new Reservoir Computing with Generalized Readout based on Generalized Synchronization

Authors: Akane Ookubo, Masanobu Inubushi

Abstract: Reservoir computing is a machine learning framework that exploits nonlinear dynamics, exhibiting significant computational capabilities. One of the defining characteristics of reservoir computing is its low cost and straightforward training algorithm, i.e. only the readout, given by a linear combination of reservoir variables, is trained. Inspired by recent mathematical studies based on dynamical system theory, in particular generalized synchronization, we propose a novel reservoir computing framework with generalized readout, including a nonlinear combination of reservoir variables. The first crucial advantage of using the generalized readout is its mathematical basis for improving information processing capabilities. Secondly, it is still within a linear learning framework, which preserves the original strength of reservoir computing. In summary, the generalized readout is naturally derived from mathematical theory and allows the extraction of useful basis functions from reservoir dynamics without sacrificing simplicity. In a numerical study, we find that introducing the generalized readout leads to a significant improvement in accuracy and an unexpected enhancement in robustness for the short- and long-term prediction of Lorenz chaos, with a particular focus on how to harness low-dimensional reservoir dynamics. A novel way and its advantages for physical implementations of reservoir computing with generalized readout are briefly discussed.

new YUI: Day-ahead Electricity Price Forecasting Using Invariance Simplified Supply and Demand Curve

Authors: Linian Wang, Anlan Yu, Jianghong Liu, Huibing Zhang, Leye Wang

Abstract: In day-ahead electricity market, it is crucial for all market participants to have access to reliable and accurate price forecasts for their decision-making processes. Forecasting methods currently utilized in industrial applications frequently neglect the underlying mechanisms of price formation, while economic research from the perspective of supply and demand have stringent data collection requirements, making it difficult to apply in actual markets. Observing the characteristics of the day-ahead electricity market, we introduce two invariance assumptions to simplify the modeling of supply and demand curves. Upon incorporating the time invariance assumption, we can forecast the supply curve using the market equilibrium points from multiple time slots in the recent period. By introducing the price insensitivity assumption, we can approximate the demand curve using a straight line. The point where these two curves intersect provides us with the forecast price. The proposed model, forecasting suppl\textbf{Y} and demand cUrve simplified by Invariance, termed as YUI, is more efficient than state-of-the-art methods. Our experiment results in Shanxi day-ahead electricity market show that compared with existing methods, YUI can reduce forecast error by 13.8\% in MAE and 28.7\% in sMAPE. Code is publicly available at


new Data Mixing Made Efficient: A Bivariate Scaling Law for Language Model Pretraining

Authors: Ce Ge, Zhijian Ma, Daoyuan Chen, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding

Abstract: Large language models exhibit exceptional generalization capabilities, primarily attributed to the utilization of diversely sourced data. However, conventional practices in integrating this diverse data heavily rely on heuristic schemes, lacking theoretical guidance. This research tackles these limitations by investigating strategies based on low-cost proxies for data mixtures, with the aim of streamlining data curation to enhance training efficiency. Specifically, we propose a unified scaling law, termed BiMix, which accurately models the bivariate scaling behaviors of both data quantity and mixing proportions. We conduct systematic experiments and provide empirical evidence for the predictive power and fundamental principles of BiMix. Notably, our findings reveal that entropy-driven training-free data mixtures can achieve comparable or even better performance than more resource-intensive methods. We hope that our quantitative insights can shed light on further judicious research and development in cost-effective language modeling.

new SliM-LLM: Salience-Driven Mixed-Precision Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Wei Huang, Haotong Qin, Yangdong Liu, Yawei Li, Xianglong Liu, Luca Benini, Michele Magno, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) achieve remarkable performance in natural language understanding but require substantial computation and memory resources. Post-training quantization (PTQ) is a powerful compression technique extensively investigated in LLMs. However, existing PTQ methods are still not ideal in terms of accuracy and efficiency, especially with below 4 bit-widths. Standard PTQ methods using group-wise quantization suffer difficulties in quantizing LLMs accurately to such low-bit, but advanced methods remaining high-precision weights element-wisely are hard to realize their theoretical hardware efficiency. This paper presents a Salience-Driven Mixed-Precision Quantization scheme for LLMs, namely SliM-LLM. The scheme exploits the salience distribution of weights to determine optimal bit-width and quantizers for accurate LLM quantization, while aligning bit-width partition to groups for compact memory usage and fast integer inference. Specifically, the proposed SliM-LLM mainly relies on two novel techniques: (1) Salience-Determined Bit Allocation utilizes the clustering characteristics of salience distribution to allocate the bit-widths of each group, increasing the accuracy of quantized LLMs and maintaining the inference efficiency; (2) Salience-Weighted Quantizer Calibration optimizes the parameters of the quantizer by considering the element-wise salience within the group, balancing the maintenance of salient information and minimization of errors. Comprehensive experiments show that SliM-LLM significantly improves the accuracy of LLMs at ultra-low bits, e.g., 2-bit LLaMA-7B achieves a 5.5-times memory-saving than original model on NVIDIA A800 GPUs, and 48% decrease of perplexity compared to the state-of-the-art gradient-free PTQ method. Moreover, SliM-LLM+, which is integrated from the extension of SliM-LLM with gradient-based quantizers, further reduces perplexity by 35.1%.

new AnalogCoder: Analog Circuit Design via Training-Free Code Generation

Authors: Yao Lai, Sungyoung Lee, Guojin Chen, Souradip Poddar, Mengkang Hu, David Z. Pan, Ping Luo

Abstract: Analog circuit design is a significant task in modern chip technology, focusing on the selection of component types, connectivity, and parameters to ensure proper circuit functionality. Despite advances made by Large Language Models (LLMs) in digital circuit design, the complexity and scarcity of data in analog circuitry pose significant challenges. To mitigate these issues, we introduce AnalogCoder, the first training-free LLM agent for designing analog circuits through Python code generation. Firstly, AnalogCoder incorporates a feedback-enhanced flow with tailored domain-specific prompts, enabling the automated and self-correcting design of analog circuits with a high success rate. Secondly, it proposes a circuit tool library to archive successful designs as reusable modular sub-circuits, simplifying composite circuit creation. Thirdly, extensive experiments on a benchmark designed to cover a wide range of analog circuit tasks show that AnalogCoder outperforms other LLM-based methods. It has successfully designed 20 circuits, 5 more than standard GPT-4o. We believe AnalogCoder can significantly improve the labor-intensive chip design process, enabling non-experts to design analog circuits efficiently. Codes and the benchmark are provided at


new How Does Bayes Error Limit Probabilistic Robust Accuracy

Authors: Ruihan Zhang, Jun Sun

Abstract: Adversarial examples pose a security threat to many critical systems built on neural networks. Given that deterministic robustness often comes with significantly reduced accuracy, probabilistic robustness (i.e., the probability of having the same label with a vicinity is $\ge 1-\kappa$) has been proposed as a promising way of achieving robustness whilst maintaining accuracy. However, existing training methods for probabilistic robustness still experience non-trivial accuracy loss. It is unclear whether there is an upper bound on the accuracy when optimising towards probabilistic robustness, and whether there is a certain relationship between $\kappa$ and this bound. This work studies these problems from a Bayes error perspective. We find that while Bayes uncertainty does affect probabilistic robustness, its impact is smaller than that on deterministic robustness. This reduced Bayes uncertainty allows a higher upper bound on probabilistic robust accuracy than that on deterministic robust accuracy. Further, we prove that with optimal probabilistic robustness, each probabilistically robust input is also deterministically robust in a smaller vicinity. We also show that voting within the vicinity always improves probabilistic robust accuracy and the upper bound of probabilistic robust accuracy monotonically increases as $\kappa$ grows. Our empirical findings also align with our results.

new Fast Inference Using Automatic Differentiation and Neural Transport in Astroparticle Physics

Authors: Dorian W. P. Amaral, Shixiao Liang, Juehang Qin, Christopher Tunnell

Abstract: Multi-dimensional parameter spaces are commonly encountered in astroparticle physics theories that attempt to capture novel phenomena. However, they often possess complicated posterior geometries that are expensive to traverse using techniques traditional to this community. Effectively sampling these spaces is crucial to bridge the gap between experiment and theory. Several recent innovations, which are only beginning to make their way into this field, have made navigating such complex posteriors possible. These include GPU acceleration, automatic differentiation, and neural-network-guided reparameterization. We apply these advancements to astroparticle physics experimental results in the context of novel neutrino physics and benchmark their performances against traditional nested sampling techniques. Compared to nested sampling alone, we find that these techniques increase performance for both nested sampling and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, accelerating inference by factors of $\sim 100$ and $\sim 60$, respectively. As nested sampling also evaluates the Bayesian evidence, these advancements can be exploited to improve model comparison performance while retaining compatibility with existing implementations that are widely used in the natural sciences.

new Mallows-DPO: Fine-Tune Your LLM with Preference Dispersions

Authors: Haoxian Chen, Hanyang Zhao, Henry Lam, David Yao, Wenpin Tang

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has recently emerged as a popular approach to improve reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), leading to better techniques to fine-tune large language models (LLM). A weakness of DPO, however, lies in its lack of capability to characterize the diversity of human preferences. Inspired by Mallows' theory of preference ranking, we develop in this paper a new approach, the Mallows-DPO. A distinct feature of this approach is a dispersion index, which reflects the dispersion of human preference to prompts. We show that existing DPO models can be reduced to special cases of this dispersion index, thus unified with Mallows-DPO. More importantly, we demonstrate (empirically) how to use this dispersion index to enhance the performance of DPO in a broad array of benchmark tasks, from synthetic bandit selection to controllable generations and dialogues, while maintaining great generalization capabilities.

new Understanding the dynamics of the frequency bias in neural networks

Authors: Juan Molina, Mircea Petrache, Francisco Sahli Costabal, Mat\'ias Courdurier

Abstract: Recent works have shown that traditional Neural Network (NN) architectures display a marked frequency bias in the learning process. Namely, the NN first learns the low-frequency features before learning the high-frequency ones. In this study, we rigorously develop a partial differential equation (PDE) that unravels the frequency dynamics of the error for a 2-layer NN in the Neural Tangent Kernel regime. Furthermore, using this insight, we explicitly demonstrate how an appropriate choice of distributions for the initialization weights can eliminate or control the frequency bias. We focus our study on the Fourier Features model, an NN where the first layer has sine and cosine activation functions, with frequencies sampled from a prescribed distribution. In this setup, we experimentally validate our theoretical results and compare the NN dynamics to the solution of the PDE using the finite element method. Finally, we empirically show that the same principle extends to multi-layer NNs.

new Two-Stage ML-Guided Decision Rules for Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty

Authors: Andrew Rosemberg, Alexandre Street, Davi M. Vallad\~ao, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Abstract: Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty (SDMU) is ubiquitous in many domains such as energy, finance, and supply chains. Some SDMU applications are naturally modeled as Multistage Stochastic Optimization Problems (MSPs), but the resulting optimizations are notoriously challenging from a computational standpoint. Under assumptions of convexity and stage-wise independence of the uncertainty, the resulting optimization can be solved efficiently using Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming (SDDP). Two-stage Linear Decision Rules (TS-LDRs) have been proposed to solve MSPs without the stage-wise independence assumption. TS-LDRs are computationally tractable, but using a policy that is a linear function of past observations is typically not suitable for non-convex environments arising, for example, in energy systems. This paper introduces a novel approach, Two-Stage General Decision Rules (TS-GDR), to generalize the policy space beyond linear functions, making them suitable for non-convex environments. TS-GDR is a self-supervised learning algorithm that trains the nonlinear decision rules using stochastic gradient descent (SGD); its forward passes solve the policy implementation optimization problems, and the backward passes leverage duality theory to obtain closed-form gradients. The effectiveness of TS-GDR is demonstrated through an instantiation using Deep Recurrent Neural Networks named Two-Stage Deep Decision Rules (TS-DDR). The method inherits the flexibility and computational performance of Deep Learning methodologies to solve SDMU problems generally tackled through large-scale optimization techniques. Applied to the Long-Term Hydrothermal Dispatch (LTHD) problem using actual power system data from Bolivia, the TS-DDR not only enhances solution quality but also significantly reduces computation times by several orders of magnitude.

new MaSS: Multi-attribute Selective Suppression for Utility-preserving Data Transformation from an Information-theoretic Perspective

Authors: Yizhuo Chen, Chun-Fu Chen, Hsiang Hsu, Shaohan Hu, Marco Pistoia, Tarek Abdelzaher

Abstract: The growing richness of large-scale datasets has been crucial in driving the rapid advancement and wide adoption of machine learning technologies. The massive collection and usage of data, however, pose an increasing risk for people's private and sensitive information due to either inadvertent mishandling or malicious exploitation. Besides legislative solutions, many technical approaches have been proposed towards data privacy protection. However, they bear various limitations such as leading to degraded data availability and utility, or relying on heuristics and lacking solid theoretical bases. To overcome these limitations, we propose a formal information-theoretic definition for this utility-preserving privacy protection problem, and design a data-driven learnable data transformation framework that is capable of selectively suppressing sensitive attributes from target datasets while preserving the other useful attributes, regardless of whether or not they are known in advance or explicitly annotated for preservation. We provide rigorous theoretical analyses on the operational bounds for our framework, and carry out comprehensive experimental evaluations using datasets of a variety of modalities, including facial images, voice audio clips, and human activity motion sensor signals. Results demonstrate the effectiveness and generalizability of our method under various configurations on a multitude of tasks.

new In-context Time Series Predictor

Authors: Jiecheng Lu, Yan Sun, Shihao Yang

Abstract: Recent Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) demonstrate in-context learning ability to perform various functions based solely on the provided context, without updating model parameters. To fully utilize the in-context capabilities in time series forecasting (TSF) problems, unlike previous Transformer-based or LLM-based time series forecasting methods, we reformulate "time series forecasting tasks" as input tokens by constructing a series of (lookback, future) pairs within the tokens. This method aligns more closely with the inherent in-context mechanisms, and is more parameter-efficient without the need of using pre-trained LLM parameters. Furthermore, it addresses issues such as overfitting in existing Transformer-based TSF models, consistently achieving better performance across full-data, few-shot, and zero-shot settings compared to previous architectures.

new Private Regression via Data-Dependent Sufficient Statistic Perturbation

Authors: Cecilia Ferrando, Daniel Sheldon

Abstract: Sufficient statistic perturbation (SSP) is a widely used method for differentially private linear regression. SSP adopts a data-independent approach where privacy noise from a simple distribution is added to sufficient statistics. However, sufficient statistics can often be expressed as linear queries and better approximated by data-dependent mechanisms. In this paper we introduce data-dependent SSP for linear regression based on post-processing privately released marginals, and find that it outperforms state-of-the-art data-independent SSP. We extend this result to logistic regression by developing an approximate objective that can be expressed in terms of sufficient statistics, resulting in a novel and highly competitive SSP approach for logistic regression. We also make a connection to synthetic data for machine learning: for models with sufficient statistics, training on synthetic data corresponds to data-dependent SSP, with the overall utility determined by how well the mechanism answers these linear queries.

new Path-metrics, pruning, and generalization

Authors: Antoine Gonon, Nicolas Brisebarre, Elisa Riccietti, R\'emi Gribonval

Abstract: Analyzing the behavior of ReLU neural networks often hinges on understanding the relationships between their parameters and the functions they implement. This paper proves a new bound on function distances in terms of the so-called path-metrics of the parameters. Since this bound is intrinsically invariant with respect to the rescaling symmetries of the networks, it sharpens previously known bounds. It is also, to the best of our knowledge, the first bound of its kind that is broadly applicable to modern networks such as ResNets, VGGs, U-nets, and many more. In contexts such as network pruning and quantization, the proposed path-metrics can be efficiently computed using only two forward passes. Besides its intrinsic theoretical interest, the bound yields not only novel theoretical generalization bounds, but also a promising proof of concept for rescaling-invariant pruning.

new Polyak Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent

Authors: Yuki Takezawa, Han Bao, Ryoma Sato, Kenta Niwa, Makoto Yamada

Abstract: Gradient descent and its variants are de facto standard algorithms for training machine learning models. As gradient descent is sensitive to its hyperparameters, we need to tune the hyperparameters carefully using a grid search, but it is time-consuming, especially when multiple hyperparameters exist. Recently, parameter-free methods that adjust the hyperparameters on the fly have been studied. However, the existing work only studied parameter-free methods for the stepsize, and parameter-free methods for other hyperparameters have not been explored. For instance, the gradient clipping threshold is also a crucial hyperparameter in addition to the stepsize to prevent gradient explosion issues, but none of the existing studies investigated the parameter-free methods for clipped gradient descent. In this work, we study the parameter-free methods for clipped gradient descent. Specifically, we propose Inexact Polyak Stepsize, which converges to the optimal solution without any hyperparameters tuning, and its convergence rate is asymptotically independent of L under L-smooth and $(L_0, L_1)$-smooth assumptions of the loss function as that of clipped gradient descent with well-tuned hyperparameters. We numerically validated our convergence results using a synthetic function and demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed methods using LSTM, Nano-GPT, and T5.

new Make Inference Faster: Efficient GPU Memory Management for Butterfly Sparse Matrix Multiplication

Authors: Antoine Gonon, L\'eon Zheng, Pascal Carrivain, Quoc-Tung Le

Abstract: This paper is the first to assess the state of existing sparse matrix multiplication algorithms on GPU for the butterfly structure, a promising form of sparsity. This is achieved through a comprehensive benchmark that can be easily modified to add a new implementation. The goal is to provide a simple tool for users to select the optimal implementation based on their settings. Using this benchmark, we find that existing implementations spend up to 50% of their total runtime on memory rewriting operations. We show that these memory operations can be optimized by introducing a new CUDA kernel that minimizes the transfers between the different levels of GPU memory, achieving a median speed-up factor of x1.4 while also reducing energy consumption (median of x0.85). We also demonstrate the broader significance of our results by showing how the new kernel can speed up the inference of neural networks.

new What Variables Affect Out-Of-Distribution Generalization in Pretrained Models?

Authors: Md Yousuf Harun, Kyungbok Lee, Jhair Gallardo, Giri Krishnan, Christopher Kanan

Abstract: Embeddings produced by pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely used; however, their efficacy for downstream tasks can vary widely. We study the factors influencing out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization of pre-trained DNN embeddings through the lens of the tunnel effect hypothesis, which suggests deeper DNN layers compress representations and hinder OOD performance. Contrary to earlier work, we find the tunnel effect is not universal. Based on 10,584 linear probes, we study the conditions that mitigate the tunnel effect by varying DNN architecture, training dataset, image resolution, and augmentations. We quantify each variable's impact using a novel SHAP analysis. Our results emphasize the danger of generalizing findings from toy datasets to broader contexts.

new OAC: Output-adaptive Calibration for Accurate Post-training Quantization

Authors: Ali Edalati (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab), Alireza Ghaffari (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University), Masoud Asgharian (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University), Lu Hou (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab), Boxing Chen (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab), Vahid Partovi Nia (Huawei Noah's Ark Lab)

Abstract: Deployment of Large Language Models (LLMs) has major computational costs, due to their rapidly expanding size. Compression of LLMs reduces the memory footprint, latency, and energy required for their inference. Post-training Quantization (PTQ) techniques have been developed to compress LLMs while avoiding expensive re-training. Most PTQ approaches formulate the quantization error based on a layer-wise $\ell_2$ loss, ignoring the model output. Then, each layer is calibrated using its layer-wise Hessian to update the weights towards minimizing the $\ell_2$ quantization error. The Hessian is also used for detecting the most salient weights to quantization. Such PTQ approaches are prone to accuracy drop in low-precision quantization. We propose Output-adaptive Calibration (OAC) to incorporate the model output in the calibration process. We formulate the quantization error based on the distortion of the output cross-entropy loss. OAC approximates the output-adaptive Hessian for each layer under reasonable assumptions to reduce the computational complexity. The output-adaptive Hessians are used to update the weight matrices and detect the salient weights towards maintaining the model output. Our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines such as SpQR and BiLLM, especially, at extreme low-precision (2-bit and binary) quantization.

new Amortized nonmyopic active search via deep imitation learning

Authors: Quan Nguyen, Anindya Sarkar, Roman Garnett

Abstract: Active search formalizes a specialized active learning setting where the goal is to collect members of a rare, valuable class. The state-of-the-art algorithm approximates the optimal Bayesian policy in a budget-aware manner, and has been shown to achieve impressive empirical performance in previous work. However, even this approximate policy has a superlinear computational complexity with respect to the size of the search problem, rendering its application impractical in large spaces or in real-time systems where decisions must be made quickly. We study the amortization of this policy by training a neural network to learn to search. To circumvent the difficulty of learning from scratch, we appeal to imitation learning techniques to mimic the behavior of the expert, expensive-to-compute policy. Our policy network, trained on synthetic data, learns a beneficial search strategy that yields nonmyopic decisions carefully balancing exploration and exploitation. Extensive experiments demonstrate our policy achieves competitive performance at real-world tasks that closely approximates the expert's at a fraction of the cost, while outperforming cheaper baselines.

new Credal Wrapper of Model Averaging for Uncertainty Estimation on Out-Of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Kaizheng Wang, Fabio Cuzzolin, Keivan Shariatmadar, David Moens, Hans Hallez

Abstract: This paper presents an innovative approach, called credal wrapper, to formulating a credal set representation of model averaging for Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) and deep ensembles, capable of improving uncertainty estimation in classification tasks. Given a finite collection of single distributions derived from BNNs or deep ensembles, the proposed approach extracts an upper and a lower probability bound per class, acknowledging the epistemic uncertainty due to the availability of a limited amount of sampled predictive distributions. Such probability intervals over classes can be mapped on a convex set of probabilities (a 'credal set') from which, in turn, a unique prediction can be obtained using a transformation called 'intersection probability transformation'. In this article, we conduct extensive experiments on multiple out-of-distribution (OOD) detection benchmarks, encompassing various dataset pairs (CIFAR10/100 vs SVHN/Tiny-ImageNet, CIFAR10 vs CIFAR10-C, CIFAR100 vs CIFAR100-C and ImageNet vs ImageNet-O) and using different network architectures (such as VGG16, Res18/50, EfficientNet B2, and ViT Base). Compared to BNN and deep ensemble baselines, the proposed credal representation methodology exhibits superior performance in uncertainty estimation and achieves lower expected calibration error on OOD samples.

new Revisiting MoE and Dense Speed-Accuracy Comparisons for LLM Training

Authors: Xianzhi Du, Tom Gunter, Xiang Kong, Mark Lee, Zirui Wang, Aonan Zhang, Nan Du, Ruoming Pang

Abstract: Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) enjoys performance gain by increasing model capacity while keeping computation cost constant. When comparing MoE to dense models, prior work typically adopt the following setting: 1) use FLOPs or activated parameters as a measure of model complexity; 2) train all models to the same number of tokens. We argue that this setting favors MoE as FLOPs and activated parameters do not accurately measure the communication overhead in sparse layers, leading to a larger actual training budget for MoE. In this work, we revisit the settings by adopting step time as a more accurate measure of model complexity, and by determining the total compute budget under the Chinchilla compute-optimal settings. To efficiently run MoE on modern accelerators, we adopt a 3D sharding method that keeps the dense-to-MoE step time increase within a healthy range. We evaluate MoE and dense LLMs on a set of nine 0-shot and two 1-shot English tasks, as well as MMLU 5-shot and GSM8K 8-shot across three model scales at 6.4B, 12.6B, and 29.6B. Experimental results show that even under these settings, MoE consistently outperform dense LLMs on the speed-accuracy trade-off curve with meaningful gaps. Our full model implementation and sharding strategy will be released at~\url{}


new CCBNet: Confidential Collaborative Bayesian Networks Inference

Authors: Abele M\u{a}lan, J\'er\'emie Decouchant, Thiago Guzella, Lydia Chen

Abstract: Effective large-scale process optimization in manufacturing industries requires close cooperation between different human expert parties who encode their knowledge of related domains as Bayesian network models. For instance, Bayesian networks for domains such as lithography equipment, processes, and auxiliary tools must be conjointly used to effectively identify process optimizations in the semiconductor industry. However, business confidentiality across domains hinders such collaboration, and encourages alternatives to centralized inference. We propose CCBNet, the first Confidentiality-preserving Collaborative Bayesian Network inference framework. CCBNet leverages secret sharing to securely perform analysis on the combined knowledge of party models by joining two novel subprotocols: (i) CABN, which augments probability distributions for features across parties by modeling them into secret shares of their normalized combination; and (ii) SAVE, which aggregates party inference result shares through distributed variable elimination. We extensively evaluate CCBNet via 9 public Bayesian networks. Our results show that CCBNet achieves predictive quality that is similar to the ones of centralized methods while preserving model confidentiality. We further demonstrate that CCBNet scales to challenging manufacturing use cases that involve 16-128 parties in large networks of 223-1003 features, and decreases, on average, computational overhead by 23%, while communicating 71k values per request. Finally, we showcase possible attacks and mitigations for partially reconstructing party networks in the two subprotocols.

new ElastoGen: 4D Generative Elastodynamics

Authors: Yutao Feng, Yintong Shang, Xiang Feng, Lei Lan, Shandian Zhe, Tianjia Shao, Hongzhi Wu, Kun Zhou, Hao Su, Chenfanfu Jiang, Yin Yang

Abstract: We present ElastoGen, a knowledge-driven model that generates physically accurate and coherent 4D elastodynamics. Instead of relying on petabyte-scale data-driven learning, ElastoGen leverages the principles of physics-in-the-loop and learns from established physical knowledge, such as partial differential equations and their numerical solutions. The core idea of ElastoGen is converting the global differential operator, corresponding to the nonlinear elastodynamic equations, into iterative local convolution-like operations, which naturally fit modern neural networks. Each network module is specifically designed to support this goal rather than functioning as a black box. As a result, ElastoGen is exceptionally lightweight in terms of both training requirements and network scale. Additionally, due to its alignment with physical procedures, ElastoGen efficiently generates accurate dynamics for a wide range of hyperelastic materials and can be easily integrated with upstream and downstream deep modules to enable end-to-end 4D generation.

new Message-Passing Monte Carlo: Generating low-discrepancy point sets via Graph Neural Networks

Authors: T. Konstantin Rusch, Nathan Kirk, Michael M. Bronstein, Christiane Lemieux, Daniela Rus

Abstract: Discrepancy is a well-known measure for the irregularity of the distribution of a point set. Point sets with small discrepancy are called low-discrepancy and are known to efficiently fill the space in a uniform manner. Low-discrepancy points play a central role in many problems in science and engineering, including numerical integration, computer vision, machine perception, computer graphics, machine learning, and simulation. In this work, we present the first machine learning approach to generate a new class of low-discrepancy point sets named Message-Passing Monte Carlo (MPMC) points. Motivated by the geometric nature of generating low-discrepancy point sets, we leverage tools from Geometric Deep Learning and base our model on Graph Neural Networks. We further provide an extension of our framework to higher dimensions, which flexibly allows the generation of custom-made points that emphasize the uniformity in specific dimensions that are primarily important for the particular problem at hand. Finally, we demonstrate that our proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance superior to previous methods by a significant margin. In fact, MPMC points are empirically shown to be either optimal or near-optimal with respect to the discrepancy for every dimension and the number of points for which the optimal discrepancy can be determined.

new Model-Agnostic Utility-Preserving Biometric Information Anonymization

Authors: Chun-Fu Chen, Bill Moriarty, Shaohan Hu, Sean Moran, Marco Pistoia, Vincenzo Piuri, Pierangela Samarati

Abstract: The recent rapid advancements in both sensing and machine learning technologies have given rise to the universal collection and utilization of people's biometrics, such as fingerprints, voices, retina/facial scans, or gait/motion/gestures data, enabling a wide range of applications including authentication, health monitoring, or much more sophisticated analytics. While providing better user experiences and deeper business insights, the use of biometrics has raised serious privacy concerns due to their intrinsic sensitive nature and the accompanying high risk of leaking sensitive information such as identity or medical conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel modality-agnostic data transformation framework that is capable of anonymizing biometric data by suppressing its sensitive attributes and retaining features relevant to downstream machine learning-based analyses that are of research and business values. We carried out a thorough experimental evaluation using publicly available facial, voice, and motion datasets. Results show that our proposed framework can achieve a \highlight{high suppression level for sensitive information}, while at the same time retain underlying data utility such that subsequent analyses on the anonymized biometric data could still be carried out to yield satisfactory accuracy.

new A classification model based on a population of hypergraphs

Authors: Samuel Barton, Adelle Coster, Diane Donovan, James Lefevre

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel hypergraph classification algorithm. The use of hypergraphs in this framework has been widely studied. In previous work, hypergraph models are typically constructed using distance or attribute based methods. That is, hyperedges are generated by connecting a set of samples which are within a certain distance or have a common attribute. These methods however, do not often focus on multi-way interactions directly. The algorithm provided in this paper looks to address this problem by constructing hypergraphs which explore multi-way interactions of any order. We also increase the performance and robustness of the algorithm by using a population of hypergraphs. The algorithm is evaluated on two datasets, demonstrating promising performance compared to a generic random forest classification algorithm.

new Direct Preference Optimization With Unobserved Preference Heterogeneity

Authors: Keertana Chidambaram, Karthik Vinay Seetharaman, Vasilis Syrgkanis

Abstract: RLHF has emerged as a pivotal step in aligning language models with human objectives and values. It typically involves learning a reward model from human preference data and then using reinforcement learning to update the generative model accordingly. Conversely, Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) directly optimizes the generative model with preference data, skipping reinforcement learning. However, both RLHF and DPO assume uniform preferences, overlooking the reality of diverse human annotators. This paper presents a new method to align generative models with varied human preferences. We propose an Expectation-Maximization adaptation to DPO, generating a mixture of models based on latent preference types of the annotators. We then introduce a min-max regret ensemble learning model to produce a single generative method to minimize worst-case regret among annotator subgroups with similar latent factors. Our algorithms leverage the simplicity of DPO while accommodating diverse preferences. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our approach in producing equitable generative policies.

new A Survey of Distributed Learning in Cloud, Mobile, and Edge Settings

Authors: Madison Threadgill, Andreas Gerstlauer

Abstract: In the era of deep learning (DL), convolutional neural networks (CNNs), and large language models (LLMs), machine learning (ML) models are becoming increasingly complex, demanding significant computational resources for both inference and training stages. To address this challenge, distributed learning has emerged as a crucial approach, employing parallelization across various devices and environments. This survey explores the landscape of distributed learning, encompassing cloud and edge settings. We delve into the core concepts of data and model parallelism, examining how models are partitioned across different dimensions and layers to optimize resource utilization and performance. We analyze various partitioning schemes for different layer types, including fully connected, convolutional, and recurrent layers, highlighting the trade-offs between computational efficiency, communication overhead, and memory constraints. This survey provides valuable insights for future research and development in this rapidly evolving field by comparing and contrasting distributed learning approaches across diverse contexts.

new Distributed Harmonization: Federated Clustered Batch Effect Adjustment and Generalization

Authors: Bao Hoang, Yijiang Pang, Siqi Liang, Liang Zhan, Paul Thompson, Jiayu Zhou

Abstract: Independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) data is essential to many data analysis and modeling techniques. In the medical domain, collecting data from multiple sites or institutions is a common strategy that guarantees sufficient clinical diversity, determined by the decentralized nature of medical data. However, data from various sites are easily biased by the local environment or facilities, thereby violating the i.i.d. rule. A common strategy is to harmonize the site bias while retaining important biological information. The ComBat is among the most popular harmonization approaches and has recently been extended to handle distributed sites. However, when faced with situations involving newly joined sites in training or evaluating data from unknown/unseen sites, ComBat lacks compatibility and requires retraining with data from all the sites. The retraining leads to significant computational and logistic overhead that is usually prohibitive. In this work, we develop a novel Cluster ComBat harmonization algorithm, which leverages cluster patterns of the data in different sites and greatly advances the usability of ComBat harmonization. We use extensive simulation and real medical imaging data from ADNI to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach.

new Pure Exploration for Constrained Best Mixed Arm Identification with a Fixed Budget

Authors: Dengwang Tang, Rahul Jain, Ashutosh Nayyar, Pierluigi Nuzzo

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the constrained best mixed arm identification (CBMAI) problem with a fixed budget. This is a pure exploration problem in a stochastic finite armed bandit model. Each arm is associated with a reward and multiple types of costs from unknown distributions. Unlike the unconstrained best arm identification problem, the optimal solution for the CBMAI problem may be a randomized mixture of multiple arms. The goal thus is to find the best mixed arm that maximizes the expected reward subject to constraints on the expected costs with a given learning budget $N$. We propose a novel, parameter-free algorithm, called the Score Function-based Successive Reject (SFSR) algorithm, that combines the classical successive reject framework with a novel score-function-based rejection criteria based on linear programming theory to identify the optimal support. We provide a theoretical upper bound on the mis-identification (of the the support of the best mixed arm) probability and show that it decays exponentially in the budget $N$ and some constants that characterize the hardness of the problem instance. We also develop an information theoretic lower bound on the error probability that shows that these constants appropriately characterize the problem difficulty. We validate this empirically on a number of average and hard instances.

new ULTRA-MC: A Unified Approach to Learning Mixtures of Markov Chains via Hitting Times

Authors: Fabian Spaeh, Konstantinos Sotiropoulos, Charalampos E. Tsourakakis

Abstract: This study introduces a novel approach for learning mixtures of Markov chains, a critical process applicable to various fields, including healthcare and the analysis of web users. Existing research has identified a clear divide in methodologies for learning mixtures of discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, while the latter presents additional complexities for recovery accuracy and efficiency. We introduce a unifying strategy for learning mixtures of discrete and continuous-time Markov chains, focusing on hitting times, which are well defined for both types. Specifically, we design a reconstruction algorithm that outputs a mixture which accurately reflects the estimated hitting times and demonstrates resilience to noise. We introduce an efficient gradient-descent approach, specifically tailored to manage the computational complexity and non-symmetric characteristics inherent in the calculation of hitting time derivatives. Our approach is also of significant interest when applied to a single Markov chain, thus extending the methodologies previously established by Hoskins et al. and Wittmann et al. We complement our theoretical work with experiments conducted on synthetic and real-world datasets, providing a comprehensive evaluation of our methodology.

new Towards Better Understanding of In-Context Learning Ability from In-Context Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Shang Liu, Zhongze Cai, Guanting Chen, Xiaocheng Li

Abstract: Predicting simple function classes has been widely used as a testbed for developing theory and understanding of the trained Transformer's in-context learning (ICL) ability. In this paper, we revisit the training of Transformers on linear regression tasks, and different from all the existing literature, we consider a bi-objective prediction task of predicting both the conditional expectation $\mathbb{E}[Y|X]$ and the conditional variance Var$(Y|X)$. This additional uncertainty quantification objective provides a handle to (i) better design out-of-distribution experiments to distinguish ICL from in-weight learning (IWL) and (ii) make a better separation between the algorithms with and without using the prior information of the training distribution. Theoretically, we show that the trained Transformer reaches near Bayes-optimum, suggesting the usage of the information of the training distribution. Our method can be extended to other cases. Specifically, with the Transformer's context window $S$, we prove a generalization bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{\min\{S, T\}/(n T)})$ on $n$ tasks with sequences of length $T$, providing sharper analysis compared to previous results of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{1/n})$. Empirically, we illustrate that while the trained Transformer behaves as the Bayes-optimal solution as a natural consequence of supervised training in distribution, it does not necessarily perform a Bayesian inference when facing task shifts, in contrast to the \textit{equivalence} between these two proposed in many existing literature. We also demonstrate the trained Transformer's ICL ability over covariates shift and prompt-length shift and interpret them as a generalization over a meta distribution.

new Quantifying the Gain in Weak-to-Strong Generalization

Authors: Moses Charikar, Chirag Pabbaraju, Kirankumar Shiragur

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models have shown capabilities that are extraordinary and near-superhuman. These models operate with such complexity that reliably evaluating and aligning them proves challenging for humans. This leads to the natural question: can guidance from weak models (like humans) adequately direct the capabilities of strong models? In a recent and somewhat surprising work, Burns et al. (2023) empirically demonstrated that when strong models (like GPT-4) are finetuned using labels generated by weak supervisors (like GPT-2), the strong models outperform their weaker counterparts -- a phenomenon they term weak-to-strong generalization. In this work, we present a theoretical framework for understanding weak-to-strong generalization. Specifically, we show that the improvement in performance achieved by strong models over their weaker counterparts is quantified by the misfit error incurred by the strong model on labels generated by the weaker model. Our theory reveals several curious algorithmic insights. For instance, we can predict the amount by which the strong model will improve over the weak model, and also choose among different weak models to train the strong model, based on its misfit error. We validate our theoretical findings through various empirical assessments.

new Bayesian Optimization of Functions over Node Subsets in Graphs

Authors: Huidong Liang, Xingchen Wan, Xiaowen Dong

Abstract: We address the problem of optimizing over functions defined on node subsets in a graph. The optimization of such functions is often a non-trivial task given their combinatorial, black-box and expensive-to-evaluate nature. Although various algorithms have been introduced in the literature, most are either task-specific or computationally inefficient and only utilize information about the graph structure without considering the characteristics of the function. To address these limitations, we utilize Bayesian Optimization (BO), a sample-efficient black-box solver, and propose a novel framework for combinatorial optimization on graphs. More specifically, we map each $k$-node subset in the original graph to a node in a new combinatorial graph and adopt a local modeling approach to efficiently traverse the latter graph by progressively sampling its subgraphs using a recursive algorithm. Extensive experiments under both synthetic and real-world setups demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed BO framework on various types of graphs and optimization tasks, where its behavior is analyzed in detail with ablation studies.

new A Counterfactual Analysis of the Dishonest Casino

Authors: Martin Haugh, Raghav Singal

Abstract: The dishonest casino is a well-known hidden Markov model (HMM) used in educational settings to introduce HMMs and graphical models. Here, a sequence of die rolls is observed, with the casino switching between a fair and a loaded die. Typically, the goal is to use the observed rolls to infer the pattern of fair and loaded dice, leading to filtering, smoothing, and Viterbi algorithms. This paper, however, explores how much of the winnings is attributable to the casino's cheating, a counterfactual question beyond the scope of HMM primitives. To address this, we introduce a structural causal model (SCM) consistent with the HMM and show that the expected winnings attributable to cheating (EWAC) can be bounded using linear programs (LPs). Through numerical experiments, we compute these bounds and develop intuition using benchmark SCMs based on independence, comonotonic, and counter-monotonic copulas. We show that tighter bounds are obtained with a time-homogeneity condition on the SCM, while looser bounds allow for an almost explicit LP solution. Domain-specific knowledge like pathwise monotonicity or counterfactual stability can be incorporated via linear constraints. Our work contributes to bounding counterfactuals in causal inference and is the first to develop LP bounds in a dynamic HMM setting, benefiting educational contexts where counterfactual inference is taught.

new Scaling Law for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jingzhe Shi, Qinwei Ma, Huan Ma, Lei Li

Abstract: Scaling law that rewards large datasets, complex models and enhanced data granularity has been observed in various fields of deep learning. Yet, studies on time series forecasting have cast doubt on scaling behaviors of deep learning methods for time series forecasting: while more training data improves performance, more capable models do not always outperform less capable models, and longer input horizons may hurt performance for some models. We propose a theory for scaling law for time series forecasting that can explain these seemingly abnormal behaviors. We take into account the impact of dataset size and model complexity, as well as time series data granularity, particularly focusing on the look-back horizon, an aspect that has been unexplored in previous theories. Furthermore, we empirically evaluate various models using a diverse set of time series forecasting datasets, which (1) verifies the validity of scaling law on dataset size and model complexity within the realm of time series forecasting, and (2) validates our theoretical framework, particularly regarding the influence of look back horizon. We hope our findings may inspire new models targeting time series forecasting datasets of limited size, as well as large foundational datasets and models for time series forecasting in future works.\footnote{Codes for our experiments will be made public at: \url{}.


new Exploring the Evolution of Hidden Activations with Live-Update Visualization

Authors: Xianglin Yang, Jin Song Dong

Abstract: Monitoring the training of neural networks is essential for identifying potential data anomalies, enabling timely interventions and conserving significant computational resources. Apart from the commonly used metrics such as losses and validation accuracies, the hidden representation could give more insight into the model progression. To this end, we introduce SentryCam, an automated, real-time visualization tool that reveals the progression of hidden representations during training. Our results show that this visualization offers a more comprehensive view of the learning dynamics compared to basic metrics such as loss and accuracy over various datasets. Furthermore, we show that SentryCam could facilitate detailed analysis such as task transfer and catastrophic forgetting to a continual learning setting. The code is available at


new Better Membership Inference Privacy Measurement through Discrepancy

Authors: Ruihan Wu, Pengrun Huang, Kamalika Chaudhuri

Abstract: Membership Inference Attacks have emerged as a dominant method for empirically measuring privacy leakage from machine learning models. Here, privacy is measured by the {\em{advantage}} or gap between a score or a function computed on the training and the test data. A major barrier to the practical deployment of these attacks is that they do not scale to large well-generalized models -- either the advantage is relatively low, or the attack involves training multiple models which is highly compute-intensive. In this work, inspired by discrepancy theory, we propose a new empirical privacy metric that is an upper bound on the advantage of a family of membership inference attacks. We show that this metric does not involve training multiple models, can be applied to large Imagenet classification models in-the-wild, and has higher advantage than existing metrics on models trained with more recent and sophisticated training recipes. Motivated by our empirical results, we also propose new membership inference attacks tailored to these training losses.

new Intelligent Go-Explore: Standing on the Shoulders of Giant Foundation Models

Authors: Cong Lu, Shengran Hu, Jeff Clune

Abstract: Go-Explore is a powerful family of algorithms designed to solve hard-exploration problems, built on the principle of archiving discovered states, and iteratively returning to and exploring from the most promising states. This approach has led to superhuman performance across a wide variety of challenging problems including Atari games and robotic control, but requires manually designing heuristics to guide exploration, which is time-consuming and infeasible in general. To resolve this, we propose Intelligent Go-Explore (IGE) which greatly extends the scope of the original Go-Explore by replacing these heuristics with the intelligence and internalized human notions of interestingness captured by giant foundation models (FMs). This provides IGE with a human-like ability to instinctively identify how interesting or promising any new state is (e.g. discovering new objects, locations, or behaviors), even in complex environments where heuristics are hard to define. Moreover, IGE offers the exciting and previously impossible opportunity to recognize and capitalize on serendipitous discoveries that cannot be predicted ahead of time. We evaluate IGE on a range of language-based tasks that require search and exploration. In Game of 24, a multistep mathematical reasoning problem, IGE reaches 100% success rate 70.8% faster than the best classic graph search baseline. Next, in BabyAI-Text, a challenging partially observable gridworld, IGE exceeds the previous SOTA with orders of magnitude fewer online samples. Finally, in TextWorld, we show the unique ability of IGE to succeed in settings requiring long-horizon exploration where prior SOTA FM agents like Reflexion completely fail. Overall, IGE combines the tremendous strengths of FMs and the powerful Go-Explore algorithm, opening up a new frontier of research into creating more generally capable agents with impressive exploration capabilities.

new Enhancing Learning with Label Differential Privacy by Vector Approximation

Authors: Puning Zhao, Rongfei Fan, Huiwen Wu, Qingming Li, Jiafei Wu, Zhe Liu

Abstract: Label differential privacy (DP) is a framework that protects the privacy of labels in training datasets, while the feature vectors are public. Existing approaches protect the privacy of labels by flipping them randomly, and then train a model to make the output approximate the privatized label. However, as the number of classes $K$ increases, stronger randomization is needed, thus the performances of these methods become significantly worse. In this paper, we propose a vector approximation approach, which is easy to implement and introduces little additional computational overhead. Instead of flipping each label into a single scalar, our method converts each label into a random vector with $K$ components, whose expectations reflect class conditional probabilities. Intuitively, vector approximation retains more information than scalar labels. A brief theoretical analysis shows that the performance of our method only decays slightly with $K$. Finally, we conduct experiments on both synthesized and real datasets, which validate our theoretical analysis as well as the practical performance of our method.

new Diffusion Actor-Critic with Entropy Regulator

Authors: Yinuo Wang, Likun Wang, Yuxuan Jiang, Wenjun Zou, Tong Liu, Xujie Song, Wenxuan Wang, Liming Xiao, Jiang Wu, Jingliang Duan, Shengbo Eben Li

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven highly effective in addressing complex decision-making and control tasks. However, in most traditional RL algorithms, the policy is typically parameterized as a diagonal Gaussian distribution with learned mean and variance, which constrains their capability to acquire complex policies. In response to this problem, we propose an online RL algorithm termed diffusion actor-critic with entropy regulator (DACER). This algorithm conceptualizes the reverse process of the diffusion model as a novel policy function and leverages the capability of the diffusion model to fit multimodal distributions, thereby enhancing the representational capacity of the policy. Since the distribution of the diffusion policy lacks an analytical expression, its entropy cannot be determined analytically. To mitigate this, we propose a method to estimate the entropy of the diffusion policy utilizing Gaussian mixture model. Building on the estimated entropy, we can learn a parameter $\alpha$ that modulates the degree of exploration and exploitation. Parameter $\alpha$ will be employed to adaptively regulate the variance of the added noise, which is applied to the action output by the diffusion model. Experimental trials on MuJoCo benchmarks and a multimodal task demonstrate that the DACER algorithm achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in most MuJoCo control tasks while exhibiting a stronger representational capacity of the diffusion policy.

new Efficient Reinforcement Learning via Large Language Model-based Search

Authors: Siddhant Bhambri, Amrita Bhattacharjee, Huan Liu, Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) suffers from sample inefficiency in sparse reward domains, and the problem is pronounced if there are stochastic transitions. To improve the sample efficiency, reward shaping is a well-studied approach to introduce intrinsic rewards that can help the RL agent converge to an optimal policy faster. However, designing a useful reward shaping function specific to each problem is challenging, even for domain experts. They would either have to rely on task-specific domain knowledge or provide an expert demonstration independently for each task. Given, that Large Language Models (LLMs) have rapidly gained prominence across a magnitude of natural language tasks, we aim to answer the following question: Can we leverage LLMs to construct a reward shaping function that can boost the sample efficiency of an RL agent? In this work, we aim to leverage off-the-shelf LLMs to generate a guide policy by solving a simpler deterministic abstraction of the original problem that can then be used to construct the reward shaping function for the downstream RL agent. Given the ineffectiveness of directly prompting LLMs, we propose MEDIC: a framework that augments LLMs with a Model-based feEDback critIC, which verifies LLM-generated outputs, to generate a possibly sub-optimal but valid plan for the abstract problem. Our experiments across domains from the BabyAI environment suite show 1) the effectiveness of augmenting LLMs with MEDIC, 2) a significant improvement in the sample complexity of PPO and A2C-based RL agents when guided by our LLM-generated plan, and finally, 3) pave the direction for further explorations of how these models can be used to augment existing RL pipelines.

new Indexed Minimum Empirical Divergence-Based Algorithms for Linear Bandits

Authors: Jie Bian, Vincent Y. F. Tan

Abstract: The Indexed Minimum Empirical Divergence (IMED) algorithm is a highly effective approach that offers a stronger theoretical guarantee of the asymptotic optimality compared to the Kullback--Leibler Upper Confidence Bound (KL-UCB) algorithm for the multi-armed bandit problem. Additionally, it has been observed to empirically outperform UCB-based algorithms and Thompson Sampling. Despite its effectiveness, the generalization of this algorithm to contextual bandits with linear payoffs has remained elusive. In this paper, we present novel linear versions of the IMED algorithm, which we call the family of LinIMED algorithms. We demonstrate that LinIMED provides a $\widetilde{O}(d\sqrt{T})$ upper regret bound where $d$ is the dimension of the context and $T$ is the time horizon. Furthermore, extensive empirical studies reveal that LinIMED and its variants outperform widely-used linear bandit algorithms such as LinUCB and Linear Thompson Sampling in some regimes.

new Denoising LM: Pushing the Limits of Error Correction Models for Speech Recognition

Authors: Zijin Gu, Tatiana Likhomanenko, He Bai, Erik McDermott, Ronan Collobert, Navdeep Jaitly

