new DuanzAI: Slang-Enhanced LLM with Prompt for Humor Understanding

Authors: Yesian Rohn

Abstract: Language's complexity is evident in the rich tapestry of slang expressions, often laden with humor and cultural nuances. This linguistic phenomenon has become increasingly prevalent, especially in digital communication. However, existing AI models, including ChatGPT-3.5, face challenges in comprehending these nuances, particularly in Chinese slang. In this study, we present DuanzAI, an innovative approach enhancing Large Language Models (LLMs) with deep Chinese slang comprehension. Leveraging curated datasets and advanced techniques, DuanzAI bridges the gap between human expression and AI comprehension, enabling contextually relevant responses. Our experiments contrast LLMs' performance with a custom Punchline Entity Recognition (PER) system, integrating phonetic matching and pinyin2hanzi techniques. Applying these insights, we developed ChatDAI, an advanced chatbot and released our code at \url{}.


new Enhancing Augmentative and Alternative Communication with Card Prediction and Colourful Semantics

Authors: Jayr Pereira, Francisco Rodrigues, Jaylton Pereira, Cleber Zanchettin, Robson Fidalgo

Abstract: This paper presents an approach to enhancing Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) systems by integrating Colourful Semantics (CS) with transformer-based language models specifically tailored for Brazilian Portuguese. We introduce an adapted BERT model, BERTptCS, which incorporates the CS framework for improved prediction of communication cards. The primary aim is to enhance the accuracy and contextual relevance of communication card predictions, which are essential in AAC systems for individuals with complex communication needs (CCN). We compared BERTptCS with a baseline model, BERTptAAC, which lacks CS integration. Our results demonstrate that BERTptCS significantly outperforms BERTptAAC in various metrics, including top-k accuracy, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), and Entropy@K. Integrating CS into the language model improves prediction accuracy and offers a more intuitive and contextual understanding of user inputs, facilitating more effective communication.

new SLIDE: A Framework Integrating Small and Large Language Models for Open-Domain Dialogues Evaluation

Authors: Kun Zhao, Bohao Yang, Chen Tang, Chenghua Lin, Liang Zhan

Abstract: The long-standing one-to-many problem of gold standard responses in open-domain dialogue systems presents challenges for automatic evaluation metrics. Though prior works have demonstrated some success by applying powerful Large Language Models (LLMs), existing approaches still struggle with the one-to-many problem, and exhibit subpar performance in domain-specific scenarios. We assume the commonsense reasoning biases within LLMs may hinder their performance in domainspecific evaluations. To address both issues, we propose a novel framework SLIDE (Small and Large Integrated for Dialogue Evaluation), that leverages both a small, specialised model (SLM), and LLMs for the evaluation of open domain dialogues. Our approach introduces several techniques: (1) Contrastive learning to differentiate between robust and non-robust response embeddings; (2) A novel metric for semantic sensitivity that combines embedding cosine distances with similarity learned through neural networks, and (3) a strategy for incorporating the evaluation results from both the SLM and LLMs. Our empirical results demonstrate that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in both the classification and evaluation tasks, and additionally the SLIDE evaluator exhibits better correlation with human judgements. Our code is available at https://

new Zero-Shot Spam Email Classification Using Pre-trained Large Language Models

Authors: Sergio Rojas-Galeano

Abstract: This paper investigates the application of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) for spam email classification using zero-shot prompting. We evaluate the performance of both open-source (Flan-T5) and proprietary LLMs (ChatGPT, GPT-4) on the well-known SpamAssassin dataset. Two classification approaches are explored: (1) truncated raw content from email subject and body, and (2) classification based on summaries generated by ChatGPT. Our empirical analysis, leveraging the entire dataset for evaluation without further training, reveals promising results. Flan-T5 achieves a 90% F1-score on the truncated content approach, while GPT-4 reaches a 95% F1-score using summaries. While these initial findings on a single dataset suggest the potential for classification pipelines of LLM-based subtasks (e.g., summarisation and classification), further validation on diverse datasets is necessary. The high operational costs of proprietary models, coupled with the general inference costs of LLMs, could significantly hinder real-world deployment for spam filtering.

new A hierarchical Bayesian model for syntactic priming

Authors: Weijie Xu, Richard Futrell

Abstract: The effect of syntactic priming exhibits three well-documented empirical properties: the lexical boost, the inverse frequency effect, and the asymmetrical decay. We aim to show how these three empirical phenomena can be reconciled in a general learning framework, the hierarchical Bayesian model (HBM). The model represents syntactic knowledge in a hierarchical structure of syntactic statistics, where a lower level represents the verb-specific biases of syntactic decisions, and a higher level represents the abstract bias as an aggregation of verb-specific biases. This knowledge is updated in response to experience by Bayesian inference. In simulations, we show that the HBM captures the above-mentioned properties of syntactic priming. The results indicate that some properties of priming which are usually explained by a residual activation account can also be explained by an implicit learning account. We also discuss the model's implications for the lexical basis of syntactic priming.

new Evaluating the Adversarial Robustness of Retrieval-Based In-Context Learning for Large Language Models

Authors: Simon Chi Lok Yu, Jie He, Pasquale Minervini, Jeff Z. Pan

Abstract: With the emergence of large language models, such as LLaMA and OpenAI GPT-3, In-Context Learning (ICL) gained significant attention due to its effectiveness and efficiency. However, ICL is very sensitive to the choice, order, and verbaliser used to encode the demonstrations in the prompt. Retrieval-Augmented ICL methods try to address this problem by leveraging retrievers to extract semantically related examples as demonstrations. While this approach yields more accurate results, its robustness against various types of adversarial attacks, including perturbations on test samples, demonstrations, and retrieved data, remains under-explored. Our study reveals that retrieval-augmented models can enhance robustness against test sample attacks, outperforming vanilla ICL with a 4.87% reduction in Attack Success Rate (ASR); however, they exhibit overconfidence in the demonstrations, leading to a 2% increase in ASR for demonstration attacks. Adversarial training can help improve the robustness of ICL methods to adversarial attacks; however, such a training scheme can be too costly in the context of LLMs. As an alternative, we introduce an effective training-free adversarial defence method, DARD, which enriches the example pool with those attacked samples. We show that DARD yields improvements in performance and robustness, achieving a 15% reduction in ASR over the baselines. Code and data are released to encourage further research:


new Incremental Comprehension of Garden-Path Sentences by Large Language Models: Semantic Interpretation, Syntactic Re-Analysis, and Attention

Authors: Andrew Li, Xianle Feng, Siddhant Narang, Austin Peng, Tianle Cai, Raj Sanjay Shah, Sashank Varma

Abstract: When reading temporarily ambiguous garden-path sentences, misinterpretations sometimes linger past the point of disambiguation. This phenomenon has traditionally been studied in psycholinguistic experiments using online measures such as reading times and offline measures such as comprehension questions. Here, we investigate the processing of garden-path sentences and the fate of lingering misinterpretations using four large language models (LLMs): GPT-2, LLaMA-2, Flan-T5, and RoBERTa. The overall goal is to evaluate whether humans and LLMs are aligned in their processing of garden-path sentences and in the lingering misinterpretations past the point of disambiguation, especially when extra-syntactic information (e.g., a comma delimiting a clause boundary) is present to guide processing. We address this goal using 24 garden-path sentences that have optional transitive and reflexive verbs leading to temporary ambiguities. For each sentence, there are a pair of comprehension questions corresponding to the misinterpretation and the correct interpretation. In three experiments, we (1) measure the dynamic semantic interpretations of LLMs using the question-answering task; (2) track whether these models shift their implicit parse tree at the point of disambiguation (or by the end of the sentence); and (3) visualize the model components that attend to disambiguating information when processing the question probes. These experiments show promising alignment between humans and LLMs in the processing of garden-path sentences, especially when extra-syntactic information is available to guide processing.

new SPP: Sparsity-Preserved Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Xudong Lu, Aojun Zhou, Yuhui Xu, Renrui Zhang, Peng Gao, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become pivotal in advancing the field of artificial intelligence, yet their immense sizes pose significant challenges for both fine-tuning and deployment. Current post-training pruning methods, while reducing the sizes of LLMs, often fail to maintain their original performance. To address these challenges, this paper introduces SPP, a Sparsity-Preserved Parameter-efficient fine-tuning method. Different from existing post-training pruning approaches that struggle with performance retention, SPP proposes to employ lightweight learnable column and row matrices to optimize sparse LLM weights, keeping the structure and sparsity of pruned pre-trained models intact. By element-wise multiplication and residual addition, SPP ensures the consistency of model sparsity pattern and ratio during both training and weight-merging processes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of SPP by applying it to the LLaMA and LLaMA-2 model families with recent post-training pruning methods. Our results show that SPP significantly enhances the performance of models with different sparsity patterns (i.e. unstructured and N:M sparsity), especially for those with high sparsity ratios (e.g. 75%), making it a promising solution for the efficient fine-tuning of sparse LLMs. Code will be made available at


new Keypoint-based Progressive Chain-of-Thought Distillation for LLMs

Authors: Kaituo Feng, Changsheng Li, Xiaolu Zhang, Jun Zhou, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang

Abstract: Chain-of-thought distillation is a powerful technique for transferring reasoning abilities from large language models (LLMs) to smaller student models. Previous methods typically require the student to mimic the step-by-step rationale produced by LLMs, often facing the following challenges: (i) Tokens within a rationale vary in significance, and treating them equally may fail to accurately mimic keypoint tokens, leading to reasoning errors. (ii) They usually distill knowledge by consistently predicting all the steps in a rationale, which falls short in distinguishing the learning order of step generation. This diverges from the human cognitive progression of starting with easy tasks and advancing to harder ones, resulting in sub-optimal outcomes. To this end, we propose a unified framework, called KPOD, to address these issues. Specifically, we propose a token weighting module utilizing mask learning to encourage accurate mimicry of keypoint tokens by the student during distillation. Besides, we develop an in-rationale progressive distillation strategy, starting with training the student to generate the final reasoning steps and gradually extending to cover the entire rationale. To accomplish this, a weighted token generation loss is proposed to assess step reasoning difficulty, and a value function is devised to schedule the progressive distillation by considering both step difficulty and question diversity. Extensive experiments on four reasoning benchmarks illustrate our KPOD outperforms previous methods by a large margin.

new COLT: Towards Completeness-Oriented Tool Retrieval for Large Language Models

Authors: Changle Qu, Sunhao Dai, Xiaochi Wei, Hengyi Cai, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin, Jun Xu, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Recently, the integration of external tools with Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a promising approach to overcome the inherent constraints of their pre-training data. However, realworld applications often involve a diverse range of tools, making it infeasible to incorporate all tools directly into LLMs due to constraints on input length and response time. Therefore, to fully exploit the potential of tool-augmented LLMs, it is crucial to develop an effective tool retrieval system. Existing tool retrieval methods techniques mainly rely on semantic matching between user queries and tool descriptions, which often results in the selection of redundant tools. As a result, these methods fail to provide a complete set of diverse tools necessary for addressing the multifaceted problems encountered by LLMs. In this paper, we propose a novel modelagnostic COllaborative Learning-based Tool Retrieval approach, COLT, which captures not only the semantic similarities between user queries and tool descriptions but also takes into account the collaborative information of tools. Specifically, we first fine-tune the PLM-based retrieval models to capture the semantic relationships between queries and tools in the semantic learning stage. Subsequently, we construct three bipartite graphs among queries, scenes, and tools and introduce a dual-view graph collaborative learning framework to capture the intricate collaborative relationships among tools during the collaborative learning stage. Extensive experiments on both the open benchmark and the newly introduced ToolLens dataset show that COLT achieves superior performance. Notably, the performance of BERT-mini (11M) with our proposed model framework outperforms BERT-large (340M), which has 30 times more parameters. Additionally, we plan to publicly release the ToolLens dataset to support further research in tool retrieval.

new SNOBERT: A Benchmark for clinical notes entity linking in the SNOMED CT clinical terminology

Authors: Mikhail Kulyabin, Gleb Sokolov, Aleksandr Galaida, Andreas Maier, Tomas Arias-Vergara

Abstract: The extraction and analysis of insights from medical data, primarily stored in free-text formats by healthcare workers, presents significant challenges due to its unstructured nature. Medical coding, a crucial process in healthcare, remains minimally automated due to the complexity of medical ontologies and restricted access to medical texts for training Natural Language Processing models. In this paper, we proposed a method, "SNOBERT," of linking text spans in clinical notes to specific concepts in the SNOMED CT using BERT-based models. The method consists of two stages: candidate selection and candidate matching. The models were trained on one of the largest publicly available dataset of labeled clinical notes. SNOBERT outperforms other classical methods based on deep learning, as confirmed by the results of a challenge in which it was applied.

new iREL at SemEval-2024 Task 9: Improving Conventional Prompting Methods for Brain Teasers

Authors: Harshit Gupta, Manav Chaudhary, Tathagata Raha, Shivansh Subramanian, Vasudeva Varma

Abstract: This paper describes our approach for SemEval-2024 Task 9: BRAINTEASER: A Novel Task Defying Common Sense. The BRAINTEASER task comprises multiple-choice Question Answering designed to evaluate the models' lateral thinking capabilities. It consists of Sentence Puzzle and Word Puzzle subtasks that require models to defy default common-sense associations and exhibit unconventional thinking. We propose a unique strategy to improve the performance of pre-trained language models, notably the Gemini 1.0 Pro Model, in both subtasks. We employ static and dynamic few-shot prompting techniques and introduce a model-generated reasoning strategy that utilizes the LLM's reasoning capabilities to improve performance. Our approach demonstrated significant improvements, showing that it performed better than the baseline models by a considerable margin but fell short of performing as well as the human annotators, thus highlighting the efficacy of the proposed strategies.

new 5W1H Extraction With Large Language Models

Authors: Yang Cao, Yangsong Lan, Feiyan Zhai, Piji Li

Abstract: The extraction of essential news elements through the 5W1H framework (\textit{What}, \textit{When}, \textit{Where}, \textit{Why}, \textit{Who}, and \textit{How}) is critical for event extraction and text summarization. The advent of Large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT presents an opportunity to address language-related tasks through simple prompts without fine-tuning models with much time. While ChatGPT has encountered challenges in processing longer news texts and analyzing specific attributes in context, especially answering questions about \textit{What}, \textit{Why}, and \textit{How}. The effectiveness of extraction tasks is notably dependent on high-quality human-annotated datasets. However, the absence of such datasets for the 5W1H extraction increases the difficulty of fine-tuning strategies based on open-source LLMs. To address these limitations, first, we annotate a high-quality 5W1H dataset based on four typical news corpora (\textit{CNN/DailyMail}, \textit{XSum}, \textit{NYT}, \textit{RA-MDS}); second, we design several strategies from zero-shot/few-shot prompting to efficient fine-tuning to conduct 5W1H aspects extraction from the original news documents. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of the fine-tuned models on our labelled dataset is superior to the performance of ChatGPT. Furthermore, we also explore the domain adaptation capability by testing the source-domain (e.g. NYT) models on the target domain corpus (e.g. CNN/DailyMail) for the task of 5W1H extraction.

new DefSent+: Improving sentence embeddings of language models by projecting definition sentences into a quasi-isotropic or isotropic vector space of unlimited dictionary entries

Authors: Xiaodong Liu

Abstract: This paper presents a significant improvement on the previous conference paper known as DefSent. The prior study seeks to improve sentence embeddings of language models by projecting definition sentences into the vector space of dictionary entries. We discover that this approach is not fully explored due to the methodological limitation of using word embeddings of language models to represent dictionary entries. This leads to two hindrances. First, dictionary entries are constrained by the single-word vocabulary, and thus cannot be fully exploited. Second, semantic representations of language models are known to be anisotropic, but pre-processing word embeddings for DefSent is not allowed because its weight is frozen during training and tied to the prediction layer. In this paper, we propose a novel method to progressively build entry embeddings not subject to the limitations. As a result, definition sentences can be projected into a quasi-isotropic or isotropic vector space of unlimited dictionary entries, so that sentence embeddings of noticeably better quality are attainable. We abbreviate our approach as DefSent+ (a plus version of DefSent), involving the following strengths: 1) the task performance on measuring sentence similarities is significantly improved compared to DefSent; 2) when DefSent+ is used to further train data-augmented models like SIMCSE and SNCSE, state-of-the-art performance on measuring sentence similarities can be achieved among the approaches without using manually labeled datasets; 3) DefSent+ is also competitive in feature-based transfer for NLP downstream tasks.

new Improving Multi-lingual Alignment Through Soft Contrastive Learning

Authors: Minsu Park, Seyeon Choi, Chanyeol Choi, Jun-Seong Kim, Jy-yong Sohn

Abstract: Making decent multi-lingual sentence representations is critical to achieve high performances in cross-lingual downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a novel method to align multi-lingual embeddings based on the similarity of sentences measured by a pre-trained mono-lingual embedding model. Given translation sentence pairs, we train a multi-lingual model in a way that the similarity between cross-lingual embeddings follows the similarity of sentences measured at the mono-lingual teacher model. Our method can be considered as contrastive learning with soft labels defined as the similarity between sentences. Our experimental results on five languages show that our contrastive loss with soft labels far outperforms conventional contrastive loss with hard labels in various benchmarks for bitext mining tasks and STS tasks. In addition, our method outperforms existing multi-lingual embeddings including LaBSE, for Tatoeba dataset. The code is available at YAI12xLinq-B/IMASCL


new Bi-reachability in Petri nets with data

Authors: {\L}ukasz Kami\'nski, S{\l}awomir Lasota

Abstract: We investigate Petri nets with data, an extension of plain Petri nets where tokens carry values from an infinite data domain, and executability of transitions is conditioned by equalities between data values. We provide a decision procedure for the bi-reachability problem: given a Petri net and its two configurations, we ask if each of the configurations is reachable from the other. This pushes forward the decidability borderline, as the bi-reachability problem subsumes the coverability problem (which is known to be decidable) and is subsumed by the reachability problem (whose decidability status is unknown).

new Accelerating Inference of Retrieval-Augmented Generation via Sparse Context Selection

Authors: Yun Zhu, Jia-Chen Gu, Caitlin Sikora, Ho Ko, Yinxiao Liu, Chu-Cheng Lin, Lei Shu, Liangchen Luo, Lei Meng, Bang Liu, Jindong Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) augmented with retrieval exhibit robust performance and extensive versatility by incorporating external contexts. However, the input length grows linearly in the number of retrieved documents, causing a dramatic increase in latency. In this paper, we propose a novel paradigm named Sparse RAG, which seeks to cut computation costs through sparsity. Specifically, Sparse RAG encodes retrieved documents in parallel, which eliminates latency introduced by long-range attention of retrieved documents. Then, LLMs selectively decode the output by only attending to highly relevant caches auto-regressively, which are chosen via prompting LLMs with special control tokens. It is notable that Sparse RAG combines the assessment of each individual document and the generation of the response into a single process. The designed sparse mechanism in a RAG system can facilitate the reduction of the number of documents loaded during decoding for accelerating the inference of the RAG system. Additionally, filtering out undesirable contexts enhances the model's focus on relevant context, inherently improving its generation quality. Evaluation results of two datasets show that Sparse RAG can strike an optimal balance between generation quality and computational efficiency, demonstrating its generalizability across both short- and long-form generation tasks.

new No Two Devils Alike: Unveiling Distinct Mechanisms of Fine-tuning Attacks

Authors: Chak Tou Leong, Yi Cheng, Kaishuai Xu, Jian Wang, Hanlin Wang, Wenjie Li

Abstract: The existing safety alignment of Large Language Models (LLMs) is found fragile and could be easily attacked through different strategies, such as through fine-tuning on a few harmful examples or manipulating the prefix of the generation results. However, the attack mechanisms of these strategies are still underexplored. In this paper, we ask the following question: \textit{while these approaches can all significantly compromise safety, do their attack mechanisms exhibit strong similarities?} To answer this question, we break down the safeguarding process of an LLM when encountered with harmful instructions into three stages: (1) recognizing harmful instructions, (2) generating an initial refusing tone, and (3) completing the refusal response. Accordingly, we investigate whether and how different attack strategies could influence each stage of this safeguarding process. We utilize techniques such as logit lens and activation patching to identify model components that drive specific behavior, and we apply cross-model probing to examine representation shifts after an attack. In particular, we analyze the two most representative types of attack approaches: Explicit Harmful Attack (EHA) and Identity-Shifting Attack (ISA). Surprisingly, we find that their attack mechanisms diverge dramatically. Unlike ISA, EHA tends to aggressively target the harmful recognition stage. While both EHA and ISA disrupt the latter two stages, the extent and mechanisms of their attacks differ significantly. Our findings underscore the importance of understanding LLMs' internal safeguarding process and suggest that diverse defense mechanisms are required to effectively cope with various types of attacks.

new Picturing Ambiguity: A Visual Twist on the Winograd Schema Challenge

Authors: Brendan Park, Madeline Janecek, Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Yifeng Li, Ali Emami

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success in tasks like the Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC), showcasing advanced textual common-sense reasoning. However, applying this reasoning to multimodal domains, where understanding text and images together is essential, remains a substantial challenge. To address this, we introduce WinoVis, a novel dataset specifically designed to probe text-to-image models on pronoun disambiguation within multimodal contexts. Utilizing GPT-4 for prompt generation and Diffusion Attentive Attribution Maps (DAAM) for heatmap analysis, we propose a novel evaluation framework that isolates the models' ability in pronoun disambiguation from other visual processing challenges. Evaluation of successive model versions reveals that, despite incremental advancements, Stable Diffusion 2.0 achieves a precision of 56.7% on WinoVis, only marginally surpassing random guessing. Further error analysis identifies important areas for future research aimed at advancing text-to-image models in their ability to interpret and interact with the complex visual world.

new ConStat: Performance-Based Contamination Detection in Large Language Models

Authors: Jasper Dekoninck, Mark Niklas M\"uller, Martin Vechev

Abstract: Public benchmarks play an essential role in the evaluation of large language models. However, data contamination can lead to inflated performance, rendering them unreliable for model comparison. It is therefore crucial to detect contamination and estimate its impact on measured performance. Unfortunately, existing detection methods can be easily evaded and fail to quantify contamination. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel definition of contamination as artificially inflated and non-generalizing benchmark performance instead of the inclusion of benchmark samples in the training data. This perspective enables us to detect any model with inflated performance, i.e., performance that does not generalize to rephrased samples, synthetic samples from the same distribution, or different benchmarks for the same task. Based on this insight, we develop ConStat, a statistical method that reliably detects and quantifies contamination by comparing performance between a primary and reference benchmark relative to a set of reference models. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ConStat in an extensive evaluation of diverse model architectures, benchmarks, and contamination scenarios and find high levels of contamination in multiple popular models including Mistral, Llama, Yi, and the top-3 Open LLM Leaderboard models.

new Confidence Under the Hood: An Investigation into the Confidence-Probability Alignment in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Robert Morabito, Sanzhar Umbet, Jad Kabbara, Ali Emami

Abstract: As the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) becomes more widespread, understanding their self-evaluation of confidence in generated responses becomes increasingly important as it is integral to the reliability of the output of these models. We introduce the concept of Confidence-Probability Alignment, that connects an LLM's internal confidence, quantified by token probabilities, to the confidence conveyed in the model's response when explicitly asked about its certainty. Using various datasets and prompting techniques that encourage model introspection, we probe the alignment between models' internal and expressed confidence. These techniques encompass using structured evaluation scales to rate confidence, including answer options when prompting, and eliciting the model's confidence level for outputs it does not recognize as its own. Notably, among the models analyzed, OpenAI's GPT-4 showed the strongest confidence-probability alignment, with an average Spearman's $\hat{\rho}$ of 0.42, across a wide range of tasks. Our work contributes to the ongoing efforts to facilitate risk assessment in the application of LLMs and to further our understanding of model trustworthiness.

new Generating clickbait spoilers with an ensemble of large language models

Authors: Mateusz Wo\'zny, Mateusz Lango

Abstract: Clickbait posts are a widespread problem in the webspace. The generation of spoilers, i.e. short texts that neutralize clickbait by providing information that satisfies the curiosity induced by it, is one of the proposed solutions to the problem. Current state-of-the-art methods are based on passage retrieval or question answering approaches and are limited to generating spoilers only in the form of a phrase or a passage. In this work, we propose an ensemble of fine-tuned large language models for clickbait spoiler generation. Our approach is not limited to phrase or passage spoilers, but is also able to generate multipart spoilers that refer to several non-consecutive parts of text. Experimental evaluation demonstrates that the proposed ensemble model outperforms the baselines in terms of BLEU, METEOR and BERTScore metrics.

new Comparative Analysis of Open-Source Language Models in Summarizing Medical Text Data

Authors: Yuhao Chen, Zhimu Wang, Bo Wen, Farhana Zulkernine

Abstract: Unstructured text in medical notes and dialogues contains rich information. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated superior performance in question answering and summarization tasks on unstructured text data, outperforming traditional text analysis approaches. However, there is a lack of scientific studies in the literature that methodically evaluate and report on the performance of different LLMs, specifically for domain-specific data such as medical chart notes. We propose an evaluation approach to analyze the performance of open-source LLMs such as Llama2 and Mistral for medical summarization tasks, using GPT-4 as an assessor. Our innovative approach to quantitative evaluation of LLMs can enable quality control, support the selection of effective LLMs for specific tasks, and advance knowledge discovery in digital health.

new Learning to Reason via Program Generation, Emulation, and Search

Authors: Nathaniel Weir, Muhammad Khalifa, Linlu Qiu, Orion Weller, Peter Clark

Abstract: Program synthesis with language models (LMs) has unlocked a large set of reasoning abilities; code-tuned LMs have proven adept at generating programs that solve a wide variety of algorithmic symbolic manipulation tasks (e.g. word concatenation). However, not all reasoning tasks are easily expressible as code, e.g. tasks involving commonsense reasoning, moral decision-making, and sarcasm understanding. Our goal is to extend an LM's program synthesis skills to such tasks and evaluate the results via pseudo-programs, namely Python programs where some leaf function calls are left undefined. To that end, we propose, Code Generation and Emulated EXecution (CoGEX). CoGEX works by (1) training LMs to generate their own pseudo-programs, (2) teaching them to emulate their generated program's execution, including those leaf functions, allowing the LM's knowledge to fill in the execution gaps; and (3) using them to search over many programs to find an optimal one. To adapt the CoGEX model to a new task, we introduce a method for performing program search to find a single program whose pseudo-execution yields optimal performance when applied to all the instances of a given dataset. We show that our approach yields large improvements compared to standard in-context learning approaches on a battery of tasks, both algorithmic and soft reasoning. This result thus demonstrates that code synthesis can be applied to a much broader class of problems than previously considered. Our released dataset, fine-tuned models, and implementation can be found at \url{}.


new STRIDE: A Tool-Assisted LLM Agent Framework for Strategic and Interactive Decision-Making

Authors: Chuanhao Li, Runhan Yang, Tiankai Li, Milad Bafarassat, Kourosh Sharifi, Dirk Bergemann, Zhuoran Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have revolutionized natural language processing, showing remarkable linguistic proficiency and reasoning capabilities. However, their application in strategic multi-agent decision-making environments is hampered by significant limitations including poor mathematical reasoning, difficulty in following instructions, and a tendency to generate incorrect information. These deficiencies hinder their performance in strategic and interactive tasks that demand adherence to nuanced game rules, long-term planning, exploration in unknown environments, and anticipation of opponents' moves. To overcome these obstacles, this paper presents a novel LLM agent framework equipped with memory and specialized tools to enhance their strategic decision-making capabilities. We deploy the tools in a number of economically important environments, in particular bilateral bargaining and multi-agent and dynamic mechanism design. We employ quantitative metrics to assess the framework's performance in various strategic decision-making problems. Our findings establish that our enhanced framework significantly improves the strategic decision-making capability of LLMs. While we highlight the inherent limitations of current LLM models, we demonstrate the improvements through targeted enhancements, suggesting a promising direction for future developments in LLM applications for interactive environments.

new Multi-Reference Preference Optimization for Large Language Models

Authors: Hung Le, Quan Tran, Dung Nguyen, Kien Do, Saloni Mittal, Kelechi Ogueji, Svetha Venkatesh

Abstract: How can Large Language Models (LLMs) be aligned with human intentions and values? A typical solution is to gather human preference on model outputs and finetune the LLMs accordingly while ensuring that updates do not deviate too far from a reference model. Recent approaches, such as direct preference optimization (DPO), have eliminated the need for unstable and sluggish reinforcement learning optimization by introducing close-formed supervised losses. However, a significant limitation of the current approach is its design for a single reference model only, neglecting to leverage the collective power of numerous pretrained LLMs. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a novel closed-form formulation for direct preference optimization using multiple reference models. The resulting algorithm, Multi-Reference Preference Optimization (MRPO), leverages broader prior knowledge from diverse reference models, substantially enhancing preference learning capabilities compared to the single-reference DPO. Our experiments demonstrate that LLMs finetuned with MRPO generalize better in various preference data, regardless of data scarcity or abundance. Furthermore, MRPO effectively finetunes LLMs to exhibit superior performance in several downstream natural language processing tasks such as GSM8K and TruthfulQA.

new Assessing Empathy in Large Language Models with Real-World Physician-Patient Interactions

Authors: Man Luo, Christopher J. Warren, Lu Cheng, Haidar M. Abdul-Muhsin, Imon Banerjee

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into the healthcare domain has the potential to significantly enhance patient care and support through the development of empathetic, patient-facing chatbots. This study investigates an intriguing question Can ChatGPT respond with a greater degree of empathy than those typically offered by physicians? To answer this question, we collect a de-identified dataset of patient messages and physician responses from Mayo Clinic and generate alternative replies using ChatGPT. Our analyses incorporate novel empathy ranking evaluation (EMRank) involving both automated metrics and human assessments to gauge the empathy level of responses. Our findings indicate that LLM-powered chatbots have the potential to surpass human physicians in delivering empathetic communication, suggesting a promising avenue for enhancing patient care and reducing professional burnout. The study not only highlights the importance of empathy in patient interactions but also proposes a set of effective automatic empathy ranking metrics, paving the way for the broader adoption of LLMs in healthcare.

new KG-FIT: Knowledge Graph Fine-Tuning Upon Open-World Knowledge

Authors: Pengcheng Jiang, Lang Cao, Cao Xiao, Parminder Bhatia, Jimeng Sun, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) techniques are crucial in learning compact representations of entities and relations within a knowledge graph, facilitating efficient reasoning and knowledge discovery. While existing methods typically focus either on training KGE models solely based on graph structure or fine-tuning pre-trained language models with classification data in KG, KG-FIT leverages LLM-guided refinement to construct a semantically coherent hierarchical structure of entity clusters. By incorporating this hierarchical knowledge along with textual information during the fine-tuning process, KG-FIT effectively captures both global semantics from the LLM and local semantics from the KG. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets FB15K-237, YAGO3-10, and PrimeKG demonstrate the superiority of KG-FIT over state-of-the-art pre-trained language model-based methods, achieving improvements of 14.4%, 13.5%, and 11.9% in the Hits@10 metric for the link prediction task, respectively. Furthermore, KG-FIT yields substantial performance gains of 12.6%, 6.7%, and 17.7% compared to the structure-based base models upon which it is built. These results highlight the effectiveness of KG-FIT in incorporating open-world knowledge from LLMs to significantly enhance the expressiveness and informativeness of KG embeddings.

new M-RAG: Reinforcing Large Language Model Performance through Retrieval-Augmented Generation with Multiple Partitions

Authors: Zheng Wang, Shu Xian Teo, Jieer Ouyang, Yongjun Xu, Wei Shi

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) enhances Large Language Models (LLMs) by retrieving relevant memories from an external database. However, existing RAG methods typically organize all memories in a whole database, potentially limiting focus on crucial memories and introducing noise. In this paper, we introduce a multiple partition paradigm for RAG (called M-RAG), where each database partition serves as a basic unit for RAG execution. Based on this paradigm, we propose a novel framework that leverages LLMs with Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning to optimize different language generation tasks explicitly. Through comprehensive experiments conducted on seven datasets, spanning three language generation tasks and involving three distinct language model architectures, we confirm that M-RAG consistently outperforms various baseline methods, achieving improvements of 11%, 8%, and 12% for text summarization, machine translation, and dialogue generation, respectively.

new AI-Generated Text Detection and Classification Based on BERT Deep Learning Algorithm

Authors: Hao Wang, Jianwei Li, Zhengyu Li

Abstract: AI-generated text detection plays an increasingly important role in various fields. In this study, we developed an efficient AI-generated text detection model based on the BERT algorithm, which provides new ideas and methods for solving related problems. In the data preprocessing stage, a series of steps were taken to process the text, including operations such as converting to lowercase, word splitting, removing stop words, stemming extraction, removing digits, and eliminating redundant spaces, to ensure data quality and accuracy. By dividing the dataset into a training set and a test set in the ratio of 60% and 40%, and observing the changes in the accuracy and loss values during the training process, we found that the model performed well during the training process. The accuracy increases steadily from the initial 94.78% to 99.72%, while the loss value decreases from 0.261 to 0.021 and converges gradually, which indicates that the BERT model is able to detect AI-generated text with high accuracy and the prediction results are gradually approaching the real classification results. Further analysis of the results of the training and test sets reveals that in terms of loss value, the average loss of the training set is 0.0565, while the average loss of the test set is 0.0917, showing a slightly higher loss value. As for the accuracy, the average accuracy of the training set reaches 98.1%, while the average accuracy of the test set is 97.71%, which is not much different from each other, indicating that the model has good generalisation ability. In conclusion, the AI-generated text detection model based on the BERT algorithm proposed in this study shows high accuracy and stability in experiments, providing an effective solution for related fields.

new CPsyCoun: A Report-based Multi-turn Dialogue Reconstruction and Evaluation Framework for Chinese Psychological Counseling

