All resources of PandaLM are released at


replace Data-Copilot: Bridging Billions of Data and Humans with Autonomous Workflow

Authors: Wenqi Zhang, Yongliang Shen, Weiming Lu, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Industries such as finance, meteorology, and energy generate vast amounts of data daily. Efficiently managing, processing, and displaying this data requires specialized expertise and is often tedious and repetitive. Leveraging large language models (LLMs) to develop an automated workflow presents a highly promising solution. However, LLMs are not adept at handling complex numerical computations and table manipulations and are also constrained by a limited context budget. Based on this, we propose Data-Copilot, a data analysis agent that autonomously performs querying, processing, and visualization of massive data tailored to diverse human requests. The advancements are twofold: First, it is a code-centric agent that receives human requests and generates code as an intermediary to handle massive data, which is quite flexible for large-scale data processing tasks. Second, Data-Copilot involves a data exploration phase in advance, which explores how to design more universal and error-free interfaces for real-time response. Specifically, it actively explores data sources, discovers numerous common requests, and abstracts them into many universal interfaces for daily invocation. When deployed in real-time requests, Data-Copilot only needs to invoke these pre-designed interfaces, transforming raw data into visualized outputs (e.g., charts, tables) that best match the user's intent. Compared to generating code from scratch, invoking these pre-designed and compiler-validated interfaces can significantly reduce errors during real-time requests. Additionally, interface workflows are more efficient and offer greater interpretability than code. We open-sourced Data-Copilot with massive Chinese financial data, such as stocks, funds, and news, demonstrating promising application prospects.

replace MindDial: Belief Dynamics Tracking with Theory-of-Mind Modeling for Situated Neural Dialogue Generation

Authors: Shuwen Qiu, Mingdian Liu, Hengli Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Zilong Zheng

Abstract: Humans talk in daily conversations while aligning and negotiating the expressed meanings or common ground. Despite the impressive conversational abilities of the large generative language models, they do not consider the individual differences in contextual understanding in a shared situated environment. In this work, we propose MindDial, a novel conversational framework that can generate situated free-form responses with theory-of-mind modeling. We introduce an explicit mind module that can track the speaker's belief and the speaker's prediction of the listener's belief. Then the next response is generated to resolve the belief difference and take task-related action. Our framework is applied to both prompting and fine-tuning-based models, and is evaluated across scenarios involving both common ground alignment and negotiation. Experiments show that models with mind modeling can achieve higher task outcomes when aligning and negotiating common ground. The ablation study further validates the three-level belief design can aggregate information and improve task outcomes in both cooperative and negotiating settings.

replace JsonTuning: Towards Generalizable, Robust, and Controllable Instruction Tuning

Authors: Chang Gao, Wenxuan Zhang, Guizhen Chen, Wai Lam

Abstract: Instruction tuning has become an essential process for optimizing the performance of large language models (LLMs). However, current text-to-text instruction tuning methods, referred to as TextTuning, exhibit significant limitations in terms of generalization, robustness, and controllability, primarily due to the absence of explicit task structures. In this paper, we introduce JsonTuning, a novel structure-to-structure approach for instruction tuning. By utilizing the versatile and structured format of JSON to represent tasks, JsonTuning enhances generalization by enabling the model to comprehend essential task elements and their interrelations, improves robustness by reducing ambiguity, and increases controllability by providing explicit control over the output. We conduct a comprehensive comparative analysis between JsonTuning and TextTuning using various language models and evaluation benchmarks. Our experimental results demonstrate that JsonTuning consistently outperforms TextTuning across a range of applications, showing marked improvements in performance, robustness, and controllability. By addressing the inherent limitations of TextTuning, JsonTuning reveals significant potential for developing more effective and reliable LLMs capable of managing diverse scenarios.

replace Just Ask One More Time! Self-Agreement Improves Reasoning of Language Models in (Almost) All Scenarios

Authors: Lei Lin, Jiayi Fu, Pengli Liu, Qingyang Li, Yan Gong, Junchen Wan, Fuzheng Zhang, Zhongyuan Wang, Di Zhang, Kun Gai

Abstract: Although chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting combined with language models has achieved encouraging results on complex reasoning tasks, the naive greedy decoding used in CoT prompting usually causes the repetitiveness and local optimality. To address this shortcoming, ensemble-optimization tries to obtain multiple reasoning paths to get the final answer assembly. However, current ensemble-optimization methods either simply employ rule-based post-processing such as \textit{self-consistency}, or train an additional model based on several task-related human annotations to select the best one among multiple reasoning paths, yet fail to generalize to realistic settings where the type of input questions is unknown or the answer format of reasoning paths is unknown. To avoid their limitations, we propose \textbf{Self-Agreement}, a generalizable ensemble-optimization method applying in almost all scenarios where the type of input questions and the answer format of reasoning paths may be known or unknown. Self-agreement firstly samples from language model's decoder to generate a \textit{diverse} set of reasoning paths, and subsequently prompts the language model \textit{one more time} to determine the optimal answer by selecting the most \textit{agreed} answer among the sampled reasoning paths. Self-agreement simultaneously achieves remarkable performance on six public reasoning benchmarks and superior generalization capabilities.

replace StrategyLLM: Large Language Models as Strategy Generators, Executors, Optimizers, and Evaluators for Problem Solving

Authors: Chang Gao, Haiyun Jiang, Deng Cai, Shuming Shi, Wai Lam

Abstract: Most existing prompting methods suffer from the issues of generalizability and consistency, as they often rely on instance-specific solutions that may not be applicable to other instances and lack task-level consistency across the selected few-shot examples. To address these limitations, we propose a comprehensive framework, StrategyLLM, allowing LLMs to perform inductive reasoning, deriving general strategies from specific task instances, and deductive reasoning, applying these general strategies to particular task examples, for constructing generalizable and consistent few-shot prompts. It employs four LLM-based agents: strategy generator, executor, optimizer, and evaluator, working together to generate, evaluate, and select promising strategies for a given task. Experimental results demonstrate that StrategyLLM outperforms the competitive baseline CoT-SC that requires human-annotated solutions on 13 datasets across 4 challenging tasks without human involvement, including math reasoning (34.2\% $\rightarrow$ 38.8\%), commonsense reasoning (70.3\% $\rightarrow$ 72.5\%), algorithmic reasoning (73.7\% $\rightarrow$ 85.0\%), and symbolic reasoning (30.0\% $\rightarrow$ 79.2\%). Further analysis reveals that StrategyLLM is applicable to various LLMs and demonstrates advantages across numerous scenarios.

replace UHGEval: Benchmarking the Hallucination of Chinese Large Language Models via Unconstrained Generation

Authors: Xun Liang, Shichao Song, Simin Niu, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang, Yezhaohui Wang, Dawei He, Peng Cheng, Zhonghao Wang, Haiying Deng

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as pivotal contributors in contemporary natural language processing and are increasingly being applied across a diverse range of industries. However, these large-scale probabilistic statistical models cannot currently ensure the requisite quality in professional content generation. These models often produce hallucinated text, compromising their practical utility in professional contexts. To assess the authentic reliability of LLMs in text generation, numerous initiatives have developed benchmark evaluations for hallucination phenomena. Nevertheless, these benchmarks frequently utilize constrained generation techniques due to cost and temporal constraints. These techniques encompass the use of directed hallucination induction and strategies that deliberately alter authentic text to produce hallucinations. These approaches are not congruent with the unrestricted text generation demanded by real-world applications. Furthermore, a well-established Chinese-language dataset dedicated to the evaluation of hallucinations in text generation is presently lacking. Consequently, we have developed an Unconstrained Hallucination Generation Evaluation (UHGEval) benchmark, designed to compile outputs produced with minimal restrictions by LLMs. Concurrently, we have established a comprehensive benchmark evaluation framework to aid subsequent researchers in undertaking scalable and reproducible experiments. We have also executed extensive experiments, evaluating prominent Chinese language models and the GPT series models to derive professional performance insights regarding hallucination challenges.

