new Explainable machine learning multi-label classification of Spanish legal judgements

Authors: Francisco de Arriba-P\'erez, Silvia Garc\'ia-M\'endez, Francisco J. Gonz\'alez-Casta\~no, Jaime Gonz\'alez-Gonz\'alez

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence techniques such as Machine Learning (ML) have not been exploited to their maximum potential in the legal domain. This has been partially due to the insufficient explanations they provided about their decisions. Automatic expert systems with explanatory capabilities can be specially useful when legal practitioners search jurisprudence to gather contextual knowledge for their cases. Therefore, we propose a hybrid system that applies ML for multi-label classification of judgements (sentences) and visual and natural language descriptions for explanation purposes, boosted by Natural Language Processing techniques and deep legal reasoning to identify the entities, such as the parties, involved. We are not aware of any prior work on automatic multi-label classification of legal judgements also providing natural language explanations to the end-users with comparable overall quality. Our solution achieves over 85 % micro precision on a labelled data set annotated by legal experts. This endorses its interest to relieve human experts from monotonous labour-intensive legal classification tasks.

new HEART-felt Narratives: Tracing Empathy and Narrative Style in Personal Stories with LLMs

Authors: Jocelyn Shen, Joel Mire, Hae Won Park, Cynthia Breazeal, Maarten Sap

Abstract: Empathy serves as a cornerstone in enabling prosocial behaviors, and can be evoked through sharing of personal experiences in stories. While empathy is influenced by narrative content, intuitively, people respond to the way a story is told as well, through narrative style. Yet the relationship between empathy and narrative style is not fully understood. In this work, we empirically examine and quantify this relationship between style and empathy using LLMs and large-scale crowdsourcing studies. We introduce a novel, theory-based taxonomy, HEART (Human Empathy and Narrative Taxonomy) that delineates elements of narrative style that can lead to empathy with the narrator of a story. We establish the performance of LLMs in extracting narrative elements from HEART, showing that prompting with our taxonomy leads to reasonable, human-level annotations beyond what prior lexicon-based methods can do. To show empirical use of our taxonomy, we collect a dataset of empathy judgments of stories via a large-scale crowdsourcing study with N=2,624 participants. We show that narrative elements extracted via LLMs, in particular, vividness of emotions and plot volume, can elucidate the pathways by which narrative style cultivates empathy towards personal stories. Our work suggests that such models can be used for narrative analyses that lead to human-centered social and behavioral insights.

new CLAIM Your Data: Enhancing Imputation Accuracy with Contextual Large Language Models

Authors: Ahatsham Hayat, Mohammad Rashedul Hasan

Abstract: This paper introduces the Contextual Language model for Accurate Imputation Method (CLAIM), a novel strategy that capitalizes on the expansive knowledge and reasoning capabilities of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to address missing data challenges in tabular datasets. Unlike traditional imputation methods, which predominantly rely on numerical estimations, CLAIM utilizes contextually relevant natural language descriptors to fill missing values. This approach transforms datasets into natural language contextualized formats that are inherently more aligned with LLMs' capabilities, thereby facilitating the dual use of LLMs: first, to generate missing value descriptors, and then, to fine-tune the LLM on the enriched dataset for improved performance in downstream tasks. Our evaluations across diverse datasets and missingness patterns reveal CLAIM's superior performance over existing imputation techniques. Furthermore, our investigation into the effectiveness of context-specific versus generic descriptors for missing data highlights the importance of contextual accuracy in enhancing LLM performance for data imputation. The results underscore CLAIM's potential to markedly improve the reliability and quality of data analysis and machine learning models, offering a more nuanced and effective solution for handling missing data.

new C$^{3}$Bench: A Comprehensive Classical Chinese Understanding Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Jiahuan Cao, Yongxin Shi, Dezhi Peng, Yang Liu, Lianwen Jin

Abstract: Classical Chinese Understanding (CCU) holds significant value in preserving and exploration of the outstanding traditional Chinese culture. Recently, researchers have attempted to leverage the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) for CCU by capitalizing on their remarkable comprehension and semantic capabilities. However, no comprehensive benchmark is available to assess the CCU capabilities of LLMs. To fill this gap, this paper introduces C$^{3}$bench, a Comprehensive Classical Chinese understanding benchmark, which comprises 50,000 text pairs for five primary CCU tasks, including classification, retrieval, named entity recognition, punctuation, and translation. Furthermore, the data in C$^{3}$bench originates from ten different domains, covering most of the categories in classical Chinese. Leveraging the proposed C$^{3}$bench, we extensively evaluate the quantitative performance of 15 representative LLMs on all five CCU tasks. Our results not only establish a public leaderboard of LLMs' CCU capabilities but also gain some findings. Specifically, existing LLMs are struggle with CCU tasks and still inferior to supervised models. Additionally, the results indicate that CCU is a task that requires special attention. We believe this study could provide a standard benchmark, comprehensive baselines, and valuable insights for the future advancement of LLM-based CCU research. The evaluation pipeline and dataset are available at \url{}.


new MobileConvRec: A Conversational Dataset for Mobile Apps Recommendations

Authors: Srijata Maji, Moghis Fereidouni, Vinaik Chhetri, Umar Farooq, A. B. Siddique

Abstract: Existing recommendation systems have focused on two paradigms: 1- historical user-item interaction-based recommendations and 2- conversational recommendations. Conversational recommendation systems facilitate natural language dialogues between users and the system, allowing the system to solicit users' explicit needs while enabling users to inquire about recommendations and provide feedback. Due to substantial advancements in natural language processing, conversational recommendation systems have gained prominence. Existing conversational recommendation datasets have greatly facilitated research in their respective domains. Despite the exponential growth in mobile users and apps in recent years, research in conversational mobile app recommender systems has faced substantial constraints. This limitation can primarily be attributed to the lack of high-quality benchmark datasets specifically tailored for mobile apps. To facilitate research for conversational mobile app recommendations, we introduce MobileConvRec. MobileConvRec simulates conversations by leveraging real user interactions with mobile apps on the Google Play store, originally captured in large-scale mobile app recommendation dataset MobileRec. The proposed conversational recommendation dataset synergizes sequential user-item interactions, which reflect implicit user preferences, with comprehensive multi-turn conversations to effectively grasp explicit user needs. MobileConvRec consists of over 12K multi-turn recommendation-related conversations spanning 45 app categories. Moreover, MobileConvRec presents rich metadata for each app such as permissions data, security and privacy-related information, and binary executables of apps, among others. We demonstrate that MobileConvRec can serve as an excellent testbed for conversational mobile app recommendation through a comparative study of several pre-trained large language models.

new ORLM: Training Large Language Models for Optimization Modeling

Authors: Zhengyang Tang, Chenyu Huang, Xin Zheng, Shixi Hu, Zizhuo Wang, Dongdong Ge, Benyou Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools for complex Operations Research (OR) in automating optimization modeling. However, current methodologies heavily rely on prompt engineering (e.g., multi-agent cooperation) with proprietary LLMs, raising data privacy concerns that could be prohibitive in industry applications. To tackle this issue, we propose training open-source LLMs for optimization modeling. We identify four critical requirements for the training dataset of OR LLMs, design and implement OR-Instruct, a semi-automated process for creating synthetic data tailored to specific requirements. We also introduce the IndustryOR benchmark, the first industrial benchmark for testing LLMs on solving real-world OR problems. We apply the data from OR-Instruct to various open-source LLMs of 7b size (termed as ORLMs), resulting in a significantly improved capability for optimization modeling. Our best-performing ORLM achieves state-of-the-art performance on the NL4OPT, MAMO, and IndustryOR benchmarks. Our code and data will be available at \url{}.


new XL3M: A Training-free Framework for LLM Length Extension Based on Segment-wise Inference

Authors: Shengnan Wang, Youhui Bai, Lin Zhang, Pingyi Zhou, Shixiong Zhao, Gong Zhang, Sen Wang, Renhai Chen, Hua Xu, Hongwei Sun

Abstract: Length generalization failure problem, namely the large language model (LLM) fails to generalize to texts longer than its maximum training length, greatly restricts the application of LLM in the scenarios with streaming long inputs. To address this problem, the existing methods either require substantial costs or introduce precision loss. In this paper, we empirically find that the accuracy of the LLM's prediction is highly correlated to its certainty. Based on this, we propose an efficient training free framework, named XL3M (it means extra-long large language model), which enables the LLMs trained on short sequences to reason extremely long sequence without any further training or fine-tuning. Under the XL3M framework, the input context will be firstly decomposed into multiple short sub-contexts, where each sub-context contains an independent segment and a common ``question'' which is a few tokens from the end of the original context. Then XL3M gives a method to measure the relevance between each segment and the ``question'', and constructs a concise key context by splicing all the relevant segments in chronological order. The key context is further used instead of the original context to complete the inference task. Evaluations on comprehensive benchmarks show the superiority of XL3M. Using our framework, a Llama2-7B model is able to reason 20M long sequences on an 8-card Huawei Ascend 910B NPU machine with 64GB memory per card.

new On the Sequence Evaluation based on Stochastic Processes

Authors: Tianhao Zhang, Zhexiao Lin, Zhecheng Sheng, Chen Jiang, Dongyeop Kang

Abstract: Modeling and analyzing long sequences of text is an essential task for Natural Language Processing. Success in capturing long text dynamics using neural language models will facilitate many downstream tasks such as coherence evaluation, text generation, machine translation and so on. This paper presents a novel approach to model sequences through a stochastic process. We introduce a likelihood-based training objective for the text encoder and design a more thorough measurement (score) for long text evaluation compared to the previous approach. The proposed training objective effectively preserves the sequence coherence, while the new score comprehensively captures both temporal and spatial dependencies. Theoretical properties of our new score show its advantages in sequence evaluation. Experimental results show superior performance in various sequence evaluation tasks, including global and local discrimination within and between documents of different lengths. We also demonstrate the encoder achieves competitive results on discriminating human and AI written text.

new Detection-Correction Structure via General Language Model for Grammatical Error Correction

Authors: Wei Li, Houfeng Wang

Abstract: Grammatical error correction (GEC) is a task dedicated to rectifying texts with minimal edits, which can be decoupled into two components: detection and correction. However, previous works have predominantly focused on direct correction, with no prior efforts to integrate both into a single model. Moreover, the exploration of the detection-correction paradigm by large language models (LLMs) remains underdeveloped. This paper introduces an integrated detection-correction structure, named DeCoGLM, based on the General Language Model (GLM). The detection phase employs a fault-tolerant detection template, while the correction phase leverages autoregressive mask infilling for localized error correction. Through the strategic organization of input tokens and modification of attention masks, we facilitate multi-task learning within a single model. Our model demonstrates competitive performance against the state-of-the-art models on English and Chinese GEC datasets. Further experiments present the effectiveness of the detection-correction structure in LLMs, suggesting a promising direction for GEC.

new TransVIP: Speech to Speech Translation System with Voice and Isochrony Preservation

Authors: Chenyang Le, Yao Qian, Dongmei Wang, Long Zhou, Shujie Liu, Xiaofei Wang, Midia Yousefi, Yanmin Qian, Jinyu Li, Sheng Zhao, Michael Zeng

Abstract: There is a rising interest and trend in research towards directly translating speech from one language to another, known as end-to-end speech-to-speech translation. However, most end-to-end models struggle to outperform cascade models, i.e., a pipeline framework by concatenating speech recognition, machine translation and text-to-speech models. The primary challenges stem from the inherent complexities involved in direct translation tasks and the scarcity of data. In this study, we introduce a novel model framework TransVIP that leverages diverse datasets in a cascade fashion yet facilitates end-to-end inference through joint probability. Furthermore, we propose two separated encoders to preserve the speaker's voice characteristics and isochrony from the source speech during the translation process, making it highly suitable for scenarios such as video dubbing. Our experiments on the French-English language pair demonstrate that our model outperforms the current state-of-the-art speech-to-speech translation model.

new Conv-CoA: Improving Open-domain Question Answering in Large Language Models via Conversational Chain-of-Action

Authors: Zhenyu Pan, Haozheng Luo, Manling Li, Han Liu

Abstract: We present a Conversational Chain-of-Action (Conv-CoA) framework for Open-domain Conversational Question Answering (OCQA). Compared with literature, Conv-CoA addresses three major challenges: (i) unfaithful hallucination that is inconsistent with real-time or domain facts, (ii) weak reasoning performance in conversational scenarios, and (iii) unsatisfying performance in conversational information retrieval. Our key contribution is a dynamic reasoning-retrieval mechanism that extracts the intent of the question and decomposes it into a reasoning chain to be solved via systematic prompting, pre-designed actions, updating the Contextual Knowledge Set (CKS), and a novel Hopfield-based retriever. Methodologically, we propose a resource-efficiency Hopfield retriever to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of conversational information retrieval within our actions. Additionally, we propose a conversational-multi-reference faith score (Conv-MRFS) to verify and resolve conflicts between retrieved knowledge and answers in conversations. Empirically, we conduct comparisons between our framework and 23 state-of-the-art methods across five different research directions and two public benchmarks. These comparisons demonstrate that our Conv-CoA outperforms other methods in both the accuracy and efficiency dimensions.

new More Than Catastrophic Forgetting: Integrating General Capabilities For Domain-Specific LLMs

Authors: Chengyuan Liu, Shihang Wang, Yangyang Kang, Lizhi Qing, Fubang Zhao, Changlong Sun, Kun Kuang, Fei Wu

Abstract: The performance on general tasks decreases after Large Language Models (LLMs) are fine-tuned on domain-specific tasks, the phenomenon is known as Catastrophic Forgetting (CF). However, this paper presents a further challenge for real application of domain-specific LLMs beyond CF, called General Capabilities Integration (GCI), which necessitates the integration of both the general capabilities and domain knowledge within a single instance. The objective of GCI is not merely to retain previously acquired general capabilities alongside new domain knowledge, but to harmonize and utilize both sets of skills in a cohesive manner to enhance performance on domain-specific tasks. Taking legal domain as an example, we carefully design three groups of training and testing tasks without lacking practicability, and construct the corresponding datasets. To better incorporate general capabilities across domain-specific scenarios, we introduce ALoRA, which utilizes a multi-head attention module upon LoRA, facilitating direct information transfer from preceding tokens to the current one. This enhancement permits the representation to dynamically switch between domain-specific knowledge and general competencies according to the attention. Extensive experiments are conducted on the proposed tasks. The results exhibit the significance of our setting, and the effectiveness of our method.

new Benchmark Underestimates the Readiness of Multi-lingual Dialogue Agents

Authors: Andrew H. Lee, Sina J. Semnani, Galo Castillo-L\'opez, G\"ael de Chalendar, Monojit Choudhury, Ashna Dua, Kapil Rajesh Kavitha, Sungkyun Kim, Prashant Kodali, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Alexis Lombard, Mehrad Moradshahi, Gihyun Park, Nasredine Semmar, Jiwon Seo, Tianhao Shen, Manish Shrivastava, Deyi Xiong, Monica S. Lam

Abstract: Creating multilingual task-oriented dialogue (TOD) agents is challenging due to the high cost of training data acquisition. Following the research trend of improving training data efficiency, we show for the first time, that in-context learning is sufficient to tackle multilingual TOD. To handle the challenging dialogue state tracking (DST) subtask, we break it down to simpler steps that are more compatible with in-context learning where only a handful of few-shot examples are used. We test our approach on the multilingual TOD dataset X-RiSAWOZ, which has 12 domains in Chinese, English, French, Korean, Hindi, and code-mixed Hindi-English. Our turn-by-turn DST accuracy on the 6 languages range from 55.6% to 80.3%, seemingly worse than the SOTA results from fine-tuned models that achieve from 60.7% to 82.8%; our BLEU scores in the response generation (RG) subtask are also significantly lower than SOTA. However, after manual evaluation of the validation set, we find that by correcting gold label errors and improving dataset annotation schema, GPT-4 with our prompts can achieve (1) 89.6%-96.8% accuracy in DST, and (2) more than 99% correct response generation across different languages. This leads us to conclude that current automatic metrics heavily underestimate the effectiveness of in-context learning.

new Arithmetic Reasoning with LLM: Prolog Generation & Permutation

Authors: Xiaocheng Yang, Bingsen Chen, Yik-Cheung Tam

Abstract: Instructing large language models (LLMs) to solve elementary school math problems has shown great success using Chain of Thought (CoT). However, the CoT approach relies on an LLM to generate a sequence of arithmetic calculations which can be prone to cascaded calculation errors. We hypothesize that an LLM should focus on extracting predicates and generating symbolic formulas from the math problem description so that the underlying calculation can be done via an external code interpreter. We investigate using LLM to generate Prolog programs to solve mathematical questions. Experimental results show that our Prolog-based arithmetic problem-solving outperforms CoT generation in the GSM8K benchmark across three distinct LLMs. In addition, given the insensitive ordering of predicates and symbolic formulas in Prolog, we propose to permute the ground truth predicates for more robust LLM training via data augmentation.

new Enhancing Emotion Recognition in Conversation through Emotional Cross-Modal Fusion and Inter-class Contrastive Learning

Authors: Haoxiang Shi, Xulong Zhang, Ning Cheng, Yong Zhang, Jun Yu, Jing Xiao, Jianzong Wang

Abstract: The purpose of emotion recognition in conversation (ERC) is to identify the emotion category of an utterance based on contextual information. Previous ERC methods relied on simple connections for cross-modal fusion and ignored the information differences between modalities, resulting in the model being unable to focus on modality-specific emotional information. At the same time, the shared information between modalities was not processed to generate emotions. Information redundancy problem. To overcome these limitations, we propose a cross-modal fusion emotion prediction network based on vector connections. The network mainly includes two stages: the multi-modal feature fusion stage based on connection vectors and the emotion classification stage based on fused features. Furthermore, we design a supervised inter-class contrastive learning module based on emotion labels. Experimental results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating excellent performance on the IEMOCAP and MELD datasets.

new Long Context is Not Long at All: A Prospector of Long-Dependency Data for Large Language Models

Authors: Longze Chen, Ziqiang Liu, Wanwei He, Yunshui Li, Run Luo, Min Yang

Abstract: Long-context modeling capabilities are important for large language models (LLMs) in various applications. However, directly training LLMs with long context windows is insufficient to enhance this capability since some training samples do not exhibit strong semantic dependencies across long contexts. In this study, we propose a data mining framework \textbf{ProLong} that can assign each training sample with a long dependency score, which can be used to rank and filter samples that are more advantageous for enhancing long-context modeling abilities in LLM training. Specifically, we first use delta perplexity scores to measure the \textit{Dependency Strength} between text segments in a given document. Then we refine this metric based on the \textit{Dependency Distance} of these segments to incorporate spatial relationships across long-contexts. Final results are calibrated with a \textit{Dependency Specificity} metric to prevent trivial dependencies introduced by repetitive patterns. Moreover, a random sampling approach is proposed to optimize the computational efficiency of ProLong. Comprehensive experiments on multiple benchmarks indicate that ProLong effectively identifies documents that carry long dependencies and LLMs trained on these documents exhibit significantly enhanced long-context modeling capabilities.

new Online Merging Optimizers for Boosting Rewards and Mitigating Tax in Alignment

Authors: Keming Lu, Bowen Yu, Fei Huang, Yang Fan, Runji Lin, Chang Zhou

Abstract: Effectively aligning Large Language Models (LLMs) with human-centric values while preventing the degradation of abilities acquired through Pre-training and Supervised Fine-tuning (SFT) poses a central challenge in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). In this paper, we first discover that interpolating RLHF and SFT model parameters can adjust the trade-off between human preference and basic capabilities, thereby reducing the alignment tax at the cost of alignment reward. Inspired by this, we propose integrating the RL policy and SFT models at each optimization step in RLHF to continuously regulate the training direction, introducing the Online Merging Optimizer. Specifically, we merge gradients with the parameter differences between SFT and pretrained models, effectively steering the gradient towards maximizing rewards in the direction of SFT optimization. We demonstrate that our optimizer works well with different LLM families, such as Qwen and LLaMA, across various model sizes ranging from 1.8B to 8B, various RLHF algorithms like DPO and KTO, and existing model merging methods. It significantly enhances alignment reward while mitigating alignment tax, achieving higher overall performance across 14 benchmarks.

new Tool Learning with Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Changle Qu, Sunhao Dai, Xiaochi Wei, Hengyi Cai, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin, Jun Xu, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Recently, tool learning with large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a promising paradigm for augmenting the capabilities of LLMs to tackle highly complex problems. Despite growing attention and rapid advancements in this field, the existing literature remains fragmented and lacks systematic organization, posing barriers to entry for newcomers. This gap motivates us to conduct a comprehensive survey of existing works on tool learning with LLMs. In this survey, we focus on reviewing existing literature from the two primary aspects (1) why tool learning is beneficial and (2) how tool learning is implemented, enabling a comprehensive understanding of tool learning with LLMs. We first explore the "why" by reviewing both the benefits of tool integration and the inherent benefits of the tool learning paradigm from six specific aspects. In terms of "how", we systematically review the literature according to a taxonomy of four key stages in the tool learning workflow: task planning, tool selection, tool calling, and response generation. Additionally, we provide a detailed summary of existing benchmarks and evaluation methods, categorizing them according to their relevance to different stages. Finally, we discuss current challenges and outline potential future directions, aiming to inspire both researchers and industrial developers to further explore this emerging and promising area.

new Modeling Dynamic Topics in Chain-Free Fashion by Evolution-Tracking Contrastive Learning and Unassociated Word Exclusion

Authors: Xiaobao Wu, Xinshuai Dong, Liangming Pan, Thong Nguyen, Anh Tuan Luu

Abstract: Dynamic topic models track the evolution of topics in sequential documents, which have derived various applications like trend analysis and opinion mining. However, existing models suffer from repetitive topic and unassociated topic issues, failing to reveal the evolution and hindering further applications. To address these issues, we break the tradition of simply chaining topics in existing work and propose a novel neural \modelfullname. We introduce a new evolution-tracking contrastive learning method that builds the similarity relations among dynamic topics. This not only tracks topic evolution but also maintains topic diversity, mitigating the repetitive topic issue. To avoid unassociated topics, we further present an unassociated word exclusion method that consistently excludes unassociated words from discovered topics. Extensive experiments demonstrate our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, tracking topic evolution with high-quality topics, showing better performance on downstream tasks, and remaining robust to the hyperparameter for evolution intensities. Our code is available at .


new Transformer and Hybrid Deep Learning Based Models for Machine-Generated Text Detection