Authors: Chenhao Zhang, Renhao Li, Minghuan Tan, Min Yang, Jingwei Zhu, Di Yang, Jiahao Zhao, Guancheng Ye, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu, Derek F. Wong

Abstract: Using large language models (LLMs) to assist psychological counseling is a significant but challenging task at present. Attempts have been made on improving empathetic conversations or acting as effective assistants in the treatment with LLMs. However, the existing datasets lack consulting knowledge, resulting in LLMs lacking professional consulting competence. Moreover, how to automatically evaluate multi-turn dialogues within the counseling process remains an understudied area. To bridge the gap, we propose CPsyCoun, a report-based multi-turn dialogue reconstruction and evaluation framework for Chinese psychological counseling. To fully exploit psychological counseling reports, a two-phase approach is devised to construct high-quality dialogues while a comprehensive evaluation benchmark is developed for the effective automatic evaluation of multi-turn psychological consultations. Competitive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in psychological counseling. We open-source the datasets and model for future research at


new DarijaBanking: A New Resource for Overcoming Language Barriers in Banking Intent Detection for Moroccan Arabic Speakers

Authors: Abderrahman Skiredj, Ferdaous Azhari, Ismail Berrada, Saad Ezzini

Abstract: Navigating the complexities of language diversity is a central challenge in developing robust natural language processing systems, especially in specialized domains like banking. The Moroccan Dialect (Darija) serves as the common language that blends cultural complexities, historical impacts, and regional differences. The complexities of Darija present a special set of challenges for language models, as it differs from Modern Standard Arabic with strong influence from French, Spanish, and Tamazight, it requires a specific approach for effective communication. To tackle these challenges, this paper introduces \textbf{DarijaBanking}, a novel Darija dataset aimed at enhancing intent classification in the banking domain, addressing the critical need for automatic banking systems (e.g., chatbots) that communicate in the native language of Moroccan clients. DarijaBanking comprises over 1,800 parallel high-quality queries in Darija, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA), English, and French, organized into 24 intent classes. We experimented with various intent classification methods, including full fine-tuning of monolingual and multilingual models, zero-shot learning, retrieval-based approaches, and Large Language Model prompting. One of the main contributions of this work is BERTouch, our BERT-based language model for intent classification in Darija. BERTouch achieved F1-scores of 0.98 for Darija and 0.96 for MSA on DarijaBanking, outperforming the state-of-the-art alternatives including GPT-4 showcasing its effectiveness in the targeted application.

new Chain of Tools: Large Language Model is an Automatic Multi-tool Learner

Authors: Zhengliang Shi, Shen Gao, Xiuyi Chen, Yue Feng, Lingyong Yan, Haibo Shi, Dawei Yin, Zhumin Chen, Suzan Verberne, Zhaochun Ren

Abstract: Augmenting large language models (LLMs) with external tools has emerged as a promising approach to extend their utility, empowering them to solve practical tasks. Existing work typically empowers LLMs as tool users with a manually designed workflow, where the LLM plans a series of tools in a step-by-step manner, and sequentially executes each tool to obtain intermediate results until deriving the final answer. However, they suffer from two challenges in realistic scenarios: (1) The handcrafted control flow is often ad-hoc and constraints the LLM to local planning; (2) The LLM is instructed to use only manually demonstrated tools or well-trained Python functions, which limits its generalization to new tools. In this work, we first propose Automatic Tool Chain (ATC), a framework that enables the LLM to act as a multi-tool user, which directly utilizes a chain of tools through programming. To scale up the scope of the tools, we next propose a black-box probing method. This further empowers the LLM as a tool learner that can actively discover and document tool usages, teaching themselves to properly master new tools. For a comprehensive evaluation, we build a challenging benchmark named ToolFlow, which diverges from previous benchmarks by its long-term planning scenarios and complex toolset. Experiments on both existing datasets and ToolFlow illustrate the superiority of our framework. Analysis on different settings also validates the effectiveness and the utility of our black-box probing algorithm.

new SED: Self-Evaluation Decoding Enhances Large Language Models for Better Generation

Authors: Ziqin Luo, Haixia Han, Haokun Zhao, Guochao Jiang, Chengyu Du, Tingyun Li, Jiaqing Liang, Deqing Yang, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Existing Large Language Models (LLMs) generate text through unidirectional autoregressive decoding methods to respond to various user queries. These methods tend to consider token selection in a simple sequential manner, making it easy to fall into suboptimal options when encountering uncertain tokens, referred to as chaotic points in our work. Many chaotic points exist in texts generated by LLMs, and they often significantly affect the quality of subsequently generated tokens, which can interfere with LLMs' generation. This paper proposes Self-Evaluation Decoding, SED, a decoding method for enhancing model generation. Analogous to the human decision-making process, SED integrates speculation and evaluation steps into the decoding process, allowing LLMs to make more careful decisions and thus optimize token selection at chaotic points. Experimental results across various tasks using different LLMs demonstrate SED's effectiveness.

new A Preliminary Empirical Study on Prompt-based Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction

Authors: Mingyang Song, Yi Feng, Liping Jing

Abstract: Pre-trained large language models can perform natural language processing downstream tasks by conditioning on human-designed prompts. However, a prompt-based approach often requires "prompt engineering" to design different prompts, primarily hand-crafted through laborious trial and error, requiring human intervention and expertise. It is a challenging problem when constructing a prompt-based keyphrase extraction method. Therefore, we investigate and study the effectiveness of different prompts on the keyphrase extraction task to verify the impact of the cherry-picked prompts on the performance of extracting keyphrases. Extensive experimental results on six benchmark keyphrase extraction datasets and different pre-trained large language models demonstrate that (1) designing complex prompts may not necessarily be more effective than designing simple prompts; (2) individual keyword changes in the designed prompts can affect the overall performance; (3) designing complex prompts achieve better performance than designing simple prompts when facing long documents.

new Automatically Generating Numerous Context-Driven SFT Data for LLMs across Diverse Granularity

Authors: Shanghaoran Quan

Abstract: Constructing high-quality query-response pairs from custom corpus is crucial for supervised fine-tuning (SFT) large language models (LLMs) in many applications, like creating domain-specific AI assistants or roleplaying agents. However, sourcing this data through human annotation is costly, and existing automated methods often fail to capture the diverse range of contextual granularity and tend to produce homogeneous data. To tackle these issues, we introduce a novel method named AugCon, capable of automatically generating context-driven SFT data across multiple levels of granularity with high diversity, quality and fidelity. AugCon begins by generating queries using the Context-Split-Tree (CST), an innovative approach for recursively deriving queries and splitting context to cover full granularity. Then, we train a scorer through contrastive learning to collaborate with CST to rank and refine queries. Finally, a synergistic integration of self-alignment and self-improving is introduced to obtain high-fidelity responses. Extensive experiments are conducted incorporating both human and automatic evaluations, encompassing a test scenario and four widely-used benchmarks in English and Chinese. The results highlight the significant advantages of AugCon in producing high diversity, quality, and fidelity SFT data against several state-of-the-art methods. All of our code, dataset, and fine-tuned model will be available at:


new MentalManip: A Dataset For Fine-grained Analysis of Mental Manipulation in Conversations

Authors: Yuxin Wang, Ivory Yang, Saeed Hassanpour, Soroush Vosoughi

Abstract: Mental manipulation, a significant form of abuse in interpersonal conversations, presents a challenge to identify due to its context-dependent and often subtle nature. The detection of manipulative language is essential for protecting potential victims, yet the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) currently faces a scarcity of resources and research on this topic. Our study addresses this gap by introducing a new dataset, named ${\rm M{\small ental}M{\small anip}}$, which consists of $4,000$ annotated movie dialogues. This dataset enables a comprehensive analysis of mental manipulation, pinpointing both the techniques utilized for manipulation and the vulnerabilities targeted in victims. Our research further explores the effectiveness of leading-edge models in recognizing manipulative dialogue and its components through a series of experiments with various configurations. The results demonstrate that these models inadequately identify and categorize manipulative content. Attempts to improve their performance by fine-tuning with existing datasets on mental health and toxicity have not overcome these limitations. We anticipate that ${\rm M{\small ental}M{\small anip}}$ will stimulate further research, leading to progress in both understanding and mitigating the impact of mental manipulation in conversations.

new Let Silence Speak: Enhancing Fake News Detection with Generated Comments from Large Language Models

Authors: Qiong Nan, Qiang Sheng, Juan Cao, Beizhe Hu, Danding Wang, Jintao Li

Abstract: Fake news detection plays a crucial role in protecting social media users and maintaining a healthy news ecosystem. Among existing works, comment-based fake news detection methods are empirically shown as promising because comments could reflect users' opinions, stances, and emotions and deepen models' understanding of fake news. Unfortunately, due to exposure bias and users' different willingness to comment, it is not easy to obtain diverse comments in reality, especially for early detection scenarios. Without obtaining the comments from the ``silent'' users, the perceived opinions may be incomplete, subsequently affecting news veracity judgment. In this paper, we explore the possibility of finding an alternative source of comments to guarantee the availability of diverse comments, especially those from silent users. Specifically, we propose to adopt large language models (LLMs) as a user simulator and comment generator, and design GenFEND, a generated feedback-enhanced detection framework, which generates comments by prompting LLMs with diverse user profiles and aggregating generated comments from multiple subpopulation groups. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of GenFEND and further analysis shows that the generated comments cover more diverse users and could even be more effective than actual comments.

new Compressing Lengthy Context With UltraGist

Authors: Peitian Zhang, Zheng Liu, Shitao Xiao, Ninglu Shao, Qiwei Ye, Zhicheng Dou

Abstract: Compressing lengthy context is a critical but technically challenging problem. In this paper, we propose a new method called UltraGist, which is distinguished for its high-quality compression of lengthy context due to the innovative design of the compression and learning algorithm. UltraGist brings forth the following important benefits. Firstly, it notably contributes to the flexibility of compression, as it can be effectively learned to support a broad range of context lengths and compression ratios. Secondly, it helps to produce fine-grained compression for the lengthy context, where each small segment of the context is progressively processed on top of a tailored cross-attention mechanism. Thirdly, it makes the training process sample-efficient and thus maximizes the use of training data. Finally, it facilitates the efficient running of compression for dynamic context, as the compression result can be progressively generated and hence incrementally updated. UltraGist is evaluated on a wide variety of tasks associated with lengthy context, such as document QA and summarization, few-shot learning, multi-session conversation, et al. Whilst the existing methods fail to handle these challenging scenarios, our approach is able to preserve a near-lossless compression performance throughout all the evaluations. Our data, model, and code have been released at \url{}.


new RLSF: Reinforcement Learning via Symbolic Feedback

Authors: Piyush Jha, Prithwish Jana, Arnav Arora, Vijay Ganesh

Abstract: In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have had a dramatic impact on various sub-fields of AI, most notably on natural language understanding tasks. However, there is widespread agreement that the logical reasoning capabilities of contemporary LLMs are, at best, fragmentary (i.e., may work well on some problem instances but fail dramatically on others). While traditional LLM fine-tuning approaches (e.g., those that use human feedback) do address this problem to some degree, they suffer from many issues, including unsound black-box reward models, difficulties in collecting preference data, and sparse scalar reward values. To address these challenges, we propose a new training/fine-tuning paradigm we refer to as Reinforcement Learning via Symbolic Feedback (RLSF), which is aimed at enhancing the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. In the RLSF setting, the LLM that is being trained/fine-tuned is considered as the RL agent, while the environment is allowed access to reasoning or domain knowledge tools (e.g., solvers, algebra systems). Crucially, in RLSF, these reasoning tools can provide feedback to the LLMs via poly-sized certificates (e.g., proofs), that characterize errors in the LLM-generated object with respect to some correctness specification. The ability of RLSF-based training/fine-tuning to leverage certificate-generating symbolic tools enables sound fine-grained (token-level) reward signals to LLMs, and thus addresses the limitations of traditional reward models mentioned above. Via extensive evaluations, we show that our RLSF-based fine-tuning of LLMs outperforms traditional approaches on two different applications, namely, program synthesis from natural language pseudo-code to programming language (C++) and solving the Game of 24.

new Triple Preference Optimization: Achieving Better Alignment with Less Data in a Single Step Optimization

Authors: Amir Saeidi, Shivanshu Verma, Aswin RRV, Chitta Baral

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) perform well across diverse tasks, but aligning them with human demonstrations is challenging. Recently, Reinforcement Learning (RL)-free methods like Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) have emerged, offering improved stability and scalability while retaining competitive performance relative to RL-based methods. However, while RL-free methods deliver satisfactory performance, they require significant data to develop a robust Supervised Fine-Tuned (SFT) model and an additional step to fine-tune this model on a preference dataset, which constrains their utility and scalability. In this paper, we introduce Triple Preference Optimization (TPO), a new preference learning method designed to align an LLM with three preferences without requiring a separate SFT step and using considerably less data. Through a combination of practical experiments and theoretical analysis, we show the efficacy of TPO as a single-step alignment strategy. Specifically, we fine-tuned the Phi-2 (2.7B) and Mistral (7B) models using TPO directly on the UltraFeedback dataset, achieving superior results compared to models aligned through other methods such as SFT, DPO, KTO, IPO, CPO, and ORPO. Moreover, the performance of TPO without the SFT component led to notable improvements in the MT-Bench score, with increases of +1.27 and +0.63 over SFT and DPO, respectively. Additionally, TPO showed higher average accuracy, surpassing DPO and SFT by 4.2% and 4.97% on the Open LLM Leaderboard benchmarks. Our code is publicly available at .


new gzip Predicts Data-dependent Scaling Laws

Authors: Rohan Pandey

Abstract: Past work has established scaling laws that predict the performance of a neural language model (LM) as a function of its parameter count and the number of tokens it's trained on, enabling optimal allocation of a fixed compute budget. Are these scaling laws agnostic to training data as some prior work suggests? We generate training datasets of varying complexities by modulating the syntactic properties of a PCFG, finding that 1) scaling laws are sensitive to differences in data complexity and that 2) gzip, a compression algorithm, is an effective predictor of how data complexity impacts scaling properties. We propose a new data-dependent scaling law for LM's that accounts for the training data's gzip-compressibility; its compute-optimal frontier increases in dataset size preference (over parameter count preference) as training data becomes harder to compress.

new Accurate and Nuanced Open-QA Evaluation Through Textual Entailment

Authors: Peiran Yao, Denilson Barbosa

Abstract: Open-domain question answering (Open-QA) is a common task for evaluating large language models (LLMs). However, current Open-QA evaluations are criticized for the ambiguity in questions and the lack of semantic understanding in evaluators. Complex evaluators, powered by foundation models or LLMs and pertaining to semantic equivalence, still deviate from human judgments by a large margin. We propose to study the entailment relations of answers to identify more informative and more general system answers, offering a much closer evaluation to human judgment on both NaturalQuestions and TriviaQA while being learning-free. The entailment-based evaluation we propose allows the assignment of bonus or partial marks by quantifying the inference gap between answers, enabling a nuanced ranking of answer correctness that has higher AUC than current methods.

new Crafting Interpretable Embeddings by Asking LLMs Questions

Authors: Vinamra Benara, Chandan Singh, John X. Morris, Richard Antonello, Ion Stoica, Alexander G. Huth, Jianfeng Gao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have rapidly improved text embeddings for a growing array of natural-language processing tasks. However, their opaqueness and proliferation into scientific domains such as neuroscience have created a growing need for interpretability. Here, we ask whether we can obtain interpretable embeddings through LLM prompting. We introduce question-answering embeddings (QA-Emb), embeddings where each feature represents an answer to a yes/no question asked to an LLM. Training QA-Emb reduces to selecting a set of underlying questions rather than learning model weights. We use QA-Emb to flexibly generate interpretable models for predicting fMRI voxel responses to language stimuli. QA-Emb significantly outperforms an established interpretable baseline, and does so while requiring very few questions. This paves the way towards building flexible feature spaces that can concretize and evaluate our understanding of semantic brain representations. We additionally find that QA-Emb can be effectively approximated with an efficient model, and we explore broader applications in simple NLP tasks.

new Large Scale Knowledge Washing

Authors: Yu Wang, Ruihan Wu, Zexue He, Xiusi Chen, Julian McAuley

Abstract: Large language models show impressive abilities in memorizing world knowledge, which leads to concerns regarding memorization of private information, toxic or sensitive knowledge, and copyrighted content. We introduce the problem of Large Scale Knowledge Washing, focusing on "unlearning" extensive amounts of factual knowledge. Previous unlearning methods usually define the reverse loss and update the model via backpropagation, which may affect the model's fluency and reasoning ability or even destroy the model due to extensive training with the reverse loss. Existing works introduce additional data from downstream tasks to prevent the model from losing capabilities, which requires downstream task awareness. Controlling the tradeoff of unlearning and maintaining existing capabilities is also challenging. To this end, we propose LAW (Large Scale Washing) to update the MLP layers in decoder-only large language models to perform knowledge washing, as inspired by model editing methods and based on the hypothesis that knowledge and reasoning are disentanglable. We derive a new objective with the knowledge to be unlearned to update the weights of certain MLP layers. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of LAW in forgetting target knowledge while maintaining reasoning ability. The code will be open-sourced at


new AutoCV: Empowering Reasoning with Automated Process Labeling via Confidence Variation

Authors: Jianqiao Lu, Zhiyang Dou, Hongru Wang, Zeyu Cao, Jianbo Dai, Yingjia Wan, Yinya Huang, Zhijiang Guo

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel method named \textbf{Auto}mated Process Labeling via \textbf{C}onfidence \textbf{V}ariation (\textbf{\textsc{AutoCV}}) to enhance the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by automatically annotating the reasoning steps. Our approach begins by training a verification model on the correctness of final answers, enabling it to generate automatic process annotations. This verification model assigns a confidence score to each reasoning step, indicating the probability of arriving at the correct final answer from that point onward. We detect relative changes in the verification's confidence scores across reasoning steps to automatically annotate the reasoning process. This alleviates the need for numerous manual annotations or the high computational costs associated with model-induced annotation approaches. We experimentally validate that the confidence variations learned by the verification model trained on the final answer correctness can effectively identify errors in the reasoning steps. Subsequently, we demonstrate that the process annotations generated by \textsc{AutoCV} can improve the accuracy of the verification model in selecting the correct answer from multiple outputs generated by LLMs. Notably, we achieve substantial improvements across five datasets in mathematics and commonsense reasoning. The source code of \textsc{AutoCV} is available at \url{}.


new Entity Alignment with Noisy Annotations from Large Language Models

Authors: Shengyuan Chen, Qinggang Zhang, Junnan Dong, Wen Hua, Qing Li, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Entity alignment (EA) aims to merge two knowledge graphs (KGs) by identifying equivalent entity pairs. While existing methods heavily rely on human-generated labels, it is prohibitively expensive to incorporate cross-domain experts for annotation in real-world scenarios. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) presents new avenues for automating EA with annotations, inspired by their comprehensive capability to process semantic information. However, it is nontrivial to directly apply LLMs for EA since the annotation space in real-world KGs is large. LLMs could also generate noisy labels that may mislead the alignment. To this end, we propose a unified framework, LLM4EA, to effectively leverage LLMs for EA. Specifically, we design a novel active learning policy to significantly reduce the annotation space by prioritizing the most valuable entities based on the entire inter-KG and intra-KG structure. Moreover, we introduce an unsupervised label refiner to continuously enhance label accuracy through in-depth probabilistic reasoning. We iteratively optimize the policy based on the feedback from a base EA model. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advantages of LLM4EA on four benchmark datasets in terms of effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency.

new Performance evaluation of Reddit Comments using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing methods in Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Xiaoxia Zhang, Xiuyuan Qi, Zixin Teng

Abstract: Sentiment analysis, an increasingly vital field in both academia and industry, plays a pivotal role in machine learning applications, particularly on social media platforms like Reddit. However, the efficacy of sentiment analysis models is hindered by the lack of expansive and fine-grained emotion datasets. To address this gap, our study leverages the GoEmotions dataset, comprising a diverse range of emotions, to evaluate sentiment analysis methods across a substantial corpus of 58,000 comments. Distinguished from prior studies by the Google team, which limited their analysis to only two models, our research expands the scope by evaluating a diverse array of models. We investigate the performance of traditional classifiers such as Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines (SVM), as well as state-of-the-art transformer-based models including BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT. Furthermore, our evaluation criteria extend beyond accuracy to encompass nuanced assessments, including hierarchical classification based on varying levels of granularity in emotion categorization. Additionally, considerations such as computational efficiency are incorporated to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework. Our findings reveal that the RoBERTa model consistently outperforms the baseline models, demonstrating superior accuracy in fine-grained sentiment classification tasks. This underscores the substantial potential and significance of the RoBERTa model in advancing sentiment analysis capabilities.

new Perturbation-Restrained Sequential Model Editing

Authors: Jun-Yu Ma, Hong Wang, Hao-Xiang Xu, Zhen-Hua Ling, Jia-Chen Gu

Abstract: Model editing is an emerging field that focuses on updating the knowledge embedded within large language models (LLMs) without extensive retraining. However, current model editing methods significantly compromise the general abilities of LLMs as the number of edits increases, and this trade-off poses a substantial challenge to the continual learning of LLMs. In this paper, we first theoretically analyze that the factor affecting the general abilities in sequential model editing lies in the condition number of the edited matrix. The condition number of a matrix represents its numerical sensitivity, and therefore can be used to indicate the extent to which the original knowledge associations stored in LLMs are perturbed after editing. Subsequently, statistical findings demonstrate that the value of this factor becomes larger as the number of edits increases, thereby exacerbating the deterioration of general abilities. To this end, a framework termed Perturbation Restraint on Upper bouNd for Editing (PRUNE) is proposed, which applies the condition number restraints in sequential editing. These restraints can lower the upper bound on perturbation to edited models, thus preserving the general abilities. Systematically, we conduct experiments employing three popular editing methods on three LLMs across four representative downstream tasks. Evaluation results show that PRUNE can preserve considerable general abilities while maintaining the editing performance effectively in sequential model editing. The code and data are available at


new Can We Trust LLMs? Mitigate Overconfidence Bias in LLMs through Knowledge Transfer

Authors: Haoyan Yang, Yixuan Wang, Xingyin Xu, Hanyuan Zhang, Yirong Bian

Abstract: The study explores mitigating overconfidence bias in LLMs to improve their reliability. We introduce a knowledge transfer (KT) method utilizing chain of thoughts, where "big" LLMs impart knowledge to "small" LLMs via detailed, sequential reasoning paths. This method uses advanced reasoning of larger models to fine-tune smaller models, enabling them to produce more accurate predictions with calibrated confidence. Experimental evaluation using multiple-choice questions and sentiment analysis across diverse datasets demonstrated the KT method's superiority over the vanilla and question-answer pair (QA) fine-tuning methods. The most significant improvement in three key metrics, where the KT method outperformed the vanilla and QA methods by an average of 55.3% and 43.1%, respectively. These findings underscore the KT method's potential in enhancing model trustworthiness and accuracy, offering precise outputs with well-matched confidence levels across various contexts.

new Match, Compare, or Select? An Investigation of Large Language Models for Entity Matching

Authors: Tianshu Wang, Hongyu Lin, Xiaoyang Chen, Xianpei Han, Hao Wang, Zhenyu Zeng, Le Sun

Abstract: Entity matching (EM) is a critical step in entity resolution. Recently, entity matching based on large language models (LLMs) has shown great promise. However, current LLM-based entity matching approaches typically follow a binary matching paradigm that ignores the global consistency between different records. In this paper, we investigate various methodologies for LLM-based entity matching that incorporate record interactions from different perspectives. Specifically, we comprehensively compare three representative strategies: matching, comparing, and selecting, and analyze their respective advantages and challenges in diverse scenarios. Based on our findings, we further design a compositional entity matching (ComEM) framework that leverages the composition of multiple strategies and LLMs. In this way, ComEM can benefit from the advantages of different sides and achieve improvements in both effectiveness and efficiency. Experimental results show that ComEM not only achieves significant performance gains on various datasets but also reduces the cost of LLM-based entity matching in real-world application.

new Can Large Language Models Faithfully Express Their Intrinsic Uncertainty in Words?

Authors: Gal Yona, Roee Aharoni, Mor Geva

Abstract: We posit that large language models (LLMs) should be capable of expressing their intrinsic uncertainty in natural language. For example, if the LLM is equally likely to output two contradicting answers to the same question, then its generated response should reflect this uncertainty by hedging its answer (e.g., "I'm not sure, but I think..."). We formalize faithful response uncertainty based on the gap between the model's intrinsic confidence in the assertions it makes and the decisiveness by which they are conveyed. This example-level metric reliably indicates whether the model reflects its uncertainty, as it penalizes both excessive and insufficient hedging. We evaluate a variety of aligned LLMs at faithfully communicating uncertainty on several knowledge-intensive question answering tasks. Our results provide strong evidence that modern LLMs are poor at faithfully conveying their uncertainty, and that better alignment is necessary to improve their trustworthiness.

new Empowering Large Language Models to Set up a Knowledge Retrieval Indexer via Self-Learning

Authors: Xun Liang, Simin Niu, Zhiyu li, Sensen Zhang, Shichao Song, Hanyu Wang, Jiawei Yang, Feiyu Xiong, Bo Tang, Chenyang Xi

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) offers a cost-effective approach to injecting real-time knowledge into large language models (LLMs). Nevertheless, constructing and validating high-quality knowledge repositories require considerable effort. We propose a pre-retrieval framework named Pseudo-Graph Retrieval-Augmented Generation (PG-RAG), which conceptualizes LLMs as students by providing them with abundant raw reading materials and encouraging them to engage in autonomous reading to record factual information in their own words. The resulting concise, well-organized mental indices are interconnected through common topics or complementary facts to form a pseudo-graph database. During the retrieval phase, PG-RAG mimics the human behavior in flipping through notes, identifying fact paths and subsequently exploring the related contexts. Adhering to the principle of the path taken by many is the best, it integrates highly corroborated fact paths to provide a structured and refined sub-graph assisting LLMs. We validated PG-RAG on three specialized question-answering datasets. In single-document tasks, PG-RAG significantly outperformed the current best baseline, KGP-LLaMA, across all key evaluation metrics, with an average overall performance improvement of 11.6%. Specifically, its BLEU score increased by approximately 14.3%, and the QE-F1 metric improved by 23.7%. In multi-document scenarios, the average metrics of PG-RAG were at least 2.35% higher than the best baseline. Notably, the BLEU score and QE-F1 metric showed stable improvements of around 7.55% and 12.75%, respectively. Our code:


new Exploring the LLM Journey from Cognition to Expression with Linear Representations

Authors: Yuzi Yan, Jialian Li, Yipin Zhang, Dong Yan

Abstract: This paper presents an in-depth examination of the evolution and interplay of cognitive and expressive capabilities in large language models (LLMs), with a specific focus on Baichuan-7B and Baichuan-33B, an advanced bilingual (Chinese and English) LLM series. We define and explore the model's cognitive and expressive capabilities through linear representations across three critical phases: Pretraining, Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT), and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). Cognitive capability is defined as the quantity and quality of information conveyed by the neuron output vectors within the network, similar to the neural signal processing in human cognition. Expressive capability is defined as the model's capability to produce word-level output. Our findings unveil a sequential development pattern, where cognitive abilities are largely established during Pretraining, whereas expressive abilities predominantly advance during SFT and RLHF. Statistical analyses confirm a significant correlation between the two capabilities, suggesting that cognitive capacity may limit expressive potential. The paper also explores the theoretical underpinnings of these divergent developmental trajectories and their connection to the LLMs' architectural design. Moreover, we evaluate various optimization-independent strategies, such as few-shot learning and repeated sampling, which bridge the gap between cognitive and expressive capabilities. This research reveals the potential connection between the hidden space and the output space, contributing valuable insights into the interpretability and controllability of their training processes.

new The Multi-Range Theory of Translation Quality Measurement: MQM scoring models and Statistical Quality Control

Authors: Arle Lommel, Serge Gladkoff, Alan Melby, Sue Ellen Wright, Ingemar Strandvik, Katerina Gasova, Angelika Vaasa, Andy Benzo, Romina Marazzato Sparano, Monica Faresi, Johani Innis, Lifeng Han, Goran Nenadic

Abstract: The year 2024 marks the 10th anniversary of the Multidimensional Quality Metrics (MQM) framework for analytic translation quality evaluation. The MQM error typology has been widely used by practitioners in the translation and localization industry and has served as the basis for many derivative projects. The annual Conference on Machine Translation (WMT) shared tasks on both human and automatic translation quality evaluations used the MQM error typology. The metric stands on two pillars: error typology and the scoring model. The scoring model calculates the quality score from annotation data, detailing how to convert error type and severity counts into numeric scores to determine if the content meets specifications. Previously, only the raw scoring model had been published. This April, the MQM Council published the Linear Calibrated Scoring Model, officially presented herein, along with the Non-Linear Scoring Model, which had not been published before. This paper details the latest MQM developments and presents a universal approach to translation quality measurement across three sample size ranges. It also explains why Statistical Quality Control should be used for very small sample sizes, starting from a single sentence.

new BWArea Model: Learning World Model, Inverse Dynamics, and Policy for Controllable Language Generation

Authors: Chengxing Jia, Pengyuan Wang, Ziniu Li, Yi-Chen Li, Zhilong Zhang, Nan Tang, Yang Yu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have catalyzed a paradigm shift in natural language processing, yet their limited controllability poses a significant challenge for downstream applications. We aim to address this by drawing inspiration from the neural mechanisms of the human brain, specifically Broca's and Wernicke's areas, which are crucial for language generation and comprehension, respectively. In particular, Broca's area receives cognitive decision signals from Wernicke's area, treating the language generation as an intricate decision-making process, which differs from the fully auto-regressive language generation of existing LLMs. In a similar vein, our proposed system, the BWArea model, conceptualizes language generation as a decision-making task. This model has three components: a language world model, an inverse dynamics model, and a cognitive policy. Like Wernicke's area, the inverse dynamics model is designed to deduce the underlying cognitive intentions, or latent actions, behind each token. The BWArea model is amenable to both pre-training and fine-tuning like existing LLMs. With 30B clean pre-training tokens, we have trained a BWArea model, which achieves competitive performance with LLMs of equal size (1B parameters). Unlike fully auto-regressive LLMs, its pre-training performance does not degenerate if dirty data unintentionally appears. This shows the advantage of a decomposed structure of BWArea model in reducing efforts in laborious data selection and labeling. Finally, we reveal that the BWArea model offers enhanced controllability via fine-tuning the cognitive policy with downstream reward metrics, thereby facilitating alignment with greater simplicity. On 9 out of 10 tasks from two suites, TextWorld and BigBench Hard, our method shows superior performance to auto-regressive LLMs.

new SelfCP: Compressing Long Prompt to 1/12 Using the Frozen Large Language Model Itself

Authors: Jun Gao

Abstract: Long prompt leads to huge hardware costs when using Large Language Models (LLMs). Unfortunately, many tasks, such as summarization, inevitably introduce long task-inputs, and the wide application of in-context learning easily makes the prompt length explode. Inspired by the language understanding ability of LLMs, this paper proposes SelfCP, which uses the LLM \textbf{itself} to \textbf{C}ompress long \textbf{P}rompt into compact virtual tokens. SelfCP applies a general frozen LLM twice, first as an encoder to compress the prompt and then as a decoder to generate responses. Specifically, given a long prompt, we place special tokens within the lengthy segment for compression and signal the LLM to generate $k$ virtual tokens. Afterward, the virtual tokens concatenate with the uncompressed prompt and are fed into the same LLM to generate the response. In general, SelfCP facilitates the unconditional and conditional compression of prompts, fitting both standard tasks and those with specific objectives. Since the encoder and decoder are frozen, SelfCP only contains 17M trainable parameters and allows for convenient adaptation across various backbones. We implement SelfCP with two LLM backbones and evaluate it in both in- and out-domain tasks. Results show that the compressed virtual tokens can substitute $12 \times$ larger original prompts effectively

new ReflectionCoder: Learning from Reflection Sequence for Enhanced One-off Code Generation

Authors: Houxing Ren, Mingjie Zhan, Zhongyuan Wu, Aojun Zhou, Junting Pan, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: Code generation plays a crucial role in various tasks, such as code auto-completion and mathematical reasoning. Previous work has proposed numerous methods to enhance code generation performance, including integrating feedback from the compiler. Inspired by this, we present ReflectionCoder, a novel approach that effectively leverages reflection sequences constructed by integrating compiler feedback to improve one-off code generation performance. Furthermore, we propose reflection self-distillation and dynamically masked distillation to effectively utilize these reflection sequences. Extensive experiments on three benchmarks, i.e., HumanEval (+), MBPP (+), and MultiPl-E, demonstrate that models fine-tuned with our method achieve state-of-the-art performance. Notably, ReflectionCoder-DeepSeek-Coder-33B reaches pass@1 of 82.9 (76.8) on HumanEval (+) and 84.1 (72.0) on MBPP (+), on par with GPT-3.5-Turbo and Claude-3-opus, and surpasses early GPT-4. Beyond the code domain, we believe this approach can benefit other domains that focus on final results and require long reasoning paths. Code and data are available at


new Unifying Demonstration Selection and Compression for In-Context Learning

Authors: Jun Gao

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) facilitates large language models (LLMs) exhibiting spectacular emergent capabilities in various scenarios. Unfortunately, introducing demonstrations easily makes the prompt length explode, bringing a significant burden to hardware. In addition, random demonstrations usually achieve limited improvements in ICL, necessitating demonstration selection among accessible candidates. Previous studies introduce extra modules to perform demonstration compression or selection independently. In this paper, we propose an ICL framework UniICL, which Unifies demonstration selection and compression, and final response generation via a single frozen LLM. Specifically, UniICL first projects actual demonstrations and inference text inputs into short virtual tokens, respectively. Then, virtual tokens are applied to select suitable demonstrations by measuring semantic similarity within latent space among candidate demonstrations and inference input. Finally, inference text inputs together with selected virtual demonstrations are fed into the same frozen LLM for response generation. Notably, UniICL is a parameter-efficient framework that only contains 17M trainable parameters originating from the projection layer. We conduct experiments and analysis over in- and out-domain datasets of both generative and understanding tasks, encompassing ICL scenarios with plentiful and limited demonstration candidates. Results show that UniICL effectively unifies $12 \times$ compression, demonstration selection, and response generation, efficiently scaling up the baseline from 4-shot to 64-shot ICL in IMDb with 24 GB CUDA allocation

new Tokenization Matters! Degrading Large Language Models through Challenging Their Tokenization