replace ASVD: Activation-aware Singular Value Decomposition for Compressing Large Language Models

Authors: Zhihang Yuan, Yuzhang Shang, Yue Song, Qiang Wu, Yan Yan, Guangyu Sun

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new post-training compression paradigm for Large Language Models (LLMs) to facilitate their wider adoption. We delve into LLM weight low-rank factorization, and find that the challenges of this task stem from the outlier phenomenon in the LLM activations and the sensitivity difference among various kinds of layers. To address these issues, we propose a training-free approach called Activation-aware Singular Value Decomposition (ASVD). Specifically, ASVD manages activation outliers by scaling the weight matrix based on the activation distribution, thereby enhancing decomposition accuracy. Additionally, we propose an efficient iterative calibration process to optimize layer-specific decomposition by addressing the varying sensitivity of different LLM layers. ASVD can compress a network by 10-20%, without compromising the performance of LLMs. Based on the success of the low-rank decomposition of projection matrices in the self-attention module, we further introduce ASVD to compress the KV cache. By reducing the channel dimension of KV activations, memory requirements for KV cache can be largely reduced. Thanks to the 50-75% reduction in the rank of the KV projection matrices, ASVD can further achieve 50% KV cache reductions without performance drop in a training-free manner.

replace SMILE: Multimodal Dataset for Understanding Laughter in Video with Language Models

Authors: Lee Hyun, Kim Sung-Bin, Seungju Han, Youngjae Yu, Tae-Hyun Oh

Abstract: Despite the recent advances of the artificial intelligence, building social intelligence remains a challenge. Among social signals, laughter is one of the distinctive expressions that occurs during social interactions between humans. In this work, we tackle a new challenge for machines to understand the rationale behind laughter in video, Video Laugh Reasoning. We introduce this new task to explain why people laugh in a particular video and a dataset for this task. Our proposed dataset, SMILE, comprises video clips and language descriptions of why people laugh. We propose a baseline by leveraging the reasoning capacity of large language models (LLMs) with textual video representation. Experiments show that our baseline can generate plausible explanations for laughter. We further investigate the scalability of our baseline by probing other video understanding tasks and in-the-wild videos. We release our dataset, code, and model checkpoints on


replace AgentCoder: Multi-Agent-based Code Generation with Iterative Testing and Optimisation

Authors: Dong Huang, Jie M. Zhang, Michael Luck, Qingwen Bu, Yuhao Qing, Heming Cui

Abstract: The advancement of natural language processing (NLP) has been significantly boosted by the development of transformer-based large language models (LLMs). These models have revolutionized NLP tasks, particularly in code generation, aiding developers in creating software with enhanced efficiency. Despite their advancements, challenges in balancing code snippet generation with effective test case generation and execution persist. To address these issues, this paper introduces Multi-Agent Assistant Code Generation (AgentCoder), a novel solution comprising a multi-agent framework with specialized agents: the programmer agent, the test designer agent, and the test executor agent. During the coding procedure, the programmer agent will focus on the code generation and refinement based on the test executor agent's feedback. The test designer agent will generate test cases for the generated code, and the test executor agent will run the code with the test cases and write the feedback to the programmer. This collaborative system ensures robust code generation, surpassing the limitations of single-agent models and traditional methodologies. Our extensive experiments on 9 code generation models and 12 enhancement approaches showcase AgentCoder's superior performance over existing code generation models and prompt engineering techniques across various benchmarks. For example, AgentCoder (GPT-4) achieves 96.3\% and 91.8\% pass@1 in HumanEval and MBPP datasets with an overall token overhead of 56.9K and 66.3K, while state-of-the-art obtains only 90.2\% and 78.9\% pass@1 with an overall token overhead of 138.2K and 206.5K.

replace Executable Code Actions Elicit Better LLM Agents

Authors: Xingyao Wang, Yangyi Chen, Lifan Yuan, Yizhe Zhang, Yunzhu Li, Hao Peng, Heng Ji

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) agents, capable of performing a broad range of actions, such as invoking tools and controlling robots, show great potential in tackling real-world challenges. LLM agents are typically prompted to produce actions by generating JSON or text in a pre-defined format, which is usually limited by constrained action space (e.g., the scope of pre-defined tools) and restricted flexibility (e.g., inability to compose multiple tools). This work proposes to use executable Python code to consolidate LLM agents' actions into a unified action space (CodeAct). Integrated with a Python interpreter, CodeAct can execute code actions and dynamically revise prior actions or emit new actions upon new observations through multi-turn interactions. Our extensive analysis of 17 LLMs on API-Bank and a newly curated benchmark shows that CodeAct outperforms widely used alternatives (up to 20% higher success rate). The encouraging performance of CodeAct motivates us to build an open-source LLM agent that interacts with environments by executing interpretable code and collaborates with users using natural language. To this end, we collect an instruction-tuning dataset CodeActInstruct that consists of 7k multi-turn interactions using CodeAct. We show that it can be used with existing data to improve models in agent-oriented tasks without compromising their general capability. CodeActAgent, finetuned from Llama2 and Mistral, is integrated with Python interpreter and uniquely tailored to perform sophisticated tasks (e.g., model training) using existing libraries and autonomously self-debug.

replace GITA: Graph to Visual and Textual Integration for Vision-Language Graph Reasoning

Authors: Yanbin Wei, Shuai Fu, Weisen Jiang, Zejian Zhang, Zhixiong Zeng, Qi Wu, James T. Kwok, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used for various tasks with graph structures. Though LLMs can process graph information in a textual format, they overlook the rich vision modality, which is an intuitive way for humans to comprehend structural information and conduct general graph reasoning. The potential benefits and capabilities of representing graph structures as visual images (i.e., $\textit{visual graph}$) are still unexplored. To fill the gap, we innovatively propose an end-to-end framework, called $\textbf{G}$raph to v$\textbf{I}$sual and $\textbf{T}$extual Integr$\textbf{A}$tion (GITA), which firstly incorporates visual graphs into general graph reasoning. Besides, we establish $\textbf{G}$raph-based $\textbf{V}$ision-$\textbf{L}$anguage $\textbf{Q}$uestion $\textbf{A}$nswering (GVLQA) dataset from existing graph data, which is the first vision-language dataset for general graph reasoning purposes. Extensive experiments on the GVLQA dataset and five real-world datasets show that GITA outperforms mainstream LLMs in terms of general graph reasoning capabilities. Moreover, We highlight the effectiveness of the layout augmentation on visual graphs and pretraining on the GVLQA dataset.

replace InternLM-Math: Open Math Large Language Models Toward Verifiable Reasoning

Authors: Huaiyuan Ying, Shuo Zhang, Linyang Li, Zhejian Zhou, Yunfan Shao, Zhaoye Fei, Yichuan Ma, Jiawei Hong, Kuikun Liu, Ziyi Wang, Yudong Wang, Zijian Wu, Shuaibin Li, Fengzhe Zhou, Hongwei Liu, Songyang Zhang, Wenwei Zhang, Hang Yan, Xipeng Qiu, Jiayu Wang, Kai Chen, Dahua Lin