Abstract: Language models (LMs) have long been used to improve results of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, but they are unaware of the errors that ASR systems make. Error correction models are designed to fix ASR errors, however, they showed little improvement over traditional LMs mainly due to the lack of supervised training data. In this paper, we present Denoising LM (DLM), which is a $\textit{scaled}$ error correction model trained with vast amounts of synthetic data, significantly exceeding prior attempts meanwhile achieving new state-of-the-art ASR performance. We use text-to-speech (TTS) systems to synthesize audio, which is fed into an ASR system to produce noisy hypotheses, which are then paired with the original texts to train the DLM. DLM has several $\textit{key ingredients}$: (i) up-scaled model and data; (ii) usage of multi-speaker TTS systems; (iii) combination of multiple noise augmentation strategies; and (iv) new decoding techniques. With a Transformer-CTC ASR, DLM achieves 1.5% word error rate (WER) on $\textit{test-clean}$ and 3.3% WER on $\textit{test-other}$ on Librispeech, which to our knowledge are the best reported numbers in the setting where no external audio data are used and even match self-supervised methods which use external audio data. Furthermore, a single DLM is applicable to different ASRs, and greatly surpassing the performance of conventional LM based beam-search rescoring. These results indicate that properly investigated error correction models have the potential to replace conventional LMs, holding the key to a new level of accuracy in ASR systems.

new AGS-GNN: Attribute-guided Sampling for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Siddhartha Shankar Das, S M Ferdous, Mahantesh M Halappanavar, Edoardo Serra, Alex Pothen

Abstract: We propose AGS-GNN, a novel attribute-guided sampling algorithm for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) that exploits node features and connectivity structure of a graph while simultaneously adapting for both homophily and heterophily in graphs. (In homophilic graphs vertices of the same class are more likely to be connected, and vertices of different classes tend to be linked in heterophilic graphs.) While GNNs have been successfully applied to homophilic graphs, their application to heterophilic graphs remains challenging. The best-performing GNNs for heterophilic graphs do not fit the sampling paradigm, suffer high computational costs, and are not inductive. We employ samplers based on feature-similarity and feature-diversity to select subsets of neighbors for a node, and adaptively capture information from homophilic and heterophilic neighborhoods using dual channels. Currently, AGS-GNN is the only algorithm that we know of that explicitly controls homophily in the sampled subgraph through similar and diverse neighborhood samples. For diverse neighborhood sampling, we employ submodularity, which was not used in this context prior to our work. The sampling distribution is pre-computed and highly parallel, achieving the desired scalability. Using an extensive dataset consisting of 35 small ($\le$ 100K nodes) and large (>100K nodes) homophilic and heterophilic graphs, we demonstrate the superiority of AGS-GNN compare to the current approaches in the literature. AGS-GNN achieves comparable test accuracy to the best-performing heterophilic GNNs, even outperforming methods using the entire graph for node classification. AGS-GNN also converges faster compared to methods that sample neighborhoods randomly, and can be incorporated into existing GNN models that employ node or graph sampling.

new Learning from True-False Labels via Multi-modal Prompt Retrieving

Authors: Zhongnian Li, Jinghao Xu, Peng Ying, Meng Wei, Tongfeng Sun, Xinzheng Xu

Abstract: Weakly supervised learning has recently achieved considerable success in reducing annotation costs and label noise. Unfortunately, existing weakly supervised learning methods are short of ability in generating reliable labels via pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs). In this paper, we propose a novel weakly supervised labeling setting, namely True-False Labels (TFLs) which can achieve high accuracy when generated by VLMs. The TFL indicates whether an instance belongs to the label, which is randomly and uniformly sampled from the candidate label set. Specifically, we theoretically derive a risk-consistent estimator to explore and utilize the conditional probability distribution information of TFLs. Besides, we propose a convolutional-based Multi-modal Prompt Retrieving (MRP) method to bridge the gap between the knowledge of VLMs and target learning tasks. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed TFL setting and MRP learning method. The code to reproduce the experiments is at


new Cardinality Estimation on Hyper-relational Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Fei Teng, Haoyang Li, Shimin Di, Lei Chen

Abstract: Cardinality Estimation (CE) for query is to estimate the number of results without execution, which is an effective index in query optimization. Recently, CE over has achieved great success in knowledge graphs (KGs) that consist of triple facts. To more precisely represent facts, current researchers propose hyper-relational KGs (HKGs) to represent a triple fact with qualifiers, where qualifiers provide additional context to the fact. However, existing CE methods over KGs achieve unsatisfying performance on HKGs due to the complexity of qualifiers in HKGs. Also, there is only one dataset for HKG query cardinality estimation, i.e., WD50K-QE, which is not comprehensive and only covers limited patterns. The lack of querysets over HKG also becomes a bottleneck to comprehensively investigate CE problems on HKGs. In this work, we first construct diverse and unbiased hyper-relational querysets over three popular HKGs for investigating CE. Besides, we also propose a novel qualifier-attached graph neural network (GNN) model that effectively incorporates qualifier information and adaptively combines outputs from multiple GNN layers, to accurately predict the cardinality. Our experiments illustrate that the proposed hyper-relational query encoder outperforms all state-of-the-art CE methods over three popular HKGs on the diverse and unbiased benchmark.

new Towards Real World Debiasing: A Fine-grained Analysis On Spurious Correlation

Authors: Zhibo Wang, Peng Kuang, Zhixuan Chu, Jingyi Wang, Kui Ren

Abstract: Spurious correlations in training data significantly hinder the generalization capability of machine learning models when faced with distribution shifts in real-world scenarios. To tackle the problem, numerous debias approaches have been proposed and benchmarked on datasets intentionally designed with severe biases. However, it remains to be asked: \textit{1. Do existing benchmarks really capture biases in the real world? 2. Can existing debias methods handle biases in the real world?} To answer the questions, we revisit biased distributions in existing benchmarks and real-world datasets, and propose a fine-grained framework for analyzing dataset bias by disentangling it into the magnitude and prevalence of bias. We observe and theoretically demonstrate that existing benchmarks poorly represent real-world biases. We further introduce two novel biased distributions to bridge this gap, forming a nuanced evaluation framework for real-world debiasing. Building upon these results, we evaluate existing debias methods with our evaluation framework. Results show that existing methods are incapable of handling real-world biases. Through in-depth analysis, we propose a simple yet effective approach that can be easily applied to existing debias methods, named Debias in Destruction (DiD). Empirical results demonstrate the superiority of DiD, improving the performance of existing methods on all types of biases within the proposed evaluation framework.

new Adversarial Attacks on Hidden Tasks in Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Yu Zhe, Rei Nagaike, Daiki Nishiyama, Kazuto Fukuchi, Jun Sakuma

Abstract: Deep learning models are susceptible to adversarial attacks, where slight perturbations to input data lead to misclassification. Adversarial attacks become increasingly effective with access to information about the targeted classifier. In the context of multi-task learning, where a single model learns multiple tasks simultaneously, attackers may aim to exploit vulnerabilities in specific tasks with limited information. This paper investigates the feasibility of attacking hidden tasks within multi-task classifiers, where model access regarding the hidden target task and labeled data for the hidden target task are not available, but model access regarding the non-target tasks is available. We propose a novel adversarial attack method that leverages knowledge from non-target tasks and the shared backbone network of the multi-task model to force the model to forget knowledge related to the target task. Experimental results on CelebA and DeepFashion datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in degrading the accuracy of hidden tasks while preserving the performance of visible tasks, contributing to the understanding of adversarial vulnerabilities in multi-task classifiers.

new Cooperative Backdoor Attack in Decentralized Reinforcement Learning with Theoretical Guarantee

Authors: Mengtong Gao, Yifei Zou, Zuyuan Zhang, Xiuzhen Cheng, Dongxiao Yu

Abstract: The safety of decentralized reinforcement learning (RL) is a challenging problem since malicious agents can share their poisoned policies with benign agents. The paper investigates a cooperative backdoor attack in a decentralized reinforcement learning scenario. Differing from the existing methods that hide a whole backdoor attack behind their shared policies, our method decomposes the backdoor behavior into multiple components according to the state space of RL. Each malicious agent hides one component in its policy and shares its policy with the benign agents. When a benign agent learns all the poisoned policies, the backdoor attack is assembled in its policy. The theoretical proof is given to show that our cooperative method can successfully inject the backdoor into the RL policies of benign agents. Compared with the existing backdoor attacks, our cooperative method is more covert since the policy from each attacker only contains a component of the backdoor attack and is harder to detect. Extensive simulations are conducted based on Atari environments to demonstrate the efficiency and covertness of our method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper presenting a provable cooperative backdoor attack in decentralized reinforcement learning.

new Learning Antenna Pointing Correction in Operations: Efficient Calibration of a Black Box

Authors: Leif Bergerhoff

Abstract: We propose an efficient offline pointing calibration method for operational antenna systems which does not require any downtime. Our approach minimizes the calibration effort and exploits technical signal information which is typically used for monitoring and control purposes in ground station operations. Using a standard antenna interface and data from an operational satellite contact, we come up with a robust strategy for training data set generation. On top of this, we learn the parameters of a suitable coordinate transform by means of linear regression. In our experiments, we show the usefulness of the method in a real-world setup.

new Fast 3D Molecule Generation via Unified Geometric Optimal Transport

Authors: Haokai Hong, Wanyu Lin, Kay Chen Tan

Abstract: This paper proposes a new 3D molecule generation framework, called GOAT, for fast and effective 3D molecule generation based on the flow-matching optimal transport objective. Specifically, we formulate a geometric transport formula for measuring the cost of mapping multi-modal features (e.g., continuous atom coordinates and categorical atom types) between a base distribution and a target data distribution. Our formula is solved within a unified, equivalent, and smooth representation space. This is achieved by transforming the multi-modal features into a continuous latent space with equivalent networks. In addition, we find that identifying optimal distributional coupling is necessary for fast and effective transport between any two distributions. We further propose a flow refinement and purification mechanism for optimal coupling identification. By doing so, GOAT can turn arbitrary distribution couplings into new deterministic couplings, leading to a unified optimal transport path for fast 3D molecule generation. The purification filters the subpar molecules to ensure the ultimate generation performance. We theoretically prove the proposed method indeed reduced the transport cost. Finally, extensive experiments show that GOAT enjoys the efficiency of solving geometric optimal transport, leading to a double speedup compared to the sub-optimal method while achieving the best generation quality regarding validity, uniqueness, and novelty.

new FTMixer: Frequency and Time Domain Representations Fusion for Time Series Modeling

Authors: Zhengnan Li, Yunxiao Qin, Xilong Cheng, Yuting Tan

Abstract: Time series data can be represented in both the time and frequency domains, with the time domain emphasizing local dependencies and the frequency domain highlighting global dependencies. To harness the strengths of both domains in capturing local and global dependencies, we propose the Frequency and Time Domain Mixer (FTMixer). To exploit the global characteristics of the frequency domain, we introduce the Frequency Channel Convolution (FCC) module, designed to capture global inter-series dependencies. Inspired by the windowing concept in frequency domain transformations, we present the Windowing Frequency Convolution (WFC) module to capture local dependencies. The WFC module first applies frequency transformation within each window, followed by convolution across windows. Furthermore, to better capture these local dependencies, we employ channel-independent scheme to mix the time domain and frequency domain patches. Notably, FTMixer employs the Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT) with real numbers instead of the complex-number-based Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT), enabling direct utilization of modern deep learning operators in the frequency domain. Extensive experimental results across seven real-world long-term time series datasets demonstrate the superiority of FTMixer, in terms of both forecasting performance and computational efficiency.

new ParamReL: Learning Parameter Space Representation via Progressively Encoding Bayesian Flow Networks

Authors: Zhangkai Wu, Xuhui Fan, Zhilin Zhao, Jin Li, Hui Chen, Longbing Cao

Abstract: The recently proposed Bayesian Flow Networks~(BFNs) show great potential in modeling parameter spaces, offering a unified strategy for handling continuous, discretized, and discrete data. However, BFNs cannot learn high-level semantic representation from the parameter space since {common encoders, which encode data into one static representation, cannot capture semantic changes in parameters.} This motivates a new direction: learning semantic representations hidden in the parameter spaces to characterize mixed-typed noisy data. {Accordingly, we propose a representation learning framework named ParamReL, which operates in the parameter space to obtain parameter-wise latent semantics that exhibit progressive structures. Specifically, ParamReL proposes a \emph{self-}encoder to learn latent semantics directly from parameters, rather than from observations. The encoder is then integrated into BFNs, enabling representation learning with various formats of observations. Mutual information terms further promote the disentanglement of latent semantics and capture meaningful semantics simultaneously.} We illustrate {conditional generation and reconstruction} in ParamReL via expanding BFNs, and extensive {quantitative} experimental results demonstrate the {superior effectiveness} of ParamReL in learning parameter representation.

new Towards a General Time Series Anomaly Detector with Adaptive Bottlenecks and Dual Adversarial Decoders

Authors: Qichao Shentu, Beibu Li, Kai Zhao, Yang shu, Zhongwen Rao, Lujia Pan, Bin Yang, Chenjuan Guo

Abstract: Time series anomaly detection plays a vital role in a wide range of applications. Existing methods require training one specific model for each dataset, which exhibits limited generalization capability across different target datasets, hindering anomaly detection performance in various scenarios with scarce training data. Aiming at this problem, we propose constructing a general time series anomaly detection model, which is pre-trained on extensive multi-domain datasets and can subsequently apply to a multitude of downstream scenarios. The significant divergence of time series data across different domains presents two primary challenges in building such a general model: (1) meeting the diverse requirements of appropriate information bottlenecks tailored to different datasets in one unified model, and (2) enabling distinguishment between multiple normal and abnormal patterns, both are crucial for effective anomaly detection in various target scenarios. To tackle these two challenges, we propose a General time series anomaly Detector with Adaptive Bottlenecks and Dual Adversarial Decoders (DADA), which enables flexible selection of bottlenecks based on different data and explicitly enhances clear differentiation between normal and abnormal series. We conduct extensive experiments on nine target datasets from different domains. After pre-training on multi-domain data, DADA, serving as a zero-shot anomaly detector for these datasets, still achieves competitive or even superior results compared to those models tailored to each specific dataset.

new Prompt Tuning Strikes Back: Customizing Foundation Models with Low-Rank Prompt Adaptation

Authors: Abhinav Jain, Swarat Chaudhuri, Thomas Reps, Chris Jermaine

Abstract: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) has become the standard for customising Foundation Models (FMs) to user-specific downstream tasks. However, typical PEFT methods require storing multiple task-specific adapters, creating scalability issues as these adapters must be housed and run at the FM server. Traditional prompt tuning offers a potential solution by customising them through task-specific input prefixes, but it under-performs compared to other PEFT methods like LoRA. To address this gap, we propose Low-Rank Prompt Adaptation (LOPA), a prompt-tuning-based approach that performs on par with state-of-the-art PEFT methods and full fine-tuning while being more parameter-efficient and not requiring a server-based adapter. LOPA generates soft prompts by balancing between sharing task-specific information across instances and customization for each instance. It uses a low-rank decomposition of the soft-prompt component encoded for each instance to achieve parameter efficiency. We provide a comprehensive evaluation on multiple natural language understanding and code generation and understanding tasks across a wide range of foundation models with varying sizes.

new Minimizing UCB: a Better Local Search Strategy in Local Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Zheyi Fan, Wenyu Wang, Szu Hui Ng, Qingpei Hu

Abstract: Local Bayesian optimization is a promising practical approach to solve the high dimensional black-box function optimization problem. Among them is the approximated gradient class of methods, which implements a strategy similar to gradient descent. These methods have achieved good experimental results and theoretical guarantees. However, given the distributional properties of the Gaussian processes applied on these methods, there may be potential to further exploit the information of the Gaussian processes to facilitate the BO search. In this work, we develop the relationship between the steps of the gradient descent method and one that minimizes the Upper Confidence Bound (UCB), and show that the latter can be a better strategy than direct gradient descent when a Gaussian process is applied as a surrogate. Through this insight, we propose a new local Bayesian optimization algorithm, MinUCB, which replaces the gradient descent step with minimizing UCB in GIBO. We further show that MinUCB maintains a similar convergence rate with GIBO. We then improve the acquisition function of MinUCB further through a look ahead strategy, and obtain a more efficient algorithm LA-MinUCB. We apply our algorithms on different synthetic and real-world functions, and the results show the effectiveness of our method. Our algorithms also illustrate improvements on local search strategies from an upper bound perspective in Bayesian optimization, and provides a new direction for future algorithm design.

new Towards a Probabilistic Fusion Approach for Robust Battery Prognostics

Authors: Jokin Alcibar, Jose I. Aizpurua, Ekhi Zugasti

Abstract: Batteries are a key enabling technology for the decarbonization of transport and energy sectors. The safe and reliable operation of batteries is crucial for battery-powered systems. In this direction, the development of accurate and robust battery state-of-health prognostics models can unlock the potential of autonomous systems for complex, remote and reliable operations. The combination of Neural Networks, Bayesian modelling concepts and ensemble learning strategies, form a valuable prognostics framework to combine uncertainty in a robust and accurate manner. Accordingly, this paper introduces a Bayesian ensemble learning approach to predict the capacity depletion of lithium-ion batteries. The approach accurately predicts the capacity fade and quantifies the uncertainty associated with battery design and degradation processes. The proposed Bayesian ensemble methodology employs a stacking technique, integrating multiple Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) as base learners, which have been trained on data diversity. The proposed method has been validated using a battery aging dataset collected by the NASA Ames Prognostics Center of Excellence. Obtained results demonstrate the improved accuracy and robustness of the proposed probabilistic fusion approach with respect to (i) a single BNN model and (ii) a classical stacking strategy based on different BNNs.

new Rankability-enhanced Revenue Uplift Modeling Framework for Online Marketing

Authors: Bowei He, Yunpeng Weng, Xing Tang, Ziqiang Cui, Zexu Sun, Liang Chen, Xiuqiang He, Chen Ma

Abstract: Uplift modeling has been widely employed in online marketing by predicting the response difference between the treatment and control groups, so as to identify the sensitive individuals toward interventions like coupons or discounts. Compared with traditional \textit{conversion uplift modeling}, \textit{revenue uplift modeling} exhibits higher potential due to its direct connection with the corporate income. However, previous works can hardly handle the continuous long-tail response distribution in revenue uplift modeling. Moreover, they have neglected to optimize the uplift ranking among different individuals, which is actually the core of uplift modeling. To address such issues, in this paper, we first utilize the zero-inflated lognormal (ZILN) loss to regress the responses and customize the corresponding modeling network, which can be adapted to different existing uplift models. Then, we study the ranking-related uplift modeling error from the theoretical perspective and propose two tighter error bounds as the additional loss terms to the conventional response regression loss. Finally, we directly model the uplift ranking error for the entire population with a listwise uplift ranking loss. The experiment results on offline public and industrial datasets validate the effectiveness of our method for revenue uplift modeling. Furthermore, we conduct large-scale experiments on a prominent online fintech marketing platform, Tencent FiT, which further demonstrates the superiority of our method in practical applications.

new Trajectory-Based Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization for Model Retraining

Authors: Wenyu Wang, Zheyi Fan, Szu Hui Ng

Abstract: Training machine learning models inherently involves a resource-intensive and noisy iterative learning procedure that allows epoch-wise monitoring of the model performance. However, in multi-objective hyperparameter optimization scenarios, the insights gained from the iterative learning procedure typically remain underutilized. We notice that tracking the model performance across multiple epochs under a hyperparameter setting creates a trajectory in the objective space and that trade-offs along the trajectories are often overlooked despite their potential to offer valuable insights to decision-making for model retraining. Therefore, in this study, we propose to enhance the multi-objective hyperparameter optimization problem by having training epochs as an additional decision variable to incorporate trajectory information. Correspondingly, we present a novel trajectory-based multi-objective Bayesian optimization algorithm characterized by two features: 1) an acquisition function that captures the improvement made by the predictive trajectory of any hyperparameter setting and 2) a multi-objective early stopping mechanism that determines when to terminate the trajectory to maximize epoch efficiency. Numerical experiments on diverse synthetic simulations and hyperparameter tuning benchmarks indicate that our algorithm outperforms the state-of-the-art multi-objective optimizers in both locating better trade-offs and tuning efficiency.

new Unlearning Concepts in Diffusion Model via Concept Domain Correction and Concept Preserving Gradient

Authors: Yongliang Wu, Shiji Zhou, Mingzhuo Yang, Lianzhe Wang, Wenbo Zhu, Heng Chang, Xiao Zhou, Xu Yang

Abstract: Current text-to-image diffusion models have achieved groundbreaking results in image generation tasks. However, the unavoidable inclusion of sensitive information during pre-training introduces significant risks such as copyright infringement and privacy violations in the generated images. Machine Unlearning (MU) provides a effective way to the sensitive concepts captured by the model, has been shown to be a promising approach to addressing these issues. Nonetheless, existing MU methods for concept erasure encounter two primary bottlenecks: 1) generalization issues, where concept erasure is effective only for the data within the unlearn set, and prompts outside the unlearn set often still result in the generation of sensitive concepts; and 2) utility drop, where erasing target concepts significantly degrades the model's performance. To this end, this paper first proposes a concept domain correction framework for unlearning concepts in diffusion models. By aligning the output domains of sensitive concepts and anchor concepts through adversarial training, we enhance the generalizability of the unlearning results. Secondly, we devise a concept-preserving scheme based on gradient surgery. This approach alleviates the parts of the unlearning gradient that contradict the relearning gradient, ensuring that the process of unlearning minimally disrupts the model's performance. Finally, extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of our model, demonstrating our method's capability to address the challenges of concept unlearning in diffusion models while preserving model utility.

new Spectraformer: A Unified Random Feature Framework for Transformer

Authors: Duke Nguyen, Aditya Joshi, Flora Salim

Abstract: Linearization of attention using various kernel approximation and kernel learning techniques has shown promise. Past methods use a subset of combinations of component functions and weight matrices within the random features paradigm. We identify the need for a systematic comparison of different combinations of weight matrix and component functions for attention learning in Transformer. In this work, we introduce Spectraformer, a unified framework for approximating and learning the kernel function in linearized attention of the Transformer. We experiment with broad classes of component functions and weight matrices for three textual tasks in the LRA benchmark. Our experimentation with multiple combinations of component functions and weight matrices leads us to a novel combination with 23.4% faster training time and 25.2% lower memory consumption over the previous SOTA random feature Transformer, while maintaining the performance, as compared to the Original Transformer. Our code is available at: .


new Resource-Efficient Heartbeat Classification Using Multi-Feature Fusion and Bidirectional LSTM

Authors: Reza Nikandish, Jiayu He, Benyamin Haghi

Abstract: In this article, we present a resource-efficient approach for electrocardiogram (ECG) based heartbeat classification using multi-feature fusion and bidirectional long short-term memory (Bi-LSTM). The dataset comprises five original classes from the MIT-BIH Arrhythmia Database: Normal (N), Left Bundle Branch Block (LBBB), Right Bundle Branch Block (RBBB), Premature Ventricular Contraction (PVC), and Paced Beat (PB). Preprocessing methods including the discrete wavelet transform and dual moving average windows are used to reduce noise and artifacts in the raw ECG signal, and extract the main points (PQRST) of the ECG waveform. Multi-feature fusion is achieved by utilizing time intervals and the proposed under-the-curve areas, which are inherently robust against noise, as input features. Simulations demonstrated that incorporating under-the-curve area features improved the classification accuracy for the challenging RBBB and LBBB classes from 31.4\% to 84.3\% for RBBB, and from 69.6\% to 87.0\% for LBBB. Using a Bi-LSTM network, rather than a conventional LSTM network, resulted in higher accuracy (33.8\% vs 21.8\%) with a 28\% reduction in required network parameters for the RBBB class. Multiple neural network models with varying parameter sizes, including tiny (84k), small (150k), medium (478k), and large (1.25M) models, are developed to achieve high accuracy \textit{across all classes}, a more crucial and challenging goal than overall classification accuracy.

new Output-Constrained Decision Trees

Authors: \c{S}. \.Ilker Birbil, Do\u{g}anay \"Ozese, Mustafa Baydo\u{g}an

Abstract: When there is a correlation between any pair of targets, one needs a prediction method that can handle vector-valued output. In this setting, multi-target learning is particularly important as it is widely used in various applications. This paper introduces new variants of decision trees that can handle not only multi-target output but also the constraints among the targets. We focus on the customization of conventional decision trees by adjusting the splitting criteria to handle the constraints and obtain feasible predictions. We present both an optimization-based exact approach and several heuristics, complete with a discussion on their respective advantages and disadvantages. To support our findings, we conduct a computational study to demonstrate and compare the results of the proposed approaches.

new Decaf: Data Distribution Decompose Attack against Federated Learning

Authors: Zhiyang Dai, Chunyi Zhou, Anmin Fu

Abstract: In contrast to prevalent Federated Learning (FL) privacy inference techniques such as generative adversarial networks attacks, membership inference attacks, property inference attacks, and model inversion attacks, we devise an innovative privacy threat: the Data Distribution Decompose Attack on FL, termed Decaf. This attack enables an honest-but-curious FL server to meticulously profile the proportion of each class owned by the victim FL user, divulging sensitive information like local market item distribution and business competitiveness. The crux of Decaf lies in the profound observation that the magnitude of local model gradient changes closely mirrors the underlying data distribution, including the proportion of each class. Decaf addresses two crucial challenges: accurately identify the missing/null class(es) given by any victim user as a premise and then quantify the precise relationship between gradient changes and each remaining non-null class. Notably, Decaf operates stealthily, rendering it entirely passive and undetectable to victim users regarding the infringement of their data distribution privacy. Experimental validation on five benchmark datasets (MNIST, FASHION-MNIST, CIFAR-10, FER-2013, and SkinCancer) employing diverse model architectures, including customized convolutional networks, standardized VGG16, and ResNet18, demonstrates Decaf's efficacy. Results indicate its ability to accurately decompose local user data distribution, regardless of whether it is IID or non-IID distributed. Specifically, the dissimilarity measured using $L_{\infty}$ distance between the distribution decomposed by Decaf and ground truth is consistently below 5\% when no null classes exist. Moreover, Decaf achieves 100\% accuracy in determining any victim user's null classes, validated through formal proof.

new NuwaTS: Mending Every Incomplete Time Series

Authors: Jinguo Cheng, Chunwei Yang, Wanlin Cai, Yuxuan Liang, Yuankai Wu

Abstract: Time series imputation plays a crucial role in various real-world systems and has been extensively explored. Models for time series imputation often require specialization, necessitating distinct designs for different domains and missing patterns. In this study, we introduce NuwaTS, a framework to repurpose Pre-trained Language Model (PLM) for general time series imputation. Once trained, this model can be applied to imputation tasks on incomplete time series from any domain with any missing patterns. We begin by devising specific embeddings for each sub-series patch of the incomplete time series. These embeddings encapsulate information about the patch itself, the missing data patterns within the patch, and the patch's statistical characteristics. To enhance the model's adaptability to different missing patterns, we propose a contrastive learning approach to make representations of the same patch more similar across different missing patterns. By combining this contrastive loss with the missing data imputation task, we train PLMs to obtain a one-for-all imputation model. Furthermore, we utilize a plug-and-play layer-wise fine-tuning approach to train domain-specific models. Experimental results demonstrate that leveraging a dataset of over seventeen million time series from diverse domains, we obtain a one-for-all imputation model which outperforms existing domain-specific models across various datasets and missing patterns. Additionally, we find that NuwaTS can be generalized to other time series tasks such as forecasting. Our codes are available at


new On the Identification of Temporally Causal Representation with Instantaneous Dependence

Authors: Zijian Li, Yifan Shen, Kaitao Zheng, Ruichu Cai, Xiangchen Song, Mingming Gong, Zhifeng Hao, Zhengmao Zhu, Guangyi Chen, Kun Zhang

Abstract: Temporally causal representation learning aims to identify the latent causal process from time series observations, but most methods require the assumption that the latent causal processes do not have instantaneous relations. Although some recent methods achieve identifiability in the instantaneous causality case, they require either interventions on the latent variables or grouping of the observations, which are in general difficult to obtain in real-world scenarios. To fill this gap, we propose an \textbf{ID}entification framework for instantane\textbf{O}us \textbf{L}atent dynamics (\textbf{IDOL}) by imposing a sparse influence constraint that the latent causal processes have sparse time-delayed and instantaneous relations. Specifically, we establish identifiability results of the latent causal process based on sufficient variability and the sparse influence constraint by employing contextual information of time series data. Based on these theories, we incorporate a temporally variational inference architecture to estimate the latent variables and a gradient-based sparsity regularization to identify the latent causal process. Experimental results on simulation datasets illustrate that our method can identify the latent causal process. Furthermore, evaluations on multiple human motion forecasting benchmarks with instantaneous dependencies indicate the effectiveness of our method in real-world settings.

new Multi-Modal Recommendation Unlearning

Authors: Yash Sinha, Murari Mandal, Mohan Kankanhalli

Abstract: Unlearning methods for recommender systems (RS) have emerged to address privacy issues and concerns about legal compliance. However, evolving user preferences and content licensing issues still remain unaddressed. This is particularly true in case of multi-modal recommender systems (MMRS), which aim to accommodate the growing influence of multi-modal information on user preferences. Previous unlearning methods for RS are inapplicable to MMRS due to incompatibility of multi-modal user-item behavior data graph with the matrix based representation of RS. Partitioning based methods degrade recommendation performance and incur significant overhead costs during aggregation. This paper introduces MMRecUN, a new framework for multi-modal recommendation unlearning, which, to the best of our knowledge, is the first attempt in this direction. Given the trained recommendation model and marked forget data, we devise Reverse Bayesian Personalized Ranking (BPR) objective to force the model to forget it. MMRecUN employs both reverse and forward BPR loss mechanisms to selectively attenuate the impact of interactions within the forget set while concurrently reinforcing the significance of interactions within the retain set. Our experiments demonstrate that MMRecUN outperforms baseline methods across various unlearning requests when evaluated on benchmark multi-modal recommender datasets. MMRecUN achieves recall performance improvements of up to $\mathbf{49.85%}$ compared to the baseline methods. It is up to $\mathbf{1.3}\times$ faster than the \textsc{Gold} model, which is trained on retain data from scratch. MMRecUN offers advantages such as superior performance in removing target elements, preservation of performance for retained elements, and zero overhead costs in comparison to previous methods.

new Cross-Validated Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Matej Cief, Michal Kompan, Branislav Kveton

Abstract: In this paper, we study the problem of estimator selection and hyper-parameter tuning in off-policy evaluation. Although cross-validation is the most popular method for model selection in supervised learning, off-policy evaluation relies mostly on theory-based approaches, which provide only limited guidance to practitioners. We show how to use cross-validation for off-policy evaluation. This challenges a popular belief that cross-validation in off-policy evaluation is not feasible. We evaluate our method empirically and show that it addresses a variety of use cases.

new Pipeline Parallelism with Controllable Memory

Authors: Penghui Qi, Xinyi Wan, Nyamdavaa Amar, Min Lin

Abstract: Pipeline parallelism has been widely explored, but most existing schedules lack a systematic methodology. In this paper, we propose a framework to decompose pipeline schedules as repeating a building block and we show that the lifespan of the building block decides the peak activation memory of the pipeline schedule. Guided by the observations, we find that almost all existing pipeline schedules, to the best of our knowledge, are memory inefficient. To address this, we introduce a family of memory efficient building blocks with controllable activation memory, which can reduce the peak activation memory to 1/2 of 1F1B without sacrificing efficiency, and even to 1/3 with comparable throughput. We can also achieve almost zero pipeline bubbles while maintaining the same activation memory as 1F1B. Our evaluations demonstrate that in pure pipeline parallelism settings, our methods outperform 1F1B by from 7% to 55% in terms of throughput. When employing a grid search over hybrid parallelism hyperparameters in practical scenarios, our proposed methods demonstrate a 16% throughput improvement over the 1F1B baseline for large language models.

new Cross-Domain Policy Adaptation by Capturing Representation Mismatch

Authors: Jiafei Lyu, Chenjia Bai, Jingwen Yang, Zongqing Lu, Xiu Li

Abstract: It is vital to learn effective policies that can be transferred to different domains with dynamics discrepancies in reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we consider dynamics adaptation settings where there exists dynamics mismatch between the source domain and the target domain, and one can get access to sufficient source domain data, while can only have limited interactions with the target domain. Existing methods address this problem by learning domain classifiers, performing data filtering from a value discrepancy perspective, etc. Instead, we tackle this challenge from a decoupled representation learning perspective. We perform representation learning only in the target domain and measure the representation deviations on the transitions from the source domain, which we show can be a signal of dynamics mismatch. We also show that representation deviation upper bounds performance difference of a given policy in the source domain and target domain, which motivates us to adopt representation deviation as a reward penalty. The produced representations are not involved in either policy or value function, but only serve as a reward penalizer. We conduct extensive experiments on environments with kinematic and morphology mismatch, and the results show that our method exhibits strong performance on many tasks. Our code is publicly available at


new Fast, accurate training and sampling of Restricted Boltzmann Machines

Authors: Nicolas B\'ereux, Aur\'elien Decelle, Cyril Furtlehner, Lorenzo Rosset, Beatriz Seoane

Abstract: Thanks to their simple architecture, Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) are powerful tools for modeling complex systems and extracting interpretable insights from data. However, training RBMs, as other energy-based models, on highly structured data poses a major challenge, as effective training relies on mixing the Markov chain Monte Carlo simulations used to estimate the gradient. This process is often hindered by multiple second-order phase transitions and the associated critical slowdown. In this paper, we present an innovative method in which the principal directions of the dataset are integrated into a low-rank RBM through a convex optimization procedure. This approach enables efficient sampling of the equilibrium measure via a static Monte Carlo process. By starting the standard training process with a model that already accurately represents the main modes of the data, we bypass the initial phase transitions. Our results show that this strategy successfully trains RBMs to capture the full diversity of data in datasets where previous methods fail. Furthermore, we use the training trajectories to propose a new sampling method, {\em parallel trajectory tempering}, which allows us to sample the equilibrium measure of the trained model much faster than previous optimized MCMC approaches and a better estimation of the log-likelihood. We illustrate the success of the training method on several highly structured datasets.

new Efficient Recurrent Off-Policy RL Requires a Context-Encoder-Specific Learning Rate

Authors: Fan-Ming Luo, Zuolin Tu, Zefang Huang, Yang Yu

Abstract: Real-world decision-making tasks are usually partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs), where the state is not fully observable. Recent progress has demonstrated that recurrent reinforcement learning (RL), which consists of a context encoder based on recurrent neural networks (RNNs) for unobservable state prediction and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) policy for decision making, can mitigate partial observability and serve as a robust baseline for POMDP tasks. However, previous recurrent RL methods face training stability issues due to the gradient instability of RNNs. In this paper, we propose Recurrent Off-policy RL with Context-Encoder-Specific Learning Rate (RESeL) to tackle this issue. Specifically, RESeL uses a lower learning rate for context encoder than other MLP layers to ensure the stability of the former while maintaining the training efficiency of the latter. We integrate this technique into existing off-policy RL methods, resulting in the RESeL algorithm. We evaluated RESeL in 18 POMDP tasks, including classic, meta-RL, and credit assignment scenarios, as well as five MDP locomotion tasks. The experiments demonstrate significant improvements in training stability with RESeL. Comparative results show that RESeL achieves notable performance improvements over previous recurrent RL baselines in POMDP tasks, and is competitive with or even surpasses state-of-the-art methods in MDP tasks. Further ablation studies highlight the necessity of applying a distinct learning rate for the context encoder.

new Tensor Frames -- How To Make Any Message Passing Network Equivariant

Authors: Peter Lippmann, Gerrit Gerhartz, Roman Remme, Fred A. Hamprecht

Abstract: In many applications of geometric deep learning, the choice of global coordinate frame is arbitrary, and predictions should be independent of the reference frame. In other words, the network should be equivariant with respect to rotations and reflections of the input, i.e., the transformations of O(d). We present a novel framework for building equivariant message passing architectures and modifying existing non-equivariant architectures to be equivariant. Our approach is based on local coordinate frames, between which geometric information is communicated consistently by including tensorial objects in the messages. Our framework can be applied to message passing on geometric data in arbitrary dimensional Euclidean space. While many other approaches for equivariant message passing require specialized building blocks, such as non-standard normalization layers or non-linearities, our approach can be adapted straightforwardly to any existing architecture without such modifications. We explicitly demonstrate the benefit of O(3)-equivariance for a popular point cloud architecture and produce state-of-the-art results on normal vector regression on point clouds.

new Fine-Grained Dynamic Framework for Bias-Variance Joint Optimization on Data Missing Not at Random

Authors: Mingming Ha, Xuewen Tao, Wenfang Lin, Qionxu Ma, Wujiang Xu, Linxun Chen

Abstract: In most practical applications such as recommendation systems, display advertising, and so forth, the collected data often contains missing values and those missing values are generally missing-not-at-random, which deteriorates the prediction performance of models. Some existing estimators and regularizers attempt to achieve unbiased estimation to improve the predictive performance. However, variances and generalization bound of these methods are generally unbounded when the propensity scores tend to zero, compromising their stability and robustness. In this paper, we first theoretically reveal that limitations of regularization techniques. Besides, we further illustrate that, for more general estimators, unbiasedness will inevitably lead to unbounded variance. These general laws inspire us that the estimator designs is not merely about eliminating bias, reducing variance, or simply achieve a bias-variance trade-off. Instead, it involves a quantitative joint optimization of bias and variance. Then, we develop a systematic fine-grained dynamic learning framework to jointly optimize bias and variance, which adaptively selects an appropriate estimator for each user-item pair according to the predefined objective function. With this operation, the generalization bounds and variances of models are reduced and bounded with theoretical guarantees. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the theoretical results and the effectiveness of the proposed dynamic learning framework.

new Towards Client Driven Federated Learning

Authors: Songze Li, Chenqing Zhu

Abstract: Conventional federated learning (FL) frameworks follow a server-driven model where the server determines session initiation and client participation, which faces challenges in accommodating clients' asynchronous needs for model updates. We introduce Client-Driven Federated Learning (CDFL), a novel FL framework that puts clients at the driving role. In CDFL, each client independently and asynchronously updates its model by uploading the locally trained model to the server and receiving a customized model tailored to its local task. The server maintains a repository of cluster models, iteratively refining them using received client models. Our framework accommodates complex dynamics in clients' data distributions, characterized by time-varying mixtures of cluster distributions, enabling rapid adaptation to new tasks with superior performance. In contrast to traditional clustered FL protocols that send multiple cluster models to a client to perform distribution estimation, we propose a paradigm that offloads the estimation task to the server and only sends a single model to a client, and novel strategies to improve estimation accuracy. We provide a theoretical analysis of CDFL's convergence. Extensive experiments across various datasets and system settings highlight CDFL's substantial advantages in model performance and computation efficiency over baselines.

new Model-free reinforcement learning with noisy actions for automated experimental control in optics

Authors: Lea Richtmann, Viktoria-S. Schmiesing, Dennis Wilken, Jan Heine, Aaron Tranter, Avishek Anand, Tobias J. Osborne, Mich\`ele Heurs

Abstract: Experimental control involves a lot of manual effort with non-trivial decisions for precise adjustments. Here, we study the automatic experimental alignment for coupling laser light into an optical fiber using reinforcement learning (RL). We face several real-world challenges, such as time-consuming training, partial observability, and noisy actions due to imprecision in the mirror steering motors. We show that we can overcome these challenges: To save time, we use a virtual testbed to tune our environment for dealing with partial observability and use relatively sample-efficient model-free RL algorithms like Soft Actor-Critic (SAC) or Truncated Quantile Critics (TQC). Furthermore, by fully training on the experiment, the agent learns directly to handle the noise present. In our extensive experimentation, we show that we are able to achieve 90% coupling, showcasing the effectiveness of our proposed approaches. We reach this efficiency, which is comparable to that of a human expert, without additional feedback loops despite the motors' inaccuracies. Our result is an example of the readiness of RL for real-world tasks. We consider RL a promising tool for reducing the workload in labs.

new Lost in the Averages: A New Specific Setup to Evaluate Membership Inference Attacks Against Machine Learning Models

Authors: Florent Gu\'epin (Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom), Nata\v{s}a Kr\v{c}o (Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom), Matthieu Meeus (Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom), Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye (Department of Computing, Imperial College London, United Kingdom)

Abstract: Membership Inference Attacks (MIAs) are widely used to evaluate the propensity of a machine learning (ML) model to memorize an individual record and the privacy risk releasing the model poses. MIAs are commonly evaluated similarly to ML models: the MIA is performed on a test set of models trained on datasets unseen during training, which are sampled from a larger pool, $D_{eval}$. The MIA is evaluated across all datasets in this test set, and is thus evaluated across the distribution of samples from $D_{eval}$. While this was a natural extension of ML evaluation to MIAs, recent work has shown that a record's risk heavily depends on its specific dataset. For example, outliers are particularly vulnerable, yet an outlier in one dataset may not be one in another. The sources of randomness currently used to evaluate MIAs may thus lead to inaccurate individual privacy risk estimates. We propose a new, specific evaluation setup for MIAs against ML models, using weight initialization as the sole source of randomness. This allows us to accurately evaluate the risk associated with the release of a model trained on a specific dataset. Using SOTA MIAs, we empirically show that the risk estimates given by the current setup lead to many records being misclassified as low risk. We derive theoretical results which, combined with empirical evidence, suggest that the risk calculated in the current setup is an average of the risks specific to each sampled dataset, validating our use of weight initialization as the only source of randomness. Finally, we consider an MIA with a stronger adversary leveraging information about the target dataset to infer membership. Taken together, our results show that current MIA evaluation is averaging the risk across datasets leading to inaccurate risk estimates, and the risk posed by attacks leveraging information about the target dataset to be potentially underestimated.

new Smoothed Online Classification can be Harder than Batch Classification

Authors: Vinod Raman, Unique Subedi, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: We study online classification under smoothed adversaries. In this setting, at each time point, the adversary draws an example from a distribution that has a bounded density with respect to a fixed base measure, which is known apriori to the learner. For binary classification and scalar-valued regression, previous works \citep{haghtalab2020smoothed, block2022smoothed} have shown that smoothed online learning is as easy as learning in the iid batch setting under PAC model. However, we show that smoothed online classification can be harder than the iid batch classification when the label space is unbounded. In particular, we construct a hypothesis class that is learnable in the iid batch setting under the PAC model but is not learnable under the smoothed online model. Finally, we identify a condition that ensures that the PAC learnability of a hypothesis class is sufficient for its smoothed online learnability.

new E(n) Equivariant Topological Neural Networks

Authors: Claudio Battiloro, Ege Karaismailo\u{g}lu, Mauricio Tec, George Dasoulas, Michelle Audirac, Francesca Dominici

Abstract: Graph neural networks excel at modeling pairwise interactions, but they cannot flexibly accommodate higher-order interactions and features. Topological deep learning (TDL) has emerged recently as a promising tool for addressing this issue. TDL enables the principled modeling of arbitrary multi-way, hierarchical higher-order interactions by operating on combinatorial topological spaces, such as simplicial or cell complexes, instead of graphs. However, little is known about how to leverage geometric features such as positions and velocities for TDL. This paper introduces E(n)-Equivariant Topological Neural Networks (ETNNs), which are E(n)-equivariant message-passing networks operating on combinatorial complexes, formal objects unifying graphs, hypergraphs, simplicial, path, and cell complexes. ETNNs incorporate geometric node features while respecting rotation and translation equivariance. Moreover, ETNNs are natively ready for settings with heterogeneous interactions. We provide a theoretical analysis to show the improved expressiveness of ETNNs over architectures for geometric graphs. We also show how several E(n) equivariant variants of TDL models can be directly derived from our framework. The broad applicability of ETNNs is demonstrated through two tasks of vastly different nature: i) molecular property prediction on the QM9 benchmark and ii) land-use regression for hyper-local estimation of air pollution with multi-resolution irregular geospatial data. The experiment results indicate that ETNNs are an effective tool for learning from diverse types of richly structured data, highlighting the benefits of principled geometric inductive bias.

new Counterexample-Guided Repair of Reinforcement Learning Systems Using Safety Critics

Authors: David Boetius, Stefan Leue

Abstract: Naively trained Deep Reinforcement Learning agents may fail to satisfy vital safety constraints. To avoid costly retraining, we may desire to repair a previously trained reinforcement learning agent to obviate unsafe behaviour. We devise a counterexample-guided repair algorithm for repairing reinforcement learning systems leveraging safety critics. The algorithm jointly repairs a reinforcement learning agent and a safety critic using gradient-based constrained optimisation.

new Fairness-Accuracy Trade-Offs: A Causal Perspective

Authors: Drago Plecko, Elias Bareinboim

Abstract: Systems based on machine learning may exhibit discriminatory behavior based on sensitive characteristics such as gender, sex, religion, or race. In light of this, various notions of fairness and methods to quantify discrimination were proposed, leading to the development of numerous approaches for constructing fair predictors. At the same time, imposing fairness constraints may decrease the utility of the decision-maker, highlighting a tension between fairness and utility. This tension is also recognized in legal frameworks, for instance in the disparate impact doctrine of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 -- in which specific attention is given to considerations of business necessity -- possibly allowing the usage of proxy variables associated with the sensitive attribute in case a high-enough utility cannot be achieved without them. In this work, we analyze the tension between fairness and accuracy from a causal lens for the first time. We introduce the notion of a path-specific excess loss (PSEL) that captures how much the predictor's loss increases when a causal fairness constraint is enforced. We then show that the total excess loss (TEL), defined as the difference between the loss of predictor fair along all causal pathways vs. an unconstrained predictor, can be decomposed into a sum of more local PSELs. At the same time, enforcing a causal constraint often reduces the disparity between demographic groups. Thus, we introduce a quantity that summarizes the fairness-utility trade-off, called the causal fairness/utility ratio, defined as the ratio of the reduction in discrimination vs. the excess loss from constraining a causal pathway. This quantity is suitable for comparing the fairness-utility trade-off across causal pathways. Finally, as our approach requires causally-constrained fair predictors, we introduce a new neural approach for causally-constrained fair learning.

new HyperInterval: Hypernetwork approach to training weight interval regions in continual learning

Authors: Patryk Krukowski, Anna Bielawska, Kamil Ksi\k{a}\.zek, Pawe{\l} Wawrzy\'nski, Pawe{\l} Batorski, Przemys{\l}aw Spurek

Abstract: Recently, a new Continual Learning (CL) paradigm was presented to control catastrophic forgetting, called Interval Continual Learning (InterContiNet), which relies on enforcing interval constraints on the neural network parameter space. Unfortunately, InterContiNet training is challenging due to the high dimensionality of the weight space, making intervals difficult to manage. To address this issue, we introduce HyperInterval, a technique that employs interval arithmetic within the embedding space and utilizes a hypernetwork to map these intervals to the target network parameter space. We train interval embeddings for consecutive tasks and train a hypernetwork to transform these embeddings into weights of the target network. An embedding for a given task is trained along with the hypernetwork, preserving the response of the target network for the previous task embeddings. Interval arithmetic works with a more manageable, lower-dimensional embedding space rather than directly preparing intervals in a high-dimensional weight space. Our model allows faster and more efficient training. Furthermore, HyperInterval maintains the guarantee of not forgetting. At the end of training, we can choose one universal embedding to produce a single network dedicated to all tasks. In such a framework, hypernetwork is used only for training and can be seen as a meta-trainer. HyperInterval obtains significantly better results than InterContiNet and gives SOTA results on several benchmarks.

new Mind the Gap: A Causal Perspective on Bias Amplification in Prediction & Decision-Making

Authors: Drago Plecko, Elias Bareinboim

Abstract: Investigating fairness and equity of automated systems has become a critical field of inquiry. Most of the literature in fair machine learning focuses on defining and achieving fairness criteria in the context of prediction, while not explicitly focusing on how these predictions may be used later on in the pipeline. For instance, if commonly used criteria, such as independence or sufficiency, are satisfied for a prediction score $S$ used for binary classification, they need not be satisfied after an application of a simple thresholding operation on $S$ (as commonly used in practice). In this paper, we take an important step to address this issue in numerous statistical and causal notions of fairness. We introduce the notion of a margin complement, which measures how much a prediction score $S$ changes due to a thresholding operation. We then demonstrate that the marginal difference in the optimal 0/1 predictor $\widehat Y$ between groups, written $P(\hat y \mid x_1) - P(\hat y \mid x_0)$, can be causally decomposed into the influences of $X$ on the $L_2$-optimal prediction score $S$ and the influences of $X$ on the margin complement $M$, along different causal pathways (direct, indirect, spurious). We then show that under suitable causal assumptions, the influences of $X$ on the prediction score $S$ are equal to the influences of $X$ on the true outcome $Y$. This yields a new decomposition of the disparity in the predictor $\widehat Y$ that allows us to disentangle causal differences inherited from the true outcome $Y$ that exists in the real world vs. those coming from the optimization procedure itself. This observation highlights the need for more regulatory oversight due to the potential for bias amplification, and to address this issue we introduce new notions of weak and strong business necessity, together with an algorithm for assessing whether these notions are satisfied.