Authors: Dixuan Wang, Yanda Li, Junyuan Jiang, Zepeng Ding, Guochao Jiang, Jiaqing Liang, Deqing Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in language understanding and generation. Nonetheless, it was also witnessed that LLMs tend to produce inaccurate responses to specific queries. This deficiency can be traced to the tokenization step LLMs must undergo, which is an inevitable limitation inherent to all LLMs. In fact, incorrect tokenization is the critical point that hinders LLMs in understanding the input precisely, thus leading to unsatisfactory output. To demonstrate this flaw of LLMs, we construct an adversarial dataset, named as $\textbf{ADT (Adversarial Dataset for Tokenizer)}$, which draws upon the vocabularies of various open-source LLMs to challenge LLMs' tokenization. ADT consists of two subsets: the manually constructed ADT-Human and the automatically generated ADT-Auto. Our empirical results reveal that our ADT is highly effective on challenging the tokenization of leading LLMs, including GPT-4o, Llama-3, Qwen2.5-max and so on, thus degrading these LLMs' capabilities. Moreover, our method of automatic data generation has been proven efficient and robust, which can be applied to any open-source LLMs. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to investigating LLMs' vulnerability in terms of challenging their token segmentation, which will shed light on the subsequent research of improving LLMs' capabilities through optimizing their tokenization process and algorithms.

new Empowering Character-level Text Infilling by Eliminating Sub-Tokens

Authors: Houxing Ren, Mingjie Zhan, Zhongyuan Wu, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: In infilling tasks, sub-tokens, representing instances where a complete token is segmented into two parts, often emerge at the boundaries of prefixes, middles, and suffixes. Traditional methods focused on training models at the token level, leading to sub-optimal performance in character-level infilling tasks during the inference stage. Alternately, some approaches considered character-level infilling, but they relied on predicting sub-tokens in inference, yet this strategy diminished ability in character-level infilling tasks due to the large perplexity of the model on sub-tokens. In this paper, we introduce FIM-SE, which stands for Fill-In-the-Middle with both Starting and Ending character constraints. The proposed method addresses character-level infilling tasks by utilizing a line-level format to avoid predicting any sub-token in inference. In addition, we incorporate two special tokens to signify the rest of the incomplete lines, thereby enhancing generation guidance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed approach surpasses previous methods, offering a significant advantage. Code is available at


new Mixtures of Unsupervised Lexicon Classification

Authors: Peratham Wiriyathammabhum

Abstract: This paper presents a mixture version of the method-of-moment unsupervised lexicon classification by an incorporation of a Dirichlet process.

new TEII: Think, Explain, Interact and Iterate with Large Language Models to Solve Cross-lingual Emotion Detection

Authors: Long Cheng, Qihao Shao, Christine Zhao, Sheng Bi, Gina-Anne Levow

Abstract: Cross-lingual emotion detection allows us to analyze global trends, public opinion, and social phenomena at scale. We participated in the Explainability of Cross-lingual Emotion Detection (EXALT) shared task, achieving an F1-score of 0.6046 on the evaluation set for the emotion detection sub-task. Our system outperformed the baseline by more than 0.16 F1-score absolute, and ranked second amongst competing systems. We conducted experiments using fine-tuning, zero-shot learning, and few-shot learning for Large Language Model (LLM)-based models as well as embedding-based BiLSTM and KNN for non-LLM-based techniques. Additionally, we introduced two novel methods: the Multi-Iteration Agentic Workflow and the Multi-Binary-Classifier Agentic Workflow. We found that LLM-based approaches provided good performance on multilingual emotion detection. Furthermore, ensembles combining all our experimented models yielded higher F1-scores than any single approach alone.

new Stop! In the Name of Flaws: Disentangling Personal Names and Sociodemographic Attributes in NLP

Authors: Vagrant Gautam, Arjun Subramonian, Anne Lauscher, Os Keyes

Abstract: Personal names simultaneously differentiate individuals and categorize them in ways that are important in a given society. While the natural language processing community has thus associated personal names with sociodemographic characteristics in a variety of tasks, researchers have engaged to varying degrees with the established methodological problems in doing so. To guide future work, we present an interdisciplinary background on names and naming. We then survey the issues inherent to associating names with sociodemographic attributes, covering problems of validity (e.g., systematic error, construct validity), as well as ethical concerns (e.g., harms, differential impact, cultural insensitivity). Finally, we provide guiding questions along with normative recommendations to avoid validity and ethical pitfalls when dealing with names and sociodemographic characteristics in natural language processing.

new Efficient multi-prompt evaluation of LLMs

Authors: Felipe Maia Polo, Ronald Xu, Lucas Weber, M\'irian Silva, Onkar Bhardwaj, Leshem Choshen, Allysson Flavio Melo de Oliveira, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: Most popular benchmarks for comparing LLMs rely on a limited set of prompt templates, which may not fully capture the LLMs' abilities and can affect the reproducibility of results on leaderboards. Many recent works empirically verify prompt sensitivity and advocate for changes in LLM evaluation. In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the performance distribution across many prompt variants instead of finding a single prompt to evaluate with. We introduce PromptEval, a method for estimating performance across a large set of prompts borrowing strength across prompts and examples to produce accurate estimates under practical evaluation budgets. The resulting distribution can be used to obtain performance quantiles to construct various robust performance metrics (e.g., top 95% quantile or median). We prove that PromptEval consistently estimates the performance distribution and demonstrate its efficacy empirically on three prominent LLM benchmarks: MMLU, BIG-bench Hard, and LMentry. For example, PromptEval can accurately estimate performance quantiles across 100 prompt templates on MMLU with a budget equivalent to two single-prompt evaluations. Our code and data can be found at


new RLAIF-V: Aligning MLLMs through Open-Source AI Feedback for Super GPT-4V Trustworthiness

Authors: Tianyu Yu, Haoye Zhang, Yuan Yao, Yunkai Dang, Da Chen, Xiaoman Lu, Ganqu Cui, Taiwen He, Zhiyuan Liu, Tat-Seng Chua, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Learning from feedback reduces the hallucination of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) by aligning them with human preferences. While traditional methods rely on labor-intensive and time-consuming manual labeling, recent approaches employing models as automatic labelers have shown promising results without human intervention. However, these methods heavily rely on costly proprietary models like GPT-4V, resulting in scalability issues. Moreover, this paradigm essentially distills the proprietary models to provide a temporary solution to quickly bridge the performance gap. As this gap continues to shrink, the community is soon facing the essential challenge of aligning MLLMs using labeler models of comparable capability. In this work, we introduce RLAIF-V, a novel framework that aligns MLLMs in a fully open-source paradigm for super GPT-4V trustworthiness. RLAIF-V maximally exploits the open-source feedback from two perspectives, including high-quality feedback data and online feedback learning algorithm. Extensive experiments on seven benchmarks in both automatic and human evaluation show that RLAIF-V substantially enhances the trustworthiness of models without sacrificing performance on other tasks. Using a 34B model as labeler, RLAIF-V 7B model reduces object hallucination by 82.9\% and overall hallucination by 42.1\%, outperforming the labeler model. Remarkably, RLAIF-V also reveals the self-alignment potential of open-source MLLMs, where a 12B model can learn from the feedback of itself to achieve less than 29.5\% overall hallucination rate, surpassing GPT-4V (45.9\%) by a large margin. The results shed light on a promising route to enhance the efficacy of leading-edge MLLMs.

new Assessing LLMs Suitability for Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Vasile Ionut Remus Iga, Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi

Abstract: Recent work shown the capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to solve tasks related to Knowledge Graphs, such as Knowledge Graph Completion, even in Zero- or Few-Shot paradigms. However, they are known to hallucinate answers, or output results in a non-deterministic manner, thus leading to wrongly reasoned responses, even if they satisfy the user's demands. To highlight opportunities and challenges in knowledge graphs-related tasks, we experiment with two distinguished LLMs, namely Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1, and gpt-3.5-turbo-0125, on Knowledge Graph Completion for static knowledge graphs, using prompts constructed following the TELeR taxonomy, in Zero- and One-Shot contexts, on a Task-Oriented Dialogue system use case. When evaluated using both strict and flexible metrics measurement manners, our results show that LLMs could be fit for such a task if prompts encapsulate sufficient information and relevant examples.

new On the Noise Robustness of In-Context Learning for Text Generation

Authors: Hongfu Gao, Feipeng Zhang, Wenyu Jiang, Jun Shu, Feng Zheng, Hongxin Wei

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance on downstream tasks by in-context learning (ICL), which heavily relies on the quality of demonstrations selected from a large set of annotated examples. Recent works claim that in-context learning is robust to noisy demonstrations in text classification. In this work, we show that, on text generation tasks, noisy annotations significantly hurt the performance of in-context learning. To circumvent the issue, we propose a simple and effective approach called Local Perplexity Ranking (LPR), which replaces the "noisy" candidates with their nearest neighbors that are more likely to be clean. Our method is motivated by analyzing the perplexity deviation caused by noisy labels and decomposing perplexity into inherent perplexity and matching perplexity. Our key idea behind LPR is thus to decouple the matching perplexity by performing the ranking among the neighbors in semantic space. Our approach can prevent the selected demonstrations from including mismatched input-label pairs while preserving the effectiveness of the original selection methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of LPR, improving the EM score by up to 18.75 on common benchmarks with noisy annotations.

new A Library for Automatic Natural Language Generation of Spanish Texts

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Milagros Fern\'andez-Gavilanes, Enrique Costa-Montenegro, Jonathan Juncal-Mart\'inez, F. Javier Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no

Abstract: In this article we present a novel system for natural language generation (NLG) of Spanish sentences from a minimum set of meaningful words (such as nouns, verbs and adjectives) which, unlike other state-of-the-art solutions, performs the NLG task in a fully automatic way, exploiting both knowledge-based and statistical approaches. Relying on its linguistic knowledge of vocabulary and grammar, the system is able to generate complete, coherent and correctly spelled sentences from the main word sets presented by the user. The system, which was designed to be integrable, portable and efficient, can be easily adapted to other languages by design and can feasibly be integrated in a wide range of digital devices. During its development we also created a supplementary lexicon for Spanish, aLexiS, with wide coverage and high precision, as well as syntactic trees from a freely available definite-clause grammar. The resulting NLG library has been evaluated both automatically and manually (annotation). The system can potentially be used in different application domains such as augmentative communication and automatic generation of administrative reports or news.

new An NLP Crosswalk Between the Common Core State Standards and NAEP Item Specifications

Authors: Gregory Camilli

Abstract: Natural language processing (NLP) is rapidly developing for applications in educational assessment. In this paper, I describe an NLP-based procedure that can be used to support subject matter experts in establishing a crosswalk between item specifications and content standards. This paper extends recent work by proposing and demonstrating the use of multivariate similarity based on embedding vectors for sentences or texts. In particular, a hybrid regression procedure is demonstrated for establishing the match of each content standard to multiple item specifications. The procedure is used to evaluate the match of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics at grade 4 to the corresponding item specifications for the 2026 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).

new XFormParser: A Simple and Effective Multimodal Multilingual Semi-structured Form Parser

Authors: Xianfu Cheng, Hang Zhang, Jian Yang, Xiang Li, Weixiao Zhou, Kui Wu, Fei Liu, Wei Zhang, Tao Sun, Tongliang Li, Zhoujun Li

Abstract: In the domain of document AI, semi-structured form parsing plays a crucial role. This task leverages techniques from key information extraction (KIE), dealing with inputs that range from plain text to intricate modal data comprising images and structural layouts. The advent of pre-trained multimodal models has driven the extraction of key information from form documents in different formats such as PDFs and images. Nonetheless, the endeavor of form parsing is still encumbered by notable challenges like subpar capabilities in multi-lingual parsing and diminished recall in contexts rich in text and visuals. In this work, we introduce a simple but effective \textbf{M}ultimodal and \textbf{M}ultilingual semi-structured \textbf{FORM} \textbf{PARSER} (\textbf{XFormParser}), which is anchored on a comprehensive pre-trained language model and innovatively amalgamates semantic entity recognition (SER) and relation extraction (RE) into a unified framework, enhanced by a novel staged warm-up training approach that employs soft labels to significantly refine form parsing accuracy without amplifying inference overhead. Furthermore, we have developed a groundbreaking benchmark dataset, named InDFormBench, catering specifically to the parsing requirements of multilingual forms in various industrial contexts. Through rigorous testing on established multilingual benchmarks and InDFormBench, XFormParser has demonstrated its unparalleled efficacy, notably surpassing the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models in RE tasks within language-specific setups by achieving an F1 score improvement of up to 1.79\%. Our framework exhibits exceptionally improved performance across tasks in both multi-language and zero-shot contexts when compared to existing SOTA benchmarks. The code is publicly available at


new Cost-efficient Knowledge-based Question Answering with Large Language Models

Authors: Junnan Dong, Qinggang Zhang, Chuang Zhou, Hao Chen, Daochen Zha, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Knowledge-based question answering (KBQA) is widely used in many scenarios that necessitate domain knowledge. Large language models (LLMs) bring opportunities to KBQA, while their costs are significantly higher and absence of domain-specific knowledge during pre-training. We are motivated to combine LLMs and prior small models on knowledge graphs (KGMs) for both inferential accuracy and cost saving. However, it remains challenging since accuracy and cost are not readily combined in the optimization as two distinct metrics. It is also laborious for model selection since different models excel in diverse knowledge. To this end, we propose Coke, a novel cost-efficient strategy for KBQA with LLMs, modeled as a tailored multi-armed bandit problem to minimize calls to LLMs within limited budgets. We first formulate the accuracy expectation with a cluster-level Thompson Sampling for either KGMs or LLMs. A context-aware policy is optimized to further distinguish the expert model subject to the question semantics. The overall decision is bounded by the cost regret according to historical expenditure on failures. Extensive experiments showcase the superior performance of Coke, which moves the Pareto frontier with up to 20.89% saving of GPT-4 fees while achieving a 2.74% higher accuracy on the benchmark datasets.

new DoRA: Enhancing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning with Dynamic Rank Distribution

Authors: Yulong Mao, Kaiyu Huang, Changhao Guan, Ganglin Bao, Fengran Mo, Jinan Xu

Abstract: Fine-tuning large-scale pre-trained models is inherently a resource-intensive task. While it can enhance the capabilities of the model, it also incurs substantial computational costs, posing challenges to the practical application of downstream tasks. Existing parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) rely on a bypass framework that ignores the differential parameter budget requirements across weight matrices, which may lead to suboptimal fine-tuning outcomes. To address this issue, we introduce the Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation (DoRA) method. DoRA decomposes high-rank LoRA layers into structured single-rank components, allowing for dynamic pruning of parameter budget based on their importance to specific tasks during training, which makes the most of the limited parameter budget. Experimental results demonstrate that DoRA can achieve competitive performance compared with LoRA and full model fine-tuning, and outperform various strong baselines with the same storage parameter budget. Our code is available at


new A One-Layer Decoder-Only Transformer is a Two-Layer RNN: With an Application to Certified Robustness

Authors: Yuhao Zhang, Aws Albarghouthi, Loris D'Antoni

Abstract: This paper reveals a key insight that a one-layer decoder-only Transformer is equivalent to a two-layer Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Building on this insight, we propose ARC-Tran, a novel approach for verifying the robustness of decoder-only Transformers against arbitrary perturbation spaces. Compared to ARC-Tran, current robustness verification techniques are limited either to specific and length-preserving perturbations like word substitutions or to recursive models like LSTMs. ARC-Tran addresses these limitations by meticulously managing position encoding to prevent mismatches and by utilizing our key insight to achieve precise and scalable verification. Our evaluation shows that ARC-Tran (1) trains models more robust to arbitrary perturbation spaces than those produced by existing techniques and (2) shows high certification accuracy of the resulting models.

new Federating Dynamic Models using Early-Exit Architectures for Automatic Speech Recognition on Heterogeneous Clients

Authors: Mohamed Nabih Ali, Alessio Brutti, Daniele Falavigna

Abstract: Automatic speech recognition models require large amounts of speech recordings for training. However, the collection of such data often is cumbersome and leads to privacy concerns. Federated learning has been widely used as an effective decentralized technique that collaboratively learns a shared prediction model while keeping the data local on different clients. Unfortunately, client devices often feature limited computation and communication resources leading to practical difficulties for large models. In addition, the heterogeneity that characterizes edge devices makes it sub-optimal to generate a single model that fits all of them. Differently from the recent literature, where multiple models with different architectures are used, in this work, we propose using dynamical architectures which, employing early-exit solutions, can adapt their processing (i.e. traversed layers) depending on the input and on the operation conditions. This solution falls in the realm of partial training methods and brings two benefits: a single model is used on a variety of devices; federating the models after local training is straightforward. Experiments on public datasets show that our proposed approach is effective and can be combined with basic federated learning strategies.

new Various Lengths, Constant Speed: Efficient Language Modeling with Lightning Attention

Authors: Zhen Qin, Weigao Sun, Dong Li, Xuyang Shen, Weixuan Sun, Yiran Zhong

Abstract: We present Lightning Attention, the first linear attention implementation that maintains a constant training speed for various sequence lengths under fixed memory consumption. Due to the issue with cumulative summation operations (cumsum), previous linear attention implementations cannot achieve their theoretical advantage in a casual setting. However, this issue can be effectively solved by utilizing different attention calculation strategies to compute the different parts of attention. Specifically, we split the attention calculation into intra-blocks and inter-blocks and use conventional attention computation for intra-blocks and linear attention kernel tricks for inter-blocks. This eliminates the need for cumsum in the linear attention calculation. Furthermore, a tiling technique is adopted through both forward and backward procedures to take full advantage of the GPU hardware. To enhance accuracy while preserving efficacy, we introduce TransNormerLLM (TNL), a new architecture that is tailored to our lightning attention. We conduct rigorous testing on standard and self-collected datasets with varying model sizes and sequence lengths. TNL is notably more efficient than other language models. In addition, benchmark results indicate that TNL performs on par with state-of-the-art LLMs utilizing conventional transformer structures. The source code is released at

new Unlocking the Secrets of Linear Complexity Sequence Model from A Unified Perspective

Authors: Zhen Qin, Xuyang Shen, Weigao Sun, Dong Li, Stan Birchfield, Richard Hartley, Yiran Zhong

Abstract: We present the Linear Complexity Sequence Model (LCSM), a comprehensive solution that unites various sequence modeling techniques with linear complexity, including linear attention, state space model, long convolution, and linear RNN, within a single framework. The goal is to enhance comprehension of these models by analyzing the impact of each component from a cohesive and streamlined viewpoint. Specifically, we segment the modeling processes of these models into three distinct stages: Expand, Oscillation, and Shrink (EOS), with each model having its own specific settings. The Expand stage involves projecting the input signal onto a high-dimensional memory state. This is followed by recursive operations performed on the memory state in the Oscillation stage. Finally, the memory state is projected back to a low-dimensional space in the Shrink stage. We perform comprehensive experiments to analyze the impact of different stage settings on language modeling and retrieval tasks. Our results show that data-driven methods are crucial for the effectiveness of the three stages in language modeling, whereas hand-crafted methods yield better performance in retrieval tasks.

new MindMerger: Efficient Boosting LLM Reasoning in non-English Languages

Authors: Zixian Huang, Wenhao Zhu, Gong Cheng, Lei Li, Fei Yuan

Abstract: Reasoning capabilities are crucial for Large Language Models (LLMs), yet a notable gap exists between English and non-English languages. To bridge this disparity, some works fine-tune LLMs to relearn reasoning capabilities in non-English languages, while others replace non-English inputs with an external model's outputs such as English translation text to circumvent the challenge of LLM understanding non-English. Unfortunately, these methods often underutilize the built-in skilled reasoning and useful language understanding capabilities of LLMs. In order to better utilize the minds of reasoning and language understanding in LLMs, we propose a new method, namely MindMerger, which merges LLMs with the external language understanding capabilities from multilingual models to boost the multilingual reasoning performance. Furthermore, a two-step training scheme is introduced to first train to embeded the external capabilities into LLMs and then train the collaborative utilization of the external capabilities and the built-in capabilities in LLMs. Experiments on three multilingual reasoning datasets and a language understanding dataset demonstrate that MindMerger consistently outperforms all baselines, especially in low-resource languages. Without updating the parameters of LLMs, the average accuracy improved by 6.7% and 8.0% across all languages and low-resource languages on the MGSM dataset, respectively.

new The Expressive Capacity of State Space Models: A Formal Language Perspective

Authors: Yash Sarrof, Yana Veitsman, Michael Hahn

Abstract: Recently, recurrent models based on linear state space models (SSMs) have shown promising performance in language modeling (LM), competititve with transformers. However, there is little understanding of the in-principle abilities of such models, which could provide useful guidance to the search for better LM architectures. We present a comprehensive theoretical study of the capacity of such SSMs as it compares to that of transformers and traditional RNNs. We find that SSMs and transformers have overlapping but distinct strengths. In star-free state tracking, SSMs implement straightforward and exact solutions to problems that transformers struggle to represent exactly. They can also model bounded hierarchical structure with optimal memory even without simulating a stack. On the other hand, we identify a design choice in current SSMs that limits their expressive power. We discuss implications for SSM and LM research, and verify results empirically on a recent SSM, Mamba.

new THREAD: Thinking Deeper with Recursive Spawning

Authors: Philip Schroeder, Nathaniel Morgan, Hongyin Luo, James Glass

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities across diverse settings, but still struggle as the length and complexity of the context increases. To address this challenge, we propose Thinking Recursively and Dynamically (ThReaD). THREAD frames model generation as a thread of execution that, based on the context, can run to completion or dynamically spawn new threads. By spawning, threads can offload work (e.g., thinking, retrieving information) to child threads, which only return tokens needed for the parent thread to do its work. In effect, this enables the model to adapt, as needed, the amount of intermediate work used to produce tokens. We apply THREAD in the settings of LLM task solving and question answering, where the dynamic threading allows the model to recursively decompose the given task or question into progressively simpler sub-problems that can be solved by separate child threads. We test THREAD, implemented using a few-shot learning approach, on diverse benchmarks for agent tasks and data-grounded question answering. THREAD achieves state-of-the-art performance with GPT-4 and GPT-3.5 on these benchmarks, including ALFWorld, TextCraft, and WebShop, along with two new benchmarks, DataCommons QA and MIMIC-III ICU QA. In addition, THREAD outperforms existing frameworks by 10% to 50% absolute points with smaller models, including Llama-3-8b and CodeLlama-7b.

new NV-Embed: Improved Techniques for Training LLMs as Generalist Embedding Models

Authors: Chankyu Lee, Rajarshi Roy, Mengyao Xu, Jonathan Raiman, Mohammad Shoeybi, Bryan Catanzaro, Wei Ping

Abstract: Decoder-only large language model (LLM)-based embedding models are beginning to outperform BERT or T5-based embedding models in general-purpose text embedding tasks, including dense vector-based retrieval. In this work, we introduce the NV-Embed model with a variety of architectural designs and training procedures to significantly enhance the performance of LLM as a versatile embedding model, while maintaining its simplicity and reproducibility. For model architecture, we propose a latent attention layer to obtain pooled embeddings, which consistently improves retrieval and downstream task accuracy compared to mean pooling or using the last token embedding from LLMs. To enhance representation learning, we remove the causal attention mask of LLMs during contrastive training. For model training, we introduce a two-stage contrastive instruction-tuning method. It first applies contrastive training with instructions on retrieval datasets, utilizing in-batch negatives and curated hard negative examples. At stage-2, it blends various non-retrieval datasets into instruction tuning, which not only enhances non-retrieval task accuracy but also improves retrieval performance. Combining these techniques, our NV-Embed model, using only publicly available data, has achieved a record-high score of 69.32, ranking No. 1 on the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB) (as of May 24, 2024), with 56 tasks, encompassing retrieval, reranking, classification, clustering, and semantic textual similarity tasks. Notably, our model also attains the highest score of 59.36 on 15 retrieval tasks in the MTEB benchmark (also known as BEIR). We will open-source the model at:


cross CLARINET: Augmenting Language Models to Ask Clarification Questions for Retrieval

Authors: Yizhou Chi, Jessy Lin, Kevin Lin, Dan Klein

Abstract: Users often make ambiguous requests that require clarification. We study the problem of asking clarification questions in an information retrieval setting, where systems often face ambiguous search queries and it is challenging to turn the uncertainty in the retrieval model into a natural language question. We present CLARINET, a system that asks informative clarification questions by choosing questions whose answers would maximize certainty in the correct candidate. Our approach works by augmenting a large language model (LLM) to condition on a retrieval distribution, finetuning end-to-end to generate the question that would have maximized the rank of the true candidate at each turn. When evaluated on a real-world retrieval dataset of users searching for books, our system outperforms traditional heuristics such as information gain on retrieval success by 17% and vanilla-prompted LLMs by 39% relative.

cross Extracting chemical food safety hazards from the scientific literature automatically using large language models

Authors: Neris \"Ozen, Wenjuan Mu, Esther D. van Asselt, Leonieke M. van den Bulk

Abstract: The number of scientific articles published in the domain of food safety has consistently been increasing over the last few decades. It has therefore become unfeasible for food safety experts to read all relevant literature related to food safety and the occurrence of hazards in the food chain. However, it is important that food safety experts are aware of the newest findings and can access this information in an easy and concise way. In this study, an approach is presented to automate the extraction of chemical hazards from the scientific literature through large language models. The large language model was used out-of-the-box and applied on scientific abstracts; no extra training of the models or a large computing cluster was required. Three different styles of prompting the model were tested to assess which was the most optimal for the task at hand. The prompts were optimized with two validation foods (leafy greens and shellfish) and the final performance of the best prompt was evaluated using three test foods (dairy, maize and salmon). The specific wording of the prompt was found to have a considerable effect on the results. A prompt breaking the task down into smaller steps performed best overall. This prompt reached an average accuracy of 93% and contained many chemical contaminants already included in food monitoring programs, validating the successful retrieval of relevant hazards for the food safety domain. The results showcase how valuable large language models can be for the task of automatic information extraction from the scientific literature.

cross SWE-agent: Agent-Computer Interfaces Enable Automated Software Engineering

Authors: John Yang, Carlos E. Jimenez, Alexander Wettig, Kilian Lieret, Shunyu Yao, Karthik Narasimhan, Ofir Press

Abstract: Software engineering is a challenging task requiring proficiency in both code generation and interacting with computers. In this paper, we introduce SWE-agent, an autonomous system that uses a language model to interact with a computer to solve software engineering tasks. We show that a custom-built agent-computer interface (ACI) greatly enhances the ability of an agent to create and edit code files, navigate entire repositories and execute programs. On SWE-bench, SWE-agent is able to solve 12.5% of issues, compared to the previous best of 3.8% achieved with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). We explore how ACI design impacts an agent's behavior and performance, and provide insights on effective design.

cross Basis Selection: Low-Rank Decomposition of Pretrained Large Language Models for Target Applications

Authors: Yang Li, Changsheng Zhao, Hyungtak Lee, Ernie Chang, Yangyang Shi, Vikas Chandra

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) significantly enhance the performance of various applications, but they are computationally intensive and energy-demanding. This makes it challenging to deploy them on devices with limited resources, such as personal computers and mobile/wearable devices, and results in substantial inference costs in resource-rich environments like cloud servers. To extend the use of LLMs, we introduce a low-rank decomposition approach to effectively compress these models, tailored to the requirements of specific applications. We observe that LLMs pretrained on general datasets contain many redundant components not needed for particular applications. Our method focuses on identifying and removing these redundant parts, retaining only the necessary elements for the target applications. Specifically, we represent the weight matrices of LLMs as a linear combination of base components. We then prune the irrelevant bases and enhance the model with new bases beneficial for specific applications. Deep compression results on the Llama 2-7b and -13B models, conducted on target applications including mathematical reasoning and code generation, show that our method significantly reduces model size while maintaining comparable accuracy to state-of-the-art low-rank compression techniques.

cross Hacc-Man: An Arcade Game for Jailbreaking LLMs

Authors: Matheus Valentim, Jeanette Falk, Nanna Inie

Abstract: The recent leaps in complexity and fluency of Large Language Models (LLMs) mean that, for the first time in human history, people can interact with computers using natural language alone. This creates monumental possibilities of automation and accessibility of computing, but also raises severe security and safety threats: When everyone can interact with LLMs, everyone can potentially break into the systems running LLMs. All it takes is creative use of language. This paper presents Hacc-Man, a game which challenges its players to "jailbreak" an LLM: subvert the LLM to output something that it is not intended to. Jailbreaking is at the intersection between creative problem solving and LLM security. The purpose of the game is threefold: 1. To heighten awareness of the risks of deploying fragile LLMs in everyday systems, 2. To heighten people's self-efficacy in interacting with LLMs, and 3. To discover the creative problem solving strategies, people deploy in this novel context.

cross Transformers represent belief state geometry in their residual stream

Authors: Adam S. Shai, Sarah E. Marzen, Lucas Teixeira, Alexander Gietelink Oldenziel, Paul M. Riechers

Abstract: What computational structure are we building into large language models when we train them on next-token prediction? Here, we present evidence that this structure is given by the meta-dynamics of belief updating over hidden states of the data-generating process. Leveraging the theory of optimal prediction, we anticipate and then find that belief states are linearly represented in the residual stream of transformers, even in cases where the predicted belief state geometry has highly nontrivial fractal structure. We investigate cases where the belief state geometry is represented in the final residual stream or distributed across the residual streams of multiple layers, providing a framework to explain these observations. Furthermore we demonstrate that the inferred belief states contain information about the entire future, beyond the local next-token prediction that the transformers are explicitly trained on. Our work provides a framework connecting the structure of training data to the computational structure and representations that transformers use to carry out their behavior.

cross Enhancing Visual-Language Modality Alignment in Large Vision Language Models via Self-Improvement

Authors: Xiyao Wang, Jiuhai Chen, Zhaoyang Wang, Yuhang Zhou, Yiyang Zhou, Huaxiu Yao, Tianyi Zhou, Tom Goldstein, Parminder Bhatia, Furong Huang, Cao Xiao

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have achieved impressive results in various visual question-answering and reasoning tasks through vision instruction tuning on specific datasets. However, there is still significant room for improvement in the alignment between visual and language modalities. Previous methods to enhance this alignment typically require external models or data, heavily depending on their capabilities and quality, which inevitably sets an upper bound on performance. In this paper, we propose SIMA, a framework that enhances visual and language modality alignment through self-improvement, eliminating the needs for external models or data. SIMA leverages prompts from existing vision instruction tuning datasets to self-generate responses and employs an in-context self-critic mechanism to select response pairs for preference tuning. The key innovation is the introduction of three vision metrics during the in-context self-critic process, which can guide the LVLM in selecting responses that enhance image comprehension. Through experiments across 14 hallucination and comprehensive benchmarks, we demonstrate that SIMA not only improves model performance across all benchmarks but also achieves superior modality alignment, outperforming previous approaches.

cross Theoretical Analysis of Weak-to-Strong Generalization

Authors: Hunter Lang, David Sontag, Aravindan Vijayaraghavan

Abstract: Strong student models can learn from weaker teachers: when trained on the predictions of a weaker model, a strong pretrained student can learn to correct the weak model's errors and generalize to examples where the teacher is not confident, even when these examples are excluded from training. This enables learning from cheap, incomplete, and possibly incorrect label information, such as coarse logical rules or the generations of a language model. We show that existing weak supervision theory fails to account for both of these effects, which we call pseudolabel correction and coverage expansion, respectively. We give a new bound based on expansion properties of the data distribution and student hypothesis class that directly accounts for pseudolabel correction and coverage expansion. Our bounds capture the intuition that weak-to-strong generalization occurs when the strong model is unable to fit the mistakes of the weak teacher without incurring additional error. We show that these expansion properties can be checked from finite data and give empirical evidence that they hold in practice.

cross Prompt Optimization with EASE? Efficient Ordering-aware Automated Selection of Exemplars

Authors: Zhaoxuan Wu, Xiaoqiang Lin, Zhongxiang Dai, Wenyang Hu, Yao Shu, See-Kiong Ng, Patrick Jaillet, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in real-world applications. The capability of in-context learning (ICL) allows us to adapt an LLM to downstream tasks by including input-label exemplars in the prompt without model fine-tuning. However, the quality of these exemplars in the prompt greatly impacts performance, highlighting the need for an effective automated exemplar selection method. Recent studies have explored retrieval-based approaches to select exemplars tailored to individual test queries, which can be undesirable due to extra test-time computation and an increased risk of data exposure. Moreover, existing methods fail to adequately account for the impact of exemplar ordering on the performance. On the other hand, the impact of the instruction, another essential component in the prompt given to the LLM, is often overlooked in existing exemplar selection methods. To address these challenges, we propose a novel method named EASE, which leverages the hidden embedding from a pre-trained language model to represent ordered sets of exemplars and uses a neural bandit algorithm to optimize the sets of exemplars while accounting for exemplar ordering. Our EASE can efficiently find an ordered set of exemplars that performs well for all test queries from a given task, thereby eliminating test-time computation. Importantly, EASE can be readily extended to jointly optimize both the exemplars and the instruction. Through extensive empirical evaluations (including novel tasks), we demonstrate the superiority of EASE over existing methods, and reveal practical insights about the impact of exemplar selection on ICL, which may be of independent interest. Our code is available at


cross How Well Do Deep Learning Models Capture Human Concepts? The Case of the Typicality Effect