Abstract: The math abilities of large language models can represent their abstract reasoning ability. In this paper, we introduce and open-source our math reasoning LLMs InternLM-Math which is continue pre-trained from InternLM2. We unify chain-of-thought reasoning, reward modeling, formal reasoning, data augmentation, and code interpreter in a unified seq2seq format and supervise our model to be a versatile math reasoner, verifier, prover, and augmenter. These abilities can be used to develop the next math LLMs or self-iteration. InternLM-Math obtains open-sourced state-of-the-art performance under the setting of in-context learning, supervised fine-tuning, and code-assisted reasoning in various informal and formal benchmarks including GSM8K, MATH, Hungary math exam, MathBench-ZH, and MiniF2F. Our pre-trained model achieves 30.3 on the MiniF2F test set without fine-tuning. We further explore how to use LEAN to solve math problems and study its performance under the setting of multi-task learning which shows the possibility of using LEAN as a unified platform for solving and proving in math. Our models, codes, and data are released at \url{}.


replace Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Without Prompting

Authors: Xuezhi Wang, Denny Zhou

Abstract: In enhancing the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs), prior research primarily focuses on specific prompting techniques such as few-shot or zero-shot chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. These methods, while effective, often involve manually intensive prompt engineering. Our study takes a novel approach by asking: Can LLMs reason effectively without prompting? Our findings reveal that, intriguingly, CoT reasoning paths can be elicited from pre-trained LLMs by simply altering the \textit{decoding} process. Rather than conventional greedy decoding, we investigate the top-$k$ alternative tokens, uncovering that CoT paths are frequently inherent in these sequences. This approach not only bypasses the confounders of prompting but also allows us to assess the LLMs' \textit{intrinsic} reasoning abilities. Moreover, we observe that the presence of a CoT in the decoding path correlates with a higher confidence in the model's decoded answer. This confidence metric effectively differentiates between CoT and non-CoT paths. Extensive empirical studies on various reasoning benchmarks show that the proposed CoT-decoding effectively elicits reasoning capabilities from language models, which were previously obscured by standard greedy decoding.

replace Controlled Text Generation for Large Language Model with Dynamic Attribute Graphs

Authors: Xun Liang, Hanyu Wang, Shichao Song, Mengting Hu, Xunzhi Wang, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang

Abstract: Controlled Text Generation (CTG) aims to produce texts that exhibit specific desired attributes. In this study, we introduce a pluggable CTG framework for Large Language Models (LLMs) named Dynamic Attribute Graphs-based controlled text generation (DATG). This framework utilizes an attribute scorer to evaluate the attributes of sentences generated by LLMs and constructs dynamic attribute graphs. DATG modulates the occurrence of key attribute words and key anti-attribute words, achieving effective attribute control without compromising the original capabilities of the model. We conduct experiments across four datasets in two tasks: toxicity mitigation and sentiment transformation, employing five LLMs as foundational models. Our findings highlight a remarkable enhancement in control accuracy, achieving a peak improvement of 19.29% over baseline methods in the most favorable task across four datasets. Additionally, we observe a significant decrease in perplexity, markedly improving text fluency.

replace SparseLLM: Towards Global Pruning for Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Guangji Bai, Yijiang Li, Chen Ling, Kibaek Kim, Liang Zhao

Abstract: The transformative impact of large language models (LLMs) like LLaMA and GPT on natural language processing is countered by their prohibitive computational demands. Pruning has emerged as a pivotal compression strategy, introducing sparsity to enhance both memory and computational efficiency. Yet, traditional global pruning is impractical for LLMs due to scalability issues, while local pruning, despite its efficiency, leads to suboptimal solutions. Addressing these challenges, we propose SparseLLM, a novel framework that redefines the global pruning process into manageable, coordinated subproblems, allowing for resource-efficient optimization with global optimality. SparseLLM's approach, which conceptualizes LLMs as a chain of modular functions and leverages auxiliary variables for problem decomposition, not only facilitates a pragmatic application on LLMs but also demonstrates significant performance improvements, particularly in high-sparsity regimes where it surpasses current state-of-the-art methods.

replace How do Large Language Models Handle Multilingualism?

Authors: Yiran Zhao, Wenxuan Zhang, Guizhen Chen, Kenji Kawaguchi, Lidong Bing

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across diverse languages. This study explores how LLMs handle multilingualism. Based on observed language ratio shifts among layers and the relationships between network structures and certain capabilities, we hypothesize the LLM's multilingual workflow ($\texttt{MWork}$): LLMs initially understand the query, converting multilingual inputs into English for task-solving. In the intermediate layers, they employ English for thinking and incorporate multilingual knowledge with self-attention and feed-forward structures, respectively. In the final layers, LLMs generate responses aligned with the original language of the query. To verify $\texttt{MWork}$, we introduce Parallel Language-specific Neuron Detection ($\texttt{PLND}$) to identify activated neurons for inputs in different languages without any labeled data. Using $\texttt{PLND}$, we validate $\texttt{MWork}$ through extensive experiments involving the deactivation of language-specific neurons across various layers and structures. Moreover, $\texttt{MWork}$ allows fine-tuning of language-specific neurons with a small dataset, enhancing multilingual abilities in a specific language without compromising others. This approach results in an average improvement of $3.6\%$ for high-resource languages and $2.3\%$ for low-resource languages across all tasks with just $400$ documents.

replace Interpreting Key Mechanisms of Factual Recall in Transformer-Based Language Models

Authors: Ang Lv, Yuhan Chen, Kaiyi Zhang, Yulong Wang, Lifeng Liu, Ji-Rong Wen, Jian Xie, Rui Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we delve into several mechanisms employed by Transformer-based language models (LLMs) for factual recall tasks. We outline a pipeline consisting of three major steps: (1) Given a prompt ``The capital of France is,'' task-specific attention heads extract the topic token, such as ``France,'' from the context and pass it to subsequent MLPs. (2) As attention heads' outputs are aggregated with equal weight and added to the residual stream, the subsequent MLP acts as an ``activation,'' which either erases or amplifies the information originating from individual heads. As a result, the topic token ``France'' stands out in the residual stream. (3) A deep MLP takes ``France'' and generates a component that redirects the residual stream towards the direction of the correct answer, i.e., ``Paris.'' This procedure is akin to applying an implicit function such as ``get\_capital($X$),'' and the argument $X$ is the topic token information passed by attention heads. To achieve the above quantitative and qualitative analysis for MLPs, we proposed a novel analytic method aimed at decomposing the outputs of the MLP into components understandable by humans. Additionally, we observed a universal anti-overconfidence mechanism in the final layer of models, which suppresses correct predictions. We mitigate this suppression by leveraging our interpretation to improve factual recall confidence. The above interpretations are evaluated across diverse tasks spanning various domains of factual knowledge, using various language models from the GPT-2 families, 1.3B OPT, up to 7B Llama-2, and in both zero- and few-shot setups.

replace Event Detection from Social Media for Epidemic Prediction

Authors: Tanmay Parekh, Anh Mac, Jiarui Yu, Yuxuan Dong, Syed Shahriar, Bonnie Liu, Eric Yang, Kuan-Hao Huang, Wei Wang, Nanyun Peng, Kai-Wei Chang

Abstract: Social media is an easy-to-access platform providing timely updates about societal trends and events. Discussions regarding epidemic-related events such as infections, symptoms, and social interactions can be crucial for informing policymaking during epidemic outbreaks. In our work, we pioneer exploiting Event Detection (ED) for better preparedness and early warnings of any upcoming epidemic by developing a framework to extract and analyze epidemic-related events from social media posts. To this end, we curate an epidemic event ontology comprising seven disease-agnostic event types and construct a Twitter dataset SPEED with human-annotated events focused on the COVID-19 pandemic. Experimentation reveals how ED models trained on COVID-based SPEED can effectively detect epidemic events for three unseen epidemics of Monkeypox, Zika, and Dengue; while models trained on existing ED datasets fail miserably. Furthermore, we show that reporting sharp increases in the extracted events by our framework can provide warnings 4-9 weeks earlier than the WHO epidemic declaration for Monkeypox. This utility of our framework lays the foundations for better preparedness against emerging epidemics.