new FedCal: Achieving Local and Global Calibration in Federated Learning via Aggregated Parameterized Scaler

Authors: Hongyi Peng, Han Yu, Xiaoli Tang, Xiaoxiao Li

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) enables collaborative machine learning across distributed data owners, but data heterogeneity poses a challenge for model calibration. While prior work focused on improving accuracy for non-iid data, calibration remains under-explored. This study reveals existing FL aggregation approaches lead to sub-optimal calibration, and theoretical analysis shows despite constraining variance in clients' label distributions, global calibration error is still asymptotically lower bounded. To address this, we propose a novel Federated Calibration (FedCal) approach, emphasizing both local and global calibration. It leverages client-specific scalers for local calibration to effectively correct output misalignment without sacrificing prediction accuracy. These scalers are then aggregated via weight averaging to generate a global scaler, minimizing the global calibration error. Extensive experiments demonstrate FedCal significantly outperforms the best-performing baseline, reducing global calibration error by 47.66% on average.

new Unlearning during Learning: An Efficient Federated Machine Unlearning Method

Authors: Hanlin Gu, Gongxi Zhu, Jie Zhang, Xinyuan Zhao, Yuxing Han, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang

Abstract: In recent years, Federated Learning (FL) has garnered significant attention as a distributed machine learning paradigm. To facilitate the implementation of the right to be forgotten, the concept of federated machine unlearning (FMU) has also emerged. However, current FMU approaches often involve additional time-consuming steps and may not offer comprehensive unlearning capabilities, which renders them less practical in real FL scenarios. In this paper, we introduce FedAU, an innovative and efficient FMU framework aimed at overcoming these limitations. Specifically, FedAU incorporates a lightweight auxiliary unlearning module into the learning process and employs a straightforward linear operation to facilitate unlearning. This approach eliminates the requirement for extra time-consuming steps, rendering it well-suited for FL. Furthermore, FedAU exhibits remarkable versatility. It not only enables multiple clients to carry out unlearning tasks concurrently but also supports unlearning at various levels of granularity, including individual data samples, specific classes, and even at the client level. We conducted extensive experiments on MNIST, CIFAR10, and CIFAR100 datasets to evaluate the performance of FedAU. The results demonstrate that FedAU effectively achieves the desired unlearning effect while maintaining model accuracy.

new Editable Concept Bottleneck Models

Authors: Lijie Hu, Chenyang Ren, Zhengyu Hu, Cheng-Long Wang, Di Wang

Abstract: Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) have garnered much attention for their ability to elucidate the prediction process through a human-understandable concept layer. However, most previous studies focused on cases where the data, including concepts, are clean. In many scenarios, we always need to remove/insert some training data or new concepts from trained CBMs due to different reasons, such as privacy concerns, data mislabelling, spurious concepts, and concept annotation errors. Thus, the challenge of deriving efficient editable CBMs without retraining from scratch persists, particularly in large-scale applications. To address these challenges, we propose Editable Concept Bottleneck Models (ECBMs). Specifically, ECBMs support three different levels of data removal: concept-label-level, concept-level, and data-level. ECBMs enjoy mathematically rigorous closed-form approximations derived from influence functions that obviate the need for re-training. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our ECBMs, affirming their adaptability within the realm of CBMs.

new Fundamental limits of weak learnability in high-dimensional multi-index models

Authors: Emanuele Troiani, Yatin Dandi, Leonardo Defilippis, Lenka Zdeborov\'a, Bruno Loureiro, Florent Krzakala

Abstract: Multi-index models -- functions which only depend on the covariates through a non-linear transformation of their projection on a subspace -- are a useful benchmark for investigating feature learning with neural networks. This paper examines the theoretical boundaries of learnability in this hypothesis class, focusing particularly on the minimum sample complexity required for weakly recovering their low-dimensional structure with first-order iterative algorithms, in the high-dimensional regime where the number of samples is $n=\alpha d$ is proportional to the covariate dimension $d$. Our findings unfold in three parts: (i) first, we identify under which conditions a \textit{trivial subspace} can be learned with a single step of a first-order algorithm for any $\alpha\!>\!0$; (ii) second, in the case where the trivial subspace is empty, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an {\it easy subspace} consisting of directions that can be learned only above a certain sample complexity $\alpha\!>\!\alpha_c$. The critical threshold $\alpha_{c}$ marks the presence of a computational phase transition, in the sense that no efficient iterative algorithm can succeed for $\alpha\!<\!\alpha_c$. In a limited but interesting set of really hard directions -- akin to the parity problem -- $\alpha_c$ is found to diverge. Finally, (iii) we demonstrate that interactions between different directions can result in an intricate hierarchical learning phenomenon, where some directions can be learned sequentially when coupled to easier ones. Our analytical approach is built on the optimality of approximate message-passing algorithms among first-order iterative methods, delineating the fundamental learnability limit across a broad spectrum of algorithms, including neural networks trained with gradient descent.

new Sparse Spectral Training and Inference on Euclidean and Hyperbolic Neural Networks

Authors: Jialin Zhao, Yingtao Zhang, Xinghang Li, Huaping Liu, Carlo Vittorio Cannistraci

Abstract: The growing computational demands posed by increasingly number of neural network's parameters necessitate low-memory-consumption training approaches. Previous memory reduction techniques, such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and ReLoRA, suffer from the limitation of low rank and saddle point issues, particularly during intensive tasks like pre-training. In this paper, we propose Sparse Spectral Training (SST), an advanced training methodology that updates all singular values and selectively updates singular vectors of network weights, thereby optimizing resource usage while closely approximating full-rank training. SST refines the training process by employing a targeted updating strategy for singular vectors, which is determined by a multinomial sampling method weighted by the significance of the singular values, ensuring both high performance and memory reduction. Through comprehensive testing on both Euclidean and hyperbolic neural networks across various tasks, including natural language generation, machine translation, node classification and link prediction, SST demonstrates its capability to outperform existing memory reduction training methods and is comparable with full-rank training in some cases. On OPT-125M, with rank equating to 8.3% of embedding dimension, SST reduces the perplexity gap to full-rank training by 67.6%, demonstrating a significant reduction of the performance loss with prevalent low-rank methods. This approach offers a strong alternative to traditional training techniques, paving the way for more efficient and scalable neural network training solutions.

new Towards Natural Machine Unlearning

Authors: Zhengbao He, Tao Li, Xinwen Cheng, Zhehao Huang, Xiaolin Huang

Abstract: Machine unlearning (MU) aims to eliminate information that has been learned from specific training data, namely forgetting data, from a pre-trained model. Currently, the mainstream of existing MU methods involves modifying the forgetting data with incorrect labels and subsequently fine-tuning the model. While learning such incorrect information can indeed remove knowledge, the process is quite unnatural as the unlearning process undesirably reinforces the incorrect information and leads to over-forgetting. Towards more \textit{natural} machine unlearning, we inject correct information from the remaining data to the forgetting samples when changing their labels. Through pairing these adjusted samples with their labels, the model will tend to use the injected correct information and naturally suppress the information meant to be forgotten. Albeit straightforward, such a first step towards natural machine unlearning can significantly outperform current state-of-the-art approaches. In particular, our method substantially reduces the over-forgetting and leads to strong robustness to hyperparameters, making it a promising candidate for practical machine unlearning.

new Revisiting Counterfactual Regression through the Lens of Gromov-Wasserstein Information Bottleneck

Authors: Hao Yang, Zexu Sun, Hongteng Xu, Xu Chen

Abstract: As a promising individualized treatment effect (ITE) estimation method, counterfactual regression (CFR) maps individuals' covariates to a latent space and predicts their counterfactual outcomes. However, the selection bias between control and treatment groups often imbalances the two groups' latent distributions and negatively impacts this method's performance. In this study, we revisit counterfactual regression through the lens of information bottleneck and propose a novel learning paradigm called Gromov-Wasserstein information bottleneck (GWIB). In this paradigm, we learn CFR by maximizing the mutual information between covariates' latent representations and outcomes while penalizing the kernelized mutual information between the latent representations and the covariates. We demonstrate that the upper bound of the penalty term can be implemented as a new regularizer consisting of $i)$ the fused Gromov-Wasserstein distance between the latent representations of different groups and $ii)$ the gap between the transport cost generated by the model and the cross-group Gromov-Wasserstein distance between the latent representations and the covariates. GWIB effectively learns the CFR model through alternating optimization, suppressing selection bias while avoiding trivial latent distributions. Experiments on ITE estimation tasks show that GWIB consistently outperforms state-of-the-art CFR methods. To promote the research community, we release our project at


new Learning to Discretize Denoising Diffusion ODEs

Authors: Vinh Tong, Anji Liu, Trung-Dung Hoang, Guy Van den Broeck, Mathias Niepert

Abstract: Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) are powerful generative models showing competitive performance in various domains, including image synthesis and 3D point cloud generation. However, sampling from pre-trained DPMs involves multiple neural function evaluations (NFE) to transform Gaussian noise samples into images, resulting in higher computational costs compared to single-step generative models such as GANs or VAEs. Therefore, a crucial problem is to reduce NFE while preserving generation quality. To this end, we propose LD3, a lightweight framework for learning time discretization while sampling from the diffusion ODE encapsulated by DPMs. LD3 can be combined with various diffusion ODE solvers and consistently improves performance without retraining resource-intensive neural networks. We demonstrate analytically and empirically that LD3 enhances sampling efficiency compared to distillation-based methods, without the extensive computational overhead. We evaluate our method with extensive experiments on 5 datasets, covering unconditional and conditional sampling in both pixel-space and latent-space DPMs. For example, in about 5 minutes of training on a single GPU, our method reduces the FID score from 6.63 to 2.68 on CIFAR10 (7 NFE), and in around 20 minutes, decreases the FID from 8.51 to 5.03 on class-conditional ImageNet-256 (5 NFE). LD3 complements distillation methods, offering a more efficient approach to sampling from pre-trained diffusion models.

new ChatGPT Code Detection: Techniques for Uncovering the Source of Code

Authors: Marc Oedingen, Raphael C. Engelhardt, Robin Denz, Maximilian Hammer, Wolfgang Konen

Abstract: In recent times, large language models (LLMs) have made significant strides in generating computer code, blurring the lines between code created by humans and code produced by artificial intelligence (AI). As these technologies evolve rapidly, it is crucial to explore how they influence code generation, especially given the risk of misuse in areas like higher education. This paper explores this issue by using advanced classification techniques to differentiate between code written by humans and that generated by ChatGPT, a type of LLM. We employ a new approach that combines powerful embedding features (black-box) with supervised learning algorithms - including Deep Neural Networks, Random Forests, and Extreme Gradient Boosting - to achieve this differentiation with an impressive accuracy of 98%. For the successful combinations, we also examine their model calibration, showing that some of the models are extremely well calibrated. Additionally, we present white-box features and an interpretable Bayes classifier to elucidate critical differences between the code sources, enhancing the explainability and transparency of our approach. Both approaches work well but provide at most 85-88% accuracy. We also show that untrained humans solve the same task not better than random guessing. This study is crucial in understanding and mitigating the potential risks associated with using AI in code generation, particularly in the context of higher education, software development, and competitive programming.

new Bundle Neural Networks for message diffusion on graphs

Authors: Jacob Bamberger, Federico Barbero, Xiaowen Dong, Michael Bronstein

Abstract: The dominant paradigm for learning on graph-structured data is message passing. Despite being a strong inductive bias, the local message passing mechanism suffers from pathological issues such as over-smoothing, over-squashing, and limited node-level expressivity. To address these limitations we propose Bundle Neural Networks (BuNN), a new type of GNN that operates via message diffusion over flat vector bundles - structures analogous to connections on Riemannian manifolds that augment the graph by assigning to each node a vector space and an orthogonal map. A BuNN layer evolves the features according to a diffusion-type partial differential equation. When discretized, BuNNs are a special case of Sheaf Neural Networks (SNNs), a recently proposed MPNN capable of mitigating over-smoothing. The continuous nature of message diffusion enables BuNNs to operate on larger scales of the graph and, therefore, to mitigate over-squashing. Finally, we prove that BuNN can approximate any feature transformation over nodes on any (potentially infinite) family of graphs given injective positional encodings, resulting in universal node-level expressivity. We support our theory via synthetic experiments and showcase the strong empirical performance of BuNNs over a range of real-world tasks, achieving state-of-the-art results on several standard benchmarks in transductive and inductive settings.

new Thinking Forward: Memory-Efficient Federated Finetuning of Language Models

Authors: Kunjal Panchal, Nisarg Parikh, Sunav Choudhary, Lijun Zhang, Yuriy Brun, Hui Guan

Abstract: Finetuning large language models (LLMs) in federated learning (FL) settings has become important as it allows resource-constrained devices to finetune a model using private data. However, finetuning LLMs using backpropagation requires excessive memory (especially from intermediate activations) for resource-constrained devices. While Forward-mode Auto-Differentiation (AD) can reduce memory footprint from activations, we observe that directly applying it to LLM finetuning results in slow convergence and poor accuracy. This work introduces Spry, an FL algorithm that splits trainable weights of an LLM among participating clients, such that each client computes gradients using Forward-mode AD that are closer estimates of the true gradients. Spry achieves a low memory footprint, high accuracy, and fast convergence. We theoretically show that the global gradients in Spry are unbiased estimates of true global gradients for homogeneous data distributions across clients, while heterogeneity increases bias of the estimates. We also derive Spry's convergence rate, showing that the gradients decrease inversely proportional to the number of FL rounds, indicating the convergence up to the limits of heterogeneity. Empirically, Spry reduces the memory footprint during training by 1.4-7.1$\times$ in contrast to backpropagation, while reaching comparable accuracy, across a wide range of language tasks, models, and FL settings. Spry reduces the convergence time by 1.2-20.3$\times$ and achieves 5.2-13.5\% higher accuracy against state-of-the-art zero-order methods. When finetuning Llama2-7B with LoRA, compared to the peak memory usage of 33.9GB of backpropagation, Spry only consumes 6.2GB of peak memory. For OPT13B, the reduction is from 76.5GB to 10.8GB. Spry makes feasible previously impossible FL deployments on commodity mobile and edge devices. Source code is available at


new Certifiably Robust RAG against Retrieval Corruption

Authors: Chong Xiang, Tong Wu, Zexuan Zhong, David Wagner, Danqi Chen, Prateek Mittal

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) has been shown vulnerable to retrieval corruption attacks: an attacker can inject malicious passages into retrieval results to induce inaccurate responses. In this paper, we propose RobustRAG as the first defense framework against retrieval corruption attacks. The key insight of RobustRAG is an isolate-then-aggregate strategy: we get LLM responses from each passage in isolation and then securely aggregate these isolated responses. To instantiate RobustRAG, we design keyword-based and decoding-based algorithms for securely aggregating unstructured text responses. Notably, RobustRAG can achieve certifiable robustness: we can formally prove and certify that, for certain queries, RobustRAG can always return accurate responses, even when the attacker has full knowledge of our defense and can arbitrarily inject a small number of malicious passages. We evaluate RobustRAG on open-domain QA and long-form text generation datasets and demonstrate its effectiveness and generalizability across various tasks and datasets.

new Learning from Linear Algebra: A Graph Neural Network Approach to Preconditioner Design for Conjugate Gradient Solvers

Authors: Vladislav Trifonov, Alexander Rudikov, Oleg Iliev, Ivan Oseledets, Ekaterina Muravleva

Abstract: Large linear systems are ubiquitous in modern computational science. The main recipe for solving them is iterative solvers with well-designed preconditioners. Deep learning models may be used to precondition residuals during iteration of such linear solvers as the conjugate gradient (CG) method. Neural network models require an enormous number of parameters to approximate well in this setup. Another approach is to take advantage of small graph neural networks (GNNs) to construct preconditioners of the predefined sparsity pattern. In our work, we recall well-established preconditioners from linear algebra and use them as a starting point for training the GNN. Numerical experiments demonstrate that our approach outperforms both classical methods and neural network-based preconditioning. We also provide a heuristic justification for the loss function used and validate our approach on complex datasets.

new Rethinking Independent Cross-Entropy Loss For Graph-Structured Data

Authors: Rui Miao, Kaixiong Zhou, Yili Wang, Ninghao Liu, Ying Wang, Xin Wang

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have exhibited prominent performance in learning graph-structured data. Considering node classification task, based on the i.i.d assumption among node labels, the traditional supervised learning simply sums up cross-entropy losses of the independent training nodes and applies the average loss to optimize GNNs' weights. But different from other data formats, the nodes are naturally connected. It is found that the independent distribution modeling of node labels restricts GNNs' capability to generalize over the entire graph and defend adversarial attacks. In this work, we propose a new framework, termed joint-cluster supervised learning, to model the joint distribution of each node with its corresponding cluster. We learn the joint distribution of node and cluster labels conditioned on their representations, and train GNNs with the obtained joint loss. In this way, the data-label reference signals extracted from the local cluster explicitly strengthen the discrimination ability on the target node. The extensive experiments demonstrate that our joint-cluster supervised learning can effectively bolster GNNs' node classification accuracy. Furthermore, being benefited from the reference signals which may be free from spiteful interference, our learning paradigm significantly protects the node classification from being affected by the adversarial attack.

new Transfer Learning with Informative Priors: Simple Baselines Better than Previously Reported

Authors: Ethan Harvey, Mikhail Petrov, Michael C. Hughes

Abstract: We pursue transfer learning to improve classifier accuracy on a target task with few labeled examples available for training. Recent work suggests that using a source task to learn a prior distribution over neural net weights, not just an initialization, can boost target task performance. In this study, we carefully compare transfer learning with and without source task informed priors across 5 datasets. We find that standard transfer learning informed by an initialization only performs far better than reported in previous comparisons. The relative gains of methods using informative priors over standard transfer learning vary in magnitude across datasets. For the scenario of 5-300 examples per class, we find negative or negligible gains on 2 datasets, modest gains (between 1.5-3 points of accuracy) on 2 other datasets, and substantial gains (>8 points) on one dataset. Among methods using informative priors, we find that an isotropic covariance appears competitive with learned low-rank covariance matrix while being substantially simpler to understand and tune. Further analysis suggests that the mechanistic justification for informed priors -- hypothesized improved alignment between train and test loss landscapes -- is not consistently supported due to high variability in empirical landscapes. We release code to allow independent reproduction of all experiments.

new DAGER: Exact Gradient Inversion for Large Language Models

Authors: Ivo Petrov, Dimitar I. Dimitrov, Maximilian Baader, Mark Niklas M\"uller, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Federated learning works by aggregating locally computed gradients from multiple clients, thus enabling collaborative training without sharing private client data. However, prior work has shown that the data can actually be recovered by the server using so-called gradient inversion attacks. While these attacks perform well when applied on images, they are limited in the text domain and only permit approximate reconstruction of small batches and short input sequences. In this work, we propose DAGER, the first algorithm to recover whole batches of input text exactly. DAGER leverages the low-rank structure of self-attention layer gradients and the discrete nature of token embeddings to efficiently check if a given token sequence is part of the client data. We use this check to exactly recover full batches in the honest-but-curious setting without any prior on the data for both encoder- and decoder-based architectures using exhaustive heuristic search and a greedy approach, respectively. We provide an efficient GPU implementation of DAGER and show experimentally that it recovers full batches of size up to 128 on large language models (LLMs), beating prior attacks in speed (20x at same batch size), scalability (10x larger batches), and reconstruction quality (ROUGE-1/2 > 0.99).

new Efficient Adversarial Training in LLMs with Continuous Attacks

Authors: Sophie Xhonneux, Alessandro Sordoni, Stephan G\"unnemann, Gauthier Gidel, Leo Schwinn

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are vulnerable to adversarial attacks that can bypass their safety guardrails. In many domains, adversarial training has proven to be one of the most promising methods to reliably improve robustness against such attacks. Yet, in the context of LLMs, current methods for adversarial training are hindered by the high computational costs required to perform discrete adversarial attacks at each training iteration. We address this problem by instead calculating adversarial attacks in the continuous embedding space of the LLM, which is orders of magnitudes more efficient. We propose a fast adversarial training algorithm (C-AdvUL) composed of two losses: the first makes the model robust on continuous embedding attacks computed on an adversarial behaviour dataset; the second ensures the usefulness of the final model by fine-tuning on utility data. Moreover, we introduce C-AdvIPO, an adversarial variant of IPO that does not require utility data for adversarially robust alignment. Our empirical evaluation on four models from different families (Gemma, Phi3, Mistral, Zephyr) and at different scales (2B, 3.8B, 7B) shows that both algorithms substantially enhance LLM robustness against discrete attacks (GCG, AutoDAN, PAIR), while maintaining utility. Our results demonstrate that robustness to continuous perturbations can extrapolate to discrete threat models. Thereby, we present a path toward scalable adversarial training algorithms for robustly aligning LLMs.

new MicroAdam: Accurate Adaptive Optimization with Low Space Overhead and Provable Convergence

Authors: Ionut-Vlad Modoranu, Mher Safaryan, Grigory Malinovsky, Eldar Kurtic, Thomas Robert, Peter Richtarik, Dan Alistarh

Abstract: We propose a new variant of the Adam optimizer [Kingma and Ba, 2014] called MICROADAM that specifically minimizes memory overheads, while maintaining theoretical convergence guarantees. We achieve this by compressing the gradient information before it is fed into the optimizer state, thereby reducing its memory footprint significantly. We control the resulting compression error via a novel instance of the classical error feedback mechanism from distributed optimization [Seide et al., 2014, Alistarh et al., 2018, Karimireddy et al., 2019] in which the error correction information is itself compressed to allow for practical memory gains. We prove that the resulting approach maintains theoretical convergence guarantees competitive to those of AMSGrad, while providing good practical performance. Specifically, we show that MICROADAM can be implemented efficiently on GPUs: on both million-scale (BERT) and billion-scale (LLaMA) models, MicroAdam provides practical convergence competitive to that of the uncompressed Adam baseline, with lower memory usage and similar running time. Our code is available at


new MCDFN: Supply Chain Demand Forecasting via an Explainable Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network Model Integrating CNN, LSTM, and GRU

Authors: Md Abrar Jahin, Asef Shahriar, Md Al Amin

Abstract: Accurate demand forecasting is crucial for optimizing supply chain management. Traditional methods often fail to capture complex patterns from seasonal variability and special events. Despite advancements in deep learning, interpretable forecasting models remain a challenge. To address this, we introduce the Multi-Channel Data Fusion Network (MCDFN), a hybrid architecture that integrates Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) to enhance predictive performance by extracting spatial and temporal features from time series data. Our rigorous benchmarking demonstrates that MCDFN outperforms seven other deep-learning models, achieving superior metrics: MSE (23.5738%), RMSE (4.8553%), MAE (3.9991%), and MAPE (20.1575%). Additionally, MCDFN's predictions were statistically indistinguishable from actual values, confirmed by a paired t-test with a 5% p-value and a 10-fold cross-validated statistical paired t-test. We apply explainable AI techniques like ShapTime and Permutation Feature Importance to enhance interpretability. This research advances demand forecasting methodologies and offers practical guidelines for integrating MCDFN into supply chain systems, highlighting future research directions for scalability and user-friendly deployment.

new On the Computational Landscape of Replicable Learning

Authors: Alkis Kalavasis, Amin Karbasi, Grigoris Velegkas, Felix Zhou

Abstract: We study computational aspects of algorithmic replicability, a notion of stability introduced by Impagliazzo, Lei, Pitassi, and Sorrell [2022]. Motivated by a recent line of work that established strong statistical connections between replicability and other notions of learnability such as online learning, private learning, and SQ learning, we aim to understand better the computational connections between replicability and these learning paradigms. Our first result shows that there is a concept class that is efficiently replicably PAC learnable, but, under standard cryptographic assumptions, no efficient online learner exists for this class. Subsequently, we design an efficient replicable learner for PAC learning parities when the marginal distribution is far from uniform, making progress on a question posed by Impagliazzo et al. [2022]. To obtain this result, we design a replicable lifting framework inspired by Blanc, Lange, Malik, and Tan [2023] that transforms in a black-box manner efficient replicable PAC learners under the uniform marginal distribution over the Boolean hypercube to replicable PAC learners under any marginal distribution, with sample and time complexity that depends on a certain measure of the complexity of the distribution. Finally, we show that any pure DP learner can be transformed to a replicable one in time polynomial in the accuracy, confidence parameters and exponential in the representation dimension of the underlying hypothesis class.

new Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature for Physics-Informed Neural Networks

Authors: Felix Dangel, Johannes M\"uller, Marius Zeinhofer

Abstract: Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are infamous for being hard to train. Recently, second-order methods based on natural gradient and Gauss-Newton methods have shown promising performance, improving the accuracy achieved by first-order methods by several orders of magnitude. While promising, the proposed methods only scale to networks with a few thousand parameters due to the high computational cost to evaluate, store, and invert the curvature matrix. We propose Kronecker-factored approximate curvature (KFAC) for PINN losses that greatly reduces the computational cost and allows scaling to much larger networks. Our approach goes beyond the established KFAC for traditional deep learning problems as it captures contributions from a PDE's differential operator that are crucial for optimization. To establish KFAC for such losses, we use Taylor-mode automatic differentiation to describe the differential operator's computation graph as a forward network with shared weights. This allows us to apply KFAC thanks to a recently-developed general formulation for networks with weight sharing. Empirically, we find that our KFAC-based optimizers are competitive with expensive second-order methods on small problems, scale more favorably to higher-dimensional neural networks and PDEs, and consistently outperform first-order methods and LBFGS.

new Fast-PGM: Fast Probabilistic Graphical Model Learning and Inference

Authors: Jiantong Jiang, Zeyi Wen, Peiyu Yang, Atif Mansoor, Ajmal Mian

Abstract: Probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) serve as a powerful framework for modeling complex systems with uncertainty and extracting valuable insights from data. However, users face challenges when applying PGMs to their problems in terms of efficiency and usability. This paper presents Fast-PGM, an efficient and open-source library for PGM learning and inference. Fast-PGM supports comprehensive tasks on PGMs, including structure and parameter learning, as well as exact and approximate inference, and enhances efficiency of the tasks through computational and memory optimizations and parallelization techniques. Concurrently, Fast-PGM furnishes developers with flexible building blocks, furnishes learners with detailed documentation, and affords non-experts user-friendly interfaces, thereby ameliorating the usability of PGMs to users across a spectrum of expertise levels. The source code of Fast-PGM is available at


new Automatic Data Curation for Self-Supervised Learning: A Clustering-Based Approach

Authors: Huy V. Vo, Vasil Khalidov, Timoth\'ee Darcet, Th\'eo Moutakanni, Nikita Smetanin, Marc Szafraniec, Hugo Touvron, Camille Couprie, Maxime Oquab, Armand Joulin, Herv\'e J\'egou, Patrick Labatut, Piotr Bojanowski

Abstract: Self-supervised features are the cornerstone of modern machine learning systems. They are typically pre-trained on data collections whose construction and curation typically require extensive human effort. This manual process has some limitations similar to those encountered in supervised learning, e.g., the crowd-sourced selection of data is costly and time-consuming, preventing scaling the dataset size. In this work, we consider the problem of automatic curation of high-quality datasets for self-supervised pre-training. We posit that such datasets should be large, diverse and balanced, and propose a clustering-based approach for building ones satisfying all these criteria. Our method involves successive and hierarchical applications of $k$-means on a large and diverse data repository to obtain clusters that distribute uniformly among data concepts, followed by a hierarchical, balanced sampling step from these clusters. Extensive experiments on three different data domains including web-based images, satellite images and text show that features trained on our automatically curated datasets outperform those trained on uncurated data while being on par or better than ones trained on manually curated data.

new MLPs Learn In-Context

Authors: William L. Tong, Cengiz Pehlevan

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL), the remarkable ability to solve a task from only input exemplars, has commonly been assumed to be a unique hallmark of Transformer models. In this study, we demonstrate that multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) can also learn in-context. Moreover, we find that MLPs, and the closely related MLP-Mixer models, learn in-context competitively with Transformers given the same compute budget. We further show that MLPs outperform Transformers on a subset of ICL tasks designed to test relational reasoning. These results suggest that in-context learning is not exclusive to Transformers and highlight the potential of exploring this phenomenon beyond attention-based architectures. In addition, MLPs' surprising success on relational tasks challenges prior assumptions about simple connectionist models. Altogether, our results endorse the broad trend that ``less inductive bias is better" and contribute to the growing interest in all-MLP alternatives to task-specific architectures.

new Inverse-RLignment: Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Demonstrations for LLM Alignment

Authors: Hao Sun, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: Aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) is crucial for enhancing their safety and utility. However, existing methods, primarily based on preference datasets, face challenges such as noisy labels, high annotation costs, and privacy concerns. In this work, we introduce Alignment from Demonstrations (AfD), a novel approach leveraging high-quality demonstration data to overcome these challenges. We formalize AfD within a sequential decision-making framework, highlighting its unique challenge of missing reward signals. Drawing insights from forward and inverse reinforcement learning, we introduce divergence minimization objectives for AfD. Analytically, we elucidate the mass-covering and mode-seeking behaviors of various approaches, explaining when and why certain methods are superior. Practically, we propose a computationally efficient algorithm that extrapolates over a tailored reward model for AfD. We validate our key insights through experiments on the Harmless and Helpful tasks, demonstrating their strong empirical performance while maintaining simplicity.

new Federated Behavioural Planes: Explaining the Evolution of Client Behaviour in Federated Learning

Authors: Dario Fenoglio, Gabriele Dominici, Pietro Barbiero, Alberto Tonda, Martin Gjoreski, Marc Langheinrich

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL), a privacy-aware approach in distributed deep learning environments, enables many clients to collaboratively train a model without sharing sensitive data, thereby reducing privacy risks. However, enabling human trust and control over FL systems requires understanding the evolving behaviour of clients, whether beneficial or detrimental for the training, which still represents a key challenge in the current literature. To address this challenge, we introduce Federated Behavioural Planes (FBPs), a novel method to analyse, visualise, and explain the dynamics of FL systems, showing how clients behave under two different lenses: predictive performance (error behavioural space) and decision-making processes (counterfactual behavioural space). Our experiments demonstrate that FBPs provide informative trajectories describing the evolving states of clients and their contributions to the global model, thereby enabling the identification of clusters of clients with similar behaviours. Leveraging the patterns identified by FBPs, we propose a robust aggregation technique named Federated Behavioural Shields to detect malicious or noisy client models, thereby enhancing security and surpassing the efficacy of existing state-of-the-art FL defense mechanisms.

new Effective Confidence Region Prediction Using Probability Forecasters

Authors: David Lindsay, Sian Lindsay

Abstract: Confidence region prediction is a practically useful extension to the commonly studied pattern recognition problem. Instead of predicting a single label, the constraint is relaxed to allow prediction of a subset of labels given a desired confidence level 1-delta. Ideally, effective region predictions should be (1) well calibrated - predictive regions at confidence level 1-delta should err with relative frequency at most delta and (2) be as narrow (or certain) as possible. We present a simple technique to generate confidence region predictions from conditional probability estimates (probability forecasts). We use this 'conversion' technique to generate confidence region predictions from probability forecasts output by standard machine learning algorithms when tested on 15 multi-class datasets. Our results show that approximately 44% of experiments demonstrate well-calibrated confidence region predictions, with the K-Nearest Neighbour algorithm tending to perform consistently well across all data. Our results illustrate the practical benefits of effective confidence region prediction with respect to medical diagnostics, where guarantees of capturing the true disease label can be given.

new Harnessing Increased Client Participation with Cohort-Parallel Federated Learning

Authors: Akash Dhasade, Anne-Marie Kermarrec, Tuan-Anh Nguyen, Rafael Pires, Martijn de Vos

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning approach where nodes collaboratively train a global model. As more nodes participate in a round of FL, the effectiveness of individual model updates by nodes also diminishes. In this study, we increase the effectiveness of client updates by dividing the network into smaller partitions, or cohorts. We introduce Cohort-Parallel Federated Learning (CPFL): a novel learning approach where each cohort independently trains a global model using FL, until convergence, and the produced models by each cohort are then unified using one-shot Knowledge Distillation (KD) and a cross-domain, unlabeled dataset. The insight behind CPFL is that smaller, isolated networks converge quicker than in a one-network setting where all nodes participate. Through exhaustive experiments involving realistic traces and non-IID data distributions on the CIFAR-10 and FEMNIST image classification tasks, we investigate the balance between the number of cohorts, model accuracy, training time, and compute and communication resources. Compared to traditional FL, CPFL with four cohorts, non-IID data distribution, and CIFAR-10 yields a 1.9$\times$ reduction in train time and a 1.3$\times$ reduction in resource usage, with a minimal drop in test accuracy.

new Class Machine Unlearning for Complex Data via Concepts Inference and Data Poisoning

Authors: Wenhan Chang, Tianqing Zhu, Heng Xu, Wenjian Liu, Wanlei Zhou

Abstract: In current AI era, users may request AI companies to delete their data from the training dataset due to the privacy concerns. As a model owner, retraining a model will consume significant computational resources. Therefore, machine unlearning is a new emerged technology to allow model owner to delete requested training data or a class with little affecting on the model performance. However, for large-scaling complex data, such as image or text data, unlearning a class from a model leads to a inferior performance due to the difficulty to identify the link between classes and model. An inaccurate class deleting may lead to over or under unlearning. In this paper, to accurately defining the unlearning class of complex data, we apply the definition of Concept, rather than an image feature or a token of text data, to represent the semantic information of unlearning class. This new representation can cut the link between the model and the class, leading to a complete erasing of the impact of a class. To analyze the impact of the concept of complex data, we adopt a Post-hoc Concept Bottleneck Model, and Integrated Gradients to precisely identify concepts across different classes. Next, we take advantage of data poisoning with random and targeted labels to propose unlearning methods. We test our methods on both image classification models and large language models (LLMs). The results consistently show that the proposed methods can accurately erase targeted information from models and can largely maintain the performance of the models.

new Consistency of Neural Causal Partial Identification

Authors: Jiyuan Tan, Jose Blanchet, Vasilis Syrgkanis

Abstract: Recent progress in Neural Causal Models (NCMs) showcased how identification and partial identification of causal effects can be automatically carried out via training of neural generative models that respect the constraints encoded in a given causal graph [Xia et al. 2022, Balazadeh et al. 2022]. However, formal consistency of these methods has only been proven for the case of discrete variables or only for linear causal models. In this work, we prove consistency of partial identification via NCMs in a general setting with both continuous and categorical variables. Further, our results highlight the impact of the design of the underlying neural network architecture in terms of depth and connectivity as well as the importance of applying Lipschitz regularization in the training phase. In particular, we provide a counterexample showing that without Lipschitz regularization the NCM may not be asymptotically consistent. Our results are enabled by new results on the approximability of structural causal models via neural generative models, together with an analysis of the sample complexity of the resulting architectures and how that translates into an error in the constrained optimization problem that defines the partial identification bounds.

new The Road Less Scheduled

Authors: Aaron Defazio (Alice), Xingyu (Alice), Yang, Harsh Mehta, Konstantin Mishchenko, Ahmed Khaled, Ashok Cutkosky

Abstract: Existing learning rate schedules that do not require specification of the optimization stopping step T are greatly out-performed by learning rate schedules that depend on T. We propose an approach that avoids the need for this stopping time by eschewing the use of schedules entirely, while exhibiting state-of-the-art performance compared to schedules across a wide family of problems ranging from convex problems to large-scale deep learning problems. Our Schedule-Free approach introduces no additional hyper-parameters over standard optimizers with momentum. Our method is a direct consequence of a new theory we develop that unifies scheduling and iterate averaging. An open source implementation of our method is available (


new The Impact of Geometric Complexity on Neural Collapse in Transfer Learning

Authors: Michael Munn, Benoit Dherin, Javier Gonzalvo

Abstract: Many of the recent remarkable advances in computer vision and language models can be attributed to the success of transfer learning via the pre-training of large foundation models. However, a theoretical framework which explains this empirical success is incomplete and remains an active area of research. Flatness of the loss surface and neural collapse have recently emerged as useful pre-training metrics which shed light on the implicit biases underlying pre-training. In this paper, we explore the geometric complexity of a model's learned representations as a fundamental mechanism that relates these two concepts. We show through experiments and theory that mechanisms which affect the geometric complexity of the pre-trained network also influence the neural collapse. Furthermore, we show how this effect of the geometric complexity generalizes to the neural collapse of new classes as well, thus encouraging better performance on downstream tasks, particularly in the few-shot setting.

new Information-theoretic Generalization Analysis for Expected Calibration Error

Authors: Futoshi Futami, Masahiro Fujisawa

Abstract: While the expected calibration error (ECE), which employs binning, is widely adopted to evaluate the calibration performance of machine learning models, theoretical understanding of its estimation bias is limited. In this paper, we present the first comprehensive analysis of the estimation bias in the two common binning strategies, uniform mass and uniform width binning. Our analysis establishes upper bounds on the bias, achieving an improved convergence rate. Moreover, our bounds reveal, for the first time, the optimal number of bins to minimize the estimation bias. We further extend our bias analysis to generalization error analysis based on the information-theoretic approach, deriving upper bounds that enable the numerical evaluation of how small the ECE is for unknown data. Experiments using deep learning models show that our bounds are nonvacuous thanks to this information-theoretic generalization analysis approach.

new Models That Prove Their Own Correctness

Authors: Noga Amit, Shafi Goldwasser, Orr Paradise, Guy Rothblum

Abstract: How can we trust the correctness of a learned model on a particular input of interest? Model accuracy is typically measured \emph{on average} over a distribution of inputs, giving no guarantee for any fixed input. This paper proposes a theoretically-founded solution to this problem: to train *Self-Proving models* that prove the correctness of their output to a verification algorithm $V$ via an Interactive Proof. Self-Proving models satisfy that, with high probability over a random input, the model generates a correct output \emph{and} successfully proves its correctness to $V\!$. The *soundness* property of $V$ guarantees that, for *every* input, no model can convince $V$ of the correctness of an incorrect output. Thus, a Self-Proving model proves correctness of most of its outputs, while *all* incorrect outputs (of any model) are detected by $V$. We devise a generic method for learning Self-Proving models, and we prove convergence bounds under certain assumptions. The theoretical framework and results are complemented by experiments on an arithmetic capability: computing the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers. Our learning method is used to train a Self-Proving transformer that computes the GCD *and* proves the correctness of its answer.

new Understanding the differences in Foundation Models: Attention, State Space Models, and Recurrent Neural Networks

Authors: Jerome Sieber, Carmen Amo Alonso, Alexandre Didier, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Antonio Orvieto

Abstract: Softmax attention is the principle backbone of foundation models for various artificial intelligence applications, yet its quadratic complexity in sequence length can limit its inference throughput in long-context settings. To address this challenge, alternative architectures such as linear attention, State Space Models (SSMs), and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) have been considered as more efficient alternatives. While connections between these approaches exist, such models are commonly developed in isolation and there is a lack of theoretical understanding of the shared principles underpinning these architectures and their subtle differences, greatly influencing performance and scalability. In this paper, we introduce the Dynamical Systems Framework (DSF), which allows a principled investigation of all these architectures in a common representation. Our framework facilitates rigorous comparisons, providing new insights on the distinctive characteristics of each model class. For instance, we compare linear attention and selective SSMs, detailing their differences and conditions under which both are equivalent. We also provide principled comparisons between softmax attention and other model classes, discussing the theoretical conditions under which softmax attention can be approximated. Additionally, we substantiate these new insights with empirical validations and mathematical arguments. This shows the DSF's potential to guide the systematic development of future more efficient and scalable foundation models.

new Neural Persistence Dynamics

Authors: Sebastian Zeng, Florian Graf, Martin Uray, Stefan Huber, Roland Kwitt

Abstract: We consider the problem of learning the dynamics in the topology of time-evolving point clouds, the prevalent spatiotemporal model for systems exhibiting collective behavior, such as swarms of insects and birds or particles in physics. In such systems, patterns emerge from (local) interactions among self-propelled entities. While several well-understood governing equations for motion and interaction exist, they are difficult to fit to data due to the often large number of entities and missing correspondences between the observation times, which may also not be equidistant. To evade such confounding factors, we investigate collective behavior from a \textit{topological perspective}, but instead of summarizing entire observation sequences (as in prior work), we propose learning a latent dynamical model from topological features \textit{per time point}. The latter is then used to formulate a downstream regression task to predict the parametrization of some a priori specified governing equation. We implement this idea based on a latent ODE learned from vectorized (static) persistence diagrams and show that this modeling choice is justified by a combination of recent stability results for persistent homology. Various (ablation) experiments not only demonstrate the relevance of each individual model component, but provide compelling empirical evidence that our proposed model -- \textit{neural persistence dynamics} -- substantially outperforms the state-of-the-art across a diverse set of parameter regression tasks.

new Sparse maximal update parameterization: A holistic approach to sparse training dynamics

Authors: Nolan Dey, Shane Bergsma, Joel Hestness

Abstract: Several challenges make it difficult for sparse neural networks to compete with dense models. First, setting a large fraction of weights to zero impairs forward and gradient signal propagation. Second, sparse studies often need to test multiple sparsity levels, while also introducing new hyperparameters (HPs), leading to prohibitive tuning costs. Indeed, the standard practice is to re-use the learning HPs originally crafted for dense models. Unfortunately, we show sparse and dense networks do not share the same optimal HPs. Without stable dynamics and effective training recipes, it is costly to test sparsity at scale, which is key to surpassing dense networks and making the business case for sparsity acceleration in hardware. A holistic approach is needed to tackle these challenges and we propose S$\mu$Par as one such approach. S$\mu$Par ensures activations, gradients, and weight updates all scale independently of sparsity level. Further, by reparameterizing the HPs, S$\mu$Par enables the same HP values to be optimal as we vary both sparsity level and model width. HPs can be tuned on small dense networks and transferred to large sparse models, greatly reducing tuning costs. On large-scale language modeling, S$\mu$Par training improves loss by up to 8.2% over the common approach of using the dense model standard parameterization.

new CAFe: Cost and Age aware Federated Learning

Authors: Sahan Liyanaarachchi, Kanchana Thilakarathna, Sennur Ulukus

Abstract: In many federated learning (FL) models, a common strategy employed to ensure the progress in the training process, is to wait for at least $M$ clients out of the total $N$ clients to send back their local gradients based on a reporting deadline $T$, once the parameter server (PS) has broadcasted the global model. If enough clients do not report back within the deadline, the particular round is considered to be a failed round and the training round is restarted from scratch. If enough clients have responded back, the round is deemed successful and the local gradients of all the clients that responded back are used to update the global model. In either case, the clients that failed to report back an update within the deadline would have wasted their computational resources. Having a tighter deadline (small $T$) and waiting for a larger number of participating clients (large $M$) leads to a large number of failed rounds and therefore greater communication cost and computation resource wastage. However, having a larger $T$ leads to longer round durations whereas smaller $M$ may lead to noisy gradients. Therefore, there is a need to optimize the parameters $M$ and $T$ such that communication cost and the resource wastage is minimized while having an acceptable convergence rate. In this regard, we show that the average age of a client at the PS appears explicitly in the theoretical convergence bound, and therefore, can be used as a metric to quantify the convergence of the global model. We provide an analytical scheme to select the parameters $M$ and $T$ in this setting.

new Sparse Expansion and Neuronal Disentanglement

Authors: Shashata Sawmya, Linghao Kong, Ilia Markov, Dan Alistarh, Nir Shavit

Abstract: We show how to improve the inference efficiency of an LLM by expanding it into a mixture of sparse experts, where each expert is a copy of the original weights, one-shot pruned for a specific cluster of input values. We call this approach $\textit{Sparse Expansion}$. We show that, for models such as Llama 2 70B, as we increase the number of sparse experts, Sparse Expansion outperforms all other one-shot sparsification approaches for the same inference FLOP budget per token, and that this gap grows as sparsity increases, leading to inference speedups. But why? To answer this, we provide strong evidence that the mixture of sparse experts is effectively $\textit{disentangling}$ the input-output relationship of every individual neuron across clusters of inputs. Specifically, sparse experts approximate the dense neuron output distribution with fewer weights by decomposing the distribution into a collection of simpler ones, each with a separate sparse dot product covering it. Interestingly, we show that the Wasserstein distance between a neuron's output distribution and a Gaussian distribution is an indicator of its entanglement level and contribution to the accuracy of the model. Every layer of an LLM has a fraction of highly entangled Wasserstein neurons, and model performance suffers more when these are sparsified as opposed to others.

new Improved Particle Approximation Error for Mean Field Neural Networks

Authors: Atsushi Nitanda

Abstract: Mean-field Langevin dynamics (MFLD) minimizes an entropy-regularized nonlinear convex functional defined over the space of probability distributions. MFLD has gained attention due to its connection with noisy gradient descent for mean-field two-layer neural networks. Unlike standard Langevin dynamics, the nonlinearity of the objective functional induces particle interactions, necessitating multiple particles to approximate the dynamics in a finite-particle setting. Recent works (Chen et al., 2022; Suzuki et al., 2023b) have demonstrated the uniform-in-time propagation of chaos for MFLD, showing that the gap between the particle system and its mean-field limit uniformly shrinks over time as the number of particles increases. In this work, we improve the dependence on logarithmic Sobolev inequality (LSI) constants in their particle approximation errors, which can exponentially deteriorate with the regularization coefficient. Specifically, we establish an LSI-constant-free particle approximation error concerning the objective gap by leveraging the problem structure in risk minimization. As the application, we demonstrate improved convergence of MFLD, sampling guarantee for the mean-field stationary distribution, and uniform-in-time Wasserstein propagation of chaos in terms of particle complexity.

cross Visual Deformation Detection Using Soft Material Simulation for Pre-training of Condition Assessment Models

Authors: Joel Sol, Amir M. Soufi Enayati, Homayoun Najjaran

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of geometric quality assurance in manufacturing, particularly when human assessment is required. It proposes using Blender, an open-source simulation tool, to create synthetic datasets for machine learning (ML) models. The process involves translating expert information into shape key parameters to simulate deformations, generating images for both deformed and non-deformed objects. The study explores the impact of discrepancies between real and simulated environments on ML model performance and investigates the effect of different simulation backgrounds on model sensitivity. Additionally, the study aims to enhance the model's robustness to camera positioning by generating datasets with a variety of randomized viewpoints. The entire process, from data synthesis to model training and testing, is implemented using a Python API interfacing with Blender. An experiment with a soda can object validates the accuracy of the proposed pipeline.

cross Improving and Evaluating Machine Learning Methods for Forensic Shoeprint Matching

Authors: Divij Jain, Saatvik Kher, Lena Liang, Yufeng Wu, Ashley Zheng, Xizhen Cai, Anna Plantinga, Elizabeth Upton

Abstract: We propose a machine learning pipeline for forensic shoeprint pattern matching that improves on the accuracy and generalisability of existing methods. We extract 2D coordinates from shoeprint scans using edge detection and align the two shoeprints with iterative closest point (ICP). We then extract similarity metrics to quantify how well the two prints match and use these metrics to train a random forest that generates a probabilistic measurement of how likely two prints are to have originated from the same outsole. We assess the generalisability of machine learning methods trained on lab shoeprint scans to more realistic crime scene shoeprint data by evaluating the accuracy of our methods on several shoeprint scenarios: partial prints, prints with varying levels of blurriness, prints with different amounts of wear, and prints from different shoe models. We find that models trained on one type of shoeprint yield extremely high levels of accuracy when tested on shoeprint pairs of the same scenario but fail to generalise to other scenarios. We also discover that models trained on a variety of scenarios predict almost as accurately as models trained on specific scenarios.

cross Auditing the Fairness of COVID-19 Forecast Hub Case Prediction Models

Authors: Saad Mohammad Abrar, Naman Awasthi, Daniel Smolyak, Vanessa Frias-Martinez

Abstract: The COVID-19 Forecast Hub, a repository of COVID-19 forecasts from over 50 independent research groups, is used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for their official COVID-19 communications. As such, the Forecast Hub is a critical centralized resource to promote transparent decision making. Nevertheless, by focusing exclusively on prediction accuracy, the Forecast Hub fails to evaluate whether the proposed models have similar performance across social determinants that have been known to play a role in the COVID-19 pandemic including race, ethnicity and urbanization level. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive fairness analysis of the Forecast Hub model predictions and we show statistically significant diverse predictive performance across social determinants, with minority racial and ethnic groups as well as less urbanized areas often associated with higher prediction errors. We hope this work will encourage COVID-19 modelers and the CDC to report fairness metrics together with accuracy, and to reflect on the potential harms of the models on specific social groups and contexts.