Authors: Siddhartha K. Vemuri, Raj Sanjay Shah, Sashank Varma

Abstract: How well do representations learned by ML models align with those of humans? Here, we consider concept representations learned by deep learning models and evaluate whether they show a fundamental behavioral signature of human concepts, the typicality effect. This is the finding that people judge some instances (e.g., robin) of a category (e.g., Bird) to be more typical than others (e.g., penguin). Recent research looking for human-like typicality effects in language and vision models has focused on models of a single modality, tested only a small number of concepts, and found only modest correlations with human typicality ratings. The current study expands this behavioral evaluation of models by considering a broader range of language (N = 8) and vision (N = 10) model architectures. It also evaluates whether the combined typicality predictions of vision + language model pairs, as well as a multimodal CLIP-based model, are better aligned with human typicality judgments than those of models of either modality alone. Finally, it evaluates the models across a broader range of concepts (N = 27) than prior studies. There were three important findings. First, language models better align with human typicality judgments than vision models. Second, combined language and vision models (e.g., AlexNet + MiniLM) better predict the human typicality data than the best-performing language model (i.e., MiniLM) or vision model (i.e., ViT-Huge) alone. Third, multimodal models (i.e., CLIP ViT) show promise for explaining human typicality judgments. These results advance the state-of-the-art in aligning the conceptual representations of ML models and humans. A methodological contribution is the creation of a new image set for testing the conceptual alignment of vision models.

cross C3LLM: Conditional Multimodal Content Generation Using Large Language Models

Authors: Zixuan Wang, Qinkai Duan, Yu-Wing Tai, Chi-Keung Tang

Abstract: We introduce C3LLM (Conditioned-on-Three-Modalities Large Language Models), a novel framework combining three tasks of video-to-audio, audio-to-text, and text-to-audio together. C3LLM adapts the Large Language Model (LLM) structure as a bridge for aligning different modalities, synthesizing the given conditional information, and making multimodal generation in a discrete manner. Our contributions are as follows. First, we adapt a hierarchical structure for audio generation tasks with pre-trained audio codebooks. Specifically, we train the LLM to generate audio semantic tokens from the given conditions, and further use a non-autoregressive transformer to generate different levels of acoustic tokens in layers to better enhance the fidelity of the generated audio. Second, based on the intuition that LLMs were originally designed for discrete tasks with the next-word prediction method, we use the discrete representation for audio generation and compress their semantic meanings into acoustic tokens, similar to adding "acoustic vocabulary" to LLM. Third, our method combines the previous tasks of audio understanding, video-to-audio generation, and text-to-audio generation together into one unified model, providing more versatility in an end-to-end fashion. Our C3LLM achieves improved results through various automated evaluation metrics, providing better semantic alignment compared to previous methods.

cross GeneAgent: Self-verification Language Agent for Gene Set Knowledge Discovery using Domain Databases

Authors: Zhizheng Wang, Qiao Jin, Chih-Hsuan Wei, Shubo Tian, Po-Ting Lai, Qingqing Zhu, Chi-Ping Day, Christina Ross, Zhiyong Lu

Abstract: Gene set knowledge discovery is essential for advancing human functional genomics. Recent studies have shown promising performance by harnessing the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) on this task. Nonetheless, their results are subject to several limitations common in LLMs such as hallucinations. In response, we present GeneAgent, a first-of-its-kind language agent featuring self-verification capability. It autonomously interacts with various biological databases and leverages relevant domain knowledge to improve accuracy and reduce hallucination occurrences. Benchmarking on 1,106 gene sets from different sources, GeneAgent consistently outperforms standard GPT-4 by a significant margin. Moreover, a detailed manual review confirms the effectiveness of the self-verification module in minimizing hallucinations and generating more reliable analytical narratives. To demonstrate its practical utility, we apply GeneAgent to seven novel gene sets derived from mouse B2905 melanoma cell lines, with expert evaluations showing that GeneAgent offers novel insights into gene functions and subsequently expedites knowledge discovery.

cross AutoManual: Generating Instruction Manuals by LLM Agents via Interactive Environmental Learning

Authors: Minghao Chen, Yihang Li, Yanting Yang, Shiyu Yu, Binbin Lin, Xiaofei He

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) based agents have shown promise in autonomously completing tasks across various domains, e.g., robotics, games, and web navigation. However, these agents typically require elaborate design and expert prompts to solve tasks in specific domains, which limits their adaptability. We introduce AutoManual, a framework enabling LLM agents to autonomously build their understanding through interaction and adapt to new environments. AutoManual categorizes environmental knowledge into diverse rules and optimizes them in an online fashion by two agents: 1) The Planner codes actionable plans based on current rules for interacting with the environment. 2) The Builder updates the rules through a well-structured rule system that facilitates online rule management and essential detail retention. To mitigate hallucinations in managing rules, we introduce \textit{case-conditioned prompting} strategy for the Builder. Finally, the Formulator agent compiles these rules into a comprehensive manual. The self-generated manual can not only improve the adaptability but also guide the planning of smaller LLMs while being human-readable. Given only one simple demonstration, AutoManual significantly improves task success rates, achieving 97.4\% with GPT-4-turbo and 86.2\% with GPT-3.5-turbo on ALFWorld benchmark tasks. The source code will be available soon.

cross SpinQuant -- LLM quantization with learned rotations

Authors: Zechun Liu, Changsheng Zhao, Igor Fedorov, Bilge Soran, Dhruv Choudhary, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Vikas Chandra, Yuandong Tian, Tijmen Blankevoort

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) techniques applied to weights, activations, and the KV cache greatly reduce memory usage, latency, and power consumption of Large Language Models (LLMs), but may lead to large quantization errors when outliers are present. Recent findings suggest that rotating activation or weight matrices helps remove outliers and benefits quantization. In this work, we identify a collection of applicable rotation parameterizations that lead to identical outputs in full-precision Transformer architectures, and find that some random rotations lead to much better quantization than others, with an up to 13 points difference in downstream zero-shot reasoning performance. As a result, we propose SpinQuant that optimizes (or learns) the rotation matrices with Cayley optimization on a small validation set. With 4-bit quantization of weight, activation, and KV-cache, SpinQuant narrows the accuracy gap on zero-shot reasoning tasks with full precision to merely 2.9 points on the LLaMA-2 7B model, surpassing LLM-QAT by 19.1 points and SmoothQuant by 25.0 points. SpinQuant also outperforms concurrent work QuaRot, which applies random rotations to remove outliers. In particular, for LLaMA-2 7B/LLaMA-3 8B models that are hard to quantize, SpinQuant reduces the gap to full precision by 30.2%/34.1% relative to QuaRot.

cross Tensor Attention Training: Provably Efficient Learning of Higher-order Transformers

Authors: Jiuxiang Gu, Yingyu Liang, Zhenmei Shi, Zhao Song, Yufa Zhou

Abstract: Tensor Attention, a multi-view attention that is able to capture high-order correlations among multiple modalities, can overcome the representational limitations of classical matrix attention. However, the $\Omega(n^3)$ time complexity of tensor attention poses a significant obstacle to its practical implementation in transformers, where $n$ is the input sequence length. In this work, we prove that the backward gradient of tensor attention training can be computed in almost linear $n^{1+o(1)}$ time, the same complexity as its forward computation under a bounded entries assumption. We provide a closed-form solution for the gradient and propose a fast computation method utilizing polynomial approximation methods and tensor algebraic tricks. Furthermore, we prove the necessity and tightness of our assumption through hardness analysis, showing that slightly weakening it renders the gradient problem unsolvable in truly subcubic time. Our theoretical results establish the feasibility of efficient higher-order transformer training and may facilitate practical applications of tensor attention architectures.

cross Augmented Risk Prediction for the Onset of Alzheimer's Disease from Electronic Health Records with Large Language Models

Authors: Jiankun Wang, Sumyeong Ahn, Taykhoom Dalal, Xiaodan Zhang, Weishen Pan, Qiannan Zhang, Bin Chen, Hiroko H. Dodge, Fei Wang, Jiayu Zhou

Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the fifth-leading cause of death among Americans aged 65 and older. Screening and early detection of AD and related dementias (ADRD) are critical for timely intervention and for identifying clinical trial participants. The widespread adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) offers an important resource for developing ADRD screening tools such as machine learning based predictive models. Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) demonstrate their unprecedented capability of encoding knowledge and performing reasoning, which offers them strong potential for enhancing risk prediction. This paper proposes a novel pipeline that augments risk prediction by leveraging the few-shot inference power of LLMs to make predictions on cases where traditional supervised learning methods (SLs) may not excel. Specifically, we develop a collaborative pipeline that combines SLs and LLMs via a confidence-driven decision-making mechanism, leveraging the strengths of SLs in clear-cut cases and LLMs in more complex scenarios. We evaluate this pipeline using a real-world EHR data warehouse from Oregon Health \& Science University (OHSU) Hospital, encompassing EHRs from over 2.5 million patients and more than 20 million patient encounters. Our results show that our proposed approach effectively combines the power of SLs and LLMs, offering significant improvements in predictive performance. This advancement holds promise for revolutionizing ADRD screening and early detection practices, with potential implications for better strategies of patient management and thus improving healthcare.

cross The Importance of Directional Feedback for LLM-based Optimizers

Authors: Allen Nie, Ching-An Cheng, Andrey Kolobov, Adith Swaminathan

Abstract: We study the potential of using large language models (LLMs) as an interactive optimizer for solving maximization problems in a text space using natural language and numerical feedback. Inspired by the classical optimization literature, we classify the natural language feedback into directional and non-directional, where the former is a generalization of the first-order feedback to the natural language space. We find that LLMs are especially capable of optimization when they are provided with {directional feedback}. Based on this insight, we design a new LLM-based optimizer that synthesizes directional feedback from the historical optimization trace to achieve reliable improvement over iterations. Empirically, we show our LLM-based optimizer is more stable and efficient in solving optimization problems, from maximizing mathematical functions to optimizing prompts for writing poems, compared with existing techniques.

cross Development of an open education resources (OER) system: a comparative analysis and implementation approach

Authors: Nimol Thuon, Wangrui Zhang

Abstract: Several institutions are collaborating on the development of a new web-based Open Education Resources (OER) system designed exclusively for non-commercial educational purposes. This initiative is underpinned by meticulous research aimed at constructing an OER system that optimizes user experiences across diverse user profiles. A significant emphasis is placed on utilizing open-source tools, frameworks, and technologies. The project includes a comparative analysis of the top five open-source Learning Management Systems (LMS), providing critical insights to inform the development process. The primary objective is to create a web-based system that facilitates the sharing of educational resources for non-commercial users, leveraging information and communication technologies. The project is structured around two key teams: a research team and a development team. This comprehensive approach is intended to establish a robust, user-centric OER system, informed by insights from existing platforms and the latest advancements in open education resource development.

cross M$^3$CoT: A Novel Benchmark for Multi-Domain Multi-step Multi-modal Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Qiguang Chen, Libo Qin, Jin Zhang, Zhi Chen, Xiao Xu, Wanxiang Che

Abstract: Multi-modal Chain-of-Thought (MCoT) requires models to leverage knowledge from both textual and visual modalities for step-by-step reasoning, which gains increasing attention. Nevertheless, the current MCoT benchmark still faces some challenges: (1) absence of visual modal reasoning, (2) single-step visual modal reasoning, and (3) Domain missing, thereby hindering the development of MCoT. Motivated by this, we introduce a novel benchmark (M$^3$CoT) to address the above challenges, advancing the multi-domain, multi-step, and multi-modal CoT. Additionally, we conduct a thorough evaluation involving abundant MCoT approaches on Vision Large Language Models (VLLMs). In addition, we highlight that the current VLLMs still struggle to correctly reason in M$^3$CoT and there remains a large gap between existing VLLMs and human performance in M$^3$CoT, despite their superior results on previous MCoT benchmarks. To our knowledge, we take the first meaningful step toward the multi-domain, multi-step, and multi-modal scenario in MCoT. We hope that M$^3$CoT can serve as a valuable resource, providing a pioneering foundation in multi-domain, multi-step, multi-modal chain-of-thought research.

cross Meta-Task Planning for Language Agents

Authors: Cong Zhang, Deik Derrick Goh Xin, Dexun Li, Hao Zhang, Yong Liu

Abstract: The rapid advancement of neural language models has sparked a new surge of intelligent agent research. Unlike traditional agents, large language model-based agents (LLM agents) have emerged as a promising paradigm for achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) due to their superior reasoning and generalization capabilities. Effective planning is crucial for the success of LLM agents in real-world tasks, making it a highly pursued topic in the community. Current planning methods typically translate tasks into executable action sequences. However, determining a feasible or optimal sequence for complex tasks at fine granularity, which often requires compositing long chains of heterogeneous actions, remains challenging. This paper introduces Meta-Task Planning (MTP), a zero-shot methodology for collaborative LLM-based multi-agent systems that simplifies complex task planning by decomposing it into a hierarchy of subordinate tasks, or meta-tasks. Each meta-task is then mapped into executable actions. MTP was assessed on two rigorous benchmarks, TravelPlanner and API-Bank. Notably, MTP achieved an average $\sim40\%$ success rate on TravelPlanner, significantly higher than the state-of-the-art (SOTA) baseline ($2.92\%$), and outperforming $LLM_{api}$-4 with ReAct on API-Bank by $\sim14\%$, showing the immense potential of integrating LLM with multi-agent systems.

cross LoQT: Low Rank Adapters for Quantized Training

Authors: Sebastian Loeschcke, Mads Toftrup, Michael J. Kastoryano, Serge Belongie, V\'esteinn Sn{\ae}bjarnarson

Abstract: Training of large neural networks requires significant computational resources. Despite advances using low-rank adapters and quantization, pretraining of models such as LLMs on consumer hardware has not been possible without model sharding, offloading during training, or per-layer gradient updates. To address these limitations, we propose LoQT, a method for efficiently training quantized models. LoQT uses gradient-based tensor factorization to initialize low-rank trainable weight matrices that are periodically merged into quantized full-rank weight matrices. Our approach is suitable for both pretraining and fine-tuning of models, which we demonstrate experimentally for language modeling and downstream task adaptation. We find that LoQT enables efficient training of models up to 7B parameters on a consumer-grade 24GB GPU. We also demonstrate the feasibility of training a 13B parameter model using per-layer gradient updates on the same hardware.

cross Cocktail: A Comprehensive Information Retrieval Benchmark with LLM-Generated Documents Integration

Authors: Sunhao Dai, Weihao Liu, Yuqi Zhou, Liang Pang, Rongju Ruan, Gang Wang, Zhenhua Dong, Jun Xu, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: The proliferation of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to an influx of AI-generated content (AIGC) on the internet, transforming the corpus of Information Retrieval (IR) systems from solely human-written to a coexistence with LLM-generated content. The impact of this surge in AIGC on IR systems remains an open question, with the primary challenge being the lack of a dedicated benchmark for researchers. In this paper, we introduce Cocktail, a comprehensive benchmark tailored for evaluating IR models in this mixed-sourced data landscape of the LLM era. Cocktail consists of 16 diverse datasets with mixed human-written and LLM-generated corpora across various text retrieval tasks and domains. Additionally, to avoid the potential bias from previously included dataset information in LLMs, we also introduce an up-to-date dataset, named NQ-UTD, with queries derived from recent events. Through conducting over 1,000 experiments to assess state-of-the-art retrieval models against the benchmarked datasets in Cocktail, we uncover a clear trade-off between ranking performance and source bias in neural retrieval models, highlighting the necessity for a balanced approach in designing future IR systems. We hope Cocktail can serve as a foundational resource for IR research in the LLM era, with all data and code publicly available at \url{}.


cross A Survey of Multimodal Large Language Model from A Data-centric Perspective

Authors: Tianyi Bai, Hao Liang, Binwang Wan, Ling Yang, Bozhou Li, Yifan Wang, Bin Cui, Conghui He, Binhang Yuan, Wentao Zhang

Abstract: Human beings perceive the world through diverse senses such as sight, smell, hearing, and touch. Similarly, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) enhance the capabilities of traditional large language models by integrating and processing data from multiple modalities including text, vision, audio, video, and 3D environments. Data plays a pivotal role in the development and refinement of these models. In this survey, we comprehensively review the literature on MLLMs from a data-centric perspective. Specifically, we explore methods for preparing multimodal data during the pretraining and adaptation phases of MLLMs. Additionally, we analyze the evaluation methods for datasets and review benchmarks for evaluating MLLMs. Our survey also outlines potential future research directions. This work aims to provide researchers with a detailed understanding of the data-driven aspects of MLLMs, fostering further exploration and innovation in this field.

cross Conjunctive categorial grammars and Lambek grammars with additives

Authors: Stepan L. Kuznetsov, Alexander Okhotin

Abstract: A new family of categorial grammars is proposed, defined by enriching basic categorial grammars with a conjunction operation. It is proved that the formalism obtained in this way has the same expressive power as conjunctive grammars, that is, context-free grammars enhanced with conjunction. It is also shown that categorial grammars with conjunction can be naturally embedded into the Lambek calculus with conjunction and disjunction operations. This further implies that a certain NP-complete set can be defined in the Lambek calculus with conjunction. We also show how to handle some subtle issues connected with the empty string. Finally, we prove that a language generated by a conjunctive grammar can be described by a Lambek grammar with disjunction (but without conjunction).

cross Low-resourced Languages and Online Knowledge Repositories: A Need-Finding Study

Authors: Hellina Hailu Nigatu, John Canny, Sarah E. Chasins

Abstract: Online Knowledge Repositories (OKRs) like Wikipedia offer communities a way to share and preserve information about themselves and their ways of living. However, for communities with low-resourced languages -- including most African communities -- the quality and volume of content available are often inadequate. One reason for this lack of adequate content could be that many OKRs embody Western ways of knowledge preservation and sharing, requiring many low-resourced language communities to adapt to new interactions. To understand the challenges faced by low-resourced language contributors on the popular OKR Wikipedia, we conducted (1) a thematic analysis of Wikipedia forum discussions and (2) a contextual inquiry study with 14 novice contributors. We focused on three Ethiopian languages: Afan Oromo, Amharic, and Tigrinya. Our analysis revealed several recurring themes; for example, contributors struggle to find resources to corroborate their articles in low-resourced languages, and language technology support, like translation systems and spellcheck, result in several errors that waste contributors' time. We hope our study will support designers in making online knowledge repositories accessible to low-resourced language speakers.

cross Crossmodal ASR Error Correction with Discrete Speech Units

Authors: Yuanchao Li, Pinzhen Chen, Peter Bell, Catherine Lai

Abstract: ASR remains unsatisfactory in scenarios where the speaking style diverges from that used to train ASR systems, resulting in erroneous transcripts. To address this, ASR Error Correction (AEC), a post-ASR processing approach, is required. In this work, we tackle an understudied issue: the Low-Resource Out-of-Domain (LROOD) problem, by investigating crossmodal AEC on very limited downstream data with 1-best hypothesis transcription. We explore pre-training and fine-tuning strategies and uncover an ASR domain discrepancy phenomenon, shedding light on appropriate training schemes for LROOD data. Moreover, we propose the incorporation of discrete speech units to align with and enhance the word embeddings for improving AEC quality. Results from multiple corpora and several evaluation metrics demonstrate the feasibility and efficacy of our proposed AEC approach on LROOD data, as well as its generalizability and superiority on large-scale data. Finally, a study on speech emotion recognition confirms that our model produces ASR error-robust transcripts suitable for downstream applications.

cross A Systematic Review of Federated Generative Models

Authors: Ashkan Vedadi Gargary, Emiliano De Cristofaro

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a solution for distributed systems that allow clients to train models on their data and only share models instead of local data. Generative Models are designed to learn the distribution of a dataset and generate new data samples that are similar to the original data. Many prior works have tried proposing Federated Generative Models. Using Federated Learning and Generative Models together can be susceptible to attacks, and designing the optimal architecture remains challenging. This survey covers the growing interest in the intersection of FL and Generative Models by comprehensively reviewing research conducted from 2019 to 2024. We systematically compare nearly 100 papers, focusing on their FL and Generative Model methods and privacy considerations. To make this field more accessible to newcomers, we highlight the state-of-the-art advancements and identify unresolved challenges, offering insights for future research in this evolving field.

cross Implicit Multimodal Alignment: On the Generalization of Frozen LLMs to Multimodal Inputs

Authors: Mustafa Shukor, Matthieu Cord

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance on multimodal tasks, without any multimodal finetuning. They are the building block for Large Multimodal Models, yet, we still lack a proper understanding of their success. In this work, we expose frozen LLMs to image, video, audio and text inputs and analyse their internal representation aiming to understand their generalization beyond textual inputs. Findings. Perceptual tokens (1) are easily distinguishable from textual ones inside LLMs, with significantly different representations, and complete translation to textual tokens does not exist. Yet, (2) both perceptual and textual tokens activate similar LLM weights. Despite being different, (3) perceptual and textual tokens are implicitly aligned inside LLMs, we call this the implicit multimodal alignment (IMA), and argue that this is linked to architectural design, helping LLMs to generalize. This provide more evidence to believe that the generalization of LLMs to multimodal inputs is mainly due to their architecture. Implications. (1) We find a positive correlation between the implicit alignment score and the task performance, suggesting that this could act as a proxy metric for model evaluation and selection. (2) A negative correlation exists regarding hallucinations, revealing that this problem is mainly due to misalignment between the internal perceptual and textual representations. (3) Perceptual tokens change slightly throughout the model, thus, we propose different approaches to skip computations (e.g. in FFN layers), and significantly reduce the inference cost. (4) Due to the slowly changing embeddings across layers, and the high overlap between textual and multimodal activated weights, we compress LLMs by keeping only 1 subnetwork that works well across a wide range of multimodal tasks. Paper code:


cross Zamba: A Compact 7B SSM Hybrid Model

Authors: Paolo Glorioso, Quentin Anthony, Yury Tokpanov, James Whittington, Jonathan Pilault, Adam Ibrahim, Beren Millidge

Abstract: In this technical report, we present Zamba, a novel 7B SSM-transformer hybrid model which achieves competitive performance against leading open-weight models at a comparable scale. Zamba is trained on 1T tokens from openly available datasets and is the best non-transformer model at this scale. Zamba pioneers a unique architecture combining a Mamba backbone with a single shared attention module, thus obtaining the benefits of attention at minimal parameter cost. Due to its architecture, Zamba is significantly faster at inference than comparable transformer models and requires substantially less memory for generation of long sequences. Zamba is pretrained in two phases: the first phase is based on existing web datasets, while the second one consists of annealing the model over high-quality instruct and synthetic datasets, and is characterized by a rapid learning rate decay. We open-source the weights and all checkpoints for Zamba, through both phase 1 and annealing phases.

cross LLM-Based Cooperative Agents using Information Relevance and Plan Validation

Authors: SeungWon Seo, Junhyeok Lee, SeongRae Noh, HyeongYeop Kang

Abstract: We address the challenge of multi-agent cooperation, where agents achieve a common goal by interacting with a 3D scene and cooperating with decentralized agents under complex partial observations. This involves managing communication costs and optimizing interaction trajectories in dynamic environments. Our research focuses on three primary limitations of existing cooperative agent systems. Firstly, current systems demonstrate inefficiency in managing acquired information through observation, resulting in declining planning performance as the environment becomes more complex with additional objects or goals. Secondly, the neglect of false plans in partially observable settings leads to suboptimal cooperative performance, as agents struggle to adapt to environmental changes influenced by the unseen actions of other agents. Lastly, the failure to incorporate spatial data into decision-making processes restricts the agent's ability to construct optimized trajectories. To overcome these limitations, we propose the RElevance and Validation-Enhanced Cooperative Language Agent (REVECA), a novel cognitive architecture powered by GPT-3.5. REVECA leverages relevance assessment, plan validation, and spatial information to enhance the efficiency and robustness of agent cooperation in dynamic and partially observable environments while minimizing continuous communication costs and effectively managing irrelevant dummy objects. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of REVECA over previous approaches, including those driven by GPT-4.0. Additionally, a user study highlights REVECA's potential for achieving trustworthy human-AI cooperation. We expect that REVECA will have significant applications in gaming, XR applications, educational tools, and humanoid robots, contributing to substantial economic, commercial, and academic advancements.

cross On Mesa-Optimization in Autoregressively Trained Transformers: Emergence and Capability

Authors: Chenyu Zheng, Wei Huang, Rongzhen Wang, Guoqiang Wu, Jun Zhu, Chongxuan Li

Abstract: Autoregressively trained transformers have brought a profound revolution to the world, especially with their in-context learning (ICL) ability to address downstream tasks. Recently, several studies suggest that transformers learn a mesa-optimizer during autoregressive (AR) pretraining to implement ICL. Namely, the forward pass of the trained transformer is equivalent to optimizing an inner objective function in-context. However, whether the practical non-convex training dynamics will converge to the ideal mesa-optimizer is still unclear. Towards filling this gap, we investigate the non-convex dynamics of a one-layer linear causal self-attention model autoregressively trained by gradient flow, where the sequences are generated by an AR process $x_{t+1} = W x_t$. First, under a certain condition of data distribution, we prove that an autoregressively trained transformer learns $W$ by implementing one step of gradient descent to minimize an ordinary least squares (OLS) problem in-context. It then applies the learned $\widehat{W}$ for next-token prediction, thereby verifying the mesa-optimization hypothesis. Next, under the same data conditions, we explore the capability limitations of the obtained mesa-optimizer. We show that a stronger assumption related to the moments of data is the sufficient and necessary condition that the learned mesa-optimizer recovers the distribution. Besides, we conduct exploratory analyses beyond the first data condition and prove that generally, the trained transformer will not perform vanilla gradient descent for the OLS problem. Finally, our simulation results verify the theoretical results.

cross Mixture of Modality Knowledge Experts for Robust Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Zhuo Chen, Lingbing Guo, Yajing Xu, Binbin Hu, Ziqi Liu, Wen Zhang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Multi-modal knowledge graph completion (MMKGC) aims to automatically discover new knowledge triples in the given multi-modal knowledge graphs (MMKGs), which is achieved by collaborative modeling the structural information concealed in massive triples and the multi-modal features of the entities. Existing methods tend to focus on crafting elegant entity-wise multi-modal fusion strategies, yet they overlook the utilization of multi-perspective features concealed within the modalities under diverse relational contexts. To address this issue, we introduce a novel MMKGC framework with Mixture of Modality Knowledge experts (MoMoK for short) to learn adaptive multi-modal embedding under intricate relational contexts. We design relation-guided modality knowledge experts to acquire relation-aware modality embeddings and integrate the predictions from multi-modalities to achieve comprehensive decisions. Additionally, we disentangle the experts by minimizing their mutual information. Experiments on four public MMKG benchmarks demonstrate the outstanding performance of MoMoK under complex scenarios.

cross VoCoT: Unleashing Visually Grounded Multi-Step Reasoning in Large Multi-Modal Models

Authors: Zejun Li, Ruipu Luo, Jiwen Zhang, Minghui Qiu, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: While large multi-modal models (LMMs) have exhibited impressive capabilities across diverse tasks, their effectiveness in handling complex tasks has been limited by the prevailing single-step reasoning paradigm. To this end, this paper proposes VoCoT, a multi-step Visually grounded object-centric Chain-of-Thought reasoning framework tailored for inference with LMMs. VoCoT is characterized by two key features: (1) object-centric reasoning paths that revolve around cross-modal shared object-level information, and (2) visually grounded representation of object concepts in a multi-modal interleaved and aligned manner, which effectively bridges the modality gap within LMMs during long-term generation. Additionally, we construct an instruction dataset to facilitate LMMs in adapting to reasoning with VoCoT. By introducing VoCoT into the prevalent open-source LMM architecture, we introduce VolCano. With only 7B parameters and limited input resolution, VolCano demonstrates excellent performance across various scenarios, surpassing SOTA models, including GPT-4V, in tasks requiring complex reasoning. Our code, data and model will be available at


cross Vision-and-Language Navigation Generative Pretrained Transformer

Authors: Wen Hanlin

Abstract: In the Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) field, agents are tasked with navigating real-world scenes guided by linguistic instructions. Enabling the agent to adhere to instructions throughout the process of navigation represents a significant challenge within the domain of VLN. To address this challenge, common approaches often rely on encoders to explicitly record past locations and actions, increasing model complexity and resource consumption. Our proposal, the Vision-and-Language Navigation Generative Pretrained Transformer (VLN-GPT), adopts a transformer decoder model (GPT2) to model trajectory sequence dependencies, bypassing the need for historical encoding modules. This method allows for direct historical information access through trajectory sequence, enhancing efficiency. Furthermore, our model separates the training process into offline pre-training with imitation learning and online fine-tuning with reinforcement learning. This distinction allows for more focused training objectives and improved performance. Performance assessments on the VLN dataset reveal that VLN-GPT surpasses complex state-of-the-art encoder-based models.

cross Generation and human-expert evaluation of interesting research ideas using knowledge graphs and large language models

Authors: Xuemei Gu, Mario Krenn

Abstract: Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) systems with access to millions of research papers could inspire new research ideas that may not be conceived by humans alone. However, how interesting are these AI-generated ideas, and how can we improve their quality? Here, we introduce SciMuse, a system that uses an evolving knowledge graph built from more than 58 million scientific papers to generate personalized research ideas via an interface to GPT-4. We conducted a large-scale human evaluation with over 100 research group leaders from the Max Planck Society, who ranked more than 4,000 personalized research ideas based on their level of interest. This evaluation allows us to understand the relationships between scientific interest and the core properties of the knowledge graph. We find that data-efficient machine learning can predict research interest with high precision, allowing us to optimize the interest-level of generated research ideas. This work represents a step towards an artificial scientific muse that could catalyze unforeseen collaborations and suggest interesting avenues for scientists.

cross Leveraging small language models for Text2SPARQL tasks to improve the resilience of AI assistance

Authors: Felix Brei, Johannes Frey, Lars-Peter Meyer

Abstract: In this work we will show that language models with less than one billion parameters can be used to translate natural language to SPARQL queries after fine-tuning. Using three different datasets ranging from academic to real world, we identify prerequisites that the training data must fulfill in order for the training to be successful. The goal is to empower users of semantic web technology to use AI assistance with affordable commodity hardware, making them more resilient against external factors.

cross Phase Transitions in the Output Distribution of Large Language Models

Authors: Julian Arnold, Flemming Holtorf, Frank Sch\"afer, Niels L\"orch

Abstract: In a physical system, changing parameters such as temperature can induce a phase transition: an abrupt change from one state of matter to another. Analogous phenomena have recently been observed in large language models. Typically, the task of identifying phase transitions requires human analysis and some prior understanding of the system to narrow down which low-dimensional properties to monitor and analyze. Statistical methods for the automated detection of phase transitions from data have recently been proposed within the physics community. These methods are largely system agnostic and, as shown here, can be adapted to study the behavior of large language models. In particular, we quantify distributional changes in the generated output via statistical distances, which can be efficiently estimated with access to the probability distribution over next-tokens. This versatile approach is capable of discovering new phases of behavior and unexplored transitions -- an ability that is particularly exciting in light of the rapid development of language models and their emergent capabilities.

cross LLM-Optic: Unveiling the Capabilities of Large Language Models for Universal Visual Grounding

Authors: Haoyu Zhao, Wenhang Ge, Ying-cong Chen

Abstract: Visual grounding is an essential tool that links user-provided text queries with query-specific regions within an image. Despite advancements in visual grounding models, their ability to comprehend complex queries remains limited. To overcome this limitation, we introduce LLM-Optic, an innovative method that utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs) as an optical lens to enhance existing visual grounding models in comprehending complex text queries involving intricate text structures, multiple objects, or object spatial relationships, situations that current models struggle with. LLM-Optic first employs an LLM as a Text Grounder to interpret complex text queries and accurately identify objects the user intends to locate. Then a pre-trained visual grounding model is used to generate candidate bounding boxes given the refined query by the Text Grounder. After that, LLM-Optic annotates the candidate bounding boxes with numerical marks to establish a connection between text and specific image regions, thereby linking two distinct modalities. Finally, it employs a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) as a Visual Grounder to select the marked candidate objects that best correspond to the original text query. Through LLM-Optic, we have achieved universal visual grounding, which allows for the detection of arbitrary objects specified by arbitrary human language input. Importantly, our method achieves this enhancement without requiring additional training or fine-tuning. Extensive experiments across various challenging benchmarks demonstrate that LLM-Optic achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot visual grounding capabilities.

cross Exploiting the Layered Intrinsic Dimensionality of Deep Models for Practical Adversarial Training

Authors: Enes Altinisik, Safa Messaoud, Husrev Taha Sencar, Hassan Sajjad, Sanjay Chawla

Abstract: Despite being a heavily researched topic, Adversarial Training (AT) is rarely, if ever, deployed in practical AI systems for two primary reasons: (i) the gained robustness is frequently accompanied by a drop in generalization and (ii) generating adversarial examples (AEs) is computationally prohibitively expensive. To address these limitations, we propose SMAAT, a new AT algorithm that leverages the manifold conjecture, stating that off-manifold AEs lead to better robustness while on-manifold AEs result in better generalization. Specifically, SMAAT aims at generating a higher proportion of off-manifold AEs by perturbing the intermediate deepnet layer with the lowest intrinsic dimension. This systematically results in better scalability compared to classical AT as it reduces the PGD chains length required for generating the AEs. Additionally, our study provides, to the best of our knowledge, the first explanation for the difference in the generalization and robustness trends between vision and language models, ie., AT results in a drop in generalization in vision models whereas, in encoder-based language models, generalization either improves or remains unchanged. We show that vision transformers and decoder-based models tend to have low intrinsic dimensionality in the earlier layers of the network (more off-manifold AEs), while encoder-based models have low intrinsic dimensionality in the later layers. We demonstrate the efficacy of SMAAT; on several tasks, including robustifying (i) sentiment classifiers, (ii) safety filters in decoder-based models, and (iii) retrievers in RAG setups. SMAAT requires only 25-33% of the GPU time compared to standard AT, while significantly improving robustness across all applications and maintaining comparable generalization.