Authors: Teodor-George Marchitan, Claudiu Creanga, Liviu P. Dinu

Abstract: This paper describes the approach of the UniBuc - NLP team in tackling the SemEval 2024 Task 8: Multigenerator, Multidomain, and Multilingual Black-Box Machine-Generated Text Detection. We explored transformer-based and hybrid deep learning architectures. For subtask B, our transformer-based model achieved a strong \textbf{second-place} out of $77$ teams with an accuracy of \textbf{86.95\%}, demonstrating the architecture's suitability for this task. However, our models showed overfitting in subtask A which could potentially be fixed with less fine-tunning and increasing maximum sequence length. For subtask C (token-level classification), our hybrid model overfit during training, hindering its ability to detect transitions between human and machine-generated text.

new Knowledge Circuits in Pretrained Transformers

Authors: Yunzhi Yao, Ningyu Zhang, Zekun Xi, Mengru Wang, Ziwen Xu, Shumin Deng, Huajun Chen

Abstract: The remarkable capabilities of modern large language models are rooted in their vast repositories of knowledge encoded within their parameters, enabling them to perceive the world and engage in reasoning. The inner workings of how these models store knowledge have long been a subject of intense interest and investigation among researchers. To date, most studies have concentrated on isolated components within these models, such as the Multilayer Perceptrons and attention head. In this paper, we delve into the computation graph of the language model to uncover the knowledge circuits that are instrumental in articulating specific knowledge. The experiments, conducted with GPT2 and TinyLLAMA, has allowed us to observe how certain information heads, relation heads, and Multilayer Perceptrons collaboratively encode knowledge within the model. Moreover, we evaluate the impact of current knowledge editing techniques on these knowledge circuits, providing deeper insights into the functioning and constraints of these editing methodologies. Finally, we utilize knowledge circuits to analyze and interpret language model behaviors such as hallucinations and in-context learning. We believe the knowledge circuit holds potential for advancing our understanding of Transformers and guiding the improved design of knowledge editing. Code and data are available in


new Recent Trends in Personalized Dialogue Generation: A Review of Datasets, Methodologies, and Evaluations

Authors: Yi-Pei Chen, Noriki Nishida, Hideki Nakayama, Yuji Matsumoto

Abstract: Enhancing user engagement through personalization in conversational agents has gained significance, especially with the advent of large language models that generate fluent responses. Personalized dialogue generation, however, is multifaceted and varies in its definition -- ranging from instilling a persona in the agent to capturing users' explicit and implicit cues. This paper seeks to systemically survey the recent landscape of personalized dialogue generation, including the datasets employed, methodologies developed, and evaluation metrics applied. Covering 22 datasets, we highlight benchmark datasets and newer ones enriched with additional features. We further analyze 17 seminal works from top conferences between 2021-2023 and identify five distinct types of problems. We also shed light on recent progress by LLMs in personalized dialogue generation. Our evaluation section offers a comprehensive summary of assessment facets and metrics utilized in these works. In conclusion, we discuss prevailing challenges and envision prospect directions for future research in personalized dialogue generation.

new Aligning to Thousands of Preferences via System Message Generalization

Authors: Seongyun Lee, Sue Hyun Park, Seungone Kim, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: Although humans inherently have diverse values, current large language model (LLM) alignment methods often assume that aligning LLMs with the general public's preferences is optimal. A major challenge in adopting a more individualized approach to LLM alignment is its lack of scalability, as it involves repeatedly acquiring preference data and training new reward models and LLMs for each individual's preferences. To address these challenges, we propose a new paradigm where users specify what they value most within the system message, steering the LLM's generation behavior to better align with the user's intentions. However, a naive application of such an approach is non-trivial since LLMs are typically trained on a uniform system message (e.g., "You are a helpful assistant") which limits their ability to generalize to diverse, unseen system messages. To improve this generalization, we create the Multifaceted Collection, a preference dataset with 192k combinations of values beyond generic helpfulness and harmlessness, spanning 65k user instructions. Using this dataset, we train a 7B LLM called Janus and test it on 921 prompts from 5 benchmarks (AlpacaEval 2.0, FLASK, Koala, MT-Bench, and Self-Instruct) by adding various unseen system messages that reflect user preferences. Janus achieves tie+win rate of 75.2%, 72.4%, and 66.4% against Mistral 7B Instruct v0.2, GPT-3.5 Turbo, and GPT-4, respectively. Unexpectedly, on three benchmarks focused on response helpfulness (AlpacaEval 2.0, MT-Bench, Arena Hard Auto v0.1), Janus also outperforms LLaMA 3 8B Instruct by a +4.0%, +0.1%, +3.0% margin, underscoring that training with a vast array of system messages could also enhance alignment to the general public's preference as well. Our code, dataset, benchmark, and models are available at


new FASTopic: A Fast, Adaptive, Stable, and Transferable Topic Modeling Paradigm

Authors: Xiaobao Wu, Thong Nguyen, Delvin Ce Zhang, William Yang Wang, Anh Tuan Luu

Abstract: Topic models have been evolving rapidly over the years, from conventional to recent neural models. However, existing topic models generally struggle with either effectiveness, efficiency, or stability, highly impeding their practical applications. In this paper, we propose FASTopic, a fast, adaptive, stable, and transferable topic model. FASTopic follows a new paradigm: Dual Semantic-relation Reconstruction (DSR). Instead of previous conventional, neural VAE-based or clustering-based methods, DSR discovers latent topics by reconstruction through modeling the semantic relations among document, topic, and word embeddings. This brings about a neat and efficient topic modeling framework. We further propose a novel Embedding Transport Plan (ETP) method. Rather than early straightforward approaches, ETP explicitly regularizes the semantic relations as optimal transport plans. This addresses the relation bias issue and thus leads to effective topic modeling. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our FASTopic shows superior effectiveness, efficiency, adaptivity, stability, and transferability, compared to state-of-the-art baselines across various scenarios. Our code is available at .


new Peering into the Mind of Language Models: An Approach for Attribution in Contextual Question Answering

Authors: Anirudh Phukan, Shwetha Somasundaram, Apoorv Saxena, Koustava Goswami, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan

Abstract: With the enhancement in the field of generative artificial intelligence (AI), contextual question answering has become extremely relevant. Attributing model generations to the input source document is essential to ensure trustworthiness and reliability. We observe that when large language models (LLMs) are used for contextual question answering, the output answer often consists of text copied verbatim from the input prompt which is linked together with "glue text" generated by the LLM. Motivated by this, we propose that LLMs have an inherent awareness from where the text was copied, likely captured in the hidden states of the LLM. We introduce a novel method for attribution in contextual question answering, leveraging the hidden state representations of LLMs. Our approach bypasses the need for extensive model retraining and retrieval model overhead, offering granular attributions and preserving the quality of generated answers. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method performs on par or better than GPT-4 at identifying verbatim copied segments in LLM generations and in attributing these segments to their source. Importantly, our method shows robust performance across various LLM architectures, highlighting its broad applicability. Additionally, we present Verifiability-granular, an attribution dataset which has token level annotations for LLM generations in the contextual question answering setup.

new fMRI predictors based on language models of increasing complexity recover brain left lateralization

Authors: Laurent Bonnasse-Gahot, Christophe Pallier

Abstract: Over the past decade, studies of naturalistic language processing where participants are scanned while listening to continuous text have flourished. Using word embeddings at first, then large language models, researchers have created encoding models to analyze the brain signals. Presenting these models with the same text as the participants allows to identify brain areas where there is a significant correlation between the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) time series and the ones predicted by the models' artificial neurons. One intriguing finding from these studies is that they have revealed highly symmetric bilateral activation patterns, somewhat at odds with the well-known left lateralization of language processing. Here, we report analyses of an fMRI dataset where we manipulate the complexity of large language models, testing 28 pretrained models from 8 different families, ranging from 124M to 14.2B parameters. First, we observe that the performance of models in predicting brain responses follows a scaling law, where the fit with brain activity increases linearly with the logarithm of the number of parameters of the model (and its performance on natural language processing tasks). Second, we show that a left-right asymmetry gradually appears as model size increases, and that the difference in left-right brain correlations also follows a scaling law. Whereas the smallest models show no asymmetry, larger models fit better and better left hemispheric activations than right hemispheric ones. This finding reconciles computational analyses of brain activity using large language models with the classic observation from aphasic patients showing left hemisphere dominance for language.

new Exploring Context Window of Large Language Models via Decomposed Positional Vectors

Authors: Zican Dong, Junyi Li, Xin Men, Wayne Xin Zhao, Bingbing Wang, Zhen Tian, Weipeng Chen, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Transformer-based large language models (LLMs) typically have a limited context window, resulting in significant performance degradation when processing text beyond the length of the context window. Extensive studies have been proposed to extend the context window and achieve length extrapolation of LLMs, but there is still a lack of in-depth interpretation of these approaches. In this study, we explore the positional information within and beyond the context window for deciphering the underlying mechanism of LLMs. By using a mean-based decomposition method, we disentangle positional vectors from hidden states of LLMs and analyze their formation and effect on attention. Furthermore, when texts exceed the context window, we analyze the change of positional vectors in two settings, i.e., direct extrapolation and context window extension. Based on our findings, we design two training-free context window extension methods, positional vector replacement and attention window extension. Experimental results show that our methods can effectively extend the context window length.

new MultiADE: A Multi-domain Benchmark for Adverse Drug Event Extraction

Authors: Xiang Dai, Sarvnaz Karimi, Abeed Sarker, Ben Hachey, Cecile Paris

Abstract: Objective. Active adverse event surveillance monitors Adverse Drug Events (ADE) from different data sources, such as electronic health records, medical literature, social media and search engine logs. Over years, many datasets are created, and shared tasks are organised to facilitate active adverse event surveillance. However, most-if not all-datasets or shared tasks focus on extracting ADEs from a particular type of text. Domain generalisation-the ability of a machine learning model to perform well on new, unseen domains (text types)-is under-explored. Given the rapid advancements in natural language processing, one unanswered question is how far we are from having a single ADE extraction model that are effective on various types of text, such as scientific literature and social media posts}. Methods. We contribute to answering this question by building a multi-domain benchmark for adverse drug event extraction, which we named MultiADE. The new benchmark comprises several existing datasets sampled from different text types and our newly created dataset-CADECv2, which is an extension of CADEC (Karimi, et al., 2015), covering online posts regarding more diverse drugs than CADEC. Our new dataset is carefully annotated by human annotators following detailed annotation guidelines. Conclusion. Our benchmark results show that the generalisation of the trained models is far from perfect, making it infeasible to be deployed to process different types of text. In addition, although intermediate transfer learning is a promising approach to utilising existing resources, further investigation is needed on methods of domain adaptation, particularly cost-effective methods to select useful training instances.

new TimeChara: Evaluating Point-in-Time Character Hallucination of Role-Playing Large Language Models

Authors: Jaewoo Ahn, Taehyun Lee, Junyoung Lim, Jin-Hwa Kim, Sangdoo Yun, Hwaran Lee, Gunhee Kim

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) can serve as agents to simulate human behaviors (i.e., role-playing agents), we emphasize the importance of point-in-time role-playing. This situates characters at specific moments in the narrative progression for three main reasons: (i) enhancing users' narrative immersion, (ii) avoiding spoilers, and (iii) fostering engagement in fandom role-playing. To accurately represent characters at specific time points, agents must avoid character hallucination, where they display knowledge that contradicts their characters' identities and historical timelines. We introduce TimeChara, a new benchmark designed to evaluate point-in-time character hallucination in role-playing LLMs. Comprising 10,895 instances generated through an automated pipeline, this benchmark reveals significant hallucination issues in current state-of-the-art LLMs (e.g., GPT-4o). To counter this challenge, we propose Narrative-Experts, a method that decomposes the reasoning steps and utilizes narrative experts to reduce point-in-time character hallucinations effectively. Still, our findings with TimeChara highlight the ongoing challenges of point-in-time character hallucination, calling for further study.

new Edinburgh Clinical NLP at MEDIQA-CORR 2024: Guiding Large Language Models with Hints

Authors: Aryo Pradipta Gema, Chaeeun Lee, Pasquale Minervini, Luke Daines, T. Ian Simpson, Beatrice Alex

Abstract: The MEDIQA-CORR 2024 shared task aims to assess the ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to identify and correct medical errors in clinical notes. In this study, we evaluate the capability of general LLMs, specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, to identify and correct medical errors with multiple prompting strategies. Recognising the limitation of LLMs in generating accurate corrections only via prompting strategies, we propose incorporating error-span predictions from a smaller, fine-tuned model in two ways: 1) by presenting it as a hint in the prompt and 2) by framing it as multiple-choice questions from which the LLM can choose the best correction. We found that our proposed prompting strategies significantly improve the LLM's ability to generate corrections. Our best-performing solution with 8-shot + CoT + hints ranked sixth in the shared task leaderboard. Additionally, our comprehensive analyses show the impact of the location of the error sentence, the prompted role, and the position of the multiple-choice option on the accuracy of the LLM. This prompts further questions about the readiness of LLM to be implemented in real-world clinical settings.

new Instruction Tuning with Retrieval-based Examples Ranking for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Guangmin Zheng, Jin Wang, Liang-Chih Yu, Xuejie Zhang

Abstract: Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) identifies sentiment information related to specific aspects and provides deeper market insights to businesses and organizations. With the emergence of large language models (LMs), recent studies have proposed using fixed examples for instruction tuning to reformulate ABSA as a generation task. However, the performance is sensitive to the selection of in-context examples; several retrieval methods are based on surface similarity and are independent of the LM generative objective. This study proposes an instruction learning method with retrieval-based example ranking for ABSA tasks. For each target sample, an LM was applied as a scorer to estimate the likelihood of the output given the input and a candidate example as the prompt, and training examples were labeled as positive or negative by ranking the scores. An alternating training schema is proposed to train both the retriever and LM. Instructional prompts can be constructed using high-quality examples. The LM is used for both scoring and inference, improving the generation efficiency without incurring additional computational costs or training difficulties. Extensive experiments on three ABSA subtasks verified the effectiveness of the proposed method, demonstrating its superiority over various strong baseline models. Code and data are released at


new PRFashion24: A Dataset for Sentiment Analysis of Fashion Products Reviews in Persian

Authors: Mehrimah Amirpour, Reza Azmi

Abstract: The PRFashion24 dataset is a comprehensive Persian dataset collected from various online fashion stores, spanning from April 2020 to March 2024. With 767,272 reviews, it is the first dataset in its kind that encompasses diverse categories within the fashion industry in the Persian language. The goal of this study is to harness deep learning techniques, specifically Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks and a combination of Bidirectional LSTM and Convolutional Neural Network (BiLSTM-CNN), to analyze and reveal sentiments towards online fashion shopping. The LSTM model yielded an accuracy of 81.23%, while the BiLSTM-CNN model reached 82.89%. This research aims not only to introduce a diverse dataset in the field of fashion but also to enhance the public's understanding of opinions on online fashion shopping, which predominantly reflect a positive sentiment. Upon publication, both the optimized models and the PRFashion24 dataset will be available on GitHub.

new Context is Important in Depressive Language: A Study of the Interaction Between the Sentiments and Linguistic Markers in Reddit Discussions

Authors: Neha Sharma, Kairit Sirts

Abstract: Research exploring linguistic markers in individuals with depression has demonstrated that language usage can serve as an indicator of mental health. This study investigates the impact of discussion topic as context on linguistic markers and emotional expression in depression, using a Reddit dataset to explore interaction effects. Contrary to common findings, our sentiment analysis revealed a broader range of emotional intensity in depressed individuals, with both higher negative and positive sentiments than controls. This pattern was driven by posts containing no emotion words, revealing the limitations of the lexicon based approaches in capturing the full emotional context. We observed several interesting results demonstrating the importance of contextual analyses. For instance, the use of 1st person singular pronouns and words related to anger and sadness correlated with increased positive sentiments, whereas a higher rate of present-focused words was associated with more negative sentiments. Our findings highlight the importance of discussion contexts while interpreting the language used in depression, revealing that the emotional intensity and meaning of linguistic markers can vary based on the topic of discussion.

new ATM: Adversarial Tuning Multi-agent System Makes a Robust Retrieval-Augmented Generator

Authors: Junda Zhu, Lingyong Yan, Haibo Shi, Dawei Yin, Lei Sha

Abstract: Large language model (LLM) has proven to benefit a lot from retrieval augmentation in alleviating hallucinations confronted with knowledge-intensive questions. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) adopts IR-based techniques utilizing semantic-relevant documents as the generator's input context and realizes external knowledge injection. However, on today's Internet which is flooded with content generated by LLMs, there are too many "related yet useless" documents or even fake knowledge fabricated by LLMs, which will introduce extra noise to the generator and distract it from giving correct results. To this end, we regard the training of the RAG generator model as a multi-agent adversarial-defensive system, guiding the generator to have a better taste of whether a specific document helps answer the question through the Adversarial Tuning in a Multi-agent (ATM) system to strengthen the generator's robustness in an RAG pipeline. After rounds of multi-agent iterative tuning, we find that the ATM Generator can eventually discriminate useful documents amongst LLM fabrications and achieve better performance than strong baselines.

new Facilitating Multi-Role and Multi-Behavior Collaboration of Large Language Models for Online Job Seeking and Recruiting

Authors: Hongda Sun, Hongzhan Lin, Haiyu Yan, Chen Zhu, Yang Song, Xin Gao, Shuo Shang, Rui Yan

Abstract: The emergence of online recruitment services has revolutionized the traditional landscape of job seeking and recruitment, necessitating the development of high-quality industrial applications to improve person-job fitting. Existing methods generally rely on modeling the latent semantics of resumes and job descriptions and learning a matching function between them. Inspired by the powerful role-playing capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose to introduce a mock interview process between LLM-played interviewers and candidates. The mock interview conversations can provide additional evidence for candidate evaluation, thereby augmenting traditional person-job fitting based solely on resumes and job descriptions. However, characterizing these two roles in online recruitment still presents several challenges, such as developing the skills to raise interview questions, formulating appropriate answers, and evaluating two-sided fitness. To this end, we propose MockLLM, a novel applicable framework that divides the person-job matching process into two modules: mock interview generation and two-sided evaluation in handshake protocol, jointly enhancing their performance through collaborative behaviors between interviewers and candidates. We design a role-playing framework as a multi-role and multi-behavior paradigm to enable a single LLM agent to effectively behave with multiple functions for both parties. Moreover, we propose reflection memory generation and dynamic prompt modification techniques to refine the behaviors of both sides, enabling continuous optimization of the augmented additional evidence. Extensive experimental results show that MockLLM can achieve the best performance on person-job matching accompanied by high mock interview quality, envisioning its emerging application in real online recruitment in the future.

new The Knesset Corpus: An Annotated Corpus of Hebrew Parliamentary Proceedings

Authors: Gili Goldin (Department of Computer Science, University of Haifa, Israel), Nick Howell (IAHLT, Israel), Noam Ordan (IAHLT, Israel), Ella Rabinovich (School of Computer Science, The Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo, Israel), Shuly Wintner (Department of Computer Science, University of Haifa, Israel)

Abstract: We present the Knesset Corpus, a corpus of Hebrew parliamentary proceedings containing over 30 million sentences (over 384 million tokens) from all the (plenary and committee) protocols held in the Israeli parliament between 1998 and 2022. Sentences are annotated with morpho-syntactic information and are associated with detailed meta-information reflecting demographic and political properties of the speakers, based on a large database of parliament members and factions that we compiled. We discuss the structure and composition of the corpus and the various processing steps we applied to it. To demonstrate the utility of this novel dataset we present two use cases. We show that the corpus can be used to examine historical developments in the style of political discussions by showing a reduction in lexical richness in the proceedings over time. We also investigate some differences between the styles of men and women speakers. These use cases exemplify the potential of the corpus to shed light on important trends in the Israeli society, supporting research in linguistics, political science, communication, law, etc.

new IAPT: Instruction-Aware Prompt Tuning for Large Language Models

Authors: Wei Zhu, Aaron Xuxiang Tian, Congrui Yin, Yuan Ni, Xiaoling Wang, Guotong Xie

Abstract: Soft prompt tuning is a widely studied parameter-efficient fine-tuning method. However, it has a clear drawback: many soft tokens must be inserted into the input sequences to guarantee downstream performance. As a result, soft prompt tuning is less considered than Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) in the large language modeling (LLM) era. In this work, we propose a novel prompt tuning method, Instruction-Aware Prompt Tuning (IAPT), that requires only four soft tokens. First, we install a parameter-efficient soft prompt generator at each Transformer layer to generate idiosyncratic soft prompts for each input instruction. The generated soft prompts can be seen as a semantic summary of the input instructions and can effectively guide the output generation. Second, the soft prompt generators are modules with a bottleneck architecture consisting of a self-attention pooling operation, two linear projections, and an activation function. Pilot experiments show that prompt generators at different Transformer layers require different activation functions. Thus, we propose to learn the idiosyncratic activation functions for prompt generators automatically with the help of rational functions. We have conducted experiments on various tasks, and the experimental results demonstrate that (a) our IAPT method can outperform the recent baselines with comparable tunable parameters. (b) Our IAPT method is more efficient than LoRA under the single-backbone multi-tenant setting.

new Active Use of Latent Constituency Representation in both Humans and Large Language Models

Authors: Wei Liu, Ming Xiang, Nai Ding

Abstract: Understanding how sentences are internally represented in the human brain, as well as in large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT, is a major challenge for cognitive science. Classic linguistic theories propose that the brain represents a sentence by parsing it into hierarchically organized constituents. In contrast, LLMs do not explicitly parse linguistic constituents and their latent representations remains poorly explained. Here, we demonstrate that humans and LLMs construct similar latent representations of hierarchical linguistic constituents by analyzing their behaviors during a novel one-shot learning task, in which they infer which words should be deleted from a sentence. Both humans and LLMs tend to delete a constituent, instead of a nonconstituent word string. In contrast, a naive sequence processing model that has access to word properties and ordinal positions does not show this property. Based on the word deletion behaviors, we can reconstruct the latent constituency tree representation of a sentence for both humans and LLMs. These results demonstrate that a latent tree-structured constituency representation can emerge in both the human brain and LLMs.

new Semantic are Beacons: A Semantic Perspective for Unveiling Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning in Knowledge Learning

Authors: Renzhi Wang, Piji Li

Abstract: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods enable efficient adaptation of Large Language Models (LLMs) to various downstream applications. However, the effectiveness of the PEFT diminishes notably when downstream tasks require accurate learning of factual knowledge. In this paper, we adopt a semantic perspective to investigate this phenomenon, uncovering the reasons behind PEFT's limitations in knowledge learning task. Our findings reveal that: (1) PEFT presents a notable risk of pushing the model away from the intended knowledge target; (2) multiple knowledge interfere with each other, and such interference suppresses the learning and expression of knowledge features. Based on these insights, we introduce a data filtering strategy to exclude data that is detrimental to knowledge learning and a re-weighted learning strategy to make the model attentive to semantic distance during knowledge learning. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on open-source large language model, further validate the semantic challenge in PEFT, thus paving the way for future research.

new Joint Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging with LEMMING

Authors: Thomas Muller, Ryan Cotterell, Alexander Fraser, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: We present LEMMING, a modular log-linear model that jointly models lemmatization and tagging and supports the integration of arbitrary global features. It is trainable on corpora annotated with gold standard tags and lemmata and does not rely on morphological dictionaries or analyzers. LEMMING sets the new state of the art in token-based statistical lemmatization on six languages; e.g., for Czech lemmatization, we reduce the error by 60%, from 4.05 to 1.58. We also give empirical evidence that jointly modeling morphological tags and lemmata is mutually beneficial.

new Interpretable classification of wiki-review streams

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia M\'endez, F\'atima Leal, Benedita Malheiro, Juan Carlos Burguillo Rial

Abstract: Wiki articles are created and maintained by a crowd of editors, producing a continuous stream of reviews. Reviews can take the form of additions, reverts, or both. This crowdsourcing model is exposed to manipulation since neither reviews nor editors are automatically screened and purged. To protect articles against vandalism or damage, the stream of reviews can be mined to classify reviews and profile editors in real-time. The goal of this work is to anticipate and explain which reviews to revert. This way, editors are informed why their edits will be reverted. The proposed method employs stream-based processing, updating the profiling and classification models on each incoming event. The profiling uses side and content-based features employing Natural Language Processing, and editor profiles are incrementally updated based on their reviews. Since the proposed method relies on self-explainable classification algorithms, it is possible to understand why a review has been classified as a revert or a non-revert. In addition, this work contributes an algorithm for generating synthetic data for class balancing, making the final classification fairer. The proposed online method was tested with a real data set from Wikivoyage, which was balanced through the aforementioned synthetic data generation. The results attained near-90 % values for all evaluation metrics (accuracy, precision, recall, and F-measure).

new The Battle of LLMs: A Comparative Study in Conversational QA Tasks

Authors: Aryan Rangapur, Aman Rangapur

Abstract: Large language models have gained considerable interest for their impressive performance on various tasks. Within this domain, ChatGPT and GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, and the Gemini, developed by Google, have emerged as particularly popular among early adopters. Additionally, Mixtral by Mistral AI and Claude by Anthropic are newly released, further expanding the landscape of advanced language models. These models are viewed as disruptive technologies with applications spanning customer service, education, healthcare, and finance. More recently, Mistral has entered the scene, captivating users with its unique ability to generate creative content. Understanding the perspectives of these users is crucial, as they can offer valuable insights into the potential strengths, weaknesses, and overall success or failure of these technologies in various domains. This research delves into the responses generated by ChatGPT, GPT-4, Gemini, Mixtral and Claude across different Conversational QA corpora. Evaluation scores were meticulously computed and subsequently compared to ascertain the overall performance of these models. Our study pinpointed instances where these models provided inaccurate answers to questions, offering insights into potential areas where they might be susceptible to errors. In essence, this research provides a comprehensive comparison and evaluation of these state of-the-art language models, shedding light on their capabilities while also highlighting potential areas for improvement

new Can Automatic Metrics Assess High-Quality Translations?