replace Min-K%++: Improved Baseline for Detecting Pre-Training Data from Large Language Models

Authors: Jingyang Zhang, Jingwei Sun, Eric Yeats, Yang Ouyang, Martin Kuo, Jianyi Zhang, Hao Frank Yang, Hai Li

Abstract: The problem of pre-training data detection for large language models (LLMs) has received growing attention due to its implications in critical issues like copyright violation and test data contamination. Despite improved performance, existing methods (including the state-of-the-art, Min-K%) are mostly developed upon simple heuristics and lack solid, reasonable foundations. In this work, we propose a novel and theoretically motivated methodology for pre-training data detection, named Min-K%++. Specifically, we present a key insight that training samples tend to be local maxima of the modeled distribution along each input dimension through maximum likelihood training, which in turn allow us to insightfully translate the problem into identification of local maxima. Then, we design our method accordingly that works under the discrete distribution modeled by LLMs, whose core idea is to determine whether the input forms a mode or has relatively high probability under the conditional categorical distribution. Empirically, the proposed method achieves new SOTA performance across multiple settings. On the WikiMIA benchmark, Min-K%++ outperforms the runner-up by 6.2% to 10.5% in detection AUROC averaged over five models. On the more challenging MIMIR benchmark, it consistently improves upon reference-free methods while performing on par with reference-based method that requires an extra reference model.

replace Mind's Eye of LLMs: Visualization-of-Thought Elicits Spatial Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Wenshan Wu, Shaoguang Mao, Yadong Zhang, Yan Xia, Li Dong, Lei Cui, Furu Wei

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive performance in language comprehension and various reasoning tasks. However, their abilities in spatial reasoning, a crucial aspect of human cognition, remain relatively unexplored. Human possess a remarkable ability to create mental images of unseen objects and actions through a process known as the Mind's Eye, enabling the imagination of the unseen world. Inspired by this cognitive capacity, we propose Visualization-of-Thought (VoT) prompting. VoT aims to elicit spatial reasoning of LLMs by visualizing their reasoning traces, thereby guiding subsequent reasoning steps. We employed VoT for multi-hop spatial reasoning tasks, including natural language navigation, visual navigation, and visual tiling in 2D grid worlds. Experimental results demonstrated that VoT significantly enhances the spatial reasoning abilities of LLMs. Notably, VoT outperformed existing multimodal large language models (MLLMs) in these tasks. While VoT works surprisingly well on LLMs, the ability to generate mental images to facilitate spatial reasoning resembles the mind's eye process, suggesting its potential viability in MLLMs.

replace Information Re-Organization Improves Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaoxia Cheng, Zeqi Tan, Wei Xue, Weiming Lu

Abstract: Improving the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) has attracted considerable interest. Recent approaches primarily focus on improving the reasoning process to yield a more precise final answer. However, in scenarios involving contextually aware reasoning, these methods neglect the importance of first identifying logical relationships from the context before proceeding with the reasoning. This oversight could lead to a superficial understanding and interaction with the context, potentially undermining the quality and reliability of the reasoning outcomes. In this paper, we propose an information re-organization (InfoRE) method before proceeding with the reasoning to enhance the reasoning ability of LLMs. Our re-organization method involves initially extracting logical relationships from the contextual content, such as documents or paragraphs, and subsequently pruning redundant content to minimize noise. Then, we utilize the re-organized information in the reasoning process. This enables LLMs to deeply understand the contextual content by clearly perceiving these logical relationships, while also ensuring high-quality responses by eliminating potential noise. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving the reasoning ability, we conduct experiments using Llama2-70B, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 on various contextually aware multi-hop reasoning tasks. Using only a zero-shot setting, our method achieves an average absolute improvement of 4% across all tasks, highlighting its potential to improve the reasoning performance of LLMs. Our source code is available at


replace Phi-3 Technical Report: A Highly Capable Language Model Locally on Your Phone

Authors: Marah Abdin, Sam Ade Jacobs, Ammar Ahmad Awan, Jyoti Aneja, Ahmed Awadallah, Hany Awadalla, Nguyen Bach, Amit Bahree, Arash Bakhtiari, Jianmin Bao, Harkirat Behl, Alon Benhaim, Misha Bilenko, Johan Bjorck, S\'ebastien Bubeck, Qin Cai, Martin Cai, Caio C\'esar Teodoro Mendes, Weizhu Chen, Vishrav Chaudhary, Dong Chen, Dongdong Chen, Yen-Chun Chen, Yi-Ling Chen, Parul Chopra, Xiyang Dai, Allie Del Giorno, Gustavo de Rosa, Matthew Dixon, Ronen Eldan, Victor Fragoso, Dan Iter, Mei Gao, Min Gao, Jianfeng Gao, Amit Garg, Abhishek Goswami, Suriya Gunasekar, Emman Haider, Junheng Hao, Russell J. Hewett, Jamie Huynh, Mojan Javaheripi, Xin Jin, Piero Kauffmann, Nikos Karampatziakis, Dongwoo Kim, Mahoud Khademi, Lev Kurilenko, James R. Lee, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Yunsheng Li, Chen Liang, Lars Liden, Ce Liu, Mengchen Liu, Weishung Liu, Eric Lin, Zeqi Lin, Chong Luo, Piyush Madan, Matt Mazzola, Arindam Mitra, Hardik Modi, Anh Nguyen, Brandon Norick, Barun Patra, Daniel Perez-Becker, Thomas Portet, Reid Pryzant, Heyang Qin, Marko Radmilac, Corby Rosset, Sambudha Roy, Olatunji Ruwase, Olli Saarikivi, Amin Saied, Adil Salim, Michael Santacroce, Shital Shah, Ning Shang, Hiteshi Sharma, Swadheen Shukla, Xia Song, Masahiro Tanaka, Andrea Tupini, Xin Wang, Lijuan Wang, Chunyu Wang, Yu Wang, Rachel Ward, Guanhua Wang, Philipp Witte, Haiping Wu, Michael Wyatt, Bin Xiao, Can Xu, Jiahang Xu, Weijian Xu, Sonali Yadav, Fan Yang, Jianwei Yang, Ziyi Yang, Yifan Yang, Donghan Yu, Lu Yuan, Chengruidong Zhang, Cyril Zhang, Jianwen Zhang, Li Lyna Zhang, Yi Zhang, Yue Zhang, Yunan Zhang, Xiren Zhou

Abstract: We introduce phi-3-mini, a 3.8 billion parameter language model trained on 3.3 trillion tokens, whose overall performance, as measured by both academic benchmarks and internal testing, rivals that of models such as Mixtral 8x7B and GPT-3.5 (e.g., phi-3-mini achieves 69% on MMLU and 8.38 on MT-bench), despite being small enough to be deployed on a phone. The innovation lies entirely in our dataset for training, a scaled-up version of the one used for phi-2, composed of heavily filtered publicly available web data and synthetic data. The model is also further aligned for robustness, safety, and chat format. We also provide some initial parameter-scaling results with a 7B and 14B models trained for 4.8T tokens, called phi-3-small and phi-3-medium, both significantly more capable than phi-3-mini (e.g., respectively 75% and 78% on MMLU, and 8.7 and 8.9 on MT-bench). Moreover, we also introduce phi-3-vision, a 4.2 billion parameter model based on phi-3-mini with strong reasoning capabilities for image and text prompts.

replace DeepSeek-V2: A Strong, Economical, and Efficient Mixture-of-Experts Language Model