cross Collage is the New Writing: Exploring the Fragmentation of Text and User Interfaces in AI Tools

Authors: Daniel Buschek

Abstract: This essay proposes and explores the concept of Collage for the design of AI writing tools, transferred from avant-garde literature with four facets: 1) fragmenting text in writing interfaces, 2) juxtaposing voices (content vs command), 3) integrating material from multiple sources (e.g. text suggestions), and 4) shifting from manual writing to editorial and compositional decision-making, such as selecting and arranging snippets. The essay then employs Collage as an analytical lens to analyse the user interface design of recent AI writing tools, and as a constructive lens to inspire new design directions. Finally, a critical perspective relates the concerns that writers historically expressed through literary collage to AI writing tools. In a broad view, this essay explores how literary concepts can help advance design theory around AI writing tools. It encourages creators of future writing tools to engage not only with new technological possibilities, but also with past writing innovations.

cross Exploring and steering the moral compass of Large Language Models

Authors: Alejandro Tlaie

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become central to advancing automation and decision-making across various sectors, raising significant ethical questions. This study proposes a comprehensive comparative analysis of the most advanced LLMs to assess their moral profiles. We subjected several state-of-the-art models to a selection of ethical dilemmas and found that all the proprietary ones are mostly utilitarian and all of the open-weights ones align mostly with values-based ethics. Furthermore, when using the Moral Foundations Questionnaire, all models we probed - except for Llama 2- displayed a strong liberal bias. Lastly, in order to causally intervene in one of the studied models, we propose a novel similarity-specific activation steering technique. Using this method, we were able to reliably steer the model's moral compass to different ethical schools. All of these results showcase that there is an ethical dimension in already deployed LLMs, an aspect that is generally overlooked.

cross ReMoDetect: Reward Models Recognize Aligned LLM's Generations

Authors: Hyunseok Lee, Jihoon Tack, Jinwoo Shin

Abstract: The remarkable capabilities and easy accessibility of large language models (LLMs) have significantly increased societal risks (e.g., fake news generation), necessitating the development of LLM-generated text (LGT) detection methods for safe usage. However, detecting LGTs is challenging due to the vast number of LLMs, making it impractical to account for each LLM individually; hence, it is crucial to identify the common characteristics shared by these models. In this paper, we draw attention to a common feature of recent powerful LLMs, namely the alignment training, i.e., training LLMs to generate human-preferable texts. Our key finding is that as these aligned LLMs are trained to maximize the human preferences, they generate texts with higher estimated preferences even than human-written texts; thus, such texts are easily detected by using the reward model (i.e., an LLM trained to model human preference distribution). Based on this finding, we propose two training schemes to further improve the detection ability of the reward model, namely (i) continual preference fine-tuning to make the reward model prefer aligned LGTs even further and (ii) reward modeling of Human/LLM mixed texts (a rephrased texts from human-written texts using aligned LLMs), which serves as a median preference text corpus between LGTs and human-written texts to learn the decision boundary better. We provide an extensive evaluation by considering six text domains across twelve aligned LLMs, where our method demonstrates state-of-the-art results. Code is available at


cross KSW: Khmer Stop Word based Dictionary for Keyword Extraction

Authors: Nimol Thuon, Wangrui Zhang, Sada Thuon

Abstract: This paper introduces KSW, a Khmer-specific approach to keyword extraction that leverages a specialized stop word dictionary. Due to the limited availability of natural language processing resources for the Khmer language, effective keyword extraction has been a significant challenge. KSW addresses this by developing a tailored stop word dictionary and implementing a preprocessing methodology to remove stop words, thereby enhancing the extraction of meaningful keywords. Our experiments demonstrate that KSW achieves substantial improvements in accuracy and relevance compared to previous methods, highlighting its potential to advance Khmer text processing and information retrieval. The KSW resources, including the stop word dictionary, are available at the following GitHub repository: (


cross Privacy-Aware Visual Language Models

Authors: Laurens Samson, Nimrod Barazani, Sennay Ghebreab, Yuki M. Asano

Abstract: This paper aims to advance our understanding of how Visual Language Models (VLMs) handle privacy-sensitive information, a crucial concern as these technologies become integral to everyday life. To this end, we introduce a new benchmark PrivBench, which contains images from 8 sensitive categories such as passports, or fingerprints. We evaluate 10 state-of-the-art VLMs on this benchmark and observe a generally limited understanding of privacy, highlighting a significant area for model improvement. Based on this we introduce PrivTune, a new instruction-tuning dataset aimed at equipping VLMs with knowledge about visual privacy. By tuning two pretrained VLMs, TinyLLaVa and MiniGPT-v2, on this small dataset, we achieve strong gains in their ability to recognize sensitive content, outperforming even GPT4-V. At the same time, we show that privacy-tuning only minimally affects the VLMs performance on standard benchmarks such as VQA. Overall, this paper lays out a crucial challenge for making VLMs effective in handling real-world data safely and provides a simple recipe that takes the first step towards building privacy-aware VLMs.

cross Matryoshka Multimodal Models

Authors: Mu Cai, Jianwei Yang, Jianfeng Gao, Yong Jae Lee

Abstract: Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) such as LLaVA have shown strong performance in visual-linguistic reasoning. These models first embed images into a fixed large number of visual tokens and then feed them into a Large Language Model (LLM). However, this design causes an excessive number of tokens for dense visual scenarios such as high-resolution images and videos, leading to great inefficiency. While token pruning/merging methods do exist, they produce a single length output for each image and do not afford flexibility in trading off information density v.s. efficiency. Inspired by the concept of Matryoshka Dolls, we propose M3: Matryoshka Multimodal Models, which learns to represent visual content as nested sets of visual tokens that capture information across multiple coarse-to-fine granularities. Our approach offers several unique benefits for LMMs: (1) One can explicitly control the visual granularity per test instance during inference, e.g. , adjusting the number of tokens used to represent an image based on the anticipated complexity or simplicity of the content; (2) M3 provides a framework for analyzing the granularity needed for existing datasets, where we find that COCO-style benchmarks only need around ~9 visual tokens to obtain accuracy similar to that of using all 576 tokens; (3) Our approach provides a foundation to explore the best trade-off between performance and visual token length at sample level, where our investigation reveals that a large gap exists between the oracle upper bound and current fixed-scale representations.

replace LLMEffiChecker: Understanding and Testing Efficiency Degradation of Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaoning Feng, Xiaohong Han, Simin Chen, Wei Yang

Abstract: In this paper, we make the first attempt to understand and test potential computation efficiency robustness in state-of-the-art LLMs. By analyzing the working mechanism and implementation of 20,543 public-accessible LLMs, we observe a fundamental property in LLMs that could be manipulated in an adversarial manner to reduce computation efficiency significantly. Our key motivation is to generate test inputs that could sufficiently delay the generation of EOS such that LLMs would have to go through enough iterations to satisfy the pre-configured threshold. We present \tool, which can work under both white-box setting and black-box setting. In the white-box scenario, \tool develops a gradient-guided technique that searches for a minimal and unnoticeable perturbation at character-level, token-level, and structure-level. In the black-box scenario, \tool employs a causal inference-based approach to find critical tokens and similarly applies three levels of imperceptible perturbation to them. Both the white-box and black-box settings effectively delay the appearance of EOS, compelling these inputs to reach the naturally-unreachable threshold. To demonstrate the effectiveness of \tool, we conduct a systematic evaluation on nine public-available LLMs: Google T5, AllenAI WMT14, Helsinki-NLP translator, Facebook FairSeq, UNICAMP-DL translator, MarianMT, Google FLAN-T5, MBZUAI LaMini-GPT and Salesforce CodeGen. Experimental results show that \tool can increase on average LLMs' response latency and energy consumption by 325\% to 3244\% and 344\% to 3616\%, respectively, by perturbing just one character or token in the input sentence.

replace ChatIE: Zero-Shot Information Extraction via Chatting with ChatGPT

Authors: Xiang Wei, Xingyu Cui, Ning Cheng, Xiaobin Wang, Xin Zhang, Shen Huang, Pengjun Xie, Jinan Xu, Yufeng Chen, Meishan Zhang, Yong Jiang, Wenjuan Han

Abstract: Zero-shot information extraction (IE) aims to build IE systems from the unannotated text. It is challenging due to involving little human intervention. Challenging but worthwhile, zero-shot IE reduces the time and effort that data labeling takes. Recent efforts on large language models (LLMs, e.g., GPT-3, ChatGPT) show promising performance on zero-shot settings, thus inspiring us to explore prompt-based methods. In this work, we ask whether strong IE models can be constructed by directly prompting LLMs. Specifically, we transform the zero-shot IE task into a multi-turn question-answering problem with a two-stage framework (ChatIE). With the power of ChatGPT, we extensively evaluate our framework on three IE tasks: entity-relation triple extract, named entity recognition, and event extraction. Empirical results on six datasets across two languages show that ChatIE achieves impressive performance and even surpasses some full-shot models on several datasets (e.g., NYT11-HRL). We believe that our work could shed light on building IE models with limited resources.

replace Improving Transformer Performance for French Clinical Notes Classification Using Mixture of Experts on a Limited Dataset

Authors: Thanh-Dung Le, Philippe Jouvet, Rita Noumeir

Abstract: Transformer-based models have shown outstanding results in natural language processing but face challenges in applications like classifying small-scale clinical texts, especially with constrained computational resources. This study presents a customized Mixture of Expert (MoE) Transformer models for classifying small-scale French clinical texts at CHU Sainte-Justine Hospital. The MoE-Transformer addresses the dual challenges of effective training with limited data and low-resource computation suitable for in-house hospital use. Despite the success of biomedical pre-trained models such as CamemBERT-bio, DrBERT, and AliBERT, their high computational demands make them impractical for many clinical settings. Our MoE-Transformer model not only outperforms DistillBERT, CamemBERT, FlauBERT, and Transformer models on the same dataset but also achieves impressive results: an accuracy of 87\%, precision of 87\%, recall of 85\%, and F1-score of 86\%. While the MoE-Transformer does not surpass the performance of biomedical pre-trained BERT models, it can be trained at least 190 times faster, offering a viable alternative for settings with limited data and computational resources. Although the MoE-Transformer addresses challenges of generalization gaps and sharp minima, demonstrating some limitations for efficient and accurate clinical text classification, this model still represents a significant advancement in the field. It is particularly valuable for classifying small French clinical narratives within the privacy and constraints of hospital-based computational resources.

replace GesGPT: Speech Gesture Synthesis With Text Parsing from GPT

Authors: Nan Gao, Zeyu Zhao, Zhi Zeng, Shuwu Zhang, Dongdong Weng, Yihua Bao

Abstract: Gesture synthesis has gained significant attention as a critical research field, aiming to produce contextually appropriate and natural gestures corresponding to speech or textual input. Although deep learning-based approaches have achieved remarkable progress, they often overlook the rich semantic information present in the text, leading to less expressive and meaningful gestures. In this letter, we propose GesGPT, a novel approach to gesture generation that leverages the semantic analysis capabilities of large language models , such as ChatGPT. By capitalizing on the strengths of LLMs for text analysis, we adopt a controlled approach to generate and integrate professional gestures and base gestures through a text parsing script, resulting in diverse and meaningful gestures. Firstly, our approach involves the development of prompt principles that transform gesture generation into an intention classification problem using ChatGPT. We also conduct further analysis on emphasis words and semantic words to aid in gesture generation. Subsequently, we construct a specialized gesture lexicon with multiple semantic annotations, decoupling the synthesis of gestures into professional gestures and base gestures. Finally, we merge the professional gestures with base gestures. Experimental results demonstrate that GesGPT effectively generates contextually appropriate and expressive gestures.

replace Towards Responsible and Safe AI in the Era of Foudnation Models: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model based Systems

Authors: Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Xiwei Xu, Zhenchang Xing, Jon Whittle

Abstract: The release of ChatGPT, Gemini, and other large language model has drawn huge interests on foundations models. There is a broad consensus that foundations models will be the fundamental building blocks for future AI systems. However, there is a lack of systematic guidance on the architecture design. Particularly, the the rapidly growing capabilities of foundations models can eventually absorb other components of AI systems, posing challenges of moving boundary and interface evolution in architecture design. Furthermore, incorporating foundations models into AI systems raises significant concerns about responsible and safe AI due to their opaque nature and rapidly advancing intelligence. To address these challenges, the paper first presents an architecture evolution of AI systems in the era of foundation models, transitioning from "foundation-model-as-a-connector" to "foundation-model-as-a-monolithic architecture". The paper then identifies key design decisions and proposes a pattern-oriented reference architecture for designing responsible foundation-model-based systems. The patterns can enable the potential of foundation models while ensuring associated risks.

replace Towards Weakly-Supervised Hate Speech Classification Across Datasets

Authors: Yiping Jin, Leo Wanner, Vishakha Laxman Kadam, Alexander Shvets

Abstract: As pointed out by several scholars, current research on hate speech (HS) recognition is characterized by unsystematic data creation strategies and diverging annotation schemata. Subsequently, supervised-learning models tend to generalize poorly to datasets they were not trained on, and the performance of the models trained on datasets labeled using different HS taxonomies cannot be compared. To ease this problem, we propose applying extremely weak supervision that only relies on the class name rather than on class samples from the annotated data. We demonstrate the effectiveness of a state-of-the-art weakly-supervised text classification model in various in-dataset and cross-dataset settings. Furthermore, we conduct an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of the source of poor generalizability of HS classification models.

replace Continual Multimodal Knowledge Graph Construction

Authors: Xiang Chen, Jintian Zhang, Xiaohan Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Tongtong Wu, Yuxiang Wang, Yongheng Wang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Current Multimodal Knowledge Graph Construction (MKGC) models struggle with the real-world dynamism of continuously emerging entities and relations, often succumbing to catastrophic forgetting-loss of previously acquired knowledge. This study introduces benchmarks aimed at fostering the development of the continual MKGC domain. We further introduce MSPT framework, designed to surmount the shortcomings of existing MKGC approaches during multimedia data processing. MSPT harmonizes the retention of learned knowledge (stability) and the integration of new data (plasticity), outperforming current continual learning and multimodal methods. Our results confirm MSPT's superior performance in evolving knowledge environments, showcasing its capacity to navigate balance between stability and plasticity.

replace Searching by Code: a New SearchBySnippet Dataset and SnippeR Retrieval Model for Searching by Code Snippets

Authors: Ivan Sedykh, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Nikita Sorokin, Sergey Nikolenko, Valentin Malykh

Abstract: Code search is an important and well-studied task, but it usually means searching for code by a text query. We argue that using a code snippet (and possibly an error traceback) as a query while looking for bugfixing instructions and code samples is a natural use case not covered by prior art. Moreover, existing datasets use code comments rather than full-text descriptions as text, making them unsuitable for this use case. We present a new SearchBySnippet dataset implementing the search-by-code use case based on StackOverflow data; we show that on SearchBySnippet, existing architectures fall short of a simple BM25 baseline even after fine-tuning. We present a new single encoder model SnippeR that outperforms several strong baselines on SearchBySnippet with a result of 0.451 Recall@10; we propose the SearchBySnippet dataset and SnippeR as a new important benchmark for code search evaluation.

replace CopyNE: Better Contextual ASR by Copying Named Entities

Authors: Shilin Zhou, Zhenghua Li, Yu Hong, Min Zhang, Zhefeng Wang, Baoxing Huai

Abstract: End-to-end automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems have made significant progress in general scenarios. However, it remains challenging to transcribe contextual named entities (NEs) in the contextual ASR scenario. Previous approaches have attempted to address this by utilizing the NE dictionary. These approaches treat entities as individual tokens and generate them token-by-token, which may result in incomplete transcriptions of entities. In this paper, we treat entities as indivisible wholes and introduce the idea of copying into ASR. We design a systematic mechanism called CopyNE, which can copy entities from the NE dictionary. By copying all tokens of an entity at once, we can reduce errors during entity transcription, ensuring the completeness of the entity. Experiments demonstrate that CopyNE consistently improves the accuracy of transcribing entities compared to previous approaches. Even when based on the strong Whisper, CopyNE still achieves notable improvements.

replace Not All Metrics Are Guilty: Improving NLG Evaluation by Diversifying References

Authors: Tianyi Tang, Hongyuan Lu, Yuchen Eleanor Jiang, Haoyang Huang, Dongdong Zhang, Wayne Xin Zhao, Tom Kocmi, Furu Wei

Abstract: Most research about natural language generation (NLG) relies on evaluation benchmarks with limited references for a sample, which may result in poor correlations with human judgements. The underlying reason is that one semantic meaning can actually be expressed in different forms, and the evaluation with a single or few references may not accurately reflect the quality of the model's hypotheses. To address this issue, this paper presents a simple and effective method, named Div-Ref, to enhance existing evaluation benchmarks by enriching the number of references. We leverage large language models (LLMs) to diversify the expression of a single reference into multiple high-quality ones to cover the semantic space of the reference sentence as much as possible. We conduct comprehensive experiments to empirically demonstrate that diversifying the expression of reference can significantly enhance the correlation between automatic evaluation and human evaluation. This idea is compatible with recent LLM-based evaluation which can similarly derive advantages from incorporating multiple references. We strongly encourage future generation benchmarks to include more references, even if they are generated by LLMs, which is once for all. We release all the code and data at to facilitate research.


replace MixCE: Training Autoregressive Language Models by Mixing Forward and Reverse Cross-Entropies

Authors: Shiyue Zhang, Shijie Wu, Ozan Irsoy, Steven Lu, Mohit Bansal, Mark Dredze, David Rosenberg

Abstract: Autoregressive language models are trained by minimizing the cross-entropy of the model distribution Q relative to the data distribution P -- that is, minimizing the forward cross-entropy, which is equivalent to maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). We have observed that models trained in this way may "over-generalize", in the sense that they produce non-human-like text. Moreover, we believe that reverse cross-entropy, i.e., the cross-entropy of P relative to Q, is a better reflection of how a human would evaluate text generated by a model. Hence, we propose learning with MixCE, an objective that mixes the forward and reverse cross-entropies. We evaluate models trained with this objective on synthetic data settings (where P is known) and real data, and show that the resulting models yield better generated text without complex decoding strategies. Our code and models are publicly available at


replace Unicode Normalization and Grapheme Parsing of Indic Languages

Authors: Nazmuddoha Ansary, Quazi Adibur Rahman Adib, Tahsin Reasat, Asif Shahriyar Sushmit, Ahmed Imtiaz Humayun, Sazia Mehnaz, Kanij Fatema, Mohammad Mamun Or Rashid, Farig Sadeque

Abstract: Writing systems of Indic languages have orthographic syllables, also known as complex graphemes, as unique horizontal units. A prominent feature of these languages is these complex grapheme units that comprise consonants/consonant conjuncts, vowel diacritics, and consonant diacritics, which, together make a unique Language. Unicode-based writing schemes of these languages often disregard this feature of these languages and encode words as linear sequences of Unicode characters using an intricate scheme of connector characters and font interpreters. Due to this way of using a few dozen Unicode glyphs to write thousands of different unique glyphs (complex graphemes), there are serious ambiguities that lead to malformed words. In this paper, we are proposing two libraries: i) a normalizer for normalizing inconsistencies caused by a Unicode-based encoding scheme for Indic languages and ii) a grapheme parser for Abugida text. It deconstructs words into visually distinct orthographic syllables or complex graphemes and their constituents. Our proposed normalizer is a more efficient and effective tool than the previously used IndicNLP normalizer. Moreover, our parser and normalizer are also suitable tools for general Abugida text processing as they performed well in our robust word-based and NLP experiments. We report the pipeline for the scripts of 7 languages in this work and develop the framework for the integration of more scripts.

replace PlatoLM: Teaching LLMs in Multi-Round Dialogue via a User Simulator

Authors: Chuyi Kong, Yaxin Fan, Xiang Wan, Feng Jiang, Benyou Wang

Abstract: The unparalleled performance of closed-sourced ChatGPT has sparked efforts towards its democratization, with notable strides made by leveraging real user and ChatGPT dialogues, as evidenced by Vicuna. However, due to challenges in gathering dialogues involving human participation, current endeavors like Baize and UltraChat rely on ChatGPT conducting roleplay to simulate humans based on instructions, resulting in overdependence on seeds, diminished human-likeness, limited topic diversity, and an absence of genuine multi-round conversational dynamics. To address the above issues, we propose a paradigm to simulate human behavior better and explore the benefits of incorporating more human-like questions in multi-turn conversations. Specifically, we directly target human questions extracted from genuine human-machine conversations as a learning goal and provide a novel user simulator called `Socratic'. The experimental results show our response model, `PlatoLM', achieves SoTA performance among LLaMA-based 7B models in MT-Bench. Our findings further demonstrate that our method introduces highly human-like questioning patterns and rich topic structures, which can teach the response model better than previous works in multi-round conversations.

replace DoG-Instruct: Towards Premium Instruction-Tuning Data via Text-Grounded Instruction Wrapping

Authors: Yongrui Chen, Haiyun Jiang, Xinting Huang, Shuming Shi, Guilin Qi

Abstract: The improvement of LLMs' instruction-following capabilities relies heavily on the availability of high-quality instruction-response pairs. Unfortunately, the current methods used to collect the pairs suffer from either unaffordable labor costs or severe hallucinations in the self-generation of LLM. To tackle these challenges, this paper proposes a scalable solution. It involves training LLMs to generate instruction-response pairs based on human-written documents, rather than relying solely on self-generation without context. Our proposed method not only exploits the advantages of human-written documents in reducing hallucinations but also utilizes an LLM to wrap the expression of documents, which enables us to bridge the gap between various document styles and the standard AI response. Experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms existing typical methods on multiple benchmarks. In particular, compared to the best-performing baseline, the LLM trained using our generated dataset exhibits a 10\% relative improvement in performance on AlpacaEval, despite utilizing only 1/5 of its training data. Furthermore, a comprehensive manual evaluation validates the quality of the data we generated. Our trained wrapper is publicly available at


replace The Reversal Curse: LLMs trained on "A is B" fail to learn "B is A"

Authors: Lukas Berglund, Meg Tong, Max Kaufmann, Mikita Balesni, Asa Cooper Stickland, Tomasz Korbak, Owain Evans

Abstract: We expose a surprising failure of generalization in auto-regressive large language models (LLMs). If a model is trained on a sentence of the form "A is B", it will not automatically generalize to the reverse direction "B is A". This is the Reversal Curse. For instance, if a model is trained on "Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to travel to space", it will not automatically be able to answer the question, "Who was the first woman to travel to space?". Moreover, the likelihood of the correct answer ("Valentina Tershkova") will not be higher than for a random name. Thus, models do not generalize a prevalent pattern in their training set: if "A is B" occurs, "B is A" is more likely to occur. It is worth noting, however, that if "A is B" appears in-context, models can deduce the reverse relationship. We provide evidence for the Reversal Curse by finetuning GPT-3 and Llama-1 on fictitious statements such as "Uriah Hawthorne is the composer of Abyssal Melodies" and showing that they fail to correctly answer "Who composed Abyssal Melodies?". The Reversal Curse is robust across model sizes and model families and is not alleviated by data augmentation. We also evaluate ChatGPT (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) on questions about real-world celebrities, such as "Who is Tom Cruise's mother? [A: Mary Lee Pfeiffer]" and the reverse "Who is Mary Lee Pfeiffer's son?". GPT-4 correctly answers questions like the former 79% of the time, compared to 33% for the latter. Code available at:


replace Exploring Collaboration Mechanisms for LLM Agents: A Social Psychology View

Authors: Jintian Zhang, Xin Xu, Ningyu Zhang, Ruibo Liu, Bryan Hooi, Shumin Deng

Abstract: As Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems are increasingly employed in intricate social environments, a pressing query emerges: Can these NLP systems mirror human-esque collaborative intelligence, in a multi-agent society consisting of multiple large language models (LLMs)? This paper probes the collaboration mechanisms among contemporary NLP systems by melding practical experiments with theoretical insights. We fabricate four unique `societies' comprised of LLM agents, where each agent is characterized by a specific `trait' (easy-going or overconfident) and engages in collaboration with a distinct `thinking pattern' (debate or reflection). Through evaluating these multi-agent societies on three benchmark datasets, we discern that certain collaborative strategies not only outshine previous top-tier approaches, but also optimize efficiency (using fewer API tokens). Moreover, our results further illustrate that LLM agents manifest human-like social behaviors, such as conformity and consensus reaching, mirroring foundational social psychology theories. In conclusion, we integrate insights from social psychology to contextualize the collaboration of LLM agents, inspiring further investigations into the collaboration mechanism for LLMs. We commit to sharing our code and datasets\footnote{\url{}.}, hoping to catalyze further research in this promising avenue.


replace Distantly-Supervised Joint Extraction with Noise-Robust Learning

Authors: Yufei Li, Xiao Yu, Yanghong Guo, Yanchi Liu, Haifeng Chen, Cong Liu

Abstract: Joint entity and relation extraction is a process that identifies entity pairs and their relations using a single model. We focus on the problem of joint extraction in distantly-labeled data, whose labels are generated by aligning entity mentions with the corresponding entity and relation tags using a knowledge base (KB). One key challenge is the presence of noisy labels arising from both incorrect entity and relation annotations, which significantly impairs the quality of supervised learning. Existing approaches, either considering only one source of noise or making decisions using external knowledge, cannot well-utilize significant information in the training data. We propose DENRL, a generalizable framework that 1) incorporates a lightweight transformer backbone into a sequence labeling scheme for joint tagging, and 2) employs a noise-robust framework that regularizes the tagging model with significant relation patterns and entity-relation dependencies, then iteratively self-adapts to instances with less noise from both sources. Surprisingly, experiments on two benchmark datasets show that DENRL, using merely its own parametric distribution and simple data-driven heuristics, outperforms large language model-based baselines by a large margin with better interpretability.

replace Don't Fine-Tune, Decode: Syntax Error-Free Tool Use via Constrained Decoding

Authors: Kexun Zhang, Hongqiao Chen, Lei Li, William Wang

Abstract: Instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) excel at many tasks but often fail to use external tools due to complicated and unfamiliar syntax constraints. While extensive fine-tuning and prompting can mitigate the issue, these approaches are expensive and hard to generalize. Furthermore, because syntax constraints are only learned implicitly during fine-tuning, models still make frequent syntax errors. Motivated by the fact that these constraints can be better satisfied explicitly with constrained decoding, we propose TOOLDEC, a decoding algorithm using finite state machines to force LLMs to follow tool syntax. Our experiments show that TOOLDEC eliminates all syntax errors, achieving significantly better performance on various base models and benchmarks. More surprisingly, when applied to generalist out-of-the-box LLMs such as Mistral-Instruct, TOOLDEC improves its accuracy in tool use from the initial 0% to an impressive 52%, matching the performance of specialized fine-tuned models such as ToolLLM.

replace FactCHD: Benchmarking Fact-Conflicting Hallucination Detection

Authors: Xiang Chen, Duanzheng Song, Honghao Gui, Chenxi Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Yong Jiang, Fei Huang, Chengfei Lv, Dan Zhang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Despite their impressive generative capabilities, LLMs are hindered by fact-conflicting hallucinations in real-world applications. The accurate identification of hallucinations in texts generated by LLMs, especially in complex inferential scenarios, is a relatively unexplored area. To address this gap, we present FactCHD, a dedicated benchmark designed for the detection of fact-conflicting hallucinations from LLMs. FactCHD features a diverse dataset that spans various factuality patterns, including vanilla, multi-hop, comparison, and set operation. A distinctive element of FactCHD is its integration of fact-based evidence chains, significantly enhancing the depth of evaluating the detectors' explanations. Experiments on different LLMs expose the shortcomings of current approaches in detecting factual errors accurately. Furthermore, we introduce Truth-Triangulator that synthesizes reflective considerations by tool-enhanced ChatGPT and LoRA-tuning based on Llama2, aiming to yield more credible detection through the amalgamation of predictive results and evidence. The benchmark dataset is available at


replace SQLformer: Deep Auto-Regressive Query Graph Generation for Text-to-SQL Translation

Authors: Adri\'an Bazaga, Pietro Li\`o, Gos Micklem

Abstract: In recent years, the task of text-to-SQL translation, which converts natural language questions into executable SQL queries, has gained significant attention for its potential to democratize data access. Despite its promise, challenges such as adapting to unseen databases and aligning natural language with SQL syntax have hindered widespread adoption. To overcome these issues, we introduce SQLformer, a novel Transformer architecture specifically crafted to perform text-to-SQL translation tasks. Our model predicts SQL queries as abstract syntax trees (ASTs) in an autoregressive way, incorporating structural inductive bias in the encoder and decoder layers. This bias, guided by database table and column selection, aids the decoder in generating SQL query ASTs represented as graphs in a Breadth-First Search canonical order. Our experiments demonstrate that SQLformer achieves state-of-the-art performance across six prominent text-to-SQL benchmarks.

replace Improving Machine Translation with Large Language Models: A Preliminary Study with Cooperative Decoding

Authors: Jiali Zeng, Fandong Meng, Yongjing Yin, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Contemporary translation engines based on the encoder-decoder framework have made significant strides in development. However, the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has disrupted their position by presenting the potential for achieving superior translation quality. To uncover the circumstances in which LLMs excel and explore how their strengths can be harnessed to enhance translation quality, we first conduct a comprehensive analysis to assess the strengths and limitations of various commercial NMT systems and MT-oriented LLMs. Our findings indicate that neither NMT nor MT-oriented LLMs alone can effectively address all the translation issues, but MT-oriented LLMs show promise as a complementary solution to NMT systems. Building upon these insights, we propose Cooperative Decoding (CoDec), which treats NMT systems as a pretranslation model and MT-oriented LLMs as a supplemental solution to handle complex scenarios beyond the capability of NMT alone. Experimental results on the WMT22 test sets and a newly collected test set WebCrawl demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of CoDec, highlighting its potential as a robust solution for combining NMT systems with MT-oriented LLMs in the field of machine translation.

replace Controllable Text Summarization: Unraveling Challenges, Approaches, and Prospects -- A Survey

Authors: Ashok Urlana, Pruthwik Mishra, Tathagato Roy, Rahul Mishra

Abstract: Generic text summarization approaches often fail to address the specific intent and needs of individual users. Recently, scholarly attention has turned to the development of summarization methods that are more closely tailored and controlled to align with specific objectives and user needs. Despite a growing corpus of controllable summarization research, there is no comprehensive survey available that thoroughly explores the diverse controllable attributes employed in this context, delves into the associated challenges, and investigates the existing solutions. In this survey, we formalize the Controllable Text Summarization (CTS) task, categorize controllable attributes according to their shared characteristics and objectives, and present a thorough examination of existing datasets and methods within each category. Moreover, based on our findings, we uncover limitations and research gaps, while also exploring potential solutions and future directions for CTS. We release our detailed analysis of CTS papers at \url{\_text\_summarization\_survey}.


replace Learn or Recall? Revisiting Incremental Learning with Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Junhao Zheng, Shengjie Qiu, Qianli Ma

Abstract: Incremental Learning (IL) has been a long-standing problem in both vision and Natural Language Processing (NLP) communities. In recent years, as Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) have achieved remarkable progress in various NLP downstream tasks, utilizing PLMs as backbones has become a common practice in recent research of IL in NLP. Most assume that catastrophic forgetting is the biggest obstacle to achieving superior IL performance and propose various techniques to overcome this issue. However, we find that this assumption is problematic. Specifically, we revisit more than 20 methods on four classification tasks (Text Classification, Intent Classification, Relation Extraction, and Named Entity Recognition) under the two most popular IL settings (Class-Incremental and Task-Incremental) and reveal that most of them severely underestimate the inherent anti-forgetting ability of PLMs. Based on the observation, we propose a frustratingly easy method called SEQ* for IL with PLMs. The results show that SEQ* has competitive or superior performance compared to state-of-the-art (SOTA) IL methods and requires considerably less trainable parameters and training time. These findings urge us to revisit the IL with PLMs and encourage future studies to have a fundamental understanding of the catastrophic forgetting in PLMs. The data, code and scripts are publicly available at


replace Generalized Category Discovery with Large Language Models in the Loop

Authors: Wenbin An, Wenkai Shi, Feng Tian, Haonan Lin, QianYing Wang, Yaqiang Wu, Mingxiang Cai, Luyan Wang, Yan Chen, Haiping Zhu, Ping Chen

Abstract: Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) is a crucial task that aims to recognize both known and novel categories from a set of unlabeled data by utilizing a few labeled data with only known categories. Due to the lack of supervision and category information, current methods usually perform poorly on novel categories and struggle to reveal semantic meanings of the discovered clusters, which limits their applications in the real world. To mitigate the above issues, we propose Loop, an end-to-end active-learning framework that introduces Large Language Models (LLMs) into the training loop, which can boost model performance and generate category names without relying on any human efforts. Specifically, we first propose Local Inconsistent Sampling (LIS) to select samples that have a higher probability of falling to wrong clusters, based on neighborhood prediction consistency and entropy of cluster assignment probabilities. Then we propose a Scalable Query strategy to allow LLMs to choose true neighbors of the selected samples from multiple candidate samples. Based on the feedback from LLMs, we perform Refined Neighborhood Contrastive Learning (RNCL) to pull samples and their neighbors closer to learn clustering-friendly representations. Finally, we select representative samples from clusters corresponding to novel categories to allow LLMs to generate category names for them. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that Loop outperforms SOTA models by a large margin and generates accurate category names for the discovered clusters. Code and data are available at


replace Reasons to Reject? Aligning Language Models with Judgments

Authors: Weiwen Xu, Deng Cai, Zhisong Zhang, Wai Lam, Shuming Shi

Abstract: As humans, we consistently interact with our peers and receive feedback in the form of natural language. This language feedback allows us to maintain appropriate behavior, and rectify potential errors. The question arises naturally: can we use language feedback to align large language models (LLMs)? In contrast to previous research that aligns LLMs with scalar rewards, we present the first systematic exploration of alignment through the lens of language feedback (i.e., judgment). We start with an in-depth investigation of potential methods that can be adapted for aligning LLMs with judgments, revealing that these methods cannot fully capitalize on judgments. To facilitate more effective utilization of judgments, we propose a novel framework, Contrastive Unlikelihood Training (CUT), that allows for fine-grained inappropriate content detection and correction based on judgments. Our results show that, with merely 1317 off-the-shelf judgment data, CUT (LLaMA2-13b) can beat the 175B DaVinci003 and surpass the best baseline by 48.51 points on AlpacaEval. CUT (LLaMA2-chat-13b) can also align LLMs in an iterative fashion using up-to-date model-specific judgments, improving performance from 81.09 to 91.68 points on AlpacaEval. Further analysis suggests that judgments hold greater potential than rewards in LLM alignment.