Authors: Sweta Agrawal, Ant\'onio Farinhas, Ricardo Rei, Andr\'e F. T. Martins

Abstract: Automatic metrics for evaluating translation quality are typically validated by measuring how well they correlate with human assessments. However, correlation methods tend to capture only the ability of metrics to differentiate between good and bad source-translation pairs, overlooking their reliability in distinguishing alternative translations for the same source. In this paper, we confirm that this is indeed the case by showing that current metrics are insensitive to nuanced differences in translation quality. This effect is most pronounced when the quality is high and the variance among alternatives is low. Given this finding, we shift towards detecting high-quality correct translations, an important problem in practical decision-making scenarios where a binary check of correctness is prioritized over a nuanced evaluation of quality. Using the MQM framework as the gold standard, we systematically stress-test the ability of current metrics to identify translations with no errors as marked by humans. Our findings reveal that current metrics often over or underestimate translation quality, indicating significant room for improvement in automatic evaluation methods.

new A System for Automatic English Text Expansion

Authors: Silvia Garc\'ia M\'endez, Milagros Fern\'andez Gavilanes, Enrique Costa Montenegro, Jonathan Juncal Mart\'inez, Francisco Javier Gonz\'alez Casta\~no, Ehud Reiter

Abstract: We present an automatic text expansion system to generate English sentences, which performs automatic Natural Language Generation (NLG) by combining linguistic rules with statistical approaches. Here, "automatic" means that the system can generate coherent and correct sentences from a minimum set of words. From its inception, the design is modular and adaptable to other languages. This adaptability is one of its greatest advantages. For English, we have created the highly precise aLexiE lexicon with wide coverage, which represents a contribution on its own. We have evaluated the resulting NLG library in an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) proof of concept, both directly (by regenerating corpus sentences) and manually (from annotations) using a popular corpus in the NLG field. We performed a second analysis by comparing the quality of text expansion in English to Spanish, using an ad-hoc Spanish-English parallel corpus. The system might also be applied to other domains such as report and news generation.

new Faithful Logical Reasoning via Symbolic Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Jundong Xu, Hao Fei, Liangming Pan, Qian Liu, Mong-Li Lee, Wynne Hsu

Abstract: While the recent Chain-of-Thought (CoT) technique enhances the reasoning ability of large language models (LLMs) with the theory of mind, it might still struggle in handling logical reasoning that relies much on symbolic expressions and rigid deducing rules. To strengthen the logical reasoning capability of LLMs, we propose a novel Symbolic Chain-of-Thought, namely SymbCoT, a fully LLM-based framework that integrates symbolic expressions and logic rules with CoT prompting. Technically, building upon an LLM, SymbCoT 1) first translates the natural language context into the symbolic format, and then 2) derives a step-by-step plan to solve the problem with symbolic logical rules, 3) followed by a verifier to check the translation and reasoning chain. Via thorough evaluations on 5 standard datasets with both First-Order Logic and Constraint Optimization symbolic expressions, SymbCoT shows striking improvements over the CoT method consistently, meanwhile refreshing the current state-of-the-art performances. We further demonstrate that our system advances in more faithful, flexible, and explainable logical reasoning. To our knowledge, this is the first to combine symbolic expressions and rules into CoT for logical reasoning with LLMs. Code is open at


new MMCTAgent: Multi-modal Critical Thinking Agent Framework for Complex Visual Reasoning

Authors: Somnath Kumar, Yash Gadhia, Tanuja Ganu, Akshay Nambi

Abstract: Recent advancements in Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have significantly improved their performance in tasks combining vision and language. However, challenges persist in detailed multi-modal understanding, comprehension of complex tasks, and reasoning over multi-modal information. This paper introduces MMCTAgent, a novel multi-modal critical thinking agent framework designed to address the inherent limitations of current MLLMs in complex visual reasoning tasks. Inspired by human cognitive processes and critical thinking, MMCTAgent iteratively analyzes multi-modal information, decomposes queries, plans strategies, and dynamically evolves its reasoning. Additionally, MMCTAgent incorporates critical thinking elements such as verification of final answers and self-reflection through a novel approach that defines a vision-based critic and identifies task-specific evaluation criteria, thereby enhancing its decision-making abilities. Through rigorous evaluations across various image and video understanding benchmarks, we demonstrate that MMCTAgent (with and without the critic) outperforms both foundational MLLMs and other tool-augmented pipelines.

new Bridging the Gap: Dynamic Learning Strategies for Improving Multilingual Performance in LLMs

Authors: Somnath Kumar, Vaibhav Balloli, Mercy Ranjit, Kabir Ahuja, Tanuja Ganu, Sunayana Sitaram, Kalika Bali, Akshay Nambi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are at the forefront of transforming numerous domains globally. However, their inclusivity and effectiveness remain limited for non-Latin scripts and low-resource languages. This paper tackles the imperative challenge of enhancing the multilingual performance of LLMs without extensive training or fine-tuning. Through systematic investigation and evaluation of diverse languages using popular question-answering (QA) datasets, we present novel techniques that unlock the true potential of LLMs in a polyglot landscape. Our approach encompasses three key strategies that yield significant improvements in multilingual proficiency. First, by meticulously optimizing prompts tailored for polyglot LLMs, we unlock their latent capabilities, resulting in substantial performance boosts across languages. Second, we introduce a new hybrid approach that synergizes LLM Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with multilingual embeddings and achieves improved multilingual task performance. Finally, we introduce a novel learning approach that dynamically selects the optimal prompt strategy, LLM model, and embedding model per query at run-time. This dynamic adaptation maximizes the efficacy of LLMs across languages, outperforming best static and random strategies. Additionally, our approach adapts configurations in both offline and online settings, and can seamlessly adapt to new languages and datasets, leading to substantial advancements in multilingual understanding and generation across diverse languages.

new PromptWizard: Task-Aware Agent-driven Prompt Optimization Framework

Authors: Eshaan Agarwal, Vivek Dani, Tanuja Ganu, Akshay Nambi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized AI across diverse domains, showcasing remarkable capabilities. Central to their success is the concept of prompting, which guides model output generation. However, manual prompt engineering is labor-intensive and domain-specific, necessitating automated solutions. This paper introduces PromptWizard, a novel framework leveraging LLMs to iteratively synthesize and refine prompts tailored to specific tasks. Unlike existing approaches, PromptWizard optimizes both prompt instructions and in-context examples, maximizing model performance. The framework iteratively refines prompts by mutating instructions and incorporating negative examples to deepen understanding and ensure diversity. It further enhances both instructions and examples with the aid of a critic, synthesizing new instructions and examples enriched with detailed reasoning steps for optimal performance. PromptWizard offers several key features and capabilities, including computational efficiency compared to state-of-the-art approaches, adaptability to scenarios with varying amounts of training data, and effectiveness with smaller LLMs. Rigorous evaluation across 35 tasks on 8 datasets demonstrates PromptWizard's superiority over existing prompt strategies, showcasing its efficacy and scalability in prompt optimization.

new Thai Winograd Schemas: A Benchmark for Thai Commonsense Reasoning

Authors: Phakphum Artkaew

Abstract: Commonsense reasoning is one of the important aspect of natural language understanding, with several benchmarks developed to evaluate it. However, only a few of these benchmarks are available in languages other than English. Developing parallel benchmarks facilitates cross-lingual evaluation, enabling a better understanding of different languages. This research introduces a collection of Winograd Schemas in Thai, a novel dataset designed to evaluate commonsense reasoning capabilities in the context of the Thai language. Through a methodology involving native speakers, professional translators, and thorough validation, the schemas aim to closely reflect Thai language nuances, idioms, and cultural references while maintaining ambiguity and commonsense challenges. We evaluate the performance of popular large language models on this benchmark, revealing their strengths, limitations, and providing insights into the current state-of-the-art. Results indicate that while models like GPT-4 and Claude-3-Opus achieve high accuracy in English, their performance significantly drops in Thai, highlighting the need for further advancements in multilingual commonsense reasoning.

new Superposed Decoding: Multiple Generations from a Single Autoregressive Inference Pass

Authors: Ethan Shen, Alan Fan, Sarah M Pratt, Jae Sung Park, Matthew Wallingford, Sham M. Kakade, Ari Holtzman, Ranjay Krishna, Ali Farhadi, Aditya Kusupati

Abstract: Many applications today provide users with multiple auto-complete drafts as they type, including GitHub's code completion, Gmail's smart compose, and Apple's messaging auto-suggestions. Under the hood, language models support this by running an autoregressive inference pass to provide a draft. Consequently, providing $k$ drafts to the user requires running an expensive language model $k$ times. To alleviate the computation cost of running $k$ inference passes, we propose Superposed Decoding, a new decoding algorithm that generates $k$ drafts at the computation cost of one autoregressive inference pass. We achieve this by feeding a superposition of the $k$ most recent token embeddings from the drafts as input to the next decoding step of the language model. At every inference step we combine the $k$ drafts with the top-$k$ tokens to get $k^2$ new drafts and cache the $k$ most likely options, using an n-gram interpolation with minimal compute overhead to filter out incoherent generations. Our experiments show that $k$ drafts from Superposed Decoding are at least as coherent and factual as Nucleus Sampling and Greedy Decoding respectively, while being at least $2.44\times$ faster for $k\ge3$. In a compute-normalized setting, user evaluations demonstrably favor text generated by Superposed Decoding over Nucleus Sampling. Code and more examples open-sourced at


new Don't Forget to Connect! Improving RAG with Graph-based Reranking

Authors: Jialin Dong, Bahare Fatemi, Bryan Perozzi, Lin F. Yang, Anton Tsitsulin

Abstract: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) has greatly improved the performance of Large Language Model (LLM) responses by grounding generation with context from existing documents. These systems work well when documents are clearly relevant to a question context. But what about when a document has partial information, or less obvious connections to the context? And how should we reason about connections between documents? In this work, we seek to answer these two core questions about RAG generation. We introduce G-RAG, a reranker based on graph neural networks (GNNs) between the retriever and reader in RAG. Our method combines both connections between documents and semantic information (via Abstract Meaning Representation graphs) to provide a context-informed ranker for RAG. G-RAG outperforms state-of-the-art approaches while having smaller computational footprint. Additionally, we assess the performance of PaLM 2 as a reranker and find it to significantly underperform G-RAG. This result emphasizes the importance of reranking for RAG even when using Large Language Models.

new Notes on Applicability of GPT-4 to Document Understanding

Authors: {\L}ukasz Borchmann

Abstract: We perform a missing, reproducible evaluation of all publicly available GPT-4 family models concerning the Document Understanding field, where it is frequently required to comprehend text spacial arrangement and visual clues in addition to textual semantics. Benchmark results indicate that though it is hard to achieve satisfactory results with text-only models, GPT-4 Vision Turbo performs well when one provides both text recognized by an external OCR engine and document images on the input. Evaluation is followed by analyses that suggest possible contamination of textual GPT-4 models and indicate the significant performance drop for lengthy documents.

cross CataLM: Empowering Catalyst Design Through Large Language Models

Authors: Ludi Wang, Xueqing Chen, Yi Du, Yuanchun Zhou, Yang Gao, Wenjuan Cui

Abstract: The field of catalysis holds paramount importance in shaping the trajectory of sustainable development, prompting intensive research efforts to leverage artificial intelligence (AI) in catalyst design. Presently, the fine-tuning of open-source large language models (LLMs) has yielded significant breakthroughs across various domains such as biology and healthcare. Drawing inspiration from these advancements, we introduce CataLM Cata}lytic Language Model), a large language model tailored to the domain of electrocatalytic materials. Our findings demonstrate that CataLM exhibits remarkable potential for facilitating human-AI collaboration in catalyst knowledge exploration and design. To the best of our knowledge, CataLM stands as the pioneering LLM dedicated to the catalyst domain, offering novel avenues for catalyst discovery and development.

cross When Large Language Models Meet Optical Networks: Paving the Way for Automation

Authors: Danshi Wang, Yidi Wang, Xiaotian Jiang, Yao Zhang, Yue Pang, Min Zhang

Abstract: Since the advent of GPT, large language models (LLMs) have brought about revolutionary advancements in all walks of life. As a superior natural language processing (NLP) technology, LLMs have consistently achieved state-of-the-art performance on numerous areas. However, LLMs are considered to be general-purpose models for NLP tasks, which may encounter challenges when applied to complex tasks in specialized fields such as optical networks. In this study, we propose a framework of LLM-empowered optical networks, facilitating intelligent control of the physical layer and efficient interaction with the application layer through an LLM-driven agent (AI-Agent) deployed in the control layer. The AI-Agent can leverage external tools and extract domain knowledge from a comprehensive resource library specifically established for optical networks. This is achieved through user input and well-crafted prompts, enabling the generation of control instructions and result representations for autonomous operation and maintenance in optical networks. To improve LLM's capability in professional fields and stimulate its potential on complex tasks, the details of performing prompt engineering, establishing domain knowledge library, and implementing complex tasks are illustrated in this study. Moreover, the proposed framework is verified on two typical tasks: network alarm analysis and network performance optimization. The good response accuracies and sematic similarities of 2,400 test situations exhibit the great potential of LLM in optical networks.

cross Integrating Medical Imaging and Clinical Reports Using Multimodal Deep Learning for Advanced Disease Analysis

Authors: Ziyan Yao, Fei Lin, Sheng Chai, Weijie He, Lu Dai, Xinghui Fei

Abstract: In this paper, an innovative multi-modal deep learning model is proposed to deeply integrate heterogeneous information from medical images and clinical reports. First, for medical images, convolutional neural networks were used to extract high-dimensional features and capture key visual information such as focal details, texture and spatial distribution. Secondly, for clinical report text, a two-way long and short-term memory network combined with an attention mechanism is used for deep semantic understanding, and key statements related to the disease are accurately captured. The two features interact and integrate effectively through the designed multi-modal fusion layer to realize the joint representation learning of image and text. In the empirical study, we selected a large medical image database covering a variety of diseases, combined with corresponding clinical reports for model training and validation. The proposed multimodal deep learning model demonstrated substantial superiority in the realms of disease classification, lesion localization, and clinical description generation, as evidenced by the experimental results.

cross Athena: Efficient Block-Wise Post-Training Quantization for Large Language Models Using Second-Order Matrix Derivative Information

Authors: Yanshu Wang, Wenyang He, Tong Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly advanced natural language processing tasks such as machine translation, text generation, and sentiment analysis. However, their large size, often consisting of billions of parameters, poses challenges for storage, computation, and deployment, particularly in resource-constrained environments like mobile devices and edge computing platforms. Effective compression and quantization techniques are crucial for addressing these issues, reducing memory footprint and computational requirements without significantly compromising performance. Traditional methods that uniformly map parameters to compressed spaces fail to account for the uneven distribution of parameters, leading to substantial accuracy loss. In this work, we propose Athena, a novel algorithm for efficient block-wise post-training quantization of LLMs. Athena leverages Second-Order Matrix Derivative Information to guide the quantization process using the curvature information of the loss landscape. By grouping parameters by columns or rows and iteratively optimizing the quantization process, Athena updates the model parameters and Hessian matrix to achieve significant compression while maintaining high accuracy. This makes Athena a practical solution for deploying LLMs in various settings.

cross How Culturally Aware are Vision-Language Models?

Authors: Olena Burda-Lassen, Aman Chadha, Shashank Goswami, Vinija Jain

Abstract: An image is often said to be worth a thousand words, and certain images can tell rich and insightful stories. Can these stories be told via image captioning? Images from folklore genres, such as mythology, folk dance, cultural signs, and symbols, are vital to every culture. Our research compares the performance of four popular vision-language models (GPT-4V, Gemini Pro Vision, LLaVA, and OpenFlamingo) in identifying culturally specific information in such images and creating accurate and culturally sensitive image captions. We also propose a new evaluation metric, Cultural Awareness Score (CAS), dedicated to measuring the degree of cultural awareness in image captions. We provide a dataset MOSAIC-1.5k, labeled with ground truth for images containing cultural background and context, as well as a labeled dataset with assigned Cultural Awareness Scores that can be used with unseen data. Creating culturally appropriate image captions is valuable for scientific research and can be beneficial for many practical applications. We envision that our work will promote a deeper integration of cultural sensitivity in AI applications worldwide. By making the dataset and Cultural Awareness Score available to the public, we aim to facilitate further research in this area, encouraging the development of more culturally aware AI systems that respect and celebrate global diversity.

cross Code Repair with LLMs gives an Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoff

Authors: Hao Tang, Keya Hu, Jin Peng Zhou, Sicheng Zhong, Wei-Long Zheng, Xujie Si, Kevin Ellis

Abstract: Iteratively improving and repairing source code with large language models (LLMs), known as refinement, has emerged as a popular way of generating programs that would be too complex to construct in one shot. Given a bank of test cases, together with a candidate program, an LLM can improve that program by being prompted with failed test cases. But it remains an open question how to best iteratively refine code, with prior work employing simple greedy or breadth-first strategies. We show here that refinement exposes an explore-exploit tradeoff: exploit by refining the program that passes the most test cases, or explore by refining a lesser considered program. We frame this as an arm-acquiring bandit problem, which we solve with Thompson Sampling. The resulting LLM-based program synthesis algorithm is broadly applicable: Across loop invariant synthesis, visual reasoning puzzles, and competition programming problems, we find that our new method can solve more problems using fewer language model calls.

cross Predicting Rental Price of Lane Houses in Shanghai with Machine Learning Methods and Large Language Models

Authors: Tingting Chen, Shijing Si

Abstract: Housing has emerged as a crucial concern among young individuals residing in major cities, including Shanghai. Given the unprecedented surge in property prices in this metropolis, young people have increasingly resorted to the rental market to address their housing needs. This study utilizes five traditional machine learning methods: multiple linear regression (MLR), ridge regression (RR), lasso regression (LR), decision tree (DT), and random forest (RF), along with a Large Language Model (LLM) approach using ChatGPT, for predicting the rental prices of lane houses in Shanghai. It applies these methods to examine a public data sample of about 2,609 lane house rental transactions in 2021 in Shanghai, and then compares the results of these methods. In terms of predictive power, RF has achieved the best performance among the traditional methods. However, the LLM approach, particularly in the 10-shot scenario, shows promising results that surpass traditional methods in terms of R-Squared value. The three performance metrics: mean squared error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE), and R-Squared, are used to evaluate the models. Our conclusion is that while traditional machine learning models offer robust techniques for rental price prediction, the integration of LLM such as ChatGPT holds significant potential for enhancing predictive accuracy.

cross BIOSCAN-CLIP: Bridging Vision and Genomics for Biodiversity Monitoring at Scale

Authors: ZeMing Gong, Austin T. Wang, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Scott C. Lowe, Graham W. Taylor, Angel X. Chang

Abstract: Measuring biodiversity is crucial for understanding ecosystem health. While prior works have developed machine learning models for the taxonomic classification of photographic images and DNA separately, in this work, we introduce a multimodal approach combining both, using CLIP-style contrastive learning to align images, DNA barcodes, and textual data in a unified embedding space. This allows for accurate classification of both known and unknown insect species without task-specific fine-tuning, leveraging contrastive learning for the first time to fuse DNA and image data. Our method surpasses previous single-modality approaches in accuracy by over 11% on zero-shot learning tasks, showcasing its effectiveness in biodiversity studies.