Authors: DeepSeek-AI, Aixin Liu, Bei Feng, Bin Wang, Bingxuan Wang, Bo Liu, Chenggang Zhao, Chengqi Dengr, Chong Ruan, Damai Dai, Daya Guo, Dejian Yang, Deli Chen, Dongjie Ji, Erhang Li, Fangyun Lin, Fuli Luo, Guangbo Hao, Guanting Chen, Guowei Li, H. Zhang, Hanwei Xu, Hao Yang, Haowei Zhang, Honghui Ding, Huajian Xin, Huazuo Gao, Hui Li, Hui Qu, J. L. Cai, Jian Liang, Jianzhong Guo, Jiaqi Ni, Jiashi Li, Jin Chen, Jingyang Yuan, Junjie Qiu, Junxiao Song, Kai Dong, Kaige Gao, Kang Guan, Lean Wang, Lecong Zhang, Lei Xu, Leyi Xia, Liang Zhao, Liyue Zhang, Meng Li, Miaojun Wang, Mingchuan Zhang, Minghua Zhang, Minghui Tang, Mingming Li, Ning Tian, Panpan Huang, Peiyi Wang, Peng Zhang, Qihao Zhu, Qinyu Chen, Qiushi Du, R. J. Chen, R. L. Jin, Ruiqi Ge, Ruizhe Pan, Runxin Xu, Ruyi Chen, S. S. Li, Shanghao Lu, Shangyan Zhou, Shanhuang Chen, Shaoqing Wu, Shengfeng Ye, Shirong Ma, Shiyu Wang, Shuang Zhou, Shuiping Yu, Shunfeng Zhou, Size Zheng, T. Wang, Tian Pei, Tian Yuan, Tianyu Sun, W. L. Xiao, Wangding Zeng, Wei An, Wen Liu, Wenfeng Liang, Wenjun Gao, Wentao Zhang, X. Q. Li, Xiangyue Jin, Xianzu Wang, Xiao Bi, Xiaodong Liu, Xiaohan Wang, Xiaojin Shen, Xiaokang Chen, Xiaosha Chen, Xiaotao Nie, Xiaowen Sun, Xiaoxiang Wang, Xin Liu, Xin Xie, Xingkai Yu, Xinnan Song, Xinyi Zhou, Xinyu Yang, Xuan Lu, Xuecheng Su, Y. Wu, Y. K. Li, Y. X. Wei, Y. X. Zhu, Yanhong Xu, Yanping Huang, Yao Li, Yao Zhao, Yaofeng Sun, Yaohui Li, Yaohui Wang, Yi Zheng, Yichao Zhang, Yiliang Xiong, Yilong Zhao, Ying He, Ying Tang, Yishi Piao, Yixin Dong, Yixuan Tan, Yiyuan Liu, Yongji Wang, Yongqiang Guo, Yuchen Zhu, Yuduan Wang, Yuheng Zou, Yukun Zha, Yunxian Ma, Yuting Yan, Yuxiang You, Yuxuan Liu, Z. Z. Ren, Zehui Ren, Zhangli Sha, Zhe Fu, Zhen Huang, Zhen Zhang, Zhenda Xie, Zhewen Hao, Zhihong Shao, Zhiniu Wen, Zhipeng Xu, Zhongyu Zhang, Zhuoshu Li, Zihan Wang, Zihui Gu, Zilin Li, Ziwei Xie

Abstract: We present DeepSeek-V2, a strong Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) language model characterized by economical training and efficient inference. It comprises 236B total parameters, of which 21B are activated for each token, and supports a context length of 128K tokens. DeepSeek-V2 adopts innovative architectures including Multi-head Latent Attention (MLA) and DeepSeekMoE. MLA guarantees efficient inference through significantly compressing the Key-Value (KV) cache into a latent vector, while DeepSeekMoE enables training strong models at an economical cost through sparse computation. Compared with DeepSeek 67B, DeepSeek-V2 achieves significantly stronger performance, and meanwhile saves 42.5% of training costs, reduces the KV cache by 93.3%, and boosts the maximum generation throughput to 5.76 times. We pretrain DeepSeek-V2 on a high-quality and multi-source corpus consisting of 8.1T tokens, and further perform Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) to fully unlock its potential. Evaluation results show that, even with only 21B activated parameters, DeepSeek-V2 and its chat versions still achieve top-tier performance among open-source models.

replace DEBATE: Devil's Advocate-Based Assessment and Text Evaluation

Authors: Alex Kim, Keonwoo Kim, Sangwon Yoon

Abstract: As natural language generation (NLG) models have become prevalent, systematically assessing the quality of machine-generated texts has become increasingly important. Recent studies introduce LLM-based evaluators that operate as reference-free metrics, demonstrating their capability to adeptly handle novel tasks. However, these models generally rely on a single-agent approach, which, we argue, introduces an inherent limit to their performance. This is because there exist biases in LLM agent's responses, including preferences for certain text structure or content. In this work, we propose DEBATE, an NLG evaluation framework based on multi-agent scoring system augmented with a concept of Devil's Advocate. Within the framework, one agent is instructed to criticize other agents' arguments, potentially resolving the bias in LLM agent's answers. DEBATE substantially outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods in two meta-evaluation benchmarks in NLG evaluation, SummEval and TopicalChat. We also show that the extensiveness of debates among agents and the persona of an agent can influence the performance of evaluators.

replace A Comprehensive Survey of Accelerated Generation Techniques in Large Language Models

Authors: Mahsa Khoshnoodi, Vinija Jain, Mingye Gao, Malavika Srikanth, Aman Chadha

Abstract: Despite the crucial importance of accelerating text generation in large language models (LLMs) for efficiently producing content, the sequential nature of this process often leads to high inference latency, posing challenges for real-time applications. Various techniques have been proposed and developed to address these challenges and improve efficiency. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of accelerated generation techniques in autoregressive language models, aiming to understand the state-of-the-art methods and their applications. We categorize these techniques into several key areas: speculative decoding, early exiting mechanisms, and non-autoregressive methods. We discuss each category's underlying principles, advantages, limitations, and recent advancements. Through this survey, we aim to offer insights into the current landscape of techniques in LLMs and provide guidance for future research directions in this critical area of natural language processing.

replace Assessing Political Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Luca Rettenberger, Markus Reischl, Mark Schutera

Abstract: The assessment of bias within Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a critical concern in the contemporary discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the context of their potential impact on societal dynamics. Especially, recognizing and considering political bias within LLM applications is central when closing in on the tipping point toward performative prediction. Then, being educated about potential effects and the societal behavior LLMs can drive at scale due to their interplay with human operators. In this way, the upcoming elections of the European Parliament will not remain unaffected by LLMs. We evaluate the political bias of the currently most popular open-source LLMs (instruct or assistant models) concerning political issues within the European Union (EU) from a German voter's perspective. To do so, we use the "Wahl-O-Mat", a voting advice application used in Germany. From the voting advice of the "Wahl-O-Mat" we quantize the degree of alignment of LLMs with German political parties. We show that larger models, such as Llama3-70B, tend to align more closely with left-leaning political parties, while smaller models often remain neutral, particularly when prompted in English. The central finding is, that LLMs are similarly biased, with low variances in the alignment with respect to a specific party. Our findings underline the importance of rigorously assessing and making bias transparent in LLMs to safeguard the integrity and trustworthiness of applications that employ the capabilities of performative prediction and the invisible hand of machine learning prediction and language generation.

replace MeteoRA: Multiple-tasks Embedded LoRA for Large Language Models

Authors: Jingwei Xu, Junyu Lai, Yunpeng Huang

Abstract: The pretrain+fine-tune paradigm is foundational in deploying large language models (LLMs) across a diverse range of downstream applications. Among these, Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) stands out for its parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT), producing numerous off-the-shelf task-specific LoRA adapters. However, this approach requires explicit task intention selection, posing challenges for automatic task sensing and switching during inference with multiple existing LoRA adapters embedded in a single LLM. In this work, we introduce MeteoRA (Multiple-Tasks embedded LoRA), a scalable multi-knowledge LoRA fusion framework designed for LLMs. MeteoRA integrates various LoRA adapters in a Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) style into the base LLM, enabling the model to automatically select the most pertinent adapter based on the task input. This advancement significantly enhances the LLM's capability to handle composite tasks that require different adapters to solve various components of the problem. Our evaluations, featuring the LlaMA2-13B and LlaMA3-8B base models equipped with off-the-shelf 28 LoRA adapters through MeteoRA, demonstrate equivalent performance with the individual adapters. Furthermore, both base models equipped with MeteoRA achieve superior performance in sequentially solving composite tasks with ten problems in only a single inference process, highlighting the ability of timely intention switching in MeteoRA embedded LLMs.

replace-cross Reprompting: Automated Chain-of-Thought Prompt Inference Through Gibbs Sampling

Authors: Weijia Xu, Andrzej Banburski-Fahey, Nebojsa Jojic

Abstract: We introduce Reprompting, an iterative sampling algorithm that automatically learns the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) recipes for a given task without human intervention. Through Gibbs sampling, Reprompting infers the CoT recipes that work consistently well for a set of training samples by iteratively sampling new recipes using previously sampled recipes as parent prompts to solve other training problems. We conduct extensive experiments on 20 challenging reasoning tasks. Results show that Reprompting outperforms human-written CoT prompts substantially by +9.4 points on average. It also achieves consistently better performance than the state-of-the-art prompt optimization and decoding algorithms.

replace-cross Decoding-time Realignment of Language Models

Authors: Tianlin Liu, Shangmin Guo, Leonardo Bianco, Daniele Calandriello, Quentin Berthet, Felipe Llinares, Jessica Hoffmann, Lucas Dixon, Michal Valko, Mathieu Blondel

Abstract: Aligning language models with human preferences is crucial for reducing errors and biases in these models. Alignment techniques, such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), are typically cast as optimizing a tradeoff between human preference rewards and a proximity regularization term that encourages staying close to the unaligned model. Selecting an appropriate level of regularization is critical: insufficient regularization can lead to reduced model capabilities due to reward hacking, whereas excessive regularization hinders alignment. Traditional methods for finding the optimal regularization level require retraining multiple models with varying regularization strengths. This process, however, is resource-intensive, especially for large models. To address this challenge, we propose decoding-time realignment (DeRa), a simple method to explore and evaluate different regularization strengths in aligned models without retraining. DeRa enables control over the degree of alignment, allowing users to smoothly transition between unaligned and aligned models. It also enhances the efficiency of hyperparameter tuning by enabling the identification of effective regularization strengths using a validation dataset.

replace-cross Isotropy, Clusters, and Classifiers

Authors: Timothee Mickus, Stig-Arne Gr\"onroos, Joseph Attieh

Abstract: Whether embedding spaces use all their dimensions equally, i.e., whether they are isotropic, has been a recent subject of discussion. Evidence has been accrued both for and against enforcing isotropy in embedding spaces. In the present paper, we stress that isotropy imposes requirements on the embedding space that are not compatible with the presence of clusters -- which also negatively impacts linear classification objectives. We demonstrate this fact both mathematically and empirically and use it to shed light on previous results from the literature.

replace-cross Rewards-in-Context: Multi-objective Alignment of Foundation Models with Dynamic Preference Adjustment

Authors: Rui Yang, Xiaoman Pan, Feng Luo, Shuang Qiu, Han Zhong, Dong Yu, Jianshu Chen

Abstract: We consider the problem of multi-objective alignment of foundation models with human preferences, which is a critical step towards helpful and harmless AI systems. However, it is generally costly and unstable to fine-tune large foundation models using reinforcement learning (RL), and the multi-dimensionality, heterogeneity, and conflicting nature of human preferences further complicate the alignment process. In this paper, we introduce Rewards-in-Context (RiC), which conditions the response of a foundation model on multiple rewards in its prompt context and applies supervised fine-tuning for alignment. The salient features of RiC are simplicity and adaptivity, as it only requires supervised fine-tuning of a single foundation model and supports dynamic adjustment for user preferences during inference time. Inspired by the analytical solution of an abstracted convex optimization problem, our dynamic inference-time adjustment method approaches the Pareto-optimal solution for multiple objectives. Empirical evidence demonstrates the efficacy of our method in aligning both Large Language Models (LLMs) and diffusion models to accommodate diverse rewards with only around 10% GPU hours compared with multi-objective RL baseline.

replace-cross DecisionNCE: Embodied Multimodal Representations via Implicit Preference Learning

Authors: Jianxiong Li, Jinliang Zheng, Yinan Zheng, Liyuan Mao, Xiao Hu, Sijie Cheng, Haoyi Niu, Jihao Liu, Yu Liu, Jingjing Liu, Ya-Qin Zhang, Xianyuan Zhan

Abstract: Multimodal pretraining is an effective strategy for the trinity of goals of representation learning in autonomous robots: 1) extracting both local and global task progressions; 2) enforcing temporal consistency of visual representation; 3) capturing trajectory-level language grounding. Most existing methods approach these via separate objectives, which often reach sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we propose a universal unified objective that can simultaneously extract meaningful task progression information from image sequences and seamlessly align them with language instructions. We discover that via implicit preferences, where a visual trajectory inherently aligns better with its corresponding language instruction than mismatched pairs, the popular Bradley-Terry model can transform into representation learning through proper reward reparameterizations. The resulted framework, DecisionNCE, mirrors an InfoNCE-style objective but is distinctively tailored for decision-making tasks, providing an embodied representation learning framework that elegantly extracts both local and global task progression features, with temporal consistency enforced through implicit time contrastive learning, while ensuring trajectory-level instruction grounding via multimodal joint encoding. Evaluation on both simulated and real robots demonstrates that DecisionNCE effectively facilitates diverse downstream policy learning tasks, offering a versatile solution for unified representation and reward learning. Project Page:


replace-cross SynGhost: Imperceptible and Universal Task-agnostic Backdoor Attack in Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Pengzhou Cheng, Wei Du, Zongru Wu, Fengwei Zhang, Libo Chen, Gongshen Liu

Abstract: Pre-training has been a necessary phase for deploying pre-trained language models (PLMs) to achieve remarkable performance in downstream tasks. However, we empirically show that backdoor attacks exploit such a phase as a vulnerable entry point for task-agnostic. In this paper, we first propose $\mathtt{maxEntropy}$, an entropy-based poisoning filtering defense, to prove that existing task-agnostic backdoors are easily exposed, due to explicit triggers used. Then, we present $\mathtt{SynGhost}$, an imperceptible and universal task-agnostic backdoor attack in PLMs. Specifically, $\mathtt{SynGhost}$ hostilely manipulates clean samples through different syntactic and then maps the backdoor to representation space without disturbing the primitive representation. $\mathtt{SynGhost}$ further leverages contrastive learning to achieve universal, which performs a uniform distribution of backdoors in the representation space. In light of the syntactic properties, we also introduce an awareness module to alleviate the interference between different syntactic. Experiments show that $\mathtt{SynGhost}$ holds more serious threats. Not only do severe harmfulness to various downstream tasks on two tuning paradigms but also to any PLMs. Meanwhile, $\mathtt{SynGhost}$ is imperceptible against three countermeasures based on perplexity, fine-pruning, and the proposed $\mathtt{maxEntropy}$.

replace-cross TRAWL: External Knowledge-Enhanced Recommendation with LLM Assistance

Authors: Weiqing Luo, Chonggang Song, Lingling Yi, Gong Cheng

Abstract: Combining semantic information with behavioral data is a crucial research area in recommender systems. A promising approach involves leveraging external knowledge to enrich behavioral-based recommender systems with abundant semantic information. However, this approach faces two primary challenges: denoising raw external knowledge and adapting semantic representations. To address these challenges, we propose an External Knowledge-Enhanced Recommendation method with LLM Assistance (TRAWL). This method utilizes large language models (LLMs) to extract relevant recommendation knowledge from raw external data and employs a contrastive learning strategy for adapter training. Experiments on public datasets and real-world online recommender systems validate the effectiveness of our approach.

replace-cross XMoE: Sparse Models with Fine-grained and Adaptive Expert Selection

Authors: Yuanhang Yang, Shiyi Qi, Wenchao Gu, Chaozheng Wang, Cuiyun Gao, Zenglin Xu

Abstract: Sparse models, including sparse Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models, have emerged as an effective approach for scaling Transformer models. However, they often suffer from computational inefficiency since a significant number of parameters are unnecessarily involved in computations via multiplying values by zero or low activation values. To address this issue, we present \tool, a novel MoE designed to enhance both the efficacy and efficiency of sparse MoE models. \tool leverages small experts and a threshold-based router to enable tokens to selectively engage only essential parameters. Our extensive experiments on language modeling and machine translation tasks demonstrate that \tool can enhance model performance while decreasing the computation load at MoE layers by over 50\% without sacrificing performance. Furthermore, we present the versatility of \tool by applying it to dense models, enabling sparse computation during inference. We provide a comprehensive analysis and make our code available at


replace-cross WorDepth: Variational Language Prior for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Ziyao Zeng, Hyoungseob Park, Daniel Wang, Fengyu Yang, Yangchao Wu, Stefano Soatto, Byung-Woo Hong, Dong Lao, Alex Wong

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from a single image is an ill-posed problem with inherent ambiguities, i.e. scale. Predicting a 3D scene from text description(s) is similarly ill-posed, i.e. spatial arrangements of objects described. We investigate the question of whether two inherently ambiguous modalities can be used in conjunction to produce metric-scaled reconstructions. To test this, we focus on monocular depth estimation, the problem of predicting a dense depth map from a single image, but with an additional text caption describing the scene. To this end, we begin by encoding the text caption as a mean and standard deviation; using a variational framework, we learn the distribution of the plausible metric reconstructions of 3D scenes corresponding to the text captions as a prior. To "select" a specific reconstruction or depth map, we encode the given image through a conditional sampler that samples from the latent space of the variational text encoder, which is then decoded to the output depth map. Our approach is trained alternatingly between the text and image branches: in one optimization step, we predict the mean and standard deviation from the text description and sample from a standard Gaussian, and in the other, we sample using a (image) conditional sampler. Once trained, we directly predict depth from the encoded text using the conditional sampler. We demonstrate our approach on indoor (NYUv2) and outdoor (KITTI) scenarios, where we show that language can consistently improve performance in both.

replace-cross Align as Ideal: Cross-Modal Alignment Binding for Federated Medical Vision-Language Pre-training

Authors: Zitao Shuai, Liyue Shen

Abstract: Vision-language pre-training (VLP) has arised as an efficient scheme for multimodal representation learning, but it requires large-scale multimodal data for pre-training, making it an obstacle especially for medical applications. To overcome the data limitation, federated learning (FL) can be a promising strategy to scale up the dataset for medical VLP while protecting data privacy. However, client data are often heterogeneous in real-world scenarios, and we observe that local training on heterogeneous client data would distort the multimodal representation learning and lead to biased cross-modal alignment. To address this challenge, we propose a Federated Align as IDeal (FedAID) framework for federated VLP with robustness to data heterogeneity, to bind local clients with an ideal crossmodal alignment. Specifically, to reduce distortions on global-aggregated features while learning diverse semantics from client datasets during local training, we propose to bind the cross-model aligned representation space learned by local models with an unbiased one via guidance-based regularization. Moreover, we employ a distribution-based min-max optimization to learn the unbiased cross-modal alignment at each communication turn of federated pre-training. The experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate our method successfully promotes efficient federated multimodal learning for medical VLP with data heterogeneity.

replace-cross Using Large Language Models to Enrich the Documentation of Datasets for Machine Learning

Authors: Joan Giner-Miguelez, Abel G\'omez, Jordi Cabot

Abstract: Recent regulatory initiatives like the European AI Act and relevant voices in the Machine Learning (ML) community stress the need to describe datasets along several key dimensions for trustworthy AI, such as the provenance processes and social concerns. However, this information is typically presented as unstructured text in accompanying documentation, hampering their automated analysis and processing. In this work, we explore using large language models (LLM) and a set of prompting strategies to automatically extract these dimensions from documents and enrich the dataset description with them. Our approach could aid data publishers and practitioners in creating machine-readable documentation to improve the discoverability of their datasets, assess their compliance with current AI regulations, and improve the overall quality of ML models trained on them. In this paper, we evaluate the approach on 12 scientific dataset papers published in two scientific journals (Nature's Scientific Data and Elsevier's Data in Brief) using two different LLMs (GPT3.5 and Flan-UL2). Results show good accuracy with our prompt extraction strategies. Concrete results vary depending on the dimensions, but overall, GPT3.5 shows slightly better accuracy (81,21%) than FLAN-UL2 (69,13%) although it is more prone to hallucinations. We have released an open-source tool implementing our approach and a replication package, including the experiments' code and results, in an open-source repository.

replace-cross Make-it-Real: Unleashing Large Multimodal Model for Painting 3D Objects with Realistic Materials

Authors: Ye Fang, Zeyi Sun, Tong Wu, Jiaqi Wang, Ziwei Liu, Gordon Wetzstein, Dahua Lin

Abstract: Physically realistic materials are pivotal in augmenting the realism of 3D assets across various applications and lighting conditions. However, existing 3D assets and generative models often lack authentic material properties. Manual assignment of materials using graphic software is a tedious and time-consuming task. In this paper, we exploit advancements in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), particularly GPT-4V, to present a novel approach, Make-it-Real: 1) We demonstrate that GPT-4V can effectively recognize and describe materials, allowing the construction of a detailed material library. 2) Utilizing a combination of visual cues and hierarchical text prompts, GPT-4V precisely identifies and aligns materials with the corresponding components of 3D objects. 3) The correctly matched materials are then meticulously applied as reference for the new SVBRDF material generation according to the original albedo map, significantly enhancing their visual authenticity. Make-it-Real offers a streamlined integration into the 3D content creation workflow, showcasing its utility as an essential tool for developers of 3D assets.

replace-cross MANTIS: Interleaved Multi-Image Instruction Tuning

Authors: Dongfu Jiang, Xuan He, Huaye Zeng, Cong Wei, Max Ku, Qian Liu, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Large multimodal models (LMMs) have shown great results in single-image vision language tasks. However, their abilities to solve multi-image visual language tasks is yet to be improved. The existing LMMs like OpenFlamingo, Emu2, Idefics gain their multi-image ability through pre-training on hundreds of millions of noisy interleaved image-text data from the web, which is neither efficient nor effective. In this paper, we aim to build strong multi-image LMMs via instruction tuning with academic-level resources. Therefore, we meticulously construct Mantis-Instruct containing 721K multi-image instruction data to train a family of models Mantis. The instruction tuning empowers Mantis with different multi-image skills like co-reference, comparison, reasoning, and temporal understanding. We evaluate Mantis on five multi-image benchmarks and seven single-image benchmarks. Mantis-SigLIP can achieve SoTA results on all the multi-image benchmarks and beat the strongest multi-image baseline, Idefics2-8B by an average of 11 absolute points. Notably, Idefics2-8B was pre-trained on 140M interleaved multi-image data, which is 200x larger than Mantis-Instruct. We observe that Mantis performs equivalently well on the held-in and held-out benchmarks, which shows its generalization ability. Notably, we found that Mantis can even match the performance of GPT-4V on multi-image benchmarks. We further evaluate Mantis on single-image benchmarks and demonstrate that Mantis also maintains a strong single-image performance on par with CogVLM and Emu2. Our results show that multi-image abilities are not necessarily gained through massive pre-training, instead, it can be gained by the low-cost instruction tuning. Our work provides new perspectives on how to improve LMMs' multi-image abilities.