replace ReFusion: Improving Natural Language Understanding with Computation-Efficient Retrieval Representation Fusion

Authors: Shangyu Wu, Ying Xiong, Yufei Cui, Xue Liu, Buzhou Tang, Tei-Wei Kuo, Chun Jason Xue

Abstract: Retrieval-based augmentations (RA) incorporating knowledge from an external database into language models have greatly succeeded in various knowledge-intensive (KI) tasks. However, integrating retrievals in non-knowledge-intensive (NKI) tasks is still challenging. Existing works focus on concatenating retrievals with inputs to improve model performance. Unfortunately, the use of retrieval concatenation-based augmentations causes an increase in the input length, substantially raising the computational demands of attention mechanisms. This paper proposes a new paradigm of RA named \textbf{ReFusion}, a computation-efficient Retrieval representation Fusion with bi-level optimization. Unlike previous works, ReFusion directly fuses the retrieval representations into the hidden states of models. Specifically, ReFusion leverages an adaptive retrieval integrator to seek the optimal combination of the proposed ranking schemes across different model layers. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed ReFusion can achieve superior and robust performance in various NKI tasks.

replace AutoAct: Automatic Agent Learning from Scratch for QA via Self-Planning

Authors: Shuofei Qiao, Ningyu Zhang, Runnan Fang, Yujie Luo, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yuchen Eleanor Jiang, Chengfei Lv, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Language agents have achieved considerable performance on various complex question-answering tasks by planning with external tools. Despite the incessant exploration in this field, existing language agent systems still struggle with costly, non-reproducible data reliance and face the challenge of compelling a single model for multiple functions. To this end, we introduce AutoAct, an automatic agent learning framework for QA that does not rely on large-scale annotated data and synthetic planning trajectories from closed-source models (e.g., GPT-4). Given limited data with a tool library, AutoAct first automatically synthesizes planning trajectories without any assistance from humans or strong closed-source models. Then, AutoAct leverages a division-of-labor strategy to automatically differentiate based on the target task information and synthesized trajectories, producing a sub-agent group to complete the task. We conduct comprehensive experiments with different LLMs, which demonstrates that AutoAct yields better or parallel performance compared to various strong baselines. Further analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the division-of-labor strategy, with the trajectory quality generated by AutoAct generally outperforming that of others. Code will be available at


replace Taiyi-Diffusion-XL: Advancing Bilingual Text-to-Image Generation with Large Vision-Language Model Support

Authors: Xiaojun Wu, Dixiang Zhang, Ruyi Gan, Junyu Lu, Ziwei Wu, Renliang Sun, Jiaxing Zhang, Pingjian Zhang, Yan Song

Abstract: Recent advancements in text-to-image models have significantly enhanced image generation capabilities, yet a notable gap of open-source models persists in bilingual or Chinese language support. To address this need, we present Taiyi-Diffusion-XL, a new Chinese and English bilingual text-to-image model which is developed by extending the capabilities of CLIP and Stable-Diffusion-XL through a process of bilingual continuous pre-training. This approach includes the efficient expansion of vocabulary by integrating the most frequently used Chinese characters into CLIP's tokenizer and embedding layers, coupled with an absolute position encoding expansion. Additionally, we enrich text prompts by large vision-language model, leading to better images captions and possess higher visual quality. These enhancements are subsequently applied to downstream text-to-image models. Our empirical results indicate that the developed CLIP model excels in bilingual image-text retrieval.Furthermore, the bilingual image generation capabilities of Taiyi-Diffusion-XL surpass previous models. This research leads to the development and open-sourcing of the Taiyi-Diffusion-XL model, representing a notable advancement in the field of image generation, particularly for Chinese language applications. This contribution is a step forward in addressing the need for more diverse language support in multimodal research. The model and demonstration are made publicly available at \href{}{this https URL}, fostering further research and collaboration in this domain.


replace Realizing Disentanglement in LM Latent Space via Vocabulary-Defined Semantics

Authors: Jian Gu, Aldeida Aleti, Chunyang Chen, Hongyu Zhang

Abstract: Understanding the latent space of language models (LMs) is important for improving the performance and interpretability of LMs. Existing analyses often fail to provide insights that take advantage of the semantic properties of language models and often overlook crucial aspects of language model adaptation. In response, we introduce a pioneering approach called vocabulary-defined semantics, which establishes a reference frame grounded in LM vocabulary within the LM latent space. We propose a novel technique to compute disentangled logits and gradients in latent space, not entangled ones on vocabulary. Further, we perform semantical clustering on data representations as a novel way of LM adaptation. Through extensive experiments across diverse text understanding datasets, our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods of retrieval-augmented generation and parameter-efficient finetuning, showcasing its effectiveness and efficiency.

replace Tradeoffs Between Alignment and Helpfulness in Language Models with Representation Engineering

Authors: Yotam Wolf, Noam Wies, Dorin Shteyman, Binyamin Rothberg, Yoav Levine, Amnon Shashua

Abstract: Language model alignment has become an important component of AI safety, allowing safe interactions between humans and language models, by enhancing desired behaviors and inhibiting undesired ones. It is often done by tuning the model or inserting preset aligning prompts. Recently, representation engineering, a method which alters the model's behavior via changing its representations post-training, was shown to be effective in aligning LLMs (Zou et al., 2023a). Representation engineering yields gains in alignment oriented tasks such as resistance to adversarial attacks and reduction of social biases, but was also shown to cause a decrease in the ability of the model to perform basic tasks. In this paper we study the tradeoff between the increase in alignment and decrease in helpfulness of the model. We propose a theoretical framework which provides bounds for these two quantities, and demonstrate their relevance empirically. First, we find that under the conditions of our framework, alignment can be guaranteed with representation engineering, and at the same time that helpfulness is harmed in the process. Second, we show that helpfulness is harmed quadratically with the norm of the representation engineering vector, while the alignment increases linearly with it, indicating a regime in which it is efficient to use representation engineering. We validate our findings empirically, and chart the boundaries to the usefulness of representation engineering for alignment.

replace Neighboring Perturbations of Knowledge Editing on Large Language Models

Authors: Jun-Yu Ma, Zhen-Hua Ling, Ningyu Zhang, Jia-Chen Gu

Abstract: Despite their exceptional capabilities, large language models (LLMs) are prone to generating unintended text due to false or outdated knowledge. Given the resource-intensive nature of retraining LLMs, there has been a notable increase in the development of knowledge editing. However, current approaches and evaluations rarely explore the perturbation of editing on neighboring knowledge. This paper studies whether updating new knowledge to LLMs perturbs the neighboring knowledge encapsulated within them. Specifically, we seek to figure out whether appending a new answer into an answer list to a factual question leads to catastrophic forgetting of original correct answers in this list, as well as unintentional inclusion of incorrect answers. A metric of additivity is introduced and a benchmark dubbed as Perturbation Evaluation of Appending Knowledge (PEAK) is constructed to evaluate the degree of perturbation to neighboring knowledge when appending new knowledge. Besides, a plug-and-play framework termed Appending via Preservation and Prevention (APP) is proposed to mitigate the neighboring perturbation by maintaining the integrity of the answer list. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of APP coupling with four editing methods on four LLMs. The code and data are available at


replace Exploring Spatial Schema Intuitions in Large Language and Vision Models

Authors: Philipp Wicke, Lennart Wachowiak

Abstract: Despite the ubiquity of large language models (LLMs) in AI research, the question of embodiment in LLMs remains underexplored, distinguishing them from embodied systems in robotics where sensory perception directly informs physical action. Our investigation navigates the intriguing terrain of whether LLMs, despite their non-embodied nature, effectively capture implicit human intuitions about fundamental, spatial building blocks of language. We employ insights from spatial cognitive foundations developed through early sensorimotor experiences, guiding our exploration through the reproduction of three psycholinguistic experiments. Surprisingly, correlations between model outputs and human responses emerge, revealing adaptability without a tangible connection to embodied experiences. Notable distinctions include polarized language model responses and reduced correlations in vision language models. This research contributes to a nuanced understanding of the interplay between language, spatial experiences, and the computations made by large language models. More at


replace Unified Hallucination Detection for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Xiang Chen, Chenxi Wang, Yida Xue, Ningyu Zhang, Xiaoyan Yang, Qiang Li, Yue Shen, Lei Liang, Jinjie Gu, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Despite significant strides in multimodal tasks, Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) are plagued by the critical issue of hallucination. The reliable detection of such hallucinations in MLLMs has, therefore, become a vital aspect of model evaluation and the safeguarding of practical application deployment. Prior research in this domain has been constrained by a narrow focus on singular tasks, an inadequate range of hallucination categories addressed, and a lack of detailed granularity. In response to these challenges, our work expands the investigative horizons of hallucination detection. We present a novel meta-evaluation benchmark, MHaluBench, meticulously crafted to facilitate the evaluation of advancements in hallucination detection methods. Additionally, we unveil a novel unified multimodal hallucination detection framework, UNIHD, which leverages a suite of auxiliary tools to validate the occurrence of hallucinations robustly. We demonstrate the effectiveness of UNIHD through meticulous evaluation and comprehensive analysis. We also provide strategic insights on the application of specific tools for addressing various categories of hallucinations.

replace ANLS* -- A Universal Document Processing Metric for Generative Large Language Models

Authors: David Peer, Philemon Sch\"opf, Volckmar Nebendahl, Alexander Rietzler, Sebastian Stabinger

Abstract: Traditionally, discriminative models have been the predominant choice for tasks like document classification and information extraction. These models make predictions that fall into a limited number of predefined classes, facilitating a binary true or false evaluation and enabling the direct calculation of metrics such as the F1 score. However, recent advancements in generative large language models (GLLMs) have prompted a shift in the field due to their enhanced zero-shot capabilities, which eliminate the need for a downstream dataset and computationally expensive fine-tuning. However, evaluating GLLMs presents a challenge as the binary true or false evaluation used for discriminative models is not applicable to the predictions made by GLLMs. This paper introduces a new metric for generative models called ANLS* for evaluating a wide variety of tasks, including information extraction and classification tasks. The ANLS* metric extends existing ANLS metrics as a drop-in-replacement and is still compatible with previously reported ANLS scores. An evaluation of 7 different datasets, 6 different GLLMs and 3 different prompting methods using the ANLS* metric is also provided, demonstrating the importance of the proposed metric. We also benchmark a novel approach to generate prompts for documents, called SFT, against other prompting techniques such as LATIN. In 27 out of 35 cases, SFT outperforms other techniques and improves the state-of-the-art, sometimes by as much as $18$ percentage points. Sources are available at


replace Training Language Models to Generate Text with Citations via Fine-grained Rewards

Authors: Chengyu Huang, Zeqiu Wu, Yushi Hu, Wenya Wang

Abstract: While recent Large Language Models (LLMs) have proven useful in answering user queries, they are prone to hallucination, and their responses often lack credibility due to missing references to reliable sources. An intuitive solution to these issues would be to include in-text citations referring to external documents as evidence. While previous works have directly prompted LLMs to generate in-text citations, their performances are far from satisfactory, especially when it comes to smaller LLMs. In this work, we propose an effective training framework using fine-grained rewards to teach LLMs to generate highly supportive and relevant citations, while ensuring the correctness of their responses. We also conduct a systematic analysis of applying these fine-grained rewards to common LLM training strategies, demonstrating its advantage over conventional practices. We conduct extensive experiments on Question Answering (QA) datasets taken from the ALCE benchmark and validate the model's generalizability using EXPERTQA. On LLaMA-2-7B, the incorporation of fine-grained rewards achieves the best performance among the baselines, even surpassing that of GPT-3.5-turbo.

replace MEMORYLLM: Towards Self-Updatable Large Language Models

Authors: Yu Wang, Yifan Gao, Xiusi Chen, Haoming Jiang, Shiyang Li, Jingfeng Yang, Qingyu Yin, Zheng Li, Xian Li, Bing Yin, Jingbo Shang, Julian McAuley

Abstract: Existing Large Language Models (LLMs) usually remain static after deployment, which might make it hard to inject new knowledge into the model. We aim to build models containing a considerable portion of self-updatable parameters, enabling the model to integrate new knowledge effectively and efficiently. To this end, we introduce MEMORYLLM, a model that comprises a transformer and a fixed-size memory pool within the latent space of the transformer. MEMORYLLM can self-update with text knowledge and memorize the knowledge injected earlier. Our evaluations demonstrate the ability of MEMORYLLM to effectively incorporate new knowledge, as evidenced by its performance on model editing benchmarks. Meanwhile, the model exhibits long-term information retention capacity, which is validated through our custom-designed evaluations and long-context benchmarks. MEMORYLLM also shows operational integrity without any sign of performance degradation even after nearly a million memory updates. Our code and model are open-sourced at


replace Incremental Sequence Labeling: A Tale of Two Shifts

Authors: Shengjie Qiu, Junhao Zheng, Zhen Liu, Yicheng Luo, Qianli Ma

Abstract: The incremental sequence labeling task involves continuously learning new classes over time while retaining knowledge of the previous ones. Our investigation identifies two significant semantic shifts: E2O (where the model mislabels an old entity as a non-entity) and O2E (where the model labels a non-entity or old entity as a new entity). Previous research has predominantly focused on addressing the E2O problem, neglecting the O2E issue. This negligence results in a model bias towards classifying new data samples as belonging to the new class during the learning process. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework, Incremental Sequential Labeling without Semantic Shifts (IS3). Motivated by the identified semantic shifts (E2O and O2E), IS3 aims to mitigate catastrophic forgetting in models. As for the E2O problem, we use knowledge distillation to maintain the model's discriminative ability for old entities. Simultaneously, to tackle the O2E problem, we alleviate the model's bias towards new entities through debiased loss and optimization levels. Our experimental evaluation, conducted on three datasets with various incremental settings, demonstrates the superior performance of IS3 compared to the previous state-of-the-art method by a significant margin.The data, code, and scripts are publicly available at


replace DiLA: Enhancing LLM Tool Learning with Differential Logic Layer

Authors: Yu Zhang, Hui-Ling Zhen, Zehua Pei, Yingzhao Lian, Lihao Yin, Mingxuan Yuan, Bei Yu

Abstract: Considering the challenges faced by large language models (LLMs) in logical reasoning and planning, prior efforts have sought to augment LLMs with access to external solvers. While progress has been made on simple reasoning problems, solving classical constraint satisfaction problems, such as the Boolean Satisfiability Problem (SAT) and Graph Coloring Problem (GCP), remains difficult for off-the-shelf solvers due to their intricate expressions and exponential search spaces. In this paper, we propose a novel differential logic layer-aided language modeling (DiLA) approach, where logical constraints are integrated into the forward and backward passes of a network layer, to provide another option for LLM tool learning. In DiLA, LLM aims to transform the language description to logic constraints and identify initial solutions of the highest quality, while the differential logic layer focuses on iteratively refining the LLM-prompted solution. Leveraging the logic layer as a bridge, DiLA enhances the logical reasoning ability of LLMs on a range of reasoning problems encoded by Boolean variables, guaranteeing the efficiency and correctness of the solution process. We evaluate the performance of DiLA on two classic reasoning problems and empirically demonstrate its consistent outperformance against existing prompt-based and solver-aided approaches.

replace Enabling Weak LLMs to Judge Response Reliability via Meta Ranking

Authors: Zijun Liu, Boqun Kou, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Despite the strong performance of large language models (LLMs) across a wide range of tasks, they still have reliability issues. Previous studies indicate that strong LLMs like GPT-4-turbo excel in evaluating the reliability of responses from LLMs, but face efficiency and local deployment issues. Thus, to enable weak LLMs to effectively assess the reliability of LLM responses, we propose a novel cross-query-comparison-based method called $\textit{Meta Ranking}$ (MR). Unlike previous few-shot methods that solely based on in-context learning capabilities in LLMs, MR assesses reliability by pairwisely ranking the target query-response pair with multiple reference query-response pairs. We found that MR is highly effective in error detection for LLM responses, where weak LLMs, such as Phi-2, could surpass strong baselines like GPT-3.5-turbo, requiring only five reference samples and significantly improving efficiency. We further demonstrate that MR can enhance strong LLMs' performance in two practical applications: model cascading and instruction tuning. In model cascading, we combine open- and closed-source LLMs to achieve performance comparable to GPT-4-turbo with lower costs. In instruction tuning, we use MR for iterative training data filtering, significantly reducing data processing time and enabling LLaMA-7B and Phi-2 to surpass Alpaca-13B with fewer training tokens. These results underscore the high potential of MR in both efficiency and effectiveness.

replace A Chinese Dataset for Evaluating the Safeguards in Large Language Models

Authors: Yuxia Wang, Zenan Zhai, Haonan Li, Xudong Han, Lizhi Lin, Zhenxuan Zhang, Jingru Zhao, Preslav Nakov, Timothy Baldwin

Abstract: Many studies have demonstrated that large language models (LLMs) can produce harmful responses, exposing users to unexpected risks when LLMs are deployed. Previous studies have proposed comprehensive taxonomies of the risks posed by LLMs, as well as corresponding prompts that can be used to examine the safety mechanisms of LLMs. However, the focus has been almost exclusively on English, and little has been explored for other languages. Here we aim to bridge this gap. We first introduce a dataset for the safety evaluation of Chinese LLMs, and then extend it to two other scenarios that can be used to better identify false negative and false positive examples in terms of risky prompt rejections. We further present a set of fine-grained safety assessment criteria for each risk type, facilitating both manual annotation and automatic evaluation in terms of LLM response harmfulness. Our experiments on five LLMs show that region-specific risks are the prevalent type of risk, presenting the major issue with all Chinese LLMs we experimented with. Our data is available at Warning: this paper contains example data that may be offensive, harmful, or biased.


replace Instruction-tuned Language Models are Better Knowledge Learners

Authors: Zhengbao Jiang, Zhiqing Sun, Weijia Shi, Pedro Rodriguez, Chunting Zhou, Graham Neubig, Xi Victoria Lin, Wen-tau Yih, Srinivasan Iyer

Abstract: In order for large language model (LLM)-based assistants to effectively adapt to evolving information needs, it must be possible to update their factual knowledge through continued training on new data. The standard recipe for doing so involves continued pre-training on new documents followed by instruction-tuning on question-answer (QA) pairs. However, we find that LLMs trained with this recipe struggle to answer questions, even though the perplexity of documents is minimized. We found that QA pairs are generally straightforward, while documents are more complex, weaving many factual statements together in an intricate manner. Therefore, we hypothesize that it is beneficial to expose LLMs to QA pairs before continued pre-training on documents so that the process of encoding knowledge from complex documents takes into account how this knowledge is accessed through questions. Based on this, we propose pre-instruction-tuning (PIT), a method that instruction-tunes on questions prior to training on documents. This contrasts with standard instruction-tuning, which learns how to extract knowledge after training on documents. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that pre-instruction-tuning significantly enhances the ability of LLMs to absorb knowledge from new documents, outperforming standard instruction-tuning by 17.8%.

replace Annotation and Classification of Relevant Clauses in Terms-and-Conditions Contracts

Authors: Pietro Giovanni Bizzaro, Elena Della Valentina, Maurizio Napolitano, Nadia Mana, Massimo Zancanaro

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new annotation scheme to classify different types of clauses in Terms-and-Conditions contracts with the ultimate goal of supporting legal experts to quickly identify and assess problematic issues in this type of legal documents. To this end, we built a small corpus of Terms-and-Conditions contracts and finalized an annotation scheme of 14 categories, eventually reaching an inter-annotator agreement of 0.92. Then, for 11 of them, we experimented with binary classification tasks using few-shot prompting with a multilingual T5 and two fine-tuned versions of two BERT-based LLMs for Italian. Our experiments showed the feasibility of automatic classification of our categories by reaching accuracies ranging from .79 to .95 on validation tasks.

replace Unveiling Linguistic Regions in Large Language Models

Authors: Zhihao Zhang, Jun Zhao, Qi Zhang, Tao Gui, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated considerable cross-lingual alignment and generalization ability. Current research primarily focuses on improving LLMs' cross-lingual generalization capabilities. However, there is still a lack of research on the intrinsic mechanisms of how LLMs achieve cross-lingual alignment. From the perspective of region partitioning, this paper conducts several investigations on the linguistic competence of LLMs. We discover a core region in LLMs that corresponds to linguistic competence, accounting for approximately 1% of the total model parameters. Removing this core region by setting parameters to zero results in a significant performance decrease across 30 different languages. Furthermore, this core region exhibits significant dimensional dependency, perturbations to even a single parameter on specific dimensions leading to a loss of linguistic competence. Moreover, we discover that distinct monolingual regions exist for different languages, and disruption to these specific regions substantially reduces the LLMs' proficiency in those corresponding languages. Our research also indicates that freezing the core linguistic region during further pre-training can mitigate the issue of catastrophic forgetting (CF), a common phenomenon observed during further pre-training of LLMs. Overall, exploring the LLMs' functional regions provides insights into the foundation of their intelligence.

replace IEPile: Unearthing Large-Scale Schema-Based Information Extraction Corpus

Authors: Honghao Gui, Lin Yuan, Hongbin Ye, Ningyu Zhang, Mengshu Sun, Lei Liang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable potential across various domains; however, they exhibit a significant performance gap in Information Extraction (IE). Note that high-quality instruction data is the vital key for enhancing the specific capabilities of LLMs, while current IE datasets tend to be small in scale, fragmented, and lack standardized schema. To this end, we introduce IEPile, a comprehensive bilingual (English and Chinese) IE instruction corpus, which contains approximately 0.32B tokens. We construct IEPile by collecting and cleaning 33 existing IE datasets, and introduce schema-based instruction generation to unearth a large-scale corpus. Experimentally, IEPile enhance the performance of LLMs for IE, with notable improvements in zero-shot generalization. We open-source the resource and pre-trained models, hoping to provide valuable support to the NLP community.

replace tinyBenchmarks: evaluating LLMs with fewer examples

Authors: Felipe Maia Polo, Lucas Weber, Leshem Choshen, Yuekai Sun, Gongjun Xu, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: The versatility of large language models (LLMs) led to the creation of diverse benchmarks that thoroughly test a variety of language models' abilities. These benchmarks consist of tens of thousands of examples making evaluation of LLMs very expensive. In this paper, we investigate strategies to reduce the number of evaluations needed to assess the performance of an LLM on several key benchmarks. For example, we show that to accurately estimate the performance of an LLM on MMLU, a popular multiple-choice QA benchmark consisting of 14K examples, it is sufficient to evaluate this LLM on 100 curated examples. We release evaluation tools and tiny versions of popular benchmarks: Open LLM Leaderboard, MMLU, HELM, and AlpacaEval 2.0. Our empirical analysis demonstrates that these tools and tiny benchmarks are sufficient to reliably and efficiently reproduce the original evaluation results.

replace GPT-HateCheck: Can LLMs Write Better Functional Tests for Hate Speech Detection?

Authors: Yiping Jin, Leo Wanner, Alexander Shvets

Abstract: Online hate detection suffers from biases incurred in data sampling, annotation, and model pre-training. Therefore, measuring the averaged performance over all examples in held-out test data is inadequate. Instead, we must identify specific model weaknesses and be informed when it is more likely to fail. A recent proposal in this direction is HateCheck, a suite for testing fine-grained model functionalities on synthesized data generated using templates of the kind "You are just a [slur] to me." However, despite enabling more detailed diagnostic insights, the HateCheck test cases are often generic and have simplistic sentence structures that do not match the real-world data. To address this limitation, we propose GPT-HateCheck, a framework to generate more diverse and realistic functional tests from scratch by instructing large language models (LLMs). We employ an additional natural language inference (NLI) model to verify the generations. Crowd-sourced annotation demonstrates that the generated test cases are of high quality. Using the new functional tests, we can uncover model weaknesses that would be overlooked using the original HateCheck dataset.

replace Prejudice and Volatility: A Statistical Framework for Measuring Social Discrimination in Large Language Models

Authors: Y Liu, K Yang, Z Qi, X Liu, Y Yu, C Zhai

Abstract: This study investigates why and how inconsistency in the generation of Large Language Models (LLMs) might induce or exacerbate societal injustice. For instance, LLMs frequently exhibit contrasting gender stereotypes regarding the same career depending on varied contexts, highlighting the arguably harmful unpredictability of LLMs' behavioral patterns. To augment the existing discrimination assessment with the capability to account for variation in LLM generation, we formulate the Prejudice-Volatility Framework (PVF) that precisely defines behavioral metrics for assessing LLMs, which delineate the probability distribution of LLMs' stereotypes from the perspective of token prediction probability. Specifically, we employ a data-mining approach to approximate the possible applied contexts of LLMs and devise statistical metrics to evaluate the corresponding contextualized societal discrimination risk. Further, we mathematically dissect the aggregated discrimination risk of LLMs into prejudice risk, originating from their system bias, and volatility risk, stemming from their generation inconsistency. While initially intended for assessing discrimination in LLMs, our proposed PVF facilitates the comprehensive and flexible measurement of any inductive biases, including knowledge alongside prejudice, across various modality models. We apply PVF to 12 most commonly adopted LLMs and compare their risk levels. Our findings reveal that: i) prejudice risk is the primary cause of discrimination risk in LLMs, indicating that inherent biases in these models lead to stereotypical outputs; ii) most LLMs exhibit significant pro-male stereotypes across nearly all careers; iii) alignment with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback lowers discrimination by reducing prejudice, but increases volatility; iv) discrimination risk in LLMs correlates with socio-economic factors like profession salaries.

replace FuseChat: Knowledge Fusion of Chat Models

Authors: Fanqi Wan, Ziyi Yang, Longguang Zhong, Xiaojun Quan, Xinting Huang, Wei Bi

Abstract: While training large language models (LLMs) from scratch can indeed lead to models with distinct capabilities and strengths, this approach incurs substantial costs and may lead to potential redundancy in competencies. An alternative strategy is to combine existing LLMs into a more robust LLM, thereby diminishing the necessity for expensive pre-training. However, due to the diverse architectures of LLMs, direct parameter blending proves to be unfeasible. Recently, FuseLLM introduced the concept of knowledge fusion to transfer the collective knowledge of multiple structurally varied LLMs into a target LLM through lightweight continual training. In this report, we extend the scalability and flexibility of the FuseLLM framework to realize the fusion of chat LLMs, resulting in FuseChat. FuseChat comprises two main stages. Firstly, we undertake knowledge fusion for structurally and scale-varied source LLMs to derive multiple target LLMs of identical structure and size via lightweight fine-tuning. Then, these target LLMs are merged within the parameter space, wherein we propose a novel method for determining the merging weights based on the variation ratio of parameter matrices before and after fine-tuning. We validate our approach using three prominent chat LLMs with diverse architectures and scales, namely NH2-Mixtral-8x7B, NH2-Solar-10.7B, and OpenChat-3.5-7B. Experimental results spanning various chat domains demonstrate the superiority of FuseChat-7B across a broad spectrum of chat LLMs at 7B and 34B scales, even surpassing GPT-3.5 (March) and approaching Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct. Our code, model weights, and data are openly accessible at \url{}.


replace LoRA Meets Dropout under a Unified Framework

Authors: Sheng Wang, Liheng Chen, Jiyue Jiang, Boyang Xue, Lingpeng Kong, Chuan Wu

Abstract: With the remarkable capabilities, large language models (LLMs) have emerged as essential elements in numerous NLP applications, while parameter-efficient finetuning, especially LoRA, has gained popularity as a lightweight approach for model customization. Meanwhile, various dropout methods, initially designed for full finetuning with all the parameters updated, alleviates overfitting associated with excessive parameter redundancy. Hence, a possible contradiction arises from negligible trainable parameters of LoRA and the effectiveness of previous dropout methods, which has been largely overlooked. To fill this gap, we first confirm that parameter-efficient LoRA is also overfitting-prone. We then revisit transformer-specific dropout methods, and establish their equivalence and distinctions mathematically and empirically. Building upon this comparative analysis, we introduce a unified framework for a comprehensive investigation, which instantiates these methods based on dropping position, structural pattern and compensation measure. Through this framework, we reveal the new preferences and performance comparisons of them when involved with limited trainable parameters. This framework also allows us to amalgamate the most favorable aspects into a novel dropout method named HiddenKey. Extensive experiments verify the remarkable superiority and sufficiency of HiddenKey across multiple models and tasks, which highlights it as the preferred approach for high-performance and parameter-efficient finetuning of LLMs.

replace Peacock: A Family of Arabic Multimodal Large Language Models and Benchmarks

Authors: Fakhraddin Alwajih, El Moatez Billah Nagoudi, Gagan Bhatia, Abdelrahman Mohamed, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have proven effective in a wide range of tasks requiring complex reasoning and linguistic comprehension. However, due to a lack of high-quality multimodal resources in languages other than English, success of MLLMs remains relatively limited to English-based settings. This poses significant challenges in developing comparable models for other languages, including even those with large speaker populations such as Arabic. To alleviate this challenge, we introduce a comprehensive family of Arabic MLLMs, dubbed \textit{Peacock}, with strong vision and language capabilities. Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, we demonstrate the solid performance of our models on various visual reasoning tasks and further show their emerging dialectal potential. Additionally, we introduce ~\textit{Henna}, a new benchmark specifically designed for assessing MLLMs on aspects related to Arabic culture, setting the first stone for culturally-aware Arabic MLLMs.The GitHub repository for the \textit{Peacock} project is available at \url{}.


replace IntactKV: Improving Large Language Model Quantization by Keeping Pivot Tokens Intact

Authors: Ruikang Liu, Haoli Bai, Haokun Lin, Yuening Li, Han Gao, Zhengzhuo Xu, Lu Hou, Jun Yao, Chun Yuan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel in natural language processing but demand intensive computation. To mitigate this, various quantization methods have been explored, yet they compromise LLM performance. This paper unveils a previously overlooked type of outliers in LLMs. Such outliers are found to allocate most of the attention scores on initial tokens of input, termed as pivot tokens, which are crucial to the performance of quantized LLMs. Given that, we propose IntactKV to generate the KV cache of pivot tokens losslessly from the full-precision model. The approach is simple and easy to combine with existing quantization solutions with no extra inference overhead. Besides, IntactKV can be calibrated as additional LLM parameters to boost the quantized LLMs further with minimal training costs. Mathematical analysis also proves that IntactKV effectively reduces the upper bound of quantization error. Empirical results show that IntactKV brings consistent improvement over various quantization methods across different LLMs and downstream tasks, leading to the new state-of-the-art for LLM quantization. The codes are available at


replace Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Large Language Models with Self-Synthesized Rehearsal

Authors: Jianheng Huang, Leyang Cui, Ante Wang, Chengyi Yang, Xinting Liao, Linfeng Song, Junfeng Yao, Jinsong Su

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) suffer from catastrophic forgetting during continual learning. Conventional rehearsal-based methods rely on previous training data to retain the model's ability, which may not be feasible in real-world applications. When conducting continual learning based on a publicly-released LLM checkpoint, the availability of the original training data may be non-existent. To address this challenge, we propose a framework called Self-Synthesized Rehearsal (SSR) that uses the LLM to generate synthetic instances for rehearsal. Concretely, we first employ the base LLM for in-context learning to generate synthetic instances. Subsequently, we utilize the latest LLM to refine the instance outputs based on the synthetic inputs, preserving its acquired ability. Finally, we select diverse high-quality synthetic instances for rehearsal in future stages. Experimental results demonstrate that SSR achieves superior or comparable performance compared to conventional rehearsal-based approaches while being more data-efficient. Besides, SSR effectively preserves the generalization capabilities of LLMs in general domains.

replace Accelerating Greedy Coordinate Gradient via Probe Sampling

Authors: Yiran Zhao, Wenyue Zheng, Tianle Cai, Xuan Long Do, Kenji Kawaguchi, Anirudh Goyal, Michael Shieh

Abstract: Safety of Large Language Models (LLMs) has become a critical issue given their rapid progresses. Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG) is shown to be effective in constructing adversarial prompts to break the aligned LLMs, but optimization of GCG is time-consuming. To reduce the time cost of GCG and enable more comprehensive studies of LLM safety, in this work, we study a new algorithm called $\texttt{Probe sampling}$. At the core of the algorithm is a mechanism that dynamically determines how similar a smaller draft model's predictions are to the target model's predictions for prompt candidates. When the target model is similar to the draft model, we rely heavily on the draft model to filter out a large number of potential prompt candidates. Probe sampling achieves up to $5.6$ times speedup using Llama2-7b-chat and leads to equal or improved attack success rate (ASR) on the AdvBench. Furthermore, probe sampling is also able to accelerate other prompt optimization techniques and adversarial methods, leading to acceleration of $1.8\times$ for AutoPrompt, $2.4\times$ for APE and $2.4\times$ for AutoDAN.

replace Revisiting Meta-evaluation for Grammatical Error Correction

Authors: Masamune Kobayashi, Masato Mita, Mamoru Komachi

Abstract: Metrics are the foundation for automatic evaluation in grammatical error correction (GEC), with their evaluation of the metrics (meta-evaluation) relying on their correlation with human judgments. However, conventional meta-evaluations in English GEC encounter several challenges including biases caused by inconsistencies in evaluation granularity, and an outdated setup using classical systems. These problems can lead to misinterpretation of metrics and potentially hinder the applicability of GEC techniques. To address these issues, this paper proposes SEEDA, a new dataset for GEC meta-evaluation. SEEDA consists of corrections with human ratings along two different granularities: edit-based and sentence-based, covering 12 state-of-the-art systems including large language models (LLMs), and two human corrections with different focuses. The results of improved correlations by aligning the granularity in the sentence-level meta-evaluation, suggest that edit-based metrics may have been underestimated in existing studies. Furthermore, correlations of most metrics decrease when changing from classical to neural systems, indicating that traditional metrics are relatively poor at evaluating fluently corrected sentences with many edits.

replace Crossing Linguistic Horizons: Finetuning and Comprehensive Evaluation of Vietnamese Large Language Models

Authors: Sang T. Truong, Duc Q. Nguyen, Toan Nguyen, Dong D. Le, Nhi N. Truong, Tho Quan, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have underscored their importance in the evolution of artificial intelligence. However, despite extensive pretraining on multilingual datasets, available open-sourced LLMs exhibit limited effectiveness in processing Vietnamese. The challenge is exacerbated by the absence of systematic benchmark datasets and metrics tailored for Vietnamese LLM evaluation. To mitigate these issues, we have finetuned LLMs specifically for Vietnamese and developed a comprehensive evaluation framework encompassing 10 common tasks and 31 metrics. Our evaluation results reveal that the fine-tuned LLMs exhibit enhanced comprehension and generative capabilities in Vietnamese. Moreover, our analysis indicates that models with more parameters can introduce more biases and uncalibrated outputs and the key factor influencing LLM performance is the quality of the training or fine-tuning datasets. These insights underscore the significance of meticulous fine-tuning with high-quality datasets in enhancing LLM performance.

replace Learning to Use Tools via Cooperative and Interactive Agents

Authors: Zhengliang Shi, Shen Gao, Xiuyi Chen, Lingyong Yan, Haibo Shi, Dawei Yin, Zhumin Chen, Pengjie Ren, Suzan Verberne, Zhaochun Ren

Abstract: Tool learning empowers large language models (LLMs) as agents to use external tools to extend their capability. Existing methods employ one single LLM-based agent to iteratively select and execute tools, thereafter incorporating the result into the next action prediction. However, they still suffer from potential performance degradation when addressing complex tasks due to: (1) the limitation of the inherent capability of a single LLM to perform diverse actions, and (2) the struggle to adaptively correct mistakes when the task fails. To mitigate these problems, we propose the ConAgents, a Cooperative and interactive Agents framework, which modularizes the workflow of tool learning into Grounding, Execution, and Observing agents. We also introduce an iterative calibration (IterCali) method, enabling the agents to adapt themselves based on the feedback from the tool environment. Experiments conducted on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our ConAgents (e.g., 6 point improvement over the SOTA baseline). We further provide fine-granularity analysis for the efficiency and consistency of our framework.

replace SPA: Towards A Computational Friendly Cloud-Base and On-Devices Collaboration Seq2seq Personalized Generation

Authors: Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng, Jiannan Cao, Le Dai, Xingzu Liu, Weihao Liu, Mingbang Wang

Abstract: Large language models(LLMs) have shown its outperforming ability on various tasks and question answering. However, LLMs require substantial memory storage on low-resource devices. More critically, the computational speed on these devices is also severely limited. In this paper, we propose SPA(Side Plugin Adaption), a lightweight architecture for fast on-devices inference on the constraints of strict on-devices computation and memory constraints. Compared with other on-devices seq2seq generation, SPA could make a fast and stable inference on low-resource constraints, allowing it to obtain cost effiency. Our method establish an interaction between a pretrained LLMs on-cloud and additive parameters on-devices, which could provide the knowledge on both pretrained LLMs and featured personal feature. Further more, SPA provides a framework to keep feature-base parameters on low computational devices while leave the parameters containing general information on the high computational devices.

replace Misinformation is not about Bad Facts: An Analysis of the Production and Consumption of Fringe Content

Authors: JooYoung Lee, Emily Booth, Hany Farid, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu

Abstract: What if misinformation is not an information problem at all? To understand the role of news publishers in potentially unintentionally propagating misinformation, we examine how far-right and fringe online groups share and leverage established legacy news media articles to advance their narratives. Our findings suggest that online fringe ideologies spread through the use of content that is consensus-based and "factually correct". We found that Australian news publishers with both moderate and far-right political leanings contain comparable levels of information completeness and quality; and furthermore, that far-right Twitter users often share from moderate sources. However, a stark difference emerges when we consider two additional factors: 1) the narrow topic selection of articles by far-right users, suggesting that they cherry pick only news articles that engage with their preexisting worldviews and specific topics of concern, and 2) the difference between moderate and far-right publishers when we examine the writing style of their articles. Furthermore, we can identify users prone to sharing misinformation based on their communication style. These findings have important implications for countering online misinformation, as they highlight the powerful role that personal biases towards specific topics and publishers' writing styles have in amplifying fringe ideologies online.

replace Large Language Models Are State-of-the-Art Evaluator for Grammatical Error Correction

Authors: Masamune Kobayashi, Masato Mita, Mamoru Komachi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have been reported to outperform existing automatic evaluation metrics in some tasks, such as text summarization and machine translation. However, there has been a lack of research on LLMs as evaluators in grammatical error correction (GEC). In this study, we investigate the performance of LLMs in GEC evaluation by employing prompts designed to incorporate various evaluation criteria inspired by previous research. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that GPT-4 achieved Kendall's rank correlation of 0.662 with human judgments, surpassing all existing methods. Furthermore, in recent GEC evaluations, we have underscored the significance of the LLMs scale and particularly emphasized the importance of fluency among evaluation criteria.

replace Schroedinger's Threshold: When the AUC doesn't predict Accuracy

Authors: Juri Opitz

Abstract: The Area Under Curve measure (AUC) seems apt to evaluate and compare diverse models, possibly without calibration. An important example of AUC application is the evaluation and benchmarking of models that predict faithfulness of generated text. But we show that the AUC yields an academic and optimistic notion of accuracy that can misalign with the actual accuracy observed in application, yielding significant changes in benchmark rankings. To paint a more realistic picture of downstream model performance (and prepare a model for actual application), we explore different calibration modes, testing calibration data and method.

replace Text-Based Reasoning About Vector Graphics

Authors: Zhenhailong Wang, Joy Hsu, Xingyao Wang, Kuan-Hao Huang, Manling Li, Jiajun Wu, Heng Ji

Abstract: While large multimodal models excel in broad vision-language benchmarks, they often struggle with tasks requiring precise perception of low-level visual details, such as comparing line lengths or solving simple mazes. In particular, this failure mode persists in question-answering tasks about vector graphics -- images composed purely of 2D objects and shapes. To address this challenge, we propose the Visually Descriptive Language Model (VDLM), which performs text-based reasoning about vector graphics. VDLM leverages Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for a more precise visual description and first uses an off-the-shelf raster-to-SVG algorithm for encoding. Since existing language models cannot understand raw SVGs in a zero-shot setting, VDLM then bridges SVG with pretrained language models through a newly introduced intermediate symbolic representation, Primal Visual Description (PVD), comprising primitive attributes (e.g., shape, position, measurement) with their corresponding predicted values. PVD is task-agnostic and represents visual primitives that are universal across all vector graphics. It can be learned with procedurally generated (SVG, PVD) pairs and also enables the direct use of LLMs for generalization to complex reasoning tasks. By casting an image to a text-based representation, we can leverage the power of language models to learn alignment from SVG to visual primitives and generalize to unseen question-answering tasks. Empirical results show that VDLM achieves stronger zero-shot performance compared to state-of-the-art LMMs, such as GPT-4V, in various low-level multimodal perception and reasoning tasks on vector graphics. We additionally present extensive analyses on VDLM's performance, demonstrating that our framework offers better interpretability due to its disentangled perception and reasoning processes. Project page:


replace LaVy: Vietnamese Multimodal Large Language Model

Authors: Chi Tran, Huong Le Thanh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) and Multimodal Large language models (MLLMs) have taken the world by storm with impressive abilities in complex reasoning and linguistic comprehension. Meanwhile there are plethora of works related to Vietnamese Large Language Models, the lack of high-quality resources in multimodality limits the progress of Vietnamese MLLMs. In this paper, we pioneer in address this by introducing LaVy, a state-of-the-art Vietnamese MLLM, and we also introduce LaVy-Bench benchmark designated for evaluating MLLMs's understanding on Vietnamese visual language tasks. Our project is public at


replace AmbigDocs: Reasoning across Documents on Different Entities under the Same Name

Authors: Yoonsang Lee, Xi Ye, Eunsol Choi

Abstract: Different entities with the same name can be difficult to distinguish. Handling confusing entity mentions is a crucial skill for language models (LMs). For example, given the question "Where was Michael Jordan educated?" and a set of documents discussing different people named Michael Jordan, can LMs distinguish entity mentions to generate a cohesive answer to the question? To test this ability, we introduce a new benchmark, AmbigDocs. By leveraging Wikipedia's disambiguation pages, we identify a set of documents, belonging to different entities who share an ambiguous name. From these documents, we generate questions containing an ambiguous name and their corresponding sets of answers. Our analysis reveals that current state-of-the-art models often yield ambiguous answers or incorrectly merge information belonging to different entities. We establish an ontology categorizing four types of incomplete answers and automatic evaluation metrics to identify such categories. We lay the foundation for future work on reasoning across multiple documents with ambiguous entities.

replace NormAd: A Benchmark for Measuring the Cultural Adaptability of Large Language Models

Authors: Abhinav Rao, Akhila Yerukola, Vishwa Shah, Katharina Reinecke, Maarten Sap

Abstract: The integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into various global cultures fundamentally presents a cultural challenge: LLMs must navigate interactions, respect social norms, and avoid transgressing cultural boundaries. However, it is still unclear if LLMs can adapt their outputs to diverse cultural norms. Our study focuses on this aspect. We introduce NormAd, a novel dataset, which includes 2.6k stories that represent social and cultural norms from 75 countries, to assess the ability of LLMs to adapt to different granular levels of socio-cultural contexts such as the country of origin, its associated cultural values, and prevalent social norms. Our study reveals that LLMs struggle with cultural reasoning across all contextual granularities, showing stronger adaptability to English-centric cultures over those from the Global South. Even with explicit social norms, the top-performing model, Mistral-7b-Instruct, achieves only 81.8\% accuracy, lagging behind the 95.6\% achieved by humans. Evaluation on NormAd further reveals that LLMs struggle to adapt to stories involving gift-giving across cultures. Due to inherent agreement or sycophancy biases, LLMs find it considerably easier to assess the social acceptability of stories that adhere to cultural norms than those that deviate from them. Our benchmark measures the cultural adaptability (or lack thereof) of LLMs, emphasizing the potential to make these technologies more equitable and useful for global audiences. We release the NormAd dataset and its associated code on GitHub.

replace Swap distance minimization beyond entropy minimization in word order variation

Authors: V\'ictor Franco-S\'anchez, Arnau Mart\'i-Llobet, Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho

Abstract: Here we consider the problem of all the possible orders of a linguistic structure formed by $n$ elements, for instance, subject, direct object and verb ($n=3$) or subject, direct object, indirect object and verb ($n=4$). We investigate if the frequency of the $n!$ possible orders is constrained by two principles. First, entropy minimization, a principle that has been suggested to shape natural communication systems at distinct levels of organization. Second, swap distance minimization, namely a preference for word orders that require fewer swaps of adjacent elements to be produced from a source order. Here we present average swap distance, a novel score for research on swap distance minimization, and investigate the theoretical distribution of that score for any $n$: its minimum and maximum values and its expected value in die rolling experiments or when the word order frequencies are shuffled. We investigate whether entropy and average swap distance are significantly small in distinct linguistic structures with $n=3$ or $n=4$ in agreement with the corresponding minimization principles. We find strong evidence of entropy minimization and swap distance minimization with respect to a die rolling experiment. The evidence of these two forces with respect to a Polya urn process is strong for $n=4$ but weaker for $n=3$. We still find evidence of swap distance minimization when word order frequencies are shuffled, indicating that swap distance minimization effects are beyond pressure to minimize word order entropy.

replace Spectral Editing of Activations for Large Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yifu Qiu, Zheng Zhao, Yftah Ziser, Anna Korhonen, Edoardo M. Ponti, Shay B. Cohen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often exhibit undesirable behaviours, such as generating untruthful or biased content. Editing their internal representations has been shown to be effective in mitigating such behaviours on top of the existing alignment methods. We propose a novel inference-time editing method, namely spectral editing of activations (SEA), to project the input representations into directions with maximal covariance with the positive demonstrations (e.g., truthful) while minimising covariance with the negative demonstrations (e.g., hallucinated). We also extend our method to non-linear editing using feature functions. We run extensive experiments on benchmarks concerning truthfulness and bias with six open-source LLMs of different sizes and model families. The results demonstrate the superiority of SEA in effectiveness, generalisation to similar tasks, as well as computation and data efficiency. We also show that SEA editing only has a limited negative impact on other model capabilities.

replace SPOR: A Comprehensive and Practical Evaluation Method for Compositional Generalization in Data-to-Text Generation

Authors: Ziyao Xu, Houfeng Wang

Abstract: Compositional generalization is an important ability of language models and has many different manifestations. For data-to-text generation, previous research on this ability is limited to a single manifestation called Systematicity and lacks consideration of large language models (LLMs), which cannot fully cover practical application scenarios. In this work, we propose SPOR, a comprehensive and practical evaluation method for compositional generalization in data-to-text generation. SPOR includes four aspects of manifestations (Systematicity, Productivity, Order invariance, and Rule learnability) and allows high-quality evaluation without additional manual annotations based on existing datasets. We demonstrate SPOR on two different datasets and evaluate some existing language models including LLMs. We find that the models are deficient in various aspects of the evaluation and need further improvement. Our work shows the necessity for comprehensive research on different manifestations of compositional generalization in data-to-text generation and provides a framework for evaluation.

replace A Multi-Perspective Analysis of Memorization in Large Language Models

Authors: Bowen Chen, Namgi Han, Yusuke Miyao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), trained on massive corpora with billions of parameters, show unprecedented performance in various fields. Though surprised by their excellent performances, researchers also noticed some special behaviors of those LLMs. One of those behaviors is memorization, in which LLMs can generate the same content used to train them. Though previous research has discussed memorization, the memorization of LLMs still lacks explanation, especially the cause of memorization and the dynamics of generating them. In this research, we comprehensively discussed memorization from various perspectives and extended the discussion scope to not only just the memorized content but also less and unmemorized content. Through various studies, we found that: (1) Through experiments, we revealed the relation of memorization between model size, continuation size, and context size. Further, we showed how unmemorized sentences transition to memorized sentences. (2) Through embedding analysis, we showed the distribution and decoding dynamics across model size in embedding space for sentences with different memorization scores. The n-gram statistics analysis presents d (3) An analysis over n-gram and entropy decoding dynamics discovered a boundary effect when the model starts to generate memorized sentences or unmemorized sentences. (4)We trained a Transformer model to predict the memorization of different models, showing that it is possible to predict memorizations by context.

replace Faithful Attention Explainer: Verbalizing Decisions Based on Discriminative Features

Authors: Yao Rong, David Scheerer, Enkelejda Kasneci

Abstract: In recent years, model explanation methods have been designed to interpret model decisions faithfully and intuitively so that users can easily understand them. In this paper, we propose a framework, Faithful Attention Explainer (FAE), capable of generating faithful textual explanations regarding the attended-to features. Towards this goal, we deploy an attention module that takes the visual feature maps from the classifier for sentence generation. Furthermore, our method successfully learns the association between features and words, which allows a novel attention enforcement module for attention explanation. Our model achieves promising performance in caption quality metrics and a faithful decision-relevance metric on two datasets (CUB and ACT-X). In addition, we show that FAE can interpret gaze-based human attention, as human gaze indicates the discriminative features that humans use for decision-making, demonstrating the potential of deploying human gaze for advanced human-AI interaction.

replace RAG-RLRC-LaySum at BioLaySumm: Integrating Retrieval-Augmented Generation and Readability Control for Layman Summarization of Biomedical Texts

Authors: Yuelyu Ji, Zhuochun Li, Rui Meng, Sonish Sivarajkumar, Yanshan Wang, Zeshui Yu, Hui Ji, Yushui Han, Hanyu Zeng, Daqing He

Abstract: This paper introduces the RAG-RLRC-LaySum framework, designed to make complex biomedical research understandable to laymen through advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. Our Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solution, enhanced by a reranking method, utilizes multiple knowledge sources to ensure the precision and pertinence of lay summaries. Additionally, our Reinforcement Learning for Readability Control (RLRC) strategy improves readability, making scientific content comprehensible to non-specialists. Evaluations using the publicly accessible PLOS and eLife datasets show that our methods surpass Plain Gemini model, demonstrating a 20% increase in readability scores, a 15% improvement in ROUGE-2 relevance scores, and a 10% enhancement in factual accuracy. The RAG-RLRC-LaySum framework effectively democratizes scientific knowledge, enhancing public engagement with biomedical discoveries.

replace Semantic Density: Uncertainty Quantification in Semantic Space for Large Language Models

Authors: Xin Qiu, Risto Miikkulainen

Abstract: With the widespread application of Large Language Models (LLMs) to various domains, concerns regarding the trustworthiness of LLMs in safety-critical scenarios have been raised, due to their unpredictable tendency to hallucinate and generate misinformation. Existing LLMs do not have an inherent functionality to provide the users with an uncertainty metric for each response it generates, making it difficult to evaluate trustworthiness. Although a number of works aim to develop uncertainty quantification methods for LLMs, they have fundamental limitations, such as being restricted to classification tasks, requiring additional training and data, considering only lexical instead of semantic information, and being prompt-wise but not response-wise. A new framework is proposed in this paper to address these issues. Semantic density extracts uncertainty information for each response from a probability distribution perspective in semantic space. It has no restriction on task types and is "off-the-shelf" for new models and tasks. Experiments on seven state-of-the-art LLMs, including the latest Llama 3 and Mixtral-8x22B models, on four free-form question-answering benchmarks demonstrate the superior performance and robustness of semantic density compared to prior approaches.

replace DeTox: Toxic Subspace Projection for Model Editing

Authors: Rheeya Uppaal, Apratim Dey, Yiting He, Yiqiao Zhong, Junjie Hu

Abstract: Recent alignment algorithms such as direct preference optimization (DPO) have been developed to improve the safety of large language models (LLMs) by training these models to match human behaviors exemplified by preference data. However, these methods are both computationally intensive and lacking in controllability and transparency, making them prone to jailbreaking and inhibiting their widespread use. Furthermore, these tuning-based methods require large-scale preference data for training and are susceptible to noisy preference data. In this paper, we introduce a tuning-free alignment alternative (DeTox) and demonstrate its effectiveness under the use case of toxicity reduction. Grounded on theory from factor analysis, DeTox is a sample-efficient model editing approach that identifies a toxic subspace in the model parameter space and reduces model toxicity by projecting away the detected subspace. The toxic sub-space is identified by extracting preference data embeddings from the language model, and removing non-toxic information from these embeddings. We show that DeTox is more sample-efficient than DPO, further showcasing greater robustness to noisy data. Finally, we establish both theoretical and empirical connections between DeTox and DPO, showing that DeTox can be interpreted as a denoised version of a single DPO step.

replace Subtle Biases Need Subtler Measures: Dual Metrics for Evaluating Representative and Affinity Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Sarfaroz Yunusov, Ali Emami

Abstract: Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) has often neglected subtle biases that, although less apparent, can significantly influence the models' outputs toward particular social narratives. This study addresses two such biases within LLMs: representative bias, which denotes a tendency of LLMs to generate outputs that mirror the experiences of certain identity groups, and affinity bias, reflecting the models' evaluative preferences for specific narratives or viewpoints. We introduce two novel metrics to measure these biases: the Representative Bias Score (RBS) and the Affinity Bias Score (ABS), and present the Creativity-Oriented Generation Suite (CoGS), a collection of open-ended tasks such as short story writing and poetry composition, designed with customized rubrics to detect these subtle biases. Our analysis uncovers marked representative biases in prominent LLMs, with a preference for identities associated with being white, straight, and men. Furthermore, our investigation of affinity bias reveals distinctive evaluative patterns within each model, akin to `bias fingerprints'. This trend is also seen in human evaluators, highlighting a complex interplay between human and machine bias perceptions.

replace Grokked Transformers are Implicit Reasoners: A Mechanistic Journey to the Edge of Generalization

Authors: Boshi Wang, Xiang Yue, Yu Su, Huan Sun

Abstract: We study whether transformers can learn to implicitly reason over parametric knowledge, a skill that even the most capable language models struggle with. Focusing on two representative reasoning types, composition and comparison, we consistently find that transformers can learn implicit reasoning, but only through grokking, i.e., extended training far beyond overfitting. The levels of generalization also vary across reasoning types: when faced with out-of-distribution examples, transformers fail to systematically generalize for composition but succeed for comparison. We delve into the model's internals throughout training, conducting analytical experiments that reveal: 1) the mechanism behind grokking, such as the formation of the generalizing circuit and its relation to the relative efficiency of generalizing and memorizing circuits, and 2) the connection between systematicity and the configuration of the generalizing circuit. Our findings guide data and training setup to better induce implicit reasoning and suggest potential improvements to the transformer architecture, such as encouraging cross-layer knowledge sharing. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for a challenging reasoning task with a large search space, GPT-4-Turbo and Gemini-1.5-Pro based on non-parametric memory fail badly regardless of prompting styles or retrieval augmentation, while a fully grokked transformer can achieve near-perfect accuracy, showcasing the power of parametric memory for complex reasoning.

replace Efficient Biomedical Entity Linking: Clinical Text Standardization with Low-Resource Techniques

Authors: Akshit Achara, Sanand Sasidharan, Gagan N

Abstract: Clinical text is rich in information, with mentions of treatment, medication and anatomy among many other clinical terms. Multiple terms can refer to the same core concepts which can be referred as a clinical entity. Ontologies like the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) are developed and maintained to store millions of clinical entities including the definitions, relations and other corresponding information. These ontologies are used for standardization of clinical text by normalizing varying surface forms of a clinical term through Biomedical entity linking. With the introduction of transformer-based language models, there has been significant progress in Biomedical entity linking. In this work, we focus on learning through synonym pairs associated with the entities. As compared to the existing approaches, our approach significantly reduces the training data and resource consumption. Moreover, we propose a suite of context-based and context-less reranking techniques for performing the entity disambiguation. Overall, we achieve similar performance to the state-of-the-art zero-shot and distant supervised entity linking techniques on the Medmentions dataset, the largest annotated dataset on UMLS, without any domain-based training. Finally, we show that retrieval performance alone might not be sufficient as an evaluation metric and introduce an article level quantitative and qualitative analysis to reveal further insights on the performance of entity linking methods.

replace Leveraging Logical Rules in Knowledge Editing: A Cherry on the Top

Authors: Keyuan Cheng, Muhammad Asif Ali, Shu Yang, Gang Lin, Yuxuan Zhai, Haoyang Fei, Ke Xu, Lu Yu, Lijie Hu, Di Wang

Abstract: Multi-hop Question Answering (MQA) under knowledge editing (KE) is a key challenge in Large Language Models (LLMs). While best-performing solutions in this domain use a plan and solve paradigm to split a question into sub-questions followed by response generation, we claim that this approach is sub-optimal as it fails for hard to decompose questions, and it does not explicitly cater to correlated knowledge updates resulting as a consequence of knowledge edits. This has a detrimental impact on the overall consistency of the updated knowledge. To address these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel framework named RULE-KE, i.e., RULE based Knowledge Editing, which is a cherry on the top for augmenting the performance of all existing MQA methods under KE. Specifically, RULE-KE leverages rule discovery to discover a set of logical rules. Then, it uses these discovered rules to update knowledge about facts highly correlated with the edit. Experimental evaluation using existing and newly curated datasets (i.e., RKE-EVAL) shows that RULE-KE helps augment both performances of parameter-based and memory-based solutions up to 92% and 112.9%, respectively.

replace-cross Confidence-aware Self-Semantic Distillation on Knowledge Graph Embedding

Authors: Yichen Liu, Jiawei Chen, Defang Chen, Zhehui Zhou, Yan Feng, Can Wang

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE), which projects entities and relations into continuous vector spaces, have garnered significant attention. Although high-dimensional KGE methods offer better performance, they come at the expense of significant computation and memory overheads. Decreasing embedding dimensions significantly deteriorates model performance. While several recent efforts utilize knowledge distillation or non-Euclidean representation learning to augment the effectiveness of low-dimensional KGE, they either necessitate a pre-trained high-dimensional teacher model or involve complex non-Euclidean operations, thereby incurring considerable additional computational costs. To address this, this work proposes Confidence-aware Self-Knowledge Distillation (CSD) that learns from model itself to enhance KGE in a low-dimensional space. Specifically, CSD extracts knowledge from embeddings in previous iterations, which would be utilized to supervise the learning of the model in the next iterations. Moreover, a specific semantic module is developed to filter reliable knowledge by estimating the confidence of previously learned embeddings. This straightforward strategy bypasses the need for time-consuming pre-training of teacher models and can be integrated into various KGE methods to improve their performance. Our comprehensive experiments on six KGE backbones and four datasets underscore the effectiveness of the proposed CSD.

replace-cross Think Before You Act: Decision Transformers with Working Memory

Authors: Jikun Kang, Romain Laroche, Xingdi Yuan, Adam Trischler, Xue Liu, Jie Fu

Abstract: Decision Transformer-based decision-making agents have shown the ability to generalize across multiple tasks. However, their performance relies on massive data and computation. We argue that this inefficiency stems from the forgetting phenomenon, in which a model memorizes its behaviors in parameters throughout training. As a result, training on a new task may deteriorate the model's performance on previous tasks. In contrast to LLMs' implicit memory mechanism, the human brain utilizes distributed memory storage, which helps manage and organize multiple skills efficiently, mitigating the forgetting phenomenon. Inspired by this, we propose a working memory module to store, blend, and retrieve information for different downstream tasks. Evaluation results show that the proposed method improves training efficiency and generalization in Atari games and Meta-World object manipulation tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that memory fine-tuning further enhances the adaptability of the proposed architecture.

replace-cross Unmasking the giant: A comprehensive evaluation of ChatGPT's proficiency in coding algorithms and data structures

Authors: Sayed Erfan Arefin, Tasnia Ashrafi Heya, Hasan Al-Qudah, Ynes Ineza, Abdul Serwadda

Abstract: The transformative influence of Large Language Models (LLMs) is profoundly reshaping the Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology domain. Notably, ChatGPT distinguishes itself within these models, demonstrating remarkable performance in multi-turn conversations and exhibiting code proficiency across an array of languages. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive evaluation of ChatGPT's coding capabilities based on what is to date the largest catalog of coding challenges. Our focus is on the python programming language and problems centered on data structures and algorithms, two topics at the very foundations of Computer Science. We evaluate ChatGPT for its ability to generate correct solutions to the problems fed to it, its code quality, and nature of run-time errors thrown by its code. Where ChatGPT code successfully executes, but fails to solve the problem at hand, we look into patterns in the test cases passed in order to gain some insights into how wrong ChatGPT code is in these kinds of situations. To infer whether ChatGPT might have directly memorized some of the data that was used to train it, we methodically design an experiment to investigate this phenomena. Making comparisons with human performance whenever feasible, we investigate all the above questions from the context of both its underlying learning models (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4), on a vast array sub-topics within the main topics, and on problems having varying degrees of difficulty.

replace-cross Text2Reward: Reward Shaping with Language Models for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Tianbao Xie, Siheng Zhao, Chen Henry Wu, Yitao Liu, Qian Luo, Victor Zhong, Yanchao Yang, Tao Yu

Abstract: Designing reward functions is a longstanding challenge in reinforcement learning (RL); it requires specialized knowledge or domain data, leading to high costs for development. To address this, we introduce Text2Reward, a data-free framework that automates the generation and shaping of dense reward functions based on large language models (LLMs). Given a goal described in natural language, Text2Reward generates shaped dense reward functions as an executable program grounded in a compact representation of the environment. Unlike inverse RL and recent work that uses LLMs to write sparse reward codes or unshaped dense rewards with a constant function across timesteps, Text2Reward produces interpretable, free-form dense reward codes that cover a wide range of tasks, utilize existing packages, and allow iterative refinement with human feedback. We evaluate Text2Reward on two robotic manipulation benchmarks (ManiSkill2, MetaWorld) and two locomotion environments of MuJoCo. On 13 of the 17 manipulation tasks, policies trained with generated reward codes achieve similar or better task success rates and convergence speed than expert-written reward codes. For locomotion tasks, our method learns six novel locomotion behaviors with a success rate exceeding 94%. Furthermore, we show that the policies trained in the simulator with our method can be deployed in the real world. Finally, Text2Reward further improves the policies by refining their reward functions with human feedback. Video results are available at .


replace-cross Jailbreak and Guard Aligned Language Models with Only Few In-Context Demonstrations

Authors: Zeming Wei, Yifei Wang, Ang Li, Yichuan Mo, Yisen Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable success in various tasks, yet their safety and the risk of generating harmful content remain pressing concerns. In this paper, we delve into the potential of In-Context Learning (ICL) to modulate the alignment of LLMs. Specifically, we propose the In-Context Attack (ICA) which employs harmful demonstrations to subvert LLMs, and the In-Context Defense (ICD) which bolsters model resilience through examples that demonstrate refusal to produce harmful responses. We offer theoretical insights to elucidate how a limited set of in-context demonstrations can pivotally influence the safety alignment of LLMs. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the efficacy of ICA and ICD in respectively elevating and mitigating the success rates of jailbreaking prompts. Our findings illuminate the profound influence of ICL on LLM behavior, opening new avenues for improving the safety of LLMs.

replace-cross Transformers as Decision Makers: Provable In-Context Reinforcement Learning via Supervised Pretraining

Authors: Licong Lin, Yu Bai, Song Mei

Abstract: Large transformer models pretrained on offline reinforcement learning datasets have demonstrated remarkable in-context reinforcement learning (ICRL) capabilities, where they can make good decisions when prompted with interaction trajectories from unseen environments. However, when and how transformers can be trained to perform ICRL have not been theoretically well-understood. In particular, it is unclear which reinforcement-learning algorithms transformers can perform in context, and how distribution mismatch in offline training data affects the learned algorithms. This paper provides a theoretical framework that analyzes supervised pretraining for ICRL. This includes two recently proposed training methods -- algorithm distillation and decision-pretrained transformers. First, assuming model realizability, we prove the supervised-pretrained transformer will imitate the conditional expectation of the expert algorithm given the observed trajectory. The generalization error will scale with model capacity and a distribution divergence factor between the expert and offline algorithms. Second, we show transformers with ReLU attention can efficiently approximate near-optimal online reinforcement learning algorithms like LinUCB and Thompson sampling for stochastic linear bandits, and UCB-VI for tabular Markov decision processes. This provides the first quantitative analysis of the ICRL capabilities of transformers pretrained from offline trajectories.

replace-cross An Image is Worth Multiple Words: Discovering Object Level Concepts using Multi-Concept Prompt Learning

Authors: Chen Jin, Ryutaro Tanno, Amrutha Saseendran, Tom Diethe, Philip Teare

Abstract: Textural Inversion, a prompt learning method, learns a singular text embedding for a new "word" to represent image style and appearance, allowing it to be integrated into natural language sentences to generate novel synthesised images. However, identifying multiple unknown object-level concepts within one scene remains a complex challenge. While recent methods have resorted to cropping or masking individual images to learn multiple concepts, these techniques often require prior knowledge of new concepts and are labour-intensive. To address this challenge, we introduce Multi-Concept Prompt Learning (MCPL), where multiple unknown "words" are simultaneously learned from a single sentence-image pair, without any imagery annotations. To enhance the accuracy of word-concept correlation and refine attention mask boundaries, we propose three regularisation techniques: Attention Masking, Prompts Contrastive Loss, and Bind Adjective. Extensive quantitative comparisons with both real-world categories and biomedical images demonstrate that our method can learn new semantically disentangled concepts. Our approach emphasises learning solely from textual embeddings, using less than 10% of the storage space compared to others. The project page, code, and data are available at


replace-cross Publicly-Detectable Watermarking for Language Models

Authors: Jaiden Fairoze, Sanjam Garg, Somesh Jha, Saeed Mahloujifar, Mohammad Mahmoody, Mingyuan Wang

Abstract: We present a highly detectable, trustless watermarking scheme for LLMs: the detection algorithm contains no secret information, and it is executable by anyone. We embed a publicly-verifiable cryptographic signature into LLM output using rejection sampling. We prove that our scheme is cryptographically correct, sound, and distortion-free. We make novel uses of error-correction techniques to overcome periods of low entropy, a barrier for all prior watermarking schemes. We implement our scheme and make empirical measurements over open models in the 2.7B to 70B parameter range. Our experiments suggest that our formal claims are met in practice.

replace-cross DetermLR: Augmenting LLM-based Logical Reasoning from Indeterminacy to Determinacy

Authors: Hongda Sun, Weikai Xu, Wei Liu, Jian Luan, Bin Wang, Shuo Shang, Ji-Rong Wen, Rui Yan