cross RAGSys: Item-Cold-Start Recommender as RAG System

Authors: Emile Contal, Garrin McGoldrick

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) hold immense promise for real-world applications, but their generic knowledge often falls short of domain-specific needs. Fine-tuning, a common approach, can suffer from catastrophic forgetting and hinder generalizability. In-Context Learning (ICL) offers an alternative, which can leverage Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) to provide LLMs with relevant demonstrations for few-shot learning tasks. This paper explores the desired qualities of a demonstration retrieval system for ICL. We argue that ICL retrieval in this context resembles item-cold-start recommender systems, prioritizing discovery and maximizing information gain over strict relevance. We propose a novel evaluation method that measures the LLM's subsequent performance on NLP tasks, eliminating the need for subjective diversity scores. Our findings demonstrate the critical role of diversity and quality bias in retrieved demonstrations for effective ICL, and highlight the potential of recommender system techniques in this domain.

cross LoRA-XS: Low-Rank Adaptation with Extremely Small Number of Parameters

Authors: Klaudia Ba{\l}azy, Mohammadreza Banaei, Karl Aberer, Jacek Tabor

Abstract: The recent trend in scaling language models has led to a growing demand for parameter-efficient tuning (PEFT) methods such as LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation). LoRA consistently matches or surpasses the full fine-tuning baseline with fewer parameters. However, handling numerous task-specific or user-specific LoRA modules on top of a base model still presents significant storage challenges. To address this, we introduce LoRA-XS (Low-Rank Adaptation with eXtremely Small number of parameters), a novel approach leveraging Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) for parameter-efficient fine-tuning. LoRA-XS introduces a small r x r weight matrix between frozen LoRA matrices, which are constructed by SVD of the original weight matrix. Training only r x r weight matrices ensures independence from model dimensions, enabling more parameter-efficient fine-tuning, especially for larger models. LoRA-XS achieves a remarkable reduction of trainable parameters by over 100x in 7B models compared to LoRA. Our benchmarking across various scales, including GLUE, GSM8k, and MATH benchmarks, shows that our approach outperforms LoRA and recent state-of-the-art approaches like VeRA in terms of parameter efficiency while maintaining competitive performance.

cross A Framework for Multi-modal Learning: Jointly Modeling Inter- & Intra-Modality Dependencies

Authors: Divyam Madaan, Taro Makino, Sumit Chopra, Kyunghyun Cho

Abstract: Supervised multi-modal learning involves mapping multiple modalities to a target label. Previous studies in this field have concentrated on capturing in isolation either the inter-modality dependencies (the relationships between different modalities and the label) or the intra-modality dependencies (the relationships within a single modality and the label). We argue that these conventional approaches that rely solely on either inter- or intra-modality dependencies may not be optimal in general. We view the multi-modal learning problem from the lens of generative models where we consider the target as a source of multiple modalities and the interaction between them. Towards that end, we propose inter- & intra-modality modeling (I2M2) framework, which captures and integrates both the inter- and intra-modality dependencies, leading to more accurate predictions. We evaluate our approach using real-world healthcare and vision-and-language datasets with state-of-the-art models, demonstrating superior performance over traditional methods focusing only on one type of modality dependency.

cross Generative Query Reformulation Using Ensemble Prompting, Document Fusion, and Relevance Feedback

Authors: Kaustubh D. Dhole, Ramraj Chandradevan, Eugene Agichtein

Abstract: Query Reformulation (QR) is a set of techniques used to transform a user's original search query to a text that better aligns with the user's intent and improves their search experience. Recently, zero-shot QR has been a promising approach due to its ability to exploit knowledge inherent in large language models. Inspired by the success of ensemble prompting strategies which have benefited other tasks, we investigate if they can improve query reformulation. In this context, we propose two ensemble-based prompting techniques, GenQREnsemble and GenQRFusion which leverage paraphrases of a zero-shot instruction to generate multiple sets of keywords to improve retrieval performance ultimately. We further introduce their post-retrieval variants to incorporate relevance feedback from a variety of sources, including an oracle simulating a human user and a "critic" LLM. We demonstrate that an ensemble of query reformulations can improve retrieval effectiveness by up to 18% on nDCG@10 in pre-retrieval settings and 9% on post-retrieval settings on multiple benchmarks, outperforming all previously reported SOTA results. We perform subsequent analyses to investigate the effects of feedback documents, incorporate domain-specific instructions, filter reformulations, and generate fluent reformulations that might be more beneficial to human searchers. Together, the techniques and the results presented in this paper establish a new state of the art in automated query reformulation for retrieval and suggest promising directions for future research.

cross Mechanistic Interpretability of Binary and Ternary Transformers

Authors: Jason Li

Abstract: Recent research (arXiv:2310.11453, arXiv:2402.17764) has proposed binary and ternary transformer networks as a way to significantly reduce memory and improve inference speed in Large Language Models (LLMs) while maintaining accuracy. In this work, we apply techniques from mechanistic interpretability to investigate whether such networks learn distinctly different or similar algorithms when compared to full-precision transformer networks. In particular, we reverse engineer the algorithms learned for the toy problem of modular addition where we find that binary and ternary networks learn similar algorithms as full precision networks. This provides evidence against the possibility of using binary and ternary networks as a more interpretable alternative in the LLM setting.

cross Does Geo-co-location Matter? A Case Study of Public Health Conversations during COVID-19

Authors: Paiheng Xu, Louiqa Raschid, Vanessa Frias-Martinez

Abstract: Social media platforms like Twitter (now X) have been pivotal in information dissemination and public engagement, especially during COVID-19. A key goal for public health experts was to encourage prosocial behavior that could impact local outcomes such as masking and social distancing. Given the importance of local news and guidance during COVID-19, the objective of our research is to analyze the effect of localized engagement, on social media conversations. This study examines the impact of geographic co-location, as a proxy for localized engagement between public health experts (PHEs) and the public, on social media. We analyze a Twitter conversation dataset from January 2020 to November 2021, comprising over 19 K tweets from nearly five hundred PHEs, along with approximately 800 K replies from 350 K participants. Our findings reveal that geo-co-location is associated with higher engagement rates, especially in conversations on topics including masking, lockdowns, and education, and in conversations with academic and medical professionals. Lexical features associated with emotion and personal experiences were more common in geo-co-located contexts. This research provides insights into how geographic co-location influences social media engagement and can inform strategies to improve public health messaging.

cross Linguistic Collapse: Neural Collapse in (Large) Language Models

Authors: Robert Wu, Vardan Papyan

Abstract: Neural collapse ($\mathcal{NC}$) is a phenomenon observed in classification tasks where top-layer representations collapse into their class means, which become equinorm, equiangular and aligned with the classifiers. These behaviors -- associated with generalization and robustness -- would manifest under specific conditions: models are trained towards zero loss, with noise-free labels belonging to balanced classes, which do not outnumber the model's hidden dimension. Recent studies have explored $\mathcal{NC}$ in the absence of one or more of these conditions to extend and capitalize on the associated benefits of ideal geometries. Language modeling presents a curious frontier, as \textit{training by token prediction} constitutes a classification task where none of the conditions exist: the vocabulary is imbalanced and exceeds the embedding dimension; different tokens might correspond to similar contextual embeddings; and large language models (LLMs) in particular are typically only trained for a few epochs. This paper empirically investigates the impact of scaling the architectures and training of causal language models (CLMs) on their progression towards $\mathcal{NC}$. We find that $\mathcal{NC}$ properties that develop with scaling are linked to generalization. Moreover, there is evidence of some relationship between $\mathcal{NC}$ and generalization independent of scale. Our work therefore underscores the generality of $\mathcal{NC}$ as it extends to the novel and more challenging setting of language modeling. Downstream, we seek to inspire further research on the phenomenon to deepen our understanding of LLMs -- and neural networks at large -- and improve existing architectures based on $\mathcal{NC}$-related properties.

cross Exploring Activation Patterns of Parameters in Language Models

Authors: Yudong Wang, Damai Dai, Zhifang Sui

Abstract: Most work treats large language models as black boxes without in-depth understanding of their internal working mechanism. In order to explain the internal representations of LLMs, we propose a gradient-based metric to assess the activation level of model parameters. Based on this metric, we obtain three preliminary findings. (1) When the inputs are in the same domain, parameters in the shallow layers will be activated densely, which means a larger portion of parameters will have great impacts on the outputs. In contrast, parameters in the deep layers are activated sparsely. (2) When the inputs are across different domains, parameters in shallow layers exhibit higher similarity in the activation behavior than deep layers. (3) In deep layers, the similarity of the distributions of activated parameters is positively correlated to the empirical data relevance. Further, we develop three validation experiments to solidify these findings. (1) Firstly, starting from the first finding, we attempt to configure different prune ratios for different layers, and find this method can benefit model pruning. (2) Secondly, we find that a pruned model based on one calibration set can better handle tasks related to the calibration task than those not related, which validate the second finding. (3) Thirdly, Based on the STS-B and SICK benchmark, we find that two sentences with consistent semantics tend to share similar parameter activation patterns in deep layers, which aligns with our third finding. Our work sheds light on the behavior of parameter activation in LLMs, and we hope these findings will have the potential to inspire more practical applications.

cross I-LLM: Efficient Integer-Only Inference for Fully-Quantized Low-Bit Large Language Models

Authors: Xing Hu, Yuan Chen, Dawei Yang, Sifan Zhou, Zhihang Yuan, Jiangyong Yu, Chen Xu

Abstract: Post-training quantization (PTQ) serves as a potent technique to accelerate the inference of large language models (LLMs). Nonetheless, existing works still necessitate a considerable number of floating-point (FP) operations during inference, including additional quantization and de-quantization, as well as non-linear operators such as RMSNorm and Softmax. This limitation hinders the deployment of LLMs on the edge and cloud devices. In this paper, we identify the primary obstacle to integer-only quantization for LLMs lies in the large fluctuation of activations across channels and tokens in both linear and non-linear operations. To address this issue, we propose I-LLM, a novel integer-only fully-quantized PTQ framework tailored for LLMs. Specifically, (1) we develop Fully-Smooth Block-Reconstruction (FSBR) to aggressively smooth inter-channel variations of all activations and weights. (2) to alleviate degradation caused by inter-token variations, we introduce a novel approach called Dynamic Integer-only MatMul (DI-MatMul). This method enables dynamic quantization in full-integer matrix multiplication by dynamically quantizing the input and outputs with integer-only operations. (3) we design DI-ClippedSoftmax, DI-Exp, and DI-Normalization, which utilize bit shift to execute non-linear operators efficiently while maintaining accuracy. The experiment shows that our I-LLM achieves comparable accuracy to the FP baseline and outperforms non-integer quantization methods. For example, I-LLM can operate at W4A4 with negligible loss of accuracy. To our knowledge, we are the first to bridge the gap between integer-only quantization and LLMs. We've published our code on, aiming to contribute to the advancement of this field.

cross Seeing the Image: Prioritizing Visual Correlation by Contrastive Alignment

Authors: Xin Xiao, Bohong Wu, Jiacong Wang, Chunyuan Li, Xun Zhou, Haoyuan Guo

Abstract: Existing image-text modality alignment in Vision Language Models (VLMs) treats each text token equally in an autoregressive manner. Despite being simple and effective, this method results in sub-optimal cross-modal alignment by over-emphasizing the text tokens that are less correlated with or even contradictory with the input images. In this paper, we advocate for assigning distinct contributions for each text token based on its visual correlation. Specifically, we present by contrasting image inputs, the difference in prediction logits on each text token provides strong guidance of visual correlation. We therefore introduce Contrastive ALignment (CAL), a simple yet effective re-weighting strategy that prioritizes training visually correlated tokens. Our experimental results demonstrate that CAL consistently improves different types of VLMs across different resolutions and model sizes on various benchmark datasets. Importantly, our method incurs minimal additional computational overhead, rendering it highly efficient compared to alternative data scaling strategies. Codes are available at


cross SLMRec: Empowering Small Language Models for Sequential Recommendation

Authors: Wujiang Xu, Zujie Liang, Jiaojiao Han, Xuying Ning, Wenfang Lin, Linxun Chen, Feng Wei, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: The sequential Recommendation (SR) task involves predicting the next item a user is likely to interact with, given their past interactions. The SR models examine the sequence of a user's actions to discern more complex behavioral patterns and temporal dynamics. Recent research demonstrates the great impact of LLMs on sequential recommendation systems, either viewing sequential recommendation as language modeling or serving as the backbone for user representation. Although these methods deliver outstanding performance, there is scant evidence of the necessity of a large language model and how large the language model is needed, especially in the sequential recommendation scene. Meanwhile, due to the huge size of LLMs, it is inefficient and impractical to apply a LLM-based model in real-world platforms that often need to process billions of traffic logs daily. In this paper, we explore the influence of LLMs' depth by conducting extensive experiments on large-scale industry datasets. Surprisingly, we discover that most intermediate layers of LLMs are redundant. Motivated by this insight, we empower small language models for SR, namely SLMRec, which adopt a simple yet effective knowledge distillation method. Moreover, SLMRec is orthogonal to other post-training efficiency techniques, such as quantization and pruning, so that they can be leveraged in combination. Comprehensive experimental results illustrate that the proposed SLMRec model attains the best performance using only 13% of the parameters found in LLM-based recommendation models, while simultaneously achieving up to 6.6x and 8.0x speedups in training and inference time costs, respectively.

cross Boosting Protein Language Models with Negative Sample Mining

Authors: Yaoyao Xu, Xinjian Zhao, Xiaozhuang Song, Benyou Wang, Tianshu Yu

Abstract: We introduce a pioneering methodology for boosting large language models in the domain of protein representation learning. Our primary contribution lies in the refinement process for correlating the over-reliance on co-evolution knowledge, in a way that networks are trained to distill invaluable insights from negative samples, constituted by protein pairs sourced from disparate categories. By capitalizing on this novel approach, our technique steers the training of transformer-based models within the attention score space. This advanced strategy not only amplifies performance but also reflects the nuanced biological behaviors exhibited by proteins, offering aligned evidence with traditional biological mechanisms such as protein-protein interaction. We experimentally observed improved performance on various tasks over datasets, on top of several well-established large protein models. This innovative paradigm opens up promising horizons for further progress in the realms of protein research and computational biology.

cross The Evolution of Multimodal Model Architectures

Authors: Shakti N. Wadekar, Abhishek Chaurasia, Aman Chadha, Eugenio Culurciello

Abstract: This work uniquely identifies and characterizes four prevalent multimodal model architectural patterns in the contemporary multimodal landscape. Systematically categorizing models by architecture type facilitates monitoring of developments in the multimodal domain. Distinct from recent survey papers that present general information on multimodal architectures, this research conducts a comprehensive exploration of architectural details and identifies four specific architectural types. The types are distinguished by their respective methodologies for integrating multimodal inputs into the deep neural network model. The first two types (Type A and B) deeply fuses multimodal inputs within the internal layers of the model, whereas the following two types (Type C and D) facilitate early fusion at the input stage. Type-A employs standard cross-attention, whereas Type-B utilizes custom-designed layers for modality fusion within the internal layers. On the other hand, Type-C utilizes modality-specific encoders, while Type-D leverages tokenizers to process the modalities at the model's input stage. The identified architecture types aid the monitoring of any-to-any multimodal model development. Notably, Type-C and Type-D are currently favored in the construction of any-to-any multimodal models. Type-C, distinguished by its non-tokenizing multimodal model architecture, is emerging as a viable alternative to Type-D, which utilizes input-tokenizing techniques. To assist in model selection, this work highlights the advantages and disadvantages of each architecture type based on data and compute requirements, architecture complexity, scalability, simplification of adding modalities, training objectives, and any-to-any multimodal generation capability.

cross Yuan 2.0-M32: Mixture of Experts with Attention Router

Authors: Shaohua Wu, Jiangang Luo, Xi Chen, Lingjun Li, Xudong Zhao, Tong Yu, Chao Wang, Yue Wang, Fei Wang, Weixu Qiao, Houbo He, Zeru Zhang, Zeyu Sun, Junxiong Mao, Chong Shen

Abstract: Yuan 2.0-M32, with a similar base architecture as Yuan-2.0 2B, uses a mixture-of-experts architecture with 32 experts of which 2 experts are active. A new router network, Attention Router, is proposed and adopted for a more efficient selection of experts, which boosts the accuracy of 3.8% compared to the model with classical router network. Yuan 2.0-M32 is trained with 2000B tokens from scratch, and the training computation consumption is only 9.25% of a dense model at the same parameter scale. Yuan 2.0-M32 demonstrates competitive capability on coding, math, and various domains of expertise, with only 3.7B active parameters of 40B in total, and 7.4 GFlops forward computation per token, both of which are only 1/19 of Llama3-70B. Yuan 2.0-M32 surpass Llama3-70B on MATH and ARC-Challenge benchmark, with accuracy of 55.89 and 95.8 respectively. The models and source codes of Yuan 2.0-M32 are released at Github.

cross Source Echo Chamber: Exploring the Escalation of Source Bias in User, Data, and Recommender System Feedback Loop

Authors: Yuqi Zhou, Sunhao Dai, Liang Pang, Gang Wang, Zhenhua Dong, Jun Xu, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Recently, researchers have uncovered that neural retrieval models prefer AI-generated content (AIGC), called source bias. Compared to active search behavior, recommendation represents another important means of information acquisition, where users are more prone to source bias. Furthermore, delving into the recommendation scenario, as AIGC becomes integrated within the feedback loop involving users, data, and the recommender system, it progressively contaminates the candidate items, the user interaction history, and ultimately, the data used to train the recommendation models. How and to what extent the source bias affects the neural recommendation models within feedback loop remains unknown. In this study, we extend the investigation of source bias into the realm of recommender systems, specifically examining its impact across different phases of the feedback loop. We conceptualize the progression of AIGC integration into the recommendation content ecosystem in three distinct phases-HGC dominate, HGC-AIGC coexist, and AIGC dominance-each representing past, present, and future states, respectively. Through extensive experiments across three datasets from diverse domains, we demonstrate the prevalence of source bias and reveal a potential digital echo chamber with source bias amplification throughout the feedback loop. This trend risks creating a recommender ecosystem with limited information source, such as AIGC, being disproportionately recommended. To counteract this bias and prevent its escalation in the feedback loop, we introduce a black-box debiasing method that maintains model impartiality towards both HGC and AIGC. Our experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed debiasing method, confirming its potential to disrupt the feedback loop.

cross A Human-Like Reasoning Framework for Multi-Phases Planning Task with Large Language Models

Authors: Chengxing Xie, Difan Zou

Abstract: Recent studies have highlighted their proficiency in some simple tasks like writing and coding through various reasoning strategies. However, LLM agents still struggle with tasks that require comprehensive planning, a process that challenges current models and remains a critical research issue. In this study, we concentrate on travel planning, a Multi-Phases planning problem, that involves multiple interconnected stages, such as outlining, information gathering, and planning, often characterized by the need to manage various constraints and uncertainties. Existing reasoning approaches have struggled to effectively address this complex task. Our research aims to address this challenge by developing a human-like planning framework for LLM agents, i.e., guiding the LLM agent to simulate various steps that humans take when solving Multi-Phases problems. Specifically, we implement several strategies to enable LLM agents to generate a coherent outline for each travel query, mirroring human planning patterns. Additionally, we integrate Strategy Block and Knowledge Block into our framework: Strategy Block facilitates information collection, while Knowledge Block provides essential information for detailed planning. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our framework significantly improves the planning capabilities of LLM agents, enabling them to tackle the travel planning task with improved efficiency and effectiveness. Our experimental results showcase the exceptional performance of the proposed framework; when combined with GPT-4-Turbo, it attains $10\times$ the performance gains in comparison to the baseline framework deployed on GPT-4-Turbo.

cross Text-only Synthesis for Image Captioning

Authors: Qing Zhou, Junlin Huang, Qiang Li, Junyu Gao, Qi Wang

Abstract: From paired image-text training to text-only training for image captioning, the pursuit of relaxing the requirements for high-cost and large-scale annotation of good quality data remains consistent. In this paper, we propose Text-only Synthesis for Image Captioning (ToCa), which further advances this relaxation with fewer human labor and less computing time. Specifically, we deconstruct caption text into structures and lexical words, which serve as the fundamental components of the caption. By combining different structures and lexical words as inputs to the large language model, massive captions that contain various patterns of lexical words are generated. This method not only approaches the target domain but also surpasses it by generating new captions, thereby enhancing the zero-shot generalization ability of the model. Considering the different levels of data access in the real world, we define three synthesis scenarios: cross-domain synthesis, in-domain synthesis, and data-efficient synthesis. Experiments in these scenarios demonstrate the generalizability, transferability and practicability of ToCa with a nearly 5 CIDEr improvement for zero-shot cross-domain captioning and a maximum increase of over 20 CIDEr for data-efficient captioning.

cross Self-Supervised Learning Based Handwriting Verification

Authors: Mihir Chauhan, Mohammad Abuzar Shaikh, Bina Ramamurthy, Mingchen Gao, Siwei Lyu, Sargur Srihari

Abstract: We present SSL-HV: Self-Supervised Learning approaches applied to the task of Handwriting Verification. This task involves determining whether a given pair of handwritten images originate from the same or different writer distribution. We have compared the performance of multiple generative, contrastive SSL approaches against handcrafted feature extractors and supervised learning on CEDAR AND dataset. We show that ResNet based Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) outperforms other generative approaches achieving 76.3% accuracy, while ResNet-18 fine-tuned using Variance-Invariance-Covariance Regularization (VICReg) outperforms other contrastive approaches achieving 78% accuracy. Using a pre-trained VAE and VICReg for the downstream task of writer verification we observed a relative improvement in accuracy of 6.7% and 9% over ResNet-18 supervised baseline with 10% writer labels.

cross OwLore: Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection for Memory-Efficient LLM Fine-tuning

Authors: Pengxiang Li, Lu Yin, Xiaowei Gao, Shiwei Liu

Abstract: The rapid advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized various natural language processing tasks. However, the substantial size of LLMs presents significant challenges in training or fine-tuning. While parameter-efficient approaches such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) have gained popularity, they often compromise performance compared to full-rank fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose Outlier-weighed Layerwise Sampled Low-Rank Projection (OwLore), a new memory-efficient fine-tuning approach, inspired by the layerwise outlier distribution of LLMs, which dynamically samples pre-trained layers to fine-tune instead of adding additional adaptors. We first interpret the outlier phenomenon through the lens of Heavy-Tailed Self-Regularization theory (HT-SR), discovering that layers with more outliers tend to be more heavy-tailed and consequently better trained. Inspired by this finding, OwLore strategically assigns higher sampling probabilities to layers with more outliers to better leverage the knowledge stored in pre-trained LLMs. To further mitigate the memory demands of fine-tuning, we integrate gradient low-rank projection into our approach, which facilitates each layer to be efficiently trained in a low-rank manner. By incorporating the efficient characteristics of low-rank and optimal layerwise sampling, OwLore significantly improves the memory-performance trade-off in LLM pruning. Our extensive experiments across various architectures, including LLaMa2, LLaMa3, and Mistral, demonstrate that OwLore consistently outperforms baseline approaches, including full fine-tuning. Specifically, it achieves up to a 1.1% average accuracy gain on the Commonsense Reasoning benchmark, a 3.0% improvement on MMLU, and a notable 10% boost on MT-Bench, while being more memory efficient. OwLore allows us to fine-tune LLaMa2-7B with only 21GB of memory.

cross RACCooN: Remove, Add, and Change Video Content with Auto-Generated Narratives

Authors: Jaehong Yoon, Shoubin Yu, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Recent video generative models primarily rely on carefully written text prompts for specific tasks, like inpainting or style editing. They require labor-intensive textual descriptions for input videos, hindering their flexibility to adapt personal/raw videos to user specifications. This paper proposes RACCooN, a versatile and user-friendly video-to-paragraph-to-video generative framework that supports multiple video editing capabilities such as removal, addition, and modification, through a unified pipeline. RACCooN consists of two principal stages: Video-to-Paragraph (V2P) and Paragraph-to-Video (P2V). In the V2P stage, we automatically describe video scenes in well-structured natural language, capturing both the holistic context and focused object details. Subsequently, in the P2V stage, users can optionally refine these descriptions to guide the video diffusion model, enabling various modifications to the input video, such as removing, changing subjects, and/or adding new objects. The proposed approach stands out from other methods through several significant contributions: (1) RACCooN suggests a multi-granular spatiotemporal pooling strategy to generate well-structured video descriptions, capturing both the broad context and object details without requiring complex human annotations, simplifying precise video content editing based on text for users. (2) Our video generative model incorporates auto-generated narratives or instructions to enhance the quality and accuracy of the generated content. It supports the addition of video objects, inpainting, and attribute modification within a unified framework, surpassing existing video editing and inpainting benchmarks. The proposed framework demonstrates impressive versatile capabilities in video-to-paragraph generation, video content editing, and can be incorporated into other SoTA video generative models for further enhancement.

cross Why are Visually-Grounded Language Models Bad at Image Classification?