cross Study on spike-and-wave detection in epileptic signals using t-location-scale distribution and the K-nearest neighbors classifier

Authors: Antonio Quintero-Rinc\'on, Jorge Prendes, Valeria Muro, Carlos D'Giano

Abstract: Pattern classification in electroencephalography (EEG) signals is an important problem in biomedical engineering since it enables the detection of brain activity, particularly the early detection of epileptic seizures. In this paper, we propose a k-nearest neighbors classification for epileptic EEG signals based on a t-location-scale statistical representation to detect spike-and-waves. The proposed approach is demonstrated on a real dataset containing both spike-and-wave events and normal brain function signals, where our performance is evaluated in terms of classification accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.

cross DETAIL: Task DEmonsTration Attribution for Interpretable In-context Learning

Authors: Zijian Zhou, Xiaoqiang Lin, Xinyi Xu, Alok Prakash, Daniela Rus, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) allows transformer-based language models that are pre-trained on general text to quickly learn a specific task with a few "task demonstrations" without updating their parameters, significantly boosting their flexibility and generality. ICL possesses many distinct characteristics from conventional machine learning, thereby requiring new approaches to interpret this learning paradigm. Taking the viewpoint of recent works showing that transformers learn in context by formulating an internal optimizer, we propose an influence function-based attribution technique, DETAIL, that addresses the specific characteristics of ICL. We empirically verify the effectiveness of our approach for demonstration attribution while being computationally efficient. Leveraging the results, we then show how DETAIL can help improve model performance in real-world scenarios through demonstration reordering and curation. Finally, we experimentally prove the wide applicability of DETAIL by showing our attribution scores obtained on white-box models are transferable to black-box models in improving model performance.

cross Fair Evaluation of Federated Learning Algorithms for Automated Breast Density Classification: The Results of the 2022 ACR-NCI-NVIDIA Federated Learning Challenge

Authors: Kendall Schmidt (American College of Radiology, USA), Benjamin Bearce (The Massachusetts General Hospital, USA,University of Colorado, USA), Ken Chang (The Massachusetts General Hospital), Laura Coombs (American College of Radiology, USA), Keyvan Farahani (National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute, USA), Marawan Elbatele (Computer Vision,Robotics Institute, University of Girona, Spain), Kaouther Mouhebe (Computer Vision,Robotics Institute, University of Girona, Spain), Robert Marti (Computer Vision,Robotics Institute, University of Girona, Spain), Ruipeng Zhang (Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,Shanghai AI Laboratory, China), Yao Zhang (Shanghai AI Laboratory, China), Yanfeng Wang (Cooperative Medianet Innovation Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,Shanghai AI Laboratory, China), Yaojun Hu (Real Doctor AI Research Centre, Zhejiang University, China), Haochao Ying (Real Doctor AI Research Centre, Zhejiang University, China,School of Public Health, Zhejiang University, China), Yuyang Xu (Real Doctor AI Research Centre, Zhejiang University, China,College of Computer Science,Technology, Zhejiang University, China), Conrad Testagrose (University of North Florida College of Computing Jacksonville, USA), Mutlu Demirer (Mayo Clinic Florida Radiology, USA), Vikash Gupta (Mayo Clinic Florida Radiology, USA), \"Unal Ak\"unal (Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany), Markus Bujotzek (Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany), Klaus H. Maier-Hein (Division of Medical Image Computing, German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany), Yi Qin (Electronic,Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science,Technology, China), Xiaomeng Li (Electronic,Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science,Technology, China), Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer (The Massachusetts General Hospital, USA,University of Colorado, USA), Holger R. Roth (NVIDIA, USA)

Abstract: The correct interpretation of breast density is important in the assessment of breast cancer risk. AI has been shown capable of accurately predicting breast density, however, due to the differences in imaging characteristics across mammography systems, models built using data from one system do not generalize well to other systems. Though federated learning (FL) has emerged as a way to improve the generalizability of AI without the need to share data, the best way to preserve features from all training data during FL is an active area of research. To explore FL methodology, the breast density classification FL challenge was hosted in partnership with the American College of Radiology, Harvard Medical School's Mass General Brigham, University of Colorado, NVIDIA, and the National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute. Challenge participants were able to submit docker containers capable of implementing FL on three simulated medical facilities, each containing a unique large mammography dataset. The breast density FL challenge ran from June 15 to September 5, 2022, attracting seven finalists from around the world. The winning FL submission reached a linear kappa score of 0.653 on the challenge test data and 0.413 on an external testing dataset, scoring comparably to a model trained on the same data in a central location.

cross High Rank Path Development: an approach of learning the filtration of stochastic processes

Authors: Jiajie Tao, Hao Ni, Chong Liu

Abstract: Since the weak convergence for stochastic processes does not account for the growth of information over time which is represented by the underlying filtration, a slightly erroneous stochastic model in weak topology may cause huge loss in multi-periods decision making problems. To address such discontinuities Aldous introduced the extended weak convergence, which can fully characterise all essential properties, including the filtration, of stochastic processes; however was considered to be hard to find efficient numerical implementations. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric called High Rank PCF Distance (HRPCFD) for extended weak convergence based on the high rank path development method from rough path theory, which also defines the characteristic function for measure-valued processes. We then show that such HRPCFD admits many favourable analytic properties which allows us to design an efficient algorithm for training HRPCFD from data and construct the HRPCF-GAN by using HRPCFD as the discriminator for conditional time series generation. Our numerical experiments on both hypothesis testing and generative modelling validate the out-performance of our approach compared with several state-of-the-art methods, highlighting its potential in broad applications of synthetic time series generation and in addressing classic financial and economic challenges, such as optimal stopping or utility maximisation problems.

cross PILOT: Equivariant diffusion for pocket conditioned de novo ligand generation with multi-objective guidance via importance sampling

Authors: Julian Cremer, Tuan Le, Frank No\'e, Djork-Arn\'e Clevert, Kristof T. Sch\"utt

Abstract: The generation of ligands that both are tailored to a given protein pocket and exhibit a range of desired chemical properties is a major challenge in structure-based drug design. Here, we propose an in-silico approach for the $\textit{de novo}$ generation of 3D ligand structures using the equivariant diffusion model PILOT, combining pocket conditioning with a large-scale pre-training and property guidance. Its multi-objective trajectory-based importance sampling strategy is designed to direct the model towards molecules that not only exhibit desired characteristics such as increased binding affinity for a given protein pocket but also maintains high synthetic accessibility. This ensures the practicality of sampled molecules, thus maximizing their potential for the drug discovery pipeline. PILOT significantly outperforms existing methods across various metrics on the common benchmark dataset CrossDocked2020. Moreover, we employ PILOT to generate novel ligands for unseen protein pockets from the Kinodata-3D dataset, which encompasses a substantial portion of the human kinome. The generated structures exhibit predicted $IC_{50}$ values indicative of potent biological activity, which highlights the potential of PILOT as a powerful tool for structure-based drug design.

cross AstroPT: Scaling Large Observation Models for Astronomy

Authors: Michael J. Smith, Ryan J. Roberts, Eirini Angeloudi, Marc Huertas-Company

Abstract: This work presents AstroPT, an autoregressive pretrained transformer developed with astronomical use-cases in mind. The AstroPT models presented here have been pretrained on 8.6 million $512 \times 512$ pixel $grz$-band galaxy postage stamp observations from the DESI Legacy Survey DR8. We train a selection of foundation models of increasing size from 1 million to 2.1 billion parameters, and find that AstroPT follows a similar saturating log-log scaling law to textual models. We also find that the models' performances on downstream tasks as measured by linear probing improves with model size up to the model parameter saturation point. We believe that collaborative community development paves the best route towards realising an open source `Large Observation Model' -- a model trained on data taken from the observational sciences at the scale seen in natural language processing. To this end, we release the source code, weights, and dataset for AstroPT under the MIT license, and invite potential collaborators to join us in collectively building and researching these models.

cross Interpretable and Editable Programmatic Tree Policies for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Hector Kohler, Quentin Delfosse, Riad Akrour, Kristian Kersting, Philippe Preux

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning agents are prone to goal misalignments. The black-box nature of their policies hinders the detection and correction of such misalignments, and the trust necessary for real-world deployment. So far, solutions learning interpretable policies are inefficient or require many human priors. We propose INTERPRETER, a fast distillation method producing INTerpretable Editable tRee Programs for ReinforcEmenT lEaRning. We empirically demonstrate that INTERPRETER compact tree programs match oracles across a diverse set of sequential decision tasks and evaluate the impact of our design choices on interpretability and performances. We show that our policies can be interpreted and edited to correct misalignments on Atari games and to explain real farming strategies.

cross SFDDM: Single-fold Distillation for Diffusion models

Authors: Chi Hong, Jiyue Huang, Robert Birke, Dick Epema, Stefanie Roos, Lydia Y. Chen

Abstract: While diffusion models effectively generate remarkable synthetic images, a key limitation is the inference inefficiency, requiring numerous sampling steps. To accelerate inference and maintain high-quality synthesis, teacher-student distillation is applied to compress the diffusion models in a progressive and binary manner by retraining, e.g., reducing the 1024-step model to a 128-step model in 3 folds. In this paper, we propose a single-fold distillation algorithm, SFDDM, which can flexibly compress the teacher diffusion model into a student model of any desired step, based on reparameterization of the intermediate inputs from the teacher model. To train the student diffusion, we minimize not only the output distance but also the distribution of the hidden variables between the teacher and student model. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate that our student model trained by the proposed SFDDM is able to sample high-quality data with steps reduced to as little as approximately 1%, thus, trading off inference time. Our remarkable performance highlights that SFDDM effectively transfers knowledge in single-fold distillation, achieving semantic consistency and meaningful image interpolation.

cross Hand bone age estimation using divide and conquer strategy and lightweight convolutional neural networks

Authors: Amin Ahmadi Kasani, Hedieh Sajedi

Abstract: Estimating the Bone Age of children is very important for diagnosing growth defects, and related diseases, and estimating the final height that children reach after maturity. For this reason, it is widely used in different countries. Traditional methods for estimating bone age are performed by comparing atlas images and radiographic images of the left hand, which is time-consuming and error-prone. To estimate bone age using deep neural network models, a lot of research has been done, our effort has been to improve the accuracy and speed of this process by using the introduced approach. After creating and analyzing our initial model, we focused on preprocessing and made the inputs smaller, and increased their quality. we selected small regions of hand radiographs and estimated the age of the bone only according to these regions. by doing this we improved bone age estimation accuracy even further than what was achieved in related works, without increasing the required computational resource. We reached a Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 3.90 months in the range of 0-20 years and an MAE of 3.84 months in the range of 1-18 years on the RSNA test set.

cross Linking In-context Learning in Transformers to Human Episodic Memory

Authors: Li Ji-An, Corey Y. Zhou, Marcus K. Benna, Marcelo G. Mattar

Abstract: Understanding the connections between artificial and biological intelligent systems can reveal fundamental principles underlying general intelligence. While many artificial intelligence (AI) models have a neuroscience counterpart, such connections are largely missing in Transformer models and the self-attention mechanism. Here, we examine the relationship between attention heads and human episodic memory. We focus on the induction heads, which contribute to the in-context learning capabilities of Transformer-based large language models (LLMs). We demonstrate that induction heads are behaviorally, functionally, and mechanistically similar to the contextual maintenance and retrieval (CMR) model of human episodic memory. Our analyses of LLMs pre-trained on extensive text data show that CMR-like heads often emerge in the intermediate model layers and that their behavior qualitatively mirrors the memory biases seen in humans. Our findings uncover a parallel between the computational mechanisms of LLMs and human memory, offering valuable insights into both research fields.

cross Lower Bound on the Greedy Approximation Ratio for Adaptive Submodular Cover

Authors: Blake Harris, Viswanath Nagarajan

Abstract: We show that the greedy algorithm for adaptive-submodular cover has approximation ratio at least 1.3*(1+ln Q). Moreover, the instance demonstrating this gap has Q=1. So, it invalidates a prior result in the paper ``Adaptive Submodularity: A New Approach to Active Learning and Stochastic Optimization'' by Golovin-Krause, that claimed a (1+ln Q)^2 approximation ratio for the same algorithm.

cross RE-Adapt: Reverse Engineered Adaptation of Large Language Models

Authors: William Fleshman, Benjamin Van Durme

Abstract: We introduce RE-Adapt, an approach to fine-tuning large language models on new domains without degrading any pre-existing instruction-tuning. We reverse engineer an adapter which isolates what an instruction-tuned model has learned beyond its corresponding pretrained base model. Importantly, this requires no additional data or training. We can then fine-tune the base model on a new domain and readapt it to instruction following with the reverse engineered adapter. RE-Adapt and our low-rank variant LoRE-Adapt both outperform other methods of fine-tuning, across multiple popular LLMs and datasets, even when the models are used in conjunction with retrieval-augmented generation.

cross Extracting Prompts by Inverting LLM Outputs

Authors: Collin Zhang, John X. Morris, Vitaly Shmatikov

Abstract: We consider the problem of language model inversion: given outputs of a language model, we seek to extract the prompt that generated these outputs. We develop a new black-box method, output2prompt, that learns to extract prompts without access to the model's logits and without adversarial or jailbreaking queries. In contrast to previous work, output2prompt only needs outputs of normal user queries. To improve memory efficiency, output2prompt employs a new sparse encoding techique. We measure the efficacy of output2prompt on a variety of user and system prompts and demonstrate zero-shot transferability across different LLMs.

cross Agentic Skill Discovery

Authors: Xufeng Zhao, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: Language-conditioned robotic skills make it possible to apply the high-level reasoning of Large Language Models (LLMs) to low-level robotic control. A remaining challenge is to acquire a diverse set of fundamental skills. Existing approaches either manually decompose a complex task into atomic robotic actions in a top-down fashion, or bootstrap as many combinations as possible in a bottom-up fashion to cover a wider range of task possibilities. These decompositions or combinations, however, require an initial skill library. For example, a "grasping" capability can never emerge from a skill library containing only diverse "pushing" skills. Existing skill discovery techniques with reinforcement learning acquire skills by an exhaustive exploration but often yield non-meaningful behaviors. In this study, we introduce a novel framework for skill discovery that is entirely driven by LLMs. The framework begins with an LLM generating task proposals based on the provided scene description and the robot's configurations, aiming to incrementally acquire new skills upon task completion. For each proposed task, a series of reinforcement learning processes are initiated, utilizing reward and success determination functions sampled by the LLM to develop the corresponding policy. The reliability and trustworthiness of learned behaviors are further ensured by an independent vision-language model. We show that starting with zero skill, the ASD skill library emerges and expands to more and more meaningful and reliable skills, enabling the robot to efficiently further propose and complete advanced tasks. The project page can be found at:


cross Input-driven circuit reconfiguration in critical recurrent neural networks.Marcelo O. Magnasco

Authors: Marcelo O. Magnasco

Abstract: Changing a circuit dynamically, without actually changing the hardware itself, is called reconfiguration, and is of great importance due to its manifold technological applications. Circuit reconfiguration appears to be a feature of the cerebral cortex, and hence understanding the neuroarchitectural and dynamical features underlying self-reconfiguration may prove key to elucidate brain function. We present a very simple single-layer recurrent network, whose signal pathways can be reconfigured "on the fly" using only its inputs, with no changes to its synaptic weights. We use the low spatio-temporal frequencies of the input to landscape the ongoing activity, which in turn permits or denies the propagation of traveling waves. This mechanism uses the inherent properties of dynamically-critical systems, which we guarantee through unitary convolution kernels. We show this network solves the classical connectedness problem, by allowing signal propagation only along the regions to be evaluated for connectedness and forbidding it elsewhere.

cross CEEBERT: Cross-Domain Inference in Early Exit BERT

Authors: Divya Jyoti Bajpai, Manjesh Kumar Hanawal

Abstract: Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs), like BERT, with self-supervision objectives exhibit remarkable performance and generalization across various tasks. However, they suffer in inference latency due to their large size. To address this issue, side branches are attached at intermediate layers, enabling early inference of samples without requiring them to pass through all layers. However, the challenge is to decide which layer to infer and exit each sample so that the accuracy and latency are balanced. Moreover, the distribution of the samples to be inferred may differ from that used for training necessitating cross-domain adaptation. We propose an online learning algorithm named Cross-Domain Inference in Early Exit BERT (CeeBERT) that dynamically determines early exits of samples based on the level of confidence at each exit point. CeeBERT learns optimal thresholds from domain-specific confidence observed at intermediate layers on the fly, eliminating the need for labeled data. Experimental results on five distinct datasets with BERT and ALBERT models demonstrate CeeBERT's ability to improve latency by reducing unnecessary computations with minimal drop in performance. By adapting to the threshold values, CeeBERT can speed up the BERT/ALBERT models by $2\times$ - $3.5\times$ with minimal drop in accuracy.

cross Provably Efficient Reinforcement Learning for Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward Linear MDPs

Authors: Kihyuk Hong, Yufan Zhang, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: We resolve the open problem of designing a computationally efficient algorithm for infinite-horizon average-reward linear Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret. Previous approaches with $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret either suffer from computational inefficiency or require strong assumptions on dynamics, such as ergodicity. In this paper, we approximate the average-reward setting by the discounted setting and show that running an optimistic value iteration-based algorithm for learning the discounted setting achieves $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret when the discounting factor $\gamma$ is tuned appropriately. The challenge in the approximation approach is to get a regret bound with a sharp dependency on the effective horizon $1 / (1 - \gamma)$. We use a computationally efficient clipping operator that constrains the span of the optimistic state value function estimate to achieve a sharp regret bound in terms of the effective horizon, which leads to $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret.

cross Controlling Behavioral Diversity in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Matteo Bettini, Ryan Kortvelesy, Amanda Prorok

Abstract: The study of behavioral diversity in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is a nascent yet promising field. In this context, the present work deals with the question of how to control the diversity of a multi-agent system. With no existing approaches to control diversity to a set value, current solutions focus on blindly promoting it via intrinsic rewards or additional loss functions, effectively changing the learning objective and lacking a principled measure for it. To address this, we introduce Diversity Control (DiCo), a method able to control diversity to an exact value of a given metric by representing policies as the sum of a parameter-shared component and dynamically scaled per-agent components. By applying constraints directly to the policy architecture, DiCo leaves the learning objective unchanged, enabling its applicability to any actor-critic MARL algorithm. We theoretically prove that DiCo achieves the desired diversity, and we provide several experiments, both in cooperative and competitive tasks, that show how DiCo can be employed as a novel paradigm to increase performance and sample efficiency in MARL. Multimedia results are available on the paper's website:


cross 4+3 Phases of Compute-Optimal Neural Scaling Laws

Authors: Elliot Paquette, Courtney Paquette, Lechao Xiao, Jeffrey Pennington

Abstract: We consider the three parameter solvable neural scaling model introduced by Maloney, Roberts, and Sully. The model has three parameters: data complexity, target complexity, and model-parameter-count. We use this neural scaling model to derive new predictions about the compute-limited, infinite-data scaling law regime. To train the neural scaling model, we run one-pass stochastic gradient descent on a mean-squared loss. We derive a representation of the loss curves which holds over all iteration counts and improves in accuracy as the model parameter count grows. We then analyze the compute-optimal model-parameter-count, and identify 4 phases (+3 subphases) in the data-complexity/target-complexity phase-plane. The phase boundaries are determined by the relative importance of model capacity, optimizer noise, and embedding of the features. We furthermore derive, with mathematical proof and extensive numerical evidence, the scaling-law exponents in all of these phases, in particular computing the optimal model-parameter-count as a function of floating point operation budget.

cross Efficient Certificates of Anti-Concentration Beyond Gaussians

Authors: Ainesh Bakshi, Pravesh Kothari, Goutham Rajendran, Madhur Tulsiani, Aravindan Vijayaraghavan

Abstract: A set of high dimensional points $X=\{x_1, x_2,\ldots, x_n\} \subset R^d$ in isotropic position is said to be $\delta$-anti concentrated if for every direction $v$, the fraction of points in $X$ satisfying $|\langle x_i,v \rangle |\leq \delta$ is at most $O(\delta)$. Motivated by applications to list-decodable learning and clustering, recent works have considered the problem of constructing efficient certificates of anti-concentration in the average case, when the set of points $X$ corresponds to samples from a Gaussian distribution. Their certificates played a crucial role in several subsequent works in algorithmic robust statistics on list-decodable learning and settling the robust learnability of arbitrary Gaussian mixtures, yet remain limited to rotationally invariant distributions. This work presents a new (and arguably the most natural) formulation for anti-concentration. Using this formulation, we give quasi-polynomial time verifiable sum-of-squares certificates of anti-concentration that hold for a wide class of non-Gaussian distributions including anti-concentrated bounded product distributions and uniform distributions over $L_p$ balls (and their affine transformations). Consequently, our method upgrades and extends results in algorithmic robust statistics e.g., list-decodable learning and clustering, to such distributions. Our approach constructs a canonical integer program for anti-concentration and analysis a sum-of-squares relaxation of it, independent of the intended application. We rely on duality and analyze a pseudo-expectation on large subsets of the input points that take a small value in some direction. Our analysis uses the method of polynomial reweightings to reduce the problem to analyzing only analytically dense or sparse directions.

cross Music Genre Classification: Training an AI model

Authors: Keoikantse Mogonediwa

Abstract: Music genre classification is an area that utilizes machine learning models and techniques for the processing of audio signals, in which applications range from content recommendation systems to music recommendation systems. In this research I explore various machine learning algorithms for the purpose of music genre classification, using features extracted from audio signals.The systems are namely, a Multilayer Perceptron (built from scratch), a k-Nearest Neighbours (also built from scratch), a Convolutional Neural Network and lastly a Random Forest wide model. In order to process the audio signals, feature extraction methods such as Short-Time Fourier Transform, and the extraction of Mel Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs), is performed. Through this extensive research, I aim to asses the robustness of machine learning models for genre classification, and to compare their results.

cross Magnetic Resonance Image Processing Transformer for General Reconstruction

Authors: Guoyao Shen, Mengyu Li, Stephan Anderson, Chad W. Farris, Xin Zhang

Abstract: Purpose: To develop and evaluate a deep learning model for general accelerated MRI reconstruction. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study built a magnetic resonance image processing transformer (MR-IPT) which includes multi-head-tails and a single shared window transformer main body. Three mutations of MR-IPT with different transformer structures were implemented to guide the design of our MR-IPT model. Pre-trained on the MRI set of RadImageNet including 672675 images with multiple anatomy categories, the model was further migrated and evaluated on fastMRI knee dataset with 25012 images for downstream reconstruction tasks. We performed comparison studies with three CNN-based conventional networks in zero- and few-shot learning scenarios. Transfer learning process was conducted on both MR-IPT and CNN networks to further validate the generalizability of MR-IPT. To study the model performance stability, we evaluated our model with various downstream dataset sizes ranging from 10 to 2500 images. Result: The MR-IPT model provided superior performance in multiple downstream tasks compared to conventional CNN networks. MR-IPT achieved a PSNR/SSIM of 26.521/0.6102 (4-fold) and 24.861/0.4996 (8-fold) in 10-epoch learning, surpassing UNet128 at 25.056/0.5832 (4-fold) and 22.984/0.4637 (8-fold). With the same large-scale pre-training, MR-IPT provided a 5% performance boost compared to UNet128 in zero-shot learning in 8-fold and 3% in 4-fold. Conclusion: MR-IPT framework benefits from its transformer-based structure and large-scale pre-training and can serve as a solid backbone in other downstream tasks with zero- and few-shot learning.

cross The Rarity of Musical Audio Signals Within the Space of Possible Audio Generation

Authors: Nick Collins

Abstract: A white noise signal can access any possible configuration of values, though statistically over many samples tends to a uniform spectral distribution, and is highly unlikely to produce intelligible sound. But how unlikely? The probability that white noise generates a music-like signal over different durations is analyzed, based on some necessary features observed in real music audio signals such as mostly proximate movement and zero crossing rate. Given the mathematical results, the rarity of music as a signal is considered overall. The applicability of this study is not just to show that music has a precious rarity value, but that examination of the size of music relative to the overall size of audio signal space provides information to inform new generations of algorithmic music system (which are now often founded on audio signal generation directly, and may relate to white noise via such machine learning processes as diffusion). Estimated upper bounds on the rarity of music to the size of various physical and musical spaces are compared, to better understand the magnitude of the results (pun intended). Underlying the research are the questions `how much music is still out there?' and `how much music could a machine learning process actually reach?'.

cross Certified Inventory Control of Critical Resources

Authors: Ludvig Hult, Dave Zachariah, Petre Stoica

Abstract: Inventory control is subject to service-level requirements, in which sufficient stock levels must be maintained despite an unknown demand. We propose a data-driven order policy that certifies any prescribed service level under minimal assumptions on the unknown demand process. The policy achieves this using any online learning method along with integral action. We further propose an inference method that is valid in finite samples. The properties and theoretical guarantees of the method are illustrated using both synthetic and real-world data.

cross Conformal Classification with Equalized Coverage for Adaptively Selected Groups

Authors: Yanfei Zhou, Matteo Sesia

Abstract: This paper introduces a conformal inference method to evaluate uncertainty in classification by generating prediction sets with valid coverage conditional on adaptively chosen features. These features are carefully selected to reflect potential model limitations or biases. This can be useful to find a practical compromise between efficiency -- by providing informative predictions -- and algorithmic fairness -- by ensuring equalized coverage for the most sensitive groups. We demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of this method on simulated and real data sets.

cross Is Algorithmic Stability Testable? A Unified Framework under Computational Constraints

Authors: Yuetian Luo, Rina Foygel Barber

Abstract: Algorithmic stability is a central notion in learning theory that quantifies the sensitivity of an algorithm to small changes in the training data. If a learning algorithm satisfies certain stability properties, this leads to many important downstream implications, such as generalization, robustness, and reliable predictive inference. Verifying that stability holds for a particular algorithm is therefore an important and practical question. However, recent results establish that testing the stability of a black-box algorithm is impossible, given limited data from an unknown distribution, in settings where the data lies in an uncountably infinite space (such as real-valued data). In this work, we extend this question to examine a far broader range of settings, where the data may lie in any space -- for example, categorical data. We develop a unified framework for quantifying the hardness of testing algorithmic stability, which establishes that across all settings, if the available data is limited then exhaustive search is essentially the only universally valid mechanism for certifying algorithmic stability. Since in practice, any test of stability would naturally be subject to computational constraints, exhaustive search is impossible and so this implies fundamental limits on our ability to test the stability property for a black-box algorithm.

cross OptLLM: Optimal Assignment of Queries to Large Language Models

Authors: Yueyue Liu, Hongyu Zhang, Yuantian Miao, Van-Hoang Le, Zhiqiang Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered considerable attention owing to their remarkable capabilities, leading to an increasing number of companies offering LLMs as services. Different LLMs achieve different performance at different costs. A challenge for users lies in choosing the LLMs that best fit their needs, balancing cost and performance. In this paper, we propose a framework for addressing the cost-effective query allocation problem for LLMs. Given a set of input queries and candidate LLMs, our framework, named OptLLM, provides users with a range of optimal solutions to choose from, aligning with their budget constraints and performance preferences, including options for maximizing accuracy and minimizing cost. OptLLM predicts the performance of candidate LLMs on each query using a multi-label classification model with uncertainty estimation and then iteratively generates a set of non-dominated solutions by destructing and reconstructing the current solution. To evaluate the effectiveness of OptLLM, we conduct extensive experiments on various types of tasks, including text classification, question answering, sentiment analysis, reasoning, and log parsing. Our experimental results demonstrate that OptLLM substantially reduces costs by 2.40% to 49.18% while achieving the same accuracy as the best LLM. Compared to other multi-objective optimization algorithms, OptLLM improves accuracy by 2.94% to 69.05% at the same cost or saves costs by 8.79% and 95.87% while maintaining the highest attainable accuracy.

cross Beyond the noise: intrinsic dimension estimation with optimal neighbourhood identification

Authors: Antonio Di Noia, Iuri Macocco, Aldo Glielmo, Alessandro Laio, Antonietta Mira

Abstract: The Intrinsic Dimension (ID) is a key concept in unsupervised learning and feature selection, as it is a lower bound to the number of variables which are necessary to describe a system. However, in almost any real-world dataset the ID depends on the scale at which the data are analysed. Quite typically at a small scale, the ID is very large, as the data are affected by measurement errors. At large scale, the ID can also be erroneously large, due to the curvature and the topology of the manifold containing the data. In this work, we introduce an automatic protocol to select the sweet spot, namely the correct range of scales in which the ID is meaningful and useful. This protocol is based on imposing that for distances smaller than the correct scale the density of the data is constant. Since to estimate the density it is necessary to know the ID, this condition is imposed self-consistently. We illustrate the usefulness and robustness of this procedure by benchmarks on artificial and real-world datasets.

cross Online Prompt Pricing based on Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit and Hierarchical Stackelberg Game

Authors: Meiling Li, Hongrun Ren, Haixu Xiong, Zhenxing Qian, Xinpeng Zhang

Abstract: Generation models have shown promising performance in various tasks, making trading around machine learning models possible. In this paper, we aim at a novel prompt trading scenario, prompt bundle trading (PBT) system, and propose an online pricing mechanism. Based on the combinatorial multi-armed bandit (CMAB) and three-stage hierarchical Stackelburg (HS) game, our pricing mechanism considers the profits of the consumer, platform, and seller, simultaneously achieving the profit satisfaction of these three participants. We break down the pricing issue into two steps, namely unknown category selection and incentive strategy optimization. The former step is to select a set of categories with the highest qualities, and the latter is to derive the optimal strategy for each participant based on the chosen categories. Unlike the existing fixed pricing mode, the PBT pricing mechanism we propose is more flexible and diverse, which is more in accord with the transaction needs of real-world scenarios. We test our method on a simulated text-to-image dataset. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm, which provides a feasible price-setting standard for the prompt marketplaces.

cross ProtFAD: Introducing function-aware domains as implicit modality towards protein function perception

Authors: Mingqing Wang, Zhiwei Nie, Yonghong He, Zhixiang Ren

Abstract: Protein function prediction is currently achieved by encoding its sequence or structure, where the sequence-to-function transcendence and high-quality structural data scarcity lead to obvious performance bottlenecks. Protein domains are "building blocks" of proteins that are functionally independent, and their combinations determine the diverse biological functions. However, most existing studies have yet to thoroughly explore the intricate functional information contained in the protein domains. To fill this gap, we propose a synergistic integration approach for a function-aware domain representation, and a domain-joint contrastive learning strategy to distinguish different protein functions while aligning the modalities. Specifically, we associate domains with the GO terms as function priors to pre-train domain embeddings. Furthermore, we partition proteins into multiple sub-views based on continuous joint domains for contrastive training under the supervision of a novel triplet InfoNCE loss. Our approach significantly and comprehensively outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on various benchmarks, and clearly differentiates proteins carrying distinct functions compared to the competitor.

cross From Frege to chatGPT: Compositionality in language, cognition, and deep neural networks

Authors: Jacob Russin, Sam Whitman McGrath, Danielle J. Williams, Lotem Elber-Dorozko

Abstract: Compositionality has long been considered a key explanatory property underlying human intelligence: arbitrary concepts can be composed into novel complex combinations, permitting the acquisition of an open ended, potentially infinite expressive capacity from finite learning experiences. Influential arguments have held that neural networks fail to explain this aspect of behavior, leading many to dismiss them as viable models of human cognition. Over the last decade, however, modern deep neural networks (DNNs), which share the same fundamental design principles as their predecessors, have come to dominate artificial intelligence, exhibiting the most advanced cognitive behaviors ever demonstrated in machines. In particular, large language models (LLMs), DNNs trained to predict the next word on a large corpus of text, have proven capable of sophisticated behaviors such as writing syntactically complex sentences without grammatical errors, producing cogent chains of reasoning, and even writing original computer programs -- all behaviors thought to require compositional processing. In this chapter, we survey recent empirical work from machine learning for a broad audience in philosophy, cognitive science, and neuroscience, situating recent breakthroughs within the broader context of philosophical arguments about compositionality. In particular, our review emphasizes two approaches to endowing neural networks with compositional generalization capabilities: (1) architectural inductive biases, and (2) metalearning, or learning to learn. We also present findings suggesting that LLM pretraining can be understood as a kind of metalearning, and can thereby equip DNNs with compositional generalization abilities in a similar way. We conclude by discussing the implications that these findings may have for the study of compositionality in human cognition and by suggesting avenues for future research.

cross ProDAG: Projection-induced variational inference for directed acyclic graphs

Authors: Ryan Thompson, Edwin V. Bonilla, Robert Kohn

Abstract: Directed acyclic graph (DAG) learning is a rapidly expanding field of research. Though the field has witnessed remarkable advances over the past few years, it remains statistically and computationally challenging to learn a single (point estimate) DAG from data, let alone provide uncertainty quantification. Our article addresses the difficult task of quantifying graph uncertainty by developing a variational Bayes inference framework based on novel distributions that have support directly on the space of DAGs. The distributions, which we use to form our prior and variational posterior, are induced by a projection operation, whereby an arbitrary continuous distribution is projected onto the space of sparse weighted acyclic adjacency matrices (matrix representations of DAGs) with probability mass on exact zeros. Though the projection constitutes a combinatorial optimization problem, it is solvable at scale via recently developed techniques that reformulate acyclicity as a continuous constraint. We empirically demonstrate that our method, ProDAG, can deliver accurate inference, and often outperforms existing state-of-the-art alternatives.

cross Learning the Distribution Map in Reverse Causal Performative Prediction

Authors: Daniele Bracale, Subha Maity, Moulinath Banerjee, Yuekai Sun

Abstract: In numerous predictive scenarios, the predictive model affects the sampling distribution; for example, job applicants often meticulously craft their resumes to navigate through a screening systems. Such shifts in distribution are particularly prevalent in the realm of social computing, yet, the strategies to learn these shifts from data remain remarkably limited. Inspired by a microeconomic model that adeptly characterizes agents' behavior within labor markets, we introduce a novel approach to learn the distribution shift. Our method is predicated on a reverse causal model, wherein the predictive model instigates a distribution shift exclusively through a finite set of agents' actions. Within this framework, we employ a microfoundation model for the agents' actions and develop a statistically justified methodology to learn the distribution shift map, which we demonstrate to be effective in minimizing the performative prediction risk.

cross TrojanForge: Adversarial Hardware Trojan Examples with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Amin Sarihi, Peter Jamieson, Ahmad Patooghy, Abdel-Hameed A. Badawy

Abstract: The Hardware Trojan (HT) problem can be thought of as a continuous game between attackers and defenders, each striving to outsmart the other by leveraging any available means for an advantage. Machine Learning (ML) has recently been key in advancing HT research. Various novel techniques, such as Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), have shown HT insertion and detection capabilities. HT insertion with ML techniques, specifically, has seen a spike in research activity due to the shortcomings of conventional HT benchmarks and the inherent human design bias that occurs when we create them. This work continues this innovation by presenting a tool called "TrojanForge", capable of generating HT adversarial examples that defeat HT detectors; demonstrating the capabilities of GAN-like adversarial tools for automatic HT insertion. We introduce an RL environment where the RL insertion agent interacts with HT detectors in an insertion-detection loop where the agent collects rewards based on its success in bypassing HT detectors. Our results show that this process leads to inserted HTs that evade various HT detectors, achieving high attack success percentages. This tool provides insight into why HT insertion fails in some instances and how we can leverage this knowledge in defense.

cross iVideoGPT: Interactive VideoGPTs are Scalable World Models

Authors: Jialong Wu, Shaofeng Yin, Ningya Feng, Xu He, Dong Li, Jianye Hao, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: World models empower model-based agents to interactively explore, reason, and plan within imagined environments for real-world decision-making. However, the high demand for interactivity poses challenges in harnessing recent advancements in video generative models for developing world models at scale. This work introduces Interactive VideoGPT (iVideoGPT), a scalable autoregressive transformer framework that integrates multimodal signals--visual observations, actions, and rewards--into a sequence of tokens, facilitating an interactive experience of agents via next-token prediction. iVideoGPT features a novel compressive tokenization technique that efficiently discretizes high-dimensional visual observations. Leveraging its scalable architecture, we are able to pre-train iVideoGPT on millions of human and robotic manipulation trajectories, establishing a versatile foundation that is adaptable to serve as interactive world models for a wide range of downstream tasks. These include action-conditioned video prediction, visual planning, and model-based reinforcement learning, where iVideoGPT achieves competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art methods. Our work advances the development of interactive general world models, bridging the gap between generative video models and practical model-based reinforcement learning applications.

cross $i$REPO: $i$mplicit Reward Pairwise Difference based Empirical Preference Optimization

Authors: Long Tan Le, Han Shu, Tung-Anh Nguyen, Choong Seon Hong, Nguyen H. Tran

Abstract: While astonishingly capable, large Language Models (LLM) can sometimes produce outputs that deviate from human expectations. Such deviations necessitate an alignment phase to prevent disseminating untruthful, toxic, or biased information. Traditional alignment methods based on reinforcement learning often struggle with the identified instability, whereas preference optimization methods are limited by their overfitting to pre-collected hard-label datasets. In this paper, we propose a novel LLM alignment framework named $i$REPO, which utilizes implicit Reward pairwise difference regression for Empirical Preference Optimization. Particularly, $i$REPO employs self-generated datasets labelled by empirical human (or AI annotator) preference to iteratively refine the aligned policy through a novel regression-based loss function. Furthermore, we introduce an innovative algorithm backed by theoretical guarantees for achieving optimal results under ideal assumptions and providing a practical performance-gap result without such assumptions. Experimental results with Phi-2 and Mistral-7B demonstrate that $i$REPO effectively achieves self-alignment using soft-label, self-generated responses and the logit of empirical AI annotators. Furthermore, our approach surpasses preference optimization baselines in evaluations using the Language Model Evaluation Harness and Multi-turn benchmarks.

cross Learning to optimize: A tutorial for continuous and mixed-integer optimization

Authors: Xiaohan Chen, Jialin Liu, Wotao Yin

Abstract: Learning to Optimize (L2O) stands at the intersection of traditional optimization and machine learning, utilizing the capabilities of machine learning to enhance conventional optimization techniques. As real-world optimization problems frequently share common structures, L2O provides a tool to exploit these structures for better or faster solutions. This tutorial dives deep into L2O techniques, introducing how to accelerate optimization algorithms, promptly estimate the solutions, or even reshape the optimization problem itself, making it more adaptive to real-world applications. By considering the prerequisites for successful applications of L2O and the structure of the optimization problems at hand, this tutorial provides a comprehensive guide for practitioners and researchers alike.

cross Novel Kernel Models and Exact Representor Theory for Neural Networks Beyond the Over-Parameterized Regime

Authors: Alistair Shilton, Sunil Gupta, Santu Rana, Svetha Venkatesh

Abstract: This paper presents two models of neural-networks and their training applicable to neural networks of arbitrary width, depth and topology, assuming only finite-energy neural activations; and a novel representor theory for neural networks in terms of a matrix-valued kernel. The first model is exact (un-approximated) and global, casting the neural network as an elements in a reproducing kernel Banach space (RKBS); we use this model to provide tight bounds on Rademacher complexity. The second model is exact and local, casting the change in neural network function resulting from a bounded change in weights and biases (ie. a training step) in reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) in terms of a local-intrinsic neural kernel (LiNK). This local model provides insight into model adaptation through tight bounds on Rademacher complexity of network adaptation. We also prove that the neural tangent kernel (NTK) is a first-order approximation of the LiNK kernel. Finally, and noting that the LiNK does not provide a representor theory for technical reasons, we present an exact novel representor theory for layer-wise neural network training with unregularized gradient descent in terms of a local-extrinsic neural kernel (LeNK). This representor theory gives insight into the role of higher-order statistics in neural network training and the effect of kernel evolution in neural-network kernel models. Throughout the paper (a) feedforward ReLU networks and (b) residual networks (ResNet) are used as illustrative examples.

cross BDetCLIP: Multimodal Prompting Contrastive Test-Time Backdoor Detection

Authors: Yuwei Niu, Shuo He, Qi Wei, Feng Liu, Lei Feng

Abstract: Multimodal contrastive learning methods (e.g., CLIP) have shown impressive zero-shot classification performance due to their strong ability to joint representation learning for visual and textual modalities. However, recent research revealed that multimodal contrastive learning on poisoned pre-training data with a small proportion of maliciously backdoored data can induce backdoored CLIP that could be attacked by inserted triggers in downstream tasks with a high success rate. To defend against backdoor attacks on CLIP, existing defense methods focus on either the pre-training stage or the fine-tuning stage, which would unfortunately cause high computational costs due to numerous parameter updates. In this paper, we provide the first attempt at a computationally efficient backdoor detection method to defend against backdoored CLIP in the inference stage. We empirically find that the visual representations of backdoored images are insensitive to both benign and malignant changes in class description texts. Motivated by this observation, we propose BDetCLIP, a novel test-time backdoor detection method based on contrastive prompting. Specifically, we first prompt the language model (e.g., GPT-4) to produce class-related description texts (benign) and class-perturbed random texts (malignant) by specially designed instructions. Then, the distribution difference in cosine similarity between images and the two types of class description texts can be used as the criterion to detect backdoor samples. Extensive experiments validate that our proposed BDetCLIP is superior to state-of-the-art backdoor detection methods, in terms of both effectiveness and efficiency.

cross DFGNN: Dual-frequency Graph Neural Network for Sign-aware Feedback

Authors: Yiqing Wu, Ruobing Xie, Zhao Zhang, Xu Zhang, Fuzhen Zhuang, Leyu Lin, Zhanhui Kang, Yongjun Xu

Abstract: The graph-based recommendation has achieved great success in recent years. However, most existing graph-based recommendations focus on capturing user preference based on positive edges/feedback, while ignoring negative edges/feedback (e.g., dislike, low rating) that widely exist in real-world recommender systems. How to utilize negative feedback in graph-based recommendations still remains underexplored. In this study, we first conducted a comprehensive experimental analysis and found that (1) existing graph neural networks are not well-suited for modeling negative feedback, which acts as a high-frequency signal in a user-item graph. (2) The graph-based recommendation suffers from the representation degeneration problem. Based on the two observations, we propose a novel model that models positive and negative feedback from a frequency filter perspective called Dual-frequency Graph Neural Network for Sign-aware Recommendation (DFGNN). Specifically, in DFGNN, the designed dual-frequency graph filter (DGF) captures both low-frequency and high-frequency signals that contain positive and negative feedback. Furthermore, the proposed signed graph regularization is applied to maintain the user/item embedding uniform in the embedding space to alleviate the representation degeneration problem. Additionally, we conduct extensive experiments on real-world datasets and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. Codes of our model will be released upon acceptance.

cross Semi-Supervised Learning guided by the Generalized Bayes Rule under Soft Revision

Authors: Stefan Dietrich, Julian Rodemann, Christoph Jansen

Abstract: We provide a theoretical and computational investigation of the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision, which was recently proposed as a robust criterion for pseudo-label selection (PLS) in semi-supervised learning. Opposed to traditional methods for PLS we use credal sets of priors ("generalized Bayes") to represent the epistemic modeling uncertainty. These latter are then updated by the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision. We eventually select pseudo-labeled data that are most likely in light of the least favorable distribution from the so updated credal set. We formalize the task of finding optimal pseudo-labeled data w.r.t. the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision as an optimization problem. A concrete implementation for the class of logistic models then allows us to compare the predictive power of the method with competing approaches. It is observed that the Gamma-Maximin method with soft revision can achieve very promising results, especially when the proportion of labeled data is low.

cross Towards Understanding How Transformer Perform Multi-step Reasoning with Matching Operation

Authors: Zhiwei Wang, Yunji Wang, Zhongwang Zhang, Zhangchen Zhou, Hui Jin, Tianyang Hu, Jiacheng Sun, Zhenguo Li, Yaoyu Zhang, Zhi-Qin John Xu

Abstract: Large language models have consistently struggled with complex reasoning tasks, such as mathematical problem-solving. Investigating the internal reasoning mechanisms of these models can help us design better model architectures and training strategies, ultimately enhancing their reasoning capabilities. In this study, we examine the matching mechanism employed by Transformer for multi-step reasoning on a constructed dataset. We investigate factors that influence the model's matching mechanism and discover that small initialization and post-LayerNorm can facilitate the formation of the matching mechanism, thereby enhancing the model's reasoning ability. Moreover, we propose a method to improve the model's reasoning capability by adding orthogonal noise. Finally, we investigate the parallel reasoning mechanism of Transformers and propose a conjecture on the upper bound of the model's reasoning ability based on this phenomenon. These insights contribute to a deeper understanding of the reasoning processes in large language models and guide designing more effective reasoning architectures and training strategies.

cross Towards Understanding the Working Mechanism of Text-to-Image Diffusion Model

Authors: Mingyang Yi, Aoxue Li, Yi Xin, Zhenguo Li

Abstract: Recently, the strong latent Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DPM) has been applied to high-quality Text-to-Image (T2I) generation (e.g., Stable Diffusion), by injecting the encoded target text prompt into the gradually denoised diffusion image generator. Despite the success of DPM in practice, the mechanism behind it remains to be explored. To fill this blank, we begin by examining the intermediate statuses during the gradual denoising generation process in DPM. The empirical observations indicate, the shape of image is reconstructed after the first few denoising steps, and then the image is filled with details (e.g., texture). The phenomenon is because the low-frequency signal (shape relevant) of the noisy image is not corrupted until the final stage in the forward process (initial stage of generation) of adding noise in DPM. Inspired by the observations, we proceed to explore the influence of each token in the text prompt during the two stages. After a series of experiments of T2I generations conditioned on a set of text prompts. We conclude that in the earlier generation stage, the image is mostly decided by the special token [\texttt{EOS}] in the text prompt, and the information in the text prompt is already conveyed in this stage. After that, the diffusion model completes the details of generated images by information from themselves. Finally, we propose to apply this observation to accelerate the process of T2I generation by properly removing text guidance, which finally accelerates the sampling up to 25\%+.

cross Discriminative Estimation of Total Variation Distance: A Fidelity Auditor for Generative Data

Authors: Lan Tao, Shirong Xu, Chi-Hua Wang, Namjoon Suh, Guang Cheng

Abstract: With the proliferation of generative AI and the increasing volume of generative data (also called as synthetic data), assessing the fidelity of generative data has become a critical concern. In this paper, we propose a discriminative approach to estimate the total variation (TV) distance between two distributions as an effective measure of generative data fidelity. Our method quantitatively characterizes the relation between the Bayes risk in classifying two distributions and their TV distance. Therefore, the estimation of total variation distance reduces to that of the Bayes risk. In particular, this paper establishes theoretical results regarding the convergence rate of the estimation error of TV distance between two Gaussian distributions. We demonstrate that, with a specific choice of hypothesis class in classification, a fast convergence rate in estimating the TV distance can be achieved. Specifically, the estimation accuracy of the TV distance is proven to inherently depend on the separation of two Gaussian distributions: smaller estimation errors are achieved when the two Gaussian distributions are farther apart. This phenomenon is also validated empirically through extensive simulations. In the end, we apply this discriminative estimation method to rank fidelity of synthetic image data using the MNIST dataset.

cross BiSup: Bidirectional Quantization Error Suppression for Large Language Models

Authors: Minghui Zou, Ronghui Guo, Sai Zhang, Xiaowang Zhang, Zhiyong Feng

Abstract: As the size and context length of Large Language Models (LLMs) grow, weight-activation quantization has emerged as a crucial technique for efficient deployment of LLMs. Compared to weight-only quantization, weight-activation quantization presents greater challenges due to the presence of outliers in activations. Existing methods have made significant progress by exploring mixed-precision quantization and outlier suppression. However, these methods primarily focus on optimizing the results of single matrix multiplication, neglecting the bidirectional propagation of quantization errors in LLMs. Specifically, errors accumulate vertically within the same token through layers, and diffuse horizontally across different tokens due to self-attention mechanisms. To address this issue, we introduce BiSup, a Bidirectional quantization error Suppression method. By constructing appropriate optimizable parameter spaces, BiSup utilizes a small amount of data for quantization-aware parameter-efficient fine-tuning to suppress the error vertical accumulation. Besides, BiSup employs prompt mixed-precision quantization strategy, which preserves high precision for the key-value cache of system prompts, to mitigate the error horizontal diffusion. Extensive experiments on Llama and Qwen families demonstrate that BiSup can improve performance over two state-of-the-art methods (the average WikiText2 perplexity decreases from 13.26 to 9.41 for Atom and from 14.33 to 7.85 for QuaRot under the W3A3-g128 configuration), further facilitating the practical applications of low-bit weight-activation quantization.