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the landscape of reasoning tasks. To enhance the capabilities of LLMs to emulate human reasoning, prior studies have focused on modeling reasoning steps using various thought structures like chains, trees, or graphs. However, LLM-based reasoning still encounters the following challenges: (1) Limited adaptability of preset structures to diverse tasks; (2) Insufficient precision in exploiting known conditions to derive new ones; and (3) Inadequate consideration of historical reasoning experiences for subsequent reasoning steps. To this end, we propose DetermLR, a novel perspective that rethinks the reasoning process as an evolution from indeterminacy to determinacy. First, we categorize known conditions into two types: determinate and indeterminate premises This provides an oveall direction for the reasoning process and guides LLMs in converting indeterminate data into progressively determinate insights. Subsequently, we leverage quantitative measurements to prioritize more relevant premises to explore new insights. Furthermore, we automate the storage and extraction of available premises and reasoning paths with reasoning memory, preserving historical reasoning details for subsequent reasoning steps. Comprehensive experimental results demonstrate that DetermLR surpasses all baselines on various logical reasoning benchmarks: LogiQA, ProofWriter, FOLIO, PrOntoQA, and LogicalDeduction. Compared to previous multi-step reasoning methods, DetermLR achieves higher accuracy with fewer reasoning steps, highlighting its superior efficiency and effectiveness in solving logical reasoning tasks.

replace-cross Self-Infilling Code Generation

Authors: Lin Zheng, Jianbo Yuan, Zhi Zhang, Hongxia Yang, Lingpeng Kong

Abstract: This work introduces self-infilling code generation, a general framework that incorporates infilling operations into auto-regressive decoding. Our approach capitalizes on the observation that recent infilling-capable code language models can self-infill: whereas infilling operations aim to fill in the middle based on a predefined prefix and suffix, self-infilling sequentially generates both such surrounding context and the infilled content. We utilize this capability to introduce novel interruption and looping mechanisms in conventional decoding, evolving it into a non-monotonic process. Interruptions allow for postponing the generation of specific code until a definitive suffix is established, enhancing control over the output. Meanwhile, the looping mechanism, which leverages the complementary nature of self-infilling and left-to-right decoding, can iteratively update and synchronize each piece of generation cyclically. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate that our proposed decoding process is effective in enhancing both regularity and quality across several code generation benchmarks.

replace-cross BAT: Learning to Reason about Spatial Sounds with Large Language Models

Authors: Zhisheng Zheng, Puyuan Peng, Ziyang Ma, Xie Chen, Eunsol Choi, David Harwath

Abstract: Spatial sound reasoning is a fundamental human skill, enabling us to navigate and interpret our surroundings based on sound. In this paper we present BAT, which combines the spatial sound perception ability of a binaural acoustic scene analysis model with the natural language reasoning capabilities of a large language model (LLM) to replicate this innate ability. To address the lack of existing datasets of in-the-wild spatial sounds, we synthesized a binaural audio dataset using AudioSet and SoundSpaces 2.0. Next, we developed SpatialSoundQA, a spatial sound-based question-answering dataset, offering a range of QA tasks that train BAT in various aspects of spatial sound perception and reasoning. The acoustic front end encoder of BAT is a novel spatial audio encoder named Spatial Audio Spectrogram Transformer, or Spatial-AST, which by itself achieves strong performance across sound event detection, spatial localization, and distance estimation. By integrating Spatial-AST with LLaMA-2 7B model, BAT transcends standard Sound Event Localization and Detection (SELD) tasks, enabling the model to reason about the relationships between the sounds in its environment. Our experiments demonstrate BAT's superior performance on both spatial sound perception and reasoning, showcasing the immense potential of LLMs in navigating and interpreting complex spatial audio environments.

replace-cross Selecting Large Language Model to Fine-tune via Rectified Scaling Law

Authors: Haowei Lin, Baizhou Huang, Haotian Ye, Qinyu Chen, Zihao Wang, Sujian Li, Jianzhu Ma, Xiaojun Wan, James Zou, Yitao Liang

Abstract: The ever-growing ecosystem of LLMs has posed a challenge in selecting the most appropriate pre-trained model to fine-tune amidst a sea of options. Given constrained resources, fine-tuning all models and making selections afterward is unrealistic. In this work, we formulate this resource-constrained selection task into predicting fine-tuning performance and illustrate its natural connection with Scaling Law. Unlike pre-training, We find that the fine-tuning scaling curve includes not just the well-known "power phase" but also the previously unobserved "pre-power phase". We also explain why existing Scaling Law fails to capture this phase transition phenomenon both theoretically and empirically. To address this, we introduce the concept of "pre-learned data size" into our Rectified Scaling Law, which overcomes theoretical limitations and fits experimental results much better. By leveraging our law, we propose a novel LLM selection algorithm that selects the near-optimal model with hundreds of times less resource consumption, while other methods may provide negatively correlated selection.

replace-cross Isotropy, Clusters, and Classifiers

Authors: Timothee Mickus, Stig-Arne Gr\"onroos, Joseph Attieh

Abstract: Whether embedding spaces use all their dimensions equally, i.e., whether they are isotropic, has been a recent subject of discussion. Evidence has been accrued both for and against enforcing isotropy in embedding spaces. In the present paper, we stress that isotropy imposes requirements on the embedding space that are not compatible with the presence of clusters -- which also negatively impacts linear classification objectives. We demonstrate this fact both mathematically and empirically and use it to shed light on previous results from the literature.

replace-cross Accurate LoRA-Finetuning Quantization of LLMs via Information Retention

Authors: Haotong Qin, Xudong Ma, Xingyu Zheng, Xiaoyang Li, Yang Zhang, Shouda Liu, Jie Luo, Xianglong Liu, Michele Magno

Abstract: The LoRA-finetuning quantization of LLMs has been extensively studied to obtain accurate yet compact LLMs for deployment on resource-constrained hardware. However, existing methods cause the quantized LLM to severely degrade and even fail to benefit from the finetuning of LoRA. This paper proposes a novel IR-QLoRA for pushing quantized LLMs with LoRA to be highly accurate through information retention. The proposed IR-QLoRA mainly relies on two technologies derived from the perspective of unified information: (1) statistics-based Information Calibration Quantization allows the quantized parameters of LLM to retain original information accurately; (2) finetuning-based Information Elastic Connection makes LoRA utilizes elastic representation transformation with diverse information. Comprehensive experiments show that IR-QLoRA can significantly improve accuracy across LLaMA and LLaMA2 families under 2-4 bit-widths, e.g., 4- bit LLaMA-7B achieves 1.4% improvement on MMLU compared with the state-of-the-art methods. The significant performance gain requires only a tiny 0.31% additional time consumption, revealing the satisfactory efficiency of our IR-QLoRA. We highlight that IR-QLoRA enjoys excellent versatility, compatible with various frameworks (e.g., NormalFloat and Integer quantization) and brings general accuracy gains. The code is available at


replace-cross Limits of Transformer Language Models on Learning to Compose Algorithms

Authors: Jonathan Thomm, Aleksandar Terzic, Giacomo Camposampiero, Michael Hersche, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Abbas Rahimi

Abstract: We analyze the capabilities of Transformer language models in learning compositional discrete tasks. To this end, we evaluate training LLaMA models and prompting GPT-4 and Gemini on four tasks demanding to learn a composition of several discrete sub-tasks. On both training LLaMA models from scratch and prompting on GPT-4 and Gemini, we measure how well these models can reuse primitives observable in the sub-tasks to learn the composition task. Our results indicate that compositional learning in state-of-the-art Transformer language models is highly sample inefficient: LLaMA requires more data samples than relearning all sub-tasks from scratch to learn the compositional task; in-context prompting with few samples is unreliable and fails at executing the sub-tasks or correcting the errors in multi-round code generation. Further, by leveraging complexity theory, we support these findings with a theoretical analysis focused on the sample inefficiency of gradient descent in memorizing feedforward models.

replace-cross HyperBERT: Mixing Hypergraph-Aware Layers with Language Models for Node Classification on Text-Attributed Hypergraphs

Authors: Adri\'an Bazaga, Pietro Li\`o, Gos Micklem

Abstract: Hypergraphs are characterized by complex topological structure, representing higher-order interactions among multiple entities through hyperedges. Lately, hypergraph-based deep learning methods to learn informative data representations for the problem of node classification on text-attributed hypergraphs have garnered increasing research attention. However, existing methods struggle to simultaneously capture the full extent of hypergraph structural information and the rich linguistic attributes inherent in the nodes attributes, which largely hampers their effectiveness and generalizability. To overcome these challenges, we explore ways to further augment a pretrained BERT model with specialized hypergraph-aware layers for the task of node classification. Such layers introduce higher-order structural inductive bias into the language model, thus improving the model's capacity to harness both higher-order context information from the hypergraph structure and semantic information present in text. In this paper, we propose a new architecture, HyperBERT, a mixed text-hypergraph model which simultaneously models hypergraph relational structure while maintaining the high-quality text encoding capabilities of a pre-trained BERT. Notably, HyperBERT presents results that achieve a new state-of-the-art on five challenging text-attributed hypergraph node classification benchmarks.

replace-cross WorldCoder, a Model-Based LLM Agent: Building World Models by Writing Code and Interacting with the Environment

Authors: Hao Tang, Darren Key, Kevin Ellis

Abstract: We give a model-based agent that builds a Python program representing its knowledge of the world based on its interactions with the environment. The world model tries to explain its interactions, while also being optimistic about what reward it can achieve. We define this optimism as a logical constraint between a program and a planner. We study our agent on gridworlds, and on task planning, finding our approach is more sample-efficient compared to deep RL, more compute-efficient compared to ReAct-style agents, and that it can transfer its knowledge across environments by editing its code.

replace-cross ProSparse: Introducing and Enhancing Intrinsic Activation Sparsity within Large Language Models

Authors: Chenyang Song, Xu Han, Zhengyan Zhang, Shengding Hu, Xiyu Shi, Kuai Li, Chen Chen, Zhiyuan Liu, Guangli Li, Tao Yang, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Activation sparsity refers to the existence of considerable weakly-contributed elements among activation outputs. As a prevalent property of the models using the ReLU activation function, activation sparsity has been proven a promising paradigm to boost model inference efficiency. Nevertheless, most large language models (LLMs) adopt activation functions without intrinsic activation sparsity (e.g., GELU and Swish). Some recent efforts have explored introducing ReLU or its variants as the substitutive activation function to help LLMs achieve activation sparsity and inference acceleration, but few can simultaneously obtain high sparsity and comparable model performance. This paper introduces a simple and effective sparsification method named "ProSparse" to push LLMs for higher activation sparsity while maintaining comparable performance. Specifically, after substituting the activation function of LLMs with ReLU, ProSparse adopts progressive sparsity regularization with a factor smoothly increasing along the multi-stage sine curves. This can enhance activation sparsity and mitigate performance degradation by avoiding radical shifts in activation distributions. With ProSparse, we obtain high sparsity of 89.32% for LLaMA2-7B, 88.80% for LLaMA2-13B, and 87.89% for end-size MiniCPM-1B, respectively, achieving comparable performance to their original Swish-activated versions. These present the most sparsely activated models among open-source LLaMA versions and competitive end-size models, considerably surpassing ReluLLaMA-7B (66.98%) and ReluLLaMA-13B (71.56%). Our inference acceleration experiments further demonstrate the significant practical acceleration potential of LLMs with higher activation sparsity, obtaining up to 4.52$\times$ inference speedup.

replace-cross Explorations of Self-Repair in Language Models

Authors: Cody Rushing, Neel Nanda

Abstract: Prior interpretability research studying narrow distributions has preliminarily identified self-repair, a phenomena where if components in large language models are ablated, later components will change their behavior to compensate. Our work builds off this past literature, demonstrating that self-repair exists on a variety of models families and sizes when ablating individual attention heads on the full training distribution. We further show that on the full training distribution self-repair is imperfect, as the original direct effect of the head is not fully restored, and noisy, since the degree of self-repair varies significantly across different prompts (sometimes overcorrecting beyond the original effect). We highlight two different mechanisms that contribute to self-repair, including changes in the final LayerNorm scaling factor and sparse sets of neurons implementing Anti-Erasure. We additionally discuss the implications of these results for interpretability practitioners and close with a more speculative discussion on the mystery of why self-repair occurs in these models at all, highlighting evidence for the Iterative Inference hypothesis in language models, a framework that predicts self-repair.

replace-cross No Free Lunch in LLM Watermarking: Trade-offs in Watermarking Design Choices

Authors: Qi Pang, Shengyuan Hu, Wenting Zheng, Virginia Smith

Abstract: Advances in generative models have made it possible for AI-generated text, code, and images to mirror human-generated content in many applications. Watermarking, a technique that aims to embed information in the output of a model to verify its source, is useful for mitigating the misuse of such AI-generated content. However, we show that common design choices in LLM watermarking schemes make the resulting systems surprisingly susceptible to attack -- leading to fundamental trade-offs in robustness, utility, and usability. To navigate these trade-offs, we rigorously study a set of simple yet effective attacks on common watermarking systems, and propose guidelines and defenses for LLM watermarking in practice.

replace-cross Language-guided Skill Learning with Temporal Variational Inference

Authors: Haotian Fu, Pratyusha Sharma, Elias Stengel-Eskin, George Konidaris, Nicolas Le Roux, Marc-Alexandre C\^ot\'e, Xingdi Yuan

Abstract: We present an algorithm for skill discovery from expert demonstrations. The algorithm first utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs) to propose an initial segmentation of the trajectories. Following that, a hierarchical variational inference framework incorporates the LLM-generated segmentation information to discover reusable skills by merging trajectory segments. To further control the trade-off between compression and reusability, we introduce a novel auxiliary objective based on the Minimum Description Length principle that helps guide this skill discovery process. Our results demonstrate that agents equipped with our method are able to discover skills that help accelerate learning and outperform baseline skill learning approaches on new long-horizon tasks in BabyAI, a grid world navigation environment, as well as ALFRED, a household simulation environment.

replace-cross MIntRec 2.0: A Large-scale Benchmark Dataset for Multimodal Intent Recognition and Out-of-scope Detection in Conversations

Authors: Hanlei Zhang, Xin Wang, Hua Xu, Qianrui Zhou, Kai Gao, Jianhua Su, jinyue Zhao, Wenrui Li, Yanting Chen

Abstract: Multimodal intent recognition poses significant challenges, requiring the incorporation of non-verbal modalities from real-world contexts to enhance the comprehension of human intentions. Existing benchmark datasets are limited in scale and suffer from difficulties in handling out-of-scope samples that arise in multi-turn conversational interactions. We introduce MIntRec 2.0, a large-scale benchmark dataset for multimodal intent recognition in multi-party conversations. It contains 1,245 dialogues with 15,040 samples, each annotated within a new intent taxonomy of 30 fine-grained classes. Besides 9,304 in-scope samples, it also includes 5,736 out-of-scope samples appearing in multi-turn contexts, which naturally occur in real-world scenarios. Furthermore, we provide comprehensive information on the speakers in each utterance, enriching its utility for multi-party conversational research. We establish a general framework supporting the organization of single-turn and multi-turn dialogue data, modality feature extraction, multimodal fusion, as well as in-scope classification and out-of-scope detection. Evaluation benchmarks are built using classic multimodal fusion methods, ChatGPT, and human evaluators. While existing methods incorporating nonverbal information yield improvements, effectively leveraging context information and detecting out-of-scope samples remains a substantial challenge. Notably, large language models exhibit a significant performance gap compared to humans, highlighting the limitations of machine learning methods in the cognitive intent understanding task. We believe that MIntRec 2.0 will serve as a valuable resource, providing a pioneering foundation for research in human-machine conversational interactions, and significantly facilitating related applications. The full dataset and codes are available at


replace-cross LISA: Layerwise Importance Sampling for Memory-Efficient Large Language Model Fine-Tuning

Authors: Rui Pan, Xiang Liu, Shizhe Diao, Renjie Pi, Jipeng Zhang, Chi Han, Tong Zhang

Abstract: The machine learning community has witnessed impressive advancements since large language models (LLMs) first appeared. Yet, their massive memory consumption has become a significant roadblock to large-scale training. For instance, a 7B model typically requires at least 60 GB of GPU memory with full parameter training, which presents challenges for researchers without access to high-resource environments. Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning techniques such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) have been proposed to alleviate this problem. However, in most large-scale fine-tuning settings, their performance does not reach the level of full parameter training because they confine the parameter search to a low-rank subspace. Attempting to complement this deficiency, we investigate the layerwise properties of LoRA on fine-tuning tasks and observe an unexpected but consistent skewness of weight norms across different layers. Utilizing this key observation, a surprisingly simple training strategy is discovered, which outperforms both LoRA and full parameter training in a wide range of settings with memory costs as low as LoRA. We name it Layerwise Importance Sampled AdamW (LISA), a promising alternative for LoRA, which applies the idea of importance sampling to different layers in LLMs and randomly freezes most middle layers during optimization. Experimental results show that with similar or less GPU memory consumption, LISA surpasses LoRA or even full parameter tuning in downstream fine-tuning tasks, where LISA consistently outperforms LoRA by over 10%-35% in terms of MT-Bench score while achieving on-par or better performance in MMLU, AGIEval and WinoGrande. On large models, specifically LLaMA-2-70B, LISA surpasses LoRA on MT-Bench, GSM8K, and PubMedQA, demonstrating its effectiveness across different domains.

replace-cross AnchorAL: Computationally Efficient Active Learning for Large and Imbalanced Datasets

Authors: Pietro Lesci, Andreas Vlachos

Abstract: Active learning for imbalanced classification tasks is challenging as the minority classes naturally occur rarely. Gathering a large pool of unlabelled data is thus essential to capture minority instances. Standard pool-based active learning is computationally expensive on large pools and often reaches low accuracy by overfitting the initial decision boundary, thus failing to explore the input space and find minority instances. To address these issues we propose AnchorAL. At each iteration, AnchorAL chooses class-specific instances from the labelled set, or anchors, and retrieves the most similar unlabelled instances from the pool. This resulting subpool is then used for active learning. Using a small, fixed-sized subpool AnchorAL allows scaling any active learning strategy to large pools. By dynamically selecting different anchors at each iteration it promotes class balance and prevents overfitting the initial decision boundary, thus promoting the discovery of new clusters of minority instances. In experiments across different classification tasks, active learning strategies, and model architectures AnchorAL is (i) faster, often reducing runtime from hours to minutes, (ii) trains more performant models, (iii) and returns more balanced datasets than competing methods.

replace-cross FeDeRA:Efficient Fine-tuning of Language Models in Federated Learning Leveraging Weight Decomposition

Authors: Yuxuan Yan, Qianqian Yang, Shunpu Tang, Zhiguo Shi

Abstract: Despite their exceptional performance on various tasks after fine-tuning, pre-trained language models (PLMs) face significant challenges due to growing privacy concerns with data in centralized training methods. We consider federated learning (FL) to fine-tune PLMs in this paper. However, the substantial number of parameters in PLMs poses significant difficulties for client devices with limited communication and computational resources. One promising solution is to exploit parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) into FL, which trains a much smaller set of parameters than full parameter fine-tuning (FFT). Although remarkably improving training efficiency, PEFT methods may lead to degraded performance especially when data across different clients are non i.i.d, as revealed by experimental results. To overcome this, we propose FeDeRA, which extends and improves a widely used PEFT method, i.e., low-rank adaption (LoRA). FeDeRA follows LoRA by decomposing the weight matrices of the PLMs into low-rank matrices, which allows for more efficient computation and parameter updates during fine-tuning. Different from LoRA which simply initializes these low-rank matrices by random sampling or zeros, the proposed FeDeRA initializes these matrices by the results of performing singular value decomposition (SVD) on the pre-trained weight matrices. Extensive experiments across various tasks and datasets show that FeDeRA outperforms the considered PEFT baselines and is comparable to or even surpasses FFT method within the FL setting in terms of task performance. Moreover, FeDeRA requires only 1% trainable paramentes compared to FFT, significantly reducing training time costs by more than 90% to achieve the same task performance level. The experimental results also highlight the robustness of FeDeRA against data heterogeneity, as it maintains stable task performance even as data heterogeneity increases.

replace-cross Self-Play Preference Optimization for Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yue Wu, Zhiqing Sun, Huizhuo Yuan, Kaixuan Ji, Yiming Yang, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Traditional reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) approaches relying on parametric models like the Bradley-Terry model fall short in capturing the intransitivity and irrationality in human preferences. Recent advancements suggest that directly working with preference probabilities can yield a more accurate reflection of human preferences, enabling more flexible and accurate language model alignment. In this paper, we propose a self-play-based method for language model alignment, which treats the problem as a constant-sum two-player game aimed at identifying the Nash equilibrium policy. Our approach, dubbed \textit{Self-play Probabilistic Preference Optimization} (SPPO), approximates the Nash equilibrium through iterative policy updates and enjoys a theoretical convergence guarantee. Our method can effectively increase the log-likelihood of the chosen response and decrease that of the rejected response, which cannot be trivially achieved by symmetric pairwise loss such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Identity Preference Optimization (IPO). In our experiments, using only 60k prompts (without responses) from the UltraFeedback dataset and without any prompt augmentation, by leveraging a pre-trained preference model PairRM with only 0.4B parameters, SPPO can obtain a model from fine-tuning Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2 that achieves the state-of-the-art length-controlled win-rate of 28.53\% against GPT-4-Turbo on AlpacaEval 2.0. It also outperforms the (iterative) DPO and IPO on MT-Bench and the Open LLM Leaderboard. Notably, the strong performance of SPPO is achieved without additional external supervision (e.g., responses, preferences, etc.) from GPT-4 or other stronger language models.

replace-cross ALPINE: Unveiling the Planning Capability of Autoregressive Learning in Language Models

Authors: Siwei Wang, Yifei Shen, Shi Feng, Haoran Sun, Shang-Hua Teng, Wei Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we present the findings of our Project ALPINE which stands for ``Autoregressive Learning for Planning In NEtworks." Project ALPINE initiates a theoretical investigation into the development of planning capabilities in Transformer-based language models through their autoregressive learning mechanisms, aiming to identify any potential limitations in their planning abilities. We abstract planning as a network path-finding task where the objective is to generate a valid path from a specified source node to a designated target node. In terms of expressiveness, we show that the Transformer is capable of executing path-finding by embedding the adjacency and reachability matrices within its weights. Our theoretical analysis of the gradient-based learning dynamic of the Transformer reveals that the Transformer is capable of learning both the adjacency matrix and a limited form of the reachability matrix. These theoretical insights are then validated through experiments, which demonstrate that the Transformer indeed learns the adjacency matrix and an incomplete reachability matrix, which aligns with the predictions made in our theoretical analysis. Additionally, when applying our methodology to a real-world planning benchmark, called Blocksworld, our observations remain consistent. Our theoretical and empirical analyses further unveil a potential limitation of Transformer in path-finding: it cannot identify reachability relationships through transitivity, and thus would fail when path concatenation is needed to generate a path. In summary, our findings shed new light on how the internal mechanisms of autoregressive learning enable planning in networks. This study may contribute to our understanding of the general planning capabilities in other related domains.

replace-cross LLM Processes: Numerical Predictive Distributions Conditioned on Natural Language

Authors: James Requeima, John Bronskill, Dami Choi, Richard E. Turner, David Duvenaud

Abstract: Machine learning practitioners often face significant challenges in formally integrating their prior knowledge and beliefs into predictive models, limiting the potential for nuanced and context-aware analyses. Moreover, the expertise needed to integrate this prior knowledge into probabilistic modeling typically limits the application of these models to specialists. Our goal is to build a regression model that can process numerical data and make probabilistic predictions at arbitrary locations, guided by natural language text which describes a user's prior knowledge. Large Language Models (LLMs) provide a useful starting point for designing such a tool since they 1) provide an interface where users can incorporate expert insights in natural language and 2) provide an opportunity for leveraging latent problem-relevant knowledge encoded in LLMs that users may not have themselves. We start by exploring strategies for eliciting explicit, coherent numerical predictive distributions from LLMs. We examine these joint predictive distributions, which we call LLM Processes, over arbitrarily-many quantities in settings such as forecasting, multi-dimensional regression, black-box optimization, and image modeling. We investigate the practical details of prompting to elicit coherent predictive distributions, and demonstrate their effectiveness at regression. Finally, we demonstrate the ability to usefully incorporate text into numerical predictions, improving predictive performance and giving quantitative structure that reflects qualitative descriptions. This lets us begin to explore the rich, grounded hypothesis space that LLMs implicitly encode.

replace-cross S-Eval: Automatic and Adaptive Test Generation for Benchmarking Safety Evaluation of Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaohan Yuan, Jinfeng Li, Dongxia Wang, Yuefeng Chen, Xiaofeng Mao, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Wenhai Wang, Kui Ren, Jingyi Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models have gained considerable attention for their revolutionary capabilities. However, there is also growing concern on their safety implications, making a comprehensive safety evaluation for LLMs urgently needed before model deployment. In this work, we propose S-Eval, a new comprehensive, multi-dimensional and open-ended safety evaluation benchmark. At the core of S-Eval is a novel LLM-based automatic test prompt generation and selection framework, which trains an expert testing LLM Mt combined with a range of test selection strategies to automatically construct a high-quality test suite for the safety evaluation. The key to the automation of this process is a novel expert safety-critique LLM Mc able to quantify the riskiness score of an LLM's response, and additionally produce risk tags and explanations. Besides, the generation process is also guided by a carefully designed risk taxonomy with four different levels, covering comprehensive and multi-dimensional safety risks of concern. Based on these, we systematically construct a new and large-scale safety evaluation benchmark for LLMs consisting of 220,000 evaluation prompts, including 20,000 base risk prompts (10,000 in Chinese and 10,000 in English) and 200,000 corresponding attack prompts derived from 10 popular adversarial instruction attacks against LLMs. Moreover, considering the rapid evolution of LLMs and accompanied safety threats, S-Eval can be flexibly configured and adapted to include new risks, attacks and models. S-Eval is extensively evaluated on 20 popular and representative LLMs. The results confirm that S-Eval can better reflect and inform the safety risks of LLMs compared to existing benchmarks. We also explore the impacts of parameter scales, language environments, and decoding parameters on the evaluation, providing a systematic methodology for evaluating the safety of LLMs.

replace-cross Towards Efficient LLM Grounding for Embodied Multi-Agent Collaboration

Authors: Yang Zhang, Shixin Yang, Chenjia Bai, Fei Wu, Xiu Li, Zhen Wang, Xuelong Li

Abstract: Grounding the reasoning ability of large language models (LLMs) for embodied tasks is challenging due to the complexity of the physical world. Especially, LLM planning for multi-agent collaboration requires communication of agents or credit assignment as the feedback to re-adjust the proposed plans and achieve effective coordination. However, existing methods that overly rely on physical verification or self-reflection suffer from excessive and inefficient querying of LLMs. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for multi-agent collaboration that introduces Reinforced Advantage feedback (ReAd) for efficient self-refinement of plans. Specifically, we perform critic regression to learn a sequential advantage function from LLM-planned data, and then treat the LLM planner as an optimizer to generate actions that maximize the advantage function. It endows the LLM with the foresight to discern whether the action contributes to accomplishing the final task. We provide theoretical analysis by extending advantage-weighted regression in reinforcement learning to multi-agent systems. Experiments on Overcooked-AI and a difficult variant of RoCoBench show that ReAd surpasses baselines in success rate, and also significantly decreases the interaction steps of agents and query rounds of LLMs, demonstrating its high efficiency for grounding LLMs. More results are given at


replace-cross Explainable Few-shot Knowledge Tracing

Authors: Haoxuan Li, Jifan Yu, Yuanxin Ouyang, Zhuang Liu, Wenge Rong, Juanzi Li, Zhang Xiong

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT), aiming to mine students' mastery of knowledge by their exercise records and predict their performance on future test questions, is a critical task in educational assessment. While researchers achieved tremendous success with the rapid development of deep learning techniques, current knowledge tracing tasks fall into the cracks from real-world teaching scenarios. Relying heavily on extensive student data and solely predicting numerical performances differs from the settings where teachers assess students' knowledge state from limited practices and provide explanatory feedback. To fill this gap, we explore a new task formulation: Explainable Few-shot Knowledge Tracing. By leveraging the powerful reasoning and generation abilities of large language models (LLMs), we then propose a cognition-guided framework that can track the student knowledge from a few student records while providing natural language explanations. Experimental results from three widely used datasets show that LLMs can perform comparable or superior to competitive deep knowledge tracing methods. We also discuss potential directions and call for future improvements in relevant topics.

replace-cross Worldwide Federated Training of Language Models

Authors: Alex Iacob, Lorenzo Sani, Bill Marino, Preslav Aleksandrov, William F. Shen, Nicholas Donald Lane

Abstract: The reliance of language model training on massive amounts of computation and vast datasets scraped from potentially low-quality, copyrighted, or sensitive data has come into question practically, legally, and ethically. Federated learning provides a plausible alternative by enabling previously untapped data to be voluntarily gathered from collaborating organizations. However, when scaled globally, federated learning requires collaboration across heterogeneous legal, security, and privacy regimes while accounting for the inherent locality of language data; this further exacerbates the established challenge of federated statistical heterogeneity. We propose a Worldwide Federated Language Model Training~(WorldLM) system based on federations of federations, where each federation has the autonomy to account for factors such as its industry, operating jurisdiction, or competitive environment. WorldLM enables such autonomy in the presence of statistical heterogeneity via partial model localization by allowing sub-federations to attentively aggregate key layers from their constituents. Furthermore, it can adaptively share information across federations via residual layer embeddings. Evaluations of language modeling on naturally heterogeneous datasets show that WorldLM outperforms standard federations by up to $1.91\times$, approaches the personalized performance of fully local models, and maintains these advantages under privacy-enhancing techniques.

replace-cross Calibrated Self-Rewarding Vision Language Models

Authors: Yiyang Zhou, Zhiyuan Fan, Dongjie Cheng, Sihan Yang, Zhaorun Chen, Chenhang Cui, Xiyao Wang, Yun Li, Linjun Zhang, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have made substantial progress by integrating pre-trained large language models (LLMs) and vision models through instruction tuning. Despite these advancements, LVLMs often exhibit the hallucination phenomenon, where generated text responses appear linguistically plausible but contradict the input image, indicating a misalignment between image and text pairs. This misalignment arises because the model tends to prioritize textual information over visual input, even when both the language model and visual representations are of high quality. Existing methods leverage additional models or human annotations to curate preference data and enhance modality alignment through preference optimization. These approaches may not effectively reflect the target LVLM's preferences, making the curated preferences easily distinguishable. Our work addresses these challenges by proposing the Calibrated Self-Rewarding (CSR) approach, which enables the model to self-improve by iteratively generating candidate responses, evaluating the reward for each response, and curating preference data for fine-tuning. In the reward modeling, we employ a step-wise strategy and incorporate visual constraints into the self-rewarding process to place greater emphasis on visual input. Empirical results demonstrate that CSR enhances performance and reduces hallucinations across ten benchmarks and tasks, achieving substantial improvements over existing methods by 7.62%. Our empirical results are further supported by rigorous theoretical analysis, under mild assumptions, verifying the effectiveness of introducing visual constraints into the self-rewarding paradigm. Additionally, CSR shows compatibility with different vision-language models and the ability to incrementally improve performance through iterative fine-tuning. Our data and code are available at


replace-cross FinRobot: An Open-Source AI Agent Platform for Financial Applications using Large Language Models

Authors: Hongyang Yang, Boyu Zhang, Neng Wang, Cheng Guo, Xiaoli Zhang, Likun Lin, Junlin Wang, Tianyu Zhou, Mao Guan, Runjia Zhang, Christina Dan Wang

Abstract: As financial institutions and professionals increasingly incorporate Large Language Models (LLMs) into their workflows, substantial barriers, including proprietary data and specialized knowledge, persist between the finance sector and the AI community. These challenges impede the AI community's ability to enhance financial tasks effectively. Acknowledging financial analysis's critical role, we aim to devise financial-specialized LLM-based toolchains and democratize access to them through open-source initiatives, promoting wider AI adoption in financial decision-making. In this paper, we introduce FinRobot, a novel open-source AI agent platform supporting multiple financially specialized AI agents, each powered by LLM. Specifically, the platform consists of four major layers: 1) the Financial AI Agents layer that formulates Financial Chain-of-Thought (CoT) by breaking sophisticated financial problems down into logical sequences; 2) the Financial LLM Algorithms layer dynamically configures appropriate model application strategies for specific tasks; 3) the LLMOps and DataOps layer produces accurate models by applying training/fine-tuning techniques and using task-relevant data; 4) the Multi-source LLM Foundation Models layer that integrates various LLMs and enables the above layers to access them directly. Finally, FinRobot provides hands-on for both professional-grade analysts and laypersons to utilize powerful AI techniques for advanced financial analysis. We open-source FinRobot at \url{}.


replace-cross Enhancing Adverse Drug Event Detection with Multimodal Dataset: Corpus Creation and Model Development

Authors: Pranab Sahoo, Ayush Kumar Singh, Sriparna Saha, Aman Chadha, Samrat Mondal

Abstract: The mining of adverse drug events (ADEs) is pivotal in pharmacovigilance, enhancing patient safety by identifying potential risks associated with medications, facilitating early detection of adverse events, and guiding regulatory decision-making. Traditional ADE detection methods are reliable but slow, not easily adaptable to large-scale operations, and offer limited information. With the exponential increase in data sources like social media content, biomedical literature, and Electronic Medical Records (EMR), extracting relevant ADE-related information from these unstructured texts is imperative. Previous ADE mining studies have focused on text-based methodologies, overlooking visual cues, limiting contextual comprehension, and hindering accurate interpretation. To address this gap, we present a MultiModal Adverse Drug Event (MMADE) detection dataset, merging ADE-related textual information with visual aids. Additionally, we introduce a framework that leverages the capabilities of LLMs and VLMs for ADE detection by generating detailed descriptions of medical images depicting ADEs, aiding healthcare professionals in visually identifying adverse events. Using our MMADE dataset, we showcase the significance of integrating visual cues from images to enhance overall performance. This approach holds promise for patient safety, ADE awareness, and healthcare accessibility, paving the way for further exploration in personalized healthcare.