Authors: Yuhui Zhang, Alyssa Unell, Xiaohan Wang, Dhruba Ghosh, Yuchang Su, Ludwig Schmidt, Serena Yeung-Levy

Abstract: Image classification is one of the most fundamental capabilities of machine vision intelligence. In this work, we revisit the image classification task using visually-grounded language models (VLMs) such as GPT-4V and LLaVA. We find that existing proprietary and public VLMs, despite often using CLIP as a vision encoder and having many more parameters, significantly underperform CLIP on standard image classification benchmarks like ImageNet. To understand the reason, we explore several hypotheses concerning the inference algorithms, training objectives, and data processing in VLMs. Our analysis reveals that the primary cause is data-related: critical information for image classification is encoded in the VLM's latent space but can only be effectively decoded with enough training data. Specifically, there is a strong correlation between the frequency of class exposure during VLM training and instruction-tuning and the VLM's performance in those classes; when trained with sufficient data, VLMs can match the accuracy of state-of-the-art classification models. Based on these findings, we enhance a VLM by integrating classification-focused datasets into its training, and demonstrate that the enhanced classification performance of the VLM transfers to its general capabilities, resulting in an improvement of 11.8% on the newly collected ImageWikiQA dataset.

replace A Simple Joint Model for Improved Contextual Neural Lemmatization

Authors: Chaitanya Malaviya, Shijie Wu, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: English verbs have multiple forms. For instance, talk may also appear as talks, talked or talking, depending on the context. The NLP task of lemmatization seeks to map these diverse forms back to a canonical one, known as the lemma. We present a simple joint neural model for lemmatization and morphological tagging that achieves state-of-the-art results on 20 languages from the Universal Dependencies corpora. Our paper describes the model in addition to training and decoding procedures. Error analysis indicates that joint morphological tagging and lemmatization is especially helpful in low-resource lemmatization and languages that display a larger degree of morphological complexity. Code and pre-trained models are available at


replace Speakers Fill Lexical Semantic Gaps with Context

Authors: Tiago Pimentel, Rowan Hall Maudslay, Dami\'an Blasi, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Lexical ambiguity is widespread in language, allowing for the reuse of economical word forms and therefore making language more efficient. If ambiguous words cannot be disambiguated from context, however, this gain in efficiency might make language less clear -- resulting in frequent miscommunication. For a language to be clear and efficiently encoded, we posit that the lexical ambiguity of a word type should correlate with how much information context provides about it, on average. To investigate whether this is the case, we operationalise the lexical ambiguity of a word as the entropy of meanings it can take, and provide two ways to estimate this -- one which requires human annotation (using WordNet), and one which does not (using BERT), making it readily applicable to a large number of languages. We validate these measures by showing that, on six high-resource languages, there are significant Pearson correlations between our BERT-based estimate of ambiguity and the number of synonyms a word has in WordNet (e.g. $\rho = 0.40$ in English). We then test our main hypothesis -- that a word's lexical ambiguity should negatively correlate with its contextual uncertainty -- and find significant correlations on all 18 typologically diverse languages we analyse. This suggests that, in the presence of ambiguity, speakers compensate by making contexts more informative.

replace GesGPT: Speech Gesture Synthesis With Text Parsing from ChatGPT

Authors: Nan Gao, Zeyu Zhao, Zhi Zeng, Shuwu Zhang, Dongdong Weng, Yihua Bao

Abstract: Gesture synthesis has gained significant attention as a critical research field, aiming to produce contextually appropriate and natural gestures corresponding to speech or textual input. Although deep learning-based approaches have achieved remarkable progress, they often overlook the rich semantic information present in the text, leading to less expressive and meaningful gestures. In this letter, we propose GesGPT, a novel approach to gesture generation that leverages the semantic analysis capabilities of large language models , such as ChatGPT. By capitalizing on the strengths of LLMs for text analysis, we adopt a controlled approach to generate and integrate professional gestures and base gestures through a text parsing script, resulting in diverse and meaningful gestures. Firstly, our approach involves the development of prompt principles that transform gesture generation into an intention classification problem using ChatGPT. We also conduct further analysis on emphasis words and semantic words to aid in gesture generation. Subsequently, we construct a specialized gesture lexicon with multiple semantic annotations, decoupling the synthesis of gestures into professional gestures and base gestures. Finally, we merge the professional gestures with base gestures. Experimental results demonstrate that GesGPT effectively generates contextually appropriate and expressive gestures.

replace SmartBook: AI-Assisted Situation Report Generation for Intelligence Analysts

Authors: Revanth Gangi Reddy, Daniel Lee, Yi R. Fung, Khanh Duy Nguyen, Qi Zeng, Manling Li, Ziqi Wang, Clare Voss, Heng Ji

Abstract: Timely and comprehensive understanding of emerging events is crucial for effective decision-making; automating situation report generation can significantly reduce the time, effort, and cost for intelligence analysts. In this work, we identify intelligence analysts' practices and preferences for AI assistance in situation report generation to guide the design strategies for an effective, trust-building interface that aligns with their thought processes and needs. Next, we introduce SmartBook, an automated framework designed to generate situation reports from large volumes of news data, creating structured reports by automatically discovering event-related strategic questions. These reports include multiple hypotheses (claims), summarized and grounded to sources with factual evidence, to promote in-depth situation understanding. Our comprehensive evaluation of SmartBook, encompassing a user study alongside a content review with an editing study, reveals SmartBook's effectiveness in generating accurate and relevant situation reports. Qualitative evaluations indicate over 80% of questions probe for strategic information, and over 90% of summaries produce tactically useful content, being consistently favored over summaries from a large language model integrated with web search. The editing study reveals that minimal information is removed from the generated text (under 2.5%), suggesting that SmartBook provides analysts with a valuable foundation for situation reports

replace BLSP: Bootstrapping Language-Speech Pre-training via Behavior Alignment of Continuation Writing

Authors: Chen Wang, Minpeng Liao, Zhongqiang Huang, Jinliang Lu, Junhong Wu, Yuchen Liu, Chengqing Zong, Jiajun Zhang

Abstract: The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has sparked significant interest in extending their remarkable language capabilities to speech. However, modality alignment between speech and text still remains an open problem. Current solutions can be categorized into two strategies. One is a cascaded approach where outputs (tokens or states) of a separately trained speech recognition system are used as inputs for LLMs, which limits their potential in modeling alignment between speech and text. The other is an end-to-end approach that relies on speech instruction data, which is very difficult to collect in large quantities. In this paper, we address these issues and propose the BLSP approach that Bootstraps Language-Speech Pre-training via behavior alignment of continuation writing. We achieve this by learning a lightweight modality adapter between a frozen speech encoder and an LLM, ensuring that the LLM exhibits the same generation behavior regardless of the modality of input: a speech segment or its transcript. The training process can be divided into two steps. The first step prompts an LLM to generate texts with speech transcripts as prefixes, obtaining text continuations. In the second step, these continuations are used as supervised signals to train the modality adapter in an end-to-end manner. We demonstrate that this straightforward process can extend the capabilities of LLMs to speech, enabling speech recognition, speech translation, spoken language understanding, and speech conversation, even in zero-shot cross-lingual scenarios.

replace LongDocFACTScore: Evaluating the Factuality of Long Document Abstractive Summarisation

Authors: Jennifer A Bishop, Qianqian Xie, Sophia Ananiadou

Abstract: Maintaining factual consistency is a critical issue in abstractive text summarisation, however, it cannot be assessed by traditional automatic metrics used for evaluating text summarisation, such as ROUGE scoring. Recent efforts have been devoted to developing improved metrics for measuring factual consistency using pre-trained language models, but these metrics have restrictive token limits, and are therefore not suitable for evaluating long document text summarisation. Moreover, there is limited research and resources available for evaluating whether existing automatic evaluation metrics are fit for purpose when applied in long document settings. In this work, we evaluate the efficacy of automatic metrics for assessing the factual consistency of long document text summarisation. We create a human-annotated data set for evaluating automatic factuality metrics, LongSciVerify, which contains fine-grained factual consistency annotations for long document summaries from the scientific domain. We also propose a new evaluation framework, LongDocFACTScore, which is suitable for evaluating long document summarisation. This framework allows metrics to be efficiently extended to any length document and outperforms existing state-of-the-art metrics in its ability to correlate with human measures of factuality when used to evaluate long document summarisation data sets. We make our code and LongSciVerify data set publicly available:


replace Is it Possible to Modify Text to a Target Readability Level? An Initial Investigation Using Zero-Shot Large Language Models

Authors: Asma Farajidizaji, Vatsal Raina, Mark Gales

Abstract: Text simplification is a common task where the text is adapted to make it easier to understand. Similarly, text elaboration can make a passage more sophisticated, offering a method to control the complexity of reading comprehension tests. However, text simplification and elaboration tasks are limited to only relatively alter the readability of texts. It is useful to directly modify the readability of any text to an absolute target readability level to cater to a diverse audience. Ideally, the readability of readability-controlled generated text should be independent of the source text. Therefore, we propose a novel readability-controlled text modification task. The task requires the generation of 8 versions at various target readability levels for each input text. We introduce novel readability-controlled text modification metrics. The baselines for this task use ChatGPT and Llama-2, with an extension approach introducing a two-step process (generating paraphrases by passing through the language model twice). The zero-shot approaches are able to push the readability of the paraphrases in the desired direction but the final readability remains correlated with the original text's readability. We also find greater drops in semantic and lexical similarity between the source and target texts with greater shifts in the readability.

replace Segmentation-Free Streaming Machine Translation

Authors: Javier Iranzo-S\'anchez, Jorge Iranzo-S\'anchez, Adri\`a Gim\'enez, Jorge Civera, Alfons Juan

Abstract: Streaming Machine Translation (MT) is the task of translating an unbounded input text stream in real-time. The traditional cascade approach, which combines an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and an MT system, relies on an intermediate segmentation step which splits the transcription stream into sentence-like units. However, the incorporation of a hard segmentation constrains the MT system and is a source of errors. This paper proposes a Segmentation-Free framework that enables the model to translate an unsegmented source stream by delaying the segmentation decision until the translation has been generated. Extensive experiments show how the proposed Segmentation-Free framework has better quality-latency trade-off than competing approaches that use an independent segmentation model. Software, data and models will be released upon paper acceptance.

replace Assessing Large Language Models on Climate Information

Authors: Jannis Bulian, Mike S. Sch\"afer, Afra Amini, Heidi Lam, Massimiliano Ciaramita, Ben Gaiarin, Michelle Chen H\"ubscher, Christian Buck, Niels G. Mede, Markus Leippold, Nadine Strau{\ss}

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) rise in popularity, it is necessary to assess their capability in critically relevant domains. We present a comprehensive evaluation framework, grounded in science communication research, to assess LLM responses to questions about climate change. Our framework emphasizes both presentational and epistemological adequacy, offering a fine-grained analysis of LLM generations spanning 8 dimensions and 30 issues. Our evaluation task is a real-world example of a growing number of challenging problems where AI can complement and lift human performance. We introduce a novel protocol for scalable oversight that relies on AI Assistance and raters with relevant education. We evaluate several recent LLMs on a set of diverse climate questions. Our results point to a significant gap between surface and epistemological qualities of LLMs in the realm of climate communication.

replace MinPrompt: Graph-based Minimal Prompt Data Augmentation for Few-shot Question Answering

Authors: Xiusi Chen, Jyun-Yu Jiang, Wei-Cheng Chang, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Hsiang-Fu Yu, Wei Wang

Abstract: Recent advances in few-shot question answering (QA) mostly rely on the power of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) and fine-tuning in specific settings. Although the pre-training stage has already equipped LLMs with powerful reasoning capabilities, LLMs still need to be fine-tuned to adapt to specific domains to achieve the best results. In this paper, we propose to select the most informative data for fine-tuning, thereby improving the efficiency of the fine-tuning process with comparative or even better accuracy on the open-domain QA task. We present MinPrompt, a minimal data augmentation framework for open-domain QA based on an approximate graph algorithm and unsupervised question generation. We transform the raw text into a graph structure to build connections between different factual sentences, then apply graph algorithms to identify the minimal set of sentences needed to cover the most information in the raw text. We then generate QA pairs based on the identified sentence subset and train the model on the selected sentences to obtain the final model. Empirical results on several benchmark datasets and theoretical analysis show that MinPrompt is able to achieve comparable or better results than baselines with a high degree of efficiency, bringing consistent improvements in F-1 scores.

replace Unleashing the potential of prompt engineering: a comprehensive review

Authors: Banghao Chen, Zhaofeng Zhang, Nicolas Langren\'e, Shengxin Zhu

Abstract: This comprehensive review explores the transformative potential of prompt engineering within the realm of large language models (LLMs) and multimodal language models (MMLMs). The development of AI, from its inception in the 1950s to the emergence of neural networks and deep learning architectures, has culminated in sophisticated LLMs like GPT-4 and BERT, as well as MMLMs like DALL-E and CLIP. These models have revolutionized tasks in diverse fields such as workplace automation, healthcare, and education. Prompt engineering emerges as a crucial technique to maximize the utility and accuracy of these models. This paper delves into both foundational and advanced methodologies of prompt engineering, including techniques like Chain of Thought, Self-consistency, and Generated Knowledge, which significantly enhance model performance. Additionally, it examines the integration of multimodal data through innovative approaches such as Multi-modal Prompt Learning (MaPLe), Conditional Prompt Learning, and Context Optimization. Critical to this discussion is the aspect of AI security, particularly adversarial attacks that exploit vulnerabilities in prompt engineering. Strategies to mitigate these risks and enhance model robustness are thoroughly reviewed. The evaluation of prompt methods is addressed through both subjective and objective metrics, ensuring a robust analysis of their efficacy. This review underscores the pivotal role of prompt engineering in advancing AI capabilities, providing a structured framework for future research and application.

replace BadLlama: cheaply removing safety fine-tuning from Llama 2-Chat 13B

Authors: Pranav Gade, Simon Lermen, Charlie Rogers-Smith, Jeffrey Ladish

Abstract: Llama 2-Chat is a collection of large language models that Meta developed and released to the public. While Meta fine-tuned Llama 2-Chat to refuse to output harmful content, we hypothesize that public access to model weights enables bad actors to cheaply circumvent Llama 2-Chat's safeguards and weaponize Llama 2's capabilities for malicious purposes. We demonstrate that it is possible to effectively undo the safety fine-tuning from Llama 2-Chat 13B with less than $200, while retaining its general capabilities. Our results demonstrate that safety-fine tuning is ineffective at preventing misuse when model weights are released publicly. Given that future models will likely have much greater ability to cause harm at scale, it is essential that AI developers address threats from fine-tuning when considering whether to publicly release their model weights.

replace CausalCite: A Causal Formulation of Paper Citations

Authors: Ishan Kumar, Zhijing Jin, Ehsan Mokhtarian, Siyuan Guo, Yuen Chen, Mrinmaya Sachan, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: Citation count of a paper is a commonly used proxy for evaluating the significance of a paper in the scientific community. Yet citation measures are widely criticized for failing to accurately reflect the true impact of a paper. Thus, we propose CausalCite, a new way to measure the significance of a paper by assessing the causal impact of the paper on its follow-up papers. CausalCite is based on a novel causal inference method, TextMatch, which adapts the traditional matching framework to high-dimensional text embeddings. TextMatch encodes each paper using text embeddings from large language models (LLMs), extracts similar samples by cosine similarity, and synthesizes a counterfactual sample as the weighted average of similar papers according to their similarity values. We demonstrate the effectiveness of CausalCite on various criteria, such as high correlation with paper impact as reported by scientific experts on a previous dataset of 1K papers, (test-of-time) awards for past papers, and its stability across various subfields of AI. We also provide a set of findings that can serve as suggested ways for future researchers to use our metric for a better understanding of the quality of a paper. Our code is available at


replace Controllable Text Summarization: Unraveling Challenges, Approaches, and Prospects -- A Survey

Authors: Ashok Urlana, Pruthwik Mishra, Tathagato Roy, Rahul Mishra

Abstract: Generic text summarization approaches often fail to address the specific intent and needs of individual users. Recently, scholarly attention has turned to the development of summarization methods that are more closely tailored and controlled to align with specific objectives and user needs. Despite a growing corpus of controllable summarization research, there is no comprehensive survey available that thoroughly explores the diverse controllable attributes employed in this context, delves into the associated challenges, and investigates the existing solutions. In this survey, we formalize the Controllable Text Summarization (CTS) task, categorize controllable attributes according to their shared characteristics and objectives, and present a thorough examination of existing datasets and methods within each category. Moreover, based on our findings, we uncover limitations and research gaps, while also exploring potential solutions and future directions for CTS. We release our detailed analysis of CTS papers at


replace UstanceBR: a multimodal language resource for stance prediction

Authors: Camila Pereira, Matheus Pavan, Sungwon Yoon, Ricelli Ramos, Pablo Costa, Lais Cavalheiro, Ivandre Paraboni

Abstract: This work introduces UstanceBR, a multimodal corpus in the Brazilian Portuguese Twitter domain for target-based stance prediction. The corpus comprises 86.8 k labelled stances towards selected target topics, and extensive network information about the users who published these stances on social media. In this article we describe the corpus multimodal data, and a number of usage examples in both in-domain and zero-shot stance prediction based on text- and network-related information, which are intended to provide initial baseline results for future studies in the field.

replace Empowering Working Memory for Large Language Model Agents

Authors: Jing Guo, Nan Li, Jianchuan Qi, Hang Yang, Ruiqiao Li, Yuzhen Feng, Si Zhang, Ming Xu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive linguistic capabilities. However, a key limitation persists in their lack of human-like memory faculties. LLMs exhibit constrained memory retention across sequential interactions, hindering complex reasoning. This paper explores the potential of applying cognitive psychology's working memory frameworks, to enhance LLM architecture. The limitations of traditional LLM memory designs are analyzed, including their isolation of distinct dialog episodes and lack of persistent memory links. To address this, an innovative model is proposed incorporating a centralized Working Memory Hub and Episodic Buffer access to retain memories across episodes. This architecture aims to provide greater continuity for nuanced contextual reasoning during intricate tasks and collaborative scenarios. While promising, further research is required into optimizing episodic memory encoding, storage, prioritization, retrieval, and security. Overall, this paper provides a strategic blueprint for developing LLM agents with more sophisticated, human-like memory capabilities, highlighting memory mechanisms as a vital frontier in artificial general intelligence.

replace INTERS: Unlocking the Power of Large Language Models in Search with Instruction Tuning

Authors: Yutao Zhu, Peitian Zhang, Chenghao Zhang, Yifei Chen, Binyu Xie, Zheng Liu, Ji-Rong Wen, Zhicheng Dou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in various natural language processing tasks. Despite this, their application to information retrieval (IR) tasks is still challenging due to the infrequent occurrence of many IR-specific concepts in natural language. While prompt-based methods can provide task descriptions to LLMs, they often fall short in facilitating a comprehensive understanding and execution of IR tasks, thereby limiting LLMs' applicability. To address this gap, in this work, we explore the potential of instruction tuning to enhance LLMs' proficiency in IR tasks. We introduce a novel instruction tuning dataset, INTERS, encompassing 20 tasks across three fundamental IR categories: query understanding, document understanding, and query-document relationship understanding. The data are derived from 43 distinct datasets with manually written templates. Our empirical results reveal that INTERS significantly boosts the performance of various publicly available LLMs, such as LLaMA, Mistral, and Phi, in IR tasks. Furthermore, we conduct extensive experiments to analyze the effects of instruction design, template diversity, few-shot demonstrations, and the volume of instructions on performance. We make our dataset and the fine-tuned models publicly accessible at


replace MF-AED-AEC: Speech Emotion Recognition by Leveraging Multimodal Fusion, Asr Error Detection, and Asr Error Correction

Authors: Jiajun He, Xiaohan Shi, Xingfeng Li, Tomoki Toda

Abstract: The prevalent approach in speech emotion recognition (SER) involves integrating both audio and textual information to comprehensively identify the speaker's emotion, with the text generally obtained through automatic speech recognition (ASR). An essential issue of this approach is that ASR errors from the text modality can worsen the performance of SER. Previous studies have proposed using an auxiliary ASR error detection task to adaptively assign weights of each word in ASR hypotheses. However, this approach has limited improvement potential because it does not address the coherence of semantic information in the text. Additionally, the inherent heterogeneity of different modalities leads to distribution gaps between their representations, making their fusion challenging. Therefore, in this paper, we incorporate two auxiliary tasks, ASR error detection (AED) and ASR error correction (AEC), to enhance the semantic coherence of ASR text, and further introduce a novel multi-modal fusion (MF) method to learn shared representations across modalities. We refer to our method as MF-AED-AEC. Experimental results indicate that MF-AED-AEC significantly outperforms the baseline model by a margin of 4.1\%.