replace-cross MarkLLM: An Open-Source Toolkit for LLM Watermarking

Authors: Leyi Pan, Aiwei Liu, Zhiwei He, Zitian Gao, Xuandong Zhao, Yijian Lu, Binglin Zhou, Shuliang Liu, Xuming Hu, Lijie Wen, Irwin King

Abstract: LLM watermarking, which embeds imperceptible yet algorithmically detectable signals in model outputs to identify LLM-generated text, has become crucial in mitigating the potential misuse of large language models. However, the abundance of LLM watermarking algorithms, their intricate mechanisms, and the complex evaluation procedures and perspectives pose challenges for researchers and the community to easily experiment with, understand, and assess the latest advancements. To address these issues, we introduce MarkLLM, an open-source toolkit for LLM watermarking. MarkLLM offers a unified and extensible framework for implementing LLM watermarking algorithms, while providing user-friendly interfaces to ensure ease of access. Furthermore, it enhances understanding by supporting automatic visualization of the underlying mechanisms of these algorithms. For evaluation, MarkLLM offers a comprehensive suite of 12 tools spanning three perspectives, along with two types of automated evaluation pipelines. Through MarkLLM, we aim to support researchers while improving the comprehension and involvement of the general public in LLM watermarking technology, fostering consensus and driving further advancements in research and application. Our code is available at


replace-cross TrojanRAG: Retrieval-Augmented Generation Can Be Backdoor Driver in Large Language Models

Authors: Pengzhou Cheng, Yidong Ding, Tianjie Ju, Zongru Wu, Wei Du, Ping Yi, Zhuosheng Zhang, Gongshen Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about potential security threats despite performing significantly in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Backdoor attacks initially verified that LLM is doing substantial harm at all stages, but the cost and robustness have been criticized. Attacking LLMs is inherently risky in security review, while prohibitively expensive. Besides, the continuous iteration of LLMs will degrade the robustness of backdoors. In this paper, we propose TrojanRAG, which employs a joint backdoor attack in the Retrieval-Augmented Generation, thereby manipulating LLMs in universal attack scenarios. Specifically, the adversary constructs elaborate target contexts and trigger sets. Multiple pairs of backdoor shortcuts are orthogonally optimized by contrastive learning, thus constraining the triggering conditions to a parameter subspace to improve the matching. To improve the recall of the RAG for the target contexts, we introduce a knowledge graph to construct structured data to achieve hard matching at a fine-grained level. Moreover, we normalize the backdoor scenarios in LLMs to analyze the real harm caused by backdoors from both attackers' and users' perspectives and further verify whether the context is a favorable tool for jailbreaking models. Extensive experimental results on truthfulness, language understanding, and harmfulness show that TrojanRAG exhibits versatility threats while maintaining retrieval capabilities on normal queries.

replace-cross Beyond Trend and Periodicity: Guiding Time Series Forecasting with Textual Cues

Authors: Zhijian Xu, Yuxuan Bian, Jianyuan Zhong, Xiangyu Wen, Qiang Xu

Abstract: This work introduces a novel Text-Guided Time Series Forecasting (TGTSF) task. By integrating textual cues, such as channel descriptions and dynamic news, TGTSF addresses the critical limitations of traditional methods that rely purely on historical data. To support this task, we propose TGForecaster, a robust baseline model that fuses textual cues and time series data using cross-attention mechanisms. We then present four meticulously curated benchmark datasets to validate the proposed framework, ranging from simple periodic data to complex, event-driven fluctuations. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that TGForecaster consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting the transformative potential of incorporating textual information into time series forecasting. This work not only pioneers a novel forecasting task but also establishes a new benchmark for future research, driving advancements in multimodal data integration for time series models.

replace-cross ECLIPSE: Semantic Entropy-LCS for Cross-Lingual Industrial Log Parsing

Authors: Wei Zhang, Xianfu Cheng, Yi Zhang, Jian Yang, Hongcheng Guo, Zhoujun Li, Xiaolin Yin, Xiangyuan Guan, Xu Shi, Liangfan Zheng, Bo Zhang

Abstract: Log parsing, a vital task for interpreting the vast and complex data produced within software architectures faces significant challenges in the transition from academic benchmarks to the industrial domain. Existing log parsers, while highly effective on standardized public datasets, struggle to maintain performance and efficiency when confronted with the sheer scale and diversity of real-world industrial logs. These challenges are two-fold: 1) massive log templates: The performance and efficiency of most existing parsers will be significantly reduced when logs of growing quantities and different lengths; 2) Complex and changeable semantics: Traditional template-matching algorithms cannot accurately match the log templates of complicated industrial logs because they cannot utilize cross-language logs with similar semantics. To address these issues, we propose ECLIPSE, Enhanced Cross-Lingual Industrial log Parsing with Semantic Entropy-LCS, since cross-language logs can robustly parse industrial logs. On the one hand, it integrates two efficient data-driven template-matching algorithms and Faiss indexing. On the other hand, driven by the powerful semantic understanding ability of the Large Language Model (LLM), the semantics of log keywords were accurately extracted, and the retrieval space was effectively reduced. Notably, we launch a Chinese and English cross-platform industrial log parsing benchmark ECLIPSE- BENCH to evaluate the performance of mainstream parsers in industrial scenarios. Our experimental results across public benchmarks and ECLIPSE- BENCH underscore the superior performance and robustness of our proposed ECLIPSE. Notably, ECLIPSE both delivers state-of-the-art performance when compared to strong baselines and preserves a significant edge in processing efficiency.

replace-cross ALI-Agent: Assessing LLMs' Alignment with Human Values via Agent-based Evaluation

Authors: Jingnan Zheng, Han Wang, An Zhang, Tai D. Nguyen, Jun Sun, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can elicit unintended and even harmful content when misaligned with human values, posing severe risks to users and society. To mitigate these risks, current evaluation benchmarks predominantly employ expert-designed contextual scenarios to assess how well LLMs align with human values. However, the labor-intensive nature of these benchmarks limits their test scope, hindering their ability to generalize to the extensive variety of open-world use cases and identify rare but crucial long-tail risks. Additionally, these static tests fail to adapt to the rapid evolution of LLMs, making it hard to evaluate timely alignment issues. To address these challenges, we propose ALI-Agent, an evaluation framework that leverages the autonomous abilities of LLM-powered agents to conduct in-depth and adaptive alignment assessments. ALI-Agent operates through two principal stages: Emulation and Refinement. During the Emulation stage, ALI-Agent automates the generation of realistic test scenarios. In the Refinement stage, it iteratively refines the scenarios to probe long-tail risks. Specifically, ALI-Agent incorporates a memory module to guide test scenario generation, a tool-using module to reduce human labor in tasks such as evaluating feedback from target LLMs, and an action module to refine tests. Extensive experiments across three aspects of human values--stereotypes, morality, and legality--demonstrate that ALI-Agent, as a general evaluation framework, effectively identifies model misalignment. Systematic analysis also validates that the generated test scenarios represent meaningful use cases, as well as integrate enhanced measures to probe long-tail risks. Our code is available at