new Small Language Models for Application Interactions: A Case Study

Authors: Beibin Li, Yi Zhang, S\'ebastien Bubeck, Jeevan Pathuri, Ishai Menache

Abstract: We study the efficacy of Small Language Models (SLMs) in facilitating application usage through natural language interactions. Our focus here is on a particular internal application used in Microsoft for cloud supply chain fulfilment. Our experiments show that small models can outperform much larger ones in terms of both accuracy and running time, even when fine-tuned on small datasets. Alongside these results, we also highlight SLM-based system design considerations.

new Hallucination-Free? Assessing the Reliability of Leading AI Legal Research Tools

Authors: Varun Magesh, Faiz Surani, Matthew Dahl, Mirac Suzgun, Christopher D. Manning, Daniel E. Ho

Abstract: Legal practice has witnessed a sharp rise in products incorporating artificial intelligence (AI). Such tools are designed to assist with a wide range of core legal tasks, from search and summarization of caselaw to document drafting. But the large language models used in these tools are prone to "hallucinate," or make up false information, making their use risky in high-stakes domains. Recently, certain legal research providers have touted methods such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) as "eliminating" (Casetext, 2023) or "avoid[ing]" hallucinations (Thomson Reuters, 2023), or guaranteeing "hallucination-free" legal citations (LexisNexis, 2023). Because of the closed nature of these systems, systematically assessing these claims is challenging. In this article, we design and report on the first preregistered empirical evaluation of AI-driven legal research tools. We demonstrate that the providers' claims are overstated. While hallucinations are reduced relative to general-purpose chatbots (GPT-4), we find that the AI research tools made by LexisNexis (Lexis+ AI) and Thomson Reuters (Westlaw AI-Assisted Research and Ask Practical Law AI) each hallucinate between 17% and 33% of the time. We also document substantial differences between systems in responsiveness and accuracy. Our article makes four key contributions. It is the first to assess and report the performance of RAG-based proprietary legal AI tools. Second, it introduces a comprehensive, preregistered dataset for identifying and understanding vulnerabilities in these systems. Third, it proposes a clear typology for differentiating between hallucinations and accurate legal responses. Last, it provides evidence to inform the responsibilities of legal professionals in supervising and verifying AI outputs, which remains a central open question for the responsible integration of AI into law.

new XPrompt:Explaining Large Language Model's Generation via Joint Prompt Attribution

Authors: Yurui Chang, Bochuan Cao, Yujia Wang, Jinghui Chen, Lu Lin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performances in complex text generation tasks. However, the contribution of the input prompt to the generated content still remains obscure to humans, underscoring the necessity of elucidating and explaining the causality between input and output pairs. Existing works for providing prompt-specific explanation often confine model output to be classification or next-word prediction. Few initial attempts aiming to explain the entire language generation often treat input prompt texts independently, ignoring their combinatorial effects on the follow-up generation. In this study, we introduce a counterfactual explanation framework based on joint prompt attribution, XPrompt, which aims to explain how a few prompt texts collaboratively influences the LLM's complete generation. Particularly, we formulate the task of prompt attribution for generation interpretation as a combinatorial optimization problem, and introduce a probabilistic algorithm to search for the casual input combination in the discrete space. We define and utilize multiple metrics to evaluate the produced explanations, demonstrating both faithfulness and efficiency of our framework.

new SeamlessExpressiveLM: Speech Language Model for Expressive Speech-to-Speech Translation with Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Hongyu Gong, Bandhav Veluri

Abstract: Expressive speech-to-speech translation (S2ST) is a key research topic in seamless communication, which focuses on the preservation of semantics and speaker vocal style in translated speech. Early works synthesized speaker style aligned speech in order to directly learn the mapping from speech to target speech spectrogram. Without reliance on style aligned data, recent studies leverage the advances of language modeling (LM) and build cascaded LMs on semantic and acoustic tokens. This work proposes SeamlessExpressiveLM, a single speech language model for expressive S2ST. We decompose the complex source-to-target speech mapping into intermediate generation steps with chain-of-thought prompting. The model is first guided to translate target semantic content and then transfer the speaker style to multi-stream acoustic units. Evaluated on Spanish-to-English and Hungarian-to-English translations, SeamlessExpressiveLM outperforms cascaded LMs in both semantic quality and style transfer, meanwhile achieving better parameter efficiency.

new Scalable Detection of Salient Entities in News Articles

Authors: Eliyar Asgarieh, Kapil Thadani, Neil O'Hare

Abstract: News articles typically mention numerous entities, a large fraction of which are tangential to the story. Detecting the salience of entities in articles is thus important to applications such as news search, analysis and summarization. In this work, we explore new approaches for efficient and effective salient entity detection by fine-tuning pretrained transformer models with classification heads that use entity tags or contextualized entity representations directly. Experiments show that these straightforward techniques dramatically outperform prior work across datasets with varying sizes and salience definitions. We also study knowledge distillation techniques to effectively reduce the computational cost of these models without affecting their accuracy. Finally, we conduct extensive analyses and ablation experiments to characterize the behavior of the proposed models.

new Extending the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark to French

Authors: Mathieu Ciancone, Imene Kerboua, Marion Schaeffer, Wissam Siblini

Abstract: In recent years, numerous embedding models have been made available and widely used for various NLP tasks. Choosing a model that performs well for several tasks in English has been largely simplified by the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark (MTEB), but extensions to other languages remain challenging. This is why we expand MTEB to propose the first massive benchmark of sentence embeddings for French. Not only we gather 22 existing datasets in an easy-to-use interface, but we also create three new French datasets for a global evaluation over 8 different tasks. We perform a large scale comparison with 46 carefully selected embedding models, conduct comprehensive statistical tests, and analyze the correlation between model performance and many of their characteristics. We find out that even if no model is the best on all tasks, large multilingual models pre-trained on sentence similarity perform particularly well. Our work comes with open-source code, new datasets and a public leaderboard.

new Automated Focused Feedback Generation for Scientific Writing Assistance

Authors: Eric Chamoun, Michael Schlichktrull, Andreas Vlachos

Abstract: Scientific writing is a challenging task, particularly for novice researchers who often rely on feedback from experienced peers. Recent work has primarily focused on improving surface form and style rather than manuscript content. In this paper, we propose a novel task: automated focused feedback generation for scientific writing assistance. We present SWIF$^{2}$T: a Scientific WrIting Focused Feedback Tool. It is designed to generate specific, actionable and coherent comments, which identify weaknesses in a scientific paper and/or propose revisions to it. Our approach consists of four components - planner, investigator, reviewer and controller - leveraging multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) to implement them. We compile a dataset of 300 peer reviews citing weaknesses in scientific papers and conduct human evaluation. The results demonstrate the superiority in specificity, reading comprehension, and overall helpfulness of SWIF$^{2}$T's feedback compared to other approaches. In our analysis, we also identified cases where automatically generated reviews were judged better than human ones, suggesting opportunities for integration of AI-generated feedback in scientific writing.

new Transfer Q Star: Principled Decoding for LLM Alignment

Authors: Souradip Chakraborty, Soumya Suvra Ghosal, Ming Yin, Dinesh Manocha, Mengdi Wang, Amrit Singh Bedi, Furong Huang

Abstract: Aligning foundation models is essential for their safe and trustworthy deployment. However, traditional fine-tuning methods are computationally intensive and require updating billions of model parameters. A promising alternative, alignment via decoding, adjusts the response distribution directly without model updates to maximize a target reward $r$, thus providing a lightweight and adaptable framework for alignment. However, principled decoding methods rely on oracle access to an optimal Q-function ($Q^*$), which is often unavailable in practice. Hence, prior SoTA methods either approximate this $Q^*$ using $Q^{\pi_{\texttt{sft}}}$ (derived from the reference $\texttt{SFT}$ model) or rely on short-term rewards, resulting in sub-optimal decoding performance. In this work, we propose Transfer $Q^*$, which implicitly estimates the optimal value function for a target reward $r$ through a baseline model $\rho_{\texttt{BL}}$ aligned with a baseline reward $\rho_{\texttt{BL}}$ (which can be different from the target reward $r$). Theoretical analyses of Transfer $Q^*$ provide a rigorous characterization of its optimality, deriving an upper bound on the sub-optimality gap and identifying a hyperparameter to control the deviation from the pre-trained reference $\texttt{SFT}$ model based on user needs. Our approach significantly reduces the sub-optimality gap observed in prior SoTA methods and demonstrates superior empirical performance across key metrics such as coherence, diversity, and quality in extensive tests on several synthetic and real datasets.

new SPOT: Text Source Prediction from Originality Score Thresholding

Authors: Edouard Yvinec, Gabriel Kasser

Abstract: The wide acceptance of large language models (LLMs) has unlocked new applications and social risks. Popular countermeasures aim at detecting misinformation, usually involve domain specific models trained to recognize the relevance of any information. Instead of evaluating the validity of the information, we propose to investigate LLM generated text from the perspective of trust. In this study, we define trust as the ability to know if an input text was generated by a LLM or a human. To do so, we design SPOT, an efficient method, that classifies the source of any, standalone, text input based on originality score. This score is derived from the prediction of a given LLM to detect other LLMs. We empirically demonstrate the robustness of the method to the architecture, training data, evaluation data, task and compression of modern LLMs.

new How Multilingual Are Large Language Models Fine-Tuned for Translation?

Authors: Aquia Richburg, Marine Carpuat

Abstract: A new paradigm for machine translation has recently emerged: fine-tuning large language models (LLM) on parallel text has been shown to outperform dedicated translation systems trained in a supervised fashion on much larger amounts of parallel data (Xu et al., 2024a; Alves et al., 2024). However, it remains unclear whether this paradigm can enable massively multilingual machine translation or whether it requires fine-tuning dedicated models for a small number of language pairs. How does translation fine-tuning impact the MT capabilities of LLMs for zero-shot languages, zero-shot language pairs, and translation tasks that do not involve English? To address these questions, we conduct an extensive empirical evaluation of the translation quality of the TOWER family of language models (Alves et al., 2024) on 132 translation tasks from the multi-parallel FLORES-200 data. We find that translation fine-tuning improves translation quality even for zero-shot languages on average, but that the impact is uneven depending on the language pairs involved. These results call for further research to effectively enable massively multilingual translation with LLMs.

new Towards Ontology-Enhanced Representation Learning for Large Language Models

Authors: Francesco Ronzano, Jay Nanavati

Abstract: Taking advantage of the widespread use of ontologies to organise and harmonize knowledge across several distinct domains, this paper proposes a novel approach to improve an embedding-Large Language Model (embedding-LLM) of interest by infusing the knowledge formalized by a reference ontology: ontological knowledge infusion aims at boosting the ability of the considered LLM to effectively model the knowledge domain described by the infused ontology. The linguistic information (i.e. concept synonyms and descriptions) and structural information (i.e. is-a relations) formalized by the ontology are utilized to compile a comprehensive set of concept definitions, with the assistance of a powerful generative LLM (i.e. GPT-3.5-turbo). These concept definitions are then employed to fine-tune the target embedding-LLM using a contrastive learning framework. To demonstrate and evaluate the proposed approach, we utilize the biomedical disease ontology MONDO. The results show that embedding-LLMs enhanced by ontological disease knowledge exhibit an improved capability to effectively evaluate the similarity of in-domain sentences from biomedical documents mentioning diseases, without compromising their out-of-domain performance.

new Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard: Evaluating Large Language Models in Korean with Ko-H5 Benchmark

Authors: Chanjun Park, Hyeonwoo Kim, Dahyun Kim, Seonghwan Cho, Sanghoon Kim, Sukyung Lee, Yungi Kim, Hwalsuk Lee

Abstract: This paper introduces the Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard and the Ko-H5 Benchmark as vital tools for evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs) in Korean. Incorporating private test sets while mirroring the English Open LLM Leaderboard, we establish a robust evaluation framework that has been well integrated in the Korean LLM community. We perform data leakage analysis that shows the benefit of private test sets along with a correlation study within the Ko-H5 benchmark and temporal analyses of the Ko-H5 score. Moreover, we present empirical support for the need to expand beyond set benchmarks. We hope the Open Ko-LLM Leaderboard sets precedent for expanding LLM evaluation to foster more linguistic diversity.

new The Point of View of a Sentiment: Towards Clinician Bias Detection in Psychiatric Notes

Authors: Alissa A. Valentine, Lauren A. Lepow, Alexander W. Charney, Isotta Landi

Abstract: In psychiatry, negative patient descriptions and stigmatizing language can contribute to healthcare disparities in two ways: (1) read by patients they can harm their trust and engagement with the medical center; (2) read by future providers they may negatively influence the future perspective of a patient. By leveraging large language models, this work aims to identify the sentiment expressed in psychiatric clinical notes based on the reader's point of view. Extracting sentences from the Mount Sinai Health System's large and diverse clinical notes, we used prompts and in-context learning to adapt three large language models (GPT-3.5, Llama 2, Mistral) to classify the sentiment conveyed by the sentences according to the provider or non-provider point of view. Results showed that GPT-3.5 aligns best to provider point of view, whereas Mistral aligns best to non-provider point of view.

new GAMedX: Generative AI-based Medical Entity Data Extractor Using Large Language Models

Authors: Mohammed-Khalil Ghali, Abdelrahman Farrag, Hajar Sakai, Hicham El Baz, Yu Jin, Sarah Lam

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of healthcare and beyond, the integration of generative AI in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) represents a pivotal advancement, addressing a critical gap in current information extraction techniques. This paper introduces GAMedX, a Named Entity Recognition (NER) approach utilizing Large Language Models (LLMs) to efficiently extract entities from medical narratives and unstructured text generated throughout various phases of the patient hospital visit. By addressing the significant challenge of processing unstructured medical text, GAMedX leverages the capabilities of generative AI and LLMs for improved data extraction. Employing a unified approach, the methodology integrates open-source LLMs for NER, utilizing chained prompts and Pydantic schemas for structured output to navigate the complexities of specialized medical jargon. The findings reveal significant ROUGE F1 score on one of the evaluation datasets with an accuracy of 98\%. This innovation enhances entity extraction, offering a scalable, cost-effective solution for automated forms filling from unstructured data. As a result, GAMedX streamlines the processing of unstructured narratives, and sets a new standard in NER applications, contributing significantly to theoretical and practical advancements beyond the medical technology sphere.

new DAFNet: Dynamic Auxiliary Fusion for Sequential Model Editing in Large Language Models

Authors: Taolin Zhang, Qizhou Chen, Dongyang Li, Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He, Longtao Huang, Hui Xue, Jun Huang

Abstract: Recently, while large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive results, they still suffer from hallucination, i.e., the generation of false information. Model editing is the task of fixing factual mistakes in LLMs; yet, most previous works treat it as a one-time task, paying little attention to ever-emerging mistakes generated by LLMs. We address the task of sequential model editing (SME) that aims to rectify mistakes continuously. A Dynamic Auxiliary Fusion Network (DAFNet) is designed to enhance the semantic interaction among the factual knowledge within the entire sequence, preventing catastrophic forgetting during the editing process of multiple knowledge triples. Specifically, (1) for semantic fusion within a relation triple, we aggregate the intra-editing attention flow into auto-regressive self-attention with token-level granularity in LLMs. We further leverage multi-layer diagonal inter-editing attention flow to update the weighted representations of the entire sequence-level granularity. (2) Considering that auxiliary parameters are required to store the knowledge for sequential editing, we construct a new dataset named \textbf{DAFSet}, fulfilling recent, popular, long-tail and robust properties to enhance the generality of sequential editing. Experiments show DAFNet significantly outperforms strong baselines in single-turn and sequential editing. The usage of DAFSet also consistently improves the performance of other auxiliary network-based methods in various scenarios

new Identifying while Learning for Document Event Causality Identification

Authors: Cheng Liu, Wei Xiang, Bang Wang

Abstract: Event Causality Identification (ECI) aims to detect whether there exists a causal relation between two events in a document. Existing studies adopt a kind of identifying after learning paradigm, where events' representations are first learned and then used for the identification. Furthermore, they mainly focus on the causality existence, but ignoring causal direction. In this paper, we take care of the causal direction and propose a new identifying while learning mode for the ECI task. We argue that a few causal relations can be easily identified with high confidence, and the directionality and structure of these identified causalities can be utilized to update events' representations for boosting next round of causality identification. To this end, this paper designs an *iterative learning and identifying framework*: In each iteration, we construct an event causality graph, on which events' causal structure representations are updated for boosting causal identification. Experiments on two public datasets show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms in both evaluations for causality existence identification and direction identification.

new UniBias: Unveiling and Mitigating LLM Bias through Internal Attention and FFN Manipulation

Authors: Hanzhang Zhou, Zijian Feng, Zixiao Zhu, Junlang Qian, Kezhi Mao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive capabilities in various tasks using the in-context learning (ICL) paradigm. However, their effectiveness is often compromised by inherent bias, leading to prompt brittleness, i.e., sensitivity to design settings such as example selection, order, and prompt formatting. Previous studies have addressed LLM bias through external adjustment of model outputs, but the internal mechanisms that lead to such bias remain unexplored. Our work delves into these mechanisms, particularly investigating how feedforward neural networks (FFNs) and attention heads result in the bias of LLMs. By Interpreting the contribution of individual FFN vectors and attention heads, we identify the biased LLM components that skew LLMs' prediction toward specific labels. To mitigate these biases, we introduce UniBias, an inference-only method that effectively identifies and eliminates biased FFN vectors and attention heads. Extensive experiments across 12 NLP datasets demonstrate that UniBias significantly enhances ICL performance and alleviates prompt brittleness of LLMs.

new FineRadScore: A Radiology Report Line-by-Line Evaluation Technique Generating Corrections with Severity Scores

Authors: Alyssa Huang, Oishi Banerjee, Kay Wu, Eduardo Pontes Reis, Pranav Rajpurkar

Abstract: The current gold standard for evaluating generated chest x-ray (CXR) reports is through radiologist annotations. However, this process can be extremely time-consuming and costly, especially when evaluating large numbers of reports. In this work, we present FineRadScore, a Large Language Model (LLM)-based automated evaluation metric for generated CXR reports. Given a candidate report and a ground-truth report, FineRadScore gives the minimum number of line-by-line corrections required to go from the candidate to the ground-truth report. Additionally, FineRadScore provides an error severity rating with each correction and generates comments explaining why the correction was needed. We demonstrate that FineRadScore's corrections and error severity scores align with radiologist opinions. We also show that, when used to judge the quality of the report as a whole, FineRadScore aligns with radiologists as well as current state-of-the-art automated CXR evaluation metrics. Finally, we analyze FineRadScore's shortcomings to provide suggestions for future improvements.

new Leveraging Large Language Models for Entity Matching

Authors: Qianyu Huang, Tongfang Zhao

Abstract: Entity matching (EM) is a critical task in data integration, aiming to identify records across different datasets that refer to the same real-world entities. Traditional methods often rely on manually engineered features and rule-based systems, which struggle with diverse and unstructured data. The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 offers transformative potential for EM, leveraging their advanced semantic understanding and contextual capabilities. This vision paper explores the application of LLMs to EM, discussing their advantages, challenges, and future research directions. Additionally, we review related work on applying weak supervision and unsupervised approaches to EM, highlighting how LLMs can enhance these methods.