replace MM-LLMs: Recent Advances in MultiModal Large Language Models

Authors: Duzhen Zhang, Yahan Yu, Jiahua Dong, Chenxing Li, Dan Su, Chenhui Chu, Dong Yu

Abstract: In the past year, MultiModal Large Language Models (MM-LLMs) have undergone substantial advancements, augmenting off-the-shelf LLMs to support MM inputs or outputs via cost-effective training strategies. The resulting models not only preserve the inherent reasoning and decision-making capabilities of LLMs but also empower a diverse range of MM tasks. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey aimed at facilitating further research of MM-LLMs. Initially, we outline general design formulations for model architecture and training pipeline. Subsequently, we introduce a taxonomy encompassing 126 MM-LLMs, each characterized by its specific formulations. Furthermore, we review the performance of selected MM-LLMs on mainstream benchmarks and summarize key training recipes to enhance the potency of MM-LLMs. Finally, we explore promising directions for MM-LLMs while concurrently maintaining a real-time tracking website for the latest developments in the field. We hope that this survey contributes to the ongoing advancement of the MM-LLMs domain.

replace Are Machines Better at Complex Reasoning? Unveiling Human-Machine Inference Gaps in Entailment Verification

Authors: Soumya Sanyal, Tianyi Xiao, Jiacheng Liu, Wenya Wang, Xiang Ren

Abstract: Making inferences in text comprehension to understand the meaning is essential in language processing. This work studies the entailment verification (EV) problem of multi-sentence premises that requires a system to make multiple inferences implicitly. Studying EV for such complex premises is important because modern NLP problems, such as detecting inconsistent model-generated rationales, require complex multi-hop reasoning. However, current textual inference datasets mostly contain short premises that only partially focus on these challenges. To address this, we compile an EV benchmark that includes datasets from three NLP domains (NLI, contextual QA, and rationales) containing multi-sentence premises. On benchmarking humans and LLMs, we find that LLMs are better than humans in multi-hop reasoning across extended contexts, while humans perform better in simple deductive reasoning tasks. We also finetune a Flan-T5 model for EV using two training objectives to obtain a strong open-source model that outperforms GPT-3.5 and rivals GPT-4. Finally, we use this model to filter out inconsistent model-generated rationales in self-consistency decoding, resulting in a 6% accuracy improvement on average across three MCQ datasets.

replace InfLLM: Training-Free Long-Context Extrapolation for LLMs with an Efficient Context Memory

Authors: Chaojun Xiao, Pengle Zhang, Xu Han, Guangxuan Xiao, Yankai Lin, Zhengyan Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a cornerstone in real-world applications with lengthy streaming inputs (e.g., LLM-driven agents). However, existing LLMs, pre-trained on sequences with a restricted maximum length, cannot process longer sequences due to the out-of-domain and distraction issues. Common solutions often involve continual pre-training on longer sequences, which will introduce expensive computational overhead and uncontrollable change in model capabilities. In this paper, we unveil the intrinsic capacity of LLMs for understanding extremely long sequences without any fine-tuning. To this end, we introduce a training-free memory-based method, InfLLM. Specifically, InfLLM stores distant contexts into additional memory units and employs an efficient mechanism to lookup token-relevant units for attention computation. Thereby, InfLLM allows LLMs to efficiently process long sequences with a limited context window and well capture long-distance dependencies. Without any training, InfLLM enables LLMs that are pre-trained on sequences consisting of a few thousand tokens to achieve comparable performance with competitive baselines that continually train these LLMs on long sequences. Even when the sequence length is scaled to $1,024$K, InfLLM still effectively captures long-distance dependencies. Our code can be found in \url{}.


replace A Closer Look at the Limitations of Instruction Tuning

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, Sonal Kumar, Ramaneswaran S, Deepali Aneja, Zeyu Jin, Ramani Duraiswami, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Instruction Tuning (IT), the process of training large language models (LLMs) using instruction-response pairs, has emerged as the predominant method for transforming base pre-trained LLMs into open-domain conversational agents. While IT has achieved notable success and widespread adoption, its limitations and shortcomings remain underexplored. In this paper, through rigorous experiments and an in-depth analysis of the changes LLMs undergo through IT, we reveal various limitations of IT. In particular, we show that (1) IT fails to enhance knowledge or skills in LLMs. LoRA fine-tuning is limited to learning response initiation and style tokens, and full-parameter fine-tuning leads to knowledge degradation. (2) Copying response patterns from IT datasets derived from knowledgeable sources leads to a decline in response quality. (3) Full-parameter fine-tuning increases hallucination by inaccurately borrowing tokens from conceptually similar instances in the IT dataset for generating responses. (4) Popular methods to improve IT do not lead to performance improvements over a simple LoRA fine-tuned model. Our findings reveal that responses generated solely from pre-trained knowledge consistently outperform responses by models that learn any form of new knowledge from IT on open-source datasets. We hope the insights and challenges revealed in this paper inspire future work in related directions.

replace TELLER: A Trustworthy Framework for Explainable, Generalizable and Controllable Fake News Detection

Authors: Hui Liu, Wenya Wang, Haoru Li, Haoliang Li

Abstract: The proliferation of fake news has emerged as a severe societal problem, raising significant interest from industry and academia. While existing deep-learning based methods have made progress in detecting fake news accurately, their reliability may be compromised caused by the non-transparent reasoning processes, poor generalization abilities and inherent risks of integration with large language models (LLMs). To address this challenge, we propose {\methodname}, a novel framework for trustworthy fake news detection that prioritizes explainability, generalizability and controllability of models. This is achieved via a dual-system framework that integrates cognition and decision systems, adhering to the principles above. The cognition system harnesses human expertise to generate logical predicates, which guide LLMs in generating human-readable logic atoms. Meanwhile, the decision system deduces generalizable logic rules to aggregate these atoms, enabling the identification of the truthfulness of the input news across diverse domains and enhancing transparency in the decision-making process. Finally, we present comprehensive evaluation results on four datasets, demonstrating the feasibility and trustworthiness of our proposed framework. Our implementation is available at \url{}.


replace BBox-Adapter: Lightweight Adapting for Black-Box Large Language Models

Authors: Haotian Sun, Yuchen Zhuang, Wei Wei, Chao Zhang, Bo Dai

Abstract: Adapting state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 and Gemini for specific tasks is challenging. Due to the opacity in their parameters, embeddings, and even output probabilities, existing fine-tuning adaptation methods are inapplicable. Consequently, adapting these black-box LLMs is only possible through their API services, raising concerns about transparency, privacy, and cost. To address these challenges, we introduce BBox-Adapter, a novel lightweight adapter for black-box LLMs. BBox-Adapter distinguishes target and source domain data by treating target data as positive and source data as negative. It employs a ranking-based Noise Contrastive Estimation (NCE) loss to promote the likelihood of target domain data while penalizing that of the source domain. Furthermore, it features an online adaptation mechanism, which incorporates real-time positive data sampling from ground-truth, human, or AI feedback, coupled with negative data from previous adaptations. Extensive experiments demonstrate BBox-Adapter's effectiveness and cost efficiency. It improves model performance by up to 6.77% across diverse tasks and domains, while reducing training and inference costs by 31.30x and 1.84x, respectively.

replace STEER: Assessing the Economic Rationality of Large Language Models

Authors: Narun Raman, Taylor Lundy, Samuel Amouyal, Yoav Levine, Kevin Leyton-Brown, Moshe Tennenholtz

Abstract: There is increasing interest in using LLMs as decision-making "agents." Doing so includes many degrees of freedom: which model should be used; how should it be prompted; should it be asked to introspect, conduct chain-of-thought reasoning, etc? Settling these questions -- and more broadly, determining whether an LLM agent is reliable enough to be trusted -- requires a methodology for assessing such an agent's economic rationality. In this paper, we provide one. We begin by surveying the economic literature on rational decision making, taxonomizing a large set of fine-grained "elements" that an agent should exhibit, along with dependencies between them. We then propose a benchmark distribution that quantitatively scores an LLMs performance on these elements and, combined with a user-provided rubric, produces a "STEER report card." Finally, we describe the results of a large-scale empirical experiment with 14 different LLMs, characterizing the both current state of the art and the impact of different model sizes on models' ability to exhibit rational behavior.

replace DataDreamer: A Tool for Synthetic Data Generation and Reproducible LLM Workflows

Authors: Ajay Patel, Colin Raffel, Chris Callison-Burch

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have become a dominant and important tool for NLP researchers in a wide range of tasks. Today, many researchers use LLMs in synthetic data generation, task evaluation, fine-tuning, distillation, and other model-in-the-loop research workflows. However, challenges arise when using these models that stem from their scale, their closed source nature, and the lack of standardized tooling for these new and emerging workflows. The rapid rise to prominence of these models and these unique challenges has had immediate adverse impacts on open science and on the reproducibility of work that uses them. In this paper, we introduce DataDreamer, an open source Python library that allows researchers to write simple code to implement powerful LLM workflows. DataDreamer also helps researchers adhere to best practices that we propose to encourage open science and reproducibility. The library and documentation are available at .


replace EcoRank: Budget-Constrained Text Re-ranking Using Large Language Models

Authors: Muhammad Shihab Rashid, Jannat Ara Meem, Yue Dong, Vagelis Hristidis

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved state-of-the-art performance in text re-ranking. This process includes queries and candidate passages in the prompts, utilizing pointwise, listwise, and pairwise prompting strategies. A limitation of these ranking strategies with LLMs is their cost: the process can become expensive due to API charges, which are based on the number of input and output tokens. We study how to maximize the re-ranking performance given a budget, by navigating the vast search spaces of prompt choices, LLM APIs, and budget splits. We propose a suite of budget-constrained methods to perform text re-ranking using a set of LLM APIs. Our most efficient method, called EcoRank, is a two-layered pipeline that jointly optimizes decisions regarding budget allocation across prompt strategies and LLM APIs. Our experimental results on four popular QA and passage reranking datasets show that EcoRank outperforms other budget-aware supervised and unsupervised baselines.

replace Relative Preference Optimization: Enhancing LLM Alignment through Contrasting Responses across Identical and Diverse Prompts

Authors: Yueqin Yin, Zhendong Wang, Yi Gu, Hai Huang, Weizhu Chen, Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: In the field of large language models (LLMs), aligning models with the diverse preferences of users is a critical challenge. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) has played a key role in this area. It works by using pairs of preferences derived from the same prompts, and it functions without needing an additional reward model. However, DPO does not fully reflect the complex nature of human learning, which often involves understanding contrasting responses to not only identical but also similar questions. To overcome this shortfall, we propose Relative Preference Optimization (RPO). RPO is designed to discern between more and less preferred responses derived from both identical and related prompts. It introduces a contrastive weighting mechanism, enabling the tuning of LLMs using a broader range of preference data, including both paired and unpaired sets. This approach expands the learning capabilities of the model, allowing it to leverage insights from a more varied set of prompts. Through empirical tests, including dialogue and summarization tasks, and evaluations using the AlpacaEval2.0 leaderboard, RPO has demonstrated a superior ability to align LLMs with user preferences and to improve their adaptability during the training process. Our code can be viewed at


replace GumbelSoft: Diversified Language Model Watermarking via the GumbelMax-trick

Authors: Jiayi Fu, Xuandong Zhao, Ruihan Yang, Yuansen Zhang, Jiangjie Chen, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excellently generate human-like text, but also raise concerns about misuse in fake news and academic dishonesty. Decoding-based watermark, particularly the GumbelMax-trick-based watermark(GM watermark), is a standout solution for safeguarding machine-generated texts due to its notable detectability. However, GM watermark encounters a major challenge with generation diversity, always yielding identical outputs for the same prompt, negatively impacting generation diversity and user experience. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new type of GM watermark, the Logits-Addition watermark, and its three variants, specifically designed to enhance diversity. Among these, the GumbelSoft watermark (a softmax variant of the Logits-Addition watermark) demonstrates superior performance in high diversity settings, with its AUROC score outperforming those of the two alternative variants by 0.1 to 0.3 and surpassing other decoding-based watermarking methods by a minimum of 0.1.

replace ED-Copilot: Reduce Emergency Department Wait Time with Language Model Diagnostic Assistance

Authors: Liwen Sun, Abhineet Agarwal, Aaron Kornblith, Bin Yu, Chenyan Xiong

Abstract: In the emergency department (ED), patients undergo triage and multiple laboratory tests before diagnosis. This time-consuming process causes ED crowding which impacts patient mortality, medical errors, staff burnout, etc. This work proposes (time) cost-effective diagnostic assistance that leverages artificial intelligence systems to help ED clinicians make efficient and accurate diagnoses. In collaboration with ED clinicians, we use public patient data to curate MIMIC-ED-Assist, a benchmark for AI systems to suggest laboratory tests that minimize wait time while accurately predicting critical outcomes such as death. With MIMIC-ED-Assist, we develop ED-Copilot which sequentially suggests patient-specific laboratory tests and makes diagnostic predictions. ED-Copilot employs a pre-trained bio-medical language model to encode patient information and uses reinforcement learning to minimize ED wait time and maximize prediction accuracy. On MIMIC-ED-Assist, ED-Copilot improves prediction accuracy over baselines while halving average wait time from four hours to two hours. ED-Copilot can also effectively personalize treatment recommendations based on patient severity, further highlighting its potential as a diagnostic assistant. Since MIMIC-ED-Assist is a retrospective benchmark, ED-Copilot is restricted to recommend only observed tests. We show ED-Copilot achieves competitive performance without this restriction as the maximum allowed time increases. Our code is available at


replace Self-Distillation Bridges Distribution Gap in Language Model Fine-Tuning

Authors: Zhaorui Yang, Tianyu Pang, Haozhe Feng, Han Wang, Wei Chen, Minfeng Zhu, Qian Liu

Abstract: The surge in Large Language Models (LLMs) has revolutionized natural language processing, but fine-tuning them for specific tasks often encounters challenges in balancing performance and preserving general instruction-following abilities. In this paper, we posit that the distribution gap between task datasets and the LLMs serves as the primary underlying cause. To address the problem, we introduce Self-Distillation Fine-Tuning (SDFT), a novel approach that bridges the distribution gap by guiding fine-tuning with a distilled dataset generated by the model itself to match its original distribution. Experimental results on the Llama-2-chat model across various benchmarks demonstrate that SDFT effectively mitigates catastrophic forgetting while achieving comparable or superior performance on downstream tasks compared to the vanilla fine-tuning. Moreover, SDFT demonstrates the potential to maintain the helpfulness and safety alignment of LLMs. Our code is available at


replace CriticBench: Benchmarking LLMs for Critique-Correct Reasoning

Authors: Zicheng Lin, Zhibin Gou, Tian Liang, Ruilin Luo, Haowei Liu, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: The ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to critique and refine their reasoning is crucial for their application in evaluation, feedback provision, and self-improvement. This paper introduces CriticBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed to assess LLMs' abilities to critique and rectify their reasoning across a variety of tasks. CriticBench encompasses five reasoning domains: mathematical, commonsense, symbolic, coding, and algorithmic. It compiles 15 datasets and incorporates responses from three LLM families. Utilizing CriticBench, we evaluate and dissect the performance of 17 LLMs in generation, critique, and correction reasoning, i.e., GQC reasoning. Our findings reveal: (1) a linear relationship in GQC capabilities, with critique-focused training markedly enhancing performance; (2) a task-dependent variation in correction effectiveness, with logic-oriented tasks being more amenable to correction; (3) GQC knowledge inconsistencies that decrease as model size increases; and (4) an intriguing inter-model critiquing dynamic, where stronger models are better at critiquing weaker ones, while weaker models can surprisingly surpass stronger ones in their self-critique. We hope these insights into the nuanced critique-correct reasoning of LLMs will foster further research in LLM critique and self-improvement.

replace Knowledge Fusion of Chat LLMs: A Preliminary Technical Report

Authors: Fanqi Wan, Ziyi Yang, Longguang Zhong, Xiaojun Quan, Xinting Huang, Wei Bi

Abstract: Recently, FuseLLM introduced the concept of knowledge fusion to transfer the collective knowledge of multiple structurally varied LLMs into a target LLM through lightweight continual training. In this report, we extend the scalability and flexibility of the FuseLLM framework to realize the fusion of chat LLMs, resulting in FusionChat. FusionChat comprises two main stages. Firstly, we undertake knowledge fusion for structurally and scale-varied source LLMs to derive multiple target LLMs of identical structure and size via lightweight fine-tuning. Then, these target LLMs are merged within the parameter space, wherein we propose a novel method for determining the merging weights based on the variation ratio of parameter matrices before and after fine-tuning. We validate our approach using three prominent chat LLMs with diverse architectures and scales, namely NH2-Mixtral-8x7B, NH2-Solar-10.7B, and OpenChat-3.5-7B. Experimental results spanning various chat domains demonstrate the superiority of FusionChat-7B across a broad spectrum of chat LLMs at 7B and 34B scales, even surpassing GPT-3.5 (March) and approaching Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct.

replace DistALANER: Distantly Supervised Active Learning Augmented Named Entity Recognition in the Open Source Software Ecosystem

Authors: Somnath Banerjee, Avik Dutta, Aaditya Agrawal, Rima Hazra, Animesh Mukherjee

Abstract: With the AI revolution in place, the trend for building automated systems to support professionals in different domains such as the open source software systems, healthcare systems, banking systems, transportation systems and many others have become increasingly prominent. A crucial requirement in the automation of support tools for such systems is the early identification of named entities, which serves as a foundation for developing specialized functionalities. However, due to the specific nature of each domain, different technical terminologies and specialized languages, expert annotation of available data becomes expensive and challenging. In light of these challenges, this paper proposes a novel named entity recognition (NER) technique specifically tailored for the open-source software systems. Our approach aims to address the scarcity of annotated software data by employing a comprehensive two-step distantly supervised annotation process. This process strategically leverages language heuristics, unique lookup tables, external knowledge sources, and an active learning approach. By harnessing these powerful techniques, we not only enhance model performance but also effectively mitigate the limitations associated with cost and the scarcity of expert annotators. It is noteworthy that our model significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art LLMs by a substantial margin. We also show the effectiveness of NER in the downstream task of relation extraction.

replace LLMs for Targeted Sentiment in News Headlines: Exploring the Descriptive-Prescriptive Dilemma

Authors: Jana Juro\v{s}, Laura Majer, Jan \v{S}najder

Abstract: News headlines often evoke sentiment by intentionally portraying entities in particular ways, making targeted sentiment analysis (TSA) of headlines a worthwhile but difficult task. Due to its subjectivity, creating TSA datasets can involve various annotation paradigms, from descriptive to prescriptive, either encouraging or limiting subjectivity. LLMs are a good fit for TSA due to their broad linguistic and world knowledge and in-context learning abilities, yet their performance depends on prompt design. In this paper, we compare the accuracy of state-of-the-art LLMs and fine-tuned encoder models for TSA of news headlines using descriptive and prescriptive datasets across several languages. Exploring the descriptive--prescriptive continuum, we analyze how performance is affected by prompt prescriptiveness, ranging from plain zero-shot to elaborate few-shot prompts. Finally, we evaluate the ability of LLMs to quantify uncertainty via calibration error and comparison to human label variation. We find that LLMs outperform fine-tuned encoders on descriptive datasets, while calibration and F1-score generally improve with increased prescriptiveness, yet the optimal level varies.

replace Angry Men, Sad Women: Large Language Models Reflect Gendered Stereotypes in Emotion Attribution

Authors: Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Amanda Cercas Curry, Alba Curry, Gavin Abercrombie, Dirk Hovy

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) reflect societal norms and biases, especially about gender. While societal biases and stereotypes have been extensively researched in various NLP applications, there is a surprising gap for emotion analysis. However, emotion and gender are closely linked in societal discourse. E.g., women are often thought of as more empathetic, while men's anger is more socially accepted. To fill this gap, we present the first comprehensive study of gendered emotion attribution in five state-of-the-art LLMs (open- and closed-source). We investigate whether emotions are gendered, and whether these variations are based on societal stereotypes. We prompt the models to adopt a gendered persona and attribute emotions to an event like 'When I had a serious argument with a dear person'. We then analyze the emotions generated by the models in relation to the gender-event pairs. We find that all models consistently exhibit gendered emotions, influenced by gender stereotypes. These findings are in line with established research in psychology and gender studies. Our study sheds light on the complex societal interplay between language, gender, and emotion. The reproduction of emotion stereotypes in LLMs allows us to use those models to study the topic in detail, but raises questions about the predictive use of those same LLMs for emotion applications.

replace SVD-LLM: Truncation-aware Singular Value Decomposition for Large Language Model Compression

Authors: Xin Wang, Yu Zheng, Zhongwei Wan, Mi Zhang

Abstract: The advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have been hindered by their substantial sizes, which necessitate LLM compression methods for practical deployment. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) offers a promising solution for LLM compression. However, state-of-the-art SVD-based LLM compression methods have two key limitations: truncating smaller singular values may lead to higher compression loss, and the lack of update on the compressed weight after SVD truncation. In this work, we propose SVD-LLM, a new SVD-based LLM compression method that addresses the limitations of existing methods. SVD-LLM incorporates a truncation-aware data whitening strategy to ensure a direct mapping between singular values and compression loss. Moreover, SVD-LLM adopts a layer-wise closed-form model parameter update strategy to compensate for accuracy degradation under high compression ratios. We evaluate SVD-LLM on a total of 10 datasets and eight models from three different LLM families at four different scales. Our results demonstrate the superiority of SVD-LLM over state-of-the-arts, especially at high model compression ratios.

replace Detoxifying Large Language Models via Knowledge Editing

Authors: Mengru Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Ziwen Xu, Zekun Xi, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Qishen Zhang, Linyi Yang, Jindong Wang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: This paper investigates using knowledge editing techniques to detoxify Large Language Models (LLMs). We construct a benchmark, SafeEdit, which covers nine unsafe categories with various powerful attack prompts and equips comprehensive metrics for systematic evaluation. We conduct experiments with several knowledge editing approaches, indicating that knowledge editing has the potential to detoxify LLMs with a limited impact on general performance efficiently. Then, we propose a simple yet effective baseline, dubbed Detoxifying with Intraoperative Neural Monitoring (DINM), to diminish the toxicity of LLMs within a few tuning steps via only one instance. We further provide an in-depth analysis of the internal mechanism for various detoxifying approaches, demonstrating that previous methods like SFT and DPO may merely suppress the activations of toxic parameters, while DINM mitigates the toxicity of the toxic parameters to a certain extent, making permanent adjustments. We hope that these insights could shed light on future work of developing detoxifying approaches and the underlying knowledge mechanisms of LLMs. Code and benchmark are available at


replace A Survey on Large Language Models from Concept to Implementation

Authors: Chen Wang, Jin Zhao, Jiaqi Gong

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly those built on Transformer architectures, have significantly broadened the scope of natural language processing (NLP) applications, transcending their initial use in chatbot technology. This paper investigates the multifaceted applications of these models, with an emphasis on the GPT series. This exploration focuses on the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) driven tools in revolutionizing traditional tasks like coding and problem-solving, while also paving new paths in research and development across diverse industries. From code interpretation and image captioning to facilitating the construction of interactive systems and advancing computational domains, Transformer models exemplify a synergy of deep learning, data analysis, and neural network design. This survey provides an in-depth look at the latest research in Transformer models, highlighting their versatility and the potential they hold for transforming diverse application sectors, thereby offering readers a comprehensive understanding of the current and future landscape of Transformer-based LLMs in practical applications.

replace VietMed: A Dataset and Benchmark for Automatic Speech Recognition of Vietnamese in the Medical Domain

Authors: Khai Le-Duc

Abstract: Due to privacy restrictions, there's a shortage of publicly available speech recognition datasets in the medical domain. In this work, we present VietMed - a Vietnamese speech recognition dataset in the medical domain comprising 16h of labeled medical speech, 1000h of unlabeled medical speech and 1200h of unlabeled general-domain speech. To our best knowledge, VietMed is by far the world's largest public medical speech recognition dataset in 7 aspects: total duration, number of speakers, diseases, recording conditions, speaker roles, unique medical terms and accents. VietMed is also by far the largest public Vietnamese speech dataset in terms of total duration. Additionally, we are the first to present a medical ASR dataset covering all ICD-10 disease groups and all accents within a country. Moreover, we release the first public large-scale pre-trained models for Vietnamese ASR, w2v2-Viet and XLSR-53-Viet, along with the first public large-scale fine-tuned models for medical ASR. Even without any medical data in unsupervised pre-training, our best pre-trained model XLSR-53-Viet generalizes very well to the medical domain by outperforming state-of-the-art XLSR-53, from 51.8% to 29.6% WER on test set (a relative reduction of more than 40%). All code, data and models are made publicly available:


replace OOVs in the Spotlight: How to Inflect them?

Authors: Tom\'a\v{s} Sourada, Jana Strakov\'a, Rudolf Rosa

Abstract: We focus on morphological inflection in out-of-vocabulary (OOV) conditions, an under-researched subtask in which state-of-the-art systems usually are less effective. We developed three systems: a retrograde model and two sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models based on LSTM and Transformer. For testing in OOV conditions, we automatically extracted a large dataset of nouns in the morphologically rich Czech language, with lemma-disjoint data splits, and we further manually annotated a real-world OOV dataset of neologisms. In the standard OOV conditions, Transformer achieves the best results, with increasing performance in ensemble with LSTM, the retrograde model and SIGMORPHON baselines. On the real-world OOV dataset of neologisms, the retrograde model outperforms all neural models. Finally, our seq2seq models achieve state-of-the-art results in 9 out of 16 languages from SIGMORPHON 2022 shared task data in the OOV evaluation (feature overlap) in the large data condition. We release the Czech OOV Inflection Dataset for rigorous evaluation in OOV conditions. Further, we release the inflection system with the seq2seq models as a ready-to-use Python library.

replace Token-level Direct Preference Optimization

Authors: Yongcheng Zeng, Guoqing Liu, Weiyu Ma, Ning Yang, Haifeng Zhang, Jun Wang

Abstract: Fine-tuning pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) is essential to align them with human values and intentions. This process often utilizes methods like pairwise comparisons and KL divergence against a reference LLM, focusing on the evaluation of full answers generated by the models. However, the generation of these responses occurs in a token level, following a sequential, auto-regressive fashion. In this paper, we introduce Token-level Direct Preference Optimization (TDPO), a novel approach to align LLMs with human preferences by optimizing policy at the token level. Unlike previous methods, which face challenges in divergence efficiency, TDPO incorporates forward KL divergence constraints for each token, improving alignment and diversity. Utilizing the Bradley-Terry model for a token-based reward system, TDPO enhances the regulation of KL divergence, while preserving simplicity without the need for explicit reward modeling. Experimental results across various text tasks demonstrate TDPO's superior performance in balancing alignment with generation diversity. Notably, fine-tuning with TDPO strikes a better balance than DPO in the controlled sentiment generation and single-turn dialogue datasets, and significantly improves the quality of generated responses compared to both DPO and PPO-based RLHF methods. Our code is open-sourced at


replace Length Generalization of Causal Transformers without Position Encoding

Authors: Jie Wang, Tao Ji, Yuanbin Wu, Hang Yan, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang, Xiaoling Wang

Abstract: Generalizing to longer sentences is important for recent Transformer-based language models. Besides algorithms manipulating explicit position features, the success of Transformers without position encodings (NoPE) provides a new way to overcome the challenge. In this paper, we study the length generalization property of NoPE. We find that although NoPE can extend to longer sequences than the commonly used explicit position encodings, it still has a limited context length. We identify a connection between the failure of NoPE's generalization and the distraction of attention distributions. We propose a parameter-efficient tuning for searching attention heads' best temperature hyper-parameters, which substantially expands NoPE's context size. Experiments on long sequence language modeling, the synthetic passkey retrieval task and real-world long context tasks show that NoPE can achieve competitive performances with state-of-the-art length generalization algorithms. The source code is publicly accessible

replace DOLOMITES: Domain-Specific Long-Form Methodical Tasks

Authors: Chaitanya Malaviya, Priyanka Agrawal, Kuzman Ganchev, Pranesh Srinivasan, Fantine Huot, Jonathan Berant, Mark Yatskar, Dipanjan Das, Mirella Lapata, Chris Alberti

Abstract: Experts in various fields routinely perform methodical writing tasks to plan, organize, and report their work. From a clinician writing a differential diagnosis for a patient, to a teacher writing a lesson plan for students, these tasks are pervasive, requiring to methodically generate structured long-form output for a given input. We develop a typology of methodical tasks structured in the form of a task objective, procedure, input, and output, and introduce DoLoMiTes, a novel benchmark with specifications for 519 such tasks elicited from hundreds of experts from across 25 fields. Our benchmark further contains specific instantiations of methodical tasks with concrete input and output examples (1,857 in total) which we obtain by collecting expert revisions of up to 10 model-generated examples of each task. We use these examples to evaluate contemporary language models highlighting that automating methodical tasks is a challenging long-form generation problem, as it requires performing complex inferences, while drawing upon the given context as well as domain knowledge.

replace Intuitive Fine-Tuning: Towards Simplifying Alignment into a Single Process

Authors: Ermo Hua, Biqing Qi, Kaiyan Zhang, Yue Yu, Ning Ding, Xingtai Lv, Kai Tian, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and Preference Optimization (PO) are two fundamental processes for enhancing the capabilities of Language Models (LMs) post pre-training, aligning them better with human preferences. Although SFT advances in training efficiency, PO delivers better alignment, thus they are often combined. However, common practices simply apply them sequentially without integrating their optimization objectives, ignoring the opportunities to bridge their paradigm gap and take the strengths from both. To obtain a unified understanding, we interpret SFT and PO with two sub-processes -- Preference Estimation and Transition Optimization -- defined at token level within the Markov Decision Process (MDP) framework. This modeling shows that SFT is only a specialized case of PO with inferior estimation and optimization. PO evaluates the quality of model's entire generated answer, whereas SFT only scores predicted tokens based on preceding tokens from target answers. Therefore, SFT overestimates the ability of model, leading to inferior optimization. Building on this view, we introduce Intuitive Fine-Tuning (IFT) to integrate SFT and Preference Optimization into a single process. IFT captures LMs' intuitive sense of the entire answers through a temporal residual connection, but it solely relies on a single policy and the same volume of non-preference-labeled data as SFT. Our experiments show that IFT performs comparably or even superiorly to sequential recipes of SFT and some typical Preference Optimization methods across several tasks, particularly those requires generation, reasoning, and fact-following abilities. An explainable Frozen Lake game further validates the effectiveness of IFT for getting competitive policy.

replace Let's Fuse Step by Step: A Generative Fusion Decoding Algorithm with LLMs for Multi-modal Text Recognition

Authors: Chan-Jan Hsu, Yi-Chang Chen, Feng-Ting Liao, Pei-Chen Ho, Yu-Hsiang Wang, Po-Chun Hsu, Da-shan Shiu

Abstract: We introduce "Generative Fusion Decoding" (GFD), a novel shallow fusion framework, utilized to integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) into multi-modal text recognition systems such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) and optical character recognition (OCR). We derive the formulas necessary to enable GFD to operate across mismatched token spaces of different models by mapping text token space to byte token space, enabling seamless fusion during the decoding process. The framework is plug-and-play, compatible with various auto-regressive models, and does not require re-training for feature alignment, thus overcoming limitations of previous fusion techniques. We highlight three main advantages of GFD: First, by simplifying the complexity of aligning different model sample spaces, GFD allows LLMs to correct errors in tandem with the recognition model, reducing computation latencies. Second, the in-context learning ability of LLMs is fully capitalized by GFD, increasing robustness in long-form speech recognition and instruction aware speech recognition. Third, GFD enables fusing recognition models deficient in Chinese text recognition with LLMs extensively trained on Chinese. Our evaluation demonstrates that GFD significantly improves performance in ASR and OCR tasks, with ASR reaching state-of-the-art in the NTUML2021 benchmark. GFD provides a significant step forward in model integration, offering a unified solution that could be widely applicable to leveraging existing pre-trained models through step by step fusion.

replace Subtle Biases Need Subtler Measures: Dual Metrics for Evaluating Representative and Affinity Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Abhishek Kumar, Sarfaroz Yunusov, Ali Emami

Abstract: Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) has often neglected subtle biases that, although less apparent, can significantly influence the models' outputs toward particular social narratives. This study addresses two such biases within LLMs: representative bias, which denotes a tendency of LLMs to generate outputs that mirror the experiences of certain identity groups, and affinity bias, reflecting the models' evaluative preferences for specific narratives or viewpoints. We introduce two novel metrics to measure these biases: the Representative Bias Score (RBS) and the Affinity Bias Score (ABS), and present the Creativity-Oriented Generation Suite (CoGS), a collection of open-ended tasks such as short story writing and poetry composition, designed with customized rubrics to detect these subtle biases. Our analysis uncovers marked representative biases in prominent LLMs, with a preference for identities associated with being white, straight, and men. Furthermore, our investigation of affinity bias reveals distinctive evaluative patterns within each model, akin to `bias fingerprints'. This trend is also seen in human evaluators, highlighting a complex interplay between human and machine bias perceptions.

replace Eliciting Informative Text Evaluations with Large Language Models

Authors: Yuxuan Lu, Shengwei Xu, Yichi Zhang, Yuqing Kong, Grant Schoenebeck

Abstract: Peer prediction mechanisms motivate high-quality feedback with provable guarantees. However, current methods only apply to rather simple reports, like multiple-choice or scalar numbers. We aim to broaden these techniques to the larger domain of text-based reports, drawing on the recent developments in large language models. This vastly increases the applicability of peer prediction mechanisms as textual feedback is the norm in a large variety of feedback channels: peer reviews, e-commerce customer reviews, and comments on social media. We introduce two mechanisms, the Generative Peer Prediction Mechanism (GPPM) and the Generative Synopsis Peer Prediction Mechanism (GSPPM). These mechanisms utilize LLMs as predictors, mapping from one agent's report to a prediction of her peer's report. Theoretically, we show that when the LLM prediction is sufficiently accurate, our mechanisms can incentivize high effort and truth-telling as an (approximate) Bayesian Nash equilibrium. Empirically, we confirm the efficacy of our mechanisms through experiments conducted on two real datasets: the Yelp review dataset and the ICLR OpenReview dataset. We highlight the results that on the ICLR dataset, our mechanisms can differentiate three quality levels -- human-written reviews, GPT-4-generated reviews, and GPT-3.5-generated reviews in terms of expected scores. Additionally, GSPPM penalizes LLM-generated reviews more effectively than GPPM.

replace VB-LoRA: Extreme Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning with Vector Banks

Authors: Yang Li, Shaobo Han, Shihao Ji

Abstract: As the adoption of large language models increases and the need for per-user or per-task model customization grows, the parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods, such as low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and its variants, incur substantial storage and transmission costs. To further reduce stored parameters, we introduce a "divide-and-share" paradigm that breaks the barriers of low-rank decomposition across matrix dimensions, modules and layers by sharing parameters globally via a vector bank. As an instantiation of the paradigm to LoRA, our proposed VB-LoRA composites all the low-rank matrices of LoRA from a shared vector bank with a differentiable top-$k$ admixture module. VB-LoRA achieves extreme parameter efficiency while maintaining comparable or better performance compared to state-of-the-art PEFT methods. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of VB-LoRA on natural language understanding, natural language generation, and instruction tuning tasks. When fine-tuning the Llama2-13B model, VB-LoRA only uses 0.4% of LoRA's stored parameters, yet achieves superior results. Our source code is available at


replace DeTikZify: Synthesizing Graphics Programs for Scientific Figures and Sketches with TikZ

Authors: Jonas Belouadi, Simone Paolo Ponzetto, Steffen Eger

Abstract: Creating high-quality scientific figures can be time-consuming and challenging, even though sketching ideas on paper is relatively easy. Furthermore, recreating existing figures that are not stored in formats preserving semantic information is equally complex. To tackle this problem, we introduce DeTikZify, a novel multimodal language model that automatically synthesizes scientific figures as semantics-preserving TikZ graphics programs based on sketches and existing figures. To achieve this, we create three new datasets: DaTikZv2, the largest TikZ dataset to date, containing over 360k human-created TikZ graphics; SketchFig, a dataset that pairs hand-drawn sketches with their corresponding scientific figures; and SciCap++, a collection of diverse scientific figures and associated metadata. We train DeTikZify on SciCap++ and DaTikZv2, along with synthetically generated sketches learned from SketchFig. We also introduce an MCTS-based inference algorithm that enables DeTikZify to iteratively refine its outputs without the need for additional training. Through both automatic and human evaluation, we demonstrate that DeTikZify outperforms commercial Claude 3 and GPT-4V in synthesizing TikZ programs, with the MCTS algorithm effectively boosting its performance. We make our code, models, and datasets publicly available.

replace Improving Multi-lingual Alignment Through Soft Contrastive Learning

Authors: Minsu Park, Seyeon Choi, Chanyeol Choi, Jun-Seong Kim, Jy-yong Sohn

Abstract: Making decent multi-lingual sentence representations is critical to achieve high performances in cross-lingual downstream tasks. In this work, we propose a novel method to align multi-lingual embeddings based on the similarity of sentences measured by a pre-trained mono-lingual embedding model. Given translation sentence pairs, we train a multi-lingual model in a way that the similarity between cross-lingual embeddings follows the similarity of sentences measured at the mono-lingual teacher model. Our method can be considered as contrastive learning with soft labels defined as the similarity between sentences. Our experimental results on five languages show that our contrastive loss with soft labels far outperforms conventional contrastive loss with hard labels in various benchmarks for bitext mining tasks and STS tasks. In addition, our method outperforms existing multi-lingual embeddings including LaBSE, for Tatoeba dataset. The code is available at


replace Picturing Ambiguity: A Visual Twist on the Winograd Schema Challenge

Authors: Brendan Park, Madeline Janecek, Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Yifeng Li, Ali Emami

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success in tasks like the Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC), showcasing advanced textual common-sense reasoning. However, applying this reasoning to multimodal domains, where understanding text and images together is essential, remains a substantial challenge. To address this, we introduce WinoVis, a novel dataset specifically designed to probe text-to-image models on pronoun disambiguation within multimodal contexts. Utilizing GPT-4 for prompt generation and Diffusion Attentive Attribution Maps (DAAM) for heatmap analysis, we propose a novel evaluation framework that isolates the models' ability in pronoun disambiguation from other visual processing challenges. Evaluation of successive model versions reveals that, despite incremental advancements, Stable Diffusion 2.0 achieves a precision of 56.7% on WinoVis, only marginally surpassing random guessing. Further error analysis identifies important areas for future research aimed at advancing text-to-image models in their ability to interpret and interact with the complex visual world.

replace Comparative Analysis of Open-Source Language Models in Summarizing Medical Text Data

Authors: Yuhao Chen, Zhimu Wang, Bo Wen, Farhana Zulkernine

Abstract: Unstructured text in medical notes and dialogues contains rich information. Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated superior performance in question answering and summarization tasks on unstructured text data, outperforming traditional text analysis approaches. However, there is a lack of scientific studies in the literature that methodically evaluate and report on the performance of different LLMs, specifically for domain-specific data such as medical chart notes. We propose an evaluation approach to analyze the performance of open-source LLMs such as Llama2 and Mistral for medical summarization tasks, using GPT-4 as an assessor. Our innovative approach to quantitative evaluation of LLMs can enable quality control, support the selection of effective LLMs for specific tasks, and advance knowledge discovery in digital health.

replace STRIDE: A Tool-Assisted LLM Agent Framework for Strategic and Interactive Decision-Making

Authors: Chuanhao Li, Runhan Yang, Tiankai Li, Milad Bafarassat, Kourosh Sharifi, Dirk Bergemann, Zhuoran Yang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have revolutionized natural language processing, showing remarkable linguistic proficiency and reasoning capabilities. However, their application in strategic multi-agent decision-making environments is hampered by significant limitations including poor mathematical reasoning, difficulty in following instructions, and a tendency to generate incorrect information. These deficiencies hinder their performance in strategic and interactive tasks that demand adherence to nuanced game rules, long-term planning, exploration in unknown environments, and anticipation of opponents' moves. To overcome these obstacles, this paper presents a novel LLM agent framework equipped with memory and specialized tools to enhance their strategic decision-making capabilities. We deploy the tools in a number of economically important environments, in particular bilateral bargaining and multi-agent and dynamic mechanism design. We employ quantitative metrics to assess the framework's performance in various strategic decision-making problems. Our findings establish that our enhanced framework significantly improves the strategic decision-making capability of LLMs. While we highlight the inherent limitations of current LLM models, we demonstrate the improvements through targeted enhancements, suggesting a promising direction for future developments in LLM applications for interactive environments.

replace Large Scale Knowledge Washing

Authors: Yu Wang, Ruihan Wu, Zexue He, Xiusi Chen, Julian McAuley

Abstract: Large language models show impressive abilities in memorizing world knowledge, which leads to concerns regarding memorization of private information, toxic or sensitive knowledge, and copyrighted content. We introduce the problem of Large Scale Knowledge Washing, focusing on unlearning an extensive amount of factual knowledge. Previous unlearning methods usually define the reverse loss and update the model via backpropagation, which may affect the model's fluency and reasoning ability or even destroy the model due to extensive training with the reverse loss. Existing works introduce additional data from downstream tasks to prevent the model from losing capabilities, which requires downstream task awareness. Controlling the tradeoff of unlearning and maintaining existing capabilities is also challenging. To this end, we propose LAW (Large Scale Washing) to update the MLP layers in decoder-only large language models to perform knowledge washing, as inspired by model editing methods and based on the hypothesis that knowledge and reasoning are disentanglable. We derive a new objective with the knowledge to be unlearned to update the weights of certain MLP layers. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of LAW in forgetting target knowledge while maintaining reasoning ability. The code will be open-sourced at


replace AutoCV: Empowering Reasoning with Automated Process Labeling via Confidence Variation

Authors: Jianqiao Lu, Zhiyang Dou, Hongru Wang, Zeyu Cao, Jianbo Dai, Yingjia Wan, Yinya Huang, Zhijiang Guo

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel method named \textbf{Auto}mated Process Labeling via \textbf{C}onfidence \textbf{V}ariation (\textbf{\textsc{AutoCV}}) to enhance the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) by automatically annotating the reasoning steps. Our approach begins by training a verification model on the correctness of final answers, enabling it to generate automatic process annotations. This verification model assigns a confidence score to each reasoning step, indicating the probability of arriving at the correct final answer from that point onward. We detect relative changes in the verification's confidence scores across reasoning steps to automatically annotate the reasoning process. This alleviates the need for numerous manual annotations or the high computational costs associated with model-induced annotation approaches. We experimentally validate that the confidence variations learned by the verification model trained on the final answer correctness can effectively identify errors in the reasoning steps. Subsequently, we demonstrate that the process annotations generated by \textsc{AutoCV} can improve the accuracy of the verification model in selecting the correct answer from multiple outputs generated by LLMs. Notably, we achieve substantial improvements across five datasets in mathematics and commonsense reasoning. The source code of \textsc{AutoCV} is available at \url{}.


replace Entity Alignment with Noisy Annotations from Large Language Models

Authors: Shengyuan Chen, Qinggang Zhang, Junnan Dong, Wen Hua, Qing Li, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Entity alignment (EA) aims to merge two knowledge graphs (KGs) by identifying equivalent entity pairs. While existing methods heavily rely on human-generated labels, it is prohibitively expensive to incorporate cross-domain experts for annotation in real-world scenarios. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) presents new avenues for automating EA with annotations, inspired by their comprehensive capability to process semantic information. However, it is nontrivial to directly apply LLMs for EA since the annotation space in real-world KGs is large. LLMs could also generate noisy labels that may mislead the alignment. To this end, we propose a unified framework, LLM4EA, to effectively leverage LLMs for EA. Specifically, we design a novel active learning policy to significantly reduce the annotation space by prioritizing the most valuable entities based on the entire inter-KG and intra-KG structure. Moreover, we introduce an unsupervised label refiner to continuously enhance label accuracy through in-depth probabilistic reasoning. We iteratively optimize the policy based on the feedback from a base EA model. Extensive experiments demonstrate the advantages of LLM4EA on four benchmark datasets in terms of effectiveness, robustness, and efficiency. Codes are available via


replace Performance evaluation of Reddit Comments using Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing methods in Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Xiaoxia Zhang, Xiuyuan Qi, Zixin Teng