cross Strong screening rules for group-based SLOPE models

Authors: Fabio Feser, Marina Evangelou

Abstract: Tuning the regularization parameter in penalized regression models is an expensive task, requiring multiple models to be fit along a path of parameters. Strong screening rules drastically reduce computational costs by lowering the dimensionality of the input prior to fitting. We develop strong screening rules for group-based Sorted L-One Penalized Estimation (SLOPE) models: Group SLOPE and Sparse-group SLOPE. The developed rules are applicable for the wider family of group-based OWL models, including OSCAR. Our experiments on both synthetic and real data show that the screening rules significantly accelerate the fitting process. The screening rules make it accessible for group SLOPE and sparse-group SLOPE to be applied to high-dimensional datasets, particularly those encountered in genetics.

cross Coordinated Multi-Neighborhood Learning on a Directed Acyclic Graph

Authors: Stephen Smith, Qing Zhou

Abstract: Learning the structure of causal directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) is useful in many areas of machine learning and artificial intelligence, with wide applications. However, in the high-dimensional setting, it is challenging to obtain good empirical and theoretical results without strong and often restrictive assumptions. Additionally, it is questionable whether all of the variables purported to be included in the network are observable. It is of interest then to restrict consideration to a subset of the variables for relevant and reliable inferences. In fact, researchers in various disciplines can usually select a set of target nodes in the network for causal discovery. This paper develops a new constraint-based method for estimating the local structure around multiple user-specified target nodes, enabling coordination in structure learning between neighborhoods. Our method facilitates causal discovery without learning the entire DAG structure. We establish consistency results for our algorithm with respect to the local neighborhood structure of the target nodes in the true graph. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world data show that our algorithm is more accurate in learning the neighborhood structures with much less computational cost than standard methods that estimate the entire DAG. An R package implementing our methods may be accessed at


cross Log-Concave Sampling on Compact Supports: A Versatile Proximal Framework

Authors: Lu Yu

Abstract: In this paper, we explore sampling from strongly log-concave distributions defined on convex and compact supports. We propose a general proximal framework that involves projecting onto the constrained set, which is highly flexible and supports various projection options. Specifically, we consider the cases of Euclidean and Gauge projections, with the latter having the advantage of being performed efficiently using a membership oracle. This framework can be seamlessly integrated with multiple sampling methods. Our analysis focuses on Langevin-type sampling algorithms within the context of constrained sampling. We provide nonasymptotic upper bounds on the W1 and W2 errors, offering a detailed comparison of the performance of these methods in constrained sampling.

cross Reshuffling Resampling Splits Can Improve Generalization of Hyperparameter Optimization

Authors: Thomas Nagler, Lennart Schneider, Bernd Bischl, Matthias Feurer

Abstract: Hyperparameter optimization is crucial for obtaining peak performance of machine learning models. The standard protocol evaluates various hyperparameter configurations using a resampling estimate of the generalization error to guide optimization and select a final hyperparameter configuration. Without much evidence, paired resampling splits, i.e., either a fixed train-validation split or a fixed cross-validation scheme, are often recommended. We show that, surprisingly, reshuffling the splits for every configuration often improves the final model's generalization performance on unseen data. Our theoretical analysis explains how reshuffling affects the asymptotic behavior of the validation loss surface and provides a bound on the expected regret in the limiting regime. This bound connects the potential benefits of reshuffling to the signal and noise characteristics of the underlying optimization problem. We confirm our theoretical results in a controlled simulation study and demonstrate the practical usefulness of reshuffling in a large-scale, realistic hyperparameter optimization experiment. While reshuffling leads to test performances that are competitive with using fixed splits, it drastically improves results for a single train-validation holdout protocol and can often make holdout become competitive with standard CV while being computationally cheaper.

cross A Misleading Gallery of Fluid Motion by Generative Artificial Intelligence

Authors: Ali Kashefi

Abstract: In this technical report, we extensively investigate the accuracy of outputs from well-known generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications in response to prompts describing common fluid motion phenomena familiar to the fluid mechanics community. We examine a range of applications, including Midjourney, Dall-E, Runway ML, Microsoft Designer, Gemini, Meta AI, and Leonardo AI, introduced by prominent companies such as Google, OpenAI, Meta, and Microsoft. Our text prompts for generating images or videos include examples such as "Von Karman vortex street", "flow past an airfoil", "Kelvin-Helmholtz instability", "shock waves on a sharp-nosed supersonic body", etc. We compare the images generated by these applications with real images from laboratory experiments and numerical software. Our findings indicate that these generative AI models are not adequately trained in fluid dynamics imagery, leading to potentially misleading outputs. Beyond text-to-image/video generation, we further explore the transition from image/video to text generation using these AI tools, aiming to investigate the accuracy of their descriptions of fluid motion phenomena. This report serves as a cautionary note for educators in academic institutions, highlighting the potential for these tools to mislead students. It also aims to inform researchers at these renowned companies, encouraging them to address this issue. We conjecture that a primary reason for this shortcoming is the limited access to copyright-protected fluid motion images from scientific journals.

cross ORCA: A Global Ocean Emulator for Multi-year to Decadal Predictions

Authors: Zijie Guo, Pumeng Lyu, Fenghua Ling, Jing-Jia Luo, Niklas Boers, Wanli Ouyang, Lei Bai

Abstract: Ocean dynamics plays a crucial role in driving global weather and climate patterns. Accurate and efficient modeling of ocean dynamics is essential for improved understanding of complex ocean circulation and processes, for predicting climate variations and their associated teleconnections, and for addressing the challenges of climate change. While great efforts have been made to improve numerical Ocean General Circulation Models (OGCMs), accurate forecasting of global oceanic variations for multi-year remains to be a long-standing challenge. Here, we introduce ORCA (Oceanic Reliable foreCAst), the first data-driven model predicting global ocean circulation from multi-year to decadal time scales. ORCA accurately simulates the three-dimensional circulations and dynamics of the global ocean with high physical consistency. Hindcasts of key oceanic variables demonstrate ORCA's remarkable prediction skills in predicting ocean variations compared with state-of-the-art numerical OGCMs and abilities in capturing occurrences of extreme events at the subsurface ocean and ENSO vertical patterns. These results demonstrate the potential of data-driven ocean models for providing cheap, efficient, and accurate global ocean modeling and prediction. Moreover, ORCA stably and faithfully emulates ocean dynamics at decadal timescales, demonstrating its potential even for climate projections. The model will be available at


cross Enhancing Pollinator Conservation towards Agriculture 4.0: Monitoring of Bees through Object Recognition

Authors: Ajay John Alex, Chloe M. Barnes, Pedro Machado, Isibor Ihianle, G\'abor Mark\'o, Martin Bencsik, Jordan J. Bird

Abstract: In an era of rapid climate change and its adverse effects on food production, technological intervention to monitor pollinator conservation is of paramount importance for environmental monitoring and conservation for global food security. The survival of the human species depends on the conservation of pollinators. This article explores the use of Computer Vision and Object Recognition to autonomously track and report bee behaviour from images. A novel dataset of 9664 images containing bees is extracted from video streams and annotated with bounding boxes. With training, validation and testing sets (6722, 1915, and 997 images, respectively), the results of the COCO-based YOLO model fine-tuning approaches show that YOLOv5m is the most effective approach in terms of recognition accuracy. However, YOLOv5s was shown to be the most optimal for real-time bee detection with an average processing and inference time of 5.1ms per video frame at the cost of slightly lower ability. The trained model is then packaged within an explainable AI interface, which converts detection events into timestamped reports and charts, with the aim of facilitating use by non-technical users such as expert stakeholders from the apiculture industry towards informing responsible consumption and production.

cross Counterfactual Explanations for Linear Optimization

Authors: Jannis Kurtz, \c{S}. \.Ilker Birbil, Dick den Hertog

Abstract: The concept of counterfactual explanations (CE) has emerged as one of the important concepts to understand the inner workings of complex AI systems. In this paper, we translate the idea of CEs to linear optimization and propose, motivate, and analyze three different types of CEs: strong, weak, and relative. While deriving strong and weak CEs appears to be computationally intractable, we show that calculating relative CEs can be done efficiently. By detecting and exploiting the hidden convex structure of the optimization problem that arises in the latter case, we show that obtaining relative CEs can be done in the same magnitude of time as solving the original linear optimization problem. This is confirmed by an extensive numerical experiment study on the NETLIB library.

cross Biometrics and Behavioral Modelling for Detecting Distractions in Online Learning

Authors: \'Alvaro Becerra, Javier Irigoyen, Roberto Daza, Ruth Cobos, Aythami Morales, Julian Fierrez, Mutlu Cukurova

Abstract: In this article, we explore computer vision approaches to detect abnormal head pose during e-learning sessions and we introduce a study on the effects of mobile phone usage during these sessions. We utilize behavioral data collected from 120 learners monitored while participating in a MOOC learning sessions. Our study focuses on the influence of phone-usage events on behavior and physiological responses, specifically attention, heart rate, and meditation, before, during, and after phone usage. Additionally, we propose an approach for estimating head pose events using images taken by the webcam during the MOOC learning sessions to detect phone-usage events. Our hypothesis suggests that head posture undergoes significant changes when learners interact with a mobile phone, contrasting with the typical behavior seen when learners face a computer during e-learning sessions. We propose an approach designed to detect deviations in head posture from the average observed during a learner's session, operating as a semi-supervised method. This system flags events indicating alterations in head posture for subsequent human review and selection of mobile phone usage occurrences with a sensitivity over 90%.

cross Comparing remote sensing-based forest biomass mapping approaches using new forest inventory plots in contrasting forests in northeastern and southwestern China

Authors: Wenquan Dong, Edward T. A. Mitchard, Yuwei Chen, Man Chen, Congfeng Cao, Peilun Hu, Cong Xu, Steven Hancock

Abstract: Large-scale high spatial resolution aboveground biomass (AGB) maps play a crucial role in determining forest carbon stocks and how they are changing, which is instrumental in understanding the global carbon cycle, and implementing policy to mitigate climate change. The advent of the new space-borne LiDAR sensor, NASA's GEDI instrument, provides unparalleled possibilities for the accurate and unbiased estimation of forest AGB at high resolution, particularly in dense and tall forests, where Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and passive optical data exhibit saturation. However, GEDI is a sampling instrument, collecting dispersed footprints, and its data must be combined with that from other continuous cover satellites to create high-resolution maps, using local machine learning methods. In this study, we developed local models to estimate forest AGB from GEDI L2A data, as the models used to create GEDI L4 AGB data incorporated minimal field data from China. We then applied LightGBM and random forest regression to generate wall-to-wall AGB maps at 25 m resolution, using extensive GEDI footprints as well as Sentinel-1 data, ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2 optical data. Through a 5-fold cross-validation, LightGBM demonstrated a slightly better performance than Random Forest across two contrasting regions. However, in both regions, the computation speed of LightGBM is substantially faster than that of the random forest model, requiring roughly one-third of the time to compute on the same hardware. Through the validation against field data, the 25 m resolution AGB maps generated using the local models developed in this study exhibited higher accuracy compared to the GEDI L4B AGB data. We found in both regions an increase in error as slope increased. The trained models were tested on nearby but different regions and exhibited good performance.

cross Statistical and Computational Guarantees of Kernel Max-Sliced Wasserstein Distances

Authors: Jie Wang, March Boedihardjo, Yao Xie

Abstract: Optimal transport has been very successful for various machine learning tasks; however, it is known to suffer from the curse of dimensionality. Hence, dimensionality reduction is desirable when applied to high-dimensional data with low-dimensional structures. The kernel max-sliced (KMS) Wasserstein distance is developed for this purpose by finding an optimal nonlinear mapping that reduces data into $1$ dimensions before computing the Wasserstein distance. However, its theoretical properties have not yet been fully developed. In this paper, we provide sharp finite-sample guarantees under milder technical assumptions compared with state-of-the-art for the KMS $p$-Wasserstein distance between two empirical distributions with $n$ samples for general $p\in[1,\infty)$. Algorithm-wise, we show that computing the KMS $2$-Wasserstein distance is NP-hard, and then we further propose a semidefinite relaxation (SDR) formulation (which can be solved efficiently in polynomial time) and provide a relaxation gap for the SDP solution. We provide numerical examples to demonstrate the good performance of our scheme for high-dimensional two-sample testing.

cross Towards Precision Healthcare: Robust Fusion of Time Series and Image Data

Authors: Ali Rasekh, Reza Heidari, Amir Hosein Haji Mohammad Rezaie, Parsa Sharifi Sedeh, Zahra Ahmadi, Prasenjit Mitra, Wolfgang Nejdl

Abstract: With the increasing availability of diverse data types, particularly images and time series data from medical experiments, there is a growing demand for techniques designed to combine various modalities of data effectively. Our motivation comes from the important areas of predicting mortality and phenotyping where using different modalities of data could significantly improve our ability to predict. To tackle this challenge, we introduce a new method that uses two separate encoders, one for each type of data, allowing the model to understand complex patterns in both visual and time-based information. Apart from the technical challenges, our goal is to make the predictive model more robust in noisy conditions and perform better than current methods. We also deal with imbalanced datasets and use an uncertainty loss function, yielding improved results while simultaneously providing a principled means of modeling uncertainty. Additionally, we include attention mechanisms to fuse different modalities, allowing the model to focus on what's important for each task. We tested our approach using the comprehensive multimodal MIMIC dataset, combining MIMIC-IV and MIMIC-CXR datasets. Our experiments show that our method is effective in improving multimodal deep learning for clinical applications. The code will be made available online.

cross Leveraging Logical Rules in Knowledge Editing: A Cherry on the Top

Authors: Keyuan Cheng, Muhammad Asif Ali, Shu Yang, Gang Ling, Yuxuan Zhai, Haoyang Fei, Ke Xu, Lu Yu, Lijie Hu, Di Wang

Abstract: Multi-hop Question Answering (MQA) under knowledge editing (KE) is a key challenge in Large Language Models (LLMs). While best-performing solutions in this domain use a plan and solve paradigm to split a question into sub-questions followed by response generation, we claim that this approach is sub-optimal as it fails for hard to decompose questions, and it does not explicitly cater to correlated knowledge updates resulting as a consequence of knowledge edits. This has a detrimental impact on the overall consistency of the updated knowledge. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel framework named RULE-KE, i.e., RULE based Knowledge Editing, which is a cherry on the top for augmenting the performance of all existing MQA methods under KE. Specifically, RULE-KE leverages rule discovery to discover a set of logical rules. Then, it uses these discovered rules to update knowledge about facts highly correlated with the edit. Experimental evaluation using existing and newly curated datasets (i.e., RKE-EVAL) shows that RULE-KE helps augment both performances of parameter-based and memory-based solutions up to 92% and 112.9%, respectively.

cross Repetita Iuvant: Data Repetition Allows SGD to Learn High-Dimensional Multi-Index Functions

Authors: Luca Arnaboldi, Yatin Dandi, Florent Krzakala, Luca Pesce, Ludovic Stephan

Abstract: Neural networks can identify low-dimensional relevant structures within high-dimensional noisy data, yet our mathematical understanding of how they do so remains scarce. Here, we investigate the training dynamics of two-layer shallow neural networks trained with gradient-based algorithms, and discuss how they learn pertinent features in multi-index models, that is target functions with low-dimensional relevant directions. In the high-dimensional regime, where the input dimension $d$ diverges, we show that a simple modification of the idealized single-pass gradient descent training scenario, where data can now be repeated or iterated upon twice, drastically improves its computational efficiency. In particular, it surpasses the limitations previously believed to be dictated by the Information and Leap exponents associated with the target function to be learned. Our results highlight the ability of networks to learn relevant structures from data alone without any pre-processing. More precisely, we show that (almost) all directions are learned with at most $O(d \log d)$ steps. Among the exceptions is a set of hard functions that includes sparse parities. In the presence of coupling between directions, however, these can be learned sequentially through a hierarchical mechanism that generalizes the notion of staircase functions. Our results are proven by a rigorous study of the evolution of the relevant statistics for high-dimensional dynamics.

cross Encoder Embedding for General Graph and Node Classification

Authors: Cencheng Shen

Abstract: Graph encoder embedding, a recent technique for graph data, offers speed and scalability in producing vertex-level representations from binary graphs. In this paper, we extend the applicability of this method to a general graph model, which includes weighted graphs, distance matrices, and kernel matrices. We prove that the encoder embedding satisfies the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem on a per-observation basis. Under certain condition, it achieves asymptotic normality on a per-class basis, enabling optimal classification through discriminant analysis. These theoretical findings are validated through a series of experiments involving weighted graphs, as well as text and image data transformed into general graph representations using appropriate distance metrics.

cross Learning Beyond Pattern Matching? Assaying Mathematical Understanding in LLMs

Authors: Siyuan Guo, Aniket Didolkar, Nan Rosemary Ke, Anirudh Goyal, Ferenc Husz\'ar, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: We are beginning to see progress in language model assisted scientific discovery. Motivated by the use of LLMs as a general scientific assistant, this paper assesses the domain knowledge of LLMs through its understanding of different mathematical skills required to solve problems. In particular, we look at not just what the pre-trained model already knows, but how it learned to learn from information during in-context learning or instruction-tuning through exploiting the complex knowledge structure within mathematics. Motivated by the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK), we propose \textit{NTKEval} to assess changes in LLM's probability distribution via training on different kinds of math data. Our systematic analysis finds evidence of domain understanding during in-context learning. By contrast, certain instruction-tuning leads to similar performance changes irrespective of training on different data, suggesting a lack of domain understanding across different skills.

cross Out of Many, One: Designing and Scaffolding Proteins at the Scale of the Structural Universe with Genie 2

Authors: Yeqing Lin, Minji Lee, Zhao Zhang, Mohammed AlQuraishi

Abstract: Protein diffusion models have emerged as a promising approach for protein design. One such pioneering model is Genie, a method that asymmetrically represents protein structures during the forward and backward processes, using simple Gaussian noising for the former and expressive SE(3)-equivariant attention for the latter. In this work we introduce Genie 2, extending Genie to capture a larger and more diverse protein structure space through architectural innovations and massive data augmentation. Genie 2 adds motif scaffolding capabilities via a novel multi-motif framework that designs co-occurring motifs with unspecified inter-motif positions and orientations. This makes possible complex protein designs that engage multiple interaction partners and perform multiple functions. On both unconditional and conditional generation, Genie 2 achieves state-of-the-art performance, outperforming all known methods on key design metrics including designability, diversity, and novelty. Genie 2 also solves more motif scaffolding problems than other methods and does so with more unique and varied solutions. Taken together, these advances set a new standard for structure-based protein design. Genie 2 inference and training code, as well as model weights, are freely available at:


cross Hierarchical Loss And Geometric Mask Refinement For Multilabel Ribs Segmentation

Authors: Aleksei Leonov, Aleksei Zakharov, Sergey Koshelev, Maxim Pisov, Anvar Kurmukov, Mikhail Belyaev

Abstract: Automatic ribs segmentation and numeration can increase computed tomography assessment speed and reduce radiologists mistakes. We introduce a model for multilabel ribs segmentation with hierarchical loss function, which enable to improve multilabel segmentation quality. Also we propose postprocessing technique to further increase labeling quality. Our model achieved new state-of-the-art 98.2% label accuracy on public RibSeg v2 dataset, surpassing previous result by 6.7%.

cross Human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning for Data Quality Monitoring in Particle Physics Experiments

Authors: Olivia Jullian Parra, Juli\'an Garc\'ia Pardi\~nas, Lorenzo Del Pianta P\'erez, Maximilian Janisch, Suzanne Klaver, Thomas Leh\'ericy, Nicola Serra

Abstract: Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) is a crucial task in large particle physics experiments, since detector malfunctioning can compromise the data. DQM is currently performed by human shifters, which is costly and results in limited accuracy. In this work, we provide a proof-of-concept for applying human-in-the-loop Reinforcement Learning (RL) to automate the DQM process while adapting to operating conditions that change over time. We implement a prototype based on the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm and validate it on a simplified synthetic dataset. We demonstrate how a multi-agent system can be trained for continuous automated monitoring during data collection, with human intervention actively requested only when relevant. We show that random, unbiased noise in human classification can be reduced, leading to an improved accuracy over the baseline. Additionally, we propose data augmentation techniques to deal with scarce data and to accelerate the learning process. Finally, we discuss further steps needed to implement the approach in the real world, including protocols for periodic control of the algorithm's outputs.

cross Randomized algorithms and PAC bounds for inverse reinforcement learning in continuous spaces

Authors: Angeliki Kamoutsi, Peter Schmitt-F\"orster, Tobias Sutter, Volkan Cevher, John Lygeros

Abstract: This work studies discrete-time discounted Markov decision processes with continuous state and action spaces and addresses the inverse problem of inferring a cost function from observed optimal behavior. We first consider the case in which we have access to the entire expert policy and characterize the set of solutions to the inverse problem by using occupation measures, linear duality, and complementary slackness conditions. To avoid trivial solutions and ill-posedness, we introduce a natural linear normalization constraint. This results in an infinite-dimensional linear feasibility problem, prompting a thorough analysis of its properties. Next, we use linear function approximators and adopt a randomized approach, namely the scenario approach and related probabilistic feasibility guarantees, to derive epsilon-optimal solutions for the inverse problem. We further discuss the sample complexity for a desired approximation accuracy. Finally, we deal with the more realistic case where we only have access to a finite set of expert demonstrations and a generative model and provide bounds on the error made when working with samples.

cross On the Convexity and Reliability of the Bethe Free Energy Approximation

Authors: Harald Leisenberger, Christian Knoll, Franz Pernkopf

Abstract: The Bethe free energy approximation provides an effective way for relaxing NP-hard problems of probabilistic inference. However, its accuracy depends on the model parameters and particularly degrades if a phase transition in the model occurs. In this work, we analyze when the Bethe approximation is reliable and how this can be verified. We argue and show by experiment that it is mostly accurate if it is convex on a submanifold of its domain, the 'Bethe box'. For verifying its convexity, we derive two sufficient conditions that are based on the definiteness properties of the Bethe Hessian matrix: the first uses the concept of diagonal dominance, and the second decomposes the Bethe Hessian matrix into a sum of sparse matrices and characterizes the definiteness properties of the individual matrices in that sum. These theoretical results provide a simple way to estimate the critical phase transition temperature of a model. As a practical contribution we propose $\texttt{BETHE-MIN}$, a projected quasi-Newton method to efficiently find a minimum of the Bethe free energy.

cross Erase to Enhance: Data-Efficient Machine Unlearning in MRI Reconstruction

Authors: Yuyang Xue, Jingshuai Liu, Steven McDonagh, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris

Abstract: Machine unlearning is a promising paradigm for removing unwanted data samples from a trained model, towards ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and limiting harmful biases. Although unlearning has been shown in, e.g., classification and recommendation systems, its potential in medical image-to-image translation, specifically in image recon-struction, has not been thoroughly investigated. This paper shows that machine unlearning is possible in MRI tasks and has the potential to benefit for bias removal. We set up a protocol to study how much shared knowledge exists between datasets of different organs, allowing us to effectively quantify the effect of unlearning. Our study reveals that combining training data can lead to hallucinations and reduced image quality in the reconstructed data. We use unlearning to remove hallucinations as a proxy exemplar of undesired data removal. Indeed, we show that machine unlearning is possible without full retraining. Furthermore, our observations indicate that maintaining high performance is feasible even when using only a subset of retain data. We have made our code publicly accessible.

cross Mosaic Memory: Fuzzy Duplication in Copyright Traps for Large Language Models

Authors: Igor Shilov, Matthieu Meeus, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye

Abstract: The immense datasets used to develop Large Language Models (LLMs) often include copyright-protected content, typically without the content creator's consent. Copyright traps have been proposed to be injected into the original content, improving content detectability in newly released LLMs. Traps, however, rely on the exact duplication of a unique text sequence, leaving them vulnerable to commonly deployed data deduplication techniques. We here propose the generation of fuzzy copyright traps, featuring slight modifications across duplication. When injected in the fine-tuning data of a 1.3B LLM, we show fuzzy trap sequences to be memorized nearly as well as exact duplicates. Specifically, the Membership Inference Attack (MIA) ROC AUC only drops from 0.90 to 0.87 when 4 tokens are replaced across the fuzzy duplicates. We also find that selecting replacement positions to minimize the exact overlap between fuzzy duplicates leads to similar memorization, while making fuzzy duplicates highly unlikely to be removed by any deduplication process. Lastly, we argue that the fact that LLMs memorize across fuzzy duplicates challenges the study of LLM memorization relying on naturally occurring duplicates. Indeed, we find that the commonly used training dataset, The Pile, contains significant amounts of fuzzy duplicates. This introduces a previously unexplored confounding factor in post-hoc studies of LLM memorization, and questions the effectiveness of (exact) data deduplication as a privacy protection technique.

cross Polyp Segmentation Generalisability of Pretrained Backbones

Authors: Edward Sanderson, Bogdan J. Matuszewski

Abstract: It has recently been demonstrated that pretraining backbones in a self-supervised manner generally provides better fine-tuned polyp segmentation performance, and that models with ViT-B backbones typically perform better than models with ResNet50 backbones. In this paper, we extend this recent work to consider generalisability. I.e., we assess the performance of models on a different dataset to that used for fine-tuning, accounting for variation in network architecture and pretraining pipeline (algorithm and dataset). This reveals how well models with different pretrained backbones generalise to data of a somewhat different distribution to the training data, which will likely arise in deployment due to different cameras and demographics of patients, amongst other factors. We observe that the previous findings, regarding pretraining pipelines for polyp segmentation, hold true when considering generalisability. However, our results imply that models with ResNet50 backbones typically generalise better, despite being outperformed by models with ViT-B backbones in evaluation on the test set from the same dataset used for fine-tuning.

cross A generalized neural tangent kernel for surrogate gradient learning

Authors: Luke Eilers, Raoul-Martin Memmesheimer, Sven Goedeke

Abstract: State-of-the-art neural network training methods depend on the gradient of the network function. Therefore, they cannot be applied to networks whose activation functions do not have useful derivatives, such as binary and discrete-time spiking neural networks. To overcome this problem, the activation function's derivative is commonly substituted with a surrogate derivative, giving rise to surrogate gradient learning (SGL). This method works well in practice but lacks theoretical foundation. The neural tangent kernel (NTK) has proven successful in the analysis of gradient descent. Here, we provide a generalization of the NTK, which we call the surrogate gradient NTK, that enables the analysis of SGL. First, we study a naive extension of the NTK to activation functions with jumps, demonstrating that gradient descent for such activation functions is also ill-posed in the infinite-width limit. To address this problem, we generalize the NTK to gradient descent with surrogate derivatives, i.e., SGL. We carefully define this generalization and expand the existing key theorems on the NTK with mathematical rigor. Further, we illustrate our findings with numerical experiments. Finally, we numerically compare SGL in networks with sign activation function and finite width to kernel regression with the surrogate gradient NTK; the results confirm that the surrogate gradient NTK provides a good characterization of SGL.

cross SATSense: Multi-Satellite Collaborative Framework for Spectrum Sensing

Authors: Haoxuan Yuan, Zhe Chen, Zheng Lin, Jinbo Peng, Zihan Fang, Yuhang Zhong, Zihang Song, Yue Gao

Abstract: Low Earth Orbit satellite Internet has recently been deployed, providing worldwide service with non-terrestrial networks. With the large-scale deployment of both non-terrestrial and terrestrial networks, limited spectrum resources will not be allocated enough. Consequently, dynamic spectrum sharing is crucial for their coexistence in the same spectrum, where accurate spectrum sensing is essential. However, spectrum sensing in space is more challenging than in terrestrial networks due to variable channel conditions, making single-satellite sensing unstable. Therefore, we first attempt to design a collaborative sensing scheme utilizing diverse data from multiple satellites. However, it is non-trivial to achieve this collaboration due to heterogeneous channel quality, considerable raw sampling data, and packet loss. To address the above challenges, we first establish connections between the satellites by modeling their sensing data as a graph and devising a graph neural network-based algorithm to achieve effective spectrum sensing. Meanwhile, we establish a joint sub-Nyquist sampling and autoencoder data compression framework to reduce the amount of transmitted sensing data. Finally, we propose a contrastive learning-based mechanism compensates for missing packets. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed strategy can achieve efficient spectrum sensing performance and outperform the conventional deep learning algorithm in spectrum sensing accuracy.

cross Knowledge-enhanced Relation Graph and Task Sampling for Few-shot Molecular Property Prediction

Authors: Zeyu Wang, Tianyi Jiang, Yao Lu, Xiaoze Bao, Shanqing Yu, Bin Wei, Qi Xuan

Abstract: Recently, few-shot molecular property prediction (FSMPP) has garnered increasing attention. Despite impressive breakthroughs achieved by existing methods, they often overlook the inherent many-to-many relationships between molecules and properties, which limits their performance. For instance, similar substructures of molecules can inspire the exploration of new compounds. Additionally, the relationships between properties can be quantified, with high-related properties providing more information in exploring the target property than those low-related. To this end, this paper proposes a novel meta-learning FSMPP framework (KRGTS), which comprises the Knowledge-enhanced Relation Graph module and the Task Sampling module. The knowledge-enhanced relation graph module constructs the molecule-property multi-relation graph (MPMRG) to capture the many-to-many relationships between molecules and properties. The task sampling module includes a meta-training task sampler and an auxiliary task sampler, responsible for scheduling the meta-training process and sampling high-related auxiliary tasks, respectively, thereby achieving efficient meta-knowledge learning and reducing noise introduction. Empirically, extensive experiments on five datasets demonstrate the superiority of KRGTS over a variety of state-of-the-art methods. The code is available in


cross Freya PAGE: First Optimal Time Complexity for Large-Scale Nonconvex Finite-Sum Optimization with Heterogeneous Asynchronous Computations

Authors: Alexander Tyurin, Kaja Gruntkowska, Peter Richt\'arik

Abstract: In practical distributed systems, workers are typically not homogeneous, and due to differences in hardware configurations and network conditions, can have highly varying processing times. We consider smooth nonconvex finite-sum (empirical risk minimization) problems in this setup and introduce a new parallel method, Freya PAGE, designed to handle arbitrarily heterogeneous and asynchronous computations. By being robust to "stragglers" and adaptively ignoring slow computations, Freya PAGE offers significantly improved time complexity guarantees compared to all previous methods, including Asynchronous SGD, Rennala SGD, SPIDER, and PAGE, while requiring weaker assumptions. The algorithm relies on novel generic stochastic gradient collection strategies with theoretical guarantees that can be of interest on their own, and may be used in the design of future optimization methods. Furthermore, we establish a lower bound for smooth nonconvex finite-sum problems in the asynchronous setup, providing a fundamental time complexity limit. This lower bound is tight and demonstrates the optimality of Freya PAGE in the large-scale regime, i.e., when $\sqrt{m} \geq n$, where $n$ is # of workers, and $m$ is # of data samples.

cross Generating density nowcasts for U.S. GDP growth with deep learning: Bayes by Backprop and Monte Carlo dropout

Authors: Krist\'of N\'emeth, D\'aniel Hadh\'azi

Abstract: Recent results in the literature indicate that artificial neural networks (ANNs) can outperform the dynamic factor model (DFM) in terms of the accuracy of GDP nowcasts. Compared to the DFM, the performance advantage of these highly flexible, nonlinear estimators is particularly evident in periods of recessions and structural breaks. From the perspective of policy-makers, however, nowcasts are the most useful when they are conveyed with uncertainty attached to them. While the DFM and other classical time series approaches analytically derive the predictive (conditional) distribution for GDP growth, ANNs can only produce point nowcasts based on their default training procedure (backpropagation). To fill this gap, first in the literature, we adapt two different deep learning algorithms that enable ANNs to generate density nowcasts for U.S. GDP growth: Bayes by Backprop and Monte Carlo dropout. The accuracy of point nowcasts, defined as the mean of the empirical predictive distribution, is evaluated relative to a naive constant growth model for GDP and a benchmark DFM specification. Using a 1D CNN as the underlying ANN architecture, both algorithms outperform those benchmarks during the evaluation period (2012:Q1 -- 2022:Q4). Furthermore, both algorithms are able to dynamically adjust the location (mean), scale (variance), and shape (skew) of the empirical predictive distribution. The results indicate that both Bayes by Backprop and Monte Carlo dropout can effectively augment the scope and functionality of ANNs, rendering them a fully compatible and competitive alternative for classical time series approaches.

cross Transfer Learning for Spatial Autoregressive Models

Authors: Hao Zeng, Wei Zhong, Xingbai Xu

Abstract: The spatial autoregressive (SAR) model has been widely applied in various empirical economic studies to characterize the spatial dependence among subjects. However, the precision of estimating the SAR model diminishes when the sample size of the target data is limited. In this paper, we propose a new transfer learning framework for the SAR model to borrow the information from similar source data to improve both estimation and prediction. When the informative source data sets are known, we introduce a two-stage algorithm, including a transferring stage and a debiasing stage, to estimate the unknown parameters and also establish the theoretical convergence rates for the resulting estimators. If we do not know which sources to transfer, a transferable source detection algorithm is proposed to detect informative sources data based on spatial residual bootstrap to retain the necessary spatial dependence. Its detection consistency is also derived. Simulation studies demonstrate that using informative source data, our transfer learning algorithm significantly enhances the performance of the classical two-stage least squares estimator. In the empirical application, we apply our method to the election prediction in swing states in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, utilizing polling data from the 2016 U.S. presidential election along with other demographic and geographical data. The empirical results show that our method outperforms traditional estimation methods.

cross Neuromorphic dreaming: A pathway to efficient learning in artificial agents

Authors: Ingo Blakowski, Dmitrii Zendrikov, Cristiano Capone, Giacomo Indiveri

Abstract: Achieving energy efficiency in learning is a key challenge for artificial intelligence (AI) computing platforms. Biological systems demonstrate remarkable abilities to learn complex skills quickly and efficiently. Inspired by this, we present a hardware implementation of model-based reinforcement learning (MBRL) using spiking neural networks (SNNs) on mixed-signal analog/digital neuromorphic hardware. This approach leverages the energy efficiency of mixed-signal neuromorphic chips while achieving high sample efficiency through an alternation of online learning, referred to as the "awake" phase, and offline learning, known as the "dreaming" phase. The model proposed includes two symbiotic networks: an agent network that learns by combining real and simulated experiences, and a learned world model network that generates the simulated experiences. We validate the model by training the hardware implementation to play the Atari game Pong. We start from a baseline consisting of an agent network learning without a world model and dreaming, which successfully learns to play the game. By incorporating dreaming, the number of required real game experiences are reduced significantly compared to the baseline. The networks are implemented using a mixed-signal neuromorphic processor, with the readout layers trained using a computer in-the-loop, while the other layers remain fixed. These results pave the way toward energy-efficient neuromorphic learning systems capable of rapid learning in real world applications and use-cases.

cross Nonlinear denoising score matching for enhanced learning of structured distributions

Authors: Jeremiah Birrell, Markos A. Katsoulakis, Luc Rey-Bellet, Benjamin Zhang, Wei Zhu

Abstract: We present a novel method for training score-based generative models which uses nonlinear noising dynamics to improve learning of structured distributions. Generalizing to a nonlinear drift allows for additional structure to be incorporated into the dynamics, thus making the training better adapted to the data, e.g., in the case of multimodality or (approximate) symmetries. Such structure can be obtained from the data by an inexpensive preprocessing step. The nonlinear dynamics introduces new challenges into training which we address in two ways: 1) we develop a new nonlinear denoising score matching (NDSM) method, 2) we introduce neural control variates in order to reduce the variance of the NDSM training objective. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on several examples: a) a collection of low-dimensional examples, motivated by clustering in latent space, b) high-dimensional images, addressing issues with mode collapse, small training sets, and approximate symmetries, the latter being a challenge for methods based on equivariant neural networks, which require exact symmetries.

cross Visualize and Paint GAN Activations

Authors: Rudolf Herdt, Peter Maass

Abstract: We investigate how generated structures of GANs correlate with their activations in hidden layers, with the purpose of better understanding the inner workings of those models and being able to paint structures with unconditionally trained GANs. This gives us more control over the generated images, allowing to generate them from a semantic segmentation map while not requiring such a segmentation in the training data. To this end we introduce the concept of tileable features, allowing us to identify activations that work well for painting.

cross Reducing the cost of posterior sampling in linear inverse problems via task-dependent score learning

Authors: Fabian Schneider, Duc-Lam Duong, Matti Lassas, Maarten V. de Hoop, Tapio Helin

Abstract: Score-based diffusion models (SDMs) offer a flexible approach to sample from the posterior distribution in a variety of Bayesian inverse problems. In the literature, the prior score is utilized to sample from the posterior by different methods that require multiple evaluations of the forward mapping in order to generate a single posterior sample. These methods are often designed with the objective of enabling the direct use of the unconditional prior score and, therefore, task-independent training. In this paper, we focus on linear inverse problems, when evaluation of the forward mapping is computationally expensive and frequent posterior sampling is required for new measurement data, such as in medical imaging. We demonstrate that the evaluation of the forward mapping can be entirely bypassed during posterior sample generation. Instead, without introducing any error, the computational effort can be shifted to an offline task of training the score of a specific diffusion-like random process. In particular, the training is task-dependent requiring information about the forward mapping but not about the measurement data. It is shown that the conditional score corresponding to the posterior can be obtained from the auxiliary score by suitable affine transformations. We prove that this observation generalizes to the framework of infinite-dimensional diffusion models introduced recently and provide numerical analysis of the method. Moreover, we validate our findings with numerical experiments.

cross HiddenSpeaker: Generate Imperceptible Unlearnable Audios for Speaker Verification System

Authors: Zhisheng Zhang, Pengyang Huang

Abstract: In recent years, the remarkable advancements in deep neural networks have brought tremendous convenience. However, the training process of a highly effective model necessitates a substantial quantity of samples, which brings huge potential threats, like unauthorized exploitation with privacy leakage. In response, we propose a framework named HiddenSpeaker, embedding imperceptible perturbations within the training speech samples and rendering them unlearnable for deep-learning-based speaker verification systems that employ large-scale speakers for efficient training. The HiddenSpeaker utilizes a simplified error-minimizing method named Single-Level Error-Minimizing (SLEM) to generate specific and effective perturbations. Additionally, a hybrid objective function is employed for human perceptual optimization, ensuring the perturbation is indistinguishable from human listeners. We conduct extensive experiments on multiple state-of-the-art (SOTA) models in the speaker verification domain to evaluate HiddenSpeaker. Our results demonstrate that HiddenSpeaker not only deceives the model with unlearnable samples but also enhances the imperceptibility of the perturbations, showcasing strong transferability across different models.

cross Taming Score-Based Diffusion Priors for Infinite-Dimensional Nonlinear Inverse Problems

Authors: Lorenzo Baldassari, Ali Siahkoohi, Josselin Garnier, Knut Solna, Maarten V. de Hoop

Abstract: This work introduces a sampling method capable of solving Bayesian inverse problems in function space. It does not assume the log-concavity of the likelihood, meaning that it is compatible with nonlinear inverse problems. The method leverages the recently defined infinite-dimensional score-based diffusion models as a learning-based prior, while enabling provable posterior sampling through a Langevin-type MCMC algorithm defined on function spaces. A novel convergence analysis is conducted, inspired by the fixed-point methods established for traditional regularization-by-denoising algorithms and compatible with weighted annealing. The obtained convergence bound explicitly depends on the approximation error of the score; a well-approximated score is essential to obtain a well-approximated posterior. Stylized and PDE-based examples are provided, demonstrating the validity of our convergence analysis. We conclude by presenting a discussion of the method's challenges related to learning the score and computational complexity.

cross Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Demographic Inference with Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Yongsheng Yu, Jiebo Luo

Abstract: Conventional demographic inference methods have predominantly operated under the supervision of accurately labeled data, yet struggle to adapt to shifting social landscapes and diverse cultural contexts, leading to narrow specialization and limited accuracy in applications. Recently, the emergence of large multimodal models (LMMs) has shown transformative potential across various research tasks, such as visual comprehension and description. In this study, we explore the application of LMMs to demographic inference and introduce a benchmark for both quantitative and qualitative evaluation. Our findings indicate that LMMs possess advantages in zero-shot learning, interpretability, and handling uncurated 'in-the-wild' inputs, albeit with a propensity for off-target predictions. To enhance LMM performance and achieve comparability with supervised learning baselines, we propose a Chain-of-Thought augmented prompting approach, which effectively mitigates the off-target prediction issue.

cross Dimension-free deterministic equivalents for random feature regression

Authors: Leonardo Defilippis, Bruno Loureiro, Theodor Misiakiewicz

Abstract: In this work we investigate the generalization performance of random feature ridge regression (RFRR). Our main contribution is a general deterministic equivalent for the test error of RFRR. Specifically, under a certain concentration property, we show that the test error is well approximated by a closed-form expression that only depends on the feature map eigenvalues. Notably, our approximation guarantee is non-asymptotic, multiplicative, and independent of the feature map dimension -- allowing for infinite-dimensional features. We expect this deterministic equivalent to hold broadly beyond our theoretical analysis, and we empirically validate its predictions on various real and synthetic datasets. As an application, we derive sharp excess error rates under standard power-law assumptions of the spectrum and target decay. In particular, we provide a tight result for the smallest number of features achieving optimal minimax error rate.

cross Infinite Limits of Multi-head Transformer Dynamics

Authors: Blake Bordelon, Hamza Tahir Chaudhry, Cengiz Pehlevan

Abstract: In this work, we analyze various scaling limits of the training dynamics of transformer models in the feature learning regime. We identify the set of parameterizations that admit well-defined infinite width and depth limits, allowing the attention layers to update throughout training--a relevant notion of feature learning in these models. We then use tools from dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) to analyze various infinite limits (infinite key/query dimension, infinite heads, and infinite depth) which have different statistical descriptions depending on which infinite limit is taken and how attention layers are scaled. We provide numerical evidence of convergence to the limits and discuss how the parameterization qualitatively influences learned features.

cross Hierarchical Uncertainty Exploration via Feedforward Posterior Trees

Authors: Elias Nehme, Rotem Mulayoff, Tomer Michaeli

Abstract: When solving ill-posed inverse problems, one often desires to explore the space of potential solutions rather than be presented with a single plausible reconstruction. Valuable insights into these feasible solutions and their associated probabilities are embedded in the posterior distribution. However, when confronted with data of high dimensionality (such as images), visualizing this distribution becomes a formidable challenge, necessitating the application of effective summarization techniques before user examination. In this work, we introduce a new approach for visualizing posteriors across multiple levels of granularity using tree-valued predictions. Our method predicts a tree-valued hierarchical summarization of the posterior distribution for any input measurement, in a single forward pass of a neural network. We showcase the efficacy of our approach across diverse datasets and image restoration challenges, highlighting its prowess in uncertainty quantification and visualization. Our findings reveal that our method performs comparably to a baseline that hierarchically clusters samples from a diffusion-based posterior sampler, yet achieves this with orders of magnitude greater speed.

cross Bisimulation Learning

Authors: Alessandro Abate, Mirco Giacobbe, Yannik Schnitzer

Abstract: We introduce a data-driven approach to computing finite bisimulations for state transition systems with very large, possibly infinite state space. Our novel technique computes stutter-insensitive bisimulations of deterministic systems, which we characterize as the problem of learning a state classifier together with a ranking function for each class. Our procedure learns a candidate state classifier and candidate ranking functions from a finite dataset of sample states; then, it checks whether these generalise to the entire state space using satisfiability modulo theory solving. Upon the affirmative answer, the procedure concludes that the classifier constitutes a valid stutter-insensitive bisimulation of the system. Upon a negative answer, the solver produces a counterexample state for which the classifier violates the claim, adds it to the dataset, and repeats learning and checking in a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis loop until a valid bisimulation is found. We demonstrate on a range of benchmarks from reactive verification and software model checking that our method yields faster verification results than alternative state-of-the-art tools in practice. Our method produces succinct abstractions that enable an effective verification of linear temporal logic without next operator, and are interpretable for system diagnostics.

cross Anomalous Change Point Detection Using Probabilistic Predictive Coding

Authors: Roelof G. Hup, Julian P. Merkofer, Alex A. Bhogal, Ruud J. G. van Sloun, Reinder Haakma, Rik Vullings

Abstract: Change point detection (CPD) and anomaly detection (AD) are essential techniques in various fields to identify abrupt changes or abnormal data instances. However, existing methods are often constrained to univariate data, face scalability challenges with large datasets due to computational demands, and experience reduced performance with high-dimensional or intricate data, as well as hidden anomalies. Furthermore, they often lack interpretability and adaptability to domain-specific knowledge, which limits their versatility across different fields. In this work, we propose a deep learning-based CPD/AD method called Probabilistic Predictive Coding (PPC) that jointly learns to encode sequential data to low dimensional latent space representations and to predict the subsequent data representations as well as the corresponding prediction uncertainties. The model parameters are optimized with maximum likelihood estimation by comparing these predictions with the true encodings. At the time of application, the true and predicted encodings are used to determine the probability of conformity, an interpretable and meaningful anomaly score. Furthermore, our approach has linear time complexity, scalability issues are prevented, and the method can easily be adjusted to a wide range of data types and intricate applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of our proposed method across synthetic time series experiments, image data, and real-world magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging data.

cross Optimizing Large Language Models for OpenAPI Code Completion

Authors: Bohdan Petryshyn, Mantas Luko\v{s}evi\v{c}ius

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their utilization in code generation tasks have significantly reshaped the field of software development. Despite the remarkable efficacy of code completion solutions in mainstream programming languages, their performance lags when applied to less ubiquitous formats such as OpenAPI definitions. This study evaluates the OpenAPI completion performance of GitHub Copilot, a prevalent commercial code completion tool, and proposes a set of task-specific optimizations leveraging Meta's open-source model Code Llama. A semantics-aware OpenAPI completion benchmark proposed in this research is used to perform a series of experiments through which the impact of various prompt-engineering and fine-tuning techniques on the Code Llama model's performance is analyzed. The fine-tuned Code Llama model reaches a peak correctness improvement of 55.2% over GitHub Copilot despite utilizing 25 times fewer parameters than the commercial solution's underlying Codex model. Additionally, this research proposes an enhancement to a widely used code infilling training technique, addressing the issue of underperformance when the model is prompted with context sizes smaller than those used during training.

cross Large Language Models Reflect Human Citation Patterns with a Heightened Citation Bias

Authors: Andres Algaba, Carmen Mazijn, Vincent Holst, Floriano Tori, Sylvia Wenmackers, Vincent Ginis

Abstract: Citation practices are crucial in shaping the structure of scientific knowledge, yet they are often influenced by contemporary norms and biases. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 introduces a new dynamic to these practices. Interestingly, the characteristics and potential biases of references recommended by LLMs that entirely rely on their parametric knowledge, and not on search or retrieval-augmented generation, remain unexplored. Here, we analyze these characteristics in an experiment using a dataset of 166 papers from AAAI, NeurIPS, ICML, and ICLR, published after GPT-4's knowledge cut-off date, encompassing 3,066 references in total. In our experiment, GPT-4 was tasked with suggesting scholarly references for the anonymized in-text citations within these papers. Our findings reveal a remarkable similarity between human and LLM citation patterns, but with a more pronounced high citation bias in GPT-4, which persists even after controlling for publication year, title length, number of authors, and venue. Additionally, we observe a large consistency between the characteristics of GPT-4's existing and non-existent generated references, indicating the model's internalization of citation patterns. By analyzing citation graphs, we show that the references recommended by GPT-4 are embedded in the relevant citation context, suggesting an even deeper conceptual internalization of the citation networks. While LLMs can aid in citation generation, they may also amplify existing biases and introduce new ones, potentially skewing scientific knowledge dissemination. Our results underscore the need for identifying the model's biases and for developing balanced methods to interact with LLMs in general.

cross Filtered Corpus Training (FiCT) Shows that Language Models can Generalize from Indirect Evidence

Authors: Abhinav Patil, Jaap Jumelet, Yu Ying Chiu, Andy Lapastora, Peter Shen, Lexie Wang, Clevis Willrich, Shane Steinert-Threlkeld

Abstract: This paper introduces Filtered Corpus Training, a method that trains language models (LMs) on corpora with certain linguistic constructions filtered out from the training data, and uses it to measure the ability of LMs to perform linguistic generalization on the basis of indirect evidence. We apply the method to both LSTM and Transformer LMs (of roughly comparable size), developing filtered corpora that target a wide range of linguistic phenomena. Our results show that while transformers are better qua LMs (as measured by perplexity), both models perform equally and surprisingly well on linguistic generalization measures, suggesting that they are capable of generalizing from indirect evidence.

cross Score-based generative models are provably robust: an uncertainty quantification perspective

Authors: Nikiforos Mimikos-Stamatopoulos, Benjamin J. Zhang, Markos A. Katsoulakis

Abstract: Through an uncertainty quantification (UQ) perspective, we show that score-based generative models (SGMs) are provably robust to the multiple sources of error in practical implementation. Our primary tool is the Wasserstein uncertainty propagation (WUP) theorem, a model-form UQ bound that describes how the $L^2$ error from learning the score function propagates to a Wasserstein-1 ($\mathbf{d}_1$) ball around the true data distribution under the evolution of the Fokker-Planck equation. We show how errors due to (a) finite sample approximation, (b) early stopping, (c) score-matching objective choice, (d) score function parametrization expressiveness, and (e) reference distribution choice, impact the quality of the generative model in terms of a $\mathbf{d}_1$ bound of computable quantities. The WUP theorem relies on Bernstein estimates for Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman partial differential equations (PDE) and the regularizing properties of diffusion processes. Specifically, PDE regularity theory shows that stochasticity is the key mechanism ensuring SGM algorithms are provably robust. The WUP theorem applies to integral probability metrics beyond $\mathbf{d}_1$, such as the total variation distance and the maximum mean discrepancy. Sample complexity and generalization bounds in $\mathbf{d}_1$ follow directly from the WUP theorem. Our approach requires minimal assumptions, is agnostic to the manifold hypothesis and avoids absolute continuity assumptions for the target distribution. Additionally, our results clarify the trade-offs among multiple error sources in SGMs.

cross Scaling Laws for Discriminative Classification in Large Language Models

Authors: Dean Wyatte, Fatemeh Tahmasbi, Ming Li, Thomas Markovich

Abstract: Modern large language models (LLMs) represent a paradigm shift in what can plausibly be expected of machine learning models. The fact that LLMs can effectively generate sensible answers to a diverse range of queries suggests that they would be useful in customer support applications. While powerful, LLMs have been observed to be prone to hallucination which unfortunately makes their near term use in customer support applications challenging. To address this issue we present a system that allows us to use an LLM to augment our customer support advocates by re-framing the language modeling task as a discriminative classification task. In this framing, we seek to present the top-K best template responses for a customer support advocate to use when responding to a customer. We present the result of both offline and online experiments where we observed offline gains and statistically significant online lifts for our experimental system. Along the way, we present observed scaling curves for validation loss and top-K accuracy, resulted from model parameter ablation studies. We close by discussing the space of trade-offs with respect to model size, latency, and accuracy as well as and suggesting future applications to explore.

cross Canonical Variates in Wasserstein Metric Space

Authors: Jia Li, Lin Lin

Abstract: In this paper, we address the classification of instances each characterized not by a singular point, but by a distribution on a vector space. We employ the Wasserstein metric to measure distances between distributions, which are then used by distance-based classification algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors, k-means, and pseudo-mixture modeling. Central to our investigation is dimension reduction within the Wasserstein metric space to enhance classification accuracy. We introduce a novel approach grounded in the principle of maximizing Fisher's ratio, defined as the quotient of between-class variation to within-class variation. The directions in which this ratio is maximized are termed discriminant coordinates or canonical variates axes. In practice, we define both between-class and within-class variations as the average squared distances between pairs of instances, with the pairs either belonging to the same class or to different classes. This ratio optimization is achieved through an iterative algorithm, which alternates between optimal transport and maximization steps within the vector space. We conduct empirical studies to assess the algorithm's convergence and, through experimental validation, demonstrate that our dimension reduction technique substantially enhances classification performance. Moreover, our method outperforms well-established algorithms that operate on vector representations derived from distributional data. It also exhibits robustness against variations in the distributional representations of data clouds.

replace Ask-AC: An Initiative Advisor-in-the-Loop Actor-Critic Framework

Authors: Shunyu Liu, Kaixuan Chen, Na Yu, Jie Song, Zunlei Feng, Mingli Song

Abstract: Despite the promising results achieved, state-of-the-art interactive reinforcement learning schemes rely on passively receiving supervision signals from advisor experts, in the form of either continuous monitoring or pre-defined rules, which inevitably result in a cumbersome and expensive learning process. In this paper, we introduce a novel initiative advisor-in-the-loop actor-critic framework, termed as Ask-AC, that replaces the unilateral advisor-guidance mechanism with a bidirectional learner-initiative one, and thereby enables a customized and efficacious message exchange between learner and advisor. At the heart of Ask-AC are two complementary components, namely action requester and adaptive state selector, that can be readily incorporated into various discrete actor-critic architectures. The former component allows the agent to initiatively seek advisor intervention in the presence of uncertain states, while the latter identifies the unstable states potentially missed by the former especially when environment changes, and then learns to promote the ask action on such states. Experimental results on both stationary and non-stationary environments and across different actor-critic backbones demonstrate that the proposed framework significantly improves the learning efficiency of the agent, and achieves the performances on par with those obtained by continuous advisor monitoring.

replace ExcelFormer: Can a DNN be a Sure Bet for Tabular Prediction?

Authors: Jintai Chen, Jiahuan Yan, Qiyuan Chen, Danny Ziyi Chen, Jian Wu, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Data organized in tabular format is ubiquitous in real-world applications, and users often craft tables with biased feature definitions and flexibly set prediction targets of their interests. Thus, a rapid development of a robust, effective, dataset-versatile, user-friendly tabular prediction approach is highly desired. While Gradient Boosting Decision Trees (GBDTs) and existing deep neural networks (DNNs) have been extensively utilized by professional users, they present several challenges for casual users, particularly: (i) the dilemma of model selection due to their different dataset preferences, and (ii) the need for heavy hyperparameter searching, failing which their performances are deemed inadequate. In this paper, we delve into this question: Can we develop a deep learning model that serves as a "sure bet" solution for a wide range of tabular prediction tasks, while also being user-friendly for casual users? We delve into three key drawbacks of deep tabular models, encompassing: (P1) lack of rotational variance property, (P2) large data demand, and (P3) over-smooth solution. We propose ExcelFormer, addressing these challenges through a semi-permeable attention module that effectively constrains the influence of less informative features to break the DNNs' rotational invariance property (for P1), data augmentation approaches tailored for tabular data (for P2), and attentive feedforward network to boost the model fitting capability (for P3). These designs collectively make ExcelFormer a "sure bet" solution for diverse tabular datasets. Extensive and stratified experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate that our model outperforms previous approaches across diverse tabular data prediction tasks, and this framework can be friendly to casual users, offering ease of use without the heavy hyperparameter tuning.

replace ACPO: A Policy Optimization Algorithm for Average MDPs with Constraints

Authors: Akhil Agnihotri, Rahul Jain, Haipeng Luo

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) for constrained MDPs (CMDPs) is an increasingly important problem for various applications. Often, the average criterion is more suitable than the discounted criterion. Yet, RL for average-CMDPs (ACMDPs) remains a challenging problem. Algorithms designed for discounted constrained RL problems often do not perform well for the average CMDP setting. In this paper, we introduce a new policy optimization with function approximation algorithm for constrained MDPs with the average criterion. The Average-Constrained Policy Optimization (ACPO) algorithm is inspired by trust region-based policy optimization algorithms. We develop basic sensitivity theory for average CMDPs, and then use the corresponding bounds in the design of the algorithm. We provide theoretical guarantees on its performance, and through extensive experimental work in various challenging OpenAI Gym environments, show its superior empirical performance when compared to other state-of-the-art algorithms adapted for the ACMDPs.

replace Light Unbalanced Optimal Transport

Authors: Milena Gazdieva, Arip Asadulaev, Alexander Korotin, Evgeny Burnaev

Abstract: While the continuous Entropic Optimal Transport (EOT) field has been actively developing in recent years, it became evident that the classic EOT problem is prone to different issues like the sensitivity to outliers and imbalance of classes in the source and target measures. This fact inspired the development of solvers that deal with the unbalanced EOT (UEOT) problem $-$ the generalization of EOT allowing for mitigating the mentioned issues by relaxing the marginal constraints. Surprisingly, it turns out that the existing solvers are either based on heuristic principles or heavy-weighted with complex optimization objectives involving several neural networks. We address this challenge and propose a novel theoretically-justified, lightweight, unbalanced EOT solver. Our advancement consists of developing a novel view on the optimization of the UEOT problem yielding tractable and a non-minimax optimization objective. We show that combined with a light parametrization recently proposed in the field our objective leads to a fast, simple, and effective solver which allows solving the continuous UEOT problem in minutes on CPU. We prove that our solver provides a universal approximation of UEOT solutions and obtain its generalization bounds. We give illustrative examples of the solver's performance.

replace Reprompting: Automated Chain-of-Thought Prompt Inference Through Gibbs Sampling

Authors: Weijia Xu, Andrzej Banburski-Fahey, Nebojsa Jojic

Abstract: We introduce Reprompting, an iterative sampling algorithm that automatically learns the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) recipes for a given task without human intervention. Through Gibbs sampling, Reprompting infers the CoT recipes that work consistently well for a set of training samples by iteratively sampling new recipes using previously sampled recipes as parent prompts to solve other training problems. We conduct extensive experiments on 20 challenging reasoning tasks. Results show that Reprompting outperforms human-written CoT prompts substantially by +9.4 points on average. It also achieves consistently better performance than the state-of-the-art prompt optimization and decoding algorithms.

replace Learning Relevant Contextual Variables Within Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Julien Martinelli, Ayush Bharti, Armi Tiihonen, S. T. John, Louis Filstroff, Sabina J. Sloman, Patrick Rinke, Samuel Kaski

Abstract: Contextual Bayesian Optimization (CBO) efficiently optimizes black-box functions with respect to design variables, while simultaneously integrating contextual information regarding the environment, such as experimental conditions. However, the relevance of contextual variables is not necessarily known beforehand. Moreover, contextual variables can sometimes be optimized themselves at an additional cost, a setting overlooked by current CBO algorithms. Cost-sensitive CBO would simply include optimizable contextual variables as part of the design variables based on their cost. Instead, we adaptively select a subset of contextual variables to include in the optimization, based on the trade-off between their relevance and the additional cost incurred by optimizing them compared to leaving them to be determined by the environment. We learn the relevance of contextual variables by sensitivity analysis of the posterior surrogate model while minimizing the cost of optimization by leveraging recent developments on early stopping for BO. We empirically evaluate our proposed Sensitivity-Analysis-Driven Contextual BO (SADCBO) method against alternatives on both synthetic and real-world experiments, together with extensive ablation studies, and demonstrate a consistent improvement across examples.

replace How to Fix a Broken Confidence Estimator: Evaluating Post-hoc Methods for Selective Classification with Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Lu\'is Felipe P. Cattelan, Danilo Silva

Abstract: This paper addresses the problem of selective classification for deep neural networks, where a model is allowed to abstain from low-confidence predictions to avoid potential errors. We focus on so-called post-hoc methods, which replace the confidence estimator of a given classifier without modifying or retraining it, thus being practically appealing. Considering neural networks with softmax outputs, our goal is to identify the best confidence estimator that can be computed directly from the unnormalized logits. This problem is motivated by the intriguing observation in recent work that many classifiers appear to have a "broken" confidence estimator, in the sense that their selective classification performance is much worse than what could be expected by their corresponding accuracies. We perform an extensive experimental study of many existing and proposed confidence estimators applied to 84 pretrained ImageNet classifiers available from popular repositories. Our results show that a simple $p$-norm normalization of the logits, followed by taking the maximum logit as the confidence estimator, can lead to considerable gains in selective classification performance, completely fixing the pathological behavior observed in many classifiers. As a consequence, the selective classification performance of any classifier becomes almost entirely determined by its corresponding accuracy. Moreover, these results are shown to be consistent under distribution shift. Our code is available at


replace On the Weight Dynamics of Deep Normalized Networks

Authors: Christian H. X. Ali Mehmeti-G\"opel, Michael Wand

Abstract: Recent studies have shown that high disparities in effective learning rates (ELRs) across layers in deep neural networks can negatively affect trainability. We formalize how these disparities evolve over time by modeling weight dynamics (evolution of expected gradient and weight norms) of networks with normalization layers, predicting the evolution of layer-wise ELR ratios. We prove that when training with any constant learning rate, ELR ratios converge to 1, despite initial gradient explosion. We identify a ``critical learning rate" beyond which ELR disparities widen, which only depends on current ELRs. To validate our findings, we devise a hyper-parameter-free warm-up method that successfully minimizes ELR spread quickly in theory and practice. Our experiments link ELR spread with trainability, a relationship that is most evident in very deep networks with significant gradient magnitude excursions.

replace Proximity to Losslessly Compressible Parameters

Authors: Matthew Farrugia-Roberts (The University of Melbourne)

Abstract: To better understand complexity in neural networks, we theoretically investigate the idealised phenomenon of lossless network compressibility, whereby an identical function can be implemented with fewer hidden units. In the setting of single-hidden-layer hyperbolic tangent networks, we define the rank of a parameter as the minimum number of hidden units required to implement the same function. We give efficient formal algorithms for optimal lossless compression and computing the rank of a parameter. Losslessly compressible parameters are atypical, but their existence has implications for nearby parameters. We define the proximate rank of a parameter as the rank of the most compressible parameter within a small L-infinity neighbourhood. We give an efficient greedy algorithm for bounding the proximate rank of a parameter, and show that the problem of tightly bounding the proximate rank is NP-complete. These results lay a foundation for future theoretical and empirical work on losslessly compressible parameters and their neighbours.

replace TACO: Temporal Latent Action-Driven Contrastive Loss for Visual Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Ruijie Zheng, Xiyao Wang, Yanchao Sun, Shuang Ma, Jieyu Zhao, Huazhe Xu, Hal Daum\'e III, Furong Huang

Abstract: Despite recent progress in reinforcement learning (RL) from raw pixel data, sample inefficiency continues to present a substantial obstacle. Prior works have attempted to address this challenge by creating self-supervised auxiliary tasks, aiming to enrich the agent's learned representations with control-relevant information for future state prediction. However, these objectives are often insufficient to learn representations that can represent the optimal policy or value function, and they often consider tasks with small, abstract discrete action spaces and thus overlook the importance of action representation learning in continuous control. In this paper, we introduce TACO: Temporal Action-driven Contrastive Learning, a simple yet powerful temporal contrastive learning approach that facilitates the concurrent acquisition of latent state and action representations for agents. TACO simultaneously learns a state and an action representation by optimizing the mutual information between representations of current states paired with action sequences and representations of the corresponding future states. Theoretically, TACO can be shown to learn state and action representations that encompass sufficient information for control, thereby improving sample efficiency. For online RL, TACO achieves 40% performance boost after one million environment interaction steps on average across nine challenging visual continuous control tasks from Deepmind Control Suite. In addition, we show that TACO can also serve as a plug-and-play module adding to existing offline visual RL methods to establish the new state-of-the-art performance for offline visual RL across offline datasets with varying quality.

replace Submodular Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Manish Prajapat, Mojm\'ir Mutn\'y, Melanie N. Zeilinger, Andreas Krause

Abstract: In reinforcement learning (RL), rewards of states are typically considered additive, and following the Markov assumption, they are $\textit{independent}$ of states visited previously. In many important applications, such as coverage control, experiment design and informative path planning, rewards naturally have diminishing returns, i.e., their value decreases in light of similar states visited previously. To tackle this, we propose $\textit{submodular RL}$ (SubRL), a paradigm which seeks to optimize more general, non-additive (and history-dependent) rewards modelled via submodular set functions which capture diminishing returns. Unfortunately, in general, even in tabular settings, we show that the resulting optimization problem is hard to approximate. On the other hand, motivated by the success of greedy algorithms in classical submodular optimization, we propose SubPO, a simple policy gradient-based algorithm for SubRL that handles non-additive rewards by greedily maximizing marginal gains. Indeed, under some assumptions on the underlying Markov Decision Process (MDP), SubPO recovers optimal constant factor approximations of submodular bandits. Moreover, we derive a natural policy gradient approach for locally optimizing SubRL instances even in large state- and action- spaces. We showcase the versatility of our approach by applying SubPO to several applications, such as biodiversity monitoring, Bayesian experiment design, informative path planning, and coverage maximization. Our results demonstrate sample efficiency, as well as scalability to high-dimensional state-action spaces.

replace Critical Learning Periods Emerge Even in Deep Linear Networks

Authors: Michael Kleinman, Alessandro Achille, Stefano Soatto

Abstract: Critical learning periods are periods early in development where temporary sensory deficits can have a permanent effect on behavior and learned representations. Despite the radical differences between biological and artificial networks, critical learning periods have been empirically observed in both systems. This suggests that critical periods may be fundamental to learning and not an accident of biology. Yet, why exactly critical periods emerge in deep networks is still an open question, and in particular it is unclear whether the critical periods observed in both systems depend on particular architectural or optimization details. To isolate the key underlying factors, we focus on deep linear network models, and show that, surprisingly, such networks also display much of the behavior seen in biology and artificial networks, while being amenable to analytical treatment. We show that critical periods depend on the depth of the model and structure of the data distribution. We also show analytically and in simulations that the learning of features is tied to competition between sources. Finally, we extend our analysis to multi-task learning to show that pre-training on certain tasks can damage the transfer performance on new tasks, and show how this depends on the relationship between tasks and the duration of the pre-training stage. To the best of our knowledge, our work provides the first analytically tractable model that sheds light into why critical learning periods emerge in biological and artificial networks.

replace Provable Training for Graph Contrastive Learning

Authors: Yue Yu, Xiao Wang, Mengmei Zhang, Nian Liu, Chuan Shi

Abstract: Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) has emerged as a popular training approach for learning node embeddings from augmented graphs without labels. Despite the key principle that maximizing the similarity between positive node pairs while minimizing it between negative node pairs is well established, some fundamental problems are still unclear. Considering the complex graph structure, are some nodes consistently well-trained and following this principle even with different graph augmentations? Or are there some nodes more likely to be untrained across graph augmentations and violate the principle? How to distinguish these nodes and further guide the training of GCL? To answer these questions, we first present experimental evidence showing that the training of GCL is indeed imbalanced across all nodes. To address this problem, we propose the metric "node compactness", which is the lower bound of how a node follows the GCL principle related to the range of augmentations. We further derive the form of node compactness theoretically through bound propagation, which can be integrated into binary cross-entropy as a regularization. To this end, we propose the PrOvable Training (POT) for GCL, which regularizes the training of GCL to encode node embeddings that follows the GCL principle better. Through extensive experiments on various benchmarks, POT consistently improves the existing GCL approaches, serving as a friendly plugin.

replace Adversarial Imitation Learning from Visual Observations using Latent Information

Authors: Vittorio Giammarino, James Queeney, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis

Abstract: We focus on the problem of imitation learning from visual observations, where the learning agent has access to videos of experts as its sole learning source. The challenges of this framework include the absence of expert actions and the partial observability of the environment, as the ground-truth states can only be inferred from pixels. To tackle this problem, we first conduct a theoretical analysis of imitation learning in partially observable environments. We establish upper bounds on the suboptimality of the learning agent with respect to the divergence between the expert and the agent latent state-transition distributions. Motivated by this analysis, we introduce an algorithm called Latent Adversarial Imitation from Observations, which combines off-policy adversarial imitation techniques with a learned latent representation of the agent's state from sequences of observations. In experiments on high-dimensional continuous robotic tasks, we show that our model-free approach in latent space matches state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, we show how our method can be used to improve the efficiency of reinforcement learning from pixels by leveraging expert videos. To ensure reproducibility, we provide free access to our code.

replace HyperMask: Adaptive Hypernetwork-based Masks for Continual Learning

Authors: Kamil Ksi\k{a}\.zek, Przemys{\l}aw Spurek

Abstract: Artificial neural networks suffer from catastrophic forgetting when they are sequentially trained on multiple tasks. Many continual learning (CL) strategies are trying to overcome this problem. One of the most effective is the hypernetwork-based approach. The hypernetwork generates the weights of a target model based on the task's identity. The model's main limitation is that, in practice, the hypernetwork can produce completely different architectures for subsequent tasks. To solve such a problem, we use the lottery ticket hypothesis, which postulates the existence of sparse subnetworks, named winning tickets, that preserve the performance of a whole network. In the paper, we propose a method called HyperMask, which dynamically filters a target network depending on the CL task. The hypernetwork produces semi-binary masks to obtain dedicated target subnetworks. Moreover, due to the lottery ticket hypothesis, we can use a single network with weighted subnets. Depending on the task, the importance of some weights may be dynamically enhanced while others may be weakened. HyperMask achieves competitive results in several CL datasets and, in some scenarios, goes beyond the state-of-the-art scores, both with derived and unknown task identities.

replace FedAWARE: Maximizing Gradient Diversity for Heterogeneous Federated Server-side Optimization

Authors: Dun Zeng, Zenglin Xu, Yu Pan, Qifan Wang, Xiaoying Tang

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a distributed learning framework where numerous clients collaborate with a central server to train a model without sharing local data. However, the standard federated optimization in real-world applications faces both statistical and system heterogeneity challenges, which result in unfavorable convergence behavior. The previous works attempted to modify the local training process (client-side) to tackle heterogeneity challenges. However, they ignored that the updates on the server side can coordinate the diverse local updates efficiently. This work explores the effect of server-side updates against heterogeneity issues. We first introduce the gradient diversity maximization direction findings, suggesting the global model moves continuously in this direction for fast and stable convergence. Then, we derive a novel server-side optimizer \textsc{FedAWARE} with rigorous convergence analysis for general non-convex settings. Our extensive experiments across multiple heterogeneous federated settings using four datasets showcase that \textsc{FedAWARE} achieves competitive convergence performance in comparison to state-of-the-art adaptive federated optimizers. Furthermore, our results show that \textsc{FedAWARE} can enhance the performance of FL algorithms as a plug-in module. Our source code is available at \url{}.


replace Perfect Alignment May be Poisonous to Graph Contrastive Learning

Authors: Jingyu Liu, Huayi Tang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Graph Contrastive Learning (GCL) aims to learn node representations by aligning positive pairs and separating negative ones. However, few of researchers have focused on the inner law behind specific augmentations used in graph-based learning. What kind of augmentation will help downstream performance, how does contrastive learning actually influence downstream tasks, and why the magnitude of augmentation matters so much? This paper seeks to address these questions by establishing a connection between augmentation and downstream performance. Our findings reveal that GCL contributes to downstream tasks mainly by separating different classes rather than gathering nodes of the same class. So perfect alignment and augmentation overlap which draw all intra-class samples the same can not fully explain the success of contrastive learning. Therefore, in order to understand how augmentation aids the contrastive learning process, we conduct further investigations into the generalization, finding that perfect alignment that draw positive pair the same could help contrastive loss but is poisonous to generalization, as a result, perfect alignment may not lead to best downstream performance, so specifically designed augmentation is needed to achieve appropriate alignment performance and improve downstream accuracy. We further analyse the result by information theory and graph spectrum theory and propose two simple but effective methods to verify the theories. The two methods could be easily applied to various GCL algorithms and extensive experiments are conducted to prove its effectiveness. The code is available at


replace Posterior Sampling-based Online Learning for Episodic POMDPs

Authors: Dengwang Tang, Dongze Ye, Rahul Jain, Ashutosh Nayyar, Pierluigi Nuzzo

Abstract: Learning in POMDPs is known to be significantly harder than MDPs. In this paper, we consider the online learning problem for episodic POMDPs with unknown transition and observation models. We propose a Posterior Sampling-based reinforcement learning algorithm for POMDPs (PS4POMDPs), which is much simpler and more implementable compared to state-of-the-art optimism-based online learning algorithms for POMDPs. We show that the Bayesian regret of the proposed algorithm scales as the square root of the number of episodes, matching the lower bound, and is polynomial in the other parameters. In a general setting, its regret scales exponentially in the horizon length $H$, and we show that this is inevitable by providing a lower bound. However, when the POMDP is undercomplete and weakly revealing (a common assumption in the recent literature), we establish a polynomial Bayesian regret bound. We finally propose a posterior sampling algorithm for multi-agent POMDPs, and show it too has sublinear regret.

replace Proportional Fairness in Clustering: A Social Choice Perspective

Authors: Leon Kellerhals, Jannik Peters

Abstract: We study the proportional clustering problem of Chen et al. [ICML'19] and relate it to the area of multiwinner voting in computational social choice. We show that any clustering satisfying a weak proportionality notion of Brill and Peters [EC'23] simultaneously obtains the best known approximations to the proportional fairness notion of Chen et al. [ICML'19], but also to individual fairness [Jung et al., FORC'20] and the "core" [Li et al. ICML'21]. In fact, we show that any approximation to proportional fairness is also an approximation to individual fairness and vice versa. Finally, we also study stronger notions of proportional representation, in which deviations do not only happen to single, but multiple candidate centers, and show that stronger proportionality notions of Brill and Peters [EC'23] imply approximations to these stronger guarantees.

replace Optimal Algorithms for Online Convex Optimization with Adversarial Constraints

Authors: Abhishek Sinha, Rahul Vaze

Abstract: A well-studied generalization of the standard online convex optimization (OCO) is constrained online convex optimization (COCO). In COCO, on every round, a convex cost function and a convex constraint function are revealed to the learner after the action for that round is chosen. The objective is to design an online policy that simultaneously achieves a small regret while ensuring a small cumulative constraint violation (CCV) against an adaptive adversary interacting over a horizon of length $T$. A long-standing open question in COCO is whether an online policy can simultaneously achieve $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and $O(\sqrt{T})$ CCV without any restrictive assumptions. For the first time, we answer this in the affirmative and show that an online policy can simultaneously achieve $O(\sqrt{T})$ regret and $\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T})$ CCV. Furthermore, in the case of strongly convex cost and convex constraint functions, the regret guarantee can be improved to $O(\log T)$ while keeping the CCV bound the same as above. We establish these results by effectively combining the adaptive regret bound of the AdaGrad algorithm with Lyapunov optimization - a classic tool from control theory. Surprisingly, the analysis is short and elegant.

replace On the Theory of Risk-Aware Agents: Bridging Actor-Critic and Economics

Authors: Michal Nauman, Marek Cygan

Abstract: Risk-aware Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms like SAC and TD3 were shown empirically to outperform their risk-neutral counterparts in a variety of continuous-action tasks. However, the theoretical basis for the pessimistic objectives these algorithms employ remains unestablished, raising questions about the specific class of policies they are implementing. In this work, we apply the expected utility hypothesis, a fundamental concept in economics, to illustrate that both risk-neutral and risk-aware RL goals can be interpreted through expected utility maximization using an exponential utility function. This approach reveals that risk-aware policies effectively maximize value certainty equivalent, aligning them with conventional decision theory principles. Furthermore, we propose Dual Actor-Critic (DAC). DAC is a risk-aware, model-free algorithm that features two distinct actor networks: a pessimistic actor for temporal-difference learning and an optimistic actor for exploration. Our evaluations of DAC across various locomotion and manipulation tasks demonstrate improvements in sample efficiency and final performance. Remarkably, DAC, while requiring significantly less computational resources, matches the performance of leading model-based methods in the complex dog and humanoid domains.

replace Detecting Out-of-Distribution Through the Lens of Neural Collapse

Authors: Litian Liu, Yao Qin

Abstract: Efficient and versatile Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection is essential for the safe deployment of AI yet remains challenging for existing algorithms. Inspired by Neural Collapse, we discover that features of in-distribution (ID) samples cluster closer to the weight vectors compared to features of OOD samples. In addition, we reveal that ID features tend to expand in space to structure a simplex Equiangular Tight Framework, which nicely explains the prevalent observation that ID features reside further from the origin than OOD features. Taking both insights from Neural Collapse into consideration, we propose to leverage feature proximity to weight vectors for OOD detection and further complement this perspective by using feature norms to filter OOD samples. Extensive experiments on off-the-shelf models demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our method across diverse classification tasks and model architectures, enhancing the generalization capability of OOD detection.

replace On the Hyperparameter Loss Landscapes of Machine Learning Models: An Exploratory Study

Authors: Mingyu Huang, Ke Li

Abstract: Previous efforts on hyperparameter optimization (HPO) of machine learning (ML) models predominately focus on algorithmic advances, yet little is known about the topography of the underlying hyperparameter (HP) loss landscape, which plays a fundamental role in governing the search process of HPO. While several works have conducted fitness landscape analysis (FLA) on various ML systems, they are limited to properties of isolated landscape without interrogating the potential structural similarities among them. The exploration of such similarities can provide a novel perspective for understanding the mechanism behind modern HPO methods, but has been missing, possibly due to the expensive cost of large-scale landscape construction, and the lack of effective analysis methods. In this paper, we mapped 1,500 HP loss landscapes of 6 representative ML models on 63 datasets across different fidelity levels, with 11M+ configurations. By conducting exploratory analysis on these landscapes with fine-grained visualizations and dedicated FLA metrics, we observed a similar landscape topography across a wide range of models, datasets, and fidelities, and shed light on several central topics in HPO.

replace Power Hungry Processing: Watts Driving the Cost of AI Deployment?

Authors: Alexandra Sasha Luccioni, Yacine Jernite, Emma Strubell

Abstract: Recent years have seen a surge in the popularity of commercial AI products based on generative, multi-purpose AI systems promising a unified approach to building machine learning (ML) models into technology. However, this ambition of ``generality'' comes at a steep cost to the environment, given the amount of energy these systems require and the amount of carbon that they emit. In this work, we propose the first systematic comparison of the ongoing inference cost of various categories of ML systems, covering both task-specific (i.e. finetuned models that carry out a single task) and `general-purpose' models, (i.e. those trained for multiple tasks). We measure deployment cost as the amount of energy and carbon required to perform 1,000 inferences on representative benchmark dataset using these models. We find that multi-purpose, generative architectures are orders of magnitude more expensive than task-specific systems for a variety of tasks, even when controlling for the number of model parameters. We conclude with a discussion around the current trend of deploying multi-purpose generative ML systems, and caution that their utility should be more intentionally weighed against increased costs in terms of energy and emissions. All the data from our study can be accessed via an interactive demo to carry out further exploration and analysis.

replace Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection

Authors: Yongqi Dong, Lanxin Zhang, Haneen Farah, Arkady Zgonnikov, Bart van Arem

Abstract: Detecting abnormal driving behavior is critical for road traffic safety and the evaluation of drivers' behavior. With the advancement of machine learning (ML) algorithms and the accumulation of naturalistic driving data, many ML models have been adopted for abnormal driving behavior detection. Most existing ML-based detectors rely on (fully) supervised ML methods, which require substantial labeled data. However, ground truth labels are not always available in the real world, and labeling large amounts of data is tedious. Thus, there is a need to explore unsupervised or semi-supervised methods to make the anomaly detection process more feasible and efficient. To fill this research gap, this study analyzes large-scale real-world data revealing several abnormal driving behaviors (e.g., sudden acceleration, rapid lane-changing) and develops a Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines (HELM) based semi-supervised ML method using partly labeled data to accurately detect the identified abnormal driving behaviors. Moreover, previous ML-based approaches predominantly utilize basic vehicle motion features (such as velocity and acceleration) to label and detect abnormal driving behaviors, while this study seeks to introduce Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) as the input features for ML models to improve the detection performance. Results from extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised ML model with the introduced SSMs serving as important features. The proposed semi-supervised ML method outperforms other baseline semi-supervised or unsupervised methods regarding various metrics, e.g., delivering the best accuracy at 99.58% and the best F-1 measure at 0.9913. The ablation study further highlights the significance of SSMs for advancing detection performance.

replace Towards Principled Graph Transformers

Authors: Luis M\"uller, Daniel Kusuma, Blai Bonet, Christopher Morris

Abstract: Graph learning architectures based on the k-dimensional Weisfeiler-Leman (k-WL) hierarchy offer a theoretically well-understood expressive power. However, such architectures often fail to deliver solid predictive performance on real-world tasks, limiting their practical impact. In contrast, global attention-based models such as graph transformers demonstrate strong performance in practice, but comparing their expressive power with the k-WL hierarchy remains challenging, particularly since these architectures rely on positional or structural encodings for their expressivity and predictive performance. To address this, we show that the recently proposed Edge Transformer, a global attention model operating on node pairs instead of nodes, has at least 3-WL expressive power. Empirically, we demonstrate that the Edge Transformer surpasses other theoretically aligned architectures regarding predictive performance while not relying on positional or structural encodings. Our code is available at


replace Parsimony or Capability? Decomposition Delivers Both in Long-term Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Jinliang Deng, Feiyang Ye, Du Yin, Xuan Song, Ivor W. Tsang, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) represents a critical frontier in time series analysis, characterized by extensive input sequences, as opposed to the shorter spans typical of traditional approaches. While longer sequences inherently offer richer information for enhanced predictive precision, prevailing studies often respond by escalating model complexity. These intricate models can inflate into millions of parameters, resulting in prohibitive parameter scales. Our study demonstrates, through both analytical and empirical evidence, that decomposition is key to containing excessive model inflation while achieving uniformly superior and robust results across various datasets. Remarkably, by tailoring decomposition to the intrinsic dynamics of time series data, our proposed model outperforms existing benchmarks, using over 99 \% fewer parameters than the majority of competing methods. Through this work, we aim to unleash the power of a restricted set of parameters by capitalizing on domain characteristics--a timely reminder that in the realm of LTSF, bigger is not invariably better.

replace Continuous-time Riemannian SGD and SVRG Flows on Wasserstein Probabilistic Space

Authors: Mingyang Yi, Bohan Wang

Abstract: Recently, optimization on the Riemannian manifold has provided new insights to the optimization community. In this regard, the manifold taken as the probability measure metric space equipped with the second-order Wasserstein distance is of particular interest, since optimization on it can be linked to practical sampling processes. In general, the standard (continuous) optimization method on Wasserstein space is Riemannian gradient flow (i.e., Langevin dynamics when minimizing KL divergence). In this paper, we aim to enrich the continuous optimization methods in the Wasserstein space, by extending the gradient flow on it into the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) flow and stochastic variance reduction gradient (SVRG) flow. The two flows in Euclidean space are standard continuous stochastic methods, while their Riemannian counterparts are unexplored. By leveraging the property of Wasserstein space, we construct stochastic differential equations (SDEs) to approximate the corresponding discrete dynamics of desired Riemannian stochastic methods in Euclidean space. Then, our probability measures flows are obtained by the Fokker-Planck equation. Finally, the convergence rates of our Riemannian stochastic flows are proven, which match the results in Euclidean space.

replace Understanding the Expressive Power and Mechanisms of Transformer for Sequence Modeling

Authors: Mingze Wang, Weinan E

Abstract: We conduct a systematic study of the approximation properties of Transformer for sequence modeling with long, sparse and complicated memory. We investigate the mechanisms through which different components of Transformer, such as the dot-product self-attention, positional encoding and feed-forward layer, affect its expressive power, and we study their combined effects through establishing explicit approximation rates. Our study reveals the roles of critical parameters in the Transformer, such as the number of layers and the number of attention heads. These theoretical insights are validated experimentally and offer natural suggestions for alternative architectures.

replace Conditional Normalizing Flows for Active Learning of Coarse-Grained Molecular Representations

Authors: Henrik Schopmans, Pascal Friederich

Abstract: Efficient sampling of the Boltzmann distribution of molecular systems is a long-standing challenge. Recently, instead of generating long molecular dynamics simulations, generative machine learning methods such as normalizing flows have been used to learn the Boltzmann distribution directly, without samples. However, this approach is susceptible to mode collapse and thus often does not explore the full configurational space. In this work, we address this challenge by separating the problem into two levels, the fine-grained and coarse-grained degrees of freedom. A normalizing flow conditioned on the coarse-grained space yields a probabilistic connection between the two levels. To explore the configurational space, we employ coarse-grained simulations with active learning which allows us to update the flow and make all-atom potential energy evaluations only when necessary. Using alanine dipeptide as an example, we show that our methods obtain a speedup to molecular dynamics simulations of approximately 15.9 to 216.2 compared to the speedup of 4.5 of the current state-of-the-art machine learning approach.

replace Two-Timescale Critic-Actor for Average Reward MDPs with Function Approximation

Authors: Prashansa Panda, Shalabh Bhatnagar

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a lot of research activity focused on carrying out non-asymptotic convergence analyses for actor-critic algorithms. Recently a two-timescale critic-actor algorithm has been presented for the discounted cost setting in the look-up table case where the timescales of the actor and the critic are reversed and only asymptotic convergence shown. In our work, we present the first two-timescale critic-actor algorithm with function approximation in the long-run average reward setting and present the first finite-time non-asymptotic as well as asymptotic convergence analysis for such a scheme. We obtain optimal learning rates and prove that our algorithm achieves a sample complexity of $\mathcal{\tilde{O}}(\epsilon^{-2.08})$ for the mean squared error of the critic to be upper bounded by $\epsilon$ which is better than the one obtained for two-timescale actor-critic in a similar setting. A notable feature of our analysis is that unlike recent single-timescale actor-critic algorithms, we present a complete asymptotic convergence analysis of our scheme in addition to the finite-time bounds that we obtain and show that the (slower) critic recursion converges asymptotically to the attractor of an associated differential inclusion with actor parameters corresponding to local maxima of a perturbed average reward objective. We also show the results of numerical experiments on three benchmark settings and observe that our critic-actor algorithm performs on par and is in fact better than the other algorithms considered.

replace MetaOptimize: A Framework for Optimizing Step Sizes and Other Meta-parameters

Authors: Arsalan Sharifnassab, Saber Salehkaleybar, Richard Sutton

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of optimizing meta-parameters (i.e., hyperparameters) in machine learning algorithms, a critical factor influencing training efficiency and model performance. Moving away from the computationally expensive traditional meta-parameter search methods, we introduce MetaOptimize framework that dynamically adjusts meta-parameters, particularly step sizes (also known as learning rates), during training. More specifically, MetaOptimize can wrap around any first-order optimization algorithm, tuning step sizes on the fly to minimize a specific form of regret that accounts for long-term effect of step sizes on training, through a discounted sum of future losses. We also introduce low complexity variants of MetaOptimize that, in conjunction with its adaptability to multiple optimization algorithms, demonstrate performance competitive to those of best hand-crafted learning rate schedules across various machine learning applications.

replace Decoding-time Realignment of Language Models

Authors: Tianlin Liu, Shangmin Guo, Leonardo Bianco, Daniele Calandriello, Quentin Berthet, Felipe Llinares, Jessica Hoffmann, Lucas Dixon, Michal Valko, Mathieu Blondel

Abstract: Aligning language models with human preferences is crucial for reducing errors and biases in these models. Alignment techniques, such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), are typically cast as optimizing a tradeoff between human preference rewards and a proximity regularization term that encourages staying close to the unaligned model. Selecting an appropriate level of regularization is critical: insufficient regularization can lead to reduced model capabilities due to reward hacking, whereas excessive regularization hinders alignment. Traditional methods for finding the optimal regularization level require retraining multiple models with varying regularization strengths. This process, however, is resource-intensive, especially for large models. To address this challenge, we propose decoding-time realignment (DeRa), a simple method to explore and evaluate different regularization strengths in aligned models without retraining. DeRa enables control over the degree of alignment, allowing users to smoothly transition between unaligned and aligned models. It also enhances the efficiency of hyperparameter tuning by enabling the identification of effective regularization strengths using a validation dataset.

replace Isotropy, Clusters, and Classifiers

Authors: Timothee Mickus, Stig-Arne Gr\"onroos, Joseph Attieh

Abstract: Whether embedding spaces use all their dimensions equally, i.e., whether they are isotropic, has been a recent subject of discussion. Evidence has been accrued both for and against enforcing isotropy in embedding spaces. In the present paper, we stress that isotropy imposes requirements on the embedding space that are not compatible with the presence of clusters -- which also negatively impacts linear classification objectives. We demonstrate this fact both mathematically and empirically and use it to shed light on previous results from the literature.

replace Bayesian Vector AutoRegression with Factorised Granger-Causal Graphs

Authors: He Zhao, Vassili Kitsios, Terence J. O'Kane, Edwin V. Bonilla

Abstract: We study the problem of automatically discovering Granger causal relations from observational multivariate time-series data.Vector autoregressive (VAR) models have been time-tested for this problem, including Bayesian variants and more recent developments using deep neural networks. Most existing VAR methods for Granger causality use sparsity-inducing penalties/priors or post-hoc thresholds to interpret their coefficients as Granger causal graphs. Instead, we propose a new Bayesian VAR model with a hierarchical factorised prior distribution over binary Granger causal graphs, separately from the VAR coefficients. We develop an efficient algorithm to infer the posterior over binary Granger causal graphs. Comprehensive experiments on synthetic, semi-synthetic, and climate data show that our method is more uncertainty aware, has less hyperparameters, and achieves better performance than competing approaches, especially in low-data regimes where there are less observations.

replace QGFN: Controllable Greediness with Action Values

Authors: Elaine Lau, Stephen Zhewen Lu, Ling Pan, Doina Precup, Emmanuel Bengio

Abstract: Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets; GFNs) are a family of reward/energy-based generative methods for combinatorial objects, capable of generating diverse and high-utility samples. However, biasing GFNs towards producing high-utility samples is non-trivial. In this work, we leverage connections between GFNs and reinforcement learning (RL) and propose to combine the GFN policy with an action-value estimate, $Q$, to create greedier sampling policies which can be controlled by a mixing parameter. We show that several variants of the proposed method, QGFN, are able to improve on the number of high-reward samples generated in a variety of tasks without sacrificing diversity.

replace The last Dance : Robust backdoor attack via diffusion models and bayesian approach

Authors: Orson Mengara

Abstract: Diffusion models are state-of-the-art deep learning generative models that are trained on the principle of learning forward and backward diffusion processes via the progressive addition of noise and denoising. In this paper, we aim to fool audio-based DNN models, such as those from the Hugging Face framework, primarily those that focus on audio, in particular transformer-based artificial intelligence models, which are powerful machine learning models that save time and achieve results faster and more efficiently. We demonstrate the feasibility of backdoor attacks (called `BacKBayDiffMod`) on audio transformers derived from Hugging Face, a popular framework in the world of artificial intelligence research. The backdoor attack developed in this paper is based on poisoning model training data uniquely by incorporating backdoor diffusion sampling and a Bayesian approach to the distribution of poisoned data.

replace Premier-TACO is a Few-Shot Policy Learner: Pretraining Multitask Representation via Temporal Action-Driven Contrastive Loss

Authors: Ruijie Zheng, Yongyuan Liang, Xiyao Wang, Shuang Ma, Hal Daum\'e III, Huazhe Xu, John Langford, Praveen Palanisamy, Kalyan Shankar Basu, Furong Huang

Abstract: We present Premier-TACO, a multitask feature representation learning approach designed to improve few-shot policy learning efficiency in sequential decision-making tasks. Premier-TACO leverages a subset of multitask offline datasets for pretraining a general feature representation, which captures critical environmental dynamics and is fine-tuned using minimal expert demonstrations. It advances the temporal action contrastive learning (TACO) objective, known for state-of-the-art results in visual control tasks, by incorporating a novel negative example sampling strategy. This strategy is crucial in significantly boosting TACO's computational efficiency, making large-scale multitask offline pretraining feasible. Our extensive empirical evaluation in a diverse set of continuous control benchmarks including Deepmind Control Suite, MetaWorld, and LIBERO demonstrate Premier-TACO's effectiveness in pretraining visual representations, significantly enhancing few-shot imitation learning of novel tasks. Our code, pretraining data, as well as pretrained model checkpoints will be released at Our project webpage is at


replace Principled Penalty-based Methods for Bilevel Reinforcement Learning and RLHF

Authors: Han Shen, Zhuoran Yang, Tianyi Chen

Abstract: Bilevel optimization has been recently applied to many machine learning tasks. However, their applications have been restricted to the supervised learning setting, where static objective functions with benign structures are considered. But bilevel problems such as incentive design, inverse reinforcement learning (RL), and RL from human feedback (RLHF) are often modeled as dynamic objective functions that go beyond the simple static objective structures, which pose significant challenges of using existing bilevel solutions. To tackle this new class of bilevel problems, we introduce the first principled algorithmic framework for solving bilevel RL problems through the lens of penalty formulation. We provide theoretical studies of the problem landscape and its penalty-based (policy) gradient algorithms. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithms via simulations in the Stackelberg Markov game, RL from human feedback and incentive design.

replace A Distributional Analogue to the Successor Representation

Authors: Harley Wiltzer, Jesse Farebrother, Arthur Gretton, Yunhao Tang, Andr\'e Barreto, Will Dabney, Marc G. Bellemare, Mark Rowland

Abstract: This paper contributes a new approach for distributional reinforcement learning which elucidates a clean separation of transition structure and reward in the learning process. Analogous to how the successor representation (SR) describes the expected consequences of behaving according to a given policy, our distributional successor measure (SM) describes the distributional consequences of this behaviour. We formulate the distributional SM as a distribution over distributions and provide theory connecting it with distributional and model-based reinforcement learning. Moreover, we propose an algorithm that learns the distributional SM from data by minimizing a two-level maximum mean discrepancy. Key to our method are a number of algorithmic techniques that are independently valuable for learning generative models of state. As an illustration of the usefulness of the distributional SM, we show that it enables zero-shot risk-sensitive policy evaluation in a way that was not previously possible.

replace Fourier Circuits in Neural Networks: Unlocking the Potential of Large Language Models in Mathematical Reasoning and Modular Arithmetic

Authors: Jiuxiang Gu, Chenyang Li, Yingyu Liang, Zhenmei Shi, Zhao Song, Tianyi Zhou

Abstract: In the evolving landscape of machine learning, a pivotal challenge lies in deciphering the internal representations harnessed by neural networks and Transformers. Building on recent progress toward comprehending how networks execute distinct target functions, our study embarks on an exploration of the underlying reasons behind networks adopting specific computational strategies. We direct our focus to the complex algebraic learning task of modular addition involving $k$ inputs. Our research presents a thorough analytical characterization of the features learned by stylized one-hidden layer neural networks and one-layer Transformers in addressing this task. A cornerstone of our theoretical framework is the elucidation of how the principle of margin maximization shapes the features adopted by one-hidden layer neural networks. Let $p$ denote the modulus, $D_p$ denote the dataset of modular arithmetic with $k$ inputs and $m$ denote the network width. We demonstrate that a neuron count of $ m \geq 2^{2k-2} \cdot (p-1) $, these networks attain a maximum $ L_{2,k+1} $-margin on the dataset $ D_p $. Furthermore, we establish that each hidden-layer neuron aligns with a specific Fourier spectrum, integral to solving modular addition problems. By correlating our findings with the empirical observations of similar studies, we contribute to a deeper comprehension of the intrinsic computational mechanisms of neural networks. Furthermore, we observe similar computational mechanisms in the attention matrix of the one-layer Transformer. This research stands as a significant stride in unraveling their operation complexities, particularly in the realm of complex algebraic tasks.

replace Rewards-in-Context: Multi-objective Alignment of Foundation Models with Dynamic Preference Adjustment

Authors: Rui Yang, Xiaoman Pan, Feng Luo, Shuang Qiu, Han Zhong, Dong Yu, Jianshu Chen

Abstract: We consider the problem of multi-objective alignment of foundation models with human preferences, which is a critical step towards helpful and harmless AI systems. However, it is generally costly and unstable to fine-tune large foundation models using reinforcement learning (RL), and the multi-dimensionality, heterogeneity, and conflicting nature of human preferences further complicate the alignment process. In this paper, we introduce Rewards-in-Context (RiC), which conditions the response of a foundation model on multiple rewards in its prompt context and applies supervised fine-tuning for alignment. The salient features of RiC are simplicity and adaptivity, as it only requires supervised fine-tuning of a single foundation model and supports dynamic adjustment for user preferences during inference time. Inspired by the analytical solution of an abstracted convex optimization problem, our dynamic inference-time adjustment method approaches the Pareto-optimal solution for multiple objectives. Empirical evidence demonstrates the efficacy of our method in aligning both Large Language Models (LLMs) and diffusion models to accommodate diverse rewards with only around 10% GPU hours compared with multi-objective RL baseline.

replace PARCv2: Physics-aware Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Dynamics Modeling

Authors: Phong C. H. Nguyen, Xinlun Cheng, Shahab Azarfar, Pradeep Seshadri, Yen T. Nguyen, Munho Kim, Sanghun Choi, H. S. Udaykumar, Stephen Baek

Abstract: Modeling unsteady, fast transient, and advection-dominated physics problems is a pressing challenge for physics-aware deep learning (PADL). The physics of complex systems is governed by large systems of partial differential equations (PDEs) and ancillary constitutive models with nonlinear structures, as well as evolving state fields exhibiting sharp gradients and rapidly deforming material interfaces. Here, we investigate an inductive bias approach that is versatile and generalizable to model generic nonlinear field evolution problems. Our study focuses on the recent physics-aware recurrent convolutions (PARC), which incorporates a differentiator-integrator architecture that inductively models the spatiotemporal dynamics of generic physical systems. We extend the capabilities of PARC to simulate unsteady, transient, and advection-dominant systems. The extended model, referred to as PARCv2, is equipped with differential operators to model advection-reaction-diffusion equations, as well as a hybrid integral solver for stable, long-time predictions. PARCv2 is tested on both standard benchmark problems in fluid dynamics, namely Burgers and Navier-Stokes equations, and then applied to more complex shock-induced reaction problems in energetic materials. We evaluate the behavior of PARCv2 in comparison to other physics-informed and learning bias models and demonstrate its potential to model unsteady and advection-dominant dynamics regimes.

replace Average gradient outer product as a mechanism for deep neural collapse

Authors: Daniel Beaglehole, Peter S\'uken\'ik, Marco Mondelli, Mikhail Belkin

Abstract: Deep Neural Collapse (DNC) refers to the surprisingly rigid structure of the data representations in the final layers of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Though the phenomenon has been measured in a variety of settings, its emergence is typically explained via data-agnostic approaches, such as the unconstrained features model. In this work, we introduce a data-dependent setting where DNC forms due to feature learning through the average gradient outer product (AGOP). The AGOP is defined with respect to a learned predictor and is equal to the uncentered covariance matrix of its input-output gradients averaged over the training dataset. Deep Recursive Feature Machines are a method that constructs a neural network by iteratively mapping the data with the AGOP and applying an untrained random feature map. We demonstrate theoretically and empirically that DNC occurs in Deep Recursive Feature Machines as a consequence of the projection with the AGOP matrix computed at each layer. We then provide evidence that this mechanism holds for neural networks more generally. We show that the right singular vectors and values of the weights can be responsible for the majority of within-class variability collapse for DNNs trained in the feature learning regime. As observed in recent work, this singular structure is highly correlated with that of the AGOP.

replace Informed Meta-Learning

Authors: Katarzyna Kobalczyk, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: In noisy and low-data regimes prevalent in real-world applications, a key challenge of machine learning lies in effectively incorporating inductive biases that promote data efficiency and robustness. Meta-learning and informed ML stand out as two approaches for incorporating prior knowledge into ML pipelines. While the former relies on a purely data-driven source of priors, the latter is guided by prior domain knowledge. In this paper, we formalise a hybrid paradigm, informed meta-learning, facilitating the incorporation of priors from unstructured knowledge representations, such as natural language; thus, unlocking complementarity in cross-task knowledge sharing of humans and machines. We establish the foundational components of informed meta-learning and present a concrete instantiation of this framework--the Informed Neural Process. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate the potential benefits of informed meta-learning in improving data efficiency, robustness to observational noise and task distribution shifts.

replace DS-Agent: Automated Data Science by Empowering Large Language Models with Case-Based Reasoning

Authors: Siyuan Guo, Cheng Deng, Ying Wen, Hechang Chen, Yi Chang, Jun Wang

Abstract: In this work, we investigate the potential of large language models (LLMs) based agents to automate data science tasks, with the goal of comprehending task requirements, then building and training the best-fit machine learning models. Despite their widespread success, existing LLM agents are hindered by generating unreasonable experiment plans within this scenario. To this end, we present DS-Agent, a novel automatic framework that harnesses LLM agent and case-based reasoning (CBR). In the development stage, DS-Agent follows the CBR framework to structure an automatic iteration pipeline, which can flexibly capitalize on the expert knowledge from Kaggle, and facilitate consistent performance improvement through the feedback mechanism. Moreover, DS-Agent implements a low-resource deployment stage with a simplified CBR paradigm to adapt past successful solutions from the development stage for direct code generation, significantly reducing the demand on foundational capabilities of LLMs. Empirically, DS-Agent with GPT-4 achieves 100\% success rate in the development stage, while attaining 36\% improvement on average one pass rate across alternative LLMs in the deployment stage. In both stages, DS-Agent achieves the best rank in performance, costing \$1.60 and \$0.13 per run with GPT-4, respectively. Our data and code are open-sourced at


replace STC-ViT: Spatio Temporal Continuous Vision Transformer for Weather Forecasting

Authors: Hira Saleem, Flora Salim, Cormac Purcell

Abstract: Operational weather forecasting system relies on computationally expensive physics-based models. Recently, transformer based models have shown remarkable potential in weather forecasting achieving state-of-the-art results. However, transformers are discrete models which limit their ability to learn the continuous spatio-temporal features of the dynamical weather system. We address this issue with STC-ViT, a Spatio-Temporal Continuous Vision Transformer for weather forecasting. STC-ViT incorporates the continuous time Neural ODE layers with multi-head attention mechanism to learn the continuous weather evolution over time. The attention mechanism is encoded as a differentiable function in the transformer architecture to model the complex weather dynamics. We evaluate STC-ViT against a operational Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model and several deep learning based weather forecasting models. STC-ViT performs competitively with current data-driven methods in global forecasting while only being trained at lower resolution data and with less compute power.

replace Orchid: Flexible and Data-Dependent Convolution for Sequence Modeling

Authors: Mahdi Karami, Ali Ghodsi

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of deep learning, the demand for models that are both expressive and computationally efficient has never been more critical. This paper introduces Orchid, a novel architecture designed to address the quadratic complexity of traditional attention mechanisms without compromising the ability to capture long-range dependencies and in-context learning. At the core of this architecture lies a new data-dependent global convolution layer, which contextually adapts its kernel conditioned on input sequence using a dedicated conditioning neural network. We design two simple conditioning networks that maintain shift equivariance in our data-dependent convolution operation. The dynamic nature of the proposed convolution kernel grants Orchid high expressivity while maintaining quasilinear scalability for long sequences. We evaluate the proposed model across multiple domains, including language modeling and image classification, to highlight its performance and generality. Our experiments demonstrate that this architecture not only outperforms traditional attention-based architectures such as BERT and Vision Transformers with smaller model sizes, but also extends the feasible sequence length beyond the limitations of the dense attention layers. This achievement represents a significant step towards more efficient and scalable deep learning models for sequence modeling.

replace Extended Flow Matching: a Method of Conditional Generation with Generalized Continuity Equation

Authors: Noboru Isobe, Masanori Koyama, Kohei Hayashi, Kenji Fukumizu

Abstract: The task of conditional generation is one of the most important applications of generative models, and numerous methods have been developed to date based on the celebrated flow-based models. However, many flow-based models in use today are not built to allow one to introduce an explicit inductive bias to how the conditional distribution to be generated changes with respect to conditions. This can result in unexpected behavior in the task of style transfer, for example. In this research, we introduce extended flow matching (EFM), a direct extension of flow matching that learns a ``matrix field'' corresponding to the continuous map from the space of conditions to the space of distributions. We show that we can introduce inductive bias to the conditional generation through the matrix field and demonstrate this fact with MMOT-EFM, a version of EFM that aims to minimize the Dirichlet energy or the sensitivity of the distribution with respect to conditions. We will present our theory along with experimental results that support the competitiveness of EFM in conditional generation.

replace UPS: Efficiently Building Foundation Models for PDE Solving via Cross-Modal Adaptation

Authors: Junhong Shen, Tanya Marwah, Ameet Talwalkar

Abstract: We present Unified PDE Solvers (UPS), a data- and compute-efficient approach to developing unified neural operators for diverse families of spatiotemporal PDEs from various domains, dimensions, and resolutions. UPS embeds different PDEs into a shared representation space and processes them using a FNO-transformer architecture. Rather than training the network from scratch, which is data-demanding and computationally expensive, we warm-start the transformer from pretrained LLMs and perform explicit alignment to reduce the modality gap while improving data and compute efficiency. The cross-modal UPS achieves state-of-the-art results on a wide range of 1D and 2D PDE families from PDEBench, outperforming existing unified models using 4 times less data and 26 times less compute. Meanwhile, it is capable of few-shot transfer to unseen PDE families and coefficients.

replace XMoE: Sparse Models with Fine-grained and Adaptive Expert Selection

Authors: Yuanhang Yang, Shiyi Qi, Wenchao Gu, Chaozheng Wang, Cuiyun Gao, Zenglin Xu

Abstract: Sparse models, including sparse Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) models, have emerged as an effective approach for scaling Transformer models. However, they often suffer from computational inefficiency since a significant number of parameters are unnecessarily involved in computations via multiplying values by zero or low activation values. To address this issue, we present \tool, a novel MoE designed to enhance both the efficacy and efficiency of sparse MoE models. \tool leverages small experts and a threshold-based router to enable tokens to selectively engage only essential parameters. Our extensive experiments on language modeling and machine translation tasks demonstrate that \tool can enhance model performance while decreasing the computation load at MoE layers by over 50\% without sacrificing performance. Furthermore, we present the versatility of \tool by applying it to dense models, enabling sparse computation during inference. We provide a comprehensive analysis and make our code available at


replace Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Parameterized Action Spaces

Authors: Renhao Zhang, Haotian Fu, Yilin Miao, George Konidaris

Abstract: We propose a novel model-based reinforcement learning algorithm -- Dynamics Learning and predictive control with Parameterized Actions (DLPA) -- for Parameterized Action Markov Decision Processes (PAMDPs). The agent learns a parameterized-action-conditioned dynamics model and plans with a modified Model Predictive Path Integral control. We theoretically quantify the difference between the generated trajectory and the optimal trajectory during planning in terms of the value they achieved through the lens of Lipschitz Continuity. Our empirical results on several standard benchmarks show that our algorithm achieves superior sample efficiency and asymptotic performance than state-of-the-art PAMDP methods.

replace Align as Ideal: Cross-Modal Alignment Binding for Federated Medical Vision-Language Pre-training

Authors: Zitao Shuai, Liyue Shen

Abstract: Vision-language pre-training (VLP) has arised as an efficient scheme for multimodal representation learning, but it requires large-scale multimodal data for pre-training, making it an obstacle especially for medical applications. To overcome the data limitation, federated learning (FL) can be a promising strategy to scale up the dataset for medical VLP while protecting data privacy. However, client data are often heterogeneous in real-world scenarios, and we observe that local training on heterogeneous client data would distort the multimodal representation learning and lead to biased cross-modal alignment. To address this challenge, we propose a Federated Align as IDeal (FedAID) framework for federated VLP with robustness to data heterogeneity, to bind local clients with an ideal crossmodal alignment. Specifically, to reduce distortions on global-aggregated features while learning diverse semantics from client datasets during local training, we propose to bind the cross-model aligned representation space learned by local models with an unbiased one via guidance-based regularization. Moreover, we employ a distribution-based min-max optimization to learn the unbiased cross-modal alignment at each communication turn of federated pre-training. The experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate our method successfully promotes efficient federated multimodal learning for medical VLP with data heterogeneity.

replace Score identity Distillation: Exponentially Fast Distillation of Pretrained Diffusion Models for One-Step Generation

Authors: Mingyuan Zhou, Huangjie Zheng, Zhendong Wang, Mingzhang Yin, Hai Huang

Abstract: We introduce Score identity Distillation (SiD), an innovative data-free method that distills the generative capabilities of pretrained diffusion models into a single-step generator. SiD not only facilitates an exponentially fast reduction in Fr\'echet inception distance (FID) during distillation but also approaches or even exceeds the FID performance of the original teacher diffusion models. By reformulating forward diffusion processes as semi-implicit distributions, we leverage three score-related identities to create an innovative loss mechanism. This mechanism achieves rapid FID reduction by training the generator using its own synthesized images, eliminating the need for real data or reverse-diffusion-based generation, all accomplished within significantly shortened generation time. Upon evaluation across four benchmark datasets, the SiD algorithm demonstrates high iteration efficiency during distillation and surpasses competing distillation approaches, whether they are one-step or few-step, data-free, or dependent on training data, in terms of generation quality. This achievement not only redefines the benchmarks for efficiency and effectiveness in diffusion distillation but also in the broader field of diffusion-based generation. The PyTorch implementation is available at


replace An Adaptive Approach for Infinitely Many-armed Bandits under Generalized Rotting Constraints

Authors: Jung-hun Kim, Milan Vojnovic, Se-Young Yun

Abstract: In this study, we consider the infinitely many-armed bandit problems in a rested rotting setting, where the mean reward of an arm may decrease with each pull, while otherwise, it remains unchanged. We explore two scenarios regarding the rotting of rewards: one in which the cumulative amount of rotting is bounded by $V_T$, referred to as the slow-rotting case, and the other in which the cumulative number of rotting instances is bounded by $S_T$, referred to as the abrupt-rotting case. To address the challenge posed by rotting rewards, we introduce an algorithm that utilizes UCB with an adaptive sliding window, designed to manage the bias and variance trade-off arising due to rotting rewards. Our proposed algorithm achieves tight regret bounds for both slow and abrupt rotting scenarios. Lastly, we demonstrate the performance of our algorithm using numerical experiments.

replace Comparison of static and dynamic random forests models for EHR data in the presence of competing risks: predicting central line-associated bloodstream infection

Authors: Elena Albu, Shan Gao, Pieter Stijnen, Frank Rademakers, Christel Janssens, Veerle Cossey, Yves Debaveye, Laure Wynants, Ben Van Calster

Abstract: Prognostic outcomes related to hospital admissions typically do not suffer from censoring, and can be modeled either categorically or as time-to-event. Competing events are common but often ignored. We compared the performance of random forest (RF) models to predict the risk of central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) using different outcome operationalizations. We included data from 27478 admissions to the University Hospitals Leuven, covering 30862 catheter episodes (970 CLABSI, 1466 deaths and 28426 discharges) to build static and dynamic RF models for binary (CLABSI vs no CLABSI), multinomial (CLABSI, discharge, death or no event), survival (time to CLABSI) and competing risks (time to CLABSI, discharge or death) outcomes to predict the 7-day CLABSI risk. We evaluated model performance across 100 train/test splits. Performance of binary, multinomial and competing risks models was similar: AUROC was 0.74 for baseline predictions, rose to 0.78 for predictions at day 5 in the catheter episode, and decreased thereafter. Survival models overestimated the risk of CLABSI (E:O ratios between 1.2 and 1.6), and had AUROCs about 0.01 lower than other models. Binary and multinomial models had lowest computation times. Models including multiple outcome events (multinomial and competing risks) display a different internal structure compared to binary and survival models. In the absence of censoring, complex modelling choices do not considerably improve the predictive performance compared to a binary model for CLABSI prediction in our studied settings. Survival models censoring the competing events at their time of occurrence should be avoided.

replace Near to Mid-term Risks and Opportunities of Open-Source Generative AI

Authors: Francisco Eiras, Aleksandar Petrov, Bertie Vidgen, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Fabio Pizzati, Katherine Elkins, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Adel Bibi, Botos Csaba, Fabro Steibel, Fazl Barez, Genevieve Smith, Gianluca Guadagni, Jon Chun, Jordi Cabot, Joseph Marvin Imperial, Juan A. Nolazco-Flores, Lori Landay, Matthew Jackson, Paul R\"ottger, Philip H. S. Torr, Trevor Darrell, Yong Suk Lee, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: In the next few years, applications of Generative AI are expected to revolutionize a number of different areas, ranging from science & medicine to education. The potential for these seismic changes has triggered a lively debate about potential risks and resulted in calls for tighter regulation, in particular from some of the major tech companies who are leading in AI development. This regulation is likely to put at risk the budding field of open-source Generative AI. We argue for the responsible open sourcing of generative AI models in the near and medium term. To set the stage, we first introduce an AI openness taxonomy system and apply it to 40 current large language models. We then outline differential benefits and risks of open versus closed source AI and present potential risk mitigation, ranging from best practices to calls for technical and scientific contributions. We hope that this report will add a much needed missing voice to the current public discourse on near to mid-term AI safety and other societal impact.

replace Solving Partial Differential Equations with Equivariant Extreme Learning Machines

Authors: Hans Harder, Jean Rabault, Ricardo Vinuesa, Mikael Mortensen, Sebastian Peitz

Abstract: We utilize extreme-learning machines for the prediction of partial differential equations (PDEs). Our method splits the state space into multiple windows that are predicted individually using a single model. Despite requiring only few data points (in some cases, our method can learn from a single full-state snapshot), it still achieves high accuracy and can predict the flow of PDEs over long time horizons. Moreover, we show how additional symmetries can be exploited to increase sample efficiency and to enforce equivariance.

replace Soft Preference Optimization: Aligning Language Models to Expert Distributions

Authors: Arsalan Sharifnassab, Sina Ghiassian, Saber Salehkaleybar, Surya Kanoria, Dale Schuurmans

Abstract: We propose Soft Preference Optimization (SPO), a method for aligning generative models, such as Large Language Models (LLMs), with human preferences, without the need for a reward model. SPO optimizes model outputs directly over a preference dataset through a natural loss function that integrates preference loss with a regularization term across the model's entire output distribution rather than limiting it to the preference dataset. Although SPO does not require the assumption of an existing underlying reward model, we demonstrate that, under the Bradley-Terry (BT) model assumption, it converges to a softmax of scaled rewards, with the distribution's "softness" adjustable via the softmax exponent, an algorithm parameter. We showcase SPO's methodology, its theoretical foundation, and its comparative advantages in simplicity, computational efficiency, and alignment precision.

replace Less is More: on the Over-Globalizing Problem in Graph Transformers

Authors: Yujie Xing, Xiao Wang, Yibo Li, Hai Huang, Chuan Shi

Abstract: Graph Transformer, due to its global attention mechanism, has emerged as a new tool in dealing with graph-structured data. It is well recognized that the global attention mechanism considers a wider receptive field in a fully connected graph, leading many to believe that useful information can be extracted from all the nodes. In this paper, we challenge this belief: does the globalizing property always benefit Graph Transformers? We reveal the over-globalizing problem in Graph Transformer by presenting both empirical evidence and theoretical analysis, i.e., the current attention mechanism overly focuses on those distant nodes, while the near nodes, which actually contain most of the useful information, are relatively weakened. Then we propose a novel Bi-Level Global Graph Transformer with Collaborative Training (CoBFormer), including the inter-cluster and intra-cluster Transformers, to prevent the over-globalizing problem while keeping the ability to extract valuable information from distant nodes. Moreover, the collaborative training is proposed to improve the model's generalization ability with a theoretical guarantee. Extensive experiments on various graphs well validate the effectiveness of our proposed CoBFormer.

replace Enhancing Q-Learning with Large Language Model Heuristics

Authors: Xiefeng Wu

Abstract: Q-learning excels in learning from feedback within sequential decision-making tasks but often requires extensive sampling to achieve significant improvements. While reward shaping can enhance learning efficiency, non-potential-based methods introduce biases that affect performance, and potential-based reward shaping, though unbiased, lacks the ability to provide heuristics for state-action pairs, limiting its effectiveness in complex environments. Large language models (LLMs) can achieve zero-shot learning for simpler tasks, but they suffer from low inference speeds and occasional hallucinations. To address these challenges, we propose \textbf{LLM-guided Q-learning}, a framework that leverages LLMs as heuristics to aid in learning the Q-function for reinforcement learning. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates that this approach adapts to hallucinations, improves sample efficiency, and avoids biasing final performance. Experimental results show that our algorithm is general, robust, and capable of preventing ineffective exploration.

replace Initialization is Critical to Whether Transformers Fit Composite Functions by Inference or Memorizing

Authors: Zhongwang Zhang, Pengxiao Lin, Zhiwei Wang, Yaoyu Zhang, Zhi-Qin John Xu

Abstract: Transformers have shown impressive capabilities across various tasks, but their performance on compositional problems remains a topic of debate. In this work, we investigate the mechanisms of how transformers behave on unseen compositional tasks. We discover that the parameter initialization scale plays a critical role in determining whether the model learns inferential solutions, which capture the underlying compositional primitives, or symmetric solutions, which simply memorize mappings without understanding the compositional structure. By analyzing the information flow and vector representations within the model, we reveal the distinct mechanisms underlying these solution types. We further find that inferential solutions exhibit low complexity bias, which we hypothesize is a key factor enabling them to learn individual mappings for single anchors. Building upon the understanding of these mechanisms, we can predict the learning behavior of models with different initialization scales when faced with data of varying complexity. Our findings provide valuable insights into the role of initialization scale in shaping the type of solution learned by transformers and their ability to learn and generalize compositional tasks.

replace Lai Loss: A Novel Loss for Gradient Control

Authors: YuFei Lai

Abstract: In the field of machine learning, traditional regularization methods tend to directly add regularization terms to the loss function. This paper introduces the "Lai loss", a novel loss design that integrates the regularization terms (specifically, gradients) into the traditional loss function through straightforward geometric concepts. This design penalizes the gradients with the loss itself, allowing for control of the gradients while ensuring maximum accuracy. With this loss, we can effectively control the model's smoothness and sensitivity, potentially offering the dual benefits of improving the model's generalization performance and enhancing its noise resistance on specific features. Additionally, we proposed a training method that successfully addresses the challenges in practical applications. We conducted preliminary experiments using publicly available datasets from Kaggle, demonstrating that the design of Lai loss can control the model's smoothness and sensitivity while maintaining stable model performance.

replace Tackling Prevalent Conditions in Unsupervised Combinatorial Optimization: Cardinality, Minimum, Covering, and More

Authors: Fanchen Bu, Hyeonsoo Jo, Soo Yong Lee, Sungsoo Ahn, Kijung Shin

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization (CO) is naturally discrete, making machine learning based on differentiable optimization inapplicable. Karalias & Loukas (2020) adapted the probabilistic method to incorporate CO into differentiable optimization. Their work ignited the research on unsupervised learning for CO, composed of two main components: probabilistic objectives and derandomization. However, each component confronts unique challenges. First, deriving objectives under various conditions (e.g., cardinality constraints and minimum) is nontrivial. Second, the derandomization process is underexplored, and the existing derandomization methods are either random sampling or naive rounding. In this work, we aim to tackle prevalent (i.e., commonly involved) conditions in unsupervised CO. First, we concretize the targets for objective construction and derandomization with theoretical justification. Then, for various conditions commonly involved in different CO problems, we derive nontrivial objectives and derandomization to meet the targets. Finally, we apply the derivations to various CO problems. Via extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world graphs, we validate the correctness of our derivations and show our empirical superiority w.r.t. both optimization quality and speed.

replace Risks and Opportunities of Open-Source Generative AI

Authors: Francisco Eiras, Aleksander Petrov, Bertie Vidgen, Christian Schroeder, Fabio Pizzati, Katherine Elkins, Supratik Mukhopadhyay, Adel Bibi, Aaron Purewal, Csaba Botos, Fabro Steibel, Fazel Keshtkar, Fazl Barez, Genevieve Smith, Gianluca Guadagni, Jon Chun, Jordi Cabot, Joseph Imperial, Juan Arturo Nolazco, Lori Landay, Matthew Jackson, Phillip H. S. Torr, Trevor Darrell, Yong Lee, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: Applications of Generative AI (Gen AI) are expected to revolutionize a number of different areas, ranging from science & medicine to education. The potential for these seismic changes has triggered a lively debate about the potential risks of the technology, and resulted in calls for tighter regulation, in particular from some of the major tech companies who are leading in AI development. This regulation is likely to put at risk the budding field of open-source generative AI. Using a three-stage framework for Gen AI development (near, mid and long-term), we analyze the risks and opportunities of open-source generative AI models with similar capabilities to the ones currently available (near to mid-term) and with greater capabilities (long-term). We argue that, overall, the benefits of open-source Gen AI outweigh its risks. As such, we encourage the open sourcing of models, training and evaluation data, and provide a set of recommendations and best practices for managing risks associated with open-source generative AI.

replace Towards Geometry-Aware Pareto Set Learning for Neural Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Yongfan Lu, Zixiang Di, Bingdong Li, Shengcai Liu, Hong Qian, Peng Yang, Ke Tang, Aimin Zhou

Abstract: Multi-objective combinatorial optimization (MOCO) problems are prevalent in various real-world applications. Most existing neural MOCO methods rely on problem decomposition to transform an MOCO problem into a series of singe-objective combinatorial optimization (SOCO) problems. However, these methods often approximate partial regions of the Pareto front and spend excessive time on diversity enhancement because of ambiguous decomposition and time-consuming precise hypervolume calculation. To address these limitations, we design a Geometry-Aware Pareto set Learning algorithm named GAPL, which provides a novel geometric perspective for neural MOCO via a Pareto attention model based on hypervolume expectation maximization. In addition, we propose a hypervolume residual update strategy to enable the Pareto attention model to capture both local and non-local information of the Pareto set/front. We also design a novel inference approach to further improve quality of the solution set and speed up hypervolume calculation. Experimental results on three classic MOCO problems demonstrate that our GAPL outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines via superior decomposition and efficient diversity enhancement.

replace Gradient-Free Training of Recurrent Neural Networks using Random Perturbations

Authors: Jesus Garcia Fernandez, Sander Keemink, Marcel van Gerven

Abstract: Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) hold immense potential for computations due to their Turing completeness and sequential processing capabilities, yet existing methods for their training encounter efficiency challenges. Backpropagation through time (BPTT), the prevailing method, extends the backpropagation (BP) algorithm by unrolling the RNN over time. However, this approach suffers from significant drawbacks, including the need to interleave forward and backward phases and store exact gradient information. Furthermore, BPTT has been shown to struggle with propagating gradient information for long sequences, leading to vanishing gradients. An alternative strategy to using gradient-based methods like BPTT involves stochastically approximating gradients through perturbation-based methods. This learning approach is exceptionally simple, necessitating only forward passes in the network and a global reinforcement signal as feedback. Despite its simplicity, the random nature of its updates typically leads to inefficient optimization, limiting its effectiveness in training neural networks. In this study, we present a new approach to perturbation-based learning in RNNs whose performance is competitive with BPTT, while maintaining the inherent advantages over gradient-based learning. To this end, we extend the recently introduced activity-based node perturbation (ANP) method to operate in the time domain, leading to more efficient learning and generalization. Subsequently, we conduct a range of experiments to validate our approach. Our results show similar performance, convergence time and scalability when compared to BPTT, strongly outperforming standard node perturbation and weight perturbation methods. These findings suggest that perturbation-based learning methods offer a versatile alternative to gradient-based methods for training RNNs which can be ideally suited for neuromorphic applications

replace Identifying Functionally Important Features with End-to-End Sparse Dictionary Learning

Authors: Dan Braun, Jordan Taylor, Nicholas Goldowsky-Dill, Lee Sharkey

Abstract: Identifying the features learned by neural networks is a core challenge in mechanistic interpretability. Sparse autoencoders (SAEs), which learn a sparse, overcomplete dictionary that reconstructs a network's internal activations, have been used to identify these features. However, SAEs may learn more about the structure of the datatset than the computational structure of the network. There is therefore only indirect reason to believe that the directions found in these dictionaries are functionally important to the network. We propose end-to-end (e2e) sparse dictionary learning, a method for training SAEs that ensures the features learned are functionally important by minimizing the KL divergence between the output distributions of the original model and the model with SAE activations inserted. Compared to standard SAEs, e2e SAEs offer a Pareto improvement: They explain more network performance, require fewer total features, and require fewer simultaneously active features per datapoint, all with no cost to interpretability. We explore geometric and qualitative differences between e2e SAE features and standard SAE features. E2e dictionary learning brings us closer to methods that can explain network behavior concisely and accurately. We release our library for training e2e SAEs and reproducing our analysis at


replace Beyond Trend and Periodicity: Guiding Time Series Forecasting with Textual Cues

Authors: Zhijian Xu, Yuxuan Bian, Jianyuan Zhong, Xiangyu Wen, Qiang Xu

Abstract: This work introduces a novel Text-Guided Time Series Forecasting (TGTSF) task. By integrating textual cues, such as channel descriptions and dynamic news, TGTSF addresses the critical limitations of traditional methods that rely purely on historical data. To support this task, we propose TGForecaster, a robust baseline model that fuses textual cues and time series data using cross-attention mechanisms. We then present four meticulously curated benchmark datasets to validate the proposed framework, ranging from simple periodic data to complex, event-driven fluctuations. Our comprehensive evaluations demonstrate that TGForecaster consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance, highlighting the transformative potential of incorporating textual information into time series forecasting. This work not only pioneers a novel forecasting task but also establishes a new benchmark for future research, driving advancements in multimodal data integration for time series models.

replace Generalized Laplace Approximation

Authors: Yinsong Chen, Samson S. Yu, Zhong Li, Chee Peng Lim

Abstract: In recent years, the inconsistency in Bayesian deep learning has garnered increasing attention. Tempered or generalized posterior distributions often offer a direct and effective solution to this issue. However, understanding the underlying causes and evaluating the effectiveness of generalized posteriors remain active areas of research. In this study, we introduce a unified theoretical framework to attribute Bayesian inconsistency to model misspecification and inadequate priors. We interpret the generalization of the posterior with a temperature factor as a correction for misspecified models through adjustments to the joint probability model, and the recalibration of priors by redistributing probability mass on models within the hypothesis space using data samples. Additionally, we highlight a distinctive feature of Laplace approximation, which ensures that the generalized normalizing constant can be treated as invariant, unlike the typical scenario in general Bayesian learning where this constant varies with model parameters post-generalization. Building on this insight, we propose the generalized Laplace approximation, which involves a simple adjustment to the computation of the Hessian matrix of the regularized loss function. This method offers a flexible and scalable framework for obtaining high-quality posterior distributions. We assess the performance and properties of the generalized Laplace approximation on state-of-the-art neural networks and real-world datasets.

replace ComboStoc: Combinatorial Stochasticity for Diffusion Generative Models

Authors: Rui Xu, Jiepeng Wang, Hao Pan, Yang Liu, Xin Tong, Shiqing Xin, Changhe Tu, Taku Komura, Wenping Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we study an under-explored but important factor of diffusion generative models, i.e., the combinatorial complexity. Data samples are generally high-dimensional, and for various structured generation tasks, there are additional attributes which are combined to associate with data samples. We show that the space spanned by the combination of dimensions and attributes is insufficiently sampled by existing training scheme of diffusion generative models, causing degraded test time performance. We present a simple fix to this problem by constructing stochastic processes that fully exploit the combinatorial structures, hence the name ComboStoc. Using this simple strategy, we show that network training is significantly accelerated across diverse data modalities, including images and 3D structured shapes. Moreover, ComboStoc enables a new way of test time generation which uses insynchronized time steps for different dimensions and attributes, thus allowing for varying degrees of control over them.

replace CG-FedLLM: How to Compress Gradients in Federated Fune-tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Huiwen Wu, Xiaohan Li, Deyi Zhang, Xiaogang Xu, Jiafei Wu, Puning Zhao, Zhe Liu

Abstract: The success of current Large-Language Models (LLMs) hinges on extensive training data that is collected and stored centrally, called Centralized Learning (CL). However, such a collection manner poses a privacy threat, and one potential solution is Federated Learning (FL), which transfers gradients, not raw data, among clients. Unlike traditional networks, FL for LLMs incurs significant communication costs due to their tremendous parameters. This study introduces an innovative approach to compress gradients to improve communication efficiency during LLM FL, formulating the new FL pipeline named CG-FedLLM. This approach integrates an encoder on the client side to acquire the compressed gradient features and a decoder on the server side to reconstruct the gradients. We also developed a novel training strategy that comprises Temporal-ensemble Gradient-Aware Pre-training (TGAP) to identify characteristic gradients of the target model and Federated AutoEncoder-Involved Fine-tuning (FAF) to compress gradients adaptively. Extensive experiments confirm that our approach reduces communication costs and improves performance (e.g., average 3 points increment compared with traditional CL- and FL-based fine-tuning with LlaMA on a well-recognized benchmark, C-Eval). This improvement is because our encoder-decoder, trained via TGAP and FAF, can filter gradients while selectively preserving critical features. Furthermore, we present a series of experimental analyses focusing on the signal-to-noise ratio, compression rate, and robustness within this privacy-centric framework, providing insight into developing more efficient and secure LLMs.

replace Infinite-Dimensional Feature Interaction

Authors: Chenhui Xu, Fuxun Yu, Maoliang Li, Zihao Zheng, Zirui Xu, Jinjun Xiong, Xiang Chen

Abstract: The past neural network design has largely focused on feature representation space dimension and its capacity scaling (e.g., width, depth), but overlooked the feature interaction space scaling. Recent advancements have shown shifted focus towards element-wise multiplication to facilitate higher-dimensional feature interaction space for better information transformation. Despite this progress, multiplications predominantly capture low-order interactions, thus remaining confined to a finite-dimensional interaction space. To transcend this limitation, classic kernel methods emerge as a promising solution to engage features in an infinite-dimensional space. We introduce InfiNet, a model architecture that enables feature interaction within an infinite-dimensional space created by RBF kernel. Our experiments reveal that InfiNet achieves new state-of-the-art, owing to its capability to leverage infinite-dimensional interactions, significantly enhancing model performance.

replace FloodDamageCast: Building Flood Damage Nowcasting with Machine Learning and Data Augmentation

Authors: Chia-Fu Liu, Lipai Huang, Kai Yin, Sam Brody, Ali Mostafavi

Abstract: Near-real time estimation of damage to buildings and infrastructure, referred to as damage nowcasting in this study, is crucial for empowering emergency responders to make informed decisions regarding evacuation orders and infrastructure repair priorities during disaster response and recovery. Here, we introduce FloodDamageCast, a machine learning framework tailored for property flood damage nowcasting. The framework leverages heterogeneous data to predict residential flood damage at a resolution of 500 meters by 500 meters within Harris County, Texas, during the 2017 Hurricane Harvey. To deal with data imbalance, FloodDamageCast incorporates a generative adversarial networks-based data augmentation coupled with an efficient machine learning model. The results demonstrate the model's ability to identify high-damage spatial areas that would be overlooked by baseline models. Insights gleaned from flood damage nowcasting can assist emergency responders to more efficiently identify repair needs, allocate resources, and streamline on-the-ground inspections, thereby saving both time and effort.

replace EHRMamba: Towards Generalizable and Scalable Foundation Models for Electronic Health Records

Authors: Adibvafa Fallahpour, Mahshid Alinoori, Arash Afkanpour, Amrit Krishnan

Abstract: Transformers have significantly advanced the modeling of Electronic Health Records (EHR), yet their deployment in real-world healthcare is limited by several key challenges. Firstly, the quadratic computational cost and insufficient context length of these models pose significant obstacles for hospitals in processing the extensive medical histories typical in EHR data. Additionally, existing models employ separate finetuning for each clinical task, complicating maintenance in healthcare environments. Moreover, these models focus exclusively on either clinical prediction or EHR forecasting, lacking the flexibility to perform well across both. To overcome these limitations, we introduce EHRMamba, a robust foundation model built on the Mamba architecture. EHRMamba can process sequences up to four times longer than previous models due to its linear computational cost. We also introduce a novel approach to Multitask Prompted Finetuning (MTF) for EHR data, which enables EHRMamba to simultaneously learn multiple clinical tasks in a single finetuning phase, significantly enhancing deployment and cross-task generalization. Furthermore, our model leverages the HL7 FHIR data standard to simplify integration into existing hospital systems. Alongside EHRMamba, we open-source Odyssey, a toolkit designed to support the development and deployment of EHR foundation models, with an emphasis on data standardization and interpretability. Our evaluations on the MIMIC-IV dataset demonstrate that EHRMamba advances state-of-the-art performance across 6 major clinical tasks and excels in EHR forecasting, marking a significant leap forward in the field.

replace-cross Robust estimation with Lasso when outputs are adversarially contaminated

Authors: Takeyuki Sasai, Hironori Fujisawa

Abstract: We consider robust estimation when outputs are adversarially contaminated. Nguyen and Tran (2012) proposed an extended Lasso for robust parameter estimation and then they showed the convergence rate of the estimation error. Recently, Dalalyan and Thompson (2019) gave some useful inequalities and then they showed a faster convergence rate than Nguyen and Tran (2012). They focused on the fact that the minimization problem of the extended Lasso can become that of the penalized Huber loss function with $L_1$ penalty. The distinguishing point is that the Huber loss function includes an extra tuning parameter, which is different from the conventional method. We give the proof, which is different from Dalalyan and Thompson (2019) and then we give the same convergence rate as Dalalyan and Thompson (2019). The significance of our proof is to use some specific properties of the Huber function. Such techniques have not been used in the past proofs.

replace-cross Adversarial Robust Low Rank Matrix Estimation: Compressed Sensing and Matrix Completion

Authors: Takeyuki Sasai, Hironori Fujisawa

Abstract: We consider robust low rank matrix estimation as a trace regression when outputs are contaminated by adversaries. The adversaries are allowed to add arbitrary values to arbitrary outputs. Such values can depend on any samples. We deal with matrix compressed sensing, including lasso as a partial problem, and matrix completion, and then we obtain sharp estimation error bounds. To obtain the error bounds for different models such as matrix compressed sensing and matrix completion, we propose a simple unified approach based on a combination of the Huber loss function and the nuclear norm penalization, which is a different approach from the conventional ones. Some error bounds obtained in the present paper are sharper than the past ones.

replace-cross Causal de Finetti: On the Identification of Invariant Causal Structure in Exchangeable Data

Authors: Siyuan Guo, Viktor T\'oth, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Ferenc Husz\'ar

Abstract: Constraint-based causal discovery methods leverage conditional independence tests to infer causal relationships in a wide variety of applications. Just as the majority of machine learning methods, existing work focuses on studying $\textit{independent and identically distributed}$ data. However, it is known that even with infinite i.i.d.$\ $ data, constraint-based methods can only identify causal structures up to broad Markov equivalence classes, posing a fundamental limitation for causal discovery. In this work, we observe that exchangeable data contains richer conditional independence structure than i.i.d.$\ $ data, and show how the richer structure can be leveraged for causal discovery. We first present causal de Finetti theorems, which state that exchangeable distributions with certain non-trivial conditional independences can always be represented as $\textit{independent causal mechanism (ICM)}$ generative processes. We then present our main identifiability theorem, which shows that given data from an ICM generative process, its unique causal structure can be identified through performing conditional independence tests. We finally develop a causal discovery algorithm and demonstrate its applicability to inferring causal relationships from multi-environment data. Our code and models are publicly available at:


replace-cross HLDC: Hindi Legal Documents Corpus

Authors: Arnav Kapoor, Mudit Dhawan, Anmol Goel, T. H. Arjun, Akshala Bhatnagar, Vibhu Agrawal, Amul Agrawal, Arnab Bhattacharya, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Ashutosh Modi

Abstract: Many populous countries including India are burdened with a considerable backlog of legal cases. Development of automated systems that could process legal documents and augment legal practitioners can mitigate this. However, there is a dearth of high-quality corpora that is needed to develop such data-driven systems. The problem gets even more pronounced in the case of low resource languages such as Hindi. In this resource paper, we introduce the Hindi Legal Documents Corpus (HLDC), a corpus of more than 900K legal documents in Hindi. Documents are cleaned and structured to enable the development of downstream applications. Further, as a use-case for the corpus, we introduce the task of bail prediction. We experiment with a battery of models and propose a Multi-Task Learning (MTL) based model for the same. MTL models use summarization as an auxiliary task along with bail prediction as the main task. Experiments with different models are indicative of the need for further research in this area. We release the corpus and model implementation code with this paper:


replace-cross RFold: RNA Secondary Structure Prediction with Decoupled Optimization

Authors: Cheng Tan, Zhangyang Gao, Hanqun Cao, Xingran Chen, Ge Wang, Lirong Wu, Jun Xia, Jiangbin Zheng, Stan Z. Li

Abstract: The secondary structure of ribonucleic acid (RNA) is more stable and accessible in the cell than its tertiary structure, making it essential for functional prediction. Although deep learning has shown promising results in this field, current methods suffer from poor generalization and high complexity. In this work, we reformulate the RNA secondary structure prediction as a K-Rook problem, thereby simplifying the prediction process into probabilistic matching within a finite solution space. Building on this innovative perspective, we introduce RFold, a simple yet effective method that learns to predict the most matching K-Rook solution from the given sequence. RFold employs a bi-dimensional optimization strategy that decomposes the probabilistic matching problem into row-wise and column-wise components to reduce the matching complexity, simplifying the solving process while guaranteeing the validity of the output. Extensive experiments demonstrate that RFold achieves competitive performance and about eight times faster inference efficiency than the state-of-the-art approaches. The code and Colab demo are available in \href{}{}.


replace-cross An Asymptotically Optimal Algorithm for the Convex Hull Membership Problem

Authors: Gang Qiao, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: We study the convex hull membership (CHM) problem in the pure exploration setting where one aims to efficiently and accurately determine if a given point lies in the convex hull of means of a finite set of distributions. We give a complete characterization of the sample complexity of the CHM problem in the one-dimensional case. We present the first asymptotically optimal algorithm called Thompson-CHM, whose modular design consists of a stopping rule and a sampling rule. In addition, we extend the algorithm to settings that generalize several important problems in the multi-armed bandit literature. Furthermore, we discuss the extension of Thompson-CHM to higher dimensions. Finally, we provide numerical experiments to demonstrate the empirical behavior of the algorithm matches our theoretical results for realistic time horizons.

replace-cross Learning Dynamical Systems by Leveraging Data from Similar Systems

Authors: Lei Xin, Lintao Ye, George Chiu, Shreyas Sundaram

Abstract: We consider the problem of learning the dynamics of a linear system when one has access to data generated by an auxiliary system that shares similar (but not identical) dynamics, in addition to data from the true system. We use a weighted least squares approach, and provide finite sample error bounds of the learned model as a function of the number of samples and various system parameters from the two systems as well as the weight assigned to the auxiliary data. We show that the auxiliary data can help to reduce the intrinsic system identification error due to noise, at the price of adding a portion of error that is due to the differences between the two system models. We further provide a data-dependent bound that is computable when some prior knowledge about the systems, such as upper bounds on noise levels and model difference, is available. This bound can also be used to determine the weight that should be assigned to the auxiliary data during the model training stage.

replace-cross Distribution-free Deviation Bounds and The Role of Domain Knowledge in Learning via Model Selection with Cross-validation Risk Estimation

Authors: Diego Marcondes, Cl\'audia Peixoto

Abstract: Cross-validation techniques for risk estimation and model selection are widely used in statistics and machine learning. However, the understanding of the theoretical properties of learning via model selection with cross-validation risk estimation is quite low in face of its widespread use. In this context, this paper presents learning via model selection with cross-validation risk estimation as a general systematic learning framework within classical statistical learning theory and establishes distribution-free deviation bounds in terms of VC dimension, giving detailed proofs of the results and considering both bounded and unbounded loss functions. In particular, we investigate how the generalization of learning via model selection may be increased by modeling the collection of candidate models. We define the Learning Spaces as a class of candidate models in which the partial order by inclusion reflects the models complexities, and we formalize a manner of defining them based on domain knowledge. We illustrate this modeling in a worst-case scenario of learning a classifier with finite domain and a typical scenario of linear regression. Through theoretical insights and concrete examples, we aim to provide guidance on selecting the family of candidate models based on domain knowledge to increase generalization.

replace-cross Heart Murmur and Abnormal PCG Detection via Wavelet Scattering Transform & a 1D-CNN

Authors: Ahmed Patwa, Muhammad Mahboob Ur Rahman, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri

Abstract: Heart murmurs provide valuable information about mechanical activity of the heart, which aids in diagnosis of various heart valve diseases. This work does automatic and accurate heart murmur detection from phonocardiogram (PCG) recordings. Two public PCG datasets (CirCor Digiscope 2022 dataset and PCG 2016 dataset) from Physionet online database are utilized to train and test three custom neural networks (NN): a 1D convolutional neural network (CNN), a long short-term memory (LSTM) recurrent neural network (RNN), and a convolutional RNN (C-RNN). We first do pre-processing which includes the following key steps: denoising, segmentation, re-labeling of noise-only segments, data normalization, and time-frequency analysis of the PCG segments using wavelet scattering transform. We then conduct four experiments, first three (E1-E3) using PCG 2022 dataset, and fourth (E4) using PCG 2016 dataset. It turns out that our custom 1D-CNN outperforms other two NNs (LSTM-RNN and C-RNN). Further, our 1D-CNN model outperforms the related work in terms of accuracy, weighted accuracy, F1-score and AUROC, for experiment E3 (that utilizes the cleaned and re-labeled PCG 2022 dataset). As for experiment E1 (that utilizes the original PCG 2022 dataset), our model performs quite close to the related work in terms of weighted accuracy and F1-score.

replace-cross Leveraging joint sparsity in hierarchical Bayesian learning

Authors: Jan Glaubitz, Anne Gelb

Abstract: We present a hierarchical Bayesian learning approach to infer jointly sparse parameter vectors from multiple measurement vectors. Our model uses separate conditionally Gaussian priors for each parameter vector and common gamma-distributed hyper-parameters to enforce joint sparsity. The resulting joint-sparsity-promoting priors are combined with existing Bayesian inference methods to generate a new family of algorithms. Our numerical experiments, which include a multi-coil magnetic resonance imaging application, demonstrate that our new approach consistently outperforms commonly used hierarchical Bayesian methods.

replace-cross First-order methods for Stochastic Variational Inequality problems with Function Constraints

Authors: Digvijay Boob, Qi Deng, Mohammad Khalafi

Abstract: The monotone Variational Inequality (VI) is a general model with important applications in various engineering and scientific domains. In numerous instances, the VI problems are accompanied by function constraints that can be data-driven, making the usual projection operator challenging to compute. This paper presents novel first-order methods for the function-constrained Variational Inequality (FCVI) problem in smooth or nonsmooth settings with possibly stochastic operators and constraints. We introduce the AdOpEx method, which employs an operator extrapolation on the KKT operator of the FCVI in a smooth deterministic setting. Since this operator is not uniformly Lipschitz continuous in the Lagrange multipliers, we employ an adaptive two-timescale algorithm leading to bounded multipliers and achieving the optimal $O(1/T)$ convergence rate. For the nonsmooth and stochastic VIs, we introduce design changes to the AdOpEx method and propose a novel P-OpEx method that takes partial extrapolation. It converges at the rate of $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ when both the operator and constraints are stochastic or nonsmooth. This method has suboptimal dependence on the noise and Lipschitz constants of function constraints. We propose a constraint extrapolation approach leading to the OpConEx method that improves this dependence by an order of magnitude. All our algorithms easily extend to saddle point problems with function constraints that couple the primal and dual variables while maintaining the same complexity results. To the best of our knowledge, all our complexity results are new in the literature

replace-cross Can sparsity improve the privacy of neural networks?

Authors: Antoine Gonon, L\'eon Zheng, Cl\'ement Lalanne, Quoc-Tung Le, Guillaume Lauga, Can Pouliquen

Abstract: Sparse neural networks are mainly motivated by ressource efficiency since they use fewer parameters than their dense counterparts but still reach comparable accuracies. This article empirically investigates whether sparsity could also improve the privacy of the data used to train the networks. The experiments show positive correlations between the sparsity of the model, its privacy, and its classification error. Simply comparing the privacy of two models with different sparsity levels can yield misleading conclusions on the role of sparsity, because of the additional correlation with the classification error. From this perspective, some caveats are raised about previous works that investigate sparsity and privacy.

replace-cross Optimal transport for automatic alignment of untargeted metabolomic data

Authors: Marie Breeur, George Stepaniants, Pekka Keski-Rahkonen, Philippe Rigollet, Vivian Viallon

Abstract: Untargeted metabolomic profiling through liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) measures a vast array of metabolites within biospecimens, advancing drug development, disease diagnosis, and risk prediction. However, the low throughput of LC-MS poses a major challenge for biomarker discovery, annotation, and experimental comparison, necessitating the merging of multiple datasets. Current data pooling methods encounter practical limitations due to their vulnerability to data variations and hyperparameter dependence. Here we introduce GromovMatcher, a flexible and user-friendly algorithm that automatically combines LC-MS datasets using optimal transport. By capitalizing on feature intensity correlation structures, GromovMatcher delivers superior alignment accuracy and robustness compared to existing approaches. This algorithm scales to thousands of features requiring minimal hyperparameter tuning. Manually curated datasets for validating alignment algorithms are limited in the field of untargeted metabolomics, and hence we develop a dataset split procedure to generate pairs of validation datasets to test the alignments produced by GromovMatcher and other methods. Applying our method to experimental patient studies of liver and pancreatic cancer, we discover shared metabolic features related to patient alcohol intake, demonstrating how GromovMatcher facilitates the search for biomarkers associated with lifestyle risk factors linked to several cancer types.

replace-cross Soft Robust MDPs and Risk-Sensitive MDPs: Equivalence, Policy Gradient, and Sample Complexity

Authors: Runyu Zhang, Yang Hu, Na Li

Abstract: Robust Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and risk-sensitive MDPs are both powerful tools for making decisions in the presence of uncertainties. Previous efforts have aimed to establish their connections, revealing equivalences in specific formulations. This paper introduces a new formulation for risk-sensitive MDPs, which assesses risk in a slightly different manner compared to the classical Markov risk measure (Ruszczy\'nski 2010), and establishes its equivalence with a class of soft robust MDP (RMDP) problems, including the standard RMDP as a special case. Leveraging this equivalence, we further derive the policy gradient theorem for both problems, proving gradient domination and global convergence of the exact policy gradient method under the tabular setting with direct parameterization. This forms a sharp contrast to the Markov risk measure, known to be potentially non-gradient-dominant (Huang et al. 2021). We also propose a sample-based offline learning algorithm, namely the robust fitted-Z iteration (RFZI), for a specific soft RMDP problem with a KL-divergence regularization term (or equivalently the risk-sensitive MDP with an entropy risk measure). We showcase its streamlined design and less stringent assumptions due to the equivalence and analyze its sample complexity

replace-cross Nonlinear Meta-Learning Can Guarantee Faster Rates

Authors: Dimitri Meunier, Zhu Li, Arthur Gretton, Samory Kpotufe

Abstract: Many recent theoretical works on meta-learning aim to achieve guarantees in leveraging similar representational structures from related tasks towards simplifying a target task. Importantly, the main aim in theory works on the subject is to understand the extent to which convergence rates -- in learning a common representation -- may scale with the number $N$ of tasks (as well as the number of samples per task). First steps in this setting demonstrate this property when both the shared representation amongst tasks, and task-specific regression functions, are linear. This linear setting readily reveals the benefits of aggregating tasks, e.g., via averaging arguments. In practice, however, the representation is often highly nonlinear, introducing nontrivial biases in each task that cannot easily be averaged out as in the linear case. In the present work, we derive theoretical guarantees for meta-learning with nonlinear representations. In particular, assuming the shared nonlinearity maps to an infinite-dimensional RKHS, we show that additional biases can be mitigated with careful regularization that leverages the smoothness of task-specific regression functions,

replace-cross Amortized Variational Inference: When and Why?

Authors: Charles C. Margossian, David M. Blei

Abstract: In a probabilistic latent variable model, factorized (or mean-field) variational inference (F-VI) fits a separate parametric distribution for each latent variable. Amortized variational inference (A-VI) instead learns a common inference function, which maps each observation to its corresponding latent variable's approximate posterior. Typically, A-VI is used as a step in the training of variational autoencoders, however it stands to reason that A-VI could also be used as a general alternative to F-VI. In this paper we study when and why A-VI can be used for approximate Bayesian inference. We derive conditions on a latent variable model which are necessary, sufficient, and verifiable under which A-VI can attain F-VI's optimal solution, thereby closing the amortization gap. We prove these conditions are uniquely verified by simple hierarchical models, a broad class that encompasses many models in machine learning. We then show, on a broader class of models, how to expand the domain of AVI's inference function to improve its solution, and we provide examples, e.g. hidden Markov models, where the amortization gap cannot be closed.

replace-cross A Quantum Approximation Scheme for k-Means

Authors: Ragesh Jaiswal

Abstract: We give a quantum approximation scheme (i.e., $(1 + \varepsilon)$-approximation for every $\varepsilon > 0$) for the classical $k$-means clustering problem in the QRAM model with a running time that has only polylogarithmic dependence on the number of data points. More specifically, given a dataset $V$ with $N$ points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ stored in QRAM data structure, our quantum algorithm runs in time $\tilde{O} \left( 2^{\tilde{O}(\frac{k}{\varepsilon})} \eta^2 d\right)$ and with high probability outputs a set $C$ of $k$ centers such that $cost(V, C) \leq (1+\varepsilon) \cdot cost(V, C_{OPT})$. Here $C_{OPT}$ denotes the optimal $k$-centers, $cost(.)$ denotes the standard $k$-means cost function (i.e., the sum of the squared distance of points to the closest center), and $\eta$ is the aspect ratio (i.e., the ratio of maximum distance to minimum distance). This is the first quantum algorithm with a polylogarithmic running time that gives a provable approximation guarantee of $(1+\varepsilon)$ for the $k$-means problem. Also, unlike previous works on unsupervised learning, our quantum algorithm does not require quantum linear algebra subroutines and has a running time independent of parameters (e.g., condition number) that appear in such procedures.

replace-cross Des-q: a quantum algorithm to provably speedup retraining of decision trees

Authors: Niraj Kumar, Romina Yalovetzky, Changhao Li, Pierre Minssen, Marco Pistoia

Abstract: Decision trees are widely adopted machine learning models due to their simplicity and explainability. However, as training data size grows, standard methods become increasingly slow, scaling polynomially with the number of training examples. In this work, we introduce Des-q, a novel quantum algorithm to construct and retrain decision trees for regression and binary classification tasks. Assuming the data stream produces small, periodic increments of new training examples, Des-q significantly reduces the tree retraining time, achieving a logarithmic complexity in the combined total number of old and new examples, even accounting for the time needed to load the new samples into quantum-accessible memory. Our approach to grow the tree from any given node involves performing piecewise linear splits to generate multiple hyperplanes, thus partitioning the input feature space into distinct regions. To determine the suitable anchor points for these splits, we develop an efficient quantum-supervised clustering method, building upon the q-means algorithm introduced by Kerenidis \etal We benchmark the simulated version of Des-q against the state-of-the-art classical methods on multiple data sets and observe that our algorithm exhibits similar performance to the state-of-the-art decision trees while significantly speeding up the periodic tree retraining.

replace-cross Identifiability Matters: Revealing the Hidden Recoverable Condition in Unbiased Learning to Rank

Authors: Mouxiang Chen, Chenghao Liu, Zemin Liu, Zhuo Li, Jianling Sun

Abstract: Unbiased Learning to Rank (ULTR) aims to train unbiased ranking models from biased click logs, by explicitly modeling a generation process for user behavior and fitting click data based on examination hypothesis. Previous research found empirically that the true latent relevance is mostly recoverable through click fitting. However, we demonstrate that this is not always achievable, resulting in a significant reduction in ranking performance. This research investigates the conditions under which relevance can be recovered from click data in the first principle. We initially characterize a ranking model as identifiable if it can recover the true relevance up to a scaling transformation, a criterion sufficient for the pairwise ranking objective. Subsequently, we investigate an equivalent condition for identifiability, articulated as a graph connectivity test problem: the recovery of relevance is feasible if and only if the identifiability graph (IG), derived from the underlying structure of the dataset, is connected. The presence of a disconnected IG may lead to degenerate cases and suboptimal ranking performance. To tackle this challenge, we introduce two methods, namely node intervention and node merging, designed to modify the dataset and restore the connectivity of the IG. Empirical results derived from a simulated dataset and two real-world LTR benchmark datasets not only validate our proposed theory but also demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods in alleviating data bias when the relevance model is unidentifiable.

replace-cross Repelling Random Walks

Authors: Isaac Reid, Eli Berger, Krzysztof Choromanski, Adrian Weller

Abstract: We present a novel quasi-Monte Carlo mechanism to improve graph-based sampling, coined repelling random walks. By inducing correlations between the trajectories of an interacting ensemble such that their marginal transition probabilities are unmodified, we are able to explore the graph more efficiently, improving the concentration of statistical estimators whilst leaving them unbiased. The mechanism has a trivial drop-in implementation. We showcase the effectiveness of repelling random walks in a range of settings including estimation of graph kernels, the PageRank vector and graphlet concentrations. We provide detailed experimental evaluation and robust theoretical guarantees. To our knowledge, repelling random walks constitute the first rigorously studied quasi-Monte Carlo scheme correlating the directions of walkers on a graph, inviting new research in this exciting nascent domain.

replace-cross General Graph Random Features

Authors: Isaac Reid, Krzysztof Choromanski, Eli Berger, Adrian Weller

Abstract: We propose a novel random walk-based algorithm for unbiased estimation of arbitrary functions of a weighted adjacency matrix, coined universal graph random features (u-GRFs). This includes many of the most popular examples of kernels defined on the nodes of a graph. Our algorithm enjoys subquadratic time complexity with respect to the number of nodes, overcoming the notoriously prohibitive cubic scaling of exact graph kernel evaluation. It can also be trivially distributed across machines, permitting learning on much larger networks. At the heart of the algorithm is a modulation function which upweights or downweights the contribution from different random walks depending on their lengths. We show that by parameterising it with a neural network we can obtain u-GRFs that give higher-quality kernel estimates or perform efficient, scalable kernel learning. We provide robust theoretical analysis and support our findings with experiments including pointwise estimation of fixed graph kernels, solving non-homogeneous graph ordinary differential equations, node clustering and kernel regression on triangular meshes.

replace-cross On the Computational Complexity of Private High-dimensional Model Selection

Authors: Saptarshi Roy, Zehua Wang, Ambuj Tewari

Abstract: We consider the problem of model selection in a high-dimensional sparse linear regression model under privacy constraints. We propose a differentially private best subset selection method with strong utility properties by adopting the well-known exponential mechanism for selecting the best model. We propose an efficient Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and establish that it enjoys polynomial mixing time to its stationary distribution. Furthermore, we also establish approximate differential privacy for the estimates of the mixed Metropolis-Hastings chain. Finally, we perform some illustrative experiments that show the strong utility of our algorithm.

replace-cross A Carbon Tracking Model for Federated Learning: Impact of Quantization and Sparsification

Authors: Luca Barbieri, Stefano Savazzi, Sanaz Kianoush, Monica Nicoli, Luigi Serio

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) methods adopt efficient communication technologies to distribute machine learning tasks across edge devices, reducing the overhead in terms of data storage and computational complexity compared to centralized solutions. Rather than moving large data volumes from producers (sensors, machines) to energy-hungry data centers, raising environmental concerns due to resource demands, FL provides an alternative solution to mitigate the energy demands of several learning tasks while enabling new Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) applications. This paper proposes a framework for real-time monitoring of the energy and carbon footprint impacts of FL systems. The carbon tracking tool is evaluated for consensus (fully decentralized) and classical FL policies. For the first time, we present a quantitative evaluation of different computationally and communication efficient FL methods from the perspectives of energy consumption and carbon equivalent emissions, suggesting also general guidelines for energy-efficient design. Results indicate that consensus-driven FL implementations should be preferred for limiting carbon emissions when the energy efficiency of the communication is low (i.e., < 25 Kbit/Joule). Besides, quantization and sparsification operations are shown to strike a balance between learning performances and energy consumption, leading to sustainable FL designs.

replace-cross Towards Bounding Causal Effects under Markov Equivalence

Authors: Alexis Bellot

Abstract: Predicting the effect of unseen interventions is a fundamental research question across the data sciences. It is well established that in general such questions cannot be answered definitively from observational data. This realization has fuelled a growing literature introducing various identifying assumptions, for example in the form of a causal diagram among relevant variables. In practice, this paradigm is still too rigid for many practical applications as it is generally not possible to confidently delineate the true causal diagram. In this paper, we consider the derivation of bounds on causal effects given only observational data. We propose to take as input a less informative structure known as a Partial Ancestral Graph, which represents a Markov equivalence class of causal diagrams and is learnable from data. In this more ``data-driven'' setting, we provide a systematic algorithm to derive bounds on causal effects that exploit the invariant properties of the equivalence class, and that can be computed analytically. We demonstrate our method with synthetic and real data examples.

replace-cross SpACNN-LDVAE: Spatial Attention Convolutional Latent Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder for Hyperspectral Pixel Unmixing

Authors: Soham Chitnis, Kiran Mantripragada, Faisal Z. Qureshi

Abstract: The hyperspectral pixel unmixing aims to find the underlying materials (endmembers) and their proportions (abundances) in pixels of a hyperspectral image. This work extends the Latent Dirichlet Variational Autoencoder (LDVAE) pixel unmixing scheme by taking into account local spatial context while performing pixel unmixing. The proposed method uses an isotropic convolutional neural network with spatial attention to encode pixels as a dirichlet distribution over endmembers. We have evaluated our model on Samson, Hydice Urban, Cuprite, and OnTech-HSI-Syn-21 datasets. Our model also leverages the transfer learning paradigm for Cuprite Dataset, where we train the model on synthetic data and evaluate it on the real-world data. The results suggest that incorporating spatial context improves both endmember extraction and abundance estimation.

replace-cross PAWS-VMK: A Unified Approach To Semi-Supervised Learning And Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Evelyn Mannix, Howard Bondell

Abstract: This paper describes PAWS-VMK, a prototypical deep learning approach that obtains state-of-the-art results for image classification tasks in both a semi-supervised learning (SSL) and out-of-distribution (OOD) detection context. We consider developments in the fields of SSL, OOD detection, and computer vision foundation models to introduce a number of innovations that connect the key ideas within these works to create PAWS-VMK. These innovations include (1) parametric von Mises-Fisher Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (vMF-SNE) to initialise a projection head for SSL using the high-quality embeddings of the foundation model; (2) the PAWS-MixMatch loss, that creates more compact embeddings and obtains higher accuracy in comparison to the consistency loss used in PAWS and (3) simple $k$-Means prototype selection (SKMPS), a simple technique that obtains competitive performance with more complex unsupervised label selection approaches. PAWS-VMK sets new benchmarks in semi-supervised learning for CIFAR-10 (99.2%) and CIFAR-100 (89.8%) with four labelled instances per class, and Food-101 (90.1%) with two labelled instances per class. We also observe that PAWS-VMK can efficiently detect OOD samples in a manner that is competitive with specialised methods specifically designed for this purpose, achieving 93.1/98.0 and 95.2/96.3 on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 OpenOOD benchmarks.

replace-cross Mirage: An RNS-Based Photonic Accelerator for DNN Training

Authors: Cansu Demirkiran, Guowei Yang, Darius Bunandar, Ajay Joshi

Abstract: Photonic computing is a compelling avenue for performing highly efficient matrix multiplication, a crucial operation in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). While this method has shown great success in DNN inference, meeting the high precision demands of DNN training proves challenging due to the precision limitations imposed by costly data converters and the analog noise inherent in photonic hardware. This paper proposes Mirage, a photonic DNN training accelerator that overcomes the precision challenges in photonic hardware using the Residue Number System (RNS). RNS is a numeral system based on modular arithmetic, allowing us to perform high-precision operations via multiple low-precision modular operations. In this work, we present a novel micro-architecture and dataflow for an RNS-based photonic tensor core performing modular arithmetic in the analog domain. By combining RNS and photonics, Mirage provides high energy efficiency without compromising precision and can successfully train state-of-the-art DNNs achieving accuracy comparable to FP32 training. Our study shows that on average across several DNNs when compared to systolic arrays, Mirage achieves more than $23.8\times$ faster training and $32.1\times$ lower EDP in an iso-energy scenario and consumes $42.8\times$ lower power with comparable or better EDP in an iso-area scenario.

replace-cross Simulating the Air Quality Impact of Prescribed Fires Using Graph Neural Network-Based PM$_{2.5}$ Forecasts

Authors: Kyleen Liao, Jatan Buch, Kara Lamb, Pierre Gentine

Abstract: The increasing size and severity of wildfires across the western United States have generated dangerous levels of PM$_{2.5}$ concentrations in recent years. In a changing climate, expanding the use of prescribed fires is widely considered to be the most robust fire mitigation strategy. However, reliably forecasting the potential air quality impact from prescribed fires, which is critical in planning the prescribed fires' location and time, at hourly to daily time scales remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we introduce a spatial-temporal graph neural network (GNN) based forecasting model for hourly PM$_{2.5}$ predictions across California. Using a two-step approach, we leverage our forecasting model to estimate the PM$_{2.5}$ contribution of wildfires. Integrating the GNN-based PM$_{2.5}$ forecasting model with prescribed fire simulations, we propose a novel framework to forecast the PM$_{2.5}$ pollution of prescribed fires. This framework helps determine March as the optimal month for implementing prescribed fires in California and quantifies the potential air quality trade-offs involved in conducting more prescribed fires outside the fire season.

replace-cross Learning Nash Equilibria in Zero-Sum Markov Games: A Single Time-scale Algorithm Under Weak Reachability

Authors: Reda Ouhamma, Maryam Kamgarpour

Abstract: We consider decentralized learning for zero-sum games, where players only see their payoff information and are agnostic to actions and payoffs of the opponent. Previous works demonstrated convergence to a Nash equilibrium in this setting using double time-scale algorithms under strong reachability assumptions. We address the open problem of achieving an approximate Nash equilibrium efficiently with an uncoupled and single time-scale algorithm under weaker conditions. Our contribution is a rational and convergent algorithm, utilizing Tsallis-entropy regularization in a value-iteration-based approach. The algorithm learns an approximate Nash equilibrium in polynomial time, requiring only the existence of a policy pair that induces an irreducible and aperiodic Markov chain, thus considerably weakening past assumptions. Our analysis leverages negative drift inequalities and introduces novel properties of Tsallis entropy that are of independent interest.

replace-cross Multi-Track Timeline Control for Text-Driven 3D Human Motion Generation

Authors: Mathis Petrovich, Or Litany, Umar Iqbal, Michael J. Black, G\"ul Varol, Xue Bin Peng, Davis Rempe

Abstract: Recent advances in generative modeling have led to promising progress on synthesizing 3D human motion from text, with methods that can generate character animations from short prompts and specified durations. However, using a single text prompt as input lacks the fine-grained control needed by animators, such as composing multiple actions and defining precise durations for parts of the motion. To address this, we introduce the new problem of timeline control for text-driven motion synthesis, which provides an intuitive, yet fine-grained, input interface for users. Instead of a single prompt, users can specify a multi-track timeline of multiple prompts organized in temporal intervals that may overlap. This enables specifying the exact timings of each action and composing multiple actions in sequence or at overlapping intervals. To generate composite animations from a multi-track timeline, we propose a new test-time denoising method. This method can be integrated with any pre-trained motion diffusion model to synthesize realistic motions that accurately reflect the timeline. At every step of denoising, our method processes each timeline interval (text prompt) individually, subsequently aggregating the predictions with consideration for the specific body parts engaged in each action. Experimental comparisons and ablations validate that our method produces realistic motions that respect the semantics and timing of given text prompts. Our code and models are publicly available at


replace-cross DiffClone: Enhanced Behaviour Cloning in Robotics with Diffusion-Driven Policy Learning

Authors: Sabariswaran Mani, Sreyas Venkataraman, Abhranil Chandra, Adyan Rizvi, Yash Sirvi, Soumojit Bhattacharya, Aritra Hazra

Abstract: Robot learning tasks are extremely compute-intensive and hardware-specific. Thus the avenues of tackling these challenges, using a diverse dataset of offline demonstrations that can be used to train robot manipulation agents, is very appealing. The Train-Offline-Test-Online (TOTO) Benchmark provides a well-curated open-source dataset for offline training comprised mostly of expert data and also benchmark scores of the common offline-RL and behaviour cloning agents. In this paper, we introduce DiffClone, an offline algorithm of enhanced behaviour cloning agent with diffusion-based policy learning, and measured the efficacy of our method on real online physical robots at test time. This is also our official submission to the Train-Offline-Test-Online (TOTO) Benchmark Challenge organized at NeurIPS 2023. We experimented with both pre-trained visual representation and agent policies. In our experiments, we find that MOCO finetuned ResNet50 performs the best in comparison to other finetuned representations. Goal state conditioning and mapping to transitions resulted in a minute increase in the success rate and mean-reward. As for the agent policy, we developed DiffClone, a behaviour cloning agent improved using conditional diffusion.

replace-cross Robustly overfitting latents for flexible neural image compression

Authors: Yura Perugachi-Diaz, Arwin Gansekoele, Sandjai Bhulai

Abstract: Neural image compression has made a great deal of progress. State-of-the-art models are based on variational autoencoders and are outperforming classical models. Neural compression models learn to encode an image into a quantized latent representation that can be efficiently sent to the decoder, which decodes the quantized latent into a reconstructed image. While these models have proven successful in practice, they lead to sub-optimal results due to imperfect optimization and limitations in the encoder and decoder capacity. Recent work shows how to use stochastic Gumbel annealing (SGA) to refine the latents of pre-trained neural image compression models. We extend this idea by introducing SGA+, which contains three different methods that build upon SGA. We show how our method improves the overall compression performance in terms of the R-D trade-off, compared to its predecessors. Additionally, we show how refinement of the latents with our best-performing method improves the compression performance on both the Tecnick and CLIC dataset. Our method is deployed for a pre-trained hyperprior and for a more flexible model. Further, we give a detailed analysis of our proposed methods and show that they are less sensitive to hyperparameter choices. Finally, we show how each method can be extended to three- instead of two-class rounding.

replace-cross Dual Lagrangian Learning for Conic Optimization

Authors: Mathieu Tanneau, Pascal Van Hentenryck

Abstract: This paper presents Dual Lagrangian Learning (DLL), a principled learning methodology for dual conic optimization proxies. DLL leverages conic duality and the representation power of ML models to provide high-duality, dual-feasible solutions, and therefore valid Lagrangian dual bounds, for linear and nonlinear conic optimization problems. The paper introduces a systematic dual completion procedure, differentiable conic projection layers, and a self-supervised learning framework based on Lagrangian duality. It also provides closed-form dual completion formulae for broad classes of conic problems, which eliminate the need for costly implicit layers. The effectiveness of DLL is demonstrated on linear and nonlinear conic optimization problems. The proposed methodology significantly outperforms a state-of-the-art learning-based method, and achieves 1000x speedups over commercial interior-point solvers with optimality gaps under 0.5\% on average.

replace-cross Consistent Validation for Predictive Methods in Spatial Settings

Authors: David R. Burt, Yunyi Shen, Tamara Broderick

Abstract: Spatial prediction tasks are key to weather forecasting, studying air pollution, and other scientific endeavors. Determining how much to trust predictions made by statistical or physical methods is essential for the credibility of scientific conclusions. Unfortunately, classical approaches for validation fail to handle mismatch between locations available for validation and (test) locations where we want to make predictions. This mismatch is often not an instance of covariate shift (as commonly formalized) because the validation and test locations are fixed (e.g., on a grid or at select points) rather than i.i.d. from two distributions. In the present work, we formalize a check on validation methods: that they become arbitrarily accurate as validation data becomes arbitrarily dense. We show that classical and covariate-shift methods can fail this check. We instead propose a method that builds from existing ideas in the covariate-shift literature, but adapts them to the validation data at hand. We prove that our proposal passes our check. And we demonstrate its advantages empirically on simulated and real data.

replace-cross Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression through Stochastic Approximate Gradients

Authors: Yuri Fonseca, Caio Peixoto, Yuri Saporito

Abstract: Instrumental variables (IVs) provide a powerful strategy for identifying causal effects in the presence of unobservable confounders. Within the nonparametric setting (NPIV), recent methods have been based on nonlinear generalizations of Two-Stage Least Squares and on minimax formulations derived from moment conditions or duality. In a novel direction, we show how to formulate a functional stochastic gradient descent algorithm to tackle NPIV regression by directly minimizing the populational risk. We provide theoretical support in the form of bounds on the excess risk, and conduct numerical experiments showcasing our method's superior stability and competitive performance relative to current state-of-the-art alternatives. This algorithm enables flexible estimator choices, such as neural networks or kernel based methods, as well as non-quadratic loss functions, which may be suitable for structural equations beyond the setting of continuous outcomes and additive noise. Finally, we demonstrate this flexibility of our framework by presenting how it naturally addresses the important case of binary outcomes, which has received far less attention by recent developments in the NPIV literature.

replace-cross A self-supervised framework for learning whole slide representations

Authors: Xinhai Hou, Cheng Jiang, Akhil Kondepudi, Yiwei Lyu, Asadur Chowdury, Honglak Lee, Todd C. Hollon

Abstract: Whole slide imaging is fundamental to biomedical microscopy and computational pathology. Previously, learning representations for gigapixel-sized whole slide images (WSIs) has relied on multiple instance learning with weak labels, which do not annotate the diverse morphologic features and spatial heterogeneity of WSIs. A high-quality self-supervised learning method for WSIs would provide transferable visual representations for downstream computational pathology tasks, without the need for dense annotations. We present Slide Pre-trained Transformers (SPT) for gigapixel-scale self-supervision of WSIs. Treating WSI patches as tokens, SPT combines data transformation strategies from language and vision modeling into a general and unified framework to generate views of WSIs for self-supervised pretraining. SPT leverages the inherent regional heterogeneity, histologic feature variability, and information redundancy within WSIs to learn high-quality whole slide representations. We benchmark SPT visual representations on five diagnostic tasks across three biomedical microscopy datasets. SPT significantly outperforms baselines for histopathologic diagnosis, cancer subtyping, and genetic mutation prediction. Finally, we demonstrate that SPT consistently improves whole slide representations when using off-the-shelf, in-domain, and foundational patch encoders for whole slide multiple instance learning.

replace-cross VerMCTS: Synthesizing Multi-Step Programs using a Verifier, a Large Language Model, and Tree Search

Authors: David Brandfonbrener, Simon Henniger, Sibi Raja, Tarun Prasad, Chloe Loughridge, Federico Cassano, Sabrina Ruixin Hu, Jianang Yang, William E. Byrd, Robert Zinkov, Nada Amin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can generate useful code, but often the code they generate cannot be trusted to be sound. In this paper, we present VerMCTS, an approach to begin to resolve this issue by generating verified programs in Dafny and Coq. VerMCTS uses a logical verifier in concert with an LLM to guide a modified Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS). This approach leverages the verifier to gain intermediate feedback inside the search algorithm by checking partial programs at each step to estimate an upper bound on the value function. To measure the performance of VerMCTS, we develop a new suite of multi-step verified programming problems in Dafny and Coq. In terms of pass@T, a new metric which computes the pass rate given a budget of T tokens sampled from the LLM, VerMCTS leads to more than a 30% absolute increase in average pass@5000 across the suite over repeated sampling from the base language model. Our code and benchmarks are available at .


replace-cross GES: Generalized Exponential Splatting for Efficient Radiance Field Rendering

Authors: Abdullah Hamdi, Luke Melas-Kyriazi, Jinjie Mai, Guocheng Qian, Ruoshi Liu, Carl Vondrick, Bernard Ghanem, Andrea Vedaldi

Abstract: Advancements in 3D Gaussian Splatting have significantly accelerated 3D reconstruction and generation. However, it may require a large number of Gaussians, which creates a substantial memory footprint. This paper introduces GES (Generalized Exponential Splatting), a novel representation that employs Generalized Exponential Function (GEF) to model 3D scenes, requiring far fewer particles to represent a scene and thus significantly outperforming Gaussian Splatting methods in efficiency with a plug-and-play replacement ability for Gaussian-based utilities. GES is validated theoretically and empirically in both principled 1D setup and realistic 3D scenes. It is shown to represent signals with sharp edges more accurately, which are typically challenging for Gaussians due to their inherent low-pass characteristics. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that GEF outperforms Gaussians in fitting natural-occurring signals (e.g. squares, triangles, and parabolic signals), thereby reducing the need for extensive splitting operations that increase the memory footprint of Gaussian Splatting. With the aid of a frequency-modulated loss, GES achieves competitive performance in novel-view synthesis benchmarks while requiring less than half the memory storage of Gaussian Splatting and increasing the rendering speed by up to 39%. The code is available on the project website .


replace-cross Toward TransfORmers: Revolutionizing the Solution of Mixed Integer Programs with Transformers

Authors: Joshua F. Cooper, Seung Jin Choi, I. Esra Buyuktahtakin

Abstract: In this study, we introduce an innovative deep learning framework that employs a transformer model to address the challenges of mixed-integer programs, specifically focusing on the Capacitated Lot Sizing Problem (CLSP). Our approach, to our knowledge, is the first to utilize transformers to predict the binary variables of a mixed-integer programming (MIP) problem. Specifically, our approach harnesses the encoder decoder transformer's ability to process sequential data, making it well-suited for predicting binary variables indicating production setup decisions in each period of the CLSP. This problem is inherently dynamic, and we need to handle sequential decision making under constraints. We present an efficient algorithm in which CLSP solutions are learned through a transformer neural network. The proposed post-processed transformer algorithm surpasses the state-of-the-art solver, CPLEX and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) in solution time, optimal gap, and percent infeasibility over 240K benchmark CLSP instances tested. After the ML model is trained, conducting inference on the model, reduces the MIP into a linear program (LP). This transforms the ML-based algorithm, combined with an LP solver, into a polynomial-time approximation algorithm to solve a well-known NP-Hard problem, with almost perfect solution quality.

replace-cross EasyRL4Rec: An Easy-to-use Library for Reinforcement Learning Based Recommender Systems

Authors: Yuanqing Yu, Chongming Gao, Jiawei Chen, Heng Tang, Yuefeng Sun, Qian Chen, Weizhi Ma, Min Zhang

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL)-Based Recommender Systems (RSs) have gained rising attention for their potential to enhance long-term user engagement. However, research in this field faces challenges, including the lack of user-friendly frameworks, inconsistent evaluation metrics, and difficulties in reproducing existing studies. To tackle these issues, we introduce EasyRL4Rec, an easy-to-use code library designed specifically for RL-based RSs. This library provides lightweight and diverse RL environments based on five public datasets and includes core modules with rich options, simplifying model development. It provides unified evaluation standards focusing on long-term outcomes and offers tailored designs for state modeling and action representation for recommendation scenarios. Furthermore, we share our findings from insightful experiments with current methods. EasyRL4Rec seeks to facilitate the model development and experimental process in the domain of RL-based RSs. The library is available for public use.

replace-cross DecisionNCE: Embodied Multimodal Representations via Implicit Preference Learning

Authors: Jianxiong Li, Jinliang Zheng, Yinan Zheng, Liyuan Mao, Xiao Hu, Sijie Cheng, Haoyi Niu, Jihao Liu, Yu Liu, Jingjing Liu, Ya-Qin Zhang, Xianyuan Zhan

Abstract: Multimodal pretraining is an effective strategy for the trinity of goals of representation learning in autonomous robots: 1) extracting both local and global task progressions; 2) enforcing temporal consistency of visual representation; 3) capturing trajectory-level language grounding. Most existing methods approach these via separate objectives, which often reach sub-optimal solutions. In this paper, we propose a universal unified objective that can simultaneously extract meaningful task progression information from image sequences and seamlessly align them with language instructions. We discover that via implicit preferences, where a visual trajectory inherently aligns better with its corresponding language instruction than mismatched pairs, the popular Bradley-Terry model can transform into representation learning through proper reward reparameterizations. The resulted framework, DecisionNCE, mirrors an InfoNCE-style objective but is distinctively tailored for decision-making tasks, providing an embodied representation learning framework that elegantly extracts both local and global task progression features, with temporal consistency enforced through implicit time contrastive learning, while ensuring trajectory-level instruction grounding via multimodal joint encoding. Evaluation on both simulated and real robots demonstrates that DecisionNCE effectively facilitates diverse downstream policy learning tasks, offering a versatile solution for unified representation and reward learning. Project Page:


replace-cross Hierarchical NeuroSymbolic Approach for Comprehensive and Explainable Action Quality Assessment

Authors: Lauren Okamoto, Paritosh Parmar

Abstract: Action quality assessment (AQA) applies computer vision to quantitatively assess the performance or execution of a human action. Current AQA approaches are end-to-end neural models, which lack transparency and tend to be biased because they are trained on subjective human judgements as ground-truth. To address these issues, we introduce a neuro-symbolic paradigm for AQA, which uses neural networks to abstract interpretable symbols from video data and makes quality assessments by applying rules to those symbols. We take diving as the case study. We found that domain experts prefer our system and find it more informative than purely neural approaches to AQA in diving. Our system also achieves state-of-the-art action recognition and temporal segmentation, and automatically generates a detailed report that breaks the dive down into its elements and provides objective scoring with visual evidence. As verified by a group of domain experts, this report may be used to assist judges in scoring, help train judges, and provide feedback to divers. Annotated training data and code:


replace-cross Estimating Physical Information Consistency of Channel Data Augmentation for Remote Sensing Images

Authors: Tom Burgert, Beg\"um Demir

Abstract: The application of data augmentation for deep learning (DL) methods plays an important role in achieving state-of-the-art results in supervised, semi-supervised, and self-supervised image classification. In particular, channel transformations (e.g., solarize, grayscale, brightness adjustments) are integrated into data augmentation pipelines for remote sensing (RS) image classification tasks. However, contradicting beliefs exist about their proper applications to RS images. A common point of critique is that the application of channel augmentation techniques may lead to physically inconsistent spectral data (i.e., pixel signatures). To shed light on the open debate, we propose an approach to estimate whether a channel augmentation technique affects the physical information of RS images. To this end, the proposed approach estimates a score that measures the alignment of a pixel signature within a time series that can be naturally subject to deviations caused by factors such as acquisition conditions or phenological states of vegetation. We compare the scores associated with original and augmented pixel signatures to evaluate the physical consistency. Experimental results on a multi-label image classification task show that channel augmentations yielding a score that exceeds the expected deviation of original pixel signatures can not improve the performance of a baseline model trained without augmentation.

replace-cross Interpreting Key Mechanisms of Factual Recall in Transformer-Based Language Models

Authors: Ang Lv, Yuhan Chen, Kaiyi Zhang, Yulong Wang, Lifeng Liu, Ji-Rong Wen, Jian Xie, Rui Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we delve into several mechanisms employed by Transformer-based language models (LLMs) for factual recall tasks. We outline a pipeline consisting of three major steps: (1) Given a prompt ``The capital of France is,'' task-specific attention heads extract the topic token, such as ``France,'' from the context and pass it to subsequent MLPs. (2) As attention heads' outputs are aggregated with equal weight and added to the residual stream, the subsequent MLP acts as an ``activation,'' which either erases or amplifies the information originating from individual heads. As a result, the topic token ``France'' stands out in the residual stream. (3) A deep MLP takes ``France'' and generates a component that redirects the residual stream towards the direction of the correct answer, i.e., ``Paris.'' This procedure is akin to applying an implicit function such as ``get\_capital($X$),'' and the argument $X$ is the topic token information passed by attention heads. To achieve the above quantitative and qualitative analysis for MLPs, we proposed a novel analytic method aimed at decomposing the outputs of the MLP into components understandable by humans. Additionally, we observed a universal anti-overconfidence mechanism in the final layer of models, which suppresses correct predictions. We mitigate this suppression by leveraging our interpretation to improve factual recall confidence. The above interpretations are evaluated across diverse tasks spanning various domains of factual knowledge, using various language models from the GPT-2 families, 1.3B OPT, up to 7B Llama-2, and in both zero- and few-shot setups.

replace-cross Min-K%++: Improved Baseline for Detecting Pre-Training Data from Large Language Models

Authors: Jingyang Zhang, Jingwei Sun, Eric Yeats, Yang Ouyang, Martin Kuo, Jianyi Zhang, Hao Frank Yang, Hai Li

Abstract: The problem of pre-training data detection for large language models (LLMs) has received growing attention due to its implications in critical issues like copyright violation and test data contamination. Despite improved performance, existing methods (including the state-of-the-art, Min-K%) are mostly developed upon simple heuristics and lack solid, reasonable foundations. In this work, we propose a novel and theoretically motivated methodology for pre-training data detection, named Min-K%++. Specifically, we present a key insight that training samples tend to be local maxima of the modeled distribution along each input dimension through maximum likelihood training, which in turn allow us to insightfully translate the problem into identification of local maxima. Then, we design our method accordingly that works under the discrete distribution modeled by LLMs, whose core idea is to determine whether the input forms a mode or has relatively high probability under the conditional categorical distribution. Empirically, the proposed method achieves new SOTA performance across multiple settings. On the WikiMIA benchmark, Min-K%++ outperforms the runner-up by 6.2% to 10.5% in detection AUROC averaged over five models. On the more challenging MIMIR benchmark, it consistently improves upon reference-free methods while performing on par with reference-based method that requires an extra reference model.

replace-cross WorDepth: Variational Language Prior for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Ziyao Zeng, Hyoungseob Park, Daniel Wang, Fengyu Yang, Yangchao Wu, Stefano Soatto, Byung-Woo Hong, Dong Lao, Alex Wong

Abstract: Three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction from a single image is an ill-posed problem with inherent ambiguities, i.e. scale. Predicting a 3D scene from text description(s) is similarly ill-posed, i.e. spatial arrangements of objects described. We investigate the question of whether two inherently ambiguous modalities can be used in conjunction to produce metric-scaled reconstructions. To test this, we focus on monocular depth estimation, the problem of predicting a dense depth map from a single image, but with an additional text caption describing the scene. To this end, we begin by encoding the text caption as a mean and standard deviation; using a variational framework, we learn the distribution of the plausible metric reconstructions of 3D scenes corresponding to the text captions as a prior. To "select" a specific reconstruction or depth map, we encode the given image through a conditional sampler that samples from the latent space of the variational text encoder, which is then decoded to the output depth map. Our approach is trained alternatingly between the text and image branches: in one optimization step, we predict the mean and standard deviation from the text description and sample from a standard Gaussian, and in the other, we sample using a (image) conditional sampler. Once trained, we directly predict depth from the encoded text using the conditional sampler. We demonstrate our approach on indoor (NYUv2) and outdoor (KITTI) scenarios, where we show that language can consistently improve performance in both.

replace-cross Scoring Intervals using Non-Hierarchical Transformer For Automatic Piano Transcription

Authors: Yujia Yan, Zhiyao Duan

Abstract: The neural semi-Markov Conditional Random Field (semi-CRF) framework has demonstrated promise for event-based piano transcription. In this framework, all events (notes or pedals) are represented as closed intervals tied to specific event types. The neural semi-CRF approach requires an interval scoring matrix that assigns a score for every candidate interval. However, designing an efficient and expressive architecture for scoring intervals is not trivial. In this paper, we introduce a simple method for scoring intervals using scaled inner product operations that resemble how attention scoring is done in transformers. We show theoretically that, due to the special structure from encoding the non-overlapping intervals, under a mild condition, the inner product operations are expressive enough to represent an ideal scoring matrix that can yield the correct transcription result. We then demonstrate that an encoder-only non-hierarchical transformer backbone, operating only on a low-time-resolution feature map, is capable of transcribing piano notes and pedals with high accuracy and time precision. The experiment shows that our approach achieves the new state-of-the-art performance across all subtasks in terms of the F1 measure on the Maestro dataset.

replace-cross Ctrl-Adapter: An Efficient and Versatile Framework for Adapting Diverse Controls to Any Diffusion Model

Authors: Han Lin, Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: ControlNets are widely used for adding spatial control to text-to-image diffusion models with different conditions, such as depth maps, scribbles/sketches, and human poses. However, when it comes to controllable video generation, ControlNets cannot be directly integrated into new backbones due to feature space mismatches, and training ControlNets for new backbones can be a significant burden for many users. Furthermore, applying ControlNets independently to different frames cannot effectively maintain object temporal consistency. To address these challenges, we introduce Ctrl-Adapter, an efficient and versatile framework that adds diverse controls to any image/video diffusion model through the adaptation of pretrained ControlNets. Ctrl-Adapter offers strong and diverse capabilities, including image and video control, sparse-frame video control, fine-grained patch-level multi-condition control (via an MoE router), zero-shot adaptation to unseen conditions, and supports a variety of downstream tasks beyond spatial control, including video editing, video style transfer, and text-guided motion control. With six diverse U-Net/DiT-based image/video diffusion models (SDXL, PixArt-$\alpha$, I2VGen-XL, SVD, Latte, Hotshot-XL), Ctrl-Adapter matches the performance of pretrained ControlNets on COCO and achieves the state-of-the-art on DAVIS 2017 with significantly lower computation (< 10 GPU hours).

replace-cross Dynamic Frequency-Based Fingerprinting Attacks against Modern Sandbox Environments

Authors: Debopriya Roy Dipta, Thore Tiemann, Berk Gulmezoglu, Eduard Marin, Thomas Eisenbarth

Abstract: The cloud computing landscape has evolved significantly in recent years, embracing various sandboxes to meet the diverse demands of modern cloud applications. These sandboxes encompass container-based technologies like Docker and gVisor, microVM-based solutions like Firecracker, and security-centric sandboxes relying on Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) such as Intel SGX and AMD SEV. However, the practice of placing multiple tenants on shared physical hardware raises security and privacy concerns, most notably side-channel attacks. In this paper, we investigate the possibility of fingerprinting containers through CPU frequency reporting sensors in Intel and AMD CPUs. One key enabler of our attack is that the current CPU frequency information can be accessed by user-space attackers. We demonstrate that Docker images exhibit a unique frequency signature, enabling the distinction of different containers with up to 84.5% accuracy even when multiple containers are running simultaneously in different cores. Additionally, we assess the effectiveness of our attack when performed against several sandboxes deployed in cloud environments, including Google's gVisor, AWS' Firecracker, and TEE-based platforms like Gramine (utilizing Intel SGX) and AMD SEV. Our empirical results show that these attacks can also be carried out successfully against all of these sandboxes in less than 40 seconds, with an accuracy of over 70% in all cases. Finally, we propose a noise injection-based countermeasure to mitigate the proposed attack on cloud environments.

replace-cross ContourCraft: Learning to Resolve Intersections in Neural Multi-Garment Simulations

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Giorgio Becherini, Michael J. Black, Otmar Hilliges, Bernhard Thomaszewski

Abstract: Learning-based approaches to cloth simulation have started to show their potential in recent years. However, handling collisions and intersections in neural simulations remains a largely unsolved problem. In this work, we present \moniker{}, a learning-based solution for handling intersections in neural cloth simulations. Unlike conventional approaches that critically rely on intersection-free inputs, \moniker{} robustly recovers from intersections introduced through missed collisions, self-penetrating bodies, or errors in manually designed multi-layer outfits. The technical core of \moniker{} is a novel intersection contour loss that penalizes interpenetrations and encourages rapid resolution thereof. We integrate our intersection loss with a collision-avoiding repulsion objective into a neural cloth simulation method based on graph neural networks (GNNs). We demonstrate our method's ability across a challenging set of diverse multi-layer outfits under dynamic human motions. Our extensive analysis indicates that \moniker{} significantly improves collision handling for learned simulation and produces visually compelling results.

replace-cross Flexible Motion In-betweening with Diffusion Models

Authors: Setareh Cohan, Guy Tevet, Daniele Reda, Xue Bin Peng, Michiel van de Panne

Abstract: Motion in-betweening, a fundamental task in character animation, consists of generating motion sequences that plausibly interpolate user-provided keyframe constraints. It has long been recognized as a labor-intensive and challenging process. We investigate the potential of diffusion models in generating diverse human motions guided by keyframes. Unlike previous inbetweening methods, we propose a simple unified model capable of generating precise and diverse motions that conform to a flexible range of user-specified spatial constraints, as well as text conditioning. To this end, we propose Conditional Motion Diffusion In-betweening (CondMDI) which allows for arbitrary dense-or-sparse keyframe placement and partial keyframe constraints while generating high-quality motions that are diverse and coherent with the given keyframes. We evaluate the performance of CondMDI on the text-conditioned HumanML3D dataset and demonstrate the versatility and efficacy of diffusion models for keyframe in-betweening. We further explore the use of guidance and imputation-based approaches for inference-time keyframing and compare CondMDI against these methods.

replace-cross PDE Control Gym: A Benchmark for Data-Driven Boundary Control of Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Luke Bhan, Yuexin Bian, Miroslav Krstic, Yuanyuan Shi

Abstract: Over the last decade, data-driven methods have surged in popularity, emerging as valuable tools for control theory. As such, neural network approximations of control feedback laws, system dynamics, and even Lyapunov functions have attracted growing attention. With the ascent of learning based control, the need for accurate, fast, and easy-to-use benchmarks has increased. In this work, we present the first learning-based environment for boundary control of PDEs. In our benchmark, we introduce three foundational PDE problems - a 1D transport PDE, a 1D reaction-diffusion PDE, and a 2D Navier-Stokes PDE - whose solvers are bundled in an user-friendly reinforcement learning gym. With this gym, we then present the first set of model-free, reinforcement learning algorithms for solving this series of benchmark problems, achieving stability, although at a higher cost compared to model-based PDE backstepping. With the set of benchmark environments and detailed examples, this work significantly lowers the barrier to entry for learning-based PDE control - a topic largely unexplored by the data-driven control community. The entire benchmark is available on Github along with detailed documentation and the presented reinforcement learning models are open sourced.

replace-cross Accelerating Relative Entropy Coding with Space Partitioning

Authors: Jiajun He, Gergely Flamich, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato

Abstract: Relative entropy coding (REC) algorithms encode a random sample following a target distribution $Q$, using a coding distribution $P$ shared between the sender and receiver. Sadly, general REC algorithms suffer from prohibitive encoding times, at least on the order of $2^{D_{\text{KL}}[Q||P]}$, and faster algorithms are limited to very specific settings. This work addresses this issue by introducing a REC scheme utilizing space partitioning to reduce runtime in practical scenarios. We provide theoretical analyses of our method and demonstrate its effectiveness with both toy examples and practical applications. Notably, our method successfully handles REC tasks with $D_{\text{KL}}[Q||P]$ about three times greater than what previous methods can manage, and reduces the bitrate by approximately 5-15% in VAE-based lossless compression on MNIST and INR-based lossy compression on CIFAR-10, compared to previous methods, significantly improving the practicality of REC for neural compression.

replace-cross Curriculum Direct Preference Optimization for Diffusion and Consistency Models

Authors: Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Vlad Hondru, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Nicu Sebe, Mubarak Shah

Abstract: Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has been proposed as an effective and efficient alternative to reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). In this paper, we propose a novel and enhanced version of DPO based on curriculum learning for text-to-image generation. Our method is divided into two training stages. First, a ranking of the examples generated for each prompt is obtained by employing a reward model. Then, increasingly difficult pairs of examples are sampled and provided to a text-to-image generative (diffusion or consistency) model. Generated samples that are far apart in the ranking are considered to form easy pairs, while those that are close in the ranking form hard pairs. In other words, we use the rank difference between samples as a measure of difficulty. The sampled pairs are split into batches according to their difficulty levels, which are gradually used to train the generative model. Our approach, Curriculum DPO, is compared against state-of-the-art fine-tuning approaches on three benchmarks, outperforming the competing methods in terms of text alignment, aesthetics and human preference. Our code is available at


replace-cross Transformers for Image-Goal Navigation

Authors: Nikhilanj Pelluri

Abstract: Visual perception and navigation have emerged as major focus areas in the field of embodied artificial intelligence. We consider the task of image-goal navigation, where an agent is tasked to navigate to a goal specified by an image, relying only on images from an onboard camera. This task is particularly challenging since it demands robust scene understanding, goal-oriented planning and long-horizon navigation. Most existing approaches typically learn navigation policies reliant on recurrent neural networks trained via online reinforcement learning. However, training such policies requires substantial computational resources and time, and performance of these models is not reliable on long-horizon navigation. In this work, we present a generative Transformer based model that jointly models image goals, camera observations and the robot's past actions to predict future actions. We use state-of-the-art perception models and navigation policies to learn robust goal conditioned policies without the need for real-time interaction with the environment. Our model demonstrates capability in capturing and associating visual information across long time horizons, helping in effective navigation. NOTE: This work was submitted as part of a Master's Capstone Project and must be treated as such. This is still an early work in progress and not the final version.

replace-cross Visual Echoes: A Simple Unified Transformer for Audio-Visual Generation

Authors: Shiqi Yang, Zhi Zhong, Mengjie Zhao, Shusuke Takahashi, Masato Ishii, Takashi Shibuya, Yuki Mitsufuji

Abstract: In recent years, with the realistic generation results and a wide range of personalized applications, diffusion-based generative models gain huge attention in both visual and audio generation areas. Compared to the considerable advancements of text2image or text2audio generation, research in audio2visual or visual2audio generation has been relatively slow. The recent audio-visual generation methods usually resort to huge large language model or composable diffusion models. Instead of designing another giant model for audio-visual generation, in this paper we take a step back showing a simple and lightweight generative transformer, which is not fully investigated in multi-modal generation, can achieve excellent results on image2audio generation. The transformer operates in the discrete audio and visual Vector-Quantized GAN space, and is trained in the mask denoising manner. After training, the classifier-free guidance could be deployed off-the-shelf achieving better performance, without any extra training or modification. Since the transformer model is modality symmetrical, it could also be directly deployed for audio2image generation and co-generation. In the experiments, we show that our simple method surpasses recent image2audio generation methods. Generated audio samples can be found at