new Reward-based Input Construction for Cross-document Relation Extraction

Authors: Byeonghu Na, Suhyeon Jo, Yeongmin Kim, Il-Chul Moon

Abstract: Relation extraction (RE) is a fundamental task in natural language processing, aiming to identify relations between target entities in text. While many RE methods are designed for a single sentence or document, cross-document RE has emerged to address relations across multiple long documents. Given the nature of long documents in cross-document RE, extracting document embeddings is challenging due to the length constraints of pre-trained language models. Therefore, we propose REward-based Input Construction (REIC), the first learning-based sentence selector for cross-document RE. REIC extracts sentences based on relational evidence, enabling the RE module to effectively infer relations. Since supervision of evidence sentences is generally unavailable, we train REIC using reinforcement learning with RE prediction scores as rewards. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method over heuristic methods for different RE structures and backbones in cross-document RE. Our code is publicly available at


new Passage-specific Prompt Tuning for Passage Reranking in Question Answering with Large Language Models

Authors: Xuyang Wu, Zhiyuan Peng, Sravanthi Rajanala, Hsin-Tai Wu, Yi Fang

Abstract: Effective passage retrieval and reranking methods have been widely utilized to identify suitable candidates in open-domain question answering tasks, recent studies have resorted to LLMs for reranking the retrieved passages by the log-likelihood of the question conditioned on each passage. Although these methods have demonstrated promising results, the performance is notably sensitive to the human-written prompt (or hard prompt), and fine-tuning LLMs can be computationally intensive and time-consuming. Furthermore, this approach limits the leverage of question-passage relevance pairs and passage-specific knowledge to enhance the ranking capabilities of LLMs. In this paper, we propose passage-specific prompt tuning for reranking in open-domain question answering (PSPT): a parameter-efficient method that fine-tunes learnable passage-specific soft prompts, incorporating passage-specific knowledge from a limited set of question-passage relevance pairs. The method involves ranking retrieved passages based on the log-likelihood of the model generating the question conditioned on each passage and the learned soft prompt. We conducted extensive experiments utilizing the Llama-2-chat-7B model across three publicly available open-domain question answering datasets and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

new DORY: Deliberative Prompt Recovery for LLM

Authors: Lirong Gao, Ru Peng, Yiming Zhang, Junbo Zhao

Abstract: Prompt recovery in large language models (LLMs) is crucial for understanding how LLMs work and addressing concerns regarding privacy, copyright, etc. The trend towards inference-only APIs complicates this task by restricting access to essential outputs for recovery. To tackle this challenge, we extract prompt-related information from limited outputs and identify a strong(negative) correlation between output probability-based uncertainty and the success of prompt recovery. This finding led to the development of Deliberative PrOmpt RecoverY (DORY), our novel approach that leverages uncertainty to recover prompts accurately. DORY involves reconstructing drafts from outputs, refining these with hints, and filtering out noise based on uncertainty. Our evaluation across diverse LLMs and prompt benchmarks shows that DORY outperforms existing baselines, improving performance by approximately 10.82% and establishing a new state-of-the-art record in prompt recovery tasks. Significantly, DORY operates using a single LLM without any external resources or model, offering a cost-effective, user-friendly prompt recovery solution.

new Unveiling the Lexical Sensitivity of LLMs: Combinatorial Optimization for Prompt Enhancement

Authors: Pengwei Zhan, Zhen Xu, Qian Tan, Jie Song, Ru Xie

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate exceptional instruct-following ability to complete various downstream tasks. Although this impressive ability makes LLMs flexible task solvers, their performance in solving tasks also heavily relies on instructions. In this paper, we reveal that LLMs are over-sensitive to lexical variations in task instructions, even when the variations are imperceptible to humans. By providing models with neighborhood instructions, which are closely situated in the latent representation space and differ by only one semantically similar word, the performance on downstream tasks can be vastly different. Following this property, we propose a black-box Combinatorial Optimization framework for Prompt Lexical Enhancement (COPLE). COPLE performs iterative lexical optimization according to the feedback from a batch of proxy tasks, using a search strategy related to word influence. Experiments show that even widely-used human-crafted prompts for current benchmarks suffer from the lexical sensitivity of models, and COPLE recovers the declined model ability in both instruct-following and solving downstream tasks.

new It is Simple Sometimes: A Study On Improving Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Performance

Authors: Laura Cabello, Uchenna Akujuobi

Abstract: Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) involves extracting opinions from textual data about specific entities and their corresponding aspects through various complementary subtasks. Several prior research has focused on developing ad hoc designs of varying complexities for these subtasks. In this paper, we present a generative framework extensible to any ABSA subtask. We build upon the instruction tuned model proposed by Scaria et al. (2023), who present an instruction-based model with task descriptions followed by in-context examples on ABSA subtasks. We propose PFInstruct, an extension to this instruction learning paradigm by appending an NLP-related task prefix to the task description. This simple approach leads to improved performance across all tested SemEval subtasks, surpassing previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the ATE subtask (Rest14) by +3.28 F1-score, and on the AOOE subtask by an average of +5.43 F1-score across SemEval datasets. Furthermore, we explore the impact of the prefix-enhanced prompt quality on the ABSA subtasks and find that even a noisy prefix enhances model performance compared to the baseline. Our method also achieves competitive results on a biomedical domain dataset (ERSA).

new FinGen: A Dataset for Argument Generation in Finance

Authors: Chung-Chi Chen, Hiroya Takamura, Ichiro Kobayashi, Yusuke Miyao

Abstract: Thinking about the future is one of the important activities that people do in daily life. Futurists also pay a lot of effort into figuring out possible scenarios for the future. We argue that the exploration of this direction is still in an early stage in the NLP research. To this end, we propose three argument generation tasks in the financial application scenario. Our experimental results show these tasks are still big challenges for representative generation models. Based on our empirical results, we further point out several unresolved issues and challenges in this research direction.

new Improving code-mixed hate detection by native sample mixing: A case study for Hindi-English code-mixed scenario

Authors: Debajyoti Mazumder, Aakash Kumar, Jasabanta Patro

Abstract: Hate detection has long been a challenging task for the NLP community. The task becomes complex in a code-mixed environment because the models must understand the context and the hate expressed through language alteration. Compared to the monolingual setup, we see very less work on code-mixed hate as large-scale annotated hate corpora are unavailable to make the study. To overcome this bottleneck, we propose using native language hate samples. We hypothesise that in the era of multilingual language models (MLMs), hate in code-mixed settings can be detected by majorly relying on the native language samples. Even though the NLP literature reports the effectiveness of MLMs on hate detection in many cross-lingual settings, their extensive evaluation in a code-mixed scenario is yet to be done. This paper attempts to fill this gap through rigorous empirical experiments. We considered the Hindi-English code-mixed setup as a case study as we have the linguistic expertise for the same. Some of the interesting observations we got are: (i) adding native hate samples in the code-mixed training set, even in small quantity, improved the performance of MLMs for code-mixed hate detection, (ii) MLMs trained with native samples alone observed to be detecting code-mixed hate to a large extent, (iii) The visualisation of attention scores revealed that, when native samples were included in training, MLMs could better focus on the hate emitting words in the code-mixed context, and (iv) finally, when hate is subjective or sarcastic, naively mixing native samples doesn't help much to detect code-mixed hate. We will release the data and code repository to reproduce the reported results.

new Large Language Model Sentinel: Advancing Adversarial Robustness by LLM Agent

Authors: Guang Lin, Qibin Zhao

Abstract: Over the past two years, the use of large language models (LLMs) has advanced rapidly. While these LLMs offer considerable convenience, they also raise security concerns, as LLMs are vulnerable to adversarial attacks by some well-designed textual perturbations. In this paper, we introduce a novel defense technique named Large LAnguage MOdel Sentinel (LLAMOS), which is designed to enhance the adversarial robustness of LLMs by purifying the adversarial textual examples before feeding them into the target LLM. Our method comprises two main components: a) Agent instruction, which can simulate a new agent for adversarial defense, altering minimal characters to maintain the original meaning of the sentence while defending against attacks; b) Defense guidance, which provides strategies for modifying clean or adversarial examples to ensure effective defense and accurate outputs from the target LLMs. Remarkably, the defense agent demonstrates robust defensive capabilities even without learning from adversarial examples. Additionally, we conduct an intriguing adversarial experiment where we develop two agents, one for defense and one for defense, and engage them in mutual confrontation. During the adversarial interactions, neither agent completely beat the other. Extensive experiments on both open-source and closed-source LLMs demonstrate that our method effectively defends against adversarial attacks, thereby enhancing adversarial robustness.

new PGA-SciRE: Harnessing LLM on Data Augmentation for Enhancing Scientific Relation Extraction

Authors: Yang Zhou, Shimin Shan, Hongkui Wei, Zhehuan Zhao, Wenshuo Feng

Abstract: Relation Extraction (RE) aims at recognizing the relation between pairs of entities mentioned in a text. Advances in LLMs have had a tremendous impact on NLP. In this work, we propose a textual data augmentation framework called PGA for improving the performance of models for RE in the scientific domain. The framework introduces two ways of data augmentation, utilizing a LLM to obtain pseudo-samples with the same sentence meaning but with different representations and forms by paraphrasing the original training set samples. As well as instructing LLM to generate sentences that implicitly contain information about the corresponding labels based on the relation and entity of the original training set samples. These two kinds of pseudo-samples participate in the training of the RE model together with the original dataset, respectively. The PGA framework in the experiment improves the F1 scores of the three mainstream models for RE within the scientific domain. Also, using a LLM to obtain samples can effectively reduce the cost of manually labeling data.

new Multilingual Text Style Transfer: Datasets & Models for Indian Languages

Authors: Sourabrata Mukherjee, Atul Kr. Ojha, Akanksha Bansal, Deepak Alok, John P. McCrae, Ond\v{r}ej Du\v{s}ek

Abstract: Text style transfer (TST) involves altering the linguistic style of a text while preserving its core content. This paper focuses on sentiment transfer, a vital TST subtask (Mukherjee et al., 2022a), across a spectrum of Indian languages: Hindi, Magahi, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Odia, Telugu, and Urdu, expanding upon previous work on English-Bangla sentiment transfer (Mukherjee et al., 2023). We introduce dedicated datasets of 1,000 positive and 1,000 negative style-parallel sentences for each of these eight languages. We then evaluate the performance of various benchmark models categorized into parallel, non-parallel, cross-lingual, and shared learning approaches, including the Llama2 and GPT-3.5 large language models (LLMs). Our experiments highlight the significance of parallel data in TST and demonstrate the effectiveness of the Masked Style Filling (MSF) approach (Mukherjee et al., 2023) in non-parallel techniques. Moreover, cross-lingual and joint multilingual learning methods show promise, offering insights into selecting optimal models tailored to the specific language and task requirements. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first comprehensive exploration of the TST task as sentiment transfer across a diverse set of languages.

new An iterated learning model of language change that mixes supervised and unsupervised learning

Authors: Jack Bunyan, Seth Bullock, Conor Houghton

Abstract: The iterated learning model is an agent-based model of language change in which language is transmitted from a tutor to a pupil which itself becomes a tutor to a new pupil, and so on. Languages that are stable, expressive, and compositional arise spontaneously as a consequence of a language transmission bottleneck. Previous models have implemented an agent's mapping from signals to meanings using an artificial neural network decoder, but have relied on an unrealistic and computationally expensive process of obversion to implement the associated encoder, mapping from meanings to signals. Here, a new model is presented in which both decoder and encoder are neural networks, trained separately through supervised learning, and trained together through unsupervised learning in the form of an autoencoder. This avoids the substantial computational burden entailed in obversion and introduces a mixture of supervised and unsupervised learning as observed during human development.

new Self-Augmented Preference Optimization: Off-Policy Paradigms for Language Model Alignment

Authors: Yueqin Yin, Zhendong Wang, Yujia Xie, Weizhu Chen, Mingyuan Zhou

Abstract: Traditional language model alignment methods, such as Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), are limited by their dependence on static, pre-collected paired preference data, which hampers their adaptability and practical applicability. To overcome this limitation, we introduce Self-Augmented Preference Optimization (SAPO), an effective and scalable training paradigm that does not require existing paired data. Building on the self-play concept, which autonomously generates negative responses, we further incorporate an off-policy learning pipeline to enhance data exploration and exploitation. Specifically, we employ an Exponential Moving Average (EMA) model in conjunction with a replay buffer to enable dynamic updates of response segments, effectively integrating real-time feedback with insights from historical data. Our comprehensive evaluations of the LLaMA3-8B and Mistral-7B models across benchmarks, including the Open LLM Leaderboard, IFEval, AlpacaEval 2.0, and MT-Bench, demonstrate that SAPO matches or surpasses established offline contrastive baselines, such as DPO and Odds Ratio Preference Optimization, and outperforms offline self-play methods like SPIN. Our code is available at


new That's Optional: A Contemporary Exploration of "that" Omission in English Subordinate Clauses

Authors: Ella Rabinovich

Abstract: The Uniform Information Density (UID) hypothesis posits that speakers optimize the communicative properties of their utterances by avoiding spikes in information, thereby maintaining a relatively uniform information profile over time. This paper investigates the impact of UID principles on syntactic reduction, specifically focusing on the optional omission of the connector "that" in English subordinate clauses. Building upon previous research, we extend our investigation to a larger corpus of written English, utilize contemporary large language models (LLMs) and extend the information-uniformity principles by the notion of entropy, to estimate the UID manifestations in the usecase of syntactic reduction choices.

new Don't Buy it! Reassessing the Ad Understanding Abilities of Contrastive Multimodal Models

Authors: A. Bavaresco, A. Testoni, R. Fern\'andez

Abstract: Image-based advertisements are complex multimodal stimuli that often contain unusual visual elements and figurative language. Previous research on automatic ad understanding has reported impressive zero-shot accuracy of contrastive vision-and-language models (VLMs) on an ad-explanation retrieval task. Here, we examine the original task setup and show that contrastive VLMs can solve it by exploiting grounding heuristics. To control for this confound, we introduce TRADE, a new evaluation test set with adversarial grounded explanations. While these explanations look implausible to humans, we show that they "fool" four different contrastive VLMs. Our findings highlight the need for an improved operationalisation of automatic ad understanding that truly evaluates VLMs' multimodal reasoning abilities. We make our code and TRADE available at .


new Improving Reward Models with Synthetic Critiques

Authors: Zihuiwen Ye, Fraser Greenlee-Scott, Max Bartolo, Phil Blunsom, Jon Ander Campos, Matthias Gall\'e

Abstract: Reward models (RM) play a critical role in aligning language models through the process of reinforcement learning from human feedback. RMs are trained to predict a score reflecting human preference, which requires significant time and cost for human annotation. Additionally, RMs tend to quickly overfit on superficial features in the training set, hindering their generalization performance on unseen distributions. We propose a novel approach using synthetic natural language critiques generated by large language models to provide additional feedback, evaluating aspects such as instruction following, correctness, and style. This offers richer signals and more robust features for RMs to assess and score on. We demonstrate that high-quality critiques improve the performance and data efficiency of RMs initialized from different pretrained models. Conversely, we also show that low-quality critiques negatively impact performance. Furthermore, incorporating critiques enhances the interpretability and robustness of RM training.

new Towards Spoken Language Understanding via Multi-level Multi-grained Contrastive Learning

Authors: Xuxin Cheng, Wanshi Xu, Zhihong Zhu, Hongxiang Li, Yuexian Zou

Abstract: Spoken language understanding (SLU) is a core task in task-oriented dialogue systems, which aims at understanding the user's current goal through constructing semantic frames. SLU usually consists of two subtasks, including intent detection and slot filling. Although there are some SLU frameworks joint modeling the two subtasks and achieving high performance, most of them still overlook the inherent relationships between intents and slots and fail to achieve mutual guidance between the two subtasks. To solve the problem, we propose a multi-level multi-grained SLU framework MMCL to apply contrastive learning at three levels, including utterance level, slot level, and word level to enable intent and slot to mutually guide each other. For the utterance level, our framework implements coarse granularity contrastive learning and fine granularity contrastive learning simultaneously. Besides, we also apply the self-distillation method to improve the robustness of the model. Experimental results and further analysis demonstrate that our proposed model achieves new state-of-the-art results on two public multi-intent SLU datasets, obtaining a 2.6 overall accuracy improvement on the MixATIS dataset compared to previous best models.

new clembench-2024: A Challenging, Dynamic, Complementary, Multilingual Benchmark and Underlying Flexible Framework for LLMs as Multi-Action Agents

Authors: Anne Beyer, Kranti Chalamalasetti, Sherzod Hakimov, Brielen Madureira, Philipp Sadler, David Schlangen

Abstract: It has been established in recent work that Large Language Models (LLMs) can be prompted to "self-play" conversational games that probe certain capabilities (general instruction following, strategic goal orientation, language understanding abilities), where the resulting interactive game play can be automatically scored. In this paper, we take one of the proposed frameworks for setting up such game-play environments, and further test its usefulness as an evaluation instrument, along a number of dimensions: We show that it can easily keep up with new developments while avoiding data contamination, we show that the tests implemented within it are not yet saturated (human performance is substantially higher than that of even the best models), and we show that it lends itself to investigating additional questions, such as the impact of the prompting language on performance. We believe that the approach forms a good basis for making decisions on model choice for building applied interactive systems, and perhaps ultimately setting up a closed-loop development environment of system and simulated evaluator.

new A comparison of correspondence analysis with PMI-based word embedding methods

Authors: Qianqian Qi, David J. Hessen, Peter G. M. van der Heijden

Abstract: Popular word embedding methods such as GloVe and Word2Vec are related to the factorization of the pointwise mutual information (PMI) matrix. In this paper, we link correspondence analysis (CA) to the factorization of the PMI matrix. CA is a dimensionality reduction method that uses singular value decomposition (SVD), and we show that CA is mathematically close to the weighted factorization of the PMI matrix. In addition, we present variants of CA that turn out to be successful in the factorization of the word-context matrix, i.e. CA applied to a matrix where the entries undergo a square-root transformation (ROOT-CA) and a root-root transformation (ROOTROOT-CA). An empirical comparison among CA- and PMI-based methods shows that overall results of ROOT-CA and ROOTROOT-CA are slightly better than those of the PMI-based methods.

new Large Language Models: A New Approach for Privacy Policy Analysis at Scale

Authors: David Rodriguez, Ian Yang, Jose M. Del Alamo, Norman Sadeh

Abstract: The number and dynamic nature of web and mobile applications presents significant challenges for assessing their compliance with data protection laws. In this context, symbolic and statistical Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques have been employed for the automated analysis of these systems' privacy policies. However, these techniques typically require labor-intensive and potentially error-prone manually annotated datasets for training and validation. This research proposes the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) as an alternative for effectively and efficiently extracting privacy practices from privacy policies at scale. Particularly, we leverage well-known LLMs such as ChatGPT and Llama 2, and offer guidance on the optimal design of prompts, parameters, and models, incorporating advanced strategies such as few-shot learning. We further illustrate its capability to detect detailed and varied privacy practices accurately. Using several renowned datasets in the domain as a benchmark, our evaluation validates its exceptional performance, achieving an F1 score exceeding 93%. Besides, it does so with reduced costs, faster processing times, and fewer technical knowledge requirements. Consequently, we advocate for LLM-based solutions as a sound alternative to traditional NLP techniques for the automated analysis of privacy policies at scale.

new Preemptive Answer "Attacks" on Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

Authors: Rongwu Xu, Zehan Qi, Wei Xu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) showcase impressive reasoning capabilities when coupled with Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting. However, the robustness of this approach warrants further investigation. In this paper, we introduce a novel scenario termed preemptive answers, where the LLM obtains an answer before engaging in reasoning. This situation can arise inadvertently or induced by malicious users by prompt injection attacks. Experiments reveal that preemptive answers significantly impair the model's reasoning capability across various CoT methods and a broad spectrum of datasets. To bolster the robustness of reasoning, we propose two measures aimed at mitigating this issue to some extent.

new Learning to Estimate System Specifications in Linear Temporal Logic using Transformers and Mamba

Authors: \.Ilker I\c{s}{\i}k, Ebru Aydin Gol, Ramazan Gokberk Cinbis

Abstract: Temporal logic is a framework for representing and reasoning about propositions that evolve over time. It is commonly used for specifying requirements in various domains, including hardware and software systems, as well as robotics. Specification mining or formula generation involves extracting temporal logic formulae from system traces and has numerous applications, such as detecting bugs and improving interpretability. Although there has been a surge of deep learning-based methods for temporal logic satisfiability checking in recent years, the specification mining literature has been lagging behind in adopting deep learning methods despite their many advantages, such as scalability. In this paper, we introduce autoregressive models that can generate linear temporal logic formulae from traces, towards addressing the specification mining problem. We propose multiple architectures for this task: transformer encoder-decoder, decoder-only transformer, and Mamba, which is an emerging alternative to transformer models. Additionally, we devise a metric for quantifying the distinctiveness of the generated formulae and a straightforward algorithm to enforce the syntax constraints. Our experiments show that the proposed architectures yield promising results, generating correct and distinct formulae at a fraction of the compute cost needed for the combinatorial baseline.

new OR-Bench: An Over-Refusal Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Justin Cui, Wei-Lin Chiang, Ion Stoica, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) require careful safety alignment to prevent malicious outputs. While significant research focuses on mitigating harmful content generation, the enhanced safety often come with the side effect of over-refusal, where the LLMs may reject innocuous prompts and become less helpful. Although the issue of over-refusal has been empirically observed, a systematic measurement is challenging due to the difficulty of crafting prompts that appear harmful but are benign. This study proposes a novel method for automatically generating large-scale sets of ``seemingly toxic prompts'' (benign prompts likely rejected by LLMs). Leveraging this technique, we introduce OR-Bench, the first large-scale over-refusal benchmark. OR-Bench comprises 80,000 seemingly toxic prompts across 10 common rejection categories, a subset of around 1,000 hard prompts that are challenging even for state-of-the-art LLMs, and an additional 600 toxic prompts to prevent indiscriminate responses. We then conduct a comprehensive study to measure the over-refusal of 25 popular LLMs across 8 model families. Our datasets are available at and the corresponding demo can be found at We hope this benchmark can help the community develop better safety aligned models.


new Superlatives in Context: Explicit and Implicit Domain Restrictions for Superlative Frames

Authors: Valentina Pyatkin, Bonnie Webber, Ido Dagan, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Superlatives are used to single out elements with a maximal/minimal property. Semantically, superlatives perform a set comparison: something (or some things) has the min/max property out of a set. As such, superlatives provide an ideal phenomenon for studying implicit phenomena and discourse restrictions. While this comparison set is often not explicitly defined, its (implicit) restrictions can be inferred from the discourse context the expression appears in. In this work we provide an extensive computational study on the semantics of superlatives. We propose a unified account of superlative semantics which allows us to derive a broad-coverage annotation schema. Using this unified schema we annotated a multi-domain dataset of superlatives and their semantic interpretations. We specifically focus on interpreting implicit or ambiguous superlative expressions, by analyzing how the discourse context restricts the set of interpretations. In a set of experiments we then analyze how well models perform at variations of predicting superlative semantics, with and without context. We show that the fine-grained semantics of superlatives in context can be challenging for contemporary models, including GPT-4.

new SaySelf: Teaching LLMs to Express Confidence with Self-Reflective Rationales

Authors: Tianyang Xu, Shujin Wu, Shizhe Diao, Xiaoze Liu, Xingyao Wang, Yangyi Chen, Jing Gao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often generate inaccurate or fabricated information and generally fail to indicate their confidence, which limits their broader applications. Previous work elicits confidence from LLMs by direct or self-consistency prompting, or constructing specific datasets for supervised finetuning. The prompting-based approaches have inferior performance, and the training-based approaches are limited to binary or inaccurate group-level confidence estimates. In this work, we present the advanced SaySelf, a training framework that teaches LLMs to express more accurate fine-grained confidence estimates. In addition, beyond the confidence scores, SaySelf initiates the process of directing LLMs to produce self-reflective rationales that clearly identify gaps in their parametric knowledge and explain their uncertainty. This is achieved by using an LLM to automatically summarize the uncertainties in specific knowledge via natural language. The summarization is based on the analysis of the inconsistency in multiple sampled reasoning chains, and the resulting data is utilized for supervised fine-tuning. Moreover, we utilize reinforcement learning with a meticulously crafted reward function to calibrate the confidence estimates, motivating LLMs to deliver accurate, high-confidence predictions and to penalize overconfidence in erroneous outputs. Experimental results in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of SaySelf in reducing the confidence calibration error and maintaining the task performance. We show that the generated self-reflective rationales are reasonable and can further contribute to the calibration. The code is made public at \url{}.


new You Only Scan Once: Efficient Multi-dimension Sequential Modeling with LightNet

Authors: Zhen Qin, Yuxin Mao, Xuyang Shen, Dong Li, Jing Zhang, Yuchao Dai, Yiran Zhong

Abstract: Linear attention mechanisms have gained prominence in causal language models due to their linear computational complexity and enhanced speed. However, the inherent decay mechanism in linear attention presents challenges when applied to multi-dimensional sequence modeling tasks, such as image processing and multi-modal learning. In these scenarios, the utilization of sequential scanning to establish a global receptive field necessitates multiple scans for multi-dimensional data, thereby leading to inefficiencies. This paper identifies the inefficiency caused by a multiplicative linear recurrence and proposes an efficient alternative additive linear recurrence to avoid the issue, as it can handle multi-dimensional data within a single scan. We further develop an efficient multi-dimensional sequential modeling framework called LightNet based on the new recurrence. Moreover, we present two new multi-dimensional linear relative positional encoding methods, MD-TPE and MD-LRPE to enhance the model's ability to discern positional information in multi-dimensional scenarios. Our empirical evaluations across various tasks, including image classification, image generation, bidirectional language modeling, and autoregressive language modeling, demonstrate the efficacy of LightNet, showcasing its potential as a versatile and efficient solution for multi-dimensional sequential modeling.

new LACIE: Listener-Aware Finetuning for Confidence Calibration in Large Language Models

Authors: Elias Stengel-Eskin, Peter Hase, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: When answering questions, LLMs can convey not only an answer, but a level of confidence about the answer being correct. This includes explicit confidence markers (e.g. giving a numeric score) as well as implicit markers, like an authoritative tone or elaborating with additional knowledge. For LLMs to be trustworthy knowledge sources, the confidence they convey should match their actual expertise; however, most current models tend towards overconfidence. To calibrate both implicit and explicit confidence markers, we introduce a pragmatic, listener-aware finetuning method (LACIE) that models the listener, considering not only whether an answer is right, but whether it will be accepted by a listener. We cast calibration as preference optimization, creating data via a two-agent game, where a speaker model's outputs are judged by a simulated listener. We then finetune three LLMs (Mistral-7B, Llama3-8B, Llama3-70B) with LACIE, and show that the resulting models are better calibrated w.r.t. a simulated listener. Crucially, these trends transfer to human listeners, helping them correctly predict model correctness: we conduct a human evaluation where annotators accept or reject an LLM's answers, finding that training with LACIE results in 47% fewer incorrect answers being accepted while maintaining the same level of acceptance for correct answers. Furthermore, LACIE generalizes to another dataset, resulting in a large increase in truthfulness on TruthfulQA when trained on TriviaQA. Our analysis indicates that LACIE leads to a better confidence separation between correct and incorrect examples. Qualitatively, we find that a LACIE-trained model hedges more and implicitly signals certainty when it is correct by using an authoritative tone or including details. Finally, LACIE finetuning leads to an emergent increase in model abstention (e.g. saying "I don't know") for answers that are likely wrong.

new Direct Alignment of Language Models via Quality-Aware Self-Refinement

Authors: Runsheng Yu, Yong Wang, Xiaoqi Jiao, Youzhi Zhang, James T. Kwok

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has been commonly used to align the behaviors of Large Language Models (LLMs) with human preferences. Recently, a popular alternative is Direct Policy Optimization (DPO), which replaces an LLM-based reward model with the policy itself, thus obviating the need for extra memory and training time to learn the reward model. However, DPO does not consider the relative qualities of the positive and negative responses, and can lead to sub-optimal training outcomes. To alleviate this problem, we investigate the use of intrinsic knowledge within the on-the-fly fine-tuning LLM to obtain relative qualities and help to refine the loss function. Specifically, we leverage the knowledge of the LLM to design a refinement function to estimate the quality of both the positive and negative responses. We show that the constructed refinement function can help self-refine the loss function under mild assumptions. The refinement function is integrated into DPO and its variant Identity Policy Optimization (IPO). Experiments across various evaluators indicate that they can improve the performance of the fine-tuned models over DPO and IPO.

new Code Pretraining Improves Entity Tracking Abilities of Language Models

Authors: Najoung Kim, Sebastian Schuster, Shubham Toshniwal

Abstract: Recent work has provided indirect evidence that pretraining language models on code improves the ability of models to track state changes of discourse entities expressed in natural language. In this work, we systematically test this claim by comparing pairs of language models on their entity tracking performance. Critically, the pairs consist of base models and models trained on top of these base models with additional code data. We extend this analysis to additionally examine the effect of math training, another highly structured data type, and alignment tuning, an important step for enhancing the usability of models. We find clear evidence that models additionally trained on large amounts of code outperform the base models. On the other hand, we find no consistent benefit of additional math training or alignment tuning across various model families.

cross Literature Filtering for Systematic Reviews with Transformers

Authors: John Hawkins, David Tivey

Abstract: Identifying critical research within the growing body of academic work is an essential element of quality research. Systematic review processes, used in evidence-based medicine, formalise this as a procedure that must be followed in a research program. However, it comes with an increasing burden in terms of the time required to identify the important articles of research for a given topic. In this work, we develop a method for building a general-purpose filtering system that matches a research question, posed as a natural language description of the required content, against a candidate set of articles obtained via the application of broad search terms. Our results demonstrate that transformer models, pre-trained on biomedical literature then fine tuned for the specific task, offer a promising solution to this problem. The model can remove large volumes of irrelevant articles for most research questions.

cross Jailbreaking Large Language Models Against Moderation Guardrails via Cipher Characters

Authors: Haibo Jin, Andy Zhou, Joe D. Menke, Haohan Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are typically harmless but remain vulnerable to carefully crafted prompts known as ``jailbreaks'', which can bypass protective measures and induce harmful behavior. Recent advancements in LLMs have incorporated moderation guardrails that can filter outputs, which trigger processing errors for certain malicious questions. Existing red-teaming benchmarks often neglect to include questions that trigger moderation guardrails, making it difficult to evaluate jailbreak effectiveness. To address this issue, we introduce JAMBench, a harmful behavior benchmark designed to trigger and evaluate moderation guardrails. JAMBench involves 160 manually crafted instructions covering four major risk categories at multiple severity levels. Furthermore, we propose a jailbreak method, JAM (Jailbreak Against Moderation), designed to attack moderation guardrails using jailbreak prefixes to bypass input-level filters and a fine-tuned shadow model functionally equivalent to the guardrail model to generate cipher characters to bypass output-level filters. Our extensive experiments on four LLMs demonstrate that JAM achieves higher jailbreak success ($\sim$ $\times$ 19.88) and lower filtered-out rates ($\sim$ $\times$ 1/6) than baselines.

cross Enhancing Antibiotic Stewardship using a Natural Language Approach for Better Feature Representation

Authors: Simon A. Lee, Trevor Brokowski, Jeffrey N. Chiang

Abstract: The rapid emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is recognized as a global healthcare crisis, undermining the efficacy of life-saving antibiotics. This crisis is driven by the improper and overuse of antibiotics, which escalates bacterial resistance. In response, this study explores the use of clinical decision support systems, enhanced through the integration of electronic health records (EHRs), to improve antibiotic stewardship. However, EHR systems present numerous data-level challenges, complicating the effective synthesis and utilization of data. In this work, we transform EHR data into a serialized textual representation and employ pretrained foundation models to demonstrate how this enhanced feature representation can aid in antibiotic susceptibility predictions. Our results suggest that this text representation, combined with foundation models, provides a valuable tool to increase interpretability and support antibiotic stewardship efforts.

cross Phantom: General Trigger Attacks on Retrieval Augmented Language Generation

Authors: Harsh Chaudhari, Giorgio Severi, John Abascal, Matthew Jagielski, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Milad Nasr, Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Alina Oprea

Abstract: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) expands the capabilities of modern large language models (LLMs) in chatbot applications, enabling developers to adapt and personalize the LLM output without expensive training or fine-tuning. RAG systems use an external knowledge database to retrieve the most relevant documents for a given query, providing this context to the LLM generator. While RAG achieves impressive utility in many applications, its adoption to enable personalized generative models introduces new security risks. In this work, we propose new attack surfaces for an adversary to compromise a victim's RAG system, by injecting a single malicious document in its knowledge database. We design Phantom, general two-step attack framework against RAG augmented LLMs. The first step involves crafting a poisoned document designed to be retrieved by the RAG system within the top-k results only when an adversarial trigger, a specific sequence of words acting as backdoor, is present in the victim's queries. In the second step, a specially crafted adversarial string within the poisoned document triggers various adversarial attacks in the LLM generator, including denial of service, reputation damage, privacy violations, and harmful behaviors. We demonstrate our attacks on multiple LLM architectures, including Gemma, Vicuna, and Llama.

cross Automated Generation and Tagging of Knowledge Components from Multiple-Choice Questions

Authors: Steven Moore, Robin Schmucker, Tom Mitchell, John Stamper

Abstract: Knowledge Components (KCs) linked to assessments enhance the measurement of student learning, enrich analytics, and facilitate adaptivity. However, generating and linking KCs to assessment items requires significant effort and domain-specific knowledge. To streamline this process for higher-education courses, we employed GPT-4 to generate KCs for multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in Chemistry and E-Learning. We analyzed discrepancies between the KCs generated by the Large Language Model (LLM) and those made by humans through evaluation from three domain experts in each subject area. This evaluation aimed to determine whether, in instances of non-matching KCs, evaluators showed a preference for the LLM-generated KCs over their human-created counterparts. We also developed an ontology induction algorithm to cluster questions that assess similar KCs based on their content. Our most effective LLM strategy accurately matched KCs for 56% of Chemistry and 35% of E-Learning MCQs, with even higher success when considering the top five KC suggestions. Human evaluators favored LLM-generated KCs, choosing them over human-assigned ones approximately two-thirds of the time, a preference that was statistically significant across both domains. Our clustering algorithm successfully grouped questions by their underlying KCs without needing explicit labels or contextual information. This research advances the automation of KC generation and classification for assessment items, alleviating the need for student data or predefined KC labels.

cross An Automatic Question Usability Evaluation Toolkit

Authors: Steven Moore, Eamon Costello, Huy A. Nguyen, John Stamper

Abstract: Evaluating multiple-choice questions (MCQs) involves either labor intensive human assessments or automated methods that prioritize readability, often overlooking deeper question design flaws. To address this issue, we introduce the Scalable Automatic Question Usability Evaluation Toolkit (SAQUET), an open-source tool that leverages the Item-Writing Flaws (IWF) rubric for a comprehensive and automated quality evaluation of MCQs. By harnessing the latest in large language models such as GPT-4, advanced word embeddings, and Transformers designed to analyze textual complexity, SAQUET effectively pinpoints and assesses a wide array of flaws in MCQs. We first demonstrate the discrepancy between commonly used automated evaluation metrics and the human assessment of MCQ quality. Then we evaluate SAQUET on a diverse dataset of MCQs across the five domains of Chemistry, Statistics, Computer Science, Humanities, and Healthcare, showing how it effectively distinguishes between flawed and flawless questions, providing a level of analysis beyond what is achievable with traditional metrics. With an accuracy rate of over 94% in detecting the presence of flaws identified by human evaluators, our findings emphasize the limitations of existing evaluation methods and showcase potential in improving the quality of educational assessments.

cross Unveiling the Impact of Coding Data Instruction Fine-Tuning on Large Language Models Reasoning

Authors: Xinlu Zhang, Zhiyu Zoey Chen, Xi Ye, Xianjun Yang, Lichang Chen, William Yang Wang, Linda Ruth Petzold

Abstract: Instruction Fine-Tuning (IFT) significantly enhances the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained Large Language Models (LLMs). While coding data is known to boost reasoning abilities during LLM pretraining, its role in activating internal reasoning capacities during IFT remains understudied. This paper investigates a key question: How does coding data impact LLMs' reasoning capacities during the IFT stage? To explore this, we thoroughly examine the impact of coding data across different coding data proportions, model families, sizes, and reasoning domains, from various perspectives. Specifically, we create three IFT datasets with increasing coding data proportions, fine-tune six LLM backbones across different families and scales on these datasets, evaluate the tuned models' performance across twelve tasks in three reasoning domains, and analyze the outcomes from three broad-to-granular perspectives: overall, domain-level, and task-specific. Our holistic analysis provides valuable insights in each perspective. First, coding data tuning enhances the overall reasoning capabilities of LLMs across different model families and scales. Moreover, the effect of coding data varies among different domains but shows consistent trends across model families and scales within each domain. Additionally, coding data generally yields comparable task-specific benefits across different model families, with the optimal coding data proportions in IFT datasets being task-specific.

cross Perplexed by Perplexity: Perplexity-Based Data Pruning With Small Reference Models

Authors: Zachary Ankner, Cody Blakeney, Kartik Sreenivasan, Max Marion, Matthew L. Leavitt, Mansheej Paul

Abstract: In this work, we investigate whether small language models can determine high-quality subsets of large-scale text datasets that improve the performance of larger language models. While existing work has shown that pruning based on the perplexity of a larger model can yield high-quality data, we investigate whether smaller models can be used for perplexity-based pruning and how pruning is affected by the domain composition of the data being pruned. We demonstrate that for multiple dataset compositions, perplexity-based pruning of pretraining data can \emph{significantly} improve downstream task performance: pruning based on perplexities computed with a 125 million parameter model improves the average performance on downstream tasks of a 3 billion parameter model by up to 2.04 and achieves up to a $1.45\times$ reduction in pretraining steps to reach commensurate baseline performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate that such perplexity-based data pruning also yields downstream performance gains in the over-trained and data-constrained regimes.

cross Masked Language Modeling Becomes Conditional Density Estimation for Tabular Data Synthesis

Authors: Seunghwan An, Gyeongdong Woo, Jaesung Lim, ChangHyun Kim, Sungchul Hong, Jong-June Jeon

Abstract: In this paper, our goal is to generate synthetic data for heterogeneous (mixed-type) tabular datasets with high machine learning utility (MLu). Given that the MLu performance relies on accurately approximating the conditional distributions, we focus on devising a synthetic data generation method based on conditional distribution estimation. We propose a novel synthetic data generation method, MaCoDE, by redefining the multi-class classification task of Masked Language Modeling (MLM) as histogram-based non-parametric conditional density estimation. Our proposed method enables estimating conditional densities across arbitrary combinations of target and conditional variables. Furthermore, we demonstrate that our proposed method bridges the theoretical gap between distributional learning and MLM. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, we conduct synthetic data generation experiments on 10 real-world datasets. Given the analogy between predicting masked input tokens in MLM and missing data imputation, we also evaluate the performance of multiple imputations on incomplete datasets with various missing data mechanisms. Moreover, our proposed model offers the advantage of enabling adjustments to data privacy levels without requiring re-training.

cross Bi-Directional Transformers vs. word2vec: Discovering Vulnerabilities in Lifted Compiled Code

Authors: Gary A. McCully, John D. Hastings, Shengjie Xu, Adam Fortier

Abstract: Detecting vulnerabilities within compiled binaries is challenging due to lost high-level code structures and other factors such as architectural dependencies, compilers, and optimization options. To address these obstacles, this research explores vulnerability detection by using natural language processing (NLP) embedding techniques with word2vec, BERT, and RoBERTa to learn semantics from intermediate representation (LLVM) code. Long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks were trained on embeddings from encoders created using approximately 118k LLVM functions from the Juliet dataset. This study is pioneering in its comparison of word2vec models with multiple bidirectional transformer (BERT, RoBERTa) embeddings built using LLVM code to train neural networks to detect vulnerabilities in compiled binaries. word2vec Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW) models achieved 92.3% validation accuracy in detecting vulnerabilities, outperforming word2vec Skip-Gram, BERT, and RoBERTa. This suggests that complex contextual NLP embeddings may not provide advantages over simpler word2vec models for this task when a limited number (e.g. 118K) of data samples are used to train the bidirectional transformer-based models. The comparative results provide novel insights into selecting optimal embeddings for learning compiler-independent semantic code representations to advance machine learning detection of vulnerabilities in compiled binaries.

cross ToxVidLLM: A Multimodal LLM-based Framework for Toxicity Detection in Code-Mixed Videos

Authors: Krishanu Maity, A. S. Poornash, Sriparna Saha, Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Abstract: In an era of rapidly evolving internet technology, the surge in multimodal content, including videos, has expanded the horizons of online communication. However, the detection of toxic content in this diverse landscape, particularly in low-resource code-mixed languages, remains a critical challenge. While substantial research has addressed toxic content detection in textual data, the realm of video content, especially in non-English languages, has been relatively underexplored. This paper addresses this research gap by introducing a benchmark dataset, the first of its kind, consisting of 931 videos with 4021 code-mixed Hindi-English utterances collected from YouTube. Each utterance within this dataset has been meticulously annotated for toxicity, severity, and sentiment labels. We have developed an advanced Multimodal Multitask framework built for Toxicity detection in Video Content by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), crafted for the primary objective along with the additional tasks of conducting sentiment and severity analysis. ToxVidLLM incorporates three key modules the Encoder module, Cross-Modal Synchronization module, and Multitask module crafting a generic multimodal LLM customized for intricate video classification tasks. Our experiments reveal that incorporating multiple modalities from the videos substantially enhances the performance of toxic content detection by achieving an Accuracy and Weighted F1 score of 94.29% and 94.35%, respectively.

cross Large Language Models Enhanced Sequential Recommendation for Long-tail User and Item

Authors: Qidong Liu, Xian Wu, Xiangyu Zhao, Yejing Wang, Zijian Zhang, Feng Tian, Yefeng Zheng

Abstract: Sequential recommendation systems (SRS) serve the purpose of predicting users' subsequent preferences based on their past interactions and have been applied across various domains such as e-commerce and social networking platforms. However, practical SRS encounters challenges due to the fact that most users engage with only a limited number of items, while the majority of items are seldom consumed. These challenges, termed as the long-tail user and long-tail item dilemmas, often create obstacles for traditional SRS methods. Mitigating these challenges is crucial as they can significantly impact user satisfaction and business profitability. While some research endeavors have alleviated these issues, they still grapple with issues such as seesaw or noise stemming from the scarcity of interactions. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) presents a promising avenue to address these challenges from a semantic standpoint. In this study, we introduce the Large Language Models Enhancement framework for Sequential Recommendation (LLM-ESR), which leverages semantic embeddings from LLMs to enhance SRS performance without increasing computational overhead. To combat the long-tail item challenge, we propose a dual-view modeling approach that fuses semantic information from LLMs with collaborative signals from traditional SRS. To address the long-tail user challenge, we introduce a retrieval augmented self-distillation technique to refine user preference representations by incorporating richer interaction data from similar users. Through comprehensive experiments conducted on three authentic datasets using three widely used SRS models, our proposed enhancement framework demonstrates superior performance compared to existing methodologies.

cross Shotluck Holmes: A Family of Efficient Small-Scale Large Language Vision Models For Video Captioning and Summarization

Authors: Richard Luo, Austin Peng, Adithya Vasudev, Rishabh Jain

Abstract: Video is an increasingly prominent and information-dense medium, yet it poses substantial challenges for language models. A typical video consists of a sequence of shorter segments, or shots, that collectively form a coherent narrative. Each shot is analogous to a word in a sentence where multiple data streams of information (such as visual and auditory data) must be processed simultaneously. Comprehension of the entire video requires not only understanding the visual-audio information of each shot but also requires that the model links the ideas between each shot to generate a larger, all-encompassing story. Despite significant progress in the field, current works often overlook videos' more granular shot-by-shot semantic information. In this project, we propose a family of efficient large language vision models (LLVMs) to boost video summarization and captioning called Shotluck Holmes. By leveraging better pretraining and data collection strategies, we extend the abilities of existing small LLVMs from being able to understand a picture to being able to understand a sequence of frames. Specifically, we show that Shotluck Holmes achieves better performance than state-of-the-art results on the Shot2Story video captioning and summary task with significantly smaller and more computationally efficient models.

cross Position Coupling: Leveraging Task Structure for Improved Length Generalization of Transformers

Authors: Hanseul Cho, Jaeyoung Cha, Pranjal Awasthi, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Anupam Gupta, Chulhee Yun

Abstract: Even for simple arithmetic tasks like integer addition, it is challenging for Transformers to generalize to longer sequences than those encountered during training. To tackle this problem, we propose position coupling, a simple yet effective method that directly embeds the structure of the tasks into the positional encoding of a (decoder-only) Transformer. Taking a departure from the vanilla absolute position mechanism assigning unique position IDs to each of the tokens, we assign the same position IDs to two or more "relevant" tokens; for integer addition tasks, we regard digits of the same significance as in the same position. On the empirical side, we show that with the proposed position coupling, a small (1-layer) Transformer trained on 1 to 30-digit additions can generalize up to 200-digit additions (6.67x of the trained length). On the theoretical side, we prove that a 1-layer Transformer with coupled positions can solve the addition task involving exponentially many digits, whereas any 1-layer Transformer without positional information cannot entirely solve it. We also demonstrate that position coupling can be applied to other algorithmic tasks such as addition with multiple summands, Nx2 multiplication, copy/reverse, and a two-dimensional task.

cross Unraveling and Mitigating Retriever Inconsistencies in Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Mingda Li, Xinyu Li, Yifan Chen, Wenfeng Xuan, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Although Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models (RALMs) demonstrate their superiority in terms of factuality, they do not consistently outperform the original retrieval-free Language Models (LMs). Our experiments reveal that this example-level performance inconsistency exists not only between retrieval-augmented and retrieval-free LM but also among different retrievers. To understand this phenomenon, we investigate the degeneration behavior of RALMs and theoretically decompose it into four categories. Further analysis based on our decomposition reveals that the innate difference in knowledge sources and the unpredictable degeneration of the reader model contribute most to the inconsistency. Drawing from our analysis, we introduce Ensemble of Retrievers (EoR), a trainable framework that can adaptively retrieve from different knowledge sources and effectively decrease unpredictable reader errors. Our experiments on Open Domain Question Answering show that EoR substantially improves performance over the RALM with a single retriever by considerably reducing inconsistent behaviors.

cross Joint Embeddings for Graph Instruction Tuning

Authors: Vlad Argatu, Aaron Haag, Oliver Lohse

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance in text understanding and have become an essential tool for building smart assistants. Originally focusing on text, they have been enhanced with multimodal capabilities in recent works that successfully built visual instruction following assistants. As far as the graph modality goes, however, no such assistants have yet been developed. Graph structures are complex in that they represent relation between different features and are permutation invariant. Moreover, representing them in purely textual form does not always lead to good LLM performance even for finetuned models. As a result, there is a need to develop a new method to integrate graphs in LLMs for general graph understanding. This work explores the integration of the graph modality in LLM for general graph instruction following tasks. It aims at producing a deep learning model that enhances an underlying LLM with graph embeddings and trains it to understand them and to produce, given an instruction, an answer grounded in the graph representation. The approach performs significantly better than a graph to text approach and remains consistent even for larger graphs.

cross Cross-Modality Jailbreak and Mismatched Attacks on Medical Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Xijie Huang, Xinyuan Wang, Hantao Zhang, Jiawen Xi, Jingkun An, Hao Wang, Chengwei Pan

Abstract: Security concerns related to Large Language Models (LLMs) have been extensively explored, yet the safety implications for Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), particularly in medical contexts (MedMLLMs), remain insufficiently studied. This paper delves into the underexplored security vulnerabilities of MedMLLMs, especially when deployed in clinical environments where the accuracy and relevance of question-and-answer interactions are critically tested against complex medical challenges. By combining existing clinical medical data with atypical natural phenomena, we redefine two types of attacks: mismatched malicious attack (2M-attack) and optimized mismatched malicious attack (O2M-attack). Using our own constructed voluminous 3MAD dataset, which covers a wide range of medical image modalities and harmful medical scenarios, we conduct a comprehensive analysis and propose the MCM optimization method, which significantly enhances the attack success rate on MedMLLMs. Evaluations with this dataset and novel attack methods, including white-box attacks on LLaVA-Med and transfer attacks on four other state-of-the-art models, indicate that even MedMLLMs designed with enhanced security features are vulnerable to security breaches. Our work underscores the urgent need for a concerted effort to implement robust security measures and enhance the safety and efficacy of open-source MedMLLMs, particularly given the potential severity of jailbreak attacks and other malicious or clinically significant exploits in medical settings. For further research and replication, anonymous access to our code is available at Warning: Medical large model jailbreaking may generate content that includes unverified diagnoses and treatment recommendations. Always consult professional medical advice.


cross Ovis: Structural Embedding Alignment for Multimodal Large Language Model

Authors: Shiyin Lu, Yang Li, Qing-Guo Chen, Zhao Xu, Weihua Luo, Kaifu Zhang, Han-Jia Ye

Abstract: Current Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) typically integrate a pre-trained LLM with another pre-trained vision transformer through a connector, such as an MLP, endowing the LLM with visual capabilities. However, the misalignment between two embedding strategies in MLLMs -- the structural textual embeddings based on an embedding look-up table and the continuous embeddings generated directly by the vision encoder -- makes challenges for a more seamless fusion of visual and textual information. We propose Ovis, a novel MLLM architecture designed to structurally align visual and textual embeddings. Ovis integrates an additional learnable visual embedding table into the visual encoder's process. To capture rich visual semantics, each image patch indexes the visual embedding table multiple times, resulting in a final visual embedding that is a probabilistic combination of the indexed embeddings. This structural approach mirrors the method used for generating textual embeddings. Empirical evaluations on various multimodal benchmarks demonstrate that Ovis outperforms open-source MLLMs of similar parameter scales and even surpasses the proprietary model Qwen-VL-Plus overall. These results highlight the potential of Ovis' structured visual representation for advancing MLLM architectural design and promoting more effective multimodal learning. Both the source code and the training dataset of Ovis will be made publicly available.

cross Outliers and Calibration Sets have Diminishing Effect on Quantization of Modern LLMs

Authors: Davide Paglieri, Saurabh Dash, Tim Rockt\"aschel, Jack Parker-Holder

Abstract: Post-Training Quantization (PTQ) enhances the efficiency of Large Language Models (LLMs) by enabling faster operation and compatibility with more accessible hardware through reduced memory usage, at the cost of small performance drops. We explore the role of calibration sets in PTQ, specifically their effect on hidden activations in various notable open-source LLMs. Calibration sets are crucial for evaluating activation magnitudes and identifying outliers, which can distort the quantization range and negatively impact performance. Our analysis reveals a marked contrast in quantization effectiveness across models. The older OPT model, which much of the quantization literature is based on, shows significant performance deterioration and high susceptibility to outliers with varying calibration sets. In contrast, newer models like Llama-2 7B, Llama-3 8B, Command-R 35B, and Mistral 7B demonstrate strong robustness, with Mistral 7B showing near-immunity to outliers and stable activations. These findings suggest a shift in PTQ strategies might be needed. As advancements in pre-training methods reduce the relevance of outliers, there is an emerging need to reassess the fundamentals of current quantization literature. The emphasis should pivot towards optimizing inference speed, rather than primarily focusing on outlier preservation, to align with the evolving characteristics of state-of-the-art LLMs.

cross Enhancing Vision Models for Text-Heavy Content Understanding and Interaction

Authors: Adithya TG, Adithya SK, Abhinav R Bharadwaj, Abhiram HA, Dr. Surabhi Narayan

Abstract: Interacting and understanding with text heavy visual content with multiple images is a major challenge for traditional vision models. This paper is on enhancing vision models' capability to comprehend or understand and learn from images containing a huge amount of textual information from the likes of textbooks and research papers which contain multiple images like graphs, etc and tables in them with different types of axes and scales. The approach involves dataset preprocessing, fine tuning which is by using instructional oriented data and evaluation. We also built a visual chat application integrating CLIP for image encoding and a model from the Massive Text Embedding Benchmark which is developed to consider both textual and visual inputs. An accuracy of 96.71% was obtained. The aim of the project is to increase and also enhance the advance vision models' capabilities in understanding complex visual textual data interconnected data, contributing to multimodal AI.

cross A Robot Walks into a Bar: Can Language Models Serve asCreativity Support Tools for Comedy? An Evaluation of LLMs' Humour Alignment with Comedians

Authors: Piotr Wojciech Mirowski, Juliette Love, Kory W. Mathewson, Shakir Mohamed

Abstract: We interviewed twenty professional comedians who perform live shows in front of audiences and who use artificial intelligence in their artistic process as part of 3-hour workshops on ``AI x Comedy'' conducted at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in August 2023 and online. The workshop consisted of a comedy writing session with large language models (LLMs), a human-computer interaction questionnaire to assess the Creativity Support Index of AI as a writing tool, and a focus group interrogating the comedians' motivations for and processes of using AI, as well as their ethical concerns about bias, censorship and copyright. Participants noted that existing moderation strategies used in safety filtering and instruction-tuned LLMs reinforced hegemonic viewpoints by erasing minority groups and their perspectives, and qualified this as a form of censorship. At the same time, most participants felt the LLMs did not succeed as a creativity support tool, by producing bland and biased comedy tropes, akin to ``cruise ship comedy material from the 1950s, but a bit less racist''. Our work extends scholarship about the subtle difference between, one the one hand, harmful speech, and on the other hand, ``offensive'' language as a practice of resistance, satire and ``punching up''. We also interrogate the global value alignment behind such language models, and discuss the importance of community-based value alignment and data ownership to build AI tools that better suit artists' needs.

cross Large Language Models are Zero-Shot Next Location Predictors

Authors: Ciro Beneduce, Bruno Lepri, Massimiliano Luca

Abstract: Predicting the locations an individual will visit in the future is crucial for solving many societal issues like disease diffusion and reduction of pollution among many others. The models designed to tackle next-location prediction, however, require a significant amount of individual-level information to be trained effectively. Such data may be scarce or even unavailable in some geographic regions or peculiar scenarios (e.g., cold-start in recommendation systems). Moreover, the design of a next-location predictor able to generalize or geographically transfer knowledge is still an open research challenge. Recent advances in natural language processing have led to a rapid diffusion of Large Language Models (LLMs) which have shown good generalization and reasoning capabilities. These insights, coupled with the recent findings that LLMs are rich in geographical knowledge, allowed us to believe that these models can act as zero-shot next-location predictors. This paper evaluates the capabilities of many popular LLMs in this role, specifically Llama, GPT-3.5 and Mistral 7B. After designing a proper prompt, we tested the models on three real-world mobility datasets. The results show that LLMs can obtain accuracies up to 32.4%, a significant relative improvement of over 600% when compared to sophisticated DL models specifically designed for human mobility. Moreover, we show that other LLMs are unable to perform the task properly. To prevent positively biased results, we also propose a framework inspired by other studies to test data contamination. Finally, we explored the possibility of using LLMs as text-based explainers for next-location prediction showing that can effectively provide an explanation for their decision. Notably, 7B models provide more generic, but still reliable, explanations compared to larger counterparts. Code:

cross LCQ: Low-Rank Codebook based Quantization for Large Language Models

Authors: Wen-Pu Cai, Wu-Jun Li

Abstract: Large language models~(LLMs) have recently demonstrated promising performance in many tasks. However, the high storage and computational cost of LLMs has become a challenge for deploying LLMs. Weight quantization has been widely used for model compression, which can reduce both storage and computational cost. Most existing weight quantization methods for LLMs use a rank-one codebook for quantization, which results in substantial accuracy loss when the compression ratio is high. In this paper, we propose a novel weight quantization method, called low-rank codebook based quantization~(LCQ), for LLMs. LCQ adopts a low-rank codebook, the rank of which can be larger than one, for quantization. Experiments show that LCQ can achieve better accuracy than existing methods with a negligibly extra storage cost.

cross CWRCzech: 100M Query-Document Czech Click Dataset and Its Application to Web Relevance Ranking

Authors: Josef Von\'a\v{s}ek, Milan Straka, Rostislav Kr\v{c}, Lenka Laso\v{n}ov\'a, Ekaterina Egorova, Jana Strakov\'a, Jakub N\'aplava

Abstract: We present CWRCzech, Click Web Ranking dataset for Czech, a 100M query-document Czech click dataset for relevance ranking with user behavior data collected from search engine logs of To the best of our knowledge, CWRCzech is the largest click dataset with raw text published so far. It provides document positions in the search results as well as information about user behavior: 27.6M clicked documents and 10.8M dwell times. In addition, we also publish a manually annotated Czech test for the relevance task, containing nearly 50k query-document pairs, each annotated by at least 2 annotators. Finally, we analyze how the user behavior data improve relevance ranking and show that models trained on data automatically harnessed at sufficient scale can surpass the performance of models trained on human annotated data. CWRCzech is published under an academic non-commercial license and is available to the research community at


cross Towards a Fluid computer

Authors: Robert Cardona, Eva Miranda, Daniel Peralta-Salas

Abstract: In 1991, Moore [20] raised a question about whether hydrodynamics is capable of performing computations. Similarly, in 2016, Tao [25] asked whether a mechanical system, including a fluid flow, can simulate a universal Turing machine. In this expository article, we review the construction in [8] of a "Fluid computer" in dimension 3 that combines techniques in symbolic dynamics with the connection between steady Euler flows and contact geometry unveiled by Etnyre and Ghrist. In addition, we argue that the metric that renders the vector field Beltrami cannot be critical in the Chern-Hamilton sense [9]. We also sketch the completely different construction for the Euclidean metric in $\mathbb R^3$ as given in [7]. These results reveal the existence of undecidable fluid particle paths. We conclude the article with a list of open problems.

cross Improved Techniques for Optimization-Based Jailbreaking on Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaojun Jia, Tianyu Pang, Chao Du, Yihao Huang, Jindong Gu, Yang Liu, Xiaochun Cao, Min Lin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are being rapidly developed, and a key component of their widespread deployment is their safety-related alignment. Many red-teaming efforts aim to jailbreak LLMs, where among these efforts, the Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG) attack's success has led to a growing interest in the study of optimization-based jailbreaking techniques. Although GCG is a significant milestone, its attacking efficiency remains unsatisfactory. In this paper, we present several improved (empirical) techniques for optimization-based jailbreaks like GCG. We first observe that the single target template of "Sure" largely limits the attacking performance of GCG; given this, we propose to apply diverse target templates containing harmful self-suggestion and/or guidance to mislead LLMs. Besides, from the optimization aspects, we propose an automatic multi-coordinate updating strategy in GCG (i.e., adaptively deciding how many tokens to replace in each step) to accelerate convergence, as well as tricks like easy-to-hard initialisation. Then, we combine these improved technologies to develop an efficient jailbreak method, dubbed $\mathcal{I}$-GCG. In our experiments, we evaluate on a series of benchmarks (such as NeurIPS 2023 Red Teaming Track). The results demonstrate that our improved techniques can help GCG outperform state-of-the-art jailbreaking attacks and achieve nearly 100% attack success rate. The code is released at


cross Exploratory Preference Optimization: Harnessing Implicit Q*-Approximation for Sample-Efficient RLHF

Authors: Tengyang Xie, Dylan J. Foster, Akshay Krishnamurthy, Corby Rosset, Ahmed Awadallah, Alexander Rakhlin

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has emerged as a central tool for language model alignment. We consider online exploration in RLHF, which exploits interactive access to human or AI feedback by deliberately encouraging the model to produce diverse, maximally informative responses. By allowing RLHF to confidently stray from the pre-trained model, online exploration offers the possibility of novel, potentially super-human capabilities, but its full potential as a paradigm for language model training has yet to be realized, owing to computational and statistical bottlenecks in directly adapting existing reinforcement learning techniques. We propose a new algorithm for online exploration in RLHF, Exploratory Preference Optimization (XPO), which is simple and practical -- a one-line change to (online) Direct Preference Optimization (DPO; Rafailov et al., 2023) -- yet enjoys the strongest known provable guarantees and promising empirical performance. XPO augments the DPO objective with a novel and principled exploration bonus, empowering the algorithm to explore outside the support of the initial model and human feedback data. In theory, we show that XPO is provably sample-efficient and converges to a near-optimal language model policy under natural exploration conditions, irrespective of whether the initial model has good coverage. Our analysis, which builds on the observation that DPO implicitly performs a form of $Q^{\star}$-approximation (or, Bellman error minimization), combines previously disparate techniques from language modeling and theoretical reinforcement learning in a serendipitous fashion through the perspective of KL-regularized Markov decision processes. Empirically, we find that XPO is more sample-efficient than non-exploratory DPO variants in a preliminary evaluation.

cross Grammar-Aligned Decoding

Authors: Kanghee Park, Jiayu Wang, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Nadia Polikarpova, Loris D'Antoni

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) struggle with reliably generating highly structured outputs, such as program code, mathematical formulas, or well-formed markup. Constrained decoding approaches mitigate this problem by greedily restricting what tokens an LLM can output at each step to guarantee that the output matches a given constraint. Specifically, in grammar-constrained decoding (GCD), the LLM's output must follow a given grammar. In this paper we demonstrate that GCD techniques (and in general constrained decoding techniques) can distort the LLM's distribution, leading to outputs that are grammatical but appear with likelihoods that are not proportional to the ones given by the LLM, and so ultimately are low-quality. We call the problem of aligning sampling with a grammar constraint, grammar-aligned decoding (GAD), and propose adaptive sampling with approximate expected futures (ASAp), a decoding algorithm that guarantees the output to be grammatical while provably producing outputs that match the conditional probability of the LLM's distribution conditioned on the given grammar constraint. Our algorithm uses prior sample outputs to soundly overapproximate the future grammaticality of different output prefixes. Our evaluation on code generation and structured NLP tasks shows how ASAp often produces outputs with higher likelihood (according to the LLM's distribution) than existing GCD techniques, while still enforcing the desired grammatical constraints.

cross Generalization Beyond Data Imbalance: A Controlled Study on CLIP for Transferable Insights

Authors: Xin Wen, Bingchen Zhao, Yilun Chen, Jiangmiao Pang, Xiaojuan Qi

Abstract: Severe data imbalance naturally exists among web-scale vision-language datasets. Despite this, we find CLIP pre-trained thereupon exhibits notable robustness to the data imbalance compared to supervised learning, and demonstrates significant effectiveness in learning generalizable representations. With an aim to investigate the reasons behind this finding, we conduct controlled experiments to study various underlying factors, and reveal that CLIP's pretext task forms a dynamic classification problem wherein only a subset of classes is present in training. This isolates the bias from dominant classes and implicitly balances the learning signal. Furthermore, the robustness and discriminability of CLIP improve with more descriptive language supervision, larger data scale, and broader open-world concepts, which are inaccessible to supervised learning. Our study not only uncovers the mechanisms behind CLIP's generalizability beyond data imbalance but also provides transferable insights for the research community. The findings are validated in both supervised and self-supervised learning, enabling models trained on imbalanced data to achieve CLIP-level performance on diverse recognition tasks. Code will be available at:


cross Video-MME: The First-Ever Comprehensive Evaluation Benchmark of Multi-modal LLMs in Video Analysis

Authors: Chaoyou Fu, Yuhan Dai, Yondong Luo, Lei Li, Shuhuai Ren, Renrui Zhang, Zihan Wang, Chenyu Zhou, Yunhang Shen, Mengdan Zhang, Peixian Chen, Yanwei Li, Shaohui Lin, Sirui Zhao, Ke Li, Tong Xu, Xiawu Zheng, Enhong Chen, Rongrong Ji, Xing Sun

Abstract: In the quest for artificial general intelligence, Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have emerged as a focal point in recent advancements. However, the predominant focus remains on developing their capabilities in static image understanding. The potential of MLLMs in processing sequential visual data is still insufficiently explored, highlighting the absence of a comprehensive, high-quality assessment of their performance. In this paper, we introduce Video-MME, the first-ever full-spectrum, Multi-Modal Evaluation benchmark of MLLMs in Video analysis. Our work distinguishes from existing benchmarks through four key features: 1) Diversity in video types, spanning 6 primary visual domains with 30 subfields to ensure broad scenario generalizability; 2) Duration in temporal dimension, encompassing both short-, medium-, and long-term videos, ranging from 11 seconds to 1 hour, for robust contextual dynamics; 3) Breadth in data modalities, integrating multi-modal inputs besides video frames, including subtitles and audios, to unveil the all-round capabilities of MLLMs; 4) Quality in annotations, utilizing rigorous manual labeling by expert annotators to facilitate precise and reliable model assessment. 900 videos with a total of 256 hours are manually selected and annotated by repeatedly viewing all the video content, resulting in 2,700 question-answer pairs. With Video-MME, we extensively evaluate various state-of-the-art MLLMs, including GPT-4 series and Gemini 1.5 Pro, as well as open-source image models like InternVL-Chat-V1.5 and video models like LLaVA-NeXT-Video. Our experiments reveal that Gemini 1.5 Pro is the best-performing commercial model, significantly outperforming the open-source models. Our dataset along with these findings underscores the need for further improvements in handling longer sequences and multi-modal data. Project Page:


replace Multi-hop Question Answering

Authors: Vaibhav Mavi (New York University, United States of America), Anubhav Jangra (Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India), Adam Jatowt (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

Abstract: The task of Question Answering (QA) has attracted significant research interest for long. Its relevance to language understanding and knowledge retrieval tasks, along with the simple setting makes the task of QA crucial for strong AI systems. Recent success on simple QA tasks has shifted the focus to more complex settings. Among these, Multi-Hop QA (MHQA) is one of the most researched tasks over the recent years. In broad terms, MHQA is the task of answering natural language questions that involve extracting and combining multiple pieces of information and doing multiple steps of reasoning. An example of a multi-hop question would be "The Argentine PGA Championship record holder has won how many tournaments worldwide?". Answering the question would need two pieces of information: "Who is the record holder for Argentine PGA Championship tournaments?" and "How many tournaments did [Answer of Sub Q1] win?". The ability to answer multi-hop questions and perform multi step reasoning can significantly improve the utility of NLP systems. Consequently, the field has seen a surge with high quality datasets, models and evaluation strategies. The notion of 'multiple hops' is somewhat abstract which results in a large variety of tasks that require multi-hop reasoning. This leads to different datasets and models that differ significantly from each other and makes the field challenging to generalize and survey. We aim to provide a general and formal definition of the MHQA task, and organize and summarize existing MHQA frameworks. We also outline some best practices for building MHQA datasets. This book provides a systematic and thorough introduction as well as the structuring of the existing attempts to this highly interesting, yet quite challenging task.

replace Spoken Question Answering and Speech Continuation Using Spectrogram-Powered LLM

Authors: Eliya Nachmani, Alon Levkovitch, Roy Hirsch, Julian Salazar, Chulayuth Asawaroengchai, Soroosh Mariooryad, Ehud Rivlin, RJ Skerry-Ryan, Michelle Tadmor Ramanovich

Abstract: We present Spectron, a novel approach to adapting pre-trained large language models (LLMs) to perform spoken question answering (QA) and speech continuation. By endowing the LLM with a pre-trained speech encoder, our model becomes able to take speech inputs and generate speech outputs. The entire system is trained end-to-end and operates directly on spectrograms, simplifying our architecture. Key to our approach is a training objective that jointly supervises speech recognition, text continuation, and speech synthesis using only paired speech-text pairs, enabling a `cross-modal' chain-of-thought within a single decoding pass. Our method surpasses existing spoken language models in speaker preservation and semantic coherence. Furthermore, the proposed model improves upon direct initialization in retaining the knowledge of the original LLM as demonstrated through spoken QA datasets. We release our audio samples ( and spoken QA dataset (


replace Dynamic Context Pruning for Efficient and Interpretable Autoregressive Transformers

Authors: Sotiris Anagnostidis, Dario Pavllo, Luca Biggio, Lorenzo Noci, Aurelien Lucchi, Thomas Hofmann

Abstract: Autoregressive Transformers adopted in Large Language Models (LLMs) are hard to scale to long sequences. Despite several works trying to reduce their computational cost, most of LLMs still adopt attention layers between all pairs of tokens in the sequence, thus incurring a quadratic cost. In this study, we present a novel approach that dynamically prunes contextual information while preserving the model's expressiveness, resulting in reduced memory and computational requirements during inference. Our method employs a learnable mechanism that determines which uninformative tokens can be dropped from the context at any point across the generation process. By doing so, our approach not only addresses performance concerns but also enhances interpretability, providing valuable insight into the model's decision-making process. Our technique can be applied to existing pre-trained models through a straightforward fine-tuning process, and the pruning strength can be specified by a sparsity parameter. Notably, our empirical findings demonstrate that we can effectively prune up to 80\% of the context without significant performance degradation on downstream tasks, offering a valuable tool for mitigating inference costs. Our reference implementation achieves up to $2\times$ increase in inference throughput and even greater memory savings.

replace Learning to Model the World with Language

Authors: Jessy Lin, Yuqing Du, Olivia Watkins, Danijar Hafner, Pieter Abbeel, Dan Klein, Anca Dragan

Abstract: To interact with humans and act in the world, agents need to understand the range of language that people use and relate it to the visual world. While current agents can learn to execute simple language instructions, we aim to build agents that leverage diverse language -- language like "this button turns on the TV" or "I put the bowls away" -- that conveys general knowledge, describes the state of the world, provides interactive feedback, and more. Our key idea is that agents should interpret such diverse language as a signal that helps them predict the future: what they will observe, how the world will behave, and which situations will be rewarded. This perspective unifies language understanding with future prediction as a powerful self-supervised learning objective. We instantiate this in Dynalang, an agent that learns a multimodal world model to predict future text and image representations, and learns to act from imagined model rollouts. While current methods that learn language-conditioned policies degrade in performance with more diverse types of language, we show that Dynalang learns to leverage environment descriptions, game rules, and instructions to excel on tasks ranging from game-playing to navigating photorealistic home scans. Finally, we show that our method enables additional capabilities due to learning a generative model: Dynalang can be pretrained on text-only data, enabling learning from offline datasets, and generate language grounded in an environment.

replace A Joint Study of Phrase Grounding and Task Performance in Vision and Language Models

Authors: Noriyuki Kojima, Hadar Averbuch-Elor, Yoav Artzi

Abstract: Key to tasks that require reasoning about natural language in visual contexts is grounding words and phrases to image regions. However, observing this grounding in contemporary models is complex, even if it is generally expected to take place if the task is addressed in a way that is conductive to generalization. We propose a framework to jointly study task performance and phrase grounding, and propose three benchmarks to study the relation between the two. Our results show that contemporary models demonstrate inconsistency between their ability to ground phrases and solve tasks. We show how this can be addressed through brute-force training on ground phrasing annotations, and analyze the dynamics it creates. Code and at available at


replace TRAM: Benchmarking Temporal Reasoning for Large Language Models

Authors: Yuqing Wang, Yun Zhao

Abstract: Reasoning about time is essential for understanding the nuances of events described in natural language. Previous research on this topic has been limited in scope, characterized by a lack of standardized benchmarks that would allow for consistent evaluations across different studies. In this paper, we introduce TRAM, a temporal reasoning benchmark composed of ten datasets, encompassing various temporal aspects of events such as order, arithmetic, frequency, and duration, designed to facilitate a comprehensive evaluation of the TeR capabilities of large language models (LLMs). We evaluate popular LLMs like GPT-4 and Llama2 in zero-shot and few-shot scenarios, and establish baselines with BERT-based and domain-specific models. Our findings indicate that the best-performing model lags significantly behind human performance. It is our aspiration that TRAM will spur further progress in enhancing the TeR capabilities of LLMs.

replace When MOE Meets LLMs: Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning for Multi-task Medical Applications

Authors: Qidong Liu, Xian Wu, Xiangyu Zhao, Yuanshao Zhu, Derong Xu, Feng Tian, Yefeng Zheng

Abstract: The recent surge in Large Language Models (LLMs) has garnered significant attention across numerous fields. Fine-tuning is often required to fit general LLMs for a specific domain, like the web-based healthcare system. However, two problems arise during fine-tuning LLMs for medical applications. One is the task variety problem, which involves distinct tasks in real-world medical scenarios. The variety often leads to sub-optimal fine-tuning for data imbalance and seesaw problems. Besides, the large amount of parameters in LLMs leads to huge time and computation consumption by fine-tuning. To address these two problems, we propose a novel parameter efficient fine-tuning framework for multi-task medical applications, dubbed as MOELoRA. The designed framework aims to absorb both the benefits of mixture-of-expert (MOE) for multi-task learning and low-rank adaptation (LoRA) for parameter efficient fine-tuning. For unifying MOE and LoRA, we devise multiple experts as the trainable parameters, where each expert consists of a pair of low-rank matrices to retain the small size of trainable parameters. Then, a task-motivated gate function for all MOELoRA layers is proposed, which can control the contributions of each expert and produce distinct parameters for various tasks. We conduct experiments on a multi-task medical dataset, indicating MOELoRA outperforms the existing parameter efficient fine-tuning methods. The code is available online.

replace Tailoring with Targeted Precision: Edit-Based Agents for Open-Domain Procedure Customization

Authors: Yash Kumar Lal, Li Zhang, Faeze Brahman, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Peter Clark, Niket Tandon

Abstract: How-to procedures, such as how to plant a garden, are now used by millions of users, but sometimes need customizing to meet a user's specific needs, e.g., planting a garden without pesticides. Our goal is to measure and improve an LLM's ability to perform such customization. Our approach is to test several simple multi-LLM-agent architectures for customization, as well as an end-to-end LLM, using a new evaluation set, called CustomPlans, of over 200 WikiHow procedures each with a customization need. We find that a simple architecture with two LLM agents used sequentially performs best, one that edits a generic how-to procedure and one that verifies its executability, significantly outperforming (10.5% absolute) an end-to-end prompted LLM. This suggests that LLMs can be configured reasonably effectively for procedure customization. This also suggests that multi-agent editing architectures may be worth exploring further for other customization applications (e.g. coding, creative writing) in the future.

replace The Earth is Flat because...: Investigating LLMs' Belief towards Misinformation via Persuasive Conversation

Authors: Rongwu Xu, Brian S. Lin, Shujian Yang, Tianqi Zhang, Weiyan Shi, Tianwei Zhang, Zhixuan Fang, Wei Xu, Han Qiu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) encapsulate vast amounts of knowledge but still remain vulnerable to external misinformation. Existing research mainly studied this susceptibility behavior in a single-turn setting. However, belief can change during a multi-turn conversation, especially a persuasive one. Therefore, in this study, we delve into LLMs' susceptibility to persuasive conversations, particularly on factual questions that they can answer correctly. We first curate the Farm (i.e., Fact to Misinform) dataset, which contains factual questions paired with systematically generated persuasive misinformation. Then, we develop a testing framework to track LLMs' belief changes in a persuasive dialogue. Through extensive experiments, we find that LLMs' correct beliefs on factual knowledge can be easily manipulated by various persuasive strategies.

replace Improving Text Embeddings with Large Language Models

Authors: Liang Wang, Nan Yang, Xiaolong Huang, Linjun Yang, Rangan Majumder, Furu Wei

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel and simple method for obtaining high-quality text embeddings using only synthetic data and less than 1k training steps. Unlike existing methods that often depend on multi-stage intermediate pre-training with billions of weakly-supervised text pairs, followed by fine-tuning with a few labeled datasets, our method does not require building complex training pipelines or relying on manually collected datasets that are often constrained by task diversity and language coverage. We leverage proprietary LLMs to generate diverse synthetic data for hundreds of thousands of text embedding tasks across 93 languages. We then fine-tune open-source decoder-only LLMs on the synthetic data using standard contrastive loss. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves strong performance on highly competitive text embedding benchmarks without using any labeled data. Furthermore, when fine-tuned with a mixture of synthetic and labeled data, our model sets new state-of-the-art results on the BEIR and MTEB benchmarks.

replace Mining experimental data from Materials Science literature with Large Language Models: an evaluation study

Authors: Luca Foppiano, Guillaume Lambard, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Masashi Ishii

Abstract: This study is dedicated to assessing the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3.5-Turbo, GPT-4, and GPT-4-Turbo in extracting structured information from scientific documents in materials science. To this end, we primarily focus on two critical tasks of information extraction: (i) a named entity recognition (NER) of studied materials and physical properties and (ii) a relation extraction (RE) between these entities. Due to the evident lack of datasets within Materials Informatics (MI), we evaluated using SuperMat, based on superconductor research, and MeasEval, a generic measurement evaluation corpus. The performance of LLMs in executing these tasks is benchmarked against traditional models based on the BERT architecture and rule-based approaches (baseline). We introduce a novel methodology for the comparative analysis of intricate material expressions, emphasising the standardisation of chemical formulas to tackle the complexities inherent in materials science information assessment. For NER, LLMs fail to outperform the baseline with zero-shot prompting and exhibit only limited improvement with few-shot prompting. However, a GPT-3.5-Turbo fine-tuned with the appropriate strategy for RE outperforms all models, including the baseline. Without any fine-tuning, GPT-4 and GPT-4-Turbo display remarkable reasoning and relationship extraction capabilities after being provided with merely a couple of examples, surpassing the baseline. Overall, the results suggest that although LLMs demonstrate relevant reasoning skills in connecting concepts, specialised models are currently a better choice for tasks requiring extracting complex domain-specific entities like materials. These insights provide initial guidance applicable to other materials science sub-domains in future work.

replace LSTM-based Deep Neural Network With A Focus on Sentence Representation for Sequential Sentence Classification in Medical Scientific Abstracts

Authors: Phat Lam, Lam Pham, Tin Nguyen, Hieu Tang, Michael Seidl, Medina Andresel, Alexander Schindler

Abstract: The Sequential Sentence Classification task within the domain of medical abstracts, termed as SSC, involves the categorization of sentences into pre-defined headings based on their roles in conveying critical information in the abstract. In the SSC task, sentences are sequentially related to each other. For this reason, the role of sentence embeddings is crucial for capturing both the semantic information between words in the sentence and the contextual relationship of sentences within the abstract, which then enhances the SSC system performance. In this paper, we propose a LSTM-based deep learning network with a focus on creating comprehensive sentence representation at the sentence level. To demonstrate the efficacy of the created sentence representation, a system utilizing these sentence embeddings is also developed, which consists of a Convolutional-Recurrent neural network (C-RNN) at the abstract level and a multi-layer perception network (MLP) at the segment level. Our proposed system yields highly competitive results compared to state-of-the-art systems and further enhances the F1 scores of the baseline by 1.0%, 2.8%, and 2.6% on the benchmark datasets PudMed 200K RCT, PudMed 20K RCT and NICTA-PIBOSO, respectively. This indicates the significant impact of improving sentence representation on boosting model performance.

replace SemRel2024: A Collection of Semantic Textual Relatedness Datasets for 13 Languages

Authors: Nedjma Ousidhoum, Shamsuddeen Hassan Muhammad, Mohamed Abdalla, Idris Abdulmumin, Ibrahim Said Ahmad, Sanchit Ahuja, Alham Fikri Aji, Vladimir Araujo, Abinew Ali Ayele, Pavan Baswani, Meriem Beloucif, Chris Biemann, Sofia Bourhim, Christine De Kock, Genet Shanko Dekebo, Oumaima Hourrane, Gopichand Kanumolu, Lokesh Madasu, Samuel Rutunda, Manish Shrivastava, Thamar Solorio, Nirmal Surange, Hailegnaw Getaneh Tilaye, Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla, Genta Winata, Seid Muhie Yimam, Saif M. Mohammad

Abstract: Exploring and quantifying semantic relatedness is central to representing language and holds significant implications across various NLP tasks. While earlier NLP research primarily focused on semantic similarity, often within the English language context, we instead investigate the broader phenomenon of semantic relatedness. In this paper, we present \textit{SemRel}, a new semantic relatedness dataset collection annotated by native speakers across 13 languages: \textit{Afrikaans, Algerian Arabic, Amharic, English, Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Kinyarwanda, Marathi, Moroccan Arabic, Modern Standard Arabic, Spanish,} and \textit{Telugu}. These languages originate from five distinct language families and are predominantly spoken in Africa and Asia -- regions characterised by a relatively limited availability of NLP resources. Each instance in the SemRel datasets is a sentence pair associated with a score that represents the degree of semantic textual relatedness between the two sentences. The scores are obtained using a comparative annotation framework. We describe the data collection and annotation processes, challenges when building the datasets, baseline experiments, and their impact and utility in NLP.

replace API Pack: A Massive Multi-Programming Language Dataset for API Call Generation

Authors: Zhen Guo, Adriana Meza Soria, Wei Sun, Yikang Shen, Rameswar Panda

Abstract: We introduce API Pack, a massive multi-programming language dataset containing more than 1 million instruction-API call pairs to improve the API call generation capabilities of large language models. By fine-tuning CodeLlama-13B on 20,000 Python instances from API Pack, we achieved around 10% and 5% higher accuracy compared to GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, respectively, in generating unseen API calls. Fine-tuning on API Pack enables cross-programming language generalization by leveraging a large amount of data in one language and small amounts of data from other languages. Scaling the training data to 1 million instances further improves the model's generalization to new APIs not encountered during training. We open-source the API Pack dataset, trained models, and associated source code at to facilitate further research.


replace Enabling Weak LLMs to Judge Response Reliability via Meta Ranking

Authors: Zijun Liu, Boqun Kou, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Despite the strong performance of large language models (LLMs) across a wide range of tasks, they still have reliability issues. Previous studies indicate that strong LLMs like GPT-4-turbo excel in evaluating the reliability of responses from LLMs, but face efficiency and local deployment issues. Thus, to enable weak LLMs to effectively assess the reliability of LLM responses, we propose a novel cross-query-comparison-based method called $\textit{Meta Ranking}$ (MR). Unlike previous few-shot methods that solely based on in-context learning capabilities in LLMs, MR assesses reliability by pairwisely ranking the target query-response pair with multiple reference query-response pairs. We found that MR is highly effective in error detection for LLM responses, where weak LLMs, such as Phi-2, could surpass strong baselines like GPT-3.5-turbo, requiring only five reference samples and significantly improving efficiency. We further demonstrate that MR can enhance strong LLMs' performance in two practical applications: model cascading and instruction tuning. In model cascading, we combine open- and closed-source LLMs to achieve performance comparable to GPT-4-turbo with lower costs. In instruction tuning, we use MR for iterative training data filtering, significantly reducing data processing time and enabling LLaMA-7B and Phi-2 to surpass Alpaca-13B with fewer training tokens. These results underscore the high potential of MR in both efficiency and effectiveness.

replace Generalization or Memorization: Data Contamination and Trustworthy Evaluation for Large Language Models

Authors: Yihong Dong, Xue Jiang, Huanyu Liu, Zhi Jin, Bin Gu, Mengfei Yang, Ge Li

Abstract: Recent statements about the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) are usually supported by evaluating on open-access benchmarks. Considering the vast size and wide-ranging sources of LLMs' training data, it could explicitly or implicitly include test data, leading to LLMs being more susceptible to data contamination. However, due to the opacity of training data, the black-box access of models, and the rapid growth of synthetic training data, detecting and mitigating data contamination for LLMs faces significant challenges. In this paper, we propose CDD, which stands for Contamination Detection via output Distribution for LLMs. CDD necessitates only the sampled texts to detect data contamination, by identifying the peakedness of LLM's output distribution. To mitigate the impact of data contamination in evaluation, we also present TED: Trustworthy Evaluation via output Distribution, based on the correction of LLM's output distribution. To facilitate this study, we introduce two benchmarks, i.e., DetCon and ComiEval, for data contamination detection and contamination mitigation evaluation tasks. Extensive experimental results show that CDD achieves the average relative improvements of 21.8\%-30.2\% over other contamination detection approaches in terms of Accuracy, F1 Score, and AUC metrics, and can effectively detect implicit contamination. TED substantially mitigates performance improvements up to 66.9\% attributed to data contamination across various contamination setups. In real-world applications, we reveal that ChatGPT exhibits a high potential to suffer from data contamination on HumanEval benchmark.

replace Extreme Miscalibration and the Illusion of Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Vyas Raina, Samson Tan, Volkan Cevher, Aditya Rawal, Sheng Zha, George Karypis

Abstract: Deep learning-based Natural Language Processing (NLP) models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, where small perturbations can cause a model to misclassify. Adversarial Training (AT) is often used to increase model robustness. However, we have discovered an intriguing phenomenon: deliberately or accidentally miscalibrating models masks gradients in a way that interferes with adversarial attack search methods, giving rise to an apparent increase in robustness. We show that this observed gain in robustness is an illusion of robustness (IOR), and demonstrate how an adversary can perform various forms of test-time temperature calibration to nullify the aforementioned interference and allow the adversarial attack to find adversarial examples. Hence, we urge the NLP community to incorporate test-time temperature scaling into their robustness evaluations to ensure that any observed gains are genuine. Finally, we show how the temperature can be scaled during \textit{training} to improve genuine robustness.

replace Greed is All You Need: An Evaluation of Tokenizer Inference Methods

Authors: Omri Uzan, Craig W. Schmidt, Chris Tanner, Yuval Pinter

Abstract: While subword tokenizers such as BPE and WordPiece are typically used to build vocabularies for NLP models, the method of decoding text into a sequence of tokens from these vocabularies is often left unspecified, or ill-suited to the method in which they were constructed. We provide a controlled analysis of seven tokenizer inference methods across four different algorithms and three vocabulary sizes, performed on a novel intrinsic evaluation suite we curated for English, combining measures rooted in morphology, cognition, and information theory. We show that for the most commonly used tokenizers, greedy inference performs surprisingly well; and that SaGe, a recently-introduced contextually-informed tokenizer, outperforms all others on morphological alignment.

replace Learning to Use Tools via Cooperative and Interactive Agents

Authors: Zhengliang Shi, Shen Gao, Xiuyi Chen, Lingyong Yan, Haibo Shi, Dawei Yin, Zhumin Chen, Pengjie Ren, Suzan Verberne, Zhaochun Ren

Abstract: Tool learning empowers large language models (LLMs) as agents to use external tools to extend their capability. Existing methods employ one single LLM-based agent to iteratively select and execute tools, thereafter incorporating the result into the next action prediction. However, they still suffer from potential performance degradation when addressing complex tasks due to: (1) the limitation of the inherent capability of a single LLM to perform diverse actions, and (2) the struggle to adaptively correct mistakes when the task fails. To mitigate these problems, we propose the ConAgents, a Cooperative and interactive Agents framework, which modularizes the workflow of tool learning into Grounding, Execution, and Observing agents. We also introduce an iterative calibration (IterCali) method, enabling the agents to adapt themselves based on the feedback from the tool environment. Experiments conducted on three datasets demonstrate the superiority of our ConAgents (e.g., 6 point improvement over the SOTA baseline). We further provide fine-granularity analysis for the efficiency and consistency of our framework.

replace NLP Verification: Towards a General Methodology for Certifying Robustness

Authors: Marco Casadio, Tanvi Dinkar, Ekaterina Komendantskaya, Luca Arnaboldi, Matthew L. Daggitt, Omri Isac, Guy Katz, Verena Rieser, Oliver Lemon

Abstract: Deep neural networks have exhibited substantial success in the field of Natural Language Processing and ensuring their safety and reliability is crucial: there are safety critical contexts where such models must be robust to variability or attack, and give guarantees over their output. Unlike Computer Vision, NLP lacks a unified verification methodology and, despite recent advancements in literature, they are often light on the pragmatical issues of NLP verification. In this paper, we attempt to distil and evaluate general components of an NLP verification pipeline, that emerges from the progress in the field to date. Our contributions are two-fold. Firstly, we give a general (i.e. algorithm-independent) characterisation of verifiable subspaces that result from embedding sentences into continuous spaces. We identify, and give an effective method to deal with, the technical challenge of semantic generalisability of verified subspaces; and propose it as a standard metric in the NLP verification pipelines (alongside with the standard metrics of model accuracy and model verifiability). Secondly, we propose a general methodology to analyse the effect of the embedding gap -- a problem that refers to the discrepancy between verification of geometric subspaces, and the semantic meaning of sentences which the geometric subspaces are supposed to represent. In extreme cases, poor choices in embedding of sentences may invalidate verification results. We propose a number of practical NLP methods that can help to quantify the effects of the embedding gap; and in particular we propose the metric of falsifiability of semantic subspaces as another fundamental metric to be reported as part of the NLP verification pipeline. We believe that together these general principles pave the way towards a more consolidated and effective development of this new domain.

replace NoticIA: A Clickbait Article Summarization Dataset in Spanish

Authors: Iker Garc\'ia-Ferrero, Bego\~na Altuna

Abstract: We present NoticIA, a dataset consisting of 850 Spanish news articles featuring prominent clickbait headlines, each paired with high-quality, single-sentence generative summarizations written by humans. This task demands advanced text understanding and summarization abilities, challenging the models' capacity to infer and connect diverse pieces of information to meet the user's informational needs generated by the clickbait headline. We evaluate the Spanish text comprehension capabilities of a wide range of state-of-the-art large language models. Additionally, we use the dataset to train ClickbaitFighter, a task-specific model that achieves near-human performance in this task.

replace Cooperate or Collapse: Emergence of Sustainability Behaviors in a Society of LLM Agents

Authors: Giorgio Piatti, Zhijing Jin, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf, Mrinmaya Sachan, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: As AI systems pervade human life, ensuring that large language models (LLMs) make safe decisions is a significant challenge. This paper introduces the Governance of the Commons Simulation (GovSim), a generative simulation platform designed to study strategic interactions and cooperative decision-making in LLMs. Using GovSim, we investigate the dynamics of sustainable resource sharing in a society of AI agents. This environment allows us to study the influence of ethical considerations, strategic planning, and negotiation skills on cooperative outcomes for AI agents. We develop an LLM-based agent architecture designed for these social dilemmas and test it with a variety of LLMs. We find that all but the most powerful LLM agents fail to achieve a sustainable equilibrium in GovSim. Ablations reveal that successful multi-agent communication between agents is critical for achieving cooperation in these cases. Furthermore, our analyses show that the failure to achieve sustainable cooperation in most LLMs stems from their inability to formulate and analyze hypotheses about the long-term effects of their actions on the equilibrium of the group. Finally, we show that agents that leverage ``Universalization''-based reasoning, a theory of moral thinking, are able to achieve significantly greater sustainability. Taken together, GovSim enables us to study the mechanisms that underlie sustainable self-government with significant specificity and scale. We open source the full suite of our research results, including the simulation environment, agent prompts, and a comprehensive web interface.

replace SpeechVerse: A Large-scale Generalizable Audio Language Model

Authors: Nilaksh Das, Saket Dingliwal, Srikanth Ronanki, Rohit Paturi, Zhaocheng Huang, Prashant Mathur, Jie Yuan, Dhanush Bekal, Xing Niu, Sai Muralidhar Jayanthi, Xilai Li, Karel Mundnich, Monica Sunkara, Sundararajan Srinivasan, Kyu J Han, Katrin Kirchhoff

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown incredible proficiency in performing tasks that require semantic understanding of natural language instructions. Recently, many works have further expanded this capability to perceive multimodal audio and text inputs, but their capabilities are often limited to specific fine-tuned tasks such as automatic speech recognition and translation. We therefore develop SpeechVerse, a robust multi-task training and curriculum learning framework that combines pre-trained speech and text foundation models via a small set of learnable parameters, while keeping the pre-trained models frozen during training. The models are instruction finetuned using continuous latent representations extracted from the speech foundation model to achieve optimal zero-shot performance on a diverse range of speech processing tasks using natural language instructions. We perform extensive benchmarking that includes comparing our model performance against traditional baselines across several datasets and tasks. Furthermore, we evaluate the model's capability for generalized instruction following by testing on out-of-domain datasets, novel prompts, and unseen tasks. Our empirical experiments reveal that our multi-task SpeechVerse model is even superior to conventional task-specific baselines on 9 out of the 11 tasks.

replace Efficacy of ByT5 in Multilingual Translation of Biblical Texts for Underrepresented Languages

Authors: Corinne Aars, Lauren Adams, Xiaokan Tian, Zhaoyu Wang, Colton Wismer, Jason Wu, Pablo Rivas, Korn Sooksatra, Matthew Fendt

Abstract: This study presents the development and evaluation of a ByT5-based multilingual translation model tailored for translating the Bible into underrepresented languages. Utilizing the comprehensive Johns Hopkins University Bible Corpus, we trained the model to capture the intricate nuances of character-based and morphologically rich languages. Our results, measured by the BLEU score and supplemented with sample translations, suggest the model can improve accessibility to sacred texts. It effectively handles the distinctive biblical lexicon and structure, thus bridging the linguistic divide. The study also discusses the model's limitations and suggests pathways for future enhancements, focusing on expanding access to sacred literature across linguistic boundaries.

replace Why Not Transform Chat Large Language Models to Non-English?

Authors: Xiang Geng, Ming Zhu, Jiahuan Li, Zhejian Lai, Wei Zou, Shuaijie She, Jiaxin Guo, Xiaofeng Zhao, Yinglu Li, Yuang Li, Chang Su, Yanqing Zhao, Xinglin Lyu, Min Zhang, Jiajun Chen, Hao Yang, Shujian Huang

Abstract: The scarcity of non-English data limits the development of non-English large language models (LLMs). Transforming English-centric LLMs to non-English has been identified as an effective and resource-efficient method. Previous works start from base LLMs and perform knowledge distillation (KD) with data generated by stronger LLMs, e.g. GPT-4. Compared to base LLMs, chat LLMs are further optimized for advanced abilities, e.g. multi-turn conversation and human preference alignment, and thus more powerful in both helpfulness and safety. However, transforming a chat LLM involves two critical issues: (1) How can we effectively transfer advanced abilities without their supervised data? (2) How can we prevent the original knowledge from catastrophic forgetting during transformation? We target these issues by introducing a simple framework called TransLLM. For the first issue, TransLLM divides the transfer problem into some common sub-tasks with the translation chain-of-thought, which uses the translation as the bridge between English and non-English step-by-step. We further enhance the performance of sub-tasks with publicly available data. For the second issue, we propose a method comprising two synergistic components: low-rank adaptation for training to maintain the original LLM parameters, and recovery KD, which utilizes data generated by the chat LLM itself to recover the original knowledge from the frozen parameters. In the experiments, we transform the LLaMA-2-chat-7B to the Thai language. Our method, using only single-turn data, outperforms strong baselines and ChatGPT on multi-turn benchmark MT-bench. Furthermore, our method, without safety data, rejects more harmful queries of safety benchmark AdvBench than both ChatGPT and GPT-4.

replace Aya 23: Open Weight Releases to Further Multilingual Progress

Authors: Viraat Aryabumi, John Dang, Dwarak Talupuru, Saurabh Dash, David Cairuz, Hangyu Lin, Bharat Venkitesh, Madeline Smith, Jon Ander Campos, Yi Chern Tan, Kelly Marchisio, Max Bartolo, Sebastian Ruder, Acyr Locatelli, Julia Kreutzer, Nick Frosst, Aidan Gomez, Phil Blunsom, Marzieh Fadaee, Ahmet \"Ust\"un, Sara Hooker

Abstract: This technical report introduces Aya 23, a family of multilingual language models. Aya 23 builds on the recent release of the Aya model (\"Ust\"un et al., 2024), focusing on pairing a highly performant pre-trained model with the recently released Aya collection (Singh et al., 2024). The result is a powerful multilingual large language model serving 23 languages, expanding state-of-art language modeling capabilities to approximately half of the world's population. The Aya model covered 101 languages whereas Aya 23 is an experiment in depth vs breadth, exploring the impact of allocating more capacity to fewer languages that are included during pre-training. Aya 23 outperforms both previous massively multilingual models like Aya 101 for the languages it covers, as well as widely used models like Gemma, Mistral and Mixtral on an extensive range of discriminative and generative tasks. We release the open weights for both the 8B and 35B models as part of our continued commitment for expanding access to multilingual progress.

replace Nearest Neighbor Speculative Decoding for LLM Generation and Attribution

Authors: Minghan Li, Xilun Chen, Ari Holtzman, Beidi Chen, Jimmy Lin, Wen-tau Yih, Xi Victoria Lin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often hallucinate and lack the ability to provide attribution for their generations. Semi-parametric LMs, such as kNN-LM, approach these limitations by refining the output of an LM for a given prompt using its nearest neighbor matches in a non-parametric data store. However, these models often exhibit slow inference speeds and produce non-fluent texts. In this paper, we introduce Nearest Neighbor Speculative Decoding (NEST), a novel semi-parametric language modeling approach that is capable of incorporating real-world text spans of arbitrary length into the LM generations and providing attribution to their sources. NEST performs token-level retrieval at each inference step to compute a semi-parametric mixture distribution and identify promising span continuations in a corpus. It then uses an approximate speculative decoding procedure that accepts a prefix of the retrieved span or generates a new token. NEST significantly enhances the generation quality and attribution rate of the base LM across a variety of knowledge-intensive tasks, surpassing the conventional kNN-LM method and performing competitively with in-context retrieval augmentation. In addition, NEST substantially improves the generation speed, achieving a 1.8x speedup in inference time when applied to Llama-2-Chat 70B.

replace One Token Can Help! Learning Scalable and Pluggable Virtual Tokens for Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models

Authors: Yutao Zhu, Zhaoheng Huang, Zhicheng Dou, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) is a promising way to improve large language models (LLMs) for generating more factual, accurate, and up-to-date content. Existing methods either optimize prompts to guide LLMs in leveraging retrieved information or directly fine-tune the LLMs to adapt to RAG scenarios. Although fine-tuning can yield better performance, it often compromises the LLMs' general generation capabilities by modifying their parameters. This limitation poses challenges in practical applications, especially when LLMs are already deployed, as parameter adjustments may affect their original functionality. To address this, we propose a novel method that involves learning scalable and pluggable virtual tokens for RAG. By maintaining the LLMs' original parameters and fine-tuning only the embeddings of these pluggable tokens, our approach not only enhances LLMs' performance but also preserves their general generation capacities. Furthermore, we design several training strategies to improve the scalability, flexibility, and generalizability of our method. Comprehensive experiments across nine question-answering tasks demonstrate the superiority of our approach.

replace From Symbolic Tasks to Code Generation: Diversification Yields Better Task Performers

Authors: Dylan Zhang, Justin Wang, Francois Charton

Abstract: Instruction tuning -- tuning large language models on instruction-output pairs -- is a promising technique for making models better adapted to the real world. Yet, the key factors driving the model's capability to understand and follow instructions not seen during training remain under-explored. Our investigation begins with a series of synthetic experiments within the theoretical framework of a Turing-complete algorithm called Markov algorithm, which allows fine-grained control over the instruction-tuning data. Generalization and robustness with respect to the training distribution emerge once a diverse enough set of tasks is provided, even though very few examples are provided for each task. We extend these initial results to a real-world application scenario of code generation and find that a more diverse instruction set, extending beyond code-related tasks, improves the performance of code generation. Our observations suggest that a more diverse semantic space for instruction-tuning sets greatly improves the model's ability to follow instructions and perform tasks.

replace Just Rewrite It Again: A Post-Processing Method for Enhanced Semantic Similarity and Privacy Preservation of Differentially Private Rewritten Text

Authors: Stephen Meisenbacher, Florian Matthes

Abstract: The study of Differential Privacy (DP) in Natural Language Processing often views the task of text privatization as a $\textit{rewriting}$ task, in which sensitive input texts are rewritten to hide explicit or implicit private information. In order to evaluate the privacy-preserving capabilities of a DP text rewriting mechanism, $\textit{empirical privacy}$ tests are frequently employed. In these tests, an adversary is modeled, who aims to infer sensitive information (e.g., gender) about the author behind a (privatized) text. Looking to improve the empirical protections provided by DP rewriting methods, we propose a simple post-processing method based on the goal of aligning rewritten texts with their original counterparts, where DP rewritten texts are rewritten $\textit{again}$. Our results show that such an approach not only produces outputs that are more semantically reminiscent of the original inputs, but also texts which score on average better in empirical privacy evaluations. Therefore, our approach raises the bar for DP rewriting methods in their empirical privacy evaluations, providing an extra layer of protection against malicious adversaries.

replace Improved Out-of-Scope Intent Classification with Dual Encoding and Threshold-based Re-Classification

Authors: Hossam M. Zawbaa, Wael Rashwan, Sourav Dutta, Haytham Assem

Abstract: Detecting out-of-scope user utterances is essential for task-oriented dialogues and intent classification. Current methodologies face difficulties with the unpredictable distribution of outliers and often rely on assumptions about data distributions. We present the Dual Encoder for Threshold-Based Re-Classification (DETER) to address these challenges. This end-to-end framework efficiently detects out-of-scope intents without requiring assumptions on data distributions or additional post-processing steps. The core of DETER utilizes dual text encoders, the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) and the Transformer-based Denoising AutoEncoder (TSDAE), to generate user utterance embeddings, which are classified through a branched neural architecture. Further, DETER generates synthetic outliers using self-supervision and incorporates out-of-scope phrases from open-domain datasets. This approach ensures a comprehensive training set for out-of-scope detection. Additionally, a threshold-based re-classification mechanism refines the model's initial predictions. Evaluations on the CLINC-150, Stackoverflow, and Banking77 datasets demonstrate DETER's efficacy. Our model outperforms previous benchmarks, increasing up to 13% and 5% in F1 score for known and unknown intents on CLINC-150 and Stackoverflow, and 16% for known and 24% % for unknown intents on Banking77. The source code has been released at


replace-cross Hypothesis Search: Inductive Reasoning with Language Models

Authors: Ruocheng Wang, Eric Zelikman, Gabriel Poesia, Yewen Pu, Nick Haber, Noah D. Goodman

Abstract: Inductive reasoning is a core problem-solving capacity: humans can identify underlying principles from a few examples, which robustly generalize to novel scenarios. Recent work evaluates large language models (LLMs) on inductive reasoning tasks by directly prompting them yielding "in context learning." This works well for straightforward inductive tasks but performs poorly on complex tasks such as the Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus (ARC). In this work, we propose to improve the inductive reasoning ability of LLMs by generating explicit hypotheses at multiple levels of abstraction: we prompt the LLM to propose multiple abstract hypotheses about the problem, in natural language, then implement the natural language hypotheses as concrete Python programs. These programs can be verified by running on observed examples and generalized to novel inputs. To reduce the hypothesis search space, we explore steps to filter the set of hypotheses to implement: we either ask the LLM to summarize them into a smaller set of hypotheses or ask human annotators to select a subset. We verify our pipeline's effectiveness on the ARC visual inductive reasoning benchmark, its variant 1D-ARC, string transformation dataset SyGuS, and list transformation dataset List Functions. On a random 100-problem subset of ARC, our automated pipeline using LLM summaries achieves 30% accuracy, outperforming the direct prompting baseline (accuracy of 17%). With the minimal human input of selecting from LLM-generated candidates, performance is boosted to 33%. Our ablations show that both abstract hypothesis generation and concrete program representations benefit LLMs on inductive reasoning tasks.

replace-cross Use Your INSTINCT: INSTruction optimization for LLMs usIng Neural bandits Coupled with Transformers

Authors: Xiaoqiang Lin, Zhaoxuan Wu, Zhongxiang Dai, Wenyang Hu, Yao Shu, See-Kiong Ng, Patrick Jaillet, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable instruction-following capabilities and achieved impressive performances in various applications. However, the performances of LLMs depend heavily on the instructions given to them, which are typically manually tuned with substantial human efforts. Recent work has used the query-efficient Bayesian optimization (BO) algorithm to automatically optimize the instructions given to black-box LLMs. However, BO usually falls short when optimizing highly sophisticated (e.g., high-dimensional) objective functions, such as the functions mapping an instruction to the performance of an LLM. This is mainly due to the limited expressive power of the Gaussian process (GP) which is used by BO as a surrogate to model the objective function. Meanwhile, it has been repeatedly shown that neural networks (NNs), especially pre-trained transformers, possess strong expressive power and can model highly complex functions. So, we adopt a neural bandit algorithm which replaces the GP in BO by an NN surrogate to optimize instructions for black-box LLMs. More importantly, the neural bandit algorithm allows us to naturally couple the NN surrogate with the hidden representation learned by a pre-trained transformer (i.e., an open-source LLM), which significantly boosts its performance. These motivate us to propose our INSTruction optimization usIng Neural bandits Coupled with Transformers (INSTINCT) algorithm. We perform instruction optimization for ChatGPT and use extensive experiments to show that INSTINCT consistently outperforms baselines in different tasks, e.g., various instruction induction tasks and the task of improving zero-shot chain-of-thought instructions. Our code is available at


replace-cross Learning to Learn for Few-shot Continual Active Learning

Authors: Stella Ho, Ming Liu, Shang Gao, Longxiang Gao

Abstract: Continual learning strives to ensure stability in solving previously seen tasks while demonstrating plasticity in a novel domain. Recent advances in continual learning are mostly confined to a supervised learning setting, especially in NLP domain. In this work, we consider a few-shot continual active learning setting where labeled data are inadequate, and unlabeled data are abundant but with a limited annotation budget. We exploit meta-learning and propose a method, called Meta-Continual Active Learning. This method sequentially queries the most informative examples from a pool of unlabeled data for annotation to enhance task-specific performance and tackle continual learning problems through meta-objective. Specifically, we employ meta-learning and experience replay to address inter-task confusion and catastrophic forgetting. We further incorporate textual augmentations to avoid memory over-fitting caused by experience replay and sample queries, thereby ensuring generalization. We conduct extensive experiments on benchmark text classification datasets from diverse domains to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of meta-continual active learning. We also analyze the impact of different active learning strategies on various meta continual learning models. The experimental results demonstrate that introducing randomness into sample selection is the best default strategy for maintaining generalization in meta-continual learning framework.

replace-cross ELF: Encoding Speaker-Specific Latent Speech Feature for Speech Synthesis

Authors: Jungil Kong, Junmo Lee, Jeongmin Kim, Beomjeong Kim, Jihoon Park, Dohee Kong, Changheon Lee, Sangjin Kim

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel method for modeling numerous speakers, which enables expressing the overall characteristics of speakers in detail like a trained multi-speaker model without additional training on the target speaker's dataset. Although various works with similar purposes have been actively studied, their performance has not yet reached that of trained multi-speaker models due to their fundamental limitations. To overcome previous limitations, we propose effective methods for feature learning and representing target speakers' speech characteristics by discretizing the features and conditioning them to a speech synthesis model. Our method obtained a significantly higher similarity mean opinion score (SMOS) in subjective similarity evaluation than seen speakers of a high-performance multi-speaker model, even with unseen speakers. The proposed method also outperforms a zero-shot method by significant margins. Furthermore, our method shows remarkable performance in generating new artificial speakers. In addition, we demonstrate that the encoded latent features are sufficiently informative to reconstruct an original speaker's speech completely. It implies that our method can be used as a general methodology to encode and reconstruct speakers' characteristics in various tasks.

replace-cross Contrastive Learning and Mixture of Experts Enables Precise Vector Embeddings

Authors: Logan Hallee, Rohan Kapur, Arjun Patel, Jason P. Gleghorn, Bohdan Khomtchouk

Abstract: The advancement of transformer neural networks has significantly elevated the capabilities of sentence similarity models, but they struggle with highly discriminative tasks and produce sub-optimal representations of important documents like scientific literature. With the increased reliance on retrieval augmentation and search, representing diverse documents as concise and descriptive vectors is crucial. This paper improves upon the vectors embeddings of scientific literature by assembling niche datasets using co-citations as a similarity metric, focusing on biomedical domains. We apply a novel Mixture of Experts (MoE) extension pipeline to pretrained BERT models, where every multi-layer perceptron section is enlarged and copied into multiple distinct experts. Our MoE variants perform well over $N$ scientific domains with $N$ dedicated experts, whereas standard BERT models excel in only one domain. Notably, extending just a single transformer block to MoE captures 85% of the benefit seen from full MoE extension at every layer. This holds promise for versatile and efficient One-Size-Fits-All transformer networks for numerically representing diverse inputs. Our methodology marks significant advancements in representing scientific text and holds promise for enhancing vector database search and compilation.

replace-cross GUARD: Role-playing to Generate Natural-language Jailbreakings to Test Guideline Adherence of Large Language Models

Authors: Haibo Jin, Ruoxi Chen, Andy Zhou, Yang Zhang, Haohan Wang

Abstract: The discovery of "jailbreaks" to bypass safety filters of Large Language Models (LLMs) and harmful responses have encouraged the community to implement safety measures. One major safety measure is to proactively test the LLMs with jailbreaks prior to the release. Therefore, such testing will require a method that can generate jailbreaks massively and efficiently. In this paper, we follow a novel yet intuitive strategy to generate jailbreaks in the style of the human generation. We propose a role-playing system that assigns four different roles to the user LLMs to collaborate on new jailbreaks. Furthermore, we collect existing jailbreaks and split them into different independent characteristics using clustering frequency and semantic patterns sentence by sentence. We organize these characteristics into a knowledge graph, making them more accessible and easier to retrieve. Our system of different roles will leverage this knowledge graph to generate new jailbreaks, which have proved effective in inducing LLMs to generate unethical or guideline-violating responses. In addition, we also pioneer a setting in our system that will automatically follow the government-issued guidelines to generate jailbreaks to test whether LLMs follow the guidelines accordingly. We refer to our system as GUARD (Guideline Upholding through Adaptive Role-play Diagnostics). We have empirically validated the effectiveness of GUARD on three cutting-edge open-sourced LLMs (Vicuna-13B, LongChat-7B, and Llama-2-7B), as well as a widely-utilized commercial LLM (ChatGPT). Moreover, our work extends to the realm of vision language models (MiniGPT-v2 and Gemini Vision Pro), showcasing GUARD's versatility and contributing valuable insights for the development of safer, more reliable LLM-based applications across diverse modalities.

replace-cross Position: Stop Making Unscientific AGI Performance Claims

Authors: Patrick Altmeyer, Andrew M. Demetriou, Antony Bartlett, Cynthia C. S. Liem

Abstract: Developments in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and particularly large language models (LLMs), have created a 'perfect storm' for observing 'sparks' of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) that are spurious. Like simpler models, LLMs distill meaningful representations in their latent embeddings that have been shown to correlate with external variables. Nonetheless, the correlation of such representations has often been linked to human-like intelligence in the latter but not the former. We probe models of varying complexity including random projections, matrix decompositions, deep autoencoders and transformers: all of them successfully distill information that can be used to predict latent or external variables and yet none of them have previously been linked to AGI. We argue and empirically demonstrate that the finding of meaningful patterns in latent spaces of models cannot be seen as evidence in favor of AGI. Additionally, we review literature from the social sciences that shows that humans are prone to seek such patterns and anthropomorphize. We conclude that both the methodological setup and common public image of AI are ideal for the misinterpretation that correlations between model representations and some variables of interest are 'caused' by the model's understanding of underlying 'ground truth' relationships. We, therefore, call for the academic community to exercise extra caution, and to be keenly aware of principles of academic integrity, in interpreting and communicating about AI research outcomes.

replace-cross Online Cascade Learning for Efficient Inference over Streams

Authors: Lunyiu Nie, Zhimin Ding, Erdong Hu, Christopher Jermaine, Swarat Chaudhuri

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have a natural role in answering complex queries about data streams, but the high computational cost of LLM inference makes them infeasible in many such tasks. We propose online cascade learning, the first approach to address this challenge. The objective here is to learn a "cascade" of models, starting with lower-capacity models (such as logistic regression) and ending with a powerful LLM, along with a deferral policy that determines the model to be used on a given input. We formulate the task of learning cascades online as an imitation-learning problem, where smaller models are updated over time imitating the collected LLM demonstrations, and give a no-regret algorithm for the problem. Experimental results across four benchmarks show that our method parallels LLMs in accuracy while cutting down inference costs by as much as 90% with strong robustness against input distribution shifts, underscoring its efficacy and adaptability in stream processing.

replace-cross A Tale of Tails: Model Collapse as a Change of Scaling Laws

Authors: Elvis Dohmatob, Yunzhen Feng, Pu Yang, Francois Charton, Julia Kempe

Abstract: As AI model size grows, neural scaling laws have become a crucial tool to predict the improvements of large models when increasing capacity and the size of original (human or natural) training data. Yet, the widespread use of popular models means that the ecosystem of online data and text will co-evolve to progressively contain increased amounts of synthesized data. In this paper we ask: How will the scaling laws change in the inevitable regime where synthetic data makes its way into the training corpus? Will future models, still improve, or be doomed to degenerate up to total (model) collapse? We develop a theoretical framework of model collapse through the lens of scaling laws. We discover a wide range of decay phenomena, analyzing loss of scaling, shifted scaling with number of generations, the ''un-learning" of skills, and grokking when mixing human and synthesized data. Our theory is validated by large-scale experiments with a transformer on an arithmetic task and text generation using the large language model Llama2.

replace-cross Efficient Prompt Optimization Through the Lens of Best Arm Identification

Authors: Chengshuai Shi, Kun Yang, Zihan Chen, Jundong Li, Jing Yang, Cong Shen

Abstract: The remarkable instruction-following capability of large language models (LLMs) has sparked a growing interest in automatically finding good prompts, i.e., prompt optimization. Most existing works follow the scheme of selecting from a pre-generated pool of candidate prompts. However, these designs mainly focus on the generation strategy, while limited attention has been paid to the selection method. Especially, the cost incurred during the selection (e.g., accessing LLM and evaluating the responses) is rarely explicitly considered. To overcome this limitation, this work provides a principled framework, TRIPLE, to efficiently perform prompt selection under an explicit budget constraint. TRIPLE is built on a novel connection established between prompt optimization and fixed-budget best arm identification (BAI-FB) in multi-armed bandits (MAB); thus, it is capable of leveraging the rich toolbox from BAI-FB systematically and also incorporating unique characteristics of prompt optimization. Extensive experiments on multiple well-adopted tasks using various LLMs demonstrate the remarkable performance improvement of TRIPLE over baselines while satisfying the limited budget constraints. As an extension, variants of TRIPLE are proposed to efficiently select examples for few-shot prompts, also achieving superior empirical performance.

replace-cross Not Just Novelty: A Longitudinal Study on Utility and Customization of an AI Workflow

Authors: Tao Long, Katy Ilonka Gero, Lydia B. Chilton

Abstract: Generative AI brings novel and impressive abilities to help people in everyday tasks. There are many AI workflows that solve real and complex problems by chaining AI outputs together with human interaction. Although there is an undeniable lure of AI, it is uncertain how useful generative AI workflows are after the novelty wears off. Additionally, workflows built with generative AI have the potential to be easily customized to fit users' individual needs, but do users take advantage of this? We conducted a three-week longitudinal study with 12 users to understand the familiarization and customization of generative AI tools for science communication. Our study revealed that there exists a familiarization phase, during which users were exploring the novel capabilities of the workflow and discovering which aspects they found useful. After this phase, users understood the workflow and were able to anticipate the outputs. Surprisingly, after familiarization the perceived utility of the system was rated higher than before, indicating that the perceived utility of AI is not just a novelty effect. The increase in benefits mainly comes from end-users' ability to customize prompts, and thus potentially appropriate the system to their own needs. This points to a future where generative AI systems can allow us to design for appropriation.

replace-cross II-MMR: Identifying and Improving Multi-modal Multi-hop Reasoning in Visual Question Answering

Authors: Jihyung Kil, Farideh Tavazoee, Dongyeop Kang, Joo-Kyung Kim

Abstract: Visual Question Answering (VQA) often involves diverse reasoning scenarios across Vision and Language (V&L). Most prior VQA studies, however, have merely focused on assessing the model's overall accuracy without evaluating it on different reasoning cases. Furthermore, some recent works observe that conventional Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting fails to generate effective reasoning for VQA, especially for complex scenarios requiring multi-hop reasoning. In this paper, we propose II-MMR, a novel idea to identify and improve multi-modal multi-hop reasoning in VQA. In specific, II-MMR takes a VQA question with an image and finds a reasoning path to reach its answer using two novel language promptings: (i) answer prediction-guided CoT prompt, or (ii) knowledge triplet-guided prompt. II-MMR then analyzes this path to identify different reasoning cases in current VQA benchmarks by estimating how many hops and what types (i.e., visual or beyond-visual) of reasoning are required to answer the question. On popular benchmarks including GQA and A-OKVQA, II-MMR observes that most of their VQA questions are easy to answer, simply demanding "single-hop" reasoning, whereas only a few questions require "multi-hop" reasoning. Moreover, while the recent V&L model struggles with such complex multi-hop reasoning questions even using the traditional CoT method, II-MMR shows its effectiveness across all reasoning cases in both zero-shot and fine-tuning settings.

replace-cross Quantum linear algebra is all you need for Transformer architectures

Authors: Naixu Guo, Zhan Yu, Matthew Choi, Aman Agrawal, Kouhei Nakaji, Al\'an Aspuru-Guzik, Patrick Rebentrost

Abstract: Generative machine learning methods such as large-language models are revolutionizing the creation of text and images. While these models are powerful they also harness a large amount of computational resources. The transformer is a key component in large language models that aims to generate a suitable completion of a given partial sequence. In this work, we investigate transformer architectures under the lens of fault-tolerant quantum computing. The input model is one where trained weight matrices are given as block encodings and we construct the query, key, and value matrices for the transformer. We show how to prepare a block encoding of the self-attention matrix, with a new subroutine for the row-wise application of the softmax function. In addition, we combine quantum subroutines to construct important building blocks in the transformer, the residual connection and layer normalization, and the feed-forward neural network. Our subroutines prepare an amplitude encoding of the transformer output, which can be measured to obtain a prediction. Based on common open-source large-language models, we provide insights into the behavior of important parameters determining the run time of the quantum algorithm. We discuss the potential and challenges for obtaining a quantum advantage.

replace-cross MedFLIP: Medical Vision-and-Language Self-supervised Fast Pre-Training with Masked Autoencoder

Authors: Lei Li, Tianfang Zhang, Xinglin Zhang, Jiaqi Liu, Bingqi Ma, Yan Luo, Tao Chen

Abstract: Within the domain of medical analysis, extensive research has explored the potential of mutual learning between Masked Autoencoders(MAEs) and multimodal data. However, the impact of MAEs on intermodality remains a key challenge. We introduce MedFLIP, a Fast Language-Image Pre-training method for Medical analysis. We explore MAEs for zero-shot learning with crossed domains, which enhances the model's ability to learn from limited data, a common scenario in medical diagnostics. We verify that masking an image does not affect inter-modal learning. Furthermore, we propose the SVD loss to enhance the representation learning for characteristics of medical images, aiming to improve classification accuracy by leveraging the structural intricacies of such data. Our theory posits that masking encourages semantic preservation, robust feature extraction, regularization, domain adaptation, and invariance learning. Lastly, we validate using language will improve the zero-shot performance for the medical image analysis. MedFLIP's scaling of the masking process marks an advancement in the field, offering a pathway to rapid and precise medical image analysis without the traditional computational bottlenecks. Through experiments and validation, MedFLIP demonstrates efficient performance improvements, helps for future research and application in medical diagnostics.

replace-cross Any2Point: Empowering Any-modality Large Models for Efficient 3D Understanding

Authors: Yiwen Tang, Ray Zhang, Jiaming Liu, Zoey Guo, Dong Wang, Zhigang Wang, Bin Zhao, Shanghang Zhang, Peng Gao, Hongsheng Li, Xuelong Li

Abstract: Large foundation models have recently emerged as a prominent focus of interest, attaining superior performance in widespread scenarios. Due to the scarcity of 3D data, many efforts have been made to adapt pre-trained transformers from vision to 3D domains. However, such 2D-to-3D approaches are still limited, due to the potential loss of spatial geometries and high computation cost. More importantly, their frameworks are mainly designed for 2D models, lacking a general any-to-3D paradigm. In this paper, we introduce Any2Point, a parameter-efficient method to empower any-modality large models (vision, language, audio) for 3D understanding. Given a frozen transformer from any source modality, we propose a 3D-to-any (1D or 2D) virtual projection strategy that correlates the input 3D points to the original 1D or 2D positions within the source modality. This mechanism enables us to assign each 3D token with a positional encoding paired with the pre-trained model, which avoids 3D geometry loss caused by the true projection and better motivates the transformer for 3D learning with 1D/2D positional priors. Then, within each transformer block, we insert an any-to-3D guided adapter module for parameter-efficient fine-tuning. The adapter incorporates prior spatial knowledge from the source modality to guide the local feature aggregation of 3D tokens, compelling the semantic adaption of any-modality transformers. We conduct extensive experiments to showcase the effectiveness and efficiency of our method. Code and models are released at


replace-cross Experimental Design for Active Transductive Inference in Large Language Models

Authors: Subhojyoti Mukherjee, Anusha Lalitha, Aniket Deshmukh, Ge Liu, Yifei Ma, Branislav Kveton

Abstract: One emergent ability of large language models (LLMs) is that query-specific examples can be included in the prompt at inference time. In this work, we use active learning for adaptive prompt design and call it Active In-context Prompt Design (AIPD). We design the LLM prompt by adaptively choosing few-shot examples from a training set to optimize performance on a test set. The training examples are initially unlabeled and we obtain the label of the most informative ones, which maximally reduces uncertainty in the LLM prediction. We propose two algorithms, GO and SAL, which differ in how the few-shot examples are chosen. We analyze these algorithms in linear models: first GO and then use its equivalence with SAL. We experiment with many different tasks in small, medium-sized, and large language models; and show that GO and SAL outperform other methods for choosing few-shot examples in the LLM prompt at inference time.

replace-cross SOUL: Unlocking the Power of Second-Order Optimization for LLM Unlearning

Authors: Jinghan Jia, Yihua Zhang, Yimeng Zhang, Jiancheng Liu, Bharat Runwal, James Diffenderfer, Bhavya Kailkhura, Sijia Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have highlighted the necessity of effective unlearning mechanisms to comply with data regulations and ethical AI practices. LLM unlearning aims at removing undesired data influences and associated model capabilities without compromising utility out of the scope of unlearning. While interest in studying LLM unlearning is growing,the impact of the optimizer choice for LLM unlearning remains under-explored. In this work, we shed light on the significance of optimizer selection in LLM unlearning for the first time, establishing a clear connection between {second-order optimization} and influence unlearning (a classical approach using influence functions to update the model for data influence removal). This insight propels us to develop a second-order unlearning framework, termed SOUL, built upon the second-order clipped stochastic optimization (Sophia)-based LLM training method. SOUL extends the static, one-shot model update using influence unlearning to a dynamic, iterative unlearning process. Our extensive experiments show that SOUL consistently outperforms conventional first-order methods across various unlearning tasks, models, and metrics, suggesting the promise of second-order optimization in providing a scalable and easily implementable solution for LLM unlearning.

replace-cross AgentClinic: a multimodal agent benchmark to evaluate AI in simulated clinical environments

Authors: Samuel Schmidgall, Rojin Ziaei, Carl Harris, Eduardo Reis, Jeffrey Jopling, Michael Moor

Abstract: Diagnosing and managing a patient is a complex, sequential decision making process that requires physicians to obtain information -- such as which tests to perform -- and to act upon it. Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and large language models (LLMs) promise to profoundly impact clinical care. However, current evaluation schemes overrely on static medical question-answering benchmarks, falling short on interactive decision-making that is required in real-life clinical work. Here, we present AgentClinic: a multimodal benchmark to evaluate LLMs in their ability to operate as agents in simulated clinical environments. In our benchmark, the doctor agent must uncover the patient's diagnosis through dialogue and active data collection. We present two open medical agent benchmarks: a multimodal image and dialogue environment, AgentClinic-NEJM, and a dialogue-only environment, AgentClinic-MedQA. We embed cognitive and implicit biases both in patient and doctor agents to emulate realistic interactions between biased agents. We find that introducing bias leads to large reductions in diagnostic accuracy of the doctor agents, as well as reduced compliance, confidence, and follow-up consultation willingness in patient agents. Evaluating a suite of state-of-the-art LLMs, we find that several models that excel in benchmarks like MedQA are performing poorly in AgentClinic-MedQA. We find that the LLM used in the patient agent is an important factor for performance in the AgentClinic benchmark. We show that both having limited interactions as well as too many interaction reduces diagnostic accuracy in doctor agents. The code and data for this work is publicly available at


replace-cross TrojanRAG: Retrieval-Augmented Generation Can Be Backdoor Driver in Large Language Models

Authors: Pengzhou Cheng, Yidong Ding, Tianjie Ju, Zongru Wu, Wei Du, Ping Yi, Zhuosheng Zhang, Gongshen Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have raised concerns about potential security threats despite performing significantly in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Backdoor attacks initially verified that LLM is doing substantial harm at all stages, but the cost and robustness have been criticized. Attacking LLMs is inherently risky in security review, while prohibitively expensive. Besides, the continuous iteration of LLMs will degrade the robustness of backdoors. In this paper, we propose TrojanRAG, which employs a joint backdoor attack in the Retrieval-Augmented Generation, thereby manipulating LLMs in universal attack scenarios. Specifically, the adversary constructs elaborate target contexts and trigger sets. Multiple pairs of backdoor shortcuts are orthogonally optimized by contrastive learning, thus constraining the triggering conditions to a parameter subspace to improve the matching. To improve the recall of the RAG for the target contexts, we introduce a knowledge graph to construct structured data to achieve hard matching at a fine-grained level. Moreover, we normalize the backdoor scenarios in LLMs to analyze the real harm caused by backdoors from both attackers' and users' perspectives and further verify whether the context is a favorable tool for jailbreaking models. Extensive experimental results on truthfulness, language understanding, and harmfulness show that TrojanRAG exhibits versatility threats while maintaining retrieval capabilities on normal queries.

replace-cross Calibrated Self-Rewarding Vision Language Models

Authors: Yiyang Zhou, Zhiyuan Fan, Dongjie Cheng, Sihan Yang, Zhaorun Chen, Chenhang Cui, Xiyao Wang, Yun Li, Linjun Zhang, Huaxiu Yao

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) have made substantial progress by integrating pre-trained large language models (LLMs) and vision models through instruction tuning. Despite these advancements, LVLMs often exhibit the hallucination phenomenon, where generated text responses appear linguistically plausible but contradict the input image, indicating a misalignment between image and text pairs. This misalignment arises because the model tends to prioritize textual information over visual input, even when both the language model and visual representations are of high quality. Existing methods leverage additional models or human annotations to curate preference data and enhance modality alignment through preference optimization. These approaches may not effectively reflect the target LVLM's preferences, making the curated preferences easily distinguishable. Our work addresses these challenges by proposing the Calibrated Self-Rewarding (CSR) approach, which enables the model to self-improve by iteratively generating candidate responses, evaluating the reward for each response, and curating preference data for fine-tuning. In the reward modeling, we employ a step-wise strategy and incorporate visual constraints into the self-rewarding process to place greater emphasis on visual input. Empirical results demonstrate that CSR enhances performance and reduces hallucinations across ten benchmarks and tasks, achieving substantial improvements over existing methods by 7.62%. Our empirical results are further supported by rigorous theoretical analysis, under mild assumptions, verifying the effectiveness of introducing visual constraints into the self-rewarding paradigm. Additionally, CSR shows compatibility with different vision-language models and the ability to incrementally improve performance through iterative fine-tuning. Our data and code are available at


replace-cross SWE-agent: Agent-Computer Interfaces Enable Automated Software Engineering

Authors: John Yang, Carlos E. Jimenez, Alexander Wettig, Kilian Lieret, Shunyu Yao, Karthik Narasimhan, Ofir Press

Abstract: Language model (LM) agents are increasingly being used to automate complicated tasks in digital environments. Just as humans benefit from powerful software applications, such as integrated development environments, for complex tasks like software engineering, we posit that LM agents represent a new category of end users with their own needs and abilities, and would benefit from specially-built interfaces to the software they use. We investigate how interface design affects the performance of language model agents. As a result of this exploration, we introduce SWE-agent: a system that facilitates LM agents to autonomously use computers to solve software engineering tasks. SWE-agent's custom agent-computer interface (ACI) significantly enhances an agent's ability to create and edit code files, navigate entire repositories, and execute tests and other programs. We evaluate SWE-agent on SWE-bench and HumanEvalFix, achieving state-of-the-art performance on both with a pass@1 rate of 12.5% and 87.7%, respectively, far exceeding the previous state-of-the-art achieved with non-interactive LMs. Finally, we provide insight on how the design of the ACI can impact agents' behavior and performance.

replace-cross Zipper: A Multi-Tower Decoder Architecture for Fusing Modalities

Authors: Vicky Zayats, Peter Chen, Melissa Ferrari, Dirk Padfield

Abstract: Integrating multiple generative foundation models, especially those trained on different modalities, into something greater than the sum of its parts poses significant challenges. Two key hurdles are the availability of aligned data (concepts that contain similar meaning but is expressed differently in different modalities), and effectively leveraging unimodal representations in cross-domain generative tasks, without compromising their original unimodal capabilities. We propose Zipper, a multi-tower decoder architecture that addresses these concerns by using cross-attention to flexibly compose multimodal generative models from independently pre-trained unimodal decoders. In our experiments fusing speech and text modalities, we show the proposed architecture performs very competitively in scenarios with limited aligned text-speech data. We also showcase the flexibility of our model to selectively maintain unimodal (e.g., text-to-text generation) generation performance by freezing the corresponding modal tower (e.g. text). In cross-modal tasks such as automatic speech recognition (ASR) where the output modality is text, we show that freezing the text backbone results in negligible performance degradation. In cross-modal tasks such as text-to-speech generation (TTS) where the output modality is speech, we show that using a pre-trained speech backbone results in superior performance to the baseline.

replace-cross LLMs achieve adult human performance on higher-order theory of mind tasks

Authors: Winnie Street, John Oliver Siy, Geoff Keeling, Adrien Baranes, Benjamin Barnett, Michael McKibben, Tatenda Kanyere, Alison Lentz, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Robin I. M. Dunbar

Abstract: This paper examines the extent to which large language models (LLMs) have developed higher-order theory of mind (ToM); the human ability to reason about multiple mental and emotional states in a recursive manner (e.g. I think that you believe that she knows). This paper builds on prior work by introducing a handwritten test suite -- Multi-Order Theory of Mind Q&A -- and using it to compare the performance of five LLMs to a newly gathered adult human benchmark. We find that GPT-4 and Flan-PaLM reach adult-level and near adult-level performance on ToM tasks overall, and that GPT-4 exceeds adult performance on 6th order inferences. Our results suggest that there is an interplay between model size and finetuning for the realisation of ToM abilities, and that the best-performing LLMs have developed a generalised capacity for ToM. Given the role that higher-order ToM plays in a wide range of cooperative and competitive human behaviours, these findings have significant implications for user-facing LLM applications.

replace-cross Two Optimizers Are Better Than One: LLM Catalyst for Enhancing Gradient-Based Optimization

Authors: Zixian Guo, Ming Liu, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Yiwen Guo, Wangmeng Zuo

Abstract: Learning a skill generally relies on both practical experience by doer and insightful high-level guidance by instructor. Will this strategy also work well for solving complex non-convex optimization problems? Here, a common gradient-based optimizer acts like a disciplined doer, making locally optimal update at each step. Recent methods utilize large language models (LLMs) to optimize solutions for concrete problems by inferring from natural language instructions, akin to a high-level instructor. In this paper, we show that these two optimizers are complementary to each other, suggesting a collaborative optimization approach. The gradient-based optimizer and LLM-based optimizer are combined in an interleaved manner. We instruct LLMs using task descriptions and timely optimization trajectories recorded during gradient-based optimization. Inferred results from LLMs are used as restarting points for the next stage of gradient optimization. By leveraging both the locally rigorous gradient-based optimizer and the high-level deductive LLM-based optimizer, our combined optimization method consistently yields improvements over competitive baseline prompt tuning methods. Our results demonstrate the synergistic effect of conventional gradient-based optimization and the inference ability of LLMs. The code is released at


replace-cross Iterative Feature Boosting for Explainable Speech Emotion Recognition

Authors: Alaa Nfissi, Wassim Bouachir, Nizar Bouguila, Brian Mishara

Abstract: In speech emotion recognition (SER), using predefined features without considering their practical importance may lead to high dimensional datasets, including redundant and irrelevant information. Consequently, high-dimensional learning often results in decreasing model accuracy while increasing computational complexity. Our work underlines the importance of carefully considering and analyzing features in order to build efficient SER systems. We present a new supervised SER method based on an efficient feature engineering approach. We pay particular attention to the explainability of results to evaluate feature relevance and refine feature sets. This is performed iteratively through feature evaluation loop, using Shapley values to boost feature selection and improve overall framework performance. Our approach allows thus to balance the benefits between model performance and transparency. The proposed method outperforms human-level performance (HLP) and state-of-the-art machine learning methods in emotion recognition on the TESS dataset.