Abstract: Sentiment analysis, an increasingly vital field in both academia and industry, plays a pivotal role in machine learning applications, particularly on social media platforms like Reddit. However, the efficacy of sentiment analysis models is hindered by the lack of expansive and fine-grained emotion datasets. To address this gap, our study leverages the GoEmotions dataset, comprising a diverse range of emotions, to evaluate sentiment analysis methods across a substantial corpus of 58,000 comments. Distinguished from prior studies by the Google team, which limited their analysis to only two models, our research expands the scope by evaluating a diverse array of models. We investigate the performance of traditional classifiers such as Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines (SVM), as well as state-of-the-art transformer-based models including BERT, RoBERTa, and GPT. Furthermore, our evaluation criteria extend beyond accuracy to encompass nuanced assessments, including hierarchical classification based on varying levels of granularity in emotion categorization. Additionally, considerations such as computational efficiency are incorporated to provide a comprehensive evaluation framework. Our findings reveal that the RoBERTa model consistently outperforms the baseline models, demonstrating superior accuracy in fine-grained sentiment classification tasks. This underscores the substantial potential and significance of the RoBERTa model in advancing sentiment analysis capabilities.

replace DoRA: Enhancing Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning with Dynamic Rank Distribution

Authors: Yulong Mao, Kaiyu Huang, Changhao Guan, Ganglin Bao, Fengran Mo, Jinan Xu

Abstract: Fine-tuning large-scale pre-trained models is inherently a resource-intensive task. While it can enhance the capabilities of the model, it also incurs substantial computational costs, posing challenges to the practical application of downstream tasks. Existing parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) rely on a bypass framework that ignores the differential parameter budget requirements across weight matrices, which may lead to suboptimal fine-tuning outcomes. To address this issue, we introduce the Dynamic Low-Rank Adaptation (DoRA) method. DoRA decomposes high-rank LoRA layers into structured single-rank components, allowing for dynamic pruning of parameter budget based on their importance to specific tasks during training, which makes the most of the limited parameter budget. Experimental results demonstrate that DoRA can achieve competitive performance compared with LoRA and full model fine-tuning, and outperform various strong baselines with the same storage parameter budget. Our code is available at


replace-cross Partial Mobilization: Tracking Multilingual Information Flows Amongst Russian Media Outlets and Telegram

Authors: Hans W. A. Hanley, Zakir Durumeric

Abstract: In response to disinformation and propaganda from Russian online media following the invasion of Ukraine, Russian media outlets such as Russia Today and Sputnik News were banned throughout Europe. To maintain viewership, many of these Russian outlets began to heavily promote their content on messaging services like Telegram. In this work, we study how 16 Russian media outlets interacted with and utilized 732 Telegram channels throughout 2022. Leveraging the foundational model MPNet, DP-means clustering, and Hawkes processes, we trace how narratives spread between news sites and Telegram channels. We show that news outlets not only propagate existing narratives through Telegram but that they source material from the messaging platform. For example, across the websites in our study, between 2.3% ( and 26.7% ( of articles discussed content that originated/resulted from activity on Telegram. Finally, tracking the spread of individual topics, we measure the rate at which news outlets and Telegram channels disseminate content within the Russian media ecosystem, finding that websites like and Telegram channels such as @genshab are the most effective at disseminating their content.

replace-cross ReFIT: Relevance Feedback from a Reranker during Inference

Authors: Revanth Gangi Reddy, Pradeep Dasigi, Md Arafat Sultan, Arman Cohan, Avirup Sil, Heng Ji, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Retrieve-and-rerank is a prevalent framework in neural information retrieval, wherein a bi-encoder network initially retrieves a pre-defined number of candidates (e.g., K=100), which are then reranked by a more powerful cross-encoder model. While the reranker often yields improved candidate scores compared to the retriever, its scope is confined to only the top K retrieved candidates. As a result, the reranker cannot improve retrieval performance in terms of Recall@K. In this work, we propose to leverage the reranker to improve recall by making it provide relevance feedback to the retriever at inference time. Specifically, given a test instance during inference, we distill the reranker's predictions for that instance into the retriever's query representation using a lightweight update mechanism. The aim of the distillation loss is to align the retriever's candidate scores more closely with those produced by the reranker. The algorithm then proceeds by executing a second retrieval step using the updated query vector. We empirically demonstrate that this method, applicable to various retrieve-and-rerank frameworks, substantially enhances retrieval recall across multiple domains, languages, and modalities.

replace-cross Efficient Detection of LLM-generated Texts with a Bayesian Surrogate Model

Authors: Yibo Miao, Hongcheng Gao, Hao Zhang, Zhijie Deng

Abstract: The detection of machine-generated text, especially from large language models (LLMs), is crucial in preventing serious social problems resulting from their misuse. Some methods train dedicated detectors on specific datasets but fall short in generalizing to unseen test data, while other zero-shot ones often yield suboptimal performance. Although the recent DetectGPT has shown promising detection performance, it suffers from significant inefficiency issues, as detecting a single candidate requires querying the source LLM with hundreds of its perturbations. This paper aims to bridge this gap. Concretely, we propose to incorporate a Bayesian surrogate model, which allows us to select typical samples based on Bayesian uncertainty and interpolate scores from typical samples to other samples, to improve query efficiency. Empirical results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms existing approaches under a low query budget. Notably, when detecting the text generated by LLaMA family models, our method with just 2 or 3 queries can outperform DetectGPT with 200 queries.

replace-cross Article Classification with Graph Neural Networks and Multigraphs

Authors: Khang Ly, Yury Kashnitsky, Savvas Chamezopoulos, Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya

Abstract: Classifying research output into context-specific label taxonomies is a challenging and relevant downstream task, given the volume of existing and newly published articles. We propose a method to enhance the performance of article classification by enriching simple Graph Neural Network (GNN) pipelines with multi-graph representations that simultaneously encode multiple signals of article relatedness, e.g. references, co-authorship, shared publication source, shared subject headings, as distinct edge types. Fully supervised transductive node classification experiments are conducted on the Open Graph Benchmark OGBN-arXiv dataset and the PubMed diabetes dataset, augmented with additional metadata from Microsoft Academic Graph and PubMed Central, respectively. The results demonstrate that multi-graphs consistently improve the performance of a variety of GNN models compared to the default graphs. When deployed with SOTA textual node embedding methods, the transformed multi-graphs enable simple and shallow 2-layer GNN pipelines to achieve results on par with more complex architectures.

replace-cross Publicly-Detectable Watermarking for Language Models

Authors: Jaiden Fairoze, Sanjam Garg, Somesh Jha, Saeed Mahloujifar, Mohammad Mahmoody, Mingyuan Wang

Abstract: We present a highly detectable, trustless watermarking scheme for LLMs: the detection algorithm contains no secret information, and it is executable by anyone. We embed a publicly-verifiable cryptographic signature into LLM output using rejection sampling. We prove that our scheme is cryptographically correct, sound, and distortion-free. We make novel uses of error-correction techniques to overcome periods of low entropy, a barrier for all prior watermarking schemes. We implement our scheme and make empirical measurements over open models in the 2.7B to 70B parameter range. Our experiments suggest that our formal claims are met in practice.

replace-cross History-Aware Conversational Dense Retrieval

Authors: Fengran Mo, Chen Qu, Kelong Mao, Tianyu Zhu, Zhan Su, Kaiyu Huang, Jian-Yun Nie

Abstract: Conversational search facilitates complex information retrieval by enabling multi-turn interactions between users and the system. Supporting such interactions requires a comprehensive understanding of the conversational inputs to formulate a good search query based on historical information. In particular, the search query should include the relevant information from the previous conversation turns. However, current approaches for conversational dense retrieval primarily rely on fine-tuning a pre-trained ad-hoc retriever using the whole conversational search session, which can be lengthy and noisy. Moreover, existing approaches are limited by the amount of manual supervision signals in the existing datasets. To address the aforementioned issues, we propose a History-Aware Conversational Dense Retrieval (HAConvDR) system, which incorporates two ideas: context-denoised query reformulation and automatic mining of supervision signals based on the actual impact of historical turns. Experiments on two public conversational search datasets demonstrate the improved history modeling capability of HAConvDR, in particular for long conversations with topic shifts.

replace-cross Selecting Large Language Model to Fine-tune via Rectified Scaling Law

Authors: Haowei Lin, Baizhou Huang, Haotian Ye, Qinyu Chen, Zihao Wang, Sujian Li, Jianzhu Ma, Xiaojun Wan, James Zou, Yitao Liang

Abstract: The ever-growing ecosystem of LLMs has posed a challenge in selecting the most appropriate pre-trained model to fine-tune amidst a sea of options. Given constrained resources, fine-tuning all models and making selections afterward is unrealistic. In this work, we formulate this resource-constrained selection task into predicting fine-tuning performance and illustrate its natural connection with Scaling Law. Unlike pre-training, we find that the fine-tuning scaling curve includes not just the well-known "power phase" but also the previously unobserved "pre-power phase". We also explain why existing Scaling Law fails to capture this phase transition phenomenon both theoretically and empirically. To address this, we introduce the concept of "pre-learned data size" into our Rectified Scaling Law, which overcomes theoretical limitations and fits experimental results much better. By leveraging our law, we propose a novel LLM selection algorithm that selects the near-optimal model with hundreds of times less resource consumption, while other methods may provide negatively correlated selection. The project page is available at

replace-cross REBORN: Reinforcement-Learned Boundary Segmentation with Iterative Training for Unsupervised ASR

Authors: Liang-Hsuan Tseng, En-Pei Hu, Cheng-Han Chiang, Yuan Tseng, Hung-yi Lee, Lin-shan Lee, Shao-Hua Sun

Abstract: Unsupervised automatic speech recognition (ASR) aims to learn the mapping between the speech signal and its corresponding textual transcription without the supervision of paired speech-text data. A word/phoneme in the speech signal is represented by a segment of speech signal with variable length and unknown boundary, and this segmental structure makes learning the mapping between speech and text challenging, especially without paired data. In this paper, we propose REBORN,Reinforcement-Learned Boundary Segmentation with Iterative Training for Unsupervised ASR. REBORN alternates between (1) training a segmentation model that predicts the boundaries of the segmental structures in speech signals and (2) training the phoneme prediction model, whose input is the speech feature segmented by the segmentation model, to predict a phoneme transcription. Since supervised data for training the segmentation model is not available, we use reinforcement learning to train the segmentation model to favor segmentations that yield phoneme sequence predictions with a lower perplexity. We conduct extensive experiments and find that under the same setting, REBORN outperforms all prior unsupervised ASR models on LibriSpeech, TIMIT, and five non-English languages in Multilingual LibriSpeech. We comprehensively analyze why the boundaries learned by REBORN improve the unsupervised ASR performance.

replace-cross Premise Order Matters in Reasoning with Large Language Models

Authors: Xinyun Chen, Ryan A. Chi, Xuezhi Wang, Denny Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have accomplished remarkable reasoning performance in various domains. However, in the domain of reasoning tasks, we discover a frailty: LLMs are surprisingly brittle to the ordering of the premises, despite the fact that such ordering does not alter the underlying task. In particular, we observe that LLMs achieve the best performance when the premise order aligns with the context required in intermediate reasoning steps. For example, in deductive reasoning tasks, presenting the premises in the same order as the ground truth proof in the prompt (as opposed to random ordering) drastically increases the model's accuracy. We first examine the effect of premise ordering on deductive reasoning on a variety of LLMs, and our evaluation shows that permuting the premise order can cause a performance drop of over 30%. In addition, we release the benchmark R-GSM, based on GSM8K, to examine the ordering effect for mathematical problem-solving, and we again observe a significant drop in accuracy, relative to the original GSM8K benchmark.

replace-cross Revisiting Zeroth-Order Optimization for Memory-Efficient LLM Fine-Tuning: A Benchmark

Authors: Yihua Zhang, Pingzhi Li, Junyuan Hong, Jiaxiang Li, Yimeng Zhang, Wenqing Zheng, Pin-Yu Chen, Jason D. Lee, Wotao Yin, Mingyi Hong, Zhangyang Wang, Sijia Liu, Tianlong Chen

Abstract: In the evolving landscape of natural language processing (NLP), fine-tuning pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) with first-order (FO) optimizers like SGD and Adam has become standard. Yet, as LLMs grow {in size}, the substantial memory overhead from back-propagation (BP) for FO gradient computation presents a significant challenge. Addressing this issue is crucial, especially for applications like on-device training where memory efficiency is paramount. This paper proposes a shift towards BP-free, zeroth-order (ZO) optimization as a solution for reducing memory costs during LLM fine-tuning, building on the initial concept introduced by MeZO. Unlike traditional ZO-SGD methods, our work expands the exploration to a wider array of ZO optimization techniques, through a comprehensive, first-of-its-kind benchmarking study across five LLM families (Roberta, OPT, LLaMA, Vicuna, Mistral), three task complexities, and five fine-tuning schemes. Our study unveils previously overlooked optimization principles, highlighting the importance of task alignment, the role of the forward gradient method, and the balance between algorithm complexity and fine-tuning performance. We further introduce novel enhancements to ZO optimization, including block-wise descent, hybrid training, and gradient sparsity. Our study offers a promising direction for achieving further memory-efficient LLM fine-tuning. Codes to reproduce all our experiments are at .


replace-cross In-Context Learning with Transformers: Softmax Attention Adapts to Function Lipschitzness

Authors: Liam Collins, Advait Parulekar, Aryan Mokhtari, Sujay Sanghavi, Sanjay Shakkottai

Abstract: A striking property of transformers is their ability to perform in-context learning (ICL), a machine learning framework in which the learner is presented with a novel context during inference implicitly through some data, and tasked with making a prediction in that context. As such, that learner must adapt to the context without additional training. We explore the role of softmax attention in an ICL setting where each context encodes a regression task. We show that an attention unit learns a window that it uses to implement a nearest-neighbors predictor adapted to the landscape of the pretraining tasks. Specifically, we show that this window widens with decreasing Lipschitzness and increasing label noise in the pretraining tasks. We also show that on low-rank, linear problems, the attention unit learns to project onto the appropriate subspace before inference. Further, we show that this adaptivity relies crucially on the softmax activation and thus cannot be replicated by the linear activation often studied in prior theoretical analyses.

replace-cross Do Large Language Models Mirror Cognitive Language Processing?

Authors: Yuqi Ren, Renren Jin, Tongxuan Zhang, Deyi Xiong

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable abilities in text comprehension and logical reasoning, indicating that the text representations learned by LLMs can facilitate their language processing capabilities. In cognitive science, brain cognitive processing signals are typically utilized to study human language processing. Therefore, it is natural to ask how well the text embeddings from LLMs align with the brain cognitive processing signals, and how training strategies affect the LLM-brain alignment? In this paper, we employ Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA) to measure the alignment between 23 mainstream LLMs and fMRI signals of the brain to evaluate how effectively LLMs simulate cognitive language processing. We empirically investigate the impact of various factors (e.g., pre-training data size, model scaling, alignment training, and prompts) on such LLM-brain alignment. Experimental results indicate that pre-training data size and model scaling are positively correlated with LLM-brain similarity, and alignment training can significantly improve LLM-brain similarity. Explicit prompts contribute to the consistency of LLMs with brain cognitive language processing, while nonsensical noisy prompts may attenuate such alignment. Additionally, the performance of a wide range of LLM evaluations (e.g., MMLU, Chatbot Arena) is highly correlated with the LLM-brain similarity.

replace-cross AutoEval Done Right: Using Synthetic Data for Model Evaluation

Authors: Pierre Boyeau, Anastasios N. Angelopoulos, Nir Yosef, Jitendra Malik, Michael I. Jordan

Abstract: The evaluation of machine learning models using human-labeled validation data can be expensive and time-consuming. AI-labeled synthetic data can be used to decrease the number of human annotations required for this purpose in a process called autoevaluation. We suggest efficient and statistically principled algorithms for this purpose that improve sample efficiency while remaining unbiased. These algorithms increase the effective human-labeled sample size by up to 50% on experiments with GPT-4.

replace-cross ROPO: Robust Preference Optimization for Large Language Models

Authors: Xize Liang, Chao Chen, Shuang Qiu, Jie Wang, Yue Wu, Zhihang Fu, Zhihao Shi, Feng Wu, Jieping Ye

Abstract: Preference alignment is pivotal for empowering large language models (LLMs) to generate helpful and harmless responses. However, the performance of preference alignment is highly sensitive to the prevalent noise in the preference data. Recent efforts for this problem either marginally alleviate the impact of noise without the ability to actually reduce its presence, or rely on costly teacher LLMs prone to reward misgeneralization. To address these challenges, we propose the RObust Preference Optimization (ROPO) framework, an iterative alignment approach that integrates noise-tolerance and filtering of noisy samples without the aid of external models. Specifically, ROPO iteratively solves a constrained optimization problem, where we dynamically assign a quality-aware weight for each sample and constrain the sum of the weights to the number of samples we intend to retain. For noise-tolerant training and effective noise identification, we derive a robust loss by suppressing the gradients of samples with high uncertainty. We demonstrate both empirically and theoretically that the derived loss is critical for distinguishing noisy samples from clean ones. Furthermore, inspired by our derived loss, we propose a robustness-guided rejection sampling technique to compensate for the potential important information in discarded queries. Experiments on three widely-used datasets with Mistral-7B and Llama-2-7B demonstrate that ROPO significantly outperforms existing preference alignment methods, with its superiority growing as the noise rate increases.

replace-cross S-Eval: Automatic and Adaptive Test Generation for Benchmarking Safety Evaluation of Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaohan Yuan, Jinfeng Li, Dongxia Wang, Yuefeng Chen, Xiaofeng Mao, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Wenhai Wang, Kui Ren, Jingyi Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models have gained considerable attention for their revolutionary capabilities. However, there is also growing concern on their safety implications, making a comprehensive safety evaluation for LLMs urgently needed before model deployment. In this work, we propose S-Eval, a new comprehensive, multi-dimensional and open-ended safety evaluation benchmark. At the core of S-Eval is a novel LLM-based automatic test prompt generation and selection framework, which trains an expert testing LLM Mt combined with a range of test selection strategies to automatically construct a high-quality test suite for the safety evaluation. The key to the automation of this process is a novel expert safety-critique LLM Mc able to quantify the riskiness score of an LLM's response, and additionally produce risk tags and explanations. Besides, the generation process is also guided by a carefully designed risk taxonomy with four different levels, covering comprehensive and multi-dimensional safety risks of concern. Based on these, we systematically construct a new and large-scale safety evaluation benchmark for LLMs consisting of 220,000 evaluation prompts, including 20,000 base risk prompts (10,000 in Chinese and 10,000 in English) and 200,000 corresponding attack prompts derived from 10 popular adversarial instruction attacks against LLMs. Moreover, considering the rapid evolution of LLMs and accompanied safety threats, S-Eval can be flexibly configured and adapted to include new risks, attacks and models. S-Eval is extensively evaluated on 20 popular and representative LLMs. The results confirm that S-Eval can better reflect and inform the safety risks of LLMs compared to existing benchmarks. We also explore the impacts of parameter scales, language environments, and decoding parameters on the evaluation, providing a systematic methodology for evaluating the safety of LLMs.

replace-cross Meta-Task Planning for Language Agents

Authors: Cong Zhang, Derrick Goh Xin Deik, Dexun Li, Hao Zhang, Yong Liu

Abstract: The rapid advancement of neural language models has sparked a new surge of intelligent agent research. Unlike traditional agents, large language model-based agents (LLM agents) have emerged as a promising paradigm for achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) due to their superior reasoning and generalization capabilities. Effective planning is crucial for the success of LLM agents in real-world tasks, making it a highly pursued topic in the community. Current planning methods typically translate tasks into executable action sequences. However, determining a feasible or optimal sequence for complex tasks at fine granularity, which often requires compositing long chains of heterogeneous actions, remains challenging. This paper introduces Meta-Task Planning (MTP), a zero-shot methodology for collaborative LLM-based multi-agent systems that simplifies complex task planning by decomposing it into a hierarchy of subordinate tasks, or meta-tasks. Each meta-task is then mapped into executable actions. MTP was assessed on two rigorous benchmarks, TravelPlanner and API-Bank. Notably, MTP achieved an average $\sim40\%$ success rate on TravelPlanner, significantly higher than the state-of-the-art (SOTA) baseline ($2.92\%$), and outperforming $LLM_{api}$-4 with ReAct on API-Bank by $\sim14\%$, showing the immense potential of integrating LLM with multi-agent systems.

replace-cross VoCoT: Unleashing Visually Grounded Multi-Step Reasoning in Large Multi-Modal Models

Authors: Zejun Li, Ruipu Luo, Jiwen Zhang, Minghui Qiu, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: While large multi-modal models (LMMs) have exhibited impressive capabilities across diverse tasks, their effectiveness in handling complex tasks has been limited by the prevailing single-step reasoning paradigm. To this end, this paper proposes VoCoT, a multi-step Visually grounded object-centric Chain-of-Thought reasoning framework tailored for inference with LMMs. VoCoT is characterized by two key features: (1) object-centric reasoning paths that revolve around cross-modal shared object-level information, and (2) visually grounded representation of object concepts in a multi-modal interleaved and aligned manner, which effectively bridges the modality gap within LMMs during long-term generation. Additionally, we construct an instruction dataset to facilitate LMMs in adapting to reasoning with VoCoT. By introducing VoCoT into the prevalent open-source LMM architecture, we introduce VolCano. With only 7B parameters and limited input resolution, VolCano demonstrates excellent performance across various scenarios, surpassing SOTA models, including GPT-4V, in tasks requiring complex reasoning. Our code, data and model will be available at


replace-cross LLM-Optic: Unveiling the Capabilities of Large Language Models for Universal Visual Grounding

Authors: Haoyu Zhao, Wenhang Ge, Ying-cong Chen

Abstract: Visual grounding is an essential tool that links user-provided text queries with query-specific regions within an image. Despite advancements in visual grounding models, their ability to comprehend complex queries remains limited. To overcome this limitation, we introduce LLM-Optic, an innovative method that utilizes Large Language Models (LLMs) as an optical lens to enhance existing visual grounding models in comprehending complex text queries involving intricate text structures, multiple objects, or object spatial relationships, situations that current models struggle with. LLM-Optic first employs an LLM as a Text Grounder to interpret complex text queries and accurately identify objects the user intends to locate. Then a pre-trained visual grounding model is used to generate candidate bounding boxes given the refined query by the Text Grounder. After that, LLM-Optic annotates the candidate bounding boxes with numerical marks to establish a connection between text and specific image regions, thereby linking two distinct modalities. Finally, it employs a Large Multimodal Model (LMM) as a Visual Grounder to select the marked candidate objects that best correspond to the original text query. Through LLM-Optic, we have achieved universal visual grounding, which allows for the detection of arbitrary objects specified by arbitrary human language input. Importantly, our method achieves this enhancement without requiring additional training or fine-tuning. Extensive experiments across various challenging benchmarks demonstrate that LLM-Optic achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot visual grounding capabilities. Project